Sir Monier-Williams (1819–1899) - A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1899) |
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- ca the 20th letter of the alphabet, 1st of the 2nd (or palatal) class of consonants, having the sound of ch in church. -1
- ○kāra m. the letter or sound ca
- ca ind. and, both, also, moreover, as well as (= ?, Lat. que, placed like these particles as an enclitic after the word which it connects with what precedes
- • when used with a personal pronoun this must appear in its fuller accented form (e.g. táva ca máma ca [not te ca me ca], 'both of thee and me'), when used after verbs the first of them is accented Pāṇ. 8-1, 58 f
- • it connects whole sentences as well as parts of sentences
- • in RV. the double ca occurs more frequently than the single (e.g. aháṃ ca tváṃ ca, 'I and thou', viii, 62, 11)
- • the double ca may also be used somewhat redundantly in class. Sanskṛit (e.g. kva hariṇakānāṃ jīvitaṃ câtilolaṃ kva ca vajra-sārāḥ śarās te, 'where is the frail existence, of fawns and where are thy adamantine arrows?' Śak. i, 10)
- • in later literature, however, the first ca is more usually omitted (e.g. ahaṃ tvaṃ ca), and when more than two things are enumerated only one ca is often found (e.g. tejasā yaśasā lakṣmyā sthityā ca parayā, 'in glory, in fame, in beauty, and in high position' Nal. xii, 6)
- • elsewhere, when more than two things are enumerated, ca is placed after some and omitted after others (e.g. ṛṇa-dātā ca vaidyaś ca śrotriyo nadī, 'the payer of a debt and a physician and a Brāhman and a river' Hit. i, 4, 55)
- • in Ved. and even in class. Sanskṛit [Mn. iii, 20 ; ix, 322 Hit.], when the double ca would generally be used, the second may occasionally be omitted (e.g. indraś ca soma, 'both Indra and thou Soma' RV. vii, 104, 25
- • durbhedyaś câśusaṃdheyaḥ, 'both difficult to be divided and quickly united' Hit. i)
- • with lexicographers ca may imply a reference to certain other words which are not expressed (e.g. kamaṇḍalau ca karakaḥ, 'the word karaka has the meaning 'pitcher' and other meanings')
- • sometimes ca is = eva, even, indeed, certainly, just (e.g. su-cintitaṃ câuṣadhaṃ na nāma-mātreṇa karoty arogam, 'even a well-devised remedy does not cure a disease by its mere name' Hit.
- • yāvanta eva te tāvāṃśca saḥ, 'as great as they were just so great was he' Ragh. xii, 45)
- • occasionally ca is disjunctive, 'but', 'on the contrary', 'on the other hand', 'yet', 'nevertheless' (varam ādyau na cântimaḥ, 'better the two first but not the last' Hit. [Page 380, Column 2]
- • śāntam idam āśrama-padaṃ sphurati ca bāhuḥ, 'this hermitage is tranquil yet my arm throbs' Śak. i, 15)
- • ca-ca, though-yet Vikr. ii, 9
- • ca-na ca, though - yet not Pat.
- • ca - na tu (vḷ. nanu), id., Mālav-. iv, 8
- • na ca - ca, though not - yet Pat.
- • ca may be used for vā, 'either', 'or' (e.g. iha câmutra vā, 'either here or hereafter' Mn. xii, 89
- • strī vā pumān vā yac cânyat sattvam, 'either a woman or a man or any other being' R.), and when a neg. particle is joined with ca the two may then be translated by 'neither', 'nor'
- • occasionally one ca or one na is omitted (e.g. na ca paribhoktuṃ nâiva śaknomi hātum, 'I am able neither to enjoy nor to abandon' Śak. v, 18
- • na pūrvâhṇe nā ca parâhṇe, 'neither in the forenoon nor in the afternoon')
- • ca-ca may express immediate connection between two acts or their simultaneous occurrence (e.g. mama ca muktaṃ tamasā mano manasijena dhanuṣi śaraś ca niveśitaḥ, 'no sooner is my mind freed from darkness than a shaft is fixed on his bow by the heart-born god', vi, 8)
- • ca is sometimes = cêd, 'if' (cf. Pāṇ. 8-1, 30
- • the verb is accented) RV. AV. MBh. Vikr. ii, 20 Bhartṛ. ii, 45
- • ca may be used as an expletive (e.g. anyaiś ca kratubhiś ca, 'and with other sacrifices')
- • ca is often joined to an adv. like eva, api, tathā, tathâiva, &c., either with or without a neg. particle (e.g. vairiṇaṃ nôpaseveta sahâyaṃ caiva vairiṇaḥ, 'one ought not to serve either an enemy or the ally of an enemy' Mn. iv, 133)
- • ( See eva, api, &c.) For the meaning of ca after an interrogative See 2. ká, 2. kathā́, kím, kvá) ; [cf. ?, Lat. que, pe (in nempe &c.) ; Goth. uh ; Zd. ca ; Old Pers. cā.] -2
- ○kāra m. the particle ca Pāṇ. 2-3, 72 Kāś.
- ○samāsa m. a Dvandva compound Vop. Sch.
- câdi a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 1-4, 57 (including the indeclinable particles),
- ca mfn. pure L.
- • moving to and fro L.
- • mischievous L.
- • seedless L.
- • m. a thief. L.
- • the moon L.
- • a tortoise L.
- • Śiva L.
- cak cl. 1. P. Ā. ○kati, ○kate, to be satiated or contented or satisfied Dhātup. iv, 19
- • to repel, resist ib.
- • to shine, xix, 21 (cf. √kan and kam.)
- caka m. (√kan?) N. of a Nāga priest TāṇḍyaBr. xxv, 15, 3 (vḷ. cakka) (cf. kuṭī-.)
- cakana g. cūrṇâdi (vv. ll. cakkana and cakvana)
- cakita mfn. trembling, timid, frightened Mṛicch. i, 16 Ragh. Megh. &c. (a- neg. 'not staggering', as the gait Daś.)
- • n. trembling, timidity, alarm Mṛicch. &c
- • (am), ind. tremblingly, with great alarm Mālav. i, 10 Gīt. Sāh.
- • (ā), f. a metre of 4 x 16 syllables (cf. uc-, pra-.)
- ○cakita mfn. greatly alarmed BhP.
- • (am), ind. with great alarm Megh. 14
- ○hṛdaya mfn. faint-hearted W.
- cakaṭy-odana n. bad rice Divyâv. xxxv, 231 ff
- cakās (cf. √kāś), cl. 2. P. cakāsti (3 pl. ○sati Pāṇ. 6-1, 6 BhP. v Bhaṭṭ.
- • p. ○sat Śiś. i, 8 BhP. iii, 19, 14
- • impf. acakāt, 2. sg. ○kās or ○kāt Pāṇ. 8-2, 73 f. Kāś.
- • Impv. cakāddhi, 25 Kār. 1 [Pat.]
- • ○kādhi Pat. on Kār. 3
- • pf. ○kāsāṃ cakāra [vi, 4, 112 Siddh.] Bhaṭṭ.
- • cl. 1. Ā.? 3. du. cakāśete MBh. iii, 438 ; viii, 2328), to shine, be bright: Caus. cakāsayati (aor. acacakāsat or acīc○ Pāṇ. 7-4, 81 Siddh.), to cause to shine, make bright Śiś. iii, 6
- cakās mfn. shining Pāṇ. 8-2, 73 Kāś.
- cakāsita mfn. illuminated, splendid W.
- cakita See √cak
- cakṛvat n. (for ○vas pf. P. p.) a perfect form (of any verb) ŚāṅkhBr. xxii, 3
- cakora m. (√cak Uṇ.) the Greek partridge (Perdix rufa
- • fabled to subsist on moonbeams [ŚārṅgP.
- • cf. Gīt. i, 23], hence 'an eye drinking the nectar of a moon-like face' is poetically called c○ BrahmaP. Kathās. lxxvii, 50
- • the eyes of the Cakora are said to turn red when they look on poisoned food Kām. Naish. Kull. on Mn. vii, 217) MBh. Lalit. Suśr. &c
- • (pl.) N. of a people AV. Pariś. lvi
- • (sg.) of a prince BhP. xii, 1, 24
- • of a town (?) Hcar. vi
- • (ī), f. a female Cakora bird Kathās. il, 213
- ○dṛś mfn. having (eyes like those of the Cakora bird, i.e. having) beautiful eyes Śiś. vi, 48
- ○netra mf(ā)n. id. MBh. vii Mṛicch. i, 3 Ragh. [Page 380, Column 3]
- ○vrata n. 'habit of a Cakora bird', enjoying the nectar of a moon-like face Kathās. lxxvi, 11
- cakṣorâkṣa mf(ī)n. = ○ra-dṛś Vcar. viii, 42 Bharaṭ. iii, 2
- cakoraka m. ifc. = ○ra (Perdix rufa)
- cakorāya Nom. Ā. to act like the Cakora bird Kathās. lxxxix, 41
- cakk cl. 10. P. ○kkayati, to suffer Dhātup. xxxii, 56
- • to give or inflict pain (?) ib.
- cakka vḷ. for caka
- cakkana vḷ. for cakana
- cakkala mfn. (for cakrala) round, circular (?) Uṇ. i, 108 Sch.
- cakkalaka n. a series of 4 Ślokas (= caturbhiḥ kulaka) Rājat. vii, 193 Śiś. xix, 29 Sch. Śrīkaṇṭh. iii, 50 Sch. (cf. cakra-bandha.)
- caknasa m. (√knas) Vop. xxvi, 30
- cakrá n. (Ved. rarely m
- • g. ardharcâdi
- • fr. √car?
- • √1. kṛ Pāṇ. 6-1, 12, Kāś.) the wheel (of a carriage, of the Sun's chariot [RV.], of Time [i, 164, 2-48]
- • ○kráṃ-√car, to drive in a carriage ŚBr. vi) RV. &c
- • a potter's wheel ŚBr. xi Yājñ. iii, 146 (cf. -bhrama &c.)
- • a discus or sharp circular missile weapon (esp. that of Vishṇu) MBh. R. Suśr. Pañcat. BhP.
- • an oil-mill Mn. iv. 85 MBh. xii, 6481 & 7697
- • a circle R. BhP. &c. (kalâpa-, 'the circle of a peacock's tail' Ṛitus. ii, 14)
- • an astronomical circle (e.g. rāśi-, the zodiac) VarBṛS. Sūryas.
- • a mystical circle or diagram, Tantr
- • = -bandha, q.v. Sāh. x, 13 a/b
- • a cycle, cycle of years or of seasons Hariv. 652
- • 'a form of military array (in a circle)', See -vyūha
- • circular flight (of a bird) Pañcat. ii, 57
- • a particular constellation in the form of a hexagon VarBṛS. xx VarBṛ. Laghuj.
- • a circle or depression of the body (for mystical or chiromantic purposes ; 6 in number, one above the other, viz. 1. mūlâdhāra, the parts about the pubis
- • 2. svâdhiṣṭhāna, the umbilical region
- • 3. maṇi-pūra, the pit of the stomach or epigastrium
- • 4. anāhata, the √of the nose
- • 5. viśuddha, the hollow between the frontal sinuses
- • 6. ājñâkhya, the fontenelle or union of the coronal and sagittal sutures
- • various faculties and divinities are supposed to be present in these hollows)
- • N. of a metre (= -pāta)
- • a circle or a similar instrument (used in astron.) Laghuj. Sūryas. xiii, 20 Gol. xi, 10 ff
- • (also m. L.) a troop, multitude MBh. v, ix (○krâvalī, q.v.) Hariv. R. &c
- • the whole number of (in comp.) Sarvad. xi, 127
- • a troop of soldiers, army, host MBh. (ifc. f. ā, iii, 640) BhP. i, ix Cāṇ.
- • a number of villages, province, district L.
- • (fig.) range, department VarBṛS. xxx, 33
- • the wheel of a monarch's chariot rolling over his dominions, sovereignty, realm Yājñ. i, 265 MBh. i, xiii BhP. ix, 20, 32 VP.
- • (pl.) the winding of a river L.
- • a whirlpool L.
- • a crooked or fraudulent device (cf. cakrikā) L.
- • the convolutions or spiral marks of the Śāla-grāma or ammonite W.
- • N. of a medicinal plant or drug Suśr. vf
- • of a Tīrtha BhP. x, 78, 19
- • m. the ruddy goose or Brāhmany duck (Anas Casarca, called after its cries
- • cf. -vāká) MBh. ix, 443 Bālar. viii, 58 Kathās. lxxii, 40 ŚārṅgP.
- • (pl.) N. of a people MBh. vi, 352
- • (g. aśvâdi) N. of a man, BṛArUp. iii, 4, 1 Sch.
- • of another man Kathās. lvi, 144
- • of a Nāga MBh. i, 2147
- • of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. ix, 2539 and 2542
- • of a mountain BhP. v, 20, 15 Kathās. liv. 16
- • (ā), f. a kind of Cyperus or another plant L.
- • (ī́), f. a wheel (instr. sg. ○kríyā
- • gen. du. ○kryós) RV.
- • (du. ○kriyau) Kāṭh. xxix, 7
- • [cf. a-, aṣṭā́-, uccā-, éka-, kāla-, kū-, daṇḍa-, dik-, dharma-, mahā-, mātṛ-, ródha-, viṣṇu-, sa-, saptá-, hiraṇya-
- • tri- and sucakrá ; also,. ?, Lat. circus ; Angl. Sax. hveohl, Engl. wheel.]
- ○kāraka n. the perfume unguis odoratus Bhpr. v, 2, 80
- ○kulyā f. a kind of fern (citra-parṇī) L.
- ○gaja m. Cassia Tora L.
- ○gaṇḍu m. a round pillow L.
- ○gati f. rotation, revolution W.
- ○guccha m. 'having circular clusters', Jonesia Aśoka L.
- ○gulma m. 'having a circular excretion', a camel Npr.
- ○goptṛ m. du. 'wheel-protectors' two men whose business is to preserve the wheels of a carriage from damage MBh. vii, 1627 (cf. -rakṣa.)
- ○grahaṇī f. 'armykeeper', a rampart (cf. Sch.) iii, 641
- ○cara m. pl. 'going in a circle', N. of a class of superhuman beings, iii, 8214 ; xiii, 6493 ff
- • 'a juggler' (cf. cakrâṭa) or 'a potter' (cf. Sch.) VarBṛS. x, 12
- ○cārin mfn. flying in a circle (a bird) Hariv. 3494. [Page 381, Column 1]
- ○cūḍāmaṇi m. 'round jewel (in a coronet)', a honorific N. of Vop.
- • N. of the elder brother of the astronomer Bala-bhadra (17th century)
- • N. of a treatise
- ○jāti f. = -bandha
- ○jīvaka m. 'living by his wheel', a potter L.
- ○jīvin m. id. W.
- ○ṇadī f. = -nadī g. girinady-ādi
- ○ṇitamba m. = -nit○ ib.
- ○talâmra m. a kind of mango tree L.
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha (cf. cakra) VarP. ŚivaP. Prab. iv f. &c
- ○tuṇḍa (○krá-), m. 'circularbeaked', a kind of mythical being Suparṇ. xxiii, 4
- • a kind of fish R. (B) iii, 73, 14
- ○taila n. oil prepared from the Cakra(-gaja?) plant Suśr.
- ○daṃṣṭra m. 'having curved tusks', a hog L. (vḷ. vakr○)
- ○datta m. (= -pāṇi-datta), N. of an author
- • -nāmaka-grantha m. N. of wk
- ○dantī f. N. of a plant L.
- • -bīja m. 'having seeds resembling those of the plant Cakra-danti', N. of a plant L.
- ○dīpikā f. 'diagram-illuminator', N. of a work Tantras. ii
- ○"ṣdundubhya mfn. relating to a wheel and to a drum KātyŚr. iv, 3, 13
- ○dṛś mfn. 'circular-eyed', N. of an Asura BhP. viii, 10, 21
- ○deva m. 'having the wheel (of a war-chariot) for his deity', N. of a warrior MBh. ii, 621 Hariv. 6626 and 6642 f
- ○dvāra m. N. of a mountain MBh. xii, 12035
- ○dhanus m. N. of a Ṛishi, v, 3795
- ○dhara mfn. or m. bearing a wheel, wheelbearer Pañcat. v, 3, 10/11 ff. (once -dhāra)
- • = -bhṛt MBh. i, 6257 Mṛicch. v, 3 Ragh. xvi, 55
- • driving in a carriage (?, 'a snake' or 'a governor' Sch.
- • cf. Mn. ii, 138 and Yājñ. i, 117) MBh. xiii, 7570
- • m. a sovereign, emperor, iii, xii Hariv. 10999
- • governor of a province L.
- • = caraka VarBṛ. xv, 1 Sch.
- • a snake Rājat. i, 261
- • a village tumbler (cf. cakrâṭa) W.
- • N. of a man Karmapr. Sch.
- • of other men Kathās. &c
- • of a locality Rājat. iv, 191
- ○dharman m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara prince MBh. ii, 408
- ○dhāra for -dhara, q.v
- • (ā), f. the periphery of a wheel W.
- ○nakha m.= -kāraka L.
- ○nadī f. (g. girinady-ādi) N. of a river BhP. v, 7, 9
- ○nābhi f. the nave of a wheel Suśr.
- ○nāman m. = -sâhvaya Kād.
- • a pyritic ore of iron (mākṣika) L.
- ○nāyaka m. the leader of a troop Rājat. ii, 106
- • = -kāraka L.
- ○nārāyaṇī-saṃhitā f. N. of wk. Smṛitit. ix
- ○nitamba m. = -ṇit○ g. girinady-ādi
- ○nemi f. 'wheel-felly', N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix, 2623
- ○padmâṭa m. = -gaja L.
- ○parivyādha m. Cathartocarpus fistula L.
- ○parṇī f. = -kulyā Npr.
- ○pāṇi m. 'discus-handed', Vishṇu ṢaḍvBr. v, 10 MBh. vi, 1900
- • (○ṇin) Hariv. 8193 and 8376
- • N. of a medical author
- • -datta m. id
- ○pāṇin for ○ṇi, q.v
- ○pāta m. a metre of 4 x 14 syllables
- ○pāda m. 'wheel-footed', a carriage L.
- • 'circular-footed', an elephant L.
- ○pāla m. the superintendent of a province W.
- • one who carries a discus W.
- • a circle W.
- • the horizon W.
- • N. of a poet Kshem.
- ○pālita m. N. of a man
- ○pura n. N. of a town (built by Cakra-mardikā Rājat. iv, 213) Kathās. cxxiii, 213
- ○puṣkariṇī f. N. of a sacred tank at Benares KāśīKh.
- ○phala n. a missile weapon (kind of discus) L.
- ○bandha m. a stanza artificially arranged in a diagram, Pratāpar
- • (am), ind. so as to fasten or bind in a particular way Pāṇ. 3-4, 41 Kāś.
- ○bandhanā f. a kind of jasmine Npr.
- ○bāndhava m. 'friend of Cakra(-vāka)birds (supposed to couple only in day-time)', the sun L.
- ○bālā f. Hibiscus cannabinus Npr.
- ○bhaṅga m. break of a wheel Mn. viii, 291
- ○bhānu m. N. of a Brāhman Rājat. vi, 108
- ○bhṛt m. 'discus-bearer', Vishṇu Rājat. i, 38
- ○bhedinī f. 'dividing the Cakra(-vāka) couples (cf. -bāndhava)', night L.
- ○bhrama mfn. turning like a wheel Mcar. vi, 12
- • m. = ○mi Ragh. vi, 32 Sāṃkhyak. 67 (vḷ.)
- ○bhramaṇa m. N. of a mountain Vīrac. xii
- ○bhrami f. rotation of a wheel Sāṃkhyak. 67 Ragh. (C) vi, 32
- ○bhrānti f. rotation of the wheels (of a chariot) W.
- ○maṭha m. N. of a college (built in a circular form by Cakra-varman) Rājat. v, 403
- ○maṇḍalin m. the Boa constrictor L.
- ○manda m. N. of a Nāga MBh. xvi, 120
- ○marda m. = -gaja Suśr. iv, 9, 11
- ○mardaka m. id. L.
- • (ikā), f. N. of a wife of Līlâditya Rājat. iv, 213 and 393
- ○m-āsajá mfn. stopping the wheels (of a chariot) RV. v, 34, 6
- ○mīmāṃsā f. N. of wk
- ○mukha m. = -daṃṣṭra L.
- ○musala mfn. (a battle) carried on with the discus and club Hariv. 5346 (cf. 5648)
- ○medinī for -bhed○ Gal.
- ○melaka N. of a locality in Kaśmīr Kathās. cxxiii, 213 and 221 Rājat. vi, 108
- ○mauli 'having a circular diadem', N. of a Rākshasa R. vi, 69, 14. [Page 381, Column 2]
- ○maulin mfn. having the wheels turned upwards Hariv. 3415
- ○yāna n. any wheel-carriage L.
- ○yoga m. applying a splint or similar instrument by means of pulleys (in case of dislocation of the thigh) Suśr. iv, 3, 25
- ○yodhin m. 'discus-fighter', N. of a Dānava VP. i, 21, 12
- ○rakṣa m. du. = -goptṛ MBh. i, iv, vi
- ○rada m. = -daṃṣṭra L.
- ○rāja m. N. of a mystical diagram Rudray.
- ○lakṣaṇā f. Cocculus cordifolius L.
- ○lakṣaṇikā f. id. Bhpr.
- ○latâmra for -talâmra W.
- ○vat mfn. furnished with wheels, wheeled Pāṇ. 8-2, 12 Kāś.
- • armed with a discus W.
- • circular W.
- • m. an oil-grinder Mn. iv, 84
- • N. of Vishṇu W.
- • a sovereign, emperor W.
- • N. of a mountain Hariv. 12408 and 12847 R. iv, 43, 32
- • n. a chariot Baudh. i, 3, 34
- • ind. like a wheel, in rotation W.
- • (-vad) -gati mfn. turning like a wheel MBh. xii, 873
- ○varta See -vṛtta
- ○vartin mfn. rolling everywhere without obstruction Kathās. cvii, 133
- • m. a ruler the wheels of whose chariot roll everywhere without obstruction, emperor, sovereign of the world, ruler of a Cakra (or country described as extending from sea to sea ; 12 princes beginning with Bharata are esp. considered as Cakravartins) MaitrUp. MBh. Buddh. Jain. &c
- • mfn. supreme, holding the highest rank among (gen. or in comp.) Kum. vii, 52 Gīt. i, 2 Kathās. i, xx
- • m. Chenopodium album L.
- • N. of the author of a Comm. on Alaṃkāras., Pratāpar. Sch.
- • (inī), f. the fragrant plant Jantukā L.
- • Nardostachys Jaṭāmāṃsi L.
- • = alaktaka L.
- • ○ti-tā f. the state of a universal emperor Daś. xiii, 79
- • ○ti-tva n. id. Hariv. 8815
- ○varman m. N. of a king of Kaśmīr Rājat. v, 287 ff
- ○vāká m. the Cakra bird (Anas Casarca
- • the couples are supposed to be separated and to mourn during night) RV. ii, 39, 3 VS. xxiv f. AV. xiv MBh. &c
- • (ī). f. the female of the Cakra(-vāka) bird Megh. 80 Kathās. Sāh.
- • -bandhu m. = ○kra-bāndhava L.
- • -maya mfn. consisting of Cakra birds Kād. vi, 272 Hcar. iv, 36
- • -vatī f. 'abounding in Cakra-vākas', (probably) N. of a river, g. ajirâdi
- • ○kôpakūjita mfn. made resonant with the cooing or cry of the Cakra-vāka MBh. iii, 2512
- ○"ṣvākin mfn. filled with Cakra-vākas Ragh. xv, 30
- ○vāṭa m. a limit, boundary L.
- • a lamp-stand L.
- • engaging in an action (?, kriyâroha) L.
- ○vāḍa m. fire Gal.
- • the mountain-range Cakra-vāla Kāraṇḍ. xxiii
- • n. 'a circle', or 'a troop, multitude' L.
- ○vāta m. a whirlwind BhP. x
- ○vāla n. (fr. -vāḍa) a circle MBh. i, 7021 ff Sūryapr.
- • = ○la-yamaka Bhaṭṭ. x, 6 Sch.
- • m. n. a mass, multitude, number, assemblage MBh. i Hariv. 4098 VarBṛS. &c
- • m. N. of a mythical range of mountains (encircling the orb of the earth and being the limit of light and darkness) Buddh.: Kāvyâd. ii, 99 (○lâdri)
- • -yamaka n. a kind of artificial stanza (as Bhaṭṭ. x, 6)
- • ○lâtman f. N. of a goddess BrahmaP. ii, 18, 12
- ○"ṣvālaka n. a kind of rhetorical figure, Pratāpar
- ○vāladhi m. 'curved-tail', a dog L. (cf. vakr○.)
- ○vimala N. of a plant Buddh. L.
- ○vṛtta (○krá-), mfn. turned on a potter's wheel MaitrS. i, 8, 3
- • (a-cakravarta, for ○vṛtta neg.) ĀpŚr. vi, 3, 7 (cf. ○kru-v○.)
- ○vṛddhi f. interest upon interest Gaut. Nār.
- • Bṛihasp. Mn. viii, 153
- • wages for transporting goods in a carriage, 156
- ○vyūha m. any circular array of troops MBh. i, 2754 ; vii, 1471 (cf. also 3108)
- • N. of a Kiṃnara prince Kāraṇḍ. i, 29
- ○śata-pattra N. of a plant Buddh. L.
- ○śreṇī f. Odina pinnata (bearing a curved fruit) L.
- ○saṃvara m. N. of a Buddha (vajra-ṭīka) L.
- ○saktha mfn. bow-legged Pāṇ. 6-2, 198 Kāś.
- ○saṃjña n. tin L.
- ○sâhvaya m. the Cakra(-vāka) bird MBh. xiii, 2836 R. iv, 51, 38
- ○sena m. N. of a son of Tārā-candra and father of Siṃha
- • (ā), f. N. of a princess Kathās. liv, III
○svastika-nandy-āvarta m. 'having the wheel the Svastika and the Nandy-āvarta emblems', N. of Buddha Divyâv.
- ○svāmin m. (cf. -bhṛt) Vishṇu
- ○hasta m. (= -pāṇi) id. W.
- ○hrada m. N. of a lake SkandaP.
- cakrâkāra mf(ā)n. disc-shaped (the earth) Sūryas. xii, 54
- cakrâkī vḷ. for ○krâṅkī. W.
- cakrâkṛti mfn. = ○kāra W.
- cakrâṅkā f. Cocculus tomentosus Bhpr.v, 3, 307 (vḷ. ○krâhvā)
- • Cyperus pertenuis L.
- cakrâṅkitā f. a kind of plant Pañcat. iii, 73/74
- cakrâṅkī f. = ○ṅgī, a goose L.
- cakrâṅga m. 'curved-neck', a gander MBh. viii, xii f. R. v, 16, 11
- • the Cakra(-vāka) bird Mn. v, 12
- • 'wheellimbed (cf. ○kra-pāda)', a carriage L.
- • n. 'disc- shaped', a parasol L. [Page 381, Column 3]
- • (ā), f. = ○ṅkā, Cocculus tomentosus W.
- • (ī), f. = ○ṅkī, a goose L.
- • Helleborus niger L.
- • Cocculus tomentosus L.
- • Rubia munjista L.
- • Enhydra Heloncha L.
- • the plant karkaṭa-śṛṅgī L.
- cakrâṅganā f. the female of the Cakra(-vāka) bird Kathās. lxxii, 58
- cakrâṭa m. (= ○kra-cara) a juggler, snake-catcher, snakecharmer L.
- • a knave, cheat L.
- • a gold coin, Dīnār L.
- cakrâti m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 352 (vakrâtapa ed. Calc.)
- cakrâdhivāsin m. 'abode for Cakra(-vāka) birds', the orange-tree L.
- cakrâyudha m. 'whose weapon is the discus', Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa MBh. i, 1163
- Hariv. R. Kathās. lxxxi
- cakrâyodhya m. 'not to be conquered by a discus', N. of a prince Buddh.
- cakrârdhacakravāla a semicircle Sūryapr.
- cakrâlu m. = ○kratalâmra Npr.
- cakrâvarta m. whirling or rotatory motion L.
- cakrâvalī f. a number, multitude MBh. ix, 443
- cakrâśman m. a sling for throwing stones, i, 8257
- cakrâhva m. = ○hvaya Pāṇ.Ś. (cf. RV.) 36 Yājñ. i, 173 Suśr. BhP. Kathās.
- • = ○kra-gaja L.
- • (ā), f. See ○krâṅkā
- cakrâhvaya m. = ○kra-sâhvaya VarBṛS. Kād. iii
- cakrêndraka m. a kind of mustard Npr.
- cakrêśa m. (= ○kra-vartin) sovereign of the world Padyas. 12
- cakrêśvara m. 'lord of the discus', Vishṇu Rājat. iv, 276
- • 'lord of the troops', Bhairava Kathās. lvi, 106
- • = ○śa Padyas. 12
- • (ī), f. one of the Vidyā-devis (executing the orders of the 1st Arhat) L.
- cakrôttha m. a kind of mustard Npr.
- cakrôllāsa m. N. of wk
- cakraka mfn. resembling a wheel or circle, circular W.
- • m. a kind of serpent (cf. cakra-maṇḍalin) Suśr. v, 4, 34
- • Dolichos biflorus L.
- • N. of a Ṛishi MBh. xiii, 253
- • n. a particular way of fighting Hariv. iii, 124, 19 (vḷ. citraka)
- • arguing in a circle Pat.
- • (ā), f. a kind of plant having great curative properties (white Abrus L.) Suśr. iv, 30, 3 and 19
- • (ikā), f. a troop, multitude Rājat. iv, viii
- • a crooked or fraudulent device, v
- cakrakâśraya m. arguing in a circle Sarvad. xi, 27
- cakrala mfn. (cf. cakkala) crisp, curled (barbara) L.
- • (ā), f. a kind of Cyperus L.
- cakrika m. a discus-bearer Buddh. L.
- • (= ○kraka) Dolichos biflorus Npr.
- • (ā), f. See ○kraka
- cakrin mfn. having wheels L.
- • driving in a carriage Gaut. Mn. ii, 138 Yājñ. i, 117
- • bearing a discus, or (m.) 'discus-bearer', Kṛishṇa Bhag. xi, 17 BhP. i, 9, 4 Rājat. i, 262
- • m. a potter L.
- • an oil-grinder Yājñ. i, 141
- • N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 745
- • a sovereign of the world, king HPariś.
- • the governor of a province (grāma-jālika
- • grāmayājin, 'one who offers sacrifices for a whole village' L.) W.
- • a kind of juggler or tumbler who exhibits tricks with a discus or a wheel (jālika-bhid) L.
- • an informer (sūcaka) L.
- • a cheat, rogue L.
- • a snake
- • the Cakra(-vāka) bird L.
- • an ass L.
- • a crow. L.
- • = ○kra-gaja L.
- • 'N. of a man' (?), See cákri
- • Dalbergia ujjeinensis L.
- • = ○kra-kāraka L.
- • m. pl., N. of a Vaishṇava sect (cf. sa-.)
- cakríya mfn. belonging to a wheel or carriage RV. k, 89, 4
- • going on a carriage, being on a journey AitBr. i, 14, 4 (gen. pl. ○yāṇām
- • fr. cakrin and √yā Sāy.)
- cakrī ind. in comp
- ○√kṛ to make round or circular, curve or bend (a bow) Kum. iii, 70 Bālar. v, 3 Kuval. 475
- ○√bhū to be made circular or bent (a bow) Prasannar. vii, 41
- cakrī f. of ○krá, q.v
- ○vat mfn. (Pāṇ. 8-2, 12) furnished with wheels, wheeled
- TāṇḍyaBr. ĀśvŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr. Lāṭy.
- • driving in a carriage Gaut.
- • m. an ass L.
- • N. of a prince Pāṇ. 8-2, 12 Kāś.
- • n. a carriage ĀpŚr. xv, 20, 18
- cakru = ○krá 'a wheel', only in comp
- ○vṛtta mfn. circular, (a- neg.) Kāṭh. vi, 3
- cakrāṇa pf. Ā. p. √1. kṛ, q.v
- cákri mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 171 Vārtt. 3) doing, effecting (with acc.), active RV.
- • (or cakrin?) N. of a man Pravar. vii, 9 (cf. uru-cákri.)
- cakru mfn. doing effecting Uṇ. i, 23
- cakvana vḷ. for cakana
- cakṣ (a reduplicated form of √kāś = kśā
- • in the non-conjugational tenses √khyā is substituted Pāṇ. 2-4, 54 f
- • some pf. forms, however, are found), cl. 2. Ā. cáṣṭe (2. du. cakṣathe RV.
- • pf. p. cákṣāṇa RV. BhP. i, 18, 25 [a- neg.]
- • rarely P., impf. 2. sg. acakṣas MBh. viii, 3384, 1. pl. acakṣma Naigh. iii, 11
- • Ved. inf. cákṣase RV. AV. vi, 68, 2), to appear, become visible RV. viii, 19, 16 ; x, 74, 2 and 92, 6 [Page 382, Column 1]
- • to see, look at, observe, notice RV. BhP.
- • to tell, inform MBh. viii, 3384
- • to take any one (acc.) for (acc.) BhP. x, 73, 11
- cakṣa m. a false friend VarYogay. iv, 50
- cákṣaṇa n. appearing, appearance, aspect RV. AV.
- • speaking, saying W.
- • (for jakṣ○?) eating a relish to promote drinking L. (cf. viśvá-
- • abhi- and prati-cákṣ○
- • vi-cakṣaṇá.)
- cakṣáṇi m. an illuminator RV. vi, 4, 2
- cákṣan n. du. the eyes AV. x, 2, 6
- cákṣas n. radiance, clearness RV. AV. vi, 76, 1
- • (of the sea) Lāṭy. i, 7, 5
- • look, sight, eye RV.
- • (ase), dat. inf. √cakṣ, q.v
- • m. a teacher, spiritual instructor L.
- • 'teacher of the gods', Bṛihaspati L. (cf. ápāka-, īya-, upāká-, ghorá-, viśvá-, sū́ra-, svár-
- • uru-, duś-, nṛ- and su-cákṣ○.)
- cákṣu m. the eye RV. x, 90, 13
- • (ifc. AV. iv, 20, 5)
- • N. of a prince BhP.
- • (for vakṣu?) the Oxus river VP. ii, 2, 32 and 35 ; 8, 114 Gol. iii, 38
- ○nirodha m.= ○kSur-n○ Āp. ii, 27, 17
- ○pīḍana mfn. causing pain to the eye ŚvetUp. ii, 10
- cakṣuḥ in comp. for ○kṣus
- ○patha See ○kSuS-p○
- ○pīḍā f. pain of the eyes W.
- ○śravas m. 'using the eyes for ears', a snake MBh. xii, 13803 Kir. xvi, 42 Naish. KāśīKh. lviii, 161
- ○śruti m. id. Rājat. v, 1 (cf. dṛk-ś○.)
- cakṣur in comp. for ○kṣus
- ○apêta mfn. one who has lost his eyes, blind KaushUp.
- ○indriya n. the organ of sight Suśr.
- ○gocara mfn. coming within the range of the eye W.
- ○grahaṇa n. morbid affection of the eyes, v, 4
- ○dā́ mfn. giving sight VS. iv, 3
- ○dāna n. 'gift of sight', the ceremony of anointing the eyes of an image at the time of consecration W.
- ○nimita (cákṣ○), mfn. fixed by (a measure taken by) the eye TBr. i, 1, 4, 1
- ○nirodha m. (= ○kSu-n○) a cover or a hindrance for the eyesight Āp. (vḷ.) Yājñ. ii, 26 Sch.
- ○bahala m. Odina pinnata L.
- ○bhṛ́t mfn. promoting sight ŚBr. viii
- ○mantra (cákṣ○), mfn. bewitching with the eye AV. ii, 7, 5 ; xix, 45, 1
- ○máya mfn. resembling the eye ŚBr. x, xiv
- ○mala n. the excretion of the eyes Buddh. L.
- ○mukha (cákṣ○), mfn. having eyes in the mouth (?) Suparṇ. xxiv, 2
- ○muṣ mfn. 'robbing the sight', blinding the eyes MBh. xii, 12705
- ○loka (cákṣ○), mfn. seeing with the eyes ŚBr. xiv, 6, 9
- ○ványa mfn. suffering from disease of the eyes TS. ii, 3, 8, 1
- ○vardhanikā f. 'refreshing the eyes', N. of a river MBh. vi, 433
- ○vahana m. = -bahala L.
- ○viṣaya m. the range of sight ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. ii, 198 (loc. e, 'in the presence of')
- • a visible object W.
- ○han m. (acc. -haṇam
- • nom. pl. -hanas)fn. killing with a look MBh. vi f. xiii
- cakṣuś in comp, for ○kṣus
- ○cít mfn. collecting the faculty of sight ŚBr. x, 5, 3, 6
- cakṣuṣ in comp. for ○kṣus
- ○karṇa m. = ○kṣuḥ-śravas Gal.
- ○kāma (cákṣ○), mfn. wishing for the faculty of seeing TS. ii
- ○ṭás ind. away from the eye ŚBr. xii
- ○ṭva n. the state or condition of the eye Āryabh. Sch., Introd
- ○pati m. the lord of the eyes TUp. i, 6, 2
- ○patha m. the range of sight R. iii, 59, 11 Bhartṛ. i, 74
- ○pā́ mfn. protecting the eyesight VS. ii, 6 ; xx, 34
- ○prīti f. delight of the eyes
- ○mat (cákṣ○), mfn. endowed with the faculty of sight, furnished with eyes, seeing RV. x, 18, 1 AV. xix, 49, 8 TS. if. ŚBr. i MBh. &c
- • representing the eye AitBr. ii, 32, 2
- • -tā f. the faculty of sight Ragh. iv, 13
- • -tva n. id. Kathās. lxxiv, 322
- cakṣuṣa ifc. 'the eye', See sa-
- • m. N. of a son of Ripu (vḷ. cākṣ○) VP.i, 13, 2
- cakṣuṣya mfn. pleasing to the eyes, wholesome for the eyes or the eyesight MBh. xiii, 3423 Suśr. Hcat.
- • agreeable to the eyes, pleasing, goodlooking, beautiful ChUp. iii, 13, 8 Car. i, 5, 89 Rājat. iii, 493
- • 'being in any one's (instr.) range of sight' and 'dear to any one (instr.)' Śiś. viii, 57
- • m. a kind of collyrium (extracted from Amomum antorhiza) L.
- • Pandanus odoratissimus L.
- • Hyperanthera Moringa L.
- • also N. of other plants (puṇḍarīka, kanaka) L.
- • n. two kinds of collyrium (kharparī-tuttha and sauviirâñjana) L.
- • the small shrub prapauṇḍarīka L.
- • (ā), f. a kind of collyrium (calx of brass or a blue stone) L.
- • Pandanus odoratissimus L.
- • Glycine labialis L.
- • = ○kṣurbahala L.
- cákṣus mfn. seeing RV. ii, 39, 5
- • x AV. v, 24, 9 ; x, 10, 15 [Page 382, Column 2]
- • m. N. of a Marut Hariv. 11545
- • of a Ṛishi (with the patr. Mānava, author of RV. ix, 106, 4-6) RAnukr.
- • of another Ṛishi (with the patr. Saurya, author of RV. x, 158) ib.
- • of a son of Anu BhP. ix, 23, 1
- • f. N. of a river BhP. v, 17, 6 f
- • n. light, clearness RV. SV.
- • the act of seeing (dat. inf. = ○kṣase) AV. xviii, 3, 10
- • aspect RV. x, 87, 8
- • faculty of seeing, sight RV. AV. TS. ii, v AitBr. ii, 6 ŚBr. x, xiv Mn. &c
- • a look RV. AV. iv, 9, 6
- • the eye RV. &c. (often ifc., cf. a-, á-ghora-, á-dabdha-, &c.)
- • prajāpates trīṇi cakṣūṃṣi, 'the 3 eyes of Prajā-pati', N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.
- • mitrā-Varuṇayoś cakṣuḥ, 'the eye of Mitra and Varuṇa' (cf. RV. vii, 61, 1), another Sāman ĀrshBr.
- • = ○kṣur-bahala L.
- cakṣū in comp. for ○kṣus
- ○√kṛ Vop. vii, 84
- ○rāga m. = ○kṣūṣ-prīti Rājat. v, 382
- ○roga m. disease of the eye (vḷ. ○kSu-r○)
- cakhvás mfn. (pf. P. p. √khan? [√cakṣ Sāy.], cf. khá) displaying (?) RV. ii, 14, 4
- cagh cl. 5. ○ghnoti, to smite or slay, kill Dhātup. xxvii, 26
- caṅkuṇa m. N. of a man Rājat. iv
- caṅkura m. (√cak Uṇ.) a carriage L.
- • a tree L.
- • n. any vehicle L.
- caṅkrama m. (fr. Intens. √kram) going about, a walk Lalit. xxiv Divyâv. xxvi
- • a place for walking about, xxxii Kāraṇḍ. xviii, xxiii
- • (ā), f. going about, a walk Kauś. 31
- caṅkramāvat mfn. moving slowly or crookedly W.
- caṅkramaṇa mfn. going about, walking Pāṇ. 3-2, 150
- • going slowly or crookedly W.
- • n. going about, walking
- Āp. Suśr. Pañcat. Cāṇ. BhP. MārkP.
- • going tortuously or slowly W.
- • rotation (of a wheel) Siṃhâs. xvii, 2
- • a place for walking about Kāraṇḍ. xii, 79 ; xviii, 91 and 112
- caṅkramamāṇa mfn. irr. pr. p. Intens. √kram
- caṅkramitá mfn. one who has wandered about TS. vii, 1, 19, 3
- • n. walking about Bālar. v, 66
- caṅga mfn. ifc. understanding, being a judge of. particular in the choice of Kathās. lxxxii
- • handsome L.
- • m. N. of a man Rājat. vii, 87
- ○dāsa m. N. of a grammarian
- caṅgerika n. a basket Pañcad. ii, 64
- • (ā), f. id., v, 13 and 17 ff
- caṅgerī f. id., iv, 12 ; v, 16
cacará mfn. (√car?) movable (?) RV. x, 106, 8
- caceṇḍā f. N. of a creeper L.
- cacca-puṭa m. (in music) a kind of measure L. (cf. cāca-p○.)
- caccat-puṭa m. id. W. (vḷ. cañc○)
- caccarī f. id
- cañc cl. 1. P. ○cati, to leap, jump, move, dangle, be unsteady, shake Bhartṛ. Veṇis. (cf. Sāh. vi, 84 Sch.) Ṛitus. Gīt. Kathās. &c
- cañca m. a basket Buddh. L.
- • (ā), f. anything made of cane or reeds, basket-work L.
- • = ○ñcā-puruṣa Pāṇ. 1-2, 52 Vārtt. 5 Pat.
- • iv f. Pat. and Kāś.
- cañcatka mfn. (fr. pr. p. ○cat) leaping, jumping, dangling, v, 4, 3 Vārtt.
- cañcat-puṭa m. = cacc○ W.
- cañcā f. of ○ca, q.v
- ○puruṣa m. a strawman, doll (said contemptuously of a man) Siṃhâs. (cf. ŚārṅgP. xxiii)
- cañcarin m. or ○rī f. (fr. Intens. √car) a bee, Udbh
- cañcarīka m. id. Bālar. v, 30 Prasannar. Dhūrtan. &c
- cañcarīkâvalī f. 'row of bees', a metre or 4 x 13 syllables
- cañcala mf(ā)n. (fr. Intens. √cal) moving to and fro, movable, unsteady, shaking, quivering, flickering MBh. &c
- • unsteady, inconstant, inconsiderate ib.
- • m. the wind L.
- • a lover, libertine L.
- • N. of an Asura GaṇP.
- • (ā), f. lightning Rājat. iv, 354
- • a river Gal.
- • long pepper L.
- • fortune, goddess of fortune (Lakshmī) Gal. (cf. MBh. xii, 8258 R. &c.)
- • a metre of 4 x 16 syllables
- • (ī), f. a kind of cricket Npr.
- ○tara mfn. (compar.) extremely unsteady Bhartṛ. iii, 50
- ○tā f. unsteadiness, fickleness W.
- ○taila n. Liquidambar orientale Npr.
- ○tva n. = -tā Bhag. vi, 33
- ○hṛdaya mfn. 'unsteady-hearted', capricious, fickle W. [Page 382, Column 3]
- cañcalâkṣikā f. 'unsteady-eyed' (so called as not having a fixed caesura), a metre of 4 x 12 syllables
- cañcalâkhya m. incense L.
- cañcalita mfn. caused to shake or quiver Kād.
- cañcu mfn. ifc. (= caṇa, cuñcu) renowned or famous for MBh. xiii, 17, 107 Bhartṛ. iii, 57
- • m. a deer L.
- • the castor-oil plant L. (cf. -taila)
- • a red kind of the same plant L.
- • the plant Go-nāḍīka (or Nāḍīca) L.
- • the plant Kshudracañcu L.
- • N. of a son of Harita Hariv. 758 VP. iv, 3, 15
- • f. a beak, bill VarBṛS. Pañcat. Hit.
- • = -pattra Bhpr.
- • (n. ?) a box (applied as a N. to one of the 3 kinds of famine) Divyâv.
- ○tā f. = -tva Rājat. v, 304
- • the state of a beak W.
- ○taila n. castor-oil Bhpr.
○tva n. the being famous for (in comp.) Daś. i. 223
- ○pattra m. 'beak-leaved', a kind of vegetable L.
- ○parṇikā f. id. Car. i, 27
- ○puṭa m. or n. the cavity of a beak', a bird's bill when shut Caurap.
- • (ī), f. id
- • N. of a plant Car. vi, 9
- ○puṭaka = ○ṭa ŚārṅgP.
- ○prahāra m. a peck with a beak W.
- ○bhṛt 'having a beak', a bird L.
- ○mat m. id. L.
- ○sūci
- ○sūḍcika m. 'using the beak as a needle', the tailor-bird (Sylvia sutoria) L.
- cañcukā f. a beak, bill L.
- cañcura m. = ○cu-pattra L.
- cañcū f. a beak, bill Vop. iv, 31
- • = ○ñcu-pattra L.
- ○puṭa = ○Jcu-p○ Amar. 13
- cañcūka = ○ñcu-pattra Bhpr.
- • pl., N. of a people (south-west of Madhya-deśa) VarBṛS. xiv, 18
- cañcūḍa m. = ○ñcu-pattra L.
- cañcura (?). See puṇya-
- cañcūryamāṇa mfn. fr. Intens. √car, q.v
- cañcula vḷ. for cuñc○
- caṭ cl. 1. P. ○ṭati, to fall in (as the flood) Pañcat. i, 12, 0/1
- • to reach (with loc.), fall to the share of or into Siṃhâs. Pañcad.
- • to hang down from (loc.) Subh.
- • to rain Dhātup. ix, 6
- • to cover (vḷ. for √kaṭ) ib.: Caus. cāṭayati, to break, xxx, 47
- • to kill ib. (cf. uc-, vi-.)
- caṭa See krama-
- caṭaka m. a sparrow MBh. xii Hariv. Suśr. VarBṛS. Pañcat.
- • N. of a poet Rājat. iv, 496
- • m. pl. 'sparrows', a nickname of Vaiśampāyana's school (vḷ. for caraka) VāyuP.
- • (ā), f. (gaṇas ajâdi and kṣipakâdi) a hen-sparrow Pañcat. i, 15, 0/1 ; 18, 0/1
- • a young hen-sparrow Pāṇ. 4-1, 128 Vārtt. 2
- • Turdus macrourus (śyāmā) L.
- • = ○kā-śiras L. Sch.
- • (ikā), f. id. L.
- • a hen-sparrow L.
- caṭakakā f. dimin. fr. ○ṭakā Pāṇ. 7-3, 46
- caṭakā f. of ○ka, q.v
- ○śiras n. the √of long pepper Bhpr. v, 1, 64
- caṭakikā f. = ○kakā Pāṇ. 7-3, 46 Kāś.
- caṭana n. cracking, splitting W.
- • falling off in small pieces W.
- caṭikā f. of ○ṭaka, q.v
- ○śira m.= ○ras L. Sch.
- ○śiras n. = ○TakA-z○ L.
- caṭita mfn. gone or driven anywhere (loc.) Siṃhâs.
- • hanging down from (in comp.) Pañcat. ii, 3, 3/4
- • broken Car. ii, 1
- • fallen in (a house) Kāraṇḍ. iii, 20 f
- • n. = ○taka Divyâv. i, 413 and 418 (in comp.)
- caṭitaka m. a crack, rent, 411
- caṭacaṭa (onomat.), P. ○ṭati, to crackle (as fire), Vāsav. 607
- caṭacaṭā ind. (onomat.) only in comp
- ○śabda m. crackling (of fire), clashing (of weapons), rattling (of violent rain), &c. MBh. i, iii f. vii, ix BhP. x, 72, 36 MārkP. viii, 114
- caṭacaṭāya ○yate, = ○ṭa Suśr. v, 1, 27 Bhoj.
- caṭacaṭāyana n. crackling (of fire) Suśr. iv, 1
- caṭacaṭāyita mfn. crackling Daś. xii, 13
- caṭaccaṭ-iti ind. so as to crackle HPariś.
- caṭat ind. = ○ṭacaṭā
- ○kāra m. crackling (of fire) L.
- ○kṛti f. id. L.
- caṭad-iti ind. so as to make a crackling noise Bālar. v, 77
- caṭana ○ṭikā, &c. See √caṭ
- caṭu (m. n. L.
- • √caṭ Uṇ.
- • g. sidhmâdi), kind or flattering words, amorous chattering (of birds) Śiś. iv, 6 Bālar.
- • the belly L.
- • a devotional posture among ascetics L.
- • m. a scream, screech W.
- • cf. cāṭu, cāru
- ○kāra mfn. speaking to please or flatter any one L.
- ○grāma m. N. of a village (dwelling-place of the lexicographer Jaṭādhara)
- ○lālasa mfn. desirous of flattery W.
- caṭū7pamā f. a flattery said in a simile Kāvyâd. ii, 35. [Page 383, Column 1]
- caṭuka a wooden vessel for taking up any fluid Hāl. Sch.
- caṭula mfn. (g. sidhmâdi) trembling, movable, shaking, unsteady Ragh. Megh. Kād. Bhartṛ. &c
- • kind, fine, sweet, Śāntiś. i, 21 Gīt. x, 9
- • n. pl. sweet or flattering words VarBṛS. lxxiv, 16
- • (ā), f. (= cañcalā) lightning L.
- caṭulaya Nom. P. ○yati, to move to and fro Bhām. ii, 87 and 97
- caṭulāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to have a graceful gait Hcar. vii
- caṭulita mfn. shaken Vāgbh. i, 24
- caṭullola mfn. moving gracefully L.
- caṭṭa m. N. of a man HPariś. iii, 197
- caṇ (cf. √can), cl. 1. P. ○ṇati, to give Dhātup. xix, 34
- • to go ib.
- • to injure ib.
- • to sound (vḷ. for √vaṇ), xiii, 3: Caus. aor. acicaṇat, or acacāṇat Pāṇ. 7-4, 3 Siddh.
- caṇa mfn. ifc. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 26
- • = cañcu) renowned or famous for HPariś. viii, 195
- • m. the chick-pea MBh. xiii, 5468 (cf. akṣara-, kathā-, cāra-, māyā-)
- ○tva n. the being famous for (in comp.) Daś. i, 223
- ○druma m. a kind of Tribulus L.
- ○pattrī f. the shrub Rudantī L.
- ○bhojin m. 'eating chick-pease', a horse Npr.
- caṇêśvarī f. N. of Caṇin's wife HPariś. viii, 194
- caṇaka m. the chick-pea Suśr. VarBṛS. xv f. Pañcat. Kathās.
- • N. of Cāṇakya's father L.
- • of a village HPariś. viii, 194
- • (ā), f. linseed L.
- • (ikā), f. a kind of grass (kṣetra-jā, go-dugdhā, su-nīlā, himā) L.
- ○lavaṇa n. pease with salt, sour pease Bhpr.
- ○loṇī f. (for -lavaṇī) id. Npr.
- caṇakâtmaja m. 'Caṇaka's son', Cāṇakya L.
- caṇakâmlaka n. = ○ka-lavaṇa Bhpr.
- caṇakâmlavār n. acid water drops on cicer leaves W.
- caṇāra-rūpya n. N. of a village Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Vārtt. 3 Pat.
- caṇin m. N. of a Brāhman HPariś. viii, 194
- caṇī-druma vḷ. for ○Na-dr○
- caṇḍ (derived fr. cáṇḍa), cl. 1 and 10. Ā. ○ṇḍate, ○ṇḍayate, to be angry or wrathful Dhātup. viii, 26
- cáṇḍa mf(ā VarBṛS. lxviii, 92
- • ī R. ii Vikr. Ragh. &c.)n. (probably fr. candrá, 'glowing' with passion) fierce, violent, cruel, impetuous, hot, ardent with passion, passionate, angry MBh. R. &c
- • circumcised L.
- • m. N. of a mythical being (cáṇḍasya naptyás, 'daughters of Caṇḍa', a class of female demons AV. ii, 14, 1), Agp. xlī, 20
- • Śiva or Bhairava MBh. xii, 10358 Śaṃkar. xxiii (= sūrya) SkandaP. MBh. iii, 14631
- • N. of a demon causing diseases Hariv. 9563
- • of a Daitya, 12937
- • of an attendant of Yama or of Śiva L.
- • of one of the 7 clouds enveloping the earth at the deluge MatsyaP.
- • = -cukrā L.
- • n. heat L.
- • passion, wrath L.
- • (am), ind. violently, in anger Mālav. iii, 21
- • (ā), f. (g. bahv-ādi), N. of Durgā (esp. as incarnation for the purpose of destroying the Asura Mahisha, this exploit forming the subject of the Deviim. and being particularly celebrated in Bengāl at the Durgāpūjā about Oct. Nov.) MBh. vi, 797 Hariv. 10245
- • N. of one of the 8 Nāyikās or Saktis of Durgā BrahmaP. DeviiP.
- • N. of an attendant of the 12th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L.
- • of a river L.
- • of a plant (Andropogon aciculatus L.
- • Mucuna pruritus L.
- • Salvinia cucullata L.
- • white Dūrvā grass L.
- • liṅginī L.) Suśr. i, iv ; vi, 51
- • a kind of perfume (commonly Chor) L.
- • (ī), f. (g. bahv-ādi) a passionate woman, vixen W.
- • a term of endearment applied to a mistress W.
- • N. of Durgā MBh. vi, 797 Hariv. 10233 Kathās. xi
- • of a female attendant of Durgā
- • of Uddālaka's wife, JaimBhār. xxiv, 1
- • a short N. of the Deviim.
- • a metre of 4 x 13 syllables (cf. uc-, pra-
- • a-caṇḍī, cāṇḍa.)
- ○kara m. 'hot-rayed', the sun
- • ○rāya Nom. ○rāyate, to resemble the sun Śukas.
- ○karman m. N. of a Rākshasa Pañcat. v, 13, 0/1
- ○kāpālika m. N. of a teacher, Hathapr. i, 8 (cf. ṣaṇḍ○.)
- ○kiraṇa m. = -kara Vcar. xi, 7
- ○ketu m. N. of a man Kathās. lxxi, 16
- ○kolāhalā f. a kind of musical instrument L.
- ○kauśika m. N. of a son of Kakshīvat MBh. ii, 698
- • n. N. of a drama Sāh. vi, 92 and 96 Sch.
- ○girika m. N. of a man, Divyâd. xxvi
- ○grāha-vat mfn. filled with fierce crocodiles (a river) MBh. i, 6752
- ○ghaṇṭā f. 'having hot bells', N. of Durgā, Tantr. (cf. caṇḍikaghaṇṭa.)
- ○ghoṣa m. N. of a man Daś. ix, 71. [Page 383, Column 2]
- ○cukrā f. the tamarind tree Npr.
- ○tā f. warmth, pungency W.
- • = -tva Mālav. iii, 20
- ○tāla m. (in music) a kind of measure
- ○tuṇḍaka m. 'powerful-beaked', N. of a son of the bird Garuḍa MBh. v, 3594
- ○tva n. warmth of temper, passionateness, Pratāpar. Sāh. iii, 150
- ○dīdhiti m. = -kara Kathās. īc, 45
- ○dhāman m. id. Prasannar. iv, 39/40
- ○nāyikā f. N. of one of the 8 Nāyikās of Durgā BrahmaP. ii, 61, 79 DeviiP.
- • N. of Durgā L.
- ○potaka m. N. of an elephant Daś. vi, 55 and 59
- ○pradyota m. N. of a prince Jain.
- ○prabha m. N. of a man Kathās. ci, 48
- ○bala m. N. of one of Rāma's monkey followers MBh. iii, 16414
- ○bhānu m. N. of a man, Ṭoḍar
- ○bhārgava m. N. of a Brāhman of Cyavana's family MBh. i, 2045
- ○bhujaṃga m. N. of a man Kathās. lxxiv, 178
- ○marīci m. = -kara Prasannar. vii, 87/88
- ○mahā-roṣaṇa-tantra n. N. of a Buddhist work
- ○mahā-sena m. N. of a king of Ujjayinī Viddh. ii, 0/1 Kathās. xi, 7 and 40
- ○māruta N. of wk
- ○muṇḍā f. a form of Durgā L. (cf. carma-m○, cāmuṇḍā.)
- ○mṛga m. a wild animal (applied to a passionate man) Buddh. L.
- ○rava m. 'crying harshly', N. of a jackal Pañcat. i, 10, 0/1
- ○raśmi m. = -kara Hāsy. i, 49
- ○rudrikā f. knowledge of mystical nature (acquired by worship of the Nāyikās) L.
- ○rūpā f. 'terribly formed', N. of a goddess BrahmaP.
- ○rocis m. = -kara HYog. iii, 60
- ○vat mfn. violent, warm, passionate W.
- • (tī), f. N. of one of the 8 Nāyikās of Durgā BrahmaP. ii, 61, 80 DeviiP.
- • N. of Durgā L.
- ○varman m. N. of a prince Daś. vii, 437
- ○vikrama mfn. of impetuous valour R. v, 39, 24
- • N. of a prince Kathās. xxvi, 177
- ○vīra m. N. of a Buddh. deity
- ○vṛtti mfn. 'of an impetuous character', obstinate, rebellious Viddh. iv, 18/19
- ○vṛṣṭi-prapāta m. (or?
- ○prayāta n.) 'impetuous rainfall', a metre of 4 lines of 27 syllables each (the first 6 being short and the rest forming 7 Amphimacers)
- ○vega mfn. having an impetuous course or current (said of the sea, of the battle, and of time) R. iv f. BhP. iv, 29, 20
- • m. N. of a metre
- • of a Gandharva chief. 27, 13
- • (ā), f. 'N. of a river'
- • ○gā-saṃgama-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha RevāKh. xviii
- ○śakti m. 'of impetuous valour', N. of a Daitya Hariv. 12944
- ○śīla mfn. 'of an impetuous character', passionate Daś. vi, 34
- ○siṃha m. N. of a prince Kathās.
- caṇḍâṃśu m. = ○ṇḍa-kara Mahān. BhP. Kathās. Rājat. iv, 401
- caṇḍâditya-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha RevāKh. cxliii
- caṇḍântika n. for cáṇḍātaka GobhŚrāddh. ii, 19
- caṇḍâśoka m. 'impetuous Aśoka', N. of a prince (also called Kāmâśoka, and as protector of Buddhism Dharmâśoka) Divyāv. xxvi Hcar. vii
- caṇḍêśa N. of a Liṅga LiṅgaP.
- caṇḍêśvara m. 'Caṇḍā's lord', Śiva Megh. 34
- • N. of one of Śiva's attendants W.
- • N. of a writer on jurisprudence, Śūdradh. Smṛitit. i
- • of an astronomer
- • of an ancestor of Jagaddhara (mentioned in his Comm. on Mālatīm.)
- • n. N. of a Tīrtha KapSaṃh.
- • -praśna-vidyā f. 'knowledge of Caṇḍêśvara's questions', N. of wk
- • -rasa m. N. of a medical preparation (made of mercury, arsenic, &c.)
- caṇḍôgra-śūla-pāṇi m. 'holding a powerful and formidable trident', a form of Śiva Tantras.' ii
- caṇḍôgrā f. N. of one of the 8 Nāyikās or Śaktis of Durgā BrahmaP. ii, 61, 79
- caṇḍi f. = ○ḍī
- • N. of Durgā L. Sch.
- ○dāsa m. = ○NDI-d○
- caṇḍika mfn. (= ○ḍa) circumcised Gal.
- ○ghaṇṭa m. N. of Śiva (cf. caṇḍa-ghaṇṭā) MBh. xii, 10377
- caṇḍikā f. N. of Durgā ĀtrAnukr. Sch. Pañcat. BhP. Kathās. &c
- • a short N. of Deviim.
- • = -gṛha Kād.
- • N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs.
- • Linum usitatissimum L.
- ○gṛha n. a temple of Durgā Kād. Kathās. xxv, 86
- ○mahā-navamī f. a particular 9th day on which Durgā is worshipped BhavP.
- ○māhātmya n. 'glory of Caṇḍikā', another N. of Deviim.
- caṇḍikâlaya m. = ○kā-gṛha Siṃhâs.
- caṇḍikā-śataka n. '100 stanzas in praise of Caṇḍikā', N. of a poem (ascribed to Bāṇa)
- caṇḍiman m. (g. pṛthv-ādi) passion, violence, cruelty Bālar. iii, 2/3
- • 'passion' and 'heat' Rājat. vi, 298
- • intensity Sāh. iii, 246 a/b
- caṇḍila m. N. of Rudra L.
- • a barbet L.
- • Chenopodium L.
- • (ā), f. N. of a river L.
- caṇḍī ind
- ○kṛta mfn. made angry Mālav.
- caṇḍī f. of ○ḍa, q.v
- ○kuca-pañcaśatī f. '500 stanzas in praise of the breast of a passionate woman', N. of a poem. [Page 383, Column 3]
- ○kusuma n. 'flower of passionate women', red oleander L.
- ○gṛha n. = ○DikA-g○ Kathās. xxv, 111
- ○carita n. N. of a drama
- ○ḍāmara m. N. of wk
- ○dāsa m. N. of the author of a Comm. on Kpr. Sāh. iv, 14c/v (○NDi-d○) and vii, 31 a/b
- ○devī-śarman m. N. of a scholiast
- ○pati m. 'Caṇḍī's lord', Siva Mcar. ii, 35
- ○pāṭha m. another N. of Deviim.
- ○purāṇa n. another N. of KālP., Tantr
- ○māhātmya n. = ○DikA-m○
- ○rahasya n. N. of wk
- ○vidhāna n
- ○viḍdhi m. two names of works
- ○vilāsa m. N. of a drama
- ○"ṣśa (○DI7z○), m. = -pati BhP. iv, 5, 17 Bālar. iii, 79 Naish.
- • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha SkandaP.
- • -paryākrama m. N. of wk
- • -purāṇa n. another N. of ŚivaP.
- ○"ṣśvara (○DI7z○), m. = ○śa Megh. 33
- • N. of an author
- ○stotra n. 'praise of Caṇḍī', N. of a poem
- caṇḍāta m. Nerium odorum (cf. caṇḍī-kusuma) L.
- cáṇḍātaka n. a short petticoat ŚBr. v, 2, 1, 8 KātyŚr. xiv, 5, 3
- • cf. caṇḍântika
- caṇḍāla m. (= cāṇḍālá) an outcast, man of the lowest and most despised of the mixed tribes (born from a Śūdra father and a Brāhman mother) ŚāṅkhGṛ. ii, vi ChUp. Mn. &c. (ifc. 'a very low representative of.' Kād.)
- • (ā), f. a Caṇḍāla woman Mn. xi, 176
- • (ī), f. (g. śārṅgaravâdi) id. (one of the 8 kinds of women attending on Kaula worship) Kulârṇ. vii
- • N. of a plant L.
- ○kanda m. N. of a bulbous plant L.
- ○tā f. the condition of a Caṇḍāla R. i, 58, 9
- ○tva n. id., 8
- ○vallakī f. the Caṇḍāla or common lute L.
- caṇḍālikā f. = ○la-vallakī L.
- • N. of a plant L.
- • of Durgā L.
- ○bandham ind. so as to form a particular knot Pāṇ. 3-4, 42 Sch. (not in Kāś.)
- caṇḍi ○ḍika, &c. See cáṇḍa
- caṇḍu m. a rat L.
- • a small monkey (Simia erythraea) W.
- cat cl. 1. cátati, 'to hide one's self.' cátat and cátta
- • to go Naigh. ii, 14
- • P. and Ā. to ask, beg (= √cad) Dhātup. xxi, 5: Caus. cātáyati, ○te (aor. acīcattam, acīcate TĀr. ii, 4, 5 f.), 'to cause to hide', scare, frighten away RV. iv, 17, 9 ; x, 155, 1 AV. iv, xix (cf. niś-, pra-, vi-
- • cf. also cātaka, cātana, cāttra.)
- cátat mfn. (pr. p.) hiding one's self RV. i, 65, 1 ; x, 46, 2
- catita mfn. class. = cattá Pāṇ. 7-2, 34 Kāś.
- catín mfn. = cátat RV. vi, 19, 4
- cattá mfn. (Ved. Pāṇ. 7-2, 34) hidden RV. i, 132, 6 AV. ix, 5, 9
- • (quotation in) Pāṇ. 7-2, 34 Kāś.
- • disappeared RV. x, 155, 2
- ○rātra m. 'N. of a man', cāttarātra
- cattra n. vḷ. for cāttra
- catya mfn. to be hidden Pāṇ. 3-1, 97 Vārtt. 1 Pat.
- cátasṛ pl. f. of catúr, 4 (nom. and acc. cátasras [cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 99 Vārtt. 2]
- • instr. catasṛ́bhis [vi,. 1, 180 f. ] RV. viii, 60, 9
• gen. ○sṝṇā́m ŚBr. iii, 3, 2, 13
- • or ○sṝṇām [Ved. Pāṇ. 6-4, 5] R. i, 72, 12 and 73, 32
- • loc. ○sṛ́ṣu ŚBr. iii, 5, 1, 1)
- • [see priya- ; Hib. ceteora.]
- catasṛkā f. pl. id. Hcat. i, 11, 672
- catu mfn. = ○turthá TĀr. i, 8, 4
- catu in comp. for ○túr (before s followed by a surd dental and ṣ followed by a surd lingual)
- ○ṣṭomá m. a Stoma consisting of 4 parts (the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th having 4 verses more than the preceding) VS. xiv TS. v ŚBr. xiii R. i, 13, 43
- • mfn. connected with a Catushṭoma (an Ekâha) AitBr. iii, 43 TāṇḍyaBr. xxi KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy.
- ○stanā́ or cát○ f. (a cow) having 4 nipples MaitrS. iii, 1, 7 Kāṭh. xxx, 4 ŚBr. vi
- ○stotra mfn. consisting of 4 Stotras KātyŚr. xii, 6, 4
- ○sthāna mfn. having a fourfold basis Nār. i, 8
- catuḥ in comp. for ○túr & ○tús
- ○pañca
- ○pañḍcāśa &c., See catuṣ-p○, cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 43
- ○śata (cát○), n. 104 RV. viii, 55, 3 ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy. ; 400 R. vii, 23, 19 BhP. x, 1, 31
- • mf(ā)n. 400 ChUp. iv, 4, 5
- • (ī), f. '400 stanzas', N. of a Tāntric poem Ānand. Sch.
- • -tama mfn. the 104th (ch. of R. ii and vi)
- ○śapha (cát○), mfn. fourhoofed TBr. iii, 8, 2, 1
- ○śamī f. 4 Śamīs long Kauś. 137
- ○śarāva (cát○), mfn. measuring 4 Śarāvas MaitrS. i TS. iii &c
- ○śākha n. 'having 4 extremities', the body L. [Page 384, Column 1]
- ○śāla mfn. having 4 halls MBh. i, iii Pañcat. MatsyaP. Rājat.
- • m. a building with 4 halls R. ii f. Mṛicch. iii, 7 Rājat. iii, 13
- ○śālaka n. id. L.
- • (ikā), f. id. Pañcad. ii, 74
- ○śikha m. 'four-tufted', N. of an author
- ○śikhaṇḍa (cát○), mf(ā)n. four-tufted TBr. i, iii (○tuṣ-kaparda RV.)
- ○śila n. 4 stones Kauś. 36
- ○śṛṅga (cát○), mfn. four-horned RV. iv, 58, 2
- • m. 'four-peaked', N. of a mountain BhP. v, 20, 15
- ○śruti mfn. (in music) having 4 intervals
- ○śrotra (cát○), mf(ā)n. four-eared AV. v, 19, 7
- ○ṣaṣṭa mfn. the 64th (ch. of MBh.)
- • (with śata, 100) + 64 KātyŚr. Lāṭy.
- ○ṣaṣṭi f. 64 AitBr. i, 5, 8 Mn. viii, 338 Hariv. R.
- • the 64 Kalās MBh. ii, 2068
- • N. of RV. (consisting of 64 Adhyāyas) L.
• -kalâgama m. a treatise on the 64 Kalās Daś. x, 147
- • -kalā-śāstra n. id. Madhus.
- • -tama mfn. the 64th AitBr. i, 5, 8
- • (also applied to chapters of R.)
- • ○ṣṭy-aṅga mfn. having 64 subdivisions (the Jyotiþ-śāstra) Mudr. i, 5/6
- ○ṣṭomá See ○tu-ST○
- ○saṃstha mfn. consisting of 4 Saṃsthās or kinds of Soma oblation Vait.
- ○saṃkara mfn. (a lawsuit) in which 4 matters are mingled Yājñ. ii, 7a/b, 49
- ○sana mfn. containing the 4 sons of Brahmā (whose names begin with sana, viz. Sanaka, Sananda, Sanātana, Sanat-kumāra) BhP. ii, 7, 5
- ○saṃdhi mfn. composed of 4 parts AitBr. i, 25, 4
- ○saptata mfn. the 74th (ch. of MBh.)
- ○saptati f. 74 Caraṇ.
- • -tama mfn. = ○ptata (ch. of R.)
- ○saptâtman mfn. having 4 x 7 (i.e. 28) shapes NṛisUp. ii, 3
- ○sama mfn. having 4 symmetric parts of the body (viz. arms, knees, legs, and cheeks Sch.
- • but cf. -śākha and cátur-aṅga) R. v, 32, 13 (cf. Hariv. 14779)
- • n. an unguent of 4 ingredients (sandal, agallochum, saffron
- • and musk Bhpr. vii)
- ○samudra (cát○), mf(ī)n. having 4 seas RV. x, 47, 2
- • surrounded by 4 seas (the earth) Bālar. x, 66 Kathās. lxix, 181
- ○sahasra (cát○), n. 4000 RV. v, 30, 15 ; 1004 W.
- ○sādhana mfn. yielding 4 ways of attaining an object Nār. i, 8 and 12
- ○sāhasraka mf(ikā)n. consisting of 4000 VāyuP.
- ○sīta (cát○), mfn. having 4 furrows TS. v
- ○stanā
- ○stotra
- ○sthāna See catu-s○
○srakti (cát○), mfn. quadrangular VS. xxxviii, 20 TS. i, vi ŚBr. i (said of the Vedi), vi f
- • f. (scil. vedi) = uttara-vedi TĀr. iv f
- catur ○tvā́ras m. pl., ○tvā́ri n. pl., 4 (acc. m. ○túras instr. ○túrbhis [for f. R. iv, 39, 33], gen. ○turṇā́m abl. ○túrbhyas
- • class. instr., dat., abl., and loc. also oxyt. Pāṇ. 6-1, 180 f
- • ifc. Kāś. and Siddh. on Pāṇ. 7-1, 55 and 98 ff
- • for f. See cátasṛ)
- • [cf. ?, Aeol. ? ; Goth. fidvor ; Lat. quatuor ; Cambro-Brit. pedwar, pedair ; Hib. ceatkair ; Lith. keturi ; Slav. cetyrje.]
- ○aṃśa-vat mfn. consisting of 4 parts Jyot.
- ○akṣá mf(ī́)n. 'four-eyed RV. i, 31, 13 ; x, 14, 10f. AV. TS. v ŚBr. xiii ŚāṅkhBr. iii, 5 KātyŚr.
- ○akṣara (cát○), mfn. consisting of 4 syllables VS. ix, 31 ŚBr. iv, 1 and 3
- • n. a combination of 4 syllables
- ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy. RPrāt. BhP. vi, 2, 8
- • -śas ind. in numbers of 4 syllables Lāṭy.
- ○agni-vat mfn. having 4 fires Pāṇ. 8-2, 15 Pat.
- ○aṅga (cát○), mfn. having 4 limbs (or extremities) RV. x, 92, 11 ŚBr. xii
- • (with bala, an army) comprising (4 parts, viz.) elephants, chariots, cavalry, and infantry MBh. iii, 790 R. ii, 51, 7
- • m. Cucumis utilissimus (?) L.
- • N. of a son of Roma- or Loma-pāda Hariv. 1697 f. BhP. ix, 23, 10
- • n. (scil. bala) = ○ṅga-bala AV. Pariś. MBh. ix, 446
- • a kind of chess (played by 4 parties) Tithyād.
- • (ā), f. (scil. senā) = ○ṅga-bala AV. Pariś
- • -krīḍā f. playing at chess
- • -bala n. an entire army (comprising elephants, chariots, cavalry, and infantry) MBh. iii, 660 R. Kathās. iii, 76
- • -balâdhipatya n. command of a complete army, Śṛiṅgār
- • -balâdhyakṣa m. the commander-in-chief of a complete army L.
- • -vinoda m. N. of wk
- • -sainya n. = -bala W.
- ○"ṣaṅgin mfn. (= ○ṅga
- • with bala or vāhinī, an army) comprising elephants, chariots, cavalry, and infantry MBh. i, iv f. R. i, iii
- • (iṇī), f. (scil. vāhinī) = ○ṅga-bala BhP. i, 10, 32
- ○aṅgulá n. 4 fingers of the hand (without the thumb) ŚāṅkhŚr. xvii, 10, 6f. ; 4 fingers broad, 4 inches ŚBr. x, 2, 2, 4 KātyŚr. Kauś. 26
- • m. Cathartocarpus fistula Car. vii, 8 Suśr. i, iv
- • -paryavanaddha mfn. overgrown with that plant Divyâv. viii
- ○aṇuka n. an aggregate of 4 atoms Bādar.ī, 2, 11 Sch.
- ○adhyāyika n
- ○adhyāḍyikā f
- ○adhyāḍyī f. 'consisting of 4 Adhyāyas', N. of Śaunaka's APrāt.
- ○anīka (cát○), mfn. four-faced (Varuṇa) RV. v, 48, 5
- ○anugāna n. N. of a Sāman. [Page 384, Column 2]
- ○anta mf(ā)n. bordered on all 4 sides (the earth) MBh. i, 2801 and 3100 R. ii, v Śak. iv, 20
- • (ā), f. 'the earth', in comp. ○têśa m. 'earth-lord', a king Ragh. x, 86 (or catur-antêśa = -dig-īśa, q.v. Sch.)
- ○amla n. 4 sour substances (viz. amlavetasa, vṛkṣâmla, bṛhaj-jambīra, and nimbaka) Bhpr.
- ○artha mf(ā)n. having 4 meanings L.
- ○avattá n. (ava-√do) '4 times cut off or taken up, consisting of 4 Avadānas', 4 Avadānas TS. ii ŚBr. i KātyŚr. iii
- ○"ṣavattin mfn. one who offers oblations consisting of 4 Avadānas AitBr. ii, 14, 3 Gobh. KātyŚr. Sch.
- ○avarârdhya mfn. at least 4 Gobh. iv, 2, 6
- ○aśīta mfn. the 84th (ch. of MBh.)
○aśīti f. 84 VarBṛS. lxxvii, 30
- • -tama mfn. the 84th (ch. of R.)
- • -yogâdhyāya m. 'containing 84 chapters on the Yoga', N. of a work
- • -sāhasra mfn. numbering 84000 MārkP. liv, 15
- ○aśra mf(ā)n. four-cornered, quadrangular KātyŚr. Kauś. Pāṇ. 5-4, 120 Hariv. 12378 &c
- • regular Jain. Kum. i, 32 (cf. Vām. v, 2, 60)
- • m. a quadrangular figure
- • a square W.
- • (in astron.) N. of the 4th and 8th lunar mansions Laghuj.
- • (in music) a kind of measure
• (scil. hasta) a particular position of the hands (in dancing)
- • (pl.) N. of various Ketus VarBṛS. xi, 25
- • n. a particular posture (in dancing) Vikr. iv, 41/42 Sch.
- • -tā f. regularity, harmony Kām.
- • ○śrī-√kṛ, to make quadrangular Hcat. AgP. KātyŚr. Sch.
- ○"ṣaśraka mf(ā)n. four-cornered, forming a quadrangular figure Hcat. AgP. xliii, 27
- • m. a particular posture (in dancing) Vikr. iv, 41/42
- ○aśri (cát○), mfn. quadrangular RV. i, 152, 2 ; iv, 22, 2
- ○áṣṭaka mfn. having 4 days called Ashṭakās Gobh. iii, 10, 4
- ○asra
- ○asraka for -aśr○
- ○ahá m. a period of 4 days ŚBr. iii, 4, 4, 27 KātyŚr. xiii
- • a Soma sacrifice lasting 4 days ŚBr. xii, 2, 2, 12 KātyŚr. xxiii f. Vait. xl f. (cf. atri-c○.)
- ○ātman mfn. representing 4 persons, having 4 faces or shapes Hariv. 12884 (Vishṇu) NṛisUp. Rājat. iv, 507 and v, 25 (Keśava)
- ○ādhyāyika
- ○ādhyāḍyikā
- ○ādhyāḍyī for -adh○
- ○ānana m. 'fourfaced', Brahmā VarBṛS. vci, 16 BhP. v, 1, 30 Kathās. xxiv
- ○āśramin mfn. passing the 4 stages of a Brāhman's life MBh. vii, 78, 27
- ○āśramya for cāt○
- ○iḍas-pada-stobha m. (cf. iḍas-padé) N. of a Sāman
- ○indriya mfn. having 4 senses (a class of animals) Jain.
- ○uttará mfn. increasing by 4 AitBr. viii, 6 ŚBr. x, xii f. RPrāt.
- • -stoma m. with gotamasya, N. of an Ekâha ŚāṅkhŚr. xiv
- ○uṣṭra n. the 4 substances taken from a camel Suśr. vi
- ○ūdhnī f. (Aditi) having 4 udders Kāṭh. xxx, 4
- ○ūrdhva-pad m. (nom. -pād) 'having 4 feet more (than other animals)', the fabulous animal Śarabha (with 8 legs) Gal.
- ○ūṣaṇa n. the 4 hot spices (black and long pepper, dry ginger, and the √of long pepper
- • cf. -jāta and try-ūṣ○) Bhpr. v
- ○ṛcá mfn. possessing 4 Ṛic verses, i.e. obtaining the merit suggested by them SaṃhUp.
- • n. a hymn consisting of 4 verses AV. xix, 23, 1
[[ ]]
- caturṛddhipādacaraṇatalasupratiṣṭhita3catur--ṛddhi-pāda-caraṇa-tala-supratiṣṭhita mfn. well-established on the soles of the feet of the supernatural power (Buddha) Divyâv. viii f
- ○oghôttīrṇa mfn. one who has passed across the 4 floods (Buddha) ib. and xix, 51
- ○gaṇa m. a series of 4
- ○gati mfn. having 4 kinds of going R. (B) v, 35, 19
- • 'going on 4 feet', a tortoise L.
- ○gandha mfn. fragrant on 4 sides R. v, 32, 12 (vḷ. -vyaṅga)
- ○gava n. a carriage drawn by 4 oxen KātyŚr. xxii
- ○guṇa (cát○), mf(ā)n. fourfold ŚBr. iii, 3, 2, 9 Hit.
- • tied with 4 strings (the upper garment) Divyâv. vi, 46
- ○gṛhītá n. taken up or ladled out (as a fluid) 4 times, taking up (any fluid) 4 times ŚBr. iii f. KātyŚr.
- ○gṛhītin mfn. one who has taken up (any fluid) 4 times Lāṭy. iii, 2, 6 Sch.
- ○grāma 'containing 4 villages', N. of a country
- ○jāta n. = cāt○ L.
- ○jātaka
- n. id. Suśr. KātyŚr. xix Sch.
- ○ṇavata mfn. (= ○nav○) the 94th W.
- • (with śata, 100) + 94 KātyŚr. xvi
- ○daṃṣṭra (cát○), mfn. having 4 tusks AV. xi, 9, 17 MBh. R. v
- • m. a beast of prey Gal.
- • Vishṇu L.
- • N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2564
- • of a Dānava Hariv. 12935
- ○dat m(nom. -dan)fn. four-toothed Pāṇ. 5-4, 141 Kāś.
- ○danta mfn. 'having 4 tusks', Indra's elephant Airāvata L.
- • N. of an elephant Pañcat. iii, 1, 0/1 Kathās. lxii, 30
- ○dala m. 'four-leaved', Marsilea quadrifolia Npr.
- ○daśá mf(ī)n. the 14th Yājñ. ii, 113 R. ii BhP. i, 3, 18
- • consisting of 14 VS. ix, 34 ŚāṅkhŚr. ix, xiv RPrāt. xvii, 19
- • (ī), f. (scil. rātri) the 14th day in a lunar fortnight ŚāṅkhGṛ. ii ; iv, 7 ĀśvGṛ. ii, 3 Mn. MBh. Kathās.
- • ○śī-śānti f. N. of wk. [Page 384, Column 3]
- ○"ṣdaśaka mfn. the 14th MBh. i, 4334
- ○daśan (cát○), a pl. (loc. ○śásu ŚBr. ix, 3, 2, 8) 14 RV. x, 114, 7 ŚBr. KātyŚr. ; [Lat. quatuordecim ; Lith. keturo1lika]
- • ○śa-guṇa mfn. having 14 merits, cf. Sch. on R. (B) iv, 54, 2 and MBh. ii, 5, 21
- • ○śa-guṇa-nāman n. pl. N. of wk
- • ○śa-guṇa-sthāna n. N. of wk
- • ○śa-dhā́ ind. fourteenfold ŚBr. x, 4, 2, 11 BhP. v, 26, 38
- • ○śamata-viveka m. 'disquisition on the 14 philos. systems', N. of wk. by Śaṃkara
- • ○śa-rātra m. a Soma sacrifice lasting 14 days ĀśvŚr. xi, 2, 6
- • ○śa-rcá n. a hymn consisting of 14 verses AV. xix, 23, 11
- • ○śa-vidha mfn. fourteenfold KapS. vi, 19 Sch.
- • ○śa-sama-dvandva mfn. having the 14 paired parts of the body symmetric R. (B) v, 35, 19
- • ○śa-svapana-vicāra m. 'disquisition on the 14 kinds of sleep', N. of wk
- • ○śâkṣara (cát○), mfn. having 14 syllables VS. ix, 34
- ○daśama mfn. = ○śaka BhP. viii, 13, 34
- ○"ṣdaśika (fr. ○śī), a feast on the 14th day of a lunar fortnight Buddh. L.
- ○daśī See ○śá
- ○dārikā f. N. of Kathās. xxivxxvi
- ○dik-kam ind. towards the 4 quarters, on all sides, all around, cvii, 23
- • cxviii, 86
- ○dikṣu (loc. pl.) ind. id. W.
- ○diśam ind. id. MBh. ii, 570 BhP. v
- ○daiva mfn. for cāt○ Hariv. ii, 58, 17 Sch.
- ○dola m. n. a royal litter Bhoj.
- ○dos mfn. four-armed Naish. vii, 65
- ○dvāra mf(ā)n. having 4 doors or openings MBh. xii, 269, 23 (said of the puruṣa) Pañcad.
- • -mukha mf(ī)n. having 4 doors as mouths Ragh. xv, 60
- ○dvīpacakravartin m. the sovereign of the 4 Dviipas SaddhP. i
- ○dhara m. N. of a family or race
- ○dhā́ ind. in 4 parts, fourfold RV. iv, 35, 2 f. AV. TS. ii ŚBr. MBh. BhP.
- • [cf. ? ; Hib. ceathardha]
- • -karaṇa n. dividing into 4 parts Nyāyam. Sch.
- • -√kṛ, to divide into 4 parts ib.
- • -√bhū, to be divided into 4 parts AV. x, 10, 29
- • -vihitá mfn. divided into 4 parts ŚBr. i
- • -śānti f. a religious ceremony performed at the time of making the stated offerings to deceased ancestors W.
- ○dhātu mfn. fourfold (a term in music)
- ○dhārin m. Cissus quadrangularis Npr.
- ○navata mfn. (= -ṇav○) the 94th (a ch. of MBh.)
- ○navati f. 94, in comp. -tama mfn. the 94th (a ch. of R.)
- ○nidhana (cát○), mfn. consisting of 4 concluding passages ŚBr. xii, 8, 3, 26
- ○netṛ mfn. bringing near the 4 objects desired for by men Hariv. ii, 121, 16
- ○bāhu mfn. four-armed Pañcat. v, 8, 8/9
- • (Vishṇu) BhP. viii, 17, 4
- • m. N. of Śiva
- ○bila (cát○), mfn. having 4 openings AV. xviii, 4, 30
- • (said of an udder) ŚāṅkhGṛ. and ĀśvGṛ. ii, 10
- ○bīja n. the 4 kinds of seed (viz. of Kālâjājī, Candra-śūra, Methikā, and Yavānikā) Bhpr.
- ○bhadra mfn. (4 times, i.e.) extremely auspicious Hcat.
- • n. 4 objects of human wishes (viz. dharma, kāma, artha, bala L.
- • or the first 3 with mokṣa W.
- • or kīrti, āyus, yaśas, bala MBh. xiii, 5657
- • or dharma, jñāna, vairāgya, aiśvarya, vii, 2182 Sch.
- • or dāna, jñāna, śaurya, bhoga or vitta ib. Hit. i, 6, 58)
- • -tara mfn. (compar.) 4 times happier than (instr.) MBh. vii, 2182 ; 2194 ; 2207 ; 2449
- ○bhadrikā f. a kind of medical preparation for curing fever Bhpr. vii, 4, 12
- ○bhāgá m. the 4th part, quarter ŚBr. iii KātyŚr. xxiv Mn. &c
- • mf(ā)n. forming the 4th part of (gen.) Hcat.
- ○"ṣbhāgīyā f. (scil. iṣṭakā) a brick of the 4th part of a man's length, Śulbas.
- ○bhuja (in comp.) 4 arms BhP. iv, vi
- • mf(ā)n. four-armed MBh. iii, 16424 R. i BhP. iv
- • quadrangular
- • m. Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa (cf. Bhag. xi, 46) R. vi Ragh. Pañcat. BhP. i
- • N. of Gaṇêśa Gal.
- • a quadrangular figure
- • N. of a Dānava Hariv. 12934
- • of the instructor of (the author of a Comm. on SkandaP.) Rāmânanda
- • of the father of Śiva-datta
- • -bhaṭṭâcārya m. N. of an author Smṛitit. iv
- • -miśra m. N. of the author of a Comm. on MBh. iii f. and vii
- ○bhūmika mfn. having 4 floors (a house) Pañcat. iv, 9, 0/1
- ○bhūyas mfn. containing 4 (syllables) more RPrāt. xvi, 2
- ○bhṛṣṭi (cát○), mfn. four-cornered, quadrangular RV. x, 57, 9
- • four-pointed AV. x, 5, 50
- ○mahā-patha n. meeting of 4 great roads Divyâv. xxxv, 11
- ○mahā-rāja m. pl. the 4 great kings or guardians of the lowest of the 6 sensuous heavens W.
- • -kāyika m. pl. (= cāt○) 'belonging to the attendance of those 4 great kings', N. of a class of deities Buddh. L.
- ○"ṣmahārājika m. N. of Vishṇu Vishṇ.
- • m. pl. = ○ja-kāyika Buddh. (cf. cāt○.)
- ○māsa n. a period of 4 months W.
- • (ī), f. id. Kathās. cxxiv, 154
- ○māsya n. (= cāt○) a Cāturmāsya sacrifice Kāṭh. xxxv, 20
- ○mukha (in comp.) 4 faces Kum. ii, 17 [Page 385, Column 1]
- • mfn. 'four-faced', in comp
- • four-pointed (an arrow) Hariv. 10630
- • m. N. of Brahmā MBh. iii R. i BhP. iii, 8, 16 Kathās. xx
- • of Vishṇu Hariv. 12344 Ragh. x, 23
- • of Śiva (cf. -tva) MBh. xiii, 6393
- • of a Dānava Hariv. 12934
- • (in music) a kind of measure
- • -tva n. (Śiva's) state of having 4 faces VarBṛS. lxxiv, 20
- • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha SkandaP.
- • -rasa m. a preparation of great curative power Prayog.
- ○muṣṭi m. 4 hands full Gṛihyās. i, 43
- ○muṣṭika n. pl. id. KātyŚr. (?)
- ○muhūrtam ind. during 4 Muhūrtas Gaut. xvi, 44
- ○mūrti mfn. 'having 4 forms of appearance, four-faced', in comp
- • m. N. of Brahmā MBh. iii, 13560
- • of Skanda, ix, 2486
- • of Vishṇu Ragh. x, 74 BhP. v, 17, 16
- • -tva n. the state of being four-faced MBh. xiii, 6393
- ○medha m. one who has offered 4 sacrifices (Aśva-, Purusha-, Sarva-, and Pitṛi-medha) or one who knows the Mantras required for them Āp. ii, 17, 22
- ○yama n. the having 4 tones of utterance TPrāt.
- ○yukta mfn. drawn by 4 (horses or oxen) MBh. v, 86, 6
- ○yuga n. (g. pātrâdi) the 4 Yugas (or ages of the world) combined (= a Mahā-yuga, q.v.) Mn. i, 71 MBh. xii, 11227 Hariv. 516 &c
- • mf(ā)n. (cát○) = -yukta RV. ii, 18, 1
- • comprising the 4 Yugas Ragh. x, 23
- ○yúj mfn. put to (as oxen) in a yoke of 4 RV. viii, 6, 48
- • = -yukta ŚBr. v KātyŚr. MBh. i, vii R. i
- ○lekha mfn. having 4 lines on the forehead R. v, 32, 13
- ○vaktra mf(ā)n. four-faced Vas.
- • m. N. of Brahmā L.
- • of a Dānava Hariv. iii, 47, 6
- • of an attendant of Durgā Kathās. lī, 246
- ○vaya (cát○), mfn. fourfold RV. i, 110, 3 ; iv, 36, 4
- ○varga m. a collection of 4 things (e.g. = bhadra) Ragh. x, 23 HYog. i, 15 Hit.
- • -cintāmaṇi m. N. of wk. by Hemâdri
- ○varṇa (in comp.) the 4 castes ; 4 principal colours W.
- • four letters W.
- • -maya mfn. consisting of the 4 castes Ragh. x, 23
- • ○rṇâdi, a Gaṇa of Kāty. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 124 Vārtt. 1
- • = anantâdi of Gaṇar. 178-180)
- ○varṣa-śatâyus mfn. reaching an age of 400 years Mn. i, 83
- ○varṣikā f. (scil. go) a cow 4 years old L.
- ○vāhin m. (scil. ratha) a carriage drawn by 4 (horses or oxen) TāṇḍyaBr. xvi, 13, 12
- ○viṃśá mf(ī)n. the 24th ŚāṅkhŚr. Gobh. Yājñ. i, 37
- • (with śata, 100) + 24 KātyŚr. MBh. i, 3790
- • consisting of 24 VS. xiv, 25 TS. vii ŚBr. vi, ix, xiii AitBr. v, 29, 5 MBh. iii, 14271
- • m. (scil. stóma) N. of a Stoma having 24 parts VS. xiv, 23 Lāṭy.
- • n. (with or without ahan) N. of an Ekâha (2nd day of the Gavām-ayana sacrifice) ŚBr. xii TānḍyaBr. iv, 2, 4 KātyŚr. Lāṭy.
- • (○sika with ahan Sāy. on RV. iii, 35, 4
- • cāturviṃśaka, on RV. i, 165, Introd.)
- • -stoma mfn. connected with the Caturviṃśa Stoma ŚāṅkhŚr. x
- • ○śâkṣara mf(ā)n. having 24 syllables Hariv. 12435
- ○"ṣvinśaka mfn. consisting of 24 MBh. iii, 13918
- ○viṃśat f. 24, only in comp. ○śac-chata n. 124 Jyot. Sch.
- ○viṃśati (cát○), f. sg. (once pl
- • also once n. sg. BhP. xii, 13, 4 and 7) 24 VS. xviii, 25 ŚBr. &c. (ā caturviṃśates, 'to the 24th year' Mn. ii, 38)
- • -kṛtvas ind. 24 times ĀpŚr.
- • (○tiṃ kṛ́tvas ŚBr. iv)
- • -gavá n. sg. a set of 24 oxen ŚBr. vii, 2, 2, 6
- • -tama mfn. the 24th (ch. of R.)
- • -tīrthaṃkara-pūjā f. 'worship of the 24 Tirthaṃkaras (of the Jainas)', N. of wk
- • -daṇḍaka-stava m. N. of wk
- • -dhā ind. twenty-fourfold Hcat.
- • -purāṇa n. N. of wk
- • -mata n. 'views of the 24 chief legislators', N. of wk. Yājñ. iii, 327/328, 9 ; 33 and 48
- • -māna n. a sum of 24 (paid in gold), TānḍyaBr. xviii, 3, 2
- • -vikrama mf(ā)n. (cát○) measuring 24 paces ŚBr. iii, 5, 1, 10
- • -sāhasra mf(ī)n. consisting of 24000 MBh. i, 1, 102 R. (G) i, 4, 147
- • -smṛti f. = -mata
- • ○ty-akṣara mf(ā)n. (cát○) having 24 syllables ŚBr. RPrāt.
- • ○ty-avatāra-caritra n. history of the 24 incarnations', N. of a work by Narahara-dāsa
- • ○ty-ahá m. sg. 24 days ŚBr. xi Gaut. PārGṛ. ii, 3
- ○"ṣviṃśatika mfn. consisting of 24 BhP. iii, 26, 11,
- ○"ṣviṃśatima mfn. for ○ti-tama Hcat.
- ○"ṣviṃśika mfn. measuring 24, Śulbas.
- • with ahan, See ○śá
- ○vidya mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 124 Siddh.) familiar with the 4 Vedas MBh. iii, 85, 85 (vḷ. cāt○)
- • (ā), f. g. anuśatikâdi
- ○vidha (cát○), mfn. fourfold, of 4 sorts or kinds ŚBr. vii ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. &c
- • (am), ind. in 4 ways MBh. v, 1118 (cf. ŚārṅgP.)
- • -saṃśayôdbheda m. 'removal of doubts of 4 kinds', N. of a work
- • ○dhâhāra-maya mfn. made of 4 kinds of food (viz. bhakṣya, bhojya, lehya, and peya) GarbhUp.
- ○vibhakta mfn. divided into 4 parts Hariv. 12883. [Page 385, Column 2]
- ○vīra (cát○), mfn. (said of an unguent) AV. xix, 45, 3-5
- • m. N. of a Soma sacrifice lasting 4 days KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Vait. Maś.
- ○vṛṣa mfn. having 4 bulls AV. v, 16, 4
- ○veda mfn. (g. brāhmaṇâdi) containing the 4 Vedas MBh. iii, 13560 (Brahmā) Hariv. 12884 (Vishṇu)
- • (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 124 Siddh.) = -vidya Hariv. 7993 Subh.
- • m. pl. the 4 Vedas Hariv. 14074
- • a class of manes MBh. ii, 463
- ○"ṣvedin mfn. = -vidya Ratnâv. ii, 5/6 (in Prākṛit)
- ○vaiśāradyaviśārada mfn. wise through fourfold knowledge (Buddha) Divyâv. viii, 91 ; xix, 52
- ○vyaṅga mfn. = -hrasva R. (B) v, 35, 18 (v. l. -gandha)
- ○vyāpin mfn. relating to 4 (persons) Nār. i, 8 and 13
- ○vyūha mfn. having 4 kinds of appearance MBh. xii, 13603 (Hari) VāyuP. i, 1, 42 (Mahêśvara)
- • containing 4 chapters Sarvad. xv, 390
- • -vādin m. 'asserting the 4 forms (of Purushôttama, viz. Vāsudeva, Saṃkarshaṇa, Pradyumna, Aniruddha)', a Vaishṇava Bādar. ii, 2, 42, Gov
- ○hanu (cát○), mfn. having 4 jaws AV. v, 19, 7
- • m. N. of a Dānava Hariv. 12939 (vḷ. candra-h○)
- ○hasta mfn. four-handed W.
- ○hāyaṇa mf(ī)n. 4 years old (said of living beings) Pāṇ. 4-1, 27 (also Pat.)
- • (ī), f. a cow of 4 years L.
- ○hāyana mf(ā)n. (g. kṣubhnâdi) = ○yaṇa (said of lifeless objects) Pāṇ. 4-1, 27 Pat.
- ○hita mfn. useful for 4 (persons) Nār. i, 8 and 12
- ○hotṛ (cát○), m. sg. or pl., N. of a litany (recited at the new-moon and full-moon sacrifice) AV. xi, 7, 19 AitBr. v TBr. ii ŚBr. iv ŚāṅkhŚr. x Lāṭy.
- • m. (cf. -hotra) N. of Kṛishṇa Hariv. 10404 (vḷ. for -netṛ)
- • -tvá n. the condition of the Caturhotṛi litany MaitrS. i, 9, 7
- ○hotra m. (cf. ○tṛ) Vishṇu Hariv. 12884
- • v. l. for anuha VP.
- • for cāt○, q.v
- ○"ṣhotraka for cāturhotra, q.v
- ○hrasva mfn. having the 4 extremities too short R. (B) v, 35, 18 Sch.
- catura mfn. ifc. = ○túr (cf. upa- and tri- Pāṇ. 5-4, 77 Vārtt.
- • a-, vi-, su- Vop. vi, 29)
- • (am), ifc. ind. (g. śarad-ādi), cf. ā-, upa-
- caturikā f. ( = ○tuṣka) a quadrangular courtyard (used for guests) Pañcad. iv, 76 ; v, 45
- caturthá mf(ī́)n. (g. yājakâdi Gaṇar. 100) the 4th AV. VS. TS. &c
- • m. the 4th letter in the first 5 classes of consonants (gh, jh, ḍh, dh, bh) RPrāt. VPrāt. Kāś.
- • '4th caste', a Śūdra L.
- • n. 'constituting the 4th part', a quarter Gaut. x, 38
- • (for ○tuṣṭaya
- • ifc.) a collection of 4 Divyâv. xxxiii
- • (ī), f. (scil. rātri) the 4th day in a lunar fortnight KātyŚr.
- • (metrically ○thi) VarYogay. v, 8
- • 'the 4th day of a marriage', See ○rthī-karman
- • (scil. vibhakti) the termination of the 4th case, dative case Pāṇ.
- • = ○tur-bhāgīyā, Śulbas. iii, 26
- • (am), ind. the 4th time ĀśvGṛ. ŚāṅkhGṛ. [cf. ? ; Lat. quartus Lith. ketwirtas ; Slav. cetvertyi ; Germ. vierter.]
- ○kāla mfn. = ○lika Āp. i, 25, 10
- • m. '4th meal', (am), ind. at the 4th meal-time, i.e. at the evening of every 2nd day (of any one's fasting) Mn. xi, 110
- • (e), loc. ind. id. Āp. i, 27, 11
- ○"ṣkālika mfn. one who takes only every 4th meal Mn. vi, 19
- ○phala n. the 2nd inequality or equation of a planet W.
- ○bhakta-kṣapaṇa n. fasting so as to take only every 4th meal MBh. xiii, 5145
- ○bhāj mfn. receiving the 4th part (as a tax from one's subjects), ii, 585 (cf. Mn. x, 118.)
- ○mandrâtisvārya mfn. 'to be lengthened in a particular way', said of a kind of recitation of the SV. SaṃhUp. ii, 5
- ○svara m. having the 4th tone or accent ib.
- • n. N. of a Sāman
- caturthâṃśa m. a 4th part Hariv. 9690
- • mfn. = ○śin Mn. viii, 210
- caturthâṃśin mfn. receiving a quarter Gaut. xxviii, 34
- caturthâśrama m. the 4th stage of a Brāhman's life W.
- caturthôdāttatama mfn. 'reciting the 4th as the highest tone (or accent)', said of a particular way of reciting the SV. SaṃhUp. iii, 3
- caturthaka mfn. the 4th Śrut.
- • returning every 4th day (a fever), quartan, ? Pāṇ. 5-2, 81 Hariv. 10555 Car. Suśr.
- • m. (in music) a kind of measure
- • (ikā), f. a weight of 4 Karshas ŚārṅgS. i, 24 Ashṭâṅg. v, 6, 27
- caturthi for ○thī, q.v
- caturthī f. of ○thá, q.v
- ○karman n. the ceremonies performed on the 4th day of a marriage Gobh. ii, 5, 1 ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 18, 1
- caturya Nom. P. ○ryati (1st fut. ○ryitā inf. ○ryitum), to wish for 4 Pāṇ. 8-2, 78 Vārtt. 1
- catuś in comp. for ○túr
- ○cakra m. N. of a sacrifice Baudh. i, 13, 30
- • of a phenomenon in the sky MBh. vii, 199, 19
- • n. N. of a mystical diagram, Tantr. [Page 385, Column 3]
- ○catvāriṃśá mf(ī)n. the 44th (ch. of MBh. or R.)
- • (with śatá, 100) + 44 ŚBr. x, 4, 2, 7
- • containing 44 VS. and TS. v (said of a Stoma) ŚBr. viii, xiii
- • m. (scil. stoma) a Stoma consisting of 44 parts Lāṭy.
- ○catvāriṃśat (cát○), f. 44 VS. xviii, 25 ŚBr. viii ŚāṅkhŚr. RPrāt.
- ○"ṣcatvāriṃśín mfn. containing 44 parts MaitrS. ii, 8, 7
- ○caraṇa mfn. consisting of 4 parts Sarvad. vii, 6
- • m. 'having 4 feet', a quadruped VarBṛ. xxi, 6
- ○calita n. a kind of play or sport Siṃhâs.
- ○citya mfn. supported by 4 stratums MBh. xiv, 88, 32
- catuṣ in comp. for ○túr
- ○kaparda (cát○), mf(ā)n. having 4 tufts RV. x, 114, 3
- ○karṇa mfn. four-eared W.
- • heard by 4 ears only Pañcat. i, 1, 86
- • (ī), f. N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix, 2643
- • -tā f. instr. (ayā), ind. so that only 4 ears are present Pañcat. i, 10, 16/17
- ○kala mfn. having 4 marks (on the thumb denoting the proficiency in the 4 Vedas) R. (B) v, 35, 18 (vḷ. -kṛṣṇa)
- ○kārin mfn. causing or effecting 4 things Nār. i, 8 and 14
- ○kiṣku mfn. 4 Kishkus long MBh. v, vii R. (B) v, 35, 18
- ○kṛṣṇa mfn. having 4 black parts of the, body R. ii, 32, 13 (vḷ. for -kala)
- ○koṇa mfn. quadrangular Sūryapr. Hcat. i, 8, 498a/b
- • mṇ. a tetragon, 11, 617
- ○krama m. a Krama (or method of reading and writing the Veda) consisting of 4 parts RPrāt. xi, 10
- ○khaṇḍa mf(ā) n. consisting of 4 parts CūlUp. Sch. Introd
- ○pakṣa (cát○), mf(ā)n. furnished with 4 posts AV. ix, 3, 21
- ○pañca mfn. pl. 4 or 5 Rājat. vi, 326 ; viii, 555
- • ○can BhP. i, 15, 23 and x, 37, 30
- ○pañcāśa mfn. the 54th (ch. of MBh. or R.)
- ○pañcāśat (cát○), f. (sg. or pl. Pāṇ. 8-3, 5 Sch.) 54 ŚBr. vi
- • -tama mfn. the 54th (ch. of MBh. ed. Bomb.)
- • ○śadadhika-śata mfn. the 154th (ch. of MBh.)
- ○pattrī = ○tur-dala Bhpr.
- ○pathá m. n. a place where 4 roads meet, cross-way TBr. i ŚBr. ii Kauś. &c
- • m. 'walking the 4 paths (i.e. Āśramas, cf. catur-āśramin)', a Brāhman L.
- • n. one of the 18 ceremonies performed with Kuṇḍas, Tantr
- • -kṛtâśaya m. 'having made its abode on a cross-way', a kind of ghost Gal.
- • -niketā f. 'abiding on a cross-way', N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix, 2643
- • -ratā f. id., 2645
- • -sad mfn. dwelling at cross-ways MānGṛ. i, 13 PārGṛ. iii, 15, 8
- ○pad (cát○), m. (nom. sg. -pād
- • pl. -pādas, irreg. -padas BhP. v, 1, 14 ; vi, 4, 9
- • loc. -pātsu AitBr. vi, 2, 7
- • abl. -pādbhyas Pāṇ. 4-1, 135) f. (-padī) n. (nom. -pad RV. 4 times, or -pād RV. twice). (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 140) quadruped, (m.) a quadruped, (n.) quadrupeds (collectively), animals RV. AV. &c
- • having made 4 steps ĀśvGṛ. i, 7, 19 ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 14, 6
- • divided into 4 parts MāṇḍUp. 2 MBh. v
- • (in prosody) consisting of 4 Pādas RV. i, 164, 24 ; x, 27, 10
- • having 4 staffs (a ladder) MBh. xii, 8838
- • (a judicial procedure) consisting of 4 processes (viz. plea, defence, rejoinder, and sentence) Yājñ. ii, 8
- • (-padi). f. 'a female quadruped', in comp., ○dī-gamana n. intercourse with a female quadruped Suśr. ii, 12, 3
- ○pada (in comp.) 4 Pādas Mālav. i, 19/20
- • n. sg. or pl., 4 partitions or divisions AgP. xl, 16 and 18
- • mf(ā)n. (cát○), quadruped MBh. VarBṛS. xxi
- • consisting of 4 Pādas TS. iii, 2, 9, 1 ŚBr. xi AitBr. i, 7 ChUp. RPrāt. Mālav. ii
- • consisting of 4 words VPrāt.
- • comprising 4 partitions or divisions VarBṛS. liii, 55
- • (in alg.) tetranomial
- • m. a quadruped W.
- • (= pāśava?) a kind of coitus L.
- • (pl.) certain zodiacal signs (viz. meṣa, vṛṣa, siṃha, makara-pūr vârdha, dhanuḥ-parârdha) Laghuj. i, 11 ff
- • N. of a shrub W.
- • n. N. of a particular Karaṇa VarBṛS. ic, 5 and 8 Sūryas. ii, 67
- • (ā), f. a metre of 30 + 4 + 4 syllabic instants
- ○"ṣpadikā f. = ○dā
- ○padī f. of -pad, q.v
- ○parṇī f. (cf. -pattrī), 'fourleaved', Oxalis pusilla L.
- ○paryāya mfn. having 4 reiterations (a Stoma) Vait. xl
- ○parva mf(ā)n. consisting of 4 parts AitĀr. i, 2, 2, 20
- ○pāṭi f. 'winding 4 ways (?)', a river L.
- ○pāṭhī f. a school in which the 4 Vedas are studied W.
- ○pāṇi m. 'four-handed', Vishṇu L.
- ○pād See -pad
- • once in comp. MBh. xii, 5697
- ○pāda (cát○), mf(ī)n. quadruped ŚBr. iii, vi AitBr. Suśr.
- • mf(ā)n. consisting of 4 parts MBh. iii, 1459 VāyuP. Sarvad. xv, 207
- • m. a quadruped MBh. iii, 11246 Yājñ. ii, 298 R. v
- • (scil. adhyāya) the chapter treating of the 4 parts of medical science Car. i, 9 f
- • (ī), f. a number of 4 feet Jyot. (YV) 31
- • -samanvaya m. conjunction of the 4 parts of medical science Bhpr.
- • -siddhi f. complete knowledge of the 4 parts of medical science Car. iii, 8. [Page 386, Column 1]
- ○"ṣpādaka mf(ikā)n. consisting of 4 Pādas Kāraṇḍ. xii, 33 and 39
- ○pārśva n. the 4 sides (of a square &c.) W.
- ○puṭa mfn. having 4 folds ĀpŚr. xii, 2, 14
- ○puṇḍrā f. Abelmoschus esculentus L.
- ○prasthānika mfn. pl. divided into 4 sects Sarvad. ii, 255
- ○phalā f. 'four-fruited', Uraria lagopodioides L.
- catuṣka mfn. consisting of 4 Lāṭy. RPrāt. Śulbas. Suśr.
- • (with śata, 100) + 4(i.e.4 percent.) Mn. viii, 142 Bijag.
- • m. any sign (as the Svastika) having 4 marks L.
- • N. of a man Rājat. viii, 2849 ; 2859 ; 2911 ; 2931
- • n. a set of 4, collection of 4 Mn. vii, 50 Yājñ. iii, 99 MBh. xii, 12706 (or = aṃśayoḥ kaṭyoś cântarāla Sch.) Mṛicch. ix, 12 Srut.
- • = -veśman Kum. v, 68 ; vii, 9
- • a quadrangular courtyard (used for receiving guests) Pañcat. (ifc. f. ā) Prasannar. iii, 6 Pañcad.
- • a crossway L.
- • a necklace of 4 strings L.
- • (ī), f. a (large) four-sided pond L.
- • a bed-or musquito-curtain L.
- • a necklace of 4 strings W.
- ○veśman n. a hall resting on 4 columns Vcar. xv, 15
- catuṣkikā f. a set of 4 Rājat. v, 369
- • = ṣka-veśman Viddh. i, 13/14 Rājat. viii, 23
- • (in Prākṛit) Bālar. v, 41/42 and 42/43
- catuṣkin mfn. ifc. having a set of 4 (of anything) MBh. xii, 13340 (cf. 12706)
- cátuṣṭaya m. (nom. pl. ○ye Pāṇ. 8-3, 101 Kāś.) f. (ī) n. fourfold, consisting of 4 AV. x, 2, 3 ŚBr. xiii AitBr. iii, viii ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c. ; 4 BhP. iii, 15, 28
- • n. a set of 4, quaternion KātyŚr. viii Gṛihyās. Mn. &c. (ifc. f. ā Hcat.)
- • a square W.
- • the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th signs of the zodiac VarYogay. iv, 48
- • 'a collection of Sūtras consisting of 4 sections', cāt○
- catús ind. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 18
- • in comp. before hard gutturals and labials ○tuḥ or ○tuṣ, viii, 3, 43) 4 times AV. xi, 2, 9 TS. ii ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ. &c
- catus in comp. for ○túr
- ○tāla m. (in music) a kind of measure
- ○triṃśá mf(ī)n. the 34th (Prajā-pati, so called with regard to the other 33 gods) ŚBr. iv f. TBr. ii
- • (with śatá, 100) + 34 ŚBr. xii
- • containing 34 Lāṭy.
- • m. (scil. stóma) a Stoma consisting of 34 parts VS. xiv, 23 AitBr. iv, 18
- ○triṃśat (cát○), f. 34 RV. i, 162, 18 ; x, 55, 3 VS.
- • ○śaj-jātaka-jña m. 'knowing 34 Jātakas', N. of a Buddha L.
- • ○śat-sammita n. with prajā-pateś ( See s.v. ○śá), N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.
- • ○śad-akṣara mf(ā)n. (cát○) containing 34 syllables ŚBr. x
- • ○śad-rātram ind. during 34 days KātyŚr. xxiv
- ○tri-dvy-eka-bhāga mfn. pl. receiving 4, 3, 2, and 1 part respectively Yājñ. ii, 125
- catū in comp. for ○túr before r
- ○rājī f. (rājan) 'the 4 kings', N. of the luckiest termination of the Catur-aṅga game (by which one king gains the 4 thrones) Tithyād.
- ○rātrá m. n. lasting 4 days', N. of a ceremony AV. xi, 7, 11
- ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr. Lāṭy.
- • (am), ind. during 4 days KātyŚr.
- catvara n. rarely m. [Hariv. 6499 ff. R. v, 49, 15] a quadrangular place, place in which many ways meet, cross-way MBh. &c
- • a levelled spot of ground prepared for a sacrifice L.
- ○taru m. a tree growing on a cross-way Svapnac.
- ○vāsinī- f. (cf. catuṣpatha-niketā) N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix, 2630
- catvāriṃśá mf(ī)n. (fr. ○śát) the 40th RV. ii, 12, 11
- • (with śatá, 100) + 40 ŚBr. xii Pāṇ. 5-2, 46
- • m. 'consisting of 40 (parts)', N. of a Stoma Lāṭy.
- catvāriṃśát f. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 59
- • fr. catvā́ri n. pl. + daśát, a decad) 40 RV. i, 126, 4 ; ii, 18, 5 VS. &c
- • cf. ? ; Lat. quadraginta.]
- ○pada (śát-), mf(ā)n. having 40 feet ŚBr. vii, 3, 1, 27
- catvāriṃśád-akṣara mf(ā) n. consisting of 40 syllables, xi ii, 6, 1, 2
- catvāriṃśad-rātrá m. a period of 40 days ib. KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhSr.
- catvāriṃśan-māna mfn. having the weight of 40 ĀpŚr.
- catvāriṃśati f. = ○śát, See dvā-
- catura mf(ā, g. arśa-ādi)n. (√cat Uṇ.) swift, quick Kathās. x, 108 Rājat. iii, 176
- • dexterous, clever, ingenious, shrewd Ragh. Vikr. Kum. Pañcat. &c
- • charming, agreeable Ragh. Bhartṛ.
- • visible L.
- • m. a round pillow (cf. cāt○) L.
- • the fish Cyprinus Rohita Gal.
- • (scil. hasta) a particular position of the hand PSarv.
- • n. = -tā g. arśa-ādi
- • an elephant's stable L.
- • (am), ind. quickly Kathās. ci, 96 Rājat. iii, 188
- ○krama m. (in music) a kind of measure
- ○ga mfn. going quickly W.
- ○tā f. cleverness, skilfulness Bhartṛ. i, 71
- ○tva n. id. Daś. i, 223 (v. l. for caṇa-)
- caturaka mf(ikā)n. clever, skilful Kathās. ciii [Page 386, Column 2]
- • m. N. of a jackal Pañcat. i, 15, 35 and 16, 0/1 (cf. mahā-)
- • 2. (ikā), f. N. of a woman Śak. vi, 8/9 (in Prākṛit) and 13/14 Kathās. vi, 53
- • ciii, 20
- caturthá ○rthaka, ○rya, See p. 385
- catula mfn. = sthāpayitṛ L.
- catuṣka &c. See col. 1
- cattá cattra, catya, See √cat
- catvara ○tvāriṃśá, &c. See col. 1
- catvāla m. = cā́tv○, q.v. L.
- • = garbha, or darbha L.
- cad cl. 1. ○dati, ○date to ask or beg (cf. √cat) Dhātup. xxi, 5
- cadira m. (= cand○) the moon L.
- • camphor L.
- • an elephant L.
- • a snake L.
- can cl. 1. ○nati, to sound, utter a sound L.
- • to hurt, injure Dhātup. xix, 41
- can (cf. √kan), only aor. Subj. 2. du. caniṣṭám 'to delight in, be satisfied with (loc.)' RV. vii, 70, 4
- • and 3. sg. cániṣṭhat [jan○ SV.], 'to satisfy, please' RV. viii, 74, 11
- cánas n. 'delight, satisfaction', only with √dhā P. and Ā. to delight in, be satisfied with (acc. or loc.), enjoy RV. VS. viii, 7 (cf. sá- and sa-cánas.)
- canasaya Nom. ○yati, to address with the word canasita GopBr. i, 3, 19 ; ii, 2, 23
- canasita mfn. (Pass. p. fr. ○sya) 'satisfied, gracious' (only the voc. is used in the address to a Brāhman, added after his N. ) AitBr. i, 6, 8 Sāy. (Āp.)
- ○vat mfn. (speech or address) containing the word canasita, Gop. ii, 2, 23 KātyŚr. vii, 5, 7
- canasitôttara mfn. followed by canasita (a N. ) Vait.
- canasya Nom. (Impv. 2. du. ○syátam) to delight in (acc.), enjoy RV. i, 3, 1
- cániṣṭha mfn. (superl. fr. cánas) very acceptable RV.
- • very favourable, very gracious, vii, 57, 4 ; 70, 2 and 5
- cano in comp. for cánas
- ○dhā́ mfn. satisfied, gracious VS. viii, 7
- ○hita mfn. made favourable, inclined or willing to do anything RV. iii, 2, 2 and 7 ; 11, 2 (cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 60 Vārtt. 2 Pat.) ; ix, 75, 1 and 4 VS.
- caná (ca ná SV.), ind. and not, also not, even not, not even (this particle is placed after the word to which it gives force
- • a preceding verb is accentuated [Pāṇ. 8-1, 57]
- • in Vedic language it is generally, but not always, found without any other neg. particle, whereas in the later language another neg. is usually added, e.g. ā́paś canáprá minanti vratáṃ vāṃ, 'not even the waters violate your ordinance' RV. ii, 24, 12
- • nấha vivyāca pṛthivií canấinaṃ, 'the earth even does not contain him', iii, 36, 4
- • in class. Sanskṛit it is only used after the interrogatives ká, katará, katamá, katham, kád, kadā́, kim, kútas, kva, making them indefinite) RV. AV. &c
- • also RV. i, 139, 2 ; vi, 26, 7 ; viii, 78, 10
- cánas &c. See √2. can
- cand (fr. ścand, q.v.), cl. 1. ○dati (cf. Nir. xi, 5), to shine, be bright Dhātup. iii, 31
- • to gladden ib. ; [Lat. candeo, candela.]
- canda m. (for ○drá) the moon L.
- • N. of the author of the work Pṛithivi-rāja-rāsaka
- candaka mfn. pleasing W.
- • m. the moon W.
- • moonlight W.
- • vḷ. for ○draka, q.v
- ○puṣpa for candana-p○ W.
- candana m. n. sandal (Sirium myrtifolium, either the tree, wood, or the unctuous preparation of the wood held in high estimation as perfumes
- • hence ifc. a term for anything which is the most excellent of its kind, g. vyāghrâdi) Nir. xi. 5 MBh. R. &c. (ifc. f. ā Ragh. vi, 61)
- • m. N. of a divine being Lalit. i, 93
- • of a prince
- • = ○naka Mṛicch. vi, 25
- • N. of an ape R. iv, 41, 3
- • n. the grass Bhadra-kālī L.
- • (ā), f. a kind of creeper L.
- • N. of a river VP. (v. l. for ○ndrā)
- • (ī), f. N. of a river R. iv, 40, 20 (cf. ku-, pīta-, rakta-, śveta-, hari-.)
- ○giri m. 'sandal-mountain', the Malaya L.
- ○gopā f. a kind of Ichnocarpus L.
- ○dāsa m. N. of a man Mudr. i, 19/20
- • of a merchant Hit. i, 6, 0/1
- ○paṅka m. sandal-unguent Ṛitus. i, 6 Caurap.
- ○pāta m. laying on of sandal-unguent Kāvyâd. ii, 104
- ○pāla m. N. of a prince Buddh.
- ○putrikā
- ○puḍtri- f. N. of a mythical doll Virac. xi, xxiv
- ○pura n. N. of a town Kathās. lxxvii, 20,
- ○puṣpa
- ○puḍṣpaka n. cloves L.
- ○maya mfn. made or consisting of sandal-wood, VarBṛS. Kād. [Page 386, Column 3]
- ○rasa m. sandal-water Ratnâv. iii, 1 Ṛitus. iii, 20
- ○vāri n. id. MBh. v, 1794 R. iii
- ○sāra m. id., ii, 23, 39
- • a kind of alkali L.
- ○sārivā f. = -gopā L.
- candanâgrya m. N. of a man Lalit. xiii, 160
- candanâcala m.= ○na-giri L.
- candanâdri m. id. Rājat. iv, 156
- candanâmbhas n. = ○na-rasa Kāvyâd. ii, 245
- candanā-vatī f. N. of a river (?), JaimBhār. lxxi
- candanôdaka n. = ○na-rasa Kāvyâd. ii, 40
- • -dundubhi m. N. of Bhava VP. iv, 14, 4 VāyuP.
- candanaka m. N. of a man Mṛicch. vi
- candanāya Nom. ○yate, to become a sandal-tree Cāṇ. Subh.
- candanin mfn. anointed with sandal (Śiva) MBh. xiii, 1249
- candanīyā f. a kind of yellow pigment L.
- candala-devī f. N. of the princess Candralekhā Vcar. xi, 68
- candalā f. N. of a woman (cf. ○dralā) Rājat. vii, 1122
- candira m. (fr. ○ndrá) the moon Bhām. ii, 126
- • an elephant L.
- • = ○dra-ja Gal.
candila m. a barber L.
- candrá mf(ā)n. (fr. ścandrá, q.v.) glittering, shining (as gold), having the brilliancy or hue of light (said of gods, of water [RV. x, 121, 9 TS. vi] and of Soma) RV. VS. TS. vi TBr. i
- • m. the moon (also personified as a deity Mn. &c.) VS. ŚBr. &c. (ifc. f. ā MBh. ix R. &c.)
- • ifc. 'the moon of', i.e. the most excellent among (e.g. pārthiva- [g. vyāghrâdi Kāś.] or narêndra- [Ratnâv. i, 4]', a most excellent king')
- • the number 'one' Sūryas.
- • a lovely or agreeable phenomenon of any kind L.
- • a spot similar to the moon BhP. iv, 15, 17
- • the eye in a peacock's tail L.
- • the mark of the Visarga, Tantr
- • a kind of reddish pearl L.
- • camphor AgP. xxxv, 15
- • water L.
• the Kāmpilla plant L.
- • a metre of 4 x 19 syllables
- • N. of a Daitya (= -varman, king of the Kāmbojas) MBh. i, 2667
- • of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP. x, 61, 13
- • of a son of Viśva-gandhi and father of Yuvanâśva, ix, 6, 20
- • of a grammarian (= -gomin) Rājat. i, 176
- • of a king Pañcat. v, 9, 2 and 10, 0/1
- • of one of the ancestors of the Gauḍa Brāhmans
- • of several other men Rājat. vi f
- • one of the 18 minor Dvipas L.
- • = -parvata R. vi, 26, 6
- • n. (cf. Naigh. i, 2
- • also m. L.) gold RV. ii, 2, 4 AV. xii, 2, 53 VS. iv, xix ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr. vi, 6 KātySr.
- • n. a kind of sour rice-gruel L.
- • N. of a Sāman KātyŚr. xxvi Lāṭy.
- • (ā), f. a hall covered only at the top, awning, canopy L.
- • cardamoms L.
- • Cocculus cordifolius (guḍūcī)
- • = ○drâspadā L.
- • N. of a river VP. ii, 4, 28
- • (ī), f. Serratula anthelminthica L. (cf. ardha-.)
- ○kamalâkara m. N. of wk
- ○kalā f. a digit or 1/16 of the moon's disc (each digit is personified as a female divinity, Tantr.), the crescent on the day before or after the new moon Kathās. i, 39
- • the mark of a finger-nail resembling the crescent before or after new moon
- • the fish Pimelodus Vacha L.
- • a kind of drum L.
- • (in music) a kind of measure
- • N. of a drama Sāh. iii, 96/97
- • -tantra n. N. of wk
- ○kavi m. N. of a poet ŚārṅgP.
- ○kāṭuki m. N. of a man Pravar. iii, 3
- ○kānta mfn. lovely as the moon, Śrut
- • m. 'moon-loved', the moon-stone (a gem supposed to be formed from the congelation of the moon's rays and to dissolve under the influence of its light) Suśr. Megh. Bhartṛ. &c
- • m. n. the white eatable water-lily (blossoming during night) L.
- • n. sandalwood L.
- • (ā), f. the wife of the moon W.
- • night L.
- • N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs.
- • (ā, am), fn. N. of a town R. vii, 102, 6 and 9
- • -maṇi-maya mfn. made of the gem Candra-kānta Siṃhâs. -maya mfn. id. Kād. v, 796 ; vi, 271
- • -ratna-maya mfn. id. Siṃhâs.
- ○kānti f. the brilliancy or lustre of the moon, moonlight W.
- • N. of the moon's disc on the ninth day BrahmaP.
- • m. N. of a hero of Kālikā Virac. xxx
- ○"ṣkāntīya Nom. ○yati, to resemble the moon-stone (candra-kānta) ŚārṅgP. cvii, 8
- ○kālânala n. a kind of diagram
- • -cakra n. id
- ○kirti m. N. of a prince of Ujjayinī Bhadrab.
- • of a Sūri of the Jainas
- ○kuṇḍa m. N. of a pond in Kāma-rūpa KālP.
- ○kumāra-śikhara n. N. of a place Rasik. xi, 23
- ○kula n. N. of a town Śukas.
- ○kulyā f. N. of a river in Kaśmir Rājat. i, 320
- ○kūṭa m. N. of a mountain in Kāma-rūpa KālP.
- ○ketu m. N. of a son of Lakshmaṇa R. vii, 102, 2 Ragh. xv, 90
- • of several other men MBh. vii, 1899 VP.
- • of a Vidyādhara Kathās. cxv, 24
- • of a prince of Cakora (slain by an emissary of king Śūdraka) Hcar. vi
- • of a prince (emissary of king Śūdrika) Vīrac. xviii, 41 f. [Page 387, Column 1]
- • of a hero of Kālikā, xxx
- ○keśa m. N. of a hero of Kālikā, xxx
- ○kesarin m. id. ib.
- ○kośa m. N. of a lexicon, Prauḍh
- ○krīḍa m. (in music) a kind of measure
- ○kṣaya m. 'waning of the moon', new moon Mn. iii, 122
- ○kṣānta m. N. of a man
- ○garbha m. N. of a Buddh. Sūtra
- ○giri m. = -parvata
- • N. of a prince LiṅgaP. i, 66, 41 MatsyaP. xii, 53 KūrmaP. i, 21, 59
- ○gupta m. 'moon-protected', N. of a renowned king (? or ? reigning at Pāṭali-putra about 315 B.C. as the founder of a new dynasty
- • installed by the Brāhman Cāṇakya after causing the death of Nanda) Inscr. Pāṇ. 1-1, 68 Vārtt. 7 Pat. BhP. xii, 1, 12 Kathās. Mudr.
- • N. of two kings of the Gupta dynasty
- • for citra-g○, q.v
- ○guptaka m. the king Candra-gupta (of Pāṭali-putra) ŚārṅgP. lxxv, 72
- ○gupti m. N. of a prince of Avanti Bhadrab. ii, 7 ; iii, 96
- ○gūtī-giri m. N. of a locality Rasik. xi, 37
- ○gomin m. N. of a grammarian (also called Candra) Gaṇar. 2
- ○gola-stha m. pl. 'dwelling in the lunar sphere', the manes L.
- ○golikā f. moonlight L.
- ○graha m. an eclipse of the moon Hcat.
- ○grahaṇa n. id
- • ○ṇôdāharaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○cañcala m
- ○cañcaḍlā f. the fish Candraka L.
- ○citra m. pl. N. of a people R. (B) iv, 42, 6
- ○cūḍa m. = -mukuṭa Bhartṛ. Bālar. ix, 47/48 Kathās.
- • a form of Bhairava, Brahmav P. ii, 61, 83
- • N. of a hero of Kālikā Vīrac. xxx
- • of an author (son of Śri-bhaṭṭa-Purushôttama)
- • of a prince, xv
- • ○ḍâṣṭáka n. N. of a hymn
- ○cūḍāmaṇi m. N. of wk. Tantras. ii
- ○ja m. 'moonborn', the planet Mercury VarBṛS.
- • -siṃha m. N. of a man
- ○janaka m. 'moon-progenitor', the sea Gal.
- ○jñāna n. N. of wk. Ānand. 31 Sch.
- • -tantra n. id. ib.
- ○taram ind. (compar.) more lovely Kāṭh. xxx, 1
- ○tāpana m. N. of a Dānava Hariv. 12698 (v. l. indra-t○) and 12939
- ○tāraká n. sg. the moon and the stars ŚBr. xiv, 6, 7, 13
- ○tāla m. (in music) a kind of measure
- ○tva n. the condition of the moon Kāvyâd. ii, 91
- ○dakṣiṇa (○drá-), mfn. offering anything bright or gold in sacrifice VS. vii, 45
- ○datta m. 'moongiven', N. of an author
- ○dāra m. pl. 'moonwives', the 27 lunar mansions L.
- ○dīpikā f. N. of an astrological work VarBṛ. vi, 6 Sch.
- ○dūta m. 'moon-messenger', N. of a poem
- ○deva m. N. of a warrior MBh. viii, 1078 and 1086
- • of a Brāhman (of Kāśyapa's family) Rājat. i, 182 ff
- • of a poet ŚārṅgP.
- ○dyuti m. 'moon-bright', sandalwood Bhpr.
- ○dvīpa m. N. of a Dvipa Romakas.
- ○dhvaja-ketu m. N. of a Samādhi Buddh. L.
- ○nābha m. 'moon-navelled', N. of a Dānava Hariv. 16254
- ○nibha mfn. 'moon-like', bright, handsome W.
- ○nirṇij (○drá-), having a brilliant garment RV. x, 106, 8
- ○pañcâṅga n. the lunisolar calendar
- ○pati m. N. of a man
- ○parvata m. 'moon-mountain', N. of a mountain R. vi, 2, 37
- ○pāda m. a moon-beam Megh. 71
- ○pāla m. N. of a hero of Kālikā Virac. xxx
- ○putra m. = -ja VarBṛS.
- ○pura n. 'moon-town', N. of a town Kathās. cxvii, cxxiii (cf. cāndr○.)
- ○puṣpā f. a kind of Solanum Bhpr.
- ○pṛṣṭha m. N. of a man Vīrac.
- ○prakāśa m. N. of wk
- ○prajñapti f. N. of the 6th Upâṅga of the Jainas
- ○prabha m. N. of an Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī Jain.
- • of a Yaksha Divyâv.
- • of a king ib.
- • of several other persons, Hariv Kathās. &c
- • (ā), f. moonlight W.
- • Serratula anthelminthica L.
- • a compound of various drugs (used in jaundice, piles, &c.) Bhpr.
- • N. of several women Divyâv. xxxvii Kathās. xvii, 65
- • -svāmi-caritra n. 'Candra-prabha's life', N. of a Jain work
- ○prabhāva mfn. splendid as the moon W.
- ○prabhāsa-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha RevāKh.
- ○prabhāsvara-rāja m. N. of several Buddhas
- ○pramardana n. 'moon-enemy', N. of a brother of Rāhu MBh. i, 2539
- ○pramāṇa mfn. 'moonmeasured', lunar Lāṭy. x, 16, 13
- ○prāsāda m. an apartment on the housetop Kathās. lxxxv, cxiv
- ○priya m. N. of a prince
- ○bālā f. large cardamoms L.
- ○bāhu m. N. of an Asura Hariv. (v. l.)
- • of a hero of Kālikā Virac. xxx
- ○bindu m. 'moon-like spot', the sign for the nasal ?
- • = candrakita Bhpr.
- ○bimba n. the moon-disc Kāvyâd. ii, 39 and 41
- • -prabhā f. N. of a Gandharva virgin Kāraṇḍ. i, 70
- • -maya mfn. consisting of moon-discs Kād.
- ○budhna (○drá-), mfn. having a bright standing-ground RV. i, 52, 3
- ○bha m. N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2577
- • (ā)
- • f. = -puṣpā Bhpr. v, 3, 40. [Page 387, Column 2]
- ○bhāga m. 'N. of a man', cāndrabhāgi
- • of a mountain KālP.
- • (ā), f. (g. bahv-ādi) the river Chenab (in the Pañjāb) MBh. BhP. v, 19, 18 Rājat. Hit. (cf. cāndr○)
- • (i), f. id., g. bahv-ādi (cf. Gaṇar. 52 Sch.)
- • ○gasarit f. id. VarBṛS. xvi, 27
- ○bhānu m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP. x, 61, 10
- ○bhāsa m. (= -hāsa) 'moon-brilliant', a sword L.
- • N. of a hero of Kālikā Virac. xxx
- ○bhūti n. silver L.
- ○maṇi m. the moon-gem (Candra-kānta) L.
- ○maṇḍala n. = -bimba R. Suśr. VarBṛS.
- • a halo round the moon W.
- ○mata n. the doctrine of the moon(-worshippers) Śaṃkar. xliv
- ○manas m. one of the ten horses of the moon L.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. representing the moon Kād. v, 866 Hcar. iv
- ○mas (○drá-), m. (mas = mā́s
- • g. dāsī-bhārâdi) the moon, deity of the moon (considered as a Dānava MBh. i, 2534 Hariv. 190
- • named among the 8 Vasus MBh. i, 2583) RV. i ; viii, 82, 8
- • x VS. AV. &c
- • N. of a hero of Kālikā Virac. xxx
- ○"ṣmasa See ava-
- • (ā), f. N. of a river BhP. (B) iv, 28, 35 (cf. -vaśā.)
- ○maha m. a dog L.
- ○mā f. N. of a river MBh. vi, 337 (cf. -masā.)
- ○mārga m. 'moon-path', the atmosphere Gal.
- ○mālā f. the metre also called candra (q.v.)
- • v. l. for indu-m○
- ○māsa m. a lunar month Jyot. (YV) 31 Sch.
- ○mukuṭa m. 'moon-crested', Śiva Prasannar. vii, 92
- ○mukha m. 'moon-faced', N. of a man Rājat. vii, 111
- • (ī), f. = -vadanā W.
- • a particular blood-vessel in the vulva Bhpr.
- • a metre of 4x10 syllables
- • N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs.
- • -varman m. N. of a prince Hcar.
- ○mauli mfn. moon-crested (a Daitya) R. vii
- • m. = -mukuṭa Ragh. Kum. BhP. Kathās.
- • N. of a man Siṃhâs. ix, 4/5
- • f. a particular blood-vessel in the vulva Bhpr.
- ○maulin m. = -mukuṭa Hcat.
- ○yoga m. a conjunction of the moon with any asterism
- ○ratna n. a pearl Gal.
- ○ratha (○drá-), mfn. having a brilliant carriage RV.
- ○rāja m. N. of a minister of king Harsha Rājat. vii, 1376 ; 1382 ; 1512 ff
- • of a man Siṃhâs.
- ○rekhā f. a digit of the moon R. v, 20, 3
- • Serratula anthelminthica L.
- • N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs.
- ○reṇu m. 'having only the dust of the moon', a plagiarist L.
- ○rtu (-ṛtu), m. a lunar season Sūryapr.
- ○lalāṭa mfn. moon-crested (Śiva) Gaut. xxvi, 12
○lalāma m. = -mukuṭa BhP. xii, 10, 25
- ○lekha m. N. of a Rakshas R. vi, 84, 12
- • (ā), f. = -rekhā, a digit of the moon Nal. R. BhP.
- • Serratula anthelminthica L.
- • a metre of 4 x 13 syllables
- • another of 4 x 15 syllables
- • N. of a daughter of the Nāga Su-śravas Rājat. i, 218
- • of Kshema-gupta's wife, vi, 179
- • of a princess (whose teacher was Bilhaṇa
- • also called Śaśi-kalā) Vcar. viii, 4 Caurap. Sch.
- • of two other women Kathās. cxiii f
- ○loká m. pl. the worlds or spheres of the moon ŚBr. xiv (cf. candrâdi-l○.)
- ○locana m. 'moon-eyed', N. of Dānava Hariv. 14285
- ○lohaka n. silver L.
- ○lauha
- ○lauḍhaka n. id. L.
- ○vaṃśa m. the lunar race of kings (2nd great line of royal dynasties, the progenitor of which was Soma the Moon, child of the Ṛishi Atri and father of Budha [Mercury, cf. candra-ja]
- • the latter married Iḷā, daughter of the solar king Ikshvāku, and had by her a son, Aila or Purūravas
- • this last had a son by Urvaśī, named Āyus, from whom came Nahusha, father of Yayāti
- • the latter had two sons, Puru and Yadu, from whom proceeded the two branches of the lunar line
- • in that of Yadu was born Kṛishṇa and Bala-rāma
- • in that of Puru came Dushyanta, hero of the Śakuntalā and father of the great Bharata ; 9th from Bharata came Kuru, and 14th from him Śāntanu, who had a son Vicitra-viirya and a step-son Vyāsa
- • the latter married the two widows of his half-brother, and had by them Dhṛitarāshṭra and Pāṇḍu, the wars of whose sons form the subject of the MBh.) (cf. sūrya-v○.)
- ○"ṣvaṃśin m. one of the lunar dynasty W.
- ○vaktrā f. N. of a town
- ○vat (○drá-), mfn. illuminated by the moon Ghaṭ. 2 Kathās.
- • abounding in gold RV. iii, 30, 20 ; v, 57, 7 TBr. ii
- • (tī), f. N. of a daughter of Su-nābha and wife of Gada Hariv. 8762 and 8779
- • of a princess BhavP. Pañcat. ii, 4, 1/2
- • of the wife of a potter Rājat. i, 323
- • of several other women Kathās.
- • of a town Śukas. (cf. ○drA-v○)
- ○vatsa m. pl., N. of a people MBh. v, 2732
- ○vadanā f. a moon-faced woman Dhūrtan.
- ○vandya m. N. of a man
- ○vapus mfn. 'moon-formed', handsome, Ratnâv. i, 4
- ○vara-locana m. N. of a Samādhi Kāraṇḍ. xvii, 12 ; xxiii, 145
- ○varṇa (○drá-), mfn. of brilliant colour RV. i, 165, 12
- ○vartman n. 'having a path resembling that of the moon (because of not having any caesura)', a metre of 4x 12 syllables. [Page 387, Column 3]
- ○varman m. N. of a Kāmboja king MBh. i, 2668 ; vii, 1437
- • of a prince conquered by Samudra-gupta Inscr.
- ○vallarī f. Ruta graveolens or a kind of pot-herb L.
- ○vallī f. id. L.
- • Paederia foetida L.
- • Gaertnera racemosa (?, mādhavii) L.
- ○vaśā f. N. of a river BhP. v, 19, 18 (v. l. -vasā)
- ○vasā f. id., iv, 28, 35 (cf. -masā.)
- ○vāhana m. N. of a prince of Pratishṭhāna, Vīrac. ii
- ○vikrama m. N. of a hero of Kālikā, xxx
- ○vijña m. N. of a prince BhP. xii, 1, 25
- ○vimala m. 'pure as the moon', N. of a Samādhi Buddh.
- • -sūrya-prabhāsa-śrī m. 'whose beauty is spotless like the moon and brilliant as the sun', N. of a Buddha
- ○vihaṃgama m. 'moonbird', the crane Ardea nivea L.
- ○vrata n. [=cAndrâyaNa-v○]
- ○śarman m. N. of a Brāhman
- ○śālā f. = -prāsāda Ragh. VarBṛS. lvi (ifc. f. ā), moon-light L.
- ○śālikā f. = -prāsāda L.
- ○śilā f. the moon-stone (Candra-kānta) Bhaṭṭ. xi, 15
- • v. l. for -śītā
- ○śītā f. N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix, 46, 11 (-śilā, C)
- ○śukla m. one of the 8 Upa-dvipas (in Jambu-dvipa) BhP. v, 19, 30
- ○śubhra mf(ā)n. illuminated by the moon Kathās. lxx, 26
- ○śūra m. Lepidium sativum Bhpr.
- • n. the seed of that plant ib.
- ○śekhara m. = -mukuṭa Hariv. 14838 Kum. v, 58
- • N. of a minister (father of the author of Sāh.)
- • of the author of a Comm. on Śak.
- • of the author of the play Madhurā-niruddha
- • of a prince Kathās. cxxiii, 114
- • of a mountain (cf. -parvata) W.
- • -campū-prabandha m. N. of wk
- ○śrī m. N. of a prince VP.
- • f. N. of a woman Kathās. lviii, 58
- ○saciva m. 'moon-friend', the god of love Gal.
- ○saṃjña m. 'having any N. of the moon', camphor L.
- ○sambhava m. = -ja W.
- • (ā), f. small cardamoms L.
- ○saras n. 'moon-lake', N. of a mythical lake Pañcat. iii, 1, 0/1 Kathās. cxii, 29
- ○sāman n. N. of a Sāman Vishṇ.
- ○sāra m. N. of a man Kathās. lxvii, 37
- ○sālokya n. attainment of the lunar heaven Mn. iv, 231
- ○sāhi m. N. of a prince Inscr.
- ○siṃha m. N. of a king (son of Darpa-nārāyaṇa)
- • of a hero of Kālikā Vīrac. xxx
- ○suta m. = -ja VarBṛS. Laghuj. VarYogay.
- ○surasa m. Vitex Negundo L.
- ○sū7kta n. N. of two Sāmans Vishṇ.
- ○sūtra n. pl. the (grammatical) Sūtras of Candra
- ○sūri m. N. of Sūri of the Jainas
- ○sūrya m. du. moon and sun W.
- • -jihmī-karaṇa-prabha m. 'whose splendour obscures moon and sun', N. of a Buddha Lalit. xx, 34f
- • -pradīpa m. 'illuminating moon and sun', N. of a Buddha
- • ○ryâkṣa mfn. having moon and sun as his eyes (Vishṇu) Hariv. 14189
- ○sena m. N. of a prince (son of Samudra-sena) MBh. if., vii
- • = -vāhana Virac. ii
- • N. of a hero of Kālikā, xxx
- ○soma m. N. of a hero of Kālikā ib.
- ○sthalanagara n. N. of a town Campak.
- ○svāmin m. N. of several men Kathās.
- ○han m. 'moon-slayer', N. of a Dānava Hariv. 2289 and 12939
- ○hanu m. N. of a Dānava, 12939
- ○hantṛ m. (= han) N. of a Dānava MBh. i, 2673 Hariv.
- ○hāsa m. (= -bhāsa), 'moon-derider', a glittering scimitar Sāh. vi, 27/28
- • Rāvaṇa's sword R. vii, 16, 43
- • N. of a prince, JaimBhār. lxv-lxxv
- • of a hero of Kālikā Virac. xxx
• n. silver L.
- • (ā), f. = -puṣpā Bhpr.
- • Cocculus cordifolius L.
- • N. of a Yoginī Hcat.
- • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha RevāKh.
- candrâṃśu m. = ○dra-pāda Kāvyâd. ii, 40
- candrâkara m. N. of a man Rājat. vii, 5
- candrâkṛti mfn. moon-shaped, like the moon (in roundness &c.) W.
- candrấgra mf(ā)n. brilliant-peaked RV. v, 41, 14
- • brilliant-surfaced (a liquid), vi, 49, 8
- candrâṅgada m. N. of a son of king Indra-sena BrahmôttKh. xvii ff. (vḷ. citrâṅg○)
- candrâcārya m. N. of a Jain teacher
- candrâtapa m. moon-light Daś.
- • an open hall, awning L.
- candrâtmaja m. = ○dra-ja VarBṛS. VarYogay.
- candrâtreya m. pl. N. of a family Pravar. iii, 3
- candrâditya m. N. of a prince Kathās. lxxiv, 215
- candrâdi-loka m. = ○dra-loká. KapS. vi, 56
- candrânana m. 'moon-faced', Skanda MBh. iii. 14632
- • N. of a Jina
- • of a hero of Kālikā Vīrac. xxx
- candrâpīḍa m. = ○dra-mukuṭa Bālar. x, 28
- • N. of a son of Janamejaya Hariv. 11065 f
- • of a king of Kaśmir (brother of Tārâpiḍa) Rājat. iv, 45 ; v, 277
- • of a prince of Kānyakubja Kathās. lxi, 219
- • of a hero of Kālikā Virac. xxx
- candrā-pura n. N. of a town L.
- candrâbhavaktra mfn. moon-faced W.
- candrâbhāsa m. an appearance in the sky like the moon, false moon W. [Page 388, Column 1]
- candrâmṛta-rasa m. 'essence of the moon's nectar', a particular medicine
- candrâri m. 'moon-enemy', Rāhu Gal.
- candrârka m. du. = ○dra-sūrya W., (ī), f. N. of an astron. work by Dina-kara
- • -dīpa m. = candrasūrya-pradīpa
- candrârdha m. a half-moon Hariv. R. Suśr.
- • -kṛta-śekhara mfn. one who has adorned his forehead with a crescent mark Vet. i, 25
- • -cūḍāmaṇi m. = candra-mukuṭa Bhartṛ. iii, 65 Hit.
- • -mauli m. id. Prab. i, 2 Caṇḍ. ii, 21
- candrâloka m. N. of wk. on rhetoric by Jaya-deva
- candrâvataṃsaka m. N. of a man HYog. iii, 82
- candrā-vatī f. N. of a place of pilgrimage
- • of the wife of king Dharma-sena Vet. xxv
- candrâvartā f. a metre of 4 x 15 syllables
- candrâvalī f. N. of a Yogini Hcat. ii, 1, 725
- • of one of Kṛishṇa's female companions
- candrâvaloka m. N. of a prince
- candrâśma [L.],
- candrâḍśman [Dharmaśarm. i, 8], m. the moon-stone (Candra-kānta)
- candrâśva m. N. of a son of Dhundhu-māra Hariv. 706
- candrâspadā f. oakapples on Rhus L.
- candrâhvaya m. = ○dra-saṃjña L.
- candrêśa-liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga SkandaP.
- candrêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha RevāKh. cxx
- candrêṣṭā f. 'moon-loved', a night lotus L.
- candrôttarya m. N. of a Samādhi Kāraṇḍ. xvii, 19
- candrôdaya m. moon-rise Suśr. Kum. iii, 67
- • (= ○drâtapa) an open hall L.
- • N. of a mercurial preparation
- • N. of a Pāṇḍava warrior MBh. vii, 7012
- • (ā), f. a medicine for the eyes
- • -makara-dhvaja m. N. of a medicinal preparation
- • -varṇana n. description of moon-rise ŚārṅgP.
- candrônmīlana n. N. of wk
- candrôparāga m. eclipse of the moon MatsyaP.
- candrôpala m. the moon-stone (Candra-kānta) Prasannar. vii, 53 Siṃhâs.
- candraka m. the moon Mālav. v, 7 (ifc. f. ikā)
- • a circle or ring shaped like the moon Śiś. v, 40
- • a spot similar to the moon R. v, 42, 3 and 5 Suśr. (ifc. f. ikā) Rājat. iii, 382 (?)
- • the eye in a peacock's tail Gīt. ii, 3 Rājat. i, 260
- • a finger-nail L.
- • N. of a fish (vḷ. ○daka L.) Suśr. i, 46, 2, 62
- • N. of a poet Kshem. Rājat. ii, 16
- • of an owl MBh. xii, 4944
- • n. black pepper L.
- • (ikā), f. moonlight Megh. Ragh. Bhartṛ. &c
- • ifc. splendour Vcar. v, 37
- • ifc. illumination, elucidation (of a work or subject, e. g. alaṃkāra-, kātantra-, &c.)
- • N. of a Comm. on Kāvyâd.
- • 'moonshine', baldness Gal.
- • the Chanda fish L.
- • cardamoms L.
- • = candraśūra Bhpr.
- • Gynandropsis pentaphylla L.
- • Jasminum Zambac L.
- • Trigonella foenum graecum
- • a kind of white-blossoming Kaṇṭakāri L.
- • the Utpalini metre
- • (in music) a kind of measure
- • N. of Dākshāyaṇi MatsyaP. xiii
- • of a woman Mālav. iv, 6/7
- • of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs.
- • of the Candra-bhāgā river L.
- ○vat m. 'having eyes in the tail', -a peacock W.
- candrakita mfn. (g. tārakâdi) furnished with brilliant moon-like spots Kād. iii. 160 (ifc.)
- candrakin m. = ○ka-vat Śiś. iii Dhanaṃj. 55
- candraṭa m. N. of an ancient physician Suśr. Introd. (not in ed.)
- candrá-mas See s.v. candrá
- candralā f. N. of a woman Rājat. viii, 3421
- candrāya Nom. ○yati, ○yate, to represent or resemble the moon R. vii, 31, 28 Sāh. x, 26a/b
- • (pf. Pass. p. ○yita n. impers.) Prasannar. vii, 40/41
- candrikā f. of ○draka, q.v
- ○tulya m. 'resembling moonlight', the Chanda fish (candraka) Gal.
- ○drāva m. 'melting in moonlight', the moon stone (Candra-kānta) L.
- ○pāyin m. 'moonlight drinker', the Cakora bird L.
- ○"ṣmbuja (○kâm○), n. 'moonshine-lotus', a lotus blossoming during night L.
- ○"ṣśana (○kâś○), m. = ○kā-pāyin Gal.
- candrikāya Ā. to represent the moonlight
- candrín mfn. golden VS. xxi, 31
- • possessing gold, xx, 37
- • m. = ○dra-ja VarBṛS. ciii, 12 (v. l.)
- candrimā f. (fr. candrá-mas
- • cf. pūrṇimā) moonlight L. Sch.
- candrila m. a barber L.
- • Śiva L.
- • Chenopodium album L.
- candhana See cāndhanāyana
- cap cl. 1. ○pati, to caress, soothe, console Dhātup. xi, 5: cl. 10. capayati', to pound, knead', or 'to cheat', xxxii, 82
- capa ? See cāpa
- capaṭa for ○peṭa L. Sch. [Page 388, Column 2]
- capala mf(ā)n. (√kamp
- • g. śauṇḍâdi, śreṇy-ādi and vispaṣṭâdi) moving to and fro, shaking, trembling, unsteady, wavering MBh. &c
- • wanton, fickle, inconstant ib.
- • inconsiderate, thoughtless, ill-mannered Mn. iv, 177 MBh. xiv, 1251
- • quick, swift, expeditious Hariv. 4104
- • momentary, instantaneous Subh.
- • m. a kind of mouse Suśr. v, 6, 3 Ashṭâṅg. vi, 38, 1
- • a fish L.
- • the wind Gal.
- • quicksilver L.
- • black mustard L.
- • a kind of perfume (coraka) L.
- • a kind of stone L.
- • N. of a demon causing diseases Hariv. 9562
- • of a prince MBh. i, 231
- • n. a kind of metal (mentioned with quicksilver)
- • (am), ind. quickly Daś. vii, 420 f
- • (ā), f. lightning Gīt. vii, 23
- • long pepper L.
- • the tongue L.
- • (g. priyâdi) a disloyal wife, whore L.
- • spirituous liquor (esp. that made from hemp) L.
- • the goddess Lakshmi or fortune (cf. MBh. xiii, 3861) L.
- • N. of two metres (cf. mahā-)
- • (in music) the 5th note personified
- ○gaṇa m. a troop of ill-mannered boys, Ratnâv. i, 3
- ○tā f. trembling W.
- • fickleness, inconstancy Sāh. Hit.
- • rudeness W.
- • ○tâśaya m. indigestion, flatulence L.
- capalâkṣa mf(ī)n. one whose eyes move to and fro Vcar. ix, 128
- • (cf. Caurap.)
- capalâṅga m. 'swift-bodied', the gangetic Delphinus L.
- capalā-jana m. 'a fickle or unsteady woman', and 'the goddess of fortune' Śiś. ix, 16
- capalâtmaka mfn. of a fickle nature W.
- capalaka mfn. fickle, inconsiderate Hariv. 4546
- capalaya Nom. ○yati, to cause any one to act inconsiderately Kull. on Mn. iii, 191 and 250
- capalāya Nom. ○yate (g. bhṛśâdi), to move to and fro, jump to and fro (as apes) Hcar. ii, 470
- capeṭa m. a slap with the open hand Divyâv. xiii, 125 Kathās. lxvi, 139 Gīt. i, 43 Sch.
- • (ā), f. id. Pāṇ. 1-1, 1 Vārtt. 13 Pat.
- • (ī), f. id. Bālar. ix, 20
- • the 6th day in the bright half of month Bhādrapada SkandaP.
- capeṭā f. of ○ṭa
- ○ghāta m. a slap with the open hand L.
- ○pātana n. 'id.', in comp. ○nâtithi mfn. blown with the open hand Kpr. vii, 3/4
- capeṭikā f. = ○ṭa L.
- cappaṭṭaka m. N. of a Rishi, g. kurv-ādi (cf. Gaṇar.)
- cápya n. a kind of sacrificial vessel VS. xix, 88 ŚBr. xii, 7, 2, 13 and 9, 1, 3
- caphaṭṭaka (onomat. Gaṇar. 173 Sch.), m. N. of a king, g. kurv-ādi (cf. Gaṇar. and Hemac.)
- • See cāphaṭṭaki
- cam cl. 1. ○mati (perf. cacāma aor. acamīt Vop.
- • Pass. acami ib.), to sip, drink Nir. x, 12 Bhaṭṭ. Jaim. iii, 5, 22 Sch.
- • to eat Bhaṭṭ. xiv, 53: Ved. cl. 5. camnoti Dhātup. xxvii, 27: Caus. cāmayati, xix, 69 (cf. ā, anv-ā-
- • paryā-cānta, sam-ā-camya.)
- camana n. sipping Jaim. iii, 5, 22 Sch.
- cama m. pl. = camaka-sūkta Pāṇ. 5-2, 4 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- camī-kāra m. reciting the Camaka-sûkta Kāṭh. xviii, 7
- camī-√kṛ to recite the Camaka-sûkta over anything TS. v, 7, 3, 3
- camaka-sū7kta n. 'the hymn containing came', N. of VS. xviii, 1-27 Sāy. on ŚBr. x, 1, 5, 3
- • cf. nam○
- camaka m. N. of a man Rājat. vii, 289
- ○sū7kta See cama
- camat ind. 'an interjection of surprise', only in comp
- ○karaṇa n. astonishment Sāh. iii, 4 a/b
- • producing wonder, causing surprise W.
- • spectacle, festival W.
- • high poetical composition W.
- ○kāra m. astonishment, surprise Kathās. xxii, 257 Prab. &c
- • show, spectacle W.
- • riot, festive turbulence W.
- • high poetical composition W.
- • Achyranthes aspera L.
- • -candrikā f. N. of a grammar
- • -cintāmaṇi m. N. of wk. Nirṇayas. i, 270 (= ii, 5, 24)
- • -nagara n. N. of a town (= vṛddha-n○) Gal.
- • -nṛtya n. a kind of dance
- ○kārita mfn. astonished Kathās. xxv, 225
- ○kārin mfn. astonishing Bijag. Sāh.
- • ○ri-tā f. the producing of astonishment, iii, 252. root
- ○kṛ to express astonishment Naish. vi, 13
- • to produce astonishment Prasannar. vii, 53
- ○kṛta mfn. = -kārita Siṃhâs. xiv ; xix, 1 Śatr. ii, 476
- • become proud Bālar. iii, 30
- ○kṛti f. astonishment, surprise
- camara m. a kind of ox called the Yak (Bos grunniens) MBh. R. &c
- • m. n. the bushy tail of the Yak (employed as chowrie or long brush for whisking off insects, flies, &c. [Page 388, Column 3]
- • one of the insignia of royalty
- • cf. cām○) MBh. ii, xii Bhartṛ. Kathās. lix, 42
- • a particular high number Buddh.
- • m. N. of a Daitya L.
- • (ī), f. the Bos grunniens MBh. &c
- • a compound pedicle L.
- ○puccha n. a Yak's tail W.
- • m. 'having a bushy tail', the Indian fox L.
- ○vāla m. 'having hair as fine as that of a Camara tail', N. of a prince Kathās. liv, 144 ff
- camarâkṛti m. 'resembling the Yak', a kind of animal (= sṛmara) Gal.
- camaraka m. a bee Gal.
- camarika m. 'growing in clusters resembling a chowrie', Bauhinia variegata Bhpr. v, 3, 102
- camasá m. (n., g. ardharcâdi
- • ī f. L. Sch.
- • fr. √cam) a vessel used at sacrifices for drinking the Soma, kind of flat dish or cup or ladle (generally of a square shape, made of wood and furnished with a handle) RV. AV. VS. &c
- • m. a cake (made of barley, rice, or lentils, ground to meal), sweetmeat, flour L. Sch.
- • (g. gargâdi) N. of a son of Ṛishabha BhP. v, xi
- • = camasôdbheda MBh. iii, 5053
- • (ī), f. (g. gaurâdi Gaṇar.
- • ifc. g. cūrṇâdi) a cake Bhpr.
- camasâdhvaryu m. the priest who manages the drinking-vessels AV. ix, 6, 51 TS. vi MaitrS. ŚBr. iii f. &c
- camasôdbheda m
- camasôdbheḍdana n. N. of a place of pilgrimage (spot of bursting forth of the river Sarasvati) MBh. iii, ix
- camasi f. = ○sī, a kind of cake L.
- camasin mfn. entitled to receive a Camasa (filled with Soma) Jaim. iii, 5, 29 f. Nyāyam. iii, 5, 14
- • m. N. of a man, g. 1. naḍâdi
- camī-kāra &c. See cama
- camu-pati See ○mU-p○
- camū́ f. (Ved. loc. ○mū́ RV. six times
- • once ○mví, x, 91, 15
- • nom. du. ○mvā́, iii, 55, 20
- • gen. loc. ○mvós
- • nom. pl. ○mvás, viii, 2, 8
- • loc. pl. ○mū́ṣu) a vessel or part (two or more in number) of the reservoir into which the Soma is poured RV.
- • (○mvaú), f. du. 'the two great receptacles of all living beings', heaven and earth Naigh. iii, 30 (cf. RV. iii, 55, 20)
- • sg. a coffin (?) ŚBr. xiii, 8, 2, 1 ŚāṅkhŚr. xiv, 22, 19
- • an army or division of an army (129 elephants, as many cars, 2187 horse, and 3645 foot MBh. i, 292) MBh. R. Megh. BhP.
- ○cara m. a warrior Prasannar. vii, 13,
- ○nātha m. leader of a division, general VarBṛS.
- • (ifc.) BhP. iv
- ○nāyaka m. id. Vcar. x, 10
- ○pa m. id. VarBṛS. Kathās. ci
- ○pati m. id. MBh. iii vi R. &c
- • (camu-p○ Uṇ. Sch.)
- ○pāla m. id. AV. Pariś
- ○ṣád mfn. lying on the Camū vessel RV. i, 14, 4 and 54, 9
- • ix ; x, 43, 4
- ○hara m. N. of one of the Viśve Devās MBh. xiii, 4360
- camūru m. a kind of deer (cf. sam○) Śiś. i, 8 Caurap.
- ○dṛś f. an antelope-eyed woman Prasannar. i, 37 (cf. Sāh. iv, 3/4)
- ○netrā f. id. Prasannar. v, 42
- camp (cf. √kamp, capala), cl. 10. ○payati, v. l. for √champ Dhātup. xxxii, 76
- campana n. a jump (?) Pañcad. i, 71
- campa m. Bauhinia variegata L.
- • N. of the founder of Campā (son of Pṛithulâksha or of Harita) Hariv. 1699 BhP. ix, 8, 1
- • (ā), f. N. of a town in Aṅga (the modern Bhāgalpur or a place in its vicinity
- • residence of Karṇa MBh. xii, 134ff
- • of Brahma-datta Buddh.) MBh. &c
- ○karambhā f. a kind of plantain L.
- ○kunda m. a kind of fish L.
- ○kośa for ○kôlba W.
- campâlu m. for ○pakâlu L.
- campaka m. Michelia Campaka (bearing a yellow fragrant flower) MBh. R. &c
- • a kind of perfume VarBṛS. lxxvii, 7
- • a particular part of the bread-fruit W.
- • N. of a man Rājat. vii
- • of a relation of the Jaina Meru-tuṅga
- • of a country Buddh.
- • n. the flower of the Campaka tree MBh. Suśr. &c
- • the fruit of a variety of the plantain L.
- • (ā), f. N. of a town, JaimBhār. Hit.
- ○gandha m. 'Campaka-fragrance', a kind of incense (v. l. ○dhi or ○dhin) VarBṛS. lxxvii, 6 (12)
- ○caturdaśī f. 'the 14th day in the light half of Jyaishṭha', N. of a festival
- ○deśa m. the Campaka country
- ○nātha m. N. of an author
- ○pura n. N. of a town, Kathárṇ. xiv
- ○prabhu m. N. of Kalhaṇa's father
- ○mālā f. a metre of 4 x 10 syllables
- • N. of a woman Vāsant.
- ○latā f. N. of a woman, Vṛishabh
- ○vatī f. N. of a wood in Magadha Hit. i, 3, 0/1. (vv. ll. ○kA-v○ and kâvalī)
- • of a town, 5, 0/1 (v. l.) [Page 389, Column 1]
- ○vyavahāri-kathā f. N. of a tale (about the merchant Campaka)
- campakâraṇya n. 'Campaka forest', N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh. iii, 8111 Romakas.
- campakâlu m. the bread-fruit tree L.
- campakā-vatī v. l. for ○ka-v○ (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 119.)
- campakôlba m. = ○kâlu L.
- campā f. of ○pa, q.v
- ○dhipa (○pâdh○), m. a prince of Campā = ○pêśa L.
- ○purī f. the town Campā BhP.
- ○vatī f. id. VāyuP. ii, 37, 376 BrahmôttKh. xvi
- • N. of Nidhi-pati's wife Vet.
- ○ṣaṣṭhī f. the 6th day in the bright half of Mārgaśīrsha or Bhādrapada, Vratapr
- campêśa m. 'lord of Campā', Karṇa L.
- campôpalakṣita mfn. 'marked by Campā', dwelling in Campā and its vicinity L.
- campū f. a kind of elaborate composition in which the same subject is continued through alternations in prose and verse (gadya and padya) Kāvyâd. i, 31 Sāh. vi, 336 Pratāpar. (cf. gaṅgā-, nala-.)
- ○kathā-sūtra n. N. of wk
- ○bhārata n. N. of a reproduction in prose and verse of the contents of MBh. (by Ananta-bhaṭṭa)
- ○rāmāyaṇa n. N. of a reproduction in prose and verse of the contents of R. (by Lakshmaṇakavi)
- camb cl. 1. ○bati, to go Dhātup. xi
- camrīṣ f. 'libations (contained) in sacrificial ladles' (cf. Sāy. fr. camasá) RV. i, 56, 1
- camrīṣá mfn. 'contained in the camū́' (cf. Sāy.), i, 100, 12
- cay cl. 1. ○yate, to go Dhātup. xiv, 5
- • [cf. ?, ? ; Lat. cieo ; Lith. koja, foot.']
- caya. & 2 &c. See √1. & 3. ci
- car cl. 1. cárati, rarely ○te (Subj. cárat, 3 pl. cárān RV.
- • perf. cacā́ra [AV. &c.], 2 sg. cacartha BhP. iv, 28, 52
- • pl. cerur, &c
- • ○ratur ŚBr. &c
- • Ā. cere BhP. iii, 1, 19
- • fut. cariṣyati, ○te
- • aor. acārīt [ŚBr. xiv &c.]
- • inf. cáritum [ī MBh. i, iii R.] or cartum [MBh. iii, xiii R. iii BhP. v], Ved. carádhyai [RV. i, 61, 12], cáritave [113, 5], caráse [92, 9 and v, 47, 4], carā́yai [vii, 77, 1], caritos [AitĀr. i, 1, 1, 7]
- • ind. p. caritvā́ ŚBr. xiv BhP. x, 75, 19
- • cartvā MBh. v, 3790
- • cīrtvā, xiii, 495
- • p. cárat) to move one's self, go, walk, move, stir, roam about, wander (said of men, animals, water, ships, stars, &c.) RV. AV. &c
- • to spread, be diffused (as fire) VarBṛS. xix, 7
- • to move or travel through, pervade, go along, follow Mn. MBh. &c
- • to behave, conduct one's self, act, live, treat (with instr. or loc.) RV. AV. &c
- • to be engaged in, occupied or busy with (instr, e.g. yajñéna c○, 'to be engaged in a sacrifice' ŚBr.) RV. x, 71, 5 AV. vi, 117, 1 AitBr. &c
- • (with [ŚBr. iv ChUp. Kauś. ŚāṅkhŚr.] or without [ŚBr. ii, xiv] mithunám) to have intercourse with, have to do with (instr.)
- • (with a p. or adj. or ind. p. or adv.) to continue performing or being (e.g. arcantaś cerur, 'they continued worshipping' ŚBr. i
- • svāminam avajñāya caret, 'he may go on despising his master' Hit.) RV. AV. VS. &c
- • (in astron.) to be in any asterism or conjunction VarBṛS.
- • to undertake, set about, under go, observe, practise, do or act in general, effect, make (e.g. vratā́ni 'to observe vows' AV. &c
- • vighnaṃ c○, 'to put a hindrance' MBh.
- • bhaikṣaṃ c○ 'to beg' Mn. ii
- • vivādaṃ c○', to be engaged in a lawsuit' Mn. viii, 8
- • mṛgayāṃ c○, to hunt' MBh. R.
- • sambandhāṃś c, 'to enter into connections' Mn. ii, 40
- • mārgaṃ cacāra bāṇaiḥ, 'he made a way with arrows' R. iii, 34, 4
- • tapasā indriyāṇi c○, to exercise one's organs with penance MBh. xiv, 544) RV. AV. &c
- • to consume, eat (with acc.), graze Yājñ. iii, 324 Pañcat. BhP. v, x Subh. Hit.
- • to make or render (with double acc., e.g. naréndraṃ satya-sthaṃ carāma', let us make the king keep his word' R. ii, 107, 19: Caus. cārayati, to cause to move or walk about AV. xii, 4, 28 (aor. ácīcarat) ŚāṅkhBr. xxx, 8 Lāṭy.
- • to pasture MBh. xiv R. BhP. iii, x
- • to send, direct, turn, move MBh. &c
- • to cause any one (acc.) to walk through (acc.) MBh. xii R. v, 49, 14
- • to drive away from (abl.) MBh. xii, 12944
- • to cause any one (acc.) to practise or perform (with acc.) Mn. xi, 177 and 192
- • to cause (any animal, acc.) to eat Bādar. ii, 2, 5 Sch.
- • to cause to copulate Mn. viii, 362
- • to ascertain (as through a spy, instr.) MBh. iii, xv R. i, vi
- • to doubt (cf. vi-) Dhātup. xxxiii, 71: Desid. cicariṣati, to try to go ŚāṅkhBr. xxx, 8 (p. cicarṣat) [Page 389, Column 2]
- • to wish to act or conduct one's self ŚBr. xi
- • to try to have intercourse with (instr.), vi: Intens. carcarīti, Ā. or rarely [MBh. iii, 12850] Pass. cañcūryate (○curīti and ○cūrti Pāṇ. 7-4, 87f
- • ind. p. ○cūrya R. iv, 29, 22
- • p. once P. ○cūryat Hariv. 3602) to move quickly or repeatedly, walk about, roam about (in, loc.) AV. xx, 127, 4 MBh. &c
- • to act wantonly or coquettishly Bhaṭṭ. iv, 19 (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 24)
- • [cf. ?, ? &c.]
- cara mfn. (g. pacâdi) moving, locomotive (as animals opposed to plants, or as the Karaṇas in astrol.) VPrāt. ŚvetUp. iii, 18 Mn. vii, 15 MBh. &c
- • (= saṃcārin) forming the retinue of any one BhP. iv, 29, 23
- • movable, shaking, unsteady W.
- • ifc. going, walking, wandering, being, living, practising (e.g. adhaś-, anta-, antarikṣa-, ap-, ādāya-, udake-, &c
- • cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 16)
- • ifc. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 53 f. ; vi, 3, 35
- • f. ī) having been formerly (e.g. āḍhya-, devadatta-, qq. vv
- • a-dṛṣṭa- or nadṛṣṭa-, 'not seen before' Kathās. [once f. irr. ā, lx, 58] Sarvad. iii, 16 ; vii, 19
- • an-ālokita- id. Bālar. iv, 54/55)
- • m. a spy, secret emissary or agent Mn. vii, 122 Hariv. 10316 R. &c
- • = caraṭa L.
- • the small shell Cypraea moneta L.
- • the wind, air BhP. x, 14, 11
- • the planet Mars L.
- • a game played with dice (similar to backgammon) L.
- • a cowrie W.
- • 'passage', See a-, duś-
- • n. (in astron.) ascensional difference Gol. vii
- • (ā́), f. dat. ○rā́yai inf. √car, q.v
- • (in music) N. of a Mūrchanā
- • (ī), f. a young woman (cf. caraṭi) L.
- • = digambaraprasiddhā g. gaurâdi
- • also ifc., See anu- and sahacarī
- ○khaṇḍa n. (in astron.) the amount of the ascensional difference Sūryas. iii, 43 Gol. vii, 1
- ○gṛha n. a moving or varying sign of the zodiac, i.e. the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th VarBṛS. vci, 3 and 14 Laghuj.
- ○jā f. (scil. jyā) the sign of -khaṇḍa Sūryas. ii, 61 ; iii, 33
- ○jyā f. id., 34 Sch. Gol. vii, 1 Sch.
- ○dala n. = -khaṇḍa VarBṛS. ii, 0/1 Sūryas. iii, 10
- • -jā f. = cara-jā, xiii, 15
- ○deva m. N. of a man Rājat. vii, 1554
- ○dravya n. pl. 'movables', goods and chattels W.
- ○puṣṭa m. 'spy-nourished', a mediator W.
- ○bha n. = -griha Laghuj.
- ○bhavana n. id. ib.
- ○mūrti f. an idol which is carried about in procession W.
- ○śiñjinī f. = -jā Gol. vii, 1. 1
- carâcara mfn. movable and immovable, locomotive and stationary, moving and fixed (as animals and plants) Mn. i, iii Bhag. xf. R. BhP.
- • n. the aggregate of all created things whether animate or inanimate, world Mn. Yājñ. Bhag. R. BhP.
- • -guru m. the lord of the world (Brahmā) MBh. iii, 497
- • N. of Śiva, Kautuk
- cáraka m. a wanderer, wandering religious student ŚBr. xiv Pāṇ. 5-1, 11 Lalit. i, 28
- • a spy Naish. iv, 116
- • a kind of ascetic VarBṛ. xv, 1
- • a kind of medicinal plant L.
- • N. of a Muni and physician (the Serpent-king Śesha, who was the recipient of the Āyur-veda
- • once on visiting the earth and finding it full of sickness he became moved with pity and determined to become incarnate as the son of a Muni for alleviating disease
- • he was called Caraka because he had visited the earth as a kind of spy or cara
- • he then composed a new book on medicine, based on older works of Agni-veśa and other pupils of Ātreya Bhpr.)
- • N. of a lexicographer
- • m. pl. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 107) N. of a branch of the black Yajur-veda (the practises and rites-enjoined by which are different in some respects from those in ŚBr.) ŚBr. iv Lāṭy.v, 4, 20 Sch. on VS. and ŚBr. VāyuP. i, 61, 10
- • (ī), f. a kind of venomous fish Suśr. v, 3, 8
- • N. of an evil spirit VarBṛS. liii, 83 AgP. xl, 18
- ○grantha m. Caraka's book (on med.)
- ○tantra n. id
- • -vyākhyā f. N. of a Comm. on Car. by Hari-candra
- ○bhāṣya n. N. of another Comm. on Car. by Kṛishṇa
- cárakâcārya m. a teacher of the Carakas VS. xxx, 18
- cárakâdhvaryu m. id. (generally pl.) ŚBr. iii f. viii BhP. &c
- caraṭa m. (= cara) a wagtail L.
- • (ī), f. (= ○raṇṭī, ciraṭī, ciraṇṭī) a woman married or single who after maturity resides in her father's house L. Sch.
- cáraṇa m. n. (g. ardharcâdi) a foot Gobh. Mn. ix, 277 Bādar. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. ā Hariv. 3914 Mālav.)
- • (ifc. pl.) 'the feet of', the venerable (N. N. ) MBh. xii, 174, 24 Sch.
- • a pillar, supor Hariv. 4643
- • the √(of a tree) L.
- • a Pāda or line of a stanza, Śrut
- • a dactyl
- • a 4th part (pāda) VarBṛ. Līl.
- • a section, subdivision Bhpr. Sarvad. (catuś-, q.v.)
- • a school or branch of the Veda Nir. i, 17 Pāṇ. MBh. xii, xiii Pañcat. iv, 3
- • n. going round or about, motion, course RV. iii, 5, 5 ; ix, 113, 9 ; x, 136, 6 and 139, 6 ŚBr. ii, x Sāh. [Page 389, Column 3]
- • acting, dealing, managing, (liturgical) performance, observance AV. vii, 106, 1
- ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr. VP. iii, 5, 13
- • behaviour, conduct of life KātyŚr. ChUp. v, 10
- • good or moral conduct Kauś. 67 MBh. xiii, 3044 Lalit.
- • practising (generally ifc., cf. tapaś- [tapasaś c○ Mn. vi, 75], bhikṣā-, bhaikṣa-) Gobh. iii, 1, 12 Nal.
- • grazing W.
- • consuming, eating L.
- • a particular high number Buddh. L. (cf. dvi-, puraś-, ratha-)
- ○kamala n. 'foot-lotus', a beautiful foot W.
- ○kisalaya n. id. W.
- ○gata mfn. fallen at one's feet W.
- ○granthi m. 'foot-joint', the ancle ĀpŚr. vii, 2, 6 Sch.
- ○tra 'foot-saver', a shoe, Kuṭṭanim
- ○dāsa m. N. of the author of the Guru-śishya-saṃvāda and of the philos. poem Nāciketûpâkhyāna
- ○nyāsa m. footstep Ratnâv. i, 11
- • foot-mark Megh. 56
- ○pa m. 'root-drinker', a tree L.
- ○patana n. a foot-fall Amar.
- ○patita mfn. = -ga W.
- ○padma m. n. = -kamala W.
- ○parvan n. = -granthi L.
- ○pāta m. = -patana Pañcat. iv, 9
- • tread, kick Hariv. 13607 Pañcat. ii, 47/48
- ○pṛṣṭha m. the back of the foot Daś. viii, 192
- ○prasāra m. stretching the legs Mn. ii, 198 Kull.
- ○bhaṅga m. fracture of the foot Pañcat. i, 22/23
- ○yuga n. both feet W.
- • two lines of a stanza W.
- ○yodhin m. 'foot-fighter', a cock R. (B) iv, 58, 31
- ○lagna mfn. = -gata Dhūrtas.
- ○vat mfn. of good conduct GopBr. i, 2, 5
- ○vyūha m. N. of a treatise on the schools of the Veda
- ○śuśrūṣā f. = -patana R. iii, 14, 8
- ○sevā f. 'service on one's feet', devotion W.
- caraṇâkṣa m. (= akṣa-pāda) Gautama SŚaṃkar.
- caraṇânati f. = ○ṇa-patana Amar. (cf. Kpr. iv, 13/14)
- caraṇânamita mfn. bent under the feet, trodden down W.
- caraṇâbharaṇa n. a foot-ornament L.
- caraṇâmṛta n. 'foot-nectar', the water in which the feet of a Brāhman or spiritual guide have been washed W.
- caraṇâyudha mfn. having the feet for weapons MBh. ix, 2669 R. iii, 56, 35
- • m. a cock Car. vi, 2 and 5 Sāh. iii, 195/196
- caraṇâravinda n. = ○ṇakamala W.
- carahârdha n. the half of the foot W.
- • half of the fourth of a stanza W.
- caraṇâskandana n. treading down with the feet W.
- caraṇôdaka n. = ○ṇâmṛta W.
- caraṇôpaga mfn. in contact with the feet, at the feet W.
- caraṇôpadhāna n. a foot-rest MBh. i, 193, 10
- caraṇasa mfn. fr. ○ṇa g. tṛṇâdi
- caráṇi (only gen. pl. ○ṇīnām) mfn. 'movable', active (cf. Gmn.) RV. viii, 24, 23
- caraṇila mfn. fr. ○ṇa g. kāśâdi
- caraṇīyámāna mf(ā)n. engaged in, carrying on (with acc.) RV. iii, 61, 3
- caraṇṭī f. = ○raṭī L. Sch.
- caraṇya Nom. ○ṇyati, to move, g. kaṇḍvādi (cf. ā-, uc-)
- caraṇya mfn. foot-like, g. śākhâdi
- caraṇyu mfn. movable RV. x, 95, 6 AV. xx, 48
- carátha mfn. moving, living RV. i, 58, 5 ; 68, 1 ; 70, 2 and 4 (ca rátha MSS.) ; 72, 6
- • n. going, wandering, course RV. (i, 66, 9 carā́tha) ; iii, 31, 15 ; viii, 33, 8 ; x, 92, 13
- • (āya), dat. inf. = carāyai RV.
- caranta m. N. of a man VāyuP. ii, 30, 5
- carācará mfn. (√car redupl. Pāṇ. 6-1, 12 Vārtt. 6 ; vii, 4, 58 Pat.) moving, locomotive, running RV. x, 85, 11 VS. xxii ŚBr.
- • n. Cypraea moneta L.
- carā́tha n. See ○rátha
- cari m. an animal L.
- • N. of a man Pravar. i, 1
- carita mfn. gone, gone to, attained W.
- • 'practised', in comp
- • espied, ascertained (by a spy, cara) R. vi, 6, 16 and 7, 21
- • (ám), n. going, moving, course AV. iii, 15, 4 ; ix, 1, 3 Gobh. iii Suśr.
- • motion (of asterisms) Sūryas.
- • acting, doing, practice, behaviour, acts, deeds, adventures RV. i, 90, 2
- MBh. R. VarBṛS. &c. (ifc. f. ā Gīt. ix, 1)
- • fixed institute, proper or peculiar observance W. (cf. uttara-rāma-, dúś-, sac-, saha-, su-)
- ○guṇa-tva n. attainment of peculiar property or use (sârthaka-tva Sch.) Kir. vii, 2
- ○pūrva mfn. performed formerly Śak. iv, 21
- ○maya mf(ī)n. ifc. containing or relating deeds or adventures of Kathās. viii, 35
- ○vrata mfn. one who has observed a vow ĀśvGṛ. i, 8, 12 R. i, 3, 1
- caritârtha mf(ā)n. attaining one's object, successful in any undertaking Śak. vii, 31/32 Mālav. v, 19/20 Ragh. Kum. Pāṇ. Kāś. and Siddh.
- • -tā f. successfulness Śak. v, 5/6 -tva n. id. Sāṃkhyak. Bhāshāp. (cf. cāritârthya.)
- caritârthaya Nom. ○yati, to cause any one (acc.) to attain his aim, satisfy Naish. ix, 49
- caritârthita mfn. satisfied Sarvad. Introd. 2
- caritârthin mfn. desirous of success W. [Page 390, Column 1]
- caritavya mfn. (= cart○) to be practised or performed Mn. xi, 54 MBh. i, 7259 Kathās. lxxii, 101
- • n. impers. with upâṃśu vācā, 'he is to continue speaking low' AitBr. i, 27, 4
- carítra n. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 184
- • rarely m. VS. vi, 14 MaitrS. i, 2, 16) a foot, leg RV. AV. x, 2, 12 Kauś. 44
- • n. going VS. xiii, 19
- • acting, behaving, behaviour, habit, practice, acts, adventures, deeds, exploits Mn. ii, 20 ; ix, 7 R. &c. (ifc. f. ā Pañcat. iv, 7, 5)
- • nature, disposition W.
- • custom, law as based on custom Nār. i, 10 f. ; xx, 24
- • (ā), f. the tamarind tree L. (cf. cār○)
- ○bandhaka m. n. a friendly pledge Yājñ. ii, 61
- ○vat mfn. one who has already performed (a sacrifice) ĀśvGṛ. iv, 8, 15
- cariṣṇú mfn. (cf. Nir. vii, 29 Pāṇ. 3-2, 136) moving, locomotive, unsteady, wandering about RV. ŚāṅkhŚr. ŚāṅkhGṛ. MBh. xii BhP. ii
- • (with bīja, the semen of [moving beings, i.e. of] animals) Mn. i, 56
- • m. N. of a son of Manu Sāvarṇa Hariv. 465
- • of a son of Kīrtimat by Dhenukā VāyuP. i, 28, 16 (variṣṭa ed.)
- ○dhūma (○ṣṇú-), mfn. having moving smoke RV. viii, 23, 1
- carītra n. = ○ritra, behaviour, conduct L.
- cárcara mfn. (√car redupl.) = caraṇa-śīla (cf. Sāy.) RV. x, 106, 7
- • (ī), f. a kind of song Vikr. iv Ratnâv. i, 7/8
- • musical symphony Kathās. liv
- • the recitation of scholars W.
- • festive cries or merriment, festive sport W.
- • flattery W.
- • a metre of 4 x 18 syllables
- • (for barbarī) curled or woolly hair L.
- carcarikā f. a kind of gesture Vikr. iv
- carcarīka ifc. = ○rī, musical symphony Kathās. ciii, 200
- • m. a pot-herb L.
- • (for barbar○) decoration or curling of the hair L.
- • a form of Śiva L.
- cartavya mfn. to be practised MBh. xiii
- carya mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 100) to be practised or performed Mn. iii, 1
- • m. (= cara) the small shell Cypraea moneta L.
- • n. ifc. driving (in a carriage) MBh. viii, 4215
- • (ā), f. going about, wandering, walking or roaming about, visiting, driving (in a carriage, ratha- MBh. ix, xiii R. i, 19, 19) MBh. R. BhP. ix, 16, 1
- • (often ifc.) proceeding, behaviour, conduct ŚBr. xi, 5, 7, 1 Lāṭy. viii ĀśvŚr. xii, 4 Mn. vi, 32 &c
- • due observance of all rites and customs Sarvad. vi ff
- • a religious mendicant's life L.
- • practising, performing, occupation with, engaging in (instr. [Gaut.] or generally in comp.) ŚBr. xiv ĀśvGṛ. iii, 7 Mn. i, 111 MBh. &c
- • deportment, usage W.
- • (in music) a kind of composition
- • N. of Durgā Gal. (cf. brahma-, bhikṣā-, bhaikṣya-)
- caryā f. of ○rya, q.v
- ○nātha m. N. of a sage Sarvad.
- caryâvatāra m. N. of a Buddh. work
- caramá m. (nom. pl. ○me, or ○mās Pāṇ. 1-1, 33)f(ā)n. (in comp. Pāṇ. 2-1, 58) last, ultimate, final RV. vii, 59, 3 ; viii, 20, 14 TS. i, v BhP. &c. (○mā kriyā, 'the final i.e. funeral ceremony' MBh. iv, 834)
- • the outermost (first or last, opposed to the middle one) RV. viii, 61, 15
- • later KapS. i, 72
- • (○maṃ kiṃ, 'what more?' Prasannar. v, 3/4)
- • 'western', in comp
- • lowest, least L.
- • a particular high number Buddh. L.
- • (am), ind. last MBh. i, iii
- • at last, at the end Rājat. v, 7
- • after any one (gen.) Mn. ii, 194 Kir.
- ○kāla m. the last moments, hour of death W.
- ○kṣmā-bhṛt m. the western ('earth-supporter' or) mountain L.
- ○giri m. id. Bhojapr. 319
- ○tás ind. at the outermost end AV. xix, 15, 3 MaitrS. iii, 10, 1
- ○bhavika mfn. being in the last earthly state Buddh.
- ○vayas mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 20 Pat.) being in the last stage of life, old Mālatīm. vi, 2
- • a-c○ n. youth Uttarar. v, 12
- ○vaiyākaraṇa m. (the last, i.e.) an ignorant grammarian W.
- ○śairṣika mf(ī)n. having the points turned towards the west MBh. xiii, 462
- caramâcala m. = ○ma-giri Prasannar. vii, 51/52 Hit.
- caramấjā f. the last or smallest she-goat AV. v, 18, 11
- caramâdri m. = ○ma-giri L.
- caramâvasthā f. the last state W.
- caramya Nom. ○myati, to be the last, g. kaṇḍv-ādi
- caravya See carú
- carâcara and carāc○, See √car
- carā́tha
- cari
- carita
- caḍrítra &c., See ib.
- carú m. (g. bhīmâdi) a kind of vessel (in which a particular oblation is prepared), saucepan, pot RV. AV. ŚBr. xiii
- KātyŚr. Kauś. Mn. Yājñ.
- • a cloud (cf. RV. i, 7, 6) Naigh. i, 10
- • an oblation (of rice, barley and pulse) boiled with butter and milk for presentation to the gods or manes VS. xxix. 6 TS. i ŚBr. AitBr. i, 1 & 7 KātyŚr. &c. (pl. Yājñ. i, 298). [Page 390, Column 2]
- ○celin mfn. (for cār○?) having portions of offerings on the clothes (Śiva) MBh. xii, 10419
- ○vraṇa m. a kind of cake L.
- ○śrapaṇa n. sprinkling an oblation of milk and ghee W.
- ○sthālī f. the vessel in which the Caru oblation is prepared (made either of clay or udumbara-wood Karmapr.) Gobh. i ; iv, 2, 28 Kauś.
- ○homa m. offering the Caru oblation W.
- caravya mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 2 Vārtt. 3 Pat.) destined for the Caru oblation ĀpŚr. viii, 2, 4 Sch.
- carkarīta n. a term for any Intens. formed without the syllable ya (like carkarīti, √1. kṛ) Dhātup. xxiv, 72 Pāṇ. 2-4, 74 Siddh.
- carkṛtí f. (√2. kṛ) praising, mention, glory RV. v, 74, 9 ; vi, 48, 21
- carkṛ́tya mfn. to be mentioned with praise, renowned, i, 64, 14 and 119, 21 ; iv, viii, x AV. vi, 98, 1
- cargh cl. 1. ○ghati, to go W.
- carc cl. 1. ○cati, to abuse, censure, menace Dhātup. xvii, 67
- • to injure, xxviii, 17: cl. 10. ○cayati, to repeat a word (in reciting the Veda, esp. while adding iti) RPrāt. xv, 10 and 12 to talk over, discuss Hcar. vii
- • (also Ā. Vop.) to study Dhātup. xxxiii, 38
- carca m. 'repeating over in thought', considering deliberation L. Sch.
- • (ā), f. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 105
- • g. ukthâdi) repetition of a word (in reciting the Veda, esp. while adding iti) VPrāt. APrāt. Hcat.
- • = ○rca (with gen. or ifc.) Naish. v, 38 Siṃhâs. Hit.
- • talking about (in comp.) Rājat. v, 303
- • discussion, vii, 1476 ; viii, 3342 Bhojapr. 213/214
- • alternate recitation of a poem by two persons W.
- • inquiry W.
- • unguent laid on Kāvyâd. ii, 104 Gīt. ix, 10
- • Durgā L.
- carcaka m. repetition of a word (in reciting the Veda) Hcat. i. 7, 1064 (pl.) Caraṇ.
- • (ikā), f. = carcā L.
- • N. of Durgā BrahmaP. ii, 18, 15 Hcat. i, 7, 153 Tantr. (cf. gharma-, vi-)
- ○mālā f. a rosary Kuṭṭanīm. 66
- carcana n. = ○rcaka
• laying on (unguent) L.
- carcā f. of ○rca, q.v
- ○pada n. pl. the words repeated (in reciting the Veda while iti is added) RAnukr. Pat. Introd. on Vārtt. 11 and 14
- ○pāra m. = carcaka g. vedâdhyāyâdi
- carcāya Nom. ○yate, to be repeated (in reciting the Veda while iti is added) RAnukr.
- carci m. N. of a man Pravar. vii, 10
- • cf. haimac○
- carcikā f. of ○rcaka, q.v
- carcikya n. = cārc○ L.
- carcita mfn. repeated (in reciting the Veda while iti is added) RAnukr.
- • ifc. smeared with, covered with MBh. ii, 2371 Hariv. 15694, &c
- • rubbed off R. vii
- • 'thought over', determined on BhP. x, 44, 1
- • investigated W.
- • n. unguent laid on, Śṛiṅgār
- cárcara ○rikā, &c. See √car
- carcas m. one of the 9 treasures of Kubera L.
- carcā ○rcāya, ○rci, &c. See √carc
- cartavya See √car
cartya mfn. √cṛt Pāṇ. 3-1, 110
- carpaṭa mfn. lying flat to the head (ears) VarBṛS. lxviii, 58 (v. l. cipiṭa) VarBṛ. xxv, 12 Sch.
- • m. the open palm of the hand L.
- • = ○ṭī L.
- • (ā), f. the 6th day in the light half of Bhādrapada L.
- • (ī), f. a thin biscuit of flour (cf. parp○) L.
- carpaṭin m. N. of the author of the Rasacandrôdaya, Haṭhapr. i, 6 Toḍar.
- carb cl. 1. ○bati, to go Dhātup. xi, 31
- carbhaṭa m. = cirbh○ L.
- • (ī), f. = ○rcarī, cries of joy L.
- carma in comp. (and twice ifc. See ṛṣabha- and sa-) for cárman
- • n. a shield L. Sch.
- ○karaṇa n. working in skins or leather W.
- ○karta m. a piece of skin or leather TBr. i, 2, 6, 7
- ○kaśā (or -kaṣā), f. N. of a plant (Mimosa abstergens Bhpr.
- • a kind of perfume ib.) Car. i, 1, 76 Sch. (= saptalā)
- ○kāra m. a worker in leather, shoemaker (offspring of a Caṇḍāla woman by a fisherman Parāś.
- • or of a Vaideha female by a Nishāda Mn. x, 36
- • or of a Nishāda woman MBh. xiii, 2588) VarBṛS. lxxxvii, 35 Rājat. iv
- • (ī), f. a shoemaker's wife Kulârṇ. vii
- • Mimosa abstergens L.
- • ○râluka m. a kind of bulbous plant Bhpr. [Page 390, Column 3]
- ○kāraka m. a shoemaker W.
- ○kārin m. id. W.
- • (iṇī), f. a woman on the second day of her courses
- ○kārya n. working in leather or skins Mn. x, 49
- ○kāṣṭha-maya mfn. made of leather and wood Hcat.
- ○kāṣṭhikā f. 'made of leather and wood', a whip Mṛicch. i, 22 Sch.
- ○kīla m. n. 'skin-excrescence', a wart Suśr. i f
- • excrescences considered as a kind of hemorrhoids, ii, 2, 11 and 13
- ○kūpa m. a leathern bottle L.
- ○kṛt m. = -kāraka Rājat. iv, 55
- ○khaṇḍa n. = -karta Bhartṛ.
- ○khaṇḍika m. pl. N. of a people VāyuP. i, 45, 115
- ○goṇī f. = -kūpa Suśr. iv, 4, 15
- ○grīva m. N. of one of Śiva's attendants L. Sch.
- ○ghaṭikā f. 'sticking to the skin', a leach Npr.
- ○caṭaka m. a bat Buddh. L.
- • (ā), f. id. L.
- ○caṭikā f. id. L.
- ○caṭī f. id. L.
- • a cricket Gal.
- ○citraka n. white leprosy L.
- ○cela a garment with the hide turned outwards Buddh. L.
- ○ja mfn. made of leather BhP. x, 64, 4
- • n. 'skin-born', the hairs of the body L.
- • blood L.
- ○taraṃga m. a fold of skin L.
- ○tila mfn. having the skin covered with pimples resembling the seeds of sesamum Pāṇ. 8-2, 8 Vārtt. 1 Pat.
- ○daṇḍa m. 'leather-stick', a whip L.
- ○dala n. a slight form of leprosy Car. vi, 7, 11 and 22 Suśr.
- ○dūṣikā f. a kind of leprosy with red spots L.
- ○druma m. 'parchment-tree', N. of a tree (the bark of which is used for writing upon) L.
- ○nāsikā f. 'leather-thong', a whip W.
- ○paṭṭa m. a flat thong MBh. xiii, 3456
• N. of a place MārkP. lviii, 25
- ○paṭṭikā f. a flat piece of leather for playing upon with dice, leather backgammon board W.
- ○pattrā f. = -caṭaka L.
- ○pādukā f. a leather shoe
- ○puṭa m. a leathern bag or pair of bellows Hcar.
- ○puṭaka m. a leathern pipe Car. i, 1 Sch.
- ○pūram ind. so as to cover the hide Pāṇ. 3-4, 31
- ○prabhedikā f. a shoemaker's awl L.
- ○prasevaka m. = -puṭa L. Sch.
- ○prasevikā f. id. HYog. iii, 131
- ○bandha m. a leather band or strap Hit. iv, 12, 18
- ○bandhana n. pepper Npr.
- ○bhastrikā f. a leathern bag Daś. vii, 213
- ○maṇḍala m. pl. N. of a people MBh. vi, 355
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made of skin, leathern Mn. ii, 157 MBh. ii, xii VarBṛS.
- • ifc. encased in the skin of MBh. vi, 1787
- ○muṇḍā f. a form of Durgā L. (cf. caṇḍa-, cāmuṇḍā)
- ○mná m. (for mla, √mlā) a tanner RV. viii, 5, 38 VS. xxx, 15
- ○yaṣṭi f. = -daṇḍa W.
- ○raṅga m. pl. N. of a people in the north-west of Madhya-deśa VarBṛS. xiv, 23
- • (ā), f. the plant Āvartakī L.
- ○ratna n. a leathern lucky-bag Daś. vii, 253 and 262
- • -bhastrikā f. id., 199
- ○vaṃśa m. a kind of flute
- ○vat mfn. covered with hides Pāṇ. 8-2, 12 Kāś.
- • ind. like a skin ŚvetUp. vi, 20 (cf. loha-c○)
- • m. N. of a warrior MBh. vi, 3997
- ○vasana m. (= kṛ́tti-vāsas) Śiva L.
- ○vādya n. 'skin-instrument', a drum, tabour, &c. W.
- ○vṛkṣa m. = -druma Hariv. 12681
- ○vraṇa m. 'skin-disease', herpes L.
- ○śilpin m. = -kāraka VarBṛS. lxxxvii, 8
- ○samudbhava n. (= -ja) blood Gal.
- ○sambhavā f. cardamoms L.
- ○sāra m. 'skin-essence', lymph, serum L.
- ○sâhvā f. = -kaśā Car. vii, 11, 1
- ○hantrī f. 'skin-destroying', Trigonella foenum graecum or a similar plant Bhpr.
- carmâkhya n. a form of leprosy Car. vi, 7, 19
- carmâcchādita mfn. covered with skin W.
- carmânurañjana n. 'skin-colouring', white cinnabar Npr.
- carmânta m. = ○ma-khaṇḍa Suśr. i, 7, 10 ; v, 5, 2
- carmâmbhas n. = ○ma-sāra L.
- carmâvakartana n. 'act of cutting leather', = ○ma-karaṇa W.
- carmâvakartin m. 'leather-cutter', = ○ma-kṛt Mn. iv, 218
- carmâvakarttṛ m. id. MBh. xii, 1321
- carmâvanaddha mfn. covered with skin Mn. vi, 76 (= MBh. xii, 12463)
- • bound with leather W.
- carmâvṛta mfn. covered with skin ŚārṅgP. xix, 10 (cf. Hit.)
- • ifc. covered with the hide of L.
- carmâsi-mat mfn. having shield and sword W.
- carmaṇā f. a kind of fly L. (v. l. ○rvaṇā)
- carmaṇya n. leather-work AitBr. v, 32 Lāṭy.
- cármaṇ-vat mfn. furnished with skin TS. vii, 5, 12, 2
- • (tī), f. Musa sapientum L.
- • (cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 12) N. of a river (flowing through Bundelkhand into the Ganges, the modern Chambal) MBh. (on the origin of the N., vii, 2360 ; xii, 1016 ; xiii, 3351) BhP. v, 19
- cárman n. hide, skin RV. AV. iv f. x ff. TS. &c
- • bark W.
- • parchment W.
- • a shield MBh. R. BhP. Kathās.
- • = ○rmâkhya Car. vi, 7, 11
- • [cf. gala-, duś-
- • ? ; Lat. corium ; Hib. croicionn.]
- carmaru m. = ○rma-kṛt L.
- carmāra m. id. L.
- • = ○raka Bhpr. v, 7, 101
- carmāraka m. = ○rmânurañjana L. [Page 391, Column 1]
- carmika mfn. armed with a shield, shield-bearer, g. vrīhy-ādi and purohitâdi
- carmin mfn. (g. vrīhy-ādi) id. MBh. Hariv. 1863
- • covered with a hide Caraṇ.
- • made of leather W.
- • m. = ○rma-druma L.
- • (= ○rmaṇ-vatī) Musa sapientum L.
- • N. of an attendant of Śiva L.
- • of a man Pāṇ. 4-1, 158 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- carmivṛkṣa m. = ○ma-v○ Suśr. iv, 11, 7
- carmarī f. N. of a plant, v. 2, 5
- carya caryā, See √car
- carv (cf. √cūrṇ), cl. 10. carvayati (inf. ○vitum
- • Pass. ○vyate cl. 1. ○vati Dhātup. xv, 70) to grind with the teeth, masticate, chew Mṛicch. ii, 12 Pañcat. v, 11, 0/1 Deviim. Bhpr. Sch. on KātyŚr. and PārGṛ.
- • to taste Sāh. iii, 16
- carvaṇa n. 'chewing', See carvita-
- • tasting Sāh. iii, 26
- • 'to be chewed', solid food BhP. iii, 13, 35
- • (ā), f. tasting Sāh. iii, 26
- • a molar tooth Gal.
- • v. l. for ○rmaṇā L.
- carvaṇīya mfn. proper to be chewed W.
- carvita mfn. chewed ŚārṅgP. lxiii, 9
- ○carvaṇa n. 'chewing the chewed', tedious reiteration BhP. vii, 5, 30 Pāṇ. 3-1, 15 Siddh.
- ○pātra n. a spitting-pot W.
- ○pātraka n. id. Rāsal.
- carvya mfn. chewable BrahmaP.
- carvan m. = capeṭa L.
- carṣaṇa See ratha-
- carṣaṇí mfn. (√kṛṣ), 'cultivating', active, agile, swift RV.
- • (AV. vii, 110, 2) MBh. i, 726
- • seeing (fr. √cakṣ?) Naigh. iii, 11 Nir. v, 24
- • f. pl. 'cultivators (opposed to nomads)', men, people, race RV. (páñca c○ = p"ṣ kṛṣṭáyas (q.v.), v, 86, 2 ; vii, 15, 2 ; ix, 101, 9) AV. xiii, 1, 38 BhP. x, 29, 2
- • N. of Aryaman's children by Mātṛikā (progenitors of the human race) BhP. vi, 6, 40 (cf. prá-, ratha-, ví-, viśvá-.)
- ○prā́ mfn. satisfying men RV.
- carṣaṇī in comp. for ○ṇí
- • f. a disloyal wife Rājat. vii, 102
- • N. of Varuṇa's wife (mother of Bhṛigu) BhP. vi, 18, 4
- ○dhṛ́t mfn. supporting or protecting men RV.
- ○dhṛ́ti f. support or protection of men, viii, 90, 5 (loc. ○tā, = instr. of -dhṛ́t, scil. vájreṇa Gmn., but SV. has the nom. ○tiḥ) SV. (see. -sáh)
- ○sáh mfn. ruling over or overpowering men RV. (ix, 24, 4 dat. -sáhe SV. -dhṛ́tiḥ)
- cal (cf. √car and also √caṭ), cl. 1. ○lati (metrically also Ā. ○te
- • perf. cacāla pl. celur
- • fut. caliṣyati
- • aor. acālīt), to be moved, stir, tremble, shake, quiver, be agitated, palpitate MBh. &c
- • to move on or forward, proceed, go away, start off, depart MBh. (āsanebhyo'calan, 'they rose from their seat', v, 3114) &c
- • to set (said of the day) Kathās. lxxii, 406
- • to be moved from one's usual course, be disturbed, become confused or disordered, go astray MBh. &c
- • to turn away from, swerve, deviate from (abl., e.g. dharmāt, to swerve from virtue Mn. vii, 15 MBh. ii, 2629), fall off (with abl.) MBh. &c
- • to sport about, frolic, play (Dhātup. xxviii, 64) Kuval. 320: Caus. calayati (cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 87), to cause to move, move, shake, jog, push, agitate, disturb Ragh. viii, 52 Ṛitus. BhP. Bhaṭṭ.
- • to cause to deviate, turn off from (abl.) Mṛicch. ix, 21: Caus. cālay○ (Pass. cālyate) to cause to move, shake, jog, push, agitate MBh. &c
- • to drive, drive away, remove or expel from (abl.) MBh. i, 5743 ; xiii, 3336 Hariv. 2697
- • to disturb, make confused or disordered MBh. xii Vedântas. BhP. iii, 1, 42
- • to cause to deviate from (abl.) MBh. iii, 1504 R. iii
- • to cherish, foster Dhātup. xxxii, 68 (v. l. for √bal): Intens. cañcalyate (cf. cañcala) or cāc○ (cf. á-vicācala ff.) Vop. xx, 8 f
- • [cf. ?, ?, ? ; Lat. celer, pro-cello, ex-.]
- cala mf(ā)n. (g. pacâdi) moving, trembling, shaking, loose MBh. &c
- • unsteady, fluctuating, perishable ib.
- • disturbed, confused ib.
- • m. 'agitation, shaking', See bhūmi-
- • wind L.
- • wind (in med.) Ashṭâṅg. i, 11, 1
- • quicksilver L.
- • a sprout, shoot Gal.
- • n. water Gal.
- • (ā), f. lightning L.
- • incense L.
- • the goddess of fortune Kathās. lx, 119
- • a metre of 4 x 18 syllables (cf. a-, niś-, puṃścalī, cāla.)
- ○karṇa m. (in astron.) the changeable hypothenuse ('the true distance of a planet from the earth' W.) Sūryas. ii, 41 and 51
- ○kuṇḍala m. N. of a man Pravar. i, 1 (cf. MatsyaP.)
- ○ketu m. (in astron.) N. of a moving Ketu VarBṛS. xi, 33
- ○ghnī f. Trigonella corniculata L.
- ○cañcu m. 'moving its beak', the Greek partridge L.
- ○citta mf(ā)n. fickle-minded MBh. xiii R. iii, v [Page 391, Column 2]
- • (ifc.) Bhartṛ. iii, 78
• m. N. of a man, Tantr
- • n. fickleness of mind Mn. ix, 15
- • -tā f. id. Hit. i, 4, 43
- • frivolity R. vi, 111, 19
- ○tā f. shaking, tremulous motion Suśr. i, 32, 1
- ○tva n. id. Hariv. 2893 Megh. 94
- ○danta m. a loose tooth W.
- ○dala m. 'tremulous-leaved', Ficus religiosa L.
- ○druma m. Tribulus lanuginosus L.
- ○niketa mfn. having a perishable abode Āp. i, 22, 4
- ○pattra m. = -dala L.
- ○puccha m. Coracias indica Npr.
- ○prakṛti mfn. of unsteady or wanton nature Pañcat. ii, 26/27
- ○saṃdhi m. loose articulation of the bones, diarthrosis Suśr.
- ○svabhāva mf(ā)n. = -prakṛti MBh. xiii, 2225. 1
- calâcala mfn. movable and immovable, locomotive and stationary W.
- calâtaṅka m. 'fluctuating disease', rheumatism L.
- calâtman mfn. fickle-minded R. iv, 55, 7
- calêndriya mfn. having unsteady organs W.
- calêṣu for calācal○ Pāṇ. 6-2, 108 Sch.
- calôrmi mfn. having agitated waves R. i, 14, 18 Megh. 25
- calat pr. p. √cal, q.v
- ○padam ind. so as to move W.
- ○pūrṇimā f. the fish Candraka L.
- calad in comp. for ○lat
- ○aṅga
- ○aṅgaka m. 'of a palpitating body', the fish Ophiocephalus aurantiacus L.
- ○gu mfn. one under whom the earth trembles BhP. i, 9, 37
- calana mf(ā)n. moving, movable, tremulous, shaking Pāṇ. 3-2, 148 KapS. i, 129 Sch.
- • moving on feet Gaut. viii, 2
- • wanton (a woman), xxii, 26
- • m. a foot L.
- • an antelope L.
- • n. shaking motion, shaking, trembling Pāṇ. 1-3, 87 ; iii, 2, 148 R. v, 36, 21 Pañcat. &c
- • 'motion', action, function Vedântas. Tarkas.
- • walking about, wandering, roaming MBh. xii, 3708
- • turning off from (abl.), iii, 1319
- • (a- neg.) Kathās. ic, 8 and Sāh. iii, 53
- • the being disturbed Sarvad. iii, 174
- • (ī), f. = ○naka HPariś. viii, 267
- • the rope for tying an elephant L.
- calanaka m. n. a short petticoat (worn by dancing girls, &c.) ŚBr. v, 2, 1, 8 Sāy. KātyŚr. xiv, 5, 3 Sch.
- • (ikā), f. silken fringes Buddh. L.
- calanīya mfn. to be moved or shaken W.
- calācalá mfn. (√cal redupl. Pāṇ. 6-1, 12 Vārtt. 6 ; vii, 4, 58 Pat.) ever-moving (the wheel of Saṃsāra) Divyâv. xiii, 267
- • xix
- • moving to and fro, movable, tremulous, unfixed, loose RV. 1, 164, 48 R. v, 42, 11 Nīt.
- • unsteady, changeable MBh. v, 2758 ; xii, 4169
- • m. a crow L.
- • N. of a man, Tantr
- calācalêṣu mfn. one whose arrow wavers or flies unsteadily Pāṇ. 6-2, 108 Kāś.
- calita mfn. shaking, tremulous, unfixed MBh. &c
- • one who has moved on MBh. Sūryas. iii, 11
- • gone, departed (e.g. sa calitaḥ, 'he started off' Pañcat. Gīt. iii, 3 Hit.)
- • walked Vet. iii, 1/2 (v. l.)
- • being on the march (an army) L.
- • moved from one's usual course, disturbed, disordered (the mind, senses, fortune, &c.) Hariv. 5669 R. &c
- • caused to deviate, turned off from (abl.) Yājñ. i, 360 Bhag. vi, 37
- • n. unsteady motion (of eyes) Bhartṛ. i, 4
- ○sthāna mfn. changing its place, R (B) iv, 1, 14
- calitavya n. impers. to be gone away R. iii
- calī-√kṛ to cause to move Naish. i, 114
- calas n. wood-sorrel L.
- cali m. a cover W.
- • a surtout W.
- calita &c. See √cal
- calu m. a monthful of water L.
- caluka m. (= cul○) id. Pañcat. i
- • a small pot, gallipot L.
- • N. of a man W.
- cavana n. Piper Chaba L.
- cavi f. id. L.
- cavika n. id
- • (ā), f. id. Suśr. vi, 39, 225 ; 42, 93
- cavī f. id. Kathās. vi, 151
- cavya n. id. Suśr. i, iv, vi
- • (ā), f. id., 41, 39
- • the cotton plant L.
- • = vacā L.
- ○jā f. Scindapsus officinalis L.
- ○phala m. id. L.
- caṣ cl. 1. ○ṣati, to hurt Vop. (Dhātup. xvii, 43)
- • P. and Ā. to eat Dhātup. xxi, 24
- caṣaka m. n. (g. ardharcâdi) a cup, wineglass Ragh. vii, 46 Hcar. viii Śiś. x &c. (ifc. f. ā Kathās. xxi, 10)
- • spirituous liquor ('honey' W.) L.
- • m. a second Sch. on VarBṛ. vii, 1 and 12 and xxiv
- caṣā́la m. n. (g. ardharcâdi) a wooden ring on the top of a sacrificial post RV. i, 162, 6 TS. vi Kāṭh. xxvi, 4 (caśāla) ŚBr. &c
- • m. a hive L.
- • n. the snout of a hog MaitrS. i, 6, 3
- ○mukha m. N. of an Ekâha ŚāṅkhŚr. xiv, 73, 3
- ○yūpa m. a sacrificial post furnished with a wooden ring at the top BhP. iv, 19, 19. [Page 391, Column 3]
- ○vat (○ṣā́la-), mfn. furnished with a wooden ring at the top RV. iii, 8, 10
- caṣṭa mfn. (√cakṣ) spoken W.
- cah cl. 1. 10. ○hati, ○hayati (aor. acahīt Vop. viii, 80), to cheat Dhātup. xvii, xxxv
- cākacakya n. = ujjvala-tā, Vedântaparibh
- cākacikya n. illusion Nyāyak.
- cākaciccā f. N. of a plant L.
- cākrá mfn. (fr. cakrá) carried on (a battle) with the discus Hariv. 5648
- • belonging to a wheel W.
- • circular W.
- • m. N. of a man ŚBr. xii
- cākragartaka mfn. fr. cakra-garta Pāṇ. 4-2, 126 Kāś.
- cākrapāleya fr. cakra-pāla g. sakhy-ādī
- cākravarmaṇa m. (patr. fr. cakra-varman, vi, 4, 170 Kāś.) N. of a grammarian, 1, 130 Uṇ. Sch.
- cākravāka mfn. proper for the Cakra(-vāka) bird MānGṛ. i, 14
- cākravākeya fr. cakra-vāka g. sakhy-ādi (○vāleya [fr. cakra-vāla] Kāś.)
- cākravāleya See ○vākeya
- cā́krāyaṇa m. (fr. cakrá g. aśvâdi Pravar. v, 1) patr. of Ushasta ŚBr. xiv, 6 ChUp. i, 10, 1
- cākrika mfn. circular W.
- • belonging to a wheel or discus W.
- • relating to a company or circle W.
- • m. a coachman, driver MBh. xii, 2646
- • a potter VarBṛS. x, 9
- • 'an oil-maker' and 'a companion' Rājat. vi, 272
- • a companion, v, 267
- • a proclaimer Yājñ. i, 165 Hariv. 9047
- • a bard W.
- ○tā f. companionship Rājat. iv, 688
- cākriṇa m. patr. fr. cakrin Pāṇ. 6-4, 166 Sch.
- cākreya fr. cakrá g. sakhy-ādi (not in Kāś.)
- cākṣuṣá mf(ī)n. (fr. cákṣus) consisting in sight, depending on or produced from sight, proper or belonging or relating to the sight VS. xiii, 56 ŚBr. xiv KaṭhUp. Mālav. i, 4
- • (a- neg.) Sarvad. x, 112
- • (with vidyā, a magical science) conferring the power of seeing anything MBh. i, 6478
- • perceptible by the eye KaushUp. Suśr. Pāṇ. 4-2, 92 Kāś.
- • (a- neg.) KapS. i, 61
- • relating to Manu Cākshusha Hariv. 279 BhP. iv, 30, 49
- • m. patr. AV. xvi, 7, 7
- • N. of Agni (author of several Sāmans)
- • of an author Ragh. v, 50 Mall.
- • of the 6th Manu (with 5 others descending from Manu Svāyambhuva Mn. i, 62
- • son of Viśvakarman by Ākṛiti BhP. vi, 6, 15
- • son of Cakshus, viii, 5, 17) MBh. xiii, 1315 Hariv. BhP.
- • N. of a son of Ripu by Bṛihatī (father of a Manu) Hariv. 69
- • of a son of Kaksheyu (or Anu VP. iv, 18, 1) and brother of Sabhā-nara Hariv. 1669
- • of a son of Khanitra BhP. ix, 2, 24
- • m. pl. a class of deities in the 14th Manv-antara, viii, 13, 35
- • n. = -jñāna W.
- ○jñāna n. knowledge which depends on vision W.
- ○tva n. perceptibility of sight Tarkas. 105
- cākṣmá mfn. (√kṣam) for bearing, gracious (Brahmaṇaspati) RV. ii, 24, 9
- cākhāyitṛ mfn. (Intens. √khan) Pāṇ. 6-4, 22 Vārtt. 11
- cāṅga m. = ○gerī L. Sch.
- • n. (fr. caṅga) whiteness or beauty of the teeth W.
- cāṅgerī f. wood-sorrel Hariv. 4652 Suśr. vi
- cāca-puṭa = caccat-p○
- cācari m. (Intens. √car) 'moving quickly', N. of a wrestler Rājat. vii, 1514
- cācali mfn. (Intens. √cal) moving much or repeatedly Vop. xxvi, 154 (cf. á-vi-)
- cāñcalya n. (fr. cañcala) unsteadiness, transitoriness Rājat. vii, 162
- cāñcava n. (fr. cañcu) celebrity for (in comp.) Daś. i, 223 (vḷ.)
cāṭa m. a cheat, rogue Yājñ. i, 335 (cf. Pañcat.) Mṛicch. (Prākṛit) VarYogay. Hcat. BhavP.
- ○bhaṭa m. for cāra-bh○ (?) Inscr. (? 940 AḌ.)
- cāṭaka-deśa m. N. of a country Kālakâc.
- cāṭakāyana m. patr. fr. caṭaka g. 1. naḍâdi
- cāṭakaira m. (fr. caṭakā Pāṇ. 4-1, 128) a young sparrow Hcar. viii
- cāṭalikā f. N. of a locality Rājat. viii, 766. [Page 392, Column 1]
- cāṭi-grāma m. N. of a place
- cāṭu m. n. sg. and pl. (cf. caṭu) pleasing or graceful words or discourse, flattery Hariv. 1144 Pañcat. Kād. Hcar. &c
- • = piciṇḍa L.
- • mfn. pleasing (?) Rājat. i, 213
- • speaking distinctly L.
- ○kāra mfn. speaking agreeably or kindly, flattering, flatterer Pāṇ. 3-2, 23 Megh. 32 Rājat. v, 351 Sāh. iii, 82
- ○kārin m. id. L.
- ○paṭu m. a jester (bhaṇḍa) L.
- ○lola mfn. (= caṭul-l○) elegantly tremulous L.
- ○vacana n. a pleasing word, flattery Gīt. xi, 2
- ○vaṭu m. = -paṭu L.
- ○śata n. a hundred entreaties Bhartṛ. ii, 26
- cāṭū7kti f. = ○ṭu-vacana, Śuk
- cāṭuka m. pl. pleasing words BhP. xi, 5
- ○śata n. = ○Tu-z○ Sarasv. (cf. Kpr. iv, 13a Sch.) Sāh. iii, 60/61
- cāṇaka m. pl. of ○kya g. kaṇvâdi
- cāṇakīna mfn. fit for (being sown) with the chick-pea (caṇaka) L. Sch.
- cāṇakya mfn. made of chick-peas Bhpr. v, 11, 37
- • composed by Cāṇakya Cāṇ.
- • m. (g. gargâdi) patr. fr. Caṇaka (son of Caṇin HPariś. viii, 200), N. of a minister of Candra-gupta (said to have destroyed the Nanda dynasty
- • reputed author of -śloka q.v., 'the Machiavelli of India') Pañcat. Mudr. Kathās. v, 109 ff
- ○mūlaka n. a kind of radish (kauṭilya) L.
- ○śloka m. pl. Cāṇakya's Ślokas on morals and principles of government W.
- cāṇārarūpya mfn. fr. caṇ○ Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Vārtt. 2 f. Pat.
- cāṇūra m. N. of a prince MBh. ii, 121 ; v, 4410 Hariv. 6726
- • of a wrestler in Kaṃsa's service (slain by Kṛishṇa
- • identified with the Daitya Varāha) Hariv. (cānūra, 2361 and 10407) Vop. xxiii, 24
- ○mardana m. 'Cāṇūra-conqueror', Kṛishṇa Gal.
- ○sūdana m. id. L. Sch.
- cāṇḍa m. patr. fr. cáṇḍa g. śivâdi
- • n. violence &c., g. pṛthv-ādi
- cāṇḍālá m. = caṇḍ○ (Ved. Pāṇ. 5-4, 36 Vārtt. 1) VS. xxx, 21 ŚBr. xiv Kauś. Mn. &c
- • the worst among (in comp. Mn. ix, 87 MBh. xii f
- • gen. Cāṇ.)
- • (ī), f. a Caṇḍāla woman Mn. viii, 373 BhP. vi, 3, 12
- • (said of a woman on the first day of her courses) Vet. i, 10
- • the plant Liṅginī L.
- • (with bhāṣā) the language of the Caṇḍālas Sāh. vi, 163
- ○veśa mfn. clothed like a Caṇḍāla Prab. iii, 12/13
- cāṇḍālaka n. anything made by a Caṇḍāla, g. kulālâdi
- • m. N. of a man Pravar. ii, 1, 2
- • (ikā), f. = caṇḍ○ (the Caṇḍāla lute
- • a kind of plant
- • Durgā) L.
- cāṇḍālaki patr. fr. caṇḍāla Pāṇ. 4-1, 97 Pat.
- cāṇḍāli m. pl. N. of a family Pravar. vi, 1
- cāṇḍālikâśrama m. the hermitage of Cāṇḍālikā MBh. xiii, 1738 (câñjal○, B)
- cāṇḍālinī f. N. of a goddess Tantras.
- cātaka m. the bird Cucculus melanoleucus (said to subsist on rain-drops) Śak. vii, 7 Ragh. xvii, 15 Megh. &c
- • (ī), f. the female of the Cātaka bird Kathās. cxxiii
- cātakânandana m. 'Cātaka's delight', the rainy season L.
- cātakâṣṭaka n. the 8 verses on the Cātaka bird
- cātaki m. N. of a man MatsyaP. cxciv, 23
- cātana mfn. (√cat, Caus.) ifc. 'driving away', See abhiśasti-, amīva-, arāya-, durṇāma-, piśāca-, bhrātṛvya-, yātu-, sadānvā-, and sapatna-cā́tana
- • m. N. of the Ṛishi of the Cātana verses AV. Anukr.
- • n. certain verses of the AV. (for exorcising demons) Kauś. 8 ; 25 ; 80 ; 136
- cātura mfn. (fr. catúr) drawn by 4 (a carriage) Pāṇ. 4-2, 92 Kāś.
- cāturakṣa (fr. cat○) a cast of dice with 4 dots Hariv. 6746
- cāturarthika mfn. used in the 4 (artha or) senses (taught Pāṇ. 4-2, 67-70), iv, 2, 81 ff. Kāś.
- cāturāśramika mfn. being in one of the 4 periods (āśrama) of life MBh. xiv, 972
- cāturāśramin (ed. Calc.) for cat○, q.v
- cāturāśramya n. (g. caturvarṇâdi) the 4 periods of a Brāhman's life MBh. iii, 11244
- • xii f
- cāturika m. (fr. 1. ○ra) a charioteer L.
- cāturjāta n. an aggregate of 4 substances Bhpr.
- cāturjātaka n. id. Suśr. v Bhpr. v (cf. kaṭu-)
- cāturtha mfn. (fr. cat○) treated of in the 4th (Adhyāya) Mn. ii, 56 Kull.
- cāturthaka mfn. appearing every 4th day, quartan (fever) Suśr. Kathās. AgP. [Page 392, Column 2]
- cāturthakârirasa m. a medicine for keeping off quartan ague
- cāturthâhnika mfn. (fr. caturthâhan) belonging to the 4th day ŚāṅkhŚr. xv, 7, 1 and 8, 1
- cāturthika mfn. (fr. caturthá) id. Lāṭy. vii, 7, 29 TāṇḍyaBr. Sch.
- • m. a quartan ague W.
- cāturdaśa mfn. (g. saṃdhivelâdi) appearing on the caturdaśī (14th day) Pāṇ. 4-2, 92 Kāś.
- cāturdaśika mfn. reading sacred texts on the caturdaśī Pāṇ. 4-4, 71 Kāś.
- cāturdaiva mfn. sacred to 4 deities (deva) Hariv. 6509
- cāturdhākāraṇika mfn. (fr. caturdhā-karaṇa) connected with a division into 4 parts ĀpŚr. ii
- cāturbīja n. (fr. cat○) an aggregate of 4 kinds of aromatic seed Npr.
- cāturbhadra n. (fr. cat○) a collection of 4 medicinal plants L.
- cāturbhadraka n. id. Bhpr. vii, 8, 146 and 206
- cāturbhuji a son of Catur-bhuja, Śivak. 541
- cāturbhautika mfn. consisting of 4 elements (catur-bhūta) KapS. iii, 18 Nyāyas. iii, 1 Sch.
- cāturmahārājakāyika (pl.) = cat○ Buddh.
- cāturmahārājika m. (= cat○) Vishṇu MBh. xii, 12864
- • m. pl. = ○jakāyika Buddh.
- cāturmāsa mfn. produced in 4 months W.
- cāturmāsaka mfn. one who performs the Cāturmāsya sacrifices Pāṇ. 5-1, 94 Vārtt. 5
- cāturmāsika mfn. occurring every 4 months (the fourth kind of pratikramaṇa) Jain. Sch.
- cāturmāsin mfn. = ○saka Pāṇ. 5-1, 94 Vārtt. 5
- cāturmāsī f. (of ○syá
- • scil. paurṇamāsī) full-moon day at the Cāturmāsya sacrifices Vārtt. 5 and 7
- cāturmāsyá n. beginning of a season of 4 months MBh. xii, 1007
- • pl. N. of the 3 sacrifices performed at the beginning of the 3 seasons of 4 months (viz. vaiśvadevám, varuṇa-praghāsā́ḥ, sākam-edhā́ḥ) TS. i, 6, 10
- TBr. if. ŚBr. ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c
- • mfn. belonging to such sacrifices ŚBr. xiii, 2, 5 KātyŚr. xxii MuṇḍUp. i, 2, 3
- ○kārikā f. N. of wk
- ○tva n. the state of a CṭCāturmāsya sacrifice Kāṭh. xxxvi, 2
- ○devatā́ f. the deity of a Cāturmāsya sacrifice ŚBr. xiii
- ○yājín mfn. = ○saka, ii, x
- cāturvarṇya n. (g. caturvarṇâdi) the four castes Mn. x ; xii, 1 and 97 MBh. R. i, 1, 92 and 27, 16
- cāturviṃśaka fr. caturviṃśá q.v
- cāturviṃśika mfn. belonging to the 24th day ŚāṅkhŚr. xii, 27, 4
- cāturvidya mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 124 Siddh.) = cat○ MBh. iii, 8227 Rājat. v, 158
- • n. the 4 Vedas
- • fourfold knowledge (viz. of dharma, artha, kāma, mokṣa Nīlak.) MBh. xii, 1574 and 1837 Hariv. 9769
- cāturvidhya n. (fr. cátur-vidha) the being fourfold Hariv. ii, 114, 16 Sarvad. ii, x ; xiii, 78
- cāturvedya n. (fr. catur-veda) a number of men versed in the 4 Vedas Vas. iii, 20
- cāturvaidya mfn. (fr. catur-vidyā g. anuśatikâdi
- • fr. -veda Pāṇ. 5-1, 124 Siddh.) versed in the 4 Vedas MBh. v, 4741
- • m. = ○rvedya Baudh.
- • knowledge of the 4 Vedas, g. brāhmaṇâdi
- cāturhotṛka mf(ī)n. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 72 Kāś.) relating to the Catur-hotṛi service MānGṛ. i, 23 MaitrS. i, 9, colophon
- cāturhotra mfn. performed by the 4 chief priests (Hotṛi, Adhvaryu, Udgātṛi, and Brahman) ĀtrAnukr. BhP. i, 4, 19 TĀr. iii Sāy. Introd
- • n. a sacrifice performed by 4 priests MBh. xii, xiv Hariv. 3772 ; 10404 (v. l. cat○) BhP. v, 7, 5 ; vii, 3, 30 (vḷ. catur-hotraka)
- • the duties of the 4 chief priests MBh. xii BhP. ii f
- • the 4 chief priests (collectively) MBh. v, xiv R. i BhP. iv, 24, 37
- cāturhotriyá mfn. attended by 4 chief priests (Agni) TĀr. i, 22, 11
- cāturhotrīya-brāhmaṇa n. N. of a particular chapter (called Brāhmaṇa) TĀr. iii, 8, 1 Sāy.
- cātuścaraṇika mfn. versed in a branch (caraṇa) of each of the 4 Vedas Hcat.
- • (ā), f. the 4 Vedas ib.
- cātuḥśabdya^ n. 4 moods of expression (śabda) Pat. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 69 Vārtt. 2, and iii, 1, 43
- cātuṣkoṭika mfn. divided into 4 parts (koṭi) Buddh. L.
- cātuṣṭaya mfn. (fr. cát○) versed in the Sūtras consisting of 4 sections Pāṇ. 4-2, 65 Kāś.
- cātuṣpatha mfn. being on a cross-way (cat○) ĀpŚr. viii, 18, 1
- cātuṣprâśyá mfn. (fr. catuṣ-prâśa Pāṇ. 5-4, 36 Vārtt. 4) enough for 4 persons to eat ŚBr. ii, xi
- • m. (scil. odana) id. KātyŚr. Lāṭy.
- • n. id. TS. vi
- cātuṣprāharika mfn. presented (as gifts) on 4 occasions Siṃhâs.3 i, 59. [Page 392, Column 3]
- cātuḥṣaṣṭika^ mfn. relating to the 64 (catuḥṣaṣṭi) Kalās Vātsyāy. i, 3, 14
- cātuḥsāgarika^ mf(ī)n. relating to the 4 oceans (sāgara) R. iv, 16, 43
- cātuḥsvarya^ n. the use of 4 (svara) accents, (viz. traisvarya and eka-śruti) Bhāshik. ii, 36 Nyāyam. ix, 2, 15 Sch. ĀpGṛ. iv, 17 Sch.
- cātura mfn. (fr. 2. cat○) clever, shrewd L.
- • speaking kindly, flattering L.
- • visible L.
- • governing L.
- • m. a small round pillow L. (cf. galla-cāturī)
- • (ī), f. (= ○rya Siddhnapuṃs. 4 Vop. iv, 12) dexterity, cleverness Prasannar. ii, 8/9 ; iii, 13/14 Vcar. vi, 12
- • amiableness Sāh. x, 84
- cāturaka mfn. flattering L.
- • visible L.
- • governing L.
- • m. a small round pillow L.
- cāturya n. (= ○rī Siddhnapuṃs. 4 Vop. iv) dexterity Sarvad. xiii, 134 Subh.
- • amiableness MBh. i, 3905 R. i, 6, 3 Bhartṛ. i, 3 Sāh. iii, 59/60
- ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of Vop. Vop.
- cāttarātra m. patr. fr. catta-r○, N. of Jamad-agni, Nidān. viii, 4
- cāttra m. a spindle PārGṛ. i, 15, 4 Gobh. ii, 7
- • the peg (used with the araṇi) KātyŚr. iv Sch.
- cātvāriṃśa n. 'consisting of 40 (catvāriṃśát) Adhyāyas', the AitBr. Pāṇ. 5-1, 62
- cātvāriṃśatka mfn. bought for 40, 22 Kāś.
- cā́tvāla m. n. (= catv○) a hole in the ground for constructing the Uttara-vedi TS. vi f. TBr. i ŚBr. iii KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr. Lāṭy.
- • Kuśa grass (darbha) Uṇ. i, 115 Sch.
- ○vat mfn. (a sacrifice) for which this hole is excavated ĀśvŚr. i, 1, 6
- cānarāṭa N. of a place Pāṇ. 6-2
- cānūra for cāṇūra, q.v
- cāndana mf(ī)n. consisting of sandal-wood (cand○) Bhartṛ. ii, 98 Prasannar. vi, 32
- cāndanagandhika mfn. (fr. candana-gandha) smelling of sandal Pāṇ. 4-2, 65 (not all MSS.)
- cāndra mf(ī)n. (fr. candrá) lunar Jyot. VarBṛS. Sūryas. Kathās. &c
- • composed by Candra, Prauḍh
- • m. a lunar month (cf. gauṇa, mukhya) L.
- • the light half of a month W.
- • the moon-stone L.
- • a pupil of the grammarian Candra Siddh. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 26 and vii, 2, 10 Prauḍh. Vop. Sch.
- • n. (scil. vrata) the penance Cāndrāyaṇa (q.v.), Prāyaśc
- • (scil. ahan) Monday Vishṇ. lxxviii, 2
- • (ī), f. moonlight L.
- • a kind of Solanum L.
- • Serratula anthelminthica L.
- • N. of a princess Rājat. vii, 1503
- ○māsa m. a lunar month
- ○vatsara m. the lunar year
- cāndrâkhya n. fresh ginger L.
- cāndraka mfn. lunar, Kālam
- • n. dried ginger L.
- cāndragupta mfn. belonging to Candra-gupta HPariś. viii, 322
- cāndrapura m. pl. the inhabitants of Candrapura VarBṛS. xiv, 5
- cāndrabhāgā f. = candr○ g. śoṇâdi
- cāndrabhāgi m. (fr. candra-bhāga) a patr. of Agni-veśa Car. i, 13, 98
- cāndrabhāgī f. = vana-rāji Gaṇar. 52 Sch.
- cāndrabhāgeya m. metron. fr. candra-bhāgā Pāṇ. 4-i, 113 Kāś.
- cāndrabhāgyā f. = ○gā ib.
- cāndrama mfn. for ○masá, lunar Nidānas. v
- cāndramasá mf(ī)n. (fr. candrá-mas) lunar, relating to the moon AV. xix, 9, 10 ŚBr. xi, 1, 5, 3 ĀśvŚr. &c
- • m. pl. N. of a family Pravar. i, 1 (○si MatsyaP.)
- • n. the constellation Mṛiga-śiras L.
- • (ī), f. N. of Bṛihaspati's wife MBh. iii, 14130
- cāndramasāyana m. = candra-ja L.
- cāndramasāyani m. id., g. tikâdi
- cāndravratika mfn. acting in the manner (vrata) of the moon Mn. ix, 309
- cāndrâyaṇa m. an observer of the moon's course (candr○) TāṇḍyaBr. xvii, 13, 17 Sch.
- • pl. N. of a family Pravar. i, 2 and ii, 4, 1
- • n. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 72
- • scil. vrata) a fast regulated by the moon, the food being diminished every day by one mouthful for the dark fortnight, and increased in like manner during the light fortnight (cf. pipīlikāmadhya, yava-madhya or ○dhyama) Mn. vi, 20
- • xi, 41 and 106-217 Yājñ. iii, 324 ff. Pañcat. i, 11, 27 ; iii, 3, 2
- ○bhakta mfn. inhabited by Cāndrâyaṇas, g. aiṣukāry-ādi
- ○vidhāna n. the Cāndrâyaṇa fast W.
- ○vrata n. id. Hit. i, 4, 2/3
- cāndrâyaṇika mfn. performing the Cāndrâyaṇa fast Pāṇ. 5-1, 72. [Page 393, Column 1]
- cāndri m. = candra-ja VarYogay. iv, 19
- cāndhanāyana m. patr. of Ānanda-ja VBr. i, 16 (cf. aupacandhani.)
- cāpa m. n. (fr. capa g. tālâdi) a bow Mn. vii, 192 MBh. &c
- • (in geom.) an arc Sūryas. ii f. vi, xi
• Sagittarius VarBṛS.
- • a rainbow (cf. indraśakra-) BhP. i, 11, 28
- • a kind of astron. instrument Gol. xi, 2 and 5
- • a particular constellation (= dhanus) VarBṛ. xii, 18
- • m. N. of a family
- ○guṇa m. a bow-string R. iii, 33, 16 &c
- ○dāsī f. N. of a river Hariv. 9515
- ○dhara mfn. bow-armed R. ii, 86, 22
- • m. Sagittarius VarBṛ. Sch.
- ○paṭa m. Buchanania latifolia L.
- ○yaṣṭi f. a bow Kathās. lxxxv, 7
- ○latā f. id., cviii, 134
- ○lekhā f. N. of a woman, lī, 248
- ○vaṭa m. = -paṭa L. (cf. upa-v○)
- ○veda m. = dhanur-v○ L.
- cāpâcārya m. an instructor in archery Bālar. ii, 37
- cāpâdhiropa m. stringing and bending a bow Prasannar. i, 45
- cāpâropaṇa n. id., 32/33
- cāpôtkaṭa m. N. of a family Ratnak.
- cāpaya Nom. ○yati, (in geom.) to reduce to a bow-form Āryabh. iv, 25 Sch.
- cāpin mfn. bow-armed MBh. xii, 10406
- • m. Sagittarius Horāś.
- cāpaḍa N. of a village Kshitîs. iv
- cāpala n. (fr. cap○ g. yuvâdi) mobility, swiftness Ragh. iii, 42 BhP. vii, 12, 20
- • agitation, unsteadiness, fickleness, inconsiderateness, insolence Gaut. ix, 50 Pāṇ. 8-1, 12 Vārtt. 5 MBh. &c
- cāpalâśraya m. unsteadiness W.
- cāpalāyana m. patr. fr. capala g. aśvâdi
- cāpalya n. (g. brāhmaṇâdi) mobility Cāṇ.
- • agitation, unsteadiness, fickleness, flurry Yājñ. i, 112 ; iii, 279 R. iii, v Pañcat. i, 1, 0/1 Sāh. iii, 170
- cāpāla N. of a Caitya Divyâv.
- cāppaṭṭakya m. patr. fr. cappaṭṭaka g. kurv-ādi (cf. Gaṇar. 209)
- cāphaṭṭaki m. patr. fr. caphaṭṭaka g. taulvaly-ādi
- cāphaṭṭakya m. id., g. kurv-ādi (cf. Gaṇar.)
- cābukā f. a small pillow W.
- cāmara mfn. coming from the Yak (cam○) BhP. viii, 10, 13
- • belonging to a chowrie L.
- • m. = cam○ (q.v.), a chowrie Bhoj.
- • n. id. (a kind of plume on the heads of horses &c. Śak. Vikr. Kād.) MBh. &c. (ifc. f. ā Kum. vii, 42)
- • a metre of 4 x 15 syllables
- • = daṇḍa (a stick) L.
- • (ā), f. id. L.
- • (ā, ī), f. a chowrie L. Sch.
- ○grāha m. a chowrie-bearer, g. revaty-ādi
- ○"ṣgrāhika m. patr. fr. ○ha ib.
- ○grāhiṇī f. a female chowriebearer Kād. Bhartṛ. iii, 67 Hcat.
- ○dhāri f. id. Śak. ii, 0/1, 12 Sch.
- ○dhāriṇī f. id. Bālar. iv, 8/9
- ○puṣpa m. 'chowrie-blossomed', Mangifera indica L.
- • the betel-nut tree L.
- • Pandanus odoratissimus L.
- • = ○ṣpaka L.
- ○puṣpaka m. Saccharum spontaneum L.
- ○vyajana n. a chowrie MBh. i, vi Hariv. 1290 R. iii, 9, 7
- ○sâhvaya m. = -puṣpaka Suśr. iv, 17, 36
- cāmarika m. = ○ra-grāha Buddh. L.
- cāmarikā f. a cluster Hcar. v, 416 (v. l.)
- cāmarin m. 'plume-adorned', a horse L.
- cāmasāyana m. patr. fr. camasin g. 1. naḍâdi
- cāmasya m. patr. fr. camasá g. gargâdi
- cāmīkara n. gold
- MBh. R. Kum. Vikr. VarBṛS. BhP.
- • m. the thorn-apple W.
- ○prakhya mfn. gold-like Nal. xxi, 11
- ○maya mf(ī)n. = ○rīya Hcat. i, 5, 1235 and 7, 520
- cāmīkarâcala m. 'gold-mountain', Meru Kād.
- cāmīkarâdri m. id. Kalyāṇam. 23
- cāmīkarīya mfn. golden Kum. xiii, 22 and 28
- cāmuṇḍa m. N. of an author L. Sch.
- • (ā), f. a form of Durgā (cf. carma-muṇḍā) Mālatīm. Kathās. Rājat. MārkP. lxxxvii, 25 (fr. caṇḍa and muṇḍa)
- • one of the 7 mothers L. Sch.
- • one of the 8 Nāyikās of Durgā BrahmaP. ii, 61, 80
- • (ī), f. N. of a town Hcar. vi
- cāmuṇḍā f. of ○ḍa, q.v
- ○tantra n. N. of wk. Ānand. 31 Sch.
- ○mantra m. pl. prayers addressed to Cāmuṇḍā Tantras. ii
- cāmpilā f. a river L.
- cāmpeya m. (fr. campā) Michelia Campaka ŚārṅgP.
- • Mesua ferrea L.
- • = ○yaka L.
- • a prince of Campā Rājat. viii, 540 [Page 393, Column 2]
- • N. of a son of Viśvā-mitra MBh. xiii, 257
- • m. n. gold L.
- cāmpeyaka n. a filament (esp. of a lotus) L.
- cāmya n. (√cam
- • cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 126) food W.
- cāy (cf. √2. and √3. ci), cl. 1. cā́yati (impf. acāyat TS. &c
- • aor. acāyīt, or acāsīt Vop. viii, 128
- • 1. sg. acāyiṣam AV. vii, 89, 1
- • ind. p. cāyitvā́), to observe, perceive, notice (cf. Nir. xi, 5) MaitrS. i, 9, 3 f. Kāṭh. TāṇḍyaBr. v, xv
- • to fear, be afraid of (acc.) AV. vii ; ix, 1, 1 TS. ii, vi: Ā. (pr. p. 1. cā́yamāna) to behave respectfully RV. vii, 18, 8 ; x, 94, 14: Intens. cekīyate Pāṇ. 6-1, 21
- • [cf. céru, ?, ?.]
- cāyaka mfn. Pāṇ. 6-1, 78 Kāś.
- cāyanīya mfn. 'perceptible' Nir. xii, 6 and 16
- cāyamāná m. patr. of Abhyāvartin RV. vi, 27, 5 and 8
- • (for 1. cā́y○ See s.v. √cāy.)
- cāyitṛ mfn. one who observes Nir. v, 25
- cāyú mfn. showing respect RV. iii, 24, 4
- cāra m. (√car) = cara, a spy Mn. vii, ix MBh. i, 5604 R. Mṛicch. Kathās.
- • going, motion, progression, course (of asterisms VarBṛS. BhP. v, 22, 12) ChUp. vii, 1, 5 R. &c
- • wandering about, travelling W.
- • 'proceeding', See kāma-
- • practising MBh. v, 1410
- • a bond, fetter L.
- • a prison L.
- • Buchanania latifolia Bhpr.
• n. a factitious poison L. (v. l. for vāra)
- • (ī), f. a particular step (in dancing)
- • a trap, snare HPariś. i, 353
- ○cakṣus mfn. = -dṛś Mn. ix, 256 R. iii, 37, 9
- • n. a spy employed like an eye Yājñ. ii, 3/4
- ○caṇa mfn. graceful in gait W.
- ○cuñcu mfn. id. W.
- ○jyā for cara-
- ○tūla n. (= cāmara) a chowrie Gal.
- ○dṛś mfn. 'spy-eyed', employing spies like eyes Naish. i, 13
- ○patha m. a cross-way L.
- ○pāla m. a secret agent Divyâv. xxxvii
- ○puruṣa m. a spy Hariv. 10102 Kād.
- ○bhaṭa m. a (valorous) soldier Bhartṛ. Hcar. vii
- • (ī), f. heroism L.
- ○vāyu m. summer-air L.
- cārâdhikāra m. a spy's office or duty Bālar. iv, 11/12
- cārâdhikārin m. = ○rapāla Kathās. ciii, 79
- cārântarita m. id. W.
- cārêkṣaṇa mfn. = ○ra-dṛś Śiś. ii, 82
- cāraka mfn. ifc. proceeding R. iii, 66, 18
- • (√car, Caus.) setting in motion MBh. xiv, 42, 29
- • composed by Caraka Pāṇ. 4-3, 107 Kāś.
- • m. a spy MBh. ii, 172 (cf. Pañcat. ī) and iv, 911
• (√car, Caus. Pāṇ. 7-3, 34 Kāś.) a driver, herdsman (cf. go-) L.
- • = bhojaka L.
- • an associate, companion (saṃcāraka) L.
- • a fetter L.
- • a prison Lalit. xv Daś. vii
- • Buchanania latifolia L.
- • (ikā), f. 'a female attendant', See antaḥpura-
- • journey (of Buddha) Lalit. Divyâv.
- • a cock-roach Npr.
- ○tri-rātra m. a particular ceremony lasting three days (prescribed by Caraka or by the Carakas?) Pāṇ. 6-2, 97 Kāś.
- cārakīṇa mfn. fit for a wandering religious student (cáraka) Pāṇ. 5-1, 11
- cāraṭikā f. the indigo plant L.
- cāraṭī f. Flacourtia cataphracta Car. vi, 14, 36 Bhpr. vii, 64, 6
- • Hibiscus mutabilis L. (○riṭī Gal.)
cāraṇa mfn. depending on a Vedic school (caraṇa) Āp.
- • belonging to the same Vedic school ('reading the scripture' W.) Gaut.
- • m. a wandering actor or singer Mn. xii, 44 MBh. v, 1039 and 1442 VarBṛS. Pañcat. &c
- • a celestial singer
- MBh. R. Śak. BhP. Gīt. i, 2
- • a spy BhP. iv, 16, 12 Bālar.
- • n. (√car, Caus.) 'pasturing, tending', See go-
- • a kind of process applied to mercury
- • (ī), f. a female celestial singer Bālar. ix, 21/22 ff
- • Hibiscus mutabilis Npr.
- ○tva n. a wandering actor's profession, dancing Rājat. v, 418
- ○dāra m. pl. wandering actors' wives, female dancers Mn. viii, 362
- cāraṇâika-maya mf(ī)n. inhabited only by wandering actors Kathās. xxiii, 85
- cāraṇavidya or m. pl. (fr. caranavidyā) N. of a school of AV. Caraṇ.
- cāraṇaḍvaidya m. pl. (fr. caranavidyā) N. of a school of AV. Caraṇ.
- cā́ratha mfn. wandering RV. viii, 46, 31
- cārāyaṇa m. patr. (fr. cara g. 1. naḍâdi) N. of an author Vātsyāy. Introd. and i, 4, 25 ; 5, 22 and 37
- • (ī), f. Pāṇ. 4-1, 63 Kāś.
- cārāyaṇaka mfn. derived from the Cārāyaṇas Pāṇ. 4-3, 80 Kāś.
- cārāyaṇīya mfn. composed by Cārāyaṇa (a Śikshā)
- • m. pl. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 89 Sch., not in Kāś.) Cārāyaṇa's school (of the black Yajur-veda) Caraṇ.
- cārika See brahma-, māsa-
- • (ā), f. See ○raka
- cāriṭī f. See ○raṭī
- cārita mfn. set in motion Rājat. iv, 653
- • caused to be done by (instr.) MBh. xii, 11584. [Page 393, Column 3]
- cāritârthya n. (fr. caritârtha) attainment of an object KapS. iii, 69
- • fitness R. (B) i, 2, 38 Sch.
- cāritra m. (√car, cf. śāmitra) 'moving', N. of a Marut Hariv. 11547
- • n. (= car○) proceeding, manner of acting, conduct R. iii, iv Pañcat. (ifc. f. ā)
- • good conduct, good character, reputation Hariv. 10204 Nal. R. &c. ('life in accordance with the 5 great vows' Jain.)
- • peculiar observance, peculiarity of customs or conditions W.
- • a ceremony Buddh. L.
- • (ā), f. the tamarind tree L.
- ○kavaca mfn. cased in the armour of good conduct W.
- ○vatī f. N. of a Samādhi Buddh. L.
- ○siṃha-gaṇi m. N. of an author
- cāritrin mfn. of good conduct Subh.
- cāritrya n. good conduct MBh. R. &c
- cārin mfn. moving MBh. vii, 372
- • ifc. moving, walking or wandering about, living, being (e.g. ambu-, eka-, kha-, giri-, &c., qq. vv
- • nimeṣântara-, 'going in an instant' MBh. Hariv. 9139)
- • acting, proceeding, doing, practising (e.g. dharma-, bahu-, brahma-, &c., qq.vv.) MBh. xiv, 759 R. &c
- • living on Suśr.
- • 'coming near', resembling, See padma-cāriṇī
- • m. a foot-soldier MBh. vi, 3545
- • a spy Āp.
- • (iṇī), f. the plant Karuṇī L.
- cāri-vāc f. Karkaṭa-śṛiṅgī W.
- cārya n. espionage Kathârṇ.
- cāramika mfn. = caramam adhī7te veda vā g. vasantâdi
- cārāyaṇa ○rita, &c. See cāra
- cā́ru mf(us)n. (√2. can) agreeable, approved, esteemed, beloved, endeared, (Lat.) carus, dear (with dat. or loc. of the person) RV. VS. xxxv, 17 TS. iii TBr. iii, 1, 1, 9 SāṅkhŚr. i, 5, 9
- • pleasing, lovely, beautiful, pretty RV. AV. MBh. &c
- • ind. so as to please, agreeably (with dat.) RV. ix, 72, 7 and 86, 21 AV. vii, xii, xiv
- • beautifully Hariv. Caurap.
- • m. (in music) a particular vāsaka
- • N. of Bṛihaspati L.
- • of a son of Kṛishṇa Hariv. 6699 BhP. x, 61, 9
- • of a Cakra-vartin Buddh.
- • n. (v. l. for vara) saffron L. Sch.
- • (vii), f. a beautiful woman L.
- • splendour L.
- • moonlight L.
- • intelligence L.
- • N. of Kubera's wife L.
- ○karṇa mfn. beautiful-eared W.
- ○kesarā f. 'beautiful-filamented', a kind of Cyperus L.
• another plant (taruṇī) L.
- ○garbha m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa Hariv. 6698 and 9182
- ○giri m. N. of a mountain
- ○gīti f. 'pretty Gīti', a kind of metre
- ○gucchā f. 'beautiful-graped' a vine Gal.
- ○gupta m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa Hariv. 6698 and 9182
- ○ghoṇa mfn. handsome-nosed W.
- ○candra m. N. of a son of Kṛishna BhP. x, 61, 9
- ○caryā f. N. of wk
- • -śataka n. N. of wk
- ○citra m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, 4543 ; vii, 5594
- • ○trâṅgada m. id., i, 2730
- ○tama mfn. most beloved (with dat.) RV. v, 1, 9
- • most beautiful, i, 62, 6
- ○tā f. = -tvá AitBr. iv, 17
- • loveliness, beauty Kum. Mālav. ii, 26/27 Śāntiś. VP.
- ○tvá n. endearedness RV. x, 70, 9
- ○datta m. N. of a Brāhman Mṛicch.
- • of a merchant's son Hit. i, 9, 5/6 (vḷ. -danta)
- ○darśanā f. a good-looking woman Nal. xvii, 13 R. i, 2, 12
- ○dāru m. Hibiscus populneoides Npr.
- ○deva m. N. of the father of the author of Hcat.
- ○deṣṇa m. N. of a son of Gaṇḍūsha Hariv. 1940
- • of a son of Kṛishṇa MBh. i, iii, xiii Hariv. LiṅgaP. i, 69, 68 BhP. i, 11, 18
- ○deha m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa, x, 61, 8
- ○dharman v. l. for -varman
- ○dhāman m. N. of a plant (?) W.
- ○dhāmā or f. N. of Indra's wife Śacī L.
- ○dhārā f. N. of Indra's wife Śacī L.
- ○dhiṣṇya m. N. of one of the 7 Ṛishis in the 11th Manv-antara Hariv. (v. l. for uru-)
- ○nālaka n. red lotus
- ○netra mf(ā)n. beautiful-eyed Hariv. 11789 R. v, 22, 29
- • m. a kind of antelope Gal.
- • (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras MBh. ii, 392
- ○pattra-maya mfn. made of beautiful leaves Hcat.
- ○pada m. N. of a son of Namasyu BhP. ix, 20, 2
- ○parṇī f. 'handsome-leaved', Paederia foetida L.
- ○puṭa m. (in music) a kind of measure
- ○pratīka (cā́ru-), mfn. lovely appearance RV. ii, 8, 2
- ○phalā f. = -gucchā L.
- ○bāhu m. 'handsome-armed', N. of a son of Kṛishṇa Hariv. 6698 and 9183
- ○bhadra m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa ib.
- ○mat mfn. lovely W.
- • m. N. of a Cakra-vartin Buddh.
- • (tī), f. N. of a daughter of Kṛishṇa Hariv. 6699 and 9183
- • of a female attendant Caṇḍ.
- ○mati m. N. of a parrot Kathās. lxxii, 238
- ○mukha mfn. handsome-faced W.
- • (ī), f. a metre of 4 x 10 syllables
- ○yaśas m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa MBh. xiii LiṅgaP. i, 69, 69. [Page 394, Column 1]
- ○ratha N. of a forest BrahmaP. ii, 11
- ○rava mfn. having an agreeable voice (the Krauñca bird) R. i, 2, 32
- ○rāvā f. = -dhāmā L.
- ○rūpa mfn. = -pratīka MBh. i, 197, 39
- • m. N. of an adopted son of Asamaujas Hariv. i, 38, 8
- ○locana mf(ā)n. = -netra Hariv. R.
• m. an antelope L.
- • (ā), f. a fine-eyed woman W.
- ○vaktra mfn. = -mukha R. v, 22, 29
- • m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. ix, 2575
- ○vadana See cārv-ad○
- ○vardhanā f. a woman L.
- ○varman m. N. of a man VP. v, 37, 42
- ○vaha mfn. Pāṇ. 6-3, 121 Pat.
- ○vāc See cārvāc
- ○vādin mfn. sounding beautifully
- ○vinda m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa Hariv. 6698 ; 9182
- ○vṛkṣa m.= -dāru Npr.
- ○veṇī f. 'a handsome braid'
- • N. of a river
- ○veśa m. 'well-dressed' MBh. xiii, 621
- ○veṣa m. id., N. of a son of Kṛishṇa LiṅgaP. i, 69, 68
- ○vratā f. a female who fasts for a whole month L.
- ○śilā f. 'beautiful stone', a jewel L.
- ○śīrṣa m. N. of a man MBh. xiii, 1300
- ○śravas m. (= -yaśas) N. of a son of Kṛishṇa MBh. xiii, 621 LiṅgaP. i, 69, 69
- ○saṃkāśin mfn. = -pratīka AV. Paipp. xx, 5, 5
- ○sarvâṅga mf(ī)n. one whose limbs are all beautiful R. i
- • -darśana mfn. id. Nal. xii, 18
- ○sāra n. 'essence of what is lovely', gold Gal.
- ○hāsin mfn. smiling sweetly Nal. iii, x R. iii VP.
- • (inī), f. a metre of 4 x 14 syllabic instants
- cāruka m. the seed of Saccharum Śara Bhpr. v, 8, 82
- • N. of a man VP. v, 37, 42
- cārv in comp. for ○ru
- ○adana mfn. having beautiful teeth AV. Paipp. xx, 5, 5 (? or for ○ru-vad○ = -mukha)
- ○āghāṭa
- ○āghāta mfn. playing well on an instrument (?) Pāṇ. 3-2, 49 Vārtt. 2
- ○āṭa mfn. (said of a Muhūrta), Tantr
- ○ādi a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 6-2, 160
- cārvāc mfn. (for ○ru-v○) speaking nicely AV. Paipp. xx, 5, 5
- cārcika mfn. conversant with the repetition of words (carcā), g. ukthâdi
- cārcikya n. (= carc○) smearing the body with unguents L.
- cārma mfn. made of hide or leather (cárman) Pāṇ. 6-4, 144 Vārtt. 2
- • covered with leather (a car) L. Sch.
- • defended by a hide W.
- cārmaṇa mfn. covered with leather (a car) Pāṇ. 6-4, 170 Kāś.
- • n. a multitude of hides or shields, g. bhikṣâdi
- cārmika mfn. leathern Mn. viii, 289
- cārmikāyaṇi m. patr. fr. carmin Pāṇ. 4-1, 158 Vārtt. 2
- cārmikya n. the duty of a shield-bearer (carmika), g. purohitâdi
- cārmiṇa n. a number of men armed with shields, g. bhikṣâdi
- cārmīya mfn. fr. cárman g. utkarâdi
- cārya See cāra
- cārvāka m. (for ○ru-v○, = cārvāc s.v. cā́ru) N. of a Rākshasa (friend of Duryodhana, who took the shape of a mendicant Brāhman, when Yudhishṭhira entered Hāstina-pura in triumph, and reviled him, but was soon detected and killed by the real Brāhmans) MBh. i, 349 ; ix, 3619 ; xii, 1414
- • N. of a materialistic philosopher (whose doctrines are embodied in the Bārhaspatya-sūtras) Vedântas. Śīl. Rājat. iv, 345 Prab. Madhus.
- • a follower of Cārvāka Sarvad.
- • mfn. composed by Cārvāka Prab. ii, 18/19 Sch.
- ○darśana n. the doctrine of Cārvāka W.
- ○mata n. id
- • -nibarhaṇa n. 'refutation of Cārvāka's doctrine', N. of Śaṃkar. xxv
- cāla m. (√cal g. jvalâdi) 'moving', danta-
- • looseness of the teeth VarBṛS. lxvi, 5 Sch.
- • a thatch, roof L.
- • (for cā́ṣa) the blue jay L.
- cālaka m. a restive elephant (said of a person Rājat. viii, 1644) L.
- • 'id.' and '= cākrika' Śiś. v
- cālana n. causing to move, shaking, wagging (the tail), making loose MBh. v, 2651 ; xvi, 267 R. vii, 16, 26 Suśr. Pañcat. Bhartṛ.
- • moving action (of the wind) BhP. iii, 26, 37
- • throwing off (niḥsāraṇa
- • 'muscular action' W.), x, 44, 5
- • a term in astr
- • causing to pass through a strainer W.
- • a strainer L. Sch.
- • (ī), f. id. Cāṇ. (cf. Subh.) VS. xix, 16 Sch.
- cālanikā f. = ○nī KātyŚr. xix, 2, 8 Sch.
- cālanīya mfn. to be moved or shaken W.
- cālya mfn. id. Gol. xi, 4 Sch.
- • (a- neg.) MBh. xiii, 2161
- • to be loosened Suśr. vi, 15, 15
- • to be caused to deviate BhP. ii, 7, 17
- cālikya = ○lukya Inscr. (489 AḌ.)
- cāluki m. N. of a prince
- cālukya m. N. of a dynasty Inscr. [Page 394, Column 2]
- cālya See cāla
- cā́ṣa m. the blue jay RV. x, 97, 13 RPrāt. Mn. xi, 132 Yājñ. i, 175 MBh. &c
- • sugar-cane L.
- • mfn. relating to a blue jay Pāṇ. 4-3, 156 Vārtt. 4 Pat.
- ○maya mfn. consisting of blue jays Hcar.
- ○vaktra m. 'jay-faced', N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. ix, 2578
- • m. pl. a class of spirits, x, 268
- cāsa wrong spelling for cāṣa
- cāhava N. of a dynasty, Ratnak
- cāhuvāṇa
- cāḍhūāṇa N. of a prince of Hammīra's family ŚārṅgP. Introd
- • of a dynasty, Ratnak
- ci cl. 5. cinóti, ○nute (1. pl. cinumas and ○nmas Pāṇ. 6-4, 107
- • perf. cikāya and cicāya, vii, 3, 58
- • 2. cicetha, 2, 61 Kāś.
- • 3. pl. cikyúr AV. x, 2, 4
- • p. cikivas Kāṭh. xxii, 6
- • Ā. cikye and cicye Vop. xii, 2
- • p. cikyāná TS. v ; 2nd fut. p. ceṣyat Lāṭy. ; 1st fut. cetā Pāṇ. 7-2, 61 Kāś.
- • aor. acaiṣīt Kāś. on iii, 1, 42 and vii, 2, 1
- • Ved. cikayām akar, iii, 1, 42 Kāś.
- • 1. sg. acaiṣam, 2. sg. acais Kāṭh. xxii, 6
- • 3. pl. acaiṣur Bhaṭṭ.
- • Ā. aceṣṭa Pāṇ. 1-2, 11 Kāś.
• Prec. ceṣīṣṭa ib., or cīyāt, vii, 4, 25 Kāś.
- • ind. p. citvā́ AV. &c
- • Pass. cīyate MuṇḍUp. &c
- • fut. cāyiṣyate & ceṣy○ Cond. acāyiṣyata & aceṣy○ Pāṇ. 6-4, 62 Kāś.) to arrange in order, heap up, pile up, construct (a sacrificial altar
• P., if the priests construct the altar for another
- • Ā., if the sacrificer builds it for himself) AV. VS. TS. v Kāṭh. ŚBr.
- • to collect, gather together, accumulate, acquire for one's self MuṇḍUp. MBh. i, v
- • to search through (for collecting
- • √2. ci) MBh. v, 1255 Kām. (cf. Pañcat.)
- • to cover, inlay, set with MBh.
- • Pass. cīyate, to become covered with Suśr. v, 8, 31
- • to increase, thrive Mudr. i, 3 Kpr. x, 52 a/b (cf. Sāh.): Caus. cayayati and capay○, to heap up, gather Dhātup. xxxii, 85
- • cāyayati and cāpay○ Pāṇ. 6-1, 54: Desid. cikīṣate (also ○ti, vii, 3, 58 Kāś.) to wish to pile up ŚBr. ix KātyŚr. xvi
- • cicīṣati (Pāṇ. 7-3, 58 Kāś. ; vi, 4, 16, [ed. viviiṣ○] Kāś.) to wish to accumulate or collect Kir. ii, 19 ; iii, 11: Desid. Caus. (p. cicīṣayat) to cause any one to wish to arrange in order Bhaṭṭ. iii, 33: Intens. cecīyate Kāś. on Pāṇ. 7-3, 58 ; 4, 25 and 82
- caya mfn. 'collecting', See vṛtaṃ-
- • m. (iii, 3, 56 Kāś.
- • g. vṛṣâdi) a mound of earth (raised to form the foundation of a building or raised as a rampart) MBh. iii, 11699 Hariv. R. Pañcat.
- • a cover, covering W.
- • a heap, pile, collection, multitude, assemblage MBh. Hariv. &c
- • (in med.) accumulation of the humors (cf. saṃ-) Suśr.
- • the amount by which each term increases, common increase or difference of the terms, Bījag. (cf. agni-)
- cayaka mfn. = caye kuśala g. ākarṣâdi
- cáyana n. piling up (wood &c.) AV. xviii, 4, 37 ŚBr. ix f. KātyŚr. xvi Hariv. 2161 Sch.
- • stacked wood MBh. iii, vii, xiv
- • collecting W.
- cayanīya mfn. to be heaped or collected (puṇya) Vop. xxvi, 3
- cít mfn. ifc. 'piling up', See agni-, ūrdhva-, and pūrva-cít
- • (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 92) forming a layer or stratum, piled up VS. i, xii TS. i (cf. kaṅka-, karma-, cakṣuś-, droṇa-, prâṇa-, manaś-, rathacakra-, vāk-, śyena-, and śrotra-cít.)
- citá mfn. piled up, heaped RV. i, 112, 17 ; 158, 4 AV. &c
- • placed in a line RV. vii, 18, 10
- • collected, gained MuṇḍUp.
- • forming a mass (hair) Buddh. L.
- • covered, inlaid, set with MBh. R. &c
- • n. 'a building', See pakvêṣṭaka-
- • (ā), f. a layer, pile of wood, funeral pile Lāṭy. viii MBh. &c
- • a heap, multitude L.
- ○vistara m. a kind of ornament Buddh. L.
- citâgni see. ○tâgni
- citâidha mfn. relating to a pile of wood AitBr. iv, 10, 15
- citā f. of ○tá
- ○"ṣgni (○tâg○), m. a funeral pile MBh. iii, xiii Kathās. īc, 1 Vet.
- ○cūḍaka n. 'funeral pile mark', a sepulchre L.
- ○caityacihna n. id. Hcar. vi
- ○"ṣdhirohaṇa (○tâdh○), n. ascending the funeral pile Ragh. viii, 56
- ○dhūma m. smoke rising from a funeral pile Kathās.
- ○"ṣnala (○tân○), m. = ○tâgni, xviii, 147
- ○praveśa m. = ○tâdhirohaṇa Siṃhâs.
- ○bhūmi f. 'pile place', N. of a locality ŚivaP. i, 38, 19
- cíti f. a layer (of wood or bricks &c.), pile, stack, funeral pile TS. v ŚBr. vi, viii Pāṇ. 3-3, 41 Mn. iv, 46 MBh. &c. (metrically ○tī Hariv. 2227 and 12360)
- • N. of ŚBr. xiii
- • collecting, gathering W.
- • a heap, multitude Prab. ii, 17
- • an oblong with quadrangular sides W. (cf. idhma-
- • amṛta- and ṛṣi-cití.) [Page 394, Column 3]
- ○kḷpti f. the arrangement of a sacrificial altar, Śulbas. ii, 80
- ○ghana m. the total amount of all the members of an arithmetical progression Āryabh. ii, 21
- ○purīṣá n. pl. the layer (of wood &c.) and the rubble-stones ŚBr. viii
- • n. du. id. KātyŚr. xvii
- ○vat ind. like a pile, xxi
- ○vyavahāra m. calculation of the cubic measure of a pile
- city-agni m. pl. the bricks used for the sacrificial fire ĀpŚr. xiv, 8, 6
- citikā f. a pile, funeral pile Pañcat. iii, 4, 12
- • ifc. 'a layer', See páñca- and sápta-citika
- • a small chain worn round the loins L.
- citī f. for ○ti, q.v
- citīka (ifc. after numerals Pāṇ. 6-3, 127), 'a layer', See éka-, trí-, páñca-
- cítya mfn. (iii, 1, 132) to be arranged in order AV. x, 2, 8
- • to be piled up ŚBr. vi
- • (with or without agni, the fire) constructed upon a foundation (of bricks &c.) TS. v AitBr. v, 28 ŚBr. ii, vi KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr.
- • (fr. 1. -cíti) coming from the funeral pile or from the place of cremation R. i, 58, 10
- • n. = ○tā-cūḍaka L. (cf. R. i, 58, 10)
- • (ā), f. 'piling up', building (an altar. &c.), agni-cityā́, maṭha-
- • 'a layer, stratum', See catuścitya
- • a funeral pile L.
- ○yūpa m. a post on the place of cremation Gobh. iii, 3, 34
- cītí f. collecting AV. ii, 9, 4
- cetavyá mfn. to be piled up TS. v ŚBr. vi ; ix, 5, 1, 64 Bhaṭṭ. ix, 13
- • = cayanīya Vop. xxvi, 3
ceya mfn. (cf. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 97 and 132
- • on vi, 1, 213) to be piled MBh. xii, 10745
- • = cayanīya Vop. xxvi, 3
- ci Ved. cl. 3. (ciketi, fr. √ki Dhātup. xv, 19
- • Impv. ciketu TS.
- • Subj. Ā. cíketa
- • impf. aciket RV. x, 51, 3
- • aor. 2. pl. Ā. ácidhvam RV.
- • 3. sg. acait [fr. √4. cit Gmn.], vi, 44, 7) to observe, perceive (with acc. or gen.) RV. Kāṭh. viii, 10
- • to fix the gaze upon, be intent upon RV. v, 55, 7 TS. iii
- • to seek for RV. vi, 44, 7: Class. cl. 5. cinoti (p. ○nvat, Ā. ○nvāna) to seek for, investigate, search through, make inquiries (cf. √1. ci) MBh. iii, 2659 Bhartṛ. Kathās. xxvi, 136: Intens. cekite, See √4. cit ; [Lat. scio.]
- cit mfn. ifc. 'knowing', See ṛta-cít
- • 'giving heed to' or 'revenging [guilt, ṛṇa-]', ṛṇa-
- cetṛ m. an observer ŚvetUp. vi, 11
- ci cl. 1. cáyate (p. cáyamāna) to detest, hate (cf. Nir. iv, 25) RV. i, 167, 8 and 190, 5 ; vii, 52, 2
- • to revenge, punish, take vengeance on (acc.), ii, 27, 4 ; ix, 47, 2 AitBr. ii, 7
- • [cf. ápaciti, kāti
- • ? ?, ?, ?, ?.]
- caya mfn. ifc. 'revenging', See ṛṇaṃ-
- cit mfn. ifc. 'id.', See 2. cit
- cetṛ́ m. a revenger RV. vii, 60, 5
- cikariṣu mfn. (√1. kṝ Desid.) desirous to cast or throw or pour out W.
- cikartiṣā f. (√2. kṛt Desid.) desire to cut off Daś. xii, 19
- cikartiṣu mfn. desirous to cut off Śiś. i, 49
- • desirous to disembowel Siṃhâs. xxix, 2
- cikaśa = cikkasa? Kauś. 21
- cikāriṣu mfn. (√1. kṛ, Caus. Desid.) intending to have made (or built) Siṃhâs.
- cikít ○kita, ○kitāná, &c. See p. 395
- cikina mfn. flat-nosed Pāṇ. 5-2, 33
- • flat (the chin) Hcar.
- • n. flat-nosedness Pāṇ. 5-2, 33 (cf. cikka, cipiṭa.)
- cikila = ○khalla W.
- cikīraṣā See ○rṣā
- cikīrṣ mfn. (√kṛ Desid.) wishing to do Vop.
cikīrṣaka mfn. id. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 58 and vi, 1, 193
- cikīrṣā f. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 102 Kāś.) intention or desire to make or do or perform (generally ifc.) MBh. i R. i, v Pāṇ. 2-3, 66 Kāś. (with gen.) BhP. ii f
- • (○raṣā) xi, 9, 26
- • desire for (gen. or in comp.) MBh. i, 1860 and 5172 Hariv. 4907
- cikīrṣita n. 'intended to be done, designed', purpose, design, intention Mn. iv, vii MBh. R. &c
- cikīrṣu mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 168 Kāś.) intending to make or do or perform (with acc. or ifc.) MBh. R. Pāṇ. 2-3, 69 Kāś. BhP. Kathās.
- • wishing to exercise one's self in the use of (acc.) MBh. viii, 1965
- • cf. upahārī-
- cikīrṣuka mfn. = ○rṣ (with acc.), vi, 48, 83. [Page 395, Column 1]
- cikīrṣya mfn. to be wished to be done, to be intended Pāṇ. 6-1, 185 Kāś.
- cikura mfn. inconsiderate, rash L.
- • m. the hair of the head (also cihura m. pl. L. Sch.) Gīt. vii, xii Rājat. viii, 367 Naish. vii, 108
- • hair (of a chowrie) Bālar. iv, 10/11
- • a mountain L.
- • N. of a plant L.
- • a snake L.
- • N. of a Nāga MBh. v, 3640
- • a kind of bird L.
- • a musk-rat (cf. cikka, cikkira) L.
- ○kalâpa m. a mass of hair, tuft of hair L.
- ○nikara m. id
- ○pakṣa m. id
- ○pāśa m. id. L.
- ○bhāra m. id. L.
- ○racanā f. id. L.
- ○hasta m. id. L.
- cikurôccaya m. id. L.
- cikurita mfn. ? Daś. viii, 146
- cikūra for ○kura, the hair L.
- ciketas See na-
- cikk cl. 10. P.=√cakk Dhātup.
- cikka mfn. flat-nosed Pāṇ. 5-2, 33 Vārtt. 1
- • n. flat-nosedness ib.
- • m. (= cikura) a musk-rat L.
- • (ā), f. a mouse L.
- • (= cikkaṇa) a betel-nut L.
- • for chikkā? PSarv.
- cikkaṇa mf(ā)n. smooth, slippery, unctuous MBh. xii, 6854 ; xiv, 1416 Suśr. Śak.
- • (ati-, very smooth') KātyŚr. xxvi, 1, 4 Sch.
- • m. the betel-nut tree L.
- • n. any smooth liquid, gum VarBṛ. iii, 7 Sch.
- • the betel-nut L.
- • (ā, ī), f. id. L. (ā), f. an excellent cow (○kkiṇā W.) L.
○kantha n. N. of a town, g. cihaṇâdi (vḷ. citk○)
- ○tā f. smoothness Suśr.iv, 9, 20
- ○tva n. id. W.
- cikkiṇa mfn. smooth L.
- • (ā), f. See ○kkaṇā
- cikkasa m. n. barley-meal L.
- cikkiṇa See ○kkaṇa
- cikkira m. a kind of mouse (cf. cikura, chikkara) Suśr. v, 6, 2 Ashṭâṅg. vi, 38, 1
- cikraṃsā f. (√kram Desid.) desire of attacking or springing upon W.
- cikrīḍiṣā f. (√krīd Desid.) desire to play BhP. iii, 7, 3
- cikrīḍiṣu mfn. desiring to play HPariś. ii, 454
- ciklida m. (√klid) = kledan L.
- • n. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 12 Kāś.) moisture W.
- cikhalla m. (g. pṛṣodarâdi Gaṇar. 149 Sch.) mud mire L. Sch.
- • (used in Prākṛit.)
- cikhalli m. .pl. N. of a people Pāṇ. 3-3, 41 Kāś.
- cikhādiṣu mfn. (√khād Desid.) desiring to eat MBh. x, 483 Hariv. 16004
- cikhyāpayiṣā f. (√khyā, Caus. Desid.) the intention to communicate Nyāyas. i, 1, 7 Sch.
- ciṅgaṭa m. ○ṭī f. a shrimp L.
- ciṅgaḍa m. id. L. (cf. uc-ciṅgaṭa.)
- cicariṣu mfn. (√car Desid.) trying to go ŚāṅkhBr. xxv, 13
- cicaliṣu mfn. (√cal Desid.) being about to set out Rājat. viii, 812
- ciciṇḍa m. ○ḍā f. the gourd Trichosanthes anguina Bhpr. v, 9, 63 f
- cicīkucī and ○kūcī, See cīc○
- cicīṣat p. Desid. √1. ci, q.v
- cic-candrikā See √4. cit
- cicciká m. a kind of bird RV. x, 146, 2 TBr. ii, 5, 5, 6
- cic-ciṭiṅga -chakti, See √4. cit
- cicchitsu mfn. (√chid Desid.) intending to cut off MBh. vii, 6001
- cic-chila See √4. cit
- cic-chuka and for cit-sukha and ○khī
- cic-chuḍkī for cit-sukha and ○khī
- ciñcā f. the tamarind tree Bhpr. v, 9, 27 and 26, 75 ; vii, 18, 95
- • (g. harītaky-ādi), its fruit ib. (cf. kāka-)
- ○"ṣmla (○câm○), n. Rumex vesicatorius (or = sāra Npr.) L.
- ○sāra m. id. L.
- ciñcāṭaka v. l. for ○JcoT○ W.
- ciñcikā f. = ○ñcā Bhpr. v, 26, 167
- ciñciṇī f. the tamarind tree ŚārṅgP.
- • (onomat.) ind., HaṃsUp. (also ciṇī). [Page 395, Column 2]
- ciñcinī f. 'rich in tamarind trees', N. of a town Kathās. iii, 9
- ciñcī f. Abrus precatorius W.
- ciñcoṭaka m. the plant Krauñcâdana L.
- ciṭ (derived from ceṭa), cl. 1. P. ceṭati, to send out Dhātup. ix, 28
- ciṭiṅga See uc- and cic-
- ciṭiciṭāya (onomat.) ○yate, to make a hissing noise Divyâv. xxxviii
- ciṇī (onomat.) See ciñciṇī
- cit. 2. 3 See √1. 2. 3. ci
- cit cl. 1. cétati (impf. acetat RV. vii, 95, 2
- • p. cétat RV.), cl. 2. (Ā. Pass. 3ṣg. cité, x, 143, 4
- • p. f. instr. citantyā, i, 129, 7
- • Ā. citāna, ix, 101, 11 VS. x, 1), cl. 3. irreg. cīhetati (RV.
- • Subj. ciketat RV.
- • Impv. 2. sg. cikiddhi RV.
- • p. cikitāná RV.
- • perf. cikéta RV. &c
- • ciceta Vop. viii, 37
- • 3. du. cetatur AV. iii, 22, 2
- • Ā. and Pass. cikité RV. &c
- • 3. pl. ○tre RV.
- • for p. cikitvás, See s.v
- • Ā. Pass. cicite Bhaṭṭ. ii, 29
- • aor. acetīt Vop. viii, 35
- • Ā. Pass. áceti and céti RV.
- • for acait See √2. ci
- • fut. 1st céttā, i, 22, 5) to perceive, fix the mind upon, attend to, be attentive, observe, take notice of (acc. or gen.) RV. SV. AV. Bhaṭṭ.
- • to aim at, intend, design (with dat.) RV. i, 131, 6 ; x, 38, 3
- • to be anxious about, care for (acc. or gen.), i, ix f
- • to resolve, iii, 53, 24 ; x, 55, 6
- • to understand, comprehend, know (perf. often in the sense of pr.) RV. AV. vii, 2, 1 and 5, 5
- • P. Ā. to become perceptible, appear, be regarded as, be known RV. VS. x, xv: Caus. cetáyati, ○te (2. pl. cetáyadhvam Subj. cetayat Impv. 2. du. cetayethām impf. ácetayat RV.
- • 3. pl. citáyante RV.
- • p. citáyat RV. (eleven times)
- • cetáyat, x, 110, 8, &c
- • Ā. cetayāna See s.v.) to cause to attend, make attentive, remind of. i, 131, 2 and iv, 51, 3
- • to cause to comprehend, instruct, teach RV.
- • to observe, perceive, be intent upon RV. MBh. xii, 9890 Kathās. xiii, 10
- • Ā. (once P. MBh. xviii, 74) to form an idea in the mind, be conscions of, understand, comprehend, think, reflect upon TS. vi ŚBr. ChUp. vii, 5, 1 MBh. BhP. viii, 1, 9 Prab.
- • P. to have a right notion of. know MBh. iii, 14877
- • P. 'to recover consciousness', awake Bhaṭṭ. viii, 123
- • Ā. to remember, have consciousness of (acc.) Pāṇ. 3-2, 112 Kāś. Bādar. ii, 3, 18 Sch.
- • to appear, be conspicuous, shine RV. TS. iii: Desid. cíkitsati (fr. √kit Pāṇ. 3-1, 5 Dhātup. xxiii, 24
- • exceptionally Ā. MBh. xii, 12544
- • Impv. ○tsatu Subj. ○tsāt aor. 2. sg. ácikitsīs AV.
- • Pass. p. cikitsyamāna Suśr. Pañcat.) to have in view, aim at, be desirous AV. v, 11, 1 ; ix, 2, 3
- • to care for, be anxious about, vi, x
- • (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 5 Siddh.) to treat medically, cure KātyŚr. xxv MBh. i, xii
- Suśr. Pañcat. Bhartṛ.
- • to wish to appear RV. i, 123, 1: Caus. of Desid. (fut. cikitsayiṣyati) to cure Mālav. iv, 4/5, 6 f.: Intens. cekite (fr. √2. ci?, or for ○tte RV. i, 53, 3 and 119, 3 ; ii, 34, 10
- • p. cékitat, ix, 111, 3
- • Ā. cékitāna RV. eight times) to appear, be conspicuous, shine RV.
- cikít mfn. knowing, experienced RV. viii, 51, 3 ; 97, 14 and 102, 2
- • shining, x, 3, 1
- cikita m. (g. gargâdi) N. of a man ĀśvŚr. xii
- cikitāná mfn. pr. or perf. p. √cit, q.v
- • m. N. of a man BṛĀrUp. i, 3, 24 Sch.
- cikitāyana m. (cf. caik○) N. of a man ChUp. i, 8, 1 Sch.
- cíkiti mfn. shining,
- cikitú
- cikitú mfn. id. RV. viii, 55, 5 (cíkiti SV.)
- • f. (instr. ○tvā́ understanding (?) AV. vii, 52, 2
- cikitván mfn. attentive RV. viii, 60, 18
- cikitvás mf(○túṣī)n. having observed or noticed, i, 71, 5 ; 125, 1 and 169, 1
- • observing, attending to, attentive RV. TS. iii
- • knowing, understanding, experienced RV.
- • 'shining' (?, Agni) RV.
- • cf. á-
- cikitvít ind. with deliberation, iv, 52, 4
- cikitvin-manas mfn. attentive, v, 22, 3 ['knowing all hearts' Sāy.]
- • well-considered, viii, 95, 5
cikitsaka mfn. (fr. Desid.) a physician ŚBr.xi (ifc.) Mn. iii f. ix Yājñ. i, 162 MBh. Suśr. &c
- cikitsana n. ifc. curing of. MBh. iv, 63
- cikitsā f. medical attendance, practice or science of medicine (esp. therapeutics, one of the six sections of med.), i, 67 ; ii, 224 R. vi, 71, 26 Mṛicch. Suśr. BhP.
- ○kalikā f. N. of two med. treatises (of about 400 verses each) by Tisaṭa
- • -ṭikā f. a Comm. on one of the two treatises by Candraṭa
- ○kaumudī f. N. of a med. work by Kāsī-rāja BrahmaP. i, 16, 15
- ○jñāna n. a med. work. [Page 395, Column 3]
- ○tattvajñāna n. a med. work by Dhanvantari, 13
- ○darpaṇa n. a med. work by Divo-dāsa, 14
- ○paratantra n. a med. work, 15
- ○śāstra n. a manual of med. Sarvad. xv, 390
- cikitsita mfn. treated medically, cured W.
- • m. N. of a man, g. gargâdi (not in Kāś.)
- • n. = ○tsā Mn. x, 47 MBh. iii, 1460 ; iv, 318 Suśr. &c
- • (pl.) the chapters of the therapeutical section (of med.) Suśr. (ifc. f. ā, i, 13, 6)
- cikitsú mfn. wise, cunning AV. x, 1, 1
- • treating medically Naish. iii, 111
- cikitsya mfn. to be treated medically, curable Pāṇ. 5-2, 92 Yājñ. ii, 140 MBh. xii, 418
- cic in comp. for cit
- ○candrikā f. a Comm. on Prab. by Gaṇêśa
- ○ciṭiṅga m. a kind of venomous insect Suśr. v, 8, 3
- ○chakti (-śak○), f. mental power Sarvad. xv
- ○chuka See cit-sukha
- cít mfn. ifc. 'thinking', See a-, duś-, manaś-, vipaś-, and huraś-cít
- • cf. also apa-cit
- • f. thought, intellect, spirit, soul cf. VS. iv, 19 cf. KapS. cf. Bhartṛ. cf. BhP
- • cf. sa- and ā cít
- • pure Thought (Brahma, cf. cf. RTL. p. 34) cf. Vedântas. cf. Prab
- ○páti [VS. iv, 4] or m. the lord of thought
- ○patí [MaitrS. i, 2, 1 ; iii, 6, 3 Pāṇ. 6-2, 19 Kāś.], m. the lord of thought
- ○para n. the Supreme Spirit LiṅgaP. i, 70, 26 (v. l.)
- ○prabhā f. N. of wk
- ○pravṛtti f. thinking, reflection L.
- ○sabhêśânanda-tīrtha m. N. of an author
- ○sukha m. N. of a scholiast on BhP. (pupil of Śaṃkarâcārya SŚaṃkar. iii)
- • (ī), f. N. of Cit-sukha's Comm. on BhP.
- ○svarūpa n. pure thought W.
- cití f. (only dat. ○táye, Ved. inf.) understanding VS.
- • m. the thinking mind Deviim. v, 36 Prab.
- ○mat mfn. having the faculty of thought Bādar. ii, 3, 40 Sch.
- ○śakti f. = cic-chakti Sarvad. xv
- city-upaniṣad f. N. of an Up.
- cittá mfn. 'noticed', See a-cítta
- • 'aimed at', longed for ChUp.vii, 5, 3
- • 'appeared', visible RV. ix, 65, 12
- • n. attending, observing (tiráś cittā́ni, 'so as to remain unnoticed'), vii, 59, 8
- • thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought RV. VS. ŚBr. &c
- • intention, aim, wish RV. VS. AV. TBr. &c
- • (cf. Naigh. iii, 9) the heart, mind TS. i ŚvetUp. vi, 5 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. ā Pañcat.)
- • memory W.
- • intelligence, reason KapS. i, 59 Yogas. i, 37 ; ii, 54 Vedântas.
- • (in astrol.) the 9th mansion VarYogay. iv, 1
- • cf. iha-, cala-, pū́rva-, prā́yaś-, laghu-, su-, sthira-
- ○kalita mfn. 'calculated in one's mind', anticipated W.
- ○kheda m. grief Ratnâv.iv, 20/21 Mn. vii, 151 Sch.
- ○garbhā (○ttá-), f. visibly pregnant RV. v, 44, 5
- ○cārin mfn. acting according to any one's (gen.) wish MBh. iii, 14668
- ○cetasika m. thought Divyâv. xxvi, 81 ff
- ○caura m. 'heart-thief', a lover Vāsav. 376
- ○ja m. 'heart-born', love, god of love Daś. xii, 50
- ○janman m. id., viii, 136 Mālatīm. i, 20
- ○jña mfn. knowing the heart or the intentions of (gen.), knowing human nature Ragh.x, 57 Sāh. iii, 130 (-tā f. abstr.) Subh.
- ○tāpa m. = -kheda Siṃhâs.
- ○dravī-bhāva m. '(melting i. e.) emotion of the heart', -maya mfn. consisting of emotion Sāh. viii, 2,
- ○dhārā f. flow of thoughts Vajr.
- ○nātha m. 'heart-lord', a lover Śiś. x, 28
- ○nāśa m. loss of conscience R. ii, 64, 68
- ○nirvṛti f. contentment of mind, happiness Pañcat. i, 6, 1 (v. l.)
- ○pramāthin mfn. confusing the mind, exciting any one's (gen. or in comp.) passion or love Nal. i, 14 R. i, 9, 4
- ○praśama mfn. satisfied in mind, composed W.
- ○prasanna-tā f. happiness of mind, gaiety L.
- ○prasāda m. id. KapS. vi, 31
- ○prasādana n. gladdening of mind MBh. iii, 1786 Yogas. i, 33
- ○bhava mfn. being in the thoughts, felt W.
- ○bhū m. = -ja W.
- ○bheda m. contrariety of purpose or will Mcar. iii, 31
- ○bhrama m. = -bhrānti Sāh. x, 37 a/b
- • mfn. connected with mental derangement (fever) Bhpr. vii, 8, 71
- • -cikitsā f. 'treatment of mental derangement' a ch. of the Vaidya-vallabha
- ○bhrānti f. confusion of mind Pāṇ. 2-3, 51 Kāś.
- ○moha m. id. R. ii, 64, 67
- ○yoni m. = -ja Ragh. xix, 46
- ○rakṣin mfn. = -cārin MBh. iii, 233, 20
- ○rāga m. affection, desire W.
- ○rāja m. N. of a Roma-vivara Kāraṇḍ. xxiii, 36
○vat mfn. endowed with understanding', in comp
- • experienced ChUp. vii, 5, 2
- • kind-hearted W.
- • -kartṛka mfn. (art.) employing an intelligent agent Pāṇ. 1-3, 88
- ○vikāra m. disturbance of mind MBh. xviii, 74
- ○vikārin mfn. changing anyone's character or feeling Hit.ī, 5, 13
- ○vikṣepa m. absence of mind, Vajr
- ○vināśana mfn. destroying consciousness, g. nandy-ādi
- ○viplava m. disturbance of mind, insanity HYog. i, 24
- ○vibhraṃśa m. id. MBh. xiii, 54, 15. [Page 396, Column 1]
- ○vibhrama m. id., xviii, 74
- • (scil. jvara, cf. -bhrama) a fever connected with mental derangement
- ○viśleṣa m. 'parting of hearts', breach of friendship Pañcat. iv, 7, 10/11
- ○vṛtti f. state of mind, feeling, emotion Śak. Pañcat. Ṛitus. Kathās.
- • continuous course of thoughts (opposed to concentration), thinking, imagining Yogas. i, 2 Bhar. Naish. viii, 47 Sarvad. Hit.
- • disposition of soul Vedântas.
- ○vedanā f. = -kheda W.
- ○vaikalya n. bewilderment of mind, perplexity MBh. x, 112 (○klavya ed. Bomb.)
- ○vaiklavya See ○kalya
- ○śānti m. composedness of mind Siṃhâs. x, 4
- ○saṃhati f. a multitude of thoughts or emotions, many minds W.
- ○saṃkhya mfn. knowing the thoughts W.
- ○samunnati f. pride of heart, haughtiness L.
- ○stha mfn. being in the heart W.
- ○sthita mfn. id. W.
- • m. N. of a Samādhi Buddh. L.
- ○hārin mfn. captivating the heart Daś. v, 183
- ○hṛt mfn. id. W.
- cittâkarṣaṇa n. captivating the heart,
- cittâkarṣin mfn. = ○tta-hārin Mālatīm. v, 20
- cittâkūtá n. sg. thought and intention AV. xi, 9, 1
- cittânubodha m. 'instruction of mind', N. of a work
- cittânuvartin mfn. = ○tta-cārin R. (G) ii, 24, 17 Pañcat. (○rti-tva n. abstr.) Vet. iv, 5 (ifc.)
- cittânuvṛtti mfn. id. Kām. v, 54 (○tti-tva n. abstr.)
- • f. gratification of wishes Ratnâv. iv, 1
- cittâpahāraka
- cittâpaḍhārin mfn. = ○tta-hārin W.
- cittâbhijvalana n. illumination by intellect Bādar. ii, 2, 18 Sch.
- cittâbhoga m. full consciousness L.
- cittârpita mfn. preserved in the heart Naish. ix, 31
- cittâsaṅga m. affection W.
- cittâsukha n. uneasiness of mind VarYogay. ix, 10
- cittâikya n. unanimity W.
- cittôttha m. '= ○tta-ja', the 7th mansion (in astrol.) VarBṛ. i, 20 Sch.
- cittônnatti f. = ○tta-samunn○ L.
- cítti f. thinking, thought, understanding, wisdom RV. ii, 21, 6 ; x, 85, 7 VS. TBr. ii ŚāṅkhŚr. Kauś. 42
- • intention (along with, ā́kūti) AV. BhP. v, 18, 18
- • (pl.) thoughts, devotion, [hence = karman, 'an act of worship' Sāy.] RV.
- • a wise person, i, 67, 5 ; iv, 2, 11
- • 'Thought', N. of the wife of Atharvan and mother of Dadhyac BhP. iv, 1, 42
- • cf. á-, pūrvá-, prā́yaś-
- cittín mfn. intelligent AV. iii, 30, 5
- cittī-kṛta mfn. made an object of thought BhP. iv, 1, 28
- citrá mf(ā́)n. conspicuous, excellent, distinguished RV.
- • bright, clear, bright-coloured RV.
- • clear (a sound) RV.
- • variegated, spotted, speckled (with, instr. or in comp.) Nal. iv, 8 R. Mṛicch. VarBṛS.
- • agitated (as the sea, opposed to sama) R. iii, 39, 12
- • various, different, manifold Mn. ix, 248 Yājñ. i, 287 MBh. &c
- • (execution) having different varieties (of tortures) Mn. ix, 248 Daś. vii, 281
- • strange, wonderful Rājat. vi, 227
- • containing the word citrá ŚBr. vii, 4, 1, 24 KātyŚr. xvii
- • (ám), ind. so as to be bright RV. i, 71, 1 ; vi, 65, 2
- • in different ways R. i, 9, 14
- • (to execute) with different tortures Daś. vii, 380
- • (ás), m. variety of colour L. Sch.
- • Plumbago zeylanica L.
- • Ricinus communis L.
- • Jonesia Aśoka L.
- • a form of Yama Tithyād.
- • N. of a king RV. viii, 21, 18 (cítra)
- • of a Jābāla-gṛihapati (with the patr. Gauśrāyaṇi), KaushBr. xxiii, 5
- • of a king (with the patr. Gāṅgyāyani) KaushUp. i
- • of a son of Dhritarāshṭra MBh. i, vii
- • of a Draviḍa king, Padma P.v, 20, 1 (v. l. ○trâkṣa)
- • of a Gandharva Gal.
- • (ā́), f. Spica virginis, the 12th (in later reckoning the 14th) lunar mansion AV. xix, 7, 3 TS. ii, iv, vii TBr. i ŚBr. ii, &c
- • a kind of snake L.
- • N. of a plant (Salvinia cucullata L.
- • Cucumis maderaspatanus L.
- • a kind of cucumber L.
- • Ricinus communis L.
- • Croton polyandrum or Tiglium L.
- • the Myrobalan tree L.
- • Rubia Munjista L.
- • the grass Gaṇḍadūrvā L.) Car. vii, 12 (= dravanti) Suśr.
- • a metre of 4 X 16 syllabic instants
- • another of 4 x 15 syllables
- • another of 4 x 16 syllables
- • a kind of stringed instrument
- • a kind of Mūrchanā (in music)
- • illusion, unreality L.
- • 'born under the asterism Citrā (Pāṇ. 4-3, 34 Vārtt. 1), N. of Arjuna's wife (sister of Kṛishṇa, = subhadrā L.) Hariv. 1952
- • of a daughter of Gada (or Kṛishṇa, v. l.), 9194
- • of an Apsaras L.
- • of a river Divyâv. xxx
- • of a rock BhP. xii, 8, 17
- • f. pl. the asterism Citrā VarBṛS. xi, 57
- • (ám), n. anything bright or coloured which strikes the eyes RV. VS. TS. ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr. xviii, 9
- • a brilliant ornament, ornament RV. i, 92, 13 ŚBr. ii, xiii
- • a bright or extraordinary appearance, wonder, ii Śak. Pañcat. Bhartṛ. &c
- • (with yadi [Śak. iii, 9/10] or yad [Hariv. 9062 Śak. Kathās. xviii, 359] or fut. [Pāṇ. 3-3, 150 f. ]) strange, curious (e.g. citraṃ badhiro vyākaraṇam adhyeṣyate 'it would be strange if a deaf man should learn grammar' Kāś.) [Page 396, Column 2]
- • strange! Hariv. 15652 Kathās. v, vii Rājat. i, iv
- • the ether, sky L.
- • a spot MBh. xiii, 2605
- • a sectarial mark on the forehead L.
- • = kuṣṭha L.
- • a picture, sketch, delineation MBh. Hariv. 4532 (sa- mfn. = -ga) R. Śak. &c. (ifc. f. ā Megh. 64)
- • variety of colour L.
- • a forest (vana for dhana?) of variegated appearance Sch. on KātyŚr. xxi, 3, 23 and ṢaḍvBr. ii, 10
- • various modes of writing or arranging verses in the shape of mathematical or other fanciful figures (syllables which occur repeatedly being left out or words being represented in a shortened form) Sarasv. ii, 16 Kpr. ix, 8 Sāh.
- • punning in the form of question and answer, facetious conversation, riddle, iv, 14/v Pratāpar. Kuval.
- • a-. and, su-citrá, dā́nu-, vi-
- • caitra
- ○kaṇṭaka m. 'having variegated thorns', Asteracantha longifolia or Tribulus lanuginosus Npr.
- ○kaṇṭha m. 'speckled-throat', a pigeon L.
- ○kathâlāpa-sukha mfn. happy in telling charming stories W.
- ○kambala m. a variegated carpet or cloth (used as an elephant's housing) L.
- ○kara m. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 21) a painter (son of an architect by a Sūdra woman BrahmaP. i
- • or by a gāndhikī Parāś. Paddh.) VarBṛS. Kathās. v, 30
- ○karṇa m. 'speckled-ear', N. of a camel W.
- ○karman n. any extraordinary act, wonderful deed W.
- • magic W.
- • painting Śak. (in Prākṛit) vi, 4/5 (vḷ.) Kathās. lv, 36
- • a painting, picture R. vii, 28, 41 VarBṛS. Kathās. vi, 50 Mn. iii, 64 Sch.
- • mfn. devoted to various occupations BhP. x, 5, 25, m. = -kara W.
- • 'working wonders', a magician W.
- • Dalbergia oujeinensis L.
- • ○rma-vid mfn. skilled in the art of painting W.
- • skilled in magic W.
- ○kavi-tva n. the art of composing verses called citra (q.v.) PSarv.
- ○kāṇḍâlī f. Cissus quadrangularis Npr.
- ○kāya m. 'striped-body', a tiger or panther L.
- ○kāra m.= -kara MBh. v, 5025 R. (G) ii, 90, 18 Sāh.
- • 'wonder', astonishment Lalit. xviii, 134
- ○kuṇḍala m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, 4545 ff
- ○kuṣṭha n. white or spotted leprosy
- ○kūṭa m. 'wonderful peak', N. of a hill and district (the modern Citrakote or Catarkot near Kāmtā, situated on the river Paisuni about 50 miles S.E. of the Bandah in Bundelkhund
- • first habitation of the exiled Rāma and Lakshmaṇa, crowded with temples as the holiest spot of Rāma's worshippers) MBh. iii, 8200 R. i-iii Ragh. xii f. VarBṛS. BhP.
- • a pleasure-hill Daś. viii, 90
- • n. N. of a town Kathās.
- • (ā), f. N. of a river VP.
- • -māhātmya n. 'glory of Citrakote', N. of wk
- ○kūlā f. a kind of Croton Npr.
- ○kṛt mfn. astonishing Śatr.
- • m. = -kara VarBṛS. Kathās. v, 28 Subh.
- • Dalbergia oujeinensis L.
- ○kṛtya n. painting Kathās. lxxi, 82
- ○ketu m. N. of a son (of Garuḍa MBh. v, 3597
- • of Vasishṭha BhP.iv, 1, 4of
- • of Kṛishṇa, x, 61, 12
- • of Lakshmaṇa, ix, 11, 12
- • of Devabhāga, 24, 39)
- • of a Sūraseṇa king, vi, 14, 10 ff
- ○kola m. 'spotted-breast', a kind of lizard L.
- ○kriyā f. = -kṛtya MBh. iv, 1360
- ○kṣatra mfn. whose dominion is brilliant (Agni) RV. vi, 6, 7 (voc.)
- ○ga mf(ā)n. represented in a picture Kathās.v, 31
- ○gata mfn. id. MBh. vi, 1662 Śak. &c
- ○gandha n. 'of various fragrances', yellow orpiment L.
- ○gu m. 'possessing brindled cows', N. of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP. x, 61, 13
- ○gupta m. N. of one of Yama's attendants (recorder of every man's good and evil deeds) MBh. xiii SkandaP. NārP. VārP. Bādar. iii, 1, 15 Sch. Kathās. lxxii
- • (also candra-g○ W.)
- • a secretary of a man of rank (kind of mixed caste)
- • a form of Yama Tithyād.
- • N. of the 16th Arhat of the future Utsarpiṇī, jain. L.
- • of an author (?)
- ○gṛha n. a painted room or one ornamented with pictures RV.
- ○grāvan mfn. stony Daś. xi, 114
- ○grīva m. (= -kaṇṭha) N. of a pigeon-king Pañcat. ii, 2/3 Kathās. lxi Hit.,
- ○ghnī f. 'removing spotted leprosy', N. of a river Hariv. 9516 (v. l. mitra-ghnā)
- ○cāpa m. 'having a variegated bow', N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, 2733
- ○ja mf(a)n. prepared with various substances Hcat.
- ○jalpa m. talking on various things
- ○jña mfn. skilled in composing verses called citra (cf. Sch
- • or 'skilled in painting?') R. vii, 94, 9
- ○taṇḍula m. Embelia Ribes L.
- • (a), f. id. Bhpr. v, 1, 112
- ○tanu m. 'having a speckled body', the partridge Npr.
- ○tala mfn. painted or variegated on the surface W. [Page 396, Column 3]
- ○tāla m. (in music) a kind of measure
- ○tūlikā f. a painter's brush Kād.
- ○tvac m. 'having variegated bark', the birch L.
- ○daṇḍaka m. the cotton plant L. =
- ○darśana m. 'variegated-eyed', N. of a Brāhman changed into a bird Hariv. (vḷ. chidra-d○)
- ○dīpa m. N. of a chapter (prakaraṇa) of the Pañcadaśī.
- ○dṛ́śīka mfn. looking brilliant RV. vi, 47, 5
- ○deva mṆ. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. ix, 2573
- • (ī), f. Mahendra-vāruṇi L.
- ○dhara m. N. of an author
- ○dharman mṆ. of a prince (identified with the Asura Virūpâksha), i, 2659
- ○dhā ind. in a manifold way BhP. iii, vi, x
- ○dhrajati (○trá-), mfn. having a bright course (Agni) RV. vi, 3, 5
- ○dhvaja m. (= -ketu) N. of a man SaddhP. xxiv
- ○nātha m. N. of a son of Dhṛishṭa MatsyaP. xii, 21
- ○netrā f. 'variegated-eyed', the bird Sārikā L.
- ○nyasta mfn. = -ga MBh. ix, 43 Kum. ii, 24 Vikr. (v. l.)
- ○pakṣa m. 'speckled-wing', = -tanu L.
- • a kind of pigeon (cf. -kaṇṭha) Bhpr. v, 10, 69
- • N. of a demon causing head-ache PārGṛ. iii, 6, 3
- ○paṭa m. a painting, picture Hariv. 16001 Daś. Kathās.
- ○paṭṭa m. id. Hariv. 10069
- • -gata mfn. = citra-ga, 9987
- ○paṭṭikā f. = ○ṭṭa W.
- ○pattra m. 'speckled-leaved', Betula Bhojpatra Npr.
- • (ī), f. Commelina salicifolia L.
- ○pattraka m. 'having variegated feathers', a peacock Npr.
- • (ikā), f. the plant Kapittha-parnī L.
- • Droṇa-pushpi L.
- ○pada mfn. full of various (or graceful) words and expressions MBh. iii, 1160 BhP. i, 5, 10
- • n. a metre of 4x23 syllables
- • (ā), f. Cissus pedata L.
- • a metre of 4 x 8 syllables
- • -kramam, ind, at a good or brisk pace W.
- ○parṇikā f. 'speckled-leaved', Hemionitis cordifolia L.
- ○parṇī f. id. L.
- • Rubia Munjista L.
- • Gynandropsis pentaphylla (vḷ. -varṇī) L.
- • = -pattrī L.
- • the plant Droṇa-pushpī L.
- ○pāṭala N. of a plant Buddh. L.
- ○pādā f. 'speckled-footed', = -netrā L.
- ○piccha m. = -pattraka Gal.
- ○picchaka m. id. L.
- ○puṅkha m. 'having variegated-feathers', an arrow L.
- ○putrikā f. a female portrait Kathās. lxxii, cxxii
- • ○kāyita mfn. resembling a female portrait Siṃhâs.
- ○pura n. N. of a town Durgāv. xii
- ○puṣpī f. variegated-blossomed', Hibiscus cannabinus L.
- ○pṛṣṭha mfn. having a speckled back Car. i, 27
- • m. a sparrow L.
- ○pratikṛti f. 'representation in colours', a painting Hariv. 7812
- ○priya-katha mfn. speaking various kind words W.
- ○phala m. the fish Mystus Citala L.
- • Cucumis sativus L.
- • (ā, ī), f. the fish Mystus Karpirat L.
- • (ā), f. N. of several plants (cirbhiṭā, mṛgêrvāru, citra-devii, vārtākī kaṇṭakāri) L.
- ○phalaka m. a tablet for painting Kathās. cxvii, 24
- • a painting Śak. Vikr. and Ratnâv. (in Prākṛit)
- • Ratnâv. and Kathās. (ifc. f. ā) Sāh.
- ○barha m. = -piccha MBh. ii, 2103
- • N. of a son of Garuḍa, v, 3597 (cf. ○hin.)
- ○barhin mfn. having a variegated tail (a peacock, son of Garuḍa), xiii, 4206
- ○barhis (○trá-), mfn. having a brilliant bed (of stars
- • the moon) RV. i, 23, 13 f
- ○bala-gaccha m. N. of a Jain Gaccha
- ○bāṇa m. 'having variegated arrows', N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, 4545
- ○bāhu m. 'speckled-arm', N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra, 2732
- • of a Gandharva Bālar. iv, 8
- • of a man BhP. x, 90, 34
- ○bīja m. 'having variegated seeds', red Ricinus L.
- • (ā), f. = -taṇḍula L.
- ○bhānu (○trá-), mfn. of variegated lustre, shining with light RV. AV. iv, 25, 3 ; xiii, 3, 10 TBr. ii f. Kauś. MBh. i, 722
• N. of fire MBh. Hariv. R. BhP. Sāh.
- • = ○trârcis L.
- • Plumbago zeylanica L.
- • Calotropis gigantea L.
- • the 16th year in the 60 years' cycle of Jupiter VarBṛS. viii, 35 Romakas.
- • N. of Bhairava L.
- • of a prince VP. iv, 16, 2 (v. l.)
- • of Bāṇa(-bhaṭṭa)'s father
- ○bhārata n. N. of wk
- ○bhāṣya n. eloquence MBh. v, 1240
- ○bhitti f. a painted wall, picture on a wall MaitrUp. Mṛicch. Kathās.
- ○bhūta mfn. painted or decorated MBh. xiv, 281
- ○bheṣajā f. 'yielding various remedies', Ficus oppositifolia L.
- ○mañca m. (in music) a kind of measure
- ○maṇḍala m. 'forming a variegated circle', a kind of snake Suśr. v, 4, 33
- ○manas m. N. of a horse of the moon VāyuP.
- ○mahas (○trá-), mfn. = ○trā́-magha RV. x, 122, 1
- • m. N. of the author of x, 122 RAnukr.
- ○mīmāṃsā f. N. of wk. on rhet
- • -khaṇḍana n. 'refutation of the Citramimāṃsā', N. of a work
- ○mṛga m. the spotted antelope R. v, 20, 11 Mn. iii, 269 Sch.
- ○mekhala
- ○mekhaḍlaka Mn. iii, 269 Sch.
- ○mekhala
- ○mekhaḍlaka m. = -piccha L.
- ○yajña m. N. of a comedy by Vaidya-nātha. [Page 397, Column 1]
- ○yāna m. N. of a prince Dāṭhādh. ii
- ○yāma (○trá-), mfn. = dhrajati RV. iii, 2, 13
- ○yodhin mfn. fighting in various ways MBh. Hariv. 6867
- • m. Arjuna L.
- • Terminalia Arjuna L.
- • a quail Npr.
- ○rañjaka n. tin Npr.
○ratha (○trá-), mfn. having a bright chariot (Agni) RV. x, 1, 5
- • m. the sun L.
- • the polar star (Dhruva). BhP. iv, 10, 22
- • N. of a man RV. iv, 30, 18
- • the king of the Gandharvas AV. viii, 10, 27 MBh. Hariv. Vikr. Kād. BhP.
- • N. of a king TāṇḍyaBr. xx, 12 Pañcat.
- • of a king of the Aṅgas MBh. xiii, 2351
- • of a descendant of Aṅga and son of Dharma-ratha Hariv. 1695 ff. BhP. ix, 23, 6
- • of a snake-demon Kauś. 74
- • of a son (of Gada or Kṛishṇa Hariv. 9193
- • of Ushadgu or Ruśeku MBh. xiii, 6834 Hariv. 1971 BhP. ix, 23, 30
- • of Vṛishṇi, 24, 14 and 17
- • of Gaja, v, 15, 2
- • of Supārśvaka, ix, 13, 23
- • of Ukta or Ushṇa, 22 39)
- • of a prince of Mṛittikāvati MBh. iii, 11076 (cf. BhP. ix, 16, 3)
- • of a Sūta R. ii, 32, 17
- • of an officer Rājat. viii, 1438
- • of a Vidyā-dhara L.
- • (a), f. N. of a river MBh. vi, 341
- • (ī), f. a form of Durgā Hariv. ii, 109, 48
- • cf. caitraratha
- • -bāhlika n. sg., g. rājadantâdi
- ○raśmi m. 'having variegated rays', N. of a Marut, 11546
- ○rāti (○trá-), mfn. granting excellent gifts RV. vi, 62, 5 and 11
- ○rādhas (○trá.), mfn. id. RV. viii, 11, 9 ; x, 65, 3 AV.i, 26, 2
- ○rekhā f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs.
- ○repha m. N. of a son of Medhātithi (king of Śāka-dvipa) BhP. v, 20, 25
- ○latā f. Rubia Munjista L.
- • N. of an Apsaras Bālar. iv, 6
- ○likhana n. painting Mn. ii, 240 Sch.
- ○likhita mfn. painted Kathās. cxxii, 44
- ○lekhaka m.= -kara Pāṇ. 4-2, 128 Sch. (not in Kāś.)
- ○lekhanikā f. = -tūlikā Uṇ. iv, 93 Sch.
- ○lekhā f. a picture, portrait Gīt. x, 15 two metres of 4 x 17 syllables
- • another of 4 x 18 syllables
- • N. of an Apsaras (skilful in painting) MBh. Hariv.
- • of a daughter of Kumbhâṇḍa, 9930 BhP. x, 62, 14
- ○locanā f. = -netrā L.
- ○vat mfn. decorated with paintings Ragh. xiv, 25 Hcar. v, 71
- • containing the word citra TāṇḍyaBr. xviii, 6 ŚāṅkhŚr. xv
- • (tī), f. a metre of 4 x 13 syllables
- • N. of a daughter of Kṛishṇa or Gada Hariv. 9194
- ○vadāla m. the fish Silurus pelonius L.
- ○vana n. 'of variegated appearance ( s.v. citrá)', N. of a wood near the Gaṇḍaki Hit. i, 2, 34/35
- • cf. citraka
- ○varṇī See -parṇī
- ○vartikā f. = -tūlikā Kād. Mālatīm. i, 34/35
- ○vartiṇī f. a kind of medicament (reṇukā) Npr.
- ○varman m. 'having a variegated cuirass', N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, v, vii
- • of a king (of the Kulūtas) Mudr. i, 20 ; v, 9/10
- • of Campāvatī and Mathurā BrahmôttKh. xvi
- ○varṣin mfn. raining in an unusual manner Hariv. 11145
- ○valayā f. 'having a variegated bracelet', N. of a goddess BrahmaP. ii, 18, 15
- ○vallika m. the fish Silurus boalis L.
- ○vallī f. = -devii L.
- • Cucumis coloquintha L.
- ○vahā f. 'having a wonderful current', N. of a river MBh. vi, 325 ; xiii, 7652
- ○vāja (○trá-), mfn. having wonderful riches (the Maruts) RV. viii, 7, 33
- • decorated with variegated feathers (an arrow) BhP. iv
- • m. a cock L.
- ○vāhana m. 'having decorated vehicles', N. of a king of Maṇi-pura MBh. i, 7826 (cf. caitra-vāhanī.)
- ○vicitra mfn. variously coloured W.
- • multiform W.
- ○vidyā f. the art of painting W.
- ○vīrya m. = -bīja (v. l.?) L.
- ○vṛtti f. any astonishing act or practice W.
- ○vegika m. 'having a wonderful velocity', N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 2159
- ○veṣa m. 'having a variegated dress', Śiva
- ○vyāghra m. 'striped tiger', a leopard L.
[[ ]]
- citraśākāpūpabhakṣyavikārakriyā3citrá--śākâpūpa-bhakṣya-vikāra-kriyā f. the art of preparing various kinds of pot-herbs, sweetmeats and other eatables (one of the 64 Kalās)
- ○śālā f. = -gṛha R. iii, v Kād.
- • a metre of 4 x 18 syllables
- ○śālikā f. = -gṛha Ratnâv. iii, 0/1 (in Prākṛit)
- ○śikhaṇḍa-dhara m. wearing various tufts of hair (Vishṇu), Vishṇ īc, 65. =
- ○śikhaṇḍin m. pl. 'bright-crested', the 7 Ṛishis (Marici, Atri, Aṅgiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Vasishṭha [MBh. xii Bālar. x, 98
- • Viśvā-mitra, i, 27]) Rājat.i, 55
- • ○ṇḍi-ja m. 'son of Aṅgiras', the planet Jupiter L.
- • ○ṇḍi-prasūta m. id. L.
- ○śiras m. = -śīrṣaka Suśr. v, 3, 7
- • N. of a Gandharva Hariv. 14156
- ○śilā f. 'stony', N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 30
- ○śīrṣaka m. 'speckled-head', a kind of venomous insect Suśr. v, 8, 4
- ○śoka m. Jonesia Asoka Npr.
- ○śocis (○trá-), mfn. shining brilliantly RV. v, 17, 2 ; vi, 10, 3 ; viii, 19, 2
- ○śravas-tama (○trá-), mfn. (superl.) having most wonderful fame, i, iii, viii. [Page 397, Column 2]
- ○saṃstha mfn. = -ga W.
- ○saṅga n. a metre of 4 x 16 syllables
- ○sarpa m. the large speckled snake (mālu-dhāna) L.
- ○sena (○trá-), mfn. having a bright spear, vi, 75, 9
- • m. N. of a snake-demon Kauś. 74
- • of a leader of the Gandharvas (son of Viśvā-vasu) MBh. Hariv. 7224
- • of a son (of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, v, viii
- • of Parikshit, i, 3743
- • of Śambara Hariv. 9251 and 9280
- • of Narishyanta BhP. ix, 2, 19
- • of the 13th Manu Hariv. 889 BhP. viii, 13, 31
- • of Gada or Kṛishṇa Hariv. 9194)
- • of an adversary of Kṛishṇa, 5059
- • of Tarā-sandha's general (Ḍimbhaka) MBh. ii, 885 f
- • of a divine recorder of the deeds of men Ācāranirṇ.
• (= -gupta) the secretary of a man of rank W.
- • N. of a scholiast on Piṅgala's work on metres
- • (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras MBh. Hariv. 12691
- • of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2632
- • of a courtesan Vātsyāy. ii, 7, 30
- • of a river MBh. vi, 325 (cf. caitraseni.)
- ○stha mfn. = -ga Hariv. 7919 Kathās.
- ○sthala n. N. of a garden Kathās. lxxiii, 39
- ○svana m. 'clear-voice', N. of a Rākshasa BhP. xii, 11, 36
- ○hasta m. pl. particular movements of the hands in fighting MBh. ii, 902
- citrâkṛti f. a painted resemblance, portrait, picture W.
- citrâkṣa m. 'speckled-eye', N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra, i, vii
- • of a king VāyuP. ii, 37, 268 (vḷ.)
- • of a Draviḍa king, v. l. for citra, q.v
- • of a Nāga-rāja Buddh. L.
- • (ī), f. = -netrā L.
- citrā-kṣupa m. ○tra-pattrikā) the plant Droṇa-pushpi L.
- citrâṅga mfn. having a variegated body Buddh. L.
- • m. a kind of snake L.
- • Plumbago rosea L.
- • N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, 4545 PadmaP. iv, 55
- • of an antelope Pañcat. Hit.
- • of a dog Pañcat.
- • n. vermilion L.
- • yellow orpiment L.
- • (ī), f. an ear-wig (Julus cornifex) L.
- • Rubia munjista L.
- • N. of a courtesan Kathās. cxxii, 68
- • -sádana m. 'Citrâṅga-killer', Arjuna L.
- citrâṅgada mfn. decorated with variegated bracelets MBh. ii, 348
- • m. N. of a king of Daśârṇa MBh. xiv, 2471
- • of a son (of Śāntanu, i Hariv. ix, 22, 20
- • of Indra-sena, v. l., See candrâṅg○)
- • of a Gandharva (person of the play Dūtâṅgada)
- • of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās. xxii, 136
- • of a divine recorder of men's deeds Ācāranirṇ.
- • (= -gupta) the secretary of a man of rank W.
- • (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras MBh. xiii, 1424
- • of a wife of Arjuna (daughter of Citra-vāhana and mother of Babhru-vāhana), i, xiv
- • -sū f. 'Citrâṅgada's mother', Satyavati (mother of Vyāsa) L.
- citrâṭīra m. (= ○trêśa) the moon L.
- • the forehead spotted with the blood of a goat offered to the demon Ghaṇṭā-karṇa L.
- citrâṇḍaja m. a variegated bird VarYogay. vi, 18
- citrânna n. rice dressed with coloured condiments Yājñ. i, 303
- citrâpūpa m. speckled cake L.
- citrā-pūrṇamāsá m. the full moon standing in the asterism Citrā TS. vii, 4
- citrā́-magha mf(ā)n. granting wonderful gifts RV. (cf. Naigh. i, 8)
- citrâyasa n. steel L.
- citrâyudha m. 'having variegated weapons', N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i f. vii
- citrâyus mfn. possessed of wonderful vitality RV. vi, 49, 7
- citrârambha mfn. = ○tra-ga Vikr. i, 4
- citrârcis m. the sun Gal.
- citrârpita mfn. -"ṣtra-ga Śak. Mālav. Rājat. v, 359
- • (citrair arp○ MBh. xiii, 2660)
- • ○târambha mfn. id. Ragh. ii, 31 Kum. iii, 42
- citrā́-vasu mfn. rich in (brilliant ornaments i.e.) shining stars VS. iii, 18 (cf. TS. i Kāṭh. vii, 6) ŚBr. ii
- • n. (scil. yajus) the verse VS. iii, 18 ĀpŚr. vi, 16, 10
- citrâśva m. 'having painted horses', Satyavat (as fond of painting horses) MBh.
- citrâsaṅga mfn. having a variegated cloak Baudh.
- citrâstaraṇa-vat mfn. covered with various or variegated carpets R. iv, 44, 99
- citrā-svātī g. rājadantâdi
- citrêśa m. 'lord of Citrā', the moon L.
- citrôkti f. a marvellous or heavenly voice L.
- • a surprising tale W.
- • eloquent discourse W.
- citrôti mfn. = ○trā́magha RV. x, 140, 3
- citrôtpalā f. 'having various lotus-flowers', N. of a river Purushôtt.
- citrôpalā f. 'stony', N. of a river MBh. vi, 341
- citrâudana m. n. ○trânna Grahay.
- citraka m. a painter L.
- • = ○tra-kāya MBh. vii, 1320 (cillaka, C) Pañcat.
- • a kind of snake Suśr. v, 4, 33
- • (in alg.)
- • the 8th unknown quantity
- • Plumbago zeylanica, i, 38
- • iv
- • Ricinus communis L.
- • N. of a son (of Vṛishṇi or Pṛiśni Hariv.
- • of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, 2740)
- • of a Nāga L. Sch.
- • (pl.) of a people, ii, 1804
- • n. a mark (only ifc. 'marked or characterised by' TBr. i, 1, 9, 5 Sch..)
- • a sectarial mark on the forehead L.
- • a painting Hariv. 7074
- • a particular manner of fighting (cf. ○tra-hasta), 15979 (vḷ. cakraka) [Page 397, Column 3]
- • N. of a wood near the mountain Raivataka, 8952
- citraṭa = ○tra-rañjaka Npr.
- citraya Nom. ○yati, 'to make variegated', decorate MBh. xii, 988
- • to regard as a wonder Dhātup. xxxv, 63 (cf. Vop.)
- • to throw a momentary glance ib.
- • to look ib.
- • to be a wonder ib.
- citrala mfn. variegated L.
- • m. = ○tra-mṛga L.
- • (ā), f. the plant Go-rakshi L.
- citrika m. (fr. citrā́) the month Caitra L.
- citrita mfn. made variegated, decorated', painted MBh. ii, vi Hariv. 8945 Suśr. &c
- • cf. vi-
- citrin mfn. having variegated (black and grey) hair VarBṛS. lxxvii, 4/5, 6
- • (íṇyas), f. pl. (the dawns) wearing bright ornaments RV. iv, 32, 2
- • (iṇī), f. a woman endowed with various talents (one of the four divisions into which women are classed) Siṃhâs. vi, 1/2
- • (pl.) N. of certain bricks Nyāyam.
- cítriya mfn. visible at a distance (a species of Aśvattha) TBr.i
- • m. N. of a man Rājat. viii, 2181
- citrī ind. for ○tra
- ○karaṇa n. making variegated, decorating, painting Dhātup. xxxv, 63
- • surprise Pāṇ. 3-3, 150
- ○kāra m. id Lalit. xix, 102
- ○kṛta mfn. changed into a picture Śak. vi, 21
- citrīya Nom. ○yate (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 19) to be surprised Hcar. vii
- Mcar. Bālar. Prasannar. Kathās.
- • (cf. Vop. xxi, 23) to cause surprise Bhaṭṭ. (cf. ati-)
- citrīyā f. surprise Daś. xi, 32
- cítrya mfn. brilliant RV. v, 63, 7 ; vii, 20, 7
- cid in comp. for cit
- ○acit 'thought and non-thought, mind and matter', in comp
- • ○cicchakti-yukta mfn. having power (śakti) over mind and matter W.
- • ○cin-maya mfn. consisting of mind and matter BhP. xi, 24, 7
- ○ambara m. N. of the author of a law-book
- • n. N. of a town W.
- • -pura n. id
- • -rahasya, n. N. of wk
- • -sthala n. = -pura Śaṃkar. iv, 7
- ○asthi-mālā f. N. of a Comm. on a grammatical work
- ○ātmaka mfn. consisting of pure thought BhP. viii, 3, 2
- ○ātman m. pure thought or intelligence, i, 3, 30 RāmatUp. Prab.
- ○ānanda 'thought and joy', in comp
- • -daśa-ślokī f. ten verses in praise of thought and joy
- • -maya mfn. consisting of thought and joy RāmatUp.
- • -stava-rāja m. = -daśa-ślokī
- • ○ndâśrama m. N. of a teacher (= paramânand○)
- ○ullāsa mfn. shining like thoughts BhP. ix, 11, 33
- ○gagana-candrikā f. N. of wk., Anand. i Sch.
- ○ghana m. = -ātman Sarvad. viii, 78
- ○ratna-caṣaka N. of wk
- ○ratha mṆ. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.
- • (ī), f. N. of a Comm.
- ○rūpa mfn. (cf. Vop. ii, 37) = cin-maya KapS. vi, 50 NṛisUp. (-tva n. abstr.) Sarvad.
- • wise L.
- • n. the Universal Spirit as identified with pure thought W.
- ○vilāsa m. N. of a pupil of Śaṃkarâcārya Śaṃkar. iv, 5
- ○vṛtti f. spiritual action Daśar. ii, 37
- cin in comp. for cit
- ○maya mfn. consisting of pure thought RāmatUp. Sarvad. ix, 71 f. Sāh. iii, 2
- ○mātra mfn. id., KaivUp. 17 Vedântas. 168
- cékitāna mfn. See √4. cit, Intens
- • intelligent (Śiva) MBh. vii, xiii
- • m. N. of a prince (ally of the Pāṇḍus), if., v Bhag. i, 5 Hariv. 5013 and 5494
- cet Nom. (fr. cétas) ○tati (cf. Vop. xxi, 8
- • aor. 3. pl. acetiṣur) to recover consciousness Bhaṭṭ.xv, 109
- cetaḥ in comp. = ○tas
- ○pīḍā f. grief L.
- cetaka mfn. causing to think W.
- • sentient W.
- • (ī), f. = ○tanikā L.
- • Jasminum grandiflorum L.
- cétana mf(ī́)n. visible, conspicuous, distinguished, excellent RV. AV. ix, 4, 21
- • percipient, conscious, sentient, intelligent KaṭhUp. v, 13 ŚvetUp. vi, 13 Hariv. 3587 KapS. Tattvas. &c
- • m. an intelligent being, man Sarvad. ii, 221
- • soul, mind L.
- • n. conspicuousness RV. i, 13, 11 and 170, 4 ; iii, 3, 8 ; iv, 7, 2
- • soul, mind R. vii, 55, 17 and 20
- • (ā), f. consciousness, understanding, sense, intelligence Yājñ. iii, 175 MBh. &c. (often ifc. [f. ā] Mn. ix, 67 MBh. &c.) (cf. a-, niś-, puru-cét○, vi-, sa-, sú-)
- ○tā f. the state of a sentient or conscious being, intelligence
- ○tva n. id. Sarvad. vii, 8 Kum. iii, 39 Sch. KapS. i, 100 Sch.
- ○bhāva m. id. Bādar. ii, 1, 6 Sch.
- cetanâcetana pl. sentient and unsentient beings Megh. 5
- cetanā-vat mfn. having consciousness, knowing, understanding, reasonable Nir. MBh. xii, xiv Sāṃkhyak. Suśr.
- cetanâṣṭaka n. N. of wk
- cetanakā
- cetaḍnakī f. = ○nikā L.
- cetanikā f. Terminalia Chebula L.
- cetanī ind. for ○naṛoot
- ○kri to cause to perceive or become conscious BhP. viii, 1, 9 Schṛoot.
- ○bhū to become conscious ib. [Page 398, Column 1]
- cetanīyā f. the medicinal herb ṛddhi L.
- cetaya mfn. sentient Pāṇ. 3-1, 138
- cetayāna mfn. (irreg. pr. p.) having sense, reasonable MBh. iii, v, viii R. ii, 109, 7
- cetayitavya mfn. to be perceived PraśnUp.
- cetayitṛ mfn. = ○ya MBh. xii ŚvetUp. Sch.
- cétas n. splendour RV.
- • (cf. Naigh. iii, 9) consciousness, intelligence, thinking soul, heart, mind VS. xxxiv, 3 AV. Mn. ix, xii MBh. &c. (ifc. KaṭhUp. Mn.&c.)
- • will AV. vi, 116, 3 TBr.iii, 1, 1, 7
- • cf. a-cetás, dabhrá-, prá-, laghu-, ví-, sá-, su-cétas
- cetasaka m. pl. N. of a people MBh. vii, 2095
- cetasam ind. ifc. fr. ○tas Vop. vi, 62
- cetāya Nom. (fr. ○tas), ○yale, xxi, 8
- cétiṣṭha mfn. (fr. céttṛ) most attentive (with gen.) RV. i, 65, 9 and 128, 8 ; v, vii ; x, 21, 7
- • (fr. citrá) most conspicuous, viii, 46, 20 VS. xxvii, 15
- cetī ind. in comp. for ○tas
- ○√kṛ Vop.vii, 84
- cetú m. heedfulness RV. ix, 81, 3
- ceto in comp. for ○tas
- ○bhava m. = citta-ja L. Sch.
- ○bhū m.id., Mālatim. Bālar. Vcar.xi, 94
- ○mat mfn. endowed with consciousness, living MBh. iii, 8676
- ○mukha mfn. one whose mouth is intelligence, MānḍUp
- ○vikāra m. disturbance of mind Suśr. Mn. i, 25 Sch.
- ○vikārin mfn. disturbed in mind Suśr. i, 46, 4, 4
- ○hara mf(ā)n. captivating the heart Bhām. iii, 10
- céttṛ mfn. attentive, guardian, RY. x, 128, 9 ( also s.v. √4. cit) AV. iv and vi (cettṛ́) TS. if
- cétya mfn. perceivable RV. vi, 1, 5
- • (ā́), f. = tú (?), x, 89, 14
- cit ind. only in comp
- ○kāra for cīt-k○
- • -vat, for cīt-k○
- • -śabda m. = cītkāra W. 2
- cittí f. crackling, i, 164, 29
- citá 1. cíti, See √1. ci
- cití See √4. cit
- citikā ○tī, ○tīka, See √1. ci
- citkaṇa-kantha See cikk○
- cit-kāra See 6. cit
- cittá See √4. cit
- cittala mf(ā)n. (fr. citrala) moderate Kṛishis. ii, 1 ; vii, 10
- cítti 2. cittí. See √4. cit and 6. cit
- cittín
- cittī See √4. cit
- cítya See √1. ci
- citrá ○traka, ○traṭa, &c. See √4. cit
- cid ind. even, indeed, also (often merely laying stress on a preceding word
- • requiring a preceding simple verb to be accentuated [Pāṇ. 8-1, 57] as well as a verb following, if cid is preceded by an interrogative pron. 48
- • in Class. only used after interrogative pronouns and adverbs to render them indefinite, and after jātu, q.v.) RV. VS. AV.
- • like (added to the stem of a subst., e.g. agni-, rāja-) Nir. i, 4 Pāṇ. 8-2, 101
- • cid-cid or cid-ca or cid-u, as well as, both, and RV.
- cint (cf. √4. cit), cl. 10. ○tayati (cl. 1. ○tati Dhātup. xxxii, 2
- • metrically also ○tayate, See also ○tayāna) to think, have a thought or idea, reflect, consider MBh. R. &c
- • to think about, reflect upon, direct the thoughts towards, care for (acc
- • exceptionally dat. or loc. or prati) Mn. iv, vii f. Yājñ. i MBh. &c
- • to find out R. i, 63, 27 Hit.
- • to take into consideration, treat of. Sāṃkhyak. 69
- • to consider as or that, tax (with double acc. or acc. and iti) Hariv. 14675 R. v, 67, 7 Mālav. Pāṇ. 2-3, 17 Kāś.
- cintaka mfn. ifc. one who thinks or reflects upon, familiar with (e.g. daiva-, vaṃśa-, &c., qq. vv.) Gaut. Mn. vii, 121 MBh. Hariv. R. Pañcat.
- • m. an overseer Divyâv.
- • N. of the 23rd Kalpa period VāyuP. i, 21, 48 f
- • cf. kārya-, graha-, megha-
- cintana n. thinking, thinking of. reflecting upon
- • anxious thought Mn. xii, 5
- MBh. Kathās. Rājat.v, 205 Sāh.
- • consideration Sarvad. x ; xii, 6 ff
- cintanīya mfn. to be thought of or investigated VarBṛS. xliii, 37 Pañcat. 1, 1/2
- • iii BhP. viii, 11, 38
- cintayāna mfn. (irr. pr. p.) reflecting, considering MBh. ii, 1748 ; iii, 12929 Pañcat. iv, 14/15
- cintayitavya mfn. to be thought of Mālav. ii, 13/14
- cintā f. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 105), thought, care, anxiety, anxious thought about (gen., loc., upari, or in comp.) Mn. xii, 31 Yājñ. i, 98 MBh. &c. (○tayā instr. 'by mere thinking of' VP. i, 13, 50)
- • consideration Sarvad. xii f. [Page 398, Column 2]
- • N. of a woman Rājat. viii, 3453
- ○karman n. troubled thoughts L.
- ○kārin mfn. considering, regarding L.
- ○"ṣkula (○tâk○), mfn. disturbed in thought W.
- ○kṛtya ind. p., g. sākṣādādi (vḷ. cittā- Gaṇar. 98 Sch.)
- ○para mfn. lost in thought Nal. ii, 2 ; xii, 86
- ○bhara m. a heap of cares Siṃhâs.
- ○maṇi m. 'thought-gem', a fabulous gem supposed to yield its possessor all desires Hariv. 8702 Śāntiś. Bhartṛ. &c
- • Brahmā L.
- • N. of various treatises (e.g. one on astrol. by Daśa-bala) and commentaries (esp. also ifc.)
- • of a Buddha L.
- • of an author
- • f. N. of a courtesan, Kṛishṇakarṇ. Sch.
- • -catur-mukha m. N. of a medicine prepared with mercury L.
- • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha W.
- • -vara-locana, mṆ. of a Samādhi Kāraṇḍ. xvii, 9
- ○maya mfn. 'consisting of mere idea', imagined BhP. ii, 2, 12 AgP. xxx, 28
- • ifc. produced by thinking of. R. ii, 85, 16
- ○yajña m. a thought-sacrifice MBh. xiv, 2863
- ○ratna n. = -maṇi, only in ○tnāyita n. impers. represented as a gem yielding all desires Siṃhâs.
- ○vat mfn. = -para W.
- ○veśman n. a council room L.
- cintôkti f. midnight cry W.
- cintita mfn. thought, considered W.
- • thought of. imagined Pañcat. Vet.
- • found out, investigated Nal. xix, 4 Hit. (su-)
- • treated of. Madhus.
- • reflecting, considering W.
- • n. thought, reflection, care, trouble VarBṛSḷi,. 24 Dhūrtas.
- • intention R. i
- • (ā), f. See caintita
- cintitôpanata mfn. thought of and immediately present Kathās. xviii, 329
- cintitôpasthita mfn. id., 116 and 146
- cintiti f. = cintā, thought, care L.
- cintin mfn. ifc. thinking of. Naish. viii, 17
- cintiyā f. = ○titi L.
- cintya mfn. to be thought about or imagined ŚvetUp. vi, 2 Bhag. x, 17
- • = ○tayitavya R. iv, 17, 56 and 23, 4
- • 'to be conceived', See á-
- • to be considered or reflected or meditated upon ŚvetUp. i, 2 Yājñ. i, 344 MBh. &c
- • 'to be deliberated about', questionable Siddh. on Pāṇ. 7-2, 19 and 3, 66 Sāh. i, 2/3, 17 and 50
- • n. the necessity of thinking about (gen.) BhP. vii, 5, 49
- ○dyota m. pl. 'of brightness conceivable only by imagination', a class of deities MBh. xiii, 1373
- ○saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- cinti m. pl. 'N. of a people', in comp
- ○surāṣṭra m. pl. the Cintis and the inhabitants of Su-rāshṭra, g. kārta-kaujapâdi
- cintiḍī for tint○ L.
- cinna m. for cīna, q.v. L.
- cipaṭa mfn. flat-nosed L.
- cipiṭa mf(ā)n. blunted, flattened, flat VarBṛS. Naish. vii, 65
- • pressed close to the head (the ears), vḷ. for carpaṭa, q.v
- • = ○paṭa Pāṇ. 5-2, 33
- • m. a kind of venomous insect Suśr. v f
- • = ○ṭaka L.
- • (a), f. a kind of grass L.
- • cf. piccita
- ○grīva mfn. short-necked VarBṛS. lxviii, 31
- ○ghrāṇa mfn. flat-nosed Kathās. lxi, 15
- • cxxiii
- ○nāsa mfn. id. VarBṛS. lxviii, 61
- ○nāsika mf(ā)n. id. Kathās. xx, 108
- • m. pl. N. of a people(in the north of Madhyadeśa) VarBṛS. xiv, 26
- ○viṣāṇa mfn. blunt horned, lxi, 2
- cipiṭâsya mfn. flat-faced VarBṛ.
- cipiṭaka m. flattened rice L.
- • (ikā), f. scurf(on a healed wound) Suśr. i, 23, 14 Sch.
- cipiṭikāvat mfn. furnished with scurf (a healed wound), 14
- cipiṭī ind. for ○ṭa
- ○kṛta mfn. flattened Kād. v, 1059 Bālar. ix, 20
- cipuṭa m. = ○piṭaka L. Sch.
- cippa See cipya
- cippaṭa n. = citraṭa L.
- ○jayâpīḍa m. N. of a king of Kaśmir Rājat. iv, 675
- cipya m. a kind of worm (cf. kipya) Suśr. vi, 54, 6
- • n. a disease of the finger-nail, whitlow (also cippa), ii, 13, 1 and 17
- • iii f
- • cf. chippikā
- cibi cibu m. the chin L.
- cibuka n. (= cub○), id. Yājñ. iii, 98 Suśr. VarBṛS. Kathās. Rājat. Prab.
- • (m. or n. ?) tongs (saṃdaṃśa) Gṛihyās. i, 85
- • m. Pterospermum ruberifolium L.
- • m. pl. N. of a people MBh. i, 6685
- cimi m .= 1. ciri L.
- • N. of a plant (from the fibres of which cloth is made) L.
- cimika m. = 1. ciri L.
- cimicimā f. pricking, Ashṭāṅg. i
- cimicimāya ○yate, to prick Car. i, 18
- cirá mfn. (√1. ci?) long, lasting along time, existing from ancient times MBh. xii, 9538 Śak. Megh. Kathās.
- • ○raṃ kālam, during a long time Hariv. 9942 [Page 398, Column 3]
- • ○rāt kālāt, after a long time R. iii, 49, 50
- • (ám), n. (Pāṇ. 6-2, 6) delay (e.g. gamana-, 'delay in going' Kāś.
- • kiṃ cireṇa, 'wherefore delay?' R. iv f. MārkP. xvi, 80
- • purā́ cirā́t, to avoid delay' ŚBr. ix)
- • (ám), acc. ind. (g. svar-ādi, not in Kāś.) for a long time TS. v f. Mn. MBh. &c
- • after a long time, slowly RV. v, 56, 7 & 79, 9 AitBr. i, 16 Kathās. iv, 31
- • (eṇa), instr. ind. after a long time, late, not immediately, slowly MBh. R. Pāṇ. 1-1, 70 Vārtt. 4 Pat. Ragh. v, 64
- • for a long time ( See also kíyat) MBh. xii, 9484
- • ever, at all times Prab. ii, 23/24 (āya), dat. ind. for a long time MBh. Śak. Kum. v, 47 Ragh. xiv, 59 &c
- • after a long time, at last, finally, too late MBh. R. Pañcat.
- • (āt), abl. ind. after a long time, late, at last SāṅkhŚr. xiv
- R. Pañcat. Ragh. Kathās. Amar.
- • for a long time (also ○rāt-prabhṛti Hariv. 9860 Mālav. iii, 19 ; iv, 13) BhP. v, 6, 3 Kathās. Hit.
- • (asya), gen. ind. after a long time, late, at last MBh. Hariv. R. Śak. (v. l.)
- • for a long time Bhartṛ. iii, 51
- • (é), loc. ind. with some delay, not immediately ŚBr. xiii, 8, 1, 2
- ○kāra mfn. working slowly MBh. xii, 9482
- ○kāri mfn. id., 9539
- ○kārika mfn. id., 9483 ; 9534 ff. ; 9547
- ○kārin mfn. id., xii (also ○ri-tā and -tva, abstr.)
- • making slow progress Car. vi
- ○kāla mfn. belonging to a remote time Pāṇ. 4-3, 105 Kāś. (a- neg.)
- • (am), acc. ind. for a long time Pañcat. BrahmaP. RV. i, 125, 1 Sāy.
- • (āt), abl. ind. on account of the long time passed since Pañcat. ii, 59/60
• (āya), dat. ind. for a long time to come MBh. vii, 8113
- • -pālita mfn. protected for a long time W.
- • ○lôpârjita mfn. = cira-saṃcita Hit. i, 4, 50/51 and 6, 15/16
- ○ḍkālika mfn. of long standing, old, long-continued, chronic W.
- ○"ṣkālīna mfn. id. W.
- ○kīrti m. N. of the founder of a religious sect Śaṃkar. ii
- ○kṛta mfn. long practised Daś. vii, 322
- ○kriya mfn. = -kāra L.
- ○gata mfn. long gone, long absent MBh. iii, 17261 R. i, 42, 1
- ○ceṣṭita mfn. long sought for, of rare occurrence W.
- ○ja mfn. born long ago, old
- ○jāta mfn. 'id.', (with abl.) older than MBh. iii, 13334
- • -tara mfn. id. 13331
- ○jīvaka m. 'long-lived', the Jivaka tree L.
- • (ikā), f. a long life KaṭhUp. i, 24
- ○jīvin mfn. long-lived MBh. iii, 11262 and 13231 R. ii VarBṛS.
- • (said of Mārkaṇḍeya, Aśvatthāman, Bali, Vyāsa, Hanumat, Vibhīshaṇa, Kṛipa, Paraśu Rāma) Tithyād.
- • m. Vishṇu L.
- • a crow L.
- • Salmalia malabarica L.
- • = ○vaka L.
- • N. of a crow Kathās. lxii, 8
- • ○vi-tā f. = ○vikā Priy. i, 4 Daśar. Sch.
- ○ṃ-jīva m. long-lived (said of several authors, e.g. of Rāma-deva)
- • (ā), f. Trigonella corniculata L.
- ○ṃ-jīvin m. (= ○ra-j○) Vishṇu L.
- • a crow L.
- • Salmalia malabarica L.
- • = ○ra-jīvaka L.
- • N. of a kind of bird Siṃhâs.
- ○tama mfn. superl., (ena) instr. ind. extremely slowly Pāṇ. 1-1, 70 Vārtt. 4 Pat.
- ○tara mfn. compar., (am), ind: for a very long time Bhartṛ. iii, 13 Amar.
- • (eṇa), instr. ind. more slowly Pāṇ. 1-1, 70 Vārtt. 4 Pat.
- ○tā f. long duration W. =
- ○tikta m. (= kirāta-t○) Agathotes Chirayta L.
- • (ā), f. a species of wild cucumber Npr.
- ○dātṛ m. N. of a prince of -pura Kathās. lv, 12 f
- ○divasam ind. for a long time W.
- ○nirgata mfn. long appeared (a bud) Śak. vi, 4
- ○niviṣṭa mfn. abiding long, having rested for a long time W.
- ○paricita mfn. long accustomed or familiar Megh.93
- ○parṇa m. N. of a plant (having curative properties) L.
- ○pākin m. 'ripening late', Feronia elephantum L.
- ○pura n. N. of a town Kathās. lv, 13
- ○puṣpa m. 'blossoming late', Mimusops Elengi L.
- ○praṇaṣṭa mfn. long disappeared R. v, 19, 20
- ○pravāsin mfn. long absent Hit. i, 6, 33
- ○pravṛtta mfn. long or ever existent Kād.
- ○prasūtā f. (a cow) which has calved a long time ago L.
- ○bilva m. Pongamia glabra MBh. ix, 3036 R. iii, 79, 34 Suśr. VarBṛS. Sāṃkhyak. Sch.
- ○bhāvin mfn. remote (in future) Kathās. ci, 125
- ○mitra n. an old friend Hit. i, 3, 0/1
- ○mehin m. 'urining for a long time', an ass L.
- ○mocana for cīr○, q.v
- ○m-bhaṇa m. 'crying long', a kind of falcon (cilla) L.
- ○yāta mfn. = -gata MBh. iii, 17256
- ○rātra m. ḻ. a long time Mn. iii, 266 MBh. xiii, 4240
- • (am), ind. for a long time Car.vi, 1
- • (āya) dat ind., id. MBh. iii, 10568
- • after a long time, at last MBh. R. ii, 40, 18
- • ○trêpsita mfn. = cirâbhilaṣita MBh. v, 169
- • ○trôṣita mfn. having lodged for a long time, i, 6412
- ○roga m. a chronic disease W.
- ○labdha mfn. obtained after a long time (a son in old age) W.
- ○loka-loka mfn. one whose world is a long-existing world (the manes) TUp.ī, 8
- ○viprôṣita mfn. long-banished Nal. xvii, 18. [Page 399, Column 1]
- ○vṛtta mfn. happened long since R. i, 4, 16
- ○velā f. (ayā) instr. ind. at so late a time Pañcat. iv, 10/11
- ○saṃvṛddha mfn. long grown or augmented R. i, 55, 27
- ○saṃcita mfn. acquired long ago Hit. i, 6, (15/16 (v. l.)
- ○sambhṛta mfn. id. Kathās.
- ○supta-buddhi mfn. one whose mind has been long asleep, long senseless W.
- ○sūtā f. = -pras○ L.
- ○sūtíkā f. id. L. =
- ○sevaka m. an old servant W.
- ○stha mfn. long continuing W.
- • = -sthāyin W.
- • = nāyaka L.
- ○sthāyin mfn. long left or preserved (food) Bhpr. v, 27, 3
- • ○yi-tā f. long continuance, durability W.
- ○sthita mfn. = -sthāyin Mn. v, 25 Suśr.
- ○sthitika mfn. long existing (ifc., evaṃ-, 'existing so long') Lalit. xxii, 33
- cirâṭikā f. a white-blossoming Boerhavia erecta L.
- cirâtikta m. = ○ra-t○ L.
- cirâd m. 'long-eating', Garuḍa L.
- cirântaka m. N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh. v, 3598
- cirâbhilaṣita mfn. long desired, iii, 1851
- cirâyāt mfn. coming late Pañcat. iv, 10/11
cirâyu m. 'long-lived', the vine-palm L.
- cirâyuka m. id. Gal.
- cirâyuṣa mfn. bestowing long life Pañcat.v, 5, 1/2 (2/3, BC)
- cirâyuṣya mfn. favoured with long life Daś. i, 178 (-tā, abstr.)
- cirâyus mfn. long-lived Suśr.
- • m. a deity L.
- • a crow Gal.
- cirârodha m. a long or protracted siege W.
- cirâśrita mfn. long maintained or protected, an old dependant W.
- cirôjjhita mfn. long since abandoned W.
- cirôtha mfn. existing a long time Suśr.
- cirôtsuka mfn. desirous for a long time Kathās.
- cirôṣita mfn. one who has been long absent MBh. xiii Hariv. 1151 BhP. i
- • = -sthāyin MārkP. xxxiv, 57
- ciratna mfn. ancient Pāṇ. 4-3, 23 Pat.
- cirantana mfn. (fr. ○raM-t○, iv, 3, 23 ; vii, 1, 1) id. Pañcat. VarBṛS. Pāṇ. 4-3, 105 Kāś. Sāh.
- • existing from ancient times Mn. iv, 46 Sch.
- • m. Brahmā Gal.
- • Śiva
- • m. pl. the ancients Sāh. viii, 10
- ciraya Nom. ○yati, to act slowly, delay, be absent a long while Mṛicch. (once Ā) Mālav. &c
- cirāya Nom. P. Ā. (p. ○yamāṇa) id. MBh. &c
- cirāyita mfn. = ○yamāṇa MBh. i BhP.x, 82, 41
- ciraṇṭī f. = car○ Pāṇ. 4-1, 20 Pat.
- ciraṇṭhī [L.],
- ciraḍṇḍhī [Kathās. lviii, 56], f. id
- ciri in comp
- ○kāka m. a kind of crow MBh. xiii, 111, 123 (cauri-k○, 'a thief of a crow', C)
- ○bilva m. = ○ra-b○ Bhpr. vii, 59, 49
- ciri cl. 5. ○ṛṇoti, to hurt, kill Dhātup. xxvii, 30 Pāṇ. 8-2, 78 Kāś.
- • cf. jiri
- cirikā f. a kind of weapon (cilikā) L. Sch.
- ciriṭīka m. a kind of bird Car. i, 27, 46 (v. l. ○rIT○)
- ciriṇṭī f. = ○raṇṭi L.
- cirilla m.= ciralli L.
- • (i), f. a kind of bird VarBṛS. lxxxvi, 44 (v. l.)
- cirīṭīka See ○riT○
- ciru m. the shoulder-joint L.
- cirbhaṭa m. (cf. carbh○) Cucumis utilissimus (also its fruit) Car. vi, 10
- • (ī) f. id. Pañcat. i, 3, 20/21 ; 7, 1/2 (cf. gaja-cirbhaṭā.)
- cirbhaṭikā f. id., i, 3, 20/21
- cirbhiṭa n
- cirbhiḍṭā f. another kind of gourd Car. i, 27, 101 (vḷ. ○bhaṭa) Bhpr. v, 6, 36 (cf. indracirbhiṭī
- • kṣudra-, kṣetra- and gaja-cirbhiṭā.)
- cirbhiṭikā f. id. L.
- cil cl. 6. ○lati, to put on clothes Dhātup. xxviii, 63 (cf. cela.)
- cilamīlikā f. a kind of necklace (ciliminikā Buddh. L.) L.
- • a firefly L.
- • lightning(cilicīmi and ○mī Gal.) L. (cf. cilim○.)
- cilāti = kirātī, in comp
- ○putra m. 'son of a Kirāta woman', a metron. HYog.i, 13
- cili N. of a man Pravar. vii, 10
- cilikā = cirikā L.
- cilicima m. a kind of fish Car. i, 25 Suśr. i, 20, 3 and 8
- cilicīma
- cilicīḍmi m.id. L. Sch. See also cilamīlikā
- ciliminikā See ib.
- cili-mīnaka m. = ○licima L.
- cilimīlikā f. = ○lam○ L. [Page 399, Column 2]
- cill c]. 1. to become loose Dhātup.
- • to exhibit a bhāva, or hāva (derived fr. cilla) ib.
- cilla mfn. blear-eyed (cf. culla, pilla) Pāṇ. 5-2, 33 Vārtt. 2
- • m. n. a bleared or sore eye L.
- • m. the Bengal kite L.
- • (ī), f. = ○llakā L.
- • for bhillī (Symplocos racemosa) L.
- • = ○lli, q.v
- ○devī fṆ. of a goddess
- ○bhakṣyā f. a kind of vegetable perfume L.
- cillâbha m. 'resembling a kite', a petty thief, pickpocket L.
- cillaka m. = citraka, q.v
- • (ā), f. a cricket L.
- • (ikā), f. a kind of pot-herb (cilli) Pañcar. (ifc.)
- cillaṭa or m. an animal of the bhūmiśaya class Car. i, 27, 32
- cilḍllaḍa m. an animal of the bhūmiśaya class Car. i, 27, 32
- cilli m. a kind of bird of prey (cf. cilla and gāṅgacillī) Suśr. i, 7, 4 and 46, 2, 21
- • f. a kind of pot herb (○llī Car. 1, 27, 88 Suśr. i, iv, vi), i, 20, 2
- cillikā f. of ○llaka, q.v
- ○latā f. 'Cillikā creeper', the eye-brow Daś. xii, 29 f
- cilvaṭi m. probably = ○llaṭa GopBr. i, 2, 7
- civiṭa m.= cipiṭaka L. Sch.
- civillikā f. N. of a shrub L.
- ciścā́ ind. onomat. (for a rattling sound) RV. vi, 75, 5 (cf. Nir. ix, 14)
- ciściṣā-kāram = cuścuṣ○ ĀpŚr. xiii, 17, 6
- cihaṇa beginning a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 6-2, 125
- ○kantha m. N. of a town ib.
- cihura See cikura
- cihna n. a mark, spot, stamp, sign, characteristic, symptom MBh. R. &c. (ifc. f. ā Ragh. ii, 7 Ratnâv. i, 6/7)
- • a banner, insignia L.
- • a zodiacal sign VarBṛS. iii, 3
- • (in Gr.) aim, direction towards Vop. v, 7
- ○kārin mfn. marking W.
- • wounding L.
- • frightful L.
- ○dhara mfn. bearing the signs or insignia (of office) Buddh. L.
- ○dhāriṇī f. Hemidesmus indicus L.
- • Ichnocarpus frutescens L.
- ○bhūta mfn. become a mark Nal. xvii
- cihnaka n. a small mark Kād. vi, 1731
- cihnana n. a characteristic Naish. i, 62
- cihnaya Nom. P. (ind. p. ○yitvā) to stamp Mn.
- cihnayitavya mfn. to be marked VarBṛS. lix
- cihnita mfn. marked, stamped, distinguished Mn. ii, viii, x Yājñ.i, 318 ; ii, 6 & 85 Pañcat. &c
- cihnī-kṛta mfn. marked MBh. xiii, 826
- cīāka N. of a poet, Vallabh
- cīk (=√sīk), cl. 1. 10. to endure (√mṛṣ, vv. ll. ā-√mṛṣ and -√mṛś) Dhātup.
- cīcīkūcī onomat. for the warbling of birds MBh. xvi, 38 Hariv. 1146 ; 9297 (v. l. cic○)
- • (cicīkucī) R. vi, 11, 42 and MārkP. ii, 44
- cīṭhikā for cīrikā, q.v
- cīḍā f. a kind of perfume Jain. Sch.
- cīṇa ○ṇaka, for cīna &c., q.v
- cīt ind. (cf. 6. cit) only in comp
- ○kāra m. cries, noise MBh. vii, 6666 Kathās. lxxiii, 240 Hit.
- • -vat mfn. accompanied with cries, Mālatim. i, 1
- ○kṛta n. = -kāra Kād. Bālar. HPariś. i, 45
- ○kṛti f. rattling Bālar. viii, 38
- cītí See √1. ci
- cīna m. pl. the Chinese Mn. x, 44 MBh. ii f. vf. R. iv, 44, 14
- Lalit. Jain. Car. VarBṛS. (also cīṇa)
- • m. sg. a kind of deer L.
- • Panicum miliaceum (also cinna L.)
- • a thread L.
- • n. a banner L.
- • a bandage for the corners of the eyes Suśr. i, 18, 11
- • lead L.
- ○karkaṭikā f. a kind of gourd (also cīṇa- L.) Npr.
- ○karpūra m. a kind of camphor L.
- ○ja n. steel L.
- ○paṭṭa a sort of cloth, 10
- • n. lead L.
- ○pati m. N. of a kingdom Buddh.
- ○piṣṭa n. minium or red lead Vcar. xiv, 68
- • lead L.
- • -maya mfn. consisting of minium Kathās. xxiii, 85
- ○rája-putra m. a pear tree Buddh.
- ○vaṅga n. lead (or tutenag?) L.
- ○sicaya m. a China or silken cloth Pañcar.
- cīnâṃśuka n. id. Hariv. 12745 Śak. Kum. Daś. Amar.
- cīnā-karkaṭī f. = ○na-karkaṭikā L.
- cīnâcāra-prayoga-vidhi m. N. of wk
- cīnaka m. pl. the Chinese MBh. viii, 236
- • sg. Panicum miliaceum Hcat. i, 3
- • (cīṇaka) KātyŚr. Paddh
- • fennel L.
- • a kind of camphor Bhpr.
- cīnāka m. fennel, v, 8, 79
- cīpū-dru m. N. of a tree, Av. vi, 127. [Page 399, Column 3]
- cīb See √cīv
- cībh v. l. for √bībh, q.v
- cīy vḷ. for √cīv, q.v
- cī́ra n. (√ci Uṇ.) a strip, long narrow piece of bark or of cloth, rag, tatter, clothes TĀr. vii, 4, 12 Gaut. Mn. vi, 6 MBh. &c. (ifc. parox. Pāṇ. 6-2, 127 & 135)
- • the dress of a Buddhist monk (cf. cīvara) W.
- • a necklace of 4 pearl strings L.
- • i crest (cūḍā) L.
- • a stripe, stroke, line L.
- • = ○raka L.
- • lead L.
- • m. for ○rī (a cricket) Kathās. lxxiii, 240
- • (ā), f. a piece of cloth, rag VarBṛS. lxxxix, 1 Rājat. iv, 573
- • (ī), f. = ○rī-vāka Yājñ. iii, 215
- • the hem of an under garment L.
- • cf. kuśa-
- • mukha-cīrī,
- ○khaṇḍa m. a piece of cloth Kathās. iv
- ○nivasana m. pl. '= -bhṛt', N. of a people VarBṛS. xiv, 31
- ○pattrikā f. a kind of vegetable L. (v. l. kṣāra-p○)
- ○parṇa m. Ṣorea robusta L.
- ○prâvaraṇa m. pl. '= -bhṛt', N. of a people MārkP. lviii, 52
- ○bhavantī f. the elder sister of a wife L.
- ○bhṛt mfn. clothed in bark or rags Ragh. iii, 22
- ○mocana n. N. of a Tīrtha Rājat. i, 149 and 152
- ○vasana mfn. = -bhṛt R. ii, vi
- ○vāsas mfn. id. Mn. xi, 102 and 106 MBh. xiii &c
- • m. N. of Śiva, xiii f
- • of a Yaksha, ii, 399
- • of a prince, i, 2697
- cīraka f. a public announcement on a slip of paper L.
- • (ikā), f. id. Kathās. li, lv, lxxi Lokapr.
- • (cīṭhikā, 'a small slip of paper') Bhojapr. 321/322
- • = ○rī-vāka L. (v. l. for ○rukā)
- cīri f. a veil for the eyes L.
- cīrita mfn. 'ragged', only in comp
- ○cchadā f. Beta bengalensis L.
- ○pattrikā f. = ○ra-p○ Npr.
- cīrin mfn. = ○ra-bhṛt MBh. iii, xiii Hariv. 10594 BhP. iii, 33, 14
- • (iṇī), f. N. of a river MBh. iii, 12751 (v. l. viir○
- • cf. kuśa-cīrā)
- cīrī f. of ○ra,
- ○vāka m. a cricket Mn. xii, 63
- • (cīvi-vāc Vishṇ. xliv, 24)
- • cf. cīrukā, cīlikā
- cīralli a kind of large fish Suśr. vi, 35, 4
- • cf. cirilla
- cīrī See cī́ra
- cīruka n. a kind of fruit L.
- • (ā), f. = ○rī-vāka L.
- cīrṇa mfn. (√car) practised, observed (as a vow, austerity) MuṇḍUp. iii, 2, 10 MBh. xv, 91 Divyâv. BhP. v, 6, 3
- • n. conduct W.
- ○karkaṭī for cīna-k = ○ṭikā Gal.
- ○parṇa m. n. Azadirachta indica L.
- • m. Phoenix sylvestris L.
- ○vrata mfn. = carita-v○ Yājñ. iii, 299 MBh.
- cīlikā ○llakā f. = cīrī-vāka L.
- cīv (or cīb), cl. 1. ○vati, ○vate, to take Dhātup. xxi, 15
- • to cover (derived fr. cīvara) ib.: cl. 10. cīvayati, xxxiii, 101
- cīvara m.iron filings Gobh. iv, 9, 7
- • n. the dress or rags of a religious (esp. Buddhist or Jain) monk ŚāṅkhŚr. ii, 16, 2 Pāṇ. 3-1, 20 MBh. i, 36, 38 Mṛicch. &c
- ○karṇika m. n. lappet of a monk's robe Divyâv.
- ○karman n. arranging a monk's dress (before a journey), viii, 40 f. (cf. xii, 92)
- ○gopaka m. the keeper of monks' dresses Buddh. L.
- ○nivasana v. l. for cīra-n○
○bhajaka m. distributor of monks' dresses Buddh. L.
- cīvaraya Nom. ○yate, to put on rags W.
- cīvarin m. a Buddhist or Jain monk L.
- cīvillikā v. l. for civ○ L.
- cīvi-vāc See cīrī-vāka
- cukopayiṣu mfn. (√kup, Caus. Desid.) wishing to make angry MBh. viii, 1793
- cukk cl. 10. to suffer pain Dhātup.
- cukkasa m.= bukk○ L. Sch.
- cuk-kāra v. l. for buk-k○ L.
- cuknat mfn. KātyŚr. xxv, 12, 3
- cukra m. n. ḻ. vinegar made by acetous fermentation (of grain or of -phala) Hariv. 8439 ff. Suśr.
- • sorrel
- • n. = -vedhaka L.
- • (ā, ī), f. = -caṇḍikā L.
- • (ā), f. Oxalis pusilla Bhpr. v, 9, 26
• (ī), f. id. L.
- ○caṇḍikā f. the tamarind tree Npr.
- ○phala n. the tamarind fruit L.
- ○vāstūka n. sorrel L.
- ○vedhaka n. a kind of sour ricegruel L.
- cukrâmla n. vinegar made of the Garcinia fruit L. [Page 400, Column 1]
- • (ā), f. Oxalis corniculata L.
- • = ○kra-caṇḍikā L.
- • = ○kra-vedhaka L.
- cukraka n. sorrel L.
- • (ikā), f. Oxalis corniculata Car. vi, 9 Bhpr. v
- • = ○kra-vedhaka L.
- cukriman m. sourness, g. dṛḍhâdi
- cukṣā f. = śauca g. chattrâdi
- cukṣobhayiṣu mfn. (√kṣubh, Caus. Desid.) intending to shake or disturb MBh. vii, 1142 ; viii, 697
- cuci m. the female breast W.
- cucu for cuccu, q.v. L.
- cucuka See cūc○
- cucundarī = chucchun○ L.
- cucupa See cūc○
- cucūka See cūcuka
- cuccu a kind of vegetable Car. i, 27 ; vi, 23
- ○parṇikā f. a kind of vegetable, i, 27
- cuccū m. f. = ○ccu Suśr. i, 46 ; iv, vi
- cucy vḷ. for √śucy, q.v
- cuñcu mfn. ifc. = cañcu, renowned for (cf. akṣara-, cāra-) Pāṇ. 5-2, 26
- • accustomed to Śiś. ii, 14
- • m. the musk-rat (cf. cucundarī) L.
- • a mixed caste whose business is hunting (born of a Brāhman father by a Vaideha female Sch.) Mn. x, 48
- • N. of a man VP. iv, 3, 15 (vḷ. cañcu)
- cuñcurī f. a kind of game played with tamarind seeds instead of dice L.
- cuñculi
- cuñcuḍlī f. id. L.
- cuñcula m. N. of a man, (pl.) his descendants Hariv. 1466
- • (ī), f. See ○curī
- cuṭ (and cuṇṭ, cuṇḍ.), cl. 6. 10. cuṭati (cuṇṭ○), coṭayati (cuṇṭ○, cuṇḍ○), to split, cut off Dhātup.: cl. 1. coṭati (cuṇṭ○, cuṇḍ○), to become small ib. (cf. √cuṭṭ and buṭ)
- cuṭṭ cl. 10. ṭṭayati, to become small, xxxii, 24
- • √.puṭṭ
- cuḍ cl. 6. ○ḍati, to conceal, xxviii
- cuḍḍ cl. 1. ḍḍati, = √cull, ix, 63
- cuṇ cl. 6. to split, cut off, xxviii, 84
- cuṇṭ = √cuṭ, q.v
- cuṇṭā f. a small well or reservoir near a well L.
- cuṇṭī f. id. Suśr. i, 45
- • cf. cauṇṭya, cūḍaka
- cuṇṭh cl. 10. ṭhayati, to hurt Dhātup.
- cuṇḍ = √cuṭ q.v
- cuṇḍya = ○ṇṭī Bhpr.
- cuṇḍhi v. l. for ○ṇṭī L.
- cut vḷ. for cyut Dhātup. iii, 3
- cuta m. ○ti f. = cūta, the anus L.
- cud cl. 1. códati, ○te (Subj. códat
- • Impv. ○da, ○data, dasva, (2. du.) ○dethām
- • aor. 2. sg. codīs
- • pr. p., See a-codát), to impel, incite, animate RV.
- • to bring or offer quickly (as the Soma) RV.
- • Ā. to hasten RV.: Caus. codáyati, rarely ○te (Subj. 2. sg. ○yāsi, ○yāse
- • aor. acūcudat MBh. xiii, 35
- • p. codáyat
- • Pan. codyamāna), to sharpen, whet RV. vi, 47, 10 (cf. 3, 5) ; ix, 50, 1 ; x, 120, 5
- • to impel, incite, cause to move quickly, accelerate RV. AV. iii, 15, 1 MBh. &c
- • (with cakṣus) to direct (the eye) towards (loc.) Mṛicch. ix, 11
- • to inspire, excite, animate RV. AV. vii, 46, 3
- • to request, petition, ask, urge on, press or importune with a request Lāṭy. ii, 9, 15 Mn. MBh. &c
- • help on, assist in the attainment of (dat.) RV.
- • to bring or offer quickly, vi, 48, 9 ; vii, 77, 4
- • to ask for MBh. xiii R. vii BhP.x
- • to inquire after MBh. i, 5445
- • to enjoin, fix, settle ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy.
- • to object, criticise Bādar. Sch.
- • to be quick RV. i, 117, 3 ; x, 101, 12 and 102, 12
- • [cf. ?, ? ; Lat. cudo.]
- códa m. an implement for driving horses, goad or whip, v, 61, 3
- • (○dá), mfn. animating, inspiring, promoting, i, 143, 6 ; ii, 13, 9 and 30, 6 (cf. radhracodá.)
- ○pravṛddha (○dá-), mfn. exalted by the inspiring (draught of Soma), i,: 174, 6
- codaka mfn. impelling MBh. xiii, 71
- • m. direction, invitation KātyŚr. i. 10 Nyāyam. x
- • (in Gr.) = pari-graha, q.v. RPrāt. x, 10 [Page 400, Column 2]
- • xi, 14
- • asker, objectioner, pupil Jain.
- códana mfn. impelling AV. vii, 116, 1 (cf. ṛṣi-, eka-, kīri-, brahma-, radhra-cód○)
- • (ā, am), fn. impelling, invitation, direction, rule, precept VS. xxix, 7
- RPrāt. ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr. Lāṭy. Mn. ii, &c
- • (ā), f. reproof (as in Pāli) Divyâv. i, 54
- • (i), f. N. of a plant(vḷ. for rodanī) L. Sch.
- codanā-guḍa m. a ball to play with L.
- codayán-mati mfn. (fr. ○dáyat, p. √cud, Caus.) promoting devotion RV. v, 8, 6 ; viii, 46, 19
- codayitavya mfn. to be criticised Bādar. Sch.
- codayitṛ mf(trī́)n. one who impels or animates or promotes RV. i, 3, 11 ; vii, 81, 6 Kum. iii, 21
- codas See a-codás
- codāyani m. pl. N. of a family Pravar. iv, 8
- coditá mfn. caused to move quickly RV. ix, 72, 5
- • driven, impelled, incited MBh. R.
- • carried on (a business), iv, 28, 21 (a- neg.)
- • invited, directed, ordered MBh. Ragh. xii, 59
- • informed, apprised W.
- • inquired after, BP. vii, 15, 13
- • enjoined, fixed, appointed,
ŚānkhŚr. KātyŚr. Mn. ii f. viii MBh. xiii, 2439 R. (B) iii, 56, 16
- ○tva n. the being enjoined Jaim. vi, 1, 9
- • (a- neg.) KātyŚr. i, 6
- coditṛ́ mfn. = ○dayitṛ RV. (7 times)
- códiṣṭha mfn. most animating, viii, 100, 3
- codya mfn. to be impelled or incited MBh. v, 1404 and 4600
- • (a- neg.) xiii, 4875
- • to be criticised Sarvad. xiii, 111
- • to be thrown W.
- • n. raising questions, consideration MBh. v, 1653
- • 'to be urged or objected', a difficult question raised to invite for controversy (pūrva-pakṣa, praśna L. ) Sarvad. xiii, 2 and 22
- • astonishment, wonder Śiś. ix, 16
- cunanda m. N. of a Buddhist mendicant Lalit. i, 10
- cund vḷ. for √bund, q.v
- cunda m. N. of a pupil of Śākyamuni Buddh. (cf. mahā-)
- • (i), f. a bawd L.
- cup cl. l. copati, to move MBh. iii, 10648 f. and, 17346 f
- • cf. gale-copaka
- copana mfn. moving Pāṇ. 3-2, 148 Kāś.
- cup cl. 6., v. l. for √chup
- cupa m. N. of a man, g. 1. aśvâdi (cumpa Kāś.
- • -dāsaka Hemac.)
- ○dāsaka See cupa
- cupuṇī́kā f. N. of one of the 7 Kṛittikās TS. iv, 4, 5, 1 Kāṭh. xl, 4
- cubuka n. (= cib○, chúb○) the chin BhP. x, 42, 7
- • the top of an altar, Śulbas. iii, 164 and 168
- ○daghná mfn. reaching to the chin MaitrS. iii, 3, 4 ĀpŚr. vii, 8, 3
- cubra n. (√2. cumb) the face Uṇ. ii
- cumucumāyana n. itching (of a wound) Suśr. i, 42. 11
- cúmuri m. N. of a demon (whom Indra sent to sleep to favour Dabhīti) RV. ii, vi f. x
- cumb cl. 10. to hurt Dhātup.
- cumb cl. 1. ○bati (exceptionally Ā. Pañcat. iv, 7
- • pf. cucumba
- • Pass. p. ○byamāna Dhūrtas.), to kiss MBh. Hariv. &c
- • to touch with the mouth MBh. viii, 5954
- • to touch closely or softly: Caus. cumbayati, to cause to kiss Daś. vi, 6
- • to kiss Dhātup. xxxii, 91 (v. l.)
- cumba m. kissing, kiss L.
- • (ā), f. id. VarBṛS.
- cumbaka mfn. one who kisses much L.
- • 'one who has read much', superficial L.
- • knavish, roguish L.
- • m.= -maṇi Prab. vi, 16 AdhyR. i, 1, 18
- • the upper part of a balance L.
- • n. a parallel passage Setub. xi, 99 Sch.
- ○maṇi m. a loadstone Mcar.
- cumbana n. = ○ba
- VarBṛS. Pañcat. Amar. Gīt. (ifc. f. ā, ii, 13) &c
- ○dāna n. giving a kiss, 16
- cumbita mfn. kissed Śak. iii Sāh. i
- • touched closely or softly Mālatīm. Vcar. xiv, 7 Sarvad.
- cumbin mfn. ifc. kissing W.
- • touching closely Caurap. Vcar. viii, 42
• affected with Naish. vi, 66
- • relating to, viii, 87
- • busy with, iii, 95
- cur cl. 10. corayati (rarely ○te MBh. xiii, 5508 MārkP. xv, 23
- • aor. acūcurat Śiś. i, 16
- • cl. 1. corati Vop. xvii, 1), to steal Mn. viii, 333 MBh. &c
- • to rob any one (acc.) Hariv. 11146
- • to cause to disappear Siṃhâs. Introd. 3/4 (1. sg. cūrayāmi)
- ○ādi the class of roots beginning with √cur Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-4, 36 and ii, 3, 56
- curaṇya Nom. ○yati, to steal. g. kaṇḍv-ādi. [Page 400, Column 3]
- curā f. theft, g. chattrâdi
- corá m. (gaṇas pacâdi, brāhmaṇâdi, manojñâdi, pāraskarâdi) = caura, a thief. TĀr. x, 64 MBh. v, 7834
- • a plagiarist
- • the plant Kṛishṇa-śaṭī L.
- • a kind of perfume L.
- • N. of a poet Prasannar. i, 22
- • (ā), f. = -puṣpī L.
- • (ī), f. a female thief. g. pacâdi (g. gaurâdi Gaṇar. 46)
- • theft Gal.
- ○kaṇṭaka m. a kind of grass (the seeds of which stick in the clothes) W.
- ○karaṇa n. calling anyone a thief Pāṇ. 3-4, 25 Kāś.
- ○ṃ-kāram ind. with ā-√kruś, to call any one a thief. ib.
- ○puṣpikā
- ○puḍṣpī f. Chrysopogon aciculatus L.
- ○snāyu m. Leea hirta W.
- coraka m. a thief. VarBṛS. xvi, 25
- • Trigonella corniculata L.
- • a kind of perfume L.
- • (ikā), f. theft L. Sch.
- ○bandham ind. so as to tie in a particular way Pāṇ. 3-4, 41 Kāś.
- corāyita mfn. representing a thief. BhP. x, 37
- corita mfn. stolen Pañcat. Daś.
- • n. theft W.
- coritaka n. anything stolen, vii
- • petty theft W.
- curī f. = cuṇṭī L.
- curu m. a particular worm in the bowels Car. i, 19, 1, 40 ; iii, 7 Bhpr. vii, 19, 9
- cūru m. a kind of worm Suśr. vi, 54, 6
- curucurā f. (onomat.) See karṇe-
- curcura ind., in comp
- ○dhvani m. gnashing (the teeth) Śiś. v, 58 Sch.
- ○śabda m. id., 58
- cul cl. 10. colayati, to raise Dhātup. xxxii, 62
- • (for √bul) to dive into ib.
- cula g. 1. balâdi (vula Kāś.)
- culaka for ○luka, q.v
- • (ā), See ○luka
- culya mfn. fr. ○la g. 1. balâdi
- culu m. a handful of water Gal.
- culuka m. n. (= cal○) the hand hollowed to hold water, handful or mouthful of water, draught Bālar. Naish. (vḷ. ○laka, xxii, 41) Viddh. i, 15 Kuval. 462 & Pañcad. (○laka) &c
- • m. deep mud or mire L.
- • a small vessel (gallipot, &c.) L.
- • N. of a man, g. kaṇvâdi (○laka, Gaṇaratnâv.)
- • (ā), f. N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 20 (○lakā, C)
- culukin m. a porpoise, sea-hog (also ulupin, culumpin, cullakī) L.
- culukī-√kṛ to swallow in one draught, cause to disappear Bhām. i, 120
- culukya m. N. of a race
- culump cl. 1. ○pati, (pf. ○pāṃ cakāra Pāṇ. 3-1, 35 Vārtt. Pat.) = √lul, or lup L.
- culumpa m. fondling children L.
- • (ā), f. a she-goat L.
- culumpin m. = ○lukin L.
- culya See √cul
- cull (= √cuḍḍ), to exhibit any hāva, or bhāva (derived fr. culla) Dhātup. xv, 24
- culla mfn. = cilla, blear-eyed Pāṇ. 5-2, 33 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- • m. a blear eye ib.
- • (ī), f. a fireplace, chimney Mn. iii, 68 Lalit. xviii, 99 Pañcat. Suśr. Hcat.
- • (cūlhī) Śīl
- • a funeral pile L.
- • a large hall composed of 3 divisions (one looking north, another east, the third west) VarBṛS. liii, 38
- • = gṛha-cullī, 42
- cullâkṣa mfn. blear-eyed L.
- cullakī f. a kind of waterpot L.
- • = ○lukin L.
- • N. of a race L.
- culli f. = ○llī, a fire-place L.
- culhi f. = ○lḻi Pāpabuddhidharm. 26
- cuścuṣā f. (onomat.) a smacking sound (in eating) Nyāyam. x, 2, 3 Sch.
- ○kāra m. id., x, 2, 3
- • (am), ind. (= ciściṣā-
- • to eat) so as to smack MānŚr. ii, 5, 4 MaitrS. Paddh
- custa m. n. vḷ. for busta L.
- cūṃ-kṛta n. the call 'hallo!' Naish. i, 142
cūcuka mfn. stammering MBh. xiv, 1016
- • m. pl. N. of a people, xiii, 207, 42 (cuc○, C)
- • n. = ○kâgra (also cuc○ m. n. and cucūka n. L.) R. vi, 23, 13 Suśr. VarBṛS. lxviii, 27 Kathās. cxx
- ○tā f. the condition of a nipple, Kautuk
- cūcukâgra n. a nipple (of the breast) Vikr. v, 8 Caurap.
- cūcupa m. pl. N. of a people MBh. v, 140, 26 (cuc○, C) ; vi, 75, 21 (cūlika, C)
- cū́ḍa mfn. stupid (?) Divyâv. xxxv, 99 f
- • m. (cf. kū́ṭa) a sort of protuberance on a sacrificial brick ŚBr. viii and KātyŚr. (also ifc. f. ā)
- • m. or n. = ○ḍā-karaṇa Yājñ. iii, 23
- • m. N. of a man (with the patr. Bhāgavitti) ŚBr. xiv, 9, 3, 17 f
- • (ā), f. (beginning a Gaṇa of Gaṇar. 365: g. bhidâdi) the hair on the top of the head, single lock or tuft left on the crown of the head after tonsure Ragh.xviii, 50 (ifc.) Parāś. [Page 401, Column 1]
- • = ○ḍā-karaṇa (cf. ○ḍôpanayana) Ragh. iii, 28 Smṛitit. i
- • the crest of a cock or peacock L.
• any crest, plume, diadem W.
- • the head L.
- • the top (of a column) Hcat. i, 3
- • the summit Hit. i, l 01
- • a top-room (of a house) L.
- • a kind of bracelet L.
- • a small well L.
- • N. of a metre
- • of a woman, g. bāhvādi (○ḍālā Kāś.)
- • cf. cūla, coḍa, caula uc-, candra-, tāmra-, svarṇa-
- • paṃca- and mahā-cūḍā
- cūḍaka ifc. = ○ḍā (-karaṇa) Mn. v, 67
- • a well L.
- • (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras Kāraṇḍ. i, 36
- • (ikā), f. = cūlikā, q.v
• ? Divyâv. xxxvii, 598
- cūḍaya Nom. ○yati, to fasten like a crest on any one's (acc.) head BhP. x, 30, 33
- cūḍā f. of ○ḍa
- ○karaṇa n. 'forming the crest', the ceremony of tonsure (= caula, one of the 12 purificatory rites [RTL.p. 353 and 359] performed on a child in the Ist or 3rd year) Kauś. Gobh.
- PārGṛ. Gṛihyās. BhavP. PSarv. Smṛitit. iii
- ○karṇa m. N. of a mendicant Hit. i, 5, 01
- ○karman ī. = -karaṇa Gobh. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn.ī, 35
- ○danta m. a piece of wood projecting from a wall Gal.
- ○pakṣâvadāna n. N. of Divyâv. xxxv
- ○pāśa n. a mass of hair on the top of the head Megh. 65
- ○pratigrahaṇa n. N. of a Caitya Lalit. xv, 381
- ○bhikṣuṇī f. N. of a Buddh. goddess W.
- ○maṇi m. a jewel worn by men and women on the top of the head MBh. i, 4628 ; vii, 826 R. &c
- • ifc. the (gem, i. e. the) best or most excellent of Kathās. cxxiii, 235 Dhūrtas. i, 3 Vop.
- • the seed of Abrus precatorius L.
- • a metre of 4 x 7 syllables
- • an eclipse of the sun on a Sunday or an eclipse of the moon on a Monday Hcat. i, 3 GarP.
- • a particular way of foretelling the future, ccv
- • N. of wk. on astron
- • of another on music
- • of a Kshatriya Hit. iii, 9, 01
- • -tā f. the being a jewel worn on the head Hariv. 8789 Hcar. vii
- • -dhara m. 'Cūḍāmaṇi-wearer, 'N. of a Nāga Buddh. L.
- • -bhaṭṭâcārya m. N. of a teacher
- ○maha m. N. of a festival Lalit. xv, 380. =
- ○ḍmla (○ḍâm○), n. = cukrâmla L.
- ○ratna n. = -maṇi, a jewel worn on the head Kathās.cxix.-
- ○ḍrha (○ḍâr○), m. Gomphrena globosa Npr.
- ○lakṣaṇa n. tonsure W.
- ○vat mfn. (g. balâdi) = cūḍāla, being in boyhood Bālar. iv, 51
- ○vana m. 'wood-crested', N. of a mountain Rājat. viii, 597
- ○"ṣvalāmbin (○ḍâv○), mfn. reclining on the crest or summit W.
- cū́ḍôpanayana n. pl. tonsure and initiation MBh. i, 8047
- cūḍāra mfn. = ○ḍāla (?), g. pragady-ādi
- cūḍāraka m. N. of a man, (pl.) his descendants, g. upakâdi (paṇḍ○ Kāś.)
- cūḍāla mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 96 Kāś.) having a lock of hair on the crown of the head MBh. x, 288 Rājat. i, 233
- • n. the head L.
- • (ā), f. N. of a woman, g. bāhv-ādi (cf. Kāś.)
- • white Abrus L.
- • (ā, ī), f. a kind of Cyperus L.
- ○veśa mfn. v. l. for cāṇḍ○
- cūḍika mfn. = ○ḍāla (?), g. purohitâdi (○ḍitika Kāś.)
- • (ā), f. See ○ḍaka
- cūḍitaka See cūlit○
- cūḍitika mfn. See ○ḍika
- cūḍin mfn. = ○ḍāla g. balâdi
- cūḍi-kalā f. N. of a metre
- cūḍīya mfn. worn on the crest Pañcad. ii, 69
- cūṇ cl. 10. ○ṇayati, to contract, shrink Dhātup. xxxii, 99
- cūta m. the mango tree
- MBh. R. Śak. &c. (cf. kapi-)
- • = cuta L.
- ○mañjarī f. N. of a Vidyā-dhari Kathās. cxii, 9
- ○latikā f. a kind of sport Vātsyāy. i, 4
- • N. of a woman, Ratnav. i, 16/17
- cūtaka m. the mango tree L.
- • a small well (= cūḍaka) L.
- cūti f. = cuta W.
- cūr cl. 4. ○ryate, to burn Dhātup. xxvi, 49
- • for cl. 10. ○rayati, See √cur
- cūrī vḷ. for curī L.
- cūru See curu
- cūrṇ cl. 10. (or more property Nom. fr. cūrṇa) ○ṇayati (Pass. ○ṇyate) to reduce to powder or flour, pulverise, grind, pound, crush, bruise
- MBh. R. Pañcat. BhP. Kathās. &c
- cūrṇa mfn. (√carv) minute, VarBiS. lxxxi, 6
- • m. [MBh. VarBṛS.] n. powder flour, aromatic powder, pounded sandal,
- ŚāṅkbŚr. KātyŚr. Kauś. MBh. &c. (ifc. Pāṇ. 6-2, 134)
- • m. chalk, lime VarBṛS. xxvii, 36 Prab. ii, 17 Sch.
- • N. of a man Vīrac. xv, xxviii
- • n. rice mixed with sesam Yājñ. i, 303
- • a kind of easy prose Vām. i, 3, 25
- • dividing a word by separating double consonant for obtaining a different sense (in a riddle, &c.), iv, 1, 7. [Page 401, Column 2]
- ○kāra m. a lime-burner (kind of mixed caste) Parāś.Paddh
- ○kuntala m. a lock of hair Vcar. iv, 2
- ○kṛt m. (for ○Ni-k○?) N. of Śamkarâcārya Gal.
- ○keśa m. = -kuntala L.
- ○khaṇḍa m. n. a pebble, gravel L.
- ○tā f. the state of dust or powder Rājat. v, 16
- ○tva n. id. W.
- ○pada n. a peculiar movement (walking backwards and forwards) Daś. xi, 41
- • a kind of easy prose Bālar. x, 78
- ○pārada m. vermilion L.
- ○peṣam ind. (with √piṣ, to grind) so as to pulverise Pāṇ. 3-4, 35
- ○muṣṭi f. a handful of powder or perfume W.
- ○yoga m. pl. a fragrant compound, perfumed powder MBh. xii, 2163 (cf. vāsa-)
- ○śas ind. (with √kri, to reduce) to powder, i, 3225
- ○śākâṅka m. a kind of vegetable L.
- cūrṇádi a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 4-2, 134
- cūrṇaka m. a kind of Ṣashṭika grain Suśr. i, 46, 1, 5
- • chalklike paleness Car. v, 1 and 12
- • grain fried and pounded L.
- • n. fragrant powder Suśr. vi, 35, 5
- • a kind of easy prose (expounding the purport of a foregoing verse W.) Chandom.
- • (ikā), f. id. W.
- • grain fried and pounded L.
- • a kind of cake Vet. i, 18/19
- cūrṇana n. pounding Bālar. viii, 82
- cūrṇi
- cūrḍṇī f. the shell Cypraea moneta (one Kaparda) L. Sch. ; 100 Kapardas Uṇ. iv, 52 Sch.
- • noticing every minute point of difficulty', N. of Pat.'s Comm. (Mahā-bhāshya) L. Sch.
- • of the old Prākṛit commentaries on Jain texts
- • selection of an unanswerable argument W.
- • cf. eka
- ○kāra m. the author of a Cūrṇi (or Prākṛit Comm. on a Jain text)
- ○kṛt m. 'Cūrṇi-author', N. of Pat. L.
- • = -kāra
- cūrṇita mfn. = ○ṇī-kṛta MBh. R. &c
- cūrṇin mfn. made or mixed up with anything powdered or pounded Pāṇ. 4-4, 23
- cūrṇī ind. in comp. for ○ṇa
- • f. = ○ṇi, q.v
- • N. of a river W.
- ○karaṇa n. = cūrṇana Dhātup. xxxii, 46. -√kṛ, to reduce to powder or dust, pulverise, grind, bruise, smash KātySr. xv, 9, 2 9 Suśr.
- ○kṛta mfn. pulverised, smashed MBh. vi, 5424 R. VarBṛS. &c
- ○cikīrṣu mfn. intending to pulverise BhP. x, 12, 30. root
- ○bhū (p. -bhaval), to become dust, become smashed, 72, 37 Vikr. i, 4
- cūrti f. (√car) going Pāṇ. 7-4, 89
- cūla m. (= cū́ḍa)Ṇ. of a man, BṛĀr Up. vi, 3, 9
- • (ā), f. the nucleus of a comet VarBṛS. xi, 9 and 21 (ifc.)
- • the tonsure ceremony Ragh. iii, 28 (ifc
- • caula, S)
- • a top-room of a house L.
- • cf. uc-
- cūlaka ifc. a crest (cūḍā) Matsyas.
- • (ikā), f. a cock's comb VarBṛS. lxiii, 1 (ifc.)
- • the √of an elephant's ear (cūḍikā Gal.)
- • the top of a column CūlUp. (cūḍikā Sch.)
- • summit Siṃhâs.
• N. of a metre (also cūḍikā)
- • of several additional parts of Jain texts
- • the hinting of a matter or event by those behind the curtain Daśar. i, 58 and 61 Sāh. Pratāpar.
- cūlika m. pl. See cūcupa
- • n. cake of flour fried with ghee L.
- • (ā), f. See ○laka
- cūlikā f. of ○laka
- ○paiśācika n
- ○paiśāḍcī f. N. of a dialect in dramas
- cūlikôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up.
- cūlitaka m. N. of a poet, Vallabh
- cūlin mfn. = cūḍin LiṅgaP.
- • having an ornament on the crown Hariv. 4440
- • having a crest (a bird), 2495
- • m. N. of a Ṛishi R. i, 34, 38
- • cf. vi-
- cūṣ cl. 1. ○ṣati, to suck, suck out Dhātup. xvii, 22: Pass. ○ṣyate, to be sucked up or dried up (by internal inflammation) Suśr. if.: Caus. ○ṣayati, to suck up, iv
- • cf. saṃ-
- cūṣaṇa n. sucking (of a leech), i, 13
- • cf. ā-
- cūṣaṇīya mfn. what may be sucked W.
- cūṣā f. an elephant's girdle L. (○ṣyā Gal.)
- cūṣiṇī f. N. of a female attendant of Durgā
- cūṣita mfn. sucked, sucked up W.
- cūṣya mfn. See coṣya
- • (ā), f. See ○ṣā
- coṣa mf(ā)n. ifc. sucking Hcat. i, 7, 466 (cf. BrahmaP.)
- • m. = ṣaṇa W.
- • drying up or burning (of the skin), heat, dryness (as a disease) Suśr.
- coṣaṇa n. sucking Bādar. ii, 2, 3 Sch.
- coṣya mfn. = cūṣaṇīya MBh. i f. xii, 191, 16 (cūṣ○ C) Hariv. 8255 R. i, 52, 24 Pañcat. &c
- cṛt cl. 6. tati (fut. cartsyati and caitiṣy○ Pāṇ. 7-2, 57) to tie Dhātup. xxviii, 35
- • to hurt, kill Bhaṭṭ. xvi, 20: cl 1. cartati, to shine VS. xxii, 7 Sch.
- • to light Dhātup. xxxiv, 14 (v. l. for √chṛd): Caus. (or cl. 10) cartayati id. ib.: Desid. cicṛtsati, or ○cartiṣati Pāṇ. 7-2, 57
- • See ati-, ava-, ā-, upa-, &c
- • √2. & 3. kṛt
- cṛp d. 1.10, v. l. for √chṛd, Dliātup
- cékitāna See √cit. [Page 401, Column 3]
- cekriya mfn. (√1. kṛ, Intens.) active, industrious W.
- cekrīyita n. the characteristic of the Intens. verb Kāt. iii, 2, 14 and 43 ; 3, 7
- cec-ced ind. 'if-if!' be quiet! (address to a dog) PārGṛ. i, 16, 24
- ceṭa m. a servant, slave Mṛicch. Kathās. vi, 127 (ifc.) Sāh.
- • a kind of fish Āp.i, 17, 38
- • (ī), f. a female servant R. ii, 91, 62 Śak.' &c
- ceṭaka m. a servant, slave Bhartṛ. i, 91 Kathās. vi and lxxi (ifc.) Hit.
- • a paramour L.
- • (ikā), f. = ○ṭī Kathās. iv, xii, lī
- ceḍa m. a servant L. Sch.
- • (ī), f. = ceṭī ib.
- ceḍaka m. = ○ḍa, ib
- • (ikā), f. = ○ḍī L.
cet Nom. tati. See √cit
- cetáḥ
- ceḍtaka
- ceḍtana &c. Śee ib.
- cet See cếd
- cetavyá See √1. ci
- cétas &c., ○tāya &c. See √cit
- cetuyā N. of a place, Kshitîś. vii
- cétti cétya, See √cit
- cếd (cf. Padap. ca id), ind, (never found at the beginning of a sentence or verse) = ca, 'and' AV. ii, 30, 2 (céd-ca, 'as well as') ; xviii, 2, 37
- • 'when' (the verb being accentuated, cf. Pāṇ. 8-1, 30) RV. vii, 74, 4 ; viii, 79, 5 ; x, 109, 3 AV. v, 17, 8
- • 'if' (the verb being accentuated, cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 30
- • with pr. [AV. xii, 4, 21 ŚBr. &c. cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 8f. &, 132 Kāś.], Subj. [AV. vi, 122, 2], Pot. [xii, 4, 48 ŚBr. xiv Mn. &c. (for Cond. MBh. v. 960 and Rājat. v, 478)
- • cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 9 and 156 Kāś.], perf. [AV. vi, 5i, 3 MBh. xii, 986ff. perf.p. Pāṇ. 3-3, 132 Kāś.], aor. [AV.iv, 28, 4 ; xii, 4, 18
- • cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 132 Kāś.], fut. [ŚBr. i, xiv MBh. R. Śak.
- • cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 8f. ; 132f. and 156 Kāś.], Cond. [MBh. vii, 3423 Śak.
- • cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 139 Kāś.], perf. or fut. Pass. p. or with an auxiliar verb to be supplied AV. ix, 5, 6 ; xii, 2, 36 KātyŚr. Mn. &c.)
- atha ced 'but if.' MBh. v, 2775 Bhag. ii, 33 ; xviii, 58
- api ced 'even' Hariv. 11308
- iticen (often placed at the end of an objector's statement) 'if it be argued that..'
- na, no, it is not so' Bādar. ii, 1, 35 Sarvad. ii, 158
- na ced (g. câdi, also separated by the verb [MBh.] or the verb preceded by na placed at the end of the sentence [ŚBr. xiv, 6, 8, 1 Bhag. ii, 33 ; xviii, 58 Hit.], rarely cen na in reversed order beginning the apodosis Sāṃkhyak. 1 Sāh. Śrut. Hit.) 'if not' (= no ced forming a sentence by itself. ŚBr. xiv, 7, 2, 15) ŚBr. xiv SāṅkhŚr.i, 17, 1 Mn. &c
- no ced (g. câdi) id. (forming a sentence by itself. e.g. dūram apasara no ced dhantavyo'si mayā, 'depart to a distance, if not, i.e. if thou departest not, thou art to be killed by me') MBh. xii, 7, 21 and 29, 145
- • Pañcat. Kathās. Vet. Hit.
- • exceptionally = na ced (beginning a sentence) MBh. xiii, 5809
- na ced or (with Pot.) 'would that not!' (e.g. no cet pradahet, 'would that he did not burn down!'), v, 676 ff. and 966
- no ced (with Pot.) 'would that not!' (e.g. no cet pradahet, 'would that he did not burn down!'), v, 676 ff. and 966
- • (with pr. or Pot., the apodosis containing an Impv.) 'if not', i.e., in order that not', 2714 R. v, 80, 24
- yadiced (also separated by the verb) = ced, 'if' (with pr., Pot., fut.) MBh. i, 2403 Hariv. 11895 R. ii, 8, 34 and 48, 19 (cf. ned.)
- cedi m. pl. N. of a people (who lived in Bundelkhand ; renowned for their attachment to ancient laws and institutions MBh. ; their capital was Śuktimatī ; some of their kings were vasu Uparicara, Subāhu, Dhṛishṭa-ketu, Dama-ghosha, Siśu-pāla &c.) RV. viii, 5, 39 MBh. R. &c
- • m. sg. N. of the supposed ancestor of the Cedis (son of Kaiśika or Uśika) BhP. ix, 24, 2
- ○nagarī f. = tri-purī L.
- ○pa m. = -pati MBh. i, 2342 ; iii, 462 VarBṛS. xliii, 8
- • N. of a son of Vasu Uparicara BhP. ix, 22, 6
- ○pati m. a prince of the Cedis MBh. iii (cf. Nal. xvi, 31), xiii
- ○purī f. the city of the Cedis, ii, 1508 Nal. xvi, 6
- ○bhū-bhuj m. 'earth-en-joyer of the Cedis', = -pati BhP. vii, 1, 13
- ○bhūbhṛt m. 'protector of the country of the Cedis', Śisu-pāla W.
- ○rāj m. 'king of the Cedis', id. L.
- • = -pati MBh. iii, 898
- ○rāja m. = -pati Nal. xii f. Hariv. 4964 BhP. ix, 24, 38 Śiśu-pāla. W.
- ○viṣaya m. the country of the Cedis MBh. i, 2335
- ○hūṇa m. pl. the Cedis and the Hūṇas Mudr.
- cedika m. pl. the Cedis VarBṛS. xiv, 8
- ceya See √1. ci, [Page 402, Column 1]
- cera N. of a southern kingdom Inscr.
- ○pāda m. pl. N. of a people (?, cf. īra-p○) AitĀr.
- ceraka m. (= mīmāṃsaka ?) Lalit. xxiv, 151
- cerala m. pl. N. of a family Pravar. v, 4
- céru mfn. (√cāy) behaving respectfully, worshipping RV. viii, 61, 7
- cel cl. 1. = √cal Dhātup. xv, 29
- cela n. (√cil) clothes, garment Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. ā Hariv. 7946 Naish. xxii, 42)
- • ifc. 'the mere outward appearance of', a bad representative of (e.g. bhāryā-cela n. bad wife' Pat. and Kāś.
- • also mf(ī)n., e.g. brāhmaṇicelī f. 'a bad wife of a Brahman', ○ṇa-cela m. a bad Brahman' Pāṇ. 6-3, 43 Kāś. Gaṇar. 114) Pāṇ. 6-2, 126
- • m. = ceṭa, a servant, slave MBh. ii, 70, 7 Sch.
- • cf. ku-, āhara-celā
- • pāpa-celī and ○likā
- ○kaṇṭhin mfn. for śveta-k○ Hariv. 6046
- ○knopam ind. so as to wet the clothes (rain) Pāṇ. 3-4, 33
- ○gaṅgā f. N. of a river Hariv. 7736 and 8493
- ○cīrā f. a piece torn off from a garment Rājat. iv, 573
- ○nirṇejaka m. a washerman Mn. iv, 216
- ○prakṣālaka m. id. R. (G) ii, 32, 21
- ○rucikā f. a mourning band (?) Hcar. v, 23 (vḷ.)
- celâpahāra m. theft of garments MBh. viii, 2045
- • cf. Mn. x, 167.)
- celâśaka m. 'clotheseater', a moth Mn. xi, 72 Sch.
- célaka m. for chel○ Npr.
- • N. of a man ŚBr. x, 4, 5, 3 (cf. caílaki)
- • (m. or n.) = cela ifc. a bad representative of. Rājat. vii, 299
- • (ikā), f. a corset, bodice PadmaP. iv
- celāna m. a kind of cucumber L.
- celāla m. Cucumis sativus L.
- celicīma m.= cilic○ L. Sch.
- celīma m. id. W.
- celuka m. a Buddhist novice L.
- cell v. l. for √cel
- cevī f. N. of a Rāgiṇi (in music) L.
- ceṣṭ cl. I. céṣṭati, ○te (inf ○ṭitum) to move the limbs, move, stir MBh. R. BhP. Śak.
- • to make effort, exert one's self, struggle, strive, be active AV. xi, 4, 23 f. ŚBr. iii Lāṭy. Kauś. Mn. MBh.
- • to be busy or occupied with (acc.)
- • to act, do, perform, care for Gobh. i, 6, 19 MBh. R. Śak. Rājat. iii, 493
- • to prepare ŚBr. xiv, 9, 4, 18 (ind. p. ceṣṭitvā́): Caus. tayati, ○te (aor. aciceṣṭat [Bhaṭt. xv, 60] or acac○ Pāṇ. 7-4, 96) to cause to move, set in motion, impel, drive ŚāṅkhŚr. viii, 9, 3 Mn. xii, 15 MBh. R. Suśr. iv, 32, 17
- ceṣṭa m. 'moving', a kind of fish (tapasvin) L.
- • n. moving the limbs, gesture Mn. vii, 63
- • behaviour, manner of life Hariv. 5939
- • (al), f, (cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 12) moving any limb, gesture Mn. vii f. Yājñ. MBh. &c. (ifc. Ragh. ii, 43)
- • action, activity, effort, endeavour, exertion ĀśvŚr. i ŚvetUp. ii, 9 (ifc.) Mn. iv, 65 Bhag. &c
- • doing, performing Mn. i, 65
- • behaving, manner of life Mn. vii, 194 KapS. iii, 51 VarBṛS. (ifc.) &c
- • cf. a-, naṣṭa-, niś-
- ceṣṭaka mfn. making effort or exertion W.
- • m. a kind of fish (= ○ṭa) L.
- • a kind of coitus
- ceṣṭana n. making effort W.
- • motion Mn.xii, 120 MBh. xii, 6363 R. BhP.
- • ifc. performing KapS. i, 3
- • effort, exertion W.
- ceṣṭayitṛ mfn. one who sets in motion MBh. xii, 1181
- ceṣṭā f. See ○ṭa
- ○nāśa m. ceasing of every motion L.
- • destruction of the world L.
- ○nirūpaṇa n. observing any one's actions W.
- ○"ṣrha (○ṭâr○), mfn. worthy of effort W.
- ○vat mfn. moveable Suśr. iii, 5, 23
- • full of activity, active W.
- ceṣṭita mfn. set in motion W.
- • done with effort, exerted W.
- • done Śak. iii, 23/24 (vḷ.) ; v, 9
- • frequented Ragh. xi, 51
- • n. moving any limb, gesture Mn. Suśr. VarBṛS.
- • doing, action, behaviour, manner of life Mn. MBh. R. KapS. iii, 59 ff. Śak. &c. (ifc. f. ā Bhar. xxxiv, 118)
- ceṣṭitavya n. impers. to be done or managed MBh. xii, 4919
- caikayata m. patr., f. ○tya g. krauḍy-ādi (cf. Gaṇar. 36
- • caitay○ .cf. Pāṇ.] Sch.)
- caikita mfn. fr. ○tya g. kaṇvâdi m. petr. Pravar. iv, 1 (cf. Kāty
- • vaikṛti MatsyaP.)
- caikitāna m. patr. fr. cik○ BṛĀrUp. i, 3 Sch.
- caikitāneyá m. patr. fr. (○na BṛĀrUp. Sch.), cékitāna ŚBr. xiv, 4, 1, 26 ṢaḍvBr. iv, 1 VBr.
- caikitāyana m. patr. of Dālbhya (fr. cik○ Sch.
- • or: fr. cikita) ChUp. i, 8, 1 MatsyaP. lxix, 19. [Page 402, Column 2]
- caikitya m. patr. fr. cikita g. gargâdi
- caikitsita mfn. fr. ○tsitya g. kaṇvâdi
- caikitsitya m. patr. fr. cikitsita g. gargâdi
- caikīrṣata mfn. = cikīrṣat (p. √1. kṛ, Intens.), g. prajñâdi
- caikīrṣita mfn. (fr. cik○) for ○ṣata Gaṇar.
- caiṭayata m. patr
- ○vidha mfn. inhabited by the Caiṭayatas, g. bhauriky-ādi
- caiṭayatāyani m. patr. fr. ○ta g. tikâdi
- caiṭayatyā f. of ○ta g. krauḍy-ādi
- caitaki m. pl. (fr. cetaka) N. of a family Pravar. ii, 2, 2
- caitanya n. (fr. cétana) consciousness MBh. xiv, 529 Suśr. i, 21, 24. &c
- • intelligence, sensation, soul, spirit KapS. iii, 20 Sāṃkhyak. &c
- • the Universal Soul or Spirit
- • m. N. of a reformer of the Vaishṇava faith (born about 1485 AḌ. RTL. 138)
- ○candrôdaya m. 'moon-rise of the reformer Caitanya', N. of a drama
- ○caraṇâmrita n. 'nectar of Caitanya's life', N. of wk. by Kṛishṇa-dāsa (abridgement of the Caitanya-caritra W.)
- ○caritâmṛta n. = ○raṇâm○
- ○caritra m. N. of wk. ( See before)
- ○deva m. N. of a man Kathârṇ. (colophon)
- ○bhairavī f. a form of Durgā Tantras. ii
- ○maṅgala n. N. of wk. =
- ○yukta mfn. endowed with consciousness Yājñ. iii, 81 (ifc.)
- caitanyâmṛta n. N. of a grammar
- caitayata (fr. cetayat), See caikay○
- caitasika mfn. relating to the mind (cetas, as duties) Buddh. L.
- caitika m. pl. (fr. 2. caitya?, cf. caitya-saila) N. of a Buddh. school
- caitta mfn. belonging to thought (cittá), imagined Vedântas.
- • mental, mādar. ii, 2, 18 Sch. Prab. Sch.
- caittika mfn. belonging to thought W.
- caitya m. (fr. 5. cit or 2. citi) the individual soul BhP. iii, 26 ; 28, 28 ; 31, 19 Sarvad. ii, 198f
- caitya mfn. relating to a funeral pile or mound (citā) ĀśvGṛ. iii, 6 Gṛihyās. ii, 4
- • m. n. a funeral monument or Stūpa (q.v.) or pyramidal column containing the ashes of deceased persons, sacred tree (esp. a religious fig-tree) growing on a mound, hall or temple or place of worship (esp. with Buddh. and Jain. and generally containing a monument), a sanctuary near a village ĀśvGṛ. i, 12 Parāś. Yājñ. ii, 151 & 228 MBh. &c
- • a Jain or Buddh. image L.
- • m. = ○tyaka, ii, 814
- ○taru m. a tree (esp. religious fig-tree) standing on a sacred spot VarBṛS.
- ○dru m. a religious fig-tree L.
- • a large tree in a village W.
- ○druma m. = -taru Mn. x, 50
- ○pāla m. the guardian of a caitya R. v, 38, 29
- ○mukha m. 'having an opening like that of a Buddh. sanctuary', a hermit's water-pot L.
- ○yajña m. a sacrificial ceremony performed at a monument ĀśvGṛ. i, 12
- ○vṛkṣa m. = -taru AV. Pariś. lxxi Mn. ix, 264 MBh. R.
- • a religious fig-tree L.
- ○śaila m. pl. N. of a Buddh. school
- • cf. caitika
- ○sthāna n. a place made sacred by a monument or a sanctuary MBh. xiii, 4729 and 7701
- caityaka m. one of the 5 mountains surrounding the town Giri-vraja, ii, 799 ; 811 ff. ; 843
- caitra m. N. of the 2nd spring month (its full moon standing in the constellation Citrā, cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 23) ŚāṅkhBr. xix, 3 KātyŚr. Lāṭy. Mn. vii, 182 MBh. &c
- • the 6th year in the cycle of Jupiter VarBṛS. viii, 8
- • a Buddh. or Jain religious mendicant L.
- • a common N. for any man (like Deva-datta), Gauḍap. on Sāṃkhyak. 5 and 7 Prab. iii, 7/8 Sch. Pāṇ. 2-3, 29 Sch. (not in Kāś.)
- • 'son of Citrā', N. of a son of Budha and grand father of Su-ratha BrahmaP.
- • = caitriyāyaṇá Anukr. on Kāṭh. xxxix, 14
- • N. of two Ṛishis VP. iii, 1, 12 and 18
- • one of the seven ranges of mountains (dividing the continent into Varshas) L.
- • n. = caitya, a sepulchre L.
- • a sanctuary L.
- • mfn. for citra (B) or jaitra (cf. Sch.) MBh. vii, 76
- • (ī), f. (with or without paurṇamāsī) the day of full moon in month Caitra, sacrifice offered on that day ŚāṅkhŚr. iii, 13, 2 KātyŚr.xiii Lāṭy.x Pāṇ. 4-2, 23 MBh. xii, xiv
- ○vatī for vetr○
- ○sakha m. 'friend of month Caitra', the god of love L. Sch.
- caitrâvalī f. the day of full moon in month Caitra L.
- caitraka m. = ○trika L.
- • m. pl. N. of a warrior tribe Pāṇ. 6-2, 34, Kāś.
- caitrakūṭī f. (fr. citra-kūṭa) N. of a Comm. on a grammatical work
- caitraga m. pl. N. of a family Pravar. v, 1. [Page 402, Column 3]
- caitrabhānava mfn. belonging to Agni (citrabhānu) Bālar. vii, 34/35 ; viii, 52/53, 1
- caitraratha mfn. treating of the Gandharva Citra-ratha MBh. i, 313
- • m. patr. fr. Citra-ratha, i, 3740
- • (N. of Saśa-bindu) xii, 998
- • of a Dvyaha ceremony KātyŚr. xxiii, 2, 3 Maś.
- • n. (with or without vana) the grove of Kubera cultivated by the Gandharva Citra-ratha MBh. iii, v Hariv. R. Divyâv. xiv BhP. Ragh. v, 60 Kād.
- • (i), f. patr. of a daughter of Śaśa-bindu Hariv. 712
- caitrarathi m. patr. fr. Citra-ratha TāṇḍyaBr. xx, 12
- • (Śaśa-bindu) Hariv. 1972
- caitrarathya n. = ○tha, Kubera's grove BhP.iii
- caitravāhanī f. patr. of Citrâṅgadā (fr. citravāhana) MBh. i, 7827 ; xiv, 2358 and 2405
- caitraseni m. patr. fr. citra-sena, vii, 916 and 1091
- caitrāyaṇa m. (g. i. naḍâdi) patr. fr. Citra Pravar. iii, 1
- • cf. jait○
• N. of a place, g. pakṣâdi
- caitri v. l. for ○trin W.
- caitrika m. the month Caitra Pāṇ. 4-2, 23
- caitrin m. id. L.
- caitriyāyaṇá m. (fot ○tryAy○, See caitra) patr. of Yajña-sena TS. v, 3, 8, 1.,
- caitrī f. See ○tra
- caitrī-pakṣa m. the dark half in Caitra Lāṭy. x, 5 and 20
- caitreyá mfn. coming from a speckled cow (citrā́) MaitrS. ii, 5, 9
- • m. metron. fr. Citrā Pravar.
- caidika mf(ā, ī). g. kāśy-ādi
- caidyá m. patr. fr. cedi VP. iv, 12, 15 (pl.)
- • a prince of the Cedis (esp. Śiśu-pāla MBh. i, 129 ; ii, 1523 Hariv. 1804 f. BhP. vii, 1, 15 and 30 ; ix, 24, 2) RV. viii, 5, 37 f
• (pl.) the Cedi people L.
- • (ā), f. a princess of the Cedis MBh. i, 3831
- caintita m. metron. fr. cintitā Pāṇ. 4-1, 113 Kāś.
- caila mfn. made of cloth (cela) W.
- • bred in clothes (as insects
- • m. = celâśaka) Mn. xii, 72 Kull.
- • m. N. of a man (cf. c4laka) VāyuP. i, 61, 40
- • pl. N. of a family Pravar. ii, 2, 1 (v. l, cela, ○laka)
- • n. = cela, clothes, garment Kauś. Yājñ. ii, 97 (ifc.) MBh. (ifc. f. ā, iii, 12725) Pañcat. BhP. x, 42, 33 Kuval.
• a piece of cloth Car.
- ○dhāva m. cela-nirṇejaka Yājñ. i, 164
- cailâśaka m. a kind of goblin feeding on moths Mn. xii, 72
- cailaka m. 'clothed with a cela (?)', a Buddh. mendicant Buddh. (cf. celuka.)
- cailaki m. patr. fr. célaka, N. of Jivala ŚBr. ii, 3, i, 34
- cailika a piece of cloth Suśr. vi, 18, 41 (v. l.)
- caileya mfn. made of cloth BhP. x, 4r, 40
- coka n. the √of Cleome felina Bhpr. v, 1, 177
- cokṣa mf(ā)n. (cf. cukṣā), pure, clean (persons) Mn. iii, 207 MBh. xii f
- • (often in Prākṛit cokkha Jain.)
- • dexterous L.
- • agreeable, pleasant L.
- • sung L.
- • abhīkṣṇa (tihṣṇa W.) L.
coca n. the bark of cinnamon Suśr. Pañcar. iii, 13, 11
- • bark L.
- • skin L.
- • the cocoanut VarBṛS. xli, 4
- • the fruit of the fan-palm L. Sch. the uneatable part of a fruit L.
- • a banana L. Sch.
- cocaka n. the bark of cinnamon Suśr.
- • bark L.
- coṭikā ○ṭī f. a petticoat L.
- coḍa m. -cū́ḍa, a sort of protuberance on a brick TS. v, 3, 7, 1 (ifc.)
- • = ○ḍaka SaddhP.
- • pl. N. of a people L.
- • sg. a prince of that people Pāṇ. 4-1, 175 Vārtt. (vḷ. cola)
- • (ā), f. N. of a plant L.
- ○karṇa m. 'projecting-ear', N. of a man Kathās. lxix, 164
- coḍaka -colaka, a jacket Divyâv. xxvii, 541
- coda ○daka, ○dana, &c. See √cud
- copaka See gale-
- copaḍa m. cream L.
- copana See √1. cup
- corá ○raka, ○rāyita, &c. See √cur
- cola m. (= coda) a jacket, bodice Naish. xxii, 42 (ifc. f. ā
- • vḷ.)
- • pl. N. of a people in southern India on the Coromandel (= cola-maṇḍala) coast MBh. ii, vi ff. Hariv. 782 and 9600 R. iv, 41, 18 VarBṛS. &c
- • sg. the ancestor of the Colas Hariv. 1836
- • a prince of the Colas MBh. ii, 1893 PadmaP. v, 153 f. Rājat. i, 300
- • n. (= cela) garment L.
- • (ī), f. a jacket L. Sch.
- • a Cola woman Vcar. v, 89
- ○paṭṭaka m. a piece of cloth worn (by Jainas) round the middle of the body, Śīl. [Page 403, Column 1]
- ○maṇḍala n. 'Cola territory', the Coromandel coast
- colôṇḍuka m. a turban L.
- colaka m. (= coḍaka) a jacket HPariś. ii, 38
- • a cuirass L.
- • pl. the Colas Kathās. xix
- • n. bark L.
- colakin m. a cuirassier W.
- • 'sheathed', a bamboo shoot L.
- • the orange tree L.
- • the wrist L.
- coṣa ○ṣaṇa, ○ṣya, See √cūṣ
- coska m. an Indus horse L.
- caukrya n. (fr. cukra) sourness, acidity, g. dṛḍhâdi
- caukṣa mfn. (fr. cukṣā g. chattrâdi) = cokṣa, pure, clean (persons) MBh. xii, 4315
- • m. pl. N. of a family Pravar. i, (i and ) 7
- caukṣya mfn. clean MBh. xii Suśr. ii, 12, 3
- cauḍa mfn. fr. coḍa, See -deśa
- • relating to a crest (cūḍā) W.
- • relating to tonsure W.
- • n. = caula Mn. ii, 27 MBh. iii, 12240 Pāṇ. 5-1, 110 Kāś.
- ○karman n. = caula-k○ W.
- ○deśa m. the Coḍa (Cola) country, Ratnak
- cauḍārya mfn. fr. cūḍāra g. pragady-ādi
- cauḍāli m. metron. fr. cūḍālā g. bāhv-ādi
- cauḍi m. metron. fr. cūḍā g. bāhv-ādi
- • cf. cauli
- cauḍikya n. the state of being cūḍika g. purohitâdi
- cauḍitikya n. id. ib. (cf. Kāś.)
- cauṇṭya mfn. coming from a well (cuṇṭī) Suśr. i, 45, 1, 1 and 24 ; 46, 2, 64
- cauṇḍa mfn. (fr. cuṇḍa for ○ḍya) id. L.
- ○pa m. well-water-drinker', N. of the author of Prayoga-ratna-mālā
- ○rāja m. N. of a king Inscr.
- cauṇḍya mfn. = ○ḍa Bhpr.v, 10, 1 29 f. and 12, 48 f
- cautapallava mf(ī)n. relating to a Cūta shoot (pallava) Śiś. ii, 19
- caudāyani m. patr., See cod○
- caudrāyaṇa m. N. of a prince of Daśa-pura HPariś. xiii, 1
- caupayata m. patr. fr. copayat (√cup, Caus. p.)
- ○vidha mfn. inhabited by Caupayatas, g. bhauriky-ādi
- caupayatāyani m. patr. fr. ○ta g. tikâdi
- caupayatyā f. of ○ta g. krauḍy-ādi
- caupāyana m. patr. fr. cupa g. i. aśvâdi
- caura mfn. (√cur) thievish HPariś. ii, 170 (= corá g. prajñâdi
- • g. chattrâdi) a thief. robber Mn. iv, viii, xi (ifc.) Hariv. &c
- • a dishonest or unfair dealer, usurper Pañcat. i, 8, 11/12 and 18/19 (also in comp. translatable as adj.)
- • (ifc.e.g. kavi-, 'a plagiarist') Gaṇar. 114
- • a (heart-) captivator Hariv. 7125 ; 9981 and 9994
- • the perfume Coraka L.
- • 'plagiarist', N. of a poet (cf. cora) ŚārṅgP.
- • pl. N. of a family Pravar. i, 7 (cf. Kāty. and Viśvan.)
- • (ī), f. a female thief. (heart-)captivator Kathās. vc, 54
- • civ, 168
- • = ○ra-karman L.
- ○karman n. thievery, theft Pañcat. i, 19, 5/6 ; v, 7, 0/1
- ○gata mfn. stolen W.
- ○ṃ-kāram ind. for cor○
- ○tara m. (compar.) a great thief. Naish. viii, 59
- ○tas ind. from theft W.
- • from robbers W.
- ○dhvaja-baddhaka m. a notorious thief. Buddh. L.
- ○pañcāśikā f. irr. abbreviation for caurī-surata-p○ (for cauḍī-, Prākṛit fr. cāpotkaṭī-?), 50 stanzas on secret love (or on the love of the Cāpotkata princess)', a famous poem by Bilhaṇa
- ○puṣpāu9ṣadhi f. = cora-puṣpī L.
- ○bhavānī f. N. of a Tirtha Rasik. xi, 33
- ○rūpa m. a clever thief. W.
- ○rūpin mfn. thiefnatured W.
- ○hṛta mfn. taken by robbery W.
- caurâṃśā f. a metre of 4 x 6 syllables
- caurâṭavī f. a forest inhabited by robbers Kathās. īc, 12
- caurâpahṛta mfn. = ○ra-h○
- caurôddharaṇa n. extirpation of robbers
- caurôddhraṇika m. 'thief-extirpator', a thief-catcher
- caurôddhartṛ m. id. Yājñ. ii, 271
- cauraka m. the perfume Coraka L.
- • (ikā), f. 'a female thief', See taila-
- • (g. manojñâdi) = ○rakarman Mn. i, 82 Pañcat. v, 7, 1
- • [instr. ayā ind. clandestinely, in the back of (gen.)] iii, 16, 0/1
caurasya-kula n. a gang of thieves Pāṇ. 6-3, 21, Kāś.
- caurādika mfn. belonging to the cur-ādi roots
- cauri-kāka (fr. ○rin? ), See ciri-k○
- caurī ind. and f. ( See ○ra) in comp
○bhūta mfn. set on by thieves BhP. iv, 18, 7
- ○surata n. =, ○rya-surata', -pañcāśikā
- • See caura-p○
- caurya n. (g. brāhmaṇâdi) = ○ra-karman Mn. ix, xi Yājñ. ii, 72 Mṛicch. &c
- • trickery Hariv. 15163 f
- • (ifc. with śulka) defraudation Pañcat. iv, 5, 0/1
- ○rata n. secret sexual enjoyment, i, 4, 12. [Page 403, Column 2]
- ○vidyā f. 'thieving science', a treatise ascribed to Yogâcārya (imparted to him by Kārttikeya) Mṛicch. iii, 14/15 Sch.
- ○vṛtti mfn. living on thievery Daś. ix, 1 1 (v. l. ○ra-v○)
- • f. practice of theft or robbery W.
- ○surata n. = -rata Alaṃkāras.
- cauryârjita mfn. acquired by robbery W.
- cauryaka n. = ○ra-karman MBh. xii, 8501
- cauraṅgin m. N. of a teacher, Haṭhapr. i, 5
- caurola N. of a metre W.
- caurya ○yaka, See caura
- caula n. (fr. cū́lā = cū́ḍā) the tonsure ceremony ( See cūḍā-karaṇa), AśvG-. i, 17, 1 NārS. i, 13
- • xxii Śūdradh.
- • ifc. (g. cūrṇâdi), See cūlā
- ○karman n. id. ĀśvGṛ. i, 4, 1
- ○śrīpati-tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha RevāKh. cclxxv
- caulakāyana patr. fr. cūlaka Pravar. iv, 1 (B)
- cauli m. = cauḍi, vi, i ○lakāyana B, ○lika V)
- caulukya m. (g. kaṇvâdi) patr. fr. Culuka, N. of king Kumāra-pāla Hemac.
- cauhāṇa or ○hāna, N. of king Vaijana's dynasty (16th century)
- cauhāra m. a kind of dill L.
- cauhittha N. of a man Bhojapr.
- cyava ○va-tAna○ See √2. cyu
- cyávana
- cyávāna
- cyāva &c. See ib.
- cyu (and cyus), cl. 10. cyāvayati (cyosay = √sah or has Dhātup. xxxiii, 72
- cyu cl. i. cyávate (ep. also ○ti
- • Subj. 1. sg. cyávam RV. i, 165, 10
- • 3. pl. cyavanta, 48, 2 fut. cyoṣyate AitBr. ii, 22
- • aor. 2. pl. acyoḍhvam [Subj. cy○, MahānārUp.] and Prec. cyoṣīḍhvam Pāṇ. 8-3, 78 Kāś.) to move to and fro, shake about RV. i, 167, 8
- • to stir, move from one's place, go away, retire from (abl.), turn off ; vi, 62, 7
- • x BhP. ix, 14, 20
- • to deviate from (abl.), abandon (duty &c., abl
- • exceptionally gen. MBh. xv, 463 C inf. cyavitum) Mn. vii, 98 MBh. iii
- • to come forth from, come out of. drop from, trickle, stream forth from (abl
- • √2. cyut), 14598 R. ii, 39, 15
• to fall down, fall, slide from (abl.), v, 13, 31
- • to fall from any divine existence (so as to be re-born as a man) Jain.
- • to die Buddh.
- • ś 'to fall from', be deprived of, lose (with abl.) Mn.iii, 140 ; viii, 103 Bhaṭṭ. iii, 20 (aor. acyoṣṭa)
- • to fall away, fade away, disappear, vanish, perish Mn. xii, 96 MBh. BhP. iii, 28, 18
- • to fail MBh. v, 1089
- • to sink down, sink (lit. and fig.) MuṇḍUp. i, 2, 9
- • (in the series of re-births) Bhag. ix, 24
- • to decrease (with instr.) MBh. iii, 14141
- • to bring about, create, make RV. i, 48, 2 ; iv, 30, 22 (pf. 2. sg. cicyuṣé, cf. Pāṇ. 6-i, 36) ; viii, 45, 25 (pf. cucyuvé)
- • to cause to go away, make forget MahānārUp.
- • Caus. cyāváyati (once cyav○ ŚāṅkhBr. xii, 5 Padap. always cyav○, p. cyāváyat RV. iii, 30, 4
- • impf. acucyavur, i, 166, 5 and 168, 4
- • pf. cyāvayām āsa MBh. iii, 15920) P. to cause to move, shake, agitate RV. i ; iii, 30, 4 AV. x, xii
- • Ā. to be moved or shaken RV. vi, 31, 2
- • P. to loosen, i, 168, 6
- • to remove from a place, drive away from (abl.) TS. ii, 2, 7, 5 ŚBr. i, x MBh. R.
- • to cause (rain, vṛ́ṣṭim) to fall TS. iii, 3, 4, 1 TāṇḍyaBr. xiii, 5, 13 ŚāṅkhBr. xii, 5
- • to deprive any one (acc.) of (acc.) R. ii, 53, 7
- • Intens. (impf. 2. pl. acucyaviitana) to shake RV. i, 37, i 2: Caus. Desid. cicyāvayiṣati or cucy○ Pāṇ. 7-4, 81
- cyava mfn. See bhuvana-cyavá
- ○tāna (cyáv○), m. N. of a man RV. v, 33, 9
- cyávana mfn. moving, moved, ii, 12, 4
- • causing to move, shaking, 21, 3 ; vi, viii, x AV. vii, 116, 1
- • promoting delivery (a mantra) Suśr. iv, 15, 2
- • m. one who causes to move, shaker RV. viii, 96, 4
- • N. of a demon causing diseases PārGṛ. i, 16, 23
- • (later form for cyávāna) N. of a Ṛishi (son of Bhṛigu, author of RV. x, 19) AitBr. viii, 21 ŚBr. iv, 1, 5, 1 Nir. MBh. (father of Ṛicika, xiii, 207) &c
- • of an astronomer NārS. i, 3 Nirṇayas. i, 563
- • of a physician BrahmaP. i, 16, 17
- • of the author of a law-book ( See -smṛti), PārG2. Sch. Introd
- • of a Saptarshi in the 2nd Manv-antara Hariv. (v. l. for niś-cy○)
- • of a son (of Su-hotra, 1803 BhP. ix, 22, 5
- • of Mitrâyu, 1)
- • n. motion Suśr. i, 15, 1
- • the being deprived of (in comp.) BhP. viii, 20, 5 falling from any divine existence for being re-born as a man Jain. [Page 403, Column 3]
- • dying Buddh.
- • trickling, flowing W.
- • cf. duś-cyavaná
- ○dharma mfn. destined to sink down in the series of re-births MBh. xii, 13163
- ○dharman
- ○dharḍmin mfn. destined to fall from any divine existence (so as to be re-born as a man) Divyâv. iii, 33 f. ; xiv, 1 ff
- ○nahuṣa saṃvāda m. 'discussion between Cyavana and Nahusha', N. of MBh. xiii, chs. 50-52
- ○prâśa m. N. of an electuary (cf. cyāvana) Mallapr.
- ○samāgama m. N. of PadmaP. iv, 44
- ○smṛti f. N. of wk., v, 43 Parāś. iv Sch.
- cyavanôpâkhyāna n. 'tale of Cyavana', N. of MBh. xiii, chs. 50-52 (2641-2754) and of PadmaP. ii, 80 and iv, 42
- cyavas n. 'motion.' See tṛṣu-cyáv
- cyávāna mfn. (pr. p. √cyu), moving', active RV. vi, 62, 7 ; x, 59, i
- • (61, 2) ; 115, 6 (with tṛṣú)
- • m
- • (= cyávana) N. of a Ṛishi (restored to youth by the Aśvins) RV. i, v, vii, x BrahmaP. ii, 18, 8
- • m. du. 'active', the arms Naigh. ii, 4
- cyāva See duś-
- cyāvana mfn. (√cyu, Caus.) causing to fall (ifc.) MBh. viii, 1506
- • n. expulsion, Hariv' 1512
- cyāvana mfn. relating to cyavana (with prâśa = cyavana-pr○ Car. vi, i and 31)
- • m: patr. fr. Cyavana TāṇḍyaBr. xiii, xix Pravar. ii ŚāṅkhBr. iii, 2 Sch.
- • n. N. of several Sāmans ĀrshBr.
- cyāvayitṛ m. a causer of motion Nir. iv, 19
- cyāvita mfn. expelled from (abl.) BhP. viii, 17, 12
- • caused to fall Hariv. 1326
- cyut mfn. ifc. 'moving', See tṛṣu-cyút
- • 'shaking, causing to fall, removing, destroying', acyuta-, dhruva-, parvata-, bāhu-, mada-cyút
- cyutá mfn. moved, shaken AV. ix, 2, 15
- • gone away from (abl.) R. ii, 52, 27 and 72, 5
- • (with abl. or ifc.) deviated from (lit. [Pañcat. v, 3, 10/11] and fig. [Mn. viii, 418 ; xii, 70 ff. Hariv. 11105 and 11188])
- • (said of arrows) failing an aim (abl.) L.
- • flying away from (abl. or in comp
- • said of missile weapons) MBh. xiii, 4610 Hariv. 8088 R. iii BhP. iii, 18, 5
- • expelled from, deprived of (abl.) MBh. iii Bhaṭṭ. vii, 92
- • destitute of. free of (in comp.) Pañcat. i, 10, 26 Kathās. lx, 178
- • abandoned by (in comp.) VarBṛSḷi,. 2
- • disappeared, vanished Hariv. 11173 Ragh. iii, 45 ; viii, 65 Bhaṭṭ. iii
- • come forth from, dropped from, streaming forth from (lit. and fig., as speech from the mouth) Mn. vi, 132 MBh. xiii, 2183 R. i-iii BhP. Bhaṭṭ. ix, 71
- • fallen from, fallen MBh. &c
- • fallen from any divine existence for being re-born as a man Buddh. Jain.
- • (in astrol.) standing in the ? Laghuj. x, 5
- • sunk (morally) Kum. v, 81
- • (in math.) divided Bijag.
- • cf. á-, hásta-
- ○dattâkṣara mf(ā)n. where a syllable has been dropped or added Sāh. x, 14
- ○pathaka m. 'deviated from the path', N. of a pupil of Śākyamuni, Buddh' L.
- ○saṃskāra mfn. offending against grammar, Pratāpar
- ○saṃskṛti mfn. id. ib. Kpr. vii, 2
- cyutâkṣara mf(a)n. where a syllable has been dropped Sāh. x, 14/15
- cyutâcāra mfn. deviated from duty PadmaP.v, 20, 9
- cyutâdhikāra mfn. dismissed from an office W.
- cyutótsāha mfn. having spent one's energies, exhausted
- cyutaka See akṣara-mātra-
- cyuti f. 'banishment', See deśa-, 'coming forth', See garbha-, 'oozing', See jaghána-
- • falling, falling down, gliding, Gaut' Suśr.
- • (with garbhasya, 'abortion') VarBṛ. iv, 9 Sch.
- • fall, degeneration Bhartṛ. iii, 32
- • fall from any divine existence (so as to be re-born as a man) Lalit. iv, 4 and 31 HPariś.
- • deviation from (abl.) MBh. i, 4169 Bhartṛ.
- • vanishment, loss (ifc.) Suśr. Kum. iii, 10 Śāntiś. BhP. x, 22, 20
- • perishing, dying W.
- • the vulva L.
- • (= cuti) the anus L.
- • cf. sá-, hásla-
- cyautná mfn. animating, promoting (with acc.) RV. x, 50, 4
- • n. shaking, concussion, vi, 18, 8
- • enterprise, contrivance, strength (cf. Naigh. ii, 9) RV.
- cyut (= √ścut, ścyut), cl. 1. cyotati (aor. acyutat and acyotīt
- • acyutīt Vop. viii, 38) to flow, trickle, ooze Bhaṭṭ. vi, 28
- • to fall down, 29
- • to cause to stream forth, Uttarar' iii, 35 Bhaṭṭ. xv, 114: Caus. cyotayati, to lixiviate Car. vi, 24
- cyut mfn. 'distilling.' See mada-, madhu-
- cyuta mfn. ifc. id. See ghṛta-, madhu-
- cyota m.= ścy○ L. Sch.
- cyupa m. the mouth Uṇ. iii, 24
- cyus See √1 cyu
- • cl. 10. cyosayati, to leave Dhātup. xxxiii, 72. [Page 404, Column 1]
- cyūta vḷ. for cūta, the anus W.
- cyautná See √2. cyu