- 歌 469 song
- 可 93 can
- 丁 91 spike (street, street-sign, nail)
- 口 11 mouth
- 可 93 can
- 丁 91 spike (street, street-sign, nail)
- 口 11 mouth
- 欠 466 yawn (lack)
- 歌 324E U6b4c B76 G2 S14 F519 N2422 V2945 H1825 DK1187 L469 K478 O2170 DO256 MN16167 MP6.0639 E84 IN392 DS166 DH90 DT230 DC486 DJ200 DB3.18 DG1125 P1-10-4 I4j10.2 Q1768.2 DR3162 Yge1 Wga カ うた うた.う {song} {sing}
- 演歌 [えんか] / (n) enka / modern Japanese ballad / (P) /
- 歌 [うた] / (n) song / poetry / (P) /
- 歌う [うたう] / (v5u) to sing / (P) /
- 歌曲 [かきょく] / (n) melody / tune / song / (P) /
- 歌劇 [かげき] / (n) opera / (P) /
- 歌合 [うたあわせ] / (n) poetry contest / (P) /
- 歌詞 [かし] / (n) song lyrics / words of a song / (P) /
- 歌手 [かしゅ] / (n) singer / (P) /
- 歌集 [かしゅう] / (n) anthology / book of poetry / (P) /
- 歌唱 [かしょう] / (n) song / singing / (P) /
- 歌人 [かじん] / (n) (Japanese) poet / (P) /
- 歌声 [うたごえ] / (n) singing voice / (P) /
- 歌姫 [うたひめ] / (n) songstress / (P) /
- 歌舞伎 [かぶき] / (n) kabuki / Japanese classical drama / (P) /
- 歌謡 [かよう] / (n) song / ballad / (P) /
- 歌謡曲 [かようきょく] / (n) popular song / (P) /
- 歌留多 [かるた] / (pt:) (n) playing cards (pt: carta) / (P) /
- 校歌 [こうか] / (n) school song / (P) /
- 国歌 [こっか] / (n) national anthem / (P) /
- 賛歌 [さんか] / (n) praise / admiration / (P) /
- 子守歌 [こもりうた] / (n) lullaby / (P) /
- 詩歌 [しいか] / (n) Japanese (and Chinese) poetry / (P) /
- 詩歌 [しか] / (n) Japanese (and Chinese) poetry / (P) /
- 唱歌 [しょうか] / (n) singing / songs / (P) /
- 短歌 [たんか] / (n) tanka / 31-syllable Japanese poem / (P) /
- 流行歌 [りゅうこうか] / (n) popular song / hit song / (P) /
- 和歌 [わか] / (n) 31 syllable poem / (P) /
- Frequency: 1040 out of 9933.
- Once
- Radical
- Graphical
- ge1 - song/CL:支[zhi1],首[shou3]/to sing
- Pronunciation clue for 歌 (ge1): The component 哥 is pronounced as 'ge1'.
- High Frequency
- Medium Frequency
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