- 十 10 ten (needle, cross)
- 古 16 old
- 啇 * antique
- 嫡 440 legitimate wife
- 適 441 suitable
- 滴 442 drip
- 敵 443 enemy
- 摘 657 pinch
- 湖 148 lake
- 枯 206 wither
- 苦 225 suffering
- 故 333 happenstance
- 固 580 harden
- 個 973 individual
- 箇 2029 item
- 居 1063 reside
- 千 40 thousand
- 舌 41 tongue
- 乱 72 riot
- 活 143 lively
- 話 344 tale
- 憩 611 recess
- 括 661 fasten
- 辞 1497 resign
- 升 42 measuring box
- 挿 1116 insert
- 重 1675 heavy
- 動 1676 move
- 勲 1677 meritorious deed
- 働 1678 work
- 種 1679 species
- 衝 1680 collide
- 薫 1681 fragrant
- 寸 45 measurement (glue, glued to)
- 村 208 town
- 封 156 seal
- 討 340 chastise
- 奪 566 rob
- 団 582 group
- 将 731 leader
- 得 876 gain
- 付 1000 adhere (sticky tape)
- 符 1001 token
- 府 1002 borough (municipality)
- 附 1303 affixed
- 尉 1095 military officer
- 尋 1145 inquire
- 耐 1164 -proof
- 尊 1439 revered
- 樹 1446 timber-trees
- 爵 1463 baron
- 寿 1565 longevity
- 闘 1629 fight
- 対 1726 vis-a-vis
- 辱 2009 embarrass
- 専 46 specialty (speciality)
- ? * acupuncturist
- 薄 227 dilute
- 簿 949 register
- 縛 1376 truss
- 博 47 Dr.
- 寺 158 Buddhist temple
- 時 159 time
- 特 246 special
- 詩 346 poem
- 持 660 hold
- 待 879 wait
- 等 945 etc.
- 侍 976 waiter
- 守 186 guard
- 導 278 guidance
- 冠 304 crown
- 射 1249 shoot
- 専 46 specialty (speciality)
- ? * acupuncturist
- 薄 227 dilute
- 簿 949 register
- 縛 1376 truss
- 博 47 Dr.
- 直 73 straightaway
- 植 205 plant
- 殖 811 augment
- 置 832 placement
- 値 978 price
- 真 75 true
- 鎮 276 tranquillize
- 慎 630 humility
- 砕 116 smash
- 汁 140 soup
- 枠 200 frame
- 酔 1435 drunk
- 率 1737 ratio
- 盾 1853 shield
- 妻 1889 wife
- ? * mist
- 朝 52 morning
- 乾 463 drought
- 韓 1647 Korea
- 幹 1654 tree-trunk
- 早 26 early (sunflower)
- 草 224 grass
- ? * mist
- 朝 52 morning
- 乾 463 drought
- 韓 1647 Korea
- 幹 1654 tree-trunk
- 卓 51 eminent
- 章 433 badge
- 障 1297 hinder
- 彰 1715 patent
- 升 42 measuring box
- 博 47 Dr.
- 克 104 overcome
- 針 274 needle
- 計 337 plot
- 賊 357 burglar
- 壊 400 demolition
- 準 564 semi-
- 恵 612 favor (favour)
- 支 711 branch
- 技 712 skill
- 枝 713 bough
- 肢 714 limb
- 岐 772 branch off
- 鼓 1444 drum
- 聴 827 listen
- 懐 828 pocket
- 協 872 co-
- 徳 885 benevolence
- 粋 925 chic
- 卒 1025 graduate
- 傘 1026 umbrella
- 索 1365 cord
- 辛 1496 spicy
- 辟 * ketchup
- 壁 1500 wall
- 避 1501 evade
- 癖 1691 mannerism
- ? * red pepper
- 辞 1497 resign
- 梓 1498 catalpa
- 宰 1499 superintend
- 幸 1505 happiness
- 執 1506 tenacious
- 報 1507 report
- 華 1581 splendor (splendour)
- 南 1613 south
- 楠 1614 camphor tree
- 献 1615 offering
- 衷 1891 inmost
- 単 1928 simple
- 戦 1929 war
- 禅 1930 Zen
- 弾 1931 bullet
- 辻 279 crossing
- 十 3D3D U5341 B24 G1 S2 F8 N768 V598 H3365 DK2110 L10 K5 O18 DO12 MN2695 MP2.0479 E33 IN12 DS10 DH10 DT6 DC22 DJ10 DB1.A DG239 P4-2-3 I2k0.1 Q4000.0 DR1455 Yshi2 Wsib ジュウ ジッ ジュッ とお と T1 い か ぎ さ し そ そう ち とう ね ま る わ {ten}
- 何十 [なんじゅう] / (n) several tens / (P) /
- 九十 [きゅうじゅう] / (n) ninety / (P) /
- 五十 [ごじゅう] / (n) fifty / (P) /
- 五十音 [ごじゅうおん] / (n) the Japanese syllabary / (P) /
- 五十三次 [ごじゅうさんつぎ] / (n) the 53 Toukaidou stages / (P) /
- 三十 [さんじゅう] / (num) thirty / (P) /
- 三十日 [みそか] / (n) last day of month / (P) /
- 三十八度線 [さんじゅうはちどせん] / (n) the Thirty-eighth Parallel / (P) /
- 四十 [よんじゅう] / (n) forty / (P) /
- 四十七士 [しじゅうしちし] / (n) Forty-Seven Loyal Retainers / (P) /
- 七十 [しちじゅう] / (n) seventy / (P) /
- 十 [じゅう] / (num) 10 / ten / (P) /
- 十 [とお] / (num) 10 / ten / (P) /
- 十一 [じゅういち] / (n) 11 / eleven / (P) /
- 十一月 [じゅういちがつ] / (n-adv) November / (P) /
- 十億 [じゅうおく] / (n) 1,000,000,000 / billion (American) / milliard (British) / (P) /
- 十九 [じゅうきゅう] / (n) 19 / nineteen / (P) /
- 十月 [じゅうがつ] / (n-adv) October / (P) /
- 十五 [じゅうご] / (n) 15 / fifteen / (P) /
- 十三 [じゅうさん] / (n) 13 / thirteen / (P) /
- 十四 [じゅうよん] / (n) 14 / fourteen / (P) /
- 十字 [じゅうじ] / (adj-na,n) cross / crossed / cruciform / (P) /
- 十字架 [じゅうじか] / (n) cross / the Cross (of Christ) / (P) /
- 十字路 [じゅうじろ] / (n) crossroads / (P) /
- 十七 [じゅうしち] / (n) 17 / seventeen / (P) /
- 十代 [じゅうだい] / (n) the teens (10-19) / teenage / the tenth generation / (P) /
- 十二 [じゅうに] / (n) 12 / twelve / (P) /
- 十二月 [じゅうにがつ] / (n-adv) December / (P) /
- 十二分 [じゅうにぶん] / (adj-na,n) more than enough / (P) /
- 十日 [とおか] / (n) ten days / the tenth (day of the month) / (P) /
- 十八 [じゅうはち] / (n) 18 / eighteen / (P) /
- 十八番 [じゅうはちばん] / (n) one's favorite stunt / one's favourite stunt / one's hobby / No. 18 / (P) /
- 十分 [じゅうぶん] / (adj-na,adv,n,vs) (1) plenty / enough / sufficient / satisfactory / adequate / (2) division into ten / (3) perfect / thorough / fully / in full / (P) /
- 十万 [じゅうまん] / (n) 100,000 / hundred thousand / (P) /
- 十両 [じゅうりょう] / (n) second highest sumo division / wrestlers of the second highest sumo division / (P) /
- 十六 [じゅうろく] / (n) 16 / sixteen / (P) /
- 二十 [はたち] / (n) (1) 20 years old / (2) 20th year / (P) /
- 二十歳 [はたち] / (n) (1) 20 years old / (2) 20th year / (P) /
- 二十四時間制 [にじゅうよじかんせい] / (n) around-the-clock system / (P) /
- 二十世紀 [にじっせいき] / (n) twentieth century / (P) /
- 二十日 [はつか] / (n) twenty days / twentieth (day of the month) / (P) /
- 二百十日 [にひゃくとおか] / (n) 210th day (from the first day of spring according to the lunar calendar) / the storm day / (P) /
- 二百二十日 [にひゃくはつか] / (n) 220th day / end of the storm period / (P) /
- 八十 [はちじゅう] / (n) eighty / (P) /
- 百八十度 [ひゃくはちじゅうど] / (n) 180 degrees / complete change / (P) /
- 不十分 [ふじゅうぶん] / (adj-na,n) insufficient / inadequate / imperfect / shortage / (P) /
- 六十 [ろくじゅう] / (n) sixty / (P) /
- 六十四分音符 [ろくじゅうしぶおんぷ] / (n) 64th note / (P) /
- Frequency: 112 out of 9933.
- Once
- Radical
- Graphical
- shi2 - ten/10
- Pronunciation clue for 十 (shi2): The component 一 is pronounced as 'yi1'.
- Pronunciation clue for 十 (shi2): The component 丨 is pronounced as 'shu4'.
- Pronunciation clue for 十 (shi2): The component 十 is pronounced as 'shi2'.
- High Frequency
- Medium Frequency
Visszatérés a(z) „十” laphoz.