Sir Monier-Williams (1819–1899) - A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1899) |
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szerkesztés- cha the 7th consonant (aspirate of the preceding)
- ○kāra m. the letter or sound cha
- cha m. (√cho) dividing L.
- • a fragment L.
- ○maṇḍala n. = pradeśa-viśeṣa L.
- cha mfn. pure, clean L.
- • tremulous, unsteady L.
- • (a), f. covering, concealing (cf. √chad) L.
- • a mark, sign L.
- • cf. chā'
- chaga m.= chā́ga, a he-goat L.
- chagalá m. id. TS. v, 6, 22, 1 Suśr.
- • (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 117) N. of a muni VāyuP. i, 23, 198
- • of a locality, g. takṣaśilâdi
- • pl. N. of a family Pravar. iii, i
- • n. blue cloth L.
- • (ā), f. N. of a woman, g. bahv-adi = ○lântrika L.
- • (i), f. id. L.
- • a she-goat Car. i, 3, 21 (-payas n.)
- chagalâṅghrī vḷ. for ○lântrī L. Sch.
- chagalâṇḍa n. 'goat-testicle', N. of a Tirtha MatsyaP. xiii (v. l. chāg○)
- • (ī), v. l. for ○lântri L. Sch.
- chagalântrikā f. Argyreia speciosa or argentea (ajântrī) L.
- chagalântrin m. 'having goats in the bowels', a wolf L.
- chagalântrī f. = ○trikā Suśr. i, 38, 26 and 39, 2 ; 46, 4, 39
- chagalaka m. a he-goat L.
- • (ikā), f. a shegoat Divyāv. xviii, 136
- chagalin m. N. of a teacher (pupil of Kalāpin Pāṇ. 4-3, 104 Kāś.), 109
- chagaṇa (fr. śakn- of śakṛt), m. [n. L.) dried cow-dung Pañcad. iv, 9
- • cf. chāg○
- chagalá &c. See chaga
- chacchikā butter-milk Bhpr. v
- chajjū mṆ. of a man Kathârṇ. xxx
- chaṭā f. a mass, lump, assemblage, number Śiś. i, 47 Kathās. Rājat. v, 332 Prasannar. Sāh.
- • a collection of rays, lustre
- Pañcar. Dhūrtas. Rājat. iv, 127 Prab. Sāh.
- • = chaḍī L.
- • N. of a Comm. on Vop. (also chāṭā)
- ○phala m. the betel-nut tree L.
- chaṭâbhā f. lightning L.
- chaḍī f. a kind of palm L.
- chaḍḍalikā N. of a metre Sāh.
- chattra &c. See √chad
- chad cl. 1. ○dati, to cover Dhātup. xxxii, 41 (vḷ.): Caus. (or cl. 10) chādáyati (once chád○ AitBr. i, 30
- • chand○ [fr. √1. chand] Dhātup. xxxii, 41
- • ep. also Ā., pf. chādayāṃ cakre R. iv, 58, 7
- • p. ○yāna MBh. vi, 2430), to cover, cover over, clothe, veil RV. vi, 75, 18 AV. ix, 3, 14 TS. ii, v ŚBr. &c
- • to spread as a cover AitBr. i, 30
- • to cover one's self. ChUp. i, 4, 2
- • to hide, conceal, keep secret MBh. R. v, 90, 16
- • to protect ŚāṅkhGṛ. iii, 11 PārGṛ. iii, 9, 6 (cf. KāṭhGṛ. 47): Caus. Desid. cicchādayiṣati Pāṇ. 7-4, 83 Vārtt. 2 Pat. ; [Goth. scadus.]
- chattra m. (Pāṇ. 6-4, 97
- • often spelt chatra) a mushroom L.
- • Andropogon Schoenanthus L.
- • a parasol-shaped bee-hive W.
- • n. a parasol, Chattar (ensign of royal or delegated power Jain. Rājat. v, 18 PSarv.) KātyŚr. xxi, 3, 6 Gobh. Kauś. ĀśvGṛ. iii, 8 AdbhBr. Mn. &c. (ifc. f. a MBh. iii, 933)
- • an umbrella Cāṇ.
- • a particular constellation VarBṛ. xii, 8 Laghuj. x, 8
- • 'shelter (of pupils)', a teacher (a meaning derived fr. chāttra) Pāṇ. 4-4, 62 Pat.
- • (ā), f. N. of a plant growing in Kaśmir Suśr. i, 19, 27 ; iv, 30
- • Anethum Sowa L.
- • Asteracantha longifolia L.
- • Rubia Munjista L.
- • a mushroom L.
- • cf. ati-, ahi-, eka-, gomaya-, sita-
- • ākṛti-cchattrā
- ○guccha m. 'umbrella-clustered', Scirpus Kysoor L.
- ○gṛha n. the room in which the parasol (or badge of royalty) is kept MBh. v, 3544
- ○grāhiṇī f. a female parasolbearer Kād.
- ○cakra n. (in astrol.) a kind of diagram
- ○dhānya n. coriander L.
- ○dhāra m. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 75 Kāś.) a parasol-bearer R. iii, 58, 3 Pañcat. (-tva n. abstr., i, 10, 2/3)
- ○dhāraṇa n. carrying or using a parasol Mn. ii, 178 (ifc.) Pāṇ. 4-4, 62 Pat.
- ○dhārin mfn. bearing a parasol Mṛicch. v, 11/12
- • m. N. of a son of Horila-siṃha
- ○pa m. = -pati W.
- ○pati m. the officer watching over the royal parasol, Siṇhâs. xxiii, 0/1
- ○pattra m. 'parasol-leaved', Hibiscus mutabilis L.
- • Betula Bhojpatra Npr. [Page 404, Column ]
- ○parṇa m. 'parasol-leaved', Alstonia scholaris L.
- ○puṣpaka m. 'parasol flowered', the Tilaka tree Bhpr.
- ○bhaṅga m. destruction of the royal parasol', loss of dominion L.
- • anarchy (svātantrya) L.
- • widowhood L.
- ○mukhā f., parasol-faced', N. of a Nāga virgin, Kāraṇd. i, 48
- ○yukti f.' use of the parasol', N. of a chapter of Bhoja's Yukti-kalpa-taru
- ○vat mfn. furnished with a parasol Suśr. i, 10, 1
- • (tī), f. N. of a town (ahi-cchattra Sch.) MBh. i, 6348
- ○vṛkṣa m. Pterospermum suberifolium Bhpr.
- ○sāla m. N. of prince Sabhā-siṃha's father
- ○sinha n. N. of a Tīrtha Rasik. xi, 38
- ○haya m. pl. N. of a family Pravar.ī, 3, 6 ; v, 1
- chattrâkāraśiras mfn. having a parasol-shaped head Divyâv.
- chattrâticchattra m. a fragrant grass L.
- • (ā), f. id. L.
- chattrâdi a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 4-4, 62
- chattrôpānaha n. sg. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 106 Kāś.) the parasol and the shoes Mn. ii, 246 MBh. xiii, 4641
- chattraka m. a parasol-shaped temple in honour of Siva L.
- • a parasol-shaped bee-hive (cf. chāttr○) W.
- • Asteracantha longifolia L.
- • a mushroom L.
- • a kingfisher L.
- • n. a parasol Hcat. i, 7, 268
- • (ikā), f. a parasol, 323 and 1446
- • a small parasol Kād. vi, 177
- • a mushroom L.
- • candied sugar Npr.
- chattrāka m. a plant akin to Acacia arabica L., n. a mushroom ṢaḍvBr. v, 6 Mn. v, 19 Yājñ. i, 176 BhP. x, 25, 19
- • (ī), f. the ichneumon plant L.
- chattrika m.= ○ttra-dhara g. purohitâdi
- chattriṇa m. N. of a man Pravar. ii, 3, 5
- chattrin mfn. furnished with a parasol MBh. xiii, 739 Hariv. 14205 R. i, iii
- • m. a barber L.
- chattri-nyāya m. 'the manner of applying the term chattrin to a king', permitted synonym MBh. iii, 19 Sch. TāṇḍyaBr. xiv, 11, 3 Sch.
- chattrī ind. in comp. for ○ttra. root
- ○kṛ to use as a parasol Kād. iii, 983 Kathās. lxix, 150
- chattvara m. a house Uṇ. iii, 1
- • a bower ib.
- chad mfn. ifc. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 97) 'covering', See dhāma- and (?) bhūte-cchád, mallikā-
- • cf. ā-
- chada mfn. ifc. covering BhP. x, 83, 36
- • m. a cover, covering (ifc.) R. vii, 23, 4, 32
- • cf. alpa-, uttara-, uraś-, ghana-, tanu-, danta-, daśana-, vadana-
- • (ifc. f. ā) a wing Nal. ix, 12
- • a leaf. MBh. R. Pañcat. BhP. Prab. iv, 27/28
- • cf. a-yuk-, kara-, karkaśa-, &c
- • asra-bindu- & āyata-cchadā
- • the lip L.
- • Xanthochymus pictorius L.
- • the plant granthi-parṇa L.
- • n. feathers Bālar. v, 13
- ○pattra m. a kind of birch L.
- chadana n. a cover, covering Hariv. 12671 R. ii, 56, 32 (ifc. f. a)
- • cf. mallikā-
- • a sheath W.
- • a wing MBh. iii, 11595
- • a leaf. Suśr.
- • the leaf of Laurus Cassia L.
- chadi mfn. ifc. covering BhP. vii, 14, 13
- • 'a roof', See náva-
- chadin mfn. ifc. covering, xii, 8, 44
- • 'having leaves', See daśa-
- • having wheels (pattra = dhārā Sch.), iii, 21, 18
- chadís n. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 97) a cover, roof of a carriage, roof (gṛha Naigh. iii, 4) RV. x, 85, 10 AV. iii, 7, 3 VS.v, 28 TS.vi AitBr.i, 29 ŚBr. iii Lāṭy.i, 2, 22
- • iii Kathās.ī, 49
- • cf. chādiṣeya
- chádir-darśá m. appearance of roofs MaitrS. ii, 2, 3 ĀpŚr. vi, 25, 6
- • (a-cch○ neg.) xv, 20, 2 and 8 ; 21, 3 and 10
- • cf. AśvGṛ. iv, 8, 12
- chadiṣ-mat mfn. having a cover or roof (a carriage) ĀpŚr. x, 24, 2
- chadíḥ-sammita mfn. corresponding to a cover ŚBr. iii, 5, 3, 9
- chadma in comp. for ○dman
- ○gati f. approaching clandestinely Nyāyam. ix, i, 9 Sch.
- ○ghātin mfn. killing deceitfully Kathās. lxiv, 87
- ○tāpasa m. a pretended ascetic L.
- ○dyūta n. deceitful playing at dice MBh. i, 146
- ○rūpin mfn. disguised as (in comp.), 1792 R. vi, 11, 32
- ○rūpeṇa instr. ind in disguise W.
- ○vallabha m. the perfume coraka Npr.
- ○veṣa m. a deceptive dress, disguise W.
- ○veṣin mfn. of a pretended appearance BhP. vii, 5, 27
- • a cheat W.
- ○stha m. (Prākṛit chauma-ttha), 'remaining in error', a common man or ascetic (not possessing the knowledge of a kevalin) Jain.
- ○sthita mfn. ifc. pretending to practise (austerity, tapaś-) Pañcat. iii
- chadman n. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 97) a roof ĀśvGṛ. iii, 8 Lāṭy. i, 7, 15
- • external covering, deceptive dress, disguise, pretext, pretence, deceit, fraud Mn. MBh. R. Pañcat. iii, 15, 1/2 Ragh. xii, 2
- • (in dram.) deceitful intelligence or tidings Daśar. i, 38
- • cf. kūṭa-
- chadmikā f. Cocculus cordifolius L.
- chadmin mfn. ifc. disguised as MBh. iii
- chadvara m. a tooth W.
- • a bower W.
- chanda mfn. = ○nna L. Sch.
- chandas n. 'roof', See bṛhác-
- • deceit Uṇ. [Page 404, Column ]
- channa mfn. covered, covered over MBh. iii, 800 R. i f. Megh. BhP. &c. (ifc., cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 170)
- • obscured (the moon) MBh. i, 2699 Sūryas. iv, 10 and 22
- • hidden, unnoticed by (dat.), secret, clandestine, disguised MBh. iii f. R. ii, v BhP. Kathās. Rājat.
- • (am), ind. secretly Mn. ix, 98 and 100 Mṛicch. Daś.
- • (in comp. ○nna-) Rājat. v, 467
- • (with √gai, to sing) privately, in a low voice Lāṭy. iii, 1, 12 ff
- • (e), loc. ind. secretly Hariv. 8686
- chāttra m. (fr. chattra q.v. Pāṇ. 4-4, 62) 'sheltered', a pupil, scholar Pañcat. Rājat. vi, 87 Vop.
- • n. a kind of honey Suśr. i, 45, 8, 2 and 6 Bhpr. v, 21, 14
- ○gaṇḍa m. a bad scholar (knowing only the beginnings of verses) L.
- ○gomin mfn. any one attendant on pupils W.
- ○tā f. pupilage Pañcat. i, 4, 1/2
- ○darśana n. 'looked at by pupils', fresh butter L.'
- ○nilaya m', pupils' abode', a college Gal.
- ○priya mfn. dear to pupils Pāṇ. 6-2, 16 Kāś.
- ○mitra m. 'pupils' friend', N. of a grammarian Uṇ. iii, 70 Sch.
- ○vyaṃsaka m. a knavish pupil, g. mayūra-vyamasakâdi
- chāttraka n. = ra-tā g. manojñâdi
- • = ○ra, a kind of honey L.
- chāttri Pāṇ. 6-2, 86
- ○śāla n' ib. (cf. Kāś.)
- • (a), f. ib.
- chāttry-ādi a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. ib.
- chāttrikya n. the office of a parasol-bearer (chattrika), g. purohitâdi
- chāda n. (irr. Pāṇ. 6-4, 96) a roof. L.
- chādaka mfn. covering Priy. i, 7
- • any obscuring object (as a cloud) Sūryas. iv, 9 f
- chādana m. 'coverer', Barleria caerulea L.
- • the skin L.
- • covering, cover MBh. i, 3685 Hariv. 3537 VarBṛS. civ, 8 Pañcat. Bhartṛ.
- • concealing W.
- • darkening VarBṛS. xxiv, 34
- • (in dram.) ignoring or tolerating offences if useful for one's aims Sāh. vi, 107
- • a leaf L. Sch.
- chādita mfn. covered, covered over VarBṛS. lxxiii, 1 Ghaṭ. Rājat. i, 116
- • obscured (the moon) Mṛicch. i, 53
- • concealed, disguised Kathās. xvii, 44
- chādin mfn. ifc. hiding, obscuring VarBṛS. xxx, 18
- • (inī), f. the skin Gal.
- chādiṣeya mfn. suitable for the roof of a carriage or house (chadís) Pāṇ. 5-1, 1 3 ; 2 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- chādmika mfn. (fr. chadman) fraudulent Mn.
- chādya mfn. to be sheltered Pāṇ. 4-4, 62 Pat.
- • m. the object obscured Sūryas. iv, 10
- chad or 2. chand, cl. 10. chadáyati (also ○te = √arc Naigh. iii, 14 [v. l, ○ti]
- • Subj. ○yat RV.
- • 2. pl. ○yātha, i, 165, 12), chandayati (twice cl. i chándati [= arcati Naigh. iii, 1] MBh. xii
- • Ā. [Subj. ○yāte] RV.
- • aor. acacchadat Nir. ix, 8
- • acchān RV.
- • 2. pl. ○nta, i, 165, 12
- • 3. pl. ○ntsur, x, 119, 3
- • Subj. chantsat [Naigh. ii, ] RV.
- • 2. sg. ○tsi, i, 163, 4
- • perf. cacchanda, vii, 73, 3
- • Pot. cacchadyāt, x, 73, 9) to seem, appear, be considered as RV. TāṇḍyaBr. xiv, 5
- • to seem good, please (with dat.) RV. ŚBr. viii
- • (with acc, ) MBh. xii, 7379 (cf. 7376)
- • Ā. to be pleased with, delight in (acc. or loc.) RV. viii, 50, 5 ; x, 27, 8
- • chandayati, to gratify any one (acc
- • exceptionally gen. MBh. xii, 7275 R. iii, 3, 15) with anything (instr., esp. vareṇa, 'with a boon' MBh. Hariv. R. BhP.)
- • to try to seduce any one (acc.) BhP. x, 45, 36
- chad mfn. ifc. 'appearing as', See prathamacchád
- •, pleased with', See kavi- and (?) bhūte-cchád
- chánda mfn. pleasing, alluring, inviting RV. i, 92, 6 ; viii, 7, 36
- • ○ndá, praising (chánda Naigh. iii, 16) RV. vi, 11, 3
- • cf. madhu-cch○
- • m. appearance, look, shape Hariv. 8359 ff
- • cf. prati and vi-cch○
- • pleasure, delight, appetite, liking, predilection, desire, will Yājñ. ii, 195 MBh. &c
- • (ena), instr. ind. [also with svena, viii, 1249 R. ii, 83, 25
- • or ifc. with sva- (Hariv. 7017) or ātma- MBh. v, xiii R. v, 26, 1] according to one's own wish Mn. viii, 176 Nal. xxiii, 15 R. v
- • according to the wish of (gen.) MBh. iii, 7096 Hariv. 7097
- • (a-cch○ neg. 'against the wish of') 7098 and 8557
- • (āt), abl. ind. according to the wish of (in comp.) MBh. viii, 3542
- • (a-cch○ neg. 'involuntarily' R. iii, 5, 2)
- • poison L.
- • N. of Śākya-muni's charioteer (chandaka) Lalit. xv Divyâv. xxvii, 159
- • of a prince W.
- • cf. sva-
- • indra-, kalâpa-, deva and vijaya-, various kinds of pearl-ornaments
- ○gati f. interpretation of the Veda (○nda for ○ndas) R. vii, 36, 45
- ○cārin mfn. complying with the wishes of (gen.) MBh. xiii, 2789
- ○ja mfn. 'originating from one's own wish', self-produced (gods) Hariv. 12296
- ○tas ind. at will, at pleasure KaṭhUp. i, 25 Yājñ. iii, 203 MBh. Hariv.
- • according to the wish of (gen.) Suśr. [Page 405, Column ]
- ○pātana m. = ○ndaka-p○ W.
- ○praśasti f. N. of wk. by Harsha
- ○mṛtyu mfn. having death in one's power MBh. xii, 1820 BhP. i, 9, 29
- ○hānis mfn. giving up one's desires (?) Divyâv. xxxv, 173
- chandânugāmin mfn. complying with the wishes (of others), submissive Cāṇ.
- chandânuvartin mfn. id. MBh. iii, 296 R. ii, 53, 10 Pañcat. Kām.
- • following one's own will Rājat. iii, 141
- chandânuvṛtta v. l. for ○do-'nuv○
- chandaka mfn. ifc. 'charming', See sarva-
- • m. N. of Śākya-muni's charioteer Divyâv. xxvii, 158 Lalit.
- ○nivartana n. 'Candaka's return', 'N. of a Caitya, xv, 378
- ○pātana m. a hypocrite L.
- candaḥ^ in comp. for ○das
- ○kalpa m. collection of ritualistic rules Āp. 11, 8, 11
- • -latā f. N. of wk
- ○puruṣa m. metre personified AitĀr. iii, 2, 3, 2 and 4
- ○prakaraṇa n. a ch. on metre PSarv.
- ○prakāśa m. N. of wk
- ○praśasti f. = ○nda-pr○
- ○śāstra n. metrical science Vām. i, 3, 7
- • = -sāra
- ○saṃgraha m. 'summary of metres', N. of a work Tantras. ii
- ○sāra m. Piṅgala's work on metre AgP. cccxxvii ff
- ○siddhi f. a ch. of the Kāvya-kalpa-latā-vṛittiparimala
- ○sudhâkara m. N. of wk
- ○sūtra n. = -sāra
- ○stut mfn. praising in hymns BhP. v, 20, 8
- ○stúbh mfn. id. RV. v, 52, 12
- chandana mfn. charming VarBṛS. civ, 61
- chandaś = ○das
- ○cit mfn. piled with metres, Śulbas. ii, 81
- ○cūḍāmaṇi m. a work by Hemac.
- chándas n. desire, longing for, will MBh. xii, 7376 Pāṇ. 4-4, 93 Kāś.
- • intention, purport W.
- • a sacred hymn (of AV.
- • as distinguished from those of RV. SV. and YajurV.), incantation-hymn RV. x AV. ŚBr. viii MBh. v, 1224 Ragh. i, 11
- • the sacred text of the Vedic hymns ŚBr. xi, 5, 7, 3 ĀśvGṛ. Kauś. Gobh. VPrāt. Pāṇ. Mn. &c
- • metre (in general, supposed to consist of 3 or 7 typical forms [AV. VS. &c.] to which Virāj is added as the 8th [ŚBr. viii, 3, 3, ]
- • chándas opposed to gāyatrí and triṣṭúbh RV. x, 14, 16)
- • metrical science MuṇḍUp. i, 1, 5 MBh. i, 2887 Pañcat. Śrut.
- • = ○do-grantha Nyāyam. ix, 2, 6 Sch. ; [Lat. scando, 'to step, scan.']
- ○kṛta mfn. composed in metre Mn. iv, 100
- • (a-cch○ neg.) ŚāṅkhBr. iii, 2
- ○tva n. the state of a sacred hymn or of its metre ChUp. i, 4, 2,
- ○pakṣa (chánd○), mf(ā)n. borne aloft on the wings of desire AV. viii, 9, 1 2
- ○vat (chánd○), mfn. desiring TS. iv, 3, 11, 1 (-pakṣa AV.)
- chandasikā f. = ○ndo-grantha
- chandaska ifc. (f. ā) = ○das, metre Nyāyam. ix, 2, 5 and 8 Sch.
- chandasyá mfn. (Pāṇ. 4-3, 71 and 4, 93, 140 Vārtt. 1) taking the form of hymns, metrical, relating to or fit for hymns RV. ix, 113, 6 TS. i, 6, 11, 4
- • made or done according to one's wish Pāṇ. 4-4, 93 Kāś.
- • (ā́), f. (with ī́ṣṭakā) N. of a sacrificial brick ŚBr. vii, 5, 2, 42 ; viii, 2 f
- chandita mfn. gratified MBh. xiii Hariv.
- chándu mfn. pleasing RV. i, 55, 4
- chando in comp. for ○das
- ○gá m. (√gai) 'singer in metre', chanteróf the SV., Udgātṛi priest AitBr. iii, 32 ŚBr. x ŚāṅkhŚr. &c
- • -paddhati f. N. of the work Yajña-pārśva (YajurV. Pariś. xv Caraṇ.)
- • -pariśiṣṭa n. Kāty.'s supplement on Gobh. Mn. ii, 44 Kull.
- • -brāhmaṇa n. = chāndogya-br○ AitBr. iv, 18 Sāy.
- • -māhaki m. N. of a teacher VBr.
- • -vṛṣôtsarga-tattva n. N. of wk
- • -śākhā f. a branch of the SV. (quoted in a work on Śrāddhas)
- • -śrāddha-tattva-pramāṇa n. N. of wk. by Raghu-nandana
- • -śruti f. 'tradition of the Chandogas', the SV. Parāś. ii, 5/111, 3, 6
- • -sopāna n. N. of wk
- • ○gâhnika-paddhati f. N. of wk. by Rāma-kṛishṇa
- ○govinda n. Gaṅgā-dāsa's work on metre
- ○grantha m. 'metre-book' SV. i Nyāyam. ix, 2, 6 Sch.
- ○dīpikā f. N. of wk
- ○deva m. N. of Mataṅga MBh. xiii, 1937
- • (i), f. 'metre-goddess', Gāyatrī Hcat.
- ○nāmá mfn. 'named metre', metrical VS. iv, 24
- ○nāman mfn. id. ib., Sch'
- ○'nuvṛtta n. compliance with any one's wishes Cāṇ. (cf. Hit
- • v. l. ○dânuv○)
- ○'nuśāsana-vṛtti f. N. of wk
- ○pahārâvali f. N. of wk
- ○baddha mfn. = ○das-kṛta Sarvad. xv, 246
- ○bhaṅga-vat mfn. offending against metre Sarasv.
- ○bhāga mf(ā)n. one whose share is a metre AitBr. ii, 18
- ○bhāṣā f. (g. ṛg-ayanâdi) the language of the Veda TPrāt. Caraṇ. (DeviiP.)
- ○bhāṣya n. N. of wk
- ○mañjari
- ○mañjaḍrī f. Gaṅgā-dāsa's work on metre
- ○máya mfn. consisting of or containing or representing sacred hymns ŚBr. vi, x AitBr. vi, 27 BhP. [Page 405, Column ]
- ○māna n. (g. ṛg-ayanâdi), measure of a metre', a syllable regarded as the metrical unit ŚāṅkhŚr. i, xiii
- • (ifc.) Pāṇ. 6-2, 176 Kāś.
- ○mārtaṇḍa m. N. of wk. on metre
- ○mālā f. a similar work
- ○ratnâkara m. a similar work by Sarvajña-ratnâkara-śānti
- ○ruṭ-stoma m. (fr. -ruh-st○) N. of a Ṣaḍ-aha rite ŚāṅkhŚr. x, 8, 33
- ○rūpa n. a form of metre, SāṅkhBr. xx
- ○vatī f. (in music) a kind of Śruti
- ○viciti f. (g. ṛgayanâdi), examination of metres', metrical science Vām. i 3, 7
- • N. of wk. (called Vedâṅga) Āp. ii, 8, 11 VarBṛS. civ, 64 Bhar. Kāvyâd. i, 12
- ○vivṛti f. explanation of metres W.
- • = ○daḥsāra Madhus.
- ○vṛtta n. any metre MBh. i, 28'
- chandomá m. (fr. ○do-'ma, 'hymn's or metre's home '?) the 8th, 9th, and 10th day in the Dvādaśâha rite (but cf. ĀśvŚr. viii, 7, 18) TS. vii ŚBr. xii KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy.
- • N. of the 3 Stomas sung in that rite TāṇḍyaBr. x, xix,
- ○tri-kakud m. N. of a Try-aha rite ŚāṅkhŚr. xvi, 29, 16
- ○daśarātra m. N. of a Daśa-rātra rite Maś.
- ○daśâha m. id. KātyŚr. xxiii f. ŚāṅkhŚr. xiii Vait.
- ○pavamāna-trirātra m. = -tri-kakud Maś.
- ○vat mfn. accompanied by a Chandoma Maś.
- • -parāka m. -tri-kakud Vait. xli, 2
- chándya mfn. = ○ndu RV. viii, 101, 5 ....
- chad cl. 1. to nourish Dhātup. xix
- chadmaṭ See chambaṭ-kara
- chadman &c. See √1. chad
- chanacchan-iti ind. (fr. ○natchanad-iti Pāṇ. 6-1, 99) onomat. (imitative of the noise of drops falling on anything hot) Amar. 89 (v. l. chamaccham-iti ŚārṅgP. cvi, 11, whence the author of the verse is called ○cchamikā-ratna)
- chand and 2 See √1. and √3. chad
- chand vḷ. for √chṛd, q.v
- chanda and 2 See √1. and √3. chad
- chandaka
- chanḍdana 1. & 2
- chanḍdas &c. See ib.
- channa See √1. chad
- cham cl. 1. ○mati, to eat Dhātup. xiii
- chamacchamikā-ratna m. See chanacchan-iti at end
- chamacchamita n. crackling MārkP. viii, 112
- chamaṇḍa m.= chem○ L.
- • a single man (who has no kinsmen) L.
- cha-maṇḍala See 2. cha
- champ cl. 10, to go Dhātup. xxxiii
- champaṇa vḷ. for śaṅkhaṇa
- chambaṃ-kāram ind. (= ○baT-k○) so as to fail Kathās. xii, 4 ; xxiii, 1
- chambáṭ ind. (g. câdi) in comp. root
- ○kṛ to make a failure TS. ii, 5, 5, 3 TāṇḍyaBr. iv, 10 ; v, 9
- ○kara mf(ī)n. ruining BhP. iii, 18, 26 (v. l. chadmaṭ-k○)
- ○kāra m. only neg. dat. á-cchambaṭkārāya ind. for not making a failure ŚBr. xi, xiii
- ○kāram ind. only neg, á-cch○, so as not to make a failure TS. ii ; v, 4, 7, 4 TBr. i, 2, 1, 3
- charda ○dana, &c. See √chṛd
- chardís n. (= chadís) a fence, secure place or residence (gṛha Naigh. iii, 4) RV. i, 48, 15 and 114, 5
- • vi-viii, x VS. xiii f
- chardiṣ-pā́ mfn. protecting a house RV. viii, 9, 11
- chal cl. 10. (or Nom. fr. chala) P. chalayati (inf. ○litum R. vi, 86, 13) to deceive, cheat, delude, outwit MBh. iii, ix Bhag. x, 36 Ragh. xvi, 61 Gīt. i, 9 and 16
- • to feign W.
- chala (√skhal) n. (exceptionally m. BhP. vii, 15, 12
- • g. ardharcâdi) fraud, deceit, sham, guise, pretence, delusion, semblance, fiction, feint, trick, fallacy (often ifc., e.g. upadā-chalena, 'under pretence of gifts of honour', i.e. with feigned gifts Ragh. vii, 27
- • rajaś-chalena, 'under the semblance of dust', xvi, 28
- • See kanyakā-, dharma-, vāk-) Mn. viii, 49 and (a-cch○, neg.) 187 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. ā Kathās. lxii, 164)
- • deceitful disputation, perverting the sense of words Nyāyas. i, 51 ff. Sarvad.
- • wickedness W.
- • for sthala MBH. xiii. 7257 m. N. of a son of Dala VP. iv, 4, 47
- • (ā), f. ifc. in names of several treatises or chapters belonging to SV. (e.g. -ūha-, ūhya-, &c., qq. vv.)
- ○kāraka mfn. practising fraud W. [Page 405, Column ]
- ○kārin mfn. id. W.
- ○tā f. deception W.
- ○dyūta n. = chadma-dy○ Pañcad. i, 28
- chalâkṣara-sūtra n. N. of wk
- chalôkti f. = vāk-chala, AśvSr. viii, 12, 13 Sch.
- chalaka mfn. delusive Hariv. 11476
- chalana n. deceiving, deluding, tricking, outwitting MBh. vi, 28
- • (in dram.) contempt (avamānana), Pratāpar. Daśar. i, 46
- • (ā), f. deceiving, iii 17 (cf. Sāh.)
- chalanā-para mfn. deceitful Śiś. i, 69
- chalika n. a song consisting of 4 parts (recited with gesticulation
- • subdivision of nātya Bhar.) Mālav. i, 3/4 (in Prākṛit) and 18/19 (v. l. ○litaka)
- chalita mfn. deceived R. ii, 34, 36 Hcar. Amar. 41
- • n. a kind of dance performed by men Kāvyâd. i, 39
- ○rāma n. 'the outwitted Rāma', N. of a drama Sāh. vi, 2615
- ○svāmin m. N. of a sanctuary (called after Chalitaka) Rājat. iv, 81
- chalitaka m. N. of a man ib.
- • n. See ○lika
- ○yoga m. pl. N. of a Kalā (q.v.) Vātsyāy. i, 3, 17 BhP. x, 45, 36 Sch.
- chalin m. a cheat W.
- • a swindler W.
- challi f. (Prākrit fr. 1. chardís) bark [○llī, Kalpabh. i, 165 f. ; iv, 32] L.
- • a cloak Hāl.
- challita See asthi-
- challī f. bark L.
- • a creeper L.
- • a kind of flower L.
- • offspring (saṃtāna) L.
- chavi f. skin, cuticle, PārGr, iii, 12 Hariv. 15709 Suśr. VarBṛS. lxix, 28 ff
- • colour of the skin, colour MBh. iii, 12387 Mṛicch. Megh. &c
- • beauty, splendour Ragh. ix, 34 Śiś. ix, 3 Naish. xxii, 55
- • a ray of light L.
- • cf. kṛṣṇa-cch○
- chavi f. skin, hide TBr.i f. TāṇḍyaBr. xvi, 6, 2 ŚāṅkhBr. xxv, 15 KātyŚr. xxii Lāṭy. viii, 2, 1
- chavillâkara m. N. of a historian of Kaśmir Rājat. i, 19
- chaṣ cl. 1 P. Ā. to hurt Dhātup.
- chā ās m. a young animal L.
- chā́ga m.= chaga ('limping' ?, cf ? &c.) a he-goat RV. i, 162, 3: VS. xix, xxi ŚBr. v KātyŚr. Mn. &c
- • the sign Aries VarBṛ. v, 5
- • N. of one of Śiva's attendants L. Sch.
- • mfn. coming from a goat or she-goat Yājñ. i, 257 Car. Suśr.
- • (a), f. a she-goat ŚBr. iii ŚāṅkhBr. vii, 10
- • (i), f. id' Kathās. lxxi, 273
- ○karṇa m. 'goatear', Tectona grandis Npr.
- ○nāśana m. 'goat-destroyer', a wolf. L.
- ○maya mfn. like a goat W.
- ○mitra m. 'goat-friend', N. of a man, g. ? ādi (not in Kāś.)
- ○"ṣmitrika mf(ā, ī)n. fr. ○tra ib.
- ○mukha m. 'goat-faced', N. of a Kimpurusha Gal.
- ○ratha m. 'whose vehicle is a goat', Agni L.
- ○roma-maya mfn. consisting of goat-hair L.
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of Śukla-Yajurveda-Pariś. ii
- ○vāhana m. = -ratha L. =
- śatru m. = -nāśana Npr.
- chāgī-kṣīra-nāśa m. 'goatmilk-destroyer', Trophis aspera ib.
- chāgaka n. herd of goats Gal.
- • (ikā), f. = ○gī L.
- chāgala mfn. coming from a goat (chagalá) or she-goat Suśr. Kathās. lxxxii
- • born in Chagala, g. takhṣaśilâdi (not in Kāś.)
- • m. a goat Hariv. 3275 R. vi Pañcat. Kathās. cxxi
- • = ○laka W.
- • patr. fr. Chagala (if of Atri's family) Pāṇ. 4-1, 117
- • N. of a mountain VāyuP. i, 23, 108
- chāgalâṇḍa v. l. for chag○
- chāgalânta m. = ○ga-nāśana L.
- chāgalântrikā f. = chag○ L.
- chāgalântrin m. = chag○ L.
- chāgalântrī f. = chag○ L.
- chāgalaka m. a kind of fish L.
- chāgali m. patr. fr. Chagala (if not of Atri's family Pāṇ. 4-1, 117 Kāś.
- • one of Atri's family Pravar. iii, 1, v. l. ○la, ○gava) or metron. fr. Chagalā (g. bāhv-ādi), N. of a prince Hariv. 5017 and 5498
- chāgaleya mfn. fr. chagalá g. sakhy-ādi
- • m. N. of the author of a law-book PārGṛ. Sch. Introd. Nirṇayas. ii, 7
- • v
- • (pl.) = ○geya Caraṇ.
- chāgaleyin m. pl. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 109) the pupils of Chagalin ŚāṅkhŚr. vi, i, 7 Sch.
- chāgeya m. pl. N. of a school of the black Yajur-veda, DeviiP. Hcat. i, 7, 1071
- chāgyâyani m. patr. fr. Chāga Pāṇ. 4-1, 155 Vārtt.
- chāgaṇa m. a fire of dried cowdung (chag○) L.
- chāgala &c. See chā́ga
- chāgavya m. pl. N. of a family, Privar. v, 1 (v. l. sthāg○)
- • cf. ○va s.v. ○gali
- chāchikā N. of a Tirtha Rasik.
- chāṭā See chaṭā at end. [Page 406, Column ]
- chāta See √cho
- chāttra ○ttraka, &c. See √1. chad
- chāda
- chāḍdaka
- chāḍdana &c. See ib.
- chānda See ○ndasa
- chāndaḍa m. N. of a Brāhman, Kshit7iś. i, 13
- chāndasa mf(ī)n. having the sacred text of the Veda (chándas) as (its) subject, peculiar or relating or belonging to the Veda, Vedic Kauś. Pāṇ. 4-3, 71 Pat. Hariv. 12284 BhP.
- • (once ○nda BhavP. i)
- • archaistic Sarvad. vi, 11
- • (g. manojñâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 84 Kāś.) studying the holy text of the Vedic hymns, familiar with it Kathās. lxii, cxviii
- • (ifc., g. khasūcy-ādi Gaṇar. 114 Sch.)
- • relating to metre RAnukr. Sch.
- ○tā f. the being Vedic Nyāyam. ix, 3, 9
- ○tva n. id. ib. Pāṇ. 7-1, 39 Kāś. APrāt. Sch. &c
- • the being archaistic W.
- • the being metrical W.
- ○baṭhara m. the deceitful Chāndasa Gaṇar. 89 Sch.
- chāndasaka n. the being familiar with the Vedic hymns, g. manojñâdi
- chāndasīya m. one familiar with metrical science Śrutab. 19
- chāndoga mfn. 'relating to the Chando-gas', in comp
- ○brāhmaṇa n. = ○gya-br○ Parāś. i, 38/39, 4, 28 (vḷ. chand○)
- ○sūtra n. N. of wk. Nirṇayas. i, 429/430 (vḷ. chand○)
- chāndogi See ○geya
- chāndogika n. = ○gya Bṛih. vi, 22
- chāndogeya m. pl. N. of a family Pravar. iii, 1 (v. l. ○gi)
- chāndogya n. 'doctrine of the Chando-gas', a Brāhmaṇa of the SV. (including the ChUp.), KātyŚr' xxii Pāṇ. 4-3, 129 Vedântas.
- ○brāhmaṇa n. id. W.
- ○bhāṣya n. = -mantra-bh○
- ○mantra-bhāṣya n. Guṇa-vishṇus Comm. on the prayers and texts in Gobh.
- ○veda m. = ○gya KātyŚr. xxii, 1, 1 Sch.
- chāndogyôpanīṣad f. N. of an Up. (part of the chāndogya)
- • -bhāṣya n. Śamkara's Comm. on ChUp.
- chāndobhāṣa mfn. fr. chando-bhāṣā g. ṛg-ayanâdi
- chāndoma mfn. taken from the Chandomas SāṅkhŚr. xv, 6, 1
- chāndomāna mfn. fr. chando-m○ g. ṛg-ayanâdi
- chāndomika mfn. belonging to the Chandomas, x, 9, 13 KātyŚr. xxii Nir. vii, 24
- chāndovicita mfn. fr. chando-viciti g. ṛg-ayanâdi
- chāya m. granting shade (Śiva) MBh. xii, 10374
- • n. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 22 and 25 ; vi, 2, 14) ifc. (especially after a word to be taken in the gen.) shadow Mn. iii, 274 Ragh. iv, 20 ; vii, 4 ; xii, 50
- • reflection Naish. vi, 34
- • colour, complexion, beauty Megh. 102
- • (ā́), f. ?, shade, shadow, a shady place ('a covered place, house' Naigh. iii, 4) RV. i, 73, 8 ; ii, 33, 6 ; vi, 16, 38 AV. VS. v, xv AitBr. vii, 12 ŚBr. &c
- • the shadow of a gnomon Sūryas.
- • shelter, protection, Hit iii, 8, 1/2
- • a reflected image, reflection RV. v, 44, 6 ; x, 121, 2 VS. ii, 8 AV. v, 21, 8 PraśnUp. Mn. &c
- • shading or blending of colours, play of light or colours, lustre, light, colour, colour of the face, complexion, features Suśr. VarBṛS. lxviii, 89 ff. Ragh. iv, 5 Megh. (ifc. f. ā) &c
- • gracefulness, beauty, 77 & 101 VP. iv, 4, 31 Kathās. īc
- • a series, multitude (paṅkti) Pañcat. i, 16, 8
- • a Sanskṛit gloss on a Prākṛit text
- • a copy (of a MS.)
- • a little (ifc.) Veṇis. vi, 13/14, 1
- • nightmare, Buddh' L.
- • a bribe L.
- • Ṣadow', (like Saṃjñā) wife of the sun and mother of the planet Saturn Hariv. 545 ff. VP. iii, 2 BhP. vi, viii MatsyaP. Kathās. cv
- • (N. of a Śakti) Hcat. i, 5, 197
- • the sun L.
- • a metre of 4 x 19 syllables
- • a kind of rhetorical figure Sarasv. ii, 5
- • (in music) N. of a Rāga
- • N. of Kātyāyanī (or Durgā W.) L.
- chā́yaka mfn. (said of demons) causing nightmare (?) AV. viii, 6, 21
- chāyā́ See ○ya
- ○kara m. 'shading', a parasol-bearer L.
- • a kind of metre W. =
- ○graha m. 'receiving the image or the gnomon's shadow', a mirror or = -yantra Rājat. iii, 154
- ○grāha mf(ī)n. depriving of the shadow R. iv, 41, 38
- ○"ṣṅka (○yân○ ), m. marked by a (hare's) image', the moon L. Sch.
- ○tanaya m. 'son of Chāyā', the planet Saturn L.
- ○taru m. an umbrageous tree Megh. 1 Śak. iv, 11 Sch.
- ○toḍī f. (in music) N. of a Rāga. -tmaja (○yât○), m. = -tanaya L.
- ○"ṣtman (○yâl○), m. 'shadow-self.' one's shadow or reflected image Megh. 40
- ○druma m. = -taru Śak. iv, 11
- ○dvitīya mfn. accompanied by one's shadow, casting a shadow MBh. iii, 57, 25. [Page 406, Column ]
- ○naṭṭa m. (in music) N. of a Rāga
- ○nāṭaka n. a small drama or one imitative of another (as the Dhūtâṅgada)
- ○patha m. the milky way L.
- ○piṅga m. = ○yâṅka Gal.
- ○puruṣa m. Purusha in the form of a shadow, Tantr
- ○bhartṛ m. 'husband of Chāyā', the sun Gal.
- ○bhinna mfn. divided in radiance, reflecting light from various surfaces Megh. 62
- ○bhṛt m. 'bearing a (hare's) image', the moon L.
- ○máya mfn. shadow-like ŚBr. xiv, 5, 1, 12 and 6, 9, 16
- • casting a shadow W.
- • reflected Naish. vi, 30
- ○māna n. an instrument measuring a shadow L. Sch.
- ○mitra n. 'shade-friend', a parasol L.
- ○mṛga-dhara m. = bhṛt L.
- ○yantra n' 'shadow-instrument', a sun-dial VarBṛS. Sūryas. xiii, 20 Sūryapr.
- ○vat mfn. umbrageous R. ii, 94, 10 ; vii, 54, 11
- ○vṛkṣa m. = -taru, Hibiscus populneoides Npr.
- ○vyavahāra m. measuring the shadow cast by the sun on the dial
- ○saṃjñā f. Chāyā as Saṃjñā VP. iii, 2, 5
- ○suta m. = -tanaya VarBṛ. ii, 3 Sch.
- chāla m. (g. ardharcâdi, not in Kāś. and Gaṇr.) Cyprinus Rohita Gal.
- chālikya n. = chalika Hariv.
- chi m. abuse L.
- chikkana n. sneezing W.
- • (ī), f. 'causing sneezing', Artemisia sternutatoria Bhpr.
- chikkā f. sneezing L.
- • See cikkā
- ○kāraka mfn. causing sneezing Car. i, 4 Sch.
- chikkika mfn. sneezing W.
- • (ā), f. = ○kkanī Bhpr. v, 3, 304
- chikkara m. a kind of animal VarBṛS. lxxxvi, 20 ; 38 and 44
- chikkāra m. a kind of antelope Dhanv. vi, 69
- chikkika See ○kkana
- chiṭi only ifc. with kāñcika-, = kāñcika Divyâv. xxxv, 231
- chita See √cho
- chitti ○ttvara, See √1. chid
- chid cl. 7. chinátti, chintte (Impv. ○náttu
- • 2. sg. ○ndhí [cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 10]
- • 2. du. ○ntám
- • Subj. 1. sg. ○nádai
- • Pot. ○ndet KshurUp.
- • cl. 9. 1. sg. chinnāmi Divyâv. xxvii
- • impf. 2. sg. achinad, or ○nas Pāṇ. 8-2, 75
- • pf. ciccheda, ○cchide
- • p. ○cchidvas, vii, 67 Kāś.
- • aor. acchidat or acchaitsīt [Subj. ch○ ŚBr. &c.] Pāṇ. 3-1, 57
- • 2. sg. chitsi ŚāṅkhŚr. i, 5, 9
- • 1. pl. chedma RV. i, 109, 3
- • Ā. acchitta and 2. sg. ○tthās [Subj. ch○ AV. viii, 1, ], Kāś' on Pāṇ. 3-1, 57 and viii, 2, 26
- • fut. chetsyati, vii, 2, 10 Kār.
- • ind. p. chittvā inf. chettum
- • Pass. chidyate
- • p. See á-cchidyamāna
- • aor. ácchedi and chedi RV.) to cut off, amputate, cut through, hew, chop, split, pierce RV. AV. VS. &c
- • to divide, separate from (abl
- • exceptionally instr. ŚBr. xiv, 9, 4, 23) AV. ŚBr.xiv ŚāṅkhŚr.
- • to destroy, annihilate, efface, blot out ŚBr. x, 5, 2, 5 MuṇḍUp. MBh. &c
- • (in math.) to divide Sūryas. iv, 26 : Pass. to be split or cut, break ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 15 : Caus. chedayati (aor. acicchidat) to cut off. ŚṅkhŚr. xvii Gobh. iv, 2, 9 MBh. vii, 5954 Suśr.
- • to cause to cut off or through Mn. viii, 277 ; 282 f. and 292 Cāṇ.: Desid', See cicchitsu: Intens. cecchidīti (cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 65 Sch.), ○dyate (83 Vārtt. 2 Pat.)
- • fut. Ist ○ditā, 2, 10 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- • [cf. ?, ? &c. ; Lat. scindo ; Goth. skeida.]
- chitti f. division W.
- • Pongamia glabra L.
- chittvara mfn. (cf. Uṇ. iii, 1) fit for cutting off. L.
- • hostile L. (cf. chatt○) roguish L.
- chid mfn. ifc. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 61) cutting, cutting off. cutting through, splitting, piercing MBh. vii, 46 56 (cf. ukha-cchíd, keśa-, pakṣa-, marma-, vana-, hṛdaya-)
- • destroying, annihilating, removing MBh. v, 1809 Hariv.4774 Bhartṛ. BhP. (cf. darpa-, duḥkha-, paṅka-, bhava-)
- • m. the divisor, denominator
- • f. the cutting off (with gen.) Bālar.viii, 75
- • 'annihilation of (in comp.)', See bhava-
- chida mfn. ifc. 'cutting off', See mātṛka-
- • (ā), f. (g. bhidâdi) the cutting off (ifc.) HYog. ii, 96
- chidaka m. 'thunderbolt' or 'diamond' (cf. Rājat. iv, 51) L.
- chidi an axe Uṇ. iv, 120
- chidira m. id., i, 52
- • a sword ib.
- • fire L.
- • a rope, cord L.
- chidura mf(ā) Pāṇ. 3-2, 162) n. cutting, dividing W.
- • easily breaking Ragh.xvi, 62 Hcar.vi
- • extinguishing Śiś. vi, 8
- • decreasing Vām. v, 2, 40
- • annihilating (ifc.) ib. [Page 406, Column ]
- • hostile L.
- • roguish L.
- chidurêtara mfn. not breaking, strong Naish. vii, 64
- chidrá mf(ā)n. torn asunder RV. i, 162, 20
- • containing holes, pierced KātySr. xv ff. R. i, 73, 20 Suśr. v, 1, 43
- • leaky MBh. v, 1307 ; 1047 (= xii, 8782)
- • n. a hole, slit, cleft, opening VS. TS. i, vi KātyŚr. Lāṭy. Kauś. Mn. &c. (daiva-kṛta, 'opening or hole made by nature', the cartilage of the ear, pupil of the eye Suśr.
- • ○draṃ √dā, to yield an opening or free access' BhP. v, 6, 4)
- • defect, fault, blemish, imperfection, infirmity, weak point, foible MBh. &c
- • (in astrol.) the 8th lunar mansion VarBṛ. Laghuj. i, 17
- • the number 'nine' (there being 9 openings in the body) Sūryas. ii, 18
- • the lower regions Gal. (cf. á-, karṇa-, kṛta-, gṛha-, niś-, mahā-)
- ○karṇa mfn. having the ears bored Pāṇ. 6-3, 115
- ○tā f. perforatedness', the (air's, ākāśasya) being pervaded by everything MBh. xii, 9137
- ○darśana mfn. 'exhibiting deficiencies', only a-cch○, faultless MBh. vi, 384 and 402
- • m. '= ○rśin', N. f. a (Brāhman changed into a) Cakra-vāka, Hariv' 1216
- • (○rśin, 1255)
- ○darśin mfn. observing deficiencies, 1265
- • m. = ○rśana, (q.v. at end)
- ○dātṛ-tva n. the (air's, ākāśasya) yielding openings or access to everything BhP. iii, 26, 34
- ○pippalī f. Scindapsus officinalis Gal.
- ○vaidehī f. id L.
- chidrâṃśa m. having perforated parts', reed Gal.
- chidrâtman mfn. one who exposes his weak points, M Bh. xii, 11345
- chidrânusaṃdhānin mfn. looking out for faults or flaws W.
- chidrânusārin mfn. id. W.
- chidrântar m. 'internally hollow', reed L.
- chidrânvita mfn. having weak points Pañcat. iii, 37
- chidrânveṣaṇa n. searching for faults W.
- chidrânveṣin m. = ○nusaṃdhānin W.
- chidrā-phala n. a thorn-apple L.
- chdirôdara n. N. of a disease of the abdomen Car. vi, 18,
- chidrôdarin mfn. affected with ○ra ib.
- chidraya Nom. ○yati, to perforate Kād.vi, 550
- chidrāpaya Nom. ○yati id. Vop.
- chidrita mfn. perforated Kād. v, 1071 Prab. v, 30 Sch.
- chidrin mfn. having holes (a tooth) Suśr. ii, 16, 27
- chidvara mfn. = chittv○ W.
- chindaka m. N. of a race, Ratnak
- chindat-prâṇi n. an animal cutting (i.e. living on) grass ĀpŚr. ix, 13, 1 and 16, 8
- chinná mfn. cut off, cut, divided, torn, cut through, perforated AV. &c
- • opened (a wound) Suśr.
- • interrupted, not contiguous Bhag. vi, 36 R. iii, 50, 12 VarBṛS.
- • disturbed (kiṃ naś chinnam, what is there in this to disturb us?' there is nothing to care about Amar.) Hariv. 16258 Mṛicch.
- • ? (said of the belly of a leach) Suśr.
- • limited by (in comp.) Bhartṛ. iii, 20
- • taken away or out of. R. ii, 56, 23 Ragh. xii, 80
- • disappeared Kathās. lxi, 47
- • ifc. decaying or exhausted by Buddh. L.
- • (ā), f. a harlot L.
- • = ○nnôdbhavā Bhpr. v, 3, 6 (cf. á-, reṣmá-)
- ○karṇa mfn. having the ears shortened (as animals) Pāṇ. 6-1, 115
- ○keśa mfn. having the hair cut W.
- ○granthinikā f. a kind of bulbous plant L.
- ○taraka mfn. (compar.) = chinnaka-tara, v, 4, 4 Vārtt. 1 and 2 Pat.
- ○druma m. a riven tree W.
- ○dhanvan mfn. (a warrior) whose bow has been broken by his enemy's arrow W.
- ○nāsa m. 'cut-nose', N. of a man Virac. xxi
- ○nāsya mfn. having the noserein broken Mn. viii, 291
- ○pakṣa (○nná.), mfn. having the wings torn off. AV. xx, 135, 12
- ○pattrī f. 'having divided leaves', Hibiscus cannabinus L.
- ○bandhana mfn. having the bands broken, liberated W.
- ○bhakta mfn. 'having one's meals interrupted', starving Divyāv. xxxi
- ○bhinna mfn. pierced through and through, cut up, destroyed W.
- ○bhūyiṣṭha-dhūma mfn. bursting through the thick smoke W.
- ○mastakā f. 'decapitated', a headless form of Durgā W.
- • ○kī-√kṛ, to decapitate Naish. iv, 68 Sch.
- ○mastā f. = ○staka Tantras. iv Mantram. vi
- ○mūla mfn. cut up by the √cf. W
- ○ruha m. Clerodendrum phlomoides L.
- • (ā), f. = ○nnôdbhavā Suśr. i, iv Bhpr. v, 3, 6
- • Boswellia thurifera L.
- • Pandanus odoratissimus L.
- ○vat mfn. (pf. p. P.) having cut or cut off. W.
- ○veṣikā f. Clypea hernandifolia L.
- ○śāsa mfn. breathing at irregular intervals Suśr. i
- • m. interrupted or irregular breathing, vi
- ○saṃśaya mfn. one whose doubts are dispelled, confident W.
- ○hasta mfn. 'cut-hand', N. of a man, Vīrac. xvi, xxi
- chinnântra mfn. affected with a koṣṭha-bheda disease ŚārṅgS. vii, 76
- chinnôdbhavā f. Cocculus cordifolius Bhpr. v, 3, 6. [Page 407, Column ]
- chinnaka mfn. 'having a little cut off.'
- ○tara mfn. (compar.) Pāṇ. 5-3, 72 Vārtt. 5
- chettavya mfn. to be cut off Mn. viii, 279 R. vi, 92, 4
- • to be cut Nyāyam. ix, 3, 13 Sch.
- chettṛ mfn. one who cuts off, cutter, woodcutter Mn.iv, 71 Sch. (ifc.) Hit. i, 4, 3
- • a remover (of doubts, saṃśayānām, 2, 21) MBh. xiii Bhag.
- cheda mfn. ifc. 'cutting off', See sthāṇu-
- • m. divisor, denominator VarBṛ. viii, 4 Laghuj. vii, 6
- • a cut, section, piece, portion R. ii, 61, 14 Ragh. VarBṛS. &c
- • an incision, cleft, slit, liii, 122
- • lxxi, 4 f
- • cutting off, tearing off dividing (often ifc.) Mn. viii Yājñ. &c
- • separation (of syllables or words) Sarvad. v, 109 MBh. xii, 101, 5 Sch.
- • dissipating (doubt, &c.) W.
- • interruption, vanishing, cessation, deprivation, want, xiii, 1637 Śak. Vikr. VarBṛS. &c
- • limit of (in comp.) Yājñ. i, 319
- • smoothing (a conflict, by an ordeal, divya-) Kathās. lx, 222 (i-), f. g. gaurâdi (not in Gaṇar.)
- • cf. ṛṇa
- ○kara mfn. making incisions Jain.
- • m. a wood-cutter W.
- ○gama m. disappearance of the denominator
- chedâdi a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 5-1, 64 Gaṇar. 370)
- chedôpasthāpanīya n. taking the (Jain) vows after having broken with doctrines or practices adhered to formerly Jain.
- chedaka mfn. ifc. cutting off Kathās. lxi, 31
- • m. the denominator of a fraction
- • cf. granthi-
- chedana mfn. cutting asunder, splitting MBh. i, 1498 ; ii, 1953
- • destroying, removing (ifc.), xiv, 423
- • n. an instrument for cutting Hcat. i, 9, 204
- • section, part L.
- • (chiefly ifc.) cutting, removal (of doubts, saṃśaya-) MBh. iii, xv Hariv. 913
- • a medicine for removing the humors of the body Bhpr.
- chedanīya mfn. to be cut up or divided Suśr. i Nyāyam. i, 4, 56 Sch.
- • m. Strychnos potatorum L.
- chedi mfn. one who cuts or breaks Uṇ. iv, 118 Sch.
- • m. a carpenter ib.
- chedita mfn. cut, divided L.
- cheditavya mfn. to be cut, divisable W.
- chedin mfn. ifc. cutting off, tearing asunder Mn. iv, 71 Ragh.
- • removing Hariv. 15880 Śak.
- chedya mfn. to be cut or divided or split or cut off or mutilated Yājñ. ii, 215 MBh. i, 93 ; xii, &c
- • ri. cutting off, cutting, tearing (with teeth or nails), v, 5733 (C) Suśr. i, 5, 1
- • vi Sāh. vi, 17
- • cf. kuḍya-, duḥkka-, pattra-, laghu-, saṃśaya-
- chedyaka n. drawing, projection Sūryas. vi, 1 and 12
- chedyakâdhyāya m. N. of Sūryas. vi
- chinnama m. N. of a poet Sarasv. Gaṇar. 46 and 98 Sch. (vv. ll. ○nnmpa, chittapa) ŚārṅgP. iv, 12 (chitrama ed.)
- chippikā f. a kind of bird VarBṛS. lxxxviii, 2 and 35
- • cf. cipya
- chilihiṇḍa m. N. of a creeper Bhpr. v, 3, 260 f
- chismaka m. N. of a prince, BrahmâṇdaP. (v. l. for śiśuka)
- chucchu m. a kind of animal VarBṛS. lxxxvi, 37
- chucchuka-bhaṭṭa m. N. of the author of a laghu-vṛtti on Kāt.
- chucchundara m. the musk-rat Suśr. v, 6, 3 (○cchUnd○) and 14 Ashṭâṅg. vi, 38, 2
- • (ī), f. id. VarBṛS. lxxxviii, 5 and 47
- chucchundari m. id. Mn. xii, 65 Yājñ. iii, 213 MBh. xiii, &c
- chuṭ cl. 6. ○ṭati, to bind Dhātup.: cl. 10 choṭayati, to cut, split ib. (v. l. for √cuṭ)
- choṭana n. cutting off Uttamac. 206
- choṭi v. l. for ○ṭin, 1 L.
- choṭikā f. snapping the thumb and forefinger, Ratn^āv, iii, 9/10 Kathās. lxv, 211 Bhpr. v, 28, 111 Tantras.
- choṭita mfn. cut off Uttamac. 217
- • cf. ā-cch○
- choṭin m. a fisherman L. (v. l. ○ṭi)
- chuḍ cl. 6, vḷ. for √thuḍ
- • cf. pra-
- chuḍḍa m. N. of several men Rājat. viii
- • (ā), f. N. of a woman, 461 ; 1124 ; 1132
- chudra n. retaliation L.
- • a ray L.
- chup cl. 6. ○pati (cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Kār. to touch Dhātup.xxviii, 125: Intens. cocchupyate Pāṇ. 7-4, 83 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- • cf. a-cchuptā
- chupa m. touch L.
- • a shrub, bush L.
- • air, wind L.
- • combat L.
- chúbuka n. = aub○, the chin RV. x, 163, 1 ŚBr. x, 6, 1, 11 PārGṛ. iii, 6, 2
- chur cl. 6. ○rati (cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 79) to cut off, cut, incise, etch Dhātup. xxviii, 79: Caus. churayati [Page 407, Column ]
- • to strew or sprinkle with (instr.) Kād. v, 221 Mālatīm. ix, 30 Kathās. xxiv, 1 : Caus. chor○, to abandon, throw away Lalit. xv, 447 Divyâv. Kāraṇḍ. xi, 100
- churaṇa n. ifc. strewing with Viddh. i, 29 Kuval. 129
- churā f. lime L.
- churita mfn. strewed, set, inlaid with (instr. or in comp.), blended MBh. xii, 5487 VarBṛS. Daś. BhP. &c
- • n. flashing (of lightning) MBh. iii, 695
- choraṇa n. abandoning L.
- chorita mfn. abandoned, thrown away Divyâv. i, 94
- • vii
- • drawn (a sigh) Kāraṇḍ. xvii, 110
- churikā f. (fr. kṣur○) a knife Kathās. xii, xxv Vet. Introd. 30/31 iv, 26/27 f
- • Beta bengalensis Bhpr. v, 9, 16
- ○phala n. = kṣur○ L.
- churī f. = kṣurī, a knife, dagger L.
- chūrikā f. a knife Hcat. i, 9, 97
- • a cow's nostril Mn. viii, 325
- ○pattrī f. 'knife-leaved', Andropogon aciculatus L.
- chūrī f. -churī L.
- • cf. BhP. v, 3, 3
- chṛd cl. 7. (Impv. chṛṇattu, 2. sg. chṛndhi
- • fut, chardiṣyati and chartsy○ Pāṇ. vii, 2, 57
- • pf. caccharda, 3. pl. ○cchṛdur, 4, 83 Vārtt. 3 Pat.) to vomit BhP. x, 11, 49
- • to utter, leave TĀr. iv, 3, 3
- • P. Ā. (chṛntte) to shine Dhātup. xxix, 8
- • to play ib.: cl. 1. chardati (v. l. ○rpati) to kindle, xxxiv, 14: Caus. chardayati id. ib. (v. l. ○rpay○)
- • to cause to flow over ŚBr. xii, 4, 2, 9
- • to vomit, eject (with or without acc.) MBh. v, 3493 ; vi, 93 Suśr. VarBṛS.
- • to cause to spit or vomit Car. i, 13, 88 Suśr.
- • Ā. to vomit KātyŚr. xxv Lāṭy. Kauś.: Desid. cicchardiṣati and ○cchṛtsati Pāṇ. 7-2, 57: Caus. Desid. cicchardayiṣati, 4, 83 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- • ā. pra-
- charda v. l. for ○di, vomiting L.
- chardana mfn. causing vomition Car. vi, 32
- • m. Vangueria spinosa Bhpr. v, 1, 161
- • = ○di-ghna L.
- • = alambuṣā L.
- • n. vomition Kauś. Gaut. Suśr.
- • retching W.
- chardanīya mfn. to be caused to vomit Car. vi, 32
- chardayitavya mfn. id. ib.
- chardāpanīkā f. (fr. Prākṛit Caus. √chṛd) 'emetic', a kind of cucumber L.
- chardi f. vomiting, sickness KātyŚr. xxv, 11 Gaut. Suśr. VarBṛS. xxxii, 18
- • expulsion (of the breath) KapS. iii, 33
- ○ghna m. 'anti-emetic', Azadirachta indica L.
- chardikā f. vomition W.
- • Clitoria ternatea L.
- ○ripu m. 'anti-emetic', cardamoms L.
- chardita mfn. got rid of (demerit) Divyâv. xix
- chardis n. (f. L.) vomition Car. i, vi, viii
- chardyāyanikā
- chardyāyanī f. = ○dāpan○ Npr.
- chṛp cl. 1. 10, v. l. for √chṛd, q.v
- cheka mf(ā)n. clever, shrewd Jain. (cf. HPariś. ii, 447)
- • domesticated L.
- • m. a bee L.
- • = ○kânuprâsa Kpr. ix, 2 Sāh. x, 3
- chekânuprâsa m. a kind of alliteration (with single repetitions of several consonants as in Ragh. vii, 22
- • opposed to lāṭân○), Pratāpar. Alaṃkāraś. x, 5/6
- chektôkti f. indirect speech, hint, double entendre Viddh. ii, 5 Siṃhâs. Introd. 54/55 vi, 1/2 Kuval.
- chekala [Gal.],
- cheḍkāla [L.], mfn. clever
- chekila mfn. id. L.
- chettavya ○ttṛ, &c. See √1. chid
- cheppa (fr. sépa) tail Hāl. 62 ; 240
- chemaṇḍa m. = cham○, an orphan Uṇ. k
- chemuṇā f. id. Gal.
- • cf. chā
- chelaka m. (fr. chagal○) a he-goat Bhpr. v, 10, 75
- • (ikā), f. a she-goat, 76
- chelu Vernonia anthelminthica L.
- chaidika mfn. deserving mutilation (cheda) Pāṇ. 5-1, 64
- • = chidrâṃśa W.
- cho cl. 4. chyati (vii, 3, 71
- • perf. 3. pl. cacchur, 4,. 83 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- • aor. acchāt and acchāsīt, ii, 4, 78) to cut off, cut Bhaṭṭ. xiv f.: Caus. chāyayati Pāṇ. 7-3, 37
- • cf. anu-, ava-, ā-
- chāta mfn. = chita L.
- • emaciated L.
- chita mfn. cut off cut, divided L.
- choja N. of a man Rājat. V, 422
- choṭana ○ṭi, &c. See √chuṭ
- chorana ○rita. See √chur. [Page 407, Column ]
- cholaṅga m. the citron tree L.
- • n. a citron Alaṃkāraś. xiv, 2 ; 35 ; 47
- chautu m. N. of a man Nid. Sch.
- chyu cl. i. Ā. to go Dhātup. xxii, 6o