一 1 one (ceiling, floor)
亼 * meeting
? * awl
剣 1671 saber
険 1672 precipitous
検 1673 examination
倹 1674 frugal
験 1980 verification
合 253 fit
塔 254 pagoda
搭 646 board
拾 667 pick up
答 947 solution
給 1349 salary
命 1400 fate
輸 289 transport
諭 352 rebuke
愉 628 pleasure
会 752 meeting
令 1401 orders
零 1402 zero
齢 1403 age
冷 1404 cool
領 1405 jurisdiction
鈴 1406 small bell
今 1587 now (clock)
含 1588 include
吟 1589 versify
念 1590 wish
琴 1591 harp
陰 1592 shade
倉 1630 godown
論 1820 argument
倫 1821 ethics
輪 1822 wheel
癒 2037 healing
? * quiver
戌 * march
威 364 intimidate
滅 365 destroy
減 366 dwindle
歳 512 year-end
感 615 emotion
? * purse
貴 1771 precious
遣 1773 dispatch
畐 * wealth
副 89 vice-
富 193 wealth
幅 407 hanging scroll
福 1090 blessing
二 2 two
? * float
桟 367 scaffold
銭 368 coin
浅 369 shallow
残 808 remainder
践 1286 tread
爰 * migrating ducks
暖 1949 warmth
媛 1950 beautiful woman
援 1951 abet
緩 1952 slacken
三 3 three
元 59 beginning
頑 61 stubborn
完 187 perfect
冠 304 crown
弐 355 II
仁 988 humanity
示 1086 show
⺭ * altar
礼 1087 salutation
祥 1088 auspicious
祝 1089 celebrate
福 1090 blessing
祉 1091 welfare
社 1092 company
視 1093 inspection
奈 1094 Nara
尉 1095 military officer
款 1097 goodwill
禁 1098 prohibition
宗 1100 religion
祭 1102 ritual
察 1103 guess
際 1296 occasion
神 1119 gods
祈 1128 pray
禍 1291 calamity
票 1606 ballot
漂 1607 drift
標 1608 signpost
斎 1732 purification
祖 1779 ancestor
禅 1930 Zen
隷 2036 slave
発 1705 discharge
斉 1729 adjusted
剤 1730 dose
済 1731 finish
霊 1791 spirits
角 1812 angle
触 1813 contact
解 1814 unravel
辰 2008 sign of the dragon
辱 2009 embarrass
震 2010 quake
振 2011 shake
娠 2012 with child
唇 2013 lips
農 2014 agriculture
三 3 three
百 38 hundred
頁 60 page (head)
頑 61 stubborn
項 82 paragraph
頂 94 place on the head
順 129 obey
願 135 petition
煩 163 anxiety
額 295 forehead
夏 296 summer
頻 373 repeatedly
題 389 topic
憂 616 melancholy
寡 617 widow
頒 783 partition
類 931 sort
傾 1011 lean
顧 1084 look back
領 1405 jurisdiction
頭 1441 head
預 1595 deposit
頼 1665 trust
瀬 1666 rapids
顔 1717 face
須 1718 ought
顕 1789 appear
頃 2791 about that time
万 64 ten thousand
栃 514 horse chestnut
励 866 encourage
同 180 same (monk)
胴 182 trunk
興 1426 entertain
洞 181 den
桐 204 paulownia
銅 272 copper
筒 944 cylinder
本 211 book
未 216 not yet
味 219 flavor (flavour)
妹 220 younger sister
朱 221 vermilion
株 222 stocks
珠 258 pearl
殊 810 particularly
業 1792 profession (business)
来 1884 come
魅 2023 fascination
末 217 extremity
正 379 correct
証 380 evidence
政 381 politics
征 881 subjugate
整 1670 organize
症 1685 symptoms
曰 578 sayeth
吏 693 officer
戸 1076 door
肩 1077 shoulder
房 1078 tassel
扇 1079 fan
炉 1080 hearth
戻 1081 re-
雇 1083 employ
啓 1085 disclose
所 1127 place
扉 1638 front door
偏 1823 partial
遍 1824 everywhere
編 1825 compilation
事 1156 matter
曹 1173 cadet
遭 1174 encounter
漕 1175 rowing
槽 1176 vat
与 1246 bestow
西 1602 west
⻃ * Old West
価 1603 value
要 1604 need
票 1606 ballot
漂 1607 drift
標 1608 signpost
栗 1609 chestnut
遷 1610 transition
覆 1611 capsize
煙 1612 smoke
覇 1895 hegemony
円 1811 circle
氏 1828 family name
氐 * calling card
低 1831 lower
抵 1832 resist
底 1833 bottom
邸 1841 residence
紙 1829 paper
婚 1830 marriage
民 1834 people
后 1861 empress
司 1863 director
伺 1864 pay respects
詞 1865 part of speech
飼 1866 domesticate
嗣 1867 heir
獣 1933 animal
鳥 1941 bird
鳴 1942 chirp
鶴 1943 crane
蔦 1945 vine
鳩 1946 pigeon
鶏 1947 chicken
島 1948 island
虐 1998 tyrannize
? * wall
云 * rising cloud
転 420 revolve
芸 421 technique
雲 423 cloud
伝 963 transmit
陰 1592 shade
魂 2021 soul
会 752 meeting
至 753 climax
室 754 room
到 755 arrival
致 756 doth
屋 1058 roof
窒 1321 plug up
云 * rising cloud
転 420 revolve
芸 421 technique
雲 423 cloud
伝 963 transmit
陰 1592 shade
魂 2021 soul
亘 32 span
垣 154 hedge
宣 188 proclaim
恒 620 constancy
下 50 below
天 428 heavens (heaven)
? * golden calf
送 2016 send off
関 2017 connection
咲 2018 blossom
朕 2027 majestic plural
喬 * angel
橋 429 bridge
嬌 430 attractive
矯 1221 rectify
蚕 523 silkworm
添 634 annexed
笑 938 laugh
矢 1220 dart
矯 1221 rectify
族 1222 tribe
知 1223 know
智 1224 wisdom
痴 1683 stupid
疑 1410 doubt
擬 1411 mimic
凝 1412 congeal
短 1442 short
侯 1639 marquis
疾 1686 rapidly
医 1694 doctor
奏 1571 play music
賓 511 V.I.P.
更 694 grow late
硬 695 stiff
便 991 convenience
環 836 ring
還 837 send back
行 873 going (boulevard)
⼻ * column (line)
律 874 rhythm
従 877 accompany
往 880 journey
征 881 subjugate
徒 878 junior
待 879 wait
径 882 diameter
徹 886 penetrate
徴 887 indications
微 889 delicate
後 1379 behind
御 1398 honorable (honourable)
徐 1659 gradually
循 1854 sequential
復 875 restore
履 1057 footgear
覆 1611 capsize
得 876 gain
彼 883 he
役 884 duty
徳 885 benevolence
街 890 boulevard
衡 891 equilibrium
術 1525 art
衛 1646 defense
衝 1680 collide
微 889 delicate
丙 1020 third class
瓦 1031 tile
融 1044 dissolve
画 1170 brush-stroke
不 1217 negative
否 1218 negate
杯 1219 cupfuls
誇 1244 boast
師 1269 expert
隔 1312 isolate
酉 1427 sign of the bird (whiskey bottle)
酒 1428 sake
酌 1429 bartending
酵 1430 fermentation
酷 1431 cruel
酬 1432 repay
酪 1433 dairy products
酢 1434 vinegar
酔 1435 drunk
配 1436 distribute
酸 1437 acid
猶 1438 furthermore
尊 1439 revered
醸 1527 brew
醜 2020 ugly
豆 1440 beans (table)
痘 1684 pox
? * drum
鼓 1444 drum
喜 1445 rejoice
樹 1446 timber-trees
膨 1719 swell
頭 1441 head
短 1442 short
豊 1443 bountiful
闘 1629 fight
登 1703 ascend
幸 1505 happiness
執 1506 tenacious
報 1507 report
拝 1564 worship
面 1892 mask
寅 2006 sign of the tiger
氐 * calling card
低 1831 lower
抵 1832 resist
底 1833 bottom
邸 1841 residence
旦 30 nightbreak
胆 31 gall bladder
量 177 quantity
壇 587 podium
担 668 shouldering
得 876 gain
但 953 however
昼 1075 daytime
上 49 above
叔 718 uncle
督 719 coach
寂 720 loneliness
淑 721 graceful
峠 773 mountain peak
域 356 range
惑 614 beguile
覧 855 perusal
監 1453 oversee
濫 1454 overflow
鑑 1455 specimen
艦 1875 warship
垂 1582 droop
睡 1583 drowsy
錘 1584 spindle
郵 1847 mail
気 1885 spirit
汽 1886 vapor (vapour)
蒸 1900 steam
極 1903 poles
一 306C U4e00 B1 G1 S1 XJ05021 F2 N1 V1 H3341 DK2105 L1 K4 O3 DO1 MN1 MP1.0001 E1 IN2 DS1 DH1 DT1 DC1 DJ1 DB1.A DG1 P4-1-4 I0a1.1 Q1000.0 DR3072 Yyi1 Wil イチ イツ ひと- ひと.つ T1 かず い いっ いる かつ かづ てん はじめ ひ ひとつ まこと {one}
一 [いち] / (num) one / (P) /
一 々 [いちいち] / (adv,n) one by one / separately / (P) /
一 つ [ひとつ] / (n) one / (P) /
一 つ一 つ [ひとつひとつ] / (n) one-by-one / separately / in detail / (P) /
一 まず [ひとまず] / (adv) for the present / once / in outline / (P) /
一 握 り [ひとにぎり] / (adj-no,n) handful / small handful / (P) /
一 位 [いちい] / (n) first place / first rank / unit's position / (P) /
一 一 [いちいち] / (adv,n) one by one / separately / (P) /
一 一 九 番 [ひゃくじゅうきゅうばん] / (n) ambulance and fire brigade emergency tel. no. (in Japan) / (P) /
一 員 [いちいん] / (n) person / member / (P) /
一 因 [いちいん] / (n) cause / (P) /
一 円 [いちえん] / (adv,n) whole district / one yen / throughout / (P) /
一 応 [いちおう] / (adv) once / tentatively / in outline / for the time being / (P) /
一 億 [いちおく] / (n) 100,000,000 / one hundred million / (P) /
一 家 [いっか] / (n) a house / a home / a family / a household / one's family / one's folks / a style / (P) /
一 過 [いっか] / (n,vs) passing away / (P) /
一 介 [いっかい] / (adj-no,n) mere / only a .. / (P) /
一 回 [いっかい] / (n-adv) once / one time / one time / one round / one game / one bout / one heat / one inning / (P) /
一 回 り [ひとまわり] / (n-adv) one turn / one round / (P) /
一 階 [いっかい] / (n) one floor / first floor / (P) /
一 概 に [いちがいに] / (adv) unconditionally / as a rule / (P) /
一 角 [いっかく] / (n) corner / section / point / one narwhal / apparently / (P) /
一 括 [いっかつ] / (n,vs) all together / batch / one lump / one bundle / summing up / (P) /
一 環 [いっかん] / (n) link / (P) /
一 貫 [いっかん] / (n) (1) consistency / coherence / integration / (2) one kan (8.333 lbs) / (P) /
一 丸 [いちがん] / (n) lump / (into) one / (P) /
一 喜 一 憂 [いっきいちゆう] / (exp) now rejoicing, now worrying / swinging from joy to sorrow / alternating hope and fear / (P) /
一 期 [いちご] / (n) (1) one's life time / lifetime / (2) term / half-year / quarter / (P) /
一 気 [いっき] / (n) (abbr) drink! (said repeatedly as a party cheer) / (P) /
一 気 に [いっきに] / (adv) at once / at a breath (stroke, sitting) / (P) /
一 騎 打 ち [いっきうち] / (n,vs) personal combat / one-to-one fight / (P) /
一 義 [いちぎ] / (n) (1) reason / principle / meaning / (2) first meaning / first principle / first consideration / (P) /
一 休 み [ひとやすみ] / (n) rest / (P) /
一 級 [いっきゅう] / (adj-na,n) one grade / first-class / primary / (P) /
一 挙 [いっきょ] / (n-adv,n) one effort / one action / (P) /
一 挙 に [いっきょに] / (adv) at a stroke / with a single swoop / (P) /
一 局 [いっきょく] / (n) one game (checkers, etc.) / (P) /
一 曲 [いっきょく] / (n) tune (melody, piece of music) / (P) /
一 筋 [ひとすき] / (adj-na,n) a line / earnestly / blindly / straightforwardly / (P) /
一 隅 [いちぐう] / (n) corner / nook / (P) /
一 軍 [いちぐん] / (n) an army / the whole army / first string players (sports) / (P) /
一 月 [いちがつ] / (n-adv) January / (P) /
一 件 [いっけん] / (n) matter / item / (P) /
一 見 [いっけん] / (adv,n,vs) (1) look / glimpse / glance / (2) (adv) apparently / seemingly / (3) first meeting / (P) /
一 元 [いちげん] / (adj-no,n) unitary / (P) /
一 元 化 [いちげんか] / (n) unification / centralization / centralisation / (P) /
一 言 [いちごん] / (n) single word / (P) /
一 言 [ひとこと] / (n) single word / (P) /
一 個 [いっこ] / (n) piece / fragment / (P) /
一 戸 建 て [いっこだて] / (n) (separate) house / (P) /
一 口 [ひとくち] / (n) mouthful / one word / bite / sip / draft / draught / (P) /
一 向 [いっこう] / (adv) (not) at all / (P) /
一 向 に [いっこうに] / (adv) (not) at all / (P) /
一 校 [いっこう] / (n) whole school / the first proof / one proofreading / (P) /
一 行 [いちぎょう] / (n) line / row / troupe / party / (P) /
一 行 [いっこう] / (n) line / row / troupe / party / (P) /
一 刻 [いっこく] / (adj-na,n-adv,n-t) (1) minute / moment / an instant / (2) stubborn / hot-headed / (P) /
一 国 [いっこく] / (adj-na,n-adv,n-t) whole country / stubborn / hotheaded / (P) /
一 座 [いちざ] / (n) (1) party / those present / troupe / (2) first seat / (P) /
一 昨 日 [いっさくじつ] / (n-adv,n-t) day before yesterday / (P) /
一 昨 日 [おととい] / (n-adv,n-t) day before yesterday / (P) /
一 昨 年 [いっさくねん] / (n-adv,n-t) year before last / (P) /
一 昨 年 [おととし] / (n-adv,n-t) year before last / (P) /
一 酸 化 炭 素 [いっさんかたんそ] / (n) carbon monoxide / (P) /
一 字 [いちじ] / (n) letter / character / (P) /
一 時 [いちじ] / (n-adv,n) one hour / short time / once / a time / temporarily / at one time / twelfth part of a day / (P) /
一 時 [ひととき] / (n-adv,n) moment / time / (P) /
一 時 期 [いちじき] / (n-adv) a period (of time) / (P) /
一 時 金 [いちじきん] / (n) lump sum / (P) /
一 時 的 [いちじてき] / (adj-na,n) temporary / (P) /
一 式 [いっしき] / (n) complete set / all / everything / (P) /
一 室 [いっしつ] / (n) one room / (P) /
一 手 [いって] / (n) move (in game) / method / single-handed / monopoly / (P) /
一 種 [いっしゅ] / (adv,n) species / kind / variety / (P) /
一 首 [いっしゅ] / (n-adv,n-t) poem / (P) /
一 周 [いっしゅう] / (n) once around / a revolution / a lap / a turn / a round / one full year / (P) /
一 周 年 [いっしゅうねん] / (n) one full year / (P) /
一 週 間 [いっしゅうかん] / (n) one week / (P) /
一 重 [ひとえ] / (n) one layer / single / (P) /
一 瞬 [いっしゅん] / (n-adv,n-t) moment / instant / (P) /
一 緒 [いっしょ] / (adv,n) together / meeting / company / (P) /
一 緒 に [いっしょに] / (adv) together (with) / at the same time / in a lump / (P) /
一 助 [いちじょ] / (n) help / assistance / (P) /
一 女 [いちじょ] / (n) daughter / the eldest daughter / woman / (P) /
一 条 [いちじょう] / (n) streak / matter / quotation / (P) /
一 色 [いっしょく] / (adj-na,n) one color / one colour / one article / (P) /
一 審 [いっしん] / (n) first instance / first trial / (P) /
一 心 [いっしん] / (adv,n) one mind / wholeheartedness / the whole heart / (P) /
一 心 に [いっしんに] / (adv) with one mind / (P) /
一 新 [いっしん] / (n) complete change / reform / restoration / remodeling / remodelling / renewal / (P) /
一 身 [いっしん] / (n) oneself / one's own interests / throughout the body / (P) /
一 人 [ひとり] / (n) one person / (P) /
一 人 っ子 [ひとりっこ] / (n) an only child / (P) /
一 人 で [ひとりで] / (exp) alone / by oneself / voluntarily / spontaneously / automatically / (P) /
一 人 一 人 [ひとりひとり] / (n-t) one by one / each / one at a time / (P) /
一 人 前 [いちにんまえ] / (n) (1) adult / full manhood or womanhood / (2) one helping / one portion / (P) /
一 人 息 子 [ひとりむすこ] / (n) an only son / (P) /
一 人 物 [いちじんぶつ] / (n) man of some importance / character / (P) /
一 人 暮 らし [ひとりぐらし] / (n) a single life / a solitary life / living alone / (P) /
一 人 娘 [ひとりむすめ] / (n) an only daughter / (P) /
一 寸 [ちょっと] / (ateji) (adv,int) (1) (uk) just a minute / short time / just a little / (2) somewhat / easily / readily / rather / (P) /
一 世 [いっせい] / (n) a lifetime / a generation / foreign immigrant / Japanese immigrant to USA / (P) /
一 生 [いっしょう] / (n-adv,n-t) whole life / a lifetime / all through life / one existence / a generation / an age / the whole world / the era / (P) /
一 生 懸 命 [いっしょうけんめい] / (adj-na,n-adv,n) very hard / with utmost effort / with all one's might / for dear life / (P) /
一 斉 [いっせい] / (n-adv,n) simultaneous / all at once / (P) /
一 斉 に [いっせいに] / (adv) simultaneously / all at once / (P) /
一 昔 [ひとむかし] / (n) ages / long time / decade / the past ten years / (P) /
一 石 [いっせき] / (n) one game (of go) / (P) /
一 石 二 鳥 [いっせきにちょう] / (exp) killing two birds with one stone / (P) /
一 切 [いっさい] / (n-adv,n) all / everything / without exception / the whole / entirely / absolutely / (P) /
一 節 [いっせつ] / (n) a verse (e.g., in the Bible) / stanza / paragraph / passage / a joint / section / a tune / note / strain / measure / (P) /
一 千 [いっせん] / (n) 1,000 / one thousand / (P) /
一 戦 [いっせん] / (n) battle / game / bout / (P) /
一 線 [いっせん] / (n) line / (P) /
一 層 [いっそう] / (n-adv,n) much more / still more / all the more / (P) /
一 掃 [いっそう] / (n) clean sweep / (P) /
一 足 [いっそく] / (n-adv,n-t) pair (footwear) / (P) /
一 足 [ひとあし] / (n) step / (P) /
一 族 [いちぞく] / (n) (1) family / relatives / dependents / (2) household / (P) /
一 打 [いちだ] / (n) stroke / blow / (P) /
一 体 [いったい] / (adv,n) (1) one object / one body / (2) what on earth? / really? / (3) generally / (P) /
一 対 一 [いったいいち] / (n) one-to-one / (P) /
一 帯 [いったい] / (n) region / zone / whole place / (P) /
一 代 [いちだい] / (n) generation / lifetime / age / (P) /
一 大 [いちだい] / (n) one large .. / (P) /
一 旦 [いったん] / (adv) once / for a moment / one morning / temporarily / (P) /
一 端 [いっぱし] / (adv,n) like other people / (P) /
一 団 [いちだん] / (n) body / group / party / gang / troupe / (P) /
一 段 [いちだん] / (adv,n) (1) more / much more / still more / all the more / (2) part (of a talk) / (P) /
一 段 と [いちだんと] / (adv) greater / more / further / still more / (P) /
一 段 落 [いちだんらく] / (n) pause / (P) /
一 男 [いちなん] / (n) boy / eldest son / (P) /
一 致 [いっち] / (n,vs) (1) coincidence / agreement / union / match / (2) conformity / consistency / (3) cooperation / (P) /
一 着 [いっちゃく] / (n-t) first arrival / first in race / suit of clothes / (P) /
一 丁 [いっちょう] / (n-adv) (1) one block (city) / (2) piece / an order / (P) /
一 直 線 [いっちょくせん] / (n) straight line / (P) /
一 通 [いっつう] / (n) one copy (of a document) / (P) /
一 通 り [ひととおり] / (adj-no,n) ordinary / usual / in general / briefly / (P) /
一 定 [いってい] / (adj-no,n,vs) fixed / settled / definite / uniform / regularized / regularised / defined / standardized / standardised / certain / prescribed / (P) /
一 点 [いってん] / (n) speck / dot / point / only a little / particle / only one / (P) /
一 途 [いちず] / (adj-na,n) wholeheartedly / earnestly / (P) /
一 度 [いちど] / (n-adv) once / one time / on one occasion / (P) /
一 度 に [いちどに] / (adv) all at once / (P) /
一 党 [いっとう] / (n) party / clique / (P) /
一 等 [いっとう] / (n) first-class / first-rank / A1 / the most / the best / (P) /
一 同 [いちどう] / (n) all present / all concerned / all of us / (P) /
一 堂 [いちどう] / (n) one building (hall, temple, shrine, room) / (P) /
一 二 [いちに] / (n) the first and second / a few / (P) /
一 日 [いちにち] / (n) (1) one day / (2) first of month / (P) /
一 日 [ついたち] / (n) (1) first of month / (P) /
一 日 中 [いちにちじゅう] / (n) throughout the day / (P) /
一 任 [いちにん] / (n,vs) entrusting / (P) /
一 年 生 [いちねんせい] / (n) (1) annual (plant) / (2) first-year university or high-school student (esp. US) / freshman / (P) /
一 年 中 [いちねんじゅう] / (n-adv,n-t) all year round / (P) /
一 派 [いっぱ] / (n) school / sect / party / (P) /
一 敗 [いっぱい] / (n) one defeat / (P) /
一 杯 [いっぱい] / (adj-na,adv,n) (1) cup of .. / drink / (2) full / (3) to the utmost / up to (one's income) / (a) lot of / much / (P) /
一 倍 [いちばい] / (n) one share / one amount / (P) /
一 泊 [いっぱく] / (n) stopping one night / (P) /
一 発 [いっぱつ] / (n-adv,n-t) (1) one shot / round / charge / (2) homerun (baseball) / (P) /
一 般 [いっぱん] / (adj-no,n) general / liberal / universal / ordinary / average / (P) /
一 般 に [いっぱんに] / (adv) in general / (P) /
一 般 的 [いっぱんてき] / (adj-na) popular / typical / general / (P) /
一 晩 [ひとばん] / (n-adv,n-t) one evening / all night / overnight / (P) /
一 晩 中 [ひとばんじゅう] / (n) all night long / all through the night / (P) /
一 番 [いちばん] / (n-adv) (1) best / first / number one / (2) game / round / bout / fall / event (in a meet) / (P) /
一 番 手 [いちばんて] / (n) first player / first worker / (P) /
一 番 乗 り [いちばんのり] / (n) leader of a charge / first to arrive / (P) /
一 票 [いっぴょう] / (n) ballot / vote / (P) /
一 品 [いっぴん] / (n) an item / article / dish / course / (P) /
一 部 [いちぶ] / (n-adv,n) (1) one part / one portion / one section / some / (2) one copy, e.g., of a document / (P) /
一 部 分 [いちぶぶん] / (n) part / portion / section / (P) /
一 風 [いっぷう] / (n) eccentric / (P) /
一 分 [いちぶ] / (n) one tenth / one hundredth / one percent / one tenth of a sun / one quarter ryou (an old coin) / (P) /
一 文 [いちもん] / (n) something insignificant / one mon (10th sen) / (P) /
一 変 [いっぺん] / (n,vs) complete change / about-face / (P) /
一 辺 倒 [いっぺんとう] / (n) complete devotion to one side / (P) /
一 遍 [いっぺん] / (n-adv) once / (P) /
一 遍 に [いっぺんに] / (adv) at one time / (P) /
一 歩 [いっぽ] / (n-adv,n-t) (a) step / (P) /
一 方 [いっぽう] / (conj,n-adv,n) (1) on the other hand / one side / one way / one direction / one party / the other party / (2) meanwhile / (3) only / simple / in turn / (P) /
一 方 通 行 [いっぽうつうこう] / (n) one-way traffic / (P) /
一 方 的 [いっぽうてき] / (adj-na) one-sided / unilateral / arbitrary / (P) /
一 本 [いっぽん] / (n) (1) one long cylindrical thing / (2) one version / (3) (a) certain book / (4) (a) blow / (5) an experienced geisha / (P) /
一 枚 [いちまい] / (n) one thin flat object / one sheet / (P) /
一 枚 岩 [いちまいいわ] / (n) monolithic / (P) /
一 幕 [ひとまく] / (n) one act / (P) /
一 抹 [いちまつ] / (n) (1) (a) touch of / tinge of / (2) exhalation / wreath of smoke / (P) /
一 面 [いちめん] / (adv,n) one side / one phase / front page / the other hand / the whole surface / (P) /
一 目 [いちもく] / (n-adv,n-t) (a) glance / (a) look / (a) glimpse / (P) /
一 目 [ひとめ] / (n-adv,n-t) (a) glance / (a) look / (a) glimpse / (P) /
一 問 [いちもん] / (n) a question / (P) /
一 門 [いちもん] / (n) family / dependents / household / kin / clan / group of related sumo stables / (P) /
一 夜 [いちや] / (n-adv,n-t) one night / all night / overnight / one evening / (P) /
一 躍 [いちやく] / (n-adv,n-t) (at) one bound / (P) /
一 様 [いちよう] / (adj-na,n) uniformity / evenness / similarity / equality / impartiality / (P) /
一 翼 [いちよく] / (n) (a) part / (P) /
一 覧 [いちらん] / (n) (1) at a glance / (a) look / (a) glance / (a) summary / (2) (school) catalog / catalogue / (P) /
一 覧 表 [いちらんひょう] / (n) list / table / schedule / catalogue / catalog / (P) /
一 里 塚 [いちりづか] / (n) milestone (1 ri apart) / (P) /
一 律 [いちりつ] / (adj-na,n-adv,n) evenness / uniformity / monotony / equality / (P) /
一 流 [いちりゅう] / (n) first-class / top grade / school (of art) / foremost / top-notch / unique / (P) /
一 両 [いちりょう] / (n-adv) (1) one vehicle / (2) one ryou (an old coin) / (P) /
一 塁 [いちるい] / (n) first base / (a) fort / (P) /
一 例 [いちれい] / (n) example / an instance / (P) /
一 連 [いちれん] / (n) (a) series / (a) chain / (a) ream (of paper) / (P) /
画 一 [かくいつ] / (adj-na,n) uniformity / standardization / standardisation / (P) /
間 一 髪 [かんいっぱつ] / (n) hair's breadth / (P) /
均 一 [きんいつ] / (adj-na,n) uniformity / equality / (P) /
刻 一 刻 [こくいっこく] / (adv) moment by moment / hour by hour / (P) /
刻 一 刻 と [こくいっこくと] / (exp) moment by moment / hour by hour / (P) /
今 一 つ [いまひとつ] / (adv,n) one more / another / the other / not quite / (P) /
十 一 [じゅういち] / (n) 11 / eleven / (P) /
十 一 月 [じゅういちがつ] / (n-adv) November / (P) /
人 一 倍 [ひといちばい] / (adv,n) more than others / redoubled / unusual / (P) /
随 一 [ずいいち] / (n) best / greatest / first / (P) /
世 界 一 [せかいいち] / (n-adv,n-t) best in the world / (P) /
精 一 杯 [せいいっぱい] / (n-adv) with all one's might / (P) /
第 一 [だいいち] / (adv,n) first / foremost / # 1 / (P) /
第 一 義 [だいいちぎ] / (n) first principle / original or greatest import / (P) /
第 一 人 者 [だいいちにんしゃ] / (n) leading person / (P) /
第 一 声 [だいいっせい] / (n) first tone / first speech / (P) /
第 一 線 [だいいっせん] / (n) the front (of a battlefield) / forefront / (P) /
第 一 歩 [だいいっぽ] / (n) first step / (P) /
択 一 [たくいつ] / (n) choosing an alternative / (P) /
単 一 [たんいつ] / (adj-na,n) single / simple / sole / individual / unitory / (P) /
逐 一 [ちくいち] / (adv) one by one / in detail / minutely / (P) /
統 一 [とういつ] / (n,vs) unity / consolidation / uniformity / unification / compatible / (P) /
同 一 [どういつ] / (adj-na,adj-no,n) identity / sameness / similarity / equality / fairness / (P) /
二 者 択 一 [にしゃたくいつ] / (n) alternatively / (P) /
日 本 一 [にっぽんいち] / (n) Japan's best / number one in Japan / (P) /
腹 一 杯 [はらいっぱい] / (adv,n) bellyful / full stomach / to one's heart's content / (P) /
万 が一 [まんがいち] / (adv,n) if by any chance / 10000 to 1 / (P) /
万 一 [まんいち] / (adv,n) by some chance / by some possibility / if by any chance / 10,000:1 odds / (P) /
満 場 一 致 [まんじょういっち] / (n) unanimous / (P) /
唯 一 [ゆいいつ] / (adv,n) only / sole / unique / (P) /
唯 一 [ゆいつ] / (adv,n) only / sole / unique / (P) /
力 一 杯 [ちからいっぱい] / (adv) with might and main / (P) /
Frequency: 2 out of 9933.
yi1 - one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all/throughout/"one" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1)
Pronunciation clue for 一 (yi1): The component 一 is pronounced as 'yi1'.
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