Sir Monier-Williams (1819–1899) - A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1899) |
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- ba the third letter of the labial class (often confounded with va)
- ○kāra m. the sound or letter ba, the soft form of pa
- ba m. = varuna
- • sindhu
- • bhaga
- • gandhana
- • vapana &c. L.
- baṃh cl. 1. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xvi, 32) banhate, to grow, increase
- • Caus. baṃhajate to cause to grow Br. (cf. bahala, bahu, bahula)
- baṃhiman m. muchness, abundance, multitude Pāṇ. 6-4, 157
- baṃhiṣṭha mfn. (superl. of bahula Pāṇ. 6-4, 157) strongest, most abundant, most RV. MBh.
- • very low or deep Bālar.
- • = next, Śāntiś. Sch.
- báṃhīyas mfn. (compar. of bahula Pāṇ. 6-4, 157) very stout or fat MaitrS.
- baka m. (also written vaka) a kind of heron or crane, Ardea Nivea (often fig. = a hypocrite, cheat, rogue, the crane being regarded as a bird of great cunning and deceit as well as circumspection) Mn. MBh. &c
- • Sesbana Grandiflora L.
- • an apparatus for calcining or subliming metals or minerals L.
- • N. of Kubera L.
- • of a demon MānGṛ.
- • of an Asura (said to have assumed the form of a crane and to have been conquered by Kṛishṇa) BhP.
- • of a Rākshasa killed by Bhīma-sena MBh.
- • of a Ṛishi (with the patr. Dālbhi or Dālbhya) Kāṭh. ChUp. MBh.
- • of a peasant HPariś.
- • of a king Rājat.
- • (pl.) of a people MBh.
- • (ī), f. a female crane Vās. Sch.
- • a female demon = pūtanā BhP. Sch.
- ○kaccha m. N. of a place Kathās.
- ○kalpa m. N. of a partic. Kalpa or period of the world Cat.
- ○cara m. = -vratin MW.
- ○ciñcikā f. a sort of fish (= bakācī) L.
- ○jit m. 'conqueror of Baka', N. of Bhīma-sena L.
- ○tva n. the state or condition of a crane MārkP.
- ○dvīpa m. N. of a Dviipa Pañcar.
- ○dhūpa m. a kind of perfume L.
- ○nakha m. N. of a son of Viśvā-mitra MBh.
- • -guda-pari-ṇaddha m. pl. the descendants of Baka-nakha and Guda-pariṇaddha, g. tikakitavâdi
- ○niṣūdana m. 'destroyer of Baka', N. of Bhīma-sena L.
- ○pañcaka n. the 5 days during which even the heron eats no fish (N. of the last 5 Tithis of the bright half of the mouth Kārttika) Cat.
- ○puṣpa m. Agati Grandiflora L. [Page 719, Column ]
- ○yantra n. 'crane-instrument', N. of a partic. form of retort L.
- ○rāja m. the king of the cranes (called Rāja-dharman, son of Kaśyapa
- • See MBh. xii, 6336)
- ○ripu m. 'enemy of Baka', N. of Bhīma-sena Veṇis.
- ○vat ind. like a crane or heron Mn. Cāṇ.
- ○vatī f. N. of a river Rājat.
- ○vadha m. 'the killing of Baka', N. of MBh. i, 6103-6315 (cf. IW. 386)
- ○vṛkṣa m. a kind of tree MW.
- ○vṛtti mfn. one who acts like a heron, a hypocrite Mn. Yājñ.
- ○vairin m. = -ripu L.
- ○vrata n. 'crane-like conduct', hypocrisy ŚārṅgP.
- • -cara m. = next Mn.
- ○vratika or m. a hypocrite (esp. a false devotee) Mn.
- ○vraḍtin m. a hypocrite (esp. a false devotee) Mn.
- ○saktha m. N. of a man
- • pl. his descendants, g. yaskâdi
- ○sahavāsin m. 'fellow-lodger of the heron', a lotus flower Kuval.
- bakâri m. 'enemy of Baka', N. of Kṛishṇa BhP.
- bakâlīna mfn. lurking like a heron MBh.
- bakêśa m. N. of a temple founded by Baka Rājat.
- bakabakāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to croak Subh. (vḷ. for bhakabh○ and makam○)
- bakācī f. a kind of fish (= baka-ciñcikā) L.
- bakāya Nom. P. ○yati, to represent or act like the Asura Baka BhP.
- bakerukā f. a small crane L.
- • the branch of a tree bent by the wind L.
- bakoṭa m. a kind of crane L.
- bákura m. (prob.) a horn, trumpet (or other wind instrument used in battle
- • cf. bākura, bekurā) RV. i, 117, 21 (cf. Naigh. 'a thunderbolt, lightning')
- bakula m. (also written vakula) a kind of tree, Mimusops Elengi (said to put forth blossoms when sprinkled with nectar from the mouth of lovely women) MBh. Kāv. &c
- • N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1223
- • of a country Buddh.
- • (ā), f. Helleborus Niger L.
- • (ī), f. a kind of drug L.
- • n. the fragrant flower of Mimusops Elengi MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○dāman n. a garland of Bakula flowers Mālatīm.
- ○mālā f. id. ib.
- • N. of a woman, Vāsav
- ○mālinī-pariṇaya m. N. of a drama
- ○medhī f. N. of a temple Divyâv.
- bakulâbharaṇa-cāṭu n. N. of a poem
- bakulâbharaṇa-muni m. N. of a sage Cat.
- bakulâraṇya-māhātmya n. N. of ch. of BrahmaP.
- bakulâvali f. = ○la-dāman Mālatīm.
- • ○likā f. N. of a woman Mālav.
- bakulita mfn. furnished with Bakula trees or flowers, g. tārakâdi
- bakūla m. the Bakula tree L.
- bagadāda N. of a city, Bagdad Cat.
- bagadāru N. nf a place ib.
- bagadāha N. of a place ib.
- bajá m. (prob.) N. of a herb used as a charm against evil spirits AV.
- báṭ ind. in truth, certainly (cf. Sāy.= satyam) RV.
- baṭaraka n. pl. circular lines of light which appear before the closed eye AitĀr.
- baṭu m. (also written vaṭu) a boy, lad, stripling, youth (esp. a young Brāhman, but also contemptuously applied to adult persons) MBh. Kāv. &c
- • N. of a class of priests Cat.
- • a form of Śiva (so called from being represented by boys in the rites of the Śāktas) ib.
- • Calosanthes Indica L.
- ○carita-nāṭaka n. N. of a drama
- ○dāsa m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○mātra m. a mere stripling MW.
- ○rūpin mfn. having the form of a lad or stripling ib.
- baṭuka m. a boy, lad &c. = baṭu Kathās. BhP.
- • a stupid fellow, blockhead W.
- • N. of a class of priests Cat.
- • a form of Śiva (among the Śāktas) ib.
- ○kavaca m. or n. N. of ch. of wk
- ○nātha m. N. of a pupil of Śaṃkarâcārya Cat.
- ○pañcâṅga n. (and ○ga-prayoga-paddhati f.),
- ○pañjara n
- ○pūjā-paddhati f. N. of wks
- ○bhairava m. a form of Bhairava Cat.
- • -kavaca m. or n. -tantra n. -dīpa-dāna n. -pañcâṅga n. -pūjā f. (and ○jā-paddhati f.),
- ○sahasra-nāman n. (and ○mastotra n.), -stava-rāja, m. -stotra n. ○vâpad-uddharaṇa-paṭala n. N. of wks
- baṭukârcana n. the worship of BṭBhairava
- • -candrikā f. -dīpikā f. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- baṭukâṣṭaśata-nāman n. N. of wk
- baṭū-karaṇa n. the act of making into a youth, initiation of a boy by upa-nayana, q.v. L. [Page 719, Column ]
- baṭṭa-lohaka n. damasked steel L.
- baṭṭīśī-vrata n. '32 observances', N. of ch. of BhavP. ii
- baḍapilā f. N. of a village Inscr.
- baḍabā &c. See vaḍabā
- baḍā́ or baḻā́ ind. = báṭ RV. viii, 69, 1
- baḍāha m. N. of a prince, Vāsav., introd
- baḍiśa m. f. (ā, or ī) and n. (also written vaḍiśa and valiśa
- • cf. also bariśī) a hook, fish-hook cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pur. cf. Suśr
- • a partic. surgical instrument in the form of a hook cf. Suśr
- • N. of a man with the patr. Dhāmārgava cf. Car
- ○yuta mfn. joined to or fastened on a hook MW.
- baṇij &c. See vaṇij
- baṇḍá mf(ā)n. (also written vaṇḍa) maimed, defective, crippled (esp. in the hands or feet or tail) AV. ŚrS. (cf. Sch. also = impotent, emasculated
- • cf. paṇḍa)
- • wṛ. for caṇḍa, vaṇṭha, raṇḍa L.
- • (ā), f. an unchaste woman L. (prob. wṛ. for raṇḍā)
- bata ind. (later usually vata
- • g. svar-ādi) an interjection expressing astonishment or regret, generally = ah! oh! alas! (originally placed immediately after the leading word at the beginning of a sentence, or only separated from it by iva
- • rarely itself in the first place, e.g. Mālav. iii, 21/22
- • in later language often in the middle of a sentence) RV. &c. &c
- batá m. a weakllng RV. x, 10, 13
- bad or band, cl. 1. P. badati or bandati, to be firm or steady Dhātup. iii, 14 (cf. √3. pad)
- badakṣāna the country Badakshān Bhpr. (vḷ. bad○)
- badara m. the jujube tree, Zizyphus Jujuba L.
- • another tree (= deva-sarṣapa) L.
- • the kernel of the fruit of the cotton plant L.
- • dried ginger L.
- • N. of a man, g. naḍâdi
- • (ā), f. the cotton shrub L.
- • a species of Dioscorea L.
- • Mimosa Octandra L.
- • Clitoria Ternatea L.
- • (ī), f. See below
- • (bád○) n. the edible fruit of the jujube (also used as a weight) VS. &c. &c
- • the berry or fruit of the cotton shrub L.
- ○kuṇa m. the time when the fruit of the jujube becomes ripe, g. pīlv-ādi
- ○dvīpa m. N. of a place Divyâv.
- ○pācana n. 'jujube-ripening', N. of a sacred bathing-place MBh.
- ○phallī f. a species of jṭjujube tree L.
- ○yūṣa n. a decoction of the fruit of the jujube Suśr.
- ○vallī f. a species of jujube tree L.
- ○saktú m. pl. meal of the fruit of the jujube ŚBr. MaitrBr.
- badarâmalaka n. Flacourtia Cataphracta (rather its fruit) L.
- badarikā f. the fruit or berry of the jujube Hit.
- • N. of one of the sources of the Ganges and the neighbouring hermitage of Nara and Nārāyaṇa (= badarī) Hariv. Kathās. &c
- ○khaṇḍa m. or n. N. of ch. of SkandaP.
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place MBh.
- ○māhātmya-saṃgraha m
- ○vana-māhātmya n. N. of wks
- badarikâśrama m. N. of a hermitage (cf. above)
- • -māhātmya n. -yātrā-vidhi m. N. of wks
- badarī f. the jujube tree (also wrongly for its berry) ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c
- • the cotton shrub L.
- • Mucuna Pruritus L.
- • N. of one of the sources of the Ganges &c. (= badarikā) MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○kedāra-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○cchada m
- ○cchaḍdā f. Unguis Odoratus L.
- • (ā), f. a kind of jujube L.
- ○tapovana n. the penance grove or hermitage at Badarī Kir.
- ○nātha m. N. of a temple at BṭBadarī W.
- • of sev. authors Cat.
- ○nārāyaṇa m. N. of a place Cat.
- ○pattra m
- ○pattrḍaka n. Unguis Odoratus L.
- ○pācana n. = ○ra-pācana MBh.
- ○prastha m. N. of a city, g. karky-ādi
- ○phalā f. a Vitex with blue flowers L.
- ○māhātmya n. N. of ch. of SkandaP.
- ○vaṇa n. N. of a wood Pāṇ. 8-4, 6 Sch.
- ○vana n. id. ib.
- • -mahātmya n. N. of wk
- ○vāsā f. 'dwelling at Badarī', N. of Durgā L.
- ○śaila m. 'rock of Badarī', N. of a place of pilgrimage (the Bhadrināth of modern travellers) Pur.
- baddha &c. See p. 720, col. 2
- baddhappi (?), n. the clasped hand, fist L. (vḷ. baddhāppi). [Page 720, Column ]
- báddhṛ wrongly for vadhṛ ŚBr.
- badbadhāná See √bādh
- badva n. (once m.) a large number, multitude (cf. Sāy., '100 Koṭis'
- • others '10, 000 millions' BhP. Sch. 'the number 13, 084') Br. MBh. BhP.
- ○śas ind. in large numbers AitBr.
- badvan m. a causeway, highway PañcavBr. Lāṭy.
- badh bádhya, even in Vedic texts sometimes = vadh, vádhya
- badhya-tás ind. (freedom) from the crowd AV. xii, 1, 2 (vḷ. madhya-tás)
- badhirá &c. See col. 3
- badhū́ f. wrongly for vadhū́ AV. viii, 6, 14
- badhyoga m. N. of a man, g. bidâdi (cf. bādhyoga)
- badhva m. N. of a man AitĀr. (cf. bādhva)
- band See √bad, p. 719, col. 3
- bandi (?), m. a Buddhist pupil MWB. 263 (cf. n. 1)
- bandī-kṛta mfn. (for 2. See bandī) turned Buddhist Nalac. (cf. Sch. 'fr. banda, a Buddhist')
- bandiārayu N. of a place mentioned in the Romakas. Cat.
- bandin m. (also written vandin, q.v., and m.c. ○di) a praiser, bard, herald (who sings the praises of a prince in his presence or accompanies an army to chant martial songs
- • these bards are regarded as the descendants of a Kshatriya by a Śūdra female) Mn. MBh. &c
- bandi in comp. for ○din
- ○tā f. (cf. Rājat.),
- ○tva n. (cf. Bhām.) the state or condition of a bard
- ○pāṭha m. the panegyric of a bard L.
- ○putra m. = bandin Ragh.
- ○strī f. a female bard Kull. on Mn. x, 48
- bandin m. (also written vandin) a prisoner, captive, slave BhP.
- • plunder, spoil ( See -grāha)
- bandi in comp. for ○din
- ○graha m. taking prisoner, capture Mcar.
- ○grāha (cf. Yājñ.),
- ○caura (cf. L.), m. 'plunder-seizer', a housebreaker (esp. one breaking into a temple or place where sacred fire is preserved), burglar, robber
- ○śālikā f. a prison Gal.
- ○śūlā f. a harlot, prostitute ib.
- ○sthita mfn. sitting in prison, imprisoned Kum.
- bandī f. (cf. Pers. ?) a male or female prisoner Kālid. Bhaṭṭ.
- • prey, booty, spoil BhP.
- ○kāra m. 'booty-maker', a robber, thief L. -2
- ○kṛta mfn. made prisoner, taken captive Kālid. Kathās. (m. a prisoner Bālar. Hcat.)
- • seized i.e. overwhelmed Bālar.
- ○gṛhīta mfn. robbed Kād.
- ○graha m. plunder, spoil BhP. Sch.
- ○pāla m. 'keeper of prisoners', a jailor MW.
- bandh cl. 9. P. (Dhātup. xxxi, 37) badhnā́ti (rarely Ā. badhnīté
- • cl. 1. P. Ā. bandhati, ○te MBh.
- • cl. 4. P. badhyati Hariv.
- • Impv. badhāna AV., bandhāna MBh., -badhnīhi BhP., bandha R.
- • pf. P. babándha, 3. pl. bedhús AV., babandhus MBh.
- • Ā. bedhé, ○dhiré AV., babandhe Gr
- • fut. bhantsyati Br. &c., bandhiṣyati, ○te MBh.
- • banddhā Gr
- • aor. abhāntsīt Gr
- • Prec. badhyāt ib.
- • inf. banddhum, or bandhitum R., bádhe AV., ind. p. baddhvā́ AV., ○dhvā́ya Br., -badhya ib.
- • -bandham Pāṇ. 3-4, 41 Sch.), to bind, tie, fix, fasten, chain, fetter RV. &c. &c
- • to bind round, put on (Ā
- • later also P. 'on one's self')
- AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- • to catch, take or hold captive, met. = to attach to world or to sin Mn. MBh. Kap.
- • to fix, direct, fasten, rivet (eyes, ears or mind) on (loc. or inf.) MBh. Kāv. Kathās.
- • to arrest, hold back, restrain, suppress, stop, shut, close Yājñ. MBh. Kathās.
- • to bind a sacrificial victim, offer, sacrifice (with dat. of the deity to whom it is presented) RV. Br.: KātyŚr.
- • to punish, chastise Hit.
- • to join, unite, put together or produce anything in this way, e.g. fold (the hands), clench (the fist), knit or bend (the eyebrows), arrange, assume (a posture), set up (a limit), construct (a dam or a bridge), span, bridge over (a river), conceive or contract (friendship or enmity), compose, construct (a poem or verse) MBh. Kāv. &c. [Page 720, Column ]
- • to form or produce in any way, cause, effect, do, make, bear (fruit), strike (roots), take up (one's abode) ib.
- • to entertain, cherish, show, exhibit, betray (joy, resolution &c.) ib.: Pass. badhyáte (○ti Hariv.), to be bound &c. &c
- • (esp.) to be bound by the fetters of existence or evil, sin again Mn. BhP.
- • to be affected by i.e. experience, suffer (instr.) Pañcat.: Caus. bandhayati (aor. ababandhat), to cause to bind or catch or capture, imprison ŚBr. &c. &c
- • to cause to be built or constructed Ragh. Rājat.
- • to cause to be embanked or dammed up Rājat.
- • to bind together (also bādhayati) Dhātup. xxxii, 14: Desid. bibhantsati Gr.: Intens. bābanddhi, bābadhyate ib. [Cf. Zd. band
- • Gk. ? ; Lat. foedus, fides ; Lit. béndras ; Goth. Angl. Sax. bindan ; Germ. binden ; Eng. bind.]
- baddhá mfn. bound, tied, fixed, fastened, chained, fettered RV. &c. &c
- • captured, imprisoned, caught, confined ib. (śatāt, 'for a debt of a hundred' Pāṇ. 2-3, 24 Sch.)
- • bound by the fetters of existence or evil Kap.
- • hanged, hung R.
- • tied up (as a braid of hair) Megh.
- • (ifc.) stopped, checked, obstructed, impeded, restrained, suppressed MBh. Kāv. &c
- • girt with ŚāṅkhŚr.
- • (with instr. or ifc.) inlaid or studded with, set in MBh. Kāv. &c
- • attached to, riveted or fixed on (loc.) ib.
- • joined, united, combined, formed, produced ib.
- • composed (as verses) R.
- • (esp. ibc
- • below.) conceived, formed, entertained, manifested, shown, betrayed, visible, apparent (cf. jāta ibc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- • clenched (as the fist) Hariv. R.
- • folded (as the hands) Mṛicch.
- • contracted (as friendship or enmity) R. Śak.
- • taken up (as an abode) Rājat.
- • built, constructed (as a bridge) R. Ragh.
- • embanked (as a river) Rājat.
- • congealed, clotted (as blood
- • opp. to drava) Suśr.
- • alloyed (as quicksilver) L.
- • m. or n. ? (with Jainas) that which binds or fetters the embodied spirit (viz. the connection of the soul with deeds) MW.
- ○kakṣya mfn. = -parikara Baudh.
- ○kadambaka mfn. forming groups Śak.
- ○kalāpin mfn. one who has his quiver tied on MBh.
- ○kesara mfn. having the filaments formed Suśr.
- ○guda n. a kind of obstruction of the bowels Suśr.
- • ○din mfn. suffering from it ib.
- ○godhâṅgulitra-vat mfn. having the (finger-protectors called) Godhā and Aṅguli-tra fastened on MBh.
- ○graha mfn. insisting on something Kathās.
- ○citta mfn. having the thoughts fixed upon (loc.) MBh.
- ○jihva mfn. tongue-tied Śiksh.
- ○tūṇīra mfn. equipped with a quiver MBh.
- ○tṛṣṇa mfn. (ifc.) desirous of, longing for Ragh.
- ○darbha m. a stick bound with Darbha grass L.
- ○dṛṣṭi mfn. having one's gaze fixed on (loc.) Śak.
- ○dveṣa mfn. entertaining hatred Rājat.
- ○niścaya mf(ā)n. firmly resolved, resolute MBh. Kathās.
- ○niṣyanda or mfn. having the flow or discharge of anything impeded Suśr.
- ○nisyanda mfn. having the flow or discharge of anything impeded Suśr.
- • impeding it ib.
- ○netra mf(ā)n. having the eyes fixed on anything, gazing steadfastly MBh.
- ○nepathya mfn. attired in a theatrical dress R.
- ○paṅka-vat mfn. having the mud hardened Hariv.
- ○parikara mfn. having the girdle girded on, i.e. ready, prepared for anything Ratnâv.
- ○purīṣa mfn. having constipated bowels (-tva n.) Suśr.
- ○pṛṣṭa or m. N. of a man L.
- ○pṛṣṭha m. N. of a man L.
- ○pratijña mf(ā)n. one who has made a promise or vow Kathās.
- ○pratiśrut mfn. echoing, resonant with echoes Ragh.
- ○phala m. Pongamia Glabra L.
- ○bhāva mf(ā)n. one who has fixed his affection upon, enamoured of (loc.) Vikr. Kathās.
- ○bhīmândhakāra mf(ā)n. wrapped in terrible darkness, Śṛiṅgār
- ○bhū or f. prepared ground, pavement L.
- ○bhūmi f. prepared ground, pavement L.
- • ○mika mfn. having a pavement L.
- ○maṇḍala mfn. having circles formed, ranged in circles Ragh.
- ○muṣṭi mfn. having a closed hand L.
- • close-fisted, covetous Naish.
- • -tva n. Kathās.
- ○mūtra mfn. obstructing the urine Suśr.
- ○mūla mf(ā)n. firmly rooted, one who has gained a firm footing Kāv. Rājat.
- • -tā f. Kathās.
- ○mauna mfn. observing silence, silent R. Hariv.
- ○rabhasa mf(ā)n. impetuous, passionate Rājat.
- ○rasāla m. a highly prized species of Mango L.
- ○rāga mfn. one who has formed an affection for, fond of (loc.) Pañcat.
- ○rājya mfn. one who has gained sovereignty, succeeded to the throne Rājat.
- ○lakṣa mfn. (ifc.) = -dṛṣṭi Vikr.
- ○vatsa (baddhá-), mfn. (a cow) whose calf has been tied up (in the stable) ŚBr.
- ○varcas mfn. obstructing the bowels, Śusr
- ○vasati mfn. having one's abode fixed, dwelling in (loc.) Rājat. [Page 720, Column ]
- ○vāc mfn. obstructing speech BhP.
- ○viṭka mfn. having one's bowels obstructed (-tā f.) Suśr.
- ○viṇ-mūtra mfn. obstructing the feces and urine Suśr.
- ○vīra (baddhá-), mfn. one whose heroes or retainers have been bound TS.
- ○vepathu mfn. seized with tremor, trembling Daś.
- ○vaira mf(ā)n. one who has contracted hostility with (instr. or comp.) R. Śak.
- ○śas wṛ. for badva-śas (col. 1)
- ○śikha mfn. having the hair bound up (into a knot on the crown of the head) L.
- • not yet tonsured i.e. young L.
- • (ā), f. a species of plant L.
- ○śrotra-manaś-cakṣus mfn. having ears and mind and eyes fixed on (loc.) MBh.
- ○sūta m. a partic. preparation of quicksilver Sarvad.
- ○sneha mfn. conceiving affection for (loc.) Kathās.
- ○spṛha mfn. (ifc.) feeling a longing for Bhartṛ.
- baddhâṅguli-tra or mfn. having the finger-guard fastened on MBh.
- baddhâṅguḍli-trāṇa mfn. having the finger-guard fastened on MBh.
- baddhâñjali mfn. one who has joined the hollowed palms of the hands (cf. añjali) Mṛicch.
- • -puṭa mfn. forming a cup with the hollowed hands R.
- baddhâdara mfn. (ifc.) attaching great value to Subh.
- baddhânanda mfn. having pleasure attached, joyful (as a day) Kathās.
- baddhânurāga mf(ā)n. feeling affection, enamoured ib.
- baddhânuśaya mfn. conceiving an intense hatred R.
- baddhândhakāra mfn. wrapped in darkness Kathās.
- baddhâmbu n. water derived from a current L.
- baddhâyudha mfn. accoutred with arms MBh.
- baddhâvasthiti mfn. constant Rājat.
- baddbâśa mfn. (ifc.) entertaining hope of Kathās.
- baddhâśaṅka mfn. filled with anxiety or suspicion Kathās.
- baddhôtsava mfn. enjoying a festival or holiday ib.
- baddhôdyama mfn. making united efforts Rājat.
- báddhaka m. one who is bound, a captive, prisoner AV.
- ○mócana n. setting free a prisoner ib.
- badhirá mf(ā)n. (sometimes written vadhira) deaf RV. &c. &c
- • m. N. of a serpent-demon (son of Kaśyapa) MBh.
- ○tama mfn. quite deaf Kāv.
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. deafness ib.
- badhirândha m. 'deaf and blind', N. of a serpent-demon MBh. (cf. above)
- badhiraka m. N. of a man (pl. 'his descendants'), g. upakâdi
- • (ikā), f. N. of a woman, g. śivâdi
- badhiraya Nom. P. ○yati, to niake deaf, deafen. Daś. Mcar.
- badhirita mfn. made deaf, deafened Daś. Kād. Prab.
- badhiriman m. deafness, g. dṛḍhâdi
- badhirī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make deaf, deafen Prab.
- badhirī-√kṛ--kṛta mfn. deafened MBh. Kathās.
- bandhá m. binding, tying, a bond, tie, chain, fetter RV. &c. &c
- • a ligature, bandage Suśr.
- • damming up (a river) MārkP.
- • capture, arrest, imprisonment, custody Mn. MBh. &c
- • connection or intercourse with (comp.) Pañcat. BhP. (ifc. = connected with, conducive to MBh.)
- • putting together, uniting, contracting, combining, forming, producing MBh. Kāv. &c
- • joining (the hollowed hands) Ragh.
- • anything deposited (○dhe-√sthā = to remain deposited) Campak.
- • a deposit, pledge Rājat.
- • any configuration or position of the body (esp. of the hands and feet) Ragh. Kum.
- • a partic. mode of sexual union (there are said to be 16, 18, 36, or even 84 L.), Caur
- • constructing, building (of a bridge &c.) MBh. Rājat.
- • bridging over (the sea) Vcar.
- • knitting (the brows) Rājat.
- • fixing, directing (mind, eyes, &c.) Cat.
- • assumption, obtainment (of a body) Ragh.
- • (ifc.) conceiving, cherishing, feeling, betraying Hariv. Kālid.
- • a border, framework, inclosure, receptacle L.
- • a sinew, tendon L.
- • the body L.
- • (in phil.) mundane bondage, attachment to this world ŚvetUp. Bhag. &c. (opp. to mukti, mokṣa, 'final emancipation', and regarded in the Sāṃkhya as threefold, viz. prakṛti-, vaikārika-, and dakṣiṇā-b○)
- • combination of sounds (in rhet.), construction or arrangement of words Kāvyâd. Pratāp.
- • arrangement of a stanza in a partic. shape Kpr.
- • arrangement of musical sounds, composition Śatr.
- • a disease which prevents the eyelids from quite closing Suśr.
- • (ifc. with numerals) a part (cf. pañca-, daśa-b○)
- ○kampa m. N. of a poet Cat.
- ○karaṇa n. binding, fettering, holding back (also by magic) Kathās.
- ○kartṛ m. a binder, fetterer, restrainer (said of Śiva) MBh.
- ○kaumudī f. N. of a poem and a wk. on metrics
- ○tantra n. a complete army (possessing the 4 divisions of chariots, elephants, horse, and foot) W.
- ○traya-vidhāna n. N. of wk
- ○deśa m. N. of a country Cat. [Page 721, Column ]
- ○nṛtya n. (in music) a kind of dance Saṃgīt.
- ○pāruṣya n. forced construction of words Pratāp.
- ○pāśá m. a bond, fetter AV.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of bonds, serving for or being like a bond MW.
- ○mudrā f. the impression or mark of fetters ib.
- ○mocanikā or f. 'releasing from bonds', N. of a Yoginī Kathās.
- ○mocinī f. 'releasing from bonds', N. of a Yoginī Kathās.
- ○vimocana-stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- ○stambha m. 'binding-post', the post to which an elephant is tied L.
- bandhaka m. a binder, one who is employed in binding (esp. animals) MBh.
- • a catcher ( See naga- and pāśa-b○)
- • a violator, ravisher L.
- • a band, tie ( See pāśu-b○)
- • a dam, dike ( See jala-b○)
- • a promise, vow L.
- • exchanging, barter W.
- • a city L.
- • (ifc. with numerals) a part ( See sa-daśa-b○)
- • m. or n. (?) pledging or a pledge ( See sa-b○)
- • (ī), f. (connected', scil. with many men), an unchaste woman, harlot, courtezan MBh. Kāv. &c
- • a barren woman L. (cf. bandhyā)
- • a female elephant L.
- • n. binding, confinement W.
- ○tva n. the being a fetter Sāṃkhyak. Sch.
- bándhana mf(ī)n. binding, tying, fettering RV. &c. &c
- • captivating (with gen. or ifc
- • cf. bhāva-b○ and Pāṇ. 4-4, 96 Sch.)
- • holding fast, stopping MW.
- • (ifc.) dependent on ib.
- • n. the act of binding, tying, fastening, fettering Mn. MBh. &c
- • (also ī f. L.) a bond, tie (also fig.), rope, cord, tether ŚBr. &c. &c. (ifc. with f. ā = bound to or fettered by)
- • binding on or round, clasping Kāv. Pañcat.
- • binding up, bandaging, a bandage Suśr.
- • catching, capturing, confining, detention, custody, imprisonment or a prison Mn. Kathās. Pur.
- • building, construction MBh. R. &c
- • embanking or an embankment ib.
- • bridging over Hit.
- • alloying (of metals) Bhpr.
- • joining, junction, connection, coherence RV. MBh.
- • fixing upon, directing towards (loc.) L.
- • checking, suppressing Amar.
- • (in phil.) mundane bondage (opp. to final liberation)
- • hurting, killing L.
- • a stalk, stem, peduncle (of a flower) RV. &c. &c
- • a sinew, muscle L.
- ○kārin mfn. (ifc.) fettering, i.e. clasping, embracing (○ri-tā f.) Daś.
- ○granthi m. a noose, rope for tying cattle L.
- ○pālaka m. a gaol-keeper L.
- ○rajju f. a rope or string for tying MW.
- ○veśman n. 'house of bondage, a prison L.
- ○stha mfn. being in prison or captivity, a captive, prisoner Kālid. ŚārṅgP.
- ○sthāna n. 'place for fastening', a stall, stable L.
- bandhanâgāra n. = ○na-veśman Mṛicch.
- bandhanâdhikāra m. N. of 3rd ch. of 1st part of the Rasêndra-kalpa-druma (q.v.)
- bandhnâlaya m. = ○na-veśman L.
- bandhanika m. a gaoler, turnkey Gaut. Vishṇ.
- bandhanīya mfn. to be (or being) bound or tied Kathās. Śak. Sch.
- • to be captured or taken prisoner Inscr.
- • to be embanked R. (cf. Sch. 'm. = setu, embankment')
- bandhayitṛ m. (fr. Caus.) one who binds or ties up, a binder Kull. on Mn. viii, 342
- bandhi m. N. of an Asura L.
- bandhita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to be bound (śatena, 'imprisoned for a hundred pieces of money') Pāṇ. 2-3, 24 Sch.
- bandhitra n. (!) the god of love, love L. (cf. vadhitra)
- • a spot, mole L.
- bandhin mfn. binding, clasping (cf. dṛḍhabandhinī)
- • catching (cf. matsya-bandhin)
- • causing, effecting, producing (cf. phala-b○, rāga-b○)
- • showing, evincing, betraying (cf. vātsalya-b○)
- bándhu m. connection, relation, association RV. &c. &c. (ifc. with f. ū = belonging to, coming under the head of, i.e. 'being only in name'
- • cf. kṣatra-, dvija-b○ &c
- • 'resembling' Bālar. v, 56/57, 'frequented by' ib. iii, 20, 'favourable for' ib. iv, 87
- • cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 14)
- • respect, reference (kena bandhunā 'in what respect?') ŚBr.
- • kinship, kindred Mn. ii, 136
- • a kinsman (esp. on the mother's side), relative, kindred RV. &c. &c. (in law, a cognate kinsman in a remote degree, one subsequent in right of inheritance to the Sa-gotra
- • three kinds are enumerated, personal, paternal and maternal)
- • a friend (opp. to ripu) MBh. Kāv. BhP.
- • a husband Ragh.
- • a brother L.
- • Pentapetes Phoenicea L. (= bandhūka)
- • N. of a metre Col.
- • (in astrol.) of the fourth mansion Var.
- • of a Ṛishi with the patr. Gaupāyana or Laupāyana (author of RV. v, 24 and x, 5660) RAnukr.
- • of Manmatha L.
- ○kāma mfn. loving relations or friends MBh.
- ○kṛt See á-bandhukṛt
- ○kṛtya n. the duty of a kinsman, friendly service MBh. Kāv. Pur.
- ○kṣít mfn. dwelling among relations RV.
- ○jana m. a kinsman, friend Bhartṛ.
- • kinsfolk, relations MBh. R. [Page 721, Column ]
- ○jīva m. 'living in groups', Pentapetes Phoenicea (a plant with a red flower which opens at midday and withers away the next morning)
- • n. its flower Kāv. Suśr.
- • ○vâbhitāmra mfn. deep-red like the blossom of PṭPentapetes Phoenicea Hariv.
- ○jīvaka m. = prec. m. Suśr.
- • N. of a Cakra-vartin Kathās.
- ○jīvin m. a kind of ruby L.
- ○tā (○dhú-), f. connection, relation, kinship RV. TS. Br.
- • relations, kinsfolk Mālatīm.
- ○tva n. relationship, affinity R.
- ○dagdha mfn. 'cursed by relations', an abandoned wretch (= hataka) L.
- ○datta mfn. 'given by rṭrelations' Yājñ.
- • m. N. of a man W.
- • (ā), f. N. of a woman Kathās.
- ○dāyâda m. kinsman and heir Mn. ix, 158
- • mfn. entitled to inheritance by relationship MBh.
- ○pati m. lord of kindred or relations, g. aśvapaty-ādi
- ○pāla m. 'kindred-protector', N. of a man Daś.
- ○pālita m. 'kṭkindred-protected', N. of a prince VP.
- ○puṣpamāla mfn. wearing a chaplet of Bandhu flowers MW.
- ○pṛ́ch mfn. seeking or caring for relations RV. iii, 54, 16 (cf. pṛṣṭa-bandhu)
- ○prabha m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās.
- ○priya mfn. dear to friends or relations MBh.
- ○prīti f. love of friends or rṭrelations Megh.
- ○bhāva m. relationship, friendship Kathās.
- ○bhāṣita n. the talk or speech of relations MW.
- ○mat (bándhu-), mfn. having relations RV. &c. &c
- • surrounded by relations Ragh.
- • N. of a king Pur.
- • of another man Cat.
- • (atī), f. N. of sev. women Daś. Kathās.
- • of a town Divyâv.
- • ○tīyaka mfn. belonging to this town ib.
- ○mitra m. 'friend of relations', N. of a man Kathās.
- ○vañcaka m. 'deceiver of rṭrelations', N. of a Vidūshaka Dhūrtas. -1
- ○vat mfn. having relations MW. -2
- ○vat ind. like a relations Mn.
- ○varga m. the whole body of rṭrelations, kindred MW.
- ○hīna mfn. destitute of rṭrelations, friendless W.
- bandhv-eṣá m. inquiring after kindred RV.
- bandhuka m. Pentapetes Phoenicea L.
- • a bastard L. (cf. bandhuta)
- • (ā), f. g. prêkṣâdi
- • (ī), f. an unchaste woman L. (cf. bandhakī)
- bandhuḍkin mfn. g. prêkṣâdi
- bandhura mf(ā)n. (cf. Uṇ. i, 42 Sch.
- • cf. Vām. v, 2, 42) bent, inclined Kāv. Pañcat.
- • curved, rounded, pleasant, beautiful, charming Inscr. Kālid. Caurap.
- • (ifc.) adorned with Kād.
- • undulating, uneven L.
- • deaf L. (cf. badhira)
- • injurious, mischievous W.
- • m. (only L.) a bird
- • a goose
- • Ardea Nivea
- • Pentapetes Phoenicea
- • Embelia Ribes
- • a partic. bulbous plant growing on the Hima-vat mountain L.
- • oil-cake
- • the vulva L.
- • (ā), f. a harlot L.
- • N. of a procuress Hāsy.
- • (pl.) the meal of parched corn L.
- • n. a diadem, crest L.
- ○komalâṅguli mfn. (a hand) that has rounded or delicate fingers Śak.
- ○gātrī f. (a woman) who has lovely or rounded limbs Ragh.
- bandhurita mfn. inclined, bent Sāh.
- • curved Bālar.
- bandhurīya wṛ. for bandhur eṣa MBh. vi, 2659
- bandhula mfn. inclined, bent, depressed L.
- • lovely, charming L.
- • m. a bastard Mṛicch.
- • Pentapetes Phoenicea L.
- • N. of a Ṛishi Pravar.
- bandhulânvaya m. he posterity of Bandhula MW.
- bandhū in comp. for ○dhu
- ○√kṛ to make a friend of, bring into connection with (comp.) Bālar.
- ○kṛta mfn. made a friend Sāh.
- ○√bhū to become a relative of, become like, resemble Naish.
- bandhūka m. Pentapetes Phoenicea (n. its flower) Kāv. Kathās. Suśr.
- • Terminalia Tomentosa L.
- ○puṣpa n. the flower of PṭPentapetes Phoenicea (-rajas n. its pollen) Ṛitus.
- • Terminalia Tomentosa L.
- bandhūra mfn. (cf. Uṇ. i, 42 Sch.) bent, wavy, uneven L.
- • lovely, charming L.
- • m. a hole, chasm L.
- bandhūli m. Pentapetes Phoenicea L.
- bandhya mfn. to be bound or fettered or imprisoned Yājñ.
- • to be constructed ib. Sch. (cf. vandhya)
- bandhyâśva prob. wṛ. for vadhryaśva, q.v
- bandhāki m. a mountain L.
- bándhura n. (for 1. See above) = vandhura VS. AV. MBh. (B.)
- bappa and bappaka m. N. of a prince Inscr.
- bapyanīla N. of a country Rājat.
- baps See √bhas
- baphāra and babakāṇa m. or n. (?) N. of places Cat. [Page 721, Column ]
- bababā ind. an onomat. word
- • with √kṛ, to crackle (as fire) AitBr.
- babará m. N. of a man TS.
- • of a place Cat.
- babāḍa m. N. of a village Inscr.
- babūāṇa m. or n. (?) N. of a place Cat.
- babṛhāṇá See √2. bṛh
- babbula (cf. Subh.) and babbūla (cf. ŚārṅgP.), m. Acacia Arabica (cf. varvūra)
- babhasa m. (√bhas) a devourer ChUp.
- babhūka wṛ. for babhruka VarBṛS.
- babhra (√bhṛ), in pra-babhra, q.v
- babhrí mfn. bearing, carrying (with acc.) RV. vi, 23, 4
- • being carried ib. iii, 1, 12 (others 'carrying away' i.e. victorious)
- • nourishing (?) AV. xi, 1, 31
- babhravī prob. wṛ. for bābhravii, q.v
- babhrú mf(u, or ū́)n. (according to Uṇ. i, 23 fr. √bhṛ) deep-brown, reddish-brown, tawny RV. &c. &c
- • bald-headed L.
- • m. a kind of large ichneumon L.
- • any ichneumon MBh. Hariv.
- • a man with deep-brown hair Mn. iv, 30 (others 'a reddish-brown animal' or 'the Soma creeper')
- • Cuculus Melanoleucus (= cātaka) L.
- • a species of vegetable L.
- • N. of Kṛishṇa-Vishṇu or of Śiva MBh.
- • a king, prince ib.
- • a partic. constellation (= babhruka) VarBṛS. Sch.
- • N. of sev. men (cf. g. gargâdi)
- • of a descendant of Atri (author of RV. v, 30) Anukr. (also with the patr. Daivāvṛidha and Kaumbhya Br. MBh. Pur.)
- • of a disciple of Śaunaka VP.
- • of a son of Viśvā-mitra MBh. (also pl. Hariv. )
- • of a son of Viśva-garbha Hariv.
- • of a Vṛishṇi MBh. Hariv.
- • of a son of Druhyu Hariv.
- • of a son of Roma-pāda or Loma-pāda ib.
- • of a Gandharva R.
- • of a country (= -deśa) L.
- • (u), f. a reddish-brown cow, Bhp
- • n. a dark-brown colour or any object of that colour W. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lith. béras, brúnas ; Germ. brûn, [721, ] braun ; Eng. brown.]
- ○karṇa (○bhrú-), mf(ī́)n. browneared AV. TS.
- ○keśa mf(ī)n. brown-haired ĀpGṛ. Sch.
- ○deśa m. N. of a country Cat.
- ○dhātu m. red ochre L.
- ○dhūta (○bhrú-), mfn. pressed out by Babhru (as Soma) RV.
- ○nīkāśa (○bhrú-), mfn. appearing or looking brownish VS.
- ○piṅgala mfn. reddish-brown MBh.
- ○mālin m. 'brown-garlanded', N. of a Muni ib.
- ○loman (○bhrú-), mf(mnī)n. brown-haired MaitrS. ĀpŚr.
- ○vaktra mfn. ichneumon-faced', having the face of an ichneumon MW.
- ○vāha m. = next Cat.
- ○vāhana m. N. of a son of Arjuna, king of Mahôdaya MBh. Pur.
- ○smṛti f. N. of wk
- babhruká mfn. brownish ŚBr.
- • (bábhr○), m. (prob.) a kind of ichneumon VS. GopBr.
- • N. of a constellation (near which all planets pass when in the 7th and 10th houses) VarBṛS. Sch.
- babhruśa mfn. g. lomâdi
- babhluśá mfn. brownish VS. MaitrS.
- bamb cl. a. P. bambati, to go Dhātup. xi, 24, 25
- bambagairava m. or n. (?) N. of a place Cat.
- bamba-viśvaváyas (cf. MaitrS.) and bambā́-viśvávayas (cf. TS
- • cf.g. vanaspaty-ādi Kāś.), m. du. N. of 2 men (also bambhār-viśvavayas Kāṭh.)
- bamburevaṇa m. or n. (?) N. of a place Cat.
- bambhara m. a bee L.
- bambharâli or f. a fly L.
- bambharâḍli f. a fly L.
- bambhā-rava m. lowing (of cows) Var. (cf. bhambhārava)
- bambhāri m. N. of one of the 7 tutelary deities of the Soma plant VS.
- bara m. N. of Bala-rāma (= bala) L.
- baraṭa m. a species of grain Gṛihyās. (cf. barbaṭa). [Page 722, Column ]
- barāsī́ f. a partic. article of clothing or kind of woven cloth MaitrS. Br. ŚrS. (also spelt varāsi and varāśi)
- bariśī f. (also written var○) a fishhook L.
- barīvarda m. (also written var○) = balīvarda, a bull L.
- baru m. N. of a descendant of Aṅgiras (author of RV. x, 96) Br. ŚrS.
- barodā f. N. of a country and city in Gujarāt Cat.
- barkara mfn. deaf Gal.
- • m. (also written varkara) a kid, lamb ĀpŚr.
- • a goat L.
- • any young animal L.
- • sport, joke L.
- ○karkara mfn. (?) of all kinds Amar.
- bárku m. N. of a man with the patr. Vārshṇa ŚBr.
- barjara m. or n. (?) N. of a place Cat.
- bárjaha m. an udder RV.
- barjahyá n. a nipple AV.
- barb cl. 1. P. barbati, to go, move Dhātup. xi, 24
- barbaṭa m. Dolichos Catjang L. (cf. baraṭa)
- • (ī), f. id. L.
- • a harlot L.
- barbara mfn. (also written varvara) stammering ( -tā)
- • curly Kāṭh.
- • m. (pl.) the non-Āryans, barbarians MBh. R. &c
- • the country of the barbarians W.
- • a low fellow, blockhead, fool, loon (used mostly in the voc.) Hit.
- • (only L.) curly hair
- • Clerodendrum Siphonantus
- • Cleome Pentaphylla
- • a partic. fragrant plant
- • Unguis Odoratus
- • a kind of worm
- • two kinds of fish
- • the noise of weapons
- • a kind of dance
- • (ā), f. a kind of fly L.
- • a species of Ocimum L.
- • a kind of vegetable L.
- • a partic. flower L.
- • N. of a river VP.
- • (ī), f. See below
- • n. vermilion L.
- • gum-myrrh L.
- • yellow sandal-wood L.
- • = barbarī f. and ○rīka n
- ○tā f. a partic. stammering pronunciation of the letter r RPrāt.
- ○sthāna n. N. of a district MW.
- barbarôttha n. white sandal-wood L.
- barbari m. N. of a man Cat. (cf. varvara)
- barbarita mfn. g. kāśâdi
- barbarin mfn. curly-haired Pañcad.
- barbarī f. a species of Ocimum Bhpr.
- • = barbara n. and ○rīka, n
- • N. of a river VP.
- ○gandha m. a partic. plant (= aja-modā) L.
- barbarīka n. (only L.) curly hair or a partic. mode of wearing the hair
- • a kind of vegetable
- • Ocimum Villosum
- • Clerodendrum Siphonantus
- • m. a form of Śiva
- barbarīkôpâkhyāna n. N. of ch. of the SkandaP.
- barbā f. a species of Ocimum L.
- barburá n. (or m.) water Naigh. i, 12
- • m. = babbula Subh.
- barsá m. n. tip, point, thin end TS. Br.
- ○naddhi f. the tying of a knot AitBr.
- bársva m. (prob.) the socket of a tooth VS. Kāṭh.
- barh or varh (cf. √bṛh, vṛh), cl. 1. Ā. barhate (only Dhātup. xvi, 39), to speak
- • to hurt
- • to give or cover (dāna vḷ. chādana)
- • cl. 10. P. (xxxiii, 96) to speak
- • to shine
- barha m. n. (also written varha
- • √1. bṛh, 'to pluck out') a tail-feather, the tail of a bird (esp. of a peacock) MBh. Kāv. &c
- • a leaf (ketaka-b○) Ragh.
- • n. a kind of perfume L.
- ○ketu m. N. of a son of Sagara Hariv.
- • of a son of the ninth Manu MārkP.
- ○candraka m. and the eye in a peacock's tail L.
- ○netra n. the eye in a peacock's tail L.
- ○puṣpa n. Acacia Sirissa L.
- ○bhāra m. 'burden of feathers, a peacock's tail Hariv. Megh.
- • a tuft of peacock's feathers on the shaft of a lance or on the handle of a club W.
- ○vat mfn. g. vimuktâdi
- barhâpīḍa (cf. Hariv.),
- barhâpīḍḍaka (cf. Hcat.), m. a wreath of peacock's feathers (worn on the crown of the head)
- barhaṇa mf(ī)n. tearing or pulling out ( mūla-b○)
- • dazzling (the eyes) Bālar.
- • n. pulling out ( See mūla-b○)
- • a leaf L.
- • Tabernaemontana Coronaria L. [Page 722, Column ]
- barhāyita mfn. (fr. Nom. barhāya) resembling the eyes on a peacock's tail BhP.
- barhi in comp. for ○hin
- ○kusuma n. = -puṣpa L.
- ○citraka n. N. of VaerṛS. xliv
- ○cūḍā f. Celosia Cristata L.
- ○cchada m. the feather of a peacock, Śriṅgār
- • n. the plumage of a peacock ib.
- ○dhvaja m. 'symbolised by a peacock', N. of Skanda Bālar.
- • (ā), f. N. of Durgā L.
- ○puṣpa n. (L.),
- ○barha n. (cf. Bhpr.) a kind of perfume
- ○yāna m. 'having a peacock for vehicle', N. of Skanda KāśīKh.
- ○vāhana m. 'id.', N. of Gaṇêśa Kathās.
- ○śikha n. = puṣpa L.
- barhi m. N. of a descendant of Aṅgiras GopBr.
- barhi in comp. for ○his (m. c. also n. = barhis BhP.)
- ○ṣád mfn. seated or placed on the sacrificial grass RV. TS.
- • m. (pl.) the Pitṛis or deceased ancestors (also a partic. class of Pitṛis) Mn. (esp. iii, 196 ; 199) MBh. &c
- • N. of a son of Havirdhāna and Havir-dhāna BhP.
- ○ṣada m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh.
- barhiḥ in comp. for ○his
- ○śuṣman m. fire, the god of fire L.
- ○ṣad m. N. of a Ṛishi (vḷ. for barhi-ṣad) BhP.
- ○ṣṭha mfn. standing or placed on the sacrificial grass
- • m. (prob.) a sacrificial gift BhP.
- ○ṣṭhā́ mfn. = prec. mfn. RV.
- barhiṇa mfn. adorned with peacock's feathers MBh.
- • m. a peacock Mn. Āpast. MBh. &c
- • n. Tabernaemontana Coronaria L.
- • N. of one of the 1000 small islands of Bharata-varsha L.
- ○lakṣaṇa mf(ā)n. = barhiṇa mfn. R.
- ○vāja m. an arrow feathered with peacock's plumes MBh.
- ○vāsas mfn. (an arrow) provided with peacock's feathers R. (B.)
- ○vāhana m. N. of Skanda L.
- barhin m. a peacock MBh. Kāv. &c
- • N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh.
- • of a Ṛishi (= barhiṣada) ib.
- • n. a kind of perfume L.
- barhir in comp. for ○his
- ○uttha m. 'arising from grass', fire Bālar.
- ○jyotis m. fire or the god of fire L.
- ○mukha m. 'fire-mouthed', a deity (so called because sacrifices are mostly offered to the gods in fire) L.
- ○homa m. an oblation (prepared) for the sacrificial grass Vait.
- barhiṣ in comp. for ○his
- ○keśa m. 'grass-haired', fire or the god of fire L.
- ○pala or (cf. Kāś.), n. g. kaskâdi
- ○pūla (cf. Kāś.), n. g. kaskâdi
- ○mat (○híṣ-), mfn. accompanied or provided with sacrificial grass RV. Br. Mn.
- • having fire or light, blazing, shining W.
- • m. one who has or spreads sacrificial grass, a worshipper, sacrificer RV.
- • N. of Prācīna-barhis BhP.
- • (atī), f. N. of a wife of Priya-vrata and daughter of Viśvakarman BhP.
- • N. of a city in Brahmâvarta ib.
- barhiṣka mfn. formed of or covered with sacrificial grass MBh.
- • n. sacrificial grass ib.
- barhiṣyá mfn. belonging to or fitted for sacrificial grass RV. Br.
- • n. (with kaśyapasya) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.
- barhís n. (rarely m.) 'that which is plucked up', sacrificial grass, a bed or layer of Kuśa grass (usually strewed over the sacrificial ground and esp. over the Vedi, to serve as a sacred surface on which to present the oblations, and as a seat for the gods and for the sacrificers) RV. &c. &c
- • n. Sacrificial Grass personified (and enumerated among the Prayāja and Anuyāja deities) RV. Br.
- • sacrifice RV. BhP.
- • ether L.
- • water L.
- • a kind of perfume L.
- • m. fire, light, splendour L.
- • Plumbago Zeylanica L.
- • N. of a man MaitrUp.
- • of a son of Bṛihad-rāja BhP.
- • pl. the descendants of Barhis Saṃskārak.
- ○tṛṇa n. a blade of the sacrificial grass KātyŚr.
- barháṇa mfn. (√2. bṛh) strong, vigorous
- • only (○ṇā), ind. strongly, firmly, really, certainly RV.
- barhaṇa-cakra n. N. of a mountain village Rājat.
- barháṇā-vat mfn. energetic, vigorous, mighty
- • ind. with might RV.
- barhaṇâśva m. N. of a prince (son of Nikumbha) BhP.
- barhas See ádri-b○ and dvi-bárhas
- bárhiṣṭha mfn. (superl.) mightiest, strongest, highest Br.
- • (am), ind. strongest, loudest RV.
- • n. Andropogon Muricatus Suśr.
- • the resin of Pinus Longifolia L.
- bal only Intens. balbalīti, to whirl round in a circle ŚBr.
- bal cl. 1. P. balati, to breathe, live Dhātup. xx, 10
- • 'to hoard grain' or 'to prevent wealth' (dhānyâvarodha) ib.
- • to be distressed (?) Gīt.
- • Ā. balate (vḷ. for bhalate), to mention
- • to hurt
- • to give, xiv, 24
- • cl. 10. P. balayati, to live, xxxii, 84
- • bālayati aor. abībalat, to nourish, rear, xxxii, 68
- • Ā. bālayate (vḷ. for bhāl○), to explain, describe, xxxiii, 27. [Page 722, Column ]
- bala n. (or m. g. ardharcâdi) power, strength, might, vigour, force, validity RV. &c. &c. (balāt, 'forcibly, against one's will, without being able to help it'
- • also = bala ibc., or balena, bala-tas, with gen. or ifc., 'by force, by the power or on the strength or in virtue or by means of, by')
- • force or power of articulation, TUP
- • force considered as a sixth organ of action (cf. karmêndriya) MBh.
- • (the Buddhists reckon 10 forces, the ascetic Śaivas four, which according to Sch. on R. B. are sāman, dāna, bheda, and nigraha)
- • Force personified as one of the Visve Devāþ MBh.
- • power of, expertness in (loc.) Nal.
- • stoutness, bulkiness L.
- • (also pl
- • ifc. f. ā) military force, troops, an army Mn. MBh. &c
- • (L. also shape
- • body
- • semen virile
- • gum
- • blood
- • a young shoot
- • bone)
- • m. a crow MBh.
- • Crataeva Roxburghī L.
- • half-ripe barley L.
- • N. of a demon conquered by Indra (the brother of Vṛitra, in older texts vala) RV. &c. &c
- • of an elder brother of Kṛishṇa (also called Bala-deva, Balabhadra, Bala-rāma &c.) MBh. Pur.
- • cf. IW. 332 &c
- • (with Jainas) a white Bala or elder brother of Vāsudeva (9 in number, viz. Acala, Vijaya, Bhadra, Su-prabha, Su-dariśana, Ānanda, Nandana, Padma, and Rāma)
- • N. of a son of Varuṇa and brother of Surā MBh.
- • of an attendant on Skanda ib.
- • of a son of Aṅgiras ib.
- • of a son of Parikshit ib.
- • of a son of Parijātra BhP.
- • of a son of Kṛishṇa ib.
- • of a lexicographer (also written vala) Naish. Sch.
- • of a horse of the Moon VP.
- • (ā), f. Sida Cordifolia Suśr. (du. the plants Balā and Ati-balā ib.)
- • N. of a partic. charm R. Ragh. (cf. ati-b○)
- • the youngest sister in a drama L.
- • N. of a daughter of Daksha R.
- • of a daughter of Raudrāśva Hariv.
- • of a female divinity who executes the orders of the 17th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L.
- • of a peasant girl Lalit.
- • (balá), n. = valá, a cavern AV.
- • mfn. strong, robust L. ; sick (= amin) L. [Cf. Lat. valere, valor &c.]
- ○kara mfn. inspiring strength, strengthening R. Suśr.
- ○kāma mfn. desiring strength ŚrS.
- ○kāya m. 'armed body', an army Divyâv.
- ○kṛt mfn. strengthening Suśr.
- ○kṛta mfn. done by force or against free consent Mn. viii, 168 &c
- ○kṛti f. a mighty deed Nir.
- ○krama m. N. of a mountain VP.
- ○kṣobha m. commotion in the forces, mutiny in an army Var.
- ○gupta m. N. of a man Mudr.
- • (ā), f. N
- • of a peasant girl Lalit.
- ○cakra n. 'circle of power, dominion, sovereignty (-vartin, m. a powerful sovereign) Buddh.
- • an army, host MBh.
- ○ja mfn. produced by strength or power W.
- • m. n. a heap of corn, grain L.
- • (ā), f. id. ĀpŚr.
- • a pretty woman L.
- • the earth L.
- • Arabian jasmine L.
- • a rope ĀpŚr. Sch.
- • N. of a river BrahmaP.
- • n. (only L.) a city-gate, any gate
- • a field
- • war
- • a pretty figure
- • pith, marrow
- ○jyeṣṭha mfn. one whose superiority is dependent on his strength or power MBh.
- ○da m. 'strength-giving', a partic. form of Agni Gṛihyās. MBh.
- • an ox, bullock Kathās. (○dī-bhūta mfn. become an ox ib.)
- • a partic. medicinal plant (= jīvaka) L.
- • (ā), f. Physalis Flexuosa L.
- • N. of a daughter of Raudrāśva Hariv. (vḷ. balā)
- ○darpa m. pride of strength MW.
- ○dā́ (cf. RV. Kauś.),
- ○dā́van (cf. AV.), mfn. conferring or imparting power
- ○déya n. bestowal of strength RV.
- ○deva m. wind L.
- • N. of the elder brother of Kṛishṇa (said to have been produced from a white hair of Vishṇu, and regarded as a Nāga) MBh. Kāv. &c
- • of a Nāga-rāja L.
- • of a Brāhman Kathās.
- • of sev. authors (also with vidyābhūṣaṇa) Cat.
- • -pattana n. N. of a town Var.
- • -svasṛ f. N. of Śiva's wife L.
- • ○vâhnika n. N. of wk
- • (ā), f. Ficus Heterophylla L.
- ○dviṣ m. 'Bala's foe', N. of Indra L.
- ○dhara m. 'might-bearer', N. of a Brāhman Kathās.
- • of a warrior ib.
- ○nagara n. N. of a town Buddh.
- ○nāśana m. 'destroyer of Bala', N. of Indra MBh.
- ○nigraha m. reducing strength, weakening W.
- ○nisūdana m. = -nāśana Hariv. &c
- ○ṃ-dharā f. N. of Bhīma-sena's wife MBh.
- ○pati (bála-), m. lord of strength ŚBr.
- • a general, commander Var.
- ○pura n. Bala's stronghold RAnukr.
- ○purṇa wṛ. for next
- ○pūrva mf(ā)n. preceded by the word bala Hcat.
- ○prada mfn. giving strength Suśr.
- ○pramathanī f. N. of a form of Durgā Hcat.
- ○prasū f. Bala's (i.e. Baladeva's) mother, Rohiṇī L.
- ○prâṇa n. strength and spirit
- ○bandhu m. N. of a son of Manu Raivata MārkP.
- • of a son of Bhṛigu in the 10th Dvāpara VāyuP. [Page 723, Column ]
- ○balī f. strong (?) Divyâv.
- ○bhadra mfn. strong, powerful L.
- • Bos Gavaeus L.
- • Symplocos Racemosa L.
- • a species of Kadamba L.
- • N. of Balarāma or of An-anta (the great serpent identified with him) Pur. W.
- • of a descendant of Bharata, of various men (esp. teachers and authors, also with also, ācārya, kāyastha, pancânana, bhaṭṭa, mitra, śukla, sūri) Cat.
- • of a mountain in Śāka-dviipa BhP.
- • (ā), f. a young girl, maiden L.
- • Ficus Heterophylla L.
- ○bhadrikā f. Ficus Heterophylla L.
- • a kind of cake made of bean-flour L.
- ○bhid mfn. breaking or routing an army W.
- • m. 'slayer of Bala', N. of Indra MBh. Kāv. &c. (-bhit-sakhi, m. a friend of Indra MW.)
- • a partic. Ekâha PañcavBr. ŚrS.
- ○bhṛt mfn. 'might-bearing', powerful, strong MBh.
- ○mada m. pride in power MBh.
- ○mukhya m. the chief of an army R.
- ○yukta or mfn. endowed with strength, powerful Var.
- ○yuta mfn. endowed with strength, powerful Var.
- ○rāma m. N. of the elder brother of Kṛishṇa and third of the Rāmas (regarded as the 8th Avatāra of Vishṇu, sometimes as an incarnation of the great serpent Śesha or An-anta
- • he is also called Bala, Bala-deva, Bala-bhadra, and Halâyudha, cf. IW. 332 &c.) MBh. Pur.
- • -pancânana m. N. of a grammarian Cat.
- ○vat (bála-), mfn. possessing power, powerful, mighty, strong, intense VS. &c. &c
- • vehement (as love, desire &c.) MBh.
- • dense (as darkness) Mṛicch.
- • preponderating, prevailing (also with abl., 'over') VPrāt.
- • accompanied by an army Inscr.
- • ind. powerfully, strongly, vehemently, much, well ŚBr. &c. &c
- • m. N. of the 8th Muhūrta Var.
- • (atī), f. small cardamoms L.
- • -tama (bál○), mfn. most powerful, strongest, mightiest RV. AV. &c
- • -tara mfn. more powerful, stronger Mn. MBh. &c
- • -tā f. (cf. MBh. Rājat.), -tva n. (Kap.) powerfulness, superiority, preponderance
- ○varjita mfn. destitute of strength, weak, infirm Var.
- ○varṇin mfn. strong and looking well Suśr.
- ○vardhana mfn. increasing power, strengthening W.
- • m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshtra MBh.
- ○vardhin mfn. = prec. mfn. W.
- • (inī), f. a species of medicinal plant (= jīvaka) L.
- ○varman m. N. of a king Inscr.
- • ○ma-deva m. id. ib.
- • N. of a merchant Kathās.
- ○vikarṇikā f. N. of a form of Durgā Hcat.
- ○vijñāyá mfn. recognisable by strength RV.
- ○vinyāsa m. arrangement of forces, array of troops L.
- ○vipula-hetu-mati n. N. of an Asura Buddh.
- ○virya n. strength and heroism MBh.
- • m. 'possessing strength and heroism', N. of a descendant of Bharata Śatr.
- ○parākrama mfn. strong and heroic and valorous MW.
- ○vṛtra (ibc.) Bala and Vṛitra
- • -ghna, -niṣadana, and han m. 'destroyer of BṭBala and Vṛitra', N. of Indra MBh.
- ○vayasana n. the defeat or rout of an army Kām. Hit.
- • -saṃkula mfn. (a king) embarrassed by disorder in (his) army ib.
- ○vyāpad f. decrease of strength Suśr. Bhpr.
- ○vyūha m. a partic. Samādhi L.
- ○śarman m. N. of a lexicographer Cat.
- ○śālin mfn. having or possessing strength, strong, vigorous (○li-tā f.) MBh.
- • possessing a great army Var.
- ○samuha m. assemblage of forces, army Ratnâv.
- ○sūdana mfn. destroying armies MBh.
- • m. 'destroyer of Bala', N. of Indra MBh.
- ○sena mṆ. of a warrior Kathās.
- • (ā), f. a strong army, an army, host MBh.
- ○stha mfn. 'being in strength or power', strong, powerful, vigorous MBh. (cf. balâvastha)
- • m. 'being or belonging to an army', a warrior, soldier ib. R.
- ○sthala m. N. of a son of Parijātra BhP. (v. l. balaḥ sthalaḥ)
- ○sthiti f. 'army-station', a camp, encampment L.
- • a royal residence, royal camp or quarters W.
- ○han mf(ghnī)n. one who slays or destroys armies Hariv. (vḷ. -vat)
- • m. 'destroyer of strength', phlegm, the phlegmatic humour L.
- ○hantṛ m. 'slayer of Bala', N. of Indra MBh.
- ○hara m. 'taking away strength', N. of a man Rājat.
- ○hīna mfn. destitute of strength, weak (-tā f.) R.
- balâkṣa m. N. of a prince MBh.
- balâgra n. the utmost strength, extreme force Hariv.
- • the head of an army ib. R.
- balâṅgaka m. 'strong-limbed (?)', the spring season L.
- balâñcitā f. 'strongly stretched (?), N. of Rāma's lute L.
- balâḍhya m. 'rich in strength, strengthening (?)', a bean L.
- balâtmikā f. Tiaridium Indicum L.
- balâmikā mfn. superior in strength, surpassing in power MBh. Kathās.
- balâdhikaraṇa n. pl. the business or affairs of an army MBh.
- balâdhyakṣa m. the superintendent or commander of an army, a general, minister of war Mn.
- • P. Hariv.
- balânīka m. N. of a man MBh. (cf. bala-sena). [Page 723, Column ]
- balânuja m. the younger brother of Baladeva, i.e. Kṛishṇa L.
- balânvita mfn. possessed of Power, powerful, strong W.
- • suggestive of power Ml.
- • leading an army W.
- balâpakarṣam ind. by force W.
- balábala mfn. at one time strong at another weak MārkP.
- • n. strength and weakness, relative strength or power or weight or highness or dignity or importance Mn. Yājñ. Kāv. &c
- • -bīja-bhaṅga m. -sūtra-bṛhad-vṛtti f. ○lâkṣepa-parihāra, m. N. of wks
- balâbhra n. 'army-cloud', an army in the form of a cloud MBh.
- balârāti m. = bala-dviṣ L.
- balâri m. id. Mṛicch. (v. l.) Bhām.
- balârthin mfn. desirous of power Mn. ii, 37
- balâvalepa m. pride of strength or prowess MārkP.
- balâvastha mfn. powerful, strong ib. (cf. bala-stha)
- balâśva m. N. of a king (called also Karaṃ-dhama) ib.
- balâsura m. N. of a washerman Kathās.
- balâhvā f. Sida Cordifolia L.
- • ○hva-kanda m. a kind of esculent √cf. L
- balêśa m. the chief or commander of an army Var.
- balôtkaṭā f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh.
- balôtsāha m. ardour of troops or forces R.
- balôtamatta mfn. intoxicated with power R.
- balôpapanna mfn. endowed with power or strength MW.
- balôpaviṣṭa mfn. id. W.
- balôpêta mfn. id. ib.
- balâugha m. a multitude of troops, numerous force Śiś.
- balaka m. N. of a demon Hariv. (cf. valaka)
- • a dream at nightfall L.
- • n. a mixture of treacle and milk L.
- balana mfn. strengthening L.
- • n. the act of strengthening Dhātup.
- balaya Nom. P. ○yati, See upâd-balaya
- balala m. = bala-rāma L.
- balāt ind. (abl.of bala, q.v.) incomp
- ○kāra m. employment of force, violence, oppression, injustice (ibc
- • am and eṇa ind. = forcibly, violently) Kāv. Kathās.
- • (in law) the detention of the person of a debtor by his creditor to recover his debt W.
- • ○râbhilāṣin mfn. wishing to use force, intending to violate Kathās.
- ○kārita mfn. = next Cat.
- ○kṛta mfn. treated violently, forced, overpowered MBh. Kāv. Pur.
- balāya Nom. Ā. ○yate (for 2. See col. 3), to put forth strength Nir. x, 3
- balín mfn. powerful, strong, mighty, stout, robust RV. &c. &c
- • m. a soldier Inscr. (cf. balastha)
- • N. of Vatsa-pril MārkP.
- • (only L) a hog bull, buffalo, camel, kind of sheep, serpent, Phaseolus Radiatus, a sort of jasmine, the phlegmatic humour, N. of a Bala-rāma
- • (inī), f. Sida Cordifolia L.
- baliman m. power, strength (in a-b○) ChUp.
- báliṣṭha mfn. (superl. fr. balín) most powerful, very. strong or mighty ŚBr. &c. &c
- • stronger or mightier than (abl.) Ragh.
- • m. a camel L.
- ○tama mfn. most powerful, mightiest AitBr.
- bálīyas mfn. (compar. fr. balín) more or most powerful, or mighty or strong or important or efficacious ŚBr. &c. &c
- • ind. more powerfully or strongly &c. GopBr.
- ○tara mfn. more powerful, stronger, mightier Kām.
- ○tva n. pre-eminence in strength, superior power, predominance Kām.
- balīyasa mfn. = balīyas MBh.
- balūla mfn. powerful, strong, g. sidhmâdi
- • = balaṃ na sahate Pāṇ. 5-2, 122 Vārtt. 8 Pat.
- balya mf(ā)n. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 80) strengthening, giving strength Suśr.
- • powerful, strong, vigorous W.
- • m. a Buddhist mendicant L.
- • (ā), f. N. of various plants (Sida Cordifolia or Rhombifolia, Physalis Flexuosa, Paederia Foetida &c.) L.
- balákṣa mf(ī)n. (also written valakṣa) white TS.&c. &c
- • m.white (the colour) W.
- • (with pakṣa) the light half of a month L.
- ○gu m. 'white-rayed', the moon Kāvyâd.
- ○taṇḍulā f. Sida Cordifolia L.
- balakhin mfn. coming from Balkh Kshitîś.
- balaṅga balaṣa and balahaṣa m. or n. (?), N. of places Cat.
- balabha m. a partic. venomous insect Suśr.
- balāka m. (also written valāka) a kind of crane (the flesh of which is eaten) Gaut. Hariv.
- • N. of a pupil of Śākapūṇi VP.
- • of a pupil of Jātūkarṇya BhP.
- • of a hunter MBh.
- • of a son of Pūru and grandson of Jahnū BhP.
- • of a son of Vatsa-prī MārkP. [Page 723, Column ]
- • of a Rākshasa ib.
- • (ā), f. See below
- balākâśva m. N. of a descendant of Jahnu MBh. Hariv.
- balā́kā f. a crane (more usual than ○ka m. q.v.) VS. &c. &c
- • a mistress, loved woman L. (cf. Megh. 9?)
- • N. of a woman, g. bahv-ādi
- ○kauśiká m. N. of a preceptor ŚBr.
- ○paṅkti-hāsin mfn. smiling with rows of cranes MBh.
- balākikā f. a species of small crane L.
- balākin mfn. abounding in cranes Kālid. (cf. g. vrīhy-ādi)
- • mṆ. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh.
- balāt-kāra &c. See col. 2
- balādyā f. Sida Cordifolia L. (prob. wṛ. for balâhvā)
- balāmoṭā f. Artemisia Vulgaris or Alpinia Nutans L.
- balāya m. (for 1. See col. 2) Crataeva Roxburghil L.
- balālaka m. Flacourtia Cataphracta L.
- balā́sa m. (also written balāśa) a partic. disease, consumption or phthisis VS. AV.
- • the phlegmatic humour Suśr.
- ○kṣaya-kara mfn. destroying the phlegmatic humour Suśr.
- ○grathita n. a kind of ophthalmia ib.
- ○ghna mfn. = -kṣaya-kara Suśr.
- ○nā́śana mf(ī)n. destroying consumption AV.
- ○basta m. a partic. disease of the eye L.
- ○vardhana mfn. increasing the phlegmatic humour Suśr.
- balāsaka m. a yellow spot in the white of the eye (caused by disease) Suśr.
- balāsín mfn. consumptive, phthisical AV.
- balāhaká or valāhaká m. (cf. Naigh. i, 10) a rain or thunder -cloud, any cloud
- MBh. Kāv. &c. (ifc. f. ā)
- • one of the 7 clouds appearing at the destruction of the world Cat.
- • a mountain L.
- • Cyperus Rotundus L.
- • a kind of crane (= balāka) L.
- • a kind of snake Suśr.
- • a kind of metre Col.
- • N. of a serpent-demon MBh. Hariv. Pur.
- • of a commander Kād.
- • of one of the 4 horses of Vishṇu ib.
- • of a brother of Jayad-ratha MBh.
- • of a Daitya L.
- • of a mountain, Kathls
- balí m. (perhaps fr. √bhṛ) tribute, offering, gift, oblation (in later language always with √hṛ) RV. &c. &c
- • tax, impost, royal revenue Br. Mn. MBh. &c
- • any offering or propitiatory oblation (esp. an offering of portions of food, such as grain, rice &c., to certain gods, semi-divine beings, household divinities, spirits, men, birds, other animals and all creatures including even lifeless objects ; it is made before the daily meal by arranging portions of food in a circle or by throwing them into the air outside the house or into the sacred fire ; it is also called bhūta-yajña and was one of the 5 mahā-yajñas, or great devotional acts ; cf. RTL. 411, 421) GṛŚrS. Mn. (esp. iii, 69, 71) MBh. &c. (often ifc. with the object, the receiver, the time, or the place of the offering)
- • fragments of food at a meal W.
- • a victim (often a goat or buffalo) offered to Durgā MW.
- • the handle of a chowrie or fly-flapper Megh.
- • N. of a Daitya (son of Virocana
- • priding himself on his empire over the three worlds, he was humiliated by Vishnu, who appeared before him in the form of a Vāmana or dwarf. son of Kaśyapa and Aditi and younger brother of Indra, and obtained from him the promise of as much land as he could pace in three steps, whereupon the dwarf expanding himself deprived him of heaven and earth in two steps, but left him the sovereignty of Pātāla or the lower regions) MBh. Pur. &c. (cf. IW. 328)
- • N. of Indra in the 8th Manv-antara Pur.
- • of a Muni MBh.
- • of a king ib. Pañcat.
- • of a son of Su-tapas Hariv. Pur. (cf. vali)
- ○kara m. pl. taxes and duties MBh.
- • mfn. offering propitiatory sacrifices W. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 21)
- ○karambha m. sacrificial cake W.
- ○karman n. offering oblations to all creatures GṛS. Mn. &c
- • presentation or payment of tribute MW.
- ○kṛt mfn. paying taxes, tributary AitBr.
- ○gāyatrī f. N. of a Mantra employed by the Śāktas RTL. 201
- ○ceṣṭitavarṇana n. N. of ch. of GaṇP. ii
- ○tantra n. the regular form of an oblation to all creatures Gobh.
- ○dāna n. the presentation of an offering to a deity (consisting of rice, milk, fruits &c. when presented to Vishṇu, or of living victims when offered to Śiva or Durgā) Pur.
- • presentation of grain &c. to all creatures Cat. [Page 724, Column ]
- • -paddhati f. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○dviṣ m. 'hater of Bali', N. of Vishṇu L.
- ○dhvaṃsin m. 'destroyer of BṭBali', id. L.
- ○nandana m. 'son of Bali', N. of the Asura Bāṇa L.
- ○niyamanôdyuta mfn. prepared to subdue Bali MW.
- ○ṃ-dama m. 'tamer of Bali', N. of Vishṇu L.
- • prakhya mfn. equal to Vishṇu MW.
- ○pīṭha-lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○putra m.= -nandana
- • -mokṣaṇa n. N. of ch. of BrahmaP. iv
- ○puṣṭa m. 'nourished by food-offerings', a crow Śiś.
- ○podakī f. Basella Cordifolia L.
- ○pratigrāhaka mf(ikā)n. receiving oblations Divyâv.
- ○priya mf(ā)n. fond of offering oblations Vishṇ.
- • m. Symplocos Racemosa (fabled to grow faster if presented with oblṭoblations consisting of incense, lights &c.) L.
- ○bandhana m. 'binder or killer of Bali', N. of Vishṇu L.
- ○bhadra wṛ. for bala-bh○
- ○bhuj mfn. devouring oblations Kāv.
- • enjoying offerings (said of gods) MW.
- • m. a crow Kathās. BhP.
- • a sparrow L.
- • a crane W.
- ○bhṛt mfn. paying tribute, tributary MBh. (cf. -hṛt)
- ○bhoja or m. a crow R. (cf. bhuj)
- ○bhojana m. a crow R. (cf. bhuj)
- ○mát mfn. receiving taxes or tribute (said of Agni) TBr.
- • provided with food -oblations (said of a house) Ragh.
- ○mandira n. 'Bali's abode', the infernal regions W.
- ○mahānarêndrâkhyāna n. N. of wk
- ○mātra n. a mere offering (to all beings), as much in quantity as an oblation to all creatures MW.
- ○vāka m. N. of a Muni MBh. (v. l. baliv○)
- ○vidhāna n. the offering of an oblation Siṃhâs.
- ○vindhya m. N. of a son of Manu Raivata BhP.
- ○vṛṣa-han m. N. of a prince VP.
- ○veśman n. = mandira L.
- ○vyākula mfn. busied in offering oblations MW.
- ○ṣaḍ-bhāga m. the sixth part as tribute MBh.
- • -hārin mfn. taking the sixth part as tribute Mn. viii, 308
- ○sadman n. = -mandira L.
- ○sudana wṛ. for bala-s○
- ○han m. 'slayer of Bali', N. of Vishṇu L.
- ○haraṇa mf(ī)n. adapted for the presentation of oblations, ĀvGṛ
- • n. the presentation of oblṭoblations GṛS. Suśr. (cf. RTL. 329 &c.)
- • -vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○hārá mfn. paying taxes or tribute AV.
- • m. = -haraṇa n. MānGṛ.
- ○hrít mfn. = -hāra mfn. RV. AV. TS.
- ○homa m. the offering of oblations Hariv.
- balī7ndra-sahasra-nāman n. N. of wk
- baly-upakhyāna n. N. of ch. of the Vāsishṭha-rāmāyaṇa
- balika m. (cf. valika) N. of a serpent-demon L.
- • (ā), f. Sida Cordifolia and Rhombifolia L.
- • mfn. one who takes his food every 6th day L.
- balī-kṛta mfn. presented as an offering Kathās.
- balivárda m. a bull or ox TBr. &c. &c. (also balīv○
- • wṛ. ○vardha)
- • (balīvardī), f. N. of a woman, g. kalyāṇy-ādi (cf. Kāś.)
- balīvardin m. N. of a man g. śubhrâdi- (cf. Kāś. baliv○)
- balīvardineya m. metron. fr. balīvardī Vop.
- baliśa n. ○śi, or ○śī f. (also written val○) a hook, fish-hook L. (cf. baḍiśa)
- báliṣṭha báliyas, See p. 723, col. 2
- baliṣṇu mfn. disregarded, despised L. (arrogant, disrespectful W.)
- balīna m. a scorpion W.
- • N. of an Asura MBh. (vḷ. balīviira)
- balīvāka See bali-v○ under bali
- balīha m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (cf. balhika)
- balūka wrongly for valūka KātyŚr.
- bálkasa n. dregs or sediment left in the distillation of ardent spirits ŚBr.
- bálbaja m. (later balvaja, or valvaja) Eleusine Indica (a species of coarse grass not liked by cattle) TS. &c. &c
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made of Balbaja grass, g. śarâdi
- ○stukā́ f. a bunch or tuft of Balbaja grass RV.
- balbajika mfn. g. kumudaâdi
- balbalā onomat. (with √kṛ) to stammer, stutter PañcavBr.
- ○kāra m. stammering, stuttering SaṃhUp.
- • (am), ind. ib.
- balbūthá m. N. .of a man RV.
- balbūlá m. N. of a serpent-demon Suparṇ. [Page 724, Column ]
- balya See p. 723, col. 2
- balla wṛ. for valgā MBh. vii, 1217
- ballava m. (also written vallava) a cowherd MBh. Hariv. Kāv. (cf. go-b○)
- • N. assumed by Bhīma-sena when cook to king Virāṭa MBh.
- • a cook L.
- • pl. N. of a people MBh.
- • (ī), f. a cowherdess L.
- ○tā f. (cf. Bālar.),
- ○tva n. (cf. Hariv.) the business or duty of a cowherd
- ○yuvati f. (○tī L.), a young cowherdess, Get
- ballāla m. N. of various men Col.
- • of a king Kuval.
- • of the father of Śaṃkara Cat.
- ○deva (with daiva-jña), m. N. of the author of the Bhoja-prabandha Cat.
- ○miśra m. N. of a king, Vāsav., Introd
- ○sena-deva m. N. of an author Cat.
- balva n. (also written valva, or valava) N. of the second Karaṇa or astrological division of the day L.
- • (ī), f. wṛ. for vallī
- balvaja See balbaja
- balśa = valśa in śatá-balśa, q.v
- balhi m. N. of a country, Balkh Uṇ. iv, 117 Sch. (written vahli)
- balhika n. = bālhīka, Asa Foetida L.
- bava n. (also written vava) N. of the first Karaṇa or astrological division of the day Sūryas.
- baṣkáya mfn. (prob.) one year old, a yearling RV. i, 164, 5 (cf. g. utsâdi)
- baṣkayaṇī or f. a cow with a young calf. L. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 65)
- baṣkaḍyiṇī f. a cow with a young calf. L. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 65)
- báṣkiha mfn. old, decrepit VS. MaitrS. (vaṣk○)
- baṣṭa m. (Prākṛ.) = mūrkha, a fool L.
- bastá m. (also written vasta) a goat RV. &c. &c
- ○karṇa m. Ṣorea Robusta L.
- ○gandhā f. Ocimum Villosum L.
- ○gandhâkṛti f. a partic. plant growing in Mālava (= lakṣmaṇā) Bhpr.
- ○māram ind. after the manner of the dying of a goat Suśr.
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. goat-faced MW.
- ○mūtra n. the urine of a goat MW.
- ○modā f. N. of a plant (= aja-modā) L.
- ○vāśin mfn. bleating like a gṭgoat AV. (wṛ. ○sín)
- ○śṛṅgī f. Odina Pinnata L.
- bastâjina n. a goat-skin MaitrS.
- bastântrī f. Argyreia Speciosa or Argentea L.
- bastâbhivāśin mfn. (wṛ. ○sín) = basta-vāśín AV.
- bastâmbu n. = basta-mūtra Bhpr.
- basti &c. See vasti
- bastya See vā́ja-bastya
- básri ind. quickly RV. i, 120, 12 (= kṣipram Sāy.)
- bah short form of √baṃh, q.v
- bahaya Nom. P. ○yati (fr. bahu) Pat.
- bahala mfn. thick, dense, compact, firm, solid Kāv. Rājat. Suśr.
- • bushy, shaggy (as a tail) Ml.
- • wide, extensive Suśr.
- • deep, intense (as a colour) Śiś.
- • harsh (as a tone) Prab.
- • manifold, copious, abundant (ibc. = in a high degree
- • ifc. = filled with, chiefly consisting of). Kāv. (often v. l. bahula)
- • m. a kind of sugar-cane L.
- • (ā), f. large cardamoms L. (cf. bahulā)
- • Anethum Sowa L.
- ○gandha n. a species of sandal L.
- • (ā), f. large cardamoms L.
- ○cakṣus m. Odina Pinisata L.
- ○tā f. thickness Suśr.
- ○tvaca n. the white flowering Lodhra L.
- ○vartman mṇ. a partic. disease of the eyes, a swollen eyelid Suśr.
- bahalâṅga m. Odina Pinnata L.
- bahalânurāga mfn. deep red Śiś.
- bahalita mfn. grown thick or compact or strong, Kāv'
- bahalī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to become a thick or compact mass Car.
- bahú mf(vií or u)n. much, many, frequent, abundant, numerous, great or considerable in quantity (n. also as subst. with gen.) RV. (rarely in Maṇḍ. i-ix) AV. &c. &c. (tadbahu-yad, 'it is a great matter that' MBh.
- • tvayā me bahu kṛtaṃ-yad, 'you have done me a great service by-or that-' Nal.
- • kim bahunā, 'what occasion is there for much talk?' i.e. 'in short' Śak. Hit.)
- • abounding or rich in (instr.) ŚBr.
- • large, great, mighty AV. &c. &c
- • (ú), ind. much, very, abundantly, greatly, in a high degree, frequently, often, mostly RV. &c. &c. (often ibc., where also= nearly, almost, rather, somewhat [Page 724, Column ]
- • cf. bahu-tṛṇa, bahu-trivarṣa and Pāṇ. 5-3, 68
- • bahu-√man = to think much of esteem highly, prize, value)
- • n. the pl. number AitBr.
- ○kaṇṭaka mfn. 'many-thorned', N. of sev. plants (a species of Asteracautha
- • Alhagi Maurorum
- • Phoenix Paludosa) L.
- • (ā), f. = next L.
- ○kaṇṭā f. 'manythorned', Solanum Jacquini L.
- ○kanda m. 'having bulbous roots', Amorphophallus Campanulatus L.
- • (ī), f. Cucumis Utilissimus or a kind of gourd L.
- ○kara mf(ī)n. doing much, busy, useful in many ways to (gen.) Bhaṭṭ. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 21)
- • one who sweeps, a sweeper L. (√kṝ?)
- • m. a camel L.
- • a species of jujube L.
- • (ā or ī), f. a broom L. (√kṝ?)
- ○karaṇīya mfn. one who has (or complains of having) much to do, who never has time for anything L.
- ○karṇikā f. Salvinia Cucullata L.
- ○kalka m. Buchanania Latifolia L.
- ○kalpa mfn. manifold, multifarious MBh.
- ○kalyāṇa mf(ā or ī)n. very illustrious, most noble, Nal',
- ○kāma mfn. having many wishes or desires ŚāṅkhŚr.
- ○kāra mfn. doing or effecting much VS.
- ○kāraṇīya mfn. = -karaṇīya L.
- ○kālam ind. for a long time MW.
- ○kālīna mfn. of long standing, old, ancient ib.
- ○kīṭa m. N. of a Grāma in the north, g. palady-ādi
- ○kulīna or Sch. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 140 (cf. bâhukuleyaka)
- ○kulya Sch. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 140 (cf. bâhukuleyaka)
- ○kusumita mfn. full of blossoms
- ○kurca m. a species of cocoa-nut L.
- ○kṛta mf(ā)n., PIṇ' iv, 1, 52, Vlrtt' 5 Pat,. -kṛitya, mfn. = -karanīya L.
- ○ketu m. N. of a mountain R.
- ○krama m. a Krama (q.v.) of more than three words RPrāt.
- ○kṣama mfn. enduring much Kum.
- • m. a Jaina saint or a Buddha L.
- ○kṣāra m. a kind of alkali L.
- ○kṣīrā f. a cow which gives much milk L.
- ○gandha mfn. strong-scented
- • m. the resin of Boswellia Thurifera L.
- • (ā), f. a bud of Michelia Champaka L.
- • Jasminum Auriculatum L.
- • Nigella Indica L.
- • n. cinnamon L.
- • a kind of sandal L.
- • -dā f. musk L.
- ○garhya-vāc mfn. saying much that is to be censured, too talkative, loquacious L.
- ○gava m. 'having much cattle', N. of a prince Hariv. Pur.
- ○giri m. N. of a district Var.
- ○gú mf(ū́)n. rich in cattle ĀpŚr.
- ○guḍā f. Solanum Jacquini L.
- ○guṇa mfn. many-threaded (as a rope) Pāṇ. 6-2, 176 Sch.
- • manifold, multifarious, much MBh. R.
- • having many good qualities or virtues, PIṇ. vi, 2, 176 Sch.
- • m. N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh.
- ○guru m. one who has read much but superficially, a sciolist (= cumbaka) L.
- ○guhā f. -guḍā L.
- ○go mfn. having much cattle MW.
- ○gotra-ja mfn. having many blood relations Kathās.
- ○granthi m. 'many-knotted', Tamarix Indica L.
- ○graha mfn. receiving or holding much (said of a minister and a water-jar) Hit.
- ○carmaka mf(ikā)n. Pat.
- ○cārín mfn. roaming much or widely AV.
- ○citra mfn. very various or manifold Pañcat.
- ○cchada m. Alstonia Scholaris L.
- ○cchala mf(ā)n. deceitful Kir.
- • -tva n. Veṇis
- ○cchinnā f. a species of Cocculus L.
- ○jana m. a great multitude of people (-parivāra, m. a partic. Samādhi
- • -hita n. the common weal) Buddh.
- • mf(ā)n. surrounded by many people ĀpŚr.
- ○janma-bhāj mfn. subject to many births Sāy. on RV. i, 164, 3
- ○janya (bāhu-j○?), prob. n. a multitude of people L.
- ○jalpa mfn. very talkative, loquacious ŚārṅgP.
- ○jalpitṛ m. a talker, prattler R.
- ○java mfn. very swift Nir.
- ○jāta mfn. grown mighty ib.
- ○jālī f. a kind of cucumber L.
- ○jña mfn. possessed of great knowledge
- • -tā f. great knowledge MW.
- ○tanaya mfn. one who has many sons Daś.
- ○tantrī mfn. (nom. īs) many-fibred (said only of the body Pāṇ. 5-4, 159)
- ○tantrīka mf(ā)n. (fr. bahu + tantrī) having many strings (as a musical instrument) L.
- ○tama mfn. very many, most, most numerous &c
- • farthest, remotest (e.g. ā bahutamāt puruṣāt, as far as the remotest descendant) ṢaḍvBr.
- ○tara mf(ā or ī)n. more (or most) abundant or numerous &c
- • greater or very great MBh. Kāv. &c
- • (am), ind. more, very or too much, for the greater part, chiefly Vet. SaddhP.
- • -ka mfn. very -much or numerous Pat.
- • -kaṇiśa m. a kind of corn or grain (cf. gucchakaṇiśa)
- ○tarām ind. in a high degree, exceedingly, much, Caur
- ○tas ind. from or by much or many
- • from many sides Pāṇ. 5-3, 7, 8 Sch.
- ○tā f. numerousness, muchness, abundance, plenty, multiplicity, plurality Vet. (cf. -tva)
- ○tiktā f. Solanum Indicum L.
- ○titha See p. 626, col. 1
- ○tṛṇa a, mfn. abounding in grass Kathās. [Page 725, Column ]
- • n. much like grass, almost grass, a mere blade of gṭgrass Bhartṛ. Śiś.
- • m. Saccharum Munjia L.
- ○tṛṣṇa mfn. having great thirst Kāv.
- ○tra ind. in many ways or places, amongst many Pāṇ. 5-3, 10 Sch.
- ○trā́ ind. amongst many, to many RV. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 56 Sch.)
- ○trivarṣa mfn. well-nigh three years old, Laṭy
- ○tva n. muchness, abundance, multitude MBh. Kāv. &c
- • plurality, majority Mn. viii, 73
- • (in gram.) the pl. number (cf. bahu-tā)
- ○tvakka m. (fr. bahu + tvac), 'having much bark', Betula Bhojpatra L.
- ○tvac m. id. L.
- • Astonia Scholaris L.
- ○thā ind. in numerous ways, in various manners Pāṇ. 5-3, 23 Sch.
- ○da mfn. 'much-giving', liberal, munificent W.
- ○dakṣiṇá mfn. marked by many fees or donations (as a religious ceremony), liberal, lavish, bountiful ŚBr.
- ○daṇḍika or mfn. having many staff-bearers W.
- ○daṇḍin mfn. having many staff-bearers W.
- ○dantī f. N. of a woman
- • -suta m. 'the son of Bahu-dantī', N. of an author Kām. (v. l. valgndantī-sukha)
- ○darśka mf(ikā)n. or seeing much, prudent, circumspect L.
- ○darśin mfn. seeing much, prudent, circumspect L.
- • ○śi-tā f. circumspection ib.
- ○dala-kaniśa m. a partic. species of grain L.
- ○dāna n. a rich gift Kāv.
- • (á), mfn. = -dāyin ŚBr.
- ○dāman or f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh.
- ○dāmā f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh.
- ○dāyin mfn. 'much giving', liberal, munificent ChUp.
- ○dāsa-puruṣa mfn. having many slaves and servants ĀpŚr.
- ○dāsa-pūruṣá mf(ā́)n., id. TBr.
- ○duḥkhavāsam ind. (with √vas) to have a very painful abode BhP.
- ○dugdha mfn. having much milk L.
- • (ā), f. (a cow) giving much milk L. (also
- ○vatī Hcat.)
- • m. wheat L.
- ○dugdhikā f. 'having much milk', Tithymalus Antiquorum (which yields a caustic milky juice) L.
- ○dṛśvan m. one who has seen much, a great observer, very experienced L.
- ○dṛṣṭa mfn. = prec. W.
- ○deya n. munificence, liberality GopBr.
- ○devata mfn. (a hymn) addressed to many deities (-tva n.) Nir. ŚrS.
- ○devatya mfn. belonging to many deities TS. ŚBr.
- ○deśa-darśin mfn. one who has seen many countries, a great traveller W.
- ○daivata mfn. relating to many deities Nir.
- ○daivatya mfn. = prec. Cat.
- • n. N. of wk
- ○doṣa m. great harm or disadvantage Mṛicch.
- • mf(ā)n. having many faults or drawbacks, very wicked or bad R. Mṛicch.
- ○dohanā f. yielding much milk MBh.
- ○dhana mfn. possessing much wealth, wealthy, rich (-tva, n.) Śak.
- • m. N. of a man L.
- • ○névara m. a very rich man Kathās.
- ○dhanya wṛ. for dhānya
- ○dhanvin mfn. having many bows (said of Śiva) MBh.
- ○dhā See p. 726, col. 2
- ○dhānya m. 'abounding in corn', N. of the 12th or 46th year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter Var.
- ○dhānyaka m. or n. (?) N. of a place MBh.
- ○dhara n. 'manyedged', a diamond or the thunderbolt of Indra L.
- ○dhīvan mf(= m. or arī)n. rather skilful Vop. iv, 10
- ○dhenūka n. a great multitude of milch cows MBh.
- ○dheya (!), m. pl. N. of a school L.,
- ○dhmātá mfn. often annealed or cast (as iron) ŚBr.
- ○nāda m. 'loud-sounding', a conch shell L.
- ○nāman mfn. having many names BhP.
- ○nihśrita wṛ. for bāhu-n○, q.v
- ○niṣka or mfn. worth many Nishkas Pāṇ. 5-1, 30 Sch.
- ○naiṣkika mfn. worth many Nishkas Pāṇ. 5-1, 30 Sch.
- ○paṭu mfn. rather clever Pāṇ. 5-3, 68 Sch.
- ○pattra mfn. many-leaved
- • m. an onion L.
- • (ā), f. a partic. fragrant flower L.
- • (ī), f. N. of various plants (Aloe Perfoliata L.
- • basil
- • a species of Solanum &c.) L.
- • n. talc L.
- ○pattrikā f. Flacourtia Cataphracta L.
- • Trigonella Foenum Graecum Bhpr.
- • = mahā-śatāvarī L.
- ○patnīka mfn. having many wives Śak.
- • performed by many wives KātyŚr. Sch.
- • -tā f. polygamy MBh.
- ○patnīkṛt m. one who takes many wives MW.
- ○patnītā f. polygamy ib.
- ○pad (strong form -pād), m. 'many-rooted', the Indian fig-tree L.
- ○pada mfn. many-footed BhP.
- ○pannaga m. N. of a Marut Hariv. (v. l. brahma-p○)
- ○parṇá mf(ā́)n. many-leaved TS. TBr.
- • m. Alstonia Scholaris L.
- • (ā), f. Trigonella Foenum Graecum L.
- ○parṇikā f. Salvinia Cucullata L.
- ○paśu mfn. rich in cattle Br. GṛS.
- ○pākya mfn. one at whose house much is cooked (for the poor) ChUp.
- ○pād See -pad
- ○pāda mf(ā)n. many-footed MBh.
- • composed of several Pādas (q.v.) RPrāt.
- • m. the Indian fig. tree L.
- ○pā́yya mfn. protecting many
- • n. a large hall RV. (cf. nṛ-pārya)
- ○putra mf(ā)n. one who has many sons or children MānGṛ. (tā f. -tva n. MW.)
- • m. Alstonia Scholaris
- • N. of a Prajā-pati R. Pur.
- • (ī), f. Asparagus Racemosus Bhpr. [Page 725, Column ]
- • Flacourtia Cataphracta L.
- • N. of Durgā L.
- ○putrikā f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh.
- • wṛ. for -pattrikā
- ○puṣṭá mfn. being in great prosperity MaitrS.
- ○puṣpa m. 'many-blossomed', Erythrina Indica L. (ī or ikā f. Grislea Tomentosa Bhpr.)
- • -prabāla-vat mfn. having many flowers and young shoots R.
- • -phalôpêta. mfn. having many flowers and fruits MW.
- ○prakāra mfn. of many kinds, manifold MārkP.
- • n. ind. in many ways, manifoldly R.
- ○prakṛti mfn. consisting of many primary parts or verbal elements (as a compound) VPrāt.
- ○praja mf(ā)n. having a numerous progeny R. (also ○jás RV.) cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 123
- • m. (only L.) a hog
- • a mouse
- • Saccharum Munjia
- ○prajña mfn. very wise Ml.
- ○prajñāna-śālin mfn. possessed of much knowledge Kathās.
- ○pratijña mfn. containing more than one proposition, complicated W.
- • (in law) comprising many counts (as a plaint) Yājñ. Sch.
- ○pratyarthika mfn. having many adversaries or opponents MW.
- ○pratyavâya mfn. connected with many difficulties Nāg.
- ○prada mfn. 'muchbestowing', liberal, munificent, bountiful L.
- ○prapañca mfn. very diffuse or prolix Hit.
- ○pralāpin mfn. (cf. Var.)
- • ○pi-tā, f. (cf. Prasannar.) = -bhāṣin, ○ṣi-tā
- ○pravāha mfn. 'many-streamed', flowing in many streams W.
- ○prasū f. a mother of many children L.
- ○prāśnika mfn. containing many questions MW.
- ○priyá mfn. dear to many (= purupriyá ŚBr.
- ○preyasī mfn. having many loved ones Vop.
- ○phála mfn. 'many-fruited', fertile W.
- • m. a partic. fruit tree L.
- • Nauclea Cadamba L.
- • (ā), f. N. of various plants (Solanum Indicum or another variety of Solanum
- • Glycine Debilis
- • a species of Convolvulus Turpethum
- • various kinds of cucurbitaceous plants, Flacourtia Cataphracta) L.
- • (ī), f. N. of various plants (Emblica Officinalis
- • Ficus Oppositifolia &c.) L.
- ○phâlikā f. a species of jujube L.
- ○phenā f. a species of plant (= sâtala)
- • ○na-rasā f. = saptalā Car.
- ○bala mfn. possessing great strength
- • m. a lion L.
- ○bāhu mfn. many-armed
- • m. N. of a prince Hariv.
- ○bīja mfn. having much seed VarYogay.
- • n. the fruit of Anona Reticulata or Squamosa L.
- • (ā), f. Trigonella Foenum Graecum Bhpr.
- • a kind of Musa L.
- ○bollaka m. a great talker Divyâv.
- ○bhakṣa mfn. eating much, a great eater MW.
- ○bhadra m. pl. N. of a people, MārkP.
- ○bhastraka mf(ā) or ikā)n. (fr. bahu + bhastrā) Pāṇ. 7-3, 47 Sch.
- ○bhāgya mfn. of great good fortune, fortunate W.
- ○bhāṣin mfn. talking much, garrulous ĀśvŚr. (a-b○)
- • ○ṣi-tā f. (cf. MBh.) and ○ṣya n. talkativeness, garrulity
- ○bhuj mfn. = -bhakṣa MBh.
- ○bhuja mfn. having many arms
- • (ā), f. N. of Durgā L.
- ○bhūmi m. N. of a prince VP.
- ○bhūmika mfn. having many floors or stories Hcat.
- ○bhṛjj mfn. (nom. -bhṛṭ) roasting or frying much Vop.
- ○bhoktṛ m. a great eater Gobh. Sch.
- ○bhogyā f. 'to be enjoyed by many', a courtesan, prostitute Daś.
- ○bhojaka mfn. eating much Subh.
- ○bhojana wṛ. for -bhojaka
- ○bhojin mfn. eating much, voracious (○ji-tā f.) Kull. on Mn. ii, 57
- ○bhauma mf(ī)n. = -bhūmika R.
- ○mañjarī f. basil Bhpr.
- ○mata mfn. much thought of, highly esteemed, valued MBh. Kāv. &c
- • having many different opinions W.
- ○mati f. high opinion or esteem Kir.
- ○matsya mfn. having many fish
- • n. a place abounding in fish Kauś.
- ○madhya-ga mfn. going among or belonging to many Mn. ix, 199
- ○mantavya mfn. to be thought much of or esteemed highly, estimable MBh.
- ○mala m. 'having much dross', lead L.
- ○māna m. high esteem or estimation, great respect or regard for (with loc. of pers. or thing, rarely with gen. of pers.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- • n. a gift made by a superior to an inferior MW.
- ○mānin mfn. thought much of, highly esteemed MBh.
- ○mānuṣa-saṃkīrṇa n 'crowded with many people', an arbour, bower Gal.
- ○mānya mfn. to be thought much of, to be highly esteemed, estimable Kull. on Mn. ii, 117
- ○māya mfn. artful, deceitful, treacherous MBh. Pañcat.
- ○mārgī f. a place where many roads meet ; (vḷ. ○ga n.) L.
- ○māla or mfn. possessing many necklaces MW.
- ○mālaka mfn. possessing many necklaces MW.
- ○mālya-phala mfn. rich in garlands and fruits Pat.
- ○māṣa-tilá mf(ā́)n. rich in beans and sesamum TS. ĀpŚr.
- ○mitra mfn. having many friends Āpast.
- • m. N. of a man ( See bāhumitrāyaṇa)
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. 'many-mouthed', speaking variously BhP.
- ○mūtra mfn. making water in excess
- • -tā f. diabetes L. [Page 725, Column ]
- ○mūtraka m. a kind of chameleon L.
- ○mūrti mfn. multiform
- • f. the wild cotton shrub L.
- ○mūrdhan mfn. many-headed W.
- • m. N. of Vishṇu L.
- ○mūla mfn. many-rooted W.
- • m. a sort of reed or grass L.
- • Hyperanthera Moringa L.
- • (ā), f. AsparagusRacemosus L.
- • (ī), f. Emblica Officinalis L.
- • ○la-phalânvita mfn. provided or furnished with many roots and fruits MW.
- ○mūlaka m. a species of reed L.
- • N. of a Nāga MBh.
- • n. the sweetscented √of Andropogon Muricatus Bhpr.
- ○mulya mfn. high-priced, precious (tā f.) Pañcat.
- • n. a large sum of money Rājat.
- ○mṛga mfn. abounding in deer MW.
- ○maulya wṛ. for -mūlya MBh.
- ○yajvan mfn. or Vop. iv, 5
- ○yajvā f. Vop. iv, 5
- ○yājin mfn. one who has offered many sacrifices TS. AitBr. GṛS.
- ○yājya mfn. one who has many institutors of a sacrifice, one who sacrifices on behalf of many Kull. on Mn. iii, 151
- ○yojanā f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh.
- ○rajas mfn. very dusty or containing much pollen Kāvyâd.
- ○ratna mf(ā)n. rich in gems or jewels Siṃhâs.
- • ○tnāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to contain many jewels ib.
- ○ratha m. N. of a king Hariv. Pur.
- ○randhrikā f. 'much perforated', N. of a particular medicinal √cf. L
- ○ramya mfn. very delightful MW.
- ○rasá mfn. having much juice. juicy ŚBr.
- • (ā), f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum L.
- ○rājan mfn
- ○rājā f. Vop. iv, 5
- ○rāyaspoṣá mf(ā́)n. possessing much wealth TS. ĀpŚr.
- ○rāśi mfn. (in arithm.) composed of numerous terms
- • (with pakṣa), m. a series of many terms Col.
- ○ripu mfn. one who has many foes MW.
- ○ruhā f. a species of Cocculus L.
- ○rūpá mf(ā́)n. multiform, variegated, checkered
- • manifold VS. &c. &c
- • m. N. of Śiva MBh.
- • of Rudra ib. Pur.
- • of a son of Medhātithi BhP.
- • (only L.) a chameleon
- • hair
- • the resin of Ṣorea Robusta
- • the sun
- • N. of Brahmā
- • of Vishṇu
- • of the god of love
- • of a Buddha
- • (ā), f. N. of one of the seven tongues of fire L.
- • n. N. of a Varsha BhP.
- • -kalpa m. N. of wk
- • -garba-stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- • ○pâṣṭaka-tantra n. a collective N. for eight Tantras (viz. the brāhmītantra, māheśvarī-t○, kaumārika-t○, vaiṣṇavii-t○, vārāhī-t○, indrāṇī-t○, cāmuṇḍā-t○, śiva-dūtī-t○) Cat.
- ○rūpaka mf(ikā)n. multiform, manifold MBh.
- • m. a kind of animal L.
- • -śobhita, adorned in many ways, variously decorated MBh. (v. l. ○pâṅgaś○)
- ○rūpin mfn. = -rūpaka mfn. BhP.
- ○rekha m. pl. many lines or wrinkles, marks of care or pain W.
- ○retas m. 'having much seed', N. of Brahmā L.
- ○rai mfn. having great riches, very rich MW.
- ○roman m. 'having much hair or wool'
- • a sheep L.
- ○lavaṇa n. 'containing much salt'
- • a soil impregnated with salt L.
- ○vaktavya mfn. to be said much about Rājat.
- ○vacana n. the pl. number, the case-endings and personal terminations in the pl. number ŚBr. &c
- ○vat ind. plurally, in the pl. number (e.g. api dvi-vad api bahu-vat, both in the dual and plural) Nir.
- ○varṇa mfn. many-coloured (-tā f.) Suśr.
- ○varta N. of a place ( See bāhuvartaka)
- ○varṣa-sahasrika mfn. lasting many thousand years MBh.
- ○varṣa-sahasrin mfn. id., many thousand years old ib.
- ○valka m. 'having much bark', Buchanania Latifolia L.
- ○valkala m.id. Bhpr.
- ○vallī f. Hoya Viridiflora L.
- ○vādín mfn. talking much, garrulous, babbling VS.
- ○vāra or m. Cordia Myxa Bhpr. (○ka-phata n. its fruit Kull.)
- ○vāraka m. Cordia Myxa Bhpr. (○ka-phata n. its fruit Kull.)
- ○vāram ind. many times, often, Caur
- ○vārṣika mf(ī)n. lasting many years, many years old R. Hcat.
- ○vi mfn. containing many birds Uṇ. iv, 133, Sch
- ○vikrama mfn. very powerful MW.
- ○vighna mfn. presenting many obsticles or difficulties (-tā f.) Cāṇ.
- ○víd mfn. much-knowing, very learned TBr. ChUp.
- ○vídya mfn. id. (-tā f.) Kāv.
- ○vidha mf(ā)n. of many sorts or kinds, manifold, various MBh. Kāv. &c
- • (am ind. diversely, in several directions, up and down R. Mṛicch. Pañcat.)
- • m. N. of a prince VP.
- ○vistara m. great extension Subh.
- • (-yuktam ind. in all directions, everywhere R.)
- • mf(ā) n. of wide extent, widely spread ib. (also ○tāra Ml.)
- • manifold, various MBh. Hariv.
- • very detailed (am ind.) R.
- ○vistīrṇa mfn. widespread, widely diffused (-tā, f) Vcar.
- • (ā), f. Abrus precatorius (a shrub bearing a small red and black berry and commonly called Kucai) L.
- ○vīja See -bija
- ○vīrya mf(ā)n. very powerful or efficacious MBh.
- • m. N. of various plants (Terminalia Bellerica
- • Bombax Heptaphyllum &c.) L.
- • (ā), f. Flacourtia Cataphracta L. [Page 726, Column ]
- ○vyaya or mfn. spending much, prodigal L.
- ○vyayin mfn. spending much, prodigal L.
- ○vyāpin mfn. far-spreading, extending wide Sāh.
- ○vyāla-niṣevita mfn. infested or inhabited by many snakes or wild beasts MBh.
- ○vrīhi mfn. possessing much rice
- • m. a relative or adjective compound (in which, as in the word bahu-vrīhi itself [cf. tat-puruṣa], the last member loses its character of a substantive and together with the first member serves to qualify a noun) Pāṇ. 2-2, 23 ; 35 &c
- • -vat ind. like a Bahu-vrilhi or relative compound Pāṇ. 8-1, 9
- ○śakti mfn. possessing great power
- • m. N. of a prince Pañcat.
- ○śatru mfn. having many enemies Kām. Hit.
- • m. a sparrow L.
- ○śabda m. the pl. number Lāṭy.
- ○śalya m. a variety of Khadira with red blossoms L.
- ○śas See col. 2
- ○śasta mfn. very excellent
- • very right or good or happy MW.
- ○śākha mf(ā)n., 'many-branched', having many branches or ramifications, multifarious, manifold TS. TBr.
- • m. Euphorbia Antiquorum L. (-tva n.)
- ○sākhin mfn. = prec. mfn. MBh. śāla m. Euphorbia Antiquorum
- ○śāstra-jña mfn. acquainted with many books or sciences MW.
- ○śikha mfn. 'many-pointed'
- • (ā), f. Commelina Salicifolia and another species L. (v. l. vahni-ś○)
- ○śubhāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be or become a great blessing Śatr.
- ○śūnya mfn. very empty or void MW.
- ○śṛṅga mfn. many-horned L.
- • m. N. of Vishṇu
- ○śruta mfn. one who has studied much, very learned, well versed in the Vedas Mn. MBh. &c
- • m. N. of a minister Siṃhâs.
- ○śruti f. the occurrence of the pl. in a text, ŚrS.
- ○śrutīya m. pl. 'having deep erudition', N. of a Buddhist school
- ○śreyasī mfn. Pāṇ. 1-2, 48 Vārtt. 3 Pat,.
- ○saṃvatsara n. a Soma sacrifice that lasts many years ŚāṅkhŚr.
- ○saṃkhyāka mfn. numerous Sāy.
- ○sattva mfn. abounding in animals MBh.
- ○satya m. N. of the tenth Muhūrta Var.
- ○sadācāra
- mfn. Siddh. (cf. -samudā́cāra)
- ○sadṛśa mfn. very similar, very fit or right Pañcat.
- ○saṃtati mfn. having a numerous posterity or after-growth
- • m. Bambusa Spinosa L.
- ○samudācāra mfn. Pāṇ. 6-2, 176 Sch.
- ○sampuṭa m. a species of bulbous √cf. L
- ○sarpiṣ mfn. prepared with much ghee Vishṇ.
- ○sava mfn. offering many sacrifices or doing anything for many years BhP. Sch.
- • containing many sacrifices or years ib.
- ○sasya mfn. rich in grain
- • m. N. of a village Kathās.
- ○sādhana mfn. possessing many resources (-tā f.) Śiś.
- ○sâdhāra mfn. having many supports Kathās. (cf. niḥ-sâdh○)
- ○sādhāraṇa mfn. common to many MW.
- ○sāmi N. of wk
- ○sarā́ mfn. containing much pith, pithy. substantial ŚBr.
- • m. Acacia Catechu L.
- ○sāhasra mf(ā or ī)n. amounting to many thousands MBh. R.
- • (a sacrifice) of which many thousands partake R.
- • (ī) f. many thousands R. (B.)
- ○su mfn. much-bearing, fertile
- • m. a hog, boar
- • (ū), f. a sow L.
- ○suta mfn. having a large progeny or after-growth
- • (ā), f. Asparagus Racemosus L.
- ○suvarṇa mfn. rich in gold (-tā f.) Rājat.
- ○suvarṇaka mfn. costing or possessing much gold R.
- • m. N. of an Agrahāra on the Ganges Kathās.
- • of a prince ib.
- ○sū See -su
- ○sū7kta mfn. consisting of many hymns, g. guṇâdi,
- ○sūti f. a female who has borne many children (also ○tikā) L.
- • -go f. a cow that calves often L.
- ○sūvarī f. bearing many children RV. ii, 32, 7
- ○stavâvali f. N. of a collection of hymns
- ○spṛś mfn. reaching to many, generally spread or diffused Śiś.
- ○svana mfn. 'much-sounding', making many sounds
- • m. an owl L.
- ○svara mfn. many-syllabled, containing more than two syllables -tva n. TPrāt.
- ○svarṇa-lakṣa-mūlya mfn. worth many hundred thousand pieces of gold, Kāthās
- ○svāmika mfn. having many owners or proprietors MW.
- ○hastíka mf(ā)n. rich in elephants TBr.
- ○hiraṇyá mf(ā)n. rich in gold ĀpŚr.
- • m. N. of an Ekāha commonly called Dū-ṇāśa KātyŚr.
- bahū7daka (○hu-ud○), mfn. having much water R.
- • m. a kind of mendicant who begs his food at bathing-places MBh.
- bahū7dana (○hu-od○?), n. collection of various kinds of food (?) BhP.
- bahū7dita (○hu-ud○), n. loquacity. L.
- bahū7rj mfn. possessing much strength Pāṇ. 7-1, 72 Vārtt. 4 Pat.
- bahuka mf(ā)n. bought at a high price, dearbought L.
- • m. Calotropis Gigantea L.
- • a crab L.
- • a kind of gallinule L.
- • the digger of a tank L.
- bahútaya mfn. manifold, various TS.
- bahutitha mfn. manifold, various, many, much MBh. Kāv. Pur. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 5 2)
- • bahutithe hani, on the 'manieth' day, during many days Nal. ix, 12 [Page 726, Column ]
- • (am), ind. much, greatly MBh.
- bahudhā́ ind. in many ways or parts or forms or directions, variously, manifoldly, much, repeatedly RV. &c. &c. (with √kṛ, to make manifold, multiply MBh.
- • to make public, divulge ib.)
- ○gata mfn. gone in various directions, dispersed, scattered MW.
- ○tmaka or mf(ikā)n. existing in various forms, manifold in essence R.
- bahudhâtmaka mf(ikā)n. existing in various forms, manifold in essence R.
- bahura-madhya mfn. (bahura = bahula+ m○) thick in the middle (said of the Soma juice during the process of fermentation) AitBr. (cf. Sāy.)
- bahulá mf(ā́)n. thick, dense, broad, wide, spacious, ample, large RV. &c. &c
- • abundant, numerous, many, much ib. (am ind. often, frequently Nir. Prāt. Pāṇ.)
- • accompanied by, attended with ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- • (in gram.) variously applicable, comprehensive (as a rule)
- • born under the Pleiades Pāṇ. 4-3, 33
- • black L.
- • m. (or n. ?) the dark half of a month MBh. Kāv. &c
- • m. Agni or fire L.
- • N. of a Prajā.pati VP.
- • of a king of the Tāla-jaṅghas MBh.
- • m. pl. N. of a people MārkP.
- • (ā), f. a cow L.
- • cardamoms Bhpr.
- • the indigo plant L.
- • N. of the twelfth Kalā of the moon Cat.
- • of a goddess Pur.
- • of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh.
- • of the wife of Uttama who was son of Uttāna-pāda MārkP.
- • of the mother of a Samudra HPariś.
- • of a mythical cow Col.
- • of a river MBh.
- • f. pl.= kṛttikās, the Pleiades Var. L.
- • n. the sky L.
- • factitious black salt L.
- • white pepper L.
- • a partic. high number Buddh.
- ○gandha n. 'richly-scented', a kind of sandal wood Gal.
- • (ā), f. cardamoms
- ○cchada m. a redflowering Hyperanthera L.
- ○tara mfn. thicker, denser (dvi-gnṇo bahula-tarah, twice as thick) ŚBr.
- ○tā f. (cf. Suśr.) or (cf. MBh. &c.) muchness, multiplicity, abundance, numerousness
- ○tva n. (cf. MBh. &c.) muchness, multiplicity, abundance, numerousness
- • the being rich in, abounding in (comp.)
- • comprehensiveness
- ○tṛṇa mfn. rich in grass KātyŚr.
- ○parṇa mfn. many-leaved ib.
- ○palāśa mf(ā)n. id. ib.
- ○varman mfn. enveloped in a thick covering ŚāṅkhŚr.
- ○bahulânta mfn. 'thick at the end', having a thick sediment (as Soma juice
- • cf. bahura-madhya) RV.
- ○bahulâbhimāna mfn. much-threatening, menacing (said of Indra) ib.
- ○bahulâyāsa mfn. involving much trouble Bhag.
- ○bahulâlāpa 'mṭmuch-talking', talkative, garrulous, loquacious ŚārṅgP.
- ○bahulâviṣṭa mfn. thickly peopled, densely populated AitBr.
- ○bahulâśva m. 'having many horses', N. of a king Pur.
- bahulêtara-pakṣa m. du. the dark and the other (i. e. light) half of a month Var.
- báhula9ṣadika mfn. overgrown with herbs ĀśvGṛ.
- bahulaka incorrect for bāhulaka, q.v
- bahulikā f. pl. the Pleiades (= bahulās) L.
- bahulita mfn. augmented, increased Śiś.
- bahulī in comp. for bahula
- ○karaṇa n. multiplying, magnifying W.
- • winnowing (for phalīkaraṇa?) ib.
- ○kariṣṇu mfn. striving or endeavouring to increase BhP.
- ○kāra m. great zeal or care for Lalit.
- ○kṛta mfn. made much or manifold or wide, extended, increased, augmented, aggrandized MBh. Hariv. Pur.
- • made much of, much practised or cared for Prab.
- • made public, promulgated Śak. MBh. Prab.
- • distracted MBh. Hariv.
- • threshed, winnowed (for phalī-kṛta?) L.
- ○bhāva m. the becoming wide-spread, public, general notoriety Kathās.
- ○bhū P. -bhavati, to be come widespread, spread, increase (intrans.) Kāv. Pañcat.
- • to become public or known Ragh.
- ○bhūta mfn. become spread or public or known Śak.
- bahuśás ind. manifoldly, repeatedly, much, often TS. &c. &c
- bahv in comp. for bahu
- ○akṣara mfn. many-syllabled, polysyllabic RPrāt.
- • -tva n. polysyllableness ĀpŚr. Sch.
- • ○rântya mfn. being at the end of a polysyllabic word MW.
- ○agni mf(ī)n. N. of partic. verses in which various Agnis are mentioned ŚāṅkhBr.
- ○ac or mfn. (in gram.) having several vowels, polysyllabic
- ○ac-ka mfn. (in gram.) having several vowels, polysyllabic
- ○ajaviká mf(ā́)n. having many goats and sheep TBr.
- ○adhyayana (cf. Siddh.),
- ○adhyāya mfn. consisting of many chapters, g. guṇâdi
- ○anartha mfn. attended with many evils MW.
- ○anná mfn. rich in food RV. ŚBr.
- ○ap or mfn. containing much water, watery Uṇ. ii, 58, Sch
- ○apa mfn. containing much water, watery Uṇ. ii, 58, Sch
- ○apatya mfn. having a numerous progeny
- • (in astrol.) promising or foretelling a numerous prṭprogeny
- • m. a hog or a mouse L.
- • (ā), f. a cow that has often calved W. =
- ○apâya mfn. attended with many dangers Pañcat. [Page 726, Column ]
- ○abaddha-pralāpin mfn. talking much that is unmeaning MW.
- ○abhidhāna n. the pl. number RPrāt.
- ○amitra mfn. having many enemies Kām.
- ○artha mfn. having much meaning or import, important L.
- • having many meanings or objects L.
- ○árhá mfn. extremely precious MaitrS.
- ○avarodha mfn. having many wives Daś.
- ○asvá mf(ā́)n. having many horses TBr.
- • m. N. of a son of Mudgala VP.
- ○ājya mfn. abounding in ghee ĀpŚr.
- ○ādin mfn. eating much, a great eater Nir.
- ○āsin mfn. id. (-tva n.) Cāṇ.
- • m. N. of one of the sons of Dhṛitarāshṭra MBh.
- ○āścarya mfn. containing many wonderful objects MBh.
- • -maya mf(ī)n. id. Kathās.
- ○āśrayā f. N. of a Kiṃ-narī Kāraṇḍ.
- ○īsvara N. of a sacred place on the bank of the Revā or Narmadā river
- • -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○ṛc mfn. 'many-versed', containing many verses Siddh.
- • f. a N. of the Rigveda or of a Śākhā of the RV. Col.
- ○ṛca mf(ā)n. id. BhP.
- • m. (ī f.) one conversaut with the Ṛigveda, a priest of it or the Hotṛi priest who represents it in the sacrificial ceremonies Br. &c. &c
- • -kārikā f. pl., -grihya-kārikā f. pl., -gṛhya-pariśisthṭa n. -paddhati f. -brāhmaṇa (= aitareya-br○), n. -śrāddha-prayoga m. -ṣoḍaśa-karma-mantravivaraṇa n. -saṃdhyā-bhāṣya n. ○câhnika n. ○kôpaniṣad (= aitareyâp○), f. N. of wks
- ○enas mfn. very sinful Mn.xi, 234
- ○auṣadhika mfn. abounding in herbs ŚāṅkhGṛ. (prob. wṛ. for oṣ○)
- bahanaka m. pl. N. of a people VP.
- bahādura See bāhādura
- bahiṣka wṛ. for barhiṣka
- bahís ind. (the final s is changed before k and p into ṣ
- • cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 41) out, forth, outwards, outside (a house, village, city, kingdom &c
- • also with abl. or ifc. = out of, apart from, except, beside) Br. &c. &c. (with √kṛ, to place outside, expel, banish, exclude
- • with √bhū, to come forth
- • with √gam, or yā, to go out &c
- • comp.)
- ○tanva mfn. one whose limbs extend over the body (of the fire-altar), Śulbas.
- ○tapas n. outward penance, Yogaś
- bahiḥ in comp. for bahís
- ○śālā f. an outer hall GṛS.
- ○śīta mfn. cool or cooling on the outside Suśr.
- ○śri (○híh-), ind. said of a partic. pronunciation ŚBr.
- ○saṃstha mfn. lying or situated outside (the town) Kathās.
- ○sád mfn. one who sits outside (said of a person held in low esteem) TBr.
- ○sadas or ind. outside the Sadas, ŚrS
- ○sadasam ind. outside the Sadas, ŚrS
- ○saṃdhya mfn. one who performs his morning and evening prayers outside (the village) Gaut. (-tva n.)
- ○stoma-bhāgám ind. outside the bricks called Stoma-bhāgā ŚBr.
- ○stha
- ○sthyin
- ○sthita mfn. being outside, external, outer MW.
- bahir in comp. for bahís
- ○aṅga mfn. relating to the exterior, external, unessential (opp. to
- antaraṅga). Śaṃk. Pāṇ. Sch. (-tā, f
- • tva n.)
- • m. an external part, outer limb or member, property, &c., W
- • a stranger, indifferent person ib.
- • the preliminary part of a religious ceremony MW.
- ○ante ind. externally and internally ib.
- ○argala (only ifc., f. ī), an outer bolt or bar Kathās.
- ○artha m. an external object BhP.
- ○ātmám ind. outside one's own person, away from one's self. MaitrS.
- ○indriya n. an outer organ, organ of sense or perception (as the eye) or of action (as the hand) W.
- ○gata mfn. gone out or forth, externally manifested R. Kathās.
- • -tva n. Mṛicch. Sch.
- ○gamana n. the act of going out or forth W.
- ○gāmin mfn. going out or forth MW.
- ○gira m. pl. N. of a people MārkP. (cf. next)
- ○giri m. a country situated on the other side of a mountain MBh.
- • pl. the inhabitants of that country ib. (also ○girya pl. ib.)
- ○gīta n. a song accompanied by a stringed instrument L.
- ○geham ind. outside the house, abroad ib.
- ○grāmam ind. outside the village Pāṇ. 2-1, 12 Sch.
- • ○ma-pratiśraya mfn. living outside the village Mn. x, 36
- ○jānu ind. so that the hands are outside (not between) the knees Hcat.
- ○ṇidhana wṛ. for -nidh○, q.v
- ○dṛś mfn. seeing only what is outside, superficial (in judgment) Śak. Sch.
- ○deśa m. a foreign country W.
- • a place without a town or village ib.
- ○dvāra n. an outer gate or the space outside a door or gate MBh. Kathās.
- • -prakaṣṭhaka n. a portico, a covered terrace in front of the door of a house W.
- ○dvārin mfn. being out-of-doors Nār.
- ○dhā́ ind. out, outward, outside of or away from (abl.) VS. Br. ChUp. [Page 727, Column ]
- • -bhāva m. the being outward or external KātyŚr.
- ○dhvajā f. N. of Durgā L.
- ○niḥsāraṇa n. taking out, removal Pāṇ. 5-4, 62 Sch.
- ○nidhana n. the singing of a finale outside or apart TāṇḍBr.
- ○nirgamana n. going out of (abl.) Cat.
- ○nyāsa-sūtra n. N. of wk
- ○bhava mfn. being outside, external (opp. to antar-ja) L.
- ○bhavana n. the being outside, coming forth, emanation MW.
- ○bhāga m. the outer side or part, exterior KātyŚr. Sch.
- ○bhāva m. the being outside (abl.) ib.
- ○bhūta mfn. being out, expelled or excluded from (ifc.) Pāṇ. 3-1, 119 Sch.
- • expired (as a period of time) MW.
- • inattentive, careless ib.
- ○maṇḍala-stha mf(ā)n. standing outside a circle ŚāṅkhGṛ.
- ○manas mfn. being outside the mind, external Sarvad.
- ○manaska mfn. out of mind Divyâv.
- ○matṛkā f. N. of wk
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. coming out of the mouth (opp. to antarm○) L.
- • (ifc.) one who turn his face away, indifferent to (○khī-√bhū, to turn away from) Śaṃk. (also with loc. Divyâv.)
- • one who has his mind directed to external things Śaṃk.
- • m. a deity (prob. wṛ. for barhir-m○), L
- ○mudra m. (?) N. of a form of devotion (opp. to antar-m○) Cat.
- ○yāgapujā f
- ○yāga-ratna n. N. of wks
- ○yātrā f. (cf. R.),
- ○yāna n. (cf. Mṛicch.) going or driving out, excursion
- ○yūti mfn. placed or fastened outside Bhaṭṭ.
- ○yoga m. relation to 'outside', sense or meaning of' bahis, outside' Pāṇ. 1-1, 36
- • external meditation (cf. antar-y○) Cat.
- • N. of a man (pl. his descendants), g. yaskâdi
- ○yoní ind. outside the fire-place ŚBr.
- ○lamba mfn. obtuse-angular
- • (ā), f. an obtuse-angular triangle Col.
- ○lāpikā f. a kind of enigma (not containing a solution
- • opp. to antar-l○) L.
- ○loma (○hír-), mfn. having the hair turned outwards MaitrS.
- ○loman mfn. id. Āpast.
- ○vartin mfn. being on the outside L.
- ○vāsas n. an outer or upper garment (cf. a-bahirv○)
- ○vikāra m. 'outward change or disfigurement, syphilis L.
- • mfn. (in Sāṃkhya) external to the Vikāras, free from change MW. (cf. IW. 83)
- • am ind. Śiś. i, 33
- ○vṛtti f. occupation with external objects Kathās.
- ○vedi f. the space outside the Vedi or sacrificial altar MBh. MārkP.
- • (ī), ind. outside the sacrificial altar MaitrS. Br. MBh. &c
- ○vedika mfn. being or taking place outside the Vedi ( See prec.) Kull.
- ○vyasana n. external vice, licentiousness, immorality L.
- • ○nin mfn. immoral, dissolute L.
- bahiś in comp. for bahis
- ○cara mfn. going out, moving or appearing outside, external MBh.
- • (with prâṇa m. or hṛdaya n. another life or heart outside one's self dear as one's own life or heart ib. Hariv. Kathās. &c.)
- • m. 'crawling out of its shell', a crab L.
- • an external spy MBh.
- bahiṣ in comp. for bahis
- ○karaṇa n. expulsion, exclusion from (abl.) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-4, 10
- • an external organ (opp. to antaḥ-k○) Kām.
- ○karman n. a sacred rite performed outside the sacrificial place ŚāṅkhŚr.
- ○kāra m. expulsion, removal L.
- ○kārya mfn. to be removed or excluded from (abl.) Mn. ii, 11 ; 103
- ○kuṭī-cara m. a crab (cf. bahiś-cara)
- ○kṛta mfn. turned out, expelled or excluded from, rejected or abandoned by (abl. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- • shut off by = dwelling beyond (instr.) MBh.
- • restraining or free from, deprived or destitute of (comp.) MBh. Kathās. Rājat.
- • become apparent, embodied, manifest Kathās.
- ○kṛti f. = -kāra L.
- ○kratu ind. outside or apart from the sacrifice ĀpŚr. Sch.
- ○kriya mfn. excluded from sacred rites MārkP.
- ○kriyā f. an outer act external rite or ceremony MBh.
- ○tva n. outwardness, the being external Pat.
- ○paṭa m. = -vāsas Cat.
- ○patnī-saṃyāja n. being outside the Patnī-saṃyāja (s.v.) Lāṭy. (-tva n.)
- ○pathám ind. outside the road MaitrS.
- ○paridhí ind. outside the enclosure TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr.
- ○pavsmāná m. N. of a Stoma or Stotra (generally consisting of 3 Tricas and sung outside the Vedi during the morning libation) TS. Br. ŚrS. ChUp.
- • (ī), f. (scil. stotriyā i.e. ṛc) its single verses PañcavBr.
- • ○nâstāva m. the place where the Bahish Stotra is sung ĀpŚr.
- ○pavitrá mfn. destitute of or wanting the Pavitra (s.v.) Śr.
- ○piṇḍa mfn. having the knots outside KātyŚr.
- ○prajña mfn. one whose knowledge is directed towards external objects Up.
- ○prākāra m. an outer wall or rampart MBh.
- ○prâṇa m. external breath or life, anything near the heart or as dear as life R.
- • money BhP. [Page 727, Column ]
- • (○híṣ-), mfn. one whose breath or life is outside TS.
- bahíṣṭāt ind. outside TS. Br.
- bahíṣḍṭāj-jyotis n. N. of a Trishṭubh the last Pāda of which contains 8 syllables RPrāt.
- bahíṣḍṭād-viśasana n. (a hide) the flesh-side of which is turned outwards ĀpŚr.
- bahī in comp. before r for bahis
- ○rajju ind. outside a rope KātyŚr.
- bahīnara m. (also written vah○) N. of a man MBh. BhP.
- bahu &c. See p. 724
- bahutalavaśā f. Iris Pseudacorus L.
- bahurada m. pl. N. of a people (vḷ. for bāhubādha) VP.
- baheṭaka mṬerminalia Belrica L.
- bahrāmakhāna m. = ?
- bahli bahlika, bahlīka, v. l. for balhi &c., q.v
- bāka n. (fr. baka) a multitude of cranes Pāṇ. 4-2, 37 Sch.
- bākarukā f. a kind of crane L.
- bākāyana m. patr. fr. baka (also pl.) Saṃskārak. (cf. g. naḍâdi)
- bākurá m. (fr. bákura), with dṛti (perhaps) a kind of bag-pipe RV. ix, 1, 8
- bākula mfn. relating to or coming from the Bakula tree Suśr.
- • n. the fruit of the Bakula tree L.
- bāja-bahādura-candra m. N. of a son of Nila-candra and patron of Anantadeva Cat. (cf. bāhādura)
- bāḍ (vād Vop.), cl. 1. Ā. bāḍate, to bathe, dive Dhātup. viii, 34
- bāḍita mfn. sunk Divyâv.
- bāḍaba See vāḍaba
- bāḍabhīkara m. N. of a grammarian TPrāt.
- bāḍīra m. a hired labourer L.
- bā́ḍeyī-pútra m. N. of a teacher ŚBr.
- bāḍhá or bāḻhá mfn. (√baṃh
- • Pān. v, 63) strong, mighty (only ibc. and in bāhé ind.), loudly, strongly, mightily RV.
- • (bāḍham or vāḍham), ind. assuredly, certainly, indeed, really, by all means, so be it, yes (generally used as a particle of consent, affirmation or confirmation) MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○vikrama mfn. of excessive prowess, very powerful or strong W.
- ○sṛ́tvan mfn. striding mightily along RV. i, 122, 10
- bāṇá or vāṇá (RV.), bā́ṇa (AV.
- • later more usually vāṇa, q.v.), m. a reed-shaft, shaft made of a reed, an arrow RV. &c. &c
- • N. of the number five (from the 5 arrows of Kāma-deva
- • cf. pañca-b○) Sūryas. Sāh.
- • the versed sine of an arc Gaṇit.
- • a mark for arrows, aim BhP.
- • a partic. part of an arrow L.
- • Saccharum Sara or a similar species of reed Bhpr.
- • the udder of a cow (vāṇá RV. iv, 24, 9) L.
- • music (for vāṇá) AV. x, 2, 17 = kevala,
- • N. of an Asura (a, son of Bali, an enemy of Vishṇu and favourite of Śiva) MBh. Pur.
- • of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.
- • of a king Hariv.
- • (also -bhaṭṭa) of a poet (the author of the Kādambarī, of the Harsha-carita, and perhaps of the Ratnâvalī) Cat.
- • of a man of low origin Rājat.
- • m. (Śiś.) or (ā), f. (L.) a blue-flowering Barleria
- • (ā), f. the hind part or feathered end of an arrow L.
- • n. the flower of Barleria Kir. Śiś.
- • the body PraśnUp.
- ○gaṅgā f. 'arrow Ganges', N. of a river flowing past Somêśa (and said to have been produced by Rāvaṇa by cleaving a mountain with an arrow) VarP.
- ○gocara m. the range of an arrow MBh. Mālatīm.
- ○jit m. 'conqueror of the Asura Bāṇa', N. of Vishṇu L.
- ○tā f. the being an arrow Kum.
- ○tūṇa m. arrow-quiver', 'a quiver
- • ○ṇī-kṛta mfn. made into a quiver Kathās.
- ○dhi m. 'arrow-receptacle', a quiver MBh.
- ○nāśā f. N. of a river Cat.
- ○nikṛta mfn. pierced or wounded by an arrow W.
- ○pañcânana m. N. of a Poet Cat.
- ○patha m. arrow-path, a bow-shot
- • -vartin, v. l. for -pāta-v○ below [Page 727, Column ]
- • ○thâtī7ta mfn. passed beyond the range of an arrow Vikr.
- ○parṇi f. N. of a plant Kauś.
- ○pāṇi mfn. 'arrow-handed', armed with arrows W.
- ○pāta m. 'arrow-fall', the range of an arrow
- • -vartin mfn. being within the range of an arrow Śak. (v. l. -patha-v○)
- ○puṅkhā f. the feathered end of an arrow MW.
- • N. of a plant resembling the Indigo plant L.
- ○pur f. or the capital of the Asura Bāṇa L.
- ○pura n. the capital of the Asura Bāṇa L.
- ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of the author Bāṇa Cat.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of arrows, arrowy MBh.
- ○mukti f. or discharge of an arrow L.
- ○mokṣaṇa n. discharge of an arrow L.
- ○mukha (bā́ṇa-), mfn. having arrow in the mouth Suparṇ.
- ○yojana n. 'arrow-union', a quiver Pañcat.
- ○rekhā f. 'arrow-line', a long wound made by an arrow R.
- ○liṅga n. a white stone found in the Narmadā river and worshipped as the Liṅga of Śiva RTL.69
- ○vat (bā́ṇa-), mfn. 'made of or containing reed', an arrow ŚBr. ŚrS.
- • a quiver VS. ŚBr.
- ○varṣaṇa n
- ○vṛṣṭi f. a shower of arrows or darts MW.
- ○varṣin mfn. showering arrows Ragh.
- ○vāra m. a multitude of arrow L.
- • n. a breastplate, armour ib.
- ○saṃdhāna n. the fitting of an arrow to the bow-string Śak.
- ○siddhi f. the hitting of a mark by an arrow Kām.
- ○śutā f. 'daughter of Bāṇa', N. of Usha (the wife of Aniruddha) L.
- ○han m. 'slayer of Bāṇa', name of Vishṇu L.
- bāṇāparnī wṛ. for ○Na-p○, q.v
- bāṇâbhyāsa m. 'arrow-throwing', archery L.
- bāṇâri m. 'enemy of Bāṇa', id. L.
- bāṇâvali f. a series of 5 Ślokas (containing only one sentence) Kāvyâd. Sch.
- bāṇâśraya m. 'arrow-receptacle', a quiver L.
- bāṇâsana n. 'arrow-discharger', a bow Śak.
- • a bow-string L.
- • ○nī-√kṛ, to make into a bow Hariv.
- bāṇâsura m. the Asura Bāṇa
- • -vadha and -vijaya. m. the killing and conquering of the Asura Bāṇa, N. of wks
- bāṇêśvara m. N. of a Liṅga (prob. = bāṇa-l○) Cat.
- • N. of sev. authors ib.
- bāṇin mfn. having an arrow or arrows MBh. R.
- bāṇeya m. an adherent of the Asura Bāṇa Hariv.
- bāṇi ○ṇī, See vāṇi, ○ṇī
- bāṇija ○jya, See vāṇija, ○jya
- bādakṣāna = Bādakshān Bhpr. (vḷ. bad○)
- bādara mf(ī)n. (fr. badara) belonging to or derived from the jujube tree Suśr.
- • made of cotton L.
- • coarse (opp. to sūkṣma) Śīl.
- • m. or (ā), f. the cotton shrub L.
- • m.pl. N. of a people Var.
- • n. the jujube (= badara) Suśr.
- • the berry of Abrus Precatorius or the plant itself. L.
- • silk L.
- • water L.
- • a conch shell which winds from left to right L. = vāra (N. of a plant or wṛ. for vāri?) L.
- bādarāyaṇa m. (patr. fr. badara
- • g. naḍâdi) N. of sev. teachers and authors (esp. of a sage identified with Vyāsa, said to be the author of the Vedânta-sūtras
- • of an astronomer
- • of the author of a Dharma-śāstra &c. ) IW. 106 &c
- • mfn. written or composed by BādṭBādarāyaṇa Cat.
- ○praśna m. N. of an astrol. wk
- ○sūtra n. N. of the Vedânta-sṭsūtras
- bādarāyaṇi m. (patr. fr. prec.) N. of Śuka Cat.
- • = badarāyaṇa ib.
- bādari m. (patr. fr. badara) N. of a philosopher Bādar.
- bādarika mfn. one who gathers the fruit of the jujube tree Pāṇ. 4-4, 32 Sch.
- bādāma m. an almond-tree, Pers
- bādh cl. 1. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. ii, 4) bādhaté, ep. and m. c. also P. ○ti (pf. babādhé RV.
- • aor. bādhiṣṭa ib., bādhiṣṭām TĀr.
- • fut. bādhiṣyate, ○ti MBh. &c., bādhitā Gr
- • inf. bā́dhe RV., bādhitum MBh.
- • ind. p. bādhitvā, See s.v., bā́dhya RV.), to press, force, drive away, repel, remove RV. &c. &c
- • (with várīyas) to force asunder RV. x, 113, 5
- • to harass, pain, trouble, grieve, vex RV. &c. &c
- • to resist, oppose, check, stop, prevent MBh. Kāv. &c
- • to set aside (as a rule), annul, invalidate Pāṇ. Sch. Nīlak. &c
- • to suffer annoyance or oppression TS.: Pass. bādhyate, to be pressed &c
- • to be acted upon, suffer Pañcat.: Caus. bādhayati (aor. ababādhat Pāṇ. 7-4, 2), to oppress, harass, attack, trouble, vex R. Bhaṭṭ.: Desid. bibādhiṣate, to wish to remove or chase away ĀpŚr. Sch.
- • bhatsate, to feel an aversion for, loathe, shrink from (abl.) Br. ŚrS. &c. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 6) Intens. bābadhe ( See pra-√bādh)
- • badbodhé, to press hard, hem in, confine RV.
- • pr. p. badbadhāná, striking, knocking against (acc.) RV. vii, 69, 1 [Page 728, Column ]
- • hemmed in, pent up, i, 52, 10 &c. [Cf. √vadh, also for kindred words.]
- bādhá m. a harasser, tormentor Hariv.
- • annoyance, molestation, affliction, obstacle, distress, pain, trouble RV. &c. &c
- • (also ā, f
- • cf Vām. v, 2, 44) injury, detriment, hurt, damage MBh. Kāv. &c
- • danger, jeopardy ( See prâṇa-)
- • exclusion from (comp.) Pañcat.
- • suspension, annulment (of a rule &c.) Sāh. Pāṇ. Sch. &c
- • a contradiction, objection, absurdity, the being excluded by superior proof (in log., one of the 5 forms of fallacious middle term) Kap. Bhāshāp. &c
- ○cintāmaṇi m
- ○tā f
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- bādhapūrvapakṣagranthakroḍa3bādhá--pūrva-pakṣa-grantha-kroḍa m
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- bādhapūrvapakṣagranthaṭīkā3bādhá--pūrva-pakṣa-granḍtha-ṭīkā f
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- bādhapūrvapakṣagranthaprakāśa3bādhá--pūrva-pakṣa-granḍtha-prakāśa m
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- bādhapūrvapakṣagranthavivecana3bādhá--pūrva-pakṣa-granḍtha-vivecana n
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- bādhapūrvapakṣagranthānugama3bādhá--pūrva-pakṣa-granḍthânugama m
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- bādhabuddhipratibadhyatāvāda3bādhá--buddhi-pratibadhyatâvāda m
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- bādhabuddhipratibadhyapratihandhakatāvicāra3bādhá--buddhi-pratibadhya-pratihandhakatā-vicāra m
- ○buddhi-vāda m
- ○buddhi-vādârtha m
- ○buddhi-vicāra m
- ○rahasya n
- ○vāda m
- ○vicāra m
- ○vibhājaka m. or n
- ○siddhânta-grantha-ṭīkā f
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- bādhasiddhāntagranthakroḍa3bādhá--siddhânta-granḍtha-kroḍa m
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- bādhasiddhāntagranthaprakāśa3bādhá--siddhânta-granḍtha-prakāśa m
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- bādhasiddhāntagranthavivecana3bādhá--siddhânta-granḍtha-vivecana n
[[ ]]
- bādhasiddhāntagranthānugama3bādhá--siddhânta-granḍthānugama m. N. of wks
- bādhânta m. N. of wk
- bā́dha m. (prob.) urging, impulse (cf. Naigh. ii, 9= bala Sāy. = bādhaka, bādhana) RV. vi, 11, 5 ; i, 61, 2 ; 132, 5 (?)
- bādhaka mf(ikā)n. oppressing, harassing, paining ( See śatru-b○)
- • opposing, hindering, injuring, prejudicing MBh. Pur. (-tā f.)
- • setting aside, suspending, annulling Śaṃk. Sarvad. (-tva n.)
- • m. a partic. disease of women L.
- • a kind of tree Gobh.
- • mf(ī)n. belonging to or derived from the Bādhaka tree ṢaḍvBr. ŚrS.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. = prec. mfn. SāmavBr.
- bādhana mfn. oppressing, harassing ( See śatrub○)
- • opposing, refuting L.
- • (ā), f. uneasiness, trouble, pain Nyāyas.
- • n. opposition, resistance, oppression, molestation, affliction (also pl.) R. Śak.
- • removing, suspending, annulment (of a rule &c.) Vedântas. Pāṇ. Sch.
- bādhanīya mfn. to be removed, Nyāyam. Sch.
- bādhayitṛ m. an injurer, opposer (○trī f.) Sāy.
- bādhitá mfn. pressed, oppressed &c. RV. &c. &c
- • (in gram.) set aside, annulled
- • (in logic) contradictory, absurd, false, incompatible (cf. a-bādhita)
- ○tva n. the being suspended or refuted or contradicted Vedântas.
- bādhitavya mfn. to be pressed hard or harassed or pained MBh.
- • to be suspended or annulled KātyŚr. Sch.
- bādhitṛ m. an oppressor, harasser, annoyer MBh. Bālar. Prab.
- bādhitvā ind. having pressed hard or harassed MW.
- • (in gram.) destroying or neutralizing the effect of a previous rule
- bādhin mfn. (ifc.) injuring, impeding Jātakam.
- bādhya mfn. to be (or being) pressed hard or harassed or distressed or pained or checked or suppressed, Kav. Kathās. Pur. &c
- • to be (or being) set aside or suspended or annulled Vop.
- ○tva n. the state of being set aside, suspension, annulment Kap.
- ○bādhakatā f. the condition of oppressed and oppressor BhP.
- • the condition of one who pains such as deserve to be pained ib.
- ○retas m. one whose generative fluid is obstructed, impotent Kull. on Mn. ix, 79
- bādhyamāna-tva n. the condition of being suspended or set aside, suspension, annulment Nīlak.
- bādhiraka mfn. (fr. badhira), g. arīhaṇâdi
- bādhirika m. metron. fr. badhirikā g. śivâdi
- bādhirya n. deafness MBh. Suśr.
- bādhūla m. N. of a family Cat.
- ○śiṣya m. N. of an author ib.
- ○smṛti f. N. of wk
- bā́dhyoga (cf. ŚBr.), bādhyauga (cf. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 7-3, 20), patr. fr. badhyoga
- bdhyaugāyana m. patr. fr. badhyoga g. haritâdi
- bādhva m. patr., N. of a Ṛishi AitĀr. (wṛ. bādhyā)
- bāndhaki m. patr. or metron., g. taulvaly-ādi
- bāndhakineya m. (fr. bandhakī) the son of an unmarried woman, a bastard L. (g. kalyāṇy-ādi)
- bāndhakeya m. id., g. śubhrâdi. [Page 728, Column ]
- bāndhava m. (fr. bandhu) a kinsman, relation (esp. maternal relation), friend (ifc. f. ā) Mn. MBh. &c
- • a brother A.
- • (ī), f. a female relative Kathās.
- ○jana m. relatives, kinsmen (collectively) Mṛicch. Pañcat.
- ○tā f. relationship Caṇḍ.
- ○dhurā f. a friendly turn, kindness, Mālātim. vii, 4 (= mitra-kṛtya Sch.)
- bāndhavaka mfn. belonging or relating to kinsmen, kindred Hariv.
- bāndhavya n. connection by blood, relationship Kathās.
- bāndhuka mf(ī)n. belonging to or derived from the Bandhuka tree Kāṭh. (cf. ĀpŚr. māndhuka)
- bāndhukineya m. metron. fr. bandhukī g. kalyāṇy-ādi
- bāndhukya n. marriage Gal.
- bāndhupata mf(ī)n., fr. bandhu-pati g. aśvapaty-ādi
- bāpaṇṇa-bhaṭṭa m. N. of an author Cat.
- bāpaya m. N. of Kāśī-nātha-bhaṭṭa, q.v
- bāpu-bhaṭṭa m. N. of an author (also called Ananta-bhaṭṭa) Cat.
- bāpū-deva m. N. of an author Cat.
- bāpya-deva m. N. of the writer of a partic. inscription Inscr.
- bābakhāna-caritra n. N. of wk
- bābara n. (fr. babara) N. of a Pañcarātra ĀśvŚr.
- • of a place Cat.
- bābujī-vyāsa m. N. of an author Cat.
- bāberī f. N. of a city Cat.
- bā́bhrava mf(ī)n. belonging or relating to Babhru PañcavBr.
- • m. patr. fr. bábhru ŚBr. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 106)
- • (ī), f. N. of Durgā L.
- • n. N. of various Simans ĀrshBr.
- ○dāna-cyuta and m. pl., g. kārta-kaujapa
- śālaṅkāyana (bā́bhr○), m. pl., g. kārta-kaujapa
- bābhravāyaṇi m. (patr. fr. babhru) N. of a son of Viśvā-mitra MBh.
- bābhravīya mfn. relating or belonging to Bābhravya Cat.
- • m. pl. his disciples ib.
- bābhravya m. N. of various authors and teachers (also with kauśika and pañcāla, and śāṇḍilá pl.) GṛS. Hariv. Cat. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 106)
- • of other men Ratnâv. MārkP.
- • (ā), f. N. of a woman L.
- bābhravyaka mfn. inhabited by Bābhravyas, g. rājanyâdi
- bābhravyāyaṇī f. of bābhravya g. lohitâdi
- bābhruka mfn. (fr. babhru) like an ichneumon i.e. (prob.) brown, brownish, g. aṅguly-ādi
- bāya-bhaṭṭa in. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa and father of Advaita Cat.
- bāra m. or n. (?) an opening, aperture ( See jihmá- and nīcī́na-b○)
- bārahaṭa m. N. of Nara-hara-dāsa (the author of the Hindī work Avatāra-caritra or Caturviṃśaty-avatāra-caritra) Cat.
- bārejya N. of a town Cat.
- bārḍhya or vārḍhya n. fr. bṛḍha (vṛḍha), g. dṛḍhâdi
- bārbara mfn. born in the country of the barbarians, g. takṣaśīlâdi
- bārbaraka mfn. (fr. barbara), g. dhūmâdi
- bārbarīṭa in. (only L.) the kernel of the mango fruit
- • a young shoot
- • tin
- • the son of a harlot
- bārha mfn. (fr. barha) made of the feathers of a peacock's tail BhP.
- bārhiṇa-lakṣmaṇa mfn. (prob.) wṛ. for barhiṇa-l○, q.v
- bārhat Vṛiddhi form of bṛhat in comp
- ○sāmā f. (-sāman) N. of a woman AV.
- bā́rhata mf(ī)n. relating to the Sāman Bṛihat VS. TS. Br. [Page 728, Column ] ŚrS.
- • relating to the metre Bṛihatī TS. RPrāt. &c
- • m. pl. the Soma keepers RV. x, 85, 4 (cf. Sāy.)
- • n. the fruit of the Bṛihatī (a variety of the Solanum)
- bārhataka m. N. of a man Mālav. i, 6/7 (wṛ. vāhataka)
- bārhatānuṣṭubha mfn. consisting of a Bṛihatī and an Anushṭubh RPrāt.
- bārhad in comp. for bārhat
- ○agna m. pl. the descendants of Bṛihad-agni, g. kaṇvâdi
- ○īṣava (m. c.), m. patr. fr. Bṛihad-ishu (also pl.) BhP.
- ○ukthá m. patr. fr. Bṛihad-uktha Br.
- • n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.
- ○gira mf(ī)n. relating to Bṛihad-giri
- • n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.
- ○daivata n. N. of wk. (= bṛhad-devatā and ascribed to Śaunaka) Ṣaḍguruś.
- ○bala mf(ī)n. relating to Bṛihad-bala BhP.
- ○ratha mf(ī)n. relating to Bṛihad-ratha MBh.
- • m. patr. of Jarasaṃdha ib. Hariv.
- • pl. (With bhū-pālāḥ) Pur.
- ○rathi m. pl. patr. of Jarā-saṃdha L.
- bārhas Vṛiddhi form of bṛhas in comp
- ○pata mf(ī)n. relating to or descended from Bṛihas-pati MBh. R.
- ○patyá mfn. id. AV. &c. &c. (with bha or nakṣatra, n. the constellation Pushya Sūryas.
- • with māna n. 'Jupiter's measure', a method of reckoning time ib.)
- • m. patr. fr. Bṛihas-pati (N. of Saṃyu, Agni, Tapur-mūrdhan, Bharad-vāja) TS. ŚBr. Nir. &c
- • a pupil of Bharad BhP.
- • an infidel, materialist ib. Hariv.
- • n. the Artha-sāstra of Bharad, ethics morality Lalit.
- • N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.
- • -jyotiḥ-śāstra n. or ○tir-grantha m. -tantra n. -mahiman m. -muhūrta-vidhāna, ṇ., -saṃhitā f. -sūtra-ṭīkā f. -smṛti f. N. of wks
- bārhavata mf(ī)n. containing the word barha-vat g. vimuktâdi
- bārhiṣada or bārhiḥṣada m. patr. fr. barhi-ṣad or barhiḥ-ṣad (also pl.) BhP.
- bā́l ind. onomat. an interjection imitating the sound of a falling body AV.
- bāla mf(ā)n. (cf. vāla) young, childish, infantine, not full-grown or developed (of per. sons and things) GṛS. Up. Mn. MBh. &c
- • newly risen, early (as the sun or its rays) Ragh.
- • new or waxing (as the moon) ib. Kum.
- • puerile, ignorant, simple, foolish Mn. Hariv. Kāv.
- • pure (as an animal fit for sacrifice) L.
- • m.a child, boy (esp. one under 5 years) Mn. MBh. &c
- • (in law) a minor (minors are classified as kunāra, or boys under 5 years of age, śiśu under 8, pogaṇḍa from the 5th to the end of the 9th or till the 16th year, and kiśora from the 10th to the 16th year)
- • a fool, simpleton Mn. Pañcat.
- • any young animal L.
- • a colt, foal L.
- • a five years old elephant L.
- • Cypriūs Denticulatus or Rohita L.
- • N. of a Rakshas VP.
- • of a prince Rājat.
- • (ā), f. a female child, girl, young woman (esp. one under 16 years) Mn. MBh. &c
- • a one year old cow L.
- • small cardamoms L.
- • Aloe Indica L.
- • a kind of metre L.
- • a partic. mystical prayer Cat.
- • N. of the mother of Vālin and Su-griva (said to have been formed by Prajā-pati out of some dust which had fallen into his eyes) R.
- • n. Andropogon Muricatus L.
- • heat L.
- ○kadalī f. a young plantain tree, Musa Sapientum Mṛicch.
- ○kamalinī f. a young lotus plant Mālatīm.
- ○kavi m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○kāṇḍa m. 'the boy (Rāma) section', N. of the first book of the Ramāyaṇa (ādi-k○ in B.) and of the Adhyātma-rāmāyaṇa (s.v.)
- ○kāvya n. N. of a poem
- ○kunda m. a young jasmine
- • ○dânuviddha mfn. adorned with young jasmine blossoms Megh.
- ○kṛṣṇa m. the boy Kṛishṇa or KṭKṛishṇa as a boy RTL. 136
- • N. of a man also called Gaṅgā-dhara W.
- • of various authors (also -dāsa, -dīkṣita, -bhaṭṭa and -miśra-) Cat.
- • -krīḍā-kāvya n. and campū f. N. of 2 poems
- • ○ṇânanda m. N. of an author Cat.
- • ○ṇâṣṭaka n. N. of a Stotra
- ○keli or f. child's play or amusement Daś.
- ○kelī f. child's play or amusement Daś.
- ○kriyā f. doings or conduct of children MārkP.
- ○krīḍana n. = -keli Kāv.
- • ○naka n. id. Hariv.
- • (pl.) N. of ch' of Vātsyāyana's Kāmasūtra
- • m. a child's toy or plaything MBh.
- • a bill L.
- • N. of Śiva MBh.
- • Cypraea Moneta L.
- ○krīḍā f. = -keli Cat.
- • kāvya and -varṇana n. N. of wks
- ○khilya See vāla-kh○
- ○gaja m. a young elephant BhP.
- ○gaṇapati-pūjā f. N. of work
- ○garbhiṇī f. a cow with calf for the first time L.
- ○gādā-dharī f. N. of wk. ( = tarka-saṃgrahadīpikā). [Page 729, Column ]
- ○gopāla m. Kṛishṇa as a youthful herdsman Pañcar.
- • N. of an author (also ○lêndra Cat.)
- • -tīrtha m. N. of the teacher of Dhana-pati ib.
- • -yatī7dra m. N. of an author ib.
- ○govinda m. N. of an author Cat. T
- ○gaurī-tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place in Śrī-māla Cat.
- ○gráha m. 'seizer of children', a kind of demon (said to cause 9 kinds of possession) MBh. AgP. Suśr.
- • -pratiṣedha m. -yoga-śānti f. ○hôpaśamana n. N. of wks
- ○ghna m. a child-murderer Mn. xi, 190
- ○candra m. the young or waxing moon (also ○dra-mas) Kāv.
- • n. a cavity of a partic. shape (made in a wall) Mṛicch.
- ○candrikā f. N. of a woman Daś.
- ○carita or n. 'childish doings', N. of wks. or chs. of wks. treating of the youthful adventures of a deity, (esp.) of ch. of GaṇP.
- ○cariḍtva n. 'childish doings', N. of wks. or chs. of wks. treating of the youthful adventures of a deity, (esp.) of ch. of GaṇP.
- • ○ta-nāman n. N. of wk
- ○carya m. 'behaving like a child', N. of Skanda L.
- • (ā), f. the behaviour of a child R.
- ○cāturbhadrikā f. a partic. mixture for children L.
- ○cikitsā f. 'treatment of child', N. of sev. medic. wks
- ○cūta m. a young mango tree Ragh.
- ○jātaka n. child's nativity', N. of wk
- ○jātaya mfn. childish, foolish, simple L.
- ○tanaya m. a young son W.
- • Acacia Catechu L.
- ○tantra n. midwifery L.
- • N. of wk. on midwifery
- ○taru m. a young tree Śak.
- ○tā f. (cf. MBh.),
- ○tva n. (cf. Kāv. Pur.) childhood, boyhood
- ○tṛṇa n. young grass Kuval.
- ○darśam ind. at the sight of a boy Kathās.
- ○dalaka m. 'small-leafed', Acacia Catechu L.
- ○deva m. N. of a man Cat.
- • patr. fr. bala-d○ Pat.
- ○dhana n. the property of a minor or infant Mn. viii, 147
- ○netra mf(ā)n. guided or steered by a fool (as a ship) MBh.
- ○paṇḍita m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○pattra m. 'small-leafed', N. of a tree Kāv. (Hedysarum Alhagi or = next L.)
- ○pattraka m. Acacia Catechu, L:
- ○pāṭha m. N. of wk
- ○pādapa m.= -taru Śak.
- ○pāśyā f. a string of pearls or other ornament for the hair W.
- ○putra mf(ā)n. having children or young MBh. R.
- ○putraka m. a little son Kathās.
- ○puṣpikā or f. Jasminum Auriculatum L.
- ○puṣpī f. Jasminum Auriculatum L.
- ○prakāśa m
- ○prabodhikā and f. N. of wks
- ○praboḍdhinī f. N. of wks
- ○pramathanī f. a partic. Sakti Hcat.
- ○bandhana m. 'child-binder', N. of a demon PārGṛ.
- ○buddhi-prakāśinī f. N. of wk
- ○bodha (and -saṃgraha), m. N. of Wks
- ○bodhaka m. instructing the young Cat.
- • (ikā), f. N. of wk
- ○bodhanī f. N. of wk
- • -nyāsa m. and -bhāvaprakāśa m. N. of wks
- ○bhañjaka m. N. of a man Rājat.
- ○bhadraka n. a kind of mineral poison (?) L.
- ○bhārata n. 'the little Bharata' (opp. to the Mahā-bhṭbhārata or great Bharata), N. of a Kāvya, a Campū, and a drama (= pracaṇḍa-pāṇḍava)
- ○bhāva m. state of a child, childhood, minority, infancy, youth Mn. viii, 118 (cf. Kull. 'inattention') MBh. &c
- • children collectively Mālatīm.
- • recent rise (of a planet) Kāv.
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- bālabhāṣāvyākaraṇasutravṛtti3bāla--bhāṣā-vyākaraṇa-sutra-vṛtti f
- ○bhūṣā f. (and ○ṣā-sāra, m.), N. of wks
- ○bhṛtya m. a servant from childhood Kathās.
- ○bhairavī-dīpa-dāna n. N. of wk
- ○bhaiṣajya n. a kind of collyrium (= rasâñjana) L.
- ○bhojya n. 'children's food', pease L.
- ○mati mfn. of childish intellect MBh.
- ○manoramā f. 'pleasant to children', N. of sev. grammars
- ○mandāra-vṛkṣa m. a young coral tree Megh.
- ○maraṇa n. (with Jainas) a fool's manner of dying (12 in number, among which is suicide)
- • -vidhi-kartavyatā f. N. of wk
- ○mallavena-siddhânta m. N. of wk
- ○mitra n. a friend from boyhood Mṛicch.
- ○mukundâcārya m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○mūla m. a young sadish L.
- ○mūlaka m. a species of plant Suśr.
- • (ikā), f. Hibiscus Cannabinus Bhpr.
- ○mūṣikā f. a small rat, mouse L.
- ○mṛga m. a young deer, fawn R.
- ○mriṇāla m. n. a tender filament or fibre of the lotus Bhartṛ.
- ○m-bhaṭṭa m. N. of sev. men and authors Cat.
- • mf(ī)n. written or composed by Bālam-bhaṭṭa ib.
- • ṭṭīya n. N. of wk
- ○yajñôpavītaka n. the sacred thread worn across the breast L.
- • a sort of substitute for the sacred thread worn by children (?) W. (cf. bālópaviita)
- ○rakṣaṇa n. 'guarding children'
- • -vidhāna n. N. of wk
- ○rakṣā f. = -rakṣaṇa
- • -stava m. -stotra n. N. of wks
- ○rañjinī f. 'pleasing children', N. of an elementary grammar by Bāla-śāstrin
- ○rāghavīya n. N. of a poem
- ○rāja n. (?) lapis lazuli W. (rf. bāla-sūrya)
- ○rāma-bharata n. N. of a poem
- ○rāmāyaṇa n. 'the little Rāmāyaṇa', N. of a Nāṭaka by Rāja-śekhara (cf. mahārām○ and bāla-bhārata)
- ○rūpa m. or n. (?) N. of an author or of a wk. [Page 729, Column ]
- • -dhara m. 'bearing a boy's form', N. of Śiva MW.
- • -dhṛk mfn. having a boy's form, assuming the form of a dwarf. ib.
- ○roga m. disease of children Cat.
- ○latā f. a young creeper Ragh.
- ○līlā f. = -keli BhP.
- ○vatsa mf(ā)n. one whose child is still a boy MBh. R.
- • m. a young calf. Ragh.
- • 'child's favourite', a dove, pigeon W.
- ○vanitā f. a young woman Hit.
- ○vāhya m. 'ridden by children', a yṭyoung goat L.
- ○vinaṣṭa or m. N. of a man Kathās.
- ○vinaṣḍṭaka m. N. of a man Kathās.
- ○vinodinī f
- ○vivekinī f. N. of wks
- ○vṛkṣa m. = -taru Ragh.
- ○vaidhavya n. child-widowhood, SārṅgP
- ○vyākaraṇa n. 'a child's grṭgrammar', N. of a grammar. -vrata m. N. of the Buddhist saint Mañjuśrī L.
- ○śarman m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○śāstrin m. N. of a grammarian and of a living writer Cat.
- ○śṛṅga mfn. having young (i.e. not yet full-grown) horns Hariv.
- ○sakhi m.= -mitra Kathās.
- • the friend of a fool (-tva n.) Subh.
- ○saṃjīvana n. N. of ch. of GaṇP. ii
- ○saṃdhyā f. early twilight, dawn L.
- • ○dhyâbha mfn. 'dawn-like', of a purple colour MW.
- ○sarasvatī m. N. of an author Cat.
- • ○tīya n. (with or scil. kāvya) N. of wk
- ○sâtrnya n. suitable for children', milk L.
- ○sāra-yantra n. N. of wk
- ○siṃha m. N. of a man Inscr.
- ○suhṛd m. = -mitra Kathās.
- ○sūrya and n. lapis lazuli L.
- ○sūrḍyaka n. lapis lazuli L.
- ○sthāna n. condition of a child, childhood, youth, inexperience MW.
- ○hatyā f. child-murder ib.
- ○han mf(ghnī)n. child-murdering BhP.
- bālā-kalpa m
- bālā-kavaca m. or n. N. of wks
- bālâgra n. (vāl○?) a dove-cot Mṛicch. i, 50/51 (cf. Sch.)
- bālâcārya m. N. of a teacher Cat.
- bālā-tantra n. N. of wk
- bālâtapa m. early heat of the sun, heat of the morning sun Mn. Kālid. (also pl.)
- • -rakta mfn. red with the morning sunbeams Ragh.
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- bālātripurasundarīpūjanaprayoga3bālā-tripura-sundarī-pūjana-prayoga m. N. of wk
- bālâditya m. the newly risen sun, morning sun MBh.
- • N. of princes Rājat.
- • -vrata n. N. of wk. Bālā-dīkshita, m. N. of an author Cat. (cf. bāla-d○)
- bālâdhyāpaka m. a teacher of boys (-tā f.), Rājaṭ
- bālânucara-gupta or m. N. of Śiva MBh.
- bālânucara-gopta m. N. of Śiva MBh.
- bālā-pañcaratna n. N. of wk
- bālâpatya n. youthful progeny W.
- bālā-paddhati f. N. of wk
- bālâbhyāsa m. early application, study during childhood MW.
- bālâmaya m. a child's disease
- • -pratithedha m. N. of wk
- bālâriṣṭa n. and N. of wks
- bālâriṣḍṭâdhyāya m. N. of wks
- bālâruṇa m. early dawn Kum.
- • mfn. red like early dawn Ragh.
- bālârka m. the newly risen sun MBh.
- • -komala mfn. soft as the orient sun MW.
- • pratimā f. the image or reflection of the orient sun Ragh.
- • -varṇa mfn. coloured like the orient sun (said of Śiva) MBh.
- • ○kāya Nom. (○yita mfn. ) to resemble the orient sun Subh.
- bālârcā-paddhati f
- bālâloka-saṃkṣepa m. N. of wks
- bālâvabodha m. instruction of the young (also ○dhana n. Pañcat.)
- • N. of 2 wks
- • -paddhati f. N. of a Comm. on SāṅkhGṛ. bālāvarṇana n. N. of SārṅgP.xx
- bālâvastha mfn. being, in childhood, still young Vikr.
- • (ā), f. childhood, youth MW.
- bālâśoka m. a young Aśoka tree Vikr.
- bālāṣṭaka and n. N. of Stotras
- bālâṣṭôttara-śatanāma-stotra n. N. of Stotras
- bālâsura m. N. of an Asura
- • -vadha m. N. of ch. of GaṇP. ii
- bālā-hatyā f. the murdering of female children MW.
- bālêndu m. the new or waxing moon Kum.
- bālêśvara m. N. of an author Cat.
- bālêṣṭa m. 'liked by children', a jujube tree L.
- bālôpacaraṇa n. medical treatment of children (also ○cāra) Cat.
- • ○ṇiya mfn. relating to it
- • n. N. of ch. of wk. ib.
- bālôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad
- bālôpavīta n. = bāla-yajñópaviitaka, a cloth covering the privities W.
- bālaka mf(ikā)n. young, childish, not yet fullgrown MBh. Kāv. &c
- • m. a child, boy, youth (in law 'a minor'), the young of an animal ib. (ikā f. a girl Kāv. Pur.)
- • a young elephant five years old Śiś. v, 47
- • a fool, simpleton L.
- • a kind of fish L.
- • N. of a prince (v. l. pālaka) Pur.
- ○tva n. childhood, childishness W.
- ○pralapita n. childish talk, foolish prattle MW.
- ○priya mfn. fond of children
- • (ā), f. colocynth L.
- • Musa Sapien. tum L.
- ○hatyā f. infanticide MW.
- bālakīya mfn. childish, infantine W.
- bālāyani m. metron. of a teacher BhP. (cf. g. tikâdi)
- bāli
- olin See vāli, ○lin
- bāliman m. childhood, youth, immaturity, g. pṛthv-ādi. [Page 729, Column ]
- bāliśa mf(ā)n. young, childish, puerile, ignorant, simple, foolish MBh. Kāv. &c
- • m. a fool, simpleton, blockhead ib.
- ○tā f. (cf. Uttarar.),
- ○tva n. (cf. Hariv.) childishness, simplicity, folly
- ○mati mfn. childish-minded, foolish MBh.
- bāliśya n. (g. brāhmaṇâdi) childishness, youth, thoughtlessness, folly Mn. MBh. &c
- bāleya mfn. fit or proper for children L.
- • tender, soft L. (for 2. See below)
- bā́lya or n. boyhood, childhood, infancy ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- bālyá n. boyhood, childhood, infancy ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- • crescent state (of the moon) Kum. vii, 35
- • = bāliśya ŚBr. MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○kāla m. the period or age of childhood MW.
- ○tā f. boyhood, infancy R.
- bālandana m. patr. of Vatsa-prī (cf. bhālandana)
- bā́lāki m. metron. fr. balākā ŚBr. (cf. g. bāhv-ādi)
- bālākyā See kā́tyapī-bālākyā-maṭharī-pútra
- bālāha (or vāl○), m. N. of a mythical horse Buddh.
- bālāhaka m. id. ib.
- • N. of a serpent-demon Hariv.
- • yuddhe balāhaka-jambu-māle, 'in the contest between Bālāhaka and Jambu-māla' Nīlak.
- bāliśa n. (for 1. See above) = Pers. ? a pillow, cushion L.
- bālīvaráineya m. patr. fr. balīvardin g. śubhrâdi
- • metron' fr. balīvardī g. kalyāṇy-ādi (cf. balīvardineya)
- bālīśa m. retention of urine L.
- bālu bāluka &c. See vālu &c
- bāleya mfn. (fr. bali) fit for an offering or oblation Ragh.
- • descended from Bali Hariv.
- • m. an ass Var.
- • a species of Cyperus Bhpr.
- • = -śāka L.
- • a kind of radish L. (prob. wṛ. for śāleya)
- • patr. fr. bali KātyŚr.
- • (pl.) VP.
- • N. of a Daitya L.
- ○śāka m. a kind of vegetable (= aṅgāra-vallī) L.
- bāleyârdhika mfn. Pāt
- bāloka m. N. of an author Cat.
- bālbaja mf(ī́)n. (fr. balbaja) made of the grass Eleusine Indica ŚBr. MBh. (B. bālvaja)
- bālbajabhārika mfn. (fr. [balbaja+bhAra]) laden or burdened with Balbaja grass, g. vaṃśâdi
- bālbajika mfn. bearing Balbaja grass ib. (cf. balbajika)
- bālhava m. an inhabitant of Balkh (ī f.) Bālar.
- bālhāyana mf(ī)n., fr. bālhi Pāṇ. 4-2, 99 Pat.
- bālhi
- bāhli or N. of a country, Balkh ib.
- vāhli N. of a country, Balkh ib.
- ○ja or mfn. born or bred in Balkh (as a horse) MBh. R.
- ○jāta mfn. born or bred in Balkh (as a horse) MBh. R.
- bālhiśvara m. pl. N. of a dynasty VP.
- bālhika or m. (pl.) N. of a people MBh.
- bāhlika m. (pl.) N. of a people MBh.
- • a king of the Bālhikas ib. Hariv. Pur.
- • N. of a son of Pratīpa Hariv.
- • (pl.) of a dynasty BhP.
- • mfn. of the Balkh breed (as horses) MBh. R.
- • n. (wṛ. bālhaka) saffron L.
- • Asa Foetida L.
- bālhikeya-miśra m. N. of an author Cat.
- bālhīka
- bāhlīka or m. (pl.) N. of a people MBh. R. &c
- vāhlīka m. (pl.) N. of a people MBh. R. &c
- • a prince of the Bālhīkas MBh.
- • N. of a son of Janam-ejaya ib.
- • of a son of Pratīpa ib. Pur.
- • of the father of Rohiṇī (wife of Vasu-deva) Hariv.
- • of a Gandharva L.
- • of a poet Cat.
- • (ī), f. a princess or any woman of the Bālhikas (also N. of mādrī, q.v.) MBh. Bālar.
- • mf(ī)n. belonging to or derived from the Bālar L.
- • n. = bālhika L.
- ○bhāṣā f. the language of the Balhīlkas (enumerated among the Pralkṛit dialects) Sāh.
- bālhīkôśa m. lord of the Bālhīkas R.
- bāvā-deva and bāvā-śāstrin m. N. of authors Cat.
- bāveru-jātaka n. N. of wk
- bāṣkaya mfn. fr. baṣkaya g. utsâdi
- bāṣkala m. N. of a teacher (a pupil of Paila) GṛS.
- • of a Daitya Hariv.
- • of a son of Anuhrāda BhP.
- • (pl.) N. of a family regarded as belonging to the Kaunkas Hariv. (v. l. vāskala)
- • a warrior (vāṣk○) L.
- • mfn. belonging to or derived from Bāshkala ĀśvŚr. Sch.
- • large, great (vāṣk○) W.
- • m. pl. the pupils of Bāshkala (a school of the Ṛig. veda) Cat. [Page 730, Column ]
- ○śākhā f. the Bāshkala recension (of the RV.) ib.
- bāṣkalôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad
- bāṣkalaka mf(ikā)n. belonging to or derived from the Bāshkalas L.
- • (ikā), f. the Ṛig-veda text of the Bāshkalas ŚāṅkhŚr. Sch.
- bāṣkali m. patr. of a teacher VP.
- bāṣkiha m. patr. fr. baṣkiha PañcavBr.
- bāṣpa m. (also written vāṣpa, cf. Uṇ. iii, 28) a tear, tears MBh. Kāv. &c
- • steam, vapour R. Ragh. Pañcat.
- • a kind of pot-herb Vāgbh.
- • iron L.
- • N. of a disciple of Gautama Budâha
- • (ī), f. a kind of plant (= hiṅgu-pattrī) L.
- ○kaṇṭha mf(ī)n., 'having tears in the throat', almost choked with tears Śak.
- ○kala mfn. inarticulate through tṭtears MBh.
- ○candra mṆ. of an author Cat.
- ○durdina mfn. clouded by tears
- • ○nâkṣa mf(ā, or ī)n. having eyes clouded by tṭtears Daś.
- ○paryākulêkṣana (cf. R.),
- ○pihita-locana (cf. Pañcat.), mfn. having eyes suffused with tears
- ○pūra m. a flood of tears Mālatīm.
- ○prakara m. a flow or gush of tṭtears Śiś.
- ○pramocana n. the shedding of tears MBh.
- ○bindu m. a tear-drop, tear R.
- ○mukha mfn. having the face bedewed with tears R.
- ○mokṣa m
- ○mocana n. = -pramocana Kāv.
- ○viklaba mfn. overcome with tṭtears, confused with weeping R.
- • -bhāṣin mf(iṇī)n. speaking (with a voice) interrupted with weeping ib.
- ○vṛṣṭi f. a shower of tears Ragh.
- ○saṃdigdha mfn. (a voice) indistinct by suppressed tears Nal.
- ○salila n. water of tears, Ratnāv
- bāṣpâkula mfn. dimmed or interrupted by tṭtears MBh.
- bāṣpâpluta mfn. id. A.
- bāṣpâmbu n. = ○pa-salila Ratnâv.
- • -pūra m. a flood of tears MW.
- • -śīkara m. pl. tears-drops Kathās.
- bāṣpâvilêkṣaṇa mfn. having eyes dimmed by tears MBh.
- bāhpâsāra m. = ○pa-vṛṣṭi Mālav.
- bāṣpôtpīḍa m. a gush or torrent of tṭtears Kād. Hcar.
- bāṣpôdbhava m. the rising or starting of tears MW.
- bāṣpaka (ifc. f. ā), steam, vapour, Suir
- • m. a kind of vegetable (= māriṣa) Bhpr.
- • (ā), f. = hiṅgu-pattrī L.
- • (ikā), f. a kind of vegetable Vāgbh.
- bāṣpāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to shed tears, weep Kāv.
- • to emit vapour or steam L.
- bāṣpin mf(iṇī)n. (ifc.) shedding tears or any liquid like tears R.
- bāṣpīkā f. a kind of plant (= bāṣpī) L.
- bāsa bāskala wṛ. for bhāsa, bāṣkala
- bāsta mf(ī)n. (fr. basta) coming from a goat (○taṃ carma, a goat-skin) Mn. ii, 41
- bāstāyana m. patr fr. basta g. aśvâdi
- bāstika n. a multitude of goats R.
- bāspa wṛ. for bāṣpa
- bāh See √vāh
- bāha m. the arm = 1. bāhu L. (also ā f. Uṇ. i, 28)
- • a horse L. ( See vāha)
- • mfn. firm, strong L.
- bāháva m. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-1, 39 Vārtt. 1 Pat.) = 1. bāhu, the arm (also n. ŚBr.)
- bāhavi m. patr. fr. 1. bāhu Pāṇ. 4-1, 96 N. of a teacher ĀśvGṛ.
- bāhā-bāhavi ind. arm against arm, in close combat ( = bāhū-bāhavi) Vop.
- bāhaṭa m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○nighaṇṭu m. N. of wk
- bāhaṭīya mfn. written or composed by Bāhaṭa
- • n. a work of Bāhaṭa Cat.
- bāhaḍa m. N. of a man Śatr.
- bāhadura (prob.) wṛ. for bāhādura
- bāhannôpaniṣad (?), f. N. of an Upanishad
- bāhalya n. (fr. bahala) thickness Suśr.
- bāhava n. (fr. bahu), g. pṛthvādi
- bāhādura m. a modern title of honour conferred by Muhammadan kings (= Pers.?)
- bāhirvedika
- mf(ī)n. (fr. bahirvedi). situated or taking place outside the Vedi KātyŚr. Sch. (cf. bahir-vedika). [Page 730, Column ]
- bāhīká mfn. (fr. bahis
- • but also written vāhīka) being outside, external, exterior Pāṇ. 4-1, 85 Vārtt. 5 Pat.
- • relating to the Balhīkas, g: palady-ādi
- • m. (pl.) N. of a despised people of the Pañjāb ŚBr. &c. &c. (often confounded with the Bālhikas)
- • a man of the Bāhīkas MBh.
- • N. of a priest Cat. = upa-śama Buddh.
- • = kāṣṭhaka, pālaka, or go-rakṣaka Hcar. Sch.
- • an ox L.
- • n. N. of a lake or piece of water in the country of the Bāhikas MBh.
- bāhú m. and (L.) f. (fr. √bah, baṃh
- • for 2. bāhu, See col. 3) the arm, (esp.) the fore-arm, the arm between the elbow and the wrist (opp. to pra-gaṇḍa, q.v
- • in medic. the whole upper extremity of the body, as opp. to sakthi, the lower extṭextremity) RV. &c. &c
- • the arm as a measure of length (= 12 Aṅgulas) Sulbas.
- • the fore-foot of an animal (esp. its upper part) RV. AV. Br. ĀśvGṛ.
- • the limb of a bow ŚBr.
- • the bar of a chariot-pole Gobh.
- • the post (of a door
- • See dvāra-b○)
- • the side of an angular figure (esp. the base of a right-angled triangle) Sūryas.
- • the shadow of the gnomon on a sun-dial ib.
- • (also du.) the constellation Ārdrā L.
- • m. N. of a Daitya MBh.
- • of a prince (who brought ruin upon his family by his illegal actions) ib.
- • of a son of Vṛika Hariv.
- • of a son of Vajra VP. [Cf. Gk. ?, ? ; [730, ] Germ. buog, Bug ; Angl. Sax. bo1g ; Eng. bough.]
- ○kara mfn. active with the arms Pāṇ. 3-2, 21
- ○kuṇṭha mfn. crippled in the arms L.
- ○kuntha (?), m. a wing L.
- ○kubja mfn. = -kuṇṭha W.
- ○kṣád mfn. offering the fore-legs (i.e. the inferior parts of an animal, said of a parsimonious sacrificer) RV. x, 27, 6
- ○cāpa m. 'arm-bow', a fathom (as a measure) L.
- ○cchinna mfn. having a broken aṭarm KaushUp.
- ○cyút (?) AV. xviii, 3, 25
- ○cyuta (bāhú-), mfn. fallen from the arm, dropped out of the hand RV. TS.
- ○ja m. 'arm-born', a Kshatriya (as sprung from the arm of Brahmā) L. (cf. Mn. i, 31)
- • a parrot L.
- • sesamum growing wild L.
- ○jūta (bāhú-), mfn. quick with the arm RV.
- ○jyā f. the cord of an arc, sine Sūryas.
- ○taraṇa n. crossing a river (with the arm, i.e. by swimming) Gaut.
- ○tā́ (bāhú-), ind. in the arms RV. (cf. devá-tā, puruṣá-tā)
- ○trāṇa n. armfence', armour for the arms L.
- ○daṇḍa m. 'armstaff', a long arm R. Daś.
- • a blow or punishment inflicted with the arm or fist MW. (cf. bhuja-d○)
- ○dā f. 'arm-giver', N. of Su-yaśā (a wife of Parīkshit) MBh.
- • of a river (into which Gaurī the wife of Prasena-jit is said to have been transformed
- • prob. identical with the Vitastā or Hydaspes and modern Jhelum) ib. R. &c
- • of another river VP.
- • -nadīmāhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○niḥsṛta n. a partic. method of fighting (by which a sword is twisted out of a person's hands) Hariv.
- ○pāśa m. = -bandhana Ratnâv.
- • a partic. attitude in fighting MBh.
- ○pracālakam ind. shaking the arms L.
- ○pratibāhu m. du. (in geom.) the opposite sides of a figure Col.
- ○prasāra m. stretching out the arms BhP.
- ○praharaṇa m. striking with the arms, a striker, boxer W.
- • n. boxing, wrestling ib.
- ○phala n. (in geom.) the result from the base sine Sūryas.
- • the sine of an arc of a circle of position contained between the sun and the prime vertical Siddhântaś.
- ○bandhana n. (ifc. f. ā) 'aṭarm-fetter', encircling arms, Kalid
- • m. the shoulder-blade R.
- ○bala n. power or strength of arm Mn. MBh. &c
- • m. 'strong in arm, N. of a prince Kathās.
- ○balín mfn. strong in arm' ŚBr. MBh.
- • N. of a man L.
- ○bādha m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (v. l. bāhu-bādhya, bahurada)
- ○bhaṅgi f. bending or twisting the arms MW.
- ○bhūṣaṇa n
- ○bhūṣā f. 'arm-ornament', armlet L.
- ○bhedin m. 'arm-breaker', N. of Vishṇu L.
- ○mát mfn. having (strong) arm (said of Indra) AV.
- • (atī), f. N. of a river L.
- ○madhya mfn. occupying a middle position with the arm MBh. (cf. janghā-jaghanya)
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made or done with the arm W.
- ○mātrá n. = -cāpa TS.
- • mf(ī)n. as long as an arm ib.
- ○mūla n. 'arm-√', the aṭarm-pit Nir.
- • -vibhūṣaṇa n. an ornament worn on the upper arm L.
- ○yuddha n. 'arm.fight', a close fight MBh. Kathās.
- ○yodha or m. a wrestler, boxer Hariv.
- ○yodhin m. a wrestler, boxer Hariv.
- ○rakṣā f. armour for the upper arm L.
- ○latā f. an arm (lithe as a) creeper Rājat. (also ○tikā, f. Śṛiṅgār.)
- • ○tântara n. the space between the arms, the breast, bosom Kāvyâd.
- ○vat m. having (strong) arm', N. of a man VP. [Page 730, Column ]
- ○vikṣepa m. moving the arm, swimming MBh. Kathās.
- ○vighaṭṭaṇa or n. a partic. attitude in wrestling VP.
- ○vighaṭṭita n. a partic. attitude in wrestling VP.
- ○vimarda m. -yuddha Ragh.
- ○vīryá mfn. strength of arm AV. &c. &c
- • mfn. strong of arm TāṇḍBr.
- ○vṛktá m. N. of a descendant of Atri (author of RV. v, 71 ; 72) Anukr.
- ○vyāyāma m. 'arm-exercise', gymnastic MBh.
- ○śakti m. 'strong of arm', N. of a king Kathās.
- ○śardhín mfn. relying on his aṭarm (said of Indra) RV. x, 103, 3
- ○śālin mfn. possessing strong aṭarm MBh. Hariv. Kathās.
- • m. N. of Siva MBh.
- • of a Dānava Kathās.
- • of a warrior ib.
- • of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh.
- • of Bhīma ib.
- • of a prince ib.
- ○śikhara n. 'the upper part of the arm', the shoulder Hariv.
- ○sambhava m. 'arm-born', a Kshatriya L. (cf. bāhu-ja)
- ○sahasra-bhṛt m. 'having a thousand arm', N. of Arjuna Kārtaviirya (killed by Paraśu-rāma) L.
- ○sahasrin mfn. having a thousand aṭarm MBh. Hariv. VP.
- ○svatika m. or n. 'arm-cross', the arms crossed MBh. (Nilak.)
- bāhū7tkṣepam ind. so as to lift up the arms or hands Śak.
- bāhū7papīḍam ind. pressing with the arms Bhaṭṭ.
- bāhuka ifc. = 1. bāhu, the arm (cf. hrasvabāhuka)
- • mf(ā)n. servile, dependent L.
- • swimming with the arms Baudh. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 7 Sch.)
- • dwarfish BhP.
- • m. a monkey L.
- • N. of a Nāga MBh.
- • of a prince ib.
- • of a son of Vṛika (= bāhu) Pur.
- • (also written vāh○) N. assumed by Nala upon his becoming charioteer to king Ṛitu-parṇa Nal.
- • (ā), f. N. of a river L.
- bāhula n. (for 2. See below) armour for the arms L.
- • N. of a place in Dakshiṇā-patha Cat.
- bāhū-bāhavi ind. arm to arm, hand to hand (in close combat) Śiś. xviii, 12 (cf. bāhā-bāhavi)
- bāhv in comp. for 1. bāhu
- ○aṅká m. the bend of the arm, ? AV.
- ○ójas n. strength of arm RV. viii, 82, 2
- • strong in a viii, 20, 6 &c
- • strong in the fore-legs (said of a horse), i, 35, 9
- bāhu (for 1. See col. 2), Vṛiddhi form of bahu in comp. = kīṭa, mfn. g. palady-ādi
- ○kuleyaka m. patr. fr. bahu-kula Pāṇ. iv, 1, 140 Sch.
- ○garta mfn. ib. iv, 2, 237 Sch. (○taka Kāś. on iv, 2, 126)
- ○guṇya n. possession of many excellences Mn. vii, 71
- ○janya mfn. spread among many people L.
- • n. a great multitude of people, crowd L.
- ○dantaka n. (with śāstra) N. of a treatise on morals abridged by Indra MBh. (cf. next)
- ○dantin m. N. of Indra L. (cf. bahudantī-suta)
- • ○ti-putra m. a son of Indra (N. of Jaya-datta author of a Tantra) Daś.
- ○danteya m.= -dantin L. -,
- ○bali m. (fr. bahu-bala?) N. of a mountain Śatr.
- ○bhāṣya n. (fr. bahu-bhāṣin) talkativeness, g. brāhmaṇâdi
- ○mitrāyaṇa m. patr. fr. bahu-mitra Saṃskārak.
- ○rūpya n. (fr. bahurūpa) manifoldness, g. brāhmaṇâdi (cf. Kāś.)
- ○vartaka mfn. (fr. bahu-varta) Pāṇ. 4-2, 2, 126 Sch. (cf. Kāś. -gartaka)
- ○vāra m.= bahu-v○ L.
- ○viddha m. patr. (fr. bahu-v○?) Pravar.
- ○śāla mfn. prepared from Euphorbia Antiquorum
- • -guḍa m. pills so prepared ŚārṅgS.
- ○śrutya n. great learning, erudition MBh.
- bā́hvṛcya n. the sacred tradition of the Bahv-ṛicas, the Ṛig-veda ŚāṅkhŚr. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 129)
- bāhula mfn. (fr. bahula for 1. See above) manifold, g. saṃkalâdi
- • in. the month Kārttika (when the moon is near the Pleiades
- • See bahulā) L.
- • fire L.
- • a Jina Gal.
- • N. of a prince VP.
- • n. manifoldness, g. pṛthv-ādi
- • -grīva m. 'having a variegated neck', a peacock L. ○laka n. manifoldness, diversity Kār. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 32 Pat.
- • (āt), ind. from giving too wide applicability (to a rule) Uṇ. i, 36 ; 37 Sch.
- bāhuḍli m. N. of a son of Viśvā-mitra MBh.
- bāhuḍleya m. metron. of Skanda (fr. bahulā, the Pleiades) L.
- bāhuḍlya n. abundance, plenty, multitude, variety MBh. Kāv. &c
- • the usual course or common order of things Hariv.
- • (ena), ind, usually, ordinarily, as a rule Śaṃk. Pāṇ. Sch. Jātakam.
- • (āt), ind. id., Śāṇḍ
- • in all probability Hit.
- bāhuk See pra-bā́huk
- bāhya mf(ā)n. (fr. bahis
- • in later language also written vāhya, q.v
- • m. nom. pl. bā́hye ŚBr.) being outside (a door, house, &c.), situated without (abl. or comp.), outer, exterior (acc. with √kṛ, to turn out, expel) AV. &c, &c
- • not belonging to the family or country, strange, foreign MBh. Kāv. &c. [Page 731, Column ]
- • excluded from caste or the community, an out-caste Mn. MBh. &c
- • diverging from, conflicting with, opposed to, having nothing to do with (abl. or comp.) ib.
- • (with artha), meaning external to (i.e. not resulting from) the sounds or letters forming a word Pāṇ. 1-1, 68 Sch.
- • m. a corpse (for vāhya?) Kāv.
- • N. of a man (pl. his family) Saṃskārak.
- • (pl.) N. of a people VP.
- • (ā), f. (scil. tvac) the outer bark of a tree ŚBr.
- • (ifc. f. ā) the outer part, exterior Rājat.
- • ibc. and (am, ena, e), ind. outside, without, out ŚBr. &c. &c
- • (āt), ind. from without Pañcat.
- ○kakṣa m. the outer side (of a house) Rājat.
- ○karaṇa n. an external organ of sense MārkP. Śaṃk.
- ○karṇa and m. N. of two Nāgas MBh.
- ○kuṇḍa m. N. of two Nāgas MBh.
- ○taddhita n. (in gram.) an external or secondary Taddhita suffix (added after another one) Pāṇ. 7-3, 29 Sch.
- ○tara mfn. being outside, outer, external Śaṃk.
- • turned out (of caste or society), an out-caste Mn. x, 30
- ○tás ind. outside, externally, on the outside of (with gen. or abl.) VS. &c. &c
- • -to-nara m. pl., 'external men', N. of a people MārkP.
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the state of being outside, exclusion, deviation or divergence from (abl.) Hariv. Rājat. &c
- ○druti f. 'external solution', a process in the preparation of quicksilver Sarvad.
- ○prakṛti f. pl. the constituents of a foreign state exclusive of the king (cf. prakṛti) Pañcat.
- ○prayatna m. (in gram.) the external effort in the production of articulate sounds Pāṇ. 1-1, 9 Sch.
- ○rata n. = -sambhoga Cat.
- • wṛ. for -tara Kathās.
- ○liṅgin m. a heretic L.
- ○vastu n. external wealth or riches Kum.
- ○vāsin mfn. dwelling outside a village or town (said of Caṇḍilas) MBh.
- ○sambhoga m. external coition', (prob.) gratification of sexual passion outside the vulva Cat.
- ○sparśa m. contact with external objects Bhag. MārkP.
- bāhyâṃsa mfn. holding the hands outside (not between) the knees Gobh. (cf. bahir-jānu)
- bāhyânta m. the outer end or corner (of the eye) L.
- bāhyântar ind. from without and within Prab.
- bāhyâbhyantara mfn. external and internal (as diseases) Suśr.
- bānyâyāma m. a partic. disease of the nerves ib.
- bāhyârtha m. an external meaning (cf. bāhya artha above) Madhus.
- • external objects or matter or reality
- • -bhañga-nirākaraṇa n. N. of wk
- bāhyârtha-vāda m. the doctrine that the external world has a real existence Śaṃk.
- • -vādin mfn. maintaining the reality of the external world, ib
- bāhyâlaya m. the abode of out-castes i.e. the country of the Bāhīkas MBh. (vḷ. vāhyanaya)
- bāhyā-śakalá m. a fragment from a tree's outer bark ŚBr.
- bāhyâśva m. N. of a man Hariv. (vḷ. vāh○)
- bāhyêndriya n. an outer organ of sense Vedântas.
- bāhyôpavana n. a grove situated outside (a town, puryāḥ) BhP.
- bāhyska-sriñjarī and f. N. of Sṛiñjarī and one of the two wives of Bhajamāna (an older sister of Upa.bāhyakā) Hariv.
- bāhyakā f. N. of Sṛiñjarī and one of the two wives of Bhajamāna (an older sister of Upa.bāhyakā) Hariv.
- bāhlaka bāhlava, bāhli &c. See bālhava &c., p. 729, col. 3
- bāhvaṭa m. N. of a poet Cat.
- biṭ (or viṭ), cl. 1. P. beṭati, to swear, shout, address harshly Dhātup. ix, 30
- biṭaka m. n. (ā), f= piṭaka, a boil L.
- biṭhaka n. = antarikṣa, the sky Nir. vi, 30
- biḍ (or viḍ) = biṭ Dhātup. ix, 30 (v. l.)
- biḍāraka m. a cat L. (cf. next)
- biḍāla m. (also written viḍāla of doubtful origin
- • cf. Uṇ. i, 117) a cat Mn. MBh. &c
- • a partic. remedy for the eye Bhpr. (cf. ○laka)
- • the eye-ball L.
- • (ā), f. a female cat R. (also ii Uṇ. i, 117 Sch.)
- • (ī), f. a partic. disease and the female demon presiding over it (reckoned among the Yoginīs) Hcat.
- • a species of plant L.
- ○pada or n. a partic. measure of weight(= karṣa) ŚārṅgS. Suśr.
- ○padaka n. a partic. measure of weight(= karṣa) ŚārṅgS. Suśr.
- ○putra m. 'cat's son', N. of a man Rājat.
- ○vaṇji m. 'cat-dealer', nickname of a man ib.
- ○vratika mfn. acting like a cat', false, hypocritical L. (cf. baiḍāla-vr○)
- biḍālâkṣa mf(ī)n. cat-eyed Hcat.
- • (ī), f. N. of a Rākshasī R.
- bidālaka m.a cat Cat.
- • the eyeball L.
- • application of ointment to the eye Car. Bhpr.
- • (ikā), f. a little cat, kitten Subh.
- • n. yellow orpiment L. [Page 731, Column ]
- bid or bind (cf. bhid), cl. 1. P. bindati, to cleave, split Dhātup. iii, 27 (perhaps invented on account of the following words of more or less questionable origin)
- bida m. (also written vida) N. of a man Pāṇ. 4-1, 104 pl. his family ĀśvŚr.
- ○kula (vida-), n. = vaidasya and vaidayoḥ kulam Pāṇ. 2-4, 64 Vārtt. 1 Pat.
- bidā-puṭa m. N. of a man, g. aśvâdi Kāś. (vḷ. bida, puṭa)
- bidala n. (cf. vi-dala) anything split off or produced by splitting (cf. comp.)
- ○karī́ f. a woman employed in splitting bamboos VS.
- ○saṃhita mfn. composed or made up of halves AitBr.
- bidura vḷ. for bhidura, q.v
- binda See kusuru-bínda
- bindavi g. gahâdi (cf. baindavi)
- bindavīya mfn. ib.
- • m. a prince of the Bindus, g. dāmany-ādi
- bindú m. (once n. MBh.
- • in later language mostly written vindu) a detached particle, drop, globule, dot, spot AV. &c. &c
- • (with hiraṇyaya) a pearl AV. xix, 30, 5 (cf. -phala)
- • a drop of water taken as a measure L.
- • a spot or mark of coloured paint on the body of an elephant Kum.
- • (ifc. also -ka) the dot over a letter representing the Anusvāra (supposed to be connected with Siva and of great mystical importance) MBh. Kathās. BhP.
- • a zero or cypher R. (in manuscripts put over an erased word to show that it ought not to be erased = 'stet' Naish.)
- • a partic. mark like a dot made in cauterizing Suśr.
- • a mark made by the teeth of a lover on the lips of his mistress L.
- • a coloured mark made on the forehead between the eyebrows L.
- • (in dram.) the sudden development of a secondary incident (which, like a drop of oil in water, expands and furnishes an important element in the plot) Sāh. (ifc. also -ka)
- • m. N. of a man, g. bidâdi
- • of an Āṅgirasa (author of RV. viii, 83 ; ix, 30) Anukr.
- • of the author of a Rasa-paddhati Cat.
- • pl. N. of a warrior tribe, g. dāmany-ādi
- ○ghṛta n. a partic. medic. compound taken in small quantities, Śārṅgp
- ○citra and m. the spotted antelope. L.
- ○citraka m. the spotted antelope. L.
- ○jāla and n. collection or mass of dots or spots (esp. on an elephant's face and trunk) L.
- ○jālaka n. collection or mass of dots or spots (esp. on an elephant's face and trunk) L.
- ○tantra m. a die, dice L.
- • m. n. a kind of chess-board L.
- • a playing-ball L.
- ○tirtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place Cat.
- • -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○deva m. = ṇa, a Buddhist deity L.
- • N. of Siva W.
- ○nātha m. N. of a teacher Cat.
- ○pattra m. Betula Bhojpattra L.
- ○pattraka m. a species of Amaranthus L.
- ○pratiṣṭhāmaya mf(ī)n. founded or based upon the Anusvāra L.
- ○phala n. a pearl L.
- ○brahmānandīya n. N. of wk
- ○bheda m. N. of a partic. Yoga posture L.
- ○mat mfn. having drops or bubbles or clots, formed into balls or globules AitBr. KātyŚr.
- • m. N. of a son of Marici by Bindu-matī BhP.
- • (atī), f. N. of a kind of verse Kād.
- • of a drama Sāh.
- • of the wife of Marīci (cf. above) BhP.
- • of a daughter of Śaśa-bindu and wife of Māndhātṛi Hariv.
- • of the murderess of Vidūratha, Vāsav', Introd
- • of a fisherman's daughter Kathās.
- ○mādhava m. a form of Vishṇu Cat.
- ○mālin m. (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt.
- ○rāji m. 'row of spots', N. of a kind of serpent Suśr.
- ○rekhaka m. a kind of bird L. (cf. prec. and next)
- ○rekhā f. a row or line of points or dots Rājat.
- • N. of a daughter of Caṇḍavarman Kathās.
- ○vāsara m. the day of fecundation L.
- ○śarman mṆ. of a poet, cat
- ○saṃgraha m
- ○saṃdīpana n. N. of wks
- ○saras n. N. of a sacred lake MBh. R.
- • (m. c. also -sara) BhP.
- • -tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place Cat.
- ○sāra m. N. of a king (son of Candra-gupta) VP. HPariś.
- ○sena m. N. of a king (son of Kshatraujas) VP.
- ○hrada m. N. of a lake (said to have been formed by the drops of the Ganges shaken from Siva's hair) Cat.
- bindū7paníṣad f. N. of an Upanishad
- binduka m. a drop R.
- • N. of a Tirtha Vishṇ. ( See also under bindu)
- bindukita mfn. dotted over Śak. Sch.
- binduraka m. Ximenia Aegyptiaca L.
- bindula m. a partic. venomous insect Suśr. (written vi○)
- bindūya Nom' Ā. ○yate, to form drops, drip down (p. yamāna, dripping, wet) Mālatīm.
- bibibā-bhávat mfn. (onomat. bibibā + pr. p. √.bhū) crackling MaitrS. [Page 731, Column ]
- bibodhayiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of Caus. of √budh) wishing to rouse, intending to wake R. (cf. bubodhayiṣu)
- bibboka m. (also written vivvoka, or vibboka) haughty indifference L.
- • (in erotic poetry) affectation of indifference towards a beloved object through pride and conceit Śiś. viii, 29 Sāh.
- bibhakṣayiṣā f. (fr. Desid. of √bhaj) a desire of eating or enjoying Nyāyam.
- bibhakṣaḍyiṣu mfn. desirous of eating MBh. MārkP.
- • -, -daṃṣṭrin mfn. having teeth desirous of eating', hungry. mouthed VarBṛS.
- bibhaṇiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of √bhaṇ) desirous of speaking Śīl.
- bibhitsā f. (fr. Desid. of √bhid) a desire to break through or destroy or pierce or penetrate (with acc. or gen.). MBh. Kād. (cf. Siddh. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 66). ○tsu mfn. desirous of breaking through &c. (with acc.) MBh. BhP.
- bibhedayiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of Caus.) desirous of dividing or disuniting MBh.
- bibhīṣikā wṛ. for vibh○
- bibhrakṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of √bhrajj) wishing to parch or destroy Bhaṭṭ.
- • m. fire W.
- bibhrajjiṣu m. 'that which wishes to destroy', fire Bhaṭṭ.
- • -prakhya mfn. resembling fire ib. (= agni-tulya Sch.)
- bibhrat mfn. (pr.p. of √bhṛ) bearing, carrying RV. &c. &c
- bíbhrad-vāja m. = bharad-v○ AitĀr.
- bimba m. n. (also written vimba, or vimva, of doubtful origin, but cf. Uṇ. iv, 95 Sch.
- • ifc. f. ā) the disk of the sun or moon Kāv. Pur. &c
- • any disk, sphere, orb (often applied to the rounded parts of the body) Kālid. Pañcat.
- • a mirror ŚvetUp. Kum.
- • an image, shadow, reflected or represented form, picture, type R. BhP. Rājat.
- • (in rhet.) the object compared (as opp. to prati-bimba, 'the counterpart' to which it is compared) Sāh. Pratāp.
- • m. a lizard, chameleon Gaut.
- • N. of a man Rājat.
- • (ā), f. Momordica Monadelpha (a plant bearing a bright-red gourd) L.
- • N. of 2 metres Col.
- • N. of the wife of Bālâditya (king of Kaśmīra) Rājat.
- • (ī), f. Momordica Monadelpha, Sulr. (cf. g. gaurâdi)
- • N. of the mother of king Bimbi-sāra (below) Buddh.
- • n. the fruit of the Momordica Monadelpha (to which the lips of women are often compared) MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○jā f. Momordica Monadelpha L.
- ○tattva-prakāśikā f. N. of wk
- ○pratibimba (ibc.) original and counterfeit, object of comparison and that with which it is compared
- • -tā f. -tva n. (cf. Sāh.)
- • -bhāva m. (cf. Pratāp.) condition of original and cṭcounterfeit &c
- • -vāda m. N. of wk
- ○pratiṣṭhā f
- ○pratiṣṭhā-vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○phala n. the Bimba fruit Bhartṛ.
- • ○lâdharóṣṭha mfn. having lips as red as the Bimba frṭfruit Kum.
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○sāra vḷ. for bimbi-sāra Lalit.
- bimbâgata mfn. 'gone to an image', reflected W.
- bimbâdhara m. a nether lip (red like the Bimba fruit) Śak.
- bimbânubimbatva n. = bimba-pratibimba-tva Sāh.
- bimbêśvara m. N. of a temple founded by the princess Bimbā Rājat.
- bimbôpadhāna n. a cushion, pillow Divyâv.
- bimb'-oṣṭha mf(ī)n. having lips like the Bimba fruit, red-lipped MBh. Kāv. &c. (f. also ○bauṣṭhā Uṇ. ii, 4 Sch.)
- bimbaka n. the disk of the sun or moon (also ikā f.) L.
- • the fruit of Momordica Monadelpha L. (also ikā f.)
- • a round form, roundness (of a face) Divyâv.
- bimḍbaki m. N. of a prince Kathās. ○baṭa m. the mustard plant L.
- bimḍbara m. n. a partic. high number Buddh.
- bimḍbāva n. Pāṇ. 5-2, 109 Vārtt.3 Pat.
- bimbita mfn. mirrored back, reflected, Rljat
- bimḍbinī f. the pupil of the eye L. ○biya m. N. of a man Rājat.
- bimbi-sāra m. (from bimbin or [bimbI+s○]?) N. of a king of Magadha (contemporary and patron of Gautama Buddha) MWB. 48 &c. (vḷ. vidhisāra, vidmi-sāra, vindu-sena, vindhya-sena)
- bimbu m. the betel-nut tree L.
- bimboka m. N. of a poet Cat.
- birada biruda wṛ. for vi-ruda. [Page 732, Column ]
- birāla m.= biḍāla, a cat L.
- bil ( or vil, connected with bid, q.v.), cl. 6. 10. P. bilati, belayati, to split, cleave, break Dhātup. xxviii, 67
- • xxxii, 66
- bíla n. (also written vila
- • ifc. f. ā) a cave, hole, pit, opening, aperture RV. &c. &c
- • the hollow (of a dish), bowl (of a spoon or ladle) &c. AV. VS. ŚBr. ŚrS.
- • m. Calamus Rotang L.
- • Indra's horse Uccaiþ-śravas L.
- • N. of two kinds of fish L.
- ○kārin m. 'hole-maker', a mouse L.
- ○ṃ-gama m. hole-goer', a snake MW.
- ○dhā́vana mfn. (sensu obsceno) rimam tergens TS.
- ○yoni mfn. of the breed of Uccaiþ-śravas Kir.
- ○vāsa mfn. living in holes, burrowing
- • m. an animal that lives in holes Suśr.
- • a pole-cat L.
- ○vāsin mfn. = prec. MBh.
- • m. an animal that lives in holes ib.
- • a snake L.
- ○śaya mfn. and m. = prec. MBh.
- ○śāyin mfn. = -vāsa mfn. Suśr.
- • m. any animal that lives in holes ib.
- ○svarga m. 'subterranean heaven', the lower regions, hell BhP.
- bilâyana n. a subterranean cave or cavern BhP.
- bilāsin m. (for bila-vāsin?) a serpent Kuṭṭanīm.
- bilevāsin mfn. and m. = bila-v○ L.
- bile-śaya mfn. and m. = bila-ś○ MBh. BhP. Suśr.
- • m. also N. of a teacher of the Hatha-vidyā Cat.
- bilôśvara m. N. of a place of pilgrimage Cat. (perhaps wṛ. for bilvêvara)
- bilâukas mfn. and m. = bilavāsa Mn. MBh.
- bilasa mfn. g. triṇâdi
- bilma n. a. slip, bit, chip RV. ii, 35, 12 a broken helmet ŚatarUp. Sch.
- • an ash-pit L.
- ○grahaṇa n. grasping or understanding by bits i.e. by degrees Nir. i, 20
- bilmín mfn. having a helmet VS. (cf. Mahīdh.)
- billa n. (also written villa) a pit, hole, reservoir (= talla or ālavāla) L.
- • Asa Foetida L.
- ○mūlá f. a species of esculent bulbous plant L.
- ○sū f. a mother of ten children L.
- bilvá m. (in later language also vilva) Aegle Marmelos, the wood-apple tree (commonly called Bel
- • its delicious fruit when unripe is used medicinally
- • its leaves, are employed in the ceremonial of the worship of Śiva
- • cf. RTL. 336) AV. &c. &c
- • (ā), f. a kind of plant (= hiṅgu-pattrī) L.
- • n. the Bilva fruit MBh. Kathās.
- • a partic. weight (= 1 Pala, = 4 Akshas, 1/4= Kuḍava) Suśr. ŚārṅgS.
- • a kind of vegetable Suśr.
- • a small pond, pool L. (cf. billa)
- ○ja See bailvaja
- ○tejas m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
- ○daṇḍa or m. 'having a staff of BṭBilva wood', N. of Siva ib.
- ○daṇḍin m. 'having a staff of BṭBilva wood', N. of Siva ib.
- ○nātha m. N. of a teacher of the Haṭha-vidyā Cat.
- ○pattra m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
- • -maya mf(ī)n. made or consisting of Bilva leaves Kathās.
- ○pattrikā f. N. of Dākshālyaṇī (under which she was worshipped at Bilvaka) Cat.
- ○parṇī f. a kind of vegetable Car.
- ○pāṇḍara or m. N. of a serpentdemon MBh.
- ○pāṇḍura m. N. of a serpentdemon MBh.
- ○peśikā or f. the dried shell of the Bilva fruit Suśr.
- ○pesī f. the dried shell of the BṭBilva fruit Suśr.
- ○maṅgala m. N. of a poet (also called Lilā-śuka) Cat.
- • -ṭī́ā f. -stotra n. N. of wks
- ○madhya n. the flesh of the BṭBilva fruit Var. Car.
- ○mātra n. the weight of a BṭBilva fruit Suśr.
- • mfn. having the weight or size of a Bilva fruit ib. ŚārṅgP.
- ○vana n. a wood of Bilva trees
- ○mâhātmya n. N. of wk. (also bilva-vṛkṣa-, bilvâtavii-, and bilvâdri-m○)
- bilvântara m. a species of tree Bhpr.
- bilvâmraka m. or n. (?) N. of a place on the Revā or Narmadā river
- • -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- bilvâraṇya-māhātmya n
- bilvâṣṭaka n. and N. of, wks
- bilvêśvara-māhātmya n. N. of, wks
- bilvôda-kêśvara m. N. of a temple of Śiva Hariv.
- bilvôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad
- bilvaka m. N. of a serpent. demon MBh.
- • N. of a place of pilgrimage ib. (cf. bailvaki)
- • a crab L.
- bilvakīyā f. a place planted with Bilva trees, g. naḍâdi (cf. bailvaka)
- bilvala n. N. of a town L.
- bilāla m.= birāla, a cat L.
- bilinthá (?) Suparṇ. xv, 2
- bilíśa m. or n. (?) = baḍisa, a fish hook or the bait on it Suparṇ. xvii, 2
- bilhaṇa m. N. of a minister and poet Vcar. Rājat.
- • of other authors (also -deva) Cat.
- ○kāvya n
- ○caritra n
- ○pañcāśikā f
- ○śataka n
- bilhaḍṇīya n. N. of wks. [Page 732, Column ]
- biś (or viś), cl. 1. P. beśati, to go Dhātup. xvii, 71 (= √pis, q.v.)
- biśa biṣa wṛ. for bisa
- biśāyaka (or viś○), m. a species of Euphorbia L. (cf. bitâkara)
- biṣkala m. a tame hog (noted for its fecundity) L.
- • (ā), f. parturient, a woman in travail AV.
- bis (or vis), cl. 4. bisyati, to go, move Naigh. ii, 14
- • to split or grow Nir. ii, 24
- • to urge on, incite Dhātup. xxvi, 108
- • to cast, throw Vop.
- bísa n. (m. only Hariv. 15445
- • also written viisa
- • ifc. f. ā) a shoot or sucker, the film or fibre of the water-lily or lotus, also the stalk itself or that part of it which is underground (eaten as a delicacy) RV. &c. &c
- • the whole lotus plant MBh. xii, 7974
- ○kaṇṭhikā f. and a kind of small crane L.
- ○kaṇṭhin m. a kind of small crane L.
[[ ]]
- bisakisalayacchedapatheyavat3bísa--kisalaya-ccheda-pátheyavat mfn. having pieces of fibres of young lotus as provisions for a journey Megh.
- ○kusuma n. a lotus-flower L.
- ○khā́ mfn. one who digs up fibres of lotus-roots RV.
- ○khādikā f. 'eating lotus-fibres', N. of a play or sport L.
- ○granthi m. a knot on a lotus-stalk MBh. (used for filtering or clearing water Suśr.)
- • a partic. disease of the eyes Suśr.
- ○ja n. a lotus-flower L.
- ○tantu m. a lotus-fibre MBh.
- • -maya mf(ī)n. made of lotus-flower Daś. Kād.
- ○nábhi f. the lotus-plant (padminī) L.
- ○násikā f. a kind of crane L. (cf. -kaṇṭhikā)
- ○puṣpa (cf. W.),
- ○prasūna (cf. Śiś.), n. a lotus-flower
- ○mṛṇála n. a lotus-fibre MBh. Suśr.
- ○latā f. the lotus-plant Sṛiṅgār.
- ○vati (bísa-), f. a place abounding in lotus-fibres ŚBr.
- ○vartman n. a partic. disease of the eyes, Suśr. (cf. -granthi)
- ○śālūka m. (!) a lotus-√cf. L
- bisâkara or m. a species of Euphorbia L.
- ára m. a species of Euphorbia L.
- bisâbharaṇa n. an ornament made of lotus-fibres, Śak.
- bisôrṇā f. = bisa-mṛṇāla Āpast.
- bisala n. a sprout, bud, young shoot L.
- bisinī f. a lotus (the whole plant) or an assemblage of lotus-flowers Kāv. Kathās.
- ○pattra n. a lotus-leaf. ML.
- bisila mfn. (fr. bisa), g. kāśâdi
- bihlaṇa incorrect for bilhaṇa
- bī́ja n. (also written viija, of doubtful origin
- • ifc. f. ā) seed (of plants), semen (of men and animals), seed-corn, grain RV. &c. &c
- • a runner (of the Indian fig-tree) Vcar.
- • any germ, element, primary cause or principle, source, origin (ifc. = caused or produced by, sprung from) ChUp. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • the germ or origin of any composition (as of a poem, of the plot of a drama, of a magical formula &c.) R. BhP. Daśar. Pratāp.
- • calculation of original or primary germs, analysis, algebra Col.
- • truth (as the seed or cause of being) L.
- • anything serving as a receptacle or support (= ālambana), Yogaś
- • the mystical letter or syllable which forms the essential part of the Mantra of any deity RTL. 197 &c
- • the position of the arms of a child at birth BhP.
- • quicksilver (?) Sūryas.
- • marrow L.
- • m. = bijaka, the citron tree Āryabh.
- ○kartṛ m. 'producer of seed', N. of Śiva Śivag.
- ○kāṇḍaprarohin (cf. Mn. i, 46) and mfn. springing from a seed or from the (slip or portion taken from a) stalk,
- ○kāṇḍa-ruha (i, 48), mfn. springing from a seed or from the (slip or portion taken from a) stalk,
- ○kṛt n. 'producing semen', an aphrodisiac L.
- ○kośa m. N. of a Tantra
- • = (ī), f. a seed-vessel (esp. of the lotus) L.
- • a pod L.
- • ○śóddhāra m. N. of wk
- ○kriyā f. the operation of analysis, algebraic solution Col.
- ○gaṇita n. calculation of primary causes, analysis, algebra
- • N. of the 2nd part of Bhās-kara's Siddhântaśiromaṇi
- • -prabodha m. ○tôdāharaṇa n. N. of Comms. on it
- ○garbha m. Trichosanthes Dioeca L.
- ○gupti f. 'seed-protector', a pod L.
- ○cíntāmaṇi-tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- ○tas ind. from or according to seed W.
- ○tva n. the being an origin or cause, causality Nīlak.
- ○darśaka m. explainer of the germ or plot of a play', a stage. manager L.
- ○dravya n. primary or original matter Bhpr.
- ○dhānī f. N. of a river R.
- ○dhānya n. coriander L.
- ○nātha See baijanātha
- ○nighaṇṭu m. N. of wk
- ○nirvāpaṇa n. scattering or sowing seed Pañcat.
- ○nyāsa m. (in dram.) the laying down or making known the germ of a plot Daśar. = -pallava m. or n. (?) N. of Comm. on Bijag.
- ○pādapa m. Semecarpus Anacardium L. [Page 732, Column ]
- ○pura wṛ. for -pūra
- ○puruṣa m. the progenitor of a tribe or family MW.
- ○puṣpa n. N. of various plants ( = madana and maruvaka) L.
- ○puṣpikā f. Andropogon Saccharatus L.
- ○pūra m. (cf. Suśr.),
- ○pūraka m. (cf. MBh. R. &c.),
- ○pūrī f. (cf. Pañcad.),
- ○pūrṇa m. (Suśr.) 'seedfilled', a citron, Citrus Medica
- • (○ra, or ○raka), n. a citron Kathās.
- • ○ra-rasa n. citron-juice Suśr.
- ○peśika f. 'semen-receptacle', the scrotum L.
- ○prada m. 'yielding or sowing seed', a generator Bhag.
- ○prabháva m. the power of the seed Mn. x, 72
- ○praroha (Kap.),
- ○praroḍhin (cf. Mn.), mfn. growing from seed
- ○phalaka m. Citrus Medica L.
- ○bhūta mfn. being or forming the sṭseed Mn. MBh.
- ○mati f. (in alg.) a mind capable of analysis or of comprehending causes Col.
- ○mantra n. N. of a mystical syllable of a Mantra (cf. above) W.
- ○mātṛkā f. the seed-vessel of the lotus L.
- ○mátra n. only as much as is required for seed i.e. for the procreation of offspring or for the preservation of a family MBh. R. Pañcat.
- • N. of RV. ix Bṛih.
- ○muktâvalī f. N. of wk
- ○muṣṭi m. or f. a handful of seed R.
- ○yajña m. 'seed-offering', N. of a partic. allegorical sacrifice MBh.
- ○ratna m. 'having gems of seed' a kind of bean MW.
- ○ruha mfn. growing from seed Mn.
- • m. grain, corn W.
- • ○hā-√kṛ Gaṇar. ii, 98
- ○recana n. Croton Jamalgota L.
- ○līlāvatī f. N. of wk. -1
- ○vat ind. like seed MBh. -2
- ○vat mfn. possessing seed, provided with seed or grain Mn. ĀśvGṛ.
- ○vapana n. sowing seed PārGṛ.
- ○vara m. 'best of grains', Phaseolus Radiatus L.
- ○vāpa m. a sower L.
- • sowing
- • -gṛhya n. N. of wk
- ○vāpin m. 'sowing seed', a sower L.
- ○váhaṇa m. 'seedbearer', N. of Siva, Śivag.
- ○vivṛti f. N. of Comm. on Bījag. (also ○ti-kalpalatâvatāra, m.)
- ○vṛkṣa m. Terminalia Tomeutosa L.
- ○śeṣa-mātra n. nothing but seed as a remainder
- ○saṃhṛtimat mfn. containing the germ and catastrophe (of a play) Sāh.
- ○saṃcaya m. a heap or collection of seed or grain MW.
- ○sū f. 'bringing forth seed', the earth L.
- ○sektṛ m. 'sprinkler of seed', a generator Kull. on Mn. ix, 51
- ○harā or f. 'taking away seed', N. of a witch (daughter of Duhsaha) MārkP.
- ○hāriṇī f. 'taking away seed', N. of a witch (daughter of Duhsaha) MārkP.
- bījâkṣara n. the first syllable of a Mantra or spell L.
- bījâṅkura m. a seedshoot, seedling Kum. Pañcat.
- • N. of Comms. on Bījag. and Līl.
- • du. seed and sprout BhP.
- • -nyāya m. the rule of seed and sprout (where two things stand to each other in the relation of cause and effect) A.
- • -vat ind. (in phil.) like the continuous succession of sṭseed and sprout MW.
- bījâñjali m. a handful of s. or grain Mṛicch. Bījâḍhya. m. 'abounding in seed', Citrus Medica Suśr.
- bījâdhyakṣa m. 'presiding over sṭseed', N. of Śiva Śivag.
- bījâpahāriṇī f. = bijaharā MārkP.
- bījâbhidhāna n. N. of a Tantra wk
- bījâmita n. the fruit of Spondias Mangifera L.
- bījârṇava-tantra n. N. of a Tantra wk
- bījârtha mfn. desirous of seed i.e. of procreation Āpast.
- bījâśva m. 'seed-horse', a stallion Rājat.
- bījôtkṛṣṭa wṛ. for next
- bījôtkraṣṭṛ m. one who picks out (a few good) grains (to make a person think the rest is equally good) Mn. ix, 291
- bījôdaka n. 'grain-(like) water', hail L.
- bījôdāharaṇa-bāla-bodhini f. and N. of wks. on alg
- bījôpanayana n. N. of wks. on alg
- bījôpti f. sowing seed
- • -cakra n. a kind of astrol. diagram for indicating good or bad luck following on the sowing of seed MW.
- • -vidhi m. the manner of sowing seed ib.
- bījaka n. seed Suśr.
- • a list HPariś.
- • m. Citrus Medica R. Hariv. &c
- • a citron or lemon Suśr.
- • Terminalia Tomentosa L.
- • the position of the arms of a child at birth Suśr. Bhpr.
- • N. of a poet
- bījaryā ind. (with √kṛ) Gaṇar. ii, 98 (cf. bīja-ruhā-√kṛ)
- bījala mfn. furnished with seed or grain, seedy L. (cf. baijala)
- bījā ind. by or with seed, sowing with seed W.
- ○kara (or ○jâk○?), m. N. of a poet Cat.
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti. to sow with seed, sow Pāṇ. 5-4, 58 (others 'to harrow after sowing')
- ○kṛta mfn. (a field) ploughed or harrowed after sowing (cf. prec.) W.
- bījika mfn. seedy, abounding in seeds, g. kumudâdi
- bījita mfn. sown with seed, having for seed W.
- bījin mfn. bearing seed, seedy (as a plant), Sulr
- • (ifc.) being of the race or blood of (e.g. rāja-b○, q.v.) Rājat.
- • m. the owner or giver of seed, the real progenitor (as opp. to kṣetrin, the nominal father or merely the husband of a woman) Mn. ix, 51 &c. Gaut. [Page 733, Column ]
- • any begetter, father L.
- • the sun L.
- bījya mfn. sprung or produced from seed W.
- • descended from a good family Gal.
- • (ifc.) sprung from or belonging to the family of. L. (cf. mahā-b○ and g. gav-ādi)
- bībh cl. 1.Ā. bībhate, to boast Dhātup. x, 21 (cf. Vop. cībh)
- bībhatsa mf(ā)n. (fr. Desid. of √bādh) loathsome, disgusting, revolting, hideous ŚāṅkhBr. ŚrS. MBh. &c
- • loathing, detesting L.
- • envious, cruel, wicked L.
- • changed or estranged in mind L.
- • m. disgust, abhorrence
- • (with rasa) the sentiment of disgust (one of the 8 Rasas, q.v.) Daśar. Sāh.
- • N. of Arjuna L.
- • (ā́), f. loathing, abhorrence VS. (cf. á-b○)
- • n. anything loathsome or hideous, a hideous sight Mālatīm.
- • -karman mfn. doing loathsome or wicked things (as an abusive word) Mcar.
- • -tā f. loathsomeness, detestableness MBh.
- • prab
- tsaka m. N. of a man Mudr.
- ḍtsú mfn. loathing, detesting, feeling disgust or repugnance RV. AV. Kauś.
- • reserved, coy (said of a woman) RV. i, 164, 8
- • m. N. of Arjuna MBh.
- bīriṭa m. a crowd, multitude RV. vii, 39, 2 ('air' Nir. v, 27)
- bīriṇa See dúr-biriṇa and cf. viirṇa
- bīśa See páḍ-bīśa
- buk ind. an onomat. word
- ○kāra m. the roaring of a lion, cry of any animal L.
- buka m. = hāsya, laughter Gaṇar.
- • (also written vuka) Agati Grandiflora Bhpr.
- bukin mfn. g. prêkṣâdi
- bukk cl. 1. 10. P. bukkati, bukkayati, to bark, yelp, sound, talk Dhātup. v, 4
- • xxxiii, 39 (Kaś. also 'to give pain')
- bukka mf(ā or ī)n. the heart L. (ā f. Mcar.)
- • m. a goat L.
- • the Ricinus plant L.
- • N. of a prince (who reigned at Vidyā-nagara 1359-79 and was the patron of Sāyaṇa
- • he is also called bukka-bhūpati, -mahīpati, -rāja, -rāya, and bukkaṇa) Nyāyam. Col. Cat.
- • m. and f. = samaya (wṛ. for hṛdaya?) L.
- bukkâgramāṃsa n. the heart L. (prob. a wrong blending of bukkā and agramâṃsa)
- bukkan m. the heart L.
- bukkana n. the bark of a dog or any noise made by animals L.
- bukkasa m. a Caṇḍāla L. (cf. pukkasa)
- • (ī), f. the indigo plant L.
- • = kālī (black colour?) L.
- buṅg (or vuṅg), cl. 1. P. buṅgati, to forsake, abandon Dhātup. v, 52
- buṭ cl. 1. 10. P. boṭati, boṭayati, to hurt, kill Dhātup. xxxii, 116 (cf. Vop.)
- buḍ cl. 6. P. buḍati, to cover, conceal Dhātup. xxviii, 101 (vḷ. for cuḍ)
- • to emit, discharge ib. 90 (vḷ. for puḍ)
- buḍabuḍa ind. an onomat. word imitative of the bubbling sound made by the sinking of an object in water HPariś. (cf. budbuda). buḍila m. N. of a man GopBr.
- bud cl. 1. P. Ā. bodati, ○te, to perceive, learn Dhātup. xxi, 12 (cf. bund and budh)
- buddha buddhi, See cols. 2 and 3
- budbuda m. (onotnat
- • cf. buḍabuḍa) a bubble (often as a symbol of anything transitory) RV. (cf. comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (ifc. f. ā)
- • an ornament or decoration resembling a bubble L.
- • an embryo five days old Nir. BhP. (n.) Suśr.
- • (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras MBh.
- • n. a partic. disease of the eye, SuŚr
- ○tva n. the being a (mere) bubble (as an embryo) MārkP.
- ○yāśu (○dá-), mfn. one whose semen is a (mere) bubble impotent RV. x, 155, 4
- budhudâkāratā f. the form or nature of a (mere) bubble A.
- budbudâkṣa mfn. one who has partic. disease of the eyes L.
- budh cl.: P. Ā. (cf. Dhātup.xxi, 11) bôdhati, ○te
- • cl. 4. Ā. (xxvi, 63) búdhyate (ep. also P. ○ti
- • pf. P. bubodha MBh.
- • Subj. id búbodhati RV.
- • Ā. bub4udhé, p. bubudhāná ib.
- • aor. P. Subj. bodhiṣat ib. [Page 733, Column ]
- • Impv. bodhi ib.
- • Ā. 3 pl. abudhram, ○ran
- • p. budhāná ib., Subj. budhánta ib.
- • ○abhutsi ib.
- • Prec. Ā. bhutsīṣṭa Pāṇ. 1-2, 11 Sch.
- • fut. bhotsyati, ○te Br. &c
- • boddhā Gr
- • ind. p. buddhvā Yājñ. MBh.
- • -budhya Br. &c
- • inf. búdhe Br.
- • budhí RV.
- • boddhum MBh. &c.), to wake, wake up, be awake RV. &c. &c
- • to recover consciousness (after a swoon) Kāvyâd. Bhaṭṭ. (aor. Pass. abodhi)
- • to observe, heed, attend to (with acc. or gen.) RV.
- • to perceive, notice, learn, understand, become or be aware of or acquainted with RV. &c. &c
- • to think of i.e. present a person ('with', instr.) RV. iv, 15, 7 ; vii, 21, I
- • to know to be, recognize as (with two acc.) MBh. R. &c
- • to deem, consider or regard as (with two acc.) R. Kathās.: Pass. budhyate (aor. abodhi), to be awakened or restored to consciousness
- • See above : Caus. bodháyati, ○te (aor. abūbudhat
- • Pass. bodhyate), to wake up, arouse, restore to life or consciousness RV. &c. &c
- • to revive the scent (of a perfume) VarBṛS.
- • to cause (a flower) to expand Kāv.
- • to cause to observe or attend, admonish, advise RV. &c. &c
- • to make a person acquainted with, remind or inform of. impart or communicate anything to (with two acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c.: Desid. bubhutsati, ○te (Gr. also bubodhiṣati, ○te, and bubudhiṣati, ○te), to wish to observe, desire to become acquainted with Nyāyas. BhP.: Desid. of Caus., bibodhayiṣu and bubodhayiṣu: Intens. bobudhīti (Gr. also bobudhyate, boboddhi), to have an insight into, understand thoroughly (with acc.) Subh. [Cf. Zd. bud ; Gk. ? for (?) in ?, ?, Slav. [b˘ud˘eti], [733, ] [b˘udr˘u] ; Lith. bud1éti, budrús ; Goth. biudan ; Germ. biotan, bieten ; Angl. Sax béodan ; Eng. bid.]
- buddha mfn. awakened, awake MBh.
- • expanded, blown SāmavBr.
- • conscious, intelligent, clever, wise (opp. to mūḍha) MBh. Kāv. &c
- • learnt, known, understood Āpast. MBh. ('by', usually instr., but also gen. according to Pāṇ. 2-2, 12 ; 3, 67 Sch.)
- • m. a wise or learned man, sage W.
- • (with Buddhists) a fully enlightened man who has achieved perfect knowledge of the truth and thereby is liberated from all existence and before his own attainment of Nirvāṇa reveals the method of obtaining it, (esp.) the principal Buddha of the present age (born at Kapila-vastu about the year 500 B.C. his father, Śuddhodana, of the Śākya tribe or family, being the Rāja of that district, and his mother, Māyā-devii, being the daughter of Rāja Su-prabuddha MWB. 19 &c
- • hence he belonged to the Kshatriya caste and his original name Śākya-muni or Śākya-siṃha was really his family name, while that of Gautama was taken from the race to which his family belonged
- • for his other names See ib. 23
- • he is said to have died when he was 80 years of age, prob. about 420 B.C. ib. 49, n. 1
- • he was preceded by 3 mythical Buddhas of the present Kalpa, or by 24, reckoning previous Kalpa, or according to others by 6 principal Buddhas ib. 136
- • sometimes he is regarded as the 9th incarnation of Vishṇu Hariv. Kāv. Var. &c.)
- • n. knowledge BhP. (B. buddhi)
- ○kapālinī f. N. of one of the 6 goddesses of magic Dharmas. 13, n
- ○kāpa m. N. of the present Buddha era (which has already had 4 Buddhas, Gautama being the fourth)
[[ ]]
- buddhakāyavarṇapariniṣpattyabhinirhārā3buddha--kāya-varṇa-pariniṣpatty-abhinirhārā f. a partic. Dhāraṇī L.
- ○kṣetra n. Buddha's district, the country in which a Buddha appears Kāraṇḍ.
- • -pariśodhaka n. N. of one of the 3 kinds of Praṇidhāna Dharmas. 112
- • -varalocana n. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ.
- ○gayā f. Buddha's Gays, N. of a sacred place near Gaya (in Behār), where Gautama Buddha and all the other Buddha are said to have attained to true wisdom MWB. 31 &c
- ○gupta m. (prob.) wṛ. for budha-g○
- ○guru m. a Buddhist spiritual teacher MW.
- ○ghoṣa m. N. of a Buddhist scholar (who lived at the beginning of the 5th century AḌ
- • the name is not found in Sanskṛit works) MWB. 65 &c
- ○cakṣus n', Buddha's eye', N. of one of the 5 sorts of vision Dharmas. 66
- ○carita n. 'the acts of Buddha', N. of a Kāvya by Aśva-ghosha
- ○caritra n. Buddha's history, narrative of Buddha's life, N. of wk
- ○carya n. Buddha's acts or life Buddh.
- ○cchāyā f. Buddha shadow ib.
- ○jñāna n. Buddha's knowledge ib.
- • -śrī m. N. of a Buddhist scholar ib.
- ○tva n. the condition or rank of a Buddha Kathās.
- ○datta m. given by Buddha', N. of a minister of king Caṇḍa-mahāsena ib.
- ○dāsa m. N. of a scholar Buddh.
- ○diś (?), m. N. of a prince ib.
- ○deva m. N. of a man ib. [Page 733, Column ]
- ○dravya n. Buddha's property', (prob.) the relics deposited in a Stūpa (= staupika) L.
- • avarice, miserly accumulation of wealth (?) W.
- ○dvādaśī-vrata n. a partic. observance
- • N. of ch. of VarP.
- ○dharma m. Buddha's law Buddh.
- • Buddha's marks or peculiarities ib.
- ○saṃgha m. pl. Buddha, the law, and the monkhood MW.
- ○nandi (?), m. N. of the 8th Buddhist patriarch Buddh.
- ○nirmāṇa m. a magic figure of Buddha Divyâv.
- ○pakṣa (?), m. N. of a king Buddh.
- ○pāla m. N. of a man ib.
- ○pālita m. N. of a disciple of Nāgârjuna, ib.
- ○piṇḍī f. a mass of Buddhas Divyâv.
- ○purāṇa n. Buddha's Purāṇa, N. of Parāśra's Laghu-lalita-vistara
- ○bhaṭṭa and m. N. of 2 men Buddh.
- ○bhadra m. N. of 2 men Buddh.
- ○bhūmi m. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra wk. (also -sūtra n.)
- ○mantra n. a Buddhist prayer or charm (= dhāraṇī) L.
- ○mārga m. Buddha's way or doctrine Buddh.
- ○mitra m. N. of the 9th Buddhist patriarch (who was a disciple of Vasu-bandhu) ib.
- ○rakṣita m. guarded by BṭBuddha', N. of a man ib.
- • (ā), f. N. of a woman, Mālatīm
- ○rāja m. N. of a king Buddh.
- ○vacana n. 'Buddha's word', the Buddhist Sūtras ib.
- ○vat (buddhá-), mfn. containing a form of √budh ŚBr.
- ○vana-giri m. N. of a mountain Buddh.
- ○vapur-dhārin mfn. bearing the body or form of Buddha Cat.
- ○viṣaya m. = -kṣetra
- • ○yâvatāra m. N. of wk
- ○saṃgīti f. N. of wk
- ○síṃha m. N. of a man Buddh.
- ○sena m. N. of a king ib.
- buddhâgama m. Buddha's doctrine (personified) Prab.
- buddhâṇḍaka wṛ. for buddhâiḍūka, q.v
- buddhânusmṛti f. continual meditation on Buddha Lalit.
- • N. of a Buddhist Sūtra
- buḍdhântá m. waking condition, the being awake ŚBr.
- buddhâlaṃkārâdhiṣṭhitā f. a partic. Dhāraṇi L.
- buddhâvataṃsaka m. or n. (?) N. of wk
- buddhâvatāra m. 'Buddha's descent', N. of ch. of the Khaṇda-praśasti (q.v.)
- buddhâiḍūka m. a temple in which relics of Buddha are preserved (= caitya) L.
- buddhôktasaṃsārâmaya m. N. of wk
- buddhôpâsaka m. (ikā, f.) a worshipper of Buddha Mṛicch.
- buddhaka m. N. of a poet Cat.
- buddhi f. the power of forming and retaining conceptions and general notions, intelligence, reason, intellect, mind, discernment, judgment Mn. MBh. &c
- • perception (of which 5 kinds are enumerated, or with manas 6
- • cf. indriya, buddhī7ndriya)
- • comprehension, apprehension, understanding Sāh.
- • (with ātnanaḥ, or buddhir brāhmī) knowledge of one's self. psychology Car.
- • (in Sāṃkhya phil.) Intellect (= adhy-avasāya, the intellectual faculty or faculty of mental perception, the second of the 25 Tattvas
- • cf. buddhi-tattva) IW. 80 &c
- • presence of mind, ready wit Pañcat. Hit.
- • an opinion, view, notion, idea, conjecture MBh. Kāv. &c
- • thought about or meditation on (loc. or comp.), intention, purpose, design ib. (buddhyā, with the intention of. designedly, deliberately
- • anugraha-b○, with a view to i.e. in order to show favour
- • buddhiṃ-√kṛ or pra-√kṛ, to make up one's mind, resolve, decide, with loc., dat., acc. with prati, or inf.)
- • impression, belief. notion (often ifc. = considering as, taking for) Kāv. Kathās. Pur. Hit.
- • right opinion, correct or reasonable view R. Ragh.
- • a kind of metre L.
- • N. of the 5th astrol' mansion VarBṛS. Sch.
- • Intelligence personified (as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma and mother of Bodha) MBh. Pur.
- • N. of a woman, HParil
- ○kara m. (with śukla) N. of an author Cat.
- ○kāmā f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda MBh.
- ○kārī f. N. of a princess Kathās.
- ○kṛt mfn. (ifc.) one who forms the notion of, supposing, conjecturing Kathās.
- ○kṛta mfn. acted wisely MBh.
- ○gamya or mfn. to be apprehended by the intellect, intelligible MBh.
- ○grāhya mfn. to be apprehended by the intellect, intelligible MBh.
- ○cintaka mfn. one who thinks wisely R.
- ○cchāyā f. reflex action of the understanding on the soul Sarvad.
- ○cyuta mfn. one who has lost his intellect MW.
- ○jīvin mfn. subsisting by intelligence, rational, intelligent Mn. i, 96
- ○tattva n. the intellectual faculty or principle (the 2nd of the 8 Prakṛitayab or 'producers' in the Sāṃkhya, coming next to and proceeding from Mūla-prakṛiti or A-vyakta), Siddhāntai. (cf. IW. 83)
- ○tas ind. from or by the mind MW.
- ○devī f. N. of a princess L.
- ○dyūta n. 'intellectgame', game at chess Pañcad.
- ○pura n. city of the intellect
- • -māhātmya n. N. of ch. of BrahmâṇḍaP. -puraḥ-sara mfn. = next MW. =
- ○pūrva mf(ā)n. preceded by design, premeditated, intentional, wilful R. Kād.
- • (am), ind. intentionally, purposely Āpast. MBh. [Page 734, Column ]
- ○pūrvaka mfn. (and ○kam ind.) = prec. MBh. Pañcat. (-tva n. Nīlak.)
- ○pradāna n. the giving a commission TBr. Sch.
- ○pradīpa m. N. of wk
- ○prabha m. N. of a king Kathās.
- ○prāgalbhī f. soundness of judgment Pañcat.
- ○bala n. a partic. kind of play Siṃhâs.
- ○bhṛt mfn. possessing intelligence, wise W.
- ○bheda (cf. Bhag.),
- ○bhrama (cf. MW.), m. disturbance or aberration of mind
- ○mat mfn. endowed with understanding, intelligent, learned, wise GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- • humble, docile W.
- • famed, known (?) ib.
- • m. a rational being, man ib.
- • the large shrike L.
- • -tara mfn. more or very intelligent R.
- • -tā f. (cf. MW.), -tva n. (cf. Kām.) intelligence, wisdom
- ○matikā f. N. of a woman, Veṇis
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting in intellect MBh.
- ○moha m. confusion of mind R.
- ○yukta mfn. endowed with understanding, intelligent MW.
- ○yoga mḍevotion of the intellect, intellectual union with the Supreme Spirit ib.
- • -maya mf(ī)n. consisting in or sprung from it MBh.
- ○rāja m. (with samrāj) N. of an author Cat.
- ○lakṣaṇa n. a sign of intellect or wisdom, A.
- ○lāghava n. lightness or levity of judgment R.
- ○vara m. N. of a minister of Vikramâditya Kathās.
- ○varjita mfn. destitute of understanding, foolish, ignorant ib.
- ○vāda m. N. of wk
- ○vidhvaṃsaka mfn. destroying consciousness or reason Bhpr.
- ○vināśa m. loss of understanding, deficiency of intellect Hit.
- ○virodhin m. N. of a man Dhūrtan.
- ○vilāsa m. play of the mind or fancy MW.
- • N. of wk
- ○vilāsinī f. N. of Comm. on Līlāv
- ○vivardhana mfn. increasing the understanding Mn.
- ○viṣaya m. a matter apprehensible by reason MW.
- ○visphuraṇa m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ.
- ○vṛddhi f. growth or development of intellect, growth of understanding or wisdom (-kara mfn. producing it) Mn. iv. 19
- • m. N. of a disciple of Śaṃkara Cat.
- ○vaibhava n. strength or force of understanding MW.
- ○śakti f. an intellectual faculty L.
- ○śarīra m. N. of a man, Kaṭhās
- ○śastra mfn. armed with understanding Śiś.
- ○śālin mfn. = -yukta MBh.
- ○suddha mfn. pure of purpose Kām.
- ○śuddhi f. purification of the mind Vedântas.
- ○śrī-garbha m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh.
- ○śreṣṭha mfn. best (when effected) by the intellect MBh.
- ○saṃkīrṇa m. a kind of pavilion Vāstuv.
- ○sampanna mfn. = -yukta ĀśvGṛ.
- ○sahāya m. a counsellor minister L.
- ○sāgara m. 'ocean of wisdom', N. of a man Vet.
- ○skandha-maya mf(ī)n. one whose trunk or stem is the intellect MBh.
- ○stha mfn. fixed in or present to the mind (-tva n.) Hit.
- ○hīna mfn. = -varjita
- • -tva n. Hit.
- buddhīndriya n. an organ of sense or perception (5 in number, viz, eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin, opp. to, karmêndriyāṇi, q.v
- • manas, 'the mind' belonging to both
- • cf. indriya) Mn. Kap. Suśr. &c. (cf. IW. 84, n. 1)
- buddhy-atī7ta mfn. beyond the reach of the understanding MW.
- buddhy-adhika mfn. superior in intellect R.
- buddhy-avajñāna n. disregard or contempt of any one's understanding W.
- budh mfn. (nom. bhut) awaking (cf. uṣarbúdh)
- • intelligent, wise (cf. a-budh)
- budha mfn. awaking (cf. uṣar-budha)
- • intelligent, clever, wise Mn. MBh. &c
- • m. a wise or learned man, sage ib.
- • a god L.
- • a dog L.
- • N. of a descendant of Soma (and hence also called saumya, saumāyana, author of RV. x, 1, and father of Purū-ravas
- • identified with the planet Mercury)
- • Mercury (regarded as a son of Soma or the moon) PañcavBr. MBh. R. &c. of a descendant of Atri and author of RV. v, 1 Anukr.
- • of a son of Vega-vat and father of Tṛiṇa-bindu Pur.
- • of various authors Cat.
- • (e), ind. on a Wednesday (= budha-vāre) L.
- • (ā), f. Nardostachys Jatamansi L.
- ○kauśika m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○gupta m. N. of a prince (also written buddha-g○) Buddh. -cāra m. N. of a ch. of Bhaṭṭôtpala's Comm. on VarBṛS. and of a ch' of Yavanisvara's Mīna-rajā-jāttaka
- ○jana m. a wise man W
- ○tāta m. Bhaṭṭôtpala's (or the planet Mercury's) father, the moon L.
- ○darśana-cāra m. N. of ch. of Yavanêśvara's Mīna-rāja-jātaka
- ○dina n. Bhaṭṭôtpala's (or the planet Mercury's) day, Wednesday Cat.
- ○deśa m. N. of a place MW.
- ○nāḍi f
- ○pūjā f
- ○prakāśa m
- ○manohara m. or n
- ○rañjiṇī f. N. of wks
- ○ratna n. 'Bhaṭṭôtpala's gem', an emerald L.
- ○vāra m. = -dina L.
- ○śānti f. N. of wk
- ○sānu m. = parna or = yajña-puruṣa L. [Page 734, Column ]
- ○suta m. Bhaṭṭôtpala's son', N. of Purū-ravas (the first king of the lunar dynasty) Pur.
- ○sū7kta n. N. of wk
- ○smṛti f. N. of wk
- budhâṣṭamī f. the 8th (day) of BṭBhaṭṭôtpala', N. of a festival Cat.
- • -vrata n. -vrata-kāla-nirṇaya m. N. of wks
- budhaka m. N. of a man Veṇis.
- búdhan-vat mfn. containing the √budh TBr.
- budhāná mfn. awaking, rousing RV. iv, 51, 8, vii, 68, 9
- • being heeded (?) ib. iv, 23, 8
- • knowing, wise, prudent L.
- • one who speaks kindly L.
- • m. a sage, spiritual guide, holy teacher L.
- budhita mfn. known, understood W.
- budhila mfn. wise, learned L.
- budheya m. pl. N. of a school of the white Yajur-veda Aryav.
- budhya mfn. See a-budhyá
- bubodhayiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of Caus.) wishing to excite the attention, desirous of admonishing MārkP. (cf. bibodhayiṣu)
- bubhutsā f. (fr. Desid.) desire to know, curiosity about (acc. or comp.) BhP. Yājñ. Sch.
- bubhuḍtsita n. id. BhP.
- ○"ṣtsu mfn. wishing to know (acc. or comp.) MBh. Daś. &c
- • curious, inquisitive Naish.
- • desirous to know everything (said of the gods) MBh.
- boddhavya mfn. (√budh) to be attended to or noticed MBh. Kathās.
- • to be known or perceived or observed or recognized, perceptible, intelligible Up. MBh. &c
- • to be enlightened or admonished or instructed or informed, one who is informed, Palicat. Sāh.
- • to be awakened or aroused MW.
- • n. (impers.) it is to be watched or be awaked Pañcat. (v. l. pra.b○)
- boddhṛ m. one who perceives or comprehends Sāh.
- • one who knows or is versed in (loc. or comp.) ChUp. Yājñ. MBh. &c. (-tva n. Kap.)
- bodhá mfn. knowing, understanding, AshṭāvS. (cf. g. jvalâdi)
- • m. waking, becoming or being awake, consciousness AV. MBh. &c
- • the opening of blossom, bloom Cat.
- • the taking effect (of spells
- • acc. with pra-√yā, 'to begin to take effect') ib.
- • exciting (a perfume) Var.
- • perception, apprehension, thought, knowledge, understanding, intelligence Kāv. Rājat. Pur.
- • designation Sāh. Pāṇ. Sch.
- • awakening, arousing W.
- • making known, informing, instructing MW.
- • Knowledge personified as a son of Buddhi Pur.
- • N. of a man MārkP. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 107)
- • pl. N. of a people MBh.
- ○kara mf(ī)n. one who wakens or rouses or teaches or informs W.
- • m. 'awakener', a minstrel who wakes a prince in the morning with music L.
- ○gamya mfn. attainable by the intellect, intelligible MW.
- ○ghanâcārya m. N. of a teacher Cat.
- ○citta-vívaraṇa wṛ. for bodhi-c○
- ○tas ind. through wisdom or understanding MW.
- ○dhiṣaṇa m. one whose intellect is knowledge BhP.
- ○pañcadaśikā f. N. of wk
- ○pūrvam ind. knowingly, consciously (a-bodhap○) Śak.
- ○pṛthvīdhara m. N. of a teacher Cat.
- ○prakriyā f. N. of wk
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of (pure) knowledge Subh. -rāyâcārya m. (later satyaviira-tīrtha) a modern (1864) high priest of the Mādhva sect Cat.
- ○vatī f. N. of a Surâṅganā, Siṃhas
- ○vāsara m. 'waking-day', the 11th day in the light half of the month Kārttika (in which Vishṇu awakes from his sleep
- • cf. bodhanī) SkandaP.
- ○vilāsa m',
- ○sāra m
- ○siddhi f
- ○sudhâkara m. N. of wks
- bodhâtman m. (with Jainas) the intelligent and sentient soul Col.
- bodhânanda-ghana m. N. of a teacher Cat. (cf. bodha-ghanâcārya)
- bodhâraṇya-yati m. N. of the Guru of bhāratī-yati Cat.
- bodhâryā f. N. of wk
- bodhêndra m. N. of an author Cat.
- bodhâika-siddhi f. N. of wk
- bodhaka mf(ikā)n. awakening, arousing R.
- • causing to know, explaining, teaching, instructing, a teacher, instructor Kāv. Vedântas. Sarvad.
- • (ifc.) denoting, indicating, signifying (-tva n.) Pāṇ. Sch. Vedântas.
- • m. a spy, informer W.
- • N. of a man (pl. his descendants) Pravar.
- • of a poet Cat.
- bodhana mf(ī)n. causing to awake or expand (a flower), arousing, exciting R. Hariv. Suśr.
- • enlightening, teaching, instructing (cf. bāla-bodhinī)
- • m. the planet Mercury W.
- • N. of a mountain VP.
- • (ī), f. intellect, knowledge L.
- • long pepper L.
- • = bodha-vāsara PadmaP.
- • a partic. Śakti Hcat.
- • n. waking, being awake KātyŚr. Suśr.
- • perceiving, understanding Ragh.
- • causing to wake, awakening, arousing MBh. R. &c
- • causing (a spell) to take effect, Cat [Page 734, Column ]
- • calling forth a perfume, burning incense L.
- • causing to perceive or understand Sāh.
- • instructing, teaching, informing Hariv. Kāv.
- • denoting, indicating, signifying Sāh. Pāṇ. Sch.
- • 'the awaking of Durgā', N. of a festival on the 9th day of the dark half of the month Bhādra Col.
- ○mantra m. N. of ch. of PSarv.
- bodhanīya mfn. to be admonished Yājñ. Sch.
- • to be known or understood MBh.
- • to be made known or explained W.
- bodhán-manas vḷ. for bodhī7n-m○
- bodhayitavya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be made acquainted with, to be informed of (acc.) Prab.
- bodhayitṛ́ m. (fr. Caus.) an awakener RV. i, 161, 13
- • a teacher, preceptor MW.
- bodhayiṣṇu mfn. (fr. Caus.) wishing to awaken or to arouse R.
- bodhāna mfn. prudent, clever, wise L.
- • m. a wise man
- • N. of Bṛihas-pati L.
- bodhāyana m. N. of a teacher and author of the Brahma-sūtra-vṛitti (said to have commented also on the Bhagavad-gītā and 10 Upanishads) Cat.
- ○kalpa-vivaraṇa n
- ○prayoga m',
- ○śrauta n
- ○sūtra n. N. of wks. (cf. baudhāyana)
- bodhāyanīya n. (and -grikya-mātā f.) N. of wks
- • (ā), f. a partic. drug L.
- bodhi mf. (with Buddhists or Jainas) perfect knowledge or wisdom (by which a man becomes a Buddha or Jina), the illuminated or enlightened intellect (of a Buddha or Jina) Kathās. Rājat. Śatr. Lalit. (cf. MWB. 97, 188 &c.)
- • m. the tree of wisdom under which perfect wisdom is attained or under which a man becomes a Buddha, the sacred fig-tree, (Ficus Religiosa) Hcat. (cf. MWB. 35, 181 &c.)
- • 'wakener', a cock L.
- • N. of a man (= Buddha in a former birth) Jātakam.
- • of a mythical elephant Lalit.
- • of a place L.
- • pl. N. of a people R.
- • mfn. learned, wise Uṇ. iv, 117
- ○citta-vivaraṇa n
- ○cittôtpādana-śāstra n. N. of wks
- ○taru m. 'tree of wisdom', Ficus Religiosa L. (cf. above)
- ○da m. (with Jainas) an Arhat L.
- ○druma m. =
- ○taru L.
- ○dharma m. N. of a Buddhist patriarch (whose original name was Bodhi-dhana) L.
- ○nyāsa m. N. of wk
- ○pakṣa-dharma m. a quality belonging to (or a constituent of) perfect intelligence Lalit.
- • -nirdeśa, mṆ. of wk
- ○pakṣika mfn. belonging to perfect intelligence (with dharma, m.= pakṣa-dh○ Dharmas. 43)
- ○bhadra m. N. of a teacher Buddh.
- ○maṇḍa m. or n. (?) seat of wisdom (N. of the seats which were said to have risen out of the earth under 4 successive trees where Gautama Buddha attained to perfect wisdom) MWB. 232 (cf. next)
- ○maṇḍala n. N. of the place where Gautama Buddha attained to perfect wisdom Lalit.
- ○ruci m. N. of a scholar Buddh.
- ○vṛkṣa m. = -taru L.
- ○saṃghârāma m. N. of a monastery. Buddh.
- ○sattva m. 'one whose essence is perfect knowledge', one who is on the way to the attainment of pṭperfect knowledge (i.e. a Buddhist saint when he has only one birth to undergo before obtaining the state of a supreme Buddha and then Nirvāṇa) Śiś. Kathās. Rājat. Buddh. (the early doctrine had only one Bodhi-sattva, viz. Maitreya
- • the later reckoned many more MWB. 134, 188, 189)
- • N. of the principal Buddha of the present era (before he became a Buddha) Śiś. Sch. L.
- • of a poet Cat.
- • caryā f. the actions or condition of a Bodhisattva Lalit.
- • -caryâlvatāra f. N. of wk
- • -tā f. the state of a Bodhisattva-sṭstate, Bodhi-sattvaship Kathās.
- • -pakṣa. nirdeśa m. -piṭaka m. or n. -buddhânusmṛtisamādhi m. -bhūmi f. N. of wks
- ○saṃcodiṇī f. N. of a partic. ray of light Lalit.
- • -samuccayā f. N. of a Buddh. deity
- • ○tvâṃśa m. part of a Bodhisattva
- • ○tvâvadāna-kalpa-latā f. N. of wks
- ○siddhi f. N. of wk
- bodhy-aṅga n. a requisite for attaining perfect knowledge Lalit. (7 in number Divyâv. Dharmas. 49)
- • -vatī f. a partic. Samādhi L.
- bodhita mfn. (fr. Caus.) made known, apprised, explained
- • informed, instructed
- • admonished, reminded MBh. R.
- bodhitavya mfn. to be made known, to be imparted or communicated L. (cf. bodhayitavya)
- bodhin mfn. (ifc.) intent upon, careful of. MārkP.
- • knowing, familiar with Cat.
- • causing to know or perceive Sāh.
- • awakening, enlightening (cf. jñāna-, tattva-, bāla-bodhinī)
- bodhín-manas mfn. (according to Padap. fr. bodhit-m○) one whose mind is awake, watchful, attentive RV.
- bodhila m. (fr. bodhi) N. of a teacher Buddh. [Page 735, Column ]
- bodheya m. pl. N. of a Vedic school (cf. addhā-b○ and baudheya)
- bodhya mfn. to be known or understood, to be regarded or recognized as (nom.) Vedântas. BhP. Sāh. &c
- • to be made known Vedântas.
- • to be enlightened or instructed Kathās.
- • m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh.
- ○gītā f. N. of MBh. xii, 178
- bauddha mf(ī)n. (fr. buddhi) being in the mind, mental (= not uttered) Vām. v, 2, 62
- • relating to intellect or understanding Sāh.
- • (fr. buddha), relating or belonging to Buddha, Buddhist Prab. Rājat. Vedântas. &c. (cf. MWB. 529, t)
- ○daraśana n. Buddhist doctrine, N. of Sarvad. ii
- ○dūṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○dhik-kāra m. N. of wk. (-ātma-tattva-viveka)
- • gādā-dharī f. -guṇ^āndī f. -dīdhiti f. -rahasya, n. N. of Comms on it
- ○mata n. Buddha doctrine, N. of wk
- • -dūṣaṇa n. -nivarhaṇa n. N. of wks
- ○śāstra n. Buddha doctrine, N. of wk
- ○saṃgati f. N. of wk. on Alaṃ-kāra (quoted in Vās.)
- baudha mf(ī)n. relating to Budha or the planet Mercury Sūryas. (with ahan n. day of Mercury, Wednesday Vishṇ.)
- • m. patr. of Purū-ravas L.
- baudhāyana m. patr. of an ancient teacher (author of Gṛihya-, Dharma- and Śrautaṣūtras)
- • N. of a Vidūshaks, Caṇd
- • mf(ī)n. relating to or composed by Budhāyana AgP.
- • pl' his race or school Saṃskārak.
- ○caraka-sautrāmaṇī f
- ○tati f
- ○prayoga m
- ○vidhi m
- ○śikṣā f
- ○śrauta-prayogasāra m
- ○samgraha m
- ○smṛti f
- baudhāyaḍnīpariśiṣṭa n. N. of wks
- baudhāyanīya mfn. relating or belonging to Baudhāyana
- • m. pl. N. of a school of the black Yajur-veda
- ○prayoga-sāra m. N. of wks
- baudhi m. patr. fr. bodha Pāṇ. 4-1, 107 Sch.
- • fr. baudhi, ii, 4, 58 Vārtt. 1. Pat.
- baúdhī-pútra m. N. of a teacher ŚBr.
- baudheya m. pl. N. of a school (cf. bodheya)
- baudhya mfn. born in Bodha, g. śaṇḍikâdi
- • m. patr. fr. bodha (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 107), N. of a teacher VP.
- budhná mṇ. (probably not connected with √budh
- • but cf' Uṇ. iii, 5) bottom, ground, base, depth, lowest part of anything (as the √of a tree &c.) RV. AV. ŚBr. (búdhna) ŚrS. ChUp.
- • the sky Nir.
- • the body ib.
- • N. of a son of the 14th Manu VP. ; often wṛ. for budhnya [Cf. Gk.? Lat. fundus ; Germ. [735, ] bodam, bodem, Boden ; Angl. Sax. botm ; Eng. bottom.]
- ○roga m. a partic. disease Car. (cf. bradhna and bradhma)
- ○vat (budhná-), mfn. having a foot or basis TS.
- budhníya mfn. -next TBr.
- budhnyá mfn. being on the ground or at the base, coming from or belonging to the depths RV., &c. &c. (very often in connexion with áhi, q.v.)
- • N. of a son of the 14th Manu VP.
- bund cl, 1. P. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxi, 12
- • vḷ. cund and bundh) to perceive, learn, understand Bhaṭṭ.
- bunda m. an arrow RV. (= iṣu Nir.)
- bundira n. a house L.
- bundh cl, 10. P. bundhayati, to bind Dhātup. xxxii, 54 (cf. buná)
- bubura m. water (= udaka Naigh. i, 12)
- bubodhayiṣu See p. 734, col. 2
- bubhukṣā f. (fr. Desid. of √3. bhuj) desire of enjoying anything MBh.
- • wish to eat, appetise, hunger R. Var. &c
- • -"ṣpanaya (○kṣâp○), m. that which takes away hunger', food R.
- • -pīdita mfn. pained by hunger, hungry MW.
- bubhuḍkṣita mfn. hungry, starving, ravenous Mn. MBh. &c.,
- bubhuḍkṣu mfn. wishing to eat, hungry MārkP.
- • desirous of worldly enjoyment (opp. to mumukṣu), Kull on Mn. ii, 224
- bubhutsā &c. See p. 734, col. 2
- bubhūrṣā f. (fr. Desid. of √bhṛ) desire of supporting (gen.) Āpast.
- bubhūrḍṣu mfn. (ifc.) wishing to nourish or support, Śaṃpk
- bubhūṣaka mfn. (fr. Desid. of √bhu) wishing the welfare of, wishing to be of service to (gen. or comp.) MBh. ○ṣā f. desire of being or living ŚāṅkhBr. BhP. [Page 735, Column ]
- bubhūḍṣu mfn. wishing to be or become anything (nom.) Śiś. HPariś.
- • wishing to become powerful or prevail KātyŚr. MBh. BhP.
- • wishing the welfare of (gen.) MBh.
- bumbhī f. coarse ground meal L.
- bumbhikā f. id. ib.
- buri f. the female organ of generation (= buli) Gal.
- buruḍa m. a basket-maker, matmaker BhP. Sch.
- bul cl. 10. P. bolayati, to cause to sink, submerge Dhātup. xxxii, 62
- • to sink, dive, plunge into and emerge again W.
- buli f. = buri or the anus L.
- bula g. balâdi Kāś.
- bulya mfn. ib.
- bulilám N. of a man (= buḍila) ŚBr.
- bulbá mfn. (prob.) oblique ŚBr.
- bulla m. N. of a man Rājat.
- buvam ind. an onomat. word TBr. Sch. (cf. sa-buva)
- buśa buṣa wṛ. for busa
- bus cl. 4. P. busyati, to discharge, pour forth, emit Dhātup. xxvi, 110
- • to divide, distribute (v. l. for √vyuṣ)
- busá n. (prob.) vapour, mist, fog RV. x, 27, 4
- • chaff and other refuse of grain, any refuse or rubbish Kauś. Suśr.
- • water Naigh. Nir.
- • dry cow-dung W.
- • the thick part of sour curds ib.
- • wealth ib.
- • (ā), f. (in dram.) a younger sister ib.
- ○plāvī f. a beetle (?) Divyâv.
- busasa mfn. (fr. busá), g. tṛṇâdi
- bust cl, 10. P. bustayati, to honour, respect &c. (= or vḷ. for √pust, q.v.)
- busta m. n. (g. ardharcâdi) the burnt exterior of roast meat L.
- • the husk or shell of fruit L.
- buhnā See śveta-b○
- būkka mfn. = bukka the heart L.
- būkhan n. id. Col.
- būt-kāra m. the screaming of monkeys Kāv.
- būba-śarman m. N. of a man (the father of Viṭṭhala Dikshita, about 1620) Cat.
- būṣa wṛ. for busa
- bṛṃh bṛnhaṇa &c. See √2. 4. bṛh
- bṛgala n. a fragment, piece, morsel ( See ardha- and puroḍāśa-b○)
- bṛndâraṇya bṛndā-vana, See vṛndâr○, vṛndā-v○
- bṛbád-uktha m. N. of Indra RV. viii, 32, 50 (either mahad-uktha, 'highly lauded', or vaktavyam asmā uktham, 'one to whom praise is to be ascribed' Nir. vi, 4)
- bṛbú m. N. of a man (according to Sāy. 'the carpenter of the Paṇis') RV. vi, 45, 31 Mn. x, 107
- bṛbūka n. water RV. x, 27, 33 (cf. Naigh. i, 12
- • others, mfn. dense, thick')
- bṛṣī See bṛsī below
- bṛ́saya m. N. of a demon (cf. Sāy.= tvaṣṭṛ) RV. i, 93, 4
- • (prob.) a sorcerer, conjuror, vi, 61, 3
- bṛsī f. (also written briṣī, vṛsī, or vṛṣī) a roll of twisted grass, pad, cushion, (esp.) the seat of a religious student or of an ascetic, Śrs. MBh. &c
- bṛsikā f. id. L.
- bṛh or vṛh, cl, 6. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxviii, 57) briháti
- • vṛháti (pf. babarha, vavárha
- • fut. varkṣyati, varhiṣyati
- • varḍhā, varhitā
- • aor. barhīt, avṛkṣat
- • ind. p. vriḍhvā, varhitvā, vṛ́hya, barham, várham
- • Ved. inf. vṛhas: Pass. vṛhyate [Page 735, Column ]
- • aor. varhi), to tear, pluck, √up (without a prep. only with mūlam TS. Āpast.): Caus. barháyati ( See ni-√bṛh): Desid. vivṛkṣati, vivarhiṣati Gr.: Intens. varīvarḍhi, varīvṛhyate ib.
- bṛḍha or mfn., pulled up, eradicated Br. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 111 Sch.)
- vṛḍhá mfn., pulled up, eradicated Br. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 111 Sch.)
- bṛh or bṛṃh, cl. 1. P. (cf. Dhātup. xvii, 85) bṛṃhati (also ○te ŚBr. and bṛhati AV.
- • pf. babarha AV.
- • A. p. babṛhāṇá RV.), to be thick, grow great or strong, increase (the finite verb only with a prep.): Caus. bṛṃhayati, ○te (also written vṛ○), to make big or fat or strong, increase, expand, further, promote MBh. Kathās. Pur. Suśr.
- • barhayati, See sam-√bṛh: Intens. barbṛhat, barbṛhi, See upa-√bṛh
- bṛṃhaṇa mfn. (fr. Caus.) making big or fat or strong, nourishing Suśr.
- • m. a kind of sweetmeat W.
- • n. the act of making big &c. ib.
- • a means for making strong or firm RPrāt.
- ○tva n. the quality of making fat or strong Suśr.
- • the quality of making solid or firm Hariv.
- bṛṃhaṇīya mfn. to be fattened or nourished Pāṇ. 8-2 Sch.
- • fattening, nutritious Suśr.
- bṛṃhayitavya mfn. to be nourished or strengthened Suśr.
- bṛṃhayitṛ mfn. strengthening, increasing L.
- bṛṃhita mfn. (for 2. See under √4. bṛh) strengthened, nourished, cherished, grown, increased MBh. Hariv. &c
- • (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda MBh.
- • (vḷ. bṛṃhila)
- bṛḍha or See pari-√bṛh
- vṛḍha See pari-√bṛh
- bṛh prayer. See bṛ́has-pati
- bṛhaka m. N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh.
- bṛhác in comp. for
- bṛhát
- ○cañcu f. a kind of vegetable L.
- ○cāṇakya n. the larger collection of precepts by Cāṇakya (q.v.)
- ○citta m. Citrus Medica L.
- ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wk
- • -ṭīkā f. N. of a Comm. on it
- ○chattrā f. a species of plant KātyŚr. Sch.
- ○chada m. a walnut L.
- ○chandas (○hác.), mfn. high-roofed, having a lofty ceiling AV.
- ○chandêndu-śekhara mṆ. of wk
- ○charīra ([○hác+zar○]), mfn. having a vast body RV. Suśr.
- ○chalka (○hac + śa○), m. 'large-scaled', a kind of prawn' L.
- ○chātâtapa (○hac + śā○), m. 'the larger Śātâtapa', N. of a partic. recension of ŚṭŚātâtapa's law-book Cat.
- ○chāntistava ([○hac+zA○]), m. the larger Śānti-stava W.
- ○chāla (○hac + śā○), m. a large or lofty Vatica Robusta MBh.
- ○chimbī (○hac + śi○), f. a kind of cucumber L.
- ○chuka (○hac + śu○), m. a kind of peak Bhpr.
- ○chṛṅgāra-tilaka (○hac + śṛ○), n. the larger Śṛiṅgāra-tilaka Cat.
- ○choka (○hac + śo○), mfn. being in great sorrow Prab.
- ○chravas (hác + śra○), mfn. loud-sounding RV.
- • loudly praised, far-famed ib. BhP.
- ○chrī-krama (○hac + śrī7○) m. N. of wk
- ○chloka (○hac + ślo○), mfn. loudly praised BhP.
- • m. N. of a son of Uru-krama by Kīrtti ib.
- bṛháj in comp. for bṛhát
- ○jaghana mfn. having large hips MW.
- ○jana m. a great or illustrious man ib.
- ○jātaka n. N. of Varāhamihira's larger wk. on nativities (cf. svaípa-jātaka)
- • of another wk
- • -śloka-vyākhyāna n. of a metrical Comm. by Bhattôpala on the former wk
- ○jābālôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad on the divinity of Kalâgni-rudra
- ○jālá n. a large net or snare AV.
- ○jīraka m. large cumin Bhpr.
- ○jīvantikā (cf. MW.),
- ○jīvantī or (cf. L.), f. a kind of plant (= priyaṃ-karī)
- ○jīvā (cf. L.), f. a kind of plant (= priyaṃ-karī)
- ○jyotis (○háj-), mfn. bright-shining TS.
- • m. N. of a grandson of Brahmā MBh.
- bṛhaṭ in comp. for bṛhát
- ○ṭika m. N. of a man Rājat.
- ○ṭīkā f. 'large commentary', N. of wk. by Kumārila
- bṛhaḍ in comp. for brihát
- ○dhakkā f. a large drum L.
- bṛhát mf(atī́)n. (in later language usually written vṛhat) lofty, high, tall, great, large, wide, vast, abundant, compact, solid, massy, strong, mighty RV. &c. &c
- • full-grown, old RV.
- • extended or bright (as a luminous body) ib.
- • clear, loud (said of sounds) ib.
- • m. N. of a Marut Hariv.
- • of a prince MBh.
- • of a son of Su-hotra and father of Aja-miḍha Hariv. m. or n. (?) speech (○tām pati = bṛhaspati) Śiś. ii, 26
- • (tī), f. See s.v
- • n. height (also= heaven, sky) RV.
- • N. of various Sāmans composed in the metrical form Bṛihatī (also with āneyam, bharad-vājasya. bhāradvājam, vāmadevyam, sauram) ĀrshBr. [Page 736, Column ]
- • N. of Brahman, Bhp
- • of the Veda ib.
- • (át), ind. far and wide, on high RV.
- • firmly, compactly ib.
- • brightly ib.
- • greatly, much ib.
- • aloud ib. (also atā́ AV.)
- ○kathā f. 'great narrative', N. of a collection of tales ascribed to Guṇáḍhya (from which the Kathā-sarit-sāgara of Somadeva is said of another wk.)
- ○mañjarī f. N. of a collection of tales ascribed to Kshemêndra
- • -vivaraṇa and -sārasaṃgraha m. N. of wks
- ○kanda m. a kind of onion or garlic or another bulbous plant L.
- ○kapola mfn. having fat puffy cheeks TPrāt. Comm.
- ○karman m. 'doing mighty acts', N. of sev. kings Hariv. Pur.
- ○kalpa m. N. of a Kalpa, the 7th day in the bright half of the moon in Brahmā's month ( See 1. kalpa) L.
- • the last day in the dark half of the month Cat.
- • -latā f. N. of wk
- ○kāya m. 'large-bodied', N. of a son of Bṛihad-dhanus BhP.
- ○kāla-jñāna n. 'the large KṭKalpa.jñṭjñalna or knowledge of times', N. of wk
- ○kāla-śāka m. a partic. shrub L. (wṛ.)
- ○kāśa m. a partic. kind of reed (= khaḍgaṭa) L.
- ○kīrti mfn. far-famed MBh. VarBṛS.
- • m. N. of a grandson of Brahmā MBh.
- • of an Asura Hariv.
- ○kukṣi mfn. having a large or prominent belly L.
- • f. N. of a Yoginī Hcat.
- ○kuśaṇḍikā f. N. of a part of the Ājya-tantra Kauś. Comm.
- ○kṛṣṇa-gaṇôddeśa-dīpikā f. N. of wk
- ○ketu (hát-), mfn. having great clearness or brightness (said of Agni) RV.
- • m. N. of a king MBh.
- ○kośala-khaṇḍa m. n. (?) N. of wk
- ○kośātakī f. a kind of gourd L.
- ○kaustubhâlaṃkāra m. N. of wk
- ○kṣaṇa m. N. of a king VP. (vḷ. -kṣaya, -kṣetra and bṛhadraṇa)
- ○kṣata m. N. of a partic. mythical being VarBṛS.
- ○kṣatra m. N. of sev. kings MBh. Hariv. Pur.
- ○kṣaya and m. See -kṣaṇa
- ○kṣetra m. See -kṣaṇa
- ○tantra-pati m. a partic. functionary Cat.
- • = dharmâdhikārin, Śrikaṇṭh
- • -tva n. ib.
- ○tapas n. great self-mortification, a partic. severe penance MW.
- • mfn. practising great self-mortification or austerity ib.
- • ○po-vrata n. a partic. penitential observance Cat.
- ○tarka-taraṃgiṇī f. N. of wk
- ○tāla m. Phoenix Paludosa (= hintāla) L.
- ○tiktā f. Clypea Hernandifolia L.
- ○tīrtha-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○tuhinaśarkara mfn. full of great lumps of ice MW.
- ○tṛṇa n. strong grass Gobh.
- • the bamboo cane L.
- ○tejas mfn. having great energy MW. m. the planet Jupiter VP.
- ○toḍala-tantra n. N. of a Tantra wk
- ○tva n. greatness, largeness, large extent MBh. Hariv. Kathās.
- ○tvac m. Alstonia Scholaris L.
- ○tvan (?), m. N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh. (v. l. ○had-dhan)
- ○pattra m. 'having large leaves', Symplocos Racemosa Car.
- • a species of bulbous plant L.
- • (ā), f. id. ib.
- ○parāśara m. 'the larger Parālara', N. of a partic. recension of Paludosa's law-book,
- ○paribhāṣā-saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- ○parva-mālā f. N. of wk
- ○palāśa mf(ā)n. having great leaves AV.
- ○pāṭali m. the thorn-apple L.
- ○pāda mf(ā)n. large-footed Kathās.
- • m. the Indian fig-tree L.
- ○pārevata m. a kind of fruit tree (= mahā-p○) L.
- ○pālin m. wild cumin L.
- ○pīlu m. a kind of Pīlu tree (= mahā-p○) L.
- ○puṣpa mfn. having large flowers MW.
- • (ī), f. a kind of Crotolaria (= ghantāravā) L.
- ○pṛṣṭha mfn. having the Bṛihatsāman as the basis of the Pṛishṭha-stotra AitBr. ŚrS.
- ○pracetas m. 'the larger Pracetas', N. of a partic. recension of a law-book by PṭPracetas
- ○prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○phala mfn. having large fruit bringing great profit or reward L.
- • m. a species of Plant (= caceṇḍā) L.
- • pl. N. of a class of Buddhist gods Buddh.
- • (ā), f. N. of various plants (a species of wild cucumber
- • Beninkasa Cerifera
- • = mahājumbū = mahêndra-vāruṇī) L.
- ○ṣoḍaśakāraṇa-pūjā f. N. of wk
- ○saṃvarta m. 'the great Saṃvarta', N. of a legal wk
- ○saṃhitā f. 'the great composition', N. of an astrological wk. by Varāha-mihira
- • of a philos. wk
- • of a Dharma
- ○saṃketa m. N. of wk
- ○sarvânukuramaṇī f. N. of an Anukramaṇī
- ○sahāya mfn. having a Powerful companion Śiś.
- ○sāman (○hát.), mfn. having the Bṛhat-sāman for a Sāman ĀpŚr. PañcavBr.
- • m. N. of an Āṅgirasa AV.
- • (sāmā wṛ. for bṛhat-sāma Bhag.)
- ○surmna (hát-), mfn. of great benevolence or kindness RV.
- ○sūryasādhânta m. the larger Sṃrya-siddhânta Col.
- ○sena m. N. of various kings. MBh. VP.
- • of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP.
- • of a son of Su-nakshatra ib.
- • (ā), f. N. of Damayantī's nurse Nal. [Page 736, Column ]
- ○soma wṛ. for -sāma TBr. Comm.
- ○sphij m. 'having large buttocks', N. of a man Pañcat.
- bṛhata m. N. of a son of the 9th Manu Hariv.
- bṛhatikā f. an upper garment, mantle, wrapper Pāṇ. L.
- • Solanum Indicum L.
- bṛhatī́ f. fr. bṛkát, N. of a partic. metre of 36 (orig. 8+ 8+12+8) syllables or (later) anymetre containing 36 syllables (ifc. ○tīka mfn. ) RV. RPrāt. AV. Br. &c
- • a symbolical expression for the number 36 ŚrS.
- • (pl.) N. of partic. bricks forming part of the sacrificial fire-altar ŚBr. Śulbas.
- • a partic. Solanum (-dvaya n. two species of it), SalṅkhGṛ. Suśr.
- • a part of the body between the breast and backbone Suśr.
- • (du.) heaven and earth Gal.
- • speech (a sense inferred from certain passages)
- • a mantle, wrapper L.
- • a place containing water, reservoir L.
- • the lute of Nārada or Viśvā-vasu L.
- • N. of two wks
- • N. of sev. women Hariv. BhP.
- ○kalpa m. N. of wk
- ○kāram ind. having converted (or with conversion) into Bṛihatī-strophes ĀśvŚr.
- ○pati m. the planet Jupiter L.
- ○śastra n
- ○ṣaṣṭhī f. N. of wks
- ○sahasrá n. a thousand Bṛihatis ŚBr. SāṅkhŚr.
- • N. of wk
- bṛhatīka mfn. See bṛhatī́
- bṛhatka mfn. = bṛhát, large, great W.
- • n. N. of a Sāman
- bṛhád in comp. for bṛhát
- ○agni m. N. of a Ṛishi Hariv.
- • -mukha n. a partic. medicinal powder Bhpr.
- ○aṅga mfn. having large limbs, large-bodied L.
- • having many parts MW.
- • m. an elephant L.
- • a large elephant (or one that is usually the leader of a wild herd) W.
- ○aṅgiras m. 'the larger Aṅgiras', N. of a partic. recension of a law-book by AṭAṅgiras
- ○atri m. 'the larger Atri', N. of wk. on med
- ○anīka (○hád-), mfn. powerful-looking SV.
- ○abhidhāna-cintāmaṇi m. the larger Abhidhāna-cint1maṇi by Hensa-candra
- ○amara or m. 'the larger Amara-kosa', N. of a partic. recension of the Amara with interpolations
- ○amara-kośa m. 'the larger Amara-kosa', N. of a partic. recension of the Amara with interpolations
- ○ambālikā f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh.
- ○ambā-śataka n. N. of wk
- ○amla m. Averrhoa Carambola L.
- ○arka mf(ī́)n. (?) AV. viii, 9, 14
- ○aśva m. N. of a Gandharva, Cat
- • of various men MBh. R. Hariv. Pur.
- ○aṣṭa-varga m. N. of wk
- ○asṛnmati m. 'having a great inclination for blood', a partic. demon W.
- ○ātreya m. 'the larger Āreya', N. of a wk. on med
- ○āra m. N. of an Asura L.
- ○āraṇyaka (also āraṇya n. ○kópaniṣad f.), n. N. of a celebrated Upanishad forming the last 5 Prapāṭhakas or last 6 Adhyāyas of the Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa
- • -bhāṣya n. -bhāṣya-ṭīkā f. -bhāṣya-vārttika n. -vārttika-sāra m. n. (?), -viveka m. -viṣaya-nirṇaya m. -vyākhyā f. ○kôpaniṣat-khaṇḍârtha m. ○kâpanithad-vārttika n. N. of wks
- ○iṣu m. N. of various men Hariv. Pur.
- ○iśvara-dīkṣitīya and n. N. of wks
- ○iśvaḍra-purāṇa n. N. of wks
- ○uktha (brihád-), mfn. having loud hymns of praise, loudly praised RV. VS.
- • m. N. of an Agni (son of Tapas) MBh.
- • (with vāmadevya) N. of a man (author of RV. x, 54-56) Anukr.
- • (with vāmneya) of another man PañcavBr.
- • of a son of Deva-rāta VP.
- ○ukthi (!), m. N. of a Rishi Cat.
- ○úhṣ (cf. RV.) and mfn. sprinkling abundantly, shedding copiously
- ○ukṣa (brihád- VS.), mfn. sprinkling abundantly, shedding copiously
- ○ukṣan (bṛhád-), mfn. one who has great oxen RV.
- ○uttara-tāpinī f. N. of an Upanishad
- ○elā f. large cardamoms L.
- ○opaśā f. (with hrasvā) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.
- ○garbha wṛ. for vṛṣa-darbha MBh.
- ○gala mfn. thicknecked TPrāt. Comm.
- ○giri mfn. (prob.) calling or shouting loudly (the Maruts) RV.
- • m. N. of a Yati PañcavBr.
- ○gītā-vyākhyā f. N. of wk
- ○guru m. N. of a man MBh.
- • -gurv-āvalipūjā-śānti-vidhāna n. N. of wk
- ○guha ('having large caves') or -gṛha m. pl. 'large-housed', N. of a people (dwelling in a country lying behind the Vindhya mountains near Malwa, and perhaps comprising Bandelkhand) L.
- ○gola n. a water-melon L.
- ○gaurī-vrata n. N. of a partic. religious observance Cat.
- • N. of wk. (also ○ta-kathā f.)
- ○grāvan (brihád.), mfn. like a huge stone VS.
- ○dantī f. N. of a plant Bhpr.
- ○darbha m. N. of a king (v. l. -bhānu) Hariv. VP.
- ○dala m. a species of Lodhra L.
- • Phoenix Paludosa L.
- ○diva 'belonging to the lofty sky', heavenly, celestial RV. (also -divā́) m. (with atharvaṇa) N. of the author of RV. x, 12c Anukr.
- • N. of that hymn AitBr. [Page 736, Column ]
- • (eṣu), ind. in heavenly heights ib.
- • (ā́), f. N. of a goddess (associated with Iḷā, Sarasvatī and others) ib.
- ○durga m. N. of a man Hariv.
- ○devatā f. N. of a large wk. (enumerating and explaining the deities to which each hymn of the RV. is addressed)
- ○deva-sthāna n. N. of a Slman ĀrshBr.
- ○dyuti f. a great light, radiance, splendour MW.
- • mfn. intensely brilliant Kir.
- ○dyumna m. N. of a king MBh.
- ○dhan (han), See bṛhat-tvan,
- ○dhanus (cf. Hariv. BhP.) and m. N. of kings
- ○dharman (cf. Hariv.), m. N. of kings
- ○dharmapurāṇa n. 'the large Dharma-purāṇa', N. of wk
- ○dharma-prakāśa m. 'the large Dharma-prakāśa', N. of wk
- ○dhala (○d-ha○), n. (?) a large plough L.
- ○dhātrī f. a partic. medicament L.
- ○dhārâvalī (○d-hA○), f. 'the larger Harâvalī', N. of a dictionary
- ○dhārīta (○d-hA○), m. the larger Hārita
- ○dhustūra m. a large thorn-apple MW.
- ○dhemâdri (○d-he○), m. the larger Hemâdri
- ○dhoma-paddhati (○d-ho○), f. N. of wk
- ○dhvaja m. N. of a king VP.
- ○dhvanī f. 'loud-sounding', N. of a river MBh. -bala, m. 'having great strength', N. of two kings MBh. Hariv. Pur. bilja, m. 'having large seeds', or, abounding in seed', Spondias Mangifera L.
- ○bṛhaspati m. N. of the larger recension of Bṛihas-pati's law-book
- ○brahman m. N. of a grandson of Brahmā MBh.
- • ○ma-saṃ. hitā f. N. of wk
- • ○môtara-khaṇḍa m. N. of a part of the Skanda-purāṇa
- ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○bhaṭṭārikā f. N. of Durgā L.
- ○bhaya m. N. of one of the sons of the 9th Manu MārkP.
- ○bhāgavatâmṛta n. N. of Comm.
- ○bhānu (bṛhád-), mfn. shining brightly RV. Lāṭy.
- • m. fire or the god of fire L.
- • N. of a partic. Agni MBh.
- • of a son of Sattrâyaṇa and a manifestation of Vishṇu BhP.
- • of a son of Kṛishṇa ib.
- • of a king Pur.
- ○bhās mfn. shining brightly ĀpŚr.
- ○bhāsa m. 'having great splendour', N. of a grandson of Brahmā MBh.
- • (ā), f. N. of a daughter of the god of the sun and wife of Agni Bhānu MBh.
- ○bhuja mfn. long-armed L.
- ○yama m. N. of the larger recension of Yama's law-book
- ○yājñavalkya m. N. of the larger recension of Yama's lawbook
- ○yātrā f. N. of wk. by Varāha-mihira
- ○yogi-yājñavalkya-smṛti f. N. of work,
- ○raṇa mṆ. of a king BhP. (cf. bṛhat-kṣaṇa)
- ○ratna-kārikā f
- ○ratnâkara m. N. of wks
- ○rathá m. a powerful hero RV.
- • (bṛhád-) N. of sev. men RV. MBh. R. &c
- • of Indra L.
- • a sacrificial vessel L.
- • a partic. Mantra L.
- • a part of the Sāma-veda L.
- • (ā), f. N. of a river Hariv.
- ○rathaṃtara n. du. the Sāmans Bṛihat and Rathaṃtara AitBr. KaushUp. Gaut.
- • -sāman mfn. having the Bṛihat and RathṭRathaṃtara Sāman for a Sāman ĀpŚr.
- ○rayi (bṛhád-), mfn. having abundant possessions RV.
- ○ravas (bṛhád-), mfn. loud-sounding VS.
- ○rāja m. N. of a king Pur.
- • -mārtaṇḍa m. N. of wk
- ○rāvan mfn. sounding or crying loud KapS.
- ○rāvin m. 'crying loud', a species of small owl L.
- ○ri (bṛhád-), mfn. = -rayi, q.v. RV.
- ○rūpa m. a species of owl L.
- • N. of a Marut Hariv.
- ○reṇu (bṛhád-), mfn. stirring up thick dust RV.
- ○roma and N. of places Cat.
- ○roḍmapaṭṭana N. of places Cat.
- ○vat (brihád.), mfn. one to whom the Bṛihat-sāman is addressed VS.
- • (ati), f. N. of a river MBh.
- ○vadha m. manifold murder BhP.
- • murder of a Brāhman ib.
- ○vayas (bṛhád-), mfn. grown strong, very powerful, very vigorous TS. Lāṭy.
- ○valka m. a species of Lodhra L.
- ○vasiṣṭha m. the larger Vasishṭha
- ○vasu m. N. of two men VBr. VP.
- ○vāta m. a kind of grain L.
- ○vādin mfn. boasting, a boaster MBh.
- ○vārāha-yantra-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○vāruṇī f. a kind of plant L.
- ○vāsiṣṭha m. the larger Vāsishṭha
- ○vivāhapaṭala N. of wk
- ○viṣṇu m. N. of the larger recension of Vasishṭha's law-book
- ○vṛtti f
- ○vadyākaraṇa-bhūṣaṇa and n. N. of wks
- ○vyākaraṇa-bhūṣaṇa n. N. of wks
- ○vyāsa m. the larger Vyāsa
- ○vrata n. the great vow (of chastity) BhP.
- • mfn. observing the great vow ib.
- bṛhan in comp. for brihát
- ○nakhī f. a partic. perfume L.
- ○naṭa m. N. of Arjuna L.
- ○naḍa m. reed-grass, Amphidonax Karka L.
- • N. of Arjuna L.
- ○nala m. a kind of large reed Vās.
- • the arm W.
- • (also, ā f.) the name assumed by Arjuna when living in the family of king Virāṭa as a eunuch in female attire MBh. Vās.
- ○nāṭa m. (in music) a partic. Rāga Saṃgīt.
- ○nāṭaka n. N. of a play (prob. the mahā-n○). [Page 737, Column ]
- ○nāyakīdaṇḍaka m. or n. (?), N. of wk
- ○nāradapurāṇa
- ○nāradīya or n. N. of a Purāṇa
- ○nāradīya-p○ n. N. of a Purāṇa
- ○nāradīya-tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- ○nārāyaṇa n
- ○nārāyaṇī f. or the large or Nārāyaṇa Upanishad (treating of Vedāntic doctrine and forming the last Prapiṭhaka of the Taittirīya Araṇyaka of the black Yajur-veda)
- ○nārāyaṇôpaniṣad f. the large or Nārāyaṇa Upanishad (treating of Vedāntic doctrine and forming the last Prapiṭhaka of the Taittirīya Araṇyaka of the black Yajur-veda)
- ○nālika n. a cannon L.
- ○nighaṇṭi m. 'the large glossary', N. of a dictionary
- ○nirvāṇa-tantra n. N. of a Tantra,
- ○niveśa mfn. having large dimensions, large, protuberant MW.
- ○nīla-tantra n. N. of wk
- ○nīlī f. N. of plant (= mahā-n○) L.
- ○netra mfn. 'large-eyed', (perhaps) far-sighted (fig.) Cat.
- ○naukā f. N. of a favourable position in the game of Catur-aṅga L.
- ○mati mfn. high-minded RV.
- • m. N. of the author of RV. ix, 39, 40, Anukr,
- ○madhya mf(ā)n. large in the middle Kām.
- ○manas m. N. of a grandson of Brahmā MBh.
- • of a king Hariv. BhP.
- ○manu m. 'the larger Manu', N. of a lawbook (prob. the precursor of the present version, mentioned by Mādhava and other commentators)
- ○mantra m. N. of a grandson of Brahman MBh.
- bṛhanta mfn. = bṛhát, large, great ŚvetUp.
- • m. N. of a king MBh.
- bṛhal in comp. for bṛhát,
- ○lakṣa-homa m. a partic. oblation Cat.
- ○lohita N. of a mythical tank or pond KālP.
- bṛ́has-páti m. (also written vṛh"ṣ-p○
- • fr. 3. [bRk+pati]
- • cf. brahmaṇas-pati) 'lord of prayer or devotion' N. of a deity (in whom Piety and Religion are personified
- • he is the chief offerer of prayers and sacrifices, and therefore represented as the type of the priestly order, and the Purohita of the gods with whom he intercedes for men
- • in later times he is the god of wisdom and eloquence, to whom various works are ascribed
- • he is also regarded as son of Aṅgiras, husband of Tārā and father of Kaca, and sometimes identified with Vyāsa
- • in astronomy he is the regent of Jupiter and often identified with that planet) RV. &c, &c. (cf. RTL. 215)
- • N. of a prince (great-grandson of Aśoka) Buddh.
- • of a king of Kalmira Rājat.
- • of the author of a law-book IW. 203 ; 302
- • of a philosopher ib. 120
- • of other authors (also with miśra and ācārya, above.) Cat.
- • (with āṅgirasa, above.) N. of the author of RV. x, 71 ; 72 Anukr.
- ○karaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○gupta m. N. of man VBr.
- ○cakra n. 'cycle of Bṛihas-pati', the Hindū cycle of 60 years
- • a partic. astrological diagram MW.
- ○cāra m. N. of VarBṛS. viii
- ○tantra n. N. of wk
- ○datta m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 5-3, 83 Sch.
- ○pakṣatá f. N. of wk
- ○purohita (bṛ́has-páti-), mfn. having Bṛihas-pati for a Purohita VS m. N. of Indra A.
- ○praṇutta (bṛhas-páti.) mfn. expelled by BṛṭBṛihas AV.
- ○prasuta (bṝhas-páti-), mfn. enjoined by BṛṭBṛihas RV.
- ○mat mfn. accompanied by BṛṭBṛihas, ŚrS.
- ○mata n. N. of wk
- ○miśra m. N. of a Sch. on Ragh.
- ○vat mfn. = -mat AitBr.
- ○vāra m. Jupiter's day, Thursday
- ○śānti f
- ○śānti-karman n. N. of wks
- ○śiras mfn. 'Bṛihaspati-headed', (prob.) having the head shaved like BṛṭBṛihas Kauś.
- ○saṃhitā f. N. of two wks
- ○sama mfn. equal to BṛṭBṛihas, like BṛṭBṛihas MW.
- ○savá m. N. of a festival lasting one day (said to confer the rank, of a Purohita on those observing it) Br. Kāṭh. ŚrS. BhP.
- • klripti f. -prayoga m. hautra-prayoga m. N. of wks
- ○siddhânta m. N. of wk
- ○suta (bṛ́has-páti-), mfn. pressed out (as Soma juice) by Bṛihas-pati TS.
- ○suratā f. a proper N. MW.
- ○sutra n
- ○stotra n. N. of wks
- ○stoma m. N. of an Ekâha PañcavBr.
- ○smṛti f. Bṛihaspati's law-book
- bṛhaspatika
- bṛhaspaḍtiya or m. (fr. ○ti-datta) familiar diminutives Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-3, 83
- bṛhaspaḍtila m. (fr. ○ti-datta) familiar diminutives Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-3, 83
- bṛh or bṛṃh (also written vṛh or vṛṃh). cl. s. P. (cf. Dhātup. xvii, 85) bṛnhati (or barhati
- • 3. pl. pf. Ā. babṛiṃhire Śiś. xvii, 31), to roar, bellow, trumpet (said of an elephant) MBh. Hariv. &c
- • also cl. so. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxxiii, 95) to speak
- • to shine
- bṛṃhita n. (for 1. See under √2. bṛh) the roar or noise made by elephants MBh. Kāv. &c
- bṛhmaṇa (?) m. or n. N. of wk
- bṝ See √vṝ
- bekanāṭa m. a usurer RV. viii, 55, 10 (cf. Nir.) [Page 737, Column ]
- bekurā f. (cf. bakura) a voice, sound PañcavBr. Lāṭy. (cf. Naigh. i, 11)
- bekúri f. (prob.) playing a musical instrument (said of Apsaras) TS. Lāṭy. (vek○ Kāṭh.
- • bhek○ VS.
- • bhāk○ ŚBr.)
- beṭī f. (prob.) a courtezan Kāv. (cf. Hind. beṭī)
- beḍa f. a boat A. (cf. veḍa)
- bedarakara m. (prob.) an inhabitant of the city Bedar or Bidar L. (also proper N. )
- bebhiditavya mfn. (√bhid, Intens.) to be repeatedly split Pāṇ. 6-4, 49 Sch.
- bemba m. N. of a man
- bembā-rava m. a partic. sound (cf. bambhā-r○)
- beś cl. I. P. beśati, to go (= √pis, pes) Dhātup. xvii, 71
- baiki m. patr., g. taulvaly-ādi Kāś.
- baijanātha m. (prob. patr. fr. bījanātha) N. of an author Cat.
- baijala-deva m. N. of a prince and author ib. (cf. bijala under bīja)
- baijavāpa m. (also written vaij○) patr. fr. bijavāpa ŚBr.
- ○gṛhya n
- ○smṛti f. N. of wks
- baijavāpayana m. patr. fr. prec. ib.
- • N. of an author Cat.
- baijavāpi m. patr. fr. bīja-vāpa or ○pin MaitrS. Car. (cf. g. raivatikâdi)
- • pl. N. of a warrior tribe, g. dāmany-ādi
- baijavāḍpīya mfn. (fr. prec.), g. raivatikâdi
- • m. a prince of the Baijavāpis, g. dāmany-ādi
- baiji (fr. bīja), g. gahâdi (Kās, vaidaji)
- baijika mfn. (fr. bīja) relating to seed, seminal, paternal (opp. to gārbhika, relating to the womb, maternal) Mn. ii, 27
- • sexual, v, 63
- • belonging to any primary cause or source or principle, original MW.
- • m. a young shoot, sprout L.
- • n. oil prepared from Moringa Pterygosperma L.
- • cause, source L.
- • the spiritual cause of existence, soul, spirit L.
- baiḍjiya mfn. (fr. baiji), g. gahâdi
- baiḍjeya m. patr. fr. bīja g. śubhrâdi
- baiṭ-saṃkhyā (?) f. a kind of Anukramaṇī to the three Vedas Cat.
- baiḍāla mf(ī)n. (fr. biḍāla) belonging to a cat, peculiar to cats, feline MBh.
- ○vrata n. 'cat-like observance', putting on a show of virtue or piety to conceal malice and evil designs MW.
- ○vrati m. one who leads a chaste or continent life merely from the absence of women or temptation L.
- ○vratika (cf. Mn. Kāv. Pur.),
- ○vratin (cf. Pur.), mfn. acting like a cat, hypocritical, a religious impostor (= bhaṇḍa-tapasvin)
- baiḍāli-karṇaka-kantha and n. (prob.) N. of a city, g. cihaṇâdi
[[ ]]
- baiḍālikarṇakakanthakarṇikantha3baiḍāli-karṇaka-kantha--karṇi-kantha n. (prob.) N. of a city, g. cihaṇâdi
- baida m. (also vaida) patr. fr. bida AitBr. ĀśvŚr. (ī, f. Pat.)
- ○kula n. (prob.) the family of the Baidas Pāṇ. 2-4, 64 Vārtt. Pat.
- baida mfn. (fr. 1. baida) Pāṇ. 4-3, 127 Sch.
- • m. a partic. Try-aha KātyŚr.
- ○tri-rātra m. a partic. Tri-rātra ŚrS.
- baidāpuṭāyana m. patr. fr. bidā-puṭa g. aśvâdi Kāś.
- baidāyana m. patr. fr. bida g. aśvâdi
- baidi m. id. Pāṇ. 4-1, 104 Sch.
- baidala See vaidala
- baindá m. N. of a degraded tribe VS. (= niṣādha Mahīdh.)
- baindava m. (also written vai○) patr. fr. bindu g. bidâdi
- baindavi m. pl. N. of a warrior tribe, g. dāmany-ādi
- baindaḍvīya m. a prince of the Baindavis ib.
- baimbaki m. (also written vai○) patr. fr. bimba Pāṇ. 4-1, 97 Vārtt. Pat.
- baila mf(ī)n. (fr. bila, also written vaila, q.v.) living in holes (m. an animal living in hṭholes) Car.
- • relating, to or derived from animals l in holes MBh.
- bailāyana mfn. g. pakṣâdi
- bailya mfn. N. of a man, g. aśvâdi (vḷ. for bailva)
- bailyāyana m. patr. fr. bailya ib.
- bailma-vega-rudra m. pl. N. of a partic. class of Śaiva ascetics Kāraṇḍ. [Page 737, Column ]
- bailvá mf(ī)n. (fr. bilva) relating to or coming from the Bilva tree, made of Bilva wood ŚBr. &c. &c
- • covered with Bilva trees Pāṇ. 4-2, 67 Sch.
- • m. N. of a man, g. aśvâdi
- • n. the fruit of the Bilva tree L.
- ○maya mf(ī)n. Pāṇ. 4-3, 155 Sch.
- bailvaka mfn. g. arīhaṇâdi
- bailvaḍkīya mfn. (fr. prec.) Pat.
- bailvaja (fr. bilva-ja), g. rājanyâdi (vḷ. bailvala)
- bailvaḍjaka mfn. (with deśa) inhabited by Bailvajas ib.
- bailvayata m.patr., g. krauḍy-ādi (f. ○tyā ib.)
- bailvala g. rājanyâdi Kāś.
- bailvaḍlaka mfn. inhabited by Bailvalas ib.
- bailvavana m. (prob.) an inhabitant of Bilvavana or a wood of Bilva trees, g. rājanyâdi
- bailvavaḍnaka mfn. (with deśa) inhabited by Bailvavanas ib.
- bailvāyana m. patr. fr. bailva g. aśvâdi
- baiṣka (prob. n. cf. veṣka, bleṣka, meṣka), flesh from an animal killed by a beast of prey or in a trap Gaut.
- baihīnari m. (also written vaih○) patr. fr. bahīnara Pāṇ. 7-3, 1 Vārtt. 6 Pat,. (others fr. vih○)
- • N. of a chamberlain Mudr.
- bokaḍī f. Argyreia Speciosa or Argentea L.
- bokaṇa m.or n. (?) N. of a place Cat.
- bokkāṇa m. a horse's nose-bag (which contains his food) L.
- boddhavya boddhṛ, bodha, bauddha &c p. 734, col. 2
- bopaṇṇa-bhaṭṭīya n. N. of wk. (cf. bāpaṇṇa)
- bopadeva See vopadeva
- borasiddhi f. N. of a place Cat.
- bollaka m. (bahu-b○) a great talker Divyāv. (cf. Hind. bolnā, to speak)
- bohittha mṇ. a boat, ship L. (cf. vahitra)
- baudhnya m. pl. (fr. budhna) N. of a school (cf. baudheya, bodheya)
- baubhukṣa mf(ī)n. one who is always hungry, a starveling, g. chattrâdi
- byus See √vyuṣ
- braṇ See √1. vraṇ
- bradhná mfn. (of doubtful origin Uṇ. iii, 5) pale red, ruddy, yellowish, bay (esp. as the colour of a horse, but also applied to Soma and the Puroḍāśa) RV. TS.
- • great, mighty Naigh. iii, 3
- • m. the sun RV. AV. Mn. iv, 231 (cf. viṣṭap)
- • the world of the sun TBr. (cf. Sch.)
- • a horse Naigh. i, 14
- • the point or some other part of an arrow (in śatá-b○, q.v.)
- • a partic. disease (cf. bradhma and budhna-roga) L.
- • N. of a son of Manu Bhautya MārkP.
- • n. lead Bhpr. (often wṛ. for budhṇa and budhnya). -cakra, n. the zodiac Gaṇit.
- ○tva n. greatness, mightiness Sāy.
- ○bimba (cf. Hcar.),
- ○maṇḍala (cf. Kād.), n. the disc of the sun
- ○loka (bradhná-), mfn. being in the world of the sun AV.
- bradhnaśva m. N. of a prince MBh. (wṛ. for bradhnâśva or vadhry-aśva?)
- bradhma m. a partic. disease Car. (written vr○
- • cf. bradhna and budhna-roga)
- brahm cl. 1. P. brahmati, to go, move Naigh. ii, 14
- bráhman n. (lit. 'growth', 'expansion', 'evolution', 'development' 'swelling of the spirit or soul', fr. √2. bṛh) pious effusion or utterance, outpouring of the heart in worshipping the gods, prayer RV. AV. VS. TS.
- • the sacred word (as opp. to vāc, the word of man), the Veda, a sacred text, a text or Mantra used as a spell (forming a distinct class from the ṛcas, sāmāni and yajūṃṣi
- • cf. brahma-veda) RV. AV. Br. Mn. Pur.
- • the Brāhmaṇa portion of the Veda Mn. iv, 100
- • the sacred syllable Om Prab., Sch, (cf. Mn. ii, 83)
- • religious or spiritual knowledge (opp. to religious observances and bodily mortification such as tapas &c.) AV. Br. Mn. R.
- • holy life (esp. continence, chastity
- • cf. brahma-carya) Śak.i, 24/25 Śaṃk. Sarvad.
- • (exceptionally treated as m.) the Brahm˘a or one selfexistent impersonal Spirit, the one universal Soul (or one divine essence and source from which all created things emanate or with which they are identified and to which they return), the Self-existent, the Absolute, the Eternal (not generally an object of worship but rather of meditation and-knowledge [Page 738, Column ]
- • also with jyéṣṭha, prathama-já, svayóm-bhu, a-mūrta, para, paratara, parama, mahat, sanātana, śāśvata
- • and = paramâtman, ātman, adhyātma, pradhāna, kṣetra-jña, tattva)
- AV. ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. IW. 9, 83 &c,)
- • n. the class of men who are the repositories and communicators of sacred knowledge, the Brāhmanical caste as a body (rarely an individual Brāhman)
- AV. TS. VS. ŚBr. Mn. BhP.
- • food Naigh. ii, 7
- • wealth ib. 10
- • final emancipation L.
- • m. (brahmán), one who Prays, a devot or religious man, a Brāhman who is a knower of Vedic texts or spells, one versed in sacred knowledge RV. &c. &c. [Lat., flāmen]
- • N. of Bṛihas-pati (as the priest of the gods) RV. x, 141, 3
- • one of the 4 principal priests or Ṛitvijas (the other three being the Hotṛi, Adhvaryu and Udgātṛi
- • the Brahman was the most learned of them and was required to know the 3 Vedas, to supervise the, sacrifice and to set right mistakes
- • at a later period his functions were based especially on the Atharva-veda) RV. &c. &c
- • Brahmā or the one impersonal universal Spirit manifested as a personal Creator and as the first of the triad of personal gods (= prajā-pati, q.v
- • he never appears to have become an object of general worship, though he has two temples in India, See RTL. 555 &c
- • his wife is Sarasvatī ib. 48) TBr. &c. &c,
- • = brahmaṇa āyuḥ, a lifetime of Brahmā Pañcar.
- • an inhabitant of Brahmā's heaven Jātakam.
- • the sun L.
- • N. of Śiva Prab. Sch.
- • the Veda (?) PārGṛ.
- • the intellect (= buddhi) Tattvas.
- • N. of a star, ? Aurigae, Sūryat
- • a partic. astron. Yoga L.
- • N. of the 9th Muhūrta L.
- • (with Jainas) a partic. Kalpa Dharmaś.
- • N. of the servant of the 10th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇi L.
- • of a magician Rājat.
- bráhma m. a priest ( See asura-, ku-, mahābr○)
- • n. the one self-existent Spirit, the Absolute R.
- brahma in comp. for brahman. - Observe that in the following derivatives the nom. n. (Brahm˘a) is used for the impersonal Spirit and the nom. m. (Brahmā) for the personal god
- ○ṛṣi See brahma-rṣi
- ○kanya (prob.) m. Clerodendrum Siphonantus L.
- ○kanyaka (prob.) m. id. L.
- • (ā), f. Ruta Graveolens L.
- • N. of Sarasvatī L.
- ○kara m. an impost paid to the Brāhmanicā class Inscr.
- ○karman n. the office of the Brahman (i.e. presiding priest) or of the Brāhmans ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh.
- • ○ma-pustaka n. N. of a manual on ceremonies RTL. 401, n. 2
- • ○ma-prakāśaka or ○ma-pradāyaka m. N. of Kṛishṇa Pañcar.
- • ○ma-samādhi mfn. occupied with or meditating upon the one self-existent Spirit Bhag.
- ○kalā f. N. of Dākshāyaṇī who dwells in the heart of men Cat.
- ○kalpa mfn. like Brahmā R.
- • m. the cosmic period of Brahmā MBh.
- • N. of wk
- ○kāṇḍa n. the inner portion of the Veda which relates to sacred knowledge or the knowledge of Brahm˘a (= jñāna-k○, and opp. to karma-k○, q.v.), Sāṇḍ
- • N. of wk. (or ch. of a wk.) of Bhartṛi-hari Sarvad.
- ○kāya m. pl. N. of a partic. class of deities MBh.
- • ○yika mfn. belonging to the Brahma-kāyas Lalit. (cf. Dharmas. 128 MWB. 210)
- ○kārá mfn. making or offering prayers RV.
- ○kāraṇa-vāda m. N. of wk
- ○kāṣṭha m. Thespesia Populneoides L.
- ○kileya (?), m. N. of a man Pravar.
- ○kilbiṣá n. an offence against Brāhmans R. V
- ○kuṇḍa n. N. of a sacred pool KālP.
- ○kuśā f. a species of cumin Bhpr.
- • = aja-modā L.
- ○kūṭa m. a thoroughly learned Brāhman MBh.
- • N. of a mountain, KāIP
- ○kūrca n. a partic. kind of penance (in which the 5 products of the cow are eaten
- • cf. pañcagavya) Cat.
- • -vidhi m. N. of the 38th Pariś. of the AV.
- ○kṛ́t mfn. making or offering prayers (also applied to Indra, Vishṇu, the Maruts &c.) RV. MBh. Pañcar.
- ○kṛta m. N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi
- ○kṛti (bráhma-), f. prayer, devotion RV.
- ○ketu m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○kaivartapurāṇa n. N. of a Puraṇa
- ○kośá m. the treasury of the Brahm˘a i.e. of the sacred word or text, the entire collection of the Vedas TĀr. PārGṛ. MaitrUp.
- • N. of Atri VP.
- • (ī), f. a species of plant (= aja-modā) L.
- ○kṣatra n. sg. and du. Brāhmans and Kshatriyas AitBr. VP.
- • -sava m. pl. N. of partic. rites Mn. v, 23. [Page 738, Column ]
- ○kṣetra n. N. of a sacred district MBh. Hariv.
- ○khaṇḍa n. N. of BrahmaP. 1
- ○gandha m. the fragrance of Brahm˘a KaushUp.
- ○garbha m. the embryo of a Brāhman (?) Cat.
- • N. of a law-giver (-smṛti f. his wk.)
- • (ā), f. Ocimum Villosum L.
- ○gavī́ f. a Brāhman's cow AV. ŚBr.
- • du. N. of 2 classes of verses or formulas Kauś.
- ○gāthā-stuti f. N. of wk
- ○gāyatrī f. N. of a magical Mantra composed after the model of the Gāyatrī Pañcar. RTL. 201
- ○gārgya m. N. of a man Hariv.
- ○giri m. N. of a mountain KālP.
- • (?) of Comms. on various Upanishads Cat.
- ○gītā f. pl. N. of partic. verses (cf. MBh. xiii, 2146-2152) ascribed to Brahmā
- • N. of wk
- • -parâtmânusaṃdhâna n. -vyâkhyā f. N. of wks,
- ○gītikā f. 'the song of Brahmā', N. of partic. verses Yājñ.
- ○gupta m. N. of a son of Brahmā (by the wife of the Vidyi-dhara Bhimā) Kathās.
- • of an astronomer (son of Jishṇu and author of the Brahma-sphuṭa-siddhânta, born AḌ, 598) IW. 176
- • of a chief of the Bhakta sect Cat.
- • of a Trigarta-shashṭha Kār. on Pāṇ. 5-3, 1 16 (v. l. brāhma-g○)
- • pl. N. of a race ib.
- • ○tīya m. a prince of the Brahmaguptas ib.
- ○gola m. 'Brahmā's globe', the universe L.
- ○gaurava n. the potency (of the weapon given) by Brahmā Bhaṭṭ.
- ○granthi m. N. of the knot which ties together the 3 threads forming the sacred cord Gobh. Sch. (cf. RTL. 361)
- • of a partic. joint of the body Cat.
- ○graha m. = -rākṣasa L.
- ○grāhin mfn. worthy to receive that which is holy KaushUp. (v. l. ○mârgha)
- ○ghātaka m. a Brāhman-killer Pañcat.
- ○ghātin m. id Śak. Sch.
- • (inī), f. a woman on the second day of the menses Vet. Bhpr.
- ○ghoṣa m. murmur (arising from the recital) of prayers (also pl.) MBh. R. (also ○ṣa-rava m. Hcat.)
- • the sacred word or text, the Veda Uttarar.
- ○ghna m. = -ghātaka R.
- • (ī), f. See -han
- ○cakya n. 'Brahniā's wheel', the circle of the universe ŚvetUp.
- • N. of a partic. magical circle Cat.
- ○candrikā f. N. of wk
- ○cárya n. study of the Veda, the state of an unmarried religious student, a state of continence and chastity (also ā f. Hariv.) AV. &c. &c. (acc. with √grah, car, vas, ā-√gam, upa-√i, to practise chastity
- • cf. -cārin)
- • -tva n. the unmarried state, continence, chastity Hariv.
- • -vat mfn. leading the life of an unmarried religious student, practising chastity Āpast. MBh.
- • -vrata n. a vow of chastity, BeahmaP
- • -skhalana n. deviating from chastity MW.
- • ○ryâśrama m. the period of unmarried religious studentship MBh.
- ○cāraṇī f. Clerodendrum Siphoantus L. (prob. wṛ. for -cāriṇī)
- ○cārika n. religious studentship MBh.
- ○cārín mf(iṇī)n. practising sacred study as an unmarried student, observing chastity RV. &c. &c
- • m. a young Brāhman who is a student of the Veda (under a preceptor) or who practises chastity, a young Brāhman before marriage (in the first period of his life) AV. Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. āśrama and IW. 192 &c. RTL. 84 &c
- • the N. Brahma-cārin is also given to older unmarried Brāhmans, esp. if versed in the Veda, and by the Tantras to any person whose chief virtue is continence)
- • N. of a Gandharva MBh.
- • of Skanda L.
- • of Śiva Śivag.
- • (iṇī), f. N. of Durgā, DeviiP.
- • a woman who observes the vow of chastity W.
- • Clerodendrum Siphonantus L. (vḷ. ○raṇī)
- • Thespesia Populneoides L.
- • = karuṇī L.
- • ○ri-vāsa m. the living of a Brahma-cārin, (in the house of his religious teacher) Āpast.
- • ○ri-vāsín mfn. living as a Brahma-cṭcārin &c. TS.
- ○cití f. Brahmā's layer in the fire-altar ŚBr.
- ○cintana-nirākaraṇa n. N. of wk
- ○caitanya-yati m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○códana mf(ī)n. inciting or urging Brahm˘a or Brahmā VS. (cf. Mahīdh.)
- ○ja mfn. sprung from that which is holy (said of Kārttikeya) MBh.
- • m. pl. N. of partic. clouds VP.
- • (with Jainas) N. of a class of divinities L.
- • -jña mfn. 'born from and knowing Brahm˘a' or 'knowing what is Brahm˘a-born' i.e. 'knowing all things' KaṭhUp.
- ○jaṭā f. or Artemisia Indica L.
- ○jaṭin m. Artemisia Indica L.
- ○janman n. 'spiritual birth', investiture with the sacred thread Mn. ii, 146 ; 170
- • mfn. 'Brahmā-born' (said of Prajāpati) Hariv.
- ○japa m. a partic. formula of prayer MānGṛ.
- ○jātaka n. N. of wk
- ○jāmala wṛ. for -yāmala
- ○lāyā́ f. the wife of a Brāhman RV. x, 109
- • (with juhū) N. of the supposed authoress of this hymn Anukr.
- ○jāra m. the paramour of a Brāhman's wife RāmatUp.
- ○jāla-sútra n. N. of a Buddh. Sūtra (cf. MWB. 106)
- ○jijñāsā f. the desire of knowing Brahm˘a Bādar. (cf. IW. 104). [Page 738, Column ]
- ○jīva-nirṇaya m. N. of wk
- ○jīvin mfn. subsisting by sacred learning L.
- • m. a mercenary Brāhman (who converts his religious duties into a trade) W.
- ○juṣṭa (bráhma-), mfn. gratified by prayer or devotion AV.
- ○júta (bráhma-), mfn. incited by prayer or devotion RV. AV.
- ○jña mfn. possessing sacred knowledge, knowing the sacred text, spiritually wise, holy (said also of gods e.g. of Vishṇu, Kārttikeya) MBh. Bhartṛ.
- ○jñāna n. divine or sacred knowledge (esp. knowledge of the universal permeation of the one Spirit as taught by the Vedânta), spiritual wisdom Hariv. Bhartṛ.
- • -tantra n. -mahātantra-raja m. -vpratipatti f. ○nôpadeśa m. N. of wks
- ○jñānin mfn. = -jña L.
- ○jyá mfn. molesting or oppressing Brāhmans AV. TBr. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 3 Vārtt. 1 Pat.)
- ○jyéya n. the act of oppressing Brāhmans AV.
- ○jyeṣṭha m. (printed ○ṭhya) the elder brother of Brahmā Pañcar.
- • (bráhma-), mfn. having Brahmā as first or chief AV. TBr.
- ○jyotis n. the splendour of Brahm˘a or of the Supreme Being Pañcar. (also written brahma-jy○)
- • (bráhma-), mfn. having the splendour of Brhm˘a (cf. Sch. 'of the presiding priest') TS.
- • m. N. of Śiva Śivag.
- ○tattva n. the true knowled, ge of Brahm˘a W.
- • praśnôttara-ratnâvalī f. -vlvaraṇa n. -saṃhitâddipanī, f. -subodhinī f. N. of wks
- ○tantra n. all that is taught in the Veda MBh. Hariv.
- • ○tre gāyatrī-pañjara n. N. of wk
- ○tarka-stava m. N. of a Vedānta wk
- • -vivaraṇa n. N. of a Comm. on it
- ○tas ind. from the Brāhmans MW.
- ○tā f. the state or condition of a Brāhman, 'Brahmanhood' Pāṇ. 5-1, 136 Sch.
- • the state or nature of Brahm˘a divine nature BhP.
- ○tāla m. (in music) a kind of measure, Saṃgtt
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a place of pilgrimage on the Revā or Narmadā river MBh.
- • Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L.
- ○tuṅga m. N. of a mountain MBh.
- ○tulya n. N. of a Jyotisha
- • -gaṇita n. -ṭīkā f. -siddhânta m. N. of wks
- ○tejas n. the power and glory of Brahma KaushUp. Hariv. &c. (○jo-maya mf[ī]n. formed of Brahma's glory Mn. Pañcar.)
- • the glory or lustre supposed to surround a Brāhman
- • (bráhma-) having the glory or power of Brahm˘a (cf. AV.) or of a Brāhinan (cf. MW.)
- • m. N. of a Buddha Lalit.,
- ○tvá n. the office of the Brāhman or chief priest ŚBr. GṛŚrS. Hariv.
- • Brāhmanhood R. Ratnâv.
- • the state of or identification with Brahm˘a MBh. Pur.
- • -paddhati f. prayoga m. N. of wks
- ○tvac m. or f. (?) Alstonia Scholaris L.
- ○da mfn. imparting religious knowledge Mn.
- ○daṇḍa m. 'Brahmā's staff', N. of a mythical weapon MBh. Hariv. R.
- • the curse of a Brāhman Pur. Rājat. (vḷ. brāhma-d○)
- • N. of Śiva MBh.
- • Clerodendrum Siphonantus L.
- • N. of a partic. Ketu Var.
- • of a prince VP.
- • (ī), f. a species of plant L. (= adhyāṇḍā KātyŚr. Sch.)
- ○daṇḍin m. N. of a sage Kathās.
- ○dattá mfn. given by Brahm˘a TĀr.
- • given by Brahmā MBh. R.
- • m. N. of various men (cf. naḍâdi)
- • of a man with the patr. Caikitāneya ŚBr.
- • of a king (pl. his descendants) MBh.
- • of a prince of the Pañcālas in Kāmpilya ib. R. &c
- • of a king of the Sālvas Hariv.
- • of a prince in Vārānasī Kathās.
- • of a prince in Śrāvastī Buddh.
- • (cf. MWB. 420, I) of a prince in Campā ib.
- • of a prince in Kusuma-pura ib.
- • of the 12th Cakra-vartin in Bhārata L.
- • of a Brāhman Hariv. Pañcat.
- • of a merchant Kathās.
- • of the father of Kṛishṇa-datta Cat.
- • of sev. authors ib.
- ○darbhā f. Ptychotis Ajowan Bhpr.
- ○dātṛ mfn. = -da Mn. ii, 146
- ○dāna n. the gift of the Veda or of sacred knowledge ib. iv, 232. -1
- ○dāya m. (fr. 1. dāya) = prec. MW.
- • mfn. imparting or teaching sacred knowledge BhP. -2
- ○dāya m. ( and . 2, dāya) sṭsacred knowledge as an inheritance (-hara mfn. receiving it from gen. Mn.iii, 3
- • ○yâda mfn. according to ṣch. either 'enjoying sṭsacred knowledge as an inheritance' 'Brahmā's son' BhP.)
- • m. the earthly possession of a Brāhman BhP.
- • ○yâpahārin mfn. robbing it ib.
- ○dāru m. n. Morus Indica L.
- ○dāsa m. N. of the father of Nārāyaṇa-dāsa (author of the Praśnârṇava) Cat.
- • of a king (about 1600) ib.
- ○dina n. a day of Brahmā MW.
- ○dúṣaka mfn. falsifying the Vedic texts Hcat.
- ○deya mfn. given in marriage after the manner of Brāhmans (cf. Mn. iii, 27) MānGṛ. MBh.
- • (with vidhi), m. marriage of this kind Hariv.
- • n. instruction in the Veda or sacred knowledge (yânnsaṃtāna, mfn. one in whose family Vedic teachings
- • is hereditary Gaut. Vishṇ. Mn. [v, 183, v, l. ○yâtma-saṃtāna, 'the son of a woman married according to the Brāhma rite' [Page 739, Column ]
- • cf. ātma-s○])
- • gift to Brāhmans Divyâv.
- ○deva m. (also with paṇḍita) N. of various authors Cat.
- ○daitya m. a Brāhman changed into a Daitya L.
- ○dvāra n. entrance into Brahm˘a MaitrUp.
- • -pāra m. (= pāla) the guardian of it ib.
- ○dvíṣ mfn. hostile to sacred knowledge or religion, impious (said of men and demons) RV.
- • hating Brāhmans Mn. iii, 154 Kull.
- ○dveṣa m. hatred of sacred knowledge or of Brāhmans Siṃhâs.
- ○dveṣin mfn. = -dviṣ MW.
- ○dhara mfn. possessing sacred kṭknowledge MBh.
- ○dharma-dviṣ mfn. hostile to sacred knowledge and the law Mn. iii, 41
- ○dhātu m. an essential portion of Brahm˘a Cat.
- ○dhāman n. Brahmā's place or abode BrahmUp.
- ○dhvaja m. N. of a Buddha Lalit.
- • ○jôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad
- ○nadī f. 'Brahmā's river', N. of the Sarasvatī BhP.
- ○nandin and m. N. of two authors Cat.
- ○nāga m. N. of two authors Cat.
- ○nābha m. 'having Brahmā (proceeding out of a lotus on his) navel', N. of Vishṇu L.
- ○nāmâvali f. N. of wk
- ○nāla n. N. of a sacred bathing-place in Benares KāśīKh.
- ○nirukta n
- ○nirūpaṇa n
- ○nirṇaya m. N. of wks
- ○nirvāṇa n. extinction in Brahm˘a, absorption into the one self-existent Spirit Bhag. BhP.
- ○niṣṭha mfn. absorbed in contemplating Brahm˘a or the one self Spirit MuṇḍUp.
- • m. the mulberry tree L.
- ○nīḍa n. the resting-place of Brahm˘a or of 'the holy' MaitrUp.
- ○nutta (bráhma-), mfn. driven away by a sacred text or spell AV.
- ○pati (bráhma-), m. = brahmaṇas-pati ŚBr.
- ○pattra n. 'Brahma's leaf', the leaf of Butea Frondosa L. (cf. -pādapa)
- ○patha m. the way to Brahm˘a or to Brahmā Up. BhP.
- • -kovida mfn. knowing the way to Brahm˘a L.
- ○pada n. the place of Brahm˘a MaitrUp.
- • the station or rank of Brahmā or of a Brāhman W.
- ○pannaga m. N. of a Marut Hariv. (vḷ. bahu-p○)
- ○pariṣad f. an assembly of Brāhmans A.
- ○pariṣadya m. pl. = -pārṣadya Buddh.
- ○parṇī f. Hemionitis Cordifolia L.
- ○parvata m. 'Brahmā's mountain', N. of a place Cat.
- ○palāśa m. pl. N. of a school of the Atharva-veda, Āryav. (vḷ. brāhma-p○)
- ○pavitra n. Kuśa grass L.
- ○pāda (ibc.) Brahmā's feet
- • -stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- ○pādapa m. 'Brahmā's tree', Butea Frondosa L. (cf. -pattra)
- ○pāra m. the final object of all sacred knowledge VP.
- • = next ib.
- • -maya mf(ī)n. (with japa, m.) a partic. prayer ib.
- • -stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- • ○râyaṇa n. a complete study of the Veda Uttarar. Mcar.
- ○pārṣadya m. pl. (with Buddhists) Brahmā's retinue, N. of a class of deities Lalit. (cf. Dharmas. 128)
- ○pāśa m. 'Brahmā's noose', N. of a mythical weapon Bhaṭṭ.
- ○pitṛ m. Brahmā's father', N. of Vishṇu Pañcar. (cf. -nābha)
- ○piśāca m. = -rākṣasa L.
- ○putrá m. the son of a priest or Brāhman RV. ŚBr. ĀśvŚr.
- • a son of Brahmā (as Sanat-kumāra, Vasishṭha &c.) Hariv. R. Pur. (-tā f.)
- • a kind of vegetable poison Bhpr.
- • N. of a river (rising on the Tibet side of the Himâlaya and falling with the Ganges into the Bay of Bengal) Cat.
- • of a lake ib.
- • of a place of pilgrimage (prob. the source of the Brahma-putra river) W.
- • of a sacred district L.
- • (ī), f. a kind of esculent √(= vārāhī) L.
- • 'Brahmā's daughter', N. of the river Sarasvatī L. (cf. -nadī)
- ○pura n. 'Brahmā's town', N. of a city in heaven MBh. (-mâhātmya n. N. of wk.)
- • of a city on earth Var. Hit.
- • of a kingdom Buddh.
- • the heart MāṇḍUp.
- • the body ChUp. (cf. IW. 116, 2)
- • (ī), f. Brahmā's citadel in heaven or his capital on the mountain Kailāsa L. (-māhātmya n. N. of wk.)
- • N. of a city on earth Rājat.
- • of the city Benares Prab.
- • of any city the inhabitants of which are mostly Brāhmans MW.
- • of a peak in the Himâlaya range L.
- • ○râkhya mfn. named Brahma-pura Hit.
- • ○râbhidheya mfn. (with nāma) to be called by the name BṭBrahma-pṭpura Cat.
- ○puraka m. pl. N. of a people MārkP.
- ○purustāt ind. when or where the Brāhmans have the first place AitBr.
- ○purāṇa n. N. of one of the 18 Purāṇas (also called ādi-p○
- • it is supposed to have been revealed by Brahmā to Daksha, and its main object appears to be the promotion of the worship of Kṛishṇa) IW. 514
- ○puruṣa m. an assistant of the Brahman or chief priest KātyŚr. Sch.
- • a minister of Brahmā (also said of the 5 vital airs) ChUp. GṛS.
- • = -rākṣasa L.
- ○purogava (bráhma-), mfn. preceded by Brahm˘a or 'the holy' ŚBr.
- ○purohita (bráhma-), mfn. having the sacerdotal class for a Purohita ŚBr. Kāṭh.
- • m. pl. 'the high priests of Brahmā', (with Buddhists) N. of a class of divinities
- Lalit. (cf. Dharmas. 128). [Page 739, Column ]
- ○puṣpa m. N. of a man (cf. brāhmapuṣpi)
- ○pūta (bráhma-), mfn. purified by devotion AV.
- • purified by Brahm˘a L.
- ○pṛṣṭa or m. N. of a man Vcar.
- ○pṛṣṭha m. N. of a man Vcar.
- ○prakṛtika mfn. emanating from or originating in Brahm˘a (-tva n.) Śaṃk.
- ○prajāpati m. du. Brahmā and Prajāpati Lāṭy.
- ○pratiṣṭhā-prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○prabha m. N. of a man Divyâv.
- ○pralaya m. 'Brahmā's destruction', the universal destruction that takes place at the end of every 100 years of Brhmā's (and in which even BrṭBrahmā himself is swallowed up) MW.
- ○prasūta (bráhma-), mfn. impelled by Brahm˘a ŚBr.
- ○prâpta mfn. one who has obtained Brahm˘a KaṭhUp.
- ○prâpti f. obtainment of or absoption into Brahm˘a MW.
- ○prâyaścitta n. pl. N. of wk
- ○priya mfn. fond of devotion or of sacred knowledge Vishṇ. MBh.
- ○prī́ mfn. delighting in prayer or devotion RV.
- ○bandhava n. (prob.) the office or occupation of a nominal Brāhman (cf. next) AitBr.
- ○bandhu m. an unworthy or merely nominal Brāhman (cf. Sāy. 'a Brāhman who omits his Saṃdhyā devotions') AitBr. ChUp. GṛŚrS. &c. (○dhū f. Gaut. Gobh.
- • ○dhu-tā f. MBh.
- • compar. and superl. [○dh˘U-tara], [○dh˘U-tama] Pāṇ. 6-3, 44 Sch.)
- ○balá n. Brāhmanical power MaitrS.
- • m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○bali m. N. of a teacher Cat.
- ○bindu m. a drop of saliva sputtered while reciting the Veda L.
- • ○dū7paniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad
- ○bileya (?), m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○bīja n. 'seed of the Veda', the sacred syllable om BhP.
- • m. the mulberry tree L.
- ○bodha m
- ○bodhinī f. N. of wks
- ○bodhyā f. N. of a river MBh. (B. -vedhyā)
- ○bruva m. = next A.
- ○bruvāṇa mfn. calling one's self or pretending to be a Brāhman MBh.
- ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of a poet Cat.
- ○bhadrā f. Ficus Heterophylla L.
- ○bhavana n. Brahmā's abode MBh.
- ○bhāgá m. the share of a Brahman or chief priest AV. Br. ŚrS.
- • the mulberry tree L.
- ○bhāva m. absorption in the one self-existent Being or Brahm˘a MBh. Sch.
- • -stotra n. N. of a Stotra by Śaṃkarâcārya
- ○bhāvana mfn. revealing or imparting religious knowledge BhP.
- ○bhid mfn. dividing the one Brahm˘a into many Prab.
- ○bhuvana n. Brahmā's world Bhag.
- ○bhūta mfn. become i.e. absorbed in Brahm˘a Mn. MBh. VP. n. identification with Brahm˘a VP.
- ○bhūti f. twilight L.
- ○bhūmi-jā f. 'growing in Brahmā's land', a kind of pepper L.
- ○bhūya n. identification with or absorption into Brahm˘a Mn. MBh. &c. (-tva n.)
- • Brāhmanhood BhP.
- ○bhūyas mfn. becoming one with Brahm˘a MBh.
- • n. absorption into Brāhmanhood ib.
- ○bhraṣṭa mfn. one who has fallen from (i.e. who has forfeited) sacred knowledge Hcat.
- ○maṅgala-devatā f. N. of Lakshmī Cat.
- ○maṭha m. 'Brahm˘a's college', N. of a theological college in Kaśmīra Rājat.
- ○maṇḍūkī f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus L.
- ○mati m. N. of a demon Buddh.
- ○mantra m. or n. N. of wk
- ○maya mf(ī)n. formed or consisting of or identified with Brahm˘a AitBr. KaushUp. MBh. &c
- • belonging to or fit for a Brāhman W.
- ○maha m. a feast in honour of the Brāhmans MBh.
- ○māṇḍūki f. = -maṇḍ○ KātyŚr. Sch.
- ○māla m. pl. N. of a forest R. (B.)
- ○mitra m. 'having Brahmā or the Brāhmans for friends', N. of a Muni
- MārkP. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 165 Sch.)
- ○mīmāṃsā f. 'investigation into Brahm˘a or the spiritual doctrine of the Veda', N. of the Vedânta philosophy treating of the one self-existent Spirit IW. 98 &c. (cf. -sūtra)
- ○mukha (bráhma-), mf(ā)n. preceded by the priests, following or inferior to them TS. R.
- ○muhūrta m. a partic. hour of the day Siṃhâs.
- ○mūrti mfn. having the figure or form of Brahmā MW.
- ○mūrdha-bhṛt m. 'carrying Brahmā's head', N. of Śiva (as having in a dispute cut off one of Brahmā's heads) W.
- ○mekhala m. Saccharum Munjia (of which the sacred thread of a Brāhman is made) L.
- ○medhyā f. N. of a river MBh. (cf. -bodhyā)
- ○yajñá m. 'Vedic offering', recitation of portions of the Veda and sacred books at the Saṃdhyā ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ. &c. (one of the 5 Mahā-yajñas or great devotional acts Mn. iii, 69 ; 70
- • cf. IW. 194 RTL. 393)
- • N. of the sacred texts for daily recitation
- • -tarpaṇa n. devarṣi-pitṛ-tarpaṇa n. -prayoga m. -saṃhitā f. ○jñâdi-vidhi m. ○jñôpaniṣad f. N. of wks
- ○yaśas n. Brahm˘a's glory KaushUp.
- • ○śaḥ-svāmin m. N. of a poet Cat.
- • ○śasa n. = ○yaśas AitBr.
- • ○śasin mfn. renowned for sanctity Br.
- ○yaṣṭi f. Clerodendrum Sipho- nantus or Ligusticum Ajowan L. [Page 739, Column ]
- ○yāga m. = -yajña Cat.
- ○yātu m. N. of a partic. class of demons Kāṭh.
- ○yāmala or n. N. of a Tantra
- ○yāmila n. N. of a Tantra
- ○yuga n. the age of the Brāhmans (opp. to kṣatrasya yugam) Hariv.
- ○yúj mfn. harnessed by prayer (i.e. bringing Indra in answer to prayer, said of his horses) RV.
- ○yūpa m. 'Brahmā's sacrificial post', N. of a place L.
- ○yogá m. employment of devotion, binding power of devotion AV.
- • cultivation of spiritual knowledge W.
- ○yogin m. N. of an author Cat.
- ○yoni f. original source or home in Brahm˘a TĀr. (-stha, mfn. 'abiding in Brahm˘a' or 'intent on the means of union with Brahm˘a' Mn. x, 74)
- • N. of a place of pilgrimage (also ○nī) MBh. Pur.
- • of a mountain (= -giri) L.
- • mfn. having one's source or home in Brahm˘a ŚāṅkhGṛ.
- • descended or sprung from Brahmā Ragh. MārkP.
- ○rakṣas n. a class of evil demons Kathās. (cf. -rākṣasa)
- ○ratna n. any valuable present made to Brāhmans R.
- ○ratha m. the chariot or carriage of a Brāhman ib.
- ○randhra n. 'Brahm˘a's crevice', a suture or aperture in the crown of the head (through which the soul is said to escape on death) Pur. Siṃhâs. (cf. RTL. 291)
- ○rava m. muttering of prayers Hcat.
- ○rasa m. the savour of Brahm˘a KaushUp.
- • ○sâsava m. Brahm˘a's nectar BhP.
- ○rahasya-saṃhitā f. N. of wk
- ○rākṣasa m. a kind of evil demon, the ghost of a Brāhman who led an unholy life Mn. MBh. &c
- • a species of plant L.
- • (ī), f. N. of one of the 9 Samidhs Gṛihyās.
- ○rāja m. N. of a man Rājat.
- • of a prince Inscr.
- ○rājanyá m. du. a Brāhman and a Kshatriya AV.
- ○rāta m. 'given by Brahmā', N. of Śuka BhP.
- • N. of the father of Yājñavalkya VP.
- ○rāti or wṛ. for brāhma-rāti
- ○rātri wṛ. for brāhma-rāti
- ○rātra m. 'Brahmā's night', N. of a partic. hour of night BhP.
- ○rāśi m. the whole mass of sacred texts or knowledge Vprāt. R.
- • a partic. constellation MBh.
- • N. of Paraśu-rāma MW.
- ○rīti f. a kind of brass L.
- ○rūpa m. N. of Vishṇu Vishṇ.
- ○rūpiṇī f. a species of parasitical plant L.
- ○rekhā f. 'Brahmā's line', the lines of a man's destiny supposed to be written by Brahmā on the forehead of a child on the 6th day after its birth RTL. 370, 373
- ○rṣi (= and for -ṛṣi), m. 'Brāhmanical sage', N. of a partic. class of sages supposed so belong to the Brāhmā caste (as Vasishṭha &c.) MBh. R. &c. (cf. deva-rṣi, maha-rṣi, rāja-rṣi)
- • -tā f. -tva n. the state or rank of a Brahmarshi ib.
- • -deśa m. the country of the Brahmarshis (including Kuru-kshetra and the country of the Matsyas. Pañcālas, and Śūra-senakas) Mn. ii, 19
- ○lakṣaṇa-vākyârtha m. N. of an abridgment of the Vedânta-sudhā-rahasya
- ○likhita n
- ○lekha m. 'Brahmā's writing', = -rekhā RTL. 370
- ○loká m. (also pl.) the world or heaven of Brahmā (a division of the universe and one of the supposed residences of pious spirits) AV. &c. &c
- ○laukika mfn. inhabiting Brahmā's world Yājñ. MBh.
- ○vaktṛ m. a proclaimer or teacher of sacred knowledge Hariv. -1
- ○vat ind. according to the sacred text or the Veda R.
- • like the Veda Āpast. -2
- ○vat mfn. possessing Brahm˘a or sacred knowledge TUp. MBh.
- ○vada (or -vala), m. pl. N. of a Vedic school L. (prob. wṛ.)
- ○vadya n. recitation of sacred texts ŚāṅkhBr.
- • = brahmôdya ib.
- • mf(ā)n. (in ○dyā-kathā) Vop.
- ○vadha m. the murder of a Brāhman Cat.
- ○vadhyā f. id. MBh.
- • -kṛta n. act of murdering a Brāhman ib.
- ○váni mfn. devoted to Brāhmans VS. (cf. Mahīdh.)
- ○varaṇa n. election of a chief priest KātyŚr.
- ○varcas = ○casa, in ○cas-vin mfn. = ○casin ĀśvGṛ. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○varcasá n. divine glory or splendour, pre-eminence in holiness or sacred knowledge, sanctity, superhuman power AV. &c. &c
- • -kāma mfn. desirous of holiness or sacred knowledge Mn. ii, 37
- • ○sín mfn. eminent in sacred knowledge, holy (compar. ○sí-tara) VS. AS. Br. MBh.
- • ○sya mf(ā)n. conferring sanctity or sacred knowledge Br. BhP.
- ○varta m. = ○mâvarta L.
- ○vardhana n. copper (as peculiarly suitable for sacrificial utensils) L.
- ○varman n. 'Brahmā's armour.' N. of partic. oblations ĀpŚr.
- ○vala
- ○vada
- ○vallī f. 'Brahmā's tendril or creeper', N. of an Upanishad (= brahmânanda-vally-upaniṣad)
- • -lipi f. a partic. mode of writing Buddh.
- ○vāc f. 'Brahmā's word', the sacred text ĀrshBr.
- ○vāṭīya m. N. of a class of Munis Hariv.
- ○vādá m. discourse on or explanation of sacred texts TBr. BhP.
- • N. of a Nyāya wk. (also ○dârtha, m.)
- • mfn. (m.c. ) = next Hariv.
- ○vādín mfn. discoursing on sacred texts, a defender or expounder of the Veda AV. &c. &c. (inī f. Var. [Page 740, Column ]
- • ○di-tva n. MBh.)
- • one who asserts that all things are to be identified with Brahm˘a, a Vedântin Śaṃk.
- ○vā́dya n. rivalry in sacred knowledge or in magical power TS.
- ○vāluka n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh.
- ○vāsa m. the abode or heaven of Brahmā Hariv.
- ○vāhas (bráhma-), mfn. one to whom prayers are offered RV.
- ○vit-tva n. (fr. next) knowledge of Brahm˘a (the one self-existent Spirit of the Universe) Vedântas.
- ○víd mfn. knowing the one Brahm˘a, a Vedic philosopher AV. &c. &c. (also -vida)
- • skilled in sacred spells or magic MBh.
- • m. N. of Śiva RTL. 84
- • -āśīrvāda-paddhati f. N. of wk
- ○vidyā́ f. knowledge of 'the one self-existent Being', knowledge of Brahm˘a, sacred knowledge ŚBr. &c. &c. (cf. IW. 219)
- • N. of an Upanishad (cf. below)
- • -tīrtha m. N. of an author
- • -paddhati f. -"ṣbhāraṇa (○dyâbh○), n. -mahêdadhi m. -vijaya m. -vilāsa m. ○dyôpaniṣad f. N. of wks
- ○vidvas mfn. one who knows Brahm˘a or the one universal Spirit, KaushUP
- ○vidviṣ mfn. = -dviṣ Cat.
- ○vivardhana mfn. 'increasing sacred knowledge', N. of Vishṇu MBh.
- ○viśeṣa-citta-paripṛcchā f. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra wk
- ○víṣṇu-mahêśvara-dāna n. N. of wk
- ○viṣṇv-arkavat mfn. accompanied by Brahmā and Vishṇu and the Sun Hcat.
- ○vihāra m. pious conduct, perfect state (4 with Buddhists) Lalit. Divyâv. Dharmas. 16
- ○vīṇā f. a partic. stringed instrument Saṃgīt.
- ○vṛkṣa m. the divine tree, Brahm˘a regarded as a tree Bhag. Sch.
- • Butea Frondosa or Ficus Glomerasa L.
- ○vṛtti f. the livelihood or subsistence of a Brāhman BhP.
- ○vṛddha (bráhma-), mfn. grown or increased by prayer AV.
- ○vṛddhi f. increase of Brāhmanical power Āpast.
- • m. N. of a man L.
- ○vṛnda n. a company or assemblage of Brāhmans MW.
- • (ā), f. N. of the city of Brahmā W.
- ○veda m. 'the Veda of sacred spells or charms' the Atharva-veda AV. Anukr. ŚāṅkhGṛ. &c
- • the Veda of the Brāhmans (as opp. to kṣatra-veda, q.v.) R.
- • knowledge of Brahm˘a W.
- • knowledge of the Vedas ib.
- • -pariśiṣṭa n. N. of wk
- • -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of the Brahma-veda L.
- ○vedi f. 'Brahmā's altar', N. of the country between the 5 lakes of Rāma in Kuru-kshetra L.
- ○vedin mfn. = -vid, acquainted with the Veda or spiritual knowledge Mn. i, 97
- ○vedhyā See -bodhyā
- ○vaivarta or n. 'metamorphoses of Brahmā' (who is identified with Kṛishṇa), N. of a Purāṇa (one of the most modern of the 18, containing prayers and invocations addressed to Kṛishṇa with narratives about his loves for the Gopīs and Rādhā &c.) VP. Pañcar. (cf. IW. 514 &c.)
- ○vaivarḍtaka n. 'metamorphoses of Brahmā' (who is identified with Kṛishṇa), N. of a Purāṇa (one of the most modern of the 18, containing prayers and invocations addressed to Kṛishṇa with narratives about his loves for the Gopīs and Rādhā &c.) VP. Pañcar. (cf. IW. 514 &c.)
- • ○ta-rahasya n. ○ta-sāra m. N. of wks
- ○vyavahāra m. N. of wk
- ○vrata n. N. of a religious observance MBh.
- • a vow of chastity (-dhara mfn. practising the vow of chastity) Pañcat.
- ○śabda (ibc.), Brahmā's word
- • -vāda m. -śakti-vāda m. ○dârtha-vāda m. ○dârtha-vicāra m. N. of wks
- ○śambhu m. N. of an astronomer Cat.
- ○śalya m. Acacia Arabica L.
- ○śāyin mfn. resting in Brahm˘a L.
- ○śālā f. Brahmā's hall MaitrUp., N. of a place MBh.
- ○śāsana m. N. of a Grāma L.
- • n. a command of Brahmā or of a Brāhman L.
- • an edict addressed to the Brāhmans (= dharmakīlaka) L.
- ○śiras n. 'Brahmā's head', N. of a mythical weapon MBh. R. Hariv. (also -śīrṣan BhP.)
- • ○raḥ-khaṇḍana n. N. of ch. of KūrmaP
- ○śumbhita (bráhma-), mfn. purified or adorned by devotion AV.
- ○śrī f. N. of a Sāman Br.
- ○saṃśita (bráhma-), mfn. sharpened by prayer or by a sacred text RV. AV. Br. ĀśvŚr.
- ○saṃsad f. Brahmā's hall of assembly Pañcar.
- • an assembly of Brahmans KaṭhUp.
- ○saṃstha mfn. wholly devoted to Brahm˘a or sacred knowledge ChUp.
- ○saṃhitā f. a collection of prayers Hariv.
- • N. of sev. wks. (also -vyākhyā f.)
- ○satī f. N. of. the river Sarasvatī L.
- ○sattra n. sacrifice of devotion or meditation, constant repetition of Vedic texts Mn. ii, 106 BhP.
- • ○ttrin mfn. offering the sacrṭsacrifice of dṭdevotion
- • absorbed in the self-existent One MBh.
- ○sadana n. the seat of the chief priest, ŚrS.
- • = -sadas BhP.
- • N. of a Tīrtha Cat.
- ○sadas n. the residence or court of Brahmā MBh.
- ○sabhā f. the hall or court of Brahmā Ragh. Pañcar.
- • N. of a lotus pond Divyâv.
- ○sambandha m. union with the Supreme Spirit RTL. 136
- • = -rākṣasa L.
- ○sambhava mfn. sprung from Brahmā Hariv.
- • m. (with Jainas) N. of the second black Vāsudeva L.
- • N. of the author of a law-book Cat.
- • -smṛti f. N. of his wk. [Page 740, Column ]
- ○saras n. 'Brahmā's lake', N. of a very sacred bathing-place MBh.
- ○sarpa m. 'Brahmā's serpent', a kind of snake L.
- ○savá m. purification of prayer RV. ix, 17, 24
- • N. of a partic. libation Mn. v, 23 (= brahma-kṣatra-s○)
- ○sāgara m. N. of a place Cat.
- ○sāt-kṛta mfn. brought into union with Brahmā BhP.
- ○sāmá or n. N. of a Sāman (sung to a text recited by the chief priest or by the Brāhmaṇāc-chaṃsin) TS. Br. ŚrS.
- ○sāmán n. N. of a Sāman (sung to a text recited by the chief priest or by the Brāhmaṇāc-chaṃsin) TS. Br. ŚrS.
- • ○mika mfn. relating to it, _ PañcavBr. Sch.
- ○sāyujya n. intimate union or identification with Brahm˘a L.
- ○sārṣṭitā f. union or equality with Brahm˘a Mn. iv, 232
- ○sāvarṇa m. N. of the 10th Manu Pur. (also ○ṇi ib.)
- • n. his Manv-antara ib.
- ○siddhânta m. N. of various astron. wks. (also -paddhati, f.)
- ○siddhi m. N. of a Muni Kathās.
- • of a Vedânta wk
- • -vyākhyā-ratna n. N. of a Comm. on it
- ○suta m. 'Brahmā's son', N. of the Ketu Brahmadaṇḍa Var.
- • (ā), f. Brahmā's daughter Hcat.
- ○suvarcalā f. a species of plant Suśr. (Helianthus or Clerodendrum Siphonantus L.)
- • an infusion of it (drunk as a penance) Mn. xi, 160
- ○sū m. 'Brahmā's son', N. of Kāma-deva or of Aniruddha (KṭKāma-deva's son) L.
- ○sū7kta n. N. of wk
- ○sūtra n. the sacred thread worn over the shoulder Yājñ. MBh. &c
- • a Sūtra work treating of the knowledge of Brahm˘a (esp. the aphorisms of the Vedânta philosophy ascribed to Bādarāyaṇa or Vyāsa, also called bādarāyaṇa- or vedânta- or vyāsa- or śārīraka-sūtra, and uttara- or brahma-mīmāṃsā)
- • -ṛju-vyākhyā f. -kārikā f. -candrikā f. -tantra-dīpikā f. -tātparya n. N. of wks
- • -pada n. the word or statement of a Brahma-sūtra Bhag. Hariv.
- • mf(ā or ī)n. consisting of such a word or stṭstatement Hariv.
- • -pradīpa m. -bhāṣya n. (○ṣya-dīpikā f. -vārttika, n. -sāra, m.), -laghu-vārttika n. -vṛtti f. (and ○ti-vārttika n.), -saṃgati f. ○trâdvaita-vṛtti f. ○trânubhāṣya n. (and ○ṣyapradīpa m. -vivaraṇa n.), ○trânuvyâkhyāna n. ○trârtha-prakāśikā f. ○trârtha-maṇi-māla f. ○trôpanyāsa m. (and ○sa-vṛtti f.) N. of various Comms. on the Brahma-sūtra, and Comms. on them
- ○sūtrin mfn. invested with the Brāhmanical cord Yājñ.
- ○sūnu m. (with Jainas) N. of the 12th king of Bhārata L.
- ○sṛj m. 'Brahmā's creator', N. of Śiva Śivag.
- ○soma m. N. of a sage Kathās.
- ○stamba m. N. of a man Cat. (cf. brāhmastambi)
- ○stuti f. N. of a hymn of praise (also ○ti-stotra) Cat.
- ○stena m. a thief of that which is sacred, one who obtains a knowledge of the Veda by illicit means MBh.
- ○steya n. unlawful acquisition of the Veda (cf. prec.) Mn. ii, 116
- ○sthala n. N. of a city Cat. (cf. -pura)
- • of a village Kathās.
- ○sthāna n. 'Brahmā's place', N. of a Tīrtha MBh.
- • m. the mulberry tree L.
- ○sphuṭa-siddhânta m. N. of an astron. wk. by Brahma-gupta (also called brahma-siddhânta):
- ○sva n. the property i.e. lands or money of Brāhmans Caṇḍ. Pañcar.
- ○svarūpa mfn. of the nature or essence of the one self-existing Spirit W.
- ○svāmin m. N. of a man Cat.
- ○haṃsôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad
- ○hatyā́ f. murder of a Brāhman (or any crime equally heinous) VS. &c. &c
- ○hán mf(ghnī)n. 'Brāhman-slaying', the murderer of a Brāhman TS. &c. &c
- • (ghnī), f. Aloe Perfoliata L.
- ○hari m. N. of a poet Cat.
- ○huta n. 'offering to Brahmā or the Brāhmans', hospitality L. (cf. brāhmya-huta)
- ○hṛdaya m. n. the star Capella Sūryas.
- ○hrada m. N. of a lake Cat.
- brahmâkṣara n. the sacred syllable om BhP.
- • -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of sacred syllables Hariv.
- brahmâgāra n. the house of the chief priest KātyŚr.
- brahmâgra-bhū m. a horse L. (cf. next and brahmâtma-bhū)
- brahmâṅgabhū mfn. one who has touched the several parts of his body during the repetition of Mantras Kum. iii, 15 (cf. Mall.)
- • m.= prec. A.
- brahmâñjali m. joining the hollowed hands while repeating the Veda Mn. ii, 71
- • -kṛta mfn. one who has joined the hands hands in token of homage to the Veda ib., 70 ĀśvGṛ. &c
- brahmâṇḍa n. 'Brahmā's egg', the universe, world (also pl.) Hariv. Sūryas. Pur. (also -kaṭāha m. Āryabh. Sch.)
- • N. of a Purāṇa and an Upapurāṇa
- • -kapāla m. the skull or hemisphere of the world, the inhabited earth Hcar.
- • -kalpa m. -jñāna-mahārāja-tantra n. and -tantra n. N. of Tāntric wks
- • -purāṇa n. N. of one of the 18 Purāṇas (so called as revealed by Brahmā and containing an account of the egg of Brahmā and the future Kalpas
- • cf. IW. 514 ; 521)
- • -bhāṇḍôdara n. the interior of the vessel-like egg of Brahmā MW. [Page 740, Column ]
- • -yāmale pañcamī-sādhana n. N. of wk
- brahmâtithi m. 'Brahmā's guest', N. of a Kāṇva (author of RV. viii, 5)
- brahmâtma-bhū m. a horse (cf. brahmâṅga- and ○mâgra-bhū)
- brahmâdanī f. a species of plant (= haṃsa-padī) L.
- brahmâdarśa m. 'Brahmā's mirror', N. of wk
- brahmâdi-jātā f. the river Go-dāvarī L. (vḷ. mâdri-j○)
- brahmâditya m. N. of an author (also called brahmârka) Cat.
- brahmâdi-śīrṣa m. or n. (?) N. of a place Cat. 1
- brahmâdya mfn. (fr. 1. ādya) beginning with Brahmā Mn. i, 50. 2
- brahmâdya mfn. (fr. 2. ādya) to be eaten by priests or Brāhmans Br.
- brahmâdri-jātā f. See ○mâdi-jātā
- brahmâdhigama m. devotion to sacred study or the Veda (also ○mana n. W)
- • ○mika mfn. relating to it Mn. ii, 64
- brahmânanda m. 'joy in Brahm˘a', the rapture of absorption into the one self-existent Spirit RāmatUp.
- • N. of various men and authors (also -giri, -parama-haṃsa, -bhāratī, -yogin, -yogī7ndra, -sārasvatī, and ○din, m.)
- • of various wks. (also -vallī f. -vilāsa m. -sūtramuktâvali f. -stava m. ○dīya and ○dīya-khaṇḍana, n.)
- brahmâpêta m. N. of one of the Rākshasas said to dwell in the sun during the month Māgha VP.
- brahmâbhyāsa m. study and repetition of the Veda Mn. iv, 149
- brahmâmṛta n. N. of a Vedânta wk
- • -varṣiṇī f. N. of a Comm. on the Brahma-sūtras
- brahmâmbhas n. 'holy water', the urine of a cow L.
- brahmâyaṇa or m. N. of Nārāyaṇa Hariv.
- brahmâyana m. N. of Nārāyaṇa Hariv.
- brahmâyatana n. a temple of Brahmā Var.
- • ○tanīya mf(ā)n. leaning on or supported by Brāhmans Lāṭy.
- brahmâyus n. Brahmā's life-time Vishṇ.
- • mfn. living as long as Brahmā Siṃhâs.
- • m. N. of a Brāhman Buddh.
- brahmâraṇya n. 'holy forest', a grove in which the Veda is studied L.
- • N. of a forest Hit.
- • -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- brahmârambha m. beginning to repeat the Veda Mn. ii, 71
- brahmârka m. See ○mâditya
- brahmârgha mfn. worthy of Brahmā or of sacred knowledge KaushUp. (vḷ. for ○ma-grāhin)
- brahmârpaṇa n. the offering of sacred texts Pañcar.
- • N. of a magical spell ib.
- brahmâlaṃkāra m. the ornament of Brahmā KaushUp.
- brahmā-vatī f. N. of a woman Divyâv.
- • of a lotus pond ib.
- brahmâvabodha m. N. of wk. (also -viveka-sindhu, m.)
- brahmâvarta m. 'the holy land', N. of the country situated between the rivers Sarasvatī and Dṛishadvatī to the N. W. of Hastinā-pura Mn. ii, 17 ; 19 AV.Pariś. &c. (cf. IW. 209)
- • of a Tīrtha MBh. (also -tīrtha n. Cat.)
- • of a son of Ṛishabha BhP.
- brahmâvalī-bhāṣya n. N. of wk
- brahmā-vāda-nagara n. N. of a city Siṃhâs.
- brahmâvāsa m. 'home of or in Brahmā', N. of a wk. (on salvation to be attained in Benares)
- brahmâsana n. the seat of the chief priest ŚrS.
- • (ifc. f. ā) a partic. posture suited to devout religious meditation Kād.
- • -niviṣṭa mfn. seated in that posture Rājat.
- brahmâstra n. 'Brahmā's missile', N. of a mythical weapon (which deals infallible destruction) MBh. R. Kathās.
- • of a partic. kind of incantation Cat. (cf. IW. 402, 1)
- • -kalpa m. -kavaca m. or n. -kārya-sādhana n. -paddhati f. -vidyā-pu0jā-paddhati f. -vidhāna-paddhati, f. N. of wks
- brahmâsya n. the mouth of Brahmā MBh.
- • the mythical of a Brāhman Cat.
- bráhmâhuta mfn. one to whom oblations of prayer and devotion have been made AV.
- brahmâhuti f. the offering of prṭprayer or devotion Mn. ii, 106
- bráhmêddha mfn. lighted or kindled with prayers AV.
- brahmêndra m. (with sarasvatī or ○dra-svāmin) N. of authors Cat.
- brahme-śaya (for ○maNi-z○), m. 'resting in Brahm˘a', N. of Kārttikeya MBh.
- • of Vishṇu ib.
- brahmêśa-vaiṣṇava mfn. descended from Brahmā and Śiva and Vishṇu MārkP.
- brahmêśvira m. N. of an author Cat.
- • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha on the Revā or Narmadā river Cat.
- brahmâikya-prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
- brahmôjjha mfn. one who has neglected or forgotten the Veda Gaut.
- • n. (cf. Āpast.) = -tā f. (cf. Mn.), -tva n. (cf. Yājñ. Sch.) neglecting or forgetting the Veda, (cf. IW. 270)
- brahmôḍumbara wṛ. for ○môdumbara
- brahmôttara mfn. treating principally of Brahmā or consisting chiefly of Brāhmans
- • m. N. of a superhuman being Lalit.
- • (with Jainas) of a partic. Kalpa Dharmaś.
- • pl. N. of a people MārkP.
- • n. N. of a town Divyâv.
- • of ch. of Skandap (also called -khaṇḍa n. or laghu-śiva-purāṇa n.)
- brahmôda-tīrtha n. (cf. Cat.) and [Page 741, Column ]
- brahmôdumbara m. or n. (cf. MBh
- • C. ○môḍ○) N. of Tīrthas
- brahmốdya n. rivalry in sacred knowledge, playful discussion of theological questions or problems Br. ŚrS.
- • mf(ā)n. relating to sacred questions or problems Vop.
- • (ā), f. (with kathā) a story or riddle from the Veda Mn. iii, 231 (cf. brahmavadya)
- brahmôpadeśa m. instruction in sacred knowledge, A.
- • -netṛ m. Butea Frondosa ib. (cf. -môpanetṛ)
- brahmôpaniṣad f. mystical teaching concerning Brahm˘a (cf. ChUp.) or the Brāhmans (cf. MBh. xv, 940)
- • N. of 2 Upanishads
- brahmôpanetṛ m. Butea Frondosa L. (cf. ○padeśa-netṛ)
- brahmôpâsanā f. worship of Brahmā RTL. 493
- brahmôpêta m. N. of a Rakshas VP. (cf. brahmâpêta)
- brahmâudaná m. boiled rice distributed to Brāhmans and esp. to the chief priest at a sacrifice AV. TS. Br. ŚrS.
- brahmâupagava m. Pāṇ. 6-1, 88 Sch.
- bráhmaṇas-páti m. (fr. brahmaṇas gen. of brahman + p○) = bṛ́has-páti RV. &c. &c. (-sū7kta n. N. of wk.)
- • ○ṇas pátnī f. the wife of the priest called Brahman TS.
- brahmaṇya Nom. P. ○yáti (only pr. p. ○yát) to pray, be devout or religious RV.
- brahmaṇyá mfn. relating to Brahm˘a or Brahmā, devoted to sacred knowledge or friendly to Brāhmans, religious, pious MBh. Kāv. &c
- • m. N. of Kārttikeya MBh.
- • of the planet Saturn W.
- • the mulberry tree L.
- • Saccharum Munjia L.
- • (ā), f. N. of Durgā L.
- • (○ṇyá), n. (pl.) 'praise' or 'sacrificial food' (?) RV. viii, 6, 33 (cf. Sāy.)
- ○tā f. friendliness towards Brāhmans, piety MBh. BhP.
- ○tīrtha m. N. of a teacher Cat.
- ○deva m. N. of Vishṇu Hariv. (= brahmaṇyānāṃ śreṣṭhaḥ Sch.)
- ○bhāskara m. N. of a man Cat.
- bráhmaṇ-vat (○vát TBr.), mfn. accompanied by prayer, devout AV. Br.
- • practising a sacred work (and 'having a Brāhman') TS. Kāṭh.
- • including or representing the Brāhmans (as Agni) Br. ŚrS.
- • containing the word brahman AitBr. (ī), f. N. of an Ishṭakā TS.
- brahmaṇ-vát ind. like Brahm˘a or Brahmā or a Brāhman ŚBr. KātyŚr.
- brahmāṇī f. the Śakti or personified female energy of Brahmā, the wife of Brahmā Pur. (cf. IW. 522)
- • N. of Durgā Hariv. DeviiP. (wṛ. brāhmānī or brāhmaṇī)
- • a kind of perfume L.
- • a kind of brass L.
- • N. of a river MBh. (vḷ. brāhmaṇī)
- ○mantra m. a partic. verse or formula MārkP.
- brahmāya Nom, Ā. ○yate, to become Brahmā Vās.
- brahmin mfn. belonging or relating to Brahm˘a or Brahmā TĀr.
- • 'possessing sacred knowledge' N. of Vishṇu MBh.
- bráhmiṣṭha mfn. (superl. fr. brahmán) a Brāhman in the highest degree (as a N. of Brihaspati or Prajā-pati and of very learned and pious Brāhmans or princes) TS. &c. &c
- • m. N. of a prince Ragh.
- • (ā), f. N. of Durgā, DeviiP.
- bráhmī f. holy, devout (?) RV. ix, 33, 5 (cf. Sāy. = brāhmaṇa-prêrita)
- • a kind of fish, Macrognathus Pancalus (commonly called Pancal) L.
- • a kind of vegetable L.
- • Clerodendrum Siphonantus L.
- brahmī in comp. for ○ma or ○man
- ○bhūta m. N. of Śaṃkarâcārya Gal.
- bráhmīyas mfn. (compar. fr. brahmán) more or most devout or skilled in sacred knowledge
- • m. a pious or learned Brāhman Br.
- brāhmá mf(ī)n. (fr. brahman, for which it is also the Vṛiddhi form in comp.) relating to Brahm˘a or Brahmā, holy, sacred, divine AV. &c. &c
- • relating to sacred knowledge, prescribed by the Veda, scriptural Mn. ii, 150 &c
- • sacred to the Veda (with or scil. tīrtha n. the part of the hand situated at the √of the thumb), ii, 59 &c
- • relating or belonging to the Brāhmans or the sacerdotal class peculiar or favourable to or consisting of Brāhmans Brahmanical Mn. MBh. &c. (with nidhi m. money bestowed on the sacerdotal class Mn. vii, 89)
- • belonging to an inhabitant of Brahmā's world Jātakam.
- • m. (with or scil. vivāha) N. of a form of marriage (in which the bride is bestowed on the bridegroom without requiring anything from him) Mn. iii, 21 &c
- • N. of a man (son of Kṛishṇa and father of Mahêśvara) Cat.
- • patr. of Nārada L.
- • of Kavi MBh.
- • of Ūrdhva-nābhan and Raksho-han RAnukr.
- • (ī), f. See brāhmī
- • n. sacred study, study of the Veda BhP.
- • (with or scil. tīrtha), See above
- ○kārikā f. pl. N. of partic. Kārikās Cat.
- ○kṛteya m. patr. fr. brahma-kṛta g. śubhrâdi. [Page 741, Column ]
- ○gupta m. pl. (fr. brahma-gupta) N. of a race Kār. on Pāṇ. 5-3, 116 (vḷ. brahma-g○)
- • ○ptīya m. a prince of the Brāhmaguptas ib. (vḷ. brahma-g○)
- ○daṇḍa m. (prob.) wṛ. for brahma-d○ Rājat.
- ○dattāyana m. patr. fr. brahma-datta g. śubhrâdi
- ○deya mfn. = brahma-d○ mfn. MBh. iii, 12729 (B.) Kull. on Mn. iii, 585
- ○parvan n. N. of wk
- ○palāśa m. pl. N. of a school (also read brahma-p○, q.v.)
- ○piṅgā (?), f. silver W.
- ○purāṇa n. = brahma-p○ VP.
- ○puṣpi m. patr. fr. brahma-puṣpa Cat. (wṛ. brahma-puṣpi)
- ○prajāpatya mfn. (fr. brahma-prajāpati) L.
- ○muhūrta m. n. a partic. period of the day (that included between the 4th Ghaṭikā and the 2nd before sunrise), dawn L. (cf. Mn. iv, 92)
- ○rāti m. (fr. brahma-rāta) patr. of Yājñavalkya VāyuP.
- ○laukika mfn. (fr. brahma-loka) possessing claims to Brahmā's world R.
- ○vivāha m. = ○mo viv○ above
- ○siddhânta m. N. of wk
- brāhmâho-rātra m. a day and night of Brahmā (a period of 2000 ages of the gods or 2 Kalpas of mortals) L. (cf. Mn. i, 72)
- brāhmêṣṭi f. a partic. Ishṭi Up.
- brāhmôḍhā f. a woman married according to the Brāhma rite Vishṇ. Sch.
- brāhmôtsava m. a class of periodical religious festivals RTL. 510
- brāhmaudanika m. (fr. brahmâudana
- • with or scil. agni) the fire on which the rice for the priests is boiled ĀpŚr.
- brāhmaka n. = -brahmaṇā kṛtam (saṃjñāyām), g. kulālâdi
- • (ikā), f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus L.
- brā́hmaṇa mfn. relating to or given by a Brāhman, befitting or becoming a Brāhman, Brāhmanical AV. TBr. MBh.
- • (○ṇá), m. one who has divine knowledge (sometimes applied to Agni), a Brāhman, a man belonging to the 1st of the 3 twice-born classes and of the 4 original divisions of the Hindū body (generally a priest, but often in the present day a layman engaged in non-priestly occupations although the name is strictly only applicable to one who knows and repeats the Veda) RV. &c. &c
- • = brāhmaṇācchaṃsin KātyŚr.
- • a Brāhman in the second stage (between Mātra and Śrotriya) Hcat.
- • N. of the 28th lunar mansion L.
- • (ī), f. See brāhmaṇī
- • n. that which is divine, the divine AV.
- • sacred or divine power ib. ĀśvGṛ.
- • Brāhmanical explanation, explanations of sacred knowledge or doctrine (esp. for the use of the Brāhmans in their sacrifices) Br.
- • the Brāhmaṇa portion of the Veda (as distinct from its Mantra and Upanishad portion) and consisting of a class of works called Brāhmaṇas (they contain rules for the employment of the Mantras or hymns at various sacrifices, with detailed explanations of their origin and meaning and numerous old legends
- • they are said by Sāyaṇa to contain two parts: 1. vidhi, rules or directions for rites
- • 2. artha-vāda, explanatory remarks
- • each Veda has its own Brāhmaṇa, that of the RV. is preserved in 2 works, viz. the Aitareya, sometimes called Āśvalāyana, and the Kaushītaki or Śāṅkhāyana-BrṭBrāhmaṇa
- • the white Yajur-veda has the Śata-patha-BrṭBrāhmaṇa
- • the black Yajur-veda has the Taittirīya-BrṭBrāhmaṇa which differs little from the text of its Saṃhitā
- • the SV. has 8 Brāhmaṇa, the best known of which are the Prauḍha or Pañca-viṃśa and the Ṣaḍvinśa
- • the AV. has one Brāhmaṇa called Go-patha) Nir. GṛŚrS. &c
- • the Soma vessel of the Brahman priest RV. AV.
- • a society or assemblage of Brāhmans, a conclave W.
- ○kalpa m. pl. the Brāhmaṇas and Kalpas (two kinds of Vedic texts) Pāṇ. 4-3, 105
- • mfn. like a Brāhman AitBr.
- ○kāmyā f. love for BrṭBrāhmaṇa Mṛicch.
- ○kāraka mfn. making a person a Brāhmaṇa Pat,. on Pāṇ. 2-2, 6
- ○kumāra m. a BrṭBrāhmaṇa boy TāṇḍBr.
- ○kula n. the house of a BrṭBrāhmaṇa Gobh.
- ○kṛta m. N. of a man
- • ○teya m. patr. fr. prec. (ī f.), g. śārṅgaravâdi
- ○gṛha n. = -kula KātyŚr. Sch.
- ○ghna m. the killer of a Brāhman Mn. ix, 232
- ○cāṇḍāla m. 'Cāṇḍāla among Brāhmaṇa', a degraded or out-caste Brāhmaṇa Mn. ix, 87
- • the son of a Śūdra father by a Brāhmanī mother W.
- ○ja mf(ā)n., said of an Ishṭi ĀpŚr. Sch. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 101 Sch.)
- • n. = next MW.
- ○jātá n. (cf. ŚBr.),
- ○jāti f. (W.) the Brāhmanical caste or race
- • ○tīya mfn. belonging to it W.
- ○jīvikā f. the occupation or subsistence of, a Brāhman ib.
- ○juṣṭa mfn. pleasing to BrṭBrāhmaṇa ŚāṅkhGṛ.
- ○ḍimbha m. a BrṭBrāhmaṇa lad, young Brāhmaṇa Mālatīm.
- ○tarpaṇa n. the feeding or satisfying of Brāhmaṇa SāmavBr.
- ○tā f. the rank or condition of a Brāhmaṇa AitBr. Mn.
- ○trā ind. among the BrṭBrāhmaṇa Pāṇ. 5-4, 55 Sch.
- ○tva n. = -tā Lāṭy. Sch. Māllin.
- • -vicāra m. N. of wk
- ○dārikā f. a BrṭBrāhmaṇa girl Buddh. [Page 741, Column ]
- ○dravya n. the property of a Brāhmaṇa Mn.ix, 198
- ○dveṣin mfn. hating BrṭBrāhmaṇa R.
- ○dhana n. the fee bestowed on Brāhmaṇa Vait.
- ○nindaka mfn. reviling BrṭBrāhmaṇa MBh.
- ○pañcikā f
- ○paddhati f. N. of wks
- ○patha m. a Brāhmaṇa text, Rprāt. Sch.
- ○pāla m. N. of a prince L.
- ○putraka m. a Brāhman boy Kathās.
- ○prasaṅga m. the applicability of the term Brāhmaṇa, the idea of Brāhman Vajras.
- ○prātiveśya m. a neighbouring Brāhman Yājñ. ii, 263
- ○priya m. a friend of BrṭBrāhmaṇa (said of Vishṇu) Vishṇ.
- ○bruva m. 'calling one's self a Brāhman', a Brāhmaṇa only by name or a BrṭBrāhmaṇa who disgraces his caste Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. dvija-bruva and brahma-bruvāṇa)
- ○bhāva m. the rank or condition of a Brāhmaṇa L.
- ○bhāṣya n. N. of wk
- ○bhuyiṣṭha mfn. principally consisting of (or containing) Brāhmaṇa R.
- ○bhojana n. the feeding of Brāhmaṇa (as a religious act) ṢaḍvBr. GṛS.
- • -vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○mahimâdarśa m. N. of wk
- ○mukhīna m. pl. N. of partic. verses or formulas TĀr. Sch.
- ○yajñá m. a sacrifice intended for Brāhmaṇa ŚBr.
- • a sacrifice offered by Brāhmaṇa MBh.
- ○yaṣṭikā or f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus L.
- ○yaṣṭī f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus L.
- ○rūpa-bhṛt mfn. bearing the form of a Brāhmaṇa MW.
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○liṅga mfn. resembling the texts called Brāhmaṇas (said of verses or formulas) Kauś.
- ○vacana n. the statement of a Brāhmana text Āpast.
- ○vát mfn. connected with a BrṭBrāhmaṇa TS.
- • (brā́h○), possessed of or in accordance with a Brāhmaṇa, correct TBr.
- • (atī), f. N. of partic. Ishṭakās Nyāyam. Sch.
- ○vadha m. the murder of a Brāhman Mn. xi, 89
- ○vara m. N. of a prince Kathās.
- ○varcasá n. the excellence or dignity of a Brāhman AV. (cf. brahma-v○)
- ○vākya n. = -vacana KātyŚr. Sch.
- ○vācana n. the recitation of benedictions (as becomes Brāhmaṇa) Hcat. (wṛ. brahmaṇa-v○)
- ○vidhi m. any injunction (contained) in a Brāhmaṇa work Kauś.
- ○vilāpa m. 'the Brāhman's lament', N. of an episode of the MBh. (i, 6104 &c., more usually called Baka-vadha-parva)
- ○vihita mfn. prescribed in a Brāhmaṇa Lāṭy.
- ○vedam ind. (to feed &c.) as many Brāhmans as one knows Pāṇ. 4-3, 29 Sch.
- ○śramaṇa-nyāya m. the rule or phrase of the Brāhman Śramaṇa
- • (āt), ind. according to the phrase 'a Brāhmaṇa ŚrṭŚramaṇa' (which involves a contradiction as it expresses a BrṭBrāhmaṇa Buddhist
- • cf. śramaṇa) Sāh.
- ○saṃstha mfn. belonging to or abiding with a Brāhmaṇa W.
- ○sattama m. the best of BrṭBrāhmaṇa MW.
- ○saṃtarpaṇa n. = -tarpaṇa ib.
- ○sarvasva n. N. of wk
- ○sava m. N. of a partic. sacrifice TBr. Sch.
- ○sāt ind. to the Brāhmans (with √kṛ, to present to or bestow on the Brāhmaṇa MBh. Hariv. Kathās.
- • with √as, to belong to the Brāhmaṇa) MBh.
- ○stuti f. 'praise of the BrṭBrāhmaṇa', N. of ch. of PurS
- ○sva n. the property of BrṭBrāhmaṇa Āpast.
- ○svara m. the accent usual in a Brāhmaṇa KātyŚr. Sch.
- ○hita mfn. suitable to or fit for a Brāhman W.
- brāhmaṇâkriya m. an initiated BrṭBrāhmaṇa who is not familiar with sacrifices Hcat.
- brāhmaṇāc-chaṃsín m. (fr. ○NAt-zaM○) 'reciting after the Brāhmaṇa or the Brahman', a priest who assists the Brahman or chief priest at a Soma sacrifice Br. ŚrS.
- • ○sina ukthya n. ○si-prayoga m. ○si-śastra n. N. of wks
- • ○sīya n. (cf. KātyŚr.), ○sīyā f. the office of the BrṭBrāhmaṇa-chṭchief
- • ○syá mfn. relating to the Brāhmaṇa-chṭchief ŚBr.
- • n. his office ib.
- brāhmaṇâtikrama m. disrespect towards Brāhmans Mn. iii, 63
- brāhmaṇâtmaka mfn. belonging to BrṭBrāhmaṇa W.
- • containing an account of the Brāhmaṇa ib.
- brāhmaṇâda mfn. devouring BrṭBrāhmaṇa (said of a Rākshasa) MBh.
- brāhmaṇâdarśana n. absence of Brāhmauical instruction or guidance Mn. x, 43 (others 'not seeing or consulting Brāhmans')
- brāhmaṇâpaśraya mfn. seeking refuge in Brāhmaṇa MW.
- brāhmaṇâbhāṣaṇa n. N. of a kind of artifical composition (contained in the Kavi-kalpa-latā, q.v.)
- brāhmaṇâbhyupapatti f. protection or preservation of a Brāhman Mn. viii, 112
- brāhmaṇêṣṭa m. the mulberry tree L.
- brāhmaṇôkta mfn. prescribed in a Brāhmaṇa ŚrS.
- brāhmaṇaka m. a bad Brāhman, a BrṭBrāhmaṇaka only by name MBh.
- • a country inhabited by warlike Brāhmaṇaka Pāṇ. 5-2, 71 (○kīya mfn. iv, 2, 104 Vārtt. 30 Pat.)
- • (ikā), f. (prob.) a species of lizard Cat. (cf. brāhmaṇī)
- • Trigonella Corniculata L.
- brāhmaṇāyaná m. a mere descendant of a Brāhman ŚBr. Kauś. (cf. Sch. 'a Brāhman whose father or elder brother or any elder relative is still alive')
- • a Brāhman sprung from learned and holy progenitors W. [Page 742, Column ]
- brāhmaṇi in comp. for ○ṇī
- ○kalpā
- ○gotrā
- ○celī
- ○tamā
- ○tarā
- ○bruvā
- ○matā
- ○rūpā and f. Pāṇ. 6-3, 43 Sch.
- ○hatā f. Pāṇ. 6-3, 43 Sch.
- brāhmaṇika mfn. derived from or relating to the Brāhmaṇas Pāṇ. 4-3, 72
- brāhmaṇī f. (of ○ṇa) a Brāhmaṇī woman or a Brāhman's wife Kāṭh. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c. (ifc. ○ṇīka, cf. sa-brāhmaṇika)
- • a kind of lizard with a red tail
- R. Sch. (cf. brāhmaṇikā)
- • a kind of largeheaded ant L.
- • a kind of wasp L.
- • Clerodendrum Siphonantus L.
- • Trigonella Corniculata L.
- • Ruta Graveolens L.
- • a kind of brass L.
- • = buddhi Nīlak.
- • N. of a river MBh.
- • wṛ. for brahmāṇī
- ○gāmin m. the paramour of a Brāhmaṇī woman or of a Brahman's wife W.
- ○tva n. the state or condition of a Brāhmaṇi woman Vop.
- ○sattamā f. the best of Brāhmaṇī women MW.
- brāhmaṇī-√bhū P. -bhavati (ind. p. -bhū́ya), to become a Brāhman ŚBr.
- brā́hmaṇya mfn. (fr. brāhmaṇá) fit for Brāhmans MBh.
- • m. the planet Saturn L. (cf. 2. brahmaṇya)
- • n. the state or rank of a Brāhman, Brāhmanhood, priestly rank or character ŚBr. &c. &c. (cf. a-br○)
- • a multitude or assembly of Brāhmans R. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 42)
- brāhmāṇī wṛ. for brahmāṇī, q.v
- brā́hmi mfn. (fr. bráhman) holy, divine VS.
- brāhmī f. (of brāhmá, q.v.) the Śakti or personified energy of Brahmā (regarded as one of the 8 Mātṛis or divine mothers of created beings
- • in MBh. ix, 2655 they are said to attend Skanda) L.
- • speech or the goddess of speech (= Sarasvatī) MBh. i, 19
- • N. of Durgā, DeviiP.
- • the wife of a Brāhman W.
- • (in music) N. of a Mūrchanā Saṃgīt.
- • a religious practice, pious usage (○myā ind. according to pious usage) R.
- • a woman married according to the Brāhma rite Gaut. Vishṇ. (cf. -putra), the constellation Rohiṇi L.
- • a female fish or frog W.
- • a species of ant L.
- • N. of various plants (Clerodendrum Siphonantus, Ruta Graveolens, Enhydra Hingcha &c.) L.
- • a kind of brass L.
- • N. of a river Śatr.
- • (with saṃhitā) N. of wk
- ○kanda m. a species of bulbous plant L.
- ○kunda n. N. of a sacred cavity in the ground Cat.
- ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- ○putra m. the son of a woman married according to the Brāhma rite Mn. iii, 37
- ○śānti-saṃkalpa m
- ○śānty-avadhānakrama m. N. of wks
- brāhmya mfn. relating to Brahm˘a or Brahmā or to the Brāhmans Mn. MBh. &c. (often vḷ. brāhma)
- • m. (with muhūrta or ○taka) dawn, the hour preceding sunrise HYog. Pañcar.
- • n. (with or scil. huta) worship or veneration paid to Brāhmans (considered as one of the 5 great sacraments = dvijâgryârcā or manuṣya-yajña) Mn. iii, 73, 74
- • = dṛśya or vismaya L.
- ○tīrtha n. a partic. part of the hand (cf. under brāhma) MārkP.
- ○muhūrta m. = ○myo muhūrtaḥ MW.
- ○huta n. = ○myaṃ hutam, V
- brādhnāyanya m. patr. fr. bradhna g. kuñjâdi (f. ○yanī
- • m. pl. ○yanāḥ Pāṇ. 5-3, 113 Sch.)
- brāhma brāhmaṇa &c. See p. 741
- bruva See col. 2
- brū cl. 2. P. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxiv, 35) bráviiti, brūté (only pr. stem
- • the other forms are supplied by √vac, cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 53
- • brūmi for braviimi R.
- • Subj. brávas, ○vat RV.
- • Impv. brūhi, ep. also braviihi, bruvadhvam
- • brūtāt Pāṇ. 7-i, 35 Sch.
- • impf. abruvam for abravam Up. MBh.
- • pr.p. Ā. ep. bruvamāṇa for bruvāṇa
- • Prec. 2. pl. brūyāsta Nal. xvii, 36, prob. wṛ. for brūyās tat), to speak, say, tell (either intrans
- • or with acc. of pers. or thing
- • or with acc. of thing and acc., dat., gen. or loc. of person = to tell or relate anything to
- • with two acc. also = declare or pronounce to be, call) RV. &c. &c
- • to speak about any person or thing (acc. with or without prati, or adhikṛtya) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- • to proclaim predict Var.
- • to answer (either intrans. with punar or trans. with praśnam, 'a question') Mn. MBh.
- • (with anyathā) to speak or decide or judge wrongly Mn. Pañcat.
- • (Ā., rarely P.) to call or profess one's self to be (nom., rarely with iti) RV. Br. MBh.
- • (Ā.) to designate for one's self, choose AitBr.
- • (Ā.) to be told by itself tell itself (tell its tale) Pāṇ. 3-1, 89 Vārtt. 1 Pat. [Cf. Zd. mrū.] [Page 742, Column ]
- bruva mf(ā)n. calling one's self by a name without any real title to it
- • being merely nominally (ifc
- • cf. kṣatriya-, dvija-, brāhmaṇa-bruva)
- bruvāṇa mfn. speaking, telling, saying
- • ifc. = prec. (cf. brahma-br○)
- blī See √vlī
- bleṣka m. a snare, noose for catching Kāṭh.