• 195 tree (wood, wooden pole, pole)

Usage in other kanji

  • 195 tree (wood, wooden pole, pole)
    • ? * cereal
    • ? * resin
    • ⽲ * wheat
      • 稿 892 draft
      • 893 earnings
      • 894 extent
      • 895 tax
      • 896 immature
      • 897 harmony
      • 898 shift
      • 899 second
      • 900 autumn
        • 901 distress
      • 902 private
      • 903 regularity
      • 904 secret
      • 905 appellation
      • 906 profit
        • 907 pear tree
        • 1687 diarrhea (diarrhoea)
      • 908 harvest
      • 909 ear (of a plant)
      • 910 rice plant
      • 911 incense
      • 912 seasons
      • 913 committee
      • 914 excel
        • 915 transparent
        • 916 entice
      • 917 cereals
      • 918 germ
      • 1147 calm
      • 1179 department
      • 1543 volume
      • 1585 ride
        • 1586 surplus
      • 1679 species
      • 1778 tariff
    • 196 grove
      • 197 forest
      • 213 calendar
      • 376 curriculum
      • 394 cornerstone
      • 593 hemp
      • 1098 prohibition
        • 1099 collar
    • 197 forest
    • 198 Japanese Judas-tree
    • 199 oak
    • 200 frame
    • 201 treetops
    • 203 apricot
    • 204 paulownia
    • 205 plant
    • 206 wither
    • 207 crude
    • 208 town
    • 209 inter-
    • 211 book
    • 212 tag
    • 214 plan
    • 216 not yet
      • 219 flavor (flavour)
      • 220 younger sister
      • 221 vermilion
        • 222 stocks
        • 258 pearl
        • 810 particularly
      • 1792 profession (business)
      • 1884 come
      • 2023 fascination
    • 217 extremity
    • 222 stocks
    • 228 leaf
    • 229 imitation
    • 236 peach tree
    • 264 plug
    • 292 status
    • 298 twig
    • 326 flourish
    • 332 sheet of...
    • 358 plantation
    • 367 scaffold
    • 417 thorn
    • 429 bridge
    • 460 plum
    • 504 east
      • 505 ridgepole
      • 506 frozen
      • 1301 exhibit
      • 1343 practice
      • 1628 column
      • 2030 tempering
    • 509 dye
    • 514 horse chestnut
    • 521 butterfly
    • 559 gather
    • 562 miscellaneous
    • 571 authority
    • 579 quandary
    • 592 bed
    • 671 maneuver (manoeuvre)
    • 677 contraption
    • 683 lumber
    • 698 mulberry
    • 713 bough
    • 724 plank
    • 733 pick
    • 734 vegetable
    • 758 abandon
    • 785 pine tree
    • 869 erect
    • 907 pear tree
    • 919 rice (USA)
      • * animal tracks
        • 1908 explanation
        • 1909 turn (dice)
      • ⺢ * grains of rice
        • * sieve
          • 1159 ease
          • 1160 apprehend
          • 2036 slave
        • 932 lacquer
        • 933 Esq.
        • 1210 wistaria
        • 1371 green
        • 1570 peaceful
        • 1801 outburst
      • 920 flour
      • 921 sticky
      • 922 grains
      • 923 cosmetics
      • 925 chic
      • 926 provisions
      • 927 chrysanthemum
      • 928 core
      • 929 number
      • 930 watchtower
      • 931 sort
      • 1136 severance
      • 1144 record
      • 1158 sugar
      • 1171 tooth
      • 1178 fee
      • 1311 neighboring (neighbouring)
      • 1370 inherit
      • 1535 refined
      • 1733 solemn
      • 1777 coarse
      • 924 astray
    • 930 watchtower
    • 932 lacquer
    • 933 Esq.
    • 948 scheme
    • 965 rest
    • 997 protect
    • 999 greatness
    • 1021 design
    • 1121 fruit
      • 1122 candy
      • 1123 chapter
      • 1124 naked
      • 1927 nest
      • 2997 glossary
    • 1126 chop
    • 1176 vat
    • 1219 cupfuls
    • 1226 tender
    • 1243 decay
    • 1278 exam
    • 1327 grope
    • 1328 deep
    • 1369 winding
    • 1382 mechanism
    • 1421 willow
    • 1446 timber-trees
    • 1461 root
      • 1482 outline
    • 1493 kill
    • 1498 catalpa
    • 1520 nucleus
    • 椿 1569 camellia
    • 1575 rod
    • 1608 signpost
    • 1609 chestnut
    • 1614 camphor tree
    • 1625 leisure
    • 1628 column
    • 1664 bundle
      • 1665 trust
      • 1666 rapids
      • 1667 imperial order
      • 1668 alienate
      • 1669 quick
      • 1670 organize
    • 1673 examination
    • 1697 hinge
    • 1713 cedar
    • 1714 coloring (colouring)
    • 1735 music
      • 1736 medicine
    • 1751 sideways
    • 1759 so-and-so
      • 1760 conspire
      • 1761 mediator
    • 1763 chess piece
    • 1781 investigate
    • 1818 posture
    • 1903 poles
    • 1932 cherry tree
    • 2518 bale
    • 202 shelf
    • 210 desk
    • 215 parch
    • 268 pillar
    • 505 ridgepole
    • 950 fabricate
    • 1272 coffin
    • 2035 seaweed
    • 252 tea


  • 4C5A U6728 B75 G1 S4 F317 N2170 V2531 H3450 DK2149 L195 K148 O109 DO17 MN14415 MP6.0001 E69 IN22 DS15 DH17 DT36 DC255 DJ20 DB1.A DG1045 P4-4-3 I4a0.1 Q4090.0 DR1864 Ymu4 Wmog Wmo ボク モク き こ- T1 ぐ も もと {tree} {wood}

EDICT Entries

  • [かれき] / (n) dead tree / dry wood / (P) /
  • [かれき] / (n) dead tree / dry wood / (P) /
  • [あらき] / (n) logs in bark / rough wood / (P) /
  • [こうぼく] / (n) tall tree / (P) /
  • [くろき] / (n) unbarked lumber / (P) /
  • [ざいもく] / (n) lumber / timber / (P) /
  • [ぞうきばやし] / (n) grove of mixed trees / copse / (P) /
  • [じゅもく] / (n) trees and shrubs / arbour / arbor / (P) /
  • [うえき] / (n) garden shrubs / trees / potted plant / (P) /
  • [うえきばち] / (n) flowerpot / (P) /
  • [あおき] / (n) live tree / Japanese laurel / (P) /
  • [くさき] / (n) plants / vegetation / (P) /
  • [そうもく] / (n) plants / vegetation / (P) /
  • [たいぼく] / (n) large tree / (P) /
  • [にわき] / (n) garden tree / (P) /
  • [どぼく] / (n) public works / (P) /
  • [かしわぎ] / (n) oak-tree / (P) /
  • [なえぎ] / (n) seedling / sapling / young tree / (P) /
  • [なみき] / (n) roadside tree / row of trees / (P) /
  • [もとき] / (n) original stock / (P) /
  • [き] / (n) tree / wood / timber / (P) /
  • 々 [きぎ] / (n) every tree / many trees / all kinds of trees / (P) /
  • [きのめ] / (n) bud of Japanese pepper tree (Xanthoxylum piperitum) / leaf bud / (P) /
  • [きのみ] / (n) nut / fruit / berry / (P) /
  • [このは] / (n) foliage / leaves of trees / (P) /
  • [こかげ] / (n) shade of tree / bower / (P) /
  • [きど] / (n) wicket gate / wooden door / (P) /
  • し [こがらし] / (n) cold wintry wind / (P) /
  • らし [こがらし] / (n) cold wintry wind / (P) /
  • [もっこう] / (n) woodworking / woodworker / carpenter / (P) /
  • [もくざい] / (n) lumber / timber / wood / (P) /
  • [きば] / (n) lumberyard / (P) /
  • [もくせい] / (n) Jupiter (planet) / (P) /
  • [もくせい] / (adj-no,n) wooden / made of wood / (P) /
  • [もくぞう] / (n) wooden / made of wood / (P) /
  • [もくたん] / (n) charcoal / (P) /
  • [もくちょう] / (n) wood carving / woodcraft / (P) /
  • り [きぼり] / (n) wood carving / woodcraft / (P) /
  • [もくへん] / (n) block (of wood) / chip / splinter / (P) /
  • 綿 [もめん] / (n) cotton / (P) /
  • [もくよう] / (n-adv,n) Thursday / (P) /
  • [もくようび] / (n-adv,n) Thursday / (P) /

  1. Frequency: 694 out of 9933.



Pinyin & Meaning

  1. Mu4 - surname Mu
  2. mu4 - tree/wood/coffin/wooden/simple/numb/one of the eight ancient musical instruments [ba1 yin1]

Pronunciation Clues

  1. Pronunciation clue for (mu4): The component is pronounced as 'mu4'.

Example Words

High Frequency
Medium Frequency

Appears In

Visszatérés a(z) „木” laphoz.