szerkesztésUsage in other kanji
szerkesztésKANJIDIC Entry
szerkesztés- 信 3F2E U4fe1 B9 G4 S9 XJ15D50 F208 N454 V221 H100 DK75 L969 K198 O782 DO149 MN707 MP1.0798 E513 IN157 DS437 DH544 DT527 DC181 DJ640 DG97 P1-2-7 I2a7.1 Q2026.1 DR2177 Yxin4 Yshen1 Wsin シン T1 し しが しな しの しぶ とき のび のぶ まこと {faith} {truth} {fidelity} {trust}
EDICT Entries
szerkesztésデータ通信 [データつうしん] / (n) data communication / (P) /
- 威信 [いしん] / (n) dignity / (P) /
- 外信 [がいしん] / (n) external communication / (P) /
- 確信 [かくしん] / (n,vs) conviction / confidence / (P) /
- 興信所 [こうしんじょ] / (n) detective agency / (P) /
- 交信 [こうしん] / (n,vs) telecommunications / correspondence / (P) /
- 国際電信電話 [こくさいでんしんでんわ] / (n) KDD / Japanese international telecommunications company / (P) /
- 自信 [じしん] / (n) self-confidence / (P) /
- 受信 [じゅしん] / (n,vs) reception (e.g., radio) / (P) /
- 受信機 [じゅしんき] / (n) (television, radio, etc.) receiver / (P) /
- 所信 [しょしん] / (n) belief / conviction / opinion / (P) /
- 信 [まこと] / (adv,n) truth / faith / fidelity / sincerity / trust / confidence / reliance / devotion / (P) /
- 信じる [しんじる] / (v1) to believe / to believe in / to place trust in / to confide in / to have faith in / (P) /
- 信ずる [しんずる] / (vz) to believe / to believe in / to place trust in / to confide in / to have faith in / (P) /
- 信義 [しんぎ] / (n) faith / fidelity / loyalty / (P) /
- 信仰 [しんこう] / (n,vs) (religious) faith / belief / creed / (P) /
- 信金 [しんきん] / (n) credit union (guild) / (P) /
- 信号 [しんごう] / (n,vs) traffic lights / signal / semaphore / (P) /
- 信号機 [しんごうき] / (n) signal / semaphore / (P) /
- 信者 [しんじゃ] / (n) believer / adherent / devotee / Christian / (P) /
- 信条 [しんじょう] / (n) creed / belief / article of faith / (P) /
- 信託 [しんたく] / (n,vs) trust / entrusting / (P) /
- 信徒 [しんと] / (n) layman / believer / adherent / follower / laity / (P) /
- 信任 [しんにん] / (n,vs) trust / confidence / credence / (P) /
- 信念 [しんねん] / (n) belief / faith / conviction / (P) /
- 信販会社 [しんぱんがいしゃ] / (n) credit company / (P) /
- 信奉 [しんぽう] / (n,vs) belief / faith / (P) /
- 信用 [しんよう] / (n,vs) confidence / dependence / credit / faith / reliance / belief / credence / (P) /
- 信用金庫 [しんようきんこ] / (n) credit union / (P) /
- 信用組合 [しんようくみあい] / (n) credit association / (P) /
- 信頼 [しんらい] / (n,vs) reliance / trust / confidence / (P) /
- 信頼性 [しんらいせい] / (n) credibility / authenticity / (P) /
- 赤信号 [あかしんごう] / (n) red light (traffic) / (P) /
- 送信 [そうしん] / (n,vs) transmission / (P) /
- 通信 [つうしん] / (n,vs) correspondence / communication / news / signal / (P) /
- 通信衛星 [つうしんえいせい] / (n) communication satellite / Broadcast Satellite / BS / (P) /
- 通信社 [つうしんしゃ] / (n) news agency / (P) /
- 通信販売 [つうしんはんばい] / (n) mail order / (P) /
- 通信網 [つうしんもう] / (n) communications network / (P) /
- 逓信 [ていしん] / (n) communications (e.g., post, tele.) / (P) /
- 電信 [でんしん] / (n) telegraph / (P) /
- 投資信託 [とうししんたく] / (n) investment trust / (P) /
- 投信 [とうしん] / (n) (abbr) investment trust / (P) /
- 背信 [はいしん] / (n,vs) betrayal / infidelity / (P) /
- 配信 [はいしん] / (n,vs) distribution / (P) /
- 発信 [はっしん] / (n) dispatch / despatch / transmission / (P) /
- 不信 [ふしん] / (n) unfaithfulness / insincerity / perfidy / mistrust / distrust / discredit / (P) /
- 不信任 [ふしんにん] / (n) non-confidence / lack of confidence / (P) /
- 返信 [へんしん] / (n,vs) reply / (P) /
- 迷信 [めいしん] / (n) superstition / (P) /
- 妄信 [ぼうしん] / (n) blind acceptance / blind belief / credulity / (P) /
szerkesztés- Frequency: 176 out of 9933.
szerkesztés- Once
- Radical
- Graphical
Pinyin & Meaning
szerkesztés- xin4 - letter/mail/CL:封[feng1]/to trust/to believe/to profess faith in/truthful/confidence/trust/at will/at random
Pronunciation Clues
szerkesztés- There are no phonetic clues for this character.
Example Words
szerkesztés- High Frequency
- Medium Frequency