Sir Monier-Williams (1819–1899) - A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1899) |
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- sāka n. = 2. śāka, a vegetable, herp, culinary herb Uṇ. iii, 43 Sch
- sâkac (in gram.), having the Taddhita affix akac (cf. Pāṇ. v, 3. 71 &c.)
- sākám ind. (prob. fr. 7. sa añc
- cf. sāci) together, jointly, at the same time, simultaneously RV. &c. &c
- along with, together with, with (with instr.) ib
- ○aśva m. N. of a man ĀrshBr
- n. N. of a Sāman (-tva n.) ib
- ○úkṣ mfn. sprinkling together RV
- ○edhá m. pl. N. of the third Parvan of the Cāturmāsyas TS. ŚBr. ŚrS
- a partic. Soma sacrifice lasting three days, Śāṅkh3Sr
- ○prasthāyī́ya (TS.) or (ŚrS.), m. a partic. ceremony (also ○yya-yajña Vait.) [Page 1197, Column]
- ○prasthāyya (ŚrS.), m. a partic. ceremony (also ○yya-yajña Vait.) [Page 1197, Column]
- sākaṃ, in comp. for sākam
- ○yúj mfn. joined together RV
- ○vṛt mfn. rolling together (said of wheels). PañcavBr
- ○vṛ́dh mfn. growing together RV
- ○garbha mfn. pregnant together Kauś
- ○já mfn. being born together or at the same time RV. ŚBr
- sākaruṇḍa wṛ. for sākuruṇḍa
- sākarṇakāyana mfn. (fr. sakarṇaka), g. pakhâdi
- sākarṇakya mfn. (fr. id.), g. saṃkaśâdi
- sākala n. N. of a town in Madras (also written śākala) MW
- sākalāyana mfn. (fr. sa-kala), g. pakṣâdi
- sākalya n. totality, completeness, entireness (ena ind., entirely', 'completely'), the whole Mn. MBh. &c
- ○vacana n. complete perusal L
- sākali and ○likā f. N. of a woman Divyâv
- sâkalyaka mfn. sick, unwell (wṛ. sākalpaka) Kathās
- sâkāṅkṣa mfn. having a wish or desire, wishing, desirous, longing (am ind., longingly') Kāv. Hit
- requiring a complement, correlative Pāṇ. Sāh
- having significance MW.= tā, f. (Sah.),
- ○tva n. (KātyŚr.) correlation
- sākāmprāttāyana (?), m. (only pl.) a patr., Saṃskarak
- sâkāra mf(ā)n. having form, having any shape or definite figure, Kathals Sarvad
- having a fair form, beautiful (am, ind, ) Hariv. Pañcat. MārkP
- ○jñāna-vāda m. the doctrine (held by the Yogâcāras) that ideas consist of forms or images which exist independently of the external world Sarvad
- ○siddhi f. N. of wk. ib
- sâkāśa mfn. with or having the light shining towards (an object) ĀśvGṛ
- sākuruṇḍa m. a kind of plant (cf. sa-k○) L
- sâkula mfn. perplexed, bewildered Kathās
- sākūta mf(ā)n. having significance, significant, having meaning, intentionally, Kāthās
- (am), ind. intentionally, emphatically Kathās
- accurately, attentively ib
- n. (prob.) a desired object Prasannar
- ○smita n. a significant or meaning smile, wanton glance W
- ○hasita n. id. Gīt
- sāketa n. N. of the city Ayodhyā or Oude (prob. also of other cities) Pat. Kāv. VarBṛS. &c
- m. pl. the inhabitants of Sāketa Cat
- ○purāṇa or n. N. of wk. (also called ayodhyā-māhātmya)
- ○māhātmya n. N. of wk. (also called ayodhyā-māhātmya)
- sāketaka mfn. (fr. prec.), g. dhūmâdi
- sāketana n. the city of Saketa Buddh
- sāketu m. or f. (?), id. VP
- sākoka m. N. of a poet Cat
- sākoṭaka wṛ. for śākhoṭaka
- sāktava (fr. saktu), a beverage prepared from barley L
- sāktuka mfn. = saktuni sādhuh, guḍâdi
- = saktave prabhavati g. saṃtāpâdi m. barley W
- = saktuka, a partic. vegetable poison L
- n. a quantity of fried barley or barley-meal ib
- sāktusaindhava mfn. = saktu-sindhuṣu bhavaḥ Pāṇ. 7-3, 19 Sch
- sākṣ cl. 1. P. sākṣati = āpnoti (used in explaining pra-sākṣate fr. pra-√sah) Nir. xi, 21
- sā́kṣa mfn. (fr. 7. sa + akṣa) furnished with a yoke (of oxen) Kauś
- sâkṣa mfn. (fr. 7. sa + akṣa) having the seeds (of which rosaries are made), having rosary MW
- sâkṣa (fr. 7. sa + akṣa), having eyes (only in abl
- See next)
- sâkṣāt ind. (abl. of sâkṣa above) with the eyes, with one's own eyes Kāv. Kathās. Sarvad
- before one's eyes, evidently, clearly, openly, manifestly AV. &c. &c. [Page 1198, Column]
- in person, in bodily form, personally, visibly, really, actually MBh. Kāv. &c
- immediately, directly Sarvad. Kull
- ○puruṣôttama-vākya n. N. of wk. by Vallabhâllcārya
- sâkṣāt in comp. with forms of √kṛ
- ○kara mfn. putting before the eyes, making evident to the senses Cat
- ○karaṇa n. the act of putting bṭbefore the eyes ib
- intuitive perception, actual feeling MW
- immediate cause of anything Kap
- ○kartavya mfn. to be made fully perceptible or evident, Mahāv
- ○kartṛ mfn. one who sees everything Cat
- ○kāra m. evident or intuitive perception, realization (-tā f.) Vedântas. Sarvad
- the experiencing a result of or reward for (gen.) BhP
- -vat mfn. having a clear perception of (comp.) Sarvad
- ○kārin mfn. = -kara Sarvad. Kap. Sch
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti (ind. p
- -kritvā or -kritya Pāṇ. 1-4, 74), to look at with the eyes, make visibly present before the eyes, realize Kathās. Sāh
- ○kṛta mfn. clearly placed before the eyes or the mind's eye
- -dharman, mfn. one who has an intuitive perception of duty MW
- ○kṛti (Sarvad.),
- ○kriyā (Saddhp.), f. intuitive perception, realization
- sâkṣād in comp. for sâkṣāt
- ○dṛṣṭa mfn. seen with (one's own) eyes Kum
- ○dṛṣṭi f. the act of seeing with (one's own) eyes Sarvad
- ○dharma m. the personified incarnation of law, Justice himself MW
- ○bhū P. -bhavati, to appear before the eyes, appear personally Kathās
- sâkṣi m. (m.c. for sâkṣin, in loka- and samasta-s○, q.v.)
- sâkṣi in comp. for sâkṣin
- ○tā f. (Mn. Kathās.), -tva n. (Kap. Suśr.) the office of any legal witness, evidence, testimony, attestation
- ○dvaidha n. discrepancy between witnesses, contradictory evidence MW
- ○parikṣā f
- ○pariḍkṣaṇa n. examination of a witnesses ib
- ○pratyaya m. the evidence or testimony of an eye-wṭwitnesses ib
- ○praśna m. interrogation of wṭwitnesses
- -vidhâna n. the rule or law about examining wṭwitnesses Mn. i, 115
- ○bhāvita mfn. proved by an eye-wṭwitnesses, established by testimony W
- ○bhūta mfn. (cf. sâkṣī-√bhū) being a witnesses BhP. Pañcar
- ○mat mfn. having a witnesses, witnessed Yājñ. ii, 94
- ○mātra mfn. the simple Ego or subject (as opp. to the object or what is external to the Ego) Nir. xiv, subject
- ○tra-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make a simple eye. wṭwitnesses HPariś
- ○lakṣaṇa mfn. defined or proved by testimony W
- ○vat ind. like a witness MW
- sâkṣika (ifc
- ā f. am ind.) = sâkṣin ( See a-, agai-s○ c.)
- sâkṣin mfn. seeing with the eyes, observing, witnessing
- an eye-witness, witness (in law) of or to (gen., loc., or comp.) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c
- m. (in phil.) the Ego or subject (as opp. to the object or to that which is external to the mind, AshṭāvS
- cf. sâkṣi-mātra)
- N. of a man (also pl.) Saṃskārak
- sâkṣī in comp. for sâkṣa
- ○√kṛ P. karoti, to call to witness, cause to attest, Kathās
- ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to be an eye-witness R
- sâkṣīka m. N. of a man (cf. sâkṣin) Saṃskārak
- sâkṣya mfn. visible to (comp.) BhP
- n. testimony, evidence, attestation (○aṃ-√kṛ, 'to give evidence for') Mn. MBh. &c
- sâkṣata mfn. containing uncrushed or whole grain (not deprived of husk), having grains of barley Ragh
- (am), ind. without hurting (applied to a gentle kiss) Dhūrtas
- ○pātra-hasta mfn. holding a vessel full of grain MW
- sâkṣara mf(ā)n. containing syllables or letters L
- eloquent (tā f.) Kāv
- sâkṣiptam ind. with absence of mind, thoughtlessly MBh
- sâkṣepa mfn. containing an objection or limitation, Kāvylâd
- conveying reproach or irony, taunting (am ind. tauntingly) Kathās. Rājat
- sākhi m. N. of a people (cf. śākhi) L
- sākhidatteya mfn. (fr. sakhidatta) belonging to a friend's gift, g. sakhy-ādi
- sākhilya n. (fr. sakhila) friendship, Mahāv
- sākheya mfn. (fr. sakhi) relating to friend, friendly, amicable Pāṇ. 4-2, 80
- sākhyá n. association, party RV. KātyŚr
- friendship (prob. wṛ. for sakhya) L
- mfn. -sākheya KātyŚr. [Page 1198, Column]
- sâgama mfn. acquired in an honest manner, legitimate Vishṇ
- sâgamaka mfn. having the grammatical augment Pat
- sāgara m. (ifc. f. ā
- fr. 2. sa-gara) the ocean (said to have been named so by Bhagiratha after his son Sagara [see 2. sa-gara, p. 112]
- another legend asserts that the bed of the ocean was dug by the sons of Sagara ; 3 or 4 or 7 oceans are reckoned, 1,. sam-udra
- sāgarasya phenaḥ = samudraph○) Mn. MBh. &c
- an ocean (as expressing any vast body or inexhaustible mass
- often ifc., cf. guṇa-śoka-, saṃsāra-s○)
- a symbolical expression for the number, 'four' (like other words signifying 'ocean') Gaṇit
- a partic. high number (= 10 Padmas) Pur
- a sort of deer L
- N. of a serpent-demon, K2raṇḍ
- (with Jainas) of the third Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī L
- of one of the 10 orders of mendicants traced back to disciples of Śaṃkarâcārya Cat
- of various persons HPariś
- of two authors and of a wk. on Dharma Cat
- of a place ib
- (pl.) the sons of Sagara MBh. R
- n. N. of a town Buddh
- mf(ī) n. relating to the sea, marine Hariv
- ○kukṣi f. N. of a serpentmaiden Kāraṇḍ
- ○ga mf(ā)n. going to the ocean
- (ā), f. a river, stream, (esp.) the Ganges MBh
- ([-gA)-suta] m. 'son of Gaṅgā', metron. of Bhīshma ib
- ○gama mf(ā)n. = -ga ib
- ○gambhīra m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- (ā), f. N. of a serpentmaiden ib
- ○gāmin mfn. = -ga R. Ragh. Rājat
- (inī), f. a river R
- small cardamoms L
- ○ṃ-ga-ma mfn. = -ga MBh. Hariv
- ○candra m. N. of a Jain poet Gaṇar
- ○tva n. the state of (being) the ocean Hariv
- ○datta m. 'Ocean-given', N. of a king of the Gandharvas Kathās
- of a Śakya Buddh
- of a merchant Pañcat
- of various other men HPariś
- ○deva m. N. of a mythical person Vīrac
- ○dhara m. N. of a poet Cat
- ○dhīra-cetas mfn. one whose mind is as firm or as deep as the ocean MW
- ○nandin m. N. of a Poet Uṇ. iv, 121 Sch
- ○nāga-rāja-paripṛcchā f. N. of wk
- ○nemi or f. 'sea-encircled', the earth L
- ○nemī f. 'sea-encircled', the earth L
- ○paripṛcchā f. N. of wk. (cf. sāgara-nāga-rāja-p○) Buddh
- ○paryanta mf(ā)n. bounded by the sea (as the earth) MBh. R
- ○pāla m. 'guardian of the ocean', N. of a serpent-king Buddh
- ○pura n. N. of a town Kathās
- ○plavana n. navigating the ocean, leaping across or traversing the sea (also applied to a partic. pace of horses) R
- sāgarabuddhidhāryabhijñagupta3sāgara--buddhi-dhāryabhijña-gupta m. N. of a Buddha, SaddhP'
- ○mati m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Kāraṇḍ
- of a serpent-king ib
- of a man Buddh
- ○mudrā f. a partic. Samādhi Buddh
- ○mekhala mf(ā)n. seagirt (cf. sapta-sāgara-m○)
- (ā), f. the earth L
- ○megha m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○lipi f. a partic. mode of writing Lalit
- ○vat ind. like the ocean MW
- ○vara-dhara m. the ocean Lalit
- -buddhi vikrīḍitâbhijña m. N. of Ānanda (as Buddha) SaddhP
- ○varman m. N. of a king Inscr
- ○vāsin mfn. dwelling on the sea-shore MBh
- ○vīra m. 'sea-hero', N. of a man Kathās
- ○vyūha-garbha m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh
- ○śaya mfn. lying or resting on the ocean (said of Vishṇu) Śiś
- ○śukti f. a sea-shell Bhartṛ
- ○saṃhitā f. N. of wk
- ○sūnu m. son of the Ocean', patr. of the Moon Kāv
- sāgarânukūla mfn. situated on the sea-coast MW
- sāgarânūpaka mfn. = sāgaravāsin MBh
- sāgarânta m. the sea-shore R
- mf(ā)n. bounded by the ocean, sea-girt (as the earth) MBh. R. VarBṛS
- sāgarântargata mfn. living in the ocean R
- sāgarâpâṅga mf(ī)n. bounded by the sea (as the earth) MBh
- sāgarâmbara mf(ā)n. sea-clad (as the earth) R. Ragh. Rājat
- (ā), f. the earth, Sinhâs
- sāgarâmbu-raśana mf(ā)n. sea-girt VarYogay
- sāgarâlaya mfn. living in the ocean R
- m. N. of Varuṇa L
- sāgarâvarta m. a bay of the sea MBh
- sāgarêvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat
- sāgarôttha 'produced in the sea', sea-salt L
- sāgarôdaka n. sea-water (prob. N. of a Tilrtha) MBh. xiii, 1696
- sāgarôdgāra m. the swelling or heaving of the sea, flowing tide, flood (as opp. to, 'ebb') R
- sāgarôddhūta-niḥsvana mfn. raising a sound like the ocean MW
- sāgarôpama m. or n. (?) a partic. high number Jain
- sāgaraka m. pl. 'inhabitants of the sea-coast', N. of a people MBh
- (ikā), f. See above
- sāgarāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to resemble the ocean Kāv
- sāgarika mf(ī)n., See cātuḥ-s○. [Page 1198, Column]
- sāgarikā f. N. of a woman, Ratnāv
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of nothing but Sagarikās ib. (in Prākṛit)
- sâgas mfn. guilty of a sin or offence Kāv. Rājat
- sāguṇya n. (fr. sa-guṇa) excellence, superiority AV.Pariś
- sâgni mfn. together with the fire KātyŚr. Kauś
- maintaining a sacred fire Pur
- connected with fire Pāṇ. 6-3, 80 Sch
- (ī), ind. as far as the section on far Pāṇ. 2-1, 6 Sch
- ○citya mfn. connected with the piling of the sacred fire, IndSt
- ○dhūrna mfn. accompanied with fire and smoke Hariv
- ○purogama mfn. preceded by Agni MBh
- ○ratnâkara m. N. of wk
- sâgnika mfn. possessing or maintaining a sacred fire, associated with Agni MBh
- witnessed by Agni R
- ○vidhi m. N. of wk. (containing rules for the Śrâddha ceremonies of householders who maintain a sacred fire)
- sâgra mf(ā)n. with the tip or point ŚBr. KātyŚr
- = sam-agra, whole, entire MBh
- having a surplus, more than, Aryabh
- (am), ind. for a longer period, for a whole life MW
- sâgrayaṇâgny-ādhāna-prayoga m. N. of wk
- sâgraha mfn. with pertinacity, insisting on anything, persistent (am ind.) Daś. HPariś
- sāṃkathika mfn. (fr. saṃ-kathā) excellent in conversation, g. kathâdi
- sāṃkathya n. (fr. id.) talk, conversation (cf. dharma-s○) Car. Kāraṇḍ
- sāṃkarika mfn. (fr. saṃ-kara) sprung from a mixture of castes, the offspring of an illegitimate marriage MBh
- sāṃkarya n. mixing or blending together confusedly, confusion, mixture Sāh. BhP. Sch
- ○khaṇḍana n
- ○vāda m. N. of wks
- sāṃkala mfn. (fr. saṃ-kala) effected or produced by addition, accumulated &c. W
- sāṃkalpika mf(ī)n. (fr. a saṃkalpa) based on or produced by the will or imagination Kap. Śaṃk
- sāṃkārikā f. a girl said to be unfit for marriage (as having applied fire to her father or other person's house) L. (vḷ. sāṃkāśikā)
- sāṃkāśina n. (fr. saṃ-kāśin) full visibility or appearance (instr. = 'straightway', 'immediately', 'directly') KātyŚr
- sāṃkāśya m. (fr. saṃ-kāśa) N. of a man MBh
- n. and (ā), f. N. of the town of Kuśa-dhvaja (brother of Janaka) R
- ○nātha m. lord of Sāṃkāśya', N. of Kuśa-dhvaja ib
- sāṃkuci m. and ○cī f. (perhaps fr. saṃ-kuca, but cf. śaṅkuci) a partic. aquatic animal Bhpr
- sāṃkucita mfn. derived from Sam-kucita, g. takṣaśilâdi
- sâṅkura mfn. possessing shoots or buds, budding, in bud W
- sāṃkūṭina n. (of unknown moaning) Pat. Pāṇ. Sch
- sāṃkṛta mfn. relating or belonging to Saṃ-kṛiti, derived from him &c. Cat
- (ī), f. of sāṃkṛtya
- sāṃkṛti m. (fr. saṃ-kṛti) patr. of a sage (son of Viśvāmitra and founder of the Vaiyāghrapadya family) ĀpŚr. MBh
- sā́ṃkṛtī-pūtra m. N. of a preceptor ŚBr
- sāṃkṛtya m. patr. fr. saṃ-kṛti ĀśvŚr
- N. of a grammarian TPrāt
- sāṃkṛtyāyana m. patr. fr. sāṃkṛtya Car
- (ī), f. N. of a Parivrājikā Kathās
- sāṃketika mfn. (fr. saṃ-keta) consisting of signs, based on agreement, indicatory, conventional Sāh
- sāṃketya n. agreement, appointment, assignation (esp. with a loved person) BhP. [Page 1199, Column]
- sāṃkrandani m. (fr. saṃ-krandana) patr. of Vālin Mcar
- sāṃkrāmika m. (fr. saṃ-krāma
- g. guḍâdi) passing over or being transferred (to others) Kām
- sāṃkṣepika mfn. (fr. saṃ-kṣepa) abridged, contracted, concise, summary, short Kull
- sāṃkhya mfn. (fr. saṃ-khyā) numeral, relating to number W
- relating to number (in gram as expressed by the case-terminations &c.) Pat
- rational, or discriminative W
- m.one who calculates or discriminates well, (esp.) an adherent of the Sāṃkhya doctrine CūlUp. MBh. &c
- N. of a man Car
- patr. of the Vedic Ṛishi Atri Anukr
- N. of Śiva MBh
- n. (accord. to some also m.) N. of one of the three great divisions of Hindū philosophy (ascribed to the sage Kapila q.v., and so called either from, discriminating', in general, or, more probably, from 'reckoning up' or 'enumerating' twenty-five Tattvas [see tattva] or true entities [twenty-three of which are evolved out of Prakṛiti 'the primordial Essence' or 'first-Producer', viz. Buddhi, Ahaṃkāra, the five Tan-mātras, the five Mahā-bhūtas and Manas
- the twenty-fifth being Purusha or Spirit sometimes called ṣoul which is neither a Producer nor Production [see vikāra], but wholly distinct from the twenty-four other Tattvas. and is multitudinous, each separate Purusha by its union with Prakṛiti causing a separate creation out of Prakṛiti, the object of the philosophy being to effect the final liberation of the Purusha or Spirit from the fetters caused by that creation
- the Yoga q.v. branch of the Saqikhya recognizes a Supreme Spirit dominating each separate Purusha
- the Tantras identify Prakṛiti with the wives of the gods, esp. with the wife of Śiva
- the oldest systematic exposition of the Sāṃkhya seems to have been by an author called Pañca-śikha [the germ, however, being found in the Ṣashṭi-tantra, of which only scanty fragments are extant]
- the original Sūtras were superseded by the SṭSāṃkhya-kārikā of Īśvara-kṛishṇa, the oldest manual on the Sāṃkhya system that has come down to us and probably written in the 5th century AḌ., while the Sāṃkhya-sūtras or SṭŚiva-pravacana and Tattva-samāsa, ascribed to the sage Kapila, are now thought to belong to as late a date as the 14th or 15th century or perhaps a little later) ŚvetUp. MBh. &c. IW. 73 &c. RTL
- ○kārikā f. N. of a collection of 72 memorial verses or stanzas by Īśvara-krishṇa (also called sāṃkhyasaptati
- the oldest extant systematic exposition of the SṭSāṃkhya system
- above.)
- -bhāṣya n. N. of a Commentary on prec. by Gauḍa-pada (8th cent.)
- ○kaumudī f. N. of a Comm. on the Sāṃkhya-kārikā by Rāma-kṛishṇa Bhaṭṭācārya
- ○krama-dīpikā f. N. of a Comm. on the Tattva-samāsa
- ○candrikā f. N. of a Comm. on the Sāṃkhya-karikā by Nārayaṇatīrtha
- ○jñāna n. knowledge of the SṭSāṃkhya system MBh
- ○tattva-kaumudī f. N. of a Comm. on the Sāṃkhya-kārikā by Vācaspati-miśra
- ○tattva-candrkā f. sāṃkhya-c○ above
- ○tattva-pradīpa m
- ○tattva-pradīḍpikā f. N. of a brief exposition of the Sāṃkhya system by Kavirāja-yati
- ○tattva-vilāsa m. N. of a Comm. by Raghunātha-tarkavāgīśa Bhaṭṭâcārya on the SṭSāṃkhya-tattva-kaumudī
- ○taraṃga m. N. of a modern Comm. on the Sāṃkhya-sūtra
- ○darśana n. N. of a ch. cf the Sarva-darśana-samgraha
- ○padârtha-gāthā f. N. of wk. by Ramānanda-tīrtha
- ○puruṣa m. the spirit or soul in the Sāṃkhya system Śiś
- ○pravacana n. = yoga-sūtra, or = sāṃkhya-sūtra qq. vv.
- -bhāṣya (or sāṃkhya-bh○), n. N. of a Comm. on the SṭSāṃkhya-sūtra by Vijliāna-bhikshu
- ○bhikṣu m. a kind of mendicant MW
- ○mata n. N. of wk
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of the Sāṃkhya doctrine BhP
- ○mīmāṃsā f. N. of wk
- ○mukhya m. N. of śiva MBh
- ○yoga m. 'adherent of the SṭSāṃkhya and Yoga', N. of a Rishi MBh. xiii, 7123 (vḷ. -yogau)
- 'a-pplication of the Sāṃkhya doctrine to the knowledge of spirit', N. of the 2nd ch. of the Bhagivad-gitā
- the so-called theistical Sāṃkhya-yoga Śaṃk
- (am), n. the Sāṃkhya and the Yoga MBh
- -dīpikā f. N. of wk
- -pravartin m. N. of Śiva MBh
- -vat mfn. acquainted with Sāṃkhya and Yoga ib
- -vadin m. an adherent of the theistical SṭSāṃkhya-YṭYoga Śaṃk
- ○vṛtti f. (-tattva-vilāsa)
- -prakāśa m. -sāra m. N. of wks
- ○sāstra n. the Sāṃkhya doctrine or any treatise upon it
- ○saptati f. = -lārikā'
- ○sāra or m. N. of wk. by Vijñāna-bhikshu
- ○sāra-viveka m. N. of wk. by Vijñāna-bhikshu
- ○sūtra n. N. of six books of aphorisms of the Sāṃkhya philosophy (ascribed to Kapila, but prob. written in the 14th or 15th century AḌ.) [Page 1199, Column]
- -prakṣepikā f. -vivaraṇa n. -vṛtti f
- ○vṛtti-sāra m. N. of wks
- sāṃkhyâcārya en. a teacher of the SṭSāṃkhya (also N. of an author) BhP. Sarvad
- N. of Vishṇn Vishṇ
- sāṃkhyârtha m. meaning or doctrine of the Sāṃkhya (in comp)
- -tattva-pradīpikā f. N. of a brief exposition of the SṭSāṃkhya system by Bhaṭṭa-keśava
- -saṃkhyāyika = sāṃkhya-tattva-vilāsa
- sāṃkhyâlaṃkāra m. = sāṃkhya-krama-dipikā
- sāṃkhyāyana m. (patr. fr. sāṃkhya
- cf. śānkhāyana) N. of a teacher, (pl.) his school TĀr. ĀśvGṛ
- ○gṛhya n
- ○tantra n
- ○brāhmaṇa n
- ○sūtra n. N. of wks
- sâṅgá or saṅga mfn. having limbs or a body Kathās
- together with the limbs AV. ŚBr
- with all its Aṅgas or supplements KātyŚr
- complete, entire MBh
- concluded, finished Uttarar
- ○glāni mfn. with an exhausted body, Śāntiś
- ○ja mfn. having hair, together with hair, covered with hair MW
- ○rāga mfn. having the body anointed with unguents R
- ○sena m. N. of a man Cat
- sâṅgôpâṅga mfn. (the Vedas) with the Aṅgas and Upâṅgas MBh
- sâṅgôpâṅgôpaniṣad mfn. along with the Aṅgu and Upâṅgas and Upanishads R
- sāṃgatika mfn. (fr. saṃ-gati) relating to society, social, associating W
- m. a new comer, visitor, guest, acquaintance Vishṇ. Mn
- one who comes to transact business MW
- sāṃgatya n. (fr. saṃ-gata) meeting, intercourse with (saha) Hit. Subh
- sāṃgama m.= saṃ-gama L
- sāṃgamaná m. (fr. sam-g○) patr. of Agni Anaśnat ŚBr
- sāṃgamiṣṇú mfn. (fr. saṃ-g○) a kind of sand (or expressive of some quality belonging to it) TBr
- sâṅgada mfn. along with (the monkey) Aṅgada R
- sâṅgāraka mfn. attended by the planet Mars MW
- sâṅguṣṭha mfn. together with the thumb (am ind.) ĀśvGṛ
- (ā), f. Abrus Precatorius L
- sāṃgrahaṇá mf(ī́) n. (fr. saṃgrahaṇa) relating to the act of taking possession or occupying TS. TBr
- sāṃgrahaṇêṣṭi f. N. of a Śrauta wk
- sāṃgrahasūtrika mfn. (fr. saṃgraha-sūtra) = saṃgraha-sūtram adhī7te veda vā Pāṇ. 4-2, 60 Sch
- sāṃgrāhika mfn. (fr. [saM-graha) -saMgrehe sAdhuH] g. kathâdi
- = -saṃ-graham adhite veda vā g. ukthâdi
- sāṃgrāhika mfn. obstructing, constipating Car
- sāṃgrāma mfn. (fr. saṃ-grāma), g. vyuṣṭâdi
- sāṃgrāmajitya n. (fr. saṃ-grāma-jit) victory in battle AV
- sāṃgrāmika mf(ī)n. relating to war, warlike, martial (with ratha, m. 'a war-chariot'
- with mṛtyu m. death in battle'
- with vitta n. spoils of war') Gaut. Kauś. MBh. &c
- m. a commander, general W
- ○guṇa m. 'the martial qualities of a king (consisting of the 3 Śaktis, the Ṣaguṇya, and the Astrâdy-abhyāsa) L
- ○tva n. state of war, militarism Daś
- ○paricchada m. implements of war Hariv
- ○vidhi-jña mfn. familiar with war affairs or military concerns ib
- sāṃghaṭika mfn. (fr. saṃ-ghaṭa) = saṃ-ghaṭam adhite veda vā, g. ukthâdi (vḷ.)
- sāṃghāṭikā f. (cf. saṃ-ghāṭikā) a pair, couple L
- a bawd, procuress L.: Trapa Bispinosa L
- sāṃ-ghaṭṭika mfn. = saṃ-ghaṭṭam adhī7te veda vā g. ukthâdi
- sāṃghāta mfn. (fr. saṃ-ghāta) = saṃ-ghāte dīyate, or kāryam g. vyuṣṭâdi
- sāṃghātikā mfn. = saṃ-ghāte sādhuḥ g. guḍâdi = saṃ-ghātāya prabhayati g. saṃtāpâdi
- belonging to a group ŚāṅkhŚr
- n. (scil. bha) the 16th Nakshatra after the Janmarksha L
- sāṃghātya n. = saṃ-hātya and saṃ-ghātya Daśar
- sāṃghika mf(ī)n. (fr. saṃ-gha) relating to the brotherhood of monks Kāraṇḍ. [Page 1199, Column]
- sāṅmukhī f. N. of a partic. Tithi L
- sāc strong form of 2. sac (q.v.)
- sācayá mfn. joined, united (cf. pṛṣṭi- and rātri-s○) ŚBr
- sācí mfn. following, accompanying ŚBr
- in. N. of Agni L
- sācin See sanya-s○
- sāceya mfn. belonging to, suitable or fit for (comp.), SāṅkhBr
- sā́cya mfn. to be assisted or served or honoured RV. i, 140, 3
- sâcāra mfn. well-conducted, wellbehaved, well-mannered Kāvyak
- sācí ind. (perhaps fr. 7. sa + añc) crookedly, away, obliquely, sideways, askance RV. x, 142, 2 (?) PañcavBr. Kir
- ○vāṭikā f. the white-flowered hogweed L
- ○vilokita n. a sidelong glance W
- ○ṣita mfn. standing unevenly or across ib
- ○smita n. a smile aside Bhām
- sācī in comp. for 2. sāci
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make crooked, distort, bend or turn aside Kāv. Kathās
- ○kṛta mfn. made crooked, bent sideways, distorted, averted (am ind. 'crookedly') MBh. Kāv. &c. (-dṛś mfn. having averted eyes Kathās
- ○tânana mfn. having an averted face, looking sideways MBh.)
- n. distortion, perversion, prejudice W
- ○guṇa N. of a place AitBr
- ○sūtra n. frenum praeputī Gal
- sācīna mfn. approaching sideways or from the side Pāṇ. 1-1, 58, Vartt. 1 Pat
- sāci-kāṇḍa n. (corrupted fr. saṃciti-k○) N. of the ninth chapter of the Śatapatha Bralhmaṇa
- sācivya n. (fr. saciva) companionship, assistance, (esp.) ministry, ministership, the office of the counsellor or friend of a king MBh. Kāv. &c
- sācivyâkṣepa m. (in rhet.) an objection under the form of assentor approval Kāvyâd. ii, 145, 146
- sācīvít ind. swiftly, rapidly (= kṣipram) Naigh. ii, 15
- sâja mfn. together with the lunar mansion Pūrva-bhadra-padā VarBṛS
- sā́jātya n. (fr. sa-jāti) community of race with (gen.) MaitrS
- equality of kind, homogeneousness Sāh. Bhāshāp
- ○lakṣa-prakāśa m. N. of wk
- sājoka m. N. of a poet Cat
- sâjya mfn. having clarified butter, Kātyśr
- sāñcādhara See sācādhara
- sāṃcārika mfn. (fr. saṃ-cāra) movable, moving MBh
- sāñja m. N. of a lexicographer L
- sâñjana mfn. having pigment, having impurities, not pure Sarvad
- m. a lizard L
- sâñjali mfn. with hands hollowed and joined (in supplication, See añjali) R
- sā́ṃjīvī-pútra m. N. of a teacher ŚBr
- sāṃjñāyani m. metron. fr. saṃjñā g. tikâdi
- sāñjha-nandin m. N. of a poet Cat
- sāṭ cl. 10. P. sāṭayati, to make visible or manifest Dhātup. xxxv, 84
- sâṭopa mfn. puffed up, self-conceited, proud, arrogant Vās
- rumbling (as clouds) Pañcat
- (am), ind. haughtily Mṛicch. Ratnâv
- with a rumbling sound Śiś
- angrily, furiously MW
- sâṭṭahāsa mfn. with loud laughter (am ind.) MārkP
- sāṭṭāla m. or n. (?) a palace (vḷ. for sāddāla) Bhadrab
- sāṭhala m. N. of a person Cat
- sāṭhoka m. N. of a poet Cat. [Page 1200, Column]
- sāḍa mfn. having a point or sting (as a stick, a scorpion &c.) Pat
- sāḍa-khāna m. N. of a king Cat
- sāḍi m. patr. fr. saḍa Pāṇ. 5-?111, 3, 56 Sch
- sāḍ-bhūta mfn. (in gram.) taking the form sāṭ, or sāḍ (said of 2. sah)
- sāḍha sāḍhṛ &c. See p. 1193, col. 2
- sâṇḍa mfn. having testicles, uncastrated MaitrS. TāṇḍBr. GṛŚrS
- sāt a Taddhita affix which when put after a word denotes a total change of anything into the thing expressed by that word ( See agni-, bhasma-sāt &c.)
- sāt a Sautra √meaning 'to give pleasure' Pāṇ. Vop
- sāt n. N. of Brahman L
- sāta n. (for 1. and 2. See p. 1196, col. 3) pleasure, delight L
- sātaya mfn. Pāṇ. 3-1, 138
- sātatya n. (fr. sa-tata) continuity, constancy, uninterruptedness (ena, 'continually, permanently') MBh. Suśr. &c
- ○catuṣka-ṭīkā f. N. of wk
- sātala m. N. of a poet Cat
- sātalā f. = saptalā Car
- sātavāha or ○hana m. N. of a king (fabled to have been discovered, when a child, riding on a Gandharva called Sāta, who, accord. to one legend, was changed into a lion
- also = śāli-vāhana, q.v.) Hcar. Kathās. Rājat
- sātasakā f. N. of a district, Kshitiś
- sātā-giri m. N. of a Yaksha Jātakam
- sāti (for 1. and 2. See p. 1196, col. 3), N. of a metre Piṅg
- sâtirātra mfn. together with the Atirātra Vait
- sâtirikta mfn. having excess, excessive, increased, more abundant Divyâv
- sâtireka mfn. id. ib
- sātilaka wṛ. for sātilaka below
- sâtiśaya mfn. superior, better, best, eminent Mn. Hariv. Kathās
- sâtisāra mfn. suffering from diarrhoea L
- sinful, guilty Divyâv
- sâtīkāśa mfn. with or having excessive light ĀśvGṛ
- sātīna and sātīlaka m. a kind of pea L
- sātu See p. 1196, col. 3
- sātobārhata mfn. relating or belonging to the Sato-bṛihatī metre Lāṭy
- sāt-karya n. (fr. sat-kara) the effecting anything well, effectiveness Kap. Sch
- sāttra and sāttrika mfn. (fr. sattra) belonging to a sacrifice, sacrificial, Śrs
- sāttva mfn. (fr. sat-tva) relating to the quality Sattva &c. MārkP
- sāttvaki m. patr. fr. sattvaka g. bāhv-ādi
- sāttvika mf(ī)n. (fr. sat-tva) spirited, vigorous, energetic Mn. MBh. &c
- relating to or endowed with the quality Sattva (i.e. 'purity' or 'goodness), pure, true, genuine, honest, good, virtuous (also applied to partic. Purāṇas which exalt Vishṇu IW. 513) MaitrUp. Mn. MBh. &c. internal, caused by internal feeling or sentiment Mālatīm
- natural, not artificial, unaffected (as style) Sāh
- m. a state of body caused by some natural emotion (constituting a class of 8 Bhāvas holding a middle place between the Sthāyi- and Vyabhicāri-bhavas, viz. stambha, sveda, româñca, svara-vikāra, vepathu, varṇavikâra, aśru, pralaya, qq. vv.) ib
- N. of Brahmā L
- of the eighth creation by Prajā-pati MW
- (ī), f. N. of Durgā L. [Page 1200, Column]
- a partic. kind of Pūjā practised by the worshippers of Durgā MW
- (scil. tuṣṭi) N. of one of the five kinds of external acquiescence (in Sāṃkhya) ib
- an autumn night L
- n. an offering or oblation (without pouring water) L
- ○purāṇa-vibhāga m
- ○brahma-vidyā-vilāsa m. N. of wks
- sātpuḍā f. N. of a mountain VP
- sâtma mfn. (fr. 7. [sa+Atman]) together with one's own person BhP
- sâtma in comp. for sâtman
- ○tā (sâtmá-), f. community of essence or nature with (gen., instr., or comp.) ŚBr. MBh
- absorption into the essence (of Brahmā) MW
- ○tvá n. the having a soul or essence AV. TS. &c
- sâtmârpaṇa mfn. connected with self-sacrifice Kād
- sâtman mfn. having a soul or spirit, together with the soul ŚBr. TS
- united to the Supreme Spirit MW
- sâtmī in comp. for sâtma
- ○kṛta mfn. one who has made anything part of his nature, i.e. become accustomed to (acc.) Suśr
- ○bhāva m. the becoming a custom or habit, conduciveness, suitableness Car
- ○bhū P. -bhavati, to become a custom or habit, become suitable or salutary Jātakam
- sâtmya mfn. agreeable to nature or natural constitution, wholesome Suśr. Car
- m. suitableness, wholesomeness ib
- habit, habituation, diet (○tas ind., from habit'
- ifc. = 'used to') ib
- community of essence or nature with (instr. or gen.) BhP
- sātyá mfn. (fr. satya, of which it is also the vṛiddhi form in comp.) one whose nature is truth ŚBr
- n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- ○kāmi m. (patr. fr. satya-kāma) TS. (wṛ. sātyaṃkāmi in g. pailâdi)
- ○ṃ-kārya m. patr. fr. satvaṃkāra g. kurv-ādi
- ○dūta mfn. (fr. satya-dūta) 'belonging to the trusty messengers' (said of partic. oblations presented to Sarasvatī and other deities) TS. Sch
- ○m-ugra m. pl. the school of Sātyamugri AVPariś
- ○m-ugri m. (○grī, or ○gryā f.) patr. fr. satyam-ugra Pāṇ. iv, 1, 81
- ○m-ugrya m. pl. N. of a school of the Sāma-veda (q.v.)
- ○muni m. a patr. (perhaps wṛ. for sātyamugri) Saṃskārak
- ○yajñá m. (fr. satya-y○) N. of a teacher, ŚBr
- ○yajñi m. (sā́tya
- fr. id.) patr. of Soma-śushma ib
- ○rathi m. patr. fr. satyaratha VP
- ○vata or m. (fr. satyavatī) metron. of Vyāsa L
- ○vateya m. (fr. satyavatī) metron. of Vyāsa L
- ○havyá m. (fr. satya-h○) N. of a Vāsishṭha TS. AitBr
- sātyaka m. patr. = sātyaki MBh. Hariv
- sātyakāyana m. (only pl.) a patr. Saṃskārak
- sātyaki m. (fr. satyaka) patr. of Yuyudhāna (a warrior in the Pāṇḍu army who acted as the charioteer of Kṛishṇa and belonged to the Vṛishṇi family) MBh. Hariv. BhP
- sātyakin m. (m.c.) = prec. MBh
- sātrājitá sin. (fr. satrā-jit) patr. of Śatânīka ŚBr
- (ī), f. patr. of Satya-bhāmā MBh. Hariv
- sātrāsāhá m. (fr. satrā-sāha) 'allsubduing', N. of a serpent AV
- patr. of Śona ŚBr
- N. of a place, g. dhūmâdi
- sātrāsāhaka mfn. (fr. prec.), g. dhūmâdi
- sātvat m. pl. (cf. satvat) N. of a people Hariv. Śiś. (= yadu Sch.)
- sātvata mf(ī)n. relating to the Satvats or the Satvatas, belonging or sacred to Satvata or Kṛishṇa &c. MBh. Pur
- containing the word satvat g. vimuktâdi
- m. a king of the Satvats (N. of Kṛishṇa, Bala-deva &c.) MBh. BhP
- (pl.) N. of a people Śiś. (= yādava Sch.)
- an adherent or worshipper of Kṛishṇa L
- a partic. mixed caste (the offspring of an outcaste Vaiśya
- accord. to L., 'the son of an outcaste Vaiśya and a VṭVaiśya woman who was formerly the witt of a Kshatriya') Mn. x, 43
- N. of a son of Āyu or Aṃśu Pur
- (ī), f. See below
- ○saṃhitā f. N. of wk. (treating esp. of Vaishṇava worship)
- -prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○síddhânta-śataka n. N. of a Vedânta wk
- sātvatâcāra-vādârtha m. N. of wk. (also called bhakti-vilāsa-tattva-adīpikā, deprecating the slaughter of animals even in sacrifices, by Mahêśa-nārāyaṇs)
- sātvatī f. a princess of the Satvats (N. of the mother of Śiśu-Pāla) MBh. Śiś
- (scil. vṛtti, q.v.) one of 4 divisions of dramatic style (expressive of, bravery, generosity, cheerfulness, and the marvellous' [Page 1200, Column]
- it is of four kinds, viz. utthāpaka, saṃghātya, parivartaka, and saṃlāpa) Bhar. Daśar. Sāh
- ○sūnu m. son of Saltvatī', N. of Śiśu-pāla Śiś
- sātvatīya m. an adherent of Satvata, i.e. Kṛishṇa BhP
- sātvika &c. See sāttvika, col. 1
- sāda sādana &c. See p. 1139, col. 1
- sâdara mf(ā)n. having or showing respect, respectful, reverential
- considerate, attentive or devoted to (ifc.), intent upon (am, ind., respectfully '&c.) Kāv. Kathās. &c
- ○pūrvakam ind. with respect, respectfully, reverentially Pañcar
- sādasata mfn. containing the words sat and asá g. vimuktâdi
- sādāśiva mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to Sada-śiva, i.e. Śiva KāśīKh
- sâdi mfn. having a beginning (-tva n.) Kap
- sâdy-anta mfn. having beginning and end, complete, entire (am, ind., 'from beginning to end') MW
- sādi sādita, sādin &c. See p. 1139, col. 1
- sâdīnava mfn. having torments, subject to pains Lalit
- sādṛśa mfn. = sa-dṛśa, like, similar ŚāṅkhŚr
- proper Divyâv
- (ī), f
- ○sādriśya Śiś
- sādṛśīya mfn. (fr. sa-dṛta), g. kriśâśvâdi
- sādṛśya n. likeness, resemblance, similarity to (comp.) Āpast. R. Hariv. &c
- ○vāda m. N. of various phil. wks
- sādeyya wṛ. for sôdarya MBh
- sādguṇya n. (fr. sad-guṇa) the having good qualities, excellence, superiority Car
- sāddāla (?) m. a palace (vḷ. sāṭṭāla) Bhadrab
- sâdbhuta mfn. astonished, surprised Kathās
- sādya See p. 1139, col. 1
- sādyaska mfn. (fr. sa-dyas) taking place immediately MBh
- sādyaskra (g. kaskâdi) or mfn. (fr. sadyaḥ-krī) performed with Soma bought on the same day
- sādyaḥkra mfn. (fr. sadyaḥ-krī) performed with Soma bought on the same day
- ns. N. of a partic. Ekâha ṢaḍvBr. ŚrS. MBh
- ○prayoga m. N. of wk
- sādyoja mfn. (fr. sadyo-ja), g. saṃkalâdi
- sādh (connected with √2. sidh), cl. 1. P. Ā. sā́dati, ○te
- accord. to Dhātup. xxvi, 71 and xxvii, 16, cl.4. sādhyati, cl. 5. sādhnoti (in JaimBr. also sadhnoti
- pf. sasādha
- aor. asātsīt
- fut. sāddhā, sātsyati
- inf. sāddhum, in later language sādhitum
- Ved. inf. sádhase, q.v.), to go straight to any goal or aim, attain an object, to be successful, succeed, prosper RV
- to being straight to an object or end, further, promote, advance, accomplish, complete, finish ib
- to submit or agree to, obey ib
- (sādhyati) to be completed or accomplished Dhātup.: Caus. sādhayati (m.c. also ○te
- aor. asīṣadhat
- Ved. also sīṣadhati, ○dhaḥ, ○dhema, ○dhātu
- Pass. sādhyate MBh. &c.), to straighten, make straight (a path) RV
- to guide straight or well, direct or bring to a goal ib
- to master, subdue, overpower, conquer, win, win over RV. &c. &c
- to summon, conjure up (a god or spirit) Kathās
- (in law) to enforce payment, recover (a debt), collect (taxes) Mn. Yājñ. &c
- to subdue a disease, set right, heal, cure Suśr
- to bring to an end or conclusion, complete, make perfect, bring about, accomplish, effect, fulfil, execute, practice with vākyam, 'to execute any one's gen. order'
- with naiṣkarmyam', to practise inactivity'
- with marum, 'to practise abstinence'
- with mantram, 'to practise the recitation of spells') GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- to attain one's object, be successful MBh. iii, 1441
- to produce, make, render (two acc.) Śak. BhP
- to establish a truth, substantiate, prove, demonstrate Tattvas. Sarvad
- to make ready, prepare MBh
- to gain, obtain, acquire, procure ŚBr. &c
- to find out (by calculation), Gaiṇt
- to grant, bestow, yield MBh. Kāv. &c
- to put or place in (loc.) BhP. [Page 1201, Column]
- to set out, proceed, go (in dram. accord. to Sāh. = √gam) MBh. Kāv. &c.: Desid. of Caus. siṣādhayisati or sisādhayirhati, to desire to establish or prove Sāh. Sarvad.: Desid. siṣātsati Gr.: Intens., sāsādhyate, sāsdidhi ib
- sādh (ifc.) accomplishing, performing ( yajña-sā́dh)
- sā́dha m. accomplishment, fulfilment RV
- sādhaka mf(ikā)n. effective, efficient, productive of (gen. or comp.), accomplishing, fulfilling, completing, perfecting, finishing MBh. Kāv. &c
- energizing (said of the fire supposed to burn within the heart and direct the faculty of volition) Suśr
- adapted to any purpose, useful, advantageous MBh. Pur
- effecting by magic, magical Pañcat. Rājat
- demonstrating, conclusive, proving Sarvad
- m. an assistant Kāv
- an efficient or skilful person, (esp.) an adept, magician Kathās
- a worshipper Mālatīm
- (akā), f. N. of Durgā L
- (ikā), f. very deep or profound sleep (= su-ṣupti) L
- a skilful or efficient woman MW
- n. (prob.) = sādhana, proof, argument Kap
- ○tama mfn. most effective (-tva n.), Kap. Śaṃk
- ○tā f. usefulness, suitableness, Kull
- ○tva n. magic, jugglery Daś
- conclusiveness Sarvad
- ○varti f. a magical wick Pañcat
- ○sarvasva n. N. of wk
- sā́dhad-iṣṭi mfn. (fr. pr. p. of √sādh + 3. iṣṭi) having effective sacrifices or prayers RV
- sā́dhana mf(ī or ā) jn. leading straight to a goal, guiding well, furthering RV
- effective, efficient, productive of (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- procuring Kāv
- conjuring up (a spirit) Kathās
- denoting, designating, expressive of (comp.) Pāṇ. Sch
- m. N. of the author of RV. x, 157 (having the patr. bhauvana) Anukr
- (ā), f. accomplishment, performance ( See mantra-s○)
- propitiation, worship, adoration L
- (am), n. (ifc. f. ā), the act of mastering, overpowering, subduing Kir. Pañcat
- subdueing by charms, conjuring up, summoning (spirits &c.) MBh. Kathās
- subduing a disease, healing, cure Suśr. MBh. &c
- enforcing payment or recovery (of a debt) Daś
- bringing about, carrying out, accomplishment, fullilment, completion, perfection Nir. MBh. &c
- establishment of a truth, proof. argument, demonstration Yājñ. Sāh. Sarvad
- reason or premiss (in a syllogism, leading to a conclusion) Mudr. v, 10
- any means of effecting or accomplishing, any agent or instrument or implement or utensil or apparatus, an expedient, requisite for (gen. or comp.) Mn. R. &c
- a means of summoning or conjuring up a spirit (or deity) Kālac
- means or materials of warfare, military forces, army or portion of an army (sg. and pl.) Hariv. Uttar. Rājat
- conflict, battle Śiś
- means of correcting or punishing (as 'a stick', 'rod' &c.) TBr. Sch
- means of enjoyment, goods, commodities &c. R
- efficient cause or source (in general) L
- organ of generation (male or female), Sah
- (in gram.) the sense of the instrumental or agent (as expressed by the case of a noun, opp. to the action itself) Pat
- preparing, making ready, preparation (of food, poison &c.) Kathās. MārkP
- obtaining, procuring, gain, acquisition Kāv. BhP
- finding out by calculation, computation Gaṇit
- fruit, result Pañcat
- the conjugational affix or suffix which is placed between the √and terminations (= viiharaṇa, q.v.) Pāṇ. 8-4, 30 Vārtt. 1
- (only L. 'matter, material, substance, ingredient, drug, medicine
- good works, penance, self-mortification, attainment of beatitude
- conciliation, propitiation, worship
- killing, destroying
- killing metals, depriving them by oxydation &c. of their metallic properties esp. said of mercury
- burning on a funeral pile, obsequies
- setting out, proceeding, going
- going quickly
- going after, following.)
- ○kriyā f. the act of performing &c
- an action connected with a Kāraka Pāṇ
- a finite verb ib
- a Kṛid-anta affix ib
- ○kṣama mfn. admitting of Proof or evidence Yājñ. Sch
- ○catuṣṭaya n. (in phil.) four kinds of proof. MW
- ○tā f. the being a means of (comp., cf. bahu-s○) Sarvad. Bhāshāp
- ○tva n. efficacy Sāh
- = prec. Sarvad
- the being a proof or argument Kull. on Mn. viii, 56
- state of perfection MW
- ○dīpikā f. N. of wk. on Bhakti by Nārāyaṇa-bhaṭṭa
- ○nirdeśa m. production of proof (in law)
- the statement of premisses leading to a conclusion W
- ○pañcaka n. N. of five stanzas giving rules for the attainment of Praśānti or quietude
- ○pattra n. any written document used as evidence or proof MW
- ○paddhati f. N. of wk. on the worship of Rādhā and Kṛishṇa. [Page 1201, Column]
- ○bhāga See mahā-s○
- ○mālā-tantra n
- ○muktâvalī f. N. of wks
- ○rūpin mfn. having the form or character of an instrument or expedient MW
- ○vat mfn. furnished with proof or evidence Sarvad
- ○sāgara m
- ○subodhanī f. N. of wks
- sādbanâdhyakṣa m. superintendent of the military forces Pañcat. (B.)
- sādhanârha mfn. worthy of being accomplished MW
- sādhanâvyāpaka mfn. (in logic) not invariably inherent in the proof. MW
- -tā f. -tva n. non-invariable inherence in the proof. ib
- sādhanaka (ifc.) = sādhana, a means, expedient (e.g. paśu-s○, a sacrifice offered by means of cattle') Śaṃk. on BṛĀrUp
- sādhanī in comp. for sādhana
- ○√kṛ P
- ○karoti to employ as a means for (loc.) Jātakam
- ○bhūta mfn. becoming or being a means or expedient Jaim. Sch
- sādhanī-dvādaśī f. N. of wk
- sādhanīya mfn. to be accomplished or performed MBh. Ragh
- to be formed (as words) Uṇ. iii, 131 Sch
- to be acquired (as knowledge), Kathās
- to be proved (-tva n.) Sarvad
- sādhanta m. a beggar, mendicant Uṇ. iii, 128 Sch
- sādhaya Nom. P. ○yati (fr. sādhu = bāḍha
- cf. sādhiṣṭha, sādhīyas), to make hard or firm Vop. ( also Caus. of √sādh)
- sādhayitavya mfn. (fr. Caus. of √sādh) to be accomplished or performed Hit
- sādhayitṛ mfn. (fr. id.) one who brings about, an accomplisher, performer Nir
- sādhava n. (fr. sādhu), g. pṛthv-ādi
- sā́dhase (Ved. inf.) for levelling or preparing land (with ksaítrāya) RV. viii, 71, 12
- sādhita mfn. brought about, accomplished, perfected &c
- mastered, subdued, MārkP
- proved, demonstrated, Pañeat
- made, appointed BhP
- punished by a fine, made to pay (= dāpita) L
- awarded (as a punishment or fine) W
- recovered (as a debt) ib
- sādhin mfn. accomplishing, performing ( bhāra-s○)
- sādhiman m. (fr. sādhu) goodness, perfection, excellence, g. pṛthv-ādi
- sā́dhiṣṭha mfn. (superl. of sādhu) straightest (as a path) RV
- most effective (as a sacrifice) ib
- very fit, most proper or right ChUp
- hardest, very hard or firm (= dṛdha-tama
- in these senses regarded as irreg. superl. of bāḍha Pāṇ. 5-3, 63) L
- sādhīyas mfn. (compar. of sādhu) more right or proper, Kusum
- more pleasant or agreeable Sāh
- harder, firmer, very hard or firm Daś. (in these senses regarded as an irreg. compar. of bāḍha Pāṇ. 5-3, 63) ind. more eagerly. AitBr
- in a higher degree, excessively Āpast. Śiś
- sādhú mf(vií)n. straight, right RV. AV. BhP
- leading straight to a goal, hitting the mark, unerring (as an arrow or thunderbolt) RV. ŚBr
- straightened, not entangled (as threads) Kauś
- well-disposed, kind, willing, obedient RV. R
- successful, effective, efficient (as a hymn or prayer) RV. Kām
- ready, prepared (as Soma) RV. AitBr
- peaceful, secure RV
- powerful, excellent, good for (loc.) or towards (loc., gen., dat., acc., with prati, anu, abhi, pari, or comp.) ŚBr. &c. &c
- fit, proper, right VarBṛS
- good, virtuous, honourable, righteous ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- well-born, noble, of honourable or respectable descent W
- correct, pure
- classical (as language) ib
- m. a good or virtuous or honest man ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- a holyman, saint, sage, seer Kālid
- (with Jainas) a Jina or deified saint W
- a jeweller Hit
- a merchant, money-lender, usurer L
- (in gram., accord. to some) a derivative or inflected noun
- (vii), f. a chaste or virtuous woman, faithful wife Mn. MBh. &c
- a saintly woman W
- a kind of √(= medā) L
- n. the good or right or honest, a good &c. thing or act (sādhv asti with dat., 'it is well with-'
- sādhu-√man with acc., to consider a thing good, approve') RV. &c. &c
- gentleness, kindness, benevolence ŚBr. MBh. &c
- (ú), ind. straight, aright, regularly RV. AV
- well, rightly, skilfully, properly, agreeably (with √vṛt and loc., 'to behave well towards' [once sā́dhu', in RV. viii, 32, 1]
- with √kṛ, 'to set eight'
- with √ās, 'to be well or at ease') RV. &c. &c
- good! well done! bravo! ŚBr. MBh. &c
- well, greatly, in a high degree R. Kām. BhP
- well, enough of. away with (instr.)! MBh. Pañcat
- well come on! (with Impv. or 1. pr.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- assuredly, indeed R. Kām. [Page 1201, Column]
- ○karman (sādhú-), mfn. acting well or rightly RV
- doing kind actions, beneficent MW
- ○kāra n. the exclamation sâdhu (i.e. well! well done!), applause (○raṃ-√dā 'to applaud') R. Kāraṇḍ
- ○kārín mfn. acting well or rightly, skilled, clever ŚBr. MBh. &c
- ○kīrti m. N. of an author Cat
- ○kṛ́t mfn. = -kārin ŚBr
- ○kṛta mfn. (ifc.) well or rightly done BhP
- ○kṛtya n. compensation, requital ib
- advantage Kām
- (ā́), f. good or right manner of acting VS. TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ○gata mfn. resorted to by the 'good, respectable, virtuous' MW
- ○caraṇa mfn. well-conducted, righteous Lāṭy
- ○caritra n. N. of wk
- ○ja mfn. well-born, 'good conduct' W
- ○jana m. a good person, honest man Kāv. Dhūrtas' (aṣ○)
- ○jāta mfn. of a good kind, beautiful MBh. R
- ○tama mfn. best, most excellent MBh
- ○tara mfn. better than (abl.) Kām
- ○tas ind. from a good man Mn. iv, 252
- ○tā f. rightness, correctness Āpast
- honesty, uprightness Kām. Daś. &c. Sch
- goodness, excellence Uttarar
- kindness Kāv
- honesty, uprightness Pañcat. Uttarar. &c
- ○datta m. a proper N. Campak
- ○darśin mfn. seeing well TĀr. Sch
- well-discerning (a-s○) Śak
- ○dāyin mfn. Pāṇ. 3-2, 78 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- ○devín mfn. playing skilfully or fortunately AV. MBh
- ○devī f. a mother-in-law L
- ○dvitilya mfn. having a merchant as second, accompanied by a-mṭmerchant MW
- ○dhī f. a good understanding MW
- good disposition ib
- mfn. having good undṭunderstanding, wise, welldisposed ib
- (īs), f. a mother-in-law L
- ○dhvani m. sound of applause or acclamation Kād
- ○niguhin mfn. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-4, 89
- ○nigraha mf(ā)n. having a convenient handle Suśr
- ○padavī f. the path or way of the good Bhartṛ
- ○putra m. N. of, man Buddh
- ○puṣpa n. a beautiful flower MW
- the flower of the Hibiscus Mutabilis L
- ○pratikramaṇa-sūtra n. N. of wk
- ○phala mfn. bearing good fruit, having good results or consequences Śak. vii, 25, 26 (vḷ)
- ○bhāva m. good nature, goodness, kindness MBh
- ○mat mfn. good MW
- (atī), f. one of the ten grades of a Bodhi-sattva Cat
- N. of a Tantra deity Buddh
- ○mata mfn. well thought of, highly prized MW
- ○mātra m. an effective prayer or spell Kām
- ○mātrā f. the right measure (○rayā, 'in due measure') Kām
- ○m-manya mfn. thinking one's self good or virtuous W
- ○ratna-sūri m. N. of an author Cat
- ○randhin mfn. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 7-61. 1
- ○vat mfn. right, correct RPrāt. 2
- ○vat ind. as if good, as if correct MW
- ○vandana n. N. of wk
- ○vācaka mfn. telling or expressing what is good VP
- ○vāda m. exclaiming 'well done!' ( daṃ-√dā, 'to applaud') MBh. Śiś. Kathās. &c
- the name of an honest man, good renown, fame, reputation BhP
- a right sentence ib
- ○vādin mfn. speaking rightly or justly Gaut
- applauding Hariv
- wṛ. for -vāhin MBh. vii, 7786
- ○vāha m. a good or well-trained horse MW
- ○vāhin mfn. drawing (a carriage) well MBh. Hcat
- m. a good or welltrained horse W
- mfn. having good horse W
- ○vi-garhita mfn. blamed or censured by the good R
- ○vṛkṣa m. a good tree ib
- Nanclea-Cadamba L
- Crataeva Roxburghī ib
- ○vṛtta mfn. well rounded R. Bhartṛ
- well-conducted, having good manners MBh. Kāv. Gaut
- m. a well-conducted person, virtuous or honest man MW
- n. good conduct, honesty R
- -tā f. the being well-conducted, honourableness Kathās
- ○vṛtti f. good means of living MW
- good exposition, excellent commentary ib
- good or moral practice or observance W
- mfn. well rounded Bhartṛ. (v. l.)
- well-conducted ib. (v. l.)
- -tā f. the being well-conducted MBh
- ○veṣa mfn. well dressed Car
- ○śabda m. = -kāra MBh
- ○śīla mfn. well-disposed, virtuously inclined (-tva n.) Hit
- virtuous, righteous W
- ○śukla mfn. quite white MBh
- ○ṣṭhāna (s○ + sthāna), n. the right point of view, right way Āpast
- ○saṃsarga m. association with the good MW
- ○saṃskṛtá mfn. well prepared or arranged ŚBr
- ○samakṣarūpa mfn. well before the eyes Śak.vii, 31 (vḷ.)
- ○samācāra m. 'conduct of the righteous', N. of wk
- mfn. well-behaved Pañcat
- ○sammata mfn. approved by the good R
- ○siddha mfn. quite finished or perfect Suśr
- sādhū7kta mfn. said or declared by the good W
- sādhuka m. N. of a low or degraded tribe ib
- sādhuyā́ ind. in a straight course, directly towards any mark or aim RV
- plainly, simply AV
- rightly, duly RV. VS. TS. [Page 1202, Column]
- kindly, properly, amicably MW
- sādhyá mfn. to be subdued or mastered or won or managed, conquerable, amenable MBh. R. &c
- to be summoned or conjured up L
- to be set to rights, to be treated or healed or cured Suśr. MBh. Kathās
- to be formed (grammatically) Vop
- to be cultivated or perfected Kāv
- to be accomplished or fulfilled or brought about or effected or attained, practicable, feasible, attainable Mn. MBh. &c
- being effected or brought about, taking place Kāś
- to be prepared or cooked Car
- to be inferred or concluded Sarvad. Bhāshāp. Kpr
- to be proved or demonstrated Ragh. Sāh
- to be found out by calculation VarBṛS. Gaṇit
- to be killed or destroyed MW
- relating to the Sādhyas ( See below) MBh. BhP
- m. (pl.) 'they that are to be propitiated', N. of a class of celestial beings (belonging to the gaṇa-devatā, q.v., sometimes mentioned in the Veda [see RV. x, 90, 1]
- in the ŚBr. their world is said to be above the sphere of the gods
- according to Yāska [Nir. xii, 4] their locality is the Bhuvarloka or middle region between the earth and sun
- in Mn. i, 22, the Sādhyas are described as created after the gods with natures exquisitely refined, and in iii, 195, as children of the Soma-sads, sons of Virāj
- in the Purāṇas they are sons of Sādhyā, and their number is variously twelve or seventeen
- in the later mythology they seem to be superseded by the Siddhas, See siddha
- and their names are Manas, Mantṛi, Prâṇa, Nara, Pāna, Vinirbhaya, Naya, Daṃsa, Nārāyaṇa, Vṛisha, Prabhu) RV. &c. &c
- the god of love L
- N. of a Vedic Ṛishi, IndSt
- of the 21st astronomical Yoga L
- (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma or Manu (regarded as the mother of the Sādhyas) Hariv. Pur
- (am), n. accomplishment, perfection W
- an object to be accomplished, thing to be proved or established, matter in debate ib
- (in logic) the major term in a syllogism ib
- silver L
- N. of a Sāman ArshBr
- ○kośa m. N. of a dictionary
- ○tā f. practicableness, feasibility MW
- conquerableness ( See a-s○)
- curableness ( See a-s○)
- ○tôvacchedaka n. the distinguishing property of the thing to be proved MW
- ○tva n. curableness Suśr
- perfectibility Sarvad
- practicability Kāv. KapS. Bhāshāp
- ○pakṣa m. the side of the thing to be proved (in a lawsuit) MW
- ○pramāṇa-saṃkhyā-vat mfn. containing the number of the things to be proved and of the proofs Yājñ. Sch
- ○rṣi ([○ya+RSi]), m. N. of Śiva MW
- ○vat mfn. comprehending the point to be proved Yājñ. Sch
- containing the major term (in logic) W
- m. the party on whom the burden of proof in a lawsuit rests W
- ○vyāpaka mfn. (in log.) invariably inherent in that which is to be proved ib
- -tā f. invariable inherence in what is to be proved ib
- ○sama m. an assertion identical with the point to be proved, petitio principī Sarvad. Nyāyad
- -tva n. sameness with the point to be proved (○tvāt, 'because it is the same with what is to be proved') Nīlak. Nyāyad
- ○sādhana n. the means of establishing what is to be proved (e.g. a Hetu or reason), effecting what has to be done &c. W
- -kaumudī f. -khaṇḍa, N. of wks
- ○siddha mfn. to be still accomplished and already accomplished R
- ○siddhi f. accomplishment of what has to be done MW
- the establishing of what has to be proved IW
- the success of an undertaking, accomplishment fulfilment ib
- proof. conclusion ib
- -pāda m. the fourth stage or division of a suit at law, judgment, decision ib
- sādhyâbhāva m. absence of the thing to be proved ib
- impossibility of cure ib
- sādhyā́ ind. (for 1. See under sādhyá) = sādhuyā́ TS. TBr
- sādhv in comp. for sādhu
- ○anindita mfn. unblamed by the good, of irreproachable character W
- ○apâsana-vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○aryā́ mf(ā́)n. (prob.) truly faithful RV
- ○alaṃkṛta mfn. beautifully adorned MW
- ○asādhú mfn. good and bad (-tva n.) VarBṛS
- m. pl. the good and the wicked MBh
- n. du. good and bad things ŚBr. R
- ○ācāra m. the conduct of the good, virtuous conducted VarBṛS
- mfn. well-conducted conducted Mn. MBh
- sādhvī f. See under sādhú, p. 1201, col
- sādhvīka See sa-sādh○ p. 5192, col. 2
- sādhamitrika mf(ā, or ī)n. (fr. sadha-mitra), g. kāśy-ādi
- sādhaya See p. 1201, col. 2, and √sādh, p. 1200 col. 3. [Page 1202, Column]
- sādharmika m. (fr. sa-dharma) one of the same faith or religion HPariś
- sādharmya n. community or equality of duty or office or properties, sameness or identity of nature, likeness or homogeneousness with (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- the being of the same religion MW
- -sama m. (in Nyāya) a pretended or sham objection Nyāyas
- sādhāna mfn. together with the receptacle ŚBr
- sādhāra mfn. having a support or basis or foundation NṛisUp. Pañcar. (cf. niḥ- and bahu-s○)
- sâdhāraṇa mf(ī or ā)n. 'having or resting on the same support or basis', belonging or applicable to many or all, general, common to all, universal, common to (gen., dat., instr. with and without saha, or comp.) RV. &c. &c
- like, equal or similar to (instr. or comp.) Hariv. Kālid
- behaving alike Dhūrtas
- having something of two opposite properties, occupying a middle position, mean (between two extremes, e.g. 'neither too dry nor too wet', 'neither too cool nor too hot') Suśr. Kām. VarBṛS
- (in logic) belonging to more than the one instance alleged (one of the three divisions of the fallacy called anaikāntika, q.v.)
- generic W
- m. N. of the 44th (or 18th) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBṛS
- (ī), f. a key L
- a twig of bamboo (perhaps used as a bolt) MW
- m. or n. (?) N. of a Nyāya wk. by Gāda-dhara
- (am), n. something in common, a league or alliance with (comp.) Subh
- a common rule or one generally applicable W
- a generic property, a character common to all the individuals of a species or to all the species of a genus &c. ib
- (am), ind. commonly, generally L
- ○kroḍa m
- ○grantha m. N. of wks
- ○tā f. commonness, community (○tāṃ-√nī, to make common property') Rājat
- ○tva n. universality Nyāyam. Sch
- temperateness Suśr
- ○deva m. N. of an author Cat
- ○deśa m. common land MW
- a wild marshy country ib
- ○dhana n. joint or common property ib
- ○dharma m. comṭcommon or universal duty, conduct or duty binding on all castes and orders alike (as humanity &c.) IW
- ○nyāsa m. N. of wk
- ○pakṣa n. common side or party, middle side, the mean (between two extremes) MW
- ○pūrva-pakṣa-rahasya n
- sādhāraṇaprāyaścittasaṃgraha3sâdhāraṇa--prâyaścitta-saṃgraha m
- ○rahasya n
- ○vāda m
- sādhāraṇavratapratiṣṭhāprayoga3sâdhāraṇa--vrata-pratiṣṭhāprayoga m. N. of wks
- ○strī f. a common woman, harlot Sāh
- sādhāraṇāsādhāraṇānupasaṃhārivirodhagrantha3sādhāraṇâsādhāraṇânupasaṃhāri-virodha-grantha m. or N. of wk
- sādhāraṇāsādhāraṇānupasaṃhārivirodhagrodhin3sādhāraṇâsādhāraṇânupasaṃhāri-virodha-gḍrodhin n. N. of wk
- sâdhāraṇī f. See under sâdhāraṇa
- sâdhāraṇī in comp. for ○raṇa
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make common property, share with (saha) R. Kād
- to make equal with (comp.) MBh
- ○√bhū to become equal Ragh
- sâdhāraṇya n. commonness, universality Sāh. Sarvad. &c
- equalness, analogy, Sah
- = kuñcikā MW
- (ā́), ind. commonly, all together RV
- sâdhārita mfn. supported Campak
- sâdhṛta n. 'what is held together', a stall, shop W
- an umbrella, parasol ib
- a flock of peacocks ib
- sâdhika mf(ā)n. (for sādhikā See sādaka, p. 1201, col. 1) having excess or a surplus, excessive, increased, more than full or complete Gobh. Pur. Divyâv
- sâdhikṣepa mfn. having or showing contempt, taunting, ironical (as language) MBh
- sâdhidaiva mfn. (united or identified) with supreme deity W
- sâdhidaivata mfn. having a tutelary deity Śak. (vḷ.)
- sâdhibhūta mfn. (identified) with the Being who is 'the substratum of all material objects' W
- sâdhibhūtâdhidaiva mfn. identical with the Adhibhūtas and Adhidaivas (qq.vv.) Bhag
- sâdhimāna mfn. with the surplus or excess ŚBr
- sâdhiyujña mfn. one with the Being who presides over sacrifice Bhag
- sâdhivāsa mfn. having perfume, fragrant MBh. [Page 1202, Column]
- sādhiṣṭha sādhīyas, See p. 1201
- sâdhiṣṭhāna mfn. having a solid basis, possessing a firm foundation R
- sādhu &c. See p. 1201, col. 2
- sādhya &c. See col. 1
- sâdhyavasānā or ○nikā f. (in rhet.) an elliptical figure of speech (in which the meaning is left to be implied) Sāh. Sarvad
- sâdhyavasāya mfn. elliptical Pratāp
- sādhyāsa mfn. having an addition Lāṭy
- sâdhyāhāra mfn. having or with something to be supplied ĀpGṛ. Sch
- sādhra n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- sādhvasa n. (ifc. f. ā
- fr. sa + dhvasa = dhvaṃsa) consternation, perturbation, alarm, terror, fear of (gen. or comp
- ○saṃ-√gam, to become terrified') MBh. Kāv. &c
- (in dram.) false alarm, sudden fright, panic (one of the 7 divisions of the Bhaṇika, q.v.) Sāh
- ○vipluta mfn. overwhelmed with consternation MW
- sā́naga m. (fr. sanaga) N. of a teacher MaitrS
- sānatkumāra mfn. relating to Sanat-kumāra
- m. pl. a partic. class of gods Dharmaś
- n. N. of an Upa-purāṇa
- sānatsujāta mfn. relating to Sanat-sujāta MBh
- sânanda mf(ā)n. having joy or happiness, joyful, glad, delighted with (comp.) Kāv. Kathās
- m. a kind of tree L
- N. of a youth attendant on Rādhā Pañcar
- (with miśra) N. of an author Cat
- (ā), f. a form of Lakshmī ib
- (am), ind. joyfully, with delight Kāv. Sāh
- ○gadgadapadam ind. speaking indistinctly through joy Gīt
- ○govinda N. of various wks
- ○nī f. N. of a river MārkP
- sânandâśru n. tears of joy Pañcar
- sānandūra N. of a Tīrtha Cat
- ○māhātmya n. N. of a ch. of the VarP
- sânala mfn. containing fire MW
- together with the Nakshatra Kṛittikā VarBṛS
- m. the retinous exudation of the Śāl tree W
- sānasī́ sānin, See p. 1196, col. 3
- sānāthya n. (fr. sa-nātha) assistance, aid, help Kathās
- sānikā f. (of unknown derivation) a flute, pipe L
- sāneyikā and id. L
- sāneyī id. L
- sānibāpa (of unknown meaning) Pañcad
- sā́nu m. n. (accord. to Uṇ. i, 3 fr. √san
- collateral form 3. snu) a summit, ridge, surface, top of a mountain, (in later language generally) mountain-ridge, table-land RV. &c. &c. (L. also, a sprout
- a forest
- road
- gale of wind
- sage, learned man
- the sun')
- ○ja m. (for sânuja See p. 1203, col. a) 'produced on table-land', Xauthoxylon Alatum Bhpr
- n. the flower of Hibiscus Mutabilis L
- ○prastha m. N. of a monkey R
- ○mat mfn. having a summit or ridge R
- m. a mountain, hill Kāv. Rājat
- (atī), f. N. of an Apsaras Śak
- ○ruha mfn. growing on a mountain-ridge (as a wood) R
- sānuká mfn. elevated, arrogant (Sāy
- but See p. 1196, col. 3)
- sânukampa mf(ā)n. full of pity, compassionate, tender, kind (am ind.) Daś. Kathās
- sânukūla mfn. (= anukūla) favourable, agreeable Cāṇ
- sānukūlya n. favour, service, assistance Sāh
- sânukrośa mf(ā)n. full of compassion, compassionate, merciful, kind (am ind
- -tā f.) MBh. R. &c
- sânuga mfn. having attendants, with followers Mn. iii, 87
- sânucara mf(ī)n. id. Kauś. Car. [Page 1203, Column]
- sânuja mfn. (fo sānu-ja See p. 1202, col. 3) accompanied by or along with a younger brother R
- sânutarṣam ind. by or through thirst Śiś
- sânutāpa mf(ā)n. feeling repentance Kathās. Rājat
- sânunaga mf(ā)n. having courtesy, courteous, polite, civil, kind (am ind.) R. Daś
- sânunāsika mfn. nasalized (as a vowel) Vop
- singing through the nose Saṃgīt
- ○valkhya mfn. Speaking with a nasal sound (-tva n.) Suśr
- sânunāsikya mfn. nasalized, nasal TPrāt. Sch
- n. nasality. ib
- sânunāsyam ind. with a nasal sound, in a nasal tone, IndSt
- sânuprâsa mf(ā)n. containing alliteration Kāvyâd
- sânuplava mfn. accompanied by followers or attendants MW
- sânubandha mf(ā)n. possessing connection or continuity, uninterrupted, continuous Ragh. Suśr
- having results or consequences R
- together with one's (or its) belongings R. Suśr
- sânubandhaka mfn. having an indicatory letter or syllable ( See anubundha) Pat
- sânumāna mfn. (in phil.) dependent on or associated with an inference (opp. to nir-anumāna) Tattvas
- sânuyātra mfn. attended by followers, with a retinue R
- sânurāga mf(ā)n. feeling or betraying passion, affectionate, enamoured of (loc.) Kāv. Kathās. MārkP
- sânuvakra-ga mfn. = anuvakraga Sūryas
- sânuvaṣaṭ-kāra mfn. accompanied with the exclamation Vashaṭ ĀpŚr
- sânuśaya mfn. filled with remorse Rājat
- irritable, angry (am ind., 'remosefully') Bālar
- affected by the remainder of the consequences of action which brings the soul back to the earth Śaṃk
- sânuṣák ind. (prob.) = ānuṣak, continually, perpetually (accord. to Sāy. = next
- accord. to others sa ānuṣag are two separate words) RV. i, 176, 5
- sânuṣaṅga m. an uninterrupted series Sāy. on RV. i, 176, 5
- sānuṣṭi m. pl., a patr. Saṃskārak
- sânusāra mf(ā)n. together with all followers or belongings Hariv. (Nīlak.)
- sânusvarita mfn. (prob.) resounding, re-echoing Hariv
- sânusvāra mfn. having the nasal mark Anusvāra RPrāt
- sânūkāśa mfn. together with the after-light or after-glow ĀśvGṛ
- sânūpa mfn. having well-watered soil Hariv. Kām
- sāneyikā ○yī, See p. 1202, col. 3
- sānta n. (perhaps wṛ. for śānta) joy L
- sântaḥstha mfn. having (or along with) semivowels RPrāt
- sântaka mf(ā)n. together with Antaka, i.e. Yama Rājat
- sāṃtatika mfn. (fr. saṃ-tati) bestowing offspring Hariv
- sāṃtapaná mfn. (fr. saṃ-tapana) heating, warming, warm (said of the Maruts) RV. AV. Br. ŚrS
- relating to the sun VS. (Mahīdh.)
- sacred to the Sāṃtapana Maruts ŚāṅkhŚr
- m. or n. (with and without kṛcchra) a kind of penance Baudh. Mn. xi, 124 &c. [Page 1203, Column]
- sāṃtapanāyana m. pl., a patr. Saṃskārak
- sāṃtapanī́ya mfn. relating or belonging to the Sāṃtapana Maruts ŚBr. KātyŚr
- (ā), f. (scil. iṣṭi) a sacrifice offered to the above Jaim
- sāṃtāpika mfn. able to warm or heat Pāṇ. 5-1, 101
- sântara mf(ā)n. having an interval or interstices MBh
- different (opp. to eka-rūpa) VarBṛS
- having an intervening clause or appendix MBh
- not close or compact, open in texture L
- mixed or mingled with others L
- ○pluta n. a manner of jumping MBh. (= plavanântaritā gatiḥ Nīlak.)
- sāntarôttara n. receiving (as a gift) more than one under and upper garment (in contravention of monastic rules) Buddh
- sântarāya mfn. separated by an interval of time from (abl.) Sāh. (tā f. ib.)
- sântarāla mfn. having an interval &c
- together with the intermediate or mixed (castes) Mn. ii, 18
- sântardīpa mf(ā)n. having a lamp placed within or inside Suśr
- sântardeśa mfn. together with the intermediate regions AV
- sântarnidāgha-jvaram ind. with an internal burning fever, Śāntiś
- sântarhāsa mfn. with an inward laugh (am ind.) Megh. Kathās
- sāṃtāna mfn. (fr. saṃ-tāna) derived or taken from the Kalpa tree (called Saṃtāna) Hariv
- sāṃtānika mf(ī)n. stretching, extending W
- desirous of offspring Hcat
- = prec. Kir
- m. a Brāhman intending to marry for the sake of issue W
- (pl.) N. of partic. worlds MBh
- sāntv (also written śāntv, q.v.), cl. 10. P.Ā. (Dhātup. xxxii, 33
- rather Nom. fr. sāntva below) sāntvayati, ○te (pr. p. once in MBh. [viii, 24] sāntvamāna and once [vi, 491] sāntvayāna
- aor. asasāntvat Gr
- ind. p. sāntvayitvā MBh
- sāntivayya BhP.: Pass. sāntvyate MBh. Hariv.), to console, comfort, soothe, conciliate, address kindly or gently Mn. MBh. &c
- sāntva n. (sg. and pl.) consolation, conciliation, mild or gentle language or words MBh. Kāv. &c
- mfn. mild, gentle R
- sweet (as sound) L
- (ayā), ind. with mild or kind words, in a gentle manner BhP
- ○tas ind. with kind words Kathās
- ○da mfn. giving comfort or peace to (gen.) MBh
- ○pūrva mfn. coaxing, concilatory (as speech
- am ind.) ib
- ○vāda m. sg. and pl. speaking in a kindly and affectionate manner Amar
- sāntvana n. (sg. and pl.) or the act of appeasing or reconciling, soothing with kind words, consolation or conciliation of (gen. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
- sāntvaḍnā f. the act of appeasing or reconciling, soothing with kind words, consolation or conciliation of (gen. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
- sāntvanīya mfn. to be soothed or comforted, serving for soothing or comforting Car
- sāntvayitṛ mfn. one who comforts or speaks or acts kindly R
- sāntvita mfn. soothed, comforted, conciliated MBh
- sāndilya wṛ. for śāṇḍilya
- sāṃdīpani m. (fr. sam-dipana) N. of a Muni (accord. to VP. he was the tutor of Kṛishna and Bala-rama, and requested as his preceptor's fee that his son, supposed to be drowned in the sea but kept under the waters by the demon Pañca-jana, should be restored to him
- Kṛishṇa plunged into the sea, killed the demon, and brought back the boy to his father) Hariv. Kād. Pur
- sāṃdṛṣṭika mfn. (fr. saṃdṛṣṭi) visible or perceptible at the same time, relating to present perception, appearing at once or immediately L
- evident, undeniable VarBṛS
- n. (scil. phala) present perception of a result, immediate consequence L
- sāndra mf(ā)n. (of unknown derivation) viscid, unctuous, oily Suśr
- thick, solid, compact, dense Kāv. Kāthās. Pur
- strong, vehement intense Kālid. Daś. Prab
- studded or crowded with, full of (instr. or comp.) Naish. Prab. [Page 1203, Column]
- smooth, soft, bland, tender Kālid. Vās
- n. a wood, thicket L
- a heap, cluster W
- ○kutūhala mfn. having intense curiosity MW
- n. N. of a Prahasana
- ○tama mfn. most compact or dense Śiś
- ○tara mfn. more (or most) vehement or intense (am ind.) ib
- ○tā f. thickness, denseness, vehemence, intensity Gīt
- ○tva n. id. MW
- ○tvak-ka mfn. provided with a thick skin or covering Śiś
- ○pada n. a kind of metre Ked
- ○puṣpa m. 'having thick clustering flowers', the tree Terminalia Bellerica L
- ○prasāda-meha m. a kind of diabetes Car
- ○maṇi m. N. of a man, Saṃskarak
- ○mūtra mfn. discharging viscous urine Car
- ○meha m. a kind of diabetes ib
- ○hin mfn. suffering from it ib
- ○snígdha mfn. thick and unctuous L
- ○sparśa mfn. unctuous or soft to the touch Mālav
- sāndrī in comp. for sāndra
- ○kṛta mfn. made thick or dense Ragh
- increased, strengthened Vās
- ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become thick Car
- sāṃdrāvina n. (fr. saṃ-drāvin) running together from all sides Pāṇ. 3-3, 44 Sch
- sāṃdha mfn. (fr. saṃ-dhi) situated at the point of contact Megh. Sch
- sāṃdhya mfn. produced by coalescence (as a syllable) Nir
- sāṃdhika m. (fr. saṃ-dhā, or saṃdhikā) a distiller L
- sāṃdhivigrahika m. (fr. saṃdhi-vigraha) a minister who decides upon peace and war Kāv. Rājat
- sāṃdhivela mfn. (fr. saṃdhi-velā) Pāṇ. 4-3, 16
- (ī), f. Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis L
- sāṃdhya mfn. (fr. saṃ-dhyā) relating to the evening twilight, vespertine Kāv. Kathās
- relating to the morning twilight or dawn MW
- ○kusumā f. Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis L
- ○bhojana n. an evening meal Bhpr
- sânna mf(ā)n. together with, food, having food Vishṇ
- sāṃnata n. (fr. saṃ-nati) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- saṃnatya mfn. relating to natural bent or inclination, Ānukr
- sāṃnahanika mfn. (fr. saṃnahana) = next Śiś
- m. an armour-bearer W
- sāṃnāhika mfn. (fr. saṃ-nāha) relating to the putting on of armour, preparation for battle, calling to arms (as a drum) MBh
- = next ib
- sāṃnāhuka mfn. able to bear arms AitBr
- sāṃnāyyá n. (fr. saṃ-√nī) any, substance mixed with clarified butter &c. and offered as a burnt offering or oblation, (esp.) a partic. offering of the Agni-hotṛis (said to consist of milk taken from a cow on the evening of the new moon, mixed on the next day with other milk and offered with clarified butter) TS. Br. KātyŚr
- ○kumabhī f. a jar or receptable for the Sāṃnāyya ĀpŚr
- ○tvá n. the being a SṭSāṃnāyya MaitrS
- ○pātra n. the pan or receptacle for the Sāṃnāyya ĀpŚr
- ○bhājana (○yyá-), mf(ā)n. relating to the Sāṃnāyya ŚBr
- ○vat ind. like (at) the SṭSāṃnāyya KātyŚr
- sāṃnāyyôkhā́ f. the pan for the SṭSāṃnāyya TBr
- sāṃnidhya n. (fr. saṃ-nidhi) the being near, nearness, vicinity, presence, attendance (acc. with √kṛ, 'to make one's appearance, be or become present'
- with Caus. of √kṛ, to cause to be near, call near'
- with √yā, or √vraj 'to come near, approach'
- -pakṣe-√jan with gen., 'to take the place of') Mn. MBh. &c
- ○tas ind. from proximity Mālatīm
- ○tā f. vicinity, neighbourhood Hariv
- sāṃnipātika mfn. (fr. saṃnipāta) coming into close contact or conjunction, coalescing GṛŚrS
- complicated (esp. applied to a dangerous illness produced by a combined derangement of the three humours) Suśr
- ○karman n. the treatment of the above illness Kāv. Suśr
- miscellaneous, promiscuous, collective W
- sāṃnipātin mfn. (= saṃ-n○) falling together, meeting (○ti-tva n.) KātyŚr
- sāṃnipātya mfn. (= saṃ-n○) to be joined or united ib. [Page 1204, Column]
- sāṃniveśika mfn. = saṃ-niveśam samavâiti Pāṇ. 4-4, 43 Sch
- sāṃnihitya n. (fr. saṃ-nihita) close vicinity, anything near at hand Saṃskārak
- sāṃnyāsika mfn. (fr. sam-nyāsa) forming the original or correct text Pat. on iii, 2, 107, Vartt. 2
- m. a Brāhman in the fourth stage of his life, religious mendicant L
- sānmātura m. (cf. san-m○ and sāmm○) the son of a virtuous mother L
- sānya-putra m. N. of a teacher Cat
- sânvaya mfn. along with family or descendants Mn. ii, 168 &c
- being of the same family, of kin, related to or closely connected with ib. viii, 198 ib
- full of meaning, significant Daś
- having the same business (= sa-kārya, or karaṇasahita) BhP. (Sch.)
- public, in presence of all Kāty
- sânvārambhaṇīya mfn. having the Anvārambhaṇīyā (q.v.) ĀpŚr
- sāp strong form of 2. sap, q.v
- sâpagama mfn. attended with or involving departures Pañcat
- sāpatná mfn. (fr, sa-patna, or sapatnī) coming or derived from a rival AV
- based on rivalry (as enmity) MBh
- born of a rival or cowife
- m. (with or without bhrātṛ, 'a half-brother on the mother's side') R
- (pl.) the children of different wives of the same husband MBh
- sāpatnaka n. rivalry among the wives of the same husband MBh
- rivalry in general, enmity ib. Bālar
- sāpatneya mf(ī)n. born from a rival wife Kull. en Mn. ix, 198
- sāpatnya mf(ā)n. based on rivalry (as enmity) Kām
- born from a rival or fellow-wife R
- m. a half-brother ib
- a rival, enemy L
- n. enmity or rivalry among wives of the same husband Śiś
- relationship of children born from different wives of the same husband R
- sāpatnyaka n. rivalry, enmity Bālar
- sâpatya mf(ā)n. possessing offspring, having progeny MBh
- accompanied or attended by one's children BhP
- sāpatya m. = sāpatnya, the son of a rival wife, half-brother Pat. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 35 Vārtt. 11
- sâpatrapa mf(ā)n. ashamed, embarrassed Śiś
- sâpad mfn. being in distress or misery Pañcat
- sâpadeśam ind. under a pretext or pretence Daś
- sâpamāna mfn. treated or attended with contempt Bhartṛ. (vḷ.)
- (am), ind. contemptuously MW
- sâpara mf(ā)n. together with the west VarBṛS
- sâparādha mf(ā)n. having faults, criminal, guilty Kathās. Rājat
- faulty, false, erroneous VarBṛS. Sch
- sâparânta mfn. together with the country of Aparânta Kathās
- sâpavādaka mfn. having exceptions, liable to exception Pat
- sâpavādam ind. with blame, reproachfully Mālatīm
- sâpahnava mf(ā)n. with dissimulation, dissembling, feigning MBh. Kathās
- dissembled, concealed, veiled Sāh
- sâpâya mf(ā)n. one who contends with adversity Daśar
- attended with danger, dangerous Kāv. Pañcat. Rājat
- sâpâśraya n. (scil. vāstu) a house with an open gallery at the back VarBṛS
- sāpiṇḍa n. = sāpiṇḍya, Dattakac. [Page 1204, Column]
- sāpiṇḍi m. (prob.) patr. fr. sa-piṇḍa g. aiṣukāry-ādi
- ○bhakta mfn. inhabited by Sāpiṇḍis ib
- sāpiṇḍī-mañjarī f. N. of wk. on law by Nāgêśa
- sāpiṇḍya n. (fr. sa-piṇḍa) connection or relationship by presenting offerings to the same deceased ancestors, consanguinity or relationship of a Sapiṇḍa Saṃskārak. Dattakac
- ○kalpalatā f
- ○kalpalatikā f
- ○dīpikā f
- ○nirṇaya m
- ○mīmāṃsā f
- ○viṣaya m. N. of wks
- sâpīḍa mfn. (Perhaps wṛ. for sôtpo.) emitting or discharging a stream of water R
- sâpêkṣa mfn. having regard or respect to (loc. or acc. with prati) MBh. R
- requiring or presupposing anything, dependent on (comp.) Kathās. Sāh. Sarvad
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. dependence on Sāh. Sarvad
- sā́pta or sāptá n. (fr. saptan, of which it is also the Vṛiddhi form in comp.) the number seven, a heptade RV. TS
- a team of seven horses (accord. to others m. and a proper N. ) RV. viii, 55, 5
- ○tantava m. pl. (fr. sapta-tantu) N. of a partic. sect Vās., Introd
- ○daśya n. (fr. saptadaśan) the number seventeen ŚāṅkhSr
- ○pada mfn. (fr. sapta-pada) belonging to seven steps, based or depending on seven steps (= 'sincere', 'true') MBh. Pañcat. BrahmaP
- ○padīna mfn. = prec. Bālar
- n. friendship (formed with any one after taking seven paces together, or, accord. to others after uttering only seven words), intimacy Kum. Pañcat
- circumanibulation of the nuptial fire by the bride and bridegroom in seven steps, advance of the bride to meet the bridegroom in seven steps MW.,
- ○puruṣa mfn. (fr. sapta-p○) extending to or comprising seven generations, Saṃsksrak
- ○pauruṣa mf(ī)n. (fr. id.) =, prec. Mn. iii, 146
- ○rathavāhani m. a patr. ŚBr
- ○rātrika mf(ī)n. (fr. sapta-rātra) lasting seven nights or days, SamavBr. Hariv
- sāptatika mfn. (fr. saptati) worth seventy &c. Pāṇ. 5-1, 19 Sch
- sāptamika mfn. (fr. saptamī) relating to the seventh day Lāṭy
- relating to the seventh case RPrāt
- taught in the seventh (Adhylya of Pāṇini's grammar) Pat
- sāptalāyana m. patr. fr. saptala g. naḍâdi
- sāptaleya mfn. (fr. id.), g. sakhy-ādi
- sāpti m. patr. fr. saptan g. bāhv-ādi
- sāpta n. (fr. sapti) a horse-race, running-match for horses or the prize given for one RV. ii, 19, 7
- sāpyá m. patr. of Namī (vḷ. sāyyá) RV. PañcavBr
- sāprāyya n. (fr sa-prâya) likeness, homogeneousness Lāṭy
- sâpsaro-gaṇa mfn. attended by a number of Apsarases MW
- sāphalya n. (fr. sa-phala) fruitfulness, profitableness, advantage, result, success Mn. MBh. &c
- sābarṇika (?) a proper N. Rājat
- sâbādha mfn. suffering pain, unwell Śak
- sābdī f. a kind of grape L
- sābrahmacāra n. fr. sa-brahmacārin). g. yuvâdi
- sâbhaya-dakṣiṇam ind, with the gift of fearlessness or security Jātakam
- sābhāpata mfn. (fr. sabhā-pati), g. aśvapaty-âdi
- sābhāvya n. (fr. sa-bhāva) homogeneousness, identity of nature Bādar
- sābhāsaṃnayana mfn. (fr. sabhā-s○) Pat, on Pāṇ. 1-1, 73 Vārtt. 2
- sâbhikāma mf(ā)n. having affection, loving, affectionate Nal
- sâbhicaraṇika mfn. possessing the same rules for exorcising or counteracting enchantments ĀpŚr
- sâbhijñāna (ibc. or am ind.), together with tokens of recognition Megh. Kathās. [Page 1204, Column]
- ○yuta mfn. furnished with tokens of recognition Pañcad
- sâbhitāpa mfn. suffering pain, distressed, afflicted Kathās
- sā́bhinayam ind. with dramatic gesture or gesticulations, pantomimically Śak
- sâbhiniveśa mfn. having or attended with a great inclination or predilection for anything Sāh
- sâbhiprâya mfn. having a distinct aim or purpose, persevering, resolute, Kāthās
- betraying a certain purpose, intentional Pañcat
- sâbhimāna mf(ā) n. having pride, haughty, proud of (loc
- am ind.) R. Kathās. Pañcat
- causing pride or self-satisfaction MBh
- self-interested, egoistical (as an action), SarṅgP
- sâbhilāṣa mf(ā)n. having a desire or longing for (loc., acc. with prati, or comp
- am ind.) Śak. Kathās. MārkP
- sâbhiśaṅka mfn. distrustful, suspicious Jātakam
- sâbhisaṃskāraparinirvāyin mfn. (said of a kind of Anāgāmin, q.v.) Buddh
- sâbhisara mfn. along with followers or companions Hcar. Śiś
- sâbhyarthana mfn. with entreaties Kād
- sâbhyasūya mfn. envious, malicious, jealous of (loc
- am ind.) Ragh. Śiś
- sâbhyāsa mfn. reduplicated Nir
- sâbhra mfn. having clouds, cloudy Megh
- ○matī f. N. of a river flowing through Ahmedābād (commonly 'Sabermattee') Śatr
- -māhātmya, N. of wk
- ○vati f. = -matī Siṃhâs
- sābhraṅgikā f. a kind of metre Col
- sâbhri mfn. together with a hoe or spade KātyŚr
- sām See 1. sāmaya, p. 1205, col. 1
- sāma n. (fr. 1. sama, of which it is also the Vṛiddhi form in comp.) likeness, similarity L
- ○puṣpi m. (prob. fr. sama-puṣpa) a patr. Pravar
- ○yugīna mfn. (fr. sama-yuga), g. pratijanâdi
- ○vaśa mfn. serving for or caused by the equality of the metre RPrāt
- ○stambi m. (prob. fr. sama-stamba) a patr. Pravar
- ○sthya n. (fr. sama-stha) comfort, ease, welfare, g. brāhmaṇâái,
- sāmācārika mfn. (fr. samācāra), g. vinayâdi
- sāmācārī f. (fr. id.) customary practice or usage, right conduct or behaviour HPariś
- sāmaka n. (for 2. See p. 1205, col. 2) the principal of a debt Vishṇ
- m. (thought l, y some to be for śāmaka fr. √śo) a whetstone (esp. one for sharpening spindles) L
- sāmātsāmya n. (fr. samāt-sama) a series or succession of equal or similar beginnings and terminations Lāṭy
- sâma mfn. undigested, crude, not sufficiently prepared or matured (a morbid state of the humours) Car. Bhpr
- sā́makṣa n. (fr. sam-akṣa) the being before the eyes MaitrS
- sāmakṣya n. id. TBr. PañcavBr. (wrongly printed sāmyakṣa)
- sāmagrī f. (fr. sam-agra) totality, entirety, completeness, (esp.) a complete collection or assemblage of implements or materials, apparatus, baggage, goods and chattels, furniture, effects Rājat. Kathās. Sarvad
- ameans for (kā te sāmagrī', what means have you at your disposal?') Hit
- ○pratibadhyatā f
- ○pratibandhakatā-vāda m
- ○vāda m
- ○vādârtha m
- ○vicāra m
- ○vyāpti f
- ○vyāpti-vicāra m
- ○sahacāra m. N. of wks
- sāmagrya n. = sāmagrī MBh. Hariv. &c
- sāmañjasya n. (fr. sam-añjasa) fitness, propriety, equity, justice R. (B.) Sch. (a-s○ Vedântas. Sch.) [Page 1205, Column]
- sā́man n. (fr. √1. sā = 1. san) acquisition, possession, property, wealth, abundance RV. VS
- sāmana mf(ā)n. (for 2. See under 2. sāman) rich, affluent, abundant (others 'common, universal') RV. iii, 30, 9
- sā́man n. (m. only in TBr
- prob. connected with √sāntv
- accord. to some fr. √1. sā
- 3. sāman) calming, tranquillizing, (esp.) kind or gentle words for winning an adversary, conciliation, negotiation (one of the 4 Upâyas or means of success against an enemy, the other 3 being dāna, bheda, and daṇḍa, qq. vv
- ibc. or instr. sg. and pl., 'by friendly means or in a friendly way, willingly, voluntarily') TBr. &c. &c
- sāma in comp. for 2. sāman
- ○kalam ind, in a conciliatory or friendly tone VP
- ○gir mfn. speaking kind words Śatr
- ○dharmârtha-nītimat mfn. friendly and just and useful and wise (as speech) R
- ○pūrva mfn. friendly, kind, gentle (am ind.) R
- ○pradhāna mfn. perfectly kind or friendly Car
- ○prayoga m. the use of kind or frṭfriendly words Dhātup
- ○vāda m. a kind word, conciliatory speech Śiś
- ○sādhya mfn. to be accomplished in a conciliatory or peaceable way Pañcat
- ○siddha mfn. accomplished in a pṭpeaceable way ib
- ○siddhi f. the art of accomplishing something in a peaceble way MW
- sāmônmukha mfn. eager for conciliation, wishing to conciliate ib
- sāmôpacāra or m. a mild remedy, moderate measure, gentle means ib
- sāmôḍpâya m. a mild remedy, moderate measure, gentle means ib
- sāmaná mfn. (for 1. See under 1. sāman) quiet, calm RV. x, 85, 9
- sāmanya mfn. (for 2. See col. 2) friendly, favourable (in a-s○, q.v.)
- sāmaya (Nom. fr. sāman or fr. artificial √sām
- for 2. sâmaya See col. 3), cl. 10. P. sāmayati (aor. asasāmat or asīṣamat), to conciliate, appease, pacify. tranquillize Dhātup. xxxv, 27
- sā́man n. (of doubtful derivation
- accord. to Uṇ. iv, 152 fr. √so = 2. sā, as 'destroying sin'
- in Nir. vii, 12 apparently connected with sammita
- by others derived fr. √1. san, sā, sāntv, and perhaps not to be separated fr. 1. and 2. sāman) a metrical hymn or song of praise, (esp.) a partic. kind of sacred text or verse called a Sāman (intended to be chanted, and forming, with ṛc, yajus, chandas, one of the 4 kinds of Vedic composition mentioned first in RV. x, 90, 9) RV. &c. &c
- any song or tune (sacred or profane, also the hum of bees) MBh. Kāv. &c
- the faculty of uttering sounds (?) TBr. (Sch.)
- ○vat (sā́man-), mfn. connected with a Sāman TS
- ○vin mfn. possessing the Sāman JaimBr
- sāma in comp. for 3. sāman
- ○kārikā (?), f. N. of wk
- ○kārin mfn. making Sāmans ṢaḍvBr
- ○ga or m. a Brāhman who chants or recites the ṢaḍvBr-veda RV. &c. &c
- ○gā́ m. a Brāhman who chants or recites the ṢaḍvBr-veda RV. &c. &c
- (ī), f. the wife of a ṢaḍvBr-veda Brāhman L
- -gānāṃ chandas n. a Pariśishṭa of the SṭṢaḍvBr-veda
- ([-ga) -pUrvâpara] m. or n
- ○prayoga m. -vṛṣitsarga m. ○gâhnika n. N. of wks
- ○gaṇa m. the ṢaḍvBr collectively, IndSt,
- ○garbha m. N. of Vishṇu L
- ○gā See -ga
- ○gāna m. a chanter of ṢaḍvBr. Cat
- n. ṢaḍvBr chant KātySr
- -priya m. N. of Śiva Śivag
- ○gāya m. ṢaḍvBr chant Yājñ. iii, 112
- ○gāyaka m. = -ga MW. -gāyin mfn. chanting the Sāma-veda Saṃskārak
- ○girta n. = -gāya MBh
- (also applied to the hum of bees) BhP
- ○codanā f. an invitation to recite the Sāmaveda ĀpŚr
- ○ja mfn. occurring in the SṭSāmavedaveda Śiś
- m. an elephant L
- ○jāta m. an elephant Śiś
- ○jātaka n. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra
- ○tantra n. N. of wk. (also -bhāṣya and -saṃgraha)
- ○tás ind. from or concerning Sāma chants ŚBr
- ○tejas (sā́ma-), mfn. having the glory of a Sāman AV
- ○tvá n. state or condition of (being) a ṢaḍvBr. ŚBr
- ○darpaṇa m. N. of wk
- ○dhvani m. the sound of the chanting of the ṢaḍvBr-veda Mn. iv, 123 ( See under -veda, col. 2)
- ○nidhaná n. the closing sentence of a ṢaḍvBr. ŚBr
- ○patha m. the path of the SṭṢaḍvBr. JaimBr
- ○pariśiṣṭa n. a Pariśishṭa belonging to the Sāma-vṭveda
- ○pavitra n. N. of Sāma-vṭveda i, 2, 2, 3, 5 Āpast
- ○prakāśana n. N. of wk
- ○pragātha m. N. of partic. verses to be chanted by the three Hotrakas Vait
- ○prayoga m
- ○prastotṛ-tva n
- ○brāhmaṇa n. N. of wks
- ○bhṛ́t mfn. bringing chants RV
- ○máya mf(ī)n. consisting of SṭṢaḍvBr veda Ragh
- m. in elephant ib
- a Brāhman L. [Page 1205, Column]
- ○rathaṃtara n. N. of a Sāman (said to have been created from Brahmā's mouth) MW
- ○rāga m. a tune or air of the SṭSāma-veda Pāṇ. 5-2, 130 Sch
- ○rāja m. N. of a king and various authors (also with dīkṣita) Cat
- n. N. of a Sāman Lāṭy
- ○rājan n. N. of a āman PañcavBr
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○vat mfn. connected with a Sāman TS. Sch
- m. N. of a son of Sārasvata (afterwards changed into a female) Cat
- ○vid mfn. knowing the SṭSāman-vṭveda Vait
- ○vidhāna n. the employment of Sāmans (for religious or magical purposes) AgP
- -brāhmaṇa n. N. of a Brāhmaṇa of the Sāma-veda (and also called sāma-vidhi)
- ○vipra (sā́tna-), mfn. skilled in Sāma chants RV
- ○vedá m. 'Veda of chants', N. of one of the three principal Vedas ( See veda
- it contains a number of verses or stanzas nearly all of which except about 78 occur in the Ṛig-veda and which, modified in various ways, are chanted, mostly, by the Udgātṛi priests at Soma sacrifices
- the Saṃhitā of the Sāma-veda consists of two parts
- the first, called Arcika or Purviccika or Chando-grantha, contains 585 verses disjoined from their proper sequence in the Ṛig-veda and arranged in 59 Daśatis or decades, which again are subdivided into Prapāṭhakas and Ardha-prapāṭhakas
- the second, called Uttarârcika or Uttarā-grantha, contains 1225 verses, also chiefly from the Ṛik-saṃhitā, but less disjointed than in the first part, and arranged in nine Prapāhakas with Ardha-prapāṭhakas, mostly, however, grouped in triplets
- the directions for the formation of Sāmans or chants out of these verses are carefully laid down in the Gānas or manuals for chanting, two of which, viz. the Geya-gāna and Āraṇya-g, are a directory for the Ārcika portion, and two, viz. Ūha-gṭgāna and Ūhya-gāna, for the Uttarârcikā
- in Mn. i, 23 the Sāma-veda is described as drawn forth from the sun
- in iv, 124 it is described as having a special reference to the Pitṛis or deceased ancestors, and its sound is therefore said to possess a kind of impurity, whereas the Ṛig-veda has the gods for his objects and the Yajurveda men
- the Sāma-veda is said to possess 8 Brāhmaṇas [see brāhmaṇa] Br. ŚāṅkhŚr. &c. īW. 25
- -cchala n. -paritiṣṭa n. -rahasya n. -rahasyôpaniṣad f. N. of wks
- -rāj m. N. of Vishṇu Pañcar
- -vid mfn. familiar with the ṢaḍvBr-vṭveda
- -śikṣā f. N. of a Śikshā
- -sāra m. N. of Vishṇu Pañcar
- ○dântaga mfn. one who has gone through the SṭṢaḍvBr-vṭveda MBh
- ○dârtha m. ○dârtha-prakāśa m. N. of wks
- ○dīya-rudrī f. ○dīya-raudra-vidhi m. ○dôpaniṣad f. N. of wks
- ○vaidika mfn. relating or belonging to the ṢaḍvBr-vṭveda KātyŚr. Sch
- ○vairya n. the strength (?) of the SṭṢaḍvBr. JaimBr
- ○śabda m. the sound of a chanted SṭṢaḍvBr. Gaut. GṛS
- ○śiras mfn. having the ṢaḍvBr as head KaushUp
- ○śravás m. N. of a man (pupil of Yājñavalkya) ŚBr
- ○śravasa m. patr. fr. prec. PañcavBr
- ○śrāddha n. N. of a ch. of the Smṛiti-tattva (also -tattva)
- ○śrauta-sūtra n. N. of wk
- ○saṃhitā f. the continuous text of the ṢaḍvBr-veda Hariv
- ○saṃkṣepa m. N. of a treatise on the ṢaḍvBr-veda
- ○saṃkhyā f. N. of a Pariśishṭa of the ṢaḍvBr-veda
- ○saṃgāyaka m. a chanter of the SṭṢaḍvBr-veda W
- ○saras and n. N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○sarasa n. N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○sāvitrī f. N. of a partic. Sāvitrī Gobh
- ○surasa n. du., v. l. for -saras
- ○sū7kta n. N. of partic. hymns Vait
- ○sūtra n. a Satra wk. belonging to the ṢaḍvBr-vṭveda (10 such works are enumerated) Cat
- vyākhyā f. N. of wk
- sāmâṅga n. an Aṅga or part of the SṭṢaḍvBr-vṭveda NṛisUp
- sāmâtāna m. = sāma-pragātha ŚāṅkhŚr
- sāmânta m. the end of a Sāman Lāṭy
- sāmântar-ukthya m. an Ukthya (q.v.) in a ṢaḍvBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- sāmêśvaramāhātmya n. N. of wk
- sāmôḍha mfn. having the ṢaḍvBr accent Lāṭy
- sāmôdbhava m. an elephant (cf. sāma-jāta) L
- sāma (ifc.) = 3. sāman ( See anu- ava-s○)
- sāmaka mf(īkā)n. (for 1. See p. 1204, col. 3) = sāma adhī7te veda vā g. kramâdi
- sāmanyá mfn. (for 1. See col. 1) skilful in chanting or singing RV. Bhaṭṭ
- sāmika mfn. (for 2. See p. 1206, col. 2), (fr. 3. sāman) Lāṭy
- n. pronouncing verses over the sacrificial animal L
- sāmna mf(ī)n. relating to Sāmans, IndSt
- (ī), f. a sort of metre (one of the classes occurring in the Sāma-veda)
- (ī), f. (cf., sāmanī) a rope for tying cattle MW
- sāmanī f. a verse containing the word samanas ĀpŚr. [Page 1205, Column]
- sāmanī f. (cf. sāmnī) a rope or cord for tying cattle (v. l. dāmanī) L
- sāmanta mfn. (fr. sam-anta) being on all sides KātyŚr
- bordering, limiting W
- m. a neighbour Kāṭh. Mn. Yājñ
- a vassal, feudatory prince, the chief of a district (paying tribute to a lord paramount) Mn. MBh. &c
- a minister(?) Cāṇ. (vḷ.)
- a leader, general, captain, champion W
- N. of the author of the Tājika-sāra-ṭikā (1620 AḌ.) Cat
- n. a neighbourhood Mn. Śukas
- ○cakra n. a circle of neighbouring princes MW
- ○ja n. (danger) arising from a vassal Hariv
- ○pāla m. N. of a king Campak
- ○pratyaya m. the evidence or testimony of near neighbours MW
- ○rāja m. (with hari N. of the author of the Sūrya-prakāśa Cat
- ○vāsin mfn. dwelling on the borders, neighbouring, a neighbour Mn. viii, 258
- sāmantakena ind. in the neighbourhood Kāraṇḍ
- sāmanteya m. N. of a man (v. l. māmateya) BhP
- sâmaya mfn. (for 1. See col. 1) connected with or suffering from disease Śaṃk
- sāmayācārika mfn. (fr. samayâcāra) relating to conventional practice or usage Gaut. Āpast
- ○sūtra n. N. of partic. Sūtras (treating of customs and rites sanctioned by virtuous men, and with the Gṛihya-sūtras, constituting the Smārta-sūtras which are based on Smṛiti or tradition, and opp. to the Śrauta-sūtras derived from Śruti, q.v.) IW. 145 &c
- sāmayika mfn. (ft. sam-aya) based on agreement, conventional, customary Kaṇ. Yājñ. Nyāyam. Sch
- of the same opinion, like-mined Rājat
- seasonable, timely, precise, exact Mālav. (vḷ.) Kir. (in a-s○)
- periodical MW
- temporary Sāṃkhyapr
- ○tva n. conventionality Nyāyam
- sāmayikâbhāva m. temporary non-existence (as that of a water-jar which has been removed from its place to be again restored to it) MW
- sâmara mfn. with the immortals, accompanied by the gods R. BhP
- sâmarâdhipa mfn. together with the lords of the gods R
- sāmarika mfn. (fr. sam-ara) belonging to war or battle, martial, warlike MW
- sāmareya mfn. (fr. id.), g. sakhy-ādi
- sāmarghya n. (fr. sam-argha) cheapness VarBṛS
- sāmarthya n. (fr. sam-artha) sameness of aim or object or meaning or signification, belonging or agreeing together (in aim, object &c.), adequacy, accordance, fitness, suitableness Pat. Hariv. Suśr. &c
- the being entitled to, justification for (loc. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
- ability to or capacity for (inf., dat., loc., or comp
- acc. with √kṛ, 'to do one's utmost'
- with √bhaj, to take pains', 'exert one's self') ib
- efficacy, power, strength, force (āt, or -tas or -yogāt, 'through the force of circumstances', 'by reason of.', in consequence of', 'on account of.' 'as a matter of course') ib
- the force or function or sense of a word, Kusum
- ○bandhana mfn. having Power as a bond of union, cemented by or contingent on power or fitness MW
- ○yoga See above
- ○vat mfn. having power or strength, capable MBh
- ○hīna mfn. destitute of strength, weak, feeble Hit
- sâmarṣa mfn. having impatience or anger, impatient, indignant, wrathful, enraged at (prati) Kāv. Kathās. &c
- (am), ind. angrily Mṛicch
- ○tā f. angry impatience, wrath Ragh
- ○hāsam ind. with an ironical smile or laugh MW
- sâmarṣaṇa m. pl. N. of a family of Brāhmans (vḷ. agha-m○) VP
- sāmavāyika mfn. (fr. samavôya) belonging to or frequenting an assembly Pāṇ. 4-4, 43
- closely connected with anything, concomitant, inherent KātyŚr
- m. a minister or counsellor. for sāmājika)
- chief of a company W
- sāmasta n. (fr. sam-asta) the science or theory of word-composition Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Vārtt.12
- sāmastika mfn. relating to the above ib
- sāmastya n. totality, entiresy ŚāṅkhŚr. Sch. [Page 1206, Column]
- sāmājika mfn. (fr. sam-āja) relating to or frequenting an assembly Pāṇ. 4-4, 43
- m. a member of or assistant at an assembly: spectator Kāv. Sāh. &c
- sâmātya mfn. together with the inmates of the same house ĀśvGṛ
- accompanied by mfn. with the chief ministers W
- sāmātyáka m. accompanied by minister, &c. R
- sāmātsāmya See p. 1204, col. 3
- sāmāna Vṛiddhi form of 2. samāna in comp
- ○grāmika mfn. (fr. samānagrāma) belonging to or being in the same village &c. Pat. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 60 Vārtt. 1
- ○deśika mfn. coming or derived from the same village ib
- sāmānādhikaraṇya n. (fr. samānâdhikaraṇa) common office or function Hit
- the condition of relating to the same object or residing in the same subject Sarvad
- grammatical agreement, identity of case. relation, correlation (opp. to vaiyādh○) Pāṇ. Sch
- sāmānika mfn. (fr. 2. samāna) of equal rank or dignity with (gen. or comp.) HPariś. Pañcad
- sāmānya mf(ā)n. equal, alike, similar MBh. Śak
- shared by others, joint, common to (instr with and without saha, or comp.) Yājñ. MBh. Suśr. &c
- whole, entire, universal, general, generic, not specific (opp. to vaiśeṣika) Suśr. VarBṛS
- common, common-place, vulgar, ordinary, insignificant, low MBh. Kāv. &c
- (am), n. equality, similarity, identity MBh. Suśr. &c
- equilibrium, normal state or condition Nīlak
- universality, totality, generality, general or fundamental notion, common or generic property (ibc., instr., or abl., 'in general', as opp. to viśeṣa-tas, 'in particular') Kaṇ. Jaim. Sarvad
- public affairs or business W
- (in rhet.) the connection of different objects by common properties Kpr. Kuval
- (ā), f. a common female, prostitute L
- (am), ind. after the same manner as, like (comp.) Kālid
- jointly, in general, in common Mn. vii, 56
- ○kavi-praśaṃsā f. praise of poets in general (not of single ones) Cat
- ○kramavṛtti f
- ○ghaṭa m
- ○candrikā f. N. of wks
- ○cchala n. one of the three Vāk-chalas (i.e. too great generalization cf the words of an opponent) Nyāyad. Car
- ○jñāna n. the perception of common or generic property MW
- ○tama mfn. most like or similar GṛŚrS
- ○tara mfn. more common ib
- very common-place or insignificant Pañcat
- ○tas ind. equally, similarly, according to analogy BhP. KapS. Sāṃkhyak
- in general, generally Kaṇ. Suśr. BhP. Sch
- ([-to) -dRSTa]', n. (scil. anumāna
- in log.) a partic. kind of induction or inference (e.g. generalizing from every day occurrences
- accord. to the Sāṃkhya and Nyāya it furnishes evidence of what transcends the senses such as the paths of the heavenly bodies, the existence of air ether, soul, space, time &c.), generalization from particulars Nyāyad
- ○tva n. the state of generality, Kusum
- ○deśa-vat ind. like any other country Rājat
- ○dhātrī f. a common nurse or foster-mother Ragh
- ○nāyikā f. = -vanitā Sch
- ○nirukti f. explanation of the meaning or idea of samanya Cat
- N. of various wks
- -kroḍa m. -grantharahasya n. -granthârtha m. -ṭīkā, f. -didhitiṭīkā f. -dvitīya-takṣaṇa n. -pattra n. -prathama-lakṣaṇa n. -lakṣaṇa n. -vivecana n. -vyākhyā, f
- ○ty-anugama m. ○ty-abhinavavyākhyā f. N. of wks
- ○pakṣa m. the general side, the middle or mean (between two extremes) MW
- ○padârtha m. the category of Generality ib
- ○pūrvam ind. similarly, analogously KātyŚr
- ○praghaṭṭaka N. of part of a wk
- ○pratipatti-pūrvam ind. after an equal elevation, after elevating to a common rank MW
- ○bhāva m
- ○bhāva-grantha m
- ○bhāva-ṭippaṇī f
- ○bhāva-vyavasthāpana n. N. of wks
- ○lakṣaṇa n. a generic definition or sign, a definition comprising many individuals, a specific characteristic W
- N. of various wks
- (ā), f. (in Nyāya) one of the three A-laukika or transcendental perceptions or Saṃnikarshas MW
- N. of various wks
- (ī), f. N. of wk
- [(Na)-karya-kAraNa-bhAva] m. -vyabhicāra, m
- (○ṇā) -grantha m. ṭippaṇī f. -diddhiti-ṭippaṇī f. didhiti-ṭīkā f. -pūrva-pakṣa-prakāśa m. -prakāśa m. -rahasya n. -vicāra m. -vivecana n. -vyabhicāra m. N. of wks
- ○vacana mfn. expressing a common property Pāṇ. 2-1, 55
- expressing a general or a wider notion ib. iii, 4, 5
- n. a substantive (as opp. to its attribute) Sāy. [Page 1206, Column]
- ○vat mfn. having generality, general (-tva n.) Sarvad. Kusum
- ○vanitā f. a common woman, prostitute MW
- ○vāda m
- ○vihita-dravya-vicāra m. N. of wks
- ○śabda (MBh.) or (Cat.), m. a word of general meaning
- ○śabḍdaka (Cat.), m. a word of general meaning
- ○śāsana n. a general edict or enactment W
- ○śāstra n. a general rule (in gram = utsarga), MW
- ○śrāddha-vidhi m
- ○sūtra n
- ○homa-paddhati f. N. of wks
- sāmānyâdhikaraṇya wṛ. for sāmānādh○ (q.v.)
- sāmānyâbhāva m. N. of a Nyāya wk
- -grantha m. -ṭippanī f. -prakāśa m. -rahasya n. -sādhana, n
- ○vâloka m. N. of wks
- sāmāyika n. (fr. samāya = sasmaya) equanimity HPariś
- sāmāsika mf(ī)n. (fr. sam-āsa) comprehensive, concise, succinct, brief Mn. BhP
- relating or belonging to a Samāsa or compound word Pat
- m. or n. a compound word Bhag
- sāmí ind. (g. svar-ādi) too soon, prematurely (with √muṣ, 'to steal in anticipation') MaitrS. TS. Br
- incompletely, imperfectly, partially, half (often in comp. with a p.p. Pāṇ. 2-1, 27), jb. &c. &c. [Cf. Gk. ?, ?, Lat. se1mi, se1mis.] [1206,]
- ○kṛta mfn. half-done, hṭhalf-finished Śiś
- ○gandharvá wṛ. for sāmi g○ (two words), MaiteS
- ○cita (sāmí-), mfn. half piled up ŚBr
- ○pīta mfn. half-drunk Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 27
- ○bhukta mfn. half-eaten Ragh
- ○saṃsthita (sāmí-), mfn. half-finished ŚBr
- sāmika (?) m. (for 1ṣee p. 1205, col. 2) a tree L
- sāmita mfn. (fr. samitā) made from or mixed with wheat-flour Suśr
- sāmityá mfn. (fr. sam-iti) relating to an assembly or council AV
- sāmidhená mfn. (fr. sam-idh) relating to fuel and the kindling of the sacrificial fire ŚBr
- (ī), f. (scil. ṛc) a verse recited while the sacrificial fire is kindled VS. Br. MBh
- fuel HPariś
- sāmidheni f. = sāmidhenī Kauś
- sāmidhenīka (ifc.), id. ŚāṅkhBr
- sāmidhenya mfn. = sāmidhena Vārtt. on Pāṇ. ?sv, 3, 120
- sāmin m. (?derivation) a person born under a partic. constellation (v. l. sāvin) VarBṛS
- sâmiṣa mf(ā)n. possessed of flesh or prey BhP
- provided with meat (as a Śrāddha) Mn. iv, 131
- sāmīcī f. (fr. samyañc) praise, panegyric (= vandanā) L
- decency, politeness, civility, Mahāvy
- ○karaṇīya mfn. to be civilly saluted ib
- sāmīcīnya n. propriety, fitness Kāv
- sāmīpya mfn. (fr. samīpa) neighbouring, a neighbour MBh
- n. neighbourhood, nearness, proximity (in space and time) Sāṃkhyak. Sāh. BhP
- nearness to the deity (as one of the four states of beatitude
- cf. sālokya) MW
- sāmīraṇa mfn. (fr. sam-īraṇa) relating to the wind Bālar
- sāmīrya mfn. (fr. sam-īra), g. saṃkāśâdi
- sāmutkarṣika mf(ī) n. (fr. sam-utkarṣa) most excellent Buddh
- sāmudayika n. (m. c.) = next VarYogay
- sāmudāyika n. (fr. sam-udāya) the eighteenth Nakshatra after that in which the moon was situated at the birth of a child L
- mfn. belonging to a multitude or assemblage, collective MW
- sāmudānika m.or n. (?) = bhaikṣa, Śīl
- sāmudga m. (fr. samudga
- cf. mudga) a joint with a socket like a cup (e.g. the shoulder-joint, hip-joint) Suśr
- n. medicine taken before and after a meal (and, as it were, enclosing the food) ib
- sāmudra mfn. (fr. sam-udra) relating to the sei, oceanic, marine Kauś. Suśr. MBh. &c. Vāgbh
- declared or related by Samudra MW
- m. a mariner, voyager, sailor Yājñ
- the son of a Karaṇa and a Vaiśyā (who lives from the produce of the sea) L. [Page 1206, Column]
- a kind of gnat Suśr
- patr. of Citra-sena MBh
- (pl.) N. of a people R
- (ī), f. N. of the daughter of Samudra and wife of Prācīnabarhis Hariv. Pur
- n. sea-salt Car
- a cuttle-fish bone L
- du. (with agneḥ) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- (m. or n. ?) N. of a peculiar kind of rainwater (which falls in the month Āśvayuja or Āśvina) Suśr
- ○niṣkuṭa m. pl. inhabitants of the coast (a people ; cf. samudra-n○) MBh
- ○bandhu m. 'sailor's friend 'the moon Kathās
- ○sthalaka mfn. (fr samudra-sthalī), g. dhūmâdi
- sāmudraka mfn. oceanic, maritime, g. dhumâdi
- (ikā), f. a kind of leech Suśr
- n. sea-salt Suśr
- N. of a Tirthi- MBh
- sā́mudri m. patr. fr. sam-udra ŚBr. HPariś
- sāmudrika mfn. belonging or relating to the sea, seafaring MBh
- ni' a mariner ib
- sāmudra n. (fr. sa-mudra) an impression or mark on the body L
- ○tilaka m. N. of wk. on palmistry (by Durlabha-rāja)
- ○vid mfn. familiar with palmistry VarBṛS
- sāmudraka m. an interpreter of marks or spots on the body, fortune-teller, Sinhâs
- ○vidyā f. the art of interpreting marks on the body, palmistry MW
- sāmudrika mfn. relating to marks on the body (○kāguṇāḥ, 'qualities denoted by marks on the body') MW
- relating to good or bad fortune (as indicated by marks on the body) ib
- m. - 2. sāmudraka Cat
- n. palmistry Daś
- N. of wk. on this subject
- ○kaṇṭhâbharaṇa n
- ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wks
- ○jña mfn. versed in palmistry L
- ○lakṣaṇa n
- ○śāstra n
- ○sāra m. N. of wks
- sāmudrikâcārya m. N. of Kāli-nātha (the father of Rāghavêdra and grandfather of Ciraṃ-jīva), Cat
- sāmūnā f. a black coloured deer (1 1/2 cubits long, with shining long and soft hair) L
- sāmūhika mfn. (fr. sam-ūha) collected in masses, arrayed in ranks Kām
- m. a suffix forming collective nouns Pat
- chapter treating of collective nouns ib
- sâmṛta mfn. provided with nectar Pat
- sāmṛddhya n. (fr. sam-ṛddha) prosperity, welfare, going on well, success (of a sacrifice) R
- sāmôḍha sāmâdbhava, See p. 1205, col. 2
- sâmoda mfn. joyful, pleased Gīt
- possessing fragrance, fragrant, odoriferous W
- sāmna ○nī, See p. 1205, col. 2
- sāmpada mfn. (fr. sam-pad) relating to the equipment or preparation of, requisite for (comp.) Kauś
- sāmpannika mfn. (fr. sam-panna) one who lives luxuriously Car
- sāmpādika mfn. efficacious Śaṃk
- sāmparāya mfn. (fr. sam-parâya) required by necessity or calamity VarYogay
- relating to war or battle, warlike MW
- relating to the other world or to the future ib
- m. the passage from this world into another Up. MBh. &c
- need, distress, calamity MBh
- a helper or friend in need ib. i, 723 (Nīlak.)
- contention, conflict Śiś
- the future, a future life L
- inquiry into the future MW
- investigation (in general) ib
- uncertainty ib
- sāmparāyaṇa m. (fr. prec.) one who ushers a person into another world (said of Death), IndSt
- sāmparāyaṇaka m. (fr. prec.), g. arīhaṇâdi
- sāmparāyika mf(ā or ī)n. (g. saṃtāpâdi) relating to the future or to the passage into another world, future (with phala n. reward in the nexf world'
- ○kaṃ-√kṛ, to prepare for death' or 'to perform funeral ceremonies for gen.') Mn. MBh. &c
- relating to or prepared for battle, martial, warlike ib
- salutary or helpful in time of need MBh. Hariv. R
- m. (with or scil. ratha) a war-chariot L
- (am), n. war, battle L
- ○kalpa m. military form, strategic array Mn. vii, 185
- sāmpātika mfn. (fr. sam-pāta) belonging or relating to contiguous hymns ĀśvŚr
- sāmpīka m. N. of a poet Cat
- sāmprata mfn. (fr. sam-prati) seasonable, fit, proper, correct (cf. a-s○) Lāṭy. Sarvad. [Page 1207, Column]
- belonging to the present time, present (not past or future), comp
- (am), ind. fitly, properly MBh
- presently, now ib. &c. &c
- ○kāla m. the present time Sāṃkhyak
- sāmpratâdhipa m. a present or reigning sovereign MārkP
- sāmpratika mf(ī)n. suitable, fit, proper Uttarar
- present (not future) Kull
- sāmpradānika mfn. (fr. sampradāna), g. vinayâdi
- sāmpradāyika mfn. (fr. sam-pradāya) based on tradition, traditional (cf. a-s○) Baudh. Jaim
- standing upon or following tradition RāmatUp
- sāmprayogika mfn. (fr. samprayoga) relating to use or application Cat
- sāmprayogikâdhikaraṇa n. N. of a Kāma-śāstra
- sāmpraśnika mfn. (fr. sampraśna), g. chedâdi
- sāmpriyaka mfn. (fr. sam-priya) inhabited by people who are dear to one another, g. rājanyâdi
- sāmb v. 1. for √samb, q.v., p. 1177
- sāmba m. (also written śāmba) N. of a son of Kṛishṇa and Jāmbavatī (in consequence of the curse of some holy sages who had been deceived by a female disguise which he had assumed, he was condemned to produce offspring in the shape of a terrific iron club for the destruction of the race of Vṛishṇi and Andhaka
- he is said to have been instructed by Nārada in the worship of the sun, and by Vyāsa in the ritual of the Magi) MBh. Hariv. Pur
- (also with śāstrin) N. of various authors and teachers Cat
- n. = -purāṇa ib
- ○carita n. N. of wk
- ○pañcāśikā f. N. of a hymn by Sāmba (also called sūrya-stotra)
- ○pura n. or N. of a city founded by Sāmba (said to be situated on the banks of the Candra-bhāga) Cat
- ○purī f. N. of a city founded by Sāmba (said to be situated on the banks of the Candra-bhāga) Cat
- ○purāṇa n. = sāmbôpapurāṇa
- ○pradyumna-prabandha m
- ○muktâvalī-stotra n. N. of wks
- ○mūrti mfn. having the form of Sāmba Cat
- ○vatī f. N. of a courtezan Rājat
- ○vijaya m. N. of wk
- sāmbâditya m. a partic. form of the sun Cat
- sābêśvara m. N. of a temple founded by Sāmbavatī Rājat
- sāmbôpapurāṇa n. N. of an Upapurāṇa
- sāmbi m. patr. fr. sāmba g. bāhv-ādi
- sâmba mfn. attended by Ambā (q.v.), Kāsikh
- ○śiva m. N. of an author Cat
- sāmbandhika n. (fr. sam-bandha) relationship by marriage MBh
- conversation such as is fit for people related by marriage ib
- sāmbara ○rī, See śāmb p. 1065
- sāmbarya m. (prob. wṛ. for sāṃvarya) a patr. Saṃskārak
- sāmbādhika m. (fr. sam-bādha) the second Yāma (q.v.) of a night L
- sâmbu-vāsara mfn. (of doubtful meaning). Kathās. lxx, 59
- sāmbhara n. (fr. sam-bhara) a kind of salt L
- sāmbhala mfn. bred in Sam-bhala (as a horse) L
- sāmbhavī f. (fr. sam-bhava) possibility, probability L
- the red Lodhra tree W
- sâmbhas mfn. having or containing water, watery Bhaṭṭ
- sāmbhāṣya n. (fr. sam-bhāṣin) conversation, g. brāhmaṇâdi
- sāmbhūyi m. patr. fr. sam-bhūyas g. bāhv-ādi
- sāmmatya n. (fr. sam-mati) consent, agreement, g. dṛdhâdi
- sāmmadá m. (fr. sam-mada) patr. of Matsya (king of the aquatic animals) ŚBr. ĀśvŚr
- of the author of RV. viii, 67 Anukr
- sāmmanasyá n. (fr. sam-manas) concord, harmony AV
- (āni), n. pl. charms to secure harmony AV., SBE. xlī, 134
- sāmmātura and sāmmātra m. patr. fr. 1. sam-mātṛ Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 115. [Page 1207, Column]
- sāmmārjina n. (fr. sam-mārjin) Pāṇ. 5-4, 15 Sch
- sāmmitikāyani m. a patr. Pat
- sāmmukhī f. (fr. sam-mukha) a Tithi or lunar day extending till evening ( See tithi) L
- sāmmukhya n. the state of being present face to face or in front (○khyam ā-√dhā Ā., with gen. = 'to go to') Sāh
- favour, fondness for (opp. to vaimukhya) Rājat
- care for, attention to (comp.) ib
- sāmmeghya n. (fr. sam-megha) the cloudy season TS
- sāmmodanika mfn. = sammodanāya prabhavati g. saṃtāpâdi
- sāmya n. (fr. 2. sama) equality, evenness, equilibrium, equipoise, equal or normal state (acc. with √nī, 'to bring to that state', 'calm') MBh. Kāv. &c
- likeness, sameness, identity with (instr. with and without saha, or gen., or loc., or comp.) MuṇḍUp. MBh. &c
- equality of rank or position Mn. Yājñ. VarBṛS
- homogeneousness (of sounds) Vop
- measure, time MBh
- equability towards (loc. or prati), impartiality, indifference Bhag. Kum. BhP
- justice (sāmyam-√kṛ, 'to act justly towards loc.') MBh
- vḷ. for śalyā Kāvyâd. i, 39
- ○grāha m. one who beats time R
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. equality, sameness Mn. MBh. &c
- ○tāla-viśārada mfn. versed in time and measure MBh. ii, 131 (B.)
- ○bodhaka mfn. expressive of similarity MW
- sāmyâvasthā f. a state of equipoise (of the 3 constituent ingredients of Prakṛiti
- See guṇa) Sarvad. Sāṃkhyak.: RTL.32
- sāmyâvasthāna n. id. Śaṃk
- sāmyakṣa sāmyekṣa and ○kṣya, (prob.) wṛ. for sāmakṣya
- sā́mrājya n. (fr. sam-rāj) complete or universal sovereignty, empire, dominion over (gen., loc., or comp.) RV. &c. &c
- mfn. relating to sovereignty TS
- (○jyá, m.) a universal sovereign RV. viii, 25, 17 (accord. to g. kurv-ādi, 'the son of a universal sṭsovereign.')
- ○kṛt mfn. one who exercises imperial sway MW
- ○dīkṣita mfn. consecrated to universal empire ib
- ○lakṣmī-pīṭhikā f
- ○lakṣmī-pūjā f
- ○siddhi f. N. wks
- ○siddhidā f. N. of the family deity of the Uddalakas Cat
- sāmrāṇi-kardama n. e perfume or mixture of fragrant substances, civet L
- sāmrāṇi-ja n. a kind of fruit-tree L
- sāyá n. (prob. fr. √so, See avasāya, avasāna
- but 2. sāya, col. 3) the close of day, evening (sāyaṃ-√kṛ, to spend the evening, make a stay') RV. &c. &c
- Evening personified (as a son of Pushpárṇa and Doshā or as a son of Dhātṛi and Kuhū) BhP
- (ám), ind. in the evening, at eventide (sāyaṃ sāyam, 'every evening' ; See also below) RV. &c. &c. [Cf., accord. to some, Lat. se1rus.]
- ○tare ind. late in the evening Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-3, 23 Vārtt. 1
- ○dhūrta m. a rogue, cheat or deceiver in the form of evening Naish
- ○maṇḍana n. 'evṭevening-ornament', sunset W
- sāyârambha mfn. beginning in the evṭevening KātyŚr. Sch
- sāyâśana n. an evening-meal ib
- sāyâhan n. or eventide TBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- sāyâḍhna m. eventide TBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- ([○hna) -samaye] ind. at eventide R
- sāyôdbhidura mfn. expanding or blossoming in the evening L
- sāyaṃ in comp. for sāyam, col. 3
- ○yā́van mfn. going or coming in the evening TBr
- ○saṃdhyā f. the evening twilight RTL. 407
- -devatā f. deity of the evening twilight', N. of Sarasvatī L
- -prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○sūrya m. the evening sun MBh
- ○yôḍha mfn. brought by the evening sun (said of a guest) Mn.iii, 105
- ○homa m. the evening oblation ĀśvŚr. Sch
- ○kāla n. eventide, evening Naish. Sch
- ○kālika (Vās. Sch.) or (Ragh. Sch.), mfn. belonging to evening, vespertine
- ○kālīna (Ragh. Sch.), mfn. belonging to evening, vespertine
- ○gṛha mfn. = yatra-s○ Prab
- ○goṣṭha mfn. brought into the fold at evening AitBr
- ○tūrya n. drumming at evening L
- ○dugdhá mfn. milked in the evening ib. ŚBr
- ○doha m. milking the cows at evening, evening milking or milk ĀpŚr
- -vat ind. ib
- ○dhṛti f. -homa MW
- ○nivāsa m. evening abode or resting-place ib
- sāyantana mf(ī)n. relating to evening, vespertine, Klv. Pañcat. ŚārṅgS
- ○mallikā f. evening jasmine Ragh
- ○samaya m. eventide Pañcat. [Page 1207, Column]
- sāyam ind. in comp
- ○adhivāsa m. 'evening decoration', decorating an image of Durgā on the fifth day of the month Āśvina MW
- ○aśaná n. an evening meal MaitrS
- ○āśa m. id. Kauś
- -prātarāśa (only loc. e), the evening and morning mṭmeal Gobh
- ○āhutí f. an evening oblation ŚBr. GṛŚrS
- ○upâsana-vidhi m
- ○aupāsana-prayoga m. N. of wks
- ○poṣa m. food taken in the evṭevening ŚāṅkhBr
- ○prātar (sāyâm-), ind. in the evṭevening and meal (also sāyam prāśaśca) AV. &c. &c
- -agnihotra-prayoga m. -agnihotrahoma, mṆ. of wks
- -āśin mfn. eating (only) in the evening and meal ŚBr
- -āhuti f. du. evening and meal oblation KātyŚr
- -aupāsana-vidhi, Tn. N. of wk
- -doha m. evening and m. milking ib
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of evening and meal, Kāśkh
- -homa m. du. evening and meal oblation Gobh. (also N. of wk.)
- ○bhava m. becoming evening, growing dirk AV
- ○bhojana n. an evening meal Kull. on Mn. iii, 105
- ○mantra m. a Mantra to be used in the evening Baudh
- sāyamprātika mfn. (fr. sāyam-prātar) belonging to evening and morning Pāṇ. 6-4, 144, Vartt. 5 Pat
- sāya m. (fr. √2. si
- for 1. See col. 2) a missile, arrow (= sāyaka) L
- (sāyá), n. unloosing, unyoking, turning in RV. &c
- sā́yaka mfn. intended or fitted to be discharged or hurled RV. (Naigh. ii, 20)
- m. (in RV. also n.) a missile, arrow RV. &c. &c
- m. a symbolical expression for the number 'five' (from the 5 arrows of the god of love) Sāh
- a sword MBh. R
- the latitude of the sky Gaṇit
- Saccharum Sara L
- N. of a man Pravar
- (ikā), f. a dagger L
- the being or standing in regular order (= krama-sthiti
- prob. wṛ. for śāyikā) L
- ○puṅkha m. the feathered part of an arrow Ragh
- (ā), f. a partic. plant (= śara-puṅkhā) L
- ○praṇutta (sā́y○), mfn. driven away or put to flight by arrows AV
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of arrows MBh. Hariv
- sāyakāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to resemble arrows, represent the arrows of (comp.) Daś
- sāyakāyaná m. patr. fr. sāyaka ŚBr. (g. naḍâdi)
- sāyakāyanin m.pl. the school of Sāyakāyana ib
- sāyaṇa m. (said to be a Drâviḍa word) N. of a learned Brāhman (also called Sāyaṇamādhava and Sāyaṇâcārya ; he was son of Māyaṇa, pupil of Vishṇu Sarva-jña and of Saṃkarânanda ; and flourished under Bukka I of Vijaya-nagara or Vidyā-nagara ā.ḍ. 1350-1379 and his successor Harihara, and died in 1387 ; of more than a hundred works attributed to him, among which are commentaries on nearly all parts of the Veda, some were carried out by his pupils, and some were written in conjunction with his brother Mādhavâcārya or Vidyâraṇya-svāmin)
- ○mādhavīya mfn. written or composed by Sāyaṇa-mādhava Sarvad
- sāyaṇīya mfn. relating to or composed by Sāyaṇa
- n. a work of Sāyaṇa Cat
- sấyatana mfn. together with the place of abode &c. TS
- sâyana mfn. proceeding in the way of an Ayana (q.v.) ŚāṅkhŚr
- connected with the word ayana ib
- n. (in astron.) with the precession or the longitude of a planet reckoned from the vernal equinoctial point W
- sāyavasa m. a patr. ŚBr
- sāyāsa mfn. beset with difficulties or trouble Kathās
- sāyin m. (prob. wṛ. for sādin) a horseman W
- sā́yujya n. (fr. sa-yuj) intimate union, communion with (gen., loc., instr., or comp.)
- identification, absorption (into the divine Essence
- this is one of the four grades or states of Mukti, cf. sālokya RTL.41) Kāṭh. Br. MBh. &c
- likeness, similarity W
- ○tā f. (Hcat.),
- ○tva n. (MaitrUp.) = prec
- ○mukti f. emancipation consisting in the above absorption Cat
- sāyojya n. = sāyujya MaitrUp. (with prâṇais = 'abiding in life, living on' MārkP.)
- sâyudha mf(ā)n. furnished with arms, armed MBh
- ○pragraha mfn. holding weapons in the hand MW
- sāyya m. a patr. (vḷ. sāpyá) RV. vi, 20, 6. [Page 1208, Column]
- sār See √śār, p. 1066, col. 1
- sāra (fr. √sṛ) m. course, motion ( See pūrva-s○)
- stretching out, extension Kālac
- mfn. driving away, destroying Bālar. ii, 60/61
- ○sārin mfn. running courses or races, TB
- sāraka mfn. 'causing to go or flow', cathartic, laxative Bhpr
- m. Croton Jamalgota L
- sāraṇa mf(ī)n. id. L
- cracked, split L
- having five hair-tufts on the head L
- m. dysentery, diarrhoea L
- wind during the autumn L
- Paederia Foetida L
- Spondias Mangifera. L
- N. of a brother of Kṛishṇa MBh. Hariv. MārkP
- of one of Rāvaṇa's ministers (sent as ambissad or to Rāma) R
- (ā), f. stretching out, extension (only ifc.) Kathās
- (ifc. f. ā) producing a sound, striking a note on (loc.) ib
- a partic. process to which mineral substances (esp. quicksilver) are subjected (two others being given called ṛtu-s○ and prati-sāraṇā
- ○ṇā-traya n. 'the three Sāraṇā processes') Sarvad
- (ī), f. See below
- (am), n. leading home Daś
- buttermilk (one fourth part of which is water) L
- a kind of perfume L
- ○sundara m. a partic. mixture Cat
- sāraṇêśa m. N. of a mountain ib
- sāraṇi f. a stream, channel, water-pipe HPariś
- sāraṇika m. a traveller, (esp.) a travelling merchant (vḷ. śar○) MBh
- (ā), f. (in cintāmaṇi-s○) N. of wk
- ○ghna m. 'killing travellers', a robber, highwayman L
- sāraṇī f. = sāraṇi, a stream Bālar
- Paederia Foetida L
- a poem consisting only of verses L
- N. of wk
- ○koṣṭaka n
- ○rāja m. N. of wks
- sārin mfn. going, running, hastening MBh
- (ifc.) following, pursuing AitBr. &c. &c
- (iṇī), f. a brook, channel Vcar
- N. of various plants (Alhagi Maurorum, Paederia Foetida &c.) L
- sārya mfn. that which may be dropped or omitted (in pronunciation) MāṇḍŚ
- sā́ra m. n. (ifc. f. ā
- perhaps to be connected with 1. sāra above
- prob. fr. a lost √meaning. 'to be strong') the core or pith or solid interior of anything RV. &c. &c
- firmness, strength power, energy AV. &c. &c
- the substance or essence or marrow or cream or heart or essential part of anything, best part, quintessence (ifc. = 'chiefly consisting of or depending on &c.' [cf. para], e.g. dharma-sāraṃ jagat, 'the world chiefly depends on justice'
- tūṣṇīṃ-sāra mfn. 'chiefly silent'
- sārat sāram, 'the very best') AitBr. &c. &c
- the real meaning, main point MW
- a compendium, summary, epitome (often ifc. in titles of books)
- a chiefingredient or constituent part of the body (causing the peculiarities of temperament
- reckoned to be 7, viz. sattva, śukra, majjan, asthi, medas, māṃsa, rakta) Suśr. VarBṛS
- any ingredient Suśr
- nectar R. BhP
- cream, curds L
- worth, value (eṇa, 'in consideration of.', according to') Mn. Yājñ. &c
- wealth, property, goods, riches Kāv. Pur. Rājat
- (in rhet.) a kind of climax (uttarôttaram utkarṣaḥ) Sāh. Kpr
- resin used as a perfume Suśr. SārṅgS
- water Vās
- dung Kṛishis
- the matter formed in a boil or ulcer, pus MW
- impure carbonate of soda ib
- a confederate prince, ally VarBṛS
- (= 1. śāra) a piece at chess or backgammon &c
- (ā), f. a kind of plant( = kriṣṇa-trivṛtā) L
- Kuśa grass L
- (ī), f. See under sāri and sārī (next p.)
- mf(ā)n. hard, firm solid strong MBh. Rāv. &c
- precious, valuable Daś
- good, sound, best, excellent BhP. Pañcar
- sound (as an argument, thoroughly proved) W
- full of (instr.) VarBṛS
- motley, speckled (= śāra) Suśr. Kād
- ○kâlikā f
- ○kaumudī f
- ○kṣetra-māhatmya n
- sārakṣetramāhatmyasāroddhāra3sā́ra--kṣetra-māhatmya-sārôddhāra m. N. of wks
- ○khadira m. 'hard Khadira', a kind of Acacia Catechu L
- ○ga mfn. robust, strong, powerful Śiś. (= bhala-bhāj Sch.)
- ○gandha m. 'having perfection of scent', sandal-wood L
- ○gātra mfn. strong-limbed MBh
- ○gītā f. N. of various wks
- ○guṇa m. any chief or principal virtue Siṃhâs
- ○guru mfn. heavy with weight (as steps) Kum
- ○graha-mañjarī f. N. of wk
- ○grāha m. (with karma-vipāka) N. of wk. on Dharma (composed by Kāṃhada-sūnu in 1384 AḌ.)
- ○grāhin mfn. capable of extracting or apprehending the essence or best part of anything R
- ○grīva m. 'strong-necked', N. of Śiva MBh
- ○caturviṃśatikā f
- ○candrikā f
- ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wks
- ○ja n. 'produced from cream', fresh butter (cf. sara-ja) W
- ○taṇḍula m. rice in whole grains slightly boiled KātyŚr. [Page 1208, Column]
- ○tama mfn. the very best (-tva n.) Saṃk. on ChUp
- ○tara n. the better, something excellent (sārāt sārataram, 'the best or most excellent of all) Cat
- mf(ā)n. better, more excellent Saṃk. on ChUp
- more precious, dearer Śīl
- -tā f. the being better or having more virtue Divyâv
- ○taru m. 'pith-tree', the plantain (= kadala, 'Musa Sapientum'
- so called as containing no hard wood) L
- ○tas ind. according to the nature Mn. vlī, 405
- vigorously, essentially W
- ○tā f. firmness, solidity R
- strong confidence in (loc.) ib
- worth, value Hit. ŚārṅgP
- highest degree R. Rājat
- the being a chief ingredient (in the body
- See sāra) Car
- ○trayaculuka m. or n. N. of a Vedânta wk
- ○tva n. hardness, firmness, solidity ŚāṅkhGṛ. MBh
- the being the man point or principal matter Sāh
- ○darśin mfn. having an eye for the good or important R
- ○dā f. = śāradā (q.v.)
- ○daru n. hard wood Hcat
- -maya mf(ī)n. made of hard wood ib
- ○dīpikā f. N. of various wks
- ○druma m. a tree having hard wood VarBṛS
- the Khadira tree (Acacia Catechu) L
- ○dhātṛ m. 'bestower of strength', N. of Śiva Hariv
- ○dhānya n. the best grain or corn VarBṛS
- ○dhvaji m. a patr. Saṃskārak
- ○pattra mfn. having hard or strong leaves (-ka n.), g. manojñâdi
- ○pada m. 'having strong feet', a kind of bird reckoned among the Vishkiras (vḷ., śāra-p○) Car
- ○padyâvala f. N. of wk
- ○parṇī f. (cf. śāl-p○) Hedysarum Gangeticum L
- ○pāka n. a partic. poisonous fruit Suśr
- ○pādapa m. a partic. plant or tree (prob. = dhāmanī) L
- ○prakaśikā f
- ○pradīpikā f. N. of wks
- ○phalgu mfn. strong and (or) weak, good and (or) bad MBh
- -tā f. (MBh.), -tva n. (Mn. ix, 56) value and (or) worthlessness, goodness and (or) badness, comparative importance
- ○bodhinī f. N. of a Comm. on the Kāvya-prakāśa
- ○bhaṅga m. n. destruction or loss of vigour W
- deprived of substance or strength ib
- ○bhaṭa N. of the fourth Muhūrta Jyot
- ○bhaṭṭāraka m. N. of an author Cat
- ○bhāṇḍa n. valuable merchandise, treasure Yājñ. Pañcat
- a natural receptacle (as a bag or skin for holding musk &c.) W
- -gṛhaka m. or n. a treasure-house, treasury Mālav
- ○bhuj mfn. eating the essence or best part of anything MW
- ○bhūta mfn. being the chief thing, best, most excellent
- n. the main or best thing Kāv. VarBṛS. &c
- ○bhṛt mfn. taking or choosing what is best BhP
- ○bhoga m
- ○mañjarī f. N. of wks
- ○maya mf(ī)n. exceedingly firm or solid BhP
- consisting of the chief or best part of anything (gen.) Cat
- ○mahat mfn. very precious or valuable Daś
- ○mārgaṇa n. searching for pith, or marrow Yājñ
- ○miti m. 'measure of all truth, N. of the Veda L
- ○mūṣikā f. a kind of plant (= deva-dālī) L
- ○yoga m. possession of the essence or substance of anything W
- ○yodha mfn. consisting of excellent warrlors MBh
- ○rūpa mfn. best, principal, most excellent Chandom
- -tā f. the being the best or first (○tayā instr., 'especially, principally'), Salh
- ○laharī f. N. of a gram. wk. by Kavi-candra
- ○loha n. 'essence of iron', steel L
- ○vat mfn. hard, solid, firm, strong, steadfast MBh. R. &c
- substantial, nourishing (as food), C2ar
- valuable, precious MBh. Kām
- having pith or sap, containing resin Suśr
- (ī), f. a kind of metre Col
- a partic. Samtidhi Buddh
- -tā f. hardness (of an arrow) Ragh
- force, strength, steadfastness Kām. Śiś. Sch
- ○varjita mfn. 'devoid of substance', pithless, sapless W
- ○vastu n. a valuable or important thing Pañcat
- ○vid mfn. knowing the substance or value of anything Kāv
- ○śūnya mfn. devoid of value, worthless ib
- ○saṃhitā f. N. of wk. on music by Nārada
- ○samagraha m. 'concentration of the essence of any work', N. of various compendiums (also jñāna-bhūṣaṇa-bhāṣya n. -nighaṇṭu, m. -saṃgraha, m.)
- ○samuccaya m
- ○sambandha-paddhati f
- ○sāgara m
- ○siddhânta-kaumudī f
- ○sindhu m
- ○sundarī f. N. of wks
- sārâdāna n. picking out the best Kap
- sāráparādha m. du. the ability (of a criminal to suffer) and the nature of the crime (others, the greatness of the crime') Mn. viii, 126
- -tas ind. according to the ability &c. (others, 'according to the greatness of the crime') ib. ix, 262
- sārâpahāra m. robbing of the substance or wealth of (gen.) Rājat
- sārâmṛta n. N. of a grammar
- sārâmbhas n. extracted juice Suśr
- sārârtha-saṃgraha m. N. of a Comm. on the Bhagavad-gītā
- sārârthin mfn. desirous of deriving gain or profit from anything MBh. [Page 1208, Column]
- sārâvalī f. N. of various wks
- -jātaka n. N. of an astron. wk
- sārâśīti L. N. of 80 choice stanzas Subh
- sārâsāra n. substance and (or) emptiness, strength and (or) weakness, relative strength Hit
- worth and (or) worthlessness, relative quality (of goods) Mn. ix, 331
- the good and (or) the best Rājat
- mfn. strong and (or) weak MBh
- -tā f. the strong and (or) weak side of anything Pañcat
- -vicāra m. considering or weighing strong and weak points &c. MW
- -viveka m. N. of two wks
- sārâsvadinī f. N. of a Vedânta wk
- sārêśvara m. (with paṇḍita) N. of a Jaina (author of the Liṅga-prakāśa, a gram. wk.)
- sārôddhāra m. N. of various wks. (also -paddhati f. -śakunaparī7kskā f. and = saṃgraka m.)
- sāraka mfn. (ifc.) full of. Kathās
- m. N. of a man Divyâv
- sārāt (abl. of 2. sāra) in comp
- ○sāra-tattva n
- ○sāra-tattva-saṃgraha m
- ○sārasusaṃgraha m. N. of wks
- sārin (for 1. See col. 1) in trāṇa-s○ (q.v.)
- sāriṣṭha mfn. the very best or most excellent (-tva n.) Śaṃk
- sâra mfn. having spokes, Śulbas
- sārakāyaṇa mfn. (fr. saraka), g. pakṣâdi
- sārakeya mfn. g. sakhy-ādi
- sārakya mfn. g. saṃkāśâdi
- sāraghá mfn. (fr. saragha) coming or derived from the bee RV. AV. ŚBr. BhP
- m. a bee RV. x, 106, 10
- n. honey Naish. BhP
- sāráṅga or sāraṅgá mf(ī)n. (sometimes written śār○
- either fr. sa-raṅga, 'having colour &c.', or for śarâṅga or sār○, 'having a dappled body'), of a variegated colour, dappled, spotted (cf. kṛṣṇa-s○, lohita-s○) AV. Br. MBh
- derived from the antelope called Slrariga L
- m. (ifc. f. ā) a kind of spotted antelope Kāv. Kathās. &c
- N. of various birds (esp. a kind of Vishkira' or Pratuda qq. vv.
- a peacock
- the Indian cuckoo
- the Rāja-haṃsa
- the Cātaka &c.) Kāv. Suśr. Car. &c
- a bee BhP
- a kind of metre Col
- (in music) a partic. Rāga Saṃgīt
- (only L., 'an elephant
- lion
- cloud
- tree
- umbrella
- parasol
- garment
- clothes
- hair
- lotus
- flower
- conch-shell
- sort of musical instrument
- ornament
- jewel
- gold
- a bow
- sandal
- camphor
- the earth
- light
- night')
- N. of Śiva MBh
- of Kāma-deva L
- of the father of Bhaîṭa Rāghava Cat
- (with kavi) of a poet ib
- (ī), f. See below
- ○ja m. a deer
- -dṛt f. a deer-eyed woman Bhām
- ○deva m. N. of a king Cat
- ○pāṇi m. N. of an author ib. (cf. -samuccaya)
- ○raṅga-dā f. N. of a commentary on the Kṛishṇa-karṇámṛita
- ○locanā f. = -dṛś Naish
- ○śabala MBh
- ○samuccaya m. N. of wk. (also called vivāha-paṭala) by Sāraṅga-pāṇi
- ○sāra N. of a poem
- ○hāra m. a kind of Yogin W
- sāraṅgâkṣā f. = sāraṅga-dṛś Mālav
- sāraṅgika m. a bird-catcher or deer-catcher L
- sāraṅgī f. a kind of spotted doe or antelope ( kṛṣṇa-s○)
- the female of a partic. bird Mn. ix, 23 (cf. śārngī)
- a sort of violin W
- a kind of metre Col
- (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇī Saṃgīt
- ○sārasamuccaya m. N. of wk
- sāraṇa sāraṇi &c. See col. 1
- sāraṇḍa m.= sarpâṇḍa, a serpent's egg L
- sâraṇyaka mfn. together with a forest Pāṇ. 1-1, 7 Vārtt. 8 Pat
- (sâr○) having the Āraṇyakas MW
- (am), n. together with the Āranyakas, IndSt
- sā́rathi m. (fr. sa-ratha) a charioteer, driver of a car, coachman (forming a mixed caste, commonly called Sārthī, and supposed to have sprung from a Kshatriya father and Brāhman mother) RV. &c. &c
- any leader or guide ( See nau-, vākya-s○)
- a helper, assistant ( See karma-s○)
- the son of a Saratha (q.v.) MW
- the ocean ib
- N. of a town Lalit
- ○tva n. the office of a charioteer &c. Kathās
- ○puri (?), f. the town Sārathi Lalit
- sārathya n. the office of a charioteer or coachman, charioteering &c. MBh. Ragh. BhP
- sārameyā́ m. (fr. saramā) a dog (esp. one of the two four-eyed brindled watch-dogs of Yama, conjectured by some to have been originally Indra and Agni) R. MBh. R. &c. [Page 1209, Column]
- N. of a son of Śva-phalka BhP
- (ī), f. a female dog, bitch L
- ○gaṇâdhipa m. 'lord of the race of dogs', N. of Kubera Suśr
- ○cikitsā f. the art of curing dogs Cat
- ○tā f. the being a dog Kathās
- ○vākya n. 'Sārameya's speech', N. of the 56th ch. of the Uttara-kāṇḍa of the Rāmâyaṇa
- sārameyâdana n. 'dog's-meal', N. of a hell in which criminals are eaten by Yama's dogs BhP
- sârambha m. angry talk, DivyâV
- sāraya Nom. P. ○yati, to be weak (daurbalye) Dhātup. xxxv, 16
- sāralya n. (fr. sarala) straightness, rectitude, sincerity, honesty Rājat
- sārava mfn. (anomalously fr. sarayū) being in or belonging to the Sarayū river Pāṇ. 6-4, 174
- sāraśana wṛ. for sārasana
- sāras (m.c.) = 1. sārasa, the Indian crane MBh. xiii, 736
- sārasa mf(ī)n. (fr. saras) relating or belonging to or coming from a pond or lake Kāv. VarBṛS. Suśr
- m. (ifc. f. ā) the Indian or Siberian crane, Aedea Sibirica Mn. MBh. &c
- a swan = haṃsa Śiś. xii, 44 (Sch.)
- a bird in general (cf. rāja-s○)
- the moon L
- (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt
- N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh
- of a son of Yadu Hariv
- of a hunchback (B. ○saka) Mālav
- (ī), f. a female Indian crane MBh. Mṛicch
- (am), n. a lotus Caurap
- a woman's zone or girdle (= sārasana) L
- ○gṛdhra m. du. an Indian crane and a vulture R
- ○dvitīya mfn. accompanied by an Indian crane MW
- ○priyā f. the female of an Indian crane L
- sārasâkṣa n. a kind of ruby L
- (ī), f. having the eyes of a sarasa or a lotus-eyed woman Naish
- sārasikā f. a female Indian crane Śiś
- sârasa mfn. crying, calling Nalôd
- sārasya n. (fr. prec.) a cry, shout, call &c. ib
- sārasana in. (also written sāraś○ and perhaps for sa-raśana) a woman's zone or girdle (said to be formed of 25 strings) Śiś
- a military belt or girdle L
- a breast-plate L
- sārasāyana mfn. (fr. sa-rasa), g. pakṣâdi
- m. (prob.) a patr., g. ahukāry-ādi (vḷ. for sāraryāyana)
- ○bhakta mfn. inhabited by Sārasāyanas ib
- sāraseya mfn., g. sakhy-ādi
- sārasya n. abundance of water Nalôd
- sārasyāyana See sārasāyana
- sārasvatá mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to Sarasvat (q.v.) or to Sarasvatī (the river or the goddess derived or coming from them RV. &c. &c
- relating to the Ṛishi Sārasvata MBh
- belonging to the Sarasvata country MBh
- eloquent, learned W
- m. a Bilva stick L
- N. of a Ṛishi (fabled to have sprung from the personified Sarasvatil river MBh. (also ○tā gaṇāḥ) Hariv
- of a Vyāsa VP
- (pl.) N. of a people dwelling on the Sarasvatil river (i.e. in the north-west part of the province of Delhi including part of the Panjāb) AV.Pariś. MBh. VarBṛS. Pur
- (pl.) N. of a partic. tribe of Brāhmans (so called as coming from the above country or as supposed to be descended from the above Ṛishi) BhP
- (sg.) the twelfth Kalpa or day of Brahmā Hcat
- a staff of the Bilva tree L
- a partic. ceremonial in the worship of Sarasvatī MW
- (ī), f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum L
- (with or scil. prakriyā) N. of a grammar by Anubhūti-svarūpâcārya
- (am), n. a partic. Sattra Jaim
- eloquence Prasannar
- N. of a grammar (= f.)
- ○kalpa m. the above Sarasvatī ceremonial Cat
- ○kośa m.,
- ○tantra n. N. of wks
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat
- ○pura n. N. of a town ib
- ○prakriyā f. N. of a grammar (cf. above)
- ○prasāda-ṭīkā f
- ○maṇḍana n
- ○māhātmya n
- ○vilāsa m. N. of wks
- ○vyākaraṇa n. N. of a grammar
- ○vrata n. a partic. observance in honour of Sarasvatī Cat
- ○sāra-sara-samagraha m
- ○sūtra n. (cf. sarasvatīs○) N. of wks
- sārasvatâdarśa n. N. of a Nāṭaka by Appā-śāstrin
- sārasvatâbhidhāna n. N. of a short vocabulary
- sārasvatâlaṃkāra m. N. of wk. on rhet. (prob. the Sarasvatī-kanṭhâbharaṇa). [Page 1209, Column]
- sārasvatôtsava m. the festival in honour of Sarasvatī Tithyād
- sārasvatâuṣadhī-√bhu P. -bhavati, to be a medicine for strengthening the voice in singing HPariś
- sārasvatīya mf(ā)n. relating to or connected with the Sarasvatī-sūtra Cat
- ○śilpa-sāstra n. N. of wk
- sārasvatya mfn. = sārasvata MBh
- sārāga-vastrá mfn. (fr. or for sa-rāga-v○) wearing red garments TĀr
- sārāghya (perhaps wṛ. for sārârghya) N. of an astron. wk
- sārāmukha (?) m. a kind of rice Cat
- sārāyaṇīya m. pl. N. of a school AV. Pariś
- sārāla m. the sesamum plant L
- sârāva mfn. with a cry, crying, calling Kathās
- sāri f. (= śāri) a kind of thrush-like bird Kauś
- m. a chessman, piece at backgammon &c. Pañcad
- ○phala (Siṃhâs.) and n. = śāri-ph○
- ○phalaka (L.), n. = śāri-ph○
- sārika m. (= śārika) the bird Turdus Salica MBh
- N. of a Muni ib
- (ā), f. See next
- sārikā f. (= śārikā) Turdus Salica Mn. MBh. &c
- a confidante Vās
- the bridge of a stringed instrument, Saṃg
- the Viṇā of the Caṇḍslas L
- N. of a Rākshasī Cat
- ○māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○mukha m. a partic. venomous insect Suśr
- ○vaṇa n. g. koṭarâdi
- sārī f. a kind of bird (= sārikā
- cf. viṭ-s○) L
- a chessman, piece at backgammon &c. (-śarī)
- a kind of plant (= saptalā) L
- a frown L
- ○krīḍā f. a kind of game similar to chess &c. Siṃhâs
- sârim-ejaya mfn. together with Arim-ejaya (son of Śva-phalka) MBh
- sāriva m. a kind of grain (reckoned among the śāli, or ṣaṣṭikā) Car. Vāgbh
- (ā), f. N. of two creeping plants (Hemidesmus Indkus and Ichnocarpus Frutescens), Susr
- sâriṣṭa mfn. together with the Arishṭa trees Vās
- having the symptoms of approaching death Suśr
- sāriṣṭha See p. 1208, col. 3
- sārisṛkka or ○kkva m. (prob. fr. Intens. of √sṛj) N. of a son of Manda-pāla or Śalrṅgaka MBh
- sārisṛkta m. N. of the author of RV. x, 142, 3 ; 6 (having the patr. Śarṅga) Anukr
- sāristhā-khāṃ8 m. N. of a Khān Kshitîś
- sārī See above
- sāru (doubtful), a kind of metre Col
- sârundhatika mfn. together with Arundhatī Kum
- sārūḍha wṛ. for sv-arūḍha MBh
- sārūpavatsa n. (fr. sa-rūpavatsā) milk from a cow that has a calf of the same colour Vait
- sārūpya n. (fr. sa-rūpa) sameness or similarity of form, identity of appearance, resemblance, likeness, conformity with (gen.) Mn. MBh. &c
- assimilation to or conformity with the deity (one of the grades of Mukti or beatitude, = sarūpa-tā, sālokya) BhP
- (in dram.) a mistake caused by the mutual resemblance of two persons (as in Veṇis. vs Yudhi-shṭhira takes Bhīma for Duryodhana and injures him) Bhar. Sāh
- mf(ā)n. seasonable, fit, proper, suitable Lalit
- ○tas ind. in consequence of similarity of form MW
- ○tā f. likeness, resemblance Hariv
- sâropa mf(ā)n. containing an attribute to be supplied (in rhet.)
- (ā), f. (scil. lakṣaṇā) an ellipsis containing an attribute to be supplied Kpr. Sāh
- sāroṣṭika or sāroṣṭrika n. (corrupted fe. saurāṣṭrika) a kind of poison L. [Page 1209, Column]
- sâroha mf(ā)n. having elevation, elevated to (loc.) R
- together with a horseman ib
- sârka mfn. with the sun, sunny VarYogay. Kathās
- sārkaṇḍeya m. patr. fr. sṛkaṇḍu g. śubhrâdi
- sấrgaḍa mfn. bolted, barred ŚBr
- sârgala mfn. id. ib. (in the Kāṇva recension) Hariv
- obstructed, impeded, prevented, with held Ragh
- sārgāla mf(ī)n. (fr. sṛgāla) relating or belonging to a jackal MBh
- sārgika mfn. = sargāya prabhavati g. raṃtāpâdi
- sārṅgī a kind of metre (= sāraṅgī) Col
- sârci mfn. flaming, burning MBh. R
- ○mālin m. a partic. spell recited over weapons R
- sârcis mfn. = sárci MBh
- sārja m. = sarjikā, natron L
- sārjana (of unknown meaning) Pañcar
- sārjanākṣi m. a patr. Pravar
- sārñjayá rn. (fr. sṛñjaya) a patr. RV
- N. of a son of Saha-deva Br
- sârta-rava mfn. uttering wailing sounds, lamenting R
- sârti mfn. suffering from some pain or injury Bhpr
- sārtra n. (said to be fr. √sṛ) a house, dwelling (= ālaya) L
- sârtha mf(ā)n. having an object or business, SāṅkhBr
- anything that has attained its object, successful (as a request) Śak. Sch
- having property, opulent, wealthy Rājat
- having meaning or purport, significant, important, Kusum
- of like meaning or Purport W
- serving a purpose, useful, serviceable MW
- m. a travelling company of traders or pilgrims, caravan MBh. R. &c
- a troop, collection of men MBh
- a multitude of similar animals, herd, flock &c. Pañcat
- any company (ena, with gen. = 'in the company of.' Campak.), collection, multitude MBh. Kāv. &c
- a member of any company W
- a wealthy man W
- ○ghnī See -han
- ○ja mfn. born or reared in a caravan, tame (as an elephant) Nal
- ○dhara m. N. of the leader of a cṭcaravan Kathās
- ○pati m. the chief of a caravan HPariś
- ○pāla m. the guardian of a cṭcaravan MārkP
- ○bhṛt m. -vāha Buddh
- ○bhraṃśa-samudbhava mfn. arising from the loss of a caravan MBh
- ○maṇḍala n. the circle or collected body of a caravan ib
- ○vat mfn. having some meaning or purpose or intention, significant W
- having a numerous company ib
- ○vāha m. the leader or conductor of a caravan, a merchant, trader MBh. Kāv. &c
- the son of Māra (= māra-putra) Buddh
- a Bodhi-sattva ib
- -vacas n. the proclamation of the captain of a and MBh
- ○vāhana m. the leader of a caravan Kathās
- ○saṃcaya mfn. possessing great wealth or riches ib
- ○han mf(ghnī)n. 'caravan-destroyer', a robber who attacks a caravan MW
- ○hīna mfn. left behind by a caravan R
- sârthêśa m. = sârtha-pati HPariś
- sârthaka mfn. having meaning, significant, important RPrāt. Sāh
- serviceable, useful, advantageous BhP. Pañcar
- ○tā f. (KāśīKh.),
- ○tva n. (Sāh.) significance, importance
- the being adapted to any purpose, serviceableness MW
- sârthaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make a profit or gain out of anything Cat
- sârthika mfn. travelling with a caravan
- m. a companion on a journey, merchant, trader MBh. BhP
- sârthī-√kṛ P. -karoti = sârthaya above
- sārdāgava m. (fr. sṛdāgu) N. of a preceptor Lāṭy
- sârdra m. fn. wet, moist, damp MBh. Naish
- sârdha mf(ā)n. joined wilh a half, plus one half. increased by one half. having a half over (e.g. dve śate sârdhe, 'two hundred together with a half', i.e. 250) Mn. MBh. &c. [Page 1210, Column]
- (ám), ind. jointly, together, along with, with (instr. or comp
- with ā-√dā, to take with one') ŚBr. &c. &c
- ○ṃ-vihārin mfn. dwelling together with a teacher Divyâv
- ○vāruhika mfn. lasting a year and a half. Kull. on Mn. xi 126
- ○śata n. 'hundred and a half', 150 MW
- ○saṃvatsara n. a year and a half. ib
- ○saptan n. seven and a half. Sūryas. Sch
- sârdha-candra (fr. sa + ardhac○) together with the moon's crescent Kum
- sârdha-mātra mfn. (fr. [sa+ardhamAtrA]) having a half Mātrā MW
- sārpa mfn. (fr. sarpa, of which it is also the Vṛiddhi form in comp.) relating to snakes or serpents
- n. (with or scil. bha) N. of the Nakshatra Ārsha VarBṛS. R. &c
- ○rāja m. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○rājña mf(ī)n. belonging to or coming from Sarpa-rājñi (the serpent-queen) ŚrS
- (ī), f. N. of the authoress of RV. x, 189 ŚāṅkhBr
- pl. the verses attributed to Sarpa-rājñi ŚrS
- ○vidyika mfn. (fr. sarpa-vidyā) versed in ophiology or snake-science Pat
- sarpya wṛ. for sārpa L
- sārpākava m. patr. fr. sṛpāku g. bidâdi
- sārpākavāṇa m. patr. fr. sārpākava g. haritâdi
- sārpiṇikā f. (with paṅkti) Cat
- sārpiṣa mfn. (fr. sarpis) containing clarified butter, cooked with ghee L
- sārpiṣka mfn. id. L
- sārya See p. 1208, col. 1
- sārva mfn. (fr. sarva, of which it is also the Vṛiddhi form in comp.) relating to all, fit or good for all Śiś. xiv, 4 (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 10)
- general, universal ( See comp.)
- m. a Buddha or a Jina L
- ○ṃ-saha m. (fr. sarvaṃ-s○) a kind of salt L
- ○karmika mfn. (fr. sarva-karman) fit for all actions (cf. -kārmika below) L
- ○kāma mfn. (fr. sarva-kāma) designed for one who wishes for all things ĀpŚr
- -samṛddha m. the sixth day in the Karma-māsa (prob. wṛ. for sarva-k○) IndSt
- ○kāmika mf(ī)n. (fr: id.) fulfilling all desires, gratifying every wish GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- ○kāmya a. (fr. id.) fulfilment of every desire Jaim
- ○kārmika mfn. (cf. -karmika above) all-effective as a remedy against (gen.) Car
- ○kāla mfn. (fr. sarva-k○ taking place at all times or seasons (as marriage) ĀśvGṛ
- ○kālika mfn. (fr. id.) belonging to all times, suited to all seasons, everlasting Āpast. MBh. &c
- ○kālika n. (fr. id.) occurrence at all times Gaṇar
- ○keśya mfn. coming or derived from Sarvakeśa, g. śaṇḍikâdi
- ○kratuka mfn. (fr. sarvakratu) relating to all sacrifices Lāṭy. Sch
- ○gaṇan (vḷ. sarva-g○) salty soil L
- ○gāmin mfn. perhaps wṛ. for sarva-g○) entering into the Universal Soul Āpast
- ○guṇika mfn. (fr. sarva-guṇa) enbued with every good quality or excellence MBh. Hariv
- ○carmīṇa mfn. (= sarva-c○) wholly made of leather Pāṇ. 5-2, 5
- ○janika mfn. (fr. sarvajana) relating or belonging or suited to all men, universal, public Pāṇ. 5-1, 9 Vārtt. 5 Pat,
- ○janīna mfn. (fr. id.) = prec. ib
- = sarva-jane sādhuḥ. g. pratijan7di
- ○janya mfn. (fr. id.) general, universal VarBṛS
- ○jña mf(ī)n. (fr. sarva-jña) coming from or relating to one who is omniscient HPariś
- n. wṛ. for next
- ○jñya n. omniscience Sarvad
- ○dhātuka mfn. (fr. sarva-dhātu) applicable to the whole of a radical term or to the complete form of the verbal base (after the conjugational characteristics or Vikaraṇas are affixed in the four conj. or special tenses
- in Veda often confounded with the Ārdhadhātuhas, q.v.)
- n. N. of the verbal terminations of the four conj. tenses (Pr., Impf., Pot., and Impv.), and of all the √afixes (such as śānac and śatri) which have an indicatory J Pāṇ. 1-2, 4 ; iii, 4, 113 &c
- ○nāmika mfn. (fr. sarva-nāman) relating to a pronoun or pronominal Kāt
- ○nāmnya n. (fr. id.) the being a name for everything Nir. vii, 4
- ○bhaṭṭa-bhaumâcārya m. N. of an author (prob.= sārva-bhauma-bhaṭṭâcārya) Cat
- ○bhautika mfn. (fr. sarva-bhūta) relating to all elements or beings, comprising all animated beings Mn. xii, 51
- ○bhaumā́ mfn. (fr. sarva-bhūmi) relating to or consisting of or ruling over the whole earth, comprising the whole world, known throughout the world ŚBr. &c. &c. [Page 1210, Column]
- relating to all conditions of the mind Yogas. Sch
- m. an emperor, universal monarch AitBr. &c. &c
- N. of a son of Ahaṃ-yāti MBh
- of a son of Su-dharman Hariv
- of a son of Vidūratha Pur
- of various authors (also with bhaṭṭâcārya, and miśra) Cat
- of the elephant of Kubera (regent of the north) R. Vās
- (am), n. sovereignty over the whole earth, universal empire BhP
- -gṛha n. an imperial palace L
- -bhavana n. id., Śāntiś
- -vrata n. a partic. religious observance Cat
- -sarvasve rāma-sū7kta n. -siddhânta m. N. of wks
- ○bhaumika mfn. = -bhauma, spread over the whole earth KāśīKh
- ○medhika mfn. relating to the Sarva-medha (q.v.) R
- ○yajñika mfn. (fr. sarvayajña) relating to sacrifices of every kind SāṅkhŚr
- ○yaugika mfn. (fr. sarva-yoga) useful in diseases of every kind Car
- ○rātrika mfn. (fr. sarva-rātra) lasting the whole night (as a lamp) MatsyaP
- ○rogika or mfn. (fr. sarva-roga) re. lating to or useful in diseases of every kind Car. Cat
- ○raugika mfn. (fr. sarva-roga) re. lating to or useful in diseases of every kind Car. Cat
- ○laukika mf(ī)n. (fr. sarva-loka) prevailing throughout or common to the whole world, known by or permitted to every one, common, universal MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○varṇika mfn. (fr. sarva-varṇa) of every kind or sort Mn. VarBṛS
- relating to every caste or tribe Gaut. MBh
- ○varmika mfn. composed or written by Sarva-varman Cat
- ○vidya n. (fr. sarva-vidyā) omniscience, g. catur-varṇâdi
- ○vibhaktika mfn. (fr. sarva-vibhakti) applicable or belonging to all the cases of a noun &c. R. Sch
- ○vedasa mfn. (and vḷ. for sarva-s○) one who gives away all his wealth at a sacred rite Mn. xi, 1
- (am), n. a person's entire property
- -dakṣiṇa mfn. (a sacrifice) at which one's whole property is given away as a fee to Brāhmans Yājñ
- ○vedya n. (fr. -sarva-veda) all the Vedas collectively, g. brāhmaṇâdi
- m. a Brāhman conversant with all the Vedas W
- ○vaidika mfn. (fr. id.) versed in all the Vedas Kauś
- ○saṃsarga-lavaṇa n. (vḷ. sarva-s○), salty soil L
- ○saha vḷ. for sarvaṃ-s○, q.v
- ○surabhi mfn. (or fr. sarva-s○) fragrant with all odours ĀpGṛ
- ○sūtra mfn. (fr. sarva-s○) consisting of threads of all colours ĀpŚr
- ○sena m. (fr. sarva-s○) a partic. Pañca-rātra ĀśvŚr
- (ī), f. patr. of Su-nanda (the wife of Bharata) MBh
- -yajña, (prob.) wṛ. for sarva-seniyajña Vait
- ○sení m. (fr. id) patr. of Śauceya TS
- pl. N. of a warrior tribe, g. dāmany-ādi
- -yajña m. a partic. sacrifice ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○senīya m. a king of the Śārvasenis, g. dâmany-ādi
- ○senya mfn. coming or derived from Sarva-sena, g. śaṇḍikâdi
- sārvātmya n. (fr. sarvâtman) the being Universal Soul Saṃk. Sch
- sārvāyuṣa mfn. (fr. sarvâyus) possessing full vitality or vigour AitBr. ŚBr
- sārṣapa mf(ī)n. (fr. sarṣapa) made of or derived from mustard, Kauś
- n. (wlth or scil. taila) mustard oil Suśr
- sârṣṭa mfn. (perhaps fr. 7. sa + ā + ṛṣṭa, √2. riṣ) of equal rank or condition ĀśvŚr
- sârṣṭi mfn. (prob. connected with ārṣa and riṣi and ṛṣva
- cf. ṛṣi) = prec. Pravar
- m. pl. N. of a Gotra ĀśvŚr
- = next BhP
- ○tā f. equality in rank or condition or power (sometimes regarded as one of the grades of Mukti or beatitude
- cf. sālokya, col. 3) TBr. Up. &c
- sārṣṭya n. a partic. state of Mukti ( See above)
- sāla m. (often incorrectly written for 1. śāla) the Śāl tree
- a wall, fence &c
- for these and other meanings and compounds such as salagrāma &c., See 1. śāla
- (ā), f. See next
- sālā f. (generally written śālā) a house ( niḥsālá)
- ○karī f. a female captive won in battle W
- ○vṛtiká m. (in later language mostly śālā-vṛka) 'house-wolf (?)', a kind of wolf or hyena or jackal or similar animal RV. &c. &c
- ○vṛkīya wṛ. for next
- ○vikeyá m. the young of a wolf or hyena &c. MaitrS. PañcavBr. KaushUp
- sāla m. N. of a king Rājat
- ○candra m. N. of a prince Buddh
- salêndra-rāja m. N. of a man Lalit
- sâlaka mfn. adorned with locks (of hair) Kāvyâd
- sālaki m. N. of a Muni Cat. [Page 1210, Column]
- sâlaktaka mfn. dyed with lac Kathās
- sālakṣaṇya n. (fr. sa-lakṣaṇa) sameness of characteristics or attributes Sarvad
- sālaga m. (in music) a partic. Rāga Saṃgīt
- ○sūḍaka m.plṆ. of partic. measures ib
- sūḍa-nṛtya n. a kind of dance ib
- sāla-grāma sālaṅka &c. See śāl○, p. 1067, cols. 1 and 3
- sâlaṃkāra mf(ā)n. having ornaments or decorations, decorated, adorned Śrutab
- sālana See śālana, p. 1067, col. 2
- sāla-niryāsa sāla-pattrā &c. See śāl○, p. 1067, col. 2
- sālabala (?), N. of a place, Buddb
- sâlamba mfn. having anything a, as support (comp.) Kathās
- sâlambana mfn. belonging to or connected with a partic. mental exercise ( See ār○)
- sāla-vana See bhadra-s○
- sālavāhana or sālivāhana, v. l. for s, sātav○ and, śālav○, Sin1hâs
- sâlasa mfn. having languor, languid, tired, indolent, lazy Ṛitus
- sālā f. See 1. sāla, col. 2
- sālāturīya See śāl○, p. 1067
- sālikā f. a flute L
- sāleyikā or f. id. L
- sāleyī f. id. L
- sāliṅgya n. (fr. sa-liṅga) sameness of characteristics ĀpŚr. Sch
- sāli-mañjari See śāl○, p. 1068
- sālivāhana See sālav○ above
- sālūra sāleya, See śāl○ p. 1068
- sālokya n. (fr. sa-loka) the being in the same sphere or world, residence in the same heaven with (instr. with saha, or gen., or comp
- this is one of the four stages of beatitude) MBh. Hariv. Pur. &c
- ○tā f. id. MBh
- sālokyâdi-catuṣṭaya n. the four (stages of beatitude), viz. Salokya &c. (the others beings sāmīpya, sārūpya, and sāyujya
- See also sârṣṭi) RTL. 41
- sālopa mfn. (?for sa-l○, or = sâl○) having a bit or morsel (said of the mouth) Buddh
- sālohita m. (= sa-l○) a person related by blood, kinsman Divyâv
- sālva sālvaṇa &c. See śālva, p. 1068
- sālha m. N. of a man Buddh
- sālhaṇa mfn. belonging or peculiar to Sālhaṇi ( next) Rājat
- sālhaṇi m. patr. fr. salhaṇa ib
- sāḻhṛ See p. 1193, col. 2
- sāvá m. (fr. √3. su) a Soma libation (cf. prātaḥ- and sahasra-s○) RV
- sāvana mfn. (fr. 1. savana, p. : 190) relating to or determining the three daily Soma libations, i.e. corresponding to the solar time (day, month, year) VarBṛS. Sch
- m. an institutor of a sacrifice or employer of priests at a sacrifice (= yajamāna) L
- the conclusion of a sacrifice or the ceremonies by which it is terminated L
- N. of Varuṇa L
- n. scil. (māna) the correct solar time Nidānas
- sāvika mfn. (fr. 1. sava) relating to the extraction of Soma Vait
- sāvin mfn. preparing Soma ( See manyu-ṣāvin)
- m. a kind of Mahā-purusha (v. l. sāmin) VarBṛS
- (inī), f. a river Naish
- sāvya m. (for a. See s.v.) in sahasra-s○ (q.v.)
- sāvasirole N. of a district Inscr
- sāvaka mf(ikā)n. (fr. √2. su or 2. sū) one who has brought forth a child Yājñ. Sch
- generative, productive W
- parturient ib
- (ikā), f. a midwife ib
- m. the young of an animal (or for śāvaka) MW. [Page 1211, Column]
- sā́vaka mf(ā)n. grown or covered over with the plant Blyxa Octandra, Lāṭy
- sā́vakāśa mf(ā)n. having an opportunity, applicable (-tva, n.) Pat. Śaṃk. Āp. Sch
- (am), ind. leisurely MW
- sā́vagraha mfn. having an obstacle, having restraint, restrained, limited Śaṃk
- (in gram.) having the mark of separation or elision called Avagraha (q.v.), being separated into its component parts or analyzed (as a word in the Pada-pāṭha q.v.) VPrāt
- withholding (its water, as a cloud) Subh
- sâvacāraṇa mfn. together with the application Suśr
- sā́vajña mfn. feeling contempt, despising, disdainful of (loc.) Kathās
- (am), ind. contemptuously, disdainfully R. Sāh
- sā́vadānam ind. (cf. 2. avadāna) with interruption (?) Buddh
- sā́vadya mfn. liable to blame or censure, objectionable MBh
- n. anything blamable or objectionable HPariś
- (scil. aiśvarya) one of the three kinds of power attainable by an ascetic (the other two being nir-avadya and sūkṣma) Cat
- sā́vadhāna mf(ā)n. having attention, attentive, heedful, careful Bhartṛ. HPariś
- intent upon doing anything (inf.) Uttamac
- (am), ind. attentively, cautiously Śak
- ○tā f. attention, carefulness Pañcat
- ○sāhitya n. N. of wk
- sâvadhānaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make careful, put on one's guard KāśīKh. Sch
- sâvadhānī in comp. for sâvadhāna
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make attentive or careful, caution MW
- ○kṛta mfn. cautioned, apprized, made aware ib
- ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to be attentive or careful Cat
- sā́vadhāraṇa mfn. having a limitation or restriction, limited, restricted Kād
- sā́vadhi mfn. having a boundary or limit, defined, circumscribed Kathās
- sāvanta-miśra m. N. of a man Cat
- sā́vamarda mfn. painful or disagreeable or contradictory (as speech) R
- sā́vamāna mfn. accompanied with contempt or disdain Bhartṛ
- sā́vayava mfn. having parts, composed of parts (in the Vaiśeshika phil. said of all things except the eternal substances)
- ○tva n. the being composed of parts, Saṃk. Sarvad
- sâvayavi-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make into parts, divide into portions Pañcar
- sāvayasá m. (prob. fr. sa-vayasa) patr. of Ashāḍha ŚBr
- sā́vara mfn. together with the afterbirth ŚBr
- sāvara ○raka. See śābara, p. 1065
- sā́varaṇa mfn. barred, bolted, locked up Ragh
- concealed, secret, clandestine ib
- ○sadāśiva-pūjā-vidhi m. N. of wk
- sā́varoha mfn. having shoots or roots sent down by the branches Hariv
- sāvarṇa mfn. (fr. sa-varṇa) relating or belonging to one of the same colour or tribe or caste MW
- mṆ. of a Ṛishi VS. MBh
- of the eighth Manu (cf. sāvarṇi) Hariv. MārkP
- of the Saṃhitā traced back to Sāvarṇi (cf. under sāvarṇaka)
- ○lakṣya n. 'mark of sameness of colour or caste', the skin L
- sāvarṇaka m. N. of a Manu MārkP
- (ikā), f. N. of a partic. Saṃhitā Cat
- sā́varṇi m. N. of a Ṛishi RV
- metron, of the eighth Manu (son of the Śun by Su-varṇā, q.v., and therefore younger brother of the seventh Manu or Vaivasvata
- the succeeding Manus to the twelfth, or accord. to other authorities to the fourteenth inclusive, are all called Sāvarṇ
- cf. dakṣa-, brahma-, dharma-s○) Hariv. MārkP
- sāvarṇika mf(ī)n. belonging to the same tribe or caste MārkP
- belonging to Manu Sāvarṇa, or Sāvarṇi Hariv. [Page 1211, Column]
- (ā), f. N. of a village (printed sābarṇ○) Rājat
- sāvarṇyá mfn. relating to Manu Sāvarṇa or Sāvarṇi Cat
- m. Patr. fr. sa-varṇa RV
- the eighth Manu (= sāvarṇi) MW
- n. identity of colour Suśr
- identity of caste or class W
- homogeneousness (of sounds) Pāṇ. 1-1, 69 Sch
- the Manv-antara presided over by the eighth Manu MW
- sā́valamba mfn. having a support or prop, supported, leaning for support (on the arm of another) Ragh
- sā́valepa mfn. having pride, proud, haughty (am ind.) Daś. Kāvyâd
- sā́vaśeṣa mf(ā)n. having a remainder, incomplete, unfinished MBh. Kāv. &c
- left, remaining ( See comp.)
- n. a remainder, residue MārkP
- ○jīvita mfn. one whose life is not yet finished, having yet time to live Pañcat
- ○bandhana mfn. having bonds still remaining, still bound ib
- sâvaṣṭambha mfn. possessing resolution, resolute, self-dependent, self-reliant, resolute (am ind.) Kāv. Kathās
- n. (scil. vāstu) a house with an open side-gallery VarBṛS
- sâvasá mfn. supplied with provisions ŚBr
- sâvahita mfn. giving attention, attentive Uttamac
- sâvahelam mfn. disdainful, contemptuous, careless (am ind. 'carelessly, quite easily') Kathās. Rājat
- sāvika See p. 1210, col. 3
- sāvitrá mf(ī́)n. (fr. savitṛ) relating or belonging to the sun, derived or descended from the sun, belonging to the solar dynasty TS. VS. KātyŚr. MBh. Hariv
- relating to Sāvitra i.e. Karṇa MBh
- accompanied or effected by the Sāvitri verse (cf. below) BhP
- m. a partic. Agni TBr
- a partic. kind of ladleful (cf. graha) TS. ŚBr
- (scil. homa) a partic. oblation Mn. iv, 150
- (scil. kalpa) N. of the 10th Kalpa (q.v.) VP
- a Brāhman (accord. to some 'a Gṛiha-stha who possesses corn in a granary) L
- an embryo or fetus L
- the sun L
- a son or descendant of Savitṛi (applied to Karṇa, Candrā-ketu, Śiva, one of the Vasus, one of the Maruts, and one of the Rudras) MBh. R. Hariv
- N. of one of the peaks of Meru VP
- (ī), f. See below
- (am), n. (scil. havis) a partic. oblation TS. ŚBr. &c
- initiation into membership of the twiceborn classes by reciting the Sāvitri verse and investing with the sacred thread BhP
- the sacred thread (= yajñôpaviita) L
- N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- of a Pariśishṭa of the Yajur-veda
- of a partic. Muhūrta (q.v.) Cat
- of the Nakshatra Hasta (presided over by Savitṛi) MBh
- of a forest MārkP
- ○graha-homa m. N. of a partic. oblation Vait
- ○cayana n. 'arranging or preparing the Agni called Sāvitra', N. of -paddhati f. -prayoga, mṆ. of wks
- ○citi f. = -cayana, IndSt
- ○vat (○trá-), mfn. connected with verses addressed to Savitṛi TS
- sāvitrâgni-prayoga m
- sāvitrâdi-kāṭhaka-cayana n
- sāvitrâdi-prayoga-vṛtti f. N. of wks
- sāvitri f. (m. c.) = -sāvitrī, a partic. verse (cf. below) MBh
- sāvitrikā f. a partic. Śakti Hcat
- sāvitrī́ f. a verse or prayer addressed to Savitṛi or the Sun (esp. the celebrated verse RV. iii, 62, 10
- also called gāyatrī, q.v.) AitBr. &c. &c
- initiation as a member of the three twice-born classes by reciting the above verse and investing with the sacred thread (cf. under sāvitrá, and upa-nayana) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c
- a partic. form of the Gāyatrī metre Ked
- N. of Sūryā or a daughter of Savitṛi AV. Br. MBh. &c
- N. of the wife of Brahmā (sometimes regarded as the above verse deified or as the mystical mother of the three twice-born classes, or as the daughter of Savitṛi by his wife Pṛiśni) MBh. Kathās. &c
- of a wife of Śiva L
- of a manifestation of Prakṛiti Cat
- of the wife of Satya-vat (king of Śālva
- she was daughter of Aśva-pati, king of Madra, and is regarded as a type of conjugal love
- her story is the subject of a fine episode of the Mahā-bhārata
- See sāvitryupâkhyāna) MBh. R. BhP
- of the wife of Dharma (daughter of Daksha) VP
- of the wife of Kaśyapa Cat
- of the wife of Bhoja (king of Dhārā) ib. [Page 1211, Column]
- of a daughter of Ashṭāvakra Kathās
- of the Yamunā river Bālar
- of the Sarasvatī R
- of another river BhP
- a ray of light, solar ray W
- the ring-finger L
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha Cat
- ○peñjara n. N. of wk. (cf. gāyatrī-p○)
- ○patita mfn. 'fallen from or deprived of the Sāvitrī', not invested with the sacred thread at the proper time Yājñ. i, 38
- ○pariṇaya m. N. of a Kāvya by Varadâcārya
- ○paribhraṣṭa mfn. = -patita Mn. x, 20
- ○putra m. pl. N. of a warrior tribe, g. dāmany-ādi
- ○putrīya m. a king of the Sāvitri-putras ib
- ○bhāṣya n. N. of wk
- ○mahānāmya (?), the ceremony of investiture with recital of the Sāvitrī MW
- ○vrata or n. a partic. fast (kept by women on the fifth day of the second half of Vaiśākha, or of the dark half of Jyaishṭha, to preserve them from widowhood) Hariv
- ○vrataka n. a partic. fast (kept by women on the fifth day of the second half of Vaiśākha, or of the dark half of Jyaishṭha, to preserve them from widowhood) Hariv
- ○ta-kathānaka n. ○ta-pūjā-kathā f. ○tôdyāpana n. N. of wks
- ○sūtra n. the sacred thread (= yajñôpaviita) L
- sāvitrīka See patita-s○
- sāvitreya m. N. of Yama. L
- sāvitry in comp. for sāvitri
- ○avarajā f. the younger daughter of Sāvitrī MW
- ○upaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad
- ○upâkhyāna n. the story of Sāvitrī (MBh. iii, ch. 292-299
- above.)
- sāvin See p. 1210, col. 3
- sâviṣkāra mfn. having manifestation, manifest W
- making an exhibition of any power or talent, proud, haughty, arrogant ib
- sâvegam ind. with excitement or agitation Mṛicch. Śak
- sāvetasa m. a patr. ĀśvŚr. Inscr
- sāverī f. (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇi Saṃgīt
- sāvya mfn. (for 1. See p. 1210, col. 3) composed by Savya ŚāṅkhŚr
- sâśaṃsa mfn. having desire, desirous, hopeful (am ind. 'wishfully', 'hopefully') Mṛicch. Kālid. Kir
- sâśaṅka mf(ā)n. having fear or anxiety, apprehensive, afraid of (loc
- am ind. 'apprehensively') MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○tā f. the state of being afraid or apprehensive, fear, terror MW
- sâśana mfn. having food ( See next)
- sâśanânaśaná n. du. having and not having food, that which eats and does not eat, earthly and heavenly beings RV
- sāśanāra m. N. of a partic. Agrahāra or royal grant to Brāhmans MW
- sāśayandaka (?), m. a small house-lizard (= jyeṣṭhī) L
- sāśikya N. of a people or country (cf. śāśika) Daś
- sâśira mfn. (fr. 7. [sa+Azira] = āśir) with admixture, mixed TS. ŚBr
- sâśīti mfn. with eighty, increased by eighty, plus eighty Yājñ
- sâśīrka mfn. containing a prayer or blessing TS. (a more correct form would be sâśīṣka, but cf. an-āśīrka)
- sāśūka m. a blanket (= kambala) L
- sâścarya mfn. astonished, surprised by (comp.) Kathās
- wonderful, marvellous, astonishing Bhartṛ
- (am), ind. with astonishment or surprise Hit
- ○kautuka mfn. astonished and curious Kathās
- ○carya mfn. of wonderful conduct Bhartṛ. Rājat
- ○maya mf(ī)n. wonderful, full of marvels MW
- sāśma-varṣin mfn. accompanied by a shower of stones BhP
- sâśra mfn. (fr. 7. sa + 1. aśra) having angles or corners, angular MW
- sâśra mfn. (fr. 7. sa + 2. aśra
- more correctly written sâsra) tearful, weeping KāśīKh
- sâśru mfn. accompanied by tears, tearful, shedding tears (u, ind.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○dhī f. 'having a sad heart', a mother-in-law L. [Page 1212, Column]
- ○nayana or mfn. having tearful eyes MBh
- ○locana mfn. having tearful eyes MBh
- sâśva mfn. with horses, possessing horses KātyŚr
- N. of a king MBh
- sâśva-medha mfn. together with a horse-sacrifice Vait
- sāṣī-rājan m. pl. N. of partic. kings Pañcad
- sâṣṭa mfn. with eight, increased by eight, plus eight (with śata n. = 108) L
- sâṣṭaṅga mfn. performed with eight limbs or members (as a reverential prostration of the body so as to touch the ground with the hands, breast, forehead, knees, and feet) Prab
- (am), ind. with the above prostration (with pra-√nam 'to make the above reverential prostration') Hit
- ○pātam ind. making the above prostration ib
- sâṣṭrika wṛ. for sôṣṭ○ MBh
- sāṣṭhī f. the small Banana L
- sâsa m. (√2. as) and bow MW
- sāsakarṇi wṛ. for śāś○ Saṃskārak
- sāsadyamāna pr.p. Ā. of √sad
- sâsandīka mfn. ( See āsandī) together with a chair or stool KātyŚr
- sâsava mfn. having spirituous liquor, filled with spirituous liquor, Śāntiś
- sāsahi sāsahvas, See p. 1193
- sâsāra mf(ā)n. having showers, rainy R
- sâsi mfn. having a sword, armed with a sword MW
- ○pāṇi (Śiś.) and mfn. sword in hand
- ○hasta (R.), mfn. sword in hand
- sā́su mfn. having life, living BhP
- sâsusū mfn. ( See asusū). having arrows Kir. xv, 5
- sā́sūya mfn. having envy, envious, disdainful, scornful, angry at or with (prati) Kāv. Kathās
- sâstaraṇa mf(ā)n. together with a carpet or rug, Lāṭy
- sâsthi mfn. having bones (said of any animal), comp
- ○tāmrârdha n. a kind of amalgam of zinc and copper, bell-metal (= kāṃsya) L
- ○vadha m. the killing of any animal having bones Yājñ. iii, 275
- ○svānam ind. with the cracking sound of bones Śiś
- sāsnā f. the dewlap of an ox MaitrS. Śiś
- ○"ṣdi-mat (sāsnâd○), mfn. having a dewlap &c. Sāh
- sāsnālāṅgūlakakudakhuraviṣāṇin3sāsnā--lāṅgūla-kakuda-khura-viṣāṇin mfn. having a dewlap (and) tail (and) hump (and) claws (and) horns Pat
- ○vat mfn. having a dewlap Kaṇ
- sâsra mfn. (more correctly 1. sâśra, q.v.) having angles or corners MW
- sâsra mfn. (cf. 2. sâśra) tearful, weeping, in tears (am, ind.) Kāv. Kathās
- sâsrava mfn. (with Jainas) connected with the act called āsrava (q.v.) L
- sâsvādana n. (scil. sthāna
- with Jainas) N. of the second of the 14 stages towards supreme bliss Cat
- sāh See 2. sah, p. 1193, col. 1
- sāha mfn. (fr. √sah) powerful, mighty RV
- (also ṣāha ifc.) resisting, conquering, subduing MBh
- sāhya n. conquering, overthrowing, victory ( abhimāti-, nṛ-, and pṛtanā-ṣāhya)
- aid, assistance (often vḷ. sahya
- with √kṛ or dā, 'to give assistance') MBh. R. &c
- conjunction, society, fellowship (in this meaning perhaps fr. saha or contracted from sāhāyya) L
- ○kara mfn. rendering assistance R
- ○kṛt mfn. a companion, associate W
- sāha m. = ?, ( See pradīpa- and madhukara-s○)
- sāhi m. = prec. ( See candra-, prema-s○ &c.)
- ○deva and m. N. of kings Cat. [Page 1212, Column]
- ○sujā m. N. of kings Cat. [Page 1212, Column]
- sāhakāyana mfn. (fr. sahaka, v. l. for siṃhaka), g. pakṣâdi
- sâhaṃkāra mfn. having egotism or self-conceit, proud, arrogant Rājat. Kathās
- ○tā f. self-conceit, arrogance Pañcad
- sāhaṃkṛta mfn. self-conceited, proud, haughty Siṃhâs
- sāhacara mfn. (fr. saha-c○) belonging to the plant Saha-cara Suśr
- sāhacarya n. companionship, fellowship, society, association with (instr. or comp.) Nir. Kāv. &c
- sāhajika mfn. (fr. saha-ja) innate, natural, Vṛishabhān
- m. N. of a man Rājat
- sāhajit m. vḷ. for sāhañji VP
- sāhañja m. N. of a king Hariv
- sāhañjanī f. N. of a town built by Sāhañja ib
- sāhañji m. = sāhañja VP
- sāhadeva m. patr. fr. saha-deva Pāṇ. 4-1, 114 Sch
- sāhadevaka m. a worshipper of Saha-deva Pāṇ. 4-3, 99 Sch
- sāhadevi m. patr. fr. saha-deva MBh. Rājat
- sāhadevyá m. patr. of Somaka RV
- sāhana n. (fr. Caus. of √sah) the act of causing to bear
- sufferance, endurance W
- sāhantyá mfn. = sáhantya, conquering, powerful AV. TS
- sāhaya mfn. causing or enabling to bear Pāṇ. 3-1, 138
- sāhasa mfn. (fr. sahas) over-hasty, precipitate, rash, inconsiderate, foolhardy Hariv
- m. N. of Agni at the Pāka-yajña Gṛihyās
- m. n. punishment, fine (regarded as of three kinds, the highest being called Uttama
- half of that, Madhyama
- and half of that, Adhama) Mn. Yājñ. &c
- (am), n. (ifc. f. ā) boldness, daring, rashness, temerity, any precipitate or reckless act MBh. Kāv. &c
- overstraining Car
- violence, force, rapine, rape, robbery, felony, aggression, cruelty Gaut. Āpast. Nār
- adultery Nār
- hatred, enmity L
- ○karaṇa n. violence, force Daś
- ○karma-tā f. rashness, temerity Mṛicch
- ○kārin mfn. acting inconsiderately or rashly, Ratnâv
- ○lāñchana m. N. of a man (cf. sāhasâṅka) Vcar
- ○vat mfn. inconsiderate, rash, foolhardy VarBṛS
- sāhasâṅka m. 'marked or characterized by daring', N. of king Vikramâditya Pañcad
- of a poet (mentioned by Rāja-śekhara)
- of a lexicographer Cat
- -carita n. N. of wk
- ○kīya mfn. relating to Sāhasâṅka Cat
- sāhasâdhyavasāyin mfn. acting with inconsiderate haste MW
- sāhasâika-rasika mfn. one whose only feeling or passion is cruelty, brutal, ferocious W
- sāhasâikânta-rasânuvartin mfn. one who follows or yields to the one passion of cruelty or rashness MW
- sāhasôpanyāsin mfn. suggesting violent deeds Mālatīm
- sāhasika mf(ī)n. bold, daring, impetuous, rash, reckless, inconsiderate MBh. Kāv. &c
- using great force or violence, perpetrated with violence, cruel, brutal, ferocious, rapacious Mn. MBh
- overstraining or overworking one's self Car
- punitive, castigatory W
- m. a robber, freebooter ib
- N. of a cook Kathās
- ○tā f. cruelty, ferocity, impetuosity ib
- sāhasikya n. rashness, foolhardiness, temerity Naish. Śiś
- violence, force Pāṇ. 1-3, 32
- sāhasin mfn. rash, precipitate, inconsiderate, foolhardy Kāv. Kathās
- cruel, violent, ferocious Nār
- sāhasrá mf(ī́, or ā) n. (fr. sahasra) relating or belonging to a thousand, consisting of or bought with or paid for a thousand, thousand fold, exceedingly numerous, infinite VS. &c. &c
- m. an army or detachment consisting of a thousand men W
- (pl.) N. of four Ekâhas at which a thousand (cows) are given as a fee ŚrS
- n. (ifc. f. ā) an aggregate of a thousand or of many thousand TBr. MBh. &c
- ○cūḍika m. (with loka-dhātu) N. of a partic. world Buddh
- ○vat (○srá-), mfn. containing a thousand TS
- ○vedhin mfn. = sahasra-v○ Kālac
- ○śas ind. by thousand ĀśvŚr
- sāhasrâdya m. a partic. Ekâha Vait
- sāhasrānīka m. N. of a king (cf. sahasrân○) Buddh
- sāhasrântya m. a partic. Ekâha Vait
- sāhasraka mf(ikā)n. amounting to or containing a thousand Cat. [Page 1212, Column]
- n. the aggregate of a thousand Pañcar
- N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- sāhasri m. (prob.) a patr. Rājat
- sāhasrika mfn. consisting of a thousand Hcat
- sāhānusāhi m. N. of a king Pañcad
- sāhāyaka n. (fr. sahāya) assistance, aid, help Kāv. Kathās
- a number of associates or companions MW
- auxliary troops ib
- sāhāya wṛ. for sahāya
- sāhāyya n. help, succour (○yyaṃ-√kṛ and √sthā, 'to give assistance') MBh. Kāv. &c
- friendship, fellowship, alliance W
- (in dram.) helping another in danger Sāh
- ○kara mfn. giving assistance, helping Daś
- ○dāna n. the giving of aid or assistance ib
- sāhāyyaka n. aid, assistance Daś
- sāhi m. = 2. sāha ( See candra-, prema-, rāma-s○ &c.)
- sāhitī f. See below
- sāhitya n. (fr. sahita) association, connection, society, combination, union with (instr. or comp
- ena ind. 'in combination with, together with') Kām. Kap. KātyŚr. Sch
- agreement, harmony Prab
- literary or rhetorical composition, rhetoric, poetry Sāh. Cat
- ○kaṇṭhôddhāra m
- ○kalpadruma m
- ○kalpapallavī f
- ○kauthūhala n
- ○kaumudī f
- ○candrikā f
- ○cintāmaṇi m
- ○cūḍāmani m
- ○taraṃgiṇī f. N. of wks
- ○darpaṇa m. 'mirror of composition', N. of a treatise on literary or rhetorical composition by Viśvanātha-kavi-rāja (15th century AḌ.)
- ○dīpikā f
- ○bodha m
- ○mīmāṃsā f
- ○muktāmaṇi m
- ○ratnamālā f
- ○ratnâkara m
- ○vicāra m. N. of wks
- ○vidhyādhara m. N. of Cāritra-vardhana Muni (author of a Comm. on the Naishadha-caritra) Cat
- ○śārṅgadhara m. (prob.) = śārṅgadharapaddhati
- ○śāstra n. a treatise on rhetoric or composition (or any work explaining the figures of rhetoric or giving rules for literary or poetical composition) MW
- ○saṃgraha m
- ○saraṇī-vyākhyā f
- ○sarvasva n
- ○sāmrājya n
- ○sāra m
- ○sudhā f
- ○sudhā-samudra m
- ○sūkṣma-saraṇi f
- ○sūcī f
- ○hṛdaya-darpaṇa m. N. of wks
- sāhitī f. = sāhitya above Cat
- sāhya See col. 1
- sāhila m. N. of a poet Cat
- sâhi-vīci mfn. having waves of serpents MW
- sāhuḍi-yāna or sāhuḍī-pāla m. N. of Śūla-pāṇi Cat
- sāhula (?), m. N. of a man Cat
- sāheb-rām m. N. of the author of the Kāśmīra-rāja-vaṃśa (died before 1883) Cat
- sâhná mfn. connected with a day, terminating with a day or lasting a day (opp. to 1. ahīna) Br
- m. = ekâha TS. TāṇḍBr. ĀpŚr
- sâhnâtirātrá mfn. terminating with a day and exceeding a day AV
- sāhnoka m. N. of a poet Cat
- sâhlāda mfn. having joy or gladness, cheerful, glad (am ind. 'joyfully') Pañcat
- sâhva mf(ā)n. having a name, named, called ( iṣu-, rathâṅga-s○ &c.)
- sâhvaya mfn. = prec. ( See kāla-, gaja-s○ &c.)
- m. gambling with fighting animals, setting animals to fight for sport &c. (= sam-āhvaya) L
- sāhvam See viśva-s○, p. 994, col. 1
- sāhvas See p. 1193, col. 2
- sāhvya m. N. of a village Rājat
- si (cf. √1. sā), cl. 5. 9. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxvii, 2 ; xxxi, 5) sinoti, sinute ; sinā́ti, sinite (really occurring only in pres. sinā́ti, impf. asinot ; pf. siṣāya RV. ; aor. [?] siṣet ib. ; asaiṣīt, aseṣṭa Gr. ; fut. setā ib. ; siṣyati MBh. ; seṣyati, ○te Gr. ; inf. sétave AV. ; setum Gr.), to bind, tie, fetter RV. AV. VS. PārGṛ. KaṭhUp.: Caus. sāyayati (aor. asīṣayat), Gr.: Desid. sisīṣati, ○te ib.: Intens. seṣīyate, seṣayīti, seṣeti ib. [Cf. Gk. ?, ? [Page 1213, Column] ; Lett. [1213,] sinu, 'to bind' ; Angl. Sax. sâl ; Germ. ṣeil.]
- sitá mfn. (for 2. See below
- for 3. p. 1214, col. 2) bound, tied, fettered RV. &c. &c
- joined with, accompanied by (instr.) Prab. Rājat. BhP
- sitaka mfn. g. ṛśyādi Pāṇ. 4-2, 80
- siti f. (for 2. See p. 1214, col. 3) binding, fastening (in 1. prá-siti, p. 697, col. 3)
- sina mfn. (for 2. See s.v.) stuck fist (as food in the throat) Pat. on Pāṇ. 8-2, 47 Vārtt. 4
- m. a bond, fetter L
- si ( See sāyaka, senā), to hurl, cast
- sita See 2. prá-sita p. 697, col. 3
- si ind., g. câdi
- siṃsapā See śiṃśapā, p. 1069, col. 3
- siṃhá m. (ifc. f. ā
- prob. fr. √sah) 'the powerful one', a lion (also identified with ātman) RV. &c. &c
- the zodiacal sign Leo or its Lagna VarBṛS. MārkP
- a hero or eminent person (ifc. = 'chief or lord of', to express excellence of any kind
- cf. puruṣa-s○, rāja-s○, and the similar use of ṛṣabha, vyāghra &c
- sometimes also = 'prince, king', e.g. nāga-pura-s○, the king of Nāga-pura
- cf. siṃhadvār and siṃhâsana) MBh. Kāv. &c
- a partic. form of temple VarBṛS
- a partic. place prepared for the building of a house Jyot
- a Moringa with red flowers (= rakta-śigru) L
- (in music) a kind of tune Saṃgīt
- the symbol or emblem of the 24th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī MW
- N. of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- of a king of the Vidyā-dharas Kathās
- of a king (the father of Sāhi-deva) Cat
- of the Veṅkata mountain L
- (with ācārya) of an astronomer VarBṛS. Sch
- of various other persons Buddh. Rājat
- a partic. mythical bird R
- (ā), f. a partic. grass or plant (= nāḍī) L
- (ī), f. See below
- ○karṇa (prob. m.) N. of a place, g. takṣaśilâdi
- (ī), f. a partic. position of the right hand in shooting an arrow ŚārṅgP
- ○karman mfn. acting like a lion, achieving lion-like deeds Viddh
- ○kalpā f. N. of a (prob. imaginary) town Divyâv
- ○kāraka m. a creator of lions Pañcat
- ○ketu m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Lalit
- of another man ib
- ○keli m. N. of a celebrated Bodhi-sattva (= Mañju-śrī) L
- ○kesara (less correctly -keś○), m. a lion's mane W
- Mimusops Elengi L
- a kind of sweetmeat Śīl
- ○kesarin (less correctly -keśar○), m. N. of a king Buddh
- ○kośa m. N. of a king ib
- ○ga m. 'going like a lion', N. of Śiva MBh
- ○gāminī f. N. of a Gandharva maiden Kāraṇḍ
- ○giri m. (with Jainas) N. of a Sthavira HPariś
- ○rī7śvara m. N. of a teacher W
- ○gupta m. N. of a king Kathās
- of the father of Vāg-bhaṭa Cat. (v. l. saṃgha-g○)
- ○grīva mfn. lion-necked MBh
- ○ghoṣa m. N. of a Buddha Buddh
- of various other men Daś
- ○candra m. N. of various men MBh. Buddh
- (ā), f. N. of a woman Buddh
- ○carman n. a lion's skin ĀpŚr
- ○jaṭi m. N. of a king Buddh
- ○tala m. the open hands joined L. (ct saṃha-t○)
- ○tā f. the being a lion, leonine state MBh. Kathās
- ○tāla or m. = -tala L
- ○tāḍlâkhya m. = -tala L
- ○tilaka-sūri m. N. of a Jaina author Cat
- ○tuṇḍa m. 'lion-faced', a kind of fish Mn. v, 16
- Euphorbia Ligularia Bhpr
- ○tuṇḍaka m. a kind of fish (= -tuṇḍa) Yājñ
- ○tva n. the state of a lion MBh. Ragh. &c
- ○daṃṣṭra mfn. lion-toothed R
- m. a kind of arrow ib
- m. N. of Śiva MW
- of an Asura Kathās
- of a king of the Śabaras ib
- ○datta m. 'lion-given', N. of an Asura ib
- of a poet Cat
- ○darpa mfn. having a lion's pride MW
- ○deva m. N. of a king Rājat
- of an author Cat
- ○dvār f. a palace-gate Kathās
- ○dvāra n. id. ib. Rājat
- a principal or chief gate, any gate or entrance W
- ○dvīpa m. N. of an island Buddh
- ○dhvaja m. N. of a Buddha ib
- ○dhvani m. the roar of a lion W
- a sound like the roar of a lion MW
- a cry challenging to battle, war-cry Kum
- ○nandana m. (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt
- ○nardin mfn. roaring like a lion MW
- ○nāda m. a lion's roar R. Hariv. Kathās. &c
- a war-cry MBh. Kāv. &c
- a confident assertion Pañcat
- recital of the Buddhist doctrine Buddh
- a kind of bird VarBṛS
- a kind of metre Col
- (in music), a kind of time Saṃgīt
- N. of Śiva MBh
- of an Asura Kathās
- of a son of Rāvaṇa Bālar
- of a Śākya Buddh
- of a king of Malaya Mudr
- of the general of an army Vās., Introd
- of a Buddhist saint, Bnddh
- -guggulu m. a partic. mixture Bhpr. -nādin m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. [Page 1213, Column]
- -sādhana n. N. of wk
- ○nādaka m. a lion's roar L
- a warcry W
- (ikā), f. Alhagi Maurorum L
- ○nādin m. N. of a Māra-putra Lalit
- ○nṛpa m. N. of a king Cat
- ○parākrama m. N. of a man Kathās
- ○paripṛcchā f. N. of wk
- ○parṇikā f. Phaseolus Trilobus L
- ○parṇī f. Justicia Ganderussa L
- ○pippalī f. a kind of plant (= saiṃhalī) MW
- ○pucchikā f. Hemionitis Cordifolia L
- ○pucchī f. id. ib
- Glycine Debilis ib
- ○pura n. N. of a town (Singapur) MBh. Buddh. &c
- ○puraka m. an inhabitant of that town VarBṛS
- ○puṣpī f. Hemionitis Cordifolia L
- ○pūrvârdha-kāya-tā f. having the forepart of the body like a lion (one of the 32 signs of perfection) Dharmas. 83
- ○pragarjana mfn. roaring like a lion MBh
- ○pragarjita n. the roaring of a lion MW
- ○praṇāda m. a war-whoop R
- ○pratīka (siṃhá-), mfn. having a lion's appearance AV
- ○pradīpa m. N. of wk
- ○bala m. N. of a king Kathās
- -datta m. N. of a man Mudr
- ○bāhu m. N. of the father of Vijaya (the founder of the first Buddhist dynasty in Ceylon) Buddh
- ○bhaṭa m. N. of an Asura Kathās
- ○bhadra m. N. of a teacher Buddh
- ○bhūpāla m. N. of an author Cat
- ○bhūbhṛt m. N. of a king Rājat
- ○mati m. N. of a Māra-putra Lalit
- ○mala n. a kind of brass (= pañca-loha) L
- ○malla m. N. of an author Cat
- ○mahīpati m. N. of a king Rājat
- of an author Cat
- ○māyā f. an illusory form shaped like a lion Hariv
- ○mukha mfn. lion-faced
- m. N. of one of Śiva's attendants Hariv
- of a scholar Buddh
- (ī), f. Glycine Debilis L
- Gendarussa Vulgaris ib
- ○yānā f. 'having a car drawn by lions', N. of Durgā L
- ○ratha mf(ā)n. having a car drṭdrawn by lion L
- m. N. of a man Rājat
- (ā), f. N. of Durgā Hariv
- ○rava m. a lion's roar Kāv
- a war.cry MBh
- ○raśmi (?), m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○rāj m. N. of a grammarian MS
- ○rāja m. N. of a king Rājat
- of a grammarian MS
- ○rotsikā (?), f. N. of a village Rājat
- ○rṣabha (○ha + ṛṣ○), m. a noble lion R
- ○lagna n. the Lagna (q.v.) of the sign Leo MW
- ○lamba m. N. of a place Cat
- ○līla m. (in music) a kind of time Saṃgīt
- a partic. kind of sexual union L
- ○lomán n. a lion's hair ŚBr
- ○vaktra m. N. of a Rākshasa R
- n. a lion's face Cat
- N. of a town Buddh. (wṛ. -vakta)
- ○vatsa m. N. of a serpent-demon ib
- ○varman m. N. of a man Inscr. Kathās. Daś
- ○vāha mfn. riding on a lion BhP
- ○vāhana mfn. id
- m. N. of Śiva MBh
- (ā), f. N. of Durgā L
- ○vāhin mfn. = -vāha
- (inī), f. N. of Durgā DevibhP
- ○vikrama m. a horse L
- (in music) a kind of time Saṃgīt
- N. of Candra-gupta Inscr
- of a king of the Vidyā-dharas Kathās
- of a thief ib
- = vikrama-siṃha MW
- ○vikrānta mfn. valiant as a lion MBh
- m. a horse L
- n. a lion's gait Buddh
- a kind of metre Col
- -gati or -gāmin mfn. having a lion's gait MW
- -gāmi-tā f. the having such a gait (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84
- ○vikrīḍita m. (in music) a kind of time Saṃgīt
- a kind of Samādhi Dharmas. 136
- N. of a Bodhi-sattva ib
- n. a kind of metre Ked
- ○vijṛmbhita m. (with Buddhists) a kind of Samādhi Kāraṇḍ. (cf. -viṣkambhita)
- ○vinnā f. Glycine. Debilis L
- ○viṣkambhita m. (with Buddhists) a kind of Samādhi Kāraṇḍ. (perhaps only wṛ. for -vijṛmbhita)
- ○viṣṭara (prob.) a throne Rājat
- ○vyāghra lion and tiger', a partic. philosophical term Cat
- (ī), f. N. of various wks
- -kroḍa m. -ṭippaṇī f. -ṭīkā f. N. of wks
- -niṣevita mfn. inhabited by lions and tigers MW
- -rahasya n. -lakṣaṇa n. -lakṣaṇa-prakāśa m. -lakṣaṇarahasya n. -lakṣaṇī f. N. of wks
- ○ghrâmiṣī-√kṛ, to make a prey to lions and tigers Kathās
- ○vyāghrīya n. N. of wk
- ○śāva (Hariv.) or (Śak.), m. a lṭlion's cub
- ○śiśu (Śak.), m. a lion's cub
- ○śrī f. N. of a woman Kathās
- ○saṃhanana n. the killing of a lion MW
- mfn. lion-shaped, having a strong and noble frame MBh. R
- ○sāhi m. N. of a king Inscr
- ○siddhânta-sindhu m. N. of wk
- ○sena m. N. of various men MBh. L
- ○skandha mfn. having the shoulders of a lion MBh. R. VarBṛS
- ○stha m. 'being in the constellation Leo', the planet Jupiter when so situated, (also) the festival celebrated at that time (called Siṃhasth) MW
- -makarastha-guru-nirṇaya m. -māhātmya n. -snāna-paddhati, f. N. of wks
- ○svāmin m. N. of a temple erected in honour of Siṃha-rāja Rājat
- ○hanu mfn. having the jaws of a lion Buddh. (-tā f. one of the 32 signs of perfection Dharmas. 83) [Page 1213, Column]
- mṆ. of the grandfather of Gautama Buddha ib
- siṃhâkṣa m. N. of a king Kathās
- siṃhâcala m. N. of a mountain Cat
- -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- siṃhâcārya m. N. of an astronomer VarBṛS. Sch
- siṃhâjina mṆ. of a man Pāṇ. 5-3, 82 Sch
- siṃhâḍhya mfn. abounding in lions W
- siṃhânana m. Gendarussa Vulgaris Bhpr
- siṃhânuvāka m. N. of wk
- siṃhâvaloka m. a kind of metre Col
- siṃhâvalokana n. a lion's backward look BhP
- N. of wk
- (ena or ○kananyāyena), ind. accord. to the rule of the lion's look (i.e. casting a retrospective glance while at the same time proceeding onwards) TPrāt., 'Sch. ŚāṅkhBr. Sch. MBh. Sch
- siṃhâvalokita n. = prec. Gṛihyās. Piṅg. Sch
- siṃhâsana n. 'lion's-seat', king's seat', 'a throne' MBh. Kāv. &c
- a partic. sedent posture Cat
- m. a kind of sexual union L
- -cakra n. N. of three astrological diagrams shaped like a man and marked with the 27 Nakshatras MW
- -traya n. N. of an astrological diagram L
- -dvātriṃśat or ○śati or ○śatikā or ○śat-kathā or ○śat-puttalikā-vārttā or ○śat-putrikā-vārttā or ○śikā f. N. of a wk. consisting of 32 stories in praise of Vikramâditya (= vikrama-carita)
- -bhraṣṭa mfn. fallen from a throne, dethroned MW
- -raṇa m. n. a strife or struggle for the throne R
- -stha mfn. sitting on a throne MBh
- siṃhâstra n. N. of a mythical weapon Dhanaṃj
- siṃhâsya mfn. lionfaced MW
- m. a kind of fish Vajras
- Gendarussa Vulgaris Bhpr
- Bauhinia Variegata L
- a partic. position of the hands Cat
- (ā), f. GendṭGendarussa VulgṭVulgaris or Adhatoda Vasika L
- siṃhêndra m. a mighty lion Pañcar
- siṃhôddhatā (Piṅg.) or (ib. Col.), f. a kind of metre
- siṃhôddḍhônnatā (ib. Col.), f. a kind of metre
- siṃhaka m. endearing form of siṃha Divyâv
- of siṃhâjina Pāṇ. 5-3, 81 sq. Sch
- (ikā), f. See below
- siṃhala m. the island of Ceylon (perhaps so called as once abounding in lions) BhP. Rājat. &c
- N. of a man Buddh
- pl. the people of Ceylon AV. Pariś. MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- (ā), f. the island of Ceylon ( See sthāna)
- n. id. W
- tin L
- brass (more correctly siṃhalaka) L
- bark, rind MW
- Cassia bark (more correctly saiṃhala) L
- ○dvīpa m. the islṭisland of CṭCeylon Buddh. Kathās. &c
- ○stha mfn. being or dwelling in CṭCeylon MW
- (ā), f. a species of pepper L
- siṃhalā-sthāna m. a kind of palm tree L
- siṃhalaka mfn. relating to Ceylon (with dviipa m. 'Ceylon' Cat.) VarBṛS
- n. Ceylon MW
- brass L
- siṃhāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to behave like a lion Hit. Kathās
- siṃhikā f. N. of the mother of Rāhu (she was a daughter of Daksha or Kaśyapa and wife of Kaśyapa or Vipra-citti) MBh. Hariv. Pur
- N. of a form of Dākshāyaṇī Cat
- of a Rākshasi R
- a knock-kneed girl unfit for marriage L
- Gendarussa Vulgaris L
- ○tanaya m. 'son of Siṃhikā', metron, of Rāhu ŚārṅgP
- pl. N. of certain Asuras MBh
- ○putra or m. metron. of Rāhu A
- ○suta m. metron. of Rāhu A
- ○sūnu m. ib. ŚārṅgP
- siṃhikeya mṃetron. of Rāhu (wṛ. for saiṃh○) Hariv
- siṃhinī f. (with Buddhists) N. of a goddess W
- siṃhiya or m. endearing forms of siṃha Pāṇ. 5-3, 81 Sch
- siṃhila m. endearing forms of siṃha Pāṇ. 5-3, 81 Sch
- siṃhī́ f. a lioness RV. VS. TS. &c
- N. of the Uttara-vedi (nom. siṃhī́h) TS
- of various plants (Solanum Jacquini
- SolṭSolanum Melongena
- Gendarussa Vulgaris
- Hemionitis Cordifolia
- Phaseolus Trilobus) PārGṛ. Suśr
- a vein L
- N. of the mother of Rāhu (= siṃhikā) L
- ○latā f. the egg-plant Bhpr
- siṃhī incomp. for siṃha
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to turn into a lion MBh. NṛisUp
- ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become or be turned into a lion Kathās
- siṃhāṇa n. (corrupted fr. śṛṅkhāṇa) the mucus of the nose L
- rust of iron L
- a glass vessel L
- siṃhāṇaka m. the mucus of the nose Divyâv. (printed siṃhānaka)
- siṅghāṇa m. = siṃhāṇa, rust of iron KātyŚr. Sch
- siṅghāṇaka m. the mucus of the nose ib
- (ikā), f. id. Āpast
- siṅghiṇī f. = śiṅghiṇī, the nose L
- sik a Sautra √meaning 'to scatter about, sprinkle' (cf. √sic, sīk)
- síkatā f. (said to be fr. the above, but prob fr. √sic, p. 1214) sand, gravel (mostly pl., sg. also 'a grain of sand') VS. &c. &c. [Page 1214, Column]
- sandy soil Pāṇ. 5-2, 105
- gravel or stone (as a disease) Suśr
- pl. N. of a race of Ṛishis MBh. (part of RV. ix, 86 is attributed to sikatā nivāvarī)
- ○tva n. the condition or nature of sand Ragh
- ○prâya n. a sandbank L
- ○maya mf(ī) n. consisting of sand, full of sand, sandy L
- n. a sandbank or an island with sandy shores W
- ○meha m. a partic. urinary disease, gravelly sediment in the urine Suśr
- ○hin mfn. suffering from the above disease ib
- ○vat (sík○), mfn. abounding in sand, sandy AV
- ○vartman n. partic. disease of the eyelid. ŚārṅgS
- ○sindhu N. of a place Rājat
- ○setu m. a bank of sand R. (v. l.)
- sikatôttara mfn. abounding in sand, sandy ĀśvGṛ
- sikatila mfn. consisting of sand, sandy, Bhart. Prab
- sikatyá mfn. id. VS
- sigatā f. = sikatā Kap
- sikta sikti, siktha, See below
- sikṣya m. crystal, glass L
- sigṛḍī or sigruḍī f. (cf. śimṛḍī and śigru) a kind of plant L
- siṅga-bhūpāla m. N. of an author (cf. siṃha-bh○) Cat
- siṅgā-bhaṭṭa m. N. of an author (○ṭṭīya n. his wk.) Cat
- siṅgāpidi m. N. of a poet ŚārṅgP
- siṅghaṇa-deva m. N. of a king
- siṅghāṇa &c. See p. 1213, col. 3
- sic cl. 6. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxviii, 140) siñcáti, ○te (once in RV. x, 96, 1, sécate pf. siṣeca, siṣice [in RV. also sisicuḥ, sisice]
- aor. asicat, ○cata [Gr. also asikta]
- Subj. sicāmahe RV
- Prec. sicyāt Br
- fut. sekṣyati, ○te ib. &c
- inf. sektum MBh. sektavai Br
- ind. p. siktvā ib
- -sícya AV
- -secam or -sekam, (GṛŚrS.), to pour out, discharge, emit, shed, infuse or pour into or on (loc.) RV. &c.&c
- to emit semen, impregnate RV. AV. Br. Mn
- to scatter in small drops, sprinkle, besprinkle or moisten with (instr.) RV. &c. &c
- to dip, soak, steep Bhpr
- to cast or form anything out of molten metal &c. (2 acc.) RV. AV. AitBr.: Pass. sicyate (ep. also ○ti
- aor. aseci), to be poured out or sprinkled RV. &c. &c.: Caus. secayati, ○te (ep. also siñcayati
- aor. asīṣicat or asīsicat), to cause to pour out &c
- to sprinkle, water (plants &c.) MBh. Kāv. &c.: Desid. siṣikṣati or sisikṣati
- ○te Gr. (cf. sisikṣā): Intens. sesicyate, sesekti. [Cf. Zd. hincaiti
- Gk. ? [?] ; AnglṢax. seón ; Germ. [1214,] seihen, seichen.]
- siktá mfn. poured out, sprinkled, wetted, impregnated RV. &c. &c
- (ā), f. = sikatā L
- ○tā f. the being sprinkled or watered Rājat
- siktí f. sprinkling, discharge, effusion RV
- siktha m. n. (ifc. f. ā) boiled rice from which the water has been poured off Suśr
- a lump or mouthful of boiled rice kneaded into a ball Kathās
- n. (also written śiktha) beeswax Kālac
- a collection of pearls (weighing a Dhāraṇa) VarBṛS
- indigo (= nīlī) L
- sikthaka (ifc., f. akā or ikā), m. n. = prec. Hcat
- n. beeswax L
- sig in comp. for 2. sic
- ○vāta m. wind from the hem of a dress ĀpGṛ
- síc f. the border or hem of a dress RV. AV. ŚBr. GṛŚrS
- (du.) the two borders or boundaries, i.e. the horizon RV. i, 95, 7
- (du. and pl.) the wings of an army RV. AV
- sicaya m. robe, raiment, cloth, clothes Vikr. Kād. Rājat
- old or ragged raiment W
- siñcana n. sprinkling, watering Hcat
- seka &c. See s.v
- sic f. = śic, a net BhP
- siji g. yavâdi
- ○mat mfn. ib
- siñcatā f. long pepper (vḷ. siñcitā) L
- siñjā siñjâśvattha, siñjita, incorrect for śiñjā &c
- siṭ (cf. √śiṭ), cl. 1. P. seṭati, to despise Dhātup. ix, 18. [Page 1214, Column]
- siṇḍākī incorrect for śiṇḍākī
- sita mf(ā)n. (prob. formed fr. a-sita as sura fr. asura
- for 1.and 2. sita See p. 1213, col. 1
- for 4. See √1. so) white, pale, bright, light (said of a day in the light half of a month and of the waxing moon) MBh. Kāv. &c
- candid, pure ( See -karman)
- m. white (the colour) L
- the light half of the month from new to full moon VarBṛS
- the planet Venus or its regent (= śukra) ib
- sugar ib
- Bauhinia Candida L
- N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh
- (ā), f. white sugar, refined sugar Suśr.: Hcat
- moonlight L
- a handsome woman
- spirituous liquor L
- N. of various plants (a species of Aparājitā
- white Kaṇṭakārī
- white Dūrvā grass
- Arabian jasmine &c.) Suśr
- bamboo juice L
- N. of the Ganges (in sitâsitā, under sitā)
- one of the 8 Devis (Buddh.) Kālac
- (am), n. silver L
- sandal L
- a radish L
- ○kaṭabhī f. a kind of tree L
- ○kaṇṭā or f. a white-blossomed Kaṇṭakāri L
- ○kaṇṭārikā f. a white-blossomed Kaṇṭakāri L
- ○kaṇṭha mfn. white-necked MW
- m. a gallinule L
- ○kamala n. a white lotus
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of white lotus Kālac
- ○kara m. 'white-rayed', the moon Rājat
- camphor L
- ○rânana mf(ā)n. moon-faced Rājat
- ○karṇikā (Suśr.) or (L.), f. Gendarussa Vulgaris
- ○karṇī (L.), f. Gendarussa Vulgaris
- ○karman mfn. pure in action MBh
- ○kāca mfn. dark-yellowish white L
- m. dark-yṭyellowish whiteness L
- rock-crystal L
- ○kācara mfn. dark-smoky white L
- m. dark-sṭsmoky whiteness L
- ○kuñjara m. a white elephant L
- N. of Indra's elotus W
- mfn. riding on a white elotus
- mṆ. of Indra L
- ○kumbhī f. a white Bignonia L
- ○kṛṣṇa mfn. white and black L
- m. white and black colour L
- ○keśa m. 'white-haired', N. of a Dānava Hariv
- ○kṣāra n. a kind of Borax L
- ○kṣudrā f. a white-blossomed Kaṇṭakārī ib
- ○khaṇḍa m. white lump-sugar Hcat. Dhūrtan
- ○guñjā f. a whiteblossomed Abrus Precatorius L
- ○cihna m. a sort of fish L
- ○cchattra n. a white umbrella L
- (ā or ī), f. Anethum Sowa ib
- ○cchattrita mfn. turned into or representing a white umbrella Naish
- m. having a white umbrella, possessed of the insignia of royalty MW
- ○cchada mfn. white-winged, having white leaves L
- m. a goose L
- (ā), f. white Dūrvā grass ib
- ○jā f. sugar in lumps, lump-sugar ib
- ○tara mfn. extremely white Ml
- ○turaga m. 'white-horsed', N. of Arjuna Kir
- ○tejas mfn. having a white light VP
- ○darbha m. white Kuśa grass L
- ○dīdhiti m. 'white-rayed', the moon Śiś
- ○dīpya m. white cumin L
- ○dūrvā f. white Dūrvā grass ib
- ○dru m. a kind of creeper ib
- ○druma m. (perhaps) a species of birch-tree Hariv
- ○dvija m. 'white bird', a goose Subh
- ○dhātu m. a white mineral MW
- chalk L
- ○pakṣa m. the light half of a month VarBṛS
- a white wing MW
- 'white-winged', a goose L
- ○paṭa m. N. of an author, Praśnôt
- ○padma n. a white lotus BhP
- ○parṇī f. a kind of plant (= arka-puṣpikā) MW
- ○pāṭalikā f. a white Bignonia L
- ○piṅgāṇa mfn. dark-yellowish-whitish white L
- m. dark-yṭyellowish-whitish whiteness L
- ○pīta mfn. white and yellow Śaṃk
- harin-nīla mfn. bluish-green, yellowish-white L
- m. bluish-green-yellowish-whiteness L
- ○puṅkhā f. a kind of plant L
- ○puṇḍarīka n. a white lotus Kāv
- ○puṣpa m. Tabernaemontana Coronaria L
- Saccharum Spontaneum ib
- Acacia Sirissa ib
- = śveta-rohita ib
- (ā), f. a kind of jasmine (Jasminum Sambac or Sida Cordifolia) Suśr
- (ī), f. = śvetâparājitā L
- n. Cyperus Rotundus ib
- ○puṣpāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to resemble jasmine Kāv
- ○puṣpika a kind of leprosy L
- ○prabha mf(ā)n. white MBh
- n. silver L
- ○maṇi m. a crystal
- -maya mf(ī)n. made of crystal Megh
- ○manas mfn. pure-hearted VP
- ○marica n. white pepper L
- ○māraka (prob.) wṛ. for -sāraka Car
- ○māṣa m. Dolichos Catjang L
- ○megha m. a white cloud R
- ○yajñôpavītin mfn. invested with a white sacred thread Hcat
- ○yāminī f. a bright night, moonlight Bhām
- ○rakta mf(ā)n. white and red NṛisUp
- ○rañjana mfn. yellow L
- m. yellow (the colour) W
- ○raśmi m. 'white-rayed', the moon L
- ○ruci mfn. bright-coloured, white Śiś
- m. the moon Subh
- ○latā f. a kind of plant L
- ○laśuna garlic L
- ○lohita mfn. white and red L
- m. white and red colour L
- ○varman m. N. of a minister Daś
- ○varṣābhū f. Boerhavia Procumbens L
- ○vallīja n. white pepper ib
- ○vājin m. 'having white horses', N. of Arjuna Kir
- ○vāraṇa m. a white elephant BhP
- ○śarkarā f. white ground sugar, lump-sṭsugar Sāh. Pañcar
- ○śāyakā wṛ. for -sāyakā L. [Page 1214, Column]
- ○śiṃśapā f. a kind of plant L
- ○śimbika m. a kind of wheat ib
- ○śiva n. rock-salt ib
- ○śūka m. barley ib
- ○śūraṇa m. or n. a species of Arum ib
- ○śmaśru mfn. having a white beard MBh
- ○śyāma mfn. blackish-white L
- m. blackish-white colour L
- ○sapti mfn. having white steeds
- m. N. of Arjuna Kir
- ○sarṣapa m. white mustard, a grain of white mustard-seed VarBṛS
- ○sāyakā f. a kind of plant L
- ○sāra or m. Achyranthes Triandra ib. (cf. -māraka)
- ○sāḍraka m. Achyranthes Triandra ib. (cf. -māraka)
- ○siṃhī f. a white-blossomed Kaṇṭakārī ib
- ○siddhârtha or m. white mustard (or a grain of white mustard-seed) Pañcat
- ○siddhârḍthaka m. white mustard (or a grain of white mustard-seed) Pañcat
- ○sindhu f. the Ganges L
- ○siva v. l. for -śiva ib
- ○sūraṇa v. l. for -śur○ ib
- ○hūṇa m. pl. the white Huns VarBṛS
- sitâṃśu m. 'white-rayed', the moon Bhartṛ. Kuval
- camphor L
- -taila n. camphor-oil ib
- sitâṃśuka mfn. dressed in a white mantle or garment Vikr
- sitâkhya n. white pepper L
- (ā), f. white Dūrvā grass ib
- sitâgra m. or n. a thorn (for śil○) ib
- sitâṅka m. a kind of fish ib
- sitâṅga m. a kind of plant ib
- camphor ib
- N. of Śiva ib. (printed mit○)
- -rāga m. a white cosmetic. or pigment for the limbs or body Kum
- sitâjājī f. white cumin L
- sitâtapatra n. a white umbrella (emblem of royalty) Siṃhâs
- sitâtapavāraṇa n. id. Ragh
- sitânana mfn. white-faced
- m. N. of Garuḍa L
- of one of Siva's attendants Hariv
- sitâpâṅga m. 'having white eye-corners', a peacock L
- sitâbja n. a white lotus ib
- sitâbha m. 'white-looking, 'camphor ib
- (prob.) sugar Pañcar
- (ā), f. a kind of shrub L
- sitābhikaṭabhī f. (vḷ. for sitâlikaṭ)
- sitâbhra m. a white cloud MBh
- m. n. camphor Kāv
- sitâbhraka m. or n. camphor L
- sitâmoghā f. a white-blossomed Bignonia ib
- sitâmbara mf(ā)n. clothed in white garments ŚārṅgP
- m. 'a monk wearing white garments', N. of one of the two great divisions of Jaina monks (= śvet○, q.v.) L
- sitâmbuja or n. a white lotus ib
- siḍtâmbhoja n. a white lotus ib
- sitâyudha m. a kind of fish L
- sitârkaka m. a white-blossomed Calotropis L
- sitârjaka m. white basil L
- sitâlaka m. a white Calotropis L. (wṛ. for ○tâlarka)
- sitâlarka m. a white Calotropis L
- sitâli mfn. having white lines MW
- -katabhī f. a species of Achyranthes L
- ○likā f. 'white-lined', a cockle MW
- sitâvara m. a species of culinary plant (also written śit○) Bhpr
- (ī), f. Venonia Anthelminthica L
- sitâśva mfn. having white horses
- m. N. of Arjuna MBh
- the moon L
- sitâsita mfn. (for sitâs○ See under sitā below) white and black MaitrUp. MBh. Pur
- good and evil, MaitrUP
- m. N. of Bala-deva L
- du. Venus and Saturn ib
- -kamaladala-nayana-tā f. having eyes like the petals of a dark and white lotus (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84
- -roga m. a partic. disease of the eyes Cat
- sitâhvaya m. 'white-named', the planet Venus (cf. śukra) VarBṛS
- N. of various plants (= śveta-rohita
- = śveta-śigru, a white-blossomed Tulasī) L
- sitêkṣu m. a species of sugarcane ib
- sitêtara mfn. 'other than white', black, dark, blue Śiś. Kum. Laghuj
- white and black BhP
- m. a kind of dark-coloured rice L
- Dolichos Uniflorus ib
- -gati m. 'having a black course', fire ib
- -saroja n. a blue lotus Śiś
- sitâiraṇḍa m. the white Ricinus L
- sitôtpala n. a white lotus VarBṛS. Hit. Vet
- sitôdaka wṛ. for śīt○ Kāraṇḍ
- sitôdara m. 'white-bellied', N. of Kubera L
- sitôdbhava mfn. produced from sugar MW
- n. white sandal L
- sitôpala m. 'white stone', chalk L
- crystal ib
- rock-crystal ib
- (ā), f. sugar Kāv. Suśr. Pañcar. (m. c. also ○pala)
- white or refined sugar MW
- n. chalk ib
- sitôṣṇa-vāraṇa n. 'white heat-protector', a white umbrella ib
- sitaka mfn. g. ṛsyâdi
- sitā f. of 3. sita, col. 2
- ○khaṇḍa m. sugar in lumps, lump-sugar L
- a kind of refined sugar (said to be prepared from honey) MW
- ○traya n. three kinds of white sugar (= tri-sitā) L
- ○"ṣdi (○tâdi m. molasses ib
- ○pāka m. refined sugar Bhpr
- ○latā f. white Dūrvā grass Car
- ○"ṣsita (○tâs○), n. (for sitâs○ above) N. of Prayāga KāśīKh
- (ā), f. du. the Ganges and Jumnā rivers at Prayāga ib
- siti mfn. (wṛ. for śiti
- for 1. See p. 1213, col. 1
- for 3. See √1. so) white L
- black ib
- ○kaṇṭha mfn. having a white throat MW
- dark-necked ib
- m. Śiva ib. (cf. śiti-k○)
- ○māraka (prob.) wṛ. for sita-sāraka Car
- ○vāra m. = śiti-v○ MW
- ○vāsas mfn. clad in black ib
- m. N. of Bala-rāma (for śiti-v○) Śiś
- sitiman m. whiteness Kāv. [Page 1215, Column]
- sitī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make white or bright Sāh. Naish
- sitī-vāra a kind of plant (vḷ. sitâr○ q.v.
- cf. siti-v○ above) Kauś
- sidguṇḍa m. a person whose father is a Brāhman and whose mother is a Parājakī L
- siddhártha See col, 3
- sidh cl. 1. P. sedhati, to go, move Dhātup. iii, 10 Naigh. ii, 14 (accord. to Pāṇ. 7-3, 113 the s of this √is not changed to ṣ after prepositions
- cf. abhi- and pari-√sidh)
- sidh cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. iii, 11) sédhati (in later language also ○te
- pf. siṣedha, ep. also siṣidhe
- aor. asedhīt Gr. also asaitsīt
- fut. seddhā or sedhitā Gr
- setsyati or sedhiṣyati MBh. &c
- inf. seddhum Br. &c
- sedhitum Gr
- ind. p. -sídhya AV.), to drive off, scare away, repel, restrain, hinder RV. Kauś
- to punish, chastise Bhaṭṭ
- to ordain, instruct Dhātup
- to turn ont well or auspiciously ib.: Pass. sidhyate (aor. asedhi), to be driven or kept off or repelled MBh. &c.: Caus. sedhayati (aor. asīṣidhat), Gr.: Desid. of Caus. siṣedhayiṣati ib.: Desid. sisedhiṣati, sisidhiṣati, siṣitsati ib.: Intens. seṣidhyate, seṣeddhi (pr. p. -séṣidhat RV.) ib
- siddha mfn. driven off, scared away PañcavBr
- siddhi f. driving off, putting aside Yājñ
- sidh (weak form of √sādh), cl. 4. P. (Dhātup. xxvi, 83) sídhyati (ep. and m.c. also ○te
- pf: siṣedha RV. i, 32, 13
- aor. asidhat Gr
- saitsīt Sarvad
- Prec. sidhyāsam Gr
- fut. seddhā ib
- setsyati, ○te MBh. &c
- inf. seddhum Gr
- ind. p. sedhitvā, sidhitvā, or siddhvā ib.), to be accomplished or fulfilled or effected or settled, be successful, succeed RV. &c. &c
- to hit a mark (loc.) Śak
- to attain one's aim or object, have success MBh. Kāv. &c
- to attain the highest object, become perfect, attain beatitude R. BhP
- to be valid or admissible, hold good Mn. Yājñ
- to be proved or demonstrated or established, result from Pat. Pañcat. Sarvad
- to be set right, (esp.) be healed or cured Suśr. BhP
- to be well cooked W
- to conform to a person's will, yield to (gen.) Kathās
- to fall to a person's (gen.) lot or share Prab
- to come into existence, originate, arise BhP.: Caus. sedhayati (aor. asīṣidhat) or sādhayati, to show the knowledge or skill (of any one, the former, 'with reference to sacred things', the latter, 'to secular things') Pat. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 49 (sadh○), to accomplish, effect MW.: Desid. siṣitsati Gr.: Int. seṣidhyate, seṣeddhi ib
- siddha mfn. accomplished, fulfilled, effected, gained, acquired MBh. Ragh
- one who has attained his object, successful BhP
- one who has attained the highest object, thoroughly skilled or versed in (dat. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
- perfected, become perfect, beatified, endowed with supernatural faculties ( See 2. siddhi) ib
- sacred, holy, divine, illustrious W
- hit (as a mark) Kathās
- prepared, cooked, dressed (as food) Mn. MBh. &c
- healed, cured Pañcat
- valid (as a rule in grammar, See as○)
- admitted to be true or right, established, settled, proved Pat. Mn. Sāṃkhyak. Sarvad
- resulting from W
- adjudicated, decided, terminated (as a lawsuit) W
- paid, liquidated, settled (as a debt) ib
- ready for payment(as money) Hit
- well-known, notorious, celebrated (= prasiddha) ĀśvŚr. R. &c
- effective, powerful, miraculous, supernatural Cāṇ. Rājat
- Vet
- subdued, brought into subjection (by magical powers), subject or obedient to (gen.) Pañcat. Kathās
- peculiar, singular Mālatīm
- invariable, unalterable Pat
- m. a Siddha or semidivine being of great purity and perfection and said to possess the eight supernatural faculties ( See 2. siddhi
- accord. to some, the Siddhas inhabit, together with the Munis &c., the Bhuvar-loka or atmosphere between the earth and heaven
- accord. to VP. eighty-eight thousand of them occupy the regions of the sky north of the sun and south of the seven Ṛishis
- they are regarded as immortal, but only as living to the end of a Kalpa q.v.
- in the later mythology the are some times confused with the
- Sādhyas q.v. or take their place) ĀśvGṛ. MBh. &c
- any inspired sage or prophet or seer (e.g. Vyāsa, Kapila &c.) ib
- any holy personage or great saint (esp. one who has attained to one of the states of beatitude, cf. sālokya) MBh. Kāv. &c
- any great adept in magic or one who has acquired supernatural powers ib. [Page 1215, Column]
- (with Jainas) a Jina or Arhat
- N. of the number 24 (ci. jina
- the 21st of the astron. Yogas. L
- a lawsuit, judicial trial (= vyavahāra) L
- N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh
- of a Rājarshi ib
- of a king Rājat
- of a brother of Jajja ib
- of a Brāhman Buddh
- of an author Cat
- a kind of thorn-apple L
- another plant or a sort of hard sugar (= guḍa) L
- (pl.) N. of a people MBh. VP
- (ā), f. a Siddhā or semi-divine female R. (cf. comp.)
- N. of one of the Yoginis (q.v.) L. (accord. to Sāh. siddhā is also used at the end of names of courtezans)
- a kind of medicinal plant or √(= ṛddhi) L
- (am), n. magic, supernatural power Pañcar
- sea-salt L
- ○kajjala n. magical lamp-black Kāvyâd. Sch
- ○kalpa (?), m. N. of a partic. cosmic period Buddh
- ○kāma mfn. having the wishes fulfilled R
- ○kāmêśvarī f. one of the five forms of Kāmâkhyā or Durgā, KāP
- ○kārya mfn. one whose object is accomplished Kathās
- ○kerala n. 'perfect Kerala', N. of a district Cat
- ○kṣetra n. 'land of the Blest', a region inhabited by the Siddhas (also as N. of various sacred regions) MBh. Kathās. Pur
- -parvata m. N. of a mountain in Siddha-kshetra Kathās
- ○khaṇḍa m. a sort of sugar L
- N. of various wks
- ○kheṭī-sāriṇī f. N. of wk
- ○gaṅgā f. the divine or heavenly Ganges (= mandākinī) L
- ○gati f. g. deva-pathâdi
- ○guru m. N. of an author Cat
- ○graha m. N. of a demon causing a partic. kind of seizure or madness MBh
- ○candra-gaṇi m. N. of the author of a Comm. on the Kādambarī
- ○jana m. beatified people, the Blest R
- ○jala n. 'cooked water', the fermented water of boiled rice, sour rice-gruel L
- ○tāpasa m. an ascetic endowed with supernatural power Daś
- (ī), f. a female ascetic &c. Kathās
- ○tva n. (or -tā f.) perfection, perfect state NṛisUp
- the condition of a Siddha R. Pañcar
- the establishment or validity of a rule or doctrine, APrāt. Sarvad
- the being known or understood BhP
- ○darśana n. the seeing or sight of the Blest Cat
- ○deva m. 'perfected deity', N. of Śiva L
- ○dravya n. any magical object Cat
- ○dhātu m. perfected mineral, quicksilver L
- ○dhāman n. the abode of the Blest Kathās
- ○nandin m. N. of a grammarian Cat
- ○nara m. a sorcerer, fortune-teller Siṃhâs
- ○nágârjuna m. N. of an author Gaṇar
- n. N. of wk. on magic
- -tantra, n
- ○nīya n. N. of wks
- ○nātha m
- ○nārāyaṇa m. N. of authors Cat
- ○pakṣa m. the logically proved side of an argument MW
- ○pati m. N. of a man (also called Mudgara-gomin) Buddh
- ○patha m. 'path of the Blest', the atmosphere BhP
- ○pada n. N. of a sacred place ib
- ○pātra m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh
- of a Deva-putra Lalit
- ○pāda m. N. of a teacher of the Yoga Cat
- ○pīṭha m. = -kṣetra L
- ○putra m. the son of a Siddha HPariś
- ○pura n. or 'city of the Blest', N. of a mythical city (located in the extreme north or, accord. to others, in the southern or lower regions of the earth) Sūryas. Āryabh. Gol
- ○purī f. 'city of the Blest', N. of a mythical city (located in the extreme north or, accord. to others, in the southern or lower regions of the earth) Sūryas. Āryabh. Gol
- ○puruṣa m. = -nara Siṃhâs
- a man who has attained perfection MW
- ○puṣpa m. 'having perfect flowers', the Kara-viira plant L
- ○prayojana m. white mustard L
- ○prâṇêśvara m. a partic. mixture or preparation Rasêndrac
- ○prâya mfn. almost accomplished, nearly perfected MW
- ○buddha m. N. of a teacher of Yoga (vḷ. śuddha-buddhi) Cat
- ○bhūmi f. = -kṣetra Pañcat
- ○mata n. the ideas or sentiments of the Blest Cat
- ○manorama m. N. of the second day of the civil month (Karmamāsa), IndSt
- ○mantra m. a partic. efficacious Mantra Vet. Gīt
- N. of a medical wk. by Keśavabhaṭṭa
- ○mātrikā f. N. of a partic. alphabet L
- of a goddess Cat
- ○mānasa mfn. having a completely satisfied mind R
- ○mūlikā-nighaṇṭu m. N. of a dictionary
- ○modaka m. sugar prepared from bamboo-manna L
- ○yātrika wṛ. for siddhi-j○
- ○yāmala n. N. of a Tantra
- ○yoga m. magical agency Kathās
- N. of a medical wk. by Vṛinda
- -mālā f. -saṃgraha m. N. of wks
- ○gêśvara-tantra n. N. of a Tantra wk
- m. a partic. mixture or preparation Rasêndrac
- ○yogin m. N. of Śiva MBh
- (inī), f. a sorceress, witch, fairy Kathās
- N. of Manasā Cat
- ○yoṣit f. a female Siddha, beatified woman BhP
- ○raṅga-kalpa m. N. of ch. of the Skanda-purāṇa
- ○ratna mfn. possessing a magic jewel Kathās
- ○rasa m. 'perfected metalic fluid', quicksilver Naish
- one who by means of quicksilver becomes a Siddha even in the present life (and so acquires supernatural powers) Caṇḍ. [Page 1215, Column]
- an alchemist W
- mfn. possessing perfected metallic fluids, mineral, metallic ib
- -daṇḍa m. a kind of magic wand Pañcad
- ○rasâyana mfn. possessing an elixir (for prolonging life) Kathās
- ○rāja m. N. of a king Rājat
- -varṇana n. N. of wk. Gaṇar
- ○rātrī (?), f. N. of a medical wk
- ○rudrêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha Cat
- ○rūpa n. the right or correct thing TPrāt. Sch
- ○rṣi m. (○ddha + ṛṣi) N. of the author of the Siddhayoga-mālā
- ○lakṣa mfn. one who has hit the mark Kathās
- ○lakṣmaṇa m. N. of an author Cat
- ○lakṣmī f. (prob.) a form of Lakshmi
- -stotra n. N. of a ch. of various Purānas
- ○loka m. the world of the Blest BhP
- ○vaṭa m. N. of a place Cat
- (ī), f. N. of a goddess ib
- (○ṭa) -sthala-kalpa m. N. of a ch. of the Skanda-purāṇa (also called śrī-śaila-dakṣiṇa-dvāra-sthala-kalpa)
- ○vat ind. as established or proved (with √kṛ, 'to regard as estṭestablished or proved') Sāy
- ○vana n. 'grove of the Blest', N. of a place Cat
- ○varti f. magical wick (vḷ. siddhi-v○) Pañcat
- ○vasti m. a strong injection (as of oil &c.) Suśr
- ○vastu (prob. n.) a spelling-book Buddh
- ○vāsa m. 'dwelling of the Blest', N. of a place Kathās
- ○vidyā f. the doctrine relating to perfected beings Pañcar
- a partic. form of the Mahā-vidyā L
- -dīpikā f. N. of wk. on the worship of Dakshiṇa-kālī by Śaṃkara (pupil of Jagan-nātha)
- ○vīrya m. 'possessing perfect strength', N. of a Muni MārkP
- ○śābara-tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- ○saṃkalpa mfn. one whose wishes are accomplished MW
- ○saṃgha m. a company of Siddhas, assemblage of perfected beings W
- ○samākhya mfn. called siddha (with kṣetra n. = siddha-kṣetra) Cat
- ○sambandha mfn. one whose kindred are well known L
- ○sarit f. 'river of the Blest', N. of the Ganges Bālar
- ○salila n. = -jala L
- ○sādhana m. white mustard L
- n. the performance of magical or mystical rites (for acquiring supernatural powers &c.) W
- the materials employed in those rites ib
- the proving of anything already proved Kap
- -doṣa m. the mistake of doing so MW
- ○sādhita mfn. one who his learned (the art of medicine) by practice (not by study) Car
- ○sādhya mfn. who or what has effected what was to be done W
- effected, accomplished, proved ib
- m. a partic. Mantra MW
- n. demonstrated proof or conclusion ib
- ○dhyaka m. a partic. Mantra Tantras
- ○sāra-saṃhitā f. N. of a medical wk
- ○sārasvata N. of a Tantra wk
- (with śabdânuśāsana) N. of a gram. wk
- -dīpikā f. N. of a Comm. by Padma-nābha on the Bhuvanêśvari-stotra
- -stotra n. another N. for bhuvanêśvarī-stotra
- ○siddha mfn. thoroughly efficacious (said of a partic. Mantra) Tantras
- ○ddhâñjana n. ○ddhânta m. ○ddhânta-paddhati f. N. of wks
- ○sindhu m. 'river of the Siddhas', N. of the heavenly Ganges
- ○susiddha mfn. 'exceedingly efficacious' (said of a partic. Mantra) Tantras
- ○sena m. 'having a divine or perfect army', N. of Kārttikeya (god of war) L
- of an astronomer VarBṛS
- -divākara or -divākṛt m. N. of a son of Sarva-jña and pupil of Vṛiddha-vāda-sūri (said to have induced Vikramâditya to tolerate the Jainas) Cat
- -vākya-kāra (Sarvad.), -sūri (Siṃhâs.), m. N. of authors
- ○sevita m. 'honoured or worshipped by Siddhas', N. of a form of Bhairava or Śiva (= baṭuka-bhairava) L
- ○sopāna n. N. of wk
- ○sthala (Pañcar.),
- ○sthāna (L.), n. the place or region of the Blest
- ○sthālī f. the magical caldron of a great adept or sage (said to overflow with any kind of food at the wish of the possessor) MW
- ○hema-kumāra m. N. of a king Hemac. Sch
- ○heman n. purified gold Cat
- siddhâgama m. N. of wk
- siddhâṅganā f. a beatified woman, female Siddha Megh. Vās. Kathās
- siddhêcala m. 'mountain of the Blest', N. of a mountain Siṃhâs
- -pūjā f. N. of wk
- siddhâjña mfn. one whose orders are executed VarBṛS
- siddhâñjana n. magical ointment, DaŚ. Kathās
- ○nāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a magical oiṭointment Dhanaṃj
- siddhâdeśa m. the prediction of a seer Mṛicch
- one whose predictions are fulfilled, prophet, soothsayer, fortune-teller Mālav. Ratnâv
- siddhânanda m. N. of an author Cat
- siddhânta &c., See s.v
- siddhânna n. dressed food, cooked victuals L
- siddhâpagā m. = siddha-sindhu L
- siddhâmbā f. 'the blest mother', N. of Durgā Cat
- siddhâri m. 'enemy of the Siddhas', N. of a partic. Mantra Tantras
- siddhârtha mf(ā)n. one who has accomplished an aim or object, successful, prosperous MBh. Kāv. &c. [Page 1216, Column]
- leading to the goal, efficient, efficacious Hariv. R
- one whose aim or intention is known L
- m. 'he who has fulfilled the object (of his coming)', N. of the great Buddha (Gautama or Śākya-muni, founder of Buddhism) MWB. 43
- of a Māra-putra Lalit
- of a Dānava Kathās
- of one of Skanda's attendants MBh
- of a king ib
- of a councillor of Daśa-ratha R
- of the father of Mahā-viira (the 24th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī) Kathās
- of a poet Subh
- (ā), f. N. of the mother of the 4th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L
- white mustard Suśr. VarBṛS. &c
- the Indian fig-tree L
- the 53rd year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBṛS
- n. (scil. vāstu) a building with two halls (one to the west, and one to the south) VarBṛS
- -kārin m. N. of Śiva MBh
- -carita n. N. of a poem
- -pṛcchā f. N. of wk. on symbols belonging to deities Hcat
- -mati m. N. of a Bodhisattva Lalit
- -mānin mfn. one who thinks he has attained his object Kathās
- -saṃhitā f. N. of wk. Hcat
- siddhârthaka m. white mustard (exceptionally also n.) Suśr. VarBṛS. &c
- N. of two officials Mudr
- n. a kind of ointment Suśr
- siddhârthin m. the 53rd year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years Cat
- siddhâśrama m. 'hermitage of the Blest', N. of a hermitage in the Himâlaya (where Vishṇu performed penance during his dwarf incarnation) R. Ragh
- -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Śukas
- -pada n. (the place of) the hermitage of the Blest R
- siddhâsana n. a partic. sedent posture in religious meditation (described as placing the left heel under the body and the right heel in front of it, fixing the sight between the eyebrows, and meditating upon the syllable om) Cat
- m. N. of Skanda L
- siddhêcchā f. a partic. mode of livelihood Baudh
- siddhêśa m. lord of the Blest BhP
- siddhêśvara m. id. ib. (ī f. VarP.)
- N. of various authors &c. (also with bhaṭṭa.) Cat
- of a mountain Inscr
- -tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- -tīrtha n. N. of various Tirthas Cat
- -stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- siddhâika-vīra-tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- siddhâiśvarya n. dominion over the Blest Pañcar
- siddhôdaka n. N. of a Tīrtha Kathās
- siddhâugha m. N. of certain Gurus (or teachers of mystical Mantras) revered by the Tāntrikas (named Nārada, Kāśyapa, Śambhu, Bhārgava, Kula-kauśika) Cat
- siddhâuṣadha n. 'perfect drug', a specific, panacea Bhām
- -saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- siddhâuṣadhika n. a collection of five drugs or medicines (viz. taila-kanda, sudhā-k○, kroḍa-k○, rudantikā, and sarpa-netrā) L
- siddhaka m. a kind of tree (perhaps = Vitex Negundo or Vatica Robusta or the Sāl tree) Suśr
- (prob. n.) a kind of metre Col
- siddhânta m. established end, final end or aim or purpose (cf. sama-s○), (cf. rāddhânta), demonstrated conclusion of an argument (or the 4th member of a syllogism following on the refutation of the pūrva-pakṣa, q.v.), settled opinion or doctrine, dogma, axiom, received or admitted truth (of four kinds, See sarva-tantra-s○?, prati-tantra-s○, adhikaraṇa-s○, abhyupagama-s○) MBh. Kap. Sarvad. (cf. IW. 64)
- any fixed or established or canonical text-book or received scientific treatise on any subject (esp. on astronomy and mathematics
- often ifc., as the following 9, Brahma-sṭsubject, Sūrya-sṭsubject, Soma-sṭsubject, Bṛihaspati-sṭsubject, Garga-sṭsubject, Nārada-sṭsubject, Parāśara-sṭsubject, Pulastya-sṭsubject, Vasishṭha-sṭsubject
- or the following 5, Sid, dhântas, Pauliśa-sṭsubject, Romaka-sṭsubject, Vāsishṭha-sṭsubject, Śaura-sṭsubject, and Paitāmaha-sṭsubject) VarBṛS. Sarvad. IW. 175
- a partic. class of Buddhist and Jaina wks
- ○kalpalatā f
- ○kāpavallī f. N. of Vedânta wks
- siddhāntakalpavallīvyākhyāna3siddhânta--kalpavallī-vyākhyāna n. N. of an astron. wk. by Yallayâcārya
- ○kārikā f. N. of a Nyāya wk
- ○koṭi f. the conclusive point in an argument MW
- ○kaumudī f. N. of a celebrated grammar by Bhaṭṭoji-dikshita (giving a particular arrangement of Pāṇini's Sūtras with Comm.)
- -koṭi-pattra n. -gūḍha-phakkikā-prakāśa m. -vilāsa m. -sāra m. N. of wks
- ○garbha m. N. of wk. by Mandanapāla
- ○gītā f. N. of a Vedânta wk
- ○gūḍhârtha-prakāśaka m
- ○grantha m. N. of wks
- ○candrikā f. N. of various wks. (also -khaṇḍana n. and -ṭīkā f.)
- ○candrôdaya m. a Comm. on the Tarka-saṃgraha (written in 1774 AḌ. for Rājas-siṃha, son of king Gaja-siṃha of Vikrama-paṭṭana, by Kṛishṇa-dhūrjaṭi-dikshita)
- ○cintāmaṇi m
- ○cintāratna-saṃgraha m
- ○cūḍāmaṇi m
- ○jāhnavī f
- ○jyotsnā f. N. of wks
- ○tattva n. N. of various wks. (esp. of a Vaiśeshika wk., also called Padârtha-viveka) [Page 1216, Column]
- -dīpa m. -prakāśikā f. -bindu (or siddhânta-bindū), m. -bindu-saṃdīpana n. -viveka m. -sarvasva n. N. of wks
- ○tari f
- ○darpana m
- ○dīpa m
- ○dīpa-prabhā f
- ○dīpikā f. N. of wks
- ○dharmâgama m. an established traditional rule Kāv
- ○nirṇaya m
- ○naiyāyika-mata n
- ○nyāya-candrikā f. N. of wks
- ○pakṣa m. the logically correct side of an argument MW
- ○pañcânana m. N. of the author of the Vākya-tattva
- ○pañjara n. N. of wk. by Saṃkarâcārya
- ○paṭala m. n. N. of wk. on the worship of Rāma
- ○paddhati f. = siddha-siddhânta-paddhati
- ○pīyūṣa m. n
- ○bindu m. ( siddhânta-tattva-b○),
- ○binduvyākhyā f
- ○bhāṣya n
- ○makaranda m
- ○mañjarī f
- ○mañjūṣā f
- ○mañjūṣā-khaṇḍana n
- ○maṇi-mañjarī f
- ○manoramā f. N. of wks
- ○muktâvalī f. N. of various wks. (esp. of a Comm. by Viśva-nātha Pañcânana Bhaṭṭâcārya Tarkâlaṃkāra on the Bhāshā-pariccheda IW. 61)
- -prakāśa m. N. of a Comm. on that wk
- ○mudrā f
- ○ratna n
- ○ratna-mālā f
- ○ratnâkara m
- ○ratnâvalī f
- ○rahasya n. N. of wks
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of various wks. (also ā f.)
- -kroḍa m. -ṭīkā f. -dīdhiti-ṭīkā f. -pariṣkāra m. -prakāśa m. -rahasya n. -viveka-prakaraṇa n. N. of wks
- ○laghu-khamāṇika m
- ○lava m
- ○leśa m. N. of wks
- ○vāg-īśa m. (also with bhaṭṭâcārya) N. of various scholars Cat
- ○vāṅ-mālā f. N. of a Comm. (also called vallabha-siddhânta-ṭīkā) by Purushôttama
- ○vācaspati m. N. of the author of the Śuddhi-makaranda Cat
- ○vilāsa m
- ○viveka m
- ○veda m
- ○velā f
- ○vaijayantī f
- ○vyākhyā f
- ○vyāpti f
- ○vyutpatti-lakṣaṇa n
- ○śataka n
- ○śikṣā f
- ○śikhāmaṇi m. N. of wks
- ○śiromaṇi m. N. of an astron. wk. by Bhāskara (in 4 divisions called līlāvatī, bīja-gaṇita, gaṇitâdhyāya, and golâ dhyāya) IW. 176
- -prakāśa m. -vāsanā-vārttika n. and ○ṇy-udāharaṇa n. N. of Comms. on the above wk
- ○śekhara m
- siddhāntasaṃhitāsārasamuccaya3siddhânta--saṃhitā-sārasamuccaya m
- ○saṃgraha m
- ○saṃgrahaṭīkā f
- ○saṃdarbha m
- ○samāsa m. N. of wks
- ○sāra m. N. of various wks
- (with kaustubha) N. of a translation of the Almagest by Jagan-nātha
- -dīpikā f. -saṃgraha, m
- ○râvalī f. N. of wks
- ○sārvabhauma m. or n
- ○siddhâñjana n
- ○sindhu m
- ○sudhānidhi m
- ○sundara m. or n. (also called sundara-siddhânta),
- ○sū7ktamañjarī f
- ○sūtra-bhāṣya-ṭīkā f
- ○setukā f
- siddhāntasvānubhūtiprakāśikā3siddhânta--svânubhūti-prakāśikā f
- ○horā f. N. of wks
- siddhântâcāra m. (with Tāntrikas) a perfect rule of action MW
- one who practises this rule (said to consist in purity, quietism, and mental absorption in Durgā) ib
- siddhântâdhikaraṇamālā f. N. of wk. on the Vedânta (= adhikaraṇa-m○, q.v.)
- siddhântârṇava m. N. of an other Vedânta wk. by Raghu-nātha Sārvabhauma
- siddhântaya Nom. P. ○yati, to establish or prove or demonstrate logically Kap. Sch
- siddhântita mfn. established as true, logically demonstrated Kull. on Mn. i, 8
- siddhântin m. one who establishes or proves his conclusions logically, one learned in scientific text-books W
- = mīmāṃsaka L
- siddhântīya n. N. of wk
- siddhāyikā f. (prob. for siddha-dāyikā) N. of one of the 24 goddesses (called Śāsana-devatās) who execute the commands of the 24 Arhats L
- siddhi f. (for 1. See p. 1215, col. 1) accomplishment, performance, fulfilment, complete attainment (of any object), success MBh. Kāv. &c
- the hitting of a mark (loc.) Kām
- healing (of a disease), cure by (comp.) Yājñ
- coming into force, validity ib
- settlement, payment, liquidation (of a debt) Mn. viii, 47
- establishment, substantiation, settlement, demonstration, proof. indisputable conclusion, result, issue RPrāt. Up. Sarvad
- decision, adjudication, determination (of a lawsuit) W
- solution of a problem ib
- preparation, cooking, maturing, maturity ib
- readiness W
- prosperity, personal success, fortune, good luck, advantage Mn. MBh. &c
- supreme felicity, bliss, beatitude, complete sanctification (by penance &c.), final emancipation, perfection L
- vanishing, making one's self invisible W
- a magical shoe (supposed to convey the wearer wherever he likes) ib
- the acquisition of supernatural powers by magical means or the supṭsupposed faculty so acquired (the eight usually enumerated are given in the following Śloka, aṇimā laghimā prâptiḥ prākāmyam mahimā tathā īśitvaṃ ca vaśitvaṃ ca tathā kāmâvasāyitā [Page 1216, Column]
- sometimes 26 are added, e.g. dūra-śravaṇa, sarvajña-tva, agni-stambha &c.) Sāṃkhyak. Tattvas. Sarvad
- any unusual skill or faculty or capability (often in comp.) Pañcat. Kathās
- skill in general, dexterity, art Car
- efficacy, efficiency Kāv. Pañcat
- understanding, intellect W
- becoming clear or intelligible (as sounds or words) BhP
- (in rhet.) the pointing out in the same person of various good qualities (not usually united) Sāh
- (prob.) a work of art Rājat. iii, 381
- a kind of medicinal √(= ṛddhi or vṛddhi) L
- (in music) a partic. Śruti Saṃgīt
- a partic. Yoga (either the 16th or 19th) Col
- Success or Perfection personified MBh. VarBṛS
- N. of Durgā Kathās
- of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma Pur
- of the wife of Bhaga and mother of Mahiman BhP
- of a friend of Danu Kathās
- of one of the wives of Gaṇêśa RTL. 215, 2
- N. of Śiva (in this sense m.) MBh
- ○kara mf(ī)n. producing success or good fortune Kāv. VarBṛS
- (ī), f. N. of a sorceress Kathās
- ○karaṇa n. the act of producing success or fortune
- -vidhāna n. N. of a Tantra wk
- ○kāraka mfn. causing the attainment of the object of any one (gen.), leading to the desired goal MBh
- producing an effect, effective, efficacious MārkP
- ○kāraṇa n. a cause of beatitude, means of obtaining felicity MW
- ○kārin mfn. causing the accomplishment of anything (gen.) Sāh
- ○kṣetra n. (cf. siddha-kṣ○) field of success, place of beatitude, seat of bliss Śak. Hcar
- N. of a sacred district Hariv
- of a mountain Śatr
- ○cāmuṇḍā-tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha Cat
- ○jñāna n. knowledge of what is established, certain knowledge Sarvad
- ○traya n. N. of a Vedânta wk. by Yāmunâcārya
- ○da mf(ā)n. conferring felicity or beatitude VarYogay. Mālatīm. BhP
- N. of a form of Bhairava or Śiva Śivag
- Putranjiva Roxburghī L
- ○darśin mfn. seeing (future) success, knowing future events Mālav
- ○dātrī f. 'giver of perfection', N. of a form of Durgā Cat
- ○nṛsiṃha m. N. of a king (also -malla) Inscr
- ○prada mfn. granting or promising success Car
- ○prâya mfn. (cf. siddha-pr○) near to perfection Ml
- ○bīja n. the seed (i.e. source) of magical power Pañcar
- ○bhūmi f. the land of success or fortune, seat of bliss BhP
- -mārga vḷ. for siddhi-m○ (q.v.)
- ○bhairava-tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- ○mat mfn. successful Ragh
- accomplished, perfect R. Śak
- possessing magical power Kathās
- ○mantra m. a magical verse or formula, spell, charm Cat
- ○manv-antara n. N. of a place Inscr
- ○mārga m. the road leading to the land of the Blest Pañcat
- ○yātrika m. one who makes pilgrimages to learn magical arts or to gain good luck or beatitude ib
- ○yoga m. employment of magical arts Kathās
- an auspicious conjunction of the planets L
- ○yoginī f. a kind of Yoginī L
- ○yogya mfn. necessary for success Bhpr
- ○rasa m. (prob.) wṛ. for siddha-r○, quicksilver Siṃhâs
- ○rasa-daṇḍa m. (prob.) wṛ. for siddha-r (q.v, )
- ○rāj m. N. of a mountain Śatr
- ○lābha m. acquirement of success or perfection MW
- ○varti f. magical wick (v. l. siddha-v○) Pañcat
- ○vāda m. = jñānagoṣṭhī MBh. xiii, 6525 (Nīlak.)
- ○vighna m. an obstacle to success or perfection Rājat
- ○vināyaka m. a form of Gaṇêśa
- pūjana-vidhi m. -vrata n. N. of wks
- ○sādhaka m. or n. N. of a Vedânta wk
- ○sādhana n. a means of obtaining beatitude or perfection or magical power Pañcar
- ○sopāna n. 'ladder of success', N. of a Tantra wk
- ○sthāna n. 'place of felicity', any sacred spot where pilgrims may obtain beatitude (such as on the Ganges &c.) Pur. Śukas
- the part of a medical work dealing with the efficacious treatment of disease Car
- siddh�iśvara m. 'lord of magical power, N. of Śiva Kathās
- n. N. of a district sacred to Śiva ib
- siddhika (ifc.) = 2. siddhi, supernatural power Kathās
- siddhī-kṛta mfn. accomplished, finished Mṛicch
- siddhy in comp. for 2. siddhi
- ○artham ind. for the sake of accomplishing or obtaining Yājñ
- ○asiddhi f. du. success and misfortune Bhag
- sidhmá mfn. (for 2. See p. 1217, col. 1) going straight to a goal or object aimed at RV. i, 33, 13
- sidhya m. 'auspicious', N. of the asterism Pushya L. [Page 1217, Column]
- sidhrá mf(ā́)n. = 1. sidhmá RV
- successful, efficacious ib
- perfect, good Uṇ. ii, 13 Sch
- m. a kind of tree ib
- sidhraka m. a kind of tree KātyŚr
- sidhrakā in comp. for sidhraka
- ○vaṇa n. (cf. g. koṭarâdi) N. of one of the celestial gardens L
- ○vat See saidhrakāvata
- sidhmá mf(ā)n. (of doubtful derivation) white-spotted (accord. to others 'leprous') TS
- (ā), f. a blotch, leprous spot MW
- leprosy ib
- m. n. one of the 18 forms of leprosy (= mahākuṣṭha) Car. Bhpr
- n. a blotch, scab W
- sidhma in comp. for sidhman
- ○puṣpikā f. a kind of mild leprosy L
- ○vat mfn. leprous Pāṇ. 5-2, 97
- blotchy, pock-marked W
- sidhman m. n. one of the 1 8 varieties of leprosy (= kṣudra-kuṣṭha) Suśr. MBh. &c
- sidhmalá mfn. leprous TBr. Pāṇ. 5-2, 97
- (ā), f. a kind of leprosy Col
- dried or salt fish L
- sína n. (accord. to some fr. a √sā = ? in ?
- fr. which also sinva, sinvat in a-s○
- for 1. sina See p. 1213, col. 1) provision, store (accord. to Naigh. = anna, 'food'
- accord. to others 'reward, pay') RV
- m. (only L.) the body
- a garment
- Careya Arborea
- (ī), f. = sinīvālī KāśīKh
- mt(ī)n. white (= 3. sita) L
- blind, one eyed (= kāṇa) L
- ○vat (sina-), mfn. abundant, copious RV
- sinī (f. of prec.), in comp. (?)
- ○pati m. N. of a warrior (vḷ. śin○) Hariv
- ○vāka m. N. of a man (vḷ. sil○) MBh
- sinīvālī f. (of doubtful derivation) N. of a goddess (in RV. described as broadhipped, fair-armed, fair-fingered, presiding over fecundity and easy birth, and invoked with Sarasvatī, Rākā &c. ; in AV. she is called the wife of Vishṇu ; in later Vedic texts she is the presiding deity of the first day of new moon, as Rākā of the actual day of full moon), the first day of new moon when it rises with a scarcely visible crescent RV. &c. &c
- N. of a daughter of Aṅgiras MBh
- of the wife of Dhātṛi and mother of Darśa BhP
- of Durgā L
- of a river MārkP
- ○kuhū-śānti f. N. of a religious ceremony (for averting the evil effects of being born on Sinīvalī and Kuhū days) Saṃskārak
- sinduka m. (of unknown derivation) = sinduvāra L
- (ā), f. id. L
- sinduvāra m. (cf. sindhu-v○) Vitex Negundo Kāv. VarBṛS. (also ○raka L.)
- n. the berry of that plant Kum
- sindūra m. (accord. to Uṇ. i, 69, fr. √syand) a sort of tree L
- a proper N. Cat
- (ī), f. red cloth or clothes L
- Grislea Tomentosa L
- another plant (= -puṣpī) L
- = rocanī L
- n. red lead, minium, vermilion Kāv. Kathās. &c
- (= rakta-śāsana, rāja-lekha, and rāja-lekhitadakṣiṇa L.)
- ○kāraṇa n. 'origin of minium', lead L
- ○tilaka m. (ifc. f. ā) a mark on the forehead made with red lead Kathās
- 'marked with red lead', an elephant L
- (ā), f. a woman whose forehead is marked with red lead (and therefore whose husband is living) L
- ○nirgama m. N. of a ch. of GaṇP. ii
- ○puṣpī f. a kind of plant (= viira-puṣpī) L
- ○prakāra m. N. of wk. (also -ṭīkā f.) W
- ○rasa m. a partic. preparation of quicksilver L
- sindūrikā f. red lead, minium W
- sindūrita mfn. reddened, made red Śiś
- sindha See kús○, p. 298, col. 1
- sindhi n. (perhaps connected with next) rock-salt L
- síndhu m. and f. (prob. fr. √1 . sidh', to go') a river, stream (esp. the Indus, and in this sense said to be the only river regarded as m. See -nada, col. 2) RV. &c. &c
- m. flood, waters (also in the sky) RV. AV
- ocean, sea RV. &c. &c
- a symbolical term for the number 4 (cf. 1. samudra) Gaṇit
- N. of Varuṇa (as god of the ocean) MW
- the moisture of the lips Kum
- water ejected from an elephant's trunk (= vamathu) L
- the exudation from an elephant's temples L
- the country around the Indus (commonly called Sindh
- pl. 'the inhabitants of Sindh') MBh. Kāv. &c
- a king of Sindh (?) Cat
- N. of Vishṇu RV. MBh
- white or refined borax (= śveta-ṭaṅkaṇa) L
- = sindhuka L
- (in music) a partic. Rāga, Saṃgītas
- N. of a king of the Gandharvas R. [Page 1217, Column]
- of a serpent-demon Buddh
- of various men Rājat
- ○kanyā f. 'daughter of the ocean', N. of Lakshmi Pañcar. (also kṣīrôda-sindhu-k○)
- ○kapha m. 'sea-foam', cuttle-fish bone L
- ○kara n. a kind of borax ib. (prob. incorrect)
- ○kārikā wṛ. for -vārikā Car
- ○kṣit m. N. of a Rājarshi (author of the hymn RV. x, 75 and having the patr. Praiyamedha) PañcavBr
- ○khela m. 'played or flowed over by the Indus', the country Sindh L
- ○gañja m. a treasury built by Sindhu Rājat
- ○ja mfn. ocean-born, river-born, aquatic W
- born or produced in the country Sindh MBh
- (ā), f. N. of Lakshmī (as produced at the churning of the ocean) Cat
- n. rock-salt Suśr
- ○janman mfn. ocean-born MW
- produced in Sindh ib
- m. the moon L
- n. rock-salt ib
- ○ḍā (?), f. N. of a Rāgiṇī Saṃgīt
- ○tás ind. from the Sindhu AV
- ○tīra-sambhava n. a kind of borax L
- ○datta m. N. of a man Daś
- ○deśa m. the country of Sindh Cat
- ○dvīpa m. N. of a king MBh
- of the author of the hymn RV. x, 9 (having the patr. Āmbarīsha) Hariv. VP
- of other men MBh. BhP
- ○nada m. the river Indus VarBṛS
- N. of a southern river Cat
- of a country ib
- ○nandana m. 'son of the ocean', the moon (one of the 14 precious things recovered by churning the ocean after the flood) L
- ○nātha m. 'lord of rivers', the ocean Śiś
- ○pati mḷord of the flood RV
- 'lord of Sindh', N. of Jayad-ratha MBh
- ○patnī (síndhu-), f. having the Sindhu for mistress AV
- ○patha m. g. deva-pathâdi
- ○parṇī f. Gmelina Arborea L
- ○pāra-ja mfn. born or produced on the Indus (said of a horse) L
- ○piba m. N. of Agastya Naish
- ○putra m. 'son of the ocean', the moon L
- Diospyros Tomentosa ib
- ○pulinda m. pl. N. of a people MW
- ○puṣpa m. 'sea-flower', a conch-shell L
- ○prasūta n. rock-salt Suśr
- ○mathya mfn. produced at the churning of the ocean BhP
- ○madhya N. of a district Cat
- ○mantha m. the churning of the ocean MW
- 'ocean churningstick', a mountain (accord. to some) ib
- -ja n. rock-salt L
- ○mātṛ (síndhu-), f. the mother of streams (said of the river Sarasvati) RV
- mfn. having the sea as mother ib
- ○mitra m. N. of a man, g. kāśyâdi
- ○mukha n. the mouth of a river MW
- ○khâgata mfn. arrived at the mouth of a river ib
- ○rāja m. 'king of rivers', the ocean MaitrUp. Kāv
- 'king of Sindh', N. of Jayad-ratha MBh. Hariv. &c
- of a Muni R
- ○rājñī (síndhu-), f. having the Sindhu as queen AV
- ○rāva m. Vitex Negundo Pañcar. (wṛ. for -vāra)
- ○lavaṇa n. rock-salt L
- ○vaktra N. of a place ( saindhuvaktraka)
- ○vāra m. Vitex Negundo MBh. R. Suśr. Pañcar
- a horse (of a good breed) brought from Sindh L. (cf. -pāra-ja above)
- ○vāraka m. (Suśr.) or (Car.) or (Car.) or (L.) Vitex Negundo
- ○vārikā f. (Car.) or (L.) Vitex Negundo
- ○vārita m. (L.) Vitex Negundo
- ○vāsin mfn. living in Sindh MW
- (inī), f. N. of the family-deity of the Māṇṭis Cat
- ○vāhas (síndhu-), mfn. (perhaps) passing through the sea or navigating RV. (accord. to Sāy. = nadīnām pravāhayitā)
- ○vīrya m. N. of a king of the Madras MārkP
- ○vṛṣa m. N. of Vishṇu L
- ○veṣaṇa m. Gmelina Arborea L
- ○śayana m. 'ocean-reclining', N. of Vishṇu ib
- ○ṣāman (for -sāman), n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr. Lāṭy
- ○ṣeṇa (for -sena), m. N. of a king of Sindh Mudr
- ○saṃgama m. 'sea-confluence', the mouth of a river Rājat
- ○samudra-saṃgama m. N. of a place MW
- ○sarja m. the Sāl tree L
- ○sāgara the country between the mouths of the Indus and the sea Inscr
- ○sūnu m. patr. of Jālaṃ-dhara Cat
- ○sṛ́tya n. the flowing in streams AV
- ○sauvīra m. pl. N. of a people inhabiting the country round the Indus (in comp. also N. of the country) AV. Pariś. MBh. R. &c
- a king of the above people VarBṛS
- ○sauvīraka m. pl. N. of a people (= prec.) ib
- sindhū7ttama n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- sindhū7ttha m. the moon L
- n. rock-salt. Suśr
- sindhū7dbhava (ib.) or (L.), n. rock-salt
- sindhū7ḍdhū7pala (L.), n. rock-salt
- sindhuka mfn. marine W
- born or produced in Sindh VP
- m. Vitex Negundo VarBṛS
- N. of a king VP
- sindhura m. an elephant Rājat. Śukas
- N. of the number eight Gaṇit
- ○dveṣin m. 'elephant-hater', a lion L
- sindhurā-giri-māhātmya n. N. of ch. of the Padma-purāṇa
- sindhula m. N. of the father of Bhoja Cat
- sinv See √ninv, p. 549. col. 2. [Page 1217, Column]
- sinva sinvat, See a-s○, p. 121, col. 1
- sipāhaṇa N. of a place Cat
- sipila m. N. of a man Buddh
- sipunā f. a kind of plant Kauś
- sipra m. (less correctly śipra
- derivation unknown) sweat, perspiration L
- the moon L
- (ā), f. a woman's zone L
- a female buffalo L
- N. of a river near Ujjayinī Kālid. VarBṛS. &c
- n. N. of a lake KālP
- siprāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to emit cold perspiration Car
- siphinnā f. N. of a village, Rāijat
- sibh or simbh, See √sṛbh
- sim ind., g. câdi
- sim (in Vedic gram.) a technical term for the eight simple vowels (viz. a, ā, i, ī, u, ū, ṛ, ṝ)
- simá mfn. (prob. connected with 1. sama
- abl. simásmāt dat. simásmai
- voc. símā [Padap. sima RV. viii, 4]
- n. pl. síme) all, every, whole, entire (accord. to some = śreṣṭha
- accord. to others = ātman, one's self') RV
- síma m. = śíma VS. (accord. to Mahīdh. = sīmā, rekhā)
- simasimāya (onomat.), Ā. ○yate, to bubble, simmer, crackle Vās. MārkP
- simisimāya Ā. ○yate, to quiver (with irritability, itch &c.) Kathās
- simā f. pl. a partic. Sāman (consisting of the Mahā-nāmni verses
- -tva n.) Br
- simīka m. a kind of small worm or insect L
- simba simbala, simbi &c. See śimb○, p. 1072, col. 2
- simba m. N. of a man Rājat
- ○rāja m. N. of an author Cat
- simbatikā f. (cf. simbikā) a kind of pod or legume Suśr
- simbhuka mṆ. of a mythical bird Pañcat
- sira m. = 1. śira, the √of Piper Longum L
- sirā f. (fr. √sṛ) a stream, water RV. i, 121 (cf. Naigh. i, 12
- often written śirā)
- any tubular vessel of the body, a nerve, vein, artery, tendon &c. Suśr. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- a vein-like channel or narrow stream of river water VarBṛS
- lines which cross each other like veins ib
- a bucket, baling-vessel L
- ○jāla n. a network of vessels or veins MBh. Suśr
- an enlargement of the vessels of the eye W
- -vat mfn. covered with a network of veins Suśr
- ○pattra m. the sacred fig-tree L
- Phoenix Paludosa L
- ○praharṣa m. = sirā-harṣa Suśr
- ○bīja n. g. rāja-dantâdi
- ○mūla n. '√of the veins', the navel ib
- ○mokṣa m. 'vein-loosing', blood-letting, venesection ib
- ○"ṣmbu (sirâmbu), n. the fluid in the vessels of the body, blood &c. HPariś
- ○vṛtta n. lead L
- ○vedha m. (Rāghav.),
- ○vedhana n. (Car.),
- ○vyadha m. and (Suśr.) piercing the veins, venesection
- ○vyadhana n. (Suśr.) piercing the veins, venesection
- ○harṣa m. thrill of the nerves MW
- an intensified form of sirêtpāta below Suśr
- flow of discoloured tears W
- sirôtpāta m. a disease of the white of the eyes, redness of the veins Suśr
- ŚārṅgS
- sirāla mf(ā)n. having numerous or large veins VarBṛS
- m. pl. N. of a people VP
- (ā), f. a kind of plant L
- n. the fruit of Averrhoa Carambola L
- sirālaka m. Vitis Quadrangularis L
- sirālu mfn. = (or wṛ. for) sirāla VarBṛS
- siridhra or ○rindhra g. kulālâdi
- sirī́ m. or f. (prob.) a shuttle (others, 'a weaver') RV. x, 71, 9
- silaka vḷ. for śilaka (q.v.)
- silācī́ f. a partic. medicinal plant AV. [Page 1218, Column]
- silāñjālā f. (prob.) a partic. plant AV
- sílika-madhyama mfn. (said of the horses of the Sun
- accord. to Nir. = saṃsṛtamadhyama, or śīrṣa-madhyama) RV. i, 163, 10
- silisilika m. resin Kauś. (Sch.)
- silī-vāka vḷ. for sinī-v○ (q v)
- sillakī f. = śallakī, Boswellia Thurifera L
- sillana m. N. of a man Rājat
- silla-rāja m. N. of a man ib
- silha m. incense, olibanum L
- ○bhūmikā f. the olibanum tree L
- ○sāra n. olibanum L
- silhaka m. (also written sihlaka) olibanum L
- (ī), f. the olibanum tree, Liquidambar Orientale Bhpr
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made of olibanum Hcat
- siv cl. 4. P. (Dhātup. xxvi, 2) sī́vyati (Ved. also ○te
- pf. siṣeva Gr
- aor. aseviit ib
- fut. sevitā, seviṣyati ib
- ind. p. syūtva or sevitvā ib
- -sī́vya AV.), to sew, sew on, darn, stitch, stitch together, (fig.) join, unite RV. &c. &c.: Caus. sīvayati (Lalit.) or sevayati (aor. asīṣivat Gr.), to sew, stitch: Desid. siseviṣati or susyūṣati Gr.: Intens. seṣīvyate ib. [Cf. Gk. ? = ? ; Lat. suere sutor ; [1218,] Slav. s8iti ; Goth. siujan ; Angl. Sax. seówian ; Eng. sew.]
- siva or m. one who sews or stitches, a sewer, stitcher L
- sivaka m. one who sews or stitches, a sewer, stitcher L
- sivasa m. a verse L
- cloth L
- sivāku m. a Ṛishi L
- sīvaka m. a sewer (ikā f.) Kālac
- sīvana n. sewing, stitching Suśr
- a seam, suture MW
- (ī), f. a needle ib
- the frenum of the prepuce L
- the part of the body of a horse below the anus L
- sīvya mfn. to be sewn Car
- sevaka
- sevana See 2. sev○ s.v
- sivata (?), m. pl. N. of a people VP
- sivara m. an elephant L
- siṣaṃgrāmayiṣu mfn. = sisaṃgr○ below W
- siṣādhayiṣā f. (fr. Desid. of Caus. of √1. sādh) the wish to establish or prove Bhāshāp
- siṣādhayiṣu mfn. (also written sisādh○) desirous of accomplishing or effecting, aiming at (acc.) Āpast. Baudh. BhP
- seeking to prove or demonstrate Jaim. Sch
- siṣāsátu mfn. (fr. Desid. of √sā, or san) wishing to gain or obtain (gen.) RV
- siṣāsáni mfn. id. ib
- siṣāsú mfn. id. ib
- ready to give AV. AitBr
- siṣṇu mfn. ready to give RV
- siṣevayiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of Caus. of √sev) wishing to honour or worship Cat
- siṣṇāsu mfn. (fr. √snā) wishing to bathe MBh. (C. sisn○)
- sisnāsu mfn. id. Kād
- siṣmiyāṇa siṣvidāna, See √smi and √svid
- sisaṃgrāmayiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of √saṃgrām) wishing or intending to make war, eager or desirous to fight Bhaṭṭ
- sisanis mfn. (fr. Desid. of √san) Pat
- sisādhayiṣu See siṣādh○
- sisikṣā f. (fr. √sic) the desire of sprinkling or watering Śiś
- sisṛkṣā f. (fr. Desid. of √sṛj) wish or purpose to create (with gen. or ifc.) Mn. Hariv. BhP
- sisṛkṣu mfn. wishing to let flow or emit MBh
- wishing or purposing to create Mn. MBh. &c. [Page 1218, Column]
- sisnāsu See col. 1
- sisrat See √sṛ
- sihuṇḍa m. (cf. sīh○) a kind of spurge, Euphorbia Antiquorum (= snuhi) L
- sihla sihlaka &c. See silh○, col. 1
- sī a word used in learning letters (?) Divyâv
- sī (either invented to account for sītā below or a lost √meaning) 'to draw a straight line'
- sītā f. (less correctly written śītā
- cf. sīmán, sīra) a furrow, the track or line of a ploughshare (also personified, and apparently once worshipped as a kind of goddess resembling Pomona
- in RV. iv, 57, 6, Sitā is invoked as presiding over agriculture or the fruits of the earth
- in VS. xii, 69-72, Sitā, the Furrow' is again personified and addressed, four furrows being required to be drawn at the ceremony when the above stanzas are recited
- in TBr. she is called sāvitrī, and in PārGṛ. indra-patnī, 'the wife of Indra'
- in epic poetry Sitā is the wife of Rāmacandra and daughter of Janaka, king of Mithilā, capital of Videha, who was otherwise called Sīradhvaja
- she was named Sitā because fabled to have sprung from a furrow made by Janaka while ploughing the ground to prepare it for a sacrifice instituted by him to obtain progeny, whence her epithet Ayoni-jā, 'not womb-born'
- her other common names, Maithilī and Vaidehī, are from the place of her birth
- according to one legend she was Vedavatī, q.v., in the Kṛita age
- accord. to others she was an incarnation of Lakshmi and of Umā
- the story of Rāma's bending the bow, which was to be the condition of the gift of Sitā, is told in R. i, 67
- Sītā's younger sister Urmilā was at the same time given to Lakshmaṇa, and two nieces of Janaka, daughters of his brother king Kusa-dhvaja, to Bharata and Śatrughna) RV. &c. &c. IW. 335, n. 1 ; 337 &c
- N. of a form of Dākshāyaṇī Cat
- of a poetess Cat
- of a river MBh. R. &c
- of the eastern branch of the four mythical branches of the heavenly Ganges (into which it is supposed to divide after falling on mount Meru
- this branch is fabled to flow into the Varsha or Dviipa called Bhadrâva) L
- of an Upanishad Cat
- spirituous liquor W
- ○kalyāna N. of a Kāvya
- ○kuṇḍa N. of a small cavity or hollow in the ground consecrated to Sitā and filled with water W
- ○goptṛ m. a protector of the furrow PārGṛ
- ○gaurī-vrata n
- ○caraṇa-cāmara N. of wks
- ○jāni m. 'having Sitā as wife', N. of Rāma candra Śukas
- ○tīrtha-māhātmya n
- ○divyacaritra n. N. of wks
- ○dravya n. an implement of husbandry Mn. ix, 293
- ○nadī f. N. of a river HPariś
- ○nanda m
- ○navamī-vrata-māhātmya n. N. of wks
- ○pati (or ○tāyāḥ-pati), m. 'husband of Sitā', N. of Rāma RāmatUp
- ○phala m. 'bearing Sitā's fruit', Annona Squamosa MW
- n. the fruit itself ib
- ○yajña m. a sacrifice offered to the Furrow GṛS
- mfn. sacrificing to the Furrow Hariv
- ○rāghava-nāṭaka n. N. of a drama
- ○rāma m. N. of various authors and other persons Cat
- du. Sitā and Rāma RTL. 184
- -candra mf. N. of a king ib
- -tattva-prakāśa m. -paddhati, N. of wks
- -paralīkara (?), m. N. of an author Cat
- -yantrôddhāra m. -vihāra or ○ra-kāvya n. N. of wks
- -śāstrin m. N. of various authors Cat
- -saṃkīrtana n. N. of wk
- -sūri m. N. of an author Cat
- -stotra, n
- ○mânujīya n. ○mâṣṭaka n. ○mâṣṭôttara-śata-nāman n. N. of wks
- ○loṣṭa or m. n. a clod taken from a furrow Gobh
- ○loṣṭha m. n. a clod taken from a furrow Gobh
- ○vana See śītavana
- ○vallabha m. 'beloved by Sitā', N. of Rāma RāmatUp
- ○vijaya-campū f
- ○vivāha m. N. of wks
- ○śruti f. f. news of Sītā R
- ○"ṣṣṭôttara-śata-nāmâvali (○tâṣ○), f
- ○sahasra-nāman n
- ○sahasranāma-stotra n
- ○stava m
- ○stuti f
- ○stotra n
- ○svayaṃvara m. N. of wks
- ○haraṇa n. 'the carrying off of Sītā', N. of a ch. of R
- ○"ṣhāra (○tâh○), m. 'Sītā's food', Lycopodium Phlegmaria ib
- sītôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad
- sītôrmile f. du. Sitā and Ūrmilā MW
- sītya mfn. ploughed Pāṇ. L
- n. corn, grain L. [prob. Gk. ?]. [1218,]
- sīk &c. See √śīk, p. 1077, col. 1
- sīkṣ sīkṣati, See √1. sah, p. 1192. [Page 1218, Column]
- sīkhā f. N. of a village Inscr
- sīt See śīt, p. 1077, col. 3
- sīta-vana or sītā-vana, v. l. for śītavana
- sītīnaka m. = satīnaka, pease, pulse W
- sītīlaka m. id. L
- sīt-kāra sīt-kṛta, See under śīt
- sīd sīdati, See √2. sad, p. 1138, col. 2
- sīda See kúsīda, p. 298, col. 1
- sīdantīya n. (fr. sīdantas, the first word of RV. viii, 21, 5) N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- sīdya n. slothfulness, idleness, insolence L
- sīdhu m. (L. also f. and n
- less correctly śīdhu, of unknown derivation) spirituous liquor distilled from molasses, rum (or any similar spirit, also fig. = 'nectar') MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○gandha m. 'having the smell of rum or spirituous liquor', the plant or tree Mimusops Elengi (= bakula) L
- ○pa mf(ā, or ī)n. drinking spirits Pāṇ. 3-2, 8 Vārtt. 1
- ○pāna n. the drinking of spirits MBh
- ○puṣpa m. the Bakula tree L
- the Kadamba tree L
- (ī), f. Grislea Tomentosa (vḷ. svādu-p○) L
- ○rasa m. 'having juice like spirituous liquor, the Mango tree L
- ○saṃjña m. the Bakula tree L
- sīdhra n. the anus L
- sīpa m. a vessel (for making libations) L
- sīpāla sīpālila, See śīp○, p. 1078
- sībalā f. a partic. plant (growing on Hima-vat) TBr
- sīm ind. (originally acc. of a pron. base and connected with sa as kīm with ka) him, her, it, them (employed for all genders, numbers and persons [cf. id
- īm, and Gk. ?, ?]
- and often weakened [1218,] into a generalizing and emphasizing particle, which may become an enclitic particle after a pronoun or preposition, = ? or cunque, often translatable by 'ever') RV
- sīmán m. ( See 2. sī and sītā) a separation or parting of the hair so as to leave a line AV. Br. AitUp
- a suture of the skull L
- f. or n. a boundary, border, bounds, limit, margin, frontier (lit. and fig.) Yājñ. Kāv. Pur
- f. a ridge serving to mark the boundary of a field or village Āpast. VarBṛS
- a bank, shore L
- the horizon L
- the utmost limit of anything, furthest extent, summit, acme, ne plus ultra Kāv. Inscr
- the scrotum Pat. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 36
- a partic. high number Buddh
- the nape of the neck L
- sīma (only in loc. sīme) a boundary, limit Inscr
- sīma in comp. for sīman (or sometimes a mere shortened form of 1. sīmā)
- ○tas ind. from the boundary or summit VS
- ○dhara-svāmin m. 'observing the bounds (of morality or decorum)', N. of a man Śatr
- ○liṅga n. (ct. sīmā-l○) a boundary-mark, land-mark Mn. viii, 254
- sīmaka (ifc.) = sīman, a boundary, limit Pat. Pañcar
- sīmánta m. (ifc. ā
- cf. sīmânta) parting of the hair AV. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- = sīmantôn-nayana below Yājñ. i, 11
- a line of separation on the human body (14 are enumerated, corresponding to the joints of the bones or Asthi-saṃghātas) Suśr
- a boundary, limit MBh
- N. of a son of king Bhadra-sena Cat
- of a poet ib
- ○karaṇa n. the act or ceremony of parting the hair Gobh
- ○karmapaddhati f. N. of wk
- ○dṛśvan mfn. (perhaps for sīmânta-d○) = pāra-dṛśvan Hcar
- ○maṇi m. = cūḍā-maṇi Prasannar
- ○vat mfn. separated or parted by a straight line Kir. Sch
- ○vidhi m. N. of wk
- sīmantônnayana n. 'the parting or dividing of the hair', N. of one of the 12 Saṃskāras (observed by women in the fourth, sixth or eighth month of pregnancy) GṛS. RTL
- -prayoga m. -mantra m. pl. N. of wks
- sīmantaka mf(ikā)n. having the hair parted (in pregnancy, See above) Gṛihyās
- m. hair-parting
- (with Jainas) N. of a prince in one of the seven Jaina hells L
- (am), n. red lead, vermilion (with which a mark is made along the division of the hair) L
- a kind of ruby L. [Page 1219, Column]
- sīmantaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make a parting, traverse (the sea) in a straight line Rājat
- sīmantita mfn. marked by a straight line, parted (as hair) Kir. Kathās
- sīmantin mfn. parted (as hair) Suśr
- wearing the hair parted (as a pregnant woman) ŚāṅkhGṛ. Sch
- (ī), f. a woman MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of a woman Cat
- sīmā f. (ifc. f. ā) parting of the hair ( See susīma)
- a boundary, landmark Mn. MBh. &c
- rule of moraliy ( See comp.)
- ○kṛṣāṇa mfn. ploughing on the border of a landmark Yājñ
- ○giri m. a boundary mountain BhP
- ○"ṣjñāna (○mâj○), n. ignorance of boundaries Mn. viii, 249
- ○"ṣtikramanôtsava (○mât○), m. a festival at the passing of a boundary Cat
- ○"ṣdhipa (○mâdh○), m. a frontier-guardian, keeper of the borders Pañcat
- a neighbouring king MW
- ○niścaya m. a legal decision in regard to landmarks and boundaries ib
- ○"ṣnta (○mán○), m. a border, boundary (-bhūpāla m. 'a neighbouring king' Campak. [sīmāla wṛ.]), Bṛihasp. Yājñ. Kām. &c
- (fig.) bounds MBh
- the boundary of a village VarBṛS. R
- mf(ā)n. bounded by a landmark Hariv
- -pūjana n. the act of honouring a village boundary &c. MW
- doing honour to a bridegroom when he arrives at the village boundary A
- -lekhā f. the utmost limit Kād
- the extremity ib
- ○"ṣntara (○mân○), n. the boundary of a village MBh. Ṛitus
- ○"ṣpahārin (○mâp○), mfn. one who takes away boundary-marks Pañcar
- ○pāla m. = -"ṣdhipa MārkP. Pañcat
- ○bandha m. a depository of rules of morality Divyâv
- ○liṅga n. a boundary-mark, landmark Mn. . ib. Sch
- ○vāda m. a dispute about boundaries Mn. Vcar
- ○vinirṇaya m. (legal) decision of disputed questions about boundaries and landmarks Mn. viii, 258 ; 266
- ○vivāda m. litigation about boundṭboundaries Mn. Yājñ. Sch
- -dharma m. the law respecting disputes about boundṭboundaries MW
- ○vṛkṣa m. 'boundṭboundary tree', a tree serving as a boundṭboundaries-mark Mn. viii, 246
- (fig.) one whose example is followed by others MBh
- ○saṃdhi m. the meeting of two boundaries Mn. viii, 248 ; 261
- ○setu m. a ridge or causeway serving as a boundary ib. viii, 262
- -vinirṇaya m. (legal) decision about boundaries and barriers MW
- sīmôllaṅghana n. the transgressing of a boundary, trespass, passing a frontier ib
- sīmā f. pl. = simā ŚBr. Sch
- sīmika m. a kind of tree L
- an ant or similar small insect L
- an ant-hill L
- (ā), f. an ant L
- sīmīka m. (prob. wṛ. for prec.) a kind of tree L
- sīyaka m. N. of a family of kings Inscr
- sī́ra m. n. (for derivation See sītā) a plough RV. &c. &c
- m. an ox for ploughing, draught-ox Kauś
- the sun Nir. ix, 40
- Calotropis Gigantea L
- ○deva m. N. of a grammarian Cat
- ○dhvaja m. 'plough-bannered', N. of Janaka Bālar
- of Balarāma VP
- of a son of Hrasva-roman ib
- ○pati (sī́ra-), m. lord of the plough AV
- ○pāṇi m. plough handed' or 'plṭplough-armed', N. of Bala-rāma L
- ○bhṛt m. 'plough-bearer', id. MBh
- ○yoga m. an ox yoked to a plough Kauś
- ○vāhá mfn. drawing a plough TS
- ○vāhaka m. a plougher, ploughman L
- sīrâyudha m. 'plough-armed', N. of Bala-rāma Kād. VP
- sīrôtkaṣaṇa n. turning up the soil with a plough, ploughing Megh
- sīraka m. a plough MW
- a porpoise L
- the sun ib
- sīrin m. 'having or holding a plough', N. of Bala-rāma Hariv
- sīrya See pari-s○
- sīraja N. of a place Cat
- sīla n. = sīra, a plough Kapishṭh
- sīlandha or sīlandhra m. a kind of fish Bhpr
- sīlámāvatī f. (applied to the Indus
- of doubtful meaning
- accord. to Sāyaṇa 'rich in plants' [fr. silanā', a kind of plant of which ropes are made']
- accord. to others 'rich in water') RV. x, 75, 8
- sīlāra m. N. of a family of kings (cf. śīlāra-vaṃśa) Inscr. [Page 1219, Column]
- sīllana vḷ. for śilhama Cat
- sīvaka sīvana, See p. 1218, col. 1
- sīsa n. (of doubtful derivation) lead (also used as money) VS. &c. &c
- the leaden weight used by weavers VS
- mf(ā)n. leaden, of lead VS. LāṭyŚr
- ○ja n. minium, red lead L
- ○pattra or n. lead L
- ○pattraka n. lead L
- sīsaka mṇ. lead L
- m. = śūla L
- sīsatāṇa N. of a place Cat
- sīsara m. N. of a mythical dog (the husband of Saramā) PārGṛ
- sīsarama m. N. of a dog-demon HirGṛ
- sīha See sugandhi-s○, p. 1222, col. 3
- sīhara g. sakhy-ādi
- sīhuṇḍa m. (cf. seh○) a kind of spurge, Euphorbia Antiquorum L
- su cl. 1. P.Ā. savati, ○te, to go, move Dhātup. xxii, 42 (Vop. sru)
- su (= √1. sū), cl. 1. 2. P. (Dhātup. xxii, 43 and xxiv, 32
- savati, sauti, only in 3. sg. pr. sauti and 2. sg. Impv. suhi) to urge, impel, incite ŚBr. KātyŚr
- to possess supremacy Dhātup
- sutá mfn. impelled, urged ŚBr
- allowed, authorized ib
- suti (prob.) in kuru- and pṛt-s○ (qq.vv.)
- su cl. 5. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxvii, 1) sunóti, sunute (in RV. 3. pl. sunvánti, sunviré with pass. sense and suṣvati
- p. sunvát or sunvāná the latter with act. and pass. sense ib
- pf. suṣāva, suṣuma &c. ib. MBh
- p. in Veda suṣuvás and suṣvāṇá [the later generally with pass. sense
- accord. to Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 106, also suṣuvāṇa with act. sense]
- aor. accord. to Gr. asāviit or asauṣīt, asoṣṭa or asaviṣṭa
- in RV. also Impv. sótu, sutám, and p. mostly pass. suvāná [but the spoken form is svāná and so written in SV., suv○ in RV.]
- and 3. pl. asuṣavuḥ AitBr
- fut. sotā ib
- soṣyati KātyŚr
- saviṣyati ŚBr
- inf. sótave, sótos RV.: Br
- sotum Gr
- ind. p. -sútya Br
- -sūya MBh.), to press out, extract (esp. the juice from the Soma plant for libations) RV. AV. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Up. MBh
- to distil, prepare (wine, spirits &c.) Sch. on Pāṇ. 2-2, 132: Pass. sūyáte (in RV. also Ā. 3. sg. sunve and 3. pl. sunviré with pass. sense
- aor. ásāvi ib.): Caus. -sāvayati or -ṣāvayati ( abhi-ṣu and pra-√su
- aor. asūṣavat accord. to some asīṣavat), Gr.: Desid. of Caus. suṣāvayiṣati ib.: Desid. susūṣati, ○te ib.: Iutens. soṣūyate, soṣaviiti, soṣoti ib
- sut (ifc
- for 2. See col. 3) extracting juice, making libations ( tīvra-sút, pra-sút, madhuṣút, soma-sút)
- m. = stotṛ, a praiser, worshipper Naigh. iii, 16
- sutá mfn. pressed out, extracted
- m. (sg. and pl., once n. in ChUp. √12, 1) the expressed Soma. Juice, a Soma libation RV. AV. ŚBr. ChUp. BhP
- ○kīrti f. mention of the (extracted) Soma AitBr
- ○pa m. (for su-tapa See p. 1223, col. 3) a drinker of the Soma-juice
- pl. N. of a class of deities MW
- ○pā́ or mfn. drinking the Soma-juice RV
- ○pā́van mfn. drinking the Soma-juice RV
- ○péya n. the drinking of Soma ib
- ○m-bhará mfn. carrying away Soma RV
- m. N. of a Ṛishi (having the patr. Ātreya and author of RV. v, 11-14). Anukr. -1
- ○vat mfn. (for 2. See under 3. suta) containing the word suta (atī f. 'a verse cṭcontaining the word suta') AitBr
- m. a drinker of the Soma-juice W
- an offerer of a libation MW
- ○śravas m. N. of a teacher, Hir
- ○soma (sutá-), mfn. one who has extracted the Soma, offerer of a Soma libation RV
- (a sacrifice) at which the Soma is prepared ib
- m. N. of a son of Bhīma-sena MBh. VP
- of a prince Jātakam
- (ā), f. N. of a wife of Kṛishṇa (v. l. śruta-s○) Hariv
- -jātaka n. N. of a Buddhist legend
- -vat (sutá-s○), mfn. (pl.) joined with those who have prepared the Soma-juice RV
- ○mâvadāna n. = ○ma-jātaka
- sutā-vat mfn. = sutá-vat RV
- sutâsutá u. du. what is extracted (as Soma) and what is not extracted (as milk) MaitrS
- ○tín mfn. having what is and what is not extracted TBr
- suti f. extracting or pouring out (in somas○, q.v.)
- sute (loc. of 2. suta) in comp
- ○kara (suté-), mfn. performing (recitation of certain texts) at the preparation of the Soma RV. [Page 1219, Column]
- ○gṛ́bh mfn. taking hold of the Soma (for drawing it out of the vessel) ib
- ○manas m. N. of a preceptor (having the patr. Śāṇḍilyāyana), IndSt
- ○raṇa (suté-), mfn. delighting in Soma RV
- sutya n. (with or scil. ahan) the day of Soma extraction (also sutyâha, m.) ŚrS. MBh
- (ā), f. See next
- sutyā f. (for 2. See below) the extraction or solemn preparation of Soma VS. Br. ŚrS
- ○kāla m. the time of Nyāyam
- ○līna mfn. relating to that time (-tva n.) ib. Sch
- ○māsa m. a month in which the Soma is daily pressed Lāṭy
- sútvan mf(arī Pāṇ. 4-1, 7)n. the extracting or preparing of Soma RV. AV
- m. a drinker of Soma W
- a student who has performed his ablutions (before or after a Soma sacrifice) ib
- N. of a man (having the patr. Kairiśi) AitBr
- sunvát mfn. pressing out (the Soma) &c
- m. the offerer of a Soma sacrifice Śiś
- N. of a son of Sumantu (also called Sunvāna) BhP
- suṣuvāṇa
- suṣvāṇá See √3. su col. 2
- súṣvi mfn. pressing out or offering Soma (compar. -tara) RV
- sūti
- sūtya &c. See 3. sūti, p. 1241, col. 3
- sotu
- sotṛ &c. See p. 1248, col. 3
- su (= √2. sū), (only in 3. sg. sauti, pra-√sū) to beget, bring forth
- sut mfn. (for 1. See col. 2) begetting, generating, engendering MW
- suta mfn. begotten, brought forth
- m. (ifc. f. ā) a son, child, offspring (sutau du. = 'son and daughter') Mn. MBh. &c
- a king L
- N. of the 5th astrological house VarBṛS
- N. of a son of the 10th Manu Hariv
- (ā), f. See below
- ○ṃ-rayiṣṭhīya n. (with prajāpateḥ) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○ṃ-gama n. 'son-obtaining', N. of a man (cf. sautaṃgami) Pāṇ. 3-2, 47 Sch
- ○jīvaka m. Putranjīva Roxburghī L
- ○ṃ-jaya m. 'son-winning', N. of a man (cf. sutaṃ-gama) MBh
- ○tva n. condition of sonship (instr. with √grah', to adopt any one acc. as a son') Kathās
- ○dā f. 'son-giving', N. of a divine being Pañcar
- ○nirviśeṣam ind. not differently from a son, exactly like a son Ragh
- ○pādikā or f. a species of Mimosa L. 2
- ○pādukā f. a species of Mimosa L. 2
- ○vat mfn. (for 1. See under 2. suta) possessing sons or children VarBṛS
- m. the father of a son W
- ○vatsala mfn. loving one's children
- m. an affectionate father Veṇis
- ○vallabha wṛ. for prec
- ○vaskarā f. the mother of seven children L
- ○śreṇī f. the plant Salvinia Cucullata L
- ○suta m. a son's son, a grandson MārkP
- ○hibuka-yoga m. junction of the 4th and 5th astrol. houses (said to be suitable for marriages) MW
- sutâtmaja m. = suta-suta L
- (ā), f. a granddaughter L
- sutârṇava m. N. of wk
- sutârthin mfn. desirous of offspring Mn. iii, 262
- sutôtpatti f. birth of a son Mn. iii, 16
- sutā f. (ifc. f. ā) a daughter Mn. MBh. &c
- the plant Alhagi Maurorum L
- ○dāna n. the gift (in marriage) of a daughter Mn. iii, 26
- ○pati m. 'daughter's husband', a son-in-law KātyŚr. Sch
- ○putra m. du. a daughter and a son L
- ○bhāva m. the state of a daughter Kathās
- suti See sú-ṣuti
- sutin mfn. having a son or sons (inī f. 'a mother') Hit
- sutī mf. (abl. gen. sutyus) one who wishes for a son or treats any one like a son Vop
- sutī in comp. for 3. suta
- ○bhūta mfn. become a son Kathās
- sutīya Nom. P. -yati (fr. 3. suta or sutā), to treat like a son Sāh
- to wish for a son or for a daughter MW
- sutyā f. (for 1. See above) bringing forth a child, parturition MW
- sú ind. (opp. to dus and corresponding in sense to Gk. ?
- perhaps connected with 1. vásu, and, [1219,] accord. to some, with pron. base sa, as ku with ka
- in Veda also sū́ and liable to become ṣu or ṣū and to lengthen a preceding vowel, while a following na may become ṇa
- it may be used as an adj. or adv.), good, excellent, right, virtuous, beautiful, easy, well, rightly, much, greatly, very, any, easily, willingly, quickly (in older language often with other particles
- esp. with u, = 'forthwith, immediately'
- with mô i.e. mā u, = 'never, by no means' [Page 1220, Column]
- sú kam often emphatically with an Impv., e.g. tíṣṭhā sú kam maghavan mā́ parā gāḥ, 'do tarry O Maghavan, go not past' RV. iii, 53, 2
- su always qualifies the meaning of a verb and is never used independently at the beginning of a verse
- in later language it is rarely a separate word, but is mostly prefixed to substantives, adjectives, adverbs and participles, exceptionally also to an ind. p., e.g. su-baddhvā, 'having well bound' Mṛicch. x, 50
- or even to a finite verb, e.g. su-nirvavau Śiś. vi, 58) RV. &c. &c
- ○ūtí f. good protection or assistance RV
- ○kakṣa m. N. of the author of RV. viii, 81 ; 82 (having the patr. Āṅgirasa) RAnukr
- ○kaṅkavat m. N. of a mountain MārkP. (v. l. vaikaṅka VP.)
- ○kaṭaṃ-kara mfn. very fit for making mats Pat
- ○kaṇṭakā f. Aloe Indica L
- ○kaṇṭha mf(ī)n. sweet-voiced BhP
- m. N. of a singer Cat
- (ī), f. the female or Indian cuckoo L
- N. of an Apsaras Bālar
- ○kaṇḍu m. much-scratching, the itch L
- ○kathā f. a beautiful story Kathās
- ○kanda m. the √of Scirpus Kysoor L
- an onion W
- a yam ib
- the √of Arum Campanulatum MW
- other bulbous plants (= vārāhi-kanda
- = -dharaṇī-k○) ib
- -ja, v. l. for su-kundana L
- ○kandaka m. an onion L
- a species of Arum ib
- ayam ib
- pl. N. of a people MBh
- ○kandin m. Amorphophallus Campanulatus L
- Arum Campanulatum MW
- ○kanyaka mfn. having a beautiful daughter Vop
- ○kanyā́ f. a beautiful girl MW
- N. of a daughter of Śaryāta (or ○ti) and wife of the Ṛishi Cyavana ŚBr. MBh. Hariv. &c. (also ○yakā)
- ○kanyāka mfn. = -kanyaka Vop
- ○kapardá mf(ā́) n. having beautiful braided hair VS. MaitrS
- ○kapola mf(ā)n. having beautṭbeautiful cheeks BhP
- ○lâsya mfn. having a face with beautṭbeautiful cheeks ib
- ○kamala n. a beautṭbeautiful lotus flower Kālac
- ○kambala m. (ifc. f. ā) a beautṭbeautiful dewlap Hcat
- ○kára mf(ā) n. easy to be done, easy for (gen.) or to (inf.) RV. Mn. &c
- easy to be managed, tractable (as a horse or cow) L
- easily achieving Vop
- m. a good-natured horse L
- (ā), f. a tractable cow W
- (am), n. doing good, charity, benevolence ib
- -taraka mfn. very easy to be done Pat
- -tva n. easiness, feasibleness Sarvad. Nīlak
- -saṃdhi mfn. easily joined or united Pañcat. (vḷ.)
- ○karīrá (prob.) wṛ. for -kurīrá MaitrS
- ○karṇa m. a beautiful ear BhP
- mfn. having beautiful ears
- m. N. of a Rākshasa R
- (ā or ī), f. a colocynth L
- (ī), f. Salvina Cucullata ib
- ○karṇaka mfn. = -karṇa MW
- m. a kind of bulbous plant L
- (ikā), f. Salvinia Cucullata ib
- ○karṇika mfn. having a beautiful film (as a lotus flower) Hcat
- ○karma m. pl. N. of a class of deities MW
- ○karman n. a good work Pañcar
- mfn. (-kár○) performing good works, virtuous Rājat
- active, diligent W
- m. a good or expert artificer or artist or architect RV. VS. Nir
- N. of Viśva-karman (the architect of the gods) L
- the 7th of the 27 astronomical Yogas. ib
- N. of a king MBh. BhP
- of a teacher of the Sāma-veda Pur
- pl. N. of a class of deities ib
- ○kala mfn. one who employs his property well both by giving and enjoying it L
- m. N. of a man Cat
- ○kalatra n. a good wife Kathās
- ○kalita wṛ. for next MBh
- ○kalila mfn. well filled with ib
- ○kálpa mfn. easy to be made AV
- very qualified or skilled BhP
- (wṛ. for -kalya) ib
- ○kalpita mfn. well equipped or armed MBh
- ○kalya mfn. perfectly sound BhP
- ○kavi m. a good poet. VarBṛS. Kathās. &c
- -tā f. the state of a good poet, poetical talent Bhartṛ
- -hṛdayânandinī f. N. of wk
- ○kaṣṭa mfn. very painful or dangerous (as a disease) Suśr
- ○kāṇḍa mfn. having a good stem or stalk MW
- well-jointed ib
- Momordica Charantia L
- ○kāṇḍikā f. id. ib
- ○kāṇḍin mfn. having good stems or stalks MW
- beautifully jointed ib
- m. a bee L
- ○kānta mfn. very handsome Kathās
- ○kānti m. N. of a man Cat
- ○kāma mfn. having good desires MW
- (ā), f. Ficus Heterophylla L
- (○ma)-da mf(ā)n. abundantly granting desires Hcat
- -vrata n. a partic. religious observance Cat. (vḷ. kāmya-v○)
- ○kāla (Hariv.) or (Mn. Pur.), m. pl. N. of a class of Pitṛis
- ○kālin (Mn. Pur.), m. pl. N. of a class of Pitṛis
- ○kālukā wṛ. for -vāl○ L
- ○kāśana mfn. shining beautifully Nir
- ○kāṣṭha mfn. having good wood MW
- (ā), f. the wild plantain L
- = kaṭvii ib
- n. fire-wood A
- ○kāṣṭhaka mfn. having good wood MW
- n. Pinus Deodora or another species L
- ○kiṃśuká mfn. (prob.) 'well made of Kiṃśuka wood' or 'bright with Kiṃśuka flowers' (said of the car of Sūryā) RV. x, 85, 20 (cfṆir.xii, 8). [Page 1220, Column]
- ○kīrtí f. good praise, hymn of praise RV
- mfn. well or easily praised ib
- glorious Śivag
- m. N. of the author of RV. x, 131 (having the patr. Kākshīvata)
- of the above hymn Br. Vait
- ○kukṣi f. N. of a Gandharva maid Kāraṇḍ
- ○kucā f. having beautiful breasts MBh
- ○kuṭṭa m. pl. N. of a people ib
- ○kuṭya m. pl. N. of a people ib
- ○kuṇḍala m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra ib
- ○kundaka m. an onion L
- ○kundana m. a kind of plant (= barbara) L
- ○kumala wṛ. for -komala Pañcat
- ○kumāra mf(ī)n. very tender or delicate MBh. R. &c
- m. a delicate youth ib
- tenderness L
- sugar-cane and various other plants (Jonesia Asoka
- the wild Campaka
- Panicum Frumentaceum &c.) L
- N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- of a Daitya L
- of various kings MBh. Hariv. Pur
- of a poet Cat
- of a Varsha MBh. MārkP
- (ā), f. Jasminum Sambac or Grandiflorum L
- Musa Sapientum L
- Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis L
- Trigonella Corniculata L
- N. of a river MW
- (ī), f. Jasminum Sambac or Grandiflorum ib
- N. of a river MBh. VP
- -tanu-tvac mfn. having very soft and delicate skin MW
- -tara mfn. more delṭdelicate Sāṃkhyak. Vās
- -tā f. (Kāvyâd. &c.) or -tva n. (Kathās.) delicacy, tenderness
- -nakha-tvac mfn. having very delṭdelicate nails and skin MW
- -vana n. N. of a forest BhP
- ○râṅga mf(ī) n. having very delṭdelicate limbs MW
- ○kumāraka mfn. very tender
- m. a tender youth Hariv. Pañcar
- sugar-cane L
- rice MW
- N. of a son of Jāmbavat VP
- (am), n. a partic. part of the ear VarBṛS
- a cinnamon-leaf L
- the Tamāla-pattra MW
- ○kumārīka mfn. having a handsome daughter Pāṇ. 6-2, 173 Sch
- ○kumāla mfn. = -kumāra Pañcad
- ○kurīrá mf(ā́)n. having a beautiful headdress VS
- ○kurkura m. N. of a dog-demon, Hir
- ○kula n. a noble family Kāv
- mf(ā)n. sprung from a noble family ib. Pañcat
- -ja mfn. id. Kāv
- -janman n. noble birth ib
- -tā f. id. Prasaṅg
- -strī f. a woman of good family, a respectable woman MW
- ○kulīna mfn. = -kula-ja Pañcat
- ○kusumā f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- ○kūrkura m. N. of a demon hostile to children, PārGṛS
- ○kṛ́t mfn. doing good, benevolent, virtuous, pious (compar. -tara
- superl. -tama) RV. AV. VS. &c
- fortunate, well-fated, wise W
- making good sacrifices or offerings MW
- skilful, a skilful worker (said of Tvashṭṛi and Ṛibhu) RV
- m. pl. deceased fathers who enjoy the reward of virtue in the other world RV. AV. &c
- ○kṛtá n. a good or righteous deed, meritorious act, virtue, moral merit (-tas ind.) RV. &c. &c
- a benefit, bounty, friendly aid, favour R. Pañcat. &c
- the world of virtue, heaven AV. TS. TBr
- fortune, auspiciousness W
- reward, recompense ib
- (súkṛta), mfn. well done or made or formed or executed RV
- well arranged, adorned, made good (with mati f. 'a well-taken resolution'
- with anartha m. 'an evil turned to good'
- kim atra sukṛtam bhavet, 'what would be best done here?') RV. &c. &c
- treated with kindness, befriended MW
- well-conducted, virtuous, fortunate ib
- (said to be) = svak○ TUp
- m. N. of a Prajā-pati VP
- of a son of Pṛithu Hariv
- (ā), f. N. of a river VP
- -karman n. a good or meritorious act (○ma-kārin mfn. 'performing good acts') Kām. Kāv. &c
- mfn. doing good deeds, virtuous MBh. R
- -kṛt mfn. id. Mn. iii, 37
- -dvādaśī f. N. of a partic. 12th day (-vrata n. N. of a relig. observance) Cat
- -bhāj mfn. connected with merit, meritorious Vās
- -rasa m. the essence of merits or good deeds, JaimtBr
- -vrata n. N. of a religious observance Cat
- ○tâtman mfn. one who has a well cultivated or refined mind R
- ○târtha mfn. one who has fully attained his object Kathās. (vḷ. sva-k○)
- ○tâvāsa mfn. having a well-made or well-arranged residence MW
- ○tâśā f. the hope of a reward for good acts Āpast
- ○tôcchraya mfn. made very high, very lofty MBh
- ○tôdīraṇa n. the proclaiming or blazoning abroad of good actions MW
- ○kṛti f. well-doing, good or correct conduct Pañcat
- acting in a friendly manner, kindness MW
- virtue ib
- the practice of religious austerities ib
- mfn. righteous, virtuous Cat
- m. N. of a son of Manu Svārocisha Hariv
- of one of the 7 Ṛishis in the 10th Manv-antara ib. BhP
- of a son of Pṛithu VP
- ○kṛtin mfn. doing good actions, virtuous, generous (○ti-tva, n.) MBh. Hariv. R. &c
- prosperous, fortunate Amar. Kathās
- cultivated, wise Kāv. Hit
- m. N. of one of the 7 Ṛishis under the 10th Manu MārkP. = 1. [Page 1220, Column]
- ○kṛtya Nom. P. ○yati (fr. -kṛt) Pat. -2
- ○kṛtya n. a good work to be done, duty BhP
- a good or correct action Pañcat
- (○tyá), mfn. performing one's duties TBr
- m. N. of a man (g. naḍâdi)
- -prakāśa m. N. of wk
- ○kṛtyā́ f. good or clever or righteous act, right or virtuous action RV
- ○kṛ́tvan mfn. acting skilfully or well RV
- ○kṛṣṭa mfn. well-ploughed AitBr. R. Pañcat
- ○kṛṣṇa mfn. very black R
- ○kéta mfn. having good intentions, benevolent TS
- m. N. of an Āditya ib
- ○ketana m. N. of a son of Sunītha BhP
- ○ketú mf(ú)n. very bright RV
- m. N. of a king of the Yakshas Kāv
- of various kings MBh. Hariv. R. Pur
- -sutā f. patr. of Tāḍakā Bālar
- ○ketṛ m. a partic. personification (identified with the sun) PārGṛ. (accord. to others su-ketā f.)
- ○keśa mf(ī or ā)n. having beautiful hair MBh. R
- (prob.) thickly overgrown with a species of the Andropogon Siddh
- m. N. of a Rākshasa R
- (ī), f. N. of an Apsaras MBh
- of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs
- of a daughter of Ketu-viirya MārkP
- ○śânta mf(ā)n. having beautṭbeautiful locks of hair MBh
- ○śī-bhārya mfn. one who has a beautṭbeautiful-haired wife Vop
- ○keśan m. N. of a man PraśnUp
- ○keśi m. N. of a Rākshasa Cat
- ○keśin mfn. = -keśa MW
- m. = -keśi Cat
- (inī), f. a kind of plant Npr
- ○kesara m. Citrus Medica L
- n. N. of two metres Ked
- ○komala mfn. very soft or tender Kāv. Pañcat. Śukas
- ○kolī f. a kind of bulbous plant L
- ○kośaka m. Mangifera Sylvatica ib
- ○kośā f. a species of Luffa ib
- ○kosalā f. N. of a town Pat
- ○krátu mfn. skilful, wise (said of various gods) RV
- m. N. of various kings MBh
- ○kratūya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to show one's self skilful or wise RV
- ○kratūyā f. intelligence, wisdom, skill ib
- ○kraya m. a fair bargain Hcat
- ○kriyā f. a good action, good work, moral or religious observance MW
- ○krīḍā f. N. of an Apsaras Kāraṇḍ
- ○kruddha (sú-), mfn. very angry ŚBr. R
- ○krūra mfn. very dreadful MBh
- ○kleśa mfn. very distressing Kathās
- ○kvaṇa m. a beautiful sound L
- ○kṣata (sú-), mfn. greatly hurt or damaged AV
- ○kṣatrá mfn. having a good dominion, ruling well RV. VS
- possessing or conferring power, strong, powerful RV
- m. N. of a son of Niramitra VP
- ○kṣatriya m. a good Kshatriya Rājat
- ○kṣáya mfn. well-housed or well-sheltered RV
- ○kṣití f. a good abode, secure dwelling, place of refuge RV. VS. TS. Br
- ○kṣubdha mfn. greatly agitated Pañcar
- ○kṣétra n. an excellent field RV. Mn. R. &c
- mf(ā) n. affording a good field or dwelling-place RV. Hariv
- having good fields R
- sprung from a good womb Suśr
- m. N. of a son of the 10th Manu MārkP
- n. a house with three halls (towards the south, the west and the north) VarBṛS
- (○trá) -tā f. the possession of a good field AV
- ○kṣetriyā f. (the same form for instr.) desire of good fields RV
- ○kṣema n. great prosperity or comfort or peacefulness (-kṛt, mfn. ) VarBṛS
- ○kṣéman n. water Naigh. i, 12
- ○kṣobhya mf(ā)n. easily agitated Kathās
- ○kṣmá mf(ā́)n. consisting of good earth VS. (Sch.)
- ○khá &c., See sukhá s.v
- ○khallikā f. (perhaps) luxurious life Lalit
- ○khavī wṛ. for -ṣavii L
- ○khādi mfn. (for sukhâdi See p. 1221, col. 3) wearing beautiful bracelets or rings (said of the Maruts) RV
- ○khādita (sú-), mfn. well masticated or eaten VS
- ○khura mf(ā)n. having beautiful hoofs Hcat
- ○khyāta mfn. very renowned MW
- ○khyāti f. good report, celebrity ib
- súka (for śúka), a parrot AV. i, 22, 4
- sukkaḍi n. dry sandal-wood L
- sukti m. N. of a mountain (prob. wṛ. for śukti) MārkP
- sukh (prob. Nom. fr. sukha below), cl. 10. 4. P. (Dhātup. xxxv, 75
- xxxvi, 14) sukhayati, sukhyati, to make happy, please, delight, gladden, rejoice, comfort MBh. Kāv. &c
- sukhá mfn. (said to be fr. 5. su + 3. kha, and to mean originally 'having a good axle-hole
- possibly a Prākṛit form of su-stha, q.v
- cf. duḥkha) running swiftly or easily (only applied to cars or chariots, superl. sukhá-tama), easy RV
- pleasant (rarely with this meaning in Veda), agreeable, gentle, mild (comp. -tará) VS. &c. &c
- comfortable, happy, prosperous (= sukhin) R
- virtuous, pious MW
- m. N. of a man, g. śivâdi
- (scil. daṇḍa) a kind of military array Kām. [Page 1221, Column]
- (ā), f. (in phil.) the effort to win future beatitude, piety, virtue Tattvas
- (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā Saṃgīt
- N. of the city of Varuṇa VP
- of one of the 9 Śaktis of Śiva L
- (am), n. ease, easiness, comfort, prosperity, pleasure, happiness (in m. personified as a child of Dharma and Siddhi MārkP.), joy, delight in (loc
- sukham-√kṛ 'to give pleasure'
- mahatā sukhena, 'with great pleasure'), the sky, heaven, atmosphere (cf. 3. kha) L
- water Naigh. i, 12
- N. of the fourth astrol. house VarBṛS
- the drug or medicinal √called Vṛiddhi MW
- (ám), ind. (also ena, āt) easily, comfortably, pleasantly, joyfully, willingly (with inf. = 'easy to', e.g. sa bhaviṣyati sukhaṃ hantum, 'he will be easy to kill'
- sukham-na punar', rather - than', e.g. sukham asūn api saṃtyajanti na punaḥ pratijñām, 'they rather renounce life than a promise'
- kadalī-sukham, 'as easily as a Kadali') VS. &c. &c
- ○kara mf(ī) n. causing pleasure or happiness Nir
- easy to be done or performed by (gen.) R
- m. N. of Rāma L
- (ī), f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs
- ○kāra (MW.),
- ○kārin (Sāy.),
- ○kṛt (MBh.), mfn. causing joy or happiness
- ○kaumudī f. N. of a grammar
- ○kriyā f. the act of causing delight or happiness Dhātup
- ○ga mfn. going easily MW
- ○gandha mf(ā)n. sweet-smelling, fragrant R
- ○gama (MBh.),
- ○gamya (Kām.), mfn. easy to be traversed or travelled over
- ○grāhya mfn. easy to be grasped Kathās
- easy to be comprehended or understood ( See comp.)
- -nibandhana n. a composition easy to be comprehended, easily intelligible language Kum
- ○ghātya mfn. easy to be killed Pañcat
- ○ṃ-kara mf(ī)n. causing joy or happiness MW
- (ī), f. a kind of plant (= jīvantī) L
- ○cara mf(ī) n. going or moving easily MW
- m. N. of a village L
- ○cāra m. easy-going, a good horse L
- ○citta n. mental ease
- -bhāj mfn. enjoying mental ease Car
- ○cchāya mfn. affording pleasant shadow R
- ○cchedya mfn. easy to be cut or destroyed Kām. Hit
- ○jāta mfn. born or produced easily W
- feeling easy or comfortable Bhaṭṭ
- n. anything pleasant Gīt
- ○tama
- ○tara See above under sukha
- ○tas ind. easily, comfortably, pleasantly, happily R
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. ease, comfort, delight, happiness, prosperity R. Kathās. Sarvad
- ○da mf(ā)n. giving pleasure or delight Kāv. VarBṛS
- m. N. of Vishṇu MBh
- a partic. class of deceased ancestors MārkP
- (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt
- (ā), f. Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma L
- an Apsaras L
- the river Ganges MW
- (am), n. the abode of Vishṇu L
- N. of a Varsha in Plaksha-dviipa VP
- ○dāyaka mfn. giving or affording pleasure Pañcar
- ○duḥkha n. du. pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow KaushUp
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of pleasure and pain Kathās
- = next ib
- -samanvita mfn. feeling pleasure and pain Mn. i, 49
- -suhṛd m. a friend in joy and sorrow Mṛicch
- ○khâtmaka mfn. consisting of pleasure and pain MW
- ○khâdi mfn. (pl.) pleasure and pain and the other (opposites
- See dvaṃdva) Mn. i, 26
- ○khin mfn. feeling pleasure and pain BhP
- ○dṛśya mfn. beautiful to look at, pleasant to see Pañcar
- ○deva m. N. of a man Buddh
- (with miśra) N. of an author Cat
- ○dohā (Hcat.) or (L.), f. an easily milked cow
- ○dohyā (L.), f. an easily milked cow
- ○dhana n. pl. comfort and riches VarBṛS
- m. sg. N. of a merchant Kathās
- ○nātha m. N. of a deity worshipped in Mathurā Cat
- ○niviṣṭa mfn. comfortably seated Pañcar
- ○para mfn. fond of ease or comfort, intent on enjoyment Śak. (vḷ.) VarBṛS
- ○parihīna mfn. destitute of comfort or happiness VarBṛS
- ○puṇyâha-ghoṣa m. the proclamation of a happy holiday MW
- ○peya mfn. easy or pleasant to drink Subh
- ○prakāśa m. (with muni) N. of an author Cat
- ○praṇāda mfn. sounding pleasantly MBh
- ○pratibandhin mfn. obstructing or interrupting happiness (○dhi-tā f.) Vikr. v, 15/16
- ○pratī7kṣa mfn. looking for or expecting happiness, hoping for pleasure W
- ○pratyarthin mfn. opposed or hostile to happiness (-tā, f.) Vikr. v, 15/16 (v. l. for -pratibandhi-tā)
- ○prada mfn. giving pleasure or happiness MārkP
- ○prabodhaka mf(ikā)n. easy to understand Cat
- ○pravicāra mfn. easily accessible Car
- ○pravepa mfn. easily trembling or shaken (as a tree) R
- ○praśna m. inquiry as to welfare (○śnam ud-ā-√hṛ or √dā, 'to inquire after a person's welfare') MBh
- ○prasava mfn. bringing (or having brought) forth easily or happily. Śak. (vḷ.)
- m. = next Cat
- ○prasavana n. easy birth or parturition, Kṛishṇaj
- ○prasupta mfn. sleeping placidly Ṛitus. [Page 1221, Column]
- ○prâpta mfn. one who has attained happiness MW
- ○prâpta-dhana mfn. one who has obtained wealth easily Sāh
- ○prâpya mfn. easy to be attained or won Kathās
- ○prêkṣya mfn. easy to be caught sight of MBh
- ○plava mfn. offering a comfortable bath (v. l. sukhâpl○) R
- ○baddha mfn. pleasantly formed, lovely ib
- ○bandhana mfn. attached to the pleasures or enjoyments of the world Kām
- ○buddhi f. easy understanding or knowledge Cat
- ○bodha m.id. ib
- perception or sensation of pleasure MW
- -kṛt mfn. causing to be easily understood Śatr
- -rūpa mfn. easily understood Kāv
- ○bodhana n. (= -buddhi)
- -dīpikā f. N. of a Commentary
- ○bodhikā f
- ○bodhinī f. N. of wks
- ○bhakṣikā-kāra m. a maker of dainties or sweetmeats, confectioner Campak
- ○bhañja m. a kind of Moringa L
- ○bhāga m. a happy lot or portion, good fortune MW
- ○bhāgin (R.),
- ○bhāj (VarBṛS.), mfn. possessing or sharing in happiness, happy, fortunate
- ○bhuj mfn. enjoying happiness, happy, lucky VarBṛS
- ○bhū mfn. (used in explaining śam-bhū and mayo-bhū) Nir
- ○bhedya mfn. easy to be broken or destroyed, Kām (vḷ. for -cchedya)
- easily separated or disunited Hit
- ○bhoga m. the enjoyment of pleasure MW
- ○bhogin mfn. enjoying pleasure ib
- ○bhogya mfn. easy to be enjoyed or disposed of (as wealth) Kathās
- ○bhojana n. dainty food L
- ○mada mfn. pleasantly intoxicating Car
- ○maya mf(ī m. c. also ā)n. consisting of happiness, full of joy and pleasure, delightful Kāv. BhP
- ○mānin mfn. thinking (anything) to be joy, seeing joy in (loc.) BhP
- ○mārjana n. an auspicious ablution Śak. (in Prākṛit)
- ○mālika m. (prob.) N. of the superintendent of a monastery Pañcat. v, 13/14
- ○mukha m. N. of a Yaksha Buddh
- ○m-edhas mfn. prospering well Gaut. MBh
- ○modā f. the gum olibanum tree L
- ○yaśo-'rtha-vṛddhi-kara mfn. causing increase of fortune (and) renown (and) wealth VarBṛS
- ○yoga-nidrā f. placid and quiet sleep Kām
- ○ratha (sukhá-), mfn. having an easily running chariot RV
- ○rāja m. N. of various men Rājat
- ○rātri or f. a partic. night of new moon (when there is a festival in honour of Lakshmi, celebrated with lighted lamps) Cat
- ○rātrikā f. a partic. night of new moon (when there is a festival in honour of Lakshmi, celebrated with lighted lamps) Cat
- a night when a wife may be legally approached (cf. Mn. iii, 47) MW
- a quiet or comfortable night (cf. saurātrika)
- ○rūpa mfn. having an agreeable appearance Ml
- ○lakṣya mfn. easy to be seen or known, easily recognized Hariv
- ○lava m. a little pleasure VarBṛS
- ○lipsā f. desire of attaining pleasure or happiness MW
- ○lekhana n. N. of an orthographical wk. (by Bharata-sena, son of Gaurâṅga-mallīka)
- ○leśa m. = -lava MW. 1
- ○vat ind. like a joy or pleasure (with √man, 'to regard anything acc. as a pleasure') BhP. 2
- ○vat mfn. possessing ease or comfort (-tā f. 'ease'), full of joy or pleasure R
- ○vatī f. N. of the heaven of Buddha Amitâbha ( See under sukhā-vat, col. 3) Buddh
- -vyūha m. N. of a Sūtra
- ○varcaka or n. 'having a pleasant lustre', natron, alkali L
- ○varcas n. 'having a pleasant lustre', natron, alkali L
- ○vartā wṛ. for -vat-tā (q.v.)
- ○vartman mfn. having easy paths MBh
- ○varman m. N. of various men (esp. of a poet) Rājat. Subh
- ○vaha mfn. easily borne or carried MBh. 1
- ○vāsa m. a pleasant or comfortable abode (acc. with √vas, 'to live pleasantly at a place'
- with √dā, 'to receive hospitably in one's house') R. Hcat
- mfn. one who has lived comfortably at a place R. -2
- ○vāsa mfn. 'sweet-smelling', a water-melon L
- ○vāsana wṛ. for mukha-v○ (q.v.)
- ○viṣṇu m. N. of a poet Subh
- ○vihāra m. an easy or comfortable life SaddhP
- mfn. living easily Car
- ○vījya mfn. easy to be fanned or cooled (as a couch) Pañcar
- ○vedana n. the consciousness of pleasure W
- ○śayana n. placid rest or sleep L
- ○śayā f. N. of a sorceress Kathās
- ○śayita mfn. lying or sleeping comfortably upon (comp.) Vās
- n. (= -sayana)
- -pracchaka mf(ikā)n. inquiring whether any one has slept well Śak
- ○śayyā f. a comfortable couch Vet
- pleasant rest or sleep R
- ○śarman m. N. of a poet Cat
- ○sāyin mfn. resting or sleeping pleasantly Cat
- ○śīta mfn. pleasantly cool
- ○tâṣṇa-māruta mfn. (a night) pleasant with cool and warm winds R
- ○śītala mfn. = -śīta Cat
- ○śobhârtham ind. for the sake of comfort and honour MW
- ○śrava mfn. sweetly sounding, pleasant to hear Ragh
- ○śravya mfn. id. (-tā f.) Hariv
- ○śruti f. agreeable to the ear MW
- ○saṃyāna n. comfortable journey or progress, R. [Page 1221, Column]
- ○saṃyoga m. gain of eternal bliss Mn. vi, 64
- ○saṃvāhya mfn. = -vaha Pañcat
- ○saṃvitti f. enjoyment or experience of happiness Kir
- ○saṃvṛddha mfn. grown up in ease and comfort MBh. R
- ○saṃveśa (MBh.),
- ○saṃsupta (R.), mfn. resting or sleeping well
- ○saṃsevya mfn. easy to be approached or resorted to or attained, Ksā
- ○saṃstha (Pañcat.),
- ○saṃsthita (Mṛicch.), mfn. feeling comfortable or happy Pañcat
- ○saṃsparśa mf(ā)n. agreeable to the touch, pleasant to the feelings, gratifying MBh. R. &c
- ○saṅga m. attachment to pleasure Bhag
- ○saṅgin mfn. attached to pleasure MW
- ○saṃcāra mf(ā)n. pleasant to be resorted to, inviting (-tā f. -tva n.) Hariv. Sāh
- ○saṃcārin wṛ. for -saṃcāra
- ○saṃjñā f. the term, 'ease' MW
- ○saṃduhyā
- ○saṃdohyā f. = -dohā, dohyā
- ○samāja m. abundance of happiness or enjoyment Gīt
- ○sambandhi mfn. (m.c. for ○dhin) joyful, happy MBh
- ○sambodhya mfn. easy to be taught or explained or to be reasoned with Kathās
- ○salila n. pleasant (i.e. tepid) water (-niṣeka m. 'a bath in tepid water') Ṛitus
- ○sāgara m. 'ocean of pleasure', N. of a village Kshitîś
- ○sādhana n. means of obtaining pleasure Bhām
- ○sādhya mfn. easy to be accomplished or attained Bhartṛ. Śaṃk
- easy to be cured Suśr
- easy to be conquered or subdued Hit
- ○sukhena ind. most willingly, with all the heart Pāṇ. 8-1, 13
- ○supta mfn. sweetly sleeping, comfortably asleep MBh. Rājat
- ○supti f. placid sleep (cf. saukhasuptika)
- -prabodhita m. 'awakened from pleasure sleep', N. of Śiva Śivag
- ○suptikā f. ( = -supti)
- -praśna m. the question whether any one has slept well Śak. (cf. sukha-śayita-pracchaka)
- ○secaka m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh. (B. mukha-s○)
- ○sevya mfn. easy of access (-tva n.) Rājat
- ○stha mfn. = -saṃstha Kāv. Kathās
- ○sparśa mf(ā)n. = -saṃsparśa MBh. R. &c
- -vihāratā (Divyâv.) or -vihāritā (Kāraṇḍ.), an easy life or state of existence
- ○svāpa m. placid or quiet sleep Kathās
- ○hasta mfn. having a soft or gentle hand R
- sukhā-kara m. 'making happy, gladdening', N. of a Buddhist world SaddhP
- of the author of a Comm. on the Kādambari
- sukhā-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make happy, gladden, please Pāṇ. 5-4, 63
- sukhâgata n. welcome Pañcat
- sukhâjāta m. N. of Śiva MBh
- sukhâtmaka mf(ikā)n. consisting of pleasure MW
- sukhâdi mfn. (for sukhādi See p. 1220, col. 3) beginning with pleasure, pleasure &c. ( See sukha-duḥkhâdi)
- sukhâdhāra m. 'pleasure-seat, Indra's heaven, paradise L
- sukhâdhiṣṭhāna n. a happy state Divyâv
- sukhânanda m. 'joy of happiness', N. of an author
- sukhânubhava m. perception or consciousness of pleasure W
- sukhânta mfn. ending in happiness MW
- subversive of happiness W
- sukhânvita mfn. attended with hṭhappiness, happy VarBṛS
- sukhâpa mfn. easily won or attained BhP
- sukhâpanna mfn. one who has attained or gained happiness MW
- sukhâpêta mfn. gradually deprived of pleasure (as opp. to sukhād-ap○) Pāṇ. 2-1, 38 Sch
- sukhâplava mfn. convenient forbathing (cf. sukha-pl○) R
- sukhâbhiyojya mfn. easily assailable Kām. Hit
- sukhâbhilāṣa m. desire of pleasure MW
- sukhâbhyudayika mfn. causing joy or pleasure Mn. xii, 88
- sukhâmbu n. = sukha-salila Suśr
- sukhâyata m. 'easily restrained or guided', a well-trained horse L
- sukhâyana m. 'going easily or pleasantly', a good horse L
- sukhârādhya mfn. easy to be conciliated or propitiated BhP
- sukhârohaṇa mfn. easy to be ascended MBh
- sukhârta mfn. (for ○kha-ṛta) affected by joy Pāṇ. 6-7, 89 Vārtt. 6 Pat
- sukhârtha m. anything that gives pleasure Mn. vi, 26
- am (Gaṇit.) and āya (Pañcat.), ind. for the sake of ease or pleasure
- sukhârthin mfn. seeking wishing for plṭpleasure or happiness Mn. vi, 49
- sukhârha mfn. deserving of happiness VarBṛS
- sukhâloka mf(ā)n. pleasant-looking, beautiful (others 'easy to be seen') Vikr. iv, 46
- sukhâvagama m. easy perception or comprehension Yogas. Sch
- sukhâvagāha mfn. easy to be entered or dived into Hir. MBh
- sukhā-vat mfn. = 2. sukhavat
- (with varti f.) a kind of pill Car
- (vatī), f. N. of the paradise or heaven of Amitâbha (situated in the western sky) Buddh. SaddhP. Kāraṇḍ. MWB. 183, 204
- of the wife of Sūrya-prabha Kathās
- -deva m. (with Śāktas) N. of a partic. class of authors of mystical prayers Cat
- -vyūha m. N. of a Buddhist wk
- ○tī7śvara m. 'lord of Sukhā-vati', N. of Amitâbha, above L
- sukhâvabodha m. easy comprehension Śaṃk. [Page 1222, Column]
- sukhâvaha mfn. bringing or conferring pleasure, delightful R
- sukhâvṛta mfn. filled with joy or delight in (comp.) BhP
- sukhâśa m. pleasant food L
- cucumber, Cucumis Sativus (also ○śaka) L
- mfn. eating dainty food (applied to Varuna) L
- sukhâśaya wṛ. for sukhâśraya
- sukhâśā f. the hope of pleasure or enjoyment Pañcat
- (su-kh○) expectation which exists only in empty space (or is very remote)
- sukhâśraya mfn. connected, with plṭpleasure, pleasant, gratifying Pañcat. Sāh
- sukhâsakta m. 'devoted to happiness', N. of Śiva MBh
- sukhâsana n. a comfortable seat Siṃhâs
- sukhâsikā f. well-being, comfort, ease Rājat
- sukhâsīna mfn. comfortably seated R. BhP. Hit
- sukhâsukha n. sg. pleasure and pain Mn. xii, 19
- sukhâsparśa mfn. = sukha-sparśa MW
- sukhâsvāda mfn. pleasantly flavoured, delightful, agreeable Hit
- m. pleasant flavour W
- enjoyment ib
- sukhâhara mfn. = sukhâvaha MW
- sukhâhāra n. ease and food ib
- sukhêcchā f. hope or desire of happiness W
- sukhêta mfn. affected by joy Pāṇ. 6-1, 89 Vārtt. 6 Pat
- sukhêtara mfn. other than happy, unfortunate MW
- n. pl. joys and sorrows ŚvetUp
- sukhêpsu mfn. desirous of ease MW
- sukhe-ṣṭha mfn. (loc. of sukha + stha) living in joy (applied to Śiva) Śivag
- sukhaī7kâyatana n. sole abode of joy MW
- sukhâidhita mfn. one who has grown up or lived in easy circumstances MBh
- sukhâiṣin mfn. one who seeks (another's) happiness, wishing well to (comp.) MBh
- sukhôcita mfn. accustomed to comfort or happiness MBh. Car
- sukhôcchedya mfn. to be cut up or destroyed with ease, to be exterminated easily Kām. Rājat
- sukhôtsava m. 'pleasure-feast', a husband L
- sukhôdaka n. = sukha-salila Suśr
- sukhôdadhi m. N. of a Comm. on the Kāvyaprakāśa (usually called Sudhā-sāgara)
- sukhôdaya mfn. resulting in joy or happiness Mn. MBh. &c
- m. an intoxicating drink (made from honey or from the blossoms of she Bassia Latifolia) L
- realization or occurrence of pleasure W
- N. of a son of Medâtithi MārkP
- n. the Varsha ruled by Sukhôdaya ib
- sukhôdarka mfn. having happiness as a consequence, causing happiness Mn. MBh. &c
- sukhôdya mfn. to be uttered easily or agreeably Mn. ii, 33
- sukhôpagamya mfn. easy to be approached or reached, easy of access Kām. Mṛicch
- sukhôpadhāna n. = upakaraṇa L
- sukhôpaviṣṭa mfn. comfortably seated MBh. R. &c
- sukhôpasarpya mfn. easy to be approached W
- sukhôpâya m. an easy means, Bhp
- (ena instr. 'easily', 'without pains or trouble' Pañcat.)
- mf(ā)n. easy to be obtained Pañcat
- sukhôrjika m. natron (= sarjikā-kṣāra)
- sukhôṣita mfn. (also with rajanīm) one who has spent the night pleasantly, comfortably lodged MBh. R. &c
- (ā), f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana L
- sukhôṣṇa mfn. 'pleasantly warm', tepid
- n. tepid water L
- sukhôṣya mfn. pleasant to be dwelt in Hariv
- sukhana n. (used in explaining √mṛd) Dhātup
- sukhanīya mfn. causing ease or comfort KātyŚr. Sch
- sukhaya See √sukh, p. 1220, col. 3
- sukhayitṛ m. one who gladdens or makes happy (gen.) Inscr
- sukhayu mfn. (used in explaining śaṃyu) Nir. iv, 21
- sukhāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to feel happy or pleased, be at ease or comfortable Daś. Kād
- to be pleasant or agreeable Kād
- sukhāvala m. N. of Nṛi-cakshus (cf. sukhīnala) VP
- sukhi in comp. for sukhin
- ○tā f. (Śak., v. l.),
- ○tva n. (Vedântas.) ease, comfort, happiness
- ○svabhāva m. a happy or contented disposition Hit
- sukhita mfn. pleased, delighted, comforted (am ind.) Kāv. Kathās. &c
- n. happiness MW
- sukhin mfn. possessing or causing happiness or pleasure, happy, joyful, pleasant, comfortable, easy MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. a religious ascetic W
- sukhī mfn. (prob.) one who loves pleasure Vop. iii, 61
- sukhīnala m. N. of a son of Su-cakshus (cf. sukhāvala BhP
- sukhīlalita (?), f. N. of a virgin Buddh
- sukhīvala m. = sukhāvala VP
- sukhya mfn. belonging to pleasure, pleasurable MW. 2. [Page 1222, Column]
- sukhya Nom. P. ○yati ( See √sukh)
- sukhaṃsuṇa or sukhaṃghuṇa (?), m. a kind of staff with a skull at the top considered as a weapon of Śiva (= khaṭvâṅga, q.v.) L
- su-gá mf(ā)n. (i.e. 5. su + 2. ga
- √gam) going well or gracefully, having a graceful gait W
- easily passed, easy to traverse RV. AV. TBr. Lāṭy
- easy of access Kathās. Hcat
- easy to obtain RV. TS. Pañcat
- easily understood, intelligible MW
- n. a good path
- easy or successful course RV. VS
- faeces L
- suge-vṛ́dh mfn. rejoicing in good progress RV
- su-ga mfn. (i.e. 5. su + 3. ga
- √gai) singing well or beautifully BhP
- su (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
- ○gaṇ mfn. (a word formed artificially, Pāṇ. 3-2, 75 Sch.) counting well or easily or easily to be calculated
- ○gaṇa mfn. = ugaṇa Pat. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 9 Vārtt. 4
- m. N. of a Rāja-putra Kathās
- (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- ○ṇókti (?), f. N. of wk
- ○gaṇaka m. a good calculator or astronomer Cat
- ○gaṇita mfn. easily or accurately calculated MW
- ○gata mfn. going well VarBṛS
- one who has fared well Hit
- well-bestowed MW
- m. a Buddha (-tva n.) Kathās. Jātakam., Introd
- a Buddhist, BudṭBuddhist teacher Hcat
- -cetanā f. N. of a Buddhist nun Buddh
- -mitra m. N. of a man ib
- -śāsana n. the BudṭBuddhist doctrine Kathās
- ○tâyatana n. a BudṭBuddhist temple or monastery ib
- ○tâlaya m. id. L
- ○tâvadāna n. N. of a BudṭBuddhist Sūtra wk
- ○gati f. a good or happy condition, welfare, happiness, bliss MBh. Hariv. MārkP. &c
- a secure refuge Chandom
- mfn. having a good or auspicious position (as a planet) VarBṛS
- m. N. of a son of Gaya BhP
- of an Arhat (prob. wṛ. for su-mati) L
- -sopāna n. N. of wk
- ○gantva mfn. easily passed Lāṭy
- ○gandha m. a fragrant smell, fragrance R
- a perfume Yājñ. VarBṛ. &c
- mf(ā)n. fragrant MBh. &c. &c
- m. sulphur L
- the chick-pea ib
- Andropogon Schoenanthus ib
- marjoram ib
- a red-blossomed Moringa ib
- = tumburu ib
- a fragrant ointment (made of various substances) L
- N. of a mountain Gol
- a trader, dealer MW
- (ā), f. the ichneumon plant L
- Curcuma Zedoaria ib
- a fragrant grass MW
- a sort of lime ib
- sacred basil Suśr. Car
- N. of various other plants and trees (= vandhyā, karkoṭakī, rudra-jaṭā &c.) L
- a form of Dākshāyaṇi Cat
- N. of ais Apsaras MBh. Hariv
- of a Tirtha Vishṇ. MBh
- of a woman Rājat
- (ī), f. the small Banana L
- N. of a female servant of Vasu-deva VP
- n. small cumin seed L
- the blue lotus ib
- sandal ib
- the Granthi-parṇa plant ib
- = kat-tṛṇa ib
- = pattrâṅga ib
- = gandha-tṛṇa ib
- civet ib
- N. of a Tirtha MBh
- -tā f. fragrance, perfume MW
- -taila-niryāsa n. (?) civet L
- a partic. perfume made from roses &c. MW
- -pattrā f. a kind of plant (= jaṭā) L
- = rudra-jaṭā ib
- -bhūtṛṇa n. a kind of fragrant grass ib
- -mukha m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva, Kāraṇd
- -mūlā f. Averrhoa Acida L
- Hibiscus Mutabilis ib
- = rāsnā ib
- -yukti f. preparation of perfumes (one of the 64 arts) BhP. Sch
- -vat mfn. fragrant MBh
- -vanamāhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○dhâḍhya mfn. rich in fragrance R
- (ā), f. Jasminum Sambac L
- ○dhâditya m. N. of a man Rājat
- ○dhâmalaka m. a kind of mixture of various herbs L
- ○dhêśa m. N. of a temple erected by Su-gandhā Rājat
- an image of the tutelary deity of Su-gṭgandhā MW
- ○gandhaka m. 'having fragrance', a kind of grain (perhaps of rice) Suśr
- a kind of culinary herb ib
- the orange L
- Momordica Mixta ib
- red-blossomed basil ib
- a kind of bulbous plant (= dharaṇī-kanda) ib
- sulphur ib
- (ikā), f. a kind of plant Suśr
- n. a kind of medicinal herb L
- ○gandhaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make fragrant, scent Śiś
- ○gandhāra m. N. of Śiva (accord. to Nīlak. = śobhano gandhāra-deśôdbhavaḥ) MBh
- ○gándhi (or -gandhi), mfn. sweet-smelling, fragrant RV. MBh. Hariv. &c
- virtuous, pious MW
- m. a perfume, fragrance MW
- the supreme Being (= paramâtman) ib
- a lion L
- a sort of Mango L
- a sort of Cyperus L
- Ocimum Pilosum L
- the √of Scirpus Kysoor L
- n. sandal L
- N. of various perfumes or fragrant plants (accord. to L. = elavāluka
- = kaśeru
- = gandha-tṛṇa &c.) Bhpr
- -kusuma n. a fragrant flower MW
- m. yellow oleander L
- -kusumā f. Trigonella Corniculata ib. [Page 1222, Column]
- -tā f. fragrance VarBṛS. Śiś
- -tejana m. or n. a kind of fragrant grass TS. Kāṭh. Br. &c
- -triphalā f. nutmeg, areca nut, and cloves L
- mustaka n. a sort of Cyperus Bhpr
- -mūtra-patana m. a civet cat L
- -mūla n. a radish L
- the √of Uśīra MW
- -mūlā f. Curcuma Zedoaria L
- = rāsnā ib
- -mūṣikā f. the musk rat ib
- -sīha m. N. of a man Rājat
- ○gandhika mfn. fragrant Vishṇ
- m. a kind of grain (perhaps 'of rice') Vāgbh. Car
- olibanum L
- sulphur L
- a lion L
- n. the white lotus L
- the √of Andropogon Muricatus L
- the √of Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L
- a partic. medicinal herb, = sura-parṇa L
- ○gandhin mfn. fragrant, sweet-smelling MBh. R
- (inī), f. Pandanus Odoratissimus L
- a kind of plant with fragrant leaves (= ārāma-śītalā) ib
- ○ganman mfn. Vop. xxvi, 68
- ○gabhasti (sú- or sugábh○), mfn. having skilful hands (said to Tvashtṛi) RV
- ○gama mf(ā)n. easy to be traversed BhP. Kathās
- easy of access Kathās. Kuval
- easy to be ascertained or understood, obvious MBh. BhP. &c
- easy, practicable MW
- m. N. of a Dānava Kathās
- ○mânvayā f. N. of Comm
- ○gamana mf(ā)n. easy of access Nir. vi, 2
- proceeding well Sāy. on RV. i, 165, 8
- ○gambhīra mf(ā)u. very deep MBh
- ○gamya mf(ā)n. easily traversed or passed, easy of access Pañcar
- ○gara n. cinnabar L
- ○garhita mfn. very blamable R
- ○galā f. N. of a woman Rājat
- ○gava m. a vigorous bull MBh
- (-gáva), mfn. having fine cows, abounding in cattle RV
- ○gavi m. N. of a son of Prasuśruta VP
- ○gávya n. the possession of good or much cattle RV
- mfn. = -gáva MW
- ○gahana mf(ā)n. very thick or close or impervious L
- (ā), f. an enclosure round a place of sacrifice W
- ○nâvṛti f. id. MW
- ○gāṅga m.or n. N. of a palace Mudr
- ○gā́tu m. welfare, prosperity AV. vi, 1, 3
- ○gātuyā́ f. (the same form for instr.) desire of welfare or prosperity RV
- ○gātra mf(ī)n. fair-limbed, graceful Kathās
- (ī), f. a beautiful woman Vcar
- (am), n. a fine or graceful figure MW
- ○gātriyā wṛ. for -gātuyā́
- ○gādhá mfn. easily fordable RV
- ○gārhapatyá m. a good householder AV. TBr
- ○gīta n. good singing BhP
- ○gīti f. 'id.', N. of a kind of Āryā metre Col
- ○gītha m. N. of a Ṛishi Bālar
- ○gú mfn. = -gáva RV. AV. TBr
- ○guṇa mf(ā)n. very virtuous or excellent Caurap
- ○guṇin mfn. id. Bhartṛ
- ○gupta (sú-), mfn. well guarded ŚBr. R
- well hidden or concealed, kept very secret Kāv. Pañcat
- (ā), f. Mucuna Pruritus L
- (am), ind. very secretly or privately Pañcat
- very carefully MBh
- -tara mfn. well hidden Pañcat
- -bhāṇḍa mf(ā)n. looking well after the household utensils (-tā f.) Vishṇ
- -lekha m.a very private letter or one written in cipher MW
- ○gupti f. good protection, great secrecy (acc. with ā-√dhā', to observe great secrecy') Hit
- ○guptī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to keep well, guard carefully Pañcat
- ○guru mfn. very heinous (as a crime) Mn. xi, 256
- a good teacher Jain
- ○gulpha mf(ā)n. having beautiful ancles Pāṇ. 4-1, 54 Sch
- ○gūḍha mfn. well guarded or concealed, very secret MBh. Pañcat
- (am), ind. very secretly Daś
- ○gṛddha mf(ā)n. intensely longing for (loc.) MBh
- ○gṛhá m. having a good or beautiful house or abode AV
- m. 'having a good nest', the taylor-bird, Sylvia Sutoria L
- (ī), f. a partic. bird (reckoned among the Pratudas) Suśr
- ○gṛhapatí m. a good householder (said of Agni) VS
- ○gṛhin mfn. well-housed, having a good nest (as a bird) Pañcat
- ○gṛhīta mfn. held fast or firmly, seized, grasped, clung or adhered to Śiś
- well apprehended or learnt ib
- mentioned auspiciously (cf. next)
- -nāman (or ○ma-dheya), mfn. one whose name is invoked auspiciously (also said of Yudhi-shṭhira and others who are invoked early in the morning to secure good luck) Kād. Mudr. &c
- ○tâbhidha mfn. having an auspicious name Rājat
- ○ge-vṛ́dh See under 1. su-ga, col. 2
- ○geṣṇā f. 'singing well', a Kim-narī L
- ○gehinī f. a good housewife Bālar
- ○go f. an excellent cow Pāṇ. 5-4, 69 Sch
- ○gocara wṛ. for sva-g○ Bcar. i, 13
- ○gopā́ m. a good protector RV
- mfn. well protected (superl. -tama) ib
- ○gopya mfn. to be kept quite secret Pañcar
- ○gautama m. 'the good Gautama', N. of Gautama Buddha Lalit
- ○gaurava mfn. very heavy or ponderous L
- ○gmya (sú-), mfn. (√gam) advancing well RV
- increasing ib
- (am), n. happiness, prosperity Naigh. iii, 6
- ○grathita (sú-), mfn. well fastened ib
- ○granthi mfn. well knotted MW
- having beautiful joints ib
- m. a kind of perfume (= coraka) L. [Page 1223, Column]
- n. the √of Piper Longum L
- ○graha mfn. having a good handle MBh
- easy to be obtained Kathās
- easy to be learnt or understood Sāh
- ○grahaṇa n. reverential clasping (of a person's feet) Inscr
- ○grāma m. N. of a village in Magadha HPariś
- ○grāsa m. a dainty morsel MW
- ○grāhya mfn. easy to be taken, easily apprehensible &c. W
- ○grīva mfn. handsome-necked, having a beautiful neck
- m. (ifc. f. ā) N. of a monkey-king (who, with his army of monkeys headed by Hanumat, assisted Rāmacandra in conquering Rāvaṇa
- he was believed to be the son of the Sun, and was re-established by Rāma in the throne of Kishkindha q. v., usurped by his brother Vālin) MBh. R. &c
- of one of the four horses of Kṛishṇa or Vishṇu (the other three being Balāhaka, Megha-pushpa, and Śaivya) MBh. Hariv. BhP
- of a divine being VarBṛS
- of the father of the ninth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L
- a kind of pavilion Vāstuv
- (only L.) a conch
- N. of Śiva or Indra
- a goose
- a hero
- a piece of water
- N. of a mountain
- a sort of weapon
- the countenance of a friend
- a serpent of Pātāla W
- (ā or ī), f. N. of an Apsaras Hariv
- (ī), f. N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Kaśyapa (regarded as the mother of horses, camels, and asses) Hariv. Pur
- ○vâgraja m. 'elder brother of Su-griva', N. of Vālin L
- ○vêśa m. 'lord of Su-griva', N. of Rāma L
- ○grīṣma m. a fine summer GṛS
- ○gla mfn. (√glai) very weary Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 136
- ○ghaṭa mfn. easy contrived or accomplished (-tva n.), Kusum
- ○ghaṭita mfn. well joined or united or contrived or arranged Hit
- -ghaṭita mfn. id. Subh
- ○ghaṭṭita mfn. well pressed down or levelled MBh
- ○ghana mfn. very dense (as a forest) Pañcat
- ○gharikā-gṛhaka n. a kind of sieve, Śīl
- ○gharṣa m. much rubbing, strong friction L
- ○ghora mf(ā)n. very fearful or terrible MBh
- m. N. of a man VP
- n. anything very dreadful or hideous MBh
- ○ghoṣa mfn. making a loud noise, very noisy MBh
- having a pleasant sound R
- m. a pleasant sound or cry W
- N. of the conch of Nakula Bhag
- of a Buddha Lalit
- of an Agra-hāra (q.v.) Kathās
- a partic. form of a temple Hcat
- -grāma m. N. of a village Cat
- -ghoṣa mf(ā) n. sounding loud MBh
- -vat mfn. sounding pleasantly ib
- ○ghoṣaka m. or n. (?), a partic. musical instrument Divyâv
- ○ghoṣita mfn. proclaimed with loud voice ib
- ○ghná m. easy striking or killing RV
- su-gmya &c. See p. 1222, col. 3
- su-ghaṭa &c. See above
- su-cakrá mfn. (i.e. 5. [su+c○]) having beautiful wheels AV. MBh
- m. a good chariot RV
- N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh
- of a son of Vatsa-pri and Su-nandā MārkP
- ○krôpaskara mfn. having good wheels and (other) equipment MBh
- su (to be similarly prefixed to the following)
- ○cákṣas mfn. having good eyes, seeing well RV. ĀśvGṛ
- ○cakṣu or N. of a river R
- ○cakṣus N. of a river R
- ○cakṣus mfn. having beautiful eyes (said of Śiva) Śivag
- seeing well MW
- m. Ficus Glomerata L
- a wise or learned man W
- ○cañcukā f. a kind of vegetable (= mahā-cañcu) MW
- ○catura mfn. (accord. to native authorities fr. catur) very clever or skilful Kām
- ○candana m. a fine sandal tree R
- ○candra m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh
- N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh
- of a son of Siṃhikā ib
- of a son of Hema-candra and father of Dhūmrâśva R. VP
- of various kings R. Kālac
- of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh
- of a Ficus Indica R
- ○carā f. N. of an Apsaras VP. -1
- ○carita mfn. well performed ( See comp.)
- n. (sú-
- sg. and pl.) good conduct or behaviour, virtuous actions VS. &c.&c
- -carita mfn. one who leads a virtuous life Mṛicch
- -vrata mfn. well performing religious observances Mn. xi, 116
- ○târtha-pada mfn. (speech) containing well selected sense and words Kum. -2
- ○carita mf(ā)n. well-conducted, moral, virtuous Mn. ix, 261
- m. (with miśra), N. of an author Cat
- (ā), f. a virtuous or faithful wife L
- ○caritra mf(ā)n. well-conducted L
- (ā), f. a virtuous wife L
- coriander L
- n. good conduct W
- ○carman mfn. having beautiful skin or bark L
- m. Betula Bhojpatra L
- ○cārā f. N. of a daughter of Śva-phalka BhP. (B. -cīrā)
- ○cāru mfn. very lovely or beautiful, pleasing, delightful MBh. Kāv. &c. [Page 1223, Column]
- m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa and Rukmiṇi MBh. Hariv. Pur
- of a son of Vishvaksena (adopted by Gaṇḍūsha) Hariv
- of a son of Pratiratha ib
- of a son of Bāhu VP
- -tā f. loveliness, beauty VarBṛ. Sch
- -daśanā f. (a woman) having beautiful teeth, KāP
- -rūpa mfn. of beautiful form MBh
- -svana mfn. having a beautiful or melodious sound W
- ○rv-aṅgī f. (a woman) having beautiful limbs MārkP
- ○citta mf(ā)n. well-minded MBh
- m. (with śailana) N. of a teacher JaimUp
- ○citrá mf(ā́)n. very distinguished AV
- very manifold Hariv
- very variegated MW
- m. N. of a serpentdemon MBh
- of a king ib
- (ā), f. a kind of gourd L
- (○tra)-bījā f. Embelia Ribes L
- ○citraka mfn. very variegated
- m. a kingfisher L
- a kind of speckled snake L
- N. of an Asura Buddh
- ○cintana n. the act of thinking well, deliberate consideration W
- ○cintā f. deep thought, due reflection or consideration ib
- ○cintita mfn. well thought about, well weighed or considered ib
- -cintin mfn. thinking quite well or right Buddh
- ○târtha m. N. of a Māra-putra Lalit
- ○cintya mfn. well imaginable or conceivable Hariv
- ○cira mfn. very long (ibc., am, āya, and ena, 'for a very long time, a good while'
- at, 'after a very long time') MBh. R. &c
- -śrama m. fatigue or exertion for a very long time BhP
- ○râyus mfn. 'having a very long life', a god, divinity L
- ○rârpita mfn. fixed or directed for a long time Amar
- ○rôtsuka mfn. anxious or desirous for a long time Kathās
- ○rôṣita mfn. one who has dwelt or stayed for a long tṭtime R
- ○cihnita mfn. distinctly marked Vishṇ
- ○cīrā See -cārā
- ○cīrṇa-dhvaja m. N. of a king of the Kumbhâṇḍas Buddh
- ○cukrikā f. Tamarindus Indica L
- ○cuṭī f. 'cutting well', a pair of scissors or nippers or tongs L
- ○cetaná mfn. very notable, distinguished AV
- ○cétas mfn. having great intelligence, sapient, wise RV. Śiś
- well-minded, benevolent Rājat
- m. N. of a son of Gṛitsa-mada MBh
- of a son of Pracetas Hariv
- ○cetī-kṛta mfn. made well-minded or well-disposed Bhaṭṭ
- ○cetúna mfn. = -cetana ib. ix, 65, 30
- ○cetúnā ind. (instr. of -cetú) with benevolence or favour, graciously RV
- ○cela mf(ā) n. well-clad Hariv
- ○celaka m. a fine garment L
- ○ceṣṭa-rūpa m. N. of a Buddha Lalit
- ○cchattra m. N. of Śiva MBh
- (ā or ī), f. the river Śata-dru or Sutlej L
- ○cchada mfn. having beautiful leaves R
- ○cchardís mfn. (superl. ○díṣ-ṭama) affording good shelter RV
- ○cchāya mfn. 'affording a good shadow (and therefore beautiful) Kāvyâd
- shining very brightly, as a jewel), splendid L
- (ā), f. N. of the wife of Ślishṭi Hariv
- ○jaghaná mfn. having beautiful hips ib. Hcat
- having a beautiful end or conclusion TS
- a partic. ceremony TBr. Sch
- ○jaṅgha mf(ā)n. having beautiful legs Śrutab
- ○jatru mfn. having a beautiful collar-bone MBh
- ○jana m. a good or virtuous or kind or benevolent person (man or woman
- often confounded with sva-jana) R. Kathās. &c
- N. of the author of the ŚāṅkhŚr
- -tā f. goodness, kindness, benevolence Kāv. Sāh
- a number of good men or respectable persons W
- -tva n. goodness, kindness Śak. (v. l.)
- -parivārā f. N. of a Gandharva maiden Kāraṇḍ
- -parisevitā f. N. of a Kiṃ-narī ib
- ○nâkara m. N. of a man Rājat
- ○nêtara-maitrī f. the friendship of a bad man MW
- ○janaya P. ○yati wṛ. for sva-j○ Bāar. v, 40
- ○jániman mfn. producing or creating fair things RV
- ○jantu m. N. of a son of Jahnu VP
- ○janman n. noble or auspicious birth (○mâdi-vrata n. 'a partic. observance'), Kṛishṇaj
- (-jánman), mfn. = -janiman RV
- of noble or auspṭauspicious birth Kāv. Kathās
- ○jámbha mfn. having good jaws or strong teeth RV
- ○jambhan mfn. id. Pāṇ. 5-4, 125
- ○jaya m. a great victory or triumph BhP
- N. of a man, Bnddh
- easy to be conquered by (instr.) MBh
- ○jala mf(ā)n. having good or sweet water R. VarBṛS
- n. a lotus L
- good water W
- ○jalpa m. good speech, a partic. kind of speech (sincere, earnest, full of meaning and vivacity) L
- ○javas mfn. very quick or swift MW
- ○jātá (or sú-), mfn. well born or produced or made, of an excellent kind or nature, fine, beautiful RV. &c. &c
- well grown, tall MW
- nobly born, noble RV. ŚāṅkhGṛ
- genuine, sincere (as piety) BhP
- really born (i.e. not born in vain) Bhartṛ. (v. l. sajātaḥ)
- m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshtṛa MBh
- of a son of Bharata VP
- of a bull Lalit
- (pl.) of a people Hariv
- (ā), f. aluminous slate L
- a kind of plant (= tuvarī) MW. [Page 1223, Column]
- N. of various women (esp. of a daughter of Uddālaka and wife of Kahoḍa) MBh. Pur. Lalit
- (am), n. good birth, birth under an auspicious constellation MBh
- -tā (sujātá-), f. the being well born, nobility (aīso of mind) RV
- -vaktra m. N. of a preceptor ĀśvGṛ
- ○tâṅga mf(ī) n. having wellformed limbs MW
- ○jātaka m. or n. (?) beauty, splendour Vās
- ○jāti mfn. of good tribe or species MW
- of a good race or caste ib
- m. N. of a son of Viti-hotra ib
- ○jātīya mfn. of good tribe or race ib
- ○jāmi mfn. rich in brothers and sisters or relatives Kauś
- ○jita (sú-), n. an easy conquest MaitrS
- -śrama mfn. easily overcoming all fatigue, indefatigable Kām
- ○jihvá mfn. brighttongued, sweet-voiced RV
- m. fire or the god of fire L
- ○jīrṇa mfn. worn out, ragged, decayed
- well digested Hit
- -śata-khaṇḍa-maya mf(ī) n. made of a hundred tattered rags Bhartṛ
- ○jīva n. it is an easy life for any one (gen.) R
- ○jīvantī f. Hoya Viridiflora L
- ○jīvita n. a happy life R
- it is easily lived by any one (instr.) Jātakam
- mfn. living happily, enjoying life Kād
- ○juṣṭa (sú-), mf(ā)n. well liked, welcome RV
- ○jūrṇí mfn. blazing or glowing brightly ib
- ○jña mf(ā)n. knowing well, conversant or familiar with anything Kum
- ○jñāna n. easy perception or intelligence KaṭhUp
- good knowledge Kām
- N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- mf(ā)n. possessing good knowledge Kām. (cf. Siddh. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 54)
- easy to be known or understood Vām. ii, 1, 3
- -durgôdaya m. N. of wk. on the 16 Saṃskāras by Viśvêśvara Bhaṭṭa
- -viṃśati f. N. of a Vedânta wk. by Mukunda Kavi
- ○jyeṣṭha m. N. of a king (son of Agni-mitra) Pur
- ○jyaiṣṭhyá mfn. well entitled to primogeniture AV
- ○jyótis (or -jyotís), mfn. shining very brightly, radiant RV. VS
- su-cchattra su-cchada &c. See col. 2
- su-jaghana su-joṅgha &c. See col. 2
- sujjaka and sujji m. N. of two men Rājat
- suṭ (in gram.) a Pratyāhāra used as a technical expression for the first five inflections (i.e. nom. sg. du. pl., acc. sing. du. for masc. and fem. nouns
- cf. sarva-nāma-sthāna)
- su-ṭaṅka mfn. (cf. taṃ-kāra) sharp, shrill (said of a disagreeable sound) Bālar. iv, 50/51
- suṭṭ cl. 10. P. suṭṭayati, to slight, disregard, despise Dhātup. xxxii, 26
- to be small or low or shallow Vop. ib
- suḍa-śabda-nṛtya n. (in music) a kind of dance Saṃgīt
- su-ḍīnaka n. one of the modes of flight attributed to birds MBh
- sut suta &c. See √3. 4. su, p. 1219
- su-tanaya mfn. (i.e. 5. su + tan○) having beautiful children VarBṛS
- su (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
- ○tanu mfn. very thin or slender (-tā f.) Dhūrtas. (vḷ.)
- having a beautiful body Kāv
- m. N. of a Gandharva R
- of a son of Ugra-sena Hariv
- of a monkey R
- (u or ū), f. a fair woman (voc. sutanu, Vam. v, 2, 49) Śak. Śiś
- N. of a daughter of Ahuka (wife of Akrūra) MBh
- of a concubine of Vasu-deva Hariv
- of a daughter of Ugra-sena ib. VP
- ○tanuja mf(ā)n. having beautiful children, Kṛishṇaj
- ○tantu m. 'having fair offspring', N. of Vishṇu MBh
- of Śiva Śivag
- of a Dānava Kathās
- ○tantra mfn. 'well versed in doctrine' and 'commanding good troops' VarYogay
- ○tantri mfn. well accompanied on the lute (as a song), melodious Ṛitus
- ○tapa m. (for suta-pa See p. 1219, col. 2) 'practising great austerities, N. of a class of gods under the eighth Manu Pur
- ○tápas mfn. very heating or warming AV
- practising severe austerity Kathās
- m. an ascetic, hermit L
- the sun L
- (pl.) N. of a class of gods under the eighth Manu (cf. su-tapa) BhP
- of various Ṛishis and their sons under various Manus Pur
- of other persons Virac
- ○tapasvin mfn. practising great austerity or self mortification, Kṛishṇaj
- ○tapta (sú-), mfn. very hot, much heated ŚBr. &c. &c
- purified by heat (as gold) MBh. [Page 1224, Column]
- greatly harassed or afflicted Hit
- very severe (as a penance) Mn. xi, 239
- (ā), f. Mucuna Pruritus L
- ○tamām ind. (superl
- cf. -tarām) most excellently best MW
- ○tamisrā (sú-), f. dense darkness ŚBr
- ○tara mfn. easy to be crossed RV. MBh
- easily passed (as a night) RV
- ○taraṇá mfn. easy to be crossed (as a river) RV
- ○tarām See s.v
- ○tarkārī f. a kind of gourd (= deva-dālī) L
- ○tardana m. the Koil or Indian cuckoo L
- ○tarpayat mfn. well satiating or satisfying Hariv
- ○tarpita mfn. well satiated or satisfied MBh. R
- ○tárman mfn. easily conveying across (as a boat) RV
- ○tala n. (L. also m.), great depth', the second of the seven divisions of the regions under the earth (cf. loka, pātāla) Pur
- m. the base or foundation of a large building (= aṭṭālikā-bandha) L
- ○talpa n. a beautiful couch Pañcar
- ○taṣṭa (sú-), mfn. well-fashioned RV
- ○tāna mfn. well-tuned, melodious Pañcar
- ○tāmra mfn. deep-red
- ○róṣṭha mfn. very ruddy-lipped MBh
- ○tāra mf(ā)n. very bright R. VarBṛS. Kathās
- very loud Bhartṛ
- having a beautiful pupil (as an eye) BhP
- m. a partic. per. fume Suśr
- N. of a preceptor Cat
- (ā), f. (in Sāṃkhya) one of the nine kinds of acquiescence (tuṣṭi), one of the eight kinds of perfection (siddhi
- also ○ram n.) Tattvas. Sāṃkhyak. Sch
- N. of an Apsaras Kālac
- of a daughter of Śva-phalka VP
- n. a kind of cat's eye L
- ○tāraka mfn. having beautiful stars MW
- (ā), f. N. of one of the 24 goddesses who execute the commands of the 24 Arhats L
- ○tāla m. (in music) a kind of time or measure MBh
- ○tikta mfn. very bitter or pungent L
- m. Oldenlandia Herbacea L
- (ā), f. a species of gourd (= kośātakī) L
- ○tiktaka m. 'very bitter', Gentiana Chirayita L
- = pāribhadra L
- ○tintiḍā or f. Tamarindus Indica L
- ○tintiḍḍī f. Tamarindus Indica L
- ○tīkṣṇa mfn. very sharp or pungent, acutely painful (am ind. 'excessively') MBh. R. &c
- m. Moringa Pterygosperma L
- N. of a Muni (brother of Agastya) R. Bhaṭṭ
- -daśana m. very sharp-toothed', N. of Śiva MBh
- ○ṇâgra mfn. very sharp-pointed MBh
- ○tīkṣṇaka m. a kind of tree (= suṣkaka) L
- ○tīrthá mfn. conveying well across or to a goal VS
- easily crossed or traversed MBh. R. &c
- n. a good road MaitrS
- a very sacred bathingplace Pañcat
- an object of great adoration BhP
- m. a good teacher (opp. to ku-tīrtha) VarYogay. Mālav. i, 11/12 (here, accord. to others', N. of a teacher')
- N. of Śiva MBh
- of a king (v. l. su-nītha) VP
- -rāj m. N. of a mountain Śatr
- ○tīrthaka n. a very sacred bathing-place (as a proper N. ) MBh
- ○tīrthya mf(ā)n. affording sacred bathing-places, Hir
- ○túka mf(ā)n. (fr. √tuk = tak) running swiftly RV
- ○tukana mfn. id. (used in explaining prec.) Nir. iv, 18
- ○tuṅga mfn. very lofty or tall W
- m. the culmination or culminating point of a planet L
- the cocoa-nut tree L
- N. of a place MBh. (B. sa-t○)
- ○tumula mf(ā)n. very noisy or loud MBh
- ○tuṣṭa mfn. easily satisfied Kāv
- ○tus mfn. (nom. -tūs instr. pl. -tūrbhis) well-sounding Vop
- ○tūlikā or f. a beautiful mattress L
- ○tūlī f. a beautiful mattress L
- ○tṛṇa n. beautiful grass Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 195
- N. of various kinds of grass L
- ○tṛṣṇa (?), N. of a country Buddh
- ○tejana mfn. well pointed or sharpened MBh
- m. a well-pointed arrow ib
- Alhagi Maurorum L
- N. of a warrior MBh
- ○téjas mfn. very sharp or sharp-edged AV
- very bright, splendid ChUp
- m. N. of a son of the Gṛitsamada MBh
- of the 10th Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī (with Jainas) L
- ○tejā (?), f. Polanisia Icosandra (perhaps -tejas is meant) L
- ○tejita mfn. = -tejana MBh
- ○tailā f. 'yielding good oil', the plant Mahā-jyotishmati L
- ○toya mf(ā)n. having beautiful water (as a river) VarBṛS
- m. N. of a king VP
- ○toṣa (R.),
- ○toṣaṇa (Hariv.), mfn. easy to be satisfied
- ○tyáj mfn. easily letting loose or letting fly (others 'well hurling at', said of Agni) RV. viii, 49, 6
- ○tyaja mf(ā)n. easy to be abandoned or given up Kir
- ○trāta (sú-), mfn. well guarded or protected ŚBr
- ○trātrá mfn. = prec. and next RV
- ○trā́man mfn. guarding or protecting well RV. AV. ŚBr. ŚrS
- m. N. of Indra L
- a protector, ruler ( See dharitrī-s○)
- pl. a partic. class of gods under the 13th Manu Pur
- (○mā), f. N. of Pṛithivii MW
- ○trā́van mfn. guarding well AV
- ○tvakka (Suśr.),
- ○tvac (Car.), mfn. having a beautiful skin
- ○tsaru mfn. having a fine handle (as a sword) MBh
- ○daṃśita mfn. well bitten MW
- well armed (cf. pari-d○) ib
- very dense or close, crowded together MBh. [Page 1224, Column]
- ○daṃṣṭra mfn. having strong or beautiful teeth MBh. R
- m. N. of a Rākshasa R
- of a son of Kṛishṇa Hariv
- of a son of Śambara Hariv
- of an adopted son of Asamañjas ib
- (ā), f. N. of a Kiṃ-narī Kāraṇḍ
- ○dáṃsas mfn. accomplishing mighty or splendid actions, energetic, active, powerful RV
- ○dákṣa mf(ā)n. very capable or clever or strong (mostly said of gods) RV. TS. m. N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi
- ○dákṣiṇa mfn. having an excellent right hand RV
- very dexterous MBh
- very courteous or polite ib
- very sincere or upright, very liberal in sacrificial gifts MW
- m. N. of a king of the Kambojas MBh
- of a son of Pauṇḍraka BhP
- (ā), f. N. of a wife of Dilīpa Ragh
- ○dagdhikā f. a kind of plant (= dagdhā) L
- ○daṇḍa m. the ratan cane (= vetra) L
- ○daṇḍikā f. the Go-rakshī plant L
- ○dat m. a handsome tooth BhP
- mf(atī)n. having handsome teeth MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ī), f. N. of a Suraṅganā Siṃhâs
- ○datta mfn. well or properly given (cf. sūtta), Kār. on Pāṇ. 7-4, 47
- m. N. of a son of Śata-dhanvan (vḷ. su-dānta) Hariv
- of the rich householder Anātha-piṇḍa-da Lalit. MWB. 407
- of a village (also -grāma) Uttamac
- (ā), f. N. of a wife of Kṛishṇa Hariv
- ○dátra mfn. granting good gifts RV
- ○danta mfn. having good or handsome teeth R
- m. a good tooth MW
- a partic. Samādhi, Kāraṇd
- an actor, dancer L
- N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi
- (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras VP
- (i), f. the female elephant of the north-west quarter L
- ○dama mfn. = next W
- ○dambha mfn. easy to be subdued (used in explaining dabhra) Nir. iii, 20
- ○dayita mfn. much beloved, very dear MBh
- ○daridra mfn. very poor Hariv
- ○darpaṇa mfn. having a beautiful mirror, reflecting well Kathās
- ○darbha mfn. having good Darbha or Kuśa grass MW
- (ā), f. = ikṣu-darbhā L
- ○dárśa mfn. easily seen, conspicuous (compar. tara) RV. MBh
- beautiful to see, lovely MBh. (= prasanna-vaktra Nīlak.)
- -tā f. visibility, conspicuousness Hcat
- ○darśaka m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- ○darśaná mf(ā)n. easily seen by (instr.) Vop
- good-looking, beautiful, handsome, lovely MBh. R. &c
- m. 'keen-sighted', a vulture L
- a fish Bhpr
- (in music) a kind of composition Saṃgīt
- N. of Śiva MBh
- of a son of Agni and Sudarśanā ib
- of a Vidyā-dhara BhP
- of a Muni ib
- of a Buddha Lalit
- of a patriarch Buddh
- of a serpent-demon ib
- of a Cakravartin ib
- of one of the 9 Jaina Śukla-balas or Bala-devas L
- of the father of the 18th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L
- of a king of Mālava MBh
- of a king of Ujjayinī Cat
- of a king of Pāṭali-putra Hit
- of a son of Śaṅkhana R
- of a son of Artha-siddhi Hariv
- of a son of Dhruva-saṃdhi Ragh
- of a son of Dadhici Cat
- of a son of Aja-miḍha Hariv
- of a son of Bharata BhP
- of a son-in-law of Pratika ib
- of a gambler Kathās
- of various authors &c. (also with ācārya, kavi, bhaṭṭa, sūri &c.) Cat
- of a Jambū tree MBh
- of a mountain TĀr. MBh. Kāraṇḍ
- of a Dvipa MBh
- m. n. N. of the cakra or circular weapon of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa (or 'the disc of the sun') MBh. Kāv. &c
- of a mystical staff (carried by Saṃnyāsins as a defence against evil spirits, and consisting of a bamboo with six knots) RTL. xxi
- (ā́), f. a handsome woman, a woman W
- a night in the light half of a month TBr
- an order, command L
- Coculus Tomentosus L
- a sort of spirituous liquor L
- N. of a daughter of Duryodhana and Narmadā MBh
- of a princess Pañcat
- of a Gandharva maiden Kāraṇḍ
- of a lotus pond R
- of a Jambū tree MBh
- of Indra's city Amarāvatī Cat
- of a Comm. on the Tantra-rāja
- (ī), f. N. of Indra's city (also ○nī-nagara) Divyâv
- (am), n. (cf. m.) a partic. powder composed of various substances Bhpr
- N. of Indra's city
- of a Tirtha BhP
- -kavaca n. -kāla-prabhā f. N. of wks
- -cakra n. Vishnu's discus Cat
- -cūrṇa n. 'beautiful powder', a medicinal compound used in fevers ŚārṅgS
- -jvāla-mantra m. N. of a Mantra
- -dviipa n. Jambu-dviipa MW
- -nṛsiṃhârādhana n. -pañjarôpaniṣad f. -pāñcajanya-pratiṣṭhā f. N. of wks
- prīti-kara m. N. of a Kiṃ-nara prince Buddh
- -bhāṣya n. -mantra m. -mahā-mantra m. -māhātmya n. -mīmāṃsā f. -vijaya m. -śataka n. -ṣaḍ-akṣara n. -saṃhitā f. -sampāta m. -sahasra-nāman n. -sukarṇaka-carita f. -stava m. -stotra, n
- ○nâdi-yantra-vidhi m. ○nârādhana n. ○nârādhana-krama, m. ○nâṣṭaka m. N. of wks
- ○nôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upani. shad. [Page 1224, Column]
- ○darśanīya mfn. easy to be seen MBh
- ○darśinī f. N. of a lotus pond R
- ○dala m. 'having good leaves', Pterospermum Suberifolium L
- a kind of creeper (= kṣīra-moraṭa) L
- (ā), f. Rosa Glandulifera L
- Glycine Debilis L
- ○daśana mf(ā)n. having handsome teeth MārkP
- ○daśârha-kula mfn. sprung from a race worthy of a happy fate (and 'from the noble race of the Daśârhas') Kathās
- ○dā́ mfn. giving bountifully, munificent RV
- ○dā́tu mfn. (√do) easily divisible RV
- ○dātṛ mfn. = -dā Sāy
- ○dāna n. a rich or bounteous gift Subh
- ○dā́nu mfn. pouring out or bestowing abundantly, bounteous, munificent (said of various gods) RV. AV
- ○dānta mfn. welltamed, well restrained (as horses) MBh
- m. 'very self-controlled', a Pratyeka-buddha (q.v.) L
- a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ. (printed su-danta)
- N. of a son of Śata-dhanvan Hariv
- -sena m. N. of a medical writer Cat
- ○dāma m. 'giving well', N. of a cowherd attendant on Kṛishṇa Pañcar
- pl. N. of a people (v. l. for su-dāsa) R
- (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda MBh
- of a river (in the north of India) R
- ○dāman mfn. giving well, bestowing abundantly, bountiful RV
- m. a cloud L
- the sea L
- N. of a Gandharva R
- of a king of the Daśârṇas MBh
- of another king (prob. wṛ. for su-dās) Kull. on Mn. viii, 110
- of a cowherd attendant on Kṛishṇa Cat
- of a poor Brāhman (who came to Dvārakā to ask Kṛishṇa's aid, and was made wealthy by him) BrahmaP
- of a garland-maker (cf. 3. dāman) BhP
- of Indra's elephant, Airāvata L
- of a mountain (?) MBh
- of a river PañcavBr
- pl. N. of a people MBh
- ○dāmana m. N. of a councillor of Janaka R
- n. a partic. mythical weapon R. (B. su-dāruṇa)
- ○dāminī f. N. of the wife of Śamika BhP
- ○dāya m. a good or auspicious gift, a special gift on partic. occasions (e.g. a gift to a student at his investiture with the sacred thread or Yajñôpavita, a nuptial present &c.) L
- mfn. one who makes the above gift (e.g. a father, mother, husband &c.) Dāyabh
- ○dāru n. good wood Pañcat. (B.)
- m. 'furnishing good wood', N. of a part of the Vindhya mountains (called Pāriyātra, q.v.) L
- -mūla m. Alhagi Maurorum L
- ○dāruṇa mf(ā)n. very cruel or dreadful or terrible (n. 'something terrible' or 'a partic. mythical weapon') MBh. R. &c
- ○dā́van mfn. giving well, bounteous, munificent RV
- ○dā́s mfn. (prob. fr. a √dās = dāś) worshipping the gods well (bestowing rich gifts Sāy.) RV. (compar. -tara ib.)
- m. N. of a celebrated king of the Tṛitsus (son of Divo-dās, at whose court both Vasishṭha and Viśvāmitra appear to have acted as family priests
- Sudās Paijavana is regarded as the author of RV. x, GrŚrS 133) RV. AitBr. GṛŚrS. Mn. vii, 41
- ○dāsa m. (perhaps identical with prec.) N. of a king BhP
- of a grandson of Ṛitu-parṇa Hariv
- of a son of Sarva-kāma Pur
- of a son of Cyavana ib
- of a son of Bṛihad-ratha ib
- of the father of Mitra-saha Cat
- pl. N. of a people (v. l. -dāma and -dāman) R
- ○diti mfn. (in a formula as opp. to a-diti) Vait. (su-dītí TS.)
- ○dína mf(ā)n. clear, bright (as a day or morning) RV
- n. a clear or fine or auspicious day RV. &c. &c
- happy time, happiness (= sukha) Naigh. iii, 6
- N. of a Tirtha MBh
- -tā f. clear weather Bhartṛ
- -tvá n. state of fine weather, an auspicious time RV
- ○nâha n. a bright fine day Pat. on Pāṇ. 2-4, 30
- ○dināya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a fine day, clear up Pāṇ. 3-1, 17 Vārtt. 1
- ○dív mfn. shining brightly RV
- ○divá n. (AV.),
- ○divasa m. (Bhartṛ.) a bright or fine day
- ○divā ind. id. KāśīKh
- -taṇḍi m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh
- ○dih mfn. well polished, bright, sharp (as teeth) Vait
- ○dīkṣā f. 'beautiful consecration', N. of Lakshmī Vishṇ. (= yajñâdhikāra-siddhi Sch.)
- ○dītí f. bright flame RV
- mfn. flaming, shining. brilliant RV. TS
- m. N. of a man (having the patr. Āṅgirasa and author of RV. viii, 71) Anukr
- ○dī́diti mfn. flaming brightly, shining beautifully RV
- ○dīpta mfn. shining bright MuṇḍUp
- ○dīrgha mfn. very long (in time and space), very extended Kāv. Kathās
- (ā), f. a kind of cucumber L
- (○gha) -gharmā f. the plant Marsilia Quadrifolia L
- -phalākā f. a kind of egg-plant L
- -jīvaphalā f. a kind of cucumber L
- ○duḥkha n. great pain or sorrow MBh
- mf(ā)n. very painful or troublesome, very difficult to (inf.) MBh. R. &c
- (am), ind. very painfully, most uneasily ib
- ○khârohaṇa mfn. very difficult of ascent R
- ○duḥkhita mfn. much grieved, greatly afflicted MBh. Pur. [Page 1225, Column]
- ○duḥśrava mfn. very unpleasant to be heard Uttarar
- ○duḥsaha mfn. very difficult to be borne or endured, quite intolerable Kālid
- ○duḥsparśa mfn. very unplasant to be touched or felt BhP
- ○dukūla mfn. made of very fine cloth Ṛitus
- ○dúgha mf(ā)n. milking well or easily, yielding much, abundant, bountiful RV. AV
- (ā), f. a good milch cow RV
- ○durācāra mfn. very ill-conducted, very badly behaved or wicked, a profligate W
- ○durādharṣa mf(ā)n. quite intolerable Hariv
- very hard to get at, unattainable R
- ○durāruha mfn. very hard to be ascended, inaccessible W
- ○durāvarta mfn. very hard to be dissuaded or convinced MBh
- ○durāsada mfn. very hard to be got at, unapproachable to (gen.) R
- ○durukti f. very harsh language BhP
- ○durgama or mfn. very difficult to be traversed or crossed or sailed over MBh. R
- ○durgamya mfn. very difficult to be traversed or crossed or sailed over MBh. R
- ○durjaya mfn. very difficult to be overcome or conquered MBh. Kāv. &c
- very difficult to be won or obtained BhP
- m. a kind of military array Kām
- N. of a son of Suvira MBh
- of a Brāhman Buddh
- (ā), f. (with Buddhists) N. of one of the 10 stages of perfection Dharmas. 64
- ○durjara mfn. very difficult to be digested MBh
- ○durjñeya mfn. very difficult to become acquainted with ib
- ○durdarśa mfn. very difficult to be discerned or seen or observed, unpleasant or intolerable to the eye R. Sch
- ○durdṛśa mfn. id. R. MārkP
- ○durdharṣa mfn. very difficult to be approached or attacked, intangible MBh
- ○durnirīkṣaṇa mfn. very dṭdifficult to be looked at BhP
- ○durbala mfn. very weak or faint MBh
- ○durbuddhi mfn. very foolish or stupid ib
- ○durbhaga mf(ā)n. very unfortunate BhP
- ○durbhida mfn. very difficult to be split or broken MBh
- ○durmati mfn. very foolish or evil-minded ib
- ○durmanas mfn. very dispirited or troubled in mind R
- ○durmarṣa mf(ā)n. very or quite intolerable BhP
- ○durlabha mfn. very difficult to be attained, very scarce or rare MBh. R. &c
- very difficult to or to be (inf.) MBh
- ○durvaca mfn. very difficult to be answered MBh. Car
- ○durvacas n. a very hard word MārkP
- ○durvaha mfn. very difficult to be borne HPariś
- ○durvida (MBh.),
- ○durveda (R.), mfn. very difficult to be known or understood
- ○duścara mfn. very difficult of access, inaccessible R
- very arduous or painful Mn. Sūryas
- ○duścikitsa mfn. very difficult to be healed or cured BhP
- ○duṣkara mfn. very difficult to be done, most arduous MBh. Bcar. BhP
- ○duṣkula n. a very low or degraded race or family R
- ○duṣkṛta mfn. a very great sin or crime MBh
- ○duṣkha
- ○duṣḍkhita See -duḥkha, ○khita
- ○duṣṭa mfn. very bad or wicked R
- ○duṣpāra mfn. very difficult to be penetrated or investigated Vishṇ
- ○duṣprabha m. a chameleon L
- ○duṣprasādhya mfn. very dṭdifficult to be mastered or conquered Kām
- ○duṣprâpa mfn. very difficult to be reached or attained, quite inaccessible R
- ○duṣprêkṣya mfn. very difficult to be caught sight of. MBh
- ○dustara (Hit. BhP.),
- ○dustāra (MBh.), mfn. very dṭdifficult to be passed or crossed
- ○dustyaja mfn. very difficult to be abandoned or quitted MBh. BhP
- ○duha mfn. easy to be milked (cf. su-dugha) MBh
- ○dūra mfn. very remote or distant (-dūrāt, 'from afar'
- -dūrāt sudūre, 'very far away') MuṇḍUp
- (am), ind. very far away Ratnâv
- in a very high degree Daś
- ○dṛḍha (sú-), mfn. very firm or hard or strong AV
- very tenacious (as memory) Kām
- well secured or locked, Kṛishṇaj
- (am), ind. very intensely MBh
- -tā f. firmness Prab
- -tvacā f. Gmelina Arborea L
- -vrata mfn. very rigid or strict in vows MW
- -harmya-vat mfn. having very strong fortresses Hcat
- ○dṛpta mfn. very proud or arrogant R. BhP
- ○dṛ́ś mf(Ved. -dṛ́śī)n. keen-sighted RV. Kām
- well-looking, handsome RV
- having beautiful eyes (-dṛk f. 'a pretty woman') Kāv. Pur
- m. pl. (with Buddhists) a partic. class of gods Lalit
- ○dṛ́śīka mfn. looking beautiful, handsome RV
- -rūpa (-dṛ́śīka-), mfn. having a beautiful colour ib
- -saṃdṛś (-dṛ́śīka-), mfn. having a beautiful appearance ib
- ○dṛśya mfn. easily seen, clearly visible MBh
- looking beautiful, handsome Pañcar
- ○dṛṣṭa mf(ā)n. well seen (acc. with √kṛ, 'to look at well or earnestly') MBh. R
- easy to be seen (compar. -tara) Jātakam
- m. pl. N. of a people (v. l. sudeṣṭa) MBh
- ○dṛṣṭi mfn. keen-sighted Bālar
- m. a vulture L
- ○devá m. a good or real god. RV. ŚBr
- (accord. to some) 'sporting well', a potent or highly erotic lover (in this meaning fr. √div, 'to play', and opp. to vi-deva, 'impotent, unerotic') RV. x, 95, 14 AV. xx, 136, 12 [Page 1225, Column]
- mfn. having the right gods, protected by them RV. TS
- destined for the right gods VS. TBr
- m. N. of a Kāśyapa TĀr
- of a Brāhman MBh
- of a general of Ambarīsha ib
- of a son of Hary-aśva and king of Kāśi ib
- of a king of Vidarbha R
- of a son of Akrūra Hariv
- of a son of Pauṇḍra Vāsudeva ib
- of a son of Cañcu ib
- of a son of Campa BhP
- of a son of Devaka VP
- of a son of Vishṇu BhP
- of a poet Cat
- (ā), f. N. of the wife of Ari-ha (also called Āṅgeyī) MBh
- of the wife of Vikuṇṭhana (also called Dāśârhī) ib
- ○devana n. ardent gambling MBh
- ○devi f. (m. c. for ○vii) N. of the wife of Nābhi and mother of Ṛishabha BhP
- ○devikā f. (prob.) a proper N. Pat
- ○devyá n. the whole body of good gods RV
- ○deśa m. a fit place, Kṛishṇaj,
- ○deśika m. a good guide Bcar
- ○deṣṇa m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa Hariv
- of an adopted son of Asamañjas (vḷ. -daṃṣṭra) ib
- (pl.) N. of a people (vḷ. sudella) MBh
- (ā), f. N. of the wife of Bali MBh
- of the wife of Virāṭa ib
- ○deṣṇu f. = su-deṣṇā Uṇ. iii, 16 Sch
- ○deha m. a beautiful body BhP
- ○dogdhrī f. yielding much milk MBh
- ○dógha mf(ā)n. id., (fig.) bountiful, liberal RV
- ○dóha mfn. easy to be milked (compar. -tara) MaitrS
- ○dohana mf(ā)n. id. (used in explaining su-dugha) Nir. xi, 43
- ○dyu m. N. of a son of Cāru-pāda BhP
- ○dyút mfn. shining beautifully RV
- ○dyumná mf(ā)n. id. ib
- m. N. of a king MaitrUp
- of a son of Manu Vaivasvata (supposed to have been born a female under the name of Iḍā q.v., and afterwards changed into a male through the favour of Mitra and Varuṇa) MBh. Hariv
- of a son of Abhaya-da BhP
- ○dyótman mfn. shining bright RV
- ○dráviṇas mfn. having splendid riches or treasures ib
- ○draṣṭṛ mfn. one who sees well, having good insight into (gen.) Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-4, 77
- ○drú m. good wood or timber RV
- ○dvija mf(ā)n. having good teeth
- ○jânana mfn. having a mouth containing good teeth MBh
- ○dhána mfn. very rich RV
- N. of various men Buddh. Śukas
- ○dhanus m. N. of a son of Kuru Hariv. Pur
- of an ancestor of Gautama Buddha Buddh
- ○dhanva m. the 8th cubit (aratni) from the bottom or the 10th from the top of the sacrificial post L
- ○dhánvan mfn. having an excellent bow RV. &c. &c
- m. the son of an outcaste Vaiśya by a woman of the same class Mn. x, 23 (some read sudhanvâcārya in one word)
- N. of Vishṇu L
- of Tvashṭṛi or Viśva-karman L
- of an Āṅgirasa ŚBr. MBh
- of a son of Vairāja and guardian of the east Hariv
- of a king vanquished by Māndhātṛi MBh
- of a son of Sambhūta Hariv
- of a son of Ahīna-gu ib
- of a son of Abhaya-da ib
- of a son of Kuru ib
- of a king of SāṃkāŚya R
- of a son of Śāśvata VP
- of a son of Satya-dhṛita ib
- ○vamāhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○vâcārya m. a partic. mixed caste (= sudhanvan) L. (cf. Mn. x, 23)
- a worshipper of Iśāna i.e. Śiva L
- ○dhara m. N. of an Arhat Buddh
- ○dharma m. good law, justice, duty R. BhP
- 'maintaining law or justice', N. of a man Cat
- of a Mahā-brahman (q.v.) SaddhP
- one of the 10 disciples of the celebrated Jaina teacher and Arhat Mahā-viira W
- of a king of the Kiṃ-naras SaddhP
- of a palace Caurap
- pl. N. of a class of deities MW
- (ā), f. the assembly hall of the gods (also ī) MBh. Kāv. Buddh
- N. of the wife of Mātali MBh
- ○dhárman mfn. well supporting or maintaining VS
- practising justice, attending well to duty Hariv
- m. the maintainer of a family (= kuṭumbin) L
- the assembly hall of the gods Daś
- N. of a being reckoned among the Viśve Devā? Hariv
- of a king of the Daśârṇas MBh
- of a son of Dṛiḍha-nemi Hariv
- of a son of Citraka ib
- (with Jainas) of a Gaṇâdhipa (also ○ma-svāmin) HPariś
- (pl.) N. of various classes of gods under various Manus Pur
- ○dharmin mfn. (in next
- also wṛ. for -dharman)
- ○mi-tā f. description of anything by mentioning its characteristics Vās. Sch
- ○dharmiṣṭha mf(ā)n. giving the strictest attention to one's duties, most virtuous MBh
- ○dharṣa or mfn. (prob.) easy to be got at or laid hold of Vop. -1
- ○dharḍṣaṇa mfn. (prob.) easy to be got at or laid hold of Vop. -1
- ○dhā f. (√1. dhā
- for 2. su-dhā &c., See s.v.) welfare, ease, comfort AV. AitBr
- ○dhāta mfn. well-cleaned ŚvetUp. (= -dhauta Sch.)
- ○dhā́tu mfn. well-founded, secure RV
- well off, wealthy VS
- -dakṣiṇa (-dhā́○), mfn. (prob.) one on whom the sacrificial fee is well conferred, worthy of the sacrificial fee (accord. to Sch. 'one who receives precious metal as a sṭsacrificial fee') VS. Kāṭh. Kauś. [Page 1225, Column]
- ○dhātṛ mfn. one who arranges or regulates well PañcavBr. KātyŚr
- ○dhāma See next
- ○dhāman m. N. of various Ṛishis Pur
- of a son of Ghṛita-pṛishṭhta BhP.: of a mountain (vḷ. -dhāma) VP
- pl. N. of a class of deities under the 10th Manu (vḷ. -dhāma) ib
- ○dhā́ya m. ease, comfort TS
- ○dhāyuka m. N. of a man
- pl. his descendants, g. upakâdi. -1
- ○dhārá mfn. streaming beautifully RV. -2
- ○dhāra mfn. well pointed (as an arrow) MBh
- ○dhārin mfn. well maintaining (law or order) ib
- ○dhi See -dhī
- ○dhita (sú-), mfn. (for sudhita See p. 1226, col. 1) well placed or fixed RV
- well ordered or arranged or contrived ib. TBr
- well prepared or served, ready (as food) RV
- fixed upon, meant, intended ib
- well-disposed, kind, benevolent ib. VS
- ○dhī f. good sense or understanding, intelligence Subh
- (-dhī́), mfn. (nom. īs, i) having a good understanding, wise, clever, sensible R. Kathās. &c
- religious, pious RV
- m. a wise or learned man, Pandit, teacher L
- -candrikā f. N. of wk
- -"ṣndra-yati (○dhI7ndr○), m. N. of an author
- -mayūkha m. -vāda m. -vilocana n. -vilocana-sāra, m. -śṛṅgāra m. N. of wks
- -dhy-upâsya, See suddhyup○ (s.v.) -1
- ○dhīra mfn. very considerate or wise MW. -2
- ○dhīra mfn. very firm or resolute Pañcat. (vḷ.)
- ○dhīvan mfn. Pāṇ. 3-2, 74 Sch
- ○dhúr or mfn. going well under the yoke
- ○dhúra mfn. going well under the yoke
- m. a good draught-horse RV
- ○dhūpaka m. the resin of Pinus Longifolia L
- ○dhūpya or m. a partic. fragrant substance L
- ○dhūmya m. a partic. fragrant substance L
- ○dhūmravarṇā f. N. of one of the seven tongues of Agni Gṛihyās
- ○dhṛt m. N. of a son of Mahā-viirya (cf. dhṛti) BhP
- ○dhṛta (sú-), mfn. very constant or persevering AV
- ○dhṛti m. N. of a king (son of Mahā-vira or Mahā-virya
- cf. -dhṛt) R
- of a son of Rājya-vardhana Pur
- ○dhṛṣṭama mfn. very bold or resolute (?) RV
- ○dhauta mfn. well cleaned or polished MBh
- su-tarām ind. (fr. 5. su + tarām = taram) still more, in a higher degree, excessively (sṭstill na, 'still less'
- na s○, 'very badly'
- mā s○, 'in no way', 'by no means') MBh. Kāv. &c
- suta-vat suta-soma &c. See p. 1219, col. 2
- su-tāra su-tāraka &c. See p. 1224, col. 1
- suti sutī, sutīya, sutya &c. See under 3. √su, 4. √su, p. 1219, cols. 2, 3
- su-daṃṣṭra su-daṃsas and e. See p. 1224, col. a
- sudi ind. (thought by some to be a contraction of su-dina, but really wṛ. for śudi, q.v.)
- sudella sudeṣṭa, See su-deṣṇa, su-dṛṣṭa, cols. 1, 2
- suddhy-upâsya mfn. (euphonically for sudhy-up○ See su-dhī), to be worshipped by the intelligent' (said of the Supreme Being) Pāṇ. 1-1, 58 Sch
- su-dhā f. (fr. 5. [su+√dhe]
- for 1. su-dhā, 'welfare', See col. 2) 'good drink', the beverage of the gods, nectar (cf. 2. dhātu, p. 514) MBh. Kāv. &c
- the nectar or honey of flowers L
- juice, water L
- milk (also pl.) VarBṛS. Pañcar
- white wash, plaster, mortar, cement MBh. R. &c
- a brick L
- lightning L
- the earth Gal
- Euphorbia Antiquorum or another species Car
- Sanseviera Roxburghiana L
- Glycine Debilis L
- Emblica or yellow Myrobalan L
- a kind of metre Ked
- N. of the, wife of a Rudra BhP
- of the Ganges L
- of various wks
- ○"ṣṃśu (○dhâṃśu), m. 'nectar-rayed', the moon (as the supposed repository of nectar) Kāv. Kathās. &c
- camphor L
- -taila n. camphorated oil L
- -bha n. -ratna n. a pearl L
- ○kaṇṭha m. 'nectar-throated', the Indian cuckoo L
- ○"ṣkara (○dhâk○), m. a mine or receptacle of nectar Naish
- the moon ib. (-tā f. Caurap.)
- N. of various wks. and authors
- ○kalaśa m. N. of an author (pupil of Rāja-śekhara) Cat
- ○kāra m. a plasterer, whitewasher R
- ○kir mfn. distilling nectar, Sah
- ○kṣālita mfn. plaster-washed, white washed, Siś
- ○ṅga (○dhâṅga), m. 'nectar-bodied', the moon L
- ○jīvin m. 'living by plaster', a plasterer, bricklayer L
- ○ṭippaṇī f. N. of a Commentary. [Page 1226, Column]
- ○dīdhiti m. = sudhâṃśu Bālar. -1
- ○drava m. whitewash, plaster (○vânulepa) Mṛicch
- a nectarlike fluid W. -2
- ○drava Nom. P. ○vati, to appear white as plaster Dhūrtas
- to flow like nectar MW
- ○dhavala mf(ā)n. white as plaster Kād
- whitewashed, plastered, stuccoed Vās
- ○dhavalita mfn. = prec. Hcat. Kull
- ○dhāman m. = sudhâṃśu m. = sudhâṃśu, Vṛishabhān
- ○"ṣdhāra (-"ṣdhâdh), m. 'nectar-receptacle', the moon L
- ○dhārā f. a stream of nectar Kāv
- -kvatha-stotra n. N. of wk
- ○dhauta mfn. white washed Kathās
- ○"ṣnanda-laharī (○dhân○), f. N. of a poem
- ○"ṣnanda-sūri (○dhân○), m. N. of a man Cat
- ○nidhi m. = sudhâdhāra L
- N. of various wks
- ○"ṣndhas (○dhân○), m. = suddhābhuj Pārśvan
- ○pāṇi m. 'bearing nectar in his hands', N. of Dhanvantari (q.v.) L
- ○pūtra m. a stream of nectar Pañcat
- ○bhavana n. a plastered or stuccoed house W
- the fifth Muhūrta ib
- ○bhitti f. a white washed wall Daś
- ○bhuj m. 'feeding on nectar', a god, deity L
- ○bhṛti f. 'nectar-bearing', the moon L
- sacrifice (vḷ. -sūti) L
- ○bhojin m. = -bhuj Bālar
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of nectar Kāv. Kathās
- made of cement or plaster &c. L
- m. (with or scil. prāsāda) a palace, mansion, brick or cemented or stone building L
- ○mayūkha m. = sudhâṃśu Harav
- ○mitra m. N. of a man, g. kāśyâdi
- ○mukhī f. N. of an Apsaras Pañcar
- ○"ṣmṛta (○dhâm○), n. nectar VP
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of nectar ib
- ○modaka m. bamboo manna L
- -ja m. a kind of sugar prepared from it MW
- ○yoni m. 'source of nectar', the moon MārkP
- ○rañjinī f. N. of an astron. wk. by Keśavâcārya
- ○raśmi m. = sudhâṃśu, Vṛishabhān
- ○rasa m. nectar-juice MBh. Kathās
- milk Pañcar
- N. of an astron. wk. by Ananta
- mfn. tasting like nectar (-tva n.) Naish
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of nectar, containing nectar Caurap
- ○laharī f. N. of a poem (in praise of the sun) by Jagan-nātha Paṇḍita-rāja
- ○vat m. N. of a man, g. bāhv-ādi
- pl. a class of deceased ancestors (vḷ. svadhā-vat) MBh
- ○"ṣvadāta (○dhâv○), mfn. = -dhavala MBh. R
- N. of a mountain Divyâv
- ○varti m. collyrium made from nectar HPariś
- ○varṣa m. a shower of nectar Kathās
- ○varṣin mfn. raining nectar HPariś. (v. l.)
- m. N. of Brahmā W
- of a partic. Buddha L
- ○"ṣvāsa (○dhâv○), m. 'nectar-abode', the moon, Kṛishṇaj
- (ā), f. a kind of cucumber (= trapuṣī) L
- ○vṛṣṭi f. a shower of nectar W
- ○śaśâṅkadhavala mfn. white as cement and the moon VarBṛS
- ○śubhra mfn. white washed Bhartṛ
- ○śravā incorrect for -sravā
- ○saṃgraha m. N. of a medical wk
- ○"ṣsava (○dhâs○), m. a partic. cosmetic BhP
- ○sāgara m. 'ocean of nectar', N. of various wks. -1
- ○sāra m. N. of a Commentary (also called su-bodhinī). -2
- ○"ṣsāra (○dhâs○), m. a shower of nectar Kathās
- ○sita m. whitewashed Śak. (vḷ.)
- white as cement (-tā f.) Kathās
- provided with nectar Kir. xv, 45
- ○sindhu m. the ocean of nectar Ānand
- ○sū m. 'producer of nectar', the moon L
- ○sūka (?), m. N. of a king VP
- ○sūti f. 'producing nectar', the moon Rājat
- sacrifice, oblation L
- a lotus flower L
- ○seka m. sprinkling with nectar Kathās
- ○spardhin mfn. vying with nectar, sweet as nectar (said of speech) Sāh
- ○syanda mfn. distilling nectar W
- ○syandin mfn. flowing with nectar Viddh
- ○sravā f. 'water-distilling', the uvula or soft palate L
- the shrub Rudantī L
- ○hara m. 'nectar-stealer', N. of Garuḍa (fabled to have stolen the moon's nectar for the serpent children of Kadrū, wife of Kaśyapa, in return for which his mother Vinatā, also one of Kaśyapa's wives, was released from subjection to Kadru) L
- ○hartṛ (Kathās.),
- ○hṛt (L.), m. = prec
- ○hrada m. a nectar-lake Kathās
- sudhêndra m. (cf. sudhī7ndra) N. of an author
- sudhôdaya m. 'nectar production', N. of a Tantra wk. by Hari-vallabha
- sudhôdgāra m. a flood of nectar
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of a flood of nectar Naish
- sudhôdbhava m. 'nectar-source', N. of Dhanvantari (q.v.) L
- (ā), f. Terminalia Chebula L
- sudhaya Nom. P. ○yati, to refresh, comfort (v. l. svadh○) BhP
- sudhita mfn. (for su-dhita See p. 1225, col. 3) nectar-like BhP
- sudhī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to change into nectar Naish
- su-dhāta &c. See p. 1225, col. 2
- sudhiti mfn. = svadhiti, an axe, hatchet, knife L. [Page 1226, Column]
- su-dhī &c. See p. 1225, col. 3
- sudheṣa N. of a country MW
- su-dhauta See p. 1225, col. 3
- su-nákṣatra n. (i.e. 5. su + n○) a good or auspicious Nakshatra AV
- m. 'born under an auspṭauspicious Nakshatra', N. of a king (son of Maru-deva) BhP
- of a son of Niramitra ib
- (ā), f. N. of the second night of the civil month (karma-māsa) MW
- of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- su (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
- ○nat mfn. Pat. on Pāṇ. 6-4, 40
- ○nata mfn. hanging down very deep Pat. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 1 Vārtt. 27, and ii, 2, 24 Vārtt. 1
- ○nati m. N. of a Daitya (vḷ. su-mati) Hariv
- ○nanda mfn. pleasing well, delighting W
- m. a palace of a partic. form (vḷ. sundara) L
- N. of a Deva-putra Lalit
- of a Sātvata attending on Kṛishṇa BhP
- of a Buddhist Śrāvaka SaddhP
- (ā), f. a partic. Tithi VarBṛS. Sch
- Aristolochia Indica L
- a white cow L
- a partic. yellow pigment (= go-rocanā) L
- a woman L
- N. of Umā or a friend of Umā (○dā-sahita, 'attended by SaddhP') L
- of a wife of Kṛishṇa (vḷ. su-vārttā) Hariv
- of the mother of Bāhu and Vālin L
- of Mudāvati (q.v.) L
- of a sister of Su-bāhu (king of the Cedis) MBh
- of the wife of Sārvabhauma (also called Kaikeyi) ib
- of the wife of Bharata (also called Kāśeyī Sārvasenī) ib
- of the wife of Pratīpa (also called Śaibyā) ib
- of a female door-keeper Ragh
- of a river BhP
- n. N. of a club made by Tvashṭṛi MārkP
- ○nandaka n. a partic. Gaṇa of Śiva Harav
- ○nandana m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- of a son of Purisha-bhiru ib
- of a brother of Bhūnandana Kathās
- (ī), f. N. of a river L
- n. N. of the 12th Muhūrta Cat
- ○nandinī f. a kind of plant with fragrant leaves L
- a species of the Ati-jagatī, metre (= mañju-bhāṣiṇī) Col
- ○naya m. wise conduct or policy MBh. R. &c
- 'well-conducted', N. of a son of Ṛita Pur
- of a son of Pariplava ib
- of a brother of Khanitra ib
- pl. N. of a people MBh
- -śālin mfn. wise, clever Mudr
- -śrī and -śrī-mitra m. N. of two men Buddh
- ○nayaka m. (f. ○yikā) a good leader Pāṇ. 7-3, 46 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- -śrī m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○nayana mf(ā)n. having beautiful eyes Kāv
- m. a deer L
- f. a (fair-eyed) woman Kālid
- ○narda mfn. roaring vigorously Parāś
- ○nasa mfn. having a beautiful nose MBh. BhP
- (ā), f. N. of a river MBh
- ○nāga See saunāga
- ○nāṭya n. a graceful dance Hariv
- ○nātha mfn. having or forming a good shelter AV
- ○nāda mfn. sounding well, harmonious Saṃgīt
- ○nādaka m. (orig. = prec.) a conch L
- ○nābha mfn. having a good nave or centre MBh
- (also ○bhaka) having a good handle R
- m. a partic. spell recited over weapons ib
- N. of a counsellor of Varuṇa MBh
- of a son of Dhṛiṭa-rāshṭra ib
- of a son of Garuḍa ib
- of a brother of Vajra-nābha Hariv
- of a mountain MBh. R
- (prob.) n. a wheel, discus BhP
- ○nābhaka See prec
- ○nā́bhi mfn. having a good nave AV
- ○nābhya mfn. id. (prob. wṛ. for -nābha) Cat
- ○nāmadheya mfn. having an auspicious name Hcat
- ○nā́man mfn. well-named AV
- m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh
- of a Daitya (vḷ. su-manas) Hariv
- of a son of Su-ketu MBh
- of a son of Ugra-sena ib
- of a son of Vainateya ib
- (○mnī), .f. N. of a daughter of Devaka and wife of Vasu-deva Hariv
- (○ma) -dvādaśī f. a partic. religious observance performed on the 12th day of the 12th month VahniP
- ○nāla n. 'having a beautiful stalk or stem', a kind of Andropogon Bhpr
- a red water-lily L
- ○nālaka m. 'id.', Agati Grandiflora L
- ○nāsa mfn. = -nasa BhP
- ○sâkṣi-bhruva mfn. having a beautiful nose and eyes and brows (said of a face) MBh
- (ā), f. a handsome nose MW
- ○nāsika mfn. = -nasa BhP
- having a good point or projection MW
- (ā), f. Leea Hirta L
- ○nāsīra See s.v
- ○niḥṣṭhita mfn. well prepared or arranged, quite ready R. (B. -niṣṭh○)
- ○nikṛṣṭa mf(ā)n. very low or mean MBh
- ○ni-kṣipta mfn. well deposited with (loc.) Mṛicch
- ○nikhāta mfn. dug very deep L
- ○nikhilam ind. very completely Hariv
- ○nigraha mfn. well controlled, easily restrained Śiś
- ○nitambinī f. having beautiful hips or buttocks, ? Śukas
- ○nidra mfn. sleeping well Cāṇ
- (ā), f. sound sleep Pañcar
- ○nidhí m. a good place RV
- ○ninada mfn. sounding agreeably or pleasantly Kir
- very noisy or loud (am ind.), Pracaṇḍ
- ○nibhṛtam ind. very secretly or privately Hit. [Page 1226, Column]
- ○nimaya mfn. easily exchanged or bartered Pāṇ. 6-1, 50 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- ○niyat f. = śobhanā vidhā Hariv. (Nīlak.)
- ○niyata mfn. well put together R
- well disciplined or self-governed (with vācā instr. 'suppressing speech') MBh
- ○niyukta mfn. well constructed or built (cf. su-niry○) R
- ○nirája easy to be expelled or driven away RV
- ○nirūḍha mfn. well purged by an injection Car
- ○nirūpita mfn. well observed or inspected or examined Hit
- ○nirūhaṇa n. a good purgative ŚārṅgS
- ○nirgata mf(ā)n. well come forth or emerged from (abl.) Mcar
- ○nirghṛṇa mfn. very merciless or cruel MBh
- ○nirṇikta mfn. thoroughly cleansed, well washed off MBh
- well polished, bright Hcat
- ○nirbhakta (sú-), mfn. quite excluded from (abl.) ŚBr
- ○nirmátha m. (instr. ā) complete production (of fire) by rubbing RV. iii, 29, 12
- ○nirmala mf(ā)n. perfectly clear or pure Mṛicch
- ○nirmita m. N. of a Deva-putra Lalit
- ○niryāsā f. 'having good exudation or resin', Odina Wodier Bhpr
- ○niryukta mfn. = -niyukta Hariv
- ○nirlajja mf(ā)n. very shameless or impudent R
- ○nirviṇṇa mfn. quite depressed, altogether despondent MārkP
- ○nirvṛta mf(ā)n. quite at ease or happy in mind (wṛ. -nirvṛtta) MBh
- ○niviṣṭa well stationed (as guardians) R
- well furnished with (instr.) ib
- well adorned or decorated ib
- ○niśita mfn. well whetted or sharpened MBh
- ○niścaya m. firm resolve R
- mf(ā) n. perfectly sure or certain (am, ind.) Hariv. Kathās
- ○niścala mfn. 'quite immovable or unchangeable', N. of Śiva MW
- ○niścita mfn. firmly resolved R
- well ascertained or determined or fixed or settled (am ind. 'most assuredly') Kāv. Hit
- m. a Buddha L
- -pura n. N. of a town Rājat
- ○niṣaṇṇa or m. the herb Marsilea Quadrifolia Car
- ○niṣaṇḍṇṇaka m. the herb Marsilea Quadrifolia Car
- ○niṣká mfn. having beautiful ornaments RV
- ○niṣkṛta n. a good atonement or expiation BhP
- ○niṣṭapta mfn. well heated or liquefied Hariv
- thoroughly cooked R
- ○niṣṭhita mfn. (cf. -niḥṣṭh○) well versed in or acquainted with (loc.) ib
- ○niṣṭhura mfn. very rough or harsh MBh
- ○niṣphala mfn. quite useless or in vain R
- ○nistriṃśa m. a beautiful sword MBh
- ○nihita mfn. well fixed or established ib
- ○nīta mfn. well led or guided MBh
- well managed or executed ib
- well prepared (as a path) ib
- well-conducted MBh
- m. N. of a king (son of Su-bala) VP
- n. good or wise conduct, wisdom, prudence MBh. R. &c
- ○nītí (or sú-), mfn. guiding well RV. Kauś
- well-conducted MW
- m. N. of Śiva Śivag
- of a son of Vidūratha MārkP
- f. good conduct or behaviour, good policy, wisdom, discretion RV. &c. &c
- N. of the mother of Dhruva (wife of Uttānapāda) BhP
- ○nīthá mfn. giving or enjoying good guidance RV
- well-conducted, righteous, moral, good Uṇ. ii, 2 Sch
- m. a partic. verse MBh
- a Brāhman L
- N. of a man RV. v, 79, 2
- of a son of Kṛishṇa Hariv
- of a son of Saṃnati or Saṃtati ib
- of a son of Su-sheṇa BhP
- of a son of Su-bala ib
- of Śiśu-pāla MBh
- of a Dānava Kathās
- (ā), f. (also ○tha-kanyā) N. of the first-born daughter of Mṛityu or death (wife of Aṅga) MBh. Hariv. BhP
- ○nīla mfn. very black or blue, dark W
- (only L.) m. the pomegranate tree
- n. the √of Andropogon Muricatus
- (ā), f. common flax
- a partic. grass (= caṇikā or jaraḍī)
- Clitoria Ternatea
- ○nīlaka m. 'very blue', (only L.) Eclipta Prostrata
- a partic. tree resembling the Terminalia Tomentosa
- sapphire
- ○nīhāra mfn. very misty or foggy R
- ○nu See -nau. =
- ○nṛpa m. a good king Vās
- ○nṛśaṃsa mfn. very mischievous
- -kṛt mfn. doing very mischievous things, very cruel MBh
- ○netṛ m. N. of one of the 16 Ṛitvij (cf. un-netṛ) Hariv
- ○netra m. 'fair-eyed' or 'having a good leader', N. of a Māra-putra Lalit
- of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh
- of a son of Vainateya ib
- of a son of the 13th Manu Hariv
- of a son of Suvrata VP
- of a Cakra-vāka Hariv
- (ā), f. (scil. tuṣṭi
- in Sāṃkhya) one of the 9 kinds of acquiescence (cf. su-pāra) Tattvas
- ○trâdhipati m. N. of a serpent-demon Buddh
- ○nepathya mf(ā)n. having a beautiful costume Sāh
- ○naú f. a good ship VS
- mfn. (nom. mf. aus n. u) having good ships Vop
- (u), n. water L
- ○nyasta mf(ā)n. well laid down or stretched out R
- su-nanda su-nandana, See col. 2
- sunaphā f. (= Gk. ?
- cf. anaphā) a [1226,] partic. configuration of the planets (when any one of the planets, except the Sun, occupies a secondary position, to the moon) VarBṛS. [Page 1227, Column]
- ○yoga m. the above configuration MW
- sunaha m. N. of a son of Jahnu (vḷ. sumaha) Hariv
- sunākuta or sunākṛta m. zedoary, Curcuma Zerumbet L
- su-nābha &c. See p. 1226, col. 2
- sunāra m. the milk of a female dog L
- the egg of a snake L
- a sparrow L
- sunāsīra See śunā-sīra, p. 1082
- sunika m. N. of a minister of Ripuṃ-jaya (vḷ. śunaka) VP
- su-nikṛṣṭa su-nikhāta &c. See p. 1226, col. 2
- su-nu See su-nau, p. 1226, col. 3
- sunū See su-lū, p. 1232, col. 3
- sund a Sautra √meaning 'to shine, be bright' Vop
- sunda m. N. of Vishṇu MBh
- of a Daitya (son of Ni-sunda and brother of Upa-sunda
- the two brothers killed each other while quarrelling for a beautiful Apsaras named Tilôttamā) MBh. R. &c
- N. of a monkey R
- sundâsura-vadhū f. the wife of the Asura Sunda (called Tāḍakā) Bālar
- sundôpasunda m. du. the two Daityas Sunda and Upasunda MBh. Bcar
- sundara mf(ī)n. (perhaps for su-nara = sūnara
- d being inserted as in Gk. ? fr. ?) [1227,] beautiful, handsome, lovely, charming, agreeable MBh. Kāv. &c
- noble Subh
- (am), ind. well, right Pañcat
- m. Clerodendron Phlomoides L
- a palace of a partic. form L
- N. of Kāma-deva L
- of a serpent-demon Buddh
- of a son of Pravilasena VP
- of various authors (also with ācārya, kavi, bhaṭṭa &c.) Cat
- (ī), f. See below
- (am), n. = -kāṇḍa below
- ○kamalīya n. N. of wk
- ○kāṇḍa n. a beautiful stalk Vās
- 'beautiful section', N. of the 5th book of the Rāmâyaṇa and of the Adhyātma-rāmâyaṇa
- ○gaṇi m. (with sādhu) N. of an author Cat
- ○guru-kāvya n. N. of a poem
- ○jāmātṛ-muni m. N. of an author Cat
- ○tara mfn. better, very good (am ind.) BhP
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. beauty, excellence Kāv
- ○dāsa m
- ○deva m. N. of authors Cat
- ○nanda m. (cf. sundarân○), N. of a man Buddh
- ○pāṇḍya-deva m. N. of a king (v. l. sundara-viira-pāṇḍya) Kāv
- ○pura n. 'beautiful town', N. of a city
- -māhātmya n. N. of a ch. of the Brahmâṇḍa-purāṇa
- ○bāhu-stava m. N. of a Stotra
- ○maṇi-saṃdarbha m. N. of wk. (on devotion to Rāma, by Madhurâcārya)
- ○miśra m. (with aujjāgari) N. of the author of the Abhirāma-maṇi-nāṭaka
- ○mmanya mfn. thinking one's self handsome or beautiful Daśar
- ○rājam m. N. of two author Cat
- ○jīya n. N. of an astron. wk
- ○laharī f. N. of wk
- ○vaṃśa m. N. of a race or people MBh
- ○vatī f. N. of a river L
- ○varṇa m. N. of a Deva-putra Lalit
- ○vīra-pāṇḍya sundarapāṇḍya-deva
- ○śukla m. N. of the author of the Mauna-mantrâvabodha
- ○śṛṅgāra m
- ○siddhânta m. N. of wks
- ○sena m. N. of a king Kathās
- of a grammarian Cat
- -bhāṣya n. N. of wk
- ○haci (?), m. N. of a prince Buddh
- sundarânanda m. (cf. sundara-n○) N. of two persons Buddh. Col
- sundarâraṇya n. N. of a forest
- -māhātmya n. N. of a ch. of the Brahmâṇḍa-purāṇa
- sundarêśvara m. N. of a form of Śiva
- -stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- sundaraka m. N. of a man Daś. Kathās
- (ikā), f. See next
- sundarika f. N. of a woman Buddh
- ○tīrtha n
- ○hrada m. N. of Tirthas MBh
- sundarī f. a beautiful woman, any woman (also applied to female animals) Kāv. VarBṛS. &c
- a kind of tree Vās
- turmeric L
- a partic. metre Col
- N. of a deity (= tripura-sundarī) L
- of a Yogini L
- of an Apsaras Bālar
- of a daughter of Śva-phalka Hariv
- of a daughter of Vaiśvānara VP
- of the wife of Mālyavat R
- of various other women Kathās
- ○kalpa m
- ○kavaca m. n. N. of wks
- ○tāpanī or f. N. of an Upanishad (be. longing to the AV.)
- ○tāpinī f. N. of an Upanishad (be. longing to the AV.)
- ○devī f. N. of a princess. Inscr. [Page 1227, Column]
- ○pūjā-paddhati f
- ○pūjā-ratna n. N. of wks
- ○bhavana n. N. of a temple Rājat
- ○mandira n. women's habitation or apartments Daś
- ○śakti-dāna-stotra n
- ○svayaṃvara m. N. of wks
- sunna m. N. of a man Rājat
- su-nyasta See p. 1226, col. 3
- sunvat sunvāna, See √3. su, p. 1219, col. 2
- sup (in gram.) technical expression for the termination of the loc. case pl. Pāṇ. 4-1, 2 &c
- a Pratyāhāra used as a term for all or for any one of the 21 case-terminations ib. i, 1, 71 &c
- ○tiṅ-anta n. an inflected noun or verb as ending with a case-termination or verbal termṭtermination ( See tiṅ)
- -paribhāṣā f. -sāgara-samuccaya m. N. of wks
- sub in comp. for sup
- ○anta n. technical expression for an inflected noun as ending with a case-termination Pāṇ. 3-1, 106 Sch
- -prakāśa m. -prakriyā-sarvasva n. rūpâvalī f. -vāda m. -vyākhyāna n. -śiromaṇi m. -saṃgraha m. N. of wks
- ○artha m. (prob.) the meaning of a casetermination
- -tattvâvaloka m. -nirṇaya m. saṃgraha m. N. of. wks
- ○vibhakty-arthaviveka m. N. of wk
- sú-pakva mf(ā)n. (i.e. 5. [su+p○]
- √2. pac) well-cooked or matured, thoroughly ripe (lit. and fig.) AV. Suśr. Pañcar
- a sort of fragrant Mango L
- su (to be similarly prefixed to the following)
- ○pakṣá mfn. beautiful-winged AV
- ○pakṣman mfn. having beautiful eyebrows VarBṛS
- ○paṅka m. or n. (?) good clay or mud, Śṛiṅgār
- ○paṭṭaka mfn. having a beautiful girdle Hcat
- ○paṭha mf(ā)n. easy to read, legible Naish
- ○patana mfn. flying well (= -parṇá) Nir
- ○pati m. a good husband Hariv
- ○pattra n. 'beautiful leaf', the leaf of Laurus Cassia L
- mfn. having beautiful wings Śiś
- well-feathered (as an arrow) R
- having a beautṭbeautiful vehicle Śiś
- having beautṭbeautiful leaves L
- m. N. of a mythical bird MārkP
- Helianthus Annūs L
- a sort of grass, = pallivāha ib
- a kind of plant (= āditya-pattra) MW
- (ā), f. Asparagus Racemosus L
- Glycine Debilis ib
- Prosopis Spicigera ib
- Beta Bengalensis ib
- a kind of creeper (= rudra-jaṭā) ib
- = śāla-parṇī MW
- (ī), f. a kind of plant (= gaṅgā-pattrī) L
- ○pattraka m. Moringa Pterygosperma L
- (ikā), f. Glycine Debilis L
- = jatukā ib. =
- ○pattrita mfn. well-feathered (as an arrow) MBh. Hariv
- ○pattrin mfn. id. MBh. R
- ○pátnī f. (a woman) having a good husband or lord RV. AV. VS. &c
- ○páth m. (nom. -panthās) a good path VS. ŚBr. Kāv
- ○pátha m. n. a good road RV
- virtuous course, good conduct Kathās
- mfn. having a good road, h beautṭbeautiful paths MW
- m. N. of a man Cat
- ○pathin m. (nom. -panthās) a good road MW
- mf(○thī)n. having good roads ib
- (○thin) -tara m. a better roads Pāṇ. 8-2, 17 Sch
- ○pathyá mfn. very wholesome MW
- (ā), f. a sort of spinage L
- n. a good path VS
- ○pad (strong base -pād), mf(-pádī)n. having good or beautiful feet, swift-footed RV
- ○pada n. a good word MBh
- the word su VPrāt
- ○padma mfn. having beautiful lotuses MW
- m. N. of a grammar
- (ā), f. (prob.) Acorus Calamus L. -dhātupāṭha m. -pariśiṣṭa n. -makaranda m. -ṣaṭkāraka-vyākhyāna n. -samāsa-saṃgraha m. N. of wks
- ○panthās See su-pathin above
- ○paptaní f. (ī instr.) swift flight RV
- ○payas mfn. having beautiful water Nāg
- -vin mfn. abounding in milk Hcat
- ○yo-dharā f. having a beautṭbeaut udder ib
- ○parama-turitā f. (with Buddhists) N. of a deity Kālac
- ○parākrama mfn. very powerful MBh
- ○parāñc mf(ācī)n. following one another well, Lāṭy
- ○pari g. saṃkāśâdi
- ○parika m. endearing form of -paridatta &c. Pāṇ. 5-3, 84 Sch
- ○parikliṣṭa mfn. sorely distressed, grievously pained MW
- ○paricchanna mfn. well furnished with requisites ib
- ○parijñāta mfn. well ascertained Ratnâv
- ○pariṇata mfn. well developed or formed L
- ○pariṇīta mfn. well accomplished MBh
- ○paridatta m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 5-3, 84 Sch
- ○paripūjita mfn. highly honoured L
- ○paripūrṇa mfn. very full ib
- very complete Hcat
- ○ṇôttamâṅga-tā f. having the head well developed (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84
- ○paribhāṣa mf(ā)n. (prob.) containing good general definitions or applications Cat. [Page 1227, Column]
- ○paribhūta mfn. greatly humiliated Vajracch
- ○pariya m. = -parika Pāṇ. 5-3, 84 Sch
- ○parirakṣita mfn. well guarded R
- ○parila m. = -parika Pāṇ. 5-3, 84 Sch
- ○pariviṣṭa (sú-), mfn. well prepared VS
- ○parivrāj m. a good monk VarBṛS
- ○pariśuddha mfn. very pure L
- ○pariśrānta mfn. completely exhausted MBh
- -vāha mfn. having very wearied horses MW
- ○pariṣkṛta mf(ā)n. well prepared MBh
- well adorned ib
- ○parisruta mfn. well filtered Suśr
- ○parihara mfn. easy to avoid Bādar. Sch
- ○parī7kṣaṇa n. thorough examination Kām
- ○parī7kṣita mfn. well examined Mn. Kām
- ○parī7kṣya mfn. easy to examine Bcar
- ○paruṣa mfn. very rough or boisterous (as wind) VarBṛS
- ○parus mfn. having good knots (as an arrow) Śiś
- ○parṇa n. a beautiful leaf R
- (○ṇá), mf(ī́)n. having beautṭbeautiful leaves L
- having beautṭbeautiful wings RV
- m. any large bird of prey (as a vulture, eagle
- also applicable to the sun or moon as' having beautṭbeautiful rays', and to soma and clouds
- du. 'sun and moon') ib
- any mythical or supernatural bird (often identified with Garuḍa, and sometimes personified as a Ṛishi, a Deva-gandharva, and an Asura) RV. TS. Kāṭh. MBh
- a ray Naigh
- a horse ib. Nir
- a cock MW
- a partic. array (as of an army) MBh
- Cassia Fistula L
- N. of a son of Antariksha (v. l. -varṇa) VP
- of a mountain BhP
- m. n. a partic. section of 103 Vedic verses MBh
- (ā), f. a lotus plant, a pool abounding with lotuses L
- N. of the mother of Garuḍa or of the Prājāpatya Āruṇi Suparṇeya BhP. NārUp
- of a river VP
- (ī), f. a partic. personification (mentioned together with Kadrū, sometimes identified with Vāc and regarded as the mother of metres) TS. Kāṭh. ŚBr
- = garuḍī MBh
- the mother of Su-parṇa Suparṇ
- N. of one of the seven tongues of fire Gṛihyās
- night Nir
- a species of creeper (= palāśī) L
- a partic. drug (= reṇukā) ib
- -ketu m. 'having Garuḍa for a symbol', N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa MBh. BhP. Śiś
- -cít mfn. heaped up or moulded into the form of the bird Su-parṇa VS. ŚBr
- -citi f. -citi-dīpikā f. -citi-paddhati f. N. of wks
- -citya mfn. = -cít Cat
- -yātu (○ṇá-), m. a partic. demon RV
- -rāja m. N. of Garuḍa R
- -vāta m. the wind agitated by the wings of Garuḍa MW
- -sád mfn. sitting on the bird Su-parṇa TS
- -súvana mfn. serving as the breeding-place of eagles AV
- ○ṇâkhya m. Mesua Roxburghī L
- ○ṇâkhyāná n. the story of Su-parṇa Suparṇ
- ○ṇâṇḍa m. the son of a Śūdra and a Sūta L
- ○ṇâdhyāya m. N. of wk
- ○ṇī-tanaya m. 'son of Su-parṇī', Garuḍa L
- ○parṇaka mfn. having beautiful leaves W
- having good wings ib
- m. Garuḍa or any supernatural bird W
- Cassia Fistula L
- Alstonia Scholaris ib
- Echites Scholaris W
- (ikā), f. Glycine Debilis L
- Hoya Viridiflora ib
- Vernonia Anthelminthica Bhpr
- = śāla-parṇī MW
- a partic. drug (= reṇukā) L
- -kumāra m. pl. (with Jainas) a partic. class of deities L
- ○parṇin m. Garuḍa Buddh
- ○parṇeya m. (accord. to Sāy.) metron. fr. Su-parṇā, NārUp
- ○paryavadāta mfn. very clean ib
- ○paryavasita mfn. well carried out MBh
- ○târtha mfn. thoroughly acquainted with anything ib
- ○paryāpta mfn. very spacious (as a house) Mn. vii, 76
- very plentiful R
- well filled or fitted out (as a palace with virious rooms and buildings) W
- perfectly equal to or a match for anything (dat.) R
- ○paryāśīr-datta m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 5-3, 84 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- ○parvaṇa mfn. highly extolled MBh
- ○parvata m. N. of a Sādya Hariv
- ○parvan m. a good period of time KāśīKh
- mfn. having beautiful joints or knots MBh. R. &c
- having beautiful sections (said of books) Vās
- highly extolled Kām. Inscr
- m. cane, bamboo L
- an arrow ib
- smoke ib
- a god, deity KāśīKh. Kāv
- = parvan L
- a special lunar day (in which religious ceremonies are performed, as the full and new moon, and the 8th and 14th days of each fortnight) MW
- N. of a being reckoned among the Viśve Devā? Hariv
- of a son of the 10th Manu, MārkP
- of a son of Antariksha VP
- of a teacher Pat
- ○parvā f. white Dūrvā grass L
- ○palâyita mfn. well fled W
- n. skilful or well-managed retreat, total rout MBh. Hit
- ○palāśá mfn. having many or beautiful leaves RV. Nir
- ○pavi mfn. having good tires (said of wheels) AV
- ○pavitra n. a kind of metre Col
- ○paścāt ind. very late in the evening Baudh
- ○pākaka mf(ikā)n. Pāṇ. 7-3, 46 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- ○pākinī f. a species of Curcuma L. [Page 1228, Column]
- ○pākya n. a kind of salt ib
- ○pāñcālaka Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 72 Vārtt. 17
- ○pāṭala m. N. of a monkey R
- ○pāṭhaka mfn. reciting well Hcat
- ○pāṇí mfn. having good or beautiful hands RV. VS
- dexterous-handed RV. -p1ṇḍara, mfn. beautifully white R
- ○pātra m. (more correctly -yātra) N. of a man Vās. Introd
- n. a beautiful cup or receptacle Pañcar
- a very fit or worthy person (esp. to receive gifts) Kāv. Pañcat. &c
- ○pāda mfn. having handsome feet MBh
- ○pāna mfn. easy to be drunk Pāṇ. Sch. Vop
- ○nânna n. sg. good drinkables and eatables VarBṛS
- ○pāman m. N. of a man, g. tikâdi
- ○pārá mf(ā́)n. easy to be crossed RV
- easy to be borne ib
- quickly passing off (as rain) ib
- leading to a prosperous issue ib. TS
- m. partic. personification SāmavBr. Gaut
- (ā), f. (in Sāṃkhya) one of the 9 kinds of Tushṭi Tattvas
- -kṣatra (○pārá-), mfn. easily traversing his realm (said of Varuṇa) RV
- -ga m. N. of the captain of a ship Jātakam. (n. his abode)
- ○pāraṇa mfn. easy to be gone through or studied Hariv
- ○pārśva mf(ā)n. having beautiful sides MBh
- m. a beautṭbeautiful side ib
- Ficus Infectoria L
- Hibiscus Pupulneoides L
- N. of a Rākshasa R
- of a fabulous bird (son of Sampāti) ib
- of a son of Rukma-ratha Hariv
- of a son of Śrutâyu VP
- of a son of Dṛiḍha-nemi BhP
- of the 7th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇi L
- of a mountain MBh. Pur. &c
- ○vôru mfn. having beautiful ribs and thighs MW
- ○pārśvaka m. Ficus In fectoria Bhpr
- N. of a son of Citraka Hariv
- of a son of Śrutâyu BhP
- of the third Arhat of the future Utsarpiṇi L
- ○pāli mfn. (ifc.) well provided with, distinguished by Hcat
- ○pāvá mfn. well clarified (as Soma) TS
- ○pāśa mfn. (prob.) having a good noose (said of Gaṇêśa) Cat
- (ā́), f. a strong noose AV
- ○piṅgalā f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum L
- another plant (= jīvantī) ib
- ○pitrya mfn. maintaining the paternal (character) well RV
- ○pidhāna mf(ā)n. well closed or locked up MBh
- ○pippalá mf(ā́)n. bearing good berries RV. VS. AV. &c
- ○píś mfn. (perhaps) having fine ornaments, well-formed, graceful RV
- ○piṣṭa m. N. of a min, g. śivâdi
- pl. his descendants, g. upakâdi
- ○pis mfn. going well Pāṇ. Sch. Vop
- ○pihita-vat mfn. having (the ears, acc.) carefully closed Kāv
- ○pīḍana n. the act of pressing strongly L
- ○pīḍita mfn. well pressed MW
- ○pīta mfn. quite yellow MBh
- m. N. of the 5th Muhūrta, IndSt
- n. a carrot L
- yellow sandal ib
- ○pīna mfn. very fat or big R
- ○pīvan mfn. id. Pāṇ. 3-2, 74 Sch
- drinking well L
- ○pīvás mfn. = -pīna RV
- ○pú or mfn. clarifying well VS. AV
- ○pū́ mfn. clarifying well VS. AV
- ○puṃsī f. a woman who has a good husband Uṇ. Sch
- ○puṅkha mfn. having a fine shaft, well-feathered (as an arrow) MBh. R
- ○puṭa mf(ā)n. having beautiful nostrils VarBṛS
- m. N. of two bulbous plants L
- ○puṇya mfn. very excellent MBh
- n. great religious or moral merit Kāv
- -gandha mfn. having an excṭexcellent smell, very fragrant. MBh
- -da mfn. giving great merit, very meritorious Pañcar
- ○putra m. an excellent son Kāv
- (○trá), mf(ā́)n. having excṭexcellent or many children RV. AV. TBr. &c
- n. the fruit of the Flacourtia Cataphracta L
- ○putrikā f. a kind of Oldenlandia L
- ○pura n. a strong fortress Hariv
- ○puruṣa m. a partic. personification SāmavBr. Gaut
- ○puru-hūti mfn. very much invoked BhP
- ○purodhas m. a good domestic priest Inscr
- ○puṣkara m. a globe-amaranth L
- (ā), f. Hibiscus Mutabilis ib
- ○puṣkala mfn. very copious MBh. BhP
- ○puṣṭa mfn. well fed Pañcat
- ○puṣṭí f. good prosperity AV
- ○puṣpa n. 'good flower', cloves L
- the menstrual excretion ib
- mfn. having beautṭbeautiful flowers Kāv
- m. Pterospermum Suberifolium L
- globeamaranth ib
- = rakta-puṣpaka ib
- = haridru ib
- the coral tree W
- N. of a mythical king Inscr
- (ā), f. (only L.) anise
- (prob.) Phlomis Zeylanica
- Clitoria Ternatea
- = kośātakī
- (ī), f. (only L.) Andropogon Aciculatus
- Clitoria Ternatea
- anise
- Argyreia Speciosa
- Phlomis Zeylanica
- Musa Sapientum
- a white-flowering Aparājitā
- n. (only L.) Curcuma Longa
- Hibiscus Mutabilis
- Tabernaemontana Coronaria
- = tūla
- ○puṣpaka m. Acacia Sirissa L
- (ikā), f. (only L.) Argyreia Speciosa or Argentea
- Bignonia Suaveolens
- Anethum Sowa
- ○puṣpita mfn. having beautiful flowers, abounding with flowers (e ind. 'on a place abounding with flowers') MBh. R
- having the hair bristling (with delight) MW
- ○puṣya m. N. of a Buddha Lalit. [Page 1228, Column]
- ○pū́ See -pú
- ○pūjita mfn. highly honoured MBh. R
- (a cup) taken well care of, i.e. well cleansed VarBṛS
- ○pūta (sú-), mfn. well clarified RV
- ○pūra mf(ā)n. easy to be filled MBh. Pañcat
- well filling MW
- m. a citron L
- ○pūraka m. id. ib
- Agati Grandiflora ib
- ○pūrṇa (sú-), mf(ā)n. well filled, quite full RV. VS. ĀśvŚr. &c
- richly adorned with (instr.) MBh
- ○pūrvam ind. very early in the morning Baudh. (wṛ. ○vām)
- ○vâhṇe ind. early in the forenoon AitBr. ŚrS
- ○pṛkṣ mfn. abounding with food RV
- ○peśa m. fine woven cloth or texture of any kind BhP
- mfn. = -péśas ib
- ○peśala mf(ā)n. very beautiful or handsome ib
- ○péśas mfn. well adorned, beautiful, handsome RV. VS. TBr. &c
- ○póṣa mfn. prosperous VS. TBr
- easy to be maintained, not requiring much support (-tā f.) L
- ○pta (fr. su + ptā
- for supta See p. 1230), mfn. having beautṭbeautiful braids of hair Kād
- m. a wagtail with a black breast L
- ○prakāśa mf(ā)n. well-lighted Kathās
- very or distinctly visible Mn. viii, 245
- very public W
- ○prakīrṇêndriya mfn. addicted to too frequent seminal effusion (i.e. to sexual excess) VarBṛS
- ○praketá mfn. very bright, conspicuous, notable RV
- very attentive ib
- (-práketa) very considerate or wise ib
- ○prakṣālita mfn. well washed MBh. Car. Vishṇ
- ○prakhya m. N. of a man ( See sauprakhya)
- ○pragamana mfn. very accessible Nir
- ○pragupta mfn. well hidden, very secret Kāv
- ○pracāra mfn. going in a right course (also said of planets) Hariv
- appearing beautifully MBh
- ○prácetas mfn. very wise RV
- ○pracchanna mfn. well concealed Daś
- ○prajá mf(ā)n. having good or numerous children (-tama) RV. MBh. R. &c
- ○jā-pati m. a good Prajā-pati (Vishṇu) Vishṇ
- ○jā́-vat mfn. abounding in children RV
- ○jā-váni mfn. bestowing many children VS. TS
- ○prajás mfn. = -prajá
- having a good son ('in any one', instr
- -tva n.) RV. AV. VS. &c
- ○prajāta mfn. having numerous off spring Hariv
- ○prajās-tvá n. the having many children RV. VS. TS
- ○prajña mf(ā)n. very wise MBh. Kathās
- ○prajñāná mfn. easy to be perceived or found MaitrS. Kāṭh
- ○práṇīti f. safe guidance RV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- mfn. guiding safely RV. AV. Kauś
- following good guidance RV
- ○pratara mf(ā)n. easy to be crossed (as a river) Ragh
- easily crossing over MW
- projecting far (?) ib
- ○pratarka m. a sound judgment, good understanding or intellect MW
- ○pratardana m. N. of a king ib
- ○pratāra mf(ā)n. well conveying over (as a ship) R
- ○pratikara mfn. easy to be requited ib
- ○pratigṛhīta (sú-), mfn. well seized ŚBr
- ○praticákṣa mfn. beautiful to look at RV
- ○praticchanna mfn. completely covered or enveloped (as with a garment) L
- (am), ind. in a very secret manner MBh
- ○praticchinna mfn. well distributed L
- ○pratijña m. N. of a Dānava Kathās
- ○pratipanna mfn. leading a virtuous course of life, well-conducted L
- ○pratipūjita mfn. well honoured or worshipped MBh
- ○pratibhā f. spirituous liquor ib
- ○pratima m. N. of a king MBh
- ○prativarman m. N. of a man Pañcat
- ○pratividdha mfn. well hit or pierced (with dṛṣtyā', well looked through') L
- ○pratiśraya mfn. possessing good shelter R
- ○pratiṣṭha mf(ā)n. standing firm Sāy
- firmly supporting Ml
- having beautiful legs MBh
- very celebrated, famous MW
- m. a kind of military array Kām
- N. of the 2nd month, IndSt. a partic. Samādhi Buddh
- (ā), f. firm position ŚvetUp
- good reputation, fame W
- the establishment (of a temple, idol &c.) ib
- installation, consecration ib
- a kind of metre Nidānas. RAnukr. Sch. Chandom
- N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- ○pratiṣṭhāná mfn. standing firm VS
- ○pratiṣṭhāpita mfn. well established or set up (as an image) Kathās
- ○pratiṣṭhita (sú-), mf(ā) n. standing firm AV. MBh. Pañcat
- properly set up or established Hit
- thoroughly implanted in (loc.) ib
- well consecrated W
- celebrated ib
- faring well R
- 'well supported', having beautṭbeautiful legs MBh. R
- m. Ficus Glomerata L
- a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- N. of a Deva-putra Lalit
- (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras VP
- n. N. of a town in Pratishṭhāna Kathās
- -caraṇa m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- -cāritra m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh
- -pāṇipāda-tala-tā f. the having the palms of the hands and soles of the feet well (and equally) placed (one of the 32 signs of perfection) Dharmas. 83
- -yaśas mfn. one whose renown is well established Ratnâv. [Page 1228, Column]
- ○tâsana m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- ○pratiṣṇāta mfn. well bathed MW
- thoroughly purified or cleared ib. well versed in ib
- well investigated, clearly ascertained ib
- -sūtra m. a Brāhman well versed in the Sūtras, one who is well skilled in repeating or has clearly ascertained the (meaning of the) Sūtras ib
- ○prátīka mf(ā)n. having a beautiful shape or form, handsome, lovely RV. AV. VS. &c
- having a beautiful face MW
- having a beautṭbeautiful trunk, strong as an elephant's trṭtrunk ib
- honest BhP
- m. N. of Śiva Śivag
- of Kāma-deva L
- of a Yaksha Kathās
- of various men MBh. Pur. Kathās
- of a mythical elephant (○kânvaya mfn. L.) MBh. Ragh. Vās
- n. N. of a pool KāśīKh
- ○kêśvara n. N. of a Liṅga ib
- ○pratīkinī f. the female of the elephant Su-pratīka L
- ○pratī7ta mfn. well known Sāh
- m. N. of a preceptor VBr
- ○pratīpa m. N. of a king VP
- ○pratúr mfn. (nom. ○tū́s) very victorious RV
- ○prátūrti mfn. id. ib. TS. TBr
- ○prátyañc mf(ticī)n. well turned back VS
- ○pratyavasita mfn. (perhaps) safely returned to one's own country Kāś
- ○pratyūdha (○yūḻha), mfn. properly pushed back ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○pradadi (sú-), mfn. very liberal AV
- ○pradarśa mf(ā)n. of beautṭbeautiful appearance MBh
- ○pradohā f. easily milked ib
- ○pradhṛṣya mfn. easy to be injured or overpowered ib
- ○pranṛtta n. a beautṭbeautiful dance R
- ○prapañca-hīna mfn. destitute of variety NṛisUp
- ○prapāṇá n. a good drinking-place RV
- mfn. easy or fit for drinking ib. AV
- ○prabala mfn. very powerful. MBh
- ○prabuddha mfn. completely enlightened (as a Buddha) Buddh
- m. N. of a king of the Śākyas ib
- ○prabha mf(ā)n. having a good appearance, beautiful MBh. Hariv. R
- very bright or splendid, glorious W
- m. N. of a Dānava Hariv
- of a Devaputra Kathās
- of one of the 9 Balas of the Jainas L
- of various kings VP. Cat
- (ā), f. Vernonia Anthelminthica L
- one of the 7 tongues of Fire Tantras
- N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- of a Surâṅganā, Siṃh^ā
- of various women MBh. Pur. &c
- of one of the 7 Sarasvatis MBh
- n. N. of a Varsha ruled by Su-prabha VP
- -deva m. N. of a man Cat
- -pura n. N. of a town ib
- ○prabhava-deva wṛ. for -prabhad○, Sis
- ○prabhāta mf(ā)n. beautifully illuminated by dawn R
- (ā), f. N. of a river BhP
- n. a beautiful dawn or day break Kāv
- the earliest dawn MW
- a morning prayer VāmP
- (e), ind. at earliest break of day MW
- -stotra n. N. of wk
- ○prabhāva m. great might, omnipotence R
- ○prabheda-tantra n
- ○prabheda-pratiṣṭhātantra n. N. of wks
- ○pramadhu m. N. of a Brāhman Buddh
- ○pramaya mfn. easily measured Pāṇ. 6-1, 50 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- ○pramāṇa mfn. large-sized Hcat
- ○prayás mfn. well regaled RV. VS
- food-bestowing MW
- ○prayā́ mfn. pleasant to tread on RV
- ○prayā́van mfn. moving well along, swift (said of horses) ib
- ○prayukta mfn. well discharged (as an arrow) L
- well recited Sāh
- well planned (as a fraud) Pañcat. Vet. &c
- well joined or applied or attached W
- well managed ib
- closely connected ib
- -śara m. one who fits an arrow skilfully on a bow, a good marksman, skilful archer MW
- ○prayoga m. good application, good management ib
- dexterity, expertness ib
- close contact ib
- mfn. well discharged L
- easy to be acted (as a drama) Sāh
- (ā), f. N. of a river MBh. Pur
- -viśikha m. = su-prayukta-śara MW
- ○pralambha mfn. easily deceived Pāṇ. 7-1, 67 Sch
- easy of attaintment W
- ○pralāpa m. good speech, eloquence L
- ○pravācaná mfn. worthy of much praise RV
- ○pravādita mfn. making good music Hariv
- ○pravṛkṇa mf(ā)n. well cut up (used in explaining ūrj) Nir
- ○pravṛkti f. = -vṛkti ib
- ○pravṛtta mfn. being well in order MBh
- acting well Hariv
- ○pravṛddha mfn. full-grown ib
- m. N. of a Sauviraka MBh
- ○pravedita mfn. well made known Buddh
- ○pravepita mfn. trembling much R
- ○praveśa mf(ā)n. having a beautiful entrance MBh
- ○pravrajita mfn. wandering well about (as a mendicant), i.e. a good or proper monk Buddh
- ○praśaṃsita mfn. greatly praised, very famous Pañcar
- ○praśastá mfn. greatly praised, excellent AV
- well known, very famous Pañcar
- ○praśna m. (prob.) = sukha-p○ MBh
- ○prasanna mf(ā)n. very clear (as water) ib. R
- very bright or serene (as the face or mind) Pañcat. Hit. &c
- very gracious or favourable MārkP. [Page 1229, Column]
- m. N. of Kubera L
- ○prasannaka m. Ocimum Pilosum L
- = kṛṣṇârjaka MW
- ○prasarā vḷ. for -prasārā L
- ○prasava m. easy parturition Sāy
- ○prasāda m. extreme graciousness or propitiousness MW
- mfn. easily placable Mn. MBh. R
- very gracious or kind, auspicious MW
- m. N. of Śiva L
- of one of Skanda's at' tendants MBh
- of an Asura Hariv
- (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- ○prasādaka mfn. = -prasāda ib
- ○prasādhita mfn. well adorned Kathās
- ○prasārā f. Paederia Foetida L
- ○prasārita mf(ā)n. widely extended R
- ○prasiddha mfn. well known Sāh. Kshitîś
- -pada-mañjarī f. N. of wk
- ○prasū f. well or easily bringing forth ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ○prahāra m. a well dealt blow Hariv. (v. l. samprah○)
- N. of a fisherman Kathās
- ○prākāra m. a beautiful wall or rampart Inscr
- ○prākṛta mf(ā)n. very vulgar R
- ○prāñc (sú-), mfn. (nom. prāṅ, prācī, prāk) going straight forward RV. VS
- ○prāta mfn. (fr. next) dawning beautifully Bhaṭṭ
- n. a fine morning Śiś
- ○prātár ind. fine dawn or morning AV
- ○prātiveśmika mfn. having a good neighbour HYogay
- ○prâpa mfn. easily obtainable MBh. R
- ○prâpya mfn. id. (in a-supr○) Kathās
- ○prâyaṇá mf(ā́)n. easily to be approached, pleasant to be trodden (superl. -tama) RV
- ○prāvargá mfn. (for su-prav○) well distinguished RV
- ○prâvī́ or mfn. very attentive or mindful, very zealous ib
- ○prâvyá mfn. very attentive or mindful, very zealous ib
- ○priya (sú-), mf(ā) n. very dear or pleasant AV. &c. &c
- m. (in prosody) a foot of two short syllables, a pyrrhic Col
- N. of a Gandharva Buddh
- (ā), f. a lovely woman or favourite wife MW
- N. of an Apsaras MBh. Hariv
- of a peasant girl Lalit
- ○yâtman mfn. having a pleasant nature, very agreeable R
- ○prīta (sú-), mf(ā)n. very delighted, well pleased with (loc.) RV. &c. &c
- much cherished, very dear or lovely Pañcar
- very kind or friendly MW
- ○prīti f. great joy or delight
- -kara m. 'causing great delight', N. of a king of the Kiṃnaras Buddh
- -yukta mf(ā)n. filled with great joy or delight R
- ○prâitu mfn. easy to be gone through or traversed RV
- ○prôkṣita mfn. well sprinkled Vishṇ
- ○prâuḍha mfn. full-grown
- (ā), f. a marriageable girl Subh
- ○psáras mfn. enjoying a good meal, fond of dainty food (superl. -tama) RV
- ○phála or mf(ā)n. yielding much or good fruit, fruitful RV. AV
- ○phalá mf(ā)n. yielding much or good fruit, fruitful RV. AV
- having a good blade (as a sword) MBh
- m. (only L.) the wood-apple tree, Feronia Elephantum
- the citron tree
- Pterospermum Acerifolium
- the pomegranate tree
- Zizyphus Jujuba
- Phaseolus Mungo
- (ā), f. (only L.) Momordica Mixta
- Gmelina Arborea
- a kind of brown grape
- colocynth
- Beninkasa Cerifera
- Musa Sapientum
- ○phalī-√kṛ (sú-), P. -karoti, to cleanse well from husks GṛŚrS
- ○phālá or m. a good ploughshare AV. MaitrS
- ○phā́la m. a good ploughshare AV. MaitrS
- ○phulla mfn. flowering beautifully, having beautṭbeautiful blossoms R
- ○phena (sú-), mf(ā)n. containing good foam, TS
- m. a cuttlefish bone L
- ○baddhá mf(ā́)n. bound fast RV
- firmly closed, clenched Hariv
- ○bandha mfn. well bound or secured, having a good binding W
- m. sesamum L
- ○bandhana-vimocana m. 'good deliverer from bonds', N. of Śiva MBh
- ○bándhu or mfn. closely connected or related, good friend RV. AV. Bhartṛ
- ○bandhú mfn. closely connected or related, good friend RV. AV. Bhartṛ
- m. N. of a Ṛishi (having the patr. Gaupāyana or Laupāyana and author of various hymns in RV.) Anukr
- N. of the author of the Vasava-dattā (who prob. lived in 7th century AḌ.)
- of a merchant Kathās
- of various other persons HPariś
- ○babhru mfn. dark brown MBh
- ○barhis mfn. having good sacrificial grass RV. VS
- ○bala m. 'very powerful', N. of Śiva MBh
- of a mythical bird (son of Vainateya) ib
- of a son of Manu Bhautya MārkP
- of a son of Sumati VP
- of a king of the Gāndhāras (father of Śakuni and the wife of Dhṛita-rāshṭra) MBh. Hariv. BhP
- -candra m. (with ācārya) N. of an author Cat
- -putra m. 'son of Subala', N. of Śakuni (cf. saubala) MBh
- -vat mfn. very strong or powerful, Pracaṇḍ
- ○bahu mf(vii)n. very much, very many, very numerous Mn. MBh. &c
- (u), ind. much, very much, greatly BhP
- -dhā ind. very much, often, frequently Hcat
- -śas ind. id. MBh. MārkP
- -śruta mfn. deeply versed in the Veda &c. R
- ○bāndhava m. 'good friend', N. of Śiva MBh
- ○bāla mfn. very childish R
- m. a good boy Bcar. xiii, 36
- a god L
- n. N. of an Upanishad
- [(ŚlA) grAma] m. N. of a village Cat
- ○bālaka m. N. of the author of a Kāma-śāstra ib
- ○bāladhi See -vāladhi. [Page 1229, Column]
- ○bāliśa mf(ā)n. very childish or foolish MBh
- ○bāhú mfn. having strong or handsome arms RV. VS
- m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- of one of Skanda's attendants ib
- of a Dānava Hariv
- of a Rākshasa ib. R. (cf. -śatru)
- of a Yaksha VP
- of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra and king of Cedi MBh
- of a king of Videhā Buddh
- of a son of Mati-nāra Hariv
- of a son of Citraka ib
- of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- of a son of Śatru-ghna R
- of a son of Pratibāhu BhP
- of a son of Kuvalayâśva MārkP
- of a brother of Alarka ib
- of a Bodhi-sattva and a Bhikshu Buddh
- of a monkey R
- (ús), f. N. of an Apsaras MBh
- -paripṛcchā f. N. of wk
- -yukta m. N. of a king of the Gandharvas Kāraṇḍ
- -śatru m. N. of Rāma Uttarar
- ○bāhuka m. N. of a Yaksha VP
- ○bīja n. good seed Mn. x, 69
- m. 'having good seed', N. of Śiva MBh
- the poppy L
- ○bībhatsa mfn. very disgusting or hideous MBh
- ○buddhi f. good understanding Pañcat
- mfn. of good undṭunderstanding, wise, clever, intelligent Kāv. Kathās. &c
- m. N. of a son of Māra-putra Lalit
- of two kings Kshitîś
- of a crow Hit
- -candra m. N. of a man Buddh
- -mat mfn. very intelligent or wise Kathās
- -miśra and -miśramahêśvara m. N. of authors Cat
- ○búdha mf(ā)n. vigilant AV
- ○bodha m. right intelligence, good information or knowledge BhP
- N. of an astron. wk
- (ā), f. N. of various Comms
- mf(ā)n. easy to be understood, easily taught, easy (am ind.) Kāv. Pañcat. BhP
- -kāra m. N. of an author Cat
- -jātaka n. -pañcikā f. -mañjarī f. N. of wks
- ○bodhanā f. N. of a Tantra wk
- ○bodhanī f. N. of various Comms
- ○bodhikā f. N. of a Comm. on the Sārasvata-prakriyā
- ○bodhinī f. N. of various Comms. (esp. on the Bhagavad-gītā, the Mitâksharā, the Brahma-sūtras &c.)
- -kāra m. the author of the Subodhinī (a gram. wk.) Cat
- ○brahmaṇīya mfn. relating to the Subrahmaṇya ( See next) Lāṭy. Sch
- ○brahmaṇyá mfn. very kind or dear to Brāhmans (said of Vishṇu) Pañcar
- m. N. of one of the three assistants of the Udgātṛi priest Br. ŚrS. MBh
- N. of Śiva Śivag
- of Skanda or Kārttikeya RTL. 211-218
- of various authors &c. (also with ācārya, paṇḍita, yajvan, and śāstrin) Cat
- (ā), f. a partic. recitation of certain Mantras by the Udgātṛi priests (sometimes also the priest himself) Br. ŚrS
- (am), n. (= f.) a particṛecitation Hariv
- N. of a district in the south of India Cat
- [(ŚNya) kSetra-mAhAtmya] n. -pañca-ratna n. -paddhati f. -pūjā-vidhi m. -prayoga m. -māhātmya n. -sahasra-nāman, n. -stotra, n
- ○ṇyâṣṭaka n. N. of wks
- ○brahman m. a good Brāhman ŚāṅkhŚr
- N. of a Deva-putra Lalit
- n. the good Brahman AitBr
- (-bráhman), mfn. attended with good prayers or having a good Brahman (priest) RV
- (○ma) -bandhūka mfn. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 173
- -vāsudeva m. N. of the son of Vasu-deva in the form of Brahmā (i.e. of Kṛishṇa identified with the Creator) Tithyād
- ○brāhmaṇa (sú-), m. a good Brāhman AV
- ○bha n. (for subha See s.v.) an auspicious constellation Bhadrab
- -bodhârthamālā-paddhati f. N. of wk
- ○bhaṃsas mfn. (prob.) having a beautṭbeautiful mons Veneris TBr
- ○bhakti f. great devotion to or love for (-tas, 'out of great devotion') Hcat
- ○bhakṣya n. excellent food Pañcat
- ○bhága mf(ā) n. possessing good fortune, very fortunate or prosperous, lucky, happy, blessed, highly favoured RV. &c. &c
- beautiful, lovely, charming, pleasing, pretty (voc. subhaga and subhage, often in friendly address) ib
- nice (ironical) Vās. (= śobhana-paśu Sch.)
- liked, beloved, dear (as a wife) AV. MBh. R
- delicate, slender, thin Car
- (ifc.) suitable for Śak. (v. l.)
- (am), ind. beautifully, charmingly Megh
- greatly, in a high degree (v. l. for sutarām) Śak
- m. N. of Śiva Śivag
- borax L
- Michelia Champaka L
- Jonesia Asoka L
- red Amaranth L
- N. of a son of Subala MBh
- (ā), f. good fortune (in this sense the loc. āsu seems to be used) PañcavBr
- a beloved or favourite wife R. (cf. comp.)
- a five-year-old girl representing Durgā at festivals L
- musk L
- N. of various plants (a species of Musa
- Glycine Debilis
- Cyperus Rotundus &c.) L
- (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇī Saṃgīt
- N. of a daughter of Prādhā MBh
- of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda ib
- of a kind of fairy Buddh
- (am), n. good fortune
- bitumen L. MW
- _ -ṃ-karaṇa (○gáṃ-), mf(ī)n. making happy AV
- charming, enchanting Rājat
- n. fascinating, winning (a woman) Cat
- -tā f. love, conjugal felicity VarBṛS
- -tvá n. welfare, prosperity RV. PārGṛ
- favour, dearness (esp. of a wife) VarBṛS. Vās. [Page 1229, Column]
- -mānin mfn. thinking one's self fortunate or pleasing R. Daś
- m-bhavinṣṇu mfn. becoming fortunate or pleasing Pāṇ. 3-2, 57
- -m-bhāvuka mfn. id. ib. Dhūrtas
- -m-manya mfn. (= -mānin) Daś. (-bhāva m. 'self-conceit, vanity' Megh.)
- -saṃdeśa m. N. of a poem by Nārāyaṇa
- ○gâkheṭa-bhūmi mfn. having fine hunting-grounds (-tva n.) Kathās
- ○gā-tanaya m. the son of a beloved wife or of an honoured mother R
- ○gânanda m. N. of a Prahasana (-nātha m. N. of an author Cat.)
- ○gârcana-candrikā f. ○gârcā-ratna n. N. of wks
- ○gā-suta m. (= ○gā-tanaya) L
- ○gôdaya m. 'rise of prosperity', N. of wk. (also ○ya-darpaṇa, m.)
- ○bhagaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make beautiful, adorn BhP
- ○bhaṅga mfn. easily broken, brittle W
- m. the cocoa-nut tree L
- ○bhañjana m. a red species of Hyperanthera Morunga L
- ○bhaṭa m. a great warrior, champion, soldier Kāv. Kathās. &c
- N. of various men Kathās
- of a poet (author of the drama Dūtâṅgada) Cat
- (ā), f. N. of a princess Rājat
- (○ṭa) -datta and -varman m. N. of two authors Cat
- ○bhaṭṭa m. a very learned man MW
- a distinguished warrior (incorrect for -bhaṭa) ib
- ○bhaṇita mfn. well spoken Mālatīm
- ○bhadra (sú-), mf(ā)n. very glorious or splendid or auspicious or fortunate RV. MBh. BhP
- m. Azadirachta Indica L
- N. of Vishṇu L
- (prob.) of Sanat-kumāra Pañcar
- of a son of Vasu-deva BhP
- of a son of Kṛishṇa ib
- of a son of Idhmajihva ib
- of the last man converted by Gautama Buddha SaddhP
- of a scholar, Jain
- of a mountain Pañcar
- (ā), f. N. of various well-known plants (e.g. Ichnocarpus Frutescens
- Curcuma Zedoaria
- Prosopis Spicigera &c.) L
- (in music) a partic. Śruti Saṃgīt
- a form of Durgā Hcat
- N. of a younger sister of Kṛishṇa and wife of Arjuna (she was forcibly carried off by Arjuna from Dvārakā wish Kṛishṇa's permission, as described in MBh. i, ch. 219 ; 220
- her image is borne in procession with those of Jagannātha and Bala-rāma) MBh. Hariv. &c
- of a wife of Durgama MārkP
- of a daughter of Balin and wife of Avîkshita ib
- of a grand daughter of Rukmin and wife of Aniruddha VP
- of a daughter of the Asura Su-māya Kathās
- of a mythical cow MBh
- of a poetess Cat
- n. fortune, welfare BhP
- N. of a Catvara (q.v.) MBh
- of a Varsha in Plakshadvipa ruled by Su-bhadra BhP
- (○drā) -dhanaṃjaya and -pariṇaya, N. of two Nāṭakas
- -pūrvaja m. 'elder brother of Subhadrā', N. of Kṛishṇa Pañcar
- -vijaya, N. of a Nāṭaka
- -haraṇa n. 'the carrying off of Subhadrā', N. of a section in the MBh. (cf. above) and of other poems
- ○drêśa m. 'lord of Subhadrā', N. of Arjuna L
- ○bhadraka m. the car or vehicle of a god for carrying his image in procession L
- the plant AEgle Marmelos L
- (súbhadrikā), f. a courtezan VS
- a kind of metre Ked
- of a younger sister of Kṛishṇa ( See next) Pañcar
- (am), n. a kind of metre Col
- ○bhadrāṇī f. Ficus Heterophylla L
- ○bhayaṃ-kara mfn. causing great fear or danger MBh
- ○bhayānaka mfn. causing great terror, very alarming, terrible ib
- ○bhára mf(ā)n. well compacted, solid RV
- dense, abundant ib
- easily carried or handled ŚBr
- well practised, Mahāvy
- = su-poṣa (-tā f.) ib
- ○bhava mfn. = uttama-janman VS. (Mahīdh.)
- m. N. of a king of the Ikshvākus MBh
- ○bhavas vḷ. for prec. TS
- ○bhavya mfn. very pretty or handsome Hcat
- ○bhasád mfn. having beautṭbeautiful buttocks, ? (in compar. ○sáttarā) RV
- ○bhāgá mf(ā́) n. fortunate, wealthy, rich RV
- (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Raudrāśva VP
- ○bhāgya mfn. very fortunate, enviable R
- ○bhājana n. a good receptacle or vessel of any kind Suśr
- ○bhānu mfn. shining beautifully or brightly Kauś. MBh
- m. N. of the 17th (or 51st) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBṛS
- of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- ○bhāvita mfn. well soaked Suśr
- ○bhāvi-tva n. the necessity of being good or excellent Buddh
- ○bhāṣaṇa m. N. of a son of Yuyudhan BhP
- ○bhāṣita mf(ā)n. spoken well or eloquently MBh
- speaking or discoursing well, eloquent ib
- m. a partic. Buddha L
- (am), n. good or eloquent speech, witty saying, good counsel MBh. Kāv. &c
- -kāvya n. -kaustubha m. N. of wks
- -gaveṣin m. N. of a king Buddh
- -candrikā f. -nīvii f. -prabandha m. -mañjarī f. N. of wks
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of good sayings Pañcat
- -muktâvali f. -ratna-kośa m. -ratna-saṃdoha m. -ratnâkara, mṆ. of wks
- -rasâsvāda-jāta-româñca-kañcuka mfn. having (as it were) armour consisting of bristling (or thrilling) hairs produced by tasting the flavour of delightful words MW. [Page 1230, Column]
- -śloka m. pl., -saṃgraha m. -samuccaya m. -sudhā, f. -sudhânanda-laharī f. -sura-druma m. -hārâvali, f
- ○târṇava m. ○tâvali f. N. of wks
- ○bhāṣin mfn. speaking friendly words MBh
- spoken mildly or gently Hariv
- ○bhā́s mfn. shining beautifully RV
- ○bhāsa m. N. of a Dānava Kathās
- of a son of Su-dhanvan VP
- ○bhāsvara mfn. shining brightly, radiant, splendid R
- m. pl. N. of a class of deceased ancestors VP
- ○bhikṣa mf(ā) n. having good food or an abundant supply of provisions ChUp. MBh. &c
- (ā), f. Lythrun Fructicosum or Grislea Tomentosa L
- (am). n. abundance of food (esp. that given as alms), abundant supply of provisions, plenty (opp. to dur-bh○) MBh. Kāv. &c
- -kara, -kārin, -kṛt
- ○kṣâvaha mfn. causing abundance of food or good times VarBṛS
- ○bhiṣaj (sú-), mfn. healing well (only superl. ○ṣak-tama) AV
- ○bhīta mfn. greatly afraid of (gen.) Pañcat
- ○bhīma mfn. very dreadful or terrible R
- m. N. of a malignant demon MBh
- (ā), f. N. of a wife of Kṛishṇa Hariv
- ○bhīraka or m. the Palāśa tree, Butea Frondosa L
- ○bhīrava m. the Palāśa tree, Butea Frondosa L
- ○bhīruka n. silver L
- ○bhukta mfn. well eaten Pāṇ. 6-2, 145 Sch
- ○bhuja mfn. having handsome arms Ragh
- (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras VP
- ○bhū́ mfn. (n. pl. mf. -bhvás) of an excellent nature, good, strong, beautiful &c. RV
- ○bhūtá mfn. well made or done (as food) Āpast
- (ā). f. that part of the frame enshrining the universal Spirit which faces the north ChUp
- (am), n. welfare, well-being AV. Br
- -kṛt mfn. causing welfare or part ĀpŚr
- ○bhūti (sú-), f. well-being, welfare
- m. N. of a lexicographer (also called -candra
- he wrote a Comm. on the Amara-kośa)
- of a Brāhman (son of Vasu-bhūti) Kathās
- of a teacher Buddh
- pāla m. N. of a man ib
- ○bhūtika m. AEgle Marmelos L
- ○bhūma in. N. of Kārtavirya (as the 8th Jaina Cakra-vartin or universal emperor) L
- ○bhūmi f. a good place Gobh
- m. N. of a son of Ugra-sena (cf. next) VP
- -pa m. N. of a son of Ugra-sena (v. l. su-bhūṣaṇa) Hariv
- ○bhūmika n. (or ā f.) N. of a place near the Sarasvati MBh
- ○bhūyas (sú-), mfn. much more, far more ŚBr
- ○bhūṣaṇa mf(ā)n. well adorned or decorated Kām
- m. See su-bhūmi-pa
- (ā), f. N. of a Kiṃnarī (cf. next) Kāraṇḍ
- -bhūṣitā f. N. of a Kiṃnari ib
- ○bhṛta (sú-), mfn. well borne or maintained, well cherished or protected RV
- well paid Kathās
- heavily laden VarBṛS
- ○bhṛśa mfn. very vehement, very much, exceeding (am ind. 'excessively') MBh. BhP
- ○bheṣaja (sú-), mfn. a good remedy AV. TS
- n. 'collection of remedies', N. of a Vedic book (perhaps the AV.) RPrāt
- ○bhaikṣa n. good alms, Hir
- ○bhairava mf(ī)n. very fearful W
- ○bhogā f. N. of a Dikkumārī Pārśvan
- ○bhogīna mf(ā)n. very fit to be enjoyed, very desirable Bhaṭṭ
- ○bhogya mf(ā)n. easy to be enjoyed Pañcat
- ○bhoja mfn. eating well MBh
- ○bhojana n. good food ib
- ○bhójas mfn. bountiful, generous, plentiful AV
- ○bhrāj (nom. -bhrāṭ) or m. 'shining brightly', N. of a son of Deva-bhrāj MBh
- ○bhrāja m. 'shining brightly', N. of a son of Deva-bhrāj MBh
- ○bhrātṛ m. a good brother Pāṇ. 5-4, 157 Sch
- ○bhru or f. a beautiful brow Amar. BhP
- ○bhrū f. a beautiful brow Amar. BhP
- mfn. (nom. sg. mf. [-bhr�Us] acc. mf. -bhruvam f. also [-bhr�Um]
- instr. f. -bhruvā
- dat. -bhruve or ○vai
- abl. -bhruvas or ○vās
- gen. pl. -bhrūvām or -bhrūṇām
- voc. sg. -bhrūs or generally -bhru, of. Vām. v, 2, 50) lovely-browed MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ūs), f. a (lṭlovely. browed) maiden ib
- N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- ([-bhr�U]) -nāsâkṣi-keśânta mfn. having handsome brows (and) nose (and) eyes (and) hair MBh
- suptá mfn. (fr. √svap
- for su-pta See p. 1228, col. 2) fallen asleep, slept, sleeping, asleep VS. &c. &c
- lain down to sleep (but not fallen asleep) R. v, 34, 10
- paralysed, numbed, insensible ( See comp.)
- closed (as a flower) Kālid
- resting, inactive, dull, latent BhP
- (am), n. sleep, deep or sound sleep Kāv. Kathās
- ○ghātaka mfn. killing a sleeping person, murderous L
- ○ghna m. 'id.', N. of a Rākshasa R
- ○cyuta mfn. fallen down in sleep Kathās
- ○jana m. a sleeping person MW
- 'having every one asleep', midnight (only in ○ne rātrau, 'at midnight') R
- -prâya mfn. having almost every one asleep MW
- ○jñāna n. 'perceiving in sleep', dreaming, a dream L
- ○tā f. [Page 1230, Column]
- ○tva n. sleepiness, numbness, insensibility (of a limb &c.) Suśr
- ○tvac mfn. 'having the skin be numbed', paralytic ib
- ○pūrva mfn. one who has slept before MBh
- ○prabuddha mfn. awakened from sleep Kathās
- ○pralapita n. pl. talking during sleep Kām. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 149 Sch.)
- ○māṃsa mfn. 'having the flesh benumbed', paralytic Suśr
- ○mālin m. N. of the 23rd Kalpa (q.v.)
- ○mīna mfn. (a pond) in which the fish are asleep Ragh
- ○vākya n. words spoken during sleep Pañcat
- ○vigraha mfn. 'having sleep for a body', appearing as sleep (said of Kṛishṇa) Pañcar
- ○vijñāna n. = -jñāna L
- ○vinidraka mfn. awaking from sleep Kathās
- ○stha or mfn. being in sleep, sleeping ib
- ○sthita mfn. being in sleep, sleeping ib
- suptâṅga mfn. one who has a limb benumbed (-tā f.) Suśr
- suptâsupta mfn. asleep and awake Mṛicch
- suptôttitha mfn. arisen from sleep Kāv. Kathās
- suptaka n. sleep (alīka- or vyāja-suptakaṃ-√kṛ, 'to feign sleep') Kathās
- supti f. sleep, (esp.) deep sleep Śaṃk. BhP. sleepiness, drowsiness Pratāp
- numbness, insensibility, paralysis Suśr
- carelessness, confidence (= viśrambha) L
- súplan m. N. of a person (having the patr. Sārñjaya) ŚBr
- su-phala &c. See p. 1229, col. l
- suphāliha suphāliha, or suphāhila, N. of a place Cat
- su-baddha su-bandha &c. See p. 1229, col. 1
- su-brahmaṇya su-brāhmaṇa, See p. 1229, col. 2
- subh cl. 9. 6. P. subhnāti, sumbhati, (prob.) to smother (only impf. asubhnan TS
- and pr. p. sumbhan Kāṭh.)
- cl. 1. 6. P. sobhati, subhati vḷ. for √śubh Dhātup. xi, 42
- subdha mfn. smothered TS
- subha mfn. (for su-bha See p. 1229, col. 2), often wṛ. for śubha
- su-bhakti -bhakṣya, See p. 1229, col. 2
- su-bhaga -bhaṅga &c. See p. 1229, cols. 2, 3
- subhāñjana m.= śobhâñjana, Moringa Pterygosperma L
- súbhvan vḷ. for subhvan (q.v.)
- su-ma m. (i.e. 5. su + 4. ma
- √3. mā) the moon L
- the sky, atmosphere L
- n. a flower (cf. su-manas) Cāṇ. Śatr
- sumâvali f. a garland of flowers ( See nīti-s○)
- su (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
- ○makha (sú-), mfn. very vigorous, very joyous or gay RV
- having good sacrifices Sāy
- n. a joyous festival or feast ib
- ○makhasya Nom. Ā. ○yate (only pr. p. ○yámāna), to be very joyous, make merry TS
- ○magadha m. pl. the happy Magadhas (am ind.) Pat. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 6
- (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Anātha-piṇḍika Buddh
- (ī), f. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra
- ○maṅgala mf(ī́ or ā)n. bringing good fortune, very auspicious RV. &c. &c
- wellconducted (= sad-ācāra) BhP
- m. N. of a preceptor Cat
- (ā), f. a partic. medicinal √L
- N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- of an Apsaras, Kāśikh
- of a woman Kathās
- of a river KālP
- (ī), f. (saṃjñāyām), g. gaurâdi
- n. an auspicious object BhP
- -nāman (○lá-), mfn. bearing an auspicious name ŚBr
- ○tâkhya-stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- ○maṅgā f. N. of a river VP
- ○maṇí mfn. well adorned with jewels AV
- m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh
- ○maṇḍala m. N. of a king MBh
- ○mát &c., See s.v
- ○mata m. N. of a man, g. naḍâdi
- ○matí f. good mind or disposition, benevolence, kindness, favour (acc. with √kṛ', to make any one the object of one's favour') RV. AV
- devotion, prayer ib
- the right taste for, pleasure or delight in (loc.) R
- mfn. very wise or intelligent Kāv. Pañcat
- well versed in (gen.) Kathās
- m. N. of a Daitya MBh. Hariv
- of a Ṛishi under Manu Sāvarṇa ib
- of a Bhārgava MārkP
- of an Ātreya Cat
- of a son or disciple of Sūta and teacher of the Purāṇas VP
- of a son of Bharata BhP
- of a son of Soma-datta ib
- of son of Su-pārśva Hariv. [Page 1230, Column]
- of a son of Janamejaya, Vp
- of a son of Dṛiḍha-sena BhP
- of a son of Nṛiga ib
- of a son of Ṛiteyu ib
- of a son of Vidūratha MārkP
- of the 5th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇi or the 13th Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī L
- of various other men Kāv. Kathās
- (also ī), f. N. of the wife of Sagara (mother of 60, 000 sons) R. Pur
- of a daughter of Kratu VP
- of the wife of Vishṇu-yaśas and mother of Kalkin KalkiP
- -bodha m. N. of wk. on music
- -bhadra m. N. of a man, Tantr
- -meru-gaṇi. m. -ratnârya m. N. of two preceptors Cat
- -reṇu m. N. of a serpent-demon Buddh
- -vijaya m. N. of an author Cat
- -śīla m. N. of a preceptor Buddh
- -svāmin m. N. of a man Inscr
- -harṣa m. N. of an author Cat
- ○tíndrajaya-ghoṣaṇa n. N. of a poem
- ○tī7ndra-yati m. N. of an author Cat
- ○tī-vṛ́dh mfn. delighting in prayer or devotion VS
- ○matīkṛta mfn. ( See 1. matya) well harrowed or rolled AitBr
- ○mada mfn. very drunk or impassioned W
- (ā), f. = next L
- ○dâtmajā f. 'daughter of intoxication or passion', an Apsaras L
- ○madana m. 'greatly delighting', the Mango tree L
- ○madra m. pl. the happy Madras (am ind.) Pat. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 6
- ○madhura mfn. very sweet or tender or gentle (am ind.) MBh. R. &c
- singing very beautifully (am ind.) MBh. BrahmaP
- m. a kind of potherb L
- very soothing or gentle speech &c. MW
- ○madhya mf(ā)n. good in the middle, containing good stuffing (as meat) R
- having a beautṭbeautiful waist, slender-waisted Hariv. Pur
- ○madhyama mf(ā)n. very middling or mediocre Kām
- slender waisted
- (ā), f. a graceful woman MBh. R. &c
- ○mana mfn. (prob. for -manas) very charming, beautiful, handsome L
- m. wheat L
- the thornapple L
- N. of a mythical being MBh
- of one of the 4 Bodhi-vṛiksha-devatās Lalit
- of a serpentdemon Buddh
- (ā), f. N. of various plants (accord. to L. 'great flowering jasmine, Rosa Glandulifera, or Chrysanthemum Indicum') Suśr. Mṛicch
- a spotted cow L
- N. of a Kaikeyī MBh
- of a wife of Dama MārkP
- ○manaḥ (for -manas) in comp
- -pattra n. (Suśr.), -pattrikā f. (L.) the outer skin of a nutmeg
- -phala m. Feronia Elephantum L
- n. nutmeg L
- ○manaka m. or n. (?) a flower Pañcar
- ○mánas mfn. good-minded, well-disposed, benevolent, gracious, favourable, pleasant, agreeable RV. AV. Gobh. KaṭhUp
- well pleased, satisfied, cheerful, easy, comfortable RV. &c. &c
- wise, intelligent Kāv. Kathās. m. a god Śiś. ŚārṅgP. (cf. -manokasa below)
- a good or wise man L
- N. of various plants (accord. to L. 'wheat, a kind of Karañja, Azadirachta Indica, Guilandina Bonduc') Suśr
- N. of a Dānava Hariv
- of a son of Uru and Āgneyī ib
- of a son of Ulmuka BhP
- of a son of Hary-aśva VP
- of various other men MBh. Hariv. Kathās
- (pl.) N. of a partic. class of gods under the 12th Manu Pur
- f. (pl. or in comp.) flowers Mn. MBh. &c
- great-flowering jasmine L
- N. of the wife of Madhu and mother of Vira-vrata BhP
- of various other women Kathās
- n. a flower Śatr
- ○manaska mfn. in good spirits, cheerful, happy Hcar
- (prob.) n. N. of a pleasure-grove Divyâv
- ○manasya Nom. Ā. ○yáte (only pr. p. ○yámāna), to be kind or gracious or favourable RV. AV. VS
- to be in good spirits or cheerful or comfortable ib. TBr. GṛŚrS
- ○manā-mukha mf(ī)n. having a cheerful face ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ○manāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become cheerful or happy, g. bhṛśâdi
- ○manāyana m. a patr. (perhaps wṛ. for saum○) Saṃskārak
- ○manâsya (or ○nâsya
- cf. -manā-mukha and -mano-m○), N. of a serpent-demon Hariv
- ○manī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make of good mind, make well-disposed Bhaṭṭ
- ○manī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to be of good mind ib
- ○mano (for -manas) in comp
- -"ṣkasa n. (fr su-manas + okas) the abode or world of gods (vḷ. ○nâukasa) Hariv
- -jñaghoṣa m. N. of a Buddha Lalit
- -"ṣttarā f. (fr. su-manas + utt○) N. of a woman and the story about her Pāṇ. 4-3, 87 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- -dāman n. a garland of flowers Mṛicch
- -bhara mfn. possessing or ornamented with flowers W
- -bhirāma mf(ā)n. very captivating or agreeable, lovely, charming R
- -mattaka, mṆ. of a man Rājat
- f. -maya mf(ī)n. 'consisting of flowers' and 'being of pious disposition', Srikaṇṭh
- -mukha m. N. of a serpentdemon MBh
- -rajas n. the pollen of a flower L
- -rañjinī f. N. of wk
- -latā f. a flowering creeper Sāh
- ○manorama mfn. very charming or lovely R
- (ā), f. N. of two wks
- ○manohara mf(ā)n. very captivating or charming, beautiful MBh. Pur. [Page 1231, Column]
- (ā), f. N. of a Comm. on the Kāvya-prakāśa
- ○manoharaṇa mf(ī)n. id. MW
- ○mántu mfn. easily known, well known RV. x, 12, 6 ; 64, 1
- m. friendly sentiment or invocation ib. i, 129, 7
- N. of a teacher (disciple of Vyāsa and author of a Dharma-śāstra) GṛS. MBh. &c
- of a king, Kṛishṇaj
- of a son of Jahnu VP
- -nāman (-mántu-), bearing a well-known name RV
- -sūtra n. -smṛti f. N. of wks
- ○mantra mfn. following good advice Kathās
- m. N. of a preceptor (having the patr. Bābhrava Gautama), IndSt
- of a minister and charioteer of Daśa-ratha R
- of a counsellor of Hari-vara Kathās
- of a son of Antarīksha VP
- = su-mantraka KalkiP
- -jña mfn. well versed in sacred texts MW
- ○mantraka m. N. of an elder brother of Kalki KalkiP
- ○mantrita mfn. well advised, wisely planned (am impers.) MBh. R
- n. good counsel (○taṃ-√kṛ, 'to take good cṭcounsel') MBh
- ○mantrin mfn. having a good minister ŚārṅgP
- ○manda mfn. very slow or dull
- (ā), f. N. of a partic. Śakti Pañcar
- (○da)-buddhi mfn. very dull-witted or much disheartened MBh
- -bhāj mfn. very unfortunate ib
- ○mánman n. pl. good wishes RV
- mfn. uttering good wishes or prayers, very devout ib
- ○manyu m. N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh
- of a liberal man ib
- ○mara n. (impers.) it is easy to die (or as subst., 'an easy death') R
- m. wind L
- ○marīcikā f. (scil. tuṣṭi
- in Sāṃkhya) N. of one of the 5 kinds of external acquiescence Tattvas
- ○mardita mfn. much harassed or afflicted MBh
- ○marmaga mfn. deeply penetrating the vital organs (said of an arrow) BhP
- ○marṣaṇa mfn. easy to be borne Kir
- ○malakā f. N. of a town Campak
- ○malina mfn. very dirty or polluted MBh
- ○mallika m. pl. N. of a people ib
- ○mahat (sú-), mfn. very great, huge, vast, abundant
- (at ind.) numerous Nir. MBh. &c
- = next RV. vii, 8, 2
- ○mahas mfn. (only in voc.) very glorious or sublime RV
- ○mahā (for mahat) in comp
- -kakṣa mfn. very highwalled MBh
- -kapi m. N. of a demon Hariv
- -tapas mfn. performing very severe penance or austerities, extremely austere MBh
- -tejas mfn. very splendid or glorious ib
- -"ṣtman (○hât○), mfn. very magnanimous ib
- -"ṣtyaya (○hât○), mfn. causing very great evil or destruction, very pernicious MBh
- -prâṇa mfn. possessing excessive bodily strength or vigour BhP
- -bala mf(ā)n. vigour strong or powerful MBh. Hariv
- -bāhu mfn. having vigour strong arms, very strong MBh
- -bhāga mfn. most excellent or glorious MBh
- -manas mfn. vigour high-minded ib
- -ratha m. a very great or noble hero ib
- -"ṣrha (○hâr○), mfn. vigour splendid Kathās
- -vega mf(ā)n. very quick in motion R
- -vrata mfn. one who has undertaken vigour solemn duties or vows MBh
- -sattva mfn. of vigour noble nature or character Hariv
- -svana m. 'very loud-sounding', N. of Śiva MBh
- ○hâujas mfn. very strong or powerful R
- ○hâuṣadha n. a herb of very strong efficacy Pañcat
- ○māgadha m. N. of a man R
- (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Anātha-piṇḍika Divyâv
- (ī), f. N. of a river in Magadha R
- ○māgadhaka Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 71 Vārtt. 17. - 1
- ○mātṛ f. a good or beautiful mother ( See saumātra)
- (○tṛ́), mfn. having a beautiful mother RV. - 2
- ○mātṛ m. a good measurer ( See saumātra)
- ○mānasa mfn. good-minded L
- ○mānikā f. N. of two metres Col
- ○mānin mfn. very proud or self-conceited (○ni-tā f.) MBh
- ○mānuṣa-vid mfn. one who knows men well JaimBr
- ○māyá mfn. (in Padap. for sū-m○) having excellent counsels or plans, very wise RV
- m. N. of a king of the Asuras Kathās
- of a Vidyā-dhara ib
- (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Maya ib
- ○māyaka m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara (= prec.) ib
- ○mā́ruta n. the good troop or band of the Maruts RV
- ○mārtsna (sú-), mfn. ( See mṛtsna) very small or minute or fine ŚBr
- ○mārdava n. extreme softness MW
- ○māla m. N. of a people MBh. (B. cola)
- ○mālatī f. N. of a metre Col
- ○māli or m. 'well-garlanded', N. of a Rākshasa R
- ○mālin m. 'well-garlanded', N. of a Rākshasa R
- of a monkey ib
- of a Brāhman (son of Veda-māli) Cat
- (inī), f. N. of a Gandharvii Kāraṇḍ
- ○mālya m. 'id.', N. of a son of Mahā-padma or Nanda Pur
- ○mālyaka m. 'id.', N. of a mountain Gol
- ○māṣa or mfn. possessing good beans Pāṇ. 6-2, 172 and 174 Sch. 1
- ○māṣaka mfn. possessing good beans Pāṇ. 6-2, 172 and 174 Sch. 1
- ○mita (sú-), mfn. (√3. mā) well measured out RV. 2
- ○mita (sú-), mfn. (√1. mi) well fixed ib
- ○miti (sú-), f. the being well fṭfixed ib
- ○mitrá mf(ā́)n. having good friends RV. TS. BhP. [Page 1231, Column]
- m. a good friend RV
- N. of a demon MBh
- of the author of RV. x, 69, 70 (with patr. Vādhryaśva) Anukr
- of the author of RV. x, 105 (with patr. Kautsa) ib
- of a king of the Sauviiras MBh
- of a king of Mithilā Buddh
- of a king of Magadha (father of the Arhat Su-vrata) Śatr
- of the charioteer of Abhimanyu MBh
- of a son of Gada Hariv
- of a son of Śyāma ib
- of a son of Śamīka (v. l. Samīka) BhP
- of a son of Kṛishṇa ib
- of a son of Vṛishṇi ib
- of a son of Agni-mitra Vās., Introd
- of a son of Su-ratha (the last of the race of the Ikshvākus), Bhp
- (ā), f. N. of a Yakshiṇī Kathās
- of one of the wives of Daśa-ratha (mother of Lakshmaṇa and Śatru-ghna) R. Ragh
- of the mother of Mārkaṇḍeya Cat
- of the mother of Jaya-deva ib
- (○tra) -dhas mfn. one who makes good friends MaitrS. VS. (śobhanāni mitrāṇi puṣyati Mahīdh.)
- -bhū m. N. of Sagara (as a Cakravartin) Jain
- of the 20th Arhat of the present era ib
- (○trā) -bhū or -tanaya m. 'son of Sumitrā', N. of Lakshmaṇa W
- ○mitryá mfn. having good friends RV. VS
- ○mīḍhá (or -mīḻhá), m. N. of a man RV
- of a son of Su-hotra MBh
- ○mīna m. pl. N. of a people MārkP
- ○mukta mfn. well thrown or hurled MBh
- ○mukha n. a good or beautiful mouth Pañcat
- a bright face (instr. = 'cheerfully') Kām
- mf(ī or ā)n. having a good or beautiful mouth, fair-faced, handsome Kāv. Kathās
- bright-faced, cheerful, glad MBh. R. &c
- inclined or disposed to (comp
- -tā f.) Hariv. Kāv. Par
- gracious, favourable, kind to (gen.) R. Car
- well pointed (as an arrow) MBh. Hariv
- having a good entrance (in this and other fig. senses the fem. is only ā) Siddh. Vop
- m. a learned man or teacher W
- N. of various plants (accord. to L. 'a kind of herb, Ocimum Basilicum Pilosum and another species' &c.) Suśr. Car
- a partic. gregarious bird (v. l. sumukhā) Car
- N. of Śiva MBh
- of Gaṇêśa L
- of a son of Garuḍa (a mythical bird) MBh
- of a son of Droṇa MārkP
- of a serpent-demon MBh
- of an Asura Hariv
- of a king of the Kiṃ-naras Kāraṇḍ
- of a Ṛishi MBh
- of a king (who perished through want of humility) Mn. vii, 41
- of a monkey R
- of a Haṃsa Jātakam
- pl. N. of a class of gods Buddh
- (ā), f. See m. above
- (ā or ī), f. a handsome woman W
- (ī), f. a mirror L
- a kind of metre Ked
- (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā Saṃgīt
- Clitoria Ternatea L
- Evolvulus Asinioides L
- N. of an Apsaras MBh. Hariv
- (am), n. the mark or scratch of a finger-nail L
- a kind of building Gal
- -sū m. 'father of Su-mukha', N. of Garuḍa L
- (○khī) -pañcâṅga n. N. of a Tantra wk
- ○mukhī-kṛta mfn. well tipped or pointed (as an arrow) MBh
- ○muṇḍīka m. N. of an Asura Kathās
- ○mudita mfn. delighted with (instr.), enjoying, possessing Hariv
- ○muṣita mfn. well cheated or deceived Divyâv
- ○muṣṭi m
- ○muṣṭikā f. Hoya Viridiflora L
- ○muhūrta (only loc. ○te), a lucky hour Siṃhâs
- mfn. occurring at a lucky hour MBh
- ○mūrti m. a partic. Gaṇa of Śiva Harav
- ○mūla m. Moringa Pterygosperma L
- (ā), f. Glycine Debilis L
- Hemionitis Cordifolia L
- ○mūlaka n. Daucus Carota, a carrot L
- ○mṛgá n. plenty of wild animals or game, good hunting AV
- ○mṛ́ḍīka (or -mṛ́ḻīka), mf(ā́)n. very compassionate or gracious RV. VS. AV
- m. N. of a man Cat
- n. pity, compassion AV
- ○mṛta mfn. stone-dead Mṛicch
- ○mṛtyu m. an easy death Pañcar
- ○mṛṣṭa mfn. well rubbed or polished, very bright or fine MBh. R. BhP
- very dainty Pañcat
- -puṣpâḍhya mfn. abounding in bright flowers MW
- -veṣa mfn. dressed in wellbrushed clothes ib
- ○méka mf(ā)n. (√1. mi) well fixed or established, firm, constant, unvarying RV. TS. ŚBr
- ○mekhala mfn. well girdled MW
- Muñja grass (which forms the Brāhmanical girdle) Bhpr
- ○megha m. 'well clouded', N. of a mountain R
- ○medhá mf(ā́)n. very nourishing, loamy (as pasture land) RV
- (-médha), prob. = next RV. x, 132, 7
- ○medhás mfn. (acc. sg. ásam or ā́m) having a good understanding, sensible, intelligent, wise RV. &c. &c
- m. N. of a Ṛishi under Manu Cākshusha Cat
- of a son of Veda-mitra ib
- pl. a partic. class of gods under the fifth Manu Pur
- a partic. class of deceased ancestors VP
- f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum L
- ○medhya mfn. very pure (in a ritual sense) R
- ○meru m. N. of a mountain (= meru, q.v.) R. Kālid. Buddh. (cf. MWB. 120)
- N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās
- of Śiva W
- mfn. very exalted, excellent ib. [Page 1231, Column]
- -jā f. 'sprung from Sumeru', N. of a river MārkP
- -vatsa m. N. of a serpent-demon Buddh
- ○mla mfn. (prob.) very weak or feeble Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 136
- sumaṅgā f. N. of a river VP
- sumát ind. (prob. for smat) together, along with (instr.) RV. (accord. to native authorities fr. 6. su + mat = kalyāṇa, śobhana, or = svataḥ, svayam)
- ○kṣara (○mát), mfn. oozing, juicy VS
- sumaj in comp. for sumat
- ○jani (○máj-), mfn. together with his wife RV
- sumad in comp. for sumat
- ○aṃsu (○mád-), mfn. together with the reins or harness ib
- ○gaṇa (○mád-), mfn. together with the troop or band, associated with (instr.) ib
- ○ga (○mád-), mfn. together with the team (?) AV
- sumatí-tsaru mfn. (said of a plough) TS. (cf. su-matī-√kṛ and 1. matya
- v. l. somapítsaru VS. Kāṭh., and somasátsaru AV.)
- su-madhura su-madhya &c. See p. 1230, col. 3
- sumāgandhā f. N. of a river (perhaps wṛ. for su-māgadhī) Kāraṇḍ
- su-mitra su-mukha, su-medhas, See cols. 1, 2
- sumná mfn. (prob. fr. 5. su and √mnā = man) benevolent, kind, gracious, favourable RV. x, 5, 3 ; 7
- (am), n. benevolence, favour, grace RV. TS
- devotion, prayer, hymn (cf. Gk. ?) RV
- [1231,] satisfaction, peace, joy, happiness ib
- N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○āpi (○ná-, for summé-āpi), mfn. near in favour, joined in affection (accord. to others a proper N. ) RV. x, 95, 6
- ○hū́ mfn. invoking favour or protection VS. TS
- sumnayā́ ind. devoutly, piously RV
- kindly, graciously AV
- sumn�āya Nom. P. ○yati (only p. [○n�Ayát]), to be gracious or favourable RV
- to be glad or cheerful, triumph ib
- sumn�āyú mfn. gracious, favourable RV. AV
- devout, pious ib
- sumnāvárī f. bringing favour or joy (applied to Ushas) RV
- sumnín mfn. gracious, favourable TS
- sumnyá mfn. deserving grace or favour MaitrS
- sumpaluṇṭha m. zedoary, Curcuma Zerumbet L
- sumbh See √subh, p. 1230, col. 2
- sumbha m. pl. N. of a people R
- sg. N. of a country (cf. śumbha-deśa) L
- summuni m. N. of a king Rājat
- su-yáj mfn. (i.e. 5. su + 2. yaj) worshipping or sacrificing well RV. VS
- f. a good or right sacrifice VS. TS. Br
- su (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
- ○yajus m. N. of a son of Bhumanyu MBh
- ○yajná mfn. sacrificing well or successfully RV
- m. a good or right sacrifice R
- N. of a preceptor GṛS
- of Utkala (son of Dhruva) Cat
- of a son of Ruci and Ākūti (an incarnation of Vishṇu) BhP
- of a son of Vasishṭha (and counsellor of Daśa-ratha) R
- of a son of Antara Hariv
- of a king of the Uśīnaras BhP
- of an author Hcat
- (ā), f. N. of the wife of Mahā-bhauma (a descendant of Prasenajit) MBh
- ○yata (sú-), mfn. well restrained or governed or guided RV
- well bound or fettered AV
- ○tâtma-vat m. 'having the mind well controlled', N. of a Ṛishi MBh
- ○yántu mfn. curbing or guiding well (as reins) RV
- ○yantrita mfn. fast bound (-tva n.) Pañcat
- well restrained or governed or self-controlled Mn. MBh. &c
- ○yabhyā (sú-), f. to be well embraced (sexually) AV
- ○yáma mf(ā)n. easy to be guided, tractable (as a horse &c.) RV. TBr
- easy to be restrained or controlled or kept in order, well regulated RV. AV. VS
- m. pl. a partic. class of gods BhP
- (ā), f. the Priyaṅgu plant L
- ○yávasa mf(ā)n. (in Padap. for sū-y○) having good pasturage, abounding in grass RV
- m. N. of a man (cf. sauyavasi)
- n. beautiful grass, good pasturage (e ind. 'when there is good pasturage') RV. TS. ŚBr. BhP
- ○sấd mfn. eating good grass RV
- ○sín mfn. having good pasturage ib
- ○sôdaka mfn. abounding in good pasturage and water MBh. [Page 1232, Column]
- ○syú mfn. desirous of good pasturage RV
- ○yavasu m. N. of a Ṛishi ĀrshBr. Sch
- ○yaśa mfn. = -yaśas below MW
- (ā), f. N. of a wife of Parīkshit ib
- of an Apsaras VP
- ○yaśas n. glorious fame Bcar
- (sú-), mfn. very famous (compar. -tara) SV. BhP
- m. N. of a son of Aśoka-vardhana Pur
- f. N. of a wife of Divo-dāsa Hariv
- of the mother of an Arhat L
- ○yaṣṭavya m. N. of a son of Manu Raivata MārkP
- ○yāti m. N. of a son of Nahusha Hariv
- ○yāmá mfn. binding or restraining well (as reins) RV
- m. N. of a Deva-putra Lalit
- pl. a partic. class of gods MBh
- ○yāman m. (with cākṣuṣa) a partic. personification AV
- ○yāmuna m. a palace L
- a kind of cloud L
- N. of Vishṇu L
- of a king (= vatsa) L
- of a mountain Hariv
- ○yā́śu f. (a female) who receives excessive sexual embraces (comp. -tarā) RV. x, 86, 6
- ○yukta mfn. well joined, harmoniously combined MW
- well composed, attentive MaitrUp
- very fit R
- very auspicious R
- ○yukti f. a good appliance or contrivance MW
- good argument Cat
- ○yúj mfn. well joined or yoked (-yúk ind.) RV
- well placed or fixed ib. AV
- ○yuta mfn. well accompanied by, well furnished or provided with MW
- ○yuddha n. a wellfought war or battle Mn. MBh. &c
- fair fighting MBh. Hariv
- ○yoga m. a favourable juncture, good opportunity MW
- ○yojita mfn. well combined or prepared (as food) R
- ○yodhana m. 'fighting well', euphemistic N. of Dur-yodhana (q.v.) MBh
- ○rakta mf(ā)n. well coloured, deeply dyed W
- strongly affected or impassioned ib
- deep red, crimson Kāv
- very lovely or charming R
- ○raktaka m. a kind of Mango tree, Mangifera Sylvatica L
- a sort of red or golden chalk L
- ○rakṣa m. 'good protector', N. of a Muni Cat
- of a mountain MārkP
- ○rakṣaṇa n. careful protection W
- ○rakṣita mfn. well protected, carefully guarded PārGṛ. MBh. &c
- m. N. of a man Kathās
- ○rakṣin m. a good or faithful guardian Kathās
- ○rakṣya mfn. easy to be preserved MW
- ○raṅga m. (for sur○ See s.v.) a good colour or dye W. 'bright-coloured', the orange tree Subh
- a kind of fragrant grass W
- crystal ib
- (ā), f. a partic. plant (= kaivartikā) L
- (ī), f. Leea Hirta L
- a Moringa with red flowers L
- (am), n. red sanders W
- vermilion L
- -da m. 'yielding a good colour', red sanders W
- Caesalpinia Sappan L
- -dhātu m. red chalk L
- -dhūlī f. the pollen of the orange tree Subh
- ○raṅgikā f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana L
- ○rajanī f. night L
- ○rajas mfn. having good or much pollen, g. bhṛśâdi
- ○jaḥ-phala m. the jack-fruit tree L
- ○jāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to produce good or much pṭpasturage, g. bhṛśâdi
- ○rañjana m. the betelnut tree L
- ○ráṇa mf(ā)n. joyous, gay RV
- (ā), f. N. of a river VP
- (am), n. joy, delight RV
- ○rata
- mfn. sporting, playful Uṇ. v, 14 Sch
- compassionate, tender L
- m. N. of a mendicant Buddh
- (ā), f. a wife Hariv. (Sch.)
- N. of an Apsaras MBh
- (am), n. great joy or delight ib
- (ifc. f. ā) amorous or sexual pleasure or intercourse, coition Kāv. Kathās. &c
- -keli f. amorous sport or dalliance Cat
- -krīḍā f. id. Kathās
- -gahvarā f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs
- -glāni f. exhaustion from sexual intercourse Megh
- -janita mfn. produced by sexual intṭintercourse ib
- -tālī f. a female messenger, go-between L
- a chaplet, garland for the head L
- -nivṛtti f. cessation of sexṭsexual intṭintercourse Cat
- -pradīpa m. a lamp burning during sexṭsexual intṭintercourse Kum
- -prabhā f. N. of a woman Kathās
- -prasaṅga m. addiction to sexṭsexual intṭintercourse MW
- -prasaṅgin mfn. addicted to sexṭsexual intṭintercourse Ṛitus
- -priya mfn. id. VarBṛS
- N. of a woman Dhūrtas
- -bandha m. a kind of coition L
- -bheda m. a kind of coition Cat
- -mañjarī f. N. of a daughter of the Vidyā-dhara Mataṃga-deva and of the 16th Lambaka of the Kathā-sarit-sāgara (called after her)
- -mṛdita mfn. worn out by sexual intṭintercourse Bhartṛ
- -raṅgin mfn. (for sura-t○ See p. 1234, col. 2), delighting in or addicted to sexual intercourse Subh
- -varṇana n. description of sexṭsexual intercourse Cat
- -vārarātri f. a night fit for sexṭsexual intṭintercourse Ragh
- -vidhi m. performance or rule or mode of sex intṭintercourse VarBṛS
- -viśeṣa m. a partic. kind of sexṭsexual intṭintercourse Kir
- -vyāpārajāta-śrama mfn. wearied by addiction to sexṭsexual intṭintercourse Subh
- -sambhoga m. enjoyment of sexṭsexual intṭintercourse Vet
- -saukhya n. the pleasure of sexṭsexual intṭintercourse ib
- -stha mfn. engaged in sexṭsexual intṭintercourse Kathās
- ○tôtsava m. the joy of sexual intṭintercourse Subh
- ○tôtsuka mfn. desirous of sexṭsexual intṭintercourse VarBṛS
- ○tôpacāra-kuśala mfn. skilled in sexṭsexual intṭintercourse ib
- ○rati f. great enjoyment or delight MW. [Page 1232, Column]
- -miśra m. N. of the author of the Alaṃkāra-mālā
- ○rátna mf(ā)n. possessing rich jewels or treasures RV
- ○rátha mfn. having a good chariot, a good charioteer RV
- yoked to a good chariot (as horses) ib
- consisting in good chariot (as wealth) ib
- m. a good chariot MBh
- 'having a good chariot', N. of various kings, (e.g.) of the father of Koṭikâsya MBh
- of a son of Dru-pada ib
- of a son of Jayadratha ib
- of a son of Su-deva R
- of a son of Janam-ejaya Hariv
- a son of Adhiratha Cat
- of a son of Jahnu VP
- of a son of Kurṇḍaka ib
- of a son of Raṇaka BhP
- of a son of Caitra BrahmaP
- (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras Hariv
- of a river MārkP
- (am), n. N. of a Varsha in Kuśa-dvipa MārkP
- -deva m. N. of a messenger Kathās
- -vijaya m. N. of a ch. of the PadmaP
- ○thâkāra n. N. of a Varsha MBh
- ○thôtsava m. N. of a poem
- ○randhaka and N. of a place Pañcar
- ○randhra N. of a place Pañcar
- ○rabhi
- ○rabhita See s.v
- ○rasa mf(ā)n. rich in water Bhām
- well-flavoured, juicy, sapid, savoury R. VarBṛS. Vās
- sweet, lovely, charming Kathās. Bhām
- elegant (as composition) W
- m. Vitex Negundo L
- Andropogon Schonanthus L
- the resin of Gossampinus Rumphī L
- N. of a serpentdemon MBh
- of a mountain MārkP
- m. n. and (ā), f. holy basil Hcar. L
- (ā), f. N. of various plants (Anethum Panmori
- Vitex Negundo
- a kind of jasmine
- = rāsnā &c.) L
- a kind of metre Col
- (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇī Saṃgīt
- N. of Durgā L
- of a daughter of Daksha (wife of Kaśyapa and mother of the Nāgas) MBh. R. &c
- of an Apsaras MBh. Hariv
- of a daughter of Raudrāśva Hariv
- of a river Pur
- (ī), f. a partic. plant Vāgbh
- n. (only L.) resin
- fragrant grass
- gum-myrrh
- Cassia bark
- -saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- ○sâgraja n. (prob.) = next Suśr
- ○sâgraṇī m. white basil L
- ○sâcchada m. (prob.) the leaf of the white basil Suśr
- ○sâṣṭa n. a collective N. of 8 plants (viz. Nirguṇṭī, Tulasī, Brāhmī &c.) L
- ○rahas n. a very lonely place (also ○haḥ-sthāna n.) Pañcar
- ○rājaka m. a kind of plant (= bhṛṅga-rāja), m
- ○rājan m. a good king Pāṇ. 5-4, 69 Sch
- a divinity MW
- mfn. having a good king L
- (○jñī), f. N. of a village Pāṇ. 4-1, 29 Sch
- ○rājam-bhava n. the possibility of being a king Śiś
- ○rāji m. N. of a man R
- ○rājikā f. a small (white) house-lizard L
- ○rāṇāyanīya m. pl. N. of a school, IndSt
- ○rātí mfn. rich in gifts RV
- ○rātri f. a fine night W
- ○rā́dhas mfn. granting good gifts, liberal, bountiful RV
- receiving rich gifts, wealthy ib
- m. N. of a Ṛishi (having the patr. Vārshāgira and author of RV. i, 100) Anukr
- of a man ĀrshBr
- ○rā́man mfn. very delightful, delicious VS
- ○rāva m. N. of a horse MBh
- ○rāṣṭra (sú-), mf(ā)n. having good dominion &c. TS
- m. N. of a country on the western side of India (commonly called Surat) MBh. Hariv. &c
- of a minister of Daśa-ratha RāmatUp
- (pl.) the country or the inhabitants of Surat MBh. R. &c
- (ā), f. N. of a town (prob. 'the capital of Surat') AV. Pariś
- (○ṣṭra)-ja mf(ā)n. born or produced in Surat MārkP
- m. a sort of black bean L
- a kind of poison L
- (ā), f. a sort of fragrant earth L
- n. id. L
- -brahma m. a Brāhman of Surat Pāṇ. 5-4, 104 Sch
- -viṣaya m. the country of Surat Hariv
- -sauviiraka m. du. the countries of Surat and Su-viira R
- ○ṭrâdhipati m. a king of Surat MBh
- ○ṭrâvanti m. pl. the inhabitants or the countries of SṭSurat and Avanti ib
- ○ṭrôdbhavā f. alum Suśr
- ○ri See su-rai
- ○rukmá mfn. beautifully shining or adorned RV. VS
- ○rúc f. bright light RV
- mfn. shining brightly ib. BhP
- m. N. of a man MBh
- ○ruci f. great delight in (loc.) ŚārṅgP. (v. l.)
- m. N. of a Gandharva king Hariv
- of a Yaksha BhP. (Sch.)
- f. N. of a wife of Dhruva and mother of Uttama Pur
- ○rucira mf(ā)n. shining brightly, radiant, splendid, beautiful MBh. R. &c
- ○ruja mfn. very sick, unwell W
- ○rūḍha mfn. standing well up or out, very prominent or projecting ib
- ○rūpá mf(ā)n. well-formed, handsome, beautiful RV. &c. &c
- wise, learned L
- m. N. of Śiva MBh
- of an Asura Hariv
- (pl.) a class of deities under Manu Tāmasa Pur
- (ā), f. N. of various plants (Glycine Debilis
- Jasminum Sambac &c.) L
- of an Apsaras Hariv
- of the daughter of a serpentdemon Kathās
- of a mythical cow MBh
- (am), n. the mulberry tree L
- N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- -kṛtnú mfn. forming beautiful things RV
- -tā f. beauty, splendour Hariv. Kāv. Pur
- -varṣa-varṇa mfn. beautifully coloured like a rainbow TS
- ○rūpaka mf(ikā)n. well-formed, beautiful AgP. [Page 1232, Column]
- ○rūhaka m. 'easily mounted', a horse resembling an ass L
- ○rékṇas mfn. having beautiful property, rich in possessions RV
- ○rekha mf(ā)n. forming beautiful lines Kathās. Prasannar
- (ā), f. a beautiful line VarBṛS. Kathās
- N. of a woman Vās. Pracaṇḍ
- ○reṇu m. a sort of atom (= trasareṇu) Uṇ. iii, 38 Sch
- N. of an ancient king Buddh
- f. N. of a daughter of Tvashṭṛi (wife of Vivasvat) Hariv
- of a river (sometimes regarded as one of the seven Sarasvatīs) MBh
- -puṣpa-dhvaja m. N. of a king of the Kiṃ-naras Buddh
- ○rétas mfn. having much semen, potent RV. VS. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○to-dhas (or -dhā), mfn. bestowing potency or virility PañcavBr. KātyŚr
- ○rebha mfn. (for surêbha See p. 1235, col. 2) fine-sounding, fine-voiced Kir. xv, 16
- n. tin L
- ○rai mfn. (nom. -rās, -ri) very, rich Vop
- ○rocana mfn. (used in explaining su-rukma) Nir. viii, 11
- m. N. of a son of Yajña-bāhu BhP
- (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- n. N. of the Varsha ruled by Yajña-bāhu BhP
- ○rocis m. N. of a son of Vasishṭha ib
- ○rodha m. N. of a son of Taṃsu Hariv. (v. l.)
- ○rodhas m. N. of a man Pravar
- ○roman m. 'fine-haired', N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- ○roṣa mfn. very angry, much enraged R
- ○roṣaṇa m. 'id.', N. of a warrior Kathās
- ○roha m. N. of a king of Cīna ib
- ○rohikā f. N. of a woman, g. śivâdi,
- ○rohiṇī f. beautifully red ĀpŚr
- ○rohitikā f. N. of a woman, g. śivâdi
- ○lakkaṇa m. (prob. Prākṛit for -lakṣaṇa) N. of a man Rājat
- ○lakṣa mf(ā)n. having good or auspicious marks, fortunate GopBr
- ○lakṣaṇa mfn. id. R. Kathās
- (ā), f. N. of a wife of Kṛishṇa Pañcar
- of a friend of Umā L
- of the wife of Caṇḍa-ghosha Daś
- of another woman Viddh
- (am), n. the act of observing or examining carefully, ascertaining, determining W
- a good or auspicious mark or characteristic MBh
- -tva n. the having auspicious marks or chṭcharacteristic Kathās
- -śūnyatā f. the absence of auspicious marks Buddh
- -sāra m. N. of a Tantra wk
- ○lakṣita mfn. well examined, well determined or ascertained Mn. viii, 403
- ○lagna mfn. firmly clinging to (loc.) Jātakam
- firmly adhering Hcar
- m. or n. an auspicious moment ( See lagna) Kathās
- ○laṅghita mfn. one who has been made to fast properly ( See √laṅgh) Suśr
- ○labha mf(ā)n. easy to be obtained or effected, easily accessible or attainable, feasible, easy, common, trivial MBh. Kāv. &c
- fit or suitable for, answering to (mostly comp.), useful, advantageous Kāv. Kathās. &c
- wṛ. for su-bhaga Vikr. ii, 6
- m. the fire at a domestic sacrifice L
- N. of a man Buddh
- (ā), f. sacred basil L
- Glycine Debilis L
- Jasminum Sambac L
- = dhūmra-pattrā L
- N. of a female teacher GṛS
- of a female mendicant MBh
- (○bha) -kopa mfn. easily irascible Śak
- -tva n. the state of being easily attained &c., frequency, triviality, cheapness VarBṛS. Mālav. (in a-sul○)
- ○bhâvakāśa mfn. easily gaining room or admission Śak
- ○bhī-bhāva m. = ○bhatva (acc. with √bhaj, 'to be common or trivial') Kāv
- ○bhêtara mfn. other than easy to be attained &c., difficult, rare, dear Mālav
- ○labhya mfn. easy to be obtained R
- ○lalāṭa mf(ā)n. having a beautiful forehead ib
- ○lalika m. a partic. mixed caste L
- ○lalita mf(ā)n. very playful or wanton or charming MBh. Kāv. &c
- greatly pleased or happy W
- (am), ind. very sportively or wantonly, with delight, easily ib
- latā-pallava-maya mf(ī)n. consisting of young sprouts of beautiful creepers Bhartṛ
- -vistara m. the beautiful Lalita-vistara (q.v.) Lalit
- ○lavaṇa mf(ā)n. well salted Suśr
- (ā), f. Coix Barbata L
- ○lasa m. N. of a man HYog
- ○lābha mfn. = -labha Pāṇ. 7-1, 68
- ○lābhikā f. easy to be won RV
- ○lābhin m. N. of a man, g. gargâdi
- ○likhita mfn. well written down, well registered Suśr
- ○lulita mfn. moving playfully or pleasantly to and fro Suśr
- greatly hurt or injured MBh
- ○lū mfn. one who cuts well Vop
- (as subst.) a partic. position in dancing (v. l. sunū) Saṃgīt
- ○lekha mfn. having or forming auspicious lines VarBṛS
- ○locana mf(ā)n. fine-eyed, having beautiful eyes MBh. Rājat
- m. a deer L
- N. of a Daitya Hariv
- of a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra (accord. to some of Dur-yodhana) MBh
- of a Buddha Lalit
- of the father of Rukmiṇī Cat
- (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras Hariv
- of a Yakshiṇī Kathās
- of the wife of king Mādhava PadmaP
- of various other women Daś. Kathās
- ○loma mfn. fine-haired, having beautiful hair or down R
- (ā), f. N. of two plants (= tāmra-vallī or māṃsa-rohiṇī) L. [Page 1233, Column]
- ○lomadhi m. N. of a king BhP. (v. l.)
- ○loman mfn. -loma Pāṇ. 6-2, 177
- ○lomaśa mfn. having good hair or down, very hairy or downy MW
- (ā), f. the plant Leea Hirta L
- ○lola mfn. ardently desirous of (comp.) Gīt
- ○loha n. a kind of good iron L
- ○lohaka m. n. 'good metal', brass L
- ○lohita m. a beautiful red colour MW
- mfn. very red L
- (ā), f. N. of one of the seven tongues of fire MuṇḍUp. MārkP
- ○lohin m. N. of a man, g. gargâdi
- ○vaṃśa m. 'having a good pedigree', N. of a son of Vasu-deva BhP
- -ghoṣa mfn. sounding pleasantly like a flute Hariv
- ○śêkṣu m. a kind of sugar-cane L
- ○vaktra n. a good mouth or face MW
- good utterance or intonation Śiksh
- mfn. having a handsome mouth or face (said of Śiva) MBh
- having good organs of pronunciation Śiksh
- m. a kind of plant (= su-mukha) L
- N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh
- of a son of Dantavaktra Hariv
- ○vakṣas mfn. having a handsome breast Uṇ. iv, 226 Sch
- m. N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi
- ○vaca mfn. easy to be said Nyāyas. Sch
- (ā), f. 'speaking well', N. of a Gandharvii Kāraṇḍ
- ○vacana n. good speech, eloquence Subh
- mfn. speaking well, eloquent L
- (ī), f. N. of a goddess L
- ○vacas mfn. = prec. L
- ○vacasyā́ f. a beautiful verse or hymn RV
- ○vájra mfn. having an excellent thunderbolt RV
- ○vajrin mfn. id. Lāṭy
- ○vatsā f. N. of a Dik-kumārī Pārśvan
- ○vadana mf(ā)n. having a handsome or beautiful face Kālid. VarBṛS
- m. a kind of plant (= sumukha) L
- (ā), f. a beautṭbeautiful woman Ṛitus
- a kind of metre Chandom
- N. of a woman Veṇis
- ○vapus f. 'having a handsome body', N. of an Apsaras VP
- ○vayas f. a hermaphrodite L
- ○varatrá mfn. having good thongs RV
- ○varūtha or mfn. having a good protecting ledge (as a chariot) R
- ○varūḍthin mfn. having a good protecting ledge (as a chariot) R
- ○varga mfn. (for suv○ See p. 1236, col. 2) having good society MW
- ○varcaka m. natron, alkali L
- N. of an ancient sage (= varca) MBh. (Nīlak.)
- (ikā), f. natron Suśr
- a kind of plant (cf. su-varjikā) L
- ○varcala m. N. of a country W
- (ā), f. Ruta Graveolens Vas. MBh. Suśr
- linseed, Linum Usitatissimum L
- hemp, Polanisia Icosandra L
- = tri-saṃdhyā Kauś. Sch
- N. of the wife of the Sun MBh. R
- of Śiva (as a manifestation of the Sun) Pur
- of the wife of Parameshṭhin and mother of Pratîha BhP
- of the wife of Pratîha ib
- ○várcas mfn. full of life or vigour, fiery, splendid, glorious RV. &c. &c
- m. N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh
- of one of Skanda's attendants ib
- of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra ib
- of a son of the tenth Manu Hariv
- of a son of Khanī-netra MBh
- of a Brāhman ib
- of a brother of Bhūti MārkP
- ○varcasa mfn. fiery, splendid, radiant TUp. MBh
- m. N. of Śiva MBh
- ○varcasin m. N. of Śiva (cf. prec.) MBh
- natron, alkali L
- ○varcaska mfn. splendid, brilliant Hariv
- ○varcin m. natron MW
- ○varjikā f. a kind of plant (cf. su-varcikā) Car
- ○varṇa &c., See s.v
- ○vartita mfn. well turned or rounded R
- well arranged or contrived MBh
- ○tôru mfn. having round thighs Dharmas. 83
- ○vartula m. a water-melon L
- Gardenia Enneandra L
- ○vartman n. the right path or course Pañcar
- mfn. following the right pasturage or course Suśr
- ○vardhayitṛ mfn. increasing well (used in explaining su-vṛdh) Sāy
- ○várman n. good armour AV
- m. 'having good armour', N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh
- ○varṣa mf(ā)n. raining well ŚāṅkhGṛ
- m. a good rain R
- N. of a teacher, pl. his school (also ○ṣaka) Buddh
- ○valg mfn. jumping well Vop
- ○vallarī f. a partic. creeping plant L
- ○valli f. Vernonia Anthelminthica L
- (ī), f. id. L
- another plant (= kaṭvii) ib
- [(Śli)-ja] n. a bulb L
- ○vallikā f. Vernonia Anthelminthica L
- a red-colouring Oldenlandia L
- ○vaśa m. N. of a man VP
- ○vaśya mfn. easy to be subdued or controlled R
- ○vas mfn. (prob.) covering or clothing well Vop. - 1
- ○vasaná mf(ā)n. (√4. vas) = prec. RV
- well dressed or clothed ChUp. - 2
- ○vasaná n. (√5. vas) a good dwelling RV. vi, 51, 4
- N. of a place Pañcar
- ○vasanta m. a beautiful spring season ŚāṅkhGṛ
- the day of full moon in the month Caitra L
- a festival in honour of Kāma-deva in the moon CṭCaitra L
- ○vasantaka m. a partic. festival (= prec.) L
- Gaertnera Racemosa L
- ○vasu (?), f. N. of an Apsaras L
- ○vastu-sampad mfn. having abundant wealth Daś
- ○vastra mf(ā)n. well clothed MBh
- (ā), f. N. of a river VP
- ○vah (strong form -vāh), mfn. drawing or carrying well Hcat
- ○vaha mfn. id. L. [Page 1233, Column]
- easy to be drawn or carried L
- carrying well, bearing well, patient W
- m. a partic. wind Gol
- N. of various plants (Vitex Negundo
- Cissus Pedata
- Boswellia Thurifera &c.) L
- a Vīṇā or lute W
- ○váhni mfn. having a good team (as a chariot) AV
- ○váhman mfn. driving well, a good charioteer (said of Indra) RV
- ○vākya mfn. speaking well, eloquent MBh
- ○vāgmin mfn. very eloquent R
- ○vā́c mfn. id. RV. AV
- worth mentioning, praiseworthy RV. iii, 1, 19
- sounding beautifully MW
- making a loud noise ib
- m. N. of a keeper of the Soma (v. l. svāna) MaitrS
- of a Brāhman MBh
- of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra ib
- ○vā́cas mfn. very eloquent RV
- ○vācya mfn. easy to be read MW
- ○vājin mfn. beautifully feathered (as an arrow) Hariv
- (○ji)-vāpu (?), m. N. of an author, IndSt
- ○vātā (?), f. N. of an Apsaras L
- ○vātra n. N. of a Sāman, IndSt
- ○vāditra n. beautiful music Hariv
- ○vānta mfn. (a leech) that his well vomited (i.e. disgorged sucked blood) Suśr
- ○vāmā f. N. of a river MBh
- ○vār mfn. having beautiful water MW
- ○vārttā f. good news MW
- N. of a wife of Kṛishṇa Hariv
- ○vāla mfn. having beautṭbeautiful hair on the tail (said of an elephant) VarBṛS
- ○vāladhi m. having a beautiful tail (as a cow) MBh
- -khura mf(ā)n. having a beautiful tail and hoofs (as a cow) ib
- ○vālukā f. Hoya Viridiflora L. - 1
- ○vāsa m. (√5. vas) a beautiful dwelling MW. - 2
- ○vāsa m. (√2. vās) an agreeable perfume W. - 3
- ○vāsa m. (√4. vas) 'well clad', N. of Śiva MBh
- a kind of metre Col
- -kumāra or ○raka m. N. of a son of Kaśyapa Kathās
- ○vāsaka m. a water-melon L
- ○vāsana m. pl. N. of a class of gods under the tenth Manu BhP
- ○vāsarā f. cress Bhpr
- ○vā́sas mfn. having beautṭbeautiful garments, well dressed RV. &c. &c
- well feathered (as an arrow) MBh
- ○vāsita mfn. well scented or perfumed Hariv. Pañcar
- ○vāsin mfn. dwelling in a comfortable or respectable abode W
- (inī), f. a woman married or single who resides in her father's house (cf. sva-v○) Gaut. Mn. Yājñ. (v. l.) &c
- a term of courtesy for a respectable woman whose husband is alive MW
- ○vā́stu f. N. of a river (Gk. ?
- the [1233,] modern Suwad) RV. MBh. Pur
- m. pl. the inhabitants of the country near the river Suvāstu VarBṛS
- ○vāstuka m. N. of a king MBh
- ○vāha mfn. easy to be borne (meaning also 'having beautiful horses' and 'having handsome arms'
- cf. bāha) Vās
- m. a good stallion ib
- N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh
- ○vāhana m. N. of a Muni Cat
- ○vikrama mfn. having a beautiful gait R
- very courageous or energetic or brave MBh
- m. great prowess or valour W
- N. of a son of Vatsa-prī MārkP
- ○vikrānta mfn. very valiant or heroic, bold, chivalrous ŚārṅgP
- m. a hero W
- n. valour, heroism MBh
- -vikramaṇa-paripṛcchā f. N. of a Buddhist wk
- -vikramin or -vikrāmin m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○viklava mfn. very pusillanimous or irresolute MBh
- ○viguṇa mfn. destitute of all virtues or merits, very wicked ib
- ○vigraha mfn. having a beautiful body or figure Kām. Mṛicch
- m. N. of a messenger Kathās
- ○vicakṣaṇa mfn. very clever, well discerning, skilful, wise Kām. Subh
- ○vicāra m. good or deliberate consideration W
- N. of a man Cat
- ○vicārita mfn. well weighed, deliberately considered ŚārṅgP
- ○vicārya ind. having well deliberated
- -kārin mfn. acting after due deliberation Hit
- ○vicita mfn. well searched through R
- well examined Āpast
- ○vijñāná mfn. easy to be distinguished RV
- well discerning, very clever or wise Pañcat
- ○vijñāpaka mfn. easy to be taught or instructed Lalit
- ○vijñeya mfn. well discernible, easy to be distinguished KaṭhUp
- N. of Śiva MBh
- ○vita See s.v
- ○vitata mfn. well spread (as a net) MBh
- ○vitala m. a partic. form of Vishṇu W
- ○vittá n. great wealth or property TBr
- mfn. very rich or wealthy Pañcat
- ○vitti m. N. of a divine being Cat. - 1
- ○vid m. (√1. vid) 'knowing well', a Jina Gal
- f. a shrewd or clever woman L. 2
- ○vid m. (√3. vid) procuring or granting well (in viśva-suvid, q.v.)
- ○vida m. 'very knowing', an attendant on the women's apartments (= sauvida) L
- a king, prince (cf. su-vidat) L
- a partic. tree (= tilaka) L
- ○vidagdha mfn. very cunning, astute Ratnâv
- ○vidat m. a king L
- ○vidátra mfn. very mindful, benevolent, propitious RV. AV
- n. grace, favour ib
- wealth, property Nir. vii, 9
- household Uṇ. iii, 108 Sch
- ○vidatríya mfn. propitious, gracious, favourable RV. [Page 1233, Column]
- ○vidarbha m. pl. N. of a people VP
- ○vidalla n. the women's apartments L
- (ā), f. a married woman L
- ○vidita (sú-), mfn. well known or understood ŚBr. Mn. MBh
- ○vidīrṇa mfn. much torn or split, greatly expanded MW
- n. (prob.) a great fight or slaughter MBh. i, 5552
- ○viddha mfn. well pierced or incised (as a vein) Suśr
- ○vidyā f. good knowledge Kāv
- ○vidyut m. N. of an Asura Cat
- ○vidvas (sú-), mfn. very intelligent or wise RV
- ○vidha mfn. of a good kind or nature Subh
- (am), ind. in an easy way, easily W
- ○vidhāna n. good order or arrangement (-tas ind. 'in right order, properly, duly') Kām
- mfn. well arranged or contrived L
- ○vidhi m. a good rule or ordinance (instr. 'in the right manner, properly') Kathās
- (with Jainas) N. of the 9th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L
- ○vinaya mfn. well educated or disciplined Lalit
- ○vinaṣṭa mfn. quite disappeared or vanished R
- quite worn out or emaciated ib
- ○vinirmala mfn. quite spotless or pure Hariv
- ○viniścaya m. a very firm resolution R
- ○viniścita mfn. thoroughly convinced SaddhP
- ○vinīta mf(ā)n. well trained (as horses) Kām
- properly behaved, very modest Pañcar
- well executed MBh
- (ā), f. a tractable cow L
- ○vineya mfn. easy to be trained or educated Lalit
- ○vinyasta mfn. well spread out or extended R
- ○vipina mfn. abounding in forests, richly wooded MBh
- ○vipula mf(ā)n. very great or spacious or numerous &c. MBh. R
- very loud MW
- ○vipra (sú-), mfn. very learned (esp. in sacred knowledge) RV
- ○vibhakta mfn. well separated or distributed Hariv. Suśr. BhP
- well proportioned, symmetrical MBh. Kāv. &c
- -gātra mfn. having well separated or symmetrical limbs MW
- -tā f. good proportion, symmetry Suśr
- ○ktâṅga-pratyaṅgatā f. having every limb and member well proportioned (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84
- ○ktânavadyângī f. (a woman) having symmetrical and faultless limbs MBh
- ○vibhāta mfn. shining splendidly, very bright MW
- thoroughly clear or distinct NṛisUp
- ○vibhīṣaṇa mfn. very frightful R
- ○vibhu m. N. of a king (son of Vibhu) Hariv. VP
- ○vibhūṣita mf(ā)n. beautifully adorned Vishṇ. Hariv. R
- ○vibhoka m. N. of a poet Cat
- ○vimala mf(ā)n. perfectly clear or pure Suśr. Śṛiṅgār
- ○vimuc f. right unyoking or loosening ŚrS
- ○viraja mfn. thoroughly free from all passions BhP
- ○virūḍha mfn. fully grown up or developed Bhag
- well ridden MBh
- ○vilaya mfn. (prob.) easily fusible or liquefying Pat. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 50 Vārtt. - 2
- ○vivaktṛ m. a good expositor or interpreter ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○vivartita mfn. well rounded Lalit
- ○vivikta mfn. very secluded or solitary (as a wood) MBh
- well decided or answered (as a question) BhP
- ○vivṛ́t or mfn. easily opened RV. i, 10, 7
- ○vivṛtá mfn. easily opened RV. i, 10, 7
- ○viśada mfn. very clear or distinct or intelligible Mṛicch
- ○viśārada mf(ā)n. very experienced or skilful BhP
- ○viśāla mfn. very large
- m. N. of an Asura Kathās
- (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- ○lâkṣa mfn. having very large eyes ib
- ○viśiṣṭa mfn. most distinguished or excellent Hcat
- ○viśuddha mfn. perfectly pure MBh. Subh
- (with Buddhists) N. of a partic. world SaddhP
- ○viśodhaka mfn. easily improved Lalit
- ○viśrabdha mfn. very beautiful or confident (am ind.) R
- ○viśvasta mfn. very confiding, quite unconcerned or careless Pañcat
- very trusty, confidential W
- ○viṣaṇṇa mfn. very dejected or sorrowful R
- ○viṣāṇa mfn. having large tusks (as an elephant) MBh
- ○viṣṭambhin mfn. well-supporting (said of Śiva) Śivag
- ○viṣṭhita mfn. standing beautifully R
- ○viṣṇu m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○vistara m. great extent, plenty, abundance (○raṃ-√yā, 'to be richly supplied, become full') Subh
- great diffuseness (○rāt, 'very fully, in great detail') Pañcar
- mf(ā)n. very extensive or large MBh. Kathās
- very great or strong or intense MBh. Kāv. &c
- (am), ind. in great detail, at full length Pañcar. Hit
- very intensely or vehemently R. Hariv
- ○vistīrṇa mfn. well spread or laid out, very extensive or large or broad R. Hit
- (am), ind. at full length Cat
- ○vispaṣṭa mfn. perfectly clear or manifest NṛisUp
- ○vismaya mf(ā)n. very astonished or surprised Kathās
- ○vismita mfn. id. BhP
- very surprising or wonderful (compar. -tara) R
- ○vihita mfn. well done or performed or arranged or carried out MBh. R. &c. [Page 1234, Column]
- well supplied, richly provided with (instr.) ib. well placed or deposited MW
- -prayogatā f. skilful arrangement or performance Śak., Introd
- ○vihvala mf(ā)n. very perturbed or distressed or wearied MBh. Kathās
- ○vīthī-patha m. a partic. entrance to a palace Hcar
- ○vī́ra mf(ā)n. very manly, heroic, warlike RV. AV. VS
- rich in men or heroes, having or containing or consisting in excellent offspring or heroes or retainers ib. TS. ŚāṅkhGṛ
- m. a hero, warrior RV
- m. the jujube tree L
- another tree (= eka-viira) L
- N. of Skanda MBh
- of Śiva Śivag
- of a son of Śiva MW
- of various kings, (esp.) of a son of Dyutimat MBh
- of a son of Kshemya Hariv
- of a son of Śibi (ancestor of the Suviiras) ib
- of a son of Deva-śravas BhP
- n. = _ next L
- -ja n. sulphuret of antimony L
- -tā (○rá-), f. abundance of heroes or warriors AV. TS
- ○râmla n. sour rice gruel L
- ○vīraka m. Helminthostachys Laciniata L
- n. a collyrium prepared from the Amomum Anthorhizon W
- ○vī́rya n. manly vigour or deed, heroism RV. R
- abundance of heroes, host of warriors or brave men RV. TBr
- mfn. having great strength or power, very efficacious (herb or drug) Hit
- (ā), f. wild cotton L
- the resin of the Gardenia Gummifera L
- n. the fruit of the jujube L
- ○vṛktí f. (accord. to some for su-ṛkti = su-ṛc
- cf. su-vita for su-ita) excellent praise or hymn of praise (also a form of instr.) RV
- mfn. singing or praising excellently ib
- well praised, praiseworthy, glorious ib. TS
- ○vṛkṣa m. a fine tree Cāṇ
- ○vṛjána mf(ā)n. (prob.) dwelling in fair regions RV
- ○vṛ́t mfn. turning or running well (as a chariot) RV. TBr
- ○vṛtta mf(ā)n. well rounded, beautifully globular or round MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- well-conducted, virtuous, good (esp. applied to women) MBh. R. &c
- composed in a beautiful metre Kāv
- well done (n. impers.) Mālatīm
- m. a kind of round bulb L
- (ā), f. a sort of grape L
- N. of a plant (= śata-pattrī) L
- a kind of metre Ked
- N. of an Apsaras Hariv
- of a woman Daś
- (am), n. welfare, Bhp
- good conduct or behaviour R. Kathās
- -tā f. 'round shape' and 'good conduct' ŚārṅgP
- -tilaka m. or n. N. of wk. on metres
- ○vṛtti f. a good way of living, good conduct or behaviour MBh
- the life of a Brahma-cārin, life of chastity or continence MW
- ○vṛddha mfn. very old or ancient (as a race) Kāv
- m. N. of the elephant of the southern quarter L
- ○vṛ́dh mfn. joyous, cheerful RV
- ○vṛ́dha mfn. growing well, thriving, prospering AV
- ○vṛśc mfn. cutting well Vop
- ○vṛṣabha m. an excellent bull TBr
- ○vṛṣalīka mfn. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 173
- ○vṛṣṭa (sú-), n. beautiful rain TS. Br
- ○vṛṣṭi f. id. ChUp. VarBṛS. &c
- ○vega mfn. moving very fast, fleet, rapid Kām. Hcat
- (ā), f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum R
- N. of a female vulture Bālar
- ○vegin mfn. very swift or rapid (v. l. -vegita) MBh
- ○veṇa m. (ifc. f. ā) N. of a man Kathās
- (ā), f. N. of a river Hariv
- ○vetasa m. a good reed or cane MBh. - 1
- ○veda mfn. deeply versed in (sacred) science MBh. - 2
- ○véda mfn. easy to be found or obtained GopBr
- ○vedaná mfn. id. RV
- ○vedas m. N. of a Ṛishi (having the patr. Śairīshi and author of RV. x, 147) Anukr
- ○vena mf(ī́)n. full of longing or desire RV
- ○vema mf(ā)n. (prob.) woven on a good loom (or 'having a good loom' ?) MBh
- ○vela mfn. greatly bowed or stooping L
- humble, quiet L
- m. N. of a mountain (= tri-kūṭa or citra-kūṭa) Mṛicch
- ○veśa &c., often wṛ. for next
- ○veṣa m. a fine dress or garment
- mf(ā)n. well dressed, well clad, beautifully adorned MBh. Kāv. &c
- -tā f. the being well dressed &c. R
- -dhara mfn. wearing fine clothes VarBṛS
- -vat mfn. beautifully dressed or adorned Kām
- ○veṣin mfn. = prec. W
- ○vyakta mfn. very clear or bright R
- very plain or distinct or manifest (am ind.) MBh. R. &c
- ○vyavasthita mfn. standing quite firmly R
- ○vyasta mfn. greatly dispersed or scattered (as an army) Hit
- ○vyākhyāta mfn. well explained Buddh
- ○vyāhṛta n. a good saying or maxim MBh
- ○vyuṣṭa mfn. beautifully dawned MBh
- ○vyūha-mukhā and -vyūhā f. N. of two Apsarases Kāraṇḍ
- ○vratá mf(ā)n. ruling well RV. VS
- strict in observing religious vows, very religious or virtuous (often in voc.) MBh. R. &c
- tractable (as a horse or cow) MBh
- m. a religious student W
- N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh
- of a Prajā-pati R
- of a son of Manu Raucya MārkP. [Page 1234, Column]
- of a son of Nābhāga R
- of a son of Uśīnara Hariv
- of a son of Kshemya VP
- of a son of Priya-vrata W
- of a scholar Col
- of a historian Rājat
- of a poet Cat
- (with Jainas) of the 20th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī (also called Munisuvrata) and of the 11th Arhat of the future Utsarpiṇī L
- (ā), f. a partic. fragrant plant Bhpr
- a cow that is easily milked L
- a virtuous wife W
- N. of an Apsaras L
- of a daughter of Daksha VP
- of the mother of the 15th Arhat of the present age L
- of a princess Dharmaś
- (○ta) -datta m. N. of a poet Cat
- -svara m. N. of an Asura Buddh
- suyya n. N. of a man (the foster son of Suyyā) Rājat
- (ā), f. See next
- suyyā f. N. of a woman Rājat
- ○kuṇḍala n. N. of a village ib
- ○"ṣbhidhāna (○yâbh○), mfn. called Suyyā ib
- ○setu m. N. of a dike ib
- sur (rather Nom. fr. sura below), cl. 6. P. surati, to rule, possess supreme or superhuman power Dhātup. xxviii, 50
- to shine ib
- cl. 10. P. surayati, to find fault (v. l. for svar), xxxv, 11
- sura m. (prob. fr. asura as if fr. a-sura and as sita fr. a-sita
- thought by some to be connected with 2. svar) a god, divinity, deity (surāṇāṃ hantṛ m. 'slayer of the gods', N. of a partic. form of fire, son of Tapas) MaitrUp. MBh. &c
- the image of a god, an idol Vishṇ
- a symbolical N. for the number 'thirty-three' (from the 33 gods
- See deva) Gaṇit
- a sage, learned man L
- the sun L
- (said to be) = kṣura MBh
- wṛ. for svara ib
- (ā), f. See s.v
- (ī), f. a goddess Naish. HPariś
- (am), n. See surā
- ○ṛṣi m. = -rṣi, col. 3 BhP
- ○karin m. an elephant of the gods Kir
- ○rī7ndra-darpâpahā f. 'taking away the pride of the chief elephant of the gods', N. of the Ganges KalkiP
- ○kāminī f. an Apsaras (-janāḥ, 'the Apsaras people') Kum
- ○kāru m. 'artificer of the gods', N. of Viśvakarman L
- ○kārmuka n. 'bow of the gods', the rainbow Vikr
- ○kārya n. work to be done for the gods R
- ○kāṣṭha n. Pinus Deodora or another species Suśr
- ○kula n. a gods's house, temple Kathās
- ○kṛt m. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh. (v. l. sūra-k○)
- ○kṛta mfn. made or caused by the gods Kathās
- (ā), f. Cocculus Cordifolius L
- ○ketu m. the banner of the gods or of Indra VarBṛS
- ○khaṇḍanikā f. a kind of lute (v. l. -maṇḍalikā) L
- ○gaja m. (= -karin) the gods' or Indra's elephant Kāv
- ○gaṇa m. sg. or pl. a host of gods R. VarBṛS. Pañcar
- a class or company of divinities ( See gaṇadevatā) W
- N. of Śiva MBh
- of a village Vās., Introd
- ○gaṇḍa m. a kind of boil L
- ○gati f. the being born as a god W
- ○garbha m. the child of a gods MBh
- ○bhâbha mfn. like the sons of the gods ib
- ○gāyaka m. a singer of the gods, Gandharva BhP
- ○gāyana m. id. L
- ○giri m. 'gods' mount', mount Meru ib. Bālar
- ○guru m. 'preceptor of the gods', N. of Bṛihas-pati VarBṛS. Kathās. &c
- the planet Jupiter (○ror divasaḥ, 'Thursday') VarBṛS. Kālac
- -divasa m. Thursday VarBṛS
- ○gṛha n. = -kula Rājat
- ○grāmaṇī m. 'chief of the gods', N. of Indra L
- ○cāpa m. n. = -kārmuka VarBṛS. Kir. Kād
- ○jana m. the race of gods Siṃhâs
- ○jā f. N. of an Apsaras MBh
- ○jit m. N. of various authors Cat
- ○jyeṣṭha m. 'oldest of the gods', N. of Brahmā ib
- ○taraṃgiṇī f. (for su-rata-r○ See p. 1232, col. 1) 'river of the gods', the Ganges Subh
- ○taru m. tree of the gods Pañcar. Bhām
- = kalpa-t○ BhP
- ○tā f. godhead MBh
- the rice of gods Cat
- ○tuṅga m. Elaeocarpus Ganitrus L
- ○toṣaka m. 'god-pleasing', the jewel Kaustubha (worn by Kṛishṇa on his breast) L
- ○dāru n. Pinus Deodora Suśr. VarBṛS. BhP
- -maya mf(ī)n. made of the Pinus Deodora VarYogay
- ○dīrghikā f. the celestial Ganges L
- ○dundubhi m. the god's drum Kalyāṇam
- sacred basil L
- (ī), f. id. MW
- ○devatā f. a goddess MBh
- ○devin m. (prob.) N. of a partic. demon Gobh
- ○dru m. a tree of the gods Chandom
- ○druma m. id
- = kalpa-vṛkṣa Naish. BhP. &c
- a kind of reed, Arundo Bengalensis L
- the Deva-dāru pine MW. - 1
- ○dvipa m. an elephant of the gods Ragh
- an elephant of one of the quarters of the sky ( dik-karin) W
- Indra's elephant ib. - 2
- ○dvipa Nom. P. ○pati, to become an elephant of the gods Subh
- ○dviṣ m. 'enemy of the gods', a demon, Asura, Daitya or Rākshasa MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of Rāhu Ragh. VarBṛS
- ○dhanus n. 'bow of the gods', a rainbow Kāv. Var
- ○nur-lekhāya, to resemble a rainbow (○yita mfn. ) Kāv
- ○dhāman n. a place of the gods Cat. [Page 1234, Column]
- ○dhunī f. 'river of the gods', N. of the Ganges Siṃhâs
- ○dhūpa m. 'incense of the gods', the resin of the Ṣorea Robusta L
- resin, turpentine W
- ○dhvaja m. = -ketu VP. Sch
- ○nadī f. 'river of the gods', N. of the Ganges MBh. R. &c
- the celestial Ganges W
- ○nandā f. 'joy of the gods', N. of a river L
- ○nāyaka m. 'leader of the gods', N. of Indra Rājat
- of an author of certain prayers (used by Tāntrikas) Cat
- ○nāla m. a kind of reed, Arundo Bengalensis L
- ○nimnagā f. 'river of the gods', N. of the Ganges Kathās
- the celestial Ganges MW
- ○nirgandha n. the leaf of the Laurus Cassia (incorr. for surabhi-gandha) L
- ○nirjhariṇī f. the celestial Ganges Harav
- ○nilaya m. 'abode of the gods', N. of mount Meru VarBṛS
- ○pati m. 'lord of the gods', N. of Indra MBh. Kāv. &c
- of Śiva R
- -guru m. 'Indra's teacher, Bṛihas-pati', the planet Jupiter Var
- -cāpa n. 'bow of Indra', the rainbow VarBṛS
- -tanaya m. 'Indra's son', N. of Arjuna MW
- -tva n. lordship over the gods Kāv
- -dhanus n. (= -cāpa) Kāv. Bhpr
- ○patha m. 'path of the gods', part of the atmosphere or sky Kād
- the sky, heaven L
- (prob.) the milky way R
- ○parṇa n. a kind of medicinal plant L
- (ī), f. a kind of creeper ib
- ○parṇika m. a kind of Puṃ-nāga tree MW
- ○parṇikā f. Rottleria Tinctoria L
- Elaeocarpus Ganitrus ib
- ○parvata m. 'mountain of the gods', Meru ib
- ○pāṃsulā f. an Apsaras (-jana m. 'the Apsaras people') Vcar
- ○pādapa m. a tree of the gods BhP
- ○pāla m. N. of an author Cat
- ○puṃnāga m. Elaeocarpus Ganitrus L
- ○pura n. 'city of the gods', Amarā-vatī Kathās
- heaven (○ram upa-√gam, 'to go to heaven, die') Jātakam
- (ī), f. Amarā-vatī L
- ○purodhas m. 'domestic priest of the gods', N. of Bṛihas-pati Kām
- ○puṣpa n. a flower of the gods, celestial flower (-vṛṣṭi f.) Kathās. Kalyāṇam
- ○pratiṣṭhā f. the setting up of an idol Rājat
- ○pravīra m. N. of a fire (son of Tapas) MBh
- ○priya mfn. dear to the gods
- m. a kind of bird (v. l. saraḥ-p○) Hariv
- Agati Grandiflora L
- a species of Elaeocarpus ib
- N. of Indra ib
- of Bṛihas-pati ib
- of a mountain Śatr
- (ā), f. an Apsaras BhP
- Jasminum Grandiflorum L
- = svarṇarambhā ib
- ○bhavana n. a god's abode, temple VarBṛS. Hcat
- ○bhāva m. the dignity of a god Kāv
- ○bhī f. (for surabhī See p. 1235, col. 3) fear of the gods Vās
- ○bhuvana wṛ. for -bhavana Hcat
- ○bhūya n. the becoming a deity, state of a deity Śiś
- ○bhūruha m. Pinus Deodora Bhpr
- ○bhūṣaṇa n. 'ornament of the gods', a necklace of pearls consisting of 1008 strings and 4 Hastas long VarBṛS
- ○maṇḍalikā See -khaṇḍanikā
- ○mantrin m. 'counsellor of the gods', N. of Bṛihas-pati L
- ○mandira n. a god's house, temple Kāv. Kathās. Rājat
- ○muni m. a divine Muni
- pl. N. of the Pleiads Śiś
- ○mūla m. N. of a poet Sadukt
- ○mṛttikā f. alum-slate L
- ○medā f. a kind of medicinal plant ib
- ○mohinī f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs
- ○yāna n. a chariot of the gods L
- ○yuvati f. 'celestial maiden', an Apsaras Kāv. VarBṛS
- ○yoṣit f. id. Kathās. Vās. BhP
- ○rāj m. 'king of the gods', N. of Indra MBh. BhP
- ○rāja m. id. ib. R. Rājat
- -guru m. (= sura-patig○) VarBṛS
- -tā f. the state or rank of Indra Kāv
- -mantrin m. (= sura-pati-guru) VarBṛS. Sch
- -vṛkṣa m. 'Indra's tree', N. of the pārijāta Ragh
- -śarâsana n. 'Indra's bow', a rainbow Vās
- ○rājan m. = -rāj R
- ○rājya n. dominion over the gods ib
- ○ripu m. an enemy of the gods VarBṛS
- ○rṣabha (○ra + ṛṣ○), m. 'best of the gods', N. of Indra L
- of Śiva BhP
- ○rṣi (○ra + ṛṣi), m. a divine Ṛishi, a Ṛishi dwelling among the gods MBh. R. BhP
- pl. the gods and Ṛishis BhP
- ○latā f. a kind of plant L
- ○lāsikā f. a flute (cf. svara-l○) L
- ○loka m. the gods' world, heaven (-nātha m. pl.) R. BhP. &c
- -rājya n. dominion over the world of the gods Bhartṛ
- -sundarī f. 'celestial woman', an Apsaras Vikr
- N. of Durgā MW
- ○vadhū f. id. Ragh. Kathās
- ○vana n. a grove of the gods BhP
- ○vara m. 'best among the gods', N. of Indra
- -nagara n. Indra's city Cāṇ
- -vanitā f. an Apsaras BhP
- ○varcas m. N. of an Agni (son of Tapas) MBh
- ○vartman n. 'road of the gods', the sky, atmosphere Hāsy
- ○varman m. N. of a king (v. l. susthira-v○) Hcar
- ○vallabha m. Rottleria Tinctoria L
- (ā), f. white Dūrvā grass L
- ○vallī f. sacred basil ib
- ○vāhinī f. 'river of the gods', the heavenly Ganges Kathās
- ○vidviṣ m. an enemy of the gods, demon, Asura W
- ○vilāsinī f. a heavenly nymph, Apsaras MW. [Page 1235, Column]
- a proper N. ib
- ○vīthī f. 'way of the gods', N. of the way of the Nakshatras MBh
- ○velā f. N. of a river L
- ○veśman n. abode of the gods, heaven ŚārṅgP
- a temple Cāṇ. Rājat
- ○vairin m. an enemy of the gods, Asura L
- ○śatru m. id. Śiś
- -guru m. the planet Venus VarYogay
- -han m. 'slayer of the enemy of the gods', N. of Śiva Śivag
- ○śākhin m. 'tree of the gods', the Kalpa tree Naish. Kāvyâd. ŚārṅgP
- ○śilpin m. the artificer of the gods L
- ○śreṣṭha m. 'best of the gods', N. of Vlshṇu R
- of Śiva ib
- of Indra ib. BrahmaP
- of Dharma Hariv
- of Gaṇêśa Pañcar
- (ā), f. a partic. plant L
- ○śvetā f. a small (white) house lizard L
- ○sakha m. 'friend of the gods', N. of Indra Śak
- pl. N. of the Gandharvas Kir
- ○saṃgha m. a company or assemblage of gods Bhag
- ○sattama m. the best of the gods MW
- ○sadana n. a god's house, temple Kād
- ○sadman n. abode of the gods, heaven Śiś
- a god's house, temple Kathās. Rājat
- ○sama mfn. equal to the gods MW
- ○samiti f. an assemblage of gods W
- ○sambhavā f. Polanisia Icosandra L
- ○sarit f. 'river of the gods', the Ganges Kāv. Kād
- -suta m. metron. of Bhīshma Śiś
- ○sarṣapaka m. a kind of tree L
- ○sindhu f. = -sarit Kathās
- = mandākinī Śiś. (Sch.)
- ○suta m. a son of a gods MBh. R
- (ā), f. a daughter of a gods R
- ○tôpama mfn. similar to the children of the gods MW
- ○sundara m. a beautiful deity Bhag
- (ī), f. a lovely celestial female, Apsaras (-jana m. pl.) ib. Kāv. Kathās
- N. of Durgā L
- of a fairy ib
- of a woman Vet
- a partic. Yoginī MW
- -senā f. the army of the gods (-gaṇa-pati m. 'the chief of the celestial host') R
- N. of a woman Daś
- ○skandha m. N. of a demon Buddh. (v. l. khara-sk○)
- ○strī f. a celestial woman, Apsaras Vikr. VarBṛS. Kathās. BhP
- ○strī7śa m. 'lord of the Apsaras', N. of Indra L
- ○sthāna n. the place or abode of a god MW
- a temple Kām. Hit
- ○sravantī f. the heavenly Ganges Harav
- ○srotasvinī f. N. of the Ganges Bhām
- surâṅganā f. a celestial woman, Apsaras Nal. Kāv. Kathās. &c
- surâcārya m. 'preceptor of the gods', N. of Bṛihas-pati L. - 1
- surâjīva (for 2. surâj○ See below, col. 3), m. 'livelihood of the gods', N. of Vishṇu Pañcar
- surâdri m. 'mountain of the gods', the mṭmountain Meru Śiś
- surâdhama m. the lowest or worst of the gods BhP
- surâdhipa m. 'sovereign of the gods', N. of Indra MBh. R. Kathās. &c
- surâdhī7śa m. id. BhP. Naish
- surâdhyakṣa m. 'sovereign of the gods', N. of Brahmā Hariv
- of Kṛishṇa ib
- of Śiva Śivag
- surânaka m. a drum of the gods BhP
- surânanda m. N. of a teacher Cat
- of a poet ŚārṅgP
- (ā), f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs
- surâpagā f. 'river of the gods', the Ganges Kir. Kathās. Sāh
- surâyudha n. a weapon of the gods Kum
- surâraṇi f. 'mother of the gods', N. of Aditi (cf. surâvani) VP
- surâri m. an enemy of the gods, an Asura (also a Rākshasa) Kāv. Kathās. &c
- N. of a demon causing diseases Hariv
- of a king MBh
- the chirp of a cricket W
- -ghna m. N. of a demon causing diseases Hariv
- -sambhava mfn. caused by an enemy of the gods MW
- -han m. 'destroyer of the enemy of the gods', N. of Śiva MBh
- -hantṛ m. 'demon-killer', N. of Vishṇu Tithyād
- surârcana n. the act of worshipping the gods, worship Yājñ
- surârdana m. 'tormenter of the gods', an Asura MārkP
- surârha n. 'worthy of the gods', yellow sandal L
- gold ib
- saffron MW
- surârhaka m. a kind of fragrant plant L. - 1
- surâlaya m. (for 2. surâl○ See p. 1236, col. 1) abode of the gods, heaven Hariv. Kāv. Kathās. &c
- Meru or Su-meru L
- a god's abode, temple Yājñ. Car. VarBṛS. &c
- wind (?) L
- surâvani f. the Earth as mother of the gods or Aditi MārkP. (cf. surâraṇi)
- surâvalī f. N. of wk
- surâvāsa m. 'abode of the gods', a temple L
- N. of a temple Rājat
- surâśraya m. 'resort of the gods', Meru Sūryas. Kathās
- surâsura m. pl. or (prob. n.) sg. gods and Asuras MBh. Hariv. R. &c
- -guru m. N. of Śiva MBh
- of Kaśyapa Śak
- -maya mf(ī)n. caused by the gods and Asuras Cat
- -vimarda m. a conflict or war between the gods and AsṭAsuras R
- ○surâcārya m. N. of a teacher W
- surâspada n. 'god's abode', a temple Rājat
- surâhva m. Pinus Deodora Bhpr
- other plants (= maruvaka
- = hari-dru) L
- (ā), f. a kind of creeping plants ib
- surâhvaya m. marjoram L
- n. Pinus Deodora ib
- surêjya m. 'preceptor of the gods', N. of Bṛihas-pati Jyot. VarBṛS
- of the planet Jupiter Var
- (ā), f. the sacred basil L
- another plant, = brāhmī ib. [Page 1235, Column]
- surêtara m. 'other than a Sura', an Asura BhP
- surêndra m. chief of the gods (esp. N. of Indra) Mn. Ragh. BhP. &c
- N. of a king Rājat
- of a teacher Cat
- a kind of bulbous plant (Arum) L
- (ā), f. N. of a Kiṃnarī Kāraṇḍ
- -kanda m. a kind of bulbous plant (= ○rêndra) Npr. Suśr
- -gopa m. cochineal Suśr. (cf. indra-g○)
- -cāpa n. 'Indra's bow', the rainbow ŚārṅgP
- -jit m. 'conqueror of Indra', N. of Garuḍa L
- -tā f. the rank of chief of the gods Jātakam
- -pūjya m. N. of Bṛihas-pati, the planet Jupiter VarBṛS. Sch
- -mālā f. N. of a Kiṃ-narī Kāraṇḍ
- -lupta, morbid baldness of the head (= indra-l○) Car
- -loka m. Indra's world Bhag
- -vatī f. N. of a princess Rājat
- -śiṣya m. N. of an author Cat
- -saṃhitā f. N. of wk
- surêndraka m. a kind of bulbous plant (= ○rêndra) Npr
- surêbha m. (for su-rebha See p. 1232, col. 3) a celestial elephant MW
- surêśa m. a lord of the gods BhP
- N. of a partic. god MBh
- of a partic. Agni (son of Tapas) ib
- of Indra VarBṛS. Kathās. BhP
- of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Cat
- of Śiva Śivag
- of a place Pañcar
- (ī), f. N. of Durgā Cāṇ
- -loka m. Indra's world BhP
- surêśvara m. a lord of the gods R. BhP
- N. of Brahmā R
- of Śiva ib
- of Indra Kāv. BhP
- of a Rudra MBh. VP
- of a disciple of Śaṃkarâcārya and others Buddh. RāmatUp. &c
- (ī), f. N. of Durgā Kathās. Rājat
- of Lakshmī Cat
- of Rādhā Pañcar
- of the celestial Ganges L
- -dhanus n. 'Indra's bow', the rainbow Kāv
- -paṇḍita m. N. of an author Cat
- -prabha m. N. of a king Buddh
- -vārttika n. -vārttika-ṭīkā f. N. of wks
- -svāmin
- ○varâcārya, ○varâśrama m. N. of authors Cat
- ○varī-kṣetra n. N. of a region sacred to Durgā Rājat
- ○varīmāhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○varôpâdhyāya m. N. of an author Cat
- surêṣṭa mfn. beloved or desired by the gods L
- m. Elaeocarpus Ganitrus L
- Vatica Robusta ib
- Agati Grandiflora ib
- = vasuka ib
- Sesbana Grandiflora W
- (ā), f. a kind of plant, = brāhmī L
- Asclepias Acida W
- surêṣṭaka n. the resin of the Vatica Robusta L. - 1
- surôttama m. (for 2. surôt○ See p. 1236, col. 1) chief of the gods MBh
- N. of Vishṇu Hariv
- of the Sun L
- (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras VP
- ○mâcārya m. N. of various authors Cat
- surôttara m. 'superior to gods', sandal-wood L
- surôpama mfn. god-like, divine MBh
- surâukas n. an abode of the gods, temple Rājat
- suraka See p. 1236, col. 1
- suralā f. N. of a river L
- of the Ganges MW
- surusura mfn. 'ruling' or 'shining' (= surat) L
- suraṅgā f. (for su-raṅgā See p. 1232, col. 1) a hole cut in the wall or made underground (= suruṅgā, q.v.) MBh. Mudr
- suraḍā f. Ipomoea Turpethum Car
- su-rata &c. See p. 1232, col. 1
- su-rabhí mf(is, or ī)n. (prob. fr. 5. su + √rabh, = 'affecting pleasantly') sweet-smelling, fragrant RV. &c. &c
- charming, pleasing, lovely RV. AV. AitBr
- famous, celebrated Kāvyâd. ii, 176
- best, excellent L
- good, virtuous L
- friendly, a friend W
- m. fragrance, perfume, any sweet-smelling substance L
- N. of various fragrant plants and substances (accord. to L. 'Michelia Champaka
- Nauclea Cadamba
- a kind of jasmine
- nutmeg' &c. &c.) Suśr
- the season of spring Kāv
- the month Caitra L
- a fire lighted at the fixing of the sacrificial post L
- (also ī), f. N. of various plants (Boswellia, Thurifera
- Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma &c.) L
- spirituous liquor (cf. surā
- v. l. murā) L
- N. of a fabulous cow (daughter of Daksha and wife of Kaśyapa, mother of cattle and of the Rudras, sometimes considered as one of the Mātṛis or as the cow of plenty
- surabheḥ sutāḥ, 'the children of Surabhi', i.e. 'cattle') MBh. Kāv. &c. (IW. 519)
- any cow (accord. to L. 'a brown cow') Vās
- the earth L
- (i), n. a fragrant smell or substance, perfume ŚBr. GṛŚrS. ChUp. R
- sulphur L
- gold L
- ○kandara m. N. of a mountain Vikr
- ○kṣetra-māhātmya n. N. of ch. of the Skandha-purāṇa
- ○gandha m. a fragrant smell BhP
- mfn. fragrant
- (ā), f. Jasminum Grandiflorum L
- n. the leaf of the Laurus Cassia ib
- ○gandhi or mfn. sweet-smelling, fragrant MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○ganḍdhin mfn. sweet-smelling, fragrant MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○gandhita mfn. filled with sweet scents R
- ○gandhin See ○dhi
- ○ghṛta n. fragrant butter or ghee W. [Page 1235, Column]
- ○cūrṇa n. perfumed powder Kauś
- ○cūla m. N. of a poet Subh., Introd
- ○cchada m. fragrant Jambu L
- ○tanaya m. 'son of Surabhi', a bull VarBṛS
- (ā), f. a cow Megh
- ○tā f. fragrancy Cat
- ○triphalā f. nutmeg (and) Areca nut (and) cloves L
- ○tvac f. cardamoms L
- ○dattā f. N. of an Apsaras Kathās
- ○dāru (L.) or (Bhpr.), m. Pinus Longifolia
- ○dāḍruka (Bhpr.), m. Pinus Longifolia
- ○pattra m. marjoram L
- (ā), f. Eugenia Jambolana ib
- = rāja-jambū ib
- ○putra m. = -tanaya VarBṛS
- ○bāṇa m. 'having fragrant arrows' (as made of flowers), N. of the god of love L
- ○mát mfn. provided with perfumes, fragrant TS. ĀpŚr. BhP
- containing the word surabhi Br
- m. N. of Agni AitBr
- (atī), f. a verse containing the word surabhi Buddh
- ○māruta n. 'having frṭfragrant winds', N. of a forest Kathās
- ○māsa m. 'fragrant month', spring Vās. Kād
- ○mukha n. the opening of spring MW
- ○vatsa m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās
- ○valkala n. the bark of Laurus Cassia L
- ○ṣṭama (○bhí-), mfn. (fr. the nom. ○bhis) most fragrant or agreeable RV
- ○samaya m. the season of spring Sāh
- ○srag-dhara mfn. wearing fragrant garlands MW
- ○sravā f. the gum olibanum tree L
- surabhaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make fragrant, perfume Subh
- surabhikā f. a sort of Musa L
- surabhita mfn. rendered fragrant, perfumed Kāv. Vās. &c
- rendered famous Daś
- surabhin mfn. perfumed, scented, fragrant (compar. ○bhín-tara) RV. Kauś
- surabhī f. (= ○bhí), in comp
- ○gandha n. the leaf of the Laurus Cassia L
- ○gotra n. 'race of Surabhī', oxen, cattle, kine MBh
- ○paṭṭana n. N. of a town ib
- ○pattrā f. the rose-apple W
- = rājajambū MW
- ○rasā f. the gum olibanum tree L
- ○suta m. pl. 'children of Surabhī', oxen, cattle R
- surabhī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to render fragrant, fill with fragrancy Hariv. Kāv. &c
- to divulge Rājat
- surabhy in comp. for ○bhi
- ○āsya mfn. having the mouth fragrant (-tva n.) ŚāṅkhŚr
- su-rasa &c. See p. 1232, col. 2
- súrā f. (ifc. also sura, n
- prob. fr. √3 su, 'to distil', and not connected with sura, 'a god') spirituous liquor, wine (in ancient times 'a kind of beer')
- spirituous liquor (personified as a daughter of Varuṇa produced at the churning of the ocean) RV. &c. &c
- water Naigh. i, 12
- a drinking vessel L
- a snake L
- ○"ṣkara (○râk○), m. 'mine of spṭspirituous liqṭliquor', the cocoa-nut tree L
- a distillery Baudh
- ○karman n. a ceremony performed with Surā Lāṭy
- ○kārá m. a distiller VS
- ○kumbha m. a vessel for spirituous liqṭliquor Pañcar
- ○"ṣgāra (○râg○, or ○râg○), m. (MārkP.) or n. (L.) a tavern
- ○gṛha n. (L.) a tavern
- ○grahá m. a cupful of Surā ŚBr
- = -kumbha MW
- ○"ṣgrya (○râg○), n. 'best liquor', nectar R
- ○ghaṭa m. = kumbha R. - 2
- ○"ṣjīva (○râj○), m. (for 1. surâj○ col. 1) = next
- ○jīvin m. 'living by spṭspirituous liqṭliquor', a distiller, tavern-keeper Yājñ
- ○dṛti m. a leather bag for holding spirituous liqṭliquor PañcavBr
- ○dhara m. N. of an Asura Kathās
- ○dhā́na mf(ī)n. containing SṭSurā VS
- ○dhvaja m. the flag or sign of a tavern Mn. MBh. - 1
- ○pa mf(ā or ī)n. (fr. √1. pā) drinking spirituous liqṭliquor, a spiritdrinker ŚāṅkhŚr. Kauś. Mn. &c
- wise, sage W
- pleasant, agreeable ib. - 2
- ○pa m. (fr. √3. pā) a preserver of spirituous liqṭliquor ib
- ○pā́ṇa or n. the drinking of spṭspirituous liqṭliquor TS. ŚBr. Nir. &c
- ○pā́na n. the drinking of spṭspirituous liqṭliquor TS. ŚBr. Nir. &c
- mfn. drinking spirituous liqṭliquor Cāṇ
- eating anything to excite thirst W
- m. pl. N. of the people of eastern India (so called from their drinking spirituous liqṭliquor) Pāṇ. 8-4, 9 Sch
- (○ṇa) -parikṣīva, intoxicated MW
- -prâyaścitta n. a penance for drinking spirits ib
- ○pātra n. a wine-glass or cup A
- ○pāna See -pāṇa
- ○pin (?), mfn. drinking Surā Bhaṭṭ
- possessing wine-drinkers MW
- ○pīta mfn. one who has drunk SṭSurā Pāṇ. 4-1, 53 Sch
- ○pītha m. the drinking of spṭspirituous liqṭliquor AitBr
- mfn. drinking spirituous liqṭliquor BhP
- ○priya mf(ā)n. fond of Surā Hariv
- ○bali (súrā-), mfn. receiving an oblation of Surā TBr
- ○bīja n. a substance serving for the preparation of beer
- barm Bhpr. Suśr. Sch
- ○"ṣbdhi (○râb○), m. the ocean of spṭspirituous liqṭliquor MārkP
- ○bhāga m. the scum or froth of beer, yeast, barm L
- ○bhājana n. a wine cup Mn. xi, 148
- ○bhāṇḍa n. = -pātra A
- ○"ṣma (○râma), m. 'Surā-disease', intoxication or its effects RV
- ○maṇḍa m. = -bhāga L
- the scum or froth of beer, yeast, barm W
- ○matta mfn. intoxicated by Surā Kāv. [Page 1236, Column]
- ○madá m. Surā-intoxication ŚBr
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of SṭSurā VS. Sch
- ○mukha m. 'having Surā in the mouth', N. of a serpentdemon MBh
- ○mūlya n. drink-money Śak
- ○meha m. a kind of diabetes ŚārṅgS
- ○mehin mfn. suffering from diabṭdiabetes Suśr. - 2
- ○laya (○râl○
- for 1. surâl○ See p. 1235, col. 1), m. a tavern Vās
- ○vat (súrā-), mfn. having spirituous liqṭliquor RV. ŚBr
- ○vāri m. spirituous liqṭliquor L
- ○vṛta m. 'surrounded with spṭspirituous liqṭliquor', N. of the sun ib
- ○śū́ mfn. swollen i.e. excited with spṭspirituous liqṭliquor RV
- m. a drunkard MW
- a heretic ib
- ○śodhana n. N. of wk
- ○saṃspṛṣṭa mfn. touched by spṭspirituous liqṭliquor Mn. xi, 171
- ○saṃdhāna n. the distilling of spṭspirituous liqṭliquor MW
- ○samudra m. the ocean of spṭspirituous liqṭliquor KapS. Sch
- ○sava (○râs○), m. n. beer or spṭspirituous liqṭliquor produced by the fermentation of unripe corn Mn. MBh. Hariv. &c
- n. Surā and Āsava BhP. Sch
- spirituous liqṭliquor MW
- ○somá m. Soma in the form of Surā ŚāṅkhŚr
- du. Surā and Soma (-vikrayin mfn. ) VS. KātyŚr
- ○"ṣhutí (○râh○), f. libation of Surā ŚBr. 2
- surôttama (prob.) n. (for 1. surôtt○ See p. 1235, col. 2) the scum of Surā Gobh. (Sch. 'excellent water')
- surôda mfn. having Sūra for water MBh. VP
- m. the sea of Surā BhP. Pañcar
- súrôdaka mf(ā)n. = prec. AV
- m. = prec. VP
- surôpayāmá m. a vessel for holding SṭSurā MaitrS
- suraka mfn. = surā-prakāra, surā-varṇa (applied to a snake), g. sthūlâdi
- surīya or mfn. Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-1, 1 Vārtt. 4
- surya mfn. Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-1, 1 Vārtt. 4
- su-rāti su-rādhas &c. See p. 1232, col. 2
- surāla m. N. of a preceptor Cat
- su-rāṣṭra &c. See p. 1232, col. 2
- surisa See indra-s○
- surīka m. N. of a poet Cat
- suruṅga m. a kind of tree, Moringa Pterygosperma (cf. su-raṅga, p. 1232, col. 1) L
- (ā), f. (accord. to some = Gk. ?
- cf. suraṅgā, p. 1235, [1236,] col. 2) a hole made underground for military purposes or for house-breaking, mine, excavation, breach, subterranean passage Mudr. Kathās. Divyâv
- ○yuj m. = next L
- suruṅgâhi m. 'underground-serpent', a house-breaker L
- su-ruc su-ruci &c. See p. 1232, col. 2
- surundalā f. N. of a river L
- surūṇḍa m. pl. N. of a dynasty (v. l. guruṇḍa
- cf. muruṇḍa) BhP
- surêjya surêndra, See p. 1235, cols. 1 and 2
- sul (only in prá-sulāmi, v. l. prá-tilāmi) VS. (= pra-veśayāmi Sch.)
- sula g. balâdi
- ○vat mfn. ib
- sulin mfn. (fr. sulá), g. balâdi
- su-lakkaṇa su-lakṣa &c. See p. 1232, col. 3
- sulatāna m. a sultan L
- su-léka m. (cf. leka) N. of an Āditya ĀpŚr
- su-lekha su-locana &c. See p. 1232, col. 3
- sullaṇa wṛ. for sulhaṇa below
- sullā-vihāra m. N. of a monastery Rājat
- sulhaṇa m. N. of the author of the Su-kavi-hṛidayânandinī (a Comm. on Kedāra's Vṛitta-ratnâkara) Cat
- sulharī f. N. of a place Rājat
- su-vaṃśa su-vaktra &c. See p. 1233, col. 1
- suvana m. (said to be fr. √2. sū = 5. su) the sun Uṇ. ii, 80 Sch
- fire L
- the moon L
- n. in puṃ- and suparṇa-s○, q.v
- súvar ind. = 3. svár, the sun, light, heaven Āpast. [Page 1236, Column]
- ○gá (for su-varga See p. 1233, col. 1) = svargá TS. TBr
- -kāma (○gá-), mfn. = svarga-k○, desiring heaven TS
- ○jána mfn. born or produced in heaven TBr
- ○jít mfn. winning heaven TS
- ○dhāman (súvar-), mfn. abiding in heaven or light ib
- ○vat (súvar-) and mfn. = svárvat and svar-víd ib
- ○víd mfn. = svárvat and svar-víd ib
- suvargéya or mfn. = svargyá, leading to heaven, celestial &c. TS
- suvargyá mfn. = svargyá, leading to heaven, celestial &c. TS
- su-varcaka su-varcala &c. See p. 1233, col. 1
- su-várṇa mf(ā)n. of a good or beautiful colour, brilliant in hue, bright, golden, yellow RV. &c. &c
- gold, made of gold TBr. ChUp. R
- of a good tribe or caste MBh. xiii, 2607
- m. a good colour MW
- a good tribe or class ib
- a kind of bdellium L
- the thorn-apple L
- a kind of metre VarBṛS. Sch
- m. N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh
- of an ascetic ib
- of a minister of Daśa-ratha R
- of a son of Antarīksha, Vp
- of a king of Kāśmīra Rājat
- of a poet Cat
- m. (rarely n.) a partic. weight of gold (= 1 Karsha, = 16 Māshas, = 80 Raktikās, = about 175 grains troy) Mn. MBh. &c
- a gold coin Mṛicch
- a kind of bulbous plant (= suvarṇâlu) L
- a kind of aloe L
- a kind of sacrifice L
- (ā), f. turmeric L
- Sida Rhomboidea or Cordifolia L
- another plant (= svarṇakṣīrī) L
- a bitter gourd, colocynth W
- N. of one of the seven tongues of fire MW
- of a daughter of Ikshvāku (the wife of Su-hotra) MBh
- (ī), f. the plant Salvinia Cucullata (perhaps wṛ. for sukarṇī). L
- (am), n. gold (of which 57 synonyms are given) AV. &c. &c
- money, wealth, property, riches L
- a sort of yellow sandal-wood L
- the flower of Mesua Roxburghī
- a kind of vegetable (= gaura-suvarṇa) L
- red ochre (= suvarṇagairika) L
- the right pronunciation of sounds ŚBr
- N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- of a partic. world ib
- ○kakṣya mfn. having a golden girdle MBh
- ○kaṅkaṇa (Hit.),
- ○kaṭaka (Mṛicch.), n. a gold bracelet
- ○kaṇa m. a species of bdellium L
- -guggulu m. id. ib
- ○kadalī f. a kind of plantain ib
- ○kartṛ m. a gold-worker, goldsmith Mn. MBh
- ○karṣa m. a Karsha weight of gold MW
- ○kāra m. id. Mn. R. Var. Vās
- ○rânna n. food given by a goldsmith Mn. iv, 218
- ○rêśvaravarman m. N. of a poet Subh
- ○kṛt m. = -kartṛ W
- ○ketakī f. a kind of plant, (or) a Ketakī made of gold Rājat
- ○keśa m. N. of a serpentdemon Buddh
- ○kṣīrī f. a kind of plant Suśr
- ○gaṇita n. computation of gṭgold (of its weight and purity) Col
- a partic. method of calculation in arithmetic W
- ○garbha m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh
- ○giri m. N. of a mountain ib
- ○gairika n. red ochre L
- ○gotra n. N. of a kingdom Buddh
- ○granthi m. a pocket for keeping gold Pañcat
- ○cakravartin m. 'one who sets a golden wheel in motion', a king Buddh
- ○campaka m. a yellowflowering Campaka Caurap. Sch
- ○caṣaka N. of Comm
- ○cūḍa m. N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh
- ○cūla m. a kind of bird Kathās
- ○caura m. a stealer of gṭgold Mn. xi, 49
- ○caurikā f. gold-stealing Mṛicch
- ○jīvika m. a gṭgold-merchant (a partic. mixed caste, the son of a Māṇikī by a Kāṃsya-kāra) L
- ○jyotis mfn. having a golden lustre NṛisUp
- ○tantra n. N. of wk
- ○tāla m. a golden palm MBh
- ○dāna n. a gift of gold Cat
- ○dvīpa m. n. 'golden island', (prob.) N. of Sumatra Kathās. Buddh
- ○dhenu f. a golden offering in the shape of a cow Cat
- -dāna-vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○nakulī f. a kind of plant L
- ○naṣṭa-śānti f. N. of ch. of the Śānti-mayūkha,
- ○nābha mfn. having a golden centre (as a cup or vessel of any kind) Āpast. Vishṇ
- m. N. of an author Cat
- ○nābhi m. or f. a golden navel Vishṇ
- ○pakṣa mfn. gold-winged TĀr
- ○pattra m. 'id.', a kind of bird MBh
- ○padma n. a gold-coloured lotus flower Suśr
- a golden lotus flower Cat
- -dāna n. N. of wk
- ○pārśva N. of a locality Rājat
- ○pālikā f. a kind of vessel made of gold R
- ○piñjara mfn. yellow like gṭgold Mṛicch
- ○pura n. N. of a mythical city Kād
- ○puṣpa mf(ā)n. having gṭgold for flowers MBh. Pañcat. Kuval
- m. the globe-amaranth L
- n. its flower VarBṛS
- (ā, or ī), f. a kind of plant ib
- ○puṣpita mfn. having gṭgold for flowers, abounding in gold Pañcat
- ○pṛthvī-dāna-vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○pṛṣṭha mfn. having a golden surface, overlaid with gold, gilded MBh
- ○prabhāsa m. N. of a Yaksha Buddh. [Page 1236, Column]
- of a Buddhist Sūtra wk
- (ā), f. N. of the wife of the serpent-demon Kālika Lalit
- ○prasara n. the fragrant bark of the Feronia Elephantum L
- ○prasava n. id. MW
- ○phalā f. a species of Musa L
- ○bala-ja See sauvarṇabalaja
- ○bindu m. N. of Vishṇu L
- of a temple Hariv. Mālatīm
- ○bhāṇḍa or n. a jewel-box Mṛicch
- ○bhāṇḍḍaka n. a jewel-box Mṛicch
- ○ḍâgāra, a treasury ib
- ○bhujêndra m. N. of a king Buddh
- ○bhū f. 'gold-country', N. of a country said to be in the northeast VarBṛS
- ○bhūmi f. = -dviipa Kathās. Jātakam
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made or consisting of gold Pañcat
- ○mākṣika n. a bright yellow mineral substance (thought to be pyritic iron ore) Bhpr
- ○mālikā f. 'gṭgold-garlanded', N. of a goddess Cat
- ○māṣa m. (Prâyaśc.) or a partic. weight (= 5 Kṛishṇalas or 12 Dhānya-māshas)
- ○māḍṣaka (Suśr.), a partic. weight (= 5 Kṛishṇalas or 12 Dhānya-māshas)
- ○muktā-vivāda m. N. of a Kāvya
- ○mukharī f. N. of a river Cat
- -māhātmya n. N. of ch. of the Skanda-purāṇa
- ○mukhī-māhātmya wṛ. for prec
- ○muṣṭi f. a handful of gṭgold Lalit
- ○mekhalī f. 'gold-girdled', N. of an Apsaras Kāraṇḍ
- ○medinī f. the earth represented in gold (-dāna n.) Cat
- ○mocā f. a sort of Musa L
- ○yūthikā or f. a species of jasmine Mṛicch
- ○yūḍthī f. a species of jasmine Mṛicch
- ○rajatá mf(ā́)n. made or consisting of gold and silver Br
- n. pl. gold and silver R
- suvarṇaratnākaracchattrakūṭa3su-várṇa--ratnâkara-cchattra-kūṭa or m. N. of a future Buddha Buddh
- suvarṇaratnākaracchattraketu3su-várṇa--ratnâkara-cchattra-ketu m. N. of a future Buddha Buddh
- ○rambhā f. a species of Musa L
- ○rūpyaka mfn. abounding in gold and silver MW
- m. N. of an island R
- ○rūpya-maya mf(ī)n. made or consisting of gold and silver Kāraṇḍ
- ○rekha m. N. of an author Uṇ. iii, 136 Sch
- (ā), f. N. of a river L
- ○retas mfn. having golden semen (N. of Śiva) MBh
- ○retasa m. N. of a man
- pl. his descendants Cat
- ○roman mfn. having golden wool L
- gold-haired ib
- m. a ram Pañcat
- N. of a son of Mahā-roman VP
- ○latā f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum L
- ○lekhā f. a streak of gold (on a touchstone) Vās
- ○vaṇij m. a gold-merchant, a partic. mixed caste (the son of a Vaiśya woman by an Ambashṭha) L. - 1
- ○vat mfn. 'containing or possessing gold' and 'having a correct pronunciation of sounds' (-tā f.) BṛĀrUp. Sch
- beautiful, handsome MW
- (atī), f. N. of various rivers containing gold L
- of a town in Dakshiṇā-patha Hit. - 2
- ○vat ind. like gold L
- ○varṇa mfn. golden coloured
- m. N. of Vishṇu L
- (ā), f. turmeric ib
- (○ṇa)-tā f. the having a golden colour (one of the 32 signs of perfection) Dharmas. 83
- ○varṣa m. N. of a king Inscr
- ○vastrâdi n. money and clothes &c. L
- ○vijaya m. N. of a Kāvya
- ○vṛṣabha m. a bull made of gṭgold (given as a present) Cat
- ○śakaṭikā f. a golden toy-cart Mṛicch
- ○śiras mfn. having a golden head MBh
- ○śilêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat
- ○śekhara n. N. of a city, Vṛishabhān
- ○ṣṭhīvi or m. 'spitting gold', N. of a son of Sṛiñjaya MBh
- ○ṣṭhīḍvin m. 'spitting gold', N. of a son of Sṛiñjaya MBh
- ○sānūra N. of a locality Rājat
- ○sāra N. of wk
- ○siddha m. an adept in acquiring gold by magical means Pañcat
- ○sūtra n. a string of gold Hariv. Kum
- N. of Comm
- ○steya n. the stealing of gold (one of the 5 Mahā-pātakas or great crimes) Mn. xi, 98 &c
- ○steyin m. a stealer of gold L
- ○sthāna n. N. of a locality Cat
- -māhātmya n. N. of ch. of wk
- ○hali m. a kind of tree L
- suvarṇâkarṣaṇabhairava-stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- suvarṇâkṣa m. 'golden-eyed', N. of Śiva MBh
- suvarṇâkhya mfn. called Su-varṇa MBh
- m. Mesua Roxburghī L
- the thorn-apple MW
- suvarṇâbha m. Lapis Lazuli Npr
- N. of a son of Śaṅkhapada MBh
- suvarṇâbhiṣeka m. the sprinkling a bride and bridegroom with water containing a piece of gold MW
- suvarṇâlaṃkāra-vat mfn. having a golden ornament Hcat
- suvarṇâlu m. a kind of bulbous plant L
- suvarṇâvabhāsā f. N. of a Gandharva maiden Kāraṇḍ
- suvarṇâhvā f. yellow jasmine L
- suvarṇaka mfn. golden Harav
- of a beautiful colour MW
- m. Cathartocarpus Fistula Bhpr
- (ifc.) a Karsha of gold MBh
- n. gold ib. R
- yellow brass L
- lead ib
- m. or n. (?) a kind of plant (v. l. ○ṇa-kṣīrī) Suśr
- suvarṇasa mfn. g. tṛṇâdi
- suvarṇāra m. Bauhinia Variegata Npr
- suvarṇin See maṇi-ratna-suv○
- suvarṇī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to become gold Pañcat. Kathās
- suvarṇīya mfn. g. utkarâdi. [Page 1237, Column]
- suvarṇya mfn. = suvarṇam arhati g. daṇḍâdi
- súvar-dhāman &c. See p. 1236, col. 1
- su-varṣa &c. See p. 1233, col. 1
- su-v-itá mfn. (fr. 5. su + ita
- cf. sv-itá) easy of access or to traverse, prosperous (as a path) RV
- faring well ib
- n. a good path, prosperous course (opp. to dur-ita) ib
- welfare, prosperity, fortune, good luck ib. AV. TBr
- su-vida su-vidagdha &c. See p. 1233, col. 2
- su-śáṃsa mfn. (i.e. 5. su + ś○) saying or wishing good things, blessing RV
- su (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
- ○śaṃsín mfn. announcing or wishing good things W
- ○śáka mf(ā)n. easy to be done or practicable RV
- easy to or to be (inf.) Nyāyam
- ○śakuna n. good birds AV
- mf(ā)n. of good augury, auspicious Bālar
- ○śakta mfn. well able or capable Pāṇ. 5-4, 121. (v. l.)
- ○śákti f. an easy possibility or feasibility, an easy affair RV
- mfn. = prec. Pāṇ. 5-4, 121 (v. l.)
- m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○śaṭha mfn. very deceitful or false Subh
- ○śapha-gatimukha mfn. having beautiful hoofs (and) gait (and) mouths VarBṛS
- ○śabda mfn. sounding well (as a flute) Mṛicch
- -tā f. = sauśabdya, correct formation of grammatical forms Pratāp
- ○śama m. N. of a man (cf. sauśami) Siddh
- ○śámi or ind. diligently, carefully RV. VS. TS
- ○śámī ind. diligently, carefully RV. VS. TS
- ○śara mfn. easily broken Nir
- ○śaraṇá mfn. affording secure refuge or protection RV. MBh. xiii, 1173 (v. l. for su-saraṇa)
- ○śaraṇya mfn. id. (said of Śiva) Śivag
- ○śarīra mfn. having a beautiful body, well shaped VarBṛS
- ○śárman n. good refuge or protection AV
- mfn. granting secure refuge or protection RV. VS
- = atisukha Vās. (Sch.)
- m. N. of an Asura Kathās
- of a son of one of the Manus Hariv. MārkP
- of a king MBh. BhP
- of a Vaiśāli MārkP
- of a Kāṇva VP
- of Śāṃśapāyana Cat
- pl. N. of a class of gods under the 13th Manu MārkP
- (○ma) -candra m. N. of a king Inscr
- -nagara or -pura n. N. of a town ib
- ○śalya m. Mimosa Catechu L
- ○śasta mfn. well recited (superl. -tama) AitBr
- ○śastí f. good recitation, good hymn of praise. (also as form of instr.) RV. VS
- mfn. praiseworthy RV
- ○śāka m. 'good herb', N. of various plants (Abelmoschus Esculentus
- = cañcu
- = taṇḍulīya) L
- n. = next L
- ○śākaka n. fresh ginger L
- ○śānta mfn. thoroughly allayed or extinguished Kauś
- very calm or placid (as water) MBh
- (ā), f. N. of the wife of Śaśi-dhvaja Pur
- ○śānti f. perfect calm or tranquillity MārkP
- m. N. of Indra under the third Manu ib
- of a son of Aja-mīḍha Hariv
- of a son of Śānṭi VP
- ○śārada m. N. of a teacher (with the patr. Śālaṅkāyana), IndSt
- ○śāsana n. good government MW
- ○śāsita mf(ā)n. well governed or regulated, kept under good discipline Hit
- ○śāsya mfn. easy to be controlled or governed MBh
- ○śikṣita mfn. well instructed Mālav
- well trained or taught or disciplined MBh
- ○śikha mfn. having beautiful points or crests L
- having a bright flame (as a lamp) Prab
- m. N. of Agni or fire L
- (ā), f. a peacock's crest MW
- cock's comb L
- (○khā) -samūha m. (a mass of) beautiful hair BhP
- ○śithila mfn. very loose, much slackened or lessened
- ○lī-kṛta mfn. id. Mudr
- ○śiprá or mfn. having beautiful cheeks or jaws RV
- ○śípra mfn. having beautiful cheeks or jaws RV
- ○śiprin mfn. id. MW
- ○śimbikā f. a kind of plant L
- ○śiras mfn. having a fine head R. Hariv
- ○śilpá mf(ā)n. beautifully decorated or variegated RV. VS
- ○śiśvi (sú-), mfn. swelling or growing well (in the womb) RV
- ○śiṣṭa mfn. well governed or governing MW
- m. a faithful minister or counsellor ib
- ○śiṣṭi (sú-), f. good aid or assistance RV
- ○śiṣya m. a good pupil Śak
- ○śīghra mfn. very swift (am ind.) MBh
- -ga mfn. running very swiftly R
- ○śīta mfn. very cold or cooling Suśr. VarBṛS. &c
- m. Ficos Infectoria L
- (ā), f. a partic. plant (= śata-pattrī) L
- n. great coldness MW
- a kind of fragrant yellow sandalwood L
- ○śītala mfn. very cold or cooling, frigid, freezing MBh. Kāv. &c
- (am), n. coldness Subh
- white sandal L
- a kind of fragrant grass (= gandha-tṛṇa) L
- ○śī́ma mfn. good to lie or sit upon (opp. to duḥ-ś○) ŚBr. ŚāṅkhBr
- (wṛ. for suṣīma and su-sīma) [Page 1237, Column]
- -kāma mf(ā)n. deeply in love (= tīvra-manmatha) Daś
- (of unknown meaning) Kauś. 77
- ○śīla mfn. well-disposed, goodtempered, having an amiable disposition MBh. Kāv. &c
- tractable (as a cow) Yājñ
- well conducted, well made, well shaped MW
- m. N. of a son of Kauṇḍinya Hit
- of various kings Kāv
- (ā), f. N. of a wife of Kṛishṇa Hariv
- of a female attending on Rādhā Pañcar
- of the wife of Yama L
- of a daughter of Hari-svāmin Cat
- n. good temper or disposition MBh. Pañcar
- -guṇa-vat mfn. having an amiable temper and other good qualities Subh
- -tā f. -tva n. excellence of temper or disposition, good morals, natural amiability Kād. Vet. Hcat
- -vat m. well-disposed, good-tempered Mṛicch
- ○lântaka m. N. of a minister Kautukar
- ○lin mfn. (= ○la-vat) MārkP
- ○śīvikā f. a kind of bulbous √or plant (= vārāhī-kanda) L
- ○śukla mfn. very white, Mahāvy
- ○śúkvan (RV.) or (VS.), mfn. shining brightly, brilliant
- ○śukváni (VS.), mfn. shining brightly, brilliant
- ○śuddha mfn. perfectly pure or bright Vishṇ. Hcat
- ○śubha mfn. very beautiful or handsome (as an arm) R
- very lucky or auspicious (as a day) Kathās
- very noble (as a deed) R
- ○śūlinī-daṇḍaka m. or n. (?) N. of wk
- ○śṛṅga mfn. having beautiful horns TBr
- ○śṛṅgāra mfn. beautifully adorned Pañcat
- ○śṛta (sú-), mfn. well cooked or prepared AV. &c. &c
- ○śéva mfn. very dear or kind or favourable RV. AV. VS. TS
- very auspicious or prosperous (as a path) AitBr
- ○śévas mfn. very gracious or kind AV
- ○śévya mfn. dearly loved RV
- ○śóka mfn. shining beautifully RV
- ○śoṇa mfn. dark red BhP
- ○śodhita mfn. perfectly cleaned, Mahāvy
- ○śopha mf(ā)n. much swollen Siddh. on Perṇ. iv, 1, 51
- ○śobhana mf(ā)n. very handsome or beautiful, splendid, excellent MBh. Lalit. Kathās
- ○śobhamāna mfn. shining beautifully, handsome, splendid MārkP
- ○śobhita mfn. shining brightly Nār
- beautified by (comp.) Pañcar
- ○śoṣita mfn. well dried VarBṛS
- ○ścandrá mfn. glittering beautifully RV
- ○śrápa mfn. easy to be cooked (compar. -tara) ŚBr
- ○śrama m. N. of a son of Dharma (v. l. suśruma) VP
- ○śrava mfn. worth hearing Pañcar
- (ā), f. N. of a Vaidarbhī (the wife of Jayat-sena) MBh
- ○śrávas mfn. abounding in glory, famous RV. AV. BhP
- hearing well or gladly, gracious, kind (superl. -tama) RV. Kāṭh. ĀśvGṛ
- N. of a Prajā-pati VP
- of a serpent-demon Rājat
- of a man RV. i, 53, 9 (Sāy.)
- of a Ṛishi (having the patr. Kaushya) ŚBr
- (○vo) -mantra m. N. of a partic. Mantra Saṃskārak
- ○śravasyā́ f. willingness to hear RV
- ○śrāta (sú-), mfn. (= su-śṛta) well cooked RV
- ○śrānta mfn. very tired, greatly exhausted Cāṇ. (v. l.) Pañcat
- ○śrī́ mfn. very splendid or rich RV
- ○śrīka mf(ā)n. id. Hariv. Sāh
- (ā), f. the incense-tree L
- ○śrúk See -śrút
- ○śrúṇa mfn. obtaining good hearing (Sāy. 'very famous') RV
- ○śrút mfn. (nom. -śrúk), hearing well RV. AV. TBr
- m. N. of a man Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 3 &c
- ○śruta (sú-), mfn. very famous RV
- well or correctly heard Naish
- gladly heard Mn. iii, 254
- N. of the author of a system of medicine (reputed son of Viśvā-mitra and descendant of Dhanvantari
- his work with that of Caraka, another older medical authority, is held in great esteem
- it consists of six books)
- of a son of Su-bhāsa VP
- of a son of Padmôbhava Daś
- (am), n. N. of the above medical work
- also of the work of Caraka Naish. iv, 116
- 'well heard', an exclamation at a Srāddha (cf. śrauṣat) Mn. iii, 254
- -pāṭha-śuddhi f. N. of wk
- -saṃhitā f. Suśruta's medical work
- -sāra m. N. of wk
- ○śruti (sú-), f. a good or quick ear AV
- ○śroṇā f. N. of a river Hariv
- ○śroṇi mf(ī)n. having beautiful hips (= ?) MBh
- (ī), f. N. of a goddess Cat
- ○śrótu mfn. hearing willingly RV
- ○ślakṣṇa mf(ā)n. very smooth or soft or tender (am ind.) MBh
- very gracious (as speech) Bcar
- ○śliṣṭa mfn. closely adhering, well joined or contracted, close, tight Kāv. VarBṛS
- well ratified Sāh
- very conclusive or intelligible Mālatīm. Jātakam
- -guṇa mfn. having the strings tightly knotted (as a garland, -tā f.) Mālatīm
- -saṃdhi m. pl. very firm or strong joints VarBṛS
- mfn. having very firm joints (-tā f.) ib
- ○śleṣa m. close or intimate union, a close embrace W
- mfn. having a close embrace (and 'having a beautiful play on words'
- See śleṣa) Vās
- ○śloka (sú-), mf(ā)n. well sounding or speaking VS. TBr. &c
- of good renown, famous, celebrated BhP
- ○ślokya mfn. very famous BhP. [Page 1237, Column]
- n. well sounding speech, praise, fame GṛS
- ○śva mfn. having a happy to-morrow Pāṇ. 5-4, 220
- suśavī See suṣavii, p. 1238, col. 1
- suśikman (prob. wṛ.) MaitrS
- suśéru m. a kind of sand or gravel TBr. (Sch.)
- su-śravas su-śruta &c. See col. 2
- su-ṣaṃsad mfn. (i.e. 5. su + saṃsád) having a good meeting, fond of good company RV
- su (to be similarly prefixed to the following, in which the initial ṣ stands for an orig. s):
- ○ṣakhí mfn. a good friend or having good friends RV
- ○ṣáṇa or mfn. easy to be acquired ib
- ○ṣaṇaná mfn. easy to be acquired ib
- ○ṣád mfn. addicted to sexual intercourse AV
- ○ṣáda mf(ā)n. easy to sit or dwell in AV. TS
- easy to be mounted or ridden (as a horse) VS
- ○ṣadman m. N. of a man (cf. sauṣadmana)
- ○ṣaṃdhi m. (also written su-s○) N. of a son of Māndhātṛi R
- of a son of Prasuśruta VP. - 1
- ○ṣama mfn. very even &c. (= sama
- cf. su-sama) L
- very beautiful, splendid Pañcar
- easily intelligible L
- (ā), f. exquisite beauty, splendour Naish. Bhām
- a partic. plant Chandom
- a kind of metre Col
- (with Jainas) the second Ara or spoke of a time-wheel in an Avasarpiṇī, and the fifth in an Utsarpiṇī (supposed to be a period in which continuous happiness is enjoyed by mankind
- sometimes written su-khamā) L
- N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs
- (ī), f. g. gaurâdi
- (○ma)-duḥṣamā f. (with Jainas) N. of two spokes of a time-wheel (the third in an Avasarpiṇī and the fourth in an Utsarpiṇī) L. - 2
- ○ṣáma n. a happy year ŚBr
- ○ṣamiddha (sú-), mfn. = sú-samiddha (q.v.)
- ○ṣamídh f. good fuel RV. TBr
- mfn. (also written su-s○) having good fuel, burning or lighting well AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○ṣavī See s.v
- ○ṣavyá mfn. having a strong left hand (applied to Indra) RV
- ○ṣáha (or -ṣā́ha), mfn. easily subdued or conquered RV
- ○ṣā́ mfn. (for suṣā See s.v.) easily gaining or procuring ib
- ○ṣāḍha m. N. of Śiva MBh
- ○ṣāmán n. a beautiful song RV
- (-ṣā́man), m. (also written su-s○), N. of a man ib. MBh. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 170 Sch.)
- mf(○mṇī)n. peaceful Bhaṭṭ
- ○ṣārathí m. an excellent charioteer RV
- ○ṣā́ha See -ṣáha
- ○ṣikta mfn. well sprinkled R
- ○ṣita mfn. = -sita Pañcar
- ○ṣirá See s.v
- ○ṣīma mfn. cold, frigid L
- pleasant, agreeable L
- m. a sort of snake L
- the Candra-kānta or moon gem L
- (○má), prob. n. luck, welfare Suparṇ
- ○ṣút mfn. pressing out (Soma &c.) well (superl. -ṣút-tama) MaitrS
- ○ṣuta (sú-), mfn. well pressed out or prepared RV
- ○ṣuti (sú-), f. a good er easy birth RV
- ○ṣupta (sú-), mfn. fast asleep ŚBr. Kām. &c
- n. = next Up. Śaṃk. BhP
- ○ṣupti f. deep sleep (in phil. 'complete unconsciousness') Vedântas
- -vat ind. as in deep sleep ib
- ○ṣumát mfn. (prop.) very stimulating (accord. to Sāy. = soma-vat or śobhana-prasava) RV. x, 3, 1
- ○ṣumṇá or mf(ā)n. very gracious or kind RV. VS
- ○ṣumná mf(ā)n. very gracious or kind RV. VS
- m. N. of one of the 7 principal rays of the sun (supposed to supply heat to the moon) VP
- (ā), f. a partic. artery (prob. 'the carotid') or vein of the body (lying between those called iḍā and piṅgalā, and supposed to be one of the passages for the breath or spirit
- cf. brahma-randhra) Up. BhP. Rājat. - 1
- ○ṣū́ mfn. (prob.) very stimulating (accord. to others = su-ṣuta
- superl. -ṣū́tama) VS. - 2
- ○ṣū́ mfn. bringing forth easily RV
- ○ṣūta (sú-), mfn. well begotten ib
- ○ṣūti f. Pāṇ. 8-3, 88
- ○ṣū́mā f. bringing forth easily RV
- ○ṣéka and mfn. flowing or running well ib
- ○ṣecaná mfn. flowing or running well ib
- ○ṣéṇa mfn. having a good missile (said of Kṛishṇa and Indra) MBh. VarBṛS
- m. 'having beautiful clusters', Carissa Carandas L
- Calamus Rotang L
- m. N. of Vishṇu MBh
- of a Gandharva VS. BhP
- of a Yaksha VP
- of a serpent-demon MBh
- of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās
- of a monkey-chief (son of Varuṇa or Dhanvantari, father of Tārā, and physician of Su-grīva) MBh. R. &c
- of a son of the second Manu BhP
- of a son of Kṛishṇa Hariv
- of a king of Śūra-sena Ragh
- of a son of Parīkshit MBh
- of a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra ib
- of a son of Viśva-garbha Hariv
- of a son of Vasu-deva BhP
- of a son of Śambara Hariv
- of a son of Vṛishṭi-mat (or Vṛishṇi-mat) VP. [Page 1238, Column]
- of a son of Karma-sena Kathās
- of a physician of Prabhākara-vardhana Vās., Introd
- (with kavirājamiśra) of a grammarian Cat
- (ā), f. N. of a princess Kathās
- (ī), f. Ipomoea or Convolvulus Turpethum L
- ○ṣeṇikā f. N. of a plant (prob. = prec.) L
- ○ṣedha mfn. g. suṣāmâdi
- ○ṣóma m. 'containing good sap', N. of a partic. Soma vessel RV
- (ā), f. id. ib
- N. of a river ib. BhP
- ○ṣṭárīman mfn. forming an excellent bed or couch VS. TBr
- ○ṣṭú mfn. highly praised or celebrated RV
- ○ṣṭuta (sú-), mfn. id. ib
- correctly pronounced ib. Lāṭy
- ○ṣṭutí f. excellent praise, a beautiful hymn RV. VS. AV
- ○ṣṭúbh mfn. uttering a shrill cry RV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- (prob. f.) a shrill cry RV
- ○ṣṭhāná mf(ā)n. standing firm RV
- ○ṣṭhā́man mfn. having a firm support or frame (as a chariot) ib
- ○ṣṭhita incorrect for su-sthita (q.v.)
- ○ṣṭhú See below
- suṣavī f. (also written suśavii and susavii) N. of various plants (Momordica Charantia
- Nigella Indica &c.) Suśr. Bhpr
- suṣā f. (also written śuṣā
- for su-ṣā See p. 1237, col. 3) black cumin or fennel Car
- suṣi m. (also written śuṣi) the hole of a reed or cane ĀpŚr. Sch
- m. a tube (cf. deva-s○)
- ○nandi m. N. of a king, Vl
- suṣira mf(ā)n. (prob. fr. su + sirā, q.v., also written śuṣ○) 'having a good tube or channel', perforated, pierced, hollow RV. &c. &c
- having spaces MW
- slow in articulation (= vilambita), id
- m. 'having a good flow of fluid or sap', a reed, bamboo, cane L
- fire (also n.) L
- a mouse L
- (ā), f. a partic. fragrant bark L
- a river L
- (am), n. a hollow, hole, cavity Kām. MārkP
- a wind instrument Saṃgīt
- the air, atmosphere L
- cloves L
- ○ccheda m. a kind of flute L
- ○tā f. (Rājat.),
- ○tva n. (Śaṃk.) the being hollow, hollowness
- ○vat mfn. hollow ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○vivara m. a hole (esp. of a snake) Kāv
- ○rin mfn. hollow HPariś
- suṣika or suṣima m. coldness L
- mfn. cold ib
- suṣilī́kā f. a kind of bird VS. MaitrS
- su-ṣut &c. See p. 1237, col. 3
- suṣupsā f. (fr. Desid. of √svap) desire of sleeping, sleepiness MBh. Naish
- suṣupsa mfn. desirous of sleeping, sleepy Suśr. Śiś. BhP
- suṣūya Nom. Ā. ○yate (also written susūya
- 1. asūya), to like, be fond of, enjoy (acc.) Car
- suṣkanta m. N. of a son of Dharmanetra (v. l. suṣmanta) Hariv
- suṣṭhú ind. (fr. √sthā
- cf. duḥ-ṣṭhu) aptly, fitly, duly, well, excellently, exceedingly (suṣṭhu khalu, 'most certainly') RV. &c. &c
- ○taram ind. still more, in a higher degree Jātakam
- ○tā f. welfare, prosperity, Mahāv
- ○dvāra mfn. affording a good entrance (used in explaining sukhá) Sāy. on RV. iii, 35, 4
- ○váh (or -vā́h), mfn. carrying well bearing along rapidly (as horses) RV
- suṣma n. a rope, cord (v. l. for śulba) L
- suṣmanta See suṣkanta above
- suṣváya Nom. P. Ā. ○yati, ○te (fr. next), to run, flow RV. AV
- súṣvi mfn. (fr. 3. su) pressing or preparing Soma RV
- su-saṃyata mfn. (i.e. 5. su + s○) well governed or guided (as horses) MBh. Prab. BhP
- well restrained or controlled, well composed Mn. MBh. &c
- su (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
- ○saṃyátta mf(ā)n. well prepared or ready or on one's guard (v. l. -sampanna) Hariv
- ○saṃyukta mfn. closely joined or united Hariv
- well or equally matched (in number) R
- well supplied or furnished with (instr.) ib
- ○saṃyuta mfn. well composed or knit together (v. l. -saṃhata) R
- well joined with (comp.) BrahmaP
- ○saṃrabdha (sú-), mfn. firmly established RV
- very angry, greatly enraged or agitated (compar. -tara) MBh. R. &c
- n. = next R. [Page 1238, Column]
- ○saṃrambha m. violent anger R. Sch
- ○saṃvigna mfn. greatly agitated or perplexed MBh. R
- ○saṃvīta mfn. well covered or clothed or dressed MBh
- well girt, well mailed ib
- richly furnished with (comp.) R
- ○saṃvṛta mfn. well covered or veiled or dressed, wrapped up or concealed in (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- well girt with (instr.) R
- well surrounded or accompanied by (instr.) BhP
- well hidden, kept very secret MBh. R
- carefully guarding one's self MārkP
- ○saṃvṛti mfn. well concealed Śiś. xvi, 23
- ○saṃvṛtta mfn. appearing in good or proper order, rightly sprung from (abl.) Hariv
- duly occurred BhP
- well-rounded, Mahāv
- -skandhatā f. having the shoulders well rounded (one of the 32 signs of perfection) Dharmas. 83
- ○saṃvṛtti wṛ. for -saṃvṛti
- ○saṃvṛddha mfn. well thriven, prosperous MBh
- ○saṃśās (sú-), mfn. well directing or instructing AV
- ○saṃśita mfn. well sharpened, very sharp RV. AV. MBh
- of keen understanding MBh
- ○saṃśrita wṛ. for prec
- ○saṃśliṣṭa mfn. well composed (as a speech) R
- ○saṃsád See -ṣaṃsád
- ○saṃsṛṣṭa wṛ. for -sammṛṣṭa
- ○saṃskṛta (sú-), mfn. beautifully adorned or decorated RV
- well cooked or prepared R. Lalit
- kept in good order R. (cf. comp.)
- correct Sanskṛit Suśr
- (prob. m.) a sacred text or precept MBh. (Nīlak.)
- ○tôpaskara mfn. keeping the household utensils in good order Mn. v, 150
- ○ra-tā f. Vishṇ
- ○saṃsthā f. (only acc. with √kṛ, 'to duly discharge an obligation') R
- ○saṃsthāna mfn. well shaped or formed VarBṛS
- ○saṃsthita mfn. id. R
- well situated W
- standing firmly, doing well ib
- well brought together, circumscribed ib
- m. N. of a man, Saddh
- ○saṃhata mf(ā)n. firmly joined or combined, closely united, pressed against each other MBh. Kāv. &c
- well compacted, well knit together (acc. with √kṛ, 'to close very tightly') R. VarBṛS. Mṛicch
- ○saṃhati mfn. well combined, closely united Śiś
- ○saṃhita mfn. well united MW
- -pramāṇa mfn. having well united principals or chiefs ib
- ○saṃhṛṣṭa mfn. greatly delighted R
- ○saktu m. pl. excellent groats VarYogay
- ○saktha or mfn. having beautiful thighs Pāṇ. 5-4, 121
- ○sakthi mfn. having beautiful thighs Pāṇ. 5-4, 121
- ○sakhi m. (cf. su-ṣakhi) a good friend Śiś
- ○saṃkaṭa mfn. firmly closed MBh
- hard to be explained, difficult ib
- n. a great difficulty, very difficult matter or task BhP
- ○saṃkāśá mf(ā́)n. of beautiful appearance, handsome RV
- ○saṃkula m. N. of a king MBh
- ○saṃkruddha mfn. greatly enraged MBh. R
- ○saṃkṣepa m. N. of Śiva MBh
- ○saṅga mfn. very much adhered to or liked MBh
- ○saṃgatā f. N. of a woman Ratnâv
- ○saṃgama m. an excellent assembly or place of meeting BhP
- ○saṃgupta mfn. well kept or guarded or concealed MBh
- ○saṃgṛhīta mfn. well restrained or controlled or governed
- -rāṣṭra mfn. one who governs his country well Mn. vii, 113
- well received MBh
- well kept or preserved W
- well abridged ib
- ○saṃgraha m. an excellent compendium Hariv
- ○saciva m. a good minister or counsellor Mudr
- mfn. having a good minister or counsellor Kām
- ○sajjī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make perfectly ready Hit
- ○saṃcita mfn. well gathered, carefully accumulated (am ind. with √kṛ, 'to gather or collect carefully') ĀśvGṛ. Pañcat
- amply provided with Hcat
- ○satkṛta mfn. well arranged, beautifully adorned or decorated MBh
- received or treated with great hospitality, highly honoured R
- one to whom the supreme honours have been duly rendered R
- ○sattra n. a well managed hospital or hospice Kathās
- ○sattva mfn. very resolute or courageous ib
- ○satyá mfn. AV. xx, 135, 4
- (ā), f. N. of a wife of Janaka KālP
- ○sadṛśa mf(ī)n. very like or similar Veṇis. Nāg
- ○sani mfn. very munificent or liberal (○ní-tā f.) RV
- ○sanitṛ m. a liberal giver, generous benefactor ib
- ○saṃtuṣṭa mfn. well satisfied MBh
- ○saṃtoṣa mfn. easy to be satisfied ib
- ○saṃtrasta mfn. greatly alarmed R
- ○saṃdīpta mfn. flaming beautifully Pañcat
- ○saṃdṛ́ś mfn. having a pleasing aspect, agreeable to look at, fair to see RV
- ○saṃdha mfn. true to a promise, keeping one's word Kām
- ○saṃdhi See -ṣaṃdhi
- ○saṃdhita mfn. well reconciled MW
- ○sanna mf(ā)n. completely finished or done with, frustrated, foiled Mṛicch
- ○saṃnata (sú-), mfn. well directed (said of an arrow) AV
- ○saṃnipātita mfn. well hurled R
- ○sabhājita mfn. well honoured, treated with great attention or regard R. [Page 1238, Column]
- ○sabheya (sú-), mfn. skilful in council or company TS
- ○sama mf(ā)n. (cf. su-ṣama) perfectly level or smooth VarBṛS
- well-proportioned Vishṇ
- better than middling VarBṛS
- ○mī-√kṛ, to make perfectly smooth or even MBh
- ○samākṛta mf(ā)n. well furnished or supplied with (instr.) R
- ○samāpta mfn. well finished or done, Mahāvy
- ○samārabdha mfn. (prob.) very energetic in enterprise ib
- ○samāśrita mfn. well stationed R
- ○samāsīna mfn. comfortably seated MBh
- ○samāhita (sú-), mfn. well laden (as a waggon) ŚBr
- well arrayed or repaired, beautifully adorned R
- very intent or attentive, having the mind intently fixed or absorbed on a subject or object MBh. Kāv. &c
- perfectly fit or suitable Mālatīm
- ○samiddha (sú-), mfn. well kindled or lighted RV. GṛŚrS
- ○samidh See -ṣamidh
- ○samīpa mfn. occurring in a short time, imminent VarBṛS
- ○samīhita mfn. much desired, very welcome Mālatīm
- ○samubdha (sú-), mfn. well bound or fettered RV
- ○samṛddha (sú-), mfn. quite perfect AV. ŚBr
- very abundant R
- very wealthy or prosperous Mn. iii, 125
- ○ddhârtha mf(ā)n. abundantly provided with everything R
- ○samṛddhi f. great wealth or riches MBh
- ○sampad f. pl. plenty, abundance, great wealth or prosperity Pañcad
- ○sampanna mf(ā)n. well furnished, or supplied MBh. Hariv
- full grown Mṛicch. i, 55/56
- ○sampiṣṭa (sú-), mfn. much crushed or shattered RV
- ○sampūrṇa mfn. completely filled, i.e. provided with (comp.) R
- ○samprajña mfn. perfectly conscious Lalit
- ○sampratapta mfn. thoroughly harassed or afflicted Kām
- ○samprasthita m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○samprahṛṣṭa mfn. greatly delighted R. (B.)
- ○samprīta mfn. id. Bhaṭṭ
- ○sambaddha mfn. well bound, closely united MBh. Pañcat
- ○sambandha mfn. well joined MW
- ○sambhava m. N. of a king Buddh
- ○sambhāvya m. N. of a son of Manu Raivata (v. l. sambhāvya) VP
- ○sambhṛ́t f. good or right collecting together TS. TBr
- ○sambhṛta mfn. well collected or arranged or prepared MBh. (printed -saṃvṛta)
- ○sambhṛti f. right collection of requisites Naish
- ○sambhrama m. great agitation or hurry Pañcat
- great reverence MW
- ○sambhramat (Bcar.), or (MBh.), mf(ā)n. greatly agitated or bewildered
- ○sambhrānta (MBh.), mf(ā)n. greatly agitated or bewildered
- ○sammata mfn. much honoured, highly approved MBh
- ○sammṛṣṭa (sú-), mfn. well rubbed or cleansed RV. MBh
- ○saraṇá n. getting on well, easy progress RV
- m. N. of Śiva (v. l. -śaraṇa) MBh
- ○sarala mfn. perfectly straight Gol
- ○sártu f. N. of a river RV
- ○sarva (sú-), mfn. quite complete ŚBr
- ○salila mf(ā)n. having good water R
- ○sava wṛ. for -hava AV
- ○sasyá mf(ā́)n. well grown with corn Hariv. - 1
- ○saha (sú-), ind. good company RV. - 2
- ○saha mfn. easy to be borne or suffered W
- bearing or enduring well ib
- m. N. of Śiva MBh. (= saumya Nīlak.)
- ○sahâya mfn. having a good companion or assistant Mn. vii, 31
- -vat mfn. id. Suśr. Kathās
- ○sādhana mfn. easy to be proved (-tva n.) Sarvad
- ○sādhita mfn. well trained or educated Hit. (v. l.)
- well cooked or prepared Lalit
- ○sādhu mfn. quite right or correct Car
- ○sādhya mf(ā)n. easy to be kept in order, obedient, amenable Pañcar
- ○sāntvita mf(ā)n. thoroughly conciliated MBh
- ○sāntvayamana mfn. being thoroughly conciliated ib
- ○sāman n. conciliatory words, good negotiation Pañcat. (v. l.)
- m. See [s?-SAman]
- ○sāyá n. a good evening (am ind. 'early in the evening') AV. KātyŚr
- ○sāra m. good essence or sap or substance MW
- competence ib
- mfn. having good essṭessence or sap ib
- m. the red-flowering Khadira, Mimosa Catechu L
- -vat mfn. having good essṭessence or substṭsubstance MW
- n. crystal L
- ○sārathi m. having a good charioteer Śiś
- ○sârtha-vāha m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○sāvitra n. good action or influence of Savitṛi PañcavBr. KātyŚr
- ○sikatā f. (only L.) good sand
- gravel
- sugar
- ○sikta mfn. (cf. suṣ○) well sprinkled, Mahāv
- ○síc mfn. (of unknown meaning.) MaitrS
- ○sita mfn. pure white Kathās
- ○siddha mfn. well cooked Suśr
- very efficacious, possessing great magical power MBh
- ○ddhârtha mfn. one whose object is completely effected ib
- ○sīma mf(ā)n. having the hair well parted GṛŚrS. KaushUp
- having good boundaries R
- m. N. of a son of Bindu-sāra Divyâv
- (ā), f. a good boundary MW
- N. of the mother of the sixth Arhat L. [Page 1239, Column]
- of a town Divyâv
- ○sīman m. N. of a village HPariś
- ○sukha mf(ā)n. very pleasant or easy or comfortable (am, ind.) R. Hariv
- feeling very comfṭcomfortable or happy R
- -dṛśya mfn. very pleasant to see Pañcar
- ○khôdaya mfn. causing great comfort or pleasure R
- ○sukhin mfn. very comfortable or happy R
- ○sugandha or very sweet-smelling or fragrant MBh. R. &c
- ○suganḍdhi very sweet-smelling or fragrant MBh. R. &c
- ○sutama (sú-), mfn. (used in explaining su-ṣū́tama) ŚBr
- ○sundara mfn. very handsome Buddh
- ○subhikṣa n. great abundance of food R
- ○sura-priyā f. jasmine L
- ○sūkṣma mf(ā)n. very minute or small or delicate MBh. R. &c
- very subtle or keen (as understanding) MBh
- very difficult to be fathomed or understood MuṇḍUp. R
- m. or n. (?) an atom Vishṇ. Sch
- -pattrā f. a species of Valeriana L
- ○mêśa m. 'lord of atoms', N. of Vishṇu Vishṇ
- ○sūtra mfn. (prob. a word having a double sense) Cat
- ○sena wṛ. for -ṣeṇa
- ○sevita mfn. well served (as a king) Hit
- ○sevya mfn. (a road) to be well or easily followed BhP
- ○saindhavī f. a good mare from Sindh Kathās
- ○saubhaga n. conjugal felicity BhP
- ○skandana m. a partic. fragrant plant L
- ○skandha mfn. having a beautiful stalk or stem VarBṛS
- -māra, v. l. for skandha-māra (q.v.)
- ○stanā or f. (a woman) having beautiful breasts Pāṇ. 4-1, 54 Sch
- ○staḍnī f. (a woman) having beautiful breasts Pāṇ. 4-1, 54 Sch
- ○stambha m. a good post or pillar Pañcat
- ○stuta m. (cf. ṣṭuta) N. of a son of Supārśva VP
- ○strī f. a good chaste woman Kāv. Kathās
- ○stha mf(ā)n. well situated, faring well, healthy, comfortable, prosperous, happy (compar. -tara) Mn. MBh. &c
- -kalpa mfn. almost well or at ease Śak
- -citta mfn. easy at heart, feeling happy or comfortable MBh
- -tā f. health, welfare, happiness R
- -tva n. id. MW
- -mānasa mfn. (= -citta) R
- ○sthaṇḍila n. a beatiful place Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 195
- ○sthaya Nom. P. ○yati (fr. su-stha), to establish or settle well, make comfortable Bhaṭṭ
- ○sthala m. pl. N. of a people (cf. su-sthāla in g. bhargâdi) MBh
- ○sthāna n. a beautiful place Kathās
- (a partic. term in music) Inscr
- ○sthāvatī f. (in music) a partic. Rāga Saṃgīt
- ○sthita mf(ā)n. well established MBh. R
- firm, unshaken (as a heart) R. (B.)
- being on the right path, innocent Hariv
- being in good condition or well off, easy, comfortable, healthy, prosperous, fortunate MBh. Kāv. &c
- artless, simple (e voc. f. in addressing a woman) R
- m. N. of various Jaina teachers HPariś
- (am), n. a house with a gallery on all sides VarBṛS
- -tva n. ease, comfort, welfare, happiness Śiś
- -manas mfn. being in a happy frame of mind, contented MW
- -m-manya mfn. fancying one's self prosperous or well off Hit
- ○sthiti f. an excellent position Ragh
- good condition, wellbeing, welfare Bhadrab
- health convalescence W
- ○sthira mf(ā)n. very firm or steady, stable MBh. BhP
- resolute, cool W
- (ā), f. a partic. vein or artery Pañcar
- -m-manya mfn. considering one's self firmly established Śiś
- -yauvana mf(ā)n. having perpetual youth, always young, Pañcar
- -varman m. N. of a son of Sthira-varman (v. l. sura-v○) Hcar
- ○stheya n. (impers.) easy to stand MBh
- ○snāta mfn. well purified by bathing, (esp.) one who has duly performed his ablutions Vet. BhP. HPariś
- ○snigdha mf(ā)n. very smooth or soft or gentle VarBṛS. Pañcar
- very loving or tender Kāv
- (ā), f. a kind of creeper L
- (○dha) -gambhīra mfn. very soft and deep-toned MW
- ○snuṣa mf(ā)n. having a good daughter-in-law RV
- ○sparśa mfn. pleasant to the touch, very soft or tender BhP
- ○spaṣṭa mfn. very clear or distinct or manifest (am ind.) Kathās. Rājat
- ○sphīta mfn. very thriving or flourishing or prospering MBh. Kāś
- ○sphuṭa mfn. very clear Vīrac
- ○smita mf(ā)n. smiling sweetly L
- ○srag-dhara mfn. wearing a beautiful garland BhP
- ○sráj mfn. id. AV. ŚBr
- ○srás mfn. becoming loose or falling off easily AV
- ○sroṇi wṛ. for -śroṇi (q.v.)
- ○srotas mfn. streaming beautifully L
- m. N. of a man Pat. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 113
- m. or f. (?) N. of a river (v. l. su-śroṇā) Hariv
- ○svadha m. pl. N. of a partic. class of deceased ancestors ib
- (ā), f. welfare, prosperity MārkP
- ○svana mfn. very loud (am ind.) R
- ○svapna m. a good or lucky dream Rājat. HPariś
- m. 'having good dreams', N. of Śiva MBh
- ○svabhāva mf(ā)n. goodnatured MBh
- ○svara m. the right tone or accent Śiksh
- mf(ā)n. having a beautiful voice MBh
- well-sounding, harmonious, melodious (am ind.) Kāv. Kathās. [Page 1239, Column]
- loud (am ind.) MBh. R. &c
- m. a conch L
- N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh
- ○sváru mfn. (of unknown meaning) RV. v, 44, 5 (= śobhana-gamana or -stutika Sāy.)
- ○svāgata n. a hearty welcome (○taṃ te'stu, a hearty welcome to thee!) MBh. R
- mf(ā)n. attended with a hearty welcome R
- ○svāda mf(ā)n. having a good taste, well-flavoured, sweet Pañcat. Rājat
- ○svādu mfn. id
- -toya mfn. containing very sweet water Hit
- ○svânta mfn. having a good or happy mind, well-disposed MW
- ○svāpa m. deep sleep L
- ○svāmin m. a good lord or chief Subh
- ○svinha mfn. well boiled or cooked Hariv
- ○sveda mf(ā)n. sweating well Siddh. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 54
- susthuṣas (to be pronounced in a partic. case for tasthuṣas) TāṇḍBr
- susnayu m. (said to be fr. √snā) the institutor of a sacrifice (= yajamāna) L
- susnā f. a kind of pulse, Lathyrus Sativus L
- susmūrṣamāṇa mfn. (fr. Desid. of √smṛ) wishing or trying to recollect Bhaṭṭ
- susmūrṣā f. the wish to recollect Nyāyam. Sch
- su-srag-dhara &c. See col. 1
- sussala m. N. of a man (cf. saussala) Rājat
- suh (cf. √sah), cl. 4. P. suhyati, to satisfy, gladden Dhātup. xxvi, 21
- to be glad, rejoice ib
- to bear, endure, support ib
- suhaṇamukha (?), N. of a place Cat
- su-hata mfn. (i.e. 5. su + hata
- fr. √han) thoroughly beaten or slain ṢaḍvBr. Pañcat
- justly slain or killed Jātakam
- su (to be similarly prefixed to the following)
- ○hána mfn. easy to be slain or killed RV
- ○hanu mfn. having handsome jaws MBh. R
- m. N. of an Asura MBh
- ○hántu mfn. = -hána RV
- ○haya See mahā-suhayá
- ○hara m. 'seizing well', N. of an Asura (v. l. a-hara) MBh
- ○hala mfn. having an excellent plough (also ○li) Pāṇ. 5-4, 121
- m. N. of a physician and an ambassador (contemporaries of Maṅkha) Śrīkaṇṭh
- ○halana m. (with bhaṭṭa) N. of the author of a Comm. on Halâyudha's Mṛita-saṃjīvanī Cat
- ○háva mf(ā)n. well or easily invoked, listening willingly RV. AV
- invoking well ib. AitBr
- n. an auspicious or successful invocation RV. AV
- ○havís mfn. having or offering beautiful oblations, devout, pious RV
- m. N. of an Āṅgirasa PañcavBr
- of a son of Bhumanyu MBh
- ○hávītu-nāman mfn. one whose name is to be invoked auspiciously or successfully RV. 1
- ○havyá mf(ā)n. fit for invocation RV. - 2
- ○havyá mfn. sacrificing well or successfully (applied to Agni) ib
- ○hasânana mfn. having a cheerful smiling face W
- ○hásta mf(ā)n. having beautiful hands RV. TS
- skilful or clever with the hands RV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- trained in arms, disciplined L
- m. N. of a Soma-keeper VS
- of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh
- ○hastin m. N. of a Jaina teacher HPariś
- ○hástya mfn. skilful-handed, clever RV
- m. N. of a Ṛishi (having the metron. Gausheya and author of RV. x, 41), Aūkr
- ○hā́rd mfn. having a good interior, i.e. a good stomach &c. (said of Indra) RV
- having a good or loving heart, kind, benevolent, a friend (opp. to dur-hārd) AV
- ○hāsa mf(ā)n. having a pleasant smile Chandom
- ○hāsin mfn. laughing, i.e. radiant or shining with (comp.) VarBṛS
- ○hiṃs mfn. (nom. -hin) one who strikes well Vop
- ○hita (sú-), mf(ā)n. very fit or suitable Nir
- very salutary or beneficial R
- thoroughly satiated or satisfied (esp. with food and drink) AV. &c. &c
- very friendly, affectionate W
- (ā), f. one of the tongues of fire L
- n. satiety, abundance TS
- ○hiraṇyá mfn. having beautiful gold, abounding in gold RV. VS
- ○hiraṇya-vat (sú-), mfn. id. AV
- ○huta (sú-), mf(ā)n. well offered or sacrificed RV. AV. KātyŚr. R
- well worshipped with sacrifices BhP. Pañcat
- (am), n. good or right sacrifice ŚBr. GṛŚrS
- -kṛt or -hut mfn. offering a right sacrifice GṛŚrS
- ○tâd mfn. eating a right sacrifice RV
- ○hū́ mfn. calling or invoking well VS
- ○hūti See svabhūti,
- ○hṛd &c., See s.v
- ○hemanta m. a good winter GṛS. [Page 1239, Column]
- ○hótṛ (or sú-h○), m. a good sacrificer or priest RV. TS
- N. of a son of Bhumanyu MBh
- of a son of Vitatha Hariv
- ○hotra m. N. of the author of RV. vi, 31, 32 (having the patr. Bhāradvāja) Anukr
- of a Bārhaspatya, IndSt
- of an Ātreya MārkP
- of a preceptor W
- of a Kaurava MBh
- of a son of Saha-deva ib
- of a son of Bhumanyu ib
- of a son of Bṛihat-kshatra Hariv
- of a son of Bṛihad-ishu ib
- of a son of Kāñcanaprabha ib
- of a son of Vitatha ib
- of a son of Sudhanvan ib
- of a son of Su-dhanus BhP
- of a son of Kshatra-vṛiddha ib
- of a Daitya MBh
- of a monkey R
- pl. N. of a seat of fire-worshippers Cat
- ○hvāna mfn. (used in explaining su-hava) Nir
- su-hṛd m. 'good-hearted', kindhearted', 'well-disposed', a friend, ally (also said of planets
- suhṛdo janāḥ, 'friends') ŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- N. of the fourth astrol. mansion VarBṛS
- f. a female friend Gobh. Kauś
- mfn. (only ifc.) fond of, liking or devoted to Bālar
- very similar to, closely resembling ib
- ○āgama m. 'arrival of a friend', N. of wk
- ○bala m. the army of an ally W
- ○bheda m. separation of friends (N. of the 2nd book of the Hitôpadeśa)
- ○vadha m. the killing of a friend Mn. xi, 56
- ○vākya n. the speech or advice of a friend MBh
- suhṛc in comp. for suhṛd
- ○choka-vivardhana (for -śok), augmenting the grief of a friend MBh
- suhṛj in comp. for suhṛd
- ○jana m. a friendly person, friend MBh. R
- (also pl.) friends ib
- suhṛt in comp. for suhṛd
- ○tama mfn. (superl.) very friendly or cordial, kind, affectionate MBh
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. friendship, friendliness, affection MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○tyāga m. the desertion of a friend MW
- ○prakāśâkhya-stava m. N. of wk
- ○prâpti f. the acquisition of a friend Sāṃkhyak
- suhṛda m. 'a friend', N. of Śiva MBh
- ○druh mfn. (Nom. -dhruk or -dhruṭ) one who injures a friend MW
- su-hṛdaya mfn. good-hearted, affectionate (superl. -tama) AitBr
- suhṛn in comp. for suhṛd
- ○nārī f. a female friend Cāṇ. (v. l.)
- ○mitra n. sg. friends and allies MBh
- ○mukha mfn. friendly-faced Bcar
- suhṛl in comp. for suhṛd
- ○liṅga-dhara mfn. having the mere appearance of a friend BhP
- su-hotṛ &c. See above
- suhma m. N. of a district or (pl.) a people in the west of Bengal (called after Suhma, the son of Dīrgha-tamas and Su-deshṇā, the wife of Bali, or the son of Kāñcanêshudhi, i.e. Bali in a former birth) MBh. Hariv. Pur
- ○nagara n. the city of the Suhmas Pāṇ. 6-2, 89 Sch
- suhmaka (ifc.) = suhma Hariv
- sū (not separable in all forms fr. √2. sū
- 1. su-ṣū́, asu-sū, and √4. su), cl. 6. P. (Dhātup. xxviii, 115) suváti (in Br. also ○te, and accord. to Dhātup. xxii, 43 and xxiv, 32 also savati and -sauti
- pf. suṣuvé AV
- p. suṣuvāṇá, q.v
- aor. asāviit, sāviṣat RV.: Pass. sūyáte Br. &c.), to set in motion, urge, impel, vivify, create, produce RV. &c. &c
- to hurl upon Bhaṭṭ
- to grant, bestow (esp. said of Savitṛi) RV
- to appoint or consecrate to (Ā. 'to let one's self be consecrated') AV. TS
- to allow, authorize ŚBr.: Intens. soṣaviiti, to urge or impel violently (said of Savitṛi) RV
- sūka m. (cf. sṛka) an arrow L
- air, wind L
- a lotus L
- m. N. of a son of Hrada (v. l. mūka) Hariv
- sūta mfn. urged, impelled &c. (cf. 3. sūta, p. 1241, col. 2, 1. suta, and nṛ-ṣūta)
- sūti See 1. pra-sūti
- sūnu m. one who urges or incites, an inciter Sāy. on RV. i, 103, 4
- the sun (= savitṛ) L
- sūṣuvāṇá mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 106 Sch.) being consecrated, consecrated TS. Br
- sū (cf. 1. sū and √5. su), cl. 2. Ā. (Dhātup. xxiv, 21) sūte (1. sg. pr. suve, 3. sg. impf. asūta
- in later language also sūyate [xxvi, 3] and in comp. with pra also -savati and -sauti [xxiv,. 3]
- pf. sasūva RV
- suṣuvé AV. &c
- susāva MBh. &c
- aor. asuṣot MaitrS
- ○ṣavuḥ TBr
- asoṣṭa ChUp
- asauṣīt and asaviṣṭa Gr
- fut. sotā, savitā ib
- soṣyáti, ○te Br. &c
- saviṣyati, ○te MBh. &c
- p. f. sū́ṣyantī RV
- _ soṣyántī s. v. ŚBr. [Page 1240, Column]
- inf. sū́tave RV
- sūtavaí AV
- sávitave ib
- sotum, or savitum Gr
- ind. p. sūtvā́ Br
- -sūya MBh. &c
- -sútya ŚBr.), to beget, procreate, bring forth, bear, produce, yield RV. &c. &c.: Pass. sūyate (aor. asāvi), to be begotten or brought forth MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. sāvayati Gr.: Desid. -susūṣati ib
- sū mfn. begetting, procreating, bringing forth, producing (mostly ifc
- See a-, ambhaḥ-, karṇa-sū &c.)
- m. one who begets, a father RV. VS
- a mother RV. i, 32, 9
- child-bearing, parturition W. [Cf. Gk. ?, ? ; Lat. sus ; Angl. Sax. [1240,] sû ; Eng. sow ; Germ. ṣau.]
- sūta mfn. (for 3. See p. 1241, col. 2) born, engendered ( See su-ṣūta)
- one that has, brought forth (young) Mn. VarBṛS
- m. quicksilver ŚārṅgS. Sarvad
- the sun W
- (ā), f. a woman who has given birth to a child MW
- a young quadruped L
- wṛ. for sutā Pañcat. iii, 192/193
- ○mahôdadhi m. N. of wk. on medicine (cf. sūtârṇava)
- ○rāj m. quicksilver L
- ○vaśā (sūtá-), f. a cow which remains barren after its first calf AV. MaitrS
- sūtârṇava m. N. of wk. on medicine (cf. sūta-mahôdadhi)
- sūtaka n. birth (also 'the calving of a cow &c.) GṛS. Mn. MBh. &c
- impurity (of parents) caused by child-birth or miscarriage Yājñ. Dhūrtas
- impurity (in general) Subh
- an obstacle Tithyād
- (akā and ikā), f. See below
- (am), m. n. quick silver, mercury Sarvad
- ○bhojana n. a natal feast ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ○sāra and m. N. of wks
- ○siddhânta m. N. of wks
- sūtakânna n. food rendered impure by child-birth or miscarriage AitBr. GṛŚrS
- sūtakânnâdya n. id. &c. Mn. iv, 112
- sūtakā f. a woman recently delivered Pāṇ. 7-3, 45 Vārtt. 10 Pat
- ○gṛha n. a room set apart for a woman in child-birth, lying-in chamber L
- ○"ṣgni (○kâgni), m. a fire lighted at the ceremony performed after child-birth (cf. sūtikâgni) ĀpŚr
- sūtakin mfn. rendered impure by child-birth Saṃskārak
- sūtí f. birth, production (generally ifc.) TBr. MBh. &c
- parturition, delivery, lying in Hariv. Kathās
- yielding fruit, production of crops BhP
- place or cause or manner of production Kāv. BhP
- offspring, progeny MārkP
- m. a goose (?) L
- N. of a son of Viśvimitra (v. l. bhūti) MBh
- ○kāla m. the time of delivery Hariv
- ○gṛha n. a lying in chamber (also written sūtī-gṛ○) BhP
- ○matī f. bringing forth children MārkP
- ○māruta m. the throes of child-birth (supposed to be caused by a partic. vital air) Yājñ. BhP
- ○mās or m. the month of delivery, the last month of gestation or pregnancy (= vaijanana) L. -roga m. puerperal sickness HPariś
- ○māsa m. the month of delivery, the last month of gestation or pregnancy (= vaijanana) L. -roga m. puerperal sickness HPariś
- ○vāta m. = -māruta BhP
- sūtika g. purohitâdi (cf. sautikya)
- sū́tikā f. a woman who has recently brought forth a child, lying-in woman AV. &c. &c
- (with or scil. go) a cow that has recently calved Yājñ. MBh
- ○gada m. puerperal sickness, fever or sickness of any kind supervening on child-birth ŚārṅgS
- ○"ṣgāra (○kâg○), n. a lying-in chamber L
- ○gṛha or n. id. L
- ○geha n. id. L
- ○"ṣgni (○kâgni), m. = sūtakâgni ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ○bhavana n. = -gṛha W
- ○māruta m. vital air of child-birth Ml
- ○roga m. = -gada MW
- ○"ṣvāsa (○kâv○ m. = -gṛha L
- ○ṣaṣṭhī f. a goddess worshipped on the sixth day after child-birth MW
- -pūjā f. the worship of the above goddess ib
- sūtikôtthāna n. a ceremony performed after the 10th day from delivery Vishṇ
- sūtī in comp. for 2. sūti
- ○gṛha n. = sūtigṛ○ BhP
- ○māsa m. = sūti-m○ L
- ○vṛtti f. N. of a Comm. on the Uṇādi-sūtra (v. l. for satī-v○) Cat
- sū́tu f. child-bearing, pregnancy AV. TS. Kāṭh
- sūty in comp. for 2. sūti
- ○āśauca n. impurity caused by child-birth (continuing for ten days after regular parturition, and after miscarriage for a period of days equal to the number of months since conception) W
- sūtrī́ f. (prob.) the genitals (of a cow) AV
- sūna mfn. born, produced &c. Pāṇ. 8-2, 45 Sch
- blown, budded (as a flower) W
- empty, vacant (prob. wṛ. for śūna, śūnya) ib
- m. a son (prob. wṛ. for 3. suta) Pañcat. iii, 247/248
- (ā), f. a daughter L. (for other meanings See sūnā, p. 1242, col. 3)
- n. bringing forth, parturition W
- a bud, flower (cf. pra-sūna) Śiś
- fruit L
- ○vat mfn. one who has borne or produced W
- having budded or blossomed ib. [Page 1240, Column]
- ○śara m. 'flower-arrowed', the god of love Ml
- sūnú m. a son, child, offspring RV. &c. &c
- a younger brother Kir. i, 24
- a daughter's son W
- N. of a Ṛishi (having the patr. Ārbhava or Kāśyapa, author of RV. x, 176), Aūkr
- IndSt. ; f. a daughter Mn. i, 10. [Cf. Zd. hunu ; Lith. sūnús ; Slav. [syn�u] ; Goth. sunus ; Angl. Sax. sunu ; Eng. son ; Germ. ṣohn.]
- ○tā f. sonship MBh
- ○mát mfn. having sons RV
- ○rūpa (?), mfn. having the form of a son JaimBr
- sūvan mf(arī)n. bearing children, generating, producing ( See bahu-sū́varī)
- sotṛ See 2. sotṛ, p. 1248, col. 3
- sū ind., Ved. and in some comp. = 5. su, well, good &c. (cf. sū-nara, sū-nṛta &c.)
- sū-kará m. (prob. fr. sū + kara, making the sound sū
- cf. śū-kara &c. ; accord. to others fr. 3. sū and connected with Lat. sū-culus, sū-cula) a boar, hog, pig, swine (ifc. f. ā
- daṃṣṭrā sūkarasya, prob. 'a partic. plant' Suśr.) RV. &c. &c
- a kind of deer (the hog-deer) L
- a partic. fish L
- white rice L
- a potter L
- N. of a partic. hell VP
- (ī), f. a sow Yājñ. R. &c
- a kind of bird VarBṛS
- a small pillar above a wooden beam L
- Batatas Edulis L
- Mimosa Pudica L
- Lycopodium Imbricatum L
- N. of a goddess Kālac
- ○kanda m. 'hog's √', a kind of bulbous plant L
- ○kṣetra n. N. of a sacred district Cat
- ○gṛha n. a pig-sty Pañcat
- ○tā f. the state or nature of a hog Mn. iii, 190
- ○daṃṣṭra or m. 'hog's tusk', N. of a kind of disease Bhpr
- ○daṃṣḍṭraka m. 'hog's tusk', N. of a kind of disease Bhpr
- ○nayana n. 'hog's eye', N. of a hole of a partic. form in timber VarBṛS
- ○padī f. g. kumbhapady-ādi
- ○pādikā f. a plant resembling Carpopogan Pruriens L
- ○pādī f. a kind of plant VarBṛS
- ○preyasī f. the beloved of the Boar (N. of the Earth as rescued from the flood by Vishṇu in the form of a boar) Kathās
- ○mukha n. 'hog's mouth', N. of a partic. hell BhP
- ○sadman m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 6-4, 144 Vārtt. - 1
- sūkarâkrāntā f. yam's √L
- sūkarâkṣitā f. a disease of the eye (liable to be caused by surgical operations) Suśr
- sūkarâsyā f. N. of a Buddhist goddess Kālac
- sūkarêṣṭa m. 'liked by hogs', the √of Scirpus Kysoor L
- sūkaraka m. a species of rice VarBṛS
- (ikā), f. a kind of bird ib
- n. = sūkara-nayana ib
- sūkarika m. or n. a kind of plant VarBṛS
- (ā), f. See preceding
- sū7ktá mfn. (5. su + ukta) well or properly said or recited RV. &c. &c
- speaking well, eloquent MatsyaP
- (ā), f. a kind of bird, the Sārikā L
- (ám), n. good recitation or speech, wise saying, song of praise RV. &c. &c
- a Vedic hymn (as distinguished from a Ṛic or single verse of a hymn) Br. ŚrS Mn. BhP
- ○cārin mfn. following a good word or advice R
- ○darśin m. 'hymn-seer', the author of a Vedic hymn (○śi-tva n.) MW
- ○draṣṭṛ m. id. ib
- ○pañcaka n. N. of a Kāvya
- ○bhāj mfn. one who has a hymn or hymns (addressed to him) Nir
- ○mukhīya mf(ā)n. standing at the beginning of a hymn ĀśvŚr
- ○ratnâkara m. N. of a Mahā-kāvya (q.v.)
- ○vāká m. pronouncing a speech or hymn, recitation RV. VS. Br. ŚrS
- a partic. ceremony MW
- ○vākya n. a good speech or word, wise saying BhP
- ○vā́c (or sū7ktá-vāc), mfn. uttering a good speech &c. RV. Br. ĀśvŚr
- sū7ktânukramaṇī f. an index of Vedic hymns (attributed to Śaunaka by Ṣaḍ-guruśishya)
- sūktāmṛtapunaruktopadaṃśanadaśana3sū7ktâmṛta-punaruktôpadaṃśanadaśana n. N. of a medic. wk. by Saj-jana
- sū7ktâvali f. N. of an anthology by Lakshmaṇa
- sū7ktâsi m. the sword of pleasant speech MW
- sū7ktôkti f. recitation of hymns VS
- sū7ktôcya mfn. to be pronounced in a hymn TBr
- sū7kti f. a good or friendly speech, wise saying, beautiful verse or stanza Kāṭh. R. &c
- ○mañjarī-prakāśa m. N. of a Vedânta wk
- ○mālikā f. N. of a poem
- ○muktā f. pl. pearls of wise sayings Kāv
- ○muktâvali or f. N. of various wks
- ○muktâvaḍlī f. N. of various wks
- ○ratnâkara m. a jewel-mine of beautiful sayings Sāh
- N. of a Comm. on the Mahā-bhāshya
- ○saṃgraha m. N. of a Kāvya by Kṛishṇa-dāsa Kāyastha
- ○sahasra n. N. of a collection of a thousand beautiful verses
- ○sādhutva-mālikā f. N. of a poem (perhaps identical with sū7kti-mālikā). [Page 1240, Column]
- sū7ktika m. (in music) a kind of cymbal Saṃgīt
- sū7kty in comp. for sū7kti
- ○ādarśa m. N. of wk. on Bhakti by Kavi-tāṇḍava
- sūkṣma mf(ā)n. (prob. connected with sūci, p. 1241, col. 1) minute, small, fine, thin, narrow, short, feeble, trifling, insignificant, unimportant (with artha m. 'a trifling matter' ) Yājñ. MBh. &c
- acute, subtle, keen (understanding or mental operation
- am ind.) KaṭhUp. R. &c
- nice, exact, precise Col
- subtle, atomic, intangible Up. Sāṃkhyak. MBh. &c
- m. a partic. figure of rhetoric ('the subtle expression of an intended act') Cat
- (with Śaivas) one who has attained a certain grade of emancipation Hcat
- a mystical N. of the sound ī Up
- N. of Śiva MBh
- of a Dānava ib. Hariv
- m. or n. an atom, intangible matter Sāṃkhyak. Sarvad. MBh. &c
- the subtle all-pervading spirit, Supreme Soul L
- the Kataka or clearing-nut plant L
- = kṛtaka, or kaitava L
- (ā), f. sand L
- small cardamoms L
- N. of two plants (= yūthikā or karuṇī) L
- of one of the 9 Śaktis of Vishṇu L
- (am), n. the cavity or socket of a tooth Vishṇ
- woven silk L
- marrow L
- the Vedânta philosophy L
- ○kṛśa-phalā or f. a kind of tree (= madhyama-jambu-vṛkṣa) L
- ○kṛṣṇa-phalā f. a kind of tree (= madhyama-jambu-vṛkṣa) L
- ○ghaṇṭikā f. (prob.) = kṣudra-gh○ L
- ○cakra n. a partic. diagram Cat
- ○jātaka n. N. of wk. of Varāha-mihira (= laghu-j○)
- ○ṭikka m. N. of a man (cf. bṛhaṭ-ṭikka) Rājat
- ○taṇḍula m. 'having small seeds', the poppy L
- (ā), f. long pepper L
- Andropogon Muricatus W
- ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- ○tama mfn. very feeble, scarcely audible TPrāt. Sch
- very subtle or minute BhP
- ○tara mfn. scarcely audible (v. l. for prec.)
- more (or most) subtle or minute BhP
- ○tā f. minuteness, subtlety, fineness Mn. vi, 65
- ○tuṇḍa m. a partic. biting insect Suśr
- ○tva n. = -tā MBh. Vedântas
- ○darśin mfn. sharp-sighted, of acute discernment, quick, intelligent KaṭhUp. MBh
- (○śi-) -tā f. quick-sightedness, acuteness, wisdom Mālav
- ○dala m. mustard L
- (ā), f. Alhagi Maurorum L
- ○dāru n. a thin plank or board L
- ○dṛṣṭi f. a keen glance Pañcat
- mfn. keen-sighted KāśīKh
- ○deha m. n. = -śarīra (q.v.) MW
- ○dharma m. a subtle law or duty MBh. i, 7246 (cf. IW. 387, n. 1)
- ○nābha m. N. of Vishṇu L
- ○pattra m. 'small-leaved', N. of various plants (a kind of fennel or anise
- a kind of sugar-cane
- Ocimum Pilosum &c.) L
- (ā), f. Asparagus Racemosus and Argyreia Speciosa or Argentea L
- (ī), f. a kind of Valerian L
- n. coriander L
- ○pattraka m. 'id.', Ocimum Pilosum L
- (ikā), f. N. of various plants (Anethum Sowa
- Asparagus Racemosus
- Alhagi Maurorum &c.) L
- ○parṇā f. 'id.', N. of various plants (Hoya Viridiflora
- Argyreia Speciosa
- = -saṇapuṣpī) L
- (ī), f. a kind of basil L
- ○pāda mfn. having small feet (-tva n.) Kathās
- ○pippalī f. wild pepper L
- ○puṣpī f. 'having small flowers', a kind of plant (= yava-tiktā) L
- ○phala m. 'having small fruit', Cordia Myxa L
- (ā), f. Flacourtia Cataphracta L
- ○badarī f. a kind of jujube L
- ○bīja m. 'having small seeds', the poppy L
- ○bhūta n. a subtle element (= tan-mātra) Vedântas. Sarvad
- ○makṣika m. (or ā f.) a small fly, musquito, gnat L
- ○mati or mfn. acute-minded Kāv
- ○mati-mat mfn. acute-minded Kāv
- ○māna n. minute or exact measurement, precise computation MW
- ○mūlā f. 'having a slender √', Sesbania AEgyptiaca L
- ○lobhaka n. (scil. sthāna
- with Jainas) the tenth of the 14 stages leading to emancipation Cat
- ○vallī f. a kind of medicinal plant (= tāmravallī) L
- a red Oldenlandia L
- Momordica Charantia L
- ○vāluka mfn. abounding in fine sand R
- ○śarīra n. (in phil.) the subtle body (= lingaś○, q.v., opp. to sthūla-ś○, q.v.)
- n. pl. the six subtle principles from which the grosser elements are evolved (viz. Ahaṃ-kāra and the 5 Tan-mātras, See Mn. i, 17
- accord. to other systems 'the 17 subtle principles of the 5 organs of sense, 5 organs of action, 5 elements, Buddhi and Manas') IW. 53, n. 2 ; 198, n. 3
- ○śarkarā f. fine gravel, sand L
- ○śāka m. Acacia Arabica L
- ○śākha m. 'having small branches', a kind of plant (= jāla-varvūra) L
- ○śāli m. a kind of fine rice L
- ○śiraska mfn. small-headed (applied as a nickname to a Buddhist) Cat
- ○ṣaṭ-caraṇa m. a minute insect, a sort of tick or louse (said to infest the roots of the eyelashes) L
- ○sphoṭa m. a kind of leprosy (= vi-carcikā) Gal
- sūkṣmâkṣa mfn. keen-sighted, acute (applied to the mind [Page 1241, Column]
- -tā f.) Rājat
- sūkṣmâtman m. 'subtle-souled', N. of Śiva MBh
- sūkṣmêkṣikā f. keen-sightedness, acuteness (prob. for ○kṣi-tā) Rājat
- sūkṣmâilā f. small cardamoms L
- sūkṣmī in comp. for sūkṣma
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make thin or fine, subtilize, refine MW
- ○kṛta mfn. subtilized, made thin or minute ib
- ○bhūta mfn. become subtle or fine, minute ib
- sūkṣmya (prob. wṛ. for sūkṣma) VarBṛS
- sūkhara m. pl. N. of a Śaiva sect W
- sūc (rather Nom. fr. sūca and sūci below), cl. 10. P. (Dhātup. xxxv, 21) sūcayati, to point out, indicate, show', manifest, reveal, betray (in dram. = 'to indicate by gesture, communicate by signs, represent') MaitrUp. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to trace out, ascertain, espy MW.: Pass. sūcyate (aor. asūci), to be pointed out or indicated Kāv. Kathās. &c.: Intens. sosūcyate Pat. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 22
- sūca mf(ā)n. pointing out, indicating &c. (ifc.) Jātakam
- m. a pointed shoot or blade of Kuśa grass (= darbhâṅkura) L
- (ā), f. pointing out, indication Jātakam
- piercing L
- gesticulation L
- spying out, sight, seeing L
- sūcaka mf(ikā)n. pointing out, indicating, showing, designating MBh. Kāv. &c
- pointing to (acc.) Hariv
- informing, betraying, treacherous Car
- m. a denouncer, informer Mn. MBh. &c
- (the following only in L.) the manager or chief actor of a company
- a narrator, teacher
- the son of an Āyogava and a Kshatriyā
- a Buddha
- a Siddha
- demon, imp
- villain, dog
- jackal
- cat
- crow
- needle
- balustrade, parapet
- kind of rice
- sūcana mf(ī)n. pointing out, indicating ( śubha-sūcanī)
- (ā), f. (= sūcā) pointing out, indication, communication Suśr. Sāh
- piercing &c. L
- (ī), f. a short index or table of contents L
- (am), n. indication Jātakam
- bodily exertion Car
- sūcanīya mfn. to be pointed out or indicated &c. Sāh
- sūcayitavya mfn. to be found out Vikr
- sūci or f. (prob. to be connected with sūtra, syūta &c. fr. √siv, 'to sew', cf. sūkṣma
- sūcī́ f. (prob. to be connected with sūtra, syūta &c. fr. √siv, 'to sew', cf. sūkṣma
- in R. once sūcinā instr.), a needle or any sharppointed instrument (e.g. 'a needle used in surgery', 'a magnet' &c.) RV. &c. &c
- the sharp point or tip of anything or any pointed object Kāv. Car. BhP
- a rail or balustrade Divyâv
- a small doorbolt L
- 'sharp file or column', a kind of military array (accord. to Kull. on Mn. vii, 187, 'placing the sharpest and most active soldiers in front') Mn. MBh. Kām
- an index, table of contents (in books printed in India
- cf. -pattra below)
- a triangle formed by the sides of a trapezium produced till they meet Col
- a cone, pyramid ib
- (in astron) the earth's disc in computing eclipses (or 'the corrected diameter of the earth') Sūryas
- gesticulation, dramatic action L
- a kind of coitus L
- sight, seeing (= dṛṣṭi) L
- m. (only sūci) the son of Nishāda and a Vaiśyā L
- a maker of winnowing baskets &c. (cf. sūnā) L
- ○kulāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to appear like a multitude of needles Mahān
- ○khāta m. a sharp pyramid or pyramidal excavation, a pyramid, cone W
- ○gṛhaka n. a needle-case L
- ○tā f. needlework ib
- ○pattra n. an index ( See above)
- ○pattraka or m. Marsilea Quadrifolia L
- ○pattrika m. Marsilea Quadrifolia L
- ○puṣpa m. the Ketaka tree, Pandanus Odoratissimus L
- ○bhinna mfn. divided into needle-like points at the ends of the buds Megh
- ○bhedya mfn. capable of being pierced with a needle, very dense, palpable (as darkness) Megh. Hit
- ○mallikā f. Jasminum Sambac L
- ○radana m. 'needle-toothed', the mungoose L
- ○roman m. 'having needle-like bristles', a hog L
- ○vat m. N. of Garuḍa L
- ○vadana m. (perhaps wṛ. for -radana) 'needle-faced', the mungoose L
- a musquito L
- ○śāli m. a sort of rice L
- ○śikhā f. the point of a needle Naish
- ○sūtra n. a thread for a needle or for sewing (v. l. sūcī-ś○) L
- sūcika m. one who lives by his needle, a tailor &c. (cf. saucika) VarBṛS
- (ā), f. See next
- sūcikā f. a needle L
- an elephant's trunk or proboscis L
- Pandanus Odoratissimus L
- N. of an Apsaras (cf. śūcikā) L
- ○dhara m. 'having a trunk', an elephant L
- ○"ṣbharaṇa (○kâbh○), n. a partic. drug (used as a remedy for the bite of a serpent) Rasêndrac
- ○mukha m. 'having a pointed end', a shell, conch shell L. [Page 1241, Column]
- sūcita mfn. (for 2. sū7cita See below) pointed out, indicated, hinted, communicated, shown, betrayed, made known by (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- pierced, perforated MW
- sūcitavya mfn. = sūcya MW
- sūcin mfn. spying, informing W
- piercing perforating ib
- m. a spy, informer MBh. VP
- (inī), f. a needle W
- night ib
- sūcī f. (= sūcī), in comp
- ○kaṭāha-nyāya m. the rule of the needle and the caldron (a phrase implying that when two things have to be done, one easy and the other difficult, the easier should be done first) MW
- ○kapiśa mfn. (applied to a kind of arrow the use of which is prohibited) MBh
- ○karman n. needle-work (one of the 64 Kalās) BhP. Sch
- ○khāta See sūci-kh○
- ○tuṇḍa m. 'needlemouthed', a gnat Bālar
- ○dala m. Marsilea Quadrifolia L
- ○pattra m. a kind of sugar-cane (also ○ttraka) L
- (ā), f. a kind of Dūrvā grass (= gaṇḍadūrvā) L
- (am), n. See sūci-p○
- ○padī f. g. kumbhapady-ādi
- ○padma n. a kind of military array (cf. under sūci) MBh. (v. l. śūc○)
- ○pāśa m. the eye of a needle Suśr
- ○puṣpa See sūci-p○
- ○prôta mfn. threaded ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○bhedya See sūci-bh○
- ○mukha n. the point of a needle (also ○khâgra) Kāv. Suśr
- a partic. hell BhP
- (○cī́-m○), mf(ī)n. having a beak &c. as sharp as a needle AV. Pañcat
- pointed or sharp as a needle MBh
- narrow (cf. -vaktra) Car. ŚārṅgS
- (only L.) a bird (or a partic. bird or N. of a bird) Kathās. Pañcat
- a kind of Kuśa grass
- a gnat or some other stinging insect
- a partic. position of the hands
- (ī), f. a female bird MW
- (am), n. a diamond L
- ○khâgrasambhedya mfn. very thick or dense (= sūcibhedya, q.v.) Sarasv
- ○roman See sūci-r○
- ○vaktra mfn. having a mouth or aperture as pointed as a needle, too narrow Suśr. Bhpr
- m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh
- of an Asura Hariv
- ○vāna-karman n. pl. the arts of sewing and weaving Cat
- ○sūtra See sūci-s○
- sūcī́ka m. a stinging insect R
- sūcy in comp, for sūci or sūcī
- ○agra n. the point of a needle MBh. Pañcat
- as much land as is pierced by the point of a needle, i.e. very little (= ○grabhedyam bhūmi-talam) MBh. Inscr
- m. 'pointed or sharp as a needle', a thorn L
- -viddha mfn. pierced by the point of a needle Pañcat
- -sthūlaka m. Saccharum Cylindricum L
- ○āsya mfn. needle-mouthed L
- m. a rat L
- a gnat or musquito L
- a partic. position of the hands L
- ○āhva m. a kind of culinary herb L
- sūcya mfn. to be indicated or pointed out, to be made known or communicated Sāh
- sū7cita mfn. (5. su + ucita
- for 1. sūcita See above) very fit. or suitable Nalôd
- sū7ccais ind. (5. su + uc○) very loud ĀpŚr
- sū7cchrita mfn. well raised or lifted up or erected R
- sūḍa (of unknown meaning) Saṃgīt
- sūt ind. (an imitative sound)
- ○kāra m. making the sound sūt, snorting, roaring &c. Kāv. Kathās
- ○kṛta n. id. Śiś
- sūtá m. (of doubtful derivation, prob. to be connected with √1. sū
- for 1. 2. sūta See pp. 1239 and 1240) a charioteer, driver, groom, equerry, master of the horse (esp. an attendant on a king who in earlier literature is often mentioned together with the grāma-ṇī́
- in the epics also a royal herald or bard, whose business was to proclaim the heroic actions of the king and his ancestors, while he drove his chariot to battle, or on state occasions, and who had therefore to know by heart portions of the epic poems and ancient ballads
- he is the son of a Kshatriya by a Brāhmaṇī or of a Brāhman accord. to "ṣāśvata also of a "ṣūdra and a Kshatriyā
- the most celebrated Śūta was Loma-harshaṇa who was a pupil of Vyāsa) AV. &c. &c. (IW. 510, n.)
- a carpenter or wheelwright L
- N. of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh
- (yā), f. g. krauḍy-ādi
- (ī), f. the wife of a Sūta MW
- a female bard ib
- ○karman n. the office or service of a charioteer MBh
- ○grāmaṇī́ m. pl. (cf. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 7-1, 56) an equerry and the chief of a village ŚBr
- ○ja m. the son of a chief MBh
- = next Hariv
- ○tanaya m. 'son (i.e. adopted son) of the Sūta (Adhiratha)', N. of Karṇa L. [Page 1241, Column]
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the business or condition of a chief MBh. Hariv
- ○duhitṛ f. = -putrī Pāṇ. 6-3, 70 Vārtt. 9 Pat
- ○nandana m. 'son of Śūta', N. of Ugra-śravas MBh
- ○putra m. the son of a chief (also 'a charioteer') MBh
- N. of Karṇa (cf. sūta-ja) ib
- N. of Kīcaka ib
- (ī), f. the daughter of a chief Pāṇ. 6-3, 70 Vārtt. 9 Pat
- ○putraka m. N. of Karṇa (cf. sūta-ja) L
- ○mukha (sūtá-), mfn. having a Sūta for a head MaitrS
- ○vyasanin mfn. suffering some mishap from the unskilfulness of a chief MBh. v, 7223
- ○saṃhitā f. N. of a ch. of the Skanda-purāṇa
- -tātparyadīpikā f. -vyākhyā f. -saṃgraha', m. N. of wks
- ○sava m. N. of a partic. Ekâha ŚāṅkhŚr
- sū́tave sūtavaí, See √2. sū
- sūti f. (fr. √3. su
- for 1. 2. sūti See pp. 1239 and 1240) pressing out the Soma-juice, or the place where it is pressed out VP
- sūtya n. = sutya MBh. v, 4802 (v. l. sutya and sūya)
- (ā), f. (cf. 3. sūta) = sutyā L
- sūnú m. (for 1. 2. See under √1. 2. sū) one who presses out or extracts the Soma-juice RV. iii, 1, 12 (= 1. sotṛ Sāy.)
- sūma m. (for 2. See s.v.) milk, water L
- sūya n. extraction of the Soma-juice, libation, sacrifice (cf. rāja-s○) MBh
- sūti f. (fr. √siv) = syūti L
- sūtta mfn. (= su-datta) well given, entirely given (cf. ātta, nītta) Pāṇ. 7-4, 47 Sch
- sū7ttara mfn. (5. su + uttara) very superior W
- well towards the north, northern ib
- sū7tthāna mfn. (5. su + utthāna) good effort MW
- mfn. making good efforts, clever Kām
- sū7tthita m. N. of a man (cf. sautthiti)
- sūtpara (?), n. the distilling of spirituous liquor (= surā-saṃdhāna) L
- sū7tpalāvatī f. N. of a river MārkP
- sūtr (rather Nom. fr. sūtra below), cl. 10. P. (Dhātup. xxxv, 54) sūtrayati (accord. to Gr. also ○te and sūtrāpayati), to string or put together Hcat
- to contrive, effect, produce, compose Bālar. Rājat. Kathās
- to put in the form of a Sūtra ( See below), teach as a Sūtra or aphorism Śatr. Kull.: Intens. sosūtryate Pat. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 22
- sū́tra n. (accord. to g. ardhacâdi also m
- fr. √siv, 'to sew', and connected with sūci and sūnā) a thread, yarn, string, line, cord, wire AV. &c. &c
- a measuring line (cf. -pāta) Hariv. VarBṛS. &c
- the sacred thread or cord worn by the first three classes (cf. yajñôpaviita) BhP
- a girdle ib
- a fibre Kālid
- a line, stroke MBh. VarBṛS. Gol
- a sketch, plan Rājat
- that which like a thread runs through or holds together everything, rule, direction BhP
- a short sentence or aphoristic rule, and any work or manual consisting of strings of such rules hanging together like threads (these Sūtra works form manuals of teaching in ritual, philosophy, grammar &c.: e.g. in ritual there are first the Śrauta-sûtras, and among them the Kalpa-sûtras, founded directly on Śruti, q.v. ; they form a kind of rubric to Vedic ceremonial, giving concise rules for the performance of every kind of sacrifice [IW. 146 &c.] ; other kinds of Śruti works are the Gṛihya-sūtras and Sāmayācārika or Dharma-sūtras, i.e. 'rules for domestic ceremonies and conventional customs', sometimes called collectively Smārta-sūtras [as founded on smṛti or 'tradition', smārta] ; these led to the later Dharmaśāstras or 'law-books' īW. 145 ; in philosophy each system has its regular text-book of aphorisms written in Sūtras by its supposed founder [IW. 60 &c.] ; in Vyākaraṇa or grammar there are the celebrated Sūtras of Pāṇini in eight books, which are the groundwork of a vast grammatical literature ; with Buddhists, Pāśupatas &c. the term Sūtra is applied to original text books as opp. to explanatory works ; with Jainas they form part of the Dṛishṭivāda) IW. 162 &c
- a kind of tree Divyâv
- ○kaṇṭha m. 'having Sūtras in the throat ready to be repeated', a Brāhman L
- 'having lines on the throat', a pigeon, dove L
- a wagtail L
- ○karaṇa n. the composition of a Sūtra ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○kartṛ m. the author of a Sūtra manual MBh
- ○karman n. 'rulework', carpentry [Page 1242, Column]
- (○ma) -kṛt m. a carpenter, architect R
- -viśārada mfn. skilled in carpentry ib
- ○kāra m. a weaver or spinner ( See paṭṭa-s○)
- a carpenter R
- = next MBh. Ragh. Sarvad
- ○kṛt m. = -kartṛ TPrāt. Sch
- ○kṛtâṅgavṛtti f. N. of wk
- ○koṇa or m. a small drum shaped like an hour-glass and struck by a string and button (= ḍamaru) L
- ○koṇaka m. a small drum shaped like an hour-glass and struck by a string and button (= ḍamaru) L
- ○kośa m. a skein of yarn L
- ○krīḍā f. a partic. game with strings (mentioned among the 64 Kalās) Cat
- ○gaṇita N. of an astron. wk. by Bhāskarâcārya
- ○gaṇḍikā f. a kind of stick used by weavers in spinning threads L
- ○grantha m. a book of aphorisms, Sūtra work Kāty. Sch
- ○graha mfn. holding a thread Pāṇ. 3-2, 9 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- ○grāha mfn. seizing a thread (but not holding it) ib
- ○caraṇa n. N. of a class of Caraṇas or Vedic schools who introduced various Sūtra works MW
- ○jāla n. a net made of yarn or coarse string MBh
- ○tantu m. (once n.) a thread, string, line Gobh. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Hariv
- perseverance, energy L
- ○tarkuṭī f. a distaff, spindle L
- ○daridra mfn. threadbare (-tā f.) Mṛicch
- ○dīpikā f. N. of wk
- ○dhara mfn. wearing a string of (comp.) MBh
- m. one versed in the Sūtras L. = next L
- ○dhāra m. 'rule or thread-holder', an architect, carpenter MBh. VarBṛS
- a stage-manager (or principal actor who superintends the whole performance
- accord. to some he was originally so called from holding the strings of puppets
- his assistants are the pāripārśvika and sthāpaka, qq. vv.) Bhar. Sāh. &c
- N. of Indra L
- (ī), f. the wife of a stagemanager (also called gṛhiṇī) Mṛicch. Mudr
- mf(ī)n. being the chief or leading person at any performance (comp.) Bālar
- -maṇḍana m. (also simply called Maṇḍana) N. of an author (son of Śrīkshetra and client of Kumbha-karṇa, king of Medapāṭa) Cat
- ○dhṛk m. an architect See viśva-s○)
- stage-manager Sāh
- ○naḍa m. N. of a man (cf. sautranāḍi), g. anuśatikâdi
- ○nyāsa m. N. of a gram. wk
- ○pattra-kara or mfn. liable to be made into threads or thin leaves L
- ○pattrin mfn. liable to be made into threads or thin leaves L
- ○padī f. having feet as thin as thrṭthreads, g. kumbhapady-ādi
- ○pāṭhânukrama m. N. of wk
- ○pāta m. applying the measuring line (○taṃ-√kṛ or car, 'to measure, compare one thing with another') Kathās
- ○pāda m. N. of wk
- ○piṭaka m. n. the basket or collection of Buddhist Sūtras (cf. tri-piṭaka)
- ○puṣpa m. 'having thread-like flowers', the cotton plant L
- ○prakāśa-bhāṣya n
- ○prakāśikā f
- ○prasthāna n. N. of wks
- ○prôta mfn. fastened with wires (as puppets) MBh
- ○bhāṣya n. N. of wk. (also ○ṣya-vyākhyā f.)
- ○bhid m. 'thread-cutter', a tailor L
- ○bhṛt m. = -dhāra, a stage-manager Daśar
- ○madhya-bhū mfn. 'produced amid threads or fibres', the resin of Ṣorea Robusta L
- incense W
- ○mantra-prakāśaka N. of wk
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of threads Hcat
- ○muktā-kalāpa m. N. of a Vaishṇava wk
- ○yantra n. a net (made) of yarn or coarse string MaitrUp
- a weaver's loom L
- a shuttle W
- ○rāja m. 'Sūtra-king', a Sūtra of the first order Kāraṇḍ
- ○vāpa m. weaving (threads) L
- ○vikrayin m. a dealer in yarn R
- ○vid m. 'Sūtraknower', one versed in Sūtras L
- ○vīṇā f. a kind of lute (= lābukī) L
- ○veṣṭana n. a weaver's shuttle L
- the act of weaving MW
- ○śākha n. the body Gal
- ○saṃgraha m. one who grasps or holds the reins L
- collection of Sūtras (in next)
- -dīpikā f. N. of wks
- ○samuccaya m. N. of wk
- ○sthāna n. (in medic. wks.) the first general section (treating of the physician, disease, remedies, diet &c.)
- sūtrâtman m. 'thread-soul', the soul which passes like a thread through the universe Vedântas. (IW. 114)
- sūtrânta m. (formed like vedânta, siddhânta &c.) a Buddhist Sūtra or the doctrines contained in it SaddhP. Divyâv
- sūtrântaka mfn. versed in the Buddhist Sūtras Divyâv
- sūtrârtha m. N. of a gram. and of a Vedânta wk
- -candrikā f. -darpaṇa m. N. of wks
- sūtrâlaṃkāra m. N. of wk
- -ṭīkā f. -bhāṣya n. N. of Commentaries
- sūtrâlī f. a string of beads &c. worn round the neck, necklace L
- sūtrôta mfn. filed on a string ĀpGṛ
- sūtrôpanyāsa m. N. of a Vedânta wk
- sūtraka n. = sūtra, a thread, string &c. Pāṇ. 1-1, 1 Vārtt. 8 Pat
- (ikā), f. a kind of macaroni or vermicelli (shaped like thread) Pañcat. v, 34/35
- a necklace ( See uraḥ-sūtrikā)
- sūtraṇa n. the act of stringing together &c
- arranging in aphorisms Suśr. [Page 1242, Column]
- sūtraya
- sūtraḍyati See √sūtr, p. 1241, col. 3
- sūtrayitavya mfn. to be composed or arranged in the form of Sūtras Śaṃk
- sūtralā f. a spindle, distaff L
- sūtrika in sāṃgraha-s○, q.v
- (ikā), f. See sūtraka, col. 1
- sūtrita mfn. strung, arranged &c
- directed or declared in a Sūtra, prescribed or delivered in aphorisms or axioms MBh. Śaṃk
- ○tva n. the being said or enjoined in a Sūtra Sāy
- sūtrin mfn. having threads or lines &c. Kālac
- m. a stage-manager Daśar
- a crow L
- sūtrī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make or spin into thread ĀpŚr. Sch
- sūtrīya mfn. relating to or concerning the Sūtras Suśr
- sū-trāman m. = su-tr○, N. of Indra Rājat
- sūd (prob. connected with √svad), cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. ii, 24) sūdate (occurring only in the reduplicated forms suṣūdima RV
- súṣūdati or ○dat ib
- suṣūdáta AV
- Gr. also fut. sūditā, ○diṣyati), to put or keep in order, guide aright RV. AV.: Caus. or cl. 10. (cf. Dhātup. xxxiii, 43) sūdáyati, ○te (p. sūdayāna MBh
- aor. asūṣudat, ○ta), id. RV. AV. VS
- to manage, arrange, prepare, effect, contrive RV
- to settle, i.e. put an end to, kill, slay (also inanimate objects) MBh. R. &c
- to squeeze, press, destroy Śiś.: Desid. susūdiṣate Gr.: Intens. sosūdyate, sosūtti ib
- sūd See havya-sū́d
- sū́da m. a well RV. (Naigh. iii, 25)
- the mud of a dried-up pool (others, 'sweetness, sweet drink', esp. 'milk') ib. Br. Kāṭh
- (prob.) a hot spring Rājat
- a kind of sauce or broth (cf. sūpa) Kām. Rājat
- a cook MBh. R. &c
- N. of a country in Kaśmīra (?) Rājat
- (ī), f. g. gaurâdi
- ○karman n. a cook's work, cooking MBh. Kathās
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the condition or business of a cook ib
- ○dohas (sū́da-), mfn. yielding milk like a well RV
- f. N. of a partic. verse ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○vat (sū́da-), mfn. containing the remains of liquids MaitrS. ĀpŚr
- ○śālā f. 'cooking-room', a kitchen Kathās
- ○śāstra n. the science or art of cooking (also N. of a wk. on cookery) Cat
- sūdâdhyakṣa m. a superintendent of cooking, director of the kitchen MatsyaP
- sūdaka mfn. destroying, killing &c
- sūdana mf(ā or ī)n. putting in order, guiding aright RV. AV. Paipp
- (generally ifc.) killing, destroying MBh. R. &c
- n. the act of killing or slaying, destruction Hariv
- the act of assenting or promising (= aṅgī-karaṇa) L
- the act of ejecting or throwing away (= nikṣepaṇa) L
- sūdayitnú mfn. flowing, yielding sweetness (as waters) RV
- sūdā-vatsa m. N. of a man Vīrac
- sūdi or mfn. streaming, overflowing (cf. sūda-vat), Kaṭh
- sūdin mfn. streaming, overflowing (cf. sūda-vat), Kaṭh
- sūdita mfn. wounded, destroyed, killed, slain MBh. R. &c
- sūditṛ mfn. one who kills or destroys Pāṇ. 3-2, 153
- sū́dya mf(ā)n. relating or belonging to a pool VS. TS
- sūdayā f. (= sū7d○ ?) a herb Divyâv
- sū7dara mfn. having a well-formed belly Pāṇ. 6-2, 107 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- sū7dgātṛ m. an excellent Udgātṛi (q.v.) TS
- sūna See p. 1240, col. 1
- sū-nára mf(ī)n. (for su-nara, cf. sundara) glad, joyous, merry RV
- delightful MaitrS
- sū-nṛ́ta mf(ā) n. joyful, glad RV
- friendly, kind Mn. (iii, 150) MBh. &c
- pleasant and true (in this sense supposed to be fr. 5. su + ṛta) Yājñ. MBh. &c
- (ā), E, See below
- (am), n. joy, gladness, delight RV. AV
- (with Jainas) pleasant and true speech (one of the five qualities belonging to right conduct) Sarvad
- ○vāc mfn. truth-speaking, speaking politely and truthfully MW
- sūnṛtânṛta n. du. truth and falsehood MBh
- sū-nṛ́tā f. gladness, joy, exultation, song of joy, glee (instr. pl. 'joyfully') RV. TS. PārGṛ
- kindness, friendliness, kind and true speech KaṭhUp. MBh. &c. [Page 1242, Column]
- truth (opp. to an-ṛta) personified as a goddess RV. AV. &c
- the wife of Dharma BhP
- a daughter of Dharma and wife of Uttāna-pāda Hariv. VP
- of an Apsaras L
- ○vat (sūnṛtā-), mfn. glad, joyous RV
- ○varī f. id. (said of Ushas) ib
- sūnā́ f. (prob. fr. √siv, 'to sew', and connected with sūci and sūtra
- cf. sūna, p. 1240, col. 1) a woven wicker-work basket or vessel of anykind RV. AV. GṛŚrS
- a place for slaughtering animals, slaughter-house, butchery (wrongly śūnā
- cf. sūdanā) MBh. Kāv. &c
- the sale of flesh or meat MW
- any place or utensil in a house where animals are liable to be accidentally destroyed ( See pañca-sūnā)
- a stick fixed to an elephant's hook L
- killing, hurting, injuring, Bhp
- imminent death, danger of life (sūnāyām api, 'even in the last extremity') ib
- the uvula or soft palate (in this and the next sense perhaps connected with śūna) L
- inflammation of the glands of the neck (commonly called 'mumps') W. (accord. to some also, 'a zone, girdle'
- 'a ray'
- 'a river')
- ○cakradhvaja-vat m. one who has a slaughter-house (and) an oil-press (and) a vintner's sign Mn. iv, 84
- ○taṭi (?), f. a slaughter house L
- ○doṣa m. the guilt incurred by destroying animals in any of the 5 Sūnās ( See pañca-sūnā) Mn. iii, 71
- ○paricara mfn. flying around a slaughterhouse (as a vulture) Mālav
- ○stha mfn. being in a slaughter-house or in any place where animals are destroyed Mn. xi, 155
- sūnika m. a butcher, flesh-seller, hunter VarBṛS
- sūnin m. id. Yājñ
- sūnu. 2. 3 See under √1. 2. sū, and p. 1241, col. 3
- sū-nṛta See col. 2
- sū74nnīya mfn. (for sū7nneya
- See un√nī) to be well or easily ladled out or drained out TS
- sū7nmada or sū7nmāda, (prob.) wṛ. for sônm○ (q.v.)
- sūpa m. (of doubtful derivation, cf. sūda
- in Uṇ. iii, 26 said to be fr √3. su, 'to distil') sauce, soup, broth (esp. prepared from split or ground pease &c. with roots and salt) MBh. R. Suśr. &c
- a cook L. (ī f. g. gaurâdi)
- a vessel, pot, pan L
- an arrow L
- ○kartṛ or (MBh.),
- ○kāra (MBh.),
- ○kṛt (Kathās.), m. 'sauce-maker', a cook
- ○gandhi mfn. containing only a little sauce Pāṇ. 5-4, 136 Sch
- ○dhūpaka or n. 'flavouring sauce', Asa Fetida L
- ○dhūpana n. 'flavouring sauce', Asa Fetida L
- ○parṇī f. Phaseolus Trilobus L
- ○prati ind. nothing but sauce Pat. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 9
- ○rasa m. the taste or flavour of sṭsauce Kāv
- ○śāstra n. of a wk. on cookery (also called pāka-ś○, by Bhīmasena)
- ○śreṣṭha m. Phaseolus Mungo L
- ○saṃsṛṣṭa mfn. mixed with sṭsauce Āpast
- sūpâṅga n. 'sauce-ingredient', Asa Fetida L
- sūpâudanaṣaṣṭhī-pūjā f. N. of wk
- sūpika m. or n. (?) = sūpa, sauce, soup &c. L
- sūpīya mfn. = sūpya g. apūpâdi
- sūpe-sāṇa m. (loc. of sūpa + ś○) Pāṇ. 6-2, 64 Sch. (Kāś. stūpe-ś○)
- sūpya mfn. fit for a sauce or soup &c. Car. Vāgbh
- n. food consisting of soup ib
- sū7pacára mfn. easily accessible, complaisant, kind to (dat.) ŚBr
- easy to be had or got ĀpŚr. (superl. -tama KātyŚr. Sch., in a quotation)
- easily treated or cured Suśr
- sū7pacaraṇá mf(ā)n. easy of access or approach TS
- sū7pacāra mfn. easy to be dealt with, easily satisfied MBh
- sūpat ind. (cf. kūpat), g. câdi
- sū7patīrtha mf(ā)n. having good steps for bathing MBh
- sū7patīrthya mf(a)n. id. Lalit
- sū7padvaṃśa m. good spice or condiment R
- sū7padvāra mfn. having beautiful side-doors R
- sū7payukta mfn. well used or employed Jātakam. [Page 1243, Column]
- sū7pavañcaná mf(ā́)n. easy of approach or access, not repellent, friendly RV
- sū7paviṣṭa mfn. comfortably seated BhP
- sū7pasaṃskṛta mfn. well prepared Car
- sū7pasadaná mfn. good or easy to be approached or stayed with TS
- sū7pasampanna mfn. duly initiated Buddh
- sū7pasarpaṇa mf(ā́)n. easy of access AV
- sū7pasiddha mfn. well-seasoned, made savoury or relishable Car
- sū7paskara mfn. furnished with good implements or a good equipment MBh
- sū7pasthā́ mfn. forming a good place of rest or shelter RV. VS. ŚāṅkhŚr
- sū7pasthāná mfn. willingly or gladly approached TS
- sū7pâya m. a good means or expedient Kām
- sū7pâyaná mf(ā́)n. easily accessible RV
- sū7pâvasāná mf(ā́)n. offering good rest or repose TS
- sū7pâvṛ́t mfn. willingly turning towards MaitrS. ĀpŚr
- sū-bharva mfn. (for su + bh○ fr. √bharv) eating or feeding well (as a bull
- others 'well nourished', fr. √bhṛ) RV
- sūma m. (said to be fr. √2. su
- for 1. sūma See p. 1241, col. 3) the sky, heaven Uṇ. i, 144
- sū-máya mfn. (for su-m○) well shaped or fashioned (as a bow) RV. (= su-sukha Nir.)
- sūya See p. 1241, col. 3
- sū-yávasa &c. See su-y○, p. 1231, col. 3
- sūr &c. See √śūr, p. 1086, col. 1
- sū́r weak form of 2. svár, q.v
- sū́ra m. the sun RV. AV
- Calotropis Gigantea (= arka) MW
- a wise or learned man, teacher (= sūri) L
- N. of the father of Kunthu (the 17th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī) L
- of various authors (also with bhaṭṭa and miśra) Cat
- (ī), f. N. of Kuntī (as married to the Sun before her marriage with Pāṇḍu) Pāṇ. 4-1, 48 Vārtt. 9 Pat
- ○kanda m. Amorphophallus Campanulatus L
- ○kṛt m. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra (v. l. surakṛt) MBh
- ○cakṣas (sū́ra-), mfn. radiant as the sun RV
- ○candra m. N. of the Guru of Bhānucandra Cat
- ○jī m. (with gaṇaka) N. of an author ib
- ○dāsa m. N. of a Commentator on Hari-vaṃśa
- ○masa (?), m. pl. N. of a people (cf. sauramasā) Pāṇ. 4-1, 170
- ○vat mfn. containing the word sūra PañcavBr
- ○varman m. N. of a poet Cat
- ○suta m. 'son of the Sun', the planet Saturn Mṛicch
- ○sūta m. 'charioteer of the Sun', N. of Aruṇa (or the Dawn personified) L
- ○sena n. pl. N. of a people (prob. wṛ. for śūra-s○) AV. Pariś
- sūrâcārya m. N. of an author Gaṇar
- sūrâpagā wṛ. for sur○
- sūrâsana-deśa wṛ. for śūrasena-deśa
- sūraṇa n. (also written śūr○) Amorphophallus Campanulatus (cf. sūra-kanda) L
- sūri m. a learned man, sage (often ifc. after names, esp. as a title given to Jaina teachers) Kālid. VarBṛS. &c
- N. of Bṛihas-pati (the sage among the gods) or the planet Jupiter VarBṛS
- of Kṛishṇa W
- of a poet Cat
- = yādava and sūrya L
- (ī), f. Uṇ. iv, 64 Sch
- ○deva m. (with budhêndra) N. of a man (the father of Keśavârya) Cat
- ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of an author ib
- ○saṃtoṣa m. N. of wk
- sūrin m. a wise or learned man, scholar L
- sū́rya m. the sun or its deity (in the Veda the name Sūrya is generally distinguished from Savitṛi q.v., and denotes the most concrete of the solar gods, whose connection with the luminary is always present to the poet's mind [Page 1243, Column]
- in Nir. vii, 5 he is regarded as one of the original Vedic triad, his place being in the sky, while that of Agni is on the earth, and that of Indra is in the atmosphere
- ten hymns in the RV. are entirely in praise of Sūrya, e. g. i, 50, i, 115 &c., also AV. xiii, 2
- he moves through the sky in a chariot drawn by seven ruddy horses or mares [see saptâśva, harit, harid-aśva]
- in the later mythology Sūrya is identified with Savitṛi as one of the 12 Ādityas or emblems of the Sun in the 12 months of the year, and his seven-horsed chariot is said to be driven by Aruṇa or the Dawn as its charioteer, who is represented without legs
- the Sun, whether named Sūrya or Vivasvat, has several wives, See sūryā below) RV. &c. &c. (cf. IW. 11 ; 16 &c. RTL. 341)
- a symbolical expression for the number 'twelve' (in allusion to the sun in the 12 signs of the zodiac) Jyot. Hcat
- the swallow-wort (either Calotropis or Asclepias Gigantea, = arka) L
- N. of the son of Bali L
- of a Dānava VahniP
- of an astronomer (= sūrya-dāsa) Cat
- epithet of Śiva MBh
- (ā́), f. the wife of Sūrya or the Sun (also called Saṃjñā, q.v.)
- the daughter of Sūrya or the Sun ( See RV. i, 116, 17
- also described as daughter of Prajāpati or of Savitṛi and wife of the Aśvins, and in other places as married to Soma
- in RV. i, 119, 2 she is called Ūrjānī, and in vi, 55, 4, vi, 58, 4 the sister of Pūshan q.v., who is described as loving her, and receiving her as a gift from the gods
- accord. to some she represents a weak manifestation of the Sun
- Sūryā Sāvitrī is regarded as the authoress of the Sūryā-sûkta RV. x, 85) RV. AV. AitBr. Kauś
- = vāc Naigh. i, 11
- = sūryā-sū7ktā (q.v.) ŚāṅkhGṛ
- a new bride
- a drug L
- the colocynth or bitter gourd L
- mfn. solar (perhaps wṛ. for saurya) Jyot. [For cognate words See under 2. svár.]
- ○kamala n. the sunflower, heliotrope MW
- ○kara m. a sunbeam Pañcat
- miśra m. N. of an author Cat
- ○kalpa m
- ○kavaca n. N. of wks
- ○kavi m. N. of an author Cat
- ○kānta m. 'sun-loved', the sun-stone, sun-crystal (a kind of crystal supposed to possess fabulous properties as giving out heat when exposed to the sun
- there is a corresponding moonstone, See candra-k○
- also ○ta-maṇi) MBh. Kāv. VarYogay
- crystal W
- a kind of flower (= ādityaparṇī) Car
- Hibiscus Phoeniceus W
- N. of a mountain MārkP
- ○kānti f. sunlight, sunshine W
- a partic. flower L
- the flower of sesamum W
- ○kāla m. 'sun-time', day-time, day L
- ○lânala or ○lânalacakra n. a kind of astrological diagram for indicating good and bad fortune L
- ○ketu (sū́rya-), mfn. having the sun for a flag (or 'bright as the sun') AV
- m. N. of a king Buddh
- ○krānta m. (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt
- ○kṣaya m. the sun's mansion Bṛih
- ○gaṅgā-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat
- ○garbha m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Kāraṇḍ
- of a man Buddh
- of a Buddhist Sūtra
- ○gupta (?), m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○graha m. 'sun-planet', the sun W
- 'sun-seizure', an eclipse of the sun Tithyād
- 'sun-seizer', N. of Rāhu and Ketu W
- the bottom of a water-jar ib
- ○grahaṇa n. 'sun-seizure', a solar eclipse VarBṛS. Inscr
- N. of wk
- ○cakṣus m. N. of a Rākshasa R
- ○candra m. N. of a man Kathās
- du. the sun and moon A
- -grahaṇa n. -vrata n. -vrata-kalpa m. -stotra n. ○candrôparāga-śānti f. N. of wks
- ○candramas
- ○candraḍmasa See saurya-cāndramasa
- ○ja m. 'sun-born', N. of the planet Saturn VarBṛS
- of the monkey Su-grīva L
- of the hero Karṇa W
- (ā), f. the river Yamunā L
- ○jyotis mfn. having the sun's light Vait
- ○tanaya m. 'son of the Sun', N. of Manu MārkP
- of the planet Saturn VarBṛS
- of Karṇa W
- of Su-grīva ib
- (ā), f. 'daughter of the Sun', the river Yamunā L
- ○tapas m. N. of a Muni Kathās
- ○tāpinī f. N. of an Upanishad
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- ○tejas n. sunshine Hit
- (sū́rya-), mfn. having the power or radiance of the sun AV
- ○tvac (sū́rya-), mfn. having a skin or covering as bright as the sun RV. AV. TBr
- ○tvaca mfn. id. MW
- ○tvacas (sūrya-), mfn. id. VS. AV. PañcavBr:
- ○datta m. N. of various men MBh. Cat
- ○daśā-phala m. N. of wk
- ○dāsa m. N. of various men Col. Cat
- ○dṛś mfn. looking at the sun Yājñ
- ○deva m. the god Sūrya Kālac. Buddh
- N. of an author Cat
- ○devatyá mfn. having the sun as a deity MaitrS. Kāṭh
- ○dvādaśâryā f. pl. N. of wk
- ○dhara m. N. of a poet Sadukt
- ○dhyāna n. N. of wk. [Page 1243, Column]
- ○dhvaja m. 'sun-bannered', N. of a man MBh
- -patākin mfn. having the sun on his standard and flag (said of Śiva) MBh
- ○nakṣatra (sū́rya-), n. 'sun-asterism', a radiant astṭasterism ŚBr
- that Nakshatra in which the sun happens to be Sūryapr
- -yoga m. the conjunction of the sun with a Nakshatra ib
- ○nagara 'city of the Sun', N. of the capital of Kaśmīr (commonly called Siri-nagar or Seri-nagar) MW
- ○nandana m. 'son of the Sun', N. of the planet Saturn Hāyan
- ○namaskāra m. adoration of the sun
- -mantra m. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○nāḍī f. N. of wk
- ○nābha m. N. of a Dānava Hariv
- ○nārāyaṇa m. the Sun personified MW
- N. of various authors and other men (also ○ṇa-kavi) Cat
- -kavaca n. -pūjā f. -vrata n. -stotra n. N. of wks
- ○netra m. N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh
- ○pakṣa-karaṇa n
- ○pakṣa-śaraṇa n
- ○pañcâṅga n
- ○pañcâṅga-stotra n. N. of wks
- ○paṇḍita m. N. of a scholar (= -kavi) Cat
- ○pati m. the god Sūrya W
- ○pattra m. Calotropis Gigantea L
- ○patnī (sū́rya-), f. having the Sun for husband AV
- ○parṇī f. a kind of plant MBh. Car. (wṛ. sūrpa-) Vāgbh
- Phaseolus Trilobus Bhpr
- Glycine Debilis ib
- ○parvan n. the moment when the sun enters a new sign Pañcar
- a solar festival (on the days of the solstices, equinoxes, eclipses &c.) MW
- ○pāda m. a sunbeam Hariv
- ○putra m. patr. of the Aśvins MBh
- of the planet Saturn MBh. VarBṛS
- of Yama Tithyād
- of Varuṇa L
- of Karṇa W
- of Su-grīva ib
- (ī), f. 'daughter of the Sun', lightning L
- the river Yamunā Bālar
- ○pura n. 'city of the Sun', N. of a city (cf. -nagara above) Rājat
- ○purāṇa n
- ○pūjā f
- ○pūjā-vidhi m
- ○prakāśa m
- ○prajñapti f. N. of wks
- ○pratiṣṭhā f. the setting up of an image of the sun (-māhātmya n.) Cat
- ○pradīpa m. a kind of Samādhi Buddh
- ○prabha mfn. bright as the sun
- m. a kind of Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- N. of the palace of Lakshmaṇā (wife of Kṛishṇa) Hariv
- of a serpent-demon Buddh
- of a Bodhi-sattva ib
- of various kings Kathās. Cat
- of the king after whom the 8th Lambaka of the Kathā-sarit-sāgara is called (-tā f.) Kathās
- ○bhātejas m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh
- ○prabhava mfn. sprung from the Sun Ragh
- ○prabhīya mfn. belonging to king Sūrya-prabha Kathās
- ○praśiṣya m. N. of Janaka Bālar
- ○phaṇi-cakra n. a kind of astrological diagram for indicating auspicious and in auspṭauspicious moments for doing anything MW
- ○bali m. N. of wk
- -rāma m. N. of an author Cat
- ○bimba m. or n. the disc of the sun VarBṛS
- N. of a sacred place Cat
- -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha MW
- ○bhakta mfn. worshipping the sun, one who worships the sun Cat
- m. Pentapetes Phoenicea L
- (ā), f. a kind of plant ib
- ○bhaktaka m. a sun-worshipper W
- Pentapetes Phoenicea L
- ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of an author Cat
- ○bhaṭṭīya n. N. of wk
- ○bhā mfn. bright as the sun MW
- ○bhāgā f. N. of a river L
- ○bhānu m. N. of a Yaksha R
- of a king Inscr
- ○bhās m. N. of a man MBh
- ○bhrāj mfn. radiant as the sun Kāṭh
- ○bhrātṛ m. N. of Airāvata L
- ○maṇi m. the sun-stone, sun-gem (= -kānta) L
- a kind of flower (= -kānta) ib
- Hibiscus phoeniceus ib
- -vṛkṣa m. the shrub HibṭHibiscus Phoenicea MW
- ○maṇḍala m. N. of a Gandharva R
- n. the orb or disc of the sun TĀr. MaitrUp. &c
- ○matī f. N. of a princess Rājat
- ○mantra m. N. of wk
- ○marut or See sauryamārutaka
- ○maruḍta See sauryamārutaka
- ○malla m. N. of a king Śatr. Inscr
- ○māla mfn. sun-garlanded (said of Śiva) MBh
- ○māsa m. a solar month Sūryapr. Sch
- ○mukhī f. Helianthus Annūs MW
- ○mpaśya in a-s○ mfn. never seeing the sun, pat. Viddh. (cf. a-sūryam-paśyā f.)
- ○yantra n. 'sun-instrument', a representation of the sun (used in worshipping the Sun or in taking solar observations) MW
- ○yama See sauryayāma
- ○ratha m. the chariot of the sun R. BhP
- ○raśmi m. a sunbeam Mn. v, 133
- (sū́rya-), mfn. having the rays of the sun RV. VS
- m. N. of Savitṛi MW
- ○rahasya n. N. of wk
- ○rā́jya n. the sun's dominion MaitrS
- ○rāma m. N. of an author Cat
- ○ruc f. sunlight Śiś
- ○rkṣa (○ya + ṛkṣa), n. the Nakshatra in which the sun happens to be Jyot
- ○rc (○ya + ṛc), f. a hymn addressed to the sun BhP
- ○latā f. Polanisla Icosandra L
- Calotropis Gigantea Npr
- ○loka m. the sun-world (a region or space supposed to exist round the sun, constituting a heaven of which the sun is regent) Inscr. KāśīKh
- ○locanā f. N. of a Gandharvii Kāraṇḍ
- ○vaṃśa m. the solar race of kings (i.e. the royal dynasty of Rāma-candra, king of Ayodhyā, hero of the Rāmâyaṇa, who was descended from Ikshvāku son of Vaivasvata Manu, son of the Sun [Page 1244, Column]
- many Rājput tribes still claim to belong to this race
- it is one of the two great lines of kings, the other being called 'lunar', See candra-v○) Kshitîś. Buddh
- ○vaṃśya mfn. belonging to the above solar race Ragh
- ○vaktra m. a kind of medicament Cat
- ○vajrapañjara n. N. of a ch. of a wk
- ○vat (sū́rya-), mfn. sunny AV. TBr. KātyŚr
- m. N. of a mountain R
- (atī), f. N. of a princess Vās., Introd
- ○vana n. N. of a forest sacred to the Sun Śatr
- ○vara m. a partic. medicament Cat
- -locana m. a partic. Samādhi, Kārāṇḍ
- ○varuṇa See sauryavāruṇa
- ○varga m. N. of wk
- ○varcas (sū́rya-), mfn. resplendent as the sun VS. Yājñ. R. BhP
- m. N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh. Hariv. BhP
- of a Ṛishi ĀrshBr
- ○varṇa mf(ā)n. sun-coloured AV
- ○varman m. N. of a king MBh
- of a Ḍāmara Rājat
- ○vallī f. the plant Gynandropsis Pentaphylla Suśr. VarBṛS
- ○vāra m. Sunday Pañcat
- ○vikāsin mfn. expanding at the appearing of the sun L
- ○vighna m. 'destroyer of the sun', N. of Vishṇu Pañcar
- ○vilokana n. the ceremony of taking a child out to see the sun when four months old MW
- ○veśman n. the sun's mansion, IndSt
- ○vaiśvānara See sauryav○
- ○vrata n. a partic. ceremony Cat
- a partic. diagram ib
- N. of various wks
- -kathā f. -mahiman m. N. of wks
- ○śataka n
- ○śānti f. N. of wks
- ○śiṣya m. N. of Yājñavalkya Bālar
- ○yântevāsin m. N. of Janaka ib
- ○śobhā f. sunshine MW
- a kind of flower L
- ○śrít v. l. for -śvít AV
- ○śrī m. N. of a being reckoned among the Viśve Devā? MBh
- ○śvít mfn. bright as the sun RV
- ○ṣaṭpadī f
- ○ṣaḍ-akṣarī f. N. of wks
- ○saṃkrama (Yājñ.) or f. (Cat.) the sun's entrance into a new sign
- ○saṃkrānti f. (Cat.) the sun's entrance into a new sign
- ○saṃjña m. a kind of ruby L
- n. saffron ib
- ○sadṛśa m. N. of Līlāvajra Buddh
- ○saptati f
- ○saptâryā f. pl. N. of wks
- ○sama (sū́rya-), mfn. equal to the sun VS. Siṃhâs
- ○sahasra-nāman n
- ○sahasra-nāmâvalī f. N. of wks
- ○sāman n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○sārathi m. the Sun's charioteer, Dawn L
- ○sāvarṇi m. N. of a Manu
- ○ṇika mfn. belonging to him MārkP
- ○sāvitra m. N. of a being reckoned among the Viśve Devā? MBh
- ○siṃha m. N. of a king Cat
- ○siddhânta m. a celebrated astronomical text-book (said to be a direct revelation from the Sun) IW. 175 &c
- of another wk
- -ṭīkā f. -dīpikā f. -prakāśa m. -pradīpikā f. -bhāṣya n. -mañjarī f. -rahasya n. -vāsanā-bhāṣya n. -vyākhyā f. -vyākhyāna n. -vyākhyā-vivaraṇa n. -sāraṇī, f
- ○tôdāharaṇa n. N. of Comms
- ○suta m. 'son of the Sun', N. of the planet Saturn Var
- of the monkey Su-grīva Kām
- ○sū7kta n. N. of a partic. hymn to the Sun (RV. i, 50 RTL. 342
- cf. sūryā-s○)
- ○sūta m. the charioteer of the Sun BhP
- ○sūri m. N. of an astronomer Col. Cat
- ○sena m. N. of various men Cat
- ○stava-kapāla-mocana m
- ○stavana n. N. of wks
- ○stút m. a partic. Ekâha ŚBr. ŚrS. Vait
- ○stuti f. or praise of the sun (N. of various wks.) Cat
- ○stotra n. praise of the sun (N. of various wks.) Cat
- ○hṛdaya n. N. of a hymn
- sūryâṃśu m. a sunbeam Vām. Bhpr
- sūryākara m. N. of a man Cat
- pl. N. of a people R
- sūryâkṣa mfn. sun-eyed Hariv
- m. N. of a king MBh. Hariv
- of a monkey R
- sūryâgama m. N. of wk
- sūryâgnī́ m. du. Sūrya and Agni TS
- sūryā-candramásā or m. du. the sun and moon (also characterized as Dānavas) RV. AV. ŚBr. &c
- sūryā-candramáḍsau m. du. the sun and moon (also characterized as Dānavas) RV. AV. ŚBr. &c
- sūryâtapa m. the sun's heat (○pe-√dā, 'to expose to the sun' Ml.) Kāv
- -cchinna-dṛṣṭi mfn. having the sight dazzled by the sun's glare MW
- -parikṣipta mfn. overspread by the sun's rays ib
- sūryâtmaja m. 'son of the Sun', the planet Saturn Var
- sūryâtharva-śīrṣôpaniṣad f
- sūryâtharvâṅgirasôpaniṣad f
- sūryádi-graha-prīty-artha-dāna n
- sūryâdi-graha-phala-kuṇḍalī f
- sūryâdi-graha-sādhana n
- sūryādipañcāyatanapratiṣṭhāpaddhati3sūryâdi-pañcâyatana-pratiṣṭhā-paddhati f
- sūryādipratimāpratiṣṭhāvidhi3sūryâdi-pratimā-pratiṣṭhā-vidhi m
- sūryâdi-varṣa-phalôkti f. N. of wks
- sūryâdri m. N. of a mountain MārkP
- sūryânana m. 'sun-faced', N. of a man Lalit
- sūryânuvādinī f. N. of Comm
- sūryâpâya m. sun-departure, sunset Megh
- sūryâpīḍa m. N. of a son of Pārikshita or Parikshit, Hariv. VP. [Page 1244, Column]
- sū́ryâbhinimrukta mfn. one upon whom (while sleeping) the sun has set TBr
- sūryâbhinimlukta mfn. id. Gobh
- sū́ryâbhyudita mfn. one upon whom (while he is still sleeping) the sun has risen TBr. Gobh. Gaut
- sū́ryā-mā́sā m. du. the sun and moon RV. AV
- sūryâruṇa-karma-vipāka m
- sūryâruṇaśataka n
- sūryâruṇa-saṃvāda m
- sūryâruṇa-smṛti f. N. of wks
- sūryârghya n. a respectful offering presented to the sun Cat
- -dānapaddhati f. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- sūryârṇava m
- sūryârṇava-karma-vipāka m
- sūryâryā f. N. of wks
- sūryâloka m. sunshine L
- sūryâvarta m. N. of two plants Suśr. ŚārṅgS
- Scindapsus Officinalis L
- a kind of sunflower, Helianthus Indicus ib
- Cleome Pentaphylla ib
- Cleome Viscosa W
- head-ache which increases or diminishes according to the course of the sun Suśr
- a kind of Samādhi Buddh
- N. of a water-basin Śatr
- (ā), f. Polanisia Icosandra L
- -rasa m. a partic. preparation of copper L
- sūryâvalokana-prayoga m. N. of wk
- sūryâvêkṣaṇa n. the act of looking at the sun W
- sūryâśman m. the sun-stone ( See sūrya-kānta) L
- sūryâśva m. a horse of the sun ib
- sūryâṣṭaka n
- sūryâṣṭa-śatanāman n. pl.,
- sūryâṣṭôttara-śata-nāman n. pl. N. of wks
- sūryâsta m. sunset Pañcat
- -ṃ-gamana n. id. Cat
- -m-aya m. id. (-vat, with kāla m. the time of sunset') Kuval. Sch. Tithyād
- sūryâhva mfn. named after the sun MW
- m. Calotropis Gigantea L
- n. copper ib
- sūryêndu-saṃgama m. conjunction of sun and moon, the night of new moon L
- sūryêṣṭi-prayoga m. N. of wk
- sūryôḍha mfn. brought by the (setting) sun
- m. (with atithi) a guest who arrives at sunset ĀpŚr. Pur. &c
- m. the time of sunset A
- sūryôtthāna n. sunrise MW
- sūryôdaya m. id. MBh. VarBṛS
- -giri m. the mountain behind which the sun rises MBh
- -nibandha m. -varṇana n. -saṃkalpa-nāṭaka n. N. of wks
- ○dayâsta m. du. sunrise and sunset (-kāla m. du. the times of them) Cat
- sūryôdayana n. sunrise Kauś
- sūryôdyāna n. = sūrya-vana Śatr
- sūryôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad
- sūryôpasthāna-mantra m
- sūryôpasthāna-vidhi m. N. of wks
- sūryôpâsaka m. a sun-worshipper MW
- sūryôpâsanā f. the worship of the sun Cat
- -vidhi m. N. of wk
- sūryaka mfn. resembling the sun Hariv. (v. l.)
- m. N. of various men Rājat. VP
- sūryā f. See sū́rya above
- ○vasu mfn. one whose wealth is Sūryā (said of the Aśvins) RV
- ○vid mfn. knowing the Sūryā hymn (RV. x, 85) ĀśvGṛ
- ○vivāha m. the marriage of SṭSūryā (described in RV. x, 85) Kauś
- ○sū7kta n. the Sūryā hymn (RV. x, 85
- describing the marriage of Sūryā
- this hymn is also found with some variations in AV. xiv, 1), IndSt
- sūryāṇī f. the wife of the god Sūrya Vop
- sū́ra m. (fr. √1. sū) an inciter, propeller RV. i, 121, 7 (Sāy.)
- sūrí m. 'inciter', the institutor of a sacrifice (= yajamāna in later language) RV. AV
- a lord, chief (also of gods) RV
- (ī́), f. TS
- sū́ra m. (fr. √3. su) the Soma-juice flowing from the Soma press RV. AV
- sūrí m. a presser or extractor of Soma, Soma sacrificer RV
- sū-rata mfn. (for su-r○) well disposed towards, compassionate, tender Uṇ. v, 14
- tranquil, calm ib
- (ā), f. a tractable cow L
- ○kalpa-taru m. N. of a Comm. on the Tarka-dīpikā by Śrīnivāsa Bhaṭṭa
- ○siṃha m. N. of a king (patron of Srī-nivāsa Bhaṭṭa) Cat
- sū-ratha m. (for su-r○) N. of an author Cat
- sūrí m. (fr. √sṛ
- cf. sūrta) a course, path (= saraṇi) RV. i, 141, 8 (Sāy.)
- sūrī See f. of 1. sūra and 1. 2. sūri
- sūrkṣ or sūrkṣy, cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xxvii, 15 ; xv, 2) sūrkṣati or ○ṣyati (occurring only in pres. base
- Gr. also pf. susūrkṣa or ○ṣya
- fut. sūrkṣitā, ○ṣyitā &c.), to heed, care or trouble about (acc. or gen.) MaitrS. Kāṭh. GopBr. ĀpŚr
- to disrespect, slight, neglect (?) Dhātup. [Cf. accord, to some, Lith. sergéti [Page 1244, Column] ; Goth. saúrga ; Germ. ṣorge ; Angl. Sax. sorh ; Eng. sorrow.]
- sūrkṣaṇa n. disrespect, contumely (more prob. 'respect', 'regard') L
- sū́rkṣya mfn. to be heeded or regarded TBr
- m. a kind of bean, Phaseolus Radiatus L
- sūrjana m. N. of a king Cat
- ○carita n. a biography of king Sūrjana (by Candraśekhara) ib
- sū́rta mfn. (fr. √sṛ
- Pāṇ. 8-2, 61) walked, trodden (others, 'bright, illuminated'
- cf. a-sū́rta) RV
- sūrpa ○paka, ○pāraka, See śūrp○
- sūrmi or sūrmī́ f. (rather fr. √sṛ than fr. su + ūrmi
- also written śūrmi and śūrmī) a pipe for conveying water RV. ŚBr
- a kind of tube serving as a candlestick RV. TS. Kāṭh
- a metal image W
- a hollow metal column made red-hot for burning criminals (esp. adulterers) to death Gaut. Mn. &c
- sūrmyá mfn. being in tubes or pipes or channels TS. (VS. sū74rvya)
- (ā), f. N. of the wife of Anuhrāda BhP
- sūrya &c. See p. 1243, col, 1
- sūryantī wṛ. for tūryantī ĀpGṛ
- sū74rvya mfn. being in beautiful vessels &c. (cf. under sūrmya above) VS
- sūlīka See śūlīka, p. 1087. col. 1
- sūvan sūvarī, See p. 1240, col. 2
- sūṣ (also written śūṣ), cl. 1. P. sūṣati, to bring forth
- (a child), procreate Dhātup. xvii, 28
- sūṣaṇā f. 'the genitals' or 'a parturient woman' AV
- sūṣā́ f. (prob.) a parturient woman ib
- sū́ṣyantī See √2. sū, p. 1239, col. 3
- sūṣa m. (prob. wṛ. for śūṣa) strength, vigour, energy L
- sū7ṣas mfn. one who enjoys a good dawn or happy morning AV
- sṛ (cf. √sal), cl. 1. 3. P. (Dhātup. xxii, 37 ; xxv, 17) sárati (ep. also ○te and accord. to Pāṇ. 7-3, 78 also dhāvati), and sísarti (the latter base only in Veda
- 3. du. sísratuḥ, 3. pl. sísrate RV
- p. sísrat q.v. ib
- pf. sasā́ra, sasré ib. &c
- 1. du. sasriva ŚBr
- p. sasṛvás, sasrāṇá and sasṛmāṇá RV
- aor. asārṣīt Gr
- Subj. sarṣat AV
- Prec. sriyāt Gr
- fut. sartā ib
- sariṣyáti RV. &c
- inf. sartum MBh. &c
- sártave, ○tavaí RV
- ind. p. sṛtvā́ Br
- -sṛ́tya, -sā́ram Br. &c.), to run, flow, speed, glide, move, go (with uccakais, 'to spring up'
- with vā́jam, or ājim, 'to run a race', i.e. 'exert one's self') RV. c. &c
- to blow (as wind) Megh
- to run away, escape R. Mālav. BhP
- to run after, pursue (acc.) RV
- to go towards, betake one's self to (acc. or tatra &c.) MBh. BhP
- to go against, attack, assail MBh
- to cross, traverse (acc.) R
- (Ā.) to begin to flow (said of the fluid which surrounds the fetus) AV.: Pass. sriyate (aor. asāri Br.), to be gone &c., Gr.: Caus. sārayati or cl. 10. P. (Dhātup. xxxii, 107) to cause to run Nir
- to set in motion, strike (a lute) Megh
- to remove, push aside (a braid of hair) ib
- put in array, to arrange (with dyūtam, 'the men on a chess-board') Pañcad
- to make visible, show, manifest Viddh
- to nourish, foster (gen.) HPariś
- Ā. sārayate (for saráyate See saraya, p. 1182, col. 1), to cause one's self to be driven, drive (in a carriage) ĀśvGṛ.: pass. sāryate, to be made to flow, discharge (excrement) Suśr.: Desid. sisīrṣati, to wish to run (vājam, 'a race') TS.: Intens. (cf. sarisrará) sársṛte (p. sársrāṇa, See pra-√sṛ) or sarīṣarti, to stride backwards and forwards Kāv
- to blow violently (as the wind) ib. [Cf. Gk. ?, ?
- ?, ? ; Lat. salire.] [1244,]
- sara
- saraṇa &c. See p. 1182, col. 1
- sísrat mfn. running, swift, rapid RV
- sṛt (ifc.) running &c. ( See adāra-, āji-sṛt &c.)
- sṛtá mfn. (cf. sūrta) going, running &c. ( bhujaga-śiśu-sṛta) Hariv
- gone, passed away ( See comp.)
- (with bahis) one who has slipped or come out Kathās. [Page 1245, Column]
- n. (ifc. f. ā) going, moving
- flight, escape MBh
- ○java (sṛtá-), mfn. (an ass) whose swiftness or activity is gone. AitBr. ŚBr
- ○ṃ-jaya m. N. of a son of Karma-jit BhP
- sṛtí f. a road, path (kha-sṛtyā, 'through the atmosphere') RV. &c. &c
- wandering, transmigration Mn. BhP
- aiming at, producing BhP
- sṛtya n. running, flowing ( See sindhu-s○)
- sṛ́tvan mf(arī)n. running, swift, nimble RV. Kāṭh
- m. the creator Uṇ. iv, 113
- = visarpa and buddhi L
- (arī), f. a mother L
- sṛtvara mf(ī)n. = sṛtvan Pāṇ. 3-2, 163
- sṛmará mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 160) going, going well or quickly W
- m. a kind of animal frequenting damp places (accord. to some the 'Bos Grunniens' or 'a young deer') MBh. R. &c
- N. of an Asura (cf. sṛmala, sṛma, and sṛpa, col. 3) Hariv
- sṛk an inarticulate sound
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make the sound sṛk Vop
- sṛká m. (usually derived fr. √sṛ, or sṛj
- but rather from an obsolete √sṛk, 'to be pointed') an arrow, spear RV
- wind L
- a lotus flower L
- ○vat mfn. v. l. for next MaitrS
- sṛkā́-vat mfn. having an arrow or spear TS. Kāṭh
- sṛkā́-hasta mfn. holding an arrow &c. in the hand VS
- sṛkāyín or mfn. having an arrow or spear VS. Kāṭh
- sṛkāvin mfn. having an arrow or spear VS. Kāṭh
- sṛkva n. the corner of the mouth L
- m. N. of a man, IndSt
- sṛkvaṇī f. the corner of the mouth Suśr. Kathās
- sṛ́kvan m. n. id. RV. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- sṛkvi n. id. Yājñ. MBh. Hariv. &c
- sṛkviṇī f. id. MBh
- sṛga m. = sṛka, an arrow, spear L
- ○vat (sṛgá-), mfn. having an arrow or spear (v. l. sṛgā́vat) MaitrS
- sṛgāyín mfn. = sṛkāyin MaitrS
- sṛkaṇḍu m. N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi
- f. = kaṇḍū, the itch, itching L
- sṛkāla m. = sṛgāla, a jackal L
- sṛkka sṛkkaṇī &c. = (or v. l. for) sṛkva, sṛkvaṇī &c. above
- sṛkthā f. (perhaps fr. √sṛj) a leech L
- sṛgālá m. (also written śṛgāla
- of doubtful derivation), a jackal ŚBr. &c. &c
- a partic. tree MBh. (Nīlak.)
- N. of a Vāsudeva (ruler of Karavira-pura Hariv
- of a Daitya L
- a rogue, cheat W
- a coward, poltroon ib
- an ill-natured or harsh-speaking man ib
- (ī), f. a female jackal Pañcat. Kathās
- a fox W
- flight, retreat L
- tumult, uproar (= ḍamara) L
- Asteracantha Longifolia L
- (prob.) Batatas Paniculata (cf. sṛgālikā) L
- ○kaṇṭaka m. 'jackal's thorn', a kind of plant (Zizyphus Scandens or Argemone Mexicana) L
- ○koli m. a sort of jujube (accord. to some = Zizyphus CEnoplia) L
- ○garta m. N. of a place (○tīya mfn. ) Pāṇ. 4-2, 137 Sch
- ○ghaṇṭī f. Asteracantha Longifolia L
- ○jambu or f. a water-melon L
- ○jambū f. a water-melon L
- the fruit of the jujube L
- ○yoni m. the womb (or 'the being born in she womb') of a jackal Mn. v, 154
- ○rūpa mfn. 'jackal-furmed', N. of Śiva MBh
- ○vadana m. 'jackal-faced', N. of an Asura Hariv
- ○vāṭī f. N. of a place Hariv
- ○tīya mfn. inhabiting Sṛigāla-vāṭī ib
- ○vāstuka m. a kind of potherb L
- ○vinnā or f. Hemionitis Cordifolia L
- ○vṛntā f. Hemionitis Cordifolia L
- sṛgālâsthi-maya mf(ī)n. made of the bones of a jackal Cat
- sṛgālikā f. a female jackal Pañcat. Kathās
- a fox L
- running away, flight L
- Batatas Paniculata L
- riot, tumult L
- N. of a woman Daś
- sṛgālinī f. a female jackal MBh
- sṛṅkā f. (of unknown meaning), KāṭhUp
- sṛj (cf. √1. 2. sarj), cl. 6. P. (Dhātup. xxviii, 121) sṛjáti (Ved. and ep. also ○te, and once in AV. sárjati
- pf. sasarja, sasṛjé [2. sg. accord. to Pāṇ. 7-2, 65, sasarjitha and sasraṣṭha, in BhP. once sasarktha]
- Vedic forms are sasṛjmáhe, ○jrire, sasṛjyāt, asasṛgram
- p. sasṛjāná, q.v
- sasṛgmáhe
- aor. asrākṣīt
- ásṛkṣi, ásṛṣṭa [Ved. also ásṛgram or ○ran
- ásarji
- asrāk, asrāṭ
- srās
- srakṣat
- p. sṛjāná, q.v.] ib. [Page 1245, Column]
- fut. sraṣṭā PañcavBr
- srakṣyati, ○te Br. &c
- inf. sraṣṭum MBh. &c
- ind. p. sṛṣṭvā Br
- -sṛ́jya ib. &c
- -sárgam or -sárjam Br.), to let go or fly, discharge, throw, cast, hurl at (acc. or dat.) RV. &c. &c
- to cast or let go (a measuring line) RV
- to emit, pour forth, shed, cause to flow (rain, streams &c.) ib. &c. &c
- to utter (a sound) Kathās
- to turn or direct (glances) Kum
- to let loose, cause (horses) to go quickly
- Ā. 'to speed, run, hasten' RV
- to release, set free ib. AV. Kauś
- to open (a door) Kauś
- to publish, proclaim AitBr
- to draw out and twist (a thread), twist, wind, spin (lit. and fig
- Ā. sṛjyate, 'for one's self'
- Pat. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 87 Vārtt. 15, and Dhātup. xxvi, 69) TS. AV. ŚBr. ŚrS
- (in older language only Ā.) to emit from one's self, i.e. create, procreate, produce, beget RV. &c. &c
- to procure, grant, bestow MBh. R. &c
- to use, employ Rājat
- to get, acquire, obtain, take (interest on money lent) Mn. viii, 140
- to hang on, fasten to (loc.) MBh. iii, 2218 (perhaps asṛjat, wṛ. for asajat
- See √sañj): Pass. sṛjyate (aor. ásarji), to be let loose or emitted or created RV. &c. &c.: Caus. sarjayati, ○te (aor. asasarjat or asīsṛjat), to cause to let loose, let go, create &c. Br. &c.: Desid. sisṛkṣati, ○te, to wish to send forth or hurl or throw Hariv
- (Ā.) to wish to produce or create Kāṭh. BhP.: Intens. sarīsṛjyate, sarīsṛṣṭi &c., Gr
- sarga
- sarja
- sarḍjana &c. See p. 1182, col. 3
- sasṛjāná mfn. being sent forth, let loose, let go RV
- sṛj (ifc.) letting loose, emitting, discharging MBh. Kāv. &c
- producing, creating, begetting (also with gen.) Inscr. MBh. Rājat
- sṛjati m. (used as, a substantive to denote the √sṛj, 'to create') Śiś
- sṛjatva-karman n. begetting children Saṃskārak
- sṛjana wṛ. for sarjana (q.v.) Cat
- sṛjayá m. a kind of bird VS. (Mahīdh.)
- (ā́), f. = nīla-makṣikā, śukla-sarpa, or nīla-mahiṣa TS. (Sch.)
- sṛjāná mfn. let go, poured out, shed, emitted, sent forth, hurled, thrown RV
- sṛjikā-kṣāra wṛ. for sarj○ (q.v.) L
- sṛjya mfn. to be let go or emitted or created BhP. Sarvad
- sṛṣṭá mfn. let go, discharged, thrown &c
- given up, abandoned (in a-sṛ○) Daś
- brought forth produced, created AV. &c. &c
- provided or filled or covered with (instr. or comp.) MBh. R
- engrossed by, intent upon (instr.) MBh
- firmly reasolved upon (loc. or dat.) Gaut
- ornamented, adorned L
- abundant, much, many L
- ascertained W
- (ā), f. a kind of medicinal plant L
- a musical instrument like a stick which produces a soft sound L
- ○māruta mfn. causing the discharge of wind, removing flatulence Suśr
- ○mūtra-purīṣa mfn. promoting evacuations from the bladder and intestines Suśr
- ○vat mfn. one who has let go or created or made W
- ○viṇ-mūtra mfn. = -mūtrapurīṣa Suśr
- sṛ́ṣṭi f. (once in ŚBr. sṛṣṭí) letting go, letting loose, emission R
- production, procreation, creation, the creation of the world (ā sṛṣṭeḥ, 'from the beginning of the world'
- sṛṣṭiṃ kuru, 'produce offspring'
- cf. manoratha-sṛ○) TS. &c. &c
- nature, natural property or disposition R
- the absence or existence of properties (?) W
- distribution of gifts, liberality Mn. iii, 255
- a kind of brick TS. ĀpŚr
- Gmelina Arborea L
- m. N. of a son of Ugra-sena BhP
- ○karaṇa-ṭīkā f. N. of an astron. wk
- ○kartṛ mfn. creating, a creator MW
- ○kṛt mfn. id
- m. (with deva) N. of Brahmā MBh
- ○khaṇḍa n. N. of the first ch. of the Padma-purāṇa
- ○dā f. 'causing procreation', a kind of bulb L
- ○dhara m. (with śarman), N. of the author of a Comm. on Purushôttama's Bhāshā-vṛitti
- ○pattana n. a partic. magical power Pañcar
- ○pradā f. 'promoting procreation', a partic. shrub (= putra-dā) L
- ○prasaṅga m. N. of a Kāvya
- ○mat mfn. engaged in the work of creation MBh
- ○saṃhitā f. N. of wk
- sṛṣṭy in comp. for sṛṣṭi
- ○antara m. the offspring of intermarriage between the four original castes (created by Brahmā)
- -ja m. the descendant of such offspring Gaut
- sṛjavāna m. N. of a son of Dyuti-mat (v. l. sṛjāvaṇa) VP. [Page 1245, Column]
- sṛ́ñjaya m. N. of a son of Devavāta RV
- of various other men MBh. Hariv. &c
- pl. N. of a family AV. Kāṭh. &c
- of a people (said to have been the allies of the Pañcālas) MBh
- (ī), f. N. of two wives of Bhajamāna (v. l. sṛñjarī) Hariv
- sṛñjarī gee preceding
- sṛṇi mf. (said to be fr. √sṛ) an elephant-goad Hcar. Śiś
- m. the moon Uṇ. iv, 104
- an enemy L
- (sṛ́ṇī and sṛṇī́), f. a sickle RV. ŚBr
- sṛṇika m. an elephant-goad L
- f. spittle L
- sṛṇīka m. (only L.) wind
- fire
- a thunderbolt
- an intoxicated or frantic man
- (ā), f. spittle, saliva L
- sṛṇī-rāja m. N. of a man Vīrac
- sṛṇya mfn. furnished with a sickle RV. iv, 20, 5
- (according to some) formed like a sickle ib. i, 58, 4 (where sṛ́ṇyā for sṛ́ṇyābhis)
- sṛt sṛta &c. See p. 1244, col. 3
- sṛdara m. a serpent, snake Uṇ. v, 41 Sch
- sṛ́dāku m. (said to be fr. √sṛ) the wind Uṇ. iii, 78 Sch
- fire L
- a forest-conflagration L
- a kind of lizard L
- a thunderbolt L
- a river (accord. to some f.) L
- N. of a man (v. l. for next) MaitrS
- sṛ́dāgu m. N. of a man MaitrS
- sṛ́dh wṛ. for srídh AV
- sṛp cl. 1, P. (Dhātup. xxiii, 14) sárpati (ep. and m. c. also ○te
- p. sárpat see s.v. and sarpamāṇa
- pf. sasarpa [1. du. sasṛpiva] Br
- aor. asṛpat AV. Br
- asṛpta Br. &c
- asārpsīt, or asrāpsīt Gr
- fut. sarptā or sraptā ib
- sarpsyati Br
- srapsyati ib. &c
- inf. sarpitum MBh. &c
- sarptum or sraptum Gr
- -sṛ́pas Br
- ind. p. sṛptvā ib
- -sṛ́pya AV. &c
- -sarpam Br. &c.), to creep, crawl, glide, slink, move gently or cautiously (sarpata, 'depart!' Rājat.) RV. &c. &c
- to slip into (acc.) AitBr
- (in ritual) to glide noiselessly and with bended body and hand in hand (esp. from the Sadas to the Bahish-pavamāna) Br. ŚrS. ChUp.: Pass. sṛpyate (aor. asarpi), to be crept &c. MBh. &c.: Caus. sarpayati (aor. asīsṛpat or asasarpat, to cause to creep &c. ( See ava-, anu-pra-, vi-√sṛp): Desid. sísṛpsati ( ut-√sṛp): Intens. sarīsṛpyate (AitĀr.), sarīsarpti, p. sarīsṛpat (BhP.), to creep along or hither and thither, glide about &c. [Cf. Gk. ?
- Lat. [1245,] serpere
- See also sarpa.]
- sarpa &c. See p. 1184, col. 1
- sṛpa m. the moon, (cf. sṛpra) L
- N. of an Asura (cf. sṛma) Hariv
- sṛpta mfn. crept, crawled &c
- slipped out of (abl.) or into (loc.) ŚBr. ChUp
- n. a place crawled to Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 68
- sṛpman m. a serpent L
- a child L
- an ascetic L
- sṛprá mfn. slippery, oily (cf. sarpís) RV
- smooth, supple, lithesome ib
- m. the moon L
- (ā), f. N. of a river L
- (am), n. honey L
- ○karasna (○prá-), mfn. having smooth or supple arms RV
- ○dānu (○prá-), mfn. sprinkling fat or oil ib
- ○bhojas (○prá-), mfn. having fat or abundant food ib
- ○vandhura (○prá-), mfn. having a smooth seat or box (as the chariot of the Aśvins) ib
- sṛpāṭa m. a small leaf of a flower &c. L
- (ī), f. a kind of measure L
- a shoe L
- base metal L
- a small book L
- sṛpāṭikā f. the beak of a bird L
- sṛ́binda m. N. of a demon slain by Indra RV
- sṛbh or sṛmbh (cf. √sibh, sribh), cl. 1. P. sarbhati, sṛmbhati, to kill, slay, injure Dhātup. xi, 40
- sṛ́ma m. N. of an Asura (cf. sṛpa above and sṛmara col. 1) MaitrS
- sṛmala m. N. of an Asura (v. l. samala) Hariv
- sṛṣṭa &c. See col. 2
- sṝ (cf. √śṝ, svṝ), cl. 9. P. sṛṇāti, to hurt injure, kill Dhātup. xxxi, 22 (v. l.)
- sīrṇa mfn. = śīrṇa, hurt, injured L. [Page 1246, Column]
- sīrṇi f. = śīrṇi, injury, hurt L
- se 2. sg. Ā. of √1. as
- se m. and f. si n. serving L
- f. service L
- N. of the wife of Kāma L
- sek (cf. √srek), cl. 1. Ā. sekate, to go, move Dhātup. iv, 7
- séka m. (fr. √sic) pouring out, emission, effusion (as of the seminal fluid
- also 'the fluid itself') RV. Mn. xi, 120
- sprinkling, besprinkling, moistening or watering with (comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- a shower-bath Suśr. ŚārṅgS
- a libation, offering MW
- a drop of anything ib
- pl. N. of a people ib
- ○ṃ-dhara See sekandhara s.v
- -purī f. See ib
- ○pātra or n. a vessel for pouring out or holding water, watering-pot, bucket L
- ○bhājana n. a vessel for pouring out or holding water, watering-pot, bucket L
- ○miśrânna n. food mixed with curds L
- sekânta m. the end of the watering (of plants &c.) MW
- sekima mfn. sprinkled or watered with (comp.) Siṃhâs
- cast (as iron) Pāṇ. 4-2, 20 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- n. a radish L
- sektavya mfn. to be sprinkled or poured out &c. Hariv. VarBṛS
- séktṛ mfn. sprinkling, a sprinkler RV. iii, 32, 15
- one who impregnates, impregnator (of cows or horses) Kull. on Mn. iii, 150
- m. a husband L
- sektra n. a vessel for holding or pouring out water, watering-pot, bucket, baling-vessel L
- seca (ifc.) sprinkling, pouring out &c. Pat
- secaka m. 'sprinkler', a cloud L
- secana mfn. sprinkling, pouring out, emitting ( viṣa-s○)
- (ī), f. g. gaurâdi
- (am), n. emission, effusion Śaṃk
- sprinkling or watering with (comp.) MBh. Mṛicch. Suśr
- a shower-bath Suśr
- casting (of metals) Cat
- a bucket, balingvessel L
- ○ghaṭa m. a watering-pot Śak
- secanaka n. a shower-bath ŚārṅgS
- secanīya mfn. to be sprinkled or watered or poured out or effused MW
- secita mfn. (fr. Caus. of √sic) sprinkled, watered Hariv. VarBṛS
- secya mfn. = secanīya Car
- sekandhara m. = ?, Iskandar (Alexander) Cat
- ○purī f. Alexander's city ib
- segava m. (cf. syagavi) a young crab L
- seṅgara m. (said to be = sṛṅgivara) N. of a family Cat
- secālin g. suvāstv-ādi Kāś. (v. l. sevālin)
- seṭa m. a partic. weight or measure Col
- seṭu m. a kind of water-melon or cucumber L
- seṭha m. (fr. śreṣṭha, but = śreṣṭhin) Siṃhâs
- setakī f. g. nady-ādi
- setavya See col. 2
- sétu mfn. (fr. √1. si) binding, who or what binds or fetters RV
- m. a bond, fetter ib
- a ridge of earth, mound, bank, causeway, dike, dam, bridge, any raised piece of ground separating fields (serving as a boundary or as a passage during inundations) RV. &c. &c
- Rāma's bridge ( See setubandha) BhP
- a landmark, boundary, limit (also fig. = 'barrier, bounds') Mn. MBh. &c
- a help to the understanding of a text, an explanatory commentary (also N. of various commentaries) Cat
- an established institution, fixed rule MW
- the Praṇava or sacred syllable Om (which is said to be mantrāṇāṃ setuḥ) KālP
- Crataeva Roxburghī or Tapia Crataeva (= varaṇa, varuṇa) L
- N. of a son of Druhyu and brother of Babhru Hariv
- of a son of Babhru Pur
- of a place MW
- ○kara m. the builder of a bridge VarBṛS
- ○karman n. the work of building a bridge R
- ○kāvya n. N. of a poem
- ○khaṇḍa m. n. N. of a ch. of the Skanda-purāṇa
- ○ja m. pl. N. of a district of Dakshiṇā-patha L
- ○pati m. 'lord of the bridge or causeway', an hereditary title belonging to the chiefs of Rāmnād as controlling the passage of the channel between Rāmêśvara and Ceylon, See col. 2
- ○prada m. N. of Kṛishṇa Pañcar. [Page 1246, Column]
- ○bandha m. the forming of a causeway or bridge, a dam or bridge (esp. the ridge of rocks extending from Rāmêśvara on the Southeastern coast of India to Ceylon, and supposed to have been formed by Hinumat as a bridge for the passage of Rāma's army) MBh. R. &c
- N. of various wks. (esp. of the 13th ch. of the Bhaṭṭi-kāvya and of a Prākṛit poem on the history of Rāma, also called rāma-setu, or rāvaṇa-vaha, attributed to Pravarasena and sometimes to Kālidāsa)
- ○bandhana n. the construction of a bridge or dam MBh
- a bridge or dam Kum
- a limit, barrier Hariv
- N. of a Paurānic wk
- ○bhettṛ m. the destroyer of a dam or bridge MBh
- ○bheda m. the breaking down of an embankment Kāv
- ○bhedin mfn. breaking down barriers, removing obstructions MW
- m. Croton Polyandrum or Tiglium L
- ○maṅgalamantra m
- ○māhātmya n
- ○yātrā-vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○vṛkṣa m. Crataeva Roxburghī L
- ○śaila m. a mountain or hill forming a boundary BhP
- ○ṣāman n. (with svargya) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- ○saṃgraha m. N. of a Comm. on the Mugdha-bodha
- ○saraṇi f. N. of a Sanskṛit translation of the Setu-bandha by Śiva-nārāyaṇa-dāsa
- ○snāna-vidhi m. N. of wk
- setavya mfn. to be bound or fastened together Nir. xi, 31, v. l
- setuka m. a causeway, bridge W
- Crataeva Roxburghī L
- setṛ́ mfn. binding, fettering, a bond or binder RV
- setra n. a bond, ligament, fetter Pāṇ. 3-2, 182
- seru mfn. binding, fastening Pāṇ. 3-2, 159
- saitava See p. 1247, col. 3
- sedí f. (fr. √sad) weariness, exhaustion, decay VS. AV. Kauś
- sedivas pf. p. of √sad, q.v
- seduka m. N. of a king MBh
- seddhavya mfn. (fr. √2. sidh) to be kept off or prevented MW
- sedha mf(ā)n. keeping or driving away ( See goṣedhā́)
- m. = niṣedha, prohibition ( See vidhiṣedha)
- (ā), f. 'prohibiting contact (?)', a hedgehog or porcupine Yājñ
- sedhaka mfn. driving off, preventing MW
- sedhana n. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 116
- sedhanīya mfn. = seddhavya above
- sêna mfn. (7. sa + ina) having a master or lord, dependent on another Vās
- sena (?), n. the body L
- sénā f. (fr. √2. si) a missile, dart, spear RV. AV
- N. of Indra's wife (or his thunderbolt so personified) TS. AitBr. Vait
- an army, armament, battle-array, armed force (also personified as wife of Kārttikeya
- ifc. also sena n.) RV. &c. &c
- a small army (consisting of 3 elephants, 3 chariots, 9 horse, and 15 foot) L
- any drilled troop or band or body of men Bālar
- a kind of title or addition to the names of persons (also names of courtezans) Sāh. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 152 &c.)
- N. of a courtezan (abridged fr. kubera-senā) HPariś
- of the mother of Śambhava (the third Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L
- ○kakṣa m. 'the flank of an army' and 'an army compared to dry wood' MBh
- ○karman n. the leading or managing of an army ib
- ○gopa m. the keeper of an army (a partic. office) ib
- ○"ṣgni (○nâgni), m. the Agni of an army Kauś
- ○gra (○nâgra), n. the front or van of an army R
- -ga, or -gāmin m. 'going at the front of an army', a general ib
- ○"ṣṅga (○nâṅga), n. the component part of an army (supposed to consist of four divisions: elephants, chariots, cavalry, and infantry) Ragh. VarBṛS
- a division of an army
- -pati m. the leader of a division Kām
- ○cara m. 'going with an army', a soldier, warrior MBh. Rājat
- ○"ṣjīva or (○nâj○), m. 'living by or with an army', id. MBh
- ○"ṣjīḍvin (○nâj○), m. 'living by or with an army', id. MBh
- ○jū́ mfn. swift as an arrow RV
- ○"ṣdhinātha (○nâdh○), m. the chief of an army ( See sarva-sen○)
- N. of a man Vās., Introd
- ○"ṣdhipa (○nâdh○ VarBṛS. ),
- ○"ṣdhipati (Jātakam.),
- ○"ṣdhyakṣa (Hariv.), m. the commander of an army
- ○nātha m. N. of an author Cat
- ○nī́ m. (nom. ○nī́s
- dat. abl. pl. ○níbhyas
- Gr. also acc. sg. ○nyam
- loc. ○nyām &c.) the leader of an army, commander, general, chief RV. &c. &c
- N. of Kārttikeya (god of war) MBh. Kāv. &c
- of one of the Rudras Hariv
- of a son of Śambara ib
- of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh
- of a die (the head of a host of dice) MW. [Page 1246, Column]
- [(-ni)-bhogIna] mfn. Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-1, 9 Vārtt. 3
- [(-ni)-grAmaN'I] du. the leader of an army and the chief of a village VS
- ○pati m. the general of an army AitBr. &c. &c
- N. of Kārttikeya L
- of Śiva MBh
- of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra ib
- -tva n. generalship ib
- -pati m. the chief commander of an army ib
- ○patya n. (prob. wṛ. for saināp○) commandership, generalship ib
- ○paricchad mfn. surrounded by an army Ragh
- ○pura n. N. of a city Cat
- ○pṛṣṭha n. the rear of an army MBh
- ○praṇetṛ m. the leader of an aṭarmy ib
- ○bindu m. N. of a king ib
- ○bhañga m. the breaking of an aṭarmy, rout, disorderly flight MW
- ○"ṣbhigoptṛ (○nâbh○), m. the guardian of an army Kām
- ○mukhá n. the van of an army TBr. ŚBr
- a division or company of an army (consisting of 3 or 9 elephants, 3 or 9 chariots, 9 or 27 horses, 15 or 45 foot-soldiers) MBh
- a covered way leading to a city gate L
- (ī), f. N. of a goddess Rājat
- ○yoga m. equipment of an army MBh
- ○rakṣa m. 'army-protector', a guard, sentinel L
- ○vāsa m. a camp VarBṛS
- ○vāha m. the leader of an army MBh
- ○vindu See -bindu
- ○stha m. 'being in an army', a soldier L
- ○vyūha m. battlearray L
- ○samudaya m. an assembled aṭarmy MBh
- ○sthāna n. a camp L
- ○han m. N. of a son of Śambara (v. l. sena-h○) Hariv
- sena (for 1. 2. See col. 2), in comp. for senā
- ○kula n. the family of the Senas (i.e. of persons and princes whose names end in sena
- under. senā) Buddh
- ○jít mfn. vanquishing armies VS
- m. N. of a king MBh
- of a son of Kṛishṇa Hariv
- of a son of Viśva-jit VP
- of a son of Bṛihat-karman ib
- of a son of Kṛiśâśva BhP
- of a son of Viśada ib
- f. N. of an Apsaras BhP. (Sch.)
- ○skandha m. N. of a son of Śambara Hariv
- ○han See senā-han above
- senaka m. N. of a grammarian Pāṇ. 5-4, 112
- of a son of Śambara Hariv
- senaya Nom. P. ○yati &c. See abhi-ṣeṇaya, p. 71, col. 2
- seni See tīrtha-s○, p. 449, col. 2
- senīya See yukta-s○, p. 853, col. 3
- sénya mfn. caused by the throw of a spear AV
- m. a spearman, warrior RV
- sainaka &c. See p. 1247, col. 3
- sênduka ○duḍa and ○dubha m. N. of poets Cat
- sếndra mfn. accompanied by or together with Indra TS. &c. &c
- ○gaṇa mfn. together with Indra's troops MBh
- ○cāpa mfn. along with Indra's bow MW
- ○tā (○drá-), f. (ŚBr.),
- ○tvá n. (TS.) union or connection with Indra
- ○dhṛti mfn. (?) Vās
- sêndrâyudha-taḍit mfn. with a rainbow and lightning MW
- sendrâyudha-purogama mfn. preceded by the rainbow ib
- sêndraka m. pl. N. of a family Inscr
- sêndriya mfn. possessed of manly vigour or potency (-tvá, n.) MaitrS
- together with the organs of sense Mn. i, 50
- sepura n. N. of a village of the Bāhīkas Pat. Sch
- sepha wṛ. for śepha, q.v
- sebhya (?), m. coldness L
- mf(ā)n. cold L
- semantī f. the Indian white rose L
- semantikā f. id. MW
- seya n. (fr. √san) obtaining ( See śata-s○)
- seya mfn. (fr. √so). See ava-seya
- seyana m. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra (v. l. sayana) MBh
- sếra mfn. used in explaining sīra ŚBr
- serāla n. pale-yellowness L
- mf(ā)n. pale-yellow L
- serāha m. a horse of milk-white colour L
- serurāha m. a Serāha horse with a mark on the forehead L
- seru See col. 2
- ser7ṣya mf(ā)n. full of envy, envious, jealous of (comp.) Prab. Kathās. [Page 1247, Column]
- (am), ind. enviously, jealously Pañcat. BhP
- sel v. l. for √śel, q.v
- sela m. or n. (prob. Prākṛit for śaila) a kind of weapon Kād. (B.)
- a partic. high number (cf. selu) Buddh
- sella m. or n. (?) a kind of weapon Pañcad
- sélaga m. (perhaps fr. sela = śaila + ga) a waylayer, robber AitBr. ŚBr. ĀśvŚr
- selisa m. a kind of white deer L
- selu m. = śelu, Cordia Myxa Suśr
- a partic. high number (cf. sela) Buddh
- selhāra m. N. of a family Cat
- sev cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xiv, 30) sevate (rarely ○ti
- pf. siṣeve, ○va MBh. &c
- fut. sevitā Gr
- seviṣyate ib., ○ti MBh
- aor. asiṣevat, aseviṣṭa Gr
- inf. sevitum MBh. &c
- ind. p. sevitvā, -sevya ib.), to dwell or stay near or in (loc.) ŚBr
- to remain or stay at, live in, frequent, haunt, inhabit, resort to (acc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to serve, wait or attend upon, honour, obey, worship ib
- to cherish, foster (a child) Kathās
- to present with (instr.) Ragh
- to enjoy sexually, have sexual intercourse with (acc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to refresh by soft breezes, fan (said of the wind) R. Kālid. Pañcat
- to devote or apply one's self to, cultivate, study, practise, use, employ, perform, do RV. &c. &c
- to exist or be found in anything (acc.) R. Hariv. Kathās.: Pass. sevyate, to be followed or served &c. MBh.: Caus. sevayati (aor. asiṣevat), to attend upon, serve, honour Hit
- to tend, cherish (plants) Bhartṛ.: Desid. of Caus., sisevayiṣu: Desid. siseviṣate, ○ti Gr.: Intens. seṣevyate ib
- seva (either fr. √sev or siv), g. pacâdi
- n. = 1. sevi, an apple L
- sevaka mfn. (for 2. See col. 2) dwelling in, inhabiting (comp.) MBh
- practising, using, employing (comp.) Kāv. Kathās
- revering, worshipping (mostly comp.) Yājñ. BhP
- m. a servant, attendant, follower R. VarBṛS. Rājat
- a votary, worshipper Hariv. Pañcar
- sevakâlu m. a kind of plant (= niśa-bhaṅga
- commonly called Dugdhapeyā) L
- sevakôttama m. (and ā f.) best of servants MW
- sevana n. (for 2. See col. 2) the act of frequenting or visiting or dwelling in or resorting to (comp.) Kāv. Pañcat. BhP
- waiting upon, attendance, service Mn. MBh. &c
- honouring, reverence, worship, adoration (also ā f.) Kāv. VarBṛS. &c
- sexual enjoyment, intercourse with (comp.) Mn. xi, 178
- devotion or addiction to, fondness for, indulgence in, practise or employment of (gen. or comp.) Mn. R. &c
- ○bhāvanā-kāvya n. N. of wk
- sevanin m. a ploughman (?) Hariv. (Nīlak.)
- sevanīya mfn. (for 2. See col. 2) to be followed or practised Bhartṛ
- to be served or waited upon or honoured Hariv. BhP
- sevā f. going or resorting to, visiting, frequenting Cāṇ. Subh
- service, attendance on (loc., gen., or comp
- sevāṃ-√kṛ, with gen., 'to be in the service of') Mn. MBh. &c
- worship, homage, reverence, devotion to (gen. or comp.) ib
- sexual intercourse with (comp.) Hit. Subh
- addiction to, indulgence in, practice or employment or frequent enjoyment of (comp.) Nir. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○kāku f. change of voice in service (i.e. sometimes speaking loudly, sometimes softly, sometimes angrily, sometimes sorrowfully) Vikr
- ○kaumudī f. N. of wk. on Bhakti
- ○jana m. a servant, attendant VarBṛS
- ○"ṣñjali (○vâñj○), m. a servant's reverential salutation with hollowed hands ( See añjali) Bhartṛ
- ○tīrtha m. N. of an author Cat
- ○dakṣa mf(ā)n. skilled in service Mālav
- ○dharma m. the duties or functions of service Bhartṛ
- ○phala-stotra n. N. of a hymn by Vallabhâcārya
- -vivṛti, f
- ○lôkti-vivṛti f. N. of Comms
- ○"ṣbhirata (○vâbh○ mfn. rejoicing in or fond of service VarBṛS
- ○bhṛt mfn. maintaining service, serving, honouring (comp.) R
- ○"ṣvalamba (○vâv○), mfn. depending on another's service Bhartṛ
- ○"ṣvasara (○vâv○), m. opportunity for worship or adoration Kum
- ○vicāra m. N. of wk. on Bhakti
- ○vilāsinī f. a female servant Nalac
- ○vṛtti f. a livelihood gained by service L. [Page 1247, Column]
- ○vyavahāra m. the practice of service MW
- sevi n. the jujube (= badara) L
- an apple (in this sense prob. fr. Persian seb) L
- sevi in comp. for sevin
- ○tā f. service, attendance MārkP
- ○tva n. seeking, resorting to (comp.) BhP
- honouring, deference towards (comp.) Kām
- the state of one who dwells in or inhabits MW
- sevikā f. a partic. sweetmeat (a kind of vermicelli made of wheat-flour and boiled in milk and sugar) BhP
- sevita mfn. dwelt in, visited, frequented, followed, served &c. ( See √sev)
- furnished or endowed with, abounding in (comp.) R
- n. = 1. sevi L
- ○manmatha mfn. addicted to love or amorous enjoyments MW
- sevitavya mfn. (for 2. See below) to be frequented or inhabited Hariv
- to be followed or practised TUp. Mn. &c
- to be tended or taken care of Cāṇ. Mṛicch
- sevitṛ mfn. (only ifc.) one who honours or worships MBh
- one who follows or pursues ib
- m. a servant, attendant Mālav. iv, 12
- sevin mfn. (only ifc.) going or resorting to, frequenting, inhabiting MBh. R. &c
- attending on, serving, a servant Kālid. Kir. VarBṛS
- honouring, revering, deferential to Mn. MBh. &c
- having sexual intercourse with Subh
- addicted to, fond of, enjoying, practising, employing MBh. Kāv. &c
- sevya mfn. to be resorted to or frequented or inhabited by (gen.) Hariv. Pañcat. Kathās
- to be followed (as a path) Rājat
- to be approached Cāṇ
- to be waited upon or served or obeyed, a master (as opp. to 'a servant') R. Kālid. &c
- to be honoured, honourable Yājñ. MBh. &c
- to be enjoyed carnally Subh
- to be practised or used or employed MBh. R. &c
- to be studied Cat
- to be kept or hoarded Hit
- to be taken care of or guarded W
- m. the Aśvattha tree, Ficus Religiosa L
- Barringtonia Acutangula L
- a sparrow L
- an intoxicating drink made from the blossoms of the Bassia Latifolia L
- (ā), f. the parasitical plant Vandā L
- Emblic Myrobolam L
- a kind of wild grain or rice L
- (am), n. the √of Andropogon Muricatus Suśr
- red sandal-wood L
- sea-salt L
- the thick middle part of curds L
- water L
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the state of being liable or worthy to be served or honoured or revered or followed or pursued Kāv. Rājat. Sarvad
- ○sevakau m. du. master and servant Hit
- sevyamāna mfn. being dwelt in or served or used &c
- sevaka m. (fr. √siv
- for 1. sevaka See col. 1) one that sews, a sewer L
- a sack L
- sevana n. (for 1. See col. 1) the act of sewing, darning, stitching Suśr. Vop. ĀpŚr. Sch
- a sack L
- (ī), f. a needle L
- a seam L
- a suture or peculiar, seam-like union of parts of the body (seven in number, viz. five of the cranium, one of the tongue, and one of the glans penis) Br. Suśr
- (ī), f. a kind of small jasmine L
- sevanīya mfn. (for 1. See col. 1) to be sewn or stitched together MW
- sevitavya mfn. (for 1. See above) to be sewn Nir
- sevatī f. the Indian white rose L
- seva-dhi wṛ. for śeva-dhi
- sevantikā-pariṇaya m. N. of a Nāṭaka or a Kāvya Cat
- sevālin mfn. (fr. savāla, See śev○), g. suvāstv-ādi (Kāś. secālin)
- sevāsī ind. (with √1. kṛ), g. ūry-ādi (v. l.)
- sêśvara mfn. (7. sa + īśvara) having a god, theistical ( See next)
- ○sāṃkhya n. the theistical branch of the Sāṃkhya school of philosophy Sarvad
- sêṣu mfn. (7. sa + iṣu) having an arrow ( See next)
- ○dhanvan mfn. having a bow and arrow ŚāṅkhŚr
- sêṣuka mf(ā)n. having an arrow KātyŚr
- sêṣṭi mfn. (7. sa + 3. iṣṭi) provided with a sacrifice ĀpŚr
- sêṣṭika mfn. id. ĀpŚr. Sch
- seṣmīyāṇa See √smi, Intens. [Page 1247, Column]
- sehāna See √1. sah, p. 1192, col. 3
- sehu m. a partic. dry substance AV
- a partic. organ in the body Kāṭh
- sehuṇḍa m. Euphorbia Ligularia (cf. sīh○) KāśīKh
- (ā), f. id. Bhpr
- sehnoka or sehloka m. N. of a poet (cf. sohnoka) Cat
- sai (cf. √3. sā, 1. so), cl. 1. P. sāyati, to waste away, decline Dhātup. xxii, 18
- saiṃha mf(ī)n. (fr. siṃha) belonging to lions, leonine, lion-like MBh. Hariv. &c
- saiṃhakaroṇa m. (cf. ājaka-r○) Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 72 Vārtt. 14
- saiṃhakarṇa mfn. coming or derived from Siṃha-karṇa, g. takṣaśilâdi
- saiṃhakāyana mfn. (fr. siṃhaka), g. pakṣâdi
- saiṃhala mf(ī)n. (fr. siṃhala) belonging to or produced in Ceylon, Singhalese Śatr
- (ī), f. a kind of pepper L
- n. Laurus Cassia L
- saiṃhādrika m. pl. (fr. siṃha-adri) N. of a people Inscr
- saiṃhika mfn. (fr. siṃha) lion-like, leonine W
- m. (fr. siṃhikā), metr. of Rāhu or the personified ascending node (cf. next) L
- saiṃhikeya mfn. descended from Siṃhikā Hariv
- m. a child of Siṃhikā (also pl
- applied to a class of Dānavas) ib
- metr. of Rāhu (cf. prec.) Kāv. VarBṛS. BhP
- sâika mfn. added to one, plus one Yājñ. VarBṛS
- ○dvi-saptaka mf(ikā)n. plus one (and) two (and) seven Jyot
- saikâvali mf(ī)n. having a necklace consisting of a single string of pearls VarBṛS
- saikatá mf(ī) n. (fr. sikatā) sandy, gravelly, consisting or made of sand ŚBr. &c. &c
- m. pl. N. of a family of Ṛishis MBh
- n. (ifc. f. ā) a sandbank, sandy shore or soil, any bank or shore MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○vat mfn. possessing sandbanks MW
- saikatêṣṭa n. 'liked by sandy soil', ginger L
- saikatika mfn. belonging or relating to sandbanks MW
- living in doubt and error (= bhrāntijīvin or saṃdeha-j○ L
- m. an ascetic or religious mendicant L
- n. a thread worn round the wrist or neck to secure good fortune (= maṅgala-sūtra) L
- = mātri-yātrā L
- saikatin mfn. having sandbanks or sandy shores Kālid
- saikayata m. g. krauḍy-ādi
- ○vidha mfn. inhabited by Saikayatas, g. bhaurikyādi
- saikayatyā f. of saikayata g. krauḍy-ādi
- saikya mfn. (fr. seka) connected with or dependent on sprinkling or watering VarBṛS
- sâikṣava mfn. (7. sa + aikṣava) sugared, sugary Bhpr
- saicālina mfn. (fr. secālin), g. suvāstv-ādi (Kāś. saivālin)
- saita m. N. of a family of princes Buddh
- saitakeya mfn. (fr. setakī), g. nadyādi
- saítava mfn. (fr. setu) consisting of a dam or bridge Kāv
- m. N. of a preceptor ŚBr
- saitavāhinī f. (perhaps for sita v○) N. of the river Bāhu-dā L
- saiddhāntika mf(ī)n. (fr. siddhânta) connected with or relating to an established truth &c. W
- m. one who knows an established truth or is versed in a Siddhânta (q.v.) Siṃhâs
- saidhraká mfn. (fr. sidhraka) made of the wood of the Sidhraka tree TBr
- saidhrakāvata mfn. (fr. sidhrakā-vat) Pāṇ. 4-2, 72 Kāś
- saidhrika n. a kind of tree Sāy
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made of Saidhrika wood SāmavBr
- sainaka n. (fr. senā
- saṃjñāyām), g. kulālâdi. [Page 1248, Column]
- sainānīka mfn. (fr. senā + an○) belonging to the van of an army ŚāṅkhBr
- sainānya n. (fr. senā-nī) command of an army, generalship AitBr
- saināpatya n. (fr. senā-pati) id. Mn. MBh. &c
- sainika mfn. relating or belonging to an army, military, martial, drawn up in martial array MBh. R. &c
- m. an army-man, soldier, guard, sentinel, a body of forces in array ib
- N. of a son of Śambara Hariv
- sainya mfn. belonging to or proceeding from an army MBh. Hariv
- m. (ifc. f. ā) a soldier (pl. 'troops') R
- an army MBh. Rājat
- a sentinel, guard L
- n. a body of troops, army MBh. R. &c
- a camp VarBṛS
- ○kakṣa m. = senā-k○ (q.v.) R
- ○kṣobha m. a mutiny in an army VarBṛS
- ○ghāta-kara mfn. causing the destruction of an army ib
- ○nāyaka m. the chief or leader of an army, general Kathās
- ○nigrāhikā f. (used in explaining cakra-grahaṇī) Nīlak
- ○niveśa-bhūmi f. place of the encampment of an army VarBṛS
- ○pati (VarBṛS.),
- ○pāla (R.), m. = -nāyaka
- ○pṛṣṭha n. the rear of an army L
- -bhāga m. id. L
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of troops MBh
- ○vāsa m. the camp of an army Daś
- ○vyapadeśa m. the summons of an army R
- ○śiras n. the van of an army' Prab
- ○hantṛ m. 'army-destroyer', N. of a son of Śambara Hariv
- sainyâdhipati or m. 'army-overseer', a general, commander W
- saiḍnyâdhyakṣa m. 'army-overseer', a general, commander W
- sainyôpaveśana n. the halting or encampment of an army Cat
- saindūra mfn. (fr. sindūra) coloured with red-lead or vermilion (○rī-√kṛ, 'to colour with vermilion') Ratnâv
- saindhavá mf(ī)n. (fr. sindhu) relating to the sea, oceanic, marine, aquatic Buddh
- belonging to or produced in or coming from the Indus or Sindh TS. &c. &c
- m. a king of Sindh MBh. Mudr. BhP
- a horse (partic. one bred in Sindh) L
- N. of a teacher Cat
- (pl.) the inhabitants of Sindh AV. Pariś. MBh. &c
- N. of a partic. school founded by Saindhavāyana VP
- m. n. a kind of rock-salt (found in Sindh), any salt ŚBr. VarBṛS. Suśr
- (ī), f. a partic. Rāgiṇī Saṃgīt
- (am), n. (in dram.) a song in Prākṛit (accompanied with music expressive of a lover's disgust on being deserted by a loved woman) Sāh
- ○khilyá or m. a lump of salt ŚBr
- ○ghaná m. a lump of salt ŚBr
- ○cūrṇa n. powdered rock-salt Suśr
- ○śilā-śakala n. a morsel of fossil salt Ragh
- ○sarpis n. clarified butter with salt Suśr
- saindhavâraṇya n. the jungly district of Sindh MBh
- saindhavaka mfn. belonging or relating to the Saindhavas (with nṛpa or rājan m. 'a king of the Saindhavas') MBh
- m. a miserable inhabitant of Sindhu MW
- saindhavāyana m. N. of a Ṛishi (pl. his family) MBh. Hariv
- saindhavāyani m. patr. fr. saindhava g. tikâdi
- saindhukṣita n. (fr. sindhu-kṣit) N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- saindhumitrika mf(ā or ī)n. (fr. sindhumitra), g. kāśy-ādi
- saindhuvaktraka mfn. (fr. sindhu-vaktra) Pāṇ. 4-2, 126 Sch
- saindhī f. spirituous liquor (esp. palm-juice) L
- saimantika n. (fr. sīmanta) redlead (so called because used to make a mark along hair-parting) L
- saira mf(ī)n. (fr. sīra) belonging to a plough Āpast
- n. a kind of spirituous liquor, Prâyaśc
- = sīrāṇāṃ (i.e. pratisīrāṇāṃ) samūhaḥ (used in explaining sairaṃdhrī) Nīlak. on MBh. iii, 2586
- sairakāyaṇa mfn. (fr. sīraka), g. pakṣâdi
- sairaṃdhra m. (prob. fr. an unused sīraṃdhra, 'plough-holder'
- cf. mahī-dhra, aṃsa-dhrī) a kind of menial or domestic servant (in the caste-system born from a Dasyu and an Āyogavii) Mn. MBh. &c
- (ī), f. a maid-servant in the women's apartments, a woman of the above mixed caste ib
- a female artisan who works in other person's houses L
- N. of Draupadī (who became servant-maid in king Virāṭa's house, when her husbands, the five Pāṇḍava princes, entered his service in various disguises) MBh. iv, 77 &c. [Page 1248, Column]
- sairaṃdhrikā f. a female servant, chambermaid Dhūrtan
- sairi m. the month Kārttika L
- pl. N. of a people VarBṛS. (v. l.)
- sairika mfn. relating to a plough &c. Pāṇ. 4-3, 124
- m. a ploughman W
- a plough-ox ib
- the sky, atmosphere (cf. sairibha) L
- N. of a man (also written śairika) Cat
- sairiṃdha m. pl. N. of a people (v. l. sairiḍya, ○ritya, ○ridya, ○riṃdhya, ○riṃdhra) VarBṛS
- sairiṃdhra m. (and ī f.), often v. l. for sairaṃdhra, ○dhrī
- sairiṃdhraka mfn. (fr. siriṃdhra and sairiṃdhra), g. kulālâdi (Kāś. sairidhraka)
- sairīya or m. 'turned up by the plough', Barleria Cristata Suśr
- sairīyaka m. 'turned up by the plough', Barleria Cristata Suśr
- saireya or m. id. ib
- saireyaka m. id. ib
- (○kam), n. the flower of Barleria Cristata Kir. Sch
- sairyá m. a kind of grass RV
- sairā-vat mfn. (accord. to Sāy. connected with irā, 'food', accord. to others with sīra) having plenty of provisions (said of a ship) AitBr
- sairidhraka See sairiṃdhraka
- sairibha m. a buffalo Hcar. Bālar
- the sky, atmosphere (cf. sairika) L
- (ī), f. a female buffalo L
- sairiṣṭha m. pl. N. of a people MārkP
- sailagá m. (fr. selaga, q.v.) a waylayer, robber VS
- saili m. pl. N. of a people VarBṛS
- saivāla See śaivāla
- saivālina (or śaiv○), mfn. (fr. sevālin, or śev○), g. suvāstv-ādi (v. l. saicālina)
- saisa mfn. (fr. sīsa) leaden, made of lead, g. rajatâdi
- saisaka mfn. id. Mn. xi, 133
- saisikata m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (B. saisiridhra)
- saisiridhra See preceding
- saihareya mfn. (fr. sīhara), g. sakhy-ādi
- so (usually with prepositions
- See ava-, vy-ava-, adhy-ava-√so &c.), cl. 4. P. (Dhātup. xxvi, 38) syati (pf. sasau aor. asāt or asāsīt &c.), to destroy, kill, finish Dhātup.: Pass. sīyate (aor. asāyi), Gr.: Caus. sāyayati or sāpayati ib.: Desid. siṣāsati ib.: Intens. seṣīyate, sāsāti, sāseti ib
- sāya
- sita
- siti
- seya See s.v
- so f. (nom. sos) N. of Pārvatī L
- số = sā́ (f. of 6. sa) + u ŚBr
- sôktha mfn. with the Uktha (q.v.) TāṇḍBr
- sôkthaka mfn. id. ŚBr
- sôkthya mfn. with the Ukthya (q.v.) TāṇḍBr
- sốkha mfn. with a caldron ŚBr
- sôcchraya mfn. having height, high, lofty L
- sôcchvāsa mfn. breathing hard, panting (-tva n.) R. Pratāp
- relaxed, loose (as a bandage) Suśr
- (am), ind. with a sigh of relief Śak. Prab
- soṭā Pat. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 27
- soṭāya Nom. Ā. ○yate ib
- soḍha mfn. (fr. √1. sah
- cf. sāḍha) borne, suffered, endured, tolerated MBh. Kāv. &c
- patient, enduring W
- m. N. of a minister of Somêśvara (king of Śākambarī) Cat
- n. See avi-soḍha
- ○govinda m. N. of a poet Cat
- ○vat mfn. one who has borne or endured MW
- soḍhâmitra m. N. of a man (cf. sauḍhāmitri) Pat
- soḍhavya mfn. to be borne or endured Pāṇ. 6-3, 111 Sch
- to be put up with or excused (n. impers.) Hariv. BhP. [Page 1248, Column]
- soḍhāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to bear, endure, g. sukhâdi
- soḍhin mfn. one who has borne or endured ib
- soḍhṛ mfn. bearing patiently Bālar
- capable of resisting, a match for (gen.) MBh. R. Bhaṭṭ
- able, powerful (= śakta) L
- soḍhala m. N. of various authors (v. l. soṭhala) Cat
- sótu m. (fr. √3. su) extraction of Soma, libation (dat. sótave as inf.) RV
- sotṛ́ or mfn. one who presses out or extracts Soma (loc. sotári as inf.) ib
- sótṛ mfn. one who presses out or extracts Soma (loc. sotári as inf.) ib
- sótva mfn. to be pressed or extracted RV
- sótva m. a Soma, sacrificer L
- sotṛ mfn. (fr. √2. sū) engendering, generating, bringing forth children MW
- sôtka mf(ā)n. full of desire or longing Ṛitus. Kathās
- sôtkaṇṭha mf(ā)n. having an ardent desire, ardently longing for (prati) Rājat
- bewailing, regretting, grieving at (comp.) Kathās
- (am), ind. longingly, regretfully Kir. Amar
- sôtkampa mfn. trembling, tremulous Megh
- sôtkarṣa mfn. having eminence, excellent Rājat
- sôtkṛṣṭa-hasita-svara mfn. accompanied by loud laughter R
- sôttara mfn. with or connected with a wager or bet Nār
- ○paṇa mfn. id. ib
- sôtpala mfn. possessing lotuses MW
- sôtpāta n. anointing with oil (?) L
- sôtpīḍa mfn. emitting a stream (as a mountain) R
- covered with foam or froth MW
- sôtprâsa mfn. exaggerated, ironical, derisive, scornful (am, ind. scornfully) Ratnâv. Kād
- m. n. ironical exaggeration, sarcasm ib
- ○hasita n. derisive or sarcastic laughter MW
- sôtprêkṣam ind. with indifference, carelessly Veṇis
- sôtva. and 2 See above
- sôtsaṅga mfn. deepened, depressed Bhpr
- sôtsava mfn. connected with a festival, festal (as a day) Kathās
- celebrating a festival, making merry, joyous ib
- sôtsāha mfn. making effort, vigorous, resolute, energetic, courageous (with ghanāḥ, 'threatening clouds') Kāv. Rājat. Hit
- (am), ind. energetically, carefully Pañcat
- much delighted, overjoyed (am ind.) Kāv. Vet
- ○tā f. activity, energy, courage Kathās
- sôtsuka mf(ā)n. regretful, sorrowful, anxious about, yearning or longing for (loc. or acc. with prati, or comp.) Kāv. Kathās
- sôtseka mfn. haughty, arrogant Kāvyâd
- sôtsedha mfn. high, lofty R
- (am), ind. with a jerk or push upward MBh
- sốdaka mf(ā)n. having or containing water TS. GṛŚrS. &c
- = samānôdaka MārkP
- sôda-kumbha m. a partic. ceremony in honour of deceased ancestors (also N. of wk.) Cat
- sôda-pūrvam ind. after sprinkling with water Hcat
- sôdadhi-la mfn. consisting of four (udadhi = 'the ocean' and 'the number 4') short syllables (la) VarBṛS. Sch
- sôdaya mfn. having an increase of profit, accumulated, augmented by interest Yājñ
- connected with the rise (of the heavenly bodies &c.) MW
- having a succession, having something coming after, followed by ib
- rṣôdayana mfn. together with Udayana Kathās
- sôdara mf(ī)n. born from the same womb, co-uterine, of whole blood Mn. MBh. &c. closely allied or connected with, next of kin to (e.g. narmâika-sôdaraṃ navaṃ vayaḥ, 'youth has only one brother, viz. amusement') Kathās. [Page 1249, Column]
- m. (with or scil. bhrātṛ) an own brother Yājñ. MBh. &c
- (ī), f. a co-uterine sister Mālav
- ○sneha v. l. for sôdarya-sn○ (q.v.)
- sôdarīya mfn. = sôdara MBh
- sôdarya mfn. id. MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○vat mfn. having or together with a brother MBh
- ○sneha m. sisterly affection Śak
- sôdarka mfn. having elevations or turrets MBh
- having the same burden or refrain ŚāṅkhBr
- attended with results or consequences MW
- n. a final refrain ŚāṅkhGṛ
- sôddharaṇa mfn. together with sweetmeats which are taken home MBh. (Nīlak.)
- sôddhāra mfn. together with a selected portion Kull
- ○vibhāgin mfn. receiving an inheritance together with a selected portion ib
- sôdbāṣpam ind. with tears, tearfully Kathās
- sôdyama mfn. prepared or equipped for combat ib
- sôdyoga mfn. making active exertion energetic, enterprising Hit
- violent, dangerous (as a disease) Rājat
- sôdvega mf(ā)n. agitated, disturbed, anxious, fearful (am, ind.) Bcar
- Rātnâv. Pañcat
- sodha m. pl. N. of a people (v. l. godha) MBh
- sonaha m. garlic L
- soni m. or f. (fr. √3. su) = 1. savana L
- sono-devī f. N. of a woman Cat
- sônmāda mf(ā)n. mad, insane R
- sôpakaraṇa mfn. together with the implements Mn. ix, 270
- properly equipped W
- sôpakāra mfn. furnished with necessary means or implements, well equipped or stocked W
- (a deposit in pawn) from which profit accrues, beneficial Mn. viii, 143
- assisted, befriended W
- sôpakāraka mfn. assisted, befriended, benefitted Pañcat
- sôpakrama mfn. set about, undertaken Cat
- sôpagraham ind. with conciliation, in a conciliatory or friendly manner Kād
- sôpacaya mfn. connected with gain or advantage, profitable Kathās
- sôpacāra mf(ā)n. with rules of conduct MBh
- acting with politeness or civility, deferential (am ind.) MBh. Śiś
- embellished, ornamented, decorated Hcat
- sôpacārakam ind. politely, courteously MW
- sôpadrava mf(ā)n. visited with great calamities or afflictions, dangerous, Śārṅgp
- wealthy, opulent, rich, Bṛihasp
- sôpadha mfn. full of fraud or deceit, fraudulent, guileful (am4 ind.) MBh. Hariv. Hcat
- with the penultimate or preceding letter VPrāt
- sôpadhāna mfn. possessing a pillow, cushioned ŚrS
- id. (and 'possessing excellent qualities') Śiś. ii, 77
- furnished with a setting, set (as a jewel) ĀpGṛ
- sôpadhi mfn. fraudulent (i ind.) Kir
- ○śeṣa mfn. one in whom a residue of guile is left (opp. to nir-upadh○) Buddh
- sôpaniṣatka mfn. along with the Upanishads Kull. on Mn. ii, 165
- sôpanyāsa mfn. well founded or substantiated (as speech) Hariv
- sôpapattika mfn. well founded or substantiated, correct, right Nāg. Sāh. Nīlak
- sôpapada mfn. together with a secondary word ŚāṅkhŚr
- sôpaplava mfn. eclipsed (as the sun or moon) L. [Page 1249, Column]
- afflicted with any great calamity, overrun or attacked by enemies MW
- sốpabarhaṇa mf(ā)n. with a cushion or pillow ŚBr
- sôpama mf(ā)n. containing a simile or comparison MBh
- dealing with (loc.) in the same way as with (instr.) ib
- sôpara mfn. with the under part of the sacrificial post KātyŚr
- sôparodha mfn. obstructed, impeded MW
- favoured ib
- respectful, considerate, obliging (am ind.) Kathās
- sôpavāsa mf(ā)n. one who fasts or has fasted Yājñ. Hcat
- sôpavāsika mfn. id. MW
- sôpasarga mf(ā)n. having or meeting with difficulties or obstacles R
- unbecoming, unpleasant (as speech) ib
- visited by portents or by great afflictions, portentous MW
- possessed by an evil spirit ib
- (in gram.) preceded by a preposition RPrāt. Kāś
- sôpasveda mfn. having perspiration or moisture, moistened, wetted MBh
- sôpahava mfn. with an invitation KātyŚr. Sch
- sôpahāsa mfn. accompanied with derisive laughter, sneering, jocular, sarcastic (am ind.), Sah
- sôpahāsôtprâsa m. a jocular expression MW
- sôpâṃśu-yāja mfn. with an oblation offered in secret or with a whisper ŚāṅkhŚr
- sopāka m. (perhaps for śva-pāka) a man of a degraded caste (the son of a Caṇḍāla by a Pulkasī, and only to be employed as public executioner &c.) Mn. x, 38
- a person who sells medicinal roots L
- sôpâkhya mfn. 'one about whom anything can be affirmed', having qualifications (cf. nir-upâkhya) Kaṇ. Sch
- sôpâdāna mfn. furnished with materials (as a carpenter who builds a house with wood) Nīlak
- sôpâdhi mfn. restricted by some condition or limitation or stipulation, qualified, by some condition (as liberality by the desire of receiving something in return) MW
- having some peculiar attribute or distinguishing title ib
- (ind.) with limitations, conditionally
- sopâdhika mfn. = prec. (-tva n.) Tarkas. TPrāt. Sch
- sôpâdhyāya-gaṇa mfn. with a multitude of teachers R
- sopāna n. (perhaps contracted fr. sa + upâyana) stairs, steps, a staircase, ladder to (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○kūpa m. a well with steps Rājat
- ○tva n. the condition of a staircase (acc. with √vraj, 'to become a staircase'). Megh
- ○paṅkti f. a line or flight of steps, staircase ib
- ○pañcaka n
- ○pañca-ratna n. N. of wks
- ○patha m. a way of steps, staircase Ragh
- ○paddhati f. id. Rājat
- ○paramparā f. = -paṅkti Ragh
- ○bhūta mfn. become or being a staircase Hariv
- ○mārga m. -patha Ragh
- ○mālā f. winding stairs Jātakam
- ○racanā f. N. of wk
- sopānâlī f. = -paṅkti Kuval
- sepānaka n. = sopāna ( See next)
- ○paramparā f. a flight of steps, staircase Uttamac
- sôpānah mfn. (nom. ○nat) furnished with shoes or sandals, having shoes, shod Āpast
- sopānatka mfn. id. Gobh. Mn. Car
- sôpâya mfn. accompanied (as a song) Lāṭy
- sopāraka-pattana n. N. of a town Pañcad
- sôpâlambha mfn. conveying a censure (am ind.) Kathās
- sôpâśraya mfn. having a support [Page 1249, Column]
- n. a partic. posture in sitting (with Yogins) Yogas. Sch
- (-niṣadana n.), id. Sarvad
- sôpâsana mfn. having the sacred domestic fire ( 2. upâsana) MW
- sobha n. N. of the city of the Gandharvas, IndSt
- sóbhya or mfn. being in or belonging to Sobha
- sobhyá mfn. being in or belonging to Sobha
- m. a partic. personification MaitrS. TS. Gaut
- sôbhaya mfn. comprehending both RāmatUp
- sôbhari (or ○rī), m. N. of the author of the hymns RV. viii, 19-22 &c. (having the patr. kāṇva, or āṅgirasa) RV. AV
- sobharīyú mfn. seeking for Sobhari (or the Sobharis) RV
- sobhāñjana wṛ. for śobh○
- sóma m. (fr. √3. su) juice, extract, (esp.) the juice of the Soma plant, (also) the Soma plant itself (said to be the climbing plant Sarcostema Viminalis or Asclepias Acida, the stalks [aṃśu] of which were pressed between stones [adri] by the priests, then sprinkled with water, and purified in a strainer [pavitra] ; whence the acid juice trinkled into jars [kalaśa] or larger vessels [droṇa] ; after which it was mixed with clarified butter, flour &c., made to ferment, and then offered in libations to the gods in this respect corresponding with the ritual of the īranian āvesta or was drunk by the Brāhmans, by both of whom its exhilarating effect was supposed to be prized ; it was collected by moonlight on certain mountains [in RV. x, 34, 1, the mountain Mūja-vat is mentioned] ; it is sometimes described as having been brought from the sky by a falcon [śyena] and guarded by the Gandharvas ; it is personified as one of the most important of Vedic gods, to whose praise all the 114 hymns of the 9th book of the RV. besides 6 in other books and the whole SV. are dedicated ; in post-Vedic mythology and even in a few of the latest hymns of the RV. although not in the whole of the 9th book as well as sometimes in the AV. and in the Br., Soma is identified with the moon [as the receptacle of the other beverage of the gods called Amṛita, or as the lord of plants, cf. indu, oṣadi-pati] and with the god of the moon, as well as with Vishṇu, Śiva, Yama, and Kubera ; he is called rājan, and appears among the 8 Vasus and the 8 Loka-pālas [Mn. v, 9], and is the reputed author of RV. x, 124, 1, 5-9, of a lawbook &c
- below.) RV. &c. &c
- the moon or moon-god ( See above)
- a Soma sacrifice AitĀr
- a day destined for extracting the Soma-juice ĀśvŚr
- Monday (= soma-vāra) Inscr
- nectar L
- camphor L
- air, wind L
- water L
- a drug of supposed magical properties W
- a partic. mountain or mountainous range (accord. to some the mountains of the moon) ib
- a partic. class of Pitṛis (prob. for soma-pā) ib
- N. of various authors (also with paṇḍita, bhaṭṭa, śarman &c
- above.) Cat
- = somacandra, or somêndu HPariś
- N. of a monkey-chief L
- (ā), f. the Soma plant L
- N. of an Apsaras MBh
- of a river MārkP
- of a queen Inscr
- (ī), f. g. gaurâdi
- (am), n. rice-water, rice-gruel L
- heaven, sky, ether L
- mfn. relating to Soma (prob. wṛ. for sauma) Kāṭh
- ○kanyā f. a daughter of Soma MBh
- ○karaṇī f. a partic. verse ĀpŚr
- ○karman n. the preparation of Soma Nir
- (○ma) -paddhati or -pradīpikā f. N. of wk
- ○kalaśa m. a jar for holding Soma Hariv
- ○kalpa m. N. of the 21st Kalpa or world-period L
- N. of wk
- ○kavi m. N. of a poet ŚārṅgP
- ○kānta mfn. moon-beloved MW
- lovely as the moon ib
- m. the moon-gem, moon-stone (= candra-k○) ib
- N. of a king Cat
- ○kāma (sóma-), mfn. desirous of Soma RV. AV
- ○kārikā f. sg. or pl. N. of various wks
- ○kīrti m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh
- ○kulyā f. N. of a river MārkP
- ○kratavīya n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr. (v. l. saumak○)
- ○kratu m. an offering of Soma ( saumakratava)
- ○kráyaṇa mf(ī)n. serving as the price of the Soma plant VS. TS. Br. ĀpŚr
- (ī), f. a cow so serving ib. MaitrS
- n. the act of buying the Soma TS
- ○kṣaya m. disappearance of the moon, new moon MW
- ○kṣīrā f. = -vallī L
- ○kṣīrī f. the Soma plant Bhpr
- ○khaḍḍaka m. pl. N. of partic. Śaiva monks in Nepāl Inscr
- ○gaṇaka m. N. of an author Cat
- ○garbha m. N. of Vishṇu L
- ○giri m. N. of a mountain MBh. R. [Page 1250, Column]
- of a teacher Cat
- ○gṛha-pati (sóma-), mfn. having the Soma for a Gṛiha-pati (q.v.) MaitrS
- ○gopā (sóma-), m. a keeper of Soma RV
- ○grahá m. a cup or bowl of Soma TS. ŚBr. ĀpŚr
- an eclipse of the moon VarBṛS
- ○grahaṇa mf(ī)n. holding or containing Soma ĀpŚr. Sch
- n. an eclipse of the moon Cat
- ○ghṛta n. a partic. healing ointment L
- ○cakṣas (sóma-), mfn. looking like Soma TS
- ○candra m. N. of a man (also ○rarṣi) HPariś
- -gaṇi m. N. of an author Cat
- ○camasa m. a cup or ladle for taking up the Soma, cup of Soma PañcavBr. ŚrS
- ○cyuta (sóma-), mfn. moved by Soma TS. MaitrS
- ○ja mfn. moon-produced MW
- m. N. of the planet Mercury Hāyan
- n. milk L
- ○jambhan (Pāṇ. 5-4, 125) or (? GopBr.), m. N. of a man
- ○jamḍbhā (? GopBr.), m. N. of a man
- ○jā́ mfn. Soma-born AV
- ○jāmi (sóma-), mfn. related to Soma RV
- ○juṣṭa (sóma-), mfn. delighting in Soma AV
- ○tilaka-sūri m. N. of a Jaina author Cat
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh. Śak
- -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○tejas (sóma-), mfn. having the splendour or power of Soma AV
- ○tva n. the condition or state of the moon TBr. Sch. MārkP
- condition of Soma Ml
- ○dakṣá m. N. of a man MaitrS. (also v. l. for -rakṣa)
- ○datta m. N. of various kings MBh. Hariv. Pur
- of various Brāhmans Kathās
- of a merchant Śukas
- of a writer on Dharma Cat
- (ā), f. N. of a woman Cat
- ○datti wṛ. for saumad○ MBh
- ○darśana m. N. of a serpent-demon Buddh
- ○dā f. N. of a Gandharvii R
- of a Brāhman woman Kathās
- ○dīkṣā-vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○deva m. the god of the moon R
- the god Soma Ml
- (also ○va-bhaṭṭa) N. of the author of the Kat?ā-sarit-sāgara (who lived in Kaśmīr in the 11th century AḌ.) IW. 531
- of various authors and other men Kathās. Vcar. &c
- (ī), f. N. of a wife of Kāma-pāla Daś
- -śrī-kara-lāla-bhairava-purapati, -sūri
- ○vâika-nātha m. N. of authors Cat
- ○devata (sóma-), mfn. having Soma as deity ŚBr
- ○devatya mfn. id. ĀśvGṛ
- ○daiva-jña m. N. of an author Cat
- ○daivatya mfn. = -devata (with nakṣatra n. 'the lunar mansion Mṛiga-śiras') MBh
- ○dhā́na mfn. holding or containing Soma RV. AV
- ○dhārā f. the milky way L
- the sky, heaven W
- ○dheya m. pl. N. of a people MBh
- ○nandin m. N. of one of Śiva's attendants L
- of a grammarian Cat
- ○nandī7śvara n. N. of a Liṅga Cat
- ○nātha m. N. of various scholars Cat. Col
- n. N. of a celebrated Liṅga of Śiva and of the place where it was set up by the god Soma (in the town described below
- it was one of the 12 great Liṅga temples of India held in especial veneration [IW. 322, n.], and was so famed for its splendour and wealth that it attracted the celebrated Mahmūd of Ghaznī, AḌ. 1024, who, under pretext of destroying its idols, carried off its treasures along with its renowned gates) Vcar. Vop. Cat. Col. &c
- -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat
- -dīkṣita m. N. of an author ib
- -dīkṣitīya n. N. of wk
- -paṭṭana n. (= -pattana) Cat
- -paṇḍita m. N. of an author ib
- -pattana n. N. of a town on the western coast of India (commonly called Somnath Pattan in Kāthiāwār, celebrated for the Śiva temple above described) MW
- -praśasti f. N. of wk
- -bhaṭṭa m. N. of various authors Cat
- -bhāṣya n. N. of wk
- -mahā-pātra n. N. of an author Cat
- -rasa m. a partic. preparation of iron L
- ○nāthīya n
- ○nīti f. N. of wks
- ○netra (sóma-), mfn. having Soma as a guide VS
- ○pá mf(ā)n. drinking or entitled to drink Soma-juice AV. Kāṭh. Br. &c
- m. a Soma sacrificer, any sacrificer R
- N. of a being reckoned among the Viśve Devā? MBh
- of one of Skanda's attendants ib
- of an Asura Hariv
- of an author Cat
- pl. N. of a family of Ṛishis MBh
- of a class of Pitṛis ib. Mn. Hariv. MārkP
- of a people VarBṛS
- ○pañcaka n
- ○pañcakaprayoga m
- ○pañcikā f. N. of wks
- ○paṇḍita m. N. of an author Cat
- ○pati (sóma-), m. 'lord of Soma', N. of Indra RV
- a lord of the moon, Kṛishṇaj
- ○pattra n. Saccharum Cylindricum L
- ○patnī f. the wife of Soma MBh
- ○pada m. pl. N. of partic. worlds Hariv
- n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- ○dârtha-kathana n. N. of wk
- ○paddhati f. N. of wk
- ○paribā́dh mfn. removing the Soma, a despiser of the Soma RV. i, 43, 8 (rather to be read soma paribādho)
- ○pariśrayaṇa n. a cloth with which the Soma is pressed together ĀpŚr
- ○parṇá n. a Soma-leaf TBr
- ○paryāṇáhana n. = -pariśrayaṇa ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ○párvan n. (prob.) the time of a Soma-festival RV
- ○pā́ mfn. (cf. -pá above, acc. pl. m. -pas [Page 1250, Column]
- dat. sg. -pe) drinking or entitled to drink Soma-juice RV. MBh. BhP
- a Soma sacrificer or performer of any sacrifice ib
- a Pitṛi of a partic. class (said to be esp. the progenitors of the Brāhmans) W
- a Brāhman L
- -tama mfn. drinking much Soma RV
- ○pātra n. a vessel for holding Soma ŚrS
- ○pāthin (?), m. a drinker of Soma A
- ○pāna n. the drinking of Soma Gaut. Pañcat
- (-pā́na), mfn. Soma drinking, a Soma drinker TS. ŚBr
- ○pāyin mfn. id. AV. MBh. Śiś
- ○pālá m. a guardian of Soma AitBr. Suparṇ
- a preserver of Soma, (prob.) a provider or seller of the Soma plant MW
- N. of various men Rājat
- pl. N. of the Gandharvas (as keeping especial guard over the Soma) MW
- -vilāsa m. N. of wk
- ○pā́van m. a Soma drinker RV
- ○pítsaru mfn. (said of a plough) VS. MaitrS
- ○pīḍā f. N. of a princess Daś
- ○pīti (sóma-), f. a draught of Soma RV. AV
- a Soma sacrifice MW
- ○pītin mfn. drinking Soma MBh
- ○pīthá m. a draught of Soma RV. AV. VS. &c
- mfn. drinking Soma BhP
- ○pīthín mfn. drinking Soma TBr. MBh. &c
- ○pīvin m. (?) a Soma-drinker MW
- ○putra m. 'son of Soma or of the Moon', the planet Mercury Yājñ. MārkP
- (ī), f. a daughter of Soma MBh
- mf(ā)n. having Soma as son AV
- ○pura n. the city of Soma MBh
- an ancient N. of Pāṭali-putra Vīrac
- n. or (ī), f. N. of a temple Buddh
- ○puruṣa m. a servant of Soma. ĀśvGṛ
- ○purogava (sóma-), mfn. having Soma as a guide VS. ŚBr
- ○pūjā f. N. of wk
- ○pṛṣṭha (sóma-), mf(ā)n. bearing Soma on the back (accord. to Sāy., 'one to whom the Pṛishṭhya-stotras, accompanied with Soma, are dedicated') RV. AV
- ○péya m. a sacrifice in which Soma is drunk, Soma libation MW
- n. a draught of Soma RV
- ○pratiprasthātṛ-prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○pratīka (sóma-), mfn. having Soma at the head TBr
- ○prathama mfn. having Soma as the first ĀpŚr
- ○prabha mf(ā)n. having the splendour of the moon Vās
- m. N. of various men Kathās. Cat
- (ā), f. a N. ib. Vās
- ○prayoga m
- ○prayoga-kārikā f
- ○prayoga-paddhati f
- ○prayoga-prâyaścitta n
- ○prayoga-mantra m. pl.,
- ○prayoga-ratnamālā f
- ○prayoga-vṛtti f. N. of wks
- ○pravāka m. the proclaimer of a Soma sacrifice PañcavBr. GṛŚrS
- ○praśna m
- ○prâyaścitta n. N. of wks
- ○bandhu m. 'friend of the moon', the white esculent water-lily (as expanding at night) L
- ○bṛhaspati m. du. Soma and Bṛihaspati JaimBr
- ○bhakṣa m. the drinking of Soma (-japa m. 'a prayer muttered while the Soma is drunk') ĀśvŚr. Nir
- N. of wk
- -prayoga m. -viveka m. N. of wks
- ○ṣayoḥ prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○bhaṭṭa
- ○bhāgavatâcārya
- ○bhava m. N. of various persons Cat
- ○bhāva f. N. of the river Narma-dā L
- ○bhujagâvalī f. N. of wk
- ○bhū mfn. 'Somaborn', belonging to the family of the moon W
- m. 'son of Soma', N. of Budha (regent of the planet Mercury) ib
- a son of Soma-candra HPariś
- (with Jainas) N. of the 4th of the Black Vāsudevas L
- -pāla m. N. of a king Col
- -bhuj m. N. of a king Cat
- ○bhṛ́t mfn. bringing Soma VS
- ○bhojana m. N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh
- ○makha m. a Soma sacrifice Hariv
- ○mád (strong form -mā́d), mfn. intoxicated with Soma RV
- ○madá m. intoxication occasioned by Soma ŚBr
- ○mantrânukramaṇikā f. N. of wk
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made or consisting of Soma Nir. Pāṇ
- ○māna n. measuring the Soma L
- ○mitra m. N. of a man, g. kāśyâdi
- ○miśra m. N. of an author Cat
- ○maitrāvaruṇa N. of wk
- ○yajña m. a Soma sacrifice MBh. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Sch
- ○yaśas m. N. of a king Śatr
- ○yāga m. a Soma sacrifice BrahmaP. ChUp. Sch
- a great triennial sacrifice at which Soma-juice is drunk MW
- N. of wk
- -kārikā f. -prayoga m. N. of wks
- ○yājamāna
- ○yājamāna-prayoga m. N. of wks
- ○yājín mfn. offering Soma, one who offers Soma TS. Br. &c
- ○yājyā f. the words spoken on taking out the Soma for libation ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○yogá m. connection with Soma AV
- ○yogin mfn. being in conjunction with the moon MārkP
- ○yoni m. (only L.) a god
- a Brāhman
- n. yellowish white sandal (very fragrant) L
- ○rakṣá mfn. preserving Soma, guardian of Soma ŚBr
- m. N. of a man, IndSt
- ○rákṣi mfn. = prec. Kāṭh. MaitrS. PañcavBr
- ○rabhas (sóma-), mfn. intoxicated with Soma (only compar. -tara) RV
- ○raśmi m. N. of a Gandharva Daś. (Sch.)
- ○rasa m. the juice of the Soma plant MW
- ○sôdbhava n. milk L
- ○rāga m. a partic. Rāga Saṃgīt
- ○rāja m. 'king Soma', the moon BhP
- N. of an author Cat
- -deva m. N. of an author ib
- -suta m. 'son of the Moon', the planet Mercury BhP. [Page 1250, Column]
- ○rājaka m. pl. N. of a family ĀśvŚr. (v. l. ○jaki)
- ○rājan (sóma-), mf(jñī)n. having Soma as king RV. AV. Br. MBh
- m. N. of a Muni Cat
- ○rājikā f. Vernonia Authelminthica MW
- ○rājin m. id. L
- ○rājī f. a thin crescent of the moon Chandom
- Vernonia Anthelminthica VarBṛS. Suśr
- a partic. metre Chandom
- ○rājya n. the dominion of Soma MaitrUp
- m. (wṛ. for saumar○) Cat
- ○rāta m. N. of a man Śak
- ○rāṣṭra n. N. of a place Cat
- ○rūpa n. a form of Soma Vait
- (○pá), mfn. Somashaped (-tā f.) ŚBr
- ○roga m. diabetes or a similar disease Nid. ŚārṅgS
- ○raudra n. N. of a sacred text (cf. somā-r○) MW
- ○rṣi (○ma + ṛṣi), m. N. of a Ṛishi, = -candra HPariś
- ○latā f. the Soma plant ( See 1. sóma)
- Ruta Graveolens L
- = -vallī Bhpr
- N. of the river Godāvarī W
- ○latikā f. Cocculus Cordifolius L
- ○lipta mfn. smeared with Soma
- n. a Soma-utensil ŚrS. Vait
- ○loka m. the world of the god of the moon Up
- ○vaṃśa m. the lunar race or dynasty ( candra-v○) Hariv. Śatr. (cf. IW. 375 ; 411, n. 1)
- mfn. = -vaṃśīya
- m. N. of Yudhi-shṭhira L
- ○vaṃśin m. a prince of the lunar race MW
- ○vaṃśīya (MBh.) or (Ragh. Śatr.), mfn. belonging to the lunar race. - 1
- ○vaṃśya (Ragh. Śatr.), mfn. belonging to the lunar race. - 1
- ○vat (sóma-), mfn. containing Soma RV. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- attended &c. by Soma RV. TS. ŚBr. ĀśvŚr
- presided over by the moon (with diś f. 'the north') R
- having the moon, lunar W
- ○vatī-kathā f. N. of a ch. of the Mahā-bhārata
- ○vatī-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Inscr
- ○vatī-vrata n. ○vatī-vrata-kathā f. ○vaty-amāvāsyā-kathā, f. N. of chs. of wks. - 2
- ○vat ind. like the moon W
- ○varcas (sóma-), mfn. having the splendour of Soma AV
- m. N. of a being reckoned among the Viśve Devā? MBh
- of a Gandharva Hariv
- ○valka m. N. of various plants (Acacia Arabica
- a sort of the Karañja &c.) Car. Suśr. Bhpr
- (ā), f. a kind of plant Suśr
- ○vallari f. the Soma plant ( See 1. sóma) W
- a kind of vegetable (= brahmī) ib
- ○vallarī f. = prec. ib
- Ruta Graveolens L
- ○vallikā f. id. ib
- Vernonia Anthelminthica ib
- ○vallī f. the Soma plant
- Cocculus Cordifolius
- Coc. Tomentosus &c. VarBṛS. Bhpr. &c
- -yogânanda m. N. of wk
- ○vahana n. a vehicle or stand for supporting or carrying the Soma Lāṭy
- ○vahni-prakāśa mfn. bright as the fire of the moon MBh
- ○vāmín mfn. vomiting Soma TS. ŚBr. ŚrS
- m. a priest who has drunk too much Soma MW
- ○vāyavya m. pl. N. of a family of Ṛishis MBh
- ○vāra m. 'moon-day', Monday Inscr
- -vrata n. a fast observed in the evening of a Monday in honour of Śiva and Durgā (○ta-kalpa m. ○ta-vidhi m. ○tâcaraṇa-krama m. ○tôdyāpana n. N. of wks.) Cat
- ○râmāvāsya-pūjā-paddhati f. ○râmāvāsyā-vrata-kāla-nirṇaya, m. ○râmāvāsyā-vrata-pūjā f. N. of wks
- ○vāry-amāvāsyā-vrata n. N. of ch. of a wk
- ○vāsara m. or n. Monday, Kṛishṇaj
- ○vāha m. N. of a man ĀśvŚr
- pl. his family Cat
- ○vikrayín mfn. selling Soma
- m. a seller of Soma TS. Br. ĀpŚr. &c
- ○vidha mfn. being of the nature of Soma ĀpŚr. ib. Sch
- ○vidhāna n
- ○vihāra-kārikā f. sg. or pl. N. of wks
- ○vīthī f. the orbit of the moon MBh
- ○vīrya mfn. having the power of Soma Suśr
- ○vṛkṣa m. N. of various plants (Acacia Arabica, = kaṭphala &c.) R
- ○vṛddha mfn. invigorated by Soma RV
- ○vṛddhi-vardhana n. a partic. fast regulated by the moon, = cāndrāyaṇa (q.v.) Vas
- ○veśa (prob. for -veṣa), m. N. of a Muni R
- ○veṣṭana mfn. enveloping Soma ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○vyāsa m. N. of an author Cat
- ○vrata n. a partic. religious observance ib
- N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○śakalā f. a kind of cucumber L. (wṛ. for lomaśa-phalā)
- ○śataka n
- ○śata-dvayī f. N. of wks
- ○śambha wṛ. for next Cat
- ○śambhu m. N. of an author Sarvad
- ○śarman m. N. of various men, pur. Pañcat. &c
- ○śita (sóma-), mfn. sharpened by Soma RV
- ○śuṣma (sóma-) or m. N. of a man Br. VS. Sch
- ○śuṣḍman m. N. of a man Br. VS. Sch
- ○śūra m. N. of a man Kathās
- ○śekharâkhya-nibandha m. N. of wk
- ○śravas m. N. of various men MBh. Cat
- ○śrī f. N. of a woman Bhadrab
- ○śreṣṭha (sóma-), mfn. having Soma as the first AV
- ○śrauta n. N. of various wks
- ○saṃsthā f. the basis or initial form of a Soma sacrifice MBh. Gaut. MārkP
- ○sakhi (sóma-), mfn. having Soma as a companion VS
- ○saṃjña n. camphor L
- ○sátsaru mfn. (said of a plough) AV. (v. l. pítsaru, sumatítsaru)
- ○sad m. pl. N. of the Pitṛis of the Sādhyas Mn. iii, 195. [Page 1251, Column]
- ○sapta-hautra-prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○saraṇa mf(ī)n. leading to Soma (as a way) TāṇḍyaBr. ĀpŚr
- ○salila n. Somawater Yājñ
- ○sava m. 'pressure of Soma', a partic. sacrificial act TBr. Sch
- ○savana mfn. that from which Soma is pressed ChUp
- ○sāman n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr. Lāṭy
- ○sāra m. Acacia Arabica L
- the white Khadira tree MW
- ○siddhânta m. a partic. heretical Tantra system (followed by a sect of Śaivas and personified in the 3rd Act of the Prabodha-candrôdaya) Prab
- N. of various astronomical wks. Cat
- of a partic. Buddha ib
- ○siddhântin m. a follower of the above system W
- ○sindhu m. 'ocean of Soma', N. of Vishṇu L
- ○sút mfn. pressing Soma RV. TBr. ĀśvŚr. &c
- m. a Soma-distiller, a priest who offers the Soma-juice at a sacrifice MW
- -vat mfn. possessing offerers of Soma-juice (said of a hermitage, a sacrifice &c.) ib
- ○suta m. 'a son of the Moon', N. of Budha Pur. Śatr
- (ā), f. 'daughter of the Moon', the river Narmada (Nerbudda) L
- ○suti (sóma-), f. the pressing of Soma RV
- ○sutyā́ f. id. ŚBr
- ○sútvan mfn. pressing Soma RV
- m. one who offers Soma libations MW. -sundara, m. N. of an author Cat
- ○sū7kta n. a hymn in honour of Soma Cat
- N. of wk
- ○sūkṣman m. N. of a Ṛishi VS. (vḷ. -śuṣma Sch.)
- ○sūtra n. a channel or receptacle for receiving the water with which a Liṅga has been bathed L
- N. of various wks
- -pañca-vidhāna n. N. of wk
- -pradakṣiṇā f. circumambulation around Śiva's idol in such a way as that the Somasūtra shall not be crossed MW
- ○surya-prakāśa mfn. bright as the sun and moon MW
- ○sena m. N. of a son of Śambara Hariv
- of a king of Campaka-pura and Soma-pura Cat
- ○svāmin m. N. of a man Kathās
- ○hārá mfn. abstracting or robbing Soma Suparṇ
- ○hārin mfn. id. MBh
- ○hūti m. N. of a Ṛishi (wṛ. for somâhuti)
- ○hotṛsaptaka n
- ○hotrâgni-ṣṭoma (?), m
- ○hautra n
- ○hautra-prayoga m. N. of wks
- somâṃśaka m. a part of the moon R
- somâṃśu m. a stalk or shoot of the Soma plant VS. ŚBr. Kauś
- a moon-beam KaushUp
- a part of the Soma sacrifice ŚāṅkhBr
- somâkara m. N. of a Commentator Jyot
- somâkhya n. the red lotus L
- somâgni Soma and Agni (cf. saumāgna) in comp
- -ṣṭoma m. -yajamāna, m
- ○gnī7dhra-prayoga m. N. of wks
- somâṅga n. a part of the Soma sacrifice KātyŚr
- -pāna-kārikā f. N. of wk
- somâṇḍapille
- somâṇḍḍabilā f. N. of wks
- somâtipavita mfn. excessively purged by the Soma-juice (which, if drunk in excess, is supposed to pass through the nose, ears, and other apertures of the body) PañcavBr. ŚrS
- sómâtipūta mfn. id. ŚBr. ŚrS
- somâtiriktá n. pl. the residue of Soma ŚBr
- somâtmaka mf(ikā)n. having the nature of the moon, IndSt
- somấd mfn. eating Soma RV
- somâditya m. N. of a man, Śārṅgp
- of a king Inscr
- somâdhāra m. pl. N. of partic. Pitṛis MārkP
- somâdhi vḷ. for ○mâpi VP
- somâdhvaryava n. N. of wk
- somânanda (Rājat.),
- somânanḍda-nātha (Sarvad. ), m. N. of men
- somânanda-bhāṣya n. N. of wk
- somânanda-sūnu
- somânanḍdâcārya m. N. of men Cat
- somā-pa mfn. or m. AitBr. (cf. saumāpá)
- somâpahṛtá mfn. one whose Soma has been stolen ŚBr
- somâpi m. N. of a son of Sahadeva Pur
- somā-pūṣán m. du. Soma and Pūshan RV. TS
- somā-pauṣṇá mfn. belonging to Soma and Pūshin TS
- somâbha mfn. like the moon MW
- (ā), f. = candrâvalī L
- somâbhiṣava m. the distilling or extracting of Soma-juice MW
- sómâbhiṣikta mfn. sprinkled or consecrated with Soma ŚBr
- somâmbu-pa m. du. 'drinker of Soma' and 'drinker of water', N. of two divine beings, MārkP
- somâyana n. a kind of penance Yājñ. Sch. (cf. cāndrâyaṇa)
- somā-rudrá m. du. Soma and Rudra RV. TS. ŚBr
- n. a hymn addressed to Soma and Rudra Cat
- -sū7kta n. N. of a Vedic hymn
- somā-raudrá mfn. belonging to Soma and Rudra TS
- n. N. of the hymn RV. vi, 74 Mn. xi, 254
- somârka-pratisaṃkāśa mfn. resembling the sun and moon MBh
- somârcis m. N. of a palace of the gods R
- somârthin mfn. desirous of Soma MBh
- somârdha-hārin m. 'bearing a half-moon (on his forehead)', N. of Śiva Cat
- somârdhāya (only p. p. ○yita), to resemble the half-moon Kāv
- somârya m. N. of a Brāhman Inscr
- somârha mfn. entitled to Soma MBh
- somā-vatī́ f. containing Soma VPrāt. Pāṇ
- somâvarta m. N. of a place VP
- somâśrama m. N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh. [Page 1251, Column]
- somâśrayâyaṇa n. N. of a place of pilgrimage ib
- somâṣṭamī f. N. of a partic. 8th day, Kṛishṇaj
- somâsandī f. a stool or stand for the Soma KātyŚr
- somâha m. 'moon-day', Monday L
- somâharaṇa n. the bringing or fetching of the Soma (○haraṇá-ja) Suparṇ
- somâhāra m. a bringer of Soma ĀpŚr
- sómâhuta mfn. one to whom Soma is offered RV
- somâhutí f. a Soma sacrifice Br. ĀpŚr. BhP
- m. N. of the author of the hymns RV. ii, 4-7 (having the patr. Bhārgava) RAnukr
- somâhvā f. the Soma plant L
- somêjyā f. a Soma sacrifice ŚrS
- somêndu m. N. of a man (= soma-candra) HPariś
- somêndrá (?), mfn. belonging to Soma and Indra TS. ĀpŚr
- somêśvara m. N. of a divine being Rājat
- of Kṛishṇa L
- of a Cālukya and of various authors and other persons Sarvad. Vcar. Cat. &c
- n. N. of a celebrated Liṅga of Śiva set up by Soma (= soma-nātha, q.v.) and of a Liṅga at Benares Cat
- -dīkṣita, -deva, -bhaṭṭa m. N. of various persons ib
- somâindrá mfn. belonging to Soma and Indra TS. (incorrect for saumendra)
- somôtpatti f. the origin of Soma (either the plant or the moon) Cat
- N. of various wks
- -pariśiṣṭa n. N. of wk
- somôdgīta n. N. of a Sāman TāṇḍyaBr
- somôdbhava mfn. moon-produced, sprung from the moon L
- m. 'moon-producer', N. of Kṛishṇa, Kṛishṇaj
- (ā), f. the river Narma-dā (or Nerbudda, supposed to be descended from the moon as the source of celestial nectar) Ragh
- somôpanahana n. a cloth for tying up the Soma plant ĀpŚr
- somôṣṇīṣa n. a Soma-band ib
- somâudgātra n. N. of wk
- sómaka m. N. of a Ṛishi VS
- of a king RV. AitBr. MBh. &c
- of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- of a partic. Bharaṭaka Cat
- of a people or country Kathās
- a king or native of Somaka ib
- pl. the descendants of the king Somaka (-tva n.) MBh. Hariv. VP
- the family of Drupada MW
- (ikā), f. N. of a bird Kathās
- somakêśvara m. a king of the Somakas or Somaka ib
- somán m. one who presses or prepares Soma RV. Naigh. Nir
- a Soma sacrificer MW
- the moon Uṇ. iv, 150 Sch
- a requisite for a sacrifice ib
- somala-devī f. N. of a princess Rājat
- somāla mfn. (accord. to some a Prākṛit corruption for su-kumāra
- cf. komala) soft, bland L
- somālaka m. a topaz L
- (ikā), f. a partic. dish ib
- somín mfn. having or possessing Soma, offering Soma, performer of a Soma sacrifice RV
- inspired by Soma ib
- (inī), f. (saṃjñāyām) Pāṇ. 5-2, 137 Sch
- somila m. N. of a poet (also called saumila) Śārṅgp
- of an Asura Kathās
- somilaka m. N. of a weaver Pañcat
- somī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make into Soma TS. Sch
- somīya in agnī-ṣomī́ya &c
- somyá mfn. offering Somyá, a SṭSomyá-offerer RV. ĀśvŚr
- consisting of or containing or connected with or belonging to Soma RV. AV. VS. Gobh
- Soma-loving, inspired by Somyá RV
- incorrect for saumya, q.v. (also -tā f.) Up. MBh. MārkP
- sauma &c. See s.v
- sôma mfn. (prob.) together with Umā, IndSt
- sora m. a crooked movement L
- soraṇa mfn. astringent and sweet and sour and salt L
- m. astringent &c. taste ib
- sorāvāsa m. broth made of meat without salt L
- sorāṣṭrika wṛ. for saur○
- sôrṇa-bhrū mfn. having a circle of hair between the eye-brows Bcar. i, 65 (conj.)
- sôrmi mfn. having waves, heaving, surging Śiś. Kathās
- speeding along Vās
- sôrmika mfn. (printed sau○), id. L
- sola mfn. cold L
- astringent and sour and bitter ib
- m. coldness ib
- astringent &c. taste ib
- solika mfn. cold L
- m. coldness ib
- solaṅka m. N. of a family Cat
- solūka m. N. of a poet Cat
- sôlkâlātâvapothika mfn. with machines for hurling down fire-brands and lighted darts (on the enemy [Page 1251, Column]
- these machines appear to have been a kind of catapult or ballista) MBh
- sôllāsa mfn. rejoicing, delighted
- (am), ind. glad Bālar. Kathās
- sôlluṇṭha mfn. ironical, sarcastic Sāh
- m. irony, sarcasm W
- ○bhāṣaṇa n. (L.),
- ○bhāṣita n. (Sāh.),
- ○vacana n. (MW.)
- sôlluṇḍṭhôkti f. (ib.) an ironical expression
- sôlluṇṭhana mfn. ironical L
- n. irony, sarcasm ib
- sôllekham ind. distinctly Viddh
- sôllekha-rekha mf(ā)n. distinctly marked, not ambiguous Bālar
- solloka m. N. of a poet (cf. solūka and sohnoka) Cat
- sovāka m. or n. (?) borax Pañcad
- sovāla mfn. blackish or smokecoloured, smoky L
- m. smokiness ib
- sôśīra mf(ā)n. abounding in roots of Andropogon Muricatus Hcat
- sôṣa mfn. mixed with salt earth ( See ū́ṣa) Yājñ
- sôṣṭrika mf(ā)n. together with earthen vessels of partic. shape ( See uṣṭra) MBh
- sôṣṇīṣa mfn. having a turban MBh
- n. (scil. vāstu) a house with a verandah in front VarBṛS
- sôṣman mfn. having heat, hot, warm Kāv. Kathās
- (in gram.) having aspiration, aspirated (said of the sounds kh, gh
- ch, jh
- ṭh, ḍh
- th, dh
- ph, bh
- of the sibilants, and h) Prāt. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 50
- m. an aspirated sound, aspirate ib
- sôṣma in comp. for sôṣman
- ○tā f. heat, warmth Śiś. MārkP
- the state or condition of being aspirated, aspiration RPrāt
- ○vat mfn. aspirated RPrāt
- ○snāna-gṛha n. a room containing hot baths, bath-room Rājat
- soṣyántī f. (fr. √2. sū) a parturient or lying-in woman ŚBr. &c. &c
- ○karman n. any religious act or observance relating to a parturient woman Cat
- ○savana n. a partic. Saṃskāra KāṭhGṛ
- ○homa n. an oblation on behalf of a parturient woman Gobh
- sohañji m. N. of a son of Kunti BhP
- so'ham nom. sg. m. I myself ( See 6. sa)
- sohala-grāma m. N. of a village Cat
- sohāica m. N. of a thief Cat
- sohnoka m. (cf. solloka) N. of a poet ib
- saukanya mfn. relating to Sukanyā MBh
- n. (scil. ākhyāna) the story of Sukanyā BhP
- saukara mf(ī)n. (fr. sū-kara) belonging or relating to a hog, hoggish, swinish Kir. Car. BhP
- relating to Vishṇu (in his boar incarnation) RāmatUp
- n. = next Cat
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha (in which Vishṇu is worshipped as a boar) ib
- ○sadma mfn. (fr. sūkara-sadman) Pāṇ. 6-4, 144 Vārtt. 1
- saukaraka n. = saukara (also ○ka-tīrtha) Cat
- saukarika m. a boar hunter, pig-dealer R. VarBṛS. Buddh
- N. of a district Cat
- saukarīya mfn. (fr. sū-kara and su-kara), g. kṛśâśvâdi
- saukarya n. hoggishness, swinishness Vās
- saukarāyaṇa m. N. of a teacher ŚBr
- saukarya n. (fr. su-kara
- wṛ. saukārya) easiness of performance, practicability, facility (dat. 'for greater facility'
- instr. 'most easily') Kāv. Kathās. &c
- adroitness MW
- easy preparation of food or medicine W
- saukumāraka n. (fr. su-kumāra), g. manojñâdi. [Page 1252, Column]
- saukumārya n. (ifc. f. ā) tenderness, delicate MBh. Kāv. &c
- mfn. tender, delicate MBh
- saukṛti m. (fr. su-kṛta) a patr. Saṃskārak
- saúkṛtya n. acting well or religiously, piety RV
- saukṛtyāyana m. patr. fr. su-kṛtya g. naḍâdi
- saukti m. a patr. Saṃskārak
- sauktika mfn. (fr. sū7kta), IndSt
- saukṣma (fr. sūkṣma), often wṛ. for saukṣmya
- saukṣmaka m. a small insect, (perhaps) a grub or maggot L
- saukṣmya n. minuteness, fineness, subtlety MaitrUp. MBh. &c
- ○tva n. id. MaitrUp
- saukha m. patr. fr. sukha (of which it is also the Vṛiddhi form in comp.), g. śivâdi
- ○yānika m. (fr. sukha-yāna) a bard or other official who wishes a prince a prosperous march L
- ○rātrika mfn. (fr. sukha-rātri) one who asks another whether he has had a good night, g. susnātâdi
- ○śayyika m. = -śāyika L
- ○śāyanika mfn. one who asks another whether he has slept well, g. susnātâdi
- ○śāyika m. id. or an official who asks a prince whether he has slept well R
- ○suptika m. id. L
- saukhavatī wṛ. for sukhā-vatī
- saukhika mfn. intent upon welfare &c. MBh
- = sukhena jīvati g. vetanâdi
- saukhīya mfn. (fr. sukha), g. kṛśâśvâdi
- saukhya n. (ifc. f. ā) welfare, comfort, health, happiness, felicity, enjoyment Mn. MBh. &c
- ○da mfn. causing welfare &c. Kāvyâd
- ○dāyaka m. Phaseolus Mungo L
- ○dāyin mfn. = -da L
- ○śāyika m. = (or wṛ. for) saukhaś○ MBh
- saukhyâspada n. N. of a town Cat
- saugata mf(ī)n. (fr. su-gata) Buddhistic Kathās. Sarvad
- m. a Buddhist (said to be divided into 4 schools MWB. 157)
- N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh
- saugatika m. (only W.) a Buddhist
- a mendicant
- an atheist
- n. atheism, scepticism
- saugandha mf(ī)n. (fr. su-gandha) possessing a fragrant odour, sweet-scented, fragrant MW
- m. a dealer in perfumes MBh
- n. fragrance W
- a partic. fragrant grass (= kat-tṛṇa) L
- saugandhaka n. a blue water-lily L
- saugandhika mfn. sweet-scented, fragrant MBh. R
- m. a dealer in perfumes L
- a sexually weak man (who is stimulated by the smell of the female organs) Suśr
- a kind of worm infesting the bowels Car
- (also n.) sulphur L
- N. of a mountain Cat
- (ā), f. See below
- (am), n. a white or blue water-lily Vās. Jātakam
- a kind of fragrant grass (= kat-tṛṇa) L
- a kind of Ocimum Suśr
- a kind of unguent TāṇḍBr
- a ruby VarBṛS. Hcat
- N. of a mountain BhP
- ○vana n. a thick cluster of water-lilies MBh
- N. of a place of pilgrimage ib
- ○vat See padma- and haima-sau○
- saugandhikā f. in comp
- ○pariṇaya m. N. of a Nāṭaka and a Kāvya
- ○vivaraṇa-vyākhyā f. N. of a Commentary
- ○haraṇa (or ○kâh○), n. fetching white water-lilies MBh
- N. of a drama
- saugandhya n. sweetness of odour, fragrance, perfume MBh. Kāv. &c
- saugamya n. (fr. su-gama) easiness of access or attainment, facility MW
- saucakya n. (fr. sūcaka), g. purohitâdi
- sauci m. = next L
- saucika m. (fr. sūci) one who lives by his needle, a tailor (in the caste system he is the son of a Śaunḍika and a Kaivartī) Kull. on Mn. iv, 214
- saucikya n. (fr. sūcika), g. purohitâdi
- saucitti m. (prob. fr. su-citta) patr. of Satya-dhṛiti MBh
- saucīka m. N. of a partic. Agni Sāy. in RV., Introd
- saucuka m. N. of the father of Bhūti-rāja (and grandfather of Indu-rāja) Cat
- saujanya n. (fr. su-jana) goodness, kindness, benevolence, friendliness Mṛicch. Śiś. Rājat. [Page 1252, Column]
- ○vat mfn. benevolent, kind, friendly Prasaṅg
- sâujas mfn. strong, powerful Bcar
- saujaska mfn. ld. Jātakam
- saujāta m. (fr. su-jāta) patr. of a Ṛishi AitBr
- saujāmi m. (fr. su-jāmi) N. of a man ĀśvGṛ
- sauḍala m. (with upâdhyāya) N. of a preceptor Cat
- sauḍhāmitri m. patr. fr. soḍhāmitra Pat
- sauṇḍī wṛ. for śauṇḍī, q.v
- sauta mfn. fr. sūta g. saṃkalâdi
- sauti m. patr. of Karṇa (so called from having been brought up by the Sūta Adhi-ratha
- See karṇa) MBh
- sautya mfn. relating to a charioteer BhP
- n. the office of a charioteer ib
- sautaṃgama mf(ī) n. (fr. sutaṃgama) Pāṇ. 4-2, 80
- sautaṃgamīya mfn. (fr. sautaṃgami) Pāṇ. 4-2, 112 Sch
- sautikya n. (fr. sūtika), g. purohitâdi
- sautthiti m. patr. fr. sū7tthita Pat
- sautya mfn. (fr. sutya and sutyā) relating or devoted to Soma-pressing (with ahan n. 'a day devoted to Soma-pressing' ŚrS. Hariv. BhP
- sautra mf(ī)n. (fr. sūtra) consisting or made of threads Gaut
- relating to a Sūtra, mentioned or declared (only) in a SṭSūtra
- (with dhātu m.) a √given in a Sūtra (for the sake of the derivation of a noun, but not used as a verb) Pat. Siddh. Pāṇ. Sch
- m. a Brāhman L
- sautranāḍi m. patr. fr. sūtra-nāḍa
- sautrāntika m. a follower of the Sūtrânta (q.v.)
- pl. N. of one of the four great schools of Buddhism (said to admit the authority of the Buddhist Sūtras, but not of the Abhi-dharma) Sarvad. MWB. 157
- sautri m. a weaver (perhaps wṛ. for next) Campak
- sautrika m. a weaver, Prâyaśc
- a texture, anything woveis (cf. āvika-s○) Yājñ
- sautrāmaṇa mf(ī)n. (fr. su-trāman) relating or belonging to Indra (with diś f. 'Indra's quarter', i.e. the east) Viddh
- m. a partic. Ekâha ŚāṅkhŚr
- (ī), f. See below
- ○dhanus n. 'Indra's bow', the rainbow Vās
- sautrāmaṇi m. = sautrāmaṇī MBh. Hcat
- N. of wk
- sautrāmaṇika mfn. being present or used at the Sautrāmaṇī ŚBr
- sautrāmaṇī́ f. a partic. sacrifice in honour of Indra (su-trāman
- described as the 6th or 7th
- of the 7 Havir-yajña-saṃsthās, q.v
- in the ŚBr. it is said that every one consecrated by the Sautrāmaṇi enters among the gods and is born sarva-tanūḥ i.e. with his entire body
- -tvá n. ŚBr.) AV. VS. Br. ŚrS. BhP
- N. of wk. by Deva-bhadra
- ○paddhati f
- ○prayoga m
- ○viniyoga-sūtrârtha m
- ○sūtra n
- ○hautra n. N. of wks
- sautrāmaṇīya mfn. treating of the Sautrāmaṇi, IndSt
- sautvana n. patr. fr. sutvan Pāṇ. 6-4, 167 Sch
- sautsukya mf(ā)n. full of longing or expectation Pañcat
- saudakṣa mfn. (fr. su-dakṣa), g. saṃkalâdi
- saudakṣeya m. (fr. id.) a patr., g. śubhrâdi
- saudatta mfn. (fr. su-datta), g. saṃkalâdi
- saudanti m. (fr. su-danta) a patr. PañcavBr
- saudanteya m. (fr. id.) a patr., g. śubhrâdi. [Page 1252, Column]
- saudarya mfn. (fr. sôdara) brotherly or sisterly Śak. (vḷ.)
- n. brotherhood BhP
- saudarśana m. (fr. su-darśana) N. of a village of the Bāhīkas Pāṇ. 4-2, 118 Sch
- saudarśanika mf(ī or ā)n. (fr. saudarśana) ib
- saudarśanīya mfn. (fr. id.) ib
- saudāmanī f. (fr. su-dāman, 'Indra' or 'a cloud') lightning or a partic. kind of lightning
- perhaps forked lightning (vidyut saudāmanī yathā, 'after the manner of forked lightning') MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of a daughter of Kaśyapa and Vinatā VP
- of a Yakshiṇī Kathās
- of a daughter of the Gandharva Hāhā ib
- of an Apsaras Bālar
- of a sorceress Mālatīm
- of part of the Su-dāman mountain (accord. to some)
- saudāminī incorrect for preceding
- saudāminīya mf(ā)n. (incorrect for saudāmanīya) like Saudāminīya lightning, lightning-like Bhām
- saudāmeya m. patr. fr. su-dāman g. śubhrâdi
- saudāmnī f. = saudāmanī L
- saudāyika mfn. (fr. su-dāya) that which is given to a woman at her marriage by her father or mother or any relative and therefore becomes her property Dāyabh. Hcat
- relating to such a gift MW
- n. a nuptial gift ib
- saudāsá m. (fr. su-dās and su-dāsa) N. of various kings (esp. of a son of king Su-dāsa, of the solar race, descendant of Ikshvāku and Sagara in the thirteenth generation, and also called Mitra-saha and Kalmāsha-pāda) TS. MBh. &c
- saudāsi m. a patr. Pravar
- saudeva m. (fr. su-deva) patr. cf Divo-dāsa MBh
- saudevika mfn. (fr. su-devikā) Pat
- saúdyumni m. patr. fr. su-dymnsa (applied to the Bharata Dau?shanti) ŚBr
- saudha mfn. (fr. sudhā) having plaster or cement, plastered, stuccoed R
- made of or coming from Euphoebia Antiquorum Suśr. Pañcar
- m. calcareous spar (= dugdha-paṣāṇā) L
- n. (and m. g. ardharcâdi) a stuccoed mansion, any fine house, palace &c. MBh. Kāv. &c
- n. silver L
- opal (accord. to some)
- ○kāra m. a plasterer, the builder of a palace MBh
- ○tala n. the flat roof of a pṭplasterer Ragh
- ○mūrdhan (Prab.),
- ○mauli (Cat.), m. the top or turret of a palace Prab
- ○vāsa m. a palatial dwelling MW
- ○śikhara m. n. = -mūrdhan Prab
- saudhâgra n. id. Rājat
- saudhâṅgaṇa n. the court of a palace Vās
- saudhâlaya m. = saudha-vāsa Inscr
- saudhôtsaṅga m. the level roof of a palace Megh
- saudhākara mfn. (fr. sudhâkara) relating or belonging to the moon, lunar Naish
- N. of wk
- saudhāmitrika mf(ā or ī)n. (fr. sudhā-mitra), g. kāśy-ādi
- saudhāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become nectar Kāv
- saudhāla m. (prob. corrupted fr. saudhâlaya) a temple of Śiva (esp. in the form Īśāna) W
- saudhāvatāna g. kāśy-ādi (Kāś.)
- saudhāvatānika mf(ā or ī)n. ib
- saudhāvati m. patr. fr. sudhā-vat g. bāhv-ādi
- saudhanya mfn. derived from Sudhana Cat
- saudhanvaná m. 'son of Sudhanvan', a Ṛibhu RV. TS
- a partic. mixed caste KātyŚr
- saudharma m. (fr. su-dharma) 'having rectitude', a partic. abode of the gods (with Jainas) HPariś
- ○ja m. pl. (with Jainas) a partic. class of gods L
- saudharmêndra m. N. of a Jaina saint Śatr
- saudharmya n. rectitude, probity, honesty Mahān
- saudhāta m. the offspring of a Brāhman and a Bhṛijja-kaṇṭhi L
- saudhātaki m. patr. fr. su-dhātṛ Pāṇ. 4-1, 97
- saudhātakyā f. of prec., g. krauḍy-ādi. [Page 1253, Column]
- saudhāra (?), m. N. of one of the 14 parts of a drama W
- saudhṛteya m. patr. fr. su-dhṛti BhP
- saudhotaki m. a patr. (prob. wṛ. for saudhātaki) Pravar
- sauna mfn. (fr. sūnā
- also written śauna) belonging or relating to a slaughter-house or to butchery &c. W
- m. a butcher MBh. BhP
- n. (with or scil. māṃsa) fresh butcher's meat Mn. Yājñ
- ○dharmya n. 'law or rule of slaughter', a state of deadly hostility MBh
- ○pāla m. having a butcher for a keeper BhP
- saunika m. a butcher Mn. R. and e
- a hunter Bhām
- saunanda n. (fr. su-nanda and ○ndā) N. of the club of Bala-rāma L
- (ā), f. N. of the wife of Vatsa-prī MārkP
- saunandin m. 'having Saunanda', N. of Balarāma L
- saunavya m. patr. fr. sūnu g. gargâdi
- saunavyāyanī f. of prec., g. lohitâdi
- saunahotra incorrect for śaun○
- saunāga m. pl. the school of Sunāga Pat. Kāś. &c
- saunāmi m. patr. fr. su-nāman g. bāhv-ādi
- saunīteya m. (fr. su-nīti) metron. of Dhruva KāśīKh
- saunetra mfn. (fr. su-netra), g. saṃkalādi
- saundarya n. (fr. sundara) beauty, loveliness, gracefulness, elegance Kāv. Kathās. &c
- noble conduct, generosity R
- ○purāṇa n
- ○laharī f
- ○vyāhyā f
- ○stotra n. N. of wks
- saupa mfn. (fr. sup) relating to the case-terminations Pāṇ. 4-3, 66 Sch
- saupathi m. patr. fr. su-patha Pravar
- saupanthya mfn. (fr. su-path), g. saṃkāśâdi
- saúparṇa or sauparṇá mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to or derived from or treating of or resembling the bird Su-parṇa (q.v.) AV. &c. &c
- (ī), f. a kind of creeping plant L
- (am), n. an emerald L
- dry ginger L
- the Sauparṇa hymn (cf. RV. i, 164, 20 and IW. 39
- a Vedic story relating the transformation of the metres into birds that they might fetch the Soma from, heaven) Br. GṛŚrS
- N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○ketava mfn. relating or belonging to Vishṇu Bālar
- ○vrata n. N. of a partic. ascetic observance ŚāṅkhGṛ
- saúparṇīkādrava mfn. relating to Su-parṇī and Kadrū ŚBr
- sauparṇeyá m. (fr. suparṇa or ○ṇī
- Pāṇ. 4-1, 120 Sch.) a metron. (esp. N. of Garuḍa, q.v.) TS. &c
- pl. N. of the metres (regarded as children of Su-parṇī) MW
- (ī), f. a female descendant of Su-parṇa Pāṇ. 4-1, 15 Sch
- sauparṇya mfn. = sauparṇa AitBr. (vḷ.)
- n. the nature or state of an eagle or hawk (-vat with cakṣus, 'an eye as sharp as an eagle's') Suśr
- sauparya mfn. (fr. supari), g. saṃkāśâdi
- sauparva mfn. (fr. su-parvan) Pāṇ. 6-4, 144 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- saupastambi m. a patr. Pravar
- saupāka m. a partic. mixed tribe MBh
- saupātava m. (only pl.) a patr. Saṃskārak
- saupāmāyani m. patr. fr. supāman g. tikâdi
- saupika mfn. (fr. sūpa) sprinkled with sauce Pāṇ. 4-4, 26 Sch
- saupiṅgala mfn. (fr. su-piṅgala), g. saṃkalâdi. [Page 1253, Column]
- saupiṣṭa (g. śivâdi) and saupiṣṭi (Pravar.), m. patr. fr. su-piṣṭa
- saupuṣpi m. patr. fr. su-puṣpa Pravar
- saupūta mfn. (fr. su-pūta), g. saṃkalâdi
- sauptika mfn. (fr. supta) connected with or relating to sleep, nocturnal Mṛicch
- n. an attack on sleeping men, nocturnal combat MBh. R. Kām
- ○parvan n. N. of the 10th book of the Mahā-bhārata (describing how the three surviving Kuru warriors, Aśvatthāman, Kṛita-varman, and Kṛipa, after the destruction of their army, attacked the camp of the Pāṇḍavas by night and murdered them while asleep
- the whole Pāṇḍava army was thus destroyed, except the five Pāṇḍu princes themselves, who, with Kṛishṇa and Sātyaki, were stationed at some distance from the camp)
- sauprakhya m. patr. fr. su-prakhya Pāṇ. 2-4, 54 Vārtt. 4 Pat
- sauprakhyīya mfn. (fr. prec.) ib
- sauprajāstvá n. = su-pr○, possession of good offspring AV
- saupratīka mfn. (fr. su-pratīka) relating or belonging to an elephant L
- saubala m. (fr. su-bala) patr. of Śakuni MBh
- (ī), f. patr. of Gāndhārī (the wife of Dhṛita-rāshṭra) ib
- mfn. relating or belonging to Saubala, i.e. Śakuni ib
- saubalaka m. = prec. m. MBh
- mfn. = prec. mfn. ib
- saubaleya m. N. of Śakuni MBh
- (ī), f. N. of Gāndhārī ib
- saubalya m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (B. śaub○)
- saubha m. (also written śaubha) N. of the aerial city of Hari-ścandra (q.v.) MBh. BhP
- of a town of the Śalvas MBh
- a king of the Saubhas ib
- pl. N. of a people ib
- ○dvār f
- ○dvāra n. a gate of Saubha ib
- ○nivāsin m. pl. the inhabitants of Saubha ib
- ○pati
- ○rāj or m. a lord or king of the Saubhas ib. BhP
- ○rāja m. a lord or king of the Saubhas ib. BhP
- saubhâdhipati m. a sovereign of the Saubhas MBh
- saubheya m. an inhabitant of Saubha BhP
- saubhaki m. N. of Drupada MW
- saúbhaga mfn. (fr. subhaga) 'auspicious', coming from or made of the tree Su-bhaga Car
- m. N. of a son of Bṛihac-chloka BhP
- n. (ifc. f. ā) welfare, happiness, wealth, riches, enjoyment RV
- loveliness, grace, beauty BhP
- ○tvá n. welfare, happiness RV
- saubhāgineya m. (fr. su-bhagā) the son of a favourite wife or of an honoured mother Bhaṭṭ
- saúbhāgya n. (fr. su-bhaga) welfare, good luck, good fortune, success, prosperity, happiness (esp. conjugal felicity) RV. &c. &c
- beauty, charm, grace, loveliness MBh. R. &c
- affection, favour MW
- congratulation, good wishes ib
- red lead L
- borax L
- a kind of plant L
- the fourth of the astronomical Yogas. L
- ○kalpa-druma m
- ○kalpalatā f
- ○kavaca n
- ○kāṇḍa n
- ○krama-dīpikā f
- ○gaurī-vrata-vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○ghaṇṭā f. a kind of bell Kād
- ○cintāmaṇi m. a partic. drug MW
- N. of various wks
- ○cihna n. any mark of good fortune (esp. of wifehood, e.g. the marriage necklace, red pigment on the forehead) ib
- ○tantu m. the marriage string (fastened round the bride's neck by the bridegroom at the wedding and worn till widowhood) ib
- ○tantra n
- saubhāgyatantrapārāyaṇavidhi3saúbhāgya--tantra-pārāyaṇa-vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○tṛtīyā f. the 3rd day of the light half of the month Bhādra L
- ○devatā f. a tutelary deity MW
- ○phala mfn. having happiness as a result, causing happiness or delight Kum
- ○bhāskara N. or various wks
- ○manjarī f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs
- N. of wk
- ○mada m. intoxication (produced) by happiness or beauty Kum
- ○mālā-mantra m
- ○ratnâkara m
- saubhāgyalakṣmīkalpe śyāmalāmbāstotrasaúbhāgya--lakṣmī-kalpe śyāmalâmbā-stotra n
- [saubhAgyalakSmItantre
- zyAmalAmbAvarmaratna]saúbhāgya--lakṣmī-tantre śyāmalâmbā-varma-ratna n
- ○lakṣmy-upaniṣad f
- ○latikā-paddhati f
- ○laharī f. N. of wks
- ○vat mfn. endowed with beauty Sāy
- possessing good fortune, auspicious, fortunate W
- (atī), f. a married and unwidowed woman MW
- -tā f. or -tva n. auspiciousness, prosperity W
- ○vardhinī f. N. of Comm. [Page 1253, Column]
- ○vāyana n. auspicious offerings of sweetmeats &c. MW
- ○vidyā f
- ○vidyêś-vara-stotra n. N. of wks
- ○vilopin mfn. marring or impairing beauty Kum
- ○vrata n. a partic. religious observance Cat
- ○śayana-vrata n. id. ib
- -kathā f. N. of ch. of wk
- ○śuṇṭhī f
- ○śubhôdaya m. N. of wks
- ○sundarī-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat
- of ch. of the Śiva-Purāṇa
- ○sundarī-vrata-kathā f
- ○hṛdaya n. N. of wks
- saubhāgyârcana-kalpalatā f. N. of wk
- saubhāgyâṣṭaka n. N. of 8 substances which are said to cause prosperity &c. MatsyaP
- -tṛtīyāvrata n. a partic. religious observance (also prob. wṛ. -vrata-tṛtīyā-vrata) Cat
- saubhāgyôdaya m
- saubhāgyôpaniṣad f. N. of wks
- saubhadra mfn. relating to Subhadrā (q.v.) Pāṇ. 4-2, 56 Sch
- m. metron. of Abhimanyu MBh. Hariv
- n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- (scil. yuddha) the war occasioned by the carrying off of Su-bhadrā ib
- saubhadreya m. metron. cf Abhimanyu L
- Terminalia Bellerica L
- saúbhara mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to Sobhari RPrāt
- m. a patr. of Kuśika (author of RV. x, 127) Anukr
- n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- (ī), f. a verse composed by Sobhari MW
- saubharāyaṇa m. patr. fr. saubhara Pravar
- saubhari m. (fr. sobhari) N. of a Muni (married to the 50 daughters of Māndhātṛi and father of 150 sons) Pur
- of an author, Cat
- ○samhitā f. N. of wk
- saubhava m. N. of a grammarian Cat
- saubhāgya &c. See col. 2
- saubhāñjana m. = (or wṛ. for) śobhâñjana, Moringa Pterygosperma MBh
- saubhāsika mfn. (fr. su-bhāsa) splendid Divyâv
- saubhāsinika n. (with ratna) a kind of jewel ib
- saubhika m. (cf. śau○) a juggler L
- saubhikṣa mfn. (fr. su-bhikṣa) bringing security and abundance of food VarBṛS
- saubhikṣya n. abundance of food or provisions Bhadrab
- saubhūta mfn. (fr. su-bhūta), g. saṃkalâdi
- saubheṣaja mfn. consisting of the Su-bheshajas (q.v.) GopBr
- saubhrava n. N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- saubhrātra n. (fr. su-bhrātṛ) good brotherhood, fraternity MBh. Kāv. &c
- sauma mfn. (fr. soma, of which it is also the Vṛiddhi form in comp.) relating or belonging to Soma VP
- ○kratava n. (fr. soma-kratu) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- ○kratavīya vḷ. for soma-kr○ ib
- ○datti m. patr. fr. soma-datta MBh
- ○pauṣa mfn. (cf. saumāpauṣṇa) belonging or sacred to Soma and Pūshan TāṇḍBr
- n. N. of a Sāman, IndSt
- ○ṣin m. N. of a Ṛishi ib
- ○mitrika mf(ā, or ī)n. (fr. soma-mitra), g. kāśy-ādi
- ○rājya m. patr. fr. soma-rājaka ĀśvŚr
- ○śuṣmāyana m. patr. fr. soma-śuṣma VP
- saumāgná mf(ī́)n. (fr. somâgni) addressed to Soma and Agni MaitrS
- saumāpa m. patr. fr. somāpa ŚBr
- saumāpauṣṇá mfn. (fr. somā-pūṣan, cf. somā-pauṣṇa) belonging to Soma and Pūshan MaitrS
- n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- saumāraudrá mfn. (fr. somā-rudra) relating or belonging to Soma and Rudra MaitrS. ŚBr
- saumendrá mfn. (fr. somêndra
- cf. somâindra) belonging to Soma and Indra MaitrS
- saumaki m. patr. fr. somaka MBh
- saumāyana m. (fr. soma) patr. of Budha PañcavBr
- saumāyanaka mfn. (fr. prec.), g. arīhaṇâdi
- saumika mf(ī)n. relating to Soma-juice or a Soma sacrifice, performed with Soma (with makha m. 'a Soma sacrifice') ŚrS. Mn. Jaim
- relating to Soma or the moon, lunar W
- observing the Cāndrāyaṇa vow L. [Page 1254, Column]
- (ī), f. the ceremony of pressing out the Somajuice L
- (am), n. a vessel for the Soma-juice L
- saumī f. of next
- saumyá (once in AV. saúmya), mf(ī́ later ā
- once in RV. saúmyā)n. relating or belonging to Soma (the juice or the sacrifice or the moon-god), connected or dealing with Soma, having his nature or qualities &c. RV. &c. &c
- cool and moist (opp. to agneya, 'hot and dry') Br. Hariv. Suśr
- northern (ena, 'to the north') Hariv. VarBṛS
- 'resembling the moon', placid, gentle, mild (saumya voc. = 'O gentle Sir!' 'O good Sir!' 'O excellent man!' as the proper mode of addressing a Brāhman Mn. ii, 125) ŚBr. &c.&c
- auspicious (said of birds, planets &c
- esp. of the Nakshatras Mṛiga-śiras, Citrā, Anurādhā, and Revatī) R. VarBṛS. Hariv. ŚārṅgS
- happy, pleasant, cheerful MW
- m. a Soma sacrifice L
- an adherent, worshipper BhP
- a Brāhman L
- patr. of Budha or the planet Mercury VarBṛS
- of the Vedic Ṛishi Budha (author of RV. x, 1) RAnukr
- the left hand Hcat
- Ficus Glomerata L
- the fifteenth cubit (aratni) from the bottom or the third from the top of the sacrificial post L
- (in anat.) the blood before it becomes red, serum W
- the gastric juice MW
- the month Mārgaśīrsha Hcat
- N. of the 43rd (or 17th) year in the 60 years' cycle of Jupiter VarBṛS
- (pl.) the people of Soma ŚāṅkhGṛ
- a partic. class of deceased ancestors Mn. iii, 199
- m. n. a partic. penance ( See -kṛcchra) Yājñ. GāruḍaP
- N. of a Dviipa of the earth or of Bharatavarsha Pur
- of the 7th astrol. Yuga Jyot
- (yā), f. N. of various plants (Abrus Precatorius
- Glycine Debilis
- Ruta Graveolens &c.) L
- a pearl L
- the Nakshatra Mṛiga-śiras Hariv
- N. of the five stars in Orion's head (also called ilvala, q.v.) W
- a species of the Āryā metre Col
- N. of Durgā Cat
- (ī), f. moonshine MBh
- (am), n. the nature or condition of Soma AV
- gentleness MBh. Pañcat. the Nakshatra Mṛiga-śiras (presided over by the Moon) MaitrUp. Hariv. (accord. to Nīlak. 'Wednesday')
- the left eye L
- the middle of the hand L
- N. of the fifth Muhūrta Cat
- (scil. adbhuta) a partic. kind of omen or prodigy (occurring in the Diva or sky) MW
- ○kṛcchra m. n. a kind of penance (described as subsisting for 5 days, severally, on sesamum, water of boiled rice, butter-milk water parched grain, and fasting on the 6th day) W
- ○gandhā f. a kind of flower L
- ○gandhī f. id. ib
- the Indian white rose MW
- ○giri m. N. of a mountain Hariv
- ○gola m. the northern hemisphere Gaṇit. Gol
- ○graha m. an auspicious or benign planet (such as Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and the full moon) MW
- ○jāmātṛ m. N. of a man Cat
- -muni m. N. of an author (○nī7ndra-stotra n. N. of wk.) ib
- -yogī7ndra-stuti f. N. of wk
- ○tā f. the state of being cool and moist MBh
- gentleness, placidity ib. R. MārkP
- benevolence MW
- beauty ib
- ○tva n. gentleness, mildness Bhag. R
- benevolence MW
- beauty ib
- ○darśana mfn. pleasant to look at Mn. R
- (ā), f. N. of a princess Kathās
- ○dhātu m. 'Soma-like element', the phlegmatic humour Suśr
- ○nāman mf(mnī)n. having a soft or agreeable name Mn. iii, 10
- ○prabhāva mfn. of gentle nature Bcar
- ○mukha mf(ā)n. pleasant-faced Kāv
- ○rūpa mfn. acting kindly towards (with gen.) VP
- ○vapus mfn. having an agreeable form MW
- ○vāra m. 'Mercury's day', Wednesday ib
- ○vāsara m. id. A
- ○śānti f. N. of wk
- ○śrī mfn. having agreeable beauty, Pracaṇḍ
- saumyâkṛti mfn. having an agrṭagreeable appearance Kathās
- saumyârci mfn. having a gentle lustre Bcar
- saumyôpacāra m. a mild or gentle remedy or measure MW
- saumyôpayantṛ m. N. of an author Cat
- saumaṅgala mfn. (fr. su-maṅgola), g. saṃkalâdi
- saumaṅgalya n. welfare, prosperity BhP
- an auspicious object (as an amulet &c.) ib
- saumatāyana m. patr. fr. sumata g. naḍâdi
- saumatāyanaka mfn. (fr. prec.), g. arīhanâdi
- saumadāyana m. (only pl.) patr. fr. su-mada (or wṛ. for saumatāyana) Saṃskārak
- saumana n. (fr. su-mana, or ○nas)
- m. or (ā), f. a flower, blossom Suśr
- a partic. mythical weapon R
- saumanasá mf(ī)n. (fr. su-manas) coming from or consisting of flowers, floral, flowery Śiś. Pārśvan. [Page 1254, Column]
- agreeable to the feelings, pleasing W
- m. cheerfulness, enjoyment, comfort VS. AV
- N. of the eighth day of the civil month (= karma-māsa), IndSt
- of the elephant of the western quarter R
- of a mountain ib. Hariv
- (ā), f. the outer skin of the nutmeg L
- N. of a river R
- (ī), f. N. of the fifth night in the civil month, IndSt
- (am), n. benevolence, kindness, favour RV
- pleasure, satisfaction ib. AV
- the nutmeg (cf. ī f.) L
- N. of a peak of a mountain R. (B.)
- saumanasāyana m. patr. fr. su-manas g. aśvâdi
- (ī), f. the outer skin of the nutmeg L. (○yinī Car.)
- saumanasya mfn. causing gladness or cheerfulness of mind BhP
- m. N. of a son of Yajñabāhu ib
- n. satisfaction of mind, gladness, cheerfulness Suśr. Ragh. Kathās
- right understanding Śiś. Sch
- an offering of flowers placed in the hands of the priest at a Śrāddha BhP
- N. of a Varsha in Plaksha-dviipa (ruled by Saumanasya) BhP
- ○vat mfn. cheerful, glad Ragh
- saumanasyāyanī f. the blossom of the Mālatī or great-flowering jasmine L
- saumanāyana See su-manāyana, p. 1230
- saumanottarika mfn. knowing the story of Sumanôttarā Pāṇ. 4-3, 87 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- saumanta mfn. taught or enjoined by Su-mantu Yājñ. Sch
- saumantriṇa n. (fr. su-mantrin) having a good minister Hit. (vḷ.)
- saumātra m. patr. and metron. fr. su-mātṛ Pāṇ. 4-1, 115 Sch
- saumitra m. (fr. su-mitrā) metron. of Lakshmaṇa L
- n. (fr. su-mitra) friendship Kāṭh
- N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- saumitri m. metron. of Lakshmaṇa (du. = 'LṭLakshmaṇa and Śatru-ghna') MBh. R. &c
- N. of a teacher Cat
- saumitrīya mfn. (fr. saumitri), g. gahâdi
- saumilika m. or n. (?) a partic. substance Buddh
- saumilla m. N. of a poet (also written saumila and saumalla
- cf. somila) Mālav., Introd
- saumivi (?), m. pl. a patr. Saṃskārak
- saumiśri (?), m. a patr. Pravar
- saumukti-vāda m. N. of a Nyāya wk
- saumukhya n. (fr. su-mukha) cheerfulness, delight in (comp.) Bcar. Jātakam
- saumuci m. pl. a patr. Saṃskārak
- saumecaka n. (prob. fr. su-mecaka) gold W
- saumedha n. (fr. su-medha, or ○dhas) N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- saumedhika mfn. possessing supernatural knowledge or wisdom W
- m. a sage, seer ib
- saumerava mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to Su-meru Śiś
- n. N. of the country Ilâvṛita (q.v.) L
- gold L
- saumeruka n. gold (prob. wṛ. for prec.) L
- saumya &c. See col. 1
- sauyajñaka mfn. (fr. su-yajña), g. arīhaṇâdi
- sauyavasa n. (fr. su-yavasa) abundance of grass ŚāṅkhBr
- (said to be fr. su-yavasu) N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- sauyavasi m. a patr. AitBr
- sauyāmi m. a patr. ŚāṅkhGṛ
- sauyāmuna m. pl. (fr. su-yāmuṇa) a patr. Saṃskārak
- saura mfn. (fr. surā) consisting of spirituous liquor, ŚrS
- saura mf(ī)n. (fr. 1. sūra and sūrya
- in some meanings perhaps fr. sura) relating or belonging or sacred to or coming from &c. the sun or the god Sūrya, solar MaitrUp. MBh. &c. [Page 1254, Column]
- celestial, divine W
- m. a worshipper of the sun MBh. Prab. (RTL. 342)
- 'son of the Sun', N. of the planet Saturn VarBṛS
- N. of the 20th Kalpa (q.v.)
- a solar day (while the sun is in one degree of the ecliptic) W. a solar month (consisting of 30 risings and setting of the sun or the period during which the sun is in one sign of the zodiac) W
- a representation of a solar zodiacal sign used at marriage ceremonies MW
- coriander L
- Zanthoxylon Alatum L
- N. of a Guru MW
- (ī), f. the wife of the Sun W
- patr. of Tapatī (the mother of Kuru
- also called vaivasvatī) MBh
- a cow Hcat
- Polanisia Icosandra L
- (am), n. a collection of hymns addressed to Sūrya (extracted from the Ṛig-veda) Cat
- the right eye Gal
- N. of a Sāman (= bṛhat-saura) ĀrshBr
- N. of wk. (prob. = saura-purāṇa) Kap. Sch
- sauragaṇitadvādaśahorāprakāśa3saura--gaṇita-dvādaśa-horā-prakāśa m. N. of wk
- ○ja m. coriander (vḷ. saurabha) L
- ○tantra n. N. of wk
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat
- of a ch. of the Śiva-Purāṇa
- ○divasa m. a solar day MW
- ○dharma m
- ○dharmôttara N. of wks
- ○dhrī f. a kind of stringed instrument L
- ○nakta n. a partic. religious observance NarasP
- ○pakṣa-gaṇíta n. N. of wk
- ○pata (?), m. a worshipper of the sun W
- ○para N. of wk
- ○pāta (?), m. = -pata W
- ○purāṇa n
- ○paurāṇikamata-samarthana n. N. of wks
- ○bhuvana n. = sūrya-loka (q.v.) MW
- ○mantra m. N. of wk
- ○māsa m. a solar month MW
- ○loka m. the sun's sphere A
- ○saṃvatsara m. a solar year MW
- ○saṃhitā f
- ○siddhânta m. N. of wks
- ○sū7kta n. a hymn addressed to Sūrya (= sūryasū7kta, q.v.)
- sauraṅga m. N. of a king Inscr
- saurâṣṭâkṣarī-mantra m
- saurôpapurāṇa n. N. of wks
- sauraka n. N. of a town founded by Surêndra Rājat
- saurakâyaṇôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up
- sauramasa m. a king of the Sūra-masas Pāṇ. 4-1, 170
- saurasaindhava mfn. (fr. sura-sindhu) belonging to the river Ganges, Gangetic Śiś
- related to the Ganges (said of Bhīshma) MW
- m. a horse of the Sun (in this sense compounded of saura and saindhava, q.v.) ib
- saúrāki m. patr. of Vipūjana MaitrS
- saurāṭī f. a partic. Rigiṇī Saṃgīt. (vḷ. sauraṭī)
- sauri m. N. of the planet Saturn (as son of the Sun) VarBṛS
- a patr. Saṃskārak
- Terminalia Tomentosa L. (vḷ. śauri)
- Polanisia Icosandra ib. (more correctly saurī)
- N. of a locality Buddh
- pl. N. of a people in the Deccan VarBṛS
- ○ratna n. sapphire L
- saurika mfn. (for 2. See p. 1255, col. 1) heavenly, celestial W
- m. the planet Saturn MW
- heaven, paradise L
- saurī f. See above under 2. saura
- saurīya mfn. solar, belonging or relating to the sun Pat. Vop
- m. a partic. tree with poisonous resin Suśr
- saureya or m. a species of Barleria L
- saureḍyaka m. a species of Barleria L
- saúrya mf(saurī́ or sauryā) n. (fr. sūrya, of which it is also the Vṛiddhi form in comp.) relating or belonging to the sun, solar Br. GṛŚrS. &c
- (fr. sūra), g. saṃkāśâdi
- m. a son of the sun PraśnUp. Sch
- patr. of several Vedic Ṛishis RAnukr
- a year L
- n. N. of two summits of the Himâlaya Pat
- of a town, Kaiy
- ○cāndramasa mf(ī)n. (fr. sūrya-candramas or ○masa) sacred to the sun and the moon ĀśvŚr
- ○pṛṣṭha n. N. of a Sāman Vait
- ○prabha mfn. belonging to Sūrya-prabha Kathās
- ○bhagavat m. N. of a grammarian Pat
- ○mārutaka mfn. (fr. sūrya-marut or ○ta) occurring in sunshine and wind (cf. vātātapika) Car
- ○yāma mfn. (fr. sūrya-yama) belonging to the sun and Yama VS
- ○varcasá m. patr. fr. sūrya-varcas AV
- ○vāruṇá mfn. (fr. sūrya-varuṇa) belonging to the sun and Varuṇa MaitrS
- ○vaiśvānara mf(ī)n. (fr. sūrya-vaiśvānara) addressed to the sun and Vaiśvānara Nir
- sauryāyaṇi m. patr. fr. saurya PraśnUp. Sch
- sauryāyaṇin m. N. of a man PraśnUp
- sauryin m. N. of the Himâlaya Pat
- sauryodayika mfn. (fr. sūryôdaya, 'sun-rise') Buddh
- sauraṭī vḷ. for saurāṭī above
- sauraṇa mfn. (fr. sūraṇa, q.v.) ŚārṅgS. [Page 1255, Column]
- saurata mfn. (fr. su-rata) relating to sexual enjoyment BhP
- n. sexual enjoyment ib
- m. mild wind L
- sauratya n. delight in (comp.) Jātakam
- sauratha and ○theya m. (said to be metron. fr. su-rathā, but prob. wṛ. for saurabha, ○bheya) MBh. iii, 13297 and 13300
- saurathī f. patr. fr. su-rathā Pat
- saurapi (?), m. pl. a patr. Pravar
- saurabha mfn. (fr. su-rabhi) fragrant BhP
- descended from (the cow) Su-rabhi Hariv. (vḷ. saurasa)
- m. coriander Suśr
- a kind of Vesavāra (q.v.) L
- (ī), f. 'daughter of Su-rabhi', a cow MBh. Hariv. R
- (am), n. (ifc. f. ā) fragrance, perfume Kāv. Kathās. &c
- saffron L
- myrrh (vḷ. staubhaka) L
- N. of a Sāman Lāṭy
- N. of various Comms
- saurabhaka n. a kind of metre Col
- sáurabheya mfn. belonging or relating to Surabhi MW
- m. 'son of Surabbi', a bull VS
- pl. a herd of cattle MBh
- (ī), f. a cow ib. BhP
- N. of an Apsaras MBh. Hariv
- ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra wk
- saurabheyaka m. a bull L
- saurabhya n. fragrance, sweet-scentedness, odour (met. = 'universal diffusion') Kāv. Suśr. BhP
- pleasingness, beauty L
- good character, fame L
- wṛ. for sauratya
- m. N. of Kubera L
- ○da n. a kind of perfume Gal
- saurasa mfn. (fr. su-rasa, ○sā) coming from the plant Su-rasā Car
- m. salted broth L
- a partic. insect infesting the hair Car
- metron. fr. su-rasā Hariv
- (ā), f. the mountain jujube L
- N. of a Vihāra founded by king Surêndra Rājat
- sauraseya mfn. g. sakhy-ādi
- m. N. of Skanda L
- saurasya n. well-flavouredness, tastiness, savouriness MW
- used in explaining sauśāmya Nīlak
- saurasena m. pl. N. of a people (= śūra-sena) Cat
- saurājya n. (fr. su-rājan) good sovereignty, good government Ragh. Kathās
- ○vat mfn. enjoying good government Śatr
- saurāva m. salted broth (cf. saurasa) Suśr
- saurāṣṭra mf(ā, or ī)n. (fr. surāṣṭra) belonging to or coming from the country of Surāt VarBṛS
- m. the resin of Boswellia Thurifera L
- pl. the inhabitants of Surāt AV. Pariś. VarBṛS. Rājat
- (ā or ī), f. a sort of fragrant earth found in SṭSuśr. Suśr. L
- (am), n. a kind of amalgam of zinc or copper, bell-metal, brass L
- a kind of metre Col
- ○deśa m. the country of SṭSuśr. Kathās
- ○nagara n. the city of Sūrat Cat
- ○maṇḍala n. the district of Suśr. ib
- ○mṛttikā f. Suśr. earth MW
- saurāṣṭraka mf(ikā)n. relating to or coming from Surāt VarBṛS
- m. pl. the inhabitants of Saurāt ib
- n. a kind of metal L
- a kind of poison (either of a snake or a vegetable or mineral poison) MW
- saurāṣṭrika mfn. belonging to Surāt VarBṛS
- m. pl. the inhabitants of Surāt Car
- n. a kind of poison (cf. prec.) L
- bell-metal, brass L
- saurāṣṭreya mfn. belonging or relating to Surāt R
- saurika mfn. (fr. surā
- for 1. saurika See p. 1254, col. 3) relating to or due for spirituous liquor (as money) Mn. viii, 159
- saurindhra m. pl. N. of a people VarBṛS
- (ī), f. a Saurindhra woman MārkP
- saurohika m. metron. fr. su-rohikā g. śivâdi
- saurohitika m. metron. fr. su-rohitikā ib
- saurvala wṛ. for sauvarcala Suśr
- saulakṣaṇya n. (fr. su-lakṣaṇa) the possession of auspicious marks Kathās
- saulabha mfn. (fr. su-labha) written or composed by Su-labha Pāṇ. 4-3, 105 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- saulabhāyana mfn. id. Cat
- saulabhya n. easiness of attainment Prab. Sch
- saulābha mfn. (fr. next), g. kaṇvâdi. [Page 1255, Column]
- saulābhya m. patr. fr. su-lābhin g. gargâdi
- sauloha mfn. (fr. next), g. kaṇvâdi
- saulohya m. patr. fr. su-lohin g. gargâdi
- saulvika See śaulbika, p. 1093
- sauva mfn. (fr. sva) relating to self or to one's own property Vop
- n. an order, edict L
- sauvagrāmika mfn. (fr. sva-grāma) belonging or relating to one's own village Vop
- sauvādhyāyika mfn. (fr. svâdhyāya) ib
- sauvá mfn. (fr. svar) heavenly, celestial VS. TS
- sauvakṣaseya m. patr. fr. suvakṣas g. śubhrâdi
- sauvará mfn. (fr. svara) relating to or treating of sound or accent ŚBr
- sauvarcanasá m. a patr. TS
- sauvarcala mfn. (fr. su-varcala, or ○lā) belonging to or coming from Su-varcala MW
- n. (or m.) sochal salt (prepared by boiling down soda with emblic myrobolan) Kauś. Suśr. &c
- natron. alkali L
- (ā), f. N. of Rudra's wife Hcat
- sauvarcalīya mfn. (fr. prec.), g. aśvâdi
- sauvarcasa m. (fr. su-varcas) shining, radiant MānGṛ
- sauvarṇa mf(ī, or ā)n. (fr. su-varṇa, of which it is also the Vṛiddhi form in comp.) made or consisting of gold, golden ŚrS. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- weighing a Su-varṇa W
- containing the word suvarṇa g. vimuktâdi
- m. a Karsha of gold MBh
- a gold ear-ring L
- n. gold MBh
- ○nābha m. pl. the disciples of Suvarṇa-nābha Cat
- ○parṇa mfn. having golden wings Suparṇ
- ○balaja or mfn. (fr. suvarṇa-balaja) Pāṇ. 7-3, 25 Sch
- ○bālaja mfn. (fr. suvarṇa-balaja) Pāṇ. 7-3, 25 Sch
- ○bhedinī f. the plant Priyaṅgu L
- ○retasa m. patr. fr. suvarṇa-retasa Pravar
- ○harmya n. a silver pavilion Bcar
- sauvarṇakāyana mfn. (fr. su-varṇaka), g. pakṣâdi
- sauvarṇika mfn. weighing or worth a Su-varṇa (ifc. after a numeral = 'worth a partic. number of SṭSu-varṇa') Hcat
- m. a worker in gold, goldsmith Campak
- (ā), f. a partic. venomous insect Suśr
- sauvarṇya n. a beautiful fresh colour Jātakam
- 'the being gold' and 'the correct pronunciation of sounds' Śaṃk
- sauvalya See saubalya, p. 1253
- sauvaśva m. a patr. fr. sv-aśva Pāṇ. 7-3, 3 Sch
- ○bhārya mfn. one who has a Sauvaśvii as wife Vop
- sauvaśvi m. a patr. fr. sv-aśva Vop
- saúvaśvya n. a horse-race RV
- sauvastika mfn. (fr. sv-asti) benedictive, salutatory W
- m. a family Brāhman or priest L
- n. = svasty-ayana L
- sauvāta mfn. (fr. svāti) Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Vārtt. 8 Sch
- sauvādumṛdava n. (fr. svādu-mṛdu) sweetness and gentleness Pāṇ. 7-3, 4 Sch
- sauvāsa m. (fr. su + 1. vāsa) a fragrant species of Tulasī L
- sauvāsinī f. = su-vāsinī ĀśvGṛ
- sauvāstava mf(ī)n. (fr. su-vāstu) having a good site, pleasantly situated Pāṇ. 4-2, 77
- sauvida m. (fr. suvida) a guard or attendant on the women's apartments L
- sauvidalla m. (fr. suvidalla) id. Śiś. Bālar. Kathās
- ○tva n. the office of a chamberlain Sāh
- sauvidallaka m. = sauvidalla Hcar
- sauviṣṭakṛt mfn. dedicated to or treating of Agni Svishṭa-kṛit ĀśvGṛ
- sauviṣṭakṛta mf(ī)n. id. GṛŚrS
- sauviṣṭi m. pl. a patr. (prob. fr. sv-iṣṭa) Saṃskārak
- sauvīra m. pl. (fr. su-viira) N. of a people inhabiting a district in the neighbourhood of the Indus MBh. Hariv. &c
- (sg.) a king of the Sauviiras ib. [Page 1255, Column]
- (ā, or ī), f. (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā Saṃgīt
- (ī), f. a princess of the Sauviiras MBh. MārkP
- (am), n. the fruit of the jujube Suśr
- sour gruel ib
- antimony ib
- ○pāṇa m. pl. (fr. sauv○ + pāna) 'drinkers of sauviira', N. of the Bālhīkas Pāṇ. 8-4, 9 Sch
- ○bhakta mfn. inhabited by SṭSaṃgīt. g. aiṣukāry-ādi
- ○rāja m. a king of Saṃgīt. MW
- ○sāra n. pure antimony L
- sauvīrâñjana n. a kind of antimony or collyrium L
- sauvīrâbhira m. du. the Saṃgīt and the Ābhīras (collectively) BhP
- sauvīrâmla n. sour gruel L
- sauvīraka m. = sauviira MBh. VarBṛS
- a contemptible Sauviira MW
- N. of Jayad-ratha ib
- the jujube tree L
- (ikā), f. id. L
- (am), n. sour gruel MBh. Suśr
- sauvīrāyaṇa m. (prob.) a descendant of the Sauviiras, g. aiṣukāry-ādi
- ○bhakta mfn. inhabited by Sauviirāyaṇas ib
- sauvīrya m. a king of the Sauviiras, IndSt
- (ā), f. a princess of the Sauviiras ib
- (am), n. great heroism or fortitude MW
- saúvratya n. (fr. su-vrata) faith, devotion, obedience VS
- sauśabda or sauśabdya m. (fr. suśabda) the right formation of nominal and verbal forms (by case-terminations and tense-terminations
- e.g. Śiś. i, 51) Pratāp
- sauśami m. (fr. su-śama) a patr. Pāṇ. 2-4, 20 Sch
- ○kantha n. ib
- sauśāmya n. (? for sauśamya) good pacification, reconciliation MBh
- sauśarmaka mfn. (fr. su-śarman), g. arīhaṇâdi
- sauśarmaṇa mfn. proclaimed by Su-śarman, Kaiy
- sauśarmi m. patr. fr. su-śarman g. bāhv-ādi
- sauśalya m. pl. N. of a people (vḷ. saubalya) MBh
- sauśilya wṛ. for next Pañcar
- sauśīlya n. (fr. su-śīla) excellence of disposition, good morals R. BhP
- sauśrava m. (fr. su-śrava, or ○vas) a patr. Hariv
- sauśravasá mfn. (fr. su-śravas) having a good reputation ĀśvGṛ
- m. patr. of Upagu PañcavBr
- n. high praise or renown, celebrity RV
- a running match, contest (?) ib
- N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- sauśriya n. (fr. su-śrī) great fortune or happiness Saṃskārak
- sauśruta mfn. composed or written by Su-śruta Cat
- m. (fr. su-śrut, or ○ta) a patr. (also pl.) Hariv
- ○pārthava m. pl., g. kārtakaujapâdi
- sauśromateyá m. a patr. ŚBr
- sauṣadmana m. a patr. fr. suṣadman AitBr
- sauṣadha mfn. (fr. 7. sa + oṣadhi, or auṣadha) possessing or decorated with plants MānGṛ
- sauṣāma n. (fr. su-ṣāman) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- sauṣira m. (fr. su-ṣira) a partic. disease of the teeth Suśr
- n. wind-instruments (collectively) Saṃgīt
- sauṣirya n. hollowness, porosity Vāgbh
- sauṣupta mf(ā)n. (fr. su-ṣupta
- with daśā f. 'deep sleep') KāśīKh
- n. N. of the tenth book of the Mahā-bharata (= sauptikam parva) Nīlak
- sauṣumṇa m. (fr. su-ṣumṇa) a kind of sunbeam VP
- sauṣṭava wṛ. for next
- sauṣṭhava n. (fr. su-ṣṭhu) excellence, superior goodness or beauty, extreme skilfulness, cleverness MBh. Kāv. &c
- a partic. position of the body (also in dancing
- often with lāghava) ib. Saṃgīt
- self-confidence L
- a partic. division of dramatic composition W. [Page 1256, Column]
- sauṣmiki m. pl. a patr. Saṃskārak
- sausāma m. patr. fr. su-sāman Pāṇ. 6-4, 170 Sch
- sausāyana g. arīhaṇâdi
- sausāyanaka mfn. (fr. prec.) ib
- sausuka N. of a place Pāṇ. 4-2, 141 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- sausukīya mfn. relating to the preceding ib
- sausumna incorrect for sauṣumṇa
- sausurāda m. a kind of worm Car
- saustra n. (fr. su-strī), g. yuvâdi
- sausthitya n. (fr. su-sthita) an auspicious situation VarBṛS
- sausthya n. (fr. su-stha) welfare L
- sausnātika mfn. (fr. su-snāta) one who asks whether an ablution has been successful or auspicious Ragh. vi, 61 (cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 1, Vartt. 3 Pat.)
- sausvarya n. (fr. su-svara) euphony Śaṃk
- saussala mfn. relating or belonging to Sussala Rājat
- sauhaviṣa n. (fr. su-havis) N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- sauhārda n. (fr. su-hṛd) goodheartedness, affection, friendship for or with (gen. or loc.) ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c
- m. the son of a friend W
- ○nidhi m. 'treasury of friendship', N. of Rāma MW
- ○vyañjaka mfn. betraying friendship Bcar
- saúhārdya n. friendship, affection TS. AitBr
- sauhṛda mfn. relating to or coming from a friend R
- m. a friend Pañcat
- pl. N. of a people MBh
- n. (ifc. f. ā) affection, friendship for or with (loc. or saha or comp.) MBh. R. &c
- liking for, fondness of (comp.) Jātakam
- sauhṛdaya n. cordial friendship, g. yuvâdi
- sauhṛdayya n. friendship Pāṇ. 6-3, 51 Sch
- sauhṛdya n. id. MBh. Hit
- sauhitya n. (fr. su-hita) satiety, satisfaction ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c
- amiableness, loveliness Sāh. Tattvas
- fulness, completion W
- sauhotra m. (fr. su-hotra) patr. of the Vedic Ṛishis Aja-mīḍha and Puru-mīḍha RAnukr
- sauhotri m. a patr. of Jahnu Hariv
- sauhma m. a king of the Suhmas Pāṇ. 4-1, 170 Sch
- sauhmanāgara mfn. (fr. suhma-nagara) ib
- skand (cf. skandh and skund), cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xxiii, 10) skandati (m.c. also ○te
- caskánda RV. &c
- caskande MBh. &c
- aor. askan, skán RV
- áskān, skān Br
- askāntsīt ib
- askadat Gr
- Prec. skadyāt ib
- fut. skanttā ib
- skantsyati Br
- inf. skanditum Gr
- -skáde, -skádas RV
- ind. p. skanttvā Gr
- -skándya, or -skádya Br
- -skándam AV. Br.), to leap, jump, hop, dart, spring, spurt out, be spilt or effused (esp. said of semen) RV. &c. &c
- (Ā.) to emit seminal fluid VP
- to leap upon, cover (said of animals) TBr. ŚBr
- to drop, fall down, perish, be lost BhP.: Pass. skadyate (perf. caskade or caskande
- aor. askandi), Gr.: Caus. skandayati (m. c. also ○te
- aor. acaskándat), to cause to jump or leap R. (in explaining skanda)
- to pour out, effuse, shed, spill, emit (esp. seminal fluid) AitBr. Mn
- to omit, neglect Mn. MBh. &c
- to cause to coagulate, thicken Suśr.: Desid. ciskantsati, Gr.: Intens. canīskadyate, canīskandīti (Gr.), kániṣkan, -caniṣkadat
- (RV.), to leap, jump, hop &c. [Cf. Gk. [1256,] ? ; Lat. scando, de-scendo ; scāla for scant [(s)la].]
- skanttṛ mfn. one who leaps &c. ( See viṣkanttṛ)
- skandá m. anything which jumps or hops (in tṛṇa-skandá, 'grasshopper', N. of a man) RV
- spurting, effusing, effusion, spilling, shedding (cf. á and ghraṇa-sk○)
- perishing, destruction Gīt
- quick-silver L
- 'Attacker', N. of Kārttikeya (q.v., son of Śiva or of Agni
- he is called god of war as leader of Śiva's hosts against the enemies of the gods [Page 1256, Column]
- he is also leader of the demons of illness that attack children [cf. -graha], also god of burglars and thieves
- cf. -putra and IW. 427, n. 1) MaitrS. MBh. &c
- N. of Śiva MBh
- a king prince L
- a clever or learned man (cf. skandha) L
- the body L
- the jâdi (pl. Saṃskārak.)
- ○kavaca n. N. of wk
- ○gupta m. N. of a king Inscr. Vās., Introd
- of an elephant-keeper Hcar
- ○guru m. 'father of Skanda', N. of Śiva Śivag
- ○graha m. the demon Skanda (causing disease) MBh. Hariv. Suśr
- ○jananī f. 'Skanda's mother', Pārvatī Kathās
- ○jit m. 'conqueror of Skanda', N. of Vishṇu Pañcar
- ○tā f. (MBh.) or (Bādar. Sch.) the condition of Skanda
- ○tva n. (Bādar. Sch.) the condition of Skanda
- ○dāsa m. N. of a merchant Kathās
- ○putra m. a son of Skanda (euphemistic term for a thief) Mṛicch
- ○pura n. N. of a town Rājat
- ○purāṇa n. N. of a Purāṇa (consisting of several Saṃhitās, each of which contains a number of Khaṇḍas, the most celebrated being the Kāśī-khaṇḍa, chiefly intended to glorify Kāśī or, Benares and exalt the sanctity of its shrines)
- -samuccaya m. N. of wk
- ○ṇīya mfn. belonging to the Skanda-Purāṇa Cat
- ○bhaṭa m. N. of various persons Inscr
- ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of a man Inscr
- ○mātṛ f. 'mother of Skanda', N. of Durgā Cat
- ○yāga m. N. of the 20th Pariśishta of the Atharva-veda
- ○yāmala-tantra n. N. of wk
- ○rāja m. the king Skanda MBh
- ○varman m. N. of various kings Inscr
- ○viśākha m. du. Skanda and Viśākha, g. dadhi-paya-ādi Pat
- sg. N. of Śiva MBh. (vḷ. skandha-v○)
- ○ṣaṣṭhī f. the 6th day of the light half of the month Kārttika Cat
- a festival in honour of Kārttikeya on the 6th day of the month Caitra MW
- -vrata n. a partic. religious observance Cat
- N. of wk
- ○sahasra-nāman n. 'the thousand names of Skanda', N. of wk
- ○skāra-śaṃkara (?), m. N. of a poet Subh
- ○stotra n. N. of wk
- ○svāmin m. N. of a Commentator Cat
- skandâṃśaka m. quicksilver L
- skandâgni wṛ. for skandhâgni L
- skandāpasmāra m. a demon causing a partic. disease MBh. Suśr
- skandâpumārin mfn. attacked by the above disease Suśr
- skandârya m. N. of two Brāhmans Inscr
- skandêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat
- skandôpaniṣad f
- skandôpapurāṇa n. N. of wks
- skandaka m. one who leaps or springs MW
- a soldier ib
- (prob.) n. a kind of metre Sāh. (cf. skandhaka)
- ○grāma m. N. of a village Rājat
- skandana n. spurting out, emission, effusion, dropping Vait. Yājñ. Sch
- failing to succeed, miscarrying ŚrS. TBr. Sch
- purging, evacuation of the bowels L
- clotting or coagulation of blood Suśr
- going, moving W
- skandanīya mfn. to be emitted or poured out or effused MW
- skandita mfn. emitted, effused, shed Mn. ix, 50
- going W
- skandin mfn. (ifc.) effusing, shedding Bālar. Rājat
- coagulating ( See a-sk○)
- leaping, jumping MW
- bursting out ib
- skandola (?), mfn. cold L
- m. coldness ib
- skandya mfn. = skanda iva g. śākhâdi (cf. a-garta-sk○)
- skanná mfn. fallen, trickled down, emitted, sprinkled (as semen) RV. Kāṭh. ŚBr. &c. gone MW
- one who has failed Hariv
- (accord. to Comm.) = śuṣka, lambamāna, or unnata (in -skandhârdha-bhāga) Hcar. (cf. a-sk○)
- ○tva n. the clotting or thickening of blood Suśr. Vāgbh
- ○bhāga (○ná-), mfn. one whose share is lost, Maitr. Kāṭh
- skānda mfn. relating to Skanda &c. Sarvad
- composed by Skanda-svāmin (-bhāṣya n. N. of a Commentary)
- n. (with or scil. purāṇa) N. of the Skanda-purāṇa
- skāndaviśākha mfn. (fr. skanda-v○) Pāṇ. 7-3, 21 Sch
- skāndāyana m. pl. (for next), g. kuñjâdi
- skāndāyanya m. patr. fr. skanda ib
- skandilâcārya m. N. of a preceptor Cat
- skandh (sometimes written skand), cl. 10. P. skandhayati, to collect Dhātup. xxxv, 84
- skandhá m. (accord. to Uṇ. iv, 206, from √skand in the sense of 'rising' ?) the shoulder, upper part of the back or region from the neck to the shoulder-joint (in men and animals) AV. &c. &c. [Page 1256, Column]
- the stem or trunk of a tree (esp. that part of the stem where the branches begin) ŚāṅkhGṛ. MBh. &c
- a large branch or bough L
- a troop, multitude, quantity, aggregate (cf. kari-, nara-sk○) MBh. BhP
- a part, division (esp. a division of an army or a form of military array) MBh. Kāv. &c
- a chapter, section (of a book, system &c.) VarBṛS. Car
- a tract, path, region (esp. of the winds, said to be seven) MBh. Hariv
- (in phil.) the five objects of sense ( See viṣaya) W
- (with Buddhists) the five constituent elements of being (viz. rūpa, 'bodily form'
- vedanā, 'sensation'
- saṃjñā, 'perception'
- saṃskāra, 'aggregate of formations'
- vijñāna, 'consciousness or thought-faculty') MWB. 109
- (with Jainas) the body (in the widest sense, = piṇḍa) Sarvad
- a partic. form of the Āryā metre Col
- a king, prince L
- any article used at the coronation of a king (as a jar filled with consecrated water, an umbrella &c.) W
- a sage, teacher ib
- war, battle ib
- an engagement, agreement ib
- a heron ib
- equality of height in the humps of a pair of draught oxen ib
- = samparâya and bhadrâdi L
- N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- of a poet Cat
- often wṛ. for skanda
- (ā), f. a branch L
- a creeper L
- ○cāpa m. 'shoulder-bow', a sort of yoke or pole made of bamboo with a cord attached to either end for carrying burdens L
- ○ja mfn. growing from the stem Āpast
- m. a tree growing from a principal stem (e.g. the gum olibanum tree &c.). MW
- ○taru m. the cocoa-nut tree L
- ○deśa m. the region of the shoulder MBh. Śak
- the stem of a tree &c. Kathās
- the part about the shoulders or withers of an elephant (where the driver sits) MW
- ○parinirvāṇa n. complete annihilation of the elements of being (with Buddhists) ib
- ○pāda m. N. of a mountain MārkP
- ○pīṭha n. the shṭshoulders-blade Kād
- ○pradeśa m. the region of the shoulder L
- ○phala m. the cocoa-nut tree L
- Ficus Glomerata ib
- Aegle Marmelos ib
- ○bandhanā f. Anethum Panmorium ib
- ○maṇi m. a partic. amulet (= asita-sk○) Kauś. Sch
- ○maya mf(ī)n., buddhi-skandha-m○
- ○mallaka m. a heron L
- ○māra m. (with Buddhists) one of the four Māras Dharmas. 50
- ○rāja wṛ. for skanda-r○ MBh
- ○ruha m. the Indian fig-tree L
- ○vat mfn. having a stem or a thick stem or many stems MBh. Hariv. R. MārkP
- ○vaha
- ○vāha or m. 'carrying burdens on the shoulders' (as an ox &c.) L
- ○vāḍhaka m. 'carrying burdens on the shoulders' (as an ox &c.) L
- ○vāhya mf(ā)n. being carried on the shoulder of (ifc.) Hariv
- ○viśākha wṛ. for skandav○ MBh
- ○śākhā f. a principal branch L
- pl. the trunk and principal branches BhP
- ○śiras n. the shoulder-blade Kāv
- ○śṛṅga m. a buffalo L
- ○stambhi (?),
- ○svāti (?), m. N. of kings VP
- ○svāmin wṛ. for skanda-sv○ (q.v.)
- skandhâkṣa m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh
- skandhâgni or m. fire made with thick logs L
- skanḍdhânala m. fire made with thick logs L
- skandhâvāra m. the king's camp or headquarters, royal residence MBh. R. Kām. &c
- an army L
- skandhe-mukha mfn. having the face or mouth on the shoulders MBh
- skandhôpaneya mfn. to be carried on the shoulders W
- m. (scil. saṃdhi) a kind of treaty or alliance to maintain peace, a peace-offering Kām
- skandhaka n. a kind of Āryā metre VarBṛS. Kāvyâd
- skándhas n. the shoulder Uṇ
- the branching top or crown of a tree RV. TS. AV
- the trunk of a tree MW
- skandhika m. = skandha-vāha L
- skandhin mfn. having a (big) stem MBh
- m. a tree L
- skandhila m. N. of a man Buddh
- skandhī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to suspend over the shoulder Nalac
- skandho in comp. for skandhas
- ○grīvī f. N. of a partic. form of the Bṛihatī metre (vḷ. ○vā) RPrāt. Nidānas. &c
- skándhya mf(ā)n. belonging &c. to the shoulder AV. AitBr
- = skandha iva g. śākhâdi
- skāndhin m. pl. the disciples of Skandha, g. śaunakâdi
- skanna See col. 2
- skambh or skabh (prob. a mere phonetic variety of √stambh, q.v
- in native lists written skanbh), cl. 5. 9. P. (Dhātup. xxxi, 8 Pāṇ. 3-1, 82) skabhnóti, skabhnā́ti (accord. to Dhātup. x, 27 also cl. 1. Ā. skambhate [Page 1257, Column]
- pr. p. skabhnuvát Br
- skabhát RV
- pf. caskámbha, 2. du. -skambháthuḥ ib
- p. caskabhāná AV
- aor. askambhīt Gr
- fut. skambhitā, skambhiṣyati ib
- inf. skambhitum ib
- -skábhe RV
- ind. p. skabhitvií ib.) to prop, support, make firm, fix, establish RV. TS. BhP.: Caus. skambhayati (aor. acaskambhat, Gr
- See skambhita) or skabhāyáti (Pāṇ. 3-1, 84 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- See skabhita), to prop, support, fix RV. VS
- to impede, check RV. x, 76, 4
- skabdha See vi-ṣkabdha, p. 998, col. 2
- skabhana n. = śabda Vās. (Sch.)
- skabhitá mfn. (fr. Caus.) supported, fixed, fastened RV
- skábhīyas mfn. (compar.) supporting more or very firmly ib
- skambhá m. a prop, support, pillar, buttress, fulcrum, the Fulcrum of the Universe (personifled in AV. x, 7 and x, 8, and identified with Brahman, the Supreme Being, as well as with Purusha
- See Muir's Sanskṛit Texts, v, 378) RV. AV
- N. of a man, g. kuñjâdi
- ○deṣṇa (skambhá-), mfn. one whose gifts are firm, stable in giving (as the Maruts) RV
- ○sárjana n. or a partic. part of a pillar TS. VS
- ○sárjaḍnī f. a partic. part of a pillar TS. VS
- skambhaná n. a prop, pillar RV
- skambhaní or (nom. ○nī́s), id. TS. VS
- skambhaḍnī́ (nom. ○nī́s), id. TS. VS
- skāmbhāyana m. pl. (of next), g. kuñjâdi
- skāmbhāyanya m. patr. fr. skambha ib
- skavana See danta-sk○
- next.
- sku cl. 5. 9. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxxi, 6 Pāṇ. 3-1, 82) skunoti, skunute
- skunāti, skunīte (only -skunoti and -skauti "ṣBr. and askunāt Bhaṭṭ., skutvā [?ĀpŚr.] and -skāvam ṭṣ.
- cf. ā-√sku and niḥ-ṣku add.), to tear, pluck, pick, poke
- to cover Bhaṭṭ.: Pass. skūyáte, to be stirred (as fire) MaitrS.: Caus. skāvayati (aor. acuskavat), Gr.: Desid. cuskūṣati, ○te ib.: Intens. coṣkūyáte, to gather up, collect RV
- coskūyate, coskoti Gr
- coṣkūyámaṇa mfn. RV. i, 33, 3 Sāy. = prayacchat (Nir. vi, 22 = dadat), bestowing
- skund (= √skand), cl. 1. Ā. skundate, to jump (āpravane, or āplavane) Dhātup. ii, 8
- to lift up (uddharaṇe
- cf. pra-skunda) ib
- skumbh (in native lists written skunbh
- connected with √skambh), cl. 5. 9. P. (Dhātup. xxxi, 8 Pāṇ. 3-1, 82) skubhnoti, skubhnoti (skuptvā ind. p. [prob. wṛ. for skutvā (ĀpŚr.)], to hold, stop, hinder (rodhane)
- skṛ = √1. kṛ, in upa-, pari-, and saṃskṛ
- skṛt = kṛt in kosa-skṛt, q.v
- skṛdhoyu See á-skṛ○
- skoṭikā prob. wṛ. for sphoṭikā
- sko-nagara n. N. of a village of the Bāhikas, Kaiy
- skaunagarika mf(ā or ī)n. (fr. prec.) ib
- skhad cl. 1. Ā. skhadate (pf. caskhade
- fut. skhaditā &c.) Dhātup. xix, 6: Caus. [skh�Adayati] Dhātup. xix, 72 Vop. xviii, 24
- skhadana n. (only L.) cutting or tearing to pieces, hurting, killing, harassing, discomfiting
- firmness
- skhadā f. g. gavādi
- skhadyā f. (fr. prec.) ib
- skhal cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xv, 37) skhalati (rarely ○te
- pf. caskhāla, caskhaluḥ MBh. &c
- fut. skhalitā, ○liṣyati Gr
- aor. askhālīt ib
- inf. skhalitum ib.), to stumble, trip, totter, waver, fluctuate (with na, 'not to waver, remain steadfast, prevail') MBh. Kāv. &c
- to drop or slip down, trickle down MW
- to stammer, falter (as speech) Yājñ. Kālid. BhP
- to make mistakes, blunder, err, fail Kāv. Car. Rājat
- to gather, collect Dhātup
- to move MW
- to disappear ib.: Caus. skhālayati (or skhālayati Dhātup. xix, 59), to cause to falter Kum
- to stop, arrest BhP
- skhala m. stumbling, tottering Prasaṅg. (cf. apa-skhalá)
- skhalat mfn. (pr. p.), See below
- skhalad in comp. for skhalat above
- ○valaya mfn. one whose bracelet falls off or slips down Bhartṛ. (vḷ.)
- ○vākya mfn. making mistakes in speaking, stammering, faltering, blundering Yājñ. [Page 1257, Column]
- skhalan in comp. for skhalat
- ○mati mfn. erring in judgment, weak-minded MW
- skhalana n. stumbling, tottering, tripping unsteady gait Suśr. Kām. BhP
- faltering, stammering (in vāk-skh○), g. khaṇḍv-ādi
- displacement (of a garment) Caurap
- rubbing, friction, touch, contact, collision Śiś
- discharge, emission (of semen) Kull. on Mn. v, 63
- falling into (comp.) BhP
- being deprived of (abl.) MBh
- mistake, blundering in (comp.) Amar
- skhalita mfn. stumbling, tripping, unsteady (as a gait) MBh. Kāv. &c
- dropping falling, dripping, trickling down Mālatīm
- intoxicated, drunk W
- stammering, faltering (speech) Kāv. Kathās
- stopped, checked, obstructed, impeded, interrupted, frustrated, baffled Kāv. Pañcat. BhP
- confounded, perplexed by (instr.) Śiś
- incomplete, deficient (opp. to ulbaṇa) ŚāṅkhBr
- erring, failing, blundering in (loc.) Śak
- awkward about (loc.) VarBṛS
- (am), n. the act of tripping, stumbling, staggering MBh. R. &c
- mistake, error, failure, blunder, blundering in (loc. or comp.) ib
- loss, deprivation Ratnâv
- circumvention, stratagem (in war) L
- ○gati mfn. having an unsteady gait, tottering, staggering VarBṛS
- ○vat mfn. gone astray, deviated from (-tas), Śāntiś
- ○vīrya mfn. one whose heroism has been frustrated or disappointed Ragh
- ○subhagam ind. dashing or leaping along pleasantly (over a rocky bed, said of a stream) Megh
- skhuḍ vḷ. for √sthuḍ, q.v
- stak cl. 1. P. stakati, to strike against Dhātup. xix, 20
- stan (cf. √2. tan), cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xiii, 18) stanati (once in BhP. -stanase
- in RV. 3. sg. stan and 2. Impv. stanihi
- pf. tastāna, tastanuḥ Gr
- aor. astānīt AV
- fut. stanitā, ○niṣyati Gr.), to resound, reverberate, roar, thunder RV. &c. &c
- to utter inarticulate sounds Vās.: Caus. stanáyati (aor. atiṣṭanat), id. (stanayati, 'it thunders') RV. &c. &c
- crackle (as fire) AitBr.: Desid. tistaniṣati Gr.: Intens. taṃstanyate, taṃstanti ib. (2. sg. Impv. taṃstanīhi, abhi-ṣṭan). [Cf. Gk. ? ; Slav. [1257,] stenja ; Angl. Sax. stunian ; Germ. sto10hnen.]
- stána m. (or n. g. ardharcâdi ifc. ā or ī
- derivation doubtful, but prob. connected with √stan, from the hollow resonance of the human breast), the female breast (either human or animal), teat, dug, udder RV. &c. &e
- the nipple (of the female or the male breast) Suśr
- a kind of pin or peg on a vessel shaped like a teat ŚBr
- ○kalaśa m. a jar-like breast Pañcat. Vās
- N. of a bard (wṛ. ○lasa) Mudr
- ○kuḍmala n. 'breast-bud', a woman's breast Hit
- ○kuṇḍa n. (sg. or pl.) N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- ○kumbha m. = -kalaśa above Vās
- ○kesavatī f. having breasts and long hair, IndSt
- ○koṭi f. the nipple of the brṭbreast Ragh
- ○koraka m. n. a budlike brṭbreast Gīt
- ○graha m. the sucking or drawing of the breast Kauś
- ○cūcuka n. the nipple of the brṭbreast Suśr
- ○taṭa m. n. the projection of the female breast Kāv
- ○tyāga m. 'leaving the mother's breast', weaning Malatīm
- ○dātrī f. giving the breast, suckling Pañcar
- ○dveṣin mfn. rejecting the brṭbreast Suśr
- ○ṃ-dha mfn. = -ṃ-dhaya BrahmaP
- ○ṃdhama mfn. Vop
- ○ṃ-dhaya mf(ī or ḻ. ā)n. sucking the breast
- m. a suckling, infant Kāv. MantraBr. &c
- m. a calf Śiś
- ○pa mf(ā)n. drinking or sucking the breast
- a suckling Jātakam
- ○patana n. flaccidity of the breast Bhartṛ
- ○pā mfn. = -pa W
- ○pātṛ mfn. sucking the breast of (comp.) Pañcar.,
- ○pāna n. the drinking or sucking of the breast MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- ○pāyaka mfn. = -pa MW
- ○pāyika m. pl., vḷ. for -poṣika MBh
- (ā), f. a female child still unweaned L
- ○pāyin mfn. = -pa, Kṛishṇaj
- ○poṣika m. pl. N. of a people (vḷ. -yoṣika &c.) MBh
- ○bāla m. pl. N. of a people ib. VP
- ○bhara m. 'breast-weight', a swelling bosom Ratnâv
- a man with a breast like a woman's W
- ○bhava mfn. being on the breast MW
- m. a partic. posture in sexual union L
- ○maṇḍala n. 'breast-orb', = -taṭa Dhūrtas
- ○madhya m. a nipple MW
- n. the space between the breast Vikr
- ○mukha m. (?) n. a nipple L
- ○mūla n. '√of the breast', the lower part of the female breast Suśr
- ○yodhika (VP.) or (MBh.), m. pl. N. of a people (vḷ. -poṣika). [Page 1257, Column]
- ○yoṣika (MBh.), m. pl. N. of a people (vḷ. -poṣika). [Page 1257, Column]
- ○roga m. a disease of the female breast Cat
- ○rohita m. n. a partic. part of the female breast Suśr
- ○vatī f. possessing teats TāṇḍyaBr
- a woman Harav
- ○vṛnta n. 'breast-stalk', a nipple L
- ○vepathu m. the heaving of the breast Śak
- ○śikhā f. 'breast-point', a nipple L
- stanâṃśuka n. a cloth covering the bosom Vikr
- stanâgra n. = ○naśikhā L
- stanâṅga-rāga m. pigment on a woman's breast MW
- stanântara n. the space between the breasts, centre of the chest (of men and women) Kāv. Suśr
- the heart (as between the breast) W
- a mark on the breast (indicating future widowhood) ib
- stanā-bhúj (in Padap. stana-bh○), mfn. enjoying the udder (said of calves) RV
- stanābhuja mfn. feeding or nourishing with the udder (said of cows) MW
- stanâbhoga m. fulness of the breast Prab
- the curve or orb of the breast, a man with projecting brṭbreast (like a woman's) W
- stanâvaraṇa n. a breast-cloth (-tā f.) Kāv
- stanôttarīya n. id. ib
- stanôpapīḍam ind. p. pressing the breast Sāh
- stanátha m. roar (of a lion) RV
- thunder MW
- stanáthu m. roar (of a lion) AV
- stanana n. the sound of a hollow cough Car
- sounding, sound, noise L
- the rumbling of clouds ib
- = kunthana, kunthita ib
- groaning, breathing hard W
- stanáyad-ama mfn. (cf. 1. ama) having a roaring onset (said of the Maruts) RV
- stanayitnú m. (sg. or pl.) thunder (pl. personified as children of Vidyota, 'Lightning') RV. AV. VS. &c
- a thunder-cloud Kāv. BhP
- lightning L
- sickness ib
- death ib
- a kind of grass (= mustaka) MW
- ○ghoṣa mfn. loud as thunder MW
- ○mat or (wṛ.)
- ○vat mfn. connected with thunder MBh
- ○sáni mfn. bringing thunder TS. MaitrS
- stanasyú mfn. sucking the breast, a suckling AV
- stanita mfn. thundering, sounding MBh
- n. (ifc. f. ā) thunder Kauś. Mn. MBh. &c
- loud groaning Hariv
- the sound of a vibrating bowstring BhP
- the noise of clapping the hands L
- ○kumāra m. pl. (with Jainas) a partic. class of gods L
- ○phala m. Asteracantha Longifolia L
- ○vimukha mfn. refraining from thunder Megh
- ○samaya m. the time of thundering ib
- ○subhagam ind. with pleasant rumbling sounds Megh
- stanín mfn. having a breast or udder MaitrS
- (said of a horse having a partic. deformity) L
- stanya mfn. contained in the female breast RV. Sch
- n. (once m.) milk MBh. Suśr. Kāv. &c
- ○tyāga m. ceasing to drink a mother's milk, the being weaned Kāv
- -mātraka (with vayas), n. the period immediately after weaning Uttarar
- ○da mfn. producing (good) milk Bhpr
- ○dāna n. the giving of milk from the breast HPariś
- ○pa mfn. drinking milk from the breast, a suckling Suśr
- ○pāna n. the drinking of milk from the breast, the period of early infancy Kāv
- ○pāyin or mfn. sucking milk from the breast, unweaned MW
- ○bhuj mfn. sucking milk from the breast, unweaned MW
- ○roga m. sickness caused by unhealthy mother's milk Bhpr
- stanyâvataraṇa n. the inspissation of milk Suśr
- stanutṛ (?) TPrāt
- stabaka m. (accord. to L. also n
- ifc. f. ā
- also written stavaka
- prob. connected with stamba, stambaka) a cluster of blossoms, bunch of flowers, nosegay, tuft MBh. R. &c
- a feather of a peacock's tail BhP
- a tassel Hariv
- a quantity, multitude L
- a chapter or section (in such books as contain in their titles the words, latā, latikā, mañjarī &c.)
- ○kanda m. a partic. bulbous plant L
- ○phala m. a partic. fruit-tree L
- ○saṃnibha mfn. resembling (clusters of) blossoms R
- stabakâcita mfn. covered with blossoms, in blossom MW
- stabakaya Nom. P. ○yati, to provide with (clusters of) blossoms Hcar. Kād
- stabakita mfn. (g. tārakâdi) full of blossoms Vās
- stabdha &c. See p. 1258, col. 1
- stabha m. a goat or ram (cf. stubha) L
- stam See √1. sam, p. 1152, col. 1
- stambá m. (prob. phonetic variation of stambha) a clump or tuft of grass, any clump or bunch or cluster AV. &c. &c
- a sheaf of corn L. a bush, thicket L. [Page 1258, Column]
- a shrub or plant having no decided stem (such as the Jhiṇṭī or Barleria) L
- the post to which an elephant is tied (wrongly inferred from stambe-rama, q.v.) L
- a mountain L
- N. of various men Hariv. Pur
- n. (in these senses prob. wṛ. for stambha, m.) a post, pillar in general W
- stupidity, insensibility W
- ○kari mfn. forming clumps or bunches Hcar
- m. corn, rice L. -tā f. formation of abundant sheaves or clusters of rice Mudr
- ○kāra mf(ī)n. making a clump, forming a cluster W
- ○ghana m. 'clump-destroyer', a small hoe for weeding or eradicating clumps of grass, a sickle for cutting corn &c. L
- ○ghāta m. cutting grass &c. L
- ○ghna mf(ī)n. clump-destroying, weed-destroying Bhaṭṭ
- m. = -ghana L
- ○já mfn. (prob.) bunchy, tufty, shaggy AV
- ○pur f. N. of the city Tāmalipta (q.v.) L
- ○mitra m. (cf. stambham○) N. of a son of Jaritā MBh
- (with śārṅga) of the author of RV. x, 142, 7 ; 8 Anukr
- ○yajus n. N. of a partic. formula and religious observance on removing clumps of grass ŚrS
- ○vatī f. N. of a woman Hariv
- ○vana m. N. of a man ib
- ○śás ind. by clumps or tufts TBr
- ○hanana n. and = -ghana L
- ○hananī f. = -ghana L
- stambaka m. a clump, bunch, tuft MBh
- stambakāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a bunch of flowers &c. Harav
- stambakita vḷ. for stabakita g. tārakâdi
- stambín mfn. clumpy, tufty, bunchy, bushy, shaggy MaitrS
- stambe-rama m. (fr. loc. of stamba + r○) 'delighting in clumps of high grass', an elephant Kāv
- stamberamâsura m. N. of an Asura (= gajâsura) Bālar
- stambh or stabh (connected with √skambh, q.v
- in native lists written stanbh), cl. 5. 9. P. (Dhātup. xxxi, 7) stabhnóti, stabhnā́ti (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 82), or cl. 1. Ā. (x, 26) stámbhate (pr. p. also stambhat Hariv., stabhamāna q.v. AitĀr
- pf. tastámbha, ○mbhat, tastabhúḥ, p. tastabhvás, ○vānd RV
- tastabhāná, tastambhe MBh
- aor. ástambhīt
- astāmpsīt TBr
- astabhat Gr
- fut. stambhitā, ○bhiṣyati ib
- inf. stabdhum Kathās
- ind. p. stabdhvā́ AV. &c
- stambhitvā MBh
- -stábhya and -stambham Br.), to fix firmly, support, sustain, prop (esp. the heavens) RV. AV. Br
- to support or hold up by contact with, reach up to (acc.) MBh. Hariv
- to stop, stop up, arrest, make stiff or immovable, paralyze RV. &c. &c
- (Ā.) to rest or lean on (loc.) Hcar
- to become stiff or immovable Bhaṭṭ
- to become solid MBh. xii, 6807: Pass. stabhyate (aor. astambhi), to be firmly fixed or supported or propped &c. MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. stabhāyáti, to make firm, support RV
- to stop, arrest ib
- stambhayati, ○te (aor. atastambhat), to fix, establish, erect MBh. Kāv. &c
- to make stiff or rigid, paralyze Suśr
- to make solid ib
- to stop, arrest (also by magic), suppress, check, restrain ib.: Desid. tistambhiṣati Gr.: Intens. tāstabhyate ib. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lith. stambras, [1258,] stimbras ; Germ. stampfôn, stampfen ; Eng. stamp, stump.)
- stabdha mfn. firmly fixed, supported, propped &c
- reaching up to (loe.) ŚvetUp. MBh
- stiff, rigid, immovable, paralyzed, senseless, dull (am ind.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- solidified (as water) Hariv
- puffed up, proud, arrogant ChUp. Bhag. &c
- tardy, slack, slow (?) VarBṛS
- obstinate, stubborn, hard-hearted MW
- coarse ib
- ○karṇa m. 'stiff-eared', N. of an antelope, Harlv
- of a lion Hit
- -śirodhara mfn. holding the ears and the neck stiff MBh
- ○gātra mfn. holding the limbs stiff Buddh
- ○tā f. fixedness, rigidity, stiffness (of the membrum virile) Car
- pretentiousness, arrogance MBh. Kām
- ○toya mfn. (a river) whose water has solidified Hariv
- ○tva n. stiffness (of the navel &c.), ŚārṅgS
- haughtiness, arrogance Kathās
- ○dṛṣṭi mfn. having motionless (i.e. unwinking) eyes Pañcat
- ○nayana mfn. id. MBh
- ○pāda mfn. one who has paralyzed legs, stiff-legged, lame (-tā f.) Suśr
- ○pūrṇa-koṣṭha mfn. one who has a swollen or full abdomen (-tā f.) ib
- ○bāhu mfn. stiff-armed Kathās
- ○mati mfn. dull-minded MārkP
- ○medhra mfn. one whose sexual organ has become stiff (-tā f.) Suśr
- ○roma-kūpa mfn. one who has the pores of the skin stopped up (-tā f.), lb
- ○romana m. 'stiff-haired', a boar, hog L
- ○locana mfn. having fixed or unwinking eyes (said of the gods) MBh
- ○vapus mfn. one whose body is benumbed or paralyzed HPariś. [Page 1258, Column]
- ○śrotra mfn. stiff-eared Rājat
- ○sakthi mfn. stiff-thighed, lame (-tā f.) Suśr
- ○sambhāra (?), m. a Rākshasa L
- ○hanu mfn. having stiff or immovable jaws Suśr
- stabdhâkṣa mfn. = stabdha-dṛṣṭi Hariv
- stabdhôda mfn. = stabdha-toya ib
- stabdhôrdhva-karṇa mfn. having the tips of the ears stiff or immovable BhP
- stabdhi f. fixedness, hardness, rigidity, firmness, immobility, stupor, numbness, obstinacy MW
- stabdhī in comp. for stabdha
- ○karaṇa n. stiffening, making rigid, paralyzing W
- ○√kṛ p. -karoti (ind. p. -kṛtya), to make stiff or rigid Hit
- ○bhāva m. the becoming stiffened or rigid, torpidity Vedântas
- stabhamāna mfn. making one's self stiff, behaving arrogantly, assuming an air of authority AitĀr
- stabhi m. rigidity L
- stabhitá mfn. fixed, established, supported RV. AV
- stabhu ( See next)
- stabhūya (fr. prec.), Nom. P. Ā. ○yáti, ○yáte (only in pr. p. stabhūyát and ○yámāna), to stand firm RV
- stambha m. (ifc. f. ā) a post, pillar, column, stem (as of a tree
- also improperly applied to an arm) Kāṭh. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- support, propping, strengthening Bhartṛ
- inflation, pretentiousness, arrogance MBh. R. &c
- fixedness, stiffness, rigidity, torpor, paralysis, stupefaction MBh. Kāv. &c
- becoming hard or solid Rājat
- stoppage, obstruction, suppression (also the magical arresting of any feeling or force, as of hunger, thirst, or of the forces of water, fire &c. as taught in the Tantras) Kāv. Suśr. Pañcar
- filling up, stuffing R
- N. of a partic. Adhyāya Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 60 Vārtt. 1
- of a Ṛishi &c. VP. (cf. g. kuñjâdi and śaunakâdi)
- ○kara mfn. (prob.) causing obstruction, hindering, impeding (in puṇya-st○, q.v.), causing stiffness, paralyzing MW
- m. a fence, railing W
- ○kāraṇa n. cause of obstruction or impediment MW
- ○tā f. stiffness, paralysis Sāh
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a place Pañcat
- ○pūjā f. worship of the posts (of the temporary pavilions erected for marriages or other festive occasions) MW
- ○bhañjaka m. 'pillar-breaker', N. of an elephant Mṛicch
- ○mitra m. N. of a Ṛishi (= stamba-m○), IndSt
- ○vatī f. N. of a city Siṃhâs
- stambhôtkīrṇa mfn. carved out of a wooden post (as a statue) MW
- stambhaka mfn. stopping, arresting R
- styptic, astringent SārṅgS
- m. (prob.) a post, pillar, Mahāvy
- N. of one of Śiva's attendants Kathās
- (akī), f. N. of a goddess Kālac
- (ikā), f. the leg of a chair Nalac
- stambhakin m. a kind of musical instrument covered with leather L
- stambhana mf(ī)n. stiffening, making rigid or immovable, paralyzing Kāv. HPariś
- stopping, arresting, checking, restraining MBh. R
- styptic, astringent Suśr
- m. 'paralyzer', N. of one of the five arrows of Kāma-deva Cat
- (ī), f. a kind of magic Divyâv
- n. the act of turning into a pillar ( See rambhā-st○)
- strengthening, supporting Kāv. Pañcar
- becoming stiff or rigid Suśr
- making stiff or rigid, paralysing Vās. Bālar
- a means of making stiff or rigid Hcat
- stopping, arresting (also by magical means) MBh. VP
- stopping flow of blood &c
- a styptic or astringent Car
- a partic. magical art or faculty ( See under stambha and cf. jala-stambhana)
- ○prakāra m. N. of a medic. wark
- stambhanâdi-vidhi m. N. of a Mantra
- stambhanaka mf(ikā)n. making solid, solidifying HPariś
- stambhanīya mfn. to be fixed or stopped or checked (its a-st○) MBh
- to be treated with styptics Car
- stambhi m. the sea L
- stambhita mfn. (fr. Caus.) fixed, established, supported Hariv
- stiffened, benumbed, paralyzed Kathās
- stopped, brought to a standstill, suppressed, restrained MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ifc.) stuffed or filled with Lalit
- ○tva n. the being checked or impeded (in sarva-loka-bhayâst○)
- ○bāṣpa-vṛtti mfn. suppressing the flow of tears MW
- ○rambha n. N. of a Troṭaka (cf. rambhā-stambhana) Sāh
- stambhitâśru mfn. one who has suppressed his tears ib
- stambhin mfn. provided with pillars or columns, Pracaṇḍ
- supporting MW
- puffed up, arrogant MBh. [Page 1258, Column]
- stopping, restraining MW
- m. the sea L
- (inī), f. N. of one of the five Dhāraṇās or elements (= the earth
- cf. bhramaṇī) Cat
- stambhī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to become a post Hit
- stambhīya mfn. (said of a partic. Adhyāya) Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 60 Vārtt. 1
- stāmbhāyana m. patr. fr. stambha g. naḍâdi
- stāmbhin m. pl. the disciples of Stambha, g. śaunakâdi
- stara staraṇa, stariman &c. See p. 1260, col. 1
- starī́ f. (nom. ī́s acc. yám
- pl. yás) a barren cow, heifer RV
- (with rā́tri) a night passed in vain TS
- smoke, vapour L. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [1258,] sterilis ; Goth. staira ; Germ. ste10r, ste10ro ; ṣtā0rke.]
- starī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to render fruitless Kāṭh
- stava m. or n. a partic. substance Divyâv
- ○karṇikā f. a lac-earring (?) ib
- ○karṇin m. N. of Deva-trāta ib
- stava stavaka &c. See p. 1259, col. 1
- stavát mfn. (only in nom. sg. stavā́n
- always applied to Indra and accord. to Sāy. RV. vi, 24, 8 = stūyamāna, 'being praised'
- accord. to others = stavas = tavas, fr. √stu for √1. tu, and meaning 'strong, powerful'
- others give it the sense, thundering', fr. √stan) RV
- stavaraka m. a fence, railing (perh. wṛ. for āvaraka, or stambha-kara) L
- stāgha mfn. shallow ( See a-stāgha)
- stāmán m. (of unknown meaning
- accord. to some wṛ. for srāman accord. to others for sthāman) AV. v, 13, 5
- stāmú mfn. (doubtful
- accord. to Sāy. = stotṛ
- accord. to others 'roaring, thundering', fr. √stan, cf. stavat) RV. vii, 20, 3
- stāyát ○yú, See √stai, p. 1260
- stí m. (only in acc. pl. stī́n
- fr. √1. as, cf. úpa-sti, abhí- and pári-ṣṭi) a dependent, vassal RV
- ○pā́ mfn. protecting dependents ib
- stigh cl. 5. P. stighnoti (accord. to Dhātup. xxvii, 18 Ā. stighnute
- Pot. stighnuyāt inf. -stígham
- Gr. also pf. tiṣṭige
- aor. asteghiṣṭa
- fut. steghitā, ○ghiṣyate
- inf. steghitum), to step, stride, step up, mount (esp. in ati-√stigh, 'to step over, overstep', and in pra-√stigh, 'to step up, rise up &c.') MaitrS.: Desid. tiṣṭighiṣati (in ati-tiṣṭíghiṣan, 'wishing to ascend') ib. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Slav. stignati ; [1258,] Goth. steigan ; Germ. stîgan, steigen ; Eng. sty.]
- stip (cf. step), cl. 1. Ā. stepate, to ooze, drip, drop Dhātup. x, 3
- sti-pā́ See above under stí
- stibhi m. a clump, bunch, tuft (cf. stabaka, stamba) KātyŚr
- the sea Uṇ. iv, 121 Sch
- an obstacle, obstruction (cf. stambha) L
- ○vat mfn. = phala-vat ĀpŚr. (Sch.)
- stibhinī f. a clump, tuft &c. = stibhi Sch. on KātyŚr
- stimbhi m. = stibhi L
- stim or stīm (cf. √tim), cl. 4. P. stimyati or stīmyati, to be or become wet or moist Dhātup. xxvi, 17
- to become fixed or immovable ( See next)
- stimita mfn. wet, moist Naish. Caurap
- fixed, motionless (cf. stambhita) MBh. Kāv. &c
- still, calm, tranquil, soft, gentle (am ind.) ib
- pleased MW
- n. moisture ib
- stillness, motionless MBh
- ○java mfn. advancing slowly or softly Ragh
- ○tā f. (Kād.),
- ○tva n. (Mālatīm.) steadiness, fixedness, stillness, absence of motion
- ○nayana mfn. having the eyes intently fixed (cf. stabdhadṛṣṭi) Megh
- ○pravāha m. flowing gently along Ragh
- ○vāyu m. still air MW
- ○samādhi-śuci mfn. pure through intense meditation Kir
- ○sthita mfn. standing still or motionless Kathās
- stimitâyatâkṣa mfn. keeping (his) large eyes intently fixed MW
- stimitaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make motionless or still Kpr. [Page 1259, Column]
- stīmá mf(ā́) n. (accord. to some fr. √styai) sluggish, slow AV
- stema m. = tema, wetness, moisture L
- staimitya n. (fr. stimita) fixedness, rigidity, immobility, numbness Kāv. Suśr
- stiyā f. stagnant water. See under √styai, p. 1260, col. 3
- stire See √1. stṛ, p. 1260, col. 1
- stīm See √stim, p. 1258, col. 3
- stīmita mfn. moist &c. L. ( See stimita)
- stīrṇa &c. See p. 1260, col. 2
- stīrvi m. (said to be fr. √1. stṛ, only L.) an officiating priest (esp. an Adhvaryu, q.v.)
- a kind of grass
- the sky, atmosphere
- water
- blood
- the body
- fear
- N. of Indra
- stu cl. 2. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxiv, 34
- Pāṇ. 7-3, 95) staúti or staviiti, stute or stuviite (in RV. also stávate, 3. sg. stave with pass. sense, 1. 3. sg. stuṣé Impv. stoṣi, p. mostly with pass. sense stuvāná, stávāna or stavāná, stávamāna
- in BhP. stunvanti, in Up. p. stunvāna
- pf. tuṣṭāva, tuṣṭuvús, tuṣṭuvé RV. &c. &c
- aor. astāviit or astauṣīt Br. &c
- stoṣat, stoṣāṇi RV
- ástoṣṭa ib. &c
- Prec. stūyāt Gr
- fut. stavitā or stotā Vop
- fut. staviṣyáti, ○te RV
- stoṣyati, ○te Br. &c
- Cond. astoṣyat Bhaṭṭ
- inf. stotum ib. &c
- stavitum Vop
- stótave, stavádhyai RV
- ind. p. stutvā́ AV. &c
- -stútya Br. &c
- -stūya MBh. &c.), to praise, laud, eulogize, extol, celebrate in song or hymns (in ritual, 'to chant', with loc. of the text from which the Sāman comes) RV. &c. &c.: Pass. stūyáte (aor. astāvi), to be praised or celebrated
- [st�AyamAna] mfn. being praised ib.: Caus. [st�Avayati] (aor. atuṣṭavat RV
- ○ṭuvat JaimBr.), to praise, celebrate
- (stāvayate), to cause to praise or celebrate BhP.: Desid. tuṣṭūṣati, ○te (p.p. tuṣṭūṣita), to wish to celebrate Śaṃk.: Intens. toṣṭūyate, toṣṭoti Gr
- stáva m. (for 1. See p. 1258, col. 3) praise, eulogy, song of praise, hymn, panegyric RV. &c. &c
- ○cintāmaṇi m
- ○daṇḍaka m. or n
- ○mālā f. N. of wks
- ○rāja m. 'chief of hymns', a partic. mystical prayer or incantation (also as N. of wk.)
- stavâmṛta-laharī f. N. of wk
- stavârha m. 'worthy of praise', N. of a Pratyeka-buddhi Divyâv
- stavâvali f. N. of various collections of hymns or panegyrics
- stavaka m. praise, eulogium L
- a panegyrist, praiser W
- stavát (nom. sg. stavā́n). See p. 1258, col. 3
- stavátha m. praise RV
- stavádhyai See above under root
- stavana n. praising, praise Lāṭy. BhP
- pl. songs of praise BhP
- stavanīya mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy Vop
- stavanyá mfn. id. Suparṇ
- stavamāna
- stavāna See root
- stavi m. = udgātṛ, a chanter L
- stavitavya mfn. to be praised &c. MW
- stavitṛ́ m. a praiser, singer MaitrS
- staveyya m. N. of Indra L
- stavya mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy, glorious MBh. Hariv. &c
- stāva m. praise, eulogy Inscr
- a praiser MW
- (ā́), f. N. of an Apsaras VS
- stāvaka mfn. praising, extolling Sāy. (-tva n. Kull.)
- m. a praiser, panegyrist BhP. Sarvad
- stāvya mfn. to be praised or celebrated Pāṇ. 3-1, 123
- stu See su-ṣṭú p. 1238, col. 1
- stút (ifc.) praising, celebrating ( See indra-, chandaḥ-, deva-stut &c.)
- f. a hymn of praise RV
- stutá mfn. (for 2. See col. 3) praised, eulogized, hymned, glorified, celebrated RV. &c. &c
- recited with praise (as a hymn) ŚāṅkhŚr
- m. N. of Śiva MBh
- n. praise, eulogy RV. Br. ChUp
- (in ritual) = stotra TS
- ○vat mfn. having received praise, praised, celebrated Hariv
- ○śastrá n. du. Stotra and Śastra TS. Br. &c
- -vat mfn. joined or connected with Stotra and ŚṭŚastra ĀpŚr
- ○stoma (stutá-), mfn. one whose praise has been sung, hymned, glorified VS
- ○svāmi-kṣetra n. N. of a sacred place Cat
- stutí f. (instr. once in Hariv. stutinā, with vḷ. stutibhiḥ) praise, eulogy, panegyric, commendation, adulation RV. &c. &c
- N. of Durgā, DeviiP
- of Vishṇu MBh. [Page 1259, Column]
- of the wife of Pratihartṛi BhP
- ○kusumâñjali m. 'handful of flowers', N. of a poem in praise of Śiva
- ○gītaka n. a song of praise, panegyric Kathās
- ○candrikā f
- ○ṭīkā f. N. of wks
- ○pada n. an object of praise Subh
- ○pāṭhaka m. 'praise-reciter, a panegyrist, bard, herald (esp. of a prince, = 1. bandin) Pañcar
- ○priya mfn. fond of praise MW
- ○brāhmaṇa N. of wk. (or of a man) Buddh
- ○bhāga m. N. of wk
- ○maṅgala n. pl. praises and benedictions Hariv
- ○mat mfn. possessing or knowing hymns of praise ib
- ○mantra m. a song or hymn of prṭpraise VarYogay
- ○vacana n. (Pañcat.),
- ○vacas n. (Śiś.),
- ○vāda m. (MW.) laudatory speech, eulogy
- ○vrata m. 'one whose duty is prṭpraise', a bard &c. (cf. -pāṭhaka) L
- ○śabda m. a word of praise R
- ○śastra wṛ. for stuta-ś○ (q.v.)
- ○śīla mfn. skilful in praise (vḷ. śruti-ś○) R
- ○sāra m
- ○sū7kti-mālā f. N. of wks
- stutya mfn. to be praised, laudable, praiseworthy MBh. R. &c
- (ā), f. a partic. fragrant bark L
- alum-slate L
- ○tva n. praise worthiness Sāy
- ○vrata m. N. of a son of Hiraṇya-retas and the Varsha ruled by him BhP
- stuvát mfn. (pr. p.) praising &c
- m. a praiser, worshipper RV
- stuvāna mfn. praising (Sāy. 'being praised') √, col. 1
- stuvi m. a praiser, worshipper L
- a sacrifice L
- stuṣéyya mfn. (wṛ. stuveya and stuṣepya) praiseworthy, excellent RV
- stotavya mfn. to be praised or celebrated MaitrUp. MBh
- stotṛ́ mfn. praising, worshipping RV. AV
- m. N. of Vishṇu MBh
- stotrá n. praise, eulogium, a hymn of praise, ode RV. &c. &c
- (in ritual) N. of the texts or verses which are sung (in contradistinction to the Śastras q.v. which are recited) TS. Br. ŚrS
- ○kārin mfn. reciting a Stotra Jaim
- ○jāla n
- ○pāṭha m
- ○prakaraṇa n
- ○bhāṣya n
- ○ratna n. N. of wks
- ○rāja m. N. of a Śaiva (author or wk
- cf. stava-rāja)
- ○vat mfn. accompanied by Stotras Kāṭh. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○varga m
- ○vyākhyā f. N. of wks
- ○samīṣantī f. a partic. Vishṭuti Lāṭy
- stotrâdi-pāṭha m. N. of work
- stotrârha mfn. worthy of praise MW
- stotrâvalī f. N. of wk
- stotraya Nom. P. ○yati, to celebrate with a hymn of praise Cat
- stotríya and mfn. relating or belonging or peculiar to a Stotra, SaṃhitUp
- stoḍtrīya mfn. relating or belonging or peculiar to a Stotra, SaṃhitUp
- m. (scil. tṛca or pragātha) the first part of the Bahish-pavamāna Br. ŚrS
- (ā), f. (scil. ṛc) a Stotra verse ib
- stóma m. praise, eulogium, a hymn RV. AV. GṛS. Up. BhP
- (in ritual) a typical form of chant (7 such forms are usually enumerated
- but accord. to Lāṭy. Sch. the Stoma consists of 5 parts, viz. prastāva, udgītha, pratihāra, upadrava, and nidhana) TS. Br. ŚrS. ChUp
- a Stoma day TS. PañcavBr
- a sacrificer L
- N. of partic. bricks ŚBr
- a heap, collection, number, multitude, quantity, mass Kāv. Rājat
- the letting of a dwelling Āpast. Sch
- a measure of 10 Dhanv-antaras or of 96 inches L
- n. (only L.) the head
- riches, wealth
- grain, corn
- an iron-pointed stick or staff
- mfn. crooked, bent L
- ○kṣāra m. soap L
- ○cití f. piling up the bricks called Stoma BhP
- ○taṣṭa (stóma-), mfn. fashioned or formed into a hymn (or into the subject of a hymn), composed by poets RV
- ○purogava (stóma-), mfn. having the Stoma as a leader or chief MaitrS
- ○pṛṣṭha (stóma-), mf(ā)n. having Stoma and Pṛishṭhas VS. TS
- ○bhāga (stóma-), mf(ā)n. one whose share is the Stoma AitBr
- m. pl. N. of partic. verses (29 in number, which belong to the Soma sacrifice and are employed while laying the fifth layer of bricks) TS. VS. Br. ŚrS
- (ā), f. pl. the bricks above mentioned TS. ŚBr
- ○gika mf(ī)n. belonging to the Stoma-bhāga verses Vait
- ○máya mf(ī)n. consisting of StṭStoma ŚBr
- ○yoga m. N. of wk
- ○várdhana mfn. augmenting (or delighting in) hymns of praise RV
- ○vāhas (stóma-), mfn. offering or receiving praise RV
- ○vṛddhi f. enhancement of the StṭStoma (cf. -vardhana)
- stomâyaná n. N. of partic. sacrificial animals ŚBr
- stomaya Nom. P. ○yati, to praise, laud, hymn Dhātup. xxxv, 69
- stomīya mfn. (ifc.) relating to a Stoma ŚBr
- stómya mfn. id. PañcavBr
- worthy of a hymn of praise, laudable RV. [Page 1259, Column]
- stauti m. (used as a N. for √1. stu, 'to praise') Śiś. xiv, 66
- stu (prob. invented to serve as a √for the words below), to be clotted or conglomerated
- to trickle
- stu (= stúkā) in pṛthu-ṣṭu q.v
- stúka m. (= next) in keśa-st○, q.v
- stúkā f. a knot or tuft of hair or wool, thick curl of hair (esp. between the horns of a bull) RV. AV. ŚBr
- (?)a hip, thigh (= jaghana) Nir. xi, 32
- ○vín mfn. having tufts of hair, shaggy RV
- ○sárgam ind. after the form of a curl or knot of hair ŚBr
- stukī f. (vḷ. for śukī) = sloka-ghṛta-dhārā BhP. (Sch.)
- stuta mfn. (for 1. See col. 1) dripping, oozing (vḷ. sruta) L
- stupá m. (cf. stūpa) a knot or tuft of hair &c. ( stúkā) VS. ŚBr
- stūpa &c. See p. 1260, col. 1
- stoká m. (accord. to some for skota fr. √ścut
- Nir. ii, 1) a drop (of water &c.) RV. AV. Br. ŚrS. BhP
- a spark ( See agni-st○)
- the Cātaka bird L
- mf(ā)n. little, small, short (ibc. and am ind. 'a little, slightly, gradually'
- bahutaram-stokam, 'more-than'
- stokena na, 'not in the least'
- stokena and stokāt in comp. with a p.p. = 'hardly', 'with some difficulty', 'only just', 'a little while ago' [Pāṇ. 2-1, 39 ; 3, 3]) MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○kāya mfn. 'little-bodied', diminutive W
- ○tamas mfn. a little dark, Pracaṇḍ
- ○tā f. (Uttamac.),
- ○tva n. (Campak.) littleness, insignificance
- ○namra mf(ā)n. a little bent down, slightly depressed Megh
- ○pāṇḍura mfn. a little pale BhP
- ○śas ind. drop by drop, sparingly AitĀr
- stokâyus mfn. short-lived BhP
- stokâvaśeṣprâṇa mfn. id. (lit. 'having little breath left') Rājat
- stokônmiṣat mfn. feebly flickering ib
- stokaka m. the Cātaka bird MBh. R. &c
- a kind of poison (= vatsa-nābha) L
- stokīya or mf(ā)n. relating to or connected with drops (applied to the oblations of ghee and the verses employed while drops of it are falling) Br. ŚrS
- stókya mf(ā)n. relating to or connected with drops (applied to the oblations of ghee and the verses employed while drops of it are falling) Br. ŚrS
- stuka = toka, a child or young animal TĀr
- stuc cl. 1. Ā. stocate, to be bright or propitious (prasāde) Dhātup. vi, 15
- stunaka m. (cf. stubha) a goat L
- stubh (connected with √1. stu and stumbh), cl. 1. P. (Naigh. iii, 14) stóbhati (only in pres. base
- 3. sg. stobdhi JaimBr
- p. Ā. -stubhāna RV
- Gr. also pf. tuṣṭubhe
- fut. stobhitā &c.), to utter a joyful sound, hum, make a succession of exclamations, shout (esp. applied to the chanted interjections in a Sāman) RV. Br. Lāṭy
- cl. 1. Ā. stobhate, to pause, stop, cause to stop, paralyze &c. (stambhe) Dhātup. x, 34: Caus. stobhayati (aor. atuṣṭubhat), to praise in successive exclamations, celebrate RV. [Cf. Eng. stop.]
- stubdha mfn. chanted, praised, hymned Br
- stúbh (ifc.) uttering joyful sounds, praising (cf. anu-, tri-ṣṭubh, vṛṣa-stubh &c
- accord. to some stubh in the first two comp. means 'stopping, pausing', the metre requiring regular stoppages or pauses
- but see, anu-ṣṭubh)
- f. joyful exclamation or cry, praise RV
- m. a praiser Naigh. iii, 16
- stúbhvan mfn. trilling, shouting, praising RV
- stobdhavya mfn. to be praised &c. JaimBr
- stobha m. a chanted interjection in a Sāman (such as hum, ho, oha &c.), hum, hurrah, hymn Br. ŚrS. MBh. BhP
- a partic. division of the Sāma-veda (q.v.)
- torpor, paralysis = ceṣṭā-vighāta Nalac
- disrespect, contumely (= helana) L
- ○cchalā f. N. of a ch. of the Sāma-veda-cchalā
- ○pada n. N. of a treatise on the Stobha
- ○prakṛti f. N. of a part of the Sāma-veda
- ○vat mfn. attended with Stobhas L
- stobhânusaṃhāra m. N. of a Pariśishṭa of the Sāma-veda
- stobhana mf(ī)n. (prob.) forming a Stobha Nir. vii, 12 (in quot.)
- ○saṃhāra prob. wṛ. for stobhânusaṃhāra (above)
- stobhita mfn. (fr. Caus.) praised in successive exclamations or shouts BhP
- staubha mf(ī) n. humming, making joyful exclamations, hurrahing Lāṭy. [Page 1260, Column]
- staubhika mfn. forming or containing a Stobha ib
- stubha m. N. of an Agni MBh
- a goat (cf. tubha, stábha and stunaka) L
- stump See pra-s-√tump, p. 699
- stumbh (cf. √stambh and stubh
- in native lists written stunbh), cl. 5. 9. P. stubhnoti, stubhnā́ti, to stop, stupefy ; expel (Dhātup. xxxi, 7 Pāṇ. 3-1, 82). Cf. Eng. stop, stump.]
- stuva m. or n. (?) a partic. part of the head of a horse L
- stuveya stuṣeyya, See p. 1259
- stū See āyata- and ghrita-stū
- stūṇākarṇa wṛ. for sthūṇ○, q.v
- stūp (prob. invented as a √for stūpa below), cl. 4. 10. P. stūpyati, or stūpayati, to heap up, pile, erect Dhātup. xxvi, 127
- xxxii, 133. [Cf. Gk. ?] [1260,]
- stū́pa m. (accord. to Sāy. fr. √styai accord. to Uṇ. fr. √3. stu
- prob. connected with stupá, under √3. stu) a knot or tuft of hair, the upper part of the head, crest, top, summit [Gk. ?] RV. TS
- [1260,] PañcavBr
- a heap or pile of earth or bricks &c., (esp.) a Buddhist monument, dagoba (generally of a pyramidal or dome-like form and erected over sacred relics of the great Buddha or on spots consecrated as the scenes of his acts) MWB. 504
- any relic-shrine or relic-casket (made of various materials, such as terra cotta, clay, elaborately formed brick or carved stone
- often very small and portable, and enclosing a fragment of bone or a hair &c. of some saint or deceased relative, or inscribed with a sacred formula
- these are carried long distances and deposited in hallowed spots such as Buddha-Gayā) MWB. 397, 504
- any heap, pile, mound, tope Hcat
- the main beam (of a house) ĀpGṛ
- (L.also, 'wind
- fight
- = kūla
- = bala
- = niṣprayojana)
- ○pṛṣṭha m. 'hard-backed', a turtle, tortoise L
- ○bimba n. = -maṇḍala Kāraṇḍ
- ○bhedaka m. the destroyer of a tope ib
- ○bhedana n. destruction of a tope Buddh
- ○maṇḍala n. the circumference or extent of a tope Rājat
- stūpêśāṇa m. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 64 (vḷ. sūp○)
- staupika n. = buddha-dravya, the relics deposited in a Stūpa or dagoba L
- a kind of small broom carried by a Buddhist or Jaina ascetic W
- stṛ (or stṝ). cl. 5. 9. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxvii, 6
- xxxi, 14) stṛṇóti, stṛṇute or stṛnāti, striṇīté (Ved. and ep. also stárati, ○te
- pf. tastāra, tastare [3. pl. tastaruḥ, tastarire] Br. &c
- 3. sg. with pass. sense tistiré RV
- 3. pl. tastrire AV
- p. Ā. tistirāṇá RV
- aor. ástar, star ib
- astṛṣi, astṛta AitBr
- astarīt AV
- astārṣīt, [astar�ISTa], astīrṣṭa Gr
- Prec. stṛṣīya AV
- staryāt or stīryāt
- stṛṣīṣṭa, [star�ISISTa], stīrṣīṣṭa Gr
- fut. startā Gr
- stariṣyati, te○ [Gr. also starīṣ○] Br. &c
- inf. startum or [star�Itum] Gr
- stártave, ○tavai, [star�Itavaí] Br
- stárītave AV
- -stíre, -stṛṇīṣáṇi RV
- ind. p. stīrtvā́ or stṛtvā́ Br
- -stīrya ib
- -stṛtya MBh.), to spread, spread out or about, strew, scatter (esp. the sacrifical grass
- in this sense in older language only cl. 9. P. A.) RV. AV. Br. ŚrS. R
- to spread over, bestrew, cover KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- (cl. 5. P. Ā.) to lay low, overthrow, slay (an enemy) RV. AV. Br. Up.: Pass. stīryate (○ti) or striyáte (Gr. also staryate
- aor. ástāri), to be spread or strewn &c. RV. &c. &c.: Caus. stārayati (aor. atastarat), to spread, cover Bhaṭṭ.: Desid. tistīrṣate or tústūrṣate (Gr. also P. and [tistar�ISati], ○te), to wish to spread or strew or lay low Br. Up.: Intens. tāstaryate, testīryate, tāstarti Gr. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [1260,] sternere ; Goth. straujan ; Germ. streuen ; Angl. Sax. streowian ; Eng. strew.]
- stara m. (cf. pra-, vi-, sva-stara) a layer, stratum Līl
- staraṇa n. the act of spreading or strewing or scattering (esp. the sacrificial grass) ŚrS
- the plastering (of a wall) ĀśvŚr. (Sch.)
- staraṇīya mfn. to be spread or strewn or scattered MW
- stariman m. 'that which is spread', a bed, couch Uṇ. iv, 147 Sch. [Page 1260, Column]
- stárīman m. the act of spreading or scattering (only loc. ○maṇi as inf.) RV
- = prec. (cf. suṣṭar○) Uṇ. iv, 147 Sch
- staru m. 'overthrower', an enemy PārGṛ
- startave
- starḍtavai See root
- stárya mfn. to be laid low or overthrown ŚBr
- stīrṇá mfn. spread, strewn, scattered RV. AV. &c
- m. N. of a demon attendant on Śiva ŚivaP
- ○barhis (stīrṇá-), mfn. one who has strewn the sacrificial grass RV
- stīrṇi (prob.) f. = saṃ-stara L
- stṛ́ m. (only in pl. nom. stṛṇas [?], gen. stṛṇām [vḷ. stṝnām] and instr. pl. stṛ́bhis
- cf. tṛ́ nom. pl. tāras) a star (as the 'light-strewer' or pl. the 'scattered ones') RV. Jyot
- a mark or star-like spot (on the forehead of a bull or cow) RV. [Cf. Lat. stella ; Germ. ṣtern ; Eng. star
- accord. to some for as-tṛ (√2. as)
- Gk. ?.] [1260,]
- stṛṇīṣaṇi inf. (with prep. upa). See root
- stṛta mfn. bestrewn, covered MBh
- overthrown Kāṭh
- stṛ́ti f. the act of bestrewing or covering Vop
- striking down, overthrowing TS. Kāṭh
- stṛ́tya mfn. to be struck down or overthrown AitBr
- stairṇi m. patr. fr. stīrṇa Pat
- stṛ See √spṛ, p. 1268, col. 3
- stṛkṣ (cf. √tṛkṣ), cl. 1. P. stṛkṣati, to go Dhātup. xvii, 9
- stṛṇa See bhū-stṛṇa
- stṛh or stṝh (cf. √tṛh), cl. 6. P. (Dhātup. xxviii, 58) strihati, to injure, do harm Āpast
- stegá m. (of unknown meaning
- cf. tega) RV. VS
- sten (prob. Nom. fr. stena below), cl. 10. P. (Dhātup. xxxv, 43) stenayati, to steal, rob Mn. viii, 333
- (with vācam) to misuse a word, be dishonest in speech ib. iv, 256
- stená m. (prob. fr. √stā) a thief, robber RV. &c. &c
- a kind of perfume VarBṛS. Sch
- thieving, stealing MW
- ○nigraha m. the restraining or punishing of thieves ib
- suppression of theft ib
- ○hṛdaya (stená-), m. 'having the essence of a thief', an incarnate thief VS
- staina n. = next L
- stainya n. (fr. stena) theft, robbery MBh
- m. a thief L
- step (cf. √stip), cl. 1. Ā. stepate, to flow Dhātup. x, 4
- cl. 10. P. stepayati, to send, throw ib. xxxii, 132 (Vop.)
- stema See p. 1259, col. 1
- stai cl. 1. P. stāyati, to put on, adorn (vḷ. for √snai, q.v.) Dhātup. xxii, 25
- to steal, do anything stealthily (only in pr. p. stāyát āV. and in the following derivatives)
- stāyú m. = tāyu, a thief, robber VS
- stéya n. theft, robbery, larceny RV. &c. &c
- anything stolen or liable to be stolen BhP
- anything clandestine or private MW
- ○kṛ́t mfn. committing theft, a thief, robber, stealer of (comp.) Mn. iv, 256
- xi, 99
- ○phala m. a partic. fruittree L
- ○saṃvāsika mfn. one who has stolen into any dwelling in the fictitious character of a monk Buddh
- steyi in comp. for steyin
- ○phala m. = steyaph○ L
- steyin m. a thief, robber Mn. MBh. &c
- a mouse L
- a goldsmith L
- staimitya See p. 1259, col. 1
- sto See ghṛta-sto
- stoka &c. See p. 1259, col. 3
- stotavya stotra &c. See p. 1259, col. 2
- stobdhavya stobha &c. See p. 1259, col. 3
- stom See stomaya, p. 1259, col. 2
- stauná mfn. (of unknown meaning
- accord. to Sāy. = stena, 'a thief, robber'
- accord. to others, 'heavy, inert, slothful', fr. √stū = sthū = sthā) RV. vi, 66, 5. [Page 1260, Column]
- staupika See col. 1
- staubhika See col. 1
- staulā f. (of unknown meaning
- accord. to Sāy. fem. of an adj. = sthūla) RV. vl, 44, 7
- styena m. a thief, robber (cf. stesa) L
- nectar (in this sense prob. fr. √styai) L
- styaina m. a thief, robber L
- styai cl. 1. P. styāyati, to be collected into a heap or mass Dhātup. xxii, 14
- to spread about ib
- to sound ib
- cl. 1. Ā. styāyate (pr. p. styāna, q.v
- ind. p. -styāya
- See ni-ṣṭyai), to stiffen, grow dense, increase Uttarar. Mcar
- stíyā f. (prob.) still or stagnant water RV
- styāna mfn. grown dense, coagulated Suśr. Sāh
- stiffened, become rigid Car
- soft, bland, unctuous, smooth (= snigdha) L
- thick, bulky, gross W
- sounding MW
- n. (only L.) density, thickness, grossness, massiveness
- unctuousness
- nectar
- idleness, sloth, apathy
- echo, sound
- styāya See saṃ-styāya
- styāyana n. collecting into a mass, aggregation, crowding together Nir
- strāṭa (?) Pañcad
- stri (?) = 2. stṛ, a star (q.v.)
- stri-tamā stri-tarā, See stri-t○ under strī
- strī́ f. (perhaps for sūtrī, or sotrī, 'bearer of children', fr. √2. sū ; accord. to some connected with Lat. sator
- nom. strī́
- acc. in later language also strīm and strīs pl.) a woman, female, wife RV. &c. &c
- the female of any animal (e.g. śākhā-mṛga-strī, 'a female monkey') ŚBr. MBh
- a white ant L
- the Priyaṅgu plant L
- (in gram.) the feminine gender Nir. ŚBr. &c
- a kind of metre Col
- ○kaṭi or f. the female hip L
- ○kaṭī f. the female hip L
- ○karaṇa n. sexual connection L
- ○karman n. N. of the 2nd part of the 4th Adhyāya of the Kauśika
- ○kāma (strī́-), mfn. desirous or fond of women TS. AitBr. &c. (-tama, superl. Āpast..)
- desirous of female offspring ĀśvGṛ
- m. desire for women or for a wife MW
- ○kārya n. attendance on women Mn. x, 47
- ○kitava m. a deceiver or seducer of women L
- ○kumāra n. sg. (g. gavâśva) or m. pl. (Vīrac.) women and child
- ○kṛta (strī́-), mf(ā)n. made or done by women AV
- n. sexual connection Gaut
- ○kośa m. 'women's treasure', a dagger L
- ○kṣīra n. mother's milk Mn. v, 9
- ○kṣetra n. a female i.e. even (not odd) zodiacal sign (the 2nd, 4th &c.) or astrological mansion Laghuj
- ○ga See anyastrī-ga
- ○gamana n. going to women, sexual union with women PārGṛ. R
- ○nīya mfn. ( See guru-str○)
- ○gavī f. a milch cow Pāṇ. 3-3, 71 Sch
- ○guru m. a female Guru or priestess (who teaches initiatory Mantras) MW
- ○graha m. a female planet (cf. -kṣetra), IndSt
- ○grāhin mfn. (in law) accepting (the guardianship over) a women
- ○ghātaka mfn. murdering a wṭwomen or wife, Vet
- ○ghoṣa m. 'marked by the voices of women', dawn, daybreak L
- ○ghna mfn. = -ghātaka Mn. ix, 232
- ○cañcala mfn. going after wṭwomen VarBṛS
- ○caritra n. the doings of wṭwomen MW
- ○citta-hārin mfn. captivating the heart of women L
- m. Moringa Pterygosperma L
- ○cihna n. 'women's mark', the female organ L
- ○caura m. 'women-thief', a libertine L
- ○jana m. woman-kind Kāv. Rājat
- (in gram.) a feminine R. vii, 87, 13
- ○jananī f. bringing forth (only) daughters Mn. ix, 81
- ○janman n. the birth of a girl VarBṛS
- (○ma) -pattra-vicāra m. and -pattrī-bhāvâdhyāya m. N. of wks
- ○jātaka n. the nativity of a girl VarBṛS
- N. of various wks. (also -ṭīkā f. and -paddhati f.)
- ○jāti f. the female sex MW
- ○jita mfn. ruled by women or by a wife, 'henpecked' MBh. R. &c
- ○tamā or f. (superl. and comp.) a thorough or more thoroughly a woman (also stri-t○) Pāṇ. 6-3, 44
- ○tarā f. (superl. and comp.) a thorough or more thoroughly a woman (also stri-t○) Pāṇ. 6-3, 44
- ○tā f. = -tva W
- ○tānuka-roga m. a kind of disease Cat
- ○tva n. womanhood, wifehood MBh. R. &c
- (in gram.) feminineness Cat
- ○devata mf(ā)n. addressed to a female deity ib
- ○dehârdha m. 'he who has half of (his) body female', N. of Śiva (cf. ardha-nārī7śa) L
- ○dviṣ or m. 'women-hating', a mysogynist VarBṛS. [Page 1261, Column]
- ○dveṣin m. 'women-hating', a mysogynist VarBṛS. [Page 1261, Column]
- ○dhana n. 'women's wealth', a wife's peculiar property (said to be of six kinds, adhy-agnika, adhy-āvāhanika, ādhi-vedanika, prīti-datta, śulka, anv-ādheya) Gaut. Mn. Yājñ. &c. (cf. IW. 267, n. i)
- -nirṇaya m. -prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
- -lolupa mfn. coveting (another's) wife and property Kām
- ○dharma m. the duty of a woman W
- the laws concerning women Mn.i, 114
- copulation Hariv. VP
- menstruation L
- -paddhati f. N. of wk
- -yoga m. the application of laws or customs relative to women W
- ○dharmiṇī f. a woman during menstruation MBh. Rājat
- ○dhava m. a woman's husband, a man L
- ○dhūrta m. = -kitava L
- ○dhūrtaka n. sg. women and rogues MBh
- ○dhvaja m. 'having the mark of a female', the female of any animal L
- an elephant L
- ○nātha mfn. having a women as lord or protector MW
- ○nāman mfn. bearing a female name MBh
- ○nibandhana n. a woman's peculiar province, domestic duty, housewifery W
- ○nirjita mfn. = -jita VarBṛS. BhP
- ○"ṣndriya (strī7nd○), n. the female organ Divyâv
- ○paṇyôpajīvin m. one who lives by keeping prostitutes MW
- ○para m. 'devoted to women, a libertine L
- ○parvatadeśa m. N. of a district Cat
- ○parvan n. N. of the 11th book of the Mahābhārata (describing the lamentations of queen Gāndhārī and the other women over the slain heroes) IW. 374
- ○piśācī f. a fiend-like wife Prab
- ○puṃ-yoga m. the union of man and wife Gaut
- ○puṃs m. (nom. -pumān) man and wife ŚBr. Lāṭy. &c
- a woman who has become a man MBh
- ○puṃsa m. du. man and wife Yājñ. MBh. &c
- (in gram.) masculine and feminine L
- (sg.) one who is both man and woman MBh
- -lakṣaṇā f. a masculine women, hermaphrodite L
- -liṅgin mfn. having the marks of man and women Car
- ○puṃ-dharma m. the law (or duties) of husband and wife Yājñ. Sch. (IW. 261)
- ○puṃnapuṃsaka (in gram.) feminine (and) masculine (and) neuter
- ○pura n. the women's apartments MBh
- ○puruṣa n. sg. man and wife Hcat
- ○puṣpa n. the menstrual excretion Kālac
- ○pūruṣa n. = -puruṣa Siṃhâs
- ○pūrva mfn. = next MBh
- = strī-jita ib
- ○pūrvaka or mfn. one who was a woman in a former birth (wṛ. ○vika) ib
- ○pūrvin mfn. one who was a woman in a former birth (wṛ. ○vika) ib
- ○prajñā́ f. having a women's understanding ŚBr
- ○pratyaya m. a feminine suffix Pāṇ. Sch
- prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
- ○pradhāna mfn. one to whom women are chief, devoted to women R
- ○pramāṇa mfn. regarding women as authorities Laghuk
- ○prasaṅga m. intercourse with wṭwomen Suśr
- ○prasū f. = -jananī Yājñ
- ○prâya mfn. mostly feminine Āpast
- ○priya mfn. dear to women L
- Mangifera Indica L
- the Aśoka tree L
- ○bandha m. union with women, sexual union L
- ○bādhya mfn. one who suffers himself to be distressed by a woman MārkP
- ○bāla-ghātin m. a murderer of wṭwomen and children Mn. viii, 89
- ○buddhi f. the female understanding MW
- ○bhaga n. the female organ Nir. iii, 16
- ○bhava m. state of a women, womanhood Subh
- ○bhāga (strī́-), mfn. fond of wṭwomen, going after women AV
- ○bhāva m. the becoming a wife (acc. with √nī or Caus. of √labh, 'to deprive of virginity') Hariv
- ○bhūṣaṇa n. 'woman's ornament', Pandanus Odoratissimus L
- ○bhṛtya m. pl. women and servants MW
- ○bhoga m. 'enjoyment of women', sexual intercourse MārkP
- ○mat m. 'wife-possessor', a married man Bhaṭṭ
- ○madhya n. society of women Car
- ○mantra m. a female Mantra (i.e. one ending with svāhā) Sarvad
- a women's counsel, female stratagem MW
- ○maya mf(ī)n. feminine Vās
- effeminate, womanish Śaṃk
- ○mānin m. N. of the son of Manu Bhautya MārkP
- ○māya f. women's craft Lalit
- ○mukha n. a woman's mouth
- -pa m. or -madhu n. or -madhu-dohada m. or -madhu-dohala m. drinking or desiring the nectar of a women's mouth, Mimusops Elengi (accord. to some also 'the Aśoka') L
- ○m-manya mfn. = striyam-manya, col. 2
- ○yantra n. a woman regarded as the mere instrument or tool of man Bhartṛ
- ○yācita-putra m. a son obtained through a wife's solicitations MW
- ○rajas n. 'women's impurity', menstruation L
- ○rañjana n. 'liked by women', betel (chewed with arecanut and lime) L
- ○ratna n. 'jewel of a woman', an excellent woman Kāv. VarBṛS. &c. (with Buddhists, 'one of the seven treasures of monarchs' Dharmas. 85)
- N. of Lakshmī Śak
- -kūṭā f. N. of a daughter of Raudrāśva Hariv
- ○rahas-kāma mfn. one who seeks to be alone with women Car
- ○rājya n. 'women's realm', a region (perhaps in Bhutān) peopled by Amazonian women MBh. VarBṛS. &c. [Page 1261, Column]
- ○rāśi m. = -kṣetra, IndSt
- ○rūpa (strī́-), mfn. having a wṭwomen's form or shape MaitrS
- ○roga m. any disease incident to wṭwomen Cat
- ○lakṣaṇa n. any characteristic of wṭwomen MBh
- -vid mfn. acquainted with those characteristic Jātakam
- ○lampaṭa mfn. desirous of wṭwomen Kathās
- ○liṅga n. the female organ MBh
- (in gram.) the feminine gender Vop. (-vartin mfn. 'being in the feminine gender, being a feminine') MW
- mfn. having the characteristics of a women ŚrS. MBh. &c
- (in gram.) feminine (-tva n.), IndSt
- ○loka m. 'women's world', N. of a country (cf. -rājya) R
- ○lola mfn. = -lampaṭa VarBṛS
- ○laulya n. fondness for women Bhar
- ○vadha m. the slaying of a woman, Kṛishṇaj
- ○vaśa mfn. subject to women, ruled by a woman Subh
- n. submissiveness to women &c. W
- ○vaśya mfn. = prec. (-tā f.) R. Hariv
- ○vākyâṅkuśa-prakṣuṇṇa mfn. driven or urged on by the goad of a women's words Pañcat
- ○vāsa m. an ant-hill L
- ○vāsas n. a garment fit for sexual union Āpast. Sch
- ○vāhya m. pl. N. of a people MārkP
- ○vijita mfn. = -jita VarBṛS
- ○vitta n. property coming from a wife L
- ○vidheya mfn. submissive to a wife, uxorious W
- ○viyoga m. separation from a wife MW
- ○vivāha m. marriage with a woman Mn. iii, 20
- ○viṣaya m. 'women's sphere', sexual connexion VP
- mfn. only feminine, Śāntiś
- ○vṛta mfn. surrounded or attended by women W
- ○veṣa-dhāraka or mfn. wearing a women's garments L
- ○veṣa-dhāḍrin mfn. wearing a wṭwomen's garments L
- ○vyañjana n. pl. the bodily marks of womanhood (e.g. breasts &c.) ĀpŚr
- -kṛtā mfn. a girl who has reached puberty L
- ○vraṇa m. the female organ Kpr
- ○śūdrâdi-dina-caryā-krama m
- strīśūdrādīnāṃ devārcanavicārastrī́--śūdrâ-dīnāṃ devârcana-vicāra m. N. of wks
- ○śeṣa mfn. having only women left (said of the world) MBh
- ○śauṇḍa mfn. fond of women L
- ○śroṇi f. a woman's hip Suśr
- ○ṣaṃsādá (for -saṃs○), m. society of women TS
- ○ṣakhá (for -sakha), m. a friend of women VS
- ○ṣū́ (for -sū), f. bringing forth females MaitrS
- ○ṣūya (for -sūya), n. = straiṣūya ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ○saṃsarga m. female society MW
- ○samasthāna mfn. having a fṭfeminine shape ib
- ○sakha mfn. accompanied by a wṭwomen Siṃhâs
- ○saṅga m. intercourse with women Subh
- ○saṃgrahaṇa n. the act of embracing a women (criminally), adultery, seduction Yājñ. Sch. (IW. 261)
- ○saṃjña mfn. bearing a name with a feminine termination VarBṛS
- ○sabha n. an assembly of women L
- ○saṃbandha m. connexion with a wṭwomen Mn. Rājat
- ○sambhoga m. enjoyment of wṭwomen, sexual connexion VP
- ○sarūpin mfn. shaped like a wṭwomen (vḷ. -sva-r○) MBh
- ○sukha n. = -sambhoga BhP
- ○sevā f. devotion or addiction to women Hit. Subh
- ○saubhāgya-kavala m. N. of wk
- ○svabhāva m. the nature of wṭwomen MBh. Pañcar
- 'having a woman's nature', a eunuch L
- ○svarūpa or mfn. having a wṭwomen's shape or figure MW
- ○svarūḍpa-vat mfn. having a wṭwomen's shape or figure MW
- ○svarūpin mfn. id. MBh.,
- ○hatyā f. the murder of a woman Kathās
- ○hantṛ m. the murderer, of a woman Mn. xi, 190
- ○haraṇa n. the forcible abduction of a woman, rape W
- ○hārin m. the forcible abductor of a woman ib
- ○huta n. a sacrifice offered by a woman Kauś
- striyam-manya mfn. (= strīm-m○) thinking oneself or passing for a woman Pāṇ. 6-3, 68 Sch
- strīka (ifc.) = strī ( See sa-strīka)
- strīya Nom. P. ○yati, to desire a woman or wife, Śāntiś
- straíṇa mf(ī)n. female, feminine RV. &c. &c
- relating or belonging to women, subject to or ruled by women, being among women Kāv. BhP
- worthy of a woman L
- n. womankind, the female sex AV. &c. &c
- the nature of women Uttarar. BhP
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. effeminacy MW
- strairājaka m. pl. the inhabitants of Strī-rājya Cat
- straíṣūya n. (= strī-ṣ○) the birth of a girl AV
- stry in comp. for strī
- ○agāra n. the women's apartments Gal
- ○adhyakṣa m. the superintendent of a king's wives, chamberlain, R
- ○anuja mfn. born after a female child or sister Pāṇ. 3-2, 100 Sch
- ○abhigamana n. the act of criminally approaching the wife of (comp.) Gaut
- ○ākhyā f. 'called Strī', the Priyaṅgu plant L
- ○ājīva m. one who lives by (prostitution of) his wife or other women Mn. xi, 63
- ○ādi-vyatyāsam ind. alternating with the wife so that the wife begins MānGṛ. [Page 1261, Column]
- stha See p. 1262, col. 3
- sthakara = sthagara below Kauś
- sthag cl. 1. P. sthagati, to cover, hide, conceal Dhātup. xix, 28: Caus. sthagayati id. Kāv. VarBṛS. &c
- to cover, veil, make invisible, cause to disappear Mālatīm. Bālar. [Cf. Gk. ?, [1261,] &c. ; Lat. tegere, toga, tugurium ; Lith. ste14gti, stógas ; Germ. decken, ḍach ; Eng. thatch.]
- sthaga mfn. cunning, sly, fraudulent, dishonest L
- (ī), f. a box (for holding betel and areca-nut) L
- sthagana n. the act of covering or hiding, concealment Rājat
- sthagayitavya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be hidden or concealed Pañcat
- sthagara n. (also written sthakara, cf. tagara, tagaraka) a partic. fragrant substance or powder TBr. Gobh
- sthagala prob. = sthagara. See sthāgala
- sthagikā f. a kind of bandage Suśr
- a box (for betel &c.) Hcat
- a courtezan (?) Śukas
- sthagita mfn. covered, concealed, hidden (sthagitā sarasvatī, 'S has hidden herself' = 'I cannot express myself') Kāv. VarBṛS. Rājat
- closed, shut (as a door) MārkP
- stopped, interrupted BhP
- sthagu m. a hump on the back (vḷ. sthaḍu) L
- sthagaṇā f. the earth L
- sthaḍu m. See sthagu above
- sthaṇḍila n. (of unknown derivation
- accord, to some connected with √sthal) an open unoccupied piece of ground, bare ground (also with kevala), an open field MBh. &c
- a piece of open ground (levelled, squared, and prepared for a sacrifice), ŚaṅkhBr. ŚrS
- a boundary, limit, landmark W
- a heap of clods MW
- m. N. of a Ṛishi Cat
- ○śa mfn. (cf. giri-śa &c.) lying on the bare ground L
- ○sayyā f. the act of lying on the bare ground (as a penance) MBh
- ○śāyikā f. id. Divyâv
- ○śāyin mfn. = -śa
- m. a devotee who steeps on the bare ground or on the sacrificial ground (on account of a vow) R. Bhaṭṭ
- ○saṃveśana n. = -śayyā BhP
- ○sitaka n. an altar (= vedi) L
- sthaṇḍilaka See sa-sth○
- sthaṇḍile (loc. of sthaṇḍila), in comp
- ○śaya m. = sthaṇḍila-śāyin Yājñ. BhP
- N. of a Ṛishi Cat
- ○śayana n. = sthaṇḍila-śayyā MBh
- sthaṇḍileya m. N. of a son of Raudrāśva MBh. Hariv. Pur
- sthaṇḍilya wṛ. for sthaṇḍila ChUp
- sthāṇḍila mfn. sleeping on the bare ground (as a penance) Pāṇ. 4-2, 15 raised (as a toll) from a Sthaṇḍila, g. śuṇḍikâdi
- m. = sthaṇḍila-śāyin L
- stha-pati See p. 1262, col. 3
- sthapanī f. the space between the eye-brows (vḷ. sthapaṇī) Suśr
- sthapuṭa mf(ā)n. (of unknown derivation
- cf. sthagu, sthaḍu) hunchbacked, unevenly raised, rugged, rough Hcar. KāśīKh
- being in difficult or distressed circumstances W
- bent with pain Mālatīm
- m. a hump, protuberance, an unevenly raised place L
- ○gata mfn. being or belonging to a hump (as flesh) Mālatīm
- being on raised places and in hollows MW
- sthapuṭaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make rough or uneven, dig or √up Caṇḍ
- to raise or elevate by strewing or heaping, Āryav
- sthapuṭita mfn. made uneven &c. g. tārakâdi
- sthapuṭī in comp. for sthapuṭa
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make uneven, raise by strewing or heaping up Hcar
- ○kṛta mfn. made uneven &c. KāśīKh
- sthal (connected with √1. sthā), cl. 1. P. sthalati, to stand firm, be firm Dhātup. xx, 6. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Germ. stellen, still &c. ; Eng. [1261,] still.]
- sthala m. a chapter, section (of a book) Cat
- N. of a son of Bala BhP
- (sthálā), a heap of artificially raised earth, mound TS
- (ī), f. an eminence, tableland (also applied to prominent parts of the body) Lāṭy. MBh. Kāv. &c
- soil, ground Kālid. BhP
- place, spot Ragh. Prab
- (am), n. = sthalī above
- dry land (opp. to damp low-land, firm earth (opp. to water) TS. &c. &c
- ground, soil, place, spot Mn. MBh. R. &c. [Page 1262, Column]
- a flat surface, roof (of a palace) Megh
- situation, circumstance, case (tathāvidha-sthale, 'in such a case') Sāh. Sarvad
- a topic, subject W
- a text ib
- ○kanda m. a kind of plant L
- ○kamala n. the flower of Hibiscus Mutabilis Gīt. Dhanv. Bhpr
- ○kamalinī f. Hibiscus Mutabilis Megh
- ○kālī f. N. of a being attending on Durgā W
- ○kumuda m. Nerium Odorum L
- ○ga mfn. living on dry land BhP
- ○gata mfn. gone or left on dry lṭland MW
- ○cara mfn. = -ga R. Hit. VarBṛS
- ○gāmin mfn. id. VarBṛS
- ○cārin mfn. id. (○ri-tā f.) KāśīKh
- ○cyuta mfn. fallen or removed from any place or position MW
- ○ja mfn. growing or living on dry land Mn. R. Suśr. &c
- accruing from land-transport (said of certain taxes or duties) Yājñ
- (ā), f. licorice-√L
- ○tara n. a higher place Lāṭy
- ○tas ind. from dry land MW
- ○tā f. the state of being dry ground ŚārṅgP. Pañcat
- ○devatā f. a local or rural deity, tutelary god presiding over some partic. spot MW
- ○nalinī f. Hibiscus Mutabilis (ifc. ○nīka mfn. ) BhP. Kād
- ○nīraja n. the flower of HibṭHibiscus MutṭMutabilis Pañcar
- ○pattana n. a town situated on dry land (opp. to jala-p○), Śīl
- ○patha m. a road by land (ena, 'by land') Kalpas. Kathās. &c
- commerce by land Kām. Sch
- ○pathī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make into dry land or road by land Vcar
- ○padma m. Arum Indicum L
- the flower of Hibiscus Mutabilis Pañcar. Bhaṭṭ
- another plant (= chattra-pattra, tamālaka) MW
- ○padminī f. Hibiscus MutṭMutabilis L
- ○piṇḍā f. a kind of date L
- ○purāṇa n. N. of wk
- ○mañjarī f. Achyranthes Aspera L
- ○mārga m. a way by land MW
- ○ruhā f. Hibiscus Mutabilis L
- ○vartman n. a road by land (○nā, 'by land') Ragh
- ○varman m. N. of a king Hcar
- ○vigraha m. a land-fight Hit
- ○vihaṃga or m. a land bird BhP
- ○vihaṃgama m. a land bird BhP
- ○vetasa m. Calamus Rotang Megh. Sch
- ○śuddhi f. the cleansing of any place from impurity MW
- ○śṛṅgāṭa or m. Tribulus Lanuginosus or a similar plant L
- ○śṛṅgāḍṭaka m. Tribulus Lanuginosus or a similar plant L
- ○sambhavâuṣadhi f. pl. plants growing on dry land VarBṛS
- ○sīman m. = sthaṇḍila m. (?) L
- a land-mark, boundary W
- ○stha mfn. standing on dry ground MBh. R. BhP
- sthalântara n. another place MW
- sthalâravinda n. the flower of Hibiscus Mutabilis Kum
- sthalârūḍha mfn. standing on the ground (as opp. to one seated in a chariot) Mn. vii, 91
- sthalêśvara n. N. of a locality KāśīKh
- sthalôtpalinī f. Hibiscus Mutabilis Kād
- sthalâukas m. an animal dwelling on dry land BhP
- sthalaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make into dry land Subh
- sthalāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become dry land Naish
- sthalī f. See under sthala above
- ○devatā f. a local deity Megh
- ○bhūta mfn. high-lying (as a country) Hariv
- ○śāyin mfn. lying or sleeping on the bare ground Bhartṛ
- sthalī in comp. for sthala
- ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become dry land Naish. Sch
- sthalīya Nom. P. ○yati, to regard as dry land VarYogay
- sthalīya mfn. relating or belonging to dry land, terrestrial MW
- belonging to a place, local ib
- relating or belṭbelonging to a situation or case (in uddeśya-vidheya-bodha-sthalīya-vicāra m. N. of wk.)
- sthale (loc. of sthala), in comp
- ○jāta mf(ā)n. growing on dry land (with padminī f. 'Hibiscus Mutabilis') R
- n. licorice √L
- ○ruhā f. 'growing on dry land', N. of two plants (= gṛha-kumārī and = dagdhā) L
- ○śaya m. 'sleeping on dry land', a partic. (or any) amphibious animal L
- sthaleyu m. N. of a son of Raudrāśva Hariv. VP
- sthāla n. (fr. sthala, of which it is also the Vṛiddhi form in comp.) any vessel or receptacle, plate, cup, bowl, dish, caldron, pot ŚrS
- any culinary utensil Rājat
- the hollow of a tooth Yājñ
- (ī), f. See col. 2
- ○patha mfn. (fr. sthala-p○) imported by land Pāṇ. 5-1, 77 Vārtt. 3 Pat
- ○pathika mfn. (fr. id.) imported or travelling by land Pāṇ. ib. Vārtt. 1 Pat
- ○rūpa n. the form or representation of a caldron or cooking-pot MW
- sthālaka m. or n. (pl.) N. of partic. bones on the back Vishṇ. Car
- sthālika m. the smell of faeces L
- mfn. smelling of faeces L
- sthālin mfn. possessing any vessel or receptacle (cf. kara-sth○) Pāṇ. 8-2, 83, Vartt. 1 Pat. [Page 1262, Column]
- sthālī́ f. an earthen dish or pan, cooking-vessel, caldron AV. Br. ŚrS
- a partic. vessel used in preparing Soma MW
- the substitution of a cooked offering of rice &c. for a meat offering at the Māṃsâshṭaki (q.v.) ib
- Bignonia Suaveolens L
- ○graha m. a ladleful taken out of a cooking-vessel KātyŚr
- ○daraṇa n. the breaking of a dish or vessel AdbhBr
- ○druma m. Ficus Benjamina or Indica L
- ○pakva mfn. cooked or dressed in any vessel, boiled W
- ○parṇī wṛ. for śāli-p○, q.v
- ○pāká (or sthā́lī-p○), m. a dish of barley or rice boiled in milk (used as an oblation) ŚBr. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- mfn. (= ○kīya) Cat
- -nirṇaya m. -prayoga m. -mantra m. pl. N. of wks
- ○kīya mfn. belonging to the above oblation Gobh
- ○purīṣa n. the sediment or dirt sticking to a kettle or cooking-pot BhP
- ○pulāka m. boiled rice in a cooking-vessel
- -nyāya m. the rule of boiled rice in a cṭcooking-vṭvessel (i.e. the inferring of the condition of a whole from that of a part, as of the good cooking of rice from tasting one grain) A
- ○bila n. the interior or hollow of a cooking-vessel Pāṇ. 5-1, 70
- ○līya or ○lya mfn. fit to be boiled in a cooking-vessel ib. Sch
- ○vṛkṣa m. = -druma L
- sthavira ○viṣṭha, See p. 1265
- sthā cl. 1. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxii, 30) tíṣṭhati, ○te (pf. tasthaú, tasthe RV. &c. &c
- aor. ásthāt, ásthita ib
- 3. pl. asthiran RV. AV. Br
- āsthat [?] AV
- asthiṣi, ○ṣata Br. &c
- Subj. sthāti, sthā́thaḥ RV
- Prec. stheyāt ib
- stheṣam, ○ṣuḥ [?] AV
- sthāsīṣṭa Gr
- fut. sthātā MBh. &c
- sthāsyati, ○te Br.&c
- inf. sthā́tum ib
- ○tos Br. GṛŚrS
- -sthitum R
- ind. p. sthitvā MBh. &c
- -sthā́ya RV. &c. &c
- -sthāyam Bhaṭṭ.), to stand, stand firmly, station one's self stand upon, get upon, take up a position on (with pādābhyām, 'to stand on the feet'
- with jānubhyām, 'to kneel'
- with agre or agratas and gen., 'to stand or present one's self before'
- with puras and with or without gen., 'to stand up against an enemy &c.') RV. &c. &c
- to stay, remain, continue in any condition or action (e.g. with kanyā, 'to remain a girl or unmarried'
- with tūṣṇīm or with maunena instr. 'to remain silent'
- with sukham, 'to continue or feel well') AV. &c. &c
- to remain occupied or engaged in, be intent upon, make a practice of, keep on, persevere in any act (with loc
- e.g. with rājye, 'to continue governing'
- with śāsane, 'to practise obedience'
- with bale, 'to exercise power'
- with sva-dharme, 'to do one's duty'
- with sva-karmaṇi, 'to keep to one's own business'
- with saṃśaye, 'to persist in doubting'
- also with ind. p., e.g. dharmam āśritya, 'to practise virtue') AV. Mn. MBh. &c
- to continue to be or exist (as opp. to 'perish'), endure, last TS. Mn. MBh. &c
- to be, exist, be present, be obtainable or at hand AV. &c. &c
- to be with or at the disposal of, belong to (dat., gen., or loc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- (Ā., m. c. also P., Pāṇ. 1-3, 23 ; iv, 34) to stand by, abide by, be near to, be on the side of, adhere or submit to, acquiesce in, serve, obey (loc. or dat.) RV. &c. &c
- to stand still, stay quiet, remain stationary, stop, halt, wait, tarry, linger, hesitate ( See under sthitvā below) RV. &c. &c
- to behave or conduct one's self (with samam, 'to behave equally towards any one', loc.)
- to be directed to or fixed on (loc.) Hariv. Kathās
- to be founded or rest or depend on, be contained in (loc.) RV. AV. MBh
- to rely on, confide in (loc., e.g. mayi sthitvā, 'confiding in me') Bhaṭṭ
- to stay at, resort to (acc.) R
- to arise from (abl. or gen.) RV. ChUp
- to desist or cease from (abl.) Kathās
- to remain unnoticed (as of no importance), be left alone (only Impv. and Pot.) Kāv. Pañcat.: Pass. sthīyate (aor. asthāyi), to be stood &c. (frequently used impers., e.g. mayā sthīyatām, 'let it be abided by me', i.e. 'I must abide') Br. &c. &c.: Caus. sthāpayati, ○te (aor. átiṣṭhipat
- ind. p. sthāpayitvā q.v. and -sthā́pam: Pass. sthāpyate), to cause to stand, place, locate, set, lay, fix, station, establish, found, institute AV. &c. &c
- to set up, erect, raise, build MBh. R
- to cause to continue, make durable, strengthen, confirm MBh. R. Suśr. &c
- to prop up, support, maintain MBh. Hcat
- to affirm, assent Sāh. Nyāyas. Sch
- to appoint (to any office, loc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to cause to be, constitute, make, appoint or employ as (two acc
- with dhātrīm, 'to employ any one as a nurse'
- with rakṣârtham, 'to appoint any one as guardian'
- with sajjam, 'to make anything ready' [Page 1262, Column]
- with su-rakṣitam, 'to keep anything well guarded'
- with sviikṛtya, 'to make anything one's own'
- with pariśeṣam, 'to leave anythṭanything over or remaining') ŚvetUp. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to fix, settle, determine, resolve Mn. MBh. &c
- to fix in or on, lead or being into, direct or turn towards (loc., rarely acc
- with hṛdi, 'to impress on the heart'
- with manas, 'to fix the mind on') AV. &c. &c
- to introduce or initiate into, instruct in (loc., e.g. with naye, 'to instruct in a plan or system') MBh. Kathās
- to make over or deliver up to (loc. or haste with gen., 'into the hands of') Yājñ. Ratnâv. Kathās
- to give in marriage MBh
- to cause to stand still, stop, arrest, check, hold, keep in, restrain (with baddhvā, 'to keep bound or imprisoned') ŚBr. &c. &c
- to place aside, keep, save, preserve MBh. Hariv.: Desid. of Caus. -sthāpayiṣati ( See saṃ-√sthā): Desid. tíṣṭhāsati, to wish to stand &c. ŚBr.: Intens. teṣṭhīyate
- tāstheti, tāsthāti Gr. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. stare ; Lith. stóti ; Slav. stati ; [1262,] Germ. stân, stehen ; Eng. stand.]
- tasthivás mfn. (pf. p. of √1. sthā
- nom. ○vā́n, ○thúṣī, ○vát) one who has stood, standing, remaining, continuing in, being on or in (loc.) RV. Ragh
- one who has stood still or stopped or made a pause (used as pf. tense, 'he made a pause' Hariv.), fixed, immovable, stationary (opp. to jágat) RV. MBh. &c
- occupied with, engaged in (loc.) Ragh. Rājat
- keeping on with (instr.) MBh
- persevering, constant MBh
- ready to, prepared for (dat.) ib
- stha (or ṣṭha), mf(ā)n. (only ifc.) standing, staying, abiding, being situated in, existing or being in or on or among ( See agni-, garbha-, jala-, naraka-, rājya-stha &c.)
- occupied with, engaged in, devoted to performing, practising ( See dhyāna-, yajña-, yoga-, savana-stha &c.)
- a place, ground (ibc. = sthala) L
- ○páti m. (accord. to some sthapati, fr. caus. of √1. sthā) 'place-lord', a king, chief, governor, head official (accord. to KātyŚr., 'a Vaiśya or even a person of lower caste, who has celebrated the Go-sava sacrifice after being chosen king'
- accord. to others, 'an Āyogava who is a town official'
- cf. niṣāda-sth○) AV. VS. Br. ŚrS. R. Śiś
- an architect, master builder, carpenter, wheelwright MBh. R. &c. (IW. 185)
- one who sacrifices to Bṛihas-patī L
- a guard or attendant on the women's apartments, chamberlain L
- a charioteer W
- N. of Bṛihas-pati L
- of Kubera L
- mfn. chief, best, principal L
- ○śás ind. according to (its) place RV
- sthapati See stha-pati above
- sthavi
- sthavira See p. 1265, col. 2
- sthā́ (or ṣṭhā́), mfn. (nom. m. n. sthā́s) standing, stationary (often ifc. = 'standing, being, existing in or on or among', cf. agni-ṣṭhā, ṛtasthā &c.) RV. PañcavBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○raśman (sthā́- Padap. sthā́ḥ-), having firm bridles (?) RV
- sthāṇava mfn. (fr. sthāṇu below) coming from the trunks or stems of trees Hcar
- sthāṇavīya mfn. (fr. next) relating or belonging to Śiva Bālar
- sthāṇú mfn. (accord. to some for sthalnu) standing firmly, stationary, firm, fixed, immovable, motionless Mn. MBh. &c
- m. (or n. g. ardharcâdi) a stump, stem, trunk, stake, post, pile, pillar (also as symbol of motionlessness) RV. &c. &c
- a kind of spear or dart L
- m. a partic. part of a plough Kṛishis
- the gnomon of a dial MW
- a partic. perfume (= jīvaka) L
- a nest of white ants W
- N. of Śiva (who is supposed to remain as motionless as the trunk of a tree during his austerities) MBh. Kāv. &c. (RTL. 63)
- of one of the 11 Rudras MBh. Hariv
- of a Prajā-pati R
- of a serpentdemon RāmatUp
- of a Rākshasa TāṇḍBr
- n. anything stationary or fixed MBh. &c
- a partic. posture in sitting Cat
- ○karṇī f. a partic. species of large colocynth L
- ○ccheda m. one who cuts down the trunks of trees or clears away timber Mn. ix, 44
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- ○diś f. 'Śiva's quarter', the north-east VarBṛS
- ○bhūta mfn. become motionless as the trunk of a tree MBh
- ○bhrama m. mistaking anything for a post, Śāntiś
- ○matī f. N. of a river R
- ○roga m. a partic. disease of horses L
- ○vaṭa N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- ○vat ind. like a post MW
- ○vanâukas mfn. inhabiting Śiva's forest ib
- sthāṇv in comp. for sthāṇu
- ○āśrama-mahātmya n. N. of wk
- ○īśvara m. N. of a Liṅga of Śiva VāmP. [Page 1263, Column]
- n. N. of a town (cf. sthānêśvara) Hcat
- sthātavya mfn. (n. impers.) to be stood or stayed or remained or continued in or abided by (loc., rarely instr.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- sthā́tṛ m. a guider, driver (of horses &c.) RV
- a guide, authority MBh. iii, 12691
- (○tṛ́), mfn. (nom. n. ○túr) what stands or stays stationary, immovable (as opp. to jagat or caratha) RV. i, 58, 8
- sthātrá n. station, place (cf. bhūri-sth○) RV. x, 125, 3
- sthā́na n. (also said to be m. Siddh.) the act of standing, standing firmly, being fixed or stationary AV. &c. &c
- position or posture of the body (in shooting &c.) R
- staying, abiding, being in or on (loc. or comp.) Daś. Kām. Hariv. Sāh
- storingplace or storage (of goods) Mn. viii, 401
- firm bearing (of troops), sustaining a charge (as opp. to yuddha, 'charging') ib. vii, 190
- state, condition (ifc. = 'being in the state of') Up. BhP
- continued existence, continuance in the same state (i.e. in a kind of neutral state unmarked by loss or gain), continuing as or as long as (with instr.) MBh. R. BhP
- a state of perfect tranquillity Sarvad
- station, rank, office, appointment, dignity, degree MaitrUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- place of standing or staying, any place, spot, locality, abode, dwelling, house, site (sthāne sthāne or sthāne sthāneṣu, 'in different places', 'here and there') RV. &c. &c
- place or room, stead (sthāne with gen. or ifc. 'in place of', 'instead of', 'in lieu of'
- ripu-sthāne-√vṛt, 'to act in the place of an enemy'
- vilocana-sthāna-gata, 'acting the part of eyes'
- also sthāna ifc. = 'taking the place of', 'acting as', 'representing' or 'represented by', e.g. pitṛ-sth○, 'acting as a father' or 'represented by a father'
- iyaṅ-uvaṅ-sthāna, 'reprṭrepresented by iy or uv' [as ī and ū Pāṇ. 1-4,]
- in Pāṇini's grammar the gen. case is often used alone, when the word sthāne has to be supplied, e.g. hanter jaḥ, 'ja is to be substituted in place of han', i, 1, 49) AitBr. GṛŚrS. &c
- place for, receptacle of (gen.) Mn. MBh. &c
- proper or right place (sthāne, 'in the right place or at the right time, seasonably, justly') PañcavBr. &c. &c. (cf. g. svar-ādi)
- province, region, domain, sphere (of gods or virtuous men
- said to be in one of three places, viz. 'earth' or 'atmosphere' or 'heaven'
- accord. to some that of virtuous Brāhmans is called Prājāpatya
- of Kshatriyas, Aindra
- of Vaiśyas, Māruta
- of Śūdras, Gāndharva) Nir. VarBṛS
- the main support or strength or chief constituent of a kingdom (said to be four, viz. 'army', 'treasury', 'city', 'territory') Mn. vii, 56
- a stronghold, fortress Pañcat
- the place or organ of utterance of any sound (said to be 8 in number, viz. kaṇṭha, 'throat'
- tālu, 'palate'
- mūrdhan, 'top of palate'
- danta, 'teeth'
- oṣṭha, 'lips'
- kaṇṭha-tālu, 'throat and palate'
- kaṇṭh'-oṣṭha, 'throat and lips'
- dant'-oṣṭha, 'teeth and lips'
- to which are added nāsikā, 'nose', said to be the place of utterance of true Anusvāra, and uras, 'chest', of Visarga) Pāṇ. 1-9 Sch. Prāt. Sarvad
- any organ of sense (e.g. the eye) BhP
- the pitch or key of the voice, note, tone (of which, accord. to RPrāt., there are three [see mandra], or accord. to TPrāt., seven
- viinā cyutā sthānāt, 'a lute out of tune') ŚrS. Prāt. MBh. &c
- shape, form, appearance (as of the moon) VarBṛS
- the part or character of an actor MW
- case, occurrence (nêdaṃ sthānaṃ vidyate, 'this case does not occur') Yājñ. Pañcat. Vajracch
- occasion, opportunity (or (gen. or comp
- sthāne ind. 'occasionally') ŚrS. MBh. &c
- cause or object of (gen. or comp., e.g. śulka-sthāna, 'an object of toll'
- pūjā- or mānya-sth○, 'an object of honour'
- also applied to persons
- sthāne ind. 'because of', 'on account of') MBh. Pañcat. Kathās
- a section or division (e.g. of medicine) Car. Suśr. &c
- an astrol. mansion or its subdivision VarBṛS
- = kāryôtsarga, Śīl
- an open place in a town, plain, square W
- a holy place MW
- an altar ib
- N. of a Gandharva king R
- ○cañcalā f. Ocimum Pilosum L
- ○caturvidha-śloka m. N. of wk
- ○cintaka m. one who provides quarters for an army, a kind of quartermaster Pañcat
- ○cyuta mfn. fallen or removed from any place or office &c. GāruḍaP
- ○tas ind. according to place or station MW
- in regard to the place or organ of utterance ib
- ○tā f. the state of being the receptacle of, possession of (gen.) Naish
- ○tyāga m. abandonment of a dwelling-place Cāṇ
- loss of rank or dignity VarBṛS. [Page 1263, Column]
- ○tva (in eka-sthānatva, 'the being pronounced with the same organ'), n. TPrāt. Sch
- ○dātṛ mf(○trī)n. one who assigns a place to (gen.) Pañcar
- ○dīpta mfn. (in augury', inauspicious on account of situation ( See dīpta) VarBṛS
- ○pata mfn. (fr. next), g. aśvapaty-ādi
- ○pati m. lord of a place, (esp.) head of a monastery Inscr
- ○pāta m. occupying (another's) place Nyāyam
- ○pāla m. guardian of a place or region Yājñ. R. Rājat
- chief guardian, superintendent Hcar
- a keeper, watchman, policeman W
- ○pracyuta mfn. = -cyuta R
- ○prâpti f. obtainment of a place or situation VarBṛS
- ○bhaṅga m. ruin or fall of a place Pañcat
- ○bhūmi f. a dwelling-place, mansion MW
- ○bhraṃśa m. loss of place or station or rank VarBṛS. Hit
- ○bhraṣṭa mfn. = -cyuta ib
- ○māhātmya n. the greatness or glory of any place, the divine virtue supposed to be inherent in any sacred spot MW
- ○mṛga m. N. of certain big animals (such as the turtle, crocodile, and Makara, supposed to frequent the same place) L
- ○yoga m. assignment of suitable places or application of the best modes for preserving articles Mn. ix, 332
- ○yogin mfn. = sthāne-yoga (col. 3) VPrāt
- ○rakṣaka m. = sthāna-pāla MW
- ○vat mfn. being in the right place, well-founded (as doubt) Nyāyas
- ○vid mfn. knowing places, having local knowledge Kathās
- ○vibhāga m. assignment of place Bṛih
- (in alg.) subdivision of a number according to the position of its figures Col
- ○vīrâsana n. a partic. sedent posture SaṃhUp
- ○stha mfn. abiding in one place, immovable VarBṛS
- staying at home L
- ○sthāna n. pl. every place (eṣu loc. pl. 'everywhere', 'in every corner'
- cf. sthāna, col. 1) Kathās
- ○sthita mfn. standing in a (high) place Kāv
- sthānâṅga n. N. of the 3rd Aṅga (q.v.) of the Jainas
- sthānâdhikāra m. the superintendence of a shrine Inscr
- sthānâdhipati m. = sthāna-pati Inscr
- sthānâdhyakṣa m. the governor of a place L
- sthānânta mfn. ending in sthāna Pāṇ. 4-3, 35
- sthānântara n. another place
- -gata mfn. gone to another place, gone away MW
- ○râbhimukha mf(ī)n. facing another place, turned away Mālav
- sthānânya-tva n. difference of place MW
- sthānâpatti f. taking the place of another person or thing, substitution KātyŚr. Sch
- sthānâpanna mfn. substituted in place of another (cf. prec.) ib
- sthānâbhāva m. want of place or situation MW
- sthānâśraya m. the place on which anything stands Suśr. (eka-sth○ mfn. 'being in the same place' Kathās.)
- sthānâsana n. du. standing and sitting down Mn. vi, 22
- -vihāra-vat mfn. (a pupil) occupying the habitation and seat and place of recreation (of his preceptor) ib. ii, 248
- ○sanika mfn. standing or sitting Āpast
- sthānâsedha m. confinement to a place, local or personal arrest Yājñ. Sch
- sthānâsthāna-jñāna-bala n. the power of the knowledge if what is proper and what is improper Buddh
- sthānêśvara m. the governor of a place Rājat
- n. (prob. incorrect for sthāṇv-īśvara) N. of a town and its territory (Thanesar) MBh. Buddh
- sthānaka m. N. of a man Rājat
- n. position, situation, rank, dignity MBh
- a place, spot Pañcat
- a city, town L
- attitude of the body (in shooting &c.) Hcar. Nalac
- a partic. point or situation in dramatic action, Vīkr. iv, 44/45 (others 'a kind of posture'
- but cf. patākā-sth○)
- a basin or trench dug for water at the √of a tree L
- a division or section (esp, ) of the Kāṭhaka (accord. to some 'a mode of recitation')
- froth or bubbles on spirits or wine (prob. for sthāsaka) L
- sthāni in comp. for sthānin
- ○bhūta mfn. (in gram.) being the original or primitive form Pāṇ. Sch
- ○vat ind. like the original or primitive element (the ādeśa or substituted form is said to be sthāni-vat when it is liable to all the rules which hold good for the primitive) Pāṇ. 1-1, 56
- [(-vat)-tva] n. the state of being like the original form or element Pāṇ. Sch
- (-vat) -sūtra-vicāra m. N. of wk
- (-vad) -bhāva m. (= -vat-tva) Pat
- sthānika mfn. belonging to a place or site, local W
- (in gram.) taking the place of anything else, substituted for (gen. or comp.) Pāṇ. Sch
- m. any one holding an official post, governor of a place, manager of a temple &c. L
- sthānin mfn. having a place, occupying a (high) position Cat
- having fixedness, abiding, permanent W
- being in the right place, appropriate ĀśvŚr
- (in gram.) that which should be in the place or is to be supplied Pāṇ. 1-4, 105
- m. the original form or primitive element (for which anything is substituted, as opp. to ādeśa, 'the substitute') Pāṇ. Sch. [Page 1263, Column]
- sthānīya mfn. having its place in, being in (comp
- kaṇṭha-sth○, 'having its place in the throat') Vedântas
- belonging to or prevailing in any place, local W
- occupying the place of, representing (comp.) Āpast
- n. a town or a large village L
- sthāne (loc. of sthāna), in comp
- ○patita mfn. occupying the place of another (person or thing
- -tva n.) Nyāyam. Sch
- ○yoga mf(ā)n. (in gram.) implying the relation of 'instead' (said of the gen. case or ṣaṣṭhī, which designates that for which something is substituted) Pāṇ. 1-1, 49
- ○yogin mfn. (cf. sthāna-yoga), id. (○gi-tva n.) Pāṇ. 1-1, 47 Sch
- sthāny in comp. for sthānin
- ○āśraya mfn. depending on the primitive form (said of an operation in gr.) MW
- sthāpaka mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to stand, placing, fixing &c
- m. the erecter of an image VarBṛS
- a depositor Yājñ. Sch
- (ifc.) an establisher, founder Cat
- (in dram.) a kind of stage-director (assistant of the Sūtra-dhāra q.v. but not clearly defined in his functions and not mentioned in any of the extant plays) Bhar. Sāh
- sthāpatya m. (fr. sthapati) a guard of the women's apartments L
- n. the office of the governor of a district PañcavBr
- architecture, building, erecting R. BhP
- ○veda m. 'science of architecture', one of the four Upa-vedas (q.v.) IW. 184
- sthāpana mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to stand &c
- maintaining, preserving ( See vayaḥ-sth○)
- fixing, determining Sāh
- (ā), f. the act of causing to stand firmly or fixing, supporting (as an attribute of the earth) MBh. Hcat
- storing, keeping, preserving Campak
- fixed order or regulation ib
- establishing, establishment, dialectical proof (of a proposition ib. Car. Sarvad
- arranging, regulating or directing (as a drama &c.), stage-management (cf. sthā-paka) W
- (ī), f. Clypea Hernandifolia L
- (am), n. causing to stand, fixing, establishing, founding, instituting, raising, erecting (an image &c.) VarBṛS. Inscr
- putting or placing or laying upon (comp.) Suśr. Naish. Sch
- fastening, fixing, rendering immovable BhP
- hanging, suspending Cat
- strengthening (of the limbs), preservation or prolongation (of life) or a means of strengthening &c. Suśr. Car
- a means of stopping (the flow of blood), styptic ib
- storage (of grain) Kṛishis
- establishment or dialectical proof of a proposition Madhus
- statement, definition Sāh
- a partic. process to which quicksilver is subjected Sarvad
- = puṃ-savana L
- fixing the thoughts, abstraction W
- a dwelling, habitation ib
- ○vṛtta mfn. one who is past all restoration to strength Car
- sthāpanika mf(ā)n. deposited, laid up in store Vet
- sthāpanīya mfn. to be fixed or established in a place Kathās
- to be kept (as a cat &c.) ib
- to be treated with tonics or strengthening remedies Suśr
- sthāpayitavya mfn. to be kept in a place MBh
- to be kept in order or restrained ib
- sthāpayitṛ mfn. one who causes to stand, establisher, founder MBh
- sthāpayitvā ind. having placed or fixed &c
- having put aside = 'with the exception of' (acc.) Divyâv
- sthāpita mfn. caused or made to stand, fixed, established, founded &c
- handed over, deposited Yājñ. MBh. &c
- lodged Kathās
- put aside, kept, stored ib
- wedded Mālatīm
- ordered, regulated, enjoyed, ordained, enacted W
- settled, ascertained, certain ib
- firm, steady ib
- ○vat mfn. one who has placed or fixed ib
- sthāpin m. (prob.) the erecter (of an image) Pañcar
- sthāpya mfn. to be set up or erected (as an image) VarBṛS
- to be placed in or on (loc.) Yājñ. MBh. &c
- to be installed in or appointed to (an office) R
- to be shut up or confined in (loc.) Kathās
- to be kept (veśmani, 'in the house', i.e. 'as a domestic animal') VarBṛS
- to be kept to (one's duty, loc.), MārkP
- to be plunged in (grief &c., acc.) Kathās
- to be kept in order or curbed or checked or restrained MBh
- m. (prob.) the image of a god Pañcar
- m. or n. a deposit, pledge (= nikṣepa) L
- sthāpyâharaṇa n. the stealing or embezzling of a deposit MW
- sthāma in comp. for sthāman
- ○vat mfn. powerful, strong Lalit
- (ifc.) having the strength of ib. [Page 1264, Column]
- sthā́man n. station, seat, place AV
- strength, power Bālar. Lalit. SaddhP
- the neighing of a horse MBh. i, 5116
- sthāya m. = sthāman L
- a receptacle (in jala-sth○, q.v.)
- (ā), f. the earth L
- sthāyam See √1. sthā, p. 1262, col. 2
- sthāyi f. the action of standing. Pāṇ. 3-3, 95 Vārtt. i Pat
- sthāyi in comp. for sthāyin
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. constancy, stability, permanency, steadiness, durableness, invariableness Suśr. Sāh. Sarvad
- ○bhāva m. lasting or durable state of mind or feeling (said to be 8, viz. rati, hāsa, śoka, krodha, utsāha, bhaya, jugupsā, vismaya qq.vv., to which is sometimes added śama, 'quietism'
- they are opp. to the vyabhicāri-bhāvas or 'transitory feelings') Bhar. Daśar. Sāh. &c
- sthāyika mfn. lasting, enduring (in ādy-anta-sth○, 'lasting from the beginning to the end') Siṃhâs
- faithful, trustworthy Bhar
- (ā), f. the action of standing Pāṇ. 3-3, 95 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- sthāyin mfn. standing, staying, being or situated in or on (comp.) Nir. MBh. Kāv. &c
- being in a partic. place, resident, present Kāv. Kathās
- being in a partic. state or condition Kāv. MārkP
- permanent, constant, enduring, lasting (as a feeling or state
- cf. sthāyi-bhāva above) ĀśvŚr. MBh. &c
- persevering, steadfast Śiś
- faithful, trustworthy Bhar
- having the form of (comp.) VarBṛS
- sthāyī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to become lasting or permanent Pañcat
- sthāyuka mf(ā)n. disposed to stay or last, staying, tarrying, stopping, abiding in (loc.) Bhaṭṭ
- lasting, enduring, constant PañcavBr
- m. the overseer of a village L
- sthāla &c. See p. 1262, col. 1
- sthāvan See sa-sthā́van
- sthāvará mf(ā́)n. standing still, not moving, fixed, stationary, stable, immovable (opp. to jaṅgama, q.v.) TS. &c. &c
- firm, constant, permanent, invariable Āpast. R. Hariv
- regular, established W
- vegetable, belonging to the vegṭvegetable world Suśr
- relating to immovable property Yājñ. Sch
- m. a mountain (cf. -rāja) Bhag. Kum
- (ā), f. N. of a Buddhist goddess Lalit
- (am), n. any stationary or inanimate object (as a plant, mineral &c
- these form the seventh creation of Brahmā, See under sarga) Up. Mn. MBh. &c
- stability, permanence (vḷ. sthira-tva) Subh
- immovable property, real estate (such as land or houses) Yājñ
- a heir-loom, family-possession (such as jewels &c., which have been long preserved in a family and ought not to be sold) W
- a bow-string L
- ○kalpa m. a partic. cosmic period Buddh
- ○krayāṇaka (prob.) n. wooden goods Campak
- ○garala n. a partic. vegetable poison L
- ○jaṅgama n. (sg. or pl.) everything stationary and movable or inanimate and animate ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn. &c
- ○tā f. fixedness, immobility
- the state of a vegetable or mineral Mn. xii, 9
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha or a Tīrtha with stagnant water Cat
- ○tva n. fixedness, immobility MBh
- ○rāja m. 'mountain-king', N. of Himâlaya
- -kanyā f. 'daughter of Himâlaya', N. of Parvatī Kum
- sthāvarâkṛti mfn. having the form or appearance of a tree Kathās
- sthāvarâdi n. the poison called Vatsa-nābha (q.v.) MW
- sthāvarâsthāvara n. everything stationary and movable, immovable and movable property ib
- sthāvira See p. 1265, col. 3
- sthāsu n. bodily strength W. (proh. wṛ. for sthāma)
- sthāsnu mfn. firm, stationary, immovable Lāṭy. Mn. MBh. &c
- durable, permanent, eternal Kāv. BhP
- patient enduring (in a-sth○) Kathās
- a tree or plant (= vṛkṣa
- cf. sthāvara) MW
- ○tā f. firmness, stability, durability W
- sthitá mfn. standing (as opp. to 'going', 'sitting', or 'lying'
- parasparaṃ sthitam, 'standing opposed to each other'
- sthitaṃ tena, 'it was stood by him' = 'he waited') Mn. MBh. &c
- standing firm (yuddhe, 'in battle') Hariv
- standing, staying, situated, resting or abiding or remaining in (loc. or comp
- with uccâvaceṣu, 'abiding in things high and low'
- with anityam, 'not remaining permanently', 'staying only a short time' KātyŚr. Mn. MBh. &c
- being or remaining or keeping in any state or condition (loc., instr., abl., comp., or a noun in the same case, also ind. p. or adv
- vyāpya sthitaḥ, 'he keeps continually pervading' Śak. Vikr
- upaviśya sthitaḥ, 'he remains sitting' Vikr
- kathaṃ sthitâsi, 'how did you fare?' Vikr. [Page 1264, Column]
- evaṃ sthite, 'it being so' Pañc
- puraḥ sthite, 'it being imminent') MBh. Kāv. &c
- engaged in, occupied with, intent upon, engrossed by, devoted or addicted to (loc. or comp.), performing, protecting Mn. MBh. &c
- abiding by, conforming to, following (loc.) ib
- being in office or charge Pañcat. Rājat
- adhering to or keeping with (loc.) Hariv
- lasting RPrāt
- firm, constant, invariable Kathās
- settled, ascertained, decreed, established, generally accepted ŚBr. &c. &c
- fixed upon, determined Śak
- firmly convinced or persuaded MBh. Subh
- firmly resolved to (inf. or loc.) MBh. R. &c
- faithful to a promise or agreement L.: upright, virtuous L
- prepared for or to (dat.) Yājñ. Kum
- being there, existing, present, close at hand, ready (sthito hy eṣaḥ, 'I myself am ready'
- agraje sthite, 'when the elder brother is there') Mn. MBh. &c
- belonging to (gen.) R
- turned or directed to, fixed upon (loc. or comp.) VarBṛS. Sarvad
- resting or depending on (loc.) MBh. R. &c
- leading or conducive to (dat.) Pañcat
- one who has desisted or ceased Pañcad
- left over L
- (in Vedic gram.) not accompanied by iti (in the Pada-pāṭha), standing alone (pade sthite, 'in the Pada text') Prāt
- (am), n. standing still, stopping Bhartṛ
- staying, remaining, abiding R
- manner of standing ib
- perseverance on the right path ib
- ○tā f. the being in a place (vḷ. sthiti-tā), BṛĀr
- ○dhī mfn. steady-minded, firm, unmoved, calm Bhag
- ○pāṭhya n. (in dram.) recitation in Prākṛit by a woman standing Sāh
- ○prakaraṇa wṛ. for sthiti-pr○
- ○prajña mfn. firm in judgment and wisdom, calm, contented Bhag
- ○preman m. 'firm in affection', a firm or faithful friend L
- ○buddhi-datta m. N. of a Buddha Lalit
- ○mati m. 'firm-minded', N. of a teacher Buddh
- ○liṅga mfn. having the virile member erected (cf. sthiral○) MBh
- ○vat mfn. one who has stood or stayed &c
- being or situated in Śiś
- (sthitá-), containing a form of √sthā (-vatī f. 'a verse containing a form of √sthā') ŚBr
- ○saṃvid mfn. faithful to an agreement, keeping a promise Kathās
- ○saṃketa mfn. id. ib
- sthitâsana n. the 5 standing postures (e.g. daṇḍâsana &c.) collectively L
- sthitôpasthita mfn. (a word) which stands with and without the particle iti (in the Pada text
- See sthita above) Prāt
- sthíti f. standing upright or firmly, not falling Kāvyâd
- standing, staying, remaining, abiding, stay, residence, sojourn in or on or at (loc. or comp
- sthitiṃ-√kṛ or vi- √1. dhā or √grah or √bhaj, 'to make a stay', 'take up one's abode') Kāv. Kathās. &c
- staying or remaining or being in any state or condition ( rājya-sth○)
- continuance in being, maintenance of life, continued existence (the 2nd of the three states of all created things, the 1st being utpatti, 'coming into existence', and the 3rd laya, 'dissolution'), permanence, duration
- ŚvetUp. R. Kālid. BhP. Sarvad
- duration of life MārkP
- (in astron.) duration of an eclipse Sūryas
- continued existence in any place MBh. Sāh
- that which continually exists, the world, earth BhP
- any situation or state or position or abode Kāv. Pañcat. Kathās
- station, high position, rank Mn. Yājñ. Bhag. &c
- maintenance, sustenance Mālatīm
- settled rule, fixed decision, ordinance, decree, axiom, maxim ŚBr. &c. &c
- maintenance of discipline, establishment of good order (in a state &c.) Ragh
- continuance or steadfastness in the path of duty, virtuous conduct, steadiness, rectitude, propriety MBh. R. Ragh
- constancy, perseverance Bhag. Sarvad
- devotion or addiction to, intentness on (loc.) MBh. R
- firm persuasion or opinion, conviction Yājñ. Kām
- settled practice, institution, custom, usage Kathās. Rājat
- settled bountary or bounds (esp. of morality, e.g. sthitim-√bhid, 'to transgress the bounds of morality'), term, limit R. Kālid. Bhaṭṭ
- standing still, stopping, halting (sthitim ā-√car, 'to remain standing') Ragh. Rājat. Suśr
- standing-place, halting-place, stand or place or fixed abode ŚBr. Mn. Rājat
- resistance to motion, inertia (in phil.)
- fixedness, immobility, stability Ragh. BhP
- depositing, laying down Rājat. Kathās
- form, shape MārkP
- manner of acting, procedure, behaviour, conduct Mn. Śiś. Hit
- occurrence MBh
- regard or consideration for (loc.) Pañcat. vḷ
- (in Vedic gram.) the standing of a word by itself (i.e. without the particle iti
- See sthita)
- ○kartṛ mfn. causing stability or permanence MārkP. [Page 1264, Column]
- ○jña mfn. knowing (and observing) the bounds of morality Kum
- ○tā (sthití-), f. fixity, stability, firm position ŚBr
- ○deśa m. place of abode ŚārṅgP
- ○pālana m. maintenance of stability or permanence (○naṃ-√kṛ, 'to maintain stability') MārkP
- ○prakaraṇa n. N. of a ch. of the Vāsishṭha-rāmâyaṇa
- ○prada mfn. bestowing firmness or stability ib
- ○bhid mfn. violating or transgressing the bounds of morality Ragh
- ○mat mfn. possessing firmness or stability, firm, stable Kum
- lasting, enduring Ragh
- keeping within limits (as the ocean) Vikr
- keeping within the limits of morality, virtuous, honest Mn. Kām. Kum
- ○varman m. N. of a king Hcar
- ○sthāpaka mfn. restoring anything to its original state or condition W
- m. the capability of restoration to an original state or position, elasticity Bhāshāp
- sthity in comp. for sthiti
- ○atikrānti f. transgression of the bounds of morality or virtue Kir
- sthitvā ind. having stood or stayed or stopped or waited &c. (sometimes used alone to express, after some time'
- māsaṃ sth○, 'after a month'
- ciram api sth○, 'after a long period' = 'sooner or later') RV. &c. &c
- sthin See tri-ṣṭhín and parame-ṣṭhín
- sthirá mf(ā́) n. firm, hard, solid, compact, strong RV. &c. &c
- fixed, immovable, motionless, still, calm ŚBr. MBh. &c
- firm, not wavering or tottering, steady R. VarBṛS
- unfluctuating, durable, lasting, permanent, changeless RV. &c. &c
- stern, relentless, hard-hearted Kum
- constant, steadfast, resolute, persevering (manas or hṛdayaṃ sthiraṃ-√kṛ, 'to steel one's heart, take courage' R. Kathās.)
- kept secret Vet
- faithful, trustworthy Yājñ. MBh. &c
- firmly resolved to (inf.) MBh
- settled, ascertained, undoubted, sure, certain Mn. MBh. &c
- m. a partic. spell recited over weapons R
- a kind of metre VarBṛS
- N. of Śiva MBh
- of one of Skanda's attendants ib
- N. of a partic. astrol. Yoga MW
- of certain zodiacal signs (viz. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
- so called because any work done under these signs is supposed to be lasting) ib. (L. also 'a tree
- Grislea Tomentosa
- a mountain
- a bull
- a god
- the planet Saturn
- final emancipation')
- (ā), f. a strong-minded woman MW
- the earth L
- Desmodium Gangeticīm L
- Salmalia Malabarica L
- = -kākolī L
- N. of the sound j Up
- (am), n. steadfastness, stubbornness, resistance (acc. with ava-√tan P. 'to loosen the resistance of gen.'
- Ā. 'to relax one's own resistance, yield'
- with ā-√tan Ā. 'to offer resistance') RV
- ○karman mfn. persevering in action Ragh
- ○kuṭṭaka m. (in alg.) a steady pulverizer, constant multiplier, common divisor (applied to a partic. kind of common divṭdivisor) MW
- ○gati m. 'moving firmly or slowly', N. of the planet Saturn (cf. śanaiścara) L
- ○gandha mfn. having durable perfume
- m. Michelia Champaca L
- (ā), f. Bignonia Suaveolens ib
- Pandanus Odoratissimus ib
- ○cakra m. N. of Mañju-śrī ib
- ○citta (R.) or (Śiś.), mfn. firm-minded, steady, resolute
- ○cetas (Śiś.), mfn. firm-minded, steady, resolute
- ○cchada m. Betula Bhojpatra L
- ○cchāya m. a tree yielding permanent shadow L
- any tree ib
- ○jaṅgama (prob.) n. (pl.) things stationary and movable BhP
- ○jihva m. 'firm-tongued', a fish ib
- ○jīvita mfn. long-lived, tenacious of life
- (ā), f. the silk-cotton tree L
- ○jīvin mfn. = prec
- m. N. of a crow Pañcat
- ○tara mfn. more (or most) firm or fixed or immovable
- -dṛś mfn. with steady eyes Bhartṛ
- ○tā f. hardness Suśr
- stability, steadfastness, permanence Kāv. Kathās. &c
- moral firmness, constancy, tranquillity (○tām upa-√i, 'to recover composure of mind') MBh. Śak. &c
- ○tva n. hardness Suśr
- immovableness Mṛicch
- stability, constancy MBh. Suśr. &c
- ○daṃṣṭra m. 'strongtoothed, a snake L
- N. of Vishṇu in the boar-Avatāra ib
- = dhvani ib. (incorrect)
- ○deva m. N. of a Commentator Cat
- ○dhanvan (sthirá-), mfn. having a strong bow (said of Rudra) RV
- ○dhāman (○rá-), mfn. belonging to a strong race AV
- ○dhī mfn. firm-minded, steadfast Nāg
- ○pattra m. Phoenix Paludosa L
- ○pada mf(ā)n. firmly rooted Mudr
- ○pāla-trilakṣa m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○pīta (○rá-), mfn. (prob.) having strong protection RV
- ○puṣpa m. 'having firm flowers', Michelia Champeca L
- Clerodendrum Phlomoides ib
- Mimusops Elengi ib
- ○puṣpin m. 'id.', Clerodendrum Phlomoides ib
- ○pratijña mfn. persisting in an assertion, faithful to a promise (-tva n.) Kāv
- ○pratibandha mfn. firm in resistance, offering an obstinate resistance Śak. [Page 1265, Column]
- ○pratiṣṭhā f. a firm resting-place, fixed residence MW
- ○preman mfn. firm or steady in affection L
- ○psnu mfn. (Ved.) having constant food MW
- ○phalā f. Benincasa Cerifera L
- ○buddhi mfn. steady-minded, resolute, steadfast, Cāṇ Rājat
- m. N. of a Asura Kathās
- ○buddhika m. N. of a Dānava ib
- ○mati f. a firm mind, steadfastness L
- mfn. firm-minded, steady Bhag
- m. N. of a Bhikshu Buddh
- ○mada mfn. intoxicating to such a degree as to cause lasting effects Suśr. intoxicated in that manner L
- m. a peacock L
- ○manas mfn. firm-minded, steadfast MBh. Śiś
- ○māyā f. a partic. spell Cat
- ○yoni m. a tree yielding permanent shade L
- ○yauvana n. perpetual youth MārkP
- mf(ā)n. possessing perpṭprepetual youth, ever youthful ib. Hariv. Vikr
- m. a Vidyā-dhara L
- ○raṅgā f. 'having a durable colour', indigo L
- a sort of Curcuma W
- ○rāgā f. a kind of Curcuma L
- ○liṅga mfn. having a stiff virile organ MBh
- -pratiṣṭhā f. N. of wk
- ○locana mfn. steadyeyed MW
- (one) whose gaze is fixed ib
- ○varman m. N. of a man Vās., Introd
- ○vāc mfn. one whose word may be trusted, Nātyāś
- ○vājin mfn. one whose horses stand still MBh
- ○vikrama mfn. taking firm strides Bcar
- ○śaṅku-karṇa mfn. having upright ears like spikes ib
- ○śrī mfn. having enduring prosperity MW
- ○saṃskāra mfn. thoroughly cultured
- -tā f. perfect culture Mṛicch
- ○saṃgara mfn. faithful to an agreement or promise MBh
- ○sattva mfn. having a steadfast character R
- ○sādhanaka m. Vitex Negundo L
- ○sāra m. Tectona Grandis ib
- ○sauhṛda mfn. firm in friendship R. VarBṛS
- n. firmness in friendship MW
- ○sthāyin mfn. standing firm AmṛitabUp
- sthirâṃhripa m. Phoenix Paludosa L
- sthirâghāta mfn. firm in bearing blows, (too) hard to be dug up Gobh
- sthirâṅghripa m. = sthirâṃhripa L
- sthirâtman mfn. firm-minded, stable, constant VP
- steadfast, resolute Kām. Hit
- sthirânurāga mfn. constant in affection or love
- -tva n. faithful attachment Mudr
- sthirânurāgin mfn. = ○rāga
- (○gi) -tva n. = ○rāga-tva Mudr
- sthirâpâya mfn. subject to constant decay Kāv
- sthirâyati mfn. of long extension or duration, lasting Kir
- sthirâyus mfn. long-lived
- m. or f. the silk-cotton tree L
- sthirârambha mfn. firm or steadfast in undertakings Mn. ŚārṅgP
- sthiraka m. N. of a man, g. naḍâdi
- sthiraya Nom. P. ○yati, to strengthen (with hṛdi, 'to impress deeply on the heart') Caurap
- sthirāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become fixed or immovable Cat
- P. ○yati, to remain firm MW
- sthirī in comp. for sthira
- ○kara mfn. making firm Suśr
- ○karaṇa mfn. id. Car
- n. hardening Cat
- making firm or fixed Sarvad
- making durable, corroboration Sāh
- confirmation Kull. on Mn. viii, 55
- ○kartavya mfn. to be encouraged Śak
- ○kāra m. corroboration Bādar. Sch
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make firm, strengthen Pañcat
- to stop ib
- to make permanent, establish Kāv. Kathās.: to corroborate, confirm Mn. Sch. MārkP
- to steel (the heart) Amar
- to encourage, comfort MBh. Pañcat
- ○bhāva m. becoming stiff, immovableness HYog
- ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become firm or stiff or hard R. Suśr
- to compose one's self, take courage MBh. R. &c
- sthṛ See savya-ṣṭhṛ́, p. 1191, col. 3 (where read savya-ṣṭhṛ́)
- sthema in comp. for stheman
- ○bhāj mfn. firm, strong Śiś
- sthemán m. (fr. sthira) firmness, stability TS. Br. Kāṭh
- continuance, duration (○mnā ind. 'perseveringly') HYog
- the state of standing or stopping still, rest Naish
- stheya mf(ā)n. to be stationed or fixed or settled &c
- placed (as water in a jar) ŚāṅkhGṛ
- (am), n. (it is) to be stood still R
- (it is) to be stood firm (in battle) BhP
- (it is) to be stayed or remained in (loc.) R. Hariv. &c
- (attention) is to be fixed on (loc.) MBh. R. &c
- (it is) to be behaved or acted or proceeded (with instr., ind. p., or adv.) Hariv. Bhartṛ. Rājat
- m. a person chosen to settle a dispute between two parties, an arbitrator, umpire, judge Rājat. Hit
- a domestic priest L
- sthéyas mfn. (compar. of sthira) firmer, stronger, more important or worthy of consideration, very firm or strong TS. &c
- very continuous or constant Rājat
- very resolute Sāh. [Page 1265, Column]
- stheyī-kṛta mfn. (stheyī for stheya, m.) made an arbitrator or umpire or judge Kathās
- stheṣṭha mfn. (superl. of sthira) most fixed, very firm or strong or durable Pāṇ. 6-4, 157
- sthairakāyaṇa m. patr. fr. sthiraka g. naḍâdi
- (○yana), metron. of Mitea-varcas, IndSt
- sthairabrahmaṇá m. (prob.) N. of a man MaitrS
- sthairya n. firmness, hardness, solidity Yājñ. MBh. &c
- fixedness, stability, immobility Prab. BhP. Sarvad
- calmness, tranquillity Pañcad
- continuance, permanence Kāv. Kathās
- steadfastness, constancy, perseverance, patience MBh. R. &c
- firm attachment to, constant delight in (loc.) Kāv. Pañcat. Kathās. &c
- ○kara or mfn. causing firmness or hardness Suśr
- ○kṛt mfn. causing firmness or hardness Suśr
- ○vat mfn. having stability, standing still, fixed, immovable Kāvyâd
- standing firm, not yielding, resolute Sāy
- -tva n. fixedness, firmness, concentration (of mind) MārkP
- ○vicāraṇa n. N. of wk. by Harsha
- sthāga m. (derivation doubtful) a dead body L
- N. of one of Śiva's attendants L
- sthāgara mfn. made of sthagara, q.v. TBr
- sthāgala m. or n. (?) = sthagara (cf. sthagala), g. kiśarâdi
- sthāgalika mf(ī)n. dealing in the substance Sthāgala ib
- sthāgha m. (said to be fr. √1. sthā) a shallow, ford (= gādha) L
- sthājirāvatī f. (prob. wṛ.) ŚāṅkhGṛ
- sthāṇava sthāṇu &c. See p. 1262
- sthāṇḍila See p. 1261, col. 3
- sthāna sthānin, sthāpaka, ○pana &c p. 1263
- sthāya &c. See p. 1264, col. 1
- sthāla &c. See p. 1262, col. 1
- sthāvara &c. See p. 1264, col. 1
- sthāvira &c. See col. 3
- sthāsaka m. smearing or perfuming the body with unguents (of sandal &c., cf. sthakara, sthākara) L
- a bubble of water or any fluid L
- m. or n. (?) a bubble-shaped ornament on a horse's trappings Śiś
- a figure made with unguents Ratnâv
- sthāsnu See p. 1264, col. 1
- sthika m. (accord. to some fr. √1. sthā) the buttocks (= kaṭi-protha) L
- sthita sthiti &c. See p. 1264
- sthir cl. 1. P. sthirati, to stand firmly (in an etymol. explanation) Nir. ix, 11
- sthiritvā ind. having turned round (?) Hcar. Sch
- sthira &c. See p. 1264, col. 3
- sthiví m. (prob.) a bushel (others 'an ear') of grain RV. x, 68, 3
- = sīmā L
- ○mát mfn. provided with bushels (or 'ears') of grain ib. 27, 15
- sthu See duḥ-ṣṭhu and su-ṣṭhú
- sthuḍ (= √thuḍ), cl. 6. P. sthuḍati, to cover Dhātup. xxviii, 94
- sthula n. (perhaps for sthuḍa, See prec.) a sort of long tent Śiś
- sthurikā vḷ. for sthūrikā, q.v
- sthū (collateral of √1. sthā, formed to account for the, words below), prob. 'to be thick or solid or strong.'
- sthava m. a he-goat (?) L
- sthavi m. (only L.) a sack, bag
- heaven
- a weaver
- fire
- a leper or the flesh of a leper
- fruit
- sthavimat n. and the thick end, broad part, breadth (○ma-tás, ind. 'on the broad side') MaitrS. TS. Br. Kāṭh
- stháviman m. the thick end, broad part, breadth (○ma-tás, ind. 'on the broad side') MaitrS. TS. Br. Kāṭh
- sthávira mf(ā or ī)n. (cf. sthāvara, p. 1264) broad, thick, compact, solid, strong, powerful RV. AV. Br. MBh. Hariv
- old, ancient, venerable (○re kāle or bhāve, 'in old age') Br. &c. &c. [Page 1265, Column]
- m. an old man W
- (with Buddhists) an 'Elder' (N. of the oldest and most venerable Bhikshus) MWB. 184 ; 255 &c
- N. of Brahmā L
- (pl.) N. of a school (also ārya-sth○) Buddh
- (ā), f. an old woman MW
- a kind of plant L
- (am), n. benzoin L
- ○gāthā f. a partic. section of Buddhist writings Divyâv
- ○dāru n. a kind of wood Bhpr
- ○dyuti mfn. having the dignity of an 'Elder' (cf. above) MBh
- ○sthavira m. pl. (prob.) the most venerable of the 'Elders' Divyâv
- sthavirâyus mfn. one who has attained to old age Hariv
- sthavirâvalī-carita n. N. of a Jaina wk
- sthavirāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to grow old, become old (said of time) Bhpr
- stháviṣṭha mfn. (superl. of sthūra) very broad or thick or solid or strong TS. &c. &c
- sthávīyas mfn. (compar. of id.) more (or most) broad or thick &c. Br. &c. &c
- sthāvira n. (fr. sthavira) old age (described as commencing at seventy in men and fifty in women, and ending at ninety, after which period a man is called varṣīyas) Lāṭy. MBh. &c
- mfn. (vḷ. for sthavira) old, senile MBh. Hit
- sthura See apa-ṣṭhura, p. 53, col. 1
- sthurin m. = sthaurin L
- sthula See apa-ṣṭhula p. 53, col. 1
- sthūṇa m. (connected with sthāṇu
- accord. to some for sthulna) N. of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh
- of a Yaksha ib
- (ā), f. See next
- (ī), f. uncultivated land Vop. Sch
- (am), n. a post, pillar Siddh
- ○karṇa m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh
- sthū́ṇā f. the post or pillar or beam cf a house, any post or stake or pillar or column RV. &c. &c
- the trunk or stump of a tree Kām
- an iron statue L
- an anvil, = śūrmi or sūrmi L
- (prob.) = rajju, a rope, cord Hcat
- a kind of disease L. [Cf. Gk. ?] [1265,]
- ○karṇá mf(ī)n. (said of cows whose ears are marked in a partic. manner) MaitrS
- m. a kind of military array Kām
- N. of a Yaksha MBh.: of a partic. demon of illness Hariv
- m. (scil. bāṇa) or n. (scil. astra) a kind of missile MBh
- ○garta m. the pit or hole for a post L
- ○nikhanana-nyāya m. the rule of digging or fixing a post more deeply into the soil (applied to a disputant who adds corroborative arguments &c. to confirm an already strong position) A
- ○pakṣa m. a kind of military array Kām
- ○padī f. one who has feet or legs like pillars, g. kumbhapadyādi
- ○bhāra m. the weight of a beam, g. vaṃśâdi
- ○mayūkhá n. post and peg ŚBr
- ○rājá m. a principal post ib
- ○virohaṇa n. the sprouting of a wooden stake (after it has been put in the ground to serve as a foot) ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○śīrṣa n. the head or capital of a pillar L
- sthūṇâvaseṣa mfn. having only the pillars left (said of a house) Sāh
- sthūṇôpasthūṇaka m. du. N. of two villages Divyâv
- sthūṇīya (g. apūpâdi) or (Kāṭh.), mfn. relating to a post or pillar
- sthūṇya (Kāṭh.), mfn. relating to a post or pillar
- sthūrá mfn. (cf. sthūla below) thick, dense, heavy, big, bulky, stout, broad, strong, solid RV
- m. du. the ankles or she buttocks
- sg. the lower part of the thigh L
- a child of Sthūrā. Pat. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 103 Vārtt. 1
- a man L
- a bull L
- (ā), f. N. of a woman, g. gargâdi
- ○gudā́ f. (= guda-kāṇḍe sthūlo bhāgaḥ) TS. (Sch.)
- ○yūpa m. N. of a man (-vát ind.) RV
- ○vāku = ucca-dhvani L
- sthūrí mfn. drawn by one animal RV. Br
- n. a waggon drawn by one animal TBr
- sthūrikā f. (prob.) the nostril of a barren cow (vḷ. khurikā, chūrikā, sthurikā &c.) Mn. vii, 325 (others 'an ox' or 'a load placed on an ox')
- sthūrin m. cf. sthaurin) a pack-horse, beast of burden, draught-ox L. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. taurus ; Goth. [1265,] stiur ; Eng. steer.]
- sthūrī-pṛṣṭha m. a horse not yet ridden on or broken in by riding Śiś
- sthorā f. the lading or cargo of a ship Divyâv
- sthorin m. = sthaurin L
- sthauṇābhārika mfn. (fr. sthūṇā-bhāra), g. vaṃśâdi (vḷ. sthauṇa-bh○)
- sthauṇika mfn. dragging beams of wood L
- sthauṇeya or n. a kind of perfume Car. Suśr
- sthauṇeḍyaka n. a kind of perfume Car. Suśr
- a carrot L
- sthaura m. patr. of the Ṛishi Agni-yuta or Agni-yūpa (author of RV. x, 116) Anukr
- n. firmness, strength, power W
- a sufficient load for a horse or ass ib
- sthaurin m. a pack-horse, draught-ox L. [Page 1266, Column]
- sthaurya m. metr. fr. sthūrā g. gargâdi
- sthūṇa sthū́ṇā &c. See p. 1265, col. 3
- sthūma m. (cf. syūma) light L
- the moon L
- sthūl (rather Nom. fr. sthūla below), cl. 10. Ā. sthūlayate (also P. sthūlayati accord. to some), to become big or stout or bulky, increase, grow fat Dhātup. xxxv, 50
- sthūlá mf(ā́)n. (fr. √sthū = sthā and originally identical with sthūra) large, thick, stout, massive, bulky, big, huge AV. &c. &c
- coarse, gross, rough (also fig. = 'not detailed or precisely defined'
- cf. yathā-sth○) Mn. MBh. &c
- dense, dull, stolid, doltish, stupid, ignorant (cf. comp.) MBh. Pañcat
- (in phil.) gross, tangible, material (opp. to sūkṣma, 'subtle'
- cf. sthūla-śarīra)
- m. Artocarpus Integrifolia L
- N. of one of Śiva's attendants L
- m. n. g. ardharcâdi
- (ā), f. Scindapsus Officinalis L
- Cucumis Utilissimus L
- large cardamoms L
- n. 'the gross body' (= sthūla-ś○) Up. MBh. &c
- sour milk, curds L
- = kūṭa L
- a heap, quantity W
- a tent (prob. for 1. sthula) ib
- ○kaṅgu m. a sort of grain or corn L
- ○kaṇā f. a kind of cumin ib
- Nigella Indica MW
- ○kaṇṭaka m. a kind of acacia L
- ○kaṇṭakikā f. Salmalia Malabarica ib
- ○kaṇṭā f. the egg-plant ib
- ○kanda mfn. having a large bulb Suśr
- m. Arum or a species of Arum ib
- = hasti-k○ ib
- a kind of garlic (= rakta-laśuna) or onion L
- ○kandaka m. Arum L
- ○karṇa m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh. (vḷ. sthūṇa-k○)
- ○kāya mfn. large-bodied, corpulent W
- ○kāṣṭha-dah (nom. -dhak) or m. fire made with thick pieces of timber L
- ○kāṣḍṭhâgni m. fire made with thick pieces of timber L
- ○keśa m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh. Kathās
- ○kṣeḍa (L.) or (W.), m. an arrow
- ○kṣveḍa (W.), m. an arrow
- ○grīva mfn. thicknecked MW
- ○ṃ-karaṇa mf(ī)n. making big &c. Pāṇ. 3-2, 56
- ○cañcu (prob.) f. a kind of culinary plant L
- ○cāpa wṛ. for tūla-c○ L
- ○cūḍa mfn. having big tufts of hair (said of the Kirātas) R
- ○jaṅghā f. N. of one of the 9 Samidhs Gṛihyās
- ○jihva m. 'thick-tongued', N. of a Bhūta Hariv
- ○jīraka m. a kind of cumin L
- Nigella Indica MW
- ○taṇḍula m. large rice L
- ○tara mfn. more bulky, bigger, larger, very large Pañcat
- ○tā f. largeness, bigness, bulkiness ib
- stupidity, clumsiness ib
- ○tāla m. Phoenix Paludosa L
- ○tomarin mfn. having a thick javelin Hcat
- ○tva n. bigness, bulkiness MW
- stupidity ib
- (in phil.) grossness NṛisUp. Sarvad
- ○tvacā f. Gmelina Arborea L
- ○daṇḍa m. a sort of reed ib
- ○datta m. N. of a man Kathās
- ○darbha m. Saccharum Munja Bhpr
- ○dalā f. Aloe Perfoliata L
- ○deha m. n. = -śarīra MW
- ○dehin mfn. big-bodied, large (opp. to alpa) Bhpr
- ○dhī mfn. dull-witted, stupid W
- ○nāla m. a kind of reed L
- ○nāsa m. 'large-nosed, thick-nṭnosed', a boar L
- ○nāsika m. id. Śiś
- ○nīla m. a hawk, falcon L
- ○paṭa m. n. coarse cloth MW
- mfn. having coarse cloth or clothes ib
- ○paṭṭa m. cotton L
- n. coarse cloth (accord. to some) MW
- ○paṭṭāka m. id. L
- ○pāda mfn. large-footed, club-fṭfooted, having swelled legs MW
- m. an elephant L
- a man who has elephantiasis MW
- ○piṇḍa m. N. of a man ( sthaula-piṇḍī)
- ○puṣpa m. a kind of plant (= baka) L
- Aeschynomene Grandiflora W
- (ā), f. a sort of Aparājitā growing on mountains L
- Gomphrena Globosa ib
- (ī), f. a kind of plant (= yava-tiktā) ib. (vḷ. sūkṣma-puṣpī)
- ○pūlāsa n. g. rāja-dantâdi
- ○pṛṣata (sthūtá-), mf(ī)n. composed of large drops R
- coarsely spotted VS. MaitrS
- ○prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
- ○prapañca m. the gross or material world Vedântas
- ○phala n. the gross result of a calculation or measurement MW
- m. 'having large fruit', the silk-cotton tree L
- (ā), f. a species of Crotolaria L
- ○bāhu m. 'strong-armed', N. of a man Kathās
- (ū), f. N. of a woman Pāṇ. 4-1, 67 Sch
- ○buddhi mfn. dull-witted, stupid Kād
- -mat mfn. id. MBh
- ○bhadra m. N. of one of the six Śruta-kevalins Jain
- ○bhāva m. bigness, coarseness, grossness, tangibility ŚārṅgS
- ○bhuja m. 'strong-armed', N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās
- ○bhūta n. pl. (in phil.) the five grosser elements ( See sāṃkhya)
- ○mati mfn. = -buddhi (accord. to some 'large-minded, intelligent') VarBṛS
- ○madhya mf(ā)n. thick in the middle Suśr
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of the grosser elements, material VP
- ○marica n. a partic. fragrant berry (= kakkola) L. [Page 1266, Column]
- ○māna m. gross measure, rough computation MW
- ○mukha mfn. thick-mouthed Pāṇ. 6-2, 168
- ○mūla n. 'large √', a kind of radish L
- ○m-bhaviṣṇu or mfn. liable to become large or stout Pāṇ. 3-2, 57
- ○m-bhāvuka mfn. liable to become large or stout Pāṇ. 3-2, 57
- ○roma mfn. thick-haired Cāṇ
- ○lakṣa or mfn. 'having large aims or attributes', munificent, liberal, generous Yājñ. MBh. &c
- ○lakṣya mfn. 'having large aims or attributes', munificent, liberal, generous Yājñ. MBh. &c
- wise, learned W
- mindful of both benefits and injuries ib
- taking a wide aim, shooting at a large target (-tva n.) Śiś
- ○lakṣi-tā f. munificence, liberality Kām
- ○vartma-kṛt m. Clerodendrum Siphonantus L
- ○valkala m. 'thick-barked', the red Lodhra L
- ○vālukā f. 'having coarse sand', N. of a river MBh
- ○viṣaya m. a gross or material object Vedântas
- ○vṛkṣaphala m. a variety of Madana L
- ○vaidehī f. Scindapsus Officinalis L
- ○śaṅkhā f. a woman having a large vulva MW
- ○śara m. a kind of large reed L
- ○śarīra n. the gross or material and perishable body with which a soul clad in its subtle body is invested (opp. to sūkṣma- and liṅga-s○, qq.vv.) Vedântas. RTL. 35
- mfn. large-bodied W
- ○śalka mfn. large-scaled (as a fish) L
- ○śākinī f. a kind of vegetable L
- ○śāṭa and m
- ○śāṭaka m
- ○śāṭikā and f. thick or coarse cloth L
- ○śāṭī f. thick or coarse cloth L
- ○śāli m. a kind of large rice L
- ○śimbī f. a kind of Dolichos L
- ○śiras m. 'large-headed', N. of a Ṛishi MBh. Hariv
- of a Rākshasa Kathās
- of a Yaksha ib
- n. a large head or summit W
- ○śīrṣa m. N. of an author Cat
- ○śīrṣikā f. 'thick-headed', a kind of small ant L
- ○śūraṇa m. or n. large Arum Suśr
- ○śopha mfn. greatly swollen (-tva n.) Suśr
- ○ṣaṭpada m. a kind of large wasp or bee L
- ○sāyaka m. a kind of large reed L
- ○sikta n. N. of a Tīrtha Pat
- ○sūkṣma mfn. large and small VP
- mighty and subtle (as God who sustains the universe and an atom) MW
- -prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
- -prapañca m. the gross and the subtle world Vedântas
- -śarīra n. the gross and subtle body ib
- ○sūraṇa See -śūraṇa
- ○skandha m. 'having a thick stem', Artocarpus Locucha L
- ○sthūla mf(ā)n. excessively thick or fat Kāv
- ○hasta m. the thick trunk (of an elephant) Megh. 14
- a large or coarse hand ib. (accord. to some)
- sthūlâṃśā f. a kind of Curcuma L
- sthūlā-karṇa wṛ. for sthūṇā-k○, q.v
- sthūlâkṣa m. 'large-eyed', N. of a Ṛishi MBh
- of a Rākshasa R
- (ā), f. = veṇu-yaṣṭi Laghuk
- sthūlâṅga mfn. large-bodied (as a fish) L
- m. large rice L
- sthūlâcārya m. N. of a man Bhadrab
- sthūlântra n. the larger intestine near the anus Yājñ. Suśr
- sthūlâmra m. the larger mango tree L
- sthūlârma m. N. of a place TāṇḍBr
- sthūlâṣṭīva m. N. of a man (cf. sthaulāṣṭīvi)
- sthūlâsthūla mfn. large and not large (compar. -tara) VP
- sthūlâsya m. 'large-mouthed', a snake L
- sthūlêccha mfn. having immoderate desires Bhartṛ
- sthūlâiraṇḍa m. the large castor-oil plant L
- sthūlâilā f. large cardamoms L
- sthūlôccaya m. a rough heap or mass, large fragment of rock L
- the middle pace of elephants (neither quick nor slow) Śiś
- (only L.) incompleteness, deficiency, defect
- an eruption of pimples on the face
- a hollow at the √of an elephant's tusks
- sthūlôdara mfn. one who has a swollen belly Bcar
- sthūlaka mfn. g. ṛsyâdi
- m. Saccharum Cylindricum L
- sthūlin m. (cf. sthūrin) a camel L
- sthūlī in comp. for sthūla
- ○karaṇa n. the act of making large or bulky, causing erections (of the male organ) Cat
- ○kṛta mfn. made large, enlarged, fattened MW
- ○bhūta mfn. become large or thick, fattened ib
- sthaulá mf(ā́)n. (= or for sthūla, of which it is also the Vṛiddhi form in comp.) stout, robust RV. vi, 44, 7
- ○piṇḍi m. (fr. sthūla-piṇḍa) a patr. Saṃskārak
- ○lakṣya n. (fr. sthūla-l○) munificence, liberality Mn. vii, 211
- ○śīrṣa (fr. sthūla-śiras) Pāṇ. 6-1, 62, 62 Sch
- sthaulāṣṭīvi m. (fr. sthūlâṣṭīva) N. of a grammarian Nir
- sthaulaka mfn. (fr. sthūla), g. ṛśyâdi
- sthaulya n. (fr. id.) stoutness, bigness, largeness, thickness, grossness, denseness (opp. to saukṣmya) Suśr. BhP. Sarvad
- excessive size or length BhP
- doltishness, density of intellect MW
- stheman sthairya &c. See p. 1265
- sthauṇābhārika sthauṇika &c. See p. 1265, col. 3. [Page 1266, Column]
- sthaura ○rin, See p. 1265, col. 3
- sna snapana, See below
- snava See p. 1267, col. 3
- snas vḷ. for √snus, q.v., p. 1268
- snasā f. a tendon, muscle L
- snā (cf. √snu), cl. 2. P. (Dhātup. xxiv, 44) snā́ti, cl. 4. P. (Nir. vii, 12) snāyati (ep. also Ā. snāyate Pot. snāyāt
- ep. also snāyīta
- pf. sasnau, 3. pl. sasnuḥ MBh. BhP
- fut. snātā Gr
- snāsyati, ○te MBh. &c
- aor. asnāsīt Gr
- Prec. snāyāt [above]. or sneyāt ib
- inf. snātum Br. &c
- ind. p. snātvā́, -snā́ya RV. &c
- Ved. also snātvii Pāṇ. 7-1, 49), to bathe, perform the ceremony of bathing or certain prescribed oblations (esp. on returning home from the house of a religious preceptor, or on concluding certain vows &c., also with avabhṛtham) RV. &c. &c
- to smear one's self with (instr.) Sarvad.: Pass. snāyate (aor. asnāyi impers.) Rājat.: Caus. snāpáyati or snapáyati, with prep. only snāp○), to cause to bathe, wash, cleanse AV. &c. &c
- to wash away AV. x, 1, 9
- to steep or soak in (loc.) Bhpr
- to bathe with tears, weep for(?) MW.: Desid sisnāsati Pāṇ. 8-3, 61 (but cf. siṣṇāsu): Intens. sāsnāyate, sāsnāti, sāsneti Gr. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. nare.] [1266,]
- sna See nadī-ṣṇa
- snápana mf(ī)n. (fr. Caus.) causing to bathe &c
- used for bathing (as water) AV
- n. the act of causing to bathe, bathing, ablution ŚBr. &c. &c
- snapita mfn. (fr. id.) bathed, washed, sprinkled, wetted, cleansed L
- snaya m. bathing, ablution, lustration L
- snā (or ṣṇā), mfn. bathing, bathed or immersed in (cf. ghṛta-, su-snā &c.)
- snātá mfn. bathed, washed, cleansed or purified from (abl. or comp.) AV. &c. &c. (n. also impers.)
- immersed or versed in (loc. or comp.) Gaut. R. BhP
- m. one who has finished his religion, an initiated householder GṛŚrS
- ○vat mfn. having bathed or performed religious ablutions Śiś
- ○vasya mfn. to be put on after an ablution KātyŚr
- ○vrata mfn. = snātaka-vr○ R
- snātânulipta mfn. one who is both bathed and anointed Pāṇ. 2-1, 49 Sch
- snātaka m. one who has bathed or performed ablutions (i.e. a Brāhman who, after performing the ceremonial lustrations required on his finishing his studentship as a Brahma-cārin under a religious teacher, returns home and begins the second period of his life as a Gṛiha-stha, See samāvartana
- three kinds of Snātakas are named, 1. a vidyā-sn○, q.v., 2. a vrata-sn○ [who has completed the vows, such as fasting, continence &c., without the Vedas], 3. a vidyā-vrata-sn○ or ubhaya-sn○ who has completed both Vedas and vows, the last is the highest
- in a wider sense there may be 9 Snātakas, See Mn. xi, 1) ŚBr. GṛS. Gaut. Mn. iii, 4 &c. (IW. 296)
- ○vrata n. the vows and duties of a Snātaka (ex. plained at full length in the Gṛihya-sūtras and giving a clear notion of what was considered good manners in well-educated persons) ĀśvGṛ. Kauś. Mn. &c
- mfn. = next MBh
- ○vratin mfn. fulfilling the vows and duties of a Snātaka MBh
- snātavya n. (impers.) it is to be bathed &c. MBh. Kathās
- snātṛ See a-snātṛ́
- snātra n. a bath, ablution, bathing Pārśvan
- snā́tva mfn. fit for ablution, capable of being used for bathing RV. ŚBr
- snātvā́ ind. having bathed &c. ( See root)
- ○kālaka mfn. g. mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi
- snāna n. (ifc. f. ā) bathing, washing, ablution, religious or ceremonial lustration (as of an idol &c.), bathing in sacred waters (considered as one of the six daily duties [cf. ṣaṭ-karman] or as an essential part of some ceremonial, esp. the ablutions performed by a Brahma-cārin on becoming a householder, cf. snātaka) GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c. (IW. 242 RTL. 394, n. 1 &c.)
- washing off, removal by washing, cleansing BhP
- anything used in ablution (e.g. water, perfumed powder &c.) Kāv. VarBṛS. Vet. BhP
- ○kalaśa m
- ○kumbha m. a jar or vessel containing lustral water Rājat
- ○gṛha n. a bathing-house, bath-room MBh. Hariv
- ○tīrtha n. a sacred bathing-place Subh
- ○tṛṇa n. 'bathing-grass', Kuśa grass L
- ○dīpikā f. = -sūtra-d○ (q.v.)
- ○droṇī f. a bathing-tub Rājat
- ○paddhati f. N. of a Comm. on the Suāna-sūtra-pariśishṭa by Hari-hara Cat. [Page 1267, Column]
- ○bhū f. bathing-place, bath-room Priy
- ○bhūmi f. id. Car
- ○yātrā f. 'bathing-procession', a festival held on the day of full moon in the month Jyeshṭha (when images of Kṛishṇa as Jagan-nātha are carried out and bathed
- in Orissa this festival is called Ratha-yātrā) MW
- ○trika mfn. a member of the above procession ib
- ○vastra n
- ○vāsas n. a bathing-dress, wet cloth Kāv
- ○vidhi m. 'rules of ablution', N. of various wks
- -kṣama mfn. fit for ceremonial ablutions (said of water), fit for bathing Kum
- -paddhati f. -sūtra-bhāṣya n. N. of Comms
- ○veśman n. = -griha Kathās
- ○śāṭī f. (wṛ. -śāṭhī) bathing-drawers Mṛicch
- ○śālā f. = -gṛha MBh
- ○śīla mfn. fond of bathing, observing or performing ablutions (esp. in sacred waters) Gaut. Hit
- ○sūtra n. N. of a Sūtra wk. ascribed to Kātyāyana (also -pariśiṣṭa)
- -dīpikā f. -paddhati f. -bhāṣya-vyākhyā f. N. of Comms
- snānâgāra n. = snānagṛha MW
- snānâmbu n. bath-water Kathās
- snānôttīrṇa mfn. emerging from a bath, one who has just completed his ablutions Śak
- snānôdaka n. = snānâmbu Kathās
- snānôpakaraṇa n. any utensil used in bathing, any accessory of a bath Pañcat
- snānin mfn. bathing, performing ablutions Śatr
- snānīya mfn. it or suitable for bathing, used in ablution
- n. anything used in bathing (e.g. fragrant water &c.) Kauś. MBh. &c
- ○vastra n. a bathing-dress Mālav
- snāpaka m. (fr. Caus.) 'bather', a servant who bathes his master R. Car
- snāpana n. the act of causing to bathe, attending a person while bathing Mn. R. Hariv
- ○vidhi m. N. of wk
- snāpanôcchiṣṭa-bhojana n. du. the act of bathing another person and eating his leavings Mn. ii, 209
- snāpita mfn. caused to bathe, attended on while bathed, immersed MW
- snāyin mfn. bathing, performing an ablution (○yi-tā f.) Mn. MBh. &c
- snāsyat mfn. (fut. p.) about to bathe or perform an ablution
- m. a religious student about to become a Snātaka Mn. ii, 245
- snéya n. to be bathed Br. Kathās
- snā́yu fn. (accord. to some fr. a √snā contracted from sinā pres. base of √si, 'to bind'
- cf. also √snai) any sinew or ligament in the human and animal body, tendon, muscle, nerve, vein TBr. Suśr. Mn. MBh. &c
- the string of a bow Pañcat
- m. an eruption on the skin of she extremities Bhpr. [?Cf. Germ. se10nawa, ṣehne ; Eng. sinew.]
- ○jāla-vat mfn. covered with a network of sinews or nerves or veins Suśr
- ○nirmita mfn. made of sinews Hit
- ○pāśa m
- ○bandha m. 'sinews-band', a bow-string Pañcat
- ○bandhana n. a sṭsinews-ligament MW
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting or made of sinews MBh. Pañcat
- ○marman n. the joint or place of junction of a sinew or tendon Suśr
- ○yuta mfn. possessed of sinews Mn. vi, 76
- ○rajju mfn. having sinews for cords (said of the body) MW
- ○spanda m. the beat of the nerves, pulse HPariś
- snāyuka m. a kind of parasitical worm ŚārṅgS
- an eruption on the skin of the extremities Bhpr
- snāyv in comp. for snāyu
- ○arman n. a fleshy tumour of the white of the eye Suśr
- snāva m. a tendon, sinew, muscle, nerve L
- snāva in comp. for snāvan
- ○saṃtata (snā́va-), mf(ā)n. covered with sinews or tendons TBr
- snāvaka See a-snāvaka
- snā́van or n. a tendon, muscle, sinew AV. TS. Br. Kāṭh
- snāván n. a tendon, muscle, sinew AV. TS. Br. Kāṭh
- a bow-string AV
- snāvanyá du. (gender unknown) partic. parts of the body of a horse TS
- snāvira See a-snāvirá
- snigdha &c. See col. 2
- sniṭ cl. 10. P. sneṭayati, to go Dhātup. xxxii, 37
- to love (cf. √1. snih) Vop
- snih c1. 4. P. (Dhātup. xxvi, 91) snihyati (m. c. also ○te
- occurring only in pres. base
- Gr. also pf. sisneha
- fut. snehitā, snegdhā, sneḍhā
- snehiṣyati, snekṣyati &c.), to be adhesive or sticky or glutinous or viscid or moist Car. Bhpr
- to be fixed upon (loc.) Kathās
- to be attached to or fond of, feel affection for (loc. or gen.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- cl. 1. P. snehati, See Caus.: Pass. snihyate (aor. asnehi), Gr.: Caus. (or cl. 10. P. Dhātup. xxxii, 36) sneháyati (aor. asiṣṇihat), to make unctuous or greasy or moist Car. KātyŚr. Sch. [Page 1267, Column]
- to render pliant or subject, subdue RV
- to kill, slay Naigh. ii, 19 (vḷ. snehati): Desid. sisnehiṣati, sisnihiṣati, sisnikṣati Gr.: Intens. seṣṇihyate, seṣṇegdhi, seṣṇeḍhi
- snigdha mfn. sticky, viscous or viscid, glutinous, unctuous, slippery, smooth MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c
- glossy, resplendent Kālid
- oily, greasy, fat Suśr. Subh
- treated or cured with oily substances Car
- adhesive, attached, affectionate, tender, friendly, attached to or fond of (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- soft, mild, bland, gentle (am ind.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- lovely, agreeable, charming Kālid. Uttarar
- thick, dense (as shade) Megh
- m. a friend L
- Pinus Longifolia L
- the red castor-oil plant L
- (scil. gaṇḍūṣa) a partic. mode of rinsing the mouth MW
- (ā), f. marrow (= medā) L
- a partic. √similar to ginger L
- (am), n. viscidity, thickness, coarseness W
- bees'-wax L
- civet L
- light, lustre W
- ○kandā f. a species of plant (= kandalī) L
- ○keśatā f. having soft hair (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84 (vḷ.)
- ○jana m. an affectionate person, friend MW
- ○taṇḍula m. a kind of rice of quick growth L
- ○tama mfn. very oily or unctuous Kāv
- very affectionate ib
- ○tā f. unctuousness, oiliness Kathās
- attachment to, fondness for ib
- softness (of a vowel) TPrāt. Sch
- ○tyāga m. abandonment of a beloved person Bcar
- ○tva n. unctuousness, oiliness MW
- blandness ib
- fondness for, attachment to (loc.) MBh. (vḷ.)
- ○dala m. 'smooth-leaved', a species of Karañja L
- ○dāru m. Pinus Deodora and Longifolia L
- ○nakhatā f. having soft nails (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84
- ○pattra m. = -dala L
- (also ā f.) Zizyphus Jujuba L
- Beta Bengalensis L
- ○pattraka m. a kind of grass L
- ○parṇī f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana L
- Gmelina Arborea L
- ○pāṇi-lekhatā f. having the lines of the hand soft (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84
- ○piṇḍītaka m. a kind of Madana tree L
- ○phalā f. the ichneumon plant (= nākulī) L
- ○bhinnâñjana n. glossy pounded collyrium Megh
- ○mudga m. a kind of bean Yājñ. Sch
- ○rāji m. a kind of snake ib
- ○varṇa mfn. having a glossy or bright colour MW
- having a soft or agreeable complexion ib
- ○śīta-rūkṣa mfn. glossy and cool and (yet) rough (-tva, n.) Suśr
- snigdhâñjana n. glossy collyrium Hariv
- snigdhôṣṇa mfn. oily and warm Suśr
- sníh f. (nom. snik or sniṭ) wetness, moisture TĀr
- mfn. loving, affectionate MW
- sníhiti f. moisture TĀr
- snīḍha mfn. bland, attached, tender MW
- snīhán m. or the mucus of the nose ŚBr
- snīhā́ f. the mucus of the nose ŚBr
- snī́hiti f. wetness, moisture TĀr
- (prob.) slaughter, carnage RV
- sneha m. (or n. g. ardharcâdi
- ifc. f. ā) oiliness, unctuousness, fattiness, greasiness, lubricity, viscidity (also as one of the 24 Guṇas of the Vaiśeshika branch of the Nyāya phil.) Suśr. Yājñ. Tarkas. Sarvad. (IW. 69)
- oil, grease, fat, any oleaginous substance, an unguent ŚāṅkhBr. &c. &c
- smoothness, glossiness VarBṛS
- blandness, tenderness, love, attachment to, fondness or affection for (loc., gen., or comp.), friendship with (saha) MaitrUp. MBh. Kāv. &c
- moisture MW
- a fluid of the body ib
- (pl.) N. of the Vaiśyas in Kuśa-dviipa VP
- ○kartṛ mf(○trī)n. showing affection or love Pañcar
- ○kumbha m. an oilvessel, a jug or receptacle for oil or grease Suśr
- ○kesarin m. castor-oil Bhpr
- ○guṇita mfn. endowed with love or affection MW
- ○guru mfn. heavy-(hearted) from love for (gen.) Mālatīm
- ○ghaṭa m. = -kumbha Suśr
- ○ghnī f. a kind of plant Car
- ○ccheda m. interruption of friendship, cessation or loss of regard Subh
- ○dviṣ mfn. disliking oil Suśr
- ○pakva mfn. cooked or dressed with oil W
- ○pātra n. = -bhāṇḍa L
- a worthy object of affection Pañcar
- ○pāna n. drinking oil (as a medicine) Suśr
- ○pīta mfn. one who has drunk oil ib
- ○pūra m. a kind of vetch (?) L
- ○pūrvam ind. preceded by affection, affectionately, tenderly, fondly MW
- ○pravṛtti f. 'course of friendship', affection, love Śak
- ○prasara m. or flow or effusion or gush of love, Vikr
- ○prasrava m. flow or effusion or gush of love, Vikr
- ○priya m. 'fond of oil', a lamp L. [Page 1267, Column]
- ○baddha mfn. bound by love or affection MBh
- ○bandha m. the bonds of love or affection ib
- ○bīja m. 'having oily seeds', Buchanania Latifolia L
- ○bhaṅga m. = -ccheda A
- ○bhāṇḍa n. an oil-vessel, jar of oil MW
- -jīvin m. living by oil-vessels, an oilman ib
- ○bhū m. phlegm, rheum, the phlegmatic humour L
- ○bhūmi f. 'oil-source', any substance yielding oil or grease W
- any object of affection, one worthy of love Mālatīm
- ○bhūyiṣṭha mfn. consisting mostly of oil or oily substances Suśr
- ○maya mf(ī)n. full of love or affection Kathās
- consisting of love or affṭaffection, so called Mṛicch. Hcar
- ○raṅga m. 'oil-coloured', sesamum L
- ○rasana n. 'oil-taster', the mouth Gal
- ○rekabhū m. 'receptacle for the discharge of moisture (or Amṛita)', the moon L
- ○lavaṇa n. a partic. mixture of oil and sale Suśr
- ○vacas n. words of love or affection Bcar
- ○vat mfn. unctuous, oily, fat Śak. Sch
- full of affection, loving, tender MārkP. Hit
- (atī), f. a partic. √similar to ginger L
- ○vara n. fat L
- ○varti f. a partic. disease of horses L
- ○vasti f. an oily injection Suśr
- ○viddha m. 'impregnated with oil', Pinus Deodora L
- ○vimardita mfn. rubbed or anointed with oil Suśr
- ○vyakti f. manifestation of friendship Megh
- ○śarkarā f. a partic. plant or mixture Cat
- ○saṃyukta mfn. mixed with oil, dressed with ghee Mn. v, 24
- ○saṃskṛta mfn. prepared with oil or grease Suśr
- ○saṃjvara-vat mfn. smitten with the fever of love Mālatīm
- ○sambhāṣa m. a kind conversation MW
- ○sāra mfn. having oil for its chief ingredient Suśr
- snehâkula mfn. agitated by love R
- snehâkūta n. the feeling or passion of love Mālatīm
- snehâkta mfn. anointed with oil, oiled, greased, lubricated Suśr
- snehâṅkana n. a mark of affection Mālatīm
- snehânuvṛtti f. continuance of affection, affectionate or friendly intercourse Hit
- snehâbhyakta mfn. = snehâkta Suśr
- snehâśa m. 'oil-consumer', a lamp. L
- snehâśaya m. 'oil-receptacle', id. L
- snehaka mfn. kind, affectionate Divyâv
- causing affection, conciliating (gen.) MārkP
- snehan m. (only L.) a friend
- the moon
- a kind of disease
- snehana mf(ī)n. anointing, lubricating Suśr. Bhpr
- m. 'feeling affection', N. of Śiva (cf. a-sn○) MBh
- n. unction, lubrication, rubbing or smearing with oil or unguents Car
- unctuousness, being or becoming oily Dhātup
- feeling affection Sāy
- snehanīya mfn. to be anointed or lubricated Car
- to be loved MW
- snehayitavya mfn. to be anointed or lubricated, smeared with oil Car
- snehala mfn. full of affection, fond of (loc.), tender Śatr. HPariś
- ○tā f. affection, tenderness Kād
- snehita mfn. (fr. Caus.) anointed, smeared with oil MW
- loved, beloved W
- kind, affectionate ib
- m. a friend ib
- snehitavya mfn. = snehanīya MW
- snéhiti f. (prob.) slaughter, carnage (cf. snī́hiti) RV
- snehin mfn. oily, unctuous, fat W
- affectionate, friendly, attached to or fond of (comp.) Cat
- m. a friend L
- a painter L
- snehu m. a kind of disease L
- the moon W
- snehya mfn. to be anointed or lubricated Car
- snaigdhya n. unctuousness, oiliness, smoothness Suśr
- tenderness, fondness, affectionateness W
- snaihika mf(ī)n. unctuous, oily Car
- snu (cf. √1. snā), cl. 2. P. (Dhātup., xxiv, 29) snauti (accord. to Vop. also snute
- only in pres. base
- Gr. also pf. suṣṇāva, suṣṇuve
- fut. snotā or snavitā &c.), to drip, distil, trickle, emit fluid, yield milk BhP. (cf. pra-√snu): Caus. snāvayati (aor. asuṣṇavat), Gr.: Desid. of Caus. sisnāvayiṣati or susnāvayiṣati ib.: Desid. susnūṣati ib.: Intens. soṣṇūyate, siṣṇaviiti, soṣṇoti ib. [Cf. Gk. ?]. [1267,]
- snava m. oozing, dripping, trickling L
- snavana See pra-snavana, p. 700, col. 1
- snāvin See pra-snāvin, p. 700, col. 1
- snu (ifc.) dripping, trickling, sprinkling ( ghṛta-snu)
- snuta mfn. trickling, flowing (esp. said of milk flowing from a mother's breast) BhP
- snuti f. trickling, distilling, stream, flow MW
- snú n. (accord. to L. also m. abridged fr. sānu and occurring only in instr. abl. sg., snúnā, snós [Page 1268, Column]
- and in instr. loc. pl. snúbhis, snúṣu) the level summit or edge of a mountain, table-land, surface, height RV. VS
- snu f. = snāyu, a sinew, tendon, muscle (only occurring in snu-tas, 'from the sinews or muscles') BhP
- snu a Kṛid-anta affix to roots forming adjectives expressive of an aptitude to do what is implied by the √Vop
- snughnikā (?), f. natron, mineral alkali L
- snuc (prob. for √stuc), cl. 1. Ā. snocate, to be bright or clear L
- snuṣā́ f. (accord. to some connected with sūnu) the son's wife, a daughter-in-law AV. &c. &c
- the spurge plant (= snuhī) L. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [1268,] nurus ; Slav. [sn�ucha] ; Angl. Sax. snoru ; Germ. snura, snur, ṣchnur.]
- ○ga mfn. having sexual intercourse with a daughter-in-law Ml
- ○tva n. the condition of a dṭdaughter-in-law Rājat
- ○vat ind. like (with) a dṭdaughter-in-law Mn. viii, 62
- ○śvaśurīyā f. (scil. iṣṭi) a sacrifice intended to subdue an adversary as a daughter-in-law is subject to a father-in-law ĀśvŚr
- snus (vḷ. snas), cl. 4. P. snusyati, to eat Dhātup. xxvi, 5
- to disappear ib
- to take ib
- snuh cl. 4. P. snuhyati, to vomit Dhātup. xxvi, 90
- to be moist (= √snih, See snūhan)
- snuk in comp. for 2. snuh
- ○chada m. a kind of reed, Lipeocercis Serrata L
- snuh mfn. (nom. snuk or snuṭ) vomiting, one who vomits MW
- f. a kind of spurge, Euphorbia Antiquorum (its milky juice is used as an emetic &c
- it has 17 synonyms, cf. sīhuṇḍa &c.) Car. Suśr
- snuhā and f. id. Hcar
- snuhi f. id. Hcar
- snuhī f. id. Suśr
- snūhan m. the mucus of the nose ĀpŚr
- sneya See p. 1267, col. 1
- sneha &c. See p. 1267, col. 2
- snai (vḷ. stai), cl. 1. P. snāyati, to clothe, wrap round, envelop, adorn Dhātup. xxii, 25
- snaigdhya snaihika, See p. 1267, col. 3
- spand (often confounded with √syand), cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. ii, 13) spandate (rarely ○ti
- only in pres. base and inf. spanditum
- Gr. also pf. paspande
- fut. spanditā, spandiṣyate
- aor. aspandiṣṭa), to quiver, throb, twitch, tremble, vibrate, quake, palpitate, throb with life, quicken (as a child in the womb) PārGṛ. Car. MBh. &c
- to kick (as an animal) Br. ĀśvŚr
- to make any quick movement, move, be active Hariv
- to flash into life, come suddenly to life BhP.: Caus. spandayati (aor. apaspandat), to cause to quiver or shake MBh
- to move (trans.) ĀśvŚr.: Desid. pispandiṣate Gr.: Intens., See paniṣpadá. [Cf. Gk. ? ; perhaps also [1268,] Lat. pendo, pondus.]
- spanda m. throbbing, throb, quiver, pulse, tremor, vibration, motion, activity Kāv. Rājat. BhP
- N. of a Śaiva wk. by Abhinava-gupta
- ○kārikā f. N. of a metrical version of the Spandasūtra (q.v.)
- ○caritra n. N. of wk. on twitching of the limbs (regarded as a branch of the science of augury or prognostication
- See spandana)
- ○nirṇaya m
- ○nilaya m
- ○pradīpa m
- ○pradīpikā f
- ○vivaraṇa n
- ○vivṛti f
- ○śāstra n
- ○saṃdoha m
- ○sarvasva n. N. of wks
- ○sūtra n. (also called śiva-sūtra) N. of aphorisms on the Śaiva philosophy by Vasu-gupta
- -vimarśinī f. N. of a Comm. on the above wk
- spandârtha-sūtrâvalī f. N. of wk. (prob. the spanda-kārikā)
- spandaná mf(ā́)n. making a sudden movement, kicking (as a cow) AV
- m. a kind of tree (the wood of which is made into bedsteads, chairs &c.) VarBṛS
- n. throbbing, pulsation, palpitation, quivering, twitching (twitchings and quiverings of the body are supposed to prognosticate good or bad luck, and are therefore minutely described in certain wks
- See above), trembling, agitation ĀśvGṛ. Mṛicch. &c
- throbbing with life, quickening (of a child in the womb) Yājñ. Suśr. [Page 1268, Column]
- quick movement, motion Kathās
- wṛ. for syand○ RV. iii, 53, 19
- spandita mfn. quivering, trembling Sāh
- (fr. Caus.) set in motion, produced Prab
- n. a pulsation, throb, trembling Vikr
- movement or activity (of the mind) Prab
- spandin mfn. quivering, throbbing, pulsating, tremulous Megh. Rājat
- spandolikā f. (cf. syand○) swinging backwards and forwards, rocking one's self to and fro (as in a swing) BhP
- spāndana mfn. derived from the tree Spandana, made of it &c., g. palāśâdi
- spara ○raṇa &c. See col. 3
- sparitṛ See p. 1269, col. 3
- spariśa See p. 1269, col. 1
- spardh (or spṛdh
- √.spṛh), cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. ii, 2) spárdhate (m. c. also P. ○ti
- Subj. [prá]-spūrdhán RV. vi, 67, 9
- pf. paspṛdhé, ○dhāná, ápaspṛdhethām RV
- paspardha MBh. &c
- aor. aspṛdhran, spṛdhānd RV.: aspardhiṣṭa Gr
- fut. spardhitā, spardhiṣyate ib
- inf. spárdhitum AV. Br
- spūrdháse RV
- ind. p. -spṛ́dhya ib.), to emulate, compete, rival, vie or cope with (instr. with and without saha, or acc.), contend or struggle for (loc.) RV. &c. &c.: Caus. spardhayati Gr.: Desid. pispardhiṣate ib.: Intens. pāspardhyate, pāsparddhi ib. (apāspāḥ Pāṇ. 8-3, 14 Sch.)
- paspṛdhāná See above
- spardha mfn. emulous, envious (-tā f.) W
- (ā), f. See below
- spardhana n. emulation, rivalry, envy MW
- spardhanīya mfn. to be competed for, striven after, desirable Nir
- spardhas See ví-ṣpardhas
- spardhā f. emulation, rivalry, envy, competition for or with (instr. with and without saha gen., loc., or comp
- ○dhayā, 'in rivalry or emulation') MBh. R. &c
- desire for (comp.) Bhartṛ. (vḷ.)
- ○kara mf(ī)n. emulating, competing or vying with (comp.) Dhūrtan
- ○vat mfn. id. Bālar. Viddh
- spardhita mfn. contending or competing together, emulating, envious, jealous MBh
- contended with, challenged, defied R
- spardhin mfn. emulating, rivalling, vying with (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- proud W
- superb, gorgeous. W
- spardhya mfn. to be competed for, desirable, valuable MBh. R
- spardhyâstaraṇa-vat mfn. covered with a valuable carpet MBh
- spūrdháse See root
- spṛ́dh f. contest, competition, battle, fight RV
- a rival, adversary ib
- m. a rival, enemy BhP
- mfn. emulous, vying with (comp.) ib
- desirous of ib
- spṛdhāná See root
- spṛdhya See mitha-spṛ○
- sparś See √4. spaś, col. 3
- sparśa ○śana &c. See p. 1269
- sparṣ cl. 1. Ā. sparṣate (snehane)
- See √parṣ
- spaś (cf. √1. paś
- only occurring in pf. paspaśe, p. paspaśāná
- aor. áspaṣṭa), to see, behold, perceive, espy RV.: Caus. spāśayati (ĀpŚr.) and spāśáyate (RV.), to make clear, show
- to perceive, observe. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. spicio ; [1268,] Germ. spe17hôn, spā0hen ; Eng. spy.]
- spáś m. one who looks or beholds, a watcher, spy, messenger (esp. applied to the messengers of Varuṇa) RV. AV. VS. [Cf. Lat. spex in auspex
- Gk. ?.] [1268,]
- spaśa m. = prec. ṢaḍvBr. Mn. MBh. Pañcat
- a fight, war, battle L
- a kind of gladiator who fights with a savage animal for a reward W. [Cf. Gk. ?.] [1268,]
- spaṣṭá mfn. clearly perceived or discerned, distinctly visible, distinct, clear, evident, plain, intelligible TS. &c. &c
- straight (opp. to 'crooked') VarBṛS. Kathās
- real, true, correct Gaṇit. Gol
- one who sees clearly MW
- (am), ind. clearly, distinctly Kāv. Rājat
- straight out, openly, boldly Amar. Śukas
- ○garbhā f. a woman who shows clear signs of pregnancy MW. [Page 1268, Column]
- ○tara mfn. more or most evident or clear or intelligible MBh
- ○tā f. clearness, distinctness, evidence Vishṇ
- ○tāraka mfn. having stars distinctly visible (said of the sky) MW
- ○pratipatti f. clear perception or ascertainment ib
- ○bhāṣin or mfn. speaking clearly or distinctly, plain-spoken ib
- ○vaktṛ mfn. speaking clearly or distinctly, plain-spoken ib
- spaṣṭâkṣara mfn. 'containing distinct sounds or syllables', distinctly pronounced or spoken Ratnâv
- spaṣṭârtha mfn. clear in meaning, distinct, obvious, perspicuous, intelligible Cāṇ. Yājñ. Sch
- spaṣṭêtara mfn. 'other than clear', indistinct, unintelligible L
- spaṣṭaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make clear, elucidate ĀśvŚr. Sch. Kull
- to make straight (cure a hump-back) Kathās
- spaṣṭī in comp. for 1. spaṣṭa
- ○karaṇa n. making clear or intelligible W
- = -kṛti Gaṇit
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make distinct or clear Sāy
- to rectify, correct (by calculation) Gaṇit
- ○kṛta mfn. made clear, elucidated, exposed W
- ○kṛti f. rectification, correction (by calculation) Gaṇit
- ○bhūta mfn. become plain or evident MW
- spāśana n. (fr. Caus.), See Nir. v, 3 and prati-spāśana
- spāśita mfn. = 2. spaṣṭa Pāṇ. 7-2, 27
- spaś (cf. √3. paś), cl. 1. P. Ā. spaśati, ○te (p. paspāśa, paspaśe
- fut. spaśitā &c.), to bind, fetter, stop, hinder Dhātup. xxi, 22: Caus. spāśayati (aor. apaspaśat), Gr.: Desid. pispaśiṣati, ○te ib.: Intens. pāspaśyate, pāspaṣti ib
- spaśā f. girding a wife (at a sacrifice performed by her husband) L
- spaṣṭa mfn. (for 1. See col. 2) bound, fettered &c. Pāṇ. 7-2, 27
- spaś (vḷ. sparś
- connected with √1. spṛś), cl. 10. P. spāśayati, to take or take hold of Dhātup. xxxiii, 7
- to unite, join, embrace ib
- spārśana See p. 1269, col. 2
- spārha &c. See p. 1269, col. 2
- spūrdh collateral of √spardh, q.v
- spṛ (vḷ. stṛ and smṛ), cl. 5. P. (Dhātup. xxvii, 13) spṛṇóti (in Veda also spṛṇuté
- pf. paspāra Br
- aor. aspar Subj. sparat Impv. spṛdhi RV
- áspārṣam ib
- fut. spartā, spariṣyati Gr
- inf. spárase RV
- ind. p. spṛtvā́ Br.), to release, extricate or deliver from (abl.), save, gain, win RV. TS. Br. TUp.: Caus. spāráyati, to attract to one's self, win TBr
- to preserve, save, rescue ib
- to gladden, delight, gratify, bestow Dhātup
- spára n. N. of partic. Sāman days and the texts and sacrifices connected with them (-tvá n.) TBr
- spáraṇa mf(ī)n. saving, delivering AV. TS
- spárase See under root
- spartṛ See ava-sp○
- spṛ́t mfn. (only ifc.) delivering one's self from, removing, avoiding ( See kilbiṣa-spṛt)
- gaining, winning ( See dhana- and loka-spṛt)
- f. a kind of brick ŚBr
- spṛta mfn. saved, gained, won PañcavBr
- spṛ́ti f. = spara ŚBr. KātyŚr
- spṛ incorrect for √spṝ
- sparitṛ mfn. See p. 1269, col. 3
- spṛkkā f. Trigonella Corniculata Suśr. VarBṛS
- spṛdh See √spardh, col. 2
- spṛś cl. 6. P. (Dhātup. xxviii, 128) spṛśáti (m. c. also ○te
- pr. p. spṛśāna MBh
- impf. asparśat BhP
- pf. pasparśa, paspṛśuḥ, paspṛśe ib. &c
- Subj. paspárśat RV
- aor. aspṛkṣat AV. Br
- asprākṣīt Br. MBh
- aspārkṣīt Gr
- Prec. spṛśyāt MBh
- fut. spraṣṭā or sparṣṭā Gr
- sparkṣyati ib
- sprakṣyati MBh
- inf. spraṣṭum ib. &c
- -spṛ́śe RV
- -spṛ́śas Br
- ind. p. spṛṣṭvā, -spṛ́śya ib. &c.), to touch, feel with the hand, lay the hand on (acc. or loc.), graze, stroke RV. &c. &c
- to handle, take hold of (anyo'nyaṃ hastau spṛśataḥ, 'they mutually touch or shake hands') MBh. Kāv. &c
- (with apáḥ, udakam, jalam
- or adbhis &c.) to touch or sip water, wash or sprinkle certain parts of the body with water GṛŚrS. Mn. ii, 60 MBh. &c
- to touch so as to hurt, injure, harm Kathās. [Page 1269, Column]
- to perceive or feel by touch Up. Mn. VarBṛS
- to touch, come into contact (lit
- and fig. in astron. sense) VarBṛS
- to reach or penetrate to (loc. or acc
- with karṇam, 'to come to the ears'
- with kriyām, 'to set about any action') MBh. R. &c
- to come up to, equal (acc
- with girā, 'to equal with words', i.e. 'to be able to describe') Kāv
- to act upon, affect Sarvad. BhP
- to touch i.e. endow or fill with (instr.) RV. iv, 3, 15
- to touch i.e. befall, fall to the lot of, come upon, visit, afflict (acc.) ChUp. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to touch, take hold of, make one's own, appropriate MBh. iv, 135
- to attain to, obtain, experience, undergo MBh. Kām. &c
- to grant, bestow (cf. Caus.) BhP.: Pass. spṛśyate (aor. asparśi), to be touched or seized or affected by MBh. &c.: Caus. sparśayati, ○te (aor. apasparśat or apispṛśat
- Subj. pispṛśaḥ, ○śati RV.), to cause to touch (two acc.), bring into immediate contact with (loc. or instr.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to convey to (loc.) RV
- to fill or cover with (instr.) &c
- to perceive by touch, feel MaitrUp
- to offer, present, give Mn. MBh. &c.: Desid. pispṛkṣati (cf. pispṛkṣu), Gr.: Intens. parīspṛśyate, parīspraṣṭi, parīsparṣṭi ib
- spariśa m. touch (= sparśa) L
- sparśá mfn. touching (in a-bhūtala-sp○, manaḥ-sp○, q.v.)
- m. (ifc. f. ā) touch, sense of touch (-tas ind. e.g. sparśa-taḥ sukhaṃ tat, 'that is pleasant to the touch'), contact (fig. applied to the beginning of an eclipse or to any astron. contact) Mn. MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- (in gram.) collective N. of the twenty-five consonants constituting the five classes from k to m (so-called because formed by complete contact of the organs of utterance
- cf. sthāna and spṛṣṭa) Prāt. ChUp. BhP
- (in phil.) the quality of tangibility (which constitutes the skin's viṣaya, q.v.) IW. 68
- any quality which is perceptible by touching any object (e.g. heat, cold, smoothness, softness &c.) MBh. &c
- feeling, sensation (e.g. siraḥ-śūla-sp○, 'sensation of headache') ŚBr. &c. &c
- pleasant feeling MBh. v, 1366
- unpleasant or morbid sensation, illness Pāṇ. 3-3, 16 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- air, wind L
- (accord. to some) temperature Nyāyad
- a kind of sexual union L
- a gift, offering ( See kāka-sp○ and sp"ṣ-yajña below)
- wṛ. for spaśa, a spy MBh. Śiś
- (ā), f. an unchaste woman L
- (a word of unknown meaning) Hariv. 10243
- ○kliṣṭa mfn. painful to the touch Ml
- ○kṣama mfn. capable of touch, tangible Śak
- ○guṇa mfn. having the quality of tangibility (said of the air) Mn. i, 76
- ○ja mfn. produced by touch BhP
- ○tanmātra n. the subtle element of tangibility (or of air) Sāṃkhyak
- ○tā f. a state of contact or touch (in a-bhū-tala-sparśatā) Śak
- ○tva n. a state of feeling, sensation BhP
- -jātipramāṇa n. N. of a Nyāya wk
- ○dveṣa m. sensitiveness to touch Suśr
- ○maṇi m. 'touchstone, a kind of philosopher's stone (supposed to turn everything it touches to gold) L
- -prabhava n. 'touches-stone-production', gold L
- ○yajña m. 'touches-offering', an offering consisting in the mere touches of the things offered MBh
- ○yoga-śāstra n. N. of a Yoga wk
- ○rasika mfn. fond of sensation, sensual, lustful, Śāntiś
- ○rūpa-vat mfn. pleasant to the touches and of beautiful appearance MBh
- ○repha-saṃdhi m. the junction of a Sparśa (q.v.) letter and r RPrāt
- ○lajjā f. 'shrinking from tṭtouches', the sensitive plant, Mimosa Pudica L
- ○vat mfn. having tangibility, palpable (-tva n.) Tarkas. Bhāshāp. &c
- pleasant to the touches, smooth, soft MBh. Kum
- ○varga m. the whole class of Sparśa consonants ( See sparśa) RPrāt
- ○vihāra m. a comfortable existence, Mahāvy
- ○vedya mfn. to be known or apprehended by the sense of touches MW
- ○śabda-vat mfn. palpable and audible BhP
- ○śuddhā f. 'pure to the tṭtouches', Asparagus Racemosus L
- ○saṃkocin m. 'closing at the touches', Diascorea Globosa L
- ○saṃcārin mfn. passing (from one to another) by contact, contagious, infectious Rājat
- ○sukha mfn. pleasant to the touch MW
- ○snāna n. bathing or ablution at the entrance of the sun or moon into an eclipse ib
- ○spanda (or, less correctly -syanda), m. 'starting at the touches', a frog L
- ○hāni f. loss of feeling or of sensitiveness Suśr
- red pustules (a kind of disease) ib
- sparśâjña mfn. devoid of all feeling or sensation, benumbed, paralyzed (-tā f.) L
- sparśânandā f. 'delighting the tṭtouches', an Apsaras L
- sparśânukūla mfn. pleasant to the touch, cooling Śak
- sparśâśana m. pl. 'feeding on mere touch', N. of a class of gods MBh. [Page 1269, Column]
- sparśâsaha or mfn. intolerant of touch, sensitive to touch (-tva n.) Suśr
- sparśâsaḍhiṣṇu mfn. intolerant of touch, sensitive to touch (-tva n.) Suśr
- sparśêndriya n. the sense of touch Suśr
- sparśôpala m. = sparśa-maṇi Śatr
- sparśôṣma-saṃdhi m. the junction of a Sparśi (q.v.) letter and sibilant &c. (cf. ūṣman) RPrāt
- sparśaka mfn. touching, feeling, a toucher L
- sparśana mf(ī)n. touching, handling MW
- affecting, acting upon, afflicting ib
- m. air, wind L
- n. the act of touching, touch, contact ŚvetUp. Yājñ. &c
- sensation, sense of touch, organ of sensation or feeling, sensitive nerve Mn. MBh. Sarvad
- gift, donation L
- sparśanêndriya n. the sense of touch Suśr
- sparśanaka n. (in Sāṃkhya) that which touches (said of the skin) MW
- sparśanīya mfn. to be touched Pañcat
- to be perceived or felt MBh
- sparśayitavya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be perceived or felt PraśnUp
- sparśāna m. = manas L
- sparśika mfn. tangible, palpable, perceptible Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 95
- sparśitṛ mfn. who or what touches or feels or perceives MBh
- sparśin mfn. (only ifc.) touching, handling GṛŚrS
- reaching or penetrating to Rājat. BhP
- sparṣṭavya mfn. = spraṣṭavya MW
- sparṣṭṛ mfn. = spraṣṭṛ L
- spārśana mfn. (fr. sparśana) what is touched or felt, palpable, tangible Pāṇ. 4-2, 92 Sch
- ○pratyakṣa n. tactile perception, perception by touching or feeling MW
- spṛś mfn. (generally ifc
- nom. spṛk) touching, coming into contact with ( See kṣiti-, śava-spṛś &c.)
- reaching to ( See gagana-, bhūspṛś &c.)
- experiencing, betraying Kāv
- f. = spṛkkā VarBṛS. Sch
- spṛśa mfn. touching, reaching to (in sarvadvāra-sp○) MBh
- m. touch, contact (in duḥ-sp○, q.v.)
- (ā), f. a kind of plant ( = bhujaṃga-ghātinī) L
- (ī), f. the prickly nightshade, Solanum Jacquini L
- spṛśi mfn. = viṣaya-spṛś Hariv. 7433 (Nīlak.)
- spṛśya mfn. to be touched or felt, tangible, sensible MBh. Hariv. &c
- to be taken in possession or appropriated Rājat
- (ā), f. N. of one of the Samidhs (q.v.) KātyŚr. Sch
- spṛṣṭa mfn. touched, felt with the hand handled AV. &c. &c
- affected or afflicted or possessed by (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- defiled (cf. comp.)
- (in gram.) formed by complete contact of the organs of utterance (applied to all consonants except semivowels [called īṣat-spṛṣṭa, 'formed by slight contact'] and except sibilants and h, which are called ardha-spṛṣṭa, 'formed by half-contact') Prāt. Siksh
- ○tā f. formation by contact ( See prec.) VPrāt
- ○pūrva mfn. felt or experienced before MBh
- ○mātra mfn. merely touched MW
- ○maithuna mfn. defiled by sexual intercourse Mn. viii, 205
- spṛṣṭaka n. a kind of embrace L
- (ikā), f. touching parts of the body (as the feet &c., an asseveration or taking an oath) Mṛicch. Mcar
- spṛṣṭavya wṛ. for spraṣṭavya Hit
- spṛṣṭā-spṛṣṭi ind. mutual touching, touching one another L. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-2, 27)
- spṛ́ṣṭi f. touch, touching, contact ŚBr
- spṛṣṭikā f. See under spṛṣṭaka above
- spṛṣṭin mfn. (only ifc.) one who has touched Gaut
- spraṣṭavya mfn. to be touched or handled Mn. R. Hit
- tangible, palpable, sensible Vajracch
- n. touch, feeling, Mahāvy
- spraṣṭṛ́ mfn. who or what touches or feels ŚBr. Up. MBh
- m. any affection causing bodily pain, sickness, disease, morbid heat &c. L
- spṛh (connected with √spardh, spṛdh), cl. 10. P. (Dhātup. xxxv, 19) spṛháyati (m. c. also ○te
- pr. p. spṛhayat or spṛhayamāṇa, once in Āpast. spṛhantī
- pf. spṛhayām-āsa or -babhūva MBh. &c
- aor. apaspṛhat inf. spṛhayitum Gr.), to be eager, desire eagerly, long for (dat., gen., or acc.) RV. &c. &c
- to envy, be jealous of (dat., gen., or acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Germ. springen ; Eng. spring.] [1269,]
- spārhá mf(ā́)n. desirable, enviable, excellent RV. BhP
- ○rādhas (spārhá-), mfn. possessing or bestowing enviable wealth (as Indra) RV
- ○vīra (spārhá-), mfn. consisting in excellent heroes or having excellent chiefs or guides ib. [Page 1269, Column]
- spṛh See puru-spṛ́h and ni spṛ́h
- spṛhaṇa n. (ifc.) longing for, coveting, striving after MBh
- spṛhaṇīya mfn. to be wished or longed for, desirable, attractive to (gen. or instr.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- enviable, to be envied by (gen.) R. Kathās
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. desirableness, enviableness Kāv. Rājat
- ○śobha mfn. having desirable or enviable beauty MW
- spṛhayád-varṇa mfn. striving after or eager for any partic. appearance or form, vying in appearance or lustre RV
- spṛhayā́yya mfn. to be striven after or contended for, desirable RV
- desiring, desirous (= spṛhayālu) Uṇ. iii, 96 Sch
- m. = nakṣatra ib
- spṛhayālu mfn. eagerly, desirous, eager, jealous, envious, longing for or to (dat., loc., or inf.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○tā f. (ifc.) desire of, longing for, Śāntiś
- spṛhayitṛ mfn. one who envies, an envier of (gen.) Nir. Sch
- spṛhā f. (ifc. f. ā) eager desire, desire, covetousness, envy, longing for, pleasure or delight in (dat., gen., loc., or comp
- acc. with √kṛ or bandh, 'to long for, be desirous of loc. or comp.'
- with √kṛ, 'to envy any one loc.') MBh. R. &c
- a kind of plant (vḷ. spṛśā) L
- ○vat mfn. desirous of, longing for, delighting in (loc.) Ragh. MārkP
- spṛhālu mfn. = spṛhayālu L
- spṛhita mfn. desired, wished for, longed for MW
- spṛhya mfn. to be wished for or desired W
- m. the citron tree L
- spṝ (vḷ. for √śṝ) cl. 9. P. spṛṇāti, to hurt, kill Dhātup. xxxi, 18
- sparitṛ mfn. one who injures or causes pain L
- spraṣṭavya spraṣṭṛ, See col. 2
- sphaṭ (= and vḷ. for √sphuṭ), cl. 1. P. sphaṭati, to burst, expand &c. Dhātup. ix, 44: Caus. or cl. 10. P. to hurt, injure Dhātup. xxxii, 90. [Cf. Goth. spilda ; Germ. spalten.]
- sphaṭa m. a snake's expanded hood L
- (ā), f. id. L
- (ī), f. alum L
- sphaṭika m. crystal, quartz ŚvetUp. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- (ā), f. alum (accord. to some also ○kī) L
- camphor L
- ○kuḍya n. a crystal wall BhP
- ○pātra n. a crystal vessel Suśr
- ○prabha mfn. glittering like crystal, crystalline, transparent MW
- ○bhitti f. = -kuḍya Kir
- ○maṇi m. crystal Prab
- -gṛha n. a house of crystal MW
- -vat ind. like crystal Prab
- -śilā f. crystal ib
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting or made of crystal Kād. Kathās
- ○yaśas m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās
- ○śikharin m. 'crystal-mountain', N. of Kailāsa Bālar
- ○śilā f. crystal
- -maṇḍapa m. or n. a crystal-bower Ratnâv
- ○skambha m. a crystal pillar MW
- ○harmya n. a crystal, palace Kathās
- sphaṭikâkṣa-mālikā f. a crṭcrystal rosary Kum
- sphaṭikâcala m. = ○ka-śikharin L
- sphaṭikâdri m. id
- -bhida m. camphor L
- spahaṭikâbhra m. 'crystal-cloud', camphor MW
- sphaṭikâśman m. 'crystal-stone', crystal W
- sphaṭikāri
- sphaṭikāḍrikā
- sphaṭikāḍrī f. alum
- sphaṭita mfn. torn Divyâv
- sphāṭaka m. a drop of water L
- n. crystal L
- (ī), f. alum L
- sphāṭi See viśva-sph○
- sphāṭika mf(ā or ī)n. made of crystal, crystal-line MBh. Kāv. &c
- n. crystal MBh. R
- a kind of sandal ĀśvGṛ.Pariś
- ○saudha m. n. a crystal palace Śiś
- sphāṭikôpala m. crystal L
- sphāṭita mfn. split open, expanded, made to gape, cleft, rent, torn Suśr. VarBṛS. Hit
- sphāṭīka m. = sphaṭika, crystal, quartz L
- sphāṇi See viśva-sph○
- sphaṇṭ See next and √sphuṭ
- sphaṇḍ (vḷ. sphaṇṭ), cl. 10. P. sphaṇḍayati, to jest or joke with, laugh at Dhātup. xxxii, 4
- sphar cl. 6. P. spharati, = (and vḷ. for) √sphur (q.v.): Caus. sphārayati to expand, open or diffuse widely ( See below)
- to bend, discharge (a bow) R
- sphara or m. a shield L. (accord. to some fr. Persian ?). [Page 1270, Column]
- spharaka m. a shield L. (accord. to some fr. Persian ?). [Page 1270, Column]
- spharaṇa n. = sphuraṇa, trembling, quivering, throbbing, vibration L
- penetration, Mahāvy
- spharitra n. a partic. instrument Mahāvy
- sphāra mf(ā)n. (accord. to Uṇ. ii, 13, fr. √sphāy below) extensive, wide, large, great, abundant, violent, strong, dense (as mist), loud (as a shout) Kāv. HPariś. Pañcad
- m. a shock, slap, bang Kathās
- = sphoraṇa Vop
- m. or n. a bubble or flaw (in gold &c.)
- m. n. much, abundance L. [Cf. Gk. ?.]
- ○phulla mfn. full blown Mālatīm. [1270,]
- ○sphāra mfn. very extensive &c. Sāh
- sphāraṇa n. = spharaṇa L
- sphārita mfn. (fr. Caus.) opened wide Mālatīm
- widely diffused Bhartṛ
- throbbing, vibrating MW
- sphārī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to open wide (intrans.) Kād
- to be spread or diffused widely, increase, grow, multiply Mṛicch. Pañcat
- sphal (vḷ. for √sphul, and occurring only with prep., √.skhal), cl. 1. P. sphalati, to quiver, shake, vibrate, burst, break &c.: Caus. sphālayati, See ā-√sphal. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [1270,] fallo ; Lith. púlti ; Germ. fallen ; Eng. fall.]
- sphāla m. quivering (= spholana) Vop
- sphālana n. (fr. Caus.) shaking, quivering W
- flapping or flopping or striking against, slapping Kull
- rubbing, friction ib
- sphavi See below
- sphāka See pīvaḥ-sphāka
- sphāṭaka sphāṭika, See p. 1269
- sphāy cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xiv, 16) sphāyate (Gr. also pf. pasphāye aor. asphāyiṣṭa, or asphāṣṭa fut. sphāyitā &c.), to grow fat, become bulky, swell, increase, expand Hcar
- to resound ib.: Pass. sphīyate, to become fat SāmavBr.: Caus. sphāvayati (aor. apisphavat), to fatten, swell, strengthen, increase, augment Bhaṭṭ. [?Cf. Gk. ? ; Lit. spe10ti ; Slav. [sp�eti].] [1270,]
- sphavi (prob.) m. a kind of tree L
- sphātí f. fattening, breeding (of cattle) RV. TS
- increase, growth, prosperity Śatr
- ○ṃ-karaṇa n. du. N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○mát mfn. thriving, fat (superl. -máttama) AV
- ○hārin mfn. removing fat AV. Paipp
- sphāna
- sphāyana See gaya-sph○
- sphāyat mfn. (pr. p.) expanding &c
- ○kairava Nom. P. -vati, to resemble an expanding lotus flower Kāv
- sphāvayitṛ m. a fattener, breeder AitBr
- sphirá mfn. fat RV. ; much, abundant L. [?Cf. Lat. pro-sper.]
- sphivi (prob.) m. a tree L. = uda-śvit L
- sphīta mfn. swollen, enlarged Bhpr
- thriving, flourishing, successful, prosperous, rich, well off, abounding in, full of (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- heavy (with rain, as a cloud) Mṛicch
- dense (as smoke) Mālatīm
- much, abundant, many, numerous MBh. R. &c
- cold L
- affected by hereditary disease W
- ○tā f. bulkiness, enlargement MW
- prosperity, welfare, flourishing condition Kām
- ○nitambā f. having full buttocks Hāsy
- sphīti f. welfare, prosperity Rājat
- sphītī in comp. for sphīta
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to enlarge, augment Jātakam
- ○kṛta mfn. enlarged, augmented, increased R
- spheman m. (fr. sphira) fatness, abundance &c. Pāṇ. 6-4, 157
- spheyas mfn. (compar. of sphira) more or most abundant ib
- spheṣṭha mfn. (superl. of sphira) very much, abundant ib
- sphāra ○raṇa, See above
- sphārṇi See viśva-sphārṇi
- sphāla ○lana, See above
- sphic or sphij f. (nom. sphik
- of doubtful derivation) a buttock, hip (○cau or ○jau du. 'the buttocks') ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn. MBh. &c. [Cf. Gk. ?, or [1270,] accord. to some ?.]
- sphik in comp. for sphic
- ○srāva m. a kind of disease VarBṛS
- sphig in comp. for sphic
- ○ghātaka m. a kind of tree (much used in medicine, = kaṭ-phala) L
- ○daghna mfn. reaching to the hip HirP
- sphigī́ f. = sphic, a buttock RV
- sphiñja See narma-sphiñja. [Page 1270, Column]
- sphiṭ cl. 10. P. spheṭayati, to hurt, injure, kill Dhātup. xxxii, 90 (vḷ. for √sphiṭṭ
- accord. to some also, 'to despise'
- 'to love'
- 'to cover')
- spheṭa See saṃ-spheṭa
- sphiṭṭ (cf. √sphiṭ, sphaṭ), cl. 10, P. sphiṭṭayati, to hurt, kill Dhātup. xxxii, 90
- sphira See col. 1
- sphīta sphīti, See col. 1
- sphuji-dhvaja m. N. of an astronomer VarBṛ. Sch
- sphuṭ (cf. √sphaṭ), cl. 6. P., 1. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxviii, 80 ; ix, 44 ; viii, 7) sphuṭati
- sphoṭati, ○te (Ā. only in Dhātup
- pf. pusphoṭa Kathās
- aor. asphoṭīt Gr
- fut. sphoṭitā ib
- sphuṭiṣyati MBh
- ind. p. sphuṭitvā Vet
- -sphoṭam Kathās.), to burst or become suddenly rent asunder, burst or split open (with a sound), part asunder ŚBr. &c. &c
- to expand, blossom, bloom Kāv. BhP
- to disperse, run away Bhaṭṭ
- to crack (as the joints of the fingers) Car
- to crackle (as fire) Ṛitus
- to burst into view, appear suddenly Cat
- to abate (as a disease) Kathās.: Caus. sphuṭayati (Pass. sphuṭyate Sarvad.), to burst open or into view Dhātup. xxxv, 84
- to make clear or evident Saṃkar. Sarvad. Kull
- sphoṭayati (cf. Dhātup. xxxiii, 48
- aor. apusphuṭat), to burst or rend suddenly, break, split, divide MBh. Kāv. Kathās
- to put out (eyes) Pañcat
- to shake, wag, brandish R. Hariv. Suśr. &c
- to push aside (a bolt) Kathās
- to crackle (as fire) MBh
- to hurt, destroy, kill MW
- to winnow ib
- sphuṭa mfn. open, opened Suśr. BhP
- expanded, blossomed, blown MBh. Uttarar
- plain, distinct, manifest, evident, clear MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- (in astron.) apparent, real, true, correct Sūryas
- spread, diffused, extensive, wide, broad Kum. Bhartṛ. Śiś
- extraordinary, strange Kpr
- full of, filled with, possessed by (instr. or comp.) Divyâv. Lalit
- white L
- m. the expanded hood of a serpent L. (also ā f. Pañcat.)
- N. of a man, g. aśvâdi
- (am), ind. distinctly, evidently, certainly Kāv. Kathās
- ○karaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○candra-tāraka mf(ā)n. radiant with the moon and stars (said of night) Kum
- ○candrikā f
- ○jyotiṣa n. N. of wks
- ○tara mfn. more (or most) distinct or clear (am ind.) Śiś
- ○râkṣara mfn. having very clear words, perfectly clear or intelligible (cf. sphuṭâkṣ○) ib
- ○tā f. manifestness, distinctness (acc. with √gam, 'to become manifest or evident') Bhaṭṭ. Kir
- reality, truth, correctness (in a-sph○) Gol
- ○tāra mfn. having stars clearly seen, bright with stars MW
- ○tva n. the being open, openness Suśr
- manifestness &c. ( See -tā) Śaṃk. Sarvad. Gaṇit
- ○darpaṇa m. N. of an astron. wk. by Nārāyaṇâcārya
- ○puṇḍarīka n. the expanded (lotus of the) heart Bcar. i, 9
- ○pauruṣa mfn. one who has displayed energy MW
- ○phala m. coriander or the fruit of Diospyros Embryopteris (= tumburu) L
- n. (in geom.) clear or precise result (of any calculation)
- distinct or precise area (of a triangle &c.)
- ○phena-rāji m. (the sea) bright with lines of foam Kum
- ○bandhanī vḷ. for -valkalī
- ○budbuda Nom. P. -"ṣdati, to apparently resemble a water-bubble Kāv
- ○bodha m. N. of a Vedânta wk
- ○raṅgiṇī f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum Subh
- ○vaktṛ mfn. speaking distinctly or frankly Cāṇ
- ○valkalī f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum Subh
- ○vivaraṇa n. N. of an astron. wk. by Rudra-miśra
- ○śabdam ind. with a clear sound, distinctly, audibly Śiś
- ○sāra m. (prob.) the true latitude of a star or planet MW
- ○siddhânta m. N. of an astron. wk
- ○sūrya-gati f. apparent or true motion of the sun MW
- sphuṭâkṣara mfn. having clear words, persicuous (as speech) Ratnâv
- sphuṭâgas mfn. sinning openly (in the sight of every one) Śiś
- sphuṭârtha m. clear sense or meaning Śak. Sch
- mfn. having clear sense, perspicuous, intelligible (tā f.) Śiś
- sphuṭana n. bursting, opening, expanding Vāgbh. Śatr
- cracking (of the joints &c.) Car
- sphuṭanīya mfn. to be broken open or split MW
- sphuṭi or f. cracking or chapping of the skin of the feet L
- sphuṭī f. cracking or chapping of the skin of the feet L
- the fruit of the Karkaṭī or Cucumis Momordica L
- sphuṭikā f. a small bit or fragment Daś. [Page 1270, Column]
- sphuṭita mfn. burst, budded, blown &c
- laughed at (= pari-hasita
- √.sphuṇṭ) MW
- ○caraṇa mfn. having too flat or wide feet, splay-footed ib
- sphuṭī in comp. for sphuṭa
- ○karaṇa n. the act of making clear or evident, manifestation Kād. Śaṃk
- making true or correct, correction Sūryas
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make clear or evident or manifest Kād. Pratāp
- to sharpen (the senses) Car
- ○bhāva m. becoming clear or evident Nyāyam
- ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become evident or manifest Naish. Sarvad
- sphoṭa m. bursting, opening, expansion, disclosure (cf. narma-sph○) MBh. Kāv. &c
- extension ( See kara-sph○)
- a swelling, boil, tumour Car. Suśr
- a little bit or fragment, chip L
- crackling, crash, roar MBh. VarBṛS
- (in phil.) sound (conceived as eternal, indivisible, and creative) Sarvad
- the eternal and imperceptible element of sounds and words and the real vehicle of the idea which bursts or flashes on the mind when a sound is uttered Pat
- (ā), f. shaking or waving the arms MārkP
- the expanded hood of a snake (= or wṛ. for sphaṭā) L
- ○kara m. Semecarpus Anacardium L
- ○cakra n. N. of a gram. wk
- ○candrikā f. N. of wk. (on the above philosophical Sphoṭa)
- ○jīvikā f. a kind of trade (perhaps one which involves the practice of splitting by explosive or other methods) HYog
- ○tattva n
- ○nirūpaṇa n. N. of wks
- ○bījaka m. Semecarpus Anacardium L
- ○latā f. Gynandropsis Anacardium L
- ○vālda m. N. of various wks. (on the above Sphoṭa of phil.)
- ○hetuka m. Semecarpus Anacardium L
- sphoṭaka m. a boil, tumour Pat. Car
- (ikā), f. id. Suśr
- a kind of bird L
- sphoṭana mfn. breaking or splitting asunder, crushing, destroying, removing Hariv. MārkP
- m. 'Crusher', N. of Śiva MBh
- (in gram.) 'divider', a kind of vocal sound audible between partic. conjunct consonants APrāt
- (ī), f. an instrument for splitting or cleaving, a gimlet, auger L
- (am), n. the act of breaking or tearing asunder &c. Āpast. Suśr. Pañcat
- winnowing grain &c. L
- shaking or waving (the arms) Sāh
- cracking (the fingers) Āpast
- (in gram.) the separation of certain conjunct consonants by the insertion of an audible vocal sound (cf. above) VPrāt
- sphoṭāyana m. N. of a grammarian Pāṇ. 6-1, 123
- sphoṭikā See sphoṭaka above
- sphoṭita mfn. (fr. Caus.) made to burst or open, rent or torn asunder, cileft, split, disclosed MBh. Kāv. &c
- n. crackling VarBṛS
- ○nayana mfn. having the eyes put out Pañcat
- sphoṭitârgala mfn. having the bolt pushed aside or the lock opened Kathās
- sphoṭinī f. a cucumber L
- sphauṭāyana m. patr. fr. sphuṭa g. aśvâdi
- sphuṭṭ cl. 10. P. sphuṭṭayati, to despise, disrespect Dhātup. xxxii, 37 (Vop.)
- sphuḍ cl. 6. P. sphuḍati, to cover Dhātup. xxviii, 97
- sphuṇṭ cl. 1. P. sphuṇṭati, to open, expand Dhātup. ix, 44
- cl. 10. P. sphuṇṭayati, to jest, joke, laugh (vḷ. for next) ib. xxxii, 4
- sphuṇḍ cl. 1. Ā. sphuṇḍate, to open, expand Dhātup. viii, 25
- cl. 10. P. sphuṇḍayati, to jest &c. (cf. prec.) ib. xxxii, 4
- sphut an imitative sound (cf. phut) L
- ○kara mfn. making a crackling sound (said of fire) MW
- ○kāra m. a crackling sound L
- sphur (cf. √sphar), cl. 6. P. (Dhātup. xxviii, 95) sphuráti (m. c. also ○te
- p. sphurat and sphuramāṇa qq.vv.
- only in pres. base, but See apa-√sphur
- Gr. also pf. pusphora, pusphure
- fut. sphuritā, sphuriṣyati
- aor. asphorīt
- Prec. sphūryāt
- inf. sphuritum), to spurn RV. AV
- to dart, bound, rebound, spring RV. MBh. Kāv
- to tremble, throb, quiver, palpitate, twitch (as the nerves of the arm Śak.), struggle Kauś. MBh. &c
- to flash, glitter, gleam, glisten, twinkle, sparkle MaitrUp. R. &c
- to shine, be brilliant or distinguished Rājat. Kathās. MārkP
- to break forth, burst out plainly or visibly, start into view, be evident or manifest, become displayed or expanded NṛisUp. MBh. &c
- to hurt, destroy Naigh. ii, 19: Caus. sphorayati (aor. apusphurat or apuspharat), to stretch, draw or bend (a bow) Bhaṭṭ. [Page 1271, Column]
- to adduce an argument Śaṃk. Sch
- to cause to shine, eulogize, praise excessively Pañcad
- sphurayati, to fill with (inser.) Lalit.: Desid. pusphuriṣati Gr.: Intens. posphuryate, posphorti. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. sperno ; Lith. [1271,] spírti ; Germ. sporo, spor, ṣporn ; Eng. spur, spurn.]
- sphur (ifc.) quivering, trembling, throbbing Śiś. ii, 14
- sphura mfn. id. Pañcat
- m. quiver, throb &c. (in sa-sphura, 'throbbing', i.e. 'living') Bhaṭṭ
- = (and vḷ. for) sphara, a shield L
- sphuraṇa mfn. glittering, sparkling VarBṛS
- n. the act of trembling, throbbing, vibration, pulsation (also ā, f.) Dhātup. L
- quivering or throbbing of parts of the body (as indicating good or bad luck) MW
- springing or breaking forth, starting into view, expansion, manifestation Sāh. BhP. Sarvad
- flashing, coruscation, twinkling, glittering Megh. Mālatīm
- sphurat mfn. (pr. p. P.) trembling, shaking &c. ( √and comp.)
- ○taraṃga-jihva mfn. having tongue-like tremulous waves (said of a river) Rājat
- ○prabhā-maṇḍala mfn. surrounded by a circle of tremulous light (said of a dart) Ragh
- sphurad in comp. for sphurat
- ○adharóṣṭha mfn. having quivering lips (am ind.) MW
- ○ulkā f. a shooting meteor, aerolite ib
- ○kâkṛti mfn. having the form of a shooting meteor ib
- ○oṣṭha mf(ī)n. with quivering lip MBh
- ○oṣṭhaka mfn. id. L
- ○gandha m. a diffused odour Bhartṛ
- sphuran in comp. for sphurat
- ○mīna mfn. having glittering fishes, gleaming with fishes Rājat
- sphuramāṇa mfn. (pr. p. Ā.) trembling. quivering &c
- sphuramāṇâuṣṭha mfn. having quivering lips R
- sphurita mfn. quivering, throbbing, trembling, palpitating, flashing &c. Kāv. VarBṛS. Pañcat
- struggling Vās
- glittered, flashed (n. impers. 'it has been flashed by') Hariv. Kālid. BhP
- broken forth, burst into view, suddenly arisen or appeared Kathās. Sarvad
- plainly displayed or exhibited Śiś
- swelled, swollen W
- (am), n. a tremulous or convulsive motion, quiver, throb, twitch, tremor, convulsion Kālid. Bhartṛ
- agitation or emotion of mind MW
- flash, gleam, glittering, radiance, shren MBh. Kathās
- sudden appearance, coming into being Rājat
- ○śatahrada mfn. having flashing lightning (said of a cloud) ib
- sphuritâdhara mfn. having lips trembling with (comp.) Kum
- sphuritôttarâdhara mfn. having trembling upper and under lip ib
- sphūrta mfn. (accord. to some) throbbed, throbbing MW
- suddenly risen into remembrance ib
- sphūrti f. quivering, throbbing, throb, palpitation, tremor, vibration Bhpr
- breaking forth visibly, sudden appearance or display, manifestation Kāv. Rājat
- bragging, boasting Pañcad
- ○mat mfn. throbbing, thrilling (with joy or excitement), tremulous, agitated W
- tender-hearted ib
- m. a follower or worshipper of Śiva (= pāśupata) L
- sphoraṇa n. throbbing, quivering (= sphāra) Vop
- sphurch sphurj, See √sphūrch, sphūrj
- sphul (later collateral of √sphur
- only with prep., See ni-, -niḥ, and ví-√sphul
- √.sphal), cl. 6. P. (Dhātup. xxviii, 96) sphulati (pf. pusphola fut. sphulitā &c., Gr.), to tremble, throb, vibrate Dhātup
- to dart forth, appear ib
- to collect ib
- to slay, kill Naigh. ii, 19. [For cognate words See under √sphal.]
- sphula n. a tent (= vastra-veśman) L
- ○mañjarī f. Achyranthes Aspera L
- sphulana n. trembling, throbbing, vibration (= sphuraṇa) L
- sphuliṅga m. (accord. to L. also n. and ā, f
- perhaps for sphulaṃ-ga) a spark of fire MBh. R. &c
- a fire-brand ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○vat mfn. scattering sparks Śiś
- sphuliṅgaka m. a spark of fire Yājñ. BhP
- sphuliṅgāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be or burn like sparks of fire Kāv
- sphuliṅgin mfn. having sparks of fire, sparkling MW
- (inī), f. N. of one of the seven tongues of Agni or fire MuṇḍUp. MārkP
- spholana n. = sphāla Vop. [Page 1271, Column]
- sphūrch (also written svūrch), cl. 1. P. sphūrchati, to spread, extend Dhātup. vii, 33
- to forget ib
- sphūrchita mfn. spread, Gr
- forgotten ib
- sphūrṇa id. ib
- sphūrj cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. vii, 61) sphūrjati (only in pres
- Gr. also pf. pusphūrja fut. sphūrjitā &c.), to rumble, roar, thunder, crash Kāv. Kathās
- to burst forth, be displayed, appear ib. Rājat. Sāh.: Caus. sphūrjáyati (aor. apusphūrjat), to crash, crackle AV. AitBr.: Desid. pusphūrjiṣati Gr.: Intens. posphūrjyate, posphūrkti ib. [Cf. Gk. ?.] [1271,]
- sphūrja m. the crashing sound of thunder, thunder-clap W
- Indra's thunderbolt ib
- sudden outbreak (cf. narma-sph○)
- N. of a Rākshasa, BhāgP
- a kind of plant (= sphūrjaka) L
- sphūrjā-vat mfn. thundering Bhaṭṭ
- sphū́rjaka m. a kind of plant (Diospyros Embryopteris, Strychnos &c. L.) ŚBr. Car. Suśr
- sphūrjathu m. thunder, a thunder-clap Mcar
- Amaranthus Polygonoides L
- sphūrjana m. = sphūrjaka L
- n. thundering, explosion, crash (Gk. ?) W. [1271,]
- sphūrji See viśva-sph○
- sphūrjita mfn. thundering
- n. thunder, a thunder-clap, crash, roar &c. Kāv
- sphūrṇa mfn. (?) thundered MW
- spheman &c. See p. 1270, col. 1
- sphaijāyani mfn. (fr. sphij), g. karṇâdi
- sphaijika mfn. (fr. id.) g. vetanâdi
- sphoṭa ○ṭaka &c. See p. 1270, col. 3
- sphyá n. an implement used in sacrifices (described as a flat piece of wood shaped like a sword for stirring the offerings of boiled rice, or, accord. to some, for trimming the mound used as an altar) AV. TS. Br. GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh
- a spar or boom (of a ship's sails) ŚBr
- (also n.) a kind of oar R. [Cf. accord. to some, Gk. ? ; Germ. spân, ṣpan.] [1271,]
- ○kṛt mfn. making a Sphya ĀpŚr
- m. N. of a man (cf. sphaiyakṛta)
- ○kṛta m. (prob. wṛ. for prec.), g. dvārâdi
- ○vartani f. the furrow or line made by the Sphya (in marking out the sacrificial ground) AitBr
- sphyâgra mfn. having a point like the Sphya (said of a sacrificial post) ŚrS
- sphaiyakṛta m. patr. fr. sphya-kṛt or sphya-kṛta (cf. above) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 7-3, 4
- sbrī See √svṝ, p. 1285, col. 3
- sma smā, (or ṣma, ṣmā), ind. a particle perhaps originally equivalent to 'ever', 'always'
- and later to 'indeed', 'certainly', 'verily', 'surely' (it is often used pleonastically, and in earlier language generally follows a similar particle [esp. ha, na], or relative, or prep. or verb, while in later language it frequently follows iti, na and nā́ [1. mā́]
- it is also joined with a pres. tense or pres. participle to give them a past sense [e.g. praviśanti sma, 'they entered']
- this use of sma is also found in the Brāhmaṇas and is extended to veda and āha, Vām. v, 2, 46) RV. &c. &c
- smát ind. (prob. connected with prec
- accord. to Sāy. = sumát, q.v.) together, at the same time, at once (is a prep. with instr. = 'together or along with'
- often in comp. = 'having', 'possessing', 'provided with') RV
- ○puraṃdhi (smát-), mfn. having abundance, munificent (said of Indra) RV
- smad in comp. for smat
- ○abhīśu (smád-), mfn. having (beautiful) reins RV
- ○ibha (smád-), n. 'having followers (?)', N. of a man (the enemy of Kutsa) ib
- ○iṣṭa (smád-), mfn. having an errand ib
- ○ūdhnī (smád-), f. ( See ūdhas) having a full udder, always giving milk (said of a cow) ib
- ○diṣṭi (smád-), mfn. well trained or practised ib
- ○rātiṣac (smád-
- strong form ○ṣāc), mfn. attended by givers or liberal men ib
- smán m. (meaning unknown) MaitrS
- smaya &c. See col. 3
- smara &c. See p. 1272, col, 1
- smārta &c. See p. 1272, col. 2. [Page 1271, Column]
- smi cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xxii, 51) smayate (m. c. also ○ti
- pf. sismiye, or siṣmiyé [p. siṣmiyāṇá, cf. upa-√smi], ep. also -smayām-āsa
- aor. asmeṣṭa Bhaṭṭ. 259
- asmayiṣṭhās MBh
- fut. smetā, smeṣyate Gr
- inf. smetum ib
- ind. p. smitvā Sāh
- -smitya, -smayitya MBh.), to smile, blush, become red or radiant, shine RV. TS. Kāṭh
- to smile, laugh MBh. Kāv. &c
- to expand, bloom (as a flower) Kāv
- to be proud or arrogant BhP.: Pass. smīyate (aor. asmāyi), Gr.: Caus. smāyayati, ○te (aor. asismayat
- also smāpayati in vi-√smi, q.v.), to cause to smile or laugh &c
- (Ā.) to laugh at, mock, despise Dhātup. xxxii, 37 (vḷ. for smiṭ, q.v.): Desid. sismayiṣate Gr.: Intens. seṣmīyate (p. ○yamāṇa Nir. viii, 11), seṣmayīti, seṣmeti ib. [Cf. Gk. ? for ? ; Lat. mirus, mirari ; Slav. [1271,] smijati ; Eng. smile.]
- smaya m. (ifc. f. ā) smiling at anything, wonder, surprise, astonishment MBh. Bhartṛ. (vḷ.)
- arrogance, conceit, pride in or at (comp.) Ragh. Daś. BhP
- Pride (personified as the son of Dharma and Pushṭi), Bhp
- ○dāna n. an ostentatious donation Hcat
- ○nutti f. the driving away or pulling down of pride MW
- smayâdika mfn. beginning with (i.e. based chiefly on) arrogance MBh
- smayana n. a smile, gentle laughter ĀśvŚr
- smayanīya mfn. to be smiled (n. impers.) MW
- smayāka m. Panicum Miliaceum L
- smayin mfn. smiling, laughing (in antaḥ-sm○, 'laughing inwardly') Śukas
- smita mfn. smiled, smiling MBh. R. &c
- expanded, blown, blossomed Śiś. Pañcat
- n. a smile, gentle laugh (○taṃ-√kṛ, 'to smile') MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○dṛś f. 'having a smiling look', a handsome woman W
- ○pūrva mfn. 'preceded by a smile', with a smile, smiling (am ind.) MBh
- ○vâbhibhāṣin mfn. addressing with a smile (○ṣi-tā f.) Kād
- ○mukha mfn. having a smiling face R
- ○vāc mfn. speaking with a smile Kām
- ○śālin mfn. having smiles, smiling, laughing W
- ○śobhin mfn. smiling beautifully MW
- smitôjjvala mfn. (an eye) bright with a smile Mālatīm
- smiti f. smiling, a smile, laughter MW
- smetavyá mfn. to be smiled TĀr
- smera mf(ā)n. smiling, friendly Hariv. Kālid. Kathās. &c
- expanded, blown (as a flower) Vās. Sāh
- proud ( See comp.)
- evident, apparent W
- (ifc.) gay, abounding in, full of Hcar
- m. a smile, laugh (in á-smera, sa-smeram, qq.vv.)
- manifestation, appearance W
- ○tā f. smiling, a smile Sāh
- ○mukha mfn. having a smiling face Kum. Gīt
- ○viṣkira m. 'proud bird', a peacock L
- smiṭ cl. 10. P. smeṭayati, to despise ('to go', Śākaṭ.) Dhātup. xxxii, 37
- to love, xxxii, 36 (Vop.)
- smīl vḷ. for √śmīl, q.v
- smṛ vḷ. for √spṛ, q.v
- smṛ cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xxii, 35) smárati (m. c. also ○te
- pf. sasmāra, sasmartha, sasmaruḥ MBh. R. &c
- aor. asmārṣīt, ○ṣuḥ ib
- fut. smartā, smariṣyati ib
- inf. smartum ib
- ind. p. smṛtvā GṛŚrS
- smaritvā MBh
- -smṛtya, smāram q.v. ib. &c.), to remember, recollect, bear in mind, call to mind, think of, be mindful of (gen. or acc
- the action remembered is expressed by a p.p. or an impf. with yad, 'that', or by a fut. without yad
- the fut. may stand with yad, if there are two actions
- Pāṇ. 2-3, 52 ; iii, 2, 112 &c.) RV. &c. &c
- to remember or think of with sorrow or regret MBh
- to hand down memoriter, teach, declare RPrāt. Kāś. Pañcat
- to recite Hcat.: Pass. smaryáte (aor. asmāri
- Prec. smṛṣīṣṭa or smariṣīṣṭa), to be remembered or recorded or declared (as a law) or mentioned in the Smṛiti (with na, 'to be passed over in silence') Br. Rājat. Sarvad
- to be declared or regarded as, pass for (nom. or loc.) Āpast. Kāś.: Caus. smārayati (rarely smarayati
- m. c. also Ā
- aor. asasmarat
- Pass. [sm�Aryate]), to cause to remember or be mindful of or regret MBh. R. &c. (cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 67 Sch.)
- to remind any one of (two acc. or acc. and gen. or rarely gen. of person) MBh. Kāv. &c.: Desid. susmūrṣate (Pāṇ. 1-3, 57), to wish to remember Bhaṭṭ.: Intens. sāsmaryate or sāsmarti Gr. [Cf. Gk. ? [Page 1272, Column] ; Lat. memor, [1271,] mora.]
- smara mf(ā) n. remembering, recollecting ( jāti-smara)
- m. (ifc. f. ā) memory, remembrance, recollection ChUp. Uttarar
- loving recollection love, (esp.) sexual love AV. &c. &c
- Kāma-deva (god of love) Kālid. Kathās. &c
- an interpreter or explainer of the Veda (and 'the god of love') Naish
- the 7th astrol. mansion VarBṛS
- ○kathā f. love-talk, lover's prattle VarBṛS
- ○karman n. any amorous act, wanton behaviour W
- ○kāra mf(ī)n. exciting love VarBṛS
- ○kūpaka m. or 'well of love', the female organ L
- ○kūpikā f. 'well of love', the female organ L
- ○guru m. 'love-preceptor', N. of Vishṇu L
- ○gṛha n. 'abode of love', the female organ L
- ○cakra or m. a kind of sexual union L
- ○candra m. a kind of sexual union L
- ○cchattra n. the clitoris L
- ○jīvanī f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs
- ○ivara m. 'love-fever', ardent lṭlove Vet
- ○tattva-prakāśikā f. N. of an erotic wk
- ○tā f. state of recollection ( See jāti-sm○)
- ○tāpa-maya mf(ī)n. consisting of the fire of love (with gada = 'love-fever') Naish
- ○tva n. = -tā ( See jāti-sm○)
- ○daśā f. state of the body produced by love (ten states are named: joy of the eyes, pensive reflection, desire, sleeplessness, emaciation, indifference to external objects, abandonment of shame, infatuation, fainting away, death) Megh
- ○dahana m. 'burner of Kāma', N. of Śiva (cf. under an-aṅga) Inscr
- ○dāyin mfn. arousing love Kir
- ○dīpana mfn. id. Ragh
- m. N. of an author Cat
- ○dīpikā f. N. of an erotic wk
- ○durmada mfn. intoxicated or infatuated by love BhP
- ○dhvaja m. 'love-sign', a partic. musical instrument L
- the male organ L
- a fabulous fish (regarded as Kāma's emblem) W
- (ā), f. a bright moonlight night L
- (am), n. the female organ L
- ○nipuṇa mfn. skilled in (the art of) love VarBṛS
- ○pīḍita mfn. tormented by love Pañcat
- ○priyā f. 'dear to Kāma', N. of Rati (q.v.) L
- ○bāṇa-paṅkti f. the five arrows of Kāma (collectively) L
- ○bhāsita mfn. inflamed by lṭlove MW
- ○bhū mfn. arisen from love, Śṛiṅgār
- ○mandira n. = -gṛha L
- ○maya mf(ī)n. produced by love Śiś
- ○muṣ m. destroyer of Kāma, N. of Śiva Kāv
- ○moha m. infatuation of love W
- ○mohita mfn. infatuated by lṭlove ib
- ○ruj f. love-sickness BhP
- ○lekha m. a love-letter BhP
- ○lekhanī f. the Śārikā bird L
- ○vatī f. a woman in love L
- ○vadhūya Nom. P. ○yati, to resemble Kāma's wife Kuval
- ○vallabha m. 'love's favourite', N. of A-niruddha L
- ○vīthikā f. 'love-market', a prostitute, harlot L
- ○vṛddhi f. 'love-increase', N. of a partic. plant (whose seed is an aphrodisiac) L
- -saṃjña m. id. MW
- ○śatru m. 'enemy of Kāma', N. of Śiva (cf. an-aṅga) L
- ○śabara m. 'love-barbarian' cruel love MW
- ○śara-maya mf(ī)n. abounding in Kāma's arrows (i.e. partic. flowers) Śukas
- ○śāsana m. 'chastiser of Kāma', N. of Śiva (cf. -śatru) Kum
- ○śāstra n. a manual of erotics Rājat
- ○sakha m. 'love's friend', the spring Kum
- the moon L
- ○saha mfn. capable of exciting lṭlove Śiś
- ○sāyaka-lakṣya n. the aim of Kāma's arrows (-tā f.) Kathās
- ○stambha m. 'love-column', the male organ L
- ○smarya m. 'to be remembered by Kāma', a donkey (noted for sexual power) L
- ○hara m. 'love-destroyer', N. of Śiva (cf. -śatru) Kautukas
- smarâkula or mfn. agitated by love, love-sick Hit
- smarâkuḍlita mfn. agitated by love, love-sick Hit
- smarâkṛṣṭa mfn. attracted or overcome by love Kathās
- smarâgāra n. = smara-gṛha L
- smarâṅkuśa m. 'love-hook', a finger-nail L
- a lascivious person L
- smarâtura mfn. love-sick, pining with love VarBṛS
- smarâdhivāsa m. 'love's abode', the Aśoka tree L
- smarândha mfn. love-blinded infatuated by love W
- smarâmra m. a species of Āmra L
- smarâri m. = smara-śatru Kād
- smarârta mfn. love-sick Naish. Sch
- smarâsava m. 'love-liquid', saliva L
- smarêṣudhī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to turn into Kāma's quiver Naish
- smarôtsuka mfn. pining with love, love-sick W
- smarôdgītha m. 'love-song', N. of a son of Devakī BhP
- smarôddīpana m. 'love-kindler', a sort of hair-oil VarBṛS
- smarônmāda m. amorous intoxication or folly Daś
- smarôpakaraṇa n. implement of love (as perfumes &c.) VarBṛS
- smaraṇa n. the act of remembering or calling to mind, remembrance, reminiscence, recollection of (gen. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
- memory BhP
- a kind of rhet. figure (cf. smṛti) Kpr
- handing down by memory, tradition, traditional teaching or record or precept (iti smaraṇāt, 'from its being so mentioned in the Smṛiti', q.v.) Kull.: Yājñ. Sch. [Page 1272, Column]
- mental recitation (of the name of a deity), calling upon the name of a god MW
- (ī), f. a rosary of beads (held in the hand, not worn as a necklace) ib
- ○krama-mālā f. N. of wk. (treating of meditation on Caitanya, Kṛishṇa, and Vṛindā-vana)
- ○padavī f. 'road of (mere) memory', death (○viiṃ gamitaḥ = 'dead, killed') Bhartṛ
- ○bhū m. 'memory-born', N. of Kāma-deva Hariv
- ○maṅgala and (prob.) N. of wks
- ○maṅgaḍlâikādaśaka (prob.) N. of wks
- smaraṇânugraha m. the favour of remembrance, kind remṭremembrance MW
- smaraṇâpatya-tarpaka m. 'satisfying memory's offspring', a turtle, tortoise L
- smaraṇâyaugapadya n. the non-simultaneousness of recollection MW
- smaraṇīya mfn. to be remembered, memorable (○yaṃ smaraṃ-√kṛ, 'to remind of Kāma'
- ○yāṃ gatiṃ-√nī, 'to lead to the path of (mere) memory', i.e. 'put to death') Daś. BhP. Śatr
- smartavya mfn. to be remembered, memorable MBh. R. &c
- living only in the memory (of men) Jātakam
- smartṛ mfn. one who remembers or recollects (gen. or comp.) Hariv. BhP
- a teacher, preceptor Siṃhâs
- ○tva n. remembrance, recollection MW
- smarya mfn. to be remembered, memorable (cf. smara-smarya). Pañcar
- smā́ra m. remembrance, recollection of (comp.) TĀr
- (fr. smara) relating or belonging to the god of love Naish
- smāraka mfn. (fr. Caus.) recalling, reminding of (comp
- -tva n.) KātyŚr. Sch
- smāraṇa n. the act of causing to remember, reminding, calling to mind Śaṃk. Sāh
- (also ā f.) counting or numbering again, calculating an account, checking MBh
- (ī), f. a kind of plant L
- smāram ind. (with smāram repeated) having remembered or recollected Ghaṭ. Uttamac. (cf. Vop. xxvi, 219)
- smārita mfn. (fr. Caus.) reminded, called to mind, recalled to recollection W
- smārin mfn. remembering (comp.) Rājat
- reminding MW
- smārta mfn. (fr. smṛti) relating to memory, memorial MBh
- recorded in or based on the Smṛiti (q.v.), based on tradition, prescribed or sanctioned by traditional law or usage, legal ĀśvGṛ. Yājñ. Sarvad
- versed in tradition Pañcat
- m. an orthodox Brāhman versed in or guided by traditional law and usage (esp. a follower of Śaṃkarâcārva and of the Vedânta doctrine) RTL. 55 ; 95
- = smārta-bhaṭṭâcārya Cat
- (am), n. any act or rite enjoined by Smṛiti, legal act MW
- ○karman n. = smārtam above ib
- ○kāla m. the period to which memory may extend (i.e. a century, accord. to some lawyers) W
- ○kutūhala n
- ○dīpikā f. N. of wks
- ○paṇḍita m. a Smārta scholar or Brāhman (cf. above) Hāsy
- ○padârtha-saṃgraha m
- ○pradīpikā f
- ○prayoga m
- ○prayoga-kārikā f
- ○prâyaścitta n
- ○prâyaścitta-paddhati f
- ○prâyaścitta-vinirṇaya m
- ○prâyaścittôddhāra m. N. of wks
- ○bhaṭṭâcārya m. N. of Raghu-nandana (a celebrated Brāhman who lived at the beginning of the 16th century and wrote 28 Tattvas. the general name of which is Smṛiti-tattva) IW. 304, n. 2
- ○rāma m. N. of the author of the Tripurā-paddhati
- ○vyavasthârṇava m
- ○samuccaya m. N. of wks
- ○sūtra n. any Sūtra wk. based on Smṛiti (opp. to śrauta-sūtra, q.v.) IW. 145
- ○homa-pariśiṣṭa n. N. of a Pariśishṭa of the Sāma-veda
- smārtāṇḍa-bilā f. (or ○ḍa-pille Cat.), N. of wk
- smārtâdhāna n
- smārḍtâdhānavidhi m
- smārḍtânuṣṭhāna-paddhati f
- smārḍtôpâsana-paddhati f. N. of wks
- smārtika mf(ī)n. based on tradition, traditional Kull
- smārya mfn. to be remembered, memorable Vop
- smṛta mfn. remembered, recollected, called to mind, thought of NṛisUp. R. Kathās
- mentioned KātyŚr. Sch
- handed down, taught, prescribed, (esp.) enjoined by Smṛiti or traditional law, declared or propounded in the law-books (na smṛtam = 'not allowed', 'forbidden') ĀśvŚr. Mn. Yājñ. &c
- declared as, passing for (nom., loc., or dat.) ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- termed, styled, named (nom. with or without iti) MaitrUp. Mn. &c
- m. N. of a Prajā-pati VP
- (am), n. remembrance, recollection ĀśvGṛ
- ○mātra mfn. only remembered or thought of Pañcat
- ○trâgata mfn. come as soon as thought of or on merely being thought about Kathās
- smṛ́ti f. remembrance, reminiscence, thinking of or upon (loc. or comp.), calling to mind (smṛtim api te na yānti, 'they are not even thought of'), memory TĀr. ChUp. MBh. &c. [Page 1272, Column]
- memory as one of the Vyabhicāri-bhāvas (q.v.) Daśar
- Memory (personified either as the daughter of Dsksha and wife of Aṅgiras or as the daughter of Dharma and Medhā) Hariv. Pur
- the whole body of sacred tradition or what is remembered by human teachers (in contradistinction to śruti or what is directly heard or revealed to the Ṛishis
- in its widest acceptation this use of the term Smṛiti includes the 6 Vedâṅgas, the Sūtras both śrauta and gṛhya, the law-books of Manu &c. see next
- the Itihāsas e.g. the ṃahābhārata and ṛāmâyaṇa, the Purāṇas and the Nītiśāstras
- iti smṛteḥ, 'accord. to such and such a traditional precept or legal text') IW. 144, 145
- the whole body of codes of law as handed down memoriter or by tradition (esp. the codes of Manu Yājñavalkya and the 16 succeeding inspired lawgivers, viz. Atri, Vishṇu, Hārīta, Uśanas or Śukra, Aṅgiras, Yama, Āpastamba, Saṃvarta, Kātyāyana, Bṛihas-pati, Parāśara, Vyāsa, Śaṅkha, Likhîta, Daksha and Gautama
- all these lawgivers being held to be inspired and to have based their precepts on the Veda
- IW. 203) GṛŚrS. Mn. Yājñ. &c
- symbolical N. for the number 18 (fr. the 18 lawgivers above)
- a kind of metre L
- N. of the letter g Up
- desire, wish Pañcat. iii, 258 (vḷ. for spṛhā)
- ○karaṇḍikā f
- ○kalpadruma m. N. of wks
- ○kārin mfn. arousing recollection Śak
- ○kāla-taraṃga m
- ○kaumudī f
- ○kaumuḍdī-ṭīkā f
- ○gītā f
- ○grantha-rāja m
- ○candra m
- ○candrikā f
- ○candrôdaya m
- ○caraṇa m. n
- ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wks
- ○jāta m. 'memory-born', the god of love Dharmaś
- ○tattva n. N. of a legal wk. by Raghunandana (cf. smārta-bhaṭṭâcārya)
- -prakāśa m. -viveka m. (also called ○ttvâmṛta n.), N. of wks
- ○tantra n. a law-book Kāv
- ○da mfn. strengthening recollection Bhpr
- ○darpaṇa m
- ○dīpa m
- ○dīpikā f
- ○nibandha m. N. of wks
- ○patha m. the road to (mere) memory (thaṃ-√gā, 'to go to the road of memory', 'live only in the memory of men') Bhartṛ
- ○pariccheda m
- ○paribhāṣī f. N. of wks
- ○pāṭhaka m. a lawyer Pañcat
- ○pāda m
- ○prakāsa m. N. of wks
- ○pratyavamarśa m. retentiveness of memory, accuracy of recollection Hariv
- ○pradīpa m. N. of wk
- ○prabandha m. a Smṛiti composition, legal work MW
- ○prayojana mfn. having memory for object, helping or assisting memory VPrāt
- ○prāmāṇyârtha-vāda m
- ○bhāskara m. N. of wks
- ○bhū m. 'memory-born', N. of Kāma-deva Śiś
- ○bhraṃśa m. loss of memory Bhag
- loss of consciousness or discretion Car
- ○mañjarī f
- ○mañjūṣā f. N. of wks
- ○mat mfn. having recollection or full consciousness MBh. Śak. &c
- having a good memory Mn. MBh. &c
- remembering a former life Hariv
- prudent, discreet Car. Jātakam
- versed in tradition or law Yājñ
- anything which causes recollection BhāgP
- ○maya mf(ī)n. based upon Smṛiti or tradition, Pracaṇḍ
- ○mahârṇava m
- ○mīmāṃsā f
- ○muktāphala n
- ○muktâvalī f
- ○rañjanī f
- ○ratna n
- ○ratnakośa m
- ○ratna-mahôdadhi m
- ○ratna-viveka m
- ○ratnâkara m
- ○ratnâvalī f
- ○rahasya n. N. of wks
- ○rodha m. temporary obstruction or failure of memory, forgetfulness Śak
- ○lopa m. id. VarBṛS
- ○vartman n. = -patha Śiś
- ○vardhanī f. 'strengthening mṭmemory', a kind of plant (= brāhmī) L
- ○vākyâpêta (?),
- ○vāda m. N. of wks
- ○vid mfn. versed in law or tradition Kautukas
- ○vinaya m. a reprimand given to a person by reminding him of his duty, Mahāvy
- ○vibhrama m. confusion of mṭmemory Bhag
- ○viruddha mfn. contrary to law, illegal, unjust W
- ○virodha m. opposition to law, illegality, impropriety W
- disagreement between two or more codes of law or legal texts (= smṛty or vir○ Yājñ. ii, 21). ib
- ○vivaraṇa n
- ○viveka m. N. of wks
- ○viṣaya m. the reach or range of mṭmemory (-tāṃ gamitaḥ = 'died', vḷ. for smaraṇa-padaviiṃ g○) Bhartṛ
- ○vyavasthā f
- ○śataka n. N. of wks
- ○śāstra n. a law-book, code, digest (= dharma-ś○
- above. under smṛti) Hariv
- ○śīla n. du. traditions and moral practices MW
- ○śekhara m. (or kastūri-smṛti f.) N. of a wk. on Ācāra (by Kastūri)
- ○śeṣa mf(ā)n. remaining only in memory, dead, gone (acc. with √kṛ, 'to destroy') Rājat
- ○śaithilya n. weakness or loss of memory Śak
- ○saṃskāra m. impression (caused) by memory (?)
- -kaustubha m. -rahasya n. -vāda m. -vicāra m. N. of wks. [Page 1273, Column]
- ○saṃhitā f. N. of wk
- ○saṃgraha m. N. of an ancient law-book (often quoted) and of other compilations
- -ratna-vyākhyāna n. -sārc m. N. of wks
- ○samuccaya m. 'law-collection', N. of wk
- ○sammata mfn. approved by law MW
- ○saroja-sundara m. or n. (?),
- ○sarvasva n
- ○sāgara m
- ○sāgaḍra-saṃgraha and m. N. of wks
- ○sāgaḍra-sāra m. N. of wks
- ○sādhya mfn. capable of being proved by law MW
- ○sāra m
- ○sāḍra-vyavasthā f
- ○sāḍra-saṃgraha m
- ○sāḍra-samuccaya m
- ○sāḍra-sarvasva n
- ○sāḍrâvalī f. N. of wks
- ○siddha mfn. established by law MW
- ○siddhânta-saṃgraha m
- ○sindhu m
- ○sudhâkara m. N. of wks
- ○harā or f. 'memory-seizer', N. of a daughter of Du?-saha (described as exercising an evil influence on the memory) MārkP
- ○harikā f. 'memory-seizer', N. of a daughter of Du?-saha (described as exercising an evil influence on the memory) MārkP
- ○hīna mfn. 'destitute of mṭmemory', oblivious, forgetful R
- ○hetu m. a cause of recollection, impression on the mind, association of ideas, recollection W
- smṛtô mfn. one who thinks on U (i.e. on Śambhu
- = uḥ śambhuḥ smṛto yena saḥ) Siddh. on Pāṇ. vii, 1, 90
- smṛtika n. water (= udaka) Naigh.i, 12 (vḷ.)
- smṛty in comp. for smṛti
- ○adhikaraṇa n. N. of wk
- ○antara n. another law-book MW
- ○apêta mfn. departed from memory, forgotten W
- illegal, unjust ib
- ○apramoṣa m. non-deprivation of recollection or of presence of mind, non-failure of discretion Jātakam
- ○artha-ratnâkara m. N. of a legal wk. (= smṛti-sāra)
- ○artha-sāgara m. N. of wk. by Nṛi-siṃha (composed in 1682 AḌ.)
- ○artha-sāra m. 'essence of the meaning of Smṛiti', N. of wk. on Hindū ceremonies by Śrīdhara-svāmin (divided into Ācāra, Āśauca, and Prâyaścitta)
- ○ukta mfn. prescribed in codes of law, enjoined by the Smṛitis, canonical W
- ○upasthāna n. earnest thought Divyâv
- smera &c. See p. 1271, col. 3
- syá pron. base of 3rd person (= sá
- only in nom. m. syás, syá f. syá
- cf. tyá, tyád) RV
- sya n. a winnowing basket (= śūrpa) ŚāṅkhGṛ
- syagavi (?), m. a young crab (cf. segava) L
- syand (or syad
- often confounded with spand), cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xviii, 22) syándate (ep. and m. c. also ○ti
- pf. siṣyánda, siṣyadúḥ AV. Br
- sasyande, ○dire Gr
- aor. 2. 3. sg. -asyān RV
- asyandiṣṭa, asyantta, asyadat Gr
- fut. syanttā, syanditā ib
- syantsyáti Br
- syandiṣyate, syantsyate Gr
- inf. syáde RV
- syánttum Br
- ind. p. syanttvā́, syattvā́, -syadya ib
- syanditvā Gr.), to move or flow on rapidly, flow, stream, run, drive (in a carriage), rush, hasten, speed RV. &c. &c
- to discharge liquid, trickle, ooze, drip, sprinkle, pour forth (acc.) MBh. Hariv. &c
- to issue from (abl.) Bhaṭṭ.: Caus. syandayati (aor. ásiṣyadat
- Ved. inf. syandayādhyai), to stream, flow, run RV. Br. &c
- to cause to flow or run Pāṇ. 1-3, 86 Sch.: Desid. sisyandiṣate, sisyantsate, sisyantsati Gr.: Intens., acchā-√syand, under 3. accha, and next
- saniṣyadá mf(ā)n. (fr. Intens.) running, flowing MS. AV
- syad See raghu-ṣyád and havana-syád
- syáda m. driving ŚBr
- rapid monon, speed L ....
- syanttavya mfn. to be flowed &c. MW
- syánttṛ mfn. moving, driving RV
- syanda m. flowing, running, streaming, trickling, oozing Kāv. Rājat
- fluxion Suśr
- a partic. disease of the eyes ib
- trickling perspiration BhP
- the moon L
- syandaka m. Diospyros Embryopteris (perhaps for spana○) L
- (ikā), f. N. of a river R
- syandaná mf(ā)n. moving on swiftly, running (as a chariot) Kir
- dripping, sprinkling (ifc.) Kathās
- liquefying, dissolving Suśr
- a war-chariot, chariot, car (said also to be n.) RV. &c. &c
- Dalbergia Ougeinensis Kauś. MBh. &c
- a partic. spell recited over weapons R
- air, wind L
- N. of the 23rd Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī L
- (ī), f. saliva L
- the urinary passage L
- (am), n. flowing, rushing, going or moving swiftly Nir. Śaṃk. Bhāshāp
- circulation, Śāmkhyak. Sch
- dropping, oozing, trickling W
- water L
- ○druma m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis (so called from its wood being used to make wheels &c.) L
- ○dhvani m. the rattling of carriage wheels L
- syandanârūḍha mfn. mounted on a chariot W. [Page 1273, Column]
- syandanâroha m. a warrior who fights mounted on a chariot L
- syandanâloka-bhīta mfn. terrified at the sight of a chariot Śak
- syandani m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis L
- N. of a man (pl.) Saṃskārak
- syandanikā f. a brook, rivulet R
- a drop of saliva MW
- syandanīya mfn. to be flowed or run or gone MW
- syandayádhyai See √, col. 1
- syanditâśva Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 108
- syanditṛ mfn. one who runs or rushes quickly MW
- syandin mfn. flowing, running VarBṛS. Kuval
- emitting liquid, oozing, trickling, dropping (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- going, moving W
- (inī), f. saliva L
- a cow bearing two calves at once W
- syandolikā f. swinging or a swing (prob. wṛ. for spand○) L
- syandyā f. (prob. wṛ. for spandyā) ĀpŚr
- syandrá mfn. running, rushing, swift, fleet RV
- transient, transitory ib
- syanná mfn. flowing, running RV
- dropping, trickling L
- syédu m. (prob.) phlegm AV
- syapeṭārikā (?), f. a kind of game Divyâv
- syam cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xix, 78) syamati (only in 3. pl. pf. sasyamuḥ and syemuḥ
- Gr. also aor. asyamīt
- fut. syamitā, syamiṣyati
- ind. p. syamitvā, or syāntvā
- accord. to Vop. also cl. 10. P. syamayati), to sound, cry aloud, shout, cry, shriek Bhaṭṭ
- (syamati), to go Naigh. ii, 14
- 10. Ā. syāmayate (○ti), to consider, reflect Dhātup. xxxiii, 20: Caus. syamayati (aor. asisyamat), Gr. (cf. above): Desid. sisyamiṣati ib.: Intens. sesimyate, saṃsyanti ib
- syamana n. (used in explaining sīmikā) Nir. iii, 20
- syamika m. an ant-hill Uṇ. iii, 46 Sch
- a kind of tree ib
- syamīka m. id. ib
- a cloud L
- time L
- N. of a race of kings L
- (ā), f. the indigo plant L
- a kind of worm L
- (am), n. water L
- syamantaka m. N. of a celebrated jewel (worn by Kṛishṇa on his wrist [cf. kaustubha], described as yielding daily eight loads of gold and preserving from all dangers
- it is said to have been given to Satrā-jit q.v. by the Sun and transferred by him to his brother Prasena, from whom it was taken by Jāmbavat, and after much contention appropriated by Kṛishṇa, VishṇuP. iv, 13) Hariv. Pur. Pañcar
- ○prabandha m
- ○maṇi-haraṇa n
- syamantaḍkôpâkhyāna n. N. of wks
- syāt ind. (3. sg. Pot. of √1. as) it may be, perhaps, perchance (esp. used in Jaina wks. and occurring in 7 formulas, viz. 1. syād asti, 'perhaps it is under certain circumstances'
- 2. syān nâsti, 'perhṭperhaps it is not, &c.'
- 3. syād asti ca nâsti ca, 'perhṭperhaps it is and is not under certain circumstances'
- 4. syād avaktavyaḥ, 'perhṭperhaps it is not expressible in words'
- 5. syād asti câvaktavyaḥ, 'perhaps it is and is not expressible in words'
- 6. syān nâsti câvaktavyaḥ, 'perhaps it is not and is and is not expressible in words'
- 7. syād asti ca nâsti câvaktavyaḥ) Sarvad
- syād in comp. for syāt
- ○vāda m. 'assertion of possibility or non-possibility', the sceptical or agnostic doctrine of the Jainas Śatr
- -mañjarī f. -ratnâkara m. N. of wks
- -vādin m. = next L
- ○vādika m. an adherent of the Jaina doctrine L
- ○vādin m. id. Sarvad
- N. of a Jaina L
- syāmantôpâkhyāna n. N. of wk. (prob. wṛ. for syamantakôp○)
- syāmūla n. a sort of garment (prob. wṛ. for śāmūla) ĀpŚr
- syālá m. (also written śyāla, of doubtful derivation) the brother of a bride, a wife's brother (in later literature esp. the brother-in-law or favourite of a king, 2. śakāra) RV. &c. &c
- (ī), f. a wife's sister MW
- syālaka m. a wife's brother (= svāla) Cāṇ. Prab
- (ikā), f. the younger sister of a wife L
- syuvaka m. pl. N. of a people VP. [Page 1273, Column]
- syū́ f. (fr. √siv) a string, thread VS. (a 'needle' Mahīdh.)
- syutna n. happiness, delight (cf. below) L
- syumna n. id. (cf. syūmaká, syoná below) L
- syūtá mfn. sewn, stitched, woven RV. &c. &c
- sewn on HPariś
- sewn or woven together, joined, fabricated MW
- pierced, penetrated ib
- m. a sack, coarse canvas bag L
- syūti f. (only L.), sewing, stitching, weaving
- a bag, sack
- lineage, offspring
- syūna m. (only L.) a sack
- a ray of light
- the sun
- (ā), f. a ray of light L
- a girdle L
- syūma m. n. (only L.) a, ray of light
- water
- syūma in comp. for syū́man
- ○gabhasti (syū́ma-), mfn. (prob.) having thongs for a pole, drawn by thongs (as a chariot) RV
- ○gṛ́bh mfn. (prob.) seizing the reins (with the teeth
- said of a restive or runaway horse) ib
- ○raśmi (syū́ma-), m. 'having thongs for a bridle', N. of a man ib
- syūmaká n. delight, happiness Naigh. iii, 6
- syū́man n. a band, thong, bridle RV
- a suture (of the skull) AitBr
- syūmanyú mfn. (prob.) eager for the bridle, i.e. dragging at it, impatient RV. i, 174, 5
- desiring happiness Sāy
- syota m. = syūta, a sack L
- syoná mf(ā́)n. soft, gentle, pleasant, agreeable (esp. to walk upon or sit upon), mild, tender RV. TS. Br. GṛŚrS
- m. a sack L
- a ray of light L
- the sun L
- (am), n. a soft couch, comfortable seat, pleasant site or situation RV. AV. Lāṭy
- delight, happiness (= sukha) Naigh. iii, 6
- ○kṛ́t mfn. one who causes comfort or happiness RV
- ○śī mfn. resting on a soft couch or comfortably ib
- syonāka m. Bignonia Indica L
- syaukāmi m. (an artificial patr.) Pat
- syaumaraśma n. du. (fr. syūma-raśmi
- with indrasya) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- syedu See col. 2
- sraṃs (or sras
- sometimes written śraṃś or śraṃs), cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xviii, 15) sraṃsate (ep. and m. c. also ○ti
- pf. sesraṃsa, ○ṃsuḥ Br
- 3. pl. -sraṃsire Hariv
- aor. asrat Br
- asrasat, srasema RV
- asraṃsiṣṭa Br
- fut. sraṃsitā, sraṃsiṣyate Gr
- Ved. inf. -srásas
- sraṃsitum Gr
- ind. p. sraṃsitvā, srastvā ib
- -sraṃsya, -srasya Br. &c.), to fall, drop, fall down, slip off, get loose from (abl.) VS. &c. &c
- to fall asunder or to pieces TBr
- to hang down, dangle, droop Ragh
- to be broken, perish, cease Sāh
- to go Naigh. ii, 14: Pass. srasyate (aor. asraṃsi), Gr.: Caus. sraṃsayati (aor. asisrasat
- Pass. sraṃsyate), to cause to fall down, loosen AV. R. &c
- to let hang (the belly) AV
- to disturb, remove, destroy Suśr.: Desid. sisraṃsiṣate Gr.: Intens. sanīsrasyate, sanīsraṃsti ib. (cf. next)
- sanisrasá mfn. (fr. Intens.) falling down or asunder or to pieces, fragile, frail AV
- sanisrasâkṣá mfn. one whose eyes fall out ib
- sanīsrasa mfn. = sanisrasa Pāṇ. 4-2, 74 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- sraṃsa See asthi- and paruḥ-sr○
- sraṃsana mfn. laxative, purging, cathartic Bhpr
- n. the act of falling or causing to fall, loosening Naish. Sch
- premature abortion Gaut
- a laxative, cathartic Suśr
- sraṃsita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to fall or slip down, loosened Uttarar
- sraṃsin mfn. becoming loose, falling down, slipping off Kāv
- depending, pendulous Suśr
- letting fall, miscarrying Suśr
- m. Careya Arborea or Salvadora Persica L
- sraṃsinī-phala m. the Sirīsha tree L
- sras mfn. falling, dropping (ifc
- See vi-sras, su-sras)
- srasta mfn. fallen, dropped, slipped off, fallen from (abl. or comp.) R. Kālid. &c
- loosened, relaxed, hanging down, pendent, pendulous ib. &c
- sunk in (as eyes) Suśr
- separated, disjoined W
- ○kara mfn. having trunks hanging or dangling down MW
- ○gātra mfn. having relaxed or languid limbs R
- ○tā f. laxity, flaccidity, pendulousness Kir. Sch
- ○muṣka mfn. having relaxed or pendulous testicles Suśr
- ○śarīra-saṃdhi mfn. having the joints of the body relaxed Mṛicch
- ○skandha mfn. having drooping shoulders (also = 'ashamed', 'embarrassed') Divyâv
- ○hasta mfn. relaxing the grasp, letting go the hold W
- srastâṃsa mfn. = skandha Śak., -bāhu mfn. one who has drooping shoulders and arms Bcar. [Page 1274, Column]
- srastâṅga mfn. = srasta-gātra (-tā f.) Suśr
- srastâpâna mfn. having prolapsus ani Suśr
- srutôttara-paṭa mfn. having the upper garment slipped down MW
- srastara m. n. (ifc. f. ā) a couch or sofa for reclining (often vḷ. prastara) PārGṛ. Mn. Kād
- srasti f. falling or hanging down, laxity, flaccidity &c. Pāṇ. 3-3, 94 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- sraṃs vḷ. for √śrambh (q.v.)
- sraṃh cl. 1. Ā. sraṃhate, to confide, trust Dhātup. xviii, 8 (Vop.)
- sraktí f. (accord. to some fr. √1. sṛj) a corner, edge (esp. of the Vedi) RV. ŚBr. ŚrS
- sraktyá m. a partic. plant (= tilaka) AV. Kauś
- srákva m. or n. (cf. sṛkva) the corner of the mouth (also = 'mouth', 'jaws') RV
- sraṅk See √śraṅk
- sráj mfn. (fr. √1. sṛj) turning, twisting, winding (ifc. nom. -sraṭ
- cf. rajju-sarja) Pāṇ. 8-2, 36 Sch
- f. (nom. srak) a wreath of flowers, garland, chaplet worn on the head, any wreath or garland, circle, series, chain (audakī srak, 'a watery garland', i.e. 'one woven with water-flowers'
- loka-sraji, 'in the circle of the worlds') RV. &c. &c
- a kind of tree Kauś
- a kind of metre Piṅg
- N. of a partic. constellation (when the Kendras are occupied by three auspicious planets except the moon) VarBṛS
- srag in comp. for sraj
- ○aṇu m. a Mantra or sacred text written in the form of a garland RāmatUp. (Sch.)
- ○dāman n. the fillet or tie of a garland MBh
- a garland, wreath Ratnâv
- ○dhara mf(ā)n. wearing a gṭgarland, crowned with (comp
- surabhi-dh○, 'wearing a fragrant garland') MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- (ā), f. a kind of metre (consisting of four times, ?) Piṅg
- N. of a goddess Buddh
- ○vat mfn. possessed of garlands, wearing a wreath L
- ○vin mfn. id. Mn. MBh. &c
- (iṇī), f. N. of two metres Piṅg
- of a goddess Cat
- sraja (ifc.) a garland MBh. Hariv
- m. N. of one of the Viśve Devā? MBh
- srajaya Nom. P. ○yati, to garland, i.e. furnish with a garland Bhaṭṭ
- srajas (ifc.) a garland Hariv
- srajin See pari-srajin
- sraji-vat ind. as in (or with) a garland BhP
- srajiṣṭha mfn. (superl. of sragvin) completely covered or profusely decorated with garlands Pāṇ. Sch
- srajīyas mfn. (compar. of id.) well covered with garlands ib
- srajvan m. a garland-maker L
- a rope L
- sraṣṭavya mfn. to be created MārkP
- sraṣṭāra m. a creator (in ○rāya namaḥ) MBh
- sraṣṭṛ m. one who emits or discharges (water &c.) MBh
- a maker, author Nir. Rājat
- a creator, the creator of the universe (applied to Brahmā, Śiva &c.) ŚvetUp. R. &c
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. creatorship MārkP. Śaṃk
- sraddhū f. (prob. for śraddhū, cf. śardha) breaking wind downwards L
- srábhiṣṭha mfn. = surabhiṣṭha (q.v.) ŚBr
- srambh See √śrambh
- srava &c. See col. 2
- sras srasta &c. See p. 1273, col. 3
- srāk ind. = drāk, quickly, speedily, instantly L
- srāktya mfn. made from the plant Sraktya AV. Kauś
- srāgviṇa m. patr. fr. sragvin Pāṇ. 6-4, 166 Sch
- n. ib. 164 Sch
- srāṇa See aruḥ-srā́ṇa
- srāmá mfn. (of unknown derivation), lame, sick RV. AV. ŚBr. ChUp
- (srā́ma), m. lameness, sickness, disease (esp. of animals) RV. TS. Kāṭh. ŚBr
- srāmya n. lameness ChUp
- srāva srāvaka &c. See col. 2. [Page 1274, Column]
- sridh cl. 1. P. srédhati (aor sridhat, p. -sridhāna
- cf. á-sredhat, á-sridhāna), to fail, err, blunder RV
- srídh f. erring, failing, a misbeliever, foe, enemy RV. AV. VS
- sribh or srimbh, cl. 1. P. srebhati or srimbhati, to hurt, injure, kill Dhātup. xi, 40 ; 41
- sríma m. a kind of nocturnal spirit of evil AV
- sriv or srīv, cl. 4. P. (Dhātup. xxvi, 3) srīvyati (Gr. also pf. siśreva
- aor. asreviit
- fut. srevitā
- ind. p. srevitvā or srūtvā), to fail, turn out badly MaitrS. AitBr
- (with garbham) to miscarry ĀpŚr
- 'to go' or 'to become dry' Dhātup.: Caus. sreváyati, to cause to fail, lead astray RV
- srīvayati, to frustrate, thwart AV.: Desid. sisreviṣati, susrūṣati Gr.: Intens. sesrīvyate ib
- srūta mfn. gone
- dried, withered Pāṇ. 6-4, 20
- sru (incorrectly written śru
- √2. śru), cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xxii, 42) srávati (ep. and m. c. also ○te
- pf. susrāva, susruvuḥ AV. &c
- susruve MBh. &c
- aor. ásusrot AV. Br
- asrāviit JaimBr
- asrauṣīt [?] ŚBr
- fut. srotā Gr
- sroṣyati ib
- sraviṣyati MBh
- inf. srotum Gr
- srávitave, srávitavaí RV.), to flow, stream, gush forth, issue from (abl., rarely instr.) RV. &c. &c
- to flow with, shed, emit, drop, distil (acc.) ChUp. MBh. &c
- to leak, trickle RV. Br. GṛŚrS. Kathās
- to fail, not turn out well TS. Br
- to waste away, perish, disappear MBh. Kāv. &c
- to slip or issue out before the right time (said of a fetus) TBr. MBh. BhP
- (with garbham) to bring forth prematurely, miscarry ĀpŚr
- to issue, arise or come from (abl.)
- to come in, accrue (as interest) Nār.: Caus. srāvayati (in later language also sravayati
- aor. asusravat, or asisravat), to cause to flow, shed, spill AV. Mn. Suśr
- to set in motion, stir up, arouse Kāṭh.: Desid. of Caus. susrāvayiṣati or sisrāvayiṣati Gr.: Desid. susrūṣati ib.: Intens. sosrūyate, sosroti ib. [Cf. Gk. ? (for ?), ? &c. ; Lith. sravéti ; Germ. [1274,] stroum, ṣtrom ; Angl. Sax. streám ; Eng. stream.]
- srava m. flowing, streaming, a flow of (comp.) MBh. R. &c
- a waterfall L
- urine L
- (ā), f. N. of various plants (= sruvā, madhu-sravā, madhu &c.) L
- mf(ā)n. streaming or flowing with (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○draṅga m. 'stirring town', a fair, market, bazār L
- ○mī mfn. (prob.) diminishing the morbid flow of urine L
- sravaka mfn. flowing, dropping &c. L
- sravaṇa n. streaming, flowing, flowing off (also pl
- cf. aśva-sr○) R
- premature abortion VarBṛS
- sweat, perspiration L
- urine L
- sravat mfn. (pr. p.) streaming, flowing &c
- (át), f. a river RV. AV
- (antī), f. See below
- ○toyā f. a kind of shrub (= rudantī) L
- ○pāṇipādā f. a girl with moist hands and feet (unfit for marriage) L
- ○sveda-jala mfn. streaming with perspiration W
- sravátha m. or n. flowing, streaming, running RV
- sravad in comp. for sravat
- ○garbhā f. a woman (or any female animal, as a cow) that miscarries L
- sravanta mfn. flowing, dropping MW
- srávantī f. (of sravat, q.v.) flowing water, a river RV. &c. &c. (cf. Naigh. i, 13)
- a kind of herb L
- sravas n. (ifc.) = srava, flow of ( madhusravas)
- sravitave See √above
- srāva m. flow, (esp.) morbid flow or issue of (comp.) MBh. Hariv. Suśr
- (with or scil. garbhasya) miscarriage Yājñ. Sch. AgP
- srāvaka mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to flow, shedding, exuding (-tva n.) ĀpŚr. Sch
- n. black pepper L
- srāvaṇa mfn. causing to flow, shedding (rudhira-srāvaṇaṃ-√kṛ, 'to shed any one's blood') KātyŚr. Suśr. Kull
- srāvayitavyá mfn. to be caused to flow or run MaitrS
- srāvita mfn. caused to flow, liquefied Suśr
- srāvin mfn. streaming, flowing (compar. ○vítara) ŚBr. VarBṛS
- flowing with, dripping, distilling (cf. garbha-sr○) MBh. Hariv. &c
- srāvya mfn. to be caused to flow or run Suśr. [Page 1274, Column]
- srut mfn. flowing with, emitting, discharging, distilling ( See amṛta-, pari-srut &c.)
- sruta mfn. streaming, flowing, having flowed from (comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- flowed out, become empty (as a jar) VarBṛS
- flowed asunder, dissolved ib. Suśr
- (ā), f. a kind of medicinal plant (= hingu-pattrī) L
- (ám), n. flowing, a flow AV
- ○jala mfn. having the water flowed off, dried up Mṛicch
- srutí f. a stream, flow or effusion of (comp.) Kāv. VarBṛS. BhP
- fall of (snow &c. ) Ragh. Kum
- a course, road, path RV. Br. ŚāṅkhŚr
- a line drawn round the Vedi ŚāṅkhŚr
- srútya mfn. relating to a road or path VS
- sruvá m. (cf. srúc) a small wooden ladle (with a double extremity, or two oval collateral excavations, used for pouring clarified melted butter into the large ladle or Sruk [see srúc]
- sometimes also employed instead of the latter in libations) RV. &c. &c
- a sacrifice, oblation L
- (ā), f. See below
- ○karṇa mfn. having the mark of a ladle on the ear Pāṇ. 6-3, 115
- ○taru m. Flacourtia Sapida L
- ○daṇḍa m. the handle of the ladle Sruva ĀśvŚr
- ○druma m. = -taru L
- ○pūram ind. filling a ladle, with a ladle full ĀśvŚr
- ○pragrahaṇa mfn. taking with a ladle, i.e. taking all to one's self, appropriating all MBh
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of the 27th Pariśishṭa of the AV
- ○hasta m. N. of Śiva ib
- ○homa m. a libation offered with the Sruva Lāṭy
- sruvâhuti f. id. KātyŚr
- sruvā f. the ladle called Sruva L
- Sanseviera Roxburghiana L
- Boswellia Thurifera L
- ○vṛkṣa m. the tree Sruvā L
- srū́ f. a stream (accord. to others, 'the leaden ball of a sling' = Zd. srū) RV. x, 96, 6
- flow, effluence (= srava) L
- a spring, fountain, cascade L
- a sacrificial ladle (= sruva) L
- srota m. n. (ifc. f. ā) = srotas (cf. prati- and sahasra-sr○)
- ○nadī-bhava n. antimony L
- srotâpatti f. = srota-āpatti below
- srotôdbhava n. = sroto-ja (under sroto) L
- srota in comp. for srotas
- ○āpatti f. entrance into the river (leading to Nirvāṇa) Buddh
- ○āpanna mfn. one who has entered the above river ib. (MWB. 132)
- ○īśa m. 'lord of streams', the ocean L
- srótas n. the current or bed of a river, a river, stream, torrent RV. &c. &c
- water Naigh. i, 12
- rush, violent motion or onset of (comp.) Kāv. Pur. Sarvad
- the course or current of nutriment in the body, channel or course for conveying food ( See ūrdhva- and tiryak-sr○)
- an aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women') Suśr
- the spout of a jar Suśr
- an organ of sense ŚvetUp. R. &c
- lineage, pedigree (?) MBh
- ○tā f. flow, course (instr.= 'by degrees') Śaṃk
- ○vat mfn. possessing a stream or current
- (atī), f. a river L
- ○vinī f. a river Kād. Śiś
- srotasa (ifc.) = srotas ( See tri-, varuṇa-sr○)
- srotasyá mfn. flowing in streams AV
- m. a thief. L
- N. of Śiva L
- sroto in comp. for srotas
- ○ja n. 'stream-produced', antimony (cf. sroto-'ñjana) Suśr
- ○java m. rapidity of a current MW
- ○'ñjana n. 'stream-collyrium', antimony (esp. as a collyrium for the eyes, said to be produced in the river Yamunā) L
- ○nadī-bhava n. id. L
- ○'nugata m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh
- ○randhra n. the aperture of an elephant's trunk Megh
- ○vah or f. a river Kālid
- ○vahā f. a river Kālid
- srotyā́ f. flowing water, a wave, surge, stream, river RV. AV. TS. Br. (cf. Naigh. i, 13)
- srauta n. N. of a Sāman (cf. śrauta), IndSt
- srautika m. a pearl-shell L
- srautovaha mfn. (fr. sroto-vahā) relating to a river Śak. (vḷ.)
- srauva mfn. relating to the sacrificial ladle (i.e. to the sacrifice), connected with or depending on the sacrifice Vishṇ
- srukka sruk-kāra &c. See p. 1275
- srughna m. N. of a town to the north of Hāstināpura VarBṛS. Buddh
- (ī), f. (also written srug-ghnī) natron, alkali L
- srughnikā f. natron, alkali L
- sraughna mf(ī)n. born or living in Srughna, coming from or leading to Srughna &c. Pāṇ. 4-3, 25 and 86 Sch
- sraughnī f. of prec
- ○pāśā f
- ○bhāryā f
- ○māninī f. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 39. [Page 1275, Column]
- sraughnīya Nom. Ā. ○yate ib
- srúc f. (nom. srúk
- prob. connected with √sru and sruvá) a sort of large wooden ladle (used for pouring clarified butter on a sacrificial fire
- and properly made of Palāśa or Khadira wood and about as long as an arm, with a receptacle at the end of the size of a hand
- three are enumerated, viz. juhū́, upabhṛ́t, and dhruvā́, in which order they are used in sg., du., and pl.) RV. &c. &c
- sruk in comp. for sruc
- ○kārá m. the exclamation 'Sruk' AV
- ○pātra n. the ladle Sruc and other sacrificial implements R
- ○praṇālikā f. the spout of a lṭladle KātyŚr. Sch
- ○sammārjana n. cleaning the sacrificial ladle KātyŚr
- an implement for cleaning it TBr
- ○sruva n. sg. the two sacrificial ladles Sruc and Sruva Vait
- -lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- srukka (ifc., f. ā) = sruc R
- srug in comp. for sruc
- ○ādāna n. the sacred text with which the Sruc is taken ĀpŚr
- ○āsādana n. the putting down of the Sruc L
- ○ghnī See srughnī
- ○jihva m. 'ladle-tongued', N. of Agni L
- ○daṇḍa m. the handle of the Sruc Vait
- ○dāru n. Flacourtia Sapida L
- ○bhāṇḍa m. or n. sg. the Sruc and other sacrificial implements MBh. Hariv
- ○bheda m. the breaking of the Sruc KātyŚr
- ○mat See sraugmata
- ○vat mfn. possessing a Sruc Vop
- ○vyūha m. the arranging of the different kinds of Sruc KātyŚr
- srucaya Nom. P. ○yati = srugvantam ācaṣṭe or karoti Vop
- srucāyani m. a patr. Pat
- sruciṣṭha and mfn. compar. and superl. of srug-vat ib
- srucīyas mfn. compar. and superl. of srug-vat ib
- srucya Nom. P. ○yati Pāṇ. 1-4, 15 Sch
- srucya mfn. performed with the Sruc ĀpŚr
- m. (with or scil. āghāra) the sprinkling of clarified butter so performed ib
- sraugmata n. (fr. srug-mat) N. of a Sāman Lāṭy
- sruh See vi-srúh
- srek (also written śrek, sek, svek), cl. 1. Ā. srekate, to go, move Dhātup. iv, 8
- sreka-parṇa mfn. (said to = ) resembling oleander TBr
- srai See √śrai, śrā
- svá mf(ā́)n. own, one's own, my own, thy own, his own, her own, our own, their own &c. (referring to all three persons accord. to context, often ibc., but generally declinable like the pronominal sarva e.g. svasmai dat. svasmāt abl. [optionally in abl., loc., sing., nom. pl., e.g. taṃ svād āsyād asṛjat, 'he created him from his own mouth' Mn. i, 9]
- and always like śiva when used substantively see below
- sometimes used loosely for 'my', 'thy', 'his', 'our' [e.g. rājā bhrātaraṃ sva-grīham prêṣayām-āsa, 'the king sent his brother to his (i.e. the brother's) house']
- in the oblique cases it is used as a reflexive pronoun = ātman, e.g. svaṃ dūṣayati, 'he defiles himself'
- svaṃ nindanti, 'they blame themselves') RV. &c. &c
- m. one's self, the Ego, the human soul W
- N. of Vishṇu MBh
- a man of one's own people or tribe, a kinsman, relative, relation, friend (svāḥ, 'one's own relations', 'one's own people') AV. &c. &c
- (ā), f. a woman of one's own caste MBh
- (am), n. (ifc. f. ā), one's self, the Ego (e.g. svaṃ ca brahma ca, 'the Ego and Brahman')
- one's own goods, property, wealth, riches (in this sense said to be also m.) RV. &c. &c
- the second astrological mansion VarBṛS
- (in alg.) plus or the affirmative quantity W. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. se, sovos, sūs ; [1275,] Goth. sik ; Germ. sich &c.] (N. B. in the following comp. oṭ own stands for one's own)
- ○kampana m. 'self-moving', air, wind L
- ○kambalā f. N. of a river MārkP
- ○karaṇa n. making (a woman) one's own, marrying Pāṇ. 1-3, 56
- ○karman n. one's own deed Mn. Hit
- one's own business or occupation Kathās
- one's own occupation or duty ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. &c
- ○ma-kṛt m. doing one's own business, an independent workman W
- ○maja mfn. arising from one's own act R
- ○ma-vaśa mfn. subject to (the consequences of) one's own acts W
- ○ma-stha mfn. minding one's own business or duty Mn. x, 1
- ○karmin mfn. selfish A.,
- ○kāmín mfn. following one's own wish, self-pleasing ŚBr. TĀr
- self-loving, selfish MW
- ○kārya n. one's own business or duty or function W
- -saha mfn. able to do one's own duty or effect one's own business MW. [Page 1275, Column]
- ○kāla m. one's own time, proper time
- (e), ind. at the right time ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. &c
- ○kīrti-maya mf(ī)n. consisting of one's own fame BhP
- ○kuṭumba n. one's own household Mn
- ○kula n. one's own family or race Kathās
- mfn. of one's own kin Hit
- -kṣaya m. 'destroying (its) own family', a fish L
- -ja mfn. born from one's own kin Rājat
- ○kulya mfn. id. ib
- ○kuśala-maya mf(ī)n. relating to one's own welfare Megh
- ○kṛt mfn. doing one's own, performing one's own obligations BhP
- ○kṛta (svá-), mf(ā)n. done or performed or built or composed or created or fixed by one's self MBh. Hariv. R. &c
- spontaneous TS. ŚBr
- n. a deed done by one's self MBh. R
- ○târtha mfn. (prob.) wṛ. for su-kṛt○ Kathās
- ○ketu m. N. of a king VP
- ○kṣatra (svá-), mfn. master of one's self, independent, free RV
- possessing innate strength, self-powerful, innately strong MW
- ○ga See á-sva-ga
- ○gata mfn. belonging to one's self, own Hariv. Kāv. Vedântas. BhP
- passing in one's own mind, spoken to one's self, apart W
- (am), ind. to one's self, aside (in dram.) Mṛicch. Kālid. &c
- ○gati f. a kind of metre Ked. (vḷ. kha-g○)
- ○garbha m. one's own womb MW
- one's own embryo ib
- ○guṇa m. one's own merits Kāv
- mfn. having one's own merits, appropriate Śiś
- -tas ind. from one's own personal merits MW
- -prakāśaka mfn. proclaiming one's own merits, boastful ib
- ○gupta mfn. self-defended, sṭself-preserved W
- (ā), f. a kind of plant VarBṛS
- Mimosa Pudica L
- Mucuna Pruritus ib
- cowach W
- ○gūrta (svá-), mf(ā)n. exulting in themselves RV
- boasting of (gen.) ib
- ○gṛha n. one's own house Hariv. Kāv. Pañcat
- m. a kind of bird L
- ○gṛhīta wṛ. for su-g○ L
- ○gocara mfn. subject to one's self (○raṃ-√kṛ, 'to subject to one's self') Kām
- m. one's own sphere or range Bcar. i, 13 (conj.)
- ○gopa (svá-), mf(ā)n. guarding one's self RV
- ○graha m. N. of a demon attacking children, ŚārṅgS
- ○grāma m. one's own village Kāv. (cf. sauvagrāmika)
- ○cakṣus n. one's own eye Bhag
- ○cara mfn. self-moving, having one's own motion Horāś
- ○caraṇa-parṣad f. a college or community of members of one's own Carana or sect MW
- ○caryā f. one's own nature Śrīkaṇṭh
- ○cetas n. one's own mind (○sā, 'out of one's own head') Ratnâv
- ○cchanda m. one's own or free will, one's own choice of fancy (ibc., ○dāt, ○dena, or ○da-tas, 'at one's own will or pleasure', 'spontaneously', 'independently', 'freely') Up. MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of wk
- mf(ā)n. following one's own will, acting at pleasure, independent, uncontrolled, spontaneous (am ind.) Yājñ. Kāv. VarBṛS. &c
- uncultivated, wild W
- m. N. of Skanda AV. Pariś
- -cara mf(ā)n. moving about at will, independent R
- -cārin mfn. id. Kuval. ŚārṅgP. &c
- (iṇī), f. an independent woman Kād. a harlot MW
- -tantra n. -tantra-rāja m. N. of wks
- -tas ind. at will or pleasure, spontaneously MBh
- -tā f. independent action, uncontrolled behaviour Kād
- -naya m. N. of wk
- -nāyaka m. a partic. Rasa Rasêndrac
- -paddhati f. -bhaṭṭā-raka-bṛhat-pūjā-pattrikā-vidhi m. -bhairava m. N. of wks
- -bhairava-rasa m. a partic. Rasa Rasêndrac
- -maraṇa n. dying at one's own will (a faculty bestowed on Bhishma) MBh. R
- -mṛtyuka mfn. having death in one's own power MBh
- -vana-jāta mfn. growing spontaneously or wild in a forest Hit
- -śāktâgama m. -saṃgraha m. -sāra-saṃgraha m. ○cchandôddyota m. N. of wks
- ○cchandaka mfn. = -cchanda W
- ○já mf(ā́)n. self-born, produced in or by one's self, own, akin RV. R
- m. a viper AV. AitBr. ĀpŚr. (accord. to Sāy., 'a snake that has heads at both ends')
- a son L
- sweat ib
- m. n. blood ib
- (ā), f. a daughter ib
- ○jana m. (ifc. f. ā) a man of one's own people, kinsman
- one's own people, own kindred KātyŚr. MBh. Kāv. &c. (often confounded with su-j○)
- -gandhin mfn. distantly related to (gen.) Mudr
- -tā f. relationship to or with (gen.) Bhartṛ
- ○nâvṛta mfn. surrounded or accompanied by one's own people MW
- ○janaya Nom. P. ○yati, to be related to (acc.), resemble Bālar. (wṛ. su-j○)
- ○janāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a relation MBh. Pañcat
- ○janman (svá-), mfn. self-begotten, own RV
- ○jā mfn. self-born ĀpŚr
- ○jāta mfn. self-begotten L
- m. a child begṭbegotten by one's self Prab
- ○jāti f. one's own kind Suśr
- one's own family or caste Mn. Pañcat
- mfn. of one's own kind Pañcat
- -dviṣ m. a dog L
- ○jātīya (Mn. Hariv. &c.) or (MBh. Pañcat.). mfn. relating or belonging to one's own kind
- ○jātya (MBh. Pañcat.). mfn. relating or belonging to one's own kind
- ○jita mfn. self-conquered BhP
- ○jenya (svá-), mfn. relating to one's own birth RV
- ○jñāti f. one's own kindred or kin W. [Page 1275, Column]
- m. a kinsman ib
- ○tantra n. self-dependence, independence, self-will, freedom Pañcat. Hit
- one's own system or school Suśr
- one's own army ib
- (with Buddh.) a partic. doctrine of free-will or independence Buddh
- N. of wk. (also called ○tra-tantra)
- mf(ā) n. self-dependent, self-willed, independent, free, uncontrolled (with pada n. 'an indṭindependent word') Lāṭy. Up. Mn. &c
- of age, full grown W
- m. N. of a Cakra-vāka Hariv
- -tantra n. See above
- -tā f. self-dependence, independence, freedom Mn. MBh. Kathās. MārkP
- originality Cat
- wilfulness W
- -mukha mardana n. -lekhana n. N. of wks
- -vṛtti f. acting self-reliantly, independent action L
- -sāra, N. of wk
- ○tantraya Nom. (only ○yāṃ-cakre), to make subject to one's own will Ragh
- ○tantrika m. the Sva-tantra school Buddh. (prob. wṛ. for svāt○)
- ○tantrin mfn. free, independent, uncontrolled MBh. (accord. to Nīlak. = sva-śāstrânusārin)
- ○tavas (svá-), mfn. (nom. -tavān) self-strong, inherently powerful, valiant RV. Kāṭh. VS. &c
- firmly rooted (said of a mountain) RV
- ○tas ind. = svasmāt (e.g. svato'ṃśāt, 'from one's own share'
- rakṣer apacāraṃ tvaṃ svato vā parato'pi vā, 'ward off injury from thyself and from others') Mn. Kathās
- of one's own self, of one's own accord (applicable to all three persons) MBh. Ragh. Kathās. &c
- by nature Kathās
- out of (their) own estate Mn. viii, 166
- (ca svataḥ wṛ. for śāśvataḥ Pañcat. iii, 96)
- ○tahpramāṇa mfn. self-proved, self-evident Sarvad
- ○taḥ-siddha mfn. self-accomplished MW
- self-proved, self-demonstrated ib
- ○tas-tva n. the being self-proved Sarvad
- ○tā f. the state of belonging to one's self, ownership (-tām paśyati, 'he thinks it belongs to him'
- rāja-svatām upapadyate, 'it accrues to the king's ownership') Śak
- = -tva MW
- ○tulya mfn. equal to one's self Inscr
- ○tṛtīya mf(ā)n. having one's own as the third KātyŚr
- ○tejas n. one's own splendour Bhag
- ○jo-raśmi-mālin mfn. surrounded with a garland of rays of one's own splendour R
- ○tra mfn. self-preserving', V
- m. a blind man L
- ○tvá n. proprietary right to, property in (loc.) Kathās. BhP
- self-existence, independence Kāṭh. MaitrS
- relationship to one's self MW
- -nivṛtti f. cessation or loss of proprietary right W
- -bodhana n. declaration or proof of ownership ib
- -rahasya n. N. of wk
- -vat mfn. having proprṭproprietary right MW
- m. an owner ib
- -vāda m. -vicāra m. (= -rahasya) N. of wks
- -vyabhicārin mfn. departing or deviating from ownership (○ri-tva n. 'uncertainty of ownṭownership') W
- -vyavasthârṇava-setu-bandha m. N. of wk
- -hāni f. loss of proprietary right, forfeiture of title W
- -hetu m. ground or cause of proprṭproprietary right ib
- ○tvâbhāva m. non-existence of proprṭproprietary right ib
- ○tvâvagama m. determination or ascertainment of ownership ib
- ○tvâspada n. site of ownṭownership, that in which any one has proprietorship ib
- ○tvâspadī-bhūta mfn. become the subject of proprietary right MW
- ○tvôtpatti f. the arising of proprṭproprietary right, origin of ownership W
- ○dāna n. the giving of one's own property Jaim
- ○dāra m. one's own wife
- -gāmin mfn. cohabiting with one's own wife ŚāṅkhGṛ
- -nirata mfn. attached to one's own wife, uxorious Mn. iii, 45
- ○diṅ-mukham ind. towards (its) own place or quarter Sūryas
- ○duhitṛ f. one's own daughter MW
- ○dṛś mfn. seeing one's self or the soul BhP
- ○dṛṣṭa mfn. self-seen (?) Hariv. (vḷ. saṃhṛṣṭa)
- ○deśa m. one's own place or country or home Mn. Kathās. Rājat. &c
- pl. the inhabitants of one's own country, one's own subjects BhP
- -ja m. 'born in one's own country', a countryman L
- -paridhi m. circumference of a circle of longitude in any place that has latitude W
- -bandhu m. (= -ja) A
- -madhya-paridhi m. circumfṭcircumference of the terrestrial equator W
- -smārin mfn. yearning for one's own country, home-sick Rājat
- ○deha-dāna n. the gift of one's own body L
- ○doṣa-ja mf(ā)n. due to one's own fault MBh
- ○dharma m. one's own rights (○maṃ-√labh, 'to get justice') MBh
- one's own duty MaitrUp. Mn. Yājñ. &c
- peculiar property, peculiarity W
- -cyuta mfn. deprived of one's own rights, fallen from or neglecting one's own duty W
- -tyāga m. dereliction or neglect of one's own duty ib
- abandoning one's own religion, apostasy ib
- -vartin mfn. applying one's self to one's duties (○ti-tva, n.) MBh
- -skhalana n. falling from or neglect of one's own duty W
- -stha mfn. abiding in one's own duty ib
- ○mâcaraṇa n. the practising one's own duties ib
- ○mâdhva-bodha m. N. of wk
- ○mânapaga mfn. not swerving from one's duties MW
- ○mârtha-viniścaya m. the knowing or ascertaining one's own duty and interest ib. [Page 1276, Column]
- ○dharman mfn. abiding in one's own customs RV
- ○dhā See p. 1278, col. 1, and s.v
- ○dhāman m. N. of a son of Satya-sahas and Sūnṛitā BhP
- pl. N. of a class of gods under the 3rd Manu Pur
- ○dhur mfn. self-dependent, indepṭindependence PañcavBr. (Sch.)
- n. (acc. -dhūr?) N. of a Sāman ib
- ○dhṛti (svá-), f. standing still of one's self VS. Br. ĀśvŚr
- ○dhenava (svá-), mfn. coming from one's own cows RV
- ○nagara n. one's own town or native city Śak
- ○nābhaka m. N. of a spell pronounced over weapons R
- ○nābhya mfn. issuing from one's own navel BhP
- ○nāman n. one's own name Gaut
- mfn. having a name or reputation through one's self Cāṇ
- ○mâṅka mfn. marked with or called after one's own name MW
- ○nāśa m. self-destruction L
- ○niṣṭha mfn. being in one's own person (-tva n.) KapS. Sch
- ○pakṣa m. one's own wings Kathās
- one's own party MBh. Mālav. Pañcat. &c
- a man of one's own party, friend (also pl.) MBh. Suśr. BhP
- one's own opinion or assertion Kathās. Madhus
- ○pakṣīya mfn. belonging to one's own party Saṃskārak
- ○pañcaka mfn. (perhaps) multiplied 5 times with itself Jyot
- ○paṇa m. o own stake Yājñ
- ○pati (svá-). m. one's own lord RV
- (-patí), mfn. having an own consort AV
- -bhrāntimatī f. (a woman) mistaking anything for her husband, Prâyaśc
- ○patita mfn. dropped off of its own accord Var
- ○patī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make any one her husband Naish
- ○pada n. one's own place or abode Kathās
- one's own position or rank ib
- ○para-pratāraka mfn. deceiving one's self and others Bhartṛ
- ○para-maṇḍala n. one's own and an enemy's country MW
- ○piṇḍā f. a kind of date tree L. (wṛ. for sthala-p○)
- ○pitṛ m. (for svapitṛ See p. 1280, col. 1) one's own father Prab. Sarvad. &c
- pl. one's own deceased ancestors MBh
- ○piś m. N. of a man (cf. svāpiśi)
- ○putra-vat ind. like one's own children MW
- ○pura n. one's own city L
- N. of a suburb of Vajra-nagara Hariv
- ○puras ind. before one's self ib
- ○pū́ See s.v
- ○pūrṇa mfn. perfectly satisfied with or through one's own acts BhP
- ○poṣam ind. (with √puṣ) to prosper in one's person Pāṇ. 3-4, 40
- ○prakāśa mfn. clear or evident by itself (-tva n.) Up. Sāh. &c
- self-luminous A
- N. of Comm
- -jñāna-vādârtha m. -tā-vicāra m. -pradīpikā f. -rahasya n. -vādârtha m. N. of wks
- ○pratikara wṛ. for su-p○ R
- ○pratinidhi m. a substitute for one's self (-tvena ind. instead of him, her, them &c.) Sāy
- ○pratiṣṭha mfn. astringent L
- m. astringent taste L
- ○pradhāna mfn. self-dependent, independent L
- -tā f. self-dependence Kām
- one's own natural state MW
- ○prabhā f. N. of Comm
- ○prabhutā f. own or arbitrary power (ayā ind. 'arbitrarily') Pañcat
- ○pramāṇânurūpa mfn. suited to one's strength Śak
- ○prayogāt ind. by means of one's self, without assistance Kathās
- ○prayojana-vaśa m. the force of one's own object or purpose MW
- ○prasāra m. opening one's own mouth Vop
- ○bandhu m. one's own relation or friend Mn. ii, 207
- -paddhati f. N. of wk
- ○balâśraya mfn. depending on one's own strength MW
- ○bāndhava m. one's own relation Mn. viii, 29
- ○bāhu m. one's own relation Mn. viii, 29
- ○bāhu m. one's own arm
- -bala n. strength of one's own arm MBh
- ○bīja n. one's own seed or cause MW
- m. the soul L
- ○brāhmaṇyā wṛ. for su-brāhmaṇyā Mn. ix, 126
- ○bhakṣa mfn. (perhaps) drawing nourishment from one's self ĀpŚr
- ○bhaṭa m. one's own warrior or body-guard MW
- ○bhadrā f. Gmelina Arborea L. (vḷ. subh○)
- ○bhavas (svá-), mfn. (prob.) being in the Self (said of the breath) TS
- ○bhājana wṛ. for sabhājana L
- ○bhānu (svá-), mfn. self-luminous RV
- ○bhāva m. (ifc. f. ā) native place Vishṇ
- own condition or state of being, natural state or constitution, innate or inherent disposition, nature, impulse, spontaneity
- (○vāt or ○vena or ○va-tas or ibc.), from natural disposition, by nature, naturally, by one's self, spontaneously) ŚvetUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- -kṛta mfn. done by nature, natural VarBṛS
- -kṛpaṇa m. 'naturally mean', N. of a Brāhman Pañcat
- -ja mfn. produced by natural disposition, innate, natural R. Sāh. &c
- -janita mfn. id. Kāv
- -tas ind., See above
- -tā f. (Jātakam.) or -tva n. (TPrāt. Sch.) the state of innate disposition or nature
- -daurjanya n. natural or innate wickedness W
- -dveṣa m. natural hatred L
- -prabhava mfn. (= -ja above) VarBṛS
- -bhāva m. natural disposition Pañcat
- -vāda m. the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties MW. [Page 1276, Column]
- -vādin m. one who maintains the above doctrine ib
- -śūra mfn. possessing natural heroes (others, 'valiant by nature') Hit
- -siddha mfn. established by nature, natural, imiate ĀśvŚr. Bhartṛ
- self-evident, obvious Kāś
- ○vârtha-dīpikā f. N. of Comm
- ○vôkta mfn. said or declared spontaneously Yājñ. Sch
- ○vôkti f. statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) Kāvyâd. Pratāp. &c
- spontaneous declaration A
- ○vônnata-bhāva mfn. high-minded by nature (-tva n.) Hariv
- ○bhāvikī (prob.) wṛ. for svābhāvikaṃ Cat
- ○bhāṣita (prob.) wṛ. for su-bh○ Kathās
- ○bhū mfn. selfexistent RāmatUp. ĀpŚr
- m. N. of Brahmā BhP
- of Vishṇu L
- of Śiva MW
- f. one's own country, home Rājat
- -tyāga m. abandonment of one's own country L
- ○bhūta mfn. being one's own, belonging to (gen.) Sāy
- ○bhūti f. one's own welfare (○tyartham, 'for the sake of one's own interest') Pat
- mfn. arising spontaneously VS
- ○ty-ojas (svábhūty○), mfn. possessing energy derived from inherent power RV
- ○bhūmi f. = -bhū f. Hit
- one's own land, own estate W
- one's own or proper place VarBṛS
- m. N. of a son of Ugra-sena VP
- ○bhyasá mfn. spontaneously frightened AV
- ○mat mfn. in alpa-sva-m○, having little property Śatr
- ○manīṣā f. own judgment or opinion Nyāyad. Sch
- ○manīṣikā f. id. Bādar. Sch
- indifference L
- ○mano-bodha-vākya n. pl. N. of wk
- ○māṃsa n. own flesh or body Mn. R
- ○mātreṇa ind. by or through one's self Inscr
- ○māyā f. own cunning or magical art or skill MW
- ○mārga-marma-vivaraṇa n. N. of wk
- ○yata (svá-), mfn. self-guided RV
- ○yatna m. one's own exertion L
- ○yaśas (svá-), mfn. glorious or illustrious through one's own (acts), self-sufficient (compar. -tara) RV. AV
- ○yāvan mfn. self-moving, going one's own way RV
- ○yú See p. 1278, col. 3
- ○yukta (svá-), mfn. self-yoked (said of the horses of the Maruts) ib
- ○yukti (svá-), f. own yoke or team of horses ib
- mfn. self-yoked MW
- (○tyā or ○ti-tas), ind. in natural course, of course, naturally Kathās
- ○yúgvan m. 'any one joined to one's self', an ally RV
- ○yúj m. id. RV. AV
- ○yuti f. the line which joins the extremities of the perpendicular and diagonal Col
- ○yūthya m. a relation, one's belongings (pl.) MBh
- ○yoni f. own womb, one's own birthplace or source Mn. MBh. Hariv. &c
- womb of one's own caste Mn. x, 27 sq
- wṛ. for śvay○ MBh
- mf([�I])n. related by blood, consanguineous Mn. Yājñ
- issuing or arising out of self Hariv
- (is), f. a sister or near female relative W
- n. (with kaśyapasya) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- du. Lāṭy
- -guṇa-kṛt mfn. operating like that from which it is derived Bhpr
- ○rasa m. own (unadulterated) juice or essence MBh. Car. &c
- natural or peculiar flavour W
- proper taste or sentiment in composition ib
- a partic. astringent juice or decoction MW
- the sediment of oily substances ground on a stone W
- own inclination (-tas, 'through own inclṭinclination', 'for pleasure') ĀpŚr. Sch
- feeling for one's own people Kāv
- instinct of self-preservation (?) Yogas
- analogy L
- mf(ā)n. agreeable or pleasant to one's taste, congenial Kathās. TPrāt. Sch
- m. N. of a mountain Pur
- ○rasī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make into sap or juice Car
- ○rā́j mfn. (nom. -rāṭ) self-ruling, m. a self-ruler RV. TS. AV. &c
- mfn. self-resplendent, self-luminous MW
- in. N. of Brahmā Pur
- of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa MBh. BhP. Pañcar
- of a Manu BhP
- of an Ekâha ŚāṅkhŚr. Vait
- of one of the 7 principal rays of the sun VP
- f. various kinds of metre AV. Br. &c
- ○rā́jan mf(jñī)n. self-ruling, sṭself-guiding, a self-ruler TS. TBr. Lāṭy
- ○rā́jya n. independent dominion or sovereignty RV. AV
- own dominion or kingdom R. Kathās
- (with indrasya) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- ○rāṣṭra n. own kingdom Mn. Hit
- m. N. of a king MārkP
- pl. N. of a people MBh. VP
- -cintā f. care for one's own country or people L
- ○rāṣṭrīya mfn. belonging to one's own kingdom (-jana m. pl. 'own subjects') Mn. Sch
- ○ruci f. own will or pleasure Śiś
- mfn. following one's own pleasure MārkP
- (yā), ind. according to one's own will Yājñ. Mn. Sch
- ○ruh mfn. self-growing, sṭself-increasing MW
- ○rūpa n. (ifc. f. ā) one's own form or shape, the from or shape of (gen. or comp
- with or without śabdasya or śabda-sva-r○, 'a word itself or in its own form' opp. to its synonyms or varieties
- with nāmnām = 'names themselves') MBh. Pañcat. BhP. &c. [Page 1276, Column]
- own condition, peculiarity, character, nature (eṇa or ibc., 'by nature', 'in reality' 'by itself') RPrāt. NṛisUp. Mn. &c
- peculiar aim W
- kind, sort ib
- a partic. relation (in phil., See under sambandha) MW
- occurrence, event Campak. Uttamac. Siṃhâs
- mfn. having one's own peculiar form or character MW
- having a like nature or charṭcharacter, similar, like, Śāṃkhyak. (wṛ. for sa-r○)
- pleasing, handsome (for sa-r○) L
- wise, learned L
- m. N. of a Daitya MBh
- of a son of Su-nandā MārkP
- of a pupil of Caitanya W
- m. or n. N. of a place Cat
- (ā), f. N. of a place MW
- -gata mfn. endowed with one's own form or nature, having a like character W
- -tas ind. in one's own form BhP
- according to one's own form, analogously, similarly, identically MW
- by nature, in reality, by itself MārkP
- (○to, godāna-prayogaḥ, N. of wk.)
- -tā f. (or -tva n.) the state of one's own form or nature (○tayā, 'literally', 'in reality') MBh. BhP. Śak. Sch. Sāh
- the having a natural form, identity of form or nature W
- wṛ. for su-rūpa-tā Rājat
- -dhārin mfn. having one's own form MBh
- -nirūpaṇa n. -nirṇaya m. -prakāśa m. N. of wks
- -bhāva m. (a short word) whose essence is of the same efficacy (as that of the full form) Mn. ii, 124
- -vat mfn. having the form of (comp.) MBh
- -sambandha-rūpa n. -sambodhana n. -sambodhana-pañca-viṃśati-vṛtti f. -"ṣrūpâkhya-stotra n. N. of wks
- -"ṣrūpâcārya m. N. of a teacher Cat
- -"ṣrūpânusaṃdhāna n. -"ṣrūpânusaṃdhāna-stotra n. N. of wks
- -"ṣrūpâsiddhi f. a form of non-proof (where the quality alleged to belong to a subject is not really proved) Tarkas
- -"ṣrūpôtprêkṣā f. a kind of simile Sāh. Kuval
- -"ṣrūpôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad
- ○rūpaka n. or (ikā), f. an image of (gen.) Hcat
- (ifc.) own condition, peculiarity, character, nature Pañcar
- ○rūpin mfn. having one's own or natural form MBh
- appearing in the form of (ifc.) R. Pur. Pañcar
- embodied MBh. Inscr
- having essential properties MW
- identical ib
- ○rocas (svá-), mfn. self-shining TBr. (vḷ. -rocis)
- ○roci f. own ray MārkP. (pl.)
- ○rociṣa wṛ. for svār○ ib
- ○rocis mfn
- n. own light BhP
- (svá-), mfn. self-shining RV. BhP
- m. N. of a son of the Gandharva Kali by the Apsaras Varūthinī MārkP
- ○lakṣaṇa n. peculiar characteristic or property MBh
- mfn. having its own specific characteristics Sarvad
- -prakāśa m. N. of wk
- ○likhita n. any document or receipt written with one's own hand Vishṇ
- ○liṅga mfn. preserving (its) own grammatical gender L
- ○līna m. N. of a Dānava L
- ○vaṃśa-ja mfn. sprung from the immediate family of any one (gen.) Hariv
- ○vaṃśin mfn. belonging to the immṭmerits family of any one (gen.) ib
- ○vaṃśya mfn. belonging to one's own family MBh. Rājat. -1
- ○vat (svá-), mfn. possessing property, wealthy (-tā, f.) TS. Jaim. (for svavān nom. of sv-avas See p. 1282). -2
- ○vat ind. as if it were one's own property Gaut
- ○vargīya mfn. belonging to one's own kindred Pañcat
- belṭbelonging to (its) own group (of consonants) VPrāt
- ○vargya mfn. id. ĀśvŚr
- belṭbelonging to one's own tribe MW
- ○vaśa mf(ā)n. (for svavaśa See p. 1282) having control of one's self, self-controlled, subject to one's self or to one's own will, independent, free (-tā f.) MBh. R. &c
- ○śaṃkṛta mfn. brought into subjection by (instr.) R
- ○vaśinī f. a kind of metre RPrāt. Nidānas
- ○vaśya mfn. subject or submissive to one's own self R
- ○vasu (svá-), vḷ. of the Pada-pāṭha for svā́-v○ RV. AV
- ○vahita mfn. self-impelled, self-moved W
- alert, active ib
- ○vāñchā f. one's own desire (○chayā, 'according to one's own wish') Hit
- ○vāra m. one's own place ( See 2. vāra) R
- ○vārtta n. one's own condition or welfare MW
- ○vāsin n. du. (with jamad-agneḥ) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- (inī), f. a woman whether married or unmarried who continues to dwell after maturity in her father's house Yājñ. Vcar. (cf. su-v○)
- ○vikatthana mfn. self-praising, boasting of one's own acts R
- ○vigraha m. one's own body (○ham, 'one's self') Rājat
- ○vicchandas mfn. = sva-cch○ + vi-cch○ Lāṭy
- ○vidyut (svá-), mfn. 'self-lightning', flashing forth lightning by one's own power RV
- ○vidhi m. 'own rule or method'
- (inā), ind. in one's own way BhP
- in the right wish, duly VarBṛS
- ○vidheya mfn. to be done by one's self Naish
- ○vināśa m. self-destruction, suicide MW
- ○viṣaya m. one's own country, home (kasmiṃś-cit sva-viṣaye, 'in some part of his kingdom') MBh. R. Pañcat. &c
- one's own sphere or province BṛĀrUp. Sch. [Page 1277, Column]
- ○vī7kṣita wṛ. for svavêkṣita R
- ○vīrya-tas ind. according to one's power MW
- ○vṛkti (svá-), f. self-appropriation (○tibhis, 'exclusively for ourselves') RV
- mfn. self-cleansing, having cleansing properties MW
- f. a hymn ib
- ○vṛj mfn. appropriating to one's self (others, 'suffering one's self to be appropriated or won over', said of Indra) RV
- ○vṛti wṛ. for -vṛtti MBh. R
- ○vṛtta n. one's own business or occupation MW
- ○vṛtti f. one's own way of life R
- one's own subsistence or existence (also pl
- ○ttyā, 'at the sacrifice of one's own life') MBh. Kām
- self-dependence Cāṇ
- mfn. subsisting by cleansing own exertions MW
- -vāda m. N. of wk
- ○vṛṣṭi (svá-), mfn. retaining rain for one's self, rain-appropriating RV
- ○vairitā f. hostility towards one's self (nijâyuṣaḥ sva-vairitāṃ-√kṛ, 'to cause the destruction of one's own life') Naish
- ○śakti f. own power or strength Mn. ix, 298
- own energy (of a god) BhP
- (yā), ind. to the best of one's ability Pañcat. Siṃhâs
- ○śarīra n. one's own body or person R
- ○śiras wṛ. for svaḥ-ś○ Hariv
- ○śocis (svá-), mfn. self-radiant RV
- ○ścandra (svá-), mfn. sṭself-glittering, self-brilliant ib
- ○ślāghā f. self-praise L
- ○saṃyukta mfn. connected with one's self Sāh
- ○saṃvid f. the knowledge of one's own or the true Essence BhP
- mfn. knowing only one's self ib
- ○saṃvṛta mfn. self-guarded Mn. vii, 104
- ○saṃvedana n. knowledge derived from one's self HYog. Buddh
- ○saṃvedya mfn. intelligible only to one's self Rājat. Daś. Pañcar
- ○saṃsthā f. the abiding in self, sṭself-possession, absorption in self MW
- ○saṃhitā f. connection (only) with self, being by one's self or alone, IndSt
- ○sattā f. the being in one's own possession or at one's own disposition KātyŚr., Paddh
- ○sadṛśa mf(ā)n. like or suitable to one's self R. Rājat
- ○samāna mfn. id. Rājat
- ○samuttha mfn. arising within self MBh
- produced or existing by self, natural MārkP
- ○sambhava mfn. being one's own origin or source BhP
- = next ib
- ○sambhūta mfn. produced from one's self Kathās
- ○sammukha mfn. facing one's self, turning to one's self Cat
- ○sara See s.v
- ○sarva n. the whole of one's own property Cat
- ○sāra (svá-), n. = -sara RV
- ○síc mfn. pouring out spontaneously VS. TS. (cf. su-síc)
- ○siddha mfn. spontaneously effected BhP
- naturally one's own, belonging to one's self by nature ib
- ○sū f. 'self-created', the earth L
- ○sṛt mfn. going one's own way RV
- ○setu (svá-), mf(u)n. forming one's own embankment or bridge ib
- ○sainya n. one's own army L
- ○skanda m. a person who has gained his liberty by redeeming a pledge L
- ○stara m. self-strewn grass (as a couch) ĀśvGṛ. Gobh. Āpast
- ○stha mf(ā)n. self-abiding, being in one's self (or 'in the self' Sarvad.), being in one's natural state, being one's self uninjured, unmolested, contented, doing well, sound well, healthy (in body and mind
- often vḷ. for su-stha), comfortable, at ease (compar. -tara) MaitrUp. &c. &c
- relying upon one's self, confident, resolute, composed W
- self-sufficient, independent ib
- (am), ind. composedly MW
- -citta mfn. sound in mind Jātakam
- -tā f. well-being, health, ease Pañcat. HYog
- -vṛtta n. medical treatment of a healthy person Car
- ○thâriṣṭa n. a death-token in a healthy person, Aśvav
- ○sthāna n. one's own place, own home KātyŚr. Gobh. MBh. &c
- mfn. being in one's own place Lāṭy
- -stha mfn. standing in or occupying one's own condition MW
- ○sthita mfn. independent Nir
- ○sthī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make one's self, make well, reduce to one's natural condition Pañcad
- ○sthī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to become one's self, return to one's natural condition, become well or _ sober Prab
- ○sva-kāla m. the proper time for each Kāv
- ○svadha m. pl. N. of a partic. class of Pitṛis Cat
- ○sva-prâṇa m. pl. the respective breath or life of each Sāy
- ○svabhāva m. one's natural disposinon Mṛicch
- ○sva-ruci mfn. pl. every one brilliant in his own way Siṃhâs
- ○svarūpa n. one's true character Vedântas. HYog
- N. of wk
- ○svāmi-bhāva m. the relation of possession and possessor KapS
- ○svāmi-sambandha m. id. Sāṃkhyak. Sch
- ○hantṛ m. a suicide Siṃhâs
- ○haraṇa n. confiscation of property Gaut
- ○hasta m. one's own hand (○taṃ-√dā, 'to offer one's hand for aid loc.') Ratnâv. Hit. &c
- own handwriting, autograph Vishṇ
- -gata mfn. fallen into or being in one's own hands L
- -svastika-stanī f. covering (her) breasts with crossed hands Kathās
- ○hastôllikhita mfn. drawn or painted by one's own hṭhands, MW. [Page 1277, Column]
- ○hastikā f. a hoe, mattock, pickaxe Pañcat
- ○hastita mfn. held or supported by one's own hand Naish
- ○hita mfn. beneficial to one's self Kāv
- well disposed to one's self Pañcat
- n. one's own welfare Śiś
- ○tâiṣin mfn. seeking one's own good or advantage W
- ○hetu m. one's own cause, own sake (○tunā, 'for one's own self') ib
- ○hotṛ (svá-), m. one's own Hotṛi AV
- svâkāra m. (for sv-āk○ See p. 1283) one's own nature, natural disposition Pañcat
- mfn. having one's own form W
- -kara m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- svâkṛti mfn. (for sv-āk○ See p. 1283) = ○kāra MW
- svâkṣa-pāda m. a follower of the Nyāya philosophy L
- svâkṣara m. one's own handwriting, autograph L
- svâkhyāta mfn. self-announced (-tā f.) HYog
- svâkhyā-śataka n. N. of wk
- svâgata mfn. (for sv-āg○ See p. 1283) come of one's self MW
- svā́ṃ-kṛta mfn. made one's own, seized TS
- svâṅga n. a limb of one's own body, one's own body, limb or body in the strict (not metaphorical) sense Kāv. Yogas. &c
- m. a proper N. MW
- -bhaṅga m. injury to one's own body Ml
- -śīta mfn. cooled in all parts Bhpr
- svâjñā f. one's own command (○jñāṃ-√grah, 'to submit to one's command') Uttamac
- svâñjalyaka n. the joining of one's hands in supplication, supplication MBh
- svâtman m. one's own self, one's self (= reflexive pron.), one's own nature (○ma-tā f.) NṛisUp. R. Kathās. &c
- (○ma) -nirūpaṇa n. -nirūpaṇa-prakaraṇa n. -pūjā f. -prakāśikā f. -prabodha m. -prayoga-pradīpikā f. -yoga-pradīpa m. N. of wks
- -vadha m. suicide Kathās
- -saṃvitty-upadeśa m. -saṃvid-upadeśa m. ○mânanda-prakaraṇa n. ○mânanda-prakāśa m. ○mânanda-vivardhinī f. ○mânanda-stotra n. ○mânandôpadeśa m. ○mânubodha m. ○mânubhava m. ○mânurūpaṇa n. N. of wks
- ○mârāma mfn. taking pleasure in or contented with one's self Pañcar
- m. (also -yogin or -yogī7ndra) N. of an author Cat
- ○mâvabodha, ○mâpadeśa m. N. of wks
- svâtmī-bhāva m. vḷ. for ātmī-bh○, q.v. Bhartṛ
- svâdāna n. (for sv-ād○ See p. 1283) taking what belongs to one's self or one's own due Mn. viii, 172
- svâdhikāra m. one's own office, special charge, peculiar station Megh. Pañcat
- svâdhipatya n. own supremacy, supreme sway, sovereignty W
- svâdhiṣṭhāna n. one's own place VP. Sch
- one of the 6 mystical circles of the body ( See cakra) Pañcar. Ānand
- svâdhīna mf(ā)n. dependent on one's self, independent, free Hariv. R
- being in one's own power or control, being at one's own disposal MBh. Kāv. &c
- -kuśala mfn. having prosperity in one's own power Śak
- -tā f. subjection to (only) one's self, independence, freedom Kāv
- -tva n. (= -tā) ib
- -patikā (Pratāp.) or -bhartṛkā (Sāh.), f. a woman whose husband is under her own control. 1
- svâdhyāyá m. reciting or repeating or rehearsing to one's self, repetition or recitation of the Veda in a low voice to one's self ŚBr. &c. &c
- repeating the Veda aloud (acc. with caus. of √1. śru, 'to cause the Veda to be repeated aloud') Mn. iii, 232
- recitation or perusal of any sacred texts W
- the Veda L
- a day on which sacred recitation is resumed after its suspension MW
- N. of wk
- mfn. studying the Veda (-tama, perhaps wṛ. for svâdhyāyi-t○) Divyâv
- -dhṛk mfn. one who repeats or recites the Veda Āpast
- -brāhmaṇa n. N. of ch. in the Taittiriyâraṇyaka
- -vat mfn. (= -dhṛk) Yājñ. MBh. Hariv
- m. a repeater or student of the Veda W
- ○yāyârthin m. one who seeks a maintenance for himself during his studentship Mn.xi, 1. 2
- svâdhyāya Nom. P. ○yāyati, to study, recite, read to (acc.) Divyâv. SaddhP
- svâdhyāyana m. N. of a man
- pl. his family Cat
- svâdhyāyanikā f. a certain portion of a sacred work or sacred texts which have to be repeated or studied Divyâv
- svâdhyāyin mfn. repeating or reciting the Veda MBh. (cf. nitya-sv○)
- m. one who recites or repeats any sacred texts to himself, (esp.) a repeater of the Veda W
- a tradesman, shopkeeper, dealer L
- svâdhyāyinikā f. = svâdhyāyanikā Divyâv
- svânanda m. delight in one's self Cat
- -candrikā f. N. of wk
- -pūrṇa m. N. of an author Cat
- svânubhava m. one's own personal experience or observation Cat
- ○vâdarśa m. N. of wk
- svânubhāva m. enjoyment of or love for property Kathās
- svânubhūti f. one's own experience Cat
- self-enjoyment ( See comp.)
- -prakāśa m. -prakāśa-vivṛti f. -vākya n. ○bhūty-abhidha-nāṭaka n. N. of wks
- ○bhūty-eka-sāra mfn. whose only essence consists in self-enjoyment Bhartṛ
- svânurūpa mfn. resembling one's self, suited to one's character Kathās
- natural, innate W. [Page 1277, Column]
- svânusāra m. (only eṇa, 'according to one's property') Hcat
- svânta m. (accord. to Pāṇ. 7-2, 13 fr. √svan) own end BhP
- own death Śiś
- own territory or domain or province Kām
- n. 'seat of the Ego', the heart (as self of the emotions
- ifc. f. ā) Kāv. Kathās. MārkP. &c
- a cavern L
- -ja m. 'heart-born', love Gīt
- -vat mfn. having a heart Kathās
- -stha mfn. being in the heart (perhaps wṛ. for svântaḥ-stha, 'being in one's interior') BhP
- svânyadīya-tva n. the state of being one's own or some one else's MW
- -saṃdeha m. doubt about 'meum' and 'tūm' ib
- svâparādha m. offence against one's self Hariv
- svápyayá m. turning into one's self (as an explanation of svápna) ŚBr. Bādar
- svâbhāva m. own non-existence Nīlak
- svâbhicārin (prob.) wṛ. for vyabhic○ Kathās
- svâbhī7ṣṭa mfn. loved by one's self Pañcar
- svâyatta mfn. dependent on one's self being under one's own control (-tva n.) Kathās. Daś. Rājat. &c
- uncontrolled by others, one's own master MW
- svâyattī-√kṛ P. -karoti &c., to make subject to one's self Uttamac
- svâyoga m. the not being contained in one's self TPrāt. Sch
- svârabdha or mfn. self-undertaken BhP. 1
- svâḍrambhaka mfn. self-undertaken BhP. 1
- svā-rāj mfn. (for 2. See p. 1282) = sva-r○ Prab
- svârāma mfn. delighting in one's self BhP
- svā-rúh (or svâr○?), mfn. growing from (its) own √, firm-rooted TS
- (nom. ○rut, fr. ○rudh Kāṭh.)
- svârjita mfn. self-acquired Kāv
- svârtha m. one's own affair or cause, personal matter or advantage, self-interest, one's own aim or object (also pl.) MaitrUp. MBh. R. &c
- one's own property or substance MW
- own or original meaning Sāh. Vedântas. TPrāt. Sch
- similar meaning (prob. for sârtha), a pleonasm MW
- = liṅgârtha-viśeṣa L
- mf(ā)n. directed to one's self egoistical (-tā f.) Kum. Tarkas. &c
- adapted to (its) purpose Car
- having one's object, expressing (its) own inherent or true meaning, havṭhaving a natural or literal meaning, havṭhaving a similar merits (= sârtha), pleonastic MW
- (am or e), ind. on one's own account, for one's self Kāv. Kathās. KapS. &c
- -paṇḍita mfn. clever in one's own affairs MBh
- -para mfn. intent on one's own advantage, self-interested Śiś. (-tā f. 'selfishness' MW.)
- -parâyaṇa mfn. id. MW
- -prayatna m. a self-interested project Ratnâv
- -bhāj mfn. managing one's own affairs HPariś
- -bhraṃśin mfn. ruinous to one's own interests Pañcat
- -lipsu mfn. wishing to gain one's own object, self-seeking MW
- -vighāta m. frustration of one's object ib
- -sādhaka mfn. effective of or promoting one's own object Cāṇ. BhP. Nir
- -sādhana n. accomplishment of one's own object or desire Mn. Rājat
- (○na) -tatpara mfn. intent upon it Mn. iv, 196
- -siddhi f. (= sādhana) Rājat
- ○thânumāna n. 'inference for one's self', (in log.) a partic. process of induction MW
- ○thết mfn. attending to one's own affairs TS
- ○thôpapatti f. the gaining one's own object Ragh
- svârthika mfn. having one's own object MW
- preserving an original meaning unchanged, pleonastic Pāṇ. Sch. Sāy
- done with one's own wealth MW
- svârthin mfn. pursuing one's own objects, self-seeking Siṃhâs
- svâvamānana n. (L.) or (Sāh.) self-contempt, despair of one's self
- svâvaḍmānanā f. (Sāh.) self-contempt, despair of one's self
- svā́-vasu mfn. guarding one's possessions RV. (cf. svá-v○)
- svâśiṣâtman mfn. (āśiṣā instr. of āśis) thinking only of one's own wishes BhP
- svâśraya mfn. relating or referring to the thing itself or to the point in question Pāṇ. Sch
- svâśrita mfn. self-dependent MW
- svâhata mfn. struck or coined by one's self Rājat
- svêccha ibc. (Daś.) or accord. to one's own wish, at will or pleasure, of one's own accord, voluntarily
- svêcḍcham ind. (Kathās. Chandom.) accord. to one's own wish, at will or pleasure, of one's own accord, voluntarily
- svêcchā f. one's own wish or will, free will Kāv. Rājat. Pañcar
- ibc. or (ayā), ind. accord. to one's own wish, at pleasure, of one's own free will VarBṛS. Kathās. MārkP. &c
- -"ṣcāra (○châc○), m. acting as one likes, doing what is right in one's own eyes MW
- -tas ind. (= svêcchayā above) Kathās. Hit
- -"ṣdhīna (○châdh○), mfn. dependent on one's own will or inclination MW
- -maya mf(ī)n. endowed with free will BhP. Pañcar
- -mṛtyu mfn. having death in one's own power, dying at one's own will
- m. N. of Bhīshma (who had received from his father the power of fixing the time of his own death) Pañcar
- -"ṣhāra (○châh○), mfn. eating anything at one's pleasure (○ra-vihāra m. 'feeding and roaming accord. to one's inclination') Hit
- svêṣṭa mfn. dear to one's self
- -devatā f. (Kathās. Vet.) or -daivata n. (Kathās.) a favourite deity
- svâitu (svá-etu), mfn. (perhaps) going one's own gait or way RV
- svâiṣá m. one's own or free choice ŚBr. [Page 1278, Column]
- svôkta mfn. spoken by one's self (○tam ākṣipati, 'he corrects his own previous remark') Śak. Sch
- svôcita mfn. suitable to one's self Kathās. Rājat. Daś. Sch
- svôttha mfn. arising or originating in one's self, innate ChUp. Sch
- svôtthita mfn. originating in or caused by one's self Kathās
- svôdaya m. the rising of a sign or of any heavenly body at any partic. place (determined by adding to or deducting from the laṅkôdaya or time of rising at Ceylon) MW
- svôdara-pūraka mfn. filling only one's belly, thinking only of eating L
- svôdara-pūraṇa n. the filling of one's own belly, eating one's fill Pañcad
- svôpajña mfn. self-invented, sṭself-composed Hemac
- -dhātu-pāṭha-vivaraṇa m. N. of wk
- svôpadhi m. self-support MW
- (prob.) a fixed star ib
- svôpârjita mfn. self-acquired Dāyat
- svôras n. one's own breast Nal
- svâujas mfn. having natural or peculiar energy MW
- m. N. of a minister Nyāyam
- sva Nom. P. svati (pf. svām-āsa) = sva ivâcarati, he acts like himself or his kindred Vop. xxi, 7
- svaka mf(akā or ikā)n. = 1. sva, one's own, my own &c. Mn. MBh. &c
- m. one of one's own people, a relation, kinsman, friend
- pl. one's own people, friends Mṛicch. BhP
- n. one's own goods property, wealth, riches MBh. Kāv. &c
- svaka-svaka mfn. = svaka Kāraṇḍ
- svakīya mfn. = 1. sva, one's own, own, proper, belonging to one's self or family or people MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. (pl.) one's own people, followers, friends MBh
- (ā), f. one's own wife MW
- svadhaya Nom. P. ○yati, to propitiate, conciliate BhP. (Sch.)
- sva-dhā́ f. (for svadhā́ See p. 1280) self-position, self-power, inherent power (accord. to some, N. of Nature or the material Universe
- sva-dháyā 'by self-power') RV
- own state or condition or nature, habitual state, custom, rule, law RV
- ease, comfort, pleasure (ánu svadhā́m, svadhā́m ánu or svadhā́ ánu, svadháyā, or svadhā́bhiḥ, 'according to one's habit or pleasure, spontaneously, willingly, easily, freely, undisturbedly, wantonly, sportively') RV. AV. VS. TBr
- own place, home (svadhé du. 'the two places or homes', heaven and earth Naigh. iii, 30) ib
- 'own portion or share', the sacrificial offering due to each god, (esp.) the food or libation, or refreshing drink (cf. 2. su-dhā) offered to the Pitṛis or spirits of deceased ancestors (consisting of clarified butter &c. and often only a remainder of the Havis
- also applied to other oblations or libations, and personified as a daughter of Daksha and wife of the Pitṛis or of Aṅgiras or of a Rudra or of Agni) RV. &c. &c
- (-dhá), ind. (with dat. or gen.) the exclamation or benediction used on presenting (or as a substitute for) the above oblation or libation to the gods or departed ancestors (accord. to Mn. iii, 252 the highest form of benediction at a Śrāddha
- with √kṛ, 'to pronounce the exclamation or benediction sva-dhā'
- svadhâstu, 'let there be a blessing on it' [RTL. 104, n.]) RV. &c. &c
- ○kara mfn. offering libations and oblations to deceased ancestors or deified progenitors Mn. ix, 127
- = next MW
- ○kārá m. pronouncing the benediction svadhā or the exclamation itself AV. TS. ĀpŚr. Mn. MārkP
- ○"ṣdhipa (○dhâdh○), m. 'lord of the Sva-dhā, N. of Agni Hariv
- ○ninayana n. performance of a Śrāddha rite with Sva-dhā Mn. ii, 172
- ○yanīya mfn. relating to it Gobh
- ○pati m. lord of the SvṭSva-dhā (Indra) RV
- ○prâṇa (○dhā́-), mfn. breathing Sva-dhā AV
- ○priya m. 'fond of SvṭSva-dhā', Agni or fire W
- black sesamum (= tila or sesṭsesamum offered to the Pitṛis) L
- ○bhājin m. pl. 'SvṭSva-dhā-eating', the Pitṛis R
- ○bhuj m. 'id.', a god L
- pl. = prec. Ragh. MārkP
- ○maya mf(ī)n. 'full of SvṭSva-dhā', the female breast MārkP
- ○"ṣmṛta-maya (○dhâmṛ○), mfn. consisting of Sva-dhā and nectar (said of a Śrāddha) MBh
- ○vat (○dhā́-), mfn. adhering to custom or law, regular, constant, faithful RV
- containing oblations or refreshment AV
- containing the word svadhā ŚāṅkhŚr
- m. pl. a class of Pitṛis MBh. (B. sudhāvat)
- ○"ṣśana m. pl. 'Svadhā eaters', the Pitṛis L
- svadhāmahe (formed like yajāmahe) a sacrificial exclamation or benediction ĀpŚr
- svadhāyín mfn. owning the Svadhā (said of the Pitṛis
- vḷ. svadhāvín) VS. TBr
- svadhā́van mf(arī)n. lawful, constant, faithful RV
- containing homes (as heaven and earth) ib
- svadhāvín mfn. containing refreshment TS
- owning the Svadhā ( See svadhāyín). [Page 1278, Column]
- svayaṃ in comp. for svayam
- ○yāna n. 'advance of one's own accord', offensive warfare, Mahāvy
- ○vara mf(ā)n. self-choosing (with kanyā, a girl who chooses her husband herself') Mn. MBh. &c
- m. self-choice, the election of a husband by a princess or daughter of a Kshitriya at a public assembly of suitors MBh. R. &c
- -kathā f. the declaration of a Svayaṃ-vara MW
- -kṛta-kṣaṇā f. a maiden who has fixed the moment for a SvṭSvayam ib
- -pati m. a husband chosen at a Svayam Kathās
- -prabhā f. N. of the wife of the Daitya Trailokya-mālin ib
- -vadhū f. a self-chosen wife Śak
- -vāpī f. (?) Pañcat
- -vṛta mfn. self-chosen, elected by one's self. ib
- -sakkī f. a self-chosen female friend ib
- -suhṛd m. a self-chosen friend (○hṛt-tva n.) ib
- -stha mfn. engaged in a Svayam Ragh
- ○râgata mfn. come of one's own free will Kathās
- ○varaṇa n. the free choice of a husband (= -vara) Bālar
- ○varayitrī f. a maiden who herself chooses her own husband, Pracaṇḍ
- ○vaśa mfn. subject to one's self, self-dependent, free MBh
- ○vaha mfn. selfmoving Sūryas. Sch
- n. (scil. yantra) a self-moving machine or instrument Gol
- ○vāda m. one's own statement Rājat
- ○vānta mfn. vomited by one's self HPariś
- ○vikrīta mfn. sold by one's self Vet
- ○vilīná mfn. self-dissolved MaitrS
- ○viśīrṇa mfn. self-fallen, dropped spontaneously Kum
- ○vṛta mfn. self-chosen Vikr
- ○vedana n. spontaneous consciousness Sarvad
- ○vyakta-sthala-stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- ○śārṇa mfn. = -viśīrṇa Gaut
- ○śṛta mfn. ripened spontaneously Kāṭh
- ○śreṣṭha mfn. best or most excellent by nature (said of Śiva) MBh
- ○saṃyoga m. voluntary (matrimonial) union with (instr.) Gaut
- ○saṃviddha mfn. complete in itself AitBr
- ○sambhṛta mf(ā) n. self-composed ŚBr
- ○siddha mfn. perfect in itself (the world) HYog
- ○sras mfn. dropping spontaneously AV
- ○srasta mfn. dropped or fallen spontaneously Kauś
- ○hāra-karī
- ○hārikā and f. 'self-seizing', N. of a daughter of Nirmārshṭi (and Du?saha
- ○hārī f. 'self-seizing', N. of a daughter of Nirmārshṭi (and Du?saha
- she is described as exercising an evil influence on certain substances, e.g. by abstracting the colour from saffron and the thread from cotton) MārkP
- ○hotṛ m. one who himself sacrifices ṢaḍvBr
- ○homa m. a sacrifice offered by one's self, a simple (non-formal) sacrṭsacrifice ŚāṅkhBr
- ○min mfn. offering a sacrṭsacrifice of the above kind ib
- ○kartṛka mfn. self performed ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○kṛtá (or svayáṃ-k○), mf(ā́)n. made or performed or effected or committed or composed by one's self, natural, spontaneous (with vigraha, 'a war undertaken on one's own account') TBr. &c. &c
- adopted Yājñ
- ○kṛtin mfn. acting spontaneously Suśr
- ○kṛṣṭa mfn. ploughed by one's self Parāś
- ○krānta mfn. mounted by one's self (as a throne) Rājat
- ○khāta mfn. dug by one's self Gobh
- ○guṇa-parityāga m. spontaneous abandonment of 'the thread' and of 'virtue' Bhartṛ
- ○guptā f. 'self-preserved', Mucuna Pruritus or Carpopogon Pruriens Car
- ○gurutva n. (its) own weight Subh
- ○graha m. the taking for one's self (without leave), forcible seizure Śiś
- ○grahaṇa n. id. Veṇis
- ○grāha m. id. Mālatīm
- mf(ā)n. one who takes or seizes forcibly MBh
- spontaneous, voluntary ( See comp.)
- (am), ind. forcibly, violently Hariv
- -niṣakta-bāhu mfn. putting the arms spontaneously round (loc.), embracing ardently Kum
- -praṇaya mfn. spontaneously or ardently affectionate Mṛicch
- ○grāhya mfn. suffering force or constraint MBh
- ○cití f. piling up on one's own account TS
- ○já mf(ā́)n. spontaneously produced (waters) RV
- ○jāta mfn. self-born, sṭspontaneously-produced, brought into any state spontaneously KātyŚr
- ○jyotis (svayáṃ-), mfn. self-shining ŚBr. BhP
- ○tyakta mfn. voluntarily abandoned Bhartṛ
- ○datta mfn. self-given (said of a child who has given himself for adoption
- one of the 12 kinds of children recognized in law-books) Gaut. Mn. Yājñ
- ○dāna n. spontaneous gift (of a daughter in marriage) Kathās
- ○diná mfn. ( See 1. dina) self-cut, self-torn TS
- ○dṛś mfn. visible or clear by itself, self-evident BhP
- ○nirdiṣṭá mfn. self-marked or indicated ŚBr
- svayám ind. (prob. orig. a nom. of 1. sva, formed like aham) self, one's self (applicable to all persons, e.g. myself, thyself, himself &c.), of or by one's self spontaneously, voluntarily, of one's own accord (also used emphatically with other pronouns [e.g. ahaṃ svayaṃ tat kṛtavān, 'I myself did that']
- sometimes alone [e.g. svayaṃ tat kṛtavān, 'he himself did that'
- svayaṃ tat kurvanti, 'they themselves do that'] [Page 1278, Column]
- connected in sense with a nom. either the subject or predicate or with instr. when the subject or with a gen., and sometimes with acc. or loc
- often in comp.) RV. &c. &c
- ○agurutva n. state of lightness existing in one's self Subh
- ○adhigata mfn. self-acquired VarBṛS
- ○anuṣṭhāna n. one's own performance or achievement Hit
- ○apôdita n. that from which one is by one's self exempted AitBr
- ○abhigūrta (svayám-), mfn. self-welcomed TS
- ○arjita mfn. acquired or gained by one's self Gaut. Mn. Yājñ. &c
- ○avadīrṇa n. a natural fissure on the surface of the earth Kauś
- ○avapanná mf(ā́)n. self-fallen, dropped down spontaneously TS
- ○āgata mfn. come of one's own accord, intruding Pañcat
- ○ātṛnṇa mf(ā́)n. full of natural holes ĀpŚr
- (ā), f. a kind of brick TS
- ○ṇṇa-vat mfn. full of natural holes ŚBr
- ○ānīta mfn. self-brought, brought by one's self HPariś
- ○āsana-ḍhaukana n. fetching one's self a seat or chair HYog
- ○āhṛta mfn. brought by one's self HPariś
- ○āhṛtya-bhojin mfn. enjoying things brought by one's self MBh
- ○indriya-mocana n. spontaneous emission of semen Gobh
- ○īśvara m. one's own lord, an absolute sovereign NṛisUp
- ○īhitalabdha mfn. gained by one's own effort Mn. ix, 208
- ○ukti m. a deponent or witness who volunteers to give evidence in a lawsuit Nār
- f. voluntary declaration or information W
- (in law) voluntary testmony or evidence ib
- ○ujjvala mfn. self-radiant VarBṛS
- ○uditá mfn. risen spontaneously ŚBr
- ○udgīrṇa mfn. unsheathed by itself (said of a sword) VarBṛS
- ○udghāṭita mfn. opened spontaneously (as a door) ib
- ○udyata mf(ā)n. offered spontaneously MBh
- ○upasthita mf(ā)n. come voluntarily or of one's own accord BhP
- ○upâgata mfn. id
- m. a child who offers himself voluntarily for adoption MW
- ○upêtá mfn. approached of one's own accord ŚBr
- ○patita mfn. = -avapanna Kull. on Mn. vi, 21
- ○pāṭha m. an original text TPrāt. Sch
- ○pāpa (svayám-), mfn. (prob.) injuring one's self TS
- ○prakāśa mfn. self-manifesting BhP
- m. N. of various authors (also with yati, yogéndra, muni, sarasvatī &c.) Cat
- ○tīrtha
- ○śâtman (sarasvatī), ○śânanda (muni), ○śêndra (sarasvatī), m. N. of authors ib
- ○prakāśamāna mfn. self-luminous (-tva n.) Vedântas
- ○prajvalita mfn. self-kindled Kauś
- ○pradīrṇa n. = avadīrṇa KātyŚr
- ○prabha mfn. self-shininh MBh. Hariv. BhP
- m. (with Jainas) N. of the fourth Arhat of the future Utsarpiṇī L
- (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras MBh
- of a daughter of Hemasāvarṇi R
- of a daughter of Maya Kathās
- ○prabhu m. self-powerful R
- ○prasīrṇá mfn. = -avapanna ŚBr
- ○prastutá mfn. self-praised ib
- ○prôkta mfn. sṭself-announced HirP
- ○bodha m. N. of a Vedânta wk
- ○bhagna mf(ā)n. broken spontaneously KātyŚr. R
- ○bhu m. 'self-existent', N. of Brahman MBh. R
- of Śiva Pañcar
- (-bhú), n. of -bhū (q.v.)
- -caitanya n. N. of a temple of Ādi-buddha, IndAnt
- ○bhuva mfn. = -bhū MBh. R
- m. N. of the first Manu (wṛ. for svāyam-bh○) W
- (ā), f. a kind of shrub L
- ○bhū́ mfn. self-existing, independent RV. TS. KaṭhUp. Suśr
- m. N. of Brahman Mn. MBh. &c
- of Śiva Kathās
- of Vishṇu ib
- of Buddha Buddh
- of Ādi-buddha ib
- of a Pratyeka-buddha L
- of Kāla or time L
- of Kāmadeva L
- of Vyāsa Cat
- (with Jainas) of the third black Vāsudeva L
- of various plants L
- the air (= antarikṣa) L
- mfn. relating or belonging to Buddha Kathās
- -kṣetra-māhātmya n. -purāṇa n. -mātṛkā-tantra n. N. of wks
- -liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga (= jyotir-l○) Cat
- -liṅga-sambhūtā f. a partic. plant (= liṅginī) L
- ○bhūta m. 'self-created', N. of Śiva MW
- ○bhṛta mfn. self-maintained or nourished BhP
- ○bhoja m. N. of a son of Pratikshatra Hariv
- of a son of Śini BhP
- ○bhrami or mfn. self-revolving ib
- ○bhraḍmin mfn. self-revolving ib
- ○mathitá mfn. self-churned TS
- ○murtá mfn. self-curdled, self-coagulated ib
- ○mṛta mfn. one who has died a natural death (lit. of his own accord) Pañcat. Hit
- ○mlāna mfn. faded or withered of itself (i.e. naturally) Kauś
- svayú mfn. left to itself (as cattle) RV
- ruling of one's own free will or own right (as Indra) ib
- svāpaya Nom. P. ○yati (cf. Caus. of √svap) Vop
- svāmin See p. 1284, col. 1
- svāya (cf. 2. sva), Nom. Ā. ○yate = sva ivâcarati, he acts like himself or his own kindred Vop
- svikā See svaka, col. 1
- svin See śata-svin and śrotra-svin. [Page 1279, Column]
- svī in comp. for 1. sva
- ○karaṇa n. making one's own, appropriating, accepting, acquiring Nir. Yājñ. Rājat
- taking to wife, marrying Kālid. assenting, agreeing, promising Sarvad
- -karman mfn. whose function is to appropriate Kull
- ○karaṇīya mfn. to be appropriated or accepted or assumed or assented to or promised W
- ○kartavya mfn. to be accepted VarBṛS
- to be assented or agreed to Sarvad
- ○kartṛ mfn. one who wishes to make one's own or win any one Rājat
- ○kāra m. making one's own, appropriation, claiming, claim BhP. Siddh
- reception Kathās
- assent, agreement, consent, promise Sarvad
- -graha m. robbery, forcible seizure Mcar
- -pattra n. a written document or will disposing of one's property RTL. 531
- -rahita mfn. devoid of assent, not agreed to W
- ○rânta mfn. ended or concluded by assent, agreed to ib
- ○kārya mfn. to be appropriated or taken possession of Rājat
- to be received Kathās
- to be got in one's power or won over ib
- to be agreed or assented to Pat
- ○√kṛ (svií-), P. Ā. -karoti, -kurute (the latter older and more correct), to make one's own, win, appropriate, claim ŚBr. &c. &c
- to take to one's self, choose (with or without bhāryârthe, 'to take for a wife, marry'
- snuṣā-tvena, 'for a daughter-in-law') R. Kathās. Rājat
- to win power over (hearts &c.) Daś. BhP
- (Ā.) to admit, assent or agree to, ratify Hit. Sarvad.: Caus. -kārayati, to cause any one to appropriate, present any one with (two acc.) Rājat
- ○kṛta mfn. appropriated, accepted, admitted, claimed, agreed, assented to, promised Kāv. Pur. &c
- ○kṛti f. taking possession of, appropriation HPariś
- svīya mf(ā)n. relating or belonging to one's self, own, proper, peculiar, characteristic Kāv. Pur. &c
- m. (pl.) one's own people or kindred ib
- (ā), f. 'one's own wife', a wife solely attached to her husband Sāh
- svīyâkṣara m. one's own handwriting or signature, autograph L
- svâira mf(ā)n. (prob. fr. sva + īra, 'going, moving') going where one likes, doing what one likes, self-willed, wilful, independent, unrestrained L
- walking slowly or cautiously Kāv
- voluntary, optional MW
- (am), n. wilfulness ib
- (am), ind. according to one's own inclination or will or pleasure, of one's own accord, freely, unconstrainedly, easily, spontaneously, at random Vas. MBh. Kāv. &c., slowly, softly, gently, cautiously Kāv. Kathās. &c
- unreservedly, confidingly ib
- (eṇa), ind. at will, at random R. BhP
- (eṣu), ind. in optional or indifferent matters MBh. R
- ○kathā f. unreserved or unconstrained conversation Bhartṛ
- ○gati mfn. going about freely Śak
- ○cārin mfn. acting at will, free, independent MBh. Hariv. R
- ○tā f. wilfulness, independence Vet
- ○vartin mfn. acting as one likes, following one's own inclinations BhP
- ○vihārin mfn. roaming about at pleasure Yājñ
- unimpeded, meeting with no resistance Rājat
- ○vṛtta mf(ā)n. = -vartin MBh. R
- ○vṛtti mfn. acting wilfully or without restraint MBh. BhP
- f. wilfulness, unbridledness L
- ○stha mfn. remaining indifferent or unconcerned Kathās
- svâirâcāra mfn. of unrestrained conduct or behaviour MBh
- svâirâlāpa m. = svâira-kathā Bhartṛ
- svâirâhāra m. as much food as one likes, abundant food Rājat
- svâirakam ind. freely, unreservedly, unrestrainedly, straight out, plainly Mṛicch
- svâiratha m. (perhaps for svâira-ratha, 'whose chariot moves freely') N. of a son of Jyotishmat VP
- n. N. of the Varsha ruled by Svâiratha ib
- svâiri in comp. for svâiriṅ
- ○karman n. (prob. wṛ. for svâira-k○) an action accomplished for one's own profit Āpast
- ○tā f. wilfulness, independence L
- svâirin mfn. going where one likes, free, independent, unrestrained (esp. said of unchaste women) ChUp. MBh. &c
- (iṇī), f. a bat L
- svaḥ-kāmya svaḥ-pati &c. See p. 1281, col. 2
- sva-kampana sva-kambalā &c. See p. 1275, col. 1
- svakk See √ṣvakk
- sv-akta mfn. well smeared or anointed Car
- sv-akṣa mfn. having a beautiful axle R
- m. a chariot having a beautiful axle MBh. [Page 1279, Column]
- sv-akṣa mfn. having perfect organs of sense Śiś
- sv-akṣa mf(ī)n. handsome-eyed MBh. R
- m. pl. N. of a people MBh
- sva-gata sva-guṇa &c. See p. 1275, col. 2
- svagā ind. a sacrificial exclamation (expressing desire for prosperity) VS. ŚBr. TBr
- ○kartṛ́ mfn. uttering the exclṭexclamation Svagā TS
- ○kārá m. the exclṭexclamation Svagā VS. TBr
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to utter the exclṭexclamation Svagā TS. ŚBr
- ○kṛta (svagā́-), mfn. one over whom the exclṭexclamation Svagā has been pronounced ŚBr
- finished, done TS
- ○kṛti (svagā́-), m. the use of the exclṭexclamation Svagā MaitrS. TBr
- sv-agní mfn. one who has a good Agni or fire RV
- svaṅg (c.f. √śvaṅg), cl. 1. P. svaṅgati, te go, move Dhātup. v, 44 Vop
- sv-áṅga mfn. having a beautiful body, well-shaped, fair-limbed RV
- n. a good or handsome limb MW
- sv-aṅgārin mfn. having beautiful coals (said of fire) Hcat
- sv-aṅgurí mfn. handsome-fingered (said of Savitṛi and Sinīvālī) RV
- sva-cara sva-cetas &c. See p. 1275, col. 2
- sv-accha mf(ā)n. very transparent or clear, pellucid, crystalline R. Pañcat. &c
- bright-coloured Kathās
- clear, distinct (as speech) ib
- pure (as the mind or heart) ib
- healthy, sound, convalescent (in this sense perhaps Prākṛit for svastha) L
- m. rock-crystal L
- the jujube tree L
- (ā), f. white Dūrvā grass L
- (am), n. a pearl L
- an alloy or amalgam of silver and gold L
- pure chalk &c. (= vimalôparasa) L
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. perfect clearness or transparency or purity Kāv. Śaṃk. BhP
- ○dravya n. the crystalline humour MW
- ○dhātuka n. an alloy of silver and gold L
- ○pattra n. 'transparent leaf', talc L
- ○bhāva m. transparence Viddh
- ○maṇi m. 'clear-gem', crystal L
- ○vāluka n. a kind of semi-metal L
- svacchaka mfn. very clear or bright (said of cheeks) Pañcat
- sva-cchanda &c. See p. 1275, col. 2
- svacchikā f. = aṅguli-saṃdaṃśa ( See add.) L
- svaj or svañj (cf. pari-ṣvaj), cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xxiii, 7) svájate (rarely ○ti
- p. svajāmana and svajāna MBh
- pf. sasvaje RV. &c. &c. [3. pl. ○juḥ BhP.]
- sasvañje Gr
- aor. ásasvajat RV
- asvaṅkṣi Gr
- fut. svaṅktā, svaṅkṣyate ib
- svajiṣyate MBh
- inf. -sváje RV
- svaktum MBh
- ind. p. svajitvā, -svajya ib.), to embrace, clasp, encircle, twist or wind round MBh. Kāv. &c.: Pass. svajate (aor. asvañji), Gr.: Caus. svañjayati (aor. asiṣvañjat) ib.: Desid. sisvaṅkṣate ib.: Intens. sāsvajyate, sāsvaṅkti ib
- svakta
- svaṅga
- svañjana See pari-ṣv○
- sva-ja sva-jana &c. See p. 1275, col. 2
- sv-añc mfn. going well, moving swiftly or gracefully, nimble, swift, rapid RV
- svañcana mfn. (used in explaining sv-añcas and sv-arka) Nir
- sv-áñcas mfn. = sv-añc RV
- svañja (prob.) wṛ. for sañja L
- svaṭh = √2. śvaṭh Dhātup. xxxii, 28 (Vop.)
- sva-tantra sva-tavas &c. See p. 1275, col. 3
- svad or svād (prob. fr. 5. su + √ad), cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. ii, 17) svádate (Ved. also P. svádati
- pf. sasvade Śiś
- sasvāde Gr
- fut. [sv�AditA], [sv�AdiSyate] ib
- Ved. inf. -súde
- ind. p. -svādya R.), to taste well, be sweet or pleasant to (dat. or gen.) RV. &c. &c
- to taste with pleasure, relish, enjoy, like (acc.), delight in (loc.) RV. MBh. [Page 1279, Column]
- (P.) to make palatable, season RV. VS
- to make sweet or pleasant or agreeable VS. TBr
- to be pleasant or wholesome VS
- P. Ā. svādati, ○te (cf. Dhātup. ii, 27), to taste, relish, enjoy (generally vḷ. khād, q.v.) R. Hariv. Subh.: Caus. svadáyati, ○te (aor. asiṣvadat), to make savoury or palatible, sweeten, season, prepare, cook RV. TS. Br. Mn
- to propitiate, conciliate MaitrS
- svādayati (cf. Dhātup. xxxiii, 130), to eat, relish, taste, enjoy Suśr. Śiś.: Desid. of Caus. sisvādayiṣati Gr.: Desid. [sisv�AdiSate] ib.: Intens. [sAsv�Adyate], [sAsv�Atti] ib. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. suadeo, and under [1279,] svādu.]
- svadana n. the act of tasting, licking, eating, enjoying L
- svadayitṛ́ mfn. one who seasons or makes palatable TS
- svadāvan mfn. (formed analogously to svadhāvan
- prob.) 'having a good taste' or 'enjoying dainty food' RV
- svaditá mfn. well seasoned or prepared, savoury VS. TBr
- n. 'may it be well tasted or eaten!' (an exclamation used at a Śrāddha after presenting the oblation of food to the Pitṛis
- cf. su-śruta, sva-dhā) Mn. iii, 251 ; 254
- svāda m. taste, flavour, savour Hariv. Kāv. Kathās
- the beauty or charm (of a poem) Sāh
- svā́dana mfn. seasoning, making (food) savoury RV
- n. the act of tasting Śiś
- tasting i.e. enjoying (a poem &c.) Sāh
- svādanīya mfn. palatable, savoury MBh
- svādava n. agreeable taste or relish L
- svādas See prá-svādas
- svādita mfn. tasted, relished W
- sweetened MW
- pleased ib
- svādin mfn. tasting, enjoying (ifc.) Nalôd
- svādiman m. (g. pṛthv-ādi) savouriness, sweetness KātyŚr. Sch
- svā́diṣṭha mf(ā)n. sweetest, very sweet or pleasant RV. &c. &c
- sweeter than (abl.) Bhartṛ
- svā́dīyas mfn. sweeter, more savoury or pleasant than (abl.) RV. &c. &c
- svādú mf(vií)n. sweet, savoury, palatable, dainty, delicate, pleasant to the taste, agreeable, chirming (also as compar. 'sweeter than &c.', with abl.) RV. &c. &c
- m. sweet flavour, sweetness L
- sugar, molasses L
- N. of various plants (= jīvaka, gandha-dhūma-ja &c.) L
- (us or vii), f. = drākṣā, a grape L
- (u), n. sweet taste, sweetness Megh
- pleasantness, charm, beauty Subh. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. suavis ; Old Sax. swôti ; Angl. [1279,] Sax. swêete ; Eng. sweet ; Germ. sū0ss.]
- ○kaṇṭa m. 'sweet-thorn', Asteracantha Longifolia L
- ○kaṇṭaka m. id. L
- Flacourtia Sapida ib
- ○kanda m. 'having a sweet √', a kind of arum L
- (ā), f. Batatas Paniculata L
- ○kandaka m. a kind of vegetable L
- ○kara m. 'seasoner, cook', a kind of mixed caste MBh
- ○kāma mfn. liking sweets (-tā f.) R
- ○kāra mfn. causing relish, dainty W
- ○kṣádman mfn. having or providing sweet or dainty food RV
- ○khaṇḍa m. lump sugar, sugar in small pieces L
- ○gandha m. a Moringa with red flowers L
- (ā), f. id. or Convolvulus Paniculatus L
- ○ṃ-kāram ind. (Pāṇ. 3-4, 26) making savoury, sweetening Śiś. Naish
- ○tama mfn. very sweet or pleasant Sāy
- ○tara mfn. sweeter or very sweet Vās
- ○tā f. savouriness, sweetness MBh. Kathās
- ○tiktakaṣāya mfn. sweet and astringent and bitter L
- m. sweet and astṭastringent and bitter taste L
- ○tuṇḍikā f. Momordica Monadelpha L
- ○dhanvan m. 'having a sweet bow', N. of Kāma-deva (whose bow is said to be made of sugar-cane) L
- ○parṇī f. 'sweet-leafed', a kind of plant (= dugdhikā)
- ○pāka mfn. sweet or good to be cooked or digested (-tva, n.) Suśr
- (ā), f. Solanum Indicum L
- ○pākin mfn. = -pāka Suśr
- ○piṇḍā f. a kind of date tree L
- ○puṣpa m. 'having pleasant flowers', a kind of plant (= kaṭabhī) L
- (ī), f. Grislea Tomentosa L
- ○phala n. 'sweet fruit', the fruit of the jujube L
- (ā), f. the jujube tree L
- ○majjan m. a sort of mountain Pīlu tree L
- ○māṃsī f. the √Kākolī (q.v.) L
- ○mustā f. a species of water-creeper L
- ○mūla n. 'sweet √', Daucus Carota L
- ○mṛdu mfn. sweet and delicate (cf. sauvādumṛdava)
- ○yukta mfn. possessing sweetness, sweet Megh
- ○yogin mfn. id. MBh
- ○rasa mf(ā)n. having a sweet or agreeable taste Suśr
- (ā), f. (only L.) spirituous liquor
- Asparagus Racemosus
- a grape
- the √of Spondias Mangifera [Page 1280, Column]
- = kākolī
- ○rātí mfn. bestowing agreeable gifts RV
- ○latā f. Batatas Paniculata L
- ○luṅgī f. the sweet citron L
- ○vāri m. the sea of sweet water L
- ○vivekin mfn. distinguishing dainties (from other food) Rājat
- ○śuddha n. 'sweat and pure', rock or river salt W
- ○ṣaṃsád mfn. 'sitting round dainties' or 'forming an agreeable company' RV
- ○sammud (svādú-), mfn. delighting in dainty food AV
- ○svādu mfn. exceedingly sweet or savoury HPariś
- svādū7da m. = svādu-vāri R
- svādū7daka mfn. having sweet water BhP
- -samudra m. = svādu-vāri, Sāṃkhyas. Sch
- svādukā f. Tiaridium Indicum L
- svādumán m. sweetness MaitrS
- svāduṣkilīyā f. pl. N. of the verses beginning with svāduṣ kila (RV. vi, 47, 1 &c.) ŚāṅkhBr
- svādū-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make sweet, sweeten MW
- svādmán m. sweetness RV
- (svā́○), n. id., dainty food or drink ib
- svādya mfn. to be tasted MBh
- savoury, palatable Bālar
- astringent and salt L
- m. astringent and salt taste L
- svādv in comp. for svādu
- ○anna n. sweet or choice food, dainties, delicacies W
- mfn. having or providing delicacies MW
- ○amla m. 'sweet and sour', the pomegranate tree L
- -tikta-tubara mfn. sweet and sour, bitter and astringent L
- m. sweet and sour and bitter and astringent taste L
- sva-dāna sva-dāra &c. See p. 1275, col. 3
- svadhaya ○yati, See p. 1278, col. 1
- sva-dharma &c. See p. 1275, col. 3
- svadhā́ f. (for sva-dhā See p. 1278, col. 1) an axe, knife TS
- svádhiti mf. (also written śv○) an axe &c. (in Naigh. ii, 20 among the vajra-nâmāni
- devií svádhitiḥ, 'heavenly axe', thunderbolt) RV. AV. TS. GṛŚrS
- a saw L
- (according to some) a large tree with hard wood RV. v, 32, 10 ; ix, 96, 6
- ○hetika m. 'axe-armed', a soldier armed with an axe L
- svádhitī-vat mfn. furnished with axes or knives (said of the chariot of the Maruts
- accord. to some, 'made of Svadhiti wood', See above) RV. i, 88, 2
- sv-adhicaraṇá mf(ā́)n. good to be walked upon TS
- svádhita mfn. = 1. su-dhita, firm, solid TBr
- sv-adhiṣṭhāna mfn. having a good standing-place (said of a war-chariot) MBh
- sv-adhiṣṭhita mfn. good to be stood on or lived in (acc.) BhP
- well-guided (as an elephant) Kām
- sv-adhī7ta mfn. well-recited or repeated or studied (as the Veda), well read, well instructed, MāṇḍS
- n. anything well repeated or learned R. BhP
- sv-adhī7ti mfn. good repetition or recitation (as of the Veda or other sacred work) MBh
- sv-adhyakṣá mf(ā́)n. good to be inspected TS. ŚBr
- sv-adhyavasāná mf(ā́)n. good to be striven after TS
- sv-adhvará m. n. a good sacrifice RV. BhP
- mfn. performing a sacrifice well, well adapted to a sacrifice RV
- sv-ádhvaryu mfn. having a good Adhvaryu priest TS
- svan c1. 1. P. (Dhātup. xix, 79) svanati (m. c. also ○te
- pf. sasvāna, 3. Pl. sasvanuḥ [Gr. also svenuḥ] MBh. &c
- aor. asvanīt, svānīt RV. [for aor. P. sváni See adhi- and anu-ṣvan]
- fut. svanitā, svaniṣyati Gr
- inf. svanitum ib.), to sound, make any noise, roar, yell, hum, sing RV. &c. &c.: Caus. svanayati (aor. asisvanat), to sound, resound RV. BhP
- to adorn (in this sense also svānayati) Dhātup. xix, 62: Desid. sisvaniṣati Gr.: Intens. saṃsvanyate, saṃsvanti (cf. pari-ṣvan) ib. [Cf. Lat. sonit, sonus, sonare ; Angl. Sax. swin ; Eng. swan ; Germ. ṣchwan.] [Page 1280, Column]
- svan See tuvi-ṣván
- svaná m. (ifc. f. ū) sound, noise (in the older language applied to the roar of wind, thunder, water &c
- in later language to the song of birds, speech, and sound of any kind, Naigh. i, 11) RV. &c. &c
- a partic. Agni MBh
- (svána), roaring water VS. TBr
- mfn. ill-sounding L
- ○cakra m. a form of sexual union L
- ○vat mfn. sounding, resounding, loud (vat ind. 'aloud') MaitrUp. MBh. &c
- svanôtsāha m. a rhinoceros (= gaṇḍaka) L
- svanád-ratha mfn. (pr. p. of √svan + r○) having a rattling chariot RV
- svanas See tuvi-ṣvaṇás
- svanābhaka (perhaps connected with svaná above, but See under 1. sva, p. 1276, col. 1)
- svani mfn. (in tuvi- and mahi-ṣváṇi)
- m. fire L
- svanika See pāṇi-svanika
- svanita mfn. sounded, sounding &c
- n. sound, noise Śiś
- a thunderclap W
- svanitâhvaya m. a kind of herb (= taṇḍulīya) L
- svāná m. (cf. √3. su, p. 1219) sounding, making a noise, rattling (as a chariot), Panting (as a horse) RV
- m. sound, noise, rattle ib
- twang (of a bowstring) Śiś
- N. of one of the seven guardians of Soma VS
- svāni mfn. (fr. svana), g. sutaṃgamâdi
- svānín mfn. noisy, turbulent RV
- svānta See svânta, p. 1277, col. 3
- sva-nagara sva-nābhya &c. See p. 1276, col. 1
- sv-anaḍuh mfn. having excellent bulls Vop
- svanáya m. N. of a man (son of Bhāvayavya) RV
- sv-anavêkṣaṇīya mfn. not at all to be hoped for, past all hope R
- sv-anīka mfn. having a fair or radiant countenance (as Agni) RV
- sv-anugupta mfn. well hidden MBh
- sv-anujā f. having a beautiful younger sister ĀpGṛ. Baudh
- sv-anurakta mfn. truly devoted to (loc.) R
- sv-anurūpa mfn. well suited MW
- sv-anuṣṭhita mfn. well observed, duly practised or performed R. BhP
- sv-anta mfn. having a good end, terminating well MBh. Ragh. Kathās
- auspicious, fortunate MBh
- sv-anna n. good food BhP
- svap cl. 2. P. (Dhātup. xxiv, 60) svapiti (Ved. and ep. also svápati, ○te
- Impv. sváptu AV
- Pot. svapīta MBh
- pf. suṣvāpa [3. pl. suṣupuḥ
- p. suṣupvás and suṣupāṇá, qq.vv. RV. &c. &c
- apr. asvāpsīt
- Prec. supyāt GṛS. fut. svaptā MBh
- svapiṣyati AV
- ○te R
- svapsyati Br. &c
- ○te MBh. &c
- inf. svaptum Br. &c
- ind. p. suptvā́ AV. &c., -svā́pam RV.), to sleep, fall asleep (with varṣa-śatam, 'to sleep for a hundred years, sleep the eternal sleep') RV. &c. &c
- to lie down, recline upon (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to be dead MBh. R
- Pass. supyate (aor. asvāpi) MBh. Kāv. &c
- Caus. svāpáyati, or (m. c.) svapayati (aor. asūṣupat
- in RV. also siṣvapaḥ, síṣvap
- Pass. svāpyate), to cause to sleep, lull to rest RV. AV. PañcavBr
- to kill RV. Bhaṭṭ.: Desid. of Caus. suṣvāpayiṣati Gr.: Desid. suṣupsati, to wish to sleep Nir. xiv, 4: Intens. soṣupyate, sāsvapīti, sāsvapti, soṣupīti, soṣopti Gr. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. somnus for sop-nus, sopor, [1280,] sopire ; Slav. [s�upati] ; Lith. sápnas ; Angl. Sax. swefan, 'to sleep.']
- supta
- supti See p. 1230, cols. 1, 2
- suṣupāṇá and mfn. sleeping, asleep RV
- suṣupvás mfn. sleeping, asleep RV
- suṣupsā
- suṣupsu See p. 1238
- col. 1
- svapaná mfn. sleepy, drowsy VS
- n. the act of sleeping, dreaming, sleep Kāv. Suśr
- numbness (of the skin) Suśr
- svapanīya mfn. to be slept MW. [Page 1280, Column]
- svapitṛ mfn. (for sva-pitṛ See p. 1276, col. 1) asleep, a sleeper Kām
- svaptavya mfn. = svapanīya PañcavBr. MBh
- svaptṛ mfn. = svapitṛ MW
- svápna m. (once in R., n. ifc. f. ā
- for sv-apna See p. 1281, col. 1) sleep, sleeping RV. &c. &c
- sleepiness, drowsiness Caurap
- sleeping too much, sloth, indolence Mn. ix, 13 ; xii, 33
- dreaming, a dream (acc. with √dṛś, 'to See a vision, dream' RV. &c. &c
- ○kalpa mfn. dream-like R
- ○kāma mfn. wishing for sleep MW
- ○kṛt mfn. causing sleep, somniterous, soporific L
- m. Marsilea Quadrifolia L
- ○gata mfn. fallen asleep, sleeping, dreaming, R:
- ○giri m. N. of a place Vcar
- ○gṛha n. a sleeping apartment, bed-chamber L
- ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wk. on oneiromancy
- ○ja mfn. produced in sleep, dreamt Megh
- ○jñāna n. perception in a dream Kap. Sch
- ○tandritā f. languor produced by drowsiness MBh
- ○darśana n. dream-vision, vision in a dream Hariv
- ○dṛś mfn. (nom. k) having a vision, dreaming BhP
- ○doṣa m. 'sleep fault', pollutio nocturna L
- ○dhī-gamya mfn. perceptible by the mind (only when) in a state of sleep Megh
- ○naṃśana mfn. destroying sleep (others 'acquiring riches', cf. sv-apna) RV. x, 86, 21
- ○niketana n. = -gṛha L
- ○nidarśana n. = -darśana ChUp
- ○nīya mfn. treating of visions and dreams Suśr
- ○parī7kṣā f. N. of wk
- ○paryantam ind. till the end of sleeping-time Āpast
- ○prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
- ○prapañca m. the illusions of sleep, the world spread out like a dream MW
- ○phalâdhyāya m
- ○phalâphala n. N. of wks
- ○bhāj mfn. enjoying sleep Subh
- ○mantra-paṭala m. n. N. of wk
- ○māṇava or m. 'dream-charm', a kind of charm effecting the realisation of dreams Kathās
- ○māṇaḍvaka m. 'dream-charm', a kind of charm effecting the realisation of dreams Kathās
- ○mukhā (svápna-), f. (prob.) phantom or illusion of a dreams AV. KātyŚr
- ○labdha mfn. obtained or appeared in a dreams Megh
- ○vat ind. (risen) as (from) a drṭdreams BhP
- ○vārāhī-kalpa m
- ○vāsavadattā-nāṭaka n. N. of wks
- ○vikāra m. change (produced) by sleep Buddh
- ○vicārin mfn. interpreting drṭdreams L
- ○vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○vinaśvara mf(ī)n. evanescent as a dream Siṃhâs
- ○viparyaya m. transposed order of sleeping-time Bhpr
- ○vṛtta mfn. occurring in a drṭdreams Ragh
- ○śīla mfn. disposed to sleep, sleepy, drowsy W
- ○śukra-pāta f. pollution MW
- ○saṃdarśana n. = -darśana Megh
- ○sṛṣṭi f. the creation of drṭdreams MW
- ○sthā́na n. the site or locality of a dream ŚBr
- a bed-chamber Kathās
- mfn. sleeping, dreaming NṛisUp
- svapnâdeśa m. an order given by a dream Kathās
- svapnâdhyāya m. 'dreams-chapter', N. of the 68th Pariśishṭa of the Atharva-veda and other wks
- -vid m. an interpreter of dreams Śaṃk
- svapnânayana-mantra m. N. of wks
- svapnântá m. a state of sleep or dreaming' ŚBr. R
- svapnântara n. id
- -gata mfn. occurred during sleep, dreamt L
- svapnântika n. consciousness in drṭdreams Kaṇ
- svapnâbhikáraṇa n. a soporific remedy AV
- svapnávasthā f. a state of dreaming (applied to life as an illusion) W
- svapnêśvara m. N. of two authors Cat
- svapnôpabhoga m. enjoyment in a dream Bcar
- svapnôpama mfn. resembling sleep or a dream MW
- svapnaj mfn. (nom. k) sleepy, asleep (cf. á-sv○) MBh. Bhaṭṭ
- svapnayā́ ind. in dream AV
- svapnāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to wish to sleep, be sleepy MBh
- to resemble a dream BhP
- svapnālu mfn. sleepy, drowsy Suśr
- svapne-duḥṣvapnyá n. (loc. of svapna + d○) a bad dream during sleep AV
- svápnya n. a vision in a dream AV
- svapnyáyā ind. = svapnayā ŚBr
- svāpa m. sleeping, sleep Suśr. Kathās. BhP
- dreaming, a dream Prab. BhP
- sleepiness, sloth W
- the sleep of a limb, numbness Suśr
- loss of sensation, ignorance L
- ○vyasana n. somnolency, lethargy Mcar
- svāpaka mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to sleep, soporiferous, soporific Pāṇ. 7-4, 67 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- svāpakīya Nom. P. ○yati = svāpakam icchati ib
- svāpana mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to sleep, making sleepy (said of a mystic weapon) Śiś
- n. a soporific (remedy) Kauś
- svāpin mfn. causing sleep, lulling to sleep MW
- svāpna mfn. (fr. svapna) relating to sleep Sāṃkhyapr. Sch
- sv-ap mfn. having good water Vop. [Page 1281, Column]
- sva-pakṣa sva-pañcaka &c. See p. 1276, col. 1
- sv-apatyá n. good offspring (also applied to good work or deeds
- dat. tyaí) RV
- mfn. having good offspring ib
- sv-aparāddha mfn. very faulty MW
- sv-ápas mfn. doing good work, skilful, artistic (said of Tvashṭṛi, the Ṛibhus &c.) RV. VS
- artificially fashioned (superl. -tama, said of Indra's thunderbolt) RV. i, 61, 6
- m. a good artificer RV
- N. of a man, IndSt
- svapasyá mfn. active, industrious (said of Indra) RV. ŚBr
- svapasya Nom. Ā. ○yáte, to work well, be active or industrious RV. TS
- svapasyā́ f. (only in instr. which is of the same form) activity, diligence, skill RV
- svapāka mfn. (su-ap○ in Padap.) skilful, industrious RV. iv, 3, 2 (Sāy
- others, 'coming willingly from afar', fr. 5. su + apāka)
- sv-apivāta mfn. ( See api-√vat) understanding or meaning well (said of Rudra) RV. vii, 46, 3 (accord. to Nir. 'whose speech is trustworthy or authoritative'
- accord. to others, 'much desired', fr. api-√van)
- sva-pū́ f. (prob.) a broom RV
- sv-ápna mfn. (for svapna See p. 1280) = next (accord. to some) RV. i, 120, 12 ; viii, 2, 18
- sv-ápnas mfn. wealthy, rich RV
- svabdin mfn. (prob.) roaring, panting RV. viii, 33, 2 (= svabhūta-śabda, śabdaṃ kurvat Sāy.)
- sva-bhakṣa sva-bhadrā &c. See p. 1276, col. 1
- sv-ábhigūrta mfn. well applauded, greeted with acclamations or cheers TBr
- sv-abhirāma mfn. very pleasant or delightful R
- sv-abhiṣṭí mfn. helpful, favourable RV
- favoured, well-aided ib
- ○sumna (○ṣṭí-), mfn. affording favourable assistance ib
- sv-abhīśú mfn. well bridled or caparisoned RV
- sv-ábhyakta mfn. well anointed AV
- sv-abhyagra mfn. very imminent or impending or near at hand MBh
- very swift ĀśvŚr. (Sch.)
- sv-abhyasta mfn. much practised Jātakam
- sva-manīṣā &c. See p. 1276
- svameka (?), m. n. (cf. su-mekha) a year L
- svayaṃ-vara &c. See p. 1278
- sva-yaśas sva-yāvan &c. See p. 1276, col. 2
- svar (= √sur), c1. 10. P. svarayati, to find fault, blame, censure Dhātup. xxxv, 11
- svar (prob. = a lost √sur
- √.svṛ), cl. 1. P. svarati, Caus. svarayati, to shine
- svaḥ in comp. for 3. svár below
- ○kāmya Nom. P. ○yati, to wish for heaven Siddh
- ○pati m. the lord of heaven MW
- ○patha m. 'way to heaven', death BhP
- ○pāla m. a guardian of heaven ib
- ○pṛṣṭha n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○śiras mfn. having heaven for head Hariv
- ○sad m. 'dwelling in heaven', a god Naish
- ○sarit f. river of heaven, the Ganges, Bh
- ○sāman n. N. of a Sāman, IndSt
- ○sindhu f. = -sarit Bhartṛ
- ○sundarī (Bālar.),
- ○strī (R.), f. 'celestial woman', an Apsaras
- ○syandana m. celestial chariot, Indra's chariot BhP
- ○sravantī f. = -sarit Cat
- svár (in Yajur-veda also súvar), ind. (used in Veda as nom, acc., loc., or gen., in Naish. vi, 99 also as abl
- from the weak base sū́r the RV. forms the gen. sū́ras and the dat. sūré [iv, 3,]), the sun, sunshine, light, lustre RV. AV. VS. [Page 1281, Column]
- bright space or sky, heaven (as distinguished from div, which is regarded as the vault above it
- often 'heaven' as a paradise and as the abode of the gods and the Blest, in AV. also of the Asuras
- svaḥ prayātaḥ, 'gone to heaven', i.e. 'departed this life') RV. &c. &c
- the space above the sun or between the sun and the polar star, the region of the planets and constellations (regarded as the 3rd of the 7 worlds [see loka] and the 3rd of the three Vyāhṛitis [i.e. bhúr bhúvaḥ sváḥ]
- svar is pronounced after om and before the Gāyatrī by every Brāhman on beginning his daily prayers) Mn. MBh. &c
- water Naigh. i, 12
- N. of Śiva MBh. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. sol ; [1281,] Lith. sáule ; Goth. sauil ; Angl. Sax. sôl.]
- ○atikrama m. stepping beyond heaven, i.e. reaching Vaikuṇṭha BhP
- ○adhī7ta mfn. 'reaching heaven', the mountain Meru Vāgbh
- -sāra m. N. of Indra ib
- ○āpagā f. 'river of heaven', = -gaṅgâ L
- ○ārūḍha mfn. ascended to heaven Bhaṭṭ
- ○ālu m. a kind of √(= vacā) L
- ○iṅgaṇa m. shaking heaven, a strong wind L
- ○ga See below
- ○gaṅgā f. the heavenly Ganges, the Milky Way L
- ○gata mfn. being in heaven BhP
- gone to heaven, dead MBh. R. &c
- ○gati f
- ○gamana n. 'going to heaven', death, future felicity ib
- ○giri m. 'mountain of heaven', Su-meru L
- ○cakṣas (svâr-), mfn. brilliant as light RV
- ○canas (svâr-), mfn. 'lovely as light' or 'pleasing to heaven' ib
- ○jít mfn. winning or procuring light or heaven RV
- m. a kind of sacrifice Mn. xi, 74
- N. of a man (with patr. Nāgnajita) ŚBr
- ○jeṣá m. the winning of light &c. RV
- ○jyotis (svâr-), mfn. shining with heaven's light VS
- n. N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- (○tir) -nidhana (svâr-), mfn. having svar-jyotis as final part ŚBr
- n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- ○ṇadī f. = -āpagā Śāntiś. Pañcar
- a kind of shrub (prob. wṛ. for svarṇa-dā) L
- ○ṇara (svâr-), m. lord of heaven (applied to Agni, the sun, Soma &c.) RV
- a partic. sun TĀr
- n. bright space, ether RV
- ○ṇidhana n. svar as a conclusion TāṇḍBr. Lāṭy
- ○ṇīta mfn. led to heaven Pañcar
- ○ṇṛ (svâr-), m. lord of heaven (applied to Agni and the Maruts) RV
- ○ṇetṛ́ mfn. guide to heaven (as a N. of a king) MBh
- ○da mfn. bestowing heaven Hariv
- ○dantin m. a celestial elephant Dharmaś
- ○dā mfn. bestowing heaven ĀpŚr
- ○dṛ́ś mfn. (nom. k) seeing light or the sun (applied to gods and men) RV
- ○deva m. N. of a man Cat
- ○dhāman (svár-), mfn. abiding in light TS
- ○dhunī f. = -āpagā BhP
- ○dhenu f. = -kāma-dhenu Kāv
- ○nagarī f. 'town of heaven', N. of Amarāvati Kathās
- -kṛta mfn. turned into Amarāvati ib
- ○nadī f. = -ṇadī L
- ○nayana mfn. leading to heaven R
- ○pati (svâr-), mfn. lord of light RV
- N. of Indra BhP
- ○bhāṇu m. = -bhānu i.e. Rāhu HPariś
- ○bhānava m. a kind of gem L
- (ī), f. a daughter of Svar-bhānu MBh
- ○bhānavīya mfn. relating or belonging to Svar-bhānu Subh
- ○bhānu (svâr-), m. N. of a demon supposed to eclipse the sun and the moon (in later language applied to Rāhu or the personified ascending node) RV. &c. &c
- of a Kaśyapa VP
- of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- -sūdana m. 'destroyer of Rāhu', N. of the Sun MBh
- ○maṇi m. 'sky-jewel', the sun Bālar
- ○madhya n. the central point of the sky, zenith MW
- ○mīḻha mfn. having light or the sun as its reward or prize RV
- n. a contest for light ib
- ○yaśas n. the glory of heaven BhP
- ○yāta mfn. gone to heaven, dead Yājñ. MBh. &c
- ○yātṛ mfn. going to heaven, dying MBh
- ○yāna n. the act of going to heaven, dying, death Cat
- ○yoṣit f. a celestial woman, an Apsaras Bālar
- ○līna N. of a place Cat
- ○loka m. the world of heaven, a partic. heaven, the region called Svar (cf. bhuvar-, bhūr-l○) R. Pur
- N. of mount Meru (also -śikhara) Daś
- m. an occupant of heaven, a god, one of the Blest (-tā f.) BhP
- ○vat (svâr- or súvar-), mfn. bright, shining, celestial RV. TS
- containing the word svar (○van-nidhana mfn. applied to a Sāman
- cf. svar-ṇidhana) PañcavBr. Lāṭy
- ○vadhū f. = -yoṣit HPariś
- ○vāpī f. 'stream of heaven', the Ganges L
- ○vāhinī f. = -āpagā Bālar
- ○víd mfn. winning or possessing or bestowing light or heaven, celestial RV. VS
- ○vīthi f. N. of the wife of Vatsara BhP
- ○veśyā f. 'courtezan of heaven', an Apsaras Rājat
- ○vaidya m. 'physician of heaven', N. of either of the two Aśvins (-pratima, 'AṭApsaras-like') Gīt
- ○ṣā́ mfn. = -vid RV
- ○ṣāti (svâr-), f. the acquiring light or heaven ib
- svargá (or suvargá), mfn. going or leading to or being in light or heaven, heavenly, celestial (with loká m. or pl. = 'the world of light, heavens') AV. &c. &c. [Page 1281, Column]
- m. heaven, the abode of light and of the gods, heavenly bliss, (esp.) Indra's heaven or paradise (to which the souls of virtuous mortals See transferred until the time comes for their re-entering earthly bodies
- this temporary heaven is the only heaven of orthodox Brāhmanism
- it is supposed to be situated on mount Meru, q.v
- acc. with √gā, ā-√sthā, or ā-√pad, 'to go to heaven', 'die') RV. (only x, 95, 18) AV. &c. &c
- a partic. Ekâha ŚāṅkhŚr
- N. of a son of the Rudra Bhīma VP
- ○kāma mfn. desirous of heaven Br. Up
- ○khaṇḍa n. N. of the 3rd book of the Padma-purāṇa
- ○gata mfn. gone to heaven W
- ○gati f
- ○gamana n. going to heaven, death MBh. R. &c
- ○gāmin mfn. going to heaven Hit
- ○giri m. 'mountain of heaven', Meru MW
- ○cyuta mfn. fallen or descended from heaven Cāṇ
- ○jit mfn. winning heaven (superl. -tama) MBh
- ○jīvin mfn. dwelling in heaven Āpast
- ○taraṃgiṇī f. 'river of heaven', the Ganges Kathās
- ○taru m. a tree of heaven Sarasv
- ○tarṣa m. eager desire for heaven Bcar
- ○da mfn. heaven-giving, procuring paradise Pañcat
- ○dvāra n. heaven's gate Āpast
- N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- of Śiva ib
- ○rêṣṭi f. N. of wk
- ○naraka n. pl. the heaven and hells JaimUp
- ○pati m. 'lord of heaven', Indra Hit
- ○patha m. 'road of heaven', (prob.) the Milky Way R
- ○pada m. N. of a Tīrtha Vishṇ
- ○para mfn. desirous of heaven W
- ○parvan n. N. of the 18th book of MBh. (in which is described the journey of the five Pāṇḍava princes towards Indra's heaven in mount Meru)
- ○purī f. 'city of heaven', Amarāvatī R
- ○prada mfn. = -da Kāv
- ○pradhāna mfn. having heaven as the best Bcar
- ○bhartṛ m.= -pati Śiś
- ○mandākinī f. the celestial Ganges Pañcar
- ○mārga m. 'the road to heaven MBh
- road of heaven, Milky Way R. Śak
- N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- -didṛkṣu mfn. wishing to see the road to heaven MW
- ○yāṇa mf(ī)n. going or leading to heaven AitĀr
- n. the road to heaven AitBr
- ○yoni f. cause or source of heaven MBh
- ○rājya n. kingdom of heaven Pañcat
- ○rodaḥ-kuhara m. the void or hollow space between heaven and earth Bālar. i, 49
- ○loka m. (also in pl.) the celestial world, Indra's heaven ĀśvGṛ. MBh. &c
- (svargá-), mfn. belonging to or dwelling in, heaven ŚBr. KaṭhUp
- ○kêśa m. 'lord of heaven', Indra MW
- the body (as enjoying felicity in Indra's heaven) L
- ○vat mfn. possessing or enjoying heaven R
- ○vadhū f. 'celestial nymph', an Apsaras L
- ○vāsa m. residence in heaven Suśr
- ○śrī f. the glory of heaven MW
- ○saṃkrama m. a bridge or ladder to heaven Pañcat
- ○sattra-prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○sad m. 'heaven-dweller', a god or one of the Blest MBh
- ○saṃpādana mfn. procuring or gaining heaven MBh
- ○sarid-varā f. 'best of heavenly rivers', the Ganges L
- ○sādhana mfn. means of attaining heaven MW
- ○sukha n. the bliss of heaven MBh
- ○strī f. = -vadhū Rājat
- ○stha mfn. 'dwelling in heaven', dead R
- ○sthita mfn. id. Sarvad
- = -sad Subh
- ○hetau ind. for the sake of heaven Bcar
- ○hvāya mfn. Pāṇ. 3-2, 2 Sch
- svargâpagā f. 'heavenly river', the Ganges L
- svargâpavarga m. du. heaven and emancipation Bcar
- svarrūḍha mfn. ascended to heaven W
- svargârohaṇa n. ascension to heaven, N. of partic. funeral ceremonies Cat
- -parvan n. = svarga-parvan (q.v.) MBh
- ○haṇika mfn. relating to the 18th book of MBh. (with parvan = prec.) ib. (IW. 374)
- svargârgala m. or n. bar to (the gate of) heaven Hit
- svargârtham ind. for the sake of heaven, Bc
- svargâvāsa m. abode in heaven Hariv
- svargêpsu mfn. desirous of obtaining heaven MW
- svargôpaga mfn. going or coming to heaven Kāraṇḍ
- svargâukas m. 'heaven-dweller', a god, one of the Blest Hariv. Kum
- svargaya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be like heaven Mṛicch
- svargi in comp. for svargin
- ○giri m. the heavenly mountain, Meru L
- ○vadhū and f. a celestial woman, Apsaras L
- ○strī f. a celestial woman, Apsaras L
- svargin mfn. belonging to or being in heaven SaṃhUp
- gone to heaven, deceased, dead Ragh
- m. an occupant of heaven, a god, one of the Blest MBh. Hariv. &c
- svargīya mfn. relating or belonging to heaven, leading to heaven, heavenly (with kārya n. = 'cremation of the dead') MBh. Hariv. R
- svargyá mfn. = prec. VS. &c. &c
- occupying or dwelling in heaven MārkP
- n. (with setu-ṣāman) N. of a Sāman, IndSt
- svaryú mfn. desirous of light or splendour RV. [Page 1282, Column]
- svaś in comp. for svar
- ○cūdāmaṇi m. the crest-jewel of heaven BhP
- svā in comp. for svar. -2
- ○rāj m. (for 1. See p. 1277, col. 3) 'king of heaven', N. of Indra L
- svara svaraṇa &c. See p. 1285
- svarakṣu f. N. of a river MārkP
- sv-araṃkrita mfn. well arranged or prepared (as a sacrifice) RV
- svar-atikrama svar-adhī7ta &c. See p. 1281, col. 2
- sva-rasa sva-rāj &c. See p. 1276, col. 2
- sv-aritrá mf(ā́)n. having good oars, well rowed RV
- sváru m. (of doubtful derivation) a large piece of wood cut from the trunk of a tree, stake, (esp.) sacrificial post or a strip of wood from it RV. AV. Br. KātyŚr
- a sacrifice L
- sunshine L
- a thunderbolt L
- an arrow L
- a kind of scorpion L
- ○mocana m. the third cubit from the bottom or the fifteenth from the top of the sacrificial post L
- svarus m. = svaru, a thunderbolt L
- sva-rūpa &c. See p. 1276, col. 2
- svareṇu f. N. of a wife of the sun (vḷ. sureṇu and saraṇyū) L
- sv-arká mfn. (fr. 5. su + arka, √arc) singing or praising beautifully RV
- sv-arcana mfn. (used in explaining prec.) Nir. xi, 14
- sv-arcí (RV.) or (Hcat.), mfn. flashing beautifully
- sv-arcis (Hcat.), mfn. flashing beautifully
- svarga &c. See p. 1281, col. 2
- svarji f. (= sarji) natron, nitrate of potash Suśr
- ○kṣāra m. id. ib
- svarjika m. (Suśr.) or (Car.) or (Car.) or (Suśr.) id
- svarjiḍkā f. (Car.) or (Suśr.) id
- svarjiḍkākṣāra m. (Suśr.) id
- svarjin m. id. L
- svar-jit &c. See p. 1281, col. 2
- svarṇa m. (contracted from su-varṇa) a partic. Agni Hariv
- n. gold (as a weight= one Karsha of gold) Yājñ. Kāv. Kathās. &c
- a kind of red chalk R
- a kind of plant (accord. to L., 'a kind of herb = gaura-suvarṇa', 'the thorn-apple', 'a kind of cocoa palm', and 'the flower of Mesua Roxburghī') BhP
- ○kaṇa m. a kind of bdellium (= kaṇa-guggulu) L
- ○kaṇikā f. a particle or grain of gold KālP
- ○kāya m. 'gold-bodied', N. of Garuḍa L
- ○kāra m. a gold-worker, gṭgold smith (forming a partic. caste
- -tā f.) Yājñ. R. Kathās
- ○kāraka m. id. HPariś
- ○kūṭa N. of a place Cat
- ○kṛt m. = -kāra HPariś
- ○ketakī f. Pandanus Odoratissimus L
- ○kṣīriṇikā or f. Cleome Felina L
- ○kṣīrī f. Cleome Felina L
- ○khaṇḍāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a lump of gold Rājat
- ○gaṇapati m. N. of a partic. form of Gaṇêśa Cat
- ○giri m. N. of a mountain Śatr
- ○gairika n. a kind of yellow ochre or red chalk Suśr
- ○gaurī-vrata n. N. of a partic. religious observance Cat
- -pūjā f. N. of a ch. of the BhavP
- ○grāma m. N. of a country situated to the east of Dacca Col
- ○grīva m. 'gold-necked' N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh
- (ā), f. N. of a river issuing from the eastern side of the Nāṭaka mountain KālP
- ○gharma m. N. of a partic. Anuvāka BhP
- ○cūḍa m. 'gold-crested', the blue jay L
- a cock W
- N. of a king Hcar
- ○cūḍaka m. the blue jay L
- ○cūla m. (prob.) id. Kathās
- ○ja n. 'gold-produced', the metal tin L
- ○jātikā or f. a kind of jasmine Bhpr
- ○jātī f. a kind of jasmine Bhpr
- ○jīrī (?), f. a partic. mixture Cat
- ○jīvantikā or f. Hoya Viridiflora L
- ○jīvā f. Hoya Viridiflora L
- ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- ○da mfn. giving gold Rājat
- (ā), f. Tragia Involucrata L
- ○dāmā f. 'gold-girdled', N. of a goddess Cat
- ○dīdhiti m. 'gold-rayed', fire L
- ○dugdhā or f. Cleome Felina L
- ○dugdhī f. Cleome Felina L
- ○dru m. Cassia Fistula L
- ○dvīpa m. n. 'gold-island', (prob.) N. of Sumatra Kathās. Śatr
- ○dhātu m. red ochre L
- ○nābha m. ammonite MBh
- a partic. spell recited over weapons R
- ○nibha n. a kind of red chalk L
- ○pakṣa m. 'goldwinged', N. of Garuḍa L
- ○padmā f. 'bearing gold lotuses', the heavenly Ganges L
- ○parṇī f. 'gold-leaved', Hoya Viridiflora L
- ○pāṭhaka m. borax L
- ○pārevata n. a kind of fruit tree L. [Page 1282, Column]
- ○puṅkha mfn. gold-feathered (as an arrow) MBh
- m. a gold-fṭfeathered arrow Śiś
- ○puṣpa m. 'gold-flowered', Cassia Fistula L
- Michelia Campaka L
- (ā and ī), f. N. of various plants (Methonica Superba, Cassia Fistula &c.) L
- ○puṣpikā f. jasmine L
- ○prastha m. N. of an Upadviipa in Jambu-dviipa BhP
- ○phalā f. 'having gold fruit', a kind of Musa L
- ○bandha or m. a deposit of gṭgold MW
- ○banḍdhaka m. a deposit of gṭgold MW
- ○bindu m. a spot of yellow or gṭgold L
- N. of Vishṇu L
- of a Tīrtha MBh
- ○bhāj m. a partic. sun VP. Sch
- ○bhūmikā f. ginger or cassia bark L
- ○bhūṣaṇa m. Cassia Fistula Bhpr
- n. a kind of red thalk L
- ○bhṛṅgāra m. a golden vase Rājat
- a kind of plant L
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting or made of gold Siṃhâs
- ○mahā f. N. of a river KālP
- ○mākṣika n. a kind of mineral substance Bhpr
- ○mātṛ f. a kind of plant L
- ○mukharī-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○mūla m. 'gold-rooted', N. of a mountain Kathās
- ○mūṣikā f. a kind of plant (prob. wṛ. for -yūthikā) L
- ○yūthī yellow jasmine L
- ○rambhā f. a kind of plant L
- ○rāga or m. white lotus L
- ○rāja m. white lotus L
- ○rīti f. gold-like brass, bell metal L
- ○rūpin mfn. gold-coloured Hcat
- ○rekhā f. a gold streak (on a touchstone) Kuval
- N. of a Vidyā-dharī Hit
- of a river VP
- ○retas mfn. having golden seed (said of the sun) RāmatUp
- ○roman m. 'gold-haired', N. of a king R. BhP
- ○latā f. 'gold creeper', Cardiospermum Halicacabum L
- Hoya Viridiflora L
- ○lābha m. a partic. spell recited over weapons (cf. -nābha) R
- ○vaṅga m. a partic. preparation made of tin L
- ○vajra n. a sort of steel L
- ○vaṇij m. a gold merchant, money-changer (forming a partic. caste) BrahmaP
- ○varṇa n. turmeric (also ā f.) L
- -bhāj f. Terminalia Chebula L
- ○ṇâbhā f. a species of plant L
- ○valkala m. 'having gold bark', Bignonia Indica L
- ○vallī f. a kind of plant (= rakta-phalā) L
- ○vidyā f. (prob.) the art of making gold Cat
- ○śikha m. a partic. bird (= -cūḍa) Kathās
- ○śuktikā f. gold from Suvarṇa-dviipa L
- ○śṛṅga mfn. gold-horned MW
- ○gin m. N. of a mountain MārkP
- ○śephālikā f. Cassia Fistula, Bbpr
- ○śaila m. N. of a mountain Pañcad
- ○ṣṭhīvin m. = suvarṇa-ṣṭh○ MBh
- ○saṃcayā f. N. of a town Pañcad
- ○sindūra m. a partic. medicinal preparation L
- ○sū mfn. producing gold (as a mountain) Rājat
- ○stha mfn. set in gold Pañcar
- svarṇâkara m. a gold-mine Rājat
- svarṇâkarṣaṇa and n. N. of wks
- svarṇākarṣaṇabhairavavidhāna3svarṇâkarḍṣaṇa-bhairava-vidhāna n. N. of wks
- svarṇâṅga m. 'gold-bodied', Cassia Fistula L
- svarṇâdri m. 'gold-mountain', Meru L
- svarṇâri n. 'enemy of gold', lead L
- sulphur L
- svarṇâhvā f. a kind of plant L
- svarṇaka m. a kind of tree Hariv
- gold Yājñ
- golden, of gold W
- svarṇalī or svarṇulī f. a kind of plant L
- svart vḷ. for √śvart, q.v
- sv-ártha mf(ā)n. pursuing or serving worthy ends RV
- svard (cf. √svad), cl. 1. Ā. svardate, to taste
- to please Dhātup. ii, 18
- to be pleasing ib
- (also sañcaraṇe.)
- svar-da svar-dṛś &c. See p. 1281
- sv-ardhín m. a good partisan (or 'one who has chosen the good side') AV
- svarya See p. 1285, col. 3
- sv-arvat m. a good or swift courser MānGṛ
- sv-arhaṇa n. great reverence BhP
- sv-arhat mfn. very honourable (-tama, superl.) ib
- sva-lakṣaṇa sva-likhita &c. See p. 1276, col. 3
- sv-alakṣita mfn. altogether unseen, not thoroughly observed BhP
- sv-alaṃkṛt and ○kṛta mfn. beautifully adorned MBh
- svaladā f. N. of a daughter of Raudrāśva
- svalīna m. N. of a Dānava VahniP
- sv-alpa mf(ā)n. very small or little, minute, very few, short (ena, 'in a short time') Mn. MBh. &c. [Page 1282, Column]
- ○kaṅka m. a species of heron (= bhūkāka) MW
- ○keśin m. 'having small fibres', the √of sweet flag L
- ○kesarin m. 'having small filaments', Bauhinia Variegata L
- ○jātaka n. N. of wk. by Varāha-mihira (also called sūkṣma-j○)
- ○tantra mfn. consisting of short sections, concisely written (-tva n.) Kathās
- ○tara mfn. very insignificant or unimportant Mn. Pañcat
- ○tas ind. quite gradually MBh. xii, 5221 (vḷ.)
- ○duḥkha n. very little pain Ml
- ○dṛś mfn. very shortsighted (metaphorically) Rājat
- ○dehā f. a dwarfish girl unfit for marriage L
- ○drāvaka n. a partic. mineral preparation L
- ○pattraka m. 'small-leaved', a kind of Madhūka or Bassia Latifolia L
- ○phalā f. 'having small-sized fruit', Andersonia Rohitaka L
- ○bala mfn. extremely weak or feeble Hit
- ○yātrā f. the shorter Yātrā (by Varāha-mihira) VarBṛS. Sch
- ○vayas mfn. very young Kathās
- ○vitta-vat mfn. possessing very little property Hcat
- ○viṣaya m. a very small matter or object W. a small part ib
- ○vyaya m. very little expenditure MW
- mfn. spending very little, very niggardly ib
- ○vrīḍa mfn. having little shame, shameless, impudent W
- ○śarīra mfn. having a very diminutive body, small in stature L
- ○śilā f. a very small stone
- ○lāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a very small stone Bhartṛ
- ○smṛti mfn. having a short memory Mṛicch
- svalpâṅguli f. the little finger L
- svalpâtivistara mf(ā)n. very concise and very diffuse Cat
- svalpântara mfn. little different, Bc
- svâlpâpahāra mfn. eating very little, most abstemious MW
- svalpâyu or mfn. short-lived Hāsy
- svalpâḍyus mfn. short-lived Hāsy
- svalpêccha mfn. having few wishes, unpretentious, unassuming (-tā f.) Car
- svalpaka mf(ikā́)n. very small or minute or short AV. &c. &c
- svalpī-√bhū P. -bhavati (p.p. -bhūta), to become small, melt away (as merit) Megh
- svalpīyas mfn. very little (property) Mn. xi, 8
- sva-vaṃśa-ja &c. See p. 1276
- sv-avaklinna mfn. well soaked or macerated Car
- sv-avagraha mfn. easily checked or restrained Kām
- sv-avacchanna mfn. well covered Car
- sv-avaśa mfn. (for sva-v○ See p. 1276, col. 3) not at all master of one's self Vās
- sv-ávas mfn. (nom. ○vān) having or affording good protection RV
- sv-avêkṣa mf(ā)n. well provided for R
- sv-avêkṣita mfn. well considered ib
- sv-avyāja mfn. thoroughly sincere or honest MBh
- svaśa m. pl. N. of a people (prob. wṛ. for khaśa) Buddh
- sva-śakti &c. See p. 1277, col. 1
- sv-áśva mf(ā) n. having excellent horses, well mounted, well yoked RV
- sv-aśvayú mfn. fond of good steeds (others, 'wishing to be a good courser') RV
- sv-áśvya n. possession of good horses RV
- skill in horses ib
- sv-áṣṭra mfn. armed with an excellent goad RV
- sva-saṃyukta sva-saṃvid &c. See p. 1277, col. 1
- svásara n. (perhaps fr. sva + sara, 'one's own resort') a stall, fold RV
- one's own place, home ib. ŚBr
- nest of birds RV
- day Naigh
- svasāra n. = svasara RV. i, 178, 2
- sv-asita mfn. very black (in ○tâyata-locana, 'having very black and long eyes'), Mal
- svásṛ f. (of doubtful derivation) a sister (also applied to closely connected things of the fem. gender, as to the fingers, the waters &c.) RV. &c. &c. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. soror ; Lith. sesú ; Goth. [1282,] swistar ; Germ. ṣchwester ; Eng. sister.)
- ○tvá n. sisterhood RV. x, 108, 10. [Page 1283, Column]
- svasā f. (m.c.) = svasṛ MBh
- svasrī́ya m. a sister's son, nephew TS. &c. &c
- (ā), f. a sister's daughter, niece Mn. xi, 171
- svasreya m. (and ī f.) = prec. MW
- svāsṛka mfn. (fr. svasṛ) Pat
- svāsrīya m. pl. = svāsrīyer yūnaś chāttrāḥ ib
- svāsrīyi m. a son of a sister's son ib
- svask See √ṣvaṣk
- sv-astaká mfn. having a good or comfortable home AV
- sv-astamitá n. a beautiful sunset AV
- sv-astí n. f. (nom. svastí, ○tís
- acc. svastí, ○tím
- instr. svastí, ○tyā́
- dat. svastáye
- loc. svastaú
- instr. svastíbhis
- also personified as a goddess, and sometimes as Kalā, cf. svasti-devii), well-being, fortune, luck, success, prosperity RV. VS. ŚBr. MBh. R. BhP
- (í), ind. well, happily, successfully (also = 'may it be well with thee! hail! health! adieu! be it!' a term of salutation esp. in the beginning of letters or of sanction or approbation) RV. &c. &c
- ○kara m. N. of a man Pravar
- ○karman n. causing welfare or success R
- ○kāra m. the bard who cries svasti R
- = prec. MBh
- the exclamation svasti Kathās
- ○kṛt mfn. causing welfare or prosperity (said of Śiva) Śivag
- ○gavyūti (svastí-), mfn. having happy pastures or fields MaitrS
- ○gā́ mfn. leading to fortune or prosperity RV
- ○tā f. a state of welfare AitBr
- ○da (Śivag.),
- ○dā́ (RV.), mfn. conferring happiness
- ○devī f. N. of a goddess (represented as wife of Vāyu and said to have sprung from the essence of Prakṛiti) MW
- ○pura n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- ○bhāva m. N. of Śiva ib
- ○mát mfn. being or faring well, happy, fortunate RV. &c. &c
- conferring happiness RV
- containing the word svasti AitBr
- (atī), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- ○mukha mfn. having the word svasti in the mouth, wishing joy or fortune L
- m. a Brāhman or a bard L
- a letter (beginning with svasti) L
- ○vacana n. pronouncing the word svasti, benediction MBh
- ○vah (or -vāh), mfn. carrying auspiciously (as a carriage
- others, 'conferring happiness') RV
- ○vāc f. (Vcar.) or (BhP.) benediction, congratulation
- ○vācaka m. (BhP.) benediction, congratulation
- ○vācana or n. a religious rite preparatory to a sacrifice or any solemn observance (performed by scattering boiled rice on the ground and invoking blessings by the repetition of certain Mantras
- ○vācaḍnaka n. a religious rite preparatory to a sacrifice or any solemn observance (performed by scattering boiled rice on the ground and invoking blessings by the repetition of certain Mantras
- also applied to the fee or complimentary present of flowers, sweetmeats &c. offered to Brāhmans on such occasions) MBh. Kāv. &c
- -paddhati f. -mantra m. pl. N. of wks
- ○vācanika mfn. pronouncing a blessing on anything Mcar. -1
- ○vācya mfn. to be called upon to pronounce a blessing on anything MBh
- n. = -vācana Yājñ. -2
- ○vācya ind. calling upon any one to pronounce a blessing on anything Gobh
- ○vāda m. = -vāc Dhanaṃj
- ○vā́hana mfn. leading auspiciously (as a road) AV
- svastika m. a kind of bard (who utters words of welcome or eulogy) R
- any lucky or auspicious object, (esp.) a kind of mystical cross or mark made on persons and things to denote good luck (it is shaped like a Greek cross with the extremities of the four arms bent round in the same direction
- the majority of scholars regard it as a solar symbol
- that is, as representing a curtailed form of the wheel of the Solar Vishṇu, consisting of four spokes crossing each other at right angles with short fragments of the periphery of the circle at the end of each spoke turning round in one direction to denote the course of the Sun
- accord. to the late Sir A. Cunningham it has no connexion with sun-worship, but its shape represents a monogram or interlacing of the letters of the auspicious words su astí [svasti] in the Aśoka characters
- amongst Jainas it is one of the 24 auspicious marks and is the emblem of the seventh Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī) Hariv. Kāv. Pur
- the crossing of the arms or hands on the breast MBh. Mālatīm. Kathās
- a bandage in the form of a cross Suśr
- a dish of a partic. form MBh. R. Pañcar
- a kind of cake ib
- a triangular crest-jewel L
- the meeting of four roads W
- a partic. symbol made of ground rice and formed like a triangle (it is used in fumigating the image of Durgā, and is said to symbolize the Liṅga) MW
- a species of garlic L
- a cock L
- a libertine L
- N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- of one of Skanda's attendants ib
- of a Dānava Hariv. [Page 1283, Column]
- of a poet Cat
- of another man Buddh
- m. n. a mansion or temple of a partic. form VarBṛS
- Marsilea Quadrifolia L
- a partic. mode of sitting practised by Yogins (in which the toes are placed in the inner hollow of the knees) MārkP. Pañcar
- ○karṇa mfn. marked on the ear with the figure called Svastika L
- ○dāna n. crossing the hands Bālar
- ○yantra n. a surgical instrument of a partic. form Suśr
- svastikâṅka mfn. marked with the Svastika cross, Bc
- svastikâdi-cakra n. pl. N. of wk
- svastikâsana n. a mode of sitting ( See above) Sarvad
- svastikī-kṛta mfn. crossed (as hands) Cat
- svastī ind. (with √as = svasti) Siddh
- svasty in comp. for svasti
- ○akṣara n. expressing thanks for anything Hcat
- ○ayana n. sg. and pl. (ifc. f. ā) auspicious progress, success Jātakam
- blessing, benediction, congratulation (with Caus. of √vac, 'to ask for a blessing') AV. &c. &c
- a Mantra recited for good luck or the recitation of such a Mantra W
- a means of attaining prosperity Jātakam
- a vessel full of water borne in front of a procession L
- mf(ī)n. bringing or causing good fortune, auspicious (○tama, superl.) TBr. &c. &c
- -gaṇa m. a collection of Mantras recited for good luck AV. Pariś
- ○artha-carita mfn. one who has happily attained his aim SāmavBr
- ○ātreya m. N. of an ancient sage (supposed author of RV. v, 50, 51
- pl. = 'the family of Svasty-ātrṭātreya) MBh. Hariv
- the hymn composed by Svasty-ātrṭaltreya ĀśvŚr
- a mirror Lāṭy
- svastya mfn. happy, fortunate Kauś
- sva-stha &c. See p. 1271, col. 1
- sv-ahata-vāsas mfn. clothed in beautiful and unwashed (i.e. new) garments Hcat
- sva-hantṛ sva-haraṇa &c. See p. 1277, col. 1
- sv-ākāra mfn. (for svâkāra See p. 1277, col. 2) of decent or respectable appearance Hcar
- sv-ākṛti mfn. good-looking, handsome Kathās
- sv-ākūti m. N. of a divine being enumerated among the Jayas Cat
- sv-âkta n. good ointment (for the eyes) AV
- svâkṣara svâṅga &c. See p. 1277, col. 2
- sv-ākhyāta mfn. well proclaimed (often applied to dharma) Divyâv
- sv-āgata mfn. (for svâgata See p. 1277, col. 2) well come, welcome R
- lawfully-earned (as money) Mn. iv, 226
- m. N. of a Buddha Lalit
- of a king VP
- of another man Buddh
- (ā), f. a kind of metre, Srutab
- (am), n. welcome, greeting, salutation (svāgataṃ te with or without astu, 'I wish you welcome') MBh. Kāv. &c
- welfare, health ( See next)
- ○praśna m. enquiry as to health Śukas
- ○vacana n. the uttering of welcome, the word welcome MW
- svāgatika mfn. bidding welcome to any one Pāṇ. 7-3, 7 Sch
- svāgatī-√kṛ P. -karoti (ind. p. -kṛtya), to make into a cry of welcome Megh
- svāgama m. welcome, salutation MBh
- sv-ā́grayaṇa mfn. forming a good Āgrayaṇa (Graha) VS
- svāṅkika m. (perhaps fr. sva + aṅkī) a drummer L
- sv-ācaraṇa n. good conduct or behaviour MBh
- mfn. well-conducted ib
- sv-ācāra m. (Subh.) and mf(ā)n. (Yājñ.) = prec
- ○vat mfn. well-behaved VarYogay
- sv-ācānta mfn. one who has sipped water well or according to rule Vishṇ
- svācchandya n. (fr. sva-cchanda) independence, freedom (instr. = 'by one's own will, voluntarily') Mn. iii, 31
- svājanya n. (fr. sva-jana) kinship, relationship HPariś
- sv-ājīva (R.), ○vya (Mn.), mfn. yielding an easy subsistence. [Page 1283, Column]
- sv-āḍhyaṃ-kara mfn. easy to make rich Pāṇ. 3-3, 127 Sch
- svāḍhyaṃ-karaṇa mfn. easily enriching Pāṇ. 1-1, 72 Vārtt. 9 Pat
- svāḍhyam-bhava mfn. easy to become rich Pāṇ. 3-3, 127 Sch
- sv-ā́tata mfn. well stretched or fixed RV
- well aimed ib
- svātantrya n. (fr. sva-tantra) the following one's own will, freedom of the will, independence (āt and ena, 'by one's own will, of one's own free choice, voluntarily, freely') Lāṭy. MaitrUp. MBh. &c
- svātí f. (of unknown derivation) N. of the star Arcturus (as forming the 13th and 15th lunar asterism
- also svātī́ pl. svātyaḥ) AV. &c. &c
- N. of one of the wives of the Sun L
- a sword L
- m. N. of a son of Uru and Āgneyī (vḷ. khyāti) Hariv. VP
- of Megha-svāti VP
- mfn. born under the star Arcturus Pāṇ. 4-3, 34
- ○karṇa m. N. of a king VP
- ○kārī f. (?) N. of a goddess presiding over agriculture PārGṛ
- ○giri f. N. of a serpentmaiden Kāraṇḍ
- ○mukha m. a partic. Samādhi ib
- N. of a Kiṃ-nara king ib
- (ā), f. N. of a serpent-maiden ib
- ○yoga m. conjunction with Svāti MW
- ○ṣeṇa m. (for -sena), N. of a king VP
- svāttá mfn. (fr. √svad) seasoned, spiced VS. (cf. (agni-ṣvāttá)
- svâtman &c. See p. 1277, col. 2
- svāda svādu &c. See p. 1279, col. 3
- sv-ādara mfn. very regardful, very considerate MBh
- sv-ādāná mfn. (for svâdāna See p. 1277, col. 2) easy to be taken MaitrS
- sv-ādityá mfn. any one befriended by the Ādityas RV
- n. the favour or protection of the Ādityas ib
- sv-ādhī́ mfn. well-minded, thought ful, heedful, devout, pious RV
- svâdhīna svâdhyāya &c. See p. 1277, col. 2
- svādhvarika mfn. (fr. sv-adhvara), g. svāgatâdi
- svāna See √3. su, and p. 1280, col. 2
- sv-ānama mf(ā)n. easy to be attracted or captivated Śiś
- svānta See √svan and p. 1277, col. 3
- svāpa &c. See p. 1280, col. 3
- svāpateya n. (fr. sva-pati) one's own property, wealth, riches MBh. Kāv. &c
- svāpada See śvā-pada
- sv-āpí m. a good friend or comrade RV. VS. AitBr
- ○mat mfn. containing the word svāpi AitBr
- svāpika n. N. of a fortress Rājat
- svāpiśi m. patr. fr. sva-piś g. raivatikâdi
- svāpiśīya mfn. (fr. prec.) ib
- sv-āpta mfn. very abundant MBh
- very skilful or trustworthy Kām
- ○vacana mfn. (used in explaining sv-apivāta) Nir. x, 7
- svābhāvika mf(ī)n. (fr. svabhāva) belonging to or arising from one's own nature, natural, native, spontaneous, original, peculiar, inherent (-tva n.) Up. MBh. &c
- m. pl. N. of a Buddhistic school (cf. Buddhac. ix, 48 ; 51)
- svābhāvikêtara mf(ā)n. not natural or inherent Sāh
- svābhāvya mfn. self-existent, existing spontaneously (said of Vishṇu) MBh
- n. own peculiarity, own nature Śaṃk
- sv-ābhāsa mfn. very illustrious or splendid Kir
- sv-ābhīla mfn. very formidable MBh. [Page 1284, Column]
- sv-ābhū́ mfn. very abundant or ready to hand RV
- ready to help ib
- svāmin m. (fr. 1. sva + min) an owner, proprietor, master, lord or owner of (gen., loc., or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- a chief, commander (of an army) Vikr. Subh
- a husband, lover (du. 'husband and wife') Āpast. Mn. MBh. &c
- a king, prince (in dram. used as a form of address = deva)
- a spiritual preceptor, learned Brāhman or Pandit (used as a title at the end of names, esp. of natives of the Carnatic)
- the image or temple of a god (often ifc
- See śrīdhara-, viṣṇu-sv○ &c.)
- N. of Skanda Yājñ. i, 293
- of Vishṇu L
- of Śiva L
- of Garuḍa L
- of the Muni Vātsyāyana L
- of the 11th Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī L
- of various authors (also with miśra and śāstrin
- sometimes abridged from names ending in svāmin e.g. for kṣīra- and śabara-svāmin) Cat
- (inī), f. See next
- svāmi in comp. for svāmin
- ○kārttika m. N. of an author
- ○kânuprêkṣā f. N. of wk
- ○kārya n. the business of a king or master MW
- ○ryârthin mfn. desirous of or seeking a master's interest ib
- ○kumāra m. N. of Skanda Kathās
- of in author (?) Cat
- ○giri-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○guṇa m. the virtue of a ruler Ml
- ○jaṅghin m. N. of Paraśu-rāma L
- ○janaka m. the father of a husband, father-in-law L
- ○tā f. (VarBṛS.),
- ○tva n. (MBh.) ownership, mastership, lordship of (gen. or comp.)
- ○datta m. N. of a poet Cat
- ○pāla m. du. the owner and the tender (of cattle) Mn. viii, 5
- -vivāda m. a dispute between the owner and tender (of cṭcattle)
- ○da-taraṃga m. N. of wk
- ○prasāda m. (āt ind. 'by your majesty's leave') Ml
- ○bhaṭṭāraka m. a noble lord Mṛicch
- ○bhāva m. ownership, mastership, lordship R
- ○mūla mfn. originating or derived from a master or lord, depending on a master or husband W
- ○vaśī-kara-stotra n. N. of wk
- ○vātsalya n. affection for a lord or husband MW
- ○śāstrin m. N. of an author Cat
- ○śaila-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○sad-bhāva m. existence of a master or owner W
- amiability of a master or lord ib
- ○sevā f. the service of a master, respect or reverence for a master or husband ib
- svāmika (in comp.) = svāmin (cf. niḥ-, praṇaṣṭa-sv○ &c.)
- ○rāja m. N. of a king, Instr
- svāminī f. a proprietress, mistress, lady (used in addressing a queen or a king's favourite wife) MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- svāminy in comp. for svāminī
- ○aṣṭaka n. N. of wk
- svāmy in comp. for svāmin
- ○artham ind. for a master's sake MW
- ○asammata mfn. unpermitted by a master, one who has not obtained an owner's permission ib
- ○upakāraka m. 'serviceable to a master', a horse W
- svāmya n. mastership, lordship, ownership, dominion or power over any one Mn. MBh. &c
- ○kāraṇa n. the cause of lordship or supremacy MW
- sv-āmnāya mfn. well handed down by tradition Śiksh
- svâyatta &c. See p. 1277. col. 3
- svāyambhuva mfn. (fr. svayambhū) relating to Svayam-bhū or the Self-existent, derived from the Self-existent (i.e. Brahman) MBh. Kāv. &c
- relating to or derived from Manu Svāyambhuva MBh. Hariv. Pur
- m. 'son of Svayam-bhū', N. of various sages (esp. of the first Manu, of Marīci, Atri, Nārada &c.) ib
- (ī), f. Ruta Graveolens L
- (am), n. N. of a Śaiva Tantra
- ○manupitṛ m. 'father of Manu Svāyambhuva', N. of Brahmā MW
- svāyambhū = svāyambhuva above MW
- ○kṣetra-māhatmya wṛ. for svayambh○ (q.v.)
- sv-āyasá mfn. made of good metal (as a knife) RV. AV
- sv-ā́yu mfn. having good people (subjects) VS
- m. N. of a man ( See next)
- svāyava m. patr. fr. sv-āyu PañcavBr
- sv-āyús n. full vigour or life VS
- sv-āyúj mfn. easy to be yoked RV
- sv-āyudhá mfn. well-armed, having good weapons RV. [Page 1284, Column]
- svāra &c. See p. 1285, col. 3
- sv-ārakṣya mfn. easy to be protected or defended MBh
- svârabdha svârāma &c. See p. 1277, col. 3
- svārasika mfn. (fr. sva-rasa) possessing inherent flavour or sweetness (as a poem &c.) MW
- natural, self-evident Naish
- svārasya n. naturalness, self-evidence ĀpŚr. Sch
- svā-rāj. 2 See p. 1277, col. 3, and p. 1282, col. 1
- svā́rājya n. (fr. sva-rāj) independent rule, uncontrolled dominion, sovereignty (accord. to some 'Indra's heaven', fr. 2. svā-rāj
- also indrasya svārājyam, N. of a Sāman) TS. &c. &c
- union with Brahma, identification with the self-refulgent, state of self-effulgence MW
- mfn. procuring sovereignty or heaven PañcavBr
- ○kāma mfn. desirous of sovereignty or heaven ŚāṅkhBr
- ○siddhi f. N. of a Vedânta wk
- sv-ārādhita mfn. well propitiated, faithfully served Hit
- sv-ārūḍha mfn. riding well Hariv
- well ridden (as horses) MBh
- svārūpā f. (fr. sva-rūpa, q.v.) N. of a place Cat
- svārociṣa m. (fr. sva-rocis) patr. of the second Manu Mn. MBh. &c
- mfn. relating or belonging to Manu Svārocisha Hariv. Pur
- svārocis m. = prec. Cat
- svârjita svârtha &c. See p. 1277
- sv-ārdra mfn. very wet or moist Bhartṛ. (vḷ.)
- sv-ālakṣaṇa mfn. easily perceived or discerned MBh
- svālakṣya mfn. id. Hariv
- svālakṣaṇya n. (fr. sva-lakṣaṇa) specific characteristics, natural disposition Mn. ix, 19
- sv-ālpa mfn. (fr. sv-alpa) very little or small, few W
- n. littleness, paucity ib
- svāvaśya n. (fr. sva-vaśa) selfwill, self-determination AitBr
- sv-ā́vṛj mfn. easily acquired RV
- sv-āvṛ́t mfn. willingly turning towards MaitrS
- sv-āveśá mf(ā́)n. easy of access or approach RV. VS
- sv-āśita mfn. well fed or satiated RV. R
- sv-āśir mfn. well mixed (○śir āmarkaḥ, 'N. of a Sāman') ĀrshBr
- sv-āśís mfn. well praising RV
- sv-āśú mfn. very swift RV
- sv-ā-√śliṣ P. -śliṣyati, to embrace firmly or closely (vḷ. vâśliṣyet for sv-āśl○) Mn. xi, 103
- sv-ā́s mfn. fair-mouthed (as Agni) RV
- keen-edged, sharp (as an axe) ib
- sv-āsád mfn. sitting happily by AV
- sv-āsáda mf(ā́)n. (used in explaining sv-āsasthá) ŚBr
- sv-āsana n. a good seat KātyŚr
- sv-āsa-sthá mf(ā́)n. sitting on a good seat RV. TS
- offering or supplying a good seat VS. ŚBr
- sv-āsīna mfn. comfortably seated Hariv
- svāsṛka svāsrīya, svāsrīyi, See p. 1283, col. 1
- sv-āstara m. good straw for a couch R
- sv-āstaraṇa mfn. having a fair couch or cushion Subh. [Page 1284, Column]
- sv-āstīrṇa mfn. well-spread ĀśvGṛ. MBh. &c
- svāsthya n. (fr. sva-stha) self-dependence, sound state (of body or soul), health, ease, comfort, contentment, satisfaction MBh. Kāv. &c
- sv-ā́hā ind. (prob. fr. 5. su and √ah
- cf. dur-āhā) hail! hail to! may a blessing rest on! (with dat
- an exclamation used in making oblations to the gods
- with √kṛ [ind. p. -kā́ram, or -kṛtya] and acc. 'to pronounce the exclamation Svāhā over') RV. &c. &c
- f. an oblation (offered to Agni, Indra &c.) or Oblation personified (as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Agni
- she is thought to preside over burnt-offerings
- her body is said to consist of the four Vedas, and her limbs are the six Aṅgas or members of the Veda
- she is represented also as a wife of the Rudra Paśu-pati) RV. &c. &c
- ○karaṇa n. consecration by uttering Svāhā APrāt
- ○kārá m. (ifc. f. ā) utterance of or consecration by uttering Svāhā (also as a deity presiding over the Prayāja) ŚBr. &c. &c
- -vaṣaṭ-kāra m. du. the exclamations Svāhā and Vashaṭ JaimUp
- ○kṛt mfn. consecrating with SvṭSvāhā, a sacrificer Hariv
- ○kṛta (svā́hā-), mfn. consecrated or offered with Svāhā RV. AV. Br
- ○kṛti or (svā́hā-), f. consecration with Svāhā (also as a deity presiding over the Prayāja) Br. ŚrS
- ○kṛtī (svā́hā-), f. consecration with Svāhā (also as a deity presiding over the Prayāja) Br. ŚrS
- ○pati (Hariv.), or (L.), m. 'lord or lover of Svāhā', N. of Agni
- ○priya (L.), m. 'lord or lover of Svāhā', N. of Agni
- ○bhuj m. 'Svāhā-eater', a god L
- ○"ṣrha (svāhârha), mfn. worthy of the consecration with Svāhā R
- ○vana n. N. of a forest Pañcar
- ○vallabha m. = -pati Bālar
- ○"ṣśana (svāhâś○), m. = svāhā-bhūj L
- ○sudhâkara m. N. of a poem
- svāhi m. N. of a son of Vṛijinī-vat Hariv
- svāheya m. metron. of Skanda MBh
- svāhyá mfn. worthy of an oblation with Svāhā AV
- sv-āhāra mfn. easy to be obtained or procured R
- m. good food MW
- sv-ā́huta mfn. well sacrificed or honoured with sacrifice RV
- sv-āhvāna mfn. easy to be invoked (used in explaining su-hava) Sāy
- svikā See under svaka, p. 1278
- sv-itá n. = suvita, welfare, luck VS
- svid ind. (prob. fr. 5. su + id
- cf. kuvid) a particle of interrogation or inquiry or doubt, often translatable by 'do you think?' 'perhaps', 'pray', 'indeed', 'any' (esp. used after the interrogative ka and its derivatives, e.g. kaḥ svid eṣām brāhmaṇānām anucāna-tamaḥ, 'pray who [or 'who do you think'] is the most learned of these Brahmans?' ŚBr
- but also without another interrogative, e.g. tvaṃ svin no yājñavalkya brakmiṣṭho'si, 'do you think Yājñavalkya, you are the greatest Brāhman among us?' ib
- also used after uta, api, āho, and utâho, and disjunctively in the first or second or both parts of a double interrogation, thus: kiṃnu-svid
- kiṃsvid-svid
- svid-svid
- svid-utâho
- nu-svid
- svid-nu
- svid-uta
- svid-vā
- svid-kimu
- svid-kim-nukim
- sometimes making a preceding interrogative indefinite, e.g. kvá svid, 'anywhere'
- káḥ svid, 'whoever', 'any one'
- similarly with yad e.g. yad svid dīyate, 'whatever is given' MaitrS
- sometimes apparently a mere expletive) RV. &c. &c
- svid cl. 1. Ā. 4. P. (Dhātup. xviii, 4
- xxvi, 79) svedate or svidyati (Ā. svidyate Yājñ
- p. svidyamāna Suśr
- pf. siṣveda Gr
- siṣvide MBh
- p. siṣvidāná RV
- aor. asvidat Śiś
- fut. svettā, svetsyati Gr
- ind. p. -svedam Br.), to sweat, perspire AitĀr. ChUp. KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- (svedate), to be anointed Dhātup
- to be disturbed (?) ib.: Caus. svedayati (aor. asiṣvidat), to cause to sweat, treat with sudorifics Suśr
- to foment, soften SāmavBr.: Desid. of Caus. sisvedayiṣati, Gr.: Desid. sisvitṣati ib.: Intens. seṣvidyate, seṣvetti ib. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. sūdor, sūdare ; [1284,] Angl. Sax. swât ; Eng. sweat ; Germ. ṣchweiss, schwitśen.]
- svid (ifc.) sweating, perspiring Śiś
- svidita mfn. sweated, melted W
- sweating, perspiring ib
- svinná mfn. sweating, perspiring VS. &c. &c
- sweated, treated with sudorifics Suśr
- seethed, boiled Hariv. MārkP
- svinnâṅguli mfn. having perspiring or moist fingers Suśr. [Page 1285, Column]
- svéda m. (ifc. f. ā) sweating, perspiring, sweat, perspiration (pl. 'drops of perspiration') RV. &c. &c
- a sudorific Car. Suśr
- warmth, heat L
- warm vapour, steam ( See comp.)
- mfn. sweating, perspiring, toiling W
- ○cūṣaka m. 'perspiration sucker', a cooling breeze L
- ○cchid mfn. cutting i.e. allaying pṭperspiration, cooling W
- ○ja mfn. sweat-produced, envapour or steam (said of insects and vermin) AitUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- -dūṣita mfn. defiled by vermin BhP
- ○jala n. (ifc. f. ā) 'sweat-water', perspiration Pur
- -kaṇa m. (Śiś.), -kaṇikā f. (Vās.) = next
- ○bindu m. drop of perspiration Vās
- ○malôjjhitadeha m. 'one whose body is freed from perspiration and impurity', a Jina L
- ○mātṛ f. chyle L
- ○leśa m. a drop of perspiration Śak
- ○vāri n. = -jala Śiś
- ○vipruṣ f. = -bindu ib
- svédâñji mfn. moist with perspiration RV
- svedâmbu (Kathās.),
- svedâḍmbhas (Hāsy.), n. = sveda-jala
- svédâyana n. 'sweat-passage', a pore ŚBr. Yājñ
- svedôda or n. = sveda-jala W
- svedôḍdaka n. = sveda-jala W
- svedôdgama m. the breaking out of perspiration, Ratnâv
- svedana mfn. perspiring, inclined to perspire Suśr
- causing to perspire ib
- (ī), f. an iron plate or pan L
- (am), n. the act of sweating or perspiring L
- any instrument or remedy for causing perspiration, a diaphoretic, sudorific Suśr
- softening, fomenting Hit
- a partic. process to which quicksilver is subjected Sarvad
- mucus Gal
- ○tva n. inclination to perspire Suśr
- ○yantra n. a steam-bath (for metals) L
- svedanikā f. an iron plate or pan used as a cooking utensil L
- a room for cooking, kitchen MW
- svedayú mfn. sweating, perspiring MaitrS
- svedita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to sweat &c
- fomented, softened (said of a dog's tail) Hit
- svedin mfn. sweating, perspiring (in a-sv○) MBh
- svédu-havya mfn. (prob.) offering the sweat (caused by labour) as a sacrifice, toiling, exerting one's self RV
- svedya mfn. to be sweated or treated by sudorific means Śiś. Pañcat
- sv-idhmá mf(ā)n. consisting of good or dry wood RV
- sv-iṣú mfn. having good or swift arrows RV
- sv-iṣṭa mfn. (√3. iṣ) much desired or loved R
- sv-íṣṭa mfn. (√yaj) well or properly sacrificed, correctly offered RV. &c. &c
- well worshipped or honoured VS. BhP
- n. a right sacrifice VS. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- ○kṛ́t mfn. offering a right sacrifice (esp. applied to Agni
- superl. -tama) VS. &c. &c
- = -kṛta GṛŚrS
- (-kṛc) -caturtha mf(ā)n. having Agni Svishṭa-kṛit as fourth ĀpGṛ
- (-kṛd) -bhāga m. the share of Agni Svishṭa AitBr
- -bhājaná n. the substitute for Agni Svishṭa
- ○kṛta mfn. belonging or offered to Agni Svishṭa Gṛihyās
- sv-iṣṭi f. a successful sacrifice AV. TS. Kauś
- mfn. sacrificing well or with success MBh
- svī svii-karaṇa &c. See p. 1219. col. 1
- svūrch See √sphūrch
- svṛ (also written svar), cl. 1. P. (Dhātup.xxii, 34) svárati (pf. sasvāra
- 3. sg. Subj.[?] sasvár RV
- aor. asvār, asvārṣṭām ib
- asvārīḥ JaimBr
- asvārīt and asvārṣīt Gr
- fut. svaritā, svartā, svariṣyati ib
- inf. svaritos JaimBr
- svaritum, svartum Gr
- ind. p. -svāram ŚāṅkhŚr.), to utter a sound, sound, resound RV. JaimBr. ChUp
- to make (acc.) resound RV
- to sing, praise RV
- to shine Kauś. ChUp.: Caus. svarayati (aor. asisravat
- Pass. svaryate), to pronounce or mark with the Svarita accent Prāt. Lāṭy.: Desid. sisvariṣati, susvūrṣati Gr.: Intens. sāsvaryate, sāsvarti ib. [Cf. Gk. ? ; [1285,] Lat. susurrus ; Germ. schwirren, ṣchwarm ; Eng. swarm.]
- svára or m. (ifc. f. ā) sound, noise RV. &c. &c
- svará m. (ifc. f. ā) sound, noise RV. &c. &c
- voice Mn. MBh. &c
- tone in recitation &c. (either high or low), accent (of which there are three kinds, udātta, anudātta qq. vv., and svarita, col. 3), a note of the musical scale (of which seven rarely six or eight are enumerated, 1. niṣāda
- 2. ṛṣabha
- 3. gāndhāra
- 4. ṣaḍja
- 5. madhyama
- 6. dhaivata
- 7. pañcama [described as resembling respectively the notes of an elephant, bull, goat, peacock, curlew or heron, horse, and Koil [Page 1285, Column]
- and designated by their initial letters or syllables thus, ni
- ṛ
- ga
- ṣa
- ma
- dha
- pa], but the order is sometimes changed, ṣadja being placed first, and niṣāda last) Prāt. ŚrS. Saṃgīt. MBh. &c
- a symbolical expression for the number 'seven' VarBṛS
- a vowel (either dīrgha, 'long'
- or hrasva, 'short'
- or pluta, 'prolated') Prāt. ŚrS. MBh. &c
- air breathed through the nostrils ChUp
- N. of Vishṇu Vishṇ
- (ā), f. N. of the chief wife of Brahmā L
- (am), n. a musical note Sāy. on RV. x, 146, 2
- N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○kampa m. trembling of tone L
- ○kara mfn. producing voice Suśr
- ○kṣaya m. loss of voice Car
- ○gatâdhyāya m. N. of the first ch. of the Sāṃgīta-darpaṇa and of the Sāṃgīta-ratnâkara
- ○grāma m. the musical scale, gamut MW
- ○gupti f. depth of voice Divyâv
- ○ghna m. 'voice-destroyer', N. of a partic. disease of the throat Suśr
- ○cintā f. N. of wk. on vowels Sarvad
- ○cchidra n. the sound-hole of a flute Saṃgīt
- ○tattvacamatkāra m
- ○tattvôdaya m
- ○tantra n. N. of wks
- ○tā f. the state of (being) voice or a musical sound Cat
- ○dīpta mfn. (in augury) inauspicious with regard to voice or sound VarBṛS
- ○nābhi m. a kind of flute Saṃgīt
- ○nirṇaya m. N. of wk. (on the accents of the Ṛig-veda, in 21 Ślokas, by Jayanta-svāmin)
- ○pakṣa mfn. 'sound-winged', possessing sound as wings JaimUp
- ○pañcāśat f. N. of wk. on Vedic accents
- ○pattana n. 'abode of accents', N. of the Sāmaveda
- ○paribhāṣā f. N. of wk. (on the more ancient notation of the accents or tones in the Sāmaveda, used in South India)
- ○parivarta m. change or modulation of the voice Mṛicch
- ○puraṃjaya m. N. of a son of Śesha VP
- ○pṛṣṭha mfn. having the Svara-sāman for a Pṛishṭha (q.v.) ŚrS
- ○prakaraṇa n
- ○prakriyā f
- ○prastāra m. N. of wks
- ○baddha mfn. composed in musical measure (said of a song &c.) MW
- ○brahman n. 'Brahman as manifested in sound', the sacred texts BhP
- ○bhakti f. 'vowel-separation', a vowel-sound phonetically inserted between r or l and a following consonant (e.g. varṣa pronounced variṣa) Prāt
- ○bhaṅga m. 'broken articulation', stammering L
- hoarseness HYog
- ○bhaṅgin m. 'noteseparating', a kind of bird L
- ○bhūta mfn. become a vowel (i.e. changed from a semivowel followed by a vowel into i or u) VPrāt
- ○bheda m. indistinctness of utterance, hoarseness Suśr
- simulation of voice (instr. 'in a feigned voice') Pañcat
- betrayal by one's voice (-bhaya n. 'fear of betraying one's voice') ib
- difference of accent Kāś
- difference of musical tones Inscr
- ○bhairava m. N. of Tantra wk
- ○mañca-nṛtya n. (in music) a kind of dance Saṃgīt
- ○mañjarī f. N. of wk. on Vedic accents
- ○maṇḍala m. or a kind of Vīṇā or stringed musical instrument L
- ○maṇḍḍalikā f. a kind of Vīṇā or stringed musical instrument L
- ○mantra-kāṇḍa n
- ○mela-kalā-nidhi f. N. of wks
- ○mātrā f. strength of sound Vait
- ○yoga m. 'sound-combination, voice Kād
- ○yoni m. or f. the Ṛic on which the Svara-sāman is based ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○ratna-kośa m
- ○ratna-bhāṇḍa n. N. of wks
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of a treatise (on the accents of the Taittirīya, by Keśa-vārya)
- ○lāsikā f. a flute, pipe L
- ○vat (svára-), mfn. having sound, sonorous, loud AitBr. Vait
- having a melodious voice ŚBr
- having an accent, accentuated ib
- containing a vowel SaṃhUp
- ○vidhi m. N. of a med. wk
- ○vibhakti f. separation of a vowel (in Sāman-chanting) PañcavBr
- ○vaidika n
- ○vyākhyā f. N. of wks
- ○śas ind. according to the accent Pat
- ○śāstra n. N. of a class of wks. on the modulation of sounds or on the passage of the air through the nostrils (esp. as bearing on the prognostication of future events)
- N. of wk. on Vedic. accents
- ○śikṣā f. N. of wk
- ○śuddha mfn. correct in musical measure MW
- ○śūnya mfn. unmelodious, unmusical W
- ○saṃyoga m. = -yoga Mṛicch
- a song Śak
- the junction of vowels MW
- ○saṃsvāra-vat mfn. correct in accent Ragh
- ○saṃkrama m. succession of tones (applied to the musical scale MW.), rise and fall of the voice, modulation of tone Mṛicch
- ○saṃgraha m. N. of wk. on suppression of the voice and breath (for attaining beatitude)
- ○saṃdarbha m. = -saṃkrama Cat
- ○saṃdeha-vivāda m. a kind of round game Kād
- ○saṃdhi m. the junction or coalition of vowels MW
- ○samuccaya m. N. of wk
- ○sampad f. euphony or melody of voice R
- ○saṃpanna (svára-), mf(ā)n. melodious, harmonious ŚBr
- having a melodious voice R. [Page 1285, Column]
- ○sāman (svára-), m. N. of the three days before and after the Vishuvat of the Gavāmayana (i.e. the last three days of the first, and the first three days of the second half-year) Br. ŚrS
- n. N. of a Sāman, IndSt
- ○sāra m
- ○siṃha m
- ○siddhânta-kaumudī f
- ○siddhânta-candrikā f
- ○siddhânta-mañjarī f
- ○subodhinī f
- ○svarūpa n. N. of wks
- ○han m. = -ghna ŚārṅgS
- svarâṃśa m. a half or quarter tone in music L
- a seventh ( See under svara) VarBṛS
- svarâṅka m. a kind of musical composition Saṃgīt
- svarâṅkuśa m. N. of wk. (= svaranirṇaya)
- svarânta mfn. ending in a vowel VPrāt
- having the Svarita accent on the last syllable ṢaḍvBr
- svarântara n. 'vowel-interval', the interval between two vowels, hiatus (= vivṛtti) MW
- (e), ind. between two vowels ib
- svarârṇava m
- svarâḍrâvadhāna n
- svarâḍrâṣṭaka n. N. of wks
- svarôdaya mfn. followed by a vowel RPrāt
- m. n. N. of a class of wks. (= svara-śāstra, q.v.)
- -yuddha-nirṇaya m. -vicāra m. N. of wks
- svarôpaghāta m. 'voice-destruction', hoarseness Hcat
- ○tin mfn. suffering from it ib
- svarôpadha mfn. having a vowel as penultimate letter RPrāt
- sváraṇa mfn. loud-sounding, clear-voiced RV. i, 18, 1
- svaras See gharmá-svaras
- svarí mfn. noisy, boisterous RV
- svarita mfn. caused to sound BhP
- sounded, having an accent, accentuated Lāṭy
- having Svarita accent Vait. Prāt. Pāṇ
- added, admixe (-tva n.) Naish
- m. n. the Svarita accent (a kind of mixed tone, produced by a combination of high and low tone, and therefore named in Pāṇ. 1-2, 31 sam-āhāra, the high and low tones being called ud-ātta, 'raised' or 'acute', and an-udātta, 'low' or 'grave'
- the Svarita corresponds to the Greek circumflex and is of four kinds, viz. kṣaipra [as in vy-ā́pta for ví-āpta], jātya [as in kvá for kúa], praśliṣṭa [as in diviíva for diví iva], or abhinihita [as in té'bruvan for té abruvan]
- it is marked in RV. by a small upright stroke above a syllable
- and when produced by an udātta immediately preceding is sometimes called 'a dependent Svarita', and, when it properly belongs to a word, an 'independent Svarita') ĀśvŚr. Prāt. Pāṇ
- ○tva n. the state of having the Svarita TPrāt
- ○vat mfn. containing the Svarita VP
- ○vākya-paddhati f. N. of wk
- sváritṛ mfn. sounding, noisy, loud, boisterous RV
- svarīyas vḷ. for svaryas ĀrshBr
- svaryá mf(ā, Ved. ī) n. resounding, roaring, crashing, loud RV
- beneficial to the voice Suśr
- svaryas n. (with Vishṇo?) N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr
- svārá m. sound, noise (of a snorting horse) RV
- tone, accent RPrāt
- the Svarita accent TPrāt
- mfn. relating to sound or accent MW
- having the Svarita accent
- n. a Sāman ending with the Svarita accent VS. PañcavBr. Lāṭy
- svāra-sāmika mfn. (fr. svara-sāman) Lāṭy
- svārāyaṇa m. patr. fr. svara g. aśvâdi
- sv-ṛkṣa n. an auspicious asterism Hcat
- sv-ṛta (√ri used in explaining svâr) Nir. ii, 14
- svṛtīka n. = udaka, water (cf. smṛtīka) Naigh. i, 12
- sv-ṛddha mfn. very prosperous or fortunate BhP
- svṝ vḷ. for √sṝ
- svek vḷ. for √srek
- sveka m. (used in explaining sumeka) ŚBr
- svêccha &c. See p. 1277, col. 3
- sv-étavya n. (impers.) it is easy to be gone TS
- sveda &c. See col. 1
- svêṣṭa svâitu, svaiṣa, See p. 1277, col. 3
- svâira and v. See p. 1279, col. 1
- svairindhrī f. = sairindhrī L. [Page 1286, Column]
- svôcita svôttha &c. See p. 1278, col. 1
- sv-ójas mfn. very strong or powerful RV
- sv-opaśa mf(ā́)n. having beautiful locks of hair (?) MaitrS. (vḷ. sv-aupaśa)
- sv-aupaśá mf(ā́)n. id. VS
- svôras n. See p. 1278, col. 1
- svorasa m. a husk, shell
- n. the sediment of oily substances ground with a stone L
- svovaśvīya wṛ. for śvo-vasīyasa (q.v.)