- 斤 1125 axe
- 析 1126 chop
- 所 1127 place
- 祈 1128 pray
- 近 1129 near
- 折 1130 fold
- 哲 1131 philosophy
- 逝 1132 departed
- 誓 1133 vow
- 暫 1134 temporarily
- 漸 1135 steadily
- 断 1136 severance
- 質 1137 substance
- 斥 1138 reject
- 新 1502 new
- 匠 1693 artisan
- 斤 3654 U65a4 B69 G8 S4 N2076 V2379 H2949 DK1871 L1125 K2012 DO1818 MN13534 MP5.0618 E1176 IN1897 DJ1914 DG953 P3-2-2 I0a4.3 Q7222.1 DR2654 ZPP3-3-1 ZPP4-4-4 Yjin1 Wgeun キン T2 おの {axe} {1.32 lb} {catty} {counter for loaves of bread}
- 斤量 [きんりょう] / (n) weight / (P) /
- Frequency: 1866 out of 9933.
- Once
- Radical
- Graphical
- jin1 - catty/weight equal to 0.5 kg
- Pronunciation clue for 斤 (jin1): The component 斤 is pronounced as 'jin1'.
- High Frequency
- Medium Frequency
Visszatérés a(z) „斤” laphoz.