Kategória:angol melléknevek
Ez a kategória az alábbi 2 alkategóriával rendelkezik (összesen 2 alkategóriája van).
A(z) „angol melléknevek” kategóriába tartozó lapok
A következő 200 lap található a kategóriában, összesen 6 331 lapból.
(előző oldal) (következő oldal)A
- a blush of
- a posteriori
- abandoned
- abatable
- abbatial
- abbreviated
- abdominal
- abecedarian
- Aberdonian
- aberrant
- abetting
- abhorrent
- abiding
- abiogenic
- abiotic
- abirritant
- abject
- Abkhaz
- Abkhazian
- ablaze
- able
- able-bodied
- able-minded
- abled
- abloom
- ablush
- abnormal
- abominable
- abominate
- aboral
- aborted
- abortient
- abortive
- about-to-open
- above-mentioned
- aboveboard
- abovementioned
- Abrahamic
- abrasive
- abridged
- abrupt
- absent
- absent-minded
- absolute
- absolutist
- absorptive
- abstainer
- abstemious
- abstinent
- abstract
- abstracted
- abstruse
- absurd
- abundant
- abusive
- abutting
- abysmal
- abyssal
- academic
- academical
- acarpellous
- accelerating
- accelerative
- accentuated
- acceptable
- acceptant
- accepted
- accessible
- accessory
- accident-prone
- accidental
- accomplished
- according
- accretive
- accurate
- accursed
- accusatorial
- accusatory
- accused
- accustomed
- achievable
- achromatic
- acidic
- acidiferous
- acidophile
- acidulous
- acknowledged
- acotyledon
- acoustic
- acquainted
- acquired
- acquisitive
- acrid
- acrimonious
- acrobatic
- across the board
- acting
- actionable
- actionless
- activated
- active
- actual
- acuminate
- acute
- acyclic
- adamant
- adaptable
- adaptive
- added
- addicted
- addictive
- additional
- adducent
- adenoid
- adept
- adequate
- adhesive
- adiabatic
- adjacent
- adjectival
- adjoining
- adjunct
- adjustable
- administrative
- admirable
- admiralty
- admissibility
- admissible
- adolescent
- adopted
- adoptive
- adorable
- adorned
- Adriatic
- adulterer
- adulterous
- advanced
- advantageous
- advenced
- adventitious
- adventurous
- adverbial
- adversarial
- adversative
- adverse
- advisable
- advisory
- aeolian
- aerial
- aerodynamic
- aeronautic
- aeronautical
- aesthetic
- aesthetical
- aethereal
- affable
- affected
- affectionate
- affective
- afferent
- affiliated
- affirmative
- affluent
- affordable
- Afghan
- aforementioned
- aforesaid
- afraid
- African
- African-American
- aged
- ageing
- ageless
- agelong
- agglomerate
- agglutinative
- aggressive
- aghast
- agile
- aging
- agitated
- agnostic
- agog
- agonistic
- agrarian
- agreeable
- agricultural
- ailing
- aimless
- air-conditioned
- air-cooled
- air-to-ground
- airborne
- airless
- airsick
- airtight
- airy
- ajar
- akin
- alarmed