A modult a Modul:languages/data3/s/doc lapon tudod dokumentálni

local u = mw.ustring.char

-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly used diacritics
local GRAVE     = u(0x0300)
local ACUTE     = u(0x0301)
local CIRC      = u(0x0302)
local TILDE     = u(0x0303)
local MACRON    = u(0x0304)
local BREVE     = u(0x0306)
local DOTABOVE  = u(0x0307)
local DIAER     = u(0x0308)
local CARON     = u(0x030C)
local DGRAVE    = u(0x030F)
local INVBREVE  = u(0x0311)
local DOTBELOW  = u(0x0323)
local RINGBELOW = u(0x0325)
local CEDILLA   = u(0x0327)

-- Punctuation to be used for standardChars field
local PUNCTUATION = ' !#$%&*+,-./:;<=>?@^_`|~\'()'

local Latn = {"Latn"}

local m = {}

m["saa"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sab"] = {
	otherNames = {"bugle", "murire", "muoy", "sabanero", "bokotá", "bogota"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["sac"] = {
	otherNames = {"sac", "sauk", "kickapoo", "mesquakie", "meskwaki"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["sad"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sae"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["saf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sah"] = {
	otherNames = {"sakha"},
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	translit_module = "sah-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["saj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sak"] = {
	otherNames = {"shake"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["sam"] = {
	"szamaritánus arámi",
	otherNames = {"samaritan"},
	scripts = {"Samr"},
	entry_name = {
		from = {"[" .. u(0x0816) .. "-" .. u(0x082D) .. "]"},
		to = {}
	translit_module = "Samr-translit",

m["sao"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["saq"] = {

m["sar"] = {
	otherNames = {"sarabeca", "saraveka", "sarave"},

m["sas"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sat"] = {
	scripts = {"Olck"},
	translit_module = "Olck-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["sau"] = {

m["sav"] = {
	scripts = {"Arab", "Latn"},

m["saw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sax"] = {
	otherNames = {"saa"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["say"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["saz"] = {
	scripts = {"Saur", "Latn", "Taml", "Deva"},
	translit_module = "saz-translit",
	ancestors = {"inc-ogu"},

m["sba"] = {

m["sbb"] = {

m["sbc"] = {
	otherNames = {"kele (New guinea)", "kele (Papua new guinea)", "kele"},

m["sbd"] = {
	"southern samo",
	scripts = Latn,

m["sbe"] = {
	"saliba (New guinea)",
	otherNames = {"saliba"},

m["sbf"] = {
	otherNames = {"mikeyir", "mekeyir", "mekeyer"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["sbg"] = {

m["sbh"] = {
	otherNames = {"sori", "harengan"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["sbi"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sbj"] = {

m["sbk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sbl"] = {
	"botolan sambal",

m["sbm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sbn"] = {
	"sindhi bhil",
	scripts = {"Arab", "Deva", "Sind", "Guru"},
	ancestors = {"sd"},

m["sbo"] = {

m["sbp"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sbq"] = {

m["sbr"] = {
	"sembakung murut",

m["sbs"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sbt"] = {

m["sbu"] = {
	"stod bhoti",

m["sbv"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sbw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sbx"] = {

m["sby"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sbz"] = {
	"sara kaba",
	scripts = Latn,

m["scb"] = {

m["sce"] = {
	otherNames = {"santa"},
	scripts = {"Arab", "Latn"},

m["scf"] = {
	"san miguel creole french",
	ancestors = {"gcf"},

m["scg"] = {

m["sch"] = {
	otherNames = {"khelma"},

m["sci"] = {
	"sri lankan creole malay",
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"ms"},

m["sck"] = {
	ancestors = {"bh"},

m["scl"] = {
	otherNames = {"gilgiti", "astori", "chilasi"},
	scripts = {"ur-Arab", "Deva"},
	ancestors = {"inc-dar-pro"},

m["scn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sco"] = {
	otherNames = {"lowland scots"},
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"enm"},

m["scp"] = {
	otherNames = {"hyolmo", "yohlmo", "helambu sherpa"},
	scripts = {"Deva"},

m["scq"] = {
	otherNames = {"chung"},

m["scs"] = {
	"north slavey",
	scripts = Latn,

m["scu"] = {

m["scv"] = {
	ancestors = {"zir"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["scw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["scx"] = {

m["sda"] = {

m["sdb"] = {
	otherNames = {"shabaki"},
	ancestors = {"hac"},

m["sdc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sde"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sdf"] = {
	otherNames = {"sarliya"},
	ancestors = {"hac"},

m["sdg"] = {
	ancestors = {"inc-dar-pro"},

m["sdh"] = {
	"southern kurdish",
	otherNames = {"kermanshani", "kermanshahi", "kermanshahi kurdish", "kermanshani kurdish"},
	scripts = {"ku-Arab", "Latn"},
	ancestors = {"ku"},
	translit_module = "sdh-translit",
	link_tr = true,
	entry_name = {
		from = {u(0x0650), u(0x0652)},
		to   = {}} ,

m["sdj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sdk"] = {
	"sos kundi",
	scripts = Latn,

m["sdl"] = {
	"saudi arabian sign language",

m["sdm"] = {

m["sdn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"co"},

m["sdo"] = {
	"bukar-sadung bidayuh",

m["sdp"] = {

m["sdr"] = {
	"oraon sadri",
	ancestors = {"bh"},

m["sds"] = {

m["sdu"] = {

m["sdx"] = {
	"sibu melanau",

m["sea"] = {

-- seb is a duplicate code of spp

m["sec"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sed"] = {

m["see"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sef"] = {
	"cebaara senoufo",

m["seg"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["seh"] = {
	varieties = {{"malawi sena", "malawian sena"}, {"nuclear sena", "mozambican sena"}}, -- includes [swk] for malawian sena, but [bwg] for barwe is distinct
	scripts = Latn,

m["sei"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sej"] = {

m["sek"] = {
	otherNames = {"tsek'ene", "kwadacha", "kwadacha sekani", "kwadacha tsek'ene"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["sel"] = {
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},

m["sen"] = {
	"nanerigé sénoufo",

m["seo"] = {

m["sep"] = {
	"sìcìté sénoufo",

m["seq"] = {
	"senara sénoufo",

m["ser"] = {
	otherNames = {"kitanemuk"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["ses"] = {
	"koyraboro senni",
	otherNames = {"koyraboro senni songhay", "koyraboro senni songhai", "koroboro senni", "eastern songhay"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["set"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["seu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sev"] = {
	"nyarafolo senoufo",

m["sew"] = {
	"sewa bay",

m["sey"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sez"] = {
	"senthang chin",
	otherNames = {"senthang"},

m["sfb"] = {
	"french belgian sign language",

m["sfm"] = {
	"small flowery miao",

m["sfs"] = {
	"south african sign language",

m["sfw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sga"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"pgl"},
	entry_name = {
		from = {"ḟ", "ṁ", "ṅ", "ṡ", "Ḟ", "Ṁ", "Ṅ", "Ṡ", "ä", "ë", "ï", "ö", "ü", "·"},
		to   = {"f", "m", "n", "s", "f", "m", "n", "s", "a", "e", "i", "o", "u"}} ,
	sort_key = {
		from = {"á", "é", "æ", "ǽ", "í", "ó", "ú", "^h", "-"},
		to   = {"a", "e", "e", "e", "i", "o", "u"}} ,
	standardChars = "A-IL-PR-Ua-il-pr-u0-9ÁáÉéÍíÓóÚú" .. PUNCTUATION,

m["sgb"] = {
	"mag-anchi ayta",

m["sgc"] = {

m["sgd"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sge"] = {

m["sgg"] = {
	"swiss-german sign language",
	otherNames = {"swiss german sign language"},

m["sgh"] = {
	scripts = {"Latn", "Cyrl"},
	translit_module = "sgh-translit",
	override_translit = true,
	ancestors = {"ira-shr-pro"},

m["sgi"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sgk"] = {

m["sgm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sgp"] = {

m["sgr"] = {
	otherNames = {"sangsari"},

m["sgs"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"olt"},
	wikimedia_codes = {"bat-smg"},

m["sgt"] = {
	otherNames = {"brokpa"},

m["sgu"] = {

m["sgw"] = {
	"sebat bet gurage",
	scripts = {"Ethi"},

m["sgx"] = {
	"sierra leone sign language",

m["sgy"] = {
	otherNames = {"sanglich", "warduji"},
	ancestors = {"ira-sgi-pro"},

m["sgz"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sha"] = {

m["shb"] = {

m["shc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["shd"] = {
	"kundal shahi",

m["she"] = {

m["shg"] = {
	otherNames = {"shwa", "shwakhwe"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["shh"] = {
	otherNames = {"shoshoni", "gosiute", "goshute", "eastern shoshone", "eastern shoshoni", "western shoshone", "western shoshoni", "northern shoshone", "northern shoshoni"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["shi"] = {
	otherNames = {"tachelhit", "chleuh", "shilha", "tashlhiyt", "tashelhit berber", "tachelhit berber", "tashlhiyt berber"},
	scripts = {"Tfng", "Arab", "Latn"},

m["shj"] = {

m["shk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["shl"] = {

m["shm"] = {
	ancestors = {"xme-ttc-cen"},

m["shn"] = {
	otherNames = {"kwam tai", "kam tai", "tai yai"},
	scripts = {"Mymr"},
	translit_module = "shn-translit",
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[ၢႃ]", "ဵ", "ႅ", "ႇ", "ႈ", "း", "ႉ", "ႊ"},
		to   = {"ာ", "ေ", "ႄ", "႒", "႓", "႔", "႕", "႖"}},

m["sho"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["shp"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["shq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["shr"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["shs"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sht"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["shu"] = {
	"csádi arab",
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	entry_name = {
		from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
		to   = {u(0x0627)}},

m["shv"] = {
	ancestors = {"sem-pro"},

m["shw"] = {

m["shx"] = {
	otherNames = {"ho ne", "ho nte"},

m["shy"] = {
	otherNames = {"shawiya berber", "chaouïa"},

m["shz"] = {
	"syenara senoufo",

m["sia"] = {
	"akkala sami",
	scripts = Latn,

m["sib"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sid"] = {

m["sie"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sif"] = {

m["sig"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sih"] = {

m["sii"] = {
	"shom peng",

m["sij"] = {

m["sik"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sil"] = {
	"tumulung sisaala",
	scripts = Latn,

m["sim"] = {
	otherNames = {"mende", "mende (New guinea)"},

m["sip"] = {
	otherNames = {"dranjongke", "dranjoke", "denjongka", "denzongpeke", "denzongke"},
	scripts = {"Tibt"},
	ancestors = {"xct"},
	translit_module = "bo-translit",

m["siq"] = {

m["sir"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sis"] = {

m["siu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["siv"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["siw"] = {

m["six"] = {
	otherNames = {"garia", "kari"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["siy"] = {
	ancestors = {"xme-mid"},

m["siz"] = {
	scripts = {"Tfng", "Arab", "Latn"},
	otherNames = {"siwa"},

m["sja"] = {

m["sjb"] = {
	"sajau basap",

m["sjd"] = {
	"kildin sami",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	translit_module = "sjd-translit",
	sort_key = {
		from = {"ӣ", "ӯ", MACRON},
		to   = {"и", "у"} },

m["sje"] = {
	"pite sami",
	scripts = Latn,
	entry_name = {
		from = {"ū", "ˈ", MACRON},
		to   = {"u"} },
	sort_key = {
		from = {"á" , "đ" , "ŋ" , "ŧ" },
		to   = {"a²", "d²", "n²", "t²"} },

m["sjg"] = {

m["sjk"] = {
	"kemi sami",
	scripts = Latn,

m["sjl"] = {
	otherNames = {"dmay", "dhammai", "sajolang"},

m["sjm"] = {

m["sjn"] = {
	type = "appendix-constructed",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Teng"},

m["sjo"] = {
	otherNames = {"sibo", "sibe", "xibo"},
	scripts = {"Mong"},

m["sjp"] = {
	ancestors = {"inc-mgd"},

m["sjr"] = {

m["sjs"] = {
	"senhaja de srair",

m["sjt"] = {
	"ter sami",
	scripts = Latn,

m["sju"] = {
	"ume sami",
	scripts = Latn,
	entry_name = {
		from = {"ē", "ū", "ǖ", MACRON, "ˈ"},
		to   = {"e", "u", "ü"} },
	sort_key = {
		from = {"á" , "đ" , "ï" , "ŋ" , "ŧ" , "ü" },
		to   = {"a²", "d²", "i²", "n²", "t²", "u²"} },

m["sjw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ska"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["skb"] = {
	scripts = {"Thai"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[%pๆ]", "[็-๎̱̄̂]", "([เแโใไ])([ก-ฮ])"},
		to   = {"", "", "%2%1"}},

m["skc"] = {
	"ma manda",
	otherNames = {"sauk"},

m["skd"] = {
	"southern sierra miwok",
	scripts = Latn,

m["ske"] = {
	otherNames = {"seke"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["skf"] = {
	otherNames = {"mekem", "amniapé", "sakïrabiát", "sakiráp", "koaratira", "guaratira", "kanoé", "koarategayat", "guaratégaya", "guarategaja", "warategáya"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["skh"] = {

m["ski"] = {
	otherNames = {"sikanese"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["skj"] = { -- compare 'ths'

m["skk"] = {

m["skm"] = {
	otherNames = {"kutong"},

m["skn"] = {
	"kolibugan subanon",

m["sko"] = {
	"seko tengah",

m["skp"] = {

m["skq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["skr"] = {
	otherNames = {"siraiki", "saraiki"},
	scripts = {"ur-Arab", "Mult"},
	ancestors = {"lah"},

m["sks"] = {
	otherNames = {"maya", "banar", "pila", "saki", "suaro", "turutap", "yakiba"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["skt"] = {
	otherNames = {"kisakata", "lesa", "odual", "saka", "bai", "kibai", "bay", "kibay", "djia", "dia", "dja", "kidjia", "wadia", "tuku", "ketu", "batow"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["sku"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["skv"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["skw"] = {
	"skepi creole dutch",
	otherNames = {"skepi dutch", "skepi dutch creole", "essequibo dutch"},
	ancestors = {"nl"},

m["skx"] = {
	"seko padang",

m["sky"] = {
	otherNames = {"sikayana"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["skz"] = {

m["slc"] = {
	"saliba (Colombia)",
	otherNames = {"saliba", "sáliba", "saliva", "sáliva"},

m["sld"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sle"] = {
	scripts = {"Knda"},

m["slf"] = {
	"swiss-italian sign language",
	otherNames = {"swiss italian sign language"},

m["slg"] = {
	"selungai murut",

m["slh"] = {
	"southern puget sound salish",
	scripts = Latn,

-- "sli" "silesian german" IS SUBSUMED INTO "gmw-ecg" "east central german"

m["slj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sll"] = {

m["slm"] = {
	"pangutaran sama",

m["sln"] = {

m["slp"] = {
	otherNames = {"solor", "solorese"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["slq"] = {

m["slr"] = {
	scripts = {"Arab", "Latn"},

m["sls"] = {
	"singapore sign language",

m["slt"] = {

m["slu"] = {

m["slw"] = {

m["slx"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sly"] = {

m["slz"] = {

m["sma"] = {
	"déli számi",
	scripts = Latn,
	sort_key = { -- Standardise on norwegian orthography for sorting purposes
		from = {"ï" , "ä", "ö"},
		to   = {"i²", "æ", "ø"} },

m["smb"] = {

m["smc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["smd"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["smf"] = {
	ancestors = {"dnd"},

m["smg"] = {

m["smh"] = {

m["smj"] = {
	"lule sami",
	scripts = Latn,
	entry_name = {
		from = {"ˈ", MACRON},
		to   = {} },
	sort_key = { -- Standardise on swedish orthography for sorting purposes
		from = {"á" , "ŋ" , "æ" },
		to   = {"a²", "n²", "ä"} },

m["smk"] = {
	otherNames = {"binubolinao"},

m["sml"] = {
	"central sama",

m["smm"] = {
	ancestors = {"bh"},

m["smn"] = {
	"inari számi",
	scripts = Latn,
	entry_name = {
		from = {"ḥ", "ḷ", "ṃ", "ṇ", "ṛ", "ṿ", DOTBELOW, "ˈ"},
		to   = {"h", "l", "m", "n", "r", "v"} },
	sort_key = {
		from = {"â" , "č" , "đ" , "ŋ" , "š" , "ž" , "á" },
		to   = {"a˿", "c˿", "d˿", "n˿", "s˿", "z˿", "ä˿"} },

m["smp"] = {
	"samaritan hebrew",
	otherNames = {"samaritan"},
	scripts = {"Samr"},
	entry_name = {
		from = {"[" .. u(0x0816) .. "-" .. u(0x082D) .. "]"},
		to = {}

m["smq"] = {

m["smr"] = {
	otherNames = {"simalur", "devayan", "defayan", "simolol", "simulul", "simeuloë"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["sms"] = {
	"skolt sami",
	scripts = Latn,
	entry_name = {
		from = {"ẹ", "ˈ"},
		to   = {"e"} },
	sort_key = {
		from = {"â" , "č" , "đ" , "ǧ" , "ǥ" , "ǩ" , "ŋ" , "õ" , "š" , "ž" },
		to   = {"a²", "c²", "d²", "g²", "g³", "k˿", "n˿", "o˿", "s˿", "z˿"} },

m["smt"] = {

m["smu"] = {

m["smv"] = {
	ancestors = {"pmh"},

m["smw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["smx"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["smy"] = {
	ancestors = {"xme-old"},

m["smz"] = {

m["snb"] = {

m["snc"] = {

m["sne"] = {
	"bau bidayuh",
	scripts = Latn,

m["snf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sng"] = {
	"sanga (Congo)",
	otherNames = {"sanga", "luba-sanga", "sanga (Democratic republic of congo)", "sanga (Democratic republic of the congo)"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["sni"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["snj"] = {
	"riverain sango",
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"ngb"},

m["snk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["snl"] = {

m["snm"] = {
	"southern ma'di",

m["snn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sno"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["snp"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["snq"] = {
	otherNames = {"sangu"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["snr"] = {

m["sns"] = {

m["snu"] = {

m["snv"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["snw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["snx"] = {

m["sny"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["snz"] = {
	"Q7525035", -- also "Q4803639"
	otherNames = {"kow", "sinsauru", "asas"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["soa"] = {
	"thai song",
	otherNames = {"lao song", "song"},
	scripts = {"Tavt", "Thai"},
	--translit_module = "Tavt-translit",
 	sort_key = {
		from = {"([ꪵꪶꪹꪻꪼ])([ꪀ-ꪯ])", "([เแโใไ])([ก-ฮ])"},
		to   = {"%2%1", "%2%1"}},

m["sob"] = {

m["soc"] = {
	otherNames = {"so"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["sod"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["soe"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sog"] = {
	translit_module = "translit-redirect",
	scripts = {"Sogd", "Mani", "Syrc", "Sogo"},

m["soh"] = {
	"aka (Sudan)",
	otherNames = {"aka", "sillok"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["soi"] = {
	otherNames = {"sonaha", "sonahaa", "sunah", "sunha"},
	ancestors = {"inc-mgd"},

m["sok"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sol"] = {

m["soo"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sop"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["soq"] = {

m["sor"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sos"] = {
	otherNames = {"seeku", "sembla", "sambla"},

m["sou"] = {
	"southern thai",
	aliases = {"dambro", "pak tai"},
	scripts = {"Thai"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[%pๆ]", "[็-๎]", "([เแโใไ])([ก-ฮ])"},
		to   = {"", "", "%2%1"}},

m["sov"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sow"] = {

m["sox"] = {
	otherNames = {"so", "sso", "shwo", "fo"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["soy"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["soz"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["spb"] = {
	"sepa (Indonesia)",
	otherNames = {"sepa"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["spc"] = {
	otherNames = {"kaliana", "kariana", "kaliána", "sapä́", "sape"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["spd"] = {

m["spe"] = {
	"sepa (New guinea)",
	otherNames = {"sepa", "sepa (Papua new guinea)"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["spg"] = {

m["spi"] = {

m["spk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["spl"] = {

m["spm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["spn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["spo"] = {
	otherNames = {"montana salish", "salish", "séliš", "kalispel-pend d'oreille", "kalispel"},

m["spp"] = {
	otherNames = {"suppire", "supyire senoufo", "supyire senufo", "shempire senoufo", "shempire"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["spr"] = {

m["sps"] = {

m["spt"] = {
	"spiti bhoti",

m["spu"] = {

m["spv"] = {
	otherNames = {"kosali", "koshali"},
	scripts = {"Orya"},
	translit_module = "or-translit",

m["spx"] = {
	"south picene",
	otherNames = {"old sabellic", "old sabellian", "middle adriatic", "central adriatic"},
	scripts = {"Ital", "Latn"},
	translit_module = "Ital-translit",

m["spy"] = {

m["sqa"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sqh"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sqk"] = {
	"albanian sign language",

m["sqm"] = {

m["sqn"] = {

m["sqo"] = {

m["sqq"] = {

m["sqr"] = {
	"szicíliai arab",

m["sqs"] = {
	"sri lankan sign language",

m["sqt"] = {
	otherNames = {"socotri"},

m["squ"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sra"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["srb"] = {
	scripts = {"Sora"},

m["sre"] = {

m["srf"] = {

m["srg"] = {

m["srh"] = {
	scripts = {"Latn", "ug-Arab", "Cyrl"},
	ancestors = {"ira-shr-pro"},

m["sri"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["srk"] = {
	"serudung murut",

m["srl"] = {

m["srm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"en", "pt"},

m["srn"] = {
	"sranan tongo",
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"en"},

m["srq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["srr"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["srs"] = {
	otherNames = {"sarsi", "tsuu T'ina", "tsuut'ina", "tsu T'ina"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["srt"] = {

m["sru"] = {
	otherNames = {"paíter", "suruí-Paíter", "suruí de rondônia", "suruí do jiparaná"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["srv"] = {
	"waray sorsogon",

m["srw"] = {

m["srx"] = {

m["sry"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["srz"] = {
	scripts = {"fa-Arab"},

m["ssb"] = {
	"southern sama",
	scripts = Latn,

m["ssc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ssd"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sse"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ssf"] = {
	otherNames = {"sao"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["ssg"] = {

m["ssh"] = {
	"shihhi arab",
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	entry_name = {
		from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
		to   = {u(0x0627)}},

m["ssi"] = {
	otherNames = {"bhilki"},
	ancestors = {"psu"},

m["ssj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ssk"] = {

m["ssl"] = {
	"western sisaala",
	scripts = Latn,

m["ssm"] = {

m["ssn"] = {

m["sso"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ssp"] = {
	"spanish sign language",

m["ssq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ssr"] = {
	"swiss-french sign language",
	otherNames = {"swiss french sign language"},

m["sss"] = {

m["sst"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ssu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ssv"] = {
	"shark bay",

m["ssx"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["ssy"] = {

m["ssz"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["stb"] = {
	"northern subanen",

m["std"] = {
	scripts = {"Zyyy"},

m["ste"] = {

m["stf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["stg"] = {

m["sth"] = {
	otherNames = {"cant"},
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"en"},

m["sti"] = {
	"bulo stieng",

m["stj"] = {
	"matya samo",
	scripts = Latn,

m["stk"] = {

m["stm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["stn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sto"] = {

m["stp"] = {
	"southeastern tepehuan",
	scripts = Latn,

m["stq"] = {
	"saterland frisian",
	otherNames = {"east frisian", "eastern frisian"}, -- Saterland F is a dialect of east F; see [[WT:T:ASTQ]]
	scripts = Latn,

m["str"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sts"] = {

m["stt"] = {
	"budeh stieng",

m["stu"] = {

m["stv"] = {
	scripts = {"Ethi"},

m["stw"] = {

m["sty"] = {
	"siberian tatar",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},

m["sua"] = {

m["sub"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["suc"] = {
	"western subanon",

m["sue"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sug"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sui"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["suk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["suq"] = {

m["sur"] = {
	otherNames = {"sura", "mupun"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["sus"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sut"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["suv"] = {

m["suw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sux"] = {
	scripts = {"Xsux"},

m["suy"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["suz"] = {

m["sva"] = {
	scripts = {"Geor", "Cyrl"},
	translit_module = "sva-translit",
	override_translit = true,
	entry_name = {
		from = {DIAER, MACRON},
		to   = {}} ,

m["svb"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["svc"] = {
	"vincentian creole english",
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"en"},

m["sve"] = {

m["svk"] = {
	"slovakian sign language",

m["svm"] = {
	aliases = {"slavo-molisano", "molise slavic", "molise croatian"},
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"sh"},

m["svs"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["svx"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["swb"] = {
	"maore comorian",
	scripts = Latn,

m["swf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["swg"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"gsw"},

m["swi"] = {
	otherNames = {"ai sui", "shui", "sui li", "suipo"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Hani"}, --Shui is not available yet.

m["swj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["swl"] = {
	"swedish sign language",

m["swm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["swn"] = {
	otherNames = {"sawknah", "fezzan", "fogaha"},

m["swo"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["swp"] = {

m["swq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["swr"] = {

m["sws"] = {

m["swt"] = {

m["swu"] = {

m["sww"] = {

m["swx"] = {
	otherNames = {"zuruahá", "suruaha", "suruwaha", "zuruaha", "Índios do coxodoá"},

m["swy"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sxb"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sxc"] = {

m["sxe"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sxg"] = {
	otherNames = {"shuhi", "xumi"},

m["sxk"] = {
	"southern kalapuya",

m["sxl"] = {
	otherNames = {"selian"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["sxm"] = {

m["sxn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sxo"] = {

m["sxr"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sxs"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

-- "sxu" "upper saxon" IS SUBSUMED INTO "gmw-ecg" "east central german"

m["sxw"] = {
	"saxwe gbe",

m["sya"] = {

m["syb"] = {
	"central subanen",
	scripts = Latn,

m["syc"] = {
	scripts = {"Syrc"},
	entry_name = {
		from = {"[" .. u(0x0304) .. u(0x0308) .. u(0x0331) .. u(0x0730) .. "-" .. u(0x0748) .. "]"},
		to   = {},

m["syi"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["syk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["syl"] = {
	scripts = {"Sylo", "Beng"},
	ancestors = {"inc-mgd"},
	translit_module = "syl-translit",

m["sym"] = {
	"maya samo",
	scripts = Latn,

m["syn"] = {

m["syo"] = {

m["sys"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["syw"] = {
	scripts = {"Deva"},

m["syx"] = {
	otherNames = {"osamayi", "samayi", "samay", "shamayi"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["syy"] = {
	"al-sayyid bedouin sign language",

m["sza"] = {

m["szb"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["szc"] = {
	"semaq beri",

m["szd"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["sze"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["szg"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["szl"] = {
	otherNames = {"upper silesian", "silesian polish", "upper silesian polish"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["szn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["szp"] = {
	otherNames = {"inanwatan"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["szv"] = {
	otherNames = {"isu", "isu (Fako division)", "isuwu", "suwu", "subu"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["szw"] = {
	otherNames = {"weda", "weda-sawai", "kobe", "faya-mafa", "messa-dote"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["szy"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

return m