This module is used for all Ukrainian headword-line templates. It provides a basic functionality common to all of them, but some of the templates have specific additional functionality to show genders or inflected forms.
Accented headword
szerkesztésAll Ukrainian headword-line templates use the first parameter to provide the headword, with accented vowels where present. For example:
The parameter supports all the special features that the |head=
parameter on {{head}}
does. So you can also use this parameter to link to individual words of a multi-word term. These words can be linked with accents still in place; the module will remove them from the page name before creating a link, just like {{l}}
does. If you need to specify accents in multiple alternative ways, use |head2=
, |head3=
and so on.
All Ukrainian words that have more than one syllable are expected to have accents specified. The module will check the parameter for the presence of accents, and categorize the entry in Category:Ukrainian terms needing accents if none are found. Some words like prepositions really have no inherent accent of their own. For such words, give -
as the first parameter. This tells the module that you are sure that the word should not have accents, so that it will not check for them. If you don't know where to place the accents, you can leave the parameter empty, or just write the page name without accents.
local m_common = require("Module:uk-common")
local export = {}
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("uk")
local pos_functions = {}
-- The main entry point.
-- This is the only function that can be invoked from a template.
local args = frame:getParent().args
PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
local poscat = frame.args[1] or error("Part of speech has not been specified. Please pass parameter 1 to the module invocation.")
local data = {lang = lang, pos_category = poscat, categories = {}, heads = {}, translits = {}, genders = {}, inflections = {}}
-- Get the head parameters
-- First get the 1st parameter. The remainder is named head2=, head3= etc.
local head = args[1]; if head == "" then head = nil end
local character_categories = {}
if mw.ustring.match(PAGENAME, "'") then
--table.insert(character_categories, "Ukrainian terms spelled with '")
local i = 2
while head do
if m_common.needs_accents(head) then
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian terms needing accents")
table.insert(data.heads, head)
head = args["head" .. i]; if head == "" then head = nil end
i = i + 1
if #data.heads == 0 then
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian terms needing accents")
-- Get transliteration
local tr = args["tr"]; if tr == "" then tr = nil end
table.insert(data.translits, tr)
if pos_functions[poscat] then
pos_functions[poscat](args, data)
return require("Module:headword").full_headword(data) ..
require("Module:utilities").format_categories(character_categories, lang)
pos_functions["tulajdonnevek"] = function(args, data)
pos_functions["főnevek"](args, data, true)
-- Display additional inflection information for a noun
pos_functions["főnevek"] = function(args, data, no_plural)
-- Iterate over all gn parameters (g2, g3 and so on) until one is empty
local g = args[2]; if g == "" then g = nil end
local i = 2
while g do
table.insert(data.genders, g)
g = args["g" .. i]; if g == "" then g = nil end
i = i + 1
if #data.genders == 0 then
table.insert(data.genders, "?")
elseif #data.genders > 1 then
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian nouns with multiple genders")
-- Get the genitive parameters
-- First get the 3rd parameter. The remainder is named gen2=, gen3= etc.
local genitives = {}
local form = args[3]; if form == "" then form = nil end
local i = 2
while form do
table.insert(genitives, form)
form = args["gen" .. i]; if form == "" then form = nil end
i = i + 1
-- Get the plural parameters
-- First get the 4th parameter. The remainder is named pl2=, pl3= etc.
local plurals = {}
local form = args[4]; if form == "" then form = nil end
local i = 2
while form do
table.insert(plurals, form)
form = args["pl" .. i]; if form == "" then form = nil end
i = i + 1
local mode = plurals[1]
-- Get the feminine parameters
-- First get the f= parameter. The remainder is named f2=, f3= etc.
local feminines = {}
local form = args["f"]; if form == "" then form = nil end
local i = 2
while form do
table.insert(feminines, form)
form = args["f" .. i]; if form == "" then form = nil end
i = i + 1
-- Get the masculine parameters
-- First get the m= parameter. The remainder is named m2=, m3= etc.
local masculines = {}
local form = args["m"]; if form == "" then form = nil end
local i = 2
while form do
table.insert(masculines, form)
form = args["m" .. i]; if form == "" then form = nil end
i = i + 1
-- Process the genders
local singular_genders = {
["m-?"] = true,
["m-an"] = true,
["m-in"] = true,
["f"] = true,
["f-?"] = true,
["f-an"] = true,
["f-in"] = true,
["n"] = true,
["n-an"] = true,
["n-in"] = true}
local plural_genders = {
["m-?-p"] = true,
["m-an-p"] = true,
["m-in-p"] = true,
["f-?-p"] = true,
["f-an-p"] = true,
["f-in-p"] = true,
["n-p"] = true,
["n-an-p"] = true,
["n-in-p"] = true}
for i, g in ipairs(data.genders) do
if g == "m" then
g = "m-?"
elseif g == "m-p" then
g = "m-?-p"
elseif g == "f" and mode ~= "-" and not no_plural then
g = "f-?"
elseif g == "f-p" then
g = "f-?-p"
if not singular_genders[g] and not plural_genders[g] then
g = "?"
data.genders[i] = g
-- Categorize by gender
if g:sub(1,1) == "m" then
table.insert(data.categories, "ukrán hímnemű főnevek")
elseif g:sub(1,1) == "f" then
table.insert(data.categories, "ukrán nőnemű főnevek")
elseif g:sub(1,1) == "n" then
table.insert(data.categories, "ukrán semlegesnemű főnevek")
-- Categorize by animacy
if g:sub(3,4) == "an" then
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian animate nouns")
elseif g:sub(3,4) == "in" then
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian inanimate nouns")
-- Categorize by number
if plural_genders[g] then
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian pluralia tantum")
-- Add the genitive forms
if genitives[1] == "-" then
table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "[[Appendix:Glossary#indeclinable|indeclinable]]"})
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian indeclinable nouns")
genitives.label = "birtokos"
genitives.request = false
for i, form in ipairs(genitives) do
if m_common.needs_accents(form) then
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian nouns needing accents")
table.insert(data.inflections, genitives)
-- Add the plural forms
-- If the noun is a plurale tantum, then ignore the 4th parameter altogether
if no_plural or genitives[1] == "-" then
-- do nothing
elseif plural_genders[data.genders[1]] then
table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "[[Appendix:Glossary#plurale tantum|plurale tantum]]"})
elseif mode == "-" then
table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "[[Appendix:Glossary#uncountable|uncountable]]"})
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian uncountable nouns")
plurals.label = "tsz."
plurals.request = false
for i, form in ipairs(plurals) do
if m_common.needs_accents(form) then
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian nouns needing accents")
table.insert(data.inflections, plurals)
-- Add the feminine forms
if #feminines > 0 then
feminines.label = "nőnemű"
for i, form in ipairs(feminines) do
if m_common.needs_accents(form) then
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian nouns needing accents")
table.insert(data.inflections, feminines)
-- Add the masculine forms
if #masculines > 0 then
masculines.label = "hímnemű"
for i, form in ipairs(masculines) do
if m_common.needs_accents(form) then
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian nouns needing accents")
table.insert(data.inflections, masculines)
-- Display additional inflection information for a verb
pos_functions["igék"] = function(args, data)
-- Aspect
local aspect = args[2]; if aspect == "" then aspect = nil end
if aspect == "impf" then
table.insert(data.genders, "impf")
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian imperfective verbs")
elseif aspect == "pf" then
table.insert(data.genders, "pf")
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian perfective verbs")
elseif aspect == "both" then
table.insert(data.genders, "impf")
table.insert(data.genders, "pf")
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian imperfective verbs")
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian perfective verbs")
table.insert(data.genders, "?")
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian verbs needing aspect")
-- Get the imperfective parameters
-- First get the impf= parameter. The remainder is named impf2=, impf3= etc.
local imperfectives = {}
local form = args["impf"]; if form == "" then form = nil end
local i = 2
while form do
table.insert(imperfectives, form)
form = args["impf" .. i]; if form == "" then form = nil end
i = i + 1
-- Get the perfective parameters
-- First get the pf= parameter. The remainder is named pf2=, pf3= etc.
local perfectives = {}
local form = args["pf"]; if form == "" then form = nil end
local i = 2
while form do
table.insert(perfectives, form)
form = args["pf" .. i]; if form == "" then form = nil end
i = i + 1
-- Add the imperfective forms
if #imperfectives > 0 then
local impf_parts = {label = "imperfective"}
for i, form in ipairs(imperfectives) do
table.insert(impf_parts, form)
if m_common.needs_accents(form) then
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian verbs needing accents")
table.insert(data.inflections, impf_parts)
-- Add the perfective forms
if #perfectives > 0 then
local pf_parts = {label = "perfective"}
for i, form in ipairs(perfectives) do
table.insert(pf_parts, form)
if m_common.needs_accents(form) then
--table.insert(data.categories, "Ukrainian verbs needing accents")
table.insert(data.inflections, pf_parts)
return export