る [ふる] /(v5r,vt) (1) to wave/to shake/to swing/(2) to sprinkle/to throw (dice)/(3) to cast (actor)/to allocate (work)/(4) to turn down (somebody)/to reject/to jilt/to dump/(5) to abandon/to give up/to ruin/(6) (See ) to add kana indicating a reading of a word/(7) to slightly change headings/to change directions/(8) to extract by broiling/to prepare an infusion of/to decoct/(9) to carry with great vigor (e.g. a portable shrine)/(10) to bring up the main topic/(11) to replace/to substitute/(12) to set up a joke for somebody else/(P)/EntL1361330X/
る [ぶる] /(suf,v5r) (1) assuming the air of .../behaving like .../(v5r) (2) (col) to put on airs/to be self-important/EntL2038080X/
る [ふる] /(v5r)(vt) agiter/secouer/balancer//jeter/(pop)larguer/(pop)balancer//attribuer (un travail)/distribuer (un rôle à un acteur)/1361330
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