- Frequency: 9402 out of 9933.
- Once
- Radical
- 盪 => 氵 (water) , 日 (sun/day) , 一 (one) , 勹 (wrap) , No glyph available (N/A) , 皿 (dish)
- Graphical
- 盪 => ⺀,㇀,口,一,一,㇆,㇒,㇒,冂,丨,一
- dang4 - variant of 蕩|荡[dang4]
- tang4 - variant of 燙|烫[tang4]/variant of 趟[tang4]
- Pronunciation clue for 盪 (dang4): The component 湯 is pronounced as 'shang1'.
- Pronunciation clue for 盪 (dang4): The component 湯 is pronounced as 'tang1'.
- Pronunciation clue for 盪 (tang4): The component 湯 is pronounced as 'shang1'.
- Pronunciation clue for 盪 (tang4): The component 湯 is pronounced as 'tang1'.
- High Frequency
- Medium Frequency
Visszatérés a(z) „盪” laphoz.