good things come to those who wait
good things come to those who wait
- (a jó dolgokra érdemes várni)
- all things come to those who wait (dolgok jönnek, azoknak akik várják)
- all things in time
- a penny saved is a penny earned (egy fillért mentett, egy fillért sem szerzett)
- April showers bring May flowers (Áprilisi esők kellenek, hogy legyenek májusban virágok)
- a watched pot never boils
- good things are worth waiting for (a jó dolgokra érdemes várni)
- patience is a virtue (a türelem erény)
- to everything there is a season (mindennek megvan a maga szezonja)
- good things come to those who wait - Szótá (en-hu)
- good things come to those who wait - Sztaki (en-hu)
- good things come to those who wait - Merriam–Webster
- good things come to those who wait - Cambridge
- good things come to those who wait - WordNet
- good things come to those who wait - Яндекс (en-ru)
- good things come to those who wait - Google (en-hu)
- good things come to those who wait - Wikidata
- good things come to those who wait - Wikipédia (angol)