つ [うつ] /(v5t,vt) (1) (also written as つ, つ, つ, つ) to hit/to strike/to knock/to beat/to punch/to slap/to tap/to bang/to clap/to pound/(2) to strike (noon, etc.)/to sound (cymbals, etc.)/to beat (a drum, etc.)/(3) to beat (rhythmically, e.g. pulse, waves, etc.)/(4) to move/to impress/to touch/(5) to drive in/to hammer in/to put in/to inject/(6) to type/to send/to transmit/(7) to insert/to write in/to mark/(8) to make (noodles, etc.)/to prepare/(9) to till (soil)/(10) to sprinkle/to throw/to cast/(11) to do/to carry out/to play/to perform/to engage in (gambling, etc.)/(12) to pay (a deposit, etc.)/(13) to visit (on a pilgrimage)/(14) to line (a coat)/(15) to bind (a criminal)/(P)/EntL1408810X/
つ [ぶつ] /(v5t,vt) (uk) to hit (a person)/to strike/to beat/(P)/EntL1408815X/
つ [1]; うつ [2] うつ [3]  schlagen; hauen; klopfen; einschlagen; ohrfeigen; hineintreiben.  HE
つ [ぶつ] /(v5t) frapper/cogner/heurter/1408810
つ [うつ] /(v5t) frapper/cogner/heurter/1408810
つ [うつ] /(v5t) бить/ударять/(P)/
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