
standard deviation (tsz. standard deviations)

  1. (matematika) standard deviáció, szórás

Standard deviation is a measure of the amount of variation or dispersion in a set of values. It quantifies how much the values in a dataset differ from the mean (average) of the dataset.

Here’s the formula for standard deviation for a dataset  :

Population Standard Deviation (for an entire population)
  Where: -   is the population standard deviation, -   is the number of data points, -   is each individual data point, -   is the mean of the population.
Sample Standard Deviation (for a sample of the population)
  Where: -   is the sample standard deviation, -   is the sample size, -   is each individual data point, -   is the sample mean.

The main difference between the two formulas is that the sample standard deviation divides by   (Bessel’s correction) to account for the bias in estimating the population standard deviation from a sample.