A modult a Modul:votes/doc lapon tudod dokumentálni

local export = {}

-- This function returns the full vote page.
local function getFullPage (pageName)
	local pageObject = mw.title.new (pageName)
	if pageObject.isRedirect then
		error(pageName .. " is a redirect.")
	return pageObject:getContent()

-- This function returns the portion of a vote page with the actual votes, without the vote description and the decision.
local function pageExcerpt (pageName)
	-- Get the text between "Enter '# {{support}} ~~~~' on next blank line",
	-- which appears in the first support section, and the "Decision" section,
	-- which appears below the votes.
	local page = getFullPage (pageName)
	if not page then
		error("The page '" .. pageName .. "' does not exist.")
	return page:match ("Enter '# {{support}} ~~~~' on next blank line(.+)==== *Decision *====")
		or error("Part of " .. pageName .. " with votes not found.")

function normalizeNamespace(namespace)
	return namespace:lower():gsub("_", " ")

-- Processes all links that may have a namespace, stores each username in a link
-- to a "User" or "User talk" page, and returns the last username encountered,
-- or else nil.
-- Removes fragments (the part after #) and link text (the part after | if the
-- link is piped).
-- Consider the text:
-- # {{support}} per [[User:Example1]] --[[User:Example2|Example2]] ([[User talk:Example3#Fragment|talk]]) 8:00 pm, 12 September 2015, Saturday (4 years, 5 months, 3 days ago) (UTC−5)
-- It has three "User" or "User talk" links.
-- The username "Example3" from the last link, [[User talk:Example3#Fragment|talk]],
-- is returned.
-- Sometimes, a person has only the link to the user page or the talk page,
-- this makes sure their votes are counted too.
function getLastUsername(text)
	local username
	for potentialNamespace, potentialUser in text:gmatch("%[%[([%a_ ]+):([^|%[%]#|]+).-%]%]") do
		potentialNamespace = normalizeNamespace(potentialNamespace)
		if potentialNamespace == "user" or potentialNamespace == "user talk" then
			username = potentialUser
	return username

-- This function returns a variable with a list of all people who voted in the page.
function countVotes (pageName)
	local votesText = pageExcerpt (pageName)
	-- Initializes new fields to 0.
	local votes = setmetatable({}, {
		__index = function(self, key)
			self[key] = 0
			return 0

	local stances = {
		support = {}, oppose = {}, abstain = {},

	-- Iterates over all lines that start with a "#" but not with "##", "#*" or
	-- "#:", which excludes discussion and crossed-out votes.
	-- Example of accepted line: # {{support}} --[[User:Example|Example]] ([[User talk:Example|talk]]) 9:16 pm, 25 November 2015, Wednesday (4 years, 2 months, 21 days ago) (UTC−6)
	for numberedLine in votesText:gmatch("%f[^\n%z]#([^#*:][^\n]*)") do
		local username = getLastUsername(numberedLine)

		if username then
			votes[username] = votes[username] + 1;
			local stance = {}
			-- Find the first instance of {{support}}, {{oppose}}, or
			-- {{abstain}} and add username to the count for that stance.
			for templateName in numberedLine:gmatch("{{([soa]%a+)[|}]") do
				if stances[templateName] then
					table.insert(stances[templateName], username)

	return votes, stances

-- This function returns the start date of a vote, in the format of "Dec 9".
function startDate (pageName)
	local fullPage = getFullPage(pageName)

	local startDateFull = string.match (fullPage, "Vote start.-%(UTC%)")
	local startDateTable = mw.text.split (startDateFull, "Vote start.-: ")
	local languageObject = mw.language.new ("en")
	local startDate = languageObject:formatDate ("M j", startDateTable[2])

	return startDate

-- Returns the status of a vote. Either it is a premature vote, or it is the number of votes.
function export.status (frame)
	local fullPage = getFullPage(frame.args[1])

	local votes, stances = countVotes (frame.args[1])
	local count = select(2, string.gsub(fullPage, "==== Support", "==== Support"))
	local isMultipleVotes = count > 1
	local allVotes = 0
	local uniqueVoters = 0
	local uniqueVoterNames = {}

	for username, voteQuantity in pairs(votes) do 
		allVotes = allVotes + voteQuantity
		uniqueVoters = uniqueVoters + 1
		if isMultipleVotes then
			table.insert(uniqueVoterNames, username .. " (" .. voteQuantity .. ")")
			table.insert(uniqueVoterNames, username)

	table.sort (uniqueVoterNames)
	local status = ""
	local p = ""

	if uniqueVoters == 1 then	 
		p = "person"
		p = "people"

	if isMultipleVotes then
		status = allVotes .. " (" .. uniqueVoters .. " " .. p .. ")"
		status =
			"[[Image:Symbol support vote.svg|10px|link=]]" .. #stances.support
			.. " [[Image:Symbol oppose vote.svg|10px|link=]]" .. #stances.oppose
			.. " [[Image:Symbol abstain vote.svg|10px|link=]]" .. #stances.abstain

	-- Checks for {{premature}}, which marks unstarted votes. If the current page is an unstarted vote, add the start date.
	if string.find (fullPage, "{{premature}}") then
		status = "starts: " .. startDate (frame.args[1])

	-- If there are votes, then formats the end result with <span></span> and the title text with the list of voters.
	if allVotes > 0 then
		status = '<span title="' .. mw.text.listToText(uniqueVoterNames, ", ", ", ") .. '" style="border-bottom: dotted 1px black">' .. status .. "</span>"

	return status

return export