Sir Monier-Williams (1819–1899) - A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1899) |
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- ū the sixth letter of the alphabet (corresponding to u long, and having the sound of that letter in the word rule)
- ○kāra
- ○varṇa m. the letter or sound ū TPrāt. VPrāt.
- ○bhāva m. the becoming ū TPrāt.
- ū ind. an interjection of calling to
- • of compassion
- • a particle implying promise to protect L.
- • a particle used at the beginning of a sentence
- ū mfn. (√av Pāṇ. 6-4, 20), helping, protecting L.
- • (ūs), m. the moon L.
- • N. of Śiva L.
- ūta mfn. (p.p. of √av, q.v.) favoured
- • loved
- • promoted, helped
- • protected
- ūtí f. help, protection, promoting, refreshing favour
- • kindness, refreshment RV. AV.
- • means of helping or promoting or refreshing, goods, riches (also plur.) RV. AV. ŚBr. xii
- • enjoyment, play, dalliance BhP. viii, 5, 44
- • = kṣaraṇa T.
- ○matī́ f. (scil. ṛc) N. of a Ṛic (cf. RV. i, 30, 7) which contains the word ūti MaitrS.
- ū́ma m. (Uṇ. i, 143) a helper, friend, companion RV. AV. v, 2, 1 ; 3 AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr.
- • (am), n. N. of a town or place Comm. on Uṇ. Siddh.
- ū mfn. (√ve Vop. xxvi, 73), weaving, sewing
- ūta mfn. (p.p. of √ve, q.v.) woven, sewed
- ūtí f. the act of weaving, sewing L.
- • red texture
- • tissue BhP. ii, 10, 1
- • a mole's hole TBr. i, 1, 3, 3
- ūṃ8 a mode of designating 3. u (q.v.) in the Pada-pāṭha followed by iti
- ūkhara ās m. pl., N. of a Śaiva sect
- ūṭh ūṭhati, = uṭh, q.v
- ūḍha (for 2. and 3. 1. and 2. uh), mfn. p.p. of √vah, q.v
- • (ā), f. a married woman, wife (cf. an-ūdhā.)
- ūḍhi f. the act of bearing, carrying Rājat.
- ūṇí f. a particular Soma vessel TS. i, 2, 6 (cf. oṇí.)
- ūṇī-tejas ās m. (etym. doubtful), N. of a Buddha L.
- ūti m. (for 1. and 2. 3. and 4. ū above), N. of a Daitya SkandaP.
- ūtīka m. N. of a plant which can be substituted for the Soma (cf. pūtīka) Kāṭh. TāṇḍyaBr.
- ūdaka an-ūdaka
- ūdala n. N. of a Sāman Lāṭy.
- ū́dhas (in Veda also) ū́dhan, ū́dhar ( Whitney's Gr. 430 b
- • in classical Sanskṛit the stem ūdhan appears only in the fem. of an adj. compound, e.g. kuṇḍôdhnī &c.), as, ar n. (√vah Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 192
- • √ud T.) the udder of any female, breast, bosom RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • figuratively applied to the clouds RV.
- • the night Nir.
- • N. of a passage in the Mahānāmnī (q.v.) verses Lāṭy.
- • [Gk. ? ; Lat. ūber
- • Angl. Sax. [221, ] ūder ; Old High Germ. ūtar ; Mod. Germ. Euter ; Mod. Eng. udder ; Gae10l. uth.]
- ○vatī f. (a female) with full udders BhP.
- ūdhanyá mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 2) contained in or coming from the udder MaitrS. Kāṭh. [Page 221, Column ]
- ūdhasya mf(ā)n. milking, giving milk Hcat.
- • coming from the udder
- • (am), n. milk Ragh.
- ūná mfn. (√av Uṇ. iii, 2
- • ? Zd. ūna), wanting, deficient, defective, short of the right quantity, less than the right number, not sufficient
- • less (in number, size, or degree), minus, fewer, smaller, inferior AV. x, 8, 15 ; 44 ; xii, 1, 61 TS. ŚBr. Mn. Ragh. &c
- • less than (with abl., e.g. lakṣād ūna, less than a Laksha Kathās. liii, 10
- • or ifc., e.g. tad-ūna, inferior to that one Mn. ix, 123), less by (with instr., e.g. dvābhyām ūna, less by two ŚBr. xi
- • or ifc., e.g. alpôna, less by a little, a little less Mn.
- • pañcôna, less by five &c.)
- • less by one (prefixed to decimals from twenty up to one hundred, e.g. ūna-viṃśa = ekôna-viṃśa, the twentieth minus one, the nineteenth)
- ○koṭi-liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. deficiency, inferiority Hcat.
- ○rātra m
- ○rātri f. 'defective by a night', a N. applied to a particular lunar day (which is omitted if two lunar days end in one solar day) Sūryas. i, 40 ; 50 VarBṛS.
- ūnâkṣara mfn. defective by a syllable Lāṭy.
- ūnâtiriktá mfn. too little or too much VS.
- ūnaka mfn. not sufficient, defective, less, inferior ŚāṅkhŚr.
- ūnaya Nom. P. ūnayati (aor. Subj. 2. sg. ūnayīs) to leave deficient, not to fulfil RV. i, 53, 3
- • to deduct or lessen Pāṇ. Vop. &c
- ūnita mfn. lessened, reduced, fewer, less by (with instr.)
- ūnī-√kṛ to reduce or lessen by subtraction, subtract Comm. on Sūryas.
- ū́badhya or ū́vadhya n. (etym. doubtful) undigested grass &c. in the stomach or bowels (of an animal killed for sacrifice) RV. i, 162, 10
- AV. TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. &c
- ○gohá m. any hole in the ground where the above is concealed MaitrS. AitBr. ii, 6, 16 ĀśvŚr. & Gṛ. &c
- ūm ind. an interjection of anger L.
- • of reproach L.
- • of envy L.
- • a particle of interrogation L.
- ū́ma 3. ū
- ūy cl. 1. Ā. ūyate, ūyām-āsa, ūyitā, ūyiṣyate, ūyiṣṭa, to weave, sew, = ve, q.v. Dhātup. xiv, 2
- ūrarī ind. = urarī, q.v. L.
- ūrī ind. = urī, q.v. Śiś.
- ūry-ādi m. N. of a gaṇa Pāṇ. 1-4, 61
- ūrú m. [the f. may be ū at the end of compounds in comparison Pāṇ. 4-1, 6], (fr. √ūrṇu Uṇ. i, 31) the thigh, shank
- RV. AV. VS. TS. ŚBr. MBh. Mn. &c
- • N. of an Āṅgirasa and author of a Vedic hymn
- • N. of a son of Manu Cākshusha
- ○graha m. paralysis of the thigh Car.
- ○"ṣgrahin mfn. suffering from the above ib.
- ○glāni f. weakness of the thigh
- ○ja mfn. born from the thigh MBh.
- • m. a Vaiśya (supposed to be born from Brahmā's thigh, RV. x, 90, 12 Mn. i, 31, &c.) L.
- • N. of the Ṛishi Aurva (q.v.)
- ○janman m. 'born from the thigh', N. of Aurva (q.v.) Mālav.
- ○daghná mf(ī)n. reaching to the thighs ŚBr. xii, xiii
- ○dvayasa mf(ī)n. id. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 15
- ○parvan m. n. joint of the thigh, knee L.
- ○phalaka n. the thigh-bone, hip-bone Yājñ. iii, 87
- ○bhinna mf(ī)n. having a rent in the thigh Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 52
- ○mātra mf(ī)n. reaching to the thigh Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 15
- ○ṣkambha m. paralysis of the thigh Car.
- ○sāda m. weakness of the thigh ib.
- ○skambhá m. paralysis of the thigh
- • -gṛhīta mfn. afflicted by the above MaitrS.
- ○stambha m. paralysis of the thigh Suśr. Kathās.
- • (ā), f. the plantain tree L.
- ūrū7dbhava mfn. sprung from the thigh
- ūrū7papīḍam ind. pressing upon the thigh Daś.
- ūrvaṅga n. 'having a thigh-like body', fungus, mushroom L.
- ūrv-aṣṭhīvá n. sg. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 77), é n. du. (cf. VS. xviii, 23), ā́ni n. pl. (cf. ŚBr. viii) thigh and knee
- ūrv-asthá n. thigh-bone ŚBr. viii
- • -mātrá mf(ī)n. reaching to the thigh-bone ib.
- ūravya m. 'born from the thigh (of Brahmā)', a Vaiśya ( ūru-ja) L.
- ūrva (for 2. s.v.), as m. N. of the Ṛishi Aurva (from whose thigh sprang the submarine fire which is also called Aurva, q.v.) TāṇḍyaBr. MBh. Hariv. &c
- • the submarine fire [Sāy.] RV.
- ūrvī f. the middle of the thigh Suśr. [Page 221, Column ]
- ūrvyá mfn. (fr. 1. ūrva ?), being in the submarine fire ṃahīdhara VS. xvi, 45
- ūrurī ind. = urarī, q.v
- ūrj (connected with √vṛj), Caus. P. ūrjayati (p. ūrjáyat), to strengthen, invigorate, refresh RV. ŚBr.: Ā. ūrjayate (p. ūrjáyamāna), to be strong or powerful, be happy RV. x, 37, 11 VS. ĀśvŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr.
- • to live L.
- • [Gk. ? ; Lat. urge-o ; Goth. vrik-a ; Lith. [221, ] verś-iú.]
- ū́rj k f. strength, vigour
- • sap, juice
- • food, refreshment
- RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. BhP. &c
- ūrjá mfn. strong, powerful, eminent BhP. Śiś.
- • invigorating, strengthening
- • m. N. of a month (= kārttika) TS. i VS. ŚBr. Suśr. i, 19, 9 BhP. &c
- • power, strength, vigour, sap MBh. Mn. ii, 55 BhP. &c
- • life, breath L.
- • effort, exertion L.
- • N. of several men
- • (ā), f. strength, vigour, sap RV. x, 76, 1 AV. SV. Suśr. &c
- • N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Vasishṭha VP. BhP.
- • (am), n. water L.
- ○medha mfn. of eminent intelligence, very wise Hcat.
- ○yoni m. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh.
- ○vaha and m. N. of a king VP.
- ○vāha m. N. of a king VP.
- ○sani (voc.), mfn. granting strength, N. of Agni RV. vi, 4, 4
- ○stambha m. N. of a Ṛishi in the second Manv-antara BhP.
- ūrjâd (3), mfn. consuming food RV. x, 53, 4
- ūrjā-vat mfn. powerful, strong PārGṛ. i, 15, 6 MBh.
- ūrjấhuti mfn. worshipped with strengthening sacrifices RV. viii, 39, 4 VS.
- ūrjayat mfn. pres. p. of √ūrj, q.v
- • (an), m. N. of a teacher VBr.
- ūrjavyá mfn. abounding in strength, sappy, strengthening RV. v, 41, 20
- ūrjas as n. vigour, strength, power Sāh.
- ○kara mfn. causing strength MBh.
- ○vat (ū́rjas○), mfn. sappy, juicy, vigorous RV. AV. ŚBr. AitBr. &c
- • powerful, strong BhP.
- • (tī), f. N. of several women
- ○vala mfn. powerful, strong, mighty Pāṇ. 5-2, 114 Ragh. &c
- • m. N. of a Ṛishi in the second Manv-antara VP.
- ○vin mfn. powerful, strong, mighty Pāṇ. 5-2, 114 MBh. &c
- • violent
- • (inī), f. (in rhet.) description of violence
- ūrjā́nī f. strength personified [BRD.
- • sūryasya duhitṛ Sāy.] RV. i, 119, 2
- ūrjita mfn. endowed with strength or power, strong, mighty, powerful, excellent, great, important, gallant, exceeding MBh. Bhag. Ragh. Hit. &c
- • proud, bragging
- • (am), n. strength, power, valour
- • (am), ind. excellently
- ○citta mfn. of powerful mind MBh.
- ūrjitâśraya m. an abode of bravery, a hero, Kirāt
- ūrjin mfn. possessing food or strength, faithful
- ūrṇu (connected with √1. vṛ), cl. 2. P. Ā. ūrṇoti and ūrṇauti (Pāṇ. 7-3, 90), ūrṇute, aurṇot (Pāṇ. 7-3, 91 AV.), ūrṇunāva, ūrṇunuve, ūrṇavitā, and ūrṇuvitā (Pāṇ. 1-2, 3), ūrṇuviṣyati, -te, aurṇaviit, aurṇāviit, and aurṇuviit (Pāṇ. 7-2, 6), aurṇaviṣṭa, to cover, invest, hide, surround AV. vii, 1, 2 ; x, 2, 18 ; xviii, 4, 59 Bhaṭṭ.: Ā. to cover one's self BhP.: Desid. P. ūrṇunūṣati, ūrṇunaviṣati, ūrṇunuviṣati Pāṇ. 7-2, 49 Vop.: Intens. Ā. ūrṇonūyate Pat.
- ūrṇa n. (in some compounds = ū́rṇā below) wool
- • m. N. of a Yaksha BhP.
- ○nābha m. 'having wool on the navel', a spider ŚvetUp. &c
- • a particular position of the hands
- • N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh.
- • of a Dānava Hariv.
- • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people, g. rājaṇyâdi Pāṇ. 4-2, 53
- ○nā́bhi m. a spider ( above) TBr. BṛĀrUp. BhP. &c
- ○nābhī f. id
- ○paṭa m. 'having a woollen covering', a spider BhP.
- ○mradas (ū́rṇa○), mfn. soft as wool RV. v, 5, 4 ; x, 18, 10 AV. xviii, 3, 49 VS.
- ○vā́bhi m. (fr. an obsolete √vabh [= Gk. ? ; Old High Germ. web-an, [221, ] 'to weave'], Aufrecht) a spider (= ūrṇa-nābhi Sāy.) ŚBr. xiv, 5, 1, 23
- ū́rṇā (less correctly spelt urṇā), f. (cf. Uṇ. v, 47) wool, a woollen thread, thread RV. iv, 22, 2 ; v, 52, 9 ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c
- • cobweb BhP.
- • a circle of hair between the eyebrows Kād. Lalit.
- • N. of several women
- • [cf. úraṇa, úrā, ura-bhra
- • also Gk. ? ; Lat. vell-us, vill-us ; Lith. viilna ; [221, ] Goth. vulla (for vulna) ; Russ. vo1lna ; Mod. Germ. Wolle ; Eng. wool.]
- ○piṇḍa m. a ball of wool
- ○maya mfn. made of wool, woollen Kum. vii, 25. [Page 222, Column ]
- ○vat mfn. abounding in wool, having wool, woolly RV. vi, 15, 16 ; x, 75, 8
- • (ān), m. a spider ŚāṅkhBr.
- • N. of a man Pāṇ. 5-3, 118
- • (atī), f. a ewe RV. viii, 56, 3
- ○valá mfn. having wool, woolly ŚBr. vii
- ○sūtrá n. a thread of wool VS. ŚBr. &c
- ○stukā f. a tuft of wool AitBr. ĀśvGṛ. &c
- ūrṇôdara m. N. of a teacher
- ūrṇuta mfn. covered, invested Vop. Kāś.
- ūrd or urd, cl. 1. Ā. ūrdate, ūrdāṃcakre, ūrditā, ūrdiṣyate, aurdiṣṭa Dhātup. ii, 19, to measure L.
- • to play, be cheerful L.
- • to taste L.
- ūrda mf(ī)n. sportful, cheerful [T.], g. gaurâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 42
- • (v. l kūrda Kāś.)
- ū́rdara m. (etym. doubtful
- • fr. √dṝ with ūrj Uṇ. v, 40) a granary [Sāy.] RV. ii, 14, 11
- • a hero Comm. on Uṇ.
- • a Rakshas ib.
- ūrdha ūrdhaka, an incorrect spelling for ūrdhva, ūrdhvaka below
- ūrdhvá mf(ā)n. (√vṛdh BRD.
- • perhaps fr. √ṛ), rising or tending upwards, raised, elevated, erected, erect, upright, high, above RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. AitBr. &c. (in class. Sanskṛit occurring generally in compounds)
- • (am), n. height, elevation L.
- • anything placed above or higher (with abl.) L.
- • (am), ind. upwards, towards the upper part, aloft, above, in the upper regions, higher (with abl.) AV. xi, 1, 9 ŚBr. xii KātyŚr. MBh. Mn. &c
- • (ūrdhvaṃ-√gam, to go upwards or into heaven, die)
- • in the sequel, in the later part (e.g. of a book or MS.
- • because in Sanskṛit MSS. the later leaves stand above), subsequent, after (with abl.)
- ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Suśr. Mn. &c
- • (ata ūrdhvam, or ita ūrdhvam, hence forward, from that time forward, after that passage, hereafter ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Yājñ. &c
- • ūrdhvaṃ saṃvatsarāt, after a year Mn. ix, 77
- • ūrdhvaṃ dehāt, after life, after death MBh. i, 3606)
- • after, after the death of (with abl., e.g. ūrdhvaṃ pituḥ, after the father's death Mn. ix, 104)
- • in a high tone, aloud BhP.
- • [Gk. ? ; Lat. [222, ] ardūs ; Gae10l. ard.]
- ○kaca m. 'having the hair raised', the descending node L.
- ○kaṇṭha ās m. pl., N. of a people, VBṛS
- • (ā), f. a species of asparagus L.
- ○kaṇṭhaka m. N. of a plant
- • (ā), f. a species of asparagus L.
- ○kapāla mf(ā)n. having a lid or cover (as a vessel) MaitrS. i, 8, 3 KātyŚr. iv, 14, 1
- ○kara m. an upper hand (of Vishṇu) Hcat.
- • (mfn.) having the hands raised upwards (and also casting rays of light upwards), Ratnāv
- ○karṇa mfn. having the ears erect Śak. 8b
- • N. of a place
- ○karman n. motion or action tending upwards Pāṇ. 1-3, 24
- • (mfn.) one whose actions tend upwards L.
- • (ā), m. N. of Vishṇu L.
- ○kāya m. the upper part of the body Naish.
- ○kṛta mfn. turned or directed upwards Kathās.
- ○kṛśana (ūrdhvá○), mfn. (a beverage) whose pungent or strong part is on the surface (said of the Soma) RV. x, 144, 2
- • (or N. of a Ṛishi Sāy.)
- ○ketu m. N. of a man BhP.
- ○keśa mfn. having the hair erect
- • m. N. of a man
- • (ī), f. N. of a goddess
- ○kriyā f. motion or action tending upwards
- ○ga mfn. going upwards, ascending, hovering MBh. Suśr. &c
- • being above, high
- • m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP.
- • -pura n. the city of Hariścandra (who with his subjects is supposed to be suspended in the atmosphere) W.
- • ○âtman m. 'one whose soul tends upwards', N. of Śiva MBh.
- ○gati f. the act of going or tending upwards Suśr.
- • the act of skipping, bounding Pañcat.
- • (mfn.) going or tending upwards, reaching the heaven MBh. R. &c
- • (is), m. fire L.
- ○gamana n. the act of going or tending upwards or to the heaven Naish.
- • rising (of a star) Vop.
- • rising (of the voice) VPrāt.
- • rising, promotion Tattvas.
- • -vat mfn. moving or tending upwards Vedāntas.
- ○gāmin mfn. going or tending upwards Suśr.
- ○guda m. a particular disease in the mouth, ŚārṅgS.
- ○grāvan (ūrdhvá○), mfn. one who has raised the stone for pressing the Soma RV. iii, 54, 12
- • (ā), m. N. of a Ṛishi, RĀnukr
- ○caraṇa mfn. having the feet upwards
- • m. a kind of ascetic or devotee T.
- • N. of the fabulous animal Śarabha (which has four of its eight feet upwards) T.
- ○cít mfn. heaping or piling up VS.
- ○ja mfn. being higher, upper Suśr. i, 82, 8
- ○jatru mfn. being above the collar-bone ib.
- ○jānu
- ○jānuka mfn. raising the knees (in sitting), ŚāṅkhŚr. [Page 222, Column ]
- ○jña (cf. L.) and mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 130), id. MaitrS. AitĀr. &c
- ○jñu (ūrdhvá○), mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 130), id. MaitrS. AitĀr. &c
- ○jyotis mfn. one whose light tends upwards MaitrS.
- ○"ṣṃ-jānu mfn. being above the knee SāmavBr.
- ○taraṇa n. breaking out, overflowing (of a river) VarBṛS.
- ○tas ind. upwards Hcat.
- ○tā f. = -tva below
- ○tāla m. a kind of time (in music)
- ○tilaka n. an upright or perpendicular sectarian mark on the forehead
- ○"ṣtilakin mfn. having the above mark
- ○tva n. height, elevation
- ○daṃṣṭra-keśa m. 'one whose teeth and hair are erect', N. of Śiva MBh.
- ○diś f. the point of the sky overhead, the region above, zenith L.
- ○dṛś mfn. looking or seeing upwards Kathās.
- • (k), m. a crab L.
- ○dṛṣṭi f. a glance or look upwards
- • (mfn.) looking upwards
- ○deva m. N. of Vishṇu L.
- ○deha m. a body gone above or into heaven, a deceased one R. (cf. aurdhvadehika.)
- ○dvāra n. the gate opening into heaven, AmṛitUp
- ○nabhas mfn. being above the clouds VS. vi, 16
- ○nayana mfn. having eyes turned upwards
- • N. of the fabulous animal Śarabha L.
- ○nāla mfn. with upraised stalk
- ○"ṣṃ-dama mfn. erect, raised Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-3, 60 (cf. aurdhvaṃdamika.)
- ○patha m. 'the upper path', the other R.
- ○pavitra mfn. pure above TUp.
- ○pāṭha m. that which will be read (or is told) further on Comm. on TĀr.
- ○pātana n. the act of causing (mercury) to rise, sublimation (of mercury) Bhpr.
- • -yantra n. an apparatus for sublimation (of mercury)
- ○pātra n. the lid of a vessel HirGṛ. Yājñ. i, 182 Hcat.
- ○pāda m. the top of the foot Hcat.
- • (mfn.) having the feet upward R.
- • m. the fabulous animal Śarabha ( -caraṇa above)
- ○puṇḍra or n. = -tilaka above
- ○puṇḍraka n. = -tilaka above
- ○pūram ind. p. so as to become full to the brim Pāṇ. 3-4, 44
- ○pṛśni mfn. spotted above VS. MaitrS.
- ○pramāṇa n. height, altitude, Śulbas.
- ○barhis mfn. being over the sacrificial grass VS. xxxviii, 15
- ○bāhu mfn. having the arms lifted up TS. v ŚBr. v KātyŚr. BhP. &c
- • a kind of ascetic or devotee
- • N. of several Ṛishis
- ○budhna mfn. turned with the bottom upwards (as a vessel) AV. x, 8, 9 ŚBr. xiv
- ○bṛhatī f. N. of a Vedic metre (three lines with twelve syllabic instants in each) RPrāt. 906
- ○"ṣbhaktika mfn. effective upwards, causing to come up, emetic Car.
- ○bharam ind. carrying upwards, lifting up TāṇḍyaBr.
- ○bhāga m. upper part, higher part, subsequent part Hcat.
- • Comm on Pāṇ.
- • (mfn.) effective towards the upper part, emetic Car.
- ○"ṣbhāgika mfn. id. ib.
- ○bhāj mfn. tending upwards MaitrUp. MBh. iii (also N. of Agni)
- • emetic Car.
- ○bhās mfn. one whose splendour rises ( anū○)
- ○bhāsin mfn. flaming or radiating upwards MBh.
- ○bhūmi f. upper floor or story Pañcad.
- ○maṇḍalin m. a particular position of the hands in dancing
- ○manthin mfn. 'keeping the semen (manthin) above', abstaining from sexual intercourse, living in chastity TĀr. ii, 7, 1 BhP.
- ○māna n. height, altitude
- ○māyu mfn. giving forth a loud noise AV. v, 20, 4
- ○māruta n. pressure of the wind (of the body) upwards (so as to cause vomiting) Suśr.
- ○mukha mfn. having the mouth or opening turned upwards, turned upwards Kum. Ragh. &c
- ○muṇḍa mfn. being bald above, having a bald crown (of the head) VP.
- ○muhūrta n. the immediately following moment
- ○"ṣmauhūrtika mfn. happening immediately afterwards or after a short interval Pāṇ.
- ○"ṣraktin mfn. one whose blood rises towards the head Bhpr.
- ○rāji f. a line running from below upwards Suśr.
- ○rekhā
- f. id. Ragh. Pañcad. Naish.
- ○retas or (cf. TĀr. x, 12), mfn. keeping the semen above, living in chastity Gaut. MBh. Hariv. Kathās. &c
- ○reta (cf. TĀr. x, 12), mfn. keeping the semen above, living in chastity
- Gaut. MBh. Hariv. Kathās. &c
- • (ās), m. N. of Śiva MBh. xiii
- • of Bhīshma L.
- • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha
- ○roman mfn. having the hair of the body erect MBh. BhP.
- • (ā), m. N. of a mountain BhP. v, 20, 15
- ○liṅga and mfn. having the membrum above (i.e. chaste)
- ○liṅgin mfn. having the membrum above (i.e. chaste)
- • (ī), m. N. of Śiva MBh. Hcat.
- ○loka m. the upper world, world above, heaven
- ○vaktra ās m. pl. 'having the face above', N. of a class of deities VP.
- ○vayas n. of eminent vigour MaitrS.
- ○vartman n. 'the path above', the ether W.
- ○vāc mfn. having a loud voice
- ○vāta m. = -māruta above
- ○vāla mfn. with the hair turned upwards or outwards Gaut. xxiii, 18 PārGṛ.
- ○vāsya n. a particular dress of women ĀpŚr.
- ○vṛta mfn. put on or wound round from below upwards (as the sacred thread) Mn. ii, 44
- ○veṇī-dhara mfn. wearing the hair tied together on the crown MBh.
- • (ā), f. N. of a woman in the retinue of Skanda. [Page 222, Column ]
- ○śāyin m. 'lying with the face upwards, supine', N. of Śiva MBh. iii
- ○śocis mfn. one whose splendour rises upwards, flaming upwards (said of Agni) RV. vi, 15, 2
- ○śodhana n. 'purifying or emptying upwards', vomiting W.
- ○śoṣam ind. p. so as to dry above Pāṇ. 3-4, 44 Bhaṭṭ.
- ○śvāsa m. 'breathing above', shortness of breath, a kind of asthma Suśr. Bhpr.
- ○saṃhanana m. 'of tall and robust frame', N. of Śiva MBh. xiii
- ○sad mfn. sitting or being above or on high ĀpŚr.
- ○sadman m. N. of an Āṅgirasa
- ○"ṣsadmana n. N. of a Sāman composed by the above TāṇḍyaBr. (cf. the more correct form aurdhva-sa○.)
- ○sasya mf(ā)n. having high spikes of corn MBh.
- ○sāná mfn. high, superior, victorious RV. x, 99, 7
- ○sānu mfn. having a high back (as a horse), high, surpassing RV. i, 152, 5
- • having an elevated edge ĀpŚr.
- ○stana mf(ī)n. high-breasted Suśr.
- ○stoma mfn. celebrated with continually increasing Stomas (as a Daśa-rātra festival) ŚBr. xii Vait.
- ○sthiti f. standing upright, rearing (of a horse)
- • a horse's back
- • the place where the rider sits W.
- • elevation, superiority L.
- ○srotas n. 'having the current upwards', N. of a particular creation MārkP.
- • (asas), m. pl., N. of particular animals whose stream of life or nutriment tends upwards MBh. BhP. VP. &c
- • (ās), m. (= ūrdhva-retas), N. of Śiva L.
- • a kind of Yogin T.
- ○svapna mfn. sleeping upright (said of trees) AV. vi, 44, 1
- ūrdhvâṅga n. the upper part of the body, i.e. the part above the collar-bone
- ūrdhvâṅguli mfn. with raised fingers MBh.
- ūrdhvâmnāya m. 'a subsequent or further sacred tradition', N. of a sacred writing of the Śāktas
- • also of a certain Vaishṇava sect
- ūrdhvâyana n. going or rising up, flying up Naish.
- • (ās), m. pl., N. of the Vaiśyas in Plakshadviipa BhP.
- ūrdhvâroha m. rising upwards Rājat.
- ūrdhvâvarta m. rearing of a horse L.
- ūrdhvâśin eating upright Sarvad.
- ūrdhvâsita m. Momordica Charantia
- ūrdhvêḍa m. N. of a Sāman TāṇḍyaBr.
- ūrdhvêha m. wish or effort to raise one's self Vop.
- ūrdhvôcchvāsín mfn. breathing one's last ŚBr. xiv
- ūrdhvaka mfn. raised, lifted up SaṃnyUp.
- • m. a kind of drum Naish.
- ūrdhváthā ind. upwards, erect RV. x, 23, 1
- ūrdhvāya Nom. Ā. ūrdhvāyate, to rise, go upwards Bhpr.
- ūrdhvī-√kṛ P. to raise aloft, elevate
- ūrmí is mf. (√ṛ Uṇ. iv, 44), a wave, billow RV. AV. VS. KātyŚr. MBh. Ragh. &c
- • (figuratively) wave of pain or passion or grief &c. R. Prab. &c
- • 'the waves of existence' (six are enumerated, viz. cold and heat of the body, greediness and illusion of the mind, and hunger and thirst of life Subh.
- • or according to others, hunger, thirst, decay, death, grief, illusion Comm. on VP. W.)
- • speed, velocity TBr. ii, 5, 7, r Śiś. v, 4
- • symbolical expression for the number six RāmatUp.
- • a fold or plait in a garment L.
- • line, row L.
- • missing, regretting, desire L.
- • appearance, becoming manifest L. ; [Lith. vil-ni-s ; Old High Germ. wella ; Mod. Germ. Welle ; Eng. well.]
- ○mat mfn. wavy, undulating, billowy R.
- • plaited, curled (as hair) MBh.
- • (ān), m. the ocean MBh. i
- • crooked L.
- • -tā f. undulation
- • crookedness L.
- ○mālā f. 'a garland of waves', row of waves
- • N. of a metre (consisting of four lines of eleven syllables each) VarBṛS.
- ○"ṣmālin mfn. wreathed with waves, having waves MBh. R.
- • (ī), m. the ocean Ragh. v, 61
- ○ṣaṭkâtiga mfn. one who has surpassed or overcome the six waves of existence BrahmaP.
- ūrmikā f. a wave L.
- • a finger ring Rājat.
- • a plait or fold in a garment L.
- • humming (of bees) L.
- ūrmín mfn. undulating, wavy RV. ix, 98, 6 TS. i MBh. &c
- ū́rmya mfn. undulating, wavy VS. xvi, 31
- • (ā), f. night RV.
- ūrmilā f. N. of several women MBh. Ragh. &c
- ūrv or urv, cl. 1. P. ūrvati, ūrvāṃcakāra, &c., to kill, hurt Dhātup. xv, 60
- ūrvá (for 1. p. 221, col. 2), mfn. (probably connected with uru), broad, extensive, great, excessive, much RV. [Page 223, Column ]
- • m. the ocean RV.
- ūrvarā f. v. l. for urvarā, q.v
- ūrvaśī f. v. l. for urvaśī, q.v
- ūrv-aṣṭhīvá &c. under ūrú
- ūrvī &c. p. 221, cols. 2 & 3
- ūrṣā f. Andropogon Serratum L.
- ūlupin ūlūka, ūvaṭa, vv. ll. for ulupin, ulūka, uvaṭa, qq. v
- ū́vadhya ū́badhya
- ūṣ cl. 1. P. ūṣati, ūṣāṃ-cakāra, ūṣitā, &c., to be sick or ill Dhātup. xvii, 32
- ū́ṣa m. (√uṣ BRD.
- • √ūṣ T.), salt ground, soil impregnated with saline particles TS. AitBr. iv, 27, 9 ŚBr. Mn. v, 120 Suśr. &c. (according to the Brāhmaṇas also 'cattle')
- • a cleft, hole L.
- • the cavity of the ear L.
- • the Malaya mountain L.
- • dawn, daybreak L. (in the latter sense also n. W.)
- • (ā and ī), f. soil impregnated with saline particles, sterile soil KātyŚr. BhP.
- • (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Bāṇa and wife of Aniruddha (v. l. uṣā, q.v.)
- ○puṭá m. a case of salt, pieces of salt put into a wrapper MaitrS. ŚBr. KātyŚr.
- ○vat mfn. containing salt, consisting of saline soil L.
- ○sikatá n. granular salt ŚBr. vi MānGṛ.
- ūṣaka n. salt or pepper Suśr.
- • daybreak, dawn L.
- ūṣaṇa n. black pepper Suśr.
- • (ā), f. long pepper Suśr.
- ūṣará mf(ā)n. impregnated with salt, containing salt
- • (am), n. saline soil
- ŚBr. KātyŚr. MBh. Mn. &c
- ○ja n. a kind of fossil salt L.
- ūṣarāya Nom. Ā. ūṣarāyate, to become a saline or sterile soil Pañcat.
- ūṣmán ā m. (√uṣ, cf. uṣman), heat, glow, ardour, hot vapour, steam, vapour AV. vi, 18, 3 VS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. BhP. (also figuratively said of passion or of money &c.)
- • the hot season L.
- • (in Gr.) N. applied to certain sounds (viz. the three sibilants, h, Visarga, Jihvāmūlīya, Upadhmānīya, and Anusvāra) RPrāt. 11, &c. APrāt. VPrāt. Kāś. &c. (the TPrāt. omits Visarga and Anusvāra)
- ūṣmá (in comp. for ūṣmán above)
- ○ja mfn. produced from vapour (as animals of low order) Kap.
- ○tva n. (in Gr.) the state of being an Ūshman ( above) Comm. on TPrāt.
- ○pa mfn. imbibing the steam of hot food Kād.
- • m. fire BhP.
- • (ās), m. pl., N. of a class of manes MBh. Bhag. Hariv. &c
- ○para mfn. followed by an Ūshman sound, above
- ○pura n. N. of a Buddhist temple
- ○prakṛti mfn. produced from an Ūshman RPrāt. 406
- ○bhāga (ūṣmá○), mfn. one whose portion is vapour TBr. i
- ○vat mfn. hot, steaming Suśr.
- ūṣmânta mfn. ending in an Ūshman
- ūṣmântaḥstha ās m. pl. the Ūshmans and the Anta?sthas or semivowels
- ūṣmâpaha m. 'removing heat', the winter L.
- ūṣmâyaṇa n. the hot season L.
- ūṣmôpagama m. the approach of the hot season L.
- ūṣmaka m. the hot season L.
- ūṣmaṇyá mfn. giving forth hot vapour, steaming RV. i, 162, 13
- ūṣmā f. vapour, steam MBh. xiii
- ūṣmāya Nom. Ā. ūṣmāyate, to emit heat or hot vapour
- • to steam Pāṇ. 3-1, 16 Hcar. &c
- ūh cl. 1. P. Ā. ūhati, -te, ūhāṃcakāra and -cakre, ūhitā, auhīt, auhiṣṭa (connected with √vah, q.v., and in some forms not to be distinguished from it), to push, thrust, move, remove (only when compounded with prepositions)
- • to change, alter, modify ŚāṅkhŚr. Comm. on Nyāyam.
- ūḍha mfn. (for 1. s.v. and √vah) pushed, thrust, moved
- • changed, modified
- ūha m. removing, derangement, transposition, change, modification Lāṭy. ŚāṅkhŚr. Pat. &c
- • adding, addition Car.
- ○gāna n. and N. of the third Gāna or hymn-book of the Sāma-veda. [Page 223, Column ]
- ○gīti f. N. of the third Gāna or hymn-book of the Sāma-veda. [Page 223, Column ]
- ○cchalā f. N. of a chapter of the Sāmaveda-cchalā
- ūhana n. transposition, change, modification Nyāyam.
- • (ī), f. a broom L.
- ūhanīya mfn. to be changed or modified Nyāyam.
- ūhita mfn. changed, modified
- ūhitavya mfn. id. ib. Comm. on Lāṭy.
- ūhinī f. a broom L.
- ūhya mfn. to be changed or modified Nyāyam.
- ○gāna n. N. of the fourth Gāna or hymn-book of the Sāma-veda
- ○cchalā f. N. of a chapter of the Sāmaveda-cchalā
- ūh cl. 1. P. Ā. ūhati, -te (Ved. ohate), ūhāṃ-cakāra, &c. (by native authorities not distinguished from 1. ūh above), to observe, mark, note, attend to, heed, regard RV. AV. xx, 131, 10
- • to expect, hope for, wait for, listen for RV.
- • to comprehend, conceive, conjecture, guess, suppose, infer, reason, deliberate upon
- MBh. BhP. Nyāyam. Bhaṭṭ. &c.: Caus. ūhayati (aor. aujihat), to consider, heed MBh.
- • to cause to suppose or infer Bhaṭṭ.
- ūḍha mfn. concluded, inferred (cf. abhyūḍha.)
- ūha m. the act of comprehending, conceiving
- • consideration, deliberation, examination
- • supposition, conclusion, inference MBh. BhP. Mn. &c
- • (ā), f. id. L.
- ○vat mfn. comprehending easily Gaut. MBh.
- ūhana n. deliberation, reasoning
- ūhanīya mfn. to be deliberated upon
- • to be inferred or concluded Sarvad.
- ūhya mfn. id. VarBṛS.
- ūhivas perf. p. of √vah, q.v