Függelék:Katalán Swadesh lista

No. English Catalan
1 I jo
2 you (singular) tu
3 he ell
4 we nosaltres
5 you (plural) vosaltres
6 they ells
7 this aquest, aqueix
8 that aquell
9 here ací, aquí
10 there allà, allí
11 who qui
12 what què, quin
13 where on
14 when quan
15 how com
16 not no
17 all tot (s)
18 many molt (s)
19 some algun (s)
20 few poc (s)
21 other altre (s)
22 one un
23 two dos
24 three tres
25 four quatre
26 five cinc
27 big gran, gros
28 long llarg
29 wide ample
30 thick gruixut
31 heavy pesat
32 small petit, menut, xic
33 short curt
34 narrow estret
35 thin prim
36 woman dona
37 man (adult male) home
38 man (human being) humà
39 child nen
40 wife muller, esposa
41 husband marit, espòs
42 mother mare
43 father pare
44 animal animal
45 fish peix
46 bird ocell, au
47 dog gos
48 louse poll
49 snake serp
50 worm cuc
51 tree arbre
52 forest bosc
53 stick bastó, pal
54 fruit fruit, fruita
55 seed llavor
56 leaf fulla
57 root arrel
58 bark (of a tree) escorça
59 flower flor
60 grass herba
61 rope corda
62 skin pell
63 meat carn
64 blood sang
65 bone os
66 fat (noun) greix
67 egg ou
68 horn corn, banya
69 tail cua
70 feather ploma
71 hair pèl, cabell
72 head cap
73 ear orella
74 eye ull
75 nose nas
76 mouth boca
77 tooth dent
78 tongue (organ) llengua
79 fingernail ungla
80 foot peu
81 leg cama
82 knee genoll
83 hand
84 wing ala
85 belly panxa
86 guts budells
87 neck coll
88 back esquena
89 breast pit
90 heart cor
91 liver fetge
92 to drink beure
93 to eat menjar
94 to bite mossegar
95 to suck xuclar, mamar, xarrupar
96 to spit escopir
97 to vomit vomitar
98 to blow bufar
99 to breathe respirar
100 to laugh riure
101 to see veure
102 to hear sentir, oir
103 to know saber
104 to think pensar
105 to smell olorar
106 to fear témer
107 to sleep dormir
108 to live viure
109 to die morir
110 to kill matar
111 to fight lluitar
112 to hunt caçar
113 to hit colpejar, picar
114 to cut tallar
115 to split partir, separar
116 to stab apunyalar
117 to scratch raspar, rascar, esgarrinxar
118 to dig cavar, excavar
119 to swim nedar, nadar
120 to fly volar
121 to walk caminar
122 to come venir, vindre
123 to lie (as in a bed) jeure (state)
124 to sit seure (state)
125 to stand estar dret (state)
126 to turn (intransitive) girar, tombar
127 to fall caure
128 to give donar, dar
129 to hold aguantar, sostenir
130 to squeeze prémer, estrènyer
131 to rub fregar
132 to wash rentar, netejar
133 to wipe eixugar
134 to pull estirar
135 to push empènyer
136 to throw llançar
137 to tie lligar
138 to sew cosir
139 to count comptar
140 to say dir
141 to sing cantar
142 to play jugar
143 to float flotar, surar
144 to flow fluir
145 to freeze gelar, glaçar
146 to swell inflar
147 sun sol
148 moon lluna
149 star estel, estrella
150 water aigua
151 rain pluja
152 river riu
153 lake llac
154 sea mar
155 salt sal
156 stone pedra
157 sand arena, sorra
158 dust pols
159 earth terra
160 cloud núvol
161 fog boira
162 sky cel
163 wind vent
164 snow neu
165 ice gel, glaç
166 smoke fum
167 fire foc
168 ash cendra
169 to burn cremar
170 road carretera
171 mountain muntanya
172 red vermell, roig
173 green verd
174 yellow groc
175 white blanc
176 black negre
177 night nit
178 day dia
179 year any
180 warm calent, càlid
181 cold fred
182 full ple
183 new nou
184 old vell
185 good bo,
186 bad dolent, roí
187 rotten podrit
188 dirty brut
189 straight recte
190 round rodó, redó
191 sharp (as a knife) esmolat, agut
192 dull (as a knife) esmussat, rom
193 smooth llis, suau
194 wet humit, mullat
195 dry sec
196 correct correcte
197 near prop, vora
198 far lluny
199 right dret, dreta
200 left esquerre, esquerra
201 at a, en
202 in dins, en
203 with amb
204 and i
205 if si
206 because perquè
207 name nom