- 権 571 authority
- 木 195 tree (wood, wooden pole, pole)
- ? * Pegasus (flying horse)
- 馬 1978 horse (team of horses)
- ? * mane
- ? * hair
- 長 1920 long
- ⊕ * something added
- ? * hairpin
- ? * scarf
- 衣 396 garment (clothing, clothes)
- ⊖ * something taken away
- ⊖ * something taken away
- 権 3822 U6a29 B75 G6 S15 XJ05C5E F156 N2360 V2853 H1065 DK731 L571 K260 O2300 DO420 MN15484 MP6.0536 E851 IN335 DS774 DH862 DT983 DC162 DJ804 DG1112 P1-4-11 I4a11.18 Q4891.4 DR1875 Yquan2 Wgweon ケン ゴン おもり かり はか.る {authority} {power} {rights}
- 越権 [えっけん] / (adj-no,n) going beyond authority / unauthorized / unauthorised / (P) /
- 既得権 [きとくけん] / (n) vested rights / (P) /
- 棄権 [きけん] / (n,vs) abstain from voting / renunciation of a right / (P) /
- 拒否権 [きょひけん] / (n) right of veto / (P) /
- 強権 [きょうけん] / (n) power of the state / (P) /
- 金権 [きんけん] / (n) power of money / financial influence / (P) /
- 権 [けん] / (n,n-suf) authority / the right (to do something) / (P) /
- 権威 [けんい] / (n) authority / power / influence / (P) /
- 権益 [けんえき] / (n) (one's) interests / (P) /
- 権限 [けんげん] / (n) power / authority / jurisdiction / (P) /
- 権利 [けんり] / (n) right / privilege / (P) /
- 権力 [けんりょく] / (n) (political) power / authority / influence / (P) /
- 公民権 [こうみんけん] / (n) civil rights / franchise / citizenship / (P) /
- 国権 [こっけん] / (n) power of the state / national sovereignty / sovereign rights / (P) /
- 債権 [さいけん] / (n) credit / claim / (P) /
- 三権 [さんけん] / (n) the three powers of government (legislative, executive and judicial) / (P) /
- 参政権 [さんせいけん] / (n) suffrage / franchise / (P) /
- 市民権 [しみんけん] / (n) citizenship / (P) /
- 自治権 [じちけん] / (n) autonomy / right of self-government / (P) /
- 実権 [じっけん] / (n) real power / (P) /
- 主権 [しゅけん] / (n) sovereignty / supremacy / dominion / (P) /
- 主導権 [しゅどうけん] / (n) hegemony / leadership / initiative / (P) /
- 所有権 [しょゆうけん] / (n) ownership / dominion / (P) /
- 職権 [しょっけん] / (n) authority / commission / (P) /
- 人権 [じんけん] / (n) human rights / civil liberties / (P) /
- 人権擁護 [じんけんようご] / (n) protection of human rights / (P) /
- 政権 [せいけん] / (n) (political) administration / political power / (P) /
- 請求権 [せいきゅうけん] / (n) claim rights / (P) /
- 選挙権 [せんきょけん] / (n) suffrage / (P) /
- 選手権 [せんしゅけん] / (n) leading / top-rank / champion / (P) /
- 全権 [ぜんけん] / (n) plenipotentiary powers / full authority / (P) /
- 地方分権 [ちほうぶんけん] / (n) decentralization of power / decentralisation of power / (P) /
- 中央集権 [ちゅうおうしゅうけん] / (n) centralized authoritarian rule / centralised authoritarian rule / (P) /
- 著作権 [ちょさくけん] / (n) copyright / (P) /
- 抵当権 [ていとうけん] / (n) mortgage / a lien on one's mortgage / (P) /
- 特権 [とっけん] / (n) privilege / special right / (P) /
- 覇権 [はけん] / (n) hegemony / (P) /
- 発言権 [はつげんけん] / (n) right to speak / (P) /
- 版権 [はんけん] / (n) copyright / (P) /
- 復権 [ふくけん] / (n) rehabilitation / reinstatement / restoration of rights / (P) /
- 分権 [ぶんけん] / (n) decentralization of authority / decentralisation of authority / (P) /
- 黙秘権 [もくひけん] / (n) right to keep silent / (P) /
- 有権者 [ゆうけんしゃ] / (n) constituency / electorate / (P) /
- 利権 [りけん] / (n) interest / rights / concession / (P) /
Visszatérés a(z) „権” laphoz.