- (informatika) A Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX; IPA: /ˈpɒz.ɪks/[1]) az IEEE Computer Society által az operációs rendszerek közötti kompatibilitás fenntartására meghatározott szabványcsalád. [1] A POSIX meghatározza mind a rendszer-, mind a felhasználói szintű alkalmazásprogramozási interfészeket (API-kat), valamint a parancssori héjakat és a segédprogram-interfészeket a szoftverkompatibilitás (hordozhatóság) érdekében a Unix és más operációs rendszerek változatai között.[1][2] A POSIX az IEEE védjegye is.[1] A POSIX-ot az alkalmazás- és rendszerfejlesztőknek egyaránt használniuk kell.[3][4] A POSIX-nak az a célja, hogy mind az alkalmazás-, mind a rendszerfejlesztők használják.
Name | Category | Status (Option code) | Description | First appeared |
admin | SCCS | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Create and administer SCCS files | PWB UNIX |
alias | Misc | Sablon:needs | Define or display aliases | |
ar | Misc | Sablon:needs | Create and maintain library archives | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
asa | Text processing | Sablon:Optional (FR) | Interpret carriage-control characters | System V |
at | Process management | Sablon:needs | Execute commands at a later time | Version 7 AT&T UNIX |
awk | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Pattern scanning and processing language | Version 7 AT&T UNIX |
basename | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Return non-directory portion of a pathname; see also dirname | Version 7 AT&T UNIX |
batch | Process management | Sablon:needs | Schedule commands to be executed in a batch queue | |
bc | Misc | Sablon:needs | Arbitrary-precision arithmetic language | Version 6 AT&T UNIX |
bg | Process management | Sablon:Optional (UP) | Run jobs in the background | |
c17 | C programming | Sablon:Optional (CD) | Compile standard C programs | IEEE Std 1003.1-2024 |
cal | Misc | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Print a calendar | Version 5 AT&T UNIX |
cat | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Concatenate and print files | PDP-7 UNIX |
cd | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Change the working directory | Version 6 AT&T UNIX |
cflow | C programming | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Generate a C-language call graph | System V |
chgrp | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Change the file group ownership | PWB UNIX |
chmod | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Change the file modes/attributes/permissions | PDP-7 UNIX |
chown | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Change the file ownership | PDP-7 UNIX |
cksum | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Write file checksums and sizes | 4.4BSD |
cmp | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Compare two files; see also diff | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
comm | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Select or reject lines common to two files | Version 4 AT&T UNIX |
command | Shell programming | Sablon:needs | Execute a simple command | |
compress | Filesystem | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Compress data | 4.3BSD |
cp | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Copy files | PDP-7 UNIX |
crontab | Misc | Sablon:needs | Schedule periodic background work | System V |
csplit | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Split files based on context | PWB UNIX |
ctags | C programming | Sablon:Optional (SD) | Create a tags file | 3BSD |
cut | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Cut out selected fields of each line of a file | System III |
cxref | C programming | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Generate a C-language program cross-reference table | System V |
date | Misc | Sablon:needs | Display the date and time | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
dd | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Convert and copy a file | Version 5 AT&T UNIX |
delta | SCCS | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Make a delta (change) to an SCCS file | PWB UNIX |
df | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Report free disk space | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
diff | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Compare two files; see also cmp | Version 5 AT&T UNIX |
dirname | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Return the directory portion of a pathname; see also basename | System III |
du | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Estimate file space usage | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
echo | Shell programming | Sablon:needs | Write arguments to standard output | Version 2 AT&T UNIX |
ed | Text processing | Sablon:needs | The standard text editor | PDP-7 UNIX |
env | Misc | Sablon:needs | Set the environment for command invocation | System III |
ex | Text processing | Sablon:Optional (UP) | Text editor | 1BSD |
expand | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Convert tabs to spaces | 3BSD |
expr | Shell programming | Sablon:needs | Evaluate arguments as an expression | Version 7 AT&T UNIX |
false | Shell programming | Sablon:needs | Return false value | Version 7 AT&T UNIX |
fc | Misc | Sablon:Optional (UP) | Process the command history list | |
fg | Process management | Sablon:Optional (UP) | Run jobs in the foreground | |
file | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Determine file type | Version 4 AT&T UNIX |
find | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Find files | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
fold | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Filter for folding lines | 1BSD |
fuser | Process management | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | List process IDs of all processes that have one or more files open | System V |
gencat | Misc | Sablon:needs | Generate a formatted message catalog | |
get | SCCS | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Get a version of an SCCS file | PWB UNIX |
getconf | Misc | Sablon:needs | Get configuration values | |
getopts | Shell programming | Sablon:needs | Parse utility options | |
gettext | Misc | Sablon:needs | Retrieve text string from messages object | |
grep | Misc | Sablon:needs | Search text for a pattern | Version 4 AT&T UNIX |
hash | Misc | Sablon:needs | Hash database access method | |
head | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Copy the first part of files | PWB UNIXSablon:citation needed |
iconv | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Codeset conversion | HP-UX |
id | Misc | Sablon:needs | Return user identity | System V |
ipcrm | Misc | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Remove a message queue, semaphore set, or shared memory segment identifier | System V |
ipcs | Misc | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Report interprocess communication facilities status | System V |
jobs | Process management | Sablon:Optional (UP) | Display status of jobs in the current session | |
join | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Merges two sorted text files based on the presence of a common field | Version 7 AT&T UNIX |
kill | Process management | Sablon:needs | Terminate or signal processes | Version 4 AT&T UNIX |
lex | C programming | Sablon:Optional (CD) | Generate programs for lexical tasks | Version 7 AT&T UNIX |
link | Filesystem | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Create a hard link to a file | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
ln | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Link files | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
locale | Misc | Sablon:needs | Get locale-specific information | |
localedef | Misc | Sablon:needs | Define locale environment | |
logger | Shell programming | Sablon:needs | Log messages | 4.3BSD |
logname | Misc | Sablon:needs | Return the user's login name | 4.4BSD |
lp | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Send files to a printer | System V |
ls | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | List directory contents | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
m4 | Misc | Sablon:needs | Macro processor | PWB UNIX |
mailx | Misc | Sablon:needs | Process messages | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
make | Programming | Sablon:Optional (SD) | Maintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs | PWB UNIX |
man | Misc | Sablon:needs | Display system documentation | Version 2 AT&T UNIX |
mesg | Misc | Sablon:needs | Permit or deny messages | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
mkdir | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Make directories | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
mkfifo | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Make FIFO special files | 4.4BSDSablon:dubious |
more | Text processing | Sablon:Optional (UP) | Display files on a page-by-page basis | 3BSD |
msgfmt | Misc | Sablon:needs | Create messages objects from messages object files | |
mv | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Move or rename files | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
newgrp | Misc | Sablon:needs | Change to a new group | Version 6 AT&T UNIX |
ngettext | Misc | Sablon:needs | Retrieve text string from messages object with plural form | |
nice | Process management | Sablon:needs | Invoke a utility with an altered nice value | Version 4 AT&T UNIX |
nl | Text processing | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Line numbering filter | System III |
nm | C programming | Sablon:Optional (SD, XSI) |
Write the name list of an object file | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
nohup | Process management | Sablon:needs | Invoke a utility immune to hangups | Version 4 AT&T UNIX |
od | Misc | Sablon:needs | Dump files in various formats | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
paste | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Merge corresponding or subsequent lines of files | Version 32V AT&T UNIX |
patch | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Apply changes to files | 4.3BSD |
pathchk | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Check pathnames | |
pax | Misc | Sablon:needs | Portable archive interchange | 4.4BSDSablon:citation needed |
pr | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Paginate or columnate files for printing | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
printf | Shell programming | Sablon:needs | Write formatted output | 4.3BSD-Reno |
prs | SCCS | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Print an SCCS file | PWB UNIX |
ps | Process management | Sablon:needs | Report process status | Version 4 AT&T UNIX |
pwd | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Print working directory | Version 5 AT&T UNIX |
read | Shell programming | Sablon:needs | Read a line from standard input | |
readlink | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Print destination of a symbolic link | |
realpath | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Resolve a symbolic link | |
renice | Process management | Sablon:needs | Set nice values of running processes | 4BSD |
rm | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Remove directory entries | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
rmdel | SCCS | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Remove a delta from an SCCS file | PWB UNIX |
rmdir | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Remove directories, if they are empty. | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
sact | SCCS | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Print current SCCS file-editing activity | System III |
sccs | SCCS | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Front end for the SCCS subsystem | 4.3BSD |
sed | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Stream editor | Version 7 AT&T UNIX |
sh | Shell programming | Sablon:needs | Shell, the standard command language interpreter | Version 7 AT&T UNIX (in earlier versions, sh was either the Thompson shell or the PWB shell) |
sleep | Shell programming | Sablon:needs | Suspend execution for an interval | Version 4 AT&T UNIX |
sort | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Sort, merge, or sequence check text files | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
split | Misc | Sablon:needs | Split files into pieces | Version 3 AT&T UNIX |
strings | C programming | Sablon:needs | Find printable strings in files | 2BSD |
strip | C programming | Sablon:Optional (SD) | Remove unnecessary information from executable files | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
stty | Misc | Sablon:needs | Set the options for a terminal | Version 2 AT&T UNIX |
tabs | Misc | Sablon:needs | Set terminal tabs | PWB UNIX |
tail | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Copy the last part of a file | PWB UNIXSablon:citation needed |
talk | Misc | Sablon:Optional (UP) | Talk to another user | 4.2BSD |
tee | Shell programming | Sablon:needs | Duplicate the standard output | Version 5 AT&T UNIX |
test | Shell programming | Sablon:needs | Evaluate expression | Version 7 AT&T UNIX |
time | Process management | Sablon:needs | Retrieve and format time and date | Version 3 AT&T UNIX |
timeout | Process management | Sablon:needs | Run command with a time limit | Version 3 AT&T UNIX |
touch | Filesystem | Sablon:needs | Change file access and modification times | Version 7 AT&T UNIX |
tput | Misc | Sablon:needs | Change terminal characteristics | System V |
tr | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Translate characters | Version 4 AT&T UNIX |
true | Shell programming | Sablon:needs | Return true value | Version 7 AT&T UNIX |
tsort | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Topological sort | Version 7 AT&T UNIX |
tty | Misc | Sablon:needs | Return user's terminal name | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
type | Misc | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Displays how a name would be interpreted if used as a command | |
ulimit | Misc | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Set or report file size limit | |
umask | Misc | Sablon:needs | Get or set the file mode creation mask | System III |
unalias | Misc | Sablon:needs | Remove alias definitions | |
uname | Misc | Sablon:needs | Return system name | PWB UNIX |
uncompress | Misc | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Expand compressed data | 4.3BSD |
unexpand | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Convert spaces to tabs | 3BSD |
unget | SCCS | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Undo a previous get of an SCCS file | System III |
uniq | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Report or filter out repeated lines in a file | Version 3 AT&T UNIX |
unlink | Filesystem | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Call the unlink function | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
uucp | Network | Sablon:Optional (UU) | System-to-system copy | Version 7 AT&T UNIX |
uudecode | Network | Sablon:needs | Decode a binary file | 4BSD |
uuencode | Network | Sablon:needs | Encode a binary file | 4BSD |
uustat | Network | Sablon:Optional (UU) | uucp status inquiry and job control | System III |
uux | Process management | Sablon:Optional (UU) | Remote command execution | Version 7 AT&T UNIX |
val | SCCS | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Validate SCCS files | System III |
vi | Text processing | Sablon:Optional (UP) | Screen-oriented (visual) display editor | 1BSD |
wait | Process management | Sablon:needs | Await process completion | Version 4 AT&T UNIX |
wc | Text processing | Sablon:needs | Line, word and byte or character count | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
what | SCCS | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Identify SCCS files | PWB UNIX |
who | System administration | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Display who is on the system | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
write | Misc | Sablon:needs | Write to another user's terminal | Version 1 AT&T UNIX |
xargs | Shell programming | Sablon:needs | Construct argument lists and invoke utility | PWB UNIX |
xgettext | C programming | Sablon:Optional (CD) | Extract gettext calls from C source code strings | IEEE Std 1003.1-2024 |
yacc | C programming | Sablon:Optional (CD) | Yet another compiler compiler | PWB UNIX |
zcat | Text processing | Sablon:Optional (XSI) | Expand and concatenate data | 4.3BSD |