る [くぐる] /(v5r,vi) (1) to go under/to pass under/to go through/to pass through/(2) (See る・もぐる・1) to dive (into or under the water)/(3) to evade/to get around/to slip past/(4) to survive/to surmount/(P)/EntL1609710X/
る [もぐる;むぐる(ok)] /(v5r,vi) (1) to dive (into or under water)/(2) to get under/to get into/to get in/to creep into/to crawl under/to bury oneself/to burrow into/to dig oneself into/to snuggle under/(3) (See る) to hide oneself (esp. from the government)/to conceal oneself/to go underground/EntL1609715X/
る [2]; もぐる もぐる  [1] tauchen; untertauchen. [2] sich verkriechen. [3] (übertr.) sich absetzen; untertauchen.  HE
る [くぐる] /(v5r) passer sous/passer à travers//se soustraire à/esquiver/éviter/se cacher//plonger (dans ou sous l'eau)/s'enfoncer sous le sol/1609710
る [もぐる] /(v5r) passer sous/passer à travers//se soustraire à/esquiver/éviter/se cacher//plonger (dans ou sous l'eau)/s'enfoncer sous le sol/1609710
Visszatérés a(z) „潜る” laphoz.