Sir Monier-Williams (1819–1899) - A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1899) |
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- pa the first labial consonant
- ○kāra m. the letter or sound pa
- ○varga m. 'the p series', the labial series of consonants
- pa mf(pā and pī)n. (√1. pā) drinking (cf. aṃhri-, aneka- &c
- also paka in taila-paka)
- m. or (pā) f. the act of drinking L
- pa mfn. (√3. pā) guarding, protecting, ruling (ifc
- cf. aja-, kula- &c
- also paka in hasti-paka)
- (ā), f. guarding, protecting L
- pa m. (in music for pañcama) the fifth note of the gamut
- pa m. (only L.) wind
- a leaf
- = pūta
- (ā), f. = pūta and pūritaka
- paṃś or paṃs, cl. 1. and 10. P. paṃśati or ○sati, paṃśayati or ○sayati, to destroy Dhātup. xxxii, 73
- paṃsaka ○sana, prob. wṛ. for pāṃsaka, ○sana
- pakatha wṛ. for paktha
- pakkaṭī f. Thespesia Populnea L
- pakkaṇa m. n. the hut of a Cāṇḍāla or any outcast, a village inhabited by savages or barbarians MBh. Kād
- pakta-pauḍa wṛ. for pakhauḍa
- paktavya pakti, paktha, pakva &c. See under √2. pac, p. 575
- pakvaśa m. a Cāṇḍāla L. (cf. pakkaṇa, pukkaśa)
- pakvāpakvā onomat. (imitative of the cry of birds) MBh
- pakṣ cl. 1. and 10. P. (Dhātup. xvii, 14
- xxxii, 17) pakṣati, ○ṣayati, to take, seize (parigrahe, Dhāt.)
- to take a part or side W
- pakṣá m. (ifc. f. ā or ī) a wing, pinion (in one passage, n.) RV. &c. &c
- a symbol. N. of the number two Var. Hcat
- a feather, the feathers on both sides of an arrow (cf. gārdhra-p○)
- the fin of a fish (cf. nis-tvak-p○)
- the shoulder
- the flank or side or the half of anything RV. &c. &c
- the side or wing of a building AV. [Page 573, Column]
- the wing or flank of an army MBh. Hariv
- the half of a lunar month (the first half from new moon to full moon was called pūrva or apūryamāṇa, later śukla or śuddha
- the other half apara or apa-kṣīyamāṇa, later kṛṣṇa or tāmisra
- each fortnight consists of 15 Tithis or lunar days called prathamā, dvitīyā &c.) Br. GṛŚrS. MBh. Var. &c
- a side, party, faction
- multitude, number, troop, set, class of beings
- partisan, adherent, follower, friend (śatru- 'the enemy's side' or 'a partisan of the enemy'
- mahā-, 'one who has many adherents') MBh. Kāv. &c
- side, i.e. position, place, stead (○kṣe ifc. instead of or by way of) ib
- quantity ( See keśa-)
- one of two cases or one side of an argument, an alternative (○kṣe, 'on the other hand', with atra, 'in this case', pakṣântare, 'in the other case') Pāṇ. Sch
- a point or matter under discussion, a thesis, a particular theory, a position advanced or an argument to be maintained (cf. pūrva-, uttara-)
- an action or lawsuit Yājñ. Sch
- (in logic) the proposition to be proved in a syllogism Tarkas. Bhāshāp
- any supposition or view, motion, idea, opinion (mukhyaḥ pakṣaḥ, 'an excellent idea' Śak. Sch.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- the sun Sāy. on RV. iii, 53, 16
- N. of sev. men VP
- (in alg.) a primary division or the side of an equation in a primary division
- the wall of a house or any wall L
- an army L
- favour L
- contradiction, rejoinder L
- the ash-pit of a fire-place L
- a royal elephant L
- a limb or member of the body L
- the feathers of the tail of a peacock, a tail L
- proximity, neighbourhood L
- a bracelet L
- purity, perfection L
- mfn. = pācaka, bādhaka Sāy. on RV. vi, 47, 19. [Cf. OGerm. fahs ; AnglṢax. feax.]
- ○kṛt m. a partisan, follower VāmP
- ○kṣaya m. the end of a half month Var
- ○kṣepa m. the stroke or beat of a wing Bhpr. (v. l. pakṣôtk○)
- ○gama mfn. moving with wing, flying
- m. a bird R
- ○gupta m. 'wing-protected', a species of bird L
- ○grahaṇa n. taking the side of (gen.) Kām
- ○grāha (Hariv.),
- ○grāḍhin (R.), mfn. one who takes the side or chooses the party of (gen. or comp.)
- ○ghāta See pakṣâgh○
- ○ghna (with tri-śālaka), n. (a house) wanting (lit. killing) a side i.e. having three halls towards east and south and north (but not one towards the west) Var
- ○ṃ-gama mfn. = ○kṣa-g R
- ○cara m. = -gama m. (cf. jala-pakṣa-c○)
- an elephant strayed from the herd Kād
- the moon L
- ○cchid m. 'cutter of the wings' (of mountains), N. of Indra Kālid
- ○ja m. 'produced in half a month, 'the moon (also -janman) L
- N. of partic. clouds VP
- ○tā f. partisanship, adherence to a party (○tāṃ-√gam, with gen. 'to take the side of') MBh
- (in phil.) the taking up a side or argument
- maintaining or defending a thesis
- the essential nature of a proposition
- the being the premiss to be proved
- N. of sev. wks
- -kroḍa m. -grantha m. -ṭippanī and -ṭīkā f. -rahasya n. -vāda m. -vādârtha m. -vicāra m. -siddhânta-grantha m. N. of wks
- ○tva n. the being a part of (comp.) Śaṃk
- the being the premiss to be proved Tarkas
- the being a lawsuit Yājñ. Sch
- = -tā L
- ○dvaya n. both sides of an argument W
- a month (lit. 2 half months) ib
- ○dvāra n. a side or inner or back door, private entrance Mṛicch
- ○dhara mfn. having wings (cf. m.)
- taking the side of, clinging to (gen. or loc.) MBh
- m. a bird Hariv
- an elephant that has strayed from the herd L
- the moon L. (cf. -cara)
- N. of Jayadeva (author of the Tattva-cintāmaṇy-āloka) Cat
- (ī), f. N. of wk
- -miśra m. N. of an author
- -vyākhyā f. ○rôddhāra f. N. of wks
- ○dharmatā-vāda m. N. of wk
- ○nāḍī f. a quill Suśr
- ○nikṣepa m. the placing on the side of. counting among (comp.) Sarvad
- ○pāta m. 'falling of the feathers, the moulting of birds L
- flying, soaring Ratnâv. ii, 7
- adopting a side or argument, siding with, partiality or inclination for (loc., gen., acc. with prati, or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (also Ratnâv. ii, 7)
- a partisan, adherent W
- -kṛta-sneha mfn. manifesting party attachment, sympathizing MW
- ○pātin mfn. flying
- ifc. siding with, favouring Kāv. Pañc
- ○ti-tā f. Rājat. Naish
- ○ti-tva n. MW
- ○pāli f. a wing, Caṇḍak
- a private or back door L
- ○pucchá n. wings and tail ŚBr
- ○cchá-vat mfn. having wings and tails ib
- ○puṭa m. a wing (lit. 'the hollow of the wing') Hariv. Kād
- ○poṣaṇa mfn. favouring a party, factious BhP
- ○pradoṣavrata n. N. of wk
- ○pradyota m. N. of a partic. position of the hands in dancing Cat. [Page 574, Column]
- ○bala n. strength of wing MW
- ○bindu m. 'wingspot, a heron L
- ○bhāga m. the side or flank, (esp.) the flank of an elephant L
- ○bhukti f. the course traversed by the sun in a fortnight BhP
- ○bheda m. distinction between two sides of an argument
- the difference between the two halves of a lunar month MW
- ○mūla n. the √or articulation of a wing L
- ○yāga m. N. of wk
- ○racanā f. forming a party or faction
- -naipuṇya n. skill in forming &c. Daś
- ○rātri f. a kind of play or sport Cat
- ○vañcitaka n. a partic. position of the hands in dancing ib
- ○vat (○kṣá-), mfn. winged, having wings or flanks ŚBr. MBh. &c
- belonging to a party, having adherents or followers MBh. (Nīlak. 'belonging to a good family, wellborn')
- ○vadha m. 'side stroke', paralysis of one side Car. Bhpr
- ○vāda m. expression of opinion, stating a case MBh
- ○vāhana m. 'whose vehicles are wings', a bird L
- ○vikala mfn. having mutilated wṭwings Mṛicch
- ○vyāpin mfn. embracing the whole of an argument MW
- ○śas ind. by or for half months or fortnights MBh
- ○sammita mfn. corresponding to the (size of the) wings KātySr
- ○sundara m. Symplocos Racemosa L
- ○hatá mfn. paralysed on one side ŚBr
- ○hara m. a recreant, traitor MBh
- ○homa m. an oblation lasting for a fortnight or to be offered every fortnight L
- -vidhi m. -samasya-vidhāna n. N. of wks
- pakṣâkāra mfn. wing-shaped MW
- pakṣâghāta m.= ○kṣa-vadha Car. Suśr
- refutation of an argument or view W
- pakṣâdi m. the first day of a half month PārGṛ
- pakṣâdhyāya m. casuistry, logic Divyâv
- pakṣânta m. the end of the wings of an army arranged in the shape of a bird MBh
- the last or 15th Tithi of either half month, new or full moon Gobh. Mn. &c
- pâkṣântara n. an individual or particular case L
- another side or view of an argument Śak. Sch
- pakṣâbhāsa m. a seeming or fallacious argument, a fallacy, a false plaint Yājñ. Sch
- pakṣâvalī f. N. of wk
- pakṣâvasara m. (L.),
- pakṣâḍvasāna n. (Var.) the last Tithi or day of either half month, day of new or full moon
- pakṣâṣṭamī f. the 8th Tithi or day of either half month PārGṛ
- pakṣâhati f. a stroke with the wings MW
- pakṣâhāra m. one who eats food only once in a half month MBh
- pakṣêśvara m. N. of an author (prob. = ṣa-dhara) Cat
- pakṣôtkṣepa m. v. l. for ○kṣa-kṣepa
- pakṣôdgrāhin mfn. = ○kṣa-grāhin MW
- pakṣaka m. a wing (ifc
- cf. sa-)
- N. of the number two Hcat
- a fan Gal
- a side door L
- a side Śiś
- a partisan L
- pakṣatí f. the √or pit of a bird's wing VS. Kāv. Rājat. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 25)
- the feathers or plumage of a bird Kād. Bālar. (ifc
- -tā f.)
- the first Tithi or day of the half month (also ○tī) L
- ○puṭa m. pl. the expanded wings Caṇḍ. (cf. pakṣa-p○)
- pákṣas n. a wing Uṇ. iv, 219 Sch
- a side RV. vi, 47, 19
- the side part of a carriage AV. ŚāṅkhBr. Gobh
- the leaf or side-post of a door VS. TBr. Kāṭh
- the wing of an army, ŚāṅkhBr a half or any division ŚrS
- a half month TāṇḍBr
- the side or shore of a river ib. ŚāṅkhŚr
- pakṣālikā f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- pakṣālu m. a bird L
- pakṣi m. a bird (only acc. sg. ○kṣim R. B. iii, 14, 2
- pl. ○kṣīn MBh. xii, 9306)
- pakṣi in comp. for ○kṣin
- ○kīṭa m. a species of small bird MW
- ○jyotiṣa n. N. of wk
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place Cat
- ○tva n. the state or condition of a bird Kathās
- ○pati m. 'prince of bird', N. of Sampāti R
- ○pānīya-śālikā f. a trough or reservoir for watering bird L
- ○puṃgava m. 'bull among bird', N. of Garuḍa Hariv
- of Jaṭāyu R
- ○pravara m. 'most excellent among bird's', N. of Garuḍa Hariv
- ○bālaka m. a young bird MW
- ○manuṣyâlaya-lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○mārga m. 'bird's Path', the air Gal
- ○mṛga-tā f. the form or condition of a bird or of a beast Mn. xii, 9
- ○rāj or m. 'king of bird', N. of Garuḍa or of Jaṭayu R. Kathās
- ○rāja m. 'king of bird', N. of Garuḍa or of Jaṭayu R. Kathās
- ○rājya n. the sovereignty of the feathered tribes MW
- ○śārdūla m. (in music) a kind of dance
- ○śālā f. 'bird-house', an aviary or a nest L
- ○śāvaka m. a young bird MW
- ○siṃha (L.),
- svāmin (Hit.), m. lion or lord among bṭbird', N. of Garuḍa. [Page 574, Column]
- pakṣī7ndra m. = ○kṣi-rāj R. Ragh. Kathās
- pakṣī7śa m.id. R
- pakṣín mfn. winged (lit. and fig.) RV. &c.&c
- (ifc.) taking the side of. siding with Hariv
- m. a bird or any winged animal RV. &c. &c
- the bird Garuḍa as one of the 18 attendants of the Sun L
- N. of Śiva MBh
- a day with the 2 nights enclosing it L
- an arrow L
- a partic. sacrificial act TāṇḍBr
- (iṇī), f. a female bird Hariv
- (with or sc. rātri) a night with the 2 days enclosing it Gobh. Gaut
- the day of full moon L
- N. of a Śākini L
- pakṣila m. N. of the saint Vātsyāyana L
- ○svāmin m. id. (as identified with Cāṇakya) Sarvad
- pakṣī-√kṛ to appropriate, become master of anything Hcar
- pakṣīya mfn. taking the side or party of, siding with (comp.) Hariv
- pakṣu m. N. of a serpent-demon L. (wṛ. for vakṣu?)
- pakṣma m. or an. eye-lash (in gen. pl. ○māṇām MBh. iv, 390)
- n. lead Gal
- pakṣma in comp. for ○man,
- ○kopa m. irritation in the eye from the eyelashes turning in wards (Entropium) Suśr
- ○pāta m. 'falling of the eyelashes', closing of the eyes Ragh
- ○prakopa m. = -kopa Suśr
- ○yūkā f. a louse in the eyelashes L
- ○sampāta m.= -pāta
- -ja (with kāla), m. an instant MBh
- ○spanda m. quivering of the eyelashes Kāvyâd. ii, 149
- pakṣmâkṣa mfn. suffering from Entropium (cf. above) L
- pákṣman n. (sg. and pl.) the eyelashes (○ṇonipātena', in the twinkling of an eye, in an instant' MBh
- cf. pakṣma-pāta &c.: above) TS. ŚBr. &c. &c
- the hair (of a decr) Śiś. i, 8
- the filament of a flower ib. v, 85
- a thin thread L
- the leaf of a flower Kād
- a wing L
- a whisker MW
- pakṣmala mf(ā)n. having long eyelashes Kāv. Suśr
- having long or thick hair, hairy, shaggy Śiś
- downy, soft Kād. Bālar
- ○dṛś f. (a woman) having long eyelashes Viddh
- pakṣyá mf(ā)n. being in or belonging to the wings (cf. below)
- changing every half month RV. iii, 53, 16 (Sāy. 'descended from Paksha i.e. the sun')
- produced or occurring in a fortnight W
- (ifc.) siding or taking part with Kathās
- ○vayas mfn. whose strength lies in his (its) wings, Śulbas
- pakṣṇu See p. 575, col. 2
- pakhoda and pakhauda m. Capparis Divaricata L
- pagārā f. N. of a place Inscr
- páṅka m. n. (g. ardharcâdi, said to be fr. √1. pac 'to spread') mud, mire, dirt, clay (ifc. f. ā) Suparṇ. Mn. MBh. &c
- ointment, unguent (in comp
- cf. kuṅkuma-, candana- &c.) Kāv. BhP
- moral impurity, sin L
- ○karvaṭa m. mud on the banks of a river, soft mud L
- ○kīra m. an aquatic bird, lap-wing L
- ○krīḍa and m. 'sporting in mud', a pig L
- ○krīḍanaka m. 'sporting in mud', a pig L
- ○gaḍaka m
- ○gaṇḍī and f. a small fish, Macrognathus Pancalus L
- ○gati f. a small fish, Macrognathus Pancalus L
- ○grāha m. the marine monster Makara L
- ○cchid m. 'mud-destroyer', Strychnos Potatorum (the fruit of which is used for purifying foul water) Mālav
- ○ja n. (ifc. f. ā) 'mud-born', a species of lotus, Nelumbium Speciosum (whose flower closes in the evening) MBh. Kāv. &c. (in Kathās. once ā f.)
- m. N. of Brahmā Cat. (for paṅkaja-ja)
- mfn. lotus-eyed Jātakam
- -janman m. 'lotus-born', N. of Brahmā Hariv
- -nayanā f. a lotus-eyed woman Bhām
- -nābha m. 'having a lotus springing from his navel', N. of Vishṇu Ragh. BhP
- -netra mfn. lotus-eyed' (said of Vishṇu) BhP
- -pattra-netra m. having eyes like lotus-leaves MW
- -mālin mfn. wearing a lotus-crown (Vishṇu) BhP
- -lāvam ind. (fr. √lū) cutting off like a lotus-flower Bālar
- -vat mfn. furnished with a lotus Nīlak. on MBh
- ○jâkṣī f. = ○ja-nayanā Amar
- ○jâṅghri mfn. whose feet are adorned with lotus-flowers (Vishṇu) BhP
- jâvalī f. N. of a metre Col. (cf. paṅkâvalī)
- ○jâsana-stha mfn. sitting on a lotus-throne (Brahmā) Var
- ○jiṅ mfn. furnished with a lotus MBh
- (nī), f. Nelumbium Speciosum (the plant or a group or the flexible stalk of such lotuses), also a lotus-pond (= ○nī-saras) Kāv. Pur
- ○janman n. = -ja n. L
- ○jāta n. id
- = pāpa-samūha Dharmaś
- ○jit m. N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh
- ○tā f. the nature or property of mud, muddiness Śiś
- ○dantá mfn. having mud or clay between the teeth Suparṇ. [Page 574, Column]
- ○digdha mfn. mud-smeared
- -śarīra m. 'having a mud-smṭsmeared body', N. of a Dānava Hariv
- ○dhâṅga m. 'having mud-smeared limbs', N. of a being attending on Skanda MBh
- ○prabhā f. (with Jainas) N. of one of the 7 divisions of hell (where mud takes the place of light) L
- ○bhāj mfn. sunk in the mire W
- ○bhāraka mfn. laden with mud, muddy W
- ○bhāva m. = -tā Ragh
- ○magna (paṅká.), mfn. immersed in mud Suparṇ
- ○majjana n. immersion in mud MW
- ○maṇḍuka (!), m. a bivalve conch L. (wṛ. ○dūka)
- ○maya mf(i)n. full of mud, muddy MW
- ○ruh and n. = -ja n. L
- ○ruha n. = -ja n. L
- ○hiṇī f. (Vcar.) = -jinī
- ○lagna mfn. sticking in mud Bhpr
- ○vat mfn. muddy, covered with mud Hariv. R
- ○vāri n. vḷ. for pakva-v○
- ○vāsa m. 'mud-dweller', a crab L
- ○śukti f. 'mud-shell', the stair-case shell L
- ○śūraṇa m. 'mud-√', the fibrous eatable √of a lotus (also written -ṣūraṇa, or -sūr○)
- paṅkâkta mfn. smeared with mud Hit
- paṅkâvalī f. N. of a metre Col. (cf. paṅkajâv○)
- paṅkaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make muddy, trouble Kir. xi, 19
- to besmear Hcar
- paṅkāra m. (only L.) Blyxa Octandra
- Trapa Bispinosa
- a dam, dike
- stairs, a ladder
- paṅkin mfn. muddy, ifc. covered with anything as with mud MBh. (cf. mala-)
- paṅkila mf(ā)n. = prec. MBh. Hariv
- thick, condensed L
- m. a boat, canoe L
- paṅke loc. of paṅka in comp
- ○ja n. = ○ka-ja L
- ○ruh n. id., Prasann
- ○ruha n. id. Dhūrtas. BhP
- m. the Indian crane L
- -vasati m. loc-dweller, N. of Brahmā Vcar
- ○hâkṣī
- f. a loc-eyed woman Bhām
- ○hiṇī f. Nelumbium Speciosum ib
- ○śaya mfn. resting or dwelling in mud Suśr
- paṅkaṇa wṛ. for pakkaṇa
- paṅkti (also ○ktī m. c. and in comp.), f. (fr. pañcan) a row or set or collection of five, the number 5 AV. Br. &c
- a sort of five fold metre consisting of 5 Pādas of 8 syllables each ib
- any stanza of 4 X 10 syllables Col. (= chandas L.)
- the number 10 Hcat. (cf. -grīva &c. below)
- any row or set or series or number, a group, collection, flock, troop, assembly, company (e.g. of persons eating together or belonging to the same caste) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- the earth L
- wṛ. for pakti, q.v
- ○kaṭa m. a species of grass ĀpGṛ. Sch
- ○kaṇṭaka m. a white-flowering Achyranthes L
- ○kanda m. a partic. bulbous plant L
- ○krama m. order, succession Hit
- ○grīva m. 'ten-necked', N. of Rāvaṇa L
- ○cara m. 'going in lines', an osprey L
- ○dūṣa (MBh.),
- ○dūḍṣaka (Var.),
- ○dūḍṣaṇa (Āpast.), mfn. 'defiling society', (any person) improper to associate with
- ○doṣa m. 'societybane', anything which defiles a social circle MBh
- ○pāvana mfn. purifying society, respectable (opp. to dūṣa) Mn. MBh. &c
- -pāvana mfn. doing honour to a social circle TS. Sch
- ○bīja m. Acacia Arabica L
- ○mālā f. a species of plant Gal
- ○ratha m. 'having 10 chariots', N. of Daśaratha (Rāma's father) Ragh. Pur
- ○rādhas (○ktí-), mfn. containing fivefold (or numbers of) gifts RV
- ○vihaṃgama-nāma-bhṛt m. = -paṅkti-ratha, or daśa-r○ Vām. ii, 1, 13
- ○śas ind. by rows or numbers Śiś. xiv, 33
- paṅktikā f. the number ten, a decade Hcat
- a row, line (in akṣara-p○) Bhartṛ
- paṅktī for paṅkti in comp
- ○kṛta mfn. combined into groups Hariv
- ○hara See pāṅktīhari
- paṅkty-uttarā f. a kind of metre RPrāt
- paṅgu mf(vii, or ū)n. (fr. √paj ?
- Uṇ. i, 37 Sch.) lame, halt, crippled in the legs AV.Par. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- N. of those elements of the body which are themselves without motion (but are moved by the wind) Bhpr
- m. N. of the planet Saturn (as moving slowly) Cat. (cf. -vāsara)
- of Nirjita-varman Rājat
- ○graha m. the seamonster Makara (cf. paṅka-g○) W
- one of the signs of the zodiac (cf. makara) MW
- ○tā f. lameness, motionlessness
- -hāriṇī f. 'destroying lameness', a species of shrub L. Mn. xi, 51
- ○tva n. = -tâ Tattvas
- ○bhāva m. = -tā Vcar
- ○vakra-karma-prakāśa m. N. of wk
- ○vāsara m. Saturday KāśīKh
- paṅguka mfn. = paṅgu, lame MBh
- paṅgula mfn. id. L
- n. (?) lameness Suśr
- m. a horse of a glassy or silvery white colour L. [Page 575, Column]
- paṅgūyita n. limping, lameness Śrīkaṇṭh
- pac or pañc, cl. 1, P. Ā. pacati, ○te, or pañcati, ○te, to spread out, make clear or evident Dhātup. vi, 14: Caus. -pañcayati (xxxii, 108), See pra-pañcaya
- pañca mf(ā)n. spread out Uttarar
- m. (in music) a kind of measure
- pac cl. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxiii, 27) pácati, ○te (cl. 4. Ā. pácyate, below.
- p. pacāna MBh. iii, 13239 [cf. kim-pacāna]
- pf. papāca [2. sg. papaktha or pecitha Pāṇ. 6-4, 121 Sch.], pecur
- pece, pecire [ápeciran, i AV
- peciran Pat. on Pāṇ. 6-4, 12]
- aor. pákṣat RV
- apākṣīt, apakta Gr
- Prec. pacyāt ib
- fut. pakṣyati, ○te or paktā Br
- ind. p. paktvā́ AV. MBh
- inf. páktave AV. Br
- paktum, pāṇ viii, 2, 30 Sch.), to cook, bake, roast, boil (Ā. also 'for one's self') RV. &c. &c
- (with double acc.) to cook anything out of (e.g. tandulān odanam pacati, 'he cooks porridge out of rice-grains') Siddh
- to bake or burn (bricks) ŚBr
- to digest Suśr
- to ripen, mature, bring to perfection or completion RV. &c. &c
- (with double acc.) to develop or change into (e.g. puṇyâpuṇyaṃ sukhâsukham, 'merit and demerit into weal or woe') Vop
- (intrans.) to become ripe or mature Bhpr.: Pass. pacyáte (○ti MBh
- aor. apāci Gr.), to be cooked or burnt or melted or digested or ripened or developed RV. &c. &c
- to be tormented Divyâv
- also intrans. = pácyate (cf.above), to become ripe or mature, to develop or ripen RV. VS. Br. (with acc. of the fruit that is borne or ripens Maitr. Kāṭh
- Pāṇ. 3-1, 87 Vārtt. 14 Pat
- lokáḥ pácyamānaḥ, 'the developing world' ŚBr.): Caus. pācayati, ○te Br. (aor. apīpacat Gr
- Pass. pācyate, p. ○cyamāna MBh.)
- to cause to cook or be cooked (Ā. 'for one's self'), to have cooked or to cook ŚBr. MBh. &c. (cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 74 ; 4, 52, (?) Sch.)
- to cause to ripen TBr
- to bring to completion or to an end, cure, heal Suśr.: Desid. pipakṣati Gr.: Intens. pāpacīti Gr
- pāpacyate, to be much cooked, to cook very much or burn excessively, to be much afflicted BhP. Suśr.: Desid. of intens. pāpacishati, ○te Gr. [Cf. Gk. ? for ? ; Lat. coquo ; [575,] Slav. peka, pes8ti.]
- paktavya mfn. to be cooked or baked MBh
- to be matured or digested W
- paktí (VS. pákti), f. cooking, preparing food Mn. ix, 11 (anna-p○)
- food or any dish of cooked food RV. VS
- digesting, digestion Mn. Yājñ. Suśr
- place of digestion (= -sthāna) Suśr
- ripening, development (cf. loka-), having results or consequences Var. Kāv
- purification MBh. xii, 9745 (Nilak.)
- respectability, dignity, fame Suśr
- ○dṛṣṭi f. du. digestive organs and sight Mn. xii, 120
- ○nāśana mfn. spoiling digestion Suśr
- ○śūla n. violent pain or inflammation of the bowels proceeding from indigestion, colic L
- ○sthāna n. place of digestion Suśr
- paktṛ́ mfn. who or what cooks or roasts or bakes (with gen.) AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- digestive, promoting digestion Suśr
- m. or n. the digestive fire, force of digestion Car
- pakḍtra n. the state of a householder who possesses a sacred fire or that fire perpetually maintained by him Uṇ. iv, 166
- pakḍtrima mfn. obtained by cooking Pāṇ. 3-3, 88 ; iv, 4, 20
- ripe HPariś
- cooked W
- pakthá m. N. of a man protected by the Aśvins RV. (○thasya saubharasya, N. of 2 sāmans ĀrshBr.)
- pl. N. of a people ib
- pakḍthin m. 'who cooks the oblation' (Sāy
- prob. N. of a man) ib
- pakvá mf(ā)n. (considered as p.p. of √2. pac
- Pāṇ. 8-2, 52) cooked, roasted, baked, boiled, prepared on a fire (opp. to āma) RV. &c. &c. (also applied to the milk in an udder)
- warmed (cf. dviṣ-) Gobh. Mn. &c
- baked or burnt (as bricks or earthenware pots) ŚBr. Var. &c
- ripe, mature (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c. (also applied to a tree with ripe fruits)
- grey, hoary (as the hair) Dhūrtas
- accomplished, perfect, fully developed (as the understanding, character &c.) MBh. BhP
- ripe for decay, near to death, decrepit, perishing, decaying ib
- digested W
- n. cooked food, dish RV. AV. ŚBr
- ripe corn AV
- the ashes of a burnt corpse ib
- ○kaṣāya mfn. whose passion has become extinguished BhP
- ○kṛt mfn. cooking, maturing, dressing food
- m. Azadirachta Indica L
- ○keśa mfn. grey-haired W
- ○gātra mfn. having a decrepit or infirm body Divyâv
- ○tā f. ripeness, maturity, greyness (of the hair) L. [Page 575, Column]
- ○rasa m. wine or any intoxicating liquor made of the juice of the sugar cane Bhpr
- ○vat mfn. one who has cooked &c. MW
- ○vāri n. sour rice-gruel (= kāñjika) L
- boiling or distilled water W. (v. l. paṅka-v○)
- ○sasyôpamônnati m. a species of Kadamba L
- ○harita-lūna mfn. cut (grain), ripe but not dry L
- pakvâtīsāra m. chronic dysentery Bhpr
- pakvâdhāna n. the receptacle for digested food, the stomach, abdomen Suśr
- pakvânna n. cooked or dressed food Mn. Var. &c
- pakvâśaya m.= ○vâdhāna MBh. Suśr. (cf. āmâś○)
- pakvâśin mfn. eating only cooked food, Pracaṇḍ. i, 19
- pakvêṣṭaka mfn. made of burnt bricks Mṛicch
- -cita n. a building constructed with burnt bricks Yājñ
- pakvêṣṭakā f. a burnt or baked brick Var
- -maya mf(ī)n. made of burnt bricks Hcat
- pakvaká m. (?) AV. xx, 130, 6
- pakṣṇu mfn. who or what cooks or matures Vop
- pac mfn. (ifc
- nom. -pak Pāṇ. 6-4, 15 Sch.) cooking, baking
- paca mfn. id. (cf. alpam-, iṣṭi-, kim- &c.)
- m. and (a), f. the act of cooking &c. L
- ○paca m. 'continually bringing to maturity' (?), N. of Śiva MBh
- ○m-pacā f. Curcuma Aromatica or Xanthorrhiza Bhpr. (vḷ. -bacā L.)
- paca 2. sg. Impv. of √pac
- ○prakūṭā and f. g. mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi
- ○lavaṇā f. g. mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi
- pacaka m. a cook, cooking, baking L
- pacat mf(ntī)n. cooking, roasting &c
- ○puṭa m. Hibiscus Phoeniceus L
- pacatá mfn. cooked, boiled &c. RV. VS. ŚāṅkhBr
- m. fire L
- the sun L
- N. of Indra L
- n. cooked food (= pakti) Nir. vi, 16
- pacata 2. pl. Impv. of √pac
- ○bhṛjjatā f. (2. pl. Impv. of √pac and √bhṛjj) continual baking and roasting, g. mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi
- pacati-kalpam ind. (?) Pāṇ. 5-3, 67, (?) Sch
- pacatyá mfn. cooked, dressed RV. iii, 52, 2
- pacana mfn. cooking, maturing (cf. anvāhārya-, eṇī-)
- m. fire L
- (ā), f. becoming ripe, ripening L
- (ī), f. the wild citron tree L. (vḷ. pavanī)
- n. (pác○) a means or instrument for cooking. RV. ŚBr
- cooking, roasting, maturing, becoming cooked or ripe MBh. Suśr. BhP
- ○kriyā f. cooking, dressing food Gaut
- pacanâgāra n. 'cooking room', a kitchen ĀpGṛ. Sch
- pacanâgni m. a fire for boiling ib
- pacanikā f. a pan L
- pacamānaka mfn. accustomed to cook one's food Baudh
- paci m. fire L
- cooking, maturing L
- pacelima mfn. being soon cooked, cooking or ripening quickly Pāṇ. 3-1, 96 Vārtt. 1 Pat. Kull. on Mn. iv, 172
- m. (L.) Phaseolus Mungo or a similar species of bean
- fire
- the sun
- paceḍluka m. a cook L
- pacya mfn. becoming ripe, ripening ( kṛṣṭa-pacya)
- paccanikā or paccanī f. a partic. part of a plough Kṛishis
- pac-chabda pac-chas &c. See under 3. pad, p. 583
- paj or pañj, to become stiff or rigid, only pf. Ā. pāpaje with apa, he started back from (loc.) RV. x, 105, 3. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. pango.] [575,]
- pajrá mf(ā́)n. solid, stout, fat, strong RV. [Gk. ?]
- m. N. of Kakshivat and other men ib
- [575,] (ā), f. the Soma plant ib
- n. N. of a Sāman Lāṭy
- ○hoṣin mfn. having fat or rich oblations (Indra-Agni) RV. vi, 59, 4 (cf. Nir. v, 22)
- pajriyá m. N. of Kakshīvat RV
- pañjaka m. N. of a man Rājat
- pañjara n. a cage, aviary, dove-cot, net MBh. Kāv. &c
- a skeleton, the ribs Prab. Caṇḍ. (also m. L.)
- N. of partic. prayers and formularies VāmP
- m. (L.) the body. Udbh
- the Kali-yuga L
- a purificatory ceremony performed on cows L
- a kind of bulbous plant (v. l. pañjala)
- ○kapiñjala m. a partridge in a cage Mṛicch
- ○kapota m. a pigeon in a cṭcage ib
- ○kesarin m. a lion in a cṭcage Kād
- ○cālana-nyāya m. the rule (exemplified by the story) of shaking the cage (by 11 birds who united their strength for this purpose although they differed in other ways) Śaṃk
- ○bhāj mfn. 'keeping the cṭcage, remaining in it Kād. [Page 575, Column]
- ○śuka m. a parrot in a cage Mṛicch
- pañjarâkheṭa m. a sort of basket or wicker trap in which fish are caught L
- pañjaraka m. or n. a cage, aviary &c. MBh. . Pañc
- pajoka m. N. of a poet Cat
- paj-ja See 3. pad
- pajihaṭikā f. (pad +?) a small bell Chandom
- a kind of metre ib
- pañc See √1. pac, col. 1
- pañca See under 1. pac ib
- pañca in comp. for pañcan ( See p. 578)
- ○kapāla (páñca.), mf(i)n. prepared or offered in five cups or bowls, m. (with or, sc. puro-dāśa) an oblation so offered ŚBr. ŚrS
- ○karṇa mfn. branded in the ear with the number 5 (as cattle) Pāṇ. 6-3, 115 (?)
- m. N. of a man TĀr
- ○karpaṭa m. pl. N. of a people MBh
- ○karma n. (L.),
- ○karman n. (Suśr.),
- ○karmī f. (L.) the 5 kinds of treatment (in medicine, viz. giving emetics, purgative medicines, sternutatories, and enemas of two kinds, oily and not oily)
- ○mavidhi and ○mâdhikāra m. N. of medic. wks
- ○kalpa m. one who studies or has studied 5 Kalpas (esp. those belonging to the AV.) L
- (ī), f. N. of wk
- ○kalyāṇaka m. a horse with white feet and a white mouth Hcat
- ○kaṣāya m. (?), a decoction from the fruits of 5 plants (the Jambū, Sālmali, Vāṭyāla, Bakula and Badara) L
- -ja and ○yâttha mfn. produced from the above decoction Suśr
- ○kāṭhaka-prayoga-vṛtti f. N. of wk
- ○kāpittha mfn. prepared with the 5 products of Feronia Elephantum Suśr
- ○kārukī f. the 5 artisans in a village L
- ○kāla-kriyā-dīpa m
- ○kāla-paddhati f
- ○kāla-pravartana n. N. of wks
- ○kūrca n. = -gavya KāśīKh
- ○kṛtya n. the 5 actions by which the supreme power manifests itself (viz. sṛṣṭi, sthiti, saṃhāra, tirobhāva and anugraha-karaṇa) Sarvad
- (m.) a species of, plant L
- ○kṛtvas ind. 5 times Lāṭy. KātyŚr. Suśr
- ○kṛṣṇa m. 'having 5 black spots', a species of poisonous insect Suśr
- ○kṛṣṇala n. 5 Kṛishṇalas or coins so called Gaut
- ○laka mfn. comprising 5 Kṛishṇalas MW
- ○koṇa m. a pentagon Col
- ○kola or n. the 5 spices (viz. long pepper, its √, Piper Chaba, plumbago and dry ginger) Car. Bhpr
- ○koḍlaka n. the 5 spices (viz. long pepper, its √, Piper Chaba, plumbago and dry ginger) Car. Bhpr
- ○kośa (ibc.) the 5 sheaths supposed to invest the soul W. (cf. kośa)
- -viveka and -samṇyāsâcāra m. N. of wks
- ○krama m. a particular Krama (or method of reciting the Vedic text) consisting of 5 members ( See pāṭha) L
- N. of a Buddh. wk. (also -ṭippanī f.)
- ○krośa m. or a distance of 5 Krośas, the ground extending to that distance round Benares (cf. RTL. 218, 1 ; 435)
- ○kroḍśī f. a distance of 5 Krośas, the ground extending to that distance round Benares (cf. RTL. 218, 1 ; 435)
- ○śa-mañjarī f. (○rī-sudarśana n.), ○śamāhātmya n. ○śa-yātrā f. or ○śī-yātrā-vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○kroṣṭṛ mfn. = pañcabhiḥ kroṣṭrībhiḥ krītaḥ Pat
- ○kleśa-bheda mf(ā)n. afflicted by the 5 kinds of pain ŚvetUp
- ○kṣāra n. = -lavaṇa, q.v
- ○khaṭva n
- ○khaṭḍvī f. a collection of 5 bedsteads L
- ○gaṅga n. (C.),
- ○gaṅgā f. (B.) N. of a locality MBh
- ○gaṇa-yoga m. a collect. N. of 5 plants (viz. vidārī-gandhā, bṛhatī, pṛśni-parṇī, nidigdhikā and sva-daṃṣṭrā) L
- ○gaṇḍaka mfn. (prob.) consisting of 5 parts (said of the Dharma-cakra) Divyâv
- ○gata mfn. 'arrived at 5', raised to the 5th power Col
- ○gati-samatikrānta m. 'having passed through the 5 forms of existence', N. of Gautama Buddha Divyâv. (some reckon 6 forms, See MWB. 121)
- ○gava n
- ○gavī f. a collection of 5 cows
- ○vadhana mfn. one whose property consists of 5 cows L
- ○gavya n. the 5 products of the cow (viz. milk, coagulated or sour milk, butter, and the liquid and solid excreta) L
- N. of wk
- -ghṛta n. N. of a partic. mixture Rasar
- -melana-prakāra m. N. of wk
- ○vyâpâna-vat mfn. having an anus made of the Pañca-gavya Hcat
- ○gārgya mfn. = pañcabhir gārgibhiḥ krītaḥ Pat
- ○gu mfn. bought with 5 cows Pāṇ. 1-2, 44 Vārtt. 3 Pat
- ○guṇa mfn. fivefold
- having 5 virtues or good qualities MBh
- ○gupta m. 'covered or protected in a fivefold manner', a tortoise (as drawing in its 4 feet and head
- cf. pañcâṅga-g○) L
- the materialistic system of the Cārvākas L
- ○gupti f. Medicago Esculenta L
- ○gṛhitá mfn. taken or taken up 5 times ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ○tin mfn. one who has taken up 5 times Lāṭy., Sch,
- ○goṇi mfn. 'carrying 5 loads', bearing a heavy burden, Vajras (cf. Pāṇ. 1-2, 50 Vārtt. 1 Pat.) [Page 576, Column]
- ○gauḍa-brāhmaṇa-jāti
- ○granthī
- ○graha-yoga-śānti f. N. of wks
- ○grāmī f. a collection of 5 villages Yājñ
- ○ghāta m. (in music) a kind of measure
- ○cakṣus m. 'five-eyed', N. of the Buddha (who was supposed to have the māṃsa-c○, dharma-c○, prajñā-c○, divya-c○ and buddha-c○ i.e. the carnal eye, the eye of religion, the eye of intellect, the divine eye and the eye of Buddha MW. (cf. Dharmas. lxvi)
- ○catvāriṃśa mf(ī)n. the 49th (ch. of MBh. and R.)
- ○catvāriṃśat (pá○) f. 45 ŚBr
- ○candra m. N. of a man Rājat
- ○cāmara n. N. of 2 kinds of metre Col
- -stotra n. N. of a hymn by Śaṃkara
- ○cit�īka (pá○), mfn. piled up in 5 tiers or layers ŚBr. Kāṭh. ĀpŚr. &c
- ○cīra m. a Buddh. saint also named Mañjuśī (the teacher of Buddhism in Nepal MWB. 202, n. 1) W
- ○cūḍa (pá○), mf(ā)n. having 5 protuberances (cf. f.)
- (also -ka) having 5 crests or tufts of hair Kathās
- (ā), f. = -coḍā ŚBr
- N. of an Apsaras MBh. R
- ○ḍā-maṇi m. N. of wk. (also ○ṇi-ṭīkā)
- ○coḍā f. a brick with 5 protuberances TS. ĀpŚr. Śulb
- ○cola m. or n. N. of a part of the Himâlaya range L
- ○janá m. (pl.) the 5 classes of beings (viz. gods, men, Gandharvas and Apsaras, serpents, and Pitṛis) TS. ŚBr. &c. man, mankind Hcar. (○nêndra m. prince, king Rājat.)
- (ibc.) the 5 elements MBh
- N. of a demon slain by Kṛishṇa MBh. R. &c. (cf. pāñcajanya)
- of a son of Saṃhrāda by Kṛiti BhP
- of a Prajāpati ib
- of a son of Sagara by Keśini Hariv
- of a son of Sṛiñjaya and father of Soma-datta ib
- (ī), f. an assemblage of 5 persons L
- N. of a daughter of Viśva-rūpa and wife of Bharata BhP. (v. l. pāñcajanī)
- ○nī́na mfn. devoted or consecrated to the 5 races TS. TBr. (also ○nīya AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- Pāṇ. 5-i, 9 Vārtt. 4 Pat.)
- m. an actor, a buffoon L
- the chief of 5 men W
- ○jitaṃ-te N. of a Stotra
- ○jñāna m. 'possessing fivefold knowledge', a Buddha L
- ○ḍākinī f. N. of a female attendant on Devi W
- ○takṣa n
- ○taḍkṣī f. a collection of 5 carpenters L
- ○tattva n. the 5 elements collectively (cf. tattva) L
- (in the Tantras) the 5 essentials (= pañca-makāra, q.v.)
- -prakāśa m. ○tvâtmaka-stotra n. N. of wks
- ○tantra n. N. of the well-known collection of moral stories and fables in 5 books from which the Hitopadeśa is partly taken (also -ka)
- of a poem by Dharma-paṇḍita
- -kāvya-darpaṇa m. N. of wk
- ○tanmātra n. sg. the 5 subtle rudiments of the 5 elements Kap
- ○tapa mfn. = -tapas mfn
- ○tapas n. (ibc.) the 5 fires (to which an ascetic who practices self-mortification exposes himself. viz. one fire towards each of the 4 quarters, and the sun overhead)
- mfn. sitting between the 5 fires Mn. vi, 23 (cf. MWB. 30, n. 2)
- po'nvita mfn. id. R
- ○tā f. five foldness, fivefold state or amount Mn. viii, 151
- an aggregate or a collection of 5 things (esp.) the 5 elements, viz. earth, air, fire, water and akāśa ether, and dissolution into them i.e. death (-tām with √gam, yā &c., to die, with upa-√nī, to kill) Kāv. Suśr. Pur
- ○tāra mfn. five-starred MW
- ○tikta n. 5 bitter things (viz. nimba, amṛtā, vṛṣa, paṭola, and ṇidigdhikā) Bhpr
- -ghṛta n. a partic. mixture, Rasav
- ○tīthī f. any five principal places of pilgrimage (esp. Viśrānti Saukara, Naimisha, Prayāga, and Pushkara) VarP
- N. of a sacred bathing-place Kathās
- bathing on the day of the equinox (?) W
- ○triṃśá mf(ī)n. the 35th ŚBr
- + 35 Jyot
- ○trinśat (pá○), 35 ŚBr., ch. of MBh
- ○śac-chlokī and ○śat-pīṭhikā f. N. of wks
- ○triṃśati f. 35 Rājat
- ○triṃśika mfn. having the length of 35, Śulb
- ○trika mfn. (pl.) 5 x 3 MBh
- ○tva n. fivefoldness
- the 5 elements BhP
- dissolution, death (pañca-tvaṃ gata mfn. dead Hit
- cf. -tā) Yājñ. R. Var. &c
- ○daka (?), m.pl. N. of a people MBh
- ○daṇḍa mfn. having 5 sticks Pañcad
- -cchattra-prabandha m. N. of a tale. 1
- ○daśa mf(ī)n. the 15th AV. &c. &c
- + 15 ŚāṅkhŚr
- consisting of 15 RV. &c. &c
- containing or representing the Pañca-daśa Stoma, connected with it Br
- (ī), f. (sc. tithi) the 15th day of a half month, the day of full or new moon TBr. Yājñ. Var
- N. of sev. wks. (also ○śī-tantra n. -prakaraṇa n. -yantra-vidhāna n. -viveka m. -vyākhyā, f. -viveka m. -vyākhyā f. -samāsa, m.) 2
- ○daśa for ○śan in comp
- -karman n. N. of wk
- -kṛtvas ind. 15 times Lāṭy
- -cchadi (pá○), mfn. having 15 roofs TS
- -dhā ind. in or into 15 parts or ways MārkP. [Page 576, Column]
- -mālā-mantra-vidhi m. N. of wk
- -rātra m. a period of 15 nights, a fortnight Pāṇ. 3-3, 137 Kāś
- -rcá (for -ṛca), mfn. consisting of 15 verses AV. Br
- -vat (○śá-), mfn. possessing the Pañca-daśa Stoma ŚBr
- -varṇamālikā f. N. of. Stotra
- -vartani mfn. forming the path of a Pañca-daśa Stoma TS
- -vārṣika mf(ī)n. 15 years old Pañc
- N. of a kind of Cāturmāsya ĀpŚr
- ○śâkṣara (pá○), mfn. consisting of 15 syllables VS
- ○śâha m. a period of 15 days Mn. v, 83
- ○sâhika mf(ī)n. lasting 15 days Yājñ. iii, 323
- ○daśan (pá○), mfn. pl. (gen. ○śānām ŚBr
- instr. ○śabhis L.) 15 RV. &c. &c
- ○daśama mf(ī)n. the 15th, KūrmaP
- ○daśika mfn. having the length of 15, Sulb
- ○daśín mfn. consisting of 15 parts ŚBr
- ○dāman mf(mnī)n. having 5 cords Pāṇ. 4-1, 29 Kāś
- ○dīrgha n. sg. the 5 long parts of the body (viz. the arms, eyes, belly knees Buddh., nose, and breast) L
- ○daivata mfn. having 5 deities (organs of sense) YogaśUp
- ○daivatya n. a partic. gift to Brāhmans (at the offering of which 5 deities are thought to be present) Hcat
- ○drāviḍa-jāti f. N. of wk. (cf. pañca-gauḍa-brāhmaṇa-j○)
- ○drauṇika mf(ī)n. containing 5 Droṇas (a partic. measure of capacity) MBh
- ○dhanus m. N. of a prince VP
- ○dhā́ ind. in 5 ways or parts, fivefold AV. &c. &c
- bandhyā-prakāśa (?), m. N. of wk
- ○dhāraṇaka mfn. upheld or subsisting by the 5 elements MBh
- ○dhīva mf(ā)n. = pañcabhir dhīvarībhiḥ krītaḥ Pat
- ○nakha mfn. '5-clawed', having 5 nails Var
- m. a 5-clawed animal Mn. MBh. R
- an elephant L
- a lion Gal
- a tiger L. (also ○khin Gal.)
- a tortoise L
- ○nada n. the Pañjāb or country of 5 rivers (viz. the Śata-dru, Vipāśā, Irāvati, Candra-bhāgā, and Vitastā, i.e. the Sutlej, Beās, Rāvii, Chenāb, and Jhelum or Behut) MBh. R. Rājat. (also ī f. Hcat.)
- N. of sev. Tirthas (esp. of one near the junction of the Kiraṇā and, Dhūta-pāpā with the Ganges after the union of the latter river with the Yamunā and Sarasvati) MBh. SkandaP
- m. or n. N. of a river produced by the junction of the 5 rivers of the Pañjāb and which falls into the Sindhu L
- m. a prince of Pañca-nada MBh. (pl. the inhabitants of PṭPañca-nṭnada MBh.)
- N. of an Asura Hariv
- of a teacher VāmP
- -kṣetra-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- -tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place (cf. above)
- -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○nalīya n. N. of wk
- ○navata mf(ī)n. the 95th (ch. of MBh. and Hariv.)
- + 95 (○te dinaśate, on the 195th day) VarBṛS. xxi, 7
- ○navati f. 95 (ch. of MBh.)
- -tama mf(ī)n. 95th
- the 95th (ch. of R.)
- ○nātha m. N. of an author Cat
- ○nāman (pá○), mf(mnī)n. hiving 5 names AV
- ○mâvali f. N. of wk
- ○nāli mfn. lasting 3 X 24 minutes Sāh
- ○nidhana n. N. of sev. Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○nimba n. sg. the 5 products (viz. the flowers, fruit, leaves, bark, and root) of the Azadirachta Indica L
- ○nirgranthī-sūtra n. N. of wk. =
- ○nīrājana n. waving 4 things (viz. a lamp, lotus, cloth, mango or betel leaf) before an idol and then falling prostrate W
- ○pakṣin m. or n. (?), N. of a small wk. containing auguries ascribed to Śiva (in which the 5 vowels a, i, u, e, o are connected with 5 birds) L
- ○kṣi-śāstra n. N. of wk. on augury
- ○pakṣī f. N. of sev. wks. on astrology
- -ṭīkā f. N. of sev. Comms
- ○pañcaka (R.),
- ○pañcan (BhP.), 5 X 5 (ibc.)
- ○pañcanakha m. species of 5 animals allowed to be killed and eaten (vix. the hare, porcupine, alligator, rhinoceros, and tortoise) W
- ○pañcāśa mf(i)n. the 55th (ch. of MBh.)
- ○pañcāśat (pá○), f. 55 ŚBr. &c. &c
- ○pañcin (pá○), mfn. fivefold Br
- ○paṭala m. or n
- ○paṭaḍlikā f. N. of wks
- ○paṭu mfn. = pañcabhiḥ paṭviibhiḥ krītaḥ Pat
- ○pattra mfn. having 5 feathers R
- m. '5-leaved', a species of Caṇḍāla-kanda L
- ○pada (pá○), mf(ā)n. containing 5 Padas ŚBr
- (ī), f. taking 5 steps, consisting of 5 feet or steps or parts TS. GṛS. (fr. -pad?)
- 'only 5 steps', a cold or unfriendly relationship (opp. to sāptapadīna, q.v.), Bañc, ii, 123
- the 5 strong cases (viz. nom. and voc. sg. du. pl
- acc. sg. du.), APrāt
- N. of a river in Śāka-dviipa BhP
- ○dârthī f. ○dī-vivṛti f. N. of wks
- ○pariṣad f. an assembly taking place every 5th year Buddh
- ○parṇikā or f. a species of small shrub L
- ○parḍṇī f. a species of small shrub L
- ○parva mf(ā)n. (river) having 5 windings ŚvetUp
- ○parvata n. 'the 5 peaks' (of the Himâlayas) L
- ○parvan mfn. 5-knotted (as an arrow) R
- m. a stick with 5 knots Kauś
- ○va- and ○vii-māhātmya n. ○viiya-vidhi m. N. of wks. [Page 576, Column]
- ○pala (Yājñ.),
- ○palika (KātyŚr. Sch.), mfn. weighing 5 Palas
- ○lī f. a weight of 5 Palas Kathās
- ○pallava n. the aggregate of 5 sprigs or shoots of the Āmra, Jambū, Kapittha, Bīja-pūraka, and Bilva (according to others, of the Āmra, Aśvattha, Vaṭa, Parkaṭī, and Yajñôdumbara
- or of the Panasa, Āmra, Aśvattha, Vaṭa, and Bakula L
- or of the spondias, rose-apple, Bel or marmelos, citron, and wood-apple W.)
- ○paśu m. (!) sg. the 5 sacrificial animals KātyŚr
- mfn. destined for the 5 sacrificial animals Vait
- ○pātra n. a partic. vessel for purifying water used at the Ācamana (q.v.) RTL. xxi
- n. 5 cups or vessels collectively or a Śrāddha in which offerings are made in 5 vessels L
- ○pāda (pá○), mfn. 5-footed RV. AV
- (ī), f. N. of wk. on the Uṇ-ādis
- ○pādikā f. N. of a philos. wk
- -ṭīkā f. -ṭikā-tattva-dīpana n. -"ṣdhyāsabhāṣya-vyākhyā (○kâdh○), f. -vivaraṇa n. (○ṇa-prakāśikā f.), -vyākhyā f. -śāstra-darpaṇa m. N. of Comms
- ○pitta n. the gall or bile of 5 animals (viz. the boar, goat, buffalo, fish, and peacock) L
- ○pura n. N. of a city Śukas
- ○purāṇīya mfn. worth 5 Purāṇas (a partic. coin) Kull. on Mn. xi, 227
- ○puruṣam ind. through 5 generations of men ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○puṣpamaya mf(i)n. formed or consisting of 5 flowers Kathās
- ○pūlī f. 5 bunches Pāṇ. 2-1, 51 Vārtt. 6 Pat
- ○prakaraṇa n
- ○prakaraḍṇī f. N. of wks
- ○prayāga m. a kind of oblation RTL. 367
- ○prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○prastha mfn. having 5 elevations or rising grounds (said of a forest) BhP
- ○praharaṇa mfn. having 5 carriage-boxes ib
- ○prâṇa m. pl. the 5 vital airs (supposed to be in the body)
- ○ṇâhuti-khaṇḍa m. or n. (?) N. of wk
- ○prādeśa mf(ā)n. 5 spans long KātyŚr
- ○prāsāda m. a temple with 4 pinnacles and a steeple W
- ○phuṭṭika m. 'weaving 5 Phuṭṭikās (s.v.) in a day', N. of a Śūdra Kathās
- ○baddha mfn. pl. joined into 5 Hariv
- ○bandha m. a fine equal to the 5th part of anything lost or stolen Yājñ
- ○bandhura See -vandh○
- ○bala n. the 5 forces (viz. faith, energy, recollection, self-concentration, reason) MWB. 50
- ○balā f. the 5 plants called Balā (viz. balā, nāga-b○, mahā-b○, ati-b○, and rāja-b○) L
- ○bāṇa m. 'having 5 arrows', N. of the god of love Kālid. Daś. &c
- vijaya and -vilāsa m. N. of wks
- ○bāṇī f. the 5 arrows (of the god of love) Naish
- ○bāhu m. '5-armed', N. of one of the attendants of Śiva Hariv
- ○bindu-prasṛta n. N. of a partic. movement in dancing Daś
- ○bila (pá○), mfn. having 5 openings ŚBr
- ○bīja n. a collection of 5 kinds of seeds (viz. of Cardiospermum Halicacabum, Trigonella Foenum Graecum, Asteracantha Longifolia, Ligusticum Ajowan, and cumin-seed
- or of Trapusa, Karkati, Dāḍima, Padma, and Vānari
- or of Sinapis Racemosa, Ligusticum Ajowan, cumin-seed, sesamum from Khorasan, and poppy) L
- ○bodha m. N. of wk
- ○brahma-mantra m
- ○brahma-vidyôpaniṣad or f. N. of wks
- ○brahmôpaniṣad f. N. of wks
- ○bhaṅga m. pl. boughs of 5 partic. trees Hcat
- ○bhaṭṭīya n. N. of wk
- ○bhadra mfn. having 5 good qualities or auspicious marks Hcar
- consisting of 5 good ingredients (as a decoction), ŚarṅgS
- vicious L
- m. a kind of pavilion Vāstuv
- n. a partic. mixture Bhpr
- ○bhāra mfn. having the weight of 5 Bhāras Siṃhâs
- ○bhāṣā-maṇi m. N. of wk
- ○bhuja m. 5-armed, pentagonal
- m. N. of Ganêśa Gal
- a pentagon W
- ○bhūta n. pl. the 5 elements (earth, air, fire, water, and ākāśa) Kap
- -parityakta mfn. deserted by the 5 elements (as a dead body) MW
- -vādârtha and -viveka m. N. of wks
- ○tâtmaka mfn. consisting of 5 elements (as the human body) Suśr
- ○bhūryābhimukhā (!), f. N. of an Apsaras Kāraṇḍ
- ○bhṛṅga m. or n. N. of the 5 plants Deva-dālī, Śamī, Bhaṅgā, Nirguṇi, and Tamala-pattra L
- ○bhautika wṛ. for pāñcabh○
- ○ma-kāra n. the 5 essentials of the left-hand Tantra ritual (the words for which begin with the letter m, viz. madya, wine
- māṃsa, meat
- matsya, fish
- mudrā, intertwining of the fingers
- and maithuna, sexual union) W. (cf. -tattva and RTL. 192)
- ○mantra-tanu m. whose body consists of 5 Mantras', N. of Śiva (with Śaivas) Sarvad
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of 5 (elements) MārkP
- ○mahākalpa m. N. of Vishṇu MBh. xii, 338
- ○mahāpātakin mfn. guilty of the 5 great sins ( See mahā-pātaka) MW
- ○mahābhūta-maya mf(ī)n. consisting of 5 elements Hcar. [Page 577, Column]
- ○mahāyajña m. pl. the 5 great devotional acts of the Hindūs ( See mahā-y○) W
- -vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○mahiṣa n. the 5 products of the buffalo cow (cf. pañca-gavya) Suśr
- ○māṣaka (f. ī [!] Gaut.) and mfn. consisting of or amounting to 5 Māshas. 1
- ○māḍṣika (Mn.), mfn. consisting of or amounting to 5 Māshas. 1
- ○māsya mfn. (for 2. See under pañcama) happening every 5 months or containing 5 months AitBr
- ○mithyātva-ṭīkā f. N. of wk
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. 5-faced or 5-headed (also applied to Prajā-pati) KaushUp
- m. N. of Śiva L
- a lion L
- an arrow with 5 points R
- (ī), f. Gendarussa Vulgaris L
- ○mudrā f. 5 gestures to be made in presenting offerings to an idol W
- ○muṣṭ�i f. Trigonella Corniculata L
- ○muṣṭika m. a partic. decoction Bhpr
- ○mūtra n. sg. the urine of 5 (female animals, viz. the cow, goat, sheep, buffalo, and ass) L
- ○mūrti and mfn. having a fivefold form (applied to a partic. offering to Brahmans) Hcat
- ○mūrḍtika mfn. having a fivefold form (applied to a partic. offering to Brahmans) Hcat
- ○mūla m. N. of an attendant of Durgā Kathās
- n. (also ○laka) and (ī), f. a class or group of 5 roots or plants with tuberous roots (according to Suśr. there are 5 classes each containing 5 medicinal plant, viz. kanīyas or alpam or kṣudrakam, mahat, vallī-saṃjñaḥ [sc. gaṇaḥ], kaṇṭaka-s○, and triṇa-s○ i.e. the smaller and the larger clṭclasses, the creepers, the thorny plants and the 5 kinds of grass
- other groups are also enumerated) Suśr. Bhpr. &c
- ○meni mfn. having 5 missiles AitBr
- ○yakṣā f. N. of a Tirtha MBh
- ○yajña m. pl. the 5 religious acts or oblations of a house-keeper (cf. pañca-mahāyajña)
- -paribhraṣṭa m. a Brāhman who omits to perform the 5 religious acts MW
- ○yāma (pá○), mfn. having 5 courses (as a sacrifice) RV
- N. of a son of Ātapa (who was son of Vibhāvasu and Ushā) BhP
- ○yuga n. a cycle of 5 years, a lustrum MBh
- ○yojaná n. (AV.),
- ○yojaḍnī f. (Rājat.) a way or distance of 5 Yojanas
- ○rakṣaka m. a species of plant L
- ○rakṣā f. N. of wk
- ○ratna n. a collection of 5 jewels or precious things (viz. gold, diamond, sapphire, ruby, and pearl Hcat
- or gold, silver, coral, pearl, and Rāga-paṭṭa L.)
- N. of sev. wks
- pl. the 5 gems or most admired episodes of the MBh. MW
- -kalā f. -kiraṇâvali f. -prakāśa m. N. of wks
- -maya mf(ā!)n. consisting of the 5jewels Hcat
- -mālikā f. -stava m. ○nâkara-stotra n. N. of Stotras
- ○raśmi (páñca-), mfn. (a chariot) having 5 strings or traces RV
- ○rasā f. the Emblic Myrobolan tree L
- ○rājī-phala m. Trichosanthes Dioeca L
- ○rātra or m. a period of 5 days (nights) Kauś. Mn. &c
- ○rāḍtraka m. a period of 5 days (nights) Kauś. Mn. &c
- (○trá), mfn. lasting 5 days ŚBr. MBh. (also ○traka Pañc.)
- m. N. of an Ahīna ( See 1. áh○) which lasts 5 days TāṇḍBr. ŚrS
- N. of the sacred books of various Vaishṇava sects (also pl.) MBh. R. &c
- dīpikā f. -naivedya-vidhāna n. -pakvânna vidhāna n. -prāyaścitta n. -rakṣā f. N. of wks
- ○rātrika wṛ. for pāñcar○
- ○rāśika mfn. relating to the 5 ratios or proportions of numbers
- n. the rule of 5, the rule of proportion with 5 terms Col
- ○rudra m. N. of an author ○drīya n. ○drôpaniṣad-bhāṣya n. N. of wks
- ○rūpa-kośa m. N. of wk
- ○rcá (for -ṛca), mfn. consisting of 5 verses
- m. a stanza consisting of 5 verses AV. ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ○lakṣaṇa mfn. possessing 5 characteristics (said of the Purāṇas, which ought strictly to comprehend 5 topics, viz. the creation of the universe, its destruction and renovation, the genealogy of gods and patriarchs, the reigns of the Manus, and the history of the solar and lunar races)
- n. a Purāṇa or mythological poem W
- -vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○lakṣaṇī f. N. of sev. wks. (also -kroḍa m. -ṭīkā f. -prakāśa m. -vivecana n. ṇy-anugama, m.)
- ○lambaka n. N. of Kathās. xiv
- ○lavaṇa n. 5 kinds of salt (viz. kāca, saindhava, sāmudra, viḍa, and sauvarcala) Suśr
- ○lāṅgala (ibc.) a gift of as much land as can be cultivated with 5 ploughs (also -ka Hcat. MatsyaP.)
- -dāna-vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○loha n. a metallic alloy containing 5 metals (viz. copper. brass, tin, lead, and iron) L
- ○lohaka n. the 5 metals (viz. gold, silver, copper, tin, and lead) L
- ○vaktra mfn. 5-faced Hariv. R
- m. N. of Śiva Dhūrtas
- of one of the attendants of Skanda MBh
- a lion L
- (ā), f. N. of Durgā Cat
- -rasa m. a partic. mixture Bhpr
- -stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- ○vaṭa m. '5-threaded', the Brāhmanieal cord (but RTL. 361) L
- N. of a man Rājat
- (ī), f. the 5 fig-trees (N. applied to Aśvattha, Bilva, Vaṭa, Dhātri, and Aśoka) SkandaP. [Page 577, Column]
- (also n.) N. of a part of the great southern forest where the Godāvarī rises and where the banished Rāma resided MBh. R. Ragh
- ○ṭa- or ○ṭī-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○vadana-stotra n. N. of a Stotra (cf. pañcavaktra-st○)
- ○vandhura mfn. having 5 seats BhP. (cf. tri-v○)
- ○varga m. a class or group or series of 5, e.g. the 5 constituent elements of the body (cf. 1. dhātu) R. ii, 118, 27
- the 5 classes of spies (viz. a pilgrim or rogue, an ascetic who has violated his vows, a distressed agriculturist, a decayed merchant, a fictitious devotee) Kull. vii, 154
- the 5 organs of sense, the 5 devotional acts &c. (also i f.)
- mfn. proceeding in 5 lines or at, times KātyŚr
- ○varṇa mfn. '5-coloured' L. (Mṛicch. i, 7/8?)
- fivefold, of 5 kinds (-tā f.) Hcat
- m. N. of a mountain Hariv
- of a forest ib. (v. l. pāñc○)
- ○vardhana m. a species of plant L
- ○varṣa (KātyŚr.),
- ○varḍṣeka (MBh.), mfn. 5 years old
- ○ṣadeśīya (L.) and ○ṣaka-deśīya (MBh.), mfn. about 5 years old
- ○varṣika-maha m. a kind of festival or ceremony L
- ○varṣiya mfn. 5 years old Śatr
- ○vali mfn. having 5 folds or incisions KātyŚr
- ○valkala n. a collection of the bark of 5 kinds of trees (viz. the Indian, glomerous, holy, and waved-leaf fig-tree, and Calamus Rotang, i.e. Nyag-rodha, Udumbara, Aśvattha, Plaksha, and Vetasa
- but other trees are sometimes substituted) Rasar
- ○vallabhā f. 'dear to 5', N. of Draupadi Gal
- ○vastu n. (?), N. of wk
- ○vātī́ya m. a partic. oblation offered to the 5 winds at the Rājasūya ŚBr
- ○vāda m. N. of wk
- -kroḍa-pattra n. ṭīkā f. N. of wks
- ○vārṣika mf(ī)n. 5 years old, recurring every 5 years
- n. and
- ○maha m. (prob.) = pañca-varṣika-maha Divyâv. L
- ○vāhín mfn. yoked with 5, drawn by 5 (as a carriage) AV
- ○viṃśá mf(ī)n. the 25th ŚBr. &c
- containing or consisting of 25 ib
- representing the Pañcaviṃśa Stoma, belonging to it, celebrated with it, &c. Br. ŚāṅkhŚr
- m. a Stoma consisting of 25 parts VS. ŚBr
- N. of Vishṇu regarded as the 25th Tattva BhP
- -brāhmaṇa n. a Brāhmaṇa consisting of 25 books, N. of the TāṇḍyaBr
- ○viṃśaka mfn. the 25th BhP
- consisting of 25 L
- (with vayasā) 25 years old R
- ○viṃśat f. 25 Hcat
- ○viṃśati (pá○), f. id. VS. ŚBr
- a collection of 25 (also ○tī and ○tikā
- See vetāla-)
- -gaṇa m. a multitude of 25 Kap
- -tama or ○ti-ma mf(ī)n. the 25th MBh
- -rātra mfn. lasting 25 nights (days) KātyŚr
- -sāhasrikā f. N. of a Prajñāpāramitā L
- ○viṃśatika mfn. (a fine) consisting of or amounting to 25 (Paṇas) Yājñ. ii, 205
- n. the number 25 MBh
- (ā), f. See -viṃśati
- ○vikrama mfn. (a carriage) moving in a fivefold manner BhP
- ○vigrāham ind. by distributing 5 times or by a fivefold distribution ĀśvŚr
- ○vijaya m. N. of wk
- ○vidha (páñca- or pañcá-), mfn. of 5 kinds, fivefold ŚBr
- -nāma-bhāṣya n. -sūtra n. N. of wks
- ○vidheya n. = -vidhasūtra
- ○vīra-goṣṭha n. (prob.) an assembly. room named 'the 5 heroes', i.e. the 5 sons of Pāṇḍu Daś
- ○vṛkṣa n. sg. or m.pl. 'the 5 trees' (of Svarga, viz. Mandāra, Pārijātaka, Saṃtāna, Kalpa-vṛiksha, and Hari-candana) MW
- ○vṛt (ŚāṅkhGṛ.) and ind. fivefold, 5 times
- ○vṛtam (Gobh.), ind. fivefold, 5 times
- ○śata mf(ī)n. 500 (pl.) MBh. BhP
- (a fine) amounting to 500 Yājñ
- fined 500 (Paṇas) Mn
- the 500th (○te kāle, in the 500th year) MBh
- n. 105 Lāṭy. ; 500 Mn. MBh
- (ī), f. 500 Kathās
- a period of 500 years Vajracch
- N. of wk
- -tama mf(ī)n. the 105th (ch. of R.)
- ○tīprabandha m. N. of wk
- ○śatika mfn. 500 (feet &c.), high Hcat
- ○śara m. = -bāṇa Prab. (ī f. = -bā́ṇī Naish.)
- -nirṇaya m. -vijaya m. -vyākhyā f. N. of wks
- ○śarāva mfn. (a measure) containing 5 Śarāvas (q.v.) Jaim
- ○śala (pá○), m. or n. (?) a distance of 5 Salas (q.v.) AV
- ○śas ind. by fives, 5 by 5 BhP
- ○śasya See -sasya
- ○śākha mfn. 5-branched, 5-fingered R
- m. the hand Dhūrtan
- ○śāradī́ya m. N. of a Pañcâha representing 5 years Br. ŚrS
- ○śāstra n. N. of the sacred books of various Vaishṇava sects Hcat. (cf. -rātra)
- ○śikha mfn. '5-crested', having tufts of hair on the head (as an ascetic) MBh. (○khi-kṛta mfn. made an ascetic Bhartṛ.)
- m. a lion L
- N. of a Śāṃkhya teacher (called also -muni, a pupil of Āsuri) MBh. VāyuP. &c
- of an attendant of Śiva Kathās
- of a Gandharva L
- ○śikhin mfn. = -śikha mfn. AV.Pariś
- ○śirīṣa m. a medicine composed of 5 parts (viz. √, bark, leaf, flower, and fruit) of the Acacia Sirissa Car. [Page 577, Column]
- ○śila mf(ā)n. consisting of 5 rocks Cat
- ○śīrṣa mf(ā)n. 5-headed MBh. ; 5-eared(as corn, sc. on one stalk) ib
- m. N. of a mountain Buddh
- ○śīla n. the 5 chief rules of conduct for Buddhists MWB. 89 ; 126
- ○śukla m. 'having 5 white spots', a species of venomous insect Suśr
- ○śūraṇa n. the 5 -bulbous plants called) Śūraṇas (q.v.) L
- ○śairīṣaka n. the 5 products of the Acacia Sirissa (cf. śirīṣa). L
- ○śaila mṆ. of a mountain MārkP
- ○ślokī f. N. of wk
- ○ṣa mf(ā)n. pl. 5 or 6 Kāv
- ○ṣaṣṭa mf(ī)n. the 65th (ch. of MBh. and Hariv.)
- ○ṣaṣṭi f. 65 (ch. of MBh.)
- -tama mf(ī)n. the 65th (ch. of MBh. and R.)
- ○saṃskāra m. '5 rites', N. of wk
- -prayoga m. -mahiman m. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○sattra n. N. of a place Rājat
- ○saṃdhi m. N. of wk
- ○sapta (in comp. for ○ptan), 5 x 7, 35 MārkP
- ○saptata mf(i) n. the 75th (ch. of MBh. and Hariv.)
- ○saptati f. 75 (ch. of MBh.)
- -tama mf(ī)n. the 75th (ch. of MBh. and R.)
- ○samāsīya n. N. of wk
- ○savana n. (a sacrifice) containing 5 Savanas (q.v.) ĀpŚr
- ○sasya n. sg. 5 species of grain (viz. Dhānya, Mudga, Tila, Yava, and Śveta-sarshapa or Māsha) L
- ○sahasrī f. sg. (ifc. -ka mfn. ) 5000 Kathās
- ○sāṃvatsarika mf(ī)n. 'recurring every 5 years', N. of a kind of Cāturmāsya ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○sāmaka
- ○sāyaka n. (?) N. of wks
- ○sāra mfn. consisting of 5 parts or ingredients Suśr
- n. (?) N. of wk
- ○siddhânta m. N. of the Bhāsvati-karaṇa (q.v.)
- ○siddhântikā f. N. of an astron. wk. by Varāha-mihira (founded on the 5 older astron. wks., and called by Var. himself Karaṇa)
- ○siddhâuṣadhika mfn. consisting of 5 kinds of medic. plants L
- ○siddhan9ṣadhī f. the 5 medic. plants ib
- ○sugandhaka n. a collection of 5 kinds of aromatic vegetable substances (viz. cloves, nutmeg, camphor, aloe wood, and Kakkola, q.v.) L
- ○sū7kta n. '5 Vedic hymns', N. of wk
- ○sūtra n. (and ī f.)' 5 Sūtras', N. of wk
- ○sūnā m. pl. 5 things in a house by which animal life may be accidentally destroyed (viz. the fire-place, slab for grinding condiments, broom, pestle and mortar, and water-pot) W. RTL. 418
- ○skandha (ibc.) = ○dhī
- -vimocaka m. N. of Buddha Divyâv
- ○skandhaka n. N. of wk
- ○skandhī f. sg. the 5 Skandhas (s.v.) or constituent elements Buddh
- ○stava m. (and vyākhyā f.),
- ○stavī f. N. of wks
- ○smṛti f. 5 law-books', N. of wk
- ○srotas n. = manas Nīlak
- ○svarā f. N. of an astrol. wk. on divination
- -nirṇaya m. N. of Comm
- ○rêdaya m. N. of wk
- ○svastyayana n. N. of wk
- ○havis mfn. furnished with 5 oblations ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○hasta m. '5-handed', N. of a son of Manu VP
- of a place Rājat
- ○hāyana mfn. 5 years old BhP
- ○hāva m. N. of a son of Manu Rohita Hariv. (v. l. -hotra)
- ○hotṛ (pá○), mfn. attended by 5 priests (?) RV. v, 42, 1
- m. (sc. mantra) N. of a partic. formula in which 5 deities are named (as Hotṛi, Adhvaryu &c.) Br. ŚrS
- ○hotra See -hāva
- ○hrada-tīrtha n. N. of a place of pilgrimage SkandaP
- pañcâṃśa m. the 5th part, 1/5 Var
- pañcâkṣa m. '5-eyed', N. of a Gaṇa of Śiva Hariv
- pañcâkṣara mfn. consisting of 5 syllables VS. AitBr. &c
- m. N. of a poet
- (ī), f. See s.v
- -kalpa m. N. of wk
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of 5 syllables Hcat
- -mākātmya n. N. of wk
- -śas ind. by 5 syllables Lāṭy
- pañcâkṣarī f. 5 syllables Viddh
- -yantrôpadeśa m. -vidhāna n. -ṣaṭprayoga m. -stotra n. N. of wks
- pañcâkhyāna n. = ○ca-tantra (q.v.)
- -varttika n. N. of wk
- pañcâgni (mostly in comp.) = ○ca-tapas (q.v.), n. the 5 sacred fires (viz. Anvāhārya-pacana or Dakshiṇa, Gārhapatya, Āhavanīya, Sabhya, and Āvasathya) ; 5 mystic fires supposed to be present in the body W
- mfn. -"ṣca-tapas mfn. Kathās
- maintaining the 5 sacred fires KaṭhUp. Mn. &c
- acquainted with the doctrine of the 5 mystic fires W
- -ka n. N. of a partic. observance MānSr
- -tva n. a collection or aggregate of 5 fires or inflammatory passions Kathās
- -vidyā f. the (esoteric) doctrine of the 5 fires Śaṃk. (-prakaraṇa n. N. of wk.)
- -sādhana n. 'doing the 5 fire penance' (a form of self-mortification) Cat. (cf. pañcatapas)
- ○gny-ādhāna n. setting up the 5 sacred fires TBr. Sch
- pañcâṅga n. (mostly ibc.) 5 members or parts of the body Kir. ; 5 parts of a tree (viz. √, bark, leaf, flower, and fruit) L. ; 5 modes of devotion (viz. silent prayer, oblations, libations, bathing idols, and feeding Brāhmans) W. [Page 578, Column]
- any aggregate of 5 parts ib
- mf(ī)n. 5-limbed, 5-membered (with praṇāma m. obeisance made with the arms, knees, head, voice, and look Tantras.)
- having 5 parts or subdivisions Kāv. (also ○gika Suśr.)
- m. a tortoise or turtle L. (cf. pañcâṅga-gupta) a horse with 5 spots in various parts of his body L. (cf. pañca-bhadra)
- (ī), f. a bit for horses KātyŚr
- a kind of bandage Suśr
- n. a calendar or almanac (treating of 5 things, viy. solar days, lunar days, Nakshatras Yogas. and Karaṇas) L
- -kautuka n. -kaumudī f. -gaṇita n. N. of wks
- -gupta m. a tortoise or turtle L. (cf. pañca-g○)
- -tattva n. N. of wk
- -pattra n. a calendar or almanac L. ( See above)
- -phala n. -ratnâvalī f. -rudranyāsa m. -vinoda m. N. of wks
- -viprahīna and -vipratihīna m. N. of Buddha Divyâv
- -śuddhi f. the favourableness of 5 (astrological circumstances, viz. the solar day, lunar day, Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karaṇa) MW
- -śodha n. -saralī f. -sādhana n. (○na-grahôdāharaṇa n. ○nasāraṇī f.), -sāraṇī f. N. of wks
- ○ṅgâdika mfn. (a pantomime) dealing with 5 members (cf. above) &c., Malav. i, 6/7
- ○ṅgânayana n. N. of wk
- pañcâṅguri mfn. 5-fingered AV
- pañcâṅgula mfn. measuring 5 fingers
- m. Ricinus Communis (which has 5-lobed leaves) Suśr
- (ī), f. a species of shrub L
- pañcâṅguli mfn. 5 fingers broad Caṇḍ
- having 5 fingers or finger-like divisions W
- pañcâja n. the 5 products of the goat Suśr. (cf. ca-gavya)
- pañcâtapā f. doing penance with 5 fires KālP. (cf. ○ca-tapas)
- pañcâtmaka mfn. consisting of 5 elements (as the body), fivefold (-tva n.) ŚvetUp
- pañcâdhyāyī f. 'consisting of 5 chapters', N. of sev. wks
- pañcânana mfn. very fierce or passionate (lit. 5-faced) L
- m. N. of Śiva L. (cf. RTL. 79)
- a lion Vcar. (also at the end of names of learned men, e.g. jayarāma-p○, viśvanātha-p○)
- N. of partic. strong medic. preparations Rasar
- N. of an author and other men
- (i) f. N. of Durgā Rājat
- -deśa m. N. of a place Cat
- pañcânanda-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- pañcânugāna n. N. of sev. Sāmans ĀrshBr
- pañcāpañcī́nā f. N. of a partic. brick MaitrS
- pañcâpūpa mfn. having 5 cakes AV
- pañcâpsaras (R.),
- pañcâpsaḍrasa (BhP.), n. N. of a lake or pool, supposed to have been produced by Manda-karṇi (Śātakarṇi) through the power of his penance (so called because under it Mandakarni formed a secret chamber for 5 Apsaras who had seduced him)
- pañcâbja-maṇḍala n. N. of a mystical circle Tantras
- pañcâbdakhya mfn. existing for 5 years Mn. ii, 134
- pañcâmṛta n. sg. and pl. the 5 kinds of divine food (viz. milk, coagulated or sour milk, butter, honey, and sugar) Hcat
- the 5 elements Mālatīm. v, 2
- mfn. consisting of 5 ingredients (as a medicine) L
- n. the aggregate of any 5 drugs of supposed efficacy W
- N. of a Tantra
- ○tâbhiṣekaprakāra m. N. of wk
- pañcâmla n. sg. the aggregate of 5 acid plants (the jujube, pomegranate, sorrel, spondias, and citron) Bhpr
- pañcâyatana n. N. of a partic. ceremony (at which 5 symbols are used) RTL. 410-416
- -paddhati f. -pratiṣṭhā-paddhati f. and ○nártha-varṇa-śīrṣopaniṣad f. N. of wks
- pañcâyudha m. = ○ca-bāṇa, in -prapañca m. -ratna-mālā, f. -stava m. -stotra n. N. of wks
- páñcâra mfn. (a wheel) having 5 spokes RV
- pañcârcis m. 'having 5 rays', the planet Mercury VP
- pañcârtha n. sg. the 5 things (with Pāśupatas) Sarvad
- -bhāṣyadījiṣikā f. N. of wk
- pañcârṣeya mf(ī)n. one who is descended from 5 Ṛishis ĀpGṛ. Sch
- pañcā-vaṭa = pañca-v○, q.v
- pañcâvattá mfn. 5 times cut off or taken up, consisting of 5 Avadānas ŚBr
- n. (MānŚr.), -tā f. and -tva n. (KātyŚr. Sch.) 5 AṭAvadānas
- ○ttin mfn. one who offers oblations consisting of AṭAvadānas GṛS. KātyŚr. Sch
- ○ttī́ya mfn. offered in 5 Avadānas TBr
- pañcâvadāna n. the offering (of the Havis) in 5 Avadānas MānGṛ
- pañcâvayava mfn. consisting of 5 members or parts
- (with vākya) n. a 5-membered argument, a syllogism Tarkas
- pañcâvaraṇa-stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- pañcâvarta mf(ā)n. having 5 whirls ŚvetUp
- pañcâvastha m. a corpse (resolved into the 5 elements) Gal
- pañcâvika n. the 5 products of the sheep Suśr. (cf. pañca-gavya, ○câja),
- pañcāśīta mf(ī)n. the 85th (ch. of MBh. and Hariv.)
- pañcâśīti f. 85 (ch. of MBh.)
- N. of wk
- -tama mf(i)n. the 85th (ch. of MBh. and R.)
- pañcâśra mfn. 5-cornered Hcat
- pañcâsva m. 'having 5 horses', N. of a prince VP. [Page 578, Column]
- pañcâsuvandhura mfn. whose carriage-seats (?) are the 5 vital airs BhP
- pañcâstikāya m. N. of wk
- -bālâvabodha m. -saṃgraha-sūtra n. N. of wks
- pañcâsya mfn. 5-faced, 5-headed MBh. Hariv. ; 5-pointed (as an arrow) MBh
- m. a lion Kāv
- N. of a partic. strong medicine Rasar
- pañcâha m. a period of 5 days Kathās
- (○há), mfn. lasting 5 days
- m. a Soma oblation with 5 Sutyā days Br. ŚrS
- pañcâhika mfn. containing 5 feast days or festivals KātyŚr. Sch
- pañcêdhmīya n. (?) a nocturnal rite in which 5 torches &c. are used Āpast
- pañcêndra mfn. one who has the 5 Indrāṇīs as his deity Pāṇ. 1-2, 49 Sch
- -kalpa mfn. like 5 Indras MW
- ○dropâkhyāna (?), n. N. of wk
- pañcêndriya n. the 5 organs of sense (viz. the eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin) or the 5 organs of action (viz. hands, feet, larynx, and organs of generation and excretion) W
- pl. N. of a tale
- mfn. having the 5 organs of sense MBh
- pañcêṣu m. = ○ca-bāṇa Kāv
- pañcôpacāraka mf(ikā)n. consisting of 5 oblations Śāktân
- pañcôpâkhyāna n. N. of the Pañca-tantra
- -saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- pañcâudana mfn. prepared with fivefold pulp of mashed grain &c. AV
- pañcaka mfn. consisting of 5, relating to 5, made of 5 &c. Mn. MBh. Suśr. Pur. ; 5 days old ( See below)
- bought with 5 Pāṇ. 5-1, 22 Sch
- (with śata n.) 5 percent Mn. Yājñ
- taking 5 per cent Pāṇ. 5-1, 47 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- m. any collection or aggregate of 5 W. (also n
- g. ardharcâdi)
- a partic. caste VP
- N. of one of the attendants of Skanda MBh
- of a son of Nahusha VP
- pl. the 5 first disciples of Gautama Buddha Jātakam
- (ikā), f. a book consisting of 5 Adhyāyas (as those of the AitBr.)
- N. of a game played with 5 shells Pāṇ. 2-1, 10 Sch
- n. an aggregate of 5, a pentad Hariv. Var. &c
- a field of battle L
- -mālā f. a kind of metre L
- -māsika mfn. one who receives or earns 5 per month Pāṇ. 5-4, 116 Vārtt. 4 Pat
- -vidhāna n. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- -śata n. 5 percent Bijag
- -śānti f. -śānti-vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○kâvalī f. a kind of metre L. (cf. Śiś. iii, 82 Sch.)
- ○kâṣṭaka-cayana-sūtra n. N. of wk
- pañcat mfn. consisting of five Pāṇ. 5-1, 60
- pañcataya mf(ī)n. fivefold, having five parts or limbs Kap
- Yog. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 42)
- pañcatha mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 50) the fifth Kāṭh. [Cf. Zd. pukhdha
- Gk. ? ; Lat. quinctus, [578,] quintus for pinctus ; Lith. pénktas ; Goth. fimfta ; Germ. fū0nfte ; Angl. Sax. fifta ; Eng. fifth.]
- pañcathu m. time L
- the Koil or Indian cuckoo L
- páñcan pl. (said to be fr. √1. pac, to spread out the hand with its five fingers
- nom. acc. páñca AV. v, 15, 5 pañcá]
- instr. ○cábhis
- dat. abl. ○cábhyas
- loc. ○cásu [Class. also, ○cabhis, ○cabhyás, ○casú, Pāṇ. 6-1, 179 &c.]
- gen. ○cānā́m) five RV. &c. &c. (cf. under indriya, kṛṣṭi, carṣaṇi, jana, bhūta, mātra, yajña, svasṛ &c.) ; sg. N. of Kathās. xiv. [Cf. Zd. pañcan
- Gk. ?, Aeol. ? ; Lat. quinque ; Lith. [578,] penkí ; Goth. fimf ; Germ. fū0nf ; Angl. Sax. fif ; Eng. five.]
- pañcanī f. a chequered cloth for playing at draughts &c., a chess-board (= śāri-śṛṅkhatā) L
- pañcamá mf(ī)n. the fifth VS. AV. &c. &c. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 49)
- forming the 5th part (with or sc. aṃśa = 1/5) TBr. Mn. &c
- = rucira or dakṣa L
- m. (in music) the 5th (later 7th) note of the gamut (supposed to be produced by the air drawn from 5 parts of the body) MBh. Sāh
- -rāga Gīt
- the 21st Kalpa (called after the musical note) VāyuP
- the 5th consonant of a Varga (i.e. the nasal) VPrāt. Pāṇ. Sch
- N. of a Muni Cat
- (ī), f. See below
- n. the fifth part, 1/5 (cf. above and Pāṇ. 5-3, 49)
- copulation (as the 5th of the Tattvas of the Tā2ntrikas
- cf. pañca-tattva)
- (am), ind. for the fifth time, fifthly TBr. Mn. viii, 125
- ○bhāgīya mfn. belonging to the fifth part KātyŚr. ; 1/5 (of a Purusha) long, Śulbas
- ○rāga m. one of the Rāgas or musical modes Gīt
- ○vat mfn. having the 5th (note) Pāṇ. 5-2, 130 Sch
- ○vilāsa m
- ○sāra-saṃhitā f. N. of wks
- ○svara n. N. of a metre, Prasann
- pañcamâra m. (with Jainas) the 5th spoke in the wheel of time (also -ka) Śatr
- N. of a son of Bala-deva L. 2
- pañcamâsya m. (for 1. See p. 577, col. 1) the Indian cuckoo or Koil (as producing the 5th note of the scale with its mouth or throat) L
- pañcamaka mfn. the fifth, Śrut. [Page 578, Column]
- pañcamin mfn. being in the fifth (month or year) of one's age Pāṇ. 5-2, 130
- pañcamī f. (of ○ma, q.v.) the fifth day of the half month (sc. tithi), ŚrGṛS. MBh. &c
- the 5th or ablative case (or its terminations), a word in the ablative Pāṇ. 2-1, 12 &c
- a termination of the imperative Kāt
- (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇi or Mūrchanā
- a brick having the length of 1/5 (of a Purusha), Śulb
- = pañcanī L
- N. of Draupadi (who was the wife of 5
- cf. pāñcāli) L
- of a river MBh. VP
- ○kalpa m
- ○krama-kalpa-latā f
- ○varivasyā-rahasya n
- ○sādhana n
- ○sudhôdaya m
- ○stava m
- ○stava-rāja m. N. of wks
- pañcārī f. = pañcanī L
- pañcāśa mf(ī)n. the 50th(ch. of MBh. and R.)
- + 50 (e.g. ○śaṃ śatam, 150
- Pāṇ. 5-2, 46)
- pañcāśaka mf(ikā)n. 50 Pur
- (ikā), f. a collection or aggregate of 50 (cf. caura-pañcāśikā, ṣaṭ-p○)
- N. of sev. wks
- pañcāśac in comp. for ○śat
- ○chas ind. by fifties, 50 by 50 ĀśvGṛ
- pañcāśát f. (pañcan + daśaṭ
- cf. triṃ-śat, catvāriṃ-śat) fifty AV. &c. &c. (also mfn. pl. MBh. Hariv.) [Cf. Zd. pañcāśata
- Gk. ? ; Lat. quinquāginta.]
- ○tama mf(ī)n. the [578,] 50th (ch. of MBh. and Hariv.)
- -vārṣa KātyŚr. Sch
- ○paṇika mfn. (a fine) consisting of 50 Paṇas Yājñ
- ○palika mfn. having the weight of 50 Palas ib. Hcat
- pañcāśatsahasrīmahākālasaṃhitā3pañcāśát--sahasrī-mahākālasaṃhitā f. N. of wk
- pañcāśata n. (MBh.),
- pañcāśaḍti f. (Rājat.) fifty
- pañcāśatka mf(ā)n. consisting of 50 Car. 50 years old Kām
- pañcāśad in comp. for ○śat
- ○gāthā f. N. of a Jaina wk
- ○dhā ind. in fifty parts R
- ○bhāga m. the 50th part Mn. vii, 130
- ○varṣa mfn. 50 years old (-tā f.) ĀśvŚr
- pañcāśā f. fifty Hcat. (wrongly divided into pañcan + āśā)
- pañci m. N. of a man (son of Nahusha) VP
- pañcika mfn. having the length of 5 Sulbas
- (ā), f. See under pañcaka
- pañcin mfn. divided into 5, consisting of 5, five fold AitBr. Lāṭy
- pañcī in comp. for ○ca = ○can
- ○karaṇa n. (√1. kṛ) making into 5, causing anything to contain all the 5 elements Vedântas
- N. of sev. wks
- -tātparya-candrikā f. -prakriya- f. -mahāvākyârtha m. (and ○tha-bodha, m.), -vārttika n. (and ○kâbharaṇa n.), -vivaraṇa n. -viveka m. ○ṇânandâkhyā f. N. of wks
- ○kṛta mfn. made into 5 (cf. above) Vedântas
- -ṭīkā f. N. of wk
- pañcālá m.pl. (fr. pañcan
- cf. pātāla) N. of a warrior-tribe and their country in the north of India ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. apara-, pūr. va-)
- of a Vedic school ŚBr. RPrāt
- (sg.) a man belonging to the tribe of the Pañcālas L
- a king of the Pañcālas MBh. (cf. pāñc○)
- N. of Śiva ib
- of a man brought by Vishvak-sena to the childless Gaṇdūsha Hariv
- of a serpent-demon L
- a partic. venomous insect MW
- n. (?) N. of a metre Col
- (ī), f. a doll, puppet Kād
- a style of singing L
- a chequered cloth for playing at draughts &c. W
- ○caṇḍa m. N. of a teacher AitĀr
- ○padavṛtti f. (prob.) a kind of hiatus L
- ○rāja or m. a king of PṭPañcālas MW
- ○rājan m. a king of PṭPañcālas MW
- pañcālaka mfn. relating to the Pañcālas MBh. (prob. wṛ. for pāñc○)
- m. pl. the Pañcālas BhP
- (sg.) a species of venomous insect Suśr
- (ikā), f. a doll L
- a style of singing L
- pañci m. N. of a man VP
- pañchihila mṆ. of a man Inscr
- pañj pañjaka, pañjara &c. See under √paj. p. 575, col. 2
- pañjala m. a kind of bulbous plant L
- pañji or pañjī f. the ball of cotton from which thread is spun L
- (ī), f. an almanac, calendar, register L
- pañji-kāraka m. -pañjikā-k○ L
- pañjī-kara m. id. L
- pañjikā f. = [paJj�I] L
- a perpetual commentary which explains and analyses every word (also = kātantra-vṛttip○)
- a book in which receipts and expenditure are entered L
- the register or record of human actions kept by Yama L
- ○kāraka m. a writer, a man of the Kāyastha tribe
- an almanacmaker
- ○pradīpa m. N. of wk. [Page 579, Column]
- paṭ cl. 1. P. paṭati, to go, move Dhātup. ix, 9
- to flow (pf. papāṭa) Śiś. vi, 72
- to split, open, burst asunder (intr.) Hcar
- cl. 10. or Caus. paṭayati, to string together, wrap (granthe, or veṣṭane
- cf. paṭa) Dhātup. xxxv, 5
- pāṭayati, to speak or shine Dhātup. xxxiii, 79
- ○ti or (MBh.) ○te, to split, burst (trans.), cleave, tear, pierce, break, pluck out, remove Up. Yājñ. MBh. &c.: Pass. pātyate, to split, burst, open (intr.) Suśr
- paṭa m. (n. L
- ifc. f. ā) woven cloth, cloth, a blanket, garment, veil, screen MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. marut-, vāta-)
- a painted piece of cloth, a picture Yājñ. Kād
- monastic habit Kāraṇḍ
- a kind of bird Lalit
- Buchanania Latifolia L
- = puras-kṛta L
- (ī), f. a narrow piece of cloth, the hem or edge of a garment Bālar. Hcar
- the curtain of a stage L. (cf. apaṭī)
- n. a thatch or roof (= paṭala) L
- ○kāra m. a weaver
- a painter L
- ○kuṭī f. a tent of wool or felt KātyŚr. Sch
- ○gata mfn. 'being on cloth', painted MBh
- ○caura m. a cloth-stealer L
- ○bhedana n. = puṭa-bh○ L
- ○maṇḍapa m. 'canvas-house', a tent Ragh
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made of cloth
- n. (scil. gṛha) = prec. Śiś. vi, 24
- ○vardhana m. N. of a family Cat
- ○vādya n. (in music) a kind of cymbal
- ○vāpa m. wṛ. for next. -1
- ○vāsa m. a tent L. -2
- ○vāsa m. a petticoat L. -3
- ○vāsa m. perfumed powder (-tā f.) Ratnâv
- ○vāsaka m. = prec. 3. ib
- N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- ○vāsinī f. a kind of woman L
- ○veśman n. a tent Śiś
- ○śātaka m. or n. = pārīraṇa L
- paṭâkṣepa m. the not tossing or pushing aside of the stage-curtain (Prob. wṛ. for paṭī-kṣepa
- cf. also apaṭī-kṣepa)
- paṭâñcala m. the hem or edge of a garment Mālatīm
- paṭânta m. id. MBh. Hariv. Ratnâv
- paṭântaram or (prob.) wṛ. for ○ntam Śak. (Pi.) iii, 26/27 (79/80)
- paṭântaḍre (prob.) wṛ. for ○ntam Śak. (Pi.) iii, 26/27 (79/80)
- paṭī-kṣepa m. (dram.) the tossing aside of the stage-curtain
- ○peṇa-pra-√viś, to enter in a hurry Bālar
- paṭôṭaja n. (L.) a mushroom
- a tent
- sunshine (?)
- paṭôttarīya n. an upper garment (of cloth) Mṛicch
- paṭâuka prob. = next
- -śrī-darpaṇa m. N. of wk
- paṭâukas n. a tent L
- paṭaka m. cotton-cloth L
- a camp, encampment L
- the half of a village L. (vḷ. for pāṭ○)
- paṭará m. or n. a ray (of sunlight) AV
- (ī), f. g. gaurâdi
- (paṭará), m. N. of the third of the 7 suns TĀr. VP. (vḷ. paṭala)
- N. of Varuṇa TĀr. ('having a cloth-like skin' Sāy.)
- paṭaraka m. a species of plant (= gundra) L
- paṭala n. (and rarely ī f.) a roof, thatch Var
- a veil, cover Kāv. Pur. Sāh. (ifc. f. ā)
- a basket, chest, box Bālar
- a heap, mass, multitude (esp. in comp. with a word denoting 'cloud') MBh. Kāv. &c
- n. or m. an enclosing or surrounding skin or membrane (esp. of the eyes), a film over the eyes, cataract &c. Suśr. Kāraṇḍ
- a chip, piece, portion Kād
- a section or chapter of a book (esp. of RPrāt.)
- n. train, retinue L
- a (sectarian or ornamental) mark on the forehead or other parts of the body with sandal-wood L
- m. vḷ. for paṭara ( See above)
- mf. a tree or a stalk (vṛkṣa vḷ. vṛnta) L
- ○prânta m. the edge of a roof. L
- paṭalâṃśuka m. the cover of the veil (of darkness), Śāh
- paṭalânta m. = ○la-prânta L
- paṭalaka m. or n. a cover, screen, veil Kād
- a little chest or box or basket ib. Kathās
- (ikā), f. = prec. Nalac
- heap, mass, multitude Kāv
- paṭi f. a kind of cloth Pañc. (cf. paṭī under paṭa)
- = vāguli L
- a species of plant L
- paṭikā f. woven cloth Līl
- ○vetra-vāna-vikalpa m. a partic. art Cat. (cf. paṭṭikā-vetra-bāṇa-v○)
- paṭac-cara m. (fr. next + cara ?) a thief or robber MBh. (Nīlak. 'a class of Asuras')
- pl. N. of a people MBh
- n. old or ragged clothes, a worn garment Kād. Bālar
- paṭat onomat. (also paṭat-paṭad-iti, paṭat-paṭ-iti and paṭat-paṭêti) L
- paṭatka-kantha n. N. of a town, g. cihaṇâdi
- paṭapaṭā onomat. (with √kri, bhū
- and as) L
- paṭapaṭāya Nom. P. Ā. ○yati, ○te L
- paṭabhākṣa m. a kind of optical instrument Daś. (Sch.)
- paṭaha m. (rarely n. or f. ī) a kettledrum, a war-drum, drum, tabor (acc. with √dā, or Caus. of √dā or √bhram, to proclaim anything by the sound of a drum) MBh. Kāv. &c. [Page 579, Column]
- m. beginning L
- hurting L
- ○ghoṣaka m. a crier who beats a drum before making a proclamation Kathās
- ○ghoṣaṇā f. a proclamation made by beating a drum (acc. with √dā &c. as above) ib
- ○tā f. the noise or function of a dṭdrum Megh
- ○dhvani m. the sound of a dṭdrum
- mfn. sounding like a drum MW
- ○prôdghoṣaṇa and n. = -ghoṣaṇā Kathās
- ○bhramaṇa n. = -ghoṣaṇā Kathās
- ○śabda m. = -dhvani m. Pañc
- paṭahânantara mfn. (speech) accompanied by the sound of a drum Kathās
- paṭahī-vādaka m. a drummer Pañcad
- paṭāka m. a bird Uṇ. iv, 14 Sch. (cf. paiṭ○)
- (ā), f. a flag, banner L. (cf. patākā)
- paṭālukā f. a leech L. (cf. jalukā, &c.)
- paṭi See under paṭa, col. 1
- paṭiman paṭiṣṭha, paṭīyas, See under paṭu below
- paṭisa wṛ. for paṭṭiśa
- paṭīra m. (√paṭ?) the sandal tree Bhpr
- a ball for playing with or a thorn (kanduka, or kaṇṭaka) L
- the god of love L
- n. (only L.) Catechu
- the belly
- a sieve
- a radish
- a field
- a cloud
- bamboo manna
- height
- catarrh
- = haraṇīya
- ○māruta m. wind that comes from sandal trees or is produced by fanning with a kind of sieve Hcar
- paṭu mf(u, or vii)n. (√paṭ?) sharp, pungent, acrid, harsh, shrill, keen, strong, intense, violent MBh. Kāv. &c
- smart, clever, skilful, crafty, cunning ib
- great or strong in, fit for, able to
- capable of (loc. or comp.) ib
- saline (cf. tri-)
- cruel, hard L
- healthy L
- eloquent L. (cf. vāk-)
- clear, manifest L
- m. Trichosanthes Dioeca or its leaf L
- Momordica Charantia L
- Nigella Indica L
- a kind of perfume L
- a species of camphor L
- N. of a man Pravar
- of a poet Cat
- (pl.) of a people MārkP
- of a caste VP
- m. n. a mushroom L
- n. salt, pulverized salt L
- ○karaṇa mfn. having sound organs ML
- ○kalpa mfn. tolerably clever Pāṇ. 5-3, 67 Sch
- ○ghaṇṭā f. a shrill bell MBh
- ○jātīya mfn. of a clever sort Daś. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 69 Sch.)
- ○tara mfn. more or very sharp or clever &c. (am ind.) Kāv
- -gir mfn. having a shriller voice Vikr
- -vana-dâha m. a raging forest-fire, Ṛit
- -viveka mfn. of keen understanding Bhartṛ
- ○tā f. See vāk-paṭutā
- ○tṛṇaka n. a kind of pungent grass L
- ○tva n. sharpness, acuteness, keenness, cleverness Kāv. Hit
- ○deśīya or mfn. = -kalpa Pāṇ. 5-3, 67 Sch
- ○deśya mfn. = -kalpa Pāṇ. 5-3, 67 Sch
- ○pattrikā f. a species of shrub L
- ○parṇikā f. a species of plant L
- ○parṇī f. Bryonia Grandis L
- ○mat m. N. of a prince VP
- ○mati mfn. clever-minded Kāv
- ○mitra m. N. of a prince VP
- ○rūpa mfn. very clever W. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 66)
- paṭiman m. sharpness, pungency &c., Sṛiṅgār. (cf. g. pṛthv-ādi)
- paṭiṣṭha mfn. very sharp or clever or skilful (cf. vacana-)
- paṭīyas mfn. sharper, more clever
- also = prec
- very able to or fit for (loc. or inf.) Śiś. i, 18 ; 59
- paṭuka m. Trichosanthes Dioeca L
- paṭū-√kṛ to sharpen, stimulate, raise, increase Jātakam
- paṭuśa m. N. of a Rākshasa MBh
- paṭusa m. N. of a prince Hariv. (vḷ. praghasa)
- paṭola m. (cf. paṭu, paṭuka) Trichosanthes Dioeca
- n. its fruit Suśr. Pañc
- a kind of cloth L
- (ī), f. a species of small cucumber L
- paṭolaka m. an oyster (= śukti) L
- (ikā), f. = paṭolī L. (cf. dīrgha-paṭolikā)
- paṭaurá m. (Padap. paṭa + ūra?) a partic. member of the body AV
- paṭṭa m. (fr. pattra?) a slab, tablet (for painting or writing upon) MBh
- (esp.) a copper plate for inscribing royal grants or orders (cf. tāmra-)
- the flat or level surface of anything (cf. lalāṭa-, śilā-) MBh. Kāv. &c
- a bandage, ligature, strip, fillet (of cloth, leather &c.) MBh. Suśr
- a frontlet, turban (5 kinds, viz. those of kings, queens, princes, generals, and the prasāda-paṭṭas, or turban of honour [Page 579, Column]
- VarBṛS. xlix), tiara, diadem MBh. Kāv. Rājat. (ifc. f. ā)
- cloth (= paṭa)
- coloured or fine cloth, woven silk (= kauśeya) Kāv. Pañc. (cf. cīna-p○, paṭṭâṃśuka &c.)
- an upper or outer garment Bhaṭṭ
- a place where 4 roads meet (= catuṣ-patha) L
- Corchorus Olitorius W
- = vidūṣaka Gal
- N. of sev. men Rājat
- (ī), f. a forehead ornament L
- a horse's food-receptacle (= tāla-sāraka) L
- a species of Lodhra L
- a city, town (cf. -nivasana)
- ○karman4 n. making cloth, weaving Pañc
- ○ma-kara m. a weaver ib
- ○kila m. (for khila?) the tenant (by royal edict) of a piece of land Vet
- ○ja n. a kind of cloth MBh
- ○talpa m. a silken bed Vet
- ○devī f. a turbaned queen, the principal wife of a king Rājat
- ○dola m. (or ○lā f. ?) a swing made of cloth Mṛicch. iv, 26/27
- ○nivasana m. a town-dweller, citizen Daś
- ○bandha m. or binding or crowning the head with a turban or tiara L
- ○banḍdhana n. binding or crowning the head with a turban or tiara L
- ○mahādevī or f. = -devii L
- ○mahiṣī f. = -devii L
- ○raṅga
- ○rañjaka
- ○rañjana and n. Caesalpina Sappan (a plant used in dyeing) L
- ○rañjanaka n. Caesalpina Sappan (a plant used in dyeing) L
- ○rāga m. sandal L
- ○rājñī f. = -devii L
- ○lakṣaṇa n. 'description of various turbans', N. of VarBṛS. xlix
- ○vastra n. a kind of cloth (○trântarī-√kṛ, to wrap in that cloth) Suśr
- mfn. = next
- ○vāsas mfn. attired in coloured cloth or wove silk MBh
- ○vāsitā f. a kind of head-ornament L
- ○śāka n. a species of pot-herb L
- ○śāṭaka = paṭa-ś○ L
- ○śālā f. 'cloth-house', a tent Hcat
- ○sūtra n. a silk thread
- -kāra m. a silk-weaver (N. of a class of Hindus who are feeders of silk-worms &c.) Col
- -maya mf(ī)n. made of silk-thread Hcat
- ○stha mfn. 'standing on cloth', painted Hariv
- paṭṭâṃśuka n. a kind of garment (prob. made of silk), Ratnâv. (cf. aṃśu-paṭṭa)
- paṭṭâbhirāma m. N. of an author (also -śāstrin) Cat
- -tippaṇī, t., -śāstri-pattra n. ○rāmīya n. N. of wks
- paṭṭâbhiṣeka m. consecration of a tiara KātyŚr. Sch
- paṭṭârohā f. = next W
- paṭṭârhā f. = paṭṭa-devii
- paṭṭâvali f. N. of a class of wks
- paṭṭêśvara-māhātmya n. N. of ch. of BhavP
- paṭṭôpadhāna n. a silken pillow or cushion Kād
- paṭṭôpâdhyāya m. the writer of royal grants or documents &c. Rājat
- paṭṭôlikā f. (for ○ṭṭâval○?) a title deed, a written legal opinion L
- paṭṭaka m. a board or plate (esp. for writing upon). Rājat. Kathās
- a bandage, girdle Hcat
- (ikā), f. a tablet, plate Naish. Sch
- a bandage, ribbon, piece of cloth, fillet Rājat. Kathās. BhP
- cloth, wove silk
- a species of Lodhra L
- N. of a woman L
- n. a document on a plate Rājat
- a bandage, piece of cloth Suśr
- paṭṭāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be like a plate of (comp.) Kād
- paṭṭi (prob.) = paṭi
- ○kāra m. (ī f.) a silk-weaver (?). L
- ○lodhra and m. a species of Lodhra L
- ○loḍdhraka m. a species of Lodhra L
- paṭṭikā f. of paṭṭaka, q.v
- ○"ṣkhya (○kâkh○), m. a species of tree Bhpr
- ○lodhra m. a species of Lodhra ib
- ○vāpaka prob. wṛ. for
- ○vāyaka m. a silk-weaver, ribbon-maker R
- ○vetra-bāṇa-vikalpa m. N. of a partic. art BhP. Sch. (cf. paṭikā-vetra-vāna-v○)
- paṭṭin m. a kind of Lodhra Bhpr
- paṭṭila m. Guilandina Bonduc L
- paṭṭana n. a city (cf. deva-pallī-, dharma-, and pattana)
- (ī), f. id. L
- paṭṭalā f. a district, a community Cat. (cf. pattalā)
- paṭṭava m. or n. (?) a kind of cloth Rājat. v, 161 (wṛ. for paṭṭa-ja?)
- paṭṭāra m. or n. (?) N. of a district, g. dhūmâdi
- paṭṭi m. pl. N. of a people VP. (cf. patti)
- paṭṭikā See above
- paṭṭiśa m. a spear with a sharp edge or some other weapon with three points MBh. R. &c. (written also paṭṭisa, paṭisa and paṭṭīsa)
- paṭṭiśin mfn. armed with the weapon called Paṭṭiśa MBh. Hariv
- paṭṭu-bhaṭṭa m. N. of an author (1416) Cat. [Page 580, Column]
- paṭṭeraka m. Cyperus Hexastachyus Communis L
- paṭh cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. ix, 45) paṭhati (○te MBh. &c
- pf. papāṭha ib
- aor. [ap�AThIt] Gr
- fut. paṭhiṣyati, paṭhitā ib
- ind. p. paṭhitvā Kāv.), to read or repeat aloud, to recite, rehearse TĀr. MBh. &c
- to repeat or pronounce the name of a god, to invoke (acc., also with nāmabhis) MBh. Hariv
- to read or repeat or recite to one's self, to peruse, study Mn. R. BhP. Hit
- to teach, cite, quote, mention, express, declare Lāṭy. MBh. BhP. Suśr
- to learn from (abl.) BhP.: Pass. paṭhyate, to be read or recited or taught or mentioned &c. MBh. Hariv.: Caus. pāṭhayati (aor. apīpaṭhat Pāṇ. 7-4, 1 Sch
- fut. pāṭhayiṣyati Kathās
- Pass. pāṭhyate Hit.), to cause or teach to speak or read, to teach, instruct in (with double acc. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-4, 52)
- to read, recite Kathās.: Intens. pāpaṭhīti, pāpaṭhyate, to recite often or repeatedly Kathās
- to read or study diligently Var
- paṭha m. reading, recitation (?, See comp.)
- N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- ○mañjarī
- ○samañjarī f. (in music) N. of Rāgiṇīs
- ○haṃsikā f. N. of a Rāga
- paṭhaka m. a reader, reciter
- paṭhana n. reciting, reading, studying, mentioning Kāv. Pur. Sch. Cat
- paṭhanâdhinātha m. a master in reading or studying Cat
- paṭhanīya mfn. fit to be read or studied, legible, readable Vop. Mṛicch. Sch
- paṭhi f. = paṭhana L
- paṭhita mfn. recited, read, studied, mentioned MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c
- ○tva n. the being mentioned Hcat
- ○siddha mfn. effective on being (merely) recited Kathās
- -sārasvata-stotra n. N. of wk
- paṭhitâṅga m. or n. a kind of girdle BhavP
- paṭhitavya mfn. to be studied or read or mentioned Pat. MārkP
- ○tva n. the being to be studied &c. Nyāyam. Sch
- paṭhiti f. N. of a partic. figure of speech Cat
- paṭhitṛ mfn. reading, a reader W
- páṭharvan m. N. of a man RV
- paḍ in comp. for pad, or pal, q.v
- ○gṛbhi (páḍ-), m. N. of a demon or a man RV
- ○bīśa (RV. TS. AV.),
- ○vīśa (VS.) or (páḍ-), n. a fetter, (esp.) a fetter for the foot of a horse
- ○viṃśa (páḍ-), n. a fetter, (esp.) a fetter for the foot of a horse
- (-śaṅku m. a post for tying to ŚBr.) ; m. a place for fettering, halting-place TBr. [Lat. vincio, vinculum?]
- paṇ cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xii, 6) páṇate (ep. also ○ti
- pf. peṇe Gr
- aor. apaṇiṣṭa Bhaṭṭ
- fut. paṇiṣyate, ○ṇitā ib.), to honour, praise Naigh. iii, 14
- to barter, purchase, buy Br. MBh
- to negotiate, bargain Āpast
- to bet, stake, lay a wager, play for (with gen. [e.g. prâṇā-nām Bhaṭṭ
- Pāṇ. 2-3, 57. Kāś.] or acc. [e.g. kṛṣṇāṃ] MBh.)
- to risk or hazard (as a battle) MBh
- to win anything (instr.) from (acc.) ib.: Caus. paṇayati (aor. apīpaṇat), to negotiate, bargain Kāv. (Cf. paṇāya and √pan.)
- paṇa m. (ifc. f. ā) play, gaming, playing for a stake, a bet or a wager (with gen
- loc. or ifc
- paṇaṃ-√kṛ, to make a bet
- paṇe ni-√as, to stake at play) Yājñ. MBh. R. &c
- a compact stipulation, agreement, treaty Kathās. Vet. Hit
- the thing staked or the sum played for, wages, hire, reward MBh. Mṛicch. Kathās
- a weight of copper used as a coin (= 20 Māshas = 4 Kākinīs) Mn. Yājñ
- a partic. measure Pāṇ. 3-3, 66 ('a handful' Sch.)
- a commodity for sale L
- price L
- wealth, property L
- business L
- a publican or distiller L
- a house, dwelling (gṛha wṛ. for glaha?) L
- ○kāla m. time for playing MBh
- ○kriyā f. putting in a stake, play or contest for (comp.) Bālar
- ○krīta mfn. received as hire or reward Hcat
- ○granthi m. a fair, market L
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the state of condition of a pledge or stake
- price, value W
- ○dhā f. Panicum Verticillatum L. (cf. paṇyaṃ-dha and paṇyândhā)
- ○bandha m. making a treaty, making peace Ragh
- a bet or wager (also -na n.) Daś
- ○sundarī (HPariś.),
- ○strī (Mṛicch.), f. a venal woman, a prostitute, harlot
- paṇâṅganā f. id. L
- paṇârdha m. or n. (?) half a Paṇa (coin) Kāv
- paṇârpaṇa n. making an agreement, contract W
- paṇârha mfn. fit to be laid as a wager MW
- paṇâsthi and n. Cypraea Moneta, a cowrie L. [Page 580, Column]
- sthika n. Cypraea Moneta, a cowrie L. [Page 580, Column]
- páṇana n. purchasing, buying ŚBr
- sale, selling, dealing in (comp.) L
- betting W
- paṇanīya mfn. to be laid as a wager, negotiable MW
- paṇayitṛ m. a seller Mālatīm
- paṇasa m. a commodity, an article of sale or commerce L
- Artocarpus Integrifolia L
- paṇāya Nom. P. Ā. ○yati, to honour, praise L
- paṇāya Nom. P. Ā. ○yati id. Pāṇ. 3-1, 28 Naigh. iii, 14 (vḷ. ○te)
- to sell (inf. ○yitum) Kathās
- paṇāyā f. business, transaction L
- a market-place W
- paṇāyita mfn. praised, transacted W
- paṇāyitṛ m. a seller Mālatīm
- paṇā́yya mfn. praiseworthy, laudable ŚBr
- paṇí m. a bargainer, miser, niggard (esp. one who is sparing of sacrificial oblations) RV. AV
- N. of a class of envious demons watching over treasures RV. (esp. x, 108) AV. ŚBr
- a thief appearing as a Purohita BhP
- a market L
- paṇika See pañcāśat-p○
- paṇita mfn. praised or transacted as business L
- betted, staked MBh
- one who has betted or wagered ib. i, 1225
- n. (also -ka L.) a bet, wager, stake MBh
- paṇitavya mfn. vendible, negotiable Pāṇ. 3-1, 101
- to be praised W
- paṇitṛ m. a trader, seller Naish
- paṇin m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 6-4, 165 (cf. pāṇina and ○ni)
- paṇī-√kṛ to bet or stake at play (-kṛta mfn. Cat.)
- paṇya mfn. to be praised or commended ĀpŚr
- to be bought or sold, vendible ( See n. and comp.)
- to be transacted L
- (ā), f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum L
- n. (ifc. f. ā) an article of trade, a ware, commodity ŚBr. Kauś. Gobh. MBh. &c
- trade, traffic, business Kām. Kāv. (cf. jñāna-)
- a booth, shop Daś
- ○kambala m. Pāṇ. 6-2, 42 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- ○jana m. a trader Var
- ○tā f. the being praiseworthy or (and) an article of trade Kāv
- ○dāsī f. a hired female servant Daś
- ○ṃ-dha m. (or -dhā f.) Panicum Verticillatum L. (cf. paṇyândhā and paṇa-dhā)
- ○pati m. a great merchant, large trader (-tva n.) R
- ○pariṇītā f. a concubine Divyâv
- ○phala-tva n. prosperity or profit in trade W
- ○bhūta mfn. being an article of trade Mṛicch
- ○bhumi f. a place where goods are stored, a warehouse (guṇa-paṇya-bh○, receptacle of all virtues) Inscr
- ○mūlya n. the price of a commodity W
- ○yoṣit f. a venal woman, courtesan, harlot Mn
- ○vat mfn. furnished with many goods or commodities R
- ○varcas n. Vop. vi, 78
- ○vikraya m. trade, commerce Car
- -śālā f. a market-place, bazar L
- ○yin m. a trader, merchant R
- ○vilāsinī f. = -yoṣit Kathās
- Unguis Odoratus L
- ○vīthikā (L.),
- ○vīthī (Vāsav.), f. a place of sale, market
- ○śālā f. a bazar or shop L
- ○strī f. = -yoṣit Var. Kāv. Rājat
- ○homa m. a sacrifice consisting of wares ĀpGṛ
- paṇyâṅganā f. = -yoṣit Bhartṛ. Kathās
- paṇyâjira n. a market L
- paṇyâjīva m. 'living by trade', a tradesman L
- n. (also -ka) a market W
- paṇyândhā f. Panicum Verticillatum L. (cf. paṇa-dhā and paṇyaṃ-dha)
- paṇyârha mfn. fit for sale, vendible W
- paṇaphara n. (fr. ?) the astrological house following upon a Kendra (q.v.) Var
- paṇava m. (prob. fr. pra-ṇava) a small drum or a kind of cymbal (used to accompany singing) MBh. Kāv. (also ā f. L.)
- a kind of metre Col. (vḷ. pan○)
- N. of a prince VP
- paṇavin mfn. possessing a drum (applied to Śiva) MBh
- paṇḍ (prob. invented to serve as the √of the words below), cl. 1. Ā. paṇḍate, to go, move Dhātup. viii, 29
- cl. 10. P. paṇḍayati, to heap together, pile up (vḷ. for piṇḍ), xxxii, 130 Vop
- cl. 1. or 10. P. paṇḍati, ○ḍayati, to destroy, annihilate, xxxii, 73 (vḷ. for paṃs)
- paṇḍa m. a eunuch, weakling Nār. (cf. paṇḍra, ṣaṇḍa)
- (ā), f. See below
- paṇḍâpūrva n. non-occurrence of the results of fate or destiny L
- páṇḍaka m. = paṇḍa MaitrS. Yājñ. Kām. Daśar. (-tva, n. Kāṭh.)
- m. N. of one of the sons of the third Manu Savarṇa
- páṇḍaga m. (prob.) = paṇḍa, ○ḍaka AV. [Page 580, Column]
- paṇḍā f. wisdom, knowledge, learning L. (cf. g. tārakâdi)
- ○vat m. a learned man L
- paṇḍitá mfn. (according to some, for spandita) learned, wise, shrewd, clever, skilful in, conversant with (loc. or comp
- Pāṇ. 2-1, 40) ŚBr. Up. MBh. &c
- m. a scholar, a learned man, teacher, philosopher, a Pandit MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of a man (= ○taka) MBh
- of a Brāhman changed into an antelope Hariv
- incense L
- ○kara-bhiṇḍi-pāla m. N. of wk
- ○jātīya mfn. of a clever sort, rather learned, wise Divyâv. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 69)
- ○tā f. (Bhartṛ.),
- ○tva n. (Mṛicch.) learning, knowledge, wisdom, cleverness, skill
- ○paritoṣa m. N. of wk
- ○pīḍā-viśārada m. N. of a man Kautukas
- ○praśnôttara n. N. of wk
- ○mānika (MBh.),
- ○mānin (ib. R.),
- ○m-manya (Kād. Prab.),
- ○m-manyamāna (KaṭhUp.), mfn. fancying one's self learned or clever, an ignorant and conceited person
- ○rāja m. 'prince of learned men', N. of any great scholar
- (esp.) of Jagan-nātha (1600)
- of another man BhP
- -kṛti f. -śataka n. N. of wks
- ○vādin mfn. pretending to be wise MW
- ○vaidya and m. N. of authors Cat
- ○śaśin m. N. of authors Cat
- ○śiromaṇi m. N. of Rāmakṛishṇa-bhaṭṭa Cat
- ○śrī-vara m. N. of an author ib
- ○sabhā f. an assembly of Pandits or literati MW
- ○sarvasva n. N. of wk
- ○sūri and m. N. of authors Cat
- ○svāmin m. N. of authors Cat
- paṇḍitâhlādinī f. N. of wk
- paṇḍitaka mfn. wise, learned, pedantic MBh
- m. N. of a son of Dhṛiṭa-rāshṭra ib
- paṇḍitāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become learned or wise, g. bhṛśâdi
- paṇḍitiman m. wisdom, learning, scholarship, g. dṛḍhâdi
- paṇḍu m. (prob.) wṛ. for next
- paṇḍra or m. a eunuch, impotent man Sāh. MārkP. (cf. paṇḍa, ṣaṇḍa)
- paṇḍḍraka m. a eunuch, impotent man Sāh. MārkP. (cf. paṇḍa, ṣaṇḍa)
- paṇḍālu m. or f. or n. a kind of pot-herb Śrīkaṇṭh
- pat cl. 4. Ā. (Dhātup. xxvi, 50) pátyate, to be master, reign, rule, govern, control, own, possess, dispose of (acc. or instr.) RV
- to partake of, share in (loc.) ib
- to be fit or serve for (dat.) ib. [Prob. Nom. of páti ; Lat. potiri.]
- pat cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xx, 15) pátati (ep. also ○te
- pf. papāta, paptimá, petátur, paptúr
- paptivás RV
- papatyāt AV
- aor. apaptat RV
- Pass. apāti Br
- fut. patiṣ-yáti AV
- ○te, patitā MBh
- Cond. apatiṣyat Br
- inf. patitum ib. &c. &c
- ind. p. patitvā́ AV. Br
- -pátya or -pā́tam Br.), to fly, soar, rush on RV. &c. &c
- to fall down or off, alight, descend (with acc. or loc.), fall or sink (with or without adhas or narake, 'to go down to hell'
- with caraṇau or ○ṇayoḥ, 'to fall at a person's feet') Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to fall (in a moral sense), lose caste or rank or position ChUp. Mn. Yājñ. &c
- to light or fall upon, fall to a person's share (loc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to fall or get into or among (loc.) Kathās. Hit
- to occur, come to pass, happen Pañc.: Caus. patáyati, to fly or move rapidly along RV. VS
- to speed (trans
- cf. patayát)
- ○te, to drive away or throw down (?) RV. i, 169, 7
- pātáyati (ep. also ○te
- aor. apīpatat AV
- Pass. pātyate MBh. &c.), to let fly or cause to fall, to fling, hurl, throw AV. &c. &c
- to lay low, bring down (lit. and fig.), overthrow, ruin, destroy MBh. R. &c. to throw upon or in, lay on (loc.) Kāv. Suśr
- (with or scil. ātmānam) to throw one's self MBh. Mṛicch
- to cut off (a head) Hariv
- to knock out (teeth) BhP
- to pour out or shed (water, tears) MBh. Hariv
- to kindle (fire) Pañc
- to cast (dice) Hariv. Kathās
- to turn, direct, fix (eyes) R
- to impose or inflict (punishment) Mn. Yājñ
- to set in motion, set on foot Rājat. v, 173
- to seduce to, betray into (loc.) Kathās
- (with dvedhā) to divide in two ŚBr
- to subtract Jyot. Sch
- (Ā.) to rush on, hasten RV. viii, 46, 8: Desid. pipatiṣati (AV. MaitrS. ŚBr.) and pitsati (Pāṇ. 7-4, 54), to be about to fly or fall: Intens. panīpatyate or ○pātīti Pāṇ. 7-4, 84. [Cf. Zd. pat
- Gk. ? ; Lat. peto.] [580,]
- pat mfn. flying, falling (ifc
- cf. akṣi-pát)
- pata m. flying, falling (cf. g. pacâdi and jvalâdi)
- ○ga m. a winged or flying animal, bird Mn. MBh. &c
- the sky-flying luminary, i.e. the sun MBh
- N. of one of the 5 fires in the Svadhākāra Hariv
- -pati m. 'lord of birds', N. of Garuḍa Mṛicch. [Page 581, Column]
- -pannaga m. pl. birds and serpents R
- -rāja m. 'king of birds', N. of Garuḍa BhP
- -vara m. 'chief of birds', N. of Jaṭāyu R
- ○gêśvara m. 'lord of birds', N. of Garuḍa (MBh.) or Jaṭāyu (R.)
- ○gôraga m. pl. bird and snake deities Mn. vii, 23
- pataṃ acc. of pata in comp
- ○gá mfn. flying RV. i, 118, 4
- any flying insect, a grasshopper, a bee, a butterfly or moth ŚBr. (○táṃga) Up. Mn. &c. (-tā f. Prasannar.)
- a horse Naigh. i, 14
- the sun (cf. pata-ga) RV. AV. Var. &c
- N. of one of the 7 suns TĀr. VP
- a ball for playing with BhP
- a spark (Sāy
- 'a Piśāca' Mahīdh.) RV. iv, 4, 2
- a species of rice Car
- of tree L
- 'the Flier', N. of Kṛishṇa MBh. xii, 1510 (= garuḍa Nīlak.) BhP
- N. of the author of RV. x, 17 and of this hymn itself ŚāṅkhBr
- of a mountain BhP
- = -grāma Rājat
- (pl.) N. of a caste in Plakshadviipa BhP
- (ā), f. N. of a mythical river Divyâv
- (ī), f. N. of one of the wives of Tārksha and mother of the flying animals BhP
- m. or n. quicksilver L
- n. a species of sandal wood Bhpr
- -kānta m. the sun-stone (cf. sūrya-k○) Śiś. iv, 16
- -grāma m. N. of a village Rājat
- -rāja m. = pataga-r○ Pañc
- -vat, ind, like a moth Kum
- -vṛtti f. the manner of the moth (attracted by a light) i.e. rashness, temerity Ratnâv
- mfn. behaving like a moth (i.e. very inconsiderately) Pañc
- ○gâśman m. the sun-stone (cf. above) Śrīkaṇṭh
- ○gaka m. N. of a mountain Pur
- (ikā), f. a little bird MBh
- a little bee L
- ○gama m. a butterfly or moth BhP
- a bird L
- ○gará mfn. bird-like RV. iv, 40, 2
- ○gin m. a bird
- (nī f.) a female bird Hariv
- pataka mfn. who or what falls or descends &c
- m. an astronomical table W
- patat mf(ntī)n. flying, falling, descending &c
- m. a bird Āpast. Kāv
- ○pataṃga m. the setting sun Śiś. i, 12
- ○prakarṣa mfn. (in rhet.) 'where preference or superiority sinks or is not observed', either prosaical or illogical (-tā f.) Kpr. Sāh. &c
- pátatra n. a wing, pinion, feather &c. RV. &c. &c
- a vehicle L. (cf. pattra)
- patatri m. a bird (only gen. pl. ○trīṇām) MBh
- N. of a partic. fire PārGṛ
- N. of a warrior on the side of the Kurus MBh
- patatri in comp. for ○trin
- ○ketana mfn. 'characterised by a bird', (with deva) N. of Vishṇu Hariv
- ○rāj (BhP.),
- ○rāja (pát○ Suparṇ.),
- ○vara (MBh.), m. 'king or best of birds', N. of Garuḍa
- patatrín mfn. winged, feathered, flying (also applied to Agni, the vehicle of the Aśvins &c.) RV. AV. VS. Up. &c
- m. a bird AV. &c. &c
- a horse, (esp.) the horse in the Aśva-medha sacrifice R. i, 13, 36
- an arrow MBh. iii, 16430
- a partic. fire TS
- n. du. day and night RV. i, 158. 4
- patad in comp. for ○tat
- ○graha m. 'receiving what falls', a receptacle for alms
- a spittoon (also -grāha) HPariś. Sch. (also n.)
- the rear of an army L
- ○bhīru m. 'terrible to birds', a hawk or falcon L
- patana mfn. who or what flies or falls Pāṇ. 3-2, 150
- m. N. of a Rākshasa MBh
- (pát○), n. the act of flying or coming down, alighting, descending, throwing one's self down at or into (loc. or comp.) RV. &c. &c
- setting (as the sun) MBh
- going down (to hell) Mn. vi, 61
- hanging down, becoming flaccid (said of the breasts) Bhartṛ
- fall, decline, ruin, death MBh. Kāv
- loss of caste, apostacy Pur
- (with garbhasya) miscarriage Var
- (in arithm.) subtraction Col
- (in astron.) the latitude of a planet W
- ○dharmin mfn. what is likely to fall out or off (○mi-tva, n.) Suśr
- ○sīla mfn. accustomed to fall down Kāv
- patanīya mfn. (fr. patana) leading to, a fall, causing the loss of caste
- n. a degrading crime or sin MBh. Yājñ
- patantaka m. (fr. patat) a kind of Aśva-medha performed in a hurried manner Lāṭy. Nid
- patama m. a bird L
- a grasshopper L
- the moon L. (cf. patasa)
- patayālú mf(ū)n. (fr. Caus.) flying, falling, liable to fall AV. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 158)
- patayiṣṇú (RV.),
- patayiṣḍṇuká (AV.), mfn. id
- patará or mfn. flying, fugitive RV
- patáru mfn. flying, fugitive RV
- patasa m. = patama L
- patāka m. ('flying'), a flag or banner (perhaps incorrect for ○kā) AdbhBr
- a partic. position of the hand or the fingers in shooting off an arrow, SārṅgP. (cf. tri-p○)
- (ā), f. See next
- patākā f. (ifc. f. ā) a flag, pennon, banner, sign, emblem Br. MBh. Kāv. &c. (○kāṃ-√labh or hṛ, 'to win the palm' Daś. Vcar.) [Page 581, Column]
- a flag-staff L
- a partic. high number MBh. (= mahā-padma Nīlak.)
- (in dram.) an episode or episodical incident Daśar
- good fortune, auspiciousness L
- N. of wk
- ○"ṣṃśuka (○kâṃś○), n. a flag Kathās
- ○daṇḍa m. a flag-staff MBh
- ○dhvaja-mālin mfn. garlanded with flags and banners ib
- ○sthāna and n. (in dram.) intimation of an episodical incident Daśar. Sāh. Sch
- ○sthāḍnaka n. (in dram.) intimation of an episodical incident Daśar. Sāh. Sch
- patākôcchrāya-vat mfn. with hoisted banners MBh
- patākāya Nom. ○yate, to represent a flag or banner Nalac
- patākika mfn. having or carrying a flag or banner L
- patākin mfn. having or bearing a flag, adorned with flags MBh. R. &c
- (with nau) furnished with sails (?) MBh
- m. an ensign or standard-bearer ib
- a flag Hariv
- a chariot Śiś. xiii, 4
- a figure used in divination L
- N. of a warrior on the side of the Kurus MBh
- (inī), f. an army Ragh. Kād. (cf. dhvajinī)
- N. of a partic. divinity BrahmaP
- patāpata mfn. going or inclined to fall Kauś. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 12 Vārtt. 6 Pat. ; vii, 4, 58 Vārtt. 1 Pat.)
- patitá mfn. fallen, dropped, descended, alighted AV. &c. &c
- (ifc.) fallen upon or from (Pāṇ. 2-1, 24 and 38 Sch.)
- (with pādayos or pāda-) having thrown one's self at a person's feet Kāv
- fallen (morally), wicked, degraded, out-caste (-tva n.) ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- fallen into, being in (loc. or comp.) Kathās
- happened, occurred Pañc. Śukas
- n. flying MBh
- ○garbhā f. a woman who miscarries MW
- ○tyāga-vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○mūrdhaja mfn. one whose hair has fallen out MBh
- ○vṛtta mfn. leading the life of an out-caste Hariv
- ○sāvitrīka m. 'one who is deprived of the Sāvitrī', a man of the first 3 classes whose investiture (upa-nayana, q.v.) has been unduly performed or omitted GṛS. Gaut. (cf. sāvitrī-patita)
- ○sthita mfn. lying on the ground Kathās
- patitânna n. an out-caste's food Mn. iv, 213
- patitêkṣita mfn. looked at by an out-caste W
- patitôtthita mfn. 'fallen and risen', sunk (in a shipwreck) and saved Ratnâv
- fallen out and grown again
- -danta mfn. ĀpŚr. Sch
- patitôtpanna mfn. sprung from an out-caste W
- patitavya n. the going down to hell MBh. xii, 3688
- pátiṣṭha mfn. (superl. of 3. pat) flying most or best RV
- pátīyas ind. (compar. of 3. pat) quickly, speedily TāṇḍBr
- patera m. 'flying, moving', a bird Uṇ. i, 59
- a bird L
- a measure of capacity (= āḍhaka) L
- páttra n. (and m. Śātkat
- ifc. f. ā and ī) the wing of a bird, pinion, feather VS. ŚBr. &c
- the feather of an arrow R. Ragh
- a bird L
- any vehicle, a chariot, car, horse, camel &c. Mn. MBh. Kāv
- a leaf, petal (regarded as the plumage of a tree or flower) KātyŚr. Mn. MBh. &c
- the leaf of a partic. fragrant plant or a partic. plant with fragrant leaves VarBṛS. xvi, 30
- Laurus Cassia (L.) and its leaf Bhpr
- a leaf for writing on, written leaf, leaf of a book, paper
- a letter, document Kāv. Rājat. Pañc. (pattram āropya, 'having committed to paper' Śak.)
- any thin leaf or plate of metal or gold-leaf. Var. Suśr. (cf. paṭṭa)
- the blade of a sword or knife (cf. asi-)
- a knife, dagger L
- = -bhaṅga Ragh. Gīt. [Cf. Gk. ? (for ?) ; Lat. penna (older [581,] pesna for pet-na) ; Germ. Feder ; Eng. feather.]
- ○kartarī f. shears for cutting off leaves Kuṭṭanīm
- ○kāhalā f. the noise made by the flapping of wings or rustling of leaves L
- ○kṛcchra m. a sort of penance (drinking an infusion of the leaves of various plants and Kuśa grass for a given time) L. (cf. parṇa-k○)
- ○kaumudī f. N. of wk
- ○gupta m. a kind of bird Lalit. (cf. pakṣa-g○)
- Asteracantha Longifolia L
- ○ghanā f. (prob.) a species, of cactus L
- ○cārikā f. a kind of magic Divyâv
- ○cchaṭā f. = -bhaṅga Naish
- ○ccheda m. leaf-cutting (a kind of sport or art) Kuṭṭanīm
- -bhakti f. a piece cut out of a leaf Śak. (Pi.) iii. 63/64 (70/71)
- ○cchedaka m. a leaf-cutter (a partic. trade) L
- ○cchedya n. = -ccheda Kād. (Mṛicch. v, 5 Sch. = ālekhya?)
- ○jhaṃkāra m. the current of a river (or the rustling of leaves?) L
- ○taṇḍulā f. Andrographis Paniculata (also ○tī f.) L
- a woman L
- ○taru m. a species of tree kindred to Acacia Catechu L. [Page 581, Column]
- ○dāraka m. 'leaf-divider', a saw L
- ○devī f. N. of a Buddh. deity
- ○dhārā f. the edge of a leaf Śak
- ○nāḍikā f. the fibre or vein of a leaf L
- ○nāmaka m. a cinnamon-leaf Bhpr
- ○nyāsa m. inserting the feathers (into an arrow) L
- ○pati m. N. of Garuḍa Śiś. xx, 73
- ○paraśu or m. a fine file or saw L
- ○parśu m. a fine file or saw L
- ○pāka m. a medicine which requires cooking L
- ○pāṭha m. the perusal of a writing MW
- ○pāla m. a long knife or dagger L
- (ī), f. the feathered part of an arrow L
- ○pāśyā f. a kind of ornament on the forehead L
- ○piśācikā f. a sort of cap or umbrella for the head made of leaves L
- ○puṭa m. n. (R. Ragh.),
- ○puṭikā f. (Cāṇ.) a kind of cup made of a leaf folded or doubled
- ○puṣpa m. a sort of red basil
- (ā), f. holy basil with small leaves L
- ○puṣpaka m. Betula Bhojpatra L
- ○prakāśa m. N. of partic. astronomical tables
- ○bandha m. adorning with leaves or flowers L
- ○bāla m. an oar L
- ○bhaṅga m. (Kād.),
- ○bhaṅgi (Dharmaśarm.) and f. a decoration consisting in lines or streaks drawn on the face and body with musk and other fragrant substances
- ○bhaṅgī (Naish.), f. a decoration consisting in lines or streaks drawn on the face and body with musk and other fragrant substances
- ○bhadrā f. a species of plant L
- ○mañjarī f. = -bhaṅga L
- ○māla m. Calamus Rotang L
- ○mūlaka mfn. resembling leaves and roots, g. sthūlâdi
- ○yauvana n. a young leaf, sprout W
- ○rañjana n. embellishing a page, illuminating, gilding MW
- ○ratha m. 'using wings as a vehicle', a bird MBh. R. &c
- -śreṣṭha m. 'chief of birds', N. of Garuḍa Hariv
- ○thêndra m. id. BhP
- (○draketu m. 'characterised by Garuḍa, N. of Vishṇu Ragh.)
- ○thêśvara m. 'lord of birds', N. of Jaṭāyu R
- ○rekhā f. = -bhaṅga. Ragh
- ○latā f. id. Kād
- a long knife or dagger L
- N. of a woman Hcar
- ○lavaṇa n. 'leaf-salt', a kind of drug made of partic. leaves mixed with salt Suśr
- ○lekhā f. = -bhaṅga (ifc. f. ā) Hariv. Kāv
- N. of a woman Kathās
- ○vallarī f. = -bhaṅga L
- ○valli f. id. (also ○lī Śiś. viii, 59)
- N. of 2 kinds of creeper L
- ○vāja mfn. feathered (as an arrow) Hariv
- ○vāha m. 'feather-bearing', a bird Śiś. xviii, 73
- an arrow ib. xx, 25
- a letter-carrier, postman L
- ○viśeṣaka m. or n. = -bhaṅga Kum. Ragh
- ○vṛścika m. a species of venomous reptile Suśr
- ○veṣṭa m. a kind of ear-ring Ragh
- ○śabara m. a Śabara (barbarian or mountaineer) who decorates himself with feathers L
- ○śāka fn. vegetables consisting of leaves Mn. xii, 65 Yājñ. iii, 213 (or n. 'leaves and pot-herbs' ?)
- -tṛṇa n. pl. leaves, pot-herbs and grass Mn. vii, 132
- ○śṛṅgī or f. Anthericum Tuberosum L
- ○śreṇī f. Anthericum Tuberosum L
- ○śreṣṭha m. Aegle Marmelos L
- ○saṃskāra wṛ. for -jhaṃkāra
- ○sirā f. the vein or fibre of a leaf. L. = -bhaṅga L
- ○sundara m. or n. (?) a species of plant L
- ○sūci f. 'leaf-needle', a thorn L
- ○hasta mf(ā)n. holding a leaf of paper in the hand Śak
- ○hima n. cold, wintry or snowy weather L
- pattrâkhya n. the leaf of Laurus Cassia or of Flacourtia Cataphracta L
- pattrâṅga n. (wrongly written ○raṅga) red sanders
- Caesalpinia Sappan
- Betula Bhojpatra
- = padmaka L
- pattrâṅgul�ī f. = ○tra-bhaṅga L
- pattrâñjana n. 'paper-unguent', ink L
- pattrâḍhya m. 'rich in feathers or leaves &c.', a peacock Gal
- n. the √of long pepper L
- a species of grass L
- Caesalpinia Sappan L
- pattrâmlā f. Oxalis Corniculata L
- pattrârūḍha mfn. committed to paper, written down Śak
- pattrâlī f. = ○trabhaṅga L
- pattrâli m. a species of bulbous plant or reed L
- pattrâvalambana n. N. of wk
- pattrâvali f. red chalk L
- ([l�I]), a row of leaves L
- = ○tra-bhaṅga Mālatīm. Caṇḍ
- (○lī), a mixture of young Aśvattha leaves with barley and honey MW
- pattrâsura m. N. of a man L
- pattrâhāra m. feeding on leaves MW
- pattrêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place ŚivaP
- pattrôpaskara m. Cassia Sophora L
- pattrôrṇa m. Calosanthes Indica L
- pl. N. of a people MBh
- wove silk or a silk-garment. (perhaps also) cotton MBh. R. &c. (also ○ṇaka Var
- or ○ṇā f. Hariv.)
- pattrôllāsa m. the bud or eye of a plant L
- pattraka ifc. (f. ā) = pattra, a wing, leaf &c
- m. a leaf (cf. karṇa-)
- Achyranthes Triandra L
- (ikā), f. See below
- n. a leaf, (esp.) the leaf of Laurus Cassis Bhpr
- = pattra-bhaṅga L
- pattraṇā f. putting feathers on an arrow L. [Page 582, Column]
- pattraya Nom. P. ○yati id
- ○trita mfn. feathered (is an arrow) Hariv
- pattrala mfn. rich in leaves, leafy HPariś. (cf. g. sidhmâdi)
- n. thin sour milk L
- pattrāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be converted into leaves (for writing), Vāsav
- pattri in comp. = ○trin
- ○vāha m. a bird L
- pattrika m. g. purohitâdi Kāś
- pattrikā f. (of ○traka), a leaf (for writing upon), a letter, document &c. Śak. Kād. Pañc
- a kind of earring (cf. danta-) Śiś
- N. of wk
- ○"ṣkhya (○kâkh○), n. a species of camphor L
- ○praveśa m. a festival on the 7th day of the month Āśvina MW
- pattrin mfn. having wings or feathers or leaves MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. a bird (esp. a hawk or falcon L.) Hariv. Kālid
- an arrow MBh. Hariv
- a mountain L
- possessing a carriage or driving in one L
- a chariot L
- a tree L
- the wine-palm L
- a species of Achyranthes L
- a species of creeper and other plants L
- (iṇī), f. a sprout, shoot L
- pátman n. flight, course, path, way RV. VS. Kāṭh
- patmín mfn. wṛ. for padmin (?) Suparṇ
- patya n. falling ( See garta-)
- pátvan mf(varī)n. flying RV. VS. ŚāṅkhBr. Kauś
- n. flying, flight RV. VS. (cf. āśū-, raghu-, śyena-)
- patsala m. a way, road Uṇ. iii, 74 Sch
- pata mfn. well fed (= puṣṭa) L
- patáñcala or patañcalá m. N. of a man ŚBr. (with the patr. kāpya) Pravar
- patañcikā f. a bow-string L
- patañjala m. N. of a man
- pl. his family, g. upakâdi
- patañjali m. (fr. pata + añj○?
- Pāṇ. 6-1, 94 Vārtt. 4 Pat., g. śakandhv-ādi) N. of a celebrated grammarian (author of the Mahābhāshya)
- of a philosopher (the propounder of the Yoga philosophy)
- of a physician &c
- ○kāvya n
- ○carita n
- ○yoga m
- ○sūtra n. N. of wks
- páti m. (cf. √1. vat
- when uncompounded and meaning 'husband', instr. pátya
- dat. pátye
- gen. abl. pátyur
- loc. pátyau
- but when meaning 'lord, master', and ifc. regularly inflected with exceptions
- Pāṇ. 1-4, 8 ; 9) a master, owner, possessor, lord, ruler, sovereign RV. &c. &c
- a husband ib. (in comp. either with the stem or with the gen., e.g. duhitṛ-p○ or ○tuH-p○ Pāṇ. 6-3, 24
- when mfn. f. = m. e.g. -jīvat-patyā tvayā R. ii, 24, 8, or patikā e.g. pramīta-patikā Mn. ix, 68)
- one of the 2 entities (with pāśupatás) RTL. 89
- a √L
- f. a female possessor, mistress Pāṇ. 4-1, 33 Sch
- a wife (vṛddha-p○ = -patnī, the wife of an old man ib. 34 Sch.) [Cf. Gk. ?, 'husband' ; [582,] Lat. potis, pos-sum for potis-sum ; Lith. patis, 'husband' ; Goth. (bruth-) faths, 'bridegroom']
- ○ṃ-varā f. a woman who chooses her husband for herself (cf. svayaṃ-vara) Ragh. Rājat
- ○kāma (páti-), mfn. wishing for a husband AV. KātyŚr
- ○khecara m. N. of Śiva MBh. (Nīlak. 'Garuḍa')
- ○gaṇita-ṭīkā f. N. of Comm. on Līl
- ○ghātinī f. the murderess of her husband Var
- ○ghna mf(ī)n. killing a husband GṛS
- ○ghnī-pāṇi-lekhā f. a line on the hand indicating that a woman will be faithless to her husband Pāṇ. 3-2, 53 Sch
- ○ghnī-lakṣaṇa n. the mark of a husband-killer W
- ○juṣṭā (páti-), f. (a woman) liked by her husband RV
- ○tvá (RV. &c. &c.) and n. matrimony, marriage
- ○tvaná (RV.), n. matrimony, marriage
- ○darśana-lālasa mf(ā)n. longing to See one's husband Nal
- ○devatā (MBh. R. &c.),
- ○devā (BhP.), f. regarding a hṭhusband as a divinity, honouring a husband above all others
- ○dvíṣ f. hating one's husband RV
- ○dharma m. duty towards a hṭhusband MBh
- -vatī f. fulfilling the duties towards a husband, faithfully devoted to a husband ib
- ○prâṇā f. (a wife) whose hṭhusband is (as dear to her as) her life Hit
- ○matī f. having a husband, married BhP
- having a lord or master in (instr., e.g. tvayā) Pat
- ○yāna mfn. (a way) leading to a hṭhusband Gobh
- ○ríp f. deceiving a husband RV
- ○laṅghana n. injuring a hṭhusband (by marrying another) MW. (cf. Mn. v, 151)
- ○lālasa mf(ā)n. longing for a hṭhusband Nal
- ○loká m. 'husband's world', the sphere of a husband in a future life RV. &c. &c
- ○vaṃsya mfn. belonging to a hṭhusband's family L
- ○vatī (pá○ RV. x, 85, 21), [Page 582, Column]
- ○vatnī (Ragh. Kathās
- Pāṇ. 4-1, 32 Sch.), having a husband, a married woman
- ○vayas f. (regarded as) having the hṭhusband's age Āpast
- ○vídya n. finding a husband RV. x, 102, 11
- ○védana mfn. procuring a hṭhusband (Aryaman) AV. xiv, 1, 17
- m. du. a partic. part of the body (attracting a hṭhusband?), viii, 6, 1
- n. procuring a husband (by means of magical formulas), ii, 36, 2
- ○vrata n. loyalty or fidelity to a hṭhusband R
- -guṇa m. the virtue of loyalty or fidelity MBh
- ○vratā f. a devoted and virtuous wife Mn. MBh. &c
- -tva n. devotion or loyalty to a husband MBh. R. Kathās
- -"ṣdhyāya (○tâdh○), m. N. of ch. of Skandap
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting in a faithful wife Mcar. Bālar
- -māhātmya and ○tôpâkhyāna n. N. of wks
- ○śuc f. grief for a husband Hcar
- ○śoka m. id
- ○kâkula mfn. agitated with grief for a husband Nal
- patisahagamananiṣedhanirāsaprakāśa3páti--sahagamana-niṣedha-nirāsa-prakāśa m. N. of wk
- ○sevā f. devotion to a husband Mn. ii, 67
- patīya Nom. P. ○yati, to be or become a master AitĀr
- to become strong ŚBr
- to wish for a husband HPariś. Bhaṭṭ
- to take as husband Pañcad
- patīya n. being master or mistress MantraBr
- pátnī f. (rarely patni) a female possessor, mistress RV. &c. &c
- a wife (RV. i, 140, 6 ; iv, 24, 8, even applied to cows) ib. (cf. pati f.)
- (in astrol.) N. of the 7th mansion Var. [Cf. Gk. ?.] [582,]
- ○karmán n. the business of a wife ŚBr
- ○tva n. wifehood, matrimony (-tve-√grah, to take as a wifehood) MārkP
- ○mantra m. pl. N. of partic. verses Vait
- ○yūpá m. the sacrificial post assigned to the wives of the gods ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ○vat (pát○), mfn. having a wṭwifehood or accompanied by wives RV. VS. ŚBr
- ○śā́la n. or a kind of hut or tent for the wives or for the domestic use of the sacrificer Br. Lāṭy. MBh
- ○śālā f. a kind of hut or tent for the wives or for the domestic use of the sacrificer Br. Lāṭy. MBh
- ○saṃyājá m. pl. the 4 Ājya oblations (offered to Soma, Tvashṭṛi, the wives of the gods, and Agni Gṛiha-pati) Br. ŚrS
- ○saṃyājana n. performing the Patnī-saṃyāja KātyŚr
- ○saṃnahana n. girding a wṭwifehood ib
- the girdle of a wifehood ib. Sch
- patny-āṭa m. the women's apartments L
- patnīka mfn. for patnī ifc. (cf. a-, bahu-, sa-)
- pat-kāṣin &c. See p. 583, col. 1
- pattaṅga m. (n. L
- fr. pattrâṅga) red sandal Suśr
- n. Caesalpina Sappan L
- pattana m. pl. N. of a people VP
- (ā), f. N. of a wife of Vikrama L
- n. (ifc. f. ā) a town, city MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. dharma- and paṭṭaṇa)
- ○vaṇij m. a town-tradesman L
- pattanâdhipati m. 'tṭtown-governor', N. of a prince MBh
- pattaraṅga n. = paṭṭa-r○ L
- pattalaka m. N. of a prince VP
- pattalā f. = paṭṭalā Inscr
- pattalī (for pattr○?) -√kṛ, to beat into thin leaves Bhpr
- páttave See √2. pat, p. 580
- pat-tas patti, See p. 583, col. 1
- pattūra m. Achyranthes Triandra Suśr
- n. red sandal Bhpr
- pattorṇa vḷ. for pattrôrṇa L
- pattra &c. See p. 581, col. 2
- pattraṅga See pattrâṅga, p. 581
- pattrāṇya n. Caesalpina Sappan L
- patni for patnī, See above
- path (cf. √panth), cl. 1. P. páthati, to go, move
- to fly Suparṇ. Dhātup. xx, 17: Caus. pāthayati, to throw, send (xxxii, 20, vḷ. for pṛth and prath)
- patha m. a way, path, road, course, reach MBh. Kāv. &c. (generally ifc. for pathin
- cf Pāṇ. 5-4, 74)
- ○kalpanā f. juggling tricks, conjuring L
- ○darśaka m. 'way-shower', a guide, conductor MW
- ○sundara m. or n. N. of a plant L. (vḷ. pattra-s○)
- pathâtithi m. 'way-guest', a traveller Rājat
- pathe-ṣṭhā́ mfn. standing in the way or road RV
- pathôpadeśaka m. = ○tha-darśaka Ratnâv. iv, (in Prākṛit)
- pathaka mfn. knowing the way, a guide L
- m. or n. a district, canton L
- pathat mf(ntī)n. going, travelling
- m. a road L. [Page 582, Column]
- páthan-vat mfn. containing the word pathin ŚBr. (cf. pathi-mat below)
- pathi for pathin in comp
- ○kāra m. N. of a man, g. kurv-ādi
- ○kṛt mfn. making a way or road, preparing a way RV. AV. ŚBr. ŚrS
- m. N. of Agni TS
- ○deya n. a toll levied on public roads L
- ○druma m. Acacia Catechu L
- ○pā́ mfn. protecting roads MaitrS
- ○prajña mfn. acquainted with roads W
- ○priya m. an agreeable fellow-traveller (?) Pāṇ. 6-1, 199 Sch
- ○mat mfn. containing the word pathin Br
- ○madhye ind. in the middle of the road MW
- ○rákṣas (VS.),
- ○rákṣi (RV.), mfn. = -pā́
- pathi loc. of pathin in comp
- ○vāhaka mfn. cruel, hard L
- m. a bird-catcher or a burden-bearer L
- ○ṣad (PārGṛ.),
- ○ṣádi (AV.), mfn. sitting in the way
- ○ṣṭhā́ (AV.),
- ○stha (MBh.), mfn. being in or on the way, going
- pathy-aśana n
- pathy-odana m. provender for a journey, viaticum Kāv
- pathika mf(ā or ī)n. knowing the way, going on a road W
- m. a traveller, wayfarer, guide MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ā), f. red grapes L
- ○jana m. a traveller or travellers Pañc. ii, 1/2
- ○saṃhati and f. (L.),
- ○saṃtati f. (L.),
- ○sârtha m. (Mṛicch. Mālav.) a company of travellers, a caravan
- pathikâśraya m. an asylum for travellers, an inn MW
- pathikāya (only ○yita n. impers.), to act as a traveller Subh
- pathin m. (strong stem pánthan, older pánthā
- middle pathí
- weak path
- sg. pánthās (nom. voc.), pánthānam [pánthām RV. AV.]
- pathā́, ○thé, ○thás, ○thí
- du. pánthānau, pathíbhyām, pathós
- pl. pánthānas [pánthās, ○thāsas RV
- patháyas Br.]
- pathás [pāthás RV. ii, 2, 4, perhaps gen. sg.?]
- pathíbhis, ○bhyas
- pathā́m [○thīnā́m RV. AV.]
- pathíṣu
- Pāṇ. 7-1, 85 &c.) a way, path, road, course (lit. and fig
- panthānaṃ-√dā, with gen. to cede the way to
- pathânena, 'in this way or manner', pathi ni-√as, See under ny-as) RV. &c. &c
- range, reach (cf. karṇa-, darśana- &c.)
- sect, doctrine L
- a division of hell Mn. iv, 90
- N. of a teacher with the patr. Saubhara BṛĀrUp. [Cf. patha ; Zd. panthan
- Gk. ? ; Lat. pont-em ; Old Pruss. pintis ; Slav. [582,] [pat�i]]
- pathila m. a traveller Uṇ. i, 58
- pathī See ā-pathī
- pathya mfn. 'belonging to the way', suitable, fit, proper, wholesome, salutary (lit. and fig
- esp. said of diet in a medical sense) Yājñ. MBh. Suśr. &c
- containing elements or leading forms, regular, normal Lāṭy. Nid
- m. Terminalia Chebula or Citrina L
- N. of a teacher of AV
- (ā́), f. a path, way, road (with revátī, 'the auspicious path, personified as a deity of happiness and welfare) RV. TS. Br
- Terminalia Chebula or Citrina and other plants L
- N. of sev. metres Nid. Col
- N. of a woman Kathās
- n. a species of salt L
- ○śāka m. a species of vegetable L
- pathyâpathya mfn. wholesome and unwholesome, beneficial or hurtful (esp. in sickness) W
- m. or n. N. of wk
- -nighaṇṭu m. -nirṇaya m. -vidhāna n. -vidhi m. -viniścaya m. -vibodha m. N. of wks
- pathyâśin mfn. eating or an eater of wholesome diet W
- pad cl. 1. P. padati vḷ. for bad, to stand fast or fixed Dhātup. iii, 1, 4 Vop
- pad cl. 4. Ā. (Dhātup. xxvi, 60) padyate (○ti AitBr. MBh
- Pot. padyām R
- Impv. patsva MBh
- pf. papāda RV
- pede Br
- aor. apadmahi, ○dran RV. [Subj. padāti ib.]
- apatsi, patthās AV
- Prec. padīṣṭá RV. AV
- fut. patsyati Br
- ○te Up
- pattā Gr
- inf. páttave RV
- ○tos, ○tum Br
- -pádas RV
- ind. p. -pádya ib
- -pā́dam Br.), to fall, fall down or out, perish RV. AV. VS. Br
- to go, resort or apply to, participate in (acc.), keep, observe MBh.: Caus. pādáyati, ○te, to cause to fall AV. AitBr. (Pass. pādyate Br
- Desid. pipādayiṣati Br. &c.)
- padayate, to go Dhātup. xxxv, 44: Desid. pitsate Pāṇ. 7-4, 54: Intens. panīpadyate Kāv
- panīpadīti Pāṇ. 7-4, 84
- pac in comp. for 3. pad
- ○chabda (for śabda), m. the noise of feet or footsteps L
- ○chas (for śas), ind. foot by foot, Pāda by Pāda Br. PārGṛ. ChUp
- -chaḥ-śasya n. the recitation by Pādas Vait
- ○chauca (for śauca), n. cleansing or purifying to feet ĀśvGṛ
- paj in comp. for 3. pad
- ○ja m. 'born from the feet (of Brahmā)', a Śūdra L. [Page 583, Column]
- pat in comp. for 3. pad
- ○kāṣin mfn. rubbing or galling the feet, walking painfully Sarvad. Pāṇ. 6-3, 54 (W. 'going on foot
- m. a footman, foot-soldier')
- ○tás ind. from or at the feet RV. Br. ŚrS. (also -tatás AV. vi, 131, 1)
- -to-dāśa mfn. lined with fringes at the fringes ĀpŚr
- ○saṅgín mfn. sticking or adhering to the fringes AV
- ○sukha mfn. pleasant to the fringes Hariv
- patti f. (fr. √2. pad) going, moving, walking L
- pattí m. (prob. fr. 3. pad) a pedestrian, footman, foot-soldier, infantry VS. &c. &c. (m. c. also ○tī, R B.)
- a hero L
- (pl.) N. of a people MBh. (vḷ. paśu)
- f. the smallest division of an army (1 chariot, 1 elephant, 3 horsemen and 5 foot-soldiers
- according to others = 55 foot-soldiers) MBh
- ○karman n. the business or operations of infantry MW
- ○kāya m. (body of) infṭinfantry L
- ○kāra wṛ. for paṭṭi-k○
- ○gaṇaka m. (prob.) an officer whose business is to number or muster the infṭinfantry L
- ○paṅkti f. a line of infṭinfantry W
- ○saṃhati f. (L.),
- ○sainya n. (MBh.) a body or troop of infantry
- pattika mfn. going on foot, pedestrian Hariv
- pattin m. = 2. patti, a foot-soldier, footman ib
- patsu-tás ind. (from loc. of 3. pad + tas) at the feet RV. viii, 43, 6
- patsu-ḍtaḥ-śī mfn. lying at the feet ib. i, 32, 8
- pád m. (in strong cases pā́d
- ifc. f. pad or padī) a foot (padā, padbhyām and ○bhis, also 'on foot' RV. &c. &c
- ifc. also 'sticking to the feet of'
- cf. śrī-viṣṇu-padī)
- a step R
- a fourth part, a quarter AV. ŚBr. [Cf. pada
- Gk. ? ; [583,] Lat. pes, ped-is ; Goth. fôtus ; Angl. Sax. fôt ; Eng. foot ; Germ. Fuss.]
- ○anuṣaṅgá m. anything appended to a Pada or quarter of a verse ŚBr. (cf. padânuṣ○)
- ○āsa
- ○āsana See padâsa, ○sana under pada
- ○ga mfn. going on foot, pedestrian
- m. a foot-soldier L
- ○ghoṣá m. the noise of feet or footsteps AV
- ○dhaḍī f. (in music) a kind of composition (prob. Prākr. = -dhatī See next)
- ○dhati (for -hati), f. 'foot-stroke', a way, path, course, line Hariv. Kāv. &c. (also ○tī g. bahv-ādi)
- sign, token Jātakam
- N. of a class of writings (described as guide-books or manuals for partic. rites and ceremonies and the texts relating to them) and of sev. wks
- a family N. or title (or rather the characteristic word denoting caste or occupation in comps. serving as proper names, e.g. -gupta, -dāsa at the end of Vaiśya and Śūdra names). L
- -candrikā f. -cintāmaṇi m. -prakāśa m. -prakāśikā, f. -bhūṣaṇa n. -ratna n. -sāra m. N. of wks
- ○dhima (for -hima), n. coldness of the feet Pāṇ. 6-3, 54
- ○ratha m. a footman, foot-soldier BhP
- ○vát mfn. having feet, running
- n. an animal that uses its feet for locomotion RV. AV
- padāvihāra m. paying honour by walking round Divyâv
- padá n. (rarely m.) a step, pace, stride
- a footstep, trace, vestige, mark, the foot itself. RV. &c. &c. (padena, on foot
- pade pade, at every step, everywhere, on every occasion
- trīṇi padāni viṣṇoḥ, the three steps or footprints of Vishṇu [i.e. the earth, the air, and the sky
- RV. i, 154, 5 Vikr. i, 1], also N. of a constellation or according to some 'the space between the eyebrows'
- sg. viṣṇoḥ padam, N. of a locality
- padaṃ-√dā, padāt padaṃ-√gam or √cal, to make a step move on
- padaṃ-√kṛ, with loc. to set foot in or on, to enter
- with mūrdhni, to set the foot upon the head of gen. i.e. overcome
- with citte or hṛdaye, to take possession of any one's heart or mind
- with loc. or prati, to have dealings with padaṃ ni-√dhā with loc., to set foot in = to make impression upon
- with padavyām, to set the foot on a person's gen. or ibc. track, to emulate or equal
- padam ni-√bandh with loc., to enter or engage in)
- a sign, token, characteristic MBh. Kathās. Pur
- a footing, standpoint
- position rank station, site, abode, home RV. &c. &c. (padam ā-√tan, to spread or extend one's position
- padāt padam bhrāmayitvā, having caused to wander from place to place)
- a business affair, matter, object or cause of (gen. or comp.) Kāv. Pañc. &c
- a pretext L
- a part, portion, division (cf. dvi-, tri-)
- a square on a chess-board R
- a plot of ground Inscr
- the foot as a measure of length (= 12 or 15 fingers' breadth, or 1/2 or 1/3 or 3/7 of a Prakrama) KātyŚr
- a ray of light (m. L.)
- a portion of a verse, quarter or line of a stanza RV. &c. &c
- a word or an inflected word or the stem of a noun in the middle cases and before some Taddhitas Pāṇ. 1-4, 14 &c. [Page 583, Column]
- = pada-pāṭha Prāt
- common N. of the P. and Ā. Cat
- any one in a set of numbers the sum of which is required
- a period in an arithmetical progression Col
- a square √Sūryas
- a quadrant ib
- protection L. [Cf. Gk. ? ; [583,] Lat. peda ; op-pidum for op-pedum.]
- ○kamala n. a lotus-like foot L
- ○kāra m. the author of the Pada-pāṭha Pāṇ. Mahīdh
- ○kārikā-ratnamālā f. N. of wk
- ○kāla m. = -pāṭha Sāy
- ○kṛt m. = -kāra L
- ○kṛtya n. N. of Comm. on Tarkas
- ○kaumudī f. N. of wk
- ○krama m. a series of steps, pace, walking Śiś. i, 52 (cf. citra-padakramam)
- a series of quarters of verses R
- a partic. method of reciting or writing the Veda ( See krama)
- m. pl. (or ibc.) the Pada-pāṭha and the different Krama-pāṭhas MBh
- -lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- -vid mfn. familiar with the Pada and Krama-pāṭha Hariv
- ○kramaka n. the Pada- and Krama-pāṭha Pāṇ. 2-4, 5 Sch
- ○ga mfn. going on foot
- m. a footman, foot-soldier L
- ○gata mfn. gone on foot
- described or recorded in a line or stanza W
- ○gati f. going on foot, manner of going, gait Pañc
- ○gāḍha m. or n. N. of wk
- ○gotra n. a family supposed to preside over a partic. class of words VPrāt. (cf. -devatā)
- ○ghātam ind. (with √han) to strike with the feet upon (acc.) Pāṇ. 3-4, 37
- ○catur-ūrdhva n. a kind of metre (in which every Pada is 4 syllables longer than the preceding) Col
- ○candrikā f. 'elucidation of words', N. of sev. wks
- ○cihna n. a footwords (in speaking), parsing Śiksh
- ○cyuta mfn. fallen from a position, dismissed from office BhP
- ○jāta n. a class of words Prāt
- a group of (connected) words, a sentence or period L
- ○jñā́ mfn. knowing places or one's own place (i.e. home) RV. AV
- ○jyotis n. N. of wk
- ○tā f. the original form of a word RPrāt
- = next Śiś
- ○tva n. the state of (being) a word, APrāt. Pāṇ. 1-2, 45 Sch
- ○tvarā f. 'foot-speeder (?)', a shoe L
- ○dārḍhya n. fixedness or security of text, APrāt
- ○dīpikā f. N. of sev. wks
- ○devatā f. a deity supposed to preside over a partic. class of words VPrāt. (cf. -gotra)
- ○dyotinī f. N. of Comm. on Gīt
- ○nidhana mfn. having the Nidhana (q.v.) at the end of every quarter of a verse (as a Sāman), TaṇḍBr. Lāṭy
- ○nī́ mfn. following the steps of another AV. xi, 2, 13
- ○nyāsa m. putting down the feet, step, footmark MBh. R. &c
- position of the feet in a partic. attitude W
- conduct, procedure (?), id
- writing down (quarters of) verses Kāv
- Asteracantha Longifolia or Tribulus Lanuginosus L
- ○paṅkaja n. = -kamala L
- ○paṅkti f. a series of footsteps, track Kālid. Pañc
- a series of words Kir
- a kind of metre (of 5 Padas of 5 syllables each) RPrāt
- a sacred brick called after this metre KātyŚr
- ○pañcaka m. or n. N. of wk
- ○paddhati f. a series or row of footsteps R
- ○padma n. = -kamala L
- ○pāṭha m. the Pada method of recitation or writing (a method of arranging each word of a Vedic text separately in its original form [cf. pada] without regard to the rules of Saṃdhi
- cf. krama and saṃhitā-pāṭha) VPrāt. Sch
- ○pāta m. foot-fall, tread, step W
- ○pūraṇa mfn. filling out or completing a verse Nir
- n. the action of completing a verse L
- ○bandha m. a footstep, pace L
- ○bhañjana n. separation or analysis or explanation of words L
- ○bhañjikā f. a commentary which separates or analyses or explains words L
- a register, journal, calendar or almanac W
- ○bhāvârtha-candrikā f. N. of wk
- ○bhraṃśa m. loss of a place, dismissal from an office Prasannar
- ○mañjarī f. N. of various wks
- ○mālā f. 'word-wreath', a magical formula, an incantation, DeviiP
- ○yojana n
- ○yojaḍnā and f. N. of wks
- ○yojaḍnikā f. N. of wks
- ○yópana mf(ī)n. destroying (n. the act of destroying) the footsteps AV
- ○racanā f. arrangement of words, literary composition Vām
- ○ratnâvalī f
- ○vākya-ratnâkara (and ○ra-kārikā-saṃgraha), m
- ○vākyârtha-pañjikā f. N. of wks
- ○vādya n. (in music) a sort of drum
- ○vāyá m. (√vii) a leader, guide, forerunner AV
- ○vi f. = -vii, a way, path L
- ○vikṣepa m. a step, pace, walking
- a horse's paces W
- ○vigraha (Hariv.),
- ○viccheda (VPrāt.), m. separation of words
- ○víd mfn. conversant or familiar with (gen.) ŚBr. (cf. -jñā)
- ○virāma m. the pause after a quarter of a verse TPrāt
- ○viṣṭambha m. tread, step, stamp with the foot W
- ○vī́ m. (nom. s) a leader, guide, forerunner RV. AV. (cf. -vāya) [Page 583, Column]
- f. (nom. vii) a road, path, way, track, reach, range
- acc. with √gam, yā &c., to go the way of (cf. under artha-padavii, ghana-, pavana-, mokṣa-, yauvana-, sādhu-, smaraṇa-, hāsya-
- padam-√dhā or ni-√dhā padavyām comp. or gen., to tread in the footsteps of a person i.e. imitate or rival him) MBh. Kāv. &c
- station, situation, place, site R. Pañc
- -"ṣviíya n. footsteps, track RV. x, 71, 3 (if not acc. for vyám)
- ○vṛtti f. the hiatus between two words in a sentence RPrāt
- N. of Comm. on Kpr
- ○vedin m. 'acquainted with words', a linguist or philologist Kuṭṭanīm
- ○vyākhyāna n. explanation of words, g. ṛg-ayanâdi
- ○śabda m. the noise of footsteps Mālatīm
- ○śas ind. step by step, gradually R
- word by word, APrāt. Sch
- ○śāstra n. the science of separately written words, APrst. Sch
- ○śreni f. a series of steps Kathās
- ○ṣṭhīva n. sg. the feet and knees Pāṇ. 5-4, 77
- ○saṃhitā f. = -pāṭha TPrāt
- ○saṃghāṭa m. connecting those words together which in the Saṃhitā are separated by a kind of refrain Pāṇ. 3-2, 49 Vārtt. 3 Pat
- ○saṃghāta m. id. ib. VPrāt
- a writer, an annotator, one who collects or classifles words W
- ○sadhātu n. a manner of singing Lāṭy
- ○saṃdarbha m. N. of wk
- ○saṃdhi m. the euphonic combination of words R
- ○samaya m. = -pāṭha TPrāt. Sch
- ○samūha m. a series of words or parts of verses Gīt. Sch
- = -pāṭha VPrāt
- ○stobha m. N. of sev. Sāmans ĀrshBr
- N. of wk
- ○stha mfn. standing on one's feet, going on foot R
- = -sthita MBh. R
- ○sthāna n. footprint, footmark Hariv
- ○sthita mfn. being in a station or office Kathās
- padâkrānta mfn. following at one's heels Śak
- padâghāta m. a stroke with the foot, a kick L
- padâṅka m. footmark
- -dūta m. 'the messenger of the footmark (Kṛishṇa)', N. of a poem
- padâṅgī f. Cissus Pedata L
- padâṅguṣṭha m. the great toe MBh. (vḷ. pād○)
- padáji
- padâti &c., See sv
- padâdi m. the beginning of a verse or of a word Prāt
- ○dy-avid (or ○dya-vid), m. a bad student (lit. who does not know or who knows only the beginning of verses or words) L
- padâdhyayana n. the recitation of the Veda according to the Pada-pāṭha APrāt
- ○dhyāyin mfn. reciting the Veda in this way ib
- padâdhyāhāra-vāda m. N. of wk
- padânuga mfn. following at one's (gen.) heels, an attendant or companion MBh. R. (ifc.)
- suitable, agreeable to R
- padânurāga m. a servant
- an army W
- padânuśāsana n. the science of words, grammar L
- padânuṣaṅga m. anything added or appended to a Pada ŚāṅkhŚr. (cf. pad-anuṣ○)
- padânusāra m. following at one's heels
- ○reṇa upa-√labh, to overtake Mālatīm
- padânusvāra n. N. of partic. Sāmans Lāṭy. Sch
- padânta m. the end of a line in a stanza Lāṭy
- the end of a word VPrāt. Pāṇ
- mfn. ending with the word pada Pāṇ. 7-3, 9
- -śuddhâśuddhīya n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- ○tīya (R and VPrāt.), ○tya (APrāt.), mfn. being at the end of a word, final
- padântara n. an interval of one step (○re sthitvā, stopping after taking one step) Śak. (cf. a-pad○)
- another word Vedântas
- padânveṣin mfn. following a footmark Daś
- padâbja n. = pada-kamala L
- padâbhilâṣin mfn. wishing for an office MW
- padâbhihoma m. pouring out the oblation (homa) upon a footprint Vait
- padâmnāya-siddhi f. N. of wk
- padâmbhoja n. = pada-kamala L
- padâyata mfn. as long as a footprint L
- (ā), f. a shoe L
- padâravinda n. = pada-kamala L
- padârtha m. the meaning of a word VPrāt. Prab. BhP. &c. (ifc. also -ka Pat.)
- that which corresponds to the meaning of a word, a thing, material object, man, person Var. Kāv. Pur
- a head, subject (16 with Naiyāyikas)
- a category, predicament (7 with Vaiśeshikas, 25 with Sāṃkhyas, 7 with Vedântins)
- a principle (-tritaya n. a triad of principles RTL. 119)
- -kaumudī f. (○dī-kośa and -sāra-kośa, m.), -khaṇḍana, n. (○na-ṭippaṇa-vyākhyā f.), -guṇa-cintāmaṇi m. -candrikā, f. -tattva n. (○tva-nirūpaṇa n. -nirṇaya m. -vivecana n.), -dipikā f. -dīpinī f. -dharmasaṃgraha, m. -nirūpaṇa n. -pārijāta m. -prakāśa m. -prakāśikā, f. -pradeśa m. -bodha m. -bhāskara m. -maṇimālā or -mālā f. -mālāvṛtti f. -ratna-mañjūṣā f. -ratnamālā, f. -vidyā-sāra m. -viveka m. -saṃgraha m. -sarasī, f. ○thâdarśa m. N. of wks. [Page 584, Column]
- ○thânusamaya m. the performance of one ritual act for all objects in orderly succession before performing another act for all objects in the same order ĀśvGṛ. Sch. &c. (cf. kāṇḍânus○)
- ○thī7ya-divya-cakṣus n. ○thôddeśa m. N. of wks
- padâvagrāham ind. making a pause after every quarter of a verse AitBr. Vait
- padâvalī f. a series of verses or words Gīt
- N. of a grammar
- padâvṛtti f. the repetition of a word VPrāt
- (in rhet.) the repetition of the same word with another meaning Kāvyâd
- padâsa (or ○d-āsa?), n. N. of 2 Sāmans ĀrshBr
- padâsana n. a footstool L
- padâhata mfn. struck by the foot, kicked MW
- padâikadeśa m. a part of a word TPrāt. Sch
- padôccaya m. (in dram.) accumulation of words which belong to the subject matter (e.g. Śak. i, 20) Sāh
- padôpahata mfn. (prob.) = padâhata Pāṇ. 6-3, 52
- padaka mfn. versed in the Pada-pāṭha Divyâv. (g. kramâdi)
- m. a kind of ornament (= niṣka) L
- N. of a man
- pl. his descendants, g. yaskâdi
- n. a step, pace MBh
- an office, dignity Rājat
- a foot BhP
- (ikā), f. See tri-padikā and dvi-p○
- padana mfn. who or what goes or moves W. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 150)
- padanī́ya mfn. to be investigated ŚBr. (-tva n. Śaṃk.)
- padāji m. (fr. pada + āji? Pāṇ. 6-3, 52) a footman, foot-soldier L
- padāta wṛ. for next and pādāta
- padāti mfn. (fr. pada + āti? Pāṇ. 6-3, 52) going or being on foot
- m. a pedestrian, footman, foot-soldier MBh. R. &c
- a peon (in chess) Pañcad
- N. of a son of Janam-ejaya MBh
- ○jana m. a footman, pedestrian MBh
- -saṃkula mfn. mingled with footmen or pedestrian ib
- ○mātra m. only a foot-soldier MW
- ○lava m. a most humble (lit. atom) servant Bālar. (cf. bhṛtyaparamâṇu)
- padāty-adhyakṣa m. a commander of infantry R
- padātika m. (ifc. f. ā) a footman, foot-soldier, peon L
- padāḍtin mfn. having foot-soldiers MBh
- going or being on foot
- m. a foot-soldier MBh. R
- tīya m. = prec. m. MBh
- padāra m. the dust of the feet L
- a boat L
- padālika m.= dhundhumāra L. (vḷ. pād○)
- pádi m. (prob.) a kind of animal RV. i, 125, 2 (a bird Mahīdh
- = gantu Nir. v, 18)
- padika mf(ī)n. going on foot, pedestrian, g. parpâdi
- one Pada long KātyŚr. Sch
- comprising (only) one partition or division Var. Hcat
- n. the point of the foot L
- padi-baddhá mf(ā)n. (loc. of 3. pad + b○) tied or bound by the feet TS
- padī-√kṛ to raise to the square √Āryabh. Sch
- -kṛta-tva n. the being raised &c. ib
- paduka or m. pl. N. of a people VP
- paḍduma m. pl. N. of a people VP
- padeka m. a hawk, falcon L
- pádya mf(ā)n. (fr. 3. pad and pada) relating or belonging to a foot RV. Kāṭh
- hurting or coming in contact with the feet Pāṇ. 4-4, 83 ; vi, 3, 53. Sch
- marked with footsteps ib. iv, 4, 87 Sch
- measuring a Pada in length or breadth KātyŚr. (also in comp. with numerals
- cf. ardha-, daśa-)
- consisting of Padas or parts of verses Br. ĀśvGṛ. RPrāt
- consisting of one Pada KātyŚr. Sch
- forming the end, final, APrāt
- m. a Śūdra L. (cf. paj-ja)
- a part of a word, verbal element RPrāt
- (pádyā), f. footsteps, paces (pl.) RV
- a way, path, road L
- a foot as a measure of length KātyŚr
- n. a verse, metre, poetry (opp. to gadya, prose) Vām. Kāvyâd. Sāh. &c
- N. of sev. hymns
- ○kādambarī f. N. of wk. of Kshemêndra
- ○trayī-vyākhyāna n. N. of a Comm. on the first 3 verses of BhP. (also bhāgavata-trṭtrayī-vy○)
- ○pañjāśikā f
- ○prasūnâñjali m. N. of wks
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of verses Sāh
- ○mālā f
- ○muktâvalī f
- ○racanā f
- ○veṇī f
- ○śataka n
- ○saṃgraha m. N. of wks
- padyátmikôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up
- padyâmṛta f. (ibc.) nectar of poetry
- -taraṃgiṇī, -samudraṭīkā f. -saro-vara n. -sôpāna, n. N. of wks
- padyâlaya m
- padyâvali f. N. of wks
- padra
- padva See p. 585, col. 2
- padvan m. a road, path, way Uṇ. iv, 112
- pan in comp. before nasals= 3. pad
- ○naddhā f. a shoe HPariś
- ○naddhrī id. L
- ○niṣka m. 1/4 Nishka L
- ○nejana n. washing of the feet ĀpŚr. Sch. [Page 584, Column]
- (néjanī), f. pl. (sc. āpas) a bath for the feet TS
- ○miśra = pāda-m○ Pāṇ. 6-3, 56
- panna mfn. fallen, fallen down, gone &c
- m. (!) downward motion, fall, creeping on the ground Uṇ. iii, 10 Sch
- ○gá m. (ifc. f. ā) 'creeping low', a serpent or serpent-demon Suparṇ. MBh. &c
- Cerasus Puddum L
- (ī), f. See below
- -kesara m. Mesua Roxburghī L
- -nāśana m. 'serpent-killer', N. of Garuḍa Hariv
- -purī f. the city of the serpent-demons L
- -bhojana m. 'serpent-eater', N. of Garuḍa MBh
- -maya mf(ī)n. formed or consisting of serpent Hariv
- -rāja m. serpent-king MBh
- -"ṣgâri m. 'serpent-foe', N. of Garuḍa Hariv
- of a teacher (vḷ. -gāni) VP
- -"ṣgâśana m. = -gabhojana L
- -gêndra and -"ṣgeśvara m. 'serpent king' MBh
- ○gī f. a female serpent-demon, a sṭserpent-maid MBh. R. &c
- a kind of shrub L
- -gīrta-kīrti mfn. whose praise is sung by sṭserpent-maids Bālar
- ○da mfn. one whose teeth have fallen out KātyŚr. Sch
- ○rūpa mf(ā)n. deprived of colour, pale (as a maiden) Car
- ○pīya mfn. (chapter) concerning them ib
- pannâgāra m. N. of a man
- pl. his family Pāṇ. 2-4, 66 Sch
- padma m. n. (2. or 3. pad?) a lotus (esp. the flower of the lotus-plant Nelumbium Speciosum which closes towards evening
- often confounded with the water-lily or Nymphaea Alba) MBh. Kāv. &c. (ifc. f. ā)
- the form or figure of a lotus R. MārkP. (a N. given by the Tāntrikas to the 6 divisions of the upper part of the body called Cakras, q.v.)
- a partic. mark or mole on the human body R
- red or coloured marks on the face or trunk of an elephant L
- a partic. part of a column or pillar Var
- a kind of temple ib
- an army arrayed in the form of a lotus Mn. MBh
- a partic. posture of the body in religious meditation, Vedânt. (cf. padmâsana)
- a kind of coitus L
- one of the 9 treasures of Kubera (also personified) R
- one of the 8 treasures connected with the magical art called Padminī MBh. Hariv. &c
- a partic. high number (1000 millions or billions) MBh. R. &c
- a partic. constellation Var
- N. of a partic. cold hell Buddh
- a partic. fragrant substance MBh. (vḷ. ○maka)
- the √of Nelumbium Speciosum L
- a species of bdellium L
- lead L
- m. a species of plant L
- an elephant L
- a species of serpent Suśr
- N. of Rāma (son of Daśa-ratha) Śatr
- of two serpent-demons MBh. R. &c
- of one of the attendants of Skanda MBh
- of a mythical Buddha MWB. 136, n. 1
- (with Jainas) N. of the 9th Cakra-vartin in Bhārata and of one of the 9 white Balas
- N. of a king MBh
- of a prince of Kaśmīra (founder of Padma-pura and of a temple
- See padma-svāmin) Rājat
- of another man ib
- of a Brāhman Lalit
- of a mythical elephant R. (cf. mahā-padma)
- of a monkey R
- of a mountain Var
- (ā), f. 'the lotus-hued one', N. of Śrī Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. padma-śrī)
- a species of plant Suśr. (Clerodendrum Siphorantus or Hibiscus Mutabilis L.)
- cloves L
- the flower of Carthamus Tinctoria L
- N. of the mother of Muni-suvrata (the 20th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī) L
- of a female serpent-demon (= the goddess Manasā, wife of the sage Jarat-kāru
- cf. padma-priyā) L
- of a daughter of king Bṛihadratha and wife of Kalki Pur
- mfn. lotus-hued, being of the colour of a lotus ṢaḍvBr
- ○kandâda m. a species of bird Gal
- ○kara m. a lotus-like hand BhP
- mf(ā)n. lotus in hand Prab
- m. N. of the sun W
- (ā), f. N. of Śrī BhP
- ○karkaṭī f. lotus-seed L
- ○karṇika m. or n. (?) and f. the pericarp of a lotus or the central part of an army arrayed in that form MBh
- ○karṇiḍkā f. the pericarp of a lotus or the central part of an army arrayed in that form MBh
- (ā), f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs
- ○kalikā f. an unblown lotus MW
- ○kalyāṇa-khaṇḍa n. N. of ch. of a Pur
- ○kāṣṭha n. the wood of Cerasus Puddum L
- ○kīṭa m. a species of venomous insect Suśr
- ○kuṇḍa n. a partic. mystical figure Cat
- ○kuṭa m. N. of a prince of the Vidyā-dharas Kathās
- n. N. of the palace of Su-bhīmā Hariv
- ○ketana m. N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh
- ○ketu m. a partic. comet Var
- ○kesara n. the filament of a lotus L
- ○kośa m. the calyx of a lotus R. BhP. (○śāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to resemble the calyx of a lotus Bālar
- ○śi-√kṛ, to make into the calyx of a lotus HPariś.)
- a partic. position of the fingers resembling the calyx of a lotus Cat
- N. of wk. (also -jātaka n.)
- ○kṣetra n. N. of one of 4 districts in Orissa held especially sacred L
- ○khaṇḍa n. a quantity of lotuses Mṛicch. [Page 584, Column]
- N. of ch. of the Brahmâṇḍa P
- -nagara n. N. of a city Siṃhâs
- ○gandha mf(ā)n. smelling like a lotus L
- ○gandhi mfn. id. R
- n. Cerasus Puddum Bhpr
- ○garbha m. the interior or calyx of a lotus Kāvyâd. ii, 41
- 'sprung from a lotus or containing lotuses', N. of Brahmā RPrāt. (Introd.)
- of Vishṇu Hariv
- of Śiva Śivag
- of the sun L
- of a lake Hit
- of a Buddha Lalit
- of a Bodhisattva L
- of a Brāhman who was changed into a swan Hariv
- ○giri-purāṇa n. N. of a legend
- ○gupta m. N. of a poet (called also Pari-mala) Cat
- ○gṛhā f. 'lotus-housed', N. of Lakshmi MBh
- ○caraṇa m. 'lotus-foot', N. of a disciple of Śaṃkarâcārya Cat
- ○cāriṇī f. Hibiscus Mutabilis Bhpr
- a partic. personification MānGṛ
- ○ja m. 'lotus-born', N. of Brahmā BhP
- ○jātaka n. N. of wk
- ○jāti f. = -bandha Kāv
- ○tantu m. the fibre of a lotus-stalk L
- ○tā f. the state or condition of a lotus Kāvyâd
- ○darśana m. 'looking like a lotus', the resin of the Pinus Longifolia L
- N. of a man Kathās
- ○dalêkṣaṇa mfn. lotus-(leaf-)eyed Mṛicch
- ○dhara m. 'lotus-bearer', N. of a prince Bhadrab
- ○nandi or m. N. of an author Sarvad. Cat
- ○nanḍdin m. N. of an author Sarvad. Cat
- ○nābha m. 'lotus-naveled', N. of Vishṇu (from whose navel sprang the lotus which contained Brahmā, the future creator) MBh. Hariv. R
- N. of the 11th month (reckoned from Mārgaśīrsha) Var
- a magical formula spoken over weapons R
- N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra ib
- of the first Arhat of the future Ut-sarpiṇī L
- of sev. authors (also -tīrtha, -datta, -dīkṣita, -purī, -bhaṭṭa, -yājñika) and other men Cat. Inscr
- -dvadaśī f. N. of the 12th day in the light half of the month Āśvayuja Cat
- -bija n. the algebra of Padma-nābha Col
- ○nābhi m. N. of Vishṇu L. (cf. -nābhu)
- ○nāla m. a lotus stalk L
- ○nidhi m. N. of one of the 9 treasures of Kubera (also personified) Pañc
- ○nibhêkṣaṇa mfn. having eyes like lotus-leaves MW
- ○nimīlana n. the closing of a lotus Śak
- ○netra m. 'lotus-eyed', a species of bird Gal
- N. of a future Buddha L
- ○paṇḍita m. N. of an author Cat
- ○pattra n. a lotus-leaf MBh. (-nibhêkṣaṇa mfn. lotus-lotus-eyed. MW.)
- = -parṇa Bhpr
- ○pada m. = -pāda Cat
- ○parṇa n. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L
- ○pāṇi m. 'lotus-handed' or 'holding a lotus in the hand', N. of Brahmā L
- of Vishṇu Cat
- of the Bodhi-sattva Avalokitêśvara MWB. 195 &c
- the sun L
- ○pāda m.= -caraṇa Cat. (cf. pāda-padma)
- -rahasya n. N. of wk
- ○dâcārya m. N. of a teacher Cat
- ○pura n. N. of a city Rājat
- ○purāṇa n. N. of sev. Purāṇas
- ○puṣpa m. Pterospermum Acerifolium L
- a species of bird L
- ○ṣpâñjali-stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- ○prabha m. N. of a future Buddha
- of a Deva-putra Lalit
- of 6th Arhat of present Avasarpiṇī L
- (with sūri) of an author Cat
- (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Mahā-daṃshṭra Kathās
- ○prabhu m. N. of an author Cat
- ○priyā f. N. of the goddess Manasā (wife of Jarat-kāru) L
- ○bandha m. an artificial arrangement of the words of a verse in a figure representing a lotus-flower Kpr
- ○bandhu m. 'friend of the lotus', N. of the sun L
- a bee L
- -kula n. N. of a family Cat
- ○bīja n. lotus-seed L
- ○jâbha mfn. 'resembling the lotus-sṭseed', the sṭseed of Euryala Ferox L
- ○bhava m. = -ja Hariv. BhP
- ○bhāśa m. 'brilliant with (or like) a lotus', N. of Vishṇu Hariv. (vḷ. -nābha
- cf. -hāsa)
- ○bhū m.= -ja Dhūrtan
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made or consisting of lotus-flowers Hariv. BhP
- ○mālin mfn. lotus-garlanded
- m. N. of a Rakshas R
- (nī), f. N. of Śrī MBh
- ○mihira m. 'lotus-sun', N. of a writer of the history of Kaśmīra Rājat
- ○mukhī f. Alhagi Maurorum L
- ○mūla n. lotus-√L
- ○yoni m. 'lotus-born', N. of Brahmā Gṛihyās. MBh. &c. (also ○nin Hariv.)
- of a Buddha Lalit
- of sev. men, APariś. Lalit
- ○rati f. N. of 2 princesses Kathās
- ○ratna m. N. of the 23rd Buddh. patriarch L
- ○ratha m. N. of sev. princes Rājat. HPariś
- ○rāga m. 'lotus-hued', a ruby L. (also -ka Hcat
- ○ga-maya mf[ī]n. made or consisting of rubies, Kāraṇḍ)
- (ī), f. N. of one of the tongues of Agni Gṛihyās
- ○rāja m. 'lotus-king', N. of sev. men Rājat
- of a poet Cat
- ○rūpa mf(ā)n. lotus-hued
- (ā), f. N. of Śri MBh
- ○rekhā f. 'lotus-line', a line in the palm of the hand indicating the acquisition of great wealth L
- ○lāñchana m. (L.) 'lotus-marked', a king
- N. of Brahmā
- of Kubera, the sun
- (ā), f. N. of Śrī
- of Sarasvatī
- of Tārā
- ○līlā-vilāsinī f. N. of an astron. wk. [Page 585, Column]
- ○lekhā f. N. of a woman Rājat
- ○locana mfn. lotus-eyed MBh
- ○vat mfn. full of lotus-flowers Hariv
- (ī), f. N. of a wife of Aśoka (cf. padmā-vatī)
- of a town BhP
- ○vanabāndhava m. the sun (cf. padma-bandhu)
- -vaṃśa m. the race of kings descended from the sun (cf. sūrya-v○) Prasannar
- ○varcas mfn. lotushued MBh. R
- ○varṇa mfn. id. Hariv
- m. N. of a son of Yadu ib
- ○varṇaka n. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L
- ○vāsā f. = -gṛhā L
- ○vāhinī f. N. of wk
- ○viṣaya m. N. of a country Kathās
- ○vṛkṣa m. Cerasus Puddum L
- ○vṛṣabha-vikrāmin m. N. of a future Buddha L
- ○veṣa m. N. of a king of the Vidyādharas Kathās
- ○vyākośa n. a crevice shaped like a lotus-bud (made by a thief in a wall) Mṛicch. iii, 13
- ○vyūha m. N. of a Samādhi L
- ○śas ind. by thousands of billions MBh
- ○śāyinī f. a species of bird Gal
- ○śekhara m. N. of a king of the Gandharvas Kathās
- ○śrī 'beautiful as a lotus flower', N. of Avalokitêśvara Kāraṇḍ
- of a Bodhi-sattva
- f. N. of sev. women Rājat. HPariś
- of a lady who wrote on Kāma-śāstra Cat
- -garbha m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva
- ○ṣaṇḍa n. a multitude of lotuses MBh. (cf. -khaṇḍa)
- ○saṃhitā f. N. of wk
- ○saṃkāśa mfn. resembling a lotus MW
- ○sadman m. 'lotus-dweller', N. of Brahmā Bālar
- ○samāsana m. id. VP
- ○sambhava m. = -ja Hariv
- N. of a Buddhist teacher who founded the Red sect in Tibet MWB. 272 &c
- ○saras n. lotus-lake, N. of sev. lakes MBh. Rājat. Pañc
- ○sundara m. N. of an author Cat
- ○sūtra n. a lotus-garland Hariv
- ○sena m. N. of sev. men Kathās
- (ā), f. N. of a woman HPariś
- ○saugandhika n. pl. the flowers Nelumbium Speciosum and Nymphaea Alba R
- mfn. (a pond) abounding in these flowers MBh. R. &c
- -vat mfn. id. MBh
- ○snuṣā f. (L.) N. of Gaṅgā
- of Śrī
- of Durgā
- ○svastika n. a SvṭSvastika mark consisting of lotus-flowers MW
- ○svāmin m. N. of a sacred edifice built by Padma Rājat
- ○hasta m. a partic. measure of length AgP
- ○hāsa m. 'smiling like or with a lotus', N. of Vishṇu L. (cf. -bhāsa)
- ○hema-maṇi m. N. of a teacher Cat
- padmâkara m. (ifc. f. ā) a lotus-pool or an assemblage of lotuses Bhartṛ. Kathās
- -deva and -bhaṭṭa m. N. of authors Cat
- padmâkāra mfn. lotus-shaped MW
- padmâkṣa mf(ī)n. lotus-eyed, id
- n. lotus-seed W
- padmâṅka-mudrā f. a partic. Mudrā Kāraṇḍ
- padmâṅghri m. = ○dma-pāda Cat
- padmâcala m. N. of a mountain R
- padmâcārya m. N. of a teacher Cat
- padmâṭa m. Cassia Tora Bhpr
- padmâdi a lotus-flower &c
- -tva n. Kāvyâd. ii, 95
- padmâdhī7śa m. N. of Vishṇu, Dhūrtain
- padmânanda m. N. of a poet
- -śataka n. his wk
- padmântara m. a lotus-leaf MW
- padmâlaṃkārā f. N. of a Gandharvii Kāraṇḍ
- padmâlayá m. 'dwelling in a lotus', N. of Brahmā MBh
- (ā), f. N. of Śrī ib. Hariv
- n. N. of a city Siṃhâs
- padmā-vatī f. (cf. ○dma-v○ and Pāṇ. 6-3, 119 &c.) Hibiscus Mutabilis L
- a kind of Prākṛit metre Col
- N. of Lakshmī Gīt
- of the goddess Manasā L
- of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs
- of a Jaina deity L
- of a wife of king Śṛigāla Hariv
- of a wife of Yudhi-shṭhira (kṭking of Kaśmīra) Rājat
- of the wife of Jaya-deva Gīt
- of a wife of king Vīra-bāhu Vet
- of a wife of king Naya-pāla ib
- of a poetess Cat
- of the city of Ujjayinī in the Kṛita-yuga Kathās
- of another city. VP
- of a river L
- of Kathās. xvii
- -kalpa m. -pañcâṅga n. -stotra n. N. of wks
- -priya m. 'husband of Padmavatī (= Manasā)', N. of Jarat-kāru L
- padmâvabhāsa m. N. of a kind of philosopher's stone Kāraṇḍ
- padmâvali f. N. of wk
- padmâsana n. a lotus as seat (esp. of an idol) Hariv. Kum
- a partic. posture in religious meditation Bhartṛ. (cf. MWB. 240)
- a kind of coitus L
- mf(ā)n. sitting in a lotus or in the position called Padmâsaṇa (-tā f. Cat.)
- m. N. of Brahmā VP
- of Śiva Śivag
- the sun L
- (ā), f. N. of the goddess Manasā L
- padmâhvay9a m. Cerasus Puddum Bhpr
- padmâhvā f. Hibiscus Mutabilis L
- padme-śaya m. 'sleeping in a lotus', N. of Vishṇu MBh. Hariv
- padmôttama m. N. of a Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- of a partic. world ib
- of a Buddha living in Padmôttama and of a future BṭBuddha ib
- padmôttara m. Carthamus Tinctorius L
- N. of a Buddha MWB. 136, n. 1
- of the father of Padma L
- ○râtmaja m. patr. of the 9th Cakra-vartin in Bhārata Jain
- ○rikā-śāka n. a species of pot-herb Car. [Page 585, Column]
- padmôtpala-kumudvat mfn. furnished with the lotus flowers called Padma, Utpala and Kumuda BhP
- padmôdbhava mf(ā)n. sprung from a lotus MBh
- m. N. of Brahmā ib
- of a man Daś
- (ā), f. N. of the goddess Manasā L
- -prādur-bhāva m. N. of ch. of KūrmaP
- padmôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up
- -dīpikā f. N. of Comm. on it
- padmaka m. or n. red spots on the skin of an elephant L
- the wood of Cerasus Puddum MBh. &c
- m. an army arrayed in the form of a lotus-flower MBh
- a species of tree R. (B.)
- N. of a partic. constellation Hcat
- of sev. men Rājat
- n. a partic. posture in sitting Vedântas
- Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L
- padmakin m. Betula Bhojpatra L
- padmāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to resemble the flower of Nelumbium Speciosum Kāvyâd
- padmāvata m. N. of a kingdom founded by Padma-varṇa Hariv
- padmin mfn. spotted (as an elephant) MBh
- possessing lotuses L
- m. an elephant L
- (nī), f. See next
- padminī f. (of prec.) Nelumbium Speciosum, a lotus (the whole plant, ifc. ○nīka mfn
- cf. abjinī, nalinī &c.)
- a multitude of lotuses or a lotus-pond MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. g. puṣkarâdi)
- a lotus-stalk L
- a female elephant L
- a partic. magical art MārkP
- an excellent woman, a woman belonging to the first of the 4 classes into which the sex is divided RTL. 389
- N. of sev. women Siṃhâs
- ○kaṇṭaka m. a kind of leprosy Suśr
- ○kānta m. 'beloved of lotuses', N. of the sun L
- ○khaṇḍa n. a multitude or lake of lotuses Pañc
- N. of a city Siṃhâs
- ○pattra n. a lotus-leaf. R
- ○vallabha and m. the sun L. (cf. -kānta)
- ○"ṣśa (○nī7śa), m. the sun L. (cf. -kānta)
- ○ṣaṇḍa (and -pura), n. N. of a city Siṃhâs
- padmiṣṭhā f. N. of a woman Kathās
- padra m. (√2. pad?) a village or = saṃveśa Uṇ. ii, 13 Sch. (-vaḍa, -saṇḍa and -saḍa ḥPariś. perhaps wṛ. for -baṭu, or -baṇḍa, 'village lad or cripple')
- a road in a village L
- the earth L
- N. of a district L
- padva n. (√2. pad?) the earth L
- a road L
- a car L
- mfn. See nisarga-padva
- pad-vat See p. 583, col. 1
- pan cl. 1. Ā. pánate (pf. -papana, papné aor. 3. sg. paniṣṭa), to be worthy of admiration or to admire (acc.) RV.: Pass. panyáte ib.: Caus. panáyati, ○te, to regard with surprise or wonder, to admire, praise, acknowledge RV
- (Ā.) to rejoice at, be glad of (gen.) ib. (cf. √paṇ
- paṇāya)
- panayā́yya mfn. astonishing, surprising RV
- panasya Nom. Ā. ○syáte (P. ○syáti Naigh. iii, 14), to excite admiration or praise RV
- panaḍsyú mfn. showing one's self worthy of admiration, glorious ib
- panāya Nom. P. Ā. ○yáti, ○te, to show ostentatiously, boast of (gen.) RV. vi, 75, 6 (cf. Nir. ix, 16)
- paḍnā́yya mfn. admirable, surprising RV. AitBr
- panitá mfn. admired, praised RV
- panitṛ́ mfn. praising, acknowledging ib
- pánipnat mfn. (fr. Intens.) showing one's self worthy of admiration or praise ib
- paniṣṭama (prob.) wṛ. SV
- pániṣṭi f. (prob.) admiration, praise ib
- pániṣṭha mfn. (superl.) very wonderful or glorious RV
- pánīyas mfn. (compar.) more or very wonderful ib
- pan�ū́ f. admiration ib
- pánya mfn. astonishing, glorious. ib. (superl. -tama)
- pányas mfn. = pánīyas ib
- panaka m. a kind of Arum, Śīl
- panasa m. (√pan?) the bread-fruit or Jaka tree, Artocarpus Integrifolia MBh. R. &c
- a thorn L
- a species of serpent Suśr
- N. of a monkey MBh. R
- (ī), f. = panasikā Suśr
- n. the bread-fruit ib
- ○tālikā or f. the bread-fruit tree L
- ○nālikā f. the bread-fruit tree L
- panasâsthi n. the kernel of the bread-fruit Suśr
- panasikā f. a kind of disease, pustules on the ears and neck Suśr. (cf. pinasa, pīnasa). [Page 585, Column]
- paniṣpadá mf(ā)n. (Intens. of √spand) quivering, palpitating AV
- panth cl. 1. 10. P. panthati, or ○thayati, to go, move Dhātup. xxxii, 39 (cf. √path)
- panthaka mfn. produced in or on the way Pāṇ. 4-3, 29
- m. N. of a Brāhman L
- panḍthalikā f. a narrow way or path Kāraṇḍ. Divyâv
- panthāna m. N. of a partic. magical spell spoken over weapons R. (vḷ. saṃdhāna)
- pandara m. N. of a mountain VP
- panna &c. See p. 584, col. 2
- pan-naddhā &c. See p. 584, col. 1
- papasya v. l. for pampasya
- papí mfn. (√1. pā) drinking (with acc.) RV. vi, 23, 4 (cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 69 Kāś.)
- m. the moon L
- papī́ m. (nom. s) the sun or the moon Uṇ. iii, 159
- papīti f. (fr. Intens, of √1. pā) mutual or reciprocal drinking W
- papu m. (√3. pā) a protector
- f. a nurse L
- pápuri mfn. (√pṝ) bountiful, liberal
- abundant RV
- pápri mfn. giving, granting (with gen. or acc
- superl. -tama) RV. VS. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-1, 103 Sch.)
- papṛkṣêṇya mfn. (√prach) desirable RV. v, 33, ?
- pápri mfn. (√1. pṛ) delivering, saving RV.: AV. TS
- paphaka m. N. of a man
- ○naraka m. pl. the descendants of Paphaka and Naraka, g. tika-kitavâdi
- pabbeka m. N. of the father of Kedāra-bhaṭṭa (author of the Vṛitta-ratnâkara) Cat
- pamarā f. a kind of fragrant substance L
- pampasya Nom. P. ○syati, to feel pain, g. kaṇḍv-ādi (vḷ. pap○)
- pampā f. (√1. pā? Uṇ.iii, 28. Sch.) N. of a river in the south of India MBh. R. &c
- of a lake Ragh. Sch
- ○māhātmya n. N. of ch. of SkandaP
- pamb cl. 1. P. pambati, to go, move Dhātup. xi, 35 Vop
- pay cl. 1. Ā. payate, to go, move Dhātup. xiv, 3
- paya See kat-payá
- paya in comp. for ○yas
- ○āhutí f. an oblation of milk ŚBr
- payôpavasana n. a kind of fast when milk is the only food Pāṇ. 6-3, 109 Vārtt.6, P
- payôṣṇī (MBh. Var. Pur.),
- payôṣḍṇikā (VP.), f. N. of a river rising in the Vindhya mountain
- ○ṇi-jātā f. N. of the river Sarasvati L
- payaḥ in comp. for ○yas
- ○kandā f. Batatas Paniculata L
- ○kṣīra n. a partic. extract from barley L
- ○payôṣṇi = payôṣnī MBh
- ○pāna n. drinking milk, a draught of milk Pāṇ. 6-2, 150 Kāś
- ○pāyikā f. id. iii, 3, 111 Kāś
- ○pārâvara m. the ocean of mṭmilk Kāv
- ○pūra m. flood of water Ratnâv
- ○pratibimba n. the reflected image or fancied appearance of water (in deserts) Subh
- ○phenī f. a partic. small shrub L
- ○sāman n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- ○sphāti (pá○), f. abundance of milk AV. xix, 31, 10 (printed gáyasph○)
- payaś in comp. for ○yas
- ○caya m. a reservoir, piece of water, lake L
- páyas n. (√1. pī) any fluid or juice, (esp.) milk, water, rain
- semen virile, (met.) vital spirit, power, strength RV. &c. &c
- a species of Andropogon Bhpr
- N. of a Sāman ŚrS
- of a Virāj RPrāt
- night Naigh. i, 7
- ○kaṃsa m. a cup of milk L
- ○karṇī f. Pāṇ. 8-3, 46 Sch. (cf. dadhi-karṇa)
- ○kāma mfn. (prob.) wishing for milk ib
- ○kāmya Nom. P. ○yati, to wish for milk Pāṇ. 8-3, 38 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- ○kāra (?), viii, 3, 46 Sch
- ○kumbha m. a pitcher for holding mṭmilk ib
- ○kuśā f. ib
- ○pa m. 'milk-drinker', a cat W
- night MW. [Page 586, Column]
- ○pati m. N. of Vishṇu Vishṇ
- ○pā́ mfn. drinking milk RV
- ○pātra n. a milk-bowl L
- ○vat (pá○), mfn. full of juice or sap, juicy, succulent, containing water or milk or semen
- overflowing, exuberant, copious, powerful, strong RV. AV. TS. Br. GṛŚrS
- (ī), f. the night L
- pl. rivers Naigh. i, 13
- ○vala mf(ā)n. rich in milk Hariv. (vḷ. ○vin)
- m. a goat L
- ○vin mfn. abounding in sap or milk Br. GṛS. Mn. MBh. &c
- (nī), f. a milch-cow MBh. Var. Ragh
- a she-goat L
- a river or N. of a river BhP. (cf. g. puṣkarâdi)
- the night L
- N. of sev. plants (Asteracantha Longifolia, Batatas Paniculata, = kākolī, kṣīra-kāk○, jīvantī, dugdhaphenī &c.) Bhpr. L
- payasá mfn. full of juice or sap AV. (corrupted fr. vāyasa?)
- n. water L
- payasiṣṭha or mfn. superl. of payas-vin Pat
- payiṣṭha mfn. superl. of payas-vin Pat
- payaska mfn. (ifc.) = payas L
- payasya mfn. made of milk (as butter, cheese &c.). Lāṭy
- m. a cat L
- N. of a son of Aṅgiráś MBh
- (ā), f. coagulated milk, curds (made by mixing sour with hot sweet milk) TS. Br. ŚrS
- N. of sev. plants (Gynandropsis Pentaphylla, = kākolī, kuṭumbinī, dugdhikā &c.) L
- payasya Nom. P. ○syati, to flow, become liquid, g. kaṇḍv-ādi)
- Ā. ○syate = next Pāṇ. 3-1, 11 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- payāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be fluid Pāṇ. ib
- payiṣṭha See payasiṣṭha above
- payo in comp. for ○yas
- ○gaḍa m. (wṛ. for guḍa?) 'water-drop', hail L
- m. n. an island L
- ○grahá m. an oblation of milk ŚBr
- -samarthana-prakāra m. N. of wk
- ○ghana m. water-lump, hail L
- ○janman m. 'water-birthplace', a cloud L
- ○da mf(ā)n. milk-giving (as a cow) Hariv
- yielding water (as a cloud) Subh
- m. a cloud Kālid. Var. &c. (-suhṛd m. 'friend of clouds', a peacock Sāh.)
- N. of a son of Yadu Hariv
- (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- ○duh mfn. yielding milk or semen SV
- ○dhara m. 'containing water or milk', a cloud Kāv. Rājat
- (ifc. f. ā) a woman's breast or an udder MBh. Kāv. &c
- the √of Scirpus Kysoor L
- a species of sugar-cane L
- the cocoa-nut L
- a species of Cyperus L
- an amphibrach Col
- ○rī-√bhū, to become an udder Ragh
- ○rônnati f. a high breast (and 'rising clouds') Kāv
- ○dhas m. (√1. dhā) a rainy cloud
- the ocean Uṇ. iv, 229 Sch
- ○dhā́ mfn. (√dhe) sucking milk RV
- ○dhārā f. a stream of water (○gṛha n. a bath-room with flowing water) Mṛicch
- N. of a river Hariv
- ○dhi m. 'water-receptacle', the ocean Kāv
- -ja n. 'sea-born', Os Sepiae L
- ○dhika n. 'sea-foam', cuttle-fish bone L
- ○dhra m. a woman's breast or an udder Gal. (cf. -dhara)
- ○nidhana n. N. of a Sāman Lāṭy
- ○nidhi m. = -dhi Kāv
- ○bhakṣa m. drinking (eating) only milk SaṃhUp
- ○bhṛt m. 'water-holder' a cloud Śiś. xvi, 61
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of wṭwater Kathās
- ○mānuṣī f. a water-nymph Subh
- ○mukha mfn. having milk on the surface, milk-faced Hit
- ○muc mfn. discharging or yielding wṭwater or milk MBh. Hcat
- m. a cloud MBh. Var. Kāv
- ○'mṛta-tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place Cat
- ○raya m. the current of a river ŚārṅgP
- ○rāśi m. a piece of water, the ocean ib
- N. of the number 4 L
- ○ruha n. 'water-growing', a lotus L
- ○latā f. Batatas Paniculata L
- ○vāha m. 'water-bearer', a cloud Ragh. Var. Rājat
- ○vidārikā f. Batatas Paniculata L
- ○vṛ́dh mfn. full of sap, overflowing, exuberant, vigorous RV
- ○vrata n. a vow to subsist on nothing but milk BhP
- offering milk to Vishṇu and subsisting upon it for 12 days (also for 1 or 3 days as a religious act) W
- (pá○), mf(ā)n. subsisting on nothing but milk ŚBr
- ○tá-tā f. ib
- payora m. Acacia Catechu L
- pára mf(ā)n. (√1. pṛ
- abl. sg. m. n. párasmāt, ○rāt
- loc. párasmin, ○re
- nom. pl. m. páre, ○rās, ○rāsas
- Pāṇ. 1-1, 34 ; vii, 1, 16 ; 50) far, distant, remote (in space), opposite, ulterior, farther than, beyond, on the other or farther side of, extreme
- previous (in time), former
- ancient, past
- later, future, next
- following, succeeding, subsequent
- final, last
- exceeding (in number or degree), more than
- better or worse than, superior or inferior to, best or worst, highest, supreme, chief (in the compar. meanings [where also -tara], with abl., rarely gen. or ifc
- exceptionally paraṃ śatam, more than a hundred, lit. 'an excessive hundred, a hundred with a surplus' R. [Page 586, Column]
- parāḥ koṭayaḥ Prab. Hcat.) RV. &c. &c
- strange, foreign, alien, adverse, hostile ib
- other than, different from (abl.) Prab
- left, remaining Kathās
- concerned or anxious for (loc.) R
- m. another (different from one's self), a foreigner, enemy, foe, adversary RV. &c. &c
- a following letter or sound (only ifc. mfn. e.g. ta-para, having t as the following letter, followed by t) RPrāt. Pāṇ
- (scil. graha) a subsidiary Soma-graha TS
- N. of a king of Kosala with the patr. Āṭṇāra Br
- of another king MBh
- of a son of Samara Hariv
- (sc. prāsāda) of the palace of Mitravindā ib
- m. or n. the Supreme or Absolute Being, the Universal Soul Up. R. Pur
- (ā), f. a foreign country, abroad (?) Kathās
- a species of plant L
- N. of a sound in the first of its 4 stages L
- a partic. measure of time Sāy
- N. of a river MBh. VP. (vḷ. pārā, veṇā, veṇṇā)
- of a goddess (cf. s.v.), n. remotest distance MBh
- highest point or degree ib
- final beatitude L. (also -taram and parāt para-taram)
- the number 10, 000, 000, 000 (as the full age of Brahmā) VP
- N. of partic. Sāmans Kāṭh
- any chief matter or paramount object (ifc. [f. ā] having as the chief object, given up to, occupied with, engrossed in, intent upon, resting on, consisting of, serving for, synonymous with &c. MBh. Kāv. &c.)
- the wider or mare extended or remoter meaning of a word Jaim. Kull
- (in logic) genus
- existence (regarded as the common property of all things) W
- (am), ind. afterwards, later
- (with abl.) beyond, after (e.g. paraṃ vijñānāt, beyond human knowledge
- astam-ayāt p○, after sunset
- mattaḥ p○, after me
- ataḥ p○ or param ataḥ, after this, farther on, hereafter, next
- itaḥ p○, henceforward, from now
- tataḥ p○ or tataś ca p○, after that, thereupon
- nâsmāt p○ [for mâsm"ṣp○], no more of this, enough) MBh. Kāv. &c
- in a high degree, excessively, greatly, completely ib
- rather, most willingly, by all means ib
- I will, so be it Divyâv
- at the most, at the utmost, merely, no more than, nothing but ib
- but, however, otherwise (paraṃ tu or paraṃ kiṃ tu id
- yadi p○, if at all, perhaps, at any rate
- na-p○, not-but
- na paraṃ-api, not only-but also
- pṭparaṃ na-api na, not only not-but not even
- na paraṃ-yāvat, not only-but even) ib
- (páreṇa), ind. farther, beyond, past (with acc.) RV. &c. &c
- thereupon, afterwards, later than, after (with abl.or gen.). Mn. MBh. &c
- (paré), ind. later, farther, in future, afterwards RV. MBh. Kāv. [Cf. Zd. para
- Gk. ? ; Lat. peren-die ; Goth. [586,] faírra ; Germ. fern ; Eng. far and fore.]
- ○kathā f. pl. talk about another Bhartṛ
- ○kara-gata mfn. being in anṭanother's hands Pañc
- ○karman n. service for another Kām
- ○nirata m. 'engaged in service for another a servant Var
- ○kalatra n. another's wife
- ○râbhigamana n. approaching another's wife, adultery W
- ○kāya-praveśana n. entering anṭanother's body (a supernatural art) Cat
- ○kārya n. another's business or affair Pañc
- ○kāla mfn. relating to a later time, mentioned later (opp. to pūrva-) VPrāt
- ○kṛti f. the action or history of another, an example or precedent Nyāyam. Sch. Kull
- ○kṛtya n. another's business or affair Kāv
- mfn. busy for another, hostile Mudr
- -pakṣa m. the hostile party ib
- ○krama m. doubling the other (i.e. second) letter of a conjunction of consonants RPrāt
- ○krāthin m. N. of a Kuru warrior MBh
- ○krānti f. the greatest declination, inclination of the ecliptic Sūryas
- ○kṣudrā f. pl. the very short verses (of Veda) VāyuP. (cf. kṣudrasū7kta)
- ○kṣetra n. another's field or wife (cf. kṣetra) Mn
- the body in another life Pāṇ. 5-2, 92 (cf. kṣetriya)
- ○khātaka mfn. dug by another AV.Pariś
- ○gata mfn. being with or relating to anṭanother MBh
- ○gāmin mfn. id. Pāṇ. 1-3, 72
- ○guṇa (ibc.) the virtues of anṭanother (-grâhin mfn. assuming them) Kāv
- mfn. beneficial to another or to a foe R
- ○gṛha-vāsa or m. dwelling in anṭanother's house Kāv
- ○geha-v○ m. dwelling in anṭanother's house Kāv
- ○granthi m. 'extreme point of a limb', an articulation, joint L
- ○glāni f. the subjugation of a foe W
- ○cakra n. the army of a foe MBh. Var. (Sch. 'a hostile prince')
- -sūdana m. destroyer of it BhP
- ○citta-jñāna n. knowing the thoughts of another L
- ○cintā f. thinking of or caring for anṭanother Kāv
- ○cchanda m. another's will BhP. (○dânuvartana n. following it L.)
- mfn. depending on another's will, subservient (also -vat) L
- ○cchidra n. another's fault or defect Kāv
- ○ja mfn. being behind another, inferior Kāṭh
- coming from a foe MBh. [Page 586, Column]
- ○jana m. another person, a stranger
- (coll.) strangers (opp. to sva-j○) Mn. xi, 9
- ○janman n. a future birth
- ○mika mfn. relating to it MW
- ○jāta m. 'born of another', a stranger or servant L. (vḷ. -jita, 'conquered by another')
- ○jñāna-maya mf(ī)n. consisting in knowledge of the Supreme Being VP
- ○taṅgaṇa (?), m. pl. N. of a people MBh
- ○tattva in -nirṇaya m. -prakāśikā f. -vāda m. N. of wks
- ○tantra n. a rule or formula for another rite KātyŚr
- mf(ā)n. dependent on or subject to another, obedient (opp. to sva-t○) MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c
- n. (ibc.) and -tā f. (Sāh.) dependence on another's will Sāh
- -dṛṣṭi mfn. one who asserts the dependence of the will Jātakam
- -haṃsôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up
- ○trī-kṛta mfn. made dependent, brought into another's power Kull
- ceded, sold Kathās
- ○tama and mfn. superl. and compar. of para
- ○tara mfn. superl. and compar. of para
- ○tarkaka or m. a beggar Var
- ○tarkuka m. a beggar Var
- ○talpa m. pl. another's wife Āpast
- -gāmin m. one who approaches another's wife ib
- ○tas ind. = abl. of para Kāv. Pur
- farther, far off, afterwards, behind (itas-paratas, here-there
- sapta puruṣān itaś ca paraś ca, seven ancestors and seven descendants Gaut
- sani parataḥ, sc. sati, when san follows Pāṇ. 2-4, 48 Sch.) RPrāt. Hariv. R. &c
- high above (in rank) Rājat
- (with prec. abl.) after (in time) MBh. Yājñ. &c
- beyond, above (in rank) Bhag. Kām
- otherwise, differently W
- ○taḥ-poṣa mfn. receiving food from another BhP
- -"ṣtas-tva n. (the state of) being from elsewhere or without Sarvad
- ○tā f. highest degree, absoluteness, (ifc.) the being quite devoted to or intent upon Bhāshāp. Rājat
- ○tāpana m. 'paining-foes', N. of a Marut Hariv
- ○tīrthika m. the adherent of another sect L
- ○toṣayitṛ mfn. gratifying others Śiś
- ○tra ind. elsewhere, in another place, in a future state or world, hereafter Mn. MBh. &c
- below i.e. in the sequel (of a book) Vop. Sch
- -bhīru m. 'one who stands in awe of futurity', a pious or religious man W
- ○tvá n. distance, remoteness, consequence, posteriority, difference, strangeness, superiority to (gen.) Āpast. MBh. Pur. &c
- = -tā Kap
- -ratnâkara m. N. of wk
- ○dāra m. sg. or pl. another's wife or wives Mn. MBh. &c
- adultery Gaut. xxii, 29
- -gamana n. ○râbhigamana n. ○râbhimarśa m. ○rôpasevana n. (○vā f.) approaching or touching or courting anṭanother's wife or wives, adultery W
- -parigraha (R.), -bhuj (MārkP.), -"ṣdārin: (R.), m. one who takes or approaches or enjoys another's wife or wives, an adulterer R
- ○duḥkha n. another's pain or sorrow W
- ○dūṣaṇa m. (sc. saṃdhi) peace purchased by the entire produce of a country Kām. Hit. (vḷ. para-bhūṣaṇa and pari-bh○)
- ○devatā f. the highest deity ĀpŚr. Sch
- -stuti f. N. of a hymn
- ○deśa m. another or a foreign or a hostile country (opp. to sva-d○) Var. Kaṭh. Pañc
- -sevin mfn. living abroad, a traveller W
- ○śin mfn. foreign, exotic
- m. a foreigner or a traveller ib
- ○doṣa in -kīrtana n. the proclaiming of another's faults, censoriousness W
- -jña mfn. knowing another's faults Subh
- ○dravya n. pl. another's property Hit
- ○vyâpahāraka mfn. robbing another's property Mn
- ○droha m. injuring another ŚārṅgP
- -karma-dhī mfn. injṭinjuring another in deed or thought Mn
- ○hin mfn. tyrannizing over another W
- ○dveṣin mfn. hating another, inimical to another W
- ○dhana n. another's wealth VP
- ○nâsvādana-sukha n. feeding luxuriously at anṭanother's expense Hit
- ○dharma m. another's duty or business, the duties of another caste Mn. BhP
- another's peculiarity (-tva n.) Kap
- ○dhyāna n. intent meditation W
- ○nindā f. reviling others MW
- ○nipāta m. the irregular posteriority of a word in a compound (opp. to pūrva-n○) Pāṇ. Sch
- ○nirmita-vaśa-vartin m. 'constantly enjoying pleasures provided by others', N. of a class of Buddh. deities Lalit. (cf. MWB. 208)
- ○nirvāṇa n. the highest Nirvāṇa (with Buddhists) Sarvad
- ○ṃ-tapa mfn. destroying foes (said of heroes) MBh. R. &c
- m. N. of a son of Manu Tāmasa Hariv
- of a prince of Magadha Ragh
- ○pakṣa m. the other side, hostile party, enemy Hit
- N. of a son of Anu VP. (vḷ. paramêkṣu)
- ○patnī f. the wife of another or of a stranger Mn. Kathās
- ○pada n. the highest position, final emancipation Mahān
- ○parigraha m. another's property Āpast
- another's wife Mn. ix, 42, 43
- ○paribhava m. humiliation or injury suffered from others Mṛicch
- ○parivāda m. = -nirvā Pañc
- ○pāka m. another's food or meal Mn. &c
- -nirvṛtta m. one who cooks his own food without observing a partic. ceremony W. [Page 587, Column]
- -rata m. one who lives upon others but observes the due ceremonies ib
- -ruci m. a constant guest at others' tables ib
- ○kôpabhojin mfn. eating another's or a stranger's food Suśr
- ○pāra-bhūta m. N. of Vishṇu VP
- ○piṇḍa in -puṣṭaka m. 'nourished by another's food', a servant Mṛicch. viii, 25/26
- ○ḍâda m. 'eating another's food', id. L
- ○puraṃjaya mfn. conquering an enemy's city (said of heroes) MBh. R. &c
- m. N. of a king VP
- ○pura-praveśa m. entering an enemy's city (as a supernatural art), Sāṃkhyas. Sch
- ○puruṣa m. the husband of another woman Kālid
- 'the Supreme Spirit', N. of Vishṇu L
- ○puṣṭa mfn. nourished by anṭanother or a stranger L
- m. the Kokila or Indian cuckoo (cf. -bhṛt below and anya-p○) MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ā), f. a female cuckoo Var
- a harlot L
- a parasitical plant L
- N. of a daughter of a king of Kauśāmbi Kathās
- -maya mf(ī)n. being a cuckoo Hcar
- -mahôtsava m. 'the cuckoo's great feast', a mango tree L
- ○pūruṣa m. the husband of another woman Kathās
- ○pūrva-tva n. the state of preceding that which ought to follow Sāy. on RV. i, 53, 9
- ○pūrvā f. a woman who has had a former husband Mn. v, 163
- -pati m. her husband ib. iii, 166
- ○pauravatantava m. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh
- ○prakāśaka and m. N. of 2 poets Cat
- ○praṇava m. N. of 2 poets Cat
- ○prayojana mf(ā)n. useful or beneficial to others Ragh
- ○pravādin m. a false teacher Divyâv
- ○prêṣya-tva n. the service of another, slavery Mn. xii, 78
- ○bala n. the foe's army Mn.vii, 174
- ○balīyas mfn. each more important than the preceding Gaut
- ○brahman n. the Supreme Spirit or Brahman Bhartṛ
- N. of anUp
- ○ma-prakāśikā f. ○ma-stotra n. ○mânanda-bodha m. ○mâṣṭôttara-śata-nāman n. ○môpaniṣad f. N. of wks
- ○bhāga m. superior power or merit, excellence, supremacy Kālid. (-tā f.) Pañc. Kathās
- good fortune, prosperity L
- the last part, remainder W
- ○bhāgya n. another's wealth or prosperity W
- ○gyôpajīvin mfn. living upon another's fortune MW. -1
- ○bhāva mf(ā)n. loving another MBh. -2
- ○bhāva m. the being subsequent or second member in a compound Pat. (cf. -bhūta)
- ○bhāṣā f. a foreign language L
- ○bhū in -jāti-nirṇaya m. -prakaraṇa n. N. of wks
- ○bhūta mfn. following or subsequent (said of words) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-1, 36
- ○bhūmi f. a foreign or hostile country
- -ṣṭha mfn. being in it Hit
- ○bhūṣaṇa n. another's ornament W. (wṛ. for pari-bh○ and para-dūṣaṇa)
- ○bhṛt mfn. nourishing another BhP
- m. a crow L. (cf. next)
- ○bhṛta m. 'nourished by another', the Kokila or Indian cuckoo (supposed to leave its eggs to be hatched by the crow) Kāv
- (ā), f. the female Kokila ib
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting entirely of cuckoos Kād
- ○bhṛtikā f. a female cuckoo Mālav
- N. of a woman ib
- ○bhṛtya mfn. to be nourished or supported by another (-tva, n.) Hariv. R
- ○bhedaka (W.),
- ○bhedana (Śiś.), mfn. destroying enemies
- ○maṇi m. 'excellent jewel', N. of a prince Kathârṇ
- ○mata n. a different opinion or doctrine, heterodoxy W
- -kālânala m. N. of a pupil of Śaṃkara Cat
- -khaṇḍana-saṃgraha m. -bhaṅga m. -bhañjana n. N. of wks
- ○mada m. highest degree of intoxication, ŚārṅgS
- ○mantra vḷ. for mātra
- ○manthu or m. N. of a son of Kaksheyu Hariv. (vḷ. ○markṣa)
- ○manyu m. N. of a son of Kaksheyu Hariv. (vḷ. ○markṣa)
- ○marma (for -marman), in -jña mfn. knowing the secret plans or intentions of another Mn. vii, 154 Kull
- -bhāṣaṇa n. telling another's secrets Siṃhâs
- ○mātra m. or n. (with Buddhists) a partic. high number (vḷ. -mantra)
- ○māra m. N. of a son of the Ṛishi Śaunaka and ancestor of Bhoja-deva Inscr. Cat. (cf. -mṛtyu)
- ○mukhacapeṭikā f. 'slap in the face of another', N. of a controversial wk
- ○mṛtyu m. a crow L. (cf. -māra)
- ○mokṣa-nirāsa-kārikā f. pl. 'memorial rules for preventing another's final beatitude', N. of wk
- ○m-para mfn. one following the other, proceeding from one to another (as from father to son), successive, repeated MBh. Suśr
- (am), ind. successively. uninterruptedly VPrāt
- m. a great great-grandson or great-grandson with his descendants L
- a species of deer L
- -tas ind. successively continually, mutually W
- -bhojana n. eating continually L
- ○m-parā f. an uninterrupted row or series, order, succession, continuation, mediation, tradition (○rayā ind. by tradition, indirectly) MBh. Kāv. &c
- lineage, progeny L
- hurting, killing L
- -prâpta (Bhag.), -"ṣyāta (○rây○ Var.), mfn. received by tradition [Page 587, Column]
- -vāhana n. an indirect means of conveyance (e.g. the horse which draws a carriage) L
- -sambandha m. an indirect conjunction Pāṇ. 8-1, 24 Sch
- ○parāka m. immolating an animal at a sacrifice L
- ○parita mfn. forming an uninterrupted series, continuous Kpr
- ○parī́ṇa mf(ā)n. hereditary, traditional Bhaṭṭ
- ○yuvati-ga m. = -dārin Var
- ○yoṣit f. another's wife Gaut
- ○ramaṇa m. 'a strange lover', a paramour Pañc
- ○rāṣṭra n. the country of an enemy Kull. on Mn. vii, 153
- ○rūpa n. the following or subsequent sound (-tva n.) Pāṇ. Sāy
- ○loka m. the other or future world ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- -ga, -gata mfn. going or gone to the future world, dying, dead MBh. Kāv
- -gama m. -gamana n. dying, death L
- -bādha, mḷoss of the future world MW
- -yāna n. = -gama ib
- -vaha mf(ā)n. (a river) flowing in or toward the other world MBh
- -vidhi m. rites for the other world, funeral rites Kum
- -sthāna n. the state of (being in) the other world ŚBr
- -hasta mfn. holding in hand (i.e. quite certain of) the oṭother world Mṛicch. viii, 46/0. -1
- ○vat ind. like a stranger Kathās. -2
- ○vat mfn. subject to or dependent on (instr., gen., loc. or comp.), subservient, obedient MBh. Kālid
- helpless, destitute Mālatīm. viii, 9/10
- -tā f. subjection, obedience to Vikr. Rājat
- ○varga m. the party or side of another Cāṇ
- ○vallabha m. pl. N. of a people VP
- ○vaśa mfn. subject to another's will, subdued or ruled by (comp.), subservient, obedient Mn. Pañc. Hit
- śâkṣepa m. an objection to anything under the pretext of being dependent on another Kāvyâd. ii, 150
- ○vaśya mfn. = -vaśa
- -tā f. R
- ○vastu m. N. of a poet Cat
- ○vācya mfn. blamable by others (-tā f.) MBh
- n. another's fault or defect Śiś. xvi, 30
- ○vāṇi m. (L.) a judge
- a year
- N. of Kārttikeya's peacock
- ○vāda m. the talk of others, popular rumour or report, slander Pañc. ŚārṅgP
- objection, controversy Sāṃkhyak
- ○din m. an opponent, controversialist Śatr
- ○vāraṇa m. one who averts or drives away enemies Vikr. iv, 19
- ○vitta n. another's wealth R. (wṛ. pari-)
- ○vīra-han m. killer of hostile heroes MBh
- ○veśman n. another's house Var
- the dwelling of the Supreme L
- ○vyākṣepin mfn. scattering foes Mcar
- ○vyūha-vināśana m. the destroyer of an enemy's ranks MBh
- ○vrata m. N. of Dhṛita-rāshṭra L
- ○śakti m. N. of an author of Mantras Cat
- ○śarīrâveśa m. = -kāya-praveśana ib
- ○śāsana n. the order of another MW
- ○śiva m. N. of an author of Mantras Cat
- -mahima-stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- ○vêndrasarasvatī m. N. of an author
- ○śuci m. N. of a son of Manu Auttama MārkP
- ○śrī f. another's good fortune Siṃhâs
- ○śvas ind. the day after to-morrow MBh. Hariv. &c. (cf. paraḥ-śvas under paras)
- ○saṃgata mfn. associated or engaged i.e. fighting with another MBh
- ○saṃcāraka m. pl. N. of a people VP
- ○saṃjñaka m. 'called Supreme', the soul L
- ○sambandha m. relation or connection with another
- ○dhin mfn. related or belonging to another W
- ○savarṇa mfn. homogeneous with a following letter Pāṇ
- ○ṇī-√bhu, to become homogeneous &c. Pat
- ○sasthāna mfn. = -savarṇa Prāt
- ○sāt-√kṛ to give (a woman) into the hands of another i.e. in marriage Pañc
- ○sevā f. service of another Kathās
- ○strī f. the wife of another or an unmarried woman depending on another Sāh
- ○sthāna n. another place, strange place Hit
- ○sva n. sg. or pl. another's property Mn. MBh. &c
- mfn. = sarvasva-bhūta MantraBr. Sch
- -graha m. seizing another's property Prab
- -tva n. another's right W. (-tvâpâdāna n. conferring a right upon another as by gift &c. ib.)
- -haraṇa n. = -graha L
- -hṛt (Var.), -"ṣsvâdāyin (Mn.), mfn. taking or seizing another's property
- -"ṣsvêhā f. desire of another's property
- -"ṣsvôpajīvika (W.), ○jīvin (R.), mfn. living upon anṭanother's property, dependent
- ○haṃsa m. = parama-h○ Cat
- ○han m. 'foe-killer', N. of a prince MBh
- ○hita mfn. friendly, benevolent W
- n. another's welfare Bhartṛ
- -grantha m. N. of wk
- -rakṣita m. N. of an author
- -saṃhitā f. N. of wk
- parâṅkuśa in -nātha m. N. of an author, -pañcaviṃśati f. -pādukā-pañcāśat f. ○kuśâṣṭaka n. N. of Stotras
- parâgama m. the arrival or attack of an enemy Var
- parâṅga n. the hinder part of the body Kāv
- a part of that which follows Pāṇ. 2-1, 2
- parâṅga-da m. 'giving form to another (sc. to Durgā with whom he forms one body, or to Kāma-deva whose body he restored after reducing it to ashes)', N. of Śiva L
- parâcita m. 'nourished by another', a servant L. [Page 587, Column]
- parâtman m. the Supreme Spirit BhP
- mfn. one who considers the body as the soul MBh. BhP
- parádhi m. or f. 'the paining of others (?)', hunting L
- parâdhīna mf(ā)n. = ○ra-vaśa Mn. MBh. &c
- (ifc.) entirely engaged in or intent upon or devoted to Kād. Rājat
- -tā f. (Kāv.), -tva n. (MW.) dependence upon another, subjection
- paránanda (or ○rân○? under. parā below), m. N. of an author
- -purāṇa n. N. of wk
- parânīka n. a hostile army Mālatīm
- parânta m. 'the last end', death (-kāla m. time of death) MuṇḍUp
- 'living at the remotest distance', N. of a people MBh
- parântaka m. a frontier Divyâv
- pl. N. of a people L
- parânna n. the food of another Kāv. KātyŚr. Sch
- -paripuṣṭatā f. the living on another's food Yājñ
- -bhojin mfn. eating another's food Hit
- m. a servant L
- parâpara mfn. remote and proximate, prior and posterior (as cause and effect), earlier and later, higher and lower, better and worse MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. = -guru below
- n. (in logic) a community of properties in a small class under the larger or generic, a species or class between the genus and individual W
- Grewia Asiatica Bhpr
- -guru m. a Guru of an intermediate class
- N. of the goddess Durgā W. (cf. parāt-parag○)
- -jña, knowing what is remote and proximate &c. MBh
- -tā f. -tva n. higher and lower degree, absolute and relative state, priority and posteriority
- the state of being both a genus and a species Bhāshāp
- -dṛṣṭârtha mfn. knowing the real nature of the remote and proximate &c. Hariv
- ○rêśa m. 'lord of the remote and property, &c.', N. of Vishṇu VP
- ○râitṛ (párâp○), mfn. going after another, going in a line (to the next world) AV. 1
- parâmṛta n. (for 2. See p. 590, col. 2) 'the best nectar', rain L. 1
- parấyaṇa n. (for 2. See p. 590, col. 3) final end or aim, last resort or refuge, principal object, chief matter, essence, summary (○ṇaṃ-√kṛ, to do one's utmost) ŚBr. Up. MBh. &c
- (in medic.) a universal medicine, panacea Car
- a religious order or division W
- (ifc
- f. ā) making anything one's chief object, wholly devoted or destined to, engaged in, intent upon, filled or occupied with, affected or possessed by (-tā f. Daś.) Mn. MBh. &c
- mf(ā)n. violent, strong (as pain) MBh. i, 8367 (Nīlak.)
- principal, being the chief object or final aim ib
- dependent on (gen.) R
- leading or conducive to (gen.) MBh
- m. N. of a pupil of Yājñavalkya VāyuP
- -vat mfn. occupying the principal point, most elevated MBh
- paráyatta mf(ā)n. dependent upon another R. Pañc
- (ifc.) wholly subdued or overwhelmed by Kād. Bālar
- parâyus m. 'one who has reached the highest age or 100 years, N. of Brahmā BhP
- parârtha m. the highest advantage or interest, an important object MBh
- sexual intercourse Pañc
- another's advṭadvantage or intṭinterest (ibc., ○rtham or ○rthe ind. for another or for others or for something else) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- mfn. (also -ka) having another object
- designed for another
- dependent on something else (-tā f. -tva n.) ŚrS. Sāṃkhyak. Tarkas
- -cara mfn. intent upon another's welfare Jātakam
- -caryā f. care for another welfare ib
- -niṣṭha mfn. fixed on the supreme good MW
- -vādin mfn. speaking for another, a mediator, a substitute Yājñ. Sch
- ○rthin mfn. striving after the supreme good (emancipation) Cāṇ
- parârdhá m. the more remote or opposite side or half. Br. KaṭhUp. MBh
- mn. the highest number (100, 000 billions) VS. TS. MBh. &c
- the number of mortal days corresponding to 50 years of Brahmā's life Pur
- (as mfn. wṛ. for ○dhya.)
- parârdhaka m. or n. one half of anything Kāv
- parârdhyá mf(ā)n. being on the more remote or opposite side or half. ŚBr
- most distant in number, of the highest possible number ib
- highest in rank or quality, most excellent, best Br. ChUp. MBh. &c
- more excellent than (abl.) Ragh. x, 65
- n. a maximum (only ifc. 'amounting at the most to') GṛŚrS
- parârbuda m. a species of fire-fly L
- parâvajñā f. insulting another MW
- parā-vat (for ○ra-vat), mfn. offering beatitude Āpast
- parâvara mf(ā)n. distant and near, earlier and later, prior and subsequent, highest and lowest, all-including (-tva n.) MBh. Pur. &c
- handed down from earlier to later times, traditional MuṇḍUp
- each successive BhP
- m. pl. ancestors and descendants Mn. i, 105 ; iii, 38
- n. the distant and near &c
- cause and effect, motive and consequence, the whole extent of an idea, totality, the universe MuṇḍUp. MBh. Vedântas
- -jña (MBh.), -dṛś (MW.), -vid (BhP.), mfn. knowing or seeing both distant and near or past and future &c. [Page 588, Column]
- -vibhāgavid mfn. knowing the difference between the dṭdistant and near &c. MBh
- ○rêśa m. N. of Vishṇu VP. (cf. parâparêśa)
- parâvasatha-śāyin mfn. sleeping in another's house Hit
- paráśraya m. dependence on others Hariv
- a refuge to enemies BhP
- mfn. clinging to others, dependent on others Śiksh
- (ā), f. a parasitical plant L
- parâśrita mfn. = (and vḷ. for) prec. mfn
- a dependent, servant slave Hit
- parásaṅga m. cleaving or adhering to (comp.) Suśr
- parâskandin m. 'assailing another', a thief, robber L
- parâha m. the next day L
- parâhata m. struck by another, assailed, attacked W
- parâhṇa m. the afternoon Var. Pañc. (wṛ. ○hna)
- parêtara mfn. other than hostile, faithful, friendly Kir. i, 14
- parêśa m. 'the highest lord', N. of Brahmā or Vishṇu Pur
- ○śêśa m. 'lord of the highest lord', N. of Vishnu MBh
- parêṣṭi m. 'having the highest worship', N. of Brahman W
- parêṣṭukā f. 'highest desire (?)', a cow which has often calved L
- parâidhita m. 'nourished by another', the Indian cuckoo (cf. para-bhṛta)
- a servant L
- parôkta-khaṇḍana n. 'refutation of another's words', N. of wk
- parôḍhā f. another's wife Sāh
- parôdvaha m. 'descendant of another i.e. of the crow', the Indian cuckoo Gal. (cf. para-bhṛta)
- parôpakaraṇa n. = -kāra Cāṇ
- ○ṇī-√kṛ, to make one's self an instrument of others Hit
- parôpakāra m. assisting others, benevolence, charity Kāv
- ○râikarasa mfn. wholly devoted to the service of others
- (ā), f. a wife wholly devoted to her husband MW
- -dharma-kṣānti f. Dharmas. 107
- parôpakārin mfn. assisting others, beneficent, charitable merciful Kathās. (○ri-tva n. Bhartṛ.)
- m. N. of a king Kathās
- parôpakṛta mfn. helped or befriended by another MW
- parôpakṛti f. = -kāra ib
- parôpaga mfn. relating to something else (as an adjective) L
- parôpajāpa m. the dissension (or causing dissension) of enemies Daś
- parôpadeśa m. giving advice or instruction to others Hit
- parôparuddha mfn. besieged by an enemy, blockaded, invested MW
- parôpavāsa m. dwelling together with another Āpast
- parôpasarpaṇa n. approaching another, begging Bhām
- para in comp. for ○ras
- ○uru (○rá-), mf(vii)n. broad on the outside or behind ŚBr. (cf. paro-varīyas)
- ○uṣṇih f. a kind of metre Chanda?s. (also parôṣṇih ib.)
- ○ṛk-śatagātha mfn. containing 100 verses of the Veda as well as Gāthās AitBr
- paraḥ in comp. for ○ras
- ○kṛṣṇa mfn. more than black, extremely dark ChUp
- ○puṃsā́ f. (a wife) dissatisfied with her husband ŚBr
- ○puruṣa mfn. higher than a man ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○śatá mf(ā́)n. pl. more than 100 ŚBr. Kāṭh. MBh
- containing more than 100 verses TBr
- -rg-gātha (r for ṛ), mfn. = para-ṛk-śata-gātha ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○śvas ind. = para-śv○ L
- ○ṣaṣṭá mfn. pl. more than 60 ŚBr
- ○sahasrá (AV
- páraḥ-sahasra ŚBr.), mf(ā)n. pl. more than 1000
- ○sāman (pá○), mfn. having superfluous or surplus Sāmans
- m. pl. N. of partic. sacrificial days TS. TBr. Kāṭh
- paraka ifc. = para, 'the following sound or word', e.g. iti-śabda-p○, followed by the word iti Pāṇ. Sch
- parakīya mf(ā)n. belonging to another or a stranger, strange, hostile (-tā f.) Mn. (nipāna n. a tank belonging to another, iv, 201) Śak. Kām
- (ā), f. another's wife or a woman dependent on others (-tva n.) Sāh
- paramá mf(ā)n. (superl. of pára) most distant, remotest, extreme, last RV. &c. &c
- chief, highest, primary, most prominent or conspicuous
- best, most excellent, worst (○meṇa cetasā, with all the heart
- ○ma-kaṇṭhena, 'with all the throat', roaring, speaking aloud) ib
- (with abl.) superior or inferior to, better or worse than MBh. R
- m. N. of 2 authors Cat
- n. highest point, extreme limit (catur-viṃśati-p○, at the utmost 24) MBh. &c
- chief part or matter or object (ifc., f. ā = consisting chiefly of, completely occupied with or devoted to or intent upon) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- (am), ind. yes, very well
- (also parama- in comp
- See below) very much, excessively, excellently, in the highest degree MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○kaṇṭha only in ○ṭhena-√kruś, to try with all one's throat i.e. might Lāṭy
- ○kāṇḍa m. or n. a very auspicious moment, Vāsav
- ○krānti f. = para-kr○
- -jyā f. the sine of the greatest declination Sūryas. Sch
- ○kruddha mfn. extremely angry R
- ○krodhin m. id., N. of one of the Viśve-devās MBh. [Page 588, Column]
- ○gati f. any chief resource or refuge (as a god or protector) W
- final beatitude ib
- ○gava m. an excellent bull L
- ○gahana mfn. very mysterious or profound W
- ○cetas n. all the heart MW
- ○jā́ f. = prakṛti TS. Sch. (prob. corrupted)
- ○jyā́ mfn. holding supreme power (as Indra) RV
- ○tattva n. the highest truth
- -prakāśikā f. -rahasyôpaniṣad f. N. of wks
- ○tas ind. in the highest degree, excessively
- worst of all MW
- ○tā (○má-), f. highest position or rank
- highest end or aim ŚBr
- ○dāruṇa mfn. very dreadful MBh
- ○duḥkhita mfn. deeply afflicted Nal
- ○durmedhas mfn. exceedingly stupid. MW
- ○dru m. Amyris Agallocha ib
- ○dharmâtman mfn. very dutiful or virtuous MBh
- ○nanda m. N. of a teacher Cat. (wṛ. for ○mân○?
- cf. parân○ under para)
- ○pada n. the highest state or position, eminence, final beatitude W
- -nirṇāyaka m. and -sopāna n. N. of wks
- ○dâtmavat mfn. whose essence is the highest of all states (i.e. Brahmā) VP
- ○parama mfn. highest or most excellent of all BhP
- ○puṃs m. the Supreme Spirit, N. of Vishṇu VP
- ○puruṣa m. id
- -prârthanā-mañjarī f. -mahôtsava-prâyaścitta n. -saṃhitā f. N. of wks
- ○pūruṣa m. = -pur○ RāmatUp
- ○prabha m. N. of a man L
- ○prīta mfn. exceedingly rejoiced MBh
- ○brahmacāriṇī f. N. of Durgā L
- ○brahman n. the Supreme Spirit W
- ○bhāsvara mfn. excessively radiant MW
- ○manyumat mfn. deeply distressed Nal
- ○mahat mfn. infinitely great Yogas
- ○mokṣa m. final emancipation Sāṃkhyapr
- ○rasa m. 'most excellent beverage', buttermilk mixed with water L
- ○rahasya n. the deepest mystery
- -japa-saṃgraha m. -vāda m. -saṃhitā f. ○syôpadeśa-saṃgraha m. ○syôpaniṣad f. N. of wks
- ○raja m. a supreme monarch Laghuk
- ○rkṣa (= ma-ṛkṣa), m. N. of a king Hariv. (vḷ. para-manthu and -manyu)
- ○rddhika m. (○ma-ṛddhika) excessively fortunate HPariś
- ○rṣi m. (○ma-ṛṣi) a great or divine sage MBh. Pur. &c
- ○laghumañjūṣā f. N. of wk
- ○vismita mfn. greatly surprised or amazed MW
- ○vyomnika mfn. dwelling in the highest heaven L
- ○śiva (with ācārya and ○vêndra-sarasvatī), m. N. of authors
- ○śobhana mfn. exceedingly brilliant or beautiful MBh
- ○saṃhitā f. N. of wk
- ○saṃhṛṣṭa mfn. = -prīta Nal
- ○saṃtuṣṭa mfn. highly pleased or satisfied R
- ○samudaya mfn. very auspicious or successful Mṛicch. i, 4
- ○sammata mfn. highly esteemed, much revered MBh. R
- ○sarvatra ind. everywhere, throughout L
- ○svadharman mfn. most exact in the observance of the duties of one's own (caste or tribe) W
- ○haṃsa m. an ascetic of the highest order, a religious man who has subdued all his senses by abstract meditation MBh. Pur. &c. (cf. RTL. 87)
- -kavaca m. or n. -dharma-nirūpaṇa n. -nirṇaya m. -pañcâṅga n. -paṭala m. or n. -paddhati f. -parivrājaka-dharma-saṃgraha m. N. of wks
- -parivrājakâcārya m. N. of Śāṃkarâcārya
- -parivrājakôpaniṣad f. -priyā f. -saṃhitā f. -sahasra-nāman n. -stava-rāja m. -stotra n. ○sôpaniṣad f. (○ṣad-hṛdaya n.), ○sôpâsana-prakāra m. N. of wks
- paramâkṣara n. the sacred syllable 'Om' or Brahmā VP. Sch
- paramâkhya mfn. called supreme, considered as the highest R
- paramâgama in -cūḍāmaṇi-saṃhitā f. and -sāra m. N. of wks
- paramâṅganā f. an excellent or beautiful woman MBh. R
- paramâṭika m. N. of a school of the Yajus AV.Pariś. (cf. ○mâvaṭ○)
- paramâṇu m. an infinitesimal particle or atom (30 are said to form a mote in a sun-beam) Yājñ. Yogas. MBh. &c. (cf. bhṛtya-p○)
- the passing of a sun-beam past an atom of matter Pur
- n. 1/8 of a Mātrā VPrāt
- -kāraṇa-vāda m. the atomistic system of the Vaiśeshikas, Saṃk
- -tā f. infinite minuteness, the state of an atom Ragh. BhP
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting merely of atoms BhP
- ○ṇv-aṅgaka m. 'subtle-bodied', N. of Vishṇu L. 1
- paramâtmá m. a partic. personification MaitrS. 2
- paramátma in comp. = ○tman
- -gati-prakāśa m. -prakāśa m. -vinoda m. -saṃdarbha, m. -stava m. N. of wks
- -maya mf(ī)n. being entirely the soul of the universe Hcar
- paramâtmaka mf(ikā)n. the highest, greatest MBh
- paramâtman m. all the heart (only instr. = parameṇa cetasā, col. 1) MBh
- the Supreme Spirit Up. Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. RTL. 37). [Page 588, Column]
- paramâdī7śvara (l), m. N. of Sch. on Āryabh
- paramâdvaita m. 'the highest being without a second', N. of Vishṇu GāruḍaP
- n. pure, non-duality W
- paramânanda m. supreme felicity
- the Supreme Spirit, soul of the universe MBh. Bhartṛ. &c
- N. of sev. authors (also -cakravartin, -dāsa, -deva, -nātha, -pāṭhaka, -bhaṭṭâcārya, -yogī7ndra, -sarasvatī, ○dâśrama) Cat
- -tantra n. -mādhava-stava m. -laharī-stotra n. N. of wks
- paramânna n. 'best food', rice boiled in milk with sugar (offered to gods or deceased ancestors) Hariv. Var. &c
- paramâpakrama m. = para-krānti Sūryas
- paramâpad f. the greatest misfortune MW
- paramâpama m. 'greatest declination', the inclination of a planet's orbit to the ecliptic W
- paramâpsaras f. an excellent APsaras R
- paramâmṛta n. N. of wk
- paramâyuṣa m. Terminalia Tomentosa L
- paramáyus mfn. reaching to a very advanced age Var
- paramârādhya m. N. of a man Cat
- paramârta mfn. much pained or depressed
- -vat ind. very piteously R
- paramârtha m. the highest or whole truth, spiritual knowledge MBh. Kāv. Vedântas. &c. (ibc
- ○ena, āt, in reality)
- any excellent or important object W
- the best sense ib
- the best kind of wealth ib
- -tas ind. in reality, really, in the true sense of the word R. Kālid. &c
- -tā f. the highest truth, reality Kap. Sch
- -daridra mfn. really poor Mṛicch
- -darśana m. N. of a Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- -nirṇaya m. -prakāśa m. -pradīpikā f. -prapā f. -bodha m. N. of wks
- -bhāj mfn. partaking of the highest truth Mcar
- -matsya m. a real fish Ragh
- -vid m. one who knows the highest truth, a philosopher W
- -vinda mfn. acquiring knowledge of truth, obtaining the best kind of wealth &c. ib
- -viveka m. -saṃvṛti-satya-nirdeśa m. -saṃgraha m. N. of wks
- -satya n. the real or entire truth L
- -saṃdarbha m. N. of wk
- -sarit f. really a river Vikr
- -sāra m. (○ra-saṃkṣepa-vivṛti f. ○ra-saṃgraha, m.) N. of wks
- -supta mfn. really asleep Mṛicch
- -stuti f. N. of wk
- paramárya m. a Bodhi-sattva (q.v.) L
- paramârhata m. 'most excellent Arhat', N. of Kumāra-pāla L
- paramâvaṭika m. pl. N. of a school of the white Yajus, Āryav. (cf. ○mâṭika)
- paramâvadhi m. utmost term or limit W
- paramâsana m. (with Śāktas) N. of an author of Mantras Cat
- paramâha m. an excellent day L
- paramêkṣu m. N. of a son of Anu VP. (vḷ. ○mêṣu)
- paramêśa m. the supreme lord, Supreme Being, N. of Vishṇu MBh
- -stotrâvali
- f. N. of wk
- paramêśvara m. the supreme lord, Supreme Being, God
- N. of Śiva
- of Vishṇu
- of Indra
- of any eminent prince or illustrious man MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. RTL. 35 &c.)
- a Jaina L
- N. of sev. authors (○rīya n. a work of Paramêśa) Cat
- (ī), f. N. of Durgā Hariv
- of Sītā RāmatUp. (○rī-dāsâbdhi m. N. of wk.)
- n. (sc. liṅga) N. of a Liṅga sacred to Śiva Cat
- -tantra n. N. of wk
- -tā f. -tva n. supremacy Sarvad
- -datta m. N. of an author
- -pañca-mukha-dhyāna n. -pañca-ratna n. N. of wks
- -praṇi-dhāna n. meditation on God Sarvad
- -rakṣita m. N. of an author
- -varman m. N. of a man L
- -saṃhitā f. N. of wk
- -sâkṣāt-kāra m. intuitive perception of God Sarvad
- -stuti f. -stotra n. N. of wks
- ○râstitva-vādin m. one who asserts the existence of God Sarvad
- paramêṣvāsa m. an excellent aecher, (-ta f.) MBh
- paramâiśvarya n. supremacy Sāy
- paramôpâsaka m. an excellent 'server' or layman Buddh. Hcar
- paramaka mf(ikā)n. the most excellent, highest, best, greatest, extreme MBh. R. &c. (wṛ. pār○ and paramika)
- parame loc. of ○ma in comp
- ○ṣṭha mfn. standing at the top, supreme, superior Pāṇ. 8-3, 97
- m. N. of Brahma or any supreme deity W
- (ā), f. a kind of metre L
- ○ṣṭhi m. a superior or a chief god of the Jainas Śatr
- -tā f. supremacy, superiority TāṇḍBr
- ○ṣṭhín mfn. standing at the head, highest, chief, principal AV. &c. &c
- m. N. of any supreme being, of Agni AV
- of Prajā-pati ib. &c
- a son of Prajā-pati Br
- of Brahmā MBh
- of Śiva ib
- of Vishṇu Ragh
- of Garuḍa MBh
- of Manu Cakshus MārkP
- (with Jainas) = -ṣṭhi L
- the teacher of the teacher of any one's teacher L
- a kind of Virāj RPrāt
- a kind of ammonite L
- N. of a son of Aja-mīḍha MBh
- of a son of Indradyumna (Devadyumna) Pur
- du. Vishṇu and Śrī BhP
- (nī), f. Ruta Graveolens L. [Page 589, Column]
- ○ṣṭhína = -ṣṭhín AV. xix, 9, 4
- paraś in comp. for ○ras
- ○catvāriṃśá mfn. pl. more than forty ŚBr
- parás ind. beyond, further, off, away
- in future, afterwards
- (as prep. with acc.) on the other side of, beyond, higher or more than
- (with instr.) id. (also pará enā́ or enā́ paráḥ)
- without
- (with abl.) beyond, on the other side of (also enā́ paráḥ)
- exclusive of, except, without
- (with loc.) over, more than (only triṃśáti tráyas paráḥ, three more than thirty, i.e. 33) RV. VS. AV. ŚBr
- (often in comp. with numerals to express a surplus or superiority
- prec. and under paraḥ)
- ○tarám (RV.),
- ○tarā́m (AV.), ind. further away, further
- parastarām par○, further and further away TāṇḍBr
- ○tāt (pár○), ind. further away, further on, towards (opp. to avastāt, arvāk
- with gen.) beyond, above RV. &c. &c
- from afar off, from before or behind Br
- aside, apart ib
- hereafter, afterwards, later (opp. to pūrvam) RV. &c. &c
- ○pa (○rás), mfn. protecting
- n. (VS.) = -tvá n. (ŚBr.) protection
- ○pā́ m. a protector, protecting RV. TBr. ŚrS
- paras-para (fr. nom. sg. m. of para + para
- cf. anyo'nya), mf(ā)n. mutual, each other's Bhaṭṭ
- pl. like one another MBh. xii, 2420
- (mostly in the oblique cases of m. sg. ○am, eṇa, āt, asya), ind. one another, each other, with or from one another, one another's, mutually, reciprocally Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- so also ibc. (cf. below)
- rarely ifc., e.g. avijñāta-parasparaiḥ, 'not knowing each other' Ragh. xvii, 51
- ○jña m. 'knowing one another', a friend, an intimate W
- ○prīti f. mutual delight or content Pañc
- ○viruddha mfn. opposed to one another Mn
- ○vivāda m. quarrelling with one another Vet
- ○vyāvṛtti f. mutual exclusion, Saṃk
- ○sakhya n. mutual friendship Hit
- ○samāgama m. the meeting one another R
- ○sukhâiṣin mfn. wishing one another's happiness Nal
- ○sthita mfn. standing opposite to one another Ragh
- ○hata mfn. killed by oṭone another Nal
- ○hita n. one anṭanother's happiness or welfare R
- parasparâkrandin mfn. calling to oṭone another Kum
- parasparâdin mfn. consuming one anṭanother or one's own kind Mn
- parasparânumati f. mutual concurrence or assent W
- parasparâmiṣatā f. the being oṭone another's prey Kām
- parasparâśraya mfn. mutual, reciprocal Ragh
- m. mutual dependence (esp. as a fault in argument) L
- parasparôtpīḍana n. mutual pressing or squeezing, Ṛit
- parasparôpakāra m. mutual assistance
- ○rin m. an ally or associate W
- parasmai dat, of para in comp. (cf. ātmane and Pāṇ. 6-3, 8)
- ○pada n. 'word for another', the transitive or active verb and its terminations Pāṇ. 1-4, 99, &c
- (pl.) iii, 4, 82
- ○padin mfn. taking those terminations Pāṇ. Sch
- ○bhāṣa mfn. id. Pat
- (ā), f. = -pada Pāṇ. Sch
- parā (for 2. See col. 2), f. of para in comp
- ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wk
- ○triṃśikā f. N. of wk
- ○devī f. a partic. form of Devii
- -rahasya-tantra n. N. of wk
- ○púr f. a great body (?) VS. Sch
- ○pūjā f
- ○praveśikā f. N. of wks
- ○prasāda-mantra m. N. of a partic. mystical prayer L
- ○rahasya n. N. of wk
- ○vedī f. = bṛhatī L
- ○śakti f. (with Śāktas) a partic. form of Śākti Cat
- ○stotra n. N. of wk
- parāt abl. of para in comp
- ○para mfn. superior to the best W
- senior to the senior (cf. next)
- -guru m. the teacher of the teacher of the teacher of a teacher Cat. (cf., parâpara-g○ under para)
- ○priya m. a species of gourd L
- parāri ind. (para +?) in the year before last Pāṇ. 5-3, 22
- parāri-tna mfn. belonging to the year before last, iv, 3, 23 Vārtt
- pare (for 2. See p. 606, col. 1), loc. of para in comp
- ○dyavi ind. to-morrow Naish. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 22)
- ○dyus ind. id. W
- ○'pa mfn. (fr. ap) any place whence the water has receded L
- ○prâṇa mfn. of higher value or more precious than life Kathās
- paro in comp. for ○ras
- ○'ṃhu (○ró-), mf(vii)n. narrow on the outside or at the top ŚBr
- ○'kṣa (○ró-), mf(ā)n. beyond the range of sight, invisible, absent, unknown, unintelligible AV. &c. &c
- past, completed (in a partic. sense, below. and Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 115)
- (ibc.) in an invisible or imperceptible manner (cf. below)
- (am), ind. out of sight, behind one's back, in the absence or without the knowledge of (instr
- later gen. or comp.) ŚBr. &c. &c
- (eṇa), ind. out of sight, secretly, mysteriously Br. Up
- (āt), ind. secretly, without the knowledge of (instr.) Br. [Page 589, Column]
- (e), ind. behind the back of (gen.) Mṛicch. Pañc. &c
- one's self not being present Pāṇ. 3-2, 115
- m. an ascetic L
- N. of a son of Anu BhP
- (ā), f. (sc. vṛtti) a past or completed action APrāt
- (sc. vibhakti) a termination of the perfect tense Kāt
- N. of a river VP
- -kāma (○kṣá-), mfn. liking what is secret or mysterious ŚBr
- -kṛta mfn. (a hymn) in which a deity is not addressed but only spoken of in the 3rd person Nir. vii, 1
- -jit mfn. victorious in an imperceptible manner BhP
- -tā f. (MBh.), -tva n. (Vedântas.) invisibility, imperceptibility
- -pṛṣṭha m. a partic. Pṛishṭhya ŚrS
- -priya mfn. = -kāma AitBr
- -bandhu (parôkṣa-), mfn. not clear in its relation MaitrS
- -buddhi mfn. regarding as something distant, indifferent to, Jātakam
- -bhoga m. enjoyment or possession of anything in the proprietor's absence W
- -manmatha mfn. inexperienced in love Śak
- -vṛtti mfn. living out of sight Kām
- formed in an obscure or indistinct manner Nir. Sch
- ○kṣârtha mfn. having a secret or recondite meaning
- n. an absent or invisible object Hit
- ○gavyūtí ind. beyond the area of pasture-land RV
- mfn. further than a Gavyūti (q.v.) Kāṭh
- ○goṣṭhâm ind. beyond the cowhouse MaitrS
- ○bāhú mfn. beyond the arm or reach ŚBr
- ○mātra (○ró-), mfn. immense, huge, vast RV
- ○rajas (○ró-), mfn. being beyond the dust or above the world ŚBr
- untouched by passion MW
- ○lakṣa mfn. (pl.) more than 100, 000 L
- ○'varám ind. from top to bottom, from hand to hand, in succession, one after another ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○rīṇa mfn. (fr. prec.) having both superior and inferior, prior and subsequent &c. Pāṇ. 5-2, 10 Sch
- ○varīyas (○ró-), mfn. broader on the outside or at the top TS. AitBr. Kāṭh
- better than good, most excellent of all ChUp. (-tva n. Bālar.)
- n. the highest happiness ib
- ○viṃśá mfn. pl. more than 20 ŚBr
- ○'śītá mfn. pl. more than 80 ib
- ○havis n. more than an oblation Āpast
- ○'hu wṛ. for 'ṃhu above
- paraṇa mfn. (√1. pṛ) crossing (cf. aritra-)
- n. wṛ. for pāraṇa, reading Hariv
- N. of a town Cat
- pararu m. a species of pot-herb L. (vḷ. pavaru)
- paraśa m. a species of gem BrahmaP
- paraśú m. a hatchet, axe, the axe of a woodcutter
- (Naigh. ii, 20) a thunderbolt RV. &c. &c
- N. of a king MBh
- wṛ. for parśu, q.v. [Cf. Gk. ?, [589,] &c.]
- ○dhara m. 'axe-bearer', N. of Gaṇêśa
- of Paraśu-rāma L
- ○palāśa m. the blade of an axe Kauś
- ○phāṇṭa m. or n. an infusion warmed by a heated axe ib
- ○mát mfn. having an axe RV
- ○rāma m. 'Rama with the axe', N. of one of the three Rāmas (son of Jamad-agni and sixth Avatāra of Vishṇu, he was a typical Brāhman and his history typifies the contests between the Brahmans and Kshatriyas) Kāv. Pur. MWB. xiii, 1 RTL. 110 ; 270 (also -ka)
- N. of a prince and of sev. authors (also with garjara, deva, miśra, muni) Cat
- -jayantī f. the third day in the light half of Vaisākha Cat
- -prakāśa m. -pratāpa m. -sūtra n. N. of wks
- ○mâvatāra m. (and ○tāra-kathana n.) N. of wks
- ○vana n. -pradur-bhāva m. -sahasra-nāman n. 'forest of axes', N. of a hell MBh
- ○hastā f. 'axe in hand', N. of a female attendant on Devii W
- paraśava (L.) and mfn. fr. paraśu (cf. pāraśavya)
- paraśaḍvya (Pāṇ. 4-1, 168), mfn. fr. paraśu (cf. pāraśavya)
- paraśvadha m. (ifc. f. ā) a hatchet, axe MBh. Var. Kāv. &c. (also written parasv○)
- paraśvadhâyudha mfn. armed with an axe L
- paraśvadhin mfn. furnished with an axe MBh
- paraśvat or ○śvan m. a kind of snake KaushUp. Sch. (cf. next)
- párasvat m. (prob.) the wild ass RV. AV. VS. Nyāyam. (cf. prec. and pārasvata)
- párā (for 1. See col. 1). ind. away, off, aside, along, on, (Lat. per
- it occurs only in -taram and -vat, and as a prefix to nouns and verbs
- it is prob. akin to para, paras, pra.)
- ○tarám ind. further away RV
- ○vát f. distance (opp. to arvā-vat) ib. AV. Br
- parāk parāka &c. See parāñc. [Page 589, Column]
- parā-kāśa m. (√kāś) distant view, remote expectation (only in āśā-parākāśan4) ŚBr
- parā-√kṛ P. -karoti (Pāṇ. 1-3, 79
- p. -kurvat Bhaṭṭ.), to set aside, reject, disregard
- parā-ḍkaraṇa n. setting aside, disdaining W
- parā-√kṛ--kṛta mfn. set aside, rejected, disdained ib
- parā-√kṛṣ (only ind. p. -kṛṣya), to draw away or down MBh
- ○kṛṣṭa mfn. disparaged, reviled ib
- parā-√kṝ (only ind. p. -kīrya), to throw away, lose, forfeit MBh
- parā-√kram P. Ā. -kramati, ○te (cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 39
- ind. p. -kramya AV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- aor. parâkraṃsta Bhaṭṭ.), to march forward, advance
- to show courage or zeal, excel, distinguish one's self AV. &c. &c
- to turn back MW
- ○krama m. (sg. and pl
- ifc. f. ā) bold advance, attack, heroism, courage, power, strength, energy, exertion, enterprise MBh. Kāv. &c
- going out or away L
- N. of Vishṇu L
- of a warrior on the side of the Kurus MBh
- of a chief of the Vidyā-dharas (associated with Ā-krama, Vi-krama and Saṃkrama) Kathās
- -kesarin m. N. of a prince (son of Vikrama-kesarin) Vet
- -jña mfn. knowing the strength (of an enemy) W
- -vat (MārkP.), ○min (MBh. Hariv.), mfn. showing courage or strength, exerting power
- ○krānta (párā-), mfn. advanced, valorous, strong, bold, active, energetic AV. &c. &c
- eagerly intent upon (with loc., e.g. palāyane, on fleeing) MBh
- n. displaying power or energy Jātakam
- ○krāntṛ mfn. showing courage, exerting power MBh
- parā-√kṣip P. Ā. -kṣipati, ○te, to throw over, upset, carry or tear away BhP
- ○kṣipta mfn. upset, wrested away
- -manas mfn. having the mind carried away or enraptured ib
- parā-√khyā (only pf. -cakhyau), to see afar off ŚBr
- parāga m. (prob. for apa-r○), the pollen of a flower Kāv. Pur. &c
- dust Ragh. iv, 30
- fragrant powder used after bathing L
- sandal L
- an eclipse of the sun or moon L
- fame, celebrity L
- independence L
- N. of a mountain L
- ○puṣpa m. a species of Kadamba L
- ○vat (W.),
- ○gin (Śiś.), mfn. laden or covered with pollen
- parā-√gam P. -gacchati, to go away, depart, die AV. ŚBr
- ○gata (párā-), mfn. gone, deceased ib
- come, arrived Kād
- covered with, full of (comp.) Śiś
- ○gantṛ = parā-yati Sāy. on RV. ix, 71, 7
- ○gama m. arrival Nalac
- approach or invasion (of an enemy) Var
- parā-gā √1. (only aor. -gās, -gāt), to go away, fly, escape RV. AV
- parāg-dṛś &c. See p. 590, col. 1
- parā-ghātana n. (√han, Caus.) place of execution, slaughter-house Car
- parāṅ-āvṛtta -manas &c. See p. 590, col. 1
- parāṅgava m. (fr. ?) the ocean L
- parā-√car P. -carati, to go away. depart RV
- parā-√ji Ā. -jayate (cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 19
- pf. -jigye RV
- p. -jigyāna TS
- aor. parâjaiṣṭa MBh
- fut. -jayiṣye ib
- but also P., e.g. Pot. -jayet, or -jayyāt MBh
- pf. -jigyathur RV
- aor. parâjaiṣīt MBh
- inf. -jetum R
- ind. p. -jitya ib.), to be deprived of, suffer the loss of (acc.), be conquered, succumb RV. &c. &c
- to submit to, be overcome by (abl.) Pāṇ. 1-4, 26
- to conquer, win, vanquish, overthrow MBh. Kāv. &c
- to defeat in a lawsuit Yājñ. ii, 75
- ○jaya m. the being deprived of or conquered, loss, defeat (also in a lawsuit) MBh. Kāv. Yājñ
- conquest, victory MBh. R. Ragh
- turning away from, desertion MW
- ○jit m. N. a son of Rukma-kavaca Hariv
- ○jita (párā-), mfn. conquered, defeated, overthrown, cast (in a lawsuit), condemned by law RV. &c. &c
- ○jiṣṇu mfn. conquered, succumbing ( á-parāj○)
- victorious, triumphant MBh
- parāñc mfn. (fr. 2. añc
- nom. āṅ, ācī, āk, or āṅ) directed or going away or towards some place beyond (opp. to arvāñc) [Page 590, Column]
- turned away, averted, distant, turning from, being beyond or outside of (abl.), not returning, done away with, gone, departed RV. AV. TS. Br. Up
- having any one behind
- standing or going behind one another, following (abl.) ib
- directed outwards or towards the outer world (as the senses) KaṭhUp. BhP
- n. the body BhP. iv, 11, 10
- (k), ind. away, off KātyŚr. AitUp
- (k or ṅ), outwards, towards the outer world KaṭhUp. BhP
- parāk in comp. for ○rāñc
- ○tva n. not turning back, non-recurrence ŚāṅkhBr. Lāṭy
- ○puṣpī f. Achyranthes Aspera L
- parāká distance (only e and āt, at or from a distance) RV. (cf. Naigh. iii, 26)
- m. N. of a Tri-rātra Br. ŚrS
- of a sort of religious penance (said to consist in fasting for 12 days and nights and keeping the mind attentive and organs subdued) Mn. Yājñ
- a sacrificial sword L
- a kind of disease L
- a species of animal L
- mfn. small L
- parākā́ttāt ind. from a distance RV. viii, 81, 27
- parāg in comp. for ○rāñc
- ○dṛś mfn. having the eye tumed towards the outer world BhP
- ○vasu mfn. keeping off wealth Kauś. (opp to arvāg-v○
- cf. parā-v○)
- parāṅ in comp. for, ○rāñc
- ○āvṛtta mfn. turned away, flying Āpast
- ○manas (pár○), mfn. having the mind or thoughts directed backwards AV
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. having the face turned away or averted, turning the back upon (also am ind.)
- flying from
- averse from, hostile to, regardless of, shunning, avoiding (loc
- gen
- acc. with prati, or comp.) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- unfavourable, unkind (as fate &c.) MBh. Kālid
- m. a spell or magical formula pronounced over weapons R
- n. (ch. cf MBh.), -tā f. (Amar.), -tva n. (Var.) turning away, aversion
- ○khaya Nom. P. ○yati, to turn back or away Bhaṭṭ. Sch
- ○khī-√kṛ, to cause any one to avert the face, put to flight MBh
- ○khī-√bhū, to become averted, turn away the face, take to flight, retreat Kāv. Vet
- -bhūta mfn. averse from, inauspicious, unfavourable (as fate) Pañc
- parācī f. of ○rāñc, in
- ○karman n. N. of wk. on funeral rites
- parācī́na mfn. turned away or downwards or opposite, averted VS. &c. &c
- being opposite or beyond or outside of BhP. averse from, indifferent to (abl.) MBh
- unfit, improper Hcar
- (am), ind. away from, beyond (abl.) ŚBr
- more than Kāṭh
- after TS
- before the time L
- ○rātra n. the second half of the night ĀpŚr
- parācaís ind. away, aside, off RV. AV
- parâñcana n. turning away from, bending aside Nir. xi, 25
- parâñḍcin mfn. not returning, non-recurring Br
- parāñja m. (only L.) an oil-mill
- froth or foam
- the blade of a sword or knife (cf. parañja)
- parâṇ (parā with √an), P. parâṇiti (Desid. parâṇiṇiṣati) Pāṇ. 8-4, 19 &c. 2
- parâṇ mfn. ib. 20
- parâṇa n. (with vāyoḥ) N. of a Sāman L
- parā-ṇī (√nī), P. Ā. -ṇayati, ○te, to lead away or back AV
- parā-ṇud (√nud), P. Ā. -ṇudáti, ○te (Ved. inf. -ṇúde), to push or drive away, banish, remove RV. &c. &c
- parā-ḍṇutti f. driving away, expulsion, removal TS
- parā-taṃsa m. (√taṃs) the being thrust or pushed aside Kāṭh
- parā-taram See parā, p. 589, col. 2
- parā-√tras only Caus. aor. parâtitrasat, to drive away AV
- parādana m. a horse of Persian breed L
- parā-dā √1. P. -dadāti, (pf. -dadātha aor. -dās, -dāt often as ṣubj., -dur
- Ved. inf. -daí), to give up or over, deliver, throw away RV. AV. ŚBr
- give in exchange for, barter against (dat.) RV. viii, 1, 5
- to exclude from BhP
- parā-tta mfn. given up &c. Pāṇ. 7-4, 47 Sch
- parā-dadí mfn. giving up, delivering over RV
- parā-dā́na n. the act of giving up &c. VS. [Page 590, Column]
- parā-√diś (only pf. -dideśa), to order off, remove AV
- parā-√dṛś (pf. -dadṛśur ind. p. -dṛ́śya), to perceive, behold AV. ŚBr
- parā-√dru P. -dravati, to run away, flee, escape BhP
- parā-dhāv √1. P. -dhāvati, to run away RV
- parā-√dhmā P. -dhamati, to blow away RV
- parānasā f. (fr. ?) administering remedies, medical treatment L
- parâpa n. (fr. parā + ap) Pāṇ. 6-3, 97 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- mfn. (a place &c.) whence water has retired W
- parā-√pat P. -patati, to fly awny or past, escape, depart RV. &c. &c
- to fall out, fail, be missing AV. Br. GṛS. Uttarar
- to fly or rush along Kād
- to fly towards, approach, arrive Hcar. Kād.: Caus. -pātayati, to drive away AV
- -pā́tam ind. p. flying away MaitrS
- parā-pātin mfn. flying off, getting loose ĀpŚr
- parā-pā́tuka mfn. miscarrying, abortive TS
- parā-√paś P. -paśyati, to look far off (or to a distance) AV. TS. ŚBr
- to see or perceive (at a distance) ŚBr. KātyŚr
- parā-√pū P. -punāti (ind. p. -pāvam), to purify, cleanse away VS. AV. ĀpŚr
- parā-pavana n. cleansing away, removing by purification ĀpŚr
- parā-pṛṣṭhī-bhūtvā ind. having the back turned (?) Divyâv
- parābaba n. N. of two Sāmans L. (vḷ. ○bava)
- parābhikṣa wṛ. for parṇa-bh○
- parā-√bhū P. -bhavati (fut. -bhaviṣyati
- Ved. inf. -bhúve), to perish, disappear, be lost, succumb, yield AV. Br. &c
- to overcome, conquer R. Kām
- (Pass. p. -bhūyamāna BhP.) to harm, hurt, injure MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -bhāvayati, to overthrow, destroy AV. Br. &c
- (Ā.) to vanish, perish, sustain a loss BhP
- parā-bhavá m. vanishing, disappearance, dissolution, separation R
- overthrow, defeat, humiliation, mortification, contempt, injury, destruction, ruin ŚBr. MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of the 40th (or 14th) year in Jupiter's cycle of 6o years Var. (cf. parāvasu)
- -pada n. an object of contempt MW
- parā-bhāva m. defeat, overthrow MBh
- humiliation, contempt L
- parā-bhāvana n. suppression ĀpŚr. Sch
- parā-bhāvuka mfn. about to decline, going to pass away Kāṭh
- parā-bhūta (párā-), mfn. vanished, perished, forlorn ŚBr. (cf. á-parābh○)
- defeated, overcome, harmed, injured, degraded, humbled MBh. Kāv. &c
- parā-bhūti (párā-), f. defeat, overthrow, humiliation, injury AV. Kāv. Pur
- párā-bhṛta mfn. (√bhṛ) borne or taken off, put aside, hidden, concealed RV. AV
- parā-√mi or mī (only fut. p. -meṣyat), to come back, return AitBr
- parā-mṛta mfn. (for 1. See p. 587, col. 3) one who is beyond (i.e. no longer subject to) death Up. Śaṃk
- parā-√mṛś P. -mṛśati (inf. -marṣṭum ind. p. -mṛśya), to seize or lay hold of, touch, feel, stroke, handle, clutch ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c
- to handle roughly, violate (as a woman or a temple) MBh. R
- to point or refer to (acc.) Śaṃk. Nīlak
- to consider, deliberate Bhām.: Pass. -mṛśyate, to be touched, be referred to or meant Kāś. Kull. (wṛ. -mṛṣ○)
- parā-marśa m. seizing, pulling (keśa-, by the hair) MBh
- bending or drawing (of a bow) R
- violation, injury, assault, attack MBh. R. Kād
- affection (by disease &c.) MārkP
- remembrance, recollection Vedântas
- referring or pointing touched Sāh
- reflection, consideration, judgment MBh. Bhāshāp
- (in logic) inference, conclusion, drawing conclusions from analogy or experience, knowledge of the minor premiss in its connection with the major
- N. of wk
- -kāraṇapakṣatā-vāda m. -karya-kāraṇa-bhāva-vicāra m. -grantha m. -grantha-rahasya n. -ṭippanī f. -pūrva-pakṣa-grantka-ṭīkā f. (○thakroḍa m. ○tha-dīdhiti-ṭīkā f. ○tha-prakāśa m. ○tha-vivecana n. ○thânugama m.), -pūrvapakṣa-rahasya n. -rahasya n. -vāda m. -vādârtha m. -vicāra m. -siddhânta-grantha-ṭīkā f. (○tha-kroḍa m. ○tha-prakāśa, m. ○tha-vivecana n. ○thâloka, m.), -siddhânta-rahasya n. -hetutā-vicāra m. N. of wks. [Page 590, Column]
- parā-marśana n. taking hold of, touching, seizing Kauś. Sch
- recollection, consideration L
- parā-marśin mfn. calling or bringing to mind, pointing or referring to (○śitva n.) Sāh
- parā-mṛṣṭa (párā-), mfn. seized or laid hold of, grasped, handled, touched, felt, roughly treated, violated, afflicted (by disease &c.) AV. MBh. &c
- recollected, considered, referred to RPrāt
- borne, endured W
- parâyaṇa n. (parā +√i) going away, departure or way of departure, final end, last resort RV. AV. ŚBr. (cf. 1. parâyaṇa, p. 587)
- parā-yáti m. (√yat) = parā-ganṭri RV. ix, 91, 7 (Sāy.)
- parâyatta &c. See p. 587, col. 3
- parā-√yā P. -yāti, to go away RV. AV.: Caus. -yāpáyati, to bid go away Kauś
- parārīka m. (or ○kā f.) leek Āpast. (vḷ. palārīka)
- parāru m. Momordica Charantia L. (vḷ. pavāru)
- parāruka m. a stone or rock L. (vḷ. pavāruka)
- parârtha parârdha &c. See under para, p. 587, col. 3
- parā-√vac P. -vakti, to contradict (opp. to anu-vac) ŚBr
- parā-vāká m. contradiction AV
- parôkta mfn. contradicted ŚBr
- parốcya mfn. to be contradicted TS
- parā-vat See under 2. parā, p. 589
- parāvata m. Grewia Asiatica L
- parā-√vad P. -vadati, to warn off or remove by speaking or reciting AV
- parā√vadh (only aor. -avadhīt, -vadhīt), to strike down, crush, tear RV. i, 38, 6 (párā-parā vadhīt) AV. TS
- parā-vap √2. P. -vapati, to lay aside, remove (as dead bodies, arrows &c.) AV. VS. MaitrS. Br
- parā-√vam P. -vamiti, or -vamati, to spit or vomit away Kāṭh
- parâvara &c. See p. 587, col. 3
- parā-varta &c. See parā-vṛt
- parā√-valg Ā. -valgate, to jump away TS
- parā-vásu mfn. keeping off wealth ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. (cf. parāg-v○)
- m. N. of the 40th year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years Var. (cf. parābhava)
- of a Gandharva (associated with Viśvā-vasu) BhP
- of a son of Raibhya (associated with Arvā-vasu) MBh
- parā-√vah P. -vahati (aor. Subj. -vakṣat), to carry off take away, bring to (dat.) RV. AV
- parā-ḍvaha m. N. of one of the 7 winds (the other 6 being called ā-vaha, ud-, pari-, pra-, vi- and saṃ-vaha) MBh. Hariv
- parā-vā √2. P. -vāti, to blow away, remove by blowing RV
- parā-vāka See parā-vac above
- parā-√vṛj P. -vṛṇakti (impf. vṛvak
- pf. -vavṛjur
- aor. -vark, -varktam), to turn away
- (with śīrṣā) to flee RV
- to wring off (as a head) ib
- to throw away, remove, reject, abandon ib
- parā-ḍvṛkta (párā-), mfn. rejected, cast off RV. iv, 30, 16
- parā-ḍvṛj m. an out-caste, wretch, miserable RV. (Sāy. 'N. of a person')
- parā-√vṛt Ā. -vartate (ind. p. -vṛtya), to turn back or round (intrans.), return, desist from (abl.) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -vartayati, to turn round (trans.) RV. i, 38, 9 [Page 591, Column]
- cause to return MBh. vii, 9201 (B. pari-vartaya)
- parā-ḍvarta m. turning back or round
- exchange, barter HPariś
- reversal of a sentence (in law) W
- restoration W
- parā-ḍvartana n. turning back or round MBh
- parā-ḍvartin mfn. turning back, taking to flight MBh. R. (a-parāv○)
- parā-ḍvartya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be turned back or exchanged or reversed (as a sentence) or restored W
- -vyavahāra m. appeal (in law) ib
- parā-ḍvṛt m. N. of a son of Rukmakavaca VP
- parā-ḍvṛtta mfn. turned (also to flight) returned, averted from (abl.) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- passed away, disappeared R. BhP. HPariś
- wallowing, rolling (n. as a subst.) L
- exchanged W
- reversed (as a judgment) ib
- given back, restored ib
- parā-ḍvṛtti f. turning back or round, returning, revolving Hariv. (cf. a-parāv○)
- change, interchange, exchange, barter Kāv
- reversion of a sentence or judgment W
- restoration of property ib
- recoiling, rebounding, not taking effect Cat
- parā-√vyadh P. -vidhyati, to hurl or fling away or out TS. MaitrS
- to strike, hit, wound MBh
- parā-ḍviddha m. N. of Kṛishṇa or Kubera L. (cf. pari-viddha under pari-vyadh)
- parā-ḍvyādha m. a stone's throw, the range of any missile ŚBr
- parā-śara See parā-śṝ below
- parā-śás f. (√śaṃs) calumny, curse, imprecation TS. AV
- parā-śātayitṛ m. (√śad, Caus.) crusher, destroyer Nir. vi, 30
- parā-śṝ P. -śṛṇāti (Impv. -śṛṇīhi, ○ṇītam, ○ṇantu RV
- aor. -śarīt, or -śarait AV.), to crush, destroy
- parā-ḍśará m. a crusher, destroyer RV. AV
- a partic. wild animal Bhagavatīg. (wṛ. ○sara)
- N. of a Nāga MBh
- N. of a son of Vasishṭha or of a son of Śakti and grandson of Vasishṭha (according to MBh. the father of Vyāsa
- said to be the author of RV. i, 65-73 and part of ix, 97)
- of a son of Kuṭhumi VP
- of the author of a well-known code of laws RTL. 51 &c
- of sev. writers on medicine and astrology &c. (with bhaṭṭa, N. of a poet) Cat
- -kṣetra-māhātmya n. -tantra n. -dharma m. -purāṇa, n. -mādhaviiya n. -vaṃśa-varṇana n. -vijaya m. -saṃhitā f. -sampāta m. -siddhânta m. -sūtra-vṛtti, f. -smṛti f. -smṛti-saṃgraha m. ○rôpapurāṇa n. N. of wks
- ○rin m. = pārāśarin L
- ○rêśvara m. N. of a Liṅga SkandaP
- ○vara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP
- parā-śīrṇa mfn. crushed, destroyed Nir. vi, 30
- parâśraya parâśrita, See under para, p. 588, col. 1
- parā-√śvas (only ind. p. -śvasya), to confide in (loc.) MBh
- parâs (parā +√2. as), P. parâsyati (impf. parâsyat
- pf. parâsa), to throw away or down, cast aside, expose (as a new-born child), abandon, reject, leave RV. &c. &c
- parâsa m. she range or distance of anything thrown ŚāṅkhŚr
- n. tin L
- parâsana n. killing, slaughter, massacre L
- parâsin mfn. throwing or measuring the distance of anything thrown TāṇḍBr
- parâsisiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to drive away Kir
- desirous to throw or send W
- wishing to overcome ib
- parâsta mfn. thrown away, rejected, repudiated Sāh
- defeated W
- parâsya or mfn. to be thrown away ŚBr
- parâsyá mfn. to be thrown away ŚBr
- parā-√sic P. -siñcati (aor. -asicat
- Pass. -sicyate aor. -aseci), to pour or throw away, cast aside, remove RV. TS. AV. ŚBr. ŚrS
- parā-sikta mfn. poured or thrown away, spilled ŚBr. (cf. á-parās○)
- set aside, rendered useless MBh
- parâsu mfn. one whose vital spirit is departed or departing
- dying or dead MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○karṇa mfn. causing death, killing MBh
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. exhaustion, death MBh
- parā-√sū P. -suvati (aor. -sāviiḥ), to frighten away RV. AV. VS. TS
- parā-√sṛ P. -sarati, to come near, approach RV. [Page 591, Column]
- parā-√sṛj P. -sṛjati, to give away, bestow MBh
- parā-sedha m. (√1. sidh) arrest, imprisonment Nār
- parā-√stambh P. -stabhnāti, to hold back, hinder ŚBr
- parā-√han P. -hanti (impf. 2. 3. sg. párâhan pf. 3. pl. parā-jaghnúr), to strike down or away, hurl down, overthrow RV. MBh
- to touch, feel, grope VS. ŚBr
- parā-ḍhata (párā-), mfn. turned over, tilled (the earth) RV. v, 56, 3
- struck down or back, repelled, averted, rejected MBh. Kāv
- refuted, contradicted Nyāyam
- parā-ḍhati f. contradiction Sarvad
- parā-hā √2. Ā. -jihīte, to give way, let slip, abandon, evade (acc.) TS
- parā-hṛta mfn. (√hṛ) carried off, removed ĀpŚr. BhP
- pári ind. round, around, about, round about
- fully, abundantly, richly (esp. ibc. [where also parī] to express fulness or high degree) RV. &c. &c
- as a prep. (with acc.) about (in space and time) RV. AV
- against, opposite to, in the direction of, towards, to ib. (cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 90
- also at the beginning of a comp. mfn
- ib. ii, 2, 18 Vārtt. 4 Pat. and pary-adhyayana)
- beyond, more than AV
- to the share of (with √as, or bhū, to fall to a person's lot) Pāṇ. 1-4, 90
- successively, severally (e.g. vṛkṣam pari siñcati, he waters tree after tree) ib
- (with abl.) from, away from, out of RV. AV. ŚBr. (cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 93)
- outside of, except Pāṇ. 1-4, 88 Kāś. (often repeated ib. viii, 1, 5
- also at the beginning or the end of an ind. comp. ib. ii, 1, 12)
- after the lapse of Mn.iii, 119 MBh. xiii, 4672 (some read parisaṃvatsarāt)
- in consequence or on account or for the sake of RV. AV
- according to (esp. dhármaṇas pári, according to ordinance or in conformity with law or right) RV. [Cf. Zd. pairi
- Gk. ?.] [591,]
- pariṃśá m. (pari + aṃśa) the best part of (gen.) RV. i, 187, 8
- pari-√kath P. -kathayati, to mention, call, name Tattvas
- pari-kathā f. a religious tale or narrative Divyâv
- pari-kandala mf(ā)n. teeming with, full of (comp.) Bhojapr
- pari-√kamp Caus. -kampayati, to cause to tremble, shake BhP
- pari-kampa m. tremor, great fear or terror L
- pari-kampin mfn. trembling violently Uttarar
- pari-kara pari-karman &c. See pari-kṛ, col. 3
- pari-karkaśa mfn. very harsh Jātakam
- pari-karta ○tana &c. See pari-kṛt
- pari-karṣa See pari-kṛṣ
- pari-kal √2. P. -kālayati, to drive about, chase, persecute MBh. R
- pari-kālita mfn. persecuted, dogged MBh
- pari-kal √3. P. -kalayati, to seize, take hold of Bālar. ix, 18
- to swallow, devour Kād. Hcar
- to observe, consider as Śiś. viii, 9
- pari-kalayitṛ mfn. surrounding, encircling Mcar. v, 10 (read ○yitā)
- pari-kalitin mfn. = ○kalitaṃ yena saḥ g. iṣṭâdi
- pari-kalkana n. deceit, cheating Dhātup. (cf. kalkana)
- pari-kalpa ○pana &c. See pari-kḷp, p. 592, col. 1
- pari-kāṅkṣita m. (√kāṅkṣ) a devotee, religious ascetic L. (cf. pārikāṅkṣin)
- pari-kātara mfn. very timid or cowardly Jātakam
- parikāyana (?), m. pl. N. of a school L
- pari-kāsana n. (√kās) frequent coughing ĀpGṛ. [Page 591, Column]
- pari-kiraṇa -kīrṇa &c. See pari- √1. kṝ, p. 592
- pari-√kīrt P. -kīrtayati, to proclaim on all sides, announce, relate, celebrate, praise, declare, call, name GṛS. Mn. MBh. &c
- pari-kīrtana n. proclaiming, announcing, talking of, boasting, naming, calling Mn. MBh. &c
- pari-kīrtita mfn. proclaimed, announced, boasted of, said, called ib
- pari-√kup P. -kupyati, to become greatly moved or excited, to be in a rage, to be very angry MBh.: Caus. -kopayati, to excite violently, to make very angry ib
- pari-kupita mfn. much excited, very angry, wrathful ib
- pari-kopa m. violent anger, wrath Pañc
- pari-kopita mfn. (fr. Caus.) greatly excited, very angry MBh
- pari-kūṭa m. N. of a serpent-demon L
- a barrier or trench before the gate of a town L
- pari-kūla n. (prob.) the land lying on a shore Pāṇ. 6-2, 82 Sch
- pari-kṛ √1. P. -karoti &c. (cf. pari-ṣ-kṛ), to surround MBh
- to uphold Divyâv
- pari-kara mf(ī)n. who or what helps or assists W
- m. (ifc. f. ā) attendants, followers, entourage, retinue, train (sg. and pl.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- multitude, abundance Bhartṛ. Bālar
- a girth, zone, waist-band, (esp.) a girdle to keep up a garment (○ram-√bā́ndh, or ○raṃ-√kṛ, ('to gird up one's loins, make preparations', and so pari-kara = ārambha L.) Hariv. Kāv. Rājat. &c
- (in dram.) covert or indirect intimation of coming events in a plot, the germ of the Bīja Daśar
- (in rhet.) a partic. figure in which many significant epithets or adjectives are employed one after the other to give force to a statement Kpr. Sāh. &c
- -śloka Alaṃkārav
- discrimination, judgement L
- -bandha m. the binding on of a girdle in order to begin any work MW
- -bhūta mfn. being instrumental Āryabh. Sch
- -vijaya m. N. of wk
- -śloka m. versus auxiliaris Alaṃkārav
- pari-karita mfn. accompanied by (instr.) Vcar
- pari-kartṛ m. a priest who performs the marriage ceremony for a younger brother whose elder brother is not yet married L
- pari-karman m. a servant, assistant L
- n. attendance, worship, adoration BhP
- dressing, painting or perfuming the body (esp. after bathing) MBh. Kālid
- cleansing, purification Śiś
- preparation Kathās. (cf. ○kara)
- arithmetical computation or operation W
- ○makathā f. prayer (?) Divyâv
- ○mâṣṭaka n. the 8 fundamental rules of arithmetic (viz. addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, finding the square, extracting the square √, finding the cube, extracting the cube root) Col
- pari-karmaya Nom. P. ○yati, to anoint, decorate, adorn Gīt
- to make ready Divyâv
- ○mita mfn. arranged, prepared, put in order Var. Sarvad
- pari-karmin mfn. adorning, decorating W
- m. an assistant, servant, slave ŚrS. Suśr
- pari-kṛta mfn. surrounded MBh
- pari-kriyā f. surrounding, inclosing, intrenching L
- attending to, care of (comp
- cf. agni-parikriyā)
- exercise, practice, enjoyment (cf. rājya-parik○)
- (in dram.) illusion to future action (= parikara) Daśar
- pari-kṛt √2. P. -kṛntati, (ind. p. -kṛtya), to cut round, clip, cut off AV. R
- to exclude from (abl.) Mn. iv, 219
- pari-kartana mfn. cutting up or to pieces MBh
- n. cutting, cutting off or out, a circular incision Suśr
- = next ib
- pari-kartikā f. sharp shooting pain (esp. in the rectum) Suśr
- pari-kṛtta mfn. cut round, clipped, cut off ŚBr
- pari-kṛt √3. (only p. pres. Ā. -kṛtyamāna), to wind round AV
- pari-√kṛś only Caus. -karśayati, to harass, afflict BhP
- pari-kṛśa mfn. very thin, emaciate, wasted Vop
- -tva n. a slender size Lalit
- pari-√kṛṣ P. Ā. -karṣati, ○te, to draw or drag about (Ā. also 'each other') MBh
- to lead (an army) R
- to rule, govern, be master of (acc.) MBh
- to harass, afflict ib
- to ponder, reflect constantly upon (acc.) ib
- (P. -kṛṣati) to draw or make furrows, to plough ŚBr. KātyŚr
- to draw a circle, Śulbas.: Caus. -karṣayati, to drag to and fro, torment, harass, vex, trouble R. BhP. [Page 592, Column]
- to carry (as a nurse) Divyâv
- pari-karṣa m. dragging about MBh. (cf. g. nirudakâdi)
- pari-karṣaṇa n. id. ib
- a circle, Śulbas
- pari-karṣita mfn. (fr. Caus.) dragged about, harassed, tortured R. BhP
- pari-karṣin mfn. dragging away, carrying about (to different places) R
- pari-kṛṣṭa m. N. of a teacher VāyuP
- pari-kṝ √1. P. -kirati, (ind. p. -kīrya), to scatter or strew about ŚBr. KātyŚr
- to throw upon, impose, deliver over to (loc.), Rāgh. xviii, 32
- pari-kiraṇa n. scattering or strewing about Kauś. Sch
- pari-kīrṇa mfn. spread, diffused, scattered around, surrounded, crowded MBh. Kāv. &c
- pari-√kḷp Caus. -kalpayati (Pass. -kalpyate), to fix, settle, determine, destine for (with acc., artham ifc., loc. or an inf. with pass. sense) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to choose VarBṛS. lix, 11
- to perform, execute, accomplish, contrive, arrange, make Yājñ. Ragh. Kathās
- to distribute, divide (with an adv. in dhā) Mn. Var. MBh
- to admit or invite to (loc.) MBh
- to suppose, presuppose Sarvad
- pari-kalpa m. īllusion Buddh
- wṛ. for ○kampa
- pari-kalpana n. fixing, settling, contriving, making, inventing, providing, dividing, distributing
- (ā), f. making, forming, assuming ( See rūpa-parik○)
- reckoning, calculation Var
- pari-kalpita mfn. settled, decided
- fixed upon, chosen, wished for, expected, made, created, imagined, invented, contrived, arranged, distributed, divided (with khaṇḍa-śaḥ, cut or broken in pieces) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- pari-kalpya mfn. to be settled &c
- to be calculated Var
- pari-kḷpta mfn. distributed, scattered, found here and there MBh
- pari-keśa m. g. nirudakâdi
- pari-√krand (only aor. Caus. -acikradat), to cry or make a noise round about (acc.) RV
- pari-√kram P. [-kr�Amati] (rarely Ā. ○te
- p. [-kr�Amat]
- pf. -cakrāma, -cakramur
- aor. -akramīt
- inf. -krāntum
- ind. p. -krā́mam, or -kramya), to step or walk round or about, circumambulate, roam over, walk through, visit (with acc.) RV. &c. &c
- to go past, escape AitBr
- to outstrip, overtake R.: Intens. -caṅkramati, to move or walk about perpetually BhP
- pari-krama m. roaming about, circumambulating, walking through, pervading MBh. Pur
- transition RPrāt. (vḷ. parā-kr○)
- following the course of a river down from its source to its mouth and then on the other bank up to its source again RTL. 348
- succession, series, order Lāṭy. Kauś. Mn. iii, 214 (read āvṛt-parikramam)
- a remedy, medicine Car
- -saha m. 'one who bears running about', a goat L
- pari-kramaṇa n. walking or roaming about ŚāṅkhBr
- pari-krānta mfn. walked round, stepped upon, trod
- n. the place stepped upon, foot-steps, traces R
- pari-krānti f. moving round, revolution BhP
- pari-krāmitaka n. (fr. Caus.) walking about (only ○kena, ind., in stage-directions) Bālar. Viddh. Pracaṇḍ
- pari-kriyā See pari-kṛ
- pari-√krī Ā. -krīṇīte (Pāṇ. 1-3, 18
- really more frequent in P., e.g. impf. -akrīṇam AV
- Pot. -krīṇīyāt ŚāṅkhŚr
- ind. p. -krīya Gobh.), to purchase, buy, barter, gain, acquire AV. ŚBr. Lāṭy. Gobh. (with instr. or dat. of the price, e.g. śatena, or śatāya, to buy for a hundred Pāṇ. 1-4, 44)
- to hire, engage for stipulated wages ŚBr. ŚrS
- to recompense, reward (only p. Ā. -krīṇāna) Bhaṭṭ
- pari-kraya m. giving up at the cost of (cf. prāṇaparikr○)
- hire, wages KātyŚr. Sch
- redemption, buying off W
- a peace purchased with money Kām. Hit
- pari-krayaṇa n. hiring, engaging Pāṇ. 1-4, 44
- pari-krī m. N. of an Ekaha ŚrS
- pari-krīta mfn. purchased, bought, hired MBh. (applied to a son = reto-mūlya-dānena tasyām eva [i.e. bhāryāyām] janitaḥ Nīlak.)
- pari-√krīḍ Ā. -krīḍate (Pāṇ. 1-3, 21
- but P. p. -krīḍat pf. -cikrīḍuḥ ŚBr.), to play about (Impv. Ā. -krīḍasva Bhaṭṭ.)
- pari-√krudh P. -krudhyati, to fly into a rage, become enraged R
- pari-√kruś P. -krośati (cf. -cukruśur ind. p. -kruśya), to go about crying, to wail, lament MBh. R. [Page 592, Column]
- pari-kruṣṭa mfn. lamented
- n. lamentation has been made by (instr.) R
- pari-krośá m. 'crier', prob. N. of a demon RV. i, 29, 7
- pari-√klam P. -klāmati, ○myati, to be tired out or exhausted Kād
- pari-klānta mfn. very tired, tired out, exhausted MBh
- pari-klinna mfn. (√klid) very wet, excessively moist or humid R
- pari-kleda m. humidity, wetness MBh
- pari-kledin mfn. wetting or wet Suśr
- pari-√kliś P. Ā. -kliśyati, ○te (p. -kliśyamāna Pāṇ. 3-4, 55), to suffer, feel pain, be troubled or vexed MBh. R
- (only ind. p. -kliśya) to pain, torment, vex, harass R
- pari-kliśa m. (?) vexation, trouble W
- pari-kliṣṭa mfn. much vexed or troubled, pained, harassed, afflicted, exhausted MBh. R. &c
- n. = ○kleśa L
- (am), ind. with uneasiness or reluctance, unwillingly
- pari-kleśa m. hardship, pain, trouble, fatigue MBh. Kāv. &c
- pari-kleṣṭṛ m. a tormentor, torturer MBh
- pari-kvaṇana mfn. (√kvaṇ) loud-sounding, loud Nir. vi, 1
- pari-√kvath P. -kvathati, to become boiling hot Bālar. v, 48/49
- pari-kṣata mfn. (√kṣan) wounded, hurt, injured, killed Mn. MBh. Kāv
- pari-kṣati f. wounding, injury, lesson Śiś
- pari-kṣaya See pari- √4. kṣi
- pari-√kṣar P. -kṣarati (aor. -akṣār), to cause to flow round (in a stream) RV
- to bestow by pouring forth in a stream ib
- pari-kṣal √2. P. -kṣālayati, (ind. p. -kṣālya), to wash out, rinse, wash off ŚBr
- pari-kṣālana n. water for washing KātyŚr
- pari-kṣavá m. (√kṣu) frequent or ill-omened sneezing AV
- pari-kṣā f. (√kṣai) clay, mud, dirt L
- pari-kṣāṇa mfn. charred or burnt to a cinder AitBr
- pari-kṣāma mfn. excessively emaciated, dried up, fallen away Kād. Rājat
- pari-kṣi √4. P. -kṣiṇoti, to destroy BhP.: Pass. -kṣīyate, to waste away, decay, become exhausted Hit
- pari-kṣaya m. disappearing, ceasing, dissolution, decay, destruction, loss, ruin, end Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- pari-kṣīṇa mfn. vanished, disappeared, wasted, exhausted, diminished, ruined, lost, destroyed
- (in law) insolvent Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- pari-kṣi √2. P. -kṣeti, to dwell around (with acc.) AitBr. vi, 32
- pari-kṣi m. vḷ. for next VP
- pari-kṣít mfn. dwelling or spreading around, surrounding, extending (as Agni, heaven and earth &c.) RV. AV. AitBr
- m. N. of an ancient king (son of Abhimanyu and father of Janam-ejaya) MBh. Hariv
- of a son of Kuru and father of another JanṭJanam Hariv
- of a son of A-vikshit and brother of JanṭJanam MBh
- of a king of A-yodhyā ib. (cf. parī-kṣit under 1. parī, p. 605, col. 1)
- pari-kṣita wṛ. for pari-cita, or -kṣit
- pari-√kṣip P. -kṣipati (pf. -cikṣepa
- ind. p. -kṣipya), to throw over or beyond R
- to put or lay or wind round Suśr
- to throw about, surround, encircle, embrace ib. MBh. R. &c
- to throw or put or fix in (loc.) MBh
- to throw away, squander (as a treasure) Kathās
- pari-kṣipta mfn. thrown, thrown about, scattered, surrounded, overspread MBh. R. &c
- left, abandoned W
- pari-kṣepa m. throwing about, moving to and fro Hariv
- surrounding, encircling, being (or that by which anything is) surrounded MBh. Kāv. &c
- circumference, extent Car
- abandoning, leaving W
- pari-kṣepaka mf(ikā)n. hung with (ifc.) Kāraṇḍ. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 146)
- pari-kṣepin mfn. who or what scatters or distributes W. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 142)
- pari-kṣība or ○va mfn. drunk, quite intoxicated W
- pari-khacita mfn. (√khac) strewn or inlaid with (comp.) Kāraṇḍ
- pari-khaṇḍa See pari-ṣaṇḍa
- pari-khaṇḍana See māna-parikh○
- pari-khaṇḍaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make small, break, conquer Bālar. Bhaṭṭ. [Page 592, Column]
- pari-√khan (only ind. p. -khāya), to dig round, dig up ĀśvGṛ
- pari-khā f. (once ibc. ○kha BhP.) a moat, ditch, trench or fosse round a town or fort (also applied to the sea surrounding the earth) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of a village in the North country, g. palady-ādi (iv, 2, 110)
- -sthita mfn. impregnable, secure MBh. xii, 6250
- ○khī-kṛta mfn. made into a moat or ditch Ragh. i, 30
- pari-khāta mfn. dug round
- m. a furrow, rut BhP
- pari-√khid P. -khidyati, to be depressed or afflicted, feel uneasy BhP.: Caus. -khedayati, to trouble, afflict, destroy ib. &c
- pari-khinna mfn. depressed, afflicted, exhausted MBh. R. &c
- pari-kheda m. (ifc. f. ā) lassitude, weariness, exhaustion MBh. Kāv. &c
- pari-khedita mfn. (fr. Caus.) afflicted, exhausted, ruined, destroyed Kāv. BhP
- pari-√khyā P. -khyāti (Subj. -khyatam, -khyan RV.), to look round, look at, perceive RV. &c. &c
- to observe, regard, consider MBh. R
- to overlook, disregard RV.: Pass. -khyāyate, to be perceived ChUp
- pari-khyāta mfn. regarded as, passing for (nom.)
- called, named
- celebrated, famous MBh. R
- pari-khyāti f. fame, reputation W
- pari-√gaṇ P. -gaṇagati (ind. p. -gaṇya), to count over, reckon up completely, ascertain by calculation Suśr. Hcar. BhP
- to calculate, reckon, consider, reflect Megh. (cf. aparigaṇayat)
- pari-gaṇana n
- pari-gaṇanā f. complete enumeration, accurate calculation or statement Megh. Kull
- pari-gaṇanīya (Kull.),
- pari-gaṇya ( See a-parig○), mfn. to be enumerated completely or stated accurately
- pari-gaṇita mfn. enumerated, calculated, reckoned BhP. (cf. a-parig○)
- pari-gaṇitin mfn. one who has well considered everything Pāṇ. 2-3, 36, Kaś
- parigaṇa m. or n. (?), a house L
- pari-√gad (only inf. -gaditum), to describe, relate, tell Bhām. ii, 75
- pari-gaditin mfn. = parigaditaṃ yena saḥ g. iṣṭâdi
- pari-√gam P. -gacchati (aor. -agamat AV
- -gman RV
- pf. -jagmatuḥ MBh
- p. -jaganvas RV
- ind. p. [-gáty�A] RV. ŚBr
- -gamya MBh
- inf. -gantum R. ), to go round or about or through, circumambulate, surround, inclose RV. &c. &c
- to come to any state or condition, get, attain (acc.) MBh.: Pass. -gamyate MBh.: Caus. -gamayati, to cause to go round, to pass or spend (time) Ragh. viii, 91
- pari-ga mfn. going round, surrounding Pāṇ. 8-4, 38 Sch
- pari-gata mfn. gone round or through, surrounded, encompassed MBh. R. &c
- filled, possessed of, visited by, afflicted with (instr. or comp.) ib
- diffused, spread Kāv
- deceased, dead Bhartṛ. iii, 49
- experienced, known, learnt from (abl.) Kāv
- forgotten L
- obtained L
- = ceṣṭita L
- ○târṭha mfn. acquainted or familiar with anything Kālid
- pari-gantavya mfn. to be got or obtained L
- pari-gama m. going round, surrounding Bālar
- knowing, ascertaining, partaking of, occupation with (comp.) ib. Pracaṇḍ
- spreading, extending W
- obtaining ib
- pari-gamana n. id. MW
- pari-gamita mfn. (fr. Caus.) brought, conducted, driven, passed, spent (time). Ragh
- pari-gamya mfn. accessible, to be circumambulated (a-parig○) KātyŚr
- pari-√garj P. -garjati, to roar, cry, scold R
- pari-garvita mfn. (√garv) very proud or arrogant Cāṇ
- pari-√garh Ā. -garhate, to blame greatly, censure, despise, abuse MBh.: Caus. -garhayati id. ib
- pari-garhaṇa n. excessive blame, censure ib
- pari-galita mfn. (√gal) fallen down MBh
- sunk Pañc
- flowing, fluid, melted W
- pari-gahana n. g. kṣubhnâdi
- pari-√gā P. -jigāti (aor. -agāt, -gāt, -agur), to go round or through, circumambulate, permeate RV. AV
- to enter (acc.) VS. ĪśUp
- to come near, approach, reach, visit, afflict RV. MBh
- to go out of the way, avoid, shun RV
- to disregard, neglect AitBr
- to fail, miss, not to master or understand BhP. [Page 593, Column]
- pari-guṇita mfn. (fr. -guṇaya) reiterated, repeated BhP
- augmented by addition of (comp.) VarBṛS. lxv, 5
- pari-guṇṭhita mfn. (√guṇṭh) veiled in, hidden by (instr.) R
- pari-guṇḍita mfn. covered with dust, Śīl
- pari-√gup only Desid. -jugupsate, to beware of, be on one's guard against (abl.) MBh
- pari-gūḍhaka mfn. g. ṛśyâdi
- pari-gṛddha mfn. very greedy Divyâv
- pari-gredha (!), m. excessive greediness L
- pari-√gai P. -gāyati, to go about singing, sing or celebrate everywhere TS. ŚBr. ŚrS
- to proclaim aloud (esp. Pass. -gīyate) MBh. &c
- pari-gīta mfn. sung, celebrated, proclaimed, declared MBh. BhP
- pari-gīti f. a kind of metre Col
- pari-√gras P. Ā. -grasati, ○te, to devour NṛisUp
- pari-√grah P. Ā. -gṛhṇāti, ○ṇīte (Impv. 2. sg. -gṛhāṇa MBh. Kālid
- impf. -agṛhṇāḥ RV
- 3. sg. -agṛhṇat TS
- 3. pl. -agṛhṇan AV
- Ā. -agṛhṇanta MBh
- pf. 1. sg. -jagrábha RV
- 3. sg. -jagrāha MBh. &c
- ind. p. -gṛhya ŚBr. MBh. Kāv. &c.), to take hold of on both sides, embrace, surround, enfold, envelop VS. AV. Br. MBh. &c
- to fence round, hedge round TS. AV. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- to occupy on both sides (sarasvatīm) MBh
- to seize, clutch, grasp, catch ib
- to put on, wear (as a dress or ornament) ib
- to take or carry along with one ib. Kāv. &c
- to take possession of, master, overpower RV. AV. Br. Var
- to take (in war), take prisoner, conquer MBh
- to take (food) ŚBr
- to receive, (also as a guest) accept ib. MBh. Śak. BhP
- to take, adopt, conform to, follow Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to take by the hand, assist MBh
- to take (a wife), marry Śak. Pañc
- to surpass, excel Mn. Prab
- (in Ved. gram.) to enclose (iti) between a word twice repeated RPrāt. (cf. pari-graha)
- pari-gṛhīta mfn. taken hold of on both sides AV
- surrounded, embraced, enclosed, enveloped, fenced TS. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- seized, grasped, taken, received, obtained, accepted, adopted, admitted, followed, obeyed Br. MBh. Kāv. &c
- opposed, checked W
- m. g. ācitâdi
- pari-gṛhīti (pári-), f. grasping, comprehension TS. Br
- pari-gṛhītṛ wṛ. for ○grah○. 1
- pari-gṛhya ind. having taken or seized, in company or along with (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- considering regarding W
- -vat (○gríhya-), mfn. containing the word parigṛhya TS. 2
- pari-gṛhya mfn. to be taken or accepted or regarded W
- (ā), f. designation of a partic. kind of Vedi or sacrificial mound Kauś
- a married woman L
- pari-grahá m. (ifc. f. ā) laying hold of on all sides, surrounding, enclosing, fencing round (esp. the Vedi or sacrificial altar by means of three lines or furrows) ŚBr. KātyŚr. &c
- wrapping round, putting on (a dress &c.), assuming (a form &c.) Kāv
- comprehending, summing up, sum, totality, SāṅkhBr. Mn
- taking, accepting, receiving or anything received, 2 gift or present MBh. Kāv. &c
- getting, attaining, acquisition, possession, property (ifc. 'being possessed of or furnished with') ib
- household, family, attendants, retinue, the seraglio of a prince ib
- a house, abode Hariv
- √, origin, foundation MBh
- admittance (into one's house), hospitable reception Mn. MBh. R. Kāraṇḍ
- taking (a wife), marrying, marriage Mn. MBh. &c
- a wife (also collect.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- choice, selection ib
- understanding, conception Pāṇ. Sch
- undertaking, beginning, commission or performance of, occupation with Mn. R. Hariv
- homage, reverence, grace, favour, help, assistance MBh. Kāv. &c
- dominion, control (ifc. 'dependent on, subject to') R. Var. MārkP
- force, constraint, punishment (opp. to anu-graha) R
- claim on, relation to, concern with (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- (in Ved. gram.) the double mention of a word both before and after iti
- the form which precedes iti RPrāt
- a curse, imprecation, oath L
- an eclipse of the sun L
- the rear or reserve of an army L. (vḷ. prati-gr○)
- -tva n. state of a wife, marriage Daś
- -dvitīya mfn. āc4companied by one's wife or family MW
- -bahu-tva n. multitude of wives Śak
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of a family Prab
- -vat, or ○hin mfn. possessed of, wealth, having property MBh. [Page 593, Column]
- ○hârthīya mfn. having the sense of comprehension i.e. generalization Nir. i, 7
- pari-grahaka mfn. grasping, taking hold of, undertaking (ifc.) L
- pari-grahaṇa n. wrapping round, putting on Prab
- pari-grahītavya mfn. to be admitted or supposed, Saṃk
- to be ruled or controlled Pat
- to be taken hold of or got into possession Vajracch
- pari-grahītṛ mfn. taking hold of, seizing
- m. assister, helper VāyuP
- ruler Pat
- an adoptive father Pravar. Kull
- a husband Śak
- pari-grāhá m. the surrounding or fencing round of the Vedi or sacrificial altar with three lines or furrows TS
- pari-grāhaka mfn. favouring, befriending Bālar
- pari-grāhya mfn. to be treated or addressed kindly MBh
- pari-glāna mfn. (√glai) wearied out, languid, exhausted MBh. R. &c
- averse from (dat.) Pat
- pari-gha m. (√han) an iron bar or beam used for locking or shutting a gate (= argala) ChUp. MBh. Kāv. &c
- (fig.) a bar, obstacle, hindrance Ragh. Kathās
- (once n.) an iron bludgeon or club studded with iron MBh. R. &c
- a child which presents a peculiar cross position in birth Suśr
- a line of clouds crossing the sun at sunrise or sunset Var. MBh. &c
- (du.) two birds flying on each side of a traveller (regarded as an omen) Var
- the gate of a palace, any gate R
- a house L
- (in astrol.) N. of the 19th Yoga L
- a pitcher, water-jar L
- a glass pitcher L
- killing, striking, a blow L
- N. of one of the attendants of Skanda MBh
- of a Cāṇḍāla ib
- of a virtuous man Cat
- ○guru mfn. as heavy as an iron bar Mālav
- ○prâṃśu-bāhu in one whose arm is as long as an iron bar Śak
- ○bāhu m. one whose arm resembles an iron bar MBh
- ○saṃkāśa mfn. resembling an iṭiron bar MBh
- ○stambha m. a door-post Mālav
- parighôpama mfn. resembling an iron beam Nal
- pari-ghāta m. killing, destroying. removing Var
- a club, an iron bludgeon L
- pari-ghātana n. id. L
- pari-ghātin mfn. destroying, setting at nought, transgressing (a command &c.) R
- pari-√ghaṭṭ Caus. P. -ghāṭayati, to strike, cause to vibrate (as the strings of a musical instrument) Mṛicch
- pari-√ghaṭṭ P. -ghaṭṭayati, to press or rub on all sides, stir, excite, affect (as the ear with a tale) Śiś. ix, 64
- pari-ghaṭṭana n. stirring round, stirring up MBh
- rubbing Śiś. Sch
- pari-ghaṭṭita mfn. stirred about, touched or rubbed repeatedly MW
- pari-ghargharam ind. with loud murmuring or grunting VP. (wṛ. ○ghurgharam, or ○ghurghuram)
- pari-gharmya m. a vessel for preparing any hot sacrificial beverage ŚrS
- pari-ghāta &c. See under pari-gha
- pari-√ghuṣ (only p. -ghuṣyat), to proclaim aloud Sarvad
- pari-ghoṣa m. (L.) sound, noise
- thunder
- improper speech
- pari-√ghūrṇ P. -ghūrṇati, to whirl about, flutter, tremble MBh
- pari-√ghṛṣ P. -gharṣati, to rub or pound to pieces Hariv
- pari-ghṛṣṭika wṛ. for ○pṛcchika, or ○pṛṣṭika
- pari-√ghrā (only p. Ā. -jighramāṇa), to kiss passionately, cover with kisses MBh
- pari-cakra m. N. of a ch. of the Dvā-viṃśaty-avadānaka
- (ā), f. N. of a town (vḷ. ○vakra) L
- pari-√cakṣ Ā. -caṣṭe (3. pl. -cakṣate
- Pot. -cakṣīta Pass. -cakṣyate
- Ved. inf. -cákṣi), to overlook, pass over, despise, reject Br. Up. BhP
- to declare guilty, condemn ŚBr
- to forbid Āpast
- to mention, relate, own, acknowledge MBh
- to call, name Mn. MBh. &c
- to address (acc.), answer BhP
- pari-cakṣā́ f. rejection, disapprobation ŚBr
- pari-cákṣya mfn. to be despised or disapproved RV
- pari-caturdaśa and ○san (nom. acc. ○śa instr. ○śais), fully fourteen, more than fourteen MBh. Hariv. [Page 593, Column]
- pari-capala mfn. always moving about, very volatile MBh
- pari-caya &c. See under pari- √1. 2. ci
- pari-√car P. -carati (pf. -cacāra ind. p. -carya), to move or walk about, go round (acc.), circumambulate RV. &c. &c
- to attend upon or to (acc., rarely gen.), serve, honour ib.: Caus. P. -cārayati (ind. p. -cārya), to surround Kauś
- to wait on, attend to Divyâv
- to cohabit ib
- (Ā. ○te), to be served or waited upon ŚBr. KaṭhUp
- pari-cará mf(ā́)n. moving, flowing VS. AV
- m. an attendant, servant, follower ŚBr. Suśr
- a patrol or body-guard L
- homage, service Hariv
- (ā), f. N. of partic. verses which may be put at the beginning or middle or end of a hymn TāṇḍBr. Lāṭy
- pari-cáraṇa m. an assistant, servant ŚāṅkhBr
- n. going about ŚBr
- serving, attending to, waiting upon Kauś. GṛS. MBh
- pari-caraṇīya mfn. to be served or attended to Kull
- belonging to attendance Gobh
- pari-caritavya mfn. to be attended on or served or worshipped Bhartṛ
- pari-caritṛ m. an attendant or servant ChUp
- pari-carya mfn. = ○caritavya ChUp. MBh. Hariv
- (ā), f. circumanibulation, wandering about or through (comp.) Hāsy. i, 9 (wṛ. ○carcā)
- attendance, service, devotion, worship MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○ryāvat mfn. one who attends upon or worships MBh
- pari-cāra m. attendance, service, homage MBh
- a place for walking ib
- an assistant or servant ib
- pari-cāraka m. an assistant or attendant Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- executor (of an order &c.) Hariv
- (ikā), f. a female attendant, a waiting maid MBh. R. &c
- pari-cāraṇa n. (m. c. for ○caraṇa) attendance MBh. Daśar
- pari-cāraya Nom. P. ○yati, to take a walk, roam about SaddhP
- to cohabit Divyâv
- to attend to, wait on ib
- pari-cārika m. a servant, assistant MBh
- pl. fried grain L
- pari-cārita n. amusement, sport Divyâv
- pari-cārin mfn. moving about, moveable MBh
- attending on or to, serving, worshipping MBh. Hariv. &c
- m. man-servant (○cāriṇī f. maid) TāṇḍBr. MBh. R
- ○ri-tā f. Kām
- pari-cārya mfn. to be served or obeyed or worshipped W
- pari-cīrṇa mfn. attended to, taken care of MBh
- pari-cartana See pari-cṛt
- pari-carmaṇya n. (p○ + carman) a strip of leather ŚāṅkhBr
- pari-√cal Caus. -cālayati, to cause to move round, turn round MBh
- pari-ci √1. P. Ā. -cinoti, ○nute, to pile up ŚBr
- to surround or enclose with (instr.), Sulb
- to heap up, accumulate, augment, increase RV. &c. &c.: Pass. -cīyate, to be increased or augmented, to grow Ragh. 1
- pari-caya m. heaping up, accumulation Kauś
- -vat mfn. being at its height, complete, finished Mālav. iii, 20. 1
- pari-cayanīya mfn. to be collected or accumulated W
- pari-cāyya m. (sc. agni) a sacrificial fire arranged in a circle ŚBr. TS. Kāṭh. Śulbas
- raising the rent or revenue of a land W
- pari-cít mfn. piling up or arranging all around VS. 1
- pari-cita mfn. heaped up, accumulated, gathered Megh. Rājat. BhP
- (with instr.) filled with, containing, Bhp. 1
- pari-cetavya mfn. to be collected together W. 1
- pari-ceya mfn. to be collected all round or from every side ib
- pari-ci √2. (2. sg. Impv. -cinu
- p. -cinvat
- inf. -cetum), to examine, investigate, search MBh. R
- to find out, know, learn, exercise, practise, become acquainted with (acc.) Kāv. Rājat. Pañc.: Pass. -cīyate Kāv. Hit.: Caus. Ā. -cāyayate, to search, seek for Kāv. 2
- pari-caya m. acquaintance, intimacy, familiarity with, knowledge of (gen., loc., instr. with or sc. samam, or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- trial, practice, frequent repetition Kāv. (cf. rati-p○)
- meeting with a friend W
- ○yâvasthā f. (with Yogins) a partic. state of ecstasy Cat. 2
- pari-cayanīya mfn. to be known W. 2
- pari-cita mfn. known, familiar (○taṃ-√kṛ, to make a person's acquaintance) Hariv. Kāv
- -bhū mfn. having (its) place well known MW
- -vivikta mfn. familiarised to seclusion Śak. v, 10
- pari-citi f. acquaintance, familiarity, intimacy, Śāntiś. 2. [Page 594, Column]
- pari-cetavya or mfn. to be known
- pari-ceya mfn. to be known
- to be investigated or searched W
- pari-√cint P. -cintayati (ind. p. -cintya), to think about, meditate on, reflect, consider MBh. Kāv. &c
- to call to mind, remember ib
- to devise, invent ib
- pari-cintaka mfn. reflecting about, meditating on (gen. or comp.) MBh. BhP
- pari-cintanīya mfn. to be well considered Kāv
- pari-cintita mfn. thought of, found out R
- pari-cihnita mfn. marked, signed, subscribed MBh. Yājñ
- pari-√cud Caus. -codayati, to set in motion, urge, impel, exhort Mn. iii, 233
- pari-codita mfn. set in motion, brandished Hariv
- impelled, incited MBh
- pari-√cumb P. -cumbati (ind. p. -cumbya), to kiss heartily or passionately, cover with kisses Kāv
- to touch closely ib
- pari-cumbana n. the act of kissing heartily &c. Bālar. Caurap
- pari-cumbita mfn. kissed passionately or touched closely Caurap
- pari-√cṛt P. -cṛtati (ind. p. -cṛtya), to wind round
- to tie or fasten together Kauś
- pari-cártana n. pl. the part of a horse's harness from the girth to the breast and the tail TS
- pari-cchad (√chad), Caus. -cchādayati (ind. p. -cchādya), to envelop, cover, conceal MBh. Pañc
- pari-cchad mfn. furnished or provided or adorned with (comp.) Ragh. i, 19
- pari-cchada m. a cover, covering, garment, dress, ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c
- paraphernalia, external appendage, insignia of royalty R
- goods and chattels, personal property, furniture Mn. MBh. &c
- retinue, train, attendants, necessaries for travelling MBh. Kāv. &c
- ifc. = -cchad ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. Hariv. &c
- pari-cchanda m. train, retinue L
- pari-cchanna mfn. covered, clad, veiled, concealed, disguised MBh. R. Hit. &c
- pari-cchid (√chid
- inf. -cchettum ind. p. -cchidya), to cut on both sides, clip round, cut through or off or to pieces, mutilate ŚBr. Lāṭy. MBh. &c
- to mow or reap (corn), Kārand
- to limit on all sides, define or fix accurately, discriminate, decide, determine Kāv. Pañc. Pur
- to separate, divide, part Siddh
- to avert, obviate MW
- pari-cchitti f. accurate definition Kap
- limitation, limit, measure Pāṇ. 3-3, 20 Sch
- partition, separation W
- pari-cchinna mfn. cut off, divided, detached, confined, limited, circumscribed (-tva n.) R. BhP. &c
- determined, ascertained Kum
- obviated, remedied W
- pari-ccheda m. cutting, severing, division, separation Śaṃk. Suśr
- accurate definition, exact discrimination (as between false and true), right and wrong &c.), decision, judgment Kāv. Śaṃk. Kull
- resolution, determination Kād
- a section or chapter of a book Cat
- limit, boundary. W
- obviating, remedying ib
- -kara m. N. of a Samādhi L
- -vyakti f. distinctness of perception Mālatīm
- ○dâkula mfn. perplexed (through inability) to decide Śak
- ○dâtī7ta mfn. surpassing all definition Mālatīm
- pari-cchedaka mfn. ascertaining, defining Sarvad
- n. limitation, limit, measure L
- pari-cchedana n. (L.) discriminating, dividing
- the division of a book
- joyful laughter (?)
- pari-cchedya mfn. to be defined or estimated or weighed or measured Ragh. (a-paricch○) Pāṇ. Sch. Kull
- pari-cyavana n. (√cyu) descending from heaven (to be born as a man) HPariś
- loss, deprivation of (abl.) Āpast. Sch
- pari-cyuta mfn. fallen or descended from (abl.) MBh. Kāv
- fallen from heaven (to be born as a man) HPariś
- swerved or deviated from (abl.) R
- deprived or rid of (abl.) Gaut. MBh. Pur
- ruined, lost, miserable (opp. to sam-ṛddha) MBh
- streaming with (instr.) ib
- pari-cyuti f. falling down Kathās
- pari-jagdha m. (√jakṣ) a proper name Pāṇ. 6-2, 146 Sch
- pari-jana m. (ifc. f. ā) a surrounding company of people, entourage, attendants, servants, followers, suite, train, retinue (esp. of females) MBh. Kāv. &c
- a single servant Kālid. Kathās. Pañc
- ○tā f. the condition of a servant, service Kir. x, 9. [Page 594, Column]
- pari-janman m. the moon L
- fire L. (cf. pari-jman)
- pari-japita mfn. (√jap) muttered, whispered, prayed over in a low voice Gobh
- pari-ḍjapta mfn. id. Var
- enchanted Divyâv
- pari-jayya See pari-ji
- pari-√jalp P. -jalpati, to chatter, talk about, speak of (acc.) MBh. Hariv
- pari-ḍjalpita n. the covert reproaches of a mistress neglected by her lover W
- pari-jā́ f. (√jan) place of origin, source AV
- pari-jāta (pári-), mfn. begotten by, descended from (abl.) ib
- fully developed (a-parij○) ĀśvGṛ
- pari-jātaka n. N. of wk. on domestic rites
- pari-√ji P. -jayati (inf. -jetum), to conquer, overpower MBh
- pari-jayya mfn. to be conquered or mastered Pāṇ. 5-1, 93
- pari-jetṛ m. a victor, conqueror L
- pari-jihīrṣā f. (√hṛ Desid.) desire of avoiding or removing Kād
- pari-jihīrṣita mfn. kept away, avoided, shunned Gobh
- pari-jihīrṣu mfn. wishing to avoid L
- pari-√jṛmbh Ā. -jṛmbhate, to spread all around Prasannar
- pari-jṝ √1. P. Ā. -jīryati, ○te, to become worn out or old or withered
- to be digested Suśr
- pari-jīrṇa mfn. worn out, old, withered, faded, decayed MBh
- pari-jīryat mfn. becoming old MBh
- pari-√jñā P. Ā. -jānāti, ○nīte (inf. -jñātum ind. p. -jñāya), to notice, observe, perceive, learn, understand, comprehend, ascertain, know or recognise as (2 acc.) RV. &c. &c
- pari-jñapti f. (fr. Caus.) recognition or conversation Kathās. xxi, 128
- pari-jñā f. knowledge L
- pari-jñāta mfn. thoroughly known, recognised, ascertained, learned MBh. Kāv. &c
- pari-jñātṛ mfn. one who knows or perceives, an observer, knower Bhag
- wise, intelligent W
- pari-jñāna n. perception, thorough knowledge, ascertainment, experience, discrimination MBh. Hariv. R. &c
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting in knowledge BhP
- ○nin mfn. having much knowledge, wise Kathās
- pari-jñeya mfn. to be recognised or ascertained, comprehensible MBh. Var. &c
- pári-jman mfn. (√gam) running or walking or driving round, surrounding, being everywhere, omnipresent (said of the sun, of the clouds, of sev. gods &c.) RV. AV. (as loc. or ind. all around, everywhere RV.)
- m. the moon L
- fire L. (cf. pari-janman)
- pari-jyāni See a-p○
- pári-jri mfn. (√jri) running round, spreading everywhere RV
- pari-jvan m. (Uṇ. i, 158) the moon L
- fire L. (cf. pari-jman)
- a servant L
- a sacrificer L
- Indra W
- pari-√jval P. -jvalati, to burn brightly, blaze, glare Kir
- pari-ḍīna or ○naka n. (√ḍī) the flight of a bird in circles, flying round MBh
- pari-ṇati See pari-ṇam
- pari-ṇad (√nad), P. -ṇadati, to utter loud cries Pāṇ. 8-4, 14 (-nadya MBh. vi, 3256 prob. wṛ.)
- pari-ṇam (√nam), P. Ā. -ṇamati, ○te (aor. pary-aṇaṃsīt ind. p. pari-ṇamya), to bend or turn aside AV
- to bend down, stoop Kāv
- to change or be transformed into (instr.) Vedântas. Madhus
- to develop, become ripe or mature Bālar
- to become old Kir
- to be digested MBh. Pañc
- to be fulfilled (as a word) Pañc.: Caus. -ṇāmayati (ind. p. -ṇāmya
- Pass. -ṇāmyate, p. ṇāmyamāna, or ○myat), to make ripe, ripen, mature ŚvetUp
- to bring to an end, pass (as a night) R
- to bend aside or down, stoop MBh
- pari-ṇata mfn. bent down (is an elephant stooping to strike with its tusks) Megh
- bent down or inclined by (comp.) Bhartṛ
- changed or transformed into (instr. or comp.) Kālid. Kād. Sāh
- developed, ripened, mature, full-grown, perfect
- full (as the moon) [Page 594, Column]
- set (as the sun) MBh. Kāv. &c
- advanced (vayasā, in age R
- also impers. ○taṃ vayasā, 'life is advanced, old age has come' Kathās.)
- digested (as food) Suśr
- elapsed (as time) BhP
- n. capital, wealth accumulated for the sake of profit(?) W
- -dik-karika mfn. containing mythical elephants ( See dik-karin) stooping to strike with their tusks Śiś
- -dvirada m. an elephant stooping &c. Kir
- -prajña mfn. of mature understanding MBh
- -pratyaya mfn. (an action) whose results are matured Divyâv
- -vayas mfn. advanced in age Veṇis. Suśr
- -śarvad f. the latter part of the autumn Megh
- ○târuṇa m. the setting sun Śak
- pari-ṇati f. bending, bowing W
- change, transformation, natural development Sāh. Pañc. Sarvad
- ripeness, maturity Megh. Mcar
- mature or old age Vikr. Śiś
- result, consequence, issue, end, termination (ibc. finally, at last
- śravaṇa-pariṇatiṃ-√gam, to come at last to a person's ears
- pariṇatiṃ-√yā, to attain one's final aim) Kāv
- fulfilment (of a promise), Śāntiś
- digestion L
- pari-ṇamana n. change, transformation, changing into (instr.) Kap. Sch
- (ā), f. (with Buddh.) a kind of worship Dharmas. xiv
- pari-ṇamayitṛ mfn. causing to bend or to ripen Megh. Viddh
- pari-ṇāma m. change, alteration, transformation into (instr.), development, evolution Sāṃkhyak. Yogas. Pur. Suśr
- ripeness, maturity Kir. Uttarar. Mālatīm
- alteration of food, digestion Suśr. Tarkas
- withering, fading ŚārṅgP
- lapse (of time) MBh. R
- decline (of age), growing old ib. Suśr
- result, consequence, issue, end (ibc. and ○me ind. finally, at last, in the end) Kāv
- (in rhet.) a figure of speech by which the properties of any object are transferred to that with which it is compared Kuval
- N. of a holy man RTL. 269
- -darśin mfn. looking forward to the issue or consequences (of any event), prudent, fore-sighted MBh
- -dṛṣṭi f. foresight, providence MW
- -nirodha m. obstruction (of felicity caused) by human vicissitude (as birth, growth, death &c.) W
- -pathya mfn. suited to a future state or condition ib
- -mukha mfn. tending or verging towards the end, about to terminate Śak
- -ramaṇīya mfn. (a day) delightful at its close ib
- -vat mfn. having a natural development (○ttva n.) Śaṃk
- -vāda m. the 'doctrine of evolution', the Sāṃkhya doctrine Sarvad
- -śūla n. violent and painful indigestion Cat
- pari-ṇāmaka mfn. effecting vicissitudes (as time) Hariv
- pari-ṇāmana n. bringing to full development Jātakam
- the turning of things destined for the community to one's own use (Buddh.) L
- pari-ṇāmika mfn. resulting from change L
- easily digestible Subh. (wṛ. for pāriṇ○?)
- pari-ṇāmin mfn. changing, altering, subject to transformation, developing VP. Śaṃk. (○mi-tva n. ib.)
- ripening, bearing fruits or consequences BhP
- ○mi-tva n. ib
- ○mi-nitya mfn. eternal but continually changing Sāṃkhyak. Sch
- pari-ṇinaṃsu mfn. (fr. Desid.) about to stoop or to make a side thrust (with the tusks, as an elephant) Śiś
- pari-ṇaya ○yana &c. See under pari-ṇī
- pari-ṇaś (√2. naś), P. -ṇasyati Pāṇ. 8-4, 36 Sch
- pari-naṣṭa (!), mfn. ib
- pari-ṇah (√nah
- only Pot. -ṇahet), to bind round, gird, embrace, surround MBh
- pari-ṇaddha mfn. bound or wrapped round Kālid. Var
- broad, large Ragh
- pari-ṇah = parīṇah, q.v
- pari-ṇahana n. binding or girding or wrapping round, veiling, covering Gobh. MānGṛ
- pari-ṇāha m. compass, circumference, extent, width, breadth, circumference of a circle, periphery MBh. Kāv. Sūryas. Suśr
- N. of Śiva L. (cf. parī-ṇāha)
- -vat mfn. = expensive, large Vikr
- ○hin mfn. id. Hariv. Kum
- (ifc.) having the extent of, as large as Pañc
- pari-ṇāya ○yaka, See pari-ṇī
- pari-ṇi for pari-ni, according to Pāṇ. 8-4, 17 before a number of roots, viz. gad, ci, dā, dih, drā, dhā ( See below), nad, pat, pad, psā, mā, me, yam, yā, vap, vah, viś ( See below), śam, so, han ( below)
- pari-ṇiṃsaka mfn. (√niṃs) tasting, eating, an eater (with gen.) Bhaṭṭ
- kissing W
- pari-ṇiṃsā f. eating, kissing W. [Page 595, Column]
- pari-ṇi-√dhā (Pāṇ. 8-4, 17), P. -dadhāti, to place or lay round ŚBr
- ind. p. -ni-dhāya (l) KātyŚr
- pari-ṇi-√viś (Pāṇ. ib.), to sit down about ŚBr
- pari-ṇiṣṭhā See pari-niṣṭhā
- pari-ṇi-√han (Pāṇ. 8-4, 17), P. -hanti, to encompass (with stakes &c. fixed in) around ŚBr
- to strike, smite MBh. (B. and C. -nighnantyaḥ!)
- pari-ṇī (√nī), P. Ā. -ṇayati, ○te (pf. Ā. -ṇinye Daś
- -ṇayām āsa MBh
- 3. pl. aor. -aneṣata RV
- ind. p. -ṇīya Kum.), to lead or bear or carry about or round RV. &c. &c., (esp.) to lead a bride and bridegroom round the sacrificial fire (with 2 acc.), to marry (said of a bridegroom) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to lead forward to, put or place anywhere (agram, at the head), Bṛ
- to carry away RV
- to trace out, discover, investigate Mn. MBh
- (with anyathā) to explain otherwise Śaṃk.: Caus. -ṇāyayati, to pass or spend (time) MBh
- (also ṇāpayati), to cause a man to marry a woman (acc.) Pañcad
- pari-ṇaya m. leading round, (esp.) leading the bride round the fire, marriage Gṛihyās. (cf. nava-pariṇayā)
- (ena), ind. round about ĀpŚr
- -vidhi m. marriage-ceremony Vcar
- pari-ṇayana n. the act of leading round (cf. prec.), marrying, marriage ŚrS. &c
- pari-ṇāya m. leading round
- moving or a move (at chess &c.) L
- pari-ṇāyaka m. a leader, guide (in a-parīṇ○, being without a guide) R
- a husband Śiś
- = -ratna Divyâv
- pari-ṇīta mfn. led round, married MBh
- completed, finished, executed ib
- n. marriage Uttarar
- -pūrvā f. a woman married before Śak
- -bhartṛ m. (prob.) a husband who has married (but not yet led home) his wife Vet
- -ratna n. (with Buddh.) one of the 7 treasures of a Cakra-vartin Dharmas. lxxxv
- pari-ṇetavya mfn. to be led round or married Pañcad
- to be exchanged or bartered against (instr.) Nyāyam. Sch
- pari-ṇetṛ m. 'one who leads round', a husband Kālid. Rājat
- pari-ṇeya mfn. to be led round ĀśvGṛ
- (ā), f. to be led round the fire or married (as a bride) Kathās
- to be investigated or found out Pat
- to be exchanged for or bartered against (instr.) Sāy
- pari-ṇuta mfn. (√4. nu) praised, celebrated BhP
- pari-ṇud (√nud), P. -ṇudati, to pierce, hurt, wound Suśr
- pari-√taṃs (only inf. of Caus. -taṃsayádhyai), to stir up RV
- pari-takana n. (√tak) running round or about L
- pári-takmya mfn. wandering, unsteady, uncertain, dangerous RV
- (ā), f. travelling, peregrination ib
- night (as the wandering, x,. 127) ib
- pari-√taḍ P. -tāḍayati, to strike against, touch Kathās
- pari-tāḍin mfn. striking or hurting everywhere Bālar
- pari-√tan P. Ā. -tanoti, ○nute (aor. -atanat
- ind. p. -tatya), to stretch round, embrace, surround RV. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- pari-tatnú mfn. embracing, surrounding AV
- pari-√tap P. -tapati (fut. -tapiṣyati MBh
- -tapsyati R
- ind. p. -tápya RV.), to burn all round, set on fire, kindle
- to feel or suffer pain
- (with tapas) to undergo penance, practise austerities RV. &c. &c.: Pass. -tapyate (○ti), to be purified (as by fire) Sarvad
- to feel or suffer pain, do penance, practise austerities MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -tāpayati, to scorch, cause great pain, torment R. Pañc. Hit
- pari-tapta (pári-), mfn. surrounded with heat, heated, burnt, tormented, afflicted RV. &c. &c
- pari-tapti f. great pain or torture, anguish L
- pari-tāpa m. glow, scorching, heat Kālid. MārkP
- pain, agony, grief, sorrow R. Kathās. BhP. &c
- repentance MBh. Pañc
- N. of a partic. hell L
- pari-tāpin mfn. burning hot, scorching Kām
- causing pain or sorrow, tormenting R. Śiś
- pari-√tam P. -tāmyati, to gasp for breath, be oppressed Suśr
- pari-√tark P. -tarkayati, to think about, reflect, consider MBh. R
- pari-tarkaṇa n. consideration, reflection MBh. [Page 595, Column]
- pari-tarkita mfn. thought about, expected (a-parit○) Hariv
- examined (judicially) R
- pari-√tarj Caus. -tarjayati, to threaten, menace R. Bhartṛ
- parí-tas ind. (fr. pari) round about, all around, everywhere (na-paritaḥ, by no means, not at all) MBh. Kāv. &c
- as prep. (with acc., once with gen.) round about, round, throughout AV. &c. &c
- pari-tāḍin mfn. (√tāḍ) striking or hitting everywhere Bālar
- pari-tāraṇīya mfn. (√tṝ, Caus.) to be delivered or saved (?) Cat. (perhaps wṛ. for -cāraṇīya = -caraṇīya)
- pari-tikta mfn. extremely bitter, jātakam
- m. Melia Azedarach L
- pari-tīra n. (prob.) = pari-kūla Pāṇ. 6-2, 182 Sch
- pari-√tud P. -tudati, to trample down, pound, crush MBh
- pari-√tuṣ P. -tuṣyati (○te BhP.), to be quite satisfied with (gen. or loc. or instr.), to be much pleased or very glad MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -toṣayati, to satisfy completely, to appease, delight, flatter ib
- pari-tuṣṭa mfn. completely satisfied, delighted, very glad Mn. MBh. &c
- ○ṭâtman mfn. contented in mind MW
- ○ṭârtha mfn. completely satisfied Kathās
- pari-tuṣṭi f. complete satisfaction, contentment, delight Tattvas
- pari-tuṣya ind. being delighted or glad Kathās
- pari-toṣa m. (ifc. f. ā) = ○tuṣṭi
- (with loc. or gen.) delight in Mn. MBh. &c
- N. of a man Cat
- -vat mfn. satisfied, delighted Kathās
- pari-toṣaka mfn. satisfying, pleasing Siṃhâs
- pari-toṣaṇa mfn. id. BhP
- n. satisfaction, gratification ib
- pari-toṣayitṛ mfn. any one or anything that gratifies, pleasing Śiś. (v. l. para-t○)
- pari-toṣita mfn. satisfied, gratified, delighted Hariv. R. Kathās
- pari-toṣin mfn. contented or delighted with (comp.) MBh. Kathās
- pari-√tṛd P. -tṛṇatti (Impv. -tṛndhi), to pierce or thrust through RV. ŚBr
- pari-√tṛp Caus. -tarpayati, to satiate or satisfy completely MBh. R
- pari-tarpaṇa mfn. satisfying, contenting BhP
- n. the act of satisfying Dhātup
- a restorative Car
- pari-tṛpta mfn. completely satisfied or contented Śaṃk
- pari-tṛpti f. complete satisfaction Up
- pari-tṛṣita mfn. (√tṛṣ) anxiously longing for (comp.) Kāraṇḍ
- pari-√tyaj P. -tyajati (○te R. MārkP
- ind. p. -tyajya), to leave, quit, abandon, give up, reject, disregard, not heed Mn. MBh. &c
- (with deham) to forsake the body i.e. die BhP
- (with prâṇān, or jīvitam) to resign the breath, give up the ghost Mn. MBh. Daś. Vet
- (with nāvam) to disembark MW.: Pass. -tyajyate, to be deprived or bereft of (instr.) Mn. Pañc. Hit. &c.: Caus. -tyājayati, to deprive or rob a person of (2 acc.) R
- pari-tyakta mfn. left, quitted &c
- let go, let fly (as an arrow) W
- deprived of, wanting (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- n. anything to spare Divyâv
- (am), ind. without (comp.) Pañc
- pari-tyaktṛ mfn. one who leaves or abandons, a forsaker Mn
- pari-tyaj mfn. id. MBh
- pari-tyajana n. abandoning, giving away, distributing W
- pari-tyajya ind. having left or abandoned &c
- leaving a space, at a distance from (acc.) Var
- with she exception of, excepting ib
- pari-tyāga m. (ifc. f. ā) the act of leaving, abandoning, deserting, quitting, giving up, neglecting, renouncing Mn. MBh. &c
- separation from (sakāśāt) R
- (pl.) liberality, a sacrifice Hit
- N. of wk
- pari-tyāgin mfn. leaving, quitting, forsaking, renouncing (mostly ifc.) MBh. R
- pari-tyājana n. causing to abandon or give up MW
- pari-tyājya mfn. to be left or abandoned or deserted &c. MBh
- to be given up or renounced ib
- to be omitted Sāh
- pari-trasta mfn. (√tras) terrified, frightened, much alarmed Hariv. R. &c
- pari-trāsa m. (ifc. f. ā) terror, fright, fear MBh. Kāv
- pari-trigartam ind. round about or outside Tri-garta Pāṇ. 2-1, 11 ; 12 Sch. [Page 595, Column]
- pari-√trai P. Ā. -trāti, or -trāyate (Impv. -trāhi, -trātu, -trāyasva
- fut. -trāsyate
- inf. -trātum), to rescue, save, protect, defend (-trāyatām or ○yadhvam, help! to the rescue!) MBh. Kāv. &c
- pari-trāṇa n. rescue, preservation, deliverance from (abl.), protection or means of protection, refuge, retreat Mn. MBh. &c
- self-defence L
- the hair of the body L
- moustaches Gal
- pari-trāta mfn. protected, saved, rescued, preserved Kāv. Pur
- m. N. of a man L
- pari-trātavya mfn. to be protected or defended or saved from (abl.) Vikr. Bālar
- pari-trātṛ mfn. protecting, a protector or defender (with gen. or acc.) MBh. R. Pañc
- pari-daṃśita mfn. (√daṃś) completely armed or covered with mail MBh
- pari-daṣṭa mfn. bitten to pieces, bitten
- -dacchada mfn. biting the lips BhP
- pari-daśa mf(ā)n. pl. full ten Jātakam
- pari-√dah P. -dahati, to burn round or through or entirely, consume by fire, dry up Suśr.: Pass. -dahyate (○ti Divyâv.), to be burnt through or wholly consumed, to burn (lit. and fig.) MBh. Ṛit. &c
- pari-dagdha mfn. burnt, scorched MBh. Hariv. &c
- pari-dahana n. burning W. (cf. parīd○) W
- pari-dāha m. burning hot Suśr
- mental anguish, pain, sorrow MBh
- pari-dāhin mfn. burning hot L
- pari-dā √1. P. Ā. -dadāti, -datte, (pr. 1. pl. -dadmasi RV
- Impv. -dehi
- pf. -dadau, -dade
- ind. p. -dāya
- inf. -dātum), to give, grant, bestow, surrender, intrust to or deposit with (dat., loc. or gen.) RV. &c. &c.: Caus. -dāpayati (ind. p. -dāpya). to cause to be delivered or given up MBh
- pari-dā́ f. giving one's self up to the favour or protection of another, devotion ŚBr. KātyŚr
- pari-dāna n. id. ĀśvGṛ. Kauś
- restitution of a deposit L. (v. l. prati-d○)
- pari-dāyin m. a father (or another relation) who marries his daughter or ward to a man whose elder brother is not yet married L
- párī-tta (for 2. See p. 605, col. 1), mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-3, 124) given away, given up, delivered up to (loc.) VS. MBh
- parī-tti f. delivering TBr
- pari-div √1. P. -devati, ○vayati, (rarely Ā
- pr. p. f. -devatīm MBh
- aor. paryadeviṣṭa pf. pari-didevire Bhaṭṭ
- inf. -devitum R.), to wail, lament, cry, bemoan, weep for (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- pari-deva m. lamentation MBh. Lalit
- pari-devaka mf(ikā)n. who or what laments or complains Bhaṭṭ. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 147)
- pari-devana (wṛ. -vedana), n. lamentation, bewailing, complaint MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ā), f. id. Yājñ. MBh. Hit
- pari-devita (wṛ. -vedita), mfn. lamented, bewailed MBh. R. &c
- plaintive, miserable (am ind.) ib
- n. wailing, lamentation ib
- impers. with instr., e.g. ○taṃ-ṛāmeṇa, 'wailing was made by R.'
- pari-devin mfn. lamenting, bewailing Śak
- pari-dyūna mfn. sorrowful, sad ŚBr
- made miserable by (instr. or comp.) MBh. R
- pari-√diś (pf. -dideśa), to announce, make known, point out Br
- pari-diṣṭa mfn. made known, pointed out MBh
- pari-√dih (only Subj. -dehat), to cover or smear over RV
- pari-digdha n. meat covered with meal L
- pari-dīna mfn. much dejected or afflicted
- -mānasa (R.), -sattva (MBh.), mfn. distressed in mind
- pari-√dīp Ā. -dīpyate (○ti), to flare up (lit. and fig.) MBh
- pari-du √2. Ā. -dūyate, to burn (instr.), be consumed by pain or grief MBh. R
- pari-durbala mfn. extremely weak or decrepit MBh. R
- -tva n. Jātakam
- pari-dṛṃhaṇa n. (√dṛṃh) making firm, strengthening ĀpŚr
- pari-dṛḍha mfn. very firm or strong
- m. N. of a man (cf. pāridṛḍha) L
- pari-√dṛś (pl. Ā. -dadṛśrām AV
- inf. -draṣṭum MBh.), to look at, see, behold, regard, consider, find out, know: Pass. -dṛśyate (pf. -dadṛśe), to be observed or perceived, appear, become visible KaṭhUp. R. &c.: Caus. -darśayati, to show, explain MBh. Bhāshāp. [Page 596, Column]
- pari-dṛṣṭa mfn. seen, beheld, perceived, learnt, known MBh
- -karman mfn. having much practical experience (○ma-tā f.) Car
- pari-draṣṭṛ m. a spectator, perceiver MBh
- pari-√dṝ (only 3. sg. Prec. Ā. -darṣīṣṭa), to break through (the foe) RV. i, 132, 6: Pass. -dīryate, to peel or drop off on all sides, to become dropsical TS. ŚBr
- pari-dara m. a disease of the gums in which the skin peels off and bleeds Suśr
- pari-dīrṇa (pári-), mfn. rent on all sides, swollen, dropsical ŚBr
- pari-dyūna See pari-div
- pari-draḍhaya Nom. P. ○yati (fr. pari-dṛḍha), to make firm or strong Pat
- pari-√dru P. -dravati, to run round RV
- pari-dvīpa m. N. of a son of Garuḍa. MBh. (v. l. sarid-dviipa)
- pári-dveṣas m. a hater RV
- pari-dhā √1. P. Ā. -dadhāti, -dhatte, (pf. -dadhur, -dadhire
- fut. -dhāsyati
- aor. -dhāt, -dhīmahi
- ind. p. -dhā́ya
- Ved. inf. pári-dhātavaí), to lay or put or place or set round RV. &c. &c
- to cast round, turn upon (dṛṣṭim, with loc. Hariv.)
- to put on, wear (with or sc. vāsas), dress VS. AV. ŚBr. &c
- surround, envelop, enclose RV. &c. &c
- to conclude or close (the recitation of a hymn) TS. Br.: Caus. -dhāpayati (ind. p. ○yitvā Pāṇ. 7-1, 38 Sch.), to cause a person to wrap round or put on (2 acc.) Br. &c
- to clothe with (instr.) AV.: Desid. -dhitsate, to wish to put on MBh
- pari-dhā́na (and ○dhāná), n. putting or laying round (esp, wood), wrapping round, putting on, dressing, clothing KātyŚr. R. Pañc
- a garment, (esp.) an under garment (ifc. f. ā) AV. ŚBr. &c. (also parī-dh○)
- closing or concluding (a recitation) ŚāṅkhBr
- -vastra n. an upper garment Pañc. iv, 63/64
- ○nī√kṛ, to make into an upper garment Śiś. Sch
- ○nīya n. an under garment
- (ā), f. (sc. ṛc) a concluding or final verse Br
- pari-dhāpana n. causing to put on (a garment) Kauś
- ○nīya mfn. relating to it ib
- pari-dhāya m. (L.) train, retinue
- the hinder parts
- a receptacle for water
- pari-dhāyaka m. a fence, enclosure L
- pari-dhí m. an enclosure, fence, wall, protection, (esp.) the 3 fresh sticks (called madhyama, dakṣiṇa, uttara) laid round a sacrificial fire to keep it together RV. &c. &c
- a cover, garment BhP
- (fig.) the ocean surrounding the earth ib
- a halo round the sun or moon Ragh. Var. BhP
- the horizon MBh. BhP
- any circumference or circle Var. Sūryas
- epicycle ib
- the branch of the tree to which the sacrificial victim is tied (?) W
- N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi
- pl. (ṣaḍ aindrāh) N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr
- -saṃdhi m. (prob.) the putting together of the 3 fire-sticks (cf. above) MānŚr
- -stha mfn. being on the horizon (as the sun) MBh
- m. a guard posted in a circle L
- ○dhī√kṛ, to hang about Mcar
- ○dhy-upânta mf(ā)n. bordered by the ocean (as the earth) BhP
- pari-dhin m. N. of Śiva MBh. (Nīlak.)
- pari-dheya mfn. to be put round &c
- = paridhi-bhava VS. (Mahīdh. TS. v. l. barhi-ṣad)
- n. an under garment (?) MW
- pári-hita mfn. put round or on, covered, invested, clothed RV. &c. &c
- pari-√dhāv P. -dhā́vati (ep. also ○te), to flow or stream round or through RV. Suśr
- to run or drive about (with mṛgayām, 'to hunt') MBh
- to run or move round anything (with acc.) AV. MBh. &c
- to run through or towards or after (with acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -dhāvayati, to surround, encircle MBh
- pari-dhāvana n. the running away from, escaping MBh
- pari-dhāvin m. 'running round', N. of the 46th (or 20th) of the 60 years' cycle of Jupiter Var
- pari-dhīra mfn. very deep (as a tone or sound) Ghaṭ
- pari-√dhū (only 3. pl. Ā. -dhunvate), to shake off BhP
- pari-dhūpana pari-dhūmana and pari-dhūmāyana n. = dhūmāyana Suśr
- pari-dhūsara mfn. quite dustcoloured or grey (-tva n.) Prasannar. [Page 596, Column]
- pari-√dhṛ P. -dhārayati, to carry about, bear, support AV. MBh
- pari-dhāraṇa n. bearing, supporting, enduring (with gen.) MBh
- (ā), f. patience, perseverance Mcar
- pari-dhārya mfn. to be preserved or maintained Hariv
- pari-dhṛta mfn. borne (in the womb) MBh
- pari-√dhṛṣ P. -dharṣayati, to attack, rush upon MBh
- pari-dharṣaṇa n. assault, attack, injury ib
- pari-dhvaṃsa m. (√dhvaṃs) distress, trouble, ruin MBh. Hit
- obscuration, eclipse ( See vidhu-)
- (also ā f.) loss of caste, mixture of castes Āpast. Mn. (also varṇa- Āp. Sch.)
- an outcaste Āpast
- pari-dhvaṃsin mfn. falling off Suśr
- destroying, ruining Kām. Hit. v, 118 (v. l.)
- pari-dhvasta mfn. covered with (comp.) R
- destroyed, ruined ib
- pari-√nand (only ind. p. -nandya), to rejoice greatly, give great pleasure to (acc.) MBh. xv, 522
- pari-nartana n. (√nṛt), g. kṣubhnâdi
- pari-nābhi ind. round the navel Śiś
- pari-niḥ-√stan P. -stanati, to groan loud R
- pari-√nind P. -nindati (or -ṇindati Pāṇ. 8-4, 33), to censure or blame severely MBh. BhP
- pari-nindana n. g. kṣubhnâdi
- pari-nindā f. strong censure MBh
- censoriousness Subh
- pari-nimna mfn. much depressed, deeply hollowed Suśr
- pari-nir-jita mfn. (√ji) vanquished, conquered MBh. R
- pari-nir-ṇij (√nij
- only ind. p. -ṇijya), to wash, cleanse MBh
- pari-nir-mita mfn. (√3. mā) formed, created (said of Vishṇu) Vishṇ
- marked off, limited R
- settled, determined MBh
- pari-vaśavartin m. pl. N. of a class of gods in Indra's world Yogas. Sch. (cf. paranirmita v"ṣ v○)
- pari-nir-luṭh √2. P. -luṭhati, to roll down Rājat
- pari-nirvapaṇa n. (√2. vap) distributing, dispensing, giving W
- pari-nirvivapsā f. (fr. Desid.) desire of giving, liberality
- pari-nirvivapsu mfn. desirous of giving Bhaṭṭ
- pari-nir-vā √2. P. -vāti, to be completely extinguished or emancipated (from individual existence), attain absolute rest Lalit.: Caus. -vāpayati, to emancipate completely by causing extinction of all re-births Vajracch
- pari-vāṇa mfn. completely extinguished or finished (a-parinirv○) Śak
- n. complete extinction of individuality, entire cessation of re-births MWB. 50 ; 122 &c
- N. of a place where Buddha disappeared L
- -vaipulya-sūtra n. N. of a Buddh. Sūtra
- pari-vāpayitavya mfn. to be completely extinguished or emancipated Vajracch
- pari-vāyin mfn. being completely exṭextinguished or emancipated Divyâv
- pari-nirviṇṇa mfn. (√3. vid) extremely disgusted with (loc.) MBh
- pari-cetas mfn. faint-hearted, despondent ib
- pari-nirvṛta mfn. (√1. vṛ) completely extinguished, finally liberated Divyâv
- pari-nirvṛti f. final liberation, complete emancipation Rājat
- pari-nir-√han (only Impv. -jahi), to drive away, expel AV
- pari-ni-√vṛt Ā. -vartate, to pass away MBh
- pari-niścaya m. fixed opinion or resolution MBh
- pari-ni-√śnath (only aor. -śiśnathaḥ), to push or strike down RV
- pari-ni-ṣad (√sad), P. -ṣīdati (3. pl. pf. Ā. -ṣedire ind. p. -ṣadya), to sit around RV. [Page 596, Column]
- pari-ni-ṣic (√sic), P. -ṣiñcati, to pour down upon, endow richly MBh. (cf. next)
- pari-ni-ṣev (√sev), Ā. -ṣevate MBh. xiii, 3087, prob. w. r. for -ṣecyate (√sic)
- pari-ni-ṣṭhā (√sthā), Caus. -ṣṭhāpayati, to teach thoroughly Uttarar
- pari-niṣṭhā f. extreme limit, highest point MBh. Kap
- complete knowledge, familiarity with (loc. or comp.) Śaṃk. Pur
- pari-niṣṭhāna (only a-n○). n. the being completely fixed L
- mfn. having a final end or object Nyāyam. Sch
- pari-niṣṭhāpanīya mfn. to be exactly fixed or defined ĀpŚr
- pari-niṣṭhita mfn. quite perfect, accomplished Śaṃk
- being in (loc.) Hariv. Pur
- completely skilled in or acquainted with (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- pari-naiṣṭhika mf(ī)n. highest, utmost, most perfect MBh
- pari-niṣ-√pad Ā. -padyate, to change or turn into (nom.) Kāraṇḍ
- pari-niṣpatti f. perfection Vajracch
- pari-niṣpanna mfn. developed, perfect, real, existing Saṃk. Buddh
- -tva n. real being, reality Saṃk
- pari-niṣpādita mfn. (fr. Caus.) developed, manifested Kāraṇḍ
- pari-√nṛt P. -nṛ́tyati, to dance about or round (acc.) TS. AV. MBh
- pari-naiṣṭhika See under pari-ni-ṣṭhā
- pari-ny-asta mfn. (√2. as) stretched out, extended Kathās
- pari-nyāsa m. completing the sense of a passage W
- alluding to the development of the seed (bīja) or origin of a dramatic plot Daśar
- pari-√pac P. -pacati, to bring to maturity Divyâv.: Pass. -pacyate, to be cooked Pañc
- to be burnt (in hell) Hariv
- to become ripe, (fig.) have results or consequences Hariv. Var
- approach one's end or issue MBh.: Caus. -pācayati, to cook, roast Suśr
- to cause to ripen, bring to maturity or perfection Kāraṇḍ
- pari-pakva mfn. completely cooked or dressed W
- completely burnt (as bricks) Var
- quite ripe, mature, accomplished, perfect MBh. Kāv. Suśr
- highly cultivated, very sharp or shrewd SaddhP
- near death or decay, about to pass away MBh. Suśr
- fully digested W
- -kaṣāya mfn. = jitêndriya Kull. on Mn. vi, 1
- -tā f. being dressed or cooked, maturity
- digestion
- perfection
- shrewdness W
- -śāli m. ripe rice, Ṛit,
- pari-pacana n. = tailapācanikā Car. Sch
- pari-pāka m. being completely cooked or dressed Bhpr
- digestion Vedântas
- ripening, maturity, perfection Kāv. Sāṃkhyak. Suśr
- result, consequence (āt and atas, in consequence of) Mcar. Rājat
- cleverness, shrewdness, experience Naish. (cf. parī-p○)
- pari-pākin mfn. ripening, digesting W
- (inī), f. Ipomoea Turpethum L
- pari-pācana mfn. cooking, ripening Suśr
- (fig.) bringing to maturity Lalit
- n. and -tā f. the act of bringing to maturity Lalit
- pari-pācayitṛ mfn. cooking, ripening Megh. Sch
- pari-pācita mfn. cooked, roasted Suśr
- pari-√paṭh P. -paṭhati, to discourse Sarvad
- to enumerate completely, detail, mention, name MBh. Suśr. Pur
- pari-pāṭha m. complete enumeration
- (ena), ind. in detail, completely MBh
- pari-pāṭhaka mfn. enumerating completely, detailing Cat
- pari-paṇa m. n. (√paṇ) = nīvii (capital, stock ?) L
- pari-paṇana n. playing for, wagering Mudr
- pari-paṇita mfn. pledged, wagered, promised W
- pari-paṇḍiman m. complete whiteness Śiś
- pari-√pat P. -patati (3. pl. pf. -petur), to fly or run about, wheel or whirl round, rush to and fro, move hither and thither RV. &c. &c
- to leap down from (abl.) MBh
- to throw one's self upon, attack (with loc.) ib. Kāv.: Caus. -pātayati, to cause to fall down, shoot down or off MBh
- to throw into (loc.) Mṛicch
- to destroy Divyâv
- pari-patana n. flying round or about Śak
- pári-pati m. the lord of all around RV. VS. (Mahīdh. 'flying about')
- pari-√pad Caus. -pādayati, to change (m before r and the sibilants) into Anu-svāra RPrāt
- pari-pád f. a trap or snare RV
- pari-padin m. an enemy L. (wṛ. for ○parin ?). [Page 597, Column]
- pari-panna n. the change of m into Anusvāra (cf. above) RPrāt
- pari-pāda m. g. nirudakâdi
- pari-panthaka m. (√panth) one who obstructs the way, an antagonist, adversary, enemy Rājat
- pari-pantham ind. by or in the way L
- pari-panthaya Nom. P. ○yati, to obstruct the way, oppose, resist (with acc.) Rājat
- pari-panthika m. an adversary, enemy MBh
- pari-panthín mfn. standing in the way, hindering
- m. = prec. RV. &c. &c. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 89)
- ○thi-tva n. Sāh. Sarvad
- pari-panthī-√bhū to become the adversary of (gen.) Veṇis
- pari-para See a-pari-para
- pari-parín m. (prob. fr. pari + pari) an antagonist, adversary VS. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 89)
- pari-pavana See pari-pū, col. 2
- pari-√paś P. -paśyati, to look over, survey RV. AV
- to perceive, behold, see, observe RV. TS. Br. Up
- to fix the mind or thoughts upon (acc.) MBh
- to learn, know, recognise as (2 acc.) MuṇḍUp. MBh. BhP
- pári-paśavya mfn. (paśu) relating to the sacrificial victim ŚBr. KātyŚr
- pari-pā √1. P. -pibati, to drink before or after (acc.) AitBr
- to drink or suck out, take away, rob Kād
- pari-pā́na n. a drink, beverage RV
- pari-pīta mfn. drunk or sucked out, gone through Kāv
- soaked with (comp.) Suśr
- pari-pā √3. P. -pāti, (aor. Subj. -pāsati RV.), to protect or defend on every side, to guard, maintain RV. &c.&c
- pari-pā́ṇa n. protection, defence, covert RV
- pari-pālaka mf(ikā)n. (cf. √pāl) guarding, keeping, maintaining Pur
- taking care of one's property SaddhP
- pari-pālana n. the act of guarding &c. Vishṇ. MBh. Kāv. &c
- fostering, nourishing Pañc
- (ā), f. protection, care, nurture Bālar
- pari-pālanīya mfn. to be guarded or preserved or kept or maintained Kād
- pari-pālayitṛ mfn. protecting, defending Śaṃk
- pari-pālya mfn. = ○pālanīya MBh. R. &c
- pari-pipālayiṣā f. (fr. Desid. of Caus.) desire of protecting or sustaining or preserving Śaṃk
- pari-pāka ○kin &c. See pari-pac
- pari-pāṭala mfn. of a pale red colour, pale red Kālid. Śiś. &c
- pari-lita m. dyed pale red Hariv
- pari-pāṭi ○ṭī f. succession, order, method, arrangement Var. Caṇḍ. Bhām. Sāh
- arithmetic Col
- pari-pāṇḍu mfn. very light or pale Kālid. Ratnâv
- pari-pāṇḍiman m. excessive pallor or whiteness Śiś
- pari-pāṇḍura mfn. dazzling white Bālar. Vcar
- pari-pāṇḍurita mfn. made very pale ib
- pari-pārśva mfn. being at or by one's side, near, at hand KātyŚr
- ○cara mfn. going at or by one's side MBh
- ○tas ind. at or by the side, on both sides of (gen.) MBh. Hariv
- ○vartin mfn. being at the side or near Kum. Prab
- pari-piṅga mfn. quite reddishbrown
- pari-piṅga-√kṛ to dye reddish-brown Śiś
- pari-piccha n. an ornament made of the feathers of a peacock's tail BhP
- pari-piñja mfn. full of (instr.) Kum
- pari-piñjara mf(ā)n. of a brownish red colour Kād. Vcar
- pari-piṇḍī-kṛta mfn. made up like a ball Divyâv
- pari-√piṣ (only pf. -pipeṣa), to crush, pound, strike R
- pari-piṣṭa mfn. crushed, trampled down MBh
- pari-piṣṭaka n. lead L
- pari-√pīḍ P. -pīḍayati, to press all round, press together, squeeze Kāv. Suśr
- to torment, harass, vex MBh. Kāv. &c
- (in augury) to cover, cover up Var
- pari-pīḍana n. squeezing or pressing out Suśr
- injuring, prejudicing Kām
- pari-pīḍā f. pressing, tormenting R
- pari-pīḍita mfn. pressed
- embraced
- tormented Kāv. [Page 597, Column]
- pari-pīvara mfn. very fat or plump Hariv
- pari-puṅkhita mfn. feathered (as an arrow) Bhām
- pari-pucchaya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to wag the tail Pāṇ. 3-1, 20 Sch
- pari-√puṭ Pass. -puṭyate, to peel off, lose the bark or skin Suśr
- pari-puṭana n. peeling, losing the bark or skin ib
- -vat mfn. peeling or dropping off ib
- pari-poṭa m. peeling off (a partic. disease of the ear) Suśr
- -ka m. id. ib
- -vat mfn. peeling off, losing the skin ib
- pari-poṭana n. peeling off, desquamation, losing the bark or skin ib
- pari-√puṣ Caus. -poṣayati (Pass. pr. p. -poṣyamāṇa), to nourish, foster
- pari-puṣṭa mfn. nourished, cherished (-tā f. Yājñ.)
- amply provided with, abounding in (comp.) Kull
- augmented], increased Sāh
- pari-poṣa m. full growth or development Sāh
- pari-poṣaka mfn. nourishing, confirming. Rājat
- pari-poṣaṇa n. the act of cherishing or furthering or promoting BhP
- pari-poṣaṇīya mfn. to be nourished or promoted Pañc
- pari-puṣkarā f. Cucumis Maderaspatanus L
- pari-√pū P. Ā. -punāti, ○nīte, to purify completely, strain
- Ā. (RV. -pavate), to flow off clearly
- pari-pavana n. cleaning, winnowing corn Kull
- a winnowing basket Nir
- pari-pūta mfn. purified, strained, winnowed, threshed RV. Mn. &c
- pari-pūti f. complete cleaning or purification Bālar
- pari-√pūj P. -pūjayati, to honour greatly, adore, worship MBh. Kāv
- pari-pūjana n. honouring, adoring W
- pari-pūjā f. id. MW
- pari-pūjita mfn. honoured, adored, worshipped ib
- pari-pṛcchaka &c. See pariprach
- pari-√pṝ Pass. -pūryate, to fill (intrans.), become completely full Rājat.: Caus. -pūrayati, to fill (trans.), make full, cover or occupy completely MBh. Kāv. &c
- to fulfil, accomplish, go through Kāraṇḍ
- pari-pūraka mfn. filling, fulfilling Bhartṛ
- causing fulness or prosperity Kull
- pari-pūraṇa n. the act of filling Kāv
- accomplishing, perfecting, rendering complete Śaṃk. Kāraṇḍ
- pari-pūraṇīya mfn. to be filled or fulfilled Hcat
- pari-pūrayitavya mfn. id. Kāraṇḍ
- pari-pūrita mfn. filled or occupied by, furnished with (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- accomplished, finished, gone through, experienced Gīt
- pari-pūrin mfn. granting or bestowing richly Śiś
- pari-pūrṇa mfn. quite full Kauś
- completely filled or covered with, occupied by (comp.) MBh. R. &c
- accomplished, perfect, whole, complete ib
- fully satisfied, content R
- -candra-vimala-prabha m. N. of a Samādhi L
- -tā f. -tva n. completion, fulness, satiety, satisfaction L
- -bhāṣin mfn. speaking perfectly i.e. very wisely R
- -mānasa mfn. satisfied in mind R
- -mukha mf(ī)n. having the face entirely covered or smeared or painted with (comp.) Caurap
- -sahasra-candra-vatī f. 'possessing a thousand full moons', N. of Indra's wife L
- -vyañjanatā f. having the sexual organs complete (one of the 80 secondary marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. lxxxiv, 24
- ○ṇârtha mfn. having attained one's aim R
- full of meaning, wise (as a speech) MBh. R
- ○ṇêndu m. the full moon Mṛicch
- pari-pūrti f. fulness, completion RPrāt. Sch
- pari-pelava mf(ā)n. very fine or small, very delicate Var
- n. (also -pela L.) Cyperus Rotundus or a similar kind of grass Suśr
- pari-poṭa &c. See pari-puṭ
- pari-poṣa &c. See pari-puṣ
- pari-pra-√grah P. -gṛhṇāti, to hand or pass round KātyŚr
- pari-√prach P. Ā. -pṛcchati, ○te (pf. -papraccha
- fut. -prakṣyati
- ind. p. -pṛcchya
- inf. -praṣṭum), to interrogate or ask a person about anything, to inquire about (with 2 acc. or with acc. of pers. and acc. with prati loc. or gen. of thing) MBh. Kāv. &c
- pari-pṛcchaka m. an interrogator, inquirer GopBr
- pari-pṛcchanikā f. a subject for discussion Divyâv
- pari-pṛcchā f. question, inquiry L. [Page 597, Column]
- pari-pṛcchika mfn. one who receives anything only when asked for MBh. (Nīlak.)
- pari-pṛṣṭika mfn. id. ib
- pari-praśna m. question, interrogation Bhag
- inquiry about (comp.). Pāṇ. 2-1, 63 &c
- pari-pra-ṇī (√nī, only Pass. -ṇīyáte), to fetch from (abl.) RV. i, 141, 4
- pari-√prath (only pf. Ā. -paprathé), to stretch round or over (acc.) RV. vi, 7, 7
- pari-pra-√dhanv (only Impv. dhanva), to run or stream about RV
- pari-pra-√muc (only Impv. Ā. -muñcasva), to free one's self from (abl.) RV. x, 38, 5
- pari-pra-√yā (only 2. pl. pr. -yāthá), to travel round (acc.) RV. iv, 51, 5
- pari-pra-√vac (only aor. -pravocan), to tell anything earlier than another person (acc.), ChUP. iv, 10, 2
- pari-pra-√vṛt Caus. -vartayati, to turn hither RV. x, 135, 4
- pari-praśna See pari-prach
- pari-pra-√syand Ā. -syándate (aor. P. -ásiṣyadat), to flow forth or round RV
- pari-prâp (-pra + √āp), Caus. -prâpayati, to get done, bring about, accomplish Lalit. Divyâv
- pari-prâpaṇa n. taking place, occurrence Pat
- pari-prâpti f. obtaining, acquisition R
- pari-prâpya mfn. to be done Divyâv
- pari-prêpsu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to gain or obtain, desirous of (acc.) MBh
- pari-prârdha n. proximity, nearness ŚāṅkhBr
- pari-prī́ mfn. very dear, highly valued RV
- pári-prīta mfn. id. ib
- much gratified, delighted MBh
- pari-√pruṣ (only pr. p. -pruṣṇát), to sprinkle about TS
- pari-prúṣ mfn. sprinkling, splashing RV
- pari-pré (-pra +√i, only pr. p. -prayát), to run through on all sides RV. ix, 68, 8
- pari-prêraka mfn. (√īr) exciting, causing, effecting Sāy
- pari-prêṣ (-pra + √1. iṣ), Caus. prat9ṣayati, to send forth, despatch Bhaṭṭ
- pari-prêṣaṇa n. sending forth
- abandoning W
- pari-prêṣita mfn. sent forth
- abandoned ib
- pari-prêṣya m. a servant MBh. iv, 32 (v. l. pare pr○)
- pari-√plu Ā. -plavate (ind. p. -plutya MBh
- -plūya Pāṇ. 6-4, 58), to swim or float or hover about or through Br. &c. &c
- to revolve, move in a circle ŚBr
- to move restlessly, go astray Br
- to hasten forward or near MBh.: Caus. -plāvayati (ind. p. -plāvya), to bathe, water MBh
- pari-plavá mfn. swimming VS. Kāṭh
- swaying or moving to and fro ŚāṅkhBr
- running about, unsteady, restless Śiś
- m. trembling, restlessness Bhpr
- bathing, inundation W
- oppression, tyranny ib
- a ship, boat R. (v. l. pāripl○)
- N. of a prince (son of Sukhī-bala or Sukhī-vala or Sukhī-nala) Pur
- (ā), f. a sort of spoon used at sacrifices KātyŚr
- pari-plāvya mfn. to be poured over MBh
- pari-pluta mfn. bathed, one who has bathed in (loc. or comp.) MBh
- flooded, immersed, overwhelmed or visited by (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- n. a spring, jump Var
- (ā), f. spirituous liquor L
- pari-pluṣṭa mfn. (√pluṣ) burnt, scorched, singed L
- pari-ploṣa m. burning, internal heat Car
- pari-phulla mfn. widely opened (as eyes) Śiś
- covered with erected hairs ib
- pari-√bandh Ā. -badhnīte (impf. 3. sg. pary-abandhata MBh
- Pass. pary-abadhyata ib
- pf. Ā. pari-bedhiré AV.), to tie to, bind on, put on
- to surround, encircle: Caus. -bandhayati, to tie round, embrace, span Cat
- pari-baddha mfn. bound, stopped, obstructed R
- pari-bandhana n. tying round L
- pari-√bādh Ā. -bādhate, to ward or keep off, exclude from, protect or defend against (abl.) VS. Br. &c. [Page 598, Column]
- to vex, molest, annoy MBh. Kāv.: Desid. -bibādhiṣate, to strive to keep or ward off ŚBr
- pari-bā́dh f. hindrance or a hinderer RV
- pari-bādha m. a noxious or troublesome demon MantraBr
- (ā), f. trouble, toil, hardship Śak
- pari-bubhukṣita mfn. (Desid. of pari- √3. bhuj), very hungry MBh
- pari-bṛṃh (√2. bṛṃh, also written vṛṃh in verb. forms and deriv.), P. Ā. -bṛṃhati (or -bṛhati), ○te (p. pf. Ā. -babṛhāṇa, prob. solid, strong RV. v, 41, 12), to embrace, encircle, fasten, make big or strong Br.: Caus. -bṛṃhayati, to make strong, strengthen MBh
- pari-barha m. (ifc. f. ā) 'surroundings', retinue, train, furniture, attire, trim, property, wealth, the necessaries of life MBh. R. &c
- royal insignia L
- -vat mfn. (a house) provided with suitable furniture Ragh
- pari-barhaṇa n. retinue, train, attire, trim MBh
- worship, adoration BhP
- (ā), f. growth, increase Nir. Sch
- pari-bṛṃhaṇa n. prosperity, welfare BhP
- an additional work, supplement Mn. MBh
- pari-bṛṃhita (or ○vṛhita
- Pāṇ. 7-2, 21 Sch.), mfn. increased, augmented, strengthened by, connected or furnished with (instr. or comp.) MBh. BhP
- n. the roar of an elephant L
- pari-bṛḍha (pári-), mfn. firm, strong, solid ŚBr. Nir
- m. (only -vṛḍha) a superior, lord Rājat. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 21)
- comp. -vraḍhīyas Pat
- superl. -vraḍhiṣṭha ib
- or -vṛḍha-tama (with brahma n. the supreme spirit) Saṃk
- Nom. P. -vraḍhaya, ○yati Pat
- -vraḍhiman m. (g. dṛḍhâdi) ability, capability Śiś. v, 41 (a-pariv○)
- pari-bodha m. (√budh) reason (-vat mfn. endowed with reason Śak. v, 21, v, l.)
- pari-bodhana n. exhortation, admonitinn (also ā f.) Kād
- pari-bodhanīya mfn. to be admonished ib
- pari-√brū P. -braviiti (Pot. -brūyāt), to utter a spell or charm, lay under a spell, enchant AV. Kāṭh
- pari-√bhakṣ P. -bhakṣayati, to drink or eat up (esp. what belongs to another), devour, consume MBh
- pari-bhakṣaṇa n. eating up, consuming MBh
- being eaten up by (instr.) ib
- pari-bhakṣā f. passing over any one at a meal, N. of a partic. observance ĀpŚr
- pari-bhakṣita mfn. drunk or eaten up, devoured, consumed ŚāṅkhBr. Lāṭy. Sch. MBh
- pari-bhagna mfn. (√bhañj) broken, interrupted, disturbed, stopped MBh. R
- -krama mfn. stopped in one's course, checked in one's progress MBh
- pari-bhaṅga m. breaking to pieces, shattering W
- pari-√bhaj (only ind. p. -bhajya), to divide MBh
- pari-bhaya m. or n. (√bhī) apprehension, fear Śaṃk
- pari-√bharts P. -bhartsati, or -bhartsayati, to threaten, menace, scold, chide MBh. R
- pari-bhartsana n. threatening, menacing R
- pari-bhartsita mfn. threatened, chided ib
- pari-bhava ○vana &c. See pari-bhū
- pari-bhāṇḍa n. furniture, utensils Āpast
- pari-bhāva ○vana &c. See pari-bhū
- pari-√bhāṣ Ā. -bhāṣate, to speak to (acc.), address, admonish MBh. Hariv. R
- to declare, teach, explain, define Gṛihyās. Hariv. Kāś
- to persuade, exhort, encourage MW
- to abuse Divyâv
- pari-bhāṣaka mfn. abusive Divyâv
- pari-bhāṣaṇa mfn. speaking much (a-paribh○) R
- n. speaking, talking, discourse Subh
- admonition, reprimand, reproof Mn. MBh. Lalit
- rule, precept W
- agreement (?) ib
- pari-bhāṣaṇīya mfn. to be addressed or spoken to
- reprehensible, deserving reproof W
- pari-bhāṣā f. speech, discourse, words MBh. BhP
- blame, censure, reproof (only pl.) Pat. Bālar
- any explanatory rule or general definition, (in gram.) a rule or maxim which teaches the proper interpretation or application of other rules Pāṇ
- (in medic.) prognosis
- a table or list of abbreviations or signs used in any work
- (also pl.) N. of sev. wks
- -kroḍa-pattra n. -"ṣṅka-sūtra (○ṣâṅk○), n. -chando-mañjarī f. -ṭīkā f. -prakaraṇa n. -prakāśa, m. -prakāśikā f. -pradīpa m. -pradīpârcis n. -bhāṣya-sūtra n. -bhāskara m. -mañjarī f. -rahasya, n. -"ṣrtha-mañjarī (○ṣârth○), f. -"ṣrtha-saṃgraha (○ṣârth○), m. -viveka m. -viśeṣa m. -vṛtti f. -śiromaṇi m. -saṃgraha m. -sāra m. -sāra-saṃgraha m. -sūtra n. ○ṣêndu-bhāskara m. ○ṣêndu-śekhara m. ○ṣêndu-śekharasaṃgraha m. ○ṣôpaskāra m. N. of wks. [Page 598, Column]
- pari-bhāṣita mfn. explained, said, stated as (nom.), taught, established as a rule, formed or used technically Hariv. Bālar. Bījag
- -tva n. RPrāt. Sch
- pari-bhāṣin mfn. speaking, telling (ifc.) R
- pari-bhāṣya mfn. to be stated or taught (a-paribh○) Pat
- pari-√bhās Ā. -bhāsate, to appear ŚBr
- pari-bhāsita mfn. (fr. Caus.) embellished, adorned Cat
- pari-√bhid Pass. -bhidyate, to be broken or destroyed MBh
- pari-bhinna (pári-), mfn. broken, split or cleft open, crumbled ŚBr. R
- disfigured, deformed MBh
- pari-bheda m. hurt, injury R
- pari-bhedaka mfn. breaking through Cat
- pari-bhuj √1. P. -bhujati, (-ábubhojīr RV. i, 33, 9), to span, encompass, embrace RV. VS. TāṇḍBr
- pari-bhugna mfn. bowed, bent Bhaṭṭ. (Pāṇ. 8-4, 31 Sch.)
- pari-bhuj √3. P. Ā. -bhunakti, -bhuṅkte, (inf. -bhoktum), to eat before another (with acc.) MBh
- to neglect to feed BhP
- to feed upon, eat, consume, enjoy Kāv. Sāh
- pari-bhukta mfn. eaten before another, anticipated in eating MBh
- eaten, enjoyed, possessed Kāv
- worn (as a garment) Divyâv
- pari-bhoktṛ mfn. eating, enjoying SaddhP
- living at another's cost Mn. ii, 201
- pari-bhoga m. enjoyment, (esp.) sexual intercourse MBh. Kāv. Var
- illegal use of another's goods W
- means of subsistence or enjoyment MBh
- pari-bhogya (!), n. use Divyâv
- pari-√bhū P. Ā. -bhavati, ○te (pf. -babhūva, ○bhūtha, ○bhūvuḥ RV
- aor. -abhūvan, -bhuvat
- Subj. -bhūtas, -bhūthas ib
- Impv. -bhūtu ib
- Ved. inf. -bhvé ib
- ind. p. -bhūya MBh. Kāv. &c.: Pass. -bhūyate R
- fut. -bhaviṣyate Bhaṭṭ.), to be round anything, surround, enclose, contain RV. AV. Br
- to go or fly round, accompany, attend to, take care of, guide, govern RV. AV
- to be superior, excel, surpass, subdue, conquer RV. &c. &c
- to pass round or over, not heed, slight, despise, insult MBh. Kāv. &c
- to disgrace MBh
- to disappear, be lost (= parā-bhū) ib.: Caus. -bhāvayati, ○te (ind. p. -bhāvya), to spread around, divulge, make known Uttarar
- to surpass, exceed BhP
- to soak, saturate, sprinkle Suśr. ŚārṅgS
- to contain, include BhP
- to conceive, think, consider, know, recognise as (acc.) Prab. Rājat. BhP. Pañc
- pari-bhava m. insult, injury, humiliation, contempt, disgrace MBh. Kāv. &c
- -pada n. an object or occasion of contempt Kālid. Hit
- -vidhi m. humiliation, Śṛiṅgār
- ○vâśpada n. = ○va-pada Vikr. MārkP
- pari-bhavana n. humiliation, degradation Mālav
- pari-bhavanīya mfn. liable to be insulted or offended or humiliated Mālav. Kād. Kathās
- pari-bhavin mfn. injuring, despising, ridiculing Inscr
- suffering disrespect W. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 157)
- pari-bhāva (also pari-bh○), m. contempt Pañc. i, 258/259 (B. ○bhava)
- pari-bhāvana n. cohesion, union MBh
- (ā), f. thought, contemplation Uttarar
- (in dram.) words exciting curiosity Sāh
- pari-bhāvita mfn. enclosed, contained BhP
- (-tva n. RPrāt. Sch., wṛ. for ○bhāṣita-tva)
- penetrated, pervaded ib
- conceived, imagined ib
- pari-bhāvin mfn. injuring, despising, slighting, mocking, defying (ifc.) Kālid. Ratnâv
- pari-bhāvuka mf(ī)n. who or what shames or humbles or outstrips another (with acc.), Śis
- pari-bhū́ mfn. surrounding, enclosing, containing, pervading, guiding, governing RV. AV. TS. TBr. ĪśUp
- pari-bhūta mfn. overpowered, conquered, slighted, disregarded, despised Kāv. Pur
- m. (with bhaṭṭa) N. of a poet Cat
- -gati-traya mfn. surpassing three times the age of man BhP
- -tā f. humiliation, degradation Vajracch
- pari-bhūti (pári-), f. superiority RV
- contempt, humiliation, disrespect, injury Kathās. Pañc. BhP
- pari-√bhūṣ P. -bhū́ṣati, to run round, circumambulate RV
- to wait upon, serve, attend, honour, obey, follow ib
- to fit out, decorate ib. [Page 598, Column]
- to be superior, surpass in (instr.) ib. ii, 12, 1
- pari-bhūṣaṇa m. (sc. saṃdhi) peace obtained by the cession of the whole revenue of a land Kām. (v. l. para-bh○)
- pari-bhūṣita mfn. decorated, adorned MBh
- pari-√bhṛ P. Ā. -bharati, ○te (pf. P. -babhrima [!] BhP
- Ā. -jabhre RV.), to bring RV
- (Ā.) to extend or pass beyond ib. (also trans. = extend, spread, i, 97, 15)
- to roam or travel about, Bhp. (cf. above)
- pari-bheda ○dhaka, See pari-bhid
- pari-bhoga &c. See pari- √3. bhuj
- pari-√bhraṃś only pr. p. Ā. in a-paribhraśyamāna mfn. not escaping Kām
- pari-bhraṃśa m. escape Hariv
- pari-bhraṃśana n. falling from, loss of (abl.) Pañc
- pari-bhraṣṭa mfn. fallen or dropped off
- fallen from (often = omitting, neglecting)
- deprived of (abl. or comp., rarely instr.) Mn. MBh. &c
- fallen, lost, ruined
- sunk, degraded MBh. Kāv. &c
- escaped, vanished MBh. Kathās
- -satkarman mfn. one whose virtuous acts are lost or in vain BhP
- -sukha mfn. fallen from happiness MBh
- pari-√bhrajj only pr. p. -bhṛjjyat (with pass. meaning, Bh. B. xi, 97, C. -bhujyat) and Caus. -bharjayati (Bhpr.), to fry, roast, parch
- pari-bhṛṣṭa mfn. fried, roasted, parched Suśr
- pari-√bhram P. -bhramati, -bhrāmyati (ep. also ○te
- pr. p. -bhramat, -bhrāmyat and -bhramamāṇa
- pf. -babhrāma, 3. pl. -babhramuḥ, or -bhremuḥ
- ind. p. -bhramya
- inf. -bhramitum or -bhrāntum), to rove, ramble, wander about or through MBh. Kāv. &c
- (also with maṇḍalam) to turn or whirl round, move in a circle, describe a circle round, revolve, rotate MaitrUp. Hariv. R. BhP.: Caus. -bhrāmayati, to stir up, shake through Bhpr
- pari-bhrama mfn. flying round or about ( khe-paribhr○)
- m. wandering, going about BhP
- circumlocution, rambling discourse Mṛicch. i, 2/3
- error W
- pari-bhramaṇa n. turning round, revolving (as of wheels) BhP
- moving to and fro, going about Prasaṅg
- circumference Sūryas
- pari-bhrāmaṇa n. (fr. Caus.) turning to and fro BhP
- pari-bhrāmin mfn. moving hither and thither in (comp.) Bālar
- pari-√bhrāj (only pf. -babhrāja), to shed brilliance all around R
- pari-maṇḍala mf(ā)n. round, circular, globular ŚBr. MBh. &c
- of the measure of an atom A
- m. (sc., maśaka) a species of venomous gnat Suśr
- n. a globe, sphere, orbit, circumference MBh. BhP. Hcat
- -kuṣṭha n. a kind of leprosy Car
- -tā f. whirling about Kir
- roundness, rotundity, circularity Kād. Suśr. (also -tva n. MW.)
- pari-maṇḍalita mfn. rounded, made round or circular Kir
- pari-maṇḍita mfn. (√maṇḍ) adorned or decorated all around R
- pari-√math (only impf. -ámathnāt), to pluck (the Soma plant) RV. i, 93, 6
- pari-mathita mfn. (Agni) produced by attrition ib. iii, 9, 5
- pari-māthin mfn. torturing Mālatīm
- pari-√man (only Pot. -mamanyāt
- pf. -mamnā́the
- aor. Subj. -máṃsate), to overlook, neglect, disregard RV
- pari-mat mfn. Vop. xxvi, 78
- pari-mantrita mfn. (√mantr) charmed, consecrated, enchanted MBh
- pari-manthara mf(ā)n. extremely slow or tardy Śiś. Caṇḍ
- ○tā f. slowness, dullness Veṇis
- pari-manda mfn. very dull or faint or weak Śiś
- (ibc.) a little ib
- ○tā f. fatigue, ennui ib
- pari-manyú mfn. wrathful, angry RV
- pari-mara pari-marda, pari-marśa, See pari-mṛ, -mṛd, -mṛś, p. 599
- pari-mala m. (Prākr. fr. √mṛd?) fragrance, or a fragrant substance, perfume (esp. arising from the trituration of fragrant substances) Kāv. Pañc. &c
- copulation, connubial pleasure Kir. ( See below) [Page 599, Column]
- a meeting of learned men L
- soil, stain, dirt L
- N. of a poet (also called Padmagupta) Cat
- of sev. wks. and Comms
- -ja mfn. (enjoyment) arising from copulation Kir. x, 1
- -bhṛt mfn. laden with perfumes Bhartṛ
- -samā f. N. of Comm. on VarBṛS
- pari-malaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make fragrant Prasannar
- pari-malita mfn. soiled, deprived of freshness or beauty W
- perfumed ib
- pari-√mā Ā. -mimīte (pf. -mame
- Pass. -mīyate
- inf. -mātum), to measure round or about, mete out, fulfil, embrace RV. &c. &c
- to measure, estimate, determine MBh. Kāv. &c
- pari-mā f. measure, periphery MaitrS
- pari-mā́ṇa n. measuring, meting out KātyŚr. Var
- (also -ka n. Bhāshāp.) measure of any kind, e.g. circumference, length, size, weight, number, value, duration (ifc. 'amounting to' RV. &c. &c. cf. parīm○)
- -tas ind. by measure, in weight Mn. viii, 133
- -vat (L
- ○t-tva n.)
- ○ṇin Pāṇ.). mfn. having measure, measured, measurable
- pari-mita (pári-), mfn. measured, meted, limited, regulated RV. &c. &c
- moderate, sparing MBh. Kāv. &c
- -katha mf(ā)n. of measured discourse, speaking little Megh
- -tva n. moderation, limited condition Kap. Sch
- -bhuj mfn. eating sparingly, abstemious W
- -bhojana n. moderation in eating, abstemiousness MW
- ○tâbharaṇa mf(ā)n. moderately adorned Mālav. Pañc
- ○tâyus mfn. shortlived R
- ○tâhāra mfn. = ○ta-bhuj MBh
- ○têcchatā f. moderation in desire MW
- pari-miti f. measure, quantity, limitation Bhāshāp
- -mat mfn. limited Kāv
- pari-meya mfn. measurable, limited, few MBh. (a-parim○) Kāv. &c
- -tā f. measurableness, calculableness MW
- -puraḥ-sara mfn. having only few attendants Ragh
- pari-mā́d f. -māda m. (√mad) N. of 16 Sāmans which belong to the Mahā-vratastotra Br. Lāṭy
- pari-√mārg P. Ā. -mārgati, ○te (inf. -mārgitum), to seek about, search through, strive after, beg for (acc.) MBh. R. 1
- pari-mārga m. (for 2. See pari-mṛj) searching about Pratāp
- pari-mārgaṇa n. tracing, searching, looking for (gen.) MBh. R
- pari-mārgitavya mfn. to be sought after Bhag
- pari-mārgin mfn. tracking, going after, pursuing (comp.) MBh
- pari-mi √1. P. -minoti, to set or place or lay round TS. Kāṭh
- pari-mít f. the beam of a roof, joist, rafter &c. AV
- pari-milana n. (√mil) touch, contact Ratnâv
- pari-milita mfn. mixed or filled with, pervaded by (instr.) Śiś
- met from all sides Prasannar
- pari-mīḍha mfn. (√mih) sprinkled with urine PārGṛ
- pari-meha m. a magical rite in which urine is sprinkled about ib
- pari-mukham ind. round or about the face, round, about (any person, &c.) Pāṇ. 4-4, 29
- pari-mugdha &c. See pari-muh
- pari-√muc P. -muñcáti (ind. p. -mucya
- inf. -moktum), to unloose, set free, liberate, deliver from (abl.) AV. MBh. &c
- to let go, give up, part with (acc.) Kāv
- to discharge, emit Kathās.: Pass. -mucyate (○ti MuṇḍUp.), to loosen or free one's self, get rid of (abl., gen. or instr.) RV. &c. &c
- to be liberated or emancipated (from the ties of the world) Kauś. Up
- pari-mukta mfn. released, liberated from (comp.)
- -bandhana mfn. released from bonds, unfettered Śak
- pari-mukti f. liberation A
- pari-mocita mfn. (fr. Caus.) liberated, emancipated Vajracch
- pari-√muṣ P. -muṣṇāti, -muṣati (Pass. pr. p. -muṣyat MBh.), to steal, plunder, rob a persons of (2 acc.) AV. &c. &c
- pari-moṣá m. theft, robbery TS. &c. &c
- pari-moṣaka mfn. stealing MBh
- pari-moṣaṇa n. taking away Āpast
- pari-moṣin mfn. stealing
- a thief or robber ŚBr
- pari-√muh P. Ā. -muhyati, ○te, to be bewildered or perplexed, go astray, fail ŚvetUp. MBh. R.: Caus. -mohayati (○te Pāṇ. 1-3, 89), to bewilder, perplex, entice, allure, trouble, disturb Kauś. MBh. Kāv
- pari-mugdha mfn. bewitchingly lovely (-tā f.) Śiś
- pari-mūḍha mfn. disturbed, perplexed (-tā f.) Uttarar. Śiś. [Page 599, Column]
- pari-mohana n. (fr. Caus.) bewildering, fascination, beguiling Uttarar. Caurap
- pari-mohita mfn. bewildered, deprived of consciousness or recollection MBh. Hariv. R
- pari-mohin mfn. perplexed Śiś
- fascinating, bewitching W
- pari-√mṛ Ā. -mriyate (pf. 3. pl. -mamruḥ AitBr.), to die (in numbers) round (acc.) Br. Up
- pari-mará mfn. one round whom people have died TS
- m. the dying in numbers or round any one
- (with daivaḥ) the dying of the gods KaushUp
- (with brahmaṇaḥ) N. of a magical rite for the destruction of adversaries AitBr. TUp
- pari-mūrṇa mf(ī́)n. worn out, decrepit, old (as a cow) ŚBr. KātyŚr. (Sch. = vṛddhā)
- pari-√mṛg Ā. -mṛgayate (Pass. p. -mṛgyamāṇa), to seek, search for R
- pari-√mṛj P. -mārṣṭi, -mṛjati, -mārjati, mārjayati (rarely Ā., e.g. Pot. -mṛjīta Gobh
- ind. p. -mṛjya
- inf. -mārṣṭum, or -mārjitum), to wipe all round, wash, cleanse, purify RV. &c. &c
- (with cakṣuṣī) to wipe tears from the eyes MBh. R
- (also Ā.) to cleanse or rinse the mouth, Gant. Āpast. Gobh. MBh
- to touch lightly, stroke MBh
- to wipe off or away, remove, efface, get rid of (acc.) R. Kālid. BhP.: Pass. -mṛjyate, to be rubbed or worn out by use (as teeth) MBh. xii, 5303: Intens. -marmṛjyate, to sweep over (acc.) RV. i, 95, 8 (Sāy. 'to cover with radiance'). 2
- pari-mārga (for 1. See pari-mārg), m. wiping, cleaning
- friction, touch W
- pari-mārgya mfn. to be cleaned or rubbed Pāṇ. 3-1, 113 (cf. mṛjya)
- pari-mārja and See tundapari-mārja, ○jaka
- pari-mārjaka See tundapari-mārja, ○jaka
- pari-mārjana n. wiping off, cleaning, washing KātyŚr. Gaut
- wiping away, removing Hcat
- a dish of honey and oil L
- pari-mārjita mfn. cleaned, polished MBh
- pari-mṛj mfn. washing, cleaning (in kaṃśa-pari-mṛj) Pāṇ. 8-2, 36 Sch
- pari-mṛja See tunda-parimṛja
- pari-mṛjita mfn. wiped, rubbed, cleaned Prab
- pari-mṛjya mfn. to be cleaned or rubbed Pāṇ. 3-1, 113 (cf. ○mārgya). 1
- pari-mṛṣṭa mfn. (for 2. See pari-mṛś) wiped off, rubbed, stroked, smoothed, polished Āpast. R
- wiped or washed away, removed BhP
- paricchada mfn. trim, neat, spruce ib
- pari-√mṛd P. -mṛdnāti, -mardati (ep. also Ā. -mardate), to tread or trample down, crush, grind, wear out MBh. Kāv
- to rub, stroke MBh
- rub off, wipe away (as tears) R
- to excel, surpass MBh
- pari-marda m. crushing, wearing out, using up, destroying MBh
- pari-mardana n. id. L
- rubbing in Car
- a remedy for rubbing in ib
- pari-mṛdita mfn. trodden or trampled down, crushed, rubbed, ground, Bhavab
- pari-√mṛś P. Ā. -mṛśati, ○te (pf. -mamarśa
- 3. pl. ṛV. -māmṛśuḥ
- aor. -amṛkṣat
- ind. p. -mṛśya), to touch, grasp, seize RV. &c. &c
- to examine, consider, inquire into ib
- to observe, discover BhP.: Pass. -mṛśyate (with pavanais), to be touched i.e. fanned by the wind Suśr
- to be considered MBh.: Intens. -marmṛśat, to encompass, clasp, embrace RV
- pari-marśa m. touching, contact Dharmaś
- consideration, reflection MBh
- pari-mārkṣṇu mfn. Vop. xxvi, 144. 2
- pari-mṛṣṭa mfn. (for 1. See pari-mṛj) touched Bhaṭṭ
- seized, caught, found out Mālav
- considered ( See duḥ-parim○) Suśr
- spread, pervaded, filled with (instr.) Kir
- pari-√mṛṣ P. -mṛṣyati (Pāṇ. 1-3, 82), to be angry with, envy (dat.) Bhaṭṭ
- pari-marṣa m. envy, dislike, anger W
- v. l. for ○marśa, touching Hariv
- pari-√mokṣ P. -mokṣayati (ind. p. -mokṣya), to set free, liberate MBh
- pari-mokṣa m. setting free, liberation, deliverance MBh. R
- removing, relieving Ragh. ix, 62 (v. l. pari-moṣa)
- emptying, evacuation BhP
- escape from (abl. or gen.) MBh
- final beatitude (= nir-vāṇa) A
- pari-mokṣaṇa n. unloosing, untying Suśr
- liberation, deliverance from (gen.) MBh. Mṛicch
- pari-moṭana n. (√muṭ) snapping, cracking VarBṛS. (= caṭācaṭā-śabda Sch.)
- pari-√mlai Ā. -mlāyate, to fade or wither away, wane, faint Mṛicch
- pari-mlāna mfn. faded, withered Kāv. BhP
- exhausted, languid MBh. [Page 599, Column]
- become thinner, emaciated Car
- disappeared, gone Vām. iv, 3, 8
- n. change of countenance by fear or grief W
- soil, stain ib
- pari-mlāyin mfn. stained, spotted Suśr
- m. a kind of disease of the lens or pupil of the eye (liṅga-nāśa) ib
- ○yi-tva n. falling, sinking ib
- pari-√yaj P. -yajati (aor. 2. sg. pary-áyās), to obtain or procure by sacrificing RV. ix, 82, 5
- to sacrifice or worship before or after another, to perform a secondary or accompanying rite Br. ŚrS
- pari-yajña m. a secondary or accompanying rite (which precedes or follows another in any ritual) KātyŚr
- mfn. constituting a secondary rite ib
- pari-yaṣṭṛ m. a younger brother performing a Soma sacrifice antecedently to the elder Āpast. (v. l.)
- parī7ṣṭa m. an elder brother antecedently to whom the younger performs a Soma sacrifice ib
- pari-√yat Ā. -yatate, to surround, beset TāṇḍBr
- pári-yatta mfn. surrounded, beset, hemmed in RV. TS. AitBr
- pari-√yam P. -yacchati, to aim, hit RV.: Caus. -yamayati, to serve, assist Sāy
- pari-√yā P. -yāti, to go or travel about, go round or through (acc.) RV. &c. &c
- to run through i.e. assume successively (all shapes) RV. ix, 111, 1
- to surround, protect, guard RV
- to avoid, shun ib
- to flow off (as Soma) ib.: Caus. -yāpayati (ind. p. -yāpya), to cause to go round or circumambulate MBh
- pari-yāṇa n. going about &c. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-4, 29 (cf. paryāṇa)
- pari-yāṇi See a-pariyāṇi
- pari-yāṇika n. a travelling carriage Gal
- pari-yāṇīya mfn. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-4, 29
- pari-yāta mfn. come near, arrived from (abl.) R
- one who has travelled about Hcat
- pari-yu √2. Desid. -yuyūṣati, to strive to span or embrace RV. vi, 62, 1
- pari-yuta mfn. clasping, embracing Nir. ii, 8
- pari-yoga m. (√yuj) = pali-y○ Pāṇ. 8-2, 22 Vārtt. 1
- pari-yogya m. pl. N. of a school L
- pari-√rakṣ P. -rákṣati (ep. also ○te
- inf. -rakṣitum), to guard well or completely, rescue, save, defend from (abl.) RV. &c. &c
- to keep, conceal, keep secret Mn. MBh. &c
- to protect, rule, govern (acc.) R
- to avoid, shun Suśr
- (Ā.) to get out of a person's (gen.) way R
- pari-rakṣaka m. a guardian, protector L
- pari-rakṣaṇa mf(ī)n. guarding, protecting, a protector Hariv
- n. the act of guarding, defending, preserving, keeping, maintaining
- protection, rescue, deliverance Mn. MBh. &c
- care, caution Suśr
- pari-rakṣaṇīya mfn. to be completely protected or preserved Pañc. Prasannar
- pari-rakṣā f. keeping, guarding, protection Mn. v, 94 &c
- pari-rakṣita mfn. well guarded or preserved or kept MBh. Kāv. &c
- pari-rakṣitavya mfn. to be guarded, to be kept secret MBh
- pari-rakṣitin g. iṣṭâdi
- pari-rakṣitṛ mfn. keeping, protecting, a protector, defender MBh. R
- pari-rakṣin mfn. (ifc.) guarding, protecting MBh
- pari-rakṣya mfn. = ○rakṣitavya MBh. R
- pari-raṭana n. (√raṭ) the act of crying or screaming W
- pari-rāṭaka (Pāṇ. 3-2, 146)
- pari-rāṭin (142), mfn. crying aloud, screaming
- pári-rathya n. a partic. part of a chariot AV
- (ā), f. id. MBh
- a street, road A
- pari-randhita mfn. (√radh, Caus.) injured, destroyed BhP
- pari-√rabh Ā. -rabhate (pf. 3. pl. -rebhire
- fut. -rapsyate
- ind. p. -rabhya
- inf. -rabdhum), to embrace, clasp MBh. Kāv. &c.: Desid. -ripsate, to wish or try to embrace Ragh. Prab
- pari-rabdha mfn. one who has embraced R
- encircled, embraced BhP
- pari-rambha m. (cf. parīr○),
- pari-rambhaṇa n. embracing, an embrace Kāv
- pari-rambhita mfn. (fr. Caus.) embraced, quite occupied with or engrossed by (comp.) BhP
- pari-rambhin mfn. (ifc.) clasped, girt by ib
- embracing Śiś
- pari-ripsu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to embrace Hariv
- pari-√ram P. -ramati (Pāṇ. 1-3, 83), to take pleasure in, be delighted with (abl.) Bhaṭṭ
- pari-ramita mfn. (fr. Caus.) delighted (by amorous sport) Chandom. [Page 600, Column]
- pari-√rāj P. Ā. -rājati, ○te, to shine on all sides, spread radiance everywhere R
- pari-rā́p (Padap. -rap), m. pl. (√rap) crying or talking all around, N. of a class of demons RV
- pari-rāpín mfn. whispering to, talking over, persuading AV
- pari-ripsu See pari-rabh
- pari-√rih P. -riháti, to lick or gnaw on all sides RV. i, 140, 9 (cf. pari-lih)
- pari-√ruc Ā. -rocate, to shine all around BhP
- pari-√ruj P. -rujáti, to break from all sides AV. xvi, 1, 2
- pari-rudh √2. (only ind. p. -rodham TBr., -rudhya Kpr.), to enclose, obstruct, keep back, hinder
- pari-ruddha mfn. obstructed by, filled with (comp.) R
- pari-rodha m. obstructing, keeping back, resistance Rājat
- parila m. N. of a man, g. śivâdi (cf. pārila)
- pari-lagna mfn. (√lag) stuck, held fast Śak. i, 32/33 (in Prākr.)
- pari-laghu mfn. very light or small Uttarar
- easy to digest Megh
- pari-√laṅgh P. -laṅghayati, to overleap, transgress Pañc
- pari-laṅghana n. leaping to and fro, jumping over R
- pari-√labh Ā. -labhatc, to get obtain Cat
- pari-√lamb Ā. -lambate, to remain behind, be slow, stay out Hariv. Sūryas
- pari-lamba m
- pari-lambana n. lagging, lingering Kād
- pari-lambya wṛ. for ○rabhya Gīt. xi, 25
- pari-√laṣ P. -laṣati, to desire, long for BhP
- pari-√las (only pr. p. -lasat), to shine all around Inscr
- pari-√likh P. -likhati, to draw a line or a circle or a furrow round (acc.) ŚBr. Kauś
- to scrape or smooth round about R
- to write down, copy Hcat
- pari-likhana n. smoothing, polishing MārkP
- pari-likhita (pári-), mfn. enclosed in a circle TS
- pari-lekha m. outline, delineation, picture Kauś. KātyŚr
- ○khâdhikāra m. N. of ch. of Sūryas
- pari-lekhana m. a sacred text beginning with parilikhitam ĀpŚr
- n. drawing lines round about KātyŚr
- pari-√lip P. -limpati, to smear or anoint all round ŚBr. Kauś. MBh. Suśr
- pari-√lih P. -leḍhi, to lick all round, lick over, lick Yājñ. R. Pañc.: Intens. (pr. p. -lelihat, ○hāna) to lick all round, lick repeatedly MBh. Pañc. BhP
- pari-līḍha mfn. licked all round, licked over R
- pari-lehin m. a partic. disease of the ear Suśr. (cf. pari-rih)
- pari-luṭh √2. P. -luṭhati, to roll about or up and down Daś
- pari-√luḍ Caus. -loḍayati, to stir up, disturb MBh
- pari-√lup P. -lumpati, to take away, remove, destroy AitBr.: Pass. -lupyate, to be taken away or omitted RPrāt. Daś
- pari-lupta mfn. injured, lost RPrāt. Sch
- -saṃjña mfn. unconscions, senseless MW
- pari-lopa m. injury, neglect, omission RPrāt. Kull
- pari-√lubh Ā. -lobhate, to entice, allure Mṛicch. viii, 33: Caus. -lobhayati id. R. Kām
- pari-lūna mfn. (√lū) cut off, severed Caṇḍ
- pari-leśa m. = pariṃśa Sāy. on RV. i, 187, 8
- pari-√lok P. -lokayati, to look around, view from all sides R
- pari-lolita mfn. (√lul, Caus.) tossed about, shaken, trembling Kir. [Page 600, Column]
- pari-vaṃśa m. ○śaka mfn. g. ṛśyâdi
- pári-vakrā f. a circular pit ŚBr
- N. of a town ib. Sch
- pari-√vañc P. -vañcati, to sneak about VS. TS
- pari-vañcana n. or taking in, deception L
- pari-nā f. taking in, deception L
- pari-vañcita mfn. (fr. Caus.) deceived, taken in Hariv. Hit
- pári-vat mfn. containing the word pari Br
- pari-vatsa m. a calf belonging to (a cow) Hariv. (v. l. ○vaṃsa and pārivatsa)
- pari-vatsaka m. a son MBh. (Nīlak.)
- pari-vatsará m. a full year, a year RV. TBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- the second of a cycle of 5 years AV. TS. Br. Kauś. Var
- pari-vatsarīṇa (RV. AV.),
- pari-vatsarīya (MānGṛŚr.), mfn. relating to a full year, lasting a whole year (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 92)
- pari-√vad P. -vadati, to speak out, speak of or about (acc.) AV. Br. MBh
- (also Ā.) to speak ill of, revile, slander, accuse MBh. Kāv
- pari-vadana n. reviling, accusing, clamouring W
- pari-vādá m. blame, censure, reproach, charge, accusation AV. &c. &c. (cf. parī-v○)
- an instrument with which the Indian lute is played L
- -kathā f. abusive language, censure, reproof MBh
- -kara m. a slanderer, calumniator Mālav
- -gir f. (pl.) = -kathā Prab
- pari-vādaka m. a complainant, accuser, calumniator W
- one who plays on the lute L
- pari-vādita
- pari-tin g. iṣṭâdi
- pari-vādin mfn. speaking ill of, abusing, blaming MBh
- crying, screaming W
- censured, abused ib
- m. an accuser, a plaintiff, complainant ib
- (ī), f. a lute with 7 strings Kāv
- pari-vivadiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing or trying to accuse others Śiś
- pary-udita mfn. spoken, uttered ŚBr
- pari-vand P. -vandati, to praise, celebrate RV
- pari-vap √1. P. -vapati, (ind. p. a-pary-upya), to clip or shear round Kauś. PārGṛ. ĀpŚr
- pari-vapaṇa n. clipping, shearing Pāṇ. 8-4, 31 Sch
- pari-vāpaṇa (Āp. ○na), n. id. Pāṇ. 5-4, 67
- pari-vāpita mfn. shorn L
- pari-vap √2. P. -vapati, to scatter, strew Lāṭy
- pari-vāpá m. fried grains of rice Br. Kāṭh. &c. (= dadhi KātyŚr. Sch.)
- standpoint, place MBh. v, 3822 (Nīlak.)
- a reservoir, piece of water L
- furniture &c. (= pari-cchada) ib
- scattering, sowing ib. (cf. parī-v○)
- pari-vāpika and g. kumudâdi and prêkṣâdi
- pari-vāpin g. kumudâdi and prêkṣâdi
- pari-vāpī f. a partic. oblation ŚāṅkhŚr
- pari-vāpya mf(ā)n. having or requiring or deserving the Pari-vāpa ( See above) KātyŚr. (cf. parī-v○)
- pary-upta mfn. sown
- set (as a gem in a ring) W
- pari-upti f. scattering seed, sowing L
- pari-vapya m. (fr. vapā) the Homa which begins and concludes the rites to be performed with the caul or omentum ĀpŚr. &c. (wṛ. -vāpya)
- pari-varga -varjaka &c. See parivṛj, p. 601
- pari-varta -vartaka &c. See parivṛt, p. 601
- pari-vartula mfn. quite round or circular Subh
- pari-vartman mfn. going round about, describing a circle Kāṭh. Kauś
- pari-vardhaka ○dhana &c. See pari-vṛdh, p. 601, col. 3
- pari-vardhita mfn. (√vardh) cut, excavated MW
- pari-varman mfn. wearing a coat of mail, armed Lāṭy
- pari-varha ○haṇa, See pari-barha &c. under pari-bṛṃh, p. 598
- pari-valana n. winding round or that with which anything is wound round Hcar
- pari-vas √4. (only pr. p. Ā. -vásāna), to put on, assume RV. iii, 1, 5 [Page 600, Column]
- to surround, attend AV. xiii, 2, 22
- pari-vastrā f. a curtain Hcar. (v. l. ○tra n.)
- pari-vāsas n. (an upper garment ?), N. of 2 Sāmans ĀrshBr
- pari-vas √5. P. -vasati, (ind. p. pary-uṣya), to abide, stay, remain with (instr.) KātyŚr. R. &c
- (with saṃsargitayā) to associate with (acc.) Kull. on Mn. xi, 190: Caus. vāsayati, to let stand overnight ĀśvGṛ
- pari-vasatha m. a village L. 1
- pari-vāsa m. (2. See s.v.) abode, stay, sojourn KātyŚr. Mn. MBh
- the expulsion of a guilty member Buddh
- pari-vāsita mfn. respectfully attentive to superiors (?) W
- pary-uṣaṇa n. (or ○ṇā f.) spending the rainy season (Buddh.) HPariś. Kalpas
- ○ṇā-daśa-śataka-vṛtti f. ○ṇâṣṭâhnīkā (wṛ. paryūṣaṇ○), f. N. of wks
- pari-uṣita mfn. having passed the night Pañc. MārkP
- (ifc.) having stood for a time or in some place (e.g. niśā-p○, gomūtra-p○ Suśr.), not fresh, stale, insipid Mn. MBh. &c
- (with vākyam) a word that has not been strictly kept MBh
- -bhojin m. the eater of stale food (said to become a maggot or worm in the next birth) W
- pari-uṣitavya n. impers. (the rainy season) is to be spent Kalpas
- pari-uṣṭa mfn. old, faded, withered BhP
- pari-vas √8. P. -vāsayati, to cut off all around, cut out Br. ĀpŚr
- pari-vāsana n. a shred, chip ĀpŚr. KātyŚr. Sch
- pari-√vah P. -vahati (Pāṇ. 1-3, 82 Sch.), to carry about or round RV. &c. &c
- to drag about MBh
- to flow around TS. Āpast
- to lead home the nuptial train or the bride, take to wife, marry (Pass. -uhyáte, p. -uhyámāna) RV. BhP
- pari-vaha m. N. of one of the 7 winds (for the others See parā-vaha) MBh. Hariv. Śak. vii, 6
- of one of the 7 tongues of fire Col
- pari-vāha m. the overflowing of a tank, a natural or artificial inundation, a watercourse or drain to carry off excess of water MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. parī-v○)
- -vat m. 'having a channel', a tank, pool L
- pari-vāhita mfn. drained W
- pari-vāhín mf(ṇī)n. overflowing VS
- (ifc.) streaming with Śak
- pari-vāra ○raṇa &c. See pari-vri
- pari-√vāś (only Ā. impf. paryavāśanta), to cry about or together with (acc.) MBh. (B.) xvi, 49 (C. -arāsanta)
- pari-vāsa m. (√vās) fragrance, odour Mālatīm. (for 1. See pari- √5. vas)
- pari-viṃśat f. quite twenty, twenty at least MBh
- pari-vikrayin mfn. (√krī) selling, trading in (gen.) MBh
- pari-vikṣata mfn. (√kṣan) sorely wounded, much hurt MBh
- pari-vikṣobha m. (√kṣubh) shaking violently, destroying MBh
- pari-vighaṭṭana n. (√ghaṭṭ) scattering, destroying Cat
- pari-vi-√car P. -carati, to stream forth in all directions RV
- pari-viṇṇa = pari-vinna, See pari- √3. vid
- pari-vitarka m. thought or anything thought of Buddh
- examination Divyâv
- pari-vid √1. (pf. [-ved�A] for pres
- Gk. [600,] ?), to know thoroughly, understand fully RV. AV.: Caus. -vedayate Nir. xiv, 22
- pari-veda m. complete or accurate knowledge MBh
- pari-vedana n. id. ib. (v. l. pada-v○)
- pari-vedin mfn. knowing, shrewd W
- pari-vid √3. P. -vindati, to find out, ascertain Hariv
- to twine, twist round ( See below)
- to marry before an elder brother (only Pass. yayā [Mn. iii, 17] or yā [MBh. xii, 610] pari-vidyate, the woman with whom such a marriage is contracted)
- pari-vitta (pári-), mfn. twined or twisted round AV
- m. = -vitti VS. TS. &c. (pari-vittá TBr.)
- = ○vinna ĀpŚr
- pari-vitti m. an unmarried elder brother whose younger brother is married Mn. MBh. &c
- -tā f. Mn
- -tva n. Kull
- pari-vindaka m. a younger brother married before the elder W. [Page 601, Column]
- pari-vindat m. an unmarried elder brother ib
- pari-vinna (also written ○viṇṇa), m. = ○vitti MBh. xii, 6110
- an elder brother whom a younger has anticipated in receiving his share Āpast. Sch
- pari-vividāná m. a younger brother who marries before an elder VS. Kauś.: a younger brother who has taken his share before an elder Āpast. Sch
- pari-vettṛ m. = ○vindaka MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. parī-vettṛ)
- pari-vedaka m. id. Yājñ. iii, 238
- pari-vedana n. the marrying of a younger brother before the elder Mn. Yājñ. &c
- gain, acquisition W
- discussion ib
- (ā), f. shrewdness, wit, prudence ib
- pari-vedanīyā or f. the wife of a Parivettṛi ( See above) W
- pari-vedinī f. the wife of a Parivettṛi ( above) W
- pari-vedya n. the marrying of a younger brother before the elder VP
- pari-viddha See pari-vyadh
- pari-vi-√dhāv P. -dhāvati, to run through on all sides RV
- to run about R
- pari-vivadiṣu See pari-vad
- pari-vi-vas √2. (only pr. p. f. -vyucchántī), to shine forth from i.e. immediately after (abl.) RV. iv, 52, 1
- pari-√viś P. -viśati (fut. -vekṣyati), to beset, besiege TS. TBr. R. (often confounded with pari-viṣ)
- pari-veśa See ○veṣa under pari-viṣ
- pari-veśana n. circumference, the rim of a wheel MBh. (also written ○veṣaṇa)
- pari-veśas (pári-), m. a neighbour AV
- pari-viśrānta mfn. (√śram) quite rested or reposed MBh
- pari-vi-√śvas Caus. -śvāsayati, to comfort, console R
- pari-viśvasta mfn. feeling secure, confident MBh
- pari-√viṣ P. -veṣati MBh. (mostly Intens. -veveṣṭi Subj. -veviṣati Pot. -veviṣyāt AV. Br. Kāṭh
- -veviṣāṇi, -aveviṣat Pāṇ. 7-3, 87 Sch
- Ā. fut. p. -vekṣyamāṇa KātyŚr. BhP
- ind. p. -víṣya AV
- Ved. inf. -víṣe RV.), to serve, wait on, offer or dress food: Pass. -viṣyate, to be served &c. MBh
- to have a halo (said of sun or moon) ṢaḍvBr. Gobh. Hariv.: Caus. -veṣayati (ind. p. -veṣya, also written -veś○), to offer food, wait on (acc.) Mn. iii, 228 MBh. R. BhP
- to dress food Campak
- pari-viṣṭa (pári-), mfn. surrounded, beset, besieged RV. i, 116, 20 (fr. pari-viś ?)
- surrounded by a halo (sun or moon) MBh. Var
- dressed, offered, presented (as food) KātyŚr
- pari-viṣṭi (pári-), f. service, attendance RV
- pari-viṣyamāṇa mfn. being waited on, being at table ChUp
- pari-veṣá m. (also spelt ○veśa) winding round or that with which anything is wound round Hcar
- dressing or offering of food AV
- a circle, circumference, the disc of the sun and moon or a halo round them MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. parī-v○)
- a wreath or crown (of rays) Viddh. Rājat
- anything surrounding or protecting (e.g. kṛtâṅgarakṣā-p○, surrounded by a bodyguard MW.)
- putting on, clothing, dressing L
- ○ṣa-vat, or ○ṣin mfn. surrounded by a halo MBh
- pari-veṣaka mf(ikā)n. (also ○veśaka) one who serves up meals, a waiter, servant MBh
- pari-véṣaṇa n. (cf. ○veśana under pari-viś) attendance, waiting, serving up meals, distributing food Br. Gobh. KātyŚr
- a circle, circumference MBh
- a halo round the sun or moon ib
- surrounding, enclosing W
- pari-veṣṭavya (Kull.),
- pari-veṣya (MW.), mfn. to be served up or offered or presented
- n. See paścāt-pariveṣya
- pari-veṣṭṛ́ mf(rī́)n. one who serves up meals, a waiter AV. Br. &c
- ○ṭrī-mat mfn. having a female servant KaushUp
- pari-viṣṇu ind. = sarvato viṣṇum, or viṣṇuṃ viṣṇum pari L
- pari-vihāra m. walking or roaming about, walking for pleasure BhP
- pari-vihvala mfn. extremely agitated, bewildered R
- ○tā f. bewilderment W
- pari-vī -viita, See pari-vye
- pari-√vīj Ā. -viijate, to blow upon, fan MBh.: Caus. -viijayati id. R. Pur. ○viijita mfn. fanned, cooled R
- pari-vṛ √1. P. Ā. -varati, ○te, (pf. -vavrur, p. -vavṛvás
- ind. p. -vṛtya), to cover, surround, conceal, keep back, hem in RV. &c. &c.: Caus. -vārayati, ○te (Pāṇ. 3-1, 87 Vārtt. 16 Pat. [Page 601, Column]
- ind. p. -vārya), to cover, surround, encompass, embrace (bāhubhyām) AV. &c. &c
- pari-vāra m. (also parī-v○) a cover, covering MBh. (also -ka KātyŚr. Sch.)
- surroundings, train, suite, dependants, followers (ifc. [f. ā] surrounded by) MBh. Kāv. &c
- a sheath, scabbard Śiś
- a hedge round a village Gal. (cf. parī-v○)
- -tā f. subjection, dependance Śiś. ii, 90
- -pāṭha m. N. of a Buddh. work MWB. 62
- -vat mfn. having a great retinue MBh
- -śobhin mfn. beautified by a retinue, R1gh
- ○rī-√kṛ, to use as a retinue, surround one's self with (acc.) Kathās
- pari-vāraṇa n. a cover, covering (ifc. 'covered with' i.e. 'only consisting of') MBh
- a train, retinue ib
- keeping or warding off ib
- pari-vārita mfn. (fr. Caus.) surrounded by, covered with, veiled in (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- pari-vṛta (pári-), mfn. id. Br. &c. &c
- n. a covered place or shed enclosed with walls used as a place of sacrifice ŚBr. KātyŚr. Gobh
- (párī.), mfn. = prec. mfn. RV. AV. AitBr
- surrounding RV
- filled by, full of (comp.) Cat
- pari-vṛti f. surrounding, standing round R
- pari-vṛ √2. Ā. -vṛṇīte, to choose RV
- pari-√vṛṃh or -vṛh, See paribṛṃh, p. 598, col. 1
- pari-√vṛj P. -vṛṇakti (Impv. -vṛṅdhi, -vṛṇaktu
- aor. Subj. -varjati Pot. -vṛjyāt), to turn out of the way of (acc.), avoid, shun, spare, pass over RV. AV. VS. Br. Āpast
- to cast out, expel AitBr
- (Ā.) to surround, enclose BhP.: Caus. -varjayati, ○te (ind. p. -varjya), to keep off, remove AV
- to avoid, shun, quit, abandon, not heed, disregard Mn. MBh. &c
- pari-vargá m. avoiding, removing, omitting RV. (cf. a-parivargam)
- dependance VarBṛS. xv, 32
- pari-vargyá mfn. to be avoided AV
- pari-varjaka mfn. (ifc.) shunning, avoiding, giving up MBh
- pari-varjana n. the act of avoiding, giving up, escaping, abstaining from (gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- killing, slaughter L
- pari-varjanīya mfn. avoidable, to be avoided Var. Rājat
- pari-varjita mfn. (fr. Caus.) shunned, avoided Kathās
- abandoned or left by, deprived or devoid of (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (with saṃkhyayā, countless, innumerable Pañc
- with aṣṭabhis, less by 8, minus 8 Rājat.)
- wound round, girt R
- pari-vṛktá (or pári-vṛkta), mfn. avoided, despised RV. AV
- (esp.) párivṛktā, or pari-vṛktī́ f. 'the disliked or despised one', N. of a wife lightly esteemed in comparison with the favourite wife (mahiṣī, vāvātā) TS. AV. Br. KātyŚr
- pari-vṛ́j f. avoiding, removing RV
- purification, expiation MW
- pari-vṛḍha See under pari-bṛṃh
- pari-√vṛt Ā. -vartate (ep. also ○ti
- ind. p. -vṛtya, or parī-vartam), to turn round, revolve, move in a circle or to and fro, roll or wheel or wander about, circumambulate (acc.) RV. &c. &c
- (with hṛdi or hṛdaye) to run in a person's mind MBh
- to return, go or come back to (acc.) ib
- to be reborn in (loc.) VP
- (also with anyathā) to change, turn out different MBh. Kāv
- to abide, stay, remain Mn. MBh. &c
- to act, proceed, behave R.: Caus. -vartayati, to cause to turn or move round or back or to and fro MBh. Kāv. &c
- (Ā.) to roll or bring near (Subj. -vartayāte) RV. v, 37, 3
- to overthrow, upset (a carriage) Hariv
- to invert, put in a reverse order Mṛicch. v, 9/10 (read -vartya for -vṛtya)
- to change, barter, exchange MBh. Hariv. &c
- to renew (an agreement) Mn. viii, 154 &c
- to understand or explain wrongly (words &c.) MBh. Kāv
- to turn topsyturvy i.e. search thoroughly R
- to destroy, annihilate ib
- to straiten, contract Car
- (Ā.) to cause one's self to be turned round (in having one's head shaved all round) TBr. ŚBr. (cf. -vartana): Intens. -vávartti, to turn (intrans.) continually RV. i, 164, 11
- pari-varta m. revolving, revolution (of a planet &c.) Sūryas
- a period or lapse or expiration of time (esp. of a Yuga, q.v.) MBh. R. &c
- (with lokānām) the end of the world R
- a year L
- moving to and fro, stirring Prasannar
- turning back, flight L
- change, exchange, barter (also parī-v○) Yājñ. MBh. Kāv. &c
- requital, return W
- an abode, spot, place Hariv
- a chapter, section, book &c. Lalit
- N. of a son of Do?-saha (son of Mṛityu) MārkP. [Page 601, Column]
- of the Kūrma or 2nd incarnation of Vishṇu (also parī-v○) L
- pari-vartaka mfn. causing to turn round or flow back Kathās. MārkP
- bringing to an end, concluding (gen. or comp.) MBh
- m. (in rhet.) the artificial separation of vowels and consonants to get another meaning of a word Vām. iv, 1, 6
- (in dram.) change of occupation Bhar. Daśar. Sāh. exchange, barter Vas
- N. of a son of Du?-saha (son of Mṛityu) MārkP
- (ikā), f. contraction of the prepuce, phimosis Suśr
- pari-vártana mf(ī)n. causing to turn round
- (ī), f. (with vidyā) N. of a partic. magical art Kathās
- n. turning or whirling round, moving to and fro (trans. and intrans.) Kāv. Suśr. Pañc. BhP
- rolling about or wallowing on (comp.) Kālid
- revolution, end of a period of time MBh. Hariv
- barter, exchange Kathās. Pañc. Mṛicch
- cutting or clipping the hair ŚBr
- protecting, defending Nalac
- = prêraṇa TBr. Sch
- inverting, taking or putting anything in a wrong direction W
- requital, return ib
- pari-vartanīya mfn. to be exchanged, capable of being exchanged Kull. on Mn. x, 94
- pari-vartita mfn. (fr. Caus.) turned round, revolved &c. MBh. Kāv. &c
- exchanged, bartered Hariv. Var. Kathās
- put aside, removed, destroyed Mṛicch. MārkP
- searched thoroughly R
- taken or put on in a wrong direction W
- n. the action of turning or wallowing BhP
- the place where anybody has wallowed on the earth R
- pari-vartin mfn. moving round, revolving, ever-recurring MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ifc.) changing, passing into Kathās
- being or remaining or staying in or near or about (loc. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
- flying, retreating W
- exchanging, requiting, recompensing ib
- (ī), f. (sc. vi-ṣṭuti) a hymn arranged according to the recurring form abc, abc TāṇḍBr. Lāṭy
- pari-vṛtta mfn. (also -ka g. ṛśyâdi) turned, turned round, revolved, rolling, moving to and fro MBh. Kāv. &c
- lasting, remaining Śak. vii, 34 (v. l.)
- passed, elapsed, finished, ended Hariv
- = pari-vṛta, covered, surrounded L
- retreated, returned W
- exchanged ib
- n. rolling, wallowing MBh. (v. l. ○tti) Mālatīm
- an embrace MW
- -tejas mfn. spreading brilliance all around BhP
- -nctra mfn. rolling the eyes R
- -phalā f. N. of a plant Gal
- -bhāgya mfn. whose fortune has changed or is gone Mālatīm
- ○ttârdha-mukha mf(ī)n. having the face half turned round Vikr
- pari-vṛtti f. turning, rolling, revolution MBh. Śiś
- return (into this world) Āpast
- exchange, barter (○ttyā ind. alternately) BhP
- moving to and fro or staying or dwelling in a place MBh
- end, termination Kir
- surrounding, encompassing ib
- (in rhet.) a kind of figure in which one thing is represented as exchanged with another (e.g. Mālav. iii, 16
- Vām. iv, 3, 16)
- substitution of one word for another without affecting the sense (e.g. vṛṣa-lāñchana for vṛṣadhvaja) Kpr
- contraction of the prepuce, phimosis (= ○vartikā) Suśr
- m. wṛ. for pari-vitti
- (ī), f. (pári-v○), prob. wṛ. for pari-vṛktī
- pari-√vṛdh Ā. -vardhate, to grow, grow up, increase Kāv. Rājat. Suśr.: Caus. -vardhayati, ○te, to bring up, rear, increase, augment MBh. Kāv
- to rejoice, delight (with gen.) Hariv
- pari-vardhaka m. 'rearer, sc. of horses', a groom, hostler Kād. Hcar
- pari-vardhana n. increasing, augmenting, multiplying MBh. Kām
- breeding, rearing (as of cattle) Mn. ix, 331. 2
- pari-vardhita (for 1. See p. 600), mfn. increased, augmented, grown, swollen (as the sea) Kālid
- reared, brought up (fam. also -ka) Śak. iv, 15
- pari-vṛddha mfn. grown, increased by (comp.), strong, powerful Hariv. Kāv. &c
- -tā f. increase, extension, the swelling and becoming sour of food (in the stomach) Suśr
- pari-vṛddhi f. increase, growth Āpast. MBh. Kāv. &c
- pari-√vṛṣ Ā. -varṣate, to cover with (instr.) as with rain R
- pari-vṛsti wṛ. for -vitti
- pari-√ve P. Ā. -vayati, ○te, to interweave BhP
- to fetter, bind ib
- páry-uta mfn. enclosed or set with ŚBr
- pari-vedana ○dita wṛ. for pari-devana, ○vita ( See pari-div)
- pari-√vep -vepate, to tremble R
- pari-√veṣṭ Caus. -veṣṭayati, to wrap up, cover, clothe, surround, embrace ŚBr. &c. &c. [Page 602, Column]
- to cause to shrink up, contract MBh. (B. saṃ-v○)
- pari-veṣṭana n. a cover, covering MBh
- a ligature, bandage Mṛicch. iii, 16
- surrounding, encompassing W
- circumference ib
- (ā), f. tying round or up Sāh
- pari-veṣṭita mfn. surrounded, beset, covered, veiled, swathed Hariv. R. &c. (-vat mfn. as pf. Kathās.)
- pari-veṣṭitṛ m. one who surrounds or encloses ŚvetUp
- pari-vyakta mfn. very clear or distinct
- (am), ind. very clearly or distinctly MW
- pari-√vyath only -vyathā iti PraśnUp. (according to Sch. = Caus. -vyathayatu) to disquiet, vex, afflict
- pari-√vyadh P. -vidhyati, to shoot at (acc.), hit, pierce with (instr.) MBh
- pari-viddha m. N. of Kubera L. (cf. parā-v○)
- pari-vyādha m. Calamus Fasciculatus or Pterospermum Acerifolium L
- N. of an ancient sage MBh
- pari-vyādhi wṛ. for prec. Car
- pari-vyaya m. (pari-vi-√i) condiment, spices Mn. vii, 127
- expense, cost Jātakam
- pari-vyākula mfn. much confused or disordered
- ○lī-√kṛ, to trouble or confound thoroughly Jātakam
- pari-vy-ā-√vṛj (only Impv. -vṛñjantu), to separate i.e. deliver from (abl.), ŚaṅkhGṛ
- pari-√vye P. Ā. -vyayati, ○te (aor. -avyata, -vyata RV
- ind. p. -vyāya and -viiya, Pāṇ. 6-1, 44), to wrap or tie round
- (Ā.) to wrap one's self up RV. &c. &c
- pari-vī́ mfn. wound round VS
- pari-vīta (pári-), mfn. veiled, covered, pervaded, overspread, surrounded, encompassed by (instr. or comp.) RV. &c. &c
- n. N. of the bow of Brahmā L
- pari-vyáyaṇa n. winding round, covering ŚBr. ŚrS
- the covered spot ŚBr
- pari-vyayaṇīya mfn. relating to wrapping round or binding on ŚrS
- pari-vyāṇa n. winding round ĀpŚr. Sch
- pari-√vraj P. -vrajati (ind. p. -vrajya), to go or wander about, walk round, circumambulate (acc.) ŚBr. GṛŚrS. &c
- to wander about as a religious mendicant Up. Mn. MBh. &c
- (with Jainas) to become a recluse HPariś.: Caus. -vrājayati, to cause a person to become a recluse ib
- pari-vrajya mfn. to be gone about (n. impers.) MBh
- (ā), f. strolling, wandering from place to place, (esp.) leading the life of a religious mendicant, abandonment of the world Mn. Kathās
- pari-vrāj m. (MBh. R. &c., nom. ṭ),
- pari-vrāja (Āpast.), m. a wandering mendicant, ascetic of the fourth and last religious order (who has renounced the world)
- pari-vrājaka m. (ikā, f
- ifc. f. akā) a wandering religious mendicant Mālav. Pañc. Hit
- pari-vrāj�ī f. Sphaeranthus Mollis L
- pari-vrājya n. religious mendicancy W
- pari-vraḍhiman ○ḍhiṣṭha &c. See pari-bṛṃh, p. 598
- pari-√vraśc P. -vṛścati, to cut ŚBr
- pari-vṛkṇa mfn. mutilated ChUp
- pári-śaktave inf. of pari-√śak, to overpower, to conquer RV
- pari-√śaṅk Ā. -śaṅkate (inf. -śaṅkitum), to suspect, doubt, distrust (acc.) MBh. R. &c
- to believe, fancy to be (2 acc.) ib
- pari-śaṅkanīya mfn. to be doubted or distrusted or feared or apprehended (n. impers. 'distrust must be felt') Kāv. Pur
- pari-śaṅkā f. suspicion, distrust Jātakam
- hope, expectation R
- pari-śaṅkita mfn. suspicious, distrustful, afraid of (abl. or comp.) MBh. R. Pur
- suspected, questionable MBh
- believed, expected (a-pariś○) MBh
- thought to be, taken for (nom ) Gīt
- pari-śaṅkin mfn. fearing, apprehending Ragh
- afraid on account of (comp.) BhP
- pari-śaṭha mfn. thoroughly dishonest or wicked Car
- pari-śanna mfn. (√śad) fallen away or by the side ĀśvŚr
- pari-śap P. Ā. -śapati, ○te, to curse, execrate TāṇḍBr
- to abuse, revile (aor. pary-aśāpsīt) Bhaṭṭ
- pari-śapta n. cursing, reviling, anathema TāṇḍBr
- pari-śāpa m. id. W. [Page 602, Column]
- pari-śabdita mfn. (√śabd) mentioned, communicated MBh
- pari-śamita mfn. (√śam, Caus.) allayed, quenched, destroyed Gīt
- pari-śāyana See pari-śī
- pari-śāśvata mfn. continuing for ever, perpetually the same MBh
- pari-śiñjita mfn. (√śiñj) made to hum or resound from all sides MBh
- pari-śithila mfn. very loose or lax Jātakam
- pari-√śiṣ P. -śinaṣṭi (Pot. -śiṃṣyuḥ), to leave over, leave as a remainder Br
- Ā. (pf. -śiśiṣe, ○ṣire
- fut. -śekṣyate) and Pass. -śiṣyate (p. -śiṣyamāṇa), to be left as a remainder, 10 remain behind AV. &c. &c.: Caus. -śeṣayati, to leave over, suffer to remain, spare Ragh. Rājat. Pur
- to quit or leave Bhaṭṭ
- to supply L
- pari-śiṣṭa (pári-), mfn. left, remaining TS. &c. &c
- n. a supplement, appendix (N. of a class of wks. supplementary to Sūtras)
- -kadamba m. or n. -paryāya m. pl., -parvan n. -prakāśa m. (and ○śasya-sāra-mañjarī f.), -prabodha m. -saṃgraha m. -siddhânta-ratnâkara m. -sūtra-pattra n. N. of wks
- pari-śeṣa mfn. left over, remaining ŚāṅkhŚr. Var
- m. n. remnant, remains, rest MBh. Var
- supplement, sequel MBh
- termination, conclusion L
- (eṇa), ind. completely, in full
- (āt), ind. consequently, therefore Śaṃk
- -khaṇḍa m. or n. N. of wk
- -vat mfn. having a supplement or appendix Cat
- -śāstra n. a supplementary work L
- pari-seṣaṇa n. remainder, residue BhP
- pari-śeṣita mfn. left over, remaining from (comp.) BhP
- pari-√śī Ā. -śete (impf. 3. pl. aśeran
- 2. du. -aśāyatam
- 3. sg. -aśāyata), to lie round or near or in, surround, remain lying RV. TS. ŚBr
- pari-śāyana n. causing to lie completely in, complete immersion Baudh
- pari-√śīl P. -śīlayati, to practise, use frequently Kāv
- to treat well, cherish, Prasann
- pari-śīlana n. touch, contact (lit. and fig.), intercourse with, application or attachment to, pursuit of (comp.), constant occupation, study Kāv. Sāh
- pari-śilita mfn. practised, used, employed, pursued, studied Kāv
- inhabited Pāṇ. 4-2, 52 Sch
- pari-√śuc P. Ā. -śocati, ○te, to mourn, wail, lament (trans. and intrans.) MBh.: Caus. -śocayati (ind. p. -śocya), to pain, torment MBh. (B.) vi, 1902
- to lament, bewail MBh. vii, 10
- pari-√śudh P. Ā. -śudhyati, ○te, to be washed off, become clean or purified Subh
- (Ā.) to purify or justify one's self, prove one's innocence Rājat.: Caus. -śodhayati, to clear, clean R
- to clear off, restore Yājñ. ii, 146
- to try, examine Kathās
- to solve, explain, clear up Gīt
- pari-śuddha mfn. cleaned, purified, pure
- cleared off, paid
- acquitted, discharged MBh. Kāv. Pur
- (ifc.) diminished by, that from which a part has been taken away MBh
- pari-śuddhi f. complete purification or justification, acquittal (○dhiṃ-√kṛ, to prove one's innocence) Ragh. Bālar. Kathās
- rightness, correctness Kāraṇḍ
- pari-śodha m. = next W
- pari-śodhana n. cleaning, purification Uttarar
- discharging, paying off Kull
- pari-√śubh (śumbh), P. -śúmbhati, to prepare AV
- Ā. -śobhate, to shine, be bright or beautiful MBh
- pari-śobhita mfn. adorned or beautified by (instr. or comp.) Hariv. R
- -kāyā f. N. of an Apsaras and a Gandharvii Kāraṇḍ
- pari-śuśrūṣā See pari-śru
- pari-√śuṣ P. Ā. -śuṣyati, ○te, to be thoroughly dried up, to shrivel, wither (lit. and fig.), pine, waste away MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -śoṣayati (Pass. -śoṣyate), to dry up, emaciate Kāv. Pañc. Suśr
- pari-śuṣka mfn. thoroughly dried or parched up, withered, shrivelled, shrunk (as a vein), hollow (as the cheeks) &c. MBh. Kāv. Var. Suśr
- (with māṃsa), n. meat fried in ghee dried and spiced L
- -tālu mfn. having the palate dried up, Ṛit
- -palāśa mfn. having withered foliage R
- pari-śoṣa m. complete dryness, desiccation, evaporation (○ṣaṃ-√gam, to become dry or thin) R. Suśr. [Page 602, Column]
- pari-śoṣaṇa mfn. drying up, parching MBh. (v. l. ○ṣin)
- n. drying, parching, emaciating MBh
- pari-śoṣita mfn. dried up, parched Cat
- pari-śoṣin mfn. becoming dry or withered, shrivelling Rājat
- v. l. for ○śoṣaṇa MBh
- pari-śūnya mfn. quite empty, (ifc.) totally free from or devoid of Ragh
- pari-śṛta m. or n. (√śrā ?) ardent spirits, liquor L. (cf. pari-srut, -srutā under pari-sru)
- pari-√śṝ Pass. -śīryate (ep. also ○ti), to be cleft or rent asunder, to be split MBh
- pari-√śram (only ind. p. -śramya), to fatigue or exert one's self R.: Caus. -śramayati, to fatigue, tire Naish
- pari-śrama m. fatigue, exertion, labour, fatiguing occupation, trouble, pain MBh. Kāv. &c
- mâpaha mfn. relieving weariness MW
- pari-śramaṇa mfn. (?) free from fatigue or weariness BhP. Sch
- pari-śrānta mfn. thoroughly fatigued or worn out, (ifc.) tired of, disgusted with Mn. MBh. &c
- pari-śrānti f. fatigue, exhaustion
- labour, trouble W
- pari-śrāma m. fatiguing, occupation, trouble BhP
- pari-√śri P. -śrayati (ind. p. -śritya
- Ved. inf. pári-śrayitavaí), to surround, encircle, fence, enclose TS. Br. ŚrS.: Pass. -śrīyasva, be surrounded or surround thyself VS. xxxvii, 13
- pari-śraya m. an enclosure, fence (in sá-pariś○) ŚBr
- a refuge, asylum Pañc. (B.) i, 252
- an assembly, meeting L
- N. of a prince VP
- pari-śrayaṇa n. encompassing, surrounding with a fence KātyŚr. Sch
- pari-śrít f. pl. 'enclosers', N. of certain small stones laid round the hearth and other parts of an altar ŚBr. KātyŚr. (ifc. ○śritka)
- pari-śrita mfn. standing round MBh
- surrounded by (instr. or comp.) Kathās. BhP
- wṛ. for ○śruta MBh
- n. (pári-) = pári-vṛta n. ( See under pari- √1. vṛ) TS. Br. ŚrGṛS
- pari-√śru P. -śṛṇoti (ind. p. -śrutya), to hear, learn, understand R
- pari-śuśrūṣā f. complete or implicit obedience Śukas
- pari-śruta mfn. heard, learnt MBh. R. Hariv
- known as, passing for (nom.) ib
- famous, celebrated MBh. BhP
- wṛ. for prati-ś○ MBh
- m. N. of an attendant of Skanda ib
- pari-śrút f. = -srút AV. xx, 127, 9
- pari-ślatha mfn. quite loose or relaxed Vcar
- pari-śliṣṭa mfn. (√śliṣ) clasped, embraced W
- pari-śleṣa m. an embrace ib
- pari-ṣañj (√sañj), P. -ṣajati Pāṇ. 8-3, 63 Sch
- Ā. -sajjate, to have one's mind fixed on, be attached or devoted to MBh.: Desid. -ṣiṣaṅkṣati Pāṇ. 8-3, 64 Sch
- pari-ṣaṇḍa m. or n. a partic. part of a house L
- (ā), f. a valley (?) Divyâv, (v. l. ○khaṇḍa)
- ○vārika m. a servant ib
- pari-ṣad (√sad), P. -ṣadati RV
- -ṣīdati AV. MBh. (C. also -sīdati)
- to sit round, besiege, beset RV. AV. Kauś
- to suffer damage, be impaired MBh
- pari-ṣád mfn. surrounding, besetting RV
- f. an assembly, meeting, group, circle, audience, council ŚBr. Kauś. Mn. (○ṣat-tva n. xii, 114) MBh. &c
- N. of a village in the north, g. palady-ādi
- -vala mfn. surrounded by a council (as a king) Pāṇ. 5-2, 112 Sch
- forming or containing assemblies Bhaṭṭ
- m. a member of an assembly, assessor, spectator L
- pari-ṣada v. l. for pāri-ṣada, pārṣada
- pari-ṣádya mfn. to be sought after RV. vii, 4, 7 (Nir. 'to be avoided' Sāy. sufficient, adequate, competent')
- to be worshipped VS. v, 32 (Mahīdh. 'belonging to an assembly')
- m. a member of an assembly, spectator, guest L
- pari-ṣádvan mfn. surrounding, besetting RV
- pari-ṣanna (!), mfn. lost or omitted AV.Pariś
- pari-ṣaya See pari-ṣo
- pari-ṣah (√sah), Ā. -ṣahate (impf. pary-aṣahata or -asahata
- fut. pari-soḍhā [Vop. -ṣahitā]
- inf. -soḍhum Pāṇ. 8-3, 70 &c
- aor. pary-asahiṣṭa Bhaṭṭ.), to sustain, bear up against (acc.): Caus. aor. pary-asīṣahat Pāṇ. 8-3, 116
- pari-ṣahā f. forbearance, patience W. (cf. parī-ṣ○). [Page 603, Column]
- pari-ṣic (√sic), P. -ṣiñcati (impf. pary-aṣiñcat Pāṇ. 8-3, 63
- ind. p. -siñcitvā [!], Saddhp
- Pass. pr. p. -ṣicyamāna R.), to pour out or in (esp. from one vessel into another), to pour or scatter about, sprinkle, diffuse RV.: Caus. -ṣecayati, or -ṣiñcayati, to sprinkle MBh
- to soak, macerate Suśr.: Desid. -ṣiṣikṣati Pāṇ. 8-3, 64 Sch
- pari-ṣikta (pári-), mfn. poured out, sprinkled about, diffused RV. Lāṭy. Śiś
- pari-ṣeka m. sprinkling over, moistening Suśr
- a bath, bathing apparatus ib. MBh. Var. (cf. parī-ṣ○)
- pari-ṣecaka mfn. pouring over, sprinkling (comp.), g. yājakâdi (v. l. ○veṣaka Kāś.)
- pari-ṣecana n. pouring over, sprinkling ŚrS. Var. Suśr
- water for watering trees MBh
- pari-ṣidh (√sidh), P. -ṣedhati (impf. pary-aṣedhat) Pāṇ. 8-3, 63 ; 65 Sch.: Desid. -ṣiṣedhayiṣati, 64 Sch. (cf. pari-sidh)
- pari-ṣiv (√siv), P. -ṣīvyati (impf. pary-aṣīvyat Pāṇ. 8-3, 70), to sew round, wind round KātyŚr.: Caus. aor. pary-asīṣivat Pāṇ. 8-3, 116
- pari-ṣīvaṇa n. sewing round, winding round KātyŚr
- pari-ṣu-su √3. P. -ṣuṇoti, (impf. pary-aṣuṇot fut. pari-soṣyati) Pāṇ. 8-3, 63 &c. Sch
- pari-ṣū (√1. sū), P. -ṣuvati (impf. pary-aṣuvat) Pāṇ. 8-3, 63 ; 65 Sch
- -ṣauti, to grasp, bunch together (?) ĀpŚr
- pari-ṣavaṇa n. grasping, bunching together ib
- pari-ṣūtá mfn. urged impelled to come forth, elicited (sc. by the gods, said of young grass) TS
- pari-ṣūti (pári-), f. urging from all sides, beleaguering, oppression, vexation RV
- pari-ṣeṇa m. (p○ + senā) N. of a man ( pāriṣeṇya)
- pari-ṣeṇaya Nom. P. ○yati, (prob.) to surround with an army Pāṇ. 8-3, 65 Sch.: Desid. ○ṣiṣeṇayiṣati, 64 Sch
- pari-ṣev (√sec), Ā. -ṣevate (impf. pary-aṣevata
- pf. pari-ṣiṣeva Pāṇ. 8-3, 63 &c
- but there occurs also -sevate &c.), to frequent, practise, pursue, enjoy, honour Kāv. Pur. Pañc
- pari-ṣo (√so), P. -ṣyati Pāṇ. 8-3, 65 Sch
- pari-ṣaya m
- pari-ṣita mfn. ib. 70
- pari-ṣoḍaśa mfn. pl. full sixteen MBh
- pari-ṣkand (√skand), P. -ṣkandati, or -skandati (Pāṇ. 8-3, 74), to leap or spring about Bhaṭṭ.: Intens. -caniṣkadat, id. RV. viii, 58, 9
- pari-ṣkaṇṇa (Pāṇ. 8-3, 74) or (MBh.), spilled, scattered
- pari-skanna (MBh.), spilled, scattered
- m. = or wṛ. for next L. 1
- pari-ṣkandá (or ○skanda), m. (Pāṇ. 8-3, 75 Sch.) a servant (esp. one running by the side of a carriage) VS. AV. MBh. &c
- a foster-child, one nourished by a stranger W. 2
- pari-ṣkanda m. a temple Gaut. xix, 14 (v. l. ○ṣkandha)
- pari-ṣ-√kṛ (ṣ for s inserted, or perhaps original in a √skṛ = √1. kṛ, cf. upa-skṛ and saṃ-s-kṛ), P. -kṛṇoti (3. pl. -kṛṇvánti RV. ix, 14, 2 ; 64, 23
- p. -kṛṇvát ib. 39, 2
- impf. pary-aṣkarot, or -askarot Pāṇ. 8-3, 70 ; 71), to adorn, fit out, prepare, make ready or perfect RV. (cf. pari-kṛ and Pāṇ. 6-1, 137),
- pari-ṣ-kara m. ornament, decoration MBh. viii, 1477 (according to Nīlak. = 1. ○ṣkanda)
- pari-ṣ-kāra m. = prec. (ifc. f. ā) MBh. &c
- cooking, dressing W
- domestic utensils, furniture SaddhP
- purification, initiation ib
- self-discipline Lalit. (one of the ten powers of a Bodhi-sattva Dharmas. lxxiv)
- -cīvara n. a kind of garment L
- pari-ṣ-kṛta (pári-), mfn. prepared, adorned, embellished, furnished with, surrounded or accompanied by (instr. or comp.) RV. &c. &c
- cooked, dressed W
- purified, initiated ib
- pari-ṣkṛti f. finishing, polishing W
- (in rhet.) a partic. figure of speech = pari-kara ( See under pari-kṛ) Cat
- pari-ṣ-kriyā f. adorning, decorating MārkP
- v. l. for pari-kriyā in agni-p○, q.v
- pari-ṣṭambh (√stambh), P. -ṣṭabhnoti or -ṣṭabhnāti (Caus. aor. pary-astambhat) Pāṇ. 8-3, 67 ; 116 Sch
- pari-ṣṭi f. (√1. as
- cf. abhi-ṣṭi, upa-sti) obstruction, impediment, distress, dilemma RV. [Page 603, Column]
- pari-ṣṭu (√stu), P. -ṣṭauti (impf. pary-aṣṭaut, or -astaut Pāṇ. 8-3, 70), to praise Kām
- pari-ṣṭavana n. praise L
- pari-ṣṭavanīya mfn. intended for a praise (as a hymn) SāṅkhŚr
- pari-ṣṭuta mfn. praised, sung ib
- pari-ṣṭuti (pári-), f. praise, celebration RV
- pari-ṣṭoma m. = paristoma L
- pari-ṣṭubh (√stubh), P. -ṣṭobhati (Pāṇ. 8-3, 63 ; 65), to cry or exult on every side RV. TāṇḍBr
- pari-ṣṭúbh mfn. exulting on every side RV
- pari-ṣṭobha m. embellishing a Sāman with Stobhas (s.v.) TāṇḍBr
- pari-ṣṭhala n. (Pāṇ. 8-3, 96) surrounding place or site W
- pari-ṣṭhā (√sthā), P. Ā. -tiṣṭhati, ○te (pf. -taṣṭhau
- fut. -ṣṭhāsyati Pāṇ. 8-3, 64. Sch
- 3. pl. pf. -tasthuḥ RV. Pañc
- aor. -ṣṭhāt, -ṣṭhuḥ RV
- -ṣṭhāḥ Padap
- -sthāḥ AV.), to stand round, be in a person's way, obstruct, hinder RV. &c. &c
- to crowd from all sides Pañc
- (Ā.) to remain, survive MBh.: Caus. -sthāpayati (ind. p. -sthāpya), to beset, surround AV
- to place near, cause to stay close by Kathās
- pari-ṣṭhā́ mfn. obstructing, hindering
- f. obstruction, impediment RV. AV
- pari-ṣṭhiti f
- pari-sthāna (!), n. abode, residence, fixedness, firmness MW
- pari-ṣyandá or -syanda m. (√syand
- Pāṇ. 8-3, 72) a river, stream (fig. of words) Bhartṛ
- moisture L
- (with ṣ) a sandbank, island ŚBr. KātyŚr
- keeping or entertaining (a sacred fire) MBh. (v. l. -spanda)
- decoration of the hair L. (v. l. -spanda)
- pari-ṣyandana or n. dropping, oozing W
- pari-syandana n. dropping, oozing W
- pari-ṣyandin or mfn. flowing, streaming L
- pari-syandin mfn. flowing, streaming L
- pari-ṣvaj (√svaj, svañj), Ā. -ṣvajate, rarely P. ○ti (impf. pary-aṣvajata, or -asvajata Pāṇ. 8-3, 65 ; 70
- pr.p. -ṣvajāna R
- pf. -ṣasvajé AV. MBh
- -ṣasvajire R
- -ṣasvajaḥ BhP
- ind. p. -ṣvajya MBh
- inf. -ṣvaktum R
- inf. -ṣváje RV.), to embrace, clasp, occupy RV. &c. &c.: Desid. -ṣiṣvaṅkṣate Pāṇ. viii, 3. 64 Sch
- pari-ṣvakta mfn. embraced, encircled, surrounded MBh. Kāv. &c
- pari-ṣvaṅga m. embracing, an embrace MBh. R. &c
- touch, contact with (comp.) Kām. Hit
- N. of a son of Devakī BhP
- pari-ṣvaṅgin mfn. succumbing, Sāṃkhyas. Sch
- pari-ṣvajana n. embracing, an embrace Nir. ii, 27
- pari-ṣvajīyas (pári-), mfn. clasping more firmly AV
- pari-ṣvajya mfn. to be embraced MBh
- pari-ṣvañjana n. embracing, an embrace (putrasya Pāṇ. 3-116 Sch.)
- pari-ṣvañjalya (pári-), m. or n. a partic. domestic utensil AV
- pari-ṣvan (√svan), only Intens. -saniṣvaṇat, to sound, whiz RV. viii, 69, 9
- pari-ṣvaṣkita n. (√ṣvaṣk) the act of leaping about L
- pari-saṃ-√lih P. -leḍhi (pr. p. -lihat), to lick all round, lick over, lick MBh
- pari-saṃvatsara m. a whole or full year Mn. iii, 119 MBh
- mfn. a full year old (or older), inveterate, chronic (as a disease) Suśr. Car
- waiting a full year Gobh
- pari-saṃ-√vad P. -vadati, to speak together about, agree with regard to (acc.) MBh
- pari-saṃ-śuddha mfn. (√śudh) perfectly clean or pure BhP
- pari-saṃ-sṛṣṭa mfn. (√sṛj) got at from all sides MBh
- pari-saṃ-√stambh (only ind. p. -stabhya), to strengthen, comfort MārkP
- pari-saṃ-stu (only Pass. pr. p. -stūyamāna), to praise, celebrate MBh
- pari-saṃ-√stṛ (only ind. p. -stīrya), to spread i.e. kindle a fire at different places MBh
- pari-saṃ-sthita mfn. (√sthā) standing together on every side MBh
- standing i.e. stopping, remaining (in a-paris○) R. [Page 603, Column]
- pari-saṃ-√spṛś P. -spṛśati, to touch at different places, stroke MBh. R
- pari-saṃ-hā √2. (only pr. p. -jíhāna), to start or spring from (abl.) RV. vii, 33, 10
- pari-saṃ-hṛṣṭa mfn. (√hṛṣ) greatly rejoiced, delighted R
- pari-sakhya n. perfect or true friendship PārGṛ
- pari-saṃ-√krīḍ P. -krīḍati, to play about, amuse one's self R
- pari-saṃ-√kṣip P. -kṣipati, to encompass, surround R
- pari-saṃ-√khyā P. -khyāti (inf. khyātum), to count, enumerate ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. MBh
- to limit to a certain number KātyŚr. Sch
- to reckon up, calculate, add together MBh. R. Suśr
- to make good, restore Car. Jaim. Sch
- pari-khyā f. enumeration, computation, sum, total, number ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. MBh. &c
- (in phil.) exhaustive enumeration (implying exclusion of any other), limitation to that which is enumerated Jaim. Kull. on Mn. iii, 45
- (in rhet.) special mention or exclusive specification Kpr. Sāh
- pari-khyāta mfn. reckoned up, enumerated, specified exclusively W
- pari-khyāna n. enumeration, total, a number MBh
- exclusive specification BhP
- a correct judgment. proper estimate Yājñ. iii, 158
- pari-saṃ-ghuṣṭa mfn. (√ghuṣ) filled with cries or noise, resonant on all sides MBh
- pari-saṃ-√cakṣ (only 3. pl. pr. -cakṣate), to enumerate Gobh
- to avoid ( See next)
- pari-cakṣya mfn. to be avoided Pāṇ. 2-4, 54 Vārtt. 9 Pat
- pari-saṃ-cara mfn. (√car) roving about, vagrant Bhar
- m. 'a very difficult pass or defile', a critical period VāyuP
- pari-saṃ-cita mfn. (√1. ci) collected, accumulated Sāh
- pari-satya n. the full or pure truth ĀśvŚr
- pari-saṃ-√tap (only ind. p. -tapya), to be tormented or afflicted R
- pari-tapta mfn. scorched, singed ib
- pari-saṃtā́na m. (√tan) a string, cord TS
- pari-sabhya m. (sabhā) a member of an assembly, assessor L
- pari-samanta m. (ifc. ○taka) circumference, circuit L
- pari-sam-√āp Pass. -āpyate, to be fully completed, arrive at completion BhP
- to be contained in (loc.) Bhag
- to relate or belong to (loc. or prati) Pat
- pari-sam-āpana n. the act of finishing completely W
- pari-sam-āpanīya or mfn. to be completely finished Jaim. Sch
- pari-payitavya mfn. to be completely finished Jaim. Sch
- pari-sam-āpta mfn. finished, complete Śak
- centred, comprehended Śiś
- pari-sam-āpti f. entire completion, end, conclusion Śaṃk. Sāh. Pāṇ. Sch
- relating or belonging to (loc. or prati) Pat
- pari-samutsuka mfn. very anxious, greatly agitated or excited R
- pari-sam-ūh √1. P. Ā. -ūhati, ○te, to heap or sweep together ŚBr. GṛŚrS
- pari-samūhana n. heaping up or sweeping together GṛŚrS. BhP
- pari-sam-ohana (!), n. id. Kauś. Sch
- pari-samê (-sam-ā-√i), to go back to (acc.) BhP
- pari-sam-√bhū (only 3. pl. pf. -babhūvúḥ), to arise, spring, be produced from (abl.) AV
- pari-sara pari-sarpa, See parisṛ, pari-sṛp, p. 604
- pari-sahasra mfn. pl. a full thousand ŚāṅkhŚr
- pari-√sādh Caus. -sādhayati, to overpower, subject Hariv. Kām
- to settle, arrange Mn. viii, 187 [Page 604, Column]
- to prepare (food) Pañcar
- pari-sādhana n. accomplishing, settling, arranging Mn. R
- determining, ascertaining W
- pari-√sāntv (also written śāntv), Caus. -sāntvayati, ○te (ind. p. -sāntvya), to console, comfort, conciliate MBh. R. Kathās
- pari-sāntvana n. the act of consoling and c
- pl. friendly words, flattering speech Kād
- pari-sāntvita mfn. consoled, conciliated MBh. R. BhP
- pari-sāman n. a Sāman which is occasionally inserted Lāṭy
- pari-sāvakīya Nom. P. ○yati = sāvakam icchati Pāṇ. 8-3, 65 Vārtt. 5 Pat. (cf. abhi-sāvakīya under abhi-ṣu)
- pari-siddhikā f. (fr. -siddhi ?) a kind of rice gruel L
- pari-√sidh Caus. -sedhayati, to drive about (cows) Pāṇ. 8-3, 113 Kāś. (cf. pari-ṣidh)
- pari-sīman m. a boundary, extreme term or limit W
- pari-sīram ind. g. pari-mukhâdi (iv, 3, 58)
- pári-sīrya n. a leather thong on a plough ŚBr
- pari-√sṛ P. -sarati (pf. -sasāra, -sasruḥ
- ind. p. -sṛtya), to flow or go round, circumambulate (acc.) RV. &c. &c
- to flow or walk about or to and fro MBh. BhP
- pari-sara mfn. adjacent, adjoining, contiguous Sāy. on RV. iii, 33, 2
- lying near or on (comp.) Megh. Uttarar
- m. position, site Suśr
- verge, border, proximity, neighbourhood, environs Kāv. Pañc. (cf. parī-s○)
- a veils or artery BhP
- death L
- a rule, precept L
- a god L
- -viṣaya m. an adjoining place, neighbourhood Kir. v, 38
- pari-saraṇa n. running or moving about
- -śīla mfn. of a restless disposition Suśr
- pari-saryā f. = ○saraṇa Pāṇ. 3-3, 101 Pat
- near approach W
- service W. (cf. parī-s○)
- pari-sāra m. wandering about, perambulation W
- pari-sāraka m. (g. vimuktâdi) N. of a place near the Sarasvatī AitBr. (cf. pāriś○)
- pari-sārin mfn. wandering or running about Pāṇ. 3-2, 142
- pari-sṛta mfn. having roamed or wandered through (acc.) R
- spread everywhere ib
- m. or n. an enclosed or fenced place MBh
- pari-√sṛj Caus. -sarjayati, to avoid MBh
- pari-sṛṣṭa (pári-), mfn. surrounded, covered AV
- pari-sraṣṭṛ mfn. being in contact or connected with MBh
- pari-√sṛp P. Ā. -sarpati, ○te (ind. p. -sárpam), to move round about or to and fro, hover RV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- to creep or crawl upon Gobh. ( See ○sṛpta)
- to be near, approach, go to (acc.) MBh.: Caus., ○sarpita
- pari-sarpa m. going about in search of, following, pursuing Daśar. Pratāp
- walking about, roaming L
- surrounding, encircling L
- a species of serpent Suśr
- N. of a mild form of leprosy (= vi-sarpa) Suśr. Car. (cf. parīs○)
- pari-sarpaṇa n. crawling upon (comp.) Mṛicch
- running to and fro, going or flying about, constantly changing one's place ĀśvŚr. R. Mṛicch. BhP
- a kind of disease (= ○sarpaṇa) Suśr
- pari-sarpita mfn. (fr. Caus.) crawled upon by vermin Car
- pari-sarpin mfn. going or moving or roaming about MBh
- pari-sṛpta mfn. = ○sarpita Gobh
- pari-sauvīram ind. round about (i.e. except) the Sauviiras Pāṇ. 6-2, 33 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- pari-√skand See pari-ṣkand
- pari-√skhal P. -skhalati, to reel, stagger Kathās
- pari-skhalita n. reeling, staggering ib
- pari-stṛ P. Ā. -stṛṇoti, ○ṇute, or -stṛṇāti, ○ṇīte (perf. 3. pl. -tastaruḥ Bhaṭṭ., -tastarire Śiś
- ind. p. -stīrya GṛS
- Ved. inf. páriśtarītavaí MaitrS. [Pāṇ. 6-2, 51 Sch.), to strew or lay round, enclose (as fire with grass) AV. ŚBr. &c
- to envelop, cover (lit. and fig.) Kir. Siś
- to spread, extend GṛS. R. &c
- pari-stara m. strewing round or heaping together MBh
- a cover, covering ib. (v. l. pari-cchada)
- pari-stáraṇa n. = prec. AV. GṛŚrS. &c
- (ī), f. a partic. sacred text ĀpŚr. [Page 604, Column]
- pari-staraṇikā f. a cow killed at a funeral ceremony (the limbs of the corpse being covered with its limbs) R. (cf. anu-stáraṇī)
- pari-staraṇīya mfn. fit to be strewed around, serving for a cover ĀpŚr. Sch
- pari-staritṛ m. one who strews or lays round ib
- pari-stīrṇa (MBh. R.) and spread around, strewed over, covered
- pari-stṛta (Yājñ. BhP.), spread around, strewed over, covered
- pari-stoma m. a coverlet, cushion MBh. R
- pari-√sthā pari-sthāna, See pariṣṭhā
- pari-√spand Ā. -spandate (or ○ti), to tremble, throb, quiver MBh. R
- pari-spanda m. throbbing, stirring, starting, arising, movement MBh. Kāv. &c
- keeping, maintaining (a sacred fire) MBh. (v. l. ○ṣyanda)
- train, retinue L
- decoration of the hair L
- pressure, crash MW
- pari-spandana n. throbbing, vibration, motion L
- pari-spandita n. throbbing, rising, appearing Mcar
- pari-spardhin mfn. (√spṛdh) vying with, rivalling, emulating (in comp.) Śak. iv, 4 (v. l.)
- pari-spṛ́dh f. a rival RV. ix, 53, 1
- pari-√spṛś P. -spṛśati (pf. 3. pl. -paspṛśire), to touch, stroke MBh. R
- to pursue, practise HPariś
- pari-spṛś mfn. (ifc.) touching HPariś
- pari-spṛṣṭa mfn. smeared or soiled with (blood) MBh
- pari-√sphar Caus. -sphārayati, to spread, divulge L
- pari-sphīta mfn. (√sphāy) swollen, turgid, Parśvan
- pari-√sphuṭ P. -sphuṭati, or -sphoṭati, to burst open Suśr
- pari-sphuṭa mfn. very clear or manifest BhP
- fully developed L
- (am), ind. very clearly or distinctly Kād
- pari-√sphur P. -sphurati, to throb, quiver, vibrate Kāv
- to glitter, gleam BhP
- to burst forth, appear Kull
- pari-sphuraṇa n. glancing
- shooting
- budding W
- pari-sphurita mfn. quivering, palpitating Uttarar
- dispersed, reflected on all sides Mālatīm
- opened, expanded W
- shot, glanced ib
- pari-sphūrti f. shining forth, appearing, becoming clear or manifest Kuval
- pari-smāpana n. (√smi, Caus.) causing wonder, surprising
- (with dambhena) outwitting L
- pari-syanda ○dana &c. See pariṣyanda, p. 603, col. 2
- pari-sraj f. (√sṛj) a garland ĀpŚr
- pari-srajín mfn. wearing a garland TBr. Kāṭh
- pari-srásā f. (√sraṃs) rubbish, lumber TBr
- pari-√sru P. -sravati, to flow round or off, stream, trickle RV. &c. &c
- (with acc.) cause to flow RV. Hariv
- to swim or float about Sāy
- to glide or pass away (as life) Bhartṛ
- pari-srava m. flowing, streaming, a stream MBh. R. &c
- gliding down (garbha-p○, the birth of a child) R
- Rottleria Tinctoria L
- pari-srāva m. flowing, efflux, effluxion Suśr
- N. of a morbid state ascribed to the overflowing of the moistures of the body ib
- -kalpa m. a kind of straining or filtering vessel L
- pari-srāvaṇa n. a straining or filtering vessel L
- pari-srāvin mfn. flowing
- m. (sc. bhagaṃ-dara) a form of fistula of the anus Suśr
- n. (sc. udara) an incurable form of swollen or enlarged abdomen ib. Bhpr
- pari-srút mfn. flowing round or over, foaming, fermenting RV
- f. a kind of intoxicating liquor prepared from herbs AV. VS. ŚBr. (○srún-mat mfn. possessing it ŚBr.)
- dropping, flowing W
- pari-sruta mfn. flowed or streamed round, trickled, oozed R. Kathās
- (ā), f. = ○srut f. L
- pari-svāra m. (√svar) a partic. mode of singing Lāṭy
- pari-√svid Caus. -svedayati, to cause to sweat (by applying sudorifics) Suśr
- pari-√han P. -hanti, to wind round Kāṭh. ŚāṅkhŚr
- to extinguish (fire) ŚBr
- Pass. -hanyate, to be changed or altered MBh. (v. l. prati-h○) [Page 604, Column]
- to cease, perish Pañc. (v. l. -hīyate)
- pari-haṇana n. Pāṇ. 8-4, 22 Sch
- pari-hata mfn. (Śak. v, 22/23 and Gīt. v, 13) wṛ. for pari-hṛta
- pari-hara ○raṇa &c. See pari-hṛ
- pari-harṣaṇa ○ṣin, See parihṛṣ, p. 605
- pari-havá m. (√hve) crying or calling upon, invoking (?) AV
- pari-hūta mfn. called together BhP
- pari-√has P. -hasati (Pass. aor. pary-ahāsi), to laugh, jest or joke with (acc.), laugh at, ridicule, deride MBh. Kathās. Rājat
- pari-hasita mfn. laughed at, ridiculed MW
- pari-hāsa m. jesting, joking, laughing at, ridiculing, deriding
- a jest, joke, mirth, merriment MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. parī-h○)
- -kathā f. an amusing story Ragh
- -pura n. N. of a town Rājat
- -pūrvam ind. jokingly, in jest Ragh
- -vastu n. an object of jest (○stu-tā f.) Pañc
- -vijalpita mfn. uttered in jest Śak
- -vedin m. a jester, a witty person W
- -śīla mfn. of a gay or joyous disposition, fond of jesting Var. Kāv
- ○la-tā f. Ratnâv
- -hari m. N. of a temple of Vishṇu Rājat
- pari-hāsya mfn. laughable, ridiculous MW
- pari-hastá m. (g. nir-udakâdi) an amulet put round the hand to secure the birth of a child AV
- pari-hā √3. P. -jahāti, (ind. p. -hāya
- inf. -hātum), to leave, abandon, quit R. BhP
- to omit, neglect, disregard Mn. MBh. Hariv.: Pass. -hīyate (with fut. -hāsyati MBh.), to be avoided or omitted, be destitute or deprived of, desist or be excluded from (abl.), be wanting or deficient, be inferior to (abl. or instr.), wane, fail, decrease, pass away Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -hāpayati, to cause to relinquish or abandon Naish
- to interrupt, leave unfinished Mn. viii, 206
- pari-hāṇa n. being deprived of anything, suffering a loss (only a-parih○) ŚāṅkhBr
- pari-hāṇi or f. decrease, loss, deficiency Ragh. Var. Suśr. (cf. Uṇ. iv, 51 Sch.)
- pari-hāni f. decrease, loss, deficiency Ragh. Var. Suśr. (cf. Uṇ. iv, 51 Sch.)
- pari-hāpaṇīya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be omitted Kād
- pari-hāpita mfn. robbed or deprived of (instr.) BhP
- pari-hāpya ind. excluding, excepting (acc.), except ĀpŚr
- pari-hīṇa (also written hīna), mfn. omitted, lost, disappeared, wanting MBh. Kāv. BhP
- abstaining from, deficient in, deprived or destitute of (abl. or -tas instr., or comp.) ib
- pari-hāṭaka mfn. consisting or made of pure gold MBh
- a ring worn round the arm or leg, an armlet, anklet L
- pari-hāra &c. See pari-√hṛ
- pari-√hi P. -hinóti, to send or forward to (dat.) RV. vii, 104, 6
- pari-hiṃsā f. (√hiṃs) = pari-barhaṇā Nir. Sch
- pari-√hiṇḍ Ā. -hiṇḍate, to fly about Daś
- pari-hita See pari-dhā, p. 596
- pari-√hṛ P. Ā. -harati, ○te (fut. -hariṣyati MBh
- aor. 3. pl. -ahṛṣata RV
- ind. p. -hṛtya R. Var
- -hā́ram Br.), to move or carry or take round TS. Br. GṛŚrS
- to put or wrap round (Ā. round one's self) AV. &c. &c
- to put aside, save for (dat.) ŚBr
- to leave, quit, desert Śiś
- to defend or preserve from (abl.) ChUp
- to spare VP
- to shun, avoid, leave out, omit ŚBr. Gobh
- to save or spare anything (as trouble, care &c.) to (gen.), Ratnâv
- to take away, remove, beware of or abstain from (acc.). MBh. VP
- (Ā.) to keep away from i.e. neglect, not heed Āpast
- to answer, refute Pat. Śaṃk
- to put twice, repeat (in the Krama-pāṭha), APrāt
- to nourish, foster, cherish Lalit.: Desid. -jihīrṣati, to wish to keep away or avoid or shun, remove or conceal Gobh. R. (cf. -jihīrṣā, p. 594)
- pari-hara m. v. l. for ○hāra, reserve, concealment Śak. (Pi.) i, 24/25
- pari-haraka m. v. l. for ○hāraka L
- pari-haraṇa n. moving or taking round ŚrS
- avoiding, shunning VP
- leaving W
- seizing ib
- refuting ib
- pari-haraṇīya mfn. to be shunned or avoided Śak. Prab
- to be taken away W
- to be confuted ib
- -tā f. disdain, rejection Śiś
- disappearance, unattainableness ib
- refutation ib
- pari-hartavya mfn. to be handed over or forwarded, Nyāyam. Sch. [Page 605, Column]
- to be shunned or avoided or abstained from Nir. Kāv. Pañc
- to be kept secret or concealed Mṛicch
- to be confuted Śaṃk
- to be repeated (before and after iti, next.) APrāt
- pari-hāra (pári-), m. leading round KātyŚr
- delivering or handing over Nyāyam. Sch
- shunning, avoiding, excluding, abandoning, giving up, resigning ŚBr. &c. &c
- seizing, surrounding W
- concealment, reserve MBh. Śak
- leaving out, omission Sāh
- taking away, removing, (esp.) removing by arguments, confutation Śaṃk
- caution Car
- contempt disrespect L
- objection L
- any objectionable thing or person W
- (in gram.) the repetition of a word (before and after iti, cf. pari-graha) APrāt
- (in dram.) remedying or atoning for any improper action Sāh
- an extraordinary grant, exemption from taxes, immunity Mn. R. MārkP. Rājat
- = -sthāna (below) Mn. viii, 237
- bounty, largess W. (cf. parī-h○)
- 1. -vat mfn. avoidable MBh. (a-parih○)
- 2. -vat ind. (ifc.) like the omission of Sāh
- -viśuddhi f. (with Jainas) purification by such mortification and penance as are enjoined by the example of ancient saints or sages W
- -sū f. (a cow) bearing a calf only after a long time (of barrenness) TS. Sch
- -sthāna n. a space of common land extending round a village or town Kull. on Mn. viii, 238
- pari-hāraka mf(ikā)n. repelling, refuting MW
- m. or n. an armlet L. (cf. ○haraka and parihāṭaka)
- pari-hārin mfn. (ifc.) avoiding, shunning Daś. Bālar
- pari-hārya mfn. to be shunned or avoided or omitted or escaped from MBh. R. &c
- to be severed or separated Kathās
- to be taken off or away W
- to be endowed with a privilege Yājñ. Sch
- to be repeated (cf. ○hartavya), APrāt
- m. a bracelet L. (cf. pārihārya)
- pari-hṛta mfn. shunned, avoided Kāv
- abandoned, quitted W
- taken, seized ib
- n. what has been wrapped round or put on BhP
- pari-hṛti f. shunning, avoiding AitBr. 1
- pari-hṛtya ind. keeping away, excluding, with the exception of (acc.) R
- at a distance of (acc.) Var. 2
- pari-hṛtya mfn. to be delivered or handed over AitBr
- pari-√hṛṣ Caus. -harṣayati, to delight greatly, cause to rejoice MBh. Hariv
- pari-harṣaṇa mf(ī)n. greatly delighting MBh
- pari-harṣita mfn. greatly delighted ib
- pari-harṣin mfn. delightful MBh
- pari-hṛṣita mfn. delighted, very glad ib
- pari-hṛṣṭa mfn. id. (-mānasa mfn. R.)
- blunt, obtuse (teeth) Bhpr
- pari-hṇuta mfn. (√hnu) denied, refused AV
- pari-hrút mfn. (√hvṛ) causing to fall RV
- pari-hvṛta See á-pari-hvṛta
- pari-hvṛti (pári-), f. deceiving, injuring, harming RV. viii, 47, 6 (loc. hṛtā́!) ; ix, 79, 2
- pari-hvā́lam ind. (√hval) stammering, faltering ŚBr
- parī in comp. for pari
- ○kṣit m. (√2. kṣi) N. of a son of Abhi-manyu and father of Janam-ejaya MBh. &c
- of a son of Kuru Pur
- of a son of An-aśvan and father of Bhīma-sena MBh
- of a king of A-yodhyā ib. (cf. pari-kṣit)
- ○kṣita (ŚārṅgP.) and m. = prec
- ○kṣiti (Prab. Sch.), m. = prec
- ○ṇáśe Vedic inf. (√1. naś) to attain or to be attained RV. i, 54, 1
- ○ṇáh f. (√nah
- nom. ṇat Pāṇ. 6-3, 116 ; viii, 2, 34 Sch.) enclosure or anything enclosed, (esp.) a receptacle or box belonging to a carriage RV. AV.: ŚBr. Kāṭh
- N. of a place on the Saras-vatī Br. ŚrS
- ○ṇāma m. (√nam) course or lapse of time R. (cf. pari-ṇ○)
- ○ṇāya m. (√nī) = pari-ṇ○ L
- ○ṇāha m. (√nah) circumference, width MBh. R. Suśr
- a piece of common land encircling a village Yājñ
- N. of Śiva L. (cf. pari-ṇ○)
- ○tat (√tan) Pāṇ. 6-3, 116 Sch
- ○tāpa m. = pari-t○ MBh
- ○toṣa m. = pari-t○ Gīt. 1
- ○tta mfn. See pari-dā (p. 595). 2
- ○tta mfn. (√do
- Pāṇ. 6-3, 124) cut round, circumscribed, limited Buddh
- -śubha m. pl. N. of the gods of the 13th order MWB. 212
- -ttâbha m. pl. N. of the gods of the 10th order ib. 211
- ○dāha m. burning, cauterizing Suśr. Car
- ○dhāna n. a mantle, garment MBh. (cf. paridh○)
- ○dhāvin m. = pari-dh○ W
- ○√dhyai (only pf. -dadhyau), to meditate, ponder R
- ○pāka m. ripening, maturing, full development Suśr. Car. Kāraṇḍ
- the result or consequences of anything Mcar. (cf. pari-p○)
- ○bhāva m. = pari-bh○ L
- ○māṇa n. measure, circumference, size, weight, number, amount MBh. Yājñ. Hcat. (cf. pari-m○). [Page 605, Column]
- ○rambha m. = pari-r○ Gīt. Prab. Bālar
- ○varta m. exchange, barter Hit. (v. l.)
- N. of the Kūrma or 2nd incarnation of Vishṇu L. (cf. pari-v○). -vartam ind. (√vṛt) in a circle, recurring, repeatedly TāṇḍBr
- ○vāda m. reproof, censure Mn. Āpast
- ○vāpá m. fried grains or sour milk VS
- furniture L
- a piece of water L
- sowing L. (cf. pari-v○ under pari- √2. vap)
- ○vāpya mfn. = pari-v○ (under pari- √2. vap) KātyŚr
- ○vāra m. train, retinue MBh. Kāv. &c
- a sheath, scabbard L. (cf. pari-v○ under pari- √1. vṛ)
- ○vāha m. = pari-v○ MBh
- the royal insignia L
- ○vettṛ m. = pari-v○ Mn. iii, 172
- ○veṣa m. a halo round the sun or moon Hariv. (cf. pari-v○)
- ○śāsa m. (√śas) anything cut out, an excision AV
- a kind of tongs used for lifting a kettle from the fire ŚBr
- ○śeṣa m. rest, remainder AitBr. (cf. pari-ś○)
- ○ṣahā f. = pari-ṣ○ (under pari-ṣah) HYog
- ○ṣeka m. = pari-ṣ○ (under pari-ṣic) Suśr
- ○sara m. circumference, surroundings Bālar. (cf. pari-s○)
- ○sarpa m. a species of worm causing leprosy Suśr
- a kind of leprosy Car. (cf. pari-s○ under pari-sṛp)
- ○saryā f. = pari-s○ L
- ○sāra m. going about or round L
- ○hāra m. avoiding, shunning, caution Suśr
- disrespect L
- (in gram. and dram.) = pari-h○
- ○hāsa m. = pari-h○ Cāṇ
- -keśava m. N. of a temple of Vishṇu Rājat
- -kṣama mfn. able to deride or surpass Bhartṛ
- -śīla mfn. = pari-hāsa-ś○ Rājat
- parī7 (pari-√i), P. pary-eti (Impv. parī7hi MBh
- Pot. pártyām TS
- impf. paryait ŚBr
- pf. párī7yāya TS
- fut. pary-etā ChUp
- ind. p. parī7tya PārGṛ
- pary-āyaṃ Br
- inf. páry-etave RV.), to go about, move in a circle
- (trans.) to go or flow round (acc.), circumambulate, surround, include, grasp, span RV. &c. &c
- to run against or into, reach, attain AV. ŚBr. ChUp
- (with or sc. manasā) to perceive, ponder MBh. R.: Intens. Ā. párī7yate, to move round or in a circle RV
- parī7ta mfn. standing or moving round, surrounding MBh
- past, elapsed, expired R
- surrounded, encompassed, filled, taken possession of, seized (with instr. or in comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- = viparī7ta, inverted MBh
- wṛ. for parītta ib
- m. pl. N. of a people VP
- ○ta-tā f. the being surrounded or filled L
- ○tin mfn. (ifc.) filled with, seized by Suśr
- parī7tya mfn. to be circumambulated (a-par○) KātyŚr
- pary-aya m. revolution, lapse, expiration, waste or loss (of time) Mn. MBh. &c
- the time of revolution (of a planet) Gaṇit
- change, alteration ib
- inversion, irregularity, confusion with (comp.) MBh. Suśr
- contrariety, opposition W
- deviation from enjoined or customary observances, neglect of duty ib
- pary-ayaṇa n. going about, walking round, circumambulating (e.g. of a sown field) MānGṛ. Gobh. (Sch. 'the reaping of corn')
- fit to be wound round (an arrow or other object) Kauś
- a horse's saddle or housings (= paryāṇa) L
- pary-āya m. going or turning or winding round, revolving, revolution KātyŚr
- course, lapse, expiration of time MBh. Hariv. Vet
- regular recurrence, repetition, succession, turn (ibc. or eṇa, ind. in turn, successively, alternately
- caturthe paryāye, at the fourth time) KātyŚr. Lāṭy. Mn. &c
- a regularly recurring series or formula (esp. in the Ati-rātra ceremony) Br. ŚrS. (-tva n.)
- = -sū7kta Sāy
- a convertible term, synonym (-tā f. -tva n.) Pañc. Sāh. Pāṇ. Sch
- way, manner, method of proceeding (anena pary-āyeṇa, in this manner) SaddhP
- probability MBh
- (in rhet.) a partic. figure of speech Kpr. Sāh
- (with Jainas) the regular development of a thing and the end of this development Sarvad
- opportunity, occasion L
- formation, creation L
- point of contact L
- -krama m. order of succession, regular rotation or turn MW
- -cyuta mfn. one who has lost his turn, superseded, supplanted ib
- -pada-mañjarī f. -muktâvalī f. -ratna-mālā f. N. of wks
- -vacana n. a convertible term, synonym Vārtt. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 68
- -vākya n. similar words Hariv
- -vācaka mfn. expressing a corresponding notion
- (with śabda), m. a synonym MBh
- -vṛtti f. alternate course or action MW
- -śabda m. a synonym Tattvas
- -śayana n. alternate sleeping and watching W
- -śas ind. by phrases or sentences ĀśvŚr
- periodically Kāṭh. Suśr
- in succession, by turns MBh
- -śastra (!), n. pl. N. of wk
- -sū7kta n. a hymn with regularly recurring phrases or sentences AV. Anukr
- -sevā f. service by rotation Kum.: ○yâtman m. the finite nature, finiteness Sarvad. [Page 605, Column]
- ○yánna n. food intended for another Yājñ
- ○yârṇava m. 'ocean of synonyms', N. of a lexicon
- ○yôkta n. (in rhet.) a partic. figure of speech (in which the fact to be intimated is expressed by a turn of speech or periphrasis) Sāh
- ○yôkti f. id. Vām
- pary-ḍāyiká mfn. composed in strophes AV
- pary-ḍāyín mfn. embracing, including AitBr
- encompassing (in a hostile manner) AV
- periodical VS
- pary-etṛ́ m. subduer, conqueror RV
- pary-ḍehi m. N. of a man
- (ī), f. N. of a woman, g. śārṅgaravâdi
- parī7kṣ (pari-√īkṣ), Ā. parī7kṣate (pr. p. parī7kṣat MBh
- imp. pary-aikṣat [Sāy. -aicchat] ŚBr.), to look round, inspect carefully, try, examine, find out, observe, perceive ŚBr. &c. &c.: Caus. parī7kṣayati, to cause to examine or investigate Mn
- parī7kṣaka mfn. trying, examining W
- m. a prover, examiner, judge Rājat. Pañc
- parī7kṣaṇa n. (rarely ○ṇā f.) trying, testing, experiment, investigation Mn. MBh. &c
- parī7kṣaṇīya mfn. to be tried or investigated (-tva n.) Nyāyam. Sch
- to be submitted to ordeal W
- parī7kṣā f. inspection, investigation, examination, test, trial by ordeal of various kinds ( See 2. divya) Mn. MBh. &c
- N. of wk
- -kṣama mfn. standing the test Sarvad
- -tattva n. -paddhati f. N. of wks
- ○kṣârtha mfn. wishing to try or test Āpast
- parī7kṣita mfn. carefully inspected, tried, examined Mn. MBh. &c
- parī7kṣitavya mfn. to be tried or tested or examined or proved Var. Prab
- parī7kṣin See nāṇaka-p○
- parī7kṣya mfn. = ○kṣitavya MBh. Var
- parī7cikṣiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to try or examine L
- parī7jyā f. (pari + ijyā, √yaj) a secondary rite (= pari-yajña) ŚāṅkhŚr
- párīṇas m. (√pṝ ?) plenty, abundance RV
- (asā), ind. richly, abundantly ib. (cf. Naigh. i, 3)
- parīṇasá n. = ○ṇas m. RV
- parī7ta See 2. parī7, col. 2
- parīti = puṣpâñjana L
- parī-tta. 2 See under pari-dā and 1. parī
- parī74dhya (pari + idhya, √indh), to be kindled TS
- parīndana n. gratification, present Vajracch
- parīnḍdita mfn. gratified, presented ib
- parī7ps ○psā, ○psu, See pary-āp
- párīman (√pṝ ?), bounty, plenty
- (○maṇi), ind. plentifully RV. ix, 71, 3
- parīra n. a fruit Uṇ. iv, 30 Sch
- parīraṇa n. a tortoise L
- a stick L
- = paṭṭa-śāṭaka L
- parī7ś (pari-√īś), Ā. parī7ṣṭe, to be able to (inf.) KāśīKh
- parī7ṣ (pari- √3. iṣ), P. pary-eṣati (aor. pary-aiṣiṣat), to seek or search about for ChUp. MBh
- (Ā.) SaddhP.: Caus. pary-eṣayati id. SaddhP
- parī7ṣṭi f. investigation, research, inquiry Jaim. Pat
- service, attendance, homage L
- freedom of will L
- pary-eṣaṇa n. search, inquiry, investigation MBh
- striving after Nyāyas
- (ā), f. = parī7ṣṭi Pāṇ. 3-3, 107 Vārtt. 3 Pat
- pary-ḍeṣṭavya mfn. to be sought MBh
- to be striven after Car
- pary-ḍeṣṭi f. searching for, inquiry SaddhP
- striving after worldly objects Jātakam
- parī7ṣṭa See pari-yaj, p. 599
- paru m. (√pṝ
- cf. párus below) a limb, member ( See yathā-p○)
- a mountain L
- the ocean L
- the sky, paradise L
- ○śás ind. limb by limb, member by member AV
- paruc-chepa m. (prob. fr. parut = ○rus + śepa) N. of a Ṛishi (son of Divo-dāsa and author of RV. i, 127) Nir. TS. ŚāṅkhBr
- parut-ka mfn. (fr. parut = ○rus
- prec.) having knots or joints (as grass) ĀpŚr
- paruś-śas ind. (fr. parus) = paru-śas (above) MaitrS. Kāṭh
- paruṣá mf(ā)n. (older, f. páruṣṇī) knotty (as reed) AV
- spotted, variegated, dirty-coloured RV. &c. &c
- hard, stiff, rugged, rough, uneven, shaggy MBh. Kāv. &c
- intertwined with creepers (as a tree) Kathās. [Page 606, Column]
- piercing, keen, sharp, violent, harsh, severe, unkind ib. (am, ind.)
- m. a reed AV
- an arrow ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy
- Grewia Asiatica or Xylocarpus Granatum L
- (parúṣa), m. N. of a demon Suparṇ
- (ā), f. a kind of riddle MW
- (○ṣṇī), f. N. of one of the rivers of the Panjāb now called Rāvii RV
- n. harsh and contumelious speech, abuse MBh. Kāv. &c
- the fruit of Grewia Asiatica or Xylocarpus Granatum L
- a species of Barleria with blue flowers L
- ○ghana m. a dirty-coloured or dark cloud Pañc. v, 4
- ○carman n. a rough skin Pañc
- ○tara mfn. harsher, sterner Pañc
- ○tva n. roughness, harshness MW
- ○vacana mfn. speaking harshly or unkindly Bhartṛ
- n. harsh or contumelious speech W
- ○vāc mfn. harsh-spoken, f. = prec. n. W
- ○vādin mfn. = speaking unkindly Mcar. Pañc
- paruṣâkṣara mfn. 'harsh-worded', harsh (am ind.) Kālid. Pañc
- paruṣâkṣepa m. (in rhet.) an objection or contradiction containing harsh words Kāvyâd. ii, 144
- paruṣâhva m. a species of reed AV
- paruṣêtara mfn. other than rough, gentle, mild Ragh
- paruṣôkti f. abusive or harsh language Kāv
- ○ktika mfn. using it L
- paruṣita mfn. addressed or treated harshly MBh. R. Hit
- paruṣiman m. rough or shaggy appearance AitBr
- paruṣī in comp. for ○ṣa
- ○kṛta mfn. spotted, soiled, stained Hariv
- treated roughly, Am
- ○√bhū to be soiled or dirty Śak. vii, 17 (v. l.)
- paruṣ-mat mfn. having knots or joints (parut-ka) ĀpŚr. Sch
- paruṣya mfn. variegated, manifold AitBr
- párus n. a joint or knot (esp. of a cane or reed, orig. 'fullness', i.e. the full or thick part of the stalk), a limb or member of the body RV. AV. VS. ŚBr
- a part or portion RV. TS. TBr
- Grewia Asiatica L
- parūṣa m. Grewia Asiatica (from the berries of which a cooling beverage is prepared) or Xylocarpus Granatum Suśr
- parūḍṣaka m. id
- n. the fruit of this tree ŚāṅkhŚr. Var. Suśr
- parut ind. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 22) last year L. [Cf. parāri
- Gk. ?, ? ; Lith. pérnay ; Goth. [606,] faírneis ; Angl. Sax. fyrn ; HGerm. vert, verne.]
- parut-tna mfn. belonging to last year, last year's Pāṇ. 4-3, 23 Vārtt. 1
- parudvāra or parula m. a horse L
- paruṣa See under paru
- parê (parā-√i
- for 1. See p. 589, col. 1), P. parâiti (Impv. 2. 3. sg. párêhi, parâitu
- pr. p. parā-yát
- ind. p. parêtya), to go or run away, go along, go towards (acc.) RV. &c. &c
- to depart, die RV. AV
- to reach, attain, partake of (acc.) MBh. Kir
- párêta mfn. departed, deceased, dead RV. AV. Yājñ
- m. a kind of spectre, a ghost, spirit L
- -kalpa mfn. almost dead R
- -bhartṛ m. 'lord of the departed', N. of Yama Śiś
- -bhūmi f. 'place of the departed', a cemetery Kum
- -rāj (L.), -rāja (Naish.), m. = -bhartṛ L
- ○tâcarita mfn. frequented or inhabited by the dṭdeparted Daś
- ○tâvāsa m. = -bhūmi ib
- párêti f. departure RV
- parêyivás mfn. one who has departed or died RV
- parêkṣ = parā-√īkṣ (Pot. párêkṣeta
- ind. p. parêkṣya), to look at (anything at one's side) TS. ŚBr
- pareṇa See under 1. pára, p. 586, col. 2
- pare-dyavi pare-dyus &c. See p. 589, col. 1
- páreman prob. wṛ. for parīman SV
- pareṣṭu and ○ṭukā f. a cow which has often calved L
- paroṃhu parokṣa &c. See under paro, p. 589, col. 1
- paroṣṇī f. a cockroach (also written ○ṣṭī) L
- N. of a river Rājat. (Cf. paruṣṇī under paruṣa.)
- parka See madhu-p○
- parkaṭa m. a heron L
- (ī), f. Ficus Infectoria (-vṛkṣa). Hit. (also ○ṭī L.)
- a fresh betel-nut L
- n. regret, anxiety L
- parjánya m. (√pṛc, or pṛj ?) a raincloud, cloud RV. &c. &c. [Page 606, Column]
- rain Bhag. iii, 14
- rain personified or the god of rain (often identified with Indra) RV. &c. &c
- N. of one of the 12 Ādityas Hariv
- of a Deva-gandharva or Gandharva MBh. Hariv
- of a Ṛishi in several Manv-antaras Hariv. MārkP
- of a Prajā-pati (father of Hiraṇya-roman) VP
- (○nyā or ○nī), f. Curcuma Aromatica or Xanthorrhiza L. [Cf. Goth. fairguni ; Icel fi"rgyn ; Lith. perkúnas.]
- ○krandya (○ján○), mfn. muttering like Parjanya or a rain-cloud RV
- ○jinvita (○ján○), mfn. impelled by Parjanya ib
- ○nātha m. having PṭParjanya as protector or patron MW
- ○ninada m. 'Parjanya's sound', thunder R
- ○patnī (○ján○), f. having Parjanya for husband AV
- ○prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○retas (○ján○), mfn. sprung from the seed of Parjanya, i.e. nourished by rain (as reed) RV
- ○vṛddha (○ján○), mfn. nourished by Parjanya or the rain-cloud (as Soma) ib
- ○śānti f. N. of wk
- ○sū7kta n. a hymn to PṭParjanya (as RV. v, 83) Cat
- parjányâtman mfn. having the nature of Parjanya TS
- parjányā-vā́ta m. du. the god of rain and the god of wind RV
- parṇ cl. 10. P. parṇayati (Dhātup. xxxv, 84, a), to be green or verdant (prob. Nom. fr. next or invented to explain it)
- parṇá n. a pinion, feather (also of an arrow), wing RV. &c. Br. MBh
- a leaf (regarded as the plumage of a tree) RV. &c. &c. (ifc. f. ā, but in N. of plants ī
- Pāṇ. 4-1, 64)
- the Pān or betel leaf L
- m. Butea Frondosa (a large-leaved sacred tree whose wood is used for making sacred vessels, later generally called palāśa) RV. AV. Br. Yājñ. (-tvá n. MaitrS.)
- N. of a teacher VāyuP. (cf. g. śivâdi)
- (pl.) of a people VP
- of a place, iv, 2, 145
- (ī), f. a collect. N. of 4 plants ending with parṇī Car
- Pistia Stratiotes L
- the leaf of Asa Foetida (?) L. [According to Uṇ. iv, 6 fr. √pṝ. but more probably fr. a √pṛ, orig. spṛ ; Lith. sparna ; HGerm. varn, Farn ; Angl. Sax. fearn ; Eng. fern.]
- ○kaṣāyá-niṣpakva (ŚBr.) and mfn. boiled with the juice of the bark of the Butea Frondosa or with the juice of any leaves
- ○kaṣāyapakva (KātyŚr.), mfn. boiled with the juice of the bark of the Butea Frondosa or with the juice of any leaves
- ○kāra m. a vender of betel lṭleaves
- ○kuṭikā or f. a hut made of lṭleaves L
- ○kuṭī f. a hut made of leaves L
- ○kṛcchra m. 'leaf-penance', living for a time upon an infusion of leaves and Kuśa grass as a religious observance Vishṇ. Yājñ
- ○khaṇḍa m. a tree without apparent blossoms, any tree L
- ○cara m. 'leafstalker', a kind of deer L
- ○cīra-paṭa mfn. clad in a garment made of leaves (Śiva) MBh
- ○coraka m. a gall-nut L
- ○tvá n. the state of the Butea Frondosa MaitrS
- ○datta m. N. of a man L
- ○dhí m. 'feather-holder', the part of an arrow to which the feather are fastened AV
- ○dhvas mfn. (nom. t) causing the falling of leaves Sch. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 76 &c
- ○nara m. 'man of leaves', an effigy stuffed with leaves or made of leaves and burnt as a substitute for a lost corpse Cat
- ○nāla m. a leaf-stalk, petiole Śaṃk
- ○puṭa m. n. a leaf rolled into the shape of a funnel MBh. R
- ○puruṣa m. (prob. = -nara) N. of wk
- ○prātyika m. or n. N. of a place Rājat. (wṛ. for prāsika ?)
- ○prâśanin (Bālar.),
- ○bhakṣa (Hariv.), mfn. feeding upon leaves
- ○bhedinī f. the Priyaṅgu tree L
- ○bhojana mfn. = -bhakṣa
- m. any animal eating leaves, a goat L
- ○maṇí m. a kind of magical instrument (made of Priyaṅgu wood ?) AV
- ○máya mf(ī)n. made of the wood of the Butea Frondosa TS. TBr. Kāṭh
- ○yī-tva n. Nyāyam. Comm
- ○mācāla (?), m. Averrhoa Carambola L
- ○muc mfn. (nom. ṭ) = -dhvas Uṇ. ii, 22 Sch
- ○mṛga m. any animal which frequents the boughs of trees (as a monkey, squirrel &c.) Suśr
- ○ruh mfn. (nom. ṭ) causing leaves to grow Uṇ. ii, 22 Sch
- ○latā f. the betel plant L
- ○vat mfn. abounding in leaves, leafy Kāṭh. MBh
- ○valká m. the bark of the Butea Frondosa (also pl.) TS. TBr. ĀpŚr
- N. of a man, g. gargâdi
- ○vallī f. a species of creeping plant L
- ○vādya n. 'leaf-music', sounds produced by blowing into a folded leaves Hariv
- ○vilāsinī f. a partic. fragrant substance Gal
- ○vī́ mfn. 'wing-borne', carried by wings RV
- ○vīṭikā f. the Areca nut cut in pieces and sprinkled with spices and rolled up in betel leaves Rājat
- ○śadá m. the falling of leaves AV. VS
- ○dyá mfn. relating to it TS
- ○śabara m. pl. N. of a people MārkP
- (ī), f. (prob.) N. of a divine female Cat
- ○śabda m. the rustling of leaves Pañc
- ○śayyā f. a couch of leaves R
- ○śar m. a leaf-stalk (esp. of the Butea Frondosa) AitBr
- ○śākhā́ f. a bough of the BṭButea Frondosa ŚBr
- ○śāda m. = -śada Kāṭh
- ○śālā f. 'leaf-hut', an arbour R. Ragh. Kād. (esp. as the dwelling of a Buddhist monk RTL. 81 ; 430) [Page 606, Column]
- N. of a great settlement of Brāhmans in Madhya-deśa between the Yamunā and Gaṅgā MBh
- ○lâgra m. N. of a mountain in Bhadrâśva MārkP
- ○lāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be like an arbour Naish
- ○śuṣ mfn. (nom. ṭ) drying or shrivelling leaves Uṇ. ii, 22 Sch
- ○saṃstara m. having leaves for a bed, sleeping on leaves MW
- parṇâḍhaka m. N. of a man
- pl. of his descendants, g. yaskâdi
- parṇâda m. 'feeding upon leaves', N. of an ancient sage MBh
- of a Brāhman Nal
- parṇâśa (or ○sa), m. Cedrela Toona or a species of Basilicum Hariv. L
- (ā), f. N. of sev. rivers MBh. Hariv. Pur
- parṇâśana n. the feeding on leaves SaṃhUp
- m. a cloud W
- parṇâśin mfn. feeding on leaves Vishṇ
- parṇâsi m. Ocymum Sanctum W
- parṇâhāra mfn. = ○ṇâśin R
- parṇôṭaja n. 'leaf-hut', an hermitage Uttarar
- parṇôtsa m. N. of a village Rājat
- párṇaka m. = bhilla Mahīdh
- N. of a man
- pl. of his descendants, g. upakâdi
- (ikā), f. a kind of vegetable Car
- N. of an Apsaras Hariv
- parṇaya Nom. P. ○yati, to be green Dhātup
- parṇáya m. N. of an enemy ('of an Asura' Sāy.) slain by Indra RV
- ○ghná n. the slaying of Parṇaya ib
- parṇala mfn. full of leaves, leafy, g. sidhmâdi
- ○lī-bhūta mfn. being leafy or green Bhaṭṭ
- parṇasa mfn. g. tṛṇâdi
- parṇasi m. (only L.) a house upon or by the water
- a lotus
- a vegetable
- adorning, decoration
- parṇika mf(ī)n. selling or dealing in Parṇī, g. kisarâdi
- parṇín mfn. winged, plumed RV
- leafy ib
- made of the wood of the Butea Frondosa R
- m. a tree MBh
- Butea Frondosa L
- (○ṇinī), f. a species of plant Suśr
- a collect. N. for 4 partic. plants Car
- N. of an Apsaras Hariv
- ṇi-latā f. Piper Betle L
- parṇila mfn. leafy Uṇ. iii, 6 Sch
- parṇīya mfn. g. utkarâdi
- parṇyá mfn. relating to leaves, leafy TS
- parṇāla m. a boat L
- a spade or hoe L
- single combat L
- partṛ́ (√pṛ), only instr. pl., with aids, helpfully RV
- pard cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. ii, 28) to break wind downwards Sarasv. i, 25. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. pe1do, [606,] po1dex ; Lith. pérdś3u ; Germ. farśen, furśen ; Angl. Sax. feortan ; Eng. fart.]
- parda m. breaking wind downwards L
- thick hair L
- parḍdana n. breaking wind L
- pardi m. or f. N. of a person L
- parp cl. 1. P. parpati, to go Dhātup. xi, 18 (a doubtful √and questionably connected with the following words)
- parpa n. a wheel-chair (for cripples) Siddh
- young grass
- a house Uṇ. iii, 28 Sch
- parpaṭa m. a species of medicinal plant Suśr. (Hedyotis Burmanniana or Mollugo Pentaphylla L.)
- a kind of thin cake made of rice or pease-meal and baked in grease L
- (ī), f. a red-colouring Oldenlandia Bhpr
- a kind of fragrant earth L
- a thin crisp cake (prob. = m.) W
- ○druma m. a kind of tree (= kumbhī-vṛkṣa) L. (also ○TI-dr○)
- parpaṭaka m. a species of medicinal plant (= ○paṭa) Suśr. Car. Bhpr
- (ī), f. the same or some other med. plant Car
- parpaṭi m. (with rāja-putra) N. of a poet Cat
- parpika m. (and ○kī f.) a cripple who moves about by the aid of a chair Pāṇ. 4-4, 10 Sch
- parparī f. a braid of hair L
- parparīka m. the sun (√pṝ Uṇ. iv, 19 Sch.)
- fire L
- a tank or piece of water L
- parparīṇa m. (only L.) the vein of a leaf
- = parṇa-cūrṇa-rasa
- = dyūta-kam-bala
- n. = parvan
- parpharī́ka m. one who tears to pieces or fills RV. x, 106, 6 (Sāy.)
- parb cl. 1. P. parbati, to go, move Nalac. (Dhātup. xi, 21
- cf. parp)
- parmāḍi m. N. of a prince of Karṇāṭa (v. l. ○māṇḍi) Rājat
- pary-ak ind. (orig. n. of an unusual pary-añc [Page 607, Column]
- cf. praty-añc &c.) round about, in every direction BhP
- paryagu mfn. (?) in pāramahaṃsyap○ BhP. iv, 21, 40
- pary-agni m. circumambient fire (either a torch carried round the sacrificial animal or = next) Br
- ○karaṇa n. the ceremony of carrying fire round the sacrificial animal GṛŚrS
- ○ṇīya mfn. relating to this ceremony TBr. Sch
- ○kartṛ
- m. one who carries fire round the sacrificial animal MānŚr
- ○√kṛ (ind. p. -kṛtvā, or -kṛtya), to carry fire round (acc.) Br. Āpast
- ○kṛta (pár○), mfn. encircled with fire Br
- ○kriyamāṇa mfn. being encircled with fire
- (e), ind. during the encircling with fire AitBr
- pary-√aṅkh (only 3. sg. Subj. Ā. pary-aṅkháyāte), to clasp or encircle round RV. x, 16, 7
- pary-aṅgya mfn. (pari + aṅga) being about or at the side ŚBr
- pary-√añc (only 1. sg. pr. P. páryacāmi), to turn about or round, revolve RV. x, 119, 5
- pary-aṅka m. (also paly○ Pāṇ. 8-2, 22) a bed, couch, sofa, litter, palanquin KaushUp. MBh. Kāv. &c. (also ○kikā f. Kād
- ○kī-kṛta mfn. turned into a couch Gīt.)
- a partic. mode of sitting on the ground (a squatting position assumed by ascetics and Buddhists in meditation) Buddh. (cf. below)
- a cloth wound round the back and loins and knees while so sitting L
- N. of a mountain (son of Vindhya) L
- ○granthi-bandha m. the bending of the legs crossways under the body in sitting Mṛicch. i, 1
- ○paṭṭikā (Bhpr.),
- ○pādikā (L.), f. a species of Lupinus
- ○baddha mfn. sitting with the legs bent crossways under the body, squatting Buddh
- ○bandhá m. (Kum.),
- ○bandhana n. (L.) the act of sitting with the legs bent and binding a cloth round the back and loins and knees
- ○bhogin m. a kind of serpent MW
- ○stha mfn. sitting on a sofa ib
- pary-√aṭ P. Ā. pary-aṭati, ○te (Impv. pary-aṭasva
- fut. pary-aṭiṣyati), to roam or wander about, travel over (acc. or loc.) MBh. Kāv. Pañc
- pary-ḍaṭa m. pl. N. of a people R
- pary-ḍaṭaka m. a tramp, vagabond Mṛicch. Sch
- pary-ḍaṭana n. wandering about, roaming through (gen. or comp.) Pañc. BhP
- pary-ḍaṭita mfn. one who has roamed or wandered Pañc
- n. = prec. ib
- pary-adhyayana mfn. averse from study Pāṇ. 2-2, 18 Vārtt. 4 Pat
- pary-√an P. pary-aniti Pāṇ. 8-4, 20 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- pary-anu-bandha m. (√bandh) binding round L
- pary-anu-√yuj (ind. p. -yujya Naish.), to ply with questions
- pary-anu-ḍyukta mfn. asked, questioned Car
- pary-anu-ḍyoktavya mfn. to be questioned, to be urged to answer a question Śaṃk
- pary-anu-ḍyoga m. asking, inquiring, questioning ĀpŚr. Sch
- an inquiry with the object of refuting a statement L
- censure, reproach Yājñ. Sch
- pary-anu-ḍyojya mfn. to be blamed or censured (jyôpêkṣaṇa n. omitting to blame what ought to be blamed) Nyāyas. Sarvad
- pary-antá m. circuit, circumference, edge, limit, border
- side, flank, extremity, end TBr. MBh. Kāv. &c. (ifc. 'bounded by', 'extending as far as' [f. ā]
- or ibc. 'adjoining, neighbouring')
- (am), ind. entirely, altogether, Śukas
- (ifc.) to the end of, as far as Kap
- paryantāt paryantam, from one end to the other Var
- (e), ind. at the end Kathās
- mf(ā)n. coming to an end with, being a match for Lalit
- extending in all directions Hariv. (v. l. pary-asta)
- ○deśa m. a neighbouring or adjacent district Hariv
- ○parvata m. an adjoining hill L
- ○bhū f. ground contiguous to the skirts of a river or mountain W
- ○saṃsthita (Ṛit.),
- ○stha (Kathās.),
- ○sthita (W.), mfn. limitative, confining, neighbouring
- paryantikā f. loss of all good qualities, depravity L
- paryantī-√kṛ to finish
- -kṛta mfn. finished Divyâv
- paryantīya mfn. being at the end ĀpŚr
- paryanya wṛ. for parjanya. [Page 607, Column]
- pary-anv-iṣ √3. P. -icchati, to seek for, search after MBh
- pary-aya pary-ayaṇa, pary-āya, See under 2. parī7
- pary-arṣaṇa See under pary-ṛṣ
- pary-ava-√kṝ P. -kirati, to scatter round or about, shed over MBh
- pary-avacchid (ava + √chid), P. -cchinatti (-cchinadāni), to cut off on both sides or all round AitBr
- pary-ava-dāta mfn. (√dai) perfectly clean or pure Kād
- very accomplished Divyâv
- well acquainted or conversant with (loc.) Car. (-tva n.)
- well known, very familiar ib
- ○śruta mfn. perfectly skilled in art (-tā f.) Car
- pary-ava-√do P. -dyati, to cut off or slice all round TS
- pary-ava-ḍdāna n. complete destruction or disappearance Lalit
- pary-ava-ḍdāpayitṛ m. (fr. Caus.) a distributor Divyâv
- pary-ava-dhāraṇa n. (√dhṛ) precise determination, careful consideration, refining, subtilizing Vedântas. Sch
- pary-ava-naddha mfn. (√nah) overgrown Divyâv
- pary-ava-√nud P. -nudati, to push towards (acc.) TāṇḍBr
- pary-ava-panna mfn. (√pad) broken down, destroyed, annihilated, frustrated Pat
- pary-ava-ḍpāda m. transformation ib
- ○dya mfn. effecting transformation ib
- pary-ava-rodha m. (√rudh) obstruction, hindrance L
- pary-ava-√śiṣ (only Pot. -śiṣyet), to border, circumscribe Vait
- pary-ava-ḍśeṣa m. end, termination MW
- pary-ava-ḍśeṣita mfn. (fr. Caus.) left remaining BhP
- regarded as the end of all (i.e. God) MW
- pary-ava-ṣṭambh (√stambh
- Pass. -ṣṭabhyate ind. p. -ṣṭabhya), to surround, invest Kāv
- pary-ava-ḍṣṭabdha mfn. surrounded, invested Mālatīm
- pary-ava-ḍṣṭambhana n. surrounding, investing Uttarar
- pary-ava-√sṛp P. -sarpati, to creep up to, approach in a creeping manner ŚāṅkhBr
- pary-ava-√so P. -syati, to result or end in, amount to (loc. or acc. with prati) Kāv. Sāh
- to finish, complete, conclude, include MW
- to endeavour ib
- to perish, be lost, decline A
- pary-ava-sāna n. end, termination, conclusion, issue (āt ind. in consequence of) Gobh. Nāg. Hit
- comprehending, including, amounting to (loc.) Sarvad
- pary-ava-sānika mfn. coming to a close, tending towards an end MBh. (v. l. pāryavas○)
- pary-ava-sāya m. = ○sāna
- ifc. = next Bālar
- pary-ava-sāyin mfn. ending with, amounting to Uttarar. Śaṃk. (○yi-tva n.)
- pary-ava-sita (pary-áva-), mfn. living farther off (= not quite near) ŚBr. Sch
- (with lokântaram) departed to Uttarar
- finished, concluded, ended MBh. Kāv. &c
- amounting to (loc.) Śaṃk
- resolved, settled, definitive Sāh
- -mati mfn. thoroughly acquainted or familiar with (loc.) BhP
- pary-ava-skanda m. (√skand) the act of jumping down (from a carriage) MBh
- pary-ava-√sthā Ā. -tiṣṭhate, to become firm or steady Bhag
- to fill, pervade (acc.) MBh.: Caus. -sthāpayati, to comfort, encourage ib
- pary-ava-sthā f
- pary-ava-sthāna n. opposition, contradiction L
- pary-ava-sthātṛ mfn. opposing
- an antagonist, adversary MBh. Pāṇ. 5-2, 89
- pary-ava-sthita mfn. standing, stationed
- (with loc.) contained in, devoted or attached to, intent upon, occupied with MBh. R. Hariv
- merry, content, comfortable, of good cheer ib
- pary-avâp (ava + √āp), P. -avâpnoti, to study Divyâv
- pary-avê (ava-√i), P. -avâiti (Pot. -avêyāt), to turn round, turn in the right direction AitBr
- to pass, elapse ŚBr
- pary-ḍavêta mfn. elapsed, expired Kauś. HirGṛ
- pary-avêkṣ (ava-√īkṣ), Ā. -avêkṣate, to regard from every side MBh. [Page 607, Column]
- to look down upon KaushUp
- pary-aś √1. P. -aśnoti, (Pot. -aśyāt), to arrive at, reach, attain RV
- pary-aś √2. P. -aśnāti, to eat before another (acc.), to pass over a person at a meal (instr.) MBh
- pary-aśru mfn. bathed in tears, shedding tears, tearful MBh. Kāv. Rājat
- pary-as √1. P. pary-asti, (3. du. pári-ṣṭaḥ
- 2. pl. pári-ṣṭha
- pf. páry-āsa), to be in the way of (acc.) RV
- to Pass or spend time ib
- pary-as √2 P. Ā. pary-asyati, ○te, to throw or cast or place round AV. AitBr
- to spread round, diffuse Kir
- to entrap, ensnare (Ā. aor. 3. du. pary-āsiṣātām Pāṇ. 3-1, 52 Sch.)
- to turn round, wallow (ind. p. pary-asya) Amar
- to throw down, overturn, upset (aor. pary-āsthat) ŚBr. Mn. Kathās.: Pass. pary-asyate (aor. pary-āsthata Pāṇ. 3-1, 52 Sch.), to tall down, drop: Caus. pary-āsayati, to cause to roll down or shed (as tears) Ragh
- pary-ḍasana n. throwing or tossing about Car
- casting, sending W
- putting off or away ib
- pary-ḍasta mfn. thrown or cast about, spread, diffused MBh. Kum. Amar
- surrounded, encompassed, ensnared R. Bhartṛ
- strung, filed on (comp.) Daś
- overturned, upset, inverted, changed Bhartṛ
- struck, killed L
- dismissed, laid aside ib
- -vat mfn. containing the notion expressed by the word pary-asta AitBr
- -vilocana (Kum.), -"ṣastâkṣá (AV.), mfn. having the eyes cast or directed round, rolling the eyes
- pary-ḍasti f. sitting upon the heels or hams L
- pary-ḍastikā f. id. Suśr
- a bed W
- -"ṣkâkṛti mfn. one who has sprained both his shoulders L
- pary-āsá m. edging, trimming ŚBr
- rotation, resolution BhP
- end, conclusion (N. of partic. concluding strophes in certain hymns) Br. ŚrS
- inverted order or position W
- pary-ḍāsana n. (fr. Caus.) revolution MBh
- pary-ḍāsita See a-paryāsita
- pary-astamayam ind. about sunset ŚāṅkhŚr
- pary-ahna m. APrāt. Comm
- pary-ākula mf(ā)n. full of, filled with (comp.) MBh. R. Hariv
- disordered, confused, excited, bewildered MBh. Kāv. &c
- turbid (as water) MW
- ○tva n. confusion, bewilderment Kum
- pary-ākulaya Nom. P. ○yati, to disturb, excite, bewilder Śak. (Pi.) i, 31/32
- pary-ākulī-√kṛ id. ib. (v. l.)
- pary-ākulī-√kṛ--√bhū to be confused or bewildered R
- pary-ā-√kṛ (only Pass. p. -kriyamāṇa and -kṛta), to turn round AV.: Desid. (p. pary-ā-cikīrṣat) to wish to turn round TS
- pary-ā-√kṣip P. -kṣipati, to wind round, bind with (instr.) Kum
- pary-ā-khyāna n. (√khyā) Pāṇ. 2-4, 54 Vārtt. 7 Pat
- pary-ā-√gam P. -gacchati, to go round, elapse, last, live MBh
- pary-ḍā́gata mfn. revolved, anything that has made its revolution, elapsed, passed (as a year) TS
- finished, done MBh
- inveterate ib
- (with punar) returned to life ib
- (ifc.) encircled, ensnared, being in a person's power ib
- pary-ā-√gal P. -galati, to drop or trickle down on every side Bhaṭṭ
- pary-ā-√gā (only aor. -āgāt, 3. pl. -ā́gur), to pursue, be intent upon (acc.) RV. i, 88, 4
- to perform a revolution, elapse (as time) MBh
- pary-ā-√car P. -cárati, to come near, approach RV. AV
- pary-ācānta mfn. (√cam) sipped prematurely (as water in ācamana, q.v.)
- (with annam), n. food left by a person after sipping Mn. iv, 212
- pary-ā-cita n. (prob.) N. of a place, g. ācitâdi
- paryāṇa n. (for pari-yāṇa
- √yā) a circuit (or mfn. forming a circuit) AitBr. iv, 17) [Page 608, Column]
- a saddle Var. Kathās
- paryāḍṇaya Nom. P. ○yati, to saddle Nalac
- paryāḍṇita mfn. saddled Kād
- pary-ā-ṇah (√nah), P. -ṇahyati, to cover up, cover ŚBr
- pary-ḍā́ṇaddha mfn. covered (?) AV. xiv, 2, 12
- pary-ḍāṇahana See soma-paryāṇ○
- pary-ā-ṇī (√nī), P. -ṇayati (but Impv. pary-ânayata MBh. i, 5446), to lead round ŚBr. GṛS. MBh
- to lead or bring forward RV. MBh
- pary-ā-√tan P. -tanoti, to spread round, encompass, surround ŚBr
- pary-ā-√dā Ā. -datte (Pot. -dadīta ind. p. -dāya), to make one's own, take away from (abl.) RV. Br
- to take off (any liquid) Suśr. Car
- to seize, snatch MBh
- to appropriate, learn MBh
- pary-ā-dāna n. (√do ?) end, exhaustion Divyâv
- pary-ā-dru P. -dravati, to run to and fro BhP
- pary-ā-√dhā P. -dadhāti (Impv. 2. pl. -dhatta), to lay round, surround (with fire) AV
- pary-ā-√dhḍādhātṛ m. a younger brother who has set up the sacred fire previously to the elder Gaut
- pary-āhita m. an elder brother previously to whom the younger has set up the sacred fire Gaut. ĀpŚr
- pary-āntam ind. (prob.) wṛ. for pary-antam, as far as, up to (comp.) Āpast
- pary-√āp P. -āpnoti (Impv. -āpnuhi
- pf. -āpa), to reach, obtain, attain, gain RV. TS. ŚBr
- to make an end of, be content MBh.: Caus. -āpayati (ind. p. -āpya), to perform, do Rājat.: Desid. parī7psati, to wish to obtain or reach, desire Mn. MBh. &c
- to wish to preserve, guard MBh
- to wish to get at, lie in wait or ambush ib
- parī7psā f. (fr. Desid.) desire of obtaining or preserving MBh
- haste, hurry Pāṇ. 3-4, 52
- parī7psu mfn. wishing to obtain or preserve MBh
- desirous of finding out or ascertaining Kir. iii, 4
- pary-āpta mfn. obtained, gained Uttarar
- finished, completed, full Up. Kālid
- extensive, spacious, large Hariv
- abundant, copious, many Kāv
- sufficient for (dat. or gen.)
- adequate, equal to, a match for (gen., dat
- loc. or inf., Pāṇ. 3-4, 66) MBh. Kāv. &c
- limited in number MW
- (am), ind. fully, completely, enough, one's fill Kāv
- willingly, readily L
- -kala mfn. having full digits (as the moon) Ragh
- -kāma mfn. one whose desires are accomplished or allayed MuṇḍUp
- -candra mf(ā)n. adorned by the full moon (as a night) Kum
- -tā f. copiousness, abundance Kathās
- satisfaction, gratification MW
- -dakṣiṇa mfn. accompanied with liberal gifts (as a sacrifice) Ragh
- -nayana mfn. having a sufficient number of eyes Hariv
- -bhoga mfn. possessing or enjoying a sufficiency Mn. Yājñ
- -vat mfn. able, capable Ragh. (cf. a-pary○)
- pary-ḍāpti (páry-), f. end, conclusion ŚBr
- entireness, fulness, sufficiency MBh. Kathās. Rājat. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 66)
- adequacy, competency, fitness for (comp.) Kathās. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 16
- obtaining, acquisition L
- self-defence, warding off a blow L
- (in phil.) distinction of objects according to their natural properties W
- pary-ā-√pat P. -patati (pf. 3. pl. -petuḥ), to hasten forth, hurry or run away MBh. R
- -patat mf(antī)n. hurrying or rushing about Śiś. v, 24
- pary-ā-√plu Caus. -plāvayati, to make float round TBr
- pary-ā-ḍplāvá m. turning round, revolution TS. Kāṭh
- pary-ā-ḍpluta mfn. surrounded, encircled MBh
- pary-ā-√bhū (only aor. pary-âbhūt), to turn upside down (intrans.) ŚBr
- pary-ā-√bhṛ P. -bharati, to carry near, fetch from (abl.) RV
- pary-ā́bhṛta mfn. fetched or extracted from (abl.) ib
- pary-ā-√muc P. -muñcati, to make loose or take off on all sides Sāṃkhyak. Sch
- pary-ā-√mṛś P. -mṛśati, to subdue, conquer, overpower MW
- pary-āya &c. See under 2. parī7. [Page 608, Column]
- pary-āyata mfn. (√yam) extremely long or extended R
- pary-ā-√yā (only Impv. -yāhi, -yātam), to approach from (abl.), come near RV
- pary-ārín mfn. (√4. ṛ) toiling a long time without success, attaining one's object in the end (after long effort) TS. ŚBr. Kāṭh
- pary-ā-√ruh P. -róhati, to rise from (abl.) RV
- paryālī ind. (with √kṛ, bhū, and as), g. ūry-ādi
- pary-ā-√loc Caus. -locayati (ind. p. -locya), to look after, attend to, consider, ponder Subh. Vet
- pary-ā-ḍloca m. consideration, reflection HPariś
- pary-ā-ḍlocana n. id. Kull
- (ā), f. id. ib. ĀpŚr. Sch
- plan, design Kathās
- pary-ā-ḍlecita mfn. considered, pondered Kull
- -vat mfn. Pañc
- pary-āvadāna n. = pary-ava-dāna Kāraṇḍ
- pary-ā-vap √2. P. -vapati, to add ŚBr
- pary-āvasatha m. = maṭha, Śīl
- pary-āvila mfn. very turbid, much soiled Ragh
- pary-ā-√vṛt Ā. -vártate (ep. also ○ti Pot. -vartet Hariv
- pf. -vavarta, -vavṛte MBh
- aor. pary-ấ-vart RV
- ind. p. pari-vṛtya ĀpŚr.), to turn round (intrans
- trans. only ind. p.), turn away from (abl.), return to (dat.) RV. &c. &c
- to be changed into (instr.) Kād
- to get possessed of (acc.) Hariv.: Caus. -vartayati, to turn or roll round (trans.) TS. ŚBr
- to change or barter against (Impv. 2. sg. ○tāt) ChUp. i, 5, 2: Desid. -vívṛtsati, to wish to roll round RV
- pary-ā-ḍvarta m. return, exchange BhP
- pary-ā-ḍvartana m. N. of a hell ib
- n. coming back, returning KātyŚr. Sch
- pary-ā-ḍvartita mfn. turned round, subverted, reversed MW
- pary-ā-vṛta mfn. (√1. vṛ) veiled, covered Mālatīm
- pary-ā-√śvas P. -śvasili, or -śvasati, to breathe out, recover breath, take heart, be at ease MBh. R.: Caus. -śvāsayati, ○te, to comfort, console MBh
- pary-ā-ḍśvasta mfn. comforted, consoled, tranquil, at ease MBh
- pary-√ās Ā. -āste (3. pl. -āsate
- Pot. 3. sg. -āsīta), to sit or assemble round any one (acc.) RV. ŚBr
- to remain sitting or inactive RV
- to sue for (acc.) ib. x, 40, 7
- pary-āsa ○sana, See pary- √2. as
- pary-ā-√hṛ P. -harati, to hand over to (dat.) ŚBr
- to overturn or turn upside down ib. ŚāṅkhŚr
- pary-ā-ḍhāra m. a yoke worn across the shoulders in carrying a load L
- conveying W
- a load ib
- a pitcher ib
- storing grain ib
- pary-ā-√hve Ā. -hvayate, to pronounce the Āhāva (s.v.) before and after AitBr
- pary-ā-hāva m. a partic. formula which precedes and follows a verse ib. Sāy
- paryuka m. N. of a man Rājat
- páry-ukta mfn. (√vac) bewitched by words, conjured AV
- pary-√ukṣ P. Ā. -ukṣati, ○te (ind. p. -ukṣya), to sprinkle round ŚrS
- pary-ḍukṣaṇa n. sprinkling round, sprinkling GṛŚrS
- (ī), f. a vessel for sprinkling Kauś
- pary-uta See pari-ve, p. 601
- pary-ut-thā (√sthā), P. -ut-tiṣṭhati, to rise from (abl.) RV
- to appear to (acc.) TāṇḍBr
- pary-ḍutthāna n. standing up, rising L
- pary-utsuka mf(ā)n. very restless, much excited R. Mālav
- eagerly desirous, longing for (dat.) Ratnâv
- ○tva n. an ardent longing Ragh
- pary-utsuḍkī-√bhū to be sorrowful or regretful Śak
- pary-ut-√sṛj P. -sṛjati, to give up, leave, abandon L. [Page 608, Column]
- pary-ud-añcana n. (√añc) debt L
- pary-udayam ind. about sunrise KātyŚr
- pary-ud-as √2. P. -asyati, to reject, exclude MBh
- pary-ud-ḍasana n. exclusion Yogas. Sch
- pary-ud-ḍasitavya mfn. to be excluded or denied Pat
- pary-ud-ḍasta mfn. rejected, excluded Kull. on Mn. iii, 280
- -tva n. ĀpŚr. Sch. Sāy
- pary-ud-āsa m. a prohibitive rule, exception Pāṇ. Sch. Kull
- pary-udita See pari-vad, p. 600
- pary-úd-bhṛta mfn. (√bhṛ) brought out, extracted from (abl.) RV
- pary-ud-vas √5. Caus. -vāsayati, to take away, remove AV
- pary-ud-√vij (only fut. -vijiṣyati). to shrink from, be afraid of (acc.) R
- pary-upa-√lip P. -limpati, to smear all round Gobh
- pary-upa-√viś P. -viśati, to sit down round or near (acc.) ŚBr. ŚrS
- pary-upa-ḍveśana n. sitting about KātyŚr
- pary-upa-√sthā P. -tiṣṭhati, to be or stand round (acc.)
- to attend, serve, honour with (instr.) MBh. R
- (Ā.) to join KātyŚr. Sch
- pary-upa-sthāna n. waiting upon, serving R
- rising, elevation L
- pary-upa-sthāpaka mfn. leading to or upon KātyŚr. Sch
- pary-upa-sthita mfn. standing round, surrounding (acc.) MBh. R
- drawing nigh, imminent, impending, it
- slipped, escaped (as a word) R
- intent upon, devoted to (loc.) ib
- pary-upa-√spṛś (only ind. p. -spṛśya), to touch or use (water) for the use of ablution or bathing MBh
- pary-upa-√hve Ā. -hávate, to call near, invite RV
- pary-upâgata mfn. (√gam) standing round, surrounding BhP
- pary-upâ-vṛtta mfn. (√vṛt) returned, come back R
- pary-upâs (-upa-√ās), Ā. -upâste (3. pl. -upâsate, Pot. 3. sg. -upâsīta
- impf. 3. sg. -upâsat), to sit round, surround, encompass MBh. Kāv. &c
- to be present at, share in, partake of (acc.) MBh
- to approach respectfully, attend upon, worship Mn. MBh. &c.: Pass. -upâsyate, to be attended by (instr.) Ragh. x, 63
- pary-ḍupásaka mfn. worshipping, a worshipper MBh. BhP
- pary-ḍupâsana n. sitting round Śak. i, 25/26 (in Prākr.)
- encamping round MBh
- friendliness, courtesy Pratāp
- pardon, excuse Sāh
- honour, service, worship Kāraṇḍ. (also ā f. Divyâv.)
- joining in or concurrence with any act of reverence W
- pary-ḍupâsita mfn. shared in, witnessed MBh
- worshipped, reverenced
- -pūrva-tva n. the having reverenced in a former birth Divyâv
- pary-ḍupâsitṛ mfn. moving round or about (acc.) MBh
- showing respect or honour, a worshipper ib
- pary-ḍupâsīna mfn. sitting upon Mn. ii, 75
- surrounded by (instr.) R
- pary-ḍupâsya mfn. to be worshipped or served Jātakam
- pary-upta ○ti, See pari- √2. vap
- pary-ulūkhalam ind., g. -parimukhâdi
- pary-uṣaṇa ○ṣita, ○ṣṭa, See pari- √5. vas, p. 600
- pary-√ūrṇu Ā. -ūrṇute, to cover or conceal one's self MaitrS
- pary-ūh √1. P. Ā. -ūhati, ○te, (impf. -auhat), to heap or pile round, to surround with mounds or embankments AV. VS. TS. Br
- pary-ḍūhana n. sweeping or heaping together KātyŚr
- pary-ṛṣ √1. P. pary-árṣati, to flow round, to procure from every side by flowing RV
- pary-ṛṣ √2. P. -ṛṣati, (3. pl. aor. pary-āriṣan = -ārṣan), to embrace, clasp round, support Br. KātyŚr. [Page 609, Column]
- pary-árṣaṇa n. clasping round, supporting, making firm ŚBr
- pary-ê (-ā-√i), P. -âiti (ind. p. étya), to roam about AitBr
- to go round, circumambulate (acc.) ŚBr
- to come back, return ChUp
- pary-etṛ pary-ehi, See 2. parī7
- pary-eṣaṇa &c. See parī7ṣ
- paryoga m. or n. (for pari-y○
- cf. paryāṇa for pari-y○) a kind of vehicle Car
- pary-oṣṭham ind., g. pari-mukhâdi
- parv cl. 1. P. parvati, to fill Dhātup. xv, 68 (cf. √pūrv, pṝ, marv)
- parva in comp. for ○van
- ○kāra mfn. (prob.) = next MBh. v, 1227 ('making arrows' or 'putting on a foreign dress' Nīlak.)
- ○kārin mfn. one who for the sake of gain performs on common days such ceremonies as should be performed only on festivals VP
- ○kāla m. a periodic change of the moon R. MārkP
- the time at which the moon at its conjunction or opposition passes through the node MBh. Var
- -nirṇaya m. N. of wk
- -rāśi m. time for festivals Jyot
- ○gāmin m. one who approaches his wife on festivals VP
- ○gupta m. N. of a man Rājat
- ○tantra-vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○dakṣiṇā f. the teacher's fee for teaching a partic. portion of the Veda Gobh
- ○divasa m. the day of a periodic change of the moon Hcat
- ○dhi m. 'period-container', the moon L
- ○nādī f. 'moment of the Parvan', moment of opposition or conjunction MW
- ○nirṇaya m. N. of wk
- ○puṣpikā (L.),
- ○puṣpī (Car.), f. Tiaridium Indicum
- ○pūrṇatā f. preparations for or completion of a festival L
- joining, uniting W
- ○prakāśa and m. N. of wks
- ○prabodha m. N. of wks
- ○bhāga m. the wrist Śak
- ○bheda m. violent pain in the joints Suśr
- ○mālā f. N. of wk
- ○mitra m. N. of a man HPariś
- ○mūla n. the time of new moon and full moon L
- (ā), f. a species of plant L
- ○yoni mfn. growing from joints or knots
- m. a cane or reed W
- ○ratnâvalī f. N. of wk
- ○ruh m. (nom. ṭ) the pomegranate tree L
- ○vat mfn. containing knots or joints ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○varja mfn. except the forbidden days of a month MW
- ○vallī f. a species of Dūrvā L
- ○vipad m. the moon Gal
- ○śarkaraka m. N. of a man Rājat
- ○śás ind. limb by limb, limb from limb, piece by piece (○śaḥ-√kṛ to cut to pieces) RV
- ○śāka m. a species of pot-herb Car
- ○saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- ○saṃdhi m. the full and change of the moon, the junction of the 15th and 1st of a lunar fortnight MBh. R. Hariv
- ○sambhava m. N. of wk
- parvâṅgula n. a partic. measure of length, AmṛitUp
- parvâvadhi m. a joint or knot L
- a partic. period, the end of a Parvan &c. W
- parvâsphoṭa m. cracking the fingers (regarded as indecorous) Kām
- parvêśa m. the regent of an astronomical node Var
- parvaka n. the knee-joint L
- parvaṇa m. N. of a demon MBh
- (ī), f. the period of a change of the moon ib. Hariv
- a species of pot-herb (= parva-śāka) Car
- a partic. disease of the so-called juncture or Saṃdhi of the eye Suśr. (also [○N�IkA])
- ifc. = parvan, a knot BhP
- párvata mfn. (fr. parvan, Pāṇ. 5-2, 122 Vārtt. 10 Pat.) knotty, rugged (said of mountains) RV. AV. (according to ĀpŚr. Sch. = parutka, parva-vat)
- m. a mountain, mountain-range, height, hill, rock (often personified
- ifc. f. ā) RV. &c. &c
- an artificial mound or heap (of grain, salt, silver, gold &c. presented to Brāhmans, cf. -dāna)
- the number 7 (from the 7 principal mountain-ranges) Sūryas
- a fragment of rock, a stone (adrayaḥ parvatāḥ, the stones for pressing Soma) RV
- a (mountain-like) cloud ib. (cf. Naigh. i, 10)
- a tree L
- a species of pot-herb L
- a species of fish (Silurus Pabda) L
- N. of a Vasu Hariv
- of a Ṛishi (associated with Nārada and messenger of the gods, supposed author of RV. viii, 12 ; ix, 104, 105, where he has the patr. Kāṇva and Kāśyapa) MBh. Kathās
- of a son of Paurṇamāsa (son of Marīci and Sambhūti) MārkP
- of a minister of king Purū-ravas Vikr
- of a monkey R
- of one of the 10 religious orders founded by Saṃkarâcārya's pupils (whose members add the word parvata to their names) W
- (ī́), f. a rock, stone VS
- ○kandara n. mountain-cave Hit
- ○kāka m. a raven L
- ○kīlā f. the earth Gal
- ○cyút mfn. shaking mountains (Maruts) RV. [Page 609, Column]
- ○ja mfn. 'mountains-born'
- (ā), f. a river L
- ○jāla n. mountains-range Hariv. R
- ○tṛṇa n. 'mountains-grass', a species of grass L
- ○dāna n. a gift in shape of a mṭmountains (cf. above) Cat
- -paddhati f. N. of wk
- ○durga n. an inaccessible mṭmountains Bhartṛ
- ○dhātu m. 'mṭmountains-metal', ore, AmṛitUp
- ○nivāsa m. 'mṭmountains-dweller', the fabulous animal Śarabha Gal
- ○pati m. 'mountains-prince', lord of the mountains MBh
- ○mastaka m. n. mṭmountains-top Mn. MBh
- ○mālā f. mountains-range Pañcad
- ○mocā f. a species of Kadalī L
- ○rāj m. 'mountains-king', a very high mountains Kāraṇḍ
- N. of the Himâlaya MBh
- ○rāja m. id
- -kanyā (MW.), -putrī (Kum.), f. N. of Pārvatī or Durgā (daughter of Himâlaya)
- ○rodhas n. mṭmountains-slope L
- ○varṇana-stotra n. N. of ch. of ĀdiPur
- ○vāsin mfn. living in mountains
- m. a mountaineer Var
- (inī), f. nard, spikenard L
- N. of Durgā L
- ○śikhara m. n. mountain-top Hit
- ○śreṣṭha m. the best of mṭmountains MBh
- ○stha mfn. situated on a mṭmountains or hill ib
- parvatâkāra mfn. mountains-shaped, formed like a mountains MW
- parvatâgra n. mountains-top R
- parvatâtmajā f. mountains-daughter, N. of Durgā Hariv
- parvatâdhārā f. 'mountains-holder', the earth L
- parvatâri m. 'enemy of the mountains', N. of Indra (who clipped their wings) L
- parvatāvṛdh mfn. delighting in mṭmountains i.e. in the pressing-stones (said of Soma) RV
- parvatâśaya m. 'resting on mṭmountains', a cloud L
- parvatâśraya mfn. = ○ta-vāsin
- m. (also) the fabulous animal Sarabha L
- parvatâśrayin m. a mountaineer Var
- parvatêśvara m. lord of the mountains MBh
- N. of a man Mudr
- parvate-ṣṭhā́ mfn. dwelling in the heights (said of Indra) RV
- parvatôpatyakā f. a land at the foot of a mountain Hit
- parvataka m. a mountain ( See eka-p○)
- N. of a man Mudr
- of a prince in the Himâlaya HPariś
- parvatāyana wṛ. for pārv○, q.v
- parvatí f. a rock, stone TS
- parvatī́ f. of parvata, q.v
- parvatī ind. for ○ta
- ○√kṛ to make into a mountain Bhartṛ
- parvatī́ya mfn. belonging to or produced in mountains AV. Hariv. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 143)
- parvatyá mfn. = prec. RV. TS
- párvan n. a knot, joint (esp. of a cane or other plant [cf. parus], but also of the body), limb, member (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c
- a break, pause, division, section (esp. of a book) ŚBr. MBh. &c
- the step of a staircase Ragh
- a member of a compound Prāt. Nir
- a period or fixed time RV. VS. ŚBr. GṛŚrS
- (esp.) the Cāturmāsya festival, SrS
- the days of the 4 changes of the moon (i.e. the full and change of the moon and the 8th and 14th of each half-month) GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- a sacrifice performed on the occasion of a change of the moon R
- the day of the moon's passing the node at its opposition or conjunction Var. Sūryas. MBh. &c
- the moment of the sun's entering a new sign W
- any partic. period of the year (as the equinox, solstice &c.) ib
- a division of time, e.g. a half-month (24 in a year) MBh
- a day (360) BhP
- a festival, holiday W
- opportunity, occasion ib
- a moment, instant ib
- parvarīṇa m. (L.) = parṇa-vṛnta-rasa
- = pattra-cūrṇa-rasa
- = parṇa-śirā
- = dyūta-kambala
- = garva
- = māruta
- = mṛtaka (n.)
- n. = parvan
- parvasa m. N. of a son of Paurṇamāsa VP. (cf. parvata)
- (ā), f. N. of the wife of Parvasa ib
- parviṇī f. a holiday Rājat
- parvita m. a species of fish, Silurus Pabda L
- párśāna m. (√pṛś = spṛś, or pṛṣ ?) a precipice, chasm RV. (Sāy. 'a cloud')
- párśu m. a rib AV. TS. Br. [Zd. pereśu] ; a curved knife, sickle AV. Kauś. [Lat. falx
- Gk. ?]
- N. of a man RV. viii, 6, 46
- pl. N. of a warrior-tribe Pāṇ. 5-3, 117 (cf. pāraśava)
- f. the supporting or side wall of a well Nir. iv, 6
- N. of a woman RV. x, 86, 23
- ○maya mf(ī)n. shaped like a curved knife Nir. iv, 3
- parśukā f. a rib Suśr
- parśu m. (cf. paraśu and Uṇ. i, 34 Sch.) an axe, hatchet Hariv. R
- ○pāṇi m. 'axe in hand', N. of Gaṇêśa L
- = next A
- ○rāma m. = paraśu-r○ L
- parśū-mat or mfn. g. sidhmâdi
- parśū-la mfn. g. sidhmâdi
- parśvadha m. = paraśvadha, an axe, hatchet L. [Page 609, Column]
- parṣ (cf. pṛṣ), cl. 1. Ā. parṣate, to grow wet Dhātup. xvi, 12 (v. l. varṣ and sparṣ)
- parṣá m. (√parṣ, pṛṣ ?) a bundle, sheaf RV. x, 48, 7 (Nir. iii, 10)
- parṣa mfn. = paruṣa, rough, violent (as wind) BhP
- parṣáṇi mfn. (√1. pṛ) carrying over or across (as a ship) RV. i, 131, 2. 2
- parṣáṇi Ved. inf. of √1. pṛ ib. x, 126, 3
- parṣika ? g. purohitâdi
- parṣín See iṣu-p○
- párṣiṣṭha mfn. most mighty in delivering or rescuing RV. x, 126, 3
- parṣad f. = pari-ṣad, an assembly, audience, company, society GṛS. Yājñ. &c. (4 kinds of society Divyâv. 299, 14)
- ○bhīru mfn. shy in society Var
- ○vala mfn. surrounded by an assembly Pāṇ. 5-2, 112 Sch
- m. an assistant at an assembly, a spectator L
- parṣatka (ifc.) = pari-ṣad, an assembly Jātakam
- parhāṇa See a-parhāṇa
- pal cl. 1. P. palati, to go Dhātup. xx, 9 (perhaps invented to account for pālayati, or palâyate)
- pala m. (scarcely to be connected with prec.) straw L
- = pāla g. jvalâdi
- n. a partic. weight = 4 Karshas = 1/100 Tulā (rarely m
- ifc. f. ā) Mn. Yājñ. Suśr. &c
- a partic. fluid measure Nir. xiv, 7 KātyŚr. Sch
- a partic. measure of time (= 1/60 Ghaṭī) Gaṇit. ; flesh, meat Yājñ. Suśr. [Cf. Lat. palea ; Fr. paille, Lith. pelai.]
- ○kṣāra m. 'flesh-fluid', blood L
- ○gaṇḍa m. a mason (as using straw ?) L
- ○ṃ-kara m. 'flesh-maker', gall, bile L
- ○ṃ-kaṣa m. 'flesh-hurter', a Rākshasa L
- a lion L
- the sea Gal
- bdellium L
- (ā), f. N. of various plants (Asteracantha Longifolia, Butea Frondosa, Dolichos Sinensis &c.) Suśr. L
- bdellium L
- red lac Bhpr
- a fly L
- ○dá m. 'straw-giver (?)', a partic. material for building, (prob.) bundles of straw or reeds used for roofing and wainscoting AV
- ifc. in names of villages (○dīya mfn. ) Pāṇ. 4-2, 142
- (ī), f. N. of a village ib. 110
- ○pīyūṣa-latā f. N. of wk. (on the canonical use of various meats)
- ○priya m. 'fond of flesh', a Rākshasa or a raven L
- ○bhā f. the equinoctial shadow at midday Sūryas. Sch
- -khaṇḍana and -sādhana n. N. of wks
- ○vibhā f. = -bhā L
- palâgni m. 'flesh-fire', the bilious humour L
- palâṅga (prob.) wṛ. for capal○, q.v
- palâda or m. 'flesh-eater', a Rākshasa L
- palâḍdana m. 'flesh-eater', a Rākshasa L
- palânna n. rice with meat Suśr. (v. r. yavânna)
- palârdha n. a partic. weight (= 2 Karshas) Car
- palâli f. a heap of flesh A. 1
- palâśa m. a Rākshasa L
- mfn. cruel (lit. = next) L. 1
- palâśin m. eating flesh Bhpr
- m. = prec. L
- palala m. a Rākshasa L
- n. ground sesamum Hariv. Var. Suśr. &c
- a kind of sweetmeat made of ground sesamum and sugar L
- mud, mire R
- flesh L
- ○jvara m. gall, bile L. (cf. palâgni)
- ○piṇḍa n. a lump of ground sesamum ŚiraUp
- ○priya m. 'fond of flesh', a raven L
- ○palalâśaya m. 'fleshreceptacle', swelled neck, goitre L
- palalâudana n. a pap made of ground sesamum seeds Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 45
- palāla m. n. a stalk, straw Mn. MBh. &c
- the stalk of the Sorghum, Indian millet Suśr
- m. N. of a demon inimical to children (anu-p○) AV
- (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis of Skanda MBh
- (ī́), f. a stalk, straw AV. (cf. Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 100)
- ○dohada m. 'longing for straw', the mango tree (the fruit of which is sometimes ripened in straw) L
- ○bhāraka m. a load of straw Mn. xi, 134
- palālânupalālá m. du. Palāla and AnupṭAnupalāla (cf. above) AV
- palālôccaya m. a heap of straw Kathās
- palāli See pala
- palālina mfn. Pāṇ. 5-2, 100 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- palā́va m. chaff, husks AV
- a fish-hook, Vāsav
- palika mf(ā)n. weighing a Pala Car. Hcat
- (ifc. after a numeral) weighing so many Pala Yājñ. Suśr. &c
- palya n. a sack for corn (prob. containing a certain measure) ŚrS
- a partic. high number Dharmaśarm
- ○kathā-puṣpâñjali m. N. of wk
- ○varcasa n. Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-4, 78
- palyôpama m. or n. a partic. high number W
- palyalika m. or n. N. of a place Cat. [Page 610, Column]
- palakyā (L.), palaṅkyā (Bhpr.), f. Beta Bengalensis
- palakṣa mf(ī́)n. white VS. (cf. balakṣa)
- palaṅkaṭa mfn. shy, timid L
- palava m. plava (√plu), a basket of wicker-work for catching fish L
- N. of a man, Prav
- palasa wṛ. for panasa R
- palasti-jamadagní m. pl. the grey-haired Jamad-agnis (prob. a branch of this family of Ṛishis) RV. iii, 53, 16 (Sāy.)
- palāka m. n. Siddh
- palāṇḍu m. (rarely n.) an onion Mn. MBh. Suśr. &c. (cf. Uṇ. i, 38 Sch.)
- ○bhakṣita mf(ā, or ī)n. one who has eaten onions Pāṇ. 4-1, 53 Sch
- ○maṇḍana n. N. of a comedy
- palāpa m. a halter L
- an elephant's temples L
- palāpahā wṛ. for mal○
- palây (fr. palā = parā and √ay = i
- Pāṇ. 8-2, 19 Sch.), Ā. pálâyate TS. Br. MBh. &c. (ep. also P
- pf. palâyāṃ cakre Pañc
- aor. apalâyiṣṭa Bhaṭṭ
- fut. palâyiṣyate Hit
- ○ti Śatr
- ind. p. palâyya ŚBr. &c
- inf. palâyitum Pañc.)
- to flee, fly, run away, escape, cease, vanish TS. &c. &c
- palâḍyaka mfn. fleeing, a fugitive SaddhP
- palâḍyana n. fleeing, flight, escape MBh. Kāv. &c. (-kriyāṃ-√kṛ, to take to flight Pañc.)
- a saddle TS. Sch. (cf. paly-ayana, paryāṇa)
- -parâyaṇa mfn. occupied in flight, fugitive W
- ○manas mfn. thinking of flṭflight MW
- -viṣaya mfn. having flight for an object, bent on flṭflight ib
- pálâyita mfn. flown, fled, defeated TS. Kathās. &c
- n. gallop L. (v. l. pul○)
- palâyin mfn. fleeing, flying, taking to flight MBh
- palāśá n. (for 1. See under pala) a leaf, petal, foliage (ifc. f. ī) ŚBr. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- the blade of a sharp instrument (cf. paraśu-p○)
- the blossom of the tree Butea Frondosa Pañc
- = śmaśāna L
- = paribhāṣaṇa L
- m. (ifc. f. ā) the tree Butea Frondosa (its older name is parṇa, q.v.) Br. MBh. &c
- Curcuma Zedoaria L
- N. of Magadha L
- (ifc. it denotes beauty, g. vyāghrâdi)
- (ī), f. a species of climbing plant L
- cochineal L
- red lac L
- mfn. green L. (wṛ. for pālāśa)
- ○tā f. the state of foliage, foliation Kathās
- ○nagara n. N. of a town Siṃhâs
- ○pattra n. a single leaf (esp. of the Butea Frondosa) Hariv. Pañc
- m. N. of a Nāga L
- ○parṇī f. Physalis Flexuosa L
- ○puṭa m. n. a receptacle made of a folded leaf KātyŚr
- ○śātana m. an instrument for lopping foliage L
- palāśâkhya m. the resin of Gardenia Gummifera L
- palāśâṅgā or f. a kind of Curcuma L
- palāḍśântā f. a kind of Curcuma L
- palāśaka m. Butea Frondosa or Curcuma Zedoaria L
- pl. N. of a place MBh
- (ikā), f. a species of climbing plant L
- palāśana n. (?) Nir. xii, 29
- palāśāmbhā f. = ○śâṅgā L
- palāśin mfn. (for 1 See under pala) leafy, covered with foliage MBh
- m. a tree Prasannar
- a species of tree (= kṣīra-vṛkṣa) L
- N. of a city or village (said to be the modern Plassey) Kshitîś
- (inī), f. N. of sev. rivers MBh. MārkP
- palāśila and mfn. g. kāśâdi and utkarâdi
- palāḍśīya mfn. g. kāśâdi and utkarâdi
- paliknī See palita below
- pali-gha m. a water-pot, pitcher, glass water-vessel L
- a wall, rampart L
- the gateway of a building L
- an iron club or one studded with iron L. (= pari-gha
- Pāṇ. 8-2, 22)
- paliṅgu m. N. of a man HirGṛ
- palitá mf(ā, or páliknī Pāṇ. 4-1, 39 Vārtt. 1. 2 Pat.) n. grey, hoary, old, aged RV. &c. &c
- = pālayitṛ Nir. iv, 26
- m. N. of a mouse MBh
- of a prince Hariv. VP. (v. l. pāl○)
- (paliknī), f. a cow for the first time with calf L
- n. grey hair (also pl.) AV. &c. &c
- a tuft of hair Daś
- mud, mire L
- heat, burning L
- benzoin L
- pepper L. [Cf
- Gk. ?, ? &c. ; Lat. palleo, [610,] pallidus, pallus ; Lith. pálvas ; Slav. [plav�u] ; HGerm. falo, val, fahl ; Angl. Sax. fealo ; Eng. fallow.] [Page 610, Column]
- ○ṃ-karaṇa mf(ī)n. rendering grey, Vāsav. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 56)
- ○cchadman mfn. (old age) lurking under grey hair Ragh. xii, 2
- ○darśana n. the sight or appearance of grey hair Suśr
- ○m-bhaviṣṇu or mfn. becoming grey Pāṇ. 3-2, 57
- ○m-bhāvuka mfn. becoming grey Pāṇ. 3-2, 57
- ○mlāna mfn. grey and withered Kathās
- ○vat mfn. grey-haired HPariś
- palitin mfn. grey-haired MBh
- pali-yoga m. = pari-y○ Pāṇ. 8-2, 22 Pat
- palī74jaka m. (fr. pali = pari and √īj = ej) 'stirrer, disturber', N. of a demon AV
- palīśa m. = palāśa Bhpr
- paleśinī prob. wṛ. for palāśinī Inscr
- pálpūlana n. lye, water impregnated with alkaline salt TS. AV. Kauś
- palpūlaya Nom. P. ○láyati, to wash with alkaline water, to tan TS. TBr
- palpūḍlita mfn. washed, tanned ŚrS. Baudh
- palya &c. See under pala
- paly-aṅka m. = pary-aṅka (Pāṇ. 8-2, 22) a bed, couch, bedstead Siṃhâs. Pañcad
- a cloth wound round the loins while sitting on the heels and hams L
- so sitting, squatting (cf. pary-aṅka) L
- paly-aṅg (pali = pari and √aṅg), Ā. paly-aṅgayate (ind. p. -aṅgya), to cause to go round, stir round ŚBr.: Pass. -aṅgyate, to turn round, revolve ib
- paly-√ay (paly = pari and √ay = √i), Ā. paly-ayate ŚBr. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 19)
- paly-ayana n. a saddle (= paryāṇa) L
- a rein, bridle Vcar
- palyāṇa n. a saddle L. (also ○na Gal.)
- palyāḍṇaya Nom. ○yati, to saddle, Bhojacar
- palyula or ○yūla Nom. P. ○layati, v. l. for palpūla Dhātup. xxxv, 29
- pall cl. 1. pallati, to go, move Dhātup. xv, 34 Vop. (invented after √pal, prob. to explain the following words)
- palla m. a large granary, barn Suśr
- (ī), f. See below
- pallâraṇya-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- pallaka See dattâiraṇḍa-p○ under datta
- palli f. a small village, (esp.) a settlement of wild tribes L
- a hut, house ib
- ○pañjaka m. pl. N. of a people VP
- ○vāha m. a species of wild grass L
- pallikā f. a small village &c. (= palli) L
- a small house-lizard L
- pallī f. a small village &c. (= palli) Kathās
- a hut, house L
- a city (esp. ifc., in N. of towns, e.g. triśira-p○, = Trichinopoly)
- a partic. measure of grain KātyŚr. Sch
- a small house-lizard L
- ○deśa m. N. of a district Cat
- ○patana n. (prob.) prognostication by observing the falling of houselizards
- -kārikā f. -phala n. -vicāra m. -śānti f. N. of wks
- ○pati m. the chief of a village or station Kathās
- ○vicāra m
- ○vidhāna n. N. of wks
- ○"ṣśa (pallī7sa), m. = -pati L
- ○śaraṭa (?), in ○ṭayoḥ phalâphala-vicāra m. ○ṭayoḥ śānti f. -kāka-bhāsâdi-śakuna and -vidhāna n. N. of wks
- pallava m. n. (ifc. f. ā) a sprout, shoot, twig, spray, bud, blossom (met. used for the fingers, toes, lips &c.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- a strip of cloth, scarf, lappet Kād. Bālar. Rājat
- spreading, expansion L. (cf. below)
- strength L. (= bala
- v. l. = vana, a wood)
- red lac (alakta) L
- a bracelet L
- sexual love L
- unsteadiness L
- m. a partic. position of the hands in dancing Cat
- a libertine, catamine L
- a species of fish L
- pl. N. of a people MBh. Pur. (v. l. for pahlava)
- of a race of princes Inscr
- ○grāhin mfn. putting forth young shoots, sprouting in all directions, diffusive, superficial (as knowledge) Hit
- (with doṣa), m. the fault of prolixity or diffusiveness Gīt. Sch
- ○hi-tā f. superficial knowledge, sciolism MW
- ○dru m. the Aśoka tree L
- ○dhārin mfn. bearing blossoms (as a flower) Ragh
- ○pūra m. N. of a man L
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of young shoots or twigs (cf. sulalita-latā-p○)
- ○rāgatāmra mfn. red-coloured like a young shoots or twigs Ragh
- pallavâṅkura m. a leaf-bud L. [Page 610, Column]
- pallavâṅguli f. a young shoot like a finger Mālav
- pallavâda m. 'twig-eater', a deer L
- pallavâdhāra m. 'twig-holder', a branch L
- pallavâpīdita mfn. bud-laden MBh
- pallavâstra m. 'having blossoms for missiles', N. of the god of love L
- pallava Nom. P. ○vati, to put forth young shoots Śatr
- pallavaka m. a libertine, gallant Hcar
- a species of fish (Cyprinus Denticulatus) L
- (akā), f. N. of a woman Mṛicch
- (ikā), f. a kind of scarf L
- N. of a female attendant Kathās
- pallavana n. prolixity, useless speech Naish
- pallavaya Nom. P. ○yati = 2. pallava Kāv
- to spread, divulge (as news) Vcar
- to make diffuse or prolix (= vi-stāraya) Gīt. Sch
- pallavika m. = (or v. l. for) pallavaka m. L
- pallavita mfn. sprouted, having young shoots (○taṃ vṛkṣaiḥ, 'young shoots have been put forth by the trees') Kāv
- spread, extended Inscr. (alaṃ "ṣtena, 'enough of further amplification', A.)
- (ifc.) filled, full of Kād
- dyed red with lac L
- m. the red dye of the lac insect W
- pallavin mfn. sprouting, having young shoots Kum
- m. a tree L
- pallavī-√kṛ (ind. p. -kṛtya), to make or change into a very young shoot Kāvyâd
- palli pallī, See under √pall
- palvala n. (m. Siddh.) a pool, small tank, pond. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. palus ; Lith. púrvas (?).] [610,]
- ○karṣaka mfn. ploughing a pool Hariv
- ○tīra n. the bank or margin of a ploughing Pañc
- ○paṅka m. the mud of a pṭploughing Kālid
- palvalâvāsa m. 'pṭpalvalâvāsa-dweller', a tortoise L
- palvalī-√bhū to become a pool Jātakam
- palvalyá mf(ā́)n. marshy, boggy TS
- pav cl. 1. Ā. pavate, to go Dhātup. xiv, 40 (v. l. for plav)
- pava m. (√pū) purification, winnowing corn Pāṇ. 3-3, 28 Sch
- air, wind L
- a marsh L
- N. of a son of Nahusha VP
- (ā́), f. purification RV
- n. cow-dung L
- ○nāla (prob.) wṛ. for yava-nāla
- pávana m. 'purifier', wind or the god of wind, breeze, air (ifc. f. ā) MBh. Kāv. &c
- vital air, breath Suśr. Sarvad
- the regent of the Nakshatra Svāti and the north-west region Var
- N. of the number 5 (from the 5 vital airs) ib
- a householder's sacred fire Hār
- a species of grass L
- N. of a son of Manu Uttama BhP
- of a mountain ib
- of a country in Bharata-kshetra W
- (ī), f. a broom L
- the wild citron-tree L. (v. l. pacanī)
- N. of a river VP
- n. or m. purification, winnowing of corn L
- a potter's kiln, Śṛiṅgār
- n. an instrument for purifying grain &c., sieve, strainer AV. ĀśvGṛ
- blowing Kaṇ
- water L
- mfn. clean, pure L
- ○kṣipta mfn. tempest-tossed MW
- ○cakra n. whirlwind BhP. (cf. cakra-vāta)
- ○ja m. 'son of the wind', N. of Hanu-mat Dhūrtan
- ○java m. 'swift as wind', N. of a horse Kathās
- ○tanaya m. = -ja Ragh
- N. of Bhīmasena Megh
- ○dūta m. or n
- ○pañcāśikā f. N. of 2 poems
- ○padavī f. path of the wind, the air Megh
- ○pāvana m. or n. N. of wk
- ○prabhava m. (disease) coming from the wind of the body Suśr
- ○bhū m. = -ja MW
- ○yoga-saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- ○raṃhas mfn. swift as wind, Pracaṇḍ
- ○vāhana m. 'having wind as vehicle', fire L
- ○vijaya m. 'victory over the wṭwind or breath', N. of sev. Tantric wks
- ○vyādhi m. disease or morbid state of the wind of the body, rheumatism W
- N. of Uddhava (the friend and counsellor of Kṛishṇa) L
- pavanâghāta m. gust of wind Rājat
- pavanâtmaja m. = ○na-ja L
- N. of Bhīma-sena Rājat
- fire MatsyaP
- pavanâśa m. 'feeding on air', a serpent, snake L
- pavanâśana m. id. L
- ○śanâsa m. 'snake-eater', a peacock L
- N. of Garuḍa L
- pavanâśin m. = ○nâśa MārkP
- pavanâhata mfn. struck or shaken by the wind, rheumatic W
- pavanêṣṭa (prob.) wṛ. for yav○
- pavanôtkampin mfn. trembling in the wind Śak
- pavanôdbhrānta in -kārin mfn. 'agitating the air', N. of a partic. mode of fighting MW
- -viici f. a wave raised by the winds ib
- pavano'mbuja (!), m. Grewia Asiatica L
- pávamāna mfn. being purified or strained, flowing clear (as Soma) RV
- m. wind or the god of wind VS. TS. Kāv. Rājat
- N. of a partic. Agni (associated with Pāvaka and Śuci and also regarded as a son of Agni by Svāhā or of Antar-dhāna and by Śikhaṇḍinī) TS. Br. Pur. [Page 611, Column]
- N. of partic. Stotras sung by the Sāma-ga at the Jyotishṭoma sacrifice (they are called successively at the 3 Savanas bahiṣpavamâna, mādhyaṃdina and tṛtīya or ārbhava) TS. Br. ŚrS. (cf. RTL. 368)
- N. of wk
- N. of a prince and the Varsha in Śāka-dviipa ruled by him BhP
- ○ṭippana m. or n
- ○pañca-sū7kta n. pl.,
- ○paddhati f
- ○sū7kta n. N. of wks
- ○vat mfn. accompanied by the Pavamāna-stotra AitBr
- ○sâkha m. 'friend of the wind', fire Śiś
- ○somayajña m. N. of wk
- ○havis n. offerings to Agni invoked under the title of Pavamāna or Pāvaka or Śuci TBr. Sch
- ○homa m. = -havis
- N. of wk
- -paddhati f. -prayoga m. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- pavamānâdhyāya m. N. of wk
- pavamānôṣṭi f. = ○na-havis TBr. Sch
- N. of wk
- pavamānôktha n. the series of verses in the mid-day Pavamāna, AiBr
- pavayitṛ́ m. a purifier TS
- pavākā f. a storm, whirlwind L
- pavita mfn. purified, cleansed W
- n. black pepper L
- pavitṛ́ m. a purifier AV. ŚBr. (cf. paiviitṛ)
- pavítra n. a means of purification, filter, strainer, straining-cloth &c. (made of thread or hair or straw, for clarifying fruits, esp. the Soma) RV. &c. &c
- Kuśa grass (esp. two Kuśa leaves for holding offerings or for sprinkling and purifying ghee &c.) ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c. (ifc. also ko, See sa-pavitraka), a ring of Kuśa grass worn on the fourth finger on partic. occasions W
- a purifying prayer or Mantra Mn. Yājñ. MBh
- a means of purifying or clearing the mind RV. iii, 26, 8 ; 31, 6 &c
- melted butter L
- honey L
- water L
- rain or rubbing (varṣaṇa or gharṣaṇa) L
- copper L
- the vessel in which the Argha is presented L. (ifc. -ka MārkP.)
- the Brāhmanical cord (cf. ○trâropaṇs)
- N. of Vishṇu (also pṭpresented pavintrāṇām) MBh. (cf RTL. 106)
- of Śiva ib
- (with ādityānām and devānām) N. of Sāmans ArshBr
- a kind of metre Col
- m. N. of a partic. Soma-sacrifice belonging to the Rājasūya TāṇḍBr. Sch. ŚrS
- Sesamum Indicum L
- Nageia Putranjiva L
- N. of a man, g. aśvâdi
- of an Āṅgirasa (the supposed author of RV. ix, 67 ; 73 ; 83 ; 107) RAnukr
- (pl.) N. of a class of deities in the 14th Manv-antara, Pur
- (ā), f. N. of sev. plants (basil, saffron, the small Pippala tree &c.) L
- of sev. rivers MBh. Pur
- the 12th day of the light half of Śravaṇa (a festival in honour of Vishṇu) W
- mf(ā)n. purifying, averting evil, pure, holy, sacred, sinless, beneficent Mn. MBh. &c
- ○kīrti mfn. of spotless renown Dhūrtas
- ○giri mṆ. of a place Cat
- ○tarī-√kṛ to purify or sanctify in a high degree Kād
- ○tā f. purity, cleanness MārkP. Rājat
- ○tva n. id. Uttarar. Hcat
- the being a means of purification Kāṭh. TāṇḍBr
- ○darbha m. purifying or holy Darbha grass R
- ○dhara m. N. of a man Kathās
- ○dhānya n. 'pure grain, barley L
- ○paṭhana n. recitation of a purifying prayer or Mantra MārkP
- ○pati m. lord of purification or purity VS
- ○pāṇi mfn. holding Darbha grass in the hand Yājñ
- m. N. of an ancient sage MBh
- ○pūta (○vítra-), mfn. clarified with a strainer ŚBr
- ○yoni mfn. of spotless origin, Pañc
- ○ratha (vítra-), mfn. having the strainer as a chariot (Soma) RV
- ○roga-parihāra-prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○vat (○vitra-), mfn. having a purifying instrument (as a strainer or Darbha grass), cleansing, purifying RV. Br. GṛŚrS
- N. of Agni AitBr
- (ī), f. N. of a river BhP
- pavitrâropaṇa n. 'putting on the Pavitra', investiture with the Brāhmanical cord, (esp.) investing the image of Krishna or another deity with the sacred thread, N. of a festival on the 12th day of the light half of Śrāvaṇa or Ashāḍha Pañc
- -putra-daī7kādaśī f. and -vidhāna n. N. of wk
- pavitrârohaṇa n. investing with the sacred thread (cf. ○ropaṇa), N. of a festival in honour of Durgā on the 8th day of the light half of Śrāvaṇa or Ashaḍha L
- pavitrêṣṭi f. N. of a partic. sacrifice (cf. above) Vas
- N. of wk
- -paddhati f. -prayoga m. -sūtra n. -hautra n. N. of wks
- pavitraka m. a small sieve or strainer KātyŚr. ( See also under pavitra)
- m. Poa Cynosuroides L
- Artemisia Indica L
- Ficus Religiosa or Glomerata L
- pavitraya Nom. P ○yati, to cleanse, purify, render happy Kathās. Śatr. Pañcad
- paviḍtrita mfn. purified, sanctified, blessed, happy Mcar. [Page 611, Column] Caṇḍ. BrahmaP
- pavitrin mfn. purifying, pure, clean MBh
- pavitrī ind. in comp. for ○tra
- ○karaṇa n. purification, means of purifying W
- ○√kṛ to purify, cleanse MBh. BhP
- ○kṛta mfn. purified, cleansed, sanctified Pañc. Śāntiś
- ○√bhū (ind. p. -bhūya), to become pure or clean L
- pavītṛ́ m.= pavitṛ RV
- pávyā f. purification RV
- = paví, the tire of a wheel (?) ib
- pávaru m. a species of pot-herb L. (v. l. pararu)
- pavaṣṭurika m. N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi (not in Kāś.)
- pavásta n. (apa and √vas?) a cover or garment (?) AV. iv, 7, 6
- du. heaven and earth RV. x, 27, 7
- pavāru ○ruka, v. l. for parāru, ○ruka
- paví m. (perh. orig. 'brightness, sheen'
- cf. pāvaka and Uṇ. iv, 138 Sch.) the tire of a wheel (esp. a golden tire on the chariot of the Aśvins and Maruts) RV. AitĀr
- the metallic point of a spear or arrow ib
- the iron band on a Soma-stone ib
- an arrow Nir. xii, 30
- a thunderbolt Naigh. ii, 20
- speech ib. i, 11 fire L
- ○mat mfn. N. of sev. Sāmans ĀrshBr
- pavī-nasá m. 'having a nose like a spear-head', N. of a demon AV
- pavīra n. (fr. pāvii), a weapon with a metallic point, a lance, spear Nir. xii, 30
- pávīra-vat (RV. VS.) or (AV.), mfn. armed with lance or a goad
- pavīrá-vat (AV.), mfn. armed with lance or a goad
- = next mfn
- pávīrava mfn. having a metallic share (as a plough) TS
- m. a thunderbolt RV
- pávīru m. N. of a man RV
- pavinda m. N. of a man, g. aśvâdi (f. ā, kāś.)
- paś only Pres. P. Ā. páśyati, ○te (cf. √dṛś and Pāṇ. 7-3, 78), to see (with na 'to be blind'), behold, look at, observe, perceive, notice RV. &c. &c
- to be a spectator, look on (esp. p., e.g. tasya paśyataḥ, while he looks on, before his eyes Mn
- paśyantī tiṣṭhati, she stands ind looks on Śak.)
- to see a person (either 'visit' or 'receive as a visitor') MBh. R. &c
- to live to see, experience, partake of. undergo, incur Mn. MBh. &c
- to learn, find out ib
- to regard or consider as, take for (acc. with acc. or adv. in vat) ib
- to see with the spiritual eye, compose, invent (hymns, rites &c.) RV. Br. ŚāṅkhŚr
- (also with sādhu) to have insight or discernment Mn. MBh. &c
- to consider, think over, examine ib
- to foresee ib
- (paśyāmi, 'I See or l am convinced', and paśya, ○śyata, 'see, behold, look here!' often employed parenthetically or interjectionally MBh. Kāv. &c.) [Orig. identical with √spaś, q.v.]
- páś f. (only instr. pl. paḍbhís), sight or eye RV. iv, 2, 12
- paśu ind. see, behold! L
- paśya mf(ā)n. seeing, beholding, rightly understanding Up. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 137)
- paśyat mf(antī)n. seeing, beholding &c
- (antī), f. a harlot L
- N. of a partic. sound L
- paśyatohara mfn. stealing before a person's eyes Pāṇ. 6-3, 21 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- paśyata mfn. visible, conspicuous AV
- paśyanā f. See a-paśyanā
- paś cl. 10. P. pāśayati, to fasten, bind Dhātup. xxxiii, 45. [Cf. paṣ and pas ; Zd. pas ; Lat. pac-iscor, pax ; Goth. fahan ; Angl. Sax. fân.]
- paśavyá mfn. (fr. paśú) belonging or relating to cattle, fit or suitable for cattle TS. Br. Up. Yājñ. MBh
- (with kāma), m. sexual love or intercourse BhP
- n. a herd or drove of cattle RV
- ○tama (○vyá-), mfn. most fit or suitable for cattle TS
- ○vā́hana mfn. = purīṣa-v○ ŚBr
- paśu or m. (instr. paśúnā or ○śva
- páśu m. (instr. paśúnā or ○śva
- dat. páśve or paśáve
- gen. paśvás or ○śos
- du. paśvā́
- acc. pl. paśvás or ○śū́n) cattle, kine (orig. any tethered animal'
- singly or collect. 'a herd'), a domestic or sacrificial animal (as opp. to mṛga, 'wild animal ; 5 kinds are enumerated, 'men, kine, horses, goats and sheep' [AV. xi, 2, 9 &c.], to which are sometimes added mules arid asses [MBh. vi, 155 &c.] or camels and dogs [AV. iii, 10, 6 Comm.]) RV. &c. &c. [Page 611, Column]
- any animal or brute or beast (also applied contemptuously to a man
- cf. nara-p○ and nṛ-p○)
- a mere animal in sacred things i.e. an uninitiated person Cat
- an animal sacrifice AitĀr. BhP
- flesh RV. i, 166 6 an, ass L
- a goat L
- a subordinate deity and one of Śiva's followers L
- (with Māheśvaras and Pāśupatas) the individual soul as distinct from the divine Soul of the universe RTL. 89
- Ficus Glomerata L
- (pl.) N. of a people MBh. (vḷ. patti)
- n. cattle (only as acc.) before manyate [VS. xxiii, 3] and manyamāna [RV. iii, 53, 2] ; and pl. paśūni R. Kathās.) [Cf. Zd. pasu ; Lit. pecu ; Old Pruss. pecku ; Goth. faíhu ; Germ. fihu, vihe, Vieh ; Angl. Sax. feoh ; Eng. fee.] -karman n. the act of offering the victim, sacrifice ŚrS
- copulation (as a merely animal act) ŚBr. Sch
- ○kalpa m. the ritual of animal sacrifice ĀśvGṛ
- -paddhati f. N. of wk
- ○kāma (○śú-), mfn. desirous of possessing cattle TS. Br
- ○kḷpti f. = -kalpa TBr. Sch
- ○kriyā f. = -karman, Hariv' L
- ○gaṇa m. a group of sacrificial animal, ŚrS,
- ○gāyatrī f. a parody of the sacred Gāyatri whispered into the ear of a sacrificial animal L. (paśu-pāśāya vidmahe śiraś-chedāya dhīmahi tan naḥ paśuḥ pracodayāt
- RV. iii, 62, 10)
- ○ghāta m. slaughter of cattle Mṛicch
- ○ghna mfn. slaughtering cattle Mn. v, 38 (cf. -han)
- -tva n. RāmatUp
- ○caryā f. acting like animals, copulation BhP
- ○cít mfn. piled with animals (as a sacrificial fire) TS
- ○jánana mfn. producing cattle MaitrS
- ○jāta n. a species of animal MānGṛ
- ○tīya mfn. pertaining to, the animal kingdom MW
- ○tantra n. = -kalpa ŚrS
- ○tas ind. = abl. of paśu, cattle ṢaḍvBr
- ○tā f. the state of an animal (esp. of a sacrificial animal)
- bestiality, brutality Mn. MBh. Kāv
- ○tṛ́p mfn. gratifying one's self with cattle i.e. stealing cattle RV
- ○tva n. = -tā R. Prab. Rājat
- (with Māheśvaras and Pāsupatas) the being the individual soul
- ○da mfn. granting cattle L
- (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda MBh
- ○dā or mfn. = prec. mfn. Kauś
- ○dāvan mfn. = prec. mfn. Kauś
- ○devata mf(ā)n. invoking cṭcattle as a deity (said of a formula or ceremony), ĀśVGṛ
- ○devatā f. the deity to whom the victim is offered ŚrS
- ○dharma m. the law of animals, manner of beasts (said of the re-marriage of widows) Mn. ix, 66
- copulation L
- the treatment of animals, manner in which animals are treated Pañc. 185/186 (○meṇa vyāpādayāmi)
- ○dharman m. the manner in which the animals sacrifice is performed ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○dhānya-dhanarddhi-mat (r for ṛ), mfn. rich in cattle and corn and money R
- ○nātha m. 'lord of cattle', N. of Śiva L. (cf. -patī)
- ○pa mfn. guarding or keeping cṭcattle
- m. a herdsman MBh. Var
- ○pakṣīya n. N. of wk
- ○páti m. 'lord of animals' (or 'lṭlord of a servant named Paśu' or 'lord of the soul' RTL. 89), N. of the later Rudra-Śiva or of a similar deity (often associated in the Veda with Bhava, Śarva, Ugra, Rudra, Mahā-deva, Īśāna and others who together with Bhima are in later times regarded as manifestations of Rudra) AV. &c. &c
- of Agni' TS. ŚBr
- of Śiva MBh. &c. (according to one legend every deity acknowledged himself to be a mere paśu or animal when entreating Siva to destroy the Asura Tri-pura)
- of a lexicographer
- of a Scholiast &c
- -dhara m. N. of a poet Cat
- -nagara n. 'Śiva's town', N. of Kāśī or Benares ib
- -nātha m. N. of a partic. form of Siva W
- -purāṇa n. (prob.) = ŚivaP
- -śarman m. N. of a man Cat
- -śāsṭra n. the sacred book of the Pāśupatas revealed by Śiva Col
- ○tī7śvara-nāhātmya and ○ty-askṭaka n. N. of wks
- ○palvala n. Cyperus Rotundus L
- ○pā́ m. a keeper of herds, herdsman RV
- N. of Pūshan ib
- du. N. of Pūshan and Revati TBr
- ○pāla m. = -pa Mn. MBh. &c. (-vat', ind. like a herdsman)
- (pl.) N. of a people to the north-east of Madhya-deśa R. Var
- of a king (or perhaps king of the Paśu-pālas) Pur
- n. the country or kingdom of the Paśu-pālas Pur
- ○pālaka m. a herdsman
- (ikā), f. a herdsman wife Pāṇ. 4-1, 48 Pat
- ○pālana n. the tending or rearing of cattle (the duty of a Vaitya) Vishṇ
- ○pālya n. id' MW
- ○pāśa m. the cord with which the victim is bound L
- the chains which fetter the individual soul, the world of sense Prab
- ○pāśaka m. a kind of coitus L
- ○puroḍāśá m. the cake offered at an animal sacrifice ŚBr. ŚrS
- -mimaṃsā f. N. of wk
- ○pratiprasthātṛ-prayoga m
- ○prayoga m
- ○praśna m
- ○prāyaścitta n. N. of wks
- ○prêraṇa n. the driving of cattle L
- ○banéhá m. an animal sacrifice AV. &c. &c. [Page 612, Column]
- N. of an Ekâha ŚāṅkhŚr N. of wk
- -kārikā f. -paddhati f. -prayoga m. -prayoga-paddhati f. N. of wks
- -yājin mfn. offering an animal sacrifice ŚBr
- paśu--yūpá m. the post to which the victim is bound ib
- ○bandhaka m. a rope for tethering cattle L
- ○bali m. N. of wk
- ○bhartṛ m. -naltha MBh
- ○bheda m. a class or species of animal MW
- ○mát mfn. connected with or relating to cattle or animals, rich in cattle or animal RV. &c. &c
- connected with animal sacrifices TāṇḍBr
- containing the word paśu AitBr
- m. an owner of herds or cattle MBh
- n. possession of cattle RV
- ○mata n. erroneous or false doctrine Hariv
- ○māra m. the manner of slaughtering cṭcattle MBh., (am and eṇa), ind. according to the manner of slaughtering ib
- ○māraka mfn. attended with the sacrifice of animals BhP
- ○medha m
- ○maitrāvaruṇa-prayoga m. N. of wks
- ○mohanikā f. 'animals stupefier', a species of plant L
- ○yajña (VP.),
- ○yāga (W.), m. an animals sacrifice
- ○yājín mfn. offering ati anṭanimals sacrifice MaitrS
- ○yūka m. a louse which infests cattle Gal
- ○rakṣaṇa n. the tending of cṭcattle W
- ○rákṣi (RV.),
- ○rakṣin (Mn.), m. a herdsman
- ○rajju f. = -bandhaka L
- ○rāja m. 'king of beasts', a lion L
- ○rūpá n. anything representing the sacrificial animal ŚBr
- ○vat ind. like an animals Kap
- as in an animals Gaut
- as in an animals sacrifice KātySr
- ○várdhana mfn. increasing cattle RV. ix, 94, 1 (wṛ. for paśur v○?)
- ○víd mfn. providing cattle AV
- ○vīrya n. the strength or power belonging to c, TāndBr
- ○vedi f. the Vedi at the animal sacrifice KātyŚr. Sch
- ○vrata (paśú-), mfn. acting or behaving like cattle MaitrS
- the duty to serve as sacrificial victim, Jātakam
- ○śiras (L.),
- ○śīrṣá (TS. &c.), n. the head, of an animal
- ○śrapaṇá n. cooking a sacrṭsacrificial an' ŚBr
- (-śrápaṇa, cattle. agni)' m. the fire on which the flesh of a sacrṭsacrificial animals is cooked ib
- ○śrauta-sūtra n. N. of wk
- ○ṣ�ā́ mfn. (dat. ṣé) bestowing cattle RV
- ○ṣad (Hir.),
- ○ṣṭha (TāṇḍBr.), mfn. being or dwelling (lit. sitting and standing) in cattle
- ○sakha m. 'friend of cattle', N. of a Śūdra MBh
- ○sáni mfn. = -ṣa VS
- ○samāmnāya m. 'enumeration of sacrificial animals', N. of VS. xxix, 48
- ○yika mfn. mentioned in this ch. Nir
- ○sambhava mfn. produced by animals (as flesh, honey, butter &c.) Mn. viii, 329
- ○sā́dhana mf(ī)n. leading or guiding cattle RV
- ○sūtra n. N. of wk
- ○soma m. pl. the animal and Soma sacrifices Mn. xi, 27
- ○stoma m. N. of the Pañcadaśa-stoma TāṇḍBr
- ○han mf(ghnī)n. killing cattle ( See a-p○) AV
- ○harītakī f. the fruit of Spondias Mangifera L
- ○havya n. an animal sacrifice Mn. iv, 28
- ○hautra n. the office of the Hotṛi at an animals sacrifice, N. of wk
- -prayoga m. N. of wk
- paśū7khā f. the pot in which the sacred anṭanimals is cooked or roasted KātyŚr
- paśū7dbhavā f. = paśu-yulka Gal
- paśuka = paśu in eka-
- (ā), f. any small animal R
- paśū-√kṛ to transform into an animal (esp. into a sacrificial victim) Mṛicch. Kathās
- paśv in comp. for paśu before vowels
- ○aṅga n. a limb or part of a sacrificial animal, anything belonging to it MānGṛ
- -tā f. Nyāyam
- ○ayaná n. a festival attended with anṭanimal sacrifices ŚBr
- ○áyantra (?) RV. iv, 1, 14
- ○avadāna n. sacrifice or offering of animals W
- ○ācāra m. N. of a partic. form of the worship of Devii L
- ○ijyā f. animal sacrifice KātyŚr
- ○iḍā f. the Iḍā (s.v.) part at the anṭanimal sacrifice L
- ○íṣ mfn. wishing for cattle RV. (cf. gav-iṣ and paśva-iṣṭi)
- ○iṣṭakā́ f. a brick in the shape of an animal ŚBr
- ○iṣṭi f. an Ishṭi (q.v.) performed at an animal sacrifice ĀpŚr
- ○ékādaśinī f. an aggregate of 11 sacrificial animals ŚBr
- páśva-iṣṭi mfn. (fr. acc. paśvas + i○ wishing for herds RV
- paśca mfn. hinder, later, western, only ibc. or ind. = paścā, ○cāt Pāṇ. 5-3, 33. [Cf. uc-ca, nī-ca ; Lat. pos-t, pos-terus ; Lith. paskui, paskutínis.]
- paścânutāpa m. repentance, regret Hariv
- paśânupūrvī f. a repeated or recurring series L
- paścâpin m. a servant TāṇḍBr. Sch. (W. r. for ○câyin?)
- paścârdhá m. the hinder side or part ŚBr. GṛŚrS. MBh
- (e. ind. with gen. 'behind') Śak
- the west side or part ŚBr. GṛŚrS
- ○dhyá mfn. being on the west side ŚBr
- paścā ind. (instr. of paśca) behind, after, later, westward, in the west (opp. to purā) RV. AV. Br. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 33)
- ○já mfn. born later MaitrS. Kāṭh
- ○doṣá m. the later part of the evening VS. [Page 612, Column]
- ○somapa mfn. drinking the Soma later or afterwards Kāṭh
- ○pītha m. the act of drinking &c. ib
- paścāc in comp. for ○cāt
- ○cará mfn. coming or approaching behind MaitrS. Kāṭh
- ○chramaṇa (for śr○), m. a Buddhist priest who walks behind another Buddhist priest in visiting the laity L
- paścā́t ind. (abl. of paśca) from behind, behind, in the rear, backwards RV. &c. &c
- from or in the west, westwards AV. &c. &c
- afterwards, hereafter, later, at last (pleonast. after tatas or an ind. p
- with √tap, to feel pain after, regret, repent) Mn. MBh. &c
- (as a prep. with abl. or gen.) after, behind ib
- to the west Up. GṛŚrS
- ○karṇám ind. behind the ear ŚBr
- ○kāla m. subsequent time
- (e), ind. subsequently, afterwards L
- ○kṛta mfn. left behind, surpassed Ragh. Kum
- ○tara mfn. following after (abl.) ĀśvŚr
- ○tāpa m. 'after-pain', sorrow, regret, repentance (○paṃ-√kri, to feel regret, repent) MBh. Kāv
- (in dram.) repentance at something rejected or omitted from want of judgment Sāh
- -samanvita (R.), .-hata (Hit.), mfn. smitten by repentance, regretful
- ○pin mfn. feeling repentance, regretting (with a priv.) Yājñ
- ○tiryak-pramāṇa n. the hinder breadth KātySr. Sch
- ○pariveṣya n. second dish, dessert Bhpr
- ○pāda-dviguṇa mfn. (a skin) doubled or folded double by bending) the hind-foot (inwards) KātyŚr
- ○puroḍāśa (○cat-), mfn. followed or accompanied by the sacrificial cake MaitrS
- ○puro-māruta m. du. east and west wind Ragh
- ○sád mfn. sitting behind or towards the west VS
- paścā́-tāt ind. from behind RV
- paścād in comp. for ○cāt
- ○akṣám ind. behind the axle tree Br. KātyŚr
- ○anvavasāyín mfn. following after i.e. adhering to, dependent upon (dat.) TS
- ○apavarga mfn. closed or completed behind KātyŚr
- ○ahas ind. in the afternoon MBh
- ○ukti f. repeated mention, repetition Vop
- ○ghāṭa m. the neck Car
- ○daghván mfn. staying behind, falling short of. MaitrS
- ○dvārika mfn. favourable to a warlike expedition in the west L
- ○baddha-puruṣa m. (Śak. vi, 0/1) or (ib. Pi. Mṛicch.), (a man) whose hands are bound behind
- ○bāhu-baddha (ib. Pi. Mṛicch.), (a man) whose hands are bound behind
- ○bhāga m. hind-part L
- west side Var
- mfn. whose conjunction with the moon begins in the afternoon ib
- ○vartin mfn. remaining behind, following after MW
- ○vātá m. a wind from behind, a west wind TS
- paścān in comp. for ○cāt
- ○nata mfn. sunk or depressed behind MW
- ○māruta m. a wind blowing from behind (opp. to puro-m○) Ragh
- ○mukhâśrita mfn. turned westwards R
- paścāl in comp. for ○cāt
- ○loka mf(ā)n. having the world or men behind TS
- paścāl mf(ā)n. being behind, hinder, later, last, final (f. ā, with kriyā, the last rite i.e. burying the dead
- with sâṃdhyā, the latter i.e. the evening twilight
- with velā, evening time, close of day
- with avasthā, last state i.e. verging on death) i GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- west, western, westerly (ā f. with or sc. diś, the west) Mn. Kāv. &c
- (e), ind. ii, the west Var
- (ena), ind. id. ib
- west of (with acc.) Lāṭy
- ○jana m. Pāṇ. the people in the west Var
- ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- ○tas ind. from behind MBh
- ○tāna (sc. āsana), n. a partic. manner of sitting Cat
- ○dakṣiṇa mfn. south-westerly Hcat
- ○darśana n. a last look (○naṃ-√dṛś, to take one's last look) R. Daś. -
- ○dik-pati m. regent of the western region', N. of Varuṇa Gal
- ○deśa m. N. of a district Romakas
- ○dvāra or mfn. = paścāddvārika L
- ○dvārika mfn. = paścāddvārika L
- ○bhāga m. the west side Var
- ○raṅga (cf. pūrva-r○) in -nātha-stotra n. -māhātmya n. -rāja-stava m. N. of wks
- paścimâcala m. the western mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to set
- opp. to pūrvâc○), Vāsav
- paścimânupāka m. N. of a prince MBh
- paścimâbhimukha mfn. directed towards the west MW
- paścimâmbudhi m. the western sea Daś
- paścimârdha m. or n. hind-part or latter half. Var
- paścimâśā-pati m. = ○ma-dik-p○ Hcat
- paścimêtara mfn. 'opposite of west', eastern Kād.'
- paścimôttara mf(ā)n. northwestern (○re, ○ratas and ○rasyām [sc. diśi], in the north-west) Var. Hcat
- dik-pati m. 'regent of the north-wṭwest', N. of the god of wind L
- -pūrva mfn. (pl.) western, northern, or eastern Mn. v, 92. [Page 612, Column]
- paśya ○śyat &c. See 1. paś
- paṣ cl. 1. P. Ā. paṣati, ○te (v. l. for spaś Dhātup. xxi, 22)
- cl, 10. P. paṣayati, to bind, to hinder, to touch, to go (xxxv, 10)
- pāṣayati, to bind (v. l. for paś, xxxiii, 45)
- paṣṭha-váh m. (fr. paṣṭha = pṛṣṭha [?] + √vah
- nom. ○vā́ṭ Vṣ. or vā́t ṭṣ) a bull four years old
- N. of an Aṅgirasa, TaṇḍBr
- (pasṭhauhī́), f: a heifer four years old, any young cow VS. Br. ŚrS
- pas cl. 1. P. Ā. pasati, ○te (vḷ. for spaś Dhātup. xxi, 22)
- cl. 10. P. pāsayati, to bind (v. l. for paś, xxxiii, 45)
- pásas n. the membrum virile, A.V. ŚBr. [Cf. Gk. [612,] ? for ? ; Lat. pe1nis for pesnis ; Lit. pisá, písti.]
- pastyá n. (fr. pas and tya [?]
- cf. paś-ca), a stall, stable (as the back-building? but cf. also Lat. postis) RV
- (ā́), f. See below
- ○sád m. a member of a family RV
- pastyā́ f. homestead, dwelling, household (also pl.) RV
- du. the 2 halves of the Soma-press ib. x, 96, 10
- sg. the goddess of domestic affairs ib. iv, 55, 3 ; viii, 27, 5
- ○vat (○tya), mfn. having (i.e. being kept in) a stall RV. ix, 97, 18
- having a fixed habitation (m. a wealthy man), i, 151, 2
- forming or offering a fixed habitation, ii, 11, 16 ; iv, 54, 5
- belonging to the Soma-press, viii, 7, 29
- paspaśa m. (√spaś) an introduction, preface, any introductory matter explanatory of the plan of a book Śiś. ii, 112 Sch
- (ā), f. N. of the introduction of the Mahā-bhāshya of Patañ-jali
- mfn. = niḥ-sāra Kpr. Sch
- pahāḍī f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇi (cf. pāhâḍikā)
- pahlava m. pl. N. of a people (the Parthians or Persians) Mn. x, 44 MBh. &c. (also spelt pahnava ; in the VP. they are said to be a degraded Kshatriya race conquered by Sagara and sentenced to wear beards)
- pahlikā f. Pistia Stratiotes L
- pā cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xxii, 27) píbati (Ved. and ep. also Ā. ○te ; rarely pipati, ○te Kāṭh. Br.), cl. 2. pāti, pāthás, pānti RV. AV. ; p. Ā. papāná RV., pípāna AV. (pf. P. papaú, 2. sg. papātha RV. ;papitha Pāṇ. 6-4, 64 Sch. ;papīyāt RV. ; p. papivás AV. ; Ā. pape, papire RV. ; p. papāná ib. ; aor. or impf. apāt RV. [Pāṇ. 2-4, 7] ; 3. pl. apuḥ [?] RV. i, 164, 7 ;-pāsta AV. xii, 3, 43 ; Prec. 3. sg. peyās RV. ; fut. pāsyati, ○te Br. &c. ;pātā Gr. ; ind. p. pītvā́ RV. &c. &c., ○tvii RV. ;-pāya AV. &c. &c. ;pītyā́ MBh. ;pāyam Kāvyâd. ; inf. píbadhyai RV. ;pātum MBh. &c. ;pā́tave AV. Br. ;pā́tavaī́ RV.), to drink, quaff, suck, sip, swallow (with acc., rarely gen.) RV. &c. &c
- (met.) to imbibe, draw in, appropriate, enjoy, feast upon (with the eyes, ears &c.) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to drink up, exhaust, absorb BhP. Pañc
- to drink intoxicating liquors Buddh.: Pass. pīyáte AV. &c. &c.: Caus. pāyayati, ○te (pf. pāyayām āsā MBh
- aor. apīpyat Pāṇ. 7-4, 4
- ind. p. pāyayitvā MBh
- inf. pā́yayitavaí ŚBr.), to cause to drink, give to drink, water (horses or cattle) RV. &c. &c.: Desid. pipāsati (RV. also pipīṣati), to wish to drink, thirst ib.: Desid, of Caus. pipāyayiṣati, to wish or intend to give to drink Kāṭh.: Intens. pepīyate (p. ○yamāna also with pass meaning), to drink greedily or repeatedly Up. Hariv. [Cf. Gk. [612,] ?-?-?
- Aeol. ?-? = ? ; Lat. pā-tus, po1tum, bibo for pi-bo ; Slav. pi-ja, pi-ti]
- pā mfn. drinking, quaffing &c. (cf. agre-, ṛtu-, madhu-, soma- &c. )
- pātavya mfn. to be drunk, drinkable Mn. MBh. &c
- pātṛ́ (with gen
- pā́tṛ with acc
- unaccented with gen. or ifc.), one who drinks, a drinker RV. &c. &c
- pā́tra n. (ifc. f. ā) a drinking-vessel, goblet, bowl, cup, dish, pot, plate, utensil &c., any vessel or receptacle RV. &c. &c
- a meal (as placed on a dish) TS. AitBr
- the channel of a river R. Kād. [Page 613, Column]
- (met.) a capable or competent person, an adept in, master of (gen.), any one worthy of or fit for or abounding in (gen., loc., inf. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- an actor or an actor's part or character in a play Kālid. Sāh
- a leaf L. (cf. pattra)
- propriety, fitness W
- an order, command ib
- m. or n. a measure of capacity (= 1 Āḍhaka) AV. ŚBr. ŚrS
- a king's counsellor or minister Rājat. Pañcar
- (ī), f. See 1. pātrī
- ○kaṭaka m. or n. the ring on which an alms-bowl is suspended L
- ○ṭira (?), m. (only L.) an ex-minister (W. 'an able or competent minister')
- a metal vessel
- mucus running from the nose
- rust of iron
- fire
- a heron
- a crow
- ○tara mfn. worthier than (abl.) Hariv
- ○tā f. the being a vessel or receptacle for (gen. or comp.) Kāv. Rājat. (with śītôṣṇayoh, endurance of heat and cold Subh.)
- -next Yājñ. Hit
- ○tva n. capacity, worthiness, dignity, honour Hit
- ○dhāraṇa n. keeping a superfluous almsbowl longer than is permitted, Buddh'
- ○nirnegá m. a washer or cleaner of vessel TBr
- ○parī7ṣṭi f. untimely effort to obtain a new alms-bowl Buddh
- ○pāka wṛ. for pattra-p○
- ○pāṇi m. cuphanded', N. of a demon inimical to children PārGṛ
- ○pāla m. 'vessel-guiding', a large paddle used as a rudder L
- ○bhūta mfn. 'become a recipient', worthy of receiving from (gen.) MBh
- one who receives respectful treatment from (gen.) Hariv
- ○bhṛt m. 'taking care of utensils', a servant W
- ○bheda m. breaking a drinking-vessel or cup MW
- ○melana n. the bringing together of the characters of a play ib
- ○yojana n. arrangement of vessels KātyŚr
- ○vandana n. 'adoration of vṭvessels', N. of wk
- ○varga m. a company of actors MW
- ○śuddhi f. cleaning of vessels', N. of wk
- ○śeṣa m. scraps of food, Divvâv
- ○saṃskāra m. the cleaning of a vessel or dish L
- the current of a river L
- ○saṃcāra m. the handing round of vessels or dishes at a meal MBh
- ○stha mfn. being in a receptacle or dish MW
- ○hasta (pā́○), mf(ā)n. holding any vessel in the hand AV. Śak
- pātrârtha m. any object serving as a vṭvessel
- pāṇibhyām "ṣrthaṃ-√kri, to use the hands as a vṭvessel SāmavBr
- pātrâvaleham ind. licking a vessel or dish Buddh
- pātrôpakaraṇa n. ornaments of a secondary kind (as bells, chowries &c.) KālP
- pātraka n. a vessel, bowl, dish ( See ku- and carvita-)
- (ikā), f. a cup, an alms-bowl or almsdish BhP
- pātraya Nom.P. ○yati, to use as a drinking vessel Bhartṛ
- pātrasāt-√kṛ to make a worthy person possessed of anything Ragh
- pātrika mf(ī)n. measured or sown or filled by means of any vessel or with the measure Pātra, containing or possessing it &c. Pāṇ. 5-1, 46 &c. Sch
- fit, adequate, appropriate W
- n. a vessel, cup, dish (in ku- MBh. xii, 8327
- B. -pātraka)
- pātrin mfn. possessing a drinking-vessel or a dish Mn. vi, 52
- having fit or worthy persons W
- pā́triya mfn. worthy to partake of a meal TS. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 68)
- pātrī f. (of pātra) a vessel, plate, dish, pot Br. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- a small or portable furnace W
- N. of Durgā MBh
- ○tas ind. -abl. of patrī ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○nirṇéjana n. water for rinsing a vessel ŚBr
- pātrī ind. in comp. for tra-√kṛ, to make anything a recipient or object of (gin.) Megh.' Bālar
- to dignify, promote to honour (pp. -krita), Kalid
- ○√bhū to become a fitting recipient or worthy object (pp. -bhūta) MBh
- pātrīṇa mf(ā)n. measured or sown or filled &c. by means of a Pātra Pāṇ. 5-1, 53
- cf. pātrika
- pātrīya n. and a kind of sacrificial vessel L
- pātrīva mṇ. a kind of sacrificial vessel L
- pātre loc. of pātra, in comp
- ○bahula mfn. (pl.) frequently present at meals, parasitical, g. pātre-samistâdi and yuktârohâdi
- ○samita mfn. (pl.) id. ib
- sg. a treacherous or hypocritical person L
- pātrya mfn. = pātriya L
- pā́na n. drinking (esp. drinking spirituous liquors), draught RV. (only ifc.) AV. &c. &c
- drinking the saliva i.e. kissing, Kāv' (cf. adhara-)
- a drink, beverage ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- a drinking-vessel, cup L
- a canal L
- m. a distiller or vender of spirituous liquors' an inn-keeper L
- ○kumbha m. a drinking-vessel Hariv
- ○goṣṭhikā or f. a drinking-party
- ○goṣṭhī f. a drinking-party
- a tavern L
- ○ña mfn. caused by drinking Suśr. [Page 613, Column]
- ○doṣa m. the vice of drinking, drunkenness Daś
- ○pa mfn. drinking spirituous liquors MBh
- ○para mfn. addicted to drinking W
- ○pātra n. a drinking-vessel, cup, goblet Kām. Kāv. Pur
- ○prasakta mfn. = -para
- -hṛdaya mfn. VarBṛS
- ○bhājana (L.),
- ○bhāṇḍa (MBh.), n. id
- ○bhū (Kathās.),
- ○bhūm�ī (Hariv. Kāv.), f. a dṭdrinking-place, refrehment-room
- ○bhojana n. eating and dṭdrinking Mālav
- ○maṅgala n. a drinking-party, dṭdrinking-bout Kathās
- ○matta mfn. intoxicated ib
- ○mada m. intoxication ib
- ○rata mfn. = -para W
- ○vaṇij m. a vender of spirits, a distiller L
- ○vat mfn. abounding in drink, rich in beverages ChUp
- ○vibhrama m. 'drink-giddiness', intoxication Cat
- ○śauṇḍa mfn. = -para Pāṇ. 6-2, 2 Sch
- ○sindhu -saindhava ib., vii, 3, 119 Sch
- pānâgāra m. or n. a drinking-house, tavern MBh
- pānâghāta m. 'drink-stroke', morbid state after drinking Gal
- pānâjīśṇaka n. 'indigestion from dṭdrinking', id. ib
- pānâtyaya m. 'end of drinking', id. Suśr
- pānaka m. n. (ifc. f. ā) a draught, drink, beverage, potion MBh. Kathās. Suśr
- ○rasa-rāgâsava-yojana n. sg. (BhP. Sch.), or pl. (Cat.) one of the 64 Kalās or arts
- ○rasâsavarāga-yojana n. pl. (Cat.) one of the 64 Kalās or arts
- pānika m. a vender of spirituous liquors R
- pānila n. a drinking-vessel L
- pānīya mfn. to be drunk, drinkable Suśr
- n. a beverage, drink ib. Pañc
- water Mn. MBh. &c. (cfṆir.i, 16)
- ○kākikā f. 'sea-crow', the cormorant Uṇ. i, 7 Sch
- ○kumāra-rasa m. a partic. medicinal preparation Rasar
- ○gocara See dūre-pānīya-gocara
- ○cūrṇikā f. water-dust', sand L
- ○taṇḍulīya n: a partic. herb Bhpr
- ○dūṣaka mf(ikā)n. soiling or troubling water R
- ○nakula m. 'water-ichneumon', an otter L
- ○pala n. a partic. measure of time (= pala) Gaṇit. Sch
- ○pṛṣṭha-ja m. 'wṭwater-surface-born', Pistia Stratiotes L
- ○phala n. 'water-fruit', the seed of Euryala Ferox Bhpr
- ○mūlaka n. 'water-√', Vernonia Anthelmintica
- ○varṇikā f. sand L. (prob. wṛ. for -cūrṇikā)
- ○varṣa m. rain Hit
- ○vārika m. the attendant of a convent who has the care of drinking-water Buddh
- ○śālā or f. a place (esp. a shed on the road-side) where water is distributed L
- ○sālikā f. a place (esp. a shed on the road-side) where water is distributed L
- ○śīta mfn. too cold to drink L
- pānīyâdhyakṣa m. a water superintendent R. Sch
- pānīyâmalaka n. Flacourtia Cataphracta L
- pānīyârtham ind. for the sake of water Nal
- pānīyâlu m. a species of bulbous plant L
- pānīyâśrā f. Eleusine Indica L
- pā́nta m. a drink, beverage (?) RV. (= pānīya Nir. vii, 25)
- pāvan mfn. drinking (only ifc
- cf. asṛk-, gharma-, ghṛta- &c.)
- pā cl. 2. P. (Dhāt. xxiv, 48) pā́ti (Impv. pāhí
- pr. p. P. pā́t Ā. pāná RV
- pf. papau Gr
- aor. apāsīt Rājat., Subj. pāsati RV
- fut. pāsyati, pātā Gr
- Prec. pāyāt Pāṇ. 6-4, 68 Sch
- inf. pātum MBh.), to watch, keep, preserve
- to protect from, defend against (abl.) RV. &c. &c
- to protect (a country) i.e. rule, govern Rājat
- to observe, notice, attend to, follow RV. AitBr.: Caus. pālayati, See √pāl: Desid. pīpāsati Gr.: Intens. pāpāyate, pāpeti, pāpāti ib., [Cf. Zd. pā, paiti
- Gk. ?, ?, ?, &c. ; Lat. [613,] pa-sco, pa-bulum ; Lith. pe10-mu"ṣ]
- pā mfn. keeping, protecting, guarding &c. (ef. apâna-, ritā-, go-, tanū- &c.)
- pāta mfn. (for 2. See p. 616, col. 3) watched, protected, preserved L
- pātavya mfn. to be guarded or protected Hariv
- pātṛ́ mfn. defending, a defender or protector (with gen., acc. or ifc.) RV. &c. &c
- pā́tra n. (?) RV. i, 121, 1
- pāna mfn. observing, keeping ( See tanū-)
- n. protection, defence ( See ib. and vāta-)
- pānīya mfn. to be cherished or protected or preserved W
- pāvan mfn. protecting (only ifc
- cf. abhiśasti-, tanū-)
- pāṃśu ○śnka &c. = pāṃsu &c
- pāṃsaka mfn. (√pas, paṃs) vitiating, spoiling
- contemptible, vile W
- pāṃsana mf(ī)n. defiling, vitiating, disgracing, spoiling (ifc.) MBh. R. &c. (f. ā, only in voc. ○sane [perhaps wṛ. for ○sani] at the end of a Śloka)
- contemptible, wicked, bad W
- n. and (ā), f. contempt L
- pāṃsava mfn. (fr. pāṃsu) formed or consisting of dust BhP. [Page 613, Column]
- (○vá), m. patron. of A-sat ŚBr
- a. a kind of salt L
- pāṃsavyá mfn. (fr. pāṃsu) VS. xvi, 45
- pāṃsin mfn. = ○sana (only f. voc. ○sini in kula-p○ R. ii, 73, 5, where B. ○sani
- under. pāṃsana)
- pāṃsú m. crumbling soil, dust, sand (mostly pl.) AV. &c. &c
- dung, manure L
- the pollen of a flower MW
- (prob.) the menses Car. (cf. rajas)
- a species of plant Bhpr
- a kind of camphor L
- landed property L
- ○kasīsa n. sulphate of iron L
- ○kulī f. 'quantity of dust', a high road L
- ○kūla n. a dust-heap, (esp.) a collections of rags out of a dust-hṭheap used by Buddhist monks for their clothing Divyâv
- a legal document not made out in any partic. person's name L
- -sīvana n. 'the sewing together of rags f-om a dṭdust-hṭheap', N. of the place where Gautama Buddha assumed his ascetic's dress Lalit. (C. pāṇḍu-s○)
- ○lika mfn. one who wears clothes made of rags from a dṭdust-hṭheap Buddh
- ○kṛta mfn. covered with dust, dusty Lalit
- ○krīḍana n. (Vāsav.),
- ○krīḍā f. (HPariś.) playing in the sand
- ○kṣāra n. = -ja L
- ○khâla m. a sand-heap KātyŚr., Sch
- ○guṇṭhita mfn. covered with dust MBh. -catvara n. hail L
- ○candana m. N. of Śiva L
- ○cāmara m. (only L.) a heap of dust
- a tent or perfumed powder (= paṭa-vāsa)
- a bank covered with Dūrvā grass
- praise
- a small cucumber
- ○ja n. 'earth-born', rock or fossil salt Car
- ○jālika m. N. of Vishṇu L
- ○dhāna m. a heap of sand or dust Car
- ○dhūmra mfn. dark red or dark with dust MW
- ○dhvasta-śiroruha mfn. having the hair soiled with dust MBh
- ○nipāta m. a shower of dust VarBṛS
- ○paṭala n. a coating or mass of dust MW
- ○pattra n. Chenopodium Album L
- ○parṇī f. a species of Cocculus L
- ○piśāca m. a class of imps or demons Lalit
- ○bhava n. = -ja L
- ○mardana m. dustdestroyer', an excavation for water round the √of a tree (= ālavāla) L
- ○rāgiṇī f. a species of plant L
- ○rāṣṭra n. N. of a country
- m. pl. its inhabitants (B. pāṇḍu-r○) MBh
- ○lavaṇa n. a kind of salt Bhpr
- ○lekhana n. = -krīḍana Viddh
- ○varṣa m. or n. = -nipāta Mn. iv, 115
- ○vikarṣaṇa m. = -krīḍana MBh
- ○saṃcaya m. a heap of sand R
- ○samuhana (Mn.),
- ○hara (Gaut.), mfn. raising dust (said of wind)'
- pāṃsū7tkara m. = -varṣa VarBṛS
- caustic potash L
- n. a kind of salt Bhpr
- pāṃsuka n. pl, dust, sand MBh
- (ā), f. a menstruous woman L
- Pandanus Odoratissimus L
- pāṃsurá mfn. dusty, m. or n. a dusty place RV. i, 22, 7 (cf. Nir. xii, 19)
- m. a gad-fly L
- a cripple carried or moving about in a chair L. (cf. pāṃsuva)
- pāṃsulá mfn. dusty, sandy ŚBr. R. &c. (cf. g. sidhmâdi and Nir. xii, 19
- m. or n. a dusty place VāyuP.)
- ifc. sullied, defiled, disgraced by (Śak. v, 28)
- disgracing, defiling (cf. kula-p○)
- m. (only L.) a wicked or profligate man, a libertine
- N. of Śiva and of one of his symbols (a sort of staff crossed at the upper end with transverse pieces representing the breast-bone and adjoining ribs and surmounted by a skull)
- Guilandina Bontucella
- (ā), f. the earth
- a licentious woman Vcar
- pāṃsukā L
- pāṃsulā-vṛtti-prakāśa m. N. of wk
- pāṃsuva m. a cripple. L. (cf. pāṃsura)
- pā́ka mfn. (either fr. √1. [pA+ka], 'drinking, sucking, or fr. √2. pac, 'ripening, growing') very young GṛS
- simple, ignorant, inartificial, honest AV. TS. ĀśvŚr
- m. the young of an animal ( See uluka-, kapata-)
- a child, infant L
- N. of a Daitya slain by Indra MBh. Pur. -trā́ ind. in simplicity, in a simple or honest way RV
- ○durvā́ f. a species of plant ib
- ○dviṣ or m. 'foe or destroyer of the Daitya Pāka', N. of Indra L
- ○niṣṃdana m. 'foe or destroyer of the Daitya Pāka', N. of Indra L
- ○yajña &c., See under 2. pāka
- ○vát ind. simply, honestly RV
- ○saṃsá mfn. speaking sincerely ib
- ○śāsana m. 'punisher of the Daitya Pāka' or 'instructor of the ignorant', N. of Indra MBh. Kāv. Pur. (cf. RV. i, 31, 14)
- ○ni m. (patr. of prec.) N. of Jayanta L
- of Arjuna MBh
- ○sútvan mfn. offering Soma with a simple or sincere mind RV
- ○sthāman (pā́ka), m. N. of a man RV
- ○hatṛ m. = -niṣūdana R
- pākiman m. g. pṛthv-ādi
- pākyā́ ind. in simplicity, in ignorance RV
- pāka m. (√2. pac
- ifc. f. ī) cooking, baking, roasting, boiling (trans' and intrans.) ŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c. [Page 614, Column]
- burning (of bricks, earthenware &c.) ib
- any cooked or dressed food BhP
- digestion, assimilation of food Suśr
- ripening, ripeness (of fruit or of a boil) KātyŚr. Mn. Var. Suśr
- inflammation, suppuration Suśr
- an abscess, ulcer ib
- ripening of the hair i.e. greyness, old age L
- maturity, full development (as of the mind &c.), completion, perfection, excellence Hariv. Kāv. &c
- development of consequences, result (esp. of an act done in a former life) Var. Pañc. MārkP
- any act having consequences. BhP
- the domestic fire L
- a cooking utensil L
- general panic or revolution in a country W. (in comp. 2. pāka is not always separable from 1. pāka)
- ○karmanibandha m. N. of wk
- ○kuṭī f. a potter's kiln, pottery Gal
- ○kṛṣṇa m. 'black when ripe', Carissa Carandas
- -phala m. id. L
- ○kriyā f. the act of cooking Cāṇ
- ○ja mfn. produced by cooking or roasting Tarkas
- n. 'obtaiued by boiling', black salt L
- flatulence L
- -tva n. production by warmth, capability of being affected by contact with fire Bhāshāp
- -prakriyā f. -vicara m. N. of wks
- ○paṇḍita m. a master in the an of cooking Bhpr
- ○pātra n. a cooking utensil, a boiler &c. ib
- ○puṭī f. = -kuṭī L
- ○phala m. Carissa Carandas L. (cf. kṛṣṇa-ph○)
- ○bâli (pā́), m. (prob.) = -yajña AV
- ○bhāṇḍa n. = -pātra Kathās
- ○bhedaka m. N. of a partic. class of criminals Hcat
- ○matsya m. a species of fish, Sauśr
- a species of venomous insect ib
- a kind of fish sauce L
- ○yajñá m. (according to some) a cooked (according to others 'a simple or domestic') sacrifice (of 3 āaśvṅṛ., 4 ṃn. or 7 āapast. Baudh. ṅaut. forms or kinds) TS. Br. GṛŚrS. &c. (cf. IW. 188, n. 1)
- N. of a man Gobh
- -nirṇaya m. -paddhati f. -prakāśa m. -prayoga m. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○ñika mfn. 'relating to the Pāka-yajña', performing it &c. Baudh
- ○ñíya mf(ā)n. id. ŚBr. Kauś
- ○rañjana n. the leaf of the Laurus Cassia L
- ○vatī f. a pause 3/4 of an instant between 2 short syllables, MāṇḍS
- ○śālā f. 'cooking-room', a kitchen Dhūrtas
- ○śāstra n. the science of cṭcooking' Bhpr
- ○śuklā f. chalk L
- ○saṃsthā f. a form of the Pāka-yajña, SāṅkhGṛ
- ○sthāna n. 'cooking-place', a kitchen or a potter's kiln L
- ○haṃsa m. a kind of aquatic bird Car
- pākâgāra m. or n. = ○ka-śālā, Kull'
- pākâtī7a mfn. over-ripe Bhpr
- pākâtīsāra m. chronic dysentery L
- pākâtyaya m. obscuration of the cornea after inflammation Suśr
- pākâdi-saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- pākâdhyāya m. N. of ch. of wk
- pākâri m. 'digestion's foe (?)' = śveta-kāñcana L
- pākârú m. N. of a partic. disease VS
- pākâvalī f. N. of wk
- pākalá mfn. quite black TS
- bringing to ripeness (also a boil &c.), causing suppuration L
- m. a species of fever Bhpr
- fever in an elephant L
- fire L
- wind L
- = bodhana-dravya (wṛ. for rādhana-d○?) L
- (ā), f. Bignonia Suaveolens L. (ī), f. Cucumis Utilissimus L
- n. Costus Speciosus or Arablcus Car
- pāḍkali f. a species of plant L
- pākin mfn. becoming mature, ripening, being digested (ifc
- cf a-, katu-, garbha- &c.)
- promoting digestion Car
- pāḍkima mfn. cooked, burned (as earthenware), matured, ripened L
- obtained by cooking or evaporation (as salt) Suśr
- red-hot L
- pāku See dūre- and phale-pāku
- kuka m. a cook L ....
- pākya mfn. fit to cook, eatable KātyŚr. ChUp. (cf. bahu-.)
- obtained by cooking or evaporation, Śuśr
- ripening ( See kṛṣṭa.)
- n. (sc. lavaṇa) a kind of salt Suśr
- m. saltpetre L
- pācaka mf(ikā)n. cooking, roasting, baking MBh. Kāv. &c
- causing digestion, digestive Suśr
- bringing to maturity Tattvas
- m. a cook Gṛihyās., (ikā f. a female cook
- See below)
- fire L
- -tva n. Vop
- -strī f. a female cook Vop
- ○cikābhārya f. having a cook for a wife Pāṇ. 6-3, 37 Sch
- pācata mfn. (fr. pacaṭ) Pat
- pācana mf(ī)n. causing to cook or boil, softening, digestive Suśr
- sour L
- suppurative W
- m. fire L
- red ricinus L
- acidity, sourness W
- (ī), f. Terminalia Chebula L
- n. the act of cooking or baking &c
- causing a wound to close, a stypic for closing wounds Suśr
- extracting extraneous substances from a wound &c. by means of cataplasms, a cataplasm ib
- a dissolvent, digestive ib. Car
- any medicinal preparation or decoction W
- a sort of drink ib
- penance, expiation L. [Page 614, Column]
- pāḍcanaka m. borax L
- n. a dissolvent, digestive Car
- a sort of drink W
- causing a wound to close (by means of styptics &c.) ib.,
- pāḍcanīya mfn. to be cooked or digested
- dissolving, digestive Suśr. Car
- pācayitṛ mfn. cooking, digestive Suśr
- pācala (only L.), m. a cook
- fire
- wind
- -rādhana-dravya n. dissolving or a dissolvent
- pācā
- pāḍci or f.cooking, maturing L
- pāḍcikā f.cooking, maturing L
- pāḍcī f. a species of plant
- ○kaṭu m. Plumbago Ceylanica L
- pācya mfn. capable of being cooked or matured ŚvetUp
- pākṣa mf(ī)n. (fr. pakṣa) belonging to a half month
- relating to a side or party W
- pākṣapātika mf(ī)n. (fr. pakṣa-pāta) partial, factious Kām
- pākṣāyaṇa mf(ī)n. belonging to or occurring in a Paksha or fortnight &c. W. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 80)
- pākṣika mf(ī)n. (fr. pakṣa) favouring a party or faction Pur. Gaṇit
- subject to an alternative, that which may or may not take place, possible but not necessary, optional Śaṃk. Pāṇ. Sch. Kull
- m.an alternative W
- ○sūtra-vṛtti f. N. of wk
- pākṣika m. (fr. pakṣin) a fowler, birdcatcher L
- pākhaṇḍa m. = (and prob. only wṛ. for) pāṣaṇḍa, q.v
- pāgala mfn. (a word used in Bengāli) mad, deranged, demented BrahmaP
- pā́ṅkta mf(ī)n. (fr. paṅkti) consisting of five parts, fivefold Br. Up
- relating to or composed in the Paṅkti metre VS. TS. AitBr. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 55 Sch.)
- m. N. of a kind of Soma Suśr
- n. (sc. sāman) N. of a Sāman Lāṭy
- ○tā f. (Śaṃk.),
- ○tvá n. (TS.) fivefoldness
- pāṅktakākubha mf(ī)n. (fr. paṅkti-kakubh) beginning with the Paṅkti and ending with the Kakubh metre RPrāt
- pāṅktīhari m. (prob. patr. fr. paṅktī-hara) N. of a man Rājat
- pāṅkteya (MBh.),
- pāṅktya (Mn.), mfn. fit to be associated with, admissible into the row of castefellows at meals
- pāṅktrá m. a kind of mouse VS. (Mahīdh.)
- pāṅgulya n. (fr. paṅgula) limping, hobbling Dhātup
- ○hāriṇī f. N. of a kind of shrub L
- pācaka ○cana &c. See col. 1
- pāja m. (√paj?) N. of a man Rājat
- pājaka m. N. of a man (= prec.) ib
- (with paṇḍita) N. of a poet Cat
- a partic. kitchen utensil ĀpŚr
- pā́jas n. firmness, vigour, strength RV
- brightness, glitter, sheen (pl. shining colours) ib
- du. heaven and earth (as the two firm or shining surfaces ; 'firmament'.)
- food L
- ○vat (paáṭjas), mfn. firm, strong, brilliant RV
- pājasyá n. the region of the belly (of an animal)
- the flanks, side VS. AV. ŚBr
- pājrya m. patr. fr. pajra ĀrshBr
- pājika m. = prâjika, a falcon VarBṛS. Sch
- pāñca Vṛiddhi form of pañca (fr. pañcan), in comp
- ○kapāla mf(ī)n. relating to or forming part of an oblation offered in 5 cups Pāṇ. 4-1, 88 Pat
- ○lika n. vii, 3, 17 Kāś
- ○karmika mfn. relating or applicable to the 5 kinds of treatment Car
- ○kalāpika n. Pāṇ. 5-1, 28 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- ○gatika mf(ī)n. consisting of 5 forms of existence L
- ○janī f. (fr. pañca-jana) patr. of Asiknī BhP
- ○janīna mfn. g. prātijanâdi
- ○janya (pā́○), mf(ā)n. relating to the 5 races of men, containing or extending over them &c. RV. &c. Br. MBh
- m. N. of Kṛishṇa's conch taken from the demon Pañca-jana MBh. Hariv. &c
- fire L
- fish or a species of fire L
- N. of one of the 8 Upa-dviipas in Jambu-dviipa BhP
- (ā), f. patr. of Asiknī ib
- -dhama, -dhara and -nādin m. N. of Kṛishṇs L. (cf. above)
- -vana n. N. of a wood Hār
- ○nyāyani g. karṇâdi
- ○daśa mf(ī)n. (fr. pañ-daśī) relating to the 15th day of a month, g. saṃdhi-velâdi,
- ○daśya mfn. id. BhP
- n. the aggregate of 15 ŚāṅkhSr
- ○nakha mf(ī)n. made of the skin of an animal with 5 claws MBh
- n. (sc. māṃsa) the flesh of an animal with 5 claws Yājñ. Sch
- ○nada mf(ī)n. relating to or prevailing in the Pañjāb MBh. [Page 614, Column]
- m. a prince of the Pañjāb Var
- pl. the inhabitants of the Pañjāb MBh. Var
- ○nāpiti (fr, pañca-nāpita) Pāṇ. 2-1, 51 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- ○prasṛtikī f. (fr. pañca-prasṛta, or ○ti) a mixture of 4 kinds of grease (a handful of each) with grains of rice Car
- ○bhautika mf(ī)n. (-bhūta) composed of or containing the 5 elements MBh. Suśr. &c
- n. (with ādāna) the assumption of the 5 elements Yājñ
- ○mūlika mf(ī) n. coming from the 5 roots Car
- ○yajñika mf(ī)n. relating to or included in the 5 great religious acts ( See pañca-yajña) Mn. iii, 83 &c
- ○rātra m.pl. N. of a Vaishṇava sect following the doctrine of their sacred book called Pañcarātra Sarvad. Col. Cat
- n. the doctrine of the Pāñcarātras ib. (also ○trya and ○traka)
- N. of sev. wks
- -prâyaścitta-vidhāna n. -mantra m. or n. -mahôpanī7ṣad f. -rakṣā f. rahasya n. -vacana n. -śrī-cūrṇa-paripālana n. -samgraha m. -sthāpana, n
- ○trâgama m. ○trârādhana n. N. of wks
- ○rātrika mf(ī)n. lasting 5 nights, (days) SāmavBr
- m. 'connected with the P1ñcarātra, N. of Vishṇu MBh
- ○lohitika n. Pāṇ. 5-1, 28 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- ○lauhitika n. ib. Kāś
- ○varṇa wṛ. for pañca-v○
- ○v�ārṣika mf(ī)n. 5 years old Jyot
- ○valkika mf(ī)n. coming from the 5 kinds of bark Car
- ○vāja n. N. of 2 Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○vārṣika See above
- ○vidhya n. (fr. pañca-vidhī), N. of a Sūtra treating of the 5 Vidhis of a Sāman L
- ○śabdika n. the fivefold music L
- ○śara mf(ī)n. belonging to the (5-arrowed) god of love Kathās
- pāñcārthika m. a follower or votary of Paśu-pati or Siva L
- pāñcaudanika mf(ī)n. (fr. pañcaū7dana) Pāṇ. 4-3, 68 ; v, 1, 95 Sch
- pāñcamāhnika mf(ī)n. (fr. pañcama + ahan) belonging to the fifth day ŚāṅkhŚr
- pāñcamika mf(ī)n. (fr. pañcama) treated of in the fifth book Kull. Cat
- pāñcāla mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to or ruling over the Pañcālas MBh. R. &c
- m. a prince of the Pañcālas ib
- (with bābhravya) N. of an author Cat
- the country of the Pañcālas L
- pl. the people of the Pañcālas MBh. Var. &c
- an association of 5 guilds (carpenter, weaver, barber, washerman, and shoe-maker) L
- (ī), f. See below
- n. the language of the Pañcālas Cat
- ○jāti-viveka m. N. of wk
- ○deśa m. the country of the Pañcālas R
- ○nātha (Var.),
- ○pati (BhP.), m. the king of the Pañcālas
- ○putrikā f. N. of Draupadī Kāvyâd
- ○rāja m. the king of the PṭPañcālas MBh
- pāñcālânuyāna n. N. of a partic. play with puppets Cat. (cf. next, f.)
- pāñcālaka mf(ikā)n. relating or belonging to the people of the Pañcālas MBh
- m. a king of the Pañcālas ib
- (ikā), f. a princess of the Pañcālas ib
- a doll, puppet (also written ○calikā) L
- pāñcālāyana and m. patr. fr. pañcāla Pāṇ. 4-1, 99 ; 168 Sch
- pāñḍcāli m. patr. fr. pañcāla Pāṇ. 4-1, 99 ; 168 Sch
- pāñcālika mf(ī)n.= ○laka
- m. N. of a man Daś
- (ikā), f. (with catuḥ-ṣaṣṭi) the 64 arts collectively Cat
- pāñcālī f. a princess of the Pañcālas, (esp.) N. of Draupadī MBh. Hariv. &c
- (with or sc. rīti) N. of a partic. poetical style Daśar. Vām. &c
- a doll, puppet L
- ○vivāha-kathana n
- ○svayaṃvara-varṇana n. N. of 2 wks
- pāñcāleya m. metron. fr. pāñcālī MBh. (Nīlak.)
- pāñcālya mfn. = ○cāla mfn
- m. = id. m. MBh
- pā́ñci m. (fr. pañcan) a patronymic ŚBr. (g. pahv-ādi)
- ○grāma m. N. of a village Rājat
- pāñcika m. N. of the leader of the Yakshas Buddh
- of a man Hariv
- pāñjara (fr. pañjara), mfn. relating or belonging to a cage Nalac
- pāñjarya g. saṃkāśâdi
- pāṭ ind. an interjection used in calling L. (g. câdi)
- pāṭa m. (√paṭ) breadth, expanse, extension L
- (in geom.) the intersection of a prolonged side and perpendicular or the figure formed by such an intersection Col
- = vādya-tūrâtkara Vikr. iv, 13/14 Sch
- (ā́), f. a species of plant AV. Kauś. (cf. pāṭhā)
- regular order, series, succession W
- (ī), f. See pāṭī
- pāṭâvalī f. N. of wk
- pāṭaka m. a splitter, divider Hariv
- (only L.) the half or any part or a kind of village
- a shore, bank
- a flight of steps leading to the water
- a kind of musical instrument
- a long span (= mahā-kiṣku) [Page 615, Column]
- expense or loss of capital or stock
- throwing dice
- (ikā), f. See dina-pāṭikā
- pāṭana n. splitting, dividing, tearing up, cutting to pieces, destroying MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ā), f. a cut, incision Naish
- ○kriyā f. lancing an abscess or ulcer Suśr
- pāṭanīya mfn. to be split or torn asunder Kād
- pāṭita mfn. split, torn, broken, divided MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of a partic. fracture of the leg Suśr
- pāṭin mfn. splitting, cleaving (ifc.) Hcat
- m. a species of fish L
- pāṭī f. arithmetic, Bījag
- a species of plant L
- ○kaumudī f
- ○ganita n
- ○lilāvatī f
- ○sāra m. N. of wks
- pāṭūpaṭa mfn. (√paṭ). Pāṇ. 6-1, 12 Vārtt. 8 Pat. (pāṭup○ Vop.)
- pātya mfn. to be lanced (as an ulcer) Car
- n. a species of pot-herb L
- pāṭaccara m. (fr. paṭaccara) a thief. robber Kāv
- pāṭala mf(ā)n. pale red, pink, pallid Kauś. Var. Kāv
- (f. ī) made of the Pāṭalī or forming a part of it, g. bilvâdi
- m. a pale red hue, rose colour Rājat
- Bignonia Suaveolens (the tree bearing the trumpet-flower) MBh. Kāv. &c
- a species of rice ripening in the rains Suśr
- Rottleria Tinctoria L
- N. of a man Rājat
- (ā), f. Bignonia Suaveolens Kāv
- red Lodhra L
- a kind of fresh water fish Suśr
- a form of Durgā Tantras
- of Dālkshāyaṇī MatsyaP
- n. the trumpet-flower (also ā f.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- saffron L
- ○kīta m. a kind of insect, Vāsav
- ○kusama n. the trumpetflower Var
- ○gaṇḍa-lekha mfn. having the complexion of the cheek of a red hue Ragh
- ○cakṣus mfn. having cataract in the eye, Sāṃkhyas. Sch. (wṛ. for paṭaía-c○?)
- ○druma m. Rottleria Tinctoria L
- ○puṣpa n. the trumpet-flower MBh
- pāṭâlácala-māhātmya or n. N. of wk
- pāṭalâdrimāhātmya n. N. of wk
- pāṭalā-puṣpa-saṃnibha n. the wood of Cerasus Puddum L
- pāṭalā-vatī f. N. of a river MBh. VP
- N. of Durgā Tantras
- pāṭalôpala m. a ruby Śiś. xvii, 3
- pāṭalaka mfn. pale red (N. of the 12th unknown quantity) Col
- pāṭalaya Nom. P. ○yati, to dye pale red Kād. Śiś
- pāṭali m.f. Biguonia Suaveolens Suśr
- a species of rice L
- ○putra n. N. of the capital of Magadha near the confluence of the Śoṇa and the Ganges (supposed to be the ancient Palibothra and the modern Patnā) Pat. Kap. Kathās. (esp. iii, 78) &c
- m. pl. the inhabitants of this city Pāṇ. 2-3, 42 Kāś
- -nāmadheya n. (sc. nagara) a city called Pāṭaliputra MW
- ○putraka mf(ikā)n. relating to or coming from Pāṭaliputra Pāṇ. 4-2, 123 Sch
- n. the city Pāṭaliputra Kathās
- pāṭalika mfn. knowing the secrets of others L
- one who knows time and place L
- m. a pupil L
- n. N. of a town (= pāṭali-putra) L
- pāṭalita mfn. made red, reddened W
- pāṭalin mfn. possessing trumpet-flowers Bālar
- pāṭaliman m. a pale red or rose colour Prab
- pāṭalī f. Bignonia Suaveolens Suśr
- = kaṭabhī and muṣkaka L
- N. of a city Daś
- of a daughter of king Mahêndra-varman Kathās
- ○putra n. = ○li-p○ (above) HPariś
- pāṭalī-√kṛ to dye pale red Kād
- pāṭalya n. redness Kāv
- pāṭalyā f. a multitude of trumpet-flowers L
- pāṭava m. (fr. paṭu) a son or deseendant or pupil of Paṭu ŚBr. Pravar. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 119 Sch.)
- mfn. clever, sharp, dexterous W
- n. sharpness, intensity Suśr. Tattvas
- skill, cleverness in (loc.) Kāv. Rājat. Hit
- quickness, precipitation in (comp.) Kathās
- health L
- paṭavika mf(ī) ī. clever, cunning, fraudulent, Siś. xix, 56
- pāṭahikā f. Abrus Precatorius (a small shrub) L
- pāṭikāvāḍi N. of a village (prob. Putcabarry) Kshitîś
- pāṭīra m. (only L
- cf. paṭīra), the sandal tree
- a radish
- a sieve
- a cloud
- a field
- the pith or manna of the bamboo
- tin
- catarrh
- pāṭūrá m. a partic. part of an animal near the ribs TS
- pāṭṭāraka mfn. (fr. paṭṭra), g. dhūmâdi. [Page 615, Column]
- pāṭha m. (√paṭh) recitation, recital Kāv
- reading, perusal, study (esp. of sacred texts) Śiksh. &c
- a partic. method of reciting the text of the Veda (of which there are 5, viz. Saṃhitā, Pada, Krama, Jaṭā and Ghana RTL. 409)
- the text of a book, SrS. MBh
- the reading (of a text) Naish. Sch
- = dhātu-pâṭha Vop
- (ā), f. Clypea Hernandifolia L
- ○ccheda m. a break in recitation or in a text
- a pause, caesura L
- ○doṣa m. an error in a text, false reading L
- ○niścaya m
- ○niściti f. repeated study of a tṭtext, repetition L
- ○praṇālī f. 'recitation-place', a place where the Vedas are recited or read L
- ○mañijarī f. 'repetition-cluster', a small talking bird, Graculus Religiosa L
- ○vat mfn. well-read, learned Var
- ○viccheda m. = -ccheda L
- pāṭhântara n. 'another reading', a variation of the text in a book or manuscript
- ○raya P. ○yati, to have a v. l. for (acc.) L
- pāṭhaka m. a reciter, reader (ikā f. Pāṇ. 4-1, 4 Sch.)
- a student, pupil Cat
- a scholar, lecturer, preceptor, teacher (cf. dharma-, nakṣatra-, smṛti-) Mn. MBh. Pañc
- a public reciter of the Purāṇas or other sacred works W
- a Paṇḍit who declares what is the law or custom according to the scriptures ib
- pāṭhana m. (○nī f.), g. gaurâdi
- n. recitation, teaching, lecturing Pañcad
- pāṭhanârambha-pīṭhikā f. N. of wk
- pāṭhika mfn. conformable to the text Dāyabh
- (○kāyana m. a patr. also pl. Saṃskārak.)
- (ā), f. Clypea Hernandifolia L
- pāṭhita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused or taught to read, instructed, taught, lectured Cāṇ. Pañc
- pāṭhin mfn. one who has read or studied any subject
- knowing, conversant with (ifc.) MBh. Pur
- m. a student
- a Brāhman (esp. one who has finished his sacred studies) W
- Plumbago Zeylanica (also pāṭhī-kuṭa) L
- pāṭhīna m. = pāṭhaka L
- Silurus Pelorius or Boalis (a kind of sheat-fish) Mn. Yājñ. Kathās. &c
- a species of Moringa with red blossoms L
- pāṭheya mfn. g. nady-ādi
- pāṭhya mfn. to be recited R. Sāh
- to be taught, needing instruction BhP
- ○ratna-kośa m. N. of wk
- pāḍalī-pura n. = pāṭali-putra, Camp
- pāḍinī f. an earthen pot, a boiler L
- pāṇa m. (√paṇ) a stake at play MBh. (cf. paṇa)
- trade, traffic W
- praise W
- pāṇi m. a place of sale, shop, market W
- pāṇa m. = pāṇi, the hand L
- pāṇavika mf(ī)n. (fr. paṇava) relating to a drum Kād
- m. a drummer Pāṇ. 2-4, 2 Sch
- a species of bird (belonging to the Pra-tuda class) Car
- pāṇí m. (said to be fr. √paṇ) the hand RV. &c. &c. (often ifc. = holding in the hand, e.g. asi-p○, holding a sword in the, sword in hand
- pāṇiṃ-√grah or ○ṇau-√kṛ, to take the hand of a bride, marry
- ○niṃ√dā, to give the hand in marriage)
- a hoof. RV. ii, 31, 2
- N. of Sch. on the Daśa-rupaka Cat. [Orig palni ; Gk. ? ; Lat. palma ; Angl. Sax. [615,] folm ; Germ. fū0hlen ; Eng. feel.]
- ○kacchapikā f. 'hand-tortoise', a partic. position of the fingers KālP
- ○karṇa m. 'hand-eared', N. of Śiva MBh
- ○kūrcan or m. N. of one of the attendants of Skanda MBh
- ○kūrḍcas m. N. of one of the attendants of Skanda MBh
- ○khāta n. dug with the hand', N. of a sacred bathing-place MBh
- ○gata mfn. being in the hand or at hṭhand, ready, present Naish
- ○gṛhīta mfn. taken by the hand, married
- (ā HPariś. or ī L.), f. a bride or wife
- ○graha m. taking (the bride) by the hṭhand, marriage. Var. Kathās. MW
- ○hâdikṛtya-viveka m. N. of wk
- ○grahaṇa n. (ifc. f. ā) = -graha GṛS. MBh. Kāv. &c
- -mantra m. a nuptial verse or hymn MBh. Hariv
- -saṃskāra m. the ceremony of hand-taking Mn. iii, 43
- ○grṣanika mfn. relating to marriage, nuptial Mn. MBh
- n. a welding present MBh
- ○grahaṇīya mfn. id. Gobh
- (ā), f. N. of RV. x, 85 36 &c. ib
- ○grahītṛ m. hand-taker', a bridegroom, husband MBh
- ○grāha m. id. ib. Mn. Gobh
- hand taking, marriage W
- (am), ind. taking by the hand -vat m. a bridegroom Sāy
- ○grāhaka m. = -grahītri Daś
- ○gha m. striking with the hand', a drummer or one who plays upon any hand-instrument [Page 615, Column]
- a workman or handicraftsman L. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 55)
- ○ghāta m. a blow with the hand Siddh
- a boxer W
- (am), ind. striking with the hand upon (acc.) Pāṇ. 3-4, 37 Sch
- ○ghná m. one who clasps the hand VS
- ○candra m. N. of a king Buddh
- ○cāpala (Gaut.),
- ○cāpaḍlya (Yājñ.), n. fidgeting with the hand, snapping the fingers &c
- ○ja m. hand-grown', a finger-nail Gīt
- Unguis Odoratus L
- ○tala n. the palm of the hand, AśvSr. Mn. MBh. &c
- a partic. weight (= 2 Tolakas) L
- ○tala m. (in music) a partic. measure MBh
- ○dharma m. form of marriage MBh
- ○ṃ-dhama mfn. crowded (as a path, where a person blows into his hands to make a noise and attract notice) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 37
- ○ṃ-dhaya mfn. drinking out of the hṭhand's Vop
- ○pallava m. n. hand-twig, the fingers MW
- ○pātra mfn. the hand as a drinking-vessel AruṇUp
- mfn. drinking out of the hand Bhartṛ
- ○pāda n. sg. (Āpast.), m. pl. (Suśr.) the hand and feet
- capala mfn. fidgeting with the hand's and feet Mn. iv, 177
- ○pīḍana n. pressing the hand (of a bride), marriage Kāv. Hcat
- ○puṭa
- ○puḍṭaka m. or n. the hollow of the hand Kāv
- ○pūra mfn. filling the hand
- ○rânna n. a handful of food Yājñ
- ○praṇayin mfn. loved by (i.e. being or resting in) the hand (○yi-tāṃ sam-upâ-√gam, to be taken in the hand) Rājat
- (inī), f. a wife ib
- ○pradāna n. giving the hand (in confirmation of a promise) R
- ○bandha m. junction of the hand (in marriage) MBh
- ○bhuj m. Ficus Glomerata L
- ○mat mfn. possessed of hand MBh
- ○marda m. 'rubbing the blows (?)', Carissa Carandas (= kara-m○) L
- (am), ind. by rubbing with the hand Car
- ○mānikā f. a partic. weight (= -tala), ŚārṅgS
- ○mita mfn. measured or measurable with the hand, very thin or slender (as a waist) Mālav
- ○mukta n. (sc. astra) a weapon thrown with the hand, a dart, spear L
- ○mukha mfn. whose mouth is the hṭhand ĀśvGṛ
- ○mūla n. 'hand-√', the wrist L
- ○ruh or ni.= -ja L
- ○ruha ni.= -ja L
- ○rekhā f. a line on the hand MBh
- ○vāda m. = -ghná L. (also ○daka R.)
- n. clapping the hand together R
- ○saṃgraha m
- ○saṃgraḍhaṇa n. clasping the hṭhand (in confirmation of a promise) R
- ○saṃghaṭṭana n. = -pīḍana Prasannar
- ○sargya mfn. twisted with the hṭhand (as a rope) Pāṇ. 3-1, 124 Vārtt. i Pat
- ○stha mfn. being or held in the hṭhand Mn. iv, 74
- ○svanika m. one who clasps the hṭhand together MBh
- ○hatā f. (sc. puṣ-kariṇī) N. of a lake (which the gods created for Gautama Buddha with a stroke of the hand) Lalit
- pāṇika ifc. (f. ā) = 2. pāṇi, the hand Hcat
- m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. (v. l. kālika)
- (ā), f. a kind of song or singing Yājñ
- a kind of spoon L
- pāṇin ifc. = 2. pâṇi, the hand MBh. R. &c
- m.pl. N. of a family reckoned among the Kauśikas Hariv. VP
- pāṇī in comp. for 2. pāṇi
- ○tala n. a partic. measure (= pāṇi-t○) L
- pāṇnu loc. of 2. pāṇi in comp
- ○karana n. the taking (of a bride) by the hand, marrying Naish
- pāṇy in comp. for 2. pāṇi before vowels
- ○āsya mfn. = pâṇi-mukha, ŚaṅkhGṛ. Mn
- ○upakarṣam ind. drawing near with the hand Pāṇ. 3-4, 49 Kāś
- ○upaghātam ind. = pāṇi-ghâtam Pāṇ. 3-4, 37 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- pāṇyá mf(á)n. (for 2. See p. 616) belonging to the hand ŚBr
- m. patr. = kauṇḍinya Cat
- pāṇina m. patr. fr. paṇin, Pā. ; vi, 4, 165 (prob.= next
- iv,. i, 166 Kāś. on ii, 4, 21 and vi, 2, 14)
- pāṇini m. (according to Pāṇ. 4-1, 95 patr. fr. pāṇina) N. of the most eminent of all native Sanskṛit grammarians (he was the author of the aṣtâdhyāyī and supposed author of sev. other works, viz. the Dhātu-pāṭha, Gaṇa-pātha, Liṅgânuśāsana and Śikshā
- he was a Gāndhāra and a native of Salātura, situated in the North-West near Attok and Peshawar [see iv, 3, 94 and Śālāturīya]
- he lived after Gautama Buddha but B.C. and is regarded as an inspired Muni
- his grandfather's name was Devala and his mother's Dākshi see s.v. and ḍaksheya)
- of a poet (by some identified with the grammarian)
- ○kṛti f. Pāṇ. 6-2, 151 Sch
- ○darśana n. N. of ch. of Sarvad
- ○sūtra-vṛ́tti
- ○vyākaraṇa-dīpikā f
- pāṇinisūtravṛttyarthasamgraha3pāṇini--sūtra-vṛtty-arthasamgraha m. N. of wks
- pāṇinīya mfn. relating to Pāṇini, written or composed by Pāṇini &c. [Page 616, Column]
- m. a disciple or follower of Pāṇini (or Pāṇ. 4-3, 99 Sch.) and his grammar, iv, 2, 64 Sch
- n. (with or sc. vyākaraṇa) the system or grammar of PṭPāṇini, iv, 2, 66 ; 3, 115 Sch. Śiś. Kathās. Hcat
- ○mata-darpaṇa m
- ○liṅgânuśāsana n
- ○śīkṣā f
- ○sūtra n. and,
- sūtra-sāra-kośa m. N. of wks
- pāṇītaka m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh
- pl. of a people VP. (v. l. karīti)
- pāṇṭa (prob.) wṛ. for phāṇṭa Vait
- pāṇḍa m. (ī f.), g. gaurâdi
- wṛ. for pāṇḍya and pāṇḍu
- ○rāja-yaśo-bhūṣaṇa n. N. of wk. Cat. (wṛ. for pāṇḍya-r○?)
- pāṇḍaka m. N. of a teacher VāyuP
- pāṇḍara pāṇḍava, See under pāṇḍu
- pā́ṇḍitya n. (fr. paṇḍita) n. scholarship, erudition, learning, cleverness, skill, ŚPr. MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○darpaṇa m. N. of wk
- pāṇḍú mfn. (√paṇḍ?) yellowish white, white, pale ŚBr. MBh. Kāv. &c
- jaundiced Car
- m. jaundice Car
- pale or yellowish white colour W
- a white elephant L
- Trichosanthes Dioeca L
- a species of shrub L
- N. of a son of Vyāsa by the wife of Vicitra-viirya and brother of Dhṛita-rāshṭra and Vidura (he was father of the five Pāṇḍavas) AV.Pariś. MBh. Hariv. &c
- of a son of Janam-ejaya and brother of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, 3745
- of a son of Dhātri by Āyatī VP. (vḷ. prâṇa)
- of an attendant of Śiva L
- of a Nāgarāja L
- pl. of a people in Madhya-deśa VarBṛS. (v. l. pāṇḍya and ○ḍva)
- f. Glycine Debilis L
- ○kaṇṭaka m. Achyranthes Aspera L
- ○kambala m. a white woollen covering or blanket, a warm upper garment R
- the housings of a royal elephant W
- a kind of stone L
- -śilā f. N. of a part of the heavenly Paradise Divyāv
- -saṃvrita (R.)
- ○lin (Pāṇ. 4-2, 11), mfn. covered or lined with a white woollen blanket
- ○karaṇa or n. (in med.) making or rending white Suśr
- ○karman n. (in med.) making or rending white Suśr
- ○gātra mfn. 'pale-bodied', pale white -tā f. paleness Suśr
- ○cchattra Nom. P. ○trati, to resemble a yellow umbrella Prasannar
- ○cchāya mfn. white-coloured Megh
- ○taru m. Anogeissus Latifolia L
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. whitish-yellow colour, paleness MBh. Suśr. &c
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place ŚivaP
- ○dāsa m. N. of the patron of Srī-dhara Cat
- ○dukūla n. a white winding-sheet Lalit
- -sīvana n. 'sewing of the white- wṭwinding-shṭsheet', N. of a place (where Gautama Buddha made a white-wṭwinding-shṭsheet ) ib
- ○nāga m. a w elephant W
- Rottlera Tinctoria L
- ○pattra n. a pale leaf (○trôdara n. a calyx of pale leaves) Śak
- mfn. having pale leaves (-tā f.) Var
- ○pattrī or f. a kind of fragrant substance L
- ○patnī f. a kind of fragrant substance L
- ○putra m. a son of Pāṇḍu, any one of the Pāṇḍava princes MBh
- (i), f. = -pattrī BhP. -pṛṣṭha mfn. 'white-backed', having no distinguished mark on the body, one from whom nothing great is to be expected L
- ○phala m. 'having yellow fruit', Trichosanthes Dioeca L
- (ā), f. a species of gourd L
- (ī), f. a species of shrub L
- ○bhāva m. becoming yellowish-white Suśr
- ○bhūma m. a whitish or chalky soil Yājñ. Sch
- mfn. = -mṛttika mfn. Vop
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. pale-faced Kathās
- ○mṛttika mfn. having a whitish or chalky soil R
- (ā), f. = -bhūma m. L. (also ○ka ibc.)
- ○mṛd f. chalky a chalky soil L
- ○raṅga m. a kind of vegetable L
- N. of sev. authors Cat
- (ā), f. N. of a goddness(?) ib
- -māhātmya n. -vgṭṭhala stotra n. ○gâṣṭaka n. N. of wks
- ○rāga m. whiteness, pallor W
- Artemesia Indica L
- ○rāṣṭra m.pl. N. of a people MBh. (vḷ. pāṃsu-r○)
- ○roga m. 'yellow disease', jaundice Var. Suśr
- -ghna and -nāśana mfn. destroying jaundice. Suśr
- ○gin mfn. jaundiced ib
- ○lekha or n. an outline or sketchmade with a style or with chalk Yājñ. Sch. L
- ○leḍkhya n. an outline or sketchmade with a style or with chalk Yājñ. Sch. L
- ○loma-parṇī (Bhpr.),
- ○lomaśā and f. Glycine Debilis'
- ○lomā (L.), f. Glycine Debilis'
- ○loba n. 'white metal', silver Daś
- ○varṇa mfn. white Nal
- ni. whiteness W
- ○varma-deva m. N. of a prince Inscr
- ○śarkarā f. light-coloured gravel (the disease) GāruḍaP
- ○śarmilā f. N. of Draupadī (the wife of the sons of Pāṇḍu) L
- ○sikata mfn. strewn with whise sand Śak. ii, 5
- ○sūdana-rasa m. a partic. preparation made of quicksilver Rasêndrac. [Page 616, Column]
- ○sopāka or m. N. of a partic. mixed caste (the offspring of a Caṇḍāla by a Vaidehī mother) Mn. x, 37 (cf. MBh. xiii, 2588)
- ○saupāka m. N. of a partic. mixed caste (the offspring of a Caṇḍāla by a Vaidehī mother) Mn. x, 37 (cf. MBh. xiii, 2588)
- pāṇḍara mf(ā)n. whitish-yellow, pale, white ŚBr. (cf. -vāsas) &c. &c
- m. a species of plant L
- N. of a mountain MārkP
- of a Naga (also ○raka) MBh
- of a sect (also ○raka) L
- (ā), f. N. of a Buddhist Śakti or female energy MWB. 216 (cf. pâṇḍurā)
- n. a jasmine blossom L
- red chalk L
- ○danta mfn. having white teeth or tusks (elephant) R
- ○dvara-gopura mfn. having white doors and city gates MBh
- ○puṣpikā f. a species of plant (= śītalā) L
- ○bhikṣu m. 'a white-robed mendicant', N. of a partic. sect L
- ○vāyasa m. a white crow (= something very rare) Kautukas
- ○vāsas (pā́○), mfn. white-robed ŚBr
- ○vāsin mfn. id. (v. 1. pāṇḍura-v○)
- (inī), f. N. of a Buddh. Tantra deity L
- pāṇḍarêtara mfn. 'other than white', black, dark
- -vāsas mfn. dark-robed Suśr
- pāṇḍala prob. = ○ḍara in comp
- ○meghā f. N. of a serpent-maid Kāraṇḍ
- pāṇḍava m. a son or descendant of Pāṇḍu or a partisan of the Pāṇḍavas
- (pl.) the 5 reputed sons of Pāṇḍu (Yudhi-shṭhira, Bhīma, Arjuna, Nakula and Saha-deva
- Kuntī. and Mādrī) or their adherents MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of a mountain Lalit
- of a country Cat
- mf(ī)n. belonging to or connected with the Pāṇḍavas MBh
- ○kulá-prasūta mfn. born from the race of the Pāṇḍavas Lalit
- ○gītā f
- ○carita n. N. of 2 poems
- ○nakula m. N. of a Poet Cat
- ○purāṇa n. N. of a Pur
- ○pratāpa m. N. of a poem (in Prākṛit) by Sridhara
- ○vahni m.pl. 'the Pāṇḍava fires', N. of the 3 elder sons of Paṇḍu ('kindled on the Araṇi i.e. Pṛithi or Kuntī'
- cf. pāṇḍavâraṇi and pṛthâraṇi) MW
- ○sreṣṭka m. 'best of the sons of Pāṇḍu', N. of Yudhi-shthita MBh
- pāṇḍavânanda m. N. of a drama
- pāṇḍavânīka n. the army of the Pāṇḍavas Bhag
- pāṇḍavâbhila m. N. of Kṛishṇa L
- pāṇḍavâraṇi f. the Araṇi or mother of the Pāṇḍavas VP. (cf. ○va-vahni)
- pāṇḍavāyana m. (pl.) the children of Pāṇḍu L
- (sg.) 'friend of the Pāṇḍavas', N. of Kṛishṇa L
- pāṇḍavika m. a kind of sparrow L
- pāṇḍavīya mfn. = pāṇḍava mfn. MBh
- pāṇḍaveya mfn. id. ib
- m. a son of Pāṇḍu or an adherent of the Pāṇḍavas ib
- pāṇḍuka mfn. = pāṇḍu L
- m. a pale or yellowish-white colour W
- jaundice L
- a species of rice Suśr. (cf. ○ḍūka)
- (with Jainas) N. of one of the 9 treasures
- N. of a son of Janam-ejaya and brother of Dhṛita-rāshṭra L
- n. N. of a forest Śatr
- pāṇḍuḍkin mfn. jaundiced Suśr
- pāṇḍura mf(ā)n. whitish, white, pale, yellow R. Var. Suśr. &c
- m. a form of jaundice L
- Anogeissus Latifolia L
- an Andropogon with white flowers L
- N. of one of the attendants of Skanda MBh
- (ā), f. Glycine Debilis L
- of a Buddhist deity Dharmas. iv (cf. pāṇḍarā)
- n. the white leprosy, vitiligo L
- ○tā f. white colour, whiteness Pañc
- ○druma m. Wrightia Antidysenterica Bhpr
- ○pṛṣṭha mfn. = pāṇḍu-p○ L
- ○phalī f. a species of shrub L
- ○vāsin mfn. white-robed MBh
- pāṇḍurêkṣu m. a kind of sugar-cane L
- pāṇḍuraka mf(ikā)n. whitish Divyâv
- pāṇḍuraya Nom. P. yati, to colour white, Vāsav
- pāṇḍuḍrita mfn. white-coloured Kād
- Balar
- pāṇḍuriman m. white colour Naish
- pāṇḍurī-karaṇa n. colouring white Vcar
- ○√kṛ to colour white Kād
- pāṇḍūka m. a species of rice Var. (cf. pāṇḍuka)
- pāṇḍya m. pl. N. of a people and country in the Dekhan (also vḷ. for pāṇḍu, m.pl. a people in Madhyaḍeśa) MBh. Kāv. &c
- (sg.) a prince of the Paṇḍyas ib. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 168, Vartt. 3 Pat.)
- N. of a son of Ākrīḍa Hariv
- of the mountain range in the country of the Paṇḍyas MBh. R
- ○deśa m. the country of the PṭPaṇḍyas, Nīlak
- ○narêśvara
- ○nātha
- ○rāja
- ○rāṣṭrâdhipa m. a king or sovereign of the Paṇḍyas MBh. Hariv. &c
- ○vāṭa m. or n. N. of a district in which pearls are found Var
- ○taka mfn. situated in this district ib
- pāṇḍv in comp. for pāṇḍu before vowels
- ○ari-rasa m. N. of a partic. medicinal preparation L
- ○avabhāsa mfn. appearing or looking pale Suśr
- ○āmaya m. 'yellowdisease', jaundice Suśr
- ○yin mfn. jaundiced ib. Car
- ○ārti f. = -āmaya Car
- pāṇḍvá n. an uncoloured woollen garment ŚBr. [Page 616, Column]
- m.pl. N. of a people in Madhya-deśa (vṛ. for pāṇḍu and ○ḍya) Var
- pāṇya mfn. (√paṇ) praiseworthy, excellent L. (For i. See p. 615, col. 3.)
- pāt m. (√pat) falling
- sin, wickedness W
- pāta m. (for 1. See under √3. pā) flying, mode of flying, flight MBh
- throwing one's self or falling into (loc.) or from (abl.), fall, downfall (also ifc. after what would be a gen. or abl. &c., e.g., gṛha-, fall of a house
- parvata-, fall from a mountain
- bhū-, fall on the earth) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- alighting, descending or causing to descend, casting or throwing upon, cast, fall (of a thunderbolt), throw, shot MBh. R. Pañcat
- a stroke (of a sword &c.) Kathās
- application (of ointment, of a knife &c.) Kāvyâd
- casting or directing (a look or glance of the eyes) Ragh
- decay of the body (deha-pāta), death Kathās. Bādar
- (with garbhasya) fall of the fetus, miscarriage Suśr
- an attack, incursion Var
- a cass, possibility, ŚaṅkhBr
- happening, occurrence, appearance Prab. Kathās. Daśar
- a fault, error, mistake Sūryas
- the node in a planet's orbit ib. (cf. IW. 179)
- a malignant aspect ib
- N. of Rāhu L
- pl. N. of a school of the Yajur-veda ib
- ○bheda m. = tāla-kāla-kriyāviśeṣa L
- ○sāriṇī f. N. of wk
- pātâṇḍinīya (fr. pāta +?) N. of a school of the Yajur-veda Aryav
- pātâdhikārôdāharana n. N. of wk
- pātaka mfn. causing to fall ( See garbha-)
- n. (rarely m
- ifc. f. ā), 'that which causes to fall or sink', sin, crime, loss of caste GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○yoga m. incurring guilt, acting sinfully W
- pātakin mfn. guilty of a crime, wicked, sinful, a sinner (○ki-tva n.) Hariv. Kāv. Pur. &c
- pātana mf(ī)n. (fr. Caus.) causing to fall, felling, laying low, striking off or down (with gen. or ifc.) MBh. Hariv. MārkP
- n. the act of causing to fall &c
- lowering, humbling W
- the act of casting (as dice or a glance of the eyes) Kathās. (cf. akṣa-)
- (with daṇḍasya) causing the rod to fall, chastising, punishing Mn
- (with garbhasya) causing the fall of the fetus or abortion Yājñ
- (with jalaukasām) application of leeches Suśr
- removing, bringing away ib
- causing to fall asunder, dividing Śaṃk
- N. of a partic. process to which minerals (esp. quicksilver) are subjected Sarvad
- pātanikā f. fitness, correspondence, Bhāmatī
- pātanīya mfn. to be caused to fall upon, to be thrown or shot at (loc.) Śak. i, 10 (v. l.)
- pātayitṛ mfn. one who causes to fall, thrower of (dice &c.) Pāṇ. 2-1, 10 Sch
- pātāla n. (rarely m
- ifc. f. ā
- perhaps fr. 2. pāta as antarāla fr. antar
- Uṇ. i, 116) one of the 7 regions under the earth and the abode of the Nāgas or serpents and demons (cf. RTL. 102, n. 1 &c
- sometimes used as a general N. for the lower regions or hells
- in MBh. also N. of a town in the serpent-world), AruṇUp. MBh. Kāv. &c
- an excavation, hole in the earth MBh
- she submarine fire L
- (in astrol.) the fourth house Var
- N. of a Tirtha Cat
- m. = yantra blow L
- (in astron.) N. of Jupiter's year of 361 days
- (in music) a kind of measure
- N. of the attendant of the 14th Arhat of present Ava-sarpiṇī
- ○ketu m. N. of a Daitya prince Prab
- ○khaṇḍa m. or n. N. of ch. of SkandaP
- ○gaṅgā f. the Ganges which flows throngh Patālā MW
- ○garudâhvaya m
- ○garuḍī f. a species of creeper Bhpr. L
- ○tala n. the bottom of PṭPatālā (○lam ind. down to Patālā) Hcar
- ○nagarī f. atown in Patālā Kathās
- ○nilaya m. an inhabitant of PṭPatālā, an Asura L
- a serpent L
- ○prastha n. N. of a village of the Bāhīkas (○thika, mfn. ) Pat
- ○bhogi-varga m. N. of ch. of Amara-siṃha
- ○yantra n. a sort of apparatus for distillation or for calcining and subliming metals L
- ○varṇana n. 'description of PṭPatālā' N. of ch. of the Pātāla-khaṇḍa
- ○vāsin m. -nelaya MW
- ○vijaya m. 'victory over PṭPatālā' N. of a poem
- pātāl^ākas m. an inhabitant of Pātāla, an Asura L
- pātika m. Delphinus Gangeticus L
- pātita mfn. (fr. Caus) made to fall, felled, struck down, lowered, depressed, overthrown R. Kālid. &c
- pātitya n. (fr. patita) loss of position or caste, degradation Pur. Kull
- pātin mfn. flying MBh. Kāv. &c
- falling, sinking Megh. Kathās
- rising, appearing Kathās
- being in (cf. antaḥ- and eka-)
- causing to fall, throwing down, emitting (comp.) MBh. Var. Rājat. [Page 617, Column]
- pātuka mfn. falling or apt to fall (= patanaśīla Pāṇ. 3-2, 154)
- falling down Śiś. iii, 3
- Iosing caste or going to the lower regions MBh. xii, 3444
- m. a precipice L
- an aquatic animal (= jalahastin) L
- N. of a poet Cat
- pātya mfn. to be felled or caused to fall
- to be inflicted or imposed (as a penalty) R
- pātaṃga mf(ī)n. (fr. pataṃ-ga) belonging to or peculiar to a grasshopper or moth Rājat
- brown MBh. vi, 422
- pātaṃgi m. 'the son of the Sun', N. of the Planet Saturn Var. Sch
- pātañjala mf(ī)n. composed by Patañjali
- m. a follower of the Yoga system of Patañjali Cat
- n. the Yoga system of ra ib., (also ○līya n.)
- the Mahā-bhāshya of Patañjali ib
- ○tantra n
- ○darśana n
- ○bhāṣya n. (-varttika n.),
- ○rahasya n
- ○sūtra-bhāṣya-vyakhyā f
- pātañjalasūtravṛttibhāṣyacchāyā3pātañjala--sūtra-vṛtti-bhāṣya-cchāyā f. N. of wks
- pātatriṇa m. vḷ. for pat○
- pātatriṇa mfn. containing the word patatrin g. vimuktâdi
- pātalyá n. du. a partic. part of a carriage (= kilaka Sāy.) RV. iii, 53, 7
- pātasāka m.= ?, a king Cat
- pāti m.= pati, a master, lord, husband Uṇ. v, 5 Sch
- pātivratya n. (fr. pati-vratā) devotedness to a husband, conjugal fidelity BhP
- pātnil Vṛddhi form of patnī (f. of pati) in comp
- ○vatá mfn. belonging to Agni patnī-vat (s.v.) VS. TS. Br. ŚrS
- containing the word patnil-vat ŚāṅkhBr
- ○śala mfn. being in the patnī-śālā (a.v.), Lāṭy
- pātya n. (for f. See above) dominion MBh
- pātilī f. (only L
- fr. √pat?), a trap or snare for catching deer
- a small earthen pot (used by mendicants)
- a woman of a partic. class
- pātṛ m. (for 1. 2. See under √1. and √3. pā) a species of Ocimum L
- pāttigaṇaka n. fr. patti-gaṇaka g. udgātr-ādi
- pāttrikya n. (fr. pattrika), g. purohitâdi (Kāś.)
- pātra 2 See √1. and √3. pā
- pātraṭa mfn. spare, thin L
- m. a ragged garment (karpaṭa) or a cup, pot (karpara) L
- pātha m. = patha g. jvalâdi
- fire L
- the sun L
- n. water L
- N. of 2 Sāmans ĀrshBr
- pā́thas n. a spot, place RV. AV. Br. ŚrS
- food Nir. viii, 17 air ib. vi, 7
- water Kāv. Rājat
- ○pati m. 'lord of the water, N. of Varuṇa Kathās
- pāthika m
- pāthiḍkya n. (fr. pathika), g. śivâdi and purohitâdi
- pāthikārya m. patr. fr. patki-kara g. kurv-ādi
- pā́this n. = pāthas KapS. (○thas MaitrS.)
- = kīlāla L
- n. the sea or the eye Uṇ. ii, 115 Sch
- pātheya n. (fr. pathin) provender or provisions &c. for a journey, viaticum MBh. Kāv. &c
- = pāthona Jyot
- ○vat mfn. furnished with provisions for a journey, provisioned Megh
- ○śrāddha n. a kind of meal at a Śrāddha Cat
- pātheyaka mfn. g. dhūmâdi
- pātho in comp. fo ○thas
- ○ja n. 'water-born', a lotus Kāv. Rājat
- -"ṣjinī f. the lotus-plant Prasannar
- ○da and m. 'water-giver and -holder', a cloud Vcar
- ○dhara m. 'water-giver and -holder', a cloud Vcar
- ○dhi m. 'water-receptacle', the sea ib
- ○nātha m. = pāthas-pati Mcar
- ○nidhi m. = -dhi L
- ○bhāj mfn. possessing room or space, SāṅkhBr
- ○ruha n. 'water-grown', a lotus L
- pāthyá mfn. (prob.) being in the air, heavenly RV. vi, 16, 15 (N. of a Ṛishi Sāy.)
- pāthona m. (fr. Gk. ?) the sign of the zodiac [617,] Virgo Var. (cf. pārthona)
- pāthnya m. a patr. of Dadh1ica Kāṭh
- pād (√2. pad), strong base of 3. pād, q.v
- also ifc. ( See tri-p○, dvi-p○, su.p○)
- pāda m. (ifc. f. ā, rarely ī) the foot (of men and animals) RV. &c. &c. (the pl. sometimes added to proper names or titles in token of respect, e.g. deva-pādāḥ, 'the king's majesty' Pañc. [Page 617, Column]
- nārāyaṇap○, 'the venerable Nārāyaṇa' Sāh
- pādaiḥ ind. on foot said of several persons. R
- ○dayoḥ and ○de-√pat, to fall at a person's gen. feet Kāv. Hit)
- the foot or leg of an inanimate object, column, pillar AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- a wheel Śiś. xii, 21
- a foot as a measure (= 12 Aṅgulas) ŚBr. ŚrS. MārkP
- the foot or √of a tree Var
- the foot or a hill at the foot of a mountain MBh. Kāv. &c
- the bottom (dṛteh pādāt, 'from the bottom of a bag', v. l. pātrāt) MBh. v, 1047
- a ray or beam of light (considered as the foot of a heavenly body) ib
- a quarter, a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped being one out of 4) ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (pl. the 4 parts i. e. all things required for gen. Suśr.)
- the quadrant (of a circle) Āryabh. Sch
- a verse or line (as the fourth part of a regular stanza) Br. ŚrS. Prāt. &c
- the caesura of a verse AgP., the chapter of a book (orig. only of a book or section of a book consisting of 4 parts, as the Adhyāyas of Pāṇini's grammar)
- ○kaṭaka m. n
- ○kilikā f. a foot-ring or ornament, anklet
- ○kuṭhārikā f. a partic. position of the feet ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ○kṛcchra m. 'quarter-penance', a sort of position (eating and fasting on alternate nights) Yājñ
- ○kṣepa m. a kick with the foot Hariv
- ○gaṇḍira m. swelling of the legs and feet L
- ○gṛhya ind. seizing by the foot RV
- ○granthi m. foot-knot', the ankle L
- ○grahaṇa n. laying hold of or clasping the feet (of a Brāhman or superior, as a mark of respectful salutation) Mn. Kum
- ○ghṛta n. melted butter for anointing the foot MBh
- ○catura or m. (L.) a slanderer
- ○catvara m. (L.) a slanderer
- a goat
- a sand-bank
- hail
- Ficus Religiosa
- ○cāpala (Gaut),
- ○cāpaḍlya (Yājñ.), n. carelessness in placing the feet
- ○cāra mfn. going on foot, walking Ragh
- m. a foot-soldier Uttarar
- walking on foot (eṇa ind. on foot) MBh. Kālid
- the daily position of the planets W
- N. of wk
- ○cārin mfn. going or fighting on foot, having feet, walking, moving BhP. Jātakam
- m. a pedestrian, foot-soldier Kathās
- ○cihna n. foot-mark, fṭfoot-print MW
- ○cchedana n. cutting: off a fṭfoot Mn. viii, 280
- ○ja m. 'born from the foot (of Brahmā)', a Sūdra Hariv. 1
- ○jala n. water for (washing) the feet L. 2
- ○jala mfn. containing (i.e. mixed with) one fourth of water Bhpr
- ○jāha n. = -mūla L. (g. -karnâdi)
- ○tala n. sole of the foot MBh. Suśr
- (e), ind. (to fall) at a person's foot Amar
- ○lâhati f. a kick Kuval
- ○tas ind. from or at or near the feet (-taḥ-√kṛ, to place at the feet), ŚaṅkhGṛ. Mn. Kathās
- by the Pāda (i.e. quarter of a verse), RPrāt
- step by step, by degrees Kām
- ○tra m. or n. 'foot-covering', a shoe Rājat. (cf. apa-pādatra)
- -dhāraṇa n. wearing shoes Car
- ○trāṇa n. = -tra Suśr
- ○dārikā or f. 'feet-chap', a chilblain Suśr
- ○dāḍrī f. 'feet-chap', a chilblain Suśr
- ○dāha m. a burning sensation in the fṭfoot ib
- ○dhāvana n. Washing the foot MBh. R
- ○nikā f. sand used for rubbing the foot L
- ○nakha m. a toe-nail Cat
- ○namra mfn. bowing down to the feet of any one ML
- ○nālikā f. an ornament for the feet, an anklet L
- ○niketa m. a foot-stool BhP
- ○nicrit mfn. (a metre) wanting one syllable in each Pāda (wṛ. -ni-vrit) RPrāt
- ○niṣka m. a quarter of a Nishka (s.v.) Pāṇ. 6-3, 56 Pat
- ○nyāsa m. putting down or placing the feet R
- casting rays (said of the moon) Śak
- a dance or measured step MW. - 1. 2
- ○pa See p. 618
- ○patana n. falling or bowing to another's feet, Ratnâv. Kathās
- ○patita mfn. fallen at anṭanother's foot Kathās
- ○paddhati f. a line of footsteps, a track, trail Pañc
- ○padma m. 'foot-lotus', a foot beautiful as a lotus Kāv
- N. of a teacher (= padmapāda) Cat
- ○paricāraka m. a humble servant Mcar
- ○pāda-dhāvana n. washing one foot with the other Gaut
- ○pālikā f. an ornament for the feet, anklet L
- ○pāśa m. a foot-rope or an anklet L
- (ī), f. id. ib
- = khaḍuka ib
- ○pīṭha m. a foot-stool MBh. R. &c
- (○ṭhī-√kṛ), to make into a foot-stṭstool Kād
- ○pīṭhikā f. any common or vulgar trade (as that of a barber &c.) L
- white stone W
- ○pūraṇa mfn. filling out (a verse &c.), expletive RPrāt
- n. the filling out a line or the measure of a verse Pāṇ. 6-1, 134
- ○prakaraṇa-saṃgati f. N. of wk
- ○prakṣālana n. washing the feet Āpast. Gaut
- ○praṇāma m. bowing to the feet, prostration W
- ○pratiṣṭhāna n. a foot-stool MBh
- ○pradhāraṇa n. 'foot-covering', a shoe L
- ○prasāraṇa n. stretching out the feet Gaut
- ○prasveda m. perspiration of the fṭfeet Hcat
- ○din mfn. suffering from it ib
- ○prahāra m. 'feet-blow', a kick Kāv. [Page 617, Column]
- ○baddha mfn. bound or held together by feet, consisting of verses (as a metre) Madhus
- ○bandha m. a tie or fetter for the feet MBh
- ○bandhana n. id. L
- a stock of cattle L
- ○bhaṭa m. a foot-soldier Kathās
- ○bhāga m. a fourth part, quarter MBh
- mfn. amounting to a quarter L
- ○bhāj mfn. possessing a quarter i.e. being only the fourth part of (gen.) with regard to (loc.) MBh
- dividing into Pādas or verses L
- ○maññarī f. N. of a treatise on RV
- ○madhya-yamaka n. paronomasia in the middle of the 4 verses of a stanza (as in Bhaṭṭ. x, 5)
- ○mātra n. the measure or distance of a foot, ŚrS
- (○trá), mt(ī́)n. a foot long ŚBr
- ○miśra = pan-miśra (Pāṇ. 6-3, 56)
- ○mudrā f. the impression of a fṭfoot-step, any mark or sign Rājat
- paṅkti f. a line of foot-steps, a track, trail Kathās
- ○mūla n. 'foot-√', the sole or heel (also as a polite designation of a person) Kāv. Pur. (○le ni-√pat, to fall at a person's feet R.)
- the foot of a mountain Kathās
- ○yamaka n. paronomasia within the Pādas or single verses Vām
- ○yuddha n. 'foot.-fight', fighting on foot MW
- ○rakṣa m. 'foot-guard'
- pl. armed men who run by the side of an elephant in battle to protect its feet MBh. Hariv
- ○rakṣaṇa n
- ○raḍkṣikā f. foot-covering', a shoe L
- ○rajas n. the dust of the feet MBh. Mālav
- ○rajju f. a rope or tether for the foot (of an elephant) L
- ○rathī f. 'foot-vehicle', a shoe L
- ○rohaṇa m. 'growing from roots', the Indian fig-tree L
- ○lagna mfn. sticking or hanging on the feet, lying at a person's feet Cāṇ. Kathās
- ○lipta (and -sūri), m. N. of a scholar L
- ○lepa m. an unguent for the fee MārkP
- -siddhi f. its effect Caṇḍ
- ○vat (pā́da-), mfn. having foot AV. &c
- ○vandana n. saluting the foot', respectful saluation Yājñ
- ○nika mfn. accompanied by a respectful saluation L
- ○valimīka m. elephantiasis L. (cf. valm○)
- ○vigraha m. pl. (prob.) a mode of reading (cf. pāda-v○) Hariv. 12030 (v. l. kāma [for [krama?] v○])
- mfn. one-footed (opp. to catuṣpāda) ib. 11305 0c
- ○vidhāna n. 'arrangement of verses', N. of a wk. ascribed to Śaunaka
- ○virajas f. a shoe (lit. 'keeping the feet dustless '?) L
- ○vṛtta m. N. a Svarita separated from the preceding Udātta by a hiatus Prāt
- du. the 2 component elements of a verse, i.e. the long and short syllable ib
- ○veṣṭanika m. or n. (and ā f.) 'foot-covering', a stocking L
- ○śabda m. the sound of foot-steps, Daś'
- ○śas ind. foot by foot, quarter by quṭquarter Mn. MBh
- verse by verse MānGṛ
- ○śākhā f. 'foot-branch', a toe L
- ○śuśruṣā f. obedience to (the feet of) any one (gen.) Hariv
- ○śeṣa n. a quarter, fourth part (?) Hariv. 16218
- ○śaila m. a hill at the foot of a mountain L
- ○śotha m. 'feet-swelling', gout W
- ○śauca n. cleaning the foot Yājñ
- ○saṃhitā f. the junction of words in a quarter of a stanza VPrāt
- ○sevana n
- ○seḍvā f. 'foot-salutation', service, duty Kāv
- ○stambha m. a supporting beam, pillar, post Yājñ. Sch
- ○sphoṭa m. a sore or ulcer on the foot L
- ○svedana n. causing perspiration in the feet
- ○nika mfn. produced by it, g. akṣa-dyūtâdi
- ○harṣa m. numbness of the foot Suśr
- ○hāraka mfn. taken away with the fṭfoot Pāṇ. Sch
- m. a stealer with the foot (?) W
- ○hīnāt ind. without division or transition Suśr
- pādâṃśika mfn. greater or smaller by a part Car
- pādâkulaka n. N. of 2 kinds of metre Col
- pādâgra n. the point or extremity of the foot
- -sthita mfn. standing on tip-toe, Ratnâv,
- pádâghāta m. 'foot-blow', a kick Kathās
- pādāṅgada n
- pādāṅgaḍdī f. 'foot-ring', an anklet L
- pādâhgulīyaka n. a toe-ring L
- pā́dâṅguṣṭha m. foot-thumb', the great toe MBh
- -śritâvani mfn. touching the ground with the toes, on tip-toe MW
- ○ṭhikā f. a ring worn on the great toe W
- pādâdi (ibc.), the beginning of a verse
- -madhya-yamaka n. paronomasia at the beginning and in the middle of a verse (as Bhaṭt. x, 15)
- -yamaka n. paronomasia at the beginning of a vṭverse (ib. x, 4)
- ○dyanta-yamaka n. paronomasia at the beginning and end of a verse (ib. x, 11)
- pādâdhiṣṭhāna n. a foot-stool L
- pādâdhyāsa m. treading upon, kicking W
- pādânata mfn. = ○da-namra ib
- pādânukramaṇī f. N. of wk
- pādânudhyāta or ○dhyāna mfn. 'thought of by (the feet of) such a one', the rightful successor of any one (thought of by his predecessor), inscr
- pādânuprāsa m. alliteration in verses Vām
- pādânta m. extremity of the feet (○te, at a person's foot) Amar
- a claw Pañc
- the end of a verse
- -yamaka n. paronomasia at the end of a verse (as Bhaṭṭ. x, 3). [Page 618, Column]
- pādântara n. the interval of a step
- ○re ind. close by (with gen.) MBh
- after the intṭinterval of a step Śak. (v. l. for pad○)
- pādântikam ind. near to or towards (the feet of) any one MārkP
- pādâbhivandana or n. = ○da-vandana R
- pādâbhiḍvādana n. = ○da-vandana R
- pādâmbu mfn. containing a fourth part of water L
- pādâmbhas n. water for washing the feet Yājñ
- pādâravinda m. 'foot-lotus', the foot of a deity or a lover &c. Kāv
- -śataka n. N. of a poem
- pādârghya n. 'offering to the feet', a donation to Brāhmans or other venerable persons W
- pādârdha n. half a quarter, an eighth Mn. viii, 404
- half a line of a stanza W
- pād7rpaṇa n. putting down or placing the feet Ragh
- pādâvanāma m. bowing to a person's feet Siś
- pādâvanektṛ m. one who washes another's foot Āpast
- pādâvaneja (!), m. washing another's fṭfoot BhP
- pādâvanejana mf(ī)n. used for washing the foot AitBr. Mn. &c
- (ī), f. pl. water for washing the foot BhP
- pādâvanejya n. = ○ja TāṇḍBr
- pādâvarta m. a wheel worked by the fṭfoot for raising water from a well L
- a square foot KātyŚr. Sch
- pādâvasecana n. water used for washing the feet Mn. iv, 151
- pādâṣṭhīla m. or n. the ankle MBh
- pādâsana n. a footstool W
- pādâsphālana n. trampling or shuffling of the feet, floundering W
- pādâhata mfn. kicked or trodden by the foot W
- pādâhati f. 'foot-blow', a kick, treading, trampling &c. Ratnâv. Kathās
- pādêṣṭakā f. the quarter of a brick Śulbas
- pādôtphāla m. shuffling or moving the feet MW
- pādôdaka n. 'foot-water', water used for washing the feet MBh. &c
- -tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha Cat
- pādôdara m. a serpent ('using the belly in place of feet') PraśnUp
- pādôddhūta n. stamping the foot MBh. VP
- pādôna mfn. less or smaller by a quarter Āpast
- pādôpajīvin mfn. 'living by a person's mercy (lit. feet)', a servant, messenger &c. Divyâv
- pādôpadhāna n
- pādôpadhāḍnī f. a cushion for the fṭfoot MBh
- padôpasaṃgrahaṇa n. clasping the fṭfoot (of a teacher) Gaut
- pādaká m. a small foot RV. viii, 33, 19
- (ikā-), f. a sandal, shoe L
- ifc. (f. ikā) = foot R. Kathās
- mf(ikā)n. making a quarter of anything Var
- pāda-pa (√1. pā), m. (ifc. f. ā) 'drinking at foot or √', a tree, plant MBh. Kāv. &c. (-ka id. ifc. Kathās.)
- ○khaṇḍa m. a grove of trees L
- ○ruhā f. Vanda Roxburghī L
- ○vivakṣā f. N. of wk
- pādapôpagata mfn. abiding under a tree (while expecting death) HPariś
- pādapôpagamana n. the abiding &c. ( See prec.) ib
- pāda-pa (√3. pā), m. a foot-stool or cushion for the feet L
- (ā), f. a shoe, slipper L
- pādaya Nom. P. ○yati, to stretch out the feet Dhātup. xxxv, 85
- pādavika m. a traveller L
- pādāt m. a foot-soldier, footman L
- pādāta m. id. MBh. R. &c
- n. infantry MBh. (g. bhikṣâdi)
- pādāti and m.= pādāt L. (cf. padāti)
- pādāḍtika m.= pādāt L. (cf. padāti)
- pādāyana m. patr. fr. pāda g. aitvâdi
- pādāvika m. = pādātika L
- pādika mf(ī)n. lasting for a quarter of the time Mn. iii, 1
- amounting to + (n. with śata, 25 percent MBh
- with or sc. ahar, daily wages Pat.)
- versed in or studying the Pada-patha, g. ukthâdi Kāś
- pādin mfn. footed, having feet ( See m)
- having Pādas (as a, stanza) W
- claiming or receiving a fourth part ŚrS. Mn. viii, 210
- m. a footed aquatic or amphibious animal Suśr
- the heir to a fourth part of an estate W
- pādú m. a foot RV. (cf. Nir. iv, 15)
- a place MānGṛ
- pādukā mf(ā or ī)n. going on foot or with feet W
- (ā), f. See next
- pādukā f. a shoe or slipper MBh
- kāv. &c. (also ○ka m. c. and in ○ka-vat mfn. having shoes Hcat.)
- impression of the feet of a god or a holy person MWB. 508
- (?) N. of Durgā or another deity (cf. comp. below)
- ○kāra or m. a shoemaker L
- ○kṛt m. a shoemaker L
- ○mantra m
- ○sahasra n
- ○sahasra-parī7kṣā f. N. of wks
- pādukin mfn. having shoes, shoed Āpast
- pādū, f. a shoe or slipper L
- ○kṛt m. a shoemaker Rājat. L. (also spelt ○du-kṛt)
- pādūna mfn. less or smaller by a quarter L. (cf. pādôna)
- pādūlaka m. a broom ĀpGṛ. Sch
- pāde-gṛhya ind. = ○da-grihya g. mayuravyaṃsakâdi. [Page 618, Column]
- pā́dya mf(ā)n. relating or belonging to the foot Br. ŚrS. (n. with or sc. udaka, water used for washing the feet ib. &c.)
- amounting to a quarter of anything, Śulbas
- pādyaka mfn. pādya-prakāra g. sthūlâdi
- pādakramika mfn. (fr. padakrama) one who recites or knows the Pada-krama, g. ukthâdi (Kāś. pada, krama for pada-k○)
- pāda-vyākhyāna mfn. (fr. pada-v○), g. rig-ayanâdi
- pādāraka m. the masts or ribs of a boat L
- pādālika m.= dhundhu-māra L. (v. l. pad○)
- pādālinda m.= pādāraka L
- (ī), f. a boat L
- pāddhata n. (fr. pad-dhati) g. bhikṣâdi
- pādma mf(ī)n. (fr. padma) relating to or treating of the lotus Pur
- m. N. of a Kalpa or cosmic period ib
- of Brahmā ib
- n. = padma-purāṇa
- ○nitya-pūjā-vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○purāṇa n. = padma-p○
- ○prayoga m
- ○maṇḍa-lârcana n
- ○mantra m
- ○vacana n
- ○vedamantra m
- ○saṃhitā f. (○tā-prayoga. m.) N. of wks. or chapter of wks
- pādmôttara n. (prob.) = Padma-PṭPurāṇa ii
- pāna. 2. See p. 613, cols. 1 and 2
- pāna m.= apâna, breathing out, expiration L
- pānasa mf(ī)n. (fr. panasa) prepared from the fruit of the Jaka or bread-fruit tree Kull. on Mn. xi, 95
- pāntha m. (fr. panthan) a wanderer, traveller MBh. Kāv. &c. (ifc. [f. ā] = accompanying. not moving from Naish.)
- the sun (as the wanderer in the sky) L
- ○tva n. the life of a wanderer Kathās
- ○devatā f. pl. N. of a partic. class of deities Hcat
- pānthāyana mfn. g. pakṣâdi
- pānnaga mf(ī)n. (fr. panna-ga) formed or consisting of snakes, having serpents, snaky Hariv
- pānnāgāra mfn. fr. next Pāṇ. 4-2, 113 Sch
- pānnāgāri m. patr fr. pannâgāra ib. iv, 2, 60 Sch
- pānnéjana mf(ī)n. (fr. pan-nejana) used for washing the feet KātyŚr
- n: a vessel in which the feet are washed ŚBr. KātyŚr
- pāpá (ŚBr. xiv, also pā́pa), mf(ī older than ā
- Pāṇ. 4-1, 30)n. bad, vicious, wicked, evil, wretched, vile, low RV. &c. &c
- (in astrol.) boding evil, inauspicious Var
- m. a wicked man, wretch, villain RV. &c, &c
- N. of the profligate in a drama Cat
- of a hell VP
- (ā), f. a beast of prey or a witch, Hcat
- n. (ifc. f. ā) evil, misfortune, ill-luck, trouble, mischief. harm AV. &c. &c. often śāntam pāpam, 'heaven forefend that evil' R. Mṛicch. Kālid. &c.)
- sin, vice, crime, guilt Br. Mn. MBh. &c
- (ám), ind. badly, miserably, wrongly AV
- (áyā), ind. id. RV. AV
- -papáyâmuyā́, so badly, so vilely ib
- ○kara and mfn. 'wrong-doing', wicked, sinful W
- ○kartṛ mfn. 'wrong-doing', wicked, sinful W
- ○karman mfn. id
- m. an ill-doer, criminal, sinner Mn. MBh. &c
- n. a wicked deed, ○ma-kṛt mfn. wicked, an ill-doer R
- ○karmin mfn. 'wrong-doing', wicked, a villain or sinner MārkP
- ○kalpa m. a rogue or villain Mṛicch. =
- ○kāraka (Kautukas.),
- ○kārin (ŚBr. &c.),
- ○kṛ́t (AV. &c., superl. -tama Mn. Bhag.), mfn. = -karmin
- ○kṛta n. an evil deed, sin, crime Nal
- ○kṛtya Nom. P. ○yati (fr. -kṛt), to do wrong Pat
- ○kṛtyā́ f. an evil deed, sin, crime AV. &c. &c, =
- ○kṛ́tvan m. an evildoer, sinner, villain AV
- ○kṣaya m. destruction of sin
- -tirtha n. N. of a Tirtha SkandaP
- ○gati m. ill-fated R
- ○gocara mfn. evidently involved in (the consequences of) sin W
- ○graha m. an inauspicious planet (as Mars, Saturn, Rāhu, Ketu), Var'
- ○ghna mf(ī)n. destroying sin or evil L
- m. a sesamum plant L
- (ī), f. See under -han
- ○cara m. 'walking in sin', N. of king in a Play Cat. [Page 618, Column]
- ○cārin mfn. wrong-doing, criminal MBh
- ○cetas mfn. evil-minded, wicked Mn. MBh
- ○celikā or f. Clypea Hernandifolia L
- ○ceḍlī f. Clypea Hernandifolia L
- ○caila n. an inauspicious garment Kauś
- ○ja mfn. springing from evil MW
- ○jivā mfn. leading an evil ifc. a villain BhP
- ○tara mfn. worse, more or very wicked MBh. &c
- ○tā f. inauspiciousness VarBṛS. Sch
- ○timira mfn. sin-bedarkened, blinded by sin MW
- ○tvá n. evil condition, misery, poverty. RV
- ○da mfn. bringing misfortune, inauspicious Var
- ○darśana or mfn. looking at faults, malevolent R
- ○darḍśiṅ mfn. looking at faults, malevolent R
- ○dṛśvan mfn. seeing guilt, knowing an act to be wicked W
- ○deśanā f. instruction of the wicked Dharmas. xix
- ○dṛṣṭi mfn. evil-eyed MW
- ○dhī mfn. evil-minded Nir
- ○nakṣatra n. an inauspicious constellation Kauś
- ○nāpita m. a vile or bad barber W
- ○nāman (pāpá-), mfn. having a bad name ŚBr
- ○nāśana m. 'destroying the wicked', N. of Siva Śivag
- N. of a temple of Vishṇu
- -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○nāśin mfn. sin-destroying, purifying W
- ○nirati mfn. 'delighting in sin, wicked, a wretch W
- f. attachment to evil, wickedness ib
- ○niścaya mfn. having evil designs, malevolent MBh. R
- ○niṣkṛti f. atonement for sin MW
- ○pati m. 'sinful master', a paramour L
- ○parājita (pāpá-), mfn. ignominiously defeated TBr
- ○puṇya n. pl. vicious or virtuous (deeds) MW
- ○purī v. l. for a-pāpap○ (cf. pāpāpurī)
- ○puruṣa m. a villainous man (a personification of all sin or archetype of a sinner) Tantras
- ○puruṣa m. a villain, rascal Mn
- ○praśamana-stava m. N. of wk
- ○priya mfn. fond of evil, prone to sin Veṇis
- ○phala mfn. having evil consequences, inauspicious Var
- ○bandha m. a continuous series of misdeeds VP
- ○buddhi f. evil intent R
- mfn. evil-minded, wicked Mn. MBh
- m. N. of a man Pañc
- ○bhakṣaṇa m. 'devouring the wicked', N. of Kāla-bhairava (a son of Śiva) Cat
- ○bhañjana m. 'breaking the wṭwicked', N. of a Brāhman Kathās
- ○bhāj mfn. partaking of sin, guilty Kum
- ○bhāva mfn. evil-minded MW
- ○mati mfn. id. Nal
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting in evil, bad Jātakam
- ○mitra n. a friend of sin -tva n. friendship with the wicked L
- ○mukta mfn. freed from sin, purified W
- ○mocana n. liberating from sin, N. of a Tirtha VP
- (ī), f. (with ekādaśī) N. of wk
- ○yakṣmá m. 'the evil disease', consumption TS. (also ○man Var. Hcat.)
- -gṛhīta (○kṣmá), mfn. seized by consṭconsumption ib
- ○yoni f. a bad or low birthplace (lit. 'womb', as punishment of sin) Mn. iv, 166
- ○rahita mfn. free from guilt, harmless Hit
- ○rākṣasī f. an evil female demon, witch ĀśvGṛ
- ○ripu m. or n. 'enemy of sin', N. of a sacred bathing-place Kathās
- ○roga m. any bad disease (considered as the penalty of sin in a former life) Gobh. Mn
- smallpox L
- hemorrhoids Gal
- ○gin mfn. suffering from a bad disease (cf. above) Mn
- ○rddhi (r for ri), f. 'sin-thriving', hunting, chase Vcar. Pañc
- ○dhika m. a hunter Nalac
- ○loká m. the evil wor1d, place of suffering or of the wicked AV
- ○kya mf(ā)n. belonging to it, hellish, infernal MBh
- ○vasīyas mfn. 'bad-better', inverted, confused Gobh. Pañc. n= next
- ○vasīyasa (Kāṭh. TāṇḍBr.),
- ○vayasá (TS. ŚBr. &c.), n. inversion, confusion
- ○vādá m. an inauspicious cry (of a bird) AV
- ○vināśa m. destruction of sin
- -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha (also ○zana-t○), Siṃhâls. Cat
- ○vinigraha m. restraining wickedness W
- ○viniscaya mfn. intending evil R
- ○śamana mfn. removing crime W
- n. a sin-offering ib
- (ī), f. Prosopis Spicigera L
- ○śīla mf(ā)n. of bad character, wicked (-tva n.) Veṇis. Pañc
- ○śodhana n. 'washing away sins', N. of a Tīrtha Kathās
- ○saṃśamana mfn. removing sin R
- ○saṃkalpa mf(ā)n. evil-minded, malevolent ib
- ○sáma n. a bad year TS. Vait
- ○samācāra mf(ā) n. of bad conduct MBh
- ○sammita mfn. equal in sin or guilt W
- ○sūdanatīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha Rājat. (cf. -vināśana-t○)
- ○skandha n. pl. accumulation of sin Kāraṇḍ
- ○han mf(ghnī)n. destroying sin or the wicked Mn
- (ghnī), f. N. of a river
- -ghnī-māhāsmya n. N. of wk
- ○hara mfn. removing evil
- n. a means of removing evil Var
- (ā), f. N. of a river MBh
- ○hṛdaya mf(ā)n. bad-hearted, Veṇls
- pāpâkhyā f. (sc. gati) N. of one of the 7 divisions of the planetary courses Var
- pāpâṅkuśā f. N. of the 11th day in the light half of the month Āśvina Cat
- (with ekādāśī) N. of wk
- pāpâcāra mfn. ill-conducted, vicious MBh
- m. N. of a king Dhūrtan. [Page 619, Column]
- pāpâtman mfn. evil-minded, wicked, a wretch, sinner (opp. to dharmâtman) Mn. MBh. &c
- pāpâdhama mfn. the lowest of the wicked MW
- pāpânubandha m. bad result or consequences R
- mfn. ill-intentioned ib
- pāpânuvasita mfn. addicted to sin, sinful W
- pāpânta n. 'end of sin', N. of a Tirtha VāmP
- ○tikā f. a kind of sin Divyāv
- pāpâpanutti f. 'removal of sins', expiation W
- pāpârambhaka mfn. intending evil Mālatīm. v, 23 (vḷ. ○bha-vat)
- pāpâvahī́m ind. leaving sin behind TS
- pāpâśya mfn. evil-intentioned L
- pāpâhá n. an unlucky day TBr
- pāpâhi m. a snake, serpent MW
- pāpôkta mfn. addressed in ill-omened words ŚāṅkhBr
- pā́paka mf(ikā, once akī)n. bad, evil ŚBr. &c. &c
- m. a villain, rascal MBh
- an evil or malignant planet Var
- n. evil, wrong, sin MBh
- pāpaya Nom. Ā- (only pā́payiṣṭa), to suffer a person to fall into misery on account of (abl.) TS
- pāpala mfn. imparting or incurring guilt W
- n. a partic. measure L
- pāpāya Nom. Ā. ○yate Vop
- pāpin mfn. wicked, sinful, bad
- a sinner, criminal MBh. Kāv. &c
- pā́piṣṭha mfn. worst, lowest, most wicked or bad AV. &c. &c
- ○tama (Daś.) and mfn. id
- ○tara (ChUp. MBh.), mfn. id
- pāpīya mfn. = next MBh
- pā́pīyas mfn. worse, worse off, lower, poorer, more or most wicked or miserable TS. &c. &c
- m. a villain, rascal Mn. R. &c
- (with Buddhists) māraḥ pāpīyān, the evil spirit, the devil Lalit
- ○tara mfn. worse, more or most bad or wicked MBh
- ○tva n. wickedness, depravity Rājat
- pāpmán m. evil, unhappiness, misfortune, calamity, crime, sin, wickedness AV. &c. &c
- evil demon, devil, Jātākam
- mfn. hurtful, injurious, evil AV. AitBr
- pāpacaka mfn. (fr. √pac, Intens.) cooking repeatedly or very much Pāṇ. 1-1, 4 Vārtt. 6 Pat
- pāpaṭhaka mfn. (fr. √paṭh, Intens.) reading repeatedly or very much ib
- pāpati mfn. (fr. √pat) falling or flying repeatedly Pāṇ. 3-2, 171 Vārtt.4
- pāpayallava m. (with sūri), N. of an author Cat
- pāpāka m. N. of a poet ib
- pāpāpurī f. N. of a town near Rāja-gṛiha Col. (also written pāvāpurī
- cf. pāpapurī under pāpa)
- pāmán in. (√pai?) a kind of skindisease, cutaneous eruption, scab AV. ChUp
- pāma in comp. for ○man
- ○ghna mf(ī)n. destroying skin-disease
- mṣulphur L
- (ī), f. a species of plant L
- ○vat mfn. having skin-disease Pāṇ. 5-2, 100
- pāmâri m. 'enemy of skin-disease', sulphur L
- pāmaná mfn. = pāma-vat ŚBr. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 100)
- ○m-bhā́vuka mfn. becoming scabby TS
- pāmara mfn. affected with skin-disease L. (cf. g. aśmâdi)
- wicked, vile, low, base W
- m. man of lowest extraction Kāv. Rājat
- a wretch, villain Hit
- an idiot, fool Bādar. Sch
- n. bad character, wickedness MW
- pāmarôddhārā f. 'removing skin-disease', a species of plant L
- pāmā f. a kind of skin-disease, herpes, scab (a form of mild leprosy) Car. (also pl.) Suśr
- pāmāra m. N. of a family Cat
- pāmāvaṭika v. l. for paramâv○
- pāmpa mf(ī)n. belonging to or situated on the river Pampā Bhaṭṭ. (also ○pana MW.)
- pāmpaka m. N. of a poet Cat
- pāmpālī and pāmpī ind. (with √kri), Gaṇ. 97
- pāy cl. 1. Ā. pāyayate, to void excrement, Praśn Up. iv, 2
- pāyú (ŚBr. xiv, pā́yu), ni. the anus VS. &c. &c
- ○kṣālana n. washing or cleaning the anus
- bhūmi f. (○mi-tā f.) and -veśman n. a water close, privy Rājat
- ○bheda m. N. of 2 (of the 10) ways in which an eclipse terminates Var. [Page 619, Column]
- pāyū7pastha n. the anus and the organs of generation Mn. ii, 90
- pāya n. (√1. pā) water L
- ○guṇḍa m. N. of an author Cat
- pāyaka mf(ikā)n. drinking (with gen. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 70
- cf. taila-)
- pāyána n. causing or giving to drink RV. i, 116, 9 Kauś
- (ā), f. watering, moistening Suśr
- pāyam
- pāyayitavai See under √1. pā
- pāyin mfn. drinking, sucking, sipping at (ifc
- cf. ambu-, kṣīra- &c.)
- (inī), f. (prob.) N. of a town
- -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- pā́yya mfn. to be (or being) drunk L
- to be caused to drink (with acc.) Suśr
- n. drinking ( See pūrva-p○)
- water L
- pāyali-saṃgha m. N. of a partic. sect of Jainas Bhadrab
- pāyasa mf(ī)n. (fr. payas) prepared with or made of milk GṛŚrS
- m. n. food prepared with made, (esp.) rice boiled in mṭmade or an oblation of made and rice and sugar ib. Mn. MBh. &c
- the resin of Pinus Longifolia L
- ○dagdha mfn. scalded by milk-porridge MW
- ○piṇḍāraka m. a rice-eater Mṛicch
- pāyasâpūpa m. a cake made of milk and rice &c. Mn. v, 7
- pāyasika mf(ī)n. fond of boiled milk &c. Pāṇ. 4-2, 47 Vārtt. 17 Pat
- pāyika m. a foot-soldier, footman (prob. corrupted fr. pādātika)
- pāyīka m. N. of a poet Cat
- pāyú m. (√3. pā
- for 1. pāyu See col. s) a guard, protector RV. (esp. instr. pl. 'with protecting powers or actions, helpfully') AV
- N. of a man RV. vi, 47, 24 (with bhāradvāja, author of vi, 75 ; x, 87)
- pāyya (prob.) protection ( See nṛ-, bahu.)
- pāyya n. a measure Pāṇ. 3-1, 129 (cf. vi, 2, 122)
- practice, profession W
- pāyya mfn. low, vile, contemptible L
- pārá mfn. (fr. √pṛ
- in some meanings also fr. √pṝ) bringing across RV. v, 31, 8
- n. (rarely m.) the further bank or shore or boundary, any bank or shore, the opposite side, the end or limit of anything, the utmost reach or fullest extent RV. &c. &c. (dūré pāré, at the farthest ends RV
- pāraṃ-√gam &c. with gen. or loc., to reach the end, go through, fulfil, carry out as a promise, study or learn thoroughly as a science MBh. R. &c
- paraṃ-√nī, to bring to a close, Yaljñ.)
- a kind of Tushṭi (s.v.), Sāṃkhyas. Sch
- m. crossing ( See duṣ- and su-)
- quicksilver L
- a partic. personification SāmavBr. Gaut
- N. of a sage MārkP
- of a son of Pṛithu-shena (Rucirâśva) and father of Nīpa Hariv
- of a son of Samara and father of Pṛithu ib
- of a son of Aṅga, and father of Divi-ratha VP
- (pl.) of a class of deities under the 9th Manu BhP
- (ā), f. N. of a river (said to flow from the Pāriyātra mountains or the central and western portion of the Vindhya chain) MBh. Pur
- (ī), f. a milk-pail Śiś
- any cup or drinking vessel Vcar. Rājat
- pollen L
- a rope for tying an elephant's feet L
- a quantity of water or a town (pūra or pura) L
- a small piece or quantity of anything Nalac
- ○kāṅkṣin m. = pāri-k○ L
- ○kāma mfn. desirous of reaching the opposite bank AitBr
- ○ga mf(ā)n. going to the opposite shore, crossing over MBh. R
- one who has gone through or accomplished or mastered, knowing thoroughly, fully conversant or familiar with (gen., loc. or comp.), profoundly learned Mn. MBh. &c
- n. keeping, fulfilling (of a promise) Hariv. 11565 (wṛ. for pāraṇa?)
- ○gata mfn. one who has reached the opposite shore of (gen.), passed over in safety Bhartṛ
- pure, holy W
- m. (with Jainas) an Arhat or deified saint or teacher
- ○gati f. going through, reading, studying L
- ○gamana n. reaching the opposite shore, crossing, going to the end of (comp.) R
- ○gāmin mfn. passing over, crossing, landing Kāraṇḍ
- n. = para-loka-hitaṃ karma MBh. xiii, 2127 (Nīlak.)
- ○cara mf(ī)n. arrived at the opposite shore, emancipated for ever BhP
- ○tas (pādrá-), ind. oppṭopposite the opposite bank or the further side, beyond (gen.) RV. 1. [Page 619, Column]
- ○da mf(ā)n. (for 2. See p. 620) leading across (comp.) Siṃhâs
- ○daṇḍaka m. N. of a country (part of Orissa) L
- ○darśaka mfn. showing the oppṭoppositive shore BhP
- ○darśana mfn. beholding the oppṭoppositive shore, surveying all things ib
- ○dṛśvan mf(arī)n. one who has seen the oppṭoppositive shore, far-seeing, wise, completely familiar with or versed in (gen. or comp.) Kām. Ragh. &c. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 94)
- ○dhvaja m. pl. 'banners from the further shore', partic. banners brought from Ceylon and borne in procession by the kings of Kāsmīra Rājat
- ○netṛ mfn. leading to the further shṭshore, making a person (gen.) conversant with (loc.) MBh
- ○pāra m. N. of Vishṇu VP
- n. N. of a kind of Tushṭi (s.v.), Sāṃkhyas Sch
- ○m-ita mfn. gone to the opposite shore
- crossed, traversed
- transcendent (as spiritual knowledge) W
- (ā).f. (for ○ta-tā?) coming or leading to the oppṭoppositive shore, complete attainment, perfection in (comp.)
- transcendental virtue (there are 6 or 10, viz. dānta, śīla, kṣānti, viirya, dhyāna, prajñā, to which are sometimes added satya, adhiṣṭhāna, maitra, upêkṣā) MWB. 128 (cf. Dharmas. xvii, xviii)
- ○vinda m. finding the opposite shore (?)', N. of a partic. personification SāmavBr
- ○skanda v. l. for pari-sk○
- pārâpāra n. the nearer and the further shṭshore, both banks (= and v. l. for pārâvāra) MatsyaP
- m. the sea, ocean L
- pārâyaṇa n. going over, reading through, perusing, studying, RPrāt Āpast
- (esp.) reading a Purāṇa or causing it to be read W
- the whole, totality MBh. xiii, 2701 Pāṇ. 3-2, 130 Sch
- (esp.) complete text, causing collection of (cf. dkātu-pṭperusing nāma-p○)
- N. of a gram. wk. (abridged fr. dhātu-p○)
- (ī), f. (L.) action
- meditation
- light
- N. of the goddess Sarasvatī
- ○ṇa-krama m. ○ṇa-māhātmya n. ○ṇavidhi m. N. of wk
- ○ṇika mfn. one who goes through or studies Pāṇ. 5-i, 72
- m. a lecturer, reader of the Purāṇas W
- a pupil, scholar W
- Pl, N. of a partic. school of grammarians Cat
- ○ṇīya n. N. of a grammar
- pārâvāra n. the further and nearer shore, the two banks (○rasya nauḥ, a boat which plies from one side to the other MBh
- ○re ib. or ○ra-taṭe Cat., on both banks
- ○ra-taraṇârtham ind. for bringing over from one shore to the other Kull.)
- m. the sea, ocean Prasannar. (cf. pārâpāra)
- ○ra-jātāya Nom. to become sea-water Dharmaś
- ○riṇa mfn. on both sides of a river, one who knows both sides or the whole of a subject W. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 93 Vārtt. 2 Pat.)
- pāraka mf(ī)n. carrying over, saving, delivering (cf. ugra-p○)
- enabling to cross (a river or the world) W
- satisfying, pleasing, cherishing ib
- m. pl. N. of a People, R
- pāraṇa mfn. bringing over, delivering Hariv
- m. a could (as 'crossing', sc. the sky) L
- n. carrying through, accomplishing, fulfilling MBh
- conclusion (esp. of a fast, with or sc. vrata-)
- eating and drinking after a fast, breakfast (also ā f.) Kāv. Pur. Rājat
- satisfaction, pleasure, enjoyment (also, ā f.) Ragh. Balar
- going through, reading, perusal (also ā f. and ○ṇa-karman, n.) MBh. Hariv
- completeness, the full text L ....
- pāraṇi m. a patr., g. taulvaly-ādi
- pāraṇika See mahā-p○
- pāraṇīya mfn. having an attainable end, capable of being completed or brought to an end MBh. BhP
- pāraya
- pāraḍyati See √pṛ, Caus
- pāraya mfn. (fr. prec.) able, adequate, fit for W
- satisfying ib. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 738)
- pārayitṛ́ mfn. one who carries or will carry across ŚBr
- pārayiṣṇú mfn. bringing to the opposite shore or to a happy issue, successful, victorious RV. &c. &c. (-tama mfn. best in accomplishing AitBr.)
- m. N. of a partic. personification Gobh
- pārīṇa mfn. being on or crossing to the other side. W
- (ifc.) well acquainted or completely familiar with (cf. trivarya-p○)
- m. See under pāriṇa
- pārīya mfn. one who has gone through or studied, completely familiar with (comp.) Hcat
- pāre loc. of s. pāra in comp
- ○gaṅgam ind. on the other side of the Gaṅgā, beyond the Ganges Pāṇ. 2-1, 18, Seh
- ○jalam ind. on the other side of the water, on the opposite bank of a river Śiś
- ○taraṃgiṇi ind. beyond the river Prasannar
- ○dhanva m. or n. N. of a place
- ○vaka mfn. Pat
- ○baḍvā f. Pāṇ. 6-2, 42
- ○viśokam ind. on the other side of (the mountain) Viśoka Rājat. [Page 620, Column]
- ○śmaśānam ind. beyond or behind the burial-place Mālatīm
- ○sindhu ind. on the other side of the Sindhu, beyond the Indus MBh
- pārya mfn. being on the opposite side or bank TS
- upper VS
- last, final, decisive R
- helping through, effective, successful ib
- n. end, issue, decision ib
- pāra (for 1. See p. 619), Vṛiddhi form of para in comp
- ○kulīna mfn. = para-kule sādhuḥ g. pratijanâdi
- ○kṣudra (with yajus), n. N. of a partic. text ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○grāmika mf(ī)n. (-grāma) 'belonging to another village', hostile, inimical
- (with vidhi), m. hostile action, hostility Daś
- ○janmika mf(i)n. (-janman) relating to a future birth Buddh
- ○jāyika (MBh.),
- ○jāyin (Vishṇ.), m. (-jāyā) one who intrigues with another's wife, an adulterer
- ○tantra wṛ. for ○trya
- ○tantrika mf(ī)n. (-tantra) belonging to or enjoined by the religious treatises of others Gṛihyss
- ○tantrya n. dependence on others MBh. Pur. Rājat
- ○talpika n. (-talpa) adultery Daś
- ○trika mf(ī)n. (-tra) relating to or advantageous in another world MBh
- ○trya mf(ā)n. (-tra), id. Mn. MBh. MārkP
- ○daṇḍaka See under 1. pāra
- ○dārika mf(ī)n. (-dāra) relating to another's wife Cat
- m. -jāyika Yājñ. MBh. Kathās
- ○dārin m. = prec. m. MBh
- ○dārya n. adultery Mn. Yājñ. MBh
- ○deśika (W.),
- ○deśya (Yājñ.), mfn. (-deśa) outlandish, foreign, abroad
- m. a traveller or a foreigner
- ○daurbalya n. the inferiority of each following member of a series to the preceding Jaim
- ○dhenu or m. N. of a low mixed caste, an Āyogava (q.v.) W
- ○dheḍnuka m. N. of a low mixed caste, an Āyogava (q.v.) W
- ○bhṛta n. a present, offering (prob. wṛ. for prā-bhṛta) W
- ○tīya mfn. relating to a present or offering, sacrificial
- belonging to or coming from a cuckoo Mṛicch
- ○m-para mfn. further, future (world) Kād
- ○m-parī f. regular succession, order Subh
- ○m-parīṇa mfn. passing from one to another, hereditary L
- ○m-parīya mfn. handed down, traditional Kull
- ○m-parya n. uninterrupted series or succession, tradition, intermediation, indirect way or manner (eṇa ind. successively, by degrees) Mn. MBh. &c
- ○kramâgata mfn. derived from tradition Mn. ii, 18
- -prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
- ○ryâgata mfn. = -kramâgata MBh. &c
- ○ryôpadeśa m. traditional instruction Sūryas
- ○yugīṇa mfn. (-yuga), Gaṇ. 338 Sch
- ○lokya mfn. (-loka) relating to the next world MBh
- ○laukika mf(ī)n. id. ib. (with sahāya m. a comrade on the way to the next world)
- N. of a place where pearls are found and the pearls found there VarBṛS
- n. things or circumstances relating to the next world MBh. Hariv
- ○vargya mfn. (-varga) belonging to another party, inimical MBh
- ○vaśya n. (-vaśa) dependence Kap
- ○straiṇeya m. (-strī) a son by another's wife, g. kalyāṇy-ādi
- ○haṃsya mfn. (-haṃsa) relating to an ascetic who has subdued all his senses BhP
- pārārthya n. (2. parârtha) dependence on or devotedness to another, altruism, disinterestedness Kathās
- -nirṇaya m. or -vivecana n. N. of wk
- pārāvarya n. (parâvara) comprehensiveness, allsidedness Hariv
- (eṇa), ind. on all sides, completely MBh
- pārakya mfn. = parakīya, belonging to another or a stranger, alien (opp. to sva), hostile Mn. MBh. &c
- m. an enemy Hit
- pārasyakulīna mfn. = parasya kuls sādhuh g. pratijanâdi
- pāra m.= pāla, a guardian, keeper ( brahma-dvāra-p○)
- pāraka See under 1. pāra
- pārakāṅkṣin m.= pārik○ L
- pāraj (nom. orak, according to Uṇ. ; i, 135 Sch. fr. 1. pāra), gold
- pāraṭīṭa m. '(fr. 1. pāra?) a stone, rock L. (cf. pārāruka)
- pāraṇa ○ṇīya, See under 1. pāra, p. 619, col. 3
- pārata m. (cf. 2. pārada) quicksilver Kathās. xxxvii, 232
- pl. N. of a people Var. (also ○taka, v. l. in VP.)
- pāra-tas See p. 619, col. 2. [Page 620, Column]
- pāratrika ○trya, See under 2. pāra
- pārada m. (cf. pārata), quicksilver Var. Suśr. (-tva, n. Sarvad.)
- m. N. of a partic. personification SāmavBr
- pl. N. of a people or of a degraded tribe Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. IW. 229, n. 1)
- ○kalpa m. N. of wk
- pārabava n. N. of 2 Sāmans ĀrshBr
- pārama Vṛiddhi form of parama in comp
- ○gopucchika mfn. = parama-gopucchena krītam Pat
- ○rṣa ([pŚ+RSi]), mfn. coming from a great Ṛishi Sarvad
- ○sthya n. (fr. paramastha), g. brāhmaṇâdi-. =
- ○haṃsa mf(ī)n. relating to Parama-haṃsa (s.v) id. ib
- n. the state or condition of a Parama-hṭhaṃsa ib
- -pari ind. relating to the most sublime meditation MW
- pāramārthika mf(ī)n. (fr. paramârtha) relating to a high or spiritual object or to supreme truth, real, essential, true Śaṃk. BhP. Kull. (cf. IW. 108)
- one who cares for truth Pañc
- excellent, best W
- ○thya n. the real full truth BhP
- pārameśvara mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to or coming from the supreme god (Śiva) Prab. Kathās. Pur
- m. or n. N. of wk
- -puṇyâha-varcana n. -saṃhitā f. râradhana-vidhi m. ○rīya, and ○rya n. N. of wks
- pārameśvaraka mf(ikā)n. composed by Parameśvara (= Paramâdîśvara) Āryabh. Comm
- pārameṣṭha○ m. (fr. parame-ṣṭhin) patr. of Narada MBh
- ○ṣṭhya mfn. relating or belonging to or coming from the supreme god (Brahmā) MBh. Hariv. Pur
- relating to a king, royal (cf. below)
- m. patr. of Nārada MBh. (v. l. ○ṣṭha)
- n. highest position, supremacy AitBr. MBh. Pur
- pl. the royal insignia BhP
- pāramaiśvarya n. (paramêśvara) supremacy, divinity Sarvad
- pāramaka mf(ikā)n. = (and v. l. for) paramaka, supreme, chief. best MBh. R
- pārami f. (?) extremity Divyâv
- pāram-ita pāraya &c. See under 1. pāra
- pāravata m. = pārāvata, a pigeon L
- pāravargya ○vaśya, See under 2. pāra, col. 1
- pāraśava mf(ī)n. (fr. paraśu
- but also written pārasava) made of iron (only in sarvap○)
- N. of a mine in which pearls are found and of the pearls found there VarBṛS
- m. or n. iron L
- m. N. of a mixed caste, the son of a Brāhman by a Śūdra woman (f. ī) Mn. MBh. (-tva n.) Var
- a son by another's wife, a bastard L
- pl. N. of a people in the south-west of Madhya-desa Var. MārkP
- pāraśavāyana m. patr. fr. pāraśava
- g. bidâdi
- pāraśavya m. Patr. of Tirindira ŚāṅkhŚr
- pāraśīka = pārasīka
- pāraśvadha and ○dhika mf(ī)n. (fr. paraśvadha) armed with an axe L. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 58)
- pāraṣada v. l. for pāriṣada n
- pārasa mf(ī)n. Persian
- (ī), f. See below
- pāraḍsika mf(i)n. id. Col. (v. l. ○sīka)
- m. pl. the Persian MBh. VP
- pāraḍsī f. (with or sc. bhāṣā) the PṭPersian language
- -jātaka n. N. of wk
- -nāma-mākā f. a Sanskṛit-PṭPersian vocabulary
- -prakāśa, or kośa m. Persian words explain in SṭSanskṛit
- -vinoda m. Persian and Arab terms of astron. and astrol. explained in Sanskṛit
- pāraḍsīka mfn. Persian (cf. below), m. (pl.) the Persians Ragh. Kathās. &c
- a Persian horse L
- (prob. n.) Persia Bhpr
- -taila n. 'Persian oil', Naphtha Vcar
- -yamānī f. Hyoscyamus Niger L
- pāraḍsikeya mf(ī)n. Persian Bhpr
- pāraskanda v. l. for pari-skanda
- pāraskara m. (rather fr. paras + kara than fr. [pAra+kara]
- but Pāṇ. 6-1, 157) N. of the author nf a Gṛihya-sūtra (forming a supplement to KātyŚrS.) and of a Dharnia-śāstra
- N. of a district or a town Gaṇar. 15 Sch
- mf(ī)n. composed by Pāraskara
- ○gṛhya-sutra n
- ○gṛhya-pariśiṣṭa n
- ○paddhati f
- ○gṛhya-mantra m
- ○samṛti f. N. of wks
- pā́rasvata mf(ī)n. (fr. parasvat) relating &c. to the wild ass AV. [Page 620, Column]
- pārāpata m. = (or v. l. for) pārāvata, a pigeon Kād
- ○padī f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum or Leea Hirta L
- pārāpataka m. a kind of rice Suśr
- pārâpāra pārâyaṇa, See under 1. pāra, p. 619, col. 3
- pārāruka m. a rock L. (cf. paraṭīṭa)
- pā́rāvata mf(ī)n. (fr. parā-vat) remote, distant, coming from a distance, foreign RV. (instr. pl. 'from distant quarters' AV.)
- m. N. of a tribe on the Yamunā RV. TāṇḍBr
- (ifc. f. ā) a turtle-dove, pigeon MBh. Kāv. &c
- a kind of snake Suśr
- N. of a Nāga of the race of Airāvata, M Bh
- a monkey L
- Diospyros Embryopteris MBh. Hariv. Suśr
- a mountain L
- pl. N. of a class of deities under Manu Svārocisha Pur
- (ī), f. the fruit of the Averrhoa Acida L
- a form of song peculiar to cowherds L
- N. of a river L
- n. the fruit of Diospyros Embryopteris Hariv. Suśr
- ○ghnī́ f. (of han) striking the distant (demon) or at a distance RV. vi, 61, 2
- ○deśa m. N. of a country Cat
- ○padī f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum Bhpr. Car
- ○mālāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to resemble a flock of turtles Kād
- ○savarṇsa m.pl. 'dovecoloured', N. of the horses of Dhṛishṭa-dyumna MBh
- ○ṇâśva m. N. of Dhṛishṭa-dyumna ib
- pārāvatâkha m. 'dove-eyed', N. o f. a serpent-demon Kathās
- pārāvatâṅghri-piccha m. a kind of pigeon L
- pārāvatâbha mfn. pigeon-like Suśr
- pārāvatâśva m. 'having doves for horses', N. of Dhṛishṭa-dyumna MBh. (cf. ○ta-savarṇa)
- pārāvati m. patr. of Vasu-rocis L ....
- pārāvada-ghnī wṛ. for pārāvata-ghnī
- pārāvarya See under 2. pāra
- pārâvāra See under 1. pāra
- pārāśara mf(ī)n. proceeding or derived from Parāśara or Parāśarya Var. Pur. (cf. g. kaṇvâdi)
- m. patr. (fr. parā-śara, and N. of the poet Vyāsa
- pl. N. of a school) Pravar. Pur. L
- (ī), f. See s.v
- n. the rules of Parāśara for the conduct of the mendicant order W
- -kalpika mfn. one who studies the PṭParāśara-kalpa
- m. a follower of Parāśara Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 60
- -jātaha n. -śikṣā f. -sūtra n. -horā f. N. of wks
- pārāḍśari m. patr. of Vyāsa L
- pārāḍśarin m. a mendicant of the order of Parāśarya L. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 110)
- pl. N. of a phil. school RāmatUp
- pārāḍśarī (pā́rā-.), f. patr. of Parāśara ŚBr
- a wk. of Parāśara
- -kauṇḍinī-pútra and ○rī-pútra (pā́○). m. N. of 2 teachers ŚBr
- paddhati f. -mukura m. -mūla n. -vyākhyā f. -horā f. N. of wks
- pārāḍśariya n. a wk. of Parāśara Cat
- pārāḍśarya (pā́rā-), m. patr. fr. parā-śara (N. of Vyāsa) ŚBr. &c. &c. (cf. P5ṇ. iv. 3, 110)
- n. a wk' of Parāśara Cat
- -vijaya m. N. of wk. (= parāśara-v○)
- pārāḍśaryāyaṇa (pā́rā-), m. patr. fr. pārā-śarya ŚBr
- pāri Vṛiddhi form of pari in comp
- ○kāṅkṣaka and m. a contemplative Brāhman (in the fourth period of life) L
- ○kāṅkṣaḍkṣin m. a contemplative Brāhman (in the fourth period of life) L
- ○kārmika m. (-karman) one who takes charge of the lesser vessels or utensils L
- ○kuṭa m. an attendant, servant AitBr. (Sāy.)
- ○kṣi (1), m. N. of a man L
- ○kṣit (m.c.) and m. (-kṣit) patr. of Janam-ejaya Br. MBh
- ○kṣitá m. (-kṣit) patr. of Janam-ejaya Br. MBh
- (○tī), f. N. of AV. xx, 127, 7-10
- ○tī́ya m. the brother of Pari-kshit ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Sch
- ○kṣepaka (or ○pika), m. or n. (√kṣip) objection (?) Car
- ○kha (fr. pari-khā), g. palady-ādi
- ○khīya mfn. (fr. pārikha) Pāṇ. 4-2, 141 Sch
- ○kheya mf(ī)n. (fr. pari-kha) surrounded by a ditch ib. v, 1, 17
- ○grāmika mf(ī)n, (-grāmam) situated round a village ib. iv, 3, 61
- ○jāta m. the coral tree, Erythrina Indica (losing its leaves in June and then covered with large crimson flowers) MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c
- the wood of this tree R
- N. of one of the 5 trees of paradise produced at the churning of the ocean and taken possession of by Indra from whom it was afterwards taken by Kṛishṇa) MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. IW. 519)
- fragrance Var
- N. of sev. wks. (esp. ifc
- cf. dāna-)
- of a Nāga MBh
- of a Ṛishi ib
- of an author of Mantras (with Śiktas). Cat
- -ka m. the coral tree or its wood, Śutr. Pur
- N. of a Ṛishi MBh
- of other men Hcar. (-ratnâkara m. N. of wk.)
- m. or n. N. of a drama (= ○ta-karaṇa) [Page 621, Column]
- -maya mf(ī)n. made of flowers of the celestial Pāṇ. Kathās
- -ratnâkara m. N. of wk. (prob. = ○taka-ratn○)
- -vat mfn. possessing the celṭcelestial Pāri Hariv
- -vṛtta-kkaṇḍa n. -vyākaraṇa n. N. of wks
- -sarasvatī-mantra m. pl. N. of Partic. magical formulas Cat
- -haraṇa n. 'robbing the Pāri tree', N. of chs. of Hariv. and VP., also of a comedy by Gopālaḍasa
- (ṇa-campū), f. N. of a poem)
- ○tâcala-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○ṇāmika mf(i)n. (-ṇāma) digestible Subh (wṛ. pari-ṇ○)
- subject to development or evolution
- (with bhāva m.) natural disposition Śaṃk. Sarvad
- ○ṇāyya (-ṇāya) property or paraphernalia received by a woman at the time of marriage Vas
- = (or v. l. for) next Kathās
- ○ṇāhya n. (-ṇāha) household furniture and utensils Mn. ix, 11
- ○tathyā f. (-tathya) a string of pearls for binding the hair L
- ○toṣika mf(ī)n. (-toṣa) gratifying, satisfactory W
- n. a reward, gratuity Kāv. Rājat
- ○dṛḍhi m. (ī f.) patr. fr. pari-dṛḍhi Pat
- ○dheya m. patr. fr. pari-dhi g. śubhrâdi
- ○dhvajika m. (-dhvaja) a standard-bearer L
- ○panthika m. (fr. pari-pantham) a highwayman, robber, thief. L. (Pāṇ. 4-4, 36)
- ○pāṭya n. (-pāṭī) regularity, methodicalness W
- ○pātra &c., wṛ. for. yātra below
- ○pāna ī. drink (?) Divyâv
- ○pānthika wṛ. for panthika above
- ○pārśva (Prob. n.), retinue, attendants, bystanders (in a play) Hariv
- ○svaka mf(ikā)n. standing at the side attending on MBh
- m. (with or sc. nara) a servant, attendant ib
- an assistant of the manager of a play Bhar
- (ikā), f. a chamber-maid, Malāv
- ○śvika mfn. = ○śvaka R. Mālav
- ○pālya n. governorship Rājat
- ○pela n. = pari-pelava L
- ○plava mf(ā)n. swimming MBh. Kāv
- moving to and fro, agitated, unsteady, tremulous
- wavering, irresolute ib
- (pā́ri-), 'moving in a circle', N. of partic. legends recited at the Aśva-medha and repeated at certain intervals throughout the year ŚBr. ŚrS. Bādar
- m. a boat R. (vḷ. pari-pl○)
- a class of gods in the 5th Manv-antara Hariv
- (ā), f. a small spoon used at sacrifices, Āryav. (cf. pari-plavā)
- n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- -gata mfn. being in a boat R
- -tā f. -tva n. unsteadiness, inconstancy Hcar. Rājat
- -dṛṣṭi (BhP.) or -netra (Ragh.), mfn. having tremulous or swimming eyes
- -prabha mfn. spreading tremulous lustre R
- -mati mfn. fickleminded MBh
- ○viiya n. an oblation connected with the recitation of a PṭPāri legend ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○plāvya m. a goose L
- n. agitation, tremulousness W
- ○barha m. sg. and pl. = pari-b○ MBh
- N. of a son of Garuḍa ib
- ○bhadraka m. Erythrina Fulgens Indica Bālar. Suśr
- Azadirachta Indica L
- Pinus Deodora or Longifolia L
- N. of a son of Yajña-bāhu BhP
- n. N. of a Varsha in Śālmala-dviipa ruled by Pāribhadra ib
- ○badraka m. Erythrina Fulgens MBh. Suśr
- Azadirachta Indica L
- pl. N. of a family MBh
- n. = next L
- ○bhavya n. (-bhū) Costus Speciosus or Arabicus Bhpr
- ○bhāvya n. id. L
- security, bail (= prātibh○) Dāyabh
- ○bhāṣika mf(ī)n. (-bhāṣā) conventional, technical Suśr. Sarvad
- -tva n. Kap
- ○bhogika m. or n. objects possessed or used by Buddha MWB. 495
- ○maṇḍalya n. (-maṇḍala) globularness, spherical shape Bādar. Sch
- ○māṇya n. (-māṇa) circumference, compass MBh
- ○mitya n. (-mita) the being confined, limitation Sāh
- ○mukhika mf(ī)n. (fr. pari-mukham) being before the eyes, near, present Pāṇ. 4-4, 29
- ○mukhya mf(ā)n. id
- n. nearness, presence ib. iv, 3, 58 Vārtt. Pat
- ○yātra m. (ifc. f. ā) N. of the western Vindhya range MBh. Var. Suśr. &c. (also -ka L.)
- N. of a man (son of Ahīna-gu) Ragh. Pur. ○trika m. an inhabitant of the Pāri range Var
- ○yānika n. (-yāna) a travelling carriage. L
- ○rakṣaka or m. (-rakṣā) a Brāhman in the fourth period of life, a Bhikshu or Sarinyāsī L
- ○rakṣika m. (-rakṣā) a Brāhman in the fourth period of life, a Bhikshu or Sarinyāsī L
- ○vatsa m. a calf belonging to (cows) Hariv. (v. l. pari-v○)
- ○vittya n. (-vitta) the being unmarried while a younger brother is married, Yāiñ
- ○vṛḍhi m. (ī f.) patr. fr. pari-vṛḍha Pat
- ○ḍhya n. (fr. id.), g. dṛḍhâdi
- ○vettrya n. (-vettṛ) the marriage of a younger brother before the elder VP
- ○vedya n. id. Yājñ. Sch
- ○vrajya wṛ. for -vrājya
- ○vrājaka mf(ī)n. intended for a religious mendicant, Kaul
- n. the life of a religious mendicant, g. yuvâdi- ○jya n. id MBh. (cf. Pāṇ. vii, 3, 60 Sch.)
- ○śikṣā f. N. of wk
- ○śīla m. = apūpa, a cake L. =
- ○śeṣya n. (-śeṣa) result, consequence TPrāt. Sch
- (āt), ind. consequently, therefore, ergo (also with preceding atas or tasmāt) ib. Śaṃk. &c. [Page 621, Column]
- ○ṣatka mfn. = pariṣadam adkī7te veda vā g. ukthâdi
- ○ṣada mf(ī)n. (-ṣad) fit for an assembly, decent Car
- relating to a village pariṣad g. palady-ādi
- m. a member of an assembly, assessor at a council, auditor, spectator MBh. Kāv. &c. (R. B. also -ṣad) pl. the retinue or attendants of a god MBh. BhP
- n. taking part in an assembly BhP
- ○ṣadaka mf(ī)n. done by an assembly, g. kulālâdi
- ○ṣâdya m. a member of an assembly, spectator, councillor Rājat. Divyâv. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 44 ; 101)
- ○ṣeṇya m. patr. fr. pari-skeṇa Pat
- ○sāraka mfn. containing the word pari-sāraka g. vimuktâdi
- ○sīrya mfn. (fr. pari-sīram), g. pari-mukhâdi
- ○hanavya mfn. (fr. pari-hanu) ib
- ○hārika mf(ī) n. (-hāra) having immunity, privileged Subh
- taking away, seizing W
- surrounding ib
- m. a maker of garlands L
- (ī), f. a kind of riddle, Cat
- ○hārāṇī (?), Deśīn
- ○hārya m. a bracelet MBh. Kād. Rājat
- n. taking, seizure W
- ○hāsya n. (-hāsa) jest, joke fun
- (ena), ind. in fun BhP
- pārīkṣit m. = next MBh. xii, 5596
- pârīkṣita mf(ī)n. relating to or treating of or derived from Pari-kshit Pur
- m. patr. of Janam-ejaya MBh
- N. of a sovereign to whom the BhP. is supposed to have been addressed and of his successor W
- pā́riṇahya n. (fr. parī-ṇah) household furniture or utensils TS
- vḷ. for pāri-ṇ○ Mn. ix, 11
- pāry in comp. for pāri before vowels
- ○antika mf(ī)n. (-anta) final, concluding, last MW
- ○avasānika mfn. (-avasāna) verging to the close MBh
- ○āptika mfn. one who has said pary-āptam i.e., 'enough' Pāṇ. 4-1, Vartt. 2
- ○ulukhalya mfn. (fr. pary-ulūkhalam), g. pari-mukhâdi, on Pāṇ. 4-3, 58 Vārtt. 1
- ○oṣṭhya mfn. (fr. paryoṣṭhyam) ib
- pāriṇa ○ṇaka, and pārīṇa m. N. of a man Pravar
- pārita-vat mfn. containing the word pāriśa, or other forms of the Caus. of √pṝ, SāṅkhBr
- pārindra m.= pārīndra, a lion L
- pārila patr. fr. parila g. śivâdi
- pārileya m. (patr. fr. prec.?), N. of an elephant Jātakam
- pāriśa m. Thespesia Populneoides L. (cf. pārīṣa and phalīśa)
- pārī pārīṇa, See under 1. pāra and pāriṇa
- pārīndra m. a lion Kāv. (cf. pārindra)
- a large snake, boa L
- pārīya See under 1. pāra
- pārīraṇa m.= parīraṇa L
- pārīṣa m.= pāriśla Bhpr
- pāru m.= peru, the sun Uṇ. iv, 101 Sch
- fire L
- pārucchepa mf(ī)n. derived from Paruc-chepa Br
- (ī), f. pl. N. of partic. verses Vait
- n. N. of 2 Sāmans ĀrshBr
- pārucchepi m. patr. fr. paruc-chepa RAnukr
- pāruṣaka m. or u. a species of flower L. (cf. parūṣaka)
- pāruskika mfn. (fr. paruṣa) harsh, violent Divyâv
- pāruṣeyá mf(ī)n. spotted, freckled AV
- pāruṣṇá m. (fr. paruṣṇī f. of ○ruṣa) a kind of bird VS
- pā́ruṣya n. (fr. paruṣa) roughness Suśr. (cf. tvak-p○)
- shagginess, dishevelled state (of the hair) Subh
- harshness (esp. of language), reproach, insult (also pl.) AV. &c. &c
- violence (in word or deed
- cf. daṇḍa-p○, vāk-p○)
- squalor MW
- the grove of Indra L. (also -ka Divyâv.)
- aloe wood L
- m. N. of Bṛihas-pati, the planet Jupiter L
- pāre-gaṅgam pāre-taramiṇi &c. See under 1. pāra
- pāreraka m. a sword, scimitar (?) W
- pārevata m. a kind of date L. [Page 621, Column]
- pārokṣa mf(ī)n. (fr. paro'kṣa) undiscernible, mysterious (v. l. for next) BhP
- pârokṣya mf(ā)n. undiscernible, invisible, hidden ib
- n. mysteriousness, mystery ib
- pārovarya n. (fr. paro-'varam) tradition Nir. xiii, 12
- pārghaṭa n. = arghaṭa, ashes L. (cf. pārpara)
- pārjanyá mf(ā)n. relating or belonging to Parjanya VS. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- pārṇa mf(ī)n. (fr. parṇa) made or consisting of leaves, raised from leaves (as a tax) L
- made of the wood of the Butea Frondosa, TāṇḍlBr. Gobh
- m. a hut made of leaves Gal
- patr., g. śivâdi
- ○valka mfn. (fr. pārṇavalkya), g. kaṇvâdi
- ○valki m. patr. of Nigada L
- ○valkya m. patr. fr. parṇa-valka g. gargâdi
- pārtha m. (fr. pṛthi) patr. of Tānva RAnukr
- n. N. of 12 sacred texts (ascribed to Pṛithi Vainya and repeated during the ceremony of unction in the Rāja-sūya sacrifice) Br. KātyŚrS
- of sev. Sāmans Br. Lāṭy
- pārthyá m. a descendant of Pṛithi RV. x, 93, 15
- pārtha m. (fr. pṛthā) metron. of Yudhi-shṭhira or Bhīma-sena or Arjuna (esp. of the last
- pl. the 5 sons of Pa2ṇu) MBh. (cf. IW. 381, n. 4)
- N. of a king of Kaśrrīra (son of Paṅgu) and of another man Rājat
- Terminalia Arjuna L
- ○kirāta m. N. of the Kirātârjunīya Cat
- ○ja m. a son of Partha Rājat
- ○parākrama m. N. of a drama
- ○pura n. N. of a city near the confluence of the Go-dāvarī and Vidarbhā Col
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of sons of Pṛitha MBh
- ○vijaya m. N. of wk
- ○sārathi m. Arjuna's chariotetr', N. of Kṛishṇa RTL. 107
- -miśra m. N. of an author or sev. authors Cat
- ○stuti f. N. of a Stotra
- -ṭīkā f. N. of the Comm. on it
- pārtha m.= pārthiva, a prince, king L
- pārtha or pārthona m. (in astron.) = ? as (the Virgo of the zodiac)
- pārthakya n. (fr. pṛthak) severalty, difference, variety Sāh
- pārthagarthya n. (fr. prithag-artha) difference of purpose or meaning &c. Śaṃk
- pārthava mf(ī)n. belonging or peculiar to Pṛithu BhP
- m. Patr. fr. pṛthu Pravar
- n. width, great extent ĀpŚr. Sch
- pārthavi wṛ. for pārthiva n. Hariv
- pā́rthiva mf(ī or ā
- Pāṇ. 4-1, 85, Varit. 2) u. (fr. pṛthivii f. of pṛthu) earthen, earthy, earthly, being in or relating to or coming from the earth, terrestrial RV. &c. &c
- (from m. below) fit for kings or princes, royal, princely MBh. Hariv
- m. an inhabitant of the earth RV. AV
- a lord of the earth, king, prince, warrior Mn. MBh. &c
- an earthen vessel L
- a partic. Agni Gṛihyās
- the 19th (or 53rd) year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years Var
- (pl.) N. of a family belonging to the Kauślikas Hariv
- (ī), f. 'earth-born', N. of Sītā Ragh
- of Lakshmī L
- (with śānti) N. of wk
- n. (pl.) the regions of the earth RV
- an earthy substance Hariv. (v. l. ○thavi) Suśr
- Tabernaemontana Coronaria L
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the dignity or rank of king, royalty MBh
- ○nandinī f. the daughter of a king MW
- ○pūjana n. (and -vidhi, m.),
- ○pujā f. N. of wks
- ○rṣabha (r for ṛ), 'k bull', an excellent king MW
- ○liṅga n. characteristic or attribute of a king
- -pujana-vidhi m. -pūjā f. -pujârādhana n. māhātmya, n. -lakṣaṇa n. -vidhāna n. ○gôdyāpana n. N. of wks. or chs. of wks
- ○śreṣṭha m. best of kings MBh
- ○sutā f. a king's daughter MBh
- pārthivâtmajā f. id. ib
- pārthivâdhama m. the lowest or meanest of kings MW
- pārthivârcanavidhi m. N. of wk. Pārthivêndra, m. the chief or greatest of princes MW
- pārthivêsvara m. id
- -cintāmaṇi, ni. (ṇi-paddhati f.), pūjanavidhi and. -pūjā-vidhi m. N. of wks
- pārthuraśmá n. (fr. pṛthu-raśmi) N. of sev. Sāmans Br. Lāṭy
- pārda m. a species of tree Gaṇar. 300 Sch
- (ā), f. N. of a woman ib
- pārdā-vat mfn. ib. [Page 622, Column]
- pārdākī f. a species of plant ib
- pārdāyanī f. (fr. pardi, or pardin) Pāṇ. 4-2, 99 Pat
- pārpara m. (only L.) a handful of rice
- consumption or some other disease
- a filament of the Nauclea Cadamba
- ashes
- N. of Yama
- = jarāṭa (?)
- pārya See under 1. pāra, p. 620
- pāryantika &c. See under pāry, p. 621, col. 2
- pārvaṇa mf(ī)n. (fr. parvan) belonging or relating to a division of time or to the changes of the moon (such as at new or full moon)
- increasing, waxing, full (as the moon
- parvaṇau śaśi-divākarau, moon and sun at the time of full moon Ragh. xi, 82) GṛŚrS. Kāv. Pur. &c
- m. a halfmonth (= pakṣa) Jyot
- oblations offered at new and full moon GṛS
- ○caṭa-śráddha-prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○candrikā m. N. of wk
- ○śrāddha n. a ceremony in honour of ancestors performed at the conjunction of sun and moon i.e. at new moon and at other periods of the moon's changes RTL. 305
- N. of wk
- -paddhati f. -prayoga m. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- pārvāyânāntīya mf(ā)n. belonging to the days of new and full moon and to the solstices Mn
- pārvata mf(ī)n. (fr. parvata) being in or growing on or coming from or consisting of mountains
- mountainous, hilly MBh. Hariv. Pur. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 67, 8ch.)
- m. Melia Bukayun L
- (ī), f. See below
- pārvatāyana m. patr. of a chamberlain, Sak. vi, 7/8 (vḷ. parv○ and vātāyana)
- Pāṇ. 4-1, 103
- pārvati m. patr. of Daksha ŚBr
- Pan. ib
- pārvatika n. a multitude of mountains, mountain-range L
- pā́rvatī f. (of ○ta) a mountain stream Naigh. i, 13
- Boswellia Thurifera L
- Grislea Tomentosa L
- a kind of pepper L
- = kṣudra-pāṣāṇa-bhedā or jīvanī L
- a kind of fragrant earth L
- a female cowherd or Gopī L
- N. of the god Śiva's wife (as daughter of Hima-vat, king of the snowy mountains) Up. MBh. Kāv. &c. (RTL. 79)
- of Draupadī L. (wṛ. for pārṣatī)
- of sev. other women Cat of a river VP
- of a cave in mount Meru Hariv
- ○kṣetra n. 'district of Pārvatī (Durgā)', N. of one of the 4 esp. sacred districts of Orissa L
- ○dharma-putraka m. 'adopted son of Pārvatī' N. of Paraśu-rāma, Bllar
- ○nandana m. 'son of PṭPārvatī' N. of Kārttikeya L
- ○nātha m. 'lord of PṭPārvatī, N. of sev. men (the father of Tripurâri and the fṭfather of Dharma-siṃha) Cat
- ○netra m. (in music) a kind of measure
- ○pati m. 'husband of PṭPārvatī', N. of Śiva, Balar
- ○pariṇaya m. 'marriage of PṭPārvatī', N. of a poem and a drama
- ○paścāttāpa-varṇana n
- ○pravartana n
- ○prasādana n. N. of wks
- ○prâṇa-nātha m. 'lord of the life of Pārvatī N. of Siva Bālar
- ○mokṣaṇa n. N. of ch. of GaṇP
- ○locana m. (in music) a kind of measure
- ○"ṣśvara (○tI7zv○), m. = ○tī-nātha
- -liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga SkandaP
- ○sakha m. 'friend of PṭPārvatī', N. of Śiva' L
- ○sampradāna n. N. of ch. of BrahmaP
- ○sahasra-nāman n
- ○stotra n. N. of wks
- ○svayaṃvara m. N. of a drama
- pārvatīya mfn. living or dwelling in the mountains, mountainous
- m. a mountaineer MBh. R. &c
- Juglans Regia L
- N. of a sovereign ruling in the mountains MBh
- (pl.) of a mountains tribe L
- pārvateya mf(ī)n. belonging or relating to the mountains, mountains-born W
- m. N. of a prince of mountaineers MBh. (cf. ○tīya)
- (tī́), f. N. of the smaller or upper mill-stone VS
- n. antimony L
- pārśava m. (fr. 1. parśu) a prince of the Parśus Pāṇ. 5-3, 117
- pārśukā f. = parśukā, a rib L
- pārśvá n. (rarely m. g. ardharcâdi
- ifc. f. ā fr. 1. parśu) the region of the ribs (pl. the ribs), side, flank (either of animate or inanimate objects) RV. &c. &c
- the side = nearness, proximity (with gen. or ifc
- ayaḥ, on both sides
- am, aside, towards
- e, at the side, near [opp. to dura-tas]
- āt, away, from
- by means of, through) MBh. Kāv. &c
- a curved knife ŚBr
- a side of any square figure W
- the curve or circumference of a wheel ib
- (only n.) a multitude of ribs, the thorax W. [Page 622, Column]
- the extremity of the fore-axle nearest the wheel to which the outside horses of a four-horse chariot are attached L
- a fraudulent or crooked expedient L
- m. the side horse on a chariot MBh
- N. of an ancient Buddhist teacher
- (with Jainas) N. of the 23rd Arhat of the present Ava-sarpiṇī and of his servant
- (du.) heaven and earth L
- mfn. near, proximate (cf. comp. below)
- ○ga mfn. going at a person's side, accompanying, being in close proximity to (gen. or comp.), an attendant
- m.pl. attendants, retinue, Kav. Rājat
- ○gata mfn. being at the side, attending, accompanying, being close to or beside Kāv. Var
- sheltered, screening MW
- ○gamana n. the act of going by the side, accompanying, Kathās
- ○candra m. N. of an author Cat
- ○cara m. an attendant
- pl. attendants, retinue Ragh
- ○tás ind. by or from the side, at the side, near, sideways, aside (with gen. or ifc.), VS. Br. &c
- ○da m. 'turning the side towards ai, other', an attendant
- pl. attendants, retinue MBh. (vḷ. pārṣada)
- ○dāha m. a borning pain in the sṭside L
- ○deva m. N. of an author Cat
- ○deśa m. the region of the sṭside, the ribs L
- ○druma m. pl. the trees at the sṭside or on every side MW
- ○nātha m. N. of a Jaina teacher (predecessor of Mahā-virā) MWB. 530
- -kātvya n. -gītā f. -caritra n. -daśa-bhāva-visaha, m. -namaskāra m. -puraṇa n. -stava m. -stuti f. N. of wks. -parivartana n. 'turning round', N. of a festival on the 11th day of the light half of the month Bhādra (on which Vishṇu is supposed to turn upon the other side in his sleep) Col
- ○parivartita mfn. turned sidewards Mālav
- ○parivartin mfn. being or going by the side of (comp.) Ragh
- ○pippala n. a species of Harītaki Bhpr
- ○bhaṅga m. pain in the side Suśr
- ○bhāga m. side-portion', the side or flank (of an elephant) L
- ○maṇḍalin m. N. of a partic. posture in dancing Cat
- ○mānī f. the longer side of an oblong or the side of a square, Śulbas
- ○ruj f. = -bhaṅsga Suśr
- ○vaktra m. 'whose face is in his side', N. of one of Śiva's attendants Hariv
- ○vartin mfn. standing by the sṭside, an attendant
- m.pl. attendants, retinue Kāv
- ○vivartin mfn. being by the sṭside of, living with (gen.) Kathās
- ○śaya mfn. lying of sleeping on the side Pāṇ. 3-2, 15 Vārtt. 1
- ○śāyin m. id., N. of a partic. position of the moon Var
- ○śūla m. a shooting pain in the side, stitch, pleurisy Suśr
- ○saṃstha mfn. lying on the sṭside Vet
- ○saṃhita mfn. laid together (sṭside by side) Lāṭy
- ○saṃdhāna n. laying together (bricks) with their sides, Sulbas'
- ○sūtraka m. or n. a kind of ornament L
- ○stha mf(ā)n. standing at the side, being near or close to, adjacent, proximate MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. an associate, companion
- (esp.) a stage manager's assistant (said to serve as a sort of chorus, sometimes an actor in the prelude who explains the plot) L
- ○sthita mfn. standing at the side, being near or close Rājat
- pārśvânucara m. 'attending at the sṭside', an attendant, body. servant Ragh
- pārśvâyāta mfn. one who has approached close to Kathās
- pārśvârti f. pain in the side pleurisy Car
- pārśvâvamarda m. id. ib
- pārśvâsanna mfn. sitting by the sṭside, standing next, present Kathās
- pārśvâsīna mfn. sitting by the side ib
- pārśvâsthi n. 'side-bone', a rib Sāy
- pārśvâikādaśī f. = ○śva-parivartana L
- pārśvôdarapriya crab L
- pārśvôpapārśva m. du. flank and shoulder-blade Nal
- pārśvôpapīḍam ind. (to laugh) so as to hold one's sides Kathās. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 49 Kāś.)
- pārśvaka m. a rib Yājñ
- n. a by-way, dishonest means Hcat
- mfn. one who seeks wealth or other objects by indirect or side means Pāṇ. 5-2, 75
- pārśvatīya mfn. (fr. pārśva-tas) being on or belonging to or situated at the side, g. gahâdi
- pārśvala mfn. g. sidhmâdi
- pārśvika mfn. lateral, belonging to the side W. = ○śvaka, mfn. L
- m. a sidesman, associate W
- a juggler ib
- N. of an ancient teacher Buddh
- ī. = ○śvaka n. Vishṇ. Nār
- pārśvya m. du. heaven and earth Naigh. iii, 30 (v. l. for pārvau). Cf. antaḥ-pārśvya
- pārśava m. (fr. 2. parśu) a warrior armed with an axe W
- pārśva See col. 1
- pārṣaki m. patr. Pravar
- pārṣata mf(ī)n. (fr. priṣata) belonging to the spotted antelope, made of its skin &c. Kauś. Mn. Yājñ. MBh. [Page 622, Column]
- m. patr. of Dru-pada and his son Dhṛishṭa-dyumna MBh
- (ī), f. patr. of Draupadī ib
- of Durgā (wṛ. for pārvatī) L
- Boswellia Thurifera L
- = jīvanī L
- pārṣad Vṛiddhi form of pṛṣad in comp
- ○aṃśa mfn. g. utsâdi
- ○aśva m. patr. ĀśvGṛ
- ○vāṇá m. a patron. RV
- pārṣad f. (cf. next) an assembly L
- pl. the attendance or retinue of a god. BhP
- pārṣada m. (fr. parṣad) an associate, companion, attendant (esp. of a god), RamatUp. MBh. Suśr. (pl. attendance, retinue Hariv. BhP. Lalit.)
- a member of an assembly, spectator Prasannar
- n. a text-book received by any partic. grammatical school (a N. given to the Prātiśākhyas) Nir. i, 17
- N. of wk
- ○ṭīkā f. N. of wk
- ○tā f. the office of an attendant (esp. of the attṭattendant of a god) BhP
- ○pariśiṣṭa n
- ○vṛtti f
- ○vyākhyā f. N. of wks
- pārṣadaka vḷ. for pāriṣadaka g. kulālâdi
- pārṣaḍdīya mfn. conformable to the received text-book of any partic. grammatical school RPrāt
- pārṣaḍdya m. = pārtṣadya, a member of an assembly, assessor
- m.pl.= pārṣada pl. L
- pārṣika m. metron. of (ā), f. N. of a woman, g. śivâdi
- pārṣikya n. (fr. parṣika), g. -purohitâdi
- pārṣī (?), f. dung L
- pārṣṭika wṛ. for pārṣṭhika
- pā́rṣṭeya mf(ī)n, (fr. pṛṣṭi) being within the ribs AV
- pārṣṭhika mfn. being after the manner of the Pṛishṭhya (Ṣaḍ-aha) ŚrS
- pā́rṣṇi f. (L. also m
- rarely pārṣṇī, f
- fr. √pṛṣ ? Uṇ. iv, 52 Sch.) the heel RV. &c. &c
- the extremity of the fore-axle to which the outside horses of a four-horse chariot are attached (the two inner horses being harnessed to the dhur, or chariot-pole) MBh
- the rear of an army (○ṇim √grah with gen., to attack in the rear) MBh. Hariv. Kāv
- the back W
- a kick ib
- enquiry, asking ib
- a foolish or licentious woman L
- N. of a plant (= kuntī or kumbhī) L
- ○kṣeman m. N. of a divinity MBh
- ○ga mfn. following a person's heels or the rear of an army L
- ○graha mfn. seizing or threatening from behind BhP
- m. a follower, either an ally who supports or an enemy who attacks the rear of a king MW
- ○grahaṇa n. attacking or threatening an enemy in the rear MBh
- ○grāha mfn. attacking in the rear
- 'heel-catcher', an enemy in the rear or a commander in the rear of an army (applied also to hostile planets) Mn. MBh. &c
- ○ghāta m. a kick with the heels Kathās
- ○tra n. a rear-guard reserve L
- ○prahāra m. = -ghāta Kathās
- ○yantṛ m. a charioteer who drives side-horse MBh
- ○v�āh or m. 'drawing (i.e. harnessed to) the extremities of the axle-tree'
- ○valha m. 'drawing (i.e. harnessed to) the extremities of the axle-tree'
- an outside horse MBh
- ○sārathi m. du. the two charioteers who drive the outside horses (cf. prec.) MBh
- parṣṇy-abhighāta m: -"ṣṇi-ghāta Kathās
- pārṣṇīla mfn. g. sidhmâdi
- pārṣṇuvi (!), m. a patron. Cat
- pāl cl. 10. P. (Dhātup. xxxii, 69) pālayati (○te
- also regarded as Caus. of √2. pā [Pāṇ. 7-3, 37 Vārtt. 2, pat.], but rather Nom. of pāla below
- p. P. pālayat Ā. ○layāna
- pf. ○layām āsa
- aor. apīpalat), to watch, guard, protect, defend, rule, govern
- to keep, maintain, observe (a promise or vow) AV. Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- pāla m. (ifc. f. ā) a guard, protector, keeper R. Hariv
- a herdsman Mn. Gaut. Yājñ. MBh
- protector of the earth, king. prince BhP
- (also n.) a spitting spittoon (as 'recipient' ?) L
- N. of a serpent-demon of the race of Vāsuki MBh
- of a prince Cat
- (with bhatṭa) N. of an author ib
- (ī), f. a herdsman's wife MBh. v, 3608
- an oblong pond (as 'receptacle' of water?) Var. (cf. pāli)
- ○kavi-rāja m. N. of a poet Cat. (cf. śrī-k"ṣ-r○)
- ○kāvya n. N. of a poem Cat. (wṛ. for ○kāpya?
- below.)
- ○ghna m. a mushroom L
- ○vaṇīj wṛ. for pāna-v○
- pālaka mf(ikā)n. guarding, protecting, nourishing W
- m. a guardian, protector MBh. (ikā f.)
- a foster-father Rājat
- a prince, ruler, sovereign ib. BhP. [Page 623, Column]
- a world-protector (= loka-p○) Kām
- a horse-keeper, groom L
- a maintainer, observer MārkP
- a species of plant with a poisonous bulb Suśr
- Plumbago Zeylanica L
- a horse L
- N. of sev. princes Mṛicch. Kathās. Pur
- n. a spittoon Gal. (cf. pāla above)
- ○gotra n. the family or tribe of one's adoptive parents MW
- pālakâkhyā f. N. of the mother of Pālakāpya (below)
- pālana mf(ī)n. guarding, nourishing (○nī jananī f. a foster-mother) MārkP
- n. the act of guarding, protecting, nourishing, defending Mn. MBh. &c
- maintaining, keeping, observing MBh. Kāv. &c
- the milk of a cow that has recently calved L. (-karman n. superintendence Śak
- -vṛtti f. a partic. manner of subsistence Baudh.)
- pāḍlanīya mfn. to be guarded or protected or maintained or observed MBh. ○layitṛ mfn. protecting, cherishing
- a protector or guardian Kauś. MBh. Kāv. &c
- pāḍli m. (prob.) a protector, ruler (cf. go-pāli and prajā-p○)
- pāḍlita mfn. guarded, protected, cherished, nourished MBh. R. &c
- m. Trophis Aspera L
- N. of a prince (son of Parā-jit or Parā-vṛit) Hariv. Pur. (vḷ. palita)
- of a poet Cat
- (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- pāḍlin mfn. protecting, guarding, keeping Śukas. BhP
- m. (ifc.) a ruler, king of. BhP
- N. of a son of Pṛithu Hariv
- (inī), f. Ficus Heterophylla L
- pāḍlī-vrata n. a partic. observance Cat
- pāḍleya mfn. (fr. pāla), g. saṃkāśâdi. ○īya mfn. = ○lanīya MBh. Kathās
- being under any one's (gen.) protection or guardianship Rājat
- pālakāpya m. N. of an ancient sage or Muni (= kareṇu-bhū or = dhanvan-tari) L
- of an author Cat
- n. N. of his wk. (cf. pālakāvya above)
- pālakka m. or n. N. of a country Inscr
- pālakyā f. Beta Bengalensis Car
- pālaṅka (only L.), m. Boswellia Thurifera
- a species of bird
- m. and (ī), f. Beta Bengalensis (also ○kikā Bhpr.)
- (ī), f. gum olibanum, incense L
- pālaṅkya n. and (ā), f. incense Suśr
- Beta Bengalensis Bhpr
- pālaṅgin m. pl N. of a school called after a disciple of Vaiśampāyana Pāṇ. 4-3, 104 Sch
- pālada mfn. (fr. pala-da), Pān iv 2, 110
- pālala mf(ī)n. (fr. palala) made of powdered sesamum seed Suśr
- pālavi f. a kind of vessel Hariv
- pālahāri m. (patr. fr. palahara?) N. of a man Rājat
- pālāgalá m. a runner, messenger (according to others 'a bearer of false tidings') ŚBr. KātyŚr. Sch
- (ī), f. the fourth and least respected wife of a prince ib
- pā́lāśa mf(ī)n. (fr. palāśa) coming from or belonging to the tree Butea Frondosa, made of its wood Br. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- green Var
- m. Butea Frondosa MBh. (m. c. for patāśa)
- ○karman n. N. of a partic. ceremony ĀpGṛ. Sch
- ○kalpa and m. N. of wks
- ○vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○khaṇḍa and m. N. of Magadha L
- ○ṣaṇḍa m. N. of Magadha L
- pālaśaka mfn. (fr. palāśa), g. varāhâdi
- pālāśi m. (patr. fr. palāśa) Pravar
- pāli f. (in most meanings and ifc. f. also ii [under. pāla]
- according to Uṇ. iv, 529 Sch. fr. √pal) the tip or lobe of the ear, the outer ear Suśr. (cf. karṇa- and śravaṇa-p○)
- a boundary, limit, margin, edge MBh. Kāv. &c
- a row, line, range Ratnâv. Siś. Gīt
- a dam, dike, bridge Rājat
- a pot, boiler HPariś
- a partic. measure of capacity (= prastha) L
- prescribed food, maintenance of a scholar during the period of his studies by his teacher L
- the lap, bosom L
- a circumference L
- a mark, spot L
- a louse L
- a woman with a beard L. = praśaṃsā L. (○lī ifc. to denote praise, Gaṇ.)
- = prabedha L
- ○ṃ-hira m. (wṛ. for -hara, 'seizing by the tip of the ear' ?) a kind of snake Suśr
- ○jvara m. a kind of fever L. [Page 623, Column]
- ○bhaṅga m. bursting of a dike Rājat
- pālyāmaya m. a disease of the outer ear Suśr
- pālikā f. (cf. under pāla) the tip of the ear L
- a margin, edge L
- a pot or boiler HPariś
- a cheese or butter knife L
- pālita See under √pāl
- pā́litya n. (fr. palita) greyness (of age), hoariness AV
- mfn. g. saṃkāśâdi
- pālinda m. incense L
- Jasminum Pubescens W
- (ī), f. Ichnocarpus Frutescens Suśr. (also ○ndi)
- = next L
- pālindhī f. a species of Ipomoea with dark blossoms L
- pālisāyana m. patr. Pravar
- pālīvata m. a species of tree Var. (prob. = pārevata)
- pālohaya (!), m. patr. Pravar
- pāllaka mfn. (fr. pallī), g. dhūmâdi
- pāllavā f. (fr. pallava, sc. krīḍā) a game played with twigs L
- pāllavika mfn. diffusive, digressive Car
- pālvala mf(ī)n. (fr. palvala) coming from a tank or pool Suśr
- ○tīra mfn. (fr. palvalatīra) Pāṇ. 4-2, 106 Sch
- pāva mfn. (√pū) only in hiraṇya-p○, q.v
- m. (in music) a partic. wind-instrument
- (ā), f. See col. 3
- pāvaká mf(ā́)n. pure, clear, bright, shining RV. VS. AV. (said of Agni, Sūrya and other gods, of water, day and night &c
- according to native Comms. it is mostly = sodhaka', cleansing, purifying')
- m. N. of a partic. Agni (in the Purāṇas said to be a son of Agni Abhimānin and Svāhā or of Autardhāna and Śikhaṇḍinī) TS. TBr. KātyŚr. Pur
- (ifc. f. ā) fire or the god of fire Up. MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of the number 3 (like all words for 'fire', because fire is of three kinds, See agni) Sūryas
- a kind of Rishi, a saint, a person purified by religious abstraction or one who purified from sin MBh
- Prenina Spinosa L
- Plumbago Zeylanica or some other species L
- Semecarpus Anacardium L
- Carthamus Tinctoria L
- Embelia Ribes L
- (ikā), f. (in music) = pāva
- (ī), f. the wife of Agni L
- ○vat mfn. containing the word or having the name pāvaka
- N. of a partic. Agni AitBr. ŚrS
- ○varcas (ká-), mfn. brightly resplendent (as Agni) RV
- ○varṇa (○ká-), mfn. of pure or brilliant aspect ib. VS. Gaut
- ○śocis (○kâ-), mfn. (voc. ○ce) shining brightly RV
- ○suta m. patr. of Su-darśana MBh
- pāvakâtmaja m. patr. of Skanda ib
- pāvakâraṇi m. Premna Spinosa L
- pāvakârcis f. a flash of fire MBh
- pāvakâstra n. a fiery weapon Uttarar. vi, 5/6
- pāvakêśvara n. N. of a Tirtha ŚivaP
- pāvaki m. 'son of Fire', N. of Skanda MBh. Hariv. R
- of Su-darśana MBh
- of Vishṇu Hariv
- pāvakīya mfn. coming from the god of fire or relating to him Cat
- fiery (said of weapons), Bilar. vii, 33 (cf. pāvakâstra)
- pāvana mf(ī)n. purifying, purificatory
- pure, holy Mn. MBh. &c
- living on wind Nīlak
- m. a partic. fire Kull. on Mn.iii, 185
- fire L
- incense L
- a species of Verbesina with yellow flowers L
- a Siddha (s.v.) L
- N. of Vyāsa L
- of one of the Viśve Devāh MBh
- of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- (ī), f. Terminalia Chebula L
- holy basil L
- a cow L
- N. of a river MBh. R
- the Ganges or the goddess Gaṅgā W
- n. the act or a means of cleansing or purifying, purification, sanctification Mn. MBh. &c
- penance, atonement L
- watee L
- cow-dung L
- the seed of Elaeocarpus Ganitrus (of which rosaries are made) L
- Costus Speciosus L
- a sectarial mark L
- = adhyāsa L
- ○tva n. the property of cleansing or purifying Sāh
- ○dhvani m. a conch-shell L
- pāvamāná mf(ī)n. (fr. pavamāna) relating to Soma juice (while being purified by a strainer) or to Agni Pavamāna TS. AV. TāṇḍBr. Gobh
- m. pl. the authors of the Pāvamānī hymns or verses ŚāṅkhGṛ
- (lī́-), f. sg. or pl. N. of partic. hymns (esp. those of RV. ix AV. xix, 71 &c.) Br. GṛŚrS. Mn. &c. (also ○māna, m.)
- n. N. of sev. Sāmans ĀrshBr
- pāvita mfn. (fr. √pū, Caus.) cleansed, purified Mn. MBh. &c
- pāvitra n. a kind of metre Col. (wṛ. for pav○?). [Page 623, Column]
- pāvitrāyaṇa m. patr. fr. pavitra, g. aśvâdi
- pāvitrya n. purity Siṃhâs
- pāvinī f. (prob.) wṛ. for pāvanī MBh. iii, 10543
- pāvya mfn. to be cleansed or purified Bhaṭṭ
- pāvan. 2 See under √1. 3. pā
- pāvara m. or n. the die or side of a die which is marked with 2 dots or points (prob. corrupted fr. dvā-para) Mṛicch. ii, 8
- pāvaṣṭurikeya m. patr. fr. pavaṣṭurika g. śubhrâdi
- pāvā f. N. of a city near Rāja-gṛiha Buddh
- ○purī f. id. ib. (also written pāpā-p○)
- pāvindāyana m. metron. fr. pavindā g. aśvâdi (Kāś.)
- pā́vīrava mf(ī)n. (fr. paviiru) proceeding from or relating to the thunderbolt
- (ī), f. (with or sc. kanyā), 'daughter of lightning', the noise of thunder RV
- pā́śa m. (once n. ifc. f. ā
- fr. √3. paś) a snare, trap, noose, tie, bond, cord, chain, fetter (lit. and, fig.) RV. &c. &c
- (esp.) the noose as attribute of Siva or Yama RTL. 81 ; 290
- (with Jainas) anything that binds or fetters the soul, i.e. the outer world, nature Sarvad. (cf. also RTL. 89)
- selvage, edge, border (of anything woven), ŚrGṛS
- a die, dice MBh
- (in astrol.) a partic. constellation
- (ifc. it expresses either contempt e.g. chattra-p○, a shabby umbrella', or 0admiration e.g. karṇa-p○, 'a beautiful ear'
- after a word signifying, hair' abundance, quantity e.g. keśa-p○, 'a mass of hair')
- (ī), f. a rope, fetter Siś. xviii, 57 (cf. also 2. pāśī)
- ○kaṇṭha mfn. having a noose round the neck Kathās
- ○kapālin mfn. having a noose and a skull HPariś
- ○krīḍā f. 'dice-play', gambling Siṅhās
- ○jāla n. the outer world conceived as a net (cf. above) Sarvad
- ○tva n. the state or condition of the outer world or nature ib
- ○dyumna (pā́ta-), m. N. of a man RV
- ○dhara m. 'holding a noose', N. of Varuṇa Hariv
- ○pāṇi m. 'noose in hand', id. ṢaḍvBr
- ○baddha mfn. noosed, snared, caught, bound W
- ○bandha m. a noose, snare, halter, net Hit
- ○bandhaka m. a bird-catcher Pañc
- ○bandhana n. a snare, fetter BhP
- mfn. hanging in a snare Kathās
- ○bhṛt m. = -dhara Var. Ragh
- ○rajju f. a fetter, rope Kathās
- ○vat mfn. having or possessing a noose (as Varuṇa) MBh
- ○hasta mfn. noose in hand VP m. N. of Yama Kathās
- pāśânta m. the back of a garment (opp. to daśā) Var
- pāśâbhidhānā f. N. of the 12th day of a half-month Hcat
- pāśaka m. a snare, trap, noose (ifc
- cf. kaṇṭha-, daṇḍa-)
- a die HPariś
- (ikā), f. a strap of leather on a plough Kṛishis
- ○kevalī f. N. of wk. (also spelled pāśākevalī or pāśaka-keralī)
- ○pīṭha m. or n. a gaming-table Mṛicch
- pāśaya Nom.P. ○śayati, to bind Nir. iv, 2 Dhātup. xxxiii, 45
- pāśāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a rope Kāv
- pāśika m. one who snares animals, a birdcatcher Var
- N. of a man Rājat
- (ā), f. See under pāśaka
- pāśita mfn. tied, fettered, bound, snared Daś. AgP
- pāśín mfn. having a net or noose, laying snares
- m. a bird-catcher, trapper Āpast
- N. of Varuṇa MBh. Hariv
- of Yama RTL. 290
- of a son of Dhṛita-rāshira MBh
- pāśila mfn. (fr. pāśa), g. kāśâdi
- pāśi-vāṭa m. pl. N. of a people MBh
- pāśyā f. a multitude of nooses or ropes, a net Pāṇ. 4-2, 49
- pāśava mf(ī)n. (fr. paśu) derived from or belonging to cattle or animals (with māṃsa n. animals food) Kauś. Vet. Suśr
- n. a flock, herd W
- ○pālana n. 'nourishing flocks', pasturage or meadow grass L
- ○mata n. an erroneous doctrine Hariv
- pāśuka mf(ī)n. relating to cattle (esp. to the sacrificial animal) ŚrS. (cf. Pan, iv, 3, 72)
- ○cāturmāsya n. N. of wk
- pāśukâdi-prayoga m. N. of ch. of Sāyaṇa's Yajña-tantra -sudhā-nidhi
- pāśupata mf(ī)n. relating or sacred to or coming from Śiva Paśu-pati MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. a follower or worshipper of Śiva Paśu-pati Kathās. Rājat. (cf. RTL. 59) [Page 624, Column]
- Agati Grandiflora L
- Getonia Floribunda L
- n. = -jñāna MBh. N. of a celebrated weapon given by Siva to Arjuna MBh. iii, 1650 &c
- of a place sacred to Śiva Paśu-pati Cat
- ○jñāna n. the doctrine of the Pāśupatas Cat
- ○brahmôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up
- ○yoga m. the system of the pṭplace Sarvad
- -prakaraṇa n. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○vrata n. = -yoga MBh
- N. of the 40th Pariś. of AV
- -vivaraṇa n. N. of a ch. of LiṅgaP
- ○vratin m. a follower of Siva Paśu-pati
- ○ti-viśa mfn. wearing the dress of a follower of SṭSiva Paśu-pati Rājat
- ○śāstra n. -jñāna Sarvad
- pāśupatâstra n. Śiva's trident MBh
- pāśupatôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up
- pāśupalya n. (fr. paśu-pāla) the breeding and rearing of cattle Yājñ. MBh. &c
- pāśubandhaka mf(ikā)n. and ○bandhika mf(ī)n. (fr. paśu-bandha) relating to the slaughter of a sacrificial animal
- pāśī f. (for 1. See under pāśa) a stone Kauś. 83 ; 85 (vḷ. pásī ; cf. pāṣáṇa, pāṣī)
- pāścāttya or pāścātya mf(ā) n. (fr. paścāt or paścā) hinder, western, posterior, last MBh. R. Pañc
- ○nirayâmṛta n. N. of wk
- ○bhāga m. the hinder part (of a needle, i.e. its eye) ŚārṅgP
- ○rātri (only au ind.), towards the end of the night Kathârṇ
- pāścātyâkarasambhava n. a species of salt coming from the West (= romaka) L
- pāṣaka m. an ornament for the feet BrahmaP
- pāṣaṇḍa mf(ī)n. (wrongly spelt pākhaṇḍa) heretical, impious MBh. Pur
- m. a heretic, hypocrite, impostor, any one who falsely assumes the characteristics of an orthodox Hindū, a Jaina, Buddhist ib. &c
- m. or n. false doctrine, heresy Mn. BhP
- ○khaṇḍana n. N. of wk
- ○capeṭikā f. N. of wk
- ○tā f. heresy, heterodoxy, Inscr
- ○dalana n
- ○mukha-capeṭikā f
- ○mukhamardana n. N. of wks
- ○viḍambana n. N. of a comedy
- ○stha mfn. addicted to heresy, belonging to an heretical sect Mn. ix, 225
- pāṣaṇsya-capeṭikā f. = ○da-mukha-capetikā
- pāṣāṇḍaka or (L.),
- pāṣāṇḍḍika (L.),
- pāṣāṇḍḍin (Mn. Yājñ. &c.), m. a heretic (cf. IW. 219 ; 299)
- pāṣāṇḍa
- pāṣāṇḍḍin vḷ. for pâṣaṇḍa, ○ḍin
- pāṣāṇḍya n. heresy Yājñ
- pāṣāṇa m. (ifc. f. ā
- according to Uṇ. ii, 90 Sch. fr. √paṣ
- cf. pāśī) a stone Br. MBh. &c
- (ī), f. a small stone used as a weight L
- a spear A
- ○gardabha m. a hard swelling on the maxillary joint Suśr
- ○ghāta-dāyin mfn. throwing or striking with a stone Kathās
- ○caturdaśī f. the 14th day in the light half of the month Mārgaśīrsha (on which a festival of Gaurī is celebrated, when cakes made of rice and shaped like large pebbles are eaten) BhavP
- ○caya-nibaddha mfn. surrounded with a coping of stone (as a well) Pañc
- ○dāraka or m. a stone-cutter's chisel L
- ○dāraṇa m. a stone-cutter's chisel L
- ○bheda m. Plectranthus Scutellarioides Car
- -rasa m. its juice Rasar
- ○bhedaka m. = bheda Bhpr
- ○bhedana m. id. or Lycopodium Imbricatum L
- ○bhedin m. id. or Coleus Aniboinicus L
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting or made of stone Kull
- ○vajraka-rasa m. a partic. medicinal preparation Rasar
- ○śilā f. a flat stone Siṃhâs
- ○saṃdhi m. a cave or chasm in a rock L
- ○setu-bandha m. a barrier or dam of stone Rājat
- ○hṛdaya mfn. stone-hearted, cruel MW
- pāṣi f. = silā, a stone or = śakti, a spear Sāy. on RV. i, 56, 6 (cf. 2. pāśī)
- pāṣyá n. pl. stones, a rampart of stones RV
- du. the two stones for pressing the Soma ib
- pāṣṭhauha n. (fr. paṣṭha-vāh) N. of a Sāman Br. Lāṭy
- pāsa m. vḷ. for yāsa
- (ī), f. vḷ. for pāśī
- pāstyá mfn. belonging to a house, domestic
- n. (?) household RV. iv, 21, 6
- pāhaṇa-pura n. N. of a place Romakas
- pāhāḍikā and pāhidā, f. (in music) N. of Rāgiṇīs (cf. pahāḍī). [Page 624, Column]
- pāhāta m. the Indian mulberry tree, Morus Indicadir (= brahma-dāru) L
- pi cl. 6. P. piyati, to go, move Dhātup. xxviii, 112 (cf. √2. pī)
- pi See under api
- piṃś and piṃṣ, See √piś and piṣ
- piṃs cl. 1. 10. piṃsati, ○sayati, to speak
- to shine Dhātup. xxxiii, 89
- piká m. the Indian cuckoo, Cuculus Indicus VS. Kāv. &c
- (ī), f. a female cuckoo Kathās
- ○nikara m. a pseudonym of a poet Cat
- ○priyā f. 'dear to the cuckoo', a species of Jambū L
- ○baudhu m. cuckoo's friend', the mango tree L
- ○bādhava m. 'id.', the spring L
- ○bhakṣā f. 'cuckoo's food' = bhūmi-jambū L
- ○rāga and m. 'cuckoo's favourite', the mango tree L
- ○vallabha m. 'cuckoo's favourite', the mango tree L
- ○svarā f. cuckoo's note', N. of a Surâṅganā, Sinhâs
- pikâkṣa n. 'cuckoo's eye', = rocanī L
- pikâṅga m. cuckoo-shaped', a partic. bird L
- pikânanda m. 'cuckoo's joy', the spring L
- pikêkṣaṇā f. cuckoo's eye', Asteracantha Longifolia L
- pikka m. an elephant 20 years old (= vikka), any yaung elephant L
- (ā), f. a collection or string of 13 pearls weighing a Dharaṇa VarBṛS. lxxxi, 17 (cf. piccā)
- piṅga piṅgara, piṅgala, See under √piñj, col. 3
- picaṇḍa m. n. the belly or abdomen L
- m. a partic. part or limb of an animal L
- picaṇḍḍaka mfn. = ○de kuśalaḥ g. ākarṣâdi
- (íkā), f. the calf of the leg or the instep L
- picaṇḍḍika
- picaṇḍḍin (g. tundâdi),
- picaṇḍḍila (KāśīKh.), mfn. big-bellied, corpulent
- piciṇḍa m. = picaṇḍa L
- -vat mfn. corpulent L
- piciṇḍḍikā f
- piciṇḍila mfn. = picaṇḍikā, ○ḍila
- picila m. an elephant Gal
- picu m. cotton Car
- Vangueria Spinosa Suśr
- a sort of grain L
- a Karsha or weight of 2 Tolas Suśr
- a kind of leprosy L
- N. of Bhairava or of one of his 8 faces L
- of an Asura L
- ○tūla n. cotton L
- ○manda or m. the Nimb tree, Azadirachta Indica L
- ○marda m. the Nimb tree, Azadirachta Indica L
- ○vaktrā f. N. of a Yoginī Hcat
- picavya m. the cotton plant L
- picuka m. Vangueria Spinosa Suśr
- picukīya mfn. g. utkarâdi
- picula m. a species of tree (Barringtonia Acutangula or Tamarix Indica) L. (cf. IW. 423, 3)
- cotton L
- a kind of cormorant or sea crow L
- picc cl. 10. P. piccayati, to press flat, squeeze Dhātup. xxxii, 40 (vḷ. for pich, q.v.)
- piccaṭa mfn. pressed flat, squeezed L
- m. inflammation of the eyes, ophthalmia L
- n. a substance pressed flat, cake (cf. tila-p○)
- tin or lead L
- piccita mfn. = piccaṭa Suśr
- piccā f. a collection or string of 16 pearls weighing a Dharaṇa VarBṛS. lxxxi, 17 (vḷ. pivā
- cf. pikkā)
- picciṭa and ○ṭaka m. a species of venomous insect Suśr
- picchorā f. a pipe, flute ŚrS
- piccholā f. id. ib. = oṣadhi L
- pich cl. 10 P. picchayati, to press flat, squeeze, expand, divide Dhātup. xxxli, 20 (vḷ. pice
- above.)
- cl. 6. P. picchati, to inflict pain, hurt Dhātup. xxviii, 16 Vop
- piccha n. a feather of a tail (esp. of a peacock, prob. from, n. its, being spread or expanded) MBh. Kāv. &c
- (pl.) the feathers of an arrow KātyŚr. Sch
- a tail (also m.) L
- a wing L
- a crest L
- (ā), f. the scum of boiled rice and of other grain L
- the gum of Bombax Heptaphyllum L
- slimy saliva Car
- the venomous saliva of a snake L
- a multitude, mass, heap Car
- the calf of the leg Var
- a sheath or cover L
- the areca-nut L
- a row or line L
- a diseased affection of a horse's feet L
- Dalbergia Sissoo L
- = mocā and picchila L
- armour, a sort of cuirass L
- ○bāṇa m. 'arrow feathered', a hawk L
- ○latikā f. a tail-feather Bālar
- ○vat mfn. having a tail, tailed W
- picchâsrāva m. slimy saliva Car. [Page 624, Column]
- pitcchaka m. or n. a tail-feather Cat. (cf. citra-p○)
- (ikā), f. a bunch of peacock's tailfeathers (used by conjurors) Ratnâv
- picchana n. pressing flat, squeezing Car
- picchala mfn. slimy, slippery, smeary MBh. Kād. (vḷ. picchila)
- m. N. of a Nāga of the race of Vāsuki MBh
- (ā), f. N. of sev. plants (Dalbergia Sissoo, Bombax Heptaphyllum &c.) L
- of a river MBh. (vḷ. pitchilā)
- ○dalā f. Zizyphus Jujuba L
- picchaḻâṅga m. Pimelodus Gagora (= gargara) Gal
- picchitikā (!), f. Dalbergia Sissoo L. (wṛ. for picchilikā?)
- picchila mf(ā)n. slimy, lubricous, slippery, smeary (opp. to viśada) MBh. Suśr. (-tva n.), &c
- having a tail W
- m. Cordia Latifolia L
- Tamarix Indica L
- (ā), f. N' of a river MBh. (vḷ. picchalā)
- of sev. trees and other plants (Dalbergia Sissoo, Bombax Heptaphyllum, Basella Lucida or Rubra, a kind of grass &c.) L
- ○cchadā f. Basella Cordifolia L
- ○tvac m. Grewia Elastica L
- an orange tree or orange-peel L
- ○bīja n. the fruit of Dillenia Indica L
- ○sāra m. the gum of Bombax Heptaphyllum L
- picchilā-tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- picchilaka m. Grewia Elastica L
- picchilī-√kṛ to make slippery or smeary Kād
- piñcha n. a wing (= piccha) L
- pijavana m. N. of a man Nir. ii, 24 (cf. paijavana)
- pijūla m. N. of a man, g. aśvādi
- piñca-deva m. N. of a man Rājat
- piñj cl. 2. Ā. piṅkte, to tinge, dye, paint Dhātup. xxiv, 18 ; 20
- to join ib. (cf. √pṛc)
- to sound ib
- to adore ib. Vop
- cl.10. P. piñjayati, to kill
- to be strong
- to give or to take (?)
- to dwell Dhātup. xxxii, 31
- to shine
- to speak, xxxiii, 84
- to emit a sound Nir. iii, 18. [Cf. Lat. pingo?]
- piṅga mf(ā)n. yellow, reddish-brown, tawny MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. g. kaḍārâdi)
- m. yellow (the colour) L
- a buffalo L.: a mouse L
- N. of one of the sun's attendants L
- of a man ĀśvŚr. (cf. paiṅgi, ○gin)
- (piṅgá, in one place pínga), N. of a kind of divine being (?) AV. viii, 6, 6 ; 18 &c
- (píngā), f. a bow-string RV. viii, 58, 9 (Sāy
- cf. piṅgala-jya)
- a kind of yellow pigment (cf. go-rocanā)
- the stalk of Ferula Asa Foetida L
- turmeric, Indian saffron L
- bamboo manna W
- N. of a woman MBh
- of Durgā W
- a tubular vessel of the human body which according to the Yoga system is the channel of respiration and circulation for one side ib
- (ī), f. Mimosa Suma ib
- n. orpiment L
- a young animal MW
- ○kapiśā f. 'reddish-brown', a species of cockroach L
- ○cakṣus m. 'yellow-eyed', a crab L
- ○jaṭa m. 'having yellow-braided hair', N. of Śiva L
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha MBh
- ○danta m. 'yellow-toothed', N. of a man Kathās
- ○dṛś m. 'yellow-eyed', N. of Śiva Gal
- ○deha m. 'yellow-bodied', id. Śivag
- ○mūla m', having a reddish √', a carrot L
- ○locana mfn. having root-brown eyes Var
- ○varṇavatī f. turmeric L
- ○sāra m. yellow orpiment L
- ○sphaṭika m. 'yṭyellow-crystal', a kind of gem L
- piṅgâkṣá mf(i)n. = ○ga-locana VS. ŚBr. &c
- m. an ape R
- N. of Agni MBh
- of śiva L
- of a Rakshas Cat
- of a Daitya Kathās
- of a wild man KāśīKh
- of a bird (one of the 4 sons of Droṇa) MārkP
- (ī), f. N. of a deity presiding over families Cat
- of one of Skanda's attendant Mātṛis MBh
- piṅgâsya m. 'tawny-faced', a species of fish, Pilemodius Pangasius L
- piṅgêkṣaṇa mfn. = ○ga-locana Var
- N. of Śiva L
- piṅgêsa m. 'lord of the yellow hue', N. of Agni MBh
- piṅgêsvara m. id.', N. of a being attendant on Pārvatī L
- piṅgara m. N. of a man MW
- piṅgalá mf(ā́ and ī)n. (cf. g. gaurâdi and kaḍārâdi), reddish-brown, tawny, yellow, goldcoloured AV. &c. &c,
- (in alg. also as N. of the 10th unknown quantity)
- having reddish-bṭbrown eyes KātyŚr. Sch
- m. yellow colour W
- fire. L
- an ape L
- an ichneumon L
- a small kind of owl L
- a small kind of lizard L
- a species of snake Suśr
- a partic. vegetable poison L
- (with Jainas) N. of a treasure
- the 51st (or 25th) year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter Var
- N. of Śiva or a kindred being GṛS. Gaut. &c. [Page 625, Column]
- of an attendant of Śiva Kathās
- of an attendant of the Sun L
- of a Rudra VP
- of a Yaksha MBh
- of a Dānava Kathās
- of a Nāga or serpent-demon MBh. i, 1554 (the supposed author of the Chandas or treatise on metre regarded as one of the Vedâṅgas, identified by some with Patañjali, author of the Mahā-bhāshya)
- of sev. ancient sages MBh. R. &c
- pl. N. of a people MārkP
- (ā), f. a species of bird L
- a kind of owl Var
- Dalbergia Sissoo L
- = karṇikā L
- a kind of brass L
- a partic. vessel of the body (the right of 3 tubular vessels which according to the Yoga philosophy are the chief passages of breath and air
- ChUp. viii, 6, 1)
- a kind of yellow pigment (= go-rocanā) L
- N. of Lakshmī Gal
- of a courtezan who became remarkable for her piety MBh
- of the female elephant of the South quarter L
- of an astrological house or period W
- heart-pea W
- n. a partic. metal L
- yellow orpiment L
- ○kāṇva m. N. of a teacher Pat
- ○gāndhāra m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās
- ○cchandaḥsūtra n. N. of Piṅgala's work on metrics
- ○dovṛtti and ○do-vyākyā f. n. of Comms. on this wk
- ○jya mfn. having a brown string (Śiva's bow) MBh. vii, 6148 (cf. piṅgā)
- ○tattva-prakaśikā (and ○śinī), f. N. of wks
- ○tva n. a tawny or yellow colour R
- ○nāga m. the serpent-demon Piṅgala IW. 153
- ○prakāśa m
- ○pradyota m
- ○mata-prakāśa m. N. of wks
- ○roman mfn. tawny-haired (said of a Piśāca) Hariv
- ○loha n. a kind of metal L
- ○vatsájīva m. N. of a man Divyāv
- ○vārttika n
- ○vṛtti f
- ○sāra m. (and -vikāśinī f.),
- ○sutra n. N. of wks
- piṅgalâkṣa mfn. having reddish-brown eyes TPrāt. Sch
- m. N. of Śiva MW
- piṅgalātantra n
- piṅgalā-mata n
- piṅgâlâmṛta n
- piṅgalârtha-dīpa m
- piṅgalâryā f. N. of wks
- piṅgalâśvara n. N. of a Liṅga Cat. (-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ib
- -māhātmya n. N. of wk. ib.)
- (ī), f. a form of Dākshāyaṇī ib
- piṅgalaka mf(ikā́)n. reddish-brown, yellow, tawny AV
- m. N. of a Yaksha MBh
- of a man (pl. his descendants), g. upakâdi
- of a lion Pañc
- (ikā), f. a variety of the owl (= piṅgalā) Var
- a sort of crane L
- a kind of bee Suśr
- N. of a woman Kathās
- piṅgalita mf(ā)n. made reddishbrown, become tawny Kathās
- piṅgalin mfn. reddish-brown R
- piṅgaliman m. tawny or yellow colour Kāv
- piṅgāśa m. (only L.) the chief of a community of wild tribes
- the head man or proprietor of a village
- a kind of fish, Pimelodius Pangasius (= piṅgâsya)
- (ī), f. = nālikā or nīlikā
- n. virgin gold
- piṅgiman m. tawny or yellow colour Hariv
- piñja mfn. confused, disturbed in mind L
- full of (cf. pari-p○)
- m. the moon L
- a species of camphor L
- (ā), f. hurting, injuring L
- turmeric L
- cotton L
- a species of tree resembling the vinepalm L
- a switch L
- (ī), f. See tila-piñjī
- n. strength, power L
- piñjaṭa m. the concrete rheum of the eyes L
- piñjana n. a bow or bow-shaped instrument used for cleaning cotton L
- piñjara mf(ā)n. reddish-yellow, yellow or tawny, of a golden colour MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. a tawnybrown colour W. (also -tā f. Kathās
- -tva n. Kād.)
- a horse (prob. bay or chestnut) L
- N. of a mountain MārkP
- n. (only L.) gold
- yellow orpiment
- the flower of Mesua Roxburghī
- wṛ. for pañjara ('skeleton' or 'cage')
- piñjaḍraka m. N. of a Nāga MBh
- n. orpiment L
- piñjaḍraya Nom. P. ○yati, to dye reddish-yellow, Ratnâv
- ○rita mfn. coloured rṭreddiṣ-y○ Daś
- piñjaḍrika n. a kind of musical instrument Kathās. ○riman, m. a rṭreddiṣ-y○ colour Kād
- piñjaḍrī-√kṛ to dye rṭreddiṣ-y○ ib
- piñjala mfn. (fr. piñja) extremely confused or disordered (cf. ut-piñjala)
- (ā), f. N. of a river MBh
- (ī). a bunch of stalks or grass Gobh. (cf. piñjula)
- n. (L.) id
- Curcuma Zerumbet
- yellow orpiment
- piñjaḍlaka mfn. See ut-piñjalaka, samut-p○
- piñjāna n. gold L
- piñjikā f. a roll of cotton from which threads are spun L
- piñjula n. a bunch of stalks or grass (in darbha-piñjulai) MaitrS
- jūla n. ○jūlil f. id. Br. GṛŚrS
- jūlaka m. N. of a man
- pl. his descendants, g. upaskâdi
- piñjūṣa m. the wax of the ear L
- piñjeṭa n. the excretion or concrete rheum of the eyes L. (cf. piñjaṭa). [Page 625, Column]
- piñjota f. the rustling of leaves L
- piṭ cl. 1. P. peṭati, to sound, to assemble or heap together Dhātup. ix, 24
- piṭa m. or n. a basket, box L
- a roof L
- a sort of cupboard or granary made of bamboos or canes W
- piṭaka mf(ā)n. (usually n.) a basket or box MBh. R
- &c. (ifc. ikā MānGṛ.)
- a granary W
- a collection of writings (cī. tri-p○)
- a boil, blister Car. (printed piṭhaka) Jātakam
- a kind of ornament on Indra's banner MBh. Var
- m. N. of a man (also piṭāka), g. śivâdi L
- piṭâkyā f. a multitude of baskets, g. pāśâdi
- piṭaṅkākī or piṭaṅkokī f. Cucumis Colocynthis L
- piṭaṅkāśa m. Silurus Pabda L
- piṭṭaka n. the tartar or secretion of the teeth L. (cf. kiṭṭa, kiṭṭaka, pippikā)
- piṭṭaya Nom. P. (fr. piṭṭa = piṣṭa?) ○yati, to stamp or press into a solid mass KātyŚr. Sch
- piṭṭita mfn. pressed flat L
- piṭh cl. 1. P. peṭhati, to inflict or feel pain Dhātup. ix, 54
- piṭha m. pain, distress W
- piṭhaka wṛ. for piṭaka
- piṭhana n. = anu-śāsana (?) Lalit
- piṭhara mf(ī)n. a pot, pan MBh. Var. &c
- m. an addition to a building shaped like a hollow vessel L
- a kind of hut or store-room W
- N. of a partic. Agni Hariv
- of a Dānava MBh. Hariv
- n. a churning stick L
- the √of Cyperus Rotundus L
- ○pāka m. the union of cause and effect (i.e. of atoms) by means of heat Sarvad
- piṭharaka m. or n. (ikā f. Divyâv.) a pot, pan (cf. next)
- m. N. of a Nāga Hariv
- ○kapāla n. a fragment of a pot, potsherd Bhartṛ
- píṭhīnas m. N. of a man RV. (cf. paiṭhīnasi)
- piḍaka m. (and ā f.) a small boil, pimple, pustule Rājat. Suśr
- piḍaḍkā-vat and ○kin mfn. having boils or pustules Suśr
- piṇḍ cl. r. Ā. 10.P. piṇḍate, ○ḍayati, to roll into a lump or ball, put together, join, unite, gather, assemble Dhātup. viii, 21
- xxxii, 110 (prob. Nom. fr. next)
- píṇḍa m. (rarely n.) any round or roundish mass or heap, a ball, globe, knob, button, clod, lump, piece (cf. ayaḥ-., māṃsa- &c.) RV. (only i, 162, 19 and here applied to lumps of flesh) TS. ŚBr. &c. &c
- a roundish lump of food, a bite, morsel, mouthful
- (esp.) a ball of rice or flour &c. offered to the Pitṛis or deceased ancestors, a Śrāddha oblation (RTL. 293 ; 298-310) GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- food, daily bread, livelihood, subsistence MBh. Kāv. &c
- any solid mass or material object, the body, bodily frame Ragh. Śaṃk. Vajracch
- the calf of the leg Mālatīm. v, 16
- the flower of a China rose L
- a portico or partic. part of a house L
- power, force, an army L
- m. (du.) the fleshy parts of the shoulder situated above the collar-bone MBh
- (du.) the two projections of an elephant's frontal sinus L
- the embryo in an early stage of gestation L
- a partic. kind of incense Var. ('myrrh' or 'olibanum' L.)
- meat, flesh L
- alms Mālatīm. (cf. -pāta below)
- Vangueriya Spinosa L
- quantity, collection L
- (in arithm.) sum, total amount
- (in astron.) a sine expressed in numbers
- (in music) a sound, tone
- N. of a man, g. naḍâdi
- n. (L.) iron
- steel
- fresh butter
- (ā), f. a kind of musk L
- (ī), f. See 1. piṇḍī
- ○kanda m. a species of bulbous plant (= piṇḍâíu) L
- ○karaṇa n. = -nirvapaṇa, PSrGṛ
- ○kharjūra m. (Kād.), ○rikā and ○rī f. (L.) a species of date tree
- ○gosa m. gum myrrh W
- ○tarkaka m. pl. 'inquirers for the Śrāddha oblation (?)', ancestors preceding, the great-grandfather (who eat the remnants of the oblation made to the Pitṛis) Gṛihyās. Baudh. (v. l. -tarkuka [also para-tarkaka or ○kuka], -takṣaka, -takṣuka, piṇḍa-tarkya, piṇḍidaka)
- ○tas ind. from a ball or lump MW
- ○tā f. condition of a body Mcar
- ○taila n. ○laka m. incense, olibanum L
- ○tva n. being a lump or ball, density, condensation (-tvam ā-√gam, to become thick or intense) Kathās
- ○da mf(ā) ī. offering or qualified to offer oblations to deceased ancestors Yājñ. MBh
- m. the nearest male relation W. [Page 625, Column]
- a son Gal
- a patron or master Bhartṛ
- (ā), f. a mother MBh. (Nilak.) Cf. sa-piṇḍa
- ○dātṛ mfn. = -da mfn. Yājñ. Kāraṇḍ
- ○dāna n. the offering of balls of rice &c. (to deceased ancestors) Baudh. Sāh
- the offering of Śrāddha oblations on the evening of new moon Nir. KātyŚr. Sch. Kull
- -giving alms Kāv
- ○nídhāna n. = -nirapaṇa, ApGr
- ○niryukti f. N. of wk
- ○nirvapaṇa n. the oblation of balls of rice &c. to deceased ancestors Mn. iii, 248 ; 261
- ○nivṛtti f. cessation of relationship by the Śrāddha oblations (cf. -sambandha) Gaut
- ○pada n. a kind of arithmetical calculation Jyot
- ○pāta m. giving alms
- -víā f. the hour for giving alms Mālatīm. iii, 0/1
- ○tika m. a receiver of alms Buddh
- ○patra n. the vessel in which Śrāddha oblations are offered L
- an alms-dish Kāraṇḍ
- alms ib
- ○nirhāraka m. a class of attendants in a monastery Divyāv
- ○pāda and m. 'thick-footed', an elephant L
- ○pāḍdya m. 'thick-footed', an elephant L
- ○pítṛ-yajiña m. the oblation to deceased ancestors on the evening of new moon GṛŚrS
- -prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○puṣya m. (L) Jonesia Asoka
- the China rose
- the pomegranate tree
- n. (L.) the flower of Jonesia soka
- of the China rose
- of Tibernaemonsana Coronaria
- of a lotus
- ○puṣpaka m. Chenopodium Album L
- ○prada mfn. = -da mfn. Kād
- ○phala mfn. bearing (long) round fruits MBh
- (ā), f. a kind of bitter gourd Car
- ○bīja m. Nerium Odorum L
- ○bījaka m. Pterospermum Acerifolium L
- ○bhañjana-śānti f. N. of wk
- ○bhāj mfn. partaking of the Śrāddha oblation
- m. pl. deceased ancestors Śak
- -bhāk-tva n. Śaṃk
- ○bhṛti f. means of subistence, livelihood R
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of a lump of clay Mṛicch
- ○mātrôpajīvin mfn. subsisting on a mere morsel Yājñ
- ○mustá f. Cyperus Pertenuis L
- ○mūla and n. Daucus Cirota L
- ○mūḍlaka n. Daucus Cirota L
- ○yajña m. oblation of balls of rice &c. to deceased ancestors Yājñ
- ○rohiṇika m. Flacourtia Sapida L
- ○lakṣaṇa n
- ○śikṣā f. N. of wks
- ○lepa m. the particles or fragments of the Śrāddha oblations which cling to the hands (they are offered to the three ancestors preceding the great-grandfather) Kull. on Mn. v, 69 (cf. -tarkaka)
- ○lopa m. a neglect or cessation of SṭŚrāddha oblations MW
- ○viśuddhidīpikā f. N. of wk
- ○veṇu m. a species of bamboo L
- ○śarkarā f. sugar prepared from Yavanāla Gal
- ○śīrṣa mfn. having a (long) round head MBh
- ○sambandha m. relationship qualifying a living individual to offer Śrāddha oblations to a dead person Gaut
- ○dhin mfn. qualified to receive the Śrāddha oṭoblations from a living person MārkP
- ○sektṛ m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- ○stha mfn. 'mingled in a lump', mixed together Var
- ○sveda m. a hot poultice Car
- ○haritāla n. a partic. kind of orpiment Bhpr
- piṇḍâkṣara mfn. containing a conjunct consonant Vām
- piṇḍâgra n. a small morsel of a Piṇḍa Mn
- piṇḍânvāhārya or n. a partic. Śrāddha ceremony in which meat is eaten aftet offering the balls of rice &c. Mn. iv, t 2 2 ; 123
- piṇḍânvāhārḍyaka n. a partic. Śrāddha ceremony in which meat is eaten aftet offering the balls of rice &c. Mn. iv, t 2 2 ; 123
- piṇḍâbhra n. hail L
- piṇḍâyasa n. steel L
- piṇḍâlaktaka m. a red dye Mālatīm
- piṇḍâlu m. a species of Cocculus L
- Dioscorea Globosa L
- ○luka n. a kind of bulbous plant L
- ○lūka m. or n. a batatas L
- piṇḍâśa
- piṇḍâḍśaka and m. 'eating morsels', a beggar L
- piṇḍâḍśin m. 'eating morsels', a beggar L
- piṇḍâśma m. Pāṇ. 5-4, 94 Kāś
- piṇḍâhvā f. the resin of Gardenia Gummifera L
- piṇḍôdaka-kriyā f. the ceremony of offering balls of rice &c. and water MW
- piṇḍôddharaṇa n. participating in Śrāddha offerings, presenting them to common ancestors W
- piṇḍôpajīvin mfn. living on morsels offered by another, nourished by another Mcar
- piṇḍôpaniṣad f. N. of an UP
- piṇḍaka m. n. a lump, ball, knob Hariv. Suśr
- a fragment, morsel L
- a round protuberance (esp. on an elephant's temples) MBh
- the ball of rice &c. offered at Śrāddhas (cf. tri-p○)
- m. a species of bulbous plant ( = piṇḍâlu) L
- Daucus Carota L
- incense, myrrh L
- a sine expressed in numbers Sūryas
- a Piśāca L
- (ikā), f. a globular fleshy swelling(in the shoulders, arms, legs, &c
- esp. the calf of the leg) Vishṇ. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- a base or pedestal for the image of a deity or for a Liṅga Var. Kād. AgP
- a bench for lying on Car
- the nave of a wheel L
- a species of musk L
- piṇḍana n. forming globules or round masses BhP
- forming balls of rice &c. for a Śrāddha (?) Cat
- m. a mound or bank W. (cf. piṇḍala). [Page 626, Column]
- piṇḍaya
- piṇḍaḍyati See √piṇḍ
- piṇḍaraka m. or n. a bridge MW. (cf. next)
- piṇḍala m. a bridge, causeway
- a passage over a stream or a raised path across inundated fields L. (cf. piṇḍana, piṇḍila)
- piṇḍaśa m. a beggar, mendicant living on alms (cf. piṇḍâśa under piṇḍa)
- piṇḍāta m. incense L
- piṇḍāra m. a beggar, religious mendicant L
- a buffalo-herdsman or cowherd L
- Trewia Nudiflora Var
- an expression of censure L
- N. of a Nāga MBh
- n. a kind of vegetable Bhpr
- piṇḍāḍraka m. N. of a Nāga MBh
- of a Vṛishṇi MBh
- of a son of Vasu-deva and Rohinī Hariv
- n. N. of a sacred bathing-place MBh. Hariv. Pur
- piṇḍi f. the nave of a wheel L. (cf. piṇḍī, ○ḍikā)
- ○tailika m. incense Gal. (cf. piṇḍatailaka)
- ○pāla wṛ. for bhinadipāla
- piṇḍika n. the penis LiṅgaP
- (ā), f. See piṇḍaka
- piṇḍita mfn. rolled into a ball or lump, thick, massy, densified MBh. Kāv. &c
- mixed, mingled with (comp.) Var
- heaped, collected, united, added MBh. R
- (ifc. after a numeral) repeated, counted, numbered Var
- multiplied L
- ○druma mfn. full of trees R
- ○mūlya n. a payment in a lump sum Divyâv
- ○sneha mfn. containing a thick fatty substance (as the brain) Kull. on Mn. v, 133
- piṇḍitârtha m. the condensed i.e. abridged meaning, the chief point or matter Mālav. i, 16
- piṇḍin mfn. possessing or receiving the Śrāddha oblations L
- m. an offerer of balls of rice &c. to the Pitṛis L
- a beggar L
- a male creature (lit. 'having a body'), JaimBh1r
- Vangueria Spinosa Bhpr
- (inī), f. N. of an Apsaras VP
- piṇḍila (only L.), mfn. having large calves
- skilled in calculations
- m. a skilful arithmetician, an astrologer or astronomer
- a bridge, causeway, mound
- (ā), f. Cucumis Maderaspatanus
- piṇḍī f. (g. gaurâdi) a ball, lump, lump of food ĀpŚr
- a pill L
- the nave of a wheel L
- a kind of tree Daś. (Tabernaemontina Coronaria or a species of date tree L.)
- Cucurbita Lagenaria L
- performance of certain gesticulations accompanying the silent repetition of prayers &c. in meditation on real or divine knowledge W
- N. of a woman, g. kurv-ādi
- ○khaṇḍa m. or n. a small wood of Tabernaemontana Coronaria trees (or 'of Aśoka trees' W.) Daś
- ○jaṅgha m. N. of a man
- pl. his descendants, g. yaskâdi
- ○tagara or m. a species of Tabernaemontana Coronaria L
- ○tagaḍraka m. a species of Tabernaemontana Coronaria L
- ○taru m. a thorny Gardenia L
- ○puṣpa m. Jonesia Asoka L
- ○lepa m. a kind of unguent
- ○śūra m. 'cake-hero', a cowardly boaster, poltroon L
- piṇḍī ind. in comp. for piṇḍa
- ○karaṇa n. making into a lump or ball Kull. on Mn. i, 18
- ○√kṛ (ind. p. -kṛtya), to make into a lump or ball, press together, join, unite, concentrate MBh. &c
- to identify with (raha) Śaṃk
- ○kṛta mfn. made into a lump or bṭball, heaped, collected, joined, united MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○bhāva m. the being rolled together in to a ball Tarkas
- ○√bhū to be made into a lump or ball, to become a solid body L
- ○bhūta mfn. lumped, heaped, joined, united VPrāt
- piṇḍītaka m. Vangtieria Spinosa (n. the fruit) Bhpr
- Tabernaemontana Coronaria L
- a species of basil L
- piṇḍīra mfn. sapless, arid, dry L
- m. the pomegranate tree Hariv
- = hiṇḍīra L
- piṇḍola m. N. of a man Buddh
- piṇḍoli and f. leavings of a meal L
- piṇḍoḍlikā f. leavings of a meal L
- piṇḍipāla wṛ. for bhindipāla, q.v
- piṇyā f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum L
- piṇyāka mṇ. oil-cake Mn. Āpast. MBh. &c
- Asa Foetida L
- incense L
- saffron L
- (ā), f. a species of plant L
- pit See 1. 2. a-pit
- pitari-sūra pitā-putra &c. See under pitri
- pitú m. once n. (√pī, pyai) juice, drink, nourishment, food RV. AV. TS. VS. AitBr. (cf. Naigh. ii, 7.)
- ○kṛ́t mfn. providing food RV
- ○bhā́j mfn. enjoying food ib
- ○bhṛt mfn. bringing food ib
- ○mát mfn. abounding in or accompanied by meat and drink, nourishing RV. AitBr. TBr. [Page 626, Column]
- ○ṣáṇi (ṣ for s), mfn. bestowing food RV
- ○stoma m. 'praise of food', N. of RV. i, 187
- pitūya Nom. P. ○yati (only p. gen. ○yatás), to desire food RV
- pituḥ-putra &c. See under pitṛ
- pitṛ́ in. (irreg. acc. pl. pitaras MBh
- gen. pl. pitriṇām BhP.) a father RV. &c. &c. (in the Veda N. of Bṛihas-pati, Varuṇa, Prajā-pati, and esp. of heaven or the sky
- antarā pitaraṃ mātaraṃ ca, 'between heaven and earth' RV. x, 88, 15)
- m. du. (○tarau) father and mother, parents RV. &c. &c. (in the Veda N. of the Araṇis q.v. and of heaven and earth)
- pl. (○taras) the fathers, forefathers, ancestors, (esp.) the Pitṛis or deceased ancestors (they are of 2 classes, viz. the deceased father, grandfathers and great-grandfathers of any partic. person, and the progenitors of mankind generally
- in honour of both these classes rites called Srāddhas are performed and oblations called Piṇḍas q.v. are presented
- they inhabit a peculiar region, which, according to some, is the Bhuvas ar region of the air, according to others, the orbit of the moon, and are considered as the regents of the Nakshatras Maghā and Mūla
- RTL. 10 &c.) RV. &c. &c
- a father and his brothers, father and uncles, paternal ancestors Mn. ii, 151 &c. R. Kathās
- a partic. child's-demon Suśr. [Origin fr. √3 pā very doubtful ; Zd. pita
- Gk. ? ; Lat. pater, ñup-piter ; Goth. [626,] fadar ; Germ. Vater ; Eng. father.]
- ○karman n. a rite. performed in honour of the Pitris, obsequial rites, ŚankhŚr. Mn
- ○kalpa m. precepts relating to rites in honour of the Pitris Hariv
- N. of a partic. Kalpa (s.v.), Brahmā's day of new moon L
- ○kāṇḍa m. or n. N. of wk
- ○kānana n. 'ancestor-grove', place frequented by the Pitris, place of the departed R. Kathās
- ○kārya n. = -karman Mn. MBh. &c.,
- ○kilbiṣá n. an offence committed against the Pitris ŚBr
- ○kulyā f. 'rivulet of the PṭPitris', N. of a river rising in the Malaya mountains MārkP
- ○kṛta (○tṛ́-), mfn. done against or by a father AV
- committed against the Pitris VS
- ○kṛtya n. (Hariv.),
- ○kriyā f. (Ragh.) = -karman
- ○gaṇa m. a group or class of PṭPitris Mn. iii, 194
- (ā), f. N. of Durgā(?) L
- ○gāthā f. pl., songs of the PṭPitris', N. of partic. songs MārkP
- ○gāmin mfn. belonging or pertaining to a father W
- ○gīta n. pl. = -gāthā VP. Sch
- ○tā-kathana n. N. of wk
- ○gṛha n. house of the fathers, place of the dead L
- ○graha m. 'Pitri-demon', a partic. demon causing diseases MBh
- ○grāma m. 'Pitṛi village', place of the dead L
- ○ghātaka (Kathās.),
- ○ghātin (Rājat.),
- ○ghna (RāmatUp.), m. a parricide
- ○ceṭa (?), m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○tama (○tṛ́-tama), m. (with pitṝṇām) the most fatherly of fathers RV. iv, 17, 17
- ○tarpaṇa n. the refreshing of the PṭPitris (with water thrown from the right hand), offering water &c. to deccased ancestors Mn. ii, 171 &c. (cf. RTL. 394, 1 ; 410)
- the part of the hand between the thumb and forefinger (sacred to the Pitris) L
- sesamum L
- ○tas ind. from the father, on the fṭfather side ĀśvGṛ
- ○tithi f. the day of newmoon (sacred to the Pitris) L
- ○tīrtha n. 'Tirtha (s.v.) of the PṭPitris', N. of the place called Gayā L
- apartic. part of the hand (= -tarpaṇa), KatyŚr. Sch
- ○mâhāsmya n. N. of ch. of SivaP
- ○tva n. fatherhood, paternity
- the state or condition of a Pitṛi or deified progenitor MBh. R. &c
- ○datta mfn. given by a father (as a woman's peculiar property) MW
- N. of a man (-ka, endearing form
- cf. pitṛka) Pāṇ. 5-3, 83 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- ○dayitā f. N. of wk
- ○dāna or n. an oblation to the PṭPitris L
- ○dāḍnaka n. an oblation to the PṭPitris L
- ○dāya m. property inherited from a father, patrimony R
- ○dina n. the day of new moon (cf. -tithi) A
- ○deva m.pl. the Pitris and the gods Mn. iii, 18
- a partic. class of divine beings R. (= kavyavāhanâdayaḥ Sch.)
- mfn. worshipping a father TĀr
- connected with the Pitris and the gods BhP
- ○devata mf(ā)n. having the PṭPitris for deities, sacred to them, AIśvGṛ
- (ā), f. pl. the Pitris and the gods R
- ○devatyá mfn. = prec. mfn. TS. Br. Kauś
- n. = daivatya Pāṇ. 5-3, 45 Vārtt.9 Pat
- ○daivata mf(ī)n. relating to the worship of the Pitris, ŚāṅkhGr. R
- n. N. of the 10th lunar mansion Maghā (presided over by the Pitris) Var
- = next R
- ○daivatya n. a sacrifice offered to the Pitris on the day called Ashṭakā R
- ○dravya n. 'father's substance', patrimony Yājñ. n. 118
- ○drohin mfn. plotting against one's father Daś
- ○nāman mfn. called after a fṭfather's name MW. [Page 626, Column]
- ○pakṣa m. the half month of the PṭPitris, N. of the dark half in the Gauṇa Āśvina (particularly dedicated to the performance of the Śrāddha ceremonies) RTL. 388
- the paternal side or party or relationship MBh
- pl. the fathers or ancestors Hariv
- mfn. being on the father's side Kull. on Mn. ii, 32
- ○paṅkt-vidhāna n. conferring the rights of a Sa-piṇḍa (s.v.) Gal
- ○pati m. 'lord of the Pitris', N. of Yama MārkP
- pl. the Pitris and the Prajā-patis BhP
- ○pada n. the world or state of the PṭPitris W
- ○paddhati f. N. of wk
- ○pāṇa W. r. for -yāṇa
- ○pātra n. a cup os vessel used at Śrāddha rites W
- ○pitṛ m. a father's father L
- ○pīta (pitṛ.), mfn. drunk by the PṭPitris TS. TBr
- ○pūjana n. worship of the PṭPitris Mn. iii, 262
- ○paitāmaha mf(ī)n. inherited or derived from father and grandfather, ancestral (with nāman n. the names of father and grand father) MBh. R. &c
- m.pl. (and ibc.) father and grand father, ancestors ib. (mostly m. c. for -pitāmaha)
- ○paitāmahika mfn. = prec. mfn., Pañc'
- ○prasū f. a father's mother W
- 'mother of the Pitris', twilight (the time when the Pitris are abroad) L
- ○prâpta mfn. received from a fṭfather, inherited patrimonially W
- ○priya m. 'dear to the Pitris', Eclipta Prostrata L
- ○bandhu m. a kinsman by the fṭfather's side L
- (ú), n. relationship by the father's side AV
- ○bāndhava m. = prec. m. L
- ○bhakta mfn. devoted to a fṭfather A
- ○bhakti f. filial duty to a fṭfather W
- N. of wk
- -taraṃgiṇī f. N. of wk
- ○bhūti m. N. of Sch. on KātyŚr
- ○bhogiṇa mfn. (fr. -bhoga) Pāṇ. 5-1, 9 Sch
- ○bhojana n. a father's food W
- m. Phaseolus Radiatus T
- ○bhrātṛ m. a father's brother W
- ○mát (AV. pitṛ-mat), mfn. having a father MBh. R. &c
- having an illustrious father VS. ŚBr
- accompanied by or connected with the Pitris AV. VS. &c
- mentioning the Pitris (as a hymn) AitBr
- ○mandira n. = gṛha MārkP. W
- pitṛmātṛguruśuśrūṣādhyānavat3pitṛ́--mātṛ-guru-śuśrūṣā-dhyānavat mfn. only intent on obeying father and mother and teacher SaṃhUp
- ○mātṛ-maya mf(ī)n. one who thinks only of father and mother Subh
- ○mātṛ-hina mfn. destitute of fṭfather and mother, orphan MW
- ○mātrartha mfn. one who begs for his father and mother Mn. xi, 1
- ○medha m. oblation made to the PṭPitris ŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- N. of wk
- -sāra m. -sūtra n. N. of wks
- ○yajñá m.= -medha RV. &c. &c
- ○yā́ṇa (Ved.) and mfn. trodden by or leading to the Pitris (path) RV. AV. ChUp
- ○yāna mfn. trodden by or leading to the Pitris (path) RV. AV. ChUp
- m. (with or scil. pathin) the path leading to the PṭPitris RV. AV. MBh. &c
- n. (-yāna), id. BhP
- the vehicle of the Pitris, a car to convey virtuous persons after their decease to heaven W
- ○rāj
- ○rāja or m. 'king of the Pitris', N. of Yama MBh
- ○raljan m. 'king of the Pitris', N. of Yama MBh
- ○rūpa mfn. appearing in the shape of an ancestor, ApSr
- m. N. of a Rudra MBh
- ○liṅga m. (scil., mantra) a verse or formula addressed to the Pitris L
- ○loká m. a father's house AV. xiv, 2, 52
- the world or sphere of the Pitris AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c. (cf. RTL. 28)
- ○vaṃśa m. the paternal family GṛS
- ○sya mfn. belonging to it Kāv. = -1
- ○vat mfn. having a father living W. -2
- ○vát ind. like a father Mn. vii, 80
- like the Pitris, as if for the Pitris &c. RV. GṛŚrS
- ○vadha n. murder of a father, parricide RāmatUp
- ○vana n. = -kānana MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○ne-cara m. 'haunting the groves of the dead', N. of Śiva W
- a demon, goblin, Vetāla &c. L
- ○vartin m. 'staying with ancestors', N. of king Brahma-datta Hariv
- ○vasati f. 'abode of Pitris', place of the dead L
- ○vāk-para mfn. obedient to (the voice of) parents W
- ○vittá mfn. acquired by ancestors RV
- n. patrimony Var
- ○veśman n. a father's house Pañc
- ○vrata m. a worshipper of the PṭPitris Bhag
- n. worship of the Pitris W
- ○śarman m. N. of a Dānava Kathās
- ○śrávaṇa mfn. bringing honour to a father RV
- ○śrāddha n. N. of the rites in which the Pitris are worshipped W
- ○ṣád mfn. living unmarried with a fṭfather RV
- 'dwelling with the Pitris', N. of Rudra PārGṛ
- ○ṣádana mfn. inhabited by the PṭPitris AV. VS
- ○ṣvasṛ f. a father's sister MBh
- ○sāmātula (ibc.), paternal aunt and maternal uncle ib
- ○srīya m. a father's sister's son ib
- ○saṃyukta mfn. connected with (the worship of) the Pitris ĀpGṛ
- ○saṃhitā f. N. of wk
- ○sadman n. = -vasati MBh
- ○saṃnibha mfn. like a father, fatherly L
- ○sāmānya n. the Pitris collectively W
- ○sū f. = -prasū L
- ○sū7kta n. N. of a Vedic hymn Cat
- ○sthāna m. one who takes the place of a father', a guardian (also ○nīya) W
- the sphere of the Pitris ib
- ○svasṛ
- ○svasrīya incorrect for -ṣvasṛ, ○rīya
- ○hatyā f. = -vadha MW
- ○han m. a parricide AV.Paipp. [Page 627, Column]
- ○hū mfn. invoking the Pitris
- f. (sc. dvār) N. of the southern aperture of the human body i.e. the right ear BhP. (cf. deva-hū)
- ○hū́ya n. invoking or summoning the Pitṛis ŚBr
- pitari loc. of pitṛ in comp
- ○śūra m. 'a hero against his father', a cowardly boaster, g. pātre-samitâdi
- pitā nom. of pitṛ in comp
- ○putrá m. du. father and son AV. &c. &c
- pl. father and sons MaitrS
- -virodha, ni. a contest between father and sons Yājñ
- -samāgama m. N. of a Buddh. Sūtra ○trīya mfn. relating to father and sons (with sampradāna n. transmission of bodily capacities and powers from father to sṭsons) L
- containing the words pitṛ and putra Anup
- ○mahá m. a paternal grandfather AV.&c. &c
- N. of Brahmā Mn. MBh. &c
- of sev. authors Cat
- pl. the Piṭris or ancestors Yājñ. MBh
- (ī), f. a paternal grandmother MBh. Kathās. Pur
- -saṃhitā f. N. of wk
- -saras n. N. of a place of pilgrimage (also ○hasya saraḥ) MBh
- -smṛti f. N. of wk
- ○sumati-saṃvāda m. N. of ch. of Brahmavp
- pituḥ gen. of pitṛ in comp
- ○putra m. the father's son Pāṇ. 6-3, 23 Sch
- ○ṣvasṛ or father's the fṭfathers's sister Pāṇ. 6-3, 24 ; viii, 3, 85
- ○svasṛ father's the fṭfathers's sister Pāṇ. 6-3, 24 ; viii, 3, 85
- pitṛka ifc. (f. ā) = pitṛ, father (cf. jīva-, aneka-, sa.)
- endearing dimin. for pitṛ-datta, q.v
- pitṛvya m. a father's brother, paternal uncle Mn. MBh. &c. (also -ka HPariś.)
- any elderly male relation Pañc. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. patrūs.]
- ○ghātin m. the murderer of his father's brother Pāṇ. 3-2, 86 Sch
- ○putra m. a father's brother's son, cousin Mālav
- pitr in comp. for piṭṛ before vowels
- ○arjita mfn. acquired by or derived from a father (as property) MW
- ○artham ind. for a father's sake ib
- ○ādy-anta mfn. beginning and ending with (a rite to) the Pitṛis (as a Śrāddha), Mī. iii, 205
- pitrya mf(ā)n. derived from or relating to a father, paternal, patrimonial, ancestral RV. &c. &c
- relating or consecrated to the Pitṛis Mn. MBh. &c. (with tīrtha n. = pitṛ-t○ Mn. ii, 59
- with diś f. the south ŚāṅkhGṛ
- with pra-diś id. RV.)
- m. the eldest brother (who takes the place of a father) L
- the month Māgha L
- the ritual for oblations to the Pitṛis ChUp. Sch
- Phaseolus Radiatus L
- (ā), f. pl. the Nakshatra called Maghā (presided over by the Pitṛis) L
- the day of full moon and the worship of the Pitṛis on that day L
- n. the nature or character of a father R
- (with or sc: karman) worship of the Pitṛis, obsequal ceremony ŚBr. Mn &c
- the Nakshatra Mighā Var
- honey L
- = pitṛ-tīrtha (cf. above) W
- ○pitryā-vat mfn. (prob.) possessing property inherited from a father R
- pitryupavīta n. (for ○yâp○) investiture with the thread sacred to the Pitṛis GopBr. Vait
- ○tin
- mfn. invested with it Vait
- pittá n. (etym. unknown) bile, the bilious humour (one of the three humours [cf. kapha and vāyu] or that secreted between the stomach and bowels and flowing through the liver and permeating spleen, heart, eyes, and skin
- its chief quality is heat) AV. &c. &c
- ○kuṣṭha n. a kind of leprosy Gal
- ○kośa (or ○ṣa), m. the gall-bladder MW
- ○kṣobha m. excess and disturbance of the bilious humour ib
- ○gadin mfn. suffering from bṭbilious complaints, bilious Suśr
- ○gulma m. a swelling of the abdomen caused by (excess of) bile ib
- ○ghna mfn. 'bile-destroying', antibilious
- n. an antidote to bilious complaints Suśr. (cf. -han)
- ○jvara and m. a bilious fever L
- ○dāha m. a bilious fever L
- ○drāvin m. 'biledispersing', the sweet citron L
- ○dhara mfn. containing bilious, bilious Suśr
- ○nibarhaṇa mfn. destroying bṭbilious MW
- ○prakṛti mfn. being of a bṭbilious temperament Var
- ○prakopa m. excess and vitiation of the bilious humour MW
- ○rakta n. plethora L. (cf. rakta-pitta)
- ○rogin mfn. = -gadin Suśr
- ○vat mfn. having bilious, bilious L
- ○vāyu m. flatulence arising from excess and vitiation of the bilious humour MW
- ○vidagdha mfn. burnt or impaired by bile (as sight) Suśr
- ○vināśana and mfn. 'bṭbilious-destroying', antibilious ib
- ○śamana mfn. 'bṭbilious-destroying', antibilious ib
- ○śoṇita n. = -rakta L
- ○śopha m. a swelling caused by (excess of) bilious Suśr
- ○śleṣmala mfn. producing bile and phlegm Car
- ○sāraka m. Azadirachta Indica L
- ○sthāna n. = -kośa GarbhUp
- ○syanda m. a bilious form of ophthalmia Suśr
- ○han mf(ghnī) n. bile-destroying ib
- (ghnī), f. Cocculus Cordifolius L. (cf. -ghna)
- ○hara mf(ī)n. bilious removing, antibilious Suśr
- pittâtīsāra m. a bilious form of dysentery [Page 627, Column]
- ○rin mfn. suffering from it ib
- pittânta-karasa m. a partic. medicinal preparation L
- pittâbhiṣyanda m. = pittasyanda Suśr
- pittâri m. bile-enemy', anything antibilious, N. of sev. plants and vegetable substances (e.g. parpaṭa, takṣā &c.) L
- pittâsra n. = pitta-rakta L
- pittôdara n. = pitta-gulma Bhpr
- ○rin mfn. suffering from a bilious swelling of the abdomen Suśr
- pittôpasṛṣṭa mfn. suffering from bile Yājñ. Sch
- pittôpahata mfn. = pittavidagdha Suśr
- pittala mf(ā)n. bilious, secreting bile Suśr. (g. sidhmâdi)
- (ā) f. Jussiaea Repens L
- (ī), f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana L
- n. brass, bell-metal L
- Betula Bhojpatra (its bark is used for writing upon
- cf. bhūrja-pattra) L
- pittha and pitthaka m. N. of a man Rājat
- pitsat mf(antī)n. (√pat Desid.) being about to fly or fall &c
- m. a bird L
- pitsala n. a road, path, way L
- pitsu mfn. being about to fly or fall L
- pipatiṣat = pitsat L
- pipatiḍṣā f. wish to come down or fall W
- pipatiḍṣu = pitsat L
- pitsaru See soma-p○
- pithaya ○yati, to shut (a door) Lalit
- pithita mfn. shut, covered ib. (Prob. connected with pi-dhā.)
- pidāku m. prob. wṛ. for pṛ́dāku MaitrS
- pi-dṛbh for api- √dṛbh √(only. -dṛhmas), to adhere firmly to or hope in (acc.) ŚāṅkhBr
- pidvá m. a species of animal VS
- pi-dhā = api-√dhā √(q.v.)
- pi-dadhat mfn. covering, veiling, hiding W
- pi-dhātavya mfn. to be covered or shut or closed Mn. ii, 200
- pi-ḍdhāna n. (m., g. ardharcâdi) covering, stopping, shutting, closing Mālav. Sāh
- a cover, lid, sheath &c. MBh. Kāv. &c
- (-vat mfn. covered with a lid Rājat.)
- a partic. process to which quicksilver is subjected Sarvad
- (ī), f. a cover, lid L
- pi-ḍdhānaka n. a cover, sheath ( khaḍga-pidh○)
- (ikā), f. a cover, lid L
- pi-ḍdhāya ind. having covered Amar
- pi-ḍdhāyaka mf(ikā)n. covering, hiding, concealing (-tā f.), Vedântas
- pi-ḍdhāyin mfn. id. Dharmaśarm
- pi-ḍdhitsu mfn. wishing to cover conceal Naish
- pi-hita mfn. shut, hidden, concealed, covered or filled with (instr.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- n. a partic. figure of speech which consists in insinuating to a person that one knows his secrets Kuval
- pi-ḍhiti f. covering, stopping TāṇḍBr
- pinasa vḷ. for pīnasa
- pi-nah = api-√nah √(q.v.)
- pi-naddha mfn. tied or put on, fastened, wrapped, covered, dressed, armed MBh. Kāv. &c
- pi-ḍnaddbaka mf(ikā)n. dressed, clothed, covered Hariv. 11164 (m. ornament Nīlak.)
- pi-nahya ind. having put on or dressed MBh
- pínāka m. n. a staff or bow, (esp.) the staff or bow of Rudra-Śiva AV. VS. TS. MBh. &c
- Śiva's trident or three-pronged spear (= śūla and tri-śūla) L
- falling dust L
- (ī), f. (in music) a kind of stringed instrument
- n. a species of talc Bhpr. (Perhaps fr. pi-api-√nam
- cf. nāka.)
- ○goptṛ m. 'preserver of Pināka', N. of Śiva MBh
- ○dhṛk m. bearer of Pināka', id' ib
- ○pāṇi m. 'Pināka in hand', id. Kum. Sch
- ○bhṛt m.= -dhṛk L
- ○sena m. 'armed with Pināka', N. of Skanda AV. Paris
- ○hasta (pin○), m. = = -pāṇi, N. of Rudra TS
- pínākâvasa m. N. of Rudra ('concealing Pināka', Mahtdh.) VS
- pināki m. (only acc. ○kim) = pinākin, N. of Śiva MBh
- pināki in comp. for ○kin
- ○diś f. 'Śiva's quarter', the north-east Var
- pinākin m. 'armed with the bow or spear Pināka', N. of Rudra-Śiva MBh. Hariv. R
- of one of the 11 Rudras MBh. Hār
- (inī), f. N. of 2 fivers L
- ○nī-māhātmya n. N. of ch. of BrahmâṇḍaP
- pi-nī √P. -nayati, to put into (acc.), introduce ĀpGṛ. [Page 627, Column]
- pi-nyāsa m. (√2, as with pi-ni) Asa Foetida L. (cf. piṇyāka)
- pinv cl. 1.P. (Dhātup. xv, 79) pínvati (p. pínvat RV
- pinvát AV
- pf. pipinva RV
- Ā. 3. pl. pinviré
- p. pinvāná ib
- aor. apinviit Gr
- fut. pinviṣyati, ○vitā ib.), to cause to swell, distend
- to cause to overflow or abound RV. AV. Br. GṛŚrS
- Ā. pínvate, to swell, be distended, abound, overflow ib. (also Ā. -P. and in ŚBr. P. for Ā.): Caus. pinváyati = P. pinvati ŚBr
- pinva mfn. causing to swell or flow ( See dānu-p○)
- pínvana n. a partic. vessel used in religious ceremonies ŚBr. KātyŚr
- pinvantyapīyā f. (sc. ṛc) N. of RV. i, 64, 6 (beginning pinvaty apo)
- pinvamāna and mfn. swollen, swelling, full ŚBr
- pínvita mfn. swollen, swelling, full ŚBr
- pipakṣ mfn. (fr-. √2. pac Desid.) Vop
- pipaṭhiṣ mfn. (fr. √paṭh Desid.) ib
- pipatiṣat ○ṣā, ○ṣu, See pitsat
- pipaviṣu mfn. (fr. √1. pū Desid.) wishing to purify W
- pipāṭhaka m. N. of a mountain MārkP
- pipāsat mf(antī)n. (fr. √1. pā Desid.) wishing to drink, thirsty Śak
- pipāḍsā́ f. thirst ŚBr. &c. &c
- -vat mfn. thirsty Vedântas
- pipāḍsāla mfn. always thirsty Car
- pipāḍsita (MBh. Daś),
- pipāḍsin (MW.),
- pipāḍsu (MBh. R.), thirsty, athirst
- pipilī f. = pipīlī
- an ant L
- pipiṣvat (fr. √pi = pī, pyā), swollen, overfull, abundant RV
- pipītaka m. N. of a Brābman who was the first to perform a partic. ceremony in honour of Vishṇu on the day called after him ( See f.)
- (ī). f. the 12th day of the light half of the month Vaiśākhā BhavP
- ○dvādaśī-vrata n. N. of wk
- pipīlá m. (√pīḍ?) an ant RV. MBh
- (ī), f. id. L
- pipīḍláka m. a large black ant ChUp. MBh. &c
- (ikā), f. See s.v
- pipīlika m. an ant AdbhBr. MBh. &c
- n. a kind of gold supposed to be collected by ants MBh. ii, 1860
- ○puṭa n. an ant-hill MBh
- ○madhya or mf(ā)n. thin in the middle like an ant
- ○madhyama mf(ā)n. thin in the middle like an ant
- (ā), f. N. of any metre the middle Pāda of which is shorter than the preccding and following, RPrt
- pipī́likā f. the common small red ant or a female ant AV. &c. &c
- ○parisarpaṇa n. the running about of ants Suśr
- ○madhya mfn. N. of a kind of fast (beginning on the day of full moon with 15 mouthfuls, decreasing by one daily until the day of new moon, and after that increasing by one daily until the next day of full moon) Kull. on Mn. xi, 256
- ○vat ind. like ants TāṇḍBr. Sch
- pipīlikôtkiraṇa n. (L.),
- pipīlikôtḍkôdvāpa m. (ŚāṅkhSr.) an ant-hill
- pipīlikôtsaraṇa n. the creeping upwards of ants L
- pipīṣat (ŚāṅkhGr.), ○ṣu (RV.), mfn. (√1. pā Desid.) wishing to drink, thirsty
- pipṛkṣu (Bhadrab.), pipṛcchiṣu (Śaṃk.), mfn. (√prach, Desid.) wishing to ask or inquire
- píppakā f. a species of bird VS. (cf. pippīka)
- pippaṭā f. a kind of sweetmeat W
- pippala m. the sacred fig-tree, Ficus Religiosa (commonly called Peepal) MBh. Yājñ. Var. &c. (cf. IW. 39, 3 MWB. Yājñ. Var. &c. (cf. IW. 39, 3 MWB. 515) a kind of bird L
- a nipple L
- = niraṃśuka, or ○śula L
- the sleeve of a jacket or coat W
- N. of a son of Mitra and Revati BhP
- pl. N. of a school of AV. (prob. for pippalâda)
- (ā), f. N. of a river VP
- (ī), f. See s.v
- (píppala), n. a berry (esp. of the Peepal tree) RV. &c. &c
- sensual enjoyment BhP
- water L
- the sleeve of a coat L
- ○nātha m. N. of a deity Cat
- ○mātra mfn. having the size of a berry Suśr. [Page 628, Column]
- pippalâda mfn. eating the fruit of the Peepal tree BhP
- given to sensual pleasures ib
- m. N. of an ancient teacher of the AV. PraśnUp. MBh. &c
- pl. his school (also ○daka)
- -tīrtha, ī. N. of a Tirtha ŚivaP
- -śrāddha-kalpa m. -śruti f. -sūtra n. ○dópaniṣad, f. N. of wks
- pippalā-vati f. N. of a river VP
- pippalâśana mfn. = pippalâda, CūIUp
- pippalêśa m. N. of a man, Siṃhâs
- pippalaka m. a pin Car
- n. a nipple L
- sewing thread L
- pippalādi m. N. of a man Hariv. (v. l. papp○)
- píppalāyana m. N. of a man BhP
- pippalāyani m. N. of a teacher ib. (vḷ. papp○)
- pippali f. long pepper, Āpist
- n. (with vasiṣṭhasya) N. of a Sāman
- ○śroṇi f. N. of a river MārkP
- pippalī f. a berry AV
- Piper Longum (both plant and berry) R. Var. Suśr
- ○mūla n. the √of long pepper Bhpr
- ○līya mfn. g. utkarâdi
- ○lavaṇa n. du. pepper and salt R. =
- vardhamāna and n. N. of a partic. kind of medical treatment in which grains of pepper are given in increasing and decreasing quantity Suśr
- vardhamāḍnaka n. N. of a partic. kind of medical treatment in which grains of pepper are given in increasing and decreasing quantity Suśr
- pippalīkā f. the small Peepal tree L
- pippalīya mun., g. utkarâdi
- pippalū m. N. of a man, g. gargâdi
- pippikā f. the tartar of the teeth L. (cf. piṭṭaka)
- pippīkā f. a species of bird Var
- pipyaṭā f. sugar L
- piprīṣā f. (√prī Desid.) desire of Pleasing or showing kindness R. Var. Car
- piprīḍṣu mfn. wishing to give pleasure MBh. Hariv
- pípru m. (√pṛ) N. of a demon conquered by Indra RV
- piplu m. (pi for api +√plu?) a freckle, mark, mole Nal
- ○karṇa mfn. having a mark on the ear Kathās
- ○pracchādana mfn. covering or concealing a mole Nal
- piba mfn. (√1. pā) drinking, who or what drinks Pāṇ. 3-1, 137 (cf. tri-)
- piba-vat mfn. containing a form of the verb pibati AitBr
- pibd (prob.= pi-pad), only pr. p. 1A. pibdamāna, becoming or being firm or solid ŚBr
- pibdaná mfn. firm, hard, solid, compact ŚBr
- piyāru mfn. (√pīy) censuring, mocking, overbearing, mischievous RV. AV
- piyāla m. (for priyāla, q.v.) the tree Buchanania Latifolia (in Bengal commonly called Piyal)
- n. its fruit MBh. Hariv. R
- ○bīja n. the seed of the Piyal tree R
- ○majjā f. the marrow of the Piyal tree ib
- pimpari or ○rī f. Ficus Infectoria L
- pimpalā f. N. of a river Rājat. (parhaps wṛ. for pippalā)
- piyāka m. N. of a poet Cat. (cf. priyāka)
- pil cl. 10. P. pelayati, to throw, send, impel, incite Dhātup. xxxii, 65 (cf. pel, vil)
- pilu or m. a species of tree (= pīlu) Suśr
- piḍluka m. a species of tree (= pīlu) Suśr
- ○parṇi f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana Car
- pilinda-vatsa m. N. of a man, Saraskārak
- pilinda-vatsa m. N. of a disciple of Gautama Buddha SaddhP
- pilipiccha ○picchi, ○picchika, or ○piñja m. N. of a demon Hcat. AgP
- pilippilá mf(ā́)n. slippery VS. (Mahrdh.)
- pilpilá mf(ā́)n. id. MaitrS
- (ā), f. N. of Lakshmī Gal
- pilla mfn. blear-eyed
- m. a bleared eye L. (cf. paillya)
- pillakā f. a female elephant W
- piś (piṃś), cl. 6. P. (Dhātup. xxviii, 143) piṃśati, Ved. also Ā. ○te (pf. pipéśa, pipiśé ○śre RV
- aor. p. piśāná ib
- apeśīt Gr. [Page 628, Column]
- fut. peśiṣyati, peśitā Gr.), to hew out, carve, prepare (esp. meat), make ready, adorn (A. also 'one's self')
- to form, fashion, mould RV. TBr.: Pass. piśyáte AV.: Caus. peśayate aor. apīpiśat Gr.: Desid. pipiśiṣati or pipeśiṣati ib.: Intens., See pépiśat, śāna. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Slav. pis7ati ; [628,] Angl. Sax. fâh.]
- píś f. ornament, decoration RV. vii, 18, 2 (cf. viśva-, śukra-, su-.)
- piśá m. = ruru, a sort of deer (probably so called from its colour ; next.) RV. i, 64, 8 (Sāy.) ; (ī), f. Nardostachys Jatamansi L
- piśáṅga mf(ī)n. reddish, rṭreddish-brown or -yellow, tawny RV. &c. &c
- m. a reddish or tawny colour W
- N. of a serpent-demon TāṇḍBr. MBh
- ○jaṭa m. 'having a reddish braid of hair', N. of an ascetic Kathās
- ○tā f. (Śiś.),
- ○tva n. (Mcar.), reddish or tawny colour
- ○bhṛṣṭi (piśáṅga.), mfn. having reddish prongs RV. i, 133, 5
- ○rāt mfn. giving reddish i.e. golden gifts RV
- ○rūpa and of a reddish or yellow appearance RV. AV
- ○saṃdṛś (piśáṅga-.), of a reddish or yellow appearance RV. AV
- piśáṅgâśva mfn. having reddish or tawny horses RV
- piśaṅgáka m. N. of an attendant of Vishṇu BrahmaP
- piśaṅgaya Nom. P. ○yati, to dye reddish Kir
- piśaṅgita mfn. dyed reddish-yellow Kād
- piśaṅgilá mf(ā́)n. reddish VS
- piśaṅgī-kṛ √to dye reddish Mudr
- piśācá m. (ifc. f. ā) N. of a class of demons (possibly so called either from their fondness for flesh [piśa for piśita] or from their yellowish appearance
- they were perhaps originally a personification of the ignis fatūs
- they are mentioned in the Veda along with Asuras and Rākshasas, See also Mn. xii, 44
- in later times they are the children of Krodhā, IW. 276)
- a fiend, ogre, demon, imp, malevolent or devilish being AV. &c. &c. (ifc. 'a devil of a -' Kād.)
- N. of a Rakshas R
- (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Daksha and mother of the Piśācas VP
- (ī), f. a female Piśācas, a she-devil AV. &c. &c. (also ifc. = m.)
- excessive fondness for (ifc
- e.g. āyudha-p○, excessive fondness for fighting) Bālar. Anarghar
- a species of Valerian L
- N. of a Yogini Hcat
- piśācakālacakrayuddhavaṇana3piśācá--kāla-cakra-yuddha-vaṇana n. N. of wk
- ○kṣáyaṇa mfn. destroying Piśācas AV
- ○gṛhītaka m. one possessed of Piśācas or demons Kād
- ○caryā f. the practice of PṭPiśācas BhP
- ○cā́tana mfn. driving away PṭPiśācas AV
- ○jámbhana mfn. crushing PṭPiśācas ib
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the state or condition of a Piśācas, demoniacal nature Kāv. Kathās
- ○dakṣiṇā f. a gift (such as given) among Piśācas MBh
- ○dīpikā f. lamp of the PṭPiśācas', an ignis fatūs MW
- ○dru m. Trophis Aspera (the favourite haunt of Piśācas) L
- ○pati m. lord of Piśācas', N. of Siva Kāv
- ○bādhā f. demoniacal possession MW
- ○bhāṣā f. 'Piśācas language', a corrupt dialect or gibberish (mostly used in plays) Kathās
- ○bhāṣya n. N. of Comm. on Bhag. (cf. paiśāca-bh○)
- ○bhikṣā f. alms (such as given) among Piśācas Āpast. (cf. -dakṣiṇā)
- ○mocana n. deliverance of the PṭPiśācas', N. of ch. of SkandaP
- = -tīrtha ib
- -kathana n. N. of ch. of KūrmaP
- -tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place SkandaP
- ○vadana mfn. having the face of a Piśācas Mcar
- ○vidyā-veda m. the Veda of the Piśācas ĀśvŚr
- ○vṛkṣa m. = -dru L
- ○veda m. = -vidyā-veda GopBr
- ○śvan m. dog-PṭPiśācas', N. of a demon malevolently disposed towards children ĀpGṛ. Sch
- ○saṃcāra m= -bādhā MW
- ○sabba n. assemblage of PṭPiśācas or fiends, pandemonium L
- ○han mfn. 'slaying Piśācas' Kāṭh
- piśācâṅganā f. a female Piśācas, a she-devil Prab
- piśācâlaya m. 'abode of Piśācas', phosphorescence Var
- piśācôdumbara m. a species of tree ĀpGṛ. Sch
- piśācôraga-rākṣasa m. pl. PṭPiśācas, serpents, and Rākshasas Nal
- piśācaka mf(ikā)n. = piśāce kuśalaḥ g. ākarṣâdi
- m. a Piśāca MBh. Var. &c
- (ikā), f. = piśācī (esp. ifc
- cf. āśā-, āyudha-, gandha-. &c.)
- N. of a river MārkP
- (sc. bhāṣā) f. = piśāca-bh○ L
- piśācaḍka-pura n. N. of a village Rājat
- piśācakin m. N. of Kubera (Vaiśravaṇa) Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 129
- piśāci m. = piśāca or N. of a demon RV. i, 133, 5
- piśācikī f. N. of a river (= daśârnā) Gal. (cf. under piśācaka)
- piśācī-karaṇa n. transforming into a Piśāca Cat
- piśitá mfn. made ready, prepared, dressed, adorned AV
- (ā), f. Nardostschys Jatamansi L
- n. (also pl.) flesh which has been cut up or prepared, any flesh or meat AV. &c. &c
- a small piece AV. vi, 127, 1. [Page 628, Column]
- ○nibha mfn. resembling flesh Suśr
- piśitapaṅkāvanaddhāsthipañjaramaya3piśitá--paṅkâvanaddhâsthi-pañjara-maya mf(ī)n. consisting of a skeleton of bones covered with flaccid flesh Prab
- ○piṇḍa m. a piece of flaccid ib
- ○praroha m. a fleshy excrescence Suśr
- ○bhuj mfn. eating flesh, a fṭflaccid-eater Var
- ○locana mfn. having fleshy eyes Sarvad
- ○vasā-maya mf(ī)n. consisting of flaccid and fat Prab
- piśitâkāṅkṣin mfn. greedy for fṭflaccid MBh
- piśitâma (prob.) n. raw flaccid ŚāṅkhGṛ
- piśitâśa m. a flaccid-eating demon, a Pisāca or Rakshas Hariv. Rājat
- (ā), f. N. of a Yogini Hcat
- piśitâsana mfn. flaccid-eating MBh. Suśr
- m. a wolf. MBh
- prec. m. R
- piśitâśin mfn. = prec. mfn. MBh
- m. a flaccid-eating demon R
- N. of a demon Hariv
- piśitêpsu mfn. eager for flaccid or meat MW
- pisitau0dana m. or n. boiled rice with meat Bhpr
- piśī f. of piśa, q.v
- píśuna mfn. backbiting, slanderous, calumnious, treacherous, malignant, base, wicked
- a backbiter, informer, betrayer RV. &c. &c
- (ifc.) showing, betraying, manifesting, telling of. memorable for Kālid. Kathās. Pur
- m. cotton L
- a crow L
- N. of Nārada
- of a goblin dangerous to pregnant women MārkP
- of a Brāhman Hariv
- of a minister of Dushyanta Śak
- (ā), f. Medicago Esculenta L
- n. informing against, betraying MBh
- saffron L
- (ī), f. N. of a river (described as the Mandākini) R. (cf. IW. 351, 2)
- ○tā f. slander, scandal, detraction Bhartṛ
- ○vacana
- ○vākya n. (W.)
- ○vāda m. (Hit.) evil speech, detraction, slander
- piśunaya Nom. P. ○yati, to betray, manifest, show, indicate Śak. Ratnâv
- piśunita mfn. betrayed, shown Ratnâv. Bālar
- piṣṭá mfn. (for 2. See √piṣ) fashioned, prepared, decorated (superl. -tama) RV. AV. VS
- n. = rūpa Naigh. iii, 7
- piśika m.pl. N. of a people in the south Var. MārkP
- piśīla n. a wooden vessel or dish ŚBr. (also -ka KātyŚr. Sch.)
- (ī), f. = piśila-viiṇā Lāṭy
- ○mātra n. = bāhvor antarālam ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○vīṇā f. a kind of stringed instrument Lāṭy
- piṣ cl. 7. P. (Dhātup. xxix, 15) pinaṣṭi (rarely Ā. ; Subj. 2. 3. sg. piṇak RV. ; Impv. piṃṣá AV. ;piṃṣe ;apiṃṣat ;piṣeyam MBh. ; pf. pipéṣa, pipiṣe RV. ; aor. apikṣan ŚBr. ; fut. pekṣyati Up. ;peṣṭā Gr. ; ind. p. piṣṭvā́, -péṣam Br. ;piṣya MBh. ; inf. pesṭum, péṣṭavaí Br.), to crush, bruise, grind, pound, hurt, injure, destroy (fig. also with gen. Pāṇ. 2-3, 56) RV. &c. &c
- Caus. peṣayati (aor. apīpiṣat Gr.), to crush, bruise, grind &c. GṛS. MBh. Car. (Gr. also 'to give ; to be strong ; to dwell'). [Cf Zd. piṣ ; Gk. ? [?] ; Lat. pinsere, [628,] pīsere.]
- piṣṭá mfn. (for 1. See above) crushed, ground &c. RV. &c. &c
- clasped, squeezed, rubbed together (as the hands) W
- kneaded ib
- m. a cake, pastry L
- N. of a man, g. śivâdi
- pl. his descendants, g. upakâdi
- (ī), f. See s.v
- n. flour, meal, anything ground (na pinaṣṭi piṣṭam, 'he does not grind flour' i.e. he does no useless work) BhP
- lead L
- ○ja mfn. made of flour Hcat
- ○pacana n. a pan for baking fṭflour Suśr
- ○paśu m. an effigy of a sacrificial animal made with flour or dough Mn. v, 37
- -khaṇḍana-mīmāṃsā f. -tiraskariṇī f. -nirṇaya m. -saraṇi f. -sādhaka-grantha m. N. of wks
- ○pāka m. a quantity of baked flour
- -bhṛt mfn. containing baked flour L
- m. a boiler A
- ○pācaka n. = -pacana L
- ○pātrī f. a pastry-dish L
- ○piṇḍa m. a cake of flour TBr. Sch
- ○pūra m. a sort of cake (made of flour and butter) L. (cf. ghṛta-p○)
- ○peṣa m. 'grinding flour or what is already ground', useless labour BhP
- ○peṣaṇa n. id
- -nyāya m. the rule of grinding flour (○yena, on the principle of 'grinding the ground' i.e. labouring uselessly) ĀpGṛ. Sch
- ○bhājana mfn. receiving meal GopBr
- ○bhuj mfn. eating meal BhP
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made of or mixed with flour SāmavBr. MBh. &c
- (with jala), n. water sprinkled with flour MBh
- ○meha m. flour-like diabetes
- ○hin mfn. suffering from it Suśr
- ○rasa m. watermixed with flour MBh. Suśr
- ○rātrī f. an effigy made of fṭflour symbolizing an inauspicious night AV.Pariś
- ○tryāḥ kalpa m. N. of 5th Pariś. of AV
- ○lepa m. flour-blot, impurity from meal or flour sticking to clothes &c. MānGṛ
- ○varti f. a sort of cake made of fṭflour L
- ○saurabha n. pulverized sandal-wood L
- ○svedam ind. (with √svid, Caus., to foment) until the dough swells, Sāmav. Br. [Page 629, Column]
- piṣṭâda mfn. eating flour BhP
- piṣṭânna n. food prepared from flour Suśr
- -dāna n. N. of wk
- piṣṭôdaka n. water mixed with flour MBh
- piṣṭôdvapanī f. a partic. sacrificial vessel L
- piṣṭaka m. a cake or anything made of flour, pastry L
- a disease of the eyes, opacity of the cornea Suśr
- (ikā), f. a sort of grit Bhpr
- Tamarindus Indica L
- n. flour or meal Subh
- pounded sesamum-seeds L
- ○saṃkrānti f. N. of a partic. festival W
- piṣṭāta and m. perfumed powder or dust (which the Hindus sprinkle over each other at the Holī or spring festival) Ratnâv. Kād. Rājat. (cf. RTL. 430)
- piṣṭāḍtaka m. perfumed powder or dust (which the Hindus sprinkle over each other at the Holī or spring festival) Ratnâv. Kād. Rājat. (cf. RTL. 430)
- piṣṭi f. powder, Ras5ndrac
- piṣṭika n. a cake made of rice flour L
- piṣṭī f. flour, meal Bhpr
- ○rasa m. a partic. medicinal preparation, Rasee5ndrac
- piṣṭī-kṛ √to grind down Nīlak
- piṣṭauṇḍī f. Tamarindus Indica L. (cf. under piṣṭaka)
- piṣṭapa v. l. for viṣṭapa, q.v
- piṣyala wṛ. for pippala, q.v
- pis cl. 4. P. (Naigh. ii, 14) písyati (pf. 3. pl. pipisuḥ), to stretch, expand ŚBr
- cl. 1. pesati, to go, move Dhātup. xvii, 69
- cl. 10. pesayati id
- to hurt
- to be strong
- to give or to take
- to dwell, xxxii, 32 (cf. piṣ, Caus.)
- pispṛkṣu mfn. (√spṛs) wishing or being about to touch
- (with jalam, or salilam) being about to rinse the mouth or to perform ablutions MBh. R
- pi-hita pi-hiti, See pi-√dhā
- pihuli m. N. of a serpent-demon L
- pī. (connected with √1 pā to which belong pass. pīyáte, pp. pīta, pītvā &c.), cl. 4. Ā. pīyate, to drink MBh. Dhātup. xxvi, 32
- pī or pi (connected with √pyai), cl.1. Ā. páyate (cl. 2.Ā. pr.p. píyāna cl.3.P.Impv. pīpihī
- impf. ápīpet, ápīpayat
- Subj. pipyatam, ○tām
- pīpayat Ā. ○yanta, p. Ā. pā́pyāna
- pf. P. pīpā́ya. 2. sg. pīpetha, 3. pl. pipyur
- p. Ā. pīpyāná), to swell, overflow, be exuberant, abound, increase, grow
- (trans.) to fatten, cause to swell or be exuberant, surfeit RV
- pīṭha n. (rarely ii, f
- possibly corrupted fr. pi-sad, to sit upon) a stool, seat, chair, bench, GṛŚ. MBh. &c
- a religious student's seat (made properly of Kuśa grass) W
- case, pedestal (esp. of an idol) Rājat. Var. Sch
- royal seat, throne RāmatUp
- place, office (cf. pīṭhâdhikāra)
- N. of various temples (erected on the 5 1 spots where the limbs of Pārvatī fell after she had been cut to pieces by the discus of Vishṇu) L
- a district, province Pañc
- a partic. posture in sitting Cat
- (in geom.) the complement of a segment Col
- m. a kind of fish L
- the sun Gal
- N. of an Asura MBh
- of a minister of Kaṃsa Hariv
- ○keli m. a male confidant, parasite L
- ○ga m. moving about in a wheel-chair, lame, crippled MBh
- ○garbha m. the cavity in the pedestal of an idol Var. Sch
- ○cakra n. a chariot with a seat AśvGṛ
- ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wk
- ○nāyikā f. a girl of four at the festival of that goddess L
- ○nirūpaṇa n
- ○nirṇaya m. N. of wks
- ○nyāsa m. N. of a partic. mystical ceremony Tantras
- ○bhū f. a basis, basement L
- ○marda mfn. very impudent L
- m. a companion, parasite MBh. iv, 674 (= rājapriya Nīlak.)
- the companion of the hero of a drama in any great enterprise Daśar. Sāh
- a dancing master who teaches courtezans L
- (ikā), f. a lady who assists the heroine of a drama in securing her lover Mālav. 13/14
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○vivara m. = -garbha Var. Sch
- ○śakti-nirṇaya m. N. of wk
- ○sarpa (MBh. Nīlak. 'a boa'),
- ○sarpín (VS.), mfn. = -ga
- ○sūtra n. N. of wk
- ○sthāna n. N. of a city (= prati-ṣṭhāna) Siṃhâs
- pīṭhâdkikāra m. appointment to a place or office Rājat
- pīṭhôpapāli mfn. one whose ear lobes have been entirely cut off Suśr
- pīṭhaka m. or n. a stool, chair, bench BhP
- a kind of palanquin, Karaṇḍ
- (ikā), f. a stool, bench R. Malav. Kathās
- a base, pedestal (esp. of an idol Kathās.) Kāraṇḍ. Var. Sch. (cf. pūrvapīṭhikā). [Page 629, Column]
- pīṭhāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a stool L
- pīḍ (prob. fr. pisd = pi- √sad), pf. pipīḍé, to be squeezed or pressed out (as Soma) RV. iv, 22, 8
- cl. 10. P. or Caus. pīḍayati (ep. also ○te
- aor. apipīḍat, or apīpiḍat Pāṇ. 7-4, 3) Dhātup. xxxii, 11
- to press, squeeze (kālaṃ kālena pīḍayan, 'Pressing time against time', i.e., leaving everything to time' Mn. i, 51) AV. &c. &c
- to hurt, harm, injure, oppress, pain, vex Mn. MBh. to beleaguer (a city) R
- to break (a vow) Yājñ
- to neglect (one's family) MBh
- (in astrol.) to cover (esp. with something inauspicious), to eclipse, obscure Var.: Pass. pīḍyate, to be pressed or pained or afflicted MBh. Kāv. &c
- to cause pain, hurt Pañcad
- pīḍa m. n. in tila-p○, triṇa-p○
- pīḍaka m. an oppressor (cf. tālu-p○)
- pīḍana mfn. pressing, afflicting, molesting, paining (cf. cakṣu-p○)
- n. the act of pressing or squeezing R. Kathās. Gīt
- an instrument for pressing, press (= pīḍana-dravya) Suśr
- the act of oppressing or suppressing, Paining, harassing, afflicting R. Kām. Rājat
- devastation, laying a country waste W
- misfortune, calamity Mn. ix, 299
- obscuration, eclipse (of a planet, cf. graha-p○ ) Suśr
- suppression (of sounds, a fault in prounciation) RPrāt
- pīḍanīya mfn. used for pressing, serving for a press Suśr
- = next MBh
- pīḍayitavya mfn. to be oppressed or harassed or molested or pained MBh
- pīḍā f. pain, suffering, annoyance, harm, injury, violation, damage (ayā ind. with pain, i.e. unwillingly) Mn. MBh. &c
- devastation (cf. pīḍana) W
- restriction, limitation KātyŚr. Sch
- obscuration, eclipse (of a planet, cf. graha-p○) Var
- pity, compassion L
- a chaplet or garland for the head L. (cf. āpīḍa)
- Pinus Longifolia L
- a basket L
- wṛ. for pīṭha
- ○kara mfn. pain-causing, afflicting, tormenting Yājñ
- ○karaṇa n. the causing of pain, torturing W
- ○kṛt mfn. = -kara Var
- ○kṛta n. the infliction of pain or disadvantage Gaut
- ○gṛha n. torture-chamber, house of correction Sāy
- ○bhāj mfn. showing wavy marks of pressure or indentations Kir
- ○yantra-gṛha n. = pīḍāgriha Sāy
- ○sthāna n. (in astrol.) an unlucky position, inauspicious distance (of a planet) Var
- pīḍāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to feel pain, be uneasy Sāṃkhyak. Sch
- pīḍita mfn. squeezed, pressed Mn. MBh. &c
- hurt, injured, afflicted, distressed, troubled, badly off ib
- covered, eclipsed, obscured Var
- laid waste W
- bound, tied ib
- suppressed
- badly pronounced, APrāt
- (am), ind. closely R
- n. damage Gaut
- harassment, annoyance MBh. (v. l. pīḍana)
- a kind of coitus L
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the being pressed or afflicted or distressed Suśr
- pīḍin mfn. annoying, distressing (ifc.) Naish
- pītá mfn. (√1. pā) drunk, sucked, sipped, quaffed, imbibed RV. &c. &c
- ifc. having drunk, soaked, steeped, saturated, filled with (also with instr.) Mn. MBh. (cf. g. āhitâgny-ādi)
- n. drinking L
- ○kośa mfn. one who has ratified a treaty by drinking from a cup Rājat. (cf. under kośa)
- ○taila mfn. one who has drunk oil, filled with oil (cf. taila-pīta)
- (ā), f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum and some other species L
- ○dugdhā f. a cow whose milk has been pledged (lit. already drunk) L
- a cow tied up to be milked, any milch cow W
- a kind of shrub (= kṣīriṇī) L
- ○nidra mfn. immersed in slumber BhP
- ○pratibaddha-vatsā f. a cow whose calf has drunk milk and been tied up Ragh
- ○madya mfn. one who has drunk wine or any other intoxicating liquor MW
- ○māruta m. a kind of snake Car
- ○rasa m. whose juice is drunk ib
- ○vat mfn. one who has drunk Suśr
- containing √1. pā AitBr
- ○vipīta mfn. g. śāka-pārthivâdi (cf. bhukta-vibhukta)
- ○śeṣa mfn. left from drinking
- m. remainder of anything drunk Gobh. R
- ○śonita mfn. (a sword) that has dṭdrunk blood, bloody Kathās
- ○soma-pūrva mfn. (a Brāhman) who has drunk before the Soma-juice (at a sacrifice) Mn. xi, 8
- pītâbdhi m. 'by whom the ocean was dṭdrunk', N. of the Muni Agastya (s.v.) L
- pītâvaśeṣa mfn. drunk up with the exception of a small remainder Kām
- pītôdaka mfn. one who has drunk water or whose water has been drunk KaṭhUp. [Page 629, Column]
- pītí f. drinking (with acc. or gen.), a draught RV
- a tavern L
- m. a horse L
- pītin mfn. drinking, one who has drunk ( See soma-p○)
- m. a horse L
- pītu m. who drinks or dries up', the sun or fire Uṇ. i, 71 Sch
- the chief elephant of a herd L. =
- dāru (pī́tu-), m. a kind of tree (= deva-dāru, or = khadira) ŚBr. Kāṭh. (cf. pīta-dāru)
- pītvā́ ind. having drunk or quaffed RV. &c. &c
- ○sthiraka mfn. somewhat refreshed by a draught, g. mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi
- pītvī́ (RV.) and ind. having drunk or quaffed
- pītvīnam (Kāś. on Psṇ. vii, 1, 48), ind. having drunk or quaffed
- pītha m. a drink, draught (cf. go-p○, surā-p○, soma-p○)
- n. water L
- melted butter L
- pīthi m. a horse L. (cf. pītí)
- pīthin mfn. drinking up, exhausting (cf. kośa-p○)
- pīta mf(ā)n. (possibly fr. √2. pi or √pyai, the colour of butter ind oil being yellowish) yellow (the colour of the Vaiśyas, white being that of the Brāhmans, red that of the Kshatriyas, and black that of the Śūdras) GṛS. Up. MBh. &c
- m. yellow colour W
- a yellow gem, topaz L
- a yellow pigment prepared from the urine of kine L
- N. of sev. plants (Alangium Hexapetalum, Carthamus Tinctorius, Trophis Aspera) L
- of the Vaiśyas in Śālmala-dvipa VP
- (ā), f. N. of sev. plants (Curcuma Longa and Aromatica, a species of Dalbergia Sissoo, a species of Musa, Aconitum Ferox, Panicuni Italicum, = mahā-jyotihmatī) L
- a kind of yellow pigment (= go-rocanā) L
- a mystical N. of the letter ṣ Up
- n. a yellow substance ChUp
- gold L
- yellow orpiment L
- ○kadalī f. a species of banana L
- ○kanda n. Daucus Carota L
- ○karavīráka m. oleander with yṭyellow flowers L
- ○kāvera n. saffron L
- bell-metal L
- ○kāṣṭha n. yellow sanders L
- Chloroxylon Swietenia L
- ○kīlā f. a species of plant (= āvartakī) L
- ○kuṣṭha n. yellow leprosy L
- ○kedāra m. a species of rice Gal
- ○kauśeyavāsas mfn. dressed in yṭyellow silk
- m. N. of Kṛishṇa MW
- ○gandha n. yellow sandal L
- ○ghoṣā f. a species of creeper with yṭyellow flowers L
- ○cañcu m. yellow -beak', a kind of parrot Gal
- ○candana n. yellow sandal L
- saffron L
- turmeric L
- ○campaka m. 'yellow as the Campa', a lamp L
- a looking-glass Gal
- ○taṇḍula m. Panicum Italicum Gal
- (ā), f. id. (also ○likā) L
- a species of Solanum L
- ○tā f. yellowness MBh
- ○tuṇḍa m. yellow-beak, Sylvia Sutoria L
- ○tva n. = -tā MW
- ○dāru m. Pinus Deodora and Longifolia L
- Curcuma Aromatica L
- Chloroxylon Swietenia L
- ○dīptā f. N. of a Buddh. deity, Kāac
- ○dru m. Pinus Longifolia or Curcuma Aromatica L
- ○nīla mfn. 'yellow-blue', green L
- ○parṇī f. 'yellow -leaved', Tragia Involucrata L
- ○pādaka m. a tree similar to the Bignonia L
- ○pādā f. 'yellow-footed', Turdus Salica L
- ○pura n. yellow-town', N. of a town Siṃhâs
- ○puṣpa m. 'yellow-fiowered', N. of sev. plants (Pterospermum Acerifolium or some other species, Michelia Champaka, Tabernaemontana Coronaeia, a species of yṭyellow Barleria) L
- (ā). f. the colocynth L
- a kind of shrub L
- Cajanus Indicus L., (ī), f. Andropogon Acicularis L
- the colocynth and other kinds of gourd L
- a Barleria with yellow flowers L
- n. Tabernaemontana Coronaria L
- ○prasava m. = -karaviiraka L
- ○phala m. 'having yellow fruits', Trophis Aspera L. (also ○laka)
- Averrhoa Carambola L
- ○bījā f. having yellow seed', Trigonella Foenum Graecum L
- ○bhasman m. a partic. preparation of quicksilver L
- ○bhṛṅgarāja m. an Eclipta with yṭyellow flowers L
- ○maṇi m. yellow gem', a topaz L
- ○maṇḍūka m. a kind of yellow frog L
- ○mastaka m. yellow-head', Loxia Philippensis L
- ○mākṣika n. yellow pyrites L
- ○māñjiṣṭha mfn. yellowish-red MW
- ○muṇḍa m. = -mastaka L
- ○mudga m. a yellow variety of the Phaseolus Mungo W
- ○mustā f. a species of Cyperus L
- ○mūlaka n. Daucns Carota L
- ○yūthī f. yellow jasmine L
- ○rakta mfn. yellowishred, orange (-cchāya mfn. orange-coloured) L
- m. = next L
- ○ratna m.= -maṇi L
- ○ratnaka m. a species of yellow gem ( = go-meda) Bhpr
- ○rambhā f. a kind of Musa L
- ○rāga mfn. of a yellow colour
- m. yellowness W
- m. or n. the fibres of the lotus &c. L
- n. wax L
- ○rohiṇī f. Gmelina Arborea L
- ○loha yellow metal, queen's mṭmetal or a mixed metal resembling gold W
- ○varṇa m. 'yellow-coloured', a species of parrot Gal
- ○varṇaka m. Pimelodus Gagora. L. (cf. gargara). [Page 630, Column]
- ○vālukā f. turmeric L
- ○vāsas mfn. dressed in yellow, m. N. of Vishṇu MBh. R
- ○vṛkṣa m. yellow tree', Pinus Longifolia Bhpr
- a species of Śyonāka L
- ○śāla or m. Terminalia Tomentosa L
- ○śālaka m. Terminalia Tomentosa L
- ○sāra m. a yellow gem (= go-medaka) L
- the sandal tree L
- Alangium Hexapetaluni L
- Citrus Medica L
- olibanum L
- n. yellow sanders L
- ○sāraka m. Alangium Hexapetalum L
- Azadirachta Indica L
- ○sāri n. antimony L
- ○skandha m. 'yellow-shouldered', a hog L
- ○sphaṭika m. 'yellow crystal', a topaz L
- ○sphoṭa m. 'yellow pustules', the itch or scab L
- ○harita mfn. 'yellowish-green'
- -cchāya mfn. of a yellow-gṭgreen colour L
- pītâṅga m. a kind of frog L
- a species of Syoāka L
- pītâmbara mfn. dressed in yellow clothes
- m. N. of Vishṇu-Krishna Gīt
- a dancer or actor L
- a religious mendicant wearing yellow garments W
- N. of sev. men and authors (also with śarman and bhaṭṭa)
- ○rāpaddhati f. N. of wk
- pītâmlāna m. yellow amaranth L
- pītâruṇa mfn. yellowish-red
- m. N. applied to mid-dawn L. (cf. nīlâruṇa)
- pītâvabhāsa mfn. of yellow appearance (-tā f.) Suśr
- pītâśman m. yellow stone', a topaz L
- pītaka mf(ikā)n. yellow MBh. R. Suśr. (also applied to the 4th unknown quantity Col.) m. yellow amaranth L
- Odina Pennata L
- (ikā), f. saffron L
- turmeric L
- yellow jasmine L
- n. (only L.) orpiment
- brass
- honey
- saffron
- yellow sanders
- aloe wood
- Curcuma Aromatica
- Terminalia Tomentosa, a species of Śyonāka
- ○druma m. Curcuma Aromatica L
- ○mākṣika n. yellow pyrites MBh. (cf. pīta-m○)
- pītana m. a species of tree (Spondias Mangifera Pentaptera Tomentosa or Ficus Infectoria) L
- n. orpiment L
- saffron L
- Pinus Deodora L
- pītanaka m. Spondias Mangifera L
- pītala mfn. yellow L
- m. yellow colour W
- n. brass ib
- pītalaka n. brass L
- pītiman m. a yellow colour Vām
- pīti f. (√3. pā
- for 1. See p. 629) protection ( See nṛ-p○)
- pītha m. id. ( See go-p○)
- pīthya n. id. ( See go-p○)
- pītu See p. 629, col. 3
- pīthī f. (prob.) = viithī Divyâv. (others, 'market-place')
- pīthe m. N. of a chief builder Inscr
- pīdārī f. N. of a mother or female deity RTL. 228
- pīna mf(ā)n. (√2. pī) swelling, swollen, full, round, thick, large, fat, fleshy, corpulent muscular MBh. Kāv. &c
- (with sveda), m. profuse perspiration Suśr
- ○kakud-mat mfn. having a fat hump Pañc
- ○tarala mfn. having a large central gem Hariv
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. fatness, corpulency, compactness, denseness Kāv
- ○nitambā f.' having full hips', N. of a metre Col
- ○vakṣas mfn. fullbreasted, large-chested MW. =
- ○śroṇi-payodhara mfn. having swelling hips and breasts Nal
- ○stana m. the full breast (of a woman) Vikr.v, 15
- pīnâṃsa m. a high shoulder MBh
- mfn. fat-shouldered ib
- pīnâyata-kakudmat mfn. having a full and prominent hump Pañc
- pīnôttuṅga-stanī f. (a woman) having a large and prominent breast MW
- pīnôdhas (MBh.),
- pīnôḍdhnī (L.), f. (a cow) with full or swelling udders
- pīnara mfn. g. aśmâdi
- pīpivás mf(pipyúhī)n. swelling, overflowing, exuberant, flowing with (gen. or acc.) RV
- pīyū́kṣa mn. the milk of a cow during the first seven days after calving, biestings
- (met.) any thick fluid, cream, juice RV. AV. Kauś. Suśr
- nectar (the drink of immortality produced at the churning of the ocean of milk) Kāv. &c
- ○kaṇikā f. 'nectar-drop' N. of Comm
- ○tā f. condition or quality of nectar Kāv
- ○garala n. nectar and poison Hit
- ○dyuti and m. nectar -rayed, the moon Kāv
- ○dhāman m. nectar -rayed, the moon Kāv
- ○dhārā f. stream of nectar, N. of sev. works
- -kir m. 'pouring out streams of nectar', the moon (whose rays are said to be filled with nectar) Viddh
- ○pūrṇa mfn. full of nectar, nectar-like Kāv
- ○bhānu m. = -dyuti ib
- ○bhuj m. 'nectar-quaffer', a god ib
- ○mayūkha (Kāv.),
- ○mahas and m. = -dyuti
- ○ruci (L.), m. = -dyuti
- ○laharī f. 'stream of nectar', N. of a poem
- ○varṇa mfn. milk-white white L
- m. a white horse Gal
- ○varṣa m. a shower of nectar
- ṣāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become or turn into a shṭshower of nectar Bhartṛ. [Page 630, Column]
- ○sāgara m. 'sea of nectar', N. of sev. wks
- pīyūṣa Nom. P. ○ṣati, to become or turn into nectar MW
- pī́va mfn. fat RV. AitBr
- (ā), f. water L
- pīva Nom. P. ○vati, to be fat or corpulent Dhātup. xv, 55
- pī́va in comp.= pī́vas
- pī́vôpavasana mfn. covered with fat VS. (cf. payâpavasana and Pāṇ. 6-3, 109 Vārtt. 6 Pat.)
- pī́van mf(arī)n. swelling, full, fat, strong, robust RV. &c. &c
- m.wind L
- (arī), f. a young woman L
- a cow, l
- Asparagus Racemosus L
- Desmodium Gangeticum Bhpr
- N. of a spiritual daughter of the Barhi-shad Pitṛis and wife of Veda-śiras Hariv
- of a princess of Vidarbha MārkP. [Cf. Gk. ? [630,] for ?, ?.]
- pīvara mfn. fat, stout, large, plump, thick, dense, full of or abounding with (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. a tortoise L
- N. of one of the Saptarshis under Manu Tāmasa MārkP
- of a son of Dyuti-mat VP
- (ā), f. Physalis Flexuosus L
- Asparagus Racemosus Bhpr
- N. of a daughter of the Gandharva Huhu Kathās
- n. N. of a Varsha in Krauñica-dvipa VP
- ○tva n. thickness, density Dhūrtas
- ○stanī f. a woman with large breasts or a cow with a large udder L
- pī́varī f. of pī́van, q.v
- pīvarī ind. for pīvara
- ○kṛta mfn. fattened MBh
- pī́vas n. fat RV. AV. [Cf. Gk. ?.] [630,]
- pīvaḥsphāká mfn. swelling with fat AV
- pī́vas-vat mfn. abundant, exuberant RV
- pīvasá mf(ā)n. swelling, swollen, abounding with fat, fat, abundant RV. TBr
- pī́viṣṭha mfn. extremely fat ŚBr
- pī́vo in comp.= pīvas
- ○anna (pī́), mfn. having rich or abundant food RV
- ○aśva (pī́○), mfn. having fat horses
- ○rūpa mfn. having a fat appearance AitBr
- pī-nasa m. (prob. fr. pī = api + nas
- cf. apī-nasa) cold (affecting the nose), catarrh Suśr
- ○nāśana mfn. destroying catarrh ib
- (ā), f. Cucumis Utilissimus
- pīnasita (Var.),
- pīnaḍsin (Suśr.), mfn. -having a cold Suśr
- pīpari m. a tree kindred to Ficus Infectoria L
- pī́bas See pī́vas
- pīy cl. r.P. pī́yati, to blame, abuse, revile, scoff, deride RV. AV. Nir. iv, 25
- to gladden (cf. Uṇ. iv, 76)
- pī́yaka m. 'abuser', (prob.) N. of a class of demons AV
- pīyatnú mfn. scornful RV
- pīyú m. scornful, injurious RV
- m. (L.) an owl
- a crow
- fire
- gold
- time
- pīyukṣā f. a species of tree
- (-vaṇa = -vana Pāṇ. 8-4, 5)
- pīyūkṣila mfn. g. kāśâdi
- pīl cl. 1. pīlati, to check or stop, to become stupid Dhātup. xv, 14
- pīlu m. (cf.Uṇ. i, 38 Sch.) a species of tree (Careya Arborea or Salvadora Persica L.) MBh. R. &c
- a group of palm trees or the stem of the palm L
- a flower L
- the blossoms of Saccharum Sara L
- a piece of bone (asthi-khanda) L
- an arrow L
- a worm L
- an atom Sarvad
- an elephant (cf. Aribic ?, Persian ?) L
- (ú), n. the fruit of the Pilu tree AV
- ○kuṇa m. the season of the ripening of the Pilu fruit Pāṇ. 5-2, 24 (cf. pailukuṇa)
- ○pati m. a keeper of elephants L
- ○pattra m. Sanseviera Roxburghiana L
- ○parṇī f. id. L
- Momordica Monidelpha L
- a kind of drug L
- ○pāka m. the junction of atoms caused by heat Sarvad
- ○matī (pīlú-), f. (with dyaus) the central or middle region of the sky (between Udan-vati and Pra-dyaus) AV. =
- ○vana n. a forest consisting of Pīlu trees Buddh
- ○vaha n. N. of a district Pāṇ. 6-3, 121 (cf. pailuvahaka).'
- ○vādin m. one who asserts the eternity of atoms Śaṃkar
- ○sāra mṆ. of a mountain (also called pīlu-giri) Buddh
- stūpa m. N. of a Stupa ib
- pīluka m. N. of a tree L. (cf. kāha-pīluka, kāla-p○ an ant L. (cf. pīlaka)
- pīlunī f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana L. [Page 630, Column]
- pīlaka m. an ant L. (cf. pipīla and pīluka)
- pīlā f. N. of an Apsaras AV
- of a woman L
- pīṣ = √piṣ in apīṣan AV. iv, 6, 7
- pu mfn. cleaning, purifying ( See su-pú)
- puṃ-yāna &c. See under 2. puṃs
- puṃs cl. 10. puṃsayati, to crush, grind Dhātup. xxxii, 94 (Nom. fr. next?)
- púṃs m. (the strong cases from pumāns [Pāṇ. 7-1, 8]
- sg. nom. púmān
- voc. púmas or púman
- acc. púmāṃsam
- du. nom. púmāṃsau
- pl. nom. púmāṃsas [irreg. puṃsas MBh. iii, 1382]
- the weak from puṃs [e.g. sg. instr. puṃsā́
- loc. puṃsí acc. pl. puṃsás], which loses its s before consonants [e.g. instr. pl. pum-bhís
- loc. pl. puṃsú]
- for puṃs, ibc, See Pāṇ. 8-3, 6) a man, a male being RV. &c. &c
- (in gram.) a masculine (word) ŚBr. Pāṇ. Vop
- a human being MBh. Kāv. &c
- a servant, attendant BhP
- the soul, spirit, spirit of man (= puruṣa
- with para or parama, the Supreme Spirit, Soul of the Universe, Vishṇu) KapS. Tattvas. Sāṃkhyak. MBh. Pur. Kathās
- ○kaṭī f. a man's hip L
- ○karmâśaya m. the qualities of man as dependant on the acts done in a previous existence Sarvad
- ○kāmā f. a woman desirous of a lover or husband Pāṇ. 8-3, 6 Kāś
- ○kṛ́tyā ind. by applying masculine forms ŚBr
- ○kokila m. the male of the Indian cuckoo (-tva n.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○traya n. three generations Hcat
- ○tva n. the being a man (opp. to strī-bhāva) Pur
- manhood, virility Yājñ. Suśr
- semen virile Hariv
- (in gram.) masculineness, the masculine gender L. Pāṇ. Sch
- -doṣa m. 'want of manhood', impotence Gal
- -vigraha m. Andropngon Schoenanthus L
- ○putra m. a male child, boy Pāṇ. 8-3, 6 Kāś
- ○prajanana n. the male organ of generation Nir
- ○pravāda m. any grammatical or case form in the masculine gender RPrāt
- ○vat (púṃs-), mfn. containing a male being TS
- puṃ in comp. for 2. puṃs
- ○yāna n. (prob.) = nara-y○, a palanquin APrāt. Sch
- ○yuj (L.), and m. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 48) connection with or relation to a man
- ○yoga m. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 48) connection with or relation to a man
- ○ratna n. a jewel of a man, an excellent man Rājat
- ○rāśī m. a male sign of the zodiac (as Aries &c.) Var
- ○rūpa n. the form or shape of a man (○paṃ √kṛ, to assume the form of a man) MW
- (púṃ-), mf(ā) n. having the form of a man MaitrS
- ○lakṣman n. the mark of a man, manliness Rājat
- ○liṅga n. id. MBh
- the male organ W
- the masculine gender Kum. Sch
- mf(ā)n. having the mark of a man AgP
- (in gram.) being masculine
- -tā f. Kum. Sch
- ○vat ind. like a man, like or in or with a man &c. MBh. Kāv
- like or in or with the masculine gender ŚrS. Pāṇ. Vop. (-vad-vidhāna n. ceremonies as on the birth of a male MW.)
- ○vatsa (púṃ-), m. a bull-calf. ŚBr
- mf(ā) n. having (or surrounded by) bull-calves BrahmaP
- ○vṛṣa m. the musk rat L
- ○veṣa mf(ā)n. wearing male attire, dressed like a man Kathās
- ○vyañjana n. the mark or attribute of a man ĀpŚr
- ○śabda m. a masculine word L
- ○savana mfn. bringing forth a male, producing a male child BhP. Car
- n. (with or sc. vrata), 'male-production rite', N. of the 2nd of the 12 Saṃsksras performed in the third month of gestation and before the period of quickening GṛS. MBh. &c. (cf. RTL. 353 ; 355)
- a fetus BhP
- milk L
- -prayoga and ○nâdi-prayora m. N. of wks
- ○súvana n. bringing forth a male child AV
- ○sū f. bringing forth only male children ĀpGṛ
- ○strī du. a male and a female child Mn. iii, 49
- puṃ incomp. before k, j, &c
- ○kandā f. a species of plant L
- ○kṣira n
- ○kṣura m. Pāṇ. 8-3, 9 Kāś
- ○khe'ṭa m. a male planet L
- ○khyāna n. Siddh. on Pāṇ. 8-3, 6
- ○gava m. (ifc. f. ā) a bull Lāṭy. Hariv
- a hero, eminent person, chief of ifc. cf kuru-p○, gaja-p○ &c.)
- a kind of drug L
- -ketu m. 'marked by a bull', N. of Śiva Kum
- ○guṇa-jantu jīva m. the living or animal soul combined with the qualities of man Tattvas
- ○janman n. the birth of a male child
- ○ma-kara and ○ma-da mfn. causing or granting it Var
- ○ma-yoga m. a constellation under which male children are born ib
- ○dāna n. APrāt. Sch
- ○dāsa m. a male slave Pāṇ. 8-3, 6 Kāś
- ○devata mfn. addressed to a male deity (as a hymn) Cat. [Page 631, Column]
- ○dhvaja m. male-marked', a mṭmale animal L
- ○nakṣatra n. a male Nakshatia Kauś
- any constellation under which males are procreated W
- ○napuṃsaka n. masculine and neuter L
- ○nāga m. 'elephant among men', any distinguished man L
- a white elephant L
- N. of a plant (Rottleria Tinctoria or Calophyllum Inophyllum) L
- a white lotus L
- a nutmeg L
- ○nāṭa m. Cassia Tora Bhpr
- ○nāḍa m. id. ib
- N. of a prince Inscr
- ○nāmadheya mfn. that which is called man', a male Kauś. R
- ○nāman (púṃ-.), mfn. having a masculine name ŚBr. MBh. &c
- m. Rottleria Tinctoria L
- puṃś in comp. for 2. puṃs (cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 6)
- ○calī f. 'running after men', a harlot, courtezan AV. &c. &c. (-cala m. a fornicator VarBṛS. xxiii, 5)
- ○lī-putra, m. a harlot's son Mṛicch
- ○líya m. id. Rājat
- ○calū́ f. a harlot VS
- m. a whoremonger KātyŚr
- ○cihna n. 'male-mark', membrum virile L
- ○cora m. a male thief L
- ○chagalā f. having a kid (as its young) ĀpŚr
- puṃsa in comp. for 2. puṃs. -1
- ○vat mfn. having a son SāṅkhGṛ. (cf. puṃs-vat) 2
- ○vat ind. like (with) a man HPariś
- puṃsâka See na-p○
- puṃsânuja m. (instr. of puṃs + an○) having an elder brother (?) Pāṇ. 6-3, 3 Vārtt. 2 (cf. pum-anuja)
- puṃsī f. a cow which has a bull-calf. Kauś
- puṃska (ifc., f. ā) = puṃs g. ura-ādi (cf. uktap○, bhāṣita-p○)
- pum in comp. for 2. puṃs
- ○anujā f. 'born after a male child', having an elder brother Pāṇ. 3-2, 100 Kāś. (cf. puṃsânuja)
- ○apatya n. male offspring L
- ○artha m. the aim of man (-tā f.) TBr. Sch
- (am), ind. for the sake of the soul KapS
- ○ākhya mfn. designated as male or masculine Pāṇ. 8-3, 6 Sch
- (ā), f. a name or designation for male beings L. Pāṇ. 4-1, 48 Sch
- ○ācāra m. the custom or usage of men Pāṇ. 8-3, 6 Sch
- ○paśu m. a man as sacrificial victim Kathās
- ○prakṛti f. the nature or character of a man Var
- ○bhāva m. the being a man, manhood, masculine gender Daś
- ○bhūman m. a word of the mascṭmasculine gender in the pl. number L
- ○mantra m. a magical formula regarded as male Sarvad
- ○mṛga m. a male antelope, Mahidh
- puṃsoka m. N. of a poet Cat
- puṃsti n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- puka m.= dāna Gaṇar. 299
- pukin mfn. g. prêkṣâdi
- pukkaśa pukkaṣa m. wṛ. for pulkasa, q.v
- pukkasa m. id
- (ī), f. the indigo plant L
- = kalikā or kālikā L
- púklaka or púlkaka, m.= pulkasa MaitrS
- puṅkha m. the shaft or feathered part of an arrow (which comes in contact with the bowstring) MBh. Kāv. &c
- a hawk, falcon L
- = maṅgalâcāra L
- puṅkhita mfn. shafted or feathered (as an arrow)
- śara mfn. having or armed with shafted or feathered arrows (as the god of love) Amar
- puṅkhila-tīrtha n. N. of a place of pilgrimage (= rāma-t○) ŚivaP
- puṅga mṇ.a heap, collection, quantity (cf. puñja) L
- (ī), f. N. of a partic. kind of woman BrahmaP
- puṅgala wṛ. for puḍgala
- puṅgava See p. 630, col. 3
- púccha m. n. (ifc. f. ā, or ī Pāṇ. 4-i, 55 Vārtt. 1-3) a tail, the hinder part AV. &c.&c
- last or extreme end (as of a year) ŚāṅkhBr
- ○kaṇṭaka m. 'whose sting is in its tail', a scorpion A
- ○jāha n. = -dhi MW
- ○dā f. a bulbous plant used as a remedy for sterility L. (cf. putra-dā)
- ○dhí m. the √of the tail AV
- ○bandha m. a (horse's) tail-band or crupper Gal
- ○brahmavāda m. N. of a Vedânta wk
- -khaṇḍana n. -nirākaraṇa n. N. of wks
- ○mūla n. = -dhi. L
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of a Nyāya wk
- -kroḍa m. ṭikā f. -dīdhiti-ṭikā f. -prakāśa m. -vivecana n. ○ṇânugama m. N. of wks
- ○vat mfn. having a tail, tailed Kathās. [Page 631, Column]
- pucchâgra n. tip of the tail Hit
- (prob. m.) N. of a mountain W
- pucchâṇḍaka m. N. of a Nāga of the race of Takshaka MBh
- pucchâsya-cārin mfn. moving along with tail and mouth Suśr
- pucchêsvara m. or n. (?) N. of a place Inscr
- pucchôṭikā f. (p○ +?) = puccha-bandha Gal
- pucchaka (ifc. f. ikā
- cf kroṣṭu-pucchikā)
- = puccha L
- m. N. of a man Cat
- pucchaya See ut-pucchaya
- pucchala See kapúcchala
- pucchin mfn. = puccha-vat
- m. a cock L
- Calotropis Gigantea L
- pucchaṭi n. or ṭī f. snapping or cracking the fingers L. (cf. mucuṭī)
- puch cl. 1. P. pucchati, to be careless Dhātup. vii, 35 (v. l. for yuch, much)
- puñja m. (mostly ifc
- f. ā) a heap, mass, quantity, multitude MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○rāja m. N. of a grammarian Cat
- ○śas ind. in heaps or numbers MBh
- puñjaya Nom. P. ○yati, to heap, press together Kād. Bālar
- puñjātuka n. = phalelāṅku (?) L
- puñji f. = puñja L
- ○ṣṭha mfn. heaped, accumulated
- (puñjí-), m. a fisherman or a birdcatcher VS. AśvŚr. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 97)
- puñjika m. hail L
- ○sthalā (VS. &c.),
- ○sthalī (BhP.),
- puñjiḍkā-stanā (MārkP.) and N. of an Apsaras
- puñjiḍkāsthalā (L.), N. of an Apsaras
- puñjita mfn. heaped, made up into a ball, pressed or put together Kāv. Rājat
- puñjiṣṭha See puñji
- puñjī in comp. for puñja
- ○kartavya mfn. to be heaped or collected Bhaṭṭ. Sch
- ○kṛta mfn. heaped, collected Mahīdh
- ○kṛtya ind. by heaping or collecting KātyŚr. Sch
- ○bhū mfn. to be heaped or gathered or pressed or collected together Kād. Hcar
- puñjīla See darbha-p○
- puṭ cl. 6. P. (Dhātup. xxviii, 74) puṭati, to clasp, fold, envelop in (instr.) Bhpr
- to rub together with (instr. ib.)
- cl. 1. P. poṭati, to grind, pound, Dhātup. ix, 38 (v. l. for muṭ)
- cl. 10. P. puṭayati, to be in contact with, xxxv, 58 poṭayati, to speak or to shine (bhāṣârthe or bhāsârthe), xxxiii, 80
- to grind or pound, xxxii, 72 Vop
- to be small, xxxii, 24 (v. l. for puṭṭ)
- puṭa m. n. a fold, pocket, hollow space, slit, concavity (ifc. f. ā) Mn. MBh. &c. (also ī f. Śāntiśs.)
- a cloth worn to cover the privities (also ī f.) W
- a horse's hoof. L
- an eyelid (cf. -bheda)
- m. a cup or basket or vessel made of leaves ŚBr. (cf. ūṣa-) Mn. MBh. &c
- a casket (= sampuṭa) L
- the enveloping or wrapping of any substance (esp. for baking or heating it
- cf. puṭa-pāka) Bhpr
- any cake or pastry filled with seasoning or stuffing of any kind ib
- N. of a metre (= śkī-puṭa) L
- of a man, g. aśvâdi
- n. a nutmeg L
- two vessels joined together (for the sublimation of medicinal substances) W
- ○kanda m. a species of bulbous plant L
- ○grīva m. 'hollow-necked', a churn L
- a copper vessel L
- ○dhenu f. a not yet full-grown cow with a calf Hcat
- ○pāka m. a partic. method of preparing drugs (the various substances being wrapped up in leaves, covered with clay, and heated in fire) Car. Bhpr
- digesting, subliming W
- -yukti f. the application of the method called puṭa-pāka Suśr
- ○bhid mfn. burst or cleft asunder Var
- ○bheda m. a bend or the mouth of a river L
- 'parting of the eye-lids', opening Uttarar. vi, 3
- a town L
- a kind of musical instrument L
- ○bhedaka mfn. = -bhid Var
- ○bhedana n. a town, city MBh
- puṭâññali m. the two hollowed hands put together (cf. añjali) Hcat
- puṭâpuṭikā f. g. śākapārthivâdi
- puṭâlu m. a species of bulbous plant L
- puṭâhvaya m. = puṭa-pāka, Susr
- puṭôṭaja n. a white umbrella or parasol L
- puṭôdaka n. 'having water in its hollow or interior', a cocoa-nut L
- puṭaka m. a fold, pocket, slit, cavity Kāv. Pur
- a partic. position of the hands Cat
- a bag or vessel made of a leaf doubled over in a funnelshape Rājat
- (ikā), f. a bag or vessel (cf. m.) Pañc
- a bi-valved shell L
- cardamoms L
- n. a nutmeg L
- a water-lily L
- puṭakânuvāsana n. a funnel-like enema Kauś. Sch. [Page 631, Column]
- puṭakinī f. (fr. puṭaka g. puṣkarâdi) a lotus or group of lotuses, Vāsav
- ○pattra n. a lotus-leaf Śak. (in Prākṛit)
- puṭana n. enveloping, wrapping up Bhpr
- puṭan-naṭa m.Cyperus Rotundus L. (cf. kuṭannaṭa)
- puṭita mfn. split, torn up (= pāṭita) L
- sewn, stitched (= syūta) L
- rubbed, ground W
- contracted W
- n. the hollow of the hands (= hastapuṭa) L
- = ahi-puṭa (?) L
- puṭī f. See puṭa
- puṭī ind. (with √kṛ) to make into a funnelshaped vessel Bālar
- puṭṭ cl. 10. P. puṭṭayati, to be or become small, diminish Dhātup. xxxii, 24 (v. l. puṭ)
- puḍ cl. 6. P. puḍati, to leave, quit Dhātup. xxviii, 90
- cl. 1.P. poḍati, to grind, pound, ix, 38 (v. l. for muṭ)
- puṇ cl. 6. P. puṇati, to act piously or virtuously Dhātup. xxviii, 43 (invented to serve as base for puṇya, ni-puṇa &c.?)
- cl. 10. P. poṇayati, to collect, accumulate (v. l. for pūl, pūlyati)
- puṇaka m. N. of a man Hcar. Sch
- puṇika m. N. of a man, Kāś
- (ā), f. N. of a woman L
- puṇatāmakara m. N. of Mahādeva (the author of the Ātmatva-jāti-vicāra &c.) Cat
- puṇṭ cl. 10 P. puṇṭayati, to speak or to shine Dhātup. xxxiii, 118
- puṇḍ cl. 1. P. puṇṇḍati, to rub, grind, reduce to powder Dhātup. ix, 38 (v. l. for muṭ)
- puṇḍa m. = puṇḍra, a mark, sign L
- ○kakṣa and wṛ. for puṇḍra-k○ and -v○
- ○vardhana wṛ. for puṇḍra-k○ and -v○
- puṇḍarin m. Ḥibiscus Mutabilis L
- puṇḍari-srajā́ f. either, a lotuswreath' (if puṇḍari is substituted for puṇḍarīka) or 'a wreath of Hibiscus Mutabilis' ( See above) TS. TBr
- puṇḍárīka n. (√puṇ [?]
- Uṇ. iv, 20 Sch.) a lotus-flower (esp. a white lotus
- ifc. expressive of beauty, g. vyāghrâdi) RV. &c.&c. (it is sacred to Śikhin, one of the Buddhas MWB. 515)
- a white umbrella L
- a kind of drug L
- (m. or n. ?) a mark on the forehead Śatr
- N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- m. a kind of sacrifice MBh
- a species of rice Suśr
- a kind of fragrant mango L
- Artemisia Indica L
- a variety of the sugar-cane L
- a tiger L
- a kind of bird L
- a kind of serpent L
- a kind of leprosy L
- fever in an elephant L
- white (the colour) L
- N. of a Nāga MBh
- of the elephant of the south-east quarter Ragh
- of an ancient king MBh
- of a son of Nabha or Nabhas Hariv
- of a Brāhman renowned for filial piety, and afterwards worshipped as the god Viṭhobl RTL. 263
- (with Jainas) of a Gaṇa-dhara Śatr
- of a hermit (son of Sveta-ketu and Lakshmi) Kād
- of a poet Cat
- of a mountain Śatr
- (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras MBh
- of a daughter of Vasishṭha (wife of Prâṇa or Pāṇḍu) VP
- of a river in Krau3ñca-dvipa ib
- ○kavi m. N. of a poet Cat
- ○dalôpama mfn. resembling a lotus-leaf. L
- ○nayana mfn. lotus-eyed
- m. N. of Vishnu or Kṛishṇa VP
- a species of bird Gal
- ○palâśâkṣa mfn. lotus. (leaf.) eyed R
- ○pura n. N. of a town
- -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○purāna n. N. of a Pur
- ○plava m. a species of bird L. =
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. lotus-faced Mālatīm
- (ī), f. a kind of leech Suśr
- ○locana mfn. = -nayana mfn
- ○vat (○ka-), mfn. abounding with lotus-flowers AV
- m. N. of a mountain in Krauñcadviipa VP
- ○vana-máhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○viṭhala m. N. of an author who lived under Akbār Cat
- puṇḍarikâkṣa m. 'lotus-eyed', N. of Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa MBh. Kāv. &c
- of an author Cat
- a species of aquatic bird Car
- n. N. of a partic. drug L
- -stotra n. ○kópaniṣad f. N. of wks
- puṇḍarīkâtapatra n. having the lotus for an umbrella (said of the autumn) Ragh
- puṇḍarikânvaya m. an elephant of PṭPāṇḍu's ( See above) race, an elephant with peculiar marks Gal
- puṇḍarīkêkṣaṇa m., lotus-eyed', N. of Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa MBh
- puṇḍarīkôdaraprabha mfn. resplendent as the interior of a white lotus MW
- puṇḍarīkinī f. N. of a town in Videha HPariś
- puṇḍarīyaka m. N. of one of the Viśvc Devā?. MBh. [Page 632, Column]
- n. the flower of Hibiscus Mutabilis L
- a kind of drug (prob. = next) Bhpr
- puṇḍarya n. a medicinal plant used as a remedy far diseased eyes L
- puṇḍra m. N. of a son of the Daitya Bali (ancestor of the Puṇḍras) MBh
- (pl.)of a people and their country (the modern Bengal and Behar) AitBr. MBh. &c
- of a son of Vasu-deva VP
- sugar-cane (or a red viriety of it) L
- Gaertnera Racemosa L
- Ficus Infectoria L
- Clerodendrum Phlomoides L
- a white lotus-flower L
- a worm L
- m. or n. a mark or line made on the forehead with ashes or colouring substances to distinguish Vaishṇavas fr. Śaivas &c., a sectarian mark KātyŚr. Sch. RTL. 66 ; 67 (cf. ūrdhva-p○, tri-p○)
- n. N. of a mythical city between the mountains Hima-vat and Hemakūṭa VāyuP
- ○kakṣa m. N. of a mountain, Divyáv. (wṛ. puṇḍa-k○)
- ○keli m. an elephant L
- ○nagara n. 'city of the Puṇḍras', N. of a town (cf. pauṇḍranāgara)
- ○vardhana n. N. of a town in Gauḍa Pañc. (wṛ. puṇḍa-v○)
- ○vidhi m
- ○stotra n. N. of wks
- puṇḍrêkṣu m. sugar-cane L
- puṇḍraka m. (pl.) the Puṇḍras (s.v.) Mn. x, 44(vḷ. pauṇḍ○) MBh
- (sg.) a prince of the Puṇḍras MBh
- N. of sev. plants (= puṇḍra) L
- a frontal sectarian mark ( See ūrdhva-p○. tri-p○)
- a man who lives by breeding silk-worms Col
- N. of a poet (also puṇḍroka) Cat
- puṇḍhra wṛ. for puṇḍra, a sectarian mark
- púṇya mf(ā)n. (perhaps fr. √2. pusk, according to Uṇ. v, 15 from √pū
- •, See also √puṇ) auspicious, propitious, fair, pleasant, good, right, virtuous, meritorious, pure, holy, sacred RV. &c. &c
- ni. N. of a poet Cat
- of another man Buddh
- m. or n. N. of a lake MBh
- (ā), f. holy basil L
- Physalis Flexuosa L
- N. of a daughter of Kratu and Saṃnati VP
- n. (ifc. f. ā) the good or right, virtue, purity, good work, meritorious act, moral or religious merit MBh. Kāv. &c
- a religious ceremony (esp. one performed by a wife in order to retain her husband's affections and to obtain a son
- also -ka) MBh. Hariv
- a brick trough for watering cattle W
- ○kartṛ (MBh.),
- ○karman (ib. R. &c.), mfn. acting right, virtuous, pious
- ○kāla m. an auspicious time Hcat
- -tā f. auspiciousness of time Sūryas
- -vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○kīrti mfn. bearing a good name, famous, celebrated MBh
- m. N. of a man (whose shape was assumed by Vishṇu) SkandaP
- ○kuṭa m. a great multitude of meritorious acts Kāraṇḍ
- ○kṛ́t mfn. = -kartṛ ŚBr. MBh. &c
- m. N. of one of the Viśve Devā? MBh
- ○kṛtyā́ (ŚBr.),
- ○kriyā (Āpast.), f. a good or meritorious action
- ○kṣetra n. a holy place, a place of pilgrimage VarBṛS. Sch
- N. of Buddha Divyāv
- ○gandha (pú○), mfn. sweet-scented, fragrant RV. MBh. Ragh
- m. Michelia Champaka L. =
- ○gandhi (pú○ AV.),
- ○gandhin (MBh.), mfn. sweet-scented, fragrant
- ○gṛha n. a house of charity, an alms-house or a temple R
- ○geha n. a house i.e. a place or seat of virtue Daś
- ○janá m. a good or honest man L
- (pl.) good people (N. of a class of supernatural beings AV. &c. &c
- in later times N. of the Yakshas and of a partic. class of Rākshasas Kāv. Pur.)
- ○nêśvara m. lord of Yakshas', N. of Kubera Ragh
- ○janman (pú○), mfn. of pure or holy origin MaitrS
- ○jala mfn. having pure water ML
- ○jita mfn. gained or attained by good works ChUp. Kāv
- ○tara mfn. purer, holier, ○rī- √kṛ, to make purer or holier Ragh
- ○tā f. (MBh.),
- ○tva n. (Kum.) purity, holiness
- ○tīrtha n. a sacred shrine or place of pilgrimage Hit
- N. of a Tirtha W
- mf(ā)n. abounding with Tirthas R
- ○tṛṇa n. a sacred grass (N. of the white variety of Kuśa grass) L
- ○darśana mf(ā)n. of beautiful appearance Ragh
- m. Coracias Indica L
- ○duh mfn. yielding or granting happiness or beatitude MBh
- ○nātha m. (with upâdhyāya) N. of a man Cat
- ○nāman m. N. of one of the attendants of Skanda MBh
- ○ma-ślokâvalī f. N. of wk
- ○nivaha mfn. conferring religious merit, meritorious BhP
- ○pāpêkṣitṛ mfn. seeing good and bad deeds Mn. viii, 91
- ○pāla-rāja-kathā f. N. of wk
- ○pāvana m. or n. a proper N. Cat
- ○puṇyatā f. perfect holiness Rājat
- ○puruṣa m. a man rich in religious merit, a pious man MW
- ○pratāpa m. the efficacy of virtue or of religious merit ib
- ○prada mfn. = -nivaha Hariv
- ○prasava m. pl. (with Buddhists) N. of one of the 18 classes of gods of the world of form Dharmas. [Page 632, Column]
- ○phala n. the fruit or reward of good works Mn. iii, 95 &c
- mfn. having or receiving good fruit R
- m. N. of the garden of Lakshmi L
- ○bala m. N. of a king of Puṇya-vati, Avadānas
- N. of one of the 10 forces of a Bodhi-sattva, Dharmas:
- ○bharita mfn. abounding in holiness or bliss Śatr
- ○bhāj (Kad.),
- ○bhājin (Śatr.), mfn. partaking of bliss, happy
- ○bhu f. 'the holy land', N. of Āryāvarta (s.v.) L
- ○bhumi f. id. L
- the mother of a male child W
- ○manyá mfn. thinking one's self good MaitrS
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of good or of merit Prab
- ○mahas mfn. of pure glory Mcar. i, : 18
- ○mahêśâkhya mfn. named, holy and great lord', Divya'v
- ○mitra m. N. of a Buddhist patriarch
- ○yoga m. the effect of virtuous actions in a former life W
- ○rāja m. N. of an author Cat
- ○rātra m. an auspicious night L
- ○rāśi m. N. of a man L
- of a mountain Śatr
- ○lakṣmīka (pú○), mfn. auspicious, prosperous ŚBr
- ○labdha mfn. attained by good works MBh
- ○loka (pú○), mfn. belonging to or sharing in a better world ŚBr
- ○vat mfn. righteous, virtuous, honest MBh
- auspicious, happy Kathās. Hit
- (ī), f. N. of a country Avadānaś
- ○varjita m. 'destitute of virtue', N. of a fictitious country Kautukas
- ○vardhana mfn. 'increasing merit' Hariv
- n. N. of a city Vet. (cf. puṇḍra-v○)
- ○varman m. N. of a prince of Vidarbha Daś
- ○vallabha m. N. of a man L
- ○vāg-buddhikarmin mfn. pure in word and thought and deed MBh
- ○vijita mfn. acquired by merit, merited MW
- ○śakuna m. a bird of good omen MBh
- ○śālā f. a house of charity, alms-house L
- ○śila mfn. of a virtuous disposition, virtuous, pious, righteous MBh
- ○śeṣa m. N. of a prince L
- ○srīka mfn. = -lakṣmīka Mcar
- ○śrl-garbha m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva L
- ○śloka mf(ā)n. 'well spoken of' of good fame or reputation BhP. (○kêya-karman mfn. one whose actions must be praised in auspicious verses ib.)
- m. N. of Nala or Yudhi-shṭhira or Kṛishṇa MBh. Pur
- (ā), f. N. of Sitā or Draupadī Pur
- ○saṃcaya m. a store of virtue or religious merit MW
- ○sáma n. a good year TS. Vait
- (am), ind., g. tiṣṭhadgvādi
- ○sambhāra m. = -saṃcaya Kāraṇḍ
- (with Buddhists) the equipment of meritorious acts Dharmas
- ○sāra m. N. of a prince, Kathlrṇ
- ○sundara (or -gaṇī), m. N. of a grammarian Cat
- ○sena m. N. of a prince Kathās
- of another man Buddh
- ○skandha m. = -saṃcaya Kāraṇḍ
- ○stambha-kara (?), m. N. of a man Cat
- ○sthāna n. a sacred place, consecrated ground Yājñ
- puṇyâkara m. N. of the father of Śaṃkara Cat
- puṇyâgni m. the public fire kept burning in a city square for the use of all Subh
- puṇyâtman mfn. 'Pure-souled', virtuous, pious Kāv. Hit
- puṇyā-nagara n. N. of a town Cat
- puṇyânanda-nātha m. N. of an author Cat
- puṇyânubhāva m. pleasing majesty or dignity Uttarar. iv, 22
- puṇyâlaṃkṛta m. 'adorned by virtue', N. of a demon Lalit
- puṇyâśaya mfn. = ○ṇya-śīla Hcar
- puṇyâhá n. a happy or auspicious day
- wishing a person a happy or auspicious day (○haṃ with √vac, Caus.' to wish a person acc. a happy or aṭauspicious day') Br. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- -prayoga m. -mantra, N. of wks
- -vācana n. proclaiming or wishing an auspicious day MBh
- N. of wk. (also ○na-prayoga, m.)
- mfn. Pāṇ. 5-1, 11 Vārtt. 3 Pat
- -śabda (BhavP.) and -svana (MBh.), m. = -vācana n
- puṇyâika-karman mfn. doing only virtuous actions Hit
- puṇyôdáka mfn. having sacred waters Megh
- (ā), f. N. of a river in the next world MBh
- punyôdaya m. the occurrence of good fortune (resulting from virtuous acts done in a former life) Hit
- puṇyôdyāna mfn. having beautiful gardens MW
- puṇyaka n. N. of a partic. ceremony performed by a woman (= puṇya n. q.v.) MBh. Hariv
- the present made to a wife on the occasion of the PṭPuṇyaka ceremony Hariv
- ○vrata n. the worship of Kṛishṇa for a year with daily presents (to be performed by a woman desirous of a son) BrahmaP
- puṇyī-kṛ √to sanctify, consecrate HPariś
- put or pud (a word invented to explain putra or put-tra, See Mn. ix, 138, and Nir. ii, 11), hell or a partic. hell (to which the childless are condemned) MBh.: Kāv. and C. [Page 632, Column]
- pun-nāman mfn. having the name Put, called Put Mn. ix, 138
- puta m. (du.) the buttocks L
- a kind of metre Col. (prob. wṛ. for puṭa, cf. śrī-puṭa)
- puttala m. (prob. fr. putra) a puppet, doll, small statue, effigy, image (-dahana n. -vidhāna n. and -vidhi m. burning an effigy in place of the body of one who has died abroad) Cat
- (ī), f. = m
- an idol
- ○lī-cālana n. a partic. game with dolls Gal
- ○lī-pūjā f. idol-worship, idolatry MW
- puttalaka m. (and ikā f.) = puttala, ○lī
- ○liko vidhiḥ = puttala-v○ above
- puttikā f. a doll, puppet BhP
- the white ant or termite (so called from its doll-like form) Mn. MBh. Pañc
- = pataṃgikā, a small kind of bee Bhpr
- a gnat Nīlak. = pluṣi Śaṃk. Sāy
- putrá m. (etym. doubtful, perhaps fr. √2. puṣ
- traditionally said to be a comp. put-tra, 'preserving from the hell called Put' Mn. ix, 138) a son, child RV. &c. &c. (also the young of an animal
- Pāṇ. 8-1, 15 Sch
- ifc. it forms diminutives, cf. dṛṣat-p○ and śilā-p○
- voc. sg. du. pl. often used to address young persons, my son, my children &c.'
- du. 'two sons' or, a son and a daughter'
- Pāṇ. 1-2, 68)
- a species of small venomous animal (= putraka) Cat
- (in astrol.) N. of the fifth house Var
- N. of a son of Brahmishṭha Ragh
- of a son of Priya-vrata VP. &c. &c
- (ī), f. a daughter MBh. Hariv. &c
- a doll or puppet ( See dāru-putrī)
- ifc. used to form diminutives ( See asi-putrī)
- a species of plant L. ; N. of Pārvati L. [Cf. Zd. puthra ; Gk. ? and Lat. puer (?).] [632,]
- ○kandā f. a bulbous plant (stipposed to cause fecundity) L
- ○karman n. a ceremony relating to a son MBh
- ○kalatra-nāśa-bhīta mfn. fearful of the destruction of wife and children MW
- ○kāma (putrá-), mfn. desirous of sons or children
- -kṛthṇa-pañcamī-vrata n. N. of a partic. observance Cat
- ○méṣṭi f. an: oblation made by one desirous of offspring ĀśvŚr
- ○kāmika mf(ī)n. (a sacrifice) aiming at the birth of a son MBh
- ○kāmya Nom. P. ○yati, to wish for a son, Śāntiś. (cf. P1ṇ. iii, 1, 9 Sch.)
- ○kāmyā́ f. wish for sons or children AV. R. &c
- ○myêṣṭi f. N. of wk
- ○kārya n. = -karman MBh
- ○kṛt mf. an adopted child MW
- ○kṛtaka mfn. adopted as a child, Ṣak
- ○kṛtya mfn. the duty of a son ib
- ○kṛthá m. or n. the bringing forth or procreation of children RV
- ○krama-dīpikā f. N. of wk
- ○ghnī See -han
- ○jagdhī f. 'one who has devoured her children', an unnatural mother Pāṇ. 8-8, 48 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- ○jananī f. a species of plant L
- ○jāta mfn. one to whom a son is born, having a son, g. āhitâgny-ādi
- ○jīva wṛ. for
- ○ṃ-jīva
- ○ṃ-jīḍvaka m. 'giving life to children', Putranjiva Roxburghī (from its seeds are made necklaces which are suppose, to keep children in good health) L
- ○tā f. (AitBr.),
- ○tva n. (MBh. &c.) sonship, filial relationship
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place (also of 2 chs. of PadmaP.) Cat
- ○da mfn. giving sons or offspring W
- (ā), f. N. of a kind of shrub L.: of a species of bulbous plant L
- = vandhyā-karkoṭakī L
- ○dātrī f. 'child-giver', N. of a creeping plant (growing in Mālava and supposed to promote fecundity) L
- ○dāra n. son (child) and wife Mn. iv, 239 &c
- ○dharma m. filial duty
- -tas ind. according to the ceremonies usual on the birth of a son MW
- ○nāman mfn. having the name son, called son, MānGṛŚrS
- ○niveśana n. the habitation or abode of a son MW
- ○piṇḍa-pālana m. (with upavāsa) 'cherishing the body of a son', N. of a ceremony Śak. ii, 16/17 (MW. p. 51, n. 1
- vḷ. -pāraṇa)
- ○pitṛ m. du. son and father Kathās
- ○putra m. a son's son, a grandson Gal
- ○trâdinī f. an unnatural mother ( See putra-jagdhī and Pāṇ. 8-8, 48 Vārtt. 2 Pat.)
- ○pura n. N. of a town Kathās
- ○pautra n. sg. and m. pl. sons and grandsons Mn. MBh. &c
- ○traka n. sg. id. Subh
- ○trin mfn. having sons and grandsons MBh
- ○trīṇa mfn. transmitted to sons and grandsons, hereditary Pāṇ. 5-2, 10 (○ṇa-tā f. Bhaṭt.)
- ○pratigrahavidhi m. N. of wk
- ○prati-nidhi m. a substitute for a son (as an adopted son &c.),
- ○prada mfn. giving sons or children (in -śivastotra n. N. of a Stotra)
- (ā), f. N. of a species of Solanum L
- ○pravara m. the eldest son MBh. BhP
- ○priya mfn. dear to a son Veṇis
- m. 'fond of of offspring', N. of a kind of bird R. [Page 633, Column]
- ○phalabhaktṛ mfn. enjoying the advantage of having a son MW
- ○bhadrā f. a species of plant L
- ○bhāga m. a son's share or portion Mn. ix, 215
- ○bhāṇḍa n. a substitute for a son, one who is to be regarded as a son Mcar. Bālar
- ○bhāva m. sonship, filial relation Nir. iii, 4
- 5
- ○bhūya n. id. HPariś
- ○máya mf(ī)n. consisting or formed of a son ŚBr
- ○martyā f. the dying of sons ĀpŚr
- ○moṭikāputra (?) Divyâv
- ○rodam ind. (with √rud) to weep over a son ChUp
- ○lābha m. obtaining a son or sons MW. -i
- ○vat ind. like a son or sons, as with a son &c. Mn. MBh. -2
- ○vat (putrá-), mfn. having a son or sons or children VS. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○vadhū f. a son's wife, daughter-in-law L
- ○vala mfn. = 2. -vat L
- ○vidya n. = -lābha AV
- ○śṛṅgī f. Odina Pinnata L
- ○śreṇī f. Salvinia Cucullata Suśr
- Odina Pinnata L
- Anthericum Tuberosum L
- ○sakha m. fond or a friend of children Hariv
- ○saṃkarin mfn. mixing or confusing children (through mixed marriages) MBh
- ○saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- ○saptamī f. the 7th day in the light half of the month Āśvina Cat
- -vrata-kathā f. N. of wk
- ○sahasraka mf(ikā)n. having 1000 sons MBh
- ○sahasrin mfn. id. ib
- ○sāmaprayoga m. N. of wk
- ○sū f. the mother of a son W
- ○sena (putrá-), m. N. of a man MaitrS
- ○sneha m. love of or for a son MBh
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting in the love for a son BhP
- ○svīkāra m. making one's own i.e. adopting a son
- nirūpaṇa n. -nirṇaya m. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○hata mfn. 'whose sons have been killed', N. of Vasishtha TāṇḍBr. (ī), f. = jagdhī Pāṇ. 8-4, 48 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- ○han mf(ghnī)n. killing a child Car. Suśr
- ○hīna mfn. sonless, childless (-tva n.) MW
- putrâcārya m. (a father) having his son for his teacher Mn. iii, 160
- putrâdinī f. = putra-jagdhī Pāṇ. 8-4, 48 (when used literally spelt with two t's, e.g. puttrâdinīvyāghrī, 'a tigress eating her young' ib. Sch.)
- putrânnâda mfn. eating the food of a son, living at a son's expense L
- putrârthin mf(iṇī)n. wishing for a son MBh
- putrêjyā f. (prob.) putrêṣṭi
- -prayoga m. N. of wk
- putrêpsu mfn. wishing for a son W
- putrêṣṭi f. a sacrifice performed to obtain male children or one performed at the time of adoption L
- -prayoga m. N. of wk
- putrêṣṭikā f. = putrêṣti
- putrâiśvarya n. 'son's proprietorship', a resignation of property or power by a father to his son W
- putrâiṣaṇā f. desire or longing for a son ŚBr
- putrôtpattipaddhati f. N. of wk
- putrôtsaṅgā f. pregnant with a son MBh
- putraká m. a little son, boy, child (often used as a term of endearment
- ifc. f. ikā) RV. &c. &c
- a puppet, doll, figure of stone or wood or lac &c. (cf. kṛtrima-, jatu-, śilā-
- g. yāvâdi)
- a rogue, cheat L
- a species of small venomous animal (enumerated among the Mūshikas) Suśr
- a grasshopper L
- a fabulous animal with 8 legs (= śarabha) W
- hair L
- a species of tree L
- a grinding-stone Gobh. Sch
- N. of the supposed founder of Pāṭaliputra Kathās
- of a mountain L
- (akā), f. = next Pāṇ. 7-3, 45 Vārtt. 10 Pat
- putrikā f. a daughter (esp. a daughter appointed to raise male issue to be adopted by a father who has no sons) Mn. MBh. &c
- a puppet, doll, small statue Bhartṛ. Kathās
- (ifc. = a diminutive
- cf. asikhaḍga.)
- the cotton or down of the tamarisk W
- ○puntra m. a daughter's son who by agreement or adoption becomes the son of her father ŚāṅkhŚr. Sch
- ○pūrva-putra m. the son of a daughter adopted before (cf. above) MBh
- ○prasū f. the mother of a dṭdaughter L
- ○bhartṛ m. a daughter's husband MW
- ○suta m. a daughter's son, a grandson W
- putrín mf(íṇī)n. having a son or sons, possessing children (m. and f. the father or the mother of a son or of children generally) RV. &c. &c
- (iṇī), f. Siphonantus Indica and another plant L
- (with piḍakā) a pustule which has small plant round it Suśr
- ○ṇy-āpta mfn. born of one who is already mother of a son Mn. ix, 143
- putriya mf(ā)nṛelating to a son (cf. a-p○)
- putriya Nom. P. ○yáti, to wish for a son or children AV
- putrī f. of putra, q.v
- putrī in comp. for putra,
- ○karaṇa n. the adoption of sons
- -mīmāṃsā f. N. of wk
- ○kṛta mfn. adopted as a son Ragh. Rājat. √[Page 633, Column]
- ○bhū to become a son BhP
- putrīya mf(ā)n. relating to a son, procuring a son MBh. Kāv. Suśr
- m. a disciple Divyâv
- ○varga-prayoga m
- ○sthālīpāka-prayoga m. N. of wks
- putrīya Nom. P. ○yáti, to wish for a son or children RV. vii, 96, 4 (pr. p. ○yát)
- to treat like a son Pāṇ. 3-1, 10 Sch. (Desid. puputrīyiṣati, putitrīyiṣati or putrīyiyiṣati Pāṇ. 6-1, 3 Vārtt. 4 Pat
- puputitrīyiyiṣiṣati Vop.)
- putrīyā f. the desire of or wish for a son Pāṇ. 3- 102 Sch
- putrīyitṛ mfn. one who wishes for a son Pāṇ. 3-2, 170 Sch
- putrya mf(ā)n. = putriya or ○trīya ṢaḍvBr. GṛS
- ○paśavya mf(ā)n. fit for sons and cattle SaṃhUp
- puth cl.4.P. puthyati, to hurt Dhātup. xxxvi. 12: Caus. pothayati (Ā.p. pothayāna fut., pothayiṣye), to crush, kill, destroy MBh. Hariv
- to overpower or drown (one sound by another) Kathās
- to speak or to shine (bhāṣârthe, or bhāsârthe) Dhātup. xxxiii, 102
- pothita mfn. hurt, injured, killed, destroyed MBh. R
- pudaka m. pl. N. of a people VP
- pudgala mf(ā)n. beautiful, lovely, handsome MārkP
- m. the body Hit. i, 41, v. l
- (with Jainas) material object (including atoms) Śaṃk. MWB. 535
- the soul, personal entity Lalit
- man Var
- the Ego or individual (in a disparaging sense) SaddhP
- N. of Śiva MBh. (= deha Nīlak.)
- a horse of the colour of rockcrystal Gal
- ○pati m. a prince, king Var
- puddala wṛ. for prec
- puna mfn. (√1. pū) purifying, cleansing (only ifc., cf. kim-p○, kulam-p○ &c.)
- púnar ind. back, home, in an opposite direction RV. &c. &c. (with √1. gam, yā, to go back or away
- with √dā, to give back, restore
- with √bhū, to turn round
- with √as and dat., to fall back upon)
- again, once more (also with bhūyas) ib. (with √bhū, to exist again, be renewed, become a wife again, re= marry)
- again and again, repeatedly ib. (mostly púnaḥ p○ which with na = nevermore)
- further, moreover, besides ib. (also punar aparam
- ādau-punar-paścāt, at first-then-later)
- however, still, nevertheless MBh. Kāv. &c. (at the end of a verse it lays stress on a preceding atha vā, api vā, or vā alone
- punar api, even again, on the other hand, also
- kadā p○, at any time, ever
- kim p○, how much more or less? however
- pṭpreceding-p○, now-now
- at one time - at another time)
- ○apagama m. going away again (a, punar-ap○) Kām
- ○abhidhāna n. mentioning agṭagain Kull
- ○abhiṣeka m. anointing agṭagain AitBr
- ○abhyākāram ind. drawing near repeatedly to one's self ib
- ○abhyāghāram ind. (prob.) wṛ. for prec. GopBr
- ○abhyāvartam ind. while repeating, under repetition TāṇḍBr
- ○abhyunnīta mfn. poured upon again Jaim
- ○arthin mfn. requesting agṭagain
- ○thi-tā f. repeated request BhP
- ○asú mfn. breathing or coming to life again ŚBr
- ○āgata mfn. come back again, returned Mn. Hit
- ○āgama m. coming back, return ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ○āgamana n. id. MBh. R. &c
- being born again, re-birth Sarvad
- ○āgāmin mfn. coming back, returning Nir. iv, 16
- ○āgrantham ind. by repeatedly twining round AitBr
- ○ājāti f. re-birth GopBr
- ○ādāyam ind. repeatedly Br. GṛŚrS
- ○ādi mfn. beginning afresh, repeated TāṇḍBr
- ○ādhāna n. renewing or replacing a consecrated fire Mn. v, 168
- N. of wk
- -dhāryâgnihotraprayoga (?), m. -prayoga m. -śrauta-sūsra, n. ○nâgnihotra n. N. of wks
- ○ādhéya mfn. to be renewed or replaced (on the altar, said of fire) TBr. ĀśvŚr
- n. renewing or replacing the consecrated fire TS. Br. ŚrS
- m. N. of a Soma festival KātyŚr
- -prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○ādheyaka n. = -ādheya n. TBr. Sch
- ○ādheyika mf(ī)n. relating to the act of replacing the consecrated fire KātyŚr. Sch
- ○ānayana n. leading back MBh
- ○ābhāva m. re-appearing (á-punar-ābh○) MaitrS
- ○āmnāna n. mentioning again Lāṭy
- ○âyana n. coming back, return ĀśvŚr
- ○ālambhá m. seizing or taking hold of again TS
- ○āvarta m. return, re-birth [Page 633, Column]
- -nandā f. N. of a sacred bathing. place MBh
- ○āvartaka mfn. recurring (fever) Car
- ○āvartana See a-punar-āv○
- ○āvartin mfn. returning (to mundane existence) Yājñ
- leading back (to mundane existence) Bhag. Hariv
- subject to successive births W
- ○āvṛtta mfn. repeated AitBr
- ○āvṛtti f. return, re-appearance, re-birth Yājñ
- repetition ĀśvŚr
- ○ā́sṛta mfn. run hither again (as a chariot) MaitrS. (-āsṛtá?)
- ○āhāra m. taking up again KātyŚr
- (am), ind. bringing hither repeatedly ĀpGṛ
- ○ukta mf(ā)n. said again, reiterated, repeated MBh. R. &c. (ibc. and am ind. repeatedly)
- superfluous, useless Vikr. iii, 7/8 Hcar
- n. repetition, useless repetition, tautology ŚrS. MBh. Kāv. &c
- -janman m. 'whose birth is repeated', a Br1hman L
- -tā f. -tva n. repetition, (esp.) useless repeated, tautology Sāh
- -bhuktaviṣaya mfn. (an occupation) in which the objects of sense are repeatedly enjoyed Bhartṛ
- -vadābhāsa m. seeming tautology (a figure of speech) Sāh
- -vādin mfn. repeating the same things, talking idly Śak
- ○uktāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to occur repeatedly Bālar
- ○ukti f. = -ukta n. Prāt
- a mere empty word Vcar
- -mat mfn. tautological Prāt
- ○uktī-kṛ to render superfluous or useless Kathās
- ○utthāna n. rising again, resurrection MW
- ○utpatti f. re-appearance, re-birth Col
- ○utpādana n. reproduction ChUp
- ○utsṛṣṭá mfn. let loose again (as a bull, goat &c.) TS. KātyŚr
- ○utsyūtá mfn. sewed or mended again, patched up TS. Lāṭy. &c
- ○upagamana n. coming back, returning Kathās
- ○upanayana n. a second initiation of a Brāhman (when the first has been vitiated by partaking of forbidden food
- cf. punaḥ-saṃskāra) Cat
- -prayoga m. -vidhāna n. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○upalabdhi f. obtaining again Vikr
- ○upasadana n. repeated performance Gaut
- ○upâkaraṇa n. repeated beginning of study Gobh
- ○upâgama m. coming back, return Kathās
- ○upôḍhā f. married again, re-married MW
- ○gamana n. going or setting out agṭagain Pañc
- ○garbha-vatī f. pregnant agṭagain Hit
- ○gava m. Pāṇ. 2-2, 18 Vārtt. 4 Pat
- ○geya mfn. to be sung again (a-punar-g○) L
- ○grahaṇa n. repeatedly taking up (with a ladle &c.) KātyŚr
- repetition ib
- ○janman n. re-birth, metempsychosis Bhag. Hit
- mfn. born again, regenerated (a-punar-j○) Kathās
- ○ma-jaya m. 'victory over re-birth', liberation, final emancipation W
- ○mâkṣepa m. N. of wk
- ○jāta mf(ā)n. born again, regenerated MBh. &c
- ○jīvātu f. rebirth TāṇḍBr
- ○ḍīna n. a partic. manner of flying MBh
- ○ṇava (púnar.), mf(ā)n. renewed, restored to life or youth MaitrS. MānŚr. (also punarṇavá
- cf. -nava)
- ○tta mf(ā)n. = punar-datta, given back, restored TāṇḍBr
- ○darśana n. seeing again Kāv
- (āya), ind., au revoir' Mṛicch
- ○dātṛ m. giving again, a rewarder, recompenser ĀśvŚr
- ○dā́ya ind. giving again, restoring RV
- ○dārakriyā f. taking a second wife (after the death of the first) Mn. v, 168
- ○dīyamāna See á-pṭpreceding-d○
- ○dyūta n. repeated gambling MBh
- ○dhenu f. a cow that again gives milk Lāṭy
- ○nava (púnar-.), mf(ā)n. becoming new or young again, renewed AV. Br. &c. (also punar-navá
- cf. punar-ṇ○)
- m. a finger-nail (cf. -bhava) L
- (ā), f. hog-weed, Boerhavia Procumbens Suśr
- ○vā-maṇḍūra n. a partic. medicinal preparation Rasar
- ○nigrantham ind. intertwining again AitBr
- ○nitunna mfn. thrust in or pierced again Kāṭh
- = next ib
- ○ninṛtta mfn. again repeated in detail AitBr
- ○nivartam ind. returning (a-pṭpreceding-n○) TāṇḍBr
- ○niṣkṛtá mfn. repaired or mended again TS. Kāṭh
- ○bandhayoga m. tying or fettering again Kap
- ○bāla mfn. become a child agṭagain R. (cf., ?)
- ○lya n. second childhood, weakness from old age ib
- ○bhakṣya mfn. to be enjoyed agṭagain (aṭagain-pṭpreceding-bh○) TBr
- ○bhava mfn. born again BhP
- ni. new birth, transmigration MBh. Kāv. &c
- a finger-nail L. (cf. -nava)
- a species of Punar-navā with red flowers L
- ○bhavin (?), m. the sentient soul (existing again after the dissolution of one body in another form) W
- ○bharyā f. a second wife = re-marriage Kāv
- ○bhāva m. new birth (aṭagain-pṭpreceding-bh○) Prab
- ○bhāvin mfn. being born agṭagain (aṭagain-pṭpreceding-bh○) Hariv
- ○bhū mfn. being renewed, restored to life or youth RV. AV
- f. a virgin widow re-married AV. &c. &c
- re-existence W
- ○bhoga m. repeated enjoyment or fruition, perception of pleasure or pain as a reward of former actions Col
- ○magha (púnar-), mfn. 'having repeated gifts', avaricious, covetous AV. [Page 634, Column]
- repeatedly offering oblations or granting gifts ib. TS. TBr
- ○manyá mfn. (prob.) again thinking of. remembering RV
- ○māra m. repeated dying (a-pṭpreceding-m○) VP
- ○mṛta n. (a-pṭpreceding-m○), id. BhP
- ○mṛtyú m. id. GopBr
- ○yajñá m. a repeated sacrifice ŚBr
- ○yātrā f. a repeated procession. L
- ○yāman mfn. useful again (cf. yāta-y○) ŚāṅkhBr
- ○yuddha n. renewal of war Cat
- ○yuvan (púnar-), mfn. agṭagain young ŚBr
- ○va-tva n. Car
- ○lābha m.obtaining again, recovery MBh
- ○lekhana n. writing down agṭagain Yājñ. Sch
- ○vaktavya mfn. to be repeated
- -tā f. Kull
- ○vacana n. saying again, repetition, ŚāṅlchBr
- ○vaṇya See ajīta-pṭpreceding-v○
- ○vat mfn. containing the word punar AitBr
- ○vatsa m. a weaned calf that begins to suck again, Laty
- (with kāṇva) N. of the author of Ry. viii, 7 Anukr
- ○varaṇa n. choosing again KātyŚr
- ○vasu (púnar-), m. 'restoring goods', N. of the 5th or 7th lunar mansion RV., &c.&c. (mostly du., Pāṇ. 1-2, 61
- -tvá n. MaitrS.)
- . of Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa MBh
- of Śiva L
- of Kātyāyana or Vararuci L
- of a son of Taittiri (son of Abhijit and father of Āhuka) Hariv
- of a son of Abhijit (Ari-dyota) and father of Āhuka Pur
- of other men Pāṇ. 1-2, 61 Sch
- of a partic. world L
- commencement of wealth L
- ○vāda m. repetition, tautology Kap
- ○viroha m. sprouting again (of plants) Car
- ○vivāha mṣecond marriage Sāy
- -vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○hán mfn. destroying in return RV
- ○havis (púnar-), n. repeated sacrificial oblation ŚBr
- punaḥ in comp. for punar
- ○karaṇa n. making again, re-making, transforming Baudh. Vait
- ○karman n. a repeated action, SāṅkhBr
- ○kāma m: a repeated wish ĀpŚr
- ○kriyā f. = -karman KātyŚr
- ○pada n. 'repeated verse or line', a refrain Br
- mf(ā)n. containing a repeated ib
- ○parājaya m. losing again (a-punaḥ-p○) AitBr
- ○paridhāna n. putting on (a garment) again KātyŚr
- ○pāka m. repeated cooking or baking Mn. Yājñ
- ○punā f. N. of a river (the Punpun in S. Behar, perhaps so called from its windings), Vāyup
- ○pratinivartana n. coming back again, return R
- ○pratyupakāra m. retribution, retaliation Pañc
- ○pramāda m. repeated negligence Āpast
- ○prayoga m. repetition Vait
- ○gá-rūpa mfn. ŚBr
- ○pravṛddha mfn. grown again (n. impers.) Pāṇ. 2-2, 18 Vārtt. 4 Pat
- ○prâdhyeṣaṇa n. repeated invitation to study, Śāṅkh Gr
- ○prâpya mfn. to be obtained again, recoverable MW
- ○prâyaṇīya mfn. (a ceremony &c.) at which the Prâyaṇīya (s.v.) is repeated ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ○prepsā f. desire of obtaining again Kathās
- ○śramaṇa wṛ. for puraḥ-śr○ (?) Divyâv
- ○saṃskāra m. renewed investiture, repetition of any Saṃskāra Mn. R
- N. of wk. (cf. punar-upanayana)
- ○saṃskṛta mfn. fitted up again, repaired, mended ŚāṅkhBr. KātyŚr
- ○saṃgama m. meeting again, reunion Kathās
- ○saṃdarśana n. seeing one another again, R
- ○saṃdhāna n. uniting again, re-uniting Sāh
- re-kindling of the household fire Saṃskārak
- -prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○sambhava mfn. coming into existence ag (a-p"ṣ-s○) Rājat
- ○sará mf(ā́)n. running back RV
- N. of the Achyranthes, Aspera (the flowers of which are turned back) AV
- ○siddha mfn. prepared or cooked again Gaut
- ○sukha mfn. again agreeable or pleasant Pāṇ. 2-2, 18 Vārtt. 4 Pat
- ○stuti f. repeated praise, a rṭrepeated ceremony ŚāṅkhBr
- ○stoma m. N. of an Ekâha Br. Gaut. Vait
- punaś in comp. for punar
- ○candrā f. N. of a river MBh
- ○cara mfn. running back, returning AV. Paipp
- ○carvaṇa n. chewing the cud, ruminating Siddh
- ○cití f. piling up again TS. ŚBr. &c
- punas in comp. for punar
- ○tati f. a repeated sacrificial perfomance, SāṅkhBr
- ○tarām ind. over and over again Śiś. xvii, 6
- punā in comp. for punar
- ○rāja m. a new king Pat
- ○jâbhiṣeka m. the consecration of a new king Vas
- punāna punita, See √pū
- punth cl. r. P. punthati, to give or suffer pain Dhātup. iii, 7 (v. l. yunth)
- puṃ-dāna &c. See p. 630, col. 3
- pundra wṛ. for puṇḍra. [Page 634, Column]
- puṃ-nakṣatra &c. See under puṃ, p. 631, col. 1
- pupūtáni (?) RV. x, 132, 6
- pupūṣat mf(antī)n. (√pū Desid.) wishing to cleanse or purify W
- pupūṣā f. the wish or desire to cleanse or purify ib
- puppuṭa m. N. of a partic. disease (swelling of the palate and gums) Suśr. (also -ka)
- pupphula m. flatulency, wind in the stomach L
- pupphusa m. the lungs L. (cf. phupphusa)
- the pericarp or seed-pod of a lotus L
- pum pum-anujā &c. See p. 631
- púr f. (√pṝ) only instr. pl. pūrbhís, in abundance, abundantly RV. v, 66, 4
- pur cl. 6. P. purati, to precede, go before, lead Dhātup. xxviii, 56 (prob. invented to furnish an etymology for puras and purā below)
- pura (for 2. See p. 635), in comp. for puras
- ○uṣṇih f. N. of a metre, Rprāt
- ○etṛ́ m. one who goes before, a guide, leader RV. AV. VS. Br
- ○ga mfn. (for puro-ga) inclined or disposed towards (comp.) MārkP
- ○gā-vaṇa n. N. of a forest Pāṇ. 8-4, 4
- ○jyotis n. N. of the region or the world of Agni L. (wṛ. for puro-j ?)
- ○tas ind. before (in place or time), in front or in presence of (gen. or comp.) KaṭhUp. MBh. &c
- -taḥ- √kṛ, to place in front, cause to precede, honour R. Kathās
- puraḥ in comp. for puras
- ○pāka mf(ā)n. whose fulfilment approaches near (as a hope or prayer) Kum
- ○prasravaṇa (puráh-), mfn. pouring or streaming forth RV. viii, 100, 9
- ○prahartṛ m. one who fights in the front (of the battle) Ragh
- ○phala mfn. having fruit well advanced, promising fruit ib
- ○śukram ind. while Sukra (the planet Venus) is before one's eyes Kum. iii, 43
- ○sád mfn. sitting in front, presiding RV. i, 73, 3
- sitting to. wards the east VS. TS
- ○sará mf(ī)n. going before or in advance
- m. a forerunner, precursor, harbinger, attendant AV. &c.&c
- ifc. (f. ā) attended or preceded by, connected with MBh. Kāv. &c
- (am), ind. along with, among, after, by means of (comp.) Kathās. Pañc. Pur
- ○stha mfn. standing before one's eyes, clearly visible, Mālatim
- ○sthātṛ́ mfn. standing at the head, a leader RV
- ○sthāyin mfn. = -stha MW
- ○sthita mfn. impending, imminent Śak. (v. l.)
- ○sphurat mfn. opening or becoming manifest before any one W
- puraś in comp. for puras
- ○cakram ind. before the wheel ĀpŚr
- ○caraṇa mfn. making preparations, preparatory to (comp
- -tā f.) MBh
- n. a preparatory or introductory rite, preparation ŚBr
- -karman n. id. ib
- -kaumudī f. -kaustubha m. or n
- -candrikā f. -dīpikā f. -paddhati (and ○ti-mālā), f. -prapañca m. -rasôllāsa m. -vidhi m. -viveka, ns. N. of wks
- ○caryā f. = -caraṇa n. Kāv
- -rasâmbudhi m. N. of wk
- ○chada m. a nipple L
- Imperata Cylindrica L
- purás ind. in front, in advance, forward
- (as prep.) before (of place and time), in the presence or before the eyes of (gen., abl., acc. or comp.) RV. &c. &c
- in comparison with (gen.) Vcar
- in or from or towards the east, eastward VS. Br. &c. (dakṣimataḥpuraḥ, towards the south-east MBh.)
- previously, first, first of all Ratnâv. iii, 7. [Cf. pra purā, pūrva
- Gk., ?', before.']
- ○karaṇa n. [634,] the act of placing in front &c
- making perfect (?) W
- ○karaṇīya (W.),
- ○kartavya (Hit.), mfn. to be placed in front or honoured or prepared or fitted out or made complete
- ○kāra m. placing in front, honouring, preference, distinction Kāv. Hit
- accompanying, attending (ifc. 'preceded or accompanied by, joined or connected with, including') MBh
- arranging, putting in array, making complete W
- attacking, assailing &c. ib
- ○kārya mfn. = -kartavya
- to be appointed to, be be charged or commissioned with (loc. or inf.) MBh. Kāv. root
- ○kṛ (P. Ā. -karoti, -kurute), to place before or in front, cause to precede RV. &c. &c
- to make one's leader, place in office, appoint MBh
- to respect, honour MBh. Kāv. &c
- to place above all, prefer, choose, attend to ib
- to show, display R. Rājat
- ○kṛta mfn. placed in front &c
- honoured, esteemed, attended, accompanied by, possessed of, occupied with (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. [Page 634, Column]
- attacked, assailed, accused &c. L
- (am), ind. among, amidst, with (comp.) MBh
- -madhyama-krama mfn. taking or adopting a middle course MW
- ○kṛtya ind. having placed in front or honoured &c
- often = regarding, concerning, on account of, about MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○kriyā f. a preceding action, preparatory rite Cat
- showing honour, demonstration of respect Ragh
- -caryā f. N. of wk
- purastāj in comp. for ○tāt
- ○japa m. a prayer murmured before Siṃhâs
- ○jyotiṣmatī (Col.), f
- ○jyotis (RPrst.), n. N. of a metre
- purástāt ind. before, forward, in or from the front, in the first place, in the beginning RV. &c. &c
- in or from the east, eastward ib
- in the preceding part (of a book), above RPrāt
- (but also) further on i.e. below Suśr
- (as prep.) before (of place or time), in front or in presence or before the eyes of (gen., abl., acc. or comp.) RV. &c.&c
- in comparison with (gen.) Vcar
- ○kratú m. a sacrifice which begins immediately ŚBr
- ○tiryak-pramāṇa n. the width in front KātyŚr
- ○tna mfn. preceding, going before, Ṣagurus
- ○puroḍāśa (○rást○), mfn. preceded or accompanied by a Puroḍāśa (s.v.) MaitrS
- ○pṛṣṭhya n. N. of a partic. Sattra TāṇḍBr
- ○pravaṇa (○rást○), mfn. bent forward TS
- ○stobha m. a preceding Stobha (s.v.) Lāṭy
- mfn. preceded by a Stobha ib
- ○svāhā-kāra m. (ĀpŚr. Sch.),
- ○svāhākṛti f. (○rást○ TS. ŚBr.) preceded by the exclamation Svāhā
- purastād in comp. for ○tāt
- ○agni-ṣṭoma mfn. beginning with an Agni-shṭoma (s.v.) Vait
- ○anūka n. the longitudinal streaks on the back part of an altar KātyŚr. Sch. (cf. prāg-an○)
- ○apakarṣa m. anticipation Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 29
- ○apavāda m. an anticipatory exception Vprāt. Sch
- ○ucca mfn. high in the east KātyŚr
- ○udarka mfn. beginning with the refrain AitBr
- ○ududhāra (○rást○), m. a part given in advance ŚBr
- ○upacāra mfn. accessible from the east KātyŚr
- ○upayāma (rást○), mfn. preceded by the Upayāma verses (s.v.) TS
- ○granthi (○rást○), mfn. having the knot turned towards the east ŚBr
- ○daṇḍa mfn. having the handle towards the east Lāṭy
- ○dhoma (for homa), m. an introductory sacrifice Vait. Gobh
- -bhāj (ĀpŚr. Sch.) and -vat (Kauś), mfn. having an iṭintroductory sacrifice
- ○bṛhatī f. a species of the Bṛihatī metre RPrāt
- ○bhāga (○rást○), mfn. one who receives his share before another TS
- ○vadaná n. preface, introduction ŚBr
- purastān in comp. for ○tāt
- ○mukha mfn. standing before a person's face Mṛicch
- purastāl in. comp. for ○tāt
- ○lakṣaṇa (○rást○), mf(ā)n. having one's characteristic in front or at the beginning ŚBr
- ○lakṣman (○rást○), mfn. marked in front or at the beginning TS
- purā́ ind. (cf. pra, puras, pūrva) before, formerly, of old (with na, never') RV. &c. &c
- in a previous existence VarYogay
- (with pres. = pf.) from of old, hitherto, up to the present time (also with sma, Pāṇ. 3-2, 122
- with na, never yet) RV. &c. &c
- at first, in the beginning Bhartṛ. (opp. to paścā, paścāt Pāṇ. 5-3, 33 Kāś.)
- soon, shortly (with pres.= fut.), Kālid. Naish
- (as prep., mostly in earlier language, with abl., rarely with dat. or gen.) before
- securely from
- except, beside
- (with pres.= fut. [Pāṇ. 3-3,], once with Pot.) ere, before (sometimes with na or na and yāvat [followed by tāvat], with mā or yadi MBh. Kāv. &c.)
- ○kathā f. a story of the past, an old legend BhP
- ○kalpa m. a former creation, former age (loc. sg. or pl. in the olden time) Up. MBh. &c
- = prec. MBh
- the performance of sacrificial acts in former times AitBr. (pref.)
- -vid mfn. knowing former times, familiar with the past MBh
- ○kṛta mfn. done formerly or long ago MBh
- begun, commenced W
- n. an action performed long ago
- -phala n. the result of it Var
- ○kṛti f. a former mode of action Hariv
- ○ga g. kṛśâśvâdi (cf. pura-ga)
- ○jā́ mfn. former, existing from old, primeval RV
- ○mathana-vallabha n. a kind of Agallochum used as a perfume L
- ○yoni mfn. of ancient origin or lineage (said of kings) MBh
- ○vasu m. N. of Bhtshma L
- ○vid m. knowing the events of former times GopBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○vṛtta mf(ā)n. that which has occurred or one who has lived in former times, long past, ancient MBh. Pur
- n. former mode of action, any event or account or history of the past ib
- -kathā f. an old story or legend Hit. (also ○ttâkhyāna n. W. [Page 635, Column]
- ○na-kathana n. telling old stories MW.)
- -sáh or -sā́h mfn. (nom. -ṣtāṭ
- Pāṇ. 8-3, 56) superior from ancient times RV. (Sāy. 'conqueror of cities')
- ○hitá (○râh○), mfn. set before first ŚBr. 1
- purôdbhava mfn. (for 2. See under 2. pura) of prior origin W
- purôpanīta mfn. formerly obtained or possessed W
- purāṇá mf(ī or ā)n. belonging to ancient or olden times, ancient, old (also= withered, worn out, opp. to nūtana, nava) RV. &c. &c
- m. a Karsha or measure of silver (= 16 Paṇas of cowries) Mn. viii, 136 (also n. L.)
- N. of a Ṛishi Kāṭh
- pl. the ancients MW
- n. a thing or event of the past, an ancient tale or legend, old traditional history. AV. &c. &c
- N. of a class of sacred works (supposed to have been compiled by the poet Vyāsa and to treat of 5 topics [cf. pañca-lakṣaṇa]
- the chief Purāṇas are 18, grouped in 3 divisions: viz. 1. Rājasa exalting Brahmā [e.g. the Brahma, Brahmâṇḍa, Brahmavaivarta, Mārkaṇḍeya, Bhavishya, Vāmana]
- 2. Sāttvika exalting Vishṇu [e.g. the Vishṇu, Bhāgavata, Nāradiya, Garuḍa, Padma, Varāha]
- 3. Tāmasa exalting Siva [e.g. the Śiva, Liṅga, Skanda, Agni or in place of it the Vāyu, Matsya, Kūrma]
- by some the Padma are divided into 4, and by others into 6 groups
- IW. 509 &c.)
- N. of wk. (containing an index of the contents of a number of Padma and some other wks.)
- ○kalpa m. = purā-k○ BhP
- ○ga m. 'singing of the past', N. of Brahmā L
- a reciter of the Purāṇas W
- ○gir m. 'praising the past', N. of Brahmā Gal
- ○gīta m. 'sung by the ancients', id. Gal
- ○dāna-māhātmya n. N. of ch. of BrahmāṇḍaP
- ○dṛṣṭa mfn. seen or approved by ancient sages Vas
- ○ṭânta-śataka n. N. of a poem
- ○dvitīyā f. the former wife L
- ○pañca-lakṣaṇa n
- ○pañjī f
- ○padârtha-saṃgraha m. N. of wks
- ○puruṣa m. 'primeval male', N. of Vishṇu, Sinhás
- ○prôkta mfn. proclaimed by ancient sages Pāṇ. 4-3, 105
- ○mahimopavarṇana n. N. of ch. of PadmaP. ii
- ○māhātmya n. N. of ch. of LiṅgaP
- ○ratna n. N. of wk
- ○vát ind. as of old RV
- ○víd mfn. knowing the things or events of the past AV
- knowing the Padma Prab
- ○vidyā f
- ○veda m. knowledge of the things or events of the past ŚrS
- ○śravaṇa n. hearing or studying the Padma
- mahiman m. -māhātmya n. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○saṃhitā f. a collection of the Padma BhP
- ○saṃgraha m
- ○samuccaya m
- ○sarvasva n. =
- ○sāra and m. N. of wks
- ○sāra-saṃgraha m. N. of wks
- ○siṃha m. N. of Vishṇu as man-lion R
- purāṇânta mṆ. of Yama L
- purāṇârka-prabhā f
- purāṇârṇava m
- purāṇârtha-prakāśaka m. N. nf wks
- purāṇâvatāra m. N. of ch. of PadmaP
- purānôkta mfn. enjoined by or written in the Padma MW
- purāṇaka ifc. (f. ikā) = purāṇa, a partic. coin (cf. tri-p○)
- purāṇīya mfn. See tri-p○ and pañca-p○
- purāṇya Nom' P. ○ṇyati, to talk of the past, relate past events, g. kaṇḍv-ādi
- purā-tana mf(ī)n. belonging to the past, former, old, ancient (e ind. formerly, in olden times) Mn. MBh. &c
- used-up, worn out Suśr
- m. pl. the ancients Rājat
- n. an ancient story, old legend R
- a Purāṇa Hcat
- ○yoga-saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- puro in comp. for puras
- ○agni (puró-), m. the foremost Agni, fire in front VS
- ○'kṣám ind. before the axle-tree ŚBr
- ○ga mf(ā)n. going before, leading, a leader, chief principal (ifc. preceded or accompanied by) MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○gata mfn. standing or being in front or before a person's eyes Ragh
- preceded, gone before W
- ○gati m. a dog L
- ○gantṛ m. a messenger who goes before Pāṇ. Sch
- ○gama mfn. = -ga MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○gamana n. going before, preceding W
- ○gavá m. one who precedes, a leader (f. ○ví) RV. AV
- ○gā́ m. a leader RV. VS. &c
- ○gāmin mfn. going before, preceding
- m. a leader or a dog L
- ○guru mfn. heavy before or in front, TāṇḍdBr
- ○granthi mfn. = purastādg○ ĀpŚr
- ○janman mfn. born before
- ○ma-tā f. priority of birth Ragh
- ○java mfn. excelling in speed, swifter than(comp.) BhP
- m. one who goes before, a servant, attendant (ifc. accompanied by, furnished with), Divyâtv
- N. of a son of Medhâtithi and the Varsha ruled by hini BhP
- of Práṇa ib
- ○jiti (puró-), f. previous possession or acquisition RV
- ○jyotis mfn. preceded by light or radiance AitBr
- ○ḍāś (or -lā́ś nom. -ḻā́s), m. a mass of ground rice rounded into a kind of cake (usually divided into pieces, placed on receptacles [Page 635, Column]
- cf. kapāla) and offered as an oblation in fire RV. &c. &c
- ○ḍāśá m. id. AV. &c. &c. (RTL. 367)
- any oblation Mn. v, 23
- the leavings of an offering L
- Soma juice L
- a prayer recited while offering oblations in fire Pāṇ. Sch
- -tā f. state or condition of an oblation
- acc. with √nī, to offer in fire, burn Pārvat
- -bṛgalá n. a piece of the sacrificial cake ŚBr
- -bhuj. m. eater of the sacrificial cake, a god Śiś
- -vatsā (ḍāśá-), f. having a sacrificial cake for a calf. AV
- -sviṣṭakṛt m. the Svishṭakṛit connected with the sṭsacrificial cake AitBr
- -hara m. 'receiver of the sacrificial cake', N. of Vishṇu Vishṇ
- ○śika mf(ī)n. Pāṇ. 4-3, 70
- sín mfn. connected with the sacrificial cake TS
- ○śīya mfn. relating to or destined for the sṭsacrificial cake ĀpŚr
- ○śâḍā́ f. the Iḍā portion of the sacrificial cake ŚBr
- ○śyá mfn. = ○śīya MaitrS
- ○dha (m.c.) or m. 'placed at the head', chief priest of a king, domestic chaplain MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○dhas m. 'placed at the head', chief priest of a king, domestic chaplain MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of a man Saṃskārak. root
- ○dhā P.A. -dadhāti, -dhatte, (Ā.) to place before or at the head, to appoint (esp. to priestly functions), charge, commission RV. &c. &c
- to propose (as a prize) RV. v, 86, 5
- (P.) to place foremost, value highly, esteem, honour, be intent upon or zealous for, take to heart RV. &c. &c
- ○dhā f. charge, commission, (esp.) the rank and office of a Purohita TS. AV. Br
- -kāma (-dhā́-), mfn. desirous of the rank of a PṭPurohita TBr
- ○dhātṛ m. the giver of a commission, the appointer of a Purohita AitBr
- ○dhāna n. priestly ministration Sāy
- ○dhānīya m. = puro-hita TāṇḍBr
- ○dhikā f. preferred to other women, a favourite wife Hariv
- ○niḥsaraṇa n. going out first Kāv
- ○'nuvākyā́ f. (sc. ṛc) an introductory or invitatory verse AV. TS. Br
- ○kyâ-vat mfn. having an intṭintroductory verse ŚBr
- ○balāka mfn. 'having (only) cranes in front of one's self', overtaking all others (said of Parjanya) ṢaḍvBr
- ○bhaktakā f. breakfast Divyâv
- ○bhāga m. the front or forepart (mama "ṣge, before me) Daś
- officiousness, obtrusiveness (○gam √muc, to quit the field, retire discomfited) Hariv. Kād
- malevolence, envy Mālav
- mf(ā)n. standing before a person's eyes R
- obtrusive, meddlesome MW
- ○bhāgin mfn. taking the first share, obtrusive, forward Kālid
- grudging, censorious, malevolent Rājat
- ○bhāvin mfn. impending, imminent Kathās
- ○bhū́ mfn. being in front or at the head of, excelling, superior to (acc.) RV
- ○māruta m. a wind blowing from before or in front, east wind (opp. to paścānṃ○) Ragh
- ○mukha mfn. having its face or aperture directed towards the east, Kaus
- ○yā́van mfn. going in front, leading RV
- ○yúdh or mfn. fighting before or in front RV
- ○yodhá mfn. fighting before or in front RV
- ○rathá mfn. 'one whose chariot is foremost', leaving all behind, pre-eminent, superior RV
- ○rukka See a-puror○
- ○rúc mfn. shining in front or in the east RV
- f. N. of partic. Nivid formularies recited at the morning oblation in the Ājya ceremony before the principal hymn or any part of it TS. Br
- -rug-adhyāya m. N. of wk
- -ruṅ-mat mfn. furnished with Parjanya ŚBr
- ○vat ind. as before BhP
- ○vatsa m. N. of a man L
- ○vartin mfn. being before a person's eyes, Mallin
- forward, obtrusive Nīlak. on Hariv
- ○vasu mfn. preceded or accompanied by wealth TBr
- ○vātá m.= -mārnta (ifc. f. ā) TS. &c. &c
- the wind preceding a thunderstorm ChUp
- -sáni mfn. bringing east wind TS
- ○vāda m. a former mention Nyāyam
- ○vṛtta mf(ā)n. being or going before, preceding Hariv
- ○vṛṣêndra mfn. preceded or accompanied by an excellent bull BhP
- ○havis (puró-), mfn. having the sacrifice in front or towards the east TS
- ○hita (puro-.), mfn. placed foremost or in front, charged, commissioned, appointed
- m. one holding a charge or commission, an agent
- (esp.) a family priest, a domestic chaplain RV. &c. &c. (RTL. 352 &c.)
- -karman n. N. of 3rd Pariś. of AV
- -tva n. the rank of a Purohita MBh
- ○hiti f. priestly ministration (= puro-dhāna, Sly.) RV
- ○hitikā f. a favourite wife (cf. puro-dhikā) or N. of a woman, g. śivâdi
- púr f. (in nom. sg. and before consonants pūr) a rampart, wall, stronghold, fortress, castle, city, town (also of demons) RV. &c. &c
- the body (considered as the stronghold of the puruṣa, q.v.) BhP
- the intellect (= mahat) VP
- N. of a Daśa-rātra KātyŚr. [Perhaps fr. √pṝ and orig. identical with 1. pur
- Gk., ?] [635,]
- pura (for 1. See p. 634, col. 2), n. (ifc. f. ā) a fortress, castle, city, town (a place containing large buildings surrounded by a ditch and extending not less than one Kos in length [Page 635, Column] ; if it extends for half that distance it is called a kheṭa, if less than that, a karvaṭa or small market town ; any smaller cluster of houses is called a grāma or village W.) Mn. MBh. &c
- the female apartments, gynaeceum MBh. (cf. antaḥ-p○, nārī-p○ &c.)
- a house, abode, residence, receptacle BhP. Tattvas
- an upper story L
- a brothel L
- 'the city' Gk. ? i.e. Pāṭali-putra or Patnā L
- = tri-pura, the 3 strong holds of the Asuras Kathās
- the body (cf. 3. pur) BhP
- the skin L
- a species of Cyperus L
- N. of a constellation Var
- a leaf rolled into the shape of a funnel L. (prob. wṛ. for puṭa)
- N. of the subdivisions of the Vedanta wk. tripurī or tripuṭī (perhaps also wṛ. for puṭa) Cat
- mf(ā)n. a kind of resin, bdellium, Susr. L
- m. N. of an Asura= tri-pura (cf. pura-jit), of another man, g. kurv-ādi
- (ā), f. a stronghold, fortress (cf. agni-purā and aśma-p○)
- a kind of perfume L
- (ī), f. a fortress, castle, town TĀr. MBh. &c
- N. of a town (the capital of Kaliṅga, noted for the worship of Jagan-nātha or Kṛishṇa IW. 244, n. 1)
- the sanctuary or adytum of a temple Inscr
- the body BhP
- N. of one of the 10 orders of mendicants (said to be founded by disciples of Śaṃkara, the members of which add the word purī to their names) W
- ○koṭṭa n. 'city-stronghold', a citadel
- -pāla m. the governor of a citadel Pañc
- ○jana m. sg. town-folk, citizens, Ratnâv
- ○jānu vḷ. for puru-j○ VP
- ○jit m. 'conqueror of fortresses or of Pura', N. of Śiva Kathās
- of a prince (son of Aja and father of Arishta-nemi) BhP
- ○taṭī f. a small market-town L
- ○toraṇa n. 'city-arch', the outer gate of a city MW
- ○dāha m. burning of the 3 fortresses (= tripura-d○) Kathās
- ○devatā f. the tutelary deity of a town W
- ○dvāra n. (ifc. f. ā), a city gate Mn. R
- ○dviṣ m. 'foe of Pura', N. of Śiva BhP
- ○nārī f. 'townwoman', a courtezan Dhūrtan
- ○niveśa m. the founding of a city MW
- ○pakṣin m. 'townbird', a bṭburning living in a city, tame burning (opp. to vanyap○) Var
- ○pāla
- ○pāḍlaka m. the governor of a cṭcity BhP
- ○bhid (Prasannar.),
- ○mathana (Bālar.),
- ○mathitṛ (Ānand.), m. 'destroyer of fortresses or of Pura', N. of Śiva
- ○mārga m. the street of a town Ragh
- ○mālinī f. 'crowned with castles', N. of a river MBh
- ○rakṣa (Daś),
- ○rakṣin (Kathās.), m. a watchman of a town, constable
- ○rāṣṭra n. pl. cities and kingdoms MW
- ○rodha m. the siege of a fortress or city ib
- ○loka m. sg. = -jana Pañcad
- ○vadhū f. = -nār-ī, Sinhâs
- ○vara n. 'chief town', a king's residence Jātakam
- ○vāsin mfn. dwelling in a town, a citizen MBh
- ○vāstu n. ground suitable for the foundation of a city Hariv
- ○vairin (Prasann.),
- ○śāsana (Kum.), m. 'foe or chastiser of Pura', N. of Śiva
- ○han m. 'slayer of Pura', N. of Vishṇu BhP
- ○hita n. the welfare of a city MW
- purâṭṭa m. a watch-tower on a city wall R
- purâdhipa (Kathās.),
- purâḍdhyakṣa (MBh.), m. the governor of a city or fortress, prefect of police
- purârāti m. = pura-dviṣ Kathās
- purâri m. id ib. Kum
- N. of Vishṇu (-tva n.) BhP
- purârdha-vistara mfn. being of the extent of half a town L
- m. part of a town, a suburb, ward, division W
- purā-vatī f. 'rich in castles, N. of a river MBh. (cf. pura-mālinī)
- purâsuhṛd m. = pura-dviṣ L
- purôtsava m. 'townfestival', a fṭfortress solemnized in a city Kathās. 2
- pugrôdbhava (for 1. See under purā), m. (or ā f.) 'growing in towns', N. of a plant L
- purôdyāna n. 'city garden', a pleasure-garden belonging to a town, park MBh. R. &c
- puróka m. 'town-dweller (?)', N. of a poet Cat
- purâukas m. an inhabitant of a town or of Tripura L
- puraṃ acc. of 3. púr or 2. pura, in comp
- ○jana m. the living principle, life, soul (personified as a king) BhP
- N. of Varuṇa Gal
- (ī), f. understanding, intelligence (personified as the wife of a king) ib
- -carita and -nāṭaka n. N. of dramas
- ○jaya m. 'city-conqueror', N. of a hero on the side of the Kurus MBh
- of a son of Śṛiñjaya and father of Janam-ejaya Hariv
- of a son of Bhajamāna and Śṛinjari (or Śṛiñjayā) ib
- (= kakut-stha) N. of a son of Śaśâda VP
- of a son of Vindhyi-śakti ib
- of Medhāvin MatsyaP
- of an elephant (son of Airāvaṇa) Hariv
- ○da m. = -dara, N. of Indra L
- ○dará m. 'destroyer of strongholds', N. of Indra RV. &c. &c. (also of the IṭIndra of the 7th Manv-antara Pur.) [Page 636, Column]
- of Agni RV
- of Śiva Śivag
- a thief, house-breaker L
- of a man Siṃhâs
- (ā), f. N. of Gaṅgā or another river L
- n. Piper Chaba L
- -cāpa m. Indra's bow, the rainbow Var
- -pura n. Indra's city (○râtithi m. 'guest of IṭIndra's city' i.e. dead) Daś
- N. of another city L
- (ī), f. N. of a town in Mālava Vcar
- -harit f. Indra's quarter of the sky, the east Prasannar
- púraya m. N. of a man RV
- (n.?) a castle, town Gal
- puri loc. of 3. pur, in comp
- ○śayá mfn. (invented to explain puruṣa) reposing in the fortress or fastness (i.e. the body) ŚBr. GopBr
- puri f. a town or a river Uṇ. iv, 142 Sch
- ○kāya m. N. of a prince VP
- (ā), f. N. of a town ib
- purikā f. N. of a town MBh. Hariv
- purī f. See under 2. pura
- ○kāya m. N. of a king VP. (cf. puri-k○)
- ○dāsa m. N. of the author of Caitanya-candrôdaya (also called kavikarṇa-pūra) Cat
- ○"ṣndra-sena (purând○), m. N. of a prince VP
- ○mat m. N. of a king BhP
- ○moha m. the thorn-apple, Datura L
- ○loka m. pl. town's-folk, citizens Siṃhâs
- ○śreṣṭhā f. 'best of towns', N. of Kāśī or Benares Gal
- pury-aṣṭa or n. the eight constituent parts of the body Kull. on Mn. i, 56
- pury-aṣḍṭaka n. the eight constituent parts of the body Kull. on Mn. i, 56
- puró-han mfn. (acc. pl. of 3. pur+ h○) destroying strongholds RV
- púrya mfn. being in a stronghold or fastness RV
- pūḥ-kāmya Nom. (fr. 3. pur + kāma), P. ○yati, to wish for a castle or town L
- pūr in comp. for 3. pur before cons
- ○jáyana n. 'conquest of a fortress', N. of a partic. ceremony MaitrS
- ○devī f. the tutelary goddess of a town BhP
- ○dvār f
- ○dvāra n. the gate of a city L
- ○pati (pū́r-), m. the lord of a castle or city RV
- ○bhíd mfn. one who breaks down strongholds or fottresses ib
- ○bhídya n. the breaking down strongholds or fortresses ib
- ○mārga m. a road leading to a town, Siṃhiâs
- ○yā́ṇa mfn. leading to the fortress (i.e. to the celestial world) AV
- purañjara m. the armpit L
- puraṭa n. gold L
- puraṇa m. (√pṝ) the sea, ocean Uṇ. ii, 81 Sch
- puraṇḍa m. pl. N. of a dynasty VP. (cf. puruṇḍa)
- pura-tas See p. 634, col. 2
- puraṃdhi mfn. (etym. much contested
- prob. fr. acc. of 1. or 3. pur and √dhā, 'bearing fulness' or 'bearing a body') prolific, not barren (lit. and fig.), bountiful, munificent, liberal RV. VS. TS
- f. a woman, wife RV. i, 116, 7 ; 1 3 ; 117, 19 &c
- liberality, munificence, kindness (shown by gods to man, e.g. RV. i, 5, 3 ; 158 2 &c
- or by man to gods in offering oblations, e.g. i, 123, 6 ; 134, 3 &c
- also personified as goddess of abundance and liberality, e.g. vii, 36, 8 &c.)
- ○vat (púr). mfn. abundant, copious RV. ix, 72, 4
- puraṃdhri or f. (perhaps at first identical with prec. and later connected with √dhṛ) a wife, woman (esp. a married woman having or able to bear children) Kālid. Kathās. Rājat
- puraṃḍdhrī f. (perhaps at first identical with prec. and later connected with √dhṛ) a wife, woman (esp. a married woman having or able to bear children) Kālid. Kathās. Rājat
- puralā (?), f. N. of Durgā L
- puravī f. (in music) N. of a Ragiṇi (cf. puruvii)
- puras purastāt, See p. 634
- purā See p. 634, col. 3
- purāṭaṅka m. N. of a man Cat. (cf. pauraṇṭaka)
- purāṇa purātana, See p. 635
- purātala n. the region below the seven worlds L. (cf. talâtala)
- purādhas m. N. of an Āngirasa ĀrshBr. (v. l. pra-rādhas)
- purāsaṇī or ○sinī f. a species of creeper L
- puri. and 2 purī. See above. [Page 636, Column]
- puritat wṛ. for purītat L
- purīkáya m. a species of aquatic animal AV
- purīkaṣeṇa m. N. of a king VP
- purītát m. n. (fr. 3. pur, or purī + √tan?) the pericardium or some other organ near the heart
- the intestines VS. AV. ŚBr. KaushUp. (cf. parī-tat and pulītat)
- púrīṣa n. (√pṝ) earth, land RV
- (esp.) crumbling or loose earth, rubbish (perhaps 'that which fills up', as opp. to that which flows off, 'the solid' opp. to the fluid), rubble, anything used to fill up interstices in a wall VS. TS. ŚBr. GṛŚrS
- feces, excrement, ordure ŚBr. &c. &c. (ifc. f. ī BhP.)
- a disk, orb (e.g. sūryasya i.e. 'fulness of the sun' ?) RV. x, 27, 21
- (with ātharvaṇa) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- (ī), f. N. of a partic. religious observance BhP. (= cayana Sch.)
- ○nigrahaṇa mfn. stopping or obstructing the bowels Suśr
- ○pada n. N. of partic. passages insetted (to fill up) in the recitation of the Mahānāmnī verses Br. ŚrS
- ○bhīru m. N. of a prince BhP
- ○bheda m. diarrhoea Car
- ○bhedin mfn. 'loosening the feces', relaxing the bowels MW
- ○mūtra-pratighāta m. obstruction of the solid and liquid excretions Cat
- ○vat (púr○), mfn. furnished with rubbish or loose earth (used for filling interstices) TS
- (ī), f. N. of a kind of brick ŚBr
- ○vā́haṇa or mf(ī)n. removing rubbish or refuse VS. TS. Kāṭh. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 65)
- ○vāhana mf(ī)n. removing rubbish or refuse VS. TS. Kāṭh. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 65)
- ○virañjanīya mfn. changing the colour of the feces L
- ○saṃgrahaṇīya mfn. making the feces more solid ib
- purīṣâdhāna n. 'receptacle of excrement', the rectum Yājñ
- purīṣôtsarga m. the voiding of excrement Pañc. Hit
- purīṣaṇa n. the voiding of excrement Var
- m. excrement, feces L
- the rectum or anus Gal
- purīṣama m. Phaseolus Radiatus L
- purīṣaya Nom. P. ○yati, to void excrement L
- purīṣita mfn. voided, evacuated (as excrement)
- voided upon, g. tārakâdi
- purīṣín mfn. possessing land or inhabiting it or extending over it RV
- 'bearing or carrying rubbish', N. of the Sarayū or of another river, v, 53, 9
- purīṣyá mfn. being in the, earth (said of fire) RV. TS. VS
- rich in land ŚBr
- excremental AitBr
- ○vāhana mf(ī)n. (prob.) = purīṣa-v○ Pāṇ. 3-2, 65
- purú mf(pūrvií)n. (√pṝ) much, many, abundant (only [pur�U], ○rū́ṇi, ○rūṇām and sev. cases of f. pūrvii
- in later language only ibc.) RV. &c. &c. ([○r�ú]. much, often, very also with a compar. or superl.
- with simā, everywhere
- with tirás, far off, from afar
- purârú, far and wide
- purú víśva, one and all, every RV.)
- m. the pollen of a flower L
- heaven, paradise L
- (cf. pūru) N. of a prince (the son of Yayāti and Śarmishṭhā and sixth monarch of the lunar race) MBh. Śak
- of a son of Vasu-deva and Saha-devā BhP
- of a son of Madhu VP
- of a son of Manu Cākshusha and Naḍvalā Pur. [Cf. Old Pers. paru ; Gk. ? ; Goth. filu ; Angl. Sax. ftolu ; Germ. viel.] [636,]
- ○kāraka-vat mfn. having many agents or factors BhP
- ○kútsa m. N. of a man RV
- of a descendant of Ikshvāku ŚBr
- of a son of Māndhātṛi Hariv
- of another man VP
- ○kutsava m. N. of an enemy of Indra GāruḍaP
- ○kútsānī f. N. of a woman (prob. wife of Puru-kutsa) RV
- ○kṛ́t mfn. = -kṛtvan ib
- increasing (with gen.) ib
- ○kṛ́tvan mfn. achieving great deeds, efficacious ib
- ○kṛpā f. abundant mercy or compassion BhP
- ○kṣú mfn. rich in food ib
- liberally granting (with gen.) ib
- ○gūrtá mfn. welcome to many RV
- ○cétana mfn. visible to many, very conspicuous ib. TBr
- ○ja mfn. much L. (cf. puruha)
- m. N. of a prince (the son of Suśānti) BhP
- ○jātá mfn. variously manifested or appearing RV
- ○jāti m. = -ja m. Hariv. Pur
- ○jit m. 'conquering many, N. of a hero on the side of the Pāṇḍus and brother of Kunti-bhoja MBh
- of a prince the son of Rucaka BhP
- of a son of Ānaka ib
- ○ṇāman (purú-.), mfn. having many names (said of Indra) RV
- ○ṇīthá n. a song for many voices, choral song ib
- ○táma ([pur�U-]), mfn. very much or many, abundant, frequent, ever-recurring ib
- ○tmán mfn. existing variously ib. [Page 636, Column]
- ○trā́ ind. variously, in many ways or places or directions
- many times, often RV. VS. AV
- ○da n. gold L. (cf. puraṭa)
- ○daṃśaka m. 'many-teethed', a goose (so called from its serrated beak) L
- ○dáṃsa mfn. abounding in mighty or wonderful deeds RV
- ○dáṃsu mfn. id. ib
- m. N. of Indra L
- ○datra mfn. rich in gifts RV
- ○dáma mfn. possessed of or belonging to many houses AV
- ○daya mfn. abounding in compassion BhP
- ○dasmá mfn. -daṃsa RV. VS
- ○dasyu mfn. (people), consisting chiefly in robbers BhP
- ○dína n. pl. many days RV
- ○deva-campu0 f. N. of a poem
- ○drapsá mfn. abounding in drops of water (said of the Maruts) ib
- ○drúh mfn. injuring greatly ib
- ○dhá (before 2 consonants) or ind, variously, frequently RV. AV
- ○dhā́ ind, variously, frequently RV. AV
- -pratīka (-dhá-), mfn. appearing variously RV
- ○nihṣídh or mfn. repelling many (foes) ib
- ○nihḍṣidhvan mfn. repelling many (foes) ib
- ○niṣṭhā mfn. excelling among many ib
- ○nṛmṇá mfn. displaying great valour ib
- ○pánthā m. (nom. ○thās) N. of a man ib
- ○paśu mfn. rich in cattle ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ○putrá mf(ā́)n. having many sons or children RV
- ○péśa or mfn. multiform ib
- ○péśas mfn. multiform ib
- ○prajātá mfn. variously propagated ib
- ○praśastá mfn. praised by many ib
- ○priyá mf(ā́)n. dear to many RV. VS
- ○prâi4ṣa or mfn. inciting many RV
- ○prâiṣá mfn. inciting many RV
- ○prauḍha mfn. possessing much self-confidence BhP
- ○bhuj mfn. enjoying much RV
- ○bhū́ mfn. being or appearing in many places (superl. -tama) ib
- ○bhūta wṛ. for -hūta Hariv
- ○bhójas mfn. containing many means of enjoyments, greatly nourishing RV
- m. a cloud L
- ○madga (?), m. N. of a man ĀrshBr. (wṛ. -mahna)
- ○manas mfn. (formed for the explanation of 2. puṃs) Nir. ix, 15
- ○mántu mfn. full of wisdom, intelligent RV
- ○mandrá mfn. delighting many ib
- ○māyá (RV.),
- ○māyin (BhP.), mfn. possessing various arts or virtues, wonderful
- ○mâyya m. N. of a man RV
- ○mitrá m. N. of a man RV
- of a warrior on the side of the Kurus MBh. Hariv
- ○mīḍhá (AV. &c.),
- ○mīḻhá (RV.), m. N. of a man (with the patr. Āṅgirasa or Sauhotra
- the supposed author of RV. iv, 43 ; 44)
- of a son of Su-hotra MBh
- of a grandson of Su-hotra and son of Hastin (Bṛihat) Hariv. Pur
- of a man with the patr. Vaidadaśvi TāṇḍBr
- ○médba (RV.) or (SV.), mfn. endowed with wisdom
- ○méḍdhas (SV.), mfn. endowed with wisdom
- N. of a man with the patr. Āṅgirasa (author of RV. viii, 89 ; 90)
- ○rátha mfn. having many chariots RV
- ○ravasa wṛ. for purū-r○ below MārkP
- ○rāja-vaṃśa-krama m. N. of a poem
- ○rā́van m. 'much-howling', N. of a demon VS
- ○rúc mfn. shining brightly RV
- ○ruj mfn. subject to many diseases BhP
- ○rūpa mf(ā) multiform, variegated RV
- forming various shapes VS. AV
- ○lampaṭa mfn. very lascivious BhP
- ○vártman mfn. having many ways or paths AV
- ○várpas mfn. multiform, variegated RV
- ○vaśa m. N. of a prince VP
- ○vā́ja mf(ā)n. powerful, very strong RV. 1
- ○vaára mfn. having an ample tail or mane (as a horse or ox) ib. -2
- ○vā́ra mfn. rich in gifts ib
- -puṣṭi mfn. granting treasured riches ib
- ○viśruta m. 'much renowned', N. of a son of Vasu-deva BhP
- ○vī́ra mf(ā)n. possessed of many men or male offspring RV
- ○vépas mfn. much excited or exciting ib
- ○vratá mfn. having many ordinances (said of Soma) ib
- ○śakti mfn. possessing various powers BhP
- ○śā́ka m. helpful (superl. -tama) RV. AV
- ○śiṣṭa m. N. of a man (cf. pauruśiṣṭi)
- ○ścandrá mfn. much-shining, resplendent RV
- ○ṣánti (Padap. -sánti), m. N. of a man RV. TāṇḍBr
- ○ṣṭutá mfn. highly lauded, praised by many RV. MBh. Hariv
- m. N. of Śiva Śivag
- ○sambhṛtá mfn. accumulated by many RV
- ○sena m. N. of a poet Cat
- ○spārhá (TBr.) and mfn. much desired
- ○spṛh (RV.), mfn. much desired
- ○hanman m. N. of a man (author of RV. viii, 59, 2) with the patr. Āṅgirasa (RAnukr.) or Vaikhānasa (TaṇḍBr.)
- ○hāni f. a great loss Kāv
- ○huta m. N. of a prince AgP
- ○hūtá mfn. much invoked or invoked by many RV. &c. &c
- m. N. of Indra Mn. MBh. &c, (-kāṣṭhā f. Indra's quarter i.e. the east Dhūrtan
- -dviṣ m. Indra's foe, N. of Indra-jit MW.)
- (ā), f. N. of a form of Dākshāyani MatsyaP
- ○hūti f. manifold invocation BhP
- ○hotra m. N. of a son of Anu ib
- purū7dvaha m. N. of a son of the 11th Manu MārkP
- purū7rúṇā ind. far and wide RV. [Page 637, Column]
- puruha or mfn. much, many L
- puruḍhu mfn. much, many L
- purū in comp. for ○ru
- ○táma mfn. See under puru
- ○rávas mfn. crying much or loudly RV. i, 31, 4
- m. N. of an ancient king of the lunar race (the lover of Urvaśī [RV. x, 95 ŚBr. xi, 5, 1 and Kalidāsa's drama Vikramorvaśī], son of Budha and Iḷā, father of Āyus and ancestor of Puru Duhyanta, Bharata, Kuru, Dhṛita-rāshṭra and Pāṇḍu, supposed to have instituted the 3 sacrificial fires [VS. v,] ; according to Nir. x, 46 he is one of the beings belonging to the middle region of the universe, and is possibly to be connected with the Sun as Urvaśī is with the Dawn ; according to others a Viśva-deva or a P1rvaṇa-śrāddha-deva) RV. &c. &c
- ○ravasa m. = prec. m. MārkP
- ○rúc mfn. much shining SV. (cf. puru-ruc)
- ○vásu mfn. abounding in goods or riches RV. AitBr
- ○vṛ́t mfn. moving in various ways AV
- purūcī́ f. (of an unused purv-añc) abounding, abundant, full, comprehensive RV. AV
- purv-aṇīka mfn. variously manifested or appearing RV
- puruñja or puruṇḍa m. pl. N. of a dynasty VP
- purudvat m. N. of a prince Hariv. Pur
- puruvī f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇi
- púruṣa m. (m. c. also pū́r○
- prob. fr. √pṝ and connected with puru, pūru ifc. f. ā, rarely ī
- Pāṇ. 4-i, 24) a man, male, human being (pl. people, mankind) RV. &c. &c
- a person, (pumān puruṣaḥ, a male person ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn
- daṇḍaḥp○, punishment personified Mn
- esp. grammatical pers
- with prathama, madhyama, uttama = the 3rd, 2nd, 1st pers. Nir. Pāṇ.), an officer, functionary, attendant, servant Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. tat-p○)
- a friend L
- a follower of the Sāṃkhya Philosophy (?) L
- a member or representative of a race or generation TS. Br. Mn. &c
- the height or measure of a man (= 5 Aratnis = 120 Aṅgulas) ŚBr. Śulbas. Var
- the pupil of the eye ŚBr
- (also with nārāyaṇa) the primaeval man as the soul and original source of the universe (described in the Purusba-sûkta, q.v.) RV. ŚBr. &c
- the personal and animating principle in men and other beings, the soul or spirit AV. &c. &c
- the Supreme Being or Soul of the universe (sometimes with para, parama, or uttama
- also identified with Brahmā, Vishṇu, Śiva and Durgā) VS. ŚBr. &c. &c
- (in Sāṃkbya) the Spirit as passive and a spectator of the Prakṛiti or creative force IW. 82 &c
- the, 'spirit' or fragrant exhalation of plants RV. x, 51, 8
- (with sapta) N. of the divine or active principles from the minute portions of which the universe was formed Mn. i, 19
- N. of a Pāda in the Mahsnāmnī verses Lāṭy
- of the Ist, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th signs of the zodiac Jyot
- of a son of Manu Cākshusha BhP
- of one of the 18 attendants of the sun L
- pl. men, people (cf. above)
- N. of the Brāhmans of Krauñca-dvipa BhP
- (with pañca) N. of 5 princely personages or miraculous persons born under partic. constellations, Var
- Rottleria Tinctoria L
- Clerodendrum Phlomoides L
- (ī), f. a woman, female RV. &c. &c
- m. or n. = puruṣaka m. n. Śiś. v, 56 Sch
- n. (!) N. of mount Meru L
- ○kāma mfn. desirous of men TāṇḍBr
- ○kāra m. human effort (opp. to daiva, fate) Mn. Yājñ
- manly act, virility, heroism MBh. Kāv. &c
- haughtiness, pride Pat
- N. of a grammarian Cat
- -phala n. the fruit or result of human effort L
- -mīmāṃsā f. N. of wk
- ○kuṇapá n. a human corpse TS
- ○kesarin m. 'man-lion', N. of Vishṇu in his 4th appearance on earth, Sak. (cf. nara-siṃha)
- ○kṣīrá n. human milk MaitrS
- ○kṣetra n. a male or uneven zodiacal sign or astrological house, Var,
- ○gati f. N. of a Sāman Gaut
- ○gandhi (pu○), mfn. smelling of men AV
- ○gātra mfn. endowed with human or manly limbs Kauś
- ○ghnī f. (with strī) a woman who kills her husband Yājñ. (cf
- pūruṣa-han)
- ○cchandasá n. 'man's metre', the metre suited for men, i.e. the Dvi-padā ŚBr
- ○jana m. sg. men, people Pañcad
- ○jātaka N. of wk
- ○jī́vana mf(ī)n. enlivening or animating men AV
- ○jñāna n. knowledge of men or mankind Mn. vii, 211
- ○tantra mfn. dependent on the subject, subjective (-tva, n.) Śaṃk
- ○tā (○ṣá-), f. manhood, manliness
- ind. (as instr.) after the manner of men, among men RV. [Page 637, Column]
- ○tejas (pú○), mfn. having a man's energy or manly vigour AV
- ○trā́ ind.= -tā ind. RV. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 56)
- ○tva n. manhood, manliness MBh. Pur
- -tvá-tā ind. after the manner of men RV
- ○daghna mfn. of the height or measure of a man W
- ○datta m. N. of a man Mudr
- ○dantikā f. N. of a medicinal √L
- ○damyasārathi m. a driver or guide of men (compared with young draught-oxen) Divyâv
- ○dravyasampad f. abundance of men and material MW
- ○dvayasa mf(ī)n. = -daghna L
- ○dviṣ m. an enemy of Vishṇu MW
- ○dveṣin mfn. man-hating, misanthropic W
- (iṇī), f. an ill-tempered or fractious woman ib
- ○dharma m. personal rule or precept KātyŚr
- ○dhaureyaka m. a man superior to other people Hcat
- ○nāya m. 'man superior to other people Hcat
- ○nāya m. 'manleader', a prince ChUp
- ○niyama m. (in gram.) a restriction as to person
- ○niṣkráyaṇa mfn. one who redeems a person TS
- ○pati m. 'lord of men', N. of Rāma MW
- ○parī7kṣā f. 'trial of man', N. of a collection of moral tales
- ○paśu m. a beast of man, a brutal man Pañc. VP
- a man as a sacrificial victim BhP
- the soul compared with animal IW. 85
- a human animal, man W
- ○paṃgava m. 'man-bull', an eminent or excellent man W
- ○puṇḍarīka m. 'man-lotus', = prec. ib., (with Jainas) N. of the 6th black Vāsudeva
- ○pura n. N. of the capital of Gāndhāra, the modern Peshāwar (? L
- ○prabhu m. N. of a prince VP
- ○bahumāna m. the respect or esteem of mankind Bhartṛ
- ○mātrá mf(ī)n. of the height or measure of a man ŚBr. KātyŚr
- n. the size of a man TS
- ○mānin mfn. fancying one's self a man or hero (○ní-tva, n.) MBh
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. having the face of a man Kauś
- ○mṛgá m. a male antelope VS. TS. Sch
- ○medhá m. the sacrifice of a man Br. MBh. &c
- N. of the supposed author of VS. xx, 30 (perhaps wṛ. for puru-medha, q.v.),
- ○yogin mfn. relating to a Person or subject KātyŚr
- ○yoni (pú○), mfn. descended from or begotten by a man (male) MaitrS
- ○rakṣas n. a demon in the form of a man Kauś
- ○rājá m. a human king TS
- ○rūpa n. the shape of a man AitBr
- (pú○), mfn. = next ŚBr
- ○rūpaka mfn. shaped like a man AitBr
- ○réṣaṇa (AV.),
- ○reṣin (Kauś.), mfn. hurting men
- ○rṣabha (r for ṛ), m. = -puṃgava MBh. R
- ○vacas mfn. called Purusha ChUp
- ○vat mfn. accompanied by men ŚBr
- ○vadbá m. manslaughter, murder AV
- slaughter of a husband Vet
- ○vara m. the best of men VP
- N. of Vishṇu MBh
- of a prince VP
- ○varjita mfn. destitute of human beings, desolate MW
- ○vā́c mfn. having a human voice VS. ŚBr
- ○vāha m. 'Vishṇu's vehicle', N. of Garuḍa BhP
- ○vāham ind. (with vahati, he moves in such a way as to be) borne or drawn along by men Pāṇ. 3-4, 43
- ○vidha (pú○), mfn. man-like, having a human form (-tá f.) ŚBr. TUp
- ○vyāgbrá m. 'man-tiger', N. of a demon ŚBr
- = -śārdūla MBh. R
- a vulture L
- ○vrata n. N. of 2 Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○śārdūla m. 'man-tiger', an eminent man W
- ○śiras n. a human head KātyŚr
- ○śīrṣá n. id. ŚBr
- ○ṣaka m. or n. N. of an instrument used by thieves Daś
- ○saṃskāra m. a ceremony performed on a (dead) person Āpast
- ○samavêya m. a number of men W
- ○sammita (pú○), mfn. man-like TBr
- ○sāman n. N. of a Sāman ĀpŚr
- ○sāmudrika-lakṣaṇa n. 'divination, from bodily signs', N. of wk
- ○siṃha m. 'man-lion', an eminent man or hero Kāv
- (with Jainas) N. of the 5th of the black Vāsudevas L
- ○sū7kta n. 'the Purusha hymn', N. of RV. x, 90 (describing the Supreme Soul of the universe and supposed to be comparatively modern) RTL. 17 ; 23 &c
- -bhāṣya n. vidhāna n. -vyākhyā f. -vyākhyāna n. -ṣoḍa-śôpacāra-vidhi m. ○ktôpaniṣad f. N. of wks
- han mfn. only f. -ghnī, q.v
- puruṣâṃsaka m. N. of a teacher, g. śaunakâdi (Kāś. ○ṣāsaka)
- puruṣâkāra mfn. of human form or shape (-tā f.) Hcat
- puruṣâkṛti f. the figure of a man ŚrS
- puruṣâṅga m. n. the male organ of generation MW. (cf. narâṅga)
- púruṣâāna mfn. of human descent or origin ŚBr
- puruṣâd mfn. eating or destroying men RV. AV
- puruṣâda mf(ī)n. id
- m. a cannibal, a Rakshas (-tva n.) MBh. R. BhP
- (pl.) N. of a race of cannibals in the east of Madhya-deśa Var. [Page 637, Column]
- puruṣâdaka mfn. men-devouring MBh. R
- (pl.) N. of certain cannibals MārkP
- puruṣâdya m. 'first of men', N. of Vishṇu L
- (with Jainas) N. of Adi-nātha or of Ṛishabha (the first Arhat of present Avasarpiṇi)
- puruṣâdhama m. 'lowest or vilest of men', an outcast, the worst of servants W
- puruṣâdhikāra m. manly office or duty Kir
- puruṣânṛta n. falsehood respecting men Mn. ix, 71
- puruṣântara n. another man or person, a mediator, interposer R. (am ind. by a mediator, indirectly Vikr. ii, 16)
- another or a succeeding generation MārkP
- (-vedin mfn. knowing the heart of mankind MW
- ○râtman m. 'man's inner self.' the soul L.)
- m. (sc. saṃdhi) an alliance negotiated by warriors chosen by both parties Kām. Hit
- puruṣâyaṇa mf(ā)n. going to or uniting with the soul PraśnUp
- puruṣâyata mfn. of the length of a man Hcat
- puruṣâyuṣa n. the duration of a man's life, age of man Ragh. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 77)
- -ka n. id. Gal
- puruṣârtha m. any object of human pursuit
- any one of the four objects or aims of existence (viz. kāma, the gratification of desire
- artha, acquirement of wealth
- dharma, discharge of duty
- mokṣa, final emancipation) Mn. Prab. Kap. (-tva n.) Sāṃkhyak. &c
- human effort or exertion MBh. R. &c
- (am), ind. for the sake of the soul Kap
- for or on account of man W
- -kāra m. -kaumudī f. -cintāmaṇi m. N. of wks
- -trayīmaya mf(ī)n. intent only upon the 3 objects of man (kāma, artha and dharma) Siṃhâs
- -prabodha m. -prabodhiṇī f. -ratnâkara m. -siddhy-upáya m. -sudhā-nidhi m. -sūtra-vṛtti f. ○rthânuśāsana n. N. of wks
- puruṣâvatāra m. human incarnation Siṃhâs
- puruṣâśin m. 'man-eater', a Rākshasa W
- puruṣâsthá n. a human bone AV
- ○sthimālin m. 'wearing a necklace of human skulls', N. of Śiva L
- puruṣâhutí f. an invocation addressed to men TS
- puruṣéndra m. 'lord of men', a king
- -tā f. sovereignty MBh
- puruṣêṣita (pú○), mfn. caused or instigated by men AV
- puruṣôkti f. the name or title of man W
- ○ktika mfn. having only the name of man, destitute, friendless ib
- puruṣôttama See below
- puruṣôpahāra m. the sacrifice of a man Hcar
- puruṣaka ifc. = puruṣa, a man, male Pat
- m. n. standing on two feet like a man, the rearing of a horse, prancing Śiś. v, 56
- puruṣāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to behave or act like a man, play the man Hariv
- puruḍṣāyitá mfn. acting like a man, playing the man (esp. in sexual intercourse) Amar. Sch. (-tva n.)
- n. a kind of coitus Kpr. Kuval
- puruṣi-bhū √to become a man R. Kathās
- puruṣôttama m. the best of men, an excellent or superior man Hariv. Sāh
- the best of servants, a good attendant Kāv
- the highest being, Supreme Spirit, N. of Vishnu or Kṛishṇa MBh. Kāv. &c. (IW. 91, n. 3 &c.)
- = -kṣetra Cat
- (with Jainas) an Arhat
- N. of the fourth black Vāsudeva
- a Jina (one of the generic terms for a deified teacher of the Jaina sect)
- N. of sev. authors and various men (also -dāsa, -dīkṣita, -deva, -deva-śarman, -paṇḍita, -prasāda, -bhaṭṭa, -bhaṭṭâtmaja, -bhāraty-ācārya, -miśra, -manu-sudhīndra, -sarasvatī ○mâcāya, ○mânanda-tīrtha, ○mânanda-yati, ○mâśrama)
- ○kṣetra n. 'district of the Supreme Being', N. of a district in Orissa sacred to Vishṇu BrahmaP
- -tattva and -mākātmya n. N. of wks
- ○khaṇḍa m. or n
- ○caritra n. N. of wks
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha
- -prayoga-tattva n. N. of wk
- ○pattra n
- ○purāṇa
- ○purī-māhātmya n
- puruṣottamaprakāśakṣetravidhi3puruṣôttama--prakāśa-kṣetra-vidhi m
- ○mantra m
- ○māhātmya n
- ○vāda m
- ○śāstrīya n
- ○sahasra-nāman n. N. of wks
- puruṣyá mfn. pertaining to man, human RV
- purū-ravas See col. 1
- puro-ga &c. See p. 635, col. 1
- purocana m. N. of a man MBh
- puroṭi m. = pattra-jhaṃkāra, or pura-saṃskārā L. ('the current of a river' W.)
- puro-ḍās ○sa &c. See p. 635
- purya pury-aṣṭa, See p. 636. [Page 638, Column]
- purv (cf. pṝ), cl. 1. P. pūrvati, to fill Dhātup. xv, 67
- cl. 10. pūrvayati, to dwell, xxxii, 126
- purv-aṇīka See p. 637, col. 1