れる [きれる] /(v1,vi) (1) to break/to snap/to be cut/to split/to crack/(2) to be injured/(3) to wear out/to be worn out/(4) to break/to burst/to collapse/(5) to wear off/to stop working/to go dead/(6) to expire (time limit, etc.)/to run out/to become due/(7) to run out (of stock, etc.)/to be exhausted/to be used up/to be sold out/to be out of/(8) to be broken off (e.g. of a relationship)/to break up/to have severed ties/to be cut off/to be disconnected/(9) to cut well/to be sharp/(10) to be sharp-minded/to be keen/to be shrewd/to be quick-witted/to be able/(11) to be short of/to drop under (a certain figure)/to beat (e.g. a record time)/(12) to dry off/(13) to curve/to veer/(14) to shuffle (cards)/(15) (col) (See キレる) to get angry/to snap/to blow one's top/to lose one's temper/to flip/(suf,v1) (16) to be able to do completely/(P)/EntL1384860X/
れる [きれる] /(v1) bien couper/être tranchant//s'épuiser/s'effondrer/s'écrouler//être blessé/éclater//être cassé/être rompu/être déconnecté/être interrompu/couper (communication) avec//manquer de/être en dehors de/expirer//perspicace/sagace/1384860
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