Sir Monier-Williams (1819–1899) - A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1899) |
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szerkesztés- gha the 4th consonant of the Sanskṛit alphabet (aspirate of the preceding)
- ○kāra m. the letter or sound gha
- gha ind. (used to lay stress on a word) at least, surely, verily, indeed, especially (= Gk. ?), [375, ] RV. AV. v, 13, 10 & 11 ; vi, 1, 3. In the Saṃhitā the final vowel is generally lengthened (ghā, cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 133)
- • as a rule it is preceded by other particles (utá, utó, utá vā, cid, ná, vā) or by a pronoun or a preposition
- • it is also found between iva and íd
- • or between iva and íd aha, or between vā and íd
- • sometimes it occurs in the clause which depends on a conditional or relative sentence (e.g. ā́ ghā gamad yádi śrávat, 'he will surely come when he hears' RV. i, 30, 8), i, 161, 8 ; viii, 46, 4
- gha mfn. (√han) ifc. 'striking, killing', cf. jīva-, tāḍa-, pāṇi-, rāja-, &c. (cf. also parigha)
- • (ā), f. a stroke L.
- gha m. a rattling or gurgling or tinkling sound L.
- • a bell L.
- • (ā), f. a tinkling ornament worn by women round the waist
- ghaṃṣ (and ghaṃs), cl. 1. Ā. ○ṣate (and ○sate), to diffuse lustre or splendour Dhātup. xvi, 50
- • to flow, stream ib.
- ghaṃs See ghaṃṣ
- ghaggh (and ghagh), cl. 1. P. ○gghati and ○ghati), to laugh, v, 53 (cf. √kakh.)
- ghagh See √ghaggh
- ghaṭ cl. 1. Ā. ○ṭate (exceptionally P. ○ti MBh. iii, 14703 Vet. ii, 9/10
- • jaghaṭe, ghaṭiṣyate [Naish.], aghaṭiṣṭa Bhaṭṭ.), to be intently occupied about, be busy with, strive or endeavour after, exert one's self for (loc., dat., acc. [MBh. iii, 1470], prati, -artham and arthe
- • inf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 65 Bhaṭṭ.)
- • to reach, come to (loc.) Vet. ii, 9/10
- • to fall to the share of (loc.) Naish. x, 47
- • to take effect, answer Kathās. cxxiv Rājat. vi, 361
- • to happen, take place, be possible, suit BhP. Hcar. Śiś. ix, 4
- Ratnâv. Naish. Sarvad. &c
- • to be in connection or united with (instr.) Mālatīm. ii, 8 Daś. viii, 34 Rājat. iv, 617
- • (for √ghaṭṭ) to hurt with words, speak of malignantly Hariv. ii, 1, 31: Caus. P. ghaṭayati (cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 92
- • exceptionally Ā. ○te Rājat. iv, 543), to join together, connect, bring together, unite Suśr. Śiś. ix, 87 Naish. i, 46 Ratnâv.
- • to shut Hcar. v, 253 (vḷ.)
- • to put or place or lay on (loc.) Gīt. v, vii, xii
- • to bring near, procure Bhartṛ. iii, 18 Amar. Kathās. xviii Vet.
- • to effect, accomplish, produce, make, form, fashion Mṛicch. VarBṛ. Pañcat. &c
- • to do a service (acc.) to any one (gen.) Rājat. v, 543
- • to impel Bhaṭṭ. x, 73
- • to exert one's self MBh. iii, 14702
- • (for √ghaṭṭ, Caus.) to rub, graze, touch, move, agitate, iv, vi (C), vii, xii (5363, C): Caus. ghāṭayati, to hurt, injure Dhātup. xxxiii, 49
- • to unite or put together ib.
- • 'to speak' or 'to shine', 93
- ghaṭa mfn. intently occupied or busy with (loc.) Pāṇ. 5-2, 35
- • = ghaṭā yasyâsti g. arśa-ādi
- • m. a jar, pitcher, jug, large earthen water-jar, watering-pot Mn. viii, xi Yājñ. iii, 144 AmṛitUp. MBh. &c
- • the sign Aquarius VarBṛS.
- • a measure = 1 Droṇa (or = 20 Droṇas W.) Ashṭâṅg. v, 6, 28 ŚārṅgS. i, 28
- • the head MBh. i, 155, 38 Sch.
- • a part of a column VarBṛS. liii, 29
- • a peculiar form of a temple, lvi, 18 and 26
- • an elephant's frontal sinus L.
- • a border L.
- • (= kumbhá) suspending the breath as a religious exercise L.
- • (along with karpara, cf. -karpara) N. of a thief Kathās. lxiv, 43
- • (ā), f. (gaṇas arśa-ādi, sidhmâdi and picchâdi) effort, endeavour L.
- • an assembly L.
- • a number, collection, assemblage BhP. iii, 17, 6 Kpr. vii, 11/12
- • a troop (of elephants) assembled for martial purposes Mālatīm. v, 19 VarBṛS. xliii Śiś. i, 64 Kathās. Rājat.
- • justification (○ṭām-√aṭ, 'to have one's self justified by another') Bhadrab. iv
- • (perhaps ○ṭa, m.) a kind of drum
- • a sweet citron L.
- • (ī), f. a waterjar Prab. ii, 7/8
- • (also ○ṭi, q.v
- • cf. ○ṭī-ghaṭa) a period of time (= 24 minutes) Sch. on Yājñ. ii, 100-102 and on Sūryas. i, 25
- • the Gharī or Indian clock (plate of iron or mixed metal on which the hours are struck) L.
- • a particular procession PSarv. (cf. dur-, bhadra-.)
- ○kañcuki n. an immoral rite practised by Tāntrikas and Śāktas (in which the bodices of different women are placed in a receptacle and the men present at the ceremony are allowed to take them out one by one and then cohabit with the woman to whom each bodice belongs), Āgamapr. [Page 375, Column ]
- ○karkaṭa-tāla m. (in music) a kind of measure
- ○karpara m. N. of the author of a highly artificial poem called after him (also author of the Nītisāra and mentioned as one of the 9 gems of king Vikramâditya's court)
- • n. the fragments of a pot Ghaṭ. Pañcat.
- • N. of Ghaṭa-karpara's poem
- • -kulaka-vṛtti f. N. of a Comm. on the preceding
- ○kāra m. a potter VarBṛS. xv, 1 Laghuj. ix, 7
- ○kṛt m. id. VarBṛS. xvi, 29
- ○graha m. a water-bearer Pāṇ. 3-2, 9 Vārtt. 1
- ○ghātinī f. 'jar-destroyer', a kind of bird Gal.
- ○janman m. 'jar-born', Droṇa Gal.
- ○jānuka m. 'having potshaped knees', N. of a Ṛishi MBh. ii, 4, 13 (vara-j○ C)
- ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- ○dāsī f. a bawd L.
- ○puccha m. 'pot-tailed', a kind of rice Gal.
- ○prakṣayaṇa m. 'jar-destroyer', N. of a man Kāṭh. xvii, 17
- ○bhava m. 'jar-born', Agastya ŚāṅkhGṛ. Sch.
- ○bhedanaka an instrument used in making pots Buddh. L.
- ○yoni m. = -bhava BrahmaP. ii, 17
- ○rāja m. a large water-jar L.
- ○śodhana-karaka n. 'cleaning the water-jar', a collective N. for 6 actions of an ascetic (dhautī, vastī, netī, trāṭaka, naulika and kapālabhātī), Haṭhapr. ii, 23 f
- ○śrotra m. 'pot-eared', Kumbha-karṇa RāmatUp.
- ○sṛñjaya m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 371
- ○sthāpana n. placing a water-pot as a type of Durgā (essential part of various Tāntrika ceremonies), Vratapr
- ghaṭâṭopa m. a covering for a carriage or any article of furniture W.
- ghaṭâbha m. 'resembling a pot', N. of a Daitya Hariv. 12698 (vv. ll. kaṭ○ and ghaṇṭ○)
- ghaṭâbhidhā f. 'named after (i.e. resembling) a jar', a round kind of gourd L.
- ghaṭârgalayantra n. a kind of diagram, Tantr
- ghaṭâlābu f. = ○ṭâbhidhā L.
- ghaṭâvasthā f. (probably) = ghaṭa, suspending the breath as a religious austerity, Haṭhapr. iv, 35 f
- ghaṭâhvayā f. = ○ṭâbhidhā Gal.
- ghaṭêśvara n. N. of a Liṅga
- ghaṭôtkaca m. N. of a son of Bhīma-sena by the Rākshasī Hiḍimbā MBh. i, iii BhP. ix, 22, 29
- • N. of a Gupta king Inscr.
- • ○cântaka, 'slayer of Ghatôṭkaca', Karṇa L.
- ghaṭôdara m. 'potbellied', Gaṇêśa Kathās. lv, 165
- • N. of one of Varuṇa's attendants MBh. ii, 366
- • of a Rākshasa R. vi, 84, 12
- • of a Daitya Hariv. 12696
- ghaṭôdbhava m. = ○Ta-bh○ L.
- ghaṭôdhnī (cf. Uṇ. iv, 192) f. (a cow) having a full udder Ragh. ii, 49
- ghaṭaka mfn. accomplishing Bhartṛ. ii, 66
- • procuring, iii, 57 Sch.
- • ready, skilful Divyâv. xxx, 143
- • forming a constituent part Jaim. i, 1, 5 Sch.
- • m. a pot, jar Kathās. lvii, 45
- • a genealogist Kulad.
- • a match-maker, negotiator of matrimonial alliances RTL. p. 377 (cf. ghaṭa-dāsī)
- • a tree that produces fruits without apparent flowers L.
- • (ikā), f. a water-jar Mṛicch. x, 55 (59) Sāh. iii, 146/147
- • (ghāṭ○) Pañcat.
- • a period of time (= 24 or 48 W. minutes) Sūryas. BhP. v, 21, 4 and 10 HYog. iii, 63 Sch. on Jyot. (YV) 25 and 40 f. Tantr.
- • (= kalā KātyŚr. ii, 1, 1 and 17 Sch.)
- • the Gharī or Indian clock ( See ○ṭī) Gol. xi, 8
- • (= ghuṭ○) the ancle L.
- ghaṭana n. (= ○ṭā L.) connection or union with (instr. or in comp.) Vikr. ii, 15 (vḷ.) Kathās. xxiv, 231
- • (ā), f. exertion, motion, acting, manner of acting VarBṛS. l, 1 Pañcat. Kathās. cxxii, 33
- • striving after, being occupied or busy with (loc. or in comp.), Śāntiś. ii, 20 (= Nāg. iv, 2) Sāh. iv, 14/v (iṣu-, 'shooting an arrow)
- • taking effect, answering, accomplishment, (○nāṃ-√yā, 'to take effect, succeed' Rājat. iv, 365
- • ○nāṃ-√nī, to effect, accomplish Siṃhâs.)
- • connection, union with (in comp.) Sāh. iii, 226/227
- • (= ○ṭa) a troop (of elephants) L.
- • a literary composition, viii, 7
- • a work consisting of (in comp.) Vcar. vi, 33
- • (am), n. or (ā), f. procuring, finding Kathās. cxviii, 197
- • making, effecting, forming, fashioning, bringing about Dhūrtas. i, 7 Kathās. cxxiii, 140 HYog. iii, 102
- ghaṭayitavya mfn. to be shut (a hole) Pañcat.
- ghaṭāla mfn. fr. ○ṭā g. sidhmâdi (cf. ghāṭ○.)
- ghaṭi f. = ○ṭī, q.v. Uṇ. iv, 117 Sch.
- ○ṃdhama m. 'pot-blower', a potter Pāṇ. 3-2, 29 Pat.
- ○ṃ-dhaya mfn. one who drinks a pitcherful ib.
- ○yantra See ○TI-y○
- ghaṭi in comp. for ○ṭin
- ○ghaṭa m. N. of Śiva Hariv. 14884 (cf. ghaṭin.)
- ghaṭika mfn. = ghaṭena tarat Pāṇ. 4-4, 7 Kāś. [Page 375, Column ]
- • m. a waterman W.
- • n. the hip, posteriors L.
- • (ā), f. See ○ṭaka
- ○lagna n. ?, Tantr
- ghaṭikā f. of ○ṭaka, q.v
- ○maṇḍala n. the equatorial circle Āryabh. iv, 19 Sch.
- ○yantra n. = ○TI-y○ Pañcat. iv, 1, 8/9 (vḷ. ghāṭ○)
- ○lavaṇa n. a kind of salt Npr.
- ghaṭita mfn. planned, devised, attempted W.
- • happened, occurred W.
- • connected with, involving (ifc.) Jaim. i, 1, 5 Sch.
- • shut Hcar. v, 96
- • produced, effected by, made, made of (in comp.) Pañcat. &c
- ○tva n. connection with, involving (ifc.) Jaim. i, 3, 32 Sch.
- ghaṭin m. 'having a water-jar', the sign Aquarius Horāś.
- • N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10419
- ghaṭila mfn. fr. ○ṭā g. picchâdi
- ghaṭī f. of ○ṭa, q.v
- ○kara m.= -kāra Divyâv.
- ○kāra m. = ○Ta-k○ Vop. xxv, 45
- • (ī), f. a potter's wife ib.
- ○graha m. = ○Ta-gr○ Pāṇ. 3-2, 9 Vārtt. 1
- ○ghaṭa in comp. and ifc. smaller and larger pots Hariv. 3415 MārkP. viii, 205
- ○māla m. 'series of Ghaṭīs', a period of about 3 hours Gal.
- ○yantra n. the buckets of a well or any machine for raising water MārkP. (once metrically ○Ti-y○) Vcar. viii, 33 Kuval. 46 (cf. ara-ghaṭṭa)
- • a kind of machine to indicate the time with the help of water Sarvad. xv, 314 Gol. xi, 8 Sch.
- • diarrhoea Bhpr. vii, 16, 24
- ○yantraka n. a small machine for raising water Kād. v, 841
- ghaṭīkā f. = ○ṭikā (24 minutes) Kālanirṇ.
- ghaṭṭ cl. 1. Ā. ○ṭṭate, See vi-, saṃ-: cl. 10. P. ○ṭṭayati, to rub (the hands) over, touch, shake, cause to move Hariv. 6473 Suśr. Kāvyâd. iii, 110
- • to stir round Suśr. iv, 14, 8
- • to have a bad effect or influence on (acc.) Car. viii, 7, 28
- • (cf. √ghaṭ) to hurt with words, speak of malignantly MBh. vi, 2894 (B) ; xii, 5363 (B) Hariv. 3210 (pr. p. ○ṭṭayāna)
- ghaṭṭa m. a Ghaṭ. quay or landing-place, bathing-place, steps by a river-side &c., ferry L. (cf. RTL. p. 435 & 518 f.)
- • (ā), f. a kind of metre
- • (ī), f. a small or inferior landing-place W. (cf. ara-.)
- ○kuṭī-prabhātāyita n. 'acting like the dawn in a hut near a landing-place', forcing an entrance Sarvad. xiii, 123
- ○gā f. N. of a river L.
- ○jīvin m. 'living on a landing-place', a ferryman (commonly Pāṭuni, son of a washerman by a Vaiśya woman
- • 'an attendant at a landing-place, taking care of the clothes of the bathers &c.' W.)
- ghaṭṭânanda m. N. of a metre
- ghaṭṭana n. pushing, touching, rubbing or striking together Hariv. 14581 Ragh. xi, 71 Kathās. lxxii, 42
- • stirring round MārkP. xii, 38
- • (ā), f. (? for ghaṭanā) going, moving, practice, business, means of living Pāṇ. 3-3, 107 Vārtt. 1
- ghaṭṭita mfn. rubbed, touched, shaken MBh. vii Hariv. R. &c
- • pressed down, smoothed MBh. xiv, 2521
- • (for ghaṭita) shut Divyâv. ii, 92 and 95
- • (ā), f. a particular way of beating a drum
- ghaṭṭitṛ mfn. (for ghaṭitṛ) fut. p. one who is about to exert himself or to take great pains MBh. v, 5890
- ghaṇ cl. 8. P. Ā., vḷ. for √ghṛṇ
- ghaṇṭ cl. 1. and 10. P. ○ṭati and ○ṭayati, 'to speak' or 'to shine' Dhātup. xxxiii, 94
- ghaṇṭa m. (for hantra?) N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10377 and 10419 Hariv. 14884 (cf. ghaṭin)
- • a kind of dish (sort of sauce, vegetables made into a pulp and mixed with turmeric and mustard seeds and capsicums
- • cf. matsya-) W.
- • N. of a Dānava Kathās. cxxi, 229
- • (ā), f. a bell MBh. R. &c. (ifc. f. ā MBh. xiv R. vi)
- • a plate of iron or mixed metal struck as a clock W. (cf. ghaṭī)
- • Bignonia suaveolens L.
- • Lida cordifolia or rhombifolia L.
- • Uraria lagopodioides L.
- • Achyranthes aspera L.
- • (ī), f. See kṣudra-, mahā-
- • N. of Durgā MBh. iv, 188
- ghaṇṭā f. of ○ṭa, q.v
- ○karṇa m. 'belleared', N. of an attendant of Skanda, ix, 2526
- • of an attendant of Śiva (supposed to preside over cutaneous complaints, and worshipped for exemption from them in the month Caitra Tithyād.) Hariv. 14849 ŚivaP.
- • of a Piśāca attendant on Kubera Hariv. 14630
- • of a Rākshasa Hit. ii, 5, 0/1
- • (ī), f. N. of a goddess Hcat.
- • ○rṇêśvara n. N. of a Liṅga SkandaP.
- ○tāḍa mfn. one who strikes a bell Mn. x, 33
- ○tāḍana n. striking a bell W.
- ○nāda m. the sound of a bell W.
- ○patha m. 'bell-road', the chief road through a village highway L. [Page 376, Column ]
- • N. of Malli-nātha's Comm. on Kir.
- • -tva n. the being known to all the world Sarvad. xi
- ○pāṭali m. Bignonia suaveolens L.
- • Schreberia Swietenoides L.
- ○bīja n. the seed of Croton Jamalgota L.
- ○"ṣbha (○ṭâbh○), vḷ. for ghaṭâbha
- ○maṇḍapa m. 'bell-vestibule', N. of one of the 3 vestibules in the Tinnevelly Śaiva temple RTL. p. 447
- ○mukha m. 'bell-faced', N. of a mythical being Bālar. iv, 19
- ○mudrā f. a particular way of intertwining fingers (practised in the Pañcâyatana ceremony before ringing a bell) RTL. p. 414
- ○rava m. the sound of a bell Pañcat.
- • (in music) N. of a Rāga
- • (ā), f. Crotolaria of various species Car. i, 1, 77 Sch.
- ○rāva m. = -rava Hit.
- ○"ṣli (○ṭâl○), f. a series of bells Kathās. ci, 301
- • N. of several cucurbitaceous plants L.
- ○vat mfn. furnished with a bell or with bells MBh. iv, 2185 BhP. viii, 11, 30
- ○vādya n. the sound of a clock W.
- ○śabda m. = -rava W.
- • 'sounding like a bell', bell-metal, brass L.
- • -pāṇi mfn. having a bell in his hand (an executioner) Divyâv. xxviii, 29
- ○svana m. = -rava W.
- ghaṇṭêśvara m. N. of a son of Maṅgala or Mars by Medhā BrahmaP.
- ghaṇṭôdara vḷ. for ghaṭôd○
- ghaṇṭaka^ m. Bignonia suaveolens L.
- • (ikā), f. a small bell Uṇ. iv, 18 Sch. (cf. kṣudra-)
- • the uvula L.
- ghaṇṭāka m. = ○ṇṭaka L.
- ghaṇṭi in comp. for ○ṭin
- ○koṇa m. a kind of weapon Gal.
- ghaṇṭika m. the alligator Bhpr. v, 10, 39
- • (ā), f. See ○ṭaka
- ghaṇṭin mfn. furnished with a bell MBh. iv, 6, 10
- • (said of Śiva) xii, 10377 and 10419
- ghaṇṭinī-bīja n. = ○NTA-b○ L.
- ghaṇṭu m. a string of bells tied on an elephant's chest as an ornament L.
- • heat L. (cf. ni-gh○.)
- ghaṇḍa m. a bee (cf. ghuṇḍa) L.
- ghatana See ghāt○
- ghaná mf(ā́)n. (√han) a striker, killer, destroyer RV. i, 4, 8 ; iii, 49, 1 ; iv, 38, 1 ; viii, 96, 18
- • compact, solid, material, hard, firm, dense, i, 8, 3 (ghanā́ for ○nám ā́) Suśr. &c
- • coarse, gross
- • viscid, thick, inspissated
- Suśr. Bhartṛ. Kathās. xxiv, 93
- • full of (in comp.), densely filled with (in comp.) MBh. i, xiii Ragh. viii, 90 Ratnâv. iv, 2
- • uninterrupted Pañcat. iii, 14, 11
- • dark (cf. -śyāma) BhP. iv, 5, 3
- • deep (as sound
- • colour) MBh. i, 6680 VarBṛS. xliii, 19
- • complete, all Kathās. iv, 53
- • auspicious, fortunate W.
- • m. (= ?) slaying RV. vi, 26, 8
- • an iron club, mace, weapon shaped like a hammer, i, 33, 4 ; 36, 16 ; 63, 5 ; ix, 97, 16 AV. x, 4, 9
- • any compact mass or substance (generally ifc.) ŚBr. xiv &c. (said of the foetus in the 2nd month Nir. xiv, 6 Laghuj. iii, 4)
- • ifc. mere, nothing but (e.g. vijñāna-ghaná, 'nothing but intuition' ŚBr. xiv) MāṇḍUp. 5 PraśnUp. v, 5 BhP. viii f. (cf. ambu-, ayo-)
- • a collection, multitude, mass, quantity W.
- • vulgar people Subh.
- • a cloud MBh. &c. (ifc. f. ā Hariv. 2660)
- • talc L.
- • the bulbous √of Cyperus Hexastachys communis Suśr. vi
- • a peculiar form of a temple Hcat. ii, 1, 389
- • a particular method of reciting the RV. and Yajur-veda (cf. RTL. p. 409)
- • the cube (of a number), solid body (in geom.) Laghuj. Sūryas.
- • phlegm (kapha) L.
- • the body L.
- • extension, diffusion W.
- • n. any brazen or metallic instrument or plate which is struck (cymbal, bell, gong, &c.) Hariv. 8688
- • iron L.
- • tin L.
- • a mode of dancing (neither quick nor slow) L.
- • darkness L.
- • (am), ind. closely Ratnâv. iii 9
- • (√dhvan, to sound) deep Rājat. v, 377
- • very much W.
- • (ā), f. N. of a stringed instrument
- • Glycine debilis L.
- • a kind of creeper L.
- ○kapīvat vḷ. for vana-k○
- ○kapha m. 'cloud-phlegm', hail L.
- ○kāla m. 'cloud-season', rainy season Sāh. iv, 27/28
- ○kṣama mfn. what may be hammered Bhpr. v, 26, 53
- ○garjita n. the roar of thunder, deep loud roar W.
- ○golaka m. an alloy of gold and silver L.
- ○ghana m. the cube of a cube W.
- • ○nâugha m. a gathering of dark clouds W.
- ○caya m. a collection of clouds W.
- ○cchada mfn. involved in clouds W.
- • m. 'thick-leaved', Flacourtia cataphracta L.
- • Pinus Webbiana L.
- • a kind of Moringa Npr.
- ○ja 'cloud-born', talc Kālac.
- ○jambāla m. a quantity of mire, slough L.
- ○jvālā f. 'cloud-light', lightning L.
- ○tā f. compactness Śiś. ix, 64
- • the condition of a cloud Kuval. 262. [Page 376, Column ]
- ○tāla for -tola, q.v
- ○timira n. the darkness of clouds W.
- • great darkness W.
- ○toya n. a particular sea having thick water (enveloping the earth with its atmosphere) BṛĀrUp. Sch.
- ○tola m. 'friend (?) of clouds', the bird Cātaka L.
- ○tva n. compactness, firmness, thickness, solidity VarBṛS. lv, 25
- ○tvac m. 'thick-barked', a kind of Lodhra tree L.
- ○druma m. Asteracantha longifolia L.
- ○dhātu m. 'inspissated element of the body', lymph L.
- ○dhvani mfn. deep-sounding, roaring W.
- • m. a deep sound W.
- • the muttering of thunder clouds W.
- ○nābhi m. 'being in the interior of clouds', smoke (supposed to be a principal ingredient of clouds) L.
- ○nīhāra m. thick hoar-frost or mist W.
- ○pattra m. 'thick-leaved', Boerhavia procumbens L.
- ○pada n. the cube √cf. W
- ○padavī f. 'cloud-path', the sky Kir. v, 34
- ○payodhara m. a firm breast W.
- ○pallava m. 'thick-twigged', Guilandina Moringa
- ○pāṣaṇḍa m. 'cloud-heretic', a peacock (delighting in cloudy weather) L.
- ○priyā f. 'fond of clouds or rain', N. of a plant L.
- ○phala m. 'thick-fruited', Asteracantha longifolia L.
- • n. the solid or cubical contents of a body
- ○bhitti mfn. furnished with thick walls Car. i, 17
- ○mud mfn. highly pleased Caurap.
- ○mūla m. 'thick-rooted', the plant Moraṭa L.
- • n. (in arithm.) cube root
- ○rava m. 'the roaring of clouds' W.
- • 'crying after the clouds', = -tola L.
- ○rasa m. n. 'thick juice', extract, decoction L.
- • camphor L.
- • 'thicksapped', the plant Moraṭa L.
- • the plant Pīlu-parṇī L.
- • m. n. 'cloud-fluid', water L.
- ○ruc mfn. shining like a cloud, cloud-like BhP. iv, 5, 3
- ○rucira-kalāpa mfn. having a tail glistening like a cloud (a peacock) W.
- ○rūpā f. 'compact in shape', candied sugar Npr.
- ○vara n. 'best part of the body', the face L.
- ○vartman n. = -padavii Kir. v, 17
- ○vallikā f. 'cloud-creeper', lightning L.
- ○vallī f. id. L.
- • the plant Amṛitasavā L.
- ○vāc m. 'coarse-voiced', a raven Gal.
- ○vāta m. a thick oppressive atmosphere (enveloping the hells) Jain.
- ○vāri n. rain-water
- ○vāsa m. 'having a thick (garment, i.e.) shell', a kind of pumpkin-gourd L.
- ○vāhana m. 'riding on clouds', Śiva L.
- • Indra (cf. megha-v○) W.
- ○vīthi f. = -padavii Śiś. ix, 32
- • a line of clouds W.
- ○vyapâya m. 'disappearance of the clouds', autumn Ragh. iii, 37
- ○vyūha m. N. of a Buddh. Sūtra
- ○śabda m. 'cloud-noise', thunder W.
- ○śṛṅgī f. Odina pinnata Npr.
- ○śyāma m. 'dark like a cloud (cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 55 Kāś.)', Kṛishṇa VP. v, 18, 39
- • Rāma Mahān.
- • N. of a copyist (of the last century)
- ○saṃvṛtti f. profound secrecy W.
- ○samaya m. = -kāla Bhartṛ. iii, 37
- ○sāra mfn. 'firm', See ○ra-bhāva
- • m. camphor Suśr. Dhūrtas. ii, 9 Kpr. viii, 2/3
- • (= -rasa) water L.
- • 'thick-sapped', a kind of tree L.
- • = dakṣiṇâvarta-pārada ('mercury or some peculiar form of it' W.) L.
- • -bhāva m. firmness Naish. vii, 25
- ○siktha a kind of gruel Gal.
- ○skandha m. 'having a solid trunk', Mangifera sylvatica L.
- ○svana m. = -śabda W.
- • Amaranthus polygamus L.
- ○hasta-saṃkhyā f. (in geom.) the contents of an excavation or of a solid alike in figure W.
- ghanâkara m. 'multitude of clouds', the rainy season L.
- ghanâgama m. the approach of clouds, rainy season Ṛitus. ii, 1 Kathās.
- ghanâjñāna n. gross ignorance W.
- ghanâñjanī f. 'cloud-unguent (?)', N. of Durgā L.
- ghanâtyaya m. = -vyapâya Car. i, 6, 42 Suśr. Bālar. v, 29
- ghanânta m. id., 41
- ghanâmaya m. the date tree L.
- ghanâmala m. Chenopodium album L.
- ghanâmbu n. = ○na-vāri W.
- ghanârava m. (= ○na-r○) the bird Cātaka Gal.
- ghanârāva m. id. L.
- ghanâruṇa mfn. deep red W.
- ghanâruddha mfn. overspread with clouds W.
- ghanâvaruddha mfn. id. W.
- ghanâśraya m. 'cloud-abode', the atmosphere L.
- ghanâsaha mfn. what may not be hammered Bhpr. v, 26, 54
- ghanâsthika mf(ā)n. having a thick bone (a nose particularly formed) Vishṇ. Yājñ. iii, 89
- ghanêtara mfn. 'opposed to solid', liquid L.
- ghanêśvarī f. N. of a creeper Gal.
- ghanôttama n. = ○na-vara L.
- ghanôttara n. id. Gal.
- ghanôda n. = ○na-toya BṛĀrUp. iii, 3, 2 Sch. TĀr. i, 22, 8 Sāy.
- ghanôdadhi m. a particular sea formed of dense water (enveloping the Ghana-vāta) Jain.
- ghanôdaya m. 'approach of clouds', the beginning of the rainy season Subh.
- ghanôparuddha mfn. = ○nâvar○ W.
- ghanôpala m. 'cloud-stones', hail L.
- ghanôrū f. (a woman) having thick thighs Veṇis. ii, 20. [Page 376, Column ]
- ghanâugha m. a gathering of clouds Kalyāṇam. 32
- ghanāghaná mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 12 Vārtt. 7) fond of slaughter, easily striking down, fond of strife RV. x, 103, 1 (Indra) MBh. viii, 697 (said of an elephant)
- • compact, thick (a cloud) Mālatīm. ix, 39
- • m. an elephant in rut L.
- • N. of Indra L.
- • a thick or rainy cloud MBh. xii, 12405 Hariv. 4759 BhP. Kathās. Rājat.
- • mutual collision or contact L.
- • (ā), f. Solanum indicum L.
- ghanāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be found in great numbers Uṇ. i, 108 Sch.
- ghanī ind. in comp
- ○√kṛ to harden, thicken, solidify W.
- • to intensify Daśar. Sch.
- ○kṛta mfn. hardened, compacted, made solid or firm W.
- • thickened Bhpr.
- ○bhāva m. the becoming hardened or compact or thick W.
- ○bhūta mfn. become thick, thickened, condensed, thick, inspissated, compact Hariv. 3484 R. iii, 5, 8 Suśr.
- ghanīya Nom. P. ○yati, to long for solid food Āp. (cf. KātyŚr. vii, 4, 28 Sch.)
- ghamaghamā-rava m. a rattling noise Vāgbh. Alaṃkārat. ii
- ghamb cl. 1. Ā. ○bate, to go, move Dhātup. xi, 35 (cf. Vop.) (cf. √gharb.)
- ghar cl. 10. P. See √2. ghṛ, Caus
- gharaṭṭa m. a grindstone Rājat. vii, 1244 ; 1303 and 1589 Subh.
- gharaṭṭaka m. id. HPariś. ii
- • (ikā), f. id. L.
- gharaṇī f. vḷ. for ○riṇī
- ghariṇī f. (for gṛhiṇī?, Pāli ○raṇī) a woman possessing a house (?, widow?) Divyâv. ii, 428
- ○stūpa m. N. of a Buddh. tope, 446
- gharghaṭa m. the fish Pimelodus Gagora (gargara) L.
- gharghara mfn. (onomat.) uttered with an indistinct gurgling or purring sound Kathās. xxv, 66
- • sounding like gurgling Rājat. ii, 99
- • (in music applied to a particular note)
- • m. an indistinct murmur, crackling (of fire), rattling (of a carriage), creaking L.
- • laughter, mirth L.
- • a duck ('an owl' BR.) L.
- • a fire of chaff L.
- • a curtain L.
- • a door L.
- • the post round which the rope of a churning stick is wound Gal.
- • a particular form of a temple Hcat. ii, 1, 390
- • the river Gogra L.
- • (ā), f. a bell hanging on the neck of a horse L.
- • (ī), f. a girdle of small bells or tinkling ornaments worn by women Bhojapr. 215
- • (ā, or ī), f. a kind of lute or cymbal
- ○dhvani m. panting, puffing Kād. ii, 205 ; iii, 624
- ghargharaka m. the river Gogra L.
- • (ikā), f. id. L.
- • a bell used as an ornament Kād. i, 69
- • an ornament of small bells W.
- • a short stick for striking several kinds of musical instruments L.
- • a kind of musical instrument, iii, 744
- • fried grain L.
- ghargharā f. of ○ra, q.v
- ○rava m. the sound of small bells W.
- ghargharita n. grunting BhP. iii, 13, 25
- ghargharya n. a small bell Gal.
- gharghurghā f. = ghurghura L.
- gharb cl. 1. P. ○bati, to go Dhātup. xi, 32 (cf. Vop.) (cf. √ghamb.)
- gharmá m. (√2. ghṛ) heat, warmth (of the sun or of fire), sunshine RV. AV. &c
- • the hot season R. i, 63, 24 Ragh. xvi, 43 VarBṛS.
- • internal heat R. ii, 75, 45 (vḷ.)
- • perspiration L.
- • day (opposed to night) Jyot. (YV) 9
- • a cauldron, boiler, esp. the vessel in which the milk-offering to the Aśvins is boiled RV. AV. vii VS. viii, 61 AitBr. i ŚBr. xiv Lāṭy.
- • a cavity in the earth shaped like a cauldron (from which Atri was rescued by the Aśvins
- • 'heat' Gmn.) RV.
- • hot milk or any other hot beverage offered as an oblation (esp. to the Aśvins) RV. AV. iv, 1, 2 VS. xxxviii ŚBr. iv, xiv KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr.
- • N. of Tāpasa (author of RV. x, 114)
- • of Saurya (author of 181, 3)
- • of a son of Anu (father of Ghṛita) Hariv. 1840 (vḷ.)
- • [cf. ?, ? ; Lat. formus ; Zd. [gar�ema] ; Goth. varmya ; Germ. warm.]
- ○kāla m. the hot season Kathās. vc, 12
- ○ga m. id. R. vi, 54, 20 (cf. uṣṇa-ga.)
- ○carcikā f. eruptions caused by heat and suppressed perspiration Prayog.
- ○ccheda m. cessation of the heat Vikr. iv, 13
- ○jala n. 'heat-water', perspiration Kāvyâd. ii, 73
- ○tanu
- ○taḍnū f. N. of 2 Sāmans AitBr. i, 21, 2 ĀrshBr.
- • (○rmasya tanvau) KātyŚr. and Lāṭy. [Page 377, Column ]
- ○tapta mfn. perspiring W.
- ○toya n. = -jala Śiś. xvii, 2 (ifc. f. ā)
- ○tvá n. the condition of a cauldron TĀr. v, 1, 5
- ○da mf(ā)n. causing heat
- ○dīdhiti m. 'having warm rays', the sun Ragh. xi, 64
- ○dúgha mf(ā)n. giving warm milk or the substance used for the Gharma offering AV. iv, 22, 4 ŚBr. iv, xiv ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr.
- ○dúh -dhúk mfn. id. TBr. ii Nir. xi KātyŚr.
- ○dyuti m. = -dīdhiti Kir. v, 41
- ○payas n. = -jala Śiś. ix, 35
- • warm water W.
- ○pā́van mfn. drinking hot milk VS. xxxviii, 15
- ○bindu m. a drop of perspiration
- ○bhānu m. = -dīdhiti Śiś. xi f
- ○māsa m. a month of the hot season Hariv. 3545
- ○raśmi m. = -dīdhiti, heat, radiance W.
- ○rocana n. with sarpasya, N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.
- ○vat (○rmá-), mfn. possessed of heat (Indra) TS. ii, 2, 7, 2
- ○vāri n. = -jala Śiś. xiii, 45
- ○vicarcikā f. = -carc○ Prayog.
- ○śiras n. 'head of the Gharma oblation', N. of some initial verses of TBr. i, 1, 7 ĀśvŚr. v, 11 f
- ○sád mfn. (said of the manes) sitting near the fire or living in the heat (of the sky) RV. x, 15, 9 f
- ○sū7kta n. 'cauldron-hymn', N. of AV. vii, 73 Vait.
- ○stúbh mfn. shouting in the heat (the Maruts) RV. v, 54, 1
- ○svaras (○rmá-), mfn. sounding like the contents of a boiler (said of rivers), iv, 55, 6
- ○sveda (○rmá-), mfn. perspiring with heat, x, 67, 7
- gharmâṃśu m. = ○rma-dīdhiti MBh. vii Suśr. Śak. v, 14 Mālatīm. i, 19/20
- gharmânta m. the end of the hot season, beginning of the rainy season Hariv. 10130 R. iii Megh.
- • -kāmukī f. 'desirous of the beginning of the rainy season', a kind of crane L.
- gharmâmbu n. = ○rma-jala Suśr. vi, 17, 53
- gharmâmbhas n. id. Śak. i, 29 Kāvyâd. Mālatīm.
- gharmârta mfn. suffering from heat W.
- gharmêtarâṃśu m. 'having other than warm (i.e. cold) rays', the moon Prasannar. i, 7
- gharmêṣṭakā f. a kind of sacrificial brick ĀpŚr.
- gharmôcchiṣṭa n. N. of a sacrificial ceremony Baudh. i, 13, 30
- gharmôdaka n. = ○rma-jala Śak. i, 29 Sch.
- gharmita mfn. suffering from heat Bālar. i, 62
- gharmín mfn. engaged in preparing the Gharma offering RV. vii, 103, 8
- gharmya n. a vessel in which the Gharma offering is prepared KātyŚr. xxv f
- gharmyeṣṭhā́ mfn. = harm○, q.v. RV. x, 106, 5
- gharmūṭī vḷ. for garm○
- gharṣa ○rṣaṇa, &c. See √2. ghṛṣ
- ghala n. = ghola L.
- ghas not used in pr. (cl. 1. ghasati Dhātup. xvii, 65), but supplies certain tenses (esp. aor. and Desid. Pāṇ. 2-4, 37) of √ad (aor. 2. and 3. sg. ághas RV.
- • aghās (?) AV. xx, 129, 16
- • 3. sg. aghat, aghasat [? JaimBr. Pāṇ. 2-4, 3], ajīghasat [MaitrS.]
- • 3. pl. ákṣan RV. AV.
- • aghasan Bhaṭṭ. [Pāṇ. 2-4, 3]
- • 2. du. ághastām
- • 2. pl. aghasta
- • Subj. 2. sg. ghásas, 3. sg. ○sat RV.
- • 3. pl. kṣan, x, 95, 15
- • Impv. 3. du. ghástām
- • pf. jaghā́sa RV. AV. &c
- • 3. pl. jakṣur ŚBr. ii
- • Pot. jakṣīyā́t RV. x, 28, 1
- • p. jakṣivás AV. VS.
- • f. ○kṣúṣī ŚBr. ī), to consume or devour, eat: Desid. jíghatsati (cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 37 ; vii, 4, 49 Kāś.), to wish to consume or devour, wish to eat AV. v, 18, 1 and 19, 6 ; vi, 140, 1 ŚBr. i, 9, 2, 12 MBh. ii, 1485 (cf. √jakṣ.)
- ghasa m. 'devourer', N. of a demon causing diseases Hariv. 9558
- • of a Rākshasa R. v, 12, 12
- • flesh, meat Gal. (cf. ud-.)
- ghasana n. devouring Dhātup. xxviii, 88
- ghasi m. food VS. (Kāṇv.) ii, 24 (cf. ghāsí.)
- ghasmara mf(ā)n. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 160) voracious MBh. viii, 1856 Car. i, 13, 48 Bhaṭṭ. Bhām. (said of fire)
- • ifc. desirous of, eager for Daś. i, 32 Hcar. i
- • in the habit to forget (with gen.) HPariś. i, 221
- • m. N. of (a Brāhman changed into) an antelope Hariv. 1210
- ghasra mfn. hurtful L.
- • m. N. of Śiva Gal.
- • a day (cf. ghraṃsá) Pārśvan. iv, 12
- • n. saffron L.
- ghasvara mfn. voracious MantraBr. ii, 5, 1
- ghāsá m. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 38 ; vi, 2, 144) food, meadow or pasture grass AV. (ghāsā́d ghāsám, 'one bit after the other', gradually, xviii, 2, 26) VS. TS. vi TBr. i MBh. &c
- ○kunda g. 2. kumudâdi (not in Kāś. and Gaṇar.)
- ○"ṣkundika mfn. fr. ○nda ib.
- ○kūṭa n. a hay-rick Rājat. iv, 312
- ○sthāna n. pasture ground L. [Page 377, Column ]
- ghāsé-ajra mfn. 'impelling to consume', exciting appetite VS. xxi, 43
- ghāsaka See a-
- ghāsí m. food RV. i, 162, 14
- • 'voracious', fire L.
- ghāṭa mfn. (√ghaṭ) 'working on', See danta-
- • = ghāṭā (or ○ṭe) yasyâsti (or ○sya stas), g. arśa-ādi (not in Kāś.)
- • n. management of an elephant Gal.
- • m. for ghaṭa (a pot) Hariv. 16117 (C)
- • the nape or back of the neck, cervical ligament L.
- • (ā), f. id. Car. i, 17, 17 Suśr. vi, 25, 11 (cf. g. arśa-ādi) (cf. kara-.)
- ○karkarī f. = ghāṭarī ŚāṅkhŚr. xvii, 3, 12
- ghāṭaka mfn. = ○ṭa, See danta-
- • (ikā), ? for ghaṭ○, q.v
- ghāṭarī f. a kind of lute, 15 f. (cf. apaghāṭilā, avaghaṭarikā, āghāṭa.)
- ghāṭala See ○ṭāla
- ghāṭalikā f. id. Sāy. on RV. x, 146, 2
- ghāṭāla mfn. having a neck or a part thinner than the rest Suśr. ii, 9, 8 (○ṭala Bhpr. vii, 58, 7) (cf. ghaṭ○.)
- ghāṭika m. = ghāṇṭ○, q.v
- • (ikā), f. See ○ṭaka
- ghāṇṭika m. (fr. ghaṇṭā) a bellringer, strolling ballad-singer who carries a bell, bard who sings in chorus (esp. in honour of the gods) ringing a bell in presence of the images MBh. xiii, 6028 VarBṛS. x, 6 and 12
- • (also ghāṭika L. Sch.)
- ghāta mfn. (√han Pāṇ. 7-3, 32 and 54) ifc. 'killing', See amitra-, go-
- • m. a blow, bruise MBh. R. &c
- • slaying, killing Mn. x, 48 Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • injuring, hurting, devastation, destruction Yājñ. ii, 159 MBh. &c
- • ( See grāma- & karma-)
- • (in astron.) entrance Sūryapr. AV. Pariś
- • the product (of a sum in multiplication) Gaṇit.
- ○kara mf(ī)n. destructive VarBṛS.
- ○kṛcchra n. a kind of urinary disease, ŚārṅgS. vii, 57
- ○candra m. the moon when in an inauspicious mansion W.
- ○tithi f. an inauspicious lunar day W.
- ○nakṣatra n. an inauspicious Nakshatra W.
- ○vāra m. an inauspicious day of the week W.
- ○sthāna n. a place of execution Nāg. iv, 16/17
- • a slaughter-house W.
- ghātaka mf(ī Vet. i, 19/20
- • ikā)n. killing, killer, murderer Mn. v, 51 MBh. &c
- • destroying, ruining, iii, 1277
- • ( See viśvāsa-)
- • mf(ī)n. made of the Ghātaka (= Vadhaka) wood ĀśvŚr. ix, 7, 8
- ghātana mfn. killing Uṇ. v, 42 (also ghat○)
- • m. N. of an inhabitant of a hell L.
- • n. slaying, killing, slaughter, immolating MBh. ii, 1558 Kathās. xx, 214 Deviim.
- • (ī), f. a kind of club Hariv. 2655 and 12537 R. vi, 37, 54 (cf. ○tinī) (cf. kravya-)
- ○sthāna n. a slaughter-house L.
- ghātaya Nom. P. ○yati (rarely Ā. ○yate), = Caus. √han, q.v
- ghāti f. a blow, wound L.
- • catching or killing birds, fowling L.
- • a bird-net Uṇ. iv, 124
- ghāti in comp. for ○tin
- ○tva n. ifc. execution Vishṇ. xvi, 11
- ○pakṣin m. 'murderous bird', an owl or a hawk L.
- ○vihaga m. id. L.
- ghātin mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 51 and 86) ifc. killing, murderous, murderer Mn. viii, 89 Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • destroying, ruining, destructive, iii, 63 R. iii, v
- • (ī), f. = ○tanī Uṇ. iv, 124 Sch. (cf. andhaka-, amitra-, ardhaka-, ātma-, &c.)
- ghā́tuka mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 154) slaying, killing AV. xii, 4, 7 TBr. ii, 1, 1, 3 ŚBr. xiii, 2, 9, 6 TāṇḍyaBr.
- • hurtful, mischievous, cruel L.
- ghātya mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 97 Vārtt. 2) to be killed Pañcat. iii, 14, 2/3
- • to be destroyed Kathās. lxxii, 273
- ghānya n. (fr. ghaná) compactness Dhātup. xxviii, 88 (cf. Vop.)
- ghāra m. (√1. ghṛ) sprinkling, besprinkling L.
- • (ī), f. a metre of 4 x 4 syllables
- ghārtika m. (fr. ghṛtá) pulse ground and fried with clarified butter Pañcat. v, 5, 1/2
- ghārteya vḷ. for vārt○
- ghāsá ○saka, ○sí, See √ghas
- ghiṇṇ (fr. Prākṛit √geṇh, giṇh = grah), cl. 1. Ā. ○ṇṇate, to take, grasp Dhātup. xii, 1 (cf. √ghuṇṇ, ghṛṇṇ.)
- ghu cl. 1. Ā. ghavate, to utter or produce a peculiar sound, xxii, 55
- ghu m. a kind of sound L.
- ○ghu id., only in comp
- • -kṛt m. 'making the sound ghu-ghu', a pigeon Npr. [Page 377, Column ]
- ghuka m. fire Gal.
- ghughulā-rava m. = ghu-ghu-kṛt L.
- ghut-kāra m. (= ghūt-k○) shrieking (of owls) Uttarar. ii, 28
- ghuṭ cl. 6. P. ○ṭati, to strike again, resist, oppose Dhātup. xxviii, 91
- • to protect, 77 (vḷ.): cl. 1. Ā. ghoṭate, to turn ('to barter, exchange' W.), xviii, 6 (cf. ava-ghoṭita and vy-ā-√ghuṭ.)
- ghuṭa m. the ancle L.
- • (ī), f. id. L.
- ghuṭi f. id. L.
- ghuṭika m. id. L.
- • (ā), f. id. L.
- • (= khaṭ○) chalk Siṃhâs. xx, 8/9
- ghuṇṭa m. = ghuṭa L.
- ghuṇṭaka m. id. L.
- • (ikā), f. id. Bhpr. ii, 99
- ghuṭṭi ? Vīrac. iii
- ghuḍ (= √ghuṭ), cl. 6. P. ○ḍati, to prevent, defend, protect Dhātup. xxviii, 77 and 91 (vḷ.)
- ghuṇ cl. 6. P. ○ṇati, to go or move about, 48: cl. 1. Ā. ghoṇate id., xii, 4 (cf. √ghūrṇ, ghol.)
- ghuṇa m. a kind of insect found in timber (= vajra-kīṭa) ṢaḍvBr. Suśr. Pañcat.
- ○kīṭaka m. id. MārkP. xv, 31
- ○kṣata mfn. worm-eaten (as wood) so as to exhibit the form of a letter Śiś. iii, 58
- ○jarjara mfn. worm-eaten Bālar. i, 51
- ○priyā f. 'dear to the Ghuṇa insect', a kind of Ipomoea Bhpr. v, 3, 197
- ○vallabhā f. 'dear to the Ghuṇa insect', Aconitum heterophyllum, 1, 213
- ghuṇâkṣara n. an incision in wood (or in the leaf of a book) caused by an insect and resembling somewhat the form of a letter, Ratnâv. ii, 17/18 (Prākṛit ghuṇákkhara) Rājat. iv, 167
- • -nyāya m. fortuitous and unexpected manner, happy chance Pañcat. i, 4, 41/42 Daś. v, 36 Prasannar. i, 26/27
- • -vat ind. by a happy chance Ratnâv. Śiś. iii, 58 Sch.
- ghúṇi mfn. worm-eaten (?
- • = bhrānta Sāy.) ŚBr. xi, 4, 2, 14
- ghuṇṭa ○ṭaka, See ghuṭa
- ghuṇṭika n. cow-dung found in thickets L.
- • (ā), f. See ○ṭaka
- ghuṇḍa m. = ghaṇḍa Uṇ. i, 114
- ghuṇṇ cl. 1. Ā. ○ṇṇate, = √ghiṇṇ Dhātup. xii, 2
- ghut-kāra See ghu
- ghum ind., g. câdi
- ghumaghumā ind. (onomat.) only in comp
- ○kāra m. 'uttering a particular sound', a kind of cricket Npr.
- ○rava m. id. ib.
- ghumaghumāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to hum Kir. vi, 4 Sch. (cf. gumagumāyita.)
- ghur cl. 6. P. ○rati (aor. aghorīt
- • pf. 3. pl. jughurur
- • Ā. jughure), to cry frightfully, frighten with cries Bhaṭṭ. xiv f. (cf. ghorá.)
- ghuraghurā ind. (onomat.) only in comp
- ○ghoṣa vḷ. for ○rughur○
- ○rāva m. cries (of monkeys) HPariś. ii, 732
- ghuraghurāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to utter gurgling sounds, wheeze, puff, snort Car. Suśr. i, 28, 14 Kād. iii, 571 BhP. iii, 30, 17
- ghuraṇa m. a particular sound Uṇ. ii, 83
- ghurikā f. snorting Gal.
- ghurughurā ind. = ghuragh○
- ○ghora-nirghoṣa m. great noise (produced by panting or puffing) Bālar. ii, 59
- ○ghoṣa m. id., 58/59 (in Prākṛit) ; viii, 27
- ghurghura m. a kind of worm burrowing in the skin (Dracunculus) L.
- • (ā), f. growling (of a dog or cat) W.
- • (ī), f. = ghumaghumā-kāra L.
- ○tā f. = ○raka Bhpr. vii, 40, 3
- ghurghuraka m. a gurgling or murmuring sound Suśr. v, 4
- • (ikā), f. id., vi, 51, 6
- • = ○rī L.
- ghurghurāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to whistle (said of a wound), i, 28, 14
- ghurghuruka m. = ○raka Car. v, 10, 14
- ghulaghulā-rava = ghugh○ L.
- ghulañca m. Coix barbata L.
- ghuśmêśa N. of a Liṅga ŚivaP. [Page 378, Column ]
- ghuṣ cl. 1. P. ghoṣati (rarely Ā. ○te R. v, 56, 139
- • Subj. ghóṣāt
- • pf. jughoṣa JaimBr.
- • 3. pl. jughuṣur Pāṇ. 7-2, 23 Kāś.
- • aor. Ā. ghóṣi), Ā. to sound RV. iv, 4, 8
- • P. to cry or proclaim aloud, call out, announce publicly, declare, i, 139, 8 MBh. xiii, xiv R. &c.: Caus. ghoṣayati (subj. 2. sg. ○ṣáyas), to call to, invite RV. ix, 108, 3
- • to cause to proclaim aloud MBh. i, iii
- • to proclaim aloud MBh. R. &c
- ghuṣa mfn. 'sounding'
- • See araṃ-ghuṣá
- ghuṣita mfn. sounded, declared, proclaimed W. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 23 Kāś.)
- ghuṣṭa mfn. sounded, proclaimed L.
- • filled with cries Hariv. 1125
- ghuṣṭânna n. food given away by proclamation Mn. iv, 209 (cf. ava- and saṃ-guṣṭa.)
- ghuṣṭra n. 'creaker (?)', a carriage W.
- ghuṣya mfn. to be proclaimed aloud (Śiva) MBh. xii, 10386 (cf. ghora-)
- ghóṣa m. indistinct noise, tumult, confused cries of a multitude, battle-cry, cries of victory, cries of woe or distress, any cry or sound, roar of animals RV. AV. &c
- • the sound of a drum, of a conchshell, of the Soma stones, of a carriage, &c. RV. AV. &c
- • the whizzing or whir of a bow-string [TBr. ī], crackling of fire [MBh. ix, 133], singing in the ear {ŚBr. xiv}
- • the roaring of a storm, of thunder, of water, &c. RV. AV. Suśr. Megh.
- • the sound of the recital of prayers MBh. R. Mṛicch. x, 12
- • the sound of words spoken at a distance ŚBr. ix
- • rumour, report (also personified KātyŚr. Sch.) RV. x, 33, 1
- • a proclamation SaddhP. iv
- • a sound (of speech) ChUp. Suśr.
- • the soft sound heard in the articulation of the sonant consonants (g, gh, j, jh, ḍ, ḍh, d, dh, b, bh, ṅ, ñ, ṇ, n, m, y, r, l, v, h), the vowels, and Anusvāra which with the Yamas of the first 10 of the soft consonants make up altogether 40 sounds (cf. a-gh○) RPrāt. xiii, 5 f. APrāt. Sch. Pāṇ. 1-1, 9 Sch.
- • an ornament that makes a tinkling sound BhP. x, 8, 22
- • a station of herdsmen MBh. Hariv. R. &c. (ifc., cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 85)
- • (pl.) the inhabitants of a station of herdsmen MBh. iv, 1152
- • a particular form of a temple Hcat. ii, 1, 389
- • a musquito L.
- • Luffa foetida or a similar plant L.
- • N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10386
- • N. of a man (cf. Sāy.) RV. i, 120, 5
- • of an Asura Kāṭh. xxv, 8
- • of a prince of the Kāṇva dynasty BhP. xii, 1, 16
- • of a son of Daksha's daughter Lambā Hariv. 148 and 12480
- • of an Arhat Buddh.
- • a common N. for a Kāya-stha or one of the writer caste W.
- • m. pl. (g. dhūmâdi) N. of a people or country VarBṛS. xiv, 2
- • m. n. brass, bellmetal L.
- • (ā), f. Anethum Sowa L.
- • = karkaṭaśṛṅgī L.
- • N. of a daughter of Kakshīvat RV. i, 117, 7 ; 122, 5 (? Impv. √ghuṣ) ; x, 40, 5 (cf. ātma-, indra-, uccair-, &c.)
- ○kṛt m. any one making a noise ŚāṅkhŚr. xvii
- ○koṭi f. N. of the peak of a mountain (?)
- ○buddha (ghóṣ○), mfn. made attentive by the sound AV. v, 20, 5
- ○mati m. N. of a man SaddhP. i
- ○yātrā f. walk or procession to the stations of the herdsmen MBh.
- • -parvan n. N. of iii, chapters 235-257
- ○vat mfn. sounding, making a noise Āp. i, 11, 8 MBh. R. v BhP. ii
- • sonant, uttered with the soft articulation called Ghosha RPrāt. ChUp. ĀśvGṛ. Gobh. PārGṛ. i, 17, 2 Pāṇ. Sch.
- • m. N. of a man Buddh.
- • (atī), f. a peculiar kind of lute Kathās. xi f. cxi
- ○varṇa m. a sonant letter W.
- ○vasu m. N. of a prince of the Kāṇva dynasty VP. iv, 24, 10
- ○vṛddha m. an elder at a station of herdsmen Ragh. i, 45
- ○sthalī f. N. of a locality, g. dhūmâdi (not in Gaṇap.)
- ghoṣâdi a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 6-2, 85
- ghoṣâdī́ See go-ṣādī́
- ghoṣaka m. ifc. a crier, proclaimer (e.g. paṭaha-, q.v.)
- • the creeping plant Luffa foetida or a similar plant L.
- ghoṣakâkṛti m. 'resembling the Ghoshaka plant', N. of a plant (with white blossoms) L.
- ghoṣaṇa mfn. sounding BhP. iv, 5, 6
- • n. proclaiming aloud, public announcement R. v, 58, 18 Hit. (vḷ.)
- • (ifc. Ragh. xii, 72)
- • (ā), f. id. Mṛicch. x, 12 and 25 Pañcat. Daś. Kathās.
- ghoṣaṇīya mfn. to be proclaimed aloud RV. vi, 5, 6 Sāy.
- ghoṣayitnu m. a crier, proclaimer, herald L.
- • a Brāhman L.
- • the Koī0l or Indian cuckoo L.
- ghoṣātakī f. the plant Śveta-ghoshā L.
- ghóṣi mfn. sounding aloud RV. vi, 5, 6
- • ( See also s.v. √1. ghuṣ.) [Page 378, Column ]
- ghoṣín mfn. sounding, noisy AV. ĀśvGṛ. MBh. Hariv.
- • (in Gr.) sonant, having the soft sound called Ghosha RPrāt.
- • (iṇyas), f. pl. N. of certain evil spirits (cf. AV. xi, 2, 31) ĀśvGṛ. iv, 8, 27 f. ŚāṅkhGṛ. iii, 9, 1 (cf. grāma-ghoṣín.)
- ghoṣila m. a hog Npr.
- • N. of one of king Udayana's 3 ministers Divyâv. xxxvi
- • xxxvii, 577 f
- ghoṣṭṛ mfn. a proclaimer AitĀr. iii, 2, 4, 19
- ○tva n. the state of a proclaimer ib. Sch.
- ghuṣ cl. 1. P. ghoṣati, to kill L.
- ghuṣṭa mfn. (= ghṛṣṭa) rubbed Bhaṭṭ. v, 57
- ghusṛṇa n. saffron Naish. viii, 80 Vcar. xi, 1
- ghūka m. an owl Pañcad. i, 42 Subh.
- ghūkâri m. 'owl-enemy', a crow L.
- ghūkâvāsa m. 'abode of owls', Trophis aspera L.
- ghūt-kāra m. = ghut-k○ Mālatīm. v, 19 Pañcad. i
- • panting or puffing Bālar. viii, 27
- ghūr cl. 4. Ā. ○ryate, to hurt, injure, kill Dhātup. xxvii, 46
- • to become old, decay ib.
- ghūrṇ cl. 1. P. Ā. ○rṇati, ○te (perf. jughūrṇe Kathās. ciii), to move to and fro, shake, be agitated, roll about MBh. R. iv Kathās. Caurap.: Caus. ○rṇayati, to cause to move to and fro or shake Kum. iv, 12 Bhartṛ. i, 88 Mahān. (Pass. p. ghūrṇyamāna)
- ghūrṇa mf(ā)n. moving to and fro, shaking MBh. viii, 4712 BhP. vii, ix Caurap.
- • turning round, whirling, rolling W.
- • m. Erythraea centaureoides L.
- ○vāyu m. a whirlwind W.
- ghūrṇana n. moving to and fro, shaking Naish. v, 126 Gīt. ix, 11
- • (ā), f. id. Sāh. iii, 151
- ghūrṇāyamāna mfn. moving to and fro, shaking, whirling, revolving W.
- ghūrṇi f. = ○ṇana Uṇ. iv, 52 Sch.
- ghūrṇikā f. N. of a woman MBh. i, 3302 ff
- ghṛ cl. 3. P. jígharti (cl. 1. gharati Dhātup. xxii, 40), to besprinkle, wet, moisten RV. ii, 10, 4 Pāṇ. 7-4, 78 Kāś.: Caus. (or cl. 10. P.) ghārayati id. Dhātup. xxxii, 107
- ghṛtá mfn. sprinkled L.
- • n. (g. ardharcâdi) ghee, i.e. clarified butter or butter which has been boiled gently and allowed to cool (it is used for culinary and religious purposes and is highly esteemed by the Hindūs), fat (as an emblem of fertility), fluid grease, cream RV. VS. AV. &c
- • (= udaka) fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops from heaven), water Naigh. i, 12 Nir. vii, 24
- • m. N. of a son of Dharma (grandson of Anu and father of Duduha) Hariv. 1840
- • (ā), f. a kind of medicinal plant L.
- ○kambala n. 'ghee and a mantle', consecration of a king VarBṛS. ii, 5/6
- ○karañja m. a kind of Karañja tree L.
- ○kīrtí f. the mentioning of ghee ŚBr. i, 4
- ○kumārikā f. 'ghee-virgin', Aloe indica (supposed to resemble a virgin in delicacy) Bhpr. v, 3, 282
- ○kumārī f. id. L.
- ○kumbhá m. a jar of ghee ŚBr. v Mn. xi, 135 Cāṇ. Subh. Hit.
- ○kulyā́ f. a rivulet of ghee ŚBr. xi
- ○keśa (○tá-), mfn. one whose hair is dripping with butter (Agni) RV. viii, 60, 2
- ○kauśiká m. 'ghee-Kauśika (the Kauśika desirous of ghee)', N. of a religious teacher ŚBr. xiv
- • m. pl. his family Pravar. iv, 20
- ○kṣaudra-vat mfn. containing ghee and honey Hcat.
- ○ghaṭa m. = -kumbha Gaut.
- ○cyutā f. (cf. -ścút) N. of a river BhP. v, 20, 16
- ○tva n. the state or condition of ghee Kapishṭh.
- ○dāna-paddhati f. N. of wk
- ○dīdhiti m. 'having rays flowing with ghee', fire, the deity of fire L.
- ○dúh mfn. giving ghee RV. ix, 89, 5
- ○dhārā f. a stream of ghee MBh. xiii, 26, 90
- • N. of a river Hariv. 12411
- ○dhenu f. ghee in the shape of a milch-cow BhavP. Hcat.
- ○nidhāyam ind. with ni-hita preserved like ghee Pāṇ. 3-4, 45 Kāś.
- ○nirṇij (○tá-), mfn. having a garment of fat, covered with fat (Agni, the sacrifice) RV.
- ○pa mfn. drinking only ghee (a class of Ṛishis) MBh. xii, 6143
- ○pakva mfn. boiled with ghee Bhpr. v
- • (ā), f. a kind of cake Gal.
- ○padī (○tá-), f. (Iḷā) whose path (pada) is ghee or whose foot (pād) drops with ghee RV. x, 70, 8 AV. vii, 27, 1 TS. ii ŚBr. i ĀśvŚr. i, 7
- ○parṇa 'ghee-leaved', = -karañja Gal.
- ○parṇaka m. id. L.
- ○paśu m. ghee in the shape of a sacrificial animal Mn. v, 37
- ○pāka m. a kind of medicinal preparation made of ghee. [Page 378, Column ]
- ○pātra-stana-vatī f. (a cow) whose nipples are represented by vessels filled with ghee Hcat.
- ○pā́van mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 66 Vārtt. 1 ; iii, 2, 74 Kāś.) drinking ghee AV. xiii, 1, 24 VS. vi, 19
- ○pīta mfn. = pīta-ghṛta, one who has drunk ghee, g. āhitâgny-ādi
- ○pū́ mfn. clarifying ghee RV. x, 17, 10
- ○pūra m. a sweetmeat (composed of flour, milk, cocoa-nut, and ghee) Suśr. Pañcat. iii
- ○pūrṇa m. 'full of ghee(-like sap)', Guilandina Bonducella Bhpr.
- ○pūrṇaka m. id. L.
- • = -pūra Hariv. 8445
- ○pṛ́c mfn. sprinkling unctuous and fertilizing fluid (heaven and earth) RV. vi, 70, 4
- ○pṛṣṭha (○tá-), mf(ā)n. one whose back is brilliant with ghee (esp. Agni and his horses) RV. AV.
- • m. (hence) the fire (agni) BhP. v
- • N. of a son of Priya-vrata by Barhishmatī (sovereign of Krauñca-dviipa) ib.
- ○pratīka (○tá-), mf(ā)n. one whose face is brilliant with ghee (Agni, Ushas) RV. VS. xxxv, 17 AV. ii, 13, 1
- ○prayas (○tá-), mfn. relishing ghee RV. iii, 43, 3
- ○prasatta (○tá-), mfn. propitiated with ghee (Agni), v, 15, 1
- ○prâśa m. swallowing ghee Mn. xi, 144
- ○prâśana n. id. Gaut. Mn. v, 144
- ○prī́ mfn. enjoying ghee (as Agni) AV. xii, 1, 20 ; xviii, 4, 41
- ○pruṣ mfn. 'sprinkling ghee or fat', bedewing with welfare and gifts RV. VS. xx, 46
- ○pluta mfn. sprinkled with ghee Yājñ. i, 235 MBh. xii, f. BhP. iii, 16, 8
- ○bhājana (○tá-), mfn. fit for receiving ghee ŚBr. vi, 6
- ○bhṛṣṭa mfn. fried in ghee W.
- ○maṇḍa m. the scum of melted butter, fattiest part of grease Car. viii, 6, 79 Suśr.
- • (ā), f. a Mimosa (the scum of its infusion resembling ghee) L.
- • ○ṇḍôda m. 'having water resembling the scum of melted butter', N. of a lake on the Mandara mountain R. iv, 44, 60
- ○maṇḍalikā f. = -maṇḍā L.
- ○madhu-maya mfn. consisting of ghee and honey Sāh.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made of ghee Hcat. i, 7
- ○m-inva mf(ā)n. melting ghee MaitrS. ii, 13, 1, 12
- ○yājyā f. the verse recited with the ghee oblation AitBr. iii, 32
- ○yoni (○tá-), mfn. abiding or living in ghee (Agni, the sacrifice) RV. iii, 4, 2 ; v, 8, 6 VS. xxxv, 17
- • producing fertilizing rain or welfare (Mitra and Varuṇa, Vishṇu) RV. v, 68, 2 VS. v, 38
- ○rauḍhīya m. pl. the Rauḍhīyas who are desirous of ghee (nickname of a school) Pāṇ. 1-1, 73 Vārtt. 6 Pat.
- ○lekhanī f. a ladle for ghee L.
- ○lekhinī f. id. L. Sch.
- ○lolī-kṛta mfn. mixed with or steeped in ghee W.
- ○vat (○tá-), mfn. abounding in fat, greasy, mixed or smeared with ghee
- RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. iii, xii
- • containing the word ghṛtá (a verse), i f
- • (tī), f. N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 23
- • ind. like ghee W.
- ○vatsa m. ghee in the shape of a calf Hcat. i, 7, 134
- ○vara m. = -pūra L.
- • -dviipa m. N. of a Dviipa ( See ghṛtôda) Jain.
- ○vartani (○tá-), mfn. (the chariot of the Aśvins) the tracks of whom are brilliant with ghee RV. vii, 69, 1
- ○varti f. a wick fed with grease BhP. v, 11, 8
- ○vikrayin m. a vendor of ghee W.
- ○vṛddha (○tá-), mfn. delighted or nourished with ghee (Agni) AV. xiii, 1, 28
- ○vrata mfn. living on ghee only TāṇḍyaBr. xviii, 2, 5 Lāṭy. viii, 9
- ○ścút mfn. sprinkling or distilling ghee RV. AV.
- • -(ścun) -nidhana n. = -(ścyun) -n○
- ○ścyút mfn. = -ścút VS. xvii, 3 AV. (vḷ.) TāṇḍyaBr. ix, 1
- • -(ścyun) -nidhana n. N. of a Sāman, xiii
- ○śrī́ mfn. mixed with ghee, brilliant with ghee RV., mixing ghee VS. xxviii, 9
- ○sád mfn. abiding in ghee, ix, 2 TBr. i, 3
- ○stuti f. 'praise of ghee', N. of the hymn RV. iv, 58 RAnukr.
- ○stū́ or m. (only acc. pl. -stāvas) a drop of ghee AV. xii, 2, 17
- ○stó m. (only acc. pl. -stāvas) a drop of ghee AV. xii, 2, 17
- ○stoká m. id. ŚBr. i
- ○"ṣstomīya mfn. relating to ○ma i.e. to the praise of ghee ŚāṅkhŚr. xv, 1, 32
- ○"ṣstomyá mfn. id. (said of certain verses) MaitrS. i, 6, 7
- ○sthalā f. 'abiding in ghee', N. of an Apsaras Hariv. 12475 (cf. ṛtu-sth○, kratu-sth○.)
- ○snā́ mfn. dropping or sprinkling ghee RV. iv, 6, 9 ; viii, 46, 28. -1
- ○snú mfn. (√1. snu) id., i, 16, 2 ; iii, 6, 6. -2
- ○snu (○tá-), mfn. (fr. 2. snu) = -pṛṣṭha (cf. Nir. xii, 36), one whose surface is brilliant with ghee RV.
- ○spṛś mfn. touching ghee Pāṇ. 1-3, 6 Kāś.
- ○hasta (○tá-), mf(ā)n. having ghee in one's hand RV. vii, 16, 8
- ○hetu m. 'cause of ghee', butter Npr.
- ○homa m. a sacrificial offering of ghee Gaut. xxii, 36
- ○hrada (○tá-), mf(ā)n. (a lake) having a basin consisting of ghee AV. iv, 34, 6
- ghṛtâkta mfn. anointed with ghee Mn. ix, 60
- ghṛtâcala m. ghee in the shape of a mountain BhavP.
- ghṛtâci m. (derived fr. ○cī) N. of a Ṛishi ĀrshBr.
- ghṛtấcī f. (fr. 2. añc Pāṇ. 6-3, 95 Vārtt. 2 Pat.) abounding in ghee, filled with ghee, sprinkling ghee, shining with ghee RV. AV. ix, 1, 4 ĀśvGṛ. ii, 10, 6 [Page 379, Column ]
- • (scil. juhū́) the sacrificial ladle (with which the ghee is taken up, poured out, &c.) RV. AV. xiii, 1, 27
- • 'dewy', the night AV. xix, 48, 6 Naigh. i, 7
- • 'shining like grease', a kind of serpent AV. x, 4, 24
- • N. of an Apsaras (loved by Bharad-vāja [MBh. i, 5103 ff.] or Vyāsa [xii, 12188 ff.] or by Viśvā-mitra [R. iv, 35, ]
- • wife of Pramati and mother of Ruru [MBh. i, 871 ; xiii, 200] or wife of Raudrâśva [Hariv. 1658 BhP. ix, 20, ] or of Kuśa-nābha [R. i, 34, 1])
- • -garbha-sambhavā f. large cardamoms L.
- ghṛtâdi N. of a Gaṇa (cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 42 Kāś.)
- ghṛtânuṣiktá mf(ā)n. sprinkled with ghee TS. v
- ghṛtânna mfn. one whose food is ghee (Mitra and Varuṇa, Agni) RV. vi, 67, 8 and vii, 3, 1
- ghṛtấnvakta mfn. = ○tâkta MaitrS. i, 6, 7
- ghṛtâbdhi m. a sea of ghee
- ghṛtârcis m. 'brilliant with ghee', fire MBh. xiv, 1737
- • a form of the sun Hcat. i, 7
- ghṛtâvani f. 'the spot (on the sacrificial post) which is smeared with ghee' L.
- ghṛtā-vṛ́dh mfn. ○tá-vṛddha ('increasing the ghee' Sāy.) RV. vi, 70, 4
- ghṛtấsuti mfn. one to whom the ghee oblation belongs (Mitra and Varuṇa, Vishṇu, Indra and Vishṇu), i, 136, 1 and 156, 1 ; ii, 41, 6 ; vi, 69, 6
- ghṛtấhavana mfn. id. (Agni), i, 12, 5 and 45, 5 ; viii, 74, 5
- ghritấhuta mfn. one to whom ghee is offered (Agni) AV. iv, 23, 3 ; xiii, 1, 12 and 28
- ghṛtâhutí f. the ghee oblation ŚBr. ii, 2, 4, 4 ĀśvGṛ. iii, 3
- ghṛtâhva m. 'called after (the sap resembling) ghee', the resin of Pinus longifolia L.
- ghṛtâhvaya m. id. L.
- ghṛtêṣṭakā f. a kind of sacrificial brick ĀpŚr. xvii, 5
- ghṛtôda m. 'having ghee for water', N. of the sea surrounding Kuśa-dviipa (or Ghṛita-varadviipa Jain.) R. iv, 40, 49 ff. BhP. v VP. ii, 4, 45
- ghṛtôdaṅka m. a leather vessel for holding ghee W.
- ghṛtâudana n. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 34 Sch.) rice sprinkled with ghee ĀśvGṛ. i ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 27
- ghṛtin mfn. containing ghee MBh. xiii, 1840
- ghṛteyu m. N. of a son of Raudrâśva (cf. ghṛtâcī) VP. iv, 19 (vv. ll. kṛteyu, kṛkaṇeyu.)
- ghṛtelī f. a cock-roach L. (cf. taila-pāyikā.)
- ghṛ́tya mfn. = ○tin TS. ii, 4, 5, 2 ŚBr. iii f
- ghṛ cl. 3. P. jigharti, to shine, burn Dhātup. xxv, 14: cl. 5. (or cl. 8. fr. √ghṛṇ) P. Ā. ghṛṇoti, ○ṇute or gharṇoti, ○ṇute id., xxx, 7
- ghṛta mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 37 Kāś.) illumined L.
- ghṛ́ṅ ind. (onomat.) tinkle Kāṭh. xxiv, 7 ŚBr. xiv
- • (ghrā́m8 TĀr. v, 1, 4.)
- ○karikra mfn. (√kṛ, Intens.) bleating Kāṭh. xxiv, 7
- ghṛṇ See √2. ghṛ
- ghṛṇá m. heat, ardour, sunshine RV. i, 133, 6 ; vi, 15, 5 ; x, 37, 10
- • (ā́), Ved. instr. ind. through heat or sunshine RV.
- • (ā), f. a warm feeling towards others, compassion, tenderness MBh. iii, v R. Ragh. BhP.
- • aversion, contempt (with loc.) Naish. i, 20 ; iii, 60
- • horror, disgust Kād. vii, 199 and 236 Hcar. v, 186
- • a kind of cucumber Gal. (cf. nir-, hṛṇīyā.)
- ghṛṇârcis m. 'having hot rays', fire L. (cf. ghṛtârc○.)
- ghṛṇā f. of ○ṇá, q.v
- ○cakṣus mfn. looking with compassion R. ii, 45, 19
- ○vat mfn. disgusting Sarasv.
- ○vāsa for ghana-v○ L.
- ghṛṇālu mfn. compassionate BhP. iv, 22, 43
- ghṛ́ṇi m. = ○ṇá RV. ii, 33, 6 (ghṛ́ṇī7va for ○ṇer-iva) ; vi, 3, 7 (Ved. loc. ○ṇā) and 16, 38
- • (? AV. vii, 3, 1) ŚBr. iii
- • a ray of light Ānand.
- • (Naigh. i, 9) day (opposed to night) Hariv. 3588
- • a flame L.
- • the sun W.
- • a wave W.
- • water W.
- • anger, passion (cf. hṛṇī́yamāna) Naigh. ii, 13
- • mfn. glowing, shining, i, 17 BhP. vii, 2, 7 (śuddha-tejo-maya) (cf. ā́-.)
- ghṛ́ṇī-vat mfn. glowing, shining RV. x, 176, 3
- • m. a kind of animal VS. xxiv, 39
- ghṛṇi in comp. for ○ṇin
- ○tva n. compassion MBh. iii, 1119 ; vi, 5690
- • contempt, disregard, censoriousness Car.
- ghṛṇita mfn. pitied W.
- • reproached, abused L.
- ghṛṇin mfn. passionate, violent Gaut.
- • tenderhearted, compassionate MBh. iii-v Suśr. Pañcat. Laghuj. BhP.
- • censorious, abusive MBh. v, 5813 Car. vi, 20
- • m. N. of a son of Devakī BhP. x, 85, 51
- ghṛṇṇ cl. 1. Ā. ○ṇṇate, = √ghiṇṇ Dhātup. xii, 3
- ghṛtá See √1. and √2. ghṛ. [Page 379, Column ]
- ghṛtin
- ghṛḍteyu
- ghṛḍtelī
- ghṛ́tya See √1. ghṛ
- ghṛṣ = √hṛṣ L.
- ghṛ́ṣu mfn. lively, agile, mirthful RV.
- ghṛ́ṣvi mfn. id. RV.
- ○rādhas mfn. granting with joy, vii, 59, 5 (voc.)
- ghṛṣ cl. 1. P. gharṣati (ind. p. ghṛṣṭvā
- • Pass. ghṛṣyate), to rub, brush, polish Suśr. Pañcat. Cāṇ. Subh.
- • to grind, crush, pound Pañcat.
- • Ā. to rub one's self MBh. iii, 17228: Caus. gharṣayati, to rub, grind Daś. xi, 176
- gharṣa m. rubbing, friction R. ii, 54, 6 (cf. danta-.)
- gharṣaka mfn. one who rubs, polisher W.
- gharṣaṇa n. rubbing, polishing Subh.
- • grinding, pounding Gīt. i, 6 Sch.
- • rubbing, embrocation Suśr.
- • (ī), f. turmeric L. (cf. kara-.)
- gharṣaṇâla m. (for ○laya) a wooden roller for grinding L.
- gharṣaṇīya mfn. to be rubbed or cleaned W.
- gharṣita mfn. rubbed, brushed, ground R. iii
- gharṣin mfn. 'rubbing', See kara-
- ghṛṣṭa mfn. rubbed, ground, pounded Suśr. Pañcat.
- • rubbed so as to be sore, frayed, grazed MBh. i, iii Hariv. 12175 Mṛicch. i, 23 ; iii, 9 Suśr.
- • rubbed, embrocated MBh. xiii Suśr. VarBṛS. lv, 30
- ghṛṣṭi m. a hog (cf. gṛṣṭi) L.
- • f. rubbing, grinding, pounding L.
- • emulation, contest L.
- • (= gṛṣṭi) a variety of Dioscorea L.
- • Clitoria ternatea L.
- ○netra n. 'hog's eye (cf. gavâkṣa)', a hole in timber Vāstuv.
- ghṛṣṭhilā f. N. of a plant akin to Hemionitis cordifolia L.
- ghṛṣvi m. = ○ṣṭi, a hog Uṇ. iv, 56
- gheñculikā f. Arum orixense (krauñcâdana) L.
- gheñculī f. id. L.
- ghoṅgha m. a kind of animal, Vāsav. 687 Sch.
- • intermediate space W.
- ghoṭa m. (cf. √ghuṭ) a horse ĀpŚr. xv, 3, 12
- • the beard Gal.
- ○gala m. 'horse-throat', a kind of reed Npr.
- ghoṭaka m. a horse Pañcat. v, 10, 4/5 Siṃhâs. Uṇ. Sch.
- • (ikā), f. a mare L.
- • Portulaca oleracea Bhpr.
- • a shrub resembling the jujube L.
- ○mukha m. 'horse-faced', N. of a man Pravar. iv, 15 (vḷ. ○Tam○)
- • (author of the Kanyā-samprayuktakâdhikaraṇa) Vātsyāy. i, iii
- • (ī), f. N. of a woman Vīrac. x f
- ghoṭakâri m. 'enemy of horses', a buffalo Bhpr.
- ghoḍa (= ghoṭa?) only in comp
- ghoḍâcolin m. N. of a man, Haṭhapr. i, 8
- ghoḍêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha RevāKh. cclī
- ghoṇaka m. = ○ṇasa Npr.
- ghoṇasa m. a kind of serpent L.
- ghonasa m. id. W. (cf. go-n○.)
- ghoṇā f. (= ghrāṇā
- • ifc. f. ā g. kroḍâdi) the nose (also of a horse MBh. vi, 3390) MBh. Hariv. 12363 Mṛicch. ii, 13/14 Suśr.
- • the beak (of an owl) MBh. x, 38
- • a kind of plant causing sneezing Npr.
- ghoṇânta-bhedana m. 'having a snout that is divided at the end', a hog L.
- ghoṇika m. (scil. hasta) 'resembling a nose', a particular position of the hand, Psarv
- ghoṇin m. 'large-snouted', a hog L.
- ghoṇṭā f. a kind of jujube L.
- • the betel-nut tree L.
- ○phala n. the betel-nut Suśr. iv, 17, 32 Npr.
- • m. Uraria lagopodioides L.
- ghoṇṭī f. = ○ṇṭā L.
- ghot-kāra m. (= ghūt-k○) panting, puffing NarasP.
- ghonasa See ghoṇaka
- ghorá mf(ā́)n. (cf. √ghur) venerable, awful, sublime (gods, the Aṅgiras, the Ṛishis) RV. AV. ii, 34, 4
- • terrific, frightful, terrible, dreadful, violent, vehement (as pains, diseases, &c. ) VS. AV. TS. ii ŚBr. xii &c. (in comp., g. kāṣṭhâdi)
- • (am), ind. 'dreadfully', very much, g. kāṣṭâdi
- • m. 'the terrible', Śiva L. (cf. -ghoratara)
- • N. of a son of Aṅgiras ŚāṅkhBr. xxx, 6 ĀśvŚr. xii, 13, 1 ChUp. MBh. xiii, 4148
- • (ā), f. the night L.
- • N. of a cucurbitaceous plant L.
- • (scil. gati) N. of one of the 7 stations of the planet Mercury VarBṛS. vii, 8 and 11
- • (ī), f. N. of a female attendant of Durgā W.
- • (ám), n. venerableness VS. ii, 32
- • awfulness, horror AV. ŚBr. ix Kauś. BhP. iv, 8, 36 Gobh. ii, 3 Sch.
- • 'horrible action', magic formulas or charms RV. x, 34, 14 ĀśvŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. R. i, 58, 8 [Page 379, Column ]
- • a kind of mythical weapon MBh. v, 3491
- • poison L.
- • saffron L. (cf. dhīra and gaura)
- ○ghuṣya n. 'sounding dreadfully', brass, bell-metal L.
- ○ghoratara mfn. (compar.) extremely terrific (Śiva) MBh. xii, 10375 Hcat. i, 11, 322
- ○cakṣas (○rá-), mfn. of frightful appearance RV. vii, 104, 2
- ○"ṣtara mfn. more terrible, very awful W. (cf. -ghoratara.)
- ○tā f. horribleness
- ○tva n. id. MBh. iii, 13781
- ○darśana mfn. = -cakṣas MBh. R. i
- • m. an owl (cf. MBh. x, 38) L.
- • a hyena L.
- ○puṣpa vḷ. for -ghuṣya
- ○rāsana for -vāśana
- ○rāsin for -vāśin
- ○rūpa mfn. of a frightful appearance Mn. vii, 121
- • n. a hideous appearance W.
- • (ā), f. N. of a female attendant of Durgā W.
- ○rūpin mfn. of a frightful appearance, hideous W.
- ○varpas (○rá-), mfn. id. (the Maruts) RV. i, 19, 5 and 64, 2
- ○vāluka N. of a hell MBh. xiii, 111, 93
- ○vāśana m. 'crying hideously', a jackal L.
- ○vāśin m. id. L.
- • (inī), f. a female jackal Gal.
- ○saṃsparśa mfn. terrible to the touch AitBr. iii, 4, 6
- • (superl. ○tama) ŚāṅkhBr. i, 1
- ○saṃkāśa mfn. = -rūpa R. i
- ○svara mfn. of dreadful sound W.
- ○hṛdaya m. 'of a pitiless heart', a form of Īśvara Sarvad. vii, 41
- ghorâkāra mfn. = raṭrāsana-rūpa Daś. iv, 106
- ghorâkṛti mfn. id. Hit. i, 7, 0/1
- ghorâtighora mfn. = ○raghoratara (said of a hell) Subh.
- ghorâdhyāpaka m. a venerable or excellent teacher Pāṇ. 8-1, 67 Kāś.
- ghorâśaya mfn. having a cruel feeling towards (loc.) Mcar. iii, 43
- ghoraka m. pl., N. of a people MBh. ii, 1870 (ikā), f. = ghurikā Gal.
- ghol (in Prākṛit for Caus. of √ghuṇ = ghūrṇ), cl. 10. P. ○layati, to mix, stir together into a semi-fluid substance Bhpr. v, 11, 124 and 143
- ghola n. buttermilk Suśr. i, 45, 4, 3
- • (ī), f. purslain L. (cf. araṇya-, kṣudra-, and vana-gholī.)
- gholi
- ghoḍlikā f. = ○lī L.
- ghóṣa ○ṣaka, &c. See √1. ghuṣ
- ghoṣád 'money' or 'substance' (cf. Sch.), vḷ. for go-ṣád, q.v
- ghoṣayitnu See √1. ghuṣ
- ghoṣātakī
- ghoḍṣâdī́
- ghóṣi
- ghóḍṣín &c. See ib.
- ghaura m. patr. fr. Ghora ĀśvŚr. xii, 13, 1
- • n. horribleness W.
- ghauṣaka mfn. relating to the Ghosha people or country, g. dhūmâdi
- ghauṣasthalaka mfn. coming from Ghoshasthalī ib. (not in Gaṇap.)
- ghauṣeya m. metron. fr. ghóṣā (N. of Suhastya) RAnukr.
- ghna mf(ā MBh. xiii, 2397 Hariv. 9426
- • ī f. of 2. han, q.v.)n. ifc. striking with Mn. viii, 386
- • killing, killer, murderer, ix, 232 MBh. R. iii
- • destroying Mn. viii, 127 Yājñ. i, 138 R. i BhP. iv
- • removing Mn. vii, 218 Hariv. 9426 Suśr.
- • multiplied by VarBṛS. li, 39 Sūryas. (f. ī)
- • n. ifc. 'killing', See áhi-, parṇaya-ghná (cf. artha-, arśo-, kāsa-, kula-, kuṣṭha-, kṛta-, kṛmi-, gara-, guru-, go-, jvara-, puruṣa-, &c.)
- ghnát mfn. pr. p. √han, q.v
- ghnī ifc. f. of 2. han
- • m. (?, ahi-) AV. x, 4, 7
- ghnya See á-
- • ati-ghnyá
- ghráṃs m. the sun's heat AV. vii, 18
- ghraṃsá m. id. RV. i, 116, 8 ; vii, 69, 4 Kauś. 48
- • sunshine, brightness RV. v, 34, 3 and 44, 7
- ghrā irr. cl. 1. or 3. P. jíghrati (Pāṇ. 7-3, 78
- • ep. also Ā. ○te and cl. 2. P. ghrāti
- • aor. aghrāt, or aghrāsīt, ii, 4, 78
- • Prec. ghrāyāt or ghrey○, vi, 4, 68
- • aor. Pass. 3. du. aghrāsātām, ii, 4, 78 Kāś.
- • irr. ind. p. jighritvā Hariv. 7059), to smell, perceive odour ŚBr. xiv Mn. ii, 98 MBh. Hariv. R.
- • to perceive BhP. i, 3, 36
- • to smell at, snuffle at R. VarBṛS. lxii, 1 Hit.
- • to kill MBh. ix, 2940: Caus. P. ghrāpayati (aor. ajighrapat or ○ghrip○ Pāṇ. 7-4, 6), to cause any one (acc.) to smell at (acc.) Bhaṭṭ. xv, 109: Intens. jeghrīyate Pāṇ. 7-4, 31
- ghrāṇa mfn. (viii, 2, 56) smelled L.
- • smelling (ghrātṛ) L.
- • m. n. smelling, perception of odour ŚBr. xiv Mn. BhP.
- • smell, odour ŚāṅkhGṛ. iv, 7 MBh. iii, 12844
- • n. the nose ChUp. viii, 12, 4 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. ā Kathās. lxi Hcat.)
- • (ā), f. the nose VarBṛS. (of a bull, lxi, 15). [Page 380, Column ]
- ○cakṣuś mfn. 'using the nose for eyes', blind MBh. viii, 3443
- ○ja mfn. caused or produced by the nose W.
- ○tarpaṇa mfn. pleasant to the nose, fragrant Hariv. 3710
- • n. odour, perfume R. ii, 94, 14 Rājat. v, 356
- ○duḥkha-dā f. 'giving pain to the nose', Artemisia sternutatoria Bhpr. v, 3, 304
- ○pāka m. the disease of the nose called nāsā-p○ Sāṃkhyak. 49 Sch.
- ○puṭaka (ifc. f. ā) nostril MārkP. lxv, 22
- ○bila n. the cavity of the nose TPrāt. ii, 52 Sch.
- ○śravas m. 'renowned for his nose', N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. ix, 2559
- ○skanda m. blowing one's nose Rājat. v, 417
- ghrāṇêndriya n. the organ or sense of smell Jain. Suśr.
- ghrātá mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 56) smelled VS. xx, 7
- • having smelled MBh. vii, 5228 (ifc.)
- • perceiving, witnessing, feeling Rājat. ii, 22 (ifc.)
- ghrātavyá n. 'to be smelled', odour ŚBr. xiv, 7, 1, 24 and 3, 17 PraśnUp. iv, 8 Bhartṛ. i, 7
- ghrāti f. smelling, perception of odour BṛĀrUp. iv, 3
- • snuffling at Mn. xi, 68
- • the nose L.
- ghrātṛ́ mfn. one who smells ŚBr. xiv MBh.
- ghreya n. 'to be smelled', what may be smelled, smell, odour, ii, xii, xiv Suśr. BhP. vii, 12, 28
- ghrā́ṃ8 ind, See ghṛ́ṅ
- ghrāṇa ghrātá, &c. See √ghrā