Sir Monier-Williams (1819–1899) - A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1899) |
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- vi-ni-rodhin mfn. (√rudh) checking, obstructing Harav
- vi-nir-√gam P. -gacchati, to go out or away, depart or escape from (abl.) MBh. R. &c
- to be beside one's self BhP
- vi-nirgata mfn. gone out, come forth, issued R. VarBṛS. &c
- liberated or freed from (abl.) Mn. viii, 65
- vi-ḍnirgati f. coming forth, issuing Car
- vi-nirgama m. going out, departure from (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c
- being spread or divulged, spreading abroad MārkP
- the last of the three divisions of an astrological house VarBṛS
- vi-nir-ghoṣa m. (√ghuṣ) sound MBh
- vi-nir-√ji P. -jayati, to conquer completely, win MBh. R
- to vanquish, defeat, overpower, subdue Mn. MBh. &c
- vi-nirjaya m. complete victory, conquest MBh
- vi-nirjita mfn. entirely conquered, subdued, won ib. R. BhP
- vi-nir-√jñā (only Pass. -jñāyate), to distinguish, discern, find out ŚBr
- vi-nir-ṇī (√nī
- only ind. p. -ṇīya), to decide or determine clearly BhP
- vi-nirṇaya m. complete settlement or decision, certainty, a settled rule Mn. MBh. &c
- vi-nirṇīta mfn. determined clearly, ascertained, certain W
- vi-nir-√dah P. -dahati, to burn completely, consume by fire, destroy MBh. BhP
- vi-nirdagdha mfn. completely burned up or consumed, utterly destroyed MBh. R. Hariv
- vi-nirdahana n. the act of burning or destroying utterly MW
- (ī), f. a partic. remedy Suśr
- vi-nir-√diś P. -diśati, to assign, destine for (loc.) BhP
- to point out, indicate, state, declare, designate as (two acc.) MBh. BhP. Suśr
- to announce, proclaim Yājñ. VarBṛS
- to determine, resolve, fix upon MBh
- vi-ḍnirdiṣṭa mfn. pointed out &c
- charged or entrusted with (loc.) R
- vi-ḍnirdeśya mfn. to be announced or reported VarBṛS
- vi-nir-√dhū (only ind. p. -dhūya), to shake off, drive or blow away, scatter R
- to shake about, agitate ib
- to reject, repudiate Vcar
- vi-ḍnirdhuta mfn. shaken off or about, tossed, agitated ib
- vi-ḍnirdhūta mfn. shaken off BhP
- driven away MBh
- vi-nir-bandha m. (√bandh) persistence or perseverance in (comp.) MBh. MārkP
- vi-nirbāhu vi-nirbhaya &c. See p. 951, col. 1
- vi-nir-bhagna mfn. (√bhañj) broken asunder, broken down MBh
- -nayana mfn. one who has his eyes dashed out R
- vi-nir-√bharts (only ind. p. -bhartsya), to threaten or revile R. BhP
- vi-nir-√bhid (only ind. p. -bhidya), to split asunder, pierce, shoot through MBh. Hariv
- vi-ḍnirbhinna mfn. split asunder, cleft, opened, pierced MBh. Daś. BhP
- vi-nir-√bhuj (only ind. p. -bhujya), to bend or turn on one side Suśr
- vi-nir-bhoga m. (prob. fr. √3. bhuj) N. of a partic. cosmic period Buddh
- vi-nir-√math (or manth
- only ind. p. -mathya), to churn out Suśr. [Page 971, Column]
- to crush, annihilate Kathās
- vi-nir-√mā (only pf. -mame, with act. and pass. meaning), to fabricate, create, fashion, form, build, construct out of (instr. or abl.) Bhaṭṭ. Kathās
- vi-ḍnirmāṇa n. meting out, measuring MBh
- building, forming, creating (ifc. made of formed according to) Kathās. Rājat. Pañcar
- vi-ḍnirmātṛ m. a maker, builder, creator MBh
- vi-nirmita mfn. formed, created, constructed, built, prepared, made from or fashioned out of (abl. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
- laid out (as a garden) Kathās
- fixed, appointed, destined to be (nom.) Hariv. Kāv
- kept, celebrated, observed (as a feast) R
- vi-ḍnirmiti f. formation, building, creation Hcat
- vi-ḍnirmitsu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to form or create Kpr
- vi-nir-√muc P. -muñcati (only ind. p. -mucya), to abandon, relinquish (the body, i.e. to die) Hariv.: Pass. -mucyate, to be liberated or set free, be delivered from, be rid of (instr.) PraśnUp
- vi-ḍnirmukta mfn. liberated, escaped, free or exempt from (instr. or comp.) MBh. VarBṛS. Suśr. &c
- discharged, shot off, hurled R
- vi-ḍnirmukti f. (ifc.) liberation W
- vi-nir-mokṣa m. (√mokṣ) emancipation, liberation, release from (comp.) MBh. R
- exclusion, exemption L
- vi-nir-yat mfn. (√5. i) going forth, issuing W
- vi-nir-√yā P. -yāti, to go forth, go out, issue, set out MBh. Kāv. &c
- vi-ḍniryāṇa n. the act of going forth, setting out R
- vi-ḍniryāta mfn. gone forth or out, set out W
- vi-nir-√yuj (only fut. -yokṣyāmi), to discharge, shoot off R. ii, 23, 37 (B. vi-ni-yokṣyāmi)
- vi-nir-√likh P. -likhati, to make incisions in, scarify Suśr
- to scratch or scrape off, free from dirt Car
- vi-nir-√vam P. -vamati, to vomit or spit out R
- vi-nir-√varṇ (only ind, p. -varṇya), to look closely at, contemplate Śak. v, 17/18 (v. l. for nir-varṇya)
- vi-nir-vṛtta mfn. (√vṛt) proceeded, come forth, issued from (abl.) R
- completed, finished Yājñ. ii, 31
- vi-nír-hata mfn. (√han) completely destroyed AV
- vi-nir-√hṛ P. Ā. -harati, ○te, to take out, extract Suśr
- to remove, destroy MBh
- vi-ni-√vid Caus. -vedayati, to make known, announce, inform, report MBh. R. Kathās
- to offer, present Hcat
- vi-nivedana n. the act of announcing, announcement Kathās
- vi-niḍvedita mfn. made known, announced MBh
- vi-ni-√viś Caus. -veśayati, to cause to enter into, set down or place in, put on Hariv. Kāv. Rājat
- to apply Kāv
- to appoint to, institute or instal in (loc.) MBh
- to fix (the eyes or thoughts) upon (loc.) MBh. Hariv
- to fix or erect (a statue) Rājat
- to establish or found (a city) Kum
- to draw up in array (as troops) MBh
- (with kare) to place in tribute, make tributary MBh
- (with hṛdaye) to impress on the heart Rājat
- vi-ḍniviṣṭa mfn. dwelling or residing in (comp.) VarBṛS
- occurring in (loc.) Sāh
- placed on or in (loc.) Kām
- drawn on (loc.) R
- laid out (as tanks) MBh
- divided i.e. various or different Lāṭy. Sch
- vi-niveśa m. putting down, placing upon Śiś. Gīt
- an impression (as of the fingers &c.) Śak
- putting down (in a book), i.e. mentioning Sarvad
- suitable apportionment or disposition ŚrS. Sch
- entrance, settling down MW
- vi-ḍniveśana n. setting down Dharmaś
- raising, erection, building Rājat
- arrangement, disposition ĀpŚr. Sch
- impressing Yogas. Sch
- vi-ḍniveśita mfn. raised, erected, built Rājat
- placed or fixed in or on (loc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- vi-ḍniveśin mfn. situated in or on (comp.) Kathās. [Page 971, Column]
- vi-ni-√vṛ Caus. -vārayati (Pass. -vāryate), to keep or ward off, check, prevent, suppress MBh. Kāv. &c
- to prohibit, forbid Rājat
- to remove, destroy MBh. R. &c
- to dismiss (a minister), depose (a king) Rājat
- vi-nivāraṇa n. keeping off, restraining R. Kathās
- vi-ḍnivārita mfn. kept off, prevented, hindered, opposed W
- screened, covered ib
- vi-ḍnivārya mfn. to be removed or supplanted Rājat
- vi-ni-√vṛt Ā. -vartate, to turn back, return MBh. Kāv. &c
- to turn away, desist or cease from (abl.) ib
- to cease, end, disappear Mn. MBh. &c
- to be extinguished (as fire) Yājñ
- to be omitted Lāṭy.: Caus. -vartayati, to cause to return, call or lead back from (abl.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to cause to cease or desist from (abl.) R. MārkP
- to draw back (a missile) MBh
- to avert, divert (the gaze) R. Mālav
- to give up, abandon MBh. R
- to cause to cease, remove R
- to render ineffective, annul (a curse, fraudulent transactions &c.) ŚvetUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- vi-nivartaka mfn. reversing, annulling TPrāt
- vi-nivartana n. turning back, return MBh. R. &c
- coming to an end, cessation Daśar. Sch
- vi-nivarti f. ceasing, cessation Divyâv
- vi-nivartita mfn. caused to turn back or to desist from anything MBh
- turned away, averted Mālav
- vi-ḍnivartin See a-vinivartin
- vi-ḍnivṛtta mfn. turned back, returned, retired, withdrawn Yājñ. R
- turned away or averted or adverse from, (abl. or comp.) R. MārkP
- (ifc.) freed from MBh
- desisting from (abl.), having abandoned or given up R., disappeared, ended, ceased to be Hariv. Kāv. Kathās
- -kāma mfn. one whose desires have ceased, foiled in one's wishes Bhag
- -śāpa mfn. freed from (the evil effects of) a curse Kathās
- vi-ḍnivṛtti f. cessation, coming to an end Mn. Hariv. &c
- omission, discontinuance PārGṛ. Car
- vi-ni-√śam (only ind. p. -śamya), to hear, learn MBh
- vi-niś-√car P. -carati, to go forth in all directions ŚBr. MBh
- vi-niś-√ci (only ind. p. -citya), to debate about, deliberate, consider Mn. MBh. &c
- to determine, resolve, decide BhP
- vi-niścaya m. deciding, settling, ascertainment, settled opinion, decision, firm resolve regarding (gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (aṅga-v○, the fixing or settling of a horoscope MW.)
- -jña mfn. knowing the certainty of anything MBh
- vi-ḍniścāyin mfn. settling finally, deciding Sarvad
- vi-niścita mfn. firmly resolved upon (comp.) MBh
- ascertained, determined, settled, certain ib. R. &c
- (am), ind. most certainly, decidedly Amar
- ○târtha mfn. having a decided meaning Bhartṛ
- vi-ni-√śvas (cf. vi-niḥ-√śvas), P. -śvasita, to breathe hard, snort, hiss R. Bhaṭṭ
- to sigh deeply MBh. R
- vi-ḍniśvasita n. exhalation Jātakam
- vi-ḍniśvāsa m. breathing hard, sighing, a sigh W
- vi-ni-ṣad (√sad), P. -ṣīdati, to sit down separately
- vi-ni-ṣūdita mfn. (√sūd) destroyed utterly MBh. (C. -sūdita)
- vi-niṣkampa vi-niṣkriya &c. See p. 951, col. 1
- vi-niṣ-√kṛ Caus. -kārayati, to cause to be mended or repaired Kauś
- vi-niṣ-√kram P. Ā. -krāmati, -kramate (ind. p. -kramya), to step forth, go out, issue from (abl.) MBh. R. &c
- vi-ḍniṣkrānta mfn. gone forth, come out MBh
- vi-ni-ṣṭan (prob. for vi-niḥ-ṣṭan
- ṣṭan = √stan), P. -ṣṭanati, to groan loudly Car
- vi-niṣ-ṭapta mfn. (√tap
- Pāṇ. 8-3, 102) well roasted or fried R
- vi-ni-√ṣṭhiv P. -ṣṭhīvati, or ○vyati, to spit out Suśr
- vi-niṣ-√paṭ P. -pāṭayati to split or cleave asunder BhP. [Page 971, Column]
- vi-niṣ-√pat P. -patati, to fall out of, fly forth from, rush forth, issue MBh. R. &c
- to fly or run away Mn. vii, 106 (Kull. 'to double or flee or move crookedly, as a hare')
- vi-ḍniṣpatita mfn. rushed forth, lept out MBh. R
- vi-ḍniṣpāta m. rushing forth or out, pushing on (muṣṭi-vi-niṣ○, a blow with the fist) BhP
- vi-niṣ-pādya mfn. (√pad) to be accomplished or effected MārkP
- vi-niṣ-√piṣ P. -pinaṣṭi, to grind to pieces, crush, bruise MBh. Kāv. &c
- (pāṇau pāṇim), to rub the hands together MBh
- vi-ḍniṣpiṣṭa mfn. ground down, crushed into powder, smashed MBh. BhP
- vi-niṣpeṣa m. grinding to pieces, rubbing together, friction MBh
- vi-niṣ-√pīḍ P. pīḍayati, to squeeze out Suśr
- vi-ni-√sūd See vi-ni-ṣūdita
- vi-ni-sṛta See vi-niḥ-sṛta
- vi-nis-tap See vi-niṣ-ṭapta
- vi-ni-smṛta mfn. (√smṛ) recorded, mentioned Pañcar
- vi-ni-√han P. -hanti, to strike down, slay, slaughter, kill, destroy MBh. Kāv. &c
- vi-nighnat mfn. striking down, destroying R
- vi-nihata mfn. struck down &c
- dispelled (as darkness) MBh
- disregarded (as a command) R
- afflicted, distressed (as the mind) MBh
- m. a great or unavoidable calamity, infliction caused by fate or heaven W
- a portent, comet, meteor ib
- vini-√hnu P. -hnauti, to deny, disown MBh. xiii, 5521 (wṛ. hnoti)
- vini-√hḍnihnuta mfn. denied, disowned, hidden, concealed Kāv. Kathās
- vi-√nī P. Ā. -nayati, ○te, to lead or take away, remove, avert RV. AV
- to throw off, drive away, dispel, expel (a disease) Car
- (Ā.) to elicit, draw from (abl.) RV
- to stir up (the Soma) RV
- to part (the hair) GṛŚrS
- to stretch, extend ŚāṅkhBr. R
- to train, tame, guide (horses) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to educate, instruct, direct MBh. R. &c
- to chastise, punish Yājñ. Kum
- to induce, ead or cause to (inf.) RV. i, 1, 64, 6
- to spend, pass (time) Gīt
- to perform, accomplish MBh
- (Ā.) to pay off, restore (a debt) Pāṇ. 1-3, 36
- to expand (esp. for religious purposes) ib. Sch
- to get rid of. give up, cease from (anger) Pāṇ. 1-3, 37: Desid. A. -ninīṣate, to wish to get rid of or give up (egoism) ŚāṅkhSr
- vi-nayá mfn. (for 1. See p. 969) leading away or asunder, separating RV. ii, 24, 9
- cast, thrown L
- secret L
- m. taking away, removal, withdrawal Śiś. x, 42
- leading, guidance, training (esp. moral training), education, discipline, control MBh. Kāv. &c
- (with Buddhists) the rules of discipline for monks MWB. 55 &c
- good breeding, propriety of conduct, decency, modesty, mildness ib. (in the Purāṇas sometimes personified as son of Kriyā or of Lajjā)
- an office, business Śiś. xi, 36
- N. of a son of Sudyumna MārkP
- a man of subdued senses L
- a merchant, trader L
- (ā), f. Sida Cordifolia L
- -karman n. instruction Ragh
- -kṣudraka or ○ka-vastu n. N. of a Buddhist wk
- -grāhin mfn. conforming to rules of discipline, compliant, tractable L
- m. an elephant which obeys orders L
- -jyotis (?), m. N. of a Muni Kathās
- -tā f. good behaviour
- modesty Cāṇ
- -datta m. N. of a man Mṛicch
- -deva m. N. of a teacher Buddh
- of a poet Sadukt
- -nandin m. N. of the leader of a Jaina sect Inscr
- -ṃ-dhara m. N. of a chamberlain Veṇis
- -pattra n. = -sūtra (below) Buddh
- -piṭaka, 'basket of discipline', (with Buddhists) the collection of treatises on discipline (cf: above)
- -pradhāna mfn. having humility pre-eminent, of which modesty is chief. MW
- -pramāthin mfn. violating propriety, behaving ill or improperly W
- -bhāj mfn. possessing propriety or modesty ib
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of propriety Kād
- -yogin mfn. possessing humility MW
- -rāma m. = -sundara Cat
- -vat mfn. well-behaved (in a-vin○) Vet
- (atī), f. N. of a woman Kathās. Daś. Pañcat
- -vallī f. N. of wk
- -vastu n. (with Buddhists) N. of a section of the works which treat of Vinaya (q.v.) [Page 972, Column]
- -vāc mfn. speaking modestly W
- f. modest speech ib
- -vijaya m. N. of an author Cat
- -vibhaṅga m. N. of wk
- -vibhāṣā-śāstra n. N. of a Buddhist wk
- -śrī f. N. of a woman HPariś
- -sāgara, -sundara m. N. of authors Cat
- -sūtra n. (with Buddhists) the Sūtra treating of discipline (cf. above)
- -stha mfn. conforming to discipline, compliant, tractable L
- -svāminī f. N. of a woman Kathās
- ○yâditya m. N. of Jayâpiḍa, Rajat
- of a king of the race of the Cālukyas Inscr
- (-pura n. N. of a town built by Jayâpiḍa Rājat.)
- ○yâdidhara (i.e. vinaya-dh○), m. N. of a man Kāv
- ○yânvita mfn. endowed with modesty, humble L
- ○yâvanata mfn. bending down modestly, bowing low with modesty MBh. Kathās
- ○yôkti f. pl. modest speech Bālar
- vi-ḍnayana mfn. taking away, removing MBh. Megh
- n. the act of taming or training, education, instruction Daś
- vi-nāyaka mf(ikā)n. taking away, removing MW
- m. 'Remover (of obstacles)', N. of Gaṇêśa Yājñ. VarBṛS. &c
- a leader, guide MBh. R
- a Guru or spiritual preceptor L
- a Buddha L
- N. of Garuḍa L
- an obstacle, impediment L
- = anātha (?) L
- N. of various authors &c. Cat
- pl. a partic. class of demons MānGṛ. MBh. &c
- N. of partic. formulas recited over weapons R
- (ikā), f. the wife of Gaṇêśa or Garuḍa L
- -caturthī f. the fourth day of the festival in honour of Gaṇea Cat
- (○thī-vrata n. N. of wk.)
- -carita n. N. of the 73rd ch. of the Krīḍā-khaṇḍa or 2nd part of the Gaṇêśa-Purāṇa
- -dvādaśa-nāma-stotra n. N. of wk
- -paṇḍita m. N. of a poet ŚārṅgP
- = nanda-paṇḍ○ Cat
- -purāṇa n. -pūjā-vidhi m. N. of wks
- -bhaṭṭa m. N. of various authors Cat
- -bhojana-varṇanā f. -māhātmya n. -vratakalpa m. -vrata-pūjā f. -śānti f. -śānti-paddhati f. śānti-prayoga m. -śānti-saṃgraha m. -saṃhitā f. -sahasra-nāman n. -stava-rāja m. N. of wks. or chs. from wks
- -snapana-caturthī f. the fourth day of the Ganêśa festival (when his image is bathed) Cat
- ○kâvatāra-varṇana n. ○kâvir-bhāva m. ○kôtpatti f. N. of parts of wks
- vi-nīta mfn. led or taken away, removed &c
- stretched, extended R
- tamed, trained, educated, well-behaved, humble, modest Mn. MBh. &c
- versed in, acquainted or familiar with (loc. or comp.) Yājñ. R. &c
- performed, accomplished MBh
- one who has subdued his passions L
- lovely, handsome W
- plain, neat (in dress &c.) A
- m. a trained horse L
- a merchant, trader L
- N. of a son of Pulastya VP
- -tā. f. (Kām.), -tva n. (Ragh.) modesty, decency, decorum
- -datta or -deva m. N. of a poet Cat
- -prabha m. N. of a Buddhist scholar
- -mati m. N. of two men Kathās
- -veṣa m. modest or plain attire Śak
- ○ṣâbharaṇa mfn. humble or modest in dress and ornaments Mn. viii, 2
- -sattva mfn. (a grove) containing tame animals Ragh
- -sena m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○tâtman mfn. having a well-controlled mind, well-behaved, modest Mn. vii, 39
- ○tâśva m. N. of a man Hcat
- ○têśvara m. N. of a divine being Buddh
- vi-ḍnītaka mṇ. = vainītaka
- vi-ḍnīti f. training, good behaviour, modesty Hit
- vi-ḍnīya m. = kalka L
- vi-netṛ m. a leader, guide, instructor, teacher MBh. Kāv. &c
- a chastiser, punisher Ragh. Mcar
- a tamer, trainer Kull. on Mn. iii, 162
- a prince, king L
- vi-netra m. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 1) a teacher, preceptor Hariv
- vi-neya mfn. to be taken away or removed Hariv
- to be trained or educated or instructed Sāh. Sarvad
- to be chastised L
- m. a pupil, disciple L
- vi-nīla vi-nīvi &c. See p. 951, col. 1
- vi-√nu Ā. -navate, to go or spread in different directions RV. x, 22, 9
- vi-√nud P. Ā. -nudati, ○te, to drive away or asunder, scare away, dispel, remove RV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- to strike (cords), play (on a musical instrument) BhP. (vḷ. vi-tud), Caus. -nodayati, to drive asunder or away, dispel Śiś. Gīt
- to spend (time) MBh
- to divert, amuse, entertain Hariv. Kāv. Kathās
- to amuse one's self with, delight in (instr.) Ragh.v, 67
- vi-ḍnutti f. dispelling, removal Kāṭh
- N. of an Ekâha ŚrS
- vi-ḍnúd f. a stroke, thrust, blow RV. ii, 13, 3
- vi-ḍnunna mfn. driven asunder &c
- stricken, hurt, wounded MBh. [Page 972, Column]
- vi-noda m. driving away, removal VarBṛS. Kathās
- diversion, sport, pastime, pleasure, playing or amusing one's self with (comp.) Kāv. Kathās. Pañcat. &c. (○dāya ind. for pleasure)
- eagerness, vehemence L
- a kind of embrace L
- a kind of palace L
- N. of wk. on music
- -kallola m. -mañjari f. -raṅga m. N. of wks
- -rasika mfn. given or addicted to pleasure Kathās
- -vat mfn. amusing, delightful ib
- -sthāṇa n. ground (lit. and fig.) for pleasure or enjoyment Śak
- ○dârtham ind. for the sake of sport or pleasure Kathās
- ○dâpapādin mfn. causing pleasure or delight ib
- vi-ḍnodana n. diversion, play, amusement, pastime (-tā f.) Kāv. Kathās
- -śata n. pl. hundreds of amusements Vikr
- vi-ḍnodita mfn. (fr. Caus.) driven away, dispelled Śiś. Gīt
- diverted, amused, delighted R. Hariv
- allayed, soothed W
- vi-nodin mfn. driving away, dispelling Śak. Kathās
- amusing, diverting Kathās. Pañcar
- vi-√nṛt P. -nṛtyati, to begin to dance TBr
- vinôkti See under vinā, p. 969
- vinta m. N. of a partic. divine being MārkP
- vind P. vindati, See √3. vid
- vinda mfn. finding, getting, gaining (ifc
- See go-, cāru-v○ &c.)
- m. a partic. hour of the day R
- N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh
- of a king of Avanti ib
- vindaka m. N. of a man Rājat
- vindát-vat mfn. containing a form of √3. vid
- (atī), f. a verse of this kind MaitrS
- vindu mfn. finding, getting, acquiring, procuring PañcavBr. (cf. go-, loka-v○)
- vindu mfn. (fr. √1. vid) knowing, acquainted or familiar with (ifc.) Vās
- = veditavya L
- vindu ○duka, ○dula. See bindu
- vindh Ā. vindhate, See √2. vidh
- vindha vindha-culaka wṛ. for vindhya, vindhya-culika
- vindha-pattra m. (or ī f.) a plant (commonly called Bel Suṇṭh) L
- vindhasa (?), m. the moon L
- vindhya m. (of doubtful derivation) N. of a low range of hills connecting the Northern extremities of the Western and Eastern Ghauts, and separating Hindūstān proper from the Dekhan (the Vindhya range is reckoned among the seven principal ranges of Bhārata-varsha [see kulagiri, p. 294, col.], and according to Manu ii, 21, forms the Southern limit of Madhya-deśa or the middle region
- according to a legend related in MBh. iii, 8782 &c., the personified Vindhya, jealous of Himâlaya, demanded that the sun should revolve round him in the same way as about Meru, which the sun declining to do, the Vindhya then began to elevate himself that he might bar the progress of both sun and moon
- the gods alarmed, asked the aid of the saint Agastya, who approached the Vindhya and requested that by bending down he would afford him an easy passage to the South country, begging at the same time that he would retain a low position till his return
- this he promised to do, but Agastya never returned, and the Vindhya range consequently never attained the elevation of the Himâlaya) Mn. MBh. &c
- N. of a prince HPariś
- a hunter L
- (ā), f. Averrhoa Acida L
- small cardamoms L
- ○kandara n. N. of a place Cat
- ○kūṭa
- ○kūḍṭaka or m. N. of the saint Agastya L
- ○kūḍṭana m. N. of the saint Agastya L
- ○ketu m. N. of a king of the Pulindas Kathās
- ○kailāsavāsinī f. a form of Durgā Hariv
- ○giri m. the Vindhya range of hills Vās
- ○culika m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (vḷ. -pulika)
- ○nilayā f. a form of Durgā L
- ○nivāsin m. N. of Vyāḍi L. (cf. -vāsin)
- ○para m. N. of a king of the Vidyādharas Kathās
- ○parvata m. = -giri Virac
- ○pālaka m. pl. N. of a people VP
- ○pulika m. pl. id. MBh. (cf. -culika)
- ○mūlika (VP.) or (MārkP.), m. pl. id
- ○mauleya (MārkP.), m. pl. id
- ○vat m. N. of a man, MārkP
- ○vana n. a forest in the Vindhya R
- ○varman m. N. of a king Inscr
- ○vāsin mfn. dwelling in the VṭVindhya L
- m. N. of Vyāḍi Cat. Vās., Introd. [Page 972, Column]
- of a medical writer Cat
- (inī), f. (with or without devii) a form of Durgā Kathās. Daś
- N. of a place VP
- ○nī-daśaka n. N. of wk
- ○śakti m. of a king VP. Inscr
- ○śaila m. the Vindhya hills MW
- ○sena m. N. of a king VP. (v. l. bimbisāra)
- ○stha mfn. residing in the VṭVindhya L
- m. N. of Vyāḍi Cat
- vindhyâcala m. = ○ya-giri Var
- -vāsinī f. a form of Durgā RTL. 575
- vindhyâṭavī f. a forest in the Vindhya VarBṛS. Kathās. &c
- vindhyâdri m. = ○ya-giri Ragh. VarBṛS. &c
- -vāsinī f. = vindhya-vās○? MW
- vindhyâdhivāsinī f. a form of Durgā Cat
- vindhyânta-vāsin m. pl. the inhabitants of the inner Vindhya VarBṛS
- vindhyâri m. N. of Agastya KāśīKh
- vindhyâvali or f. N. of the wife of the Asura Bali and mother of Bāṇa Pur
- vindhyâvalī f. N. of the wife of the Asura Bali and mother of Bāṇa Pur
- ○lī-putra (C.) or -suta (W.), m. N. of the Asura Bāṇa
- vindhyêśvarī-prasāda m. N. of an author Cat
- vindhyaka m. pl. N. of a dynasty VP
- vindhyāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to represent or act the part of the Vindhya mountains Śiś
- vinna See pp. 964, 965
- vinni-bhaṭṭa m. N. of an author Cat
- vi-ny-aya m. (√5. i) position, situation TPrāt
- vi-ny-√as P. -asyati (rarely -asati), to put or place down in different places, spread out, distribute, arrange Mn. MBh. &c
- to put down, deposit, place or lay on, fix in, turn or direct towards, apply to (loc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to mark or designate by (instr.) Megh
- to entrust or make over to (loc.) Vikr
- vi-ḍnyasana n. putting down (pada-vinyasaṇam-√kṛ, to put down the feet, step, stride) Vcar
- vi-ḍnyasta mfn. put or placed down &c
- directed to (as the mind, eyes) R
- entrusted, delivered Yājñ
- vi-ḍnyasya mfn. to be put or placed upon (upari) VarBṛS
- vi-ḍnyāsa m. putting or placing down &c
- a deposit W
- putting on (ornaments) Kāvyâd
- movement, position (of limbs), attitude TPrāt. Kāv
- arrangement, disposition, order Pur
- scattering, spreading out MBh. Hariv
- establishment, foundation MārkP
- putting together, connecting (words &c.), composition (of literary works) Vās. Sāh. &c
- exhibition, display (ifc. = showing, displaying) MBh
- the utterance of words of despair Sāh
- assemblage, collection W
- any site or receptacle on or in which anything is deposited ib
- -rekhā f. a line drawn Bālar
- vinyāka m. the tree Echites Scholaris L
- vip (or vep), cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. x, 6) vepate (ep. also ○ti
- p. vipāná RV
- pf. vivepe Gr
- vivipre RV
- aor. avepiṣṭa Br
- fut. vepitā, vepiṣyate Gr
- inf. vepitum ib.), to tremble, shake, shiver, vibrate, quiver, be stirred RV. &c. &c
- to start back through fear Pañcar. Kathās.: Caus. vipáyati or vepayati (aor. aviivipat), to cause to tremble or move, shake, agitate RV. &c. &c. [Cf. Lat. vibrare ; Goth. weipan ; Germ. wîfen, weifen, Wipfel Eng. whiffle.]
- víp mfn. inwardly stirred or excited, inspired RV
- f. 'easily moved or bent, flexible (?)', a switch, rod &c., the shaft (of an arrow), the rods (which form the bottom of the Soma filter, and support the straining cloth) RV
- a finger Naigh. ii, 5
- vipá m. a learned man (= medhāvin) Naigh. iii, 15
- (ā), f. speech (= vāc) ib. i, 11
- vipaś in comp. for vipas
- ○cí mfn. = next TBr
- ○cít mfn. inspired, wise, learned, versed in or acquainted with (comp.) RV. &c. &c
- m. N. of Indra under Manu Svārocisha Pur
- of the Supreme Spirit Sarvad
- of a Buddha (prob. wṛ. for vipaśyin) Lalit
- ○cita mfn. = prec. Hariv
- vipina n. 'stirring or waving (scil. in the wind)', a wood, forest, thicket, grove MBh. Kāv. &c
- a multitude, quantity Bālar
- -tilaka n. a kind of metre Col
- ○nâukas m. wood-dweller', an ape, monkey Mcar
- vipināya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become or be like a forest Gīt
- vipo-dhā mfn. (fr. vipas + dhā) bestowing inspiration RV. x, 46, 5
- vípra mf(ā)n. stirred or excited (inwardly), inspired, wise (said of men and gods, esp. of Agni, Indra, the Aśvins, Maruts &c
- cf. paṇḍita) RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. [Page 973, Column]
- learned (esp. in theology) TS. ŚBr
- a sage, seer, singer. poet, learned theologian RV. VS. ŚBr
- a Brāhman (ā f. a Brâhman woman) Mn. MBh. &c
- a priest, domestic priest R
- the moon L
- the month Bhādrapada L
- Ficus Religiosa L
- Acacia Sirissa L
- (in prosody) a proceleusmatic Col
- N. of a son of Ślishṭi VP. (vḷ. ripra)
- of a son of Śrutaṃ-jaya (or Śṛitaṃ-jaya) BhP
- of a son of Dhruva ib
- pl. a class of demi-gods (mentioned with the Sādhyas, Yakshas and Rākshasas) ĀśvGṛ
- ○kanyā f. a Brāhman girl MW
- ○kāṣṭha n. Thespesia Populneoides L
- ○kuṇḍa m. adulterous offspring of BrṭBrāhman parents L
- ○cit m. N. of a Dānava (father of Rāhu) BhP. (cf. -citti)
- ○cita g. sutaṃ-gamâdi
- ○citta wṛ. for next
- ○citti (vípra-), mfn. sagacious TBr
- m. N. of a preceptor BṛĀrUp
- of a Dānava (father of Rāhu) Suparṇ. MBh. &c. (cf. -cit)
- f. N. of an Apsaras VP
- ○cūdāmaṇi m. 'BrṭBrāhman-jwel', an excellent Brâhman MW
- ○jana m. a Brāhman or a priest (also collectively) MBh
- N. of a man (with the patr. Saurāki), Kāh
- ○jūta (vípra-), mfn. impelled or urged by the wise RV
- ○jūti m. N. of a man (with the patr. Vātaraśana, author of RV. x, 136, 3) Anukr
- ○tama (vípra-), mfn. most wise, wisest RV
- ○tā f. the rank or condition of a BrṭBrāhman (-tām upa-√gam, to become a Brāhman) VP
- ○tāpasa m. a Brāhman ascetic Kathās
- ○tva n. the rank of a Brāhman or a scholar Yājñ. BhP
- ○damana m. 'Brāhman-tamer', N. of a man (in a farce) Kautukas
- ○daha m. (possibly vi + pra + daha) dried fruit or roots &c. L
- ○deva m. N. of a prince Inscr
- of a chief of the Bhāgavatas Cat
- ○putra m. a Brāhman's son Kathās
- ○priya mfn. dear to Brâhman R
- m. the Palāśa tree L
- n. thick sour milk L
- ○bandhu m. 'Brāhman's friend', N. of the author of RV. v, 24, 4 ; x, 57-60 (having the patr. Gaupāyana or Laupāyana) Anukr
- ○bhāva m. the rank or dignity of a Brāhman Daś
- ○maṭha m. a Brâhman monastery Kathās
- ○manman (vípra-), mfn. having an inspired mind RV
- ○rā́ya n. the reign of the wise or pious RV
- the kingdom or sovereignty of the Brāhman or priests Pañcar
- ○rṣabha (for ṛṣ○), m. bull i.e. chief among Brāhman MBh
- ○rṣi (for ṛṣi), m. a BrṭBrāhman Ṛishi, priestly sage (e.g. Vasishṭha) MBh. R. Pur
- ○lobhin m. 'BrṭBrāhman-enticing', N. of the Kiṅkirāta tree L
- ○vacas (vípra-), mfn. one whose words are inspired RV
- ○vat ind. like a Brāhman Mn. iii, 220
- ○vācana n. = órāhmaṇa-v○ Hcat
- ○vāhas mfn. receiving the homage and offerings of the wise RV
- ○vitti v. l. for -citti
- ○vīra m. a heroic Brāhman Kathās
- (vípra-), mfn. having inspired men or inspiring men RV
- ○śeṣita n. the remainder of a BrṭBrāhman food L
- ○samāgama m. a concourse of BrṭBrâhman MW
- ○sāt-√kṛ P. -karoti, to present anything (acc.) to Brāhman Ragh
- ○sevā f. service of a Brāhman master Mn. x, 123
- ○sva n. the property of a BrṭBrāhman Mṛicch
- viprâdhipa m. the moon
- -mukhā f. a moon-faced woman Hcat
- viprânumadita mfn. rejoiced at by seer or poets TBr. ŚBr
- viprâpavāda m. abuse of a Brāhman W
- viprâvamanyaka mfn. despising Brāhmans VP
- viprêndra m. chief of Brāhmans MBh
- vipraka m. a contemptible Brāhman Kautukas
- vi-paktrima vi-pakva, See p.951, col. 1
- vi-pakṣa mfn. deprived of wings R
- m. 'being on a different side.', an opponent, adversary, enemy (mfn. 'counteracting' Jātakam.) Inscr. Kāv. Kathās
- a disputant Kir
- a female rival Ragh. Śiś
- the day of transition' from one half of a lunar month to another KātyŚr
- (in gram.) an exception MW
- (in logic) a counter-statement, counter-instance, argument proving the contrary (e.g. 'there cannot be fire in a lake, because there is no smoke there') Tarkas. Bhāshāp. Sāh
- -tas ind. from or after a rival Kir
- hostilely, inimically W
- -tā f. -tva n. hostility, enmity, opposition R
- -bhāva m. hostile disposition, state of hostility Ragh
- -ramaṇī f. a female rival Amar
- -śūla m. N. of a chief of a sect called Ārādhya Cat
- ○kṣâkrānta mfn. seized by an enemy MW
- ○kṣī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to deprive of wings Kathās
- ○kṣīya. mfn. hostile, inimical BhP
- vipakṣaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make enemies (p.p. vi-pakṣita) MBh
- vi-√pac P. -pacati, to cook thoroughly, dissolve by cooking or boiling KātyŚr. Suśr. [Page 973, Column]
- Pass. -pacyate, to be cooked or baked or roasted MBh
- to be digested ib
- to be completely matured or ripened or developed Ragh. Suśr
- to bear fruit, develop consequences VarBṛS.: Caus. -pācayati, to cook thoroughly, dissolve by cooking, melt, liquefy Suśr
- vi-ḍpaktavya mfn. to be cooked or boiled Car
- ví-pāka mf(ā)n. ripe, mature RV
- m. cooking, dressing (= pacana) L
- ripening, maturing (esp. of the fruit of actions), effect, result, consequence (of actions in the present or former births pursuing those who commit them through subsequent existences) Yājñ. MBh. &c
- maturing of food (in the stomach), digestion conversion of food into a state for assimilation MBh. Hariv. Suśr
- bad digestion Car
- any change of form or state Uttarar
- calamity, distress', misfortune Yājñ. Uttarar
- withering, fading Śiś
- 'sweat' or 'flavour '(sveda or svāda) L
- (ibc.) subsequently, afterwards ( See comp.)
- -kaṭuka mfn. sharp or bitter in its consequences Kathās
- -kāla m. the time of ripening or maturing Rājat
- -tīvra mfn. sharp or terrible in consequence of (comp.) BhP
- -dāruṇa mfn. terrible or dangerous in results Prab
- -doṣa m. morbid affection of the digestive powers Suśr
- -visphūrjathu m. the consequences (of sins committed in a former birth) compared to a thunder stroke Ragh
- -śruta n. N. of a sacred book of the Jainas W
- ví-ḍpākin mfn. ripening, maturing bearing fruits or having consequences, Mālatim
- difficult to be digested (in a-vip○) Car
- vi-√pañcaya P. -pañcayati, to divulge, proclaim HPariś. (cf. pra-pañcaya)
- vi-pañcanaka or m. a soothsayer Divyâv
- vi-pañḍcika m. a soothsayer Divyâv
- vi-pañcikā vi-patāka &c. See p. 951, col. 2
- vi-√paṭ P. -pāṭayati, to split in two, tear open, tear out, destroy MBh. Kāv. &c
- to drive asunder, scare away Kād. Rājat
- vi-pāṭa m. a kind of arrow MBh. Śiś
- N. of a man MBh
- vi-ḍpāṭaka mfn. (prob.) opening, unfolding, bringing MārkP
- vi-ḍpāṭana n. the act of splitting in two, tearing open Nir
- eradication, destruction Rājat
- acute pain Car
- vi-ḍpāṭita mfn. split in two, torn asunder, uprooted, eradicated, destroyed Hariv. Pur. &c
- separated, divided Ṣaguruś
- vi-√paṭh P. -paṭhati, to read through, peruse BhP
- vi-√paṇ P. -paṇati, to sell Hariv. Pañcat
- Ā. -paṇate, to bet, wager for (gen.) MBh
- vi-paṇa m. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 2) selling, sale Mn. MBh. &c
- a wager MBh
- a trading-place, shop, market-place MBh. MārkP
- 'market' (fig. applied to speech, the organ of speech, or the energy of activity) MārkP
- N. of Śiva MBh. (= nirvyavahāra or daṇḍâdi-rahita)
- ○ṇâpaṇa-vat mfn. furnished with shops and markets MBh
- ○paṇana n. selling, traffic Śiś. Sch
- ○ḍpaṇi f. sale, traffic Mn. MBh. Hariv
- a place where things are sold, shop, stall, fair, market-place MBh. Kāv. &c. (also ī f.)
- any article or commodity for sale L
- a street of shops L
- -gata mfn. being on the market Mālav
- -jīvikā f. subsistence by traffic MBh
- -jīvin mfn. subsisting by traffic Hariv
- -patha m. a shop-street Kād
- -madhya-ga mfn. being in the midst of a market Kathās
- -stha-paṇya mfn. (a town) containing commodities exposed for sale Ragh
- ○ḍpaṇin m. a trader, shopkeeper, merchant Śiś
- vi-√pat P. -patati, to fly or dash or rush through RV. i, 168, 6
- to fly apart, fall off, burst asunder, be divided or separated ŚBr. ChUp
- to fly along RV. x, 96, 9: Caus. -patayati, to fly in various directions RV. iii, 55, 3
- to fall asunder, be opened ib., vi, 9, 6
- -pātayati, to cause to fly away, shoot off (arrows) AV
- to cause to fly asunder or off, split or strike off (a head) ib
- to strike down, kill MBh
- vi-ḍpatita (ví-), mfn. flown away, fallen off &c
- -loman mfn. one whose hair has fallen out ŚBr
- ví-patman See under 1. vi, p. 949, col. 3
- vi-pāta g. brāhmaṇâdi
- vi-ḍpātaka mfn. (fr. prec.), g. yāvâdi
- vi-ḍpātana n. (fr. Caus.) melting, liquefying Pāṇ. 7-3, 39
- vi-patha m. n. a different path, wrong road, evil course L. [Page 973, Column]
- a partic. high number Buddh
- (á), m. n. a kind of chariot (fit for untrodden paths) AV. PañcavBr. ŚrS
- -gāmin mfn. going in a wrong way or evil course MW
- -gati f. the going in a wrong way MBh
- -yamaka n. a kind of Yamaka (q.v.) in which the paronomasia is only at the beginning and end of the verse (e.g. Bhaṭṭ. x, 16)
- -yuga n. a yoke fit for bad roads ĀpŚr
- -vāhá m. drawing a chariot called Vipatha ( See above) AV
- ○thâvapāta-paratā f. the inclination to go in wrong ways (or pursue evil courses) Rājat
- ○pathaya Nom. P. ○yati, to lead upon the wrong way Lalit
- ○pathi (vi-), mfn. going in wrong ways RV
- going on paths that spread in different directions MW
- vi-√pad Ā. -padyate, to fall or burst asunder MBh. xi, 95
- to come between, intervene, prevent, hinder Kauś
- to go wrongly, fail, miscarry, come to nought, perish die ṢaḍvBr. MBh. &c.: Caus. pādayati, to cause to perish, destroy, kill Rājat
- vi-pat in comp. for vi-pad
- -kara mf(ī)n. causing misfortune Harav
- (ī), f. N. of a goddess ib
- -kāla m. season of misfortune or calamity Hit
- -phala mfn. resulting in misfortune, calamitous MW
- -sāgara m. 'ocean of misfortune', heavy calamity W
- vi-patti f. going wrongly, adversity, misfortune, failure, disaster (opp. to sam-pattí) MBh. Kāv. &c
- unfavourableness (of time) Kām
- ruin, destruction, death MBh. R. &c
- cessation, end MBh. xii, 9140
- agony, torment (= yātanā) L
- -kara mfn. causing misfortune or calamity VarBṛS
- -kāla m. a season of adversity or misfortune Pañcat
- -yukta mfn. attended with misfortune, unfortunate W
- -rahita mfn. free from misfortune, prosperous, happy ib
- vi-pad f. going wrongly, misfortune, adversity, calamity, failure, ruin, death MBh. Kāv. &c
- -ākrānta and -gata mfn. fallen into misfortune L
- -uddharaṇa n. -uddhāra m. extrication from misfortune W
- -grasta mfn. seized by misfortune, unfortunate ib
- -daśā f. a state of misfortune, calamitous position MW
- -yukta mfn. attended with misfortune, unfortunate W
- -rahita mfn. free from misfortune, prosperous ib
- vi-ḍpadā f. misfortune, adversity, calamity L
- vi-ḍpadī f. g. kumbha-pady-ādi
- vi-panna mfn. gone wrong, failed, miscarried (opp. to sam-panna) MBh
- afflicted, distressed Hit
- ruined, destroyed, decayed, dead, gone MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. a snake L
- -kṛtya mfn. (a deity) whose rites have been disturbed or neglected VarBṛS
- -tā f. misfortune, ruin, destruction VarBṛS. (-tāṃgataḥ, ruined R.)
- -dīdhiti mfn. one whose splendour or glory is gone. Bhartṛ
- -deha mfn. 'having a decomposed body', dead, defunct Mṛicch. i, 30
- ○nnâpatyā f. a woman who has lost her child by abortion MW
- ○nnârtha mfn. one whose property or fortune is ruined R. (vḷ. ○nnâtman)
- vi-ḍpannaka mfn. unfortunate, dead, destroyed MW
- vi-pādana n. the act of destroying, killing, destruction W
- vi-ḍpādaniya
- vi-ḍpāditavya or mfn. to be killed, destructible ib
- vi-ḍpādya mfn. to be killed, destructible ib
- vi-ḍpādita mfn. destroyed, killed ib
- vipadumaka (?), n. a dead body gnawed by worms Buddh
- vi-√pan (only 1. pl. pr. Pass. -panyāmahe), to pride one's self, boast RV. i, 180, 7
- vi-ḍpanyā́ or ind. joyfully, wonderfully RV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- vi-ḍpanyáyā ind. joyfully, wonderfully RV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- vi-ḍpanyú mfn. praising, admiring, rejoicing, exulting RV
- wonderful, admirable (said of the Aśvins and Maruts) ib
- vi-pari-√kram P. Ā. -krāmati, -kramate, to step or walk round, circumambulate ŚBr
- vi-ḍparikrānta mfn. one who has shown valour (in battle), courageous, powerful R
- vi-ḍparikrā́mam ind. having walked round, going all about ŚBr
- vi-pari-√gā P. -jigāti, to go over, be upset (as a cart) BhP
- vi-pari-cchinna mfn. (√chid) cut off on all sides, utterly destroyed
- -mūla mfn. having the roots cut completely round or off, entirely uprooted MBh
- vi-pari-ṇam (√nam), Pass. -ṇamyate, to undergo change or alteration, be changed into (instr.) Pāṇ. 3-1, 87 Sch.: Caus. -ṇamayati, to alter, change into (instr.) Pat. ĀpŚr. Sch. [Page 974, Column]
- vi-ḍpariṇata mfn. altered, changed ib
- vi-ḍpariṇamana n. changing, change, alteration MW
- vi-ḍpariṇamayitavya mfn. to be changed or altered Pat
- vi-ḍpariṇāma m. change, exchange, transformation Pat. Śaṃk. &c
- ripening, maturing Naigh. Sch
- vi-ḍpariṇāmin mfn. undergoing a change of state or form, turning into (instr.) Kull. on Mn. i, 27
- vi-pari-ṇīta mfn. (√nī) having one's place changed for that of another ṢaḍvBr
- vi-pari-√tap Pass. -tapyate, to be greatly distressed, suffer great pain R
- vi-pari-√dru P. -dravati, to run round about Kāṭh
- vi-pari-√dhā Ā. -dhatte, to exchange, alter TS. Kauś
- (ind. p. -dhāya, with or scil. vāsas, having shifted one's clothes) Gobh. Yājñ
- vi-ḍparidhāna n. change, exchange Kauś
- vi-pari-√dhāv P. -dhāvati, to run about or through, overrun MBh. Hariv. R
- vi-paridhāvaka mfn. running about or in all directions R
- vi-pari-√pat P. -patati, to fly round or back ŚBr. Saṃk
- vi-pari-bhraṃśa m. (√bhraṃś) failure, miscarriage MBh
- (ifc.) being deprived of, loss ib
- vi-pari-√muc Pass. -mucyate, to be freed or released from (abl.) MBh
- vi-pari-mlāna mfn. (√mlai) entirely faded or withered R
- vi-pari-lupta mfn. (√lup) broken or destroyed utterly, broken up Śaṃk
- vi-pari-luḍparilopá m. destruction, loss, ruin ŚBr. Śaṃk
- vi-pari-vṛt Ā. -vartate, to turn round, revolve Bhag
- to roll (on the ground) Mn. vi, 22
- to move about, roam, wander MBh
- &c
- to turn round or back, return MBh
- to be transformed, change, alter ib
- to visit or afflict continually ib.: Caus. -vartayati, to cause to turn round or revolve, turn round or away Lāṭy. MBh. &c
- vi-parivartana mf(ī)n. causing to turn round or to return
- (ī), f. (with or scil. vidyā) a partic. magical formula supposed to be efficacious in causing the return of an absent person Kathās
- n. turning round ĀpŚr. Sch
- rolling about, wallowing R
- vi-ḍparivartita mfn. (fr. Caus.) turned away
- ○tâdhara mfn. having the lips turned away Ragh
- vi-parivṛtti f. turning round or back, return Prab
- vi-pari-√hṛ P. Ā. -harati, ○te, to transpose, exchange Br. GṛŚrS
- vi-pariharaṇa n. transposition, exchange ĀpŚr. Sch
- vi-ḍparihāra m. id. Sāy
- vi-parī7 ([pari+ √i), P. -pary-eti, to turn round or back, return ŚBr
- to turn out badly or wrongly, fail, Mālatim
- vi-parī7ta mfn. turned round, reversed, inverted ĀśvŚr. Nir. &c
- being the reverse of anything, acting in a contrary manner, opposite, contrary to (abl.) Kāv. Kathās. &c
- going asunder or in different directions, various, different KaṭhUp
- perverse, wrong, contrary to rule MBh. Kāv. &c
- adverse, inauspicious, unfavourable ib
- false, untrue Bhām
- (ā), f. a perverse or unchaste woman L
- N. of two metres RPrāt
- -kara or -kartṛ mfn. acting in a contrary manner or perversely MW
- -kārin mfn. id. Gīt
- -krīḍā f. N. of a ch. of ŚārṅgP
- -gati mfn. going backwards or in a reverse direction W
- f. inverse or reverse motion ib
- -graha-prakaraṇa n. N. of. wk
- -citta (MBh.), -cetas (R.), mfn. contrary-minded, having a perverted mind or impaired mental faculties
- -tā f. -tva n. contrariety, inversion, counterpart Kāv. Pañcat
- -pathyā f. a kind of metre Col
- -pratyaṅgirā f. N. of a Tantric wk
- -buddhi (Pañcat.), -bodha (MW.), -mati (Yājñ.), mfn. = -citta
- -malla-taila n. a kind of preparation made of oil Bhpr
- -rata n. inverted sexual intercourse Caurap
- -lakṣaṇā f. ironical description of an object by mentioning its contrary properties MW
- -vat ind. invertedly R
- -vṛtti mfn. acting or behaving in a contrary manner Ragh
- ○tâkhyānakī f. 'inverted Ākhyānaki', a kind of metre Col
- ○tâdi n. (with vakra) a kind of metre Ked. [Page 974, Column]
- ○tânta m. (with pragātha) a kind of metre RPrāt
- ○tâyana n. a contrary Ayana or progress of the sun from solstice to solstice (-gata mfn. situated in contrary Ayanas) MW
- ○tôttara n. (with pragātha) a kind of metre RPrāt
- vi-parī7taka mfn. reversed, inverted Kāv
- m. (with bandha) inverted coitus L
- vi-paryaya mfn. reversed, inverted, perverse, contrary to (gen.) BhP
- m. turning round, revolution Jyot
- running off, coming to an end R
- transposition, change, alteration, inverted order or succession, opposite of. ĀśvŚr. Nir. MBh. &c. (e.g. buddhi-v○, the opposite opinion
- svapna-v○, the opp of sleep, state of being awake
- saṃdhi-viparyayau, peace and its opposite i.e. war
- viparyaye, ○yena and ○yāt ind. in the oppṭopposite case, other wise)
- exchange, barter (e.g. dravya-v○, exchange of goods, buying and selling, trade) MW
- change for the worse, reverse of fortune, calamity, misfortune Mn. MBh. &c
- perverseness R. Kathās. BhP
- overthrow, min, loss, destruction (esp. of the world) Kāv
- change of opinion Sāh
- change of purpose or conduct, enmity, hostility W
- misapprehension, error, mistake Mn. BhP. Sarvad
- mistaking anything to be the reverse or opposite of what it is MW
- shunning, avoiding R. vii, 63, 31 (Sch.)
- N. of partic. forms of intermittent fever Suśr
- vi-ḍparyāya m. = vi-paryaya, reverse, contrariety L
- vi-parê ([parA-+√i]
- only Impv. -páretana), to go back again, return RV. x, 85, 33
- viparya m. or n. (?) a partic. high number Buddh
- vi-pary-√as Ā. -asyate, to turn over, turn round, overturn, reverse, invert ŚBr. Gaut
- to change, interchange, exchange KātyŚr
- to have a wrong notion, be in error Bhartṛ.: Caus. -āsayati, to cause to turn round or to change Bālar
- vi-ḍpáryasta mfn. turned over, reversed, opposite, contrary AitBr. MBh. &c
- (in gram.) interchanged, inverted Pāṇ. 2-3, 56 Sch
- standing round Kathās
- erroneously conceived to be real W
- -tā f. perverseness Siṃhâs
- -putrā f. a woman bearing no male children MW
- -manaś-ceṣṭa mfn. having mind and actions perverted or inverted Mṛicch
- vi-paryāsa m. overturning, overthrow, upsetting (of a car) GṛS
- transposition, transportation MBh
- expiration, lapse (of time) MBh
- exchange, inversion, change, interchange ŚrS. MBh. &c
- reverse, contrariety, opposition, opposite of (e.g. stuti-v○, the opposite of praise, i.e. blame) MBh. Kāv. &c
- change for the worse, deterioration MBh
- death R
- perverseness Rājat
- error, mistake, delusion, imagining what is unreal or false to be real or true Kāv. Bhāshāp. Pañcat
- ○sôpamā f. an inverted comparison (in which the relation between the Upamāna and Upameya is inverted) Kāvyâd
- vi-ḍparyā́sam ind. alternately AitBr. ŚBr. Śulbas
- vi-pary-ā-√vṛt Ā. -vartate, to be turned back Kauś.: Caus. -vartayati, to cause to turn away from, cause to be overturned TS
- vi-pary-√ūh P. -ūhati, to place or fix separately TS
- vi-pala n. (fr. pala) a moment, instant, 1/6 or 1/10 of a breathing, Siddhântas
- vi-palây (fr. palā = parā + ay = √5. i
- only impf. vy-apalâyata), to run away in different directions R
- vi-ḍpalâyana n. running away or asunder W
- vi-ḍpalâyita mfn. run away, routed, put to flight ib
- vi-ḍpalâyin mfn. running away, fleeing Yājñ
- vi-palāśa vi-pavana &c. See p. 951, col. 2
- vi-paly-√aṅg (paly = pari
- only Caus. vi-palyāṅgayanta), to envelop, surround ŚBr
- vi-paly-√ay (paly = [pari+ay] = √i), Ā. -ayate, to go back, turn round, return ŚBr
- vi-pavya See vi-√pū, p. 975
- vi-√paś P. -paśyati (rarely ○te), to see in different places or in detail, discern, distinguish RV. AV. AitBr. KaṭhUp
- to observe, perceive, learn, know R. BhP. [Page 974, Column]
- vi-ḍpaśyana n. (or ā f.) right knowledge Buddh
- vi-ḍpaśyin m. N. of a Buddha (sometimes mentioned as the first of the 7 Tathāgatas or principal Buddhas, the other six being Śikhin, Viśva-bhū, Kraku-cchanda, Kanaka-muni, Kāśyapa, and Śākya-siṃha) Dharmas. 6 (cf. MWB. 136)
- vi-ḍpaśvin m. N. of a Buddha Kāraṇḍ
- vipaś-ci vipaś-cit, See √vip
- vi-√pā P. Ā. -pibati, ○te (rarely -pip○), to drink at different times, drink deep RV. AitBr
- to drink up from (abl.) VS
- vi-pāna n. drinking up VS. Br
- vi-pipāna mfn. one who drinks much or variously RV. AV
- vi-pīta mfn. drunk up Sāy
- -vat mfn. one who has drunk up ib
- vi-pāka vi-pākin, See under vi-√pac, p. 973
- vi-pāṭala vi-pāṇḍu &c. See p. 951, col. 2
- vipāṭha m. (cf. vi-pāṭa under vi-√paṭ) a kind of large arrow (described by Nīlak. as viśālo vaiśākhī-mukha-vat) MBh. R
- (ā), f. N. of a woman MārkP
- vi-pāpa vi-pāpman &c. See p. 951
- ví-pāś f. (nom. -pāṭ) 'fetterless' (cf. next), the Vipāś or Vipaśā river ( See below) RV. (ifc. ○śam ind., g. śarad-ādi)
- (-pāṭ) -chutudrī f. du. the river Vipaśā and Śutudrī RV. iii, 33, i
- vi-pāśa mfn. having no noose Hariv. R
- unnoosed, untied, freed from fetters AitBr. MBh
- (ā), f. the Vipāśā or Beas river (one of the 5 rivers of the Panjāb, said to be so called as having destroyed the cord with which Vasishṭha had tried to hang himself through grief for his son slain by Viśvāmitra
- it rises in the Kullu range of the Himâlaya, and after a course of 290 miles joins the Sutlej at the southern boundary of Kapurthala
- it is considered identical with the ? of Arrian, the Hyphasis of Pliny, and ? of Ptolemy) MBh. Hariv. Var. Pur
- vi-pāśana n. unbinding, unfettering Nir
- vi-ḍpāśaya Nom. (fr. vi-pāśa
- only Pass. vyapāśyanta), to unbind, loose ib
- vi-pāśin (ví), mfn. without fastenings, without a trace (as a chariot) RV. iv, 30, 11 (Nir
- but vípāśi is prob. loc. of ví-pāś)
- vipina &c. See under √vip
- vi-√piś P. -piṃśati = vi-puṣyati Nir. vi, 11 Sch
- vi-ḍpiśita mfn. = vi-kasita, or vinihita, placed or laid on (as an ornament) ib. viii, 11 Sch
- vi-piṣṭī See vi-pṛṣṭhī, p. 951
- vi-√puth Caus. -pothayati, ○te, to crush, dash to pieces MBh. Hariv. R
- to grind down, pulverise Car
- vi-ḍpothita mfn. crushed, shattered MBh. Hariv. MārkP
- vi-pula mf(ā)n. (prob. fr. pula = pura
- under. √pul) large, extensive, wide, great, thick, long (also of time), abundant, numerous, important, loud (as a noise), noble (as a race) PārGṛ. MBh. &c
- m. a respectable man W
- N. of a prince of the Sauviras MBh
- of a pupil of Deva-śarman (who guarded the virtue of Ruci, his preceptor's wife, when tempted by Indra during her husband's absence) MBh
- of a son of Vasu-deva BhP
- of a mountain (either Meru or the Himâlaya) Pur
- (ā), f. the earth L
- a form of the Āryā metre (in which the caesura is irregular
- divided into 3 species, Ādi-, Anlya-, and Ubhaya-vipulā) Col
- (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt
- n. a sort of building Gal
- -grīva mfn. long-necked R
- -cchāya mfn. having ample shade, shady, umbrageous MW
- -jaghanā f. a woman with large hips ib
- -tara mfn. larger or very large Śiś
- -tā f. (Śak.), -tva n. (MBh.) largeness, greatness, extent, width, magnitude
- dravya mfn. having great wealth, wealthy Car
- -pārśva m. N. of a mountain Buddh
- -prajña (MBh.), -buddhi (Suśr.), mfn. endowed with great understanding
- -mati mfn. id. Bhartṛ
- m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh
- -rasa m. 'having abundant juice', the sugar-cane L
- -vrata mfn. one who has undertaken great duties MBh
- -śroni mf(ī)n. having swelling hips MW
- (○ṇī-bhara mf[ā]n. id. Amar.) [Page 975, Column]
- -skandha m. 'broad-shouldered', N. of Arjuna L
- -sravā f. = ○lâsravā L
- -hṛdaya mfn. large-hearted, large-minded Bhartṛ. (v. l.)
- ○lâyatâkṣa mfn. having large and long eyes MW
- ○lârtha-bhoga-vat mfn. having great wealth and many enjoyments VarBṛS
- ○lâśravā f. Aloe Perfoliata L
- ○lêkṣaṇa mfn. large-eyed MW
- -lôraska mfn. broad-chested ib
- ○lâujas mfn. having great strength, very strong R
- vi-pulaka mfn. very extensive' and 'without bristling hair' Śiś. (cf. pulaka)
- vipulaya Nom. P. ○yati, to lengthen, make longer Subh
- vipulī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to extend BhP
- vipulī-bhāva m. spaciousness, extensiveness VP
- vi-√pū P. -punāti, to cleanse thoroughly, purity effectually MBh
- = vi-dārayati Nir. xii, 30 Sch
- vi-pavya mfn. to be thoroughly cleansed or purified Pāṇ. 3-1, 117 Sch
- vi-pūya mfn. cleansing, purifying Bhaṭṭ
- m. Saccharum Munjia Pāṇ. 3-1, 117
- vi-pū́jana m. (√pūj) N. of a man MaitrS
- vi-pūyaka n. (√pūy) suppuration or an offensive smell Suśr
- a decomposed corpse Buddh
- vi-√pṛc P. -pṛṇakti (Impv. -pṛṅktam Pot. -papṛcyāt, inf. -pṛ́ce), to isolate, separate from (instr.) VS
- to scatter, dispel RV. iv, 13, 3
- to fill, satiate ib. iv, 24, 5
- pṛkta (ví-), mfn. separated, divided ib. i, 163, 3
- ḍpṛkvat mfn. unmixed, pure ib. v, 2, 3 (= sarvato vyāpta Sāy.)
- vi-pṛ́c mfn. isolated, separate VS
- vi-pṛccham See vi-√prach
- vi-pṛtha vi-pṛthu, See p. 951
- vipo-dhā See √vip, p. 972
- vipra &c. See √vip, p. 972
- vi-pra-kīrṇa mfn. (√kṝ-) scattered or thrown about, dispersed, dashed to pieces MBh. R. &c
- dishevelled, loose ( See comp.), extended, wide, spacious R
- -śiroruha mfn. having dishevelled or flowing hair MBh. iii, 401
- ○ṇâikapārśva mfn. having one side stretched out Megh. 87 (v. l. for saṃ-ni-kīrṇ○)
- vi-pra-√kṛ P. -karoti, to treat with disrespect, hurt, injure, offend, oppress MBh. R. &c
- to appoint, admit (sākṣye, as a witness) MBh. v, 1225 (prob. wṛ. for adhi-√kṛ): Pass. of Caus. -kāryate, to be slighted or injured or treated disrespectfully MW
- vi-ḍprakartṛ mfn. injuring an injurer, offender ib
- vi-prakāra m. treating with disrespect, hurt, injury, wickedness MBh. Kāv. &c
- retaliation W
- various manner MW. (rather fr. vi-pra-√kṝ)
- vi-ḍprakārin mfn. treating with contempt, opposing, retaliating W
- vi-prakṛt mfn. hurting, injuring, offending (with gen.) BhP
- vi-ḍprakṛta mfn. hurt, injured, offended &c. MBh. Kāv. &c
- thwarted, frustrated MBh
- vi-ḍprakṛti f. change, variation Yājñ. ii, 9
- injury, offence, opposition, retaliation W
- vi-pra-√kṛṣ P. -karṣati, to drag or draw apart, lead away or home MBh
- to remove from (abl.) Naish
- vi-prakarṣa m. dragging away, carrying off MBh
- remoteness, distance (in space or time) Gobh. Kāv
- difference, contrast MBh
- (in gram.) the separation of two consonants by the insertion of a vowel
- vi-prakṛṣṭa mfn. dragged or drawn apart &c
- remote, distant, a long way off R.: Pañcat. Suśr. (with gen. or abl. Pāṇ. 2-3, 34
- ○ṭādāgataḥ, come from afar ib. ii, 1, 39 Sch.)
- remote in rank, See a-vip○ - protracted, lengthened MW
- -tva n. remoteness, distance MBh
- ○ṭântara mfn. separated by a long distance Śak
- vi-ḍprakṛṣṭaka mfn. remote, distant L
- vi-pra-kḷpti f. (√kḷp) separate or special arrangement or preparation KātyŚr. [Page 975, Column]
- vi-pra-√gam -gacchati, to go apart or asunder, be dispersed or scattered MBh
- vi-pra-gīta mfn. (√gai) that about which opinions differ, not agreed upon Jaim. Sch
- vi-pra-√cint (only ind. p. -cintya), to meditate on, think about MBh
- vi-pra-cchanna mfn. (√chad) concealed, hidden, secret Kathās
- vi-√prach P. -pṛcchati (rarely ○te
- Ved. inf. -pṛ́ccham), to ask various questions, make various inquiries RV. BhP
- vi-pṛṣṭa m. N. of a son of Vasu-deva BhP
- vi-praśna m. interrogation of fate Pāṇ. 1-4, 39 (cf. vaipraśnika)
- vi-ḍpraśnika m. a fortuneteller, Kath
- (ā), f. L
- viprájitti m. N. of a preceptor ŚBr. (cf. vipra-citti)
- vi-pra-ṇaś (√2. naś), P. -ṇaśyati, -ṇaśati, to be lost, perish, disappear Yājñ. MBh
- to have no effect or result, bear no fruit MBh.: Caus. -ṇāśayati, to cause to be lost or perish SaddhP
- vi-ḍpraṇāśa See a-v○
- vi-ḍpranaṣṭa mfn. (not ○praṇaṣṭa, Pāṇ. 8-4, 36) lost, disappeared, gone, fruitless, vain MBh
- -viśeṣaka mfn. one who has lost his discriminative faculty R
- vi-pra-ṇi (√nī), to turn (the mind) to (loc.) MBh
- to let elapse or pass away (time) ib
- vi-pra-tāraka m. (√tṝ) an impostor, deceiver L
- vi-ḍpratārita mfn. (fr. Caus.) imposed upon, deceived Śatr
- vi-prati-√kṛ P. -karoti, to counteract, oppose MW
- vi-ḍpratikāra m. counteraction, opposition, reverse, retaliation ib
- vi-ḍpratikṛta mfn. counteracted, opposed, requited ib
- vi-prati-√pad Ā. -padyate, to go in different or opposite directions, turn here and there ŚBr
- to roam, wander (said of the senses) Kād
- to be perplexed or confounded, be uncertain how to act, waver, hesitate MBh
- to differ or diverge in opinion, be mutually opposed Śaṃk
- to be mistaken, have a false opinion about (loc.) Car
- to reply falsely or erroneously Nyāyas. Sch
- vi-pratipatti f. divergence, difference or opposition (of opinion or interests), contrariety, contradiction, ŚrS. Gaut. VarBṛS. &c
- incompatibility of two conceptions, opposition of one rule to another Sarvad
- erroneous perception or notion, error, mistake Suśr. Car
- suspicion about (loc.) Jātakam
- aversion, hostile feeling or treatment ib
- false reply or objection (in argument) Nyāyas
- various acquirement, conversancy W
- mutual connection or relation ib
- vi-pratipadya mfn. to be opposed or contested W
- to be variously acquired ib
- vi-pratipanna mfn. gone in different directions &c
- perplexed, confounded, uncertain Āpast
- of opposite opinion, dissentient Śaṃk. Sarvad
- wrong, false (as an opinion) Pat
- having a false opinion, being mistaken about or in (loc.) Car
- forbidden, prohibited Āpast
- conversant or acquainted with in various ways W
- mutually connected ib
- -buddhi mfn. having a false opinion, being mistaken or in error Pat
- vi-prati-√bhā P. -bhāti, to appear as, seem to be (nom.) MBh
- vi-prati-ṣiddha mfn. (√2. sidh) prohibited, forbidden KātyŚr
- contradicted, opposed (am ind.) Nir. Āpast. &c
- of opposed meaning Pāṇ. 2-4, 13
- vi-pratiṣedha m. restraining, keeping in check MBh
- opposition, contradiction, contrariety, conflict (of two statements) ŚrS. Śaṃk. &c. (esp. in gram., pratiṣedhe, where there is a conflict between two rules Pāṇ. 1-4, 2
- ○dhena, in consequence of a conflict of two rules, iv, 1, 170 Vārtt. 1
- pūrva-vipratiṣedha, a conflict of two rules of which the former prohibits the latter, iv, 2, 39 Vārtt. 1
- para-v○, a conflict of two rules of which the latter prohibits the former, ii, 2, 35 Vārtt. 1 Pat.)
- prohibition, negation, annulment Nyāyas
- vi-prati-sāra n. (L. m. fr. √sṛ) repentance Kāraṇḍ. [Page 975, Column]
- evil, wickedness L
- anger, wrath L
- -vat mfn. = next Jātakam
- vi-ḍpratisārin mfn. full of repentance Lalit
- afflicted, dejected ib
- vi-ḍpratīsāra m. = ○pratisāra L
- vi-√prath P. Ā. -prathati, ○te, (P.) to spread (trans.) RV. vi, 72, 2
- (Ā.) to spread out, extend (intrans.), be wide RV. TS. Hcar.: Caus. -prathayati, spread out or abroad, celebrate RV. MBh
- to unfold, display, exhibit MBh
- vi-ḍprathita mfn. spread out or abroad, celebrated MBh
- vi-pra-duṣṭa mfn. (√duṣ) very corrupt or corrupted, very sensual or dissolute, very bad Mn. ix, 72 &c
- -bhāva mfn. having a very wicked or vicious disposition ib. ii, 97
- vi-pra-√duh P. -dogdhi (cf. pravi-√duh), to milk out, drain, exploit RV. iv, 24, 9 (Sāy. 'to take')
- vi-pra-√dru P. -dravati, to run asunder or away, disperse, flee PañcavBr. MBh. R
- vi-ḍpradruta mfn. fled, escaped MBh. R
- vi-pra-dharṣa m. (√dhṛṣ) harassing, annoyance (in ati-v○) R
- vi-pra-√dhāv P. -dhāvati, to run in different directions MBh
- vi-pranaṣṭa See vi-pra-ṇaś
- vi-pra-pāta m. (√pat) a partic. method of flying Pañcat
- a precipice. abyss MBh
- vi-pra-buddha mfn. (√budh) awakened, awake Megh
- vi-ḍprabodhita mfn. (fr. Caus.) mentioned, discussed MBh
- vi-pra-māthin mfn. (√math) destroying everything, destructive Kām
- vi-pra-mādin mfn. (√mad) heeding nothing, thoroughly heedless ib. (vḷ.)
- vi-pra-√muc P. -muñcati, to loosen, unfasten, take off MBh
- to liberate, set free ib
- to discharge, hurl, shoot R.: Pass. -mucyate, to be liberated or released from (abl.), get off free MBh. Kāv. Pur
- vi-pramukta mfn. loosened &c
- discharged, shot, hurled R
- delivered or freed from (instr. or comp.) MBh. BhP
- vḷ. for vi-prayukta (below)
- -bhaya mfn. removed from danger, free from fear Hariv
- vi-ḍpramocya mfn. to be liberated or freed from (abl.) R
- vi-pra-√muh Caus. -mohayati, to throw into confusion, render confused MBh
- vi-pramoha m. committing a fault, transgression (in a-vipr○) ĀśvŚr
- vi-ḍpramohita mfn. confused, perplexed, bewildered MBh
- vi-pra-mokṣa m. (√mokṣ) loosening, release ChUp. Sarvad
- deliverance from (abl. or gen.) MBh. Hcat
- vi-ḍpramokṣaṇa n. (ifc.) deliverance from Hariv. Sarvad
- vi-pra-yāṇa n. (√yā) going away, flight L
- vi-ḍprayāta mfn. gone apart or asunder, fled in all directions MBh
- vi-pra-√yuj P. -yunakti, to separate from, deprive of (instr.) MBh.: Pass. -yujyate, to be separated from (instr.) R.: Caus. -yojayati, to cause to be separated from, deprive of (instr.) R
- to release from (instr.) Hariv
- vi-prayukta mfn. separated or removed or absent from, destitute of, free from, without (instr. or comp.). MBh. Kāv. &c
- not being in conjunction with VarBṛS. (vḷ. ○pramukta)
- vi-prayoga m. disjunction, dissociation, separation from (instr. with or without saha gen., or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- absence, want Sāh
- quarrel, disagreement W
- the being fit or deserving ib
- vi-ḍprayogin mfn. separated (from a beloved object) Kathās
- prayojita mfn. (fr. Caus.) freed from (instr.) Hariv
- vi-pra-√lap P. -lapati, to discourse or speak about variously, be at variance, disagree Pāṇ. 1-3, 50 (also Ā.)
- to complain, lament, bewail MBh
- vi-pra-lapita mfn. discussed, debated about MW
- vi-pra-lapta n. discussion, debate, disquisition MBh. 2
- vi-pra-lāpa m. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 2) discussion, explanation MBh. [Page 976, Column]
- talking idly, prattle Suśr
- mutual contradiction Pāṇ. 1-3, 50
- breaking of a promise or engagement, deception L
- vi-pra-lāpin mfn. prattling, a prattler Kāv
- vi-pra-√labh Ā. -labhate, to insult, violate, to mock at, take in, cheat, deceive MBh. Kāv. &c
- to regain, recover MBh. (B.) xiv 1732 (C. pra-vi-l○, prob. wṛ. for prati-l○): Caus. -lambhayati, to mock, insult, violate, Bhp
- vi-pralabdha mfn. insulted, violated &c. MBh
- (ā), f. a female disappointed by her lover's breaking his appointment (one of the incidental characters in a drama) W
- (am), ind. deceitfully, falsely (in a-v○) BhP
- vi-ḍpralabdhṛ mfn. deceiving, a deceiver MW
- vi-ḍpralabhya mfn. to be mocked at or imposed upon Naish
- vi-pralambha m. (fr. Caus.) deception, deceit, disappointment MBh. Kāv. &c
- the being disappointed or deceived through (abl.) MBh. xiv, 133
- separation of lovers Ragh. Uttarar. &c
- disunion, disjunction W
- quarrel, disagreement ib
- vi-ḍpralambhaka mfn. deceiving, fallacious, a cheat or deceiver Kathās. Prab
- -tva n. deceptiveness, fallaciousness Saṃk
- vi-ḍpralambhana n. pl. deception, fraud, trick Daś
- vi-ḍpralambhin mfn. deceiving, fallacious Pañcat
- vi-pra-lambaka wṛ. for ○lambhaka Prab
- vi-pra-laya m. (√lī) extinction, annihilation, absorption in (loc.) R. Uttarar
- vi-ḍpralīna mfn. dispersed or scattered in all directions, routed (said of a defeated army) MBh
- vi-pra-√lup P. -lumpati, to tear or snatch away, rob, plunder Mn. MBh
- to visit, afflict, disturb MBh
- vi-pra-√luḍpralupta mfn. robbed, plundered MBh
- interrupted, disturbed BhP
- vi-pralumpaka mfn. rapacious, exacting, avaricious Mn. viii, 309
- vi-pralopa m. destruction, annihilation Vajracch
- vi-praloḍpralopin mfn. plucking off Jātakam
- vi-pra-√lubh Caus.Ā. -lobhayate, to allure, try to seduce or deceive MBh
- vi-ḍpralobhin m. a species of plant (= kiṃkirāta) L
- vi-pra-lūna mfn. (√lū) cut off, plucked off, gathered Sāh
- vi-pra-loka m. (√lok) a birdcatcher Nalac
- vi-pra-loḍita mfn. (fr. Caus. of √luḍ) disarranged, spoiled MBh. vii, 6624
- vi-pra-√vad P. Ā. -vadati, ○te, to speak variously, be at variance, disagree Bhaṭṭ. (cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 50)
- vi-ḍpravāda m. disagreement MBh
- vi-pra-√vas P. -vasati, to set out on a journey, go or dwell abroad GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh.: Caus. -vāsayati, to cause to dwell away, banish, expel from (abl.) Mn. Yājñ. MBh
- to take away, remove R
- vi-ḍpravasita mfn. withdrawn, departed (n. impers.) BhP. -1
- vi-pra-√vas--pravāsa m. going or dwelling abroad, staying away from (abl. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
- vi-pra-√vas--ḍpravāsana n. expulsion, banishment R
- residence abroad W
- vi-pra-√vas--ḍpravāsita mfn. removed, destroyed (as sin) R
- vi-prôṣita mfn. (vi-pra + uṣita) dwelling abroad, set out or gone away to (acc.), absent from (abl.) MBh. R. Hariv
- banished ( See next)
- -kumāra m. (a kingdom) whose hereditary prince is banished Ragh
- -bhartṛkā f. (a woman) whose husband or lover is absent W
- prôṣya ind. having dwelt abroad, having been absent, (returning) after a journey Gobh. Gaut. Āpast
- vi-pra-vāsa m. (√4. vas) the offence committed by a monk in giving away his garment Buddh
- vi-pra-viddha mfn. (√vyadh) dispersed, scattered MBh
- violently struck or shaken Ragh
- vi-pra-√vraj P. -vrajati, to go away in different directions KātyŚr
- to depart from (abl.) Āpast
- vi-ḍpravrājinī f. a woman who consorts with two men ĀśvGṛ. (= dvi-pr○ Sch.) [Page 976, Column]
- vi-praśna vi-praśnika, See under vi-√prach, p. 975, col. 2
- vi-pra-√sṛ P. -sarati (Ved. inf. -sartave), to spread, be expanded or extended RV. MBh. &c
- vi-prasāraṇa n. (fr. Caus.) stretching out (the limbs) Suśr
- vi-prasṛta mfn. spread, extended, diffused ib
- vi-pra-√sṛp P. -sarpati, to wind about or round, meander (said of a river) Hariv
- vi-pra-√sthā Ā. -tiṣṭhate (m. c. also ○ti), to spread in different directions, go apart or asunder, be diffused or dispersed GṛS. MBh
- to set out, depart MBh
- vi-prasthita mfn. set out on a journey, departed Hariv
- vi-pra-hata mfn. (√han) struck down, beaten, defeated (as an army) MBh. Hariv
- trodden ( See a-v○)
- vi-pra-√hā P. -jahāti, to give up, abandon MBh
- vi-ḍprahāṇa n. disappearance, cessation MBh
- vi-ḍprahīṇa (also written ○hīna), mfn. excluded from (abl.) MBh
- disappeared, vanished, gone ib
- deprived or destitute of, without, lacking (instr.) ib
- vi-√prā (only 2. sg. pf. -paprā́tha), to fill completely RV. vi, 17, 7
- vi-prâpaṇa n. (√āp) Nir. vii, 13 ; ix, 26
- vi-prâḍprâpta mfn. (to explain vi-ṣpitā) ib. vi, 20 (= vi-stīrṇa Sch.)
- viprāṣika (?), m. a kind of culinary herb, MārkP
- vi-priya &c. See p. 951, col. 2
- vi-√pru (cf. vi-plu), Ā. -pravate, to sprinkle about, scatter MaitrS
- vi-ḍpruta (ví-), mfn. borne away, cast or carried away, vagrant RV
- vi-pruṣ -pruṣyati, to ooze out, drip away ŚBr
- vi-pruḍ-ḍhoma m. (for 2. vipruṣ + homa) an expiatory offering designed to atone for the drops of Soma let fall at a sacrifice ŚrS
- vi-prúṣ f. (nom. ○prúṭ) a drop (of water), spark (of fire), speck, spark, small bit, atom AV. &c. &c
- pl. (with or scil. mukhyāḥ) drops falling from the mouth while speaking Mn. Yājñ. MārkP
- a phenomenon (= āścarya-v○) Rājat
- -mat mfn. having or covered with drops BhP
- vi-ḍpruṣa m. or n. a drop Pañcat. MārkP
- m. a bird L
- vi-prê ([pra+-√i]), P. -prâiti (Impv. -prâihi for -prehi MBh. i, 6392), to go forth in different directions, disperse RV
- to go away, depart MBh
- vi-ḍprêta mfn. gone asunder or away, dispersed ŚBr
- vi-prêkṣ (pra + √īkṣ), Ā. -prêkṣate, to look here and there, regard, consider MBh. Kathās
- vi-ḍprêkṣaṇa n. looking round R
- vi-ḍprêkṣita n. a look, glance Kum
- vi-ḍprêkṣitṛ mfn. one who looks round Rājat
- vi-prôṣita vi-prôṣya, See under vi-pra-√vas, col. 1
- vi-√plu Ā. -plavate (m. c. also P.), to float asunder, drift about, be dispersed or scattered TS. MBh
- to fall into disorder or confusion, go astray, be lost or ruined, perish MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -plāvayati, to cause to swim or float about Kauś
- io spread abroad, make known, divulge Mn. xi, 198
- to bring to ruin or calamity, waste, destroy Śiś. Bālar
- (-plav○), to perplex, confuse, confound Kpr
- vi-plava m. (for 2. See p. 951, col. 2) confusion, trouble, disaster, evil, calamity, misery, distress Mn. MBh. &c
- tumult, affray, revolt Kāv. Rājat
- destruction, ruin MBh. Kāv. &c
- loss, damage Yājñ
- violation (of a woman) Kathās
- profanation of the Veda by unseasonable study Yājñ. Sch
- shipwreck Hariv
- rust (on a mirror) Kir. ii, 26
- portent, evil omen L
- terrifying an enemy by shouts and gestures W
- spreading abroad, divulging (○vaṃ-√gam, to become widely known) MW
- mfn. confused (as words) BhP
- -tas ind. in consequence of misfortune MW. [Page 976, Column]
- ○vâṭṭahāsa m. malicious laughter Dharmaś
- vi-ḍplavin mfn. fugitive, transitory Kathās
- vi-ḍplāva m. a horse's canter or gallop L
- deluging W
- devastating ib
- causing tumult or public disturbance ib
- vi-ḍplāvaka (Gaut.),
- vi-ḍplāvin (Prâyaśc.), mfn. spreading abroad, divulging
- vi-ḍplāvana n. abusing, reviling Yājñ. Sch
- vi-ḍplāvita (fr. Caus.), mfn. made to float or drift about, divulged, confused, &c
- confounded, ruined, lost BhP
- vi-pluta mfn. drifted apart or asunder, scattered, dispersed &c
- confused, disordered, gone astray, lost, perished Mn. MBh. &c
- suffused, dimmed (as the eyes) R
- agitated, excited, troubled (as speech or reason) MBh
- broken, violated (as chastity, a vow &c.) Mn. Yājñ. BhP
- vicious, immoral Kathās
- committing adultery with (saha) Mn. viii, 377
- (with karmaṇā) wrongly treated, mismanaged (in med.) Car
- (with plava) drawn out of the water, landed (?) Hariv
- depraved, wicked W
- contrary, adverse ib
- inundated, immersed ib
- am n. springing or bursting asunder Hariv
- -netra or -locana mfn. having the eyes suffused or bathed (with tears, joy &c.) R. Hariv. BhP
- -bhāṣin mf(iṇī)n. speaking confusedly, stammering, stuttering R
- -yoni f. (in med.) a partic. painful condition of the vagina Suśr
- vi-ḍpluti f. destruction, ruin, loss Suśr
- vi-pluṣ m. f. = 2. vi-pruṣ, a drop of water R. Śiś
- pl. drops falling from the mouth while speaking L
- vi-pluṣṭa mfn. (√pluṣ) burned, scorched R
- vipsā f. = vii7psā, repetition, succession W
- vi-√phal (only pf. -paphāla, 3. pl. -phelire, v. l. -pecire), to burst or split asunder MBh
- to bear or produce fruit, become fruitful Ragh. (C.) xvii, 52
- vi-phala mf(ā)u. bearing no fruit (as a tree) Kāv. VarBṛS
- fruitless, useless, ineffectual, futile, vain, idle Yājñ. Hariv. &c
- having no testicles R
- m. Pandanus Odoratissimus L
- -tā f. -tva n. fruitlessness, uselessness, unprofitableness Kāv. Pañcat
- -prêraṇa mfn. flung in vain Hit
- -śrama mfn. exerting one's self in vain (-tva n.), Rājat
- ○lârambha mfn. one whose efforts are vain or idle Yājñ
- ○lâśa mfn. one whose hopes are disappointed Hariv. (v. l. niṣphal○)
- viphalaya Nom. P. ○yati, to render fruitless, frustrate, disappoint, prevent any one (gen.) from (inf.) Mudr
- viphalī in comp. for vi-phala
- ○karaṇa n. making fruitless, frustrating, foiling, defeating W
- doing anything in vain ib
- ○√kṛ P.Ā. -karoti, -kurute, to make fruitless or useless, frustrate, thwart, foil Inscr. Kāv
- to emasculate R
- ○kṛta mfn. rendered fruitless, frustrated MBh. Hariv. R
- done in vain W. (○ta-yatna mfn. making fruitless efforts MW.)
- ○bhaviṣṇu mfn. becoming or become useless or unprofitable (-tā f. -tva n.) Kāv
- ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become useless, be unprofitable Kāv. Pañcat
- ○bhūta mfn. become useless R
- vi-phalpha mfn. (cf. vi-gulpha) abundant, plentiful KātyŚr. (?wṛ. for vi-phalka)
- vi-√bandh P. Ā. -badhnāti, -badhnīte, to bind or fasten on different sides, stretch out, extend RV. AV. ŚrS
- to seize or hold by (instr.) Kauś
- to obstruct (faeces) Car
- vi-baddha mfn. bound or fastened &c
- obstructed, constipated (as the bowels) Suśr
- vi-ḍbaddhaka mfn. g. ṛśyâdi
- vi-bandha m. encircling, encompassing MBh. vii, 5923
- = ākalana L
- a circular bandage Suśr
- obstruction, constipation ib
- a remedy for promoting obstrṭobstruction Car
- -hṛt mfn. destroying or curing obstrṭobstruction Vāgbh
- vi-ḍbandhana mfn. obstructing, constipating Suśr
- n. the act of fastening or binding on both sides (paraspara-v○, mfn. mutually bound, depending on each other) MW
- vi-bandhu vi-bala, vi-bāṇa &c. See p. 951, col. 2
- vi-bādh Ā. -bādhate, to press or drive asunder in different directions, drive or scare away RV. AV. Kāṭh. [Page 977, Column]
- to oppress, harass, annoy, molest, afflict, injure, violate Kāv. Pur.: Intens. -bābadhe, to release, set free RV. vii, 36, 5
- vi-bādhá m. an expeller, remover RV. x, 133, 4 (AV. ví-b○)
- expulsion, removal (in ○dhá-vat mfn. expelling, removing) TS. Kāṭh
- (ā), f. pressure, pain, agony, anguish L
- vibālī f. (of doubtful derivation) N. of a river RV. iv, 30, 12
- vi-bāhu vi-bila &c. See p. 951, col. 3
- vibuka m. the son of a Vaiśya and a Malli L
- vi-√budh Ā. -budhyate, to awake, be awake or a wakened MBh. Kāv. &c
- to become conscious or aware of, perceive, learn BhP.: Caus. -bodhayati, to awaken RV. &c. &c
- to restore to consciousness Daś
- vi-buddha mfn. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 3) awakened, wide awake MBh. Kāv. &c
- expanded, blown ib
- clever, experienced, skilful in (loc.) MBh. xiv, 1015
- -kamala mfn. having expanded lotuses MBh
- -cūta m. a mango-tree in blossom Mālav
- vi-budha mfn. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 3) very wise or learned Kāv. Kathās. Pañcat. &c
- m. a wise or learned man, teacher, Paṇḍit ib
- a god MBh. Kāv. &c
- the moon L
- N. of a prince (son of Deva-miḍha) R
- of Kṛita VP
- of the author of the Janma-pradipa
- -guru m. 'teacher of the gods', Bṛihas-pati or the planet Jupiter VarBṛS
- -taṭinī f. 'river of the gods', the Gaṅgā Prasaṅg
- -tva n. wisdom, learning Cat
- -nadī f. = -taṭinī Viddh
- -pati m. 'king of the gods', N. of Indra Car
- -priyā f. 'favourite of the gods', N. of a metre Piṅg
- -mati, mfn. of wise understanding Kām
- -rañjanī f. N. of wk
- -rāja, m.= -pati R
- -ripu m. an enemy of the gods Prab
- -rṣabha (for -ṛṣ○), m. chief of the gods BhP
- -vijaya m. a victory won by the gods MW
- -vidviṣ (MBh.) or -śatru (Vikr.), m. 'foe of the gods', a demon
- -sakha m. a friend of the gods Bhaṭṭ
- -sadman n. 'abode of the gods', heaven or the sky Kād
- -strī f. 'divine female', an Apsaras Śak
- ○dhâcārya m. 'teacher of the gods', N. of Bṛihas-pati Daś
- ○dhâdhipa (MBh.), ○dhâdhipati (VarBṛS.), m. sovereign of the gods (○tya n. sovereignty of the gods BhP.)
- ○dhânucara m. a god's attendant Mn. xii, 47
- ○dhâvāsa m. 'god's abode', a temple Rājat
- ○dhêtara m. 'other than a god', an Asura BhP
- ○dhêndra m. 'best of the wise', (with ācārya or āśrama) N. of a teacher Cat
- ○dhêśvara m. lord of the gods MBh
- ○dhôpadeśa m. N. of a vocabulary
- vi-ḍbudhāna m. a wise man, teacher, preceptor MW
- vi-bodha m. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 3) awaking MaitrUp. Kāv. &c
- perception, intelligence BhP
- (in dram.) the unfolding of the faculties in carrying out an object Bhar. Daśar. &c
- N. of a bird (a son of Droṇa) MārkP
- vi-ḍbódhana m. an arouser, promoter of (gen.) RV. viii, 3, 22
- n. awaking, awakening (trans. and intrans.) MBh. MārkP
- vi-ḍbodhayitavya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be awakened Bālar
- vi-ḍbodhita mfn. (fr. id.) awakened W
- instructed ib
- vi-bubhūṣā See under vi-√bhū
- vi-√bṛh (or vṛh), P. -bṛhati, to tear in pieces, break or pluck off, tear away RV. Br. GṛŚrS
- vi-barha m. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 2) scattering, dispersing (in a-v○) ŚāṅkhBr
- vi-√bṛh (or bṛṃh), P. -bṛhati (only 1. du. Pot. -bṛheva), to embrace closely or passionately RV. x, 10, 7
- 8
- vibboka See bibboka
- vi-√brū P.Ā. -braviiti, -brūte, to speak out, express one's self. state, depose, declare Mn. MBh. &c
- to explain, propound, teach RV. TS. Br. &c
- to interpret, decide (a law) Mn. viii, 390
- to answer (a question) Āpast. MBh
- to make a false statement Mn. viii, 13 ; 194
- to be at variance, disagree Kathās
- to dispute, contend about RV. vi, 25, 4
- vi-√bhaj P. Ā. -bhajati, ○te, to divide, distribute, apportion, assign (with two acc., or with acc. of thing and dat. or loc. of pers., or with acc. of pers. and instr. of thing) RV. &c. &c. (Ā. also = 'to share together or with each other' or 'to share with instr. [Page 977, Column]
- with samam, to divide into equal parts
- with ardham and gen., to divide in halves)
- to separate, part, cut Mn. MBh. &c
- to divide (arithmetically) Sūryas. VarBṛS
- to open (a box or chest) Kathās
- to worship MārkP.: Pass. -bhajyate, to receive one's share from (instr.) MBh. i, 2344: Caus. -bhājayati, to cause to distribute or divide or share AV
- to divide Kathās. Sūryas. &c
- ví-bhakta mfn. divided, distributed among (instr.). AV. &c. &c. (e ind. after a partition, Yājn. ii, 126)
- one who has received his share Mn. ix, 210 ; 215
- one who has caused a partition to be made BhP. (Sch.)
- parted, separated by (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- separated from, i.e. without (instr.) Yājñ. iii, 103
- isolated, secluded R
- distinct, different, various, manifold MBh. Kāv. &c
- divided into regular parts, harmonious, symmetrical ib
- ornamented, decorated Hariv. Kathās
- divided (arithmetically) Sūryas
- m. N. of Skanda MBh
- n. isolation, seclusion, solitude Pāṇ. 2-3, 42
- -gātra mfn. one whose limbs are embellished with (comp.) Hariv
- -ja m. a son born after the partition of the family property between his parents and brothers Gaut
- -tva n. manifoldness, variety Vām. iv, 1, 7 (quot.)
- ○tâtman mfn. divided (in his essence) Ragh. x, 66
- ○tâvibhakta-nirṇaya m. N. of wk
- ví-bhakti f. separation, partition, division, distinction, modification Br. Mn. MBh
- part, portion, share of inheritance &c. W
- (in gram.) inflection of nouns, declension, an affix of declension, case (accord. to Pāṇ. a termination or inflection either of a case or of the persons of a tense'
- certain Taddhita affixes which are used like case terminations have also the name Vi-bhakti
- in the Yājyā formulas esp. the cases of agni are so called) TS. Br. &c
- a partic. division of a Sāman (= bhakti) ŚāṅkhBr. Sch
- a partic. high number Buddh
- -tattva n. -vivaraṇa, n
- ○ty-artha-kāraka-prakriyā f. ○ty-artha-nirṇaya m. ○ty-artha-vicāra m. N. of wks
- ví-ḍbhaktika (ifc.) = ○bhakti (in āpta-v○, complete as to case terminations) TāṇḍBr
- ví-ḍbhaktin See a-vibhaktin
- vi-bhaktṛ́ (with gen., or ví-bhaktṛ, with acc.), mfn. one who distributes, distributer, apportioner RV. ŚBr
- (ifc.) an arranger Pañcar
- vi-bhaja m. a partic. high number Buddh
- vi-ḍbhajana n. separation, distinction L
- vi-ḍbhajanīya mfn. to be apportioned or partitioned or distributed or divided &c. Pāṇ. Sch. Kull. 1
- bhajya mfn. to be divided Hariv
- to be (or being) distinguished Pāṇ. 5-3, 57. 2
- ḍbhajya ind. having distributed or separated or divided, by dividing or distinguishing &c
- -pāṭha m. the distinct pronunciation (of every sound) Piṅg. Sch
- -vāda m. a partic. Buddhist doctrine
- -vādin m. an adherent of the above doctrine SaddhP
- vi-bhāgá m. distribution, apportionment RV. AitBr
- partition of patrimony, law of inheritance (one of the 18 titles or branches of law) Mn. Yājñ. &c. (cf. IW. 261)
- a share, portion, section, constituent part of anything Yājñ. MBh. &c
- division, separation, distinction, difference Nir. GṛŚrS. &c. (ena, separately, singly, in detail
- cf. also yoga-v○)
- disjunction (opp. to saṃ-yoga and regarded in Nyāya as one of the 24 Guṇas) IW. 68
- (in arithm.) the numerator of a fraction Col
- N. of Śiva R
- -kalpanā f. apportioning or allotment of shares or portions W
- -jña mfn. (ifc.) knowing the difference between ŚāṅkhGṛ. MBh. -tas ind. according to a part or share, proportionately Sarvad. W
- -tattva-vicāra m. N. of wk
- -tva n. state of separation or distinction Sarvad
- -dharma m. the law of division, rule of inheritance Mn. i, 115
- -pattrikā f. a deed of partition MW
- -bhāj mfn. one who shares in a portion of property already distributed (applied esp. to a son by a father and mother of the same tribe, born subsequently to a distribution of property amongst his parents and brethren, in which case he inherits the portion allotted or reserved to the parents) Yājñ. Pañcat
- -bhinna n. = takra, buttermilk mixed with water L
- -rekhā f. partition-line, boundary between (gen.) Bālar
- -vat mfn. divided, separated, distinguished (-tā f.) Sarvad
- -śas ind. according to a part or share, separately, proportionately Mn. MBh. &c
- (ifc.) according to BhP. [Page 977, Column]
- -sāra m. N. of wk
- ○gêcchu mfn. wishing for a partition or distribution MW
- vi-ḍbhāgaka m. a distributer, arranger Pañcar. (perhaps wṛ. for ○bhājaka)
- vi-ḍbhāgin See a-vibhāgin
- vi-ḍbhāgī√kṛ P. -karoti, to divide, parcel out Pañcad
- vi-ḍbhāgya mfn. to be separated or divided Lāṭy
- vi-bhāj mfn. separating, dividing Āpast
- vi-ḍbhājaka mfn. id. Nīlak
- distributing, apportioning Hariv
- (○kī-bhūta mfn. being a distributer or divider Cat.)
- vi-ḍbhājana n. division, distinction L
- the act of causing to share or distribute, participation MW
- vi-ḍbhājayitṛ mfn. one who causes to divide or distribute Pāṇ. 4-4, 49 Vārtt. 3
- vi-ḍbhājita mfn. caused to be divided, distributed, apportioned, partitioned VarBṛS. Kathās
- vi-ḍbhājya mfn. to be divided or apportioned, divisible Mn. ix, 219
- vi-√bhañj P. -bhanakti, to break asunder, break to pieces R. VarBṛS. &c
- to frustrate, disappoint VP
- vi-bhagna mgn. broken asunder, shattered, crushed PañcavBr. SaṃhitUp. &c
- vi-bhaṅga m. bending, contraction (esp. of the eyebrows) Ragh. Vās
- a furrow, wrinkle MBh. Vās. Gīt
- interruption, stoppage, frustration, disturbance Kāv. Pur
- fraud, deception Vās
- a wave Vās
- breaking, fracture W
- division ib
- N. of a class of Buddhist wks. MWB. 64, n. 1
- vi-ḍbhaṅgi f. the mere semblance of anything (= bhaṅgi), Dharmaś
- vi-ḍbhaṅgin mfn. wavy, undulating, wrinkled MW
- vi-ḍbhaṅgura mfn. unsteady (as a look) Śiś
- vibhaṇḍaka wṛ. for vi-bhāṇḍaka ( See p. 951, col. 3)
- vibharaṭṭa m. N. of a king Buddh. (vḷ. vi-bharata)
- vi-bhava &c. See under vi-√bhū
- vi-√bhā P. -bhāti, to shine or gleam forth, come to light, become visible, appear RV. &c. &c
- to shine upon, illumine RV. AV. MBh
- to procure light, i.e. to kindle (fire, dat.) RV. i, 71, 6
- to shine brightly, glitter, be resplendent or beautiful, strike or catch the eye, excel by (instr.) RV. &c. &c
- to strike the ear, be heard (as sound) MBh
- to seem or appear as, look like (nom. with or without iva, or adv. in -vat) RV. &c. &c
- vi-bhā́ mfn. shining, bright RV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- f. light, lustre, splendour, beauty Śiś. Sāh
- N. of the city of Soma VP
- -kara m. 'light-maker', the sun Sāh
- fire L
- that portion of the moon which is illumined by the sun Gaṇit
- a king, prince (and 'the sun') Sāh
- (○ra-śarman m. N. of a poet Cat.)
- -vasu (vibhā́-), mfn. abounding in light (applied to Agni, Soma, and Kṛishṇa) RV. VS. Hariv
- m. fire or the god of fire MBh. Kāv. &c
- the sun, APariś. MBh. BhP
- the moon L
- a sort of necklace or garland L
- N. of one of the 8 Vasus BhP
- of a son of Naraka ib
- of a Dānava ib
- of a Ṛishi MBh
- of a mythical prince dwelling on the mountain Gaja-pura Kathās
- of a Gandharva (who is said to have stolen the Soma from Gāyatri as she was carrying it to the gods) MW
- vi-ḍbhā́t mfn. shining, splendid (applied to Ushas) RV
- m. the world of Prajā-pati AitBr. TS
- vi-ḍbhāta mfn. shone forth, grown light &c. (○tā vibhāvarī, the morning has dawned Kathās.)
- become visible, appeared ChUp. BhP
- n. dawn, day-break, morning Kālid
- vi-ḍbhānu mfn. shining, beaming, radiant RV. 1
- vi-ḍbhāva (for 2. See p. 978, col. 3) and mf(arī, See next)n. (voc. vi-bhāvas), id. ib
- vi-ḍbhā́van mf(arī, next)n. (voc. vi-bhāvas), id. ib
- vi-ḍbhāvarī f. ( See prec.) brilliant, bright (in RV. often applied to Ushas, 'Dawn'
- accord. to Nīlak. on MBh. v, 4495 also= kupitā)
- the (starry) night MBh. Kāv. &c
- turmeric L
- = -haridrā and ○drā-dāru Bhpr
- a kind of ginger L
- a procuress L
- a deceitful woman L
- a loquacious woman L
- (?) the shreds of a garment torn in a scuffle (= vivāda-vastra-guṇṭhī or ○tra-muṇḍī) L
- a kind of metre Ked
- N. of a daughter of the Vidyādhara Mandāra MārkP
- of the city of Soma BhP
- of the city of the Pracetas ib
- -kānta m. 'husband of night', the moon Kpr
- -mukha n. 'beginning of night', evening MBh
- -"ṣśa (○rī7śa), m. 'lord of night', the moon VarBṛS
- vi-bhāva. and 2 See above and p. 978, col. 3
- vi-√bhāṣ Ā. -bhāṣate, to speak variously, speak against, abuse, revile MBh. [Page 978, Column]
- (in gram.) to admit an alternative, be optional Kāt
- vi-bhāṣā f. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 3) an alternative, option, optionality (vi-bhāṣayā, optionally), one of two ways (cf. vi-kalpa) APrāt
- (in gram.) the allowing a rule to be optional (of two kinds, viz. prâpta-v○ or prâpte v○, an option allowed in a partic. operation which another rule makes necessary
- aprâpta-v○ or aprâpte v○, an option allowed in a partic. operation which another rule makes impossible) Pāṇ. 1-1, 44 &c
- -vṛtti f. N. of wk
- vi-ḍbhāṣita mfn. admitting an alternative (esp. in gram. = optional) Nir. Kauś. Pāṇ
- vi-√bhās Ā. -bhāsate (in Ved. also P.), to shine brightly or pleasantly, be bright AV. R. Śatr.: Caus. -bhāsayati, to cause to shine, illuminate, brighten MBh
- vi-ḍbhās f. brightness, splendour Kir., ix, 9
- -vat mfn. very brilliant or resplendent Cat
- vi-ḍbhāsá m. N. of one of the 7 suns TĀr
- a partic. Rāga Vās. Gīt
- N. of a deity, MārkP
- (ā), f. shining brightly, light, lustre W
- vi-ḍbhāsita mfn. (fr. Caus.) made bright, illuminated MBh
- vi-√bhid P. Ā. -bhinatti, -bhintte to split or break in two, break in pieces, cleave asunder, divide, separate, open RV. &c. &c
- to pierce, sting ŚBr. MārkP
- to loosen, untie Hariv. BhP
- to break, infringe, violate R. Bālar. BhP
- to scatter, disperse, dispel, destroy MBh. Kāv. &c
- to alter, change (the mind) MBh. BhP.: Pass. to be split or broken, burst asunder &c. (also P. Cond. vyabhetsyat ChUp.)
- to be changed or altered R. BhP.: Caus. -bhedayati, to cause to split &c
- to divide, alienate, estrange MBh. R
- vi-bibhitsu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to break asunder, purposing to cleave or pierce MW
- vi-bhitti f. cleaving, splitting Kāṭh. ṢaḍvBr
- ví-bhida m. N. of a demon Suparṇ
- (ā), f. 'perforation' and 'falling away', 'apostasy' Śiś. xx, 23
- vi-bhindú mfn. splitting or cleaving asunder RV
- m. N. of a man ib
- bhinduka m. N. of an Asura PañcavBr
- vi-bhinna mfn. split or broken in two &c
- passed across or through (as by a heavenly body) VarBṛS
- opened blown Ragh
- cleft (said of the temples of an elephant which exude during rut) Bhartṛ
- broken, destroyed BhP
- altered, changed (also in one's feelings) Kāv. Kathās
- alienated, estranged, become faithless Rājat
- separated, divided Kathās
- disunited, living at variance R
- (a place) filled with dissensions Kathās
- disappointed ( See āśā-v○)
- contradictory Subh
- various, manifold Kathās. MārkP
- mingled with (instr.) Kir
- m. N. of Śiva MBh
- -tamisra mfn. having darkness expelled or destroyed MW
- -tā f. -tva n. the state of being broken or split asunder or scattered &c. ib
- -darśin mfn. seeing different things, discerning differences, discerning well MārkP
- -dhairya mfn. having firmness or constancy shaken BhP
- -veṣa mfn. dressed in various garments Pañcar
- ○nnâṅga mfn. one who has his body pierced or transfixed R
- vibhinnī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to separate, divide HYog
- vi-bhettṛ mfn. one who splits or breaks asunder, a destroyer of (gen.) Śak
- vi-bheda m. breaking asunder, splitting, piercing, division, separation MBh. R. &c
- knitting, contraction (of the brows) Sāh
- interruption, disturbance Bālar
- change, alteration Car
- diverging (in opinion), dissension, disagreeing with (samam) MBh. Kāv. &c
- distinction, variety VarBṛS. Kathās. BhP
- vi-bhedaka mfn. distinguishing anything (gen.) from (abl.) Cat
- m. = vibhīdaka L
- vi-ḍbhedana mfn. splitting, cleaving, piercing VarBṛS
- n. the act of splitting &c. Nir. MBh
- setting at variance, disuniting MBh. R. &c
- vi-ḍbhedika mfn. separating, dividing (ifc.) Kāraṇḍ
- vi-ḍbhedin mfn. piercing, rending ( See marma-bh○)
- dispelling, destroying (with gen.) Hariv
- vi-ḍbhedya mfn. to be split or cleft or broken MBh
- vi-√bhī P. -bibheti, to be afraid of, fear MBh. MārkP.: Caus. -bhīṣayati, ○te, to frighten, terrify, intimidate RV. TS. MBh
- vi-bhīta mfn. (for 2. See col. 2) afraid, intimidated MārkP
- vi-bhīṣaka mf(ikā)n. frightening, terrifying MW. [Page 978, Column]
- (ikā), f. the act of terrifying, means of terrifying, terror MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○ṣikā-sthāna n. an object or means of terrifying MW
- vi-bhī́ṣaṇa mf(ā) n. terrifying, fearful, horrible RV. &c. &c
- bullying or blustering (as language) MW
- m. miscarriage, abortion MBh
- Amphidonax Karka L
- N. of a brother of Rāvaṇa (his other brothers were Kubera by a different mother and Kumbha-karṇa
- both Rāvaṇa and Vibhishaṇa are said to have propitiated Brahmā by their penances, so that the god granted them both boons, and the boon chosen by Vibhishaṇa was that he should never, even in the greatest calamity, stoop to any mean action
- hence he is represented in the Rāmāyaṇa as endeavouring to counteract the malice of his brother Rāvaṇa, in consequence of which he was so ill-treated by him that, leaving Laṅkā, he joined Rāma, by whom, after the death of Rāvaṇa, VṭVibhishaṇa was placed on the throne of Laṅkā) MBh. Hariv. R. &c
- of two kings of Kaśmira (the sons of Go-narda and Rāvaṇa) Rājat. i, 192 &c. (in later times Vibhishaṇa appears to have been used as a general N. of the kings of Laṅkā)
- N. of an author Cat
- (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- n. the act or a means of terrifying, terror, intimidation MBh
- N. of the 11th Muhūrta Cat
- ○ṇâbhiṣeka m. 'Vibhishaṇa's inauguration', N. of R. v, 91 (accord. to one recension)
- vi-bhīṣā f. the wish or intention of terrifying MBh
- vi-ḍbhīṣikā f. See under vi-bhīṣaka above
- vi-bhetavya n. (impers.) it is to be feared Pañcat. Hit. (vḷ.)
- vibhīta m. n. = next, ŚāṅgS
- vibhī́taka m. (or ī f.) the tree Terminalia Bellerica
- n. its berry (used as a die) ŚBr. MBh. &c
- vibhī́daka
- m. n. id. RV. GṛŚrS. (cf. vi-bhedaka under vi-√bhid)
- vi-bhu &c. See col. 3
- vi-bhukta (√3. bhuj), in bhukta-v○ g. śāka-pārthivâdi (Siddh. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 69)
- vi-bhugna mfn. (√1. bhuj) bent, bowed, crooked L
- vi-bhuja mfn. in mūla-v○ (q.v.)
- vi-√bhū P. -bhavati, to arise, be developed or manifested, expand, appear RV. TS. MuṇḍUp
- to suffice, be adequate or equal to or a match for (dat. or acc.) ŚBr
- to pervade, fill PañcavBr
- to be able to or capable of (inf.), Bhp
- to exist (in a-vibhavat, 'not existing') KātyŚr.: Caus. -bhāvayati, to cause to arise or appear, develop, manifest, reveal, show forth, display ŚāṅkhBr. MBh. &c
- to pretend, feign Kull. on Mn. viii, 362
- to divide, separate BhP
- to perceive distinctly, find out, discover, ascertain, know, acknowledge, recognise as (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to regard or consider as, take for (two acc.) Kuval
- to suppose, fancy, imagine BhP. Pañcar
- to think, reflect Kathās. Pañcat
- to suppose anything of or about (loc.) BhP
- to make clear, establish, prove, decide Mn. Yājñ
- to convict, convince Yājñ. Daś.: Pass. of Caus. -bhāvyate, to be considered or regarded as, appear, seem (nom.) MBh. Kāv. &c.: Desid., See -bubhūṣā: Intens., -bobhuvat
- vi-bubhūṣā f. (fr. Desid.) the wish or intention to manifest one's self. BhP
- vi-buḍbubhūṣu mfn. wishing to develop or expand one's self. ib
- vi-bobhuvat mfn. (fr. Intens.) spreading or expanding exceedingly over (loc.) MaitrS
- vi-bhava mfn. powerful, rich MBh. xiii, 802
- m. being everywhere, omnipresence Kaṇ
- development, evolution (with Vaishṇavas 'the evolution of the Supreme Being into secondary forms') Sarvad
- power, might, greatness, exalted position, rank, dignity, majesty, dominion R. Kālid. VarBṛS. &c. (ifc. with loc., 'one whose power consists in' Gīt.)
- influence upon (loc.) ŚāṅkhŚr
- (also pl.) wealth, money, property, fortune MBh. Kāv. &c.: luxury, anything sumptuary or superfluous Hcar
- magnanimity, lofty-mindedness W
- emancipation from existence Inscr. BhP
- N. of the 2nd year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBṛS
- destruction (of the world) Buddh
- (in music) a kind of measure
- -kṣaya m. loss of fortune or property Cāṇ
- -tas ind. according to rank or fortune or dignity Kālid. Prab
- -mati f. N. of a princess Rājat
- -mada m. the pride of power MW
- -vat mfn. possessed of power', wealthy Mṛicch. [Page 978, Column]
- vi-ḍbhavin mfn. rich, wealthy Śiś
- vi-bhāva m. (for 1. See under vi-√bhā) any condition which excites or develops a partic. state of mind or body, any cause of emotion (e.g. the persons and circumstances represented in a drama, as opp. to the anu-bhāva or external signs or effects of emotion) Bhar. Daśar. Sāh. (-tva n.)
- a friend, acquaintance L
- N. of Śiva Pañcar
- vi-ḍbhāvaka mfn. causing to appear, procuring or intending to procure (ifc.) MBh. iii, 1347 (Nilak.)
- discussing W
- vi-ḍbhāvana mfn. causing to appear, developing, manifesting Hariv
- (ā), f. (in rhet.) description of effects the causes of which are left to be conjectured (or, accord. to some, 'description by negatives, bringing out the qualities of any object more clearly than by positive description') Vām. Kāvyâd. &c
- n. causing to appear or become visible, development, creation BhP. (Sch. = pālana)
- showing, manifesting Kull. on Mn. ix, 76
- clear perception, examination, judgment, clear ascertainment Mn. Vikr
- (ifc.) reflection on Kathās
- the act of producing a partic. emotion by a work of art Sāh
- ○nâlaṃkāra m. the rhetorical figure described above MW
- vi-ḍbhāvanīya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be clearly perceived or ascertained MārkP
- to be convicted (= bhāvya) Kull. on Mn. viii, 60
- vi-ḍbhāvita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to arise or appear &c
- -tva n. the state of being perceived or judged W
- vi-ḍbhāvin mfn. mighty, powerful Śiś
- (ifc.)causingto appear (varṇa-v○ m. N. of Śiva). MBh. xiii, 1219
- arousing a partic. emotion (esp. of love) Nalôd
- vi-ḍbhāvya mfn. to be clearly perceived or observed, distinguishable, comprehensible MBh. Kāv. &c
- to be attended to or heeded (n. impers. 'it should be heeded') MBh. Kāvyâd
- vi-bhú or (Ved.)
- vi-bhū́ mf(ū́ or vií)n. being everywhere, far-extending, all-pervading, omnipresent, eternal RV. VS. Up. MBh. &c
- abundant, plentiful RV. VS. Br
- mighty, powerful, excellent, great, strong, effective, able to or capable of (inf.) RV. &c. &c
- firm, solid, hard L
- m. a lord, ruler, sovereign, king (also applied to Brahmā, Vishṇu, and Śiva) MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ifc.) chief of or among VarBṛS
- a servant L
- the sun L
- the moon L
- N. of Kubera L. (W. also 'ether
- space
- time
- the soul')
- N. of a god (son of Veda-śiras and Tushitā) BhP
- of a class of gods under Manu Sāvarṇi MārkP
- of Indra under Manu Raivata and under the 7th Manu ib. BhP
- of a son of Vishṇu and Dakshiṇā BhP
- of a son of Bhaga and Siddhi ib
- of Buddha L
- of a brother of Śakuni MBh
- of a son of Śambara Hariv
- of a son of Satya-ketu and father of Su-vibhu VP
- of a son of Dharma-ketu and father of Su-kumāra ib
- of a son of Varsha-ketu or Satya-ketu and father of Ānarta Hariv
- of a son of Prastāva and Niyutsā BhP
- of a son of Bhṛigu MW
- pl. N. of the Ṛibhus RV
- -krátu mfn. strong. heroic RV
- -tā f. power, supremacy W
- -tva n. being everywhere, omnipresence ŚvetUp. Sarvad
- omnipotence, sovereignty PraśnUp. Śak. Bālar
- -tva-samarthana n. N. of wk
- -pramita n. the hall of Brahmā KaushUp
- -mát mfn. extending everywhere RV
- joined with the Vibhus or Ṛibhus VS. AitBr. ŚrS
- -varman m. N. of a man Inscr
- vi-ḍbhuvarī f. (prob. f. of vi-bhvan) far-reaching Kāṭh
- vi-bhū in comp. for
- vi-bhu
- -dā́van mfn. bestowing richly, liberal TS
- -mát mfn. joined with the Vibhus or Ribhus MaitrS
- -vasu (vibhū́.), mfn. possessing mighty treasures or wealth RV
- ví-bhūta mfn. arisen, produced &c
- great, mighty ( See comp.)
- m. = next Buddh
- -ṃ-gamā f. a partic. high number Buddh
- -dyumna (ví○), mfn. abounding in splendour or glory RV
- -manas mfn. (used to explain vi-manas) Nir. x, 26
- -rāti (vi○), mfn. bestowing rich gifts
- ví-bhūti mfn. penetrating, pervading Nir
- abundant, plentiful RV
- mighty, powerful ib
- presiding over (gen.) ib. viii, 50, 6
- m. N. of a Sādhya Hariv
- of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh
- of a king VP
- f. development, multiplication, expansion, plenty, abundance Kāv. Kathās. &c
- manifestation of might, great power, superhuman power (consisting of eight faculties, especially attributed to Śiva, but supposed also to be attainable by human beings through worship of that deity, viz. aṇiman, the power of becoming as minute as an atom
- laghiman, extreme lightness
- prâpti, attaining or reaching anything e.g. the moon with the tip of the finger [Page 979, Column]
- prākāmya, irresistible will
- mahiman, illimitable bulk
- īśitā, supreme dominion
- vaśitā, subjugating by magic
- and kāmâvasāyitā, the suppressing all desires) ib
- a partic. Śakti Hcat
- the might of a king or great lord, sovereign power, greatness Kālid. Pañcat. Kathās. &c
- successful issue (of a sacrifice) MBh. R
- splendour, glory, magnificence Hariv. Ragh. VarBṛS
- fortune, welfare, prosperity PraśnUp. MBh. &c
- (also pl.) riches, wealth, opulence Kām. Kāv. Kathās
- N. of Lakshmi (the goddess of fortune and welfare) BhP
- the ashes of cow-dung &c. (with which Śiva is said to smear his body, and hence used in imitation of him by devotees) Pañcar. Sāh
- (in music) a partic. Śruti Saṃgīt
- -grahaṇa n. taking up ashes (at the Vaiśvadeva ceremony) RTL. 420
- -candra m. N. of an author, Cat
- -dvādaśī f. a Vrata or religious observance on a partic. twelfth day (in honour of Vishṇu) ib
- -dhāraṇa-vidhi m. N. of wk
- -bala m. N. of a poet Cat
- -mat mfn. mighty, powerful, superhuman Bhag. BhP
- smeared with ashes W
- -mādhava m. N. of a poet Cat
- -māhātmya n. N. of a ch. of the PadmaP
- -yoga m. N. of the 6th canto of the Śiva-gītā
- ví-bhūman m. extension, greatness, might TS
- N. of Kṛihṇa BhP. (prob= 'appearing in manifold form' or, omnipotent')
- vi-bhūr-asi m. (lit. 'thou art mighty') a form of Agni or the god of fire MBh
- vi-bhū́vas mfn. (prob.) powerful MaitrS
- m. N. of a man Sāy
- vibhva in comp. for vi-bhvan below
- ○taṣṭá mfn. cut out or furnished by a skilful artificer, very perfect or handsome RV
- ví-bhvan mfn. far-reaching, penetrating, pervading. RV
- m. N. of one of the Ṛibhus ib
- (án), mfn. skilful ib
- m. an artificer ib
- vibhvā-sáh mfn. (vibhvā for vi-bhvan) conquering or overcoming the rich RV
- vi-√bhūṣ P
- vi-√bhūṣ--bhūṣati to be brilliant, appear (?) RV. i, 112 4 (Sāy. vyāpto bhavati)
- to adorn, decorate ib. vi, 15, 9: Caus. -bhūṣayati, to adorn, decorate MBh. Kāv. &c
- vi-bhūṣaṇa mfn. adoming R
- m. N. of Mañju-śrī L
- n. (ifc. f. ā) decoration, ornament MBh. Kāv. &c
- splendour, beauty Daśar
- -kalā f. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- -vat mfn. adorned, decorated Mṛicch
- ○nôdbhāsin mfn. glittering with ornaments Kum
- vi-ḍbhūṣā f. ornament, decoration VarBṛS. Kām
- light, splendour, beauty L
- vi-ḍbhūṣita mfn. adorned, decorated MBh. Kāv. &c
- n. an ornament, decoration R
- ○tâṅga mfn. decorated about the body MW
- ○tâlaṃkārā f. N. of a Gandharvii and of a Kiṃ-narī Kāraṇḍ
- vi-ḍbhāṣin mfn. adorned, decorated(ifc.) MBh
- adornor, 'omnipotent' (said of Śiva
- cf. vi-bhū) Śivag
- vi-√bhṛ P. Ā. -bharati, ○te, to spread out, spread asunder RV. AV
- (Ā) to distribute, diffuse ib. VS
- to bear, endure MBh.: Intens. (only -bháribhrat and -jarbhritás), to move hither and thither or from side to side (as the tongue) RV. ii, 4, 4: to open the mouth, gape ib. i, 28, 7
- ví-bhṛta mfn. spread out, distributed RV. x, 45, 2 &c
- upheld, supported, maintained W
- ví-ḍbhṛtra (ví-), mf(ā)n. to be (or being) borne about or in various directions RV
- ví-ḍbhṛ́tvan mfn. bearing hither and thither ib
- vibhoka m. N. of a poet Cat
- vi-√bhraṃś (sometimes written bhraṃs), Ā. -bhraṃśate, to fall off (fig.), be unfortunate, fail or be unsuccessful in (loc.) PañcavBr
- to be separated from, desert (abl.) KātyŚr.: Caus. -bhraṃśayati, to cause to fall MBh
- to strike or break off R
- to cause to disappear or vanish, destroy annihilate BhP
- to divert from, deprive of (abl) MBh. BhP
- vi-ḍbhraṃśa m. diarrhoea, laxity of the bowels ( See manda-v○)
- decline, cessation, end MBh. Kathās. Pur
- disturbance, perturbation ( See citta-v○)
- fall, decay, ruin MBh. VarBṛS. BhP
- (ifc.) being deprived of, loss Pur. Rājat
- a precipice MW
- -yājña m. a partic. Ekâtha Vait
- vi-ḍbhraṃśita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to fall &c
- -jñāna mfn. deprived of reason or consciousness BhP
- -puṣpa-pattra mfn. having the flowers and leaves knocked off R
- vi-ḍbhraṃśin mfn. crumbling to pieces ( See a-v○)
- falling down, dropping from (ifc.) Megh. [Page 979, Column]
- vi-bhraṣṭa mfn. fallen, sunk MBh
- disappeared, vanished, gone, lost R. MārkP
- useless, vain PañcavBr
- (ifc.) strayed from Kathās
- deprived of. MBh. R
- unsuccessful in TS
- -timira mfn. freed from darkness (as the sky) R
- -harṣa mf(ā)n. deprived of joy ib
- ○ṭêṣṭ-prayoga m. N. of wk
- vi-√bhram P. -bhramati, -bhrāmyati, to wander or roam or fly about, roll, hover, whirl MBh. Kāv. &c
- to reel, quiver, shake BhP
- to roam over, wander through (acc.). MBh
- to fall into disorder or confusion, be disarranged or bewildered MBh. Hariv. &c
- to drive asunder, disperse, scare away MBh
- to move about (the tail) R.: Caus. -bhramayati, or -bhrāmayati (Pass. -bhrāmyate), to confise, perplex MārkP. Hcat
- vi-bhrama m. (ifc. f. ā) moving to and fro, rolling or whirling about, restlessness, unsteadiness Kāv. VarBṛS. Rājat
- violence, excess, intensity, high degree (also pl.) Kāv. Kathās. &c
- hurry, rapture, agitation, disturbance, perturbation, confusion, flurry MBh. Kāv. &c
- doubt, error, mistake, blunder (with daṇḍasya, 'erroneous application of punishment') Mn. MBh. &c
- illusion, illusive appearance or mere semblance of anything Kāv. Kathās. &c. (cf. -bhāṣita)
- beauty, grace Kālid. Mālatīm
- feminine coquetry, amorous gestures or action of any kind (esp. play of the eyes), perturbation, flurry (as when a woman in her confusion puts her ornaments in the wrong places) Bhar. Daśar. Sāh
- caprice, whim MW
- (ā), f. old age L
- -tantra n. (= -sūtra)
- -bhāṣita, n. pl. language in appearance Subh
- -vatī f. a girl Harav
- N. of a female servant Prab
- -sūtra n. N. of a treatise on grammar (attributed to Hema-candra)
- ○mârka m. N. of a man Rājat
- vi-bhramin mfn. moving hither and thither Chandom
- vi-bhrānta mfn. wandered or wandering about &c. (n. impers. 'it has been roamed' Nalôd.)
- rolling or ogling (as the eyes
- See below)
- spread abroad (as fame) Prab
- confused, bewildered MBh
- -nayana mfn. one who rolls the eyes or casts side glances R
- -manas mfn. bewildered or confused in mind MBh
- -śīla mfn. confused in mind or disposition, intoxicated or insane W
- m. a monkey ib
- the disc of the sun or moon ib
- vi-ḍbhrānti f. whirling, going round W
- hurry, agitation ib
- error, delusion Prab
- vi-√bhrāj Ā. -bhrājate (ep. also P.), to shine forth, be bright or radiant RV. &c. &c
- to shine through (acc.) RV. AV
- Caus. -bhrājayati, to cause to shine or beam MBh. Hariv. BhP
- vi-bhrā́j mfn. (nom. ṭ) shining, splendid, luminous RV
- m. (with saurya) N. of the author of RV. x, 170 Anukr
- vi-ḍbhrāja m. N. of a king Hariv
- vi-ḍbhrājita mfn. (fr. Caus.) made splendid or bright, caused to shine MBh
- ví-bhrāṣṭi f. radiance, flame, blaze RV
- vibhru m. (perhaps wṛ. for vi-bhu) a prince, king MBh. iii, 12705 (B. -babhru)
- vi-bhreṣa m. (√bhreṣ) commission of an offence, transgression (used to explain pramoga) ĀśvŚr. Sch
- vi-bhvan &c. See col. 1
- vi-√maṃh Ā. -maṃhate, to distribute, bestow RV
- vi√majj P. -majjati, to plungo or dive into, enter into MBh. vii, 9223 (perhaps wṛ. for mi-majj): Caus. majjayati, to submerge, cause to plunge, lead into (loc.) ib. vi, 538
- majjita mfn. (fr. Caus.) submerged, drowned ib. iii, 10612
- vi-mata See under vi-√man, col. 3
- vi-mati (or matsara &c. See p. 951, col. 3. For 2. vi-mati, See col. 3
- vi-√math (or manth), P. Ā. -mathati, ○te, -mathnāti, ○nīte &c. (in Veda generally Ā
- inf. -mathitos AitBr
- ○tum BhP.), to tear off, snatch away TS. ŚBr
- to tear or break in pieces, rend asunder, bruise ib. AitBr. Kāṭh
- to cut in pieces, disperse, scatter MBh. R
- to confuse, perplex, bewilder BhP
- vi-ḍmathita mfn. crushed or dashed to pieces, scattered, dispersed, destroyed ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c. [Page 979, Column]
- vi-ḍmathitṛ m. a crusher, destroyer ŚāṅkhŚr
- vi-manthana n. churning R
- vi-māthá m. the act of crushing or destroying utterly TBr. ŚBr
- vi-ḍmāthin mfn. crushing down, destroying Kathās
- vi-√mad P. -mādyati (Ved. also -madati), to be joyful or merry (only p. -mádat) AV
- to become perplexed or discomposed AitBr
- to confound, embarrass, disturb ŚāṅkhBr.: Caus, (only aor. vy-amīmadam), to confuse, perplex, be. wilder AV
- vi-matta mfn. discomposed, perplexed AitBr
- being in rut, ruttish ib. Kir
- intoxicated MW
- vi-mad f. pl. N. of partic. verses or formulas ŚāṅkhBr
- vi-mada &c. See p. 951, col. 3
- vi-madita mfn. (fr. Caus.) discomposed, bewildered, confused AitBr
- vi-madhya vi-madhyama, See p. 951, col. 3
- vi-√man (only r. pl. pr. Ā. -manmahe), to distinguish RV. x, 92, 3: Caus. -mānayati to dishonour, slight, treat with disrespect, SaṃhitUp. MBh. Kāv. &c
- vi-mata mfn. disagreed, at variance, of a different mind or disposition, hostile ĀśvŚr
- slighted, offended BhP
- any that may please (= 'every') Sarvad
- m. an enemy W
- m. orn. (?) N. of a place on the river Go-matī R. 2
- vi-ḍmati mfn. of different opinion, g. dṛḍhâdi
- f. difference of opinion. dissent, disagreement about (loc.) Pāṇ. Naish. Sāh
- dislike, aversion R
- doubt, uncertainty, error Lalit. Saddh
- -tā, t (MW.), -man m. (g. dṛḍhâdi), difference of opinion
- -vikīraṇa m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh
- -samudghātin m. N. of a prince ib
- vi-māna m. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 3
- for 3. under vi-√mā) disrespect, dishonour ( See a-vi mana)
- vi-ḍmānana n. (and ā f.) disrespect, contempt, slight, humiliation MBh. Kāv. &c
- refusal, denial Suśr
- vi-ḍmānita mfn. (fr. Caus.) dishonoured, slighted, treated with disrespect MBh. R., &c
- vi-ḍmānya mfn. to be dishonoured or offended Śak
- vi-manas. 2 vi-manthara, vimanyu &c. See p. 951, col. 3
- vima-bhūpāla (?), m. N. of a, Scholiast Cat
- vi-maya See under vi-√me, p. 981
- vi-marda vi-marśa, See under vi√mṛd and vi-√mṛś, p. 981, col. 1
- vi-marṣa ○ṣaṇa, ○ṣin, w.i. for vi-marśa &c
- vi-mala mf(ā)n. stainless, spotless, clean, bright, pure (lit. and fig.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (e ind. at daybreak MBh. v, 7247)
- clear, transparent Sarvad
- white ( See ○lêbha)
- m. a magical formula recited over weapons R
- a partic. Samādhi Buddh
- a partic. world ib
- a lunar year L
- N. of an Asura Kathās
- of a Deva-putra and Bodhimaṇḍa-pratipāla Lalit
- of a Bhikshu ib
- of a brother of Yaśas Buddh
- (with Jainas) N. of the 5th Arhat in the past Utsarpiṇi and of the 13th in the present Avasarpiṇī L
- of a son of Su-dyumna BhP
- of the father of Padma-pāda Cat
- of various authors (also with saracvatī) ib
- (ā), f. a species of Opuntia L
- a partic. Śakti Hcat
- N. of Dākshāyaṇī in Purushôttama Cat
- of a Yogini Hcat
- of a daughter of Gandharvii MBh
- (with Buddhists) N. of one of the 10 Bhūmis or stages of perfection Dharmas.64
- n. silver gilt L
- N. of a town ( See -pura)
- of a Tantra
- -kirīṭa-hāra-vat mfn. having a bright crest and pearl-necklace R
- -kīrti m. 'of spotless fame', N. of a Buddhist scholar
- -nirdeśa m. N. of a Mahāyāna-sūtra
- -garbha m. a partic. Samādhi, Buddb
- of a Bodhi-sattva and a prince ib
- -candra m. N. of a king Buddh
- -tā f. -tva n. stainlessness, cleanliness, brightness, clearness, purity MBh. Kāv. &c
- -datta m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh
- N. of a prince ib
- (ā), f. N. of a princess ib
- -dāna n. a gift or offering to a deity MW
- -nātha-purāṇa n. N. of a Jaina wk
- -nirbhāsa m. a partic. Samādhi SaddhP
- -netra m. N. of a Buddha ib
- of a prince ib
- -piṇḍaka m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- -pura n. N. of a city Kathās. [Page 980, Column]
- -pradīpa m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh. -prabha m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh. (also ā f. Dharmas. 136)
- N. of a Buddha ib
- of a Devaputra ib. (vḷ. a-vimala-p○)
- (ā), f. N. of a princess Rājat
- -prabhāsa-śrī-tejo-rāja-garbha m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh
- -praśnôttara-mālā f. N. of wk
- -buddhi m. N. of a man Kathās
- -bodha m. N. of a Commentator Cat
- -brahma-varya m. N. of an author ib
- -bhadra m. N. of a man Buddh
- -bhāsa m. a partic. Samādhi ib
- -bhūdhara m. N. of a Commentator Cat
- -maṇi m. crystal L
- (○ṇi-kara m. N. of a Buddhist deity, Klac.)
- -mati mfn. pure-minded, pure in heart VP
- -mitra m. N. of a scholar Buddh
- -vāhana m. N. of two princes Śatr
- -vega-śrī m. N. of a prince of the Gandharvas Buddh
- -vyūha m. N. of a garden ib
- -śrī-garbha m. N. of a Bodhisattva ib
- -svambhāva m. N. of a mountain ib
- ○-svabhāva m. N. of a mountain ib
- ○lâkara m. N. of a prince Kathās
- ○lâgra-netra m. N. of a future Buddha SaddhP
- ○lâtmaka mfn. pureminded, clean, pure L
- ○lâtman, 1, mfn. id. R
- ○lâditya m. a partic. form of the sun Cat
- ○lâdri m. N. of the mountain Vimala or Girnar in Gujarāt (celebrated for its inscriptions
- it is also called Śatruṃjaya) L
- ○lânana mfn. bright-faced Kāv
- ○lânanda (with yogī7ndra), m. N. of a teacher Cat. (○da-natha m. N. of an author
- ○da-bhāṣya n. N. of wk.)
- ○lâpa mfn. having pure water Laghuk
- ○lârthaka mfn. (said to be) = vimalâtmaka L
- ○lâśoka m. or n. (?) N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh
- ○lâśvā f. N. of a village Rājat
- ○lêśvaratīrtha n. and ○lêśvara-puṣkariṇī-saṃgama-tīrtha n. N. of two Tīrthas Cat
- ○lôdakā, or ○lôdā f. N. of a river MBh
- ○lôrja or ○logya (?), n. N. of a Tantra
- vi-malaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make clear or pure Ragh. Kuval
- ○lita mfn. clear, pure Inscr
- vi-ḍmaliman m. clearness, purity Daś
- vi-ḍmali-karaṇa n. the act of clearing, purification Sarvad
- vi-mastakita vi-mahat &c. See p. 951, eol. 3
- vi-mā √3. P. Ā. -māti, -mimīte, to measure, mete out, pass over, traverse RV. Br. Kauś
- to enumerate BhP
- to ordain, fix, set right, arrange, make ready, prepare RV
- ví-māna mf(ī)n. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 3
- for 2, under vi-√man) measuring out, traversing RV. AV. MBh
- m. n. a car or chariot of the gods, any mythical self-moving aerial car (sometimes serving as a seat or throne, sometimes self-moving and carrying its occupant through the air
- other descriptions make the Vimāna more like a house or palace, and one kind is said to be 7 stories high
- that of Rāvaṇa was called puṣpaka, q.v
- the nau-v○ [Ragh. xvi, 6] is thought to resemble a ship) MBh. Kāv. &c
- any car or vehicle (esp. a bier) Rājat. vii, 446
- the palace of an emperor or supreme monarch (esp. one with 7 stories) MBh. Kāv. &c
- a temple or shrine of a partic. form VarBṛS
- a kind of tower (?) R. v, 52, 8
- a grove Jātakam
- a ship, boat L
- a horse L
- n. measure RV
- extension ib
- (in med.) the science of (right) measure or proportion (e.g. of the right relation between the humours of the body, of medicines and remedies &c.) Car
- -gamana n. 'going in a car', N. of a ch. of the GaṇP
- cārin mfn. travelling in a celestial car MW
- -cyuta mfn. fallen from a celṭcelestial car Rājat
- -tā f. -tva n. the state or condition of a celṭcelestial car Kāv. Kathās
- -nirvyūha m. a partic. Samidhi Kāraṇḍ
- -pāla m. the guardian of a celṭcelestial car MBh
- -pratima mfn. resembling a celṭcelestial car MBh
- -prabhu-tā f. the ownership of a celṭcelestial car MW
- -māhātmya n. N. of a ch. of the VP
- -yāna mf(ā)n. going or driving in a celṭcelestial car BhP
- -rāja m. the driver of a celestial car MW
- -lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk. on architecture
- -vat ind. like a self-moving car Kir
- -vidyā f. -suddhi-pūjā f. N. of wks
- -stha mfn. standing on a celṭcelestial car MW
- -sthāna n. N. of awk. on medicine
- ví-ḍmānaka (ifc.) = vi-māna, a celestial car Kathās
- a seven-storied palace or tower R
- vimānī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to turn into a celestial car Kād
- vi-māṃsa vi-mātṛ &c. See p. 951
- vi-mātavya See under vi-√me
- vi-mārga &c. See p. 951, col. 3
- vi-mārga See under vi-√mṛj. [Page 980, Column]
- vi-mārgaṇa n. (√mārg) the act of seeking for (gen.) Kir
- vi-√mi P. A. -minoti, -minute, to fix, build, erect RV. Br. GṛŚrS
- ví-mita mfn. fixed, built &c
- n. a square shed or large building resting on four posts (ifc. any hall or building) ŚBr. ŚrS. ChUp
- vi-√miśr P. -miśrayati, to mix or mingle together MBh
- vi-miśra mf(ā)n. mixed, mingled, miscellaneous MBh. Hariv. VarBṛS
- mixed or mingled with, attended or accompanied by (instr. or comp.) ib. Suśr. &c
- applied to one of the 7 divisions into which the course of Mercury, accord. to Parāśara, is divided VarBṛS
- n. capital and interest &c., Lil
- vi-ḍmiśraka mfn. mixed, miscellaneous VarBṛS
- n. a kind of salt L
- vi-ḍmiśrita mfn. mixed, mingled (with lipi f. a partic. mode of writing) Lalit
- vi-mukta See under I. vi-√muc
- vi-mukha mf(ā)n. having the face averted, turned backwards (acc. with √kṛ', to cause to fly', 'putto flight') MBh. Kāv. &c
- turning away from (gen.), disappointed, downcast Kāv. Kathās. Pur
- averse or opposed to, abstaining or desisting from (loc., abl., gen. with upari, or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ifc.) indifferent to Vcar
- adverse, hostile (as fate), Veṇls
- (ifc.) wanting, lacking, Śāntiś
- (vi priv.) without the mouth or opening ŚārṅgS
- deprived of the face or head Hariv
- m. N. of a text (VS. xvii, 86
- xxxix, 7) KātyŚr
- of a Muni (v. l. vimuca) R
- -tā f. -tva n. aversion, disinclination to (loc., acc. with prati, or comp.) Kāv. Sāh
- vimukhaya Nom. P. ○yati, to render averse
- ○khita mfn. averse, hostile Kād
- vimukhin mfn. having the face averted, averse from, hostile W
- ○khi-tā f. (or -tva n.) turning away, aversion, enmity ib
- vimukhī in comp. for vimukha. -karaṇa n. (ifc.) the rendering averse to, Śaṃk,
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to put to flight MBh. Hariv
- to render averse or indifferent to (abl. or comp.) Śaṃk
- -kṛta mfn. turned away, averse, indifferent ib. Caurap
- frustrated R
- ○bhāva m. aversion Gīt
- ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to turn the back, flee Ragh
- to turn away from (abl.) Mṛicch
- vi-mugdha See under vi-√muh
- vi-√muc P. Ā. -muñcati, ○te (Impv. -mumoktu RV. i, 24, 13), to unloose, unharness (Ā. 'one's own horses'), unyoke (i.e. make to halt, cause to stop or rest') RV. &c. &c
- to take off (clothes, ornaments &c.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to release, set free, liberate ib
- to leave, abandon, quit, desert, give up, relinquish ib
- to shun, avoid MuṇḍUp. Bhag. &c
- to lose (consciousness) Hariv
- to pardon, forgive Gīt. BhP
- to emit, discharge, shed, pour or send forth MBh. R. Pañcat. (with grastam, to set free a seized planet i.e. 'free it from eclipse' Sūryas.)
- to throw, hurl, cast (with ātmānam and loc., 'to cast one's self into' Uttarar.) MBh. R. &c
- to utter (a sound) MBh
- to assume (a shape) Mn. i, 56
- to lay (eggs) Pañcat. i, 353/354/
- Pass. -mucyate, to be unloosed or detached &c
- to be slackened (as reins) Śak
- to drop or be expelled (prematurely, as a fetus) Suśr
- to be freed or delivered or released (esp. from the bonds of existence), get rid of, escape from (abl., adv. in -tas gen., or instr.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to be deprived of (instr.) Hit.: Caus. -mocayati, to loosen, detach Śak
- to unyoke Kauś
- to set free, deliver from (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to keep off, avoid R.: Desid. -mumukṣati, ○te, to wish to liberate (Ā. 'one's self') BhP
- vi-mukta mfn. unloosed, unharnessed &c
- set free, liberated (esp. from mundane existence), freed or delivered or escaped from (abl., instr., or ifc
- rarely ibc
- cf. -śāpa) Mn. MBh. &c
- deprived of(instr.) MBh
- launched (as a ship) R
- given up, abandoned, relinquished, deserted ib. BhP
- hurled, thrown MBh
- emitted or discharged by, flowing from (comp.) Ratnâv
- shed or bestowed on (loc.) Rājat
- (a snake) which has recently cast its skin MBh. viii, 740
- dispassionate R. iv, 32, 18
- -kaṇṭha mfn. having the throat or voice unloosed, raising a loud cry (am ind. aloud, at the top of one's voice) Amar
- -keśa mfn. having flowing or dishevelled hair BhP
- -tā f. loss of (gen.) Kām
- -pagraha mfn. with slackened reins Bhaṭṭ
- -maunam ind. breaking silence Kathās. [Page 980, Column]
- -śāpa mfn. released from the (consequences) of a curse VP
- -sena m. N. of a teacher Buddh
- ○tâcārya m. N. of an author Cat
- vi-ḍmukti f. disjunction (opp. to yukti) AitBr
- (ifc.) giving up Kum
- release, deliverance, liberation Kāv. Kathās. Pur
- release from the bonds of existence, final emancipation Kap. VP
- -candra m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh
- -patha m. the way of final emancipation MW
- -mahiman m. N. of wk
- vi-múc f. unyoking, alighting, stopping, putting up RV. (vimuco napāt, 'son of unyoking', N. of Pūshan as' conductor on the way to the next world' ib.)
- vi-ḍmuca m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh
- vi-moká m. unyoking, unbending, cessation, termination TS. AV
- letting go, abandoning, giving up AgP
- deliverance from (abl. or comp.) Nyāyam. Sch
- liberation from sensuality or worldly objects Sarvad
- vi-ḍmókam ind. so that the horses are unharnessed or changed TS. Br
- vi-ḍmoktavya mfn. to be let loose or set at liberty MBh
- to be given up or abandoned R
- to be discharged or hurled or cast at (dat. or loc.) MBh
- vi-ḍmoktṛ́ mf(trī́)n. one who unyokes or unharnesses VS. TBr
- vi-ḍmokya See a-vimokyá
- vi-mocaka mfn. releasing, delivering from (ifc.) Cat
- vi-ḍmócana mf(ī)n. unyoking, loosening RV
- &c. &c
- m. N. of Śiva MBh
- (ī), f. N. of a river VP
- n. unharnessing, alighting, stopping for rest, relief. RV. TS. ŚBr
- deliverance, liberation (esp. from sin) MBh. MārkP
- giving up, abandoning MBh
- N. of a place of pilgrimage ib
- vi-ḍmocanīya mfn. (ifc.) relating to the unharnessing of ŚBr. KātyŚr. (cf. dundubhi- and ratha-v○)
- vi-ḍmocita mfn. (fr. Caus.) loosened, liberated
- m. N. of Śiva Śivag
- vi-ḍmocya mfn. to be released or delivered MBh
- vimuda m. or n. (?) a partic. high number Buddh
- vi-√muh P. Ā
- -muhyati, ○te, to be confused, become bewildered or stupefied, faint away Yājñ. MBh. &c.: Caus. -mohayati, to confuse, bewilder, infatuate MBh. Kāv. &c
- to confound, efface Sāy
- vi-mugdha mfn. confused, bewildered, infatuated Hit
- vi-mūḍha id. MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ifc.) perplexed as to, uncertain about Kathās
- foolish, stupid Prab
- -cetas (R.), -dhī (MārkP), mfn. foolish-minded, simple
- -bhāva m. bewildered state, confusion MW
- -saṃjña mfn. bewildered in mind, senseless, unconscious W
- ○ḍhâtman mfn. foolish-minded, perplexed in mind, senseless Bhag
- vi-ḍmūḍhaka n. a kind of farce Bhar. (perhaps wṛ. for dvi-gūḍhaka)
- vi-moha m. confusion of the mind, perplexity (also mati-v○), Kaths1s. BhP
- a kind of hell VP
- -da mfn. causing perplexity, bewildering Kathās
- vi-ḍmohaka mf(ikā)n. bewildering the mind, bewitching Naish
- vi-ḍmohana mfn. id. BhP
- m. a kind of hell VP. (cf. naraka)
- n. confusion, perplexity Rājat. Prab
- the art of confusing or bewildering (= ākuli-karaṇa) Pāṇ. 7-2. 54 Sch
- vi-ḍmohita mfn. confused, infatuated, bewitched, beguiled R. Kathās. &c
- vi-ḍmohin mfn. perplexing, bewildering, Kaths1s. BhP
- vi-mūrchita mfn. (√murch) thickened, coagulated, become solid Yājñ. Vāgbh
- (ifc.) full of, mixed with, Bh. Car
- resounding with BhP
- n. 'becoming stiff', fainting, a swoon Divyâv
- vi-mūrta mfn. coagulated, become hard or solid, SāṅkhBr
- vi-√mṛj P. Ā. -mārṣṭi, -mṛṣṭe (pf. Pot. -māmṛjīta RV.), to rub off or out, purify, cleanse Br. ŚrS
- to rub dry TS
- to rub on or in, anoint, smear with (instr.) GṛŚrS
- to wipe off MBh. Mṛicch
- to rub, stroke, caress MBh. R. &c
- Ā. (with tanvám), to adorn or arm one's self RV. vii, 95, 3
- vi-mārga m. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 3) wiping off ĀpŚr. Sch
- a broom, brush L
- vi-mārjana n. wiping off, cleansing, purifying ŚāṅkhŚr
- vi-mṛṣṭa mfn. (for 2. See under vi-√mṛś) rubbed off &c
- depressed ( See below)
- rāga mfn. having the colour refined or purified Kum
- ○ṭântarâṃsa mfn. having the space between the shoulders a little depressed (nyūna Sch.) ŚBr
- vi-√mṛd P. -mṛdnāti, -mardati, to crush or press to pieces, bruise, pound, grind down, lay waste, destroy Mn. MBh. &c. [Page 981, Column]
- to rub together Suśr.: Caus. -mardayati, to crush to pieces, bruise Kāv. Pur
- to rub Suśr
- vi-marda m. crushing, bruising, grinding, pounding, rubbing, friction MBh. Kāv. &c
- trampling Ratnâv
- hostile encounter, conflict, scuffle, fight, war, tumult MBh. Kāv. &c
- laying waste, devastation, destruction ib
- interruption, disturbance Mṛicch. Hit
- touch, contact Sāṃkhyak
- refusal, rejection R
- complete obscuration, total eclipse Sūryas. VarBṛS
- weariness, tediousness MW
- the trituration of perfumes W
- Cassia Sophora L
- N. of a prince MārkP
- -kṣama mfn. patient of being trampled on (in wars or tumults, said of the earth) Uttarar
- ○dârdha n. the time from the apparent conjunction to the end of an eclipse W
- ○dôttha m. fragrance arising from the trituration of perfumes ib
- vi-ḍmardaka mfn. crushing, pounding, destroying Hariv
- m. the act of pounding, grinding, destroying, Mw
- rolling ib
- the trituration of perfumes ib
- the conjunction of the sun and moon, eclipse ib
- Cassia Tora L
- N. of a man Daś
- vi-ḍmardana mfn. pressing, squeezing Sāh
- crushing, destroying MBh. R. &c
- fragrance, perfume Gal
- N. of a Rākshasa R
- of a prince of the Vidyādharas Kathās
- n. (and ā f.) the act of rubbing or grinding, or pounding or crushing Gaut. Āpast
- hostile encounter, fight, battle, war Prab. BhP
- devastation, destruction MBh
- the trituration of perfumes W
- an eclipse ib
- vi-ḍmardita mfn. (fr. Caus.) crushed, bruised, &c. R. BhP
- rubbed, anointed Suśr
- vi-ḍmardin mfn. crushing to pieces, destroying, removing MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- vi-mṛdita mfn. bruised, pounded, broken, rubbed Yājñ. R. Suśr
- dhvaja mfn. having a crushed or broken banner R
- vi-mṛ́dh m. (√mṛdh) a despiser, foe, enemy Vait
- 'averter of enemies', N. of Indra RV
- ○mṛd-vat mf(atī)n. belonging to Indra ŚāṅkhBr
- vi-ḍmṛdhá mf(ā)n. warding off an enemy TS
- vi-√mṛś (often confounded with vi-√mṛṣ), P. -mṛśati, to touch (with the hands), stroke, feel MBh. R
- to touch (mentally), be sensible or aware of, perceive, consider, reflect on, deliberate about RV. &c. &c
- to investigate, examine, try, test MBh. Kāv. &c
- (with inf.) to hesitate about doing anything Sāh.: Caus. -marśayati, to ponder, reflect on, consider Kāv. Pañcat. BhP
- vi-marśa m. consideration, deliberation, trial, critical test, examination PañcavBr. MBh. &c
- reasoning. discussion Prab
- knowledge, intelligence Sarvad
- N. of Śiva MBh
- (in dram.) critical juncture or crisis (one of the 5 Saṃdhis or jonctures of the plot, intervening between the garbha or germ and the nirvahana or catastrophe, e.g. in the Śakuntalā the removal of her veil in the 5th act) Bhar. Daśar. &c
- -vat mfn. reflecting, meditative, doubtful Jātakam
- -vādin mfn. uttering discussions, one who reasons, a reasoner Prab
- ○śâṅga n. a division of the dramatic Vimarśa (of which there are said to be 13) Bhar
- vi-ḍmarśana m. (written ○marṣaṇa) N. of a king of the Kirātas Cat
- n. discussing, investigation BhP
- vi-ḍmarśita mfn. (fr. Caus.) reflected on, considered Pañcat
- vi-ḍmarśin mfn. considering, trying, examining Kathās. Sarvad
- vi-mṛśa m. reflection, consideration, deliberation ib
- vi-ḍmṛśita mfn. reflected on, considered BhP. 1
- vi-ḍmṛśya mfn. to be tried or examined ib. 2
- vi-ḍmṛśya ind. having deliberated or considered (-kārin, mfn. acting after due deliberation) Hit
- vi-mṛṣṭa mfn. (for 1. See under vi-√mṛj) reflected on, considered, weighed MW
- vi-√mṛṣ P. Ā. -mṛṣyati, ○te, or -marṣati, ○te (cf. vi-√mṛś), to l, e distressed, bear hardly W
- vi-marṣa m. irritation, impatience, displeasure W
- vi-ḍmarṣin mfn. impatient, intolerant, averse, disliking ib
- vi-√me Ā. -mayate, to change places, alternate (?) RV. x, 40, 10
- vi-maya m. exchange, barter L
- vi-mātavya mfn. to be bartered with (instr.) Vās
- vi-megha vi-mogha, &c. See p. 952
- vi-√mokṣ P. -mokṣayati, to set free, let loose, liberate MBh
- vi-ḍmokṣá m. the being loosened or undone PārGṛ. [Page 981, Column]
- release, deliverance from (abl. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
- liberation of the soul, i.e. final emancipation (sometimes 8, sometimes 3 kinds are enumerated, Dharmas.59 and 73) ŚBr. Bhag. &c
- letting loose, setting at liberty (a thief) Mn. viii, 3, 16
- giving up, abandoning VPrāt. MBh
- letting flow, shedding (of tears) MBh
- gift, bestowal (of wealth) R
- discharge (of arrows) MBh
- -karā f. N. of a Kiṃ-narī Kāraṇḍ
- vi-ḍmokṣaka mfn. one who releases from (ifc.) R
- vi-ḍmokṣaṇa mfn. liberating from (ifc.) BhP
- n. untying, loosening VarBṛS
- liberation, deliverance from (abl. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (also, from an embryo' MBh. i, 2369
- aṇḍáá-v○', laying eggs' Pañcat
- asṛg-v○, letting blood' Suśr.)
- taking off, casting away, Sṛiṅgār
- giving up (the ghost) MBh
- discharging (arrows) R
- vi-ḍmokṣin mfn. one who has attained to final emancipation MBh
- vi-mocaka ○cana &c. See p. 980
- vimba &c. See bimba
- vi-√mrad (only Impv. -mradā), to make soft or tender, soften RV. vi, 53, 3
- vi-√mrit P. -mrityati, to fall to pieces, crumble away, decay ŚBr
- vi-√mlai P, Ā. -mlāyati, ○te, to wither away, languish, become wesk or weary ChUp.: Caus. -mlāpayati, to cause to wither or languish, weary, enfeeble Suśr
- vi-mlāna mfn. (for 1. See p. 952, col. 1) faded or withered away, bereft of lustre or beauty, fresh, pure W
- vi-mlāpana n. causing to wither or languish, softening Suśr
- viyaṅga See 2. avyaṅga
- vi-√yat Ā. -yatate, to dispose in various rows AV.: Caus. -yātayati, to place in rows, arrange TS
- to do penance AV
- to torment, pain, punish MBh
- vi-yát mfn. (pr. p. of vi- √5. i) going apart or asunder RV. i, 164, 38
- being dissolved, passing away, vanishing BhP
- n. the sky, heaven, air, atmosphere (prob. as 'that which parts asunder or forms the intermediate region between heaven and earth') VS. &c. &c
- ether (as an element) BhP. Sarvad
- N. of the 10th mansion VarBṛS
- a kind of metre VS
- ○patākā f. 'sky-banner', lightning, Ṛit. iii, 12
- ○patha m. 'sky-path', the atmosphere Dharmaś
- ○stha mfn. standing or being in the air MBh
- viyac in comp. for vi-yat
- ○cara mfn. flying through the air MBh
- ○cārin m. 'sky-goer', Falco Cheela (= cilla) L
- viyad in comp. for vi-yat
- ○gaṅgā f. the heavenly Ganges, i.e. the galaxy L
- ○gata mfn. moving or flying in the air MBh. Śiś
- ○gati f. motion in the air W
- ○bhūti f. 'sky-power', darkness ib
- ○vyāpin mfn. filling the air, Vṛishabhān
- viyan in comp. for vi-yat
- ○maṇi m. 'skyjewel', the sun L
- ○madhya-haṃsa m. 'the flamingo in the middle of the sky', the sun Daś
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of air Hcar
- viyati m. N. of one of the six sons of Nahusha Pur
- a bird L
- vi-√yam P. -yacchati (3. pl. pf. Ā. -yemire RV. iv, 54, 5), to spread out, extend RV
- to stretch out the legs, step out (as a running horse) ib
- to hold apart or asunder ib.: Caus. -yāmayati to stretch out, extend AV
- vi-yata mfn. stretched out, extended, kept apart RV. AV
- (am), ind. separately, at intervals, intermittingly ŚrS
- vi-yama m. (only L.) = next Pāṇ. 3-3, 63
- vi-yāma m. (only L.) a partic. measure of length (= a fathom measured by the two extended arms)
- for bearance, restraint
- rest, stop, cessation, pain, distress
- vi-√yā P. -yāti, to go or pass through, traverse, cross, drive through (with a car), cut through (with wheels), destroy RV. MaitrS. ŚBr
- to depart, turn away MaitrS. BhP
- vi-ḍyāta mfn. 'gone apart or from the right path', shameless, impudent, ill-behaved L
- -tā f. = next Śiś
- vi-ḍyātiman m. shamelessness, impudence L
- viyāṅga See 2. avyaṅga. [Page 981, Column]
- vi-yāsá m. (√yas) N. of a partic. demon who inflicts torment in Yama's world VS. TS
- vi-√yu P. -yuyoti, -yauti, to separate, part (intr.) RV. AV
- to be separated from or deprived of (instr.) RV. VS
- to separate (trans.), divide, detach or exclude from, deprive of (instr.) RV
- to keep off, avert Śiś
- to spread, scatter TS
- to open RV
- ví-yuta mfn. separated from, deprived of (instr. or comp.) RV. &c. &c
- not being in conjunction with (comp.) VarBṛS
- diminished, that from which something has been subtracted Sūryas
- (ā), f. du.'the two separated ones', heaven and earth RV. iii, 54, 7
- ○târthaka mfn. void of meaning, L-
- ví-ḍyuti f. the difference between two quantities Bijag
- vi-yotṛ́ mfn. one who divides or separates RV. iv, 55, 5
- vi-√yuj P. Ā. -yunakti, -yuṅkte, to disjoin, detach, divide, separate from or deprive of (instr., rarely abl.) AV. &c. &c
- to part from (instr.) Śaṃk
- (Ā.) to forsake, abandon (acc.) Kir
- to relax, abate, yield BhP.: Pass. -yujyate, to be separated from or deprived of, lose (instr.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to break (a vow, instr.) Mn., v, 91
- to be relaxed, yield, give way R.: Caus. -yojayati, ○te, to cause to be disjoined, separate or deliver from, deprive of (instr. or abl.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to rob MBh
- to subtract Līl
- vi-yukta mfn. disjoined, detached, separated or delivered from, deprived or destitute of. deserted by (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- disunited (as husband and wife) Mn. ix, 102
- failing, deficient MW
- -tā f. (ifc.) the being free from L
- vi-yoga m. disjunction, separation (esp. of lovers), loss or absence or want of (instr. with or with out saha abl., or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (○gaṃ √gam, to be lost Mṛicch. ix, 34/35)
- giving up, getting rid of, abstention from (comp.) Gaut
- subtraction Gaṇit
- = vi-yuti, Bījag
- a partic. astrological Yoga Cat
- -tas ind. (ifc.) from want of, in consequence of any one's absence Kathās
- -tā wṛ. for ○gi-tā (q.v.) Kathās
- -pura n. N. of a town ib
- -bāhya mfn. excluded from separation, not separated MW
- -bhāj mfn. suffering from separated W
- ○gâvasāna mfn. ending in separated (-tva n.) MW
- ○gâvaha mfn. bringing or causing separation Śāntiś
- vi-yogāya Ā., ○yate, to be like or resemble a separation Subh
- vi-yogin mfn. separated or absent from (instr. or comp.) Kathās. MārkP. Dhūrtas
- liable to separation ( See a-v○)
- m. the ruddy goose, Anas Casarca (cf. cakravāka) L
- (inī), f. a woman separated from her husband or lover MW
- a kind of metre (commonly called vaitālīya, q.v.)
- ○gi-tā f. the being separated, separation Kathās
- viyogī-karâṇa n. causing separation, = hiṃsā Śīl
- vi-yojana n. detaching or liberating from (comp.) Sarvad
- separation from (comp.) Kāv. Kathās
- subtraction, Lil
- vi-ḍyojanīya mfn. to be separated from or deprived of (instr.) Kull. on Mn. viii, 374
- vi-ḍyojita mfn. (fr. Caus.) disjoined, disunited, separated from or deprived of (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- vi-ḍyojya mfn. to be separated from (abl.) Pañcat
- vi-yotṛ See under vi-√yu
- vi-yodha vi-yoni &c. See p. 952, col. 1
- vi-rakta &c. See under vi-√rañj
- vi-√rakṣ P. -rakṣati, to watch over, guard, protect AV. MBh
- viraga m. or u. (?) a partic. high number Buddh
- vi-√rac P. -racayati (rarely Ā
- aor. vy-araracat, once -arīracat
- ind. p. vi-racayya
- Pass. vi-racyate
- aor. vy-araci), to construct, contrive, form, fashion, make, arrange Kāv. Kathās. &c
- to build, erect Rājat
- to invent, produce, compose, write Kāv. VarBṛS. &c
- to put on, don, wear Kāv. BhP
- vi-ḍracana n. (and ā f.) arrangement, disposition, embellishment Kāv. (with alakānām, beautifully arranged locks Bālar.)
- putting on, wearing (ornaments &c.) Vikr. Mālatīm
- composition, compilation W
- vi-ḍracayitavya mfn. to be formed or made Śaṃk
- vi-ḍracita mfn. constructed, arranged &c. [Page 982, Column]
- performed BhP
- composed, written, Kalid. Pañcat
- put together, spoken, uttered ( See comp.)
- put on, worn Ragh
- furnished with (instr.) Megh
- put in, inlaid, set MW
- (ā), f. N. of a woman Kathās
- -pada mfn. (a speech or song &c.) the words of which are artificially composed or arranged, rhythmic, poetic Kālid
- -vapus mfn. one who has his body formed or arranged MW
- -vāc mfn. one who has composed a speech or who has spoken Ragh
- ○tôkti mfn. id. Kathās
- vi-raja (3. [vi+raja] for rajas), mf(ā)n. free from dust, clean, pure (also fig. 'free from passion') ŚBr. MBh. &c
- free from the menstrual excretion L
- m. N. of a Marut-vat Hariv
- of a son of Tvashṭṛi BhP
- of a son of Pūrṇiman ib
- of a pupil of Jātūkarṇya ib
- of the world of Buddha Padma-prabha SaddhP
- (pl.) of a class of gods under Manu Sāvarṇi BhP
- (ā), f. Panicum Dactylon (= dūrā) MBh. (= kapitthānī L.)
- of the wife of Nahusha (spiritual daughter of a class of Pitṛis called Su-svadhas or Svaṣvadhas) Hariv
- of a mistress of Kṛishṇa (who was changed into a river) Pañcar
- of a Rākshasī Cat
- n. N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh
- -prabha m. N. of a Buddha Buddh
- -loka m. N. of a partic. world, VB
- ○jâkṣa m. N. of a mountain (to the north of Meru) MārkP
- ○jākṣetra n. N. of a sacred district Cat
- ○jêśvarī f. N. of Rādhā Pañcar
- vi-rajas mfn. = -raja, free from dust &c. MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- of a Ṛishi Hariv
- of a sage under Manu Cākshusha ib
- of a son of Manu Sāvarṇi MārkP
- of a son of Nārāyaṇa MBh
- of a son of Kavi ib
- of a son of Vasishtha BhP
- of a son of Paurṇamāsa MārkP
- of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh
- f. a woman who has ceased to menstruate L
- N. of Durgā L. -karaṇa n. freeing from dust, cleansing KātyŚr. Sch
- -tamas mfn. free from (the qualities of) passion and ignorance L
- -tejaḥ-svara m. N. of a serpentdemon Buddh
- -tejo' mbara-bhūṣaṇa mfn. having apparel and ornaments free from dust MW
- vi-rajaska mfn. = -rajas MBh. Hariv. BhP
- m. N. of a son of Manu Sāvarṇi BhP
- virajī in comp. for vi-raja or vi-rajas
- ○√kṛ P. Ā. -karoti, -kurute, to render free from dust or passion ib
- -krita mfn. freed from dust, cleansed Śiś. xiii, 49. -√bhū- P. -bhavati, to be or become free from dust or pṭpassion (also with √as) Pāṇ. 5-4, 51 Sch
- -bhūta mfn. free from dust or passion. pure MW
- virañca m. (perhaps fr. √rac)Ṇ. of Brahmā BhP. Sch
- virañcana (L.),
- virañḍci (Kāv.),
- virañḍcya (BhP.), m. id
- vi-√rañj P. Ā. -rajyati, ○te, to be changed in colour, be discoloured, lose one's natural colour Kāv. VarBṛS. &c
- to become changed in disposition or affection, become indifferent to, take no interest in (abl. or loc.) MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -rañjayati, to discolour, stain Suśr
- vi-rakta mfn. discoloured, changed in colour Ragh
- changed in disposition, disaffected, estranged, averse, indifferent to, i.e. having no interest in (abl., loc., acc. with prati, or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- become indifferent, i.e. arousing no interest Rājat
- impassioned, feeling excessive passion W
- -citta mfn. disaffected at heart, estranged MW
- -prakṛti mfn. having disaffected subjects Kām
- -bhāva (Pañcat.), -hṛdaya (Kathās.), mfn. = -citta
- ○tâsarvasva n. N. of wk
- vi-ḍrakti f. change of disposition or feeling, alienation of mind, want of interest, freedom of passion, indifference to (loc., gen. with upari, or acc. with prati) Rājat. Pañcat. BhP
- indifference to worldly objects, weanedness from the world BhP
- -mat mfn. indifferent to (loc.) Kathās
- connected with freedom from worldly attachment BhP
- -ratnâvali f. N. of a Stotra
- vi-raṅga m. (for 1. See p. 952, col. 1) = 2. virāga L. (cf. vairangika)
- vi-rajana mfn. useful for or causing change of colour Car
- vi-rañjanīya See purīṣa-virañjanīya
- vi-ḍrañjita mfn. estranged, cooled in affection R
- vi-rāga m. (for 1. See p. 952, col. 1) change or loss of colour Naish
- excitement, irritation Pāṇ. 6-4, 91
- aversion, dislike or indifference to (loc., abl., or comp.) Kāv. Rājat. BhP
- indifference to external things or worldly objects Sāṃkhyak
- the faulty suppression of a sound in pronunciation, RPrāt [Page 982, Column]
- a partic. high number Buddh
- -vat mfn. indifferent (sarvatra, 'to everything') Cat
- -viṣabhṛt mfn. cherishing the poison of dislike or aversion MW
- ○gârha mfn. qualified for freedom from passion (= vairaṅgika) L
- vi-ḍrāgaya Nom. P
- vi-rāgayati to estrange, alienate Vishṇ
- to displease Divyâv
- ○gita mfn. exasperated, irritated Vajracch
- ifc., feeling aversion or dislike to MBh
- vi-ḍrāgin mfn. indifferent to (loc.) MBh. R. &c
- viraṭa m. the shoulder W
- a kind of black Agallochum ib
- N. of a king ib
- vi-√raṇ Caus. -raṇayati, to cause to sound, make to resound, play upon (a musical instrument) BhP
- vi-rāṇ m. an elephant L
- vi-raṇa See á-v○
- viraṇa n. = viiraṇa, Andropogon Muricatus L
- vi-rata vi-rati &c. See under vi√ram below
- vi-ratha &c. See p. 952, col. 1
- vi-√rad P. -radati, to rend asunder, sever RV. i, 61, 12
- to open to, bestow on, vii, 62, 3
- virada See viruda
- vi-√rapś Ā. -rapsate, to be full to overflowing, abound in (gen.), have too much of (instr.) RV. AV
- vi-ḍrapśá mf(ī́)n. copious, abundant RV. i, 8, 8
- m. superabundance ib. iv, 50 &c
- vi-ḍrapśin mfn. copious, exuberant, powerful, mighty RV. AV. VS
- vi-√ram P. -ramati (rarely Ā
- Pāṇ. 1-3, 83), to stop (esp. speaking), pause, cease, come to an end TS. &c. &c
- to give up, abandon, abstain or desist from (abl.) KātyŚr. MBh. &c.: Caus. [-r�Amayati], to cause to stop or rest &c., bring to an end, finish R. BhP.: Desid., See vi-riraṃsā
- vi-rata mfn. stopped, ceased, ended R. Kālid. &c. (n. impers., e.g. virataṃ vācā', the speech ended' Kathās.)
- one who has given up or resigned or ceased or desisted from (abl., loc., or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- -tva n. the having come to an end, cessation Sāh
- -prasaṅga mfn. one who has ceased from being occupied in (loc.) Kum. iii, 47
- ○tâśaya mfn. one whose desires have ceased or who has resigned worldly intentions MW
- vi-ḍrati f. cessation, pause, stop, end (ibc. = finally) Kāv. Kathās. &c
- end of or caesura within a Pada Śrutab
- resignation, desistence or abstention from (abl., loc., or comp.) Kāv. Vedântas. ŚārṅgS
- vi-rama m. cessation, end MBh. BhP
- sunset Śiś. ix, 11
- (ifc.) desistence or abstention from MBh
- vi-ramḍamṇa n. ceasing cessation KātyŚr
- (ifc.) desistence from Subh
- vi-ḍramita mfn. (fr. Caus.) made to cease, stopped BhP
- vi-rāma m. cessation, termination, end ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn. &c. (acc. with √yā or pra-√yā, to come to an end, rest)
- end of a word or sentence, stop, pause (ifc. = ending with), APrāt. Pāṇ. &c
- end of or caesura with in a Pāda Śrutab
- (in gram.), the stop', N. of a small oblique stroke placed under a consonant to denote that it is quiescent, i.e. that it has no vowel inherent or otherwise pronounced after it (this mark is sometimes used in the middle of conjunctions of consonants
- but its proper use, according to native grammarians, is only as a stop at the end of a sentence ending in a consonant)
- desistence, abstention Kāś. Vop
- exhaustion, languor Car
- N. of Vishṇu MBh
- of Śiva Śivag
- -tā f. cessation, abatement Pañcar
- vi-ḍrāmaka mfn. ending in (ifc.) L
- vi-ḍrāmaṇa n. a pause Hcat
- vi-riraṃsā f. (fr. Desid.) the wish to cease or desist from Subh
- virala mf(ā)n. (perhaps from vira = vila for bila + la, 'possessing holes') having interstices, separated by intervals (whether of space or time), not thick or compact, loose, thin, sparse, wide apart MBh. Kāv. &c
- rare, scarcely found, unfrequent, scanty, few Kāv. Kathās. &c. (ibc. and am ind. sparsely, rarely, seldom
- viralaḥ with or without ko' pi, one here and there)
- n. sour curds (= dadhi) L
- ○jānuka m. 'having knees wide apart', a bandy-legged man L
- ○tā f. rareness, scarcity Veṇis
- ○dravā f. gruel made of rice or other grain with the addition of ghee &c. Suśr. [Page 982, Column]
- ○druma mfn. (a wood) consisting of trees planted sparsely Hariv
- ○pātaka mfn. rarely committing crimes, sinning rarely Vet
- ○pārśvaga mfn. having a scanty retinue Rājat
- ○bhakti mfn. of little variety, monotonous Ragh
- ○sasya-yuta mfn. scantily furnished with grain VarBṛS
- viralâgata mfn. happening rarely, rare MW
- viralâṅguli mfn. (feet) having the toes wide apart VarBṛS
- viralâtapa-cohavi mfn. (a day) having little sunshine Śiś
- viralêtara mfn. 'other than wide apart, dense, thick, close L
- viralāya Nom. P. ○yate, to be thin or rare, to become clearer (as a wood) Kād
- viralikā f. a kind of thin cloth L
- viralita mfn. not dense or close (in a-v○) Uttarar
- viralī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to scatter, disperse Siṃhâs. (-kṛta mfn. Hariv.)
- to make clearer (a wood), kād
- vi-rava See under vi- √1, ru
- vi-ras √1. P. -rasati, to cry out, yell, shriek Hariv. Bhaṭṭ
- vi-rasa &c. See p. 952, col. 1
- vi-√rah P. -rahayati (inf. -rahitum
- ind. p. -rahayya), to abandon, desert, relinquish, leave ŚāṅkhGṛ. R. BhP
- vi-raha m. abandonment, desertion, parting, separation (esp. of lovers), absence from (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- lack, want (ifc. = lacking, with the exception of) Kāv. Kathās. &c
- -guṇita mfn. increased by separation Megh
- -ja mfn. arising from separation Śak
- -janita mfn. id. MW
- -jvara m. the anguish of separation ib
- -virasa mfn. painful through (the idea of) separation, Śāntiś
- -vyāpad mfn. decreased by separation Megh
- -śayana n. a solitary couch or bed Megh
- ○hâdhigama m. experiencing separation ib
- ○hânala m. the fire of separation ib
- ○hârta mfn. pained by separation W
- ○hâvasthā f. state of separation MW
- ○hôtkaṇṭhikā f. (in dram.) a woman who longs after her absent lover or husband Sāh
- ○hôtsuka mfn. suffering from separation A
- vi-ḍrahita mfn. abandoned, deserted, solitary, lonely, separated or free from, deprived cf (instr., gen., or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- (āt), ind. with the exception of (gen.) Kāraṇḍ
- vi-ḍrahin mfn. separated, parted (esp. from a beloved person), lonely, solitary Kāv. Kathās. &c
- absent Bhartṛ
- (ifc.) abstaining from Sarvad
- (iṇī), f. a woman separated from her husband or lover W
- wages, hire ib
- ○ṇī-mano-vinoda, mṆ. of wk
- vi-ḍrahi-√kṛ P. -karoti, to separate from (instr.) R
- vi-√rāj P.Ā. -rājati, ○te, to reign, rule, govern, master (gen. or acc.), excel (abl.) RV. AV. Br
- to be illustrious or eminent, shine forth, shine out (abl.), glitter ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- to appear as (nom.) MBh.: Caus. -rājayati, (rarely ○te) cause to shine forth, give radiance or lustre, brighten, illuminate MBh. R. &c
- vi-rā́j mfn. (for 1. See p. 949, col. 3) ruling far and wide, sovereign, excellent, splendid RV
- mfn. a ruler, chief. king or queen (applied to Agni, Sarasvatī, the Sun &c.) ib. AV. VS. Br. MBh
- f. excellence, pre-eminence, high rank, dignity, majesty TS. Br. ŚrS
- m. or f. the first progeny of Brahmā (according to Mn. i, 32 &c., Brahmā having divided his own substance into male and female, produced from the female the male power Virāj, who then produced the first Manu or Manu Svāyambhuva, who then created the ten Prajā-patis
- the BhP. states that the male half of Brahmā was Manu, and the other half Śata-rūpā, and does not allude to the intervention of Virāj
- other Purāṇas describe the union of Śata-rūpā with VṭVirāj or Purusha in the first instance, and with Manu in the second
- Virāj as a sort of secondary creator, is sometimes identified with Prajā-pati, Brahmā, Agni, Purusha, and later with Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa, while in RV. x, 90, he is represented as born from Purusha, and Purusha from him
- in the AV. viii, 10, 24
- xi, 8, 30, Virāj is spoken of as a female, and regarded as a cow
- being elsewhere, however, identified with Prâṇa) IW. 22 &c
- (in Vedānta) N. of the Supreme Intellect located in a supposed aggregate of gross bodies (= vaiśvānara, q. v.), Vedantas
- m. a warrior (= kṣatriya) MBh. BhP
- the body MW
- a partic. Ekâha PañcavBr. Vait
- N. of a son of Priya-vrata and Kāmyā Hariv
- of a son of Nara VP
- cf Buddha L. [Page 983, Column]
- of a son of Rādhā MW
- of a district ib
- f. a particular Vedic metre consisting of four Pādas of ten syllables each (and therefore also a symbolical N. of the number 'ten'
- in RV. x, 130, 5 this metre is represented as attaching itself to Mitra and Varuṇa, and in AitBr. i, 4 Virāj is mystically regarded as 'food', and invocations are directed to be made in this metre when food is the especial object of prayer
- in prosody Virāj is applied to any metre defective by two syllables RPrāt.)
- pl. N. of partic. bricks (40 in number) VS. ŚBr
- vi-rāja mfn. shining, brilliant Pañcar
- m. a partic. form of a temple Hcat
- a part. Ekâha Vait
- a species of plant L
- N. of a Prajā-pati Hariv
- of a son of A-vikshit MBh
- vi-ḍrājana mfn. embellishing, beautifying (ifc.) Car
- n. ruling, being eminent or illustrious, &c. Nir
- vi-ḍrājita mfn. eminent, illustrious, brilliant, splendid, glorious MBh. Kāv. etc
- vi-ḍrājin mfn. splendid, brilliant MBh
- vi-ḍrā́jñī f. a female ruler, queen TBr
- vi-ḍrājya n. reign, dominion MaitrUp
- virāṭ in comp. for 2. vi-rāj
- ○kāmā f. a kind of Vedic metre, RPrs1t
- ○krama m. pl. a partic. religious observance ĀpŚr
- ○kṣetra n. N. of a district Cat
- ○tva n. the being ten or tenfold (from the metre Virāj containing 10 syllables) AitBr
- ○pūrvā f. N. of a metre RPrāt
- ○su n. (with vāmadevya) N. of a Sāman L
- ○suta m. 'son of Virāj', N. of a class of deceased ancestors (also called Soma-sads) Mn. iii, 195
- ○sthānā f. a partic. Vedic form of the Trishṭubh metre RPrāt
- ○svarāja m. a partic. Ekâha ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○svarūpa mfn. consisting of Virāj (applied to the supreme Being) MW
- virāṭa m. N. of one of the midland or northwest districts of India (perhaps Berar) VarBṛS
- N. of an ancient king of a particular district in India, (the Pāṇḍavas being obliged to live in concealment during the thirteenth year of their exile, journeyed to the court of this king and entered his service in various disguises) MBh. Hariv. &c
- N. of Buddha L
- ○ja m. = rāja-paṭṭa, a sort of inferior diamond (said to be found in the country Virāṭa) L
- (ā), f. N. of a daughter of king Virāta MBh
- ○nagara n. the city of the Virāṭas MBh. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 89 Sch.)
- ○parvan n. N. of the fourth book of the Mahābhārata (describing the adventures of the Pāṇḍu princes when living in the service of king Virāṭa)
- virāṭaka m. a diamond of inferior quality MW
- virāḍ in comp. for 2. vi-rāj
- ○aṣṭama (virā́ḍ-), mfn. having the metre Virāj in the eighth place ŚBr
- ○deha m. 'having the body of Virāj', N. of the Universe MW
- ○rūpā f. a Vedic form of the Trishṭubh metre RPrāt
- ○varṇa mf(ā)n. having the form of the metre Virāj ŚāṅkhBr
- vi-rāṇin See under vi-√raṇ
- virātaka m. Terminalia Arunja L
- the fruit of Semecarpus Anacardium L
- vi-√rādh P. -rādhyati, to hurt, injure Śiś
- (only aor. Ā. -rādhiṣi), to lose, be deprived of (instr.) AV. ChUp.:
- Caus. -rādhayati, to become disunited, be at variance, disagree PañcavBr. (cf. a-virādhayat)
- vi-rāddha mfn. opposed, thwarted, offended, reviled, abused W
- râddhṛ mfn. opposing, thwarting
- an injurer, offender Śiś
- vi-rādha m. thwarting, opposition, vexation W
- N. of a Rākshasa Hariv. R. &c
- of a Dānava Hariv
- -gupta m. N. of a man Mudr
- -han m. 'slayer of Virādba', N. of Indra or Vishṇu Pañcar
- vi-ḍrā́dhana n. failure, want of success AV
- injury, offence L
- (ā). f. hurt, injury Śīl
- vi-ḍrādhaya (fr. Caus.), g. brāhmaṇâdi
- vi-ḍrādhāna (?), n. hurt, pain L
- vi-ḍrādhya mfn. to be lost, anything of which one is to be deprived Jātakam
- virāla m. = viḍāla, a cat W
- vi-rāva &c. See under vi-√ru
- virāvṛtta (?), n. black pepper L
- virā-ṣáh mfn. (nom. -ṣā́t
- vira prob. for viirā) subduing or confining or harbouring men (applied to Yama's heaven) RV. i, 35, 6
- vi-√ric Pass. -ricyate, to reach or extend beyond (aor. -reci) RV. iv, 16, 5
- to be emptied or purged Lāṭy.: Caus. -recayati, to empty, drain MBh
- to purge Suśr
- to emit Nīlak. [Page 983, Column]
- vi-rikta mfn. evacuated, emptied, purged Mn. Suśr
- vi-ḍrikti f. purging Car
- vi-reka m. purging, evacuation of the bowels Suśr
- making the head clear Car
- a purgative, cathartic Suśr
- vi-recaka mfn. purgative
- not accompanied by breath-exhalation (in this sense vi is priv.) Vām. ii, 2, 8 (in a quotation)
- vi-ḍrecana mfn. opening Suśr
- m. Careya Arborea or Salvadora Persica L
- n. purging or any purging substance Suśr
- a means for making the head clear Car
- -dravya n. any purging substance or medicine Suśr
- vi-ḍrecita mfn. (fr. Caus.) purged, emptied, evacuated W
- vi-ḍrecin mfn. purgative L
- vi-ḍrecya mfn. to be purged
- viriñca m. (perhaps fr. √ric
- but cf. virañca) N. of Brahmā (but also applied to Vishṇu and Śiva) MBh. Kathās. Pur. (-ta f. BhP.)
- viriñcana m. N. of Brahmā L
- viriñci m. = viriñca MBh. BhP. Sarvad
- N. of a poet Cat
- ○gola m. or n. (?) N. of a mythical place, Vīrac
- ○nātha m. N. of an author (○thīya n. his wk.) Cat
- ○pāda-śuddha m. N. of a pupil of Śaṃkarâcārya Cat
- viriñcya m. N. of Brahmā BhP. (accord. to Sch. also, N. of Brahmā's world')
- vi-ribdha m. (√ribh) a note, tone, sound Śiś. xi, 41 (cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 18)
- vi-ribhita and mfn. Pāṇ. 7-2, 18 Sch
- vi-rebhita mfn. Pāṇ. 7-2, 18 Sch
- vi-riraṃsā See under vi-√ram
- ví-riṣṭa mfn. (√riś
- cf. vi-liṣṭa) rent asunder, broken, disordered AV. TS
- vi-ru √1. P. -ruvati, -ravati, -rauti, to roar aloud, cry, buzz, hum, yell, sing, lament, &c. Kāv. Kathās. &c
- cry or call to, invoke Bhaṭṭ.: Caus. -rāvayati, to roar or scream aloud Mn. iv, 64
- vi-ravá m. roaring, thundering RV
- vi-ḍrāva m. crying, clamour, sound, noise, buzzing, humming MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of a horse MBh
- vi-ḍrāvaṇa mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing clamour or roar R
- vi-ḍrāvita mfn. (fr. id.) made to resound, filled with noise VarBṛS
- vi-ḍrāvin mfn. shouting, roaring, crying, singing, lamenting MBh. R. &c
- sounding, resounding R. VarBṛS
- m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh
- (iṇī), f. weeping, crying W
- a broom ib
- N. of a river ib
- vi-ruta mfn. roared, cried, &c
- invoked VarBṛS
- made to resound, filled with the cries &c. of (instr. or comp.) R. BhP
- n. shrieking, howling, yelling, humming, chirping, &c., any noise or sound Mn. R. screaming, howling Kād. Mudr
- vi-√ruc Ā. -rocate (pf. -rurucuḥ RV
- aor. vy-arucat Ragh. Kathās. Bhaṭṭ.), to shine forth, be bright or radiant or conspicuous or visible RV. &c. &c
- to appear as or like (nom.) MBh
- to outshine, excel (acc.) ib
- to please, delight (gen.) R
- (only pf. P.) to cause to shine, illuminate RV. iv, 7, 1 ; x, 122, 5 : Caus. -rocayati, to cause to shine, brighten, illuminate RV. BhP
- to find pleasure in, delight in (acc.) R. Hariv
- vi-rúkmat mfn. shining, brilliant, bright RV
- m. a bright weapon or ornament ib
- vi-ruca m. a magic formula recited over weapons R
- vi-roká m. shining, gleaming, effulgence RV
- a ray of light L
- (also n.) a hole, aperture, cavity, chasm L. (cf. nāsā-viroka)
- vi-ḍrokin mfn. shining, radiant RV
- vi-rócana mfn. shining upon, brightening, illuminating MBh
- m. the sun or the god of the sun (also applied to Vishṇu) MBh. Rājat
- the moon MBh. ix, 2025
- fire L
- a species of Karañja L
- a species of Syonāka L
- N. of an Asura (son of Prahes1da or Prahlāda and father of Bali and Mantharā or Dirgha-jihvā) AV. &c, &c
- (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda MBh
- of the wife of Tvashṭṛi (and mother of Viraja) BhP
- n. (?) light, lustre W
- -vadha m. N. of a ch. of the GaṇP
- -suta m. son of Virocana', N. of Bali (sovereign of Mahābali-pura) W
- vi-ḍrociṣṇu mfn. shining, bright Mn. i, 77
- illuminating, making visible W
- vi-ru √1. P. -rujati, to break to pieces, tear asunder, crush, destroy RV. &c. &c
- vi-rugṇa mfn. (less correctly vi-rugna) broken to pieces, torn asunder &c. Bhaṭṭ
- vi-ruja mfn. (for 1. See p. 952, col. 1) breaking, rending, causing pain PārGṛ. [Page 983, Column]
- vi-ḍrojana n. the act of breaking or tearing asunder ĀpŚr. Sch
- vi-√rud P. -roditi, to weep or cry aloud, sob, lament, bewail MBh. BhP
- vi-ḍrudita n. loud lamentation, wailing, grief. Uttarar
- viruda m. (also written biruda and birada) a laudatory poem, panegyric (on a prince, in prose or verse) Sāh. Pratāp
- crying, proclaiming W
- ○dhvaja m. a royal banner R. (B.)
- ○maṇi-mālā f. N. of a poem (quoted in Sāh.)
- virudâvali (or ○lī), f. a detailed panegyric Vcar
- N. of a poem by Raghu-deva (celebrating the praises of a certain king of Mithilā)
- vi-rudh √1. (only in -ródhat RV. i, 67, 9), to shoot forth
- vi-rudh √2. P.Ā. -ruṇaddhi, -runddhe, (P.) to hinder, obstruct, invest, besiege R
- to close Ṛitus
- (Ā.) to encounter opposition from (instr.) TS.: Pass. -rudhyate (m.c. also ○ti), to be impeded or checked or kept back or withheld R. Kathās. &c
- to be opposed, to contend with (instr. with or without saha, gen., loc., or acc. with prati) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to be at variance with or contradictory to (instr.) MBh. BhP
- to fail MBh.: Caus. -rodhayati (rarely ○te), to set at variance, disunite MBh. R
- to oppose, encounter, fight against or contend, with (acc., rarely gen.)
- to object to (acc.) MBh. x, 180: Desid. -rurutsati, to wish to commence hostility MBh
- vi-ruddha mfn. opposed, hindered, restrained, arrested, kept back R. Kālid. &c
- surrounded, blockaded W
- forbidden, prohibited Mn. MBh. &c
- doubtful, uncertain, precarious, dangerous MBh. R
- hostile, adverse, at variance or at enmity with (instr., gen., or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- unpleasant, disagreeable, odious or hateful to(comp.) R. Kathās
- disagreeing (as food) Bhpr
- contrary, repugnant, contrasted, reverse, inconsistent or incompatible with, excluded from (gen., instr., or comp.) KātyŚr. Mn. MBh. &c
- (am), ind. perversely, incongruously MW
- m. pl. N. of a class of gods under the tenth Manu Pur
- n. opposition, hostility, repugnance MW
- (scil. rūpaka) a figure of speech in which an object compared to another object is said to lack its functions and to possess others not properly belonging to it (e.g. 'the moon of thy face does not rise in the sky, but only takes away my life') Kāvyâd. ii, 84
- N. of wk. on Nyāya
- -grantha-pūrvapakṣa-rahasya n. -grantha-rarhasya n. N. of wks
- -tā, f
- -tva n. hostility, enmity, opposition, contrariety, incompatibility Rājat. Pañcat. Sarvad
- -dhī mfn. malevolently disposed, malignant Rājat
- -pūrva-pakṣa-grantha-ṭīkā f. -pūrva-paksa- granthâloka, m. N. of wks
- -prasaṅga m. prohibited or unlawful occupation Yājñ
- -bhuj mfn. eating incompatible or unsuitable food W
- -bhojana n. incompatible food ib
- -mati-kārin mfn. suggesting contradictory notions Sāh
- ○ri-tā f. a figure of speech which (by using ambiguous words) suggests contradictory notions (e.g. vidadhāti galagraham, 'she gives an embrace', where the word galag-graha means also 'a disease of the throat') Sāh. Kpr
- -mati-kṛt mfn. (= -kārin) Kpr. Pratāp
- n. (= -kāri-tā) ib
- -lakṣaṇa n. N. of a ch. of the PSarv
- -śaṃsana n. malignant or abusive language (= gāli) L
- -sambandhanīya mfn. (in law) allied or kin in a forbidden degree
- -siddhânta-granthaṭīkā f. -siddhânta-grantha-rahasya n. -siddhânta-granthâloka m. N. of wks
- ○ddhârtha mfn. containing a contradiction (-tā f.) Kāvyâd
- (○tha-dīpika n. a partic. figure of speech in which seemingly contradictory functions are attributed to one and the same object Kāvyâd. ii, 109)
- ○ddhâcaraṇa n. wrong or improper course of conduct MW
- ○ddhânna or ○dhâśana n. incompatible or forbidden food Suśr
- ○ddhôkti f. adverse or contradictory speech, quarrel, dispute L
- ○ddhôpakrama mfn. (in medicine) applying incompatible remedies (-tva n.) Suśr
- vi-roddhavya mfn. to be opposed or contended with Pañcat
- n. (impers.) it is to be contended or fought Kathās
- vi-ḍroddhṛ mfn. contending, fighting (in a-vir○) MBh
- vi-rodha m. opposition, hostility, quarrel, strife between (gen., rarely instr., or comp.) or with (instr. with or without saha, or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- hostile contact of inanimate objects (as of planets &c.) VarBṛS
- (logical) contradiction, contrariety, antithesis, inconsistency, incompatibility KātyŚr. Kaṇ. [Page 984, Column] Kap. &c
- (ifc.) conflict with, injury of (instr. = at the cost or to the detriment of) Yājñ. MBh
- hindrance, prevention Gaut
- blockade, siege W
- adversity, calamity, misfortune Sāh
- perversity Kathās
- (in rhet.) an apparent contradiction or incongruity (e.g. bharato 'pi śatru-ghnaḥ) Kpr
- (in dram.) impediment to the successful progress of a plot W
- (ī), f. fixed rule, ordinance(?) W
- -kāraka mfn. causing opposition or disagreement, fomenting quarrels MW
- -kṛt mfn. causing dissension or revolt Yājñ. Sch
- m. an enemy MW
- the 45th year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years Cat
- -kriyā f. quarrel, strife Ragh
- -parihāra m. removal of incompatibility, reconciliation Kull. on Mn. vii, 152
- N. of wk. on Bhakti (by Lakshmaṇâcārya)
- of another wk. on the reconciliation of the different Vaishṇava systems (by Varadâcārya)
- -phala n. the fruit or result of perverseness Kathās
- -bhañjanī f. N. of a commentary on the Rāmāyaṇa
- -bhāj mfn. contradictory, opposed to (instr.) Sāh
- -vát mfn. containing a contradiction Kāvyâd
- -varūthinī f. -varūthinī-nirodha m. -varūthinī-bhañjinī, f. -vāda m. N. of wks
- -śamana. n. making up a quarrel Daśar
- ○dhâcarana m. (in rhet.) apparent conduct L
- ○dhâbhâsa m. (in rhet.) aparent contradiction, the semblance of opposite qualities Pratāp
- ○dhâlaṃkāra m. (in rhet) a figure of speech implying incongruity (cf.under vi-rodha) MW
- ○dhôkti f. dispute, mutual contradiction Pāṇ. 1-3, 50 Sch
- ○dhôddhāra m. N. of wk
- ○dhôpamā f. (in rhet.) a comparison founded on opposition (e.g. 'the lotus flower and thy face are opposed as rivals to each other', i.e. resemble each other), Kāvyftd. ii, 33
- vi-ḍrodhaka mfn. disuniting, causing dissension or revolt Yājñ. Sch
- opposed to, incompatible with (gen. or comp.) MBh
- (ifc.) preinventing, an obstacle to ib
- vi-ḍrodhana mfn. opposing, fighting MBh
- n. checking, restraining Nir. vi, 1 (Sch.)
- quarrel, contest, resistance, opposition to (gen.) Kām. Kathās. &c
- harming, injuring R
- (in dram.) either 'angry altercation' (e.g. in Śak. the dialogue between the king and Śārṅgarava) Bhar
- or 'consciousness of the risk of an enterprise' (e.g. Veṇis, 6, 1) Sāh
- incongruity, inconsistency W
- investing, blockading ib
- vi-rodhi in comp. for
- vi-rodhin
- -grantha m. N. of wk
- -tā f. enmity, hatred, strife, quarrel between (comp.) or with (saha) Kāv. Kathās. &c
- obstinacy, restiveness (of a horse) VarBṛS
- contradictoriness Sāh
- -tva n. withdrawal, removal Kap. Sch
- -nirodha m. -puruṣa-kāra m. N. of wks
- -yodha m. a hostile warrior Rājat
- -vicāra m. N. of wk
- vi-ḍrodhita mfn. (fr. Caus.) opposed, contended against or fought with Mṛicch
- injured, impaired R
- refused ( See a-virodhita)
- vi-rodhin mfn. opposing, hindering, preventing, obstructing, excluding, disturbing Gobh. Mn. &c
- obstructive ( See a-v○), besieging, blockading W
- dispelling, removing Śak. (vḷ.)
- adverse, hostile, inimical (often ifc. = foe or enemy of) MBh. Kāv. &c
- disagreeing (as food) Bhpr
- opposed, contradictory, inconsistent Kaṇ. MBh. Rājat
- rivalling with, equalling Kāvyâd
- contentious, quarrelsome W
- m. N. of the 25th year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBṛS
- (inī), f. a woman who causes enmity or promotes quarrel (between husband and wife &c.) MW
- N. of a female demon (daughter of Du?saha) MārkP
- vi-rodhya mfn. to be disunited or set at variance MBh
- to be opposed or contended against MW
- vi-√ruṣ (only pr. p. Ā. -ruṣyamāṇa), to be much irritated, be very angry with (gen.) Hariv
- vi-ḍruṣṭa mfn. very angry, wrathful Caurap
- vi-√ruh P. -rohati, to grow out, shoot forth, sprout, bud RV. AV. TBr.: Caus. -rohayati, or -ropayati, to cause to grow RV. viii, 91, 5
- to thrust out, remove, expel MBh.: Pass. -ropyate, to be planted R
- to be caused to grow over, healed ( See vi-ropita)
- vi-rūdha mfn. shot out, sprouted, budded, grown ŚBr. &c. &c
- come forth, formed, produced, born, arisen Āpast. BhP
- ascended, mounted, ridden MBh
- -tṛṇâṅkura mf(ā)n. overgrown with young grass Mṛicch
- -bodha mfn. one whose intelligence has increased or is matured BhP
- vi-ḍrūdhaka m. n. grain that has begun to sprout Suśr
- m. N. of a prince of the Kumbhâṇḍas Lalit. (cf. MWB. 206 ; 220) [Page 984, Column]
- N. of a Loka-pāla Buddh
- of a son of Prasenajit (enemy of the Śākyas) ib
- of a son of Ikshvāku ib
- vi-ḍrūḍhi f. shooting forth, sprouting L
- vi-ropaṇa mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to grow, planting MW
- causing to grow over, healing Śak
- n. the act of planting VarBṛS
- the act of healing (cf. vraṇa-viropaṇa)
- vi-ḍropita mfn. caused to grow, planted MW
- caused to grow over, healed
- -vraṇa mfn. one whose wound is healed or cicatrized Daś
- vi-rohá m.growing out, shooting forth MaitrS. VarBṛS. BhP
- 'place of growth', source, origin ib
- vi-rohaṇa mfn. causing to grow over or heal Śak. (v. l. for vi-ropaṇa)
- m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- growing out, shooting forth, budding ŚrS. MBh. VarBṛS
- vi-ḍrohin mfn. shooting forth, sprouting, budding Suśr
- vi-rūkṣaṇa mf(ī) n. (√rūkṣ) making rough or dry, drying, astringent Suśr
- the act of making rough &c., acting as an astringent ib
- censure, blame, imprecation L
- vi-ḍrūkṣaṇīya mfn. fit for making rough, astringent Car
- to be blamed or reviled Vcar
- vi-ḍrūkṣita mfn. made rough &c
- smeared over, covered VarBṛS
- virūja m. N. of an Agni supposed to be in water MantraBr
- vi-rūpa mf(ā)n. many-coloured, variegated, multiform, manifold, various RV. TS. Br. Kauś
- varied, altered, changed AitBr
- different Pāṇ. Vārtt. (with ekârtha, different in form but the same in meaning'
- ifc. 'different from' Sāṃkhyak.)
- deformed, misshapen, ugly, monstrous, unnatural ChUp. MBh. &c
- less by one, minus one VarBṛS
- m. jaundice Gal
- N. of Śiva MBh. (cf. virūpa-cakṣus and virūpâkṣa)
- N. of an Asura MBh. Hariv
- of a son of the demon Parivarta MārkP
- of an Āṅgirasa (author of RV. viii, 43 ; 44 ; 75
- father of Pṛshad-aśva and son of Ambarisha
- pl. the family of the Virūpas) RV. MBh. Pur
- of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- of one of the descendants of Manu Vaivasvata MW
- of a prince W
- of two teachers Buddh
- (ā), f. Alhagi Maurorum L
- Aconitum Ferox L
- N. of the wife of Yama W
- (with Buddhists) N. of a Tantra deity Kālac
- n. deformity, irregular or monstrous shape W
- difference of form, variety of nature or character ib
- the √of Piper Longum L
- -karaṇa mf(ī)n. disfiguring BhP
- n. the act of disfiguring R. BhP
- inflicting an injury Pañcat
- -cakṣus mfn. 'diversely-eyed', N. of Śiva MBh
- -tas ind. like Virūpa or the Virūpas RV
- -tā f. manifoldness, variety Sarvad
- deformity, ugliness MBh. R
- -rūpa mfn. of deformed or monstrous shape, misshapen MBh. R
- śakti m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās
- -śarman m. N. of a Brāhman ib
- ○pâkṣa mf(ī)n. diversely-eyed', having deformed eyes (compar. -tara) PārGṛ. R. Kum
- having various occupations Vās. (Sch.)
- m. N. of a partic. divine being MānGṛ. (also ī f. N. of a tutelary deity Cat.)
- of Śiva (as represented with an odd number of eyes, one being in his forehead
- cf. tri-lccana) Vās
- of one of Śiva's attendants Hariv
- of a Rudra MBh
- of a Yaksha Kathās
- of a Dānava MBh
- of a Rākshasa ib. R
- of a serpent-demon Lalit
- of a Loka-pāla L
- of the author of VS. xii, 30, Ānukr
- of a teacher of Yoga Cat
- (with śarman kavi-kaṇṭhâbharaṇa ācārya) of a philos. author (who wrote in the 16th cent. AḌ.) ib
- ○pâkṣa-pañcâkṣarī f. N. of a Mantra
- ○pâkṣa-pañcāśat f. N. of a Stotra
- ○pâsva m. N. of a prince MBh
- vi-rūpaka mf(ikā)n. deformed, ugly, frightful, hideous Vet
- unseemly, improper Kād
- m. 'Ugly', N. of a man Daś
- N. of an Asura MBh
- vi-rūpin m. changing various colours', a chameleon L
- vi-reka &c. See under vi-√ric
- vi-repas vi-roga &c. See p. 952, col. 1
- vi-rolita mfn. (prob.for vi-lolita, p. 986, col. 1) disordered, disturbed L
- vil cl. 6. P. vilati, to cover, conceal, clothe Dhātup. xxviii, 66
- cl. 10. P. velayati, to throw, cast, send ib. xxxii, 65 (cf. √pil)
- to break or divide (cf. √bil)
- vila &c. See bila. [Page 984, Column]
- vi-√lakṣ P. Ā. -lakṣayati, ○te, to distinguish, discern, observe, perceive, mark, notice MBh. BhP
- to lose sight of ones aim or object, become bewildered or perplexed or embarrassed MBh. Pañcat. 2
- vi-ḍlakṣaṇa n. (for 1. See p. 952, col. 1) the act of distinguishing, perceiving, seeing, observing W. 2
- vi-ḍlakṣita mfn. (for 1 -see ib., col. 2) distinguished, marked by (instr. or comp.) BhP
- perceived, observed, noticed MBh
- confused, bewildered ib. Kathās
- vexed, annoyed Uttarar
- vi-√lag P. -lagati, to hang to, cling to, hold on to (loc.) Cat. i,
- vi-ḍlagita mfn. attached to &c. MW
- vi-ḍlagna mfn. clung or fastened or attached to, resting or hanging on, connected with (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (tīravilagna come ashore, landed Kathās.) pendulous, flaccid (as breasts) R
- hanging in a cage, caged (as a bird) ib
- gone by, passed away Pañcat
- thin, slender MBh. Kum
- m. or n. the waist, middle (as connecting the upper and lower parts of the body) L
- n. the rising of constellations, a horoscope &c. (= lagna) Var
- -madhyā f. a woman with a slender waist
- vi-lagita or vi-laṅgita mfn. (√lāṅg) Pāṇ. 6-4, 24 Vārtt. 1 Pat. (upatāpe)
- vi-laṅgh P. Ā. -laṅghati, ○te (aor. vy-aleghiṣuḥ Śiś. xvii, 55), to leap, jump, rise up to (acc.) Śiś. BhP.: Caus. -laṅghayati, to leap or jump over, cross, pass (time), traverse (a distance), overstep (bounds) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to transgress, contemn, neglect, violate (commands &c.) Kāv. Kathās
- to rise up, ascend to (acc.) MBh. Kir
- to rise beyond, overcome, subdue Kāv. Kathās
- to excel, surpass Kāvyâd
- to pass over, set aside, abandon Ragh. Kathās
- to act wrongly towards, offend Śiś
- to cause to pass over (the right time for eating), cause to fast Suśr.,
- vi-ḍlaṅghana n. leaping over, crossing MBh
- striking against Kir
- offence, injury ib. Kathās
- (also pl.) fasting, abstention from food Suśr
- (ā), f. passing beyond, overcoming, surmounting Rājat
- vi-laṅghanīya mfn. to be over stepped or passed over or transgressed W
- vi-ḍlaṅghayitva ind. having transgressed or missed (the proper time), having waited MBh
- vi-ḍlaṅghita mfn. overleaped, overstepped, &c
- baffled, defied (as efforts) Ragh. v, 48
- tâkāśa mfn. passing or rising beyond the sky MW
- n. fasting, abstention from food Suśr
- vi-ḍlaṅghin mfn. passing beyond, overstepping, transgressing Ragh. Kāvyâd
- ascending to, striking against Kathās
- vi-ḍlaṅghya mfn. to be passed over or crossed (as a river) Kāv
- to be overcome or subdued, tolerable Kathās
- N. of wk. (cf. -lakṣaṇa)
- -tā f. tolerableness Rājat
- -lakṣaṇa n. N. of a treatise on the changes of e and ai before a following vowel
- vi-√lajj Ā. -lajjate (rarely P.), to become ashamed or abashed, blush MBh. Kāv. &c
- vi-ḍlajjita mfn. ashamed, abashed ib
- vi-√lap P. -lapati (rarely Ā. inf. -lapiturn, or -laptum pr.p. -lapyat MBh. vii, 2681), to utter moaning sounds, wail, lament, bewail (acc. with or without prati) AV. &c. &c
- to speak variously, talk, chatter MBh. Hariv.: Caus. -lāpayati, ○te, to cause to mourn or lament AV. (cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 52, Vartt. 3 Sch.)
- to cause to speak much (Ā.) Bhaṭṭ.: Intens. (only p. -lā́lapat), to talk idly MaitrS
- vi-ḍlapana n. wailing, lamenting Uttarar. Hit
- talking idly or wildly W
- the dirt or sediment of any oily substance (as of clarified butter, &c.) Yājñ. Sch
- -vinoda m. removing grief by weeping Uttarar
- vi-ḍlapita mfn. wailed, lamented, &c
- n. lamentation, wailing MBh. R
- vi-ḍlāpa m. = prec. n. ib
- -kusumâñjali m. N. of a poem. 1
- vi-ḍlāpana mfn. (for 2. See under vi-√lī) causing moaning or lamentation (as a weapon) R. Hariv
- m. N. of one of Śiva's attendants Hariv
- n. the act of causing moaning or lamentation MBh. xii, 6113 (= nāśa Nīlak.)
- m.c. = -vi-lapana, wail, lamentation BhP
- vi-ḍlāpin mfn. wailing, lamenting, uttering moaning or inarticulate sounds Śiś
- vi-√labh Ā. -labhate, to part asunder, separate KātyŚr
- to take away, remove (dung from a stable) Kṛishis
- to procure, bestow, grant, consign, hand over, deliver up Inscr. Kathās. Rājat. &c
- to choose, elect HPariś.: Caus. -lambhayati, to cause to receive or fall to the share of (two acc.) Kathās.: Desid. -lipsate, to desire to divide or distribute ŚBr. [Page 985, Column]
- vi-ḍlabdha mfn. parted asunder, &c
- given, bestowed, consigned Kathās
- vi-ḍlabdhi f. taking away, removing Kṛishis
- vi-ḍlambha m. gift, donation, liberality L
- vi-ḍlābha mfn
- vi-ḍlābhiman m. g. dṛḍhâdi (Kāś.)
- vi-√lamb Ā. -lambate (rarely P.), to hang on both sides to (acc.) PañcavBr
- to hang down, hang on, be attached to (loc.) MBh. R. &c
- to sink, set, decline MBh
- to continue hanging, linger, delay, tarry, hesitate ('with' or 'to', prati) Gaut. MBh. &c.: Caus. lambayati, to hang on (loc.) Pañcat. ii, 62/63 (read -lambya with B.)
- to cause to linger or loiter, detain, delay Kathās
- to spend (time) unprofitably, waste, lose Hariv
- to put off, procrastinate Yājñ. R. Pañcat
- vi-lamba mfn. hanging down, pendulous (as arms) R
- m. hanging or falling down, pendulousness W
- -hanging for support Śiś. iv, 25
- slowness, tardiness, delay, procrastination (āt, 'with delay', 'late'
- ena id., 'too late'
- ibc. 'slowly') Kāv. Rājat. &c
- N. of the 32nd year in the 60 years' cycle of Jupiter, Cat
- -sauparṇa n. N. of various Sāmans PañcavBr
- vi-ḍlambaka m. N. of a king Kathās
- (ikā), f. a partic. form of indigestion (with retardation of the feces
- accord. to some 'the last stage of exhaustion in cholera') Suśr
- vi-ḍlambana n. hanging down or from, depending W
- (also ā f.) slowness, delay, procrastination MBh. Kāv. &c
- vi-ḍlambita mfn. hanging down, pendulous Hariv. Kāv
- (ifc.) dependent on, closely connected with BhP
- delayed, retarded, loitering, tardy, slow, measured (in music opp. to druta, q.v.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- (am), ind. slowly, tardily ib
- m. a partic. class of heavy animals L
- n. slowness, delay, procrastination (also impers. 'it has been delayed') MBh. Kāv. &c
- -gati f. 'slow or tardy in motion', N. of a metre VarBṛS
- -phala mfn. having the fruit or fulfilment delayed MW
- vi-ḍlambin mfn. hanging down, pandulous, hanging to or from, leaning against (loc. or comp.) Kāv. VarBṛS. Suśr. &c
- (ifc.) hung with, that from which anything hangs or falls down MBh. Pur
- tarrying, delaying, slow, reluctant Śak. (vḷ.) Gīt
- m. n. the 32nd year in the 60 years' cycle of Jupiter VarBṛS
- (○bi) -tā f. slowness, measuredness L
- vi-ḍlambya ind. having lingered or loitered, slowly, tardily Rājat. Kathās. (a-vilambya, 'without delay' ib.)
- vi-laya &c. See vi-√lī, col. 3
- vilalā f. a sort of plant (= śvetabala) L
- vi-√las P. -lasati, to gleam, flash, glitter (only pr. p. -lasat, q.v., and pf. -lalāsa Bhaṭṭ.)
- to shine forth, appear, arise, become visible Śiś
- to sound forth, echo ( See vi-lasan)
- to play, sport, dally, be amused or delighted Kāv. Kathās
- to vibrate, coruscate ( See vi-lasat): Caus. -lācayati, to cause to dance Vās
- vi-lasat mf(antī)n. flashing, shining, glittering &c
- -patāka mfn. having a gleaming or waving flag MW
- -saudāminī f. a flash of lightning Bhartṛ
- vi-lasan in comp. for
- vi-lasat
- -marīci mfn. having rays of light gleaming or playing MW
- -megha-śabda m. the echoing sound of clouds (i.e. thunder) Kathās
- vi-lasana n. gleaming, flashing (of lightning) Megh
- play, sport ib. Daś
- vi-ḍlasita mfn. gleaming, glittering, shining forth, appearing BhP
- played, sported (n. also impers.) Kāv. Kathās
- moving to and fro BhP
- n. flashing, quivering (of lightning) Vikr. Prab
- appearing, manifestation (vidyā, v○ manifestation of knowledge) Cat
- sport play, pastime, dalliance Kāv. Kathās
- any action or gesture Ragh
- vi-lāsa m. (ifc. f. ā) shining forth, appearance, manifestation, Ṛit. Gīt
- sport, play, pastime, pleasure, diversion (esp. with women &c
- but also applied to any playful action or gesture) MBh. Kāv. &c. (○sāya, 'for sport')
- coquetry, affectation of coyness, wantonness (a form of feminine gesture considered as indicative of amorous sentiments) Hariv. Kāv. Daśar. Sāh
- liveliness, joviality (considered as a masculine virtue) Daśar. ii, 9
- wantonness, lust Daśar. Sāh
- grace, charm, beauty BhP
- N. of a gram. wk
- (with ācārya) of a preceptor Cat
- n. (and ā f.) N. of a metre VarBṛS
- -kānana n. a pleasure-grove L. [Page 985, Column]
- -kodaṇḍa m. N. of the god of love Vcar
- -gṛha n. a pleasure-house ib
- -cāpa m. (= -kodaṇḍa) ib
- -dolā f. a pleasure-swing Pañcat
- -dhanvan m. (= -kodaṇḍa) Vcar
- -pura n. N. of a town Kathās
- -bāṇa m. (= -kodaṇḍa) Vcar
- -bhavana n. (= -gṛha) Rājat
- -bhitti f. a wall (only) in appearance Vcar
- -maṇi-darpaṇa m. a mirror set with jewels to play with Rājat
- -mandira n. ( = -gṛha) L
- maya mf(ī)n. full of grace, charming Vcar
- -mekhalā f. a toy-girdle (not a real one) Ragh
- -racikā f. N. of a Suraṅganā Siṃhâs
- -vat mfn. sportive, playful Sāh
- (atī), f. a wanton or coquettish woman Kālid
- N. of various women Vas. Kād
- of a drama (quoted in Sāh.)
- -vasati f. a pleasure resort Kathās. ŚārṅgP. (v. l.)
- -vātâyana n. a pleasure-balcony or terrace Vcar
- -vipina n. a pleasure-grove Prab
- -vibhavānasa (?), mfn. = lubdha L
- -vihāra m. a pleasure-walk, promenading Bhartṛ. (v. l.)
- -veśman n. = -gṛha Kathās
- -śayyā f. a pleasure-couch ib
- -śīla m. N. of a king ib
- -sadman n. = -gṛha Vcar
- -svāmin m. N. of a man Inscr
- ○sândra-gāminī f. N. of a Gandharvii Kāraṇḍ
- vi-ḍlāsaka mf(ikā)n. moving to and fro, dancing, fluttering MBh
- (ikā), f. a kind of drama (in one act on any light subject or adventure) Sāh
- vi-ḍlāsana n. (m.c. for vi-lasana) play, sport, dalliance MBh. iii, 1829
- fascination W
- vi-ḍlāsin mfn. shining, beaming, radiant MBh
- moving to and fro, fluttering ib
- wanton, sportive, playful, dallying with or fond of (comp.) R. Ragh. Dhūrtas
- coquettish Ragh. Gīt
- m. 'sporter', a lover, husband Kum. Sāh. (L. also, a sensualist
- a serpent
- fire
- the moon
- N. of Kṛishṇa, of Śiva, and of Kāma-deva')
- (inī), f. a charming or lively or wanton or coquettish woman, wife, mistress (also ○nikā Pañcar
- ○nī-jana m. Śiś.)
- a kind of metre VarBṛS
- N. of a woman Kathās
- (○si) -tā f. -tva n. wantonness, playfulness, cheerfulness Hariv. Mālav. Rājat
- vilāta mfn. g. dṛḍhâdi (vḷ. vilābha) Kāś
- (ā), f. a kind of bird ib
- vilātiman m. (fr. prec.) ib
- vi-lātavya vi-lātṛ &c. See ve-√lī, col. 3
- vilāla m. (perhaps fr. √lal) = yantra, a machine L
- = bilāla, a cat W
- vi-lāṣin mfn. (fr. √laṣ) Pāṇ. 3-2, 144
- vi-√likh P. -likhati (Ved. inf. -likhas
- Pāṇ. 3-4, 13 Sch.), to scratch, scrape, tear up, lacerate Lāṭy. MBh. &c
- to rub against, reach to, touch Hariv
- to wound (the heart), i.e. vex, offend ŚBr
- to scratch in or on, make a furrow or mark, write, delineate, paint Gol. MBh. &c
- (in medicine) to tear up, i.e. stir up (phlegm &c.) Car.: Caus. -lekhayati, or -likhāpayati, to cause to scratch or write, Kṛishṇaj
- vi-likha See a-vilikha
- vi-ḍlikhana n. the act of scraping, scratching &c. Bālar
- vi-ḍlikhita mfn. scratched, scraped, scarified Pañcat
- vi-lekha m. scratching, tearing up, wounding Śiś. KātyŚr. Sch
- (ā), f. a scratch, furrow, mark MBh. Suśr
- a written contract Nār
- vi-ḍlekhana mfn. scratching, lacerating Suśr
- n. the act of making an incision or mark or furrow Dhātup
- scratching, wounding, lacerating Gaut. MBh
- the course (of a river) Hariv
- dividing, splitting W
- digging. delving, rooting up ib
- vi-ḍlekhin mfn. scratching i.e. rubbing against, touching, reaching up to (ifc.) MBh
- víligī f. a kind of serpent AV
- vili-nātha m. (with kavi) N. of a poet (author of the drama Madana-mañjarī) Cat
- vi-√lip P. Ā. -limpati, ○te, to smear or spread over, anoint (also 'to anoint one's self', P.) ŚBr. &c. &c
- to smear or spread with (instr.) Kum.: Caus. -lepayati, to smear or anoint with (instr.) Hcat
- -limpayati, See -limpita
- vi-lipta mf(ā)n. smeared over, anointed &c
- (ā), f. See p. 952, col. 2
- (ī́), f. a cow in a partic. period after calving AV
- vi-limpita mfn. (fr. Caus.) smeared, anointed L
- vi-lepa m. ointment, unguent (esp. the fragrant unguent of sandal &c.) BhP
- anointing, plastering W
- mortar, plaster ib
- (ī), f. rice-gruel Bhpr. Car
- vi-ḍlepana n. smearing, anointing (esp. with fragrant oils &c.) VarBṛS. Kathās. Suśr. [Page 985, Column]
- (ifc. f. ā), unguent, ointment, perfume for the person (as saffron, camphor &c.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- a partic. mythical weapon R
- (ī), f. a woman scented with perfumes &c. L
- rice-gruel L
- ○nin mfn. smeared, anointed (in a-vil○) R
- vi-ḍlepikā f. a female anointer L
- rice-gruel L
- vi-ḍlepin mfn. smearing or plastering over, one who anoints &c. Kathās
- viscous, sticky (in a-vil○) Suśr
- (ifc.) stuck or clung to, accompanied by Bhpr.,
- vi-ḍlepya mfn. to be (or being) spread over or plastered, made of mortar or clay BhP
- m. n. and (ā), f. rice-gruel L
- vi-√liś Ā. -liśate, to become out of joint, be disarranged or disordered, break off, become rent or torn TS. ŚBr
- vi-liṣṭa mfn. (cf. vi-riṣṭa) broken off, out of due order VS. KātySr
- -bheṣaja n. a remedy for fractures or dislocation AV. Paipp
- vilisteṅgā f. N. of a Dānavi Kāṭh
- vi-√lih P. Ā. -leḍhi, -līḍhe, to lick, lick up, lap MBh. BhP. Suśr.: Intens. (only p. -lelihat and ○hāna), to lick continually or repeatedly MBh
- vi-√lī Ā. -līyate (pf. -lilyuh MBh
- fut. -letā, or -lātā
- ind. p. -līya or -lāya Pāṇ. 6-1, 51 Sch.), to cling or cleave or adhere to MBh. Ratnâv. Siś
- to hide or conceal one's self, disappear MBh. Kāv. &c
- to be dissolved, melt AV. &c. &c.: Caus. -lāpayati or -lāyayati or -lālayati or -līnayati (Pāṇ. 7-3, 39 Sch.), to cause to disappear, destroy Saṃk
- to cause to be dissolved or absorbed in (loc.) BhP. Sch
- to make liquid, dissolve, melt Suśr
- vi-laya m. dissolution, liquefaction, disappearance, death, destruction (esp. destruction of the world) MBh. Kāv. &c. (acc. with √gam, yā, vraj &c. to be dissolved, end
- with Caus. of √gam, to dissolve, destroy)
- vi-ḍlayana mfn. dissolving, liquefying Suśr
- n. dissolution, liquefaction ib
- melting (intrans.) Kaṇ
- a partic. product of milk Gaut. Gobh
- corroding, eating away W
- removing, taking away ib
- attenuating or, an attenuant, escharotic (in medicine) ib
- vi-lātavya and mfn. Pāṇ. 6-1, 51 Sch
- vi-lāḍtṛ mfn. Pāṇ. 6-1, 51 Sch
- vi-lāpana mf(ī)n. (fr. Caus
- for 1, See under vi-√lap) dissolving, destroying, removing Suśr
- melting, liquefying ( See ājaya-vilā́panī)
- n. destruction, death BhP
- a means of destruction VP
- melting or a means of melting ib
- a partic. product of milk VarYogay. (cf. vi-layana)
- vi-ḍlāpayitṛ m. a dissolver Bālar
- vi-ḍlāpita mfn. = next BhP. Sch
- vi-lāyita mfn. dissolved, liquefied Prab. Suśr
- vi-līna mfn. clinging or sticking or attached to, fixed on, immersed in (loc. or comp.) Kāv. Pañcar
- (ifc.) alighted or perched on (said of birds) Kathās
- sticking ( See comp.)
- hidden, disappeared, perished, absorbed in (loc.) MaitrUp. MBh. &c
- dissolved, melted, liquefied ChUp. Kathās. Suśr
- contiguous to, united or blended with W
- infused into the mind, imagined ib
- -ṣaṭpada mfn. having bees clinging or attached MW
- ○nâkṣaram ind. so that the sound sticks (in the throat) Bhartṛ
- vi-līyana n. melting (intrans.) ĀpŚr. Sch
- vi-√luñc P. -luñcati, to tear or pull out (hair) Bhaṭṭ
- vi-ḍluñcana n. the act of tearing off MW
- vi-luṭh √2. (cf. vi-√luḍ below), P. -luṭhati, to roll, move to and fro, quiver, flicker Inscr. Bālar. Rājat. Sāh
- vi-ḍluṭhita mfn. agitated, excited Cat
- n. rolling, wallowing Vās
- vi-ḍloṭhin mfn. moving to and fro, dangling, Pracaṇd
- vi-√luḍ (cf. prec. and vi-lulita), Caus. -loḍayati, to stir about, stir up, mingle Suśr. Hcat
- to move to and fro, toss about, upset, disorder, confuse MBh. Hariv
- to betake one's self into (acc.) Naish. Sch
- vi-loḍa m. (prob. = vi-loṭa, q.v.) rolling, wallowing, Dhāt. ix, 27
- vi-ḍloḍaka m. a thief ( See varṇa-v○)
- vi-ḍloḍana n. stirring up, churning, Śis
- splashing (in water) Daś. (vḷ. ○nā f.)
- agitating, alarming Pratāp
- vi-ḍloḍayitṛ m. an agitator, disturber (used to explain vi-gāḍhṛ) Bhaṭṭ. Sch
- vi-ḍlodita mfn. agitated, churned &c
- n. = takra or dadhi L. [Page 986, Column]
- vi-√luṇṭ (only ind. p. -luṇṭya), to unhusk Pañcat. iii, 32/83 (vḷ. for luñcitvā)
- vi-√luṇṭh (cf. vi-√luṭh), P. -luṇṭhati (fut. luṇṭhiṣyati inf. -luṇṭhitum
- Pass. -luṇṭhyate), to carry off, plunder, steal, ravage Kāv. Kathās
- vi-ḍluṇṭhaka (f. ikā), See mukha-vilunṭhikā)
- vi-ḍluṇṭhana n. the act of plundering or robing or stealing R. Sāh
- hanging down, dangling Subh. (v. l.)
- vi-ḍluṇṭhita mfn. robbed, plundered &c
- = vi-luṭhita, rolling, wallowing Rājat
- vi-√lup P. -lumpati (rarely Ā.), to tear or break off or to pieces, wound, lacerate pull out or up MBh. Kāv. &c
- to tear away, carry off, ravish, seize, rob, plunder AitBr. &c. &c
- to destroy, confound, ruin MBh. R. &c
- (Ā.) to fall to pieces, be ruined, disappear Kauś. ChUp.: Pass. -lupyate, to be torn away or carried off, be impaired or destroyed, perish, be lost, disappear, fail AitBr. &c. &c.: Caus. -lopayati (○te), to tear or carry away, withhold, keep back, suppress, extinguish, destroy MBh. Kām. MārkP
- vi-ḍlupta mfn. torn or broken off, carried away &c
- impaired, destroyed, ruined, lost MBh. Kāv. &c
- -pūrva mfn. torn off or carried away before Mṛicch
- -vitta mfn. one whose goods are robbed or plundered VarBṛS
- -sāvitrīka mfn. deprived of the Sāvitrī (cf. patita-s○) ĀpŚr. Sch
- vi-ḍlupya mfn. destructible, perishable (in a-vil○) Prasaṅg
- vi-ḍlumpaka mf(ikā)n. one who breaks or tears off &c
- m. a robber, ravisher BhP
- a destroyer MBh.
- vi-lopa m. carrying off, taking away Hariv
- a break, interruption, disturbance, injury MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. a-vil○
- ruin, loss R
- vi-ḍlopaka mfn. (and m.) = -lumpaka MBh. Hariv. Pañcar
- vi-ḍlopana n. the act of tearing or breaking to pieces, destroying, destruction R
- cutting or plucking off Subh
- leaving out, omission Sāh
- robbing, stealing Hariv
- vi-ḍlopita mfn. (fr. Caus.) broken, destroyed, extinguished MBh
- vi-ḍlopin mfn. breaking, destroying Śaṃk
- vi-ḍloptṛ m. a robber, thief MBh
- vi-ḍlopya mfn. to be broken or destroyed Inscr
- vi-√lubh Caus. -lobhayati, to lead astray, perplex, confuse Daśar
- to allure, entice, tempt MBh. Kāv. &c
- to divert, amuse, delight R. Śak. (vḷ.)
- vi-lubhita mfn. disordered, disarranged, agitated Pāṇ. 7-2, 54 Sch
- -plava mfn. going in an agitated manner Bhaṭṭ
- vi-lobha m. attraction, delusion, seduction W
- vi-ḍlobhana n. the act of leading astray, perplexing, beguiling, seduction, temptation Ragh. Kir. Vās
- (in dram.) flattery, praise, commendation (e.g. Śak. i, 17-21, the stanzas containing the king's description of Śakuntalā's beauty) Bhar. Daśar. &c
- vi-ḍlobhanīya mfn. enticing, alluring Vās. Kād
- vi-ḍlobhita mfn. (fr. Caus.) allured, beguiled, deceived, flattered, praised W
- vi-lulita mfn. (√lul
- cf. vi-luḍ) moved hither and thither Vikr
- shaken down, falling down, shed Uttarar. BhP
- shaken, agitated, disordered, disarranged MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○tâlaka mfn. having dishevelled hair Ṛitus
- vi-lola mf(ā)n. moving to and fro or from side to side, rolling, waving, tremulous, unsteady Kāv. Kathās. &c
- unsteadier than (abl.) Subh
- -tā f. -tva n. tremulousness, unsteadiness, rolling (of the eyes) W
- -tāraka mfn. (a face) with rolling (pupils of the) eyes ŚārṅgP
- -locana mfn. having eyes swelling (with tears) BhP
- -hāra mfn. having necklaces tossed about MW
- vi-loḍlolana n. the act of shaking, stirring, agitating Naish
- vi-loḍlolita mfn. (fr. Caus.) moved hither and thither, shaken, agitated, tossed about MBh
- -dṛś mfn. rolling the eyes, having tremulous eyes MārkP
- vi-√lū (only ind. p. -lūya), to cut off Bālar
- vi-ḍlūna mfn. cut off, severed ib
- vi-√lok (only inf. -lokitum and ind. p. -lokya), to look at or upon, regard, examine, test, study MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -lokayati, to look at, consider, observe, regard, examine, try, inspect Gobh. MBh. &c
- to be able to see, possess the faculty of seeing Bhartṛ. (v. l.)
- to have regard to (acc.) Prab
- to look over or beyond (acc.) Mn. viii, 239: Pass. -lokyate (aor. vy-aloki), to be seen, be visible Kathās. BhP. [Page 986, Column]
- vi-loka m. (for 1 -see p. 952, col. 2) a glance, view BhP
- vi-ḍlokana n. the act of looking or seeing Kāv. Pur. Suśr
- looking at, regarding, observing, contemplating Kāv. Kathās
- looking for, finding out ŚārṅgP. Campak
- (ifc.) perceiving, noticing, becoming aware of Kāv. Kathās. Pañcar
- paying attention to, studying (also pl., with gen.) Subh
- vi-ḍlokanīya mfn. to be looked at or perceived or noticed or learnt (n. also impers.) Hcat. Campak
- worthy to be looked at, lovely, beautiful (-tā f. -tva n.) W
- vi-ḍlokita mfn. looked at, seen, beheld &c
- m. (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt
- n. a look, glance Śak
- observation, examination Lalit
- vi-ḍlokin mfn. looking at, looking, seeing, beholding, perceiving, noticing, becoming aware of (ifc.) Kathās. Śatr
- vi-ḍlokya mfn. to be (or being) looked at, visible MārkP
- vi-locana mfn. (√loc
- for 1. See p. 952, col. 2) 'causing to see' or 'seeing' (ifc.) Hariv. 14943
- n. (ifc. f. ā) the eye, sight Hariv. Kāv. &c
- -patha m. the range of vision Sāh
- -pāta m. 'eye-fall', a glance, look Śiś
- ○nâmbu n. 'eye-water', tears W
- vi-loṭa m. (used to explain √2 -luṭ
- cf. vi-loḍa), rolling, wallowing Dhātup. ix, 27
- vi-ḍloṭaka m. a sort of fish, Clupea Cultrata L
- vi-ḍloṭana n. = ○loṭa Dhātup. ix, 27
- vi-loḍa vi-loḍana &c. See under vi-√luḍ, p. 985, col. 3
- vi-lopa &c. See vi-√lup, col. 1
- vi-lobha &c. See vi-√lubh ib
- vi-loma mf(ā)n. (fr. 3. vi + loman) against the hair or grain, turned the wrong way, inverted, contrary to the usual or proper course, opposed (pavana-vil○, 'turned against the wind'
- am ind., 'backwards') GopBr. Var. Rājat
- produced in reverse order MW
- refractory VarBṛS
- hairless ( See tā below)
- m. reverse order, opposite course, reverse W
- a snake L
- a dog L
- N. of Varuṇa L
- (ī), f. Emblic Myrobalan L
- n. a water-wheel or machine for raising water from a well L
- -kāvya n. = ○vilomâkṣara-k○ below
- -kriyā f. reverse action, doing anything in reverse order or backwards W
- (in arithm.) rule of inversion ib
- ja (VP.) or jāta (BhP.), mfn. born in reverse order', born of a mother belonging to a higher caste than the father
- -jihva m. an elephant L
- -tā f. the being hairless, (and) perverseness Dharmaś
- trairāśika n. rule of three inverse Col
- -pāṭha m. recitation in reverse order (i.e. from the end to the beginning) Cat
- -rasana m. an elephant L
- -varṇa mfn. = viloma-ja above L
- m. a man of mixed or inferior birth W
- -vidhi m. an inverted rite, reversed ceremony ib
- (in arithm.) rule of inversion ib
- ○mâkṣara-kāvya n. N. of a poem which may be read syllable by syllable either backwards or forwards, = rāma-kṛṣṇa-kāvya, q.v
- ○môtpanna mfn. viloma-ja above MW
- vi-lomaka mfn. inverted, reversed L
- ví-loman mfn. against the hair or grain, turned in the opposite direction, inverted TS. Br. VarBṛ
- hairless Kathās
- m. N. of a king Pur
- vi-lomita mfn. reversed, inverted Naish
- vi-lola vi-lolana, vi-lolita. See col. 1
- vi-lolupa 1. 2. vi-lohita, See p. 952, col. 2
- villa vilva, See billa, bilva
- vi-vaktṛ vi-vakvát, See under vi-√vac, col. 3
- vi-vákṣaṇa mfn. (√vakṣ) swelling, exuberant (applied to the Soma) RV. (Sāy. 'gushing', 'spurting' or, bringing to heaven'= svarga-prâpaṇa-śīla)
- ví-vakṣase (fr. √vakṣ, or vac or vah, either 2. sg. A. or Ved. inf.), occurring only as refrain and without connection with other words in the hymns of Vi-mada RV. x, 24 &c. (accord. to Naigh. iii, 3= mahat)
- vivakṣā f. (fr. Desid. of √vac) the wish or desire to speak or declare or teach or express Saṃk. Sarvad. &c
- meaning, signification, sense, sense of (loc. or comp.) BhP. Pāṇ. Sch. [Page 986, Column]
- the (mere) wish or intention to speak, uncertainty, doubt, hesitation ('as to', comp.) MBh. R
- wish, desire W
- a question MW
- -"ṣrtham (○kṣâr○), ind. (ifc.) in order to point out or lay stress upon Pāṇ. Sch
- -vaśāt ind. according to the meaning (of a speaker or writer) MW
- viḍvakṣita mfn. wished or intended to be spoken or said, meant, intended MBh. R. Śaṃk
- expressly meant, to be urged, essential (in a-viv○) Śaṃk
- chief, favourite Kām
- literal (not figurative) W
- n. what is wished or intended to be spoken &c
- any desired object or aim ib
- (ā), f. meaning, purpose, wish (?) ib
- -tva n. the being intended or meant to be said Nīlak
- viḍvakṣitavya mfn. to be intended or meant to be said, necessarily meant Nyāyam., Sch ○vakṣú mfn. calling or crying aloud AV
- wishing to speak, intending to say or announce or tell or ask anything (acc., rarely gen., or comp.) MBh. Hariv. &c
- wishing to speak to (acc.) MBh
- vi-√vac P. -vakti (rarely Ā.), to, declare, announce, explain, solve (a question) RV. ŚBr
- to decide Yājñ. Sch. (in explaining vivāka)
- to discuss, impugn MBh
- (Ā.) to speak variously or differently, dispute with one another about (loc.) RV
- vi-vaktṛ mfn. one who declares or explains or sets right or corrects AitBr
- -tva n. eloquence Rājat
- vi-ḍvakvát mfn. eloquent RV
- vi-vāka m. one who decides causes or pronounces judgment (cf. prāḍ-v○) Yājñ. Sch
- vi-ḍvākya See a-vivākyá
- ví-vāc mfn. crying aloud, screaming, yelling, roaring RV
- f. opposing shout, contest, battle, war, fight ib
- ví-ḍvā́cana m. one who decides, arbitrator (ī f.) RV
- n. arbitration, authority AitBr
- ví-ḍvacas See p. 952, col. 2
- ví-ḍvācya mfn. to be corrected or set right ĀśvŚr
- vivañciṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of √vañc) wishing to deceive, deceitful W
- vivatsu (Kāv.) or vivadiṣu (Sāy.), mfn. (fr. Desid. of √vad) wishing to speak or tell
- vi-√vad P. Ā. (cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 47 Sch.) -vadati, ○te, (P.) to contradict, oppose (acc.) AV
- (P. Ā) to be at variance, contest, litigate, dispute with (instr., rarely acc.) or about (loc., rarely acc.) TBr. &c. &c. (Ved. inf. -vade with √yā, to be about to quarrel'
- pr. p. Ā. -vadamāna, 'disputing', disputed', questionable')
- (P.) to talk, converse Hariv
- (Ā.) to raise the voice, sing (said of birds) R.: Caus. -vādayati, to dispute or litigate, commence an action or lawsuit Yājñ.: Intens. (only p. vā́vadat), to roar aloud AV
- vi-ḍvadana n. contest, quarrel, litigation MBh
- vi-ḍvadita mfn. disputing, quarrelling MBh. xiii, 356
- disputed, controverted, litigated MW
- vi-ḍvaditavya n. (impers.) it is to be disputed about (loc.), Śaṃpk
- vi-ḍvadiṣṇu See a-vivadiṣṇu
- vi-vāda m. (exceptionally n.) a dispute, quarrel, contest between (gen. or comp.) or with (instr. with or without saha, or comp.) or about, regarding (loc., gen., acc. with prati, or comp.) ṢaḍvBr. MBh. Kāv. &c
- contest at law, legal dispute, litigation, lawsuit Mn. Yājñ. &c. (with svāmi-pālayoḥ, disputes between the owner and tender of cattle or between master and servant IW. 261)
- an argument Sarvad
- 'sound' or 'command' Ragh. xviii, 42
- -kalpataru m. N. of wk
- -kaumudī f. N. of a treatise on disputed points of grammar (by Lilā-maṇi)
- -candra m. -candrikā f. -cintamaṇi m. -tattvadīpa, m. -tāṇḍava n. (?), -nirṇaya m. N. of wks. (cf. IW. 304, 305)
- -pada n. the subject of a dispute or lawsuit Yājñ. Sch
- -pariccheda m. N. of wk
- -bhaṅgârṇava m. N. of a compendium of civil law by Jagan-nātha (compiled at the close of the last century)
- -bhīru mfn. afraid of a quarrel or contest Mālav
- -ratnâkara m. (IW. 305), -vāridhi m. N. of wks. on law
- ○śamana n. the allaying or settling of a dispute, pacification LiṅgaP
- -saṃvāda-bhū f. a matter or subject of controversy or discussion BhP
- -sārârṇava m. N. of a compendium of law by Sarvôru Trivedin (compiled by order of Sir William Jones)
- -sindhu m. -setu m. -saukhya n. N. of wks
- ○dâdhyāsita mfn. subject to dispute, disputed, discussed Sarvad
- ○dânavasara m. not an occasion for dispute or contest BhP
- ○dânugata mfn. subject to dispute or litigation Yājñ. Sch
- ○dârṇava-bhaṅga m. (or -bhañjana n.) N. of wk. on law (compiled by a number of Paṇḍits) [Page 987, Column]
- ○dârṇava-setu m. N. of a legal digest by Bāṇêśvara and others (compiled by order of Warren Hastings)
- ○dârthin m. 'seeking for litigation, a litigant, prosecutor, plaintiff Yājñ. Sch
- ○dâspada n. the subject of a lawsuit (○di-bhūta), mfn. become the subject of a lawsuit, litigated, contested at law) ib
- vi-ḍvādin mfn. disputing, contending
- a litigant, party in a lawsuit Mn. MBh. Kathās
- vi-√vadh (only aor. vy-ávadhīt Subj. vi-vadhiṣaḥ), to destroy utterly RV
- vi-vadhá or vii-vadha m. (prob. fr. √vadh = vah
- cf. vadhu) a shoulder-yoke for carrying burdens TĀr. AśvGṛ. &c. (cf. vi- and sav○)
- a store of grain or hay, provisions &c. Kāv. Kām. Pañcat
- a partic. Ekâha, Vaitān
- a road, highway L. (viiv○ Pat. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 12 Vārtt. 1)
- a ewer, pitcher W
- the income which a king obtains from his subjects L
- (viivadhā), f. a yoke (fig.), i.e. chain, fetters (cf. vṛddha-v○)
- vi-vadhika or mf(ī)n. one who carries a burden on a shoulder-yoke Pāṇ. 4-4, 17
- vī-vadhika mf(ī)n. one who carries a burden on a shoulder-yoke Pāṇ. 4-4, 17
- m. a dealer, pedlar, hawker W
- vivandiṣā f. (fr. Desid. of √vand) the wish to salute or worship HPariś
- vivandiṣu mfn. wishing to salute, intending to praise MārkP
- vi-vayana See under vi-√ve
- vi-vara vi-varaṇa &c. See under vi- √1. vṛ, p. 988
- vi-varuṇa &c. See p. 952, col. 2
- vi-varjaka vi-varjana &c. See under vi-√vṛj, p. 988
- vi-√varṇ (also written vi-√vṛṇ), q.v.), P. -varṇayati (aor. vyaviivṛṇat), to excel in painting or description Uttarar
- to discolour Jātakam
- to dispraise Divyâv
- vi-ḍvarṇyitavya mfn. to be disapproved ib
- vi-ḍvarṇita mfn. dispraised, disapproved Lalit
- vi-varṇa &c. See p. 952, col. 2
- vi-varta vi-vartana &c. See under vi-√vṛt, p. 988
- vi-√vardh P. -vardhayati, to cut off, sever MW
- vi-vardhana n. (for 2. See under vi-√vṛdh) the act of cutting off, cutting, dividing W
- vi-vardhita mfn. (for 2. See ib.) cut off, cut, divided ib
- vi-varman &c. See p. 952, col. 2
- vi-varṣaṇa &c. See vi-√vṛṣ
- vi-√val P. -valati, to turn away or aside (intr.) Kpr
- vi-ḍvalá mfn. (applied to a metre) VS
- vi-ḍvalita mfn. turned away, averted Amar
- vi-√valg P. -valgati, to leap, jump, spring Mṛicch
- to burst asunder MW
- vi-vavri vi-vaśa &c. See p. 952, col. 2
- vi-vas √2. (cf. vyuṣ), P. vy-ucchati, to shine forth, shine, dawn RV. &c. &c
- (vi-váste), to illumine ŚBr.: Caus. -vāsayati, to cause to shine RV. TS. Br
- ví-vasvat or mfn. shining forth, diffusing light, matutinal (applied to Ushas Agni &c
- vi-vásvat mfn. shining forth, diffusing light, matutinal (applied to Ushas Agni &c
- sadane vivasvataḥ, 'at the seat of Fire') RV. VS. Kāṭh
- m. 'the Brilliant one', N. of the Sun (sometimes regarded as one of the eight Ādityas or sons of Aditi, his father being Kaśyapa
- elsewhere he is said to be a son of Dākshāyaṇi and Kaśyapa
- in epic poetry he is held to be the father of Manu Vaivasvata or, according to another legend, of Manu Sāvarṇi by Sa-varṇā
- in RV. x, 17, 1 he is described as the father of Yama Vaivasvata, and in RV. x, 17, 2 as father of the Aśvins by Saraṇyū, and elsewhere as father of both Yama and Yamī, and therefore a kind of parent of the human race) RV. &c. &c
- the Soma priest RV. ix, 14, 5 &c
- N. of Aruṇa (charioteer of the Sun) W
- of the seventh or present Manu (more properly called Vaivasvata, as son of Vivasvat) RV. viii, 52, 1
- N. of a Daitya MBh
- a god L
- N. of the author of the hymn RV. x, 13 (having the patronymic Āditya) Anukr. [Page 987, Column]
- N. of the author of a Dharma-śāstra (cf. -smṛti)
- (atī), f. N. of the city of the Sun L
- -suta m. son of Vivasvat', N. of Manu Vaivasvata Mn. i, 62
- -smṛti f. the law-book of Vivasvat
- (○vad)-vāta mf(ā)n. (prob.) loved by Vivasvat TS
- vi-vásḍvásvan only in instr. pl. (prob.= 'to shine forth') RV. i, 187, 7
- vi-vāsa m. (for 1.and 2. See p.952, col. 2) shining forth, dawning ĀśvŚr
- -kāle ind. at the time of daybreak ib. 1
- vi-ḍvāsana mfn. (for 2. See under vi-√4.vas) illumining Nir
- n. illumination ib
- -vat mfn. (used to explain vi-vasvat) ib
- vy-uṣṭa
- vy-uṣṭi See 2. vy-√uṣ
- vi-vas √4. Ā. -vaste, to change clothes TS. ĀśvŚr
- to put on, don Bhaṭṭ.: Caus. -vāsayati (Pass. -vāsyate), to put on, don MBh
- vi-vāsana n. (for 1. See vi- √2. vas) being clothed in or covered with (instr.) MBh
- vi-vas √5. P. -vasati, to change an abode, depart from (abl.) BhP
- (with brahmacaryam), to enter upon an apprenticeship, become a pupil ChUp
- to abide, dwell, live MBh. R
- to pass, spend (time) ib. &c.: Caus. -vāsayati, to cause to dwell apart, banish, expel MBh. Kāv. &c
- to send forth, dismiss MBh
- vi-vāsa m. (for 3. See under vi- √2. vac) leaving home, banishment MBh. R. &c
- separation from (instr.) MBh
- -karaṇa n. causing banishment, banishing, transporting W
- vi-vāsana n. the act of banishing, banishment, exile R. Uttarar
- vi-vāsayitṛ m. an expeller TBr. Sch
- vi-vāsita mfn. banished, exiled, transported W
- vi-vāsya mfn. to be expelled or exiled Mn. Yājñ. R
- vy-uṣita
- vy-uṣṭa See 2. vy-uṣita
- vi-√vah P. -vahati (rai-ely Ā.), to bear or carry off, remove RV. MBh
- to lead away (the bride from her father's house), take in marriage, marry AV. &c. &c
- (also Ā., with or without mithas) to marry or form a matrimonial alliance together Gobh. Āpast. BhP.: Caus. -vāhayati, to marry (a girl) to (gen. or saha) MBh. Pañcat
- (Ā.) to lead home, take to wife Kathās. Vet. Pañcat
- vi-vaha m. 'carrying away', N. of one of the seven winds MBh. Hariv
- of one of the seven tongues of fire Col
- vi-vāhá m. leading away (of the bride from her father's house), taking a wife, marriage with (instr. with or without saha) AV. &c. &c. (eight kinds of marriage are enumerated in Mn. iii, 21, viz. Brāhma, Daiva, Ārsha, Prājāpatya, Āsura, Gāndharva, Rākshasa, and Paiśāca
- Yājñ.)i. i, 58-61 and IW. 190 &c.)
- a partic. wind Śak. Sch. (prob. wṛ. for vi-vaha)
- a vehicle (and, marriage' AitBr. vii, 13
- n. a partic. high number Buddh
- -karman n. ○ma-paddhati f. N. of wks
- -kāma mfn. desirous of marriage MW
- -kārikā f. pl. N. of wk
- -kāla m. the (right) time for marriage VarBṛS
- -griha n. 'marriage-house', the house in which a wedding is celebrated Kathās
- -caturthika n. or -caturthī-karman n. N. of wks
- -catuṣṭaya n. a quadruple marriage, the marrying of four wives MW
- -tattva (or udvāha-t○), n. -tattva-dīpikā f. N. of wks
- -dīkṣā f. the marriage rite, marriage ceremony Ragh
- (○kṣā-tilaka m. n. a Tilaka mark made on the forehead during a marriage cerṭceremony MW
- ○kṣā-vidhi m. the preparatory rites of marriage ib.)
- -dvir-āgamanapaddhati f. N. of wk. (containing rules to be observed on a bride's coming for the second time from her father's to her husband's house)
- nepathya n. a marriage-dress Mālav
- -paṭala m. n. N. of various wks. (or of that section in an astrological wk. that treats of the times fit for mṭmarriage)
- -paṭaha m. a marriage-drum Mṛicch
- -paddhati f. -prakaraṇa n. (and ○ṇa-ṭīkā f.), -prayoga m. -bhūṣaṇa n. -mela-vāṇī-vidhi m. N. of wks
- -yajña m. a marriage-sacrifice MW
- -ratna n. N. of wk
- -vidhi m. the law of marriage Mn. ix, 65 (also N. of wk.)
- -vṛndāvana n. N. of an astrol. wk. by Keśavârka
- -veṣa m. (ifc. f. ā) a marriage-dress Ragh
- -samaya m. = -kāla Pañcat
- -sambandha m. relation or connection by marriage, Pracaṇḍ
- -siddhânterahasya n. -saukhya n. N. of wks
- -sthāna n. the place for a marriage-ceremony (before a house) ĀpGṛ. Sch
- -homa m. = marriage-sacrifice
- (○ma-vidhi m. and ○môpayuktā mantrāḥ m. pl. N. of wks.)
- ○hâgni m. a marriage-fire ĀśvGṛ
- ○hâdi-kārmaṇām prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○hârtha m. purpose of marriage, a m. suit MW
- ○hêcchu mfn. desirous of marriage ib
- ○hôtsava m. 'marriage feast', N. of wk. [Page 987, Column]
- vi-ḍvāhanīyā f. to be led away (as a bride), to be married Daś
- vi-ḍvāhayitavya mfn. = vi-vāhya Gobh. Sch
- vi-ḍvāhita mfn. caused to marry, married (said of men and women) Pañcat. Kathās
- vi-ḍvāhin See and dvi-vivāhin
- vi-ḍvāhya mfn. to be married, marriageable Kathās
- connected by marriage Yājñ. i, 110 (cf. a-viv○)
- m. a son-in-law MānGṛ. Gobh. &c
- a bridegroom W
- vi-voḍhṛ m. a husband L
- vy-ūḍha mfn. (for 2. See under vy-√ūh) led home, married Kathās. BhP
- vi-√vā P. -vāti, to blow on all sides or in every direction, blow through, blow RV. &c. &c
- vi-vāka vi-vāc, See under vi-√vac
- vi-vāta vi-vāśa &c. See p. 952
- vi-vāna See vi-√ve, p. 989
- vivārayiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of Caus. of √1. ṛ) wishing to keep back or ward off (an army) MBh
- vivālayiṣu mfn. (fr, Desid. of Caus. of √val) wishing to recover HPariś
- vi-vikta vi-vikvás &c. See belo
- vivikṣ vivikṣu, See p. 989
- vi-vigna mfn. (√vij) very agitated or alarmed Kālid. Kathās. &c
- vi-vajita mfn. (fr. Caus.) terrified, frightened Hariv. 568 (vḷ. pratodita and virejita)
- vi-√vic P. -vinakti, to sift (esp. grain by tossing or blowing), divide asunder, separate from (instr. or abl.) ŚBr. ŚrS. BhP. to shake through (acc.) RV. i, 39, 5
- to cause to lose, deprive of (abl.) Bhaṭṭ
- to distinguish, discern, discriminate KaṭhUp. BhP. to decide (a question) MBh
- to investigate, examine, ponder, deliberate Kāv. Kathās. BhP
- to show, manifest, declare MBh.: Pass. -vicyate, to go asunder, separate (in. trans.) AV.: Caus. -vecayati, to separate, distinguish Mn. Suśr
- to ponder, investigate, examine Pañcar. Sāh
- vi-vikta mfn. separated, kept apart, distinguished, discriminated Kap. MBh. BhP
- isolated, alone, solitary Mn. MBh. &c
- (ifc.) alone with i.e. intent upon (e.g. cintā-v○) MBh
- free from (instr. or comp.) Hariv. Kum
- pure, clean, neat, trim Mn. MBh. &c
- clear, distinct Hariv. Kām
- discriminative, judicious ( = vi-vekin) L
- profound (as judgment or thought) W
- m. = vasu-nandana or vasu-nanda L
- n. separation, solitude, a lonely place ( See comp.)
- clearness, purity MārkP
- -ga mfn. going to a lonely place, seeking solitude Kathās
- -carita mfn. faultless in conduct or behaviour BhP
- -cetas mfn. pure-minded ib
- -tarka mfn. clear in reasoning MW
- -tā f. separation, isolation, Rājat
- clearness, purity Suśr
- being well, good health ib
- distinction, discrimination L
- an empty or free place, loneliness MW
- -tva n. solitude Mṛicch
- -dṛṣṭi mfn. clear-sighted BhP
- -nāman m. N. of one of the 7 sons of Hiraṇyaretas and of the Varsha ruled by him ib
- -bhāva mfn. having a mind separated or abstracted (from other pursuits), intent on any object W
- -varṇa mfn. containing letters or syllables distinctly enunciated MW
- -śaraṇa (BhP.), -sevin (Bhag.), mfn. resorting to or seeking solitude
- ○ktâsana mfn. having a secluded seat, sitting at a sequestered place Mn. ii, 215
- ○ktī-kṛta mfn. emptied, cleared Kathās
- left, deserted Ragh
- vi-vikti (ví.), f. separation, division VS
- discrimination, discernment Sarvad
- vi-vikvás mfn. discriminating, discerning (applied to Indra) RV. iii, 57, 1
- ví-vici id. (applied to Agni or Indra) RV. Br. ĀśvŚr
- ○cī7ṣṭi f. an oblation made to Agni Vivici TS. Sch
- vi-veka m. discrimination, distinction Mn. Sarvad. Suśr
- consideration, discussion, investigation Gīt. MārkP. Sarvad
- true knowledge, discretion, right judgment, the faculty of distinguishing and classifying things according to their real properties ChUp. Kap. &c
- (in Vedânta) the power of separating the invisible Spirit from the visible world (or spirit from matter, truth from untruth, reality from mere semblance or illusion)
- a water trough (= jala-droṇī) L. [Page 988, Column]
- N. of wk
- -kaumudī f. N. of wk
- -khyāti f. right knowledge Sarvad
- -candrôdaya m. -cūḍāmaṇi m. N. of wks
- -ja mfn. produced or arising from discrimination Dharmas. 72
- jña mfn. skilled in discrimination, intelligent, well acquainted with (comp.) R. &c
- -jñāna n. knowledge arising from discrimination, the faculty of discrimination Sarvad
- -tā wṛ. for viveki-tā (q.v.)
- -tilaka m. -dīpaka m. (or ikā f.) N. of wks
- -dṛśvan mfn. one who sees or is conversant with true knowledge (○śva-tva n.) Bhaṭṭ
- -dhairyâśraya m. N. of wk. on Bhakti (by Vallabhâcārya)
- -padavii f. path of discrimination', reflection Kathās
- -paripanthin mfn. obstructing right judgment Kathās
- -phala n. N. of wk
- -bhāj mfn. 'possessed of discrimination, discerning, wise Bhām
- -bhraṣṭa mfn. one who has lost the faculty of discrimination, foolish, unwise Bhartṛ
- -makaranda m. -mañjarī f. N. of wks
- -mantharatā f. feebleness of judgment Ml
- -mārtaṇḍa m. N. of various wks
- -rahita mfn. 'not separated' (applied to breasts) and 'wanting discernment', Śṛiṅgār
- -vat mfn. 'possessing discrimination', judicious, discerning Kathās
- -viguṇa mfn. wanting discrimination', unwise, foolish Rājat
- -viraha m. 'want of discrimination', ignorance, folly, Śāntiś
- -vilāsa m. N. of wk
- -viśada mfn. distinct, clear, intelligible Rājat
- -viśrânta mfn. void of discrimination, foolish, unwise Mālav
- -śataka n. -śloka m. -saṃgraha m. -sāra m. -saravarṇana n. -sāra-siṅdhu m. -sindhu, m
- ○kâñjana n. ○kâmṛta n. ○kârṇava m. N. of wks
- ○kârtham ind. in order to distinguish Mn. i, 26
- ○kāśrama m. N. of a man Cat
- ○kôdaya m. the rise of true knowledge or wisdom, Bhattṛ
- vi-ḍvekin mfn. discriminating, distinguishing Rājat
- separated, kept asunder (in a-viv○) Kuval
- examining, investigating Cat
- discriminative, judicious, prudent, discreet, wise Kāv. Kathās. &c
- m. N. of a king (son of Deva-sena), KāIP
- ○ki-tā f. -tva n. discriminativeness, discernment, judgment Yājñ. Bhartṛ
- vi-ḍvektavya mfn. to be judged correctly (n. impers.) Sarvad
- vi-ḍvektṛ mfn. one who discriminates or distinguishes, a discriminator Rājat
- judicious, discerning, prudent, wise ib. Bālar
- -tva n. discriminativeness, discernment Rājat
- vi-vecaka mfn. discriminating, distinguishing Nīlak
- discriminative, judicious, wise Kap. Śāntiś
- -ta f. -tva n. discernment, correct judgment, wisdom Rājat. Sāh. Sarvad
- vi-ḍvecana mf(ī)n. discriminating, distinguishing BhP
- investigating, examining, treating critically Sāh
- n. the act of discriminating or distinguishing (as truth from falsehood, reality from semblance), the making a distinction Hariv. Bālar. Sarvad. (also ā f.)
- investigation, examination, discussion, critical treatment Mn. MBh. &c
- right judgment Pañcar
- ○nīkroḍa-pattra n. N. of wk
- vi-ḍvecanīya mfn. to be distinguished or discussed W
- vi-ḍvecita mfn. discriminated, distinguished, investigated MW
- vi-ḍvecya mfn. = ○vecanīya ib
- ví-vitti f. (√3. vid) gain, acquisition TBr. (VS. vi-vikti)
- vivitsā vivitsu, vividiṣu, See p. 964, col. 3
- vi-vid √1. (only pf. -veda), to discern, know RV
- vi-vidha mf(ā)n. of various sorts, manifold, divers Mn. MBh. &c
- m. a partic. Ekâha ŚāṅkhŚr
- n. variety of action or gesture MW
- (am), ind. variously R. Vedântas
- -citra mfn. coloured variously, changing from one colour into another Kāraṇḍ
- -bhaṅgīka mfn. = vi-vidha above HPariś
- -rūpa-dhṛt mfn. having various forms MW
- -vidhi-prayoga-saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- -śāstragoṣthī f. discourse about various sciences L
- ○dhâgama mfn. comprising various sacred (or traditional) works Mn. xii, 105
- ○dhâtman mfn. (vi-vidha above) Car
- ○dhôpala-bhūṣita mfn. decorated with various jewels MW
- ○dhôpêta mfn. (= vi-vidha above) R
- vi-√vip Ā. -vepate, to quiver, tremble Kauś
- vi-√viś P. -viśati, to enter, penetrate (abhyantaram) MaitrUp
- ví-viṣṭi f. (√viṣ) = viśeṣeṇa viṣṭir vyāptir yasya brahmaṇas tat TĀr. (Sch.)
- vi-vīta m. (√vye) an enclosed spot of ground (esp. pasture ground), paddock Yājñ. [Page 988, Column]
- -bhartṛ m. the owner of a preserved or enclosed pasture ib
- vi-vṛ √1. (cf. vy-√ūrṇu), P. Ā. -vṛṇoti, -vṛṇute &c. (in later language Ā. only intrans. or m.c
- in Veda aro. often vy-āvar, -āvo, -āvaḥ
- inf. -varitum, or -varītum) to uncover, spread out, open, display, show, reveal, manifest RV. &c. &c
- to illumine (darkness) RV
- to unsheath (a sword) VarBṛS
- to part, comb (hair) HPariś
- to explain, describe, comment upon MBh. Kāv. &c
- to cover, cover up, stop up MBh. Hariv. (perhaps always wṛ. for pi-vṛ = api-√vṛ, q.v.)
- pf. vi-vavāra (Śiś. xix, 100) = vivārayām-āsa, jaghāna (Sch.)
- vi-vará m. n. a fissure, hole, chasm, slit, cleft, hollow, vacuity (also applied to the apertures of the body and to gaping wounds) RV. &c. &c
- intermediate space, interstice MBh. Kāv. &c
- difference VarBṛS. Gaṇit
- a breach, fault, flaw, vulnerable or weak point MBh. Kāv
- harm, injury MārkP
- expansion, opening, widening BhP
- N. of the number, nine' (cf. above and under randhra) MW
- a partic. high number Buddh
- -darśaka mfn. showing one's weak points MBh
- -nālika f. a fife, flute L
- ○rânuga mfn. seeking after (another's) weak points MBh
- ○re-sad mfn. abiding in intermediate space, an inhabitant of the sky Kir
- vi-ḍvaraṇa mfn. the act of uncovering, spreading out, opening, laying bare or open, TPrs1t. MBh. Suśr
- explanation, exposition, interpretation, gloss, comment, translation, interpretation, specification &c. Pur. Śaṃk. Sarvad
- a sentence MW
- N. of wk. on Vedânta
- -kārikā-bhāṣya n. -catuḥsūtrī f. -tattva-dīpana n. -darpaṇa m. -prameya-saṃgraha m. -prasthāna n. -bhāva-prakāśikā f. -ratna n. -vraṇa (?), m. -saṃgraha, m. -sāra-saṃgraha, m
- ○ṇâpanyāsa m. N. of wks
- vi-ḍvariṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. and prob. for vivivariṣu) wishing to make manifest or explain or declare Bhaṭṭ
- vi-vāra m. dilation, expansion W
- (in gram.) open or expanded state of the organs of speech, expansion of the throat in articulation (one of the Ābhyantara-prayatnas or efforts of articulate utterance which take place within the mouth, opp. to saṃ-vāra, q.v.) Pāṇ. 1-1, 9 Sch
- vi-ḍvārin mfn. keeping back, warding off Śiś
- vi-vṛ́t (?), in a formula VS. xv, 9
- vi-vṛta mfn. uncovered, unconcealed, exposed, naked, bare MBh. Kāv. &c
- unhurt, woundless MBh. iv, 2027
- unclosed, open ĀśvGṛ. Up. Prāt. MBh. &c. (also applied to the organs in speaking and to the articulation of partic. sounds, = vivṛta-prayatnôpêta Śaṃk. on ChUp. ii, 22, 5
- superl. -tama, APrāt.)
- extensive, large, wide W
- (also vii-vṛta) unfolded, exposed, revealed, explained, divulged, public, manifest, evident, known MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- opened i.e. presented, offered (as an opportunity) BhP
- (am) ind. openly, publicly, in the sight of every one MBh
- (ā), f. a partic. disease, an ulcer attended with much pain and heat Suśr
- a species of plant ib
- n. the bare ground MBh. Hariv
- publicity (loc. 'in public' or 'straight out') MBh. iv, 34, 4
- (in gram.) open articulation, approach of the tongue towards the organ of speech but without contact
- -tā f. the being known, publicity (acc. with √gam, to become known or public) R
- -dvāra mfn. 'open-gated', unchecked, unbounded (sorrow) Kum
- -pauruṣa mfn. one whose prowess is displayed, displaying valour Mn. vii, 102
- -bhāva mfn. open-hearted, candid, sincere, Mālatim
- -vat mfn. one who has opened Kathās
- -snāna n. bathing publicly PārGṛ
- -smayana n. an open smile (i.e. one in which the mouth is sufficiently open to show the teeth) ĀśvŚr
- ○tâkṣa m. openeyed', a cock L. (cf. vi-vṛttâkṣa)
- ○tânana mfn. open-mouthed (-tva n.) Ragh
- ○tâsya mfn. id. MW
- ○tôkti f. open or explicit expression (opp. to gūḍhôkti) Kuval
- vi-ḍvṛti f. making clear or manifest, explanation, exposition, gloss, comment, interpretation Sarvad
- exposure, discovery W
- -vimarśinī f. N. of wk
- vi-vṛkṇa See under vi-√vraśc
- vi-√vṛj Caus. -varjayati, to exclude, avoid, shun, abandon, leave Mn. MBh. &c
- to distribute, give ( See below)
- vi-varjaka mfn. avoiding, shunning, leaving MBh. [Page 988, Column]
- vi-ḍvarjana n. the act of avoiding, shunning, leaving, giving up or desisting from (gen., abl., or comp.) Yājñ. MBh. &c
- vi-ḍvarjanīya mfn. to be avoided or abandoned R
- to be given up (as incurable) Car
- vi-ḍvarjita mfn. avoided, left, abandoned by, destitute or deprived of, free or exempt from(instr. or comp.) Up. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- (ifc.) that from which anything is excluded, excepting, excluding Kāv. VarBṛS
- that from which anything is subtracted, diminished by Gaṇit
- distributed, given MārkP
- vi-vṛkta mfn. abandoned, left
- (ā), f. a woman disliked or deserted by her husband (= dur-bhagā) L. (v. l. vi-viktā and vi-riktā)
- vi-√vṛṇ See vi-√varṇ, p. 987
- vi-√vṛt Ā. -vartate (rarely P.), to turn round, revolve RV
- to roll, wallow MBh. Hariv
- to writhe in convulsions, struggle R. Uttarar
- to turn hither and thither, move about (as clouds) Hariv. 3822 (v. l. vi-vardhante)
- to turn back or away, depart, part, sever RV. &c. &c
- to go astray MBh. v, 2861 (vḷ. ni-vartantam)
- to be parted (as hair) TUp
- to change one's place Suśr
- to go down, set (as the sun) MBh
- to come forth from (abl.) ŚBr
- to expand, develop ŚvetUp
- (with antikam), to turn upon, set upon, attack MBh. iii, 8438: Caus. -vartayati, to turn round (trans.), turn, roll RV. MBh
- to turn, make or produce by turning ('out of', instr.) VP
- to cause to turn away, remove, withdraw RV. AV
- to keep asunder RV
- to leave behind ib
- to cast off (a garment) Divyâv
- to accomplish, execute AitĀr
- vi-vartá m. 'the revolving one', N. of the sky VS. TS
- a whirlpool SV
- turning round, rolling onwards, moving about Mcar
- turning away L
- dance L
- changing from one state to another, modification, alteration, transformation, altered form or condition Kāv. Kathās
- (in Vedânta) error, illusion, an apparent or illusory form, unreality (caused by A-vidyā', ignorance', and removed by Vidyā, 'true knowledge ) Vedântas
- collection, multitude L
- (with atreḥ) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- -kalpa m. (with Buddhists) one of the 4 cosmic periods Dharmaś. 87
- -vāda m. a method of asserting the Vedanta doctrine (maintaining the development of the Universe from Brahma as the sole real entity, the phenomenal world being held to be a mere illusion or Māyā
- cf. pariṇāma-vādā) Madhus
- vi-ḍvártana mfn. turning round, revolving MBh
- changing, transfroming Kathās
- n. (ifc. f. ā) rolling (of a horse) RV. i, 162, 14
- rolling or tossing about, struggling Kāv. Kathās. (also ā f. Harav.)
- moving or wandering to and fro Mn. xii, 75
- turning round Suśr
- turning, turn, change TBr. Mālatīm
- turning away or back MBh. Kālid
- returning, return Kir
- a kind of dance (also -nṛtya n.) Saṃgīt
- transformation RPrāt
- existing, being, abiding W
- going round, circumambulating (an altar &c.) ib
- reverential salutation MW
- causing to turn or to change, overturning ib
- vi-ḍvartita mfn. (fr. Caus.) turned round &c. MBh. Kāv. &c
- turned away or back, averted Kum
- distorted Suśr
- knitted (as the brows) Śak
- whirled round (as dust) Kir
- removed from one's place Śiś
- vi-ḍvartin mfn. turning round, rolling, revolving Kāv. Kathās
- (ifc.) turning toward Śak
- changing, undergoing a change Kathās
- dwelling, abiding ib. MārkP
- ví-vṛtta mfn. turned or twisted round &c
- whirling round, flying in different directions (as a thunderbolt) RV
- opened ( See comp.)
- uncovered, shown, displayed Lalit
- (ā), f. a kind of eruption Bhpr. (cf. vi-vritā)
- -daṃṣṭra mfn. with opened jaws, showing the teeth Hariv. (m. c. for vi-vṛtad○
- v. l. vi-vriddha-d○.)
- -vadana mf(ā)n. bending the eyes R
- m. a cock L. (cf. vivṛtâkṣa)
- ○ttâṅga mfn. distorting the limbs (in agony) R
- ○ttâsya mfn. open-mouthed (m. c. for vivṛtâsya) Hariv
- ví-ḍvṛtti f. going asunder, opening, expansion, development Kir. BhP
- turning round, revolution, rolling, whirling, tumbling Kir
- (in gram.) the opening of two vowels upon each other without blending, hiatus Prāt
- -pūrva mfn. preceded by a hiatus ib
- ○tty-abhiprâya m. an intended or apparent hiatus RPrāt
- vi-√vṛdh Ā. -vardhate, to grow, increase, swell, become large or powerful, thrive, prosper RV. &c. &c
- to be lengthened ŚāṅkhŚr
- to be lucky or fortunate (cf. under diṣṭi) MBh. Kāv. &c. [Page 989, Column]
- to spring up, arise MBh.: Caus. -vardhayati, to cause to grow or increase or prosper, nourish, rear, enlarge, augment, advance, further, promote MBh. Kāv. &c
- to gratify, exhilarate, gladden MBh. R
- vi-vardhana mf(ī, rarely ā)n. (for 1 under vi-√vardh) augmenting, increasing, furthering, promoting (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. N. of a warrior MBh
- n. growth, increase, prosperity MBh. R. &c
- vi-ḍvardhanīya mfn. to be increased or furthered Pañcat
- vi-vardhayiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of Caus.) wishing to increase or augment MBh. Hariv. BhP
- vi-vardhita mfn. (for 1. See under vi√vardh) increased, augmented, furthered, promoted, gratified, delighted MBh. Kāv. &c
- caused to increase in (instr.) R
- vi-vardhin mfn. increasing, augmenting, furthering, enhancing (only in f. inī, and at the end of a Śloka) Mn. MBh. &c
- vi-vṛddha mfn. grown, increased, enhanced, grown up, fully developed, large, numerous, abundant, mighty, powerful ŚvetUp. MBh. &c
- -matsara mfn. one whose anger or resentment is increased MW
- vi-ḍvṛddhi f. growth, increase, augmentation, enlargement, furthering, promotion ŚrS. MBh. &c. (acc. with √gam, yā &c., 'to be augmented or increased')
- prosperity Mn. i, 31
- lengthening (of a vowel) Pāṇ. 8-2, 106 Vārtt., 1
- -kara or -da mfn. causing increase or prosperity VarBṛS
- -bhāj mfn. growing, increasing Kathās
- vi-vṛdhat mfn. (prob. wṛ.) augmenting, increasing Pañcad
- vi-√vṛṣ Caus. -varṣati (aor. vyaviivṛṣat), to rain, rain upon, besprinkle or cover with (instr.) MBh. viii, 801
- vi-varṣaṇa n. abundant flow (of milk from the female breast) Pañcar
- vi-√vṛh (Ved. inf. -vrihas Kāṭh.), See vi- √1. and √2. bṛh
- vi-vṛha m. breaking loose, separating one's self (from others) Kauś
- vi-vṛhat m. (with kāśyapa) N. of the author of RV. x, 163 Anukr
- vi-ve P. Ā. -vayati, ○te, to interweave Lāṭy
- vi-vayana n. plaited work Br. Lāṭy
- vi-vāna n. plaiting, twisting ŚrS
- vy-uta
- vy-ūta See s.v
- vi-veka &c. See under vi-√vic
- vivedayiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of Caus. of √1. vid) wishing to tell or communicate ('that &c.', two acc.) MBh
- vi-√ven P. -venati, to be hostile or ill-disposed RV. TBr. (cf. â-vivenat)
- vi-vena See á-vivenam
- vi-√vell P. -vellati, to quiver, tremble Kathās
- vi-vévidat mfn. (pr. p. of Intens. of √3. vid) seeking for, striving after RV
- vi-√veṣṭ Caus. -veṣṭayati, to strip off (the skin) AV
- to wind round ( See next)
- to surround, invest (a stronghold) Rājat
- vi-ḍveṣṭita mfn. wound round Hariv. (v. l. ○ceST○) Kathās
- vi-voḍhṛ See under vi-√vah
- vi-vyathita mfn. (√vyath) greatly troubled or alarmed MBh
- vi-√vyadh P. -vidhyati, to pierce through, transfix VS
- vi-vyâdhín mfn. piercing, transfixing AV
- ví-vrata See p. 952, col. 2
- vi-√vraśc P. -vriścati, to cut or hew in pieces, cut off, sever RV. AV. BhP
- vi-vṛkṇa mfn. cut in pieces, entirely severed or cut asunder RV. BhP
- vivvoka See bibboka
- viś cl. 6. P. (Dhātup. xxvm, 130) visáti (rarely, in later language mostly m. c. also Ā. viśate [Page 989, Column] ; pf. vivéśa, viviśe RV. &c. &c. [viveśitha, viveśuḥ RV. ; viviśyās ib. ; p. -viśivás AV. ; viviśivas or viviśvas Pāṇ. 7-2, 68 ; aviveśīs RV.] ; aor. áviśran, ávikṣmahi, veśīt RV. ; avikṣat Br. &c. ; avikṣata Gr. ; Prec. viśyāt ib. ; fut. veṣṭā MBh. ; vekṣyati, ○te Br. &c. ; inf. veṣṭum MBh. &c. ; veṣṭavai Br. ; viśam RV. ; ind. p. -viśya AV. &c. &c.), to enter, enter in or settle down on, go into (acc., loc., or antar with gen.), pervade RV. &c. &c. (with punar or bhūyas, to re-enter, return, come back)
- to be absorbed into (acc.) Bhag
- (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (acc.) VarBṛS
- (with agnim, (jvalanam &c.) to enter the fire i.e. ascend the funeral pyre MBh. R. &c
- (with apas) to sink or be immersed in the water BhP
- to enter (a house &c.) Hariv
- to appear (on the stage) R. Kām
- to go home or to rest RV. ŚāṅkhBr
- to sit down upon (acc. or loc.) R. Hariv
- to resort or betake one's self to (agratas, agre, or acc.) Ragh. Pur
- to flow into (and, join with, ; applied to rivers and armies) Rājat. v, 140
- to flow or redound to, fall to the share of (acc.) Hariv. Ragh. &c
- to occur to (as a thought, with acc.) R
- to befall, come to (as death, with acc.) BhP
- to belong to, exist for (loc.) ib
- to fall or get into any state or condition (acc.) R. Śāntiś
- to enter upon, undertake, begin R. BhP
- to mind (any business), attend to (dat.) MBh. xii, 6955 : Caus. veśáyati, ○te (aor. aviiviśat
- Pass. veśyate), to cause to enter into (acc.) AV
- to cause to sit down on (loc.) BhP.: Desid. vivikṣati, to wish to enter (acc.) BhP
- (with agnim or vahnim) to wish to enter the fire i.e. to ascend the funeral pyre Kathās.: Intens. veviśyate, veveṣṭi, Gr. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. vicus ; Lith. [ve10sz�eti] ; Slav. [989,] [v�is�i] ; Goth. weihs ; Angl.-Sax. wîc ; Germ, wîch, Weich-bild.]
- viṭ (for 2. See p.995, col. 2), in comp. for 2. viś
- ○kula n. the house of a Vaiśa ĀśvŚr
- ○paṇya n. the wares or commodities of a man of the mercantile class Mn. x, 85
- ○pati m. 'chief of men', a king, prince MBh
- a chief of Vaiśyas BhP
- a daughter's husband, son-in-law Mn. iii, 148
- a head-merchant W
- ○śūdra n. sg. Vaiśyas and Śūdras R
- vivikṣ mfn. (fr. Desid
- nom. viviṭ) one who wishes to enter Vop
- vivikṣu mfn. (fr. id.) wishing or intending to enter (acc., rarely loc.) Kāv. Kathās. &c
- víś f. (m. only L
- nom. sg. víṭ
- loc. pl. vikṣú) a settlement, homestead, house, dwelling (viśás páti 'lord of the house' applied to Agni and Indra) RV
- (also pl.) a community, tribe, race (pl. also 'subjects', 'people', 'troops') RV. AV. VS. Br. MBh. BhP
- (sg. and pl.) the people ?, ?, (in the sense of those who settle on the soil
- sg. also 'a man of the third caste', a Vaiśya
- viśām with patiḥ or nāthaḥ or īśvaraḥ &c., 'lord of the people', a king, sovereign) ŚBr. &c. &c
- with sāma, N. of a Sāman
- (pl.) property, wealth BhP
- entrance L
- m. or f. a man in general, person L
- f. or n. feces L. (wṛ. for viṣ)
- ○páti m. the chief of a settlement or tribe, lord of the house or of the people (also applied to Agni and Indra
- du. 'master and mistress of the house') RV. AV. TS
- pl. 'kings' or, 'head-merchants' BhP. Sch. [Cf. Zd. viś-paiti ; Lith. ve14sś-patis.]
- ○pátnī f. the mistress or protectress of a house (also applied to the fire of attrition) RV. AV. TBr
- viśa mfn. See dur-viśa ; wṛ. for bisa, q.v. ; m. N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi ; n. and (ā), f. = 2. viś, a tribe, class, people ( See manuṣya-v○) ; (am), ind. (ifc.), g. śarad-ādi
- viśana n. (ifc.) entering, entrance into MBh. VarBṛS
- víśam-pa mfn. (acc. of 2. viś + pa), people. 'protecting', N. of a man (?), g. aśvâdi (cf. vaiśampāyana)
- viśam-bhala n. (acc. of 2. viś + bhala = bhara?) supporting or nourishing the people TBr. Sch. (to explain vaiśambhalyā́)
- víś-aujas mfn. (incorrectly for viḍ-ojas, p. 962) ruling the people (?) VS
- viśyá mfn. forming or belonging to a community &c. RV
- m. a man of the people or of the third caste AV. VS
- viṣṭá mfn. (for 2. See under √viṣ) entered into, contained in (acc. or loc.) ŚBr. BhP
- filled or accompanied with (instr.) TS
- ○karṇa mfn. marked on the ear in a partic. manner Pāṇ. 6-3, 115
- ○tva n. the being connected or accompanied with Nyāyas. Sch. [Page 989, Column]
- ○pura m. N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi
- vi-√śaṃs P. -śaṃsati (Ved. inf. -śáse), to recite, comprise in words RV
- to divide in parts for recitation AitBr
- vi-śasta mfn. (for 2. See under vi-√śas) praised, celebrated W
- vi-śasti Gaṇar. 399
- vi-√śaṅk Ā. -śaṅkate, to be apprehensive or distrustful or uneasy MBh
- to be afraid of (abl.) Kathās. BhP
- to fear, apprehend (acc.) Śak
- to mistrust (acc.) R
- to doubt, suspect MBh. R
- to believe a person to have or to be (two acc.) Gīt
- (with anyathā) to judge wrongly, misjudge Śak. v, 17
- vi-ḍśaṅkanīya mfn. to be suspected or distrusted, doubtful, questionable R
- vi-śaṅkā f. (for 1. See p. 952, col. 2) suspicion, doubt in (loc.) MBh. R. BhP
- apprehension, fear of (gen. or comp.) MārkP
- hesitation (acc. with √kṛ Ā. -kurute, to hesitate) MBh
- vi-ḍśaṅkita mfn. apprehensive, distrustful, suspicious, uncertain of (prati or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- vi-ḍśaṅkin mfn. (ifc.) supposing, presuming, surmising Śiś
- apprehending, fearing, afraid of. afraid that (comp. or Pot. with iti) Kathās
- vi-ḍśaṅkya mfn. to be distrusted or suspected R
- to be feared Mālatīm
- vi-śaṅkaṭa See p. 952, col. 2
- vi-śada mf(ā)n. (prob. fr. √1. śad) 'conspicuous', bright, brilliant, shining, splendid, beautiful, white, spotless, pure (lit. and fig. ; am ind.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- calm, easy, cheerful (as the mind, the eye, a smile) Kālid. Śiś. Rājat
- clear, evident, manifest, intelligible (compar. -tara) Hariv. Mṛicch. Rājat
- tender, soft (to the touch
- as food, wind, odour) MBh. Suśr
- (ifc.) skilled or dexterous in, fit for Mṛicch. i, 9
- endowed with Suśr
- m. white (the colour) L
- N. of a king (the son of Jayad-ratha) BhP
- n. yellowish sulphurate of iron L
- -tā f. clearness, distinctness Pañcat. (v. l.)
- -nara-karankāya (Ā. ○yate), to resemble a white human skull Caṇḍ
- -prajña mfn. of clear understanding, keen-witted, sagacious Rājat
- -prabha mfn. of pure effulgence, shedding pure light MW
- ○dâtman mfn. pure-hearted Kām
- ○dânana mfn. (ifc.) one whose face is radiant with Rājat
- vi-śadaya Nom.P. ○yati, to clean, purify Bālar. Vāgbh
- to make clear, explain Jaim. Sch
- vi-śadāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become clear or evident Cat
- vi-ḍśadita mfn. purified Bālar
- viśadī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make clear, explain, illustrate Pañcar
- vi-śápta n. (√śap) for swearing, abjuring, taking an oath against MaitrS
- vi-śabda See p. 952, col. 3
- vi-śabdana n. (√śabd) = prati-jañāna Kāś. on Pāṇ. 7-2, 23
- vi-ḍśabdita mfn. mentioned, indicated R
- vi-śaya &c. See under vi-√śī
- vi-śará 2. vi-śaraṇa &c. See under vi-√śṝ
- vi-śala m. (for viśāla) N. of the son of Abja MW
- (ā), f. N. of a town ib. (cf. vaiśālī)
- ví-śalya mfn. pointless (as an arrow) VS
- freed from an arrow-head, healed of an arrow-wound MBh. R
- free from thorns or darts W
- freed from an extraneous substance in the body (ā viśaīya-bhāvāt, 'until freed from the embryo') Suśr
- freed from pain MBh
- without trouble or care or pain W
- (ā), f. N. of various plants (also of a specific for arrow-wounds) Suśr. MBh. R
- Cocculus Cordifolius L
- Croton Polyandrum L
- Convolvulus Turpethum L
- Methonica Superba Bhpr
- = agni-śikhā L
- = aja-modā L
- Menispermum Cordifolium W
- a sort of pot-herb ib
- a sort of fruit, Langaliya ib
- N. of the wife of Lakshmaṇa L
- of a river MBh
- -karaṇa mf(ī)n. healing wounds inflicted by arrows
- (ī), f. a partic. herb with wonder-working properties MBh. R. Kathās
- -kṛt mfn. freeing from pain or distress MW
- m. Echites Dichotoma L
- -ghna, or -prâṇa-hara mfn. (prob. said of those spots of the body, such as the temples and space between the eye-brows a blow on which is fatal even without any point entering the surface, but commonly applied to those spots a wound on which becomes fatal as soon as a pointed weapon is extracted) Suśr. [Page 990, Column]
- ○yā-saṃgama m. ○yasambhava m. N. of chapters of the Revā-māhātmya
- vi-śalyaya Nom. P. ○yati, to free from a pointed weapon or from pain Kathās
- vi-√śas P. -śasati, -śasti, -śāsti (2. pl. -śasta RV
- 3. pl. Impv. -śāsatu VS
- impf. vy-aśāt ib.), to cut up, dissect, cut down, slaughter, immolate, kill, destroy RV. &c. &c.: Desid., vi-śiśāsiṣat
- vi-ḍśásana mf(ī)n. causing death, deadly MBh. Mṛicch
- m. a sabre, crooked sword MBh. (also fig. 'punishment')
- m. n. a partic. hell Pur
- n. cutting up, dissecting MBh. Suśr
- slaughter, havoc, fight, battle MBh. R
- cruel treatment Uttarar
- vi-ḍśasi g. brāhmaṇâdi (Kāś.)
- vi-ḍśasita mfn. cut up, dissected Pāṇ. 7-2, 19
- vi-ḍśasitṛ m. one who cuts up, a dissector Mn. v, 51
- vi-śasta mfn. (for 1. See under vi-√śaṃs) cut up, dissected MBh. R
- rude, ill-mannered Pāṇ. 7-2, 19
- vi-ḍśastṛ́ m. -śasiśṛ RV. MBh
- vi-ḍśāstṛ m. id. PañcavBr
- vi-śiśāriṣat mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to cut up or dissect, ŚākhŚt
- vi-śiśāriḍṣu mfn. id. AitBr
- vi-śastra vi-śākha &c. See p. 952
- vi-śātana mf(ī)n. (√2. śad, Caus.) causing to fall to pieces, destroying MBh. BhP
- setting free, delivering MW
- m. N. of Vishnu MBh. (= saṃhartṛ Nīlak.)
- n. cutting off VP
- hewing in pieces, destroying MBh
- vi-śātaya Nom. P. ○yati, to hew in pieces, cut down or off MBh. R
- to knock out (an eye) R
- to scatter, dispel, remove, destroy MBh. R
- viśāyaka See biśāyaka
- vi-śārada See p. 952, col. 3
- viśālá mf(ā accord. to g. bahvādi also ī)n. (prob. fr. √viś
- accord. to others, fr. vi-√śṛ) spacious, extensive, broad, wide, large TS. &c. &c. (am ind. extensively PañcavBr.)
- great, important, powerful, mighty, illustrious, eminent MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ifc.) abundant in, full of Kap
- m. a kind of beast or bird or plant L
- a partic. Ṣaḍ-aha ŚrS
- N. of the father of Takshaka, ŚaṅkhGṛ
- of an Asura Kathās
- of a son of Ikshvāku (founder of the city Viśālā) R
- of a son of Tṛinabindu Pur
- of a king of Vaidiśa MārkP
- of a mountain ib
- (ā), f. colocynth Suśr
- Basella Cordifolia L
- Portulaca Quadrifida L
- ○-mahêndravāruṇī L
- (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā Saṃgīt
- N. of the city Ujjayinī or Ougein R. Megh. Kathās
- of another town ( See vaiśālī, vaiśalī)
- of a river and a hermitage situated on it MBh. R. BhP
- = sarasvatī L
- N. of an Apsaras VP
- of the wife of Aja-miḍha MBh
- of the wife of Arishṭa-nemi (and daughter of Daksha) GāruḍaP
- (ī), f. a kind of plant L
- n. N. of a place of pilgrimage, Bh
- du. (with viṣṇoḥ) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○kula n. a great or illustrious family MW
- mfn. of noble family ib
- -sambhava mfn. sprung from an illustrious race ib
- ○grāma m. N. of a village MārkP
- ○tā great extent, greatness Śiś
- eminence, distinction W
- ○taila-garbha m. Alangium Hexapetalum L
- ○tva n. = -tā MW
- ○tvac m. Bauhinia Variegata or Alstonia Scholaris L
- ○datta m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 5-3, 84 Sch
- ○dā f. Alhagi Maurorum L
- ○nagara n. N. of a town Cat
- ○nayana-tā f. having large eyes (one of the minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmaś. 84
- ○netra m. 'large-eyed', N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh
- (ī), f. of a supernatural being ib
- ○trīsādhana n. N. of wk
- ○pattra m. a species of bulbous plant L
- a tree resembling the wine-palm L
- ○purī f. N. of a town Cat
- ○phalaka mf(ikā)n. bearing large fruits L
- ○locanā f. a large-eyed woman Daś
- ○varman m. N. of a man ib
- ○vijaya m. a kind of military array Kām
- viśālâkṣa mf(ī)n. large-eyed MBh. R
- m. a screech-owl L
- N. of Śiva (also as author of a Śāstra) MBh. Kām. Daś
- of Garuḍa L
- of a son of Garuḍa MBh
- of a serpent-demon Hariv. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra ib
- (ī), f. Tiaridium Indicum L
- a form of Durgā Cat. (○kṣī-māhātmya n. N. of wk.)
- N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda MBh
- of a Yoginī Hcat
- of a daughter of Śāṇḍilya Cat
- n. N. of the Śāstra composed by Śiva Viśālâksha MBh. xii, 2203
- viśālaka m. Feronia Elephantum L
- N. of Garuḍa L. [Page 990, Column]
- of a Yaksha MBh
- (ikā), f. Odina Pinnata L
- viśālaya Nom.P. ○yati, to enlarge, magnify Subh
- viśālika
- viśāḍliya
- viśāḍlila m. endearing forms of names beginning with viśāla Pāṇ. 5-3, 84
- viśālīya mfn. (fr. viśāla), g. utkarâdi
- vi-√śās P. -śāsti, to give different directions ('concerning', acc.) ĀpŚr
- vi-śís f. (prob.) explanation AV
- viśikā f. g. chattrâdi (v. l. śibikā)
- vi-√śikṣ (properly Desid. of √śak
- only Impv. -śikṣa). to impart, share out RV. iv, 35, 3
- vi-ḍśíkṣu mfn. imparting willingly or readily ib. ii, 1, 10
- vi-śikha &c. See p. 952, col. 3
- vi-√śiñj Ā. -śiṅkte (only pr. p. -śiñjāna), to sound, warble Bhaṭṭ
- vi-śita mfn. (√śi, or śo) sharpened, sharp W
- viśipa n. (said to be fr. √viś) a house, Palace, temple Uṇ. iii, 145 Sch
- vi-śiśāsiṣat ○ṣu, See col. 1
- viśi-śiprá m. (so divided in Padap
- accord. to Sāy. = vigata-hanu) N. of a demoniacal being RV. v, 45, 6
- vi-śiśramiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of vi-√śram, p. 991) wishing to rest Daś
- vi-√śiṣ P. -śinaṣṭi, to distinguish, make distinct or different, particularize, specify, define Sāṃkhyak. Sarvad
- to distinguish (from others), prefer to (instr.) MBh
- to augment, enhance MBh.: Pass. -śiṣyate, to be distinguished or particularized by (instr.), differ from (abl. or instr.) Prāt. Ragh
- to be pre-eminent, excel, be better than (abl. or instr.) or best among (gen. or loc.) Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. -śeṣayati, to distinguish, define, specify Pat. Kāś
- to prefer Kām
- to enhance the worth or value of (acc.) Bhartṛ
- to surpass, excel MBh. Kāv. &c.: Pass. -śeṣyate, to be of much account MBh. i, 3174 (vḷ.)
- vi-śiṣṭa mfn. distinguished, distinct, particular, peculiar MBh. Rājat. Sarvad
- characterized by (instr. or comp.) MārkP. Vedântas
- pre-eminent, excellent, excelling in or distinguished by (loc., instr., adv. in tas, or comp.), chief or best among (gen.), better or worse than (abl. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- m. N. of Vishṇu MBh
- (ī), f. N. of the mother of Saṃkarâicārya Cat
- -kula mfn. descended from an excellent race Subh
- -cāritra or -cārin m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva SaddhP
- -tama and -tara mfn. distinguished, chief. best, better than (abl.) MBh. Mṛicch. Saṃk
- -tā f. (Hit.), -tva n. (Śaṃk. Vedântas.) difference, speciality, peculiarity, distinction, excellence, superiority
- -buddhi f. differenced or distinguishing knowledge (e.g. the knowledge of 'a man carrying a staff' which distinguishes him from an ordinary man) MW
- -liṅga mfn. different in gender Pāṇ. 2-4, 7
- -varṇa mfn. having a distinguished colour MBh
- -vaiśiśrhtya, (ibc.) 'what is different' and 'difference'
- (-jñāna-vādârtha m. -bodha m. -bodha-rahasya n. -bodha-vicāra m. -bodha-vicāra-rahasya, n
- ○tyâvagāhi-vādârtha m. N. of wks.)
- ○ṭâdvaita n. See below
- ○ṭôpamā f. a partic. comparison MW
- -yukta n. (scil. rūpaka) a metaphor which contains a partic. comparison (said to be a variety of the general Rūpaka) ib
- viśiṣṭâdvaita n. 'qualified non-duality', the doctrine that the spirits of men have a qualified identity with the one Spirit ( See Rāmânuja) RTL. 119 &c
- -candrikā f. -bhāṣya n. -vādârtha m. N. of wks
- -vādin m. one who asserts the doctrine of qualified non-duality L
- -vijaya-vāda m. -samarthana n. -siddhânta m. N. of wks
- vi-śeṣa m. (once in Pañcat. n
- ifc. f. ā) distinction, difference between (two gen., two loc., or gen. and instr.) GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- characteristic difference, peculiar mark, special property, speciality, peculiarity Mn. MBh. &c
- a kind, species, individual (e.g. vṛkṣa-v○, a species of tree, in comp. often also = special, peculiar, particular, different, e.g. chando-v○, a particular metre, vṭviśeṣa-maṇḍana, a peculiar ornament'
- argha-viśeṣāḥ, different prices') MBh. Kāv. &c
- (pl.) various objects Megh
- distinction, peculiar merit, excellence, superiority (in comp. often= excellent, superior, choice, distinguished, e.g. ākṛti-v○, 'an excellent form' [Page 990, Column]
- cf. vṭviśeṣa-pratipatti) Mn. MBh. &c
- (in gram.) a word which defines or limits the meaning of another word (cf. vi-śeṣaka and vi-śeṣaṇa)
- (in phil.) particularity, individuality, essential difference or individual essence (with the Vaiśeshikas the 5th cate gory or Padârtha, belonging to the 9 eternal substances or Dravyas, viz. soul, time, place, ether, and the 5 atoms of earth, water, light, air, and mind, which are said to be so essentially different that one can never be the other) IW. 66 &c
- (in medicine) a favourable turn or crisis of a sickness Suśr
- (in rhet.) statement of difference or distinction, individualization, variation Kuval. (cf. viśeṣôkti)
- a sectarian mark, any mark on the forehead (= tilaka) L
- (in geom.) the hypotenuse, Śulbas
- N. of the primary elements or Mahā-bhūtas (q.v.) MaitrUp
- the earth as an element BhP
- the mundane egg ib
- -virāj ib
- (ibc., ena or āt ind. exceedingly, especially, particularly, even more Mn. MBh. &c
- āt ifc., by reason or in consequence of. VarBṛS
- yena yena viśeṣeṇa, in any way whatever MBh.)
- mf(ā)n. extraordinary, abundant Ragh. ii, 14 (B. viśeṣāt for viśeṣā)
- -karaṇa n. making better, improvement Mālav
- -kṛt mfn. making a distinction, distinguishing RPrāt
- -"ṣgarhaṇīya mfn. especially reprehensible, even more blamable Kuval
- -guṇa m. a special or distinct quality Nīlak
- (in phil.) a substance of a distinct kind (as soul, time, space, ether, and the five atoms enumerated above) W
- -jña mfn. knowing distinctions, judicious Kāv. Kathās
- (ifc.) knowing various kinds of. R
- jñāna-vādârtha m. N. of wk
- -tac ind. according to the difference of. in proportion to (comp.) Mn. xi, 2
- especially, particularly, above all Mn. MBh. &c
- individually, singly, Vedantas
- -tva n. distinction, notion of the particular L
- -driśya mfn. of splendid aspect or appearance Ragh
- -dharma m. a peculiar or different duty W
- a special law MW
- niyama m. a partic. observance MBh
- -nirukti f. (ibc.) 'explanation of differences'
- N. of wk. (-kroḍa m. -ṭīkā f. -prakāśa, m
- ○tyāloka m. N. of wks.)
- -patanīya n. a partic. crime or sin Yājñ. iii, 298
- -padârtha m. (in Nyāya) the category of particularity (cf. above under viśeṣa)
- -pratipatti f. a special mark of honour or respect Ragh
- -pratiṣedha m. a special exception MW
- -pramāṇa n. special authority ib
- -bhāga m. a partic. part of an elephant's fore-foot L
- -bhāvanā f. reflecting on or perceiving difference W
- (in arithm.) a partic. operation in extracting roots, composition by the difference of the products ib
- -bhūta-pariśiṣṭa n. N. of wk
- -maṇḍana n. a peculiar ornament Śak
- -mati m. N. of a Bodhisattva and of another man Buddh
- -mitra m. N. of a man Buddh
- -ramaṇīya mfn. especially delightful, particularly pleasant Vikr
- -lakṣaṇa n. any specific or characteristic mark or sign W
- (○ṇāṭīkā f. N. of wk.)
- liṅga n. a partic. mark, specific property, attribute of a subordinate class Kap
- -vacana n. 'distinguishing or defining word', an adjective, apposition Pāṇ. 8-1, 74
- a special text, special rule or precept W
- -vat mfn. pursuing something particular MBh. ii, 849
- possessed of some distinguishing property or specific quality BhP
- excellent, superior, better than (abl.) MBh. Hariv
- making a difference ( See a-v○)
- -vāda m. the above doctrine of the Vaiśeshikas
- (-ṭīkā f. N. of wk
- ○din m. an adherent of that doctrine Sāṃkhyak. Sch.)
- -vikrama-ruci mfn. taking delight in splendid heroism Bhartṛ
- -vid mfn. = jña MBh
- -vidvas m. 'eminently learned', a sage, philosopher W
- -vidhi m. a special rule or observance W
- -vyāpti f. (in logic) a form of Vyāpti or pervasion L
- N. of wk. (also -rahasya n.)
- -śārṅgadhara m. N. of wk
- -śālin mfn. possessing peculiar merit or excellence Kir
- -śāstra n. (in gram.) a special rule(= apavāda) MW
- -sthu mfn. being (found only) in excellent persons or things Kāvyâd. ii, 170
- ○ṣâtideśa m. a special supplementary rule ib
- ○ṣâmṛta n. N. of wk
- ○ṣârtha m. the sense or essence of distinction, difference (am ind. for the sake of difference MW.)
- -prakāśikā f. -bodhikā f. N. of wks
- ○ṣârthin mfn. seeking for excellence or distinction MBh
- particular in searching for anything MW
- (○thi) -tā f. the searching for something better Pañcat
- ○ṣâvasyakaniryukti f. N. of wk
- -ṣôkti f. 'mention of difference', N. of a figure of speech (in which the excellence of a thing is implied by comparing it to some highly prized object, yet mentioning the difference, e.g. dyūtaṃnāma puruṣasyâsiṃhâsanaṃ rājyam, 'truly gambling is a man's throneless kingdom' Mṛicch. ii, 6/7) Vām. iv, 3, 23 (cf. Kāvyad. ii, 323 &c.) [991,]
- enumeration of merits, panegyric W
- ○ṣâcchvasita n. the peculiar breath or life, cherished object), a peculiar treasure (applied to an object especially dear) MW
- ○ṣôddeśa m. (in Nyāya) a partic. kind of enunciation ib
- vi-śeṣaka (ifc.) = vi-śeṣa, distinction, difference Bhāshāp
- mfn. distinguishing, qualifying, specifying L
- m. n. a mark on the forehead (made with sandal &c.) R. Mālav. Kathās. (cf. pattrav○)
- an attribute, predicate W
- m. a partic. figure of speech (in which the difference of two objects otherwise said to be similar is dwelt upon
- cf. viśeṣôkti) Kuval
- N. of a scholar Buddh
- of a country Nalac
- (ikā), f. a kind of metre Col
- n. a series of three stanzas forming one grammatical sentence
- cf. yugma and kalāpaka) Śatr. -cchedya n. N. of one of the 64 Kalās (prob. the art of painting sectarian marks on the forehead) Cat
- vi-śeṣaṇa mfn. distinguishing, discriminative, specifying, qualifying L
- distinctive (as a property) W
- n. the act of distinguishing &c., distinction, discrimination, particularization BhP. Sarvad. Sāh
- a distinguishing mark or attribute MBh
- (in gram.) 'differencer', a word which particularizes or defines (another word which is called vi-śeṣya, q.v.), attribute, adjective, adverb, apposition, predicate Pāṇ. Tarkas. Sāh. &c
- a species, kind MBh. vii, 1124
- surpassing, excelling ib. i, 73
- (in rhet.) = viśeṣôkti Sāh
- -khaṇḍana n. -jñāna-vādârtha m. N. of wks
- -tā f. the state of a distinguisher or of distinguishing Bhāshāp
- individuality MW. (-sambandha m. the relation of predicate to subject ib.)
- -traya-vaiyarthya n. N. of wk
- -tva n. -tā MW
- adjectival nature Sāy
- -dvaya-vaiyarthya n. N. of wk
- -pada n. a title of honour Mudr
- -mātraprayoga m. the use of an adjective for a substantive (e.g. sāgarâmbarā, the sea-girt', for pṛthivii, 'the earth') Vām. v, 1, 10
- -viśeṣya-tā f. -viśeṣyabhāva m. the relation of predicate and subject, Vedántas
- -vat mfn. endowed with discrimination MW
- having a distinguishing attribute ib
- -varga m. N. of a ch. of the Sabda-ratnâvali lexicon
- vi-ḍśeṣaṇī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to predicate, Kusum
- ○śeṣaṇīya mfn. to be distinguished or discriminated W
- to be marked as different or distinct ib
- to be particularized MW
- vi-śeṣita mfn. (fr. Caus.) distinguished, defined, characterized Saṃk
- preferred. Kām
- superior to, better than (abl.) MBh
- surpassed, exceeded Hariv. Mālav
- predicated, attributed, W
- vi-ḍśeṣin mfn. distinct, individual BhP
- (ifc.) vying with, rivalling Hariv
- vi-śeṣya mfn. to be (or being) distinguished or qualified or particularized ( See comp.)
- n. (in gram.) the word to be 'differenced' or distinguished (from another word which is called vi-śeṣaṇa, q.v.), a substantive, noun, the object or subject of a predicate Pāṇ. Tarkas. Vedântas
- -tā f. the being defined or qualified, substantival nature, Kusum. (-vāda m. N. of wk.)
- -tva n. -tā f. KātyŚr. Sch
- vi-ḍśeṣyâka (ifc.) = ○śeṣya Bhāshāp
- vi-śís See vi-√śās, p. 990, col. 2
- vi-√śī Ā. -śete, to lie outstretched BhP
- to remain lying or sitting R
- to be subject to doubt Śaṃk
- vi-śaya m. the middle, centre, Śulbas
- doubt, uncertainty Jaim. Śaṃk
- = āśraya L
- -vat mfn. = next Nir
- vi-ḍśayin mfn. doubtful, uncertain (○yi-tva n. doubt, uncertainty) ĀpŚr. Sch
- vi-śāya m. sleeping and watching alternately W. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-?B, 39)
- vi-ḍśāyin mfn. g. grahâdi
- viśīta m. N. of a man (cf. vaiśīti)
- vi-śīrṇa &c. See under vi-√śṝ
- viśuka m. Calotropis Gigantea Alba L
- viśuṇḍi m. N. of a son of Kaśyapa MBh
- vi-√śudh P. Ā. -śudhyati, ○te, to become perfectly pure (esp. in ritual sense) Mn. Yājñ. &c
- to become clear (said of the senses) R
- (in alg.) to remain naught, Bījag.: Caus. -"ṣśodhayati, to purify (esp. ritually) MBh. Pañcar. Suśr. [Page 991, Column]
- to improve, correct Yājñ. Sch
- to free from suspicion, exculpate Yājñ. MBh. R
- to justify MBh
- to set clear, fix or determine accurately Yājñ. VarBṛS
- (in alg.) to subtract VarBṛS
- vi-śuddha mfn. completely cleansed or purified (also in a ritual sense), clean, clear, pure (lit.and fig.) Mn. MBh. &c
- free from vice, virtuous, honest MBh. Kāv. &c
- brilliantly white (as teeth) Ṛitus
- thoroughly settled or established or fixed or determined or ascertained ib
- (ifc.) one who has gone through or thoroughly completed (upadeśa-v○) Mālav
- cleared i .e. exhausted, empty (as a treasury) Rājat
- (in alg.) subtracted Gol
- n. a kind of mystical circle in the body (cf. cakra and vi-śuddhi-c○)
- -karaṇa mfn. one whose acts are pure or virtuous BhP
- -gātra-tā f. the having bright or pure limbs (a minor mark of a Buddha) Dharmaś. 84
- -cāritra m. 'of virtuous conduct', N. of a Bodhi-sattva SaddhP
- -tā, f. (Kāv.), -tva n. (Śaṃk.) purity
- -dhiṣaṇa mfn. having the mind purified BhP
- -dhī mfn. id. Rājat
- -dhīra mfn. pure and grave Kathās
- -netra-tā f. having the eyes bright (one of the minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmaś. 84
- -pārṣṇi mfn. having the rear or back protected or covered Kām
- -prakṛti mfn. of pure or virtuous disposition Rājat
- -bhāva (R.), -manas (Bhartṛ.), mfn. pure-minded
- -mugdha mfn. pure and innocent Mālatīm
- -rasa-dīpikā f. N. of wk
- -vaṃśya mfn. of a pure or virtuous family Rājat
- -sattva mfn. of a pure character MuṇḍUp
- -sattva-pradhāna mfn. chiefly characterized by pure goodness MW
- -sattva-vijñāna mfn. of pure character and understanding R
- -siṃha m. N. of a man Buddh
- svara-nirghoṣā f. a partic. Dhāraṇī Buddh
- ○ddhâtman mfn. of a pure nature or character MBh. R. &c
- ○ddhêśvara-tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- vi-śuddhi f. complete purification, purity (also fig.). holiness, virtue Mn. MBh. &c
- rectification, removal of error or doubt W
- settlement (of a debt), Śāṃkhyak. Sch
- retribution, retaliation ( See vaira-v○)
- perfect knowledge BhP
- (in alg.) a subtractive quantity, Bījag
- = sama L
- -cakra n. a kind of mystical circle or mark in the body (said to be in the region of the throat) Cat
- -darpaṇa m. N. of wk
- -mat mfn. possessing purity, free from sin or vice, pure Mcar
- vī-śodhana mf(ī)n. cleansing, purging, washing away R. Suśr. &c
- m. N. of Vishṇu MBh
- (ī), f. Croton Polyandrum or Tiglium L
- N. of the capital of Brahmā L
- n. cleansing Suśr
- lopping (of trees) VarBṛS
- purification (in the ritual sense) Mn. Yājñ
- a laxative Suśr
- the becoming decided or certain (a-v○) Vishṇ
- subtraction VarBṛS
- vī-ḍśodhanīya mfn. to be purified or cleansed &c
- to be treated with laxatives Car
- purging ib
- to be rectified or corrected MW
- vī-ḍśodhita mfn. (fr. Caus.) purified, cleansed, freed from soil or taint Yājñ. VarBṛS
- vī-ḍśodhin mfn. purifying, cleaning, clearing (○dhi-tva, n.) Hit
- (inī), f. Tiaridium Indicum L
- ○dhinī-bīja n. Croton Jamalgota ib. ○śodhya n. to be cleansed or purified &c
- to be subtracted from (abl.)
- n. debt L
- viśuntha-lavaṇa n. rock salt L
- vi-√śubh Ā. -śabhate, to shine brightly, be beautiful MBh
- vi-śobhita mfn. (fr. Caus.) beautified or adorned with (instr. or comp.) MBh. R
- vi-śuṣ √1. cl. 4. P. Ā. -śuṣyati, ○te, to become very dry, dry up, wither away MBh. R. &c.: Caus. -śoṣayati, to make dry, dry up, desiccate ib
- vi-śoṣa m. dryness, drought Vcar
- vi-ḍśoṣaṇa mfn. drying, desiccative MBh. Bh
- healing (a wound
- cf. vraṇa-viś○)
- n. the act of drying up, desiccation Rājat. Suśr
- vi-ḍśoṣita mfn. (fr. Caus.) completely dried up or withered Kum
- śoṣin mfn. drying up, withering Ragh
- making dry, desiccating Suśr
- vi-śūnya vi-śūla, vi-śṛṅkhala &c. See p. 952, col. 3
- vi-√śṛdh Ā. -śardhate, to break wind Suśr
- vi-śardhita n. the act of breaking wind ib
- vi-śṝ Pass. -śīryate (aor. -śāri RV.), to be broken or shattered or dissolved, crumble or fall to pieces, waste away, decay RV. &c. &c. [Page 991, Column]
- to be scattered or dispersed Hariv
- to be severed from (abl.) R
- to be damaged or destroyed, perish Mn. MBh. &c
- vi-śará mfn. tearing asunder, rending TS
- m. a kind of disease AV
- killing, slaughter L
- vi-śaraṇa n. (for 1. See p. 95 2, col. 3) dissolution Dhātup
- killing, slaughter L
- vi-ḍśarāru mfn. falling to pieces, being scattered or dispersed Vcar. Hcar
- frail, perishable Śīl. Hcar
- -tā f. dissolution, decay Kpr
- frailty, perishableness Rājat
- vi-ḍśarīka (ví.), m. a kind of disease AV
- vi-ḍśāraṇa n. killing, slaughter L
- vi-śīrṇa mfn. broken, shattered &c
- scattered, dispersed (as an army) R
- fallen out (as teeth) Kāv
- squandered (as a treasure) MBh
- rubbed off (as unguent) GāruḍaP
- frustrated (as an enterprise), Śāntiś
- destroyed (as a town) R
- -jirṇa-vasana n. pl. worn and shattered garments Bhartṛ
- -tā f. crumbling or falling to pieces Kām
- -dhāra mfn. intermittent (as urine) BhP
- -paṅkti mfn. having broken ranks or lines Ragh
- -parṇa m. Azadirachta Indica L
- -mūrti mfn. having the body destroyed (said of Kāma-deva) Kum
- vi-ḍśīrya mfn. to be broken to pieces or dissolved W
- vi-śeṣa &c. See p. 990, col. 2
- vi-śoka See p. 952, col. 3
- viśobhagīna mf(ā)n. an adj. or epithet applied to Sarasvati ĀpŚr. (cf. veśa-bha-gīna and viśo-bhagī́na)
- viśovisīya n. N. of various Sāmans TāṇḍyaBr. (also agner vis○ ĀrshBr.)
- víś-aujas See p. 989, col. 2
- viś-cakadra m. (said to be fr. 2. viś = 3. vi + c○), a dog-keeper' (regarded as a low man) or 'a dog' Nir. ii, 3 Sch
- ○drâkarṣa m. the chastiser of a dog-keeper or of a dog ib
- viśna m. (fr. √vich) Pāṇ. 3-3. 90
- viś-páti viś-pátnī, See under 2. viś, p. 989, eol. 2
- viśpálā f. (accord. to some fr. 2. viś and palā = pālā) N. of a woman (whose lost leg was replaced by the Aśvins) RV
- ○vasu (viśpálā.), mfn. (prob.) kind or friendly to Viśpalā (said of the Aśvins) ib
- vi-√śraṇ Caus. -śrāṇayati, to give away, distribute, present Gobh. MBh. &c
- vi-ḍśraṇana n. gift, donation L
- vi-ḍśrāṇana n. id. R. Naish
- vi-ḍśrāṇika mfn. (ifc.) treating of the gift or bestowal of. R. (v. l.)
- vi-ḍśrāṇita mfn. given away, distributed, bestowed Gobh. R. &c
- vi-√śrath (only 3. sg. pf. Ā. -śaśrathe), to open for one's self RV. ix, 70, 2: Caus. -śrathayati (2. sg. Impv. śrathāya, Subj. aor. -śiśrathaḥ), to loosen, untie RV. AV
- to remit, pardon (a sin) RV. iv, 12, 4
- to destroy ib. ii, 28, 7
- vi-√śram P. -śrāmyati (ep. also śramati, ○te
- ind. p. śrā́mya, or -śramya), to rest, repose, recreate one's self. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- to rest from labour, cease, stop, desist Kāv. Kathās. Rājat
- to rest or depend on (loc.) Kāv
- to rest i.e. trust or confide in, rely on R. Cāṇ
- to feel at ease or comfortable R. Bhaṭṭ.: Pass. [-zr�Amyate] (aor. [vy-azr�Ami] Vop
- esp. 3. sg. Impv
- [-zr�AmyatAm], 'you may rest', enough of this') Bhartṛ. Ratnâv.: Caus. [-zr�Amayati], to cause to rest, make to cease, stop ŚāṅkhGṛ. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to cause to rest or settle down on (loc.) Ragh.: Desid., vi-śiśramiṣu
- vi-śrama m. rest, repose, quiet, relaxation Kālid. Śiś. Vās
- N. of a scribe MW
- vi-ḍśramaṇa n. resting, relaxation MBh. Kathās. BhP
- vi-ḍśramita mfn. made to rest, allayed Gīt
- vi-śrānta mfn. reposed, rested or ceased from (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- reposing, taking rest VarBṛS. Pañcat
- abated, ceased, stopped Kāv. Kathās
- coming to rest or to an end, reaching to (acc. or comp.) Kāv. Rājat
- feeling at ease in or with (loc.) R
- (in comp.) destitute of ( See vivekav○ and comp. below)
- m. N. of a king VP
- -katha mfn. speechless, dumb, mute Ragh
- -karṇa-yugala mfn. (for kṭkarṇa-y-"ṣv) reaching to the ears Caurap
- nyāca m. N. of wk
- -puṣpôdgama mfn. ceased from shooting forth blossoms Vikr. [Page 992, Column]
- -vigraha-katha mfn. one in whom, 'war' or, a body' (cf. vi-graha) is out of the question, i.e. 'unwarlike' and 'bodiless' (applied to king Udayana and to the god of love) Ratnâv. i, 8
- -vidyādhara m. N. of a grammar
- vidyā-vinoda m. N. of a medical wk
- -vilāsa mfn. one who has given up, sporting or dallying Kathās
- -vaira mfn. one who has ceased from enmity ib
- vi-śrānti f. rest, repose Kāv. Kathās
- abatement, cessation, coming to an end Kathās. Sāh
- N. of a Tirtha VarP
- -kṛt mfn. causing or giving rest Kathās
- -bhūmi f. means of relaxation Subh
- -mat mfn. possessing rest, feeling at ease Kāv
- -varman m. N. of a poet Subh
- vi-śrāma m. rest, repose, relaxation, calm, tranquillity MBh. Kāv. &c
- deep breathing (after exertion) VarBṛS
- resting-place Hariv. BhP
- cessation, abatement R. Śak. Uttarar
- a pause, caesura Śrutab
- a house Gal
- N. of various men Cat
- (with śukla) N. of an author ib
- -bhū f. a resting-place, Venīs
- -veśman n. a resting-chamber Hariv
- -sthāna n. a place (i.e. means) of rest or recreation (said of a friend) Ratnâv
- mâtmaja m. N. of an author Cat
- vi-ḍśrāmaṇa n. causing to rest Kauś. Sch
- vi-√śrambh (accord. to some, more correctly -srambh), Ā. -śrambhate, to confide, be confident, trust in or rely on (loc.) BhP. (ind. p. -śrabhya = trustfully, with confidence): Caus. -śrambhayati, to relax, loosen, untie Lāṭy
- to inspire with confidence, encourage MBh
- vi-śrabdha mfn. confiding, confident, fearless, tranquil, calm MBh. Kāv. &c
- trusting in, relying on (prati) Mālav
- showing or inspiring confidence Kāv. BhP
- (only L.) trusted'
- excessive'
- firm'
- 'mean' &c
- (am), ind. confidingly, quietly, without fear or reserve Mn. MBh. &c
- -kārya mfn. one who has confidential business to transact Śak
- -tā f. -tva n. trustiness, trustworthiness W
- -navôḍhā f. a confiding bride (one of the several classes into which brides are divided) MW
- -pralāppin mfn. talking confidingly or confidentially Śak
- -supta mfn. sleeping peacefully Mṛicch
- vi-śrambha m. (ifc. f. ā) slackening, loosening, relaxation (of the organs of utterance), cessation RPrāt
- trust, confidence in (loc., gen., or comp.)
- absence of restraint, familiarity, intimacy MBh. Kāv. &c. (ibc. or āt, eṇa ind. 'confidingly, confidentially'
- ○bhaṃ √kṛ with gen., 'to win the confidence of'
- kasmai ○bhaṃ kathayāmi in whom shall I trust?')
- a playful or amorous quarrel L
- killing(?) L
- -katha f. (Vās.), -kathiśa n. pl. (Śak.), -garbha-kathā f. (Mālatim.) confidential talk
- affectionate conversation
- -tā f. trust, confidence (acc. with √gam, to win cṭconfidence) R
- -bhṛtya m. a confidential servant Rājat
- -vat mfn. trustful certain, at ease Jātakam
- -saṃsupta mfn. quietly asleep Kām
- -saṃkathā f. = -kathā Kathās
- ○bhâlāpa m. id. Hit
- vi-ḍśrambhaṇa n. confidence (○ṇaṃ √gaṃ, to win confidence)
- gaining a person's confidence Daś
- vi-ḍśrambhaṇīya mfn. inspiring a person(gen.) with confidence BhP
- vi-ḍśrambhitavya n. (impers.) it should be trusted in (loc.) Jātakam
- vi-ḍśrambhin mfn. trusting in, relying on (comp.) BhP. Sāh
- enjoying confidence MBh
- confidential (as talk) Kathās
- vi-śravaṇa vi-śravas, See p. 953, col. 1
- vi-śrāva m. (fr. √2. śru = sru
- for 2. See col. 2) flowing forth, dropping W
- vi-śrāvaṇa n. (fr. Caus.) causing to flow forth, bleeding ib
- vi-śruta mfn. (for 2. See col. 2) flowed away, flowing forth W
- vi-śruti f. oozing, flowing ib
- 'flowing asunder', ramification of a channel or road ŚāṅkhŚr
- flowing (scil. with milk)', N. of the cow VS. PañcavBr. (Sch. 'the celebrated one'
- 2. vi-śruti)
- vi-śrotasikā f. = pramāda Śīl
- vi-√śri P. Ā. -śrayati, ○te, to set or put asunder, separate, throw open, open RV
- (mostly Ā.) to go asunder, be opened or separated or expanded or spread or diffused ib
- to have recourse to, rely on W
- vi-śraya m. having recourse to, dependance on, asylum W
- vi-ḍśrayin mfn. Pāṇ. 3-2, 157
- ví-śrita mfn. (prob, = resounded) RV. i, 117, 1. [Page 992, Column]
- viśri m. (of doubtful derivation) death L
- N. of a man (pl. his descendants), g. gṛṣṭy-ādi and yaskâdi (cf. visri)
- vi-śri-√kṛ See p. 953, col. 1
- vi-śru √1. P. -śṛṇoti, to hear distinctly TUp. Hariv. BhP.: Pass. -śrūyate (Ved. also Ā. -śṛṇute), to be heard or be heard of far and wide, become known or famous RV. TBr. MBh. &c.: Caus. -śrāvayati, to cause to be heard everywhere, narrate, communicate MBh. Kāv. &c
- to mention (one's name) MBh
- to tell (with acc. of pers. and acc. vḷ. loc. of thing) ib
- to make famous R. Hariv
- to cause to resound MBh
- vi-śrāva m. (for 1. See s.v., col. 1) noise, sound Bhaṭṭ
- great fame or celebrity. L
- vi-ḍśrāvaṇa n. causing to hear, narrating, apprising W
- ví-śruta mfn. heard of far and wide, heard, noted, notorious, famous, celebrated RV. &c. &c
- known as, passing for, named (nom.) Hariv
- pleased, delighted, happy L
- m. N. of a man Daś
- of a son of Vasu-deva BhP
- of Bhava-bhūti Gal
- n. fame, celebrity BhP
- learning ( See comp.)
- -deva m. N. of a king Buddh
- -vat mfn. possessing much learning, very learned Hariv
- m. N. of Maru (the father of Bṛihad-bala) VP
- ○tâbhijana mfn. of a renowned family, of noted birth MW
- vi-śruti f. celebrity, fame, notoriety MBh. BhP. (○tiṃ √gam, to become famous or celebrated)
- N. of a partic. Sruti Saṃgīt
- vi-√ślath (only pr. p. -ślathat and -śathamāna), to become loose or relaxed BhP. Pañcar
- vi-ślatha &c. See p. 953, col. 1
- vi-ślathita mfn. loose, relaxed BhP
- vi-√śliṣ P. Ā. -śliṣyati, ○te, to be loosened or dissolved or relaxed Bhaṭṭ. Kathās
- to be divided or separated (mithaḥ, from each other') Kathās
- to fall wide of a mark, fail to strike, miss the aim Ratnâv
- to divide, separate from (ahl.) Kathās.: Caus. -śleṣayati, to cause to be disunited, separate from (abl.) Kāv. Pañcat
- to deprive of (instr.) Pañcat
- vi-śliṣṭa mfn. loosened Ragh
- disunited, disjoined, separated AitBr. Kathās
- severed from one's party Kām
- dislocated (as limbs) Suśr
- -tara mfn. standing far apart Cat
- vi-śleṣa m. loosening, separation, dissolution, disjunction, falling asunder Kathās. Suśr. (saṃdhau v○ or saṃdhi-v○, non-union of letters, hiatus Sāh.)
- separation (esp. of lovers) Kāv. Kathās
- a chasm MW
- (in arithm.) the converse of addition Gaṇit
- -jāti f. (in arithm.) the assimilation of difference, reduction of fractional difference Līl
- -sūtra n. a rule for (an operation which is) the converse of addition Col
- vi-ḍśleṣaṇa mfn. dissolving Suśr
- n. separation BhP
- dissolution Car
- vi-ḍśleṣita mfn. (fr. Caus.) separated Megh. Kathās
- torn, rent asunder Mṛicch
- dissolved Kum. iii, 38 Sch
- severed Suśr
- -vakṣas mfn. one whose breast is torn or lacerated Suśr
- vi-ḍśleṣin mfn. falling asunder, loosened Ragh
- separated (from a beloved object) Kathās
- vi-śloka See p. 953, col. 1
- víśva mf(ā)n. (prob. fr. √1. viś, to pervade, Uṇ. i, 151
- declined as a pron. like sarva, by which it is superseded in the Brāhmaṇas and later language) all, every, every one
- whole, entire, universal RV. &c. &c
- all-pervading or all-containing, omnipresent (applied to Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa, the soul, intellect &c.) Up. MBh. &c
- m. (in phil.) the intellectual faculty or (accord. to some) the faculty which perceives individuality or the individual underlying the gross body (sthūla-śarīra-vyaṣty-upahita) Vedântas
- N. of a class of gods, below.
- N. of the number 'thirteen' Gol
- of a class of deceased ancestors MārkP
- of a king MBh
- of a well-known dictionary = viśva-prakāśa
- pl. (víśve, with or scil. devā́s, cf. viśve-deva, p. 995) 'all the gods collectively' or the, All-gods' (a partic. class of gods, forming one of the 9 Gaṇas enumerated under gaṇadevatā, q.v
- accord. to the Vishnu and other Purāṇas they were sons of Viśvā, daughter of Daksha, and their names are as follow, 1. Vasu, 2. Satya, 3. Kratu, 4. Daksha, 5. Kāla, 6. Kāma, 7. Dhṛiti, 8. Kuru, 9. Purū-ravas, 10. Mādravas [?]
- two others are added by some, viz. 11. Rocaka or Locana, 12. Dhvani [or Dhūri
- or this may make 1]: they are particularly worshipped at Śrāddhas and at the Vaiśvadeva ceremony ṛṭḻ. 416 [Page 992, Column]
- moreover, accord. to Manu [iii, 90, 12], offerings should be made to them daily - these privileges having been bestowed on them by Brahmā and the Pitṛis, as a reward for severe austerities they had performed on the Himâlaya: sometimes it is difficult to decide whether the expression viśve devāḥ refers to all the gods or to the particular troop of deities described above) RV. &c
- &c
- (ā), f. the earth L. (loc. pl. 'in all places, everywhere' RV. viii, 106, 2)
- dry ginger L
- Piper Longum L
- Asparagus Racemosus L
- = ati-viṣā, or viṣā L
- N. of one of the tongues of Agni, MārkP
- a partic. weight L
- N. of a daughter of Daksha (the wife of Dharma and mother of the Viśve Devāh) MBh. Hariv. Pur
- of a river BhP
- n. the whole world, universe AV. &c.&c
- dry ginger Suśr
- myrrh L
- a mystical N. of the sound o Up
- ○kathā f. g. kathâdi
- ○kadrākarṣa wṛ. for viś-cakadr○, q.v
- ○kadru mfn. wicked, vile L
- m. a dog trained for the chase L
- sound, noise L
- ○kartṛ m. the creator of the world (○tṛ-tva n.) Kāv. Pur. &c
- N. of an author Cat
- ○karma and See p. 994, col. 2
- ○karman See p. 994, col. 2
- ○kāya mfn. whose body is the universe BhP
- (ā), f. a form of Dākshāyaṇi Cat
- ○kāraka m. the creator of the universe (said of Śiva) Śivag
- ○kāru m. the architect of the Universe, Viśva-karman Pañcar
- ○kārya m. N. of one of the seven principal rays of the sun VP. (cf. -karman)
- ○kṛ́t mfn. or m. making or creating all, the creator of all things AV. ŚBr. &c
- m. the architect and artificer of the gods, Viśva-karman MBh. R. MārkP
- N. of a son of Gādhi Hariv
- ○kṛta mfn. made by Viśva-karman (?) MBh
- ○kṛṣṭi (viśvá-), mfn. dwelling among all men, universally known, kind to all men RV
- ○ketu m. 'whose banner is the universe', N. of the god of love L
- of Aniruddha (a son of the god of love) L
- ○kośa m. N. of various wks
- ○kṣaya m. destruction of the world Rājat
- ○kṣiti (viśvá-), mfn. = -kṛṣṭi TBr
- ○ga m. 'going everywhere', N. of Brahmā L
- of a son of Pūrṇiman BhP
- ○gata mfn. omnipresent LiṅgaP
- ○gandha (only L.), mfn. diffusing odour everywhere
- m. an onion
- (ā), f. the earth
- n. myrrh
- ○gandhi m. N. of a son of Pṛithu BhP
- ○garbha (viśvá-), mf(ā)n. bearing or containing all things AV. Śivag
- mṆ. of a son of Raivata Hariv
- ○guṇâdarśa m. N. of wk
- ○gudh mfn. (nom. -ghut) all-enveloping MW
- ○guru m. the father of the universe Kāv. BhP
- ○gūrṇa (?), N. of wk. =
- ○gūrta (viśvá-), mfn. approved by or welcome to everybody RV
- ○gūrti mfn. id. ib
- ○gocara mfn. accessible to all men VP
- ○gotra (viśvá-), mfn. belonging to all families ŚBr
- ○gotrya (viśvá-), mfn. (perhaps) bringing all kinsmen together (said of a drum) AV
- ○goptṛ m. 'preserver of the universe', N. of Vishṇu Hariv
- of Śiva Śivag
- of Indra L
- ○granthi m. a kind of plant (= [haMsa-padI) L
- ○ṃ-kara mfn. all-creating, making all W
- m. the eye L
- ○cakra n. 'world-wheel', a wheel made of gold representing the universe (or the gift of such a wheel offered to Brāhmans) Hcat
- -dána-vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○râtman m. N. of Vishṇu Hcat. MatsyaP
- ○cakṣa mfn. all-seeing MW
- ○cakṣaṇa (viśvá-). mfn. id. AV. -cakṣas (viśvá), mfn. id. RV
- ○cakṣus mfn. id. (or) n. an eye for all things MaitrUp
- ○candra mfn. all-radiant, all-brilliant MW
- ○camat-kṛti f. N. of Comm
- ○carṣaṇi (viśvá-.), mfn. -kṛṣṭi RV. Naigh
- ○cyavas m. one of the seven principal rays of the sun VP. Sch
- ○janá m. all men, mankind VS. TBr. (-janasya cchattra or chattra n. Pāṇ. 4-1, 76 Vārtt. 1 Sch.)
- ○janī́na mfn. containing all kinds of people AV
- ruling all people ib
- good for or benefiting all men MaitrS. Kāv. Pāṇ
- -vṛtti mfn. one whose conduct or actions are for the benefit of the whoIe world MW
- ○janīya mfn. suitable to all men, benefiting all men Pat
- ○janman (viśvá), mfn. of all or various kinds AV
- ○janya (viśvá-), mf(ā)n. containing all men
- existing everywhere, universal, dear to all men RV. VS. Mn
- universally beneficial W
- ○jayin mfn. conquering the universe BhP
- ○jít mfn. all-conquering, allsubduing RV. AV. BhP. m. N. of an Ekâha in the Gavām-ayana rite (the 4th day after the Vishuvat) AV. &c. &c
- a partic. form of Fire MBh
- the cord or noose of Varuṇa W
- N. of a Dānava MBh
- of a son of Gādhi Hariv
- of various other persons ib. Pur
- -jic-chilpa m. (for jit + śilpa) N. of an Ekâha PañcavBr. [Page 993, Column] ŚrS
- viśva-jid-aṭirātra-paddhati f. N. of wk
- ○jinva mfn. all-refreshing RV
- ○jīva m. the universal Soul BhP
- ○jū́ mfn. all-impelling RV
- ○jyotiṣa m. N. of a man (pl. his descendants) Cat
- ○jyotis (viśvá-), mfn. all-brilliant L
- m. N. of an Ekâha PañcavBr. KātyŚr
- of a man Saṃskārak
- f. N. of partic. bricks (supposed to represent fire, the wind, and the sun) TS. ŚBr. ŚrS
- n. N. of a Sāman SV
- ○tanu mfn. whose body is the universe BhP
- ○tas &c., See p. 994
- ○tár mfn. all-surpassing, all-subduing RV
- ○turā-ṣah mfn. (nom. ○ṣāṭ) allsurpassing Hariv
- ○tūrti (viśvá), mfn. id. RV
- ○tṛpta mfn. satisfied with everything Pañcar
- ○toya mf(ā)n. having water for all MBh
- ○traya n. sg. the three worlds (viz. heaven, earth, and atmosphere
- or heaven, earth, and the lower world) MārkP
- ○try-arcas m. one of the seven priucipal rays of the sun VP
- ○daṃṣṭra m. N. of an Asura MBh
- ○datta m. N. of a Brahman Kathās
- ○darśata (viśvá-), mfn. visible to all RV. ĀpŚr
- to be honoured by all MW
- ○dā́ni mfn. all-giving TBr
- ○dāvá mfn. all-scorching TS
- ○dāvan mfn. alldistributing AV
- ○dāvyá mfn. all-scorching AV. MaitrS
- ○dāsā f. one of the seven tongues of fire TĀr. Sch
- ○dīpa m. N. of wk
- ○dṛś mfn. allseeing BhP
- ○dṛṣṭa (viśvá-), mfn. seen by all RV
- ○deva (viśvá-), mfn. all-divine RV. Hariv
- m. N. of a god Hariv
- of a teacher Cat
- Pl. a partic. class of deities, the Viśve Devā? ( See viśva above) RV. VS. Hariv. VarBṛS
- (ā), f. Uraria Lagopedioides Suśr
- Hedysarum LagopṭLagopedioides W
- a species of red-flowering Daṇḍôtpala L
- -tā f. pl. the Viśve Devāh L
- -dīkṣitīya n. N. of wk
- -netra (viśvá-deva-), mfn. led by the Viśve DṭDevāh VS
- -bhakta mfn. (prob.) inhabited by worshippers of the VṭViśve Devāh (g. aiṣukāry-ādi)
- -vat (viśvá-deva-), mfn. united with all gods AV
- ○devya (viśvá-), mfn. relating or sacred or dear &c. to all gods RV
- distinguished by all divine attributes MW
- ○vyā-vat mfn. relating or dear to all gods RV. VS. &c
- accompanied by the Viśve Devā? AitBr. ŚrS
- ○daiva or n. the lunar mansion or asterism Uttarâshāḍhā (presided over by the Viśve DṭDevāh) VarBṛS
- ○daivata n. the lunar mansion or asterism Uttarâshāḍhā (presided over by the Viśve DṭDevāh) VarBṛS
- ○dohas (viśvá) mfn. milking or yielding all things RV
- ○dhara mfn. Preserving all things (N. of Vishṇu) Vishṇ
- N. of a man Cat
- ○dharaṇa n. preservation of the universe Rājat
- ○dhā (viśvá-.) mfn. (cf. viśvádha, p. 994) all-preserving VS
- f. preservation of the universe, g. chattrâdi
- ○dhātṛ mfn. all-sustainer Hariv
- ○dhāman n. a universal home ŚvetUp
- ○dhāyas (viśvá-.), mfn. all-sustaining, allnourishing RV. AV
- ○dhāra m. N. of a son of Medhâtithi BhP
- n. N. of the Varsha ruled by him ib
- ○dhārin mfn. all-maintaining W
- m. a deity W
- (iṇī), f. the earth L
- ○dhṛk or mfn. sustaining everything Sāy
- ○dhṛt mfn. sustaining everything Sāy
- ○dhena (viśvá-.), mf(ā)n. all-feeding RV
- (ā), f. N. of the earth MW
- ○dhenu See vaiśva-dhenava and vaiśvadhainava
- ○nagara m. N. of a man Dhūrtas
- ○nanda n. N. of a spiritual son of Brahmā VP
- ○nara mfn. = viśve narā yasya saḥ Pāṇ. 6-3, 129
- ○nātha m. 'lord of the universe', N. of Śiva (esp. as the object of adoration at Benares, cf. vśvêśa) Inscr
- of various authors and other men (also with kavi, cakravartin, dīkṣita, daivājña, paṇḍita, miśtra, -rāja, vājapeyin &c.) Kshitîś. Cat. Col
- -kavi-rāja m. N. of the author of the Sāhitya-darpaṇa IW. 457
- -caritra n. -tājaka n. N. of wks
- -tīrtha and -deva m. N. of various authors &c. Cat
- (○va-prakāśa m. N. of wk.)
- -nagarī f. the town of Viśva-nātha i.e. Kāśī Cat
- (○rī-stotra n. N. of wk.)
- nārāyaṇa, -nyāyâlaṃkāra m. N. of authors
- -pañcânana (also with bhaṭṭâcārya), m. N. of the author of the Bhāshāpariccheda and of a Comm. on the Nyāya-sūtra of Gotama
- -purī f. (= -nagarī) MW
- -bhaṭṭa m. N. of the author of the Sāhitya-darpaṇa (cf. -kavi-rāja) Cat
- -siṃha (or ○ha-deva), -sūri, -sena m. N. of authors
- -stotra n. N. of various wks
- ○thâcārya, ○thâśrama m. N. of authors Cat
- ○thâṣṭaka n. N. of wk
- ○thôpādhyāya m. N. of an author Cat. -nāthīya mfn. composed by Viśva-nātha Cat
- n. N. of wk
- ○nābha m. N. of Vishṇu Cat
- ○nābhi f. the navel of the universe BhP
- ○nāman (viśvá-), mf(mnī)n. having all names AV
- ○nighaṇṭu m. N. of wk
- ○ṃ-tara mfn. all-subduing (Buddha) Buddh
- m. N. of a king AitBr
- of a former state of existence of the Buddha Jātakam
- ○pakṣa m. N. of an author of mystical prayers, Cat. [Page 993, Column]
- ○pati m. 'lord of the universe', N. of Mahāpurusha and of Kṛishṇa Hariv
- N. of a partic. fire MBh
- of various authors Cat
- ○pad (-pād), wṛ. for -pā Hariv
- ○parṇī f. Flacourtia Cataphracta L. -pā mfn. all-protecting Hariv
- m. the sun W
- the moon ib
- fire ib
- ○pācaka mfn. cooking everything (fire) MārkP
- ○pāṇi m. N. of a Dhyāni-bodhi-sattva MWB. 203
- ○pātṛ m. a partic. class of deceased ancestors MārkP
- ○pādasiro-grīva mfn. one whose feet and head and neck are formed of the universe ib
- ○pāla m. 'all-protector', N. of a merchant Cat
- ○pāvana mf(ī)n. all-purifying BhP. Pañcar
- (ī), f. holy basil Cat
- ○píś mfn. all-adorned, having all sorts of ornaments RV
- ○púṣ mfn. all-nourishing ib
- ○pūjita mfn. all-honoured L
- (ā), f. holy basil Cat
- ○pūjya mfn. all-venerable Kāv
- ○peśas (viśvá-), mfn. containing all adornment RV
- ○prakāśa m. N. of a lexicon by Mahêśvara (also ○kāśikā, ○kāśin)
- of sev. other wks
- -paddhati f. N. of wk
- ○pradīpa m. N. of wk
- ○prabodha mfn. all-wakening, all-enlightening BhP
- ○prī́ N. of the section TBr. iii, 11, 5
- ○psan m. (accord. to some corrupted fr. viśva + bhasan, cf. bhasad) = deva Uṇ. i, 158 Sch
- = vahni, candra, samīraṇa, kṛtânta, sūrya L
- = viśva-karman, UṇVṛ
- ○psā m. fire L
- ○psu (viśvá-), mfn. having all forms RV. (cf. viśvā-psu)
- ○psnya (viśvá-), mfn. (psnya said to be for psanya fr. √psā) either 'having all forms' or 'all-nourishing' RV. VS. (-psnyā instr. f.)
- (āya), ind. (prob.) to the satiation of all RV
- ○bandhu m. a friend of the whole world BhP
- ○bīja n. the seed of everything Pañcar
- ○budbuda m. the world compared to a bubble, Śāntiś
- ○bodha m. a Buddha L
- ○bhaṇḍa m. N. of a man Hāsy
- ○bhadra mfn. altogether agreeable &c. Kālac
- ○bharas (vśvá-), mfn. all-supporting, all-nourishing RV. ŚrS
- ○bhartṛ m. an all-sustainer BhP. Kālac
- ○bhava mfn. one from whom all things arise BhP
- ○bhānu (viśvá-), mfn. all-illumining RV
- ○bhāva mfn. all-creating BhP
- ○bhāvana mfn. id. RāmatUp. Pur
- m. N. of Vishṇu MW
- of a spiritual son of Brahmā VP
- ○bhuj mfn. all-enjoying, all-possessing W
- eating all things MaitrUp. Hariv
- m. N. of Indra MW
- of a son of lunar MBh
- of a fir e ib
- of a class of deceased ancestors MārkP
- ○bhujā f. N. of a goddess Cat
- ○bhū m. N. of a Buddha Dharmas. 6
- ○bhūta mfn. being everything Hariv
- ○bhṛ́t mfn. = -bharas AV. MaitrUp
- f. pl. a hundred heat-making sun-rays L
- ○bheṣaja (viśvá-), mf(ī)n. containing all remedies, all-healing RV. VS. AV
- m. a universal remedy MW
- n. dry ginger Suśr
- ○bhojana n. the eating of all sorts of food W
- ○bhojas (viśvá-), mfn. all-nourishing, granting all enjoyment RV. AV
- ○bhrā́j mfn. all-illuminating RV
- ○madā or f. 'all delighting' or, all-consuming', N. of one of the seven tongues of fire L
- ○m-adā f. 'all delighting' or, all-consuming', N. of one of the seven tongues of fire L
- ○manas (viśvá-), mfn. perceiving everything RV
- m. N. of the author of the hymns RV. viii, 23-26. RV. PañcavBr
- ○manus (vitvá-), mfn. = -kṛṣṭi RV. =
- ○maya mf(ī)n. containing the universe Hcat. Kathās
- ○maha m. N. of a kind of personification ŚāṅkhGṛ. (also mahaviśva)
- ○mahat m. N. of a son of Viśva-śarmam VP
- ○mahas (viśvá-), mfn. all-powerful' or, all pleasant' RV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○mahêśvara m. the great Iord of the universe (Śiva) Cat
- -matâcāra m. N. of wk. (wṛ. ○cara)
- ○mātṛ f. all-mother Kālac
- ○mātṛkā f. N. of wk
- ○mānava ( See vaiśvamānava)
- ○mānuṣa (viśvá-), mfn. (prob.) known to all men MW. (cf. viśvá-manus)
- m. every mortal RV. viii, 45, 42
- ○mitra m. pl. (prob.) = viśvā́-mitra pl. the family of Viśvāmitra AV
- ○m-invá mf(ā́)n. all-moving, all-pervading, all-embracing RV
- all-containing ib
- ○mukhī f. N. of Dākshāyaṇi (as worshipped in Jālaṃdhara) Cat
- ○mūrti mfn. having all forms (or one 'whose body is the universe') MBh. Hariv. &c. (applied to the Supreme Spirit)
- m. a kind of mixture Rasêndrac
- -mat mfn. having or taking all forms MBh
- ○m-ejaya mfn. all-shaking, all-exciting RV
- ○medinī f. N. of a lexicon
- ○mohana mfn. all-confusing Pañcar
- ○m-bhará mf(ā́) n. all-bearing, all-sustaining AV. ŚBr. Cāṇ. (also applied to the Supreme Being)
- fire ŚBr. KaushUp
- a kind of scorpion or similar animal Suśr. Car
- N. of Vishṇu Pañcar. Chandom
- of Indra L
- of a king Kshitîś
- of an author Cat
- (ā), f. the earth Kāv. Rājat. &c
- -kulāyá m. a fire-receptacle ŚBr. KaushUp. [Page 993, Column]
- -maithilôpādhyāya m. N. of an author Cat
- -vāstu-śāstra n. -śāstra n. N. of wks
- ○bharâdhipa (MW.) or ○râdhī7śvara (Bhām.), m. 'lord of the earth', a king
- ○bharā-putra m. N. of the planet Mars Vāstuv
- ○bharā-bhuj m. a king Rājat
- ○bharôpaniṣad f. N. of wk
- ○m-bharaka m. a kind of scorpion or similar animal VarBṛS
- ○m-bhari f. the earth Dharmaśarm
- ○yaśas m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 5-4, 155 Sch. -yoni m. or f. the source or creator of the universe ŚvetUp. MBh. &c
- N. of Brahmā MW
- of Vishṇu ib
- ○ratha m. N. of a son of Gādhi Hariv
- of an author Col
- ○rāj mfn. for viśvā-rāj (in the weakest cases)
- m. a universal sovereign W. (also -rāja, A.)
- ○rādhas (viśvá-), mf. all-granting AV
- ○ruci m. N. of a divine being MBh
- of a Dānava Kathās
- = next L
- ○rucī f. all-glittering', N. of one of the seven tongues of fire, MuṇdUp
- ○rūpa n. sg. various forms Mn. Pañcar. RāmatUp
- (viśvá-), mf(ā or ī)n. many-coloured, variegated RV. AV. &c
- wearing all forms, manifold, various RV. AV. TS. &c
- m. N. of partic. comets VarBṛS
- of Śiva MBh
- of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Cat
- of a son of Tvashṭṛi (whose three heads were struck off by Indra) RV. TS. Br. &c
- of an Asura MBh. Hariv
- of various scholars &c. (esp. of a Sch. on Yājñ.) Kull. Cat. &c
- (ā), f. a dappled cow RV. VS. TBr
- N. of partic. verses (e.g. RV. v, 81, 2) Br. Lāṭy
- pl. the yoked horses of Bṛihas-pati Naigh
- (ī), f. N. of one of the seven tongues of fire MuṇḍUp
- n. Agallochum W
- (prob.) n. N. of wk
- -keśava, in., -gaṇaka-munī7śvara m. N. of authors Cat
- -tama mfn. having the greatest variety of forms or colours MW
- -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat
- m. N. of a scholar ib
- -darśana n. N. of two chs. in the Kriḍā-khaṇḍa of the GaṇP
- -deva m. N. of an author Cat
- -dhara mfn. wearing various forms VP
- -nibandha m. N. of a ch. of the BhavP
- -maya mf(ī)n. representing Viśva-rūpa (i.e. prob. Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa) AgP
- -vat mfn. appearing in various forms R
- -samuccaya m. N. of wk
- ○pâcārya m. N. of an author Cat
- ○rūpaka n. a kind of black aloe wood L
- (ikā), f. N. of a Yoginī Hcat
- ○rūpin mfn. appearing in various forms Hariv. MārkP
- (iṇī), f. N. of a goddess Cat
- ○retas m. (?) '(seed of all things', N. of Brahmā L
- of Vishṇu Pañcar
- ○rocana m. Colocasia Antiquorum L
- ○liṅga mfn. containing the distinguishing word viśva Nir
- ○locana n. N. of a lexicon
- ○lopa m. a species of tree TS
- ○vat (víśva-), mfn. containing the word víśva ŚBr
- ○vada m. (prob.) = the Visparad Cat
- ○váni mfn. all-granting TS
- ○vápari mfn. = viisvasmiñ jagati raśmīn āvaptā vistārayitā TBr. (Sch.)
- ○vayas (viśvá-.), mfn. AV. xix, 56, 2
- m. a N., See bamba-viś○ and bambā-viś○
- ○vasu m. 'wealth of all', N. of a son of Purū-ravas MW. (cf. viśvā́-vasu)
- ○vah (in the strong cases -vāh, in the weak cases viśvâūh), mf(viśvâuhī)n. Pāṇ. 6-4, 132 Sch
- ○vāc f. 'all-speech', N. of Mahāpurusha Hariv
- ○vājin Hariv. 11253 (doubtful, prob. dṛśya vā○ is better reading)
- ○vāra (viśvá-.), mf(ā)n. containing all good things, bestowing all treasures &c. RV. VS. ŚBr
- adored or cherished by all RV. (Sāy.)
- (ā), f. N. of the authoress of the hymn RV. v, 28
- ○vārya (viśvá-), mfn. containing all good things, bestowing all treasures &c. RV. (Say. 'all-desired')
- ○vāsa m. the receptacle of all things MBh
- ○vikhyāta mfn. known in the whole world Sarvad
- ○vijayin mfn. all-conquering Pañcar. -1
- ○víd mfn. knowing everything, omniscient RV. TS. ŚvetUp. &c. -2
- ○víd mfn. all-possessing RV
- ○vidvas mfn. all-knowing Cat
- ○vidhāyin m. 'all-making, all-arranging', a creator, deity W
- ○vinna mfn. See á-viśva-v○
- ○vibhāvana n. creation of the universe BhP
- ○viśruta mfn. = -vikhyāta Kathās
- ○viśva mfn. (perhaps) constituting all things (said of Vishṇu) Pañcar
- ○visārin mfn. spreading everywhere Inscr
- ○vistā f. N. of the 15th day of the light half of the month Vaiśākha L
- ○vṛkṣa m. 'tree of the universe', N. of Vishṇu, Parñcar
- ○vṛtti f. universal practice L
- ○veda m. N. of an author Cat. -1
- ○vedas (viśvá-.), mfn. = 1. -viśd RV. VS. AV
- a sage, saint W. -2
- ○vedas (viśvá-), mfn. = 2. -vid RV. VS. BhP
- -vyacas (viśvá-), mfn. embracing or absorbing all things RV. AV. VS. &c
- f. N. of Aditi MW
- ○vyāpaka mfn. all-pervading, everywhere diffused W
- ○vyāpin mfn. filling the universe, all-diffused RāmatUp. [Page 994, Column]
- ○vyāpti f. universal diffusion or permeation, W
- ○śambhu or m. N. of a lexicographer Cat
- ○śamḍbhu-muni m. N. of a lexicographer Cat
- ○śambhū (viśvá-), mfn. beneficial to all RV. VS. MaitrS
- m. he who is the source of all prosperity MW
- N. of Viśva-karman ib
- ○śardhas (viśvá-), mfn. being in a complete troop, complete in number RV
- displaying great power, making great exertion (Sāy.)
- ○śarman m. N. of the father of Viśva-mahat VP
- of an author Cat
- ○śārada (viśvá-.), mfn. annual (or 'lasting a whole year') AV. (applied to the disease called Takman as likely to occur every autumn)
- ○śúc mfn. all-enlightening RV
- ○śuci mfn. id. MW
- ○ścandra (viśvá-) mf(ā)n. all-glittering RV
- ○śraddhā-jñāna-bala n. N. of one of the ten faculties of a Buddha Buddh
- ○śrī́ mfn. useful to all (said of Agni) MaitrS
- ○śruṣṭi (viśvá-), mfn. compliant to all RV
- ○saṃvanana n. means of bewitching all Rājat. Vcar
- ○saṃhāra m. general destruction Kathās
- ○sakha m. a universal friend Ragh
- ○sattama mfn. the best of all (said of Kṛishna) MBh
- ○samplava m. the destruction of the world BhP
- ○sambhava mfn. one from whom all things arise Hariv
- ○saha mfn. all-bearing, all-enduring W
- m. N. of sev. men Ragh. Pur
- (ā), f. the earth W
- N. of one of the seven tongues of fire L
- ○sahâya mfn. joined with the Viśve Devā? Hariv
- ○sâkṣin mfn. all-seeing Prab
- ○sāman (viśvá-), m. N. of a kind of personification VS
- of the author of RV. v, 22, 1
- ○sāra m. N. of a son of Kshatrâujas Cat
- n. (also ○ra-tantra) N. of a Tantra RTL. 207
- ○sāraka m. Cactus Indicus L
- ○sâhva or m. N. of a son of Mahas-vat BhP
- ○sāhvan m. N. of a son of Mahas-vat BhP
- ○siṃha m. N. of a king Inscr
- ○su-víd mfn. granting everything well RV
- ○sū́ f. all-generating AV
- ○sūtra-dhṛk m. 'architect of the universe', N. of Vishṇu Pañcar. -sṛ́j (nom. -sṛ́k or incorrectly -sṛṭ), mfn. all-creating
- m. creator of the universe (of whom there are ten accord. to some) AV. &c. &c. (-sṛjām ayana n. a partic. festival ĀpŚr.)
- N. of Brahmā L
- of Nārāyaṇa Kād
- ○srít m. = viśvasya sraṣṭā (cf. prec.) or = viśvasya pātā TBr. (Sch.)
- ○sṛṣṭi f. creation of the universe MārkP
- ○sena m. N. of the 18th Muhūrta Sūryapr
- of a preceptor W
- -rāj m. N. of the father of the 16th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L
- ○saubhaga (viśvá-), mfn. bringing all prosperity RV
- ○sthā f. Asparagus Racemosus L
- a widow (wṛ. for viśvastā) L
- ○spṛś mfn. all-touching, all-reaching (applied to Maha-purusha) Hariv. (vḷ. diva-sp○)
- ○sphaṭika
- ○sphāṭi
- ○sphāṇi
- ○sphārṇi
- ○sphīṇi
- ○sphūrji or m. N. of a king of Magadha Pur
- ○sphūrti m. N. of a king of Magadha Pur
- ○sraṣṭṛ m. creator of the universe W
- ○svāmin m. N. of an author Cat
- ○hartṛ m. the worlddestroyer (N. of Śiva) Śivag
- ○haryarka or (v. l.)
- ○haryata m. a sacrifice L
- ○hetu m. the cause of all things (applied to Vishṇu) Pañcar
- viśvâkṣa mfn. having eyes everywhere Hariv
- visvâṅgá mfn. all-membered AV
- viśvâṅgyá mfn. being in all members AV
- viśvâcārya m. N. of a teacher Cat
- viśvâjina m. a N. Pāṇ. 6-2 106 Vārtt. 1
- viśvâṇḍa n. the world-egg Hcat
- viśvâtithi m. a universal guest i.e. going everywhere Bālar
- viśvâtita mfn. all-surpassing Cat
- viśvâtmâka mfn. constituting the essence of all things Prab
- viśvâtman m. the Soul of the Universe, the Universal Spirit MaitrUp. MBh. Kum. &c
- the sun L
- N. of Brahmā L
- of Śiva Kum
- of Vishṇu Cat
- (○nas), ind. (knowing any one) in his whole nature, thoroughly Hariv
- viśvâd mfn. allconsuming RV. AV. ŚBr
- viśvâdrśa m. or N. of wk
- viśvâdrḍśa-smṛti f. N. of wk
- viśvâdhāra m. support of the universe Pañcar. RāmatUp. HYog
- viśvâdhipa m. lord of the universe ŚvetUp
- viśvâdhiṣṭhāna
- viśvânanda-nātha m. N. of authors Cat
- viśvântara m. N. of a king Kathās
- of a son of Su-shadman MW
- viśvânná n. 'food for all' or 'all-eating' AV
- viśvâmṛta mfn. (perhaps) immortal for all times MaitrUp
- viśvâyana mfn. penetrating every where, all-knowing Hariv
- viśvâyu mfn. = viśvá-kṛṣṭi RV. VS
- m. N. of a son of Purū-ravas MBh. Hariv. (viśvâyus?)
- n. all people RV
- -poṣas (viśvâyu-), mfn. causing prosperity to all men RV
- -vepas mfn. exciting or terrifying all men ib
- viśvâyus m. See viśvâyu
- n. universal life, universal health (in a formula) TS. ŚāṅkhŚr
- viśvâvarta m. N. of a man Cat
- viśvâvāsa m. a receptacle for everything MBh. MārkP
- viśvêkṣitṛ mfn. all seeing Prab. (vḷ. viśvêśitṛ). [Page 994, Column]
- viśvêśa m. lord of the universe (N. of Brahmā, Vishṇu or Śiva) MBh. Hariv. R. &c
- the Supreme Spirit MW
- N. of a man Cat
- (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma VP
- n. N. of a Liṅga Cat
- the Nakshatra Uttarâshāḍhā (presided over by the Viśve Devā?) VarBṛS
- viśvôśitṛ m. the lord of the universe, Bhart
- . (cf. vitvêkṣitṛ)
- viśvêśvara m. id. Up. MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of a form of Śiva (esp. worshipped in Benares) RTL. 50 ; 437 &c
- of various authors and other persons Cat
- (ī), f. the mistress of the universe Cat
- a species of plant VarBṛS
- N. of wk
- (prob. n.) N. of a place Cat
- n. the Nakshatra Uttarashāḍhā VarBṛS
- -kālī m. N. of a poet Cat
- -tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- -tīrtha m. N. of seven authors Cat
- n. N. of a sacred place MW
- -datta, -datta-miśra, -daiva-jña, -nātha m. N. of authors Cat
- -nīrājana n. N. of wk
- -paṇḍita m. N. of sev. authors Cat
- -pattana n. N. of Benares Śak. Sch
- -paddhati f. N. of wk
- -pūjya-pāda, -bhaṭṭa (also with gāgā-bhaṭṭa and, maunin), m. N. of authors &c. Cat
- -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- -miśra m. N. of a man Cat
- -liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga Cat
- -veda-pāda-stava m. N. of a Stotra
- -saṃhitā f. N. of a ch. of the Śiva-purāṇa
- -sarasvatī, -sūnu m. N. of sev. authors or learned men Cat
- -stuti-pārijāta m. N. of wk
- -sthāna n. N. of a place MBh
- -smṛti f. N. of wk
- ○râcārya, rânanda-sarasvatī, ○râmbu-muni, ○râśrama, m. N. of authors Cat
- ○rī-paddhati f. N. of wk
- viśvêśvarīya n. N. of wk
- viśvâikasāra n. 'one heart of the universe', N. of a sacred region Rājat
- viśvôddhāra-tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- viśvaū74jas mfn. all-powerful RV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- viśvâuṣadha n. dry ginger L
- viśvâuhī See viśva-vah
- viśvaka mfn. all-pervading, all-containing RāmatUp
- m. N. of a man (also called Kṛishṇiya, the Aśvins restored to him his lost son Vishṇāpū). RV
- (with the patr. kārṣṇi) N. of the author of RV. viii, 86 Anukr
- of a son of Pṛithu VP
- viśvá-karma mfn. accomplishing everything, all-working RV. x, 166, 4
- viśva-karma in comp. for
- viśva-karḍman
- -jā f. 'daughter of Viśva-karman', N. of Saṃjñā (one of the wives of the Sun) L
- -purāṇa n. ○ṇa-saṃgraha m. -prakāśa m. -māhātmya, n. N. of wks
- -śāstrin m. N. of an author Cat
- -siddhânta m. N. of wk
- -sutā f. = viśva-karma-jā L
- ○mêśa or ○mêśvara-liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga Cat
- viśva-karman n. (only ibc.) every action MaitrUp. Vās
- (viśvá-), mfn. accomplishing or creating everything RV. AV. Br. MBh. Hariv
- m. 'all-doer, all-creator, all-maker', N. of the divine creative architect or artist (said to be son of Brahmā, and in the later mythology sometimes identified with Tvashṭṛi, q.v., he is said to have revealed the Sthāpatyaveda, q.v., or fourth Upa-veda, and to preside over all manual labours as well as the sixty-four mechanical arts whence he is worshipped by Kārus or artisans
- in the Vedic mythology, however, the office of Indian Vulcan is assigned to Tvashṭṛi as a distinct deity, Viśva-karman being rather identified with Prajā-pati Brahmā himself as the creator of all things and architect of the universe
- in the hymns RV. x, 81 ; 82 he is represented as the universal Father and Generator, the one all-seeing God, who has on every side eyes, faces, arms, and feet
- in Nir. x, 26 and elsewhere in the Brahmaṇas he is called a son of Bhuvana, and Viśva-karman Bhauvana is described as the author of the two hymns mentioned above
- in the MBh. and Hariv. he is a son of the Vasu Prabhāsa and Yoga-siddhā
- in the Purāṇas a son of Vāstu, and the father of Barhishmatī and Saṃjñā
- accord. to other authorities he is the husband of Ghṛitācī
- moreover, a doubtful legend is told of his having offered up all beings, including himself. in sacrifice
- the Rāmâyaṇa represents him as having built the city of Laṅkā for the Rākshasas, and as having generated the ape Nala, who made Rāma's bridge from the continent to the island
- the name Viśva-karman, meaning, doing all acts', appears to be sometimes applicable as an epithet to any great divinity) RV. &c. &c
- N. of Sūrya or the Sun Vās. MārkP
- of one of the seven principal rays of the sun (supposed to supply heat to the planet Mercury) VP
- of the wind VS. xv, 16 (Mahīdh.)
- N. of a Muni L
- (also with śāstrin) N. of various authors Cat
- viśvakarmīya n. any work of Viśva-karman Cat
- -śilpa n. N. of work. [Page 994, Column]
- viśvak-sena wṛ. for viṣvak-s○
- viśvag-aśva
- viśvag-gati
- viśvag-jyotis &c., wṛ. for viṣvag-aśva &c
- viśvañc &c., wṛ. for viṣvañc
- viśva-taś in comp. for viśva-tas
- ○cakṣus (○śvátaś-), mfn. one who has eyes on all sides RV. MaitrS
- viśvá-tas ind. from or on all sides, everywhere, all around, universally RV. &c. &c. (○to bhayāt, from all danger' BhP.)
- = abl. of viśva n. the universe TĀr
- ○pad (○śvátas-
- strong form -pād), mfn. one who has feet on every side RV. MaitrS
- ○pāṇi (○śvâtas-), mfn. one who has hands on every side AV
- ○pṛtha (○śvátas-), mfn. one who has his hands spread out everywhere AV
- viśva-to in comp. for viśva-tas
- ○dāvan mfn. granting from all sides SV
- ○dhī (○śváto-). mfn. heedful of all RV
- ○bāhu (○śváto-), mfn. one who has arms on every side ib
- ○mukha (○śváto-), mfn. facing all sides, one whose face is turned everywhere RV. AV. MBh. &c
- (am), ind, in every direction BhP
- m. N. of the sun MBh
- ○vīrya (○śváto-.), mfn. powerful or effective everywhere MantraBr
- ○hasta (○śváto-), mfn. one who has hands on all sides MaitrS
- viśvátra ind. everywhere, always RV. Kathās
- viśvatha (ŚāṅkhŚr.) or (RV. &c.), ind. in every way, at all times
- viśváthā (RV. &c.), ind. in every way, at all times
- viśvadā́nīm ind. (cf. tadānīm, id○) at all times, at all seasons RV. AV. ĀśvŚr
- viśvadryañc wṛ. for viṣvadryañc
- viśvádha or ind. in every way at all times, on every occasion RV
- viśvádhā ind. in every way at all times, on every occasion RV
- viśvayu m. air, wind L
- viśváha or ind. always, at all times RV. AV
- viśváhā ind. always, at all times RV. AV
- viśvā in comp. for viśva
- ○dhāyas m. a god L. (cf. viśva-dh○)
- ○nara (vitvā́-), mfn. relating to or existing among or dear to all men (applied to Savitṛi, Indra &c.) RV
- N. of a man, bidâdi
- of the father of Agni Cat
- = vallabhâcārya ib
- ○púṣ mfn. all-sustaining RV
- ○psu (viśvā́-), mfn. having all forms ib. (cf. viśvá-psu)
- ○bhū mfn. being in everything or everywhere ib
- ○mitra See below
- ○rā́j mfn. all-ruling TS. (cf. viśva-rāj and Pāṇ. 6-3, 128)
- ○vaṭva (?), m. N. of a man Rājat
- ○vat (víśvā-), mfn. (perhaps) universal TS
- (atī), f. N. of the Gaṅgā MBh. (= viśvam avantī pālayantī Nīlak.)
- ○vasu (viśvā́-), mfn. beneficent to all (said of Vishṇu) MBh
- m. N. of a Gandharva (regarded as the author of the hymn RV. x, 139) RV. AV. VS. &c
- of a Sādhya Hariv
- of a Marut-vat ib
- of a son of Purū-ravas (said to be one of the Viśve Devā?) ib. VP
- of a prince of the Siddhas Kathās. Nāg
- of a son of Jamad-agni MBh
- of one of the Manus Uṇ. Sch
- of a poet Cat
- of the 39th year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBṛS
- of the 7th Muhūrta AV. Jyot
- f. night L
- N. of a partic. night W
- -manantra m. N. of wk
- ○sáh (strong form sā́h), mfn. allconquering RV. AV. TS
- viśvāci f. (fr. viśva + 2. añc) universal RV
- f. paralysis of the arms and the back Suśr
- a partic. personification VS
- N. of an Apsaras MBh
- viśvā́-mitra m. (prob.) 'friend of all', N. of a celebrated Ṛishi or Sage (having the patr. Gāthina, Gādheya, and Jāhnava
- he was at first a functionary, together with Vasishṭha, of Su-dās, king of the Tṛitsus
- seeing Vasishṭha preferred by the king, he went over to the Bharatas, but could not prevent their being defeated by Su-dās, although he caused the waters of the rivers Vipāś and Śutudri to retire and so give the Bharatas free passage RV. iii, 33
- he was born as a Kshatriya, deriving his lineage from an ancestor of Kuśika, named Purū-ravas, of the lunar race of kings, and himself sovereign of Kanyā-kubja or Kanoj
- his fame rests chiefly on his contests with the great Brāhman Vasishṭha, and his success in elevating himself. though a Kshatriya, to the rank of a Brāhman, See Manu vii, 42: the Rāmayaṇa, which makes him a companion and counsellor of the young Rāma-candra, records [i, 51-6] how Viśvāmitra, on his accession to the throne, visited Vasishṭha's hermitage, and seeing there the cow of plenty [probably typical of go, the earth'], offered him untold treasures in exchange for it, but being refused, prepared to take it by force
- a long contest ensued between the king and the saint symbolical of the struggles between the Kshatriya and Brāhmanical classes, which ended in the defeat of Viśvāmitra, whose vexation was such that, in order to become a Brāhman and thus conquer his rival, he devoted himself to intense austerities [during which he was seduced by the nymph Menakā and had by her a daughter, Śakuntalā], gradually increasing the rigour of his mortification through thousands of years, till he successively earned the titles of Rājarshi, Ṛishi, Maharshi, and finally Brahmarshi [Page 995, Column]
- he is supposed to be the author of nearly the whole of RV. iii, and of ix, 67, 1315 ; x, 137, 5 ; 167
- moreover, a law-book, a Dhanurveda, and a medical wk. are attributed to him) RV. &c. &c
- a partic. Catur-aha (= viśvāmitrasya saṃjayaḥ) PañcavBr. KātyŚr
- a partic. Anuvāka (= viśvāmitrasyânuvākaḥ) Pat
- pl. the family of Viśvāmitra RV. AV
- (ā), f. N. of a river MBh
- -kalpa m. ○pa-taru m. N. of wks
- -jamad-agni m. du. Viśvāmitra and Jamad-agni RV
- -nadī f. N. of a river MBh
- -pura n. or -purī f. N. of a town (○rīya mfn. ) PratijñāS
- -priya m. 'dear to Viśvāmitra', the cocoa-nut tree L
- N. of Kārttikeya MBh
- -rāśi m. N. of a man Inscr
- -saṃhitā f. N. of sev. wks
- -sṛṣṭi f. Viśvāmitra's creation (in allusion to several things fabled to have been created by this saint in rivalry of Brahmā, e.g. the fruit of the Palmyra in imitation of the human skull, the buffalo in imitation of the cow, the ass of the horse &c.) MW
- -smṛti f. N. of wk
- viśvā́hā ind. = viśváhā, at all times RV. AV
- viśve-deva m. pl. the Viśve Devā? ( See under viśva) Pur
- sg. N. of the number 'thirteen' (at the end of the Saṃdeha-vishâushadhi)
- of Mahāpurusha Hariv
- of an Asura ib
- or another divine being Kāṭh
- (ā), f. Uraria Lagopodioides L
- viśve-devṛ m. the clitoris L
- viśve-bhojas m. N. of Indra Uṇ. iv, 237 Sch. (cf. viśva-bh○)
- viśve-vedas m. N. of Agni ib. (cf. viśva-bh○)
- víśvyā ind. anywhere RV
- vi-√śvas P. -śvaśiti (ep. also -śvasati, ○te), to draw breath freely, be free from fear or apprehension, be trustful or confident, trust or confide in, rely or depend on (acc., gen., or loc.) MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -śvāsayati, to cause to trust, inspire with confidence, console, comfort, encourage Kāv. Kathās. Pañcat. &c.: Desid. of Caus. -śiśvāsayiṣati, to wish to inspire confidence or to encourage Bhaṭṭ
- vi-ḍśvasana n. trusting, confiding in W
- vi-√śvaḍsvasanīya mfn. to be trusted or relied on, reliable, trustworthy, credible Kāv. Pañcat. (n. impers. with loc., 'it should be trusted or relied on') -tā f. -tva n. trustworthiness, credibleness Kālid
- vi-ḍśvasita mfn. full of confidence, fearless, unsuspecting BhP
- trusted, believed or confided in W
- vi-ḍśvasitavya mfn. = ○śvasanīya MBh. Prab
- vi-śvasta mfn. full of confidence, fearless, bold, unsuspecting MBh. Kāv. &c
- trusted, confided in, faithful W
- (am), ind. confidingly, without fear or apprehension Kāv
- (ā), f. a widow Hcar
- -ghātaka (Pañcat. HPariś.), -ghātin (Kathās.), mfn. ruining the trustful
- -vañcaka mfn. deceiving the trustful Kathās
- -vat ind. as if trustful MW
- vi-śvāsa m. confidence, trust, reliance, faith or belief in (loc., gen., instr. with or without saha, or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- a confidential communication, secret Daś. Hit
- -kāraka mf(ikā)n. inspiring confidence, causing trust MBh
- -kāraṇa n. reason for confidence Hit
- -kārya n. a confidential matter of business Hit
- -kṛt mfn. = -kāraka W
- -ghāta m. destruction of confidence, violation of trust, treachery RāmatUp
- -ghātaka or -ghātin mfn. one who destroys cṭconfidence, a traitor MBh. R. &c
- -janman mfn. produced from confidence MW
- -devii f. N. of the patroness of Vidyā-pati (to whom he dedicated his Gaṅgā-vākyâvalī, a wk. on the worship of the water of the Ganges) Cat
- -parama mfn. wholly possessed of confidence, thoroughly trustful R
- -pātra n. 'receptacle of confidence', a trustworthy person Hit
- -pratipanna mfn. possessed of confidence, trustful Hit
- -prada mfn. inspiring confidence W
- -bhaṅga m. violation of confidence, breach of faith Mālatīm
- -bhūmi f. 'ground for confidence', a trustworthy person Hit
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting in confidence Jātakam
- -rāya m. N. of a minister Cat
- -sthāna n. 'place for or object of confidence', a hostage, surety Pañcat
- -hantṛ (MārkP.) or -hartṛ (MBh.), m. 'destroyer or stealer of confidence', a traitor
- ○sâika-bhū f. 'sole ground for confidence', sole trustworthy person, Kusum
- ○sâika-sāra m. 'one whose sole essence is cṭconfidence', N. of a man MW
- śôjjhita-dhī mfn. 'one whose mind has abandoned cṭconfidence', distrustful, suspicious Rājat. [Page 995, Column]
- ○sôpagama m. access of confidence Śak
- vi-ḍśvāsana n. inspiring confidence (○nârtham ind. for the sake of inspṭinspiring confidence) Pañcat
- vi-ḍśvāsika mfn. trusty, confidential (-tara mfn. more trusty) MBh
- vi-ḍśvāsita mfn. (fr. Caus.) made to trust, inspired with confidence W
- vi-ḍśvāsin mfn. confiding, trustful Megh. Kathās
- trusty, confidential, trustworthy, honest Kām
- vi-ḍśvāsya mfn. to be trusted or confided in, trustworthy MBh. Kāv. &c. (-tara mfn. more trustworthy Daś.)
- to be inspired with confidence, liable to be consoled or encouraged or comforted MBh
- vi-√śvi P. -śvayati (only pr. p. -śváyat), to swell RV
- vi-√śvit Ā. -śvetate (only 3. pl. aor. vy-áśvitan), to shine, be bright RV
- viṣ cl. 3. P. viveṣṭi (only RV., Intens.
- here and ep. also cl. 1. P. véṣati, below.
- Subj. vivéḥ, víveṣaḥ RV
- pf. viveṣa, viviṣuḥ ib. [áviveṣīḥ, iv, 22, 5 &c.]
- aor. aviṣat, avikṣat Gr
- Impv. viḍḍhí AV
- fut. vekṣyati, ○te Br
- veṣṭā Gr
- inf. veṣṭum Gr
- -víṣe RV
- ind. p. viṣṭvií ib
- -víṣya AV.), to be active, act, work, do, perform RV. . ŚBr
- (cl. 1. P. véṣati, Dhātup. xvii, 47) to be quick, speed, run, flow (as water) ib
- to work as a servant serve ib
- to have done with i.e. overcome, subdue, rule ib
- (Naigh. ii, 8) to be contained in (acc.), Tattvak.: Caus. veṣayati, to clothe BhP.: Intens. (or cl. 3. accord. to Dhātup. xxv, 13) véveṣṭi, veviṣṭe, to be active or busy in various ways &c. RV. AV
- (p. véviṣat) to consume, eat ib. (cf. Naigh. ii, 8)
- (p. véviṣāṇa) aided or supported by (instr.) RV. vii, 18, 15
- viṭ (for 1. See p. 989, col. 2) in comp. for 3. viṣ
- ○kārikā f. 'ordure maker', a kind of bird (prob. a variety of Turdus Salica) L
- ○kṛmi m. a worm bred in the bowels HPariś
- ○khadira m. Vachellia Farnesiana L
- ○cara m. 'filth-goer', a tame or village hog L
- ○śūla m. a partic. form of colic Suśr
- ○saṅga m. coherence or obstruction of the feces, constipation ib
- ○sārikā or f. a sort of thrush or variety of the bird inaccurately called 'Maina' in Bengal L
- ○sārī f. a sort of thrush or variety of the bird inaccurately called 'Maina' in Bengal L
- viṭka (ifc.) = 3. viṣ, feces (cf. karṇa- and bhinna-víṭka)
- viḍ in comp. for 3. viṣ
- ○gandha n. = -lavaṇa L
- ○graha m. stoppage or obstruction of the feces, constipation Bhpr
- ○ghāta m. a partic. urinary disease Car
- ○ja mfn. produced from ordure Yājñ
- n. a fungus W
- ○bandha m. constipation Suśr
- ○bhaṅga m. diarrhoea ib
- ○bhava mfn. = -ja W
- ○bhid f. = -bhaṅga Bhpr
- ○bhuj mfn. feeding on ordure Mn. xii, 56
- m. a dung-beetle or a similar insect BhP
- ○bheda m. = -bhaṅga Car
- ○bhedin mfn. laxative Suśr
- (prob.) n. = -lavaṇa L
- ○bhojin mfn. = -bhuj Pañcar
- ○lavaṇa n. a medicinal salt (commonly called Vitlaban or Bitnoben) L
- ○varāha m. a tame or village hog BhP
- ○vighāta m. = -ghāta Car
- viṇ in comp. for 3. viṣ
- ○mūtra n. (sg. or du.) feces and urine Mn. iv, 48 &c
- viṣ mfn. consuming (cf. jarad-víṣ)
- = vyāpana, pervasion L
- viṣ f. (nom. viṭ) feces, ordure, excrement, impure excretion, dirt Mn. Yājñ. VarBṛS. &c
- víṣa m. a servant, attendant RV
- N. of a Sādhya Hariv. (cf. dur-v○)
- (viṣá), n. (also m. Siddh
- ifc. f. ā), anything active', poison, venom, bane, anything actively pernicious RV. &c. &c
- a partic. vegetable poison (= vatsa-nābha) L
- water Naigh. i, 12
- a mystical N. of the sound m Up
- gum-myrrh L
- the fibres attached to the stalk of the lotus W. ( See bisa)
- (ā), f. a kind of aconite L
- a tree (commonly called Atis, its bark is used as a red dye) W
- = 3. viṣ, feces (cf. vii7ta-viṣa)
- mf(ā)n. poisonous AV. vii, 113, 2. [Cf. Gk. ? for ? ; Lat. virus.]
- ○kaṇṭakinī f. a [995,] kind of plant (= bandhya-karkoṭakī) L
- ○kaṇṭha m. 'poison-necked', N. of Śiva, A. (cf. viṣâgni-pā)
- ○kanda m. a species of bulbous plant (= nīla-kanda) L
- ○kanyakā or f. a girl supposed to cause the death of a man who has had intercourse with her Mudr. Kathās
- ○kanyā f. a girl supposed to cause the death of a man who has had intercourse with her Mudr. Kathās
- ○kāṣṭha n. Thespesia Populnea L
- ○kumbha m. a jar of poison Hit
- ○kṛta mfn. poisoned Kāv
- ○kṛmi m. 'poison-worm', a worm bred in poison Cāṇ. [Page 995, Column]
- -nyāya m. the rule of the poison-worm (denoting that what may be fatal to others, is not so to those who are bred in it) A
- ○khā See bisa-khā
- ○girí m. 'poison-mountain', a mountain producing poison AV
- ○granthi N. of a plant (?) MW
- ○ghaṭikā f. N. of a solar month
- -janana-śānti f. N. of a ch. of the Vṛiddha-gārgya-saṃhitā (describing rites for averting the evil consequences of being born at one of the 4 periods of the month VṭVṛiddha-ghṭghārgya)
- ○ghā f. a kind of twining shrub, Menispermum Cordifolium or Cocculus Cordifolius (= guḍūcī) L
- ○ghāta m. 'poison-destroying', a physician who applies antidotes R
- ○ghātaka mfn. one who kills with poison VarBṛS
- ○ghātin mfn. poison-destroying, antidotal, an antidote
- m. Mimosa Sirissa (= śirīṣa) L
- ○ghna mf(ī)n. (cf. -han) destroying or counter acting poison, antidotal, an antidote Mn. Kathās. Suśr
- m. (only L.) Mimosa Sirissa
- Hedysarum Alhagi
- Beleric Myrobalan
- Terminalia Belerica
- (ī), f. (only L.) Hingtsha Repens
- another plant (commonly called Bicchati)
- turmeric
- bitter apple or colocynth
- ○ghnikā f. a species of strychnos L
- ○ja mfn. produced by poison MBh
- ○jala n. poisoned water BhP
- ○jit n. 'conquering or destroying poison', a kind of honey L
- ○jihva (viṣá-), venom-tongued ŚBr
- m. Lipeocercis Serrata L
- ○juṣṭa mfn. possessed of poison, poisonous W
- poisoned Suśr
- ○jvara m. a buffalo L. (vḷ. -tvara)
- ○tantra n. 'toxicology', a ch. of most medical Saṃhitās
- ○taru m. a poison-tree Vās
- ○tā f. or the state of poison, poisonousness Vishṇ. Kāv. &c
- ○tva n. the state of poison, poisonousness Vishṇ. Kāv. &c
- ○tindu m. Strychnos Nux Vomica L
- a kind of ebony tree with poisonous fruit Bhpr
- ○tinduka m. a species of poisonous plant Bhpr
- ○tulya mfn. resembling poison, fatal, deadly W
- ○da mfn. yielding poison, poisonous W
- m. 'shedding water', a cloud Śiś
- n. green vitriol W
- ○daṃṣṭrā f. a medicinal plant and antidote (= sarpa-kaṅkālī) L
- ○daṇḍa m. = viṣâpahāra-daṇḍa Pañcad
- ○dantaka m. 'having poisonous teeth', a snake L
- ○darśana-mṛtyuka m. 'dying at the sight of poison', a kind of pheasant L. (cf. viṣa-mṛtyu)
- ○dāyaka mf(ikā)n. or giving poison, poisoning, a poisoner Kām. R
- ○dāyin mfn. giving poison, poisoning, a poisoner Kām. R
- ○digdha mfn. smeared with poison, empoisoned, poisoned MBh
- ○dū́ṣaṇa mf(ī)n. destroying poison AV
- n. corrupting by admixture of poison, poisoning (of food) Kām
- ○doṣa-hara mfn. taking away the ill effects of poison MW
- ○druma m. a kind of poison-tree, the Upas tree Kāv. Rājat
- ○dviṣā f. a kind of Guḍūcī L
- ○dhara mfn. holding or containing poison, venomous, poisonous
- m. or (ī), f. a snake Gīt. Subh
- -nilaya m. abode of snakes, Pātāla or one of the lower regions MW
- m. (ifc. f. ā) 'containing water', a receptacle of water Vās
- ○dharmā f. cowach, Carpopogon Pruriens or Mucuna Pruritus L
- ○dhātrī f. 'venom-preserver', N. of a goddess who protects men from snakes (she was wife of the Ṛishi Jarat-kāru and sister of Vāsuki
- cf. manasā) L
- ○dhā́na m. a receptacle of poison AV
- ○nāḍī f. a partic. inauspicious period of time (the evil consequences of being born in which are to be averted by religious rites) Saṃskārak
- -janana-śānti f. N. of wk. (= viṣa-ghaṭikā-j○)
- ○nāśaka mf(ikā)n. poison-destroying MW
- ○nāśana m. 'id.', Mimosa Sirissa L
- n. removing or curing poison W
- ○nāśin mfn. poison-destroying, any antidote W
- (inī), f. a kind of plant (= viṣa-daṃṣṭrā) BhP
- ○nimitta mfn. caused by poison MW
- ○nud m. 'poison-expeller', Bignonia Indica L
- ○pattrikā f. a partic. plant with poisonous leaves Suśr
- ○pannaga m. a venomous serpent Kām
- ○parṇī f. = nyag-rodha L
- ○parvan m. N. of a Daitya Kathās
- ○pādapa m. a poison-tree Kām
- ○pīta mfn. one who has drunk poison Hariv
- ○puccha mf(ī)n. having a venomous tail L
- ○puṭa m. N. of a man (pl. 'his descendants'), g. yaskâdi
- ○puṣpa n. a poisonous flower Kathās
- the blue lotus L
- m. 'having poisonous flowers', Vanguieria Spinosa L
- ○puṣpaka mfn. (sickness or disease) caused by eating poisonous flowers Pāṇ. 5-2, 81
- m. Vanguieria Spinosa L
- ○pradigdha mfn. smeared with poison, empoisoned VarBṛS
- ○prayoga m. the use or employment of poison, administering poison as a medicine (also as N. of wk. or ch. of wk.) W
- ○prastha m. N. of a mountain MBh
- ○bhakṣaṇa n. the act of eating poison, taking poison W
- ○bhadrā f. N. of a plant (= bṛhad-dantī) L. (vḷ. bhiṣag-bh○)
- ○bhadrikā f. N. of a plant (= laghu-dantī) L
- ○bhiṣaj m. a poison-doctor, a dealer in antidotes, one who pretends to cure snake-bites L. [Page 996, Column]
- ○bhujaṃga m. a poisonous snake L
- ○bhṛt mfn. bearing or containing poison, venomous, poisonous
- m. a snake W
- ○mañjarī f. N. of a medical wk
- ○mantra m. a snake-charmer, one who pretends to charm snakes or cures the bite of snakes L
- n. a chirm for curing snake-bites MW
- ○maya mf(ī or ā)n. consisting of poison, poisonous Kāv
- ○mardanikā
- ○mardanī or f. 'destroying poison', a species of plant L
- ○mardinī f. 'destroying poison', a species of plant L
- ○muc mfn. 'discharging venom', venomous (as speech), Śāntiś
- m. a serpent Hcar. Priy
- ○muṣṭi f. a kind of shrub possessing medicinal properties (commonly called Bishdori or Karsinh) Bhpr
- ○muṣṭika m. Melia Sempervirens ib
- ○mṛtyu m. 'to whom poison is death', a kind of pheasant (cf. viṣa-darśana-mṛtyuka) L
- ○rasa m. 'poison-juice', a poisoned draught or potion MBh
- ○rūpā f. a species of plant L
- ○roga m. sickness arising from being poisoned Cat
- ○laḍḍuka mfn. poisoned Vet
- ○latā f. 'poisonous creeper', the colocynth plant L
- ○lāṅgala m. or n. a species of plant Suśr
- ○lāṭā or f. N. of a place Rājat
- ○lāṇṭā f. N. of a place Rājat
- ○vat (viṣá-), mfn. poisonous RV. &c. &c
- poisoned Cat
- ○vallarī
- ○valli or f. a poisonous creeper Kāv. Kathās
- ○vallī f. a poisonous creeper Kāv. Kathās
- ○viṭapin m. = -taru Veṇis
- ○vidyā f. 'poison-science', the administration of antidotes, cure of poison by drugs or charms ĀśvŚr
- ○vidhāna n. administering poison judicially or by way of or deal W
- ○vimuktâtman mfn. one whose soul or nature is released from poison MBh
- ○vṛkṣa m. a poison-tree, the Upas tree Rājat
- -nyāya m. the rule of the poison-tree (denoting that as a tree ought not to be cut down by the rearer of it so a noxious object should not be destroyed by the producer of it
- Kum. ii, 55, viṣa-vṛkṣo'pi saṃvardhya svayaṃ chettum asāmpratam) A
- ○vega m. 'poison-force', the effect of poison (shown by various bodily effects or changes) Mālav
- ○vaidya m. 'poison-doctor', a dealer in antidotes or one professing to cure the bites of snakes ib
- N. of wk
- ○vairiṇī f. 'poison-enemy', a kind of grass used as an antidote (= nir-viṣā, q.v.) L
- ○vyavasthā f. the state of being poisoned Daś
- ○śālūka See bisa-ś○
- ○śūka (Suśr.) or (L.), m. 'having a poisonous sting', a wasp
- ○śṛṅgin (L.), m. 'having a poisonous sting', a wasp
- ○saṃyoga m. vermilion L
- ○sūcaka m. 'poison-indicator', the Greek partridge, Perdix Rufa (= cakora)
- ○sṛkvan m. 'poison-mouthed', a wasp L
- ○secana mfn. emitting poison Nidānas
- ○ha mfn. removing poison L
- (ā), f. Kyllingia Monocephala L
- a kind of gourd L
- ○han mf(ghnī)n. destroying poison
- (-ghnī cikitsā, the science of antidotes) Car
- m. a kind of Kadamba L
- (ghnī), f. N. of various plants ( See under viṣa-ghna)
- ○hantṛ mfn. destroying or counteracting poison
- (trī), f. N. of various plants (= a-parājitā or nir-viṣā) L
- ○hara mf(ā or ī)n. removing venom, antidotal MBh
- m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra ib
- (ā or ī), f. the goddess who protects from the venom of snakes ( See viṣa-dhātrī, manasā) L
- -cikitsā f. -mantra-prayoga m. -mantrâuṣadha n. N. of wks
- ○hīna mfn. free from poison (as a serpent) ŚārṅgP
- ○hṛdaya mfn. poison-hearted, cherishing hatred or hostility, malicious, malignant Hit
- ○heti m. 'whose weapon is poison', a serpent Harav
- viṣâkta mfn. smeared with poison, poisoned L
- viṣâgni m. 'drinker of burning poison', N. of Śiva MBh. (cf. viṣa-kaṇṭha and viṣântaka)
- viṣâgraja m. 'elder brother of poison', a sword L
- viṣâṅkura m. a poisoned sprout Bhartṛ
- 'having a poisoned point', a spear, dart L
- viṣâṅganā f. = viṣakanyakā Mudr
- viṣâd mfn. eating poison Kāṭh
- viṣâdanī f. 'poison-destroying', a kind of creeper (= palāśī) L. 1
- viṣâdin mfn. (for 2. See under vi-√ṣad, col. 3) swallowing poison Vcar
- viṣânana m. 'poison-mouthed', a snake L
- viṣânala m. = viṣâgni VarBṛS
- viṣântaka mfn. 'poison-destroying, antidotal'
- m. N. of Śiva (so called because he swallowed the poison produced at the churning of the ocean) L
- viṣânna n. poisoned food Daś
- viṣâpavādin mfn. curing poison by charms
- (inī). f. a magical formula curing poison ŚāṅkhBr
- viṣâpaha mfn. poison-repelling, antidotal, an antidote (mantrair viṣâpahaiḥ, with texts or charms which have the power of repelling poison) Mn. Suśr
- m. a kind of tree (= muṣkaka) L
- N. of Garuḍa L
- (ā), f. (only L.) a kind of birth-wort, Aristolochia Indica (= arka-mūlā)
- N. of various other plants (= indra-vāruṇī
- nir-viṣā
- nāga-damanī
- sarpa-kaṅkālikā)
- viṣâpaharaṇa n. removing or destroying poison Cat. [Page 996, Column]
- viṣâpahāra m. id
- -stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- -daṇḍa m. a magical wand for destroying poison Pañcad
- viṣâbhāvā f. 'having no poison', a species of plant (= kṛṣṇa-dhattūraka) L
- viṣâmṛta n. poison and nectar (also N. of wk.)
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of poison and nectar, having the nature of both Kathās
- viṣâyudha m. = viṣaheti L
- viṣâyuḍdhīya m. a venomous animal VarBṛS
- viṣârāti m. 'enemy of poison', a kind of thornapple L
- viṣâri m. 'poison-enemy', a kind of plant or tree (L. = mahā-cañcu or ghṛta-karañja) Suśr
- viṣâstra n. a poisoned arrow L
- viṣâsya m. 'poison-mouthed', a snake L
- (ā), f. the marking-nut plant, Semecarpus Anacardium L
- viṣâsvāda mfn. tasting poison Mn. xi, 9 (cf. madhv-āpāta)
- viṣôddhāra m. N. of wk. on toxicology
- viṣôlbaṇa mfn. full of poison MBh
- viṣâuṣadhī f. Tiaridium Indicum L
- viṣaṇi m. a kind of snake L
- viṣala n. poison, venom L
- viṣāya Nom. Ā. ○yate (m. c. also P. ○yati), to become poison, turn into poison Bhartṛ. Subh
- viṣāra m. a venomous snake L
- viṣālu mfn. venomous, poisonous L
- viṣin mfn. poisoned Pañcar
- viṣī-bhūta mfn. become poison (as food) Kathās
- viṣṭa mfn. (for 1. See p. 989, col. 2) only in pari- and saṃ-v○, q.v
- (ā), f. the feces, excrement (wṛ. for viṣṭhā)
- viṣṭi f. (for 2. See p. 999, col. 1) service, (esp.) forced service, compulsory work, drudgery (also collectively, servants, slaves, bondsmen') MBh. R. Inscr. (ifc. also ○ṭika)
- m. N. of one of the seven Ṛishis in the 11th Manv-antara MārkP
- (ī́ or íbhis), ind. changing, alternatively, by turns RV. (in this sense accord. to some from vi + √1. as
- cf. abhi-, pari-ṣṭi)
- ○kara m. the lord of bondsmen or slaves MBh. (Nīlak.)
- = next VarBṛS
- ○kṛt m. a servant, slave, bondsman ib
- viṣṭhā f. (for 2. 3. See p. 999, col. 1) = 3. viṣ, feces, excrement (acc. with √kṛ or vi-√dhā, to void excrṭexcrement) Mn. MBh. &c. (often wṛ. viṣṭā)
- ○karaṇa n. voiding excrement VarBṛS
- ○bhū m. a worm living in ordure BhP
- ○bhūdāraka m. a tame or village hog L. (cf. viḍ-varāha)
- ○sāt ind. into excrement or ordure (with √as, to be turned into excrement or ordure) HYog
- viṣya mfn. worthy of poison, deserving death by poison Pāṇ. 4-4, 91
- viṣ cl. 9. P. viṣṇāti, to separate, disjoin Dhātup. xxxi, 54
- vi-ṣañj (√sañj), P. -ṣajati, to hang on, hang to, attach TS. Kāṭh
- (-ṣajjate), to be attached or devoted to BhP. (pr. p. -ṣajjat, addicted to worldly objects ib
- -ṣajjantī f. devoted to a man ib.)
- to be stuck to or clung to, i.e. be followed at the heels by (instr.) ib
- ví-ṣakta mfn. hung to or on or upon, hung or suspended to, hanging or sticking on or in, firmly fixed or fastened or adhering to (loc.) AV. &c. &c
- turned or directed towards (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- spread or extended over (loc.) Jātakam
- (ifc.) dependent on Daś
- produced, implanted Uttarar
- stopped, interrupted (said of a cow that has ceased to give milk) RV. i, 117, 20
- -tva n. the being occupied with (loc.) MBh
- vi-ṣaṅga m. the hanging on or being attached to ( nir-v○)
- vi-ḍṣaṅgin mfn. adhering, clinging or crowded together Śiś
- (ifc.) smeared or anointed with Pañcar
- vi-ṣajjita mfn. clinging or sticking or adhering to BhP
- viṣaṇḍa n. = mṛṇāla, the fibres of the stalk of the water-lily L
- viṣatvara vḷ. for viṣa-jvara ( See p. 995, col. 3)
- vi-ṣad (√sad), P. -ṣīdati (impf. Class. vy-aṣīdat, Ved. vya-ṣīdat, or vy-asīdat Pāṇ. 8-3, 119
- pf. vi-ṣasāda ib. 118
- inf. -ṣattum or -ṣīditum MBh.), to be exhausted or dejected, despond, despair MBh. Kāv. &c
- to sink down, be immersed in (loc.) R. v, 95, 15 (perhaps vi-ṣeduḥ wṛ. for ni-ṣ○): Caus. -ṣādayati, to cause to despond or despair, vex, grieve, afflict MBh
- B. &c. [Page 996, Column]
- vi-ṣaṇṇa mfn. dejected, sad, desponding, sorrowful, downcast, out of spirits or temper Kāv. Kathās. BhP
- -cetas mfn. dejected in mind, lowspirited, downcast R
- -tā f. -tva n. dejection, sadness, languor, lassitude (esp. as one of the effects of unsuccessful love) L
- -bhāva m. id. Daś
- -manas mfn. = -cetas BhP
- -mukha mf(ī)n. dejected in countenance, looking sad or dejected R
- -rūpa mf(ā)n. having a sorrowful aspect, being in a dejected mood R
- -vadana mfn. = -mukha ib
- ○ṇṇâtman mfn. low-spirited, desponding, downcast BhP
- vi-ṣāda m. (ifc. f. ā) drooping state, languor, lassitude Mālatīm
- dejection, depression, despondency (esp. as the result of unrequited love) MaitrUp. MBh. Kāv. &c
- disappointment, despair (one of the Vyabhicāras, q.v.) Daśar. Sāh
- aversion, disgust Bhartṛ
- fear, weakness MW
- dulness, stupidity, insensibility (= moha) ib
- -kṛt mfn. causing depression or grief. R
- -janaka mfn. id. Prab. Sch
- -vat mfn. dejected, downcast, sad Kathās
- ○dârta-vadana mfn. looking depressed with care or sorrow R
- vi-ḍṣādana mfn. causing depression or grief R
- (ī), f. See viṣâdanī, col. 1
- n. the causing despondency or sadness Car
- affliction, grief, despair BhP
- a distressing experience Kuval
- vi-ḍṣādita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to sink down, made sorrowful, dejected MW
- vi-ṣādin mfn. (for 1. See col. 1) dejected, dismayed, disconsolate, sad Mn. MBh. &c
- (○di) -tā f. (Kāv. Kathās.), -tva n. (Suśr.) dejection, despondency, grief, despair
- vi-ṣama mf(ā)n. (fr. vi + sama) uneven, rugged, rough MBh. Hariv. Kāv. &c
- unequal, irregular, dissimilar, different, inconstant Br. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn. &c
- odd, not even (in numbers &c.) Var. Kāvyâd
- that which cannot be equally divided (as a living sheep among three or four persons) Mn. ix, 119
- hard to traverse, difficult, inconvenient, painful, dangerous, adverse, vexatious, disagreeable, terrible, bad, wicked (ibc. 'terribly' Śiś.) Mn. MBh. &c
- hard to be understood Gol. Kāv
- unsuitable, wrong Suśr. Sarvad
- unfair, dishonest, partial Mn. MBh
- rough, coarse, rude, cross MW
- odd, unusual, unequalled W
- m. a kind of measure Saṃgīt
- N. of Vishṇu MW
- (ī), f. N. of various wks
- n. unevenness, uneven or rough ground or place (sama-viṣameṣu, 'on even and uneven ground' Śiś.), bad road VS. TS. ŚBr. &c
- oddness (of numbers) W
- a pit, precipice Mn. MBh. &c
- difficulty, distress, misfortune MBh. R. &c
- unevenness, inequality (eṇa ind. 'unequally') Kāś
- (in rhet.) incongruity, incompatibility Kāvyâd. Pratāp. Kuval
- pl. (with bharad-vājasya), N. of Sāmans SV. ĀrshBr
- (am), ind. unequally, unfairly MW
- -karṇa mfn. having unequal diagonals Col
- m. or n. (?) any four-sided figure with unequal diṭdiagonals MW
- the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle (esp. as formed between the gnomon of a dial and the extremities of the shadow) W
- -karman n. an odd or unequalled act W
- a dissimilar operation
- the finding of two quantities when the difference of their squares is given and either the sum or the difference of the quantities Col
- -kāla m. an unfavourable time, inauspicious season MW
- -kriya mfn. undergoing unequal (medical) treatment (-tva n.) Suśr
- -khāta n. an irregular cavity or a solid with unequal sides Col
- -gata mfn. situated or placed on an uneven place (higher or lower) Āpast
- fallen into distress ib
- -cakra-vāla n. (in math.) an ellipse Sūryapr
- -catur-aśra, or -catur-bhuja or -catuṣkoṇa m. an unequal four-sided figure, trapezium Sūryapr
- -cchada m. = sapta-cch○, Alstonia Scholaris L
- Echites Scholaris W
- -cchāyā f. 'uneven-shadow', the shadow of the gnomon at noon when the sun is on the equinoctial line W
- -jvara m. irregular (chronic) fever Suśr
- (○rântaka-lauha m. a partic. ferruginous preparation Rasêndrac
- ○rântaka-lauha m. id. L.)
- -tri-bhuja m. a scalene triangle Col
- -tva n. inequality, difference MaitrUp
- dangerousness, terribleness Vishṇ
- -dṛṣṭi mfn. looking obliquely, squint-eyed ĀpGṛ. Sch
- -dhātu mfn. having the bodily humors unequally proportioned, unhealthy MW
- -nayana or -netra mfn. 'having an odd number of eyes', 'three-eyed', N. of Śiva L
- -pada mf(ā)n. having unequal steps (as a path) Kir
- having unequal Pādas (a stanza) RPrāt. RAnukr. VS. Anukr
- ○da-vṛtti f. N. of various commentaries
- -palāśa m. Alstonia Scholaris (= sapta-pal○) L. [Page 997, Column]
- -pāda mf(ā)n. consisting of unequal Pādas Nidānas
- -bāṇa m. 'five-arrowed', N. of the god of love L
- (○ṇa-līlā f. N. of a poem) -bhojana n. eating at irregular hours MW
- -maya mf(ī)n. = viṣamād āgataḥ L
- -rāga mfn. differently nasalized (-tā f.). RPrāt
- -rūpya mfn. unequal quantities or qualities W
- -rca mfn. (fr. viṣama + ṛc) having an unequal number of verses ŚāṅkhŚr
- -lakṣmī f. adverse fortune, bad luck VarBṛS
- -vibhāga m. unequal division of property amongst co-heirs W
- -vilocana m. 'three-eyed', N. of Śiva (cf. -nayana above) Siddh
- -viśikha m. 'five-arrowed', N. of the god of love Cat
- -vṛtta n. a kind of metre with unequal Pādas Piṅg
- -vyākhyā f. N. of Comm
- -vyāptika mfn. furnishing an example of partial or one-sided invariable concomitance, Sāṃkhyas. Sch
- -śara m. 'five-arrowed', N. of the god of love Daś
- -śāyin mfn. sleeping irregularly W
- -śiṣṭa mfn. inaccurately prescribed (-tva n.) L
- left-unfairly, unjustly divided (as property &c. at death) W
- -śīla mfn. having an unequable disposition, cross-tempered, rough, difficult W
- m. N. of Vikramâditya Kathās
- of the 18th Lambaka of the Kathā-sarit-sāgara called after him
- (wṛ. for viṣama-śilā, 'an uneven rock' Pañcat. iii, 310/311)
- -śloka-ṭīkā f. -śloka-vyākhyā f. N. of wks
- -sāhasa n. irregular boldness, temerity, W
- -stha mf(ā)n. standing unevenly W
- being in an inaccessible position ib
- standing on a precipice, standing in a dangerous place Pañcat
- being in difficulty or misfortune MBh. R. &c
- -spṛhā f. coveting wrongly another's property L
- ○mâkṣa m. 'three-eyed', N. of Śiva Śivag
- ○mâditya m. N. of a poet Subh
- ○mânna n. irregular or unusual food MW. ○mâyudha m. 'five-arrowed', N. of the god of love Siṃhâs
- ○mârtha-dīpikā f. N. of wk
- ○mâvatāra m. descending on uneven ground MW
- ○mâśana n. eating irregularly (either as to quantity or time) Vāgbh. Siṃhâs. Bhpr
- ○mâśaya mfn. having an unfair disposition, dishonest, crafty W
- ○mêkṣaṇa m. 'three-eyed', N. of Śiva Śiś
- ○mêṣu m. 'five-arrowed', N. of the god of love Śiś. Hit
- ○mônnata mfn. raised unevenly L
- ○môpala mfn. having rough stones or rocks MW
- viṣamaka mfn. rather uneven, not properly polished (as pearls) VarBṛS
- viṣamāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become or appear uneven Cāṇ
- viṣamita mfn. made uneven or impassable Kir
- made crooked, disarranged ib. Śiś. Vās
- become dangerous or hostile BhP
- viṣamī in comp. for vi-ṣama,
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make uneven MBh
- to make unequal or crooked Śiś. Sch
- to make hostile BhP
- ○bhāva m. derangement of equilibrium MBh
- ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become uneven or irregular Śak
- viṣamīya mfn. connected with or produced by unevenness or inequality, uneven, unequal, g. gahâdi
- viṣaya m. (ifc. f. ā
- prob. either fr √1. viṣ, 'to act', or fr. vi + √si, 'to extend', Pāṇ. 8-3, 70 Sch.) sphere (of influence or activity), dominion, kingdom, territory, region, district, country, abode (pl. = lands, possessions) Mn. MBh. &c
- scope, compass, horizon, range, reach (of eyes, ears, mind &c.) ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c
- period or duration (of life) Pañcat
- special sphere or department, peculiar province or tield of action, peculiar element, concern (ifc. = 'concerned with, belonging to, intently engaged on'
- viṣaye, with gen. or ifc. = 'in the sphere of, with regard or reference to'
- atra viṣaye, 'with regard to this object') MBh. Kāv. &c
- space or room (sometimes = fitness) for (gen.) Kāv. Pañcat
- an object of sense (these are five in number, the five indriya, or organs of sense having each their proper viṣaya or object, viz. 1. śabda, 'sound', for the ear, cf. śruti-viṣaya
- 2. sparśa, 'tangibility', for the skin
- 3. rūpa, 'form' or 'colour', for the eye
- 4. rasa, 'savour', for the tongue
- 5. gandha, 'odour' for the nose: and these five Vishayas are sometimes called the Guṇas or 'properties' of the five elements, ether, air, fire, water, earth, respectively
- cf. śruti-viṣaya-guṇa) Yājñ. Śaṃk. Sarvad. IW. 83
- a symbolical N. of the number 'five' VarBṛS
- anything perceptible by the senses, any object of affection or concern or attention, any special worldly object or aim or matter or business, (pl.) sensual enjoyments, sensuality KaṭhUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- any subject or topic, subject-matter MBh. Kāv. &c
- an object (as opp. to 'a subject') Sarvad. [Page 997, Column]
- a fit or suitable object ('for', dat., gen., or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- (in phil.) the subject of an argument, category, general head (one of the 5 members of an Adhikaraṇa q.v., the other 4 being viśaya or saṃśaya, pūrva-pakṣa, uttara-pakṣa or siddhânta, and saṃgati or nirṇaya) Sarvad
- un-organic matter IW. 73
- (in gram.) limited or restricted sphere (e.g. chandasi viṣaye, 'only in the Veda') Kāś. (ifc. = restricted or exclusively belonging to)
- (in rhet.) the subject of a comparison (e.g. in the comp. 'lotus-eye' the second member is the viṣaya, and the first the viṣayin) Kuval. Pratāp
- a country with more than 100 villages L
- a refuge, asylum W
- a religious obligation or observance ib
- a lover, husband ib
- semen virile ib
- ○karman n. worldly business or act W
- ○kāma m. desire of worldly goods or pleasures ib
- ○grāma m. the multitude or aggregate of objects of sense Sāh
- ○candrikā f. N. of wk
- ○jña m. one who has a partic. domain of knowledge, a specialist Rājat
- ○jñāna n. acquaintance with worldly affairs MW
- ○tā f. the character or condition of being an object or having anything for an object, the relation between an object and the knowledge of it Sāh. Vedântas. Sarvad
- -rahasya n. -vāda (or -vicāra), m. -vāda-ṭippaṇa n. -vādârtha m. N. of wks
- ○tva n. = -tā Sarvad. Yājñ. Sch
- (ifc.) the being restricted to, occurring only in Pat
- ○nirati f. attachment to sensual objects A
- ○nihnuti f. negation with regard to an object (not as to one's self) Kāvyâd. ii, 306
- ○pati m. the governor of a province Inscr
- ○pathaka m. or n. (?) N. of a district ib
- ○parāṅmukha mfn. averted or averse from mundane affairs Śak
- ○pratyabhijñāna n. (in phil.) the recognition of objects MW
- ○pravaṇa mfn. attached to objects of sense Kull. on Mn. ii, 99
- ○prasaṅga m. = -nirati A
- ○lolupa mfn. eager for sensual enjoyment Kathās
- viṣayalaukikapratyakṣakāryakāraṇabhāvarahasya3viṣaya--laukika-pratyakṣa-kārya-kāraṇa-bhāva-rahasya n. N. of wk
- ○vat mfn. directed to objects of sense MBh
- objective Yogas
- ○vartin mfn. directed to anything (gen.) as an object R
- ○vākya-dīpikā (also -vāg-d○), f
- ○vākya-saṃgraha m
- ○vāda m. N. of wks
- ○vāsin mfn. inhabiting a country (anya-viṣaya-v○, the inhabitant of another country) Kāv. Pañcat
- engaged in the affairs of life W
- ○vicāra m. N. of a treatise by Gadādhara (also called viṣayatā-vic○, See -tā above)
- ○viṣayin m. du. object and subject Bādar
- ○saṅga m. addiction to sensual objects, sensual
- -ja mfn. sprung from addṭaddiction to sensual objects Mn. xii, 18
- ○saptamī f. the locative case in the sense of 'with regard to' Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 57
- ○sukha n. the pleasures of sense MW
- ○sneha m. desire for sensual objects Ragh
- ○spṛhā f. id. MW
- viṣayâjñāna n. 'non-recognition of objects', exhaustion, lassitude L
- viṣayâtmaka mfn. consisting of or identified with wordly objects, sensual carnal Mn. BhP
- viṣayâdhikṛta m. the governor of a province Kathās
- viṣayâdhipati m. id. ib
- 'lord of a country', a king, sovereign R
- viṣayânantara mfn. immediately adjacent or adjoining, next neighbour L
- viṣayânanda m. N. of various wks
- viṣayânta m. the boundary of a country MBh. R. Kathās
- viṣayâbhimukhī-kṛti f. directing (the senses) towards sensual objects Cat
- viṣayâbhirati f. and the enjoyment of sensual pleasures Kir
- viṣayâḍbhilāṣa m. the enjoyment of sṭsensual pleasures Kir
- viṣayârha mfn. entitled to sensual plṭpleasures (as youth) HPariś
- viṣayâsakta mfn. attached to sṭsensual pleasures
- -manas mfn. one whose mind is devoted to the world Śukas
- viṣayâsakti f. attachment to sṭsensual pleasures ib
- viṣayâsiddha-dīpikā f. N. of wk
- viṣayâiṣin mfn. addicted to sensual plṭpleasures, devoted to worldly pursuits L
- viṣayôparama m. cessation or abandonment of sensual pleasures Sāṃkhyak
- viṣayôpasevā f. addiction to sṭsensual pleasures, sensuality Ragh
- viṣayaka (ifc.) = viṣaya, having anything for an object or subject, relating to, concerning (-tva n.) Siddh. Nyāyas. Nīlak
- viṣayāyin m. (only L.) a prince
- an organ of sense
- a man of the world, sensualist, materialist
- N. of the god of love
- viṣayika See dārṣṭi- and samasta-v○
- viṣayin mfn. relating or attached to worldly objects, sensual, carnal Yājñ. Kāv. &c
- m. a sensualist, materialist, voluptuary (= vaiṣayika or kāmin) L
- a prince, king L
- a subject of (gen.) Pañcar
- (in phil.) the subject, the 'Ego' MBh. Śaṃk. (-tva n.)
- the god of love L
- (in rhetor.) the object of a comparison (cf. under viṣaya) [Page 997, Column]
- n. an organ of sense L
- viṣayī in comp. for viṣaya
- ○karaṇa n. the making anything an object of perception or thought Śaṃk
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make anything an object Śaṃk. TPrāt. Sch
- to make anything one's own, take possession of (acc.) Hcar
- ○kṛta mfn. spread abroad Cat
- made an object of sense or thought, perceived Śaṃk. Vedântas
- (ifc.) made an object of or for (karṇa-viṣayī-kṛta, 'heard') Cat
- ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become an object of sense or perception Śaṃk
- ○bhūta mfn. become the dominion of (gen.) Pañcat
- viṣayīya m. or n. = viṣaya, an object, Kusum
- mfn. relating to an object MW
- vi-ṣah (√sah), Ā. -ṣahate (impf. vy-aṣahata, or vy-asahata Pāṇ. 8-3, 71
- inf. -ṣahitum or -soḍhum, not -ṣoḍhum ib., 115), to conquer, subdue, overpower, be a match for (acc.) RV. AV. MBh. Hariv
- to be able to or capable of (inf.) MBh. R
- to bear, withstand, resist MBh. Kāv. &c
- to endure, suffer, put up with (acc. also with inf.) R. Gīt. BhP.: Caus. (only aor. vy-asīṣa-hat) Pāṇ. 8-3, 116: Intens., See vi-ṣāsahí
- vi-ṣahya mfn. bearable, tolerable ( See a-v○), conquerable, resistible MBh. R
- (also with kartum) possible, practicable MBh
- ascertainable, determinable ( See a-v○)
- vi-ṣāsahí mfn. victorious RV. AV. ŚBr
- -vrata n. N. of a partic. observance AV. Paddh. on Kauś. 57
- vi-soḍha mfn. (Pāṇ. 8-3, 115) endured Kathās
- viṣā ind.= buddhi Uṇ. iv, 36 Sch. (for viṣā f under viṣa, p. 995, col. 2)
- viṣâkta &c. See p. 996, col. 1
- viṣāṇa n. (for 2. See under vi-√ṣo, fr. which 1. may perhaps also come
- in older language also ā f. and accord. to g. ardhar-câdi, also m
- ifc. ā or ī) a horn, the horn of any animal AV. &c. &c. (cf. kharī-, śaśa-v○)
- a horn (wind-instrument) BhP
- the tusk (of an elephant or of a boar or of Gaṇêśa) MBh. Hariv. &c
- the claws (of a crab) Pañcat
- a peak, top, point, summit ṢaḍvBr. VarBṛS
- the horn-like tuft on Śiva's head MBh
- the tip of the breast, nipple BhP
- the chief or best of a class or kind (cf. -bhūta
- dhī-v○ = 'acuteness of intellect, sagacity') MBh. VarBṛS
- a sword or knife R. (vḷ. kṛpāṇa)
- (ī), f. N. of various plants (Odina Pinnata
- the Indian tamarind
- Tragia Involucrata
- = ṛṣabha, karkaṭa-śṛṅgī and kṣīra-kākolī) L
- Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L
- ○kośa m. the hollow of a horn MW
- ○bhūta mfn. being the chief or best MBh. i, 3735
- ○vat mfn. horned Kathās
- m. 'having tusks', a boar Hariv
- viṣāṇânta m. N. of Gaṇêśa Gal
- viṣāṇônnā-mita-skandha mfn. one whose shoulders are raised up towards (or high enough to meet) the horns MW
- viṣāṇôllikhita-skandha mfn. one whose shoulders are grazed or scratched by his horns (said of the leader of a herd of cattle to mark superiority) ib
- viṣāṇaka (ifc.) = 1. viṣāṇa, a horn L
- m. an elephant Gal
- (akā́), f. a species of plant AV
- (ikā), f. N. of various plants (Odina Pinnata
- the Senna plant
- Asclepias Geminata
- = karkaṭa-śṛṅgī and sātalā) L
- viṣāṇín mfn. having horns, horned MBh. Hariv. (○ṇi-tva n.)
- having tusks MBh
- m. an elephant Hariv. Śiś
- any horned animal W
- Trapa Bispinosa L
- a partic. plant growing on the Himavat (= ṛṣabha) L
- pl. N. of a people RV. vii, 18, 7 ('holding horns in the hand' Sāy.)
- viṣātakī́ f. (meaning unknown) AV. vii, 113, 2
- vi-ṣāda &c. See under vi-√ṣad
- viṣânana viṣânala &c. See p. 996, col. 1
- vi-ṣic (√sic), P. -ṣiñcati, to spill, shed ĀpŚr.: Intens. -sesicyate Vop
- ví-ṣikta mfn. discharged, emitted (semen) ŚBr
- ví-ṣita See under vi-√ṣo
- vi-ṣiv (√siv), P. -ṣīvyati, to sew or sew on in different places, Kaṭh. TS
- viṣu ind. (only in comp. and derivatives, prob. connected with viśva accord. to Pāṇ. 6-4, 77 Vārtt. 1 Pat. a Ved. acc. viṣvam = viṣuvam) on both sides, in both directions [Page 998, Column]
- in various directions
- similarly, equally
- ○drúh or mfn. injuring or hurting in various parts(?) RV. viii, 26, 15 (Sāy. 'an arrow')
- ○drúha mfn. injuring or hurting in various parts(?) RV. viii, 26, 15 (Sāy. 'an arrow')
- ○pada n. the autumnal equniox(?) MW
- ○rūpa (víṣu-) mf(ā)n. different in shape or colour, manifold, various RV. TS. VS
- ○vát See below
- víṣuṇa mfn. different, various, manifold RV
- changing (as the moon) ib
- averse from (abl.) ib
- (e), ind. aside, apart ib
- m. the equinox L
- viṣuṇák ind. to different parts or sides RV
- víṣupa m. or n. = viṣuva, the equinox L
- viṣuva m. or n. (cf. viṣuvát
- acc. viṣuvam or viṣvam, 1. viṣu above) the equinox MBh. Pur
- ○cchāyā f. the shadow of the gnomon or index of a dial at noon when the sun is on the equinoctial points MW
- ○dina n. the day of the equinox ib
- ○rekhā f. the equinoctial line ib
- ○saṃkrānti f. = viṣuvat-s○ ib
- ○samaya m. the equinoctial season Hit
- viṣuvát mfn. having or sharing both sides equally, being in the middle, middlemost, central RV. AitBr. TS. m. the central day in a Sattra or sacrificial session AV. Br. ŚrS
- a partic. Ekâha PañcavBr
- top, summit, vertex AV
- m. n. equinoctial point or equinox Yājñ. MBh. &c
- -pūrṇa-śitâṃśu m. the equinoctial full moon Rājat
- -prabhā f. the equinoctial shadow Sūryas
- -saṃkrānti f. the sun's equinoctial passage, the passing of the the sun into the next sign at either equinox Hit
- -stoma m. a partic. Ekâha ĀśvŚr
- viṣuvatka for ○vát (in a-viṣuvatka, having no central day) Lāṭy
- viṣuvad in comp. for ○vat
- ○dina n
- ○divasa m. the equinoctial day Gaṇit
- ○deśa m. a country situated under the equator, Āryav. Sch
- ○bhā f. the equinoctial shadow Sūryas
- ○valaya or n. the equinoctial circle, equator Gol
- ○vṛtta n. the equinoctial circle, equator Gol
- viṣuvan in comp. for ○vat
- ○maṇḍala n. the equator Sūryas
- viṣū = 1. viṣu above
- ○vát = viṣuvát above
- ○vṛ́t mfn. rolling in various directions (as a chariot) RV. (others 'balancing')
- equally divided AV
- indifferent to, not partaking of (gen.) RV. x, 43, 3 (others 'averter')
- viṣū-kuh mfn. (√2. kuh) split on both sides, divided in two ĀśvŚr. Lāṭy
- viṣūcaka (only in loc. m. c.) = víṣūcikā MBh
- viṣūci m. or f. = manas BhP
- víṣūcikā f. (fr. viṣūcī
- incorrectly visūcikā) a partic. disease (indigestion attended with evacuation in both directions, accord. to some 'cholera in its sporadic form') VS. TBr. Suśr
- viṣūcī f. See under viṣvañc, col. 2
- viṣūcī́na mfn. going apart or in different directions, spreading everywhere RV. AV. VS. TS. BhP
- n. = manas BhP
- ○karaṇa n. causing to go asunder, separating ĀpŚr. Sch
- viṣūcīnâgra mfn. with tops or points diverging in all directions ĀpGṛ
- viṣvak in comp. for ○vañc
- ○kaca mfn. 'one whose hair flies in all directions', having dishevelled hair BhP
- ○sama mfn. equal on all sides or in all parts L
- ○sena m. (sometimes written viśvak-s○) 'whose hosts or powers go everywhere', N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa (or of a partic. form of that deity to whom the fragments of a sacrifice are offered) MBh. Kāv. &c
- of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1168
- of an attendant of Vishṇu Pur
- of a Sādhya Hariv
- of the 14th (or 13th) Manu VP
- of a Ṛishi MBh
- of a king R
- of a son of Brahma-datta Hariv. Pur
- of a son of Śambara Hariv
- (ā), f. a kind of plant (= priyaṅgu or phalinī) L
- -kāntā f. a kind of plant (= priyaṅgu or a Diascorea) Car
- -priyā f. 'beloved of Vishṇu', N. of Lakshmī L
- a Diascorea L
- -saṃhitā f. N. of wk
- viṣvag in comp. for ○vañc
- ○añcana mfn. turned or directed everywhere Sāy. on RV. viii, 29, 1
- ○avêkṣaṇa mfn. looking in every direction Sāh
- ○aśva m. N. of a king (the son of Pṛithu) MBh
- ○āyat mfn. spreading or going in every direction MW
- ○aiḍa n. N. of a Sāman PañcavBr
- ○gata mfn. gone all about, spread, extended W
- ○gati mfn. going all about or everywhere, entering into every (topic) ib
- ○gamana-vat mfn. moving in every direction, going everywhere Vedântas
- ○jyotis m. N. of the eldest of the 100 sons of Śata-jit, V.P. [Page 998, Column]
- ○yuj mfn. Pāṇ. 6-3, 92 Sch
- ○lopa m. general disturbance or confusion MBh
- ○vātá m. a kind of noxious wind which blows from all quarters TS. MBh. &c
- ○vāyu m. id. L
- ○vilupta-cchada mfn. having leaves torn off on all sides (said of a tree) ŚārṅgP
- ○vṛta mfn. surrounded on all sides VarBṛS
- viṣvañc mf(○ṣūcī) n. (fr. 1. viṣu + 2. añc) going in or turned to both (or all) directions, all-pervading, ubiquitous, general RV. &c. &c
- going asunder or apart, separated or different from (instr. or abl.) RV. TS. Up
- getting into conditions of every kind Gaut
- following in inverted order ŚāṅkhŚr
- (○ṣūcī), f. the cholera (= viṣūcikā, q.v.) Suśr. ŚārṅgS
- n. the equinox W
- (víṣvak), ind. on both (or all) sides, sideways RV. AV
- in two AV. iii, 6, 6
- in all directions, all around, everywhere RV. &c. &c
- viṣvadrīcīna mfn. (fr. next) being everywhere, general Cat
- viṣvadryañc mf(○drīcī) n. (cf. tadryañc, madryañc) going everywhere or in all directions, all-pervading Śiś
- (○dryák), ind. forth on both or all sides or all directions RV. vii, 25, 1
- viṣvam See viṣuva, col. 1
- viṣvā́c m. N. of an Asura RV. i, 117, 16 (Sāy.)
- vi-ṣu (√3. su
- only pf. p. Ā. -suṣvāṇa with pass. meaning RV. ix, 101, 11
- accord. to Vop. also aor. vy-aṣāviit
- fut. vi-soṣyati and vi-saviṣyati), to press or squeeze out (the Soma plant for obtaining its juice)
- vi-ṣū (√2. sū
- only impf. Ā. vyasūyata), to bring forth (a child) Bālar
- vi-ṣev (√sev), Ā. -ṣevate (impf. vy-aṣevata pf. vi-ṣiṣeva &c.) Pāṇ. 8-3, 63
- vi-ṣo (√so), P. -ṣyati (aor. subj. -ṣāt
- Pot. -ṣīmahi
- Impv. -ṣāhi), to let loose, release, set free, flow, shed, cause to flow RV. AV. ŚBr. Kauś
- to unharness, unbridle RV
- to open ib
- to relax, mollify ib
- vi-ṣā́ṇa n. (for 1. See p. 997, col. 3) discharging (a fluid) RV. v, 44, 11
- vi-ḍṣāyin mfn. g. grahâdi
- ví-ṣita mfn. let loose, released &c
- relieved (applied to the sun at the moment immediately before its setting) Lāṭy
- -stuka mf(ā)n. one who has loose or dishevelled hair RV
- -stupa mfn. one whose tuft of hair has been untied or loosened AV. (Paipp. -stuga)
- viṣk cl. 10. P. viṣkayati to see, perceive Dhātup. xxxv, 34, vḷ
- viṣka m. (cf. vikka) an elephant twenty years old Śiś. xviii, 27 (Sch.)
- vi-ṣkanttṛ or vi-skanttṛ mfn. (vi + √skand
- Pāṇ. 8-3, 73) moving hither and thither, restless Bhaṭṭ
- vi-ḍṣkanda m. dispersing, going away W
- vi-skanna (not viṣkaṇṇa, Pāṇ. 8-3, 73), mfn. gone in different directions, dispersed, gone away ib
- vi-ṣkandha See p. 953, col. 1
- vi-ṣkambh (√skambh
- Pāṇ. 8-3, 77), P. -skabhnoti, or -skabhnāti (inf. -ṣkábhe RV
- -ṣkambhitum Bhaṭṭ.), to fix, support, prop RV
- to hurl, cast ib
- to come forth, escape Bhaṭṭ.: Caus. -ṣkabhāyati, to fix firmly RV. AV
- vi-ṣkabdha mfn. fixed, supported &c. Pāṇ. 7-2, 34 Sch
- vi-ḍṣkabhita (ví-), mfn. fixed or held asunder (heaven and earth) RV
- vi-ṣkambha m. a prop, support Lāṭy. Suśr
- the bolt or bar of a door Ragh. Sch
- the supporting beam or pillar of a house W
- a post (round which the string of a churning-stick is wound) L
- width, extension MBh. VarBṛS. MārkP
- the diameter of a circle Āryabh
- a mountain-range (= -parvata) MārkP
- an obstacle, impediment L
- the first of the twenty-seven astronomical periods called Yogas or the leading star of the first lunar mansion Col
- (in dram.) an interlude or introductory scene (coming between the acts [aṅkayor madhya-vartī] and performed by an inferior actor or actors [nīca-pātra-prayojitaḥ], who explains to the audience the progress of the plot, and inform them of what is supposed to have happened in the intervals of the acts, cf. praveśaka) Bhar. Daśar. &c. [Page 998, Column]
- a partic. Yoga-posture L
- a tree L
- action, doing anything W
- = pratibimba L
- N. of a divine being reckoned among the Viśve Devā? Hariv. (vḷ. viskumbhu, nikumba, and viṣṭara)
- -parvata m. a mountain-range MārkP
- -vat mfn. (prob.) wealthy, opulent Hcat
- ○bhârdha m. or n. the radius of a circle, Āryav
- vi-ḍṣkambhaka mfn. propping, supporting KātyŚr. Sch
- m. (in dram.) an interlude (= viṣkambha) Ratnâv. Bhar. &c
- a partic. astron. Yoga (= id.) W
- (ikā), f. a piece of wood for supporting the pole of a carriage KātyŚr. Sch
- ○bhaka-kāṣṭha n. = id. ib
- vi-ḍṣkambhaṇa n. the act of obstructing or impeding &c. L
- a means of tearing open Divyâv
- vi-ḍṣkambhita mfn. richly furnished with (comp.) Lalit
- driven away, rejected Pañcat
- vi-ḍṣkambhin mfn. obstructing, impeding W
- m. the bolt or bar of a door ib
- N. of Śiva MBh
- of a Bodhisattva Buddh
- of a Tāntric deity Kālac
- vi-ṣ-kara m. (√kṛ, or kṝ?) the bolt of a door L
- N. of a Dānava MBh
- n. a partic. manner of fighting Hariv
- vi-ṣ-kira m. (√kṝ) 'scatterer', a gallinaceous bird (such as a domestic fowl, partridge, quail &c.) Gaut. Yājñ. &c
- a partic. Agni ĀpŚr
- any bird W
- pulling or tearing to pieces ib
- -rasa m. chicken-broth Suśr
- vi-ṣkumbh (√skumbh), P. -ṣkubhnāti, or -ṣkubhnoti Vop
- viṣṭ See √veṣṭ
- viṣṭa. 2 See under √viś and √1. viṣ
- vi-ṣṭan wṛ. for vi-√stan, q.v
- vi-ṣṭambh (√stambh), P. -ṣṭabhnoti, or ○nāti (impf. vy-aṣṭabhnot or ○nāt pf. vitaṣṭambha Pāṇ. 8-3, 63 &c
- ind. p. -ṣṭabhya or -ṣṭambhitvā), to fix asunder, hold or keep apart, prop, fix, fasten, support RV. AV. Br
- to strengthen, encourage MBh. BhP
- to settle, ascertain MBh. xii, 5429
- to make stiff or rigid MBh. R. MārkP
- to stop, check, restrain, suppress, Bhp
- to press close against (the mouth) Yājñ
- to plant (the feet) firmly Hit
- to lean on or against (acc.) MBh. R. Bhaṭṭ
- to stiffen, i.e. fill through and through, pervade, permeate MBh. R
- to stuff (intr.), swell, remain undigested (in the stomach) Suśr.: Caus. -ṣṭham-bhayati, ○te (aor. vy-atastambhat Pāṇ. 8-3, 116), to cause to stop, check, arrest, obstruct MBh. R. &c
- to cause or produce (illness) by obstruction Cat
- to paralyse MW
- vi-ṣṭáp f. top, summit, surface, highest part, height (esp. of heaven) RV. VS. PañcavBr. ĀśvŚr
- vi-ḍṣṭápa n. (rarely m.) id. RV. VS. Br. (with ṛṣabhasya, 'a hump' ŚBr
- ○pe ind. in heaven Āpast.)
- forking or bifurcation (of an Udumbara branch) VS. Sch
- a world Mn. MBh. &c
- -traya n. the three worlds (cf. loka-tr○) Ragh
- -hārin mfn. world-ravishing Bhartṛ
- ví-ṣṭabdha mfn. firmly set or bound ŚBr. Mn. MBh
- rigid, stiff MBh. Hariv. Suśr
- checked, stopped, restrained, arrested, obstructed, paralysed MBh. R. Suśr
- propped, supported MBh. Suśr
- filled, stuffed PañcavBr
- undigested Suśr
- -gātra mfn. with rigid limbs Hariv
- -caraṇa mfn. with rigid feet MBh
- -tā f. firmness, confidence MW
- ○dhâkṣa mfn. with rigid eyes Suśr
- ○dhâjīrṇa n. indigestion arising from obstruction ib
- ví-ḍṣṭabdhi f. fixing firmly, propping, supporting Anup
- vi-ṣṭabha m. 'fixed or planted firmly', the world W
- vi-ḍṣṭabhita (ví-), mfn. fixed firmly, well founded AV
- vi-ṣṭambhá m. fixing, planting firmly (pada-v○) Kir
- prop, support RV. AV. MBh. Śaṃk
- 'supporters', N. of partic. syllables inserted in sacred texts PañcavBr
- checking, stopping, restraint, impediment, suppression Kām. BhP
- endurance, resistance MBh
- obstruction of the urine or feces, ischury, constipation Suśr
- a partic. disease of the fetus ŚārṅgS
- paralysis, loss of motion W
- -kara mfn. stopping, restraining, obstructing Suśr
- vi-ḍṣṭambhana mf(ī)n. propping, supporting VS
- n. checking, restraining, suppressing MaitrUp
- vi-ḍṣṭambhayiṣu mfn. wishing to stop or cause to stand still (a fleeing army) MBh. vii, 1746 (B. saṃstambhayiṣu). [Page 999, Column]
- vi-ḍṣṭambhita mfn. fixed firmly &c
- entirely filled or covered with (instr.) Hariv
- vi-ḍṣṭambhin mfn. supporting (lit. and fig.) Hcat
- checking, stopping, obstructing Suśr
- chilling W
- making motionless ib
- vi-ṣṭara m. (√stṛ) anything spread out, a handful of rushes or grass for sitting on (esp. the seat of the presiding Brāhman at a sacrifice) GṛŚrS. MBh
- a seat made of 25 shoots of Kuśa grass tied up in a sheaf W
- a tree L
- N. of a divine being reckoned among the Viśve Devā? Hariv
- m. n. any seat or couch, chair, stool &c. MBh. Kāv. &c
- mfn. = vi-stara, extensive, wide (?), See comp
- -bhāj mfn. occupying a seat, seated Ragh
- -śrava m. = next Hcat
- -śravas m. 'broad-eared' or 'far-famed', N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa MBh. Hariv. Śiś
- of Śiva Śivag
- -stha mfn. sitting on a seat, reclining on a bed (of leaves &c.) W
- ○râśva m. N. of a son of Pṛithu Hariv
- ○rôttara mfn. covered with Kuśa grass MW
- vi-ṣṭārá m. a layer of grass (?) RV. v, 52, 10 (others 'the far spread host, scil. of the Maruts')
- a kind of metre (cf. next and Pāṇ. 3-3, 34 ; viii, 3, 94)
- -paṅkti (○ṭārá-), f. a partic. form of Paṅkti metre (consisting of 8 x 12 x 12 x 8 syllables) VS. RPrāt
- -bṛhatī f. a species of Bṛihatī (8 x 10 x 10 x 8 syllables) RPrāt
- vi-ḍṣṭārin mfn. (prob.) spread, extended (applied to a partic. oblation) AV
- vi-ṣṭír f. expansion (opp. to saṃ-stir) RV
- viṣṭi f. (for 1. See p. 996, col. 2) = vṛṣṭi, rain L
- vi-ṣṭu (√stu), P. -ṣṭauti, or -ṣṭaviiti (impf. vy-astaut or vy-aṣṭaut Pāṇ. 8-3, 70), to praise very much, extol with praises MBh
- ví-ṣṭuta mfn. praised highly, extolled TBr
- ví-ṣṭuti f. a variety of arrangement for reciting the verses of the Tri-vṛit Stoma (3 such varieties are enumerated, viz. udyatī, parivartinī, and kulāyinī) Br. Lāṭy
- pl. N. of a treatise on Vedic ritual
- vi-ṣṭubh (√stubh), Ā. -ṣṭobhate (aor. vy-aṣṭobhiṣṭa) Vop
- vi-ṣṭhala See p. 953, col. 1
- vi-ṣṭhā (√sthā
- for 1. viṣṭhā, See p. 996, col. 2), Ā. -tiṣṭhate (cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 22
- Ved. and ep. also P.), to stand or go apart, be spread or diffused or scattered over or through (acc. or adhi with loc.) RV. VS. AV
- to be removed or separated from (instr.) TS. AV
- to stand, be stationary stand still, remain firm, abide, dwell, stop RV. &c. &c
- to keep ground, not to budge R
- to be present or near MBh
- to be engaged in (loc.) Hariv.: Caus. (only aor. -tiṣṭhipaḥ) to spread, expand RV. i, 56, 5
- vi-ṣṭhā́ f. place, position, station, form, kind RV. AV. TBr. ŚrS
- a rope (?) Divyâv
- -vrājín mfn. remaining in one place, stationary ŚBr
- ví-ṣṭhita mfn. standing apart RV
- scattered, spread, diffused ib. TBr. AV
- standing, fixed, stationary (opp. to jagat) RV. AV
- standing or being on or in (loc. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
- being present or near R. Hariv
- viṣṇa (dat. viṣṇāya = viṣṇave) Pañcar. (wrong form used by uneducated persons)
- viṣṇāpū́ m. N. of a son of Viśvaka RV
- víṣṇu m. (prob. fr. √viṣ, 'All-pervader' or 'Worker') N. of one of the principal Hindū deities (in the later mythology regarded as 'the preserver', and with Brahmā 'the creator' and Śiva 'the destroyer', constituting the well-known Tri-mūrti or triad
- although Vishṇu comes second in the triad he is identified with the supreme deity by his worshippers
- in the Vedic period, however, he is not placed in the foremost rank, although he is frequently invoked with other gods [esp. with Indra whom he assists in killing Vṛitra and with whom he drinks the Soma juice
- his. later names Indrânuja and Upêndra]
- as distinguished from the other Vedic deities, he is a personification of the light and of the sun, esp. in his striding over the heavens, which he is said to do in three paces [see tri-vikrama and cf. bali, vāmana], explained as denoting the threefold manifestations of light in the form of fire, lightning, and the sun, or as designating the three daily stations of the sun in his rising, culminating, and setting [Page 999, Column]
- Vishṇu does not appear to have been included at first among the Ādityas q.v., although in later times he is accorded the foremost place among them
- in the Brāhmaṇas he is identified with sacrifice, and in one described as a dwarf
- in the Mahā-bhārata and Rāmayaṇa he rises to the supremacy which in some places he now enjoys as the most popular deity of modern Hindū worship
- the great rivalry between him and Śiva [cf. vaiṣṇava and śaiva] is not fully developed till the period of the Purāṇas the distinguishing feature in the character of the Post-vedic Vishṇu is his condescending to become incarnate in a portion of his essence on ten principal occasions, to deliver mankind from certain great dangers [cf. avatāra and IW. 32]
- some of the Purāṇas make 22 incarnations, or even 24, instead of 10
- the Vaishṇavas regard Vishṇu as the supreme being, and often identify him with Nārāyaṇa, the personified Purusha or primeval living spirit [described as moving on the waters, reclining on Śesha, the serpent of infinity, while the god Brahmā emerges from a lotus growing from his navel
- Manu. i, 1]
- the wives of Vishṇu are Aditi and Sinīvālī, later Lakshmī or Śrī and even Sarasvatī
- his son is Kāma-deva, god of love, and his paradise is called Vaikuṇṭha
- he is usually represented with a peculiar mark on his breast called Śrī-vatsa, and as holding a śaṅkha, or conch-shell called Pāñcajanya, a cakra or quoit-like missile-weapon called Su-darśana, a gadā or club called Kaumodakī and a padma or lotus
- he has also a bow called Śārṅga, and a sword called Nandaka
- his vāhana or vehicle is Garuḍa, q.v
- he has a jewel on his wrist called Syamantaka, another on his breast called Kaustubha, and the river Ganges is said to issue from his foot
- the demons slain by him in his character of 'preserver from evil', or by Kṛishṇa as identified with him, are Madhu, Dhenuka, Cāṇūra, Yamala, and Arjuna [see yamalârjuna], Kāla-nemi, Haya-grīva, Śakaṭa, Arishṭa, Kaiṭabha, Kaṃsa, Keśin, Mura, Śālva, Mainda, Dvi-vida, Rāhu, Hiraṇya-kaśipu, Bāṇa, Kāliya, Naraka, Bali
- he is worshipped under a thousand names, which are all enumerated in MBh. xiii, 6950-7056
- he is sometimes regarded as the divinity of the lunar mansion called Śravaṇa) RV. &c. &c. (cf. RTL. 44 IW. 324)
- N. of the month Caitra VarBṛS
- (with prājāpatya) of the author of RV. x, 84
- of a son of Manu Sāvarṇa and Bhautya MārkP
- of the writer of a law-book Yājñ
- of the father of the 11th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇi L
- (also with gaṇaka, kavi, daivajña, paṇḍita, bhaṭṭa, miśra, yatī7ndra, vājapeyin, śāstrin &c.) of various authors and others Inscr. Cat
- = agni L
- = vasu-devatā L
- = śuddha L
- f. N. of the mother of the 11th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇi L
- n. pl. (in a formula) ĀpŚr
- (viṣṇor with apamarṇam, ājya-doham, vratam
- [oḥ] sāma, svarīyaḥ, N. of Sāmans
- with ṣoḍaśa-nāma-stotram, anusmṛtiḥ, aṣṭāviṃśati-nāma-stotram, and mahā-stutiḥ, N. of wks.)
- ○ṛkṣa n. the lunar mansion Śravaṇa (presided over by Vishṇu) Tithyād
- ○kanda m. a species of bulbous plant L
- ○karaṇa n
- ○kavaca n. N. of wks
- ○kāñcī f. N. of a town Cat
- ○kāntī f. or N. of a Tīrtha ib
- ○kānḍtī-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ib
- ○kutūhala n
- ○kośala N. of wks
- ○kramá m. the step of Vishṇu MW
- pl. N. of the three steps to be taken by the sacrificer between the Vedi and the Āhavanīya TS. ŚBr. GṛS. ŚrS
- ○kramī́ya mfn. relating to the prec. ŚBr
- ○krānta mf(ā)n. bestridden by Vishṇu TĀr
- m. a kind of measure Saṃgīt
- (ā), f. N. of various plants (accord. to L. Clitoria Ternatea
- Evolvulus Alsinoides
- a kind of dark Śaṅkha-pushpī) Pañcar. ŚārṅgS. &c
- ○krānti f. Evolvulus Alsinoides L
- ○kṣetra n. N. of a sacred district L
- ○gaṅgā f. N. of a river L
- ○gāthā f. pl. a song in honour of Vishṇu BhP
- ○gāyatrī f. N. of a Gāyatrī celebrating Vishṇu Hcat
- ○gupta m. 'hidden by Vishṇu', N. of the Muni Vātsyāyana MW
- of the saint Kauṇḍinya (said to have been concealed by Vishṇu when pursued by Śiva, whom he had incensed) L
- of the minister and sage Cāṇakya Kām. VarBṛS. &c
- of a follower of Śaṃkarâcārya Cat
- of an astronomer Cat
- of a Buddhist Kathās
- a species of bulbous plant L
- -siddhânta m. N. of wk
- ○guptaka n. a kind of radish L
- ○gūḍha m. N. of wk
- -svāmin m. N. of an author Cat
- ○ḍhârtha m. N. of wk
- ○gṛha n. 'Vishṇu's abode', N. of Tāmra-lipta L
- ○gopa-varman m. N. of a king Inscr
- ○gola m. the equator Vīrac
- ○granthi m. a partic. joint of the body Cat. [Page 999, Column]
- ○cakra n. Vishṇu's discus R
- a partic. mystical circle (formed from the lines in the hand) VP
- ○candra m. N. of various authors VarBṛ. Sch. Cat
- ○citta m. N. of an author Cat
- ○tīya n. N. of wk
- ○ja mfn. born under Vishṇu (i.e. in the first lustrum of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years) VarBṛS
- m. N. of the 18th Kalpa or day of Brahmā L
- ○jāmala n. wṛ. for -yāmala
- ○jāmātṛ m. (prob.) Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa's brother-in-law ( See kṛṣṇa-svasṛ)
- ○tattva n. Vishṇu's real essence Sarvad
- N. of wk
- -nirṇaya m. -rahasya n. ○ya-khaṇḍana n. -saṃhitā, f. N. of wks
- ○tantra n
- ○tarpaṇa n
- ○tarpaḍṇa-vidhi m. -tātparya-nirṇaya m. N. of wks
- ○tithi mf. N. of the 11th and 12th lunar day of each fortnight Inscr
- ○tīrtha m. N. of an author Cat
- n. N. of a Tīrtha ib
- ○tīrthīya-vyākhyāna n. N. of wk
- ○tulya-parākrama mfn. having prowess equal to that of Vishṇu MW
- ○taila n. a kind of oil BrahmaP
- ○toṣiṇī f
- ○triśatī f. N. of wks
- ○tva n. Vishṇu's nature R. NṛisUp. &c
- ○datta mfn. given by Vishṇu BhP
- m. N. of Parīkshit ib
- of various men Kathās. Sāh. Cat
- ○tâgni-hotrin m. N. of an author Cat
- ○dattaka m. N. of a scribe MW
- ○dāsa m. 'Vishṇu's slave', N. of a king Cat
- of another man ib
- ○deva m. N. of an author ib
- ○vârādhya m. N. of a man ib
- ○devatya mfn. having Vishṇu for a deity ṢaḍvBr
- ○daivata mfn. = -devatya L
- ○daivatya mfn. id. ib
- (ā), f. = -tithi ib
- ○dvādaśa-nāma-stotra n. N. of a ch. of the Āraṇya-parvan (q.v.)
- ○dviṣ m. foe of Vishṇu (nine in number, accord. to Jainas) L
- ○dvīpa m. N. of an island W
- ○dharma m. a kind of Śriddha MW
- N. of various wks
- -mīmāṃsā f. ○môttara n. N. of wks
- ○dharman m. N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh
- ○dhārā f. N. of a Tīrtha Cat
- ○dhyāna-stotrâdi N. of wk
- ○nadī f. N. of a river Cat
- ○nāma-māhātmya-saṃgraha m
- viṣṇunāmamāhātmaratnastotra3víṣṇu--nāma-māhātḍma-ratna-stotra n
- ○nīrājana n. N. of wks
- ○nyaṅga mfn. containing incidental mention of Vishṇu AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○pañcaka n
- ○pañcaḍkavrata-kathā f. N. of wks
- ○pañjara n. a kind of mystical prayer or charm for securing Vishṇu's favour MW
- N. of wk
- -yantra-vidhi m. -stotra n. N. of wks
- ○pati m. N. of an author Cat
- ○patnī (víṣṇu-), f. 'VṭVishṇu's wife', N. of Aditi VS. TS. TBr. ĀśvŚr
- ○pada n. 'station or footmark of VṭVishṇu', the zenith Nir. BhP
- the sky MBh. Ragh. &c
- the mark of Vishṇu's foot worshipped at Gayā RTL. 309
- N. of a sacred hill (also called ○da-giri, m.) MBh. Hariv. &c
- a lotus L
- m. n. the sea of milk L
- (ī), f. the sun's passage (into the zodiacal signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) Tithyād
- N. of the Ganges (as issuing from Vishṇu's foot) MBh. Hariv. R. &c
- of the town Dvārikā L
- -tīrtha n. the sacred place called Gayā (= viṣṇu-pada) Cat
- -śrāddha n. N. of a partic. Śrāddha (performed in the temple containing Vishṇu's footprint) RTL. 312
- ○dī-cakra n. a partic. astrological circle or diagram MW
- ○dy-utpatti f. N. of ch. in the Padma-Purāṇa
- ○paddhati f. N. of wk
- ○parâyaṇa m. N. of an author of mystical prayers (with Tāntrikas) Cat
- ○parṇikā f. Hedysarum Lagopodioides L
- ○pādâdi-keśânta-stuti f. N. of sev. wks
- ○putra m. N. of a man Cat
- ○pur f. N. of a city L
- ○pura n. Vishṇu's city Vop
- N. of a city (= -pur) L
- (ī), f. N. of a city MW
- of a mountain in the Himâlaya L
- (ī), m. N. of a scholar Cat
- ○purāṇa or n. N. of one of the most celebrated of the 18 Purāṇas (it conforms more than any other to the definition pañca-lakṣaṇa q.v.
- ○purāḍṇaka n. N. of one of the most celebrated of the 18 Purāṇas (it conforms more than any other to the definition pañca-lakṣaṇa q.v.
- and consists of 6 books, the 1st treating of the creation of the universe from Prakṛiti, and the peopling of the world by the Prajā-patis
- the 2nd giving a list of kings with many curious geographical and astronomical details
- the 3rd treating of the Vedas and caste
- the 4th continuing the chronicle of dynasties
- the 5th giving the life of Kṛishṇa
- the 6th describing the dissolution of the world) IW. 517
- ○pūjana n. 'worship of VṭVishṇu', N. of wk
- ○pūjā f. N. of wk
- -krama m. -dīpikā f. -paddhati f. -mantra m. -vidhāna n. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- viṣṇupratimāsamprokṣaṇavidhi3víṣṇu--pratimā-samprôkṣaṇa-vidhi m
- ○pratiṣṭhā f
- ○pratiṣḍṭhā-paddhati f. N. of wks
- ○priyā f. basil Dhanv
- ○prīti f. land granted rent-free to Brāhmans for the worship of Vishṇu MW
- -vāda m. N. of wk
- viṣṇubrahmamaheśvaradānaprayoga3víṣṇu--brahma-mahêśvara-dāna-prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○bha n. = -ṛkṣa VP
- ○bhakta m. a worshipper of VṭVishṇu RāmatUp
- -lakṣaṇa n. N. of a part of the Mahā-bhārata
- ○bhakti f. the worship of VṭVishṇu (personified as a Yoginī) Prab. [Page 1000, Column]
- -kalpa-latā f. -candrôdaya m. -prabandha m. -māhātmya n. -rahasya n. -latā f. -stuti f. N. of wks
- ○bhagavata-purāṇa n. N. of wk
- ○bhujaṃ-ga
- ○bhujaṃ-gastotra n
- ○bhujaṃ-gī f. N. of Stotras
- ○mat mfn. containing the word 'Vishṇu' PañcavBr
- (atī) f. N. of a princess Kathās
- ○mantra m. a hymn addressed to VṭVishṇu Cat
- -vidhānâdi, -viśeṣa m. N. of wks
- ○mandira n. Vishṇu's temple Cat
- = -griha MW
- ○maya mf(ī)n. emanating from VṭVishṇu, belonging to Vishṇu, having the nature of VṭVishṇu &c. MBh. Hariv. R. VP
- ○mahiman m. the glory or majesty of Vishṇu Cat
- N. of wk
- ○himnaḥ stava m. N. of a Stotra in praise of VṭVishṇu
- ○mānasa n. N. of a Stotra
- ○māyā f. 'Vishṇu's illusion', a form of Durgā KālP
- ○māhātmya n
- ○māhātmḍya-paddhati f. N. of wks
- ○mitra m. a common name (used like the Latin Caius) Kaṇ. BhP
- N. of a priest Cat
- (with kumāra) N. of a Scholiast RPrāt., Introd
- ○mukha (víṣṇu-), mfn. pl. having Vishṇu as chief TS. MaitrS
- ○yantra-prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
- ○yaśas m. N. of Kalkin or Kalki MBh. Hariv
- of the father of Kalkin Pur. Pañcar
- of a teacher Cat
- ○yāga m
- ○yāga-prayoga m
- ○yāmala or n. ?or n. ?or n. N. of wks
- ○yāmaḍla-tantra n. or N. of wks
- ○ḍyāmila n. N. of wks
- ○ratha m. 'Vishṇu's chariot', N. of Gaurḍa (the bird and vehicle of Vishṇu) Cat
- ○rahasya n. N. of various wks
- ○rāja m. N. of a king Buddh
- ○rāta m. 'Vishṇu-given', N. of Parīkshit BhP. (cf. -datta)
- ○rāma
- ○rāma-siddhânta-vāg-īśa m. N. of authors Cat
- ○laharī f. N. of wk
- ○liṅgī f. a quail L
- ○loka m. Vishṇu's world Rājat. VP. Pañcar. (accord. to some = brahma-l○, or accord. to others, 'placed above it' MW.) -1
- ○vat (víṣṇu-), mfn. attended by VṭVishṇu RV
- n. (with ahar) a partic. 11th or 12th day Cat. -2
- ○vat ind. as with Vishṇu ĀpŚr
- ○varṇanadhyānâdi N. of wk
- ○vardhana m. N. of various kings (also kali-viṣṇu-va○, kubja-viṣṇuva○) Inscr
- ○varman m. N. of a king ib
- ○vallabha mfn. beloved by VṭVishṇu W
- (ā), f. N. of Lakshmī Tantras
- basil L
- = agni-śikhā (a kind of plant) L
- Echites Caryophyllata W
- Ocymum Sanctum ib
- N. of wk
- ○vāhana n. (Siṃhâs.) or (L.) 'VṭVishṇu's vehicle', N. of Garuḍa
- ○vāhya m. (L.) 'Vishṇu's vehicle', N. of Garuḍa
- ○vigraha-śaṃsana-stotra n
- ○vijaya m. N. of wks
- ○vṛddha m. N. of a man
- (pl.) his descendants ĀśvŚr. Inscr
- -sahasra-nāma-stotra n. N. of ch. of the Padma-purāṇa
- ○vrata-kalpa m. N. of wk
- ○śakti f. 'Vishṇu's energy', Lakshmī Rājat
- m. N. of a king Kathās
- ○śata-nāma-stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- ○śayana-bodha-dina n. (ifc.) the day of Vishṇu's lying down and of his awaking ŚāṅkhGṛ. Sch
- ○śarman m. N. of various authors and other persons (esp. of the narrator of the Pañca-tantra and the Hitôpadeśa) IW. 531
- ○ma-dīkṣita, ○ma-miśra m. N. of authors Cat
- ○śilā f. the sacred stone of VṭVishṇu which contains an ammonite (= śāla-grāma, q.v.) L
- ○śṛṅkhala m. a partic. astrological Yoga L
- ○śrāddha n
- ○śrādḍdha-paddhati f. N. of wks
- ○śruta m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 6-2, 148 Sch
- ○ṣaṭpadī f
- ○saṃhitā f
- ○samuccaya m. N. of wks
- ○saras (Cat.) or (MW.), n. N. of a Tīrtha
- ○saḍras-tīrtha (MW.), n. N. of a Tīrtha
- ○sarvajana wṛ. for next Cat
- ○sarva-jña m. N. of a teacher (also sarvajña-viṣṇu) Cat
- ○sahasranāman n. the thousand names of Vishṇu Cat
- N. of a portion of the Anuśāsana-parvan (ī, 6936-7078) of the Maha-bhārata (also ○ma-kathana or ○mastotra n.) and of a ch. of the PadmaP
- ○ma-bhāṣya n. N. of Śaṃkara's Comm. on the thousand names of Vishṇu
- ○siṃha m. N. of a man Cat
- ○siddhânta m
- ○siddhânḍta-līlā-vatī f. N. of wks
- ○sū7kta n. a hymn addressed to VṭVishṇu Cat
- ○sūtra n. = -smṛti
- ○stava m
- ○staḍva-rāja m
- ○stuti f
- ○stotra n
- ○smṛti f
- viṣṇusvarūpadhyānādivarṇana3víṣṇu--sva-rūpa-dhyānâdi-varṇana n. N. of wks
- ○svāmin m. a temple or statue of VṭVishṇu Rājat
- N. of various men Kathās. Sarvad. &c. (esp. of a celebrated Vaishṇava teacher, predecessor of Vallabhâcārya RTL. 134)
- ○hari m. N. of a poet Sadukt
- ○hāra-deva m. N. of a man Inscr
- ○hitā f. basil L
- ○hṛdaya or n. N. of a Stotra
- ○hṛdaḍya-stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- viṣṇū7ttara a grant of land rent-free for the worship of Vishṇu MW
- viṣṇū7tsava m. a festival in honour of VṭVishṇu Vop
- a partic. day sacred to Vishṇu MW
- viṣṇū7pâdhyāya m. N. of a teacher Cat
- viṣṇū-varuṇa m. du. Vishṇu and Varuṇa TBr
- viṣṇūya Nom. P. ○yati, to act towards any one (loc.) as towards Vishṇu Vop
- viṣṇv in comp. before vowels for viṣṇu
- ○aṅgiras m. N. of an author Cat
- ○atikrama m. pl. N. of partic. texts of the Taittirīya-saṃhitā (iii, 5, 3) ĀpŚr. [Page 1000, Column]
- ○anuṣṭhita (víṣṇv- MaitrS.) or (víṣṇv- TS.), mfn. attended by Vishṇu
- ○anusthita (víṣṇv- TS.), mfn. attended by Vishṇu
- ○avatāra m. a descent or incarnation of Vishṇu MW
- ○aṣṭôttara-śata-nāman n
- ○ādi-devatā-pūjā-prakāra m
- ○āvaraṇa-pūjā f. N. of wks
- vi-ṣpanda m. ( See vi-√spand
- prob. wṛ. for vi-spanda) throbbing, beating W
- a partic. dish (prepared from wheat-flour, Ghṛita, and milk) L. (prob. wṛ. for vi-ṣyanda)
- ví-ṣpardhas mfn. (√spardh
- cf. vi-√spardh) emulating, vying, envious RV. (Sāy. 'free from emulation') VS
- m. N. of a Ṛishi Br
- n. N. of a Sāman ib
- ví-ḍṣpardhā f. (cf. vi-spardhā) contest for superiority Vait
- vi-ṣpáś m. (nom. vi-ṣpáṭ
- fr. √spaś) one who espies, a spy RV. i, 189, 6
- vi-ṣpitá n. (√sphāy?) straits, peril, difficulty RV
- vi-ṣpuliṅgaká mfn. (cf. viṣphulínga below) sparkling RV. i, 191, 12 (Sāy. 'a tongue of fire' or 'a sparrow')
- vi-ṣpṛ (for vi-√spṛ
- only aor Subj. -ṣparat), to tear asunder, separate AV
- vi-ṣphar vi-ṣphāra, See vi-√sphar
- vi-ṣphāla See vi-√sphal
- vi-ṣphur vi-ṣphul, See vi-√sphur and vi-√sphul
- vi-ṣphulíṅga (√sphul
- See vi-√sphul and vi-sphuliṅga), a spark of fire RV. ŚBr. &c
- vi-ṣphuliṅgaka m. id. AV. Pariś
- viṣya See p. 996, col. 2
- vi-ṣyand (for vi-√syand, q.v.), Ā. -ṣyandate (accord. to Pāṇ. 8-3, 72, vi-syandate is the only correct form when the reference is to living beings), to overflow, flow out (of a vessel
- pr. p. vi-ṣyandamāna) VS. Br. ŚrS
- to flow in streams or abundantly Hariv. Bhaṭṭ
- to dissolve, melt (intr.) Car
- to cause to flow MBh.: Caus. -ṣyandayati, to cause to overflow (in a-viṣyandayat) ĀpŚr
- to pour out, sprinkle ŚBr. Kauś
- to dissolve, melt (trans.) Car
- ví-ṣyaṇṇa mfn. overflowed, overflowing TBr
- vi-ṣyanda m. (also written vi-syanda and vi-spanda, cf. also vi-ṣpanda) a drop MBh. R
- flowing, trickling, issuing forth W
- vi-ḍṣyandaka (or ○sy○), m. or n. (?) N. of a place Pañcar
- vi-ḍṣyandana (or ○sy○), m. a kind of sweetmeat Madanav. (cf. vi-ṣpanda)
- dripping liquid state MBh. Suśr
- overflowing ĀpŚr. Sch
- dissolving, melting (trans.) Car
- vi-ḍṣyandin (or ○sy○), mfn. liquid Suśr
- viṣva mfn. injurious, hurtful, mischievous (= hiṃsra) L
- viṣvak viṣvañc &c. See p. 998
- vi-ṣvañj (√svañj), Ā. -ṣvajate (impf. vy-aṣvajata, or vy-asvajata Pāṇ. 8-3, 70
- pf. vy-ṣasvaje or vi-ṣasvañje Vop.), to embrace R
- vi-ṣvan (for vi-√svan, q.v.), P. -ṣvaṇati (impf. vy-aṣvaṇat), to make a sound in eating, smack the lips (in any other sense the dental s must be used, accord. to Pāṇ. 8-3, 68 &c.) Śiś. xviii, 77
- vi-ḍṣvaṇa See nara-viṣvaṇa
- vi-ḍṣvaṇana n. smacking the lips in eating L
- vi-ḍṣvāṇa m. noisy eating. L. (cf. ava-ṣvāṇa)
- vis visa &c. See bis, bisa
- vi-saṃ-yukta mfn. (√yuj) disjoined, detached or separated from, omitting, neglecting (instr.) Mn. ii, 80
- vi-saṃyoga m. liberation from worldly fetters Buddh
- disjunction, separation, omission W
- vi-saṃ-√vad P. -vadati, to break one's word or promise Mn. viii, 219
- to fail in an agreement, contradict, raise objections Kathās. Kull.: Caus., See -saṃvādita
- vi-saṃvāda m. false assertion, breaking one's word, disappointing MBh
- contradiction, disagreement with (instr. with or without saha, loc., or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. [Page 1000, Column]
- vi-saṃvādaka mfn. breaking one's word (in a-vis○) MBh
- vi-saṃvādana n. the breaking one's word or promise ib. Jātakam
- vi-saṃvādita mfn. (fr. Caus.) disappointed, dissatisfied R
- not generally proved, objectionable Śak. MārkP
- vi-saṃvādin mfn. breaking one's word, disappointing, deceiving ( See ○di-tā)
- contradicting, disagreeing Ragh. Rājat
- (○di) -tā f. the breaking one's word, breach of promise (in a-vis○) Kām
- contradiction, disagreement with (instr.) Sāh
- vi-saṃśaya vi-saṃṣṭhula, vi-saṃsthita &c p. 953, col. 1
- vi-saṃ-sarpin See tiryag-vis○
- vi-saṃ-hata mfn. (√han) disjoined, loosened Suśr. (vḷ. ○hita)
- vi-saṃ-cārin mfn. (√car) moving hither and thither MBh
- vi-saparya ( See saparya), P. ○yati, to worship at different places RV. i, 70, 10
- vi-sam-bharā f. (√bhṛ) the domestic lizard L
- vi-sam-bhoga m. (√3. bhuj) separation HPariś
- vi-sam-mūḍha mfn. (√muh) utterly bewildered Hariv
- vi-sara vi-sāra, See below
- vi-sarga vi-sarjana, See p. 1001
- vi-salya vi-sāmagrī, vi-sārathi &c. See p. 953, col. 1
- visic m. a Jaina Bādar. Sch
- vi-sidh √1. P. -sedhati, to resort to (acc.) Pāṇ. 8-3, 113 Sch
- vi-sismāpayiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of Caus. of vi-√smi) wishing to astonish or surprise MBh
- vi-sismāpayiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of Caus. of vi-√smṛ) wishing to make forget HPariś
- vi-sukalpa vi-sukṛt, vi-sukha, vi-suta, vi-suhṛd &c. See p. 953, col. 1
- vi-sūcana n. (√sūc) making known MW
- vi-sūcikā
- vi-sūcī wṛ. for vi-ṣ○
- vi-√sūtr P. -sūtrayati, to drive away, remove Vās. Bālar
- to throw into confusion Rājat
- vi-sutra mfn. confused, disordered, disconcerted Rājat
- -tā f. confusion, disorder ib
- confusion of the mind, perplexity ib
- vi-sūtrana driving away Vcar
- throwing into confusion or disorder Rājat
- vi-sūraṇa n. (√sūr) sorrow, distress Vikr.iv, 19 ( See the Prākṛit)
- vi-sūrita n. id. L
- (ā), f. fever L
- vi-sūrya See p. 953, col. 1
- vi-√sṛ P. -sarati, -sisarti (Ved. and ep. also Ā. perf. vi-sasre RV.), to run or flow through RV
- to spread out in various directions, extend (intr.) R. Śiś
- (Ā.) to open or unfold one's self (with tanvâm) RV. x, 71, 4
- to be separated, part from (instr.) AV
- to go forth in various directions, disperse MBh
- to come forth, issue from (abl. or -tas) ib
- to rush upon (acc.) MBh.: Caus. -sārayati, to send forth R
- to stretch forth, extend MW
- vi-sara m. going forth or in various directions, spreading, extension L
- a multitude, quantity, plenty, abundance Kāv. Kathās
- a partic. high number Buddh
- bitterness L
- mfn. bitter L
- vi-saraṇa n. the act of going forth or out
- spreading (of a cutaneous eruption) Suśr
- becoming loose or slackened or relaxed ib
- vi-sarmán m. flowing asunder, dissolving, melting (acc. with √kṛ, to dissolve) RV. v, 42, 9
- vi-sārá m. spreading, extension, diffusion RV. Nalôd
- a fish L
- n. a wood, timber W
- (ī), f. the region of the winds ib
- vi-sārita mfn. (fr. Caus.) made to go forth or spread, set on foot, occasioned, effected, performed W. [Page 1001, Column]
- ○tâṅga mfn. one who has an expanded or extended body MW
- vi-sārin mfn. coming forth, issuing from (comp.) Ragh. Śiś
- walking about Pāṇ. 5-4, 16 Sch
- stretching over or through, spreading, diffusing (○ri-tā f.) Kāv. Kathās. &c
- m. a fish W
- (iṇī), f. Glycine Debilis L
- vi-sṛ́t f. the act of flowing asunder RV. iv, 19, 5
- vi-sṛta mfn. Kir
- gone in various directions, dispersed MBh
- come forth, issuing or proceeding from (comp.) VarBṛS. Daś
- stretched out, spread, extended R
- sent forth, despatched ib
- fallen off or down Hariv
- projecting, prominent Hariv
- uttered MW
- -guṇa mfn. one who has the string (of a bow &c.) stretched out Kir
- -bhūṣaṇa mfn. (a limb) from which the ornaments have fallen down Hariv
- vi-sṛtvara mf(ī)n. spreading about, becoming diffused Kum. Śiś
- gliding along, flowing W
- vi-sṛmara mf(ā)n. spreading about Hcar
- flowing, gliding W
- vi-√sṛj P. -sṛjati (ep. also Ā.), to send or pour forth, let go or run or flow, discharge, emit, shoot, cast, hurl (lit. and fig
- 'at', loc., dat., or acc. with prati) RV. &c. &c
- to turn (the eye) upon (loc.) ŚāṅkhŚr
- to shed (tears) R. Kālid. Daś
- (Ā.) to evacuate the bowels PraśnUp
- to utter (sounds or words) Br. MBh. &c
- to set free, release (Ā. 'one's self') from (abl.) ChUp. Hariv. &c
- to send away, dismiss, repudiate, reject, throw or cast off Mn. MBh. &c
- to despatch (a messenger) R
- to pass over, overlook MārkP
- (in older language, Ā.) to abandon, desert, give up, renounce MBh. Kāv. &c
- to open TS
- (Ā.) to stretch out, extend ŚBr
- to spread about, diffuse RV. AV
- to remove TS
- to remit, exempt from (acc.) Rājat
- to hand over, deliver, bestow, grant MaitrS. &c. &c
- to produce, create (esp. 'in detail') Up. Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. -sarjayati, to discharge, emit, cast, hurl, throw (lit. and fig.) ĀśvGṛ. MBh. &c
- to utter (a sound) ŚBr
- to set free, release, let go, dismiss MBh. Hariv. Kālid
- to banish, exile R
- to send out, despatch Mn. MBh. &c
- to abandon, desert, relinquish, give up, renounce, avoid MBh. R. &c
- to spare, save MBh
- to commit, entrust Kālid
- to lay aside, remove VarBṛS
- to divulge, publish (news) Rājat
- to give away MBh
- to hand over, deliver, grant, bestow MBh. Hariv. &c
- to produce, create BhP
- to answer questions Divyâv
- vi-sargá m. sending forth, letting go, liberation, emission, discharge GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- voiding, evacuation (of excrement) ŚBr. MBh. Suśr
- opening (of the closed hand) KātyŚr
- getting rid of, sending away, dismissal, rejection Mn. MBh. &c
- letting loose i.e. driving out (cows
- See go-vis○)
- final emancipation, exemption from worldly existence BhP
- cessation, end RV. GṛS
- end of the annual course of the sun Car
- destruction of the world BhP
- giving, granting, bestowal Mn. MBh. &c
- scattering, hurling, throwing, shooting, casting (also of glances) MBh. Ragh. BhP
- producing, creating (esp. secondary creation or creation in detail by Purusha
- See under sarga) Bhag. BhP
- creation (in the concrete sense), product, offspring Hariv. BhP
- 'producer', cause BhP
- membrum virile ib
- the sun's southern course L
- separation, parting W. (cf. -cumbana)
- light, splendour ib
- N. of a symbol in grammar (= vi-sarjanīya, which is the older term, See below) Pāṇ. Sch. Śrutab. MBh. BhP
- N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1241
- -cumbana n. a parting kiss Ragh
- -lupta n. elision of the Visarga Pratāp
- vi-sargika See loka-visargika
- vi-sargin mfn. granting, bestowing MBh. (cf. also loka-vis○)
- vi-sarjana m. pl. N. of a family BhP
- (ī), f. 'evacuating', N. of one of the 3 folds of skin at the anus Suśr
- (vi-sárjana), n. cessation, end RV. ŚrS. Hariv
- relaxation (of the voice) VS. ŚBr
- evacuation RV
- abandoning, deserting, giving up MBh. Ragh
- discharge, emission Mn. Ragh
- sending forth, dismissal Yājñ. MBh. &c
- driving out (cows to pasture) Vās., Introd
- throwing (the image of a deity into holy water, as the concluding rite of a festival) Cat
- setting (a bull) at liberty (on partic. occasions) MW
- giving, bestowing Kāv
- hurting, casting, shooting R
- creating RV
- product, creation BhP
- answering a question L
- vi-sarjanīya mfn. (fr. vi-√sṛj) to be sent forth or emitted &c. W
- (fr. vi-sarjana), See vrata-visarjanīya
- m. (cf. vi-sarga above) N. of a symbol in grammar (usually marked by two perpendicular dots [:] representing a hard and distinctly audible aspiration [Page 1001, Column]
- it generally, but not always, occurs at the end of a word, often taking the place of final s and r
- it is called Visarjanīya either from its liability to be 'rejected' or from its being pronounced with a full 'emission' of breath, or from its usually appearing at the 'end' of a word or sentence
- Paṇḍits in some parts of India seem to pronounce a vowel after it, e.g. naraḥ like naraha, agniḥ like agnihi) Prāt. Pāṇ. &c
- vi-sarjayitavya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be (or being) discharged (into the anus) PraśnUp
- vi-sarjayitṛ mfn. giving up, renouncing Jātakam
- vi-sarjikā (?), f. N. of the Tretā-yuga L
- vi-sarjita mfn. (fr. Caus.) sent forth, emitted, dismissed, abandoned, left &c
- exposed (in a forest) Pañcat
- vi-sarjya mfn. (fr. id.) to be dismissed or sent away MBh
- vi-sṛjya mfn. to be sent out or let go &c
- to be (or being) produced or effected (as subst. = 'effect') BhP
- ví-sṛṣṭa mfn. sent or poured forth, let go, allowed to flow or run, discharged, emitted, shed, cast, thrown, hurled RV. &c. &c
- spat out VP
- removed TS
- turned, directed Mṛicch
- deprived or destitute of (instr.) BhP
- spread, diffused AV
- opened Vait
- (ifc.) bestowed on MārkP
- produced, created, founded R. Ragh
- n. (in gram.) = vi-sarjanīya Kāt
- -dhena (ví○), mfn. streaming or yielding milk RV
- -bhūmi mfn. one who has space or room given (to sit down &c.) MW
- -rāti (ví-), mfn. munificent in gifts RV
- -vat mfn. one who has sent out or despatched (messengers) Kathās
- -vāc mfn. uttering words i.e. breaking silence ĀśvŚr
- ○tâtman mfn. one who has cast off (i.e. does not care for) his own self, unselfish R
- ví-sṛṣṭi (ví-), f. letting go, allowing to flow, discharge Kāṭh
- emission (of semen) L
- leaving, quitting W
- giving, offering ib
- creation, production RV. ŚBr. &c
- secondary creation or creation in detail Pur
- offspring Hariv
- vi-√sṛp P. -sarpati (m.c. also Ā
- Ved. inf. -sṛ́pas), to glide, move along or about, sneak, steal VS. &c. &c
- to fly about (as arrows) MBh
- to be scattered or dispersed RV
- to be spread or diffused over (acc.) VS. MBh. &c
- to spread, diffuse, divulge BhP.: Caus. -sarpayati, to spread, extend Hariv
- vi-sarpa m. creeping along or about, spreading, diffusion Uttarar. Śāntiś. (vḷ.)
- a partic. disease (erysipelas or any similar spreading eruption) Suśr
- (in dram.) an action which leads to an unhappy or undesired issue (e.g. Veṇis. iii, 10) Sāh
- -khinnavigraha mfn. one whose body is moist with the exudation caused by the Visarpa disease Rājat
- -ghna n. bees' wax (prob. as removing that disease) W
- -cikitsā f. the cure of the above disease MW
- vi-sarpaṇa mfn. creeping along, spreading, increasing Car
- (ī), f. a species of plant L
- n. leaving one's place, shifting MBh. R
- spreading, diffusion, increase, growth Suśr
- vi-sarpi m
- vi-sarpikā f. the disease Visarpa VarBṛS
- vi-sarpin (ví-), mfn. creeping or shooting forth, issuing from or against (comp.) MBh. Kālid
- gliding or roaming or swimming or winding about MBh. R. &c
- spreading, increasing, growing Kāv. Suśr
- suffering from the disease Visarpa Hcat
- m. the above disease Suśr
- a kind of hell TĀr.: (ī), f. Ptychotis Ajowan L
- vi-soḍha vi-soḍhum, See under vi-ṣah, p. 997, col. 1
- vi-soma See p. 953, col. 1
- vi-skanttṛ vi-skanna, See p. 998, col. 2
- vi-√skambh See vi-ṣkambh
- viskumbhu See vi-ṣkambha
- vi-√skhal (only pf. -caskhale), to stumble, trip Śiś. xv, 57
- vi-skhalita mfn. stumbling, stopping, faltering (as words) Kathās
- (ifc.) mistaken or blundering in Ragh
- gone astray Jātakam
- vista m. (ifc. f. ā) a partic. weight of gold (= 80 Raktikās or a Karsha of 16 Māshas, about half an ounce troy), Práyaśc
- vi-√stan P. -stanati, to groan aloud, sound Bhaṭṭ. Jātakam. [Page 1001, Column]
- vi-√stṛ (or stṝ), P. Ā. -stṛṇoti, -stṛṇute
- -stṛṇāti, -stṛṇīte (ep. also -starati
- ind. p. -stīrya, or -stṛtya), to spread out, scatter, strew (sacrificial grass) R
- to expand, extend (wings) R
- to spread abroad, diffuse, divulge BhP
- to enlarge or expatiate upon, speak diffusely about (acc.) MBh. Kāv. (vi-stīrya ind. copiously, at large)
- (with vacanam) to exchange words, converse with (instr.) ib.: Pass. -stīryate or -staryate (fut. -stariṣyate), to be spread abroad or widely diffused Mn. Pañcat. BhP
- to be explained Divyâv.: Caus. -stārayati, to spread, extend, diffuse, display Mn. MBh. &c. (-stārya, fully, copiously, at length)
- to discuss in detail Kull
- to expose (wares for sale) Daś
- vi-stara mfn. extensive, long (as a story) Sāh
- m. (ifc. f. ā
- cf. vi-stāra and Pāṇ. 3-3, 31 Vām. v, 2, 41) spreading, extension, expansion, prolixity, diffuseness MBh. Kāv. &c
- a multitude, number, quantity, assemblage, large company Mn. R. VarBṛS. &c
- becoming large or great (met. applied to the heart) Daś
- high degree, intensity, MBĪ. Hariv. BhP
- (pl.) great wealth or riches MBh
- detail, particulars, full or detailed description, amplification (also as direction to a narrator = vistareṇa kāryam, 'give full particulars'
- eṇa or āt ind. diffusely, at length, fully, in detail
- ○rī-√kṛ, to spread, divulge, expand) MBh. R. &c
- (ifc.) an extensive treatise CūlUp
- affectionate solicitation L
- a layer, bed, couch (= vi-ṣṭara) L
- (ā), f. a partic. Śakti Hcat
- -tas ind. diffusely, at length Kāv. Pur. &c
- -tā f. extension, spreading Ṛitus
- -bhīru mfn. afraid of diffuseness Sarvad
- -śaṅkā f. fear of diffṭdiffuseness Sāh
- -śas ind. = -tas Mn. MBh. &c
- vi-starakeṇa (or ○staratarakeṇa), ind. very diffusely, at full length Pat
- vi-staraṇī f. N. of a goddess MārkP
- vi-staraṇīya mfn. to be spread or extended, capable of being extended or expanded MW
- vi-stāra m. (ifc. f. ā
- cf. vi-stara) spreading, expansion, extent, width MBh. Kāv. &c
- becoming large or great (met. said of the heart) Sāh
- the breadth of a circle i.e. its diameter Col
- specification, detailed enumeration or description Yājñ. Suśr. (eṇa, diffusely, at length, prob. wṛ. for vistareṇa R. iii, 4, 4)
- the branch of a tree with its new shoots L
- a shrub L
- the diameter of a circle L
- vi-stāraṇa n. (fr. Caus.) outstretching (of the feet) Kāv
- vi-stārikā f. N. of a Comm. on the Kāvya-prakāśa
- vi-stārita mfn. (fr. id.) spread, extended Ragh
- fully stated, amplified MW
- vi-stārin mfn. extending, large, great, mighty Hariv. Kāv. Pur
- (iṇī), f. (in music) a partic. Śruti Saṃgīt
- vi-stīrṇa mfn. strewn or covered or studded with (instr. or comp.) Kāv. Kathās
- spread out, expanded, broad, large, great, copious, numerous MBh. Kāv. &c
- extensive, long (as a tale) MBh
- far-sounding R
- -karṇa mfn. 'extending the ears' and 'broad-eared' (applied to an elephant) Bhartṛ
- -jānu f. a bandy-legged girl (unfit for marriage) L
- -tā f. -tva n. breadth, diffusion, vastness, largeness, amplitude MBh. Kāv. &c
- -bheda m. N. of a Buddha Lalit
- -lalāṭā f. 'having a large forehead', N. of a Kiṃ-narī Kāraṇḍ
- -vatī f. N. of a partic. world Buddh
- vi-stṛta mfn. strewn or covered or furnished with (comp.) Rājat. BhP
- outstretched, expanded, opened wide MBh. Kāv. BhP
- displayed, developed Bhartṛ. BhP
- extensive, broad, ample, wide MBh. R. &c
- far-sounding Hariv
- spread, diffused L
- (am), ind. fully, at length Śatr. BhP
- vi-stṛti f. extent, width, breadth Āryabh
- the diameter of a circle Col
- spreading, expansion W
- vi-sthāna See p. 953, col. 1
- vi-√spand Ā. -spandate, to quiver, throb, tremble, start MBh. Hariv
- to struggle, strive, exert one's self Jātakam
- to come forth, appear ib
- vi-spanda See vi-ṣpanda and vi-ṣyanda
- vi-spandita See a-vispandita
- vi-√spardh Ā. -spardhate (m. c. also P.), to emulate, vie with (acc
- instr. with or without saha, or sârdham) MBh. R. Jātakam. 2
- vi-spardhā f. (for 1. See p. 953, col. 1) emulation, rivalry MBh. (Cf. vi-ṣpardhas and ○dhā, p. 1000, col. 2.)
- vi-spaṣṭa mfn. (√spaś
- cf. viṣpáś) very clear or apparent, manifest, evident plain, intelligible (am ind. clearly &c.) Mn. MBh. &c. [Page 1002, Column]
- -tā f. great clearness or perspicuity Sāh
- ○ṭârtha mfn. having a very clear or obvious sense Mn. ii, 33
- vispaṣṭī in comp. for ○ṣṭa
- ○karaṇa n. the making clear or evident L
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make clear or evident Sāy
- vi-√spṛ See vi-ṣpṛ, p. 1000, col. 2
- vi-√sphar (cf. vi-√sphur), Caus. -spharayati (Pass. ○ryate), to open wide (eyes) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to draw, discharge (a bow) MBh
- vi-sphāra m. (also written vi-ṣphāra) opening wide Sāh
- discharging a bow, the twang of a bow-string MBh. R
- trembling, agitation W
- vi-sphāraka m. a kind of dangerous fever Bhpr. (also ○sphuraka and ○sphoraka)
- vi-sphāraṇa n. spreading (wings) Jātakam
- vi-sphārita mfn. opened wide, torn or rent asunder MBh. Kāv. &c
- exhibited, manifested, displayed Śiś. Jātakam
- n. drawing or discharging (a bow) MBh
- vi-√sphal See next
- vi-sphāla m. (also written vi-ṣphāla Pāṇ. Sch.) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 47
- vi-√sphāy Ā. -sphāyate, to swell Sadukt
- vi-sphīta mfn. abundant, plentiful L
- vi-√sphuṭ P. -sphuṭati, -sphoṭati (fut. -sphuṭiṣyati), to burst open, be split or cleft or rent asunder R. MārkP
- vi-sphuṭa mfn. burst open, gaping (○ṭī-kṛta mfn. = next) Suśr
- vi-sphuṭita mfn. opened, burst MBh
- vi-sphoṭa m. cracking, crashing MBh
- a blister, boil Kāv. Kathās. Suśr
- mfn. open Divyâv
- vi-sphoṭaka m. a blister, boil Suśr
- a kind of leprosy AgP. ŚārṅgS
- small-pox W
- N. of a serpent-demon L
- (ikā), f. a blister, boil Śak. Sch
- vi-sphoṭana n. the appearance of blisters Kaṇ
- loud roaring BhP
- vi-√sphur (cf. vi-√sphar), P. -sphurati, or -ṣphurati (Pāṇ. 8-3, 76), to dart asunder (intr.) RV. ŚBr
- to quiver, tremble, writhe, struggle MBh. Kāv. &c
- to vibrate, flash, glitter ib
- to break forth, appear Subh. ŚārṅgS
- vi-sphura mfn. opening the eyes wide R
- vi-sphuraṇa n. quivering (of lightning) Harav. (cf. also buddhi-visphuraṇa)
- vi-sphurita mfn. trembling, quivering, palpitating (○tâdhara mfn. having quivering lips BhP
- ○tekṣaṇa mfn. having trembling eyes R.)
- flashing, glittering (-śastra mfn. with glittering weapons Uttarar.)
- swollen, enlarged W
- n. = ○sphuraṇa Jātakam
- vi-sphuritavya mfn. to be opened wide (as the eyes) Kāraṇḍ
- vi-sphoraka See vi-sphāraka
- vi-sphorya mfn. (fut. p.p. of vi-√sphur) Pat
- vi-sphurj &c. See vi-√sphūrj
- vi-√sphul P. -sphulati, or -ṣphu-lati (Pāṇ. 8-3, 76), to wave or flicker to and fro, move hither and thither Bhaṭṭ
- vi-sphuliṅga m. (cf. vi-ṣphuliṅga) a spark of fire Up. MBh. &c. (○gī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to become a mere spark Inscr.)
- a sort of poison L
- (ā), f. a spark (= m.) Harav
- vi-sphuliṅgaka mf(ikā)n. sparkling, glittering AgP
- vi-√sphūrj (incorrectly -sphurj), P. -sphūrjati, to resound, thunder, roar BhP
- to snort MBh
- to break forth, appear Kāv.: Caus. -sphūrjayati, to cause to resound or twang (a bow) BhP
- vi-sphūrja m. roaring, thundering, breaking forth like thunder Kaṇ. Ragh
- vi-sphūrjathu m. thundering, roaring (as of waves), a thunder-clap MW
- -prakhya mfn. resembling a clap of thunder ib
- vi-sphūrjana n. gaping, opening wide Sarvad
- vi-sphūrjita mfn. resounded, resounding &c
- broken forth, appeared Kāv
- outstretched Suśr
- shaken, agitated BhP
- m. N. of a serpent-demon Buddh
- n. the act of rumbling, resounding, roaring, thundering MBh. R. BhP
- breaking forth, sudden manifestation of (comp.) Ragh. Prab
- knitting, contraction (of the brows) BhP
- vi-sphoṭa &c. See above under vi-√sphuṭ. [Page 1002, Column]
- vi-√smi Ā. -smayate (m.c. also P.), to wonder, be surprised or astonished at (instr., loc., or abl.) ŚBr. &c. &c
- to be proud of (instr.) Mn. iv, 236: Caus. -smāyayati, or -smāpayati, ○te (cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 68 ; vi, 1, 57), to astonish, surprise MBh. Kāv. &c.: Desid. of Caus., vi-sismāpayiṣu
- vi-smaya m. (for 2. See p. 953, col. 1) wonder, surprise, amazement, bewilderment, perplexity (in rhet. one of the sthāyi-bhāvas, q.v.) MBh. Kāv. Daśar
- pride, arrogance Mn. BhP
- doubt, uncertainty W
- -kara, -kārin, -ṃ-kara, -ṃ-gama mfn. causing astonishment or admiration, astonishing, wonderful MBh. Kāv. &c
- -vat mfn. manifesting pride or arrogance Hcat
- -viṣāda-vat mfn. filled with astonishment and perplexity Kathās
- -harṣa-mūla mfn. caused by astonishment and Joy MW
- ○yâkula, ○yânvita or ○yâviṣṭa mfn. filled with astonishment or wonder MBh
- ○yôtphulla-nayana (or -locana), mfn. having eyes wide open or staring with astonishment MW
- vi-smayana n. astonishment, wonder Cat
- vi-smayanīya mfn. astonishing, wonderful MBh
- vi-smayin mfn. amazed, surprised Śiś
- vi-smāpaka mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing astonishment or surprise, wonderful Kāv
- vi-smāpana mf(ī)n. id. MBh. VarBṛS. BhP
- m. a juggler, conjurer L
- illusion, deceit L
- = gandharva-nagara (q.v.) L
- the god of love L
- n. the act of astonishing or surprising Hariv
- a means of surprising Car. Bhpr
- a surprising or miraculous sign or phenomenon VarBṛS
- vi-smāpanīya mfn. causing astonishment ('in' or 'to', gen.) Hariv
- vi-smapayanīya mfn. id. MBh
- vi-smāpin mfn. = ○smāpana Harav
- vi-smita mfn. amazed, surprised, perplexed MaitrUp. MBh. &c
- wondered at, surprising R. BhP
- proud, arrogant BhP
- n. and (ā), f. a kind of metre Col
- -mānasa mfn. surprised or perplexed in mind MW
- ○tânana mfn. having a surprised face ib
- vi-smiti f. astonishment, wonder, surprise ib
- vi-smera mfn. wondering, astonished, surprised Śiś
- vi-√smṛ P. -smarati (m. c. also Ā.), to forget, be unmindful of (acc. or gen.) MBh. Kāv. &c.: Pass. -smaryate (aor. vy-asmāri), to be forgotten Rājat.: Caus. -smārayati (fut. -smārayiṣyate), to cause to forget Vikr. iii, 18: Desid. of Caus., See vi-sismārayiṣu
- vi-smaraṇa n. the act of forgetting, oblivion Kap. Śak
- vi-smaraṇīya
- vi-smartavya
- vi-smarya mfn. to be forgotten Kāv. Kathās. &c
- vi-smārita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to forget anything (acc.) Rājat
- caused to be forgotten, lost to memory BhP
- vi-smṛta mfn. one who has forgotten anything, forgetful of (acc. or comp.) Kāv
- forgetful of all R. ii, 58, 30
- forgotten by (instr. or gen.) R. Kālid. Rājat. &c
- -pūrva-saṃskāra mfn. forgetting a former promise or resolution MW
- m. N. of Bhava-bhūti L
- -vat mfn. one who has forgotten Śak
- -saṃskāra mfn. one who forgets an agreement MW
- vi-smṛti f. forgetfulness, loss of memory, oblivion Kāv. VarBṛS. Kathās
- vi-√syand vi-syanda &c. See vi-ṣyand, p. 1000, col. 2
- visra mfn. (fr. √vis for bis?) musty, smelling of raw meat VarBṛS. Kathās. Suśr. &c
- (ā), f. a species of plant (= hapuṣā) L
- n. (only L.) a smell like that of raw meat
- blood
- fat
- ○gandha m. a musty smell VarBṛS
- mfn. smelling musty or of raw meat L
- (ā), f. = visrā L
- ○gandhi mfn. smelling of raw meat Kād
- n. orpiment L
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. mustiness Suśr
- visraka mfn. = visra, smelling of raw meat, ŚārṅgS
- vi-√sraṃs Ā. -sraṃsate (ep. also P
- Ved. inf. -srásaḥ, cf. vi-srás), to fall asunder, break down, collapse, be broken (as limbs), fall off, become loose or unfastened (as hair) RV. Br. Up. Hariv. Pañcar.: Caus. -sraṃsayati, to cause to fall asunder &c., let fall, loosen, untie AV. &c. &c
- to betray, publish MBh
- vi-sraṃsa m. falling asunder, dropping down, relaxation, weakness Br. Suśr
- -jā f. decrepitude L
- vi-sraṃḍsraṃsana mfn. causing to fall down or away, casting off MBh. Sāh
- n. falling down Gaut
- slackening, relaxation Suśr
- loosening, unfastening, casting off Gīt. [Page 1002, Column]
- a laxative, aperient W
- vi-sraṃḍsráṃsikā f. (of doubtful meaning) MaitrS. Kāṭh. ĀpŚr. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 110 Sch.)
- vi-sraṃḍsraṃsita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to fall down or asunder, dropped, loosened, untied Kāv. Kathās. &c
- -keśa-bandhana mfn. one whose hair-band has become loose BhP
- -sitâṃśuka mfn. one whose white garment has slipped down Kathās
- vi-sraṃḍsraṃsin mfn. falling or slipping down (as a garland) Ragh
- vi-srás (prob.) f. dropping down, debility, decay (abl. ○srásaḥ also as inf.) RV. AV. Br
- vi-sráḍsrasā f. decrepitude, infirmity, senility Bālar
- ví-srasta mfn. fallen asunder or down, unfastened, untied, loosened, detached AV. &c. &c
- dishevelled (as hair) HPariś
- slackened, relaxed MBh
- -kusuma-sraj mfn. one whose garland of flowers has fallen off Kathās
- -cetas mfn. one whose spirit is dejected MBh. (B. vi-dhvasta-c○)
- -pauṃsna mfn. one whose manhood is broken or impaired BhP
- -bandhana mfn. having bonds or fetters unfastened Kathās
- -vasana mfn. having loosened garments ib
- -śiroruhâmbara mfn. having dishevelled hair and loosened garments BhP
- -sragvibhūṣaṇa mfn. one whose garland and ornaments have fallen off MBh
- -hāra mfn. one whose neeklace has slipped off MW
- ○tâṅga mfn. having a languid body or relaxed limbs MBh
- vi-srásya mfn. to be loosened or untied TS
- vi-√srambh vi-srambha &c. See vi-√śrambh, p. 992, col. 1
- visri m. N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi (vḷ. viśri)
- vi-√sru P. -sravati, to flow forth or away, issue from (abl.) ŚBr. MBh
- to discharge or emit (any fluid) MBh. R
- to flow asunder (fig.), melt, dissolve, come to nothing MBh.: Caus. -srāvayati, to cause to flow forth or away MBh
- to wash away Car
- to let blood (with gen. or acc. of pers.) Suśr
- vi-srava m. a flow, stream MBh
- efflux, issuing moisture Jātakam
- vi-sravaṇa n. flowing asunder Nir
- vi-sravan-miśrá mfn. (pr. p. of vi-√sru + m○) having blood streaming forth (on it) ŚBr
- vi-srāva m. (also written -śrāva) flowing forth, issuing Hariv
- vi-srāvaṇa n. (fr. Caus.) causing to flow (blood, matter &c.), bleeding Suśr
- vi-srāvita mfn. (fr. id.) wasted away, caused to flow out, bled ib
- vi-srāvitavya mfn. (fr. id.) = next MW
- vi-srāvya mfn. (fr. id.) to be made to flow MBh. (cf. a-visr○)
- dissolving, melting, becoming liquid (-tā f.) Cat
- to be bled, requiring bleeding Suśr
- vi-sruta mfn. flowed forth, dropped, flowing W
- spread, diffused, stretched ib
- vi-sruti f. (also written -śruti) flowing forth, issuing from (abl.) VarBṛS
- vi-srúh f. (prob. fr. √sruh = rudh, to grow
- cf. vii-rudh) a plant, shoot (?) RV. v, 44, 3 (read vi-sruhām) ; vi, 7, 6 (Nir. āpaḥ Sāy. nadyaḥ)
- vi-√svan (cf. vi-ṣvan), P. -svanati, to sound forth, roar, yell Śiś. xviii, 77 (cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 69 Sch.)
- vi-√svap P. -svapiti (pf. -suṣvāpa) Vop
- vi-ṣupta mfn. fallen asleep, sleeping Kāṭh. ĀpŚr. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 88 Sch.)
- vi-svara vi-svāda, See p. 953, col. 2
- viha-ga vihaṃ-ga &c. See under vi- √1. hā below
- vihat f. = vehat L
- vi-√han (often wṛ. for ni-han), P. -hanti, to strike apart or asunder, disperse, shatter, break, destroy RV. AV. Br
- to beat asunder, extend (a skin) RV. ŚBr
- to tear off TBr
- to unbind, loosen (hair) Pāṇ. 3-1, 21 Sch
- to ward off, repel MBh. R
- to keep back, withhold, refuse MBh
- to hinder, interrupt, disturb, prevent, frustrate, annihilate ib. R. &c.: Pass. -hanyate, to be frustrated or disappointed, exert one's self in vain MBh. R. Hariv.: Caus. -ghātayati, ○te, to beat, vanquish, defeat Hit
- (Ā.) to afflict, distress, annoy MBh
- to interrupt, disturb Kull. on Mn. v, 84: Desid. -jighāṃsati, to wish to interrupt or disturb BhP.: Intens. (-jījahi?), to harm, injure MBh. vii, 2383. [Page 1003, Column]
- ví-hata mfn. torn up, furrowed TBr. ŚBr
- struck or beaten away or dashed out (of a person's hand) BhP
- struck or touched or visited by (instr. or comp.) Kāv. Pur
- warded off, repelled MBh. R
- rejected, repulsed BhP
- disturbed, impeded Kāv. Pur
- ví-ḍhati f. a stroke, blow Bālar
- striking, killing W
- prevention, removal Bālar
- repulse, defeat Ml
- m. a friend, companion W
- ví-ḍhanana n. (only L.) killing, slaying
- hurting, injury
- opposition, obstruction
- a bow-like instrument for carding cotton
- ví-ḍhantavya mfn. to be destroyed Prab
- ví-ḍhantṛ́ mfn. one who destroys or frustrates or disappoints (with gen. or ifc.) RV. Up
- vi-hara &c. See vi-√hṛ, col. 2
- vi-√hary P. -haryati, to scorn, repudiate Nir. vii, 17 (cf. a-viharyata-kratu)
- vi-harṣa vi-hasta &c. See p. 953, col. 2
- vihálha m. (of unknown meaning) AV. vi, 16, 1
- vi-hava &c. See vi-√hve, p. 1004
- vi-√has P. -hasati, to laugh loudly, burst out laughing MBh. Kāv. &c
- to laugh at (acc., rarely gen.) Kāv. BhP. Pañcat
- vi-hasatikā f. gentle laughter, smiling Hcar. (vḷ. ○sitikā)
- vi-ḍhasana n. id. W
- vi-ḍhasita mfn. laughing, smiling Hariv. Caurap
- laughed, smiled at Kathās
- n. laughter, laughing, smiling Kāv. Sāh
- vi-ḍhasitikā See ○hasatikā
- vi-hāsa m. laughing, laughter Hariv. Pañcar
- mfn. opened L
- vi-hā √1. Ā. -jihīte, to go apart, become expanded, start asunder, open, fly open, gape, yawn RV. AV. TS. ŚBr.: Caus: -hāpayati, to cause to gape, open AV. AitBr. ŚBr
- viha (only ibc.) the sky, air
- ○ga m. 'sky-goer', a bird MBh. Kāv. &c
- an arrow MBh. vii, 9021
- the sun L
- the moon L
- a planet L
- a partic. configuration of stars (when all the planets are situated in the 4th and 10th houses) VarBṛS
- -pati m. 'king of birds', N. of Garuḍa Kāv
- -vega m. 'having the swiftness of a bird', N. of a Vidyā-dhara Bālar
- -gâdhipa m. (= -pati) L
- -gâlaya m. 'abode of birds.' the air, sky R
- -gêndra (vihá-), m. (= -pati), Supraṇ
- (○dra-saṃhitā f. -sampāta m. N. of Tāntric wks.)
- -gôpaghuṣṭa mfn. resonant with birds MW
- ○ṃ-ga mfn. sky-going, flying W
- m. = vihaga, a bird Mn. R. &c
- an arrow MBh. viii, 3343
- a cloud L
- the sun L
- the moon L
- N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- -rāja m. (= vihaga-pati) L
- -han m. a bird-killer, bird-catcher MBh
- ○gârāti m. 'bird-enemy', a falcon or hawk
- ○ṃ-gaka m. a little bird, any bird Hcar
- (ikā), f. a sort of pole or yoke for carrying burdens L
- N. of a woman Veṇis
- ○ṃ-gama mfn. moving in the sky, flying MBh. Hariv. R
- m. (ifc. f. ā) a bird Mn. MBh. &c
- the sun MBh
- N. of a class of gods under the 11th Manu Pur
- (ā), f. a female bird MBh
- next L
- ○ṃ-gamikā f. a sort of yoke (= vihaṃ-gikā) L
- vihā ind. = svarga, heaven Uṇ. iv, 36 Sch
- vi-hāyas m. n. (for 1. See p. 953, col. 2) the open space (cf. vi-yat), air, sky, atmosphere Mn. MBh. &c. (also ○saḥ-sthalī f. or ○sas-tala, n
- instr. ○sā, 'through the sky')
- m. a bird Kautukas
- ○sā-gāmin mfn. able to move through the sky L
- vi-hāyása m. n. heaven, sky, atmosphere TĀr. MBh. Hariv
- m. a bird L
- vi-hā √3. P. -jahāti, (ind. p. -hāya, below), to leave behind, relinquish, quit, abandon RV. &c. &c. (with śarīram, prâṇan &c., 'to abandon the body or life', to die)
- to give up, cast off, renounce, resign MBh. Kāv. &c
- to be deprived of, lose Ragh. Sarvad
- to get rid of or free from (acc.) MBh. R. BhP
- to desist from (abl.) Subh
- to stop, pause VarBṛS.: Pass. -hīyate (aor. -hāyi), to be left behind ŚBr
- to be inferior to (abl.) MBh
- to be lost AV.: Caus. -hāpayati, See next: Desid. -jihāsati, to wish to leave or abandon HPariś
- vi-hāpita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to abandon or give up &c
- given W
- extorted ib
- n. a gift, donation Pārśvan. [Page 1003, Column]
- vi-ḍhāya ind. leaving behind, i.e. at a distance from (acc.) VarBṛS
- disregarding, overlooking, setting aside = more than (acc.) Kāv. Kathās. &c
- in spite of, notwithstanding (acc.) Pañcat
- excepting, with the exception of (acc.) Hariv. VarBṛS
- vi-hīna mfn. entirely abandoned or left &c
- low, vulgar MBh
- (ibc.) wanting, missing, absent R. VarBṛS
- destitute or deprived of, free from (instr., abl., or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- -tā f. abandonment MW
- (ifc.) absence or want of Hariv. Pañcat
- -tilaka mf(ā)n. having no coloured sectarian mark ( tilaka) on the forehead R
- -yoni mfn. of low origin MBh
- -varṇa mfn. of low caste Gaut
- vi-ḍhīnita mfn. deprived of (with inst.) Hariv
- vihāna (?), m. n. morning, dawn L
- vihāruhā f. a species of plant L
- vi-√hiṃs P. -hiṃsati, to injure severely, hurt, damage Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. -hiṃsayati id. MBh
- vi-ḍhiṃsaka mfn. injuring, hurting, harming (with gen. or ifc.) MBh. R. &c
- vi-ḍhiṃsa-tā f. the act of harming or injuring (with loc.) MBh
- vi-ḍhiṃsana n. (BhP.),
- vi-ḍhiṃsā f. (MBh. R.) id. (with gen. or ifc.)
- vi-ḍhiṃsita mfn. injured, hurt, damaged &c. MBh. R
- vi-ḍhiṃsra See a-vihiṃsra
- ví-hita mfn. (fr., vi- √1. dhā, p. 967
- for 1. vi-hita, See p. 953, col. 2) distributed, divided, apportioned, bestowed, supplied &c
- put in order, arranged, determined, fixed, ordained, ordered RV. &c. &c
- prescribed, decreed, enjoined GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- destined or meant for (nom.) MBh
- contrived, performed, made, accomplished, done Mn. MBh. &c
- supplied, endowed, furnished with or possessed of (instr.) MBh. R. (cf. su-vihita)
- n. an order, command, decree Pañcat
- -kṣaṇa mfn. eager for the right moment, intent upon (artham) Vcar. (cf. kṛta-kṣ○)
- -tva n. the being enjoined or prescribed, prescription, direction Hcat. -durga-racana mfn. one who has enjoined the building of a fortress MW
- -pratiṣiddha mfn. enjoined and prohibited (-tva n.) KātyŚr. Sch
- -yajña mfn. performing sacrifices Śak. (vḷ. for vitata-y○)
- -vat mfn. one who has performed or undertaken W
- -vṛtti mfn. one who is maintained or nourished by (instr.) Rājat
- -sena m. N. of a prince Kathās
- ○tâgas mfn. one who has committed a fault, faulty, wicked W
- ○tâñjali mfn. making a respectful obeisance Śiś
- ○têndriya mfn. possessed of one's senses Bhaṭṭ
- ví-ḍhiti f. procedure, way of acting AitBr
- action, performance, accomplishment Kāvyâd. Bālar
- ví-ḍhitrima mfn. done according to rule Bhaṭṭ
- vi-hīna &c. See above
- vi-huṇḍana m. (√huṇḍ) N. of one of Śiva's attendants L
- vi-√hurch (or -hūrch), P. -hūrchati, to waddle, toddle, sway from one side to another (applied to a corpulent person's gait) ŚBr
- to stagger, totter, stumble Kāṭh
- vi-√hṛ P. -harati (rarely Ā.), to put asunder, keep apart, separate, open RV. AV. Br. ŚrS
- to distribute and transpose (verses or parts of verses) Br. ŚrS
- to disperse (clouds, opp. to saṃ-√hṛ) Hariv
- (with talāt talam) to shift, let pass from hand to hand MBh
- to divide (also arithmetically) KātyŚr. Gol
- to construct (in geom.), Śulbas
- to cut off, sever MBh
- to extract from (abl.) ib
- to carry away, remove Kāv. Rājat
- to tear in pieces, lacerate RV
- to move on, walk ĀśvŚr
- to spend or pass (time) Gobh. Mn. MBh. &c
- to roam, wander through (acc.) MBh
- (esp.) to walk or roam about for pleasure, divert one's self Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c. (with mṛgayām, 'to go about hunting' R.)
- to shed (tears) Śak.: Desid., See vi-jihīrṣā, ○ṣu (p. 960, col. 3)
- vi-hara m. taking away, removing, shifting, changing Bhartṛ
- separation, disunion, absence W
- vi-ḍharaṇa n. the act of taking away or removing or changing or transposing Lāṭy. MārkP
- opening, expanding Pāṇ. 1-3, 20
- stepping out ib. i, 3, 41
- going about for pleasure or exercise, roaming, strolling Kāv. Pur. Suśr
- taking out for a walk or for airing Gobh
- moving to and fro, brandishing MBh
- vi-ḍharaṇīya mfn. to be taken away W
- to be rambled or sported ib. [Page 1003, Column]
- vi-ḍhartṛ m. one who takes away, a robber Yājñ. MBh
- one who rambles about or enjoys himself Ragh
- vi-hāra m. (once in BhP., n.) distribution, transposition (of words) AitBr. Lāṭy
- arrangement or disposition (of the 3 sacred fires
- also applied to the fires themselves or the space between them), ŚrS
- too great expansion of the organs of speech (consisting in too great lengthening or drawling in pronunciation, opp. to saṃ-hāra, q.v.) RPrāt
- walking for pleasure or amusement, wandering, roaming MBh. Kāv. &c
- sport, play, pastime, diversion, enjoyment, pleasure ('in' or 'with', comp
- ifc. also = taking delight in) Yājñ. MBh. R. &c
- a place of recreation, pleasure-ground MBh. Kāv. &c
- (with Buddhists or Jainas) a monastery or temple (originally a hall where the monks met or walked about
- afterwards these halls were used as temples) Lalit. Mṛicch. Kathās. &c. (cf. MWB. 68 ; 81 &c.)
- consecration for a sacrifice Āpast
- N. of the country of Magadha (called Bihār or Behār from the number of Buddhist monasteries, See MWB. 68) Cat
- the shoulder L
- a partic. bird (= bindurekaka) L
- = vaijayanta L
- -kārikā f. pl. N. of wk
- -krīḍā-mṛga m. a toy-antelope to play with BhP
- -gṛha n. a pleasure-house, play-house, theatre MW
- -dāsī f. a female attendant of a convent or temple Mālatīm
- -deśa m. a place of recreation, pleasure-ground MBh. R. MārkP
- -bhadra m. N. of a man Daś
- -bhūmi f. = -deśa Hariv
- a grazing-ground, pasturage Kir
- -yātrā f. a pleasure-walk MBh
- -vat mfn. possessing a place of recreation Mn. MBh
- (ifc.) delighting in Mn. x, 9
- -vana n. a pleasure-grove Daś
- -vāpī f. 'pleasure-pond', N. of wk
- -vāri n. water for sporting or playing about in Ragh
- -śayana n. a pleasure-couch R
- -śaila m. a pleasure-mountain R
- -sthalī f. (Vās.), -sthāna n. (BhP.)
- ○râjira n. (= ○radeśa)
- ○râvasatha m. (= ○ra-gṛha) MBh
- vi-ḍhāraka mf(ikā)n. delighting in (comp.) Pañcar
- serving for the amusement of (comp.) Mālatīm
- roaming or walking about, a roamer MW
- belonging to a Buddhist temple or convent ib
- vi-ḍhāraṇa n. pleasure, delight (ifc. = delighting in) Pañcar
- vi-ḍhārin mfn. wandering about for pleasure, roaming, strolling MBh. Kāv. &c
- going as far as, extending to (comp.) R. Rājat
- dependent on (comp.) MBh
- enjoying one's self with, delighting in, given or addicted to, fond of (comp.) Yājñ. MBh. &c
- charming, beautiful Bhartṛ. (vḷ.)
- (iṇī), f. a girl too fond of gadding about (unfit for marriage) L
- ○ri-siṃha m. N. of a king Inscr
- vi-hṛta mfn. set or put asunder, distributed, disposed &c
- transposed, varied (as words or Pādas) ŚrS
- n. a walk R
- hesitation, reluctance, bashful silence (one of the 10 Hāvas or feminine modes of indicating love) Daśar. Sāh
- -ṣoḍaśī f. N. of wk
- vi-ḍhṛti f. expansion, increase, growth Kir
- sport, pastime, pleasure Nalôd
- taking away MW
- vi-√heṭh Caus. P. -heṭhayati, to hurt, injure Lalit
- vi-√heṭḍheṭha m. hurt, injury ib
- vi-√heṭḍheṭhaka mfn. hurting, injuring, an injurer MBh
- a reviler W
- vi-√heṭḍheṭhana n. the act of hurting, injuring, distressing, afflicting &c. L
- vi-√hel Caus. Ā. -helayate, to vex, annoy MBh. xiii, 6720 (B. -ghātayate)
- vi-√hnu Ā. -hnute Sch. on APrāt. i, 100
- vi-√hmal Caus. -hmalayati ib
- vi-√hru (cf. vi-√hvṛ below), P. -hruṇāti, to cause to deviate, turn aside, frustrate, spoil RV
- vi-ḍhrút f. a serpent-like animal, worm &c. VS
- vi-ḍhruta (ví-), mfn. crooked, dislocated, hurt, injured RV. AV
- vihlaṇa &c. See bilhaṇa
- vi-hvarita See vi-√hvṛ
- vi-√hval P. -hvalati, to shake or sway to and fro, tremble, be agitated or unsteady, stagger MantraBr. MBh. Kāv. &c
- vi-hvala mf(ā)n. agitated, perturbed, distressed, afflicted, annoyed (am ind.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. myrrh L
- -cetana (MBh.), -cetas (Kathās.), mfn. distressed in mind, low-spirited
- -tanu mfn. one whose body is exhausted by (comp.) Pañcat
- -tā f. -tva n. agitation, perturbation, consternation, anxiety MBh. [Page 1004, Column]
- -locana mfn. one who has unsteady or rolling eyes MBh. BhP
- -sâlasâṅga mf(ī)n. one whose body is exhausted and languid Caurap
- -hṛdaya mfn. (= -cetana) BhP
- ○lâkṣa mf(ī)n. (= ○la-locana) ib
- ○lâṅga mfn. (= ○la-tanu) MārkP. Pañcat
- ○lâtman mfn. (= ○la-cetana) BhP
- vi-ḍhvalita mfn. = ○hvala MBh. Kāv. &c
- -sarvâṅga mfn. trembling with the whole body MBh
- vihvalī-kṛta mfn. made confused or agitated MW
- fused, liquid ib
- vi-√hvṛ (cf. vi-√hru), to stagger, stumble, fall TĀr. (cf. a-vihvarat): Caus. (only aor. Subj. -jihvaraḥ), to cause to fall, overthrow RV
- vi-hvarita mfn. staggered, fallen (Vedic, accord. to Kāś. on Pāṇ. 7-2, 33)
- vi-hvā́ruka mfn. tumbling, falling MaitrS
- vi-√hve Ā. -hvayate (cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 30), to call in different places, call, invoke, vie in calling, contend for anything RV. TS. Br
- vi-havá m. invocation RV. AitBr
- vi-ḍhavīya n. 'containing the word vihava', N. of the hymn RV. x, 128
- vi-ḍhávya or mfn. to be invoked or invited or desired RV. AV. VS
- vi-ḍhavyá mfn. to be invoked or invited or desired RV. AV. VS
- m. (with āṅgirasa) N. of the supposed author of RV. x, 128 Anukr
- of a son of Varcas MBh
- (ā), f. N. of partic. bricks TS
- (scil. sū7kta) N. of RV. x, 128 (cf. ○haviiya) TS. Kāṭh. Lāṭy
- vī cl. 2. P. (Dhātup. xxiv, 39) veti (accord. to some in the conjug. tenses substituted for √aj
- 2. sg. véṣi also as Impv. RV
- 3. pl. vyánti RV. AV. Br
- Subj. 2. 3. sg. ves RV
- Impv. [v�Ihí], viitāt ib
- 3. pl. viyantu TS
- p. Ā. vyāná RV
- pf. vivāya, vivye ib
- aor. avaiṣīt Gr
- 3. pl. aveṣan Subj. veṣat RV
- fut. vetā, veṣyati inf. vetum Gr.), to go, approach, (either as a friend, i.e. 'seek or take eagerly, grasp, seize, accept, enjoy', or as an enemy, i.e. 'fall upon, attack, assail, visit, punish, avenge') RV. AV. TS. Br
- to set in motion, arouse, excite, impel RV
- to further, promote, lead or bring or help any one to (two acc.) ib
- to get, procure ib.: Pass. -viiyáte &c. AV. Br.: Caus. vāyayati or vāpayati (aor. aviivayat), to cause to go or approach &c
- to impregnate Pāṇ. 6-1, 55: Desid. viviiṣati Gr.: Intens., See ā-√vii and √vevii. [Cf., accord. to some, Lat. ve-nari ; Germ. weida, Weide, weiden.]
- vī́ mfn. going to, eager for, desirous or fond of (gen.) RV. i, 143, 5 (cf. deva-vií, pada-vií)
- set in motion ( See parṇa-v○)
- m. the act of going, motion L
- vītá mfn. gone, approached &c
- desired, liked, loved, pleasant RV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- straight, smooth RV. iv, 2, 11 ; ix, 97, 17
- trained, quiet Rājat
- (ā), f. a line, row (= rāji). ĀśvGṛ
- n. a wish, desire TĀr
- the driving or guiding of an elephant (with a goad) &c. Śiś. v, 47
- ○tama (viitá-), mfn. most acceptable or pleasant RV
- ○pṛṣṭha (viitá-), mf(ā)n. straight-backed (as a horse) ib
- ○vat mfn. containing the word viita or other forms fr. √vii ĀśvŚr
- ○vāra (viitá-), mfn. straight-tailed (as a horse) ib
- ○havya (viitá-), mfn. one whose offerings are acceptable ib
- m. N. of a man with the patr. āṅgirasa (author of RV. vi, 15) Anukr
- of a man with the patr. śrāyasa TS. PañcavBr
- of a king who obtained the rank of a Brāhman MBh
- of a son of Śunaka and father of Dhṛiti Pur
- of Kṛishṇa Pañcar
- pl. the sons of Vīta-havya MBh
- ○vyôpâkhyāna n. N. of a ch. of the Vāsishṭha-rāmâyaṇa
- vītí f. (dat. viitáye often used as inf.) enjoyment, feast, dainty meal, full draught &c. RV
- advantage, profit ib. (L. also light, lustre, = gati, prajana, dhāvana)
- m. a partic. Agni AitBr
- ○rādhas (viití-), mfn. affording enjoyment RV
- ○hotra (viití-), mfn. inviting to enjoyment or to a feast ib
- invited to a feast (as gods) VS
- m. fire or the god of fire Rājat. BhP. (pl. the worshippers of fire in any form Cat.)
- the sun L
- N. of a king MBh
- of a son of Priya-vrata BhP
- of a son of Indra-sena ib
- of a son of Su-kumāra ib
- of a son of Tāla-jaṅgha ib. VP. (pl. his descendants)
- of a priest Cat
- -dayitā or -priyā f. 'beloved of Vīti-hotra i.e. Agni', N. of a Svāhā Pañcar
- vī7 (vi- √5. i), P. vy-eti (3. pl. viyanti
- impf. vy-ait
- pf. vii7yāya
- inf. vy-etum
- for vyayati, vyayayati, See √vyay), to go apart or in different directions, diverge, be diffused or scattered or distributed or divided or extended RV. &c. &c. [Page 1004, Column]
- to be lost, perish, disappear Up. MBh. &c
- to go through, traverse RV. VS. AitBr.: Intens. (or cl. 4) Ā. vii7yate, to pass through, traverse RV
- vī7ta mfn. gone away, departed, disappeared, vanished, lost (often ibc. = free or exempt from, without, -less) Up. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○kalmaṣa mfn. freed from taint or sin Mn. xii, 22
- ○kāma mfn. free from desire W
- ○ghṛṇa mfn. one from whom mercy has departed, merciless MW
- -tā f. mercilessness ib
- ○cinta mfn. free from anxiety about (loc.) Śak
- ○janma-jarasa mfn. not subject to birth or old age Kir
- ○trasareṇu mfn. = -rāga, free from passions or affections Bālar. iv, 11/12 (printed -trās○)
- ○tṛṣṇa mfn. free from all passions or desires L
- ○dambha mfn. free from pride, humble L
- ○bhaya m. 'fearless, undaunted', N. of Śiva Śivag
- of Vishṇu L
- ○bhī mfn. free from fear, intrepid Mn. vii, 64
- ○bhīti mfn. id. Śiś. xviii, 84
- m. N. of an Asura Kathās
- ○matsara mfn. free from envy or passion Mn. xi, 111
- ○manyu mfn. free from resentment or anger KaṭhUp
- exempt or free from sorrow MBh
- ○mala mfn. free from obscurity or darkness, clear, pure MW
- ○moha mfn. freed from illusion MW
- ○hôpâkhyāna n. N. of wk
- ○rāga mfn. free from passions or affections, dispassionate, desireless, calm, tranquil MBh. Kāv. &c. (also applied to 8 partic. Bodhi-sattvas and their attributes)
- not attached to (loc.) HPariś
- colourless, bleached W
- m. a sage with subdued passions (esp. applied to a Buddhist or Jaina saint). L
- -bhaya-krodha mfn. free from passions and fear and anger Bhag
- -bhūmi f. one of the 7 stages in the life of a Śrāvaka Buddh
- -stuti f. N. of a Jaina wk
- ○viruddha-buddhi mfn. one whose hostile feelings have passed away, peaceable W
- ○viṣa mfn. free from impurities, clear (as water) Dhanaṃj
- ○vrīḍa mfn. shameless Bhartṛ
- ○śaṅka mfn. fearless, intrepid (am ind.) Śiś
- ○śoka mfn. free from sorrow ŚvetUp. MBh
- m. the Aśoka tree, Jonesia Asoka MBh
- (ā), f. N. of a town HPariś
- ○ka-tā f. freedom from sorrow Yājñ
- ○ka-bhaya mfn. free from sorrow and fear Mn. vi, 32
- ○ka-bhayâbādha mfn. free from the disturbance of sorrow and fear MW
- ○spṛha mfn. free from wish or desire W
- ○hiraṇmaya mfn. one who does not possess any golden vessels (-tva n.) Ragh. v, 2
- vī7târci (or ○cis), mfn. one whose flame is extinguished ĀpŚr
- vī7tâśoka m. a proper N. (= vigatâśoka) Buddh
- vī7tôccayabandha mfn. having the fastening of the knot gone Kir
- vī7tôttara mfn. having no answer, unable to reply (am ind.) Amar
- vī7tí f. separation TS
- vī mfn. (weak form of √vye) covered (cf. hiraṇya-vií)
- vītá mfn. covered, hidden, concealed RV. (cf. kṛtsna-v○)
- covered or wrapped in, girt with (instr.) ib. BhP
- ○sūtra n. the sacred thread or cord Vikr. v, 19 (cf. ni- and upa-viita)
- vītaka n. a vessel for camphor and sandal powder L
- (in a-v○) = vi-viita, an inclosed spot of ground Yājñ. ii, 291
- vītin m. N. of a man (pl. his family) Saṃskārak
- vī m. = 1. vi, a bird ( See takva-vií)
- f. a female bird L
- vīka m. a 'bird' or 'wind' Uṇ. iii, 47 Sch
- = manas L
- vī in comp.= 3. vi (in vii-kāśa, -cayana, -taṃsa, -nāha, -barha, -mārga, -rudh, -vadha, -vāha, -vidha, -vṛta, -sarpa, -hāra, qq.vv.)
- vī-kāśa m.= 1. vi-k○ L
- = 2. vi-k○, brightness, light, lustre Daś
- vīkṛḍa mfn. (applied to Rudra) MaitrS. (vḷ.)
- vī7kṣ (vi-√īkṣ), Ā. vii7kṣate (ep. also P.), to look at, see, behold ŚBr. &c. &c
- to look upon, regard (pitṛ-vat, as a father) R
- (with hṛdi) to see in the heart, ponder R
- to consider, observe, discern, ascertain, understand Mn. MBh. &c
- to think fit or proper Suśr
- to look over, peruse, study VarBṛS.: Pass. vii7kṣyate, to be looked at &c
- to look like, appear Vikr
- vī7kṣa m. sight, seeing W
- (ā) f. id. R
- investigation Cat
- knowledge, intelligence BhP
- unconsciousness, fainting L. [Page 1004, Column]
- n. surprise, astonishment W
- any visible object ib
- ○kṣâpanna (or ○kṣâp○), mfn. astonished, surprised ib
- ○kṣâraṇya-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- vī7kṣaṇa n. (ifc. f. ā) looking at, seeing, inspection, investigation ŚrS. MBh. &c
- a glance, gaze Kāv. VarBṛS. BhP
- the eye Śiś. xviii, 30
- (in astrol.) aspect of the planets VarBṛS
- vī7kṣaṇīya mfn. to be looked at or regarded or considered, visible, observable Kāv. Kathās
- vī74kṣita mfn. looked at, seen, beheld, regarded VS. &c. &c
- n. a look, glance Kālid. Bhartṛ
- vī7kṣitavya mfn. = vii7kṣaṇīya (n. impers. it should be looked &c.) Kathās
- vī7kṣitṛ mfn. one who looks at or sees (ifc.) BhP
- vī7kṣya mfn. = vii7kṣaṇīya L
- astonishing, wonderful W
- m. a dancer, actor L
- a horse L
- n. wonder, surprise, wonderful object L
- vīkhā f. (cf. vii7ṅkhā) a partic. motion Siṃhâs
- vīṅka n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- vī7ṅkh (vi-√īṅkh), Caus. vii7ṅkhayati (only 3. du. impf. vy-aiṅkhayatām), to toss to and fro, swing PañcavBr
- vī7ṅkhā f. a partic. mode of moving, dancing &c. (also 'one of a horse's paces') L
- = saṃdhi L
- Carpopogon Pruriens L
- vī74ṅgita mfn. (fr. vi-√iṅg) tossed, moved to and fro TBr. (wṛ. vii7ṅkita)
- vīca See under viici
- vī-cayana n. = vi-c○ ( See vi- √2. ci), research, inquiry W
- vī́ci f. (prob. fr. vi + 2. añc) going or leading aside or astray, aberration, deceit, seduction RV. x, 10, 6
- also m. (L.) and (ī), f. (ifc. ○ci, or ○cika) a wave, ripple Kāv. VarBṛS. &c
- 'wave' as N. of a subdivision of a chapter (called pravāha, 'river') Sadukt
- (prob. for a-viici) a partic. hell R. (L. also = sukha, avakāśa, svalpa, alpa, āli, kiraṇa)
- ○kṣobha m. agitation or roughness of waves Megh
- ○taraṃga-nyāya m. wave-undulation-method (or the rule by which sound reaches the ear, a term used to denote successive operation) Bhāshāp
- ○mālin m. 'wave-garlanded', the ocean L
- vīca prob. for viici (in ambu-viica, N. of a king MBh. i, 7476)
- vīcī-kāka m. a partic. bird MārkP
- vīj (cf. √1. vij), cl. 1. P. Ā. viijati, ○te (pf. vivyajuḥ), to fan, cool by blowing upon or fanning, Hāriv
- to sprinkle with water MBh. (according to Dhātup. vi, 24 only Ā. 'to go'): Caus. or cl. 10 (Dhātup. xxxv, 84), viijayati (Pass. viijyate), to fan, blow, kindle (fire) MBh. R. &c
- to stroke, caress Suśr
- vījana m. N. of two kinds of bird (= koka and jīvaṃ-jīva) L
- n. fanning, wafting Kāv. Kathās. &c
- a fan Bhpr
- = vastu L
- vījita mfn. fanned, cooled &c
- sprinkled with water, wetted Hariv. (vḷ. vejita)
- vījya See sukha-v○
- vīja &c. See bīja
- vīṭa n. (only in Siddh.) or viiṭā f. a small piece of wood shaped like a barley-corn and about a span long (it was struck with a stick or bat in a kind of game, like tip-cat, played by boys ; accord. to some it was a kind of metal ball ; others say it was held in the mouth as a form of penance) MBh. i, 5050 (Sch.) &c
- ○mukha (viiṭā-), mfn. holding the Vīṭā in the mouth VP
- vīṭaka n. (also written bīṭaka) a preparation of the Areca nut with spices and lime rolled up together in a leaf of the betel plant (commonly called betel or Pān) Pañcad
- (ikā), f. id. Daś. Kathās. &c
- a tie or fastening (of a garment) Amar
- vīṭi or f. the betel plant, Piper Betel L
- vīṭī f. the betel plant, Piper Betel L
- vīḍ (accord. to some connected with √viṣ), only Caus. viiḍáyati, or viiḻayati, ○te, (P.) to make strong or firm, strengthen, fasten RV. viii, 45, 6
- (Ā.) to be strong or firm or hard ib. ii, 37, 3 &c
- vī́ḍita or mfn. made strong, strengthened, firm, hard RV. [Page 1005, Column]
- vī́ḻita mfn. made strong, strengthened, firm, hard RV. [Page 1005, Column]
- vīḍú or mf(○ḍvii)n. strong, firm, hard RV. VS
- vīḻú mf(○ḍvii)n. strong, firm, hard RV. VS
- n. anything firmly fixed or strong, stronghold RV
- ○jambha (viiḍú-), mfn. strong-jawed RV
- ○dvéṣas mfn. hating the strong or hating strongly ib
- ○pátman mfn. flying strongly or incessantly ib
- ○paví mfn. having strong tires (as the Maruts) ib
- ○pāṇí (or viiḍú-p○), mfn. strong-handed, strong-hoofed ib
- ○haras (viiḍú-), mfn. seizing firmly, holding fast ib
- ○harṣín mfn. (prob.) fiercely passionate, refractory ib
- vīḍv-âṅga mfn. stronglimbed, firm in body ib
- vī́ṇā f. (of doubtful derivation) the Vīṇā or Indian lute (an instrument of the guitar kind, supposed to have been invented by Nārada, q.v., usually having seven wires or strings raised upon nineteen frets or supports fixed on a long rounded board, towards the ends of which are two large gourds
- its compass is said to be two octaves, but it has many varieties according to the number of strings &c.) TS. ŚBr. &c. &c
- (in astrol.) a partic. configuration of the stars (when all planets are situated in 7 houses) VarBṛS
- lightning L
- N. of a Yoginī Cat
- of a river MBh
- ○karṇa m. 'Lute-ear', N. of a man Hit
- ○gaṇakin m. a music-master, the leader of a musical band ĀpŚr
- ○gaṇagin (viíṇā-), m. id. ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr
- ○gāthín m. a lute-player TBr. ŚBr. GṛŚrS
- ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- ○tūṇava n. sg. lutes and flutes ĀpŚr
- ○daṇḍa m. 'lute-stick', the neck or long rounded board of a lute L
- ○datta m. N. of a Gandharva Kathās
- ○"ṣnubandha (viiṇân○), m. the tie of a lute (or lower part of one of its ends where the wires are fixed) L
- ○paṇava-tūṇa-vat mfn. (tūṇa for tūnava) furnished with a lute and a drum and a flute R
- ○pāṇi m. 'Lute-hand', N. of Nārada Pañcar
- ○praseva m. the damper on a lute L
- ○bhid f. a kind of lute MW
- ○rava m. (ifc. f. ā) the sound of a lute Kathās
- mfn. humming like a lute (ā f. N. of a fly) Pañcat
- ○vaṃśa-śalākā f. around-headed peg round which the string of a lute is bound L
- ○vat mfn. possessed of a lute (atī f. N. of a woman) Pāṇ. 6-1, 219 Sch
- ○vatsa-rāja m. N. of a king Pañcat
- ○vādá m. a lute-player, lutanist VS. ŚBr. ĀpŚr
- playing on a lute Bhartṛ
- ○vādaka m. a lutanist L
- ○vādana n. a plectrum for sounding a lute L
- ○vādya n. playing on a lute L
- ○vinoda m. N. of a Vidyādhara Bālar
- ○śilpa n. the art of playing on the lute Pañcar
- ○"ṣsya (viiṇâsya), m. 'Lute-faced', N. of Nārada L
- ○hasta mfn. bolding a lute in his hand (Śiva) Śivag
- vīṇāla mfn. (fr. viiṇā), g. sidhmâdi
- vīṇin mfn. (fr. id
- g. vrīhy-ādi) furnished with a lute, playing on a lute Megh. Kathās
- vīta mfn. (prob. fr. √vai
- for 1. 2. 3. viita See under √1. 3. 4. vii) worn out, useless L
- n. a useless horse or elephant L
- vī-taṃsa m. (fr. 1. vi + t○
- cf. vi-t○) a cage or net or any enclosure for catching or confining or keeping birds or beasts Hcar
- vītana m. du. (possibly fr. vi + √tan) the sides or cartilages of the larynx or throat L
- vīti m.= 1. pīti, a horse Rājat
- vī-tta mfn. (for vi-datta, √1. dā) APrāt. Sch. (cf. parī-tta)
- vīthi or viithī f. (perhaps fr. √vii
- 1. viita) a row, line Kāv. Rājat
- a road, way, street MBh. Kāv. &c
- a race-course Śiś. v, 60
- a market, stall, shop ib. ix. 32
- a row of pictures, pictures-gallery Uttarar. (vḷ. viithikā)
- a partic. division of the planetary sphere (comprising 3 asterisms) VarBṛS
- a terrace in front of a house L
- a sort of drama (having an amatory intrigue for its plot and said to be in one act and performed by one or two players) Bhar. Daśar. &c
- vīthika m. or n. (only m. c.) or a row, line, Ratnâv. Kathās
- vīthiḍkā f. a row, line Ratnâv. Kathās
- a road, street R
- a terrace in front of a house Hariv. VarBṛS
- a picture-gallery Uttarar. (vḷ. for viithi)
- a sort of drama ( See under viithi) Bhar
- vīthī in comp. for viithi
- ○kṛta mfn. placed or arranged in rows MBh
- ○mārga m. one of an elephant's paces L
- vīthīka (ifc.) = viithī Bhar
- vīthy in comp. for viithi
- ○aṅga n. a division of the Vīthi drama (described as a kind of dialogue consisting in quibble, equivoque, jest, abuse, and the like) W. [Page 1005, Column]
- vīdhra mfn. (accord. to Uṇ. ii, 26 fr. vi + √indh) clean, clear, pure L
- n. (only in loc.) a clear sky, sunshine AV. Kāṭh
- wind L
- fire L
- ○bindu m. a rain-drop fallen in sunshine Kāṭh
- ○samṛddha mfn. said to = nabhas, vāyu, agni ib
- vī́dhrya mfn. relating to the clear sky VS
- vī7n (vi-√in, or inv), P. vii7noti, to drive away, scatter, disperse RV
- to send forth in various ways, bestow ib
- vī-nāha f. N. of a river MW. (cf. viiṇā)
- vī-nāha m. (for 3. vi + n○
- √nah) the top or cover of a well MBh
- a kind of small sacrificial grass L
- vī-nāhin m. (fr. prec.) a well L
- vī74ndra mfn. (for 3. vi + indra) that from which Indra is excluded TS. (cf. apêndra)
- vī7ndv-arka mfn. (fr. 3. vi + indu + arka) without or exclusive of the moon and the sun Laghuj
- vīpa mfn. (fr. 3. vi + ap) destitute of water, waterless Pat
- vī7ps (Desid. of vy-√āp), P. vii74psati, to wish to pervade Pat
- vī7psā f. 'the desire of pervading' (with any property or quality simultaneously or continuously), several or successive order or series, distributiveness, repetition (esp. repetition of words to imply continuous or successive action
- e.g. vṛkṣaṃ vṛkṣaṃ siñcati, he waters tree after tree
- mandam mandaṃ nudati pavanaḥ, 'gently, gently breathes the wind', Pāṇ. 8-1, 4 Vām. v, 2, 87), APrāt. Pāṇ. Śaṃk
- ○vicāra m. N. of wk
- vī-barhá m. (for 3. vi + b○
- √1. bṛh) scattering, dispersing AV
- vībukośa (?), m. = cāmara, a chowrie W
- vībh See √bībh
- vī-mārga m. (for 3. vi + m○
- √mṛj) Pāṇ. 6-3, 122 Sch
- vī7r (vi-√īr
- only aor. vy-airat), to split, break into pieces, tear open, divide asunder RV.: Caus. vii7rayati (impf. vy-airayat), id. ib
- vīr cl. 10. Ā. (Dhātup. xxxv, 49
- rather Nom. fr. viirá below) viiráyate, to be powerful or valiant, display heroism RV. VS. TBr
- (P. viirayati) to overpower, subdue Nir. i, 7
- virá m. a man, (esp.) a brave or eminent man, hero, chief (sometimes applied to gods, as to Indra, Vishṇu &c
- pl. men, people, mankind, followers, retainers) RV. &c. &c
- a hero (as opp. to a god) RTL. 272, n
- a husband MBh. R. Pur
- a male child, son (collect. male progeny) RV. AV. Br. GṛŚrS
- (collect. male progeny) RV. AV. Br. GṛŚrS
- the male of an animal AV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- (with, Tāntrikas) an adept (who is between the divya and the paśu RTL. 191) Rudray
- (in dram.) heroism (as one of the 8 Rasas q.v.
- the Vīra-carita q.v. exhibits an example) Bhar. Daśar. Sāh. &c
- an actor W
- a partic. Agni (son of Tapas) MBh
- fire, (esp.) sacred or sacrificial fire L
- N. of various plants (Terminalia Arunja
- Nerium Odorum
- Guilandina Bonduc, manioc-root) L
- N. of an Asura MBh
- of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra ib
- of a son of Bharad-vāja ib
- of a son of Purusha Vairāja and father of Priya-vrata and Uttāna-pāda Hariv
- of a son of Gṛiñjima ib
- of two sons of Kṛishṇa BhP
- of a son of Kshupa and father of Viviṃśa MārkP
- of the father of Līlāvatī ib
- of a teacher of Vinaya Buddh
- of the last Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇi L
- (also with bhaṭṭa, ācārya &c.) of various authors &c. Cat
- (pl.) of a class of gods under Manu Tāmasa BhP
- (ā), f. a wife, matron (whose husband and sons are still alive) L
- an intoxicating beverage ib
- N. of various plants and drugs (Flacourtia Cataphracta
- Convolvulus Paniculatus
- Gmelina Arborea
- the drug Ela-vāluka &c.) L
- (in music) a partic. Śruti Saṃgīt
- N. of the wife of Bharad-vāja L
- of the wife of Karaṃ-dhama MārkP
- of a river MBh. (B. vāṇī)
- n. (only L.) a reed (Arundo Tibialis)
- the √of ginger(?)
- pepper
- rice-gruel
- the √of Costus Speciosus, of Andropogon Muricatus &c. [Page 1005, Column]
- mf(ā)n. heroic, powerful, strong, excellent, eminent L. [Cf. Lat. vir ; Lith. vy4ras ; Goth. wair ; Angl. Sax. [wr], [wre-wulf] ; Eng. werewolf ; Germ. Werwolf, Wergeld.]
- ○karā f. 'hero-forming', N. of a river MBh. (B. viiraṃ-k○)
- ○kárma n. 'performing virile acts', the membrum virile RV
- ○karman n. manly deed Nir
- ○kāṭī f. N. of a village Kshitîś
- ○kāma mfn. desirous of male offspring ŚāṅkhBr. ŚrS
- ○kīṭa m. 'worm of a hero', a pitiful warrior MW
- ○kukṣi (viirá-), f. (a woman) bearing sons in the womb RV
- ○ketu m. N. of a man with the patr. Pāñcāla-putra MBh
- of a king of Ayodhyā Kathās
- of a king of Pāṭalī Daś
- ○kesarin (or -keś○), m. N. of a king Cat
- ○kṣurikā f. a dagger Kathās
- ○gati f. 'a hero's resort', Indra's heaven MBh. BhP
- ○gotra n. a family of heroes MārkP
- ○goṣṭhi f. conversation between heroes Hcar
- ○ghnī See viira-han
- ○ṃ-karā See viira-k○
- ○cakra n. (with Tāntrikas) N. of a mystic diagram RTL. 196
- an army of heroes ( See next)
- ○krêśvara m. lord of an army of heroes', N. of Vishṇu Pañcar
- ○cakṣuṣmat mfn. having the eye of a hero (said of Vishṇu) R
- ○carita or n. 'exploits of the hero', N. of a celebrated drama by Bhava-bhūti (= mahāviira-carita, q.v.) and of a legendary history of Śāli-vāhana
- ○caritra n. 'exploits of the hero', N. of a celebrated drama by Bhava-bhūti (= mahāviira-carita, q.v.) and of a legendary history of Śāli-vāhana
- ○carya m. N. of a king Buddh
- (ā), f. the deeds of a hero, adventurous exploits Kathās. Rājat
- ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of an extract from the Śārṅgadhara Paddhati
- ○jánana mfn. generating hero MaitrS
- ○jayantikā f. a kind of dance performed by soldiers after a victory or on going to battle, wardance, war, battle L
- ○jāta (viirá-), mfn. (wealth) consisting in men or sons RV
- ○jita m. N. of a man Kathās
- ○taṇḍula n. Amaranthus Polygonoides L
- ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra wk. (also -yāmala) RTL. 204
- ○tama (viirá-), m. (ifc. f. ā) a very strong or powerful man, an eminent hero RV. AV. MBh
- ○tara (viirá-), mfn. stronger, bolder
- m. a great or a greater hero RV. MBh
- an arrow L
- a corpse (?) L
- n. = viiraṇa, Andropogon Muricatus
- ○râsana n. a partic. posture L
- ○taru m. N. of various trees and other plants (Pentaptera Arjuna
- Andropogon Muricatus, Barleria Longifolia &c.) L
- ○tā (viirá-), f. or n. heroism, manliness VS. MBh. &c
- ○tva n. heroism, manliness VS. MBh. &c
- ○tāpinyupaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad
- ○tṛṇa n. Andropogon, Muricatus L
- ○datta m. N. of a poet
- -gṛhapati-paripṛcchā f. N. of wk
- ○dāman m. N. of a king, Inscr
- ○deya wṛ. for vaira-d○
- ○deva m. N. of various men Kathās. Rājat
- of a poet Cat
- ○dyumna m. N. of a king MBh
- ○dru m. Terminalia Arunja L
- ○dhanvan m. 'having a powerful bow', N. of Kāma-deva (god of love) L
- ○dhara m. N. of a wheelwright Pañcat
- ○nagara n. N. of a town VP
- ○nātha m. N. of a man Rājat
- mf(ā)n. having a hero as protector R
- ○nārāyaṇa m. N. of a king and a poet Cat
- -carita n. and ○yaṇīya n. N. of wks
- ○ṃ-dhara m. (only L.) a peacock
- fighting with wild beasts
- a leather cuirass or jacket
- N. of a river
- ○paṭṭa m. a kind of military dress or accoutrement (worn round the forehead) Rājat
- ○pattrī f. a kind of bulbous plant L
- ○patnī (viirá-), f. the wife of a hero RV. MBh. &c
- -vrata n. a partic. observance Hariv. Kāv. Pur
- ○parākrama m. N. of two wks
- ○parṇa n. a partic. drug (= suraparṇa) L
- ○pāṇa or n. the drink of warriors or heroes (taken before or during a battle, for refreshment or to raise the courage) L
- ○pāṇaka n. the drink of warriors or heroes (taken before or during a battle, for refreshment or to raise the courage) L
- ○pāṇḍya m. N. of a king Cat
- ○pāna n. = -pāṇa R
- ○pura n. N. of a town in the district of Kānyakubja Hit
- of a mythical town in the Himâlaya mountains Kathās
- ○puruṣa m. (ifc. f. ā) a heroic man, hero R. Hariv. &c. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 58 Sch.)
- ○ṣaka mfn. (a village) the men of which are heroes Pat
- ○puṣpa m. a kind of plant L
- (ī), f. = siṅdūra-puṣpī L
- ○peśas (viirá-), m. forming the ornament of heroes RV
- ○poṣí m. thriving or prosperous condition of men or of sons AV
- ○prajāyinī (MBh.),
- ○prajāvatī (MārkP.), f. the mother of a hero
- ○prabha m. N. of a man Kathās
- ○pramokṣa N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- ○prasavā (Kum.),
- ○prasavinī (Mcar.),
- ○prasū (Bālar.), f. a woman who brings forth heroes
- ○bali m. N. of wk
- ○bāhu m. 'strong-armed', N. of Vishṇu L
- of one of the sons of Dhṛita-rāshṭra and various kings and other men MBh
- of a monkey R
- ○bukka m. N. of the founder of Vidyā-nagara BhP., Introd. ( See bukka). [Page 1006, Column]
- ○bhaṭa m. a warrior, hero Daś
- N. of a king of Tāmra-lipta Kathās
- ○bhadra m. a distinguished hero L
- a horse fit for the Aśva-medha sacrifice L
- Andropogon Muricatus L
- N. of a Rudra Yājñ. Sch
- of an incarnation or form of Śiva (sometimes regarded as his son, and worshipped esp. in the Marāṭha country
- in the Vāyu-Purāṇa he is said to have been created from Śiva's mouth in order to spoil the sacrifice of Daksha, and is described as having a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet, and wielding a thousand clubs
- his appearance is fierce and terrific, he is clothed in a tiger's skin dripping with blood, and he bears a blazing bow and battle-axe
- in another Purāṇa he is described as produced from a drop of Śiva's sweat) MBh. Pur. Kathās. &c. (RTL. 79 ; 82)
- of a warrior on the side of the Pāṇḍavas MBh
- of a king and various authors Cat
- -kālikā-vacana n. N. of a ch. of the Vīra-bhadra-tantra
- -campū f. N. of a poem
- -jit m. 'conqueror of Vīra', N. of Vishṇu Pañcar
- -tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- -deva m. N. of a king and author (16th century
- -campū f. N. of a poem written in his praise)
- -mantra m. -vijaya m. N. of wks
- -vijṛmbhaṇa n. N. of a drama Daśar., Introd
- -sutā f. a daughter of Vīra-bhadra
- -stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- ○bhadraka n. Andropogon Muricatus L
- ○bhavat m. 'your heroic worship' (in reverential address) Kathās
- ○bhānu m. N. of a king and an author Cat
- ○bhāryā f. the wife of a hero L
- ○bhāva m. heroic nature, heroism, Veṇis
- ○bhukti f. N. of a place Cat. (prob. for tīra-bhukti)
- ○bhuja m. N. of two kings Kathās
- ○bhūpati m. N. of a king of Vijaya-nagara (patron of Cauṇḍappâcārya) Cat
- ○matī f. N. of a woman HPariś
- ○matsya m. pl. N. of a people R
- ○maya mf(ī)n. (with Tāntrikas) relating or belonging to an initiated person L
- ○mardana m. N. of a Dānava Hariv
- ○mardanaka wṛ. for mardalaka
- ○mardala or m. a war-drum L
- ○mardaḍlaka m. a war-drum L
- ○malla m. N. of a man Cat
- ○mahêśvara m. (with ācārya) N. of an author ib
- ○râcāra-saṃgraha m. ○rīya and ○rīya-tantra n. N. of wks
- ○māṇikya m. N. of a king Prasannar
- ○mātṛ f. the mother of a male child or of a hero MBh. BhP
- ○mānin mfn. thinking one's self a hero Kathās
- m. N. of a hero Vcar
- ○mārga m. the course or career of a hero MBh. Hariv
- ○māhendra-kāṇḍa n. N. of wk
- ○mitrôdaya m. N. of a short Comm. on the Mitâksharā IW. 304
- ○miśra m. N. of the author of the Vīra-mitrôdaya (commonly called Mitra-miśra) Cat
- ○mukunda-deva m. N. of a king of Utkala (the patron of Mārkaṇḍeya-kavîndra) ib
- ○mudrikā f. an ornament or ring worn on the middle toe W
- ○m-manya mfn. = viira-manya Bālar. Prasannar
- ○yoga-vaha mfn. promoting men or heroes MBh. xiii, 6526
- ○yoga-saha mfn. resisting men or hṭheroes ib. (B.)
- ○rajas n. red lead, minium (= sindūra) L
- ○ratha m. N. of a king VP
- ○rasa m. the Rasa of heroism ( See rasa) MW
- ○rāghava m. N. of various authors and teachers (also with ācārya and śāstrin) Cat
- -stava m. N. of wk
- ○viiya n. N. of a poem (abridgment of the Rāmâyaṇa)
- ○reṇu m. N. of Bhīma-sena L
- ○lalita n. a hero's natural way of acting VarBṛS
- N. of a metre ib
- ○loka m. 'hero-world', Indra's heaven MBh. R
- pl. brave warriors or champions, heroes MBh
- ○vakṣaṇa (viirá-), mfn. strengthening or refreshing heroes RV
- ○vat (viirá-), mfn. abounding in men or heroes, having followers or sons RV
- consisting in men (as wealth or property) ib
- manly, heroic ib
- (atī), f. a woman whose husband is living BhP
- a partic. fragrant plant (= māṃsa-rohiṇī) Bhpr
- N. of a river MBh
- of a woman Kathās
- n. wealth consisting in men or sons RV
- ○vatsā f. the mother of a hero L
- ○vara m. 'best of heroes', N. of various men Kathās. Hit
- -pratāpa m. N. of a king Cat
- ○varman m. N. of various men Inscr
- ○váh (strong form vā́h), mfn. conveying men RV
- ○vākya n. a heroic word MārkP
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting in heroic words Kathās
- ○vāda m. heroic fame, glory Mcar
- ○vāmana m. N. of an author Cat
- ○vikrama m. (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt
- N. of a king Hit
- ○vijaya m. N. of a drama
- ○víd mfn. procuring men or heroes AV
- ○viplāvaka m. 'disturber of the sacrificial fire', a Brāhman who performs oblations with money procured from the lowest or Śūdra caste L
- ○viruda N. of a kind of artificial verse L. (cf. śūra-śloka)
- ○vṛkṣa m. the marking-nut plant, Semecarpus Anacardium Bhpr
- Pentaptera or Terminalia Arunja L. [Page 1006, Column]
- a sort of grain, Andropogon or Holcus Sorghum L
- ○vṛndabhaṭṭa m. N. of a medical author Cat
- ○vetasa m. Rumex Vesicarius L
- ○vyūha m. an heroic or bold military array R
- ○vrata mfn. acting like a man, adhering to one's purpose BhP
- m. N. of a man (son of Madhu and Sumanas) ib
- n. heroism Bālar
- -caryā f. heroic duty or deed ib
- ○śaṅku m. an arrow L
- ○śaya m. (BhP.),
- ○śayana n. (MBh.) the couch or a dead or wounded hero (formed of arrows)
- ○śayyā f. id. MBh. Rājat. BhP
- a partic. posture MBh. (cf. viira-sthāna)
- ○śarman mṆ. of a warrior Kathās
- ○śāka m. a kind of pot-herb L
- ○śāyin mfn. lying as a dead or wounded warrior on a couch of arrows (cf. -śaya &c.) MBh
- ○śuṣma (viirá-), mfn. having heroic strength or courage RV
- ○śekhara m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Daś
- ○śaiva m. pl. a partic. Śaiva sect W
- N. of wk. by Appaya Dīkshita
- -tattva-vivaraṇa n. -dikṣā-vidhāna n. -pūrāṇa n. -pradīpikā f. -liṅgârcana-vidhi m. -siddhânta m. -siddhânta-śikhāmaṇi, m
- ○vâgama m. ○vâcāra-pradīpikā f. ○vânanda-candrikā f. ○vâmṛta-purāṇa n. ○vôtkarṣa-pradīpa m. N. of wks
- ○śrī f. (in music) a kind of composition Saṃgīt
- ○śreṣṭha m. a matchless hero MBh
- ○samanvita mfn. attended or accompanied by heroes
- ○sarasvatī m. N. of a poet Cat
- ○siṃha m. N. of various kings and authors Cat
- -deva m. N. of the patron of Mitra-miśra ib
- -mitrôdaye saṃskāra-prakaraṇa n. -śivêndra-pūjā-kārikā, f
- ○hâvaloka m. (or ○kana n.) N. of wks
- ○sū f. 'hero-bearing', the mother of a hero (-tva n.) RV. &c. &c
- the mother of a male child L
- ○sena m. 'having an army of heroes', N. of a Dānava Kathās
- of a king of Nishadha (father of Nala) MBh. Kāv. &c
- of a king of Siṃhala Kathās
- of a king of Murala Daś
- of a king of Kānyakubja Hit
- of a king of Kaliṅga (the murderer of his brother) Vās., Introd
- of a general of Agni-mitra Mālav
- of a son of Vigatâśoka Buddh
- of an author Cat
- n. N. of a partic. plant (= āruka) L
- -ja or -suta m. 'son of Vīra-sena', N. of Nala (the hero of several well-known poems, e.g. the Nalôpâkhyāna, Naishadha, Nalôdaya) MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○sainya n. garlic W
- ○soma m. N. of the author of the Hasti-vaidyaka Cat. (others call him Vīra-sena)
- ○skandha m. 'having powerful shoulders', a buffalo W
- ○sthá mfn. abiding with a man MaitrS
- ○sthāna n. place or condition of a hero ṢaḍvBr
- a partic. posture (practised by ascetics) MBh. (cf. viirâsana)
- N. of a place sacred to Śiva MBh
- ○sthāyin mfn. practising the Vīrasthāna posture MBh
- ○snākā (?), f. a stand for books &c. made of reeds or cane L
- ○svāmin m. N. of a Dānava Kathās
- (with bhaṭṭa) of the father of Medhâtithi Cat
- ○haṇa mf(ī)n. hero-killing MW. (cf. -han)
- ○hatyā f. the killing of a man, murder of a son Mn. xi, 41
- ○hán mf(ghnī́ or haṇī)n. slaying men or enemies TS. Br. MBh. R
- m. destroyer of sacrificial fire, a Brāhman who has suffered his sacred domestic fire to become extinct (either from carelessness, impiety, or absence) Vas
- N. of Vishṇu MW
- ○hari-pralāpa m. N. of a poem
- ○hotra m. pl. N. of a people MārkP
- vīrâkṣara-mālā-viruda n. N. of an artificial stanza in the Panegyric called Virudâvalī (in which the qualities of the hero are enumerated singly in alphabetical order) Cat
- vīrâkhya m. Guilandina Bonduc L
- vīrâgama n. (?) N. of wk
- vīrâcārya m. N. of an author Gaṇar
- vīrâdhvan m. = viira-mārga MBh
- an heroic death VP
- vīrânanda m. N. of a drama
- vīrā-pura n. N. of a town Cat
- vīrâmla m. a kind of dock or sorrel (= amla-vetasa) L
- vīrâruka n. a medicinal plant (= āruka) L
- vīrâśaṃsana n. 'place wished for by heroes', the post of danger in battle L
- a field of battle Śiś. xix, 79 (vḷ. vairāś○)
- keeping watch W
- a forlorn hope MW
- vīrâṣṭaka m. 'consisting of eight men', N. of one of Skanda's attendants. MBh
- vīrâsana n. 'hero-sitting' W
- sleeping out in the open air, the station of a guard or sentinel BhP. Sch
- standing on an elevated spot (= ūrdhvâvasthāna) ib
- a bivouac W
- a partic. sitting posture practised by ascetics (squatting on the thighs, the lower legs being crossed over each other, = paryaṅka, q.v
- cf. also 1. āsana, p. 159) Mn. MBh. &c
- a field of battle W
- kneeling on one knee W
- vīrêndra m. a chief of heroes Kathās
- (ī), f. N. of a yoginī Inscr
- vīrêśa m. 'chief of heroes', N. of Śiva or Vīra-bhadra L
- one who is emancipated in a certain degree Sarvad. [Page 1006, Column]
- n. a Liṅga, of Śiva Vīrêśa L
- vīrêśvara m. 'chief of heroes', N. of Śiva or Vīra-bhadra KāśīKh
- N. of various authors &c. (also with bhaṭṭa, paṇḍita, ṭhakkura, dīkṣita, maudgalya &c.) Cat
- any great hero W
- -liṅga n. N. of a sacred Liṅga (= viirêśa n.)
- -sūnu m. N. of an author Cat
- -stotra n. N. of a Stotra ib
- ○rânanda m. N. of an author ib
- vīrôjjha m. a Brāhman who omits to offer burnt offerings or neglects his sacrificial fire L
- vīrôpajīvaka m. 'subsisting by a sacrificial fire', a Brāhman who claims alms under pretence of maintaining a sacrificial fire L
- vīraká m. a little man, manikin RV. viii, 91, 2
- a pitiable hero Bālar. ix, 1/2
- Nerium Odorum L
- N. of one of the seven sages under Manu Cākshusha BhP
- of a police-master Mṛicch
- (pl.) of a people MBh
- (ikā), f. N. of a wife of Harsha Cat
- vīraṇa m. N. of a Prajā-pati (father of Vīraṇī or Asiknī) MBh. Hariv
- of a teacher Cat. (prob. wṛ. for viiraṇin)
- (ī), f. a side-glance, leer W
- a deep place ib
- N. of a daughter of Vīraṇa and mother of Cākshusha Hariv
- = n. L
- n. a fragrant grass, Andropogon Muricatus MBh
- ○stamba or m. a tuft or bunch of (fragrant) grass ib
- ○stambaka m. a tuft or bunch of (fragrant) grass ib
- vīraṇaka m. (g. riśyâdi) N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- vīraṇin m. N. of a teacher Cat
- vīrayā́ ind. (instr.) with heroism, courageously, boldly RV
- vīrayú mfn. heroic, valiant, bold ib
- vīrāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to act like a hero, show heroism Uttarar. (○yita n. impers.)
- vīriṇa m. n. (cf. bīriṇa) Andropogon Muricatus ŚBr. GṛŚrS
- (íṇī), f. See s.v
- ○tūla n. a tuft of Andropogon MṭMuricatus Kauś
- ○miśrá mfn. mixed with AṭAndropogon Muricatus ŚBr
- ○vat (in karṣū-viiriṇa-vat mfn. furnished with furrows or trenches and with the Vīriṇa plant) KātyŚr
- vīríṇī f. a mother of sons RV. x, 86, 9
- N. of a wife of Daksha (also called Asiknī, daughter of Vīraṇa and mother of a thousand sons
- cf. viiraṇī) MBh
- wṛ. for ūriṇī MatsyaP
- vīreṇya mfn. manly, heroic RV
- vīryá n. (ifc. f. ā) manliness, valour, strength, power, energy RV. &c. &c
- heroism, heroic deed ib
- manly vigour, virility, semen virile MBh. Kāv. &c
- efficacy (of medicine) Kum. Kir
- poison BhP
- splendour, lustre W
- dignity, consequence ib
- (ā), f. vigour, energy, virility L
- N. of a serpent-maid Kāraṇḍ
- ○kara m. 'giving strength', marrow L
- ○kāma mfn. wishing manly vigour or virility AitBr. BhP
- ○kṛ́t mfn. performing manly deeds VS. TBr
- ○kṛta (viírya-), mfn. performed with energy TBr. (Sch.)
- ○ga mfn. taking up a position which gives (a planet) great power or influence VarBṛS
- ○candra m. N. of the father of Vīrā (wife of Karaṃ-dhama) MārkP
- ○ja mfn. 'produced from manliness', a son BhP
- ○tama mfn. most potent or powerful or effective ib
- ○dhara m. pl. 'bearing strength', N. of the Kshatriyas in Plaksha-dviipa ib
- ○paṇa mf(ā)n. purchased by heroism ib
- ○parihāṇi f. (with Buddhists) loss or want of energy Dharmas. 79
- ○pāramitā f. (with Buddhists) highest degree of fortitude or energy (one of the 6 perfections) Kāraṇḍ. Dharmas. 17 (MWB. 128)
- ○prapāta m. discharge of semen virile VP
- ○pravāda n. N. of a Pūrva of the Jainas L
- ○bhadra m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○matta mfn. intoxicated by power MBh
- ○mitra m. N. of a poet Cat
- ○vat (viiryá-), mfn. possessing vigour or might, strong, powerful, efficacious, victorious AV. &c. &c
- requiring strength or power ChUp
- m. N. of a divine being reckoned among the Viśve Devā? MBh
- of a son of the tenth Manu Hariv. MārkP
- (atī), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda MBh
- -tama mfn. most powerful or efficacious ŚBr
- -tara mfn. more powerful or effṭefficacious AV. ChUp. (○ra-tva n. Śaṃk.)
- -tā f. (GopBr.), -tva n. (MBh.) power, strength, efficacy
- ○vāhin mfn. bearing or producing seed SārṅgS
- ○vibhūti f. manifestation of power or strength Kum
- ○virahita mfn. devoid of prowess or vigour W
- ○viśiṣṭa mfn. distinguished by courage or vigour ib
- ○vṛddhi-kara mfn. causing an increase of virile energy
- n. an aphrodisiac L
- ○śālin mfn. possessing vigour or heroism, strong, heroic MBh
- ○śulka n. valour or heroism (reckoned) as purchase-money Ragh. BhP
- mf(ā)n. having prowess as its price, purchased by valour MBh. R
- ○śṛṅga n. (met.) the horn of strength Ragh. [Page 1007, Column]
- ○sattvavat mfn. possessed of valour and courage MBh
- ○sampanna mfn. possessed of power or strength MBh
- ○saha m. N. of a son of Saudāsa R
- ○sena m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○hāni f. loss of vigour or virile energy, impotence W
- ○hārin m. 'stealing vigour', N. of an evil demon MārkP
- ○hīna mfn. deprived of valour, cowardly W
- seedless ib
- vīryādhāna n. 'depositing of manly essence', impregnation Pañcar
- vīryânvita mfn. possessed of strength, powerful VarBṛS
- vīryā́-vat mfn. = viiryá-vat TS. TBr. Kāṭh
- vīryávadāna n. effecting anything by prowess W
- pl. valour and achievements MW
- vīryâvadhūta mfn. overcome or surpassed in prowess W
- vīrāṇaka (Inscr.) or viirānaka (Rājat.), N. of a place
- vī-rúdh f. (once in MBh. m
- fr. 3. vi + √1. rudh = ruh, cf. vi-sruh) a plant, herb (esp. a creeping plant or a low shrub) RV. &c. &c. (viirúdhām pátiḥ, 'lord of plants', in RV. applied to Soma, in MBh. to the moon)
- a branch, shoot W
- a plant which grows again after being cut MW
- the snare or noose of Indra PārGṛ
- vī́-rudha n. (AV.),
- vī-rudhā f. (MārkP.),
- vī-rudhi (prob.) f. (VarBṛS.) a plant, herb, shrub
- vī7rtsā́ f. (fr. vi + īrts, Des. of √ṛdh) the wish to frustrate, want of success, failure AV
- vīḻu See viiḍu
- vīlaka m. the son of a Śūdra and a Gholī L
- vī-vadha vii-vadhika, vii-vidha, vii-vṛta = vi-vadha &c., qq.vv
- vī-vāha m. = vi-vāha, taking a wife, marriage ('with', saha) HPariś. Pañcad
- vīśa m. a kind cf weight (= 20 Palas = 1/5 Tulā) Hcat
- vīśa See páḍ-viiśa
- vī7ṣ (vi-√īṣ), P. vii7ṣati, to go in various directions, spread, extend Kāṭh
- vī7ṣita mfn. spread, extended ib
- vī7ṣ (vi- √3. iṣ), P. vii7cchati, to seek for TBr
- vīsa n. a kind of dance Saṃgīt
- vī-sarpa m.= vi-s○ Car
- vīsala-deva m. N. of a king Inscr
- vī-hāra m. = vi-h○, a temple, sanctuary, (esp.) a Jaina or Buddhist convent or temple W
- vuka See buka
- vuṅg See √buṅg
- vuḍ √.vruḍ
- vūḍita mfn. submersed, submerged KātyŚr. Sch
- vuṇṭ (= √viṇṭ), cl. 10. P. vuṇṭayati, 'to hurt, kill', or 'to perish' Dhātup. xxxii, 116
- vundh vus &c. See √bundh, bus
- vuhnā See buhnā
- vūrṇa vūrya, See under √2. vṛ
- vūva-śarman See būba-ś○
- vūs (only in vūsyet, said to be = prithak kuryāt) Priy
- vṛ cl. 5.9.1. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxvii, 8
- xxxi, 16, 20
- xxxiv, 8) vṛṇóti, vṛṇuté
- vṛnāti, vriṇīte
- várati, várate (mostly cl. 5 and with the prep. apa or vi
- of cl. 9. only avṛṇīdhvam AV. vi, 7, 3
- cl. 1. only in RV. [cf. also √ūrṇu]
- pf. vavā́ra, vavré RV. &c. &c. [2. sg. vavártha RV
- vavaritha, vavṛma &c., Gr
- p. vavrivás gen. vavavrúṣas RV.]
- aor. ávar or ā́var, avṛta RV. [1. sg. vam, 2. du. vartam, 3. pl. avran, p. Ā. vrāṇá, q.v., Impv. vṛdhi ib.]
- avārīt Br
- [avar�ISTa] Gr
- Subj. varṣathas RV
- Pot. vriyāt, vūryāt, variṣīṣṭa Gr
- fut. [var�ItA], [var�ISyati] ib. [Page 1007, Column]
- inf. vartum MBh., varitum Bhaṭṭ., varītum Sāh
- ind. p. vṛtvā́ RV. AV. Br
- vṛlvií RV
- vṛtvā́ya Br
- -vṛ́tya AV.), to cover, screen, veil, conceal, hide, surround, obstruct RV. &c. &c
- to close (a door) AitBr
- to ward off, check, keep back, prevent, hinder, restrain RV. AV. Bhaṭṭ.: Pass. vriyate (aor. ávāri), to be covered or surrounded or obstructed or hindered RV. MBh.: Caus. vāráyati, ○te (aor. aviivarat, áviivarata AV
- ávāvarīt RV
- Pass. vāryate MBh. &c.), to cover, conceal, hide, keep back, hold captive RV. &c. &c
- to stop, check, restrain, suppress, hinder, prevent from (abl. or inf
- rarely two acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to exclude Siddh
- to prohibit, forbid MBh
- to withhold R. Kathās. &c.: Desid. of Caus. vivārayiṣate Br.: Desid. [vivar�ISati], vuvūrṣati, ○te Gr.: Intens. vevrīyate, vovūryate, varvarti ib. [Cf. Goth. warjan ; Germ. wehren, Wehr ; Eng. weir.]
- vara
- varaka
- varaṇa &c. See p. 921, col. 1
- vārita mfn. (fr. Caus.) concealed, hidden, covered, surrounded, obstructed MBh. Kāv. &c
- prevented, prohibited, forbidden Kathās. Rājat
- vṛ́t (ifc
- for 2. See p. 1009, col. 2) surrounding, enclosing, obstructing ( See arṇo- and nadī-vṛt)
- a troop of followers or soldiers, army, host RV
- vṛtá mfn. concealed, screened, hidden, enveloped, surrounded by, covered with (instr. or comp.) RV. &c. &c
- stopped, checked, held back, pent up (as rivers) RV
- filled or endowed or provided or affected with (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- ○pattrā f. a kind of plant L. (prob. wṛ. for vṛtta-p○)
- vṛtârcis f. night L
- vṛtaṃ-cayá mfn. (acc. of vṛt + c○) collecting an army (said of Indra) RV
- vṛti f. (for 2. See col. 3) surrounding. covering W
- a hedge, fence, an enclosed piece of ground or place enclosed for partic. cultivation (esp. that of the Piper Betel, which in many parts of India is surrounded and screened by mats) Mn. MBh. &c
- ○druma m. a boundary tree L
- ○dvāra n. a gate in a hedge Pañcat
- ○bhaṅga m. a breach or fissure in a hedge ib
- ○ṃ-kara m. 'hedge-forming', Flacourtia Sapida L
- ○mārga m. a fenced road L
- vṛtya mfn. (for 2. See p. 1010, col. 2) to be surrounded or encompassed Pāṇ. 3-1, 109
- vṛtrá m. (only once in TS.) or n. (mostly in pl.) 'coverer, investor, restrainer', an enemy, foe, hostile host RV. TS
- m. N. of the Vedic personification of an imaginary malignant influence or demon of darkness and drought (supposed to take possession of the clouds, causing them to obstruct the clearness of the sky and keep back the waters
- Indra is represented as battling with this evil influence in the pent up clouds poetically pictured as mountains or castles which are shattered by his thunderbolt and made to open their receptacles [esp. RV. i, 3]
- as a Dānava, Vṛitra is a son of Tvashṭṛi, or of Danu, q.v., and is often identified with Ahi, the serpent of the sky, and associated with other evil spirits, such as Śushṇa, Namuci, Pipru, Śambara, Uraṇa, whose malignant influences are generally exercised in producing darkness or drought) RV. &c. &c
- a thunder-cloud RV. iv, 10, 5 (cf. Naigh. i, 10)
- darkness L
- a wheel L
- a mountain L
- N. of a partic. mountain L
- a stone KātyŚr. Sch
- N. of Indra(?) L
- n. wealth (= dhana) L. (vḷ. vitta)
- sound, noise (= dhvani) L
- ○khādá mfn. consuming or destroying (others 'plaguing', fr. √khid) Vṛitra RV
- m. 'devourer of enemies', N. of Bṛihas-pati MW
- ○ghnī See -hán
- ○tára m. a worse Vṛitra RV
- ○tū́r m. conquering enemies or VṭVṛitra, victorious RV. TS. &c
- ○tū́r mfn. (dat. tū́re), id. MaitrS
- ○tū́rya n. conquest of enemies or VṭVṛitra, battle, victory RV
- ○tvá n. the state or condition of being Vṛitra, Vṛitra-ship TS
- ○druh m. 'Vṛitra's foe', N. of Indra Mcar
- ○dviṣ (L.),
- ○nāśana (Hariv.), m. id
- ○putrā (vṛtrá-), f. 'having VṭVṛitra as son', Vṛitra's mother RV
- ○bhojana m. a kind of pot-herb (commonly called Samaṭh
- described by some as a kind of cucumber, = gaṇḍīra) L
- ○ripu m. = -druh VP
- ○vadha m. the killing of VṭVṛitra Nir. Hariv. (also N. of a drama and of partic. chapters of the R. and the PadmaP.)
- ○vidviṣ (Śiś.),
- ○vairin (Kathās.), m. = -druh
- ○śaṅkú m. a stone post ŚBr. (Sch. on KātyŚr.)
- ○śatru m. = -druh MBh. R. &c
- ○há mfn. slaying enemies, victorious RV
- ○hátya n. the slaying of VṭVṛitra or of enemies, victorious fight RV. ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- (ā), f. id. BhP
- ○hatha (vṛtrá-), m. id. RV. iii, 16, 1. [Page 1007, Column]
- ○hán mf(ghnī)n. killing enemies or Vṛitra, victorious RV. &c. &c. (mostly applied to Indra, but also to Agni and even to Sarasvatī)
- (ghnī), f. N. of a river MārkP
- (-hán) -tama mfn. most victorious, bestowing abundant victory RV. AV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○hantṛ m. 'slayer of Vṛitra', N. of Indra MBh
- ○hāya Nom. (fr. -ha or -han) Ā. ○yate, to act like Indra Pat
- vṛtrâri m. 'enemy of Vṛitra', N. of Indra Kathās
- vrāṇá mfn. held back, pent up (as rivers) RV
- vṛ cl. 5. 9. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxvii, 8
- xxxi, 16, 20) vṛṇoti, vṛṇute
- vṛṇā́ti, (mostly) vṛṇīté (in RV. also váras, ○rat, ○ranta, but these may be Subj. aor
- pf. vavāra Bhaṭṭ
- vavre RV. [2. sg. vavṛṣé, 1. pl. vavṛmáhe] &c. &c
- aor. avri, avṛta RV. [Pot. vurīta, p. urāṇá] &c. &c
- avṛṣi, ○ṣata AV. Br. [2. pl. avṛḍhvam] Up
- [avar�ISTa] Gr
- Prec. variṣīṣṭa ib
- fut. [var�ItA] ib
- variṣyate Br
- varīṣyate Gr
- inf. varītum Bhaṭṭ. Rājat
- varitum Gr
- ind. p. varitvā or vṛtvā GṛŚrS. &c
- varītvā Gr.), to choose, select, choose for one's self, choose as (-arthe or acc. of pers.) or for (-artham or dat., loc., instr. of thing) RV. &c. &c
- to choose in marriage, woo MBh. Kāv. &c
- to ask a person (acc.) for (acc.) or on behalf of (kṛte) R. Kathās
- to solicit anything (acc.) from (abl. or -tas), Kav. Pur
- to ask or request that (Pot. with or without iti) R. MBh
- to like better than, prefer to (abl., rarely instr.) RV. AitBr. MBh. R
- to like, love (as opp. to 'hate') MBh. v, 4149
- to choose or pick out a person (for a boon), grant (a boon) to (acc.) Rājat. iii, 421: Caus. (Dhātup. xxxv, 2) varayati, ○te (ep. also vārayati
- Pass. varyáte Br.)
- to choose, choose for one's self, choose as (acc. of pers.) or for (-artham dat. or loc. of thing), ask or sue for (acc.) or on behalf of (dat. or -arthe), choose as a wife (acc. with or without patnīm, dārān, or patny-artham) Br. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to like, love well R. [Cf. Lat. velle ; Slav. voliti ; Got. wiljian ; Germ. wollan, wollen, Wahl, wohl ; Angl. Sax. willan ; Eng. will.]
- vara
- varaka &c. See p. 922, col. 1, and p. 923
- vūrṇa mfn. chosen, selected MW
- vūrya n. 'choice', in hotṛ-vūrya, q.v
- vṛtá mfn. chosen, selected, preferred, loved, liked, asked in marriage &c. RV. &c. &c
- n. a treasure, wealth (= dhana) L
- ○kṣaya m. a preferred abode Nir. xii, 29 (to explain vṛkṣa)
- vṛti f. selecting, choosing, a choice or boon L
- ○vallabha m. N. of a drama
- vṛthak ind. (prob.) = vṛthā RV. viii, 43, 4 ; 5 (Sāy. = pṛthak)
- vṛ́thā ind. (prob. connected with √2. vṛ at will, at pleasure, at random, easily, lightly, wantonly, frivolously RV. Br. Gobh. Mn. Yājñ. MBh
- in vain, vainly, uselessly, fruitlessly, idly TBr. &c. &c. (with √kṛ, 'to make useless', disappoint, frustrate
- with √bhū, 'to be useless', be disappointed or frustrated)
- wrongly, falsely, incorrectly, unduly MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○kathā f. idle talk, nonsense W
- ○karman n. an action done uselessly or for pleasure, non-religious act Āpast
- ○"ṣkāra (○thâk○), m. a false form, empty show Pañcat. i, 62 (others 'one whose form is vain or illusory')
- ○kula-samācāra mfn. one whose family and practices (or 'family-practice') are idle or low MBh
- ○kṛsara-saṃyāva m. a kind of food, (consisting of wheat-flour, rice and sesamum and prepared for no religious purpose) Mn. v, 7
- ○"ṣgni (○thâgni), m. common fire, any fire AV. Prâyaśc
- ○"ṣghāta (○thâgh○), m. striking uselessly, killing unnecessarily W
- ○"ṣcāra (○thâc○), m. frivolous or lawless in conduct MBh
- ○cheda m. useless or frivolous cutting Yājñ
- ○janman n. useless or unprofitable birth MW
- ○jāta mfn. born in vain (i.e. 'one who neglects the prescribed rites') Mn. v, 89
- ○"ṣṭyā (○thâtyā), f. strolling about in an idle manner, travelling for pleasure (regarded as a vice in a king) Mn. vii, 47
- ○"ṣtmâyāsa (○thâtm○), m. useless self-mortification Nāg
- ○tva n. fruitlessness, futility Sāh
- ○dāna n. a useless or improper gift (as a gift promised to courtesans, wrestlers &c
- accord. to some there are 16 kinds of these gifts) Mn. viii, 139
- ○"ṣnna (○thânna), n. food for one's own use only Kauś. Gaut
- ○pakva mfn. cooked at random (i.e. only for one's own use) Gobh
- ○palita mfn. grown gray in vain Śiś. (cf. -vṛddha)
- ○paśu-ghna mfn. one who kills cattle wrongly or unnecessarily (i.e. not for sacrifice) Mn. v, 38. [Page 1008, Column]
- ○prajā f. a woman who has borne children in vain MārkP
- ○pratijña mfn. one who makes a promise rashly MW
- ○bhoga mfn. enjoying in vain or to no purpose ib
- ○mati mfn. foolish-minded, wrong-minded MBh
- ○māṃsa n. 'flesh taken at random' or 'useless flesh' (i.e. flesh not destined for the gods or Pitṛis but for one's own use only
- the eater of such flesh is said to be born as a demon) ŚBr. Mn. Gaut. &c
- m. one who eats 'useless' flesh MW
- ○"ṣrtavā (○thârt○), f. 'one whose menstrual discharge is fruitless', a barren woman Gal
- ○"ṣlambha (○thâl○), m. cutting or plucking unnecessarily Mn. xi, 144
- ○liṅga mf(ā)n. having no true cause, unsubstantiated MBh
- ○liṅgin mfn. one who wears a sectarian mark without any right to it Vishṇ
- ○vāc f. frivolous or untrue speech AitĀr. Gobh
- ○vādin mfn. speaking falsely or untruly Pañcad
- ○vṛddha mfn. grown old in vain (i.e. without growing wise) Bālar. (cf. -palita)
- ○vrata n. a false religious observance MBh
- mfn. one who performs false religious observance Hariv
- ○śrama m. vain exertion, useless labour Pañcat
- ○ṣáh (strong ṣā́h), mfn. one who easily overcomes or conquers RV
- ○saṃkara-jāta mfn. born in vain through the mixture of different castes (and hence neglectful in the performance of duties) MW
- ○suta mfn. pressed out in vain Nir. xi, 4
- vṛthôkta mfn. spoken in vain MārkP
- vṛthôtpanna mfn. born or produced in vain Mn. ix, 147
- vṛthôdaká n. pl. water flowing at random (not in a channel) ŚBr
- vṛthôdyama mfn. exerting one's self in vain BhP
- vṛṃh vṛṃhana &c. See √2. bṛh
- vṛk (prob. artificial), cl. 1. Ā. varkate, to take, seize Dhātup. iv, 18
- vṛ́ka m. (prob. 'the tearer' connected with √vrasc, cf. vṛkṇa), a wolf RV. &c. &c. (L. also 'a dog
- a jackal
- a crow
- an owl
- a thief
- a Kshatriya')
- a plough RV. i, 117, 21 ; viii, 22, 6
- a thunderbolt Naigh. ii, 20
- the moon Nir. v, 20
- the sun ib. 21
- a kind of plant (= baka) L
- the resin of Pinus Longifolia L
- N. of an Asura BhP
- of a son of Kṛishṇa ib
- of a king MBh
- of a son of Ruruka (or Bharuka) Hariv. BhP
- of a son of Pṛithu BhP
- of a son of Śūra ib
- of a son of Vatsaka ib
- (pl.) N. of a people and a country (belonging to Madhya-deśa) MBh. Pur. (cf. vārkeṇya)
- (ā), f. a kind of plant (= ambaṣṭhā) L
- (ī), f. a she-wolf RV. &c. &c
- a female jackal Nir. v, 21
- Clypea Hernandifolia L. [Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. lupus ; [1008,] Slav. [vl�uk�u] ; Lith. vílas ; Goth. wulfs ; Germ. Eng. wolf]
- ○karman mfn. acting like a wolf, wolfish Veṇis
- m. N. of an Asura Cat
- ○khaṇḍa m. N. of a man ( See vārka-khaṇḍi)
- ○garta m. or n. (?) N. of a place (○tīya mfn. ) Pāṇ. 4-2, 137 Sch
- ○grāha m. N. of a man, g. revaty-ādi
- ○jambha m. N. of a man ( See vārka-j○)
- ○tāt or (vṛká-), f. wolfishness, rapacity RV. ii, 34, 9
- ○tāti (vṛká-), f. wolfishness, rapacity RV. ii, 34, 9
- ○tojas m. N. of a son of Ślishṭi and grandson of Dhruva Hariv. VP
- ○daṃśa m. 'wolf-biter', a dog L. (vḷ. for mṛga-d○)
- ○dīpti m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa Hariv
- ○deva m. N. of a son of Vasudeva ib
- (ā or ī), f. N. of a wife of Vasudeva (daughter of Devaka) ib. VP
- ○dvaras (vṛ́ka-), mfn. RV. ii, 30, 4 (= saṃvṛta-dvāra Sāy.)
- ○dhūpa m. compounded perfume L
- turpentine L
- ○dhūmaka m. a kind of plant Car
- ○dhūrta m. 'wolf-deceiver', a jackal W
- ○dhūrtaka m. 'id.', a bear L
- a jackal L
- ○dhoraṇa m. a kind of animal L
- ○nirvṛti m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa Hariv
- ○prastha m. or n. (?) N. of a village Veṇis
- ○prêkṣin mfn. looking at (anything) like a wolf MW
- ○bandhu m. N. of a man, g. revaty-ādi
- ○bhaya n. fear of or danger from wolves Pāṇ. 1-2, 43 Sch
- ○ratha m. N. of a brother of Karna MBh
- ○rūpya (prob.) N. of a place ( See vārka-r○)
- ○lomán n. wolf's hair ŚBr
- ○vañcika m. N. of a man, g. revaty-ādi
- ○vālā f. a piece of timber at the side of a door L
- ○sthala n. N. of a village MBh
- (ī), f. N. of the town Māhishmatī L
- vṛkâkṣī f. Ipomoea Turpethum L
- vṛkâjina m. 'wolf-skin', N. of a man Pāṇ. 6-2, 165
- vrikâmlikā f. a kind of acid citron L
- vṛkârāti or m. 'wolf-enemy', a dog L
- vṛkâri m. 'wolf-enemy', a dog L
- vṛkâvalupta n. Pāṇ. 6-2, 145 Sch
- vṛkâśva m. 'wolf-horse', N. of a man (pl. his descendants), Samskārak
- vḷ. for vṛkâsya Hariv
- vṛkāśvaki m. (perhaps wṛ. for vārk○), N. of a man (pl. his descendants) Saṃskārak. [Page 1008, Column]
- vṛkâsuravadha m. 'killing of the Asura Vṛika', N. of a ch. of GaṇP
- vṛkâsya m. 'wolf-mouthed', N. of a son of Kṛishṇa Hariv. (vḷ. vṛkâśva)
- vṛkôdara m. 'wolf-bellied', N. of Bhīma (the second son of Pāṇḍu, so called from his enormous appetite, IW. 381) MBh. BhP
- of Brahmā W
- pl. a class of demons attendant on Śiva ŚivaP
- -maya mf(ī)n. (danger) arising from Bhīma MBh
- vṛkáti m. a murderer, robber RV. iv, 41, 4
- N. of a son of Jīmūta Hariv
- of a son of Kṛishṇa (?) ib
- vṛkala m. = (or wṛ. for) valkala, a garment made of bark Baudh
- N. of a son of Ślishṭi MBh. VP
- (ā́), f. a partic. intestine ŚBr
- N. of a woman, g. bāhv-ādi (cf. vārkali, vārkaleya)
- vṛkāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to resemble or act like a wolf Car
- vṛkāyú mfn. wolfish, rapacious, murderous RV
- vṛkká m. du. the kidneys AV. ŚBr. GṛŚrS. &c. (vṛ́kya, T?. ĀpŚr.)
- sg. 'averter of disease' (?) RV. i, 187, 10 (vyādher varjayitṛ Sāy.)
- (ā), f. = bukkā, the heart L
- vṛkkāvatī (?), f. N. of a partic. verse Vait
- vṛkṇá See under √vraśc
- vṛktá vṛkti &c. See under √vṛj, p. 1009, col. 1
- vṛkṣ (prob. artificial), cl. 1. Ā. vṛkṣate, to select, accept Dhātup. xvi, 3
- to cover ib
- to keep off ib
- vṛkṣá m. (ifc. f. ā
- prob. connected with √2. bṛh, 'to grow', or with √1. bṛh, 'to √up', or with √vrasc, as 'that which is felled') a tree, (esp.) any tree bearing visible flowers and fruit ( See Mn. i, 47
- but also applied to any tree and other plants, often = wood, comp.) RV. &c. &c
- the trunk of a tree RV. i, 130, 4
- a coffin AV. xviii, 2, 25
- the staff of a bow RV. AV
- a frame ( See comp.)
- Wrightia Antidysenterica Suśr
- a stimulant L
- ○kanda m. the bulb of Batatas Paniculata L
- ○kukkuṭa m. 'tree-fowl', a wild cock L
- ○keśa (vṛkṣá-), mfn. 'having trees for hair', wooded (as a mountain) RV
- ○khaṇḍa n. 'a party, i.e. number of trees', a grove Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-3, 38 (cf. -ṣaṇḍa)
- ○gulma m. pl. trees and shrubs VarBṛS
- ○mâvṛta mfn. covered with trees and shrubs Mn. vii, 192
- ○gṛha m. 'having a tree for a house', a bird L
- ○ghaṭa m. N. of an Agra-hāra Kathās
- ○candra m. N. of a king Buddh
- ○cara mfn. going or living in trees
- m. 'tree-goer', a monkey L
- ○cikitsā-ropaṇâdi m. N. of wk
- ○cūḍāmaṇika m. (prob.) a kind of animal (used to explain pūti-ghāsa) Suśr. Sch
- ○cchāya n. the shade of many trees, a grove L
- (ā), f. the shade of a tree Hit. (accord. to L. 'the shade of a single tree or of two trees')
- ○ja mf(ā)n. made of a tree, wooden Hcat
- ○jātīya mfn. belonging to the genus tree MW
- ○takṣaka m. a wood-feller R
- ○tala n. the foot of a tree or the ground about it W
- ○taila n. tree-oil, oil prepared from a tree KātyŚr. Sch
- ○traya n. three trees Ml
- ○tva n. the state or notion of 'tree' Sarvad
- ○da mfn. giving trees MBh
- ○dala n. the leaf of a tree R
- ○devatā f. a tree-divinity, dryad Pañcat
- ○dohada (prob.), n. N. of wk
- ○dhūpa or m. 'tree-resin', turpentine L
- ○dhūpaka m. 'tree-resin', turpentine L
- ○nātha or m. 'lord of trees', the Indian fig-tree L
- ○nāthaka m. 'lord of trees', the Indian fig-tree L
- ○niryāsa m. the exudation of trees, gum, resin Mn. v, 6
- ○nivāsa m. dwelling or living in a tree W
- ○parṇa n. the leaf of a tree R
- ○pāka m. the Indian fig-tree L
- ○pāla m. a wood-keeper R
- ○purī f. N. of a town Buddh
- ○bandha m. a stanza shaped like a tree IW. 456
- ○bhakṣā f. a kind of parasitical plant (= vandāka) L
- ○bhavana n. 'tree-abode', the hollow of a tree L
- ○bhid f. 'tree-splitter', an axe L
- ○bhūmi f. the ground on which a tree grows Kauś
- ○bhedin m. 'tree-splitting', a carpenter's chisel, hatchet L
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made of wood, wooden Śāntik
- abounding with trees, consisting of trees W
- ○markaṭikā f. 'tree-monkey', a squirrel Bhpr
- ○mārjāra m. a kind of animal ib
- ○mūla n. the √of a tree Mn. R
- -tā f. lying or sleeping on roots of trees (as a hermit) Kām
- -niketana mfn. dwelling at the roots of trees MW
- ○mūlika mfn. id. (with Buddhists one of the 12 Dhūta-guṇas or ascetic practices) Dharmas. 63
- ○mṛd-bhū m. 'tree-earth-born', a sort of cane or reed, Calamus Fascicularis or Rotang L. [Page 1008, Column]
- ○yuddha n. a fight with trees (or branches, used as clubs) MW
- ○rāj m. = -nātha Yājñ. Sch
- ○rāja m. N. of the Pārijāta tree Hariv
- ○ruhā f. 'tree-grower', a parasitical plant whose roots attach them selves to another plant (as Cymbidum Thessaloides), Vanda Roxburghī &c.) L
- ○ropaka m. a planter of trees R
- ○ropaṇa n. tree-planting Cat
- ○ropayitṛ m. = -ropaka Kull. on Mn. iii, 163
- ○ropin mf(iṇī)n. planting trees MBh
- ○vat m. 'abounding in trees', a mountain L
- ○vāṭikā or f. a grove of trees or garden near the residence of a minister of state L
- ○vāṭī f. a grove of trees or garden near the residence of a minister of state L
- ○vāsya-niketa m. N. of a Yaksha MBh
- ○śa m. (śa said to be fr. √śī, 'to sleep'), a lizard, a chameleon L
- ○śākhā f. the branch of a tree Hit
- ○śāyikā f. 'tree-residing,
- a squirrel Suśr
- ○śūnya mfn. destitute of trees Hariv
- ○ṣaṇḍa m. = -khaṇḍa R
- ○saṃkaṭa n. a forest-thicket Kām
- ○sarpī́ f. (prob.) a female tree-serpent AV
- ○sāraka m. Phlomis Zeylanica L
- ○secana n. the watering of trees Śak
- ○stha
- ○sthāyin or mfn. staying in or on a tree MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○sthita mfn. staying in or on a tree MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○sneha m. = -taila KātyŚr. Sch
- vṛ́kṣâgra n. the top of a tree R
- vṛkṣâṅghri m. the foot or √of a tree Hit
- vṛkṣâdana m. a carpenter's chisel or adze, hatchet, chopper &c. MBh
- the Indian fig-tree L
- the Piyāl-tree, Buchanania Latifolia L
- (ī), f. a parasitical plant (Vanda Roxburghī, Hedysarum Gangeticum &c.) L
- vṛkṣâdinī f. Vanda Roxburghī L
- vṛkṣâdiruhaka
- vṛkṣâdiḍrūḍha or wṛ. for vṛkṣâdhi-r○ &c
- vṛkṣâdirrūḍhaka wṛ. for vṛkṣâdhi-r○ &c
- vṛkṣâdividyā f. the science of trees &c., botany MW
- vṛkṣâdhirūḍhaka n. (cf. vṛkṣârūḍha) a kind of embrace Harav
- vṛkṣâdhirūḍhi f. id. Naish
- the growth or increase of a tree from the √upwards ib
- the entwining (of a creeper) round a tree L
- a kind of embrace Naish
- vṛkṣâmaya m. 'tree-disease', resin, lac Bhpr
- vṛkṣâmla m. the hog-plum, Spondias Mangifera
- n. the fruit of the tamarind used as an acid seasoning Car
- vṛkṣâyurveda m. N. of a short treatise by Sura-pāla (on the planting and cultivation of trees) and of VarBṛS. lv
- vṛkṣârūḍha n. = vṛkṣâdhirūḍhaka Naish. Sch
- vṛkṣâropaka m. the planter of a tree Mn., iii, 163
- vṛkṣâropaṇa n. the act of planting trees W
- vṛkṣârohaṇa n. the climbing of a tree GṛS
- vṛkṣârhā f. = māhā-medā L
- vṛkṣâlaya m. = ○ṣa-gṛha L
- vṛkṣâvāsa m. an ascetic, one who lives in the hollows of trees W
- a bird ib
- vṛkṣâśrayin m. 'tree-dweller', a kind of small owl L
- vṛkṣôttha mfn. growing on a tree W
- vṛkṣôtpala m. Pterospermum Acerifolium (= karṇi-kāra). L
- vṛkṣôdaya m
- vṛkṣôdyāpana n. N. of wks
- vṛkṣâukas m. 'tree-dweller', an ape Mcar
- vṛkṣaka m. a little tree (also bāla-v○) Kum. Vcar
- (esp. ifc., f. ā) any tree R. Kālid. &c. (cf. gandha- and phala-v○)
- Wrightia Antidysenterica Car
- n. the fruit of Wrightia Antidysenterica Suśr
- a stimulant L
- vṛkṣīya See eka-v○
- vṛkṣe-śaya mfn. (loc. of vṛkṣa + s○) abiding or roosting in trees (as birds) Ragh
- m. a kind of serpent Suśr
- vṛkṣyá n. tree-fruit ŚBr
- vṛgala See bṛ́gala
- vṛcayā́ f. N. of a woman (said to have been given by Indra to Kakshīvat) RV. i, 51, 13
- vṛcī́vat m. pl. N. of a family (the descendants of Vara-śikha, slain by Indra) RV
- vṛj cl. 1. 7. P. (Dhātup. xxxiv, 7 ; xxix, 24) varjati, vṛṇákti
- cl. 2. Ā. (Dhātup. xxiv, 19) vṛkte (Ved. and BhP. also várjate and vṛṅkté
- Impv. vṛṅktām [vḷ. vṛktām] Mn. ix, 20
- vṛṅgdhvam BhP. xi, 4, 14
- pf. vavarja, vavṛje [Gr. also vavṛñje RV. vāvṛje
- vavṛjyúḥ, vavṛktam AV. p. f. -varjúṣī]
- aor. avṛk AV
- vark 2. 3. sg., varktam, avṛjan Pot. vṛjyām RV
- ávṛkta ib
- avṛkṣam, ○ṣi ib
- avārkṣīs Br
- avarjīt, avajiṣṭa Gr
- fut. varjitā Br
- varjiṣyati ib
- varkṣyati, ○te Br
- inf. vṛ́je, vṛñjáse, vṛjádhyai RV
- vajitum or vṛñjitum Gr
- ind. p. vṛktvií RV
- -vṛ́jya, -vargam Br. &c.), to bend, turn RV. iv, 7, 10
- to twist off, pull up, pluck, gather (esp. sacrificial grass) RV. TBr
- to wring off or break a person's (acc.) neck RV. vi, 18, 8 ; 26, 3
- to avert, remove RV
- (Ā.) to keep anything from (abl. or gen.), divert, withhold, exclude, abalienate RV. TS. Br. Mn. BhP. [Page 1009, Column]
- (Ā.) to choose for one's self, select, appropriate BhP.: Pass. vṛjyáte, to be bent or turned or twisted RV. &c.: Caus. varjayati (Dhātup. xxiv, 7
- m. c. also ○te
- Pot. varjayīta MBh
- aor. avavarjat), to remove, avoid, shun, relinquish, abandon, give up, renounce ChUp. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- to spare, let live MBh
- to exclude, omit, exempt, except (○yitvā with acc. = excepting, with the exception of) Mn. MBh. &c.: Pass. of Caus. varjyate, to be deprived of. lose (instr.) Hariv. (cf. varjita): Desid. vivṛkṣáte (Br.), vivarjiṣati, ○te (Gr.), to wish to bend or turn &c.: Intens. varīvṛjyate, varvarkti (Gr
- p. várīvṛjat RV.), to turn aside, divert: Caus. of Intens. varīvarjáyati (p. f. ○yantī), to turn hither and thither (the ears) AV
- varja
- varjita &c. See p. 924, col. 1
- vṛktá mfn. bent, tumed, twisted &c. ( See apa-, parā-, pari-v○ &c.)
- ○barhis (vṛktá-), mfn. one who has gathered and spread the sacrificial grass (and so is prepared to receive the gods), sacrificing or loving to sacrifice RV
- m. a priest L
- vṛkti See námo- and su-vṛktí
- vṛ́j = bala strength Naigh. ii, 9
- vṛjána (once vṛ́j○), n. an enclosure, cleared or fenced or fortified place (esp. 'sacrificisl enclosure'
- but also 'pasture or camping ground, settlement, town or village and its inhabitants') RV
- crookedness, wickedness, deceit, wile, intrigue ib
- = bala, strength Naigh. ii, 9
- the sky, atmosphere L
- = nirākaraṇa L
- (ī́), f. an enclosure, fold RV. i, 164, 9 ('a cloud' Sāy.)
- wile, intrigue AV. vii, 30, 7
- vṛjanyá mfn. dwelling in villages &c
- (prob.) n. a community, people RV. ix, 97, 23
- vṛji m. N. of a man L
- pl. N. of a people Buddh. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 131)
- f. N. of a country, = vraja (the modern Braj, to the west of Delhi and Agra) W
- ○gārhapata n. Pāṇ. 6-242 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- vṛjika mfn. (fr. vṛji) Pāṇ. 4-2, 131
- vṛjiná mf(ā)n. bent, crooked (lit. and fig.), deceitful, false, wicked RV. &c. &c
- disastrous, calamitous MBh. ii, 857
- m. curled hair, hair L
- (ā́), f. deceit, intrigue, guile AV
- n. id. RV. AV. TBr
- sin, vice, wickedness MBh. Kāv. &c
- distress, misery, affliction BhP
- red leather L
- ○vat m. N. of a son of Kroshṭu (son of Yadu) BhP
- ○vartani (vṛjiná-), mfn. following evil courses, wicked RV
- vṛjināya Nom. P. (only p. -yát) to be crooked or deceitful or wicked RV
- vṛjinī-vat m. = vṛjina-vat MBh. Hariv
- vṛjya mfn. to be bent or turned away MW
- vṛñj See √1. vṛj
- vṛḍha See under √1. 2. bṛh
- vṛṇ cl. 8. P. Ā. vṛṇoti, vṛṇute, to consume, eat Dhātup. xxx, 6 (Vop.)
- cl. 6. P. vṛṇati, to please, gratify, exhilarate ib. xxviii, 40
- vṛt cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xviii, 19) vártate (rarely ○ti
- in Veda also vavartti and once in ṛV. vartti
- Subj. vavártat, vavartati, vavṛtat
- Pot. vavṛtyāt, vavṛtīya
- Impv. vavṛtsva
- impf. ávavṛtran, ○tranta
- pf. vavárta, vavṛtús, vavṛté RV. [here also vāvṛté] &c. &c
- aor. avart, avṛtran Subj. vártat, vartta RV
- avṛtat AV. &c. &c
- avartiṣṭa Gr
- 3. pl. avṛtsata RV
- 2. sg. vartithās MBh
- Prec. vartiṣīṣṭa Gr
- fut. vartitā Gr
- vartsyáti, ○te AV. &c
- vartiṣyati, ○te MBh. &c
- Cond. avartsyat Br
- avartiṣyata Gr
- inf. -vṛ́te RV
- -vṛ́tas Br
- vartitum MBh. &c
- ind. p. vartitvā and vṛttvā Gr
- -vṛ́tya RV. &c. &c
- -vártam Br. &c.), to turn, turn round, revolve, roll (also applied to the rolling down of tears) RV. &c. &c
- to move or go on, get along, advance, proceed (with instr. 'in a partic. way or manner'), take place, occur, be performed, come off Mn. MBh. &c
- to be, live, exist, be found, remain, stay, abide, dwell (with ātmani na, 'to be not in one's right mind'
- with manasi or hṛdaye, 'to dwell or be turned or thought over in the mind'
- with mūrdhni, 'to be at the head of', 'to be of most importance'
- kathaṃ vartate with nom. or kiṃ vartate with gen., 'how is it with?') ib
- to live on, subsist by (instr. or ind. p.), ĀśvGṛS. MBh. &c
- to pass away (as time, ciraṃ vartate gatānām, 'it is long since we went') BhP
- to depend on (loc.) R
- to be in a partic. condition, be engaged in or occupied with (loc.), ĀPast. MBh. &c. [Page 1009, Column]
- to be intent on, attend to (dat.) R
- to stand or be used in the sense of (loc.) Kāś
- to act, conduct one's self, behave towards (loc., dat., or acc
- also with itarêtaram or parasparam, 'mutually') Mn. MBh. &c
- to act or deal with, follow a course of conduct (also with vṛttim), show, display, employ, use, act in any way (instr. or acc.) towards (loc. with parâjñayā, 'to act under another's command'
- with prajā-rūpeṇa, 'to assume the form of a son'
- with priyám, 'to act kindly'
- with svāni, 'to mind one's own business'
- kim idam vartase, 'what are you doing there?') ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- to tend or turn to, prove as (dat.) Śukas
- to be or exist or live at a partic. time, be alive or present (cf. vartamāna, vartiṣyamāṇa, and vartsyat, p. 925) MBh. &c. &c
- to continue (with an ind. p., atī7tya vartante, 'they continue to excel'
- iti vartate me buddhiḥ, 'such continues my opinion') MBh. Kāv. &c
- to hold good, continue in force, be supplied from what precedes Pat. Kāś
- to originate, arise from (abl.) or in (loc.) BhP
- to become TBr
- to associate with (saha) Pañcat
- to have illicit intercourse with (loc.) R.: Caus. vartáyati (aor. aviivṛtat or avavartat
- in TBr. also Ā. avavarti
- inf. vartayádhyai RV
- Pass. vartyate Br.), to cause to turn or revolve, whirl, wave, brandish, hurl RV. &c. &c
- to produce with a turning-lathe, make anything round (as a thunderbolt, a pill &c.) RV. R. Suśr
- to cause to proceed or take place or be or exist, do, perform, accomplish, display, exhibit (feelings), raise or utter (a cry), shed (tears) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to cause to pass (as time), spend, pass, lead a life, live, subsist on or by (instr.), enter upon a course of conduct &c. (also with vṛttim or vṛttyā or vṛttena
- with bhaikṣeṇa, 'to live by begging'), conduct one's self, behave Mn. MBh. &c
- to set forth, relate, recount, explain, declare MBh. Hariv. R
- to begin to instruct (dat.) ŚāṅkhGṛ
- to understand, know, learn BhP
- to treat Car
- (in law, with śiras or śīrṣam) to offer one's self to be punished if another is proved innocent by an ordeal Vishṇ. Yājñ
- 'to speak' or 'to shine' (bhāṣârthe or bhāsârthe) Dhātup. xxxiii, 108: Desid. vívṛtsati, ○te (RV. Br.), vivartiṣate (Pāṇ. 1-3, 92), to wish to turn &c.: Intens. (Ved., rarely in later language) várvartti, varīvartti, varīvartyáte, varīvartate, p. várvṛtat and várvṛtāna impf. 3. sg. avarīvar, 3. pl. avarīvur (Gr. also varivartti, [var�IvRtIti], varvṛtīti, varīvṛtyate), to turn, roll, revolve, be, exist, prevail RV. ŚBr. Kāv. [Cf. Lat. vertere ; Slav. [vr�ut�eti], vratiti ; Lith. varty4ti ; Goth. waírthan ; Germ. werden ; Eng. -ward.]
- varta
- vartaka &c. See p. 925, col. 2
- vivṛtsitṛ mfn. (fr. Desid.) one who wishes to be W. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 59, Vartt. 4 Pat.)
- vṛt mfn. (only ifc., for 1. See p. 1007, col. 2) turning, moving, existing
- (after numerals) = 'fold' ( See eka-, tri-, su-vṛt)
- ind. finished, ended (a gram. term used only in the Dhātup. and signifying that a series of roots acted on by a rule and beginning with a √followed by ādi or prabhṛti, ends with the word preceding vṛt)
- vṛttá mfn. turned, set in motion (as a wheel) RV
- round, rounded, circular ŚBr. &c. &c
- occurred, happened (cf. kiṃ-v○) Āpast. R. &c
- (ifc.) continued, lasted for a certain time MBh. vii, 6147
- completed, finished, absolved MaitrUp
- past, elapsed, gone KaushUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- quite exhausted TBr. (= śrānta Sch.)
- deceased, dead Mn. R
- studied, mastered Pāṇ. 7-2, 26
- existing, effective, unimpaired ( See vṛttaū7jas)
- become (e.g. with mukta, become free) Kathās. xviii, 306
- acted or behaved towards (loc.) MBh. R
- fixed, firm L
- chosen (= vṛta) L
- m. a tortoise L
- a kind of grass L
- a round temple VarBṛS
- N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- (ā), f. N. of various plants (= jhiñjariṣṭā, māṃsa-rohiṇī, mahā-kośātakī, and priyaṅgu) L
- a kind of drug (= reṇukā) L
- a kind of metre Col
- n. (ifc. f. ā) a circle Gaṇit
- the epicycle Sūryas
- occurrence, use Nir
- (ifc.) transformation, change into RPrāt
- appearance Vcar
- (ifc.) formed of or derived from ( See kiṃ-v○)
- an event, adventure R. Kathās
- a matter, affair, business ib
- (also pl.) procedure, practice, action, mode of life, conduct, behaviour (esp. virtuous conduct, good behaviour) ŚBr. &c. &c
- means of life, subsistence Hariv. 335 (more correct vṛtti)
- 'turn of a line', the rhythm at the end of a verse, final rhythm RPrāt
- a metre containing a fixed number of syllables, any metre Kāvyâd. VarBṛS. &c
- a metre consisting of 10 trochees Col. [Page 1009, Column]
- ○karkaṭī f. a water-melon (= ṣaḍ-bhujā) L
- ○karṣita vḷ. for vṛtti-k○
- ○kalpadruma m. N. of a metrical wk
- ○kāya mf(ā)n. having a round body Suśr
- ○kautuka n
- ○kaumudī f. N. of two metrical treatises
- ○khaṇḍa n. a portion or segment of a circle Col
- ○gandhi or n. 'having the smell of rhythm', N. of a partic. kind of artificial prose containing metrical passages (○dhi-tva n.) Vām. Sāh
- ○gandhin n. 'having the smell of rhythm', N. of a partic. kind of artificial prose containing metrical passages (○dhi-tva n.) Vām. Sāh
- ○guṇḍa m. a kind of grass (= dīrgha-nāla) L
- ○candrikā f
- ○candrôdaya m. N. of two wks
- ○cūḍa (C. -caula), mfn. one whose tonsure has been performed, tonsured (accord. to Mn. ii, 35 this should be performed at the age of one or three years) Ragh. iii, 28
- ○ceṣṭā f. conduct, behaviour MBh
- ○caula See -cūḍa
- ○jña mfn. knowing actions or established practices W
- ○taṇḍula m. Andropogon Bicolor L
- ○taraṃgiṇī f. N. of wk
- ○tas ind. according to the practice or observance of caste, according to usage or customary procedure (vṛttataḥ pāpam, a sin according to usage) W
- ○tuṇḍa mfn. round-mouthed L
- ○tumbī vḷ. for vṛnta-t○ (q.v.)
- ○tva n. roundness Naish. Sch
- ○darpaṇa m
- ○dīpa-vyākhyāna n
- ○dīpikā f
- ○dyumaṇi m. N. of wks
- ○niṣpāvikā f. the round Nishpāvikā (a kind of leguminous plant) L
- ○pattrā f. a species of creeper L
- ○pariṇāha m. the circumference of a circle Āryabh
- ○parṇī f. Clypea Hernandifolia L
- = mahā-śana-puṣpikā L
- ○pīna mfn. round and full (as arms) MBh
- ○puṣpa m. Nauclea Cadamba L
- Acacia Sirissa L
- Rosa Moschata L
- = mudgara L
- ○pūraṇa n. filling out or completing a metre Kshem
- ○pratyabhijña mfn. well versed in sacred rites Rājat
- ○pratyaya m
- ○pratyaya-kaumudī f
- ○pradīpa m. N. of wks
- ○phala m. the pomegranate L
- the jujube L
- (ā), f. the Myrobolan tree L
- Solanum Melongena L
- a kind of gourd &c. L
- n. black pepper L
- ○bandha m. metrical composition
- ○dhôjjhita mfn. (prose) free from metrical passages Sāh
- ○bīja m. Abelmoschus Esculentus L
- (ā), f. Cajanus Indicus L
- ○bījakā f. a kind of shrub L
- ○bhaṅga m. violation of good conduct and of metre Kāv
- ○bhūya (MBh. i, 728), prob. a corrupted word
- ○maṇikośa m. N. of wk
- ○mallikā f. Jasminum Sambac L
- Calotropis Gigantea Alba L
- ○māṇikya-mālā f
- ○mālā f. (also with vṛtta-muktā-phalānām),
- ○muktâvalī (and ○lī-ṭīkā), f
- ○mauktika n. N. of wks. on metre
- ○yamaka n. a kind of verse containing a play on words ( See yamaka) MW
- ○yukta mfn. of good moral conduct, virtuous Hcat
- ○ratnâkara m. 'mine of jewels of metres', N. of a short treatise on post-Vedic metres by Kedāra
- -ṭikā, f
- -pañcikā f. -vyákhyā f. -setu m
- ○râdarśa m. N. of Comms. on the above wk
- ○ratnâvali or f
- ○ratnâvaḍlī f
- ○rāmâyaṇa n
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wks
- ○vaktra mfn. round-mouthed L
- ○vat mfn. round MBh
- of virtuous or moral conduct Yājñ. MBh. &c
- ○vārttika n
- ○vinoda m
- ○vivecana n
- ○śata or n. N. of wks. on metre
- ○śataka n. N. of wks. on metre
- ○śastra mfn. one who has studied (the science of) arms or warfare (= adhī7ta-śastra-vidya) Bhaṭṭ
- ○śālin mfn. = -yukta R
- ○ślāghin mfn. praised for virtuous conduct MBh
- ○saṃketa mfn. one who has given his consent Rājat
- ○sampanna mfn. = -yukta Mn. viii, 179
- ○sādin mfn. destroying established usage, worthless, mean, vile R
- ○sārâvalī f
- ○sudhôdaya m. N. of two wks
- ○stha = -yukta Mn. MBh. &c
- ○svâdhyāya-vat mfn. leading a virtuous life and devoted to repetition of the Veda, Bṛihasp
- ○hīna mfn. without good conduct, ill-conducted MBh
- vṛttâṣepa m. denying or non-acceptance of any past occurrence Kāvyâd. (cf. bhaviṣyadākṣepa and vartamānâkṣepa)
- vṛttâṅgī f. the Priyaṅgu plant L
- vṛttâdhyayana n. moral conduct and repetition (of Veda)
- -rddhi (for ṛddhi) f. and -sampatti f. welfare resulting from the above L
- vṛttânupūrva mfn. round and symmetrical (as legs
- others 'taperingly round') Kum. i, 35
- vṛttânuvartin mfn. conforming to rule, obedient, virtuous R
- vṛttânusāra m. conforming to prescribed practice W
- conformity to metre MW
- (āt), ind. according to the metre or measure of a verse, for the sake of the metre ib
- vṛttânusārin mfn. conforming to established rule or practice, doing what is enjoined or proper W
- vṛttâyata-bhuja mfn. one who has round or long arms R
- vṛttârdha m. or n. a semicircle Hcat. [Page 1010, Column]
- vṛttêrvāru m. a water-melon (= ṣaḍ-bhujā) L
- vṛttôkti-ratna n. N. of wk. on metre
- vṛttôtsava mfn. one who has celebrated a festival MBh
- vṛttôru f. a round-thighed woman Pāṇ. 4-1, 69 Sch
- vṛttâujas mfn. one who has effective power or energy Mn. i, 6
- vṛttaka (ifc.) = vṛtta, a metre Sāh
- a Buddhist or Jaina layman VarBṛS
- n. a kind of simple but rhythmical prose composition Cat
- vṛttânta m. or (rarely) n. 'end or result of a course of action', occurrence, incident, event, doings, life ŚāṅkhBr. &C. &c
- course, manner, way (in which anything happens or is done) MBh. Vikr
- (also pl.) tidings, rumour, report, account, tale, story, history Mn. MBh. &c
- a chapter or section of a book (-śas ind. by chapters) Pat
- (only L.) a topic, subject
- sort, kind
- nature, property
- leisure, opportunity
- a whole, totality
- mfn. alone, solitary L
- -darśin mfn. witnessing or being a spectator of any action MW
- ○tânveṣaka mfn. inquiring into what has taken place ib
- vṛtti f. rolling, rolling down (of tears) Śak. iv, 5 ; 14
- mode of life or conduct, course of action, behaviour, (esp.) moral conduct, kind or respectful behaviour or treatment (also vḷ. for vṛtta) GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- general usage, common practice, rule Prāt
- mode of being, nature, kind, character, disposition ib. Kāv
- state, condition Tattvas
- being, existing, occurring or appearing in (loc. or comp.) Lāṭy. Hariv. Kāv. &c
- practice, business, devotion or addiction to, occupation with (often ifc. 'employed about', 'engaged in', 'practising') MBh. Kāv. &c
- profession, maintenance, subsistence, livelihood (often ifc
- cf. uñcha-v○
- vṛttiṃ-√kṛ or √kḷp Caus. with instr., 'to live on or by'
- with gen., 'to get or procure a maintenance for'
- only certain means of subsistence are allowed to a Brāhman, Mn. iv, 4-6) ŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- wages, hire, Pañcav
- working, activity, function MaitrUp. Kap. Vedântas. &c
- mood (of the mind) Vedântas
- the use or occurrence of a word in a partic. sense (loc.), its function or force Pāṇ. Sāh. Sch. on KātyŚr. &c
- mode or measure of pronunciation and recitation (said to be threefold, viz. vilambitā, madhyamā, and drutā, q.v.) Prāt
- (in gram.) a complex formation which requires explanation or separation into its parts (as distinguished from a simple or uncompounded form, e.g. any word formed with Kṛit or Taddhita affixes, any compound and even duals and plurals which are regarded as Dvandva compounds, of which only one member is left, and all derivative verbs such as desideratives &c.)
- style of composition (esp. dram. style, said to be of four kinds, viz. 1. Kaiśikī, 2. Bhāratī 3. Sātvatī, 4. Ārabhaṭī, qq.vv
- the first three are described as suited to the Śṛiṅgāra, Vīra, and Raudra Rasas respectively, the last as common to all) Bhar. Daśar. &c
- (in rhet.) alliteration, frequent repetition of the same consonant (five kinds enumerated, scil. madhurā, prâuḍhā, puruṣā, lalitā, and bhadrā) Daśar., Introd
- final rhythm of a verse (= or vḷ. for vṛtta, q.v.)
- a commentary, comment, gloss, explanation (esp. on a Sūtra)
- N. of the wife of a Rudra BhP
- ○kara mf(ī)n. affording a livelihood MBh. Kathās. Suśr
- ○karṣita mfn. distressed for (want of) a livelihood Mn. viii, 411 (bhṛty-abhāvena pīḍitaḥ Kull.) MBh
- ○kāra or m. the author of a Comm. on a Sūtra (esp. applied to Vāmana, the principal author of the Kāśikā-vṛitti)
- ○kṛt m. the author of a Comm. on a Sūtra (esp. applied to Vāmana, the principal author of the Kāśikā-vṛitti)
- ○kṣīṇa mfn. = -karṣita MBh
- ○cakra n. conduct or mode of (mutual) treatment compared to a wheel Pañcat. i, 81
- ○candra-pradīpikā-nirukti f. N. of wk
- ○ccheda m. deprivation of livelihood or subsistence Kām
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. state of existence, mode of subsistence, profession, conduct Mn. MBh. &c
- ○da or mfn. affording maintenance, a supporter MBh. R. BhP
- ○dātṛ mfn. affording maintenance, a supporter MBh. R. BhP
- ○dāna n. the giving of mṭmaintenance, supporting W
- ○dīpikā f. N. of wk
- ○nibandhana n. means of support Kathās
- ○nirodha m. obstruction or prevention of activity or function Kām
- ○pradīpa m
- ○prabhā-kara m. N. of wks
- ○bhaṅga m. loss of livelihood Pañcat
- ○bhāj mfn. 'performing sacrifices &c.' or doing good and evil' Śiś. xiv, 19 (homâdi-vyāpāraṃ kurvan or puṇya-pāpa-kārin Sch.)
- ○mat mfn. following the practice of (ifc.) BhP
- one who is engaged in a partic. matter or has a partic. way of thinking Śaṃkar
- having a means of subsistence (ifc. = 'living on or by') Mn. MBh. BhP
- exercising a partic. function, active (ifc. having anything as its function) Sarvad. [Page 1010, Column] Kap. Sch
- ○mūla n. provision for maintenance Gaut
- ○lābha m. (in phil.) ascertainment of the concurrent MW
- ○vāda m
- ○vārttika n. N. of wks
- ○vaikalya n. lack of means of subsistence, want of a livelihood Mn. Pañcat
- ○saṃgraha m. N. of a concise Comm. on Pāṇni's Sūtras (by Rāma-candra, a pupil of Nāgoji)
- ○stha mfn. being in any state or condition or employment MW
- m. a lizard, chameleon L
- ○han (Up.),
- ○hantṛ (MBh.), mfn. destroying a person's (gen.) means of subsistence
- ○hetu m. = -mūla Mn. iv, 11
- ○hrāsa m. = -bhaṅga, Kusum
- vṛttika and = vṛtti MBh. Kāv. &c
- vṛttin (ifc.) = vṛtti MBh. Kāv. &c
- vṛtty in comp. for vṛtti
- ○anuprāsa m. a kind of alliteration, frequent repetition of the same consonant Sāh. Pratāp
- ○artha-bodhaka mf(ikā)n. indicating the meaning of a complex formation ( See under vṛtti) MW
- ○artham ind. for the sake of subsistence, in order to sustain life Mn. ii, 141
- ○uparodha m. a hindrance to maintenance or sustenance MBh
- ○upâya m. a means of subsistence Mn. x, 2
- vṛtya mfn. (for 1. See p. 1007, col. 2) to be abided or stayed or remained &c. Pāṇ. 3-1, 110 Sch
- vṛt See √vāvṛt, p. 947, col. 1
- vṛ́thā &c. See p. 1007, col. 3
- vṛddha mfn. (fr. √vardh, p. 926, col. 1) cut, cut off, destroyed MBh
- n. what is cut off, a piece, Śulbas. (vḷ. vṛdhra)
- vṛddhi f. cutting off, abscission W
- (in law) forfeiture, deduction ib
- vṛdhu m. N. of a carpenter (prob. wṛ for bṛbu) Mn. x, 107
- vṛdhra See 1. vṛddha
- vṛdh cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xviii, 20) várdhate (Ved. and ep. also ○ti
- pf. vavárdha, vavṛdhe RV. &c. &c. [Ved. also vâvṛ○
- vavṛdhāti, ○dhītā́s, ○dhásva RV
- vāvṛdhéte RV
- p. [v�AvRdhát] RV. AV
- aor. Ved. avṛdhat, vṛdhātas, ○dhātu
- p. vṛdhát, ○dhāná]
- avardhiṣṭa MBh. &c
- Prec. vardhiṣīmáhi VS
- fut. vardhitā Gr
- vartsyati Kāv
- vardhiṣyate Gr
- inf. Ved. vṛdhe ['for increase', 'to make glad'], vṛdháse, vāvṛdhádhyai
- Class. vardhitum
- ind. p. vṛddhvā, or vardhitvā Gr
- in MBh. √vṛdh is sometimes confounded with √1. vṛt), trans. P., to increase, augment, strengthen, cause to prosper or thrive RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh
- to elevate, exalt, gladden, cheer, exhilarate (esp. the gods, with praise or sacrifice) RV
- (intrans. Ā
- in Ved. P. in pf. and aor
- in Class. P. in aor. fut. and cond
- also P. m. c. in other forms), to grow, grow up, increase, be filled or extended, become longer or stronger, thrive, prosper, succeed RV. &c. &c
- to rise, ascend (as the scale in ordeals) Yājñ. Sch
- to be exalted or elevated, feel animated or inspired or excited by (instr., loc., gen.) or in regard to (dat.), become joyful, have cause for congratulation (vṛdhaḥ, ○dhat in sacrificial formulas = 'mayest thou or may he prosper'
- in later language often with diṣtyā) RV. &c. &c.: Caus. vardháyati, ○te (in later language also vardhāpayati
- aor. Ved. aviivṛdhat, ○dhata), to cause to increase or grow, augment, increase, make larger or longer, heighten, strengthen, further, promote (Ā. 'for one's self') RV. &c. &c
- to rear, cherish, foster, bring up ib
- to elevate, raise to power, cause to prosper or thrive AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- to exalt, magnify, glorify (esp. the gods), make joyful, gladden (Ā. in Ved. also= to rejoice, be joyful, take delight in instr., enjoy RV. &c. &c
- (with. or scil. diṣṭyā) to congratulate Kād
- (cl. 10. accord. to Dhātup. xxxiii, 109) 'to speak' or 'to shine' (bhāṣârthe or bhāsârthe): Desid. of Caus., vivardhayiṣu: Desid. vivardhiṣate or vivṛtsati Gr.: Intens. varivṛdhyate, varivṛdhīti ib
- vardha
- vardhana &c. See p. 926, col. 1
- vṛddhá mfn. grown, become larger or longer or stronger, increased, augmented, great, large RV. &c. &c
- grown up, full-grown, advanced in years, aged, old, senior (often in comp. with the names of authors, esp. of authors of law-books [IW. 300, 30], to denote either an older recension of their wks. or the wk. of some older authors of the same name
- cf. vṛddha-kātyāyana, -garga &c.) TS. Mn. MBh. &c
- (ifc.) older by Gaut. vi, 15
- experienced, wise, learned MBh. Kām
- eminent in, distinguished by (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. [Page 1010, Column]
- important VPrāt
- exalted, joyful, glad (also applied to hymns) RV
- (in gram., a vowel) increased (by Vṛiddhi, q.v.) to ā or ai or au, APrāt. Lāṭy
- containing (or treated as containing) ā or ai or au in the first syllable Pāṇ. 1-?73 &c
- m. an old man (ifc. 'eldest among') Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. comp.)
- a religious mendicant VarBṛS
- an elephant eighty years old Gal
- Argyreia Speciosa or Argentea L
- (ā), f. an old woman MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. and (ā), f. an elder male or female descendant, a patronymic or metron. designating an elder descendant (as opp. to yuvan, q.v
- e.g. gārgya is vṛddha, gārgyāyaṇa is yuvan) Pāṇ. 1-2, 65 &c
- n. a nominal stem (and some other stems) whose first syllable contains an ā or ai or au Pāṇ. 1-1, 73 &c
- the word vṛddha ib. v, 3, 62
- ○karman m. N. of a king VP
- ○kāka m. 'large crow', a sort of crow or raven L
- ○kātyāyana m. the older Kātyāyana or an older recension of Kātyāyana's law-book Dāyabh
- ○kāla m. old age Cāṇ
- N. of a king Cat
- ○kāverī f. N. of a river
- -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○kumārī-vākya-vara-nyāya m. the principle of the boon asked for by the old virgin (who chose, accord. to the Mahā-bhāshya, putrā me bahukṣīra-ghṛtam odanaṃ kāñcana-pātryām bhuñjīran, 'May my sons eat rice with much milk and ghee from a golden vessel', which, if granted, would have covered all other wishes) A
- ○kṛcchra n. a partic. penance (performed) by old people Cat
- ○keśava m. a partic. form of the sun ib
- ○koṭara-puṣpī f. a kind of plant L
- ○kola m. an old boar Mṛicch
- ○kośa m. possessing a rich treasure Kathās
- ○kauśika m. the old or an old recension of Kauśika Hcat
- ○krama m. the rank due to old age MBh
- ○kṣatra m. N. of a man ( vārddhakṣatri)
- ○kṣetra-vara-locana (wṛ. -kṣatra-v○), n. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- ○kṣema m. N. of a man ( vārddhakṣemi)
- ○gaṅgā f. N. of a river (commonly called the Buḍi Gaṅgā), KālikāP
- -dhara n. (scil. cūrṇa) a medicinal powder for diarrhoea ŚārṅgP
- ○garga m. the older Garga or the older recension of his wk. AV. Pariś
- ○garbhā f. far advanced in pregnancy MānGṛ
- ○gārga mf(ī)n. = -gārgīya Cat
- ○gārgīya mfn. composed by Vṛiddha-garga VarBṛS., Introd
- ○gārgya m. the old Gārgya or an older recension, of his law-book Cat
- ○giri-mahātmya n. N. of wk
- ○gonasa m. a kind of snake Suśr
- ○gautama m. the older Gautama or an older recension of Gautama's law-book
- -saṃhitā f. Vṛiddha-GṭGautama's law-book
- ○cāṇakya m. the older Cāṇakya or an older recension of his wk. Cat. (cf. laghu-cāṇakya-rāja-nīti)
- ○jātaka n. N. of wk
- ○tama mfn. oldest, most venerable R
- ○tā f. = -tva MBh
- (ifc.) pre-eminence in (e.g. jñāna-v○, 'in knowledge') Prab
- ○tva n. old age MBh
- ○dāra or m
- ○dāraka m
- ○dāru n. Argyreia Speciosa or Argentea L
- ○dyumna m. N. of a man (with the patr. Ābhipratāriṇa) AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○dvija-rūpin mfn. bearing the form of an old Brāhman MW
- ○dhūpa m. Acacia Sirissa L
- turpentine L
- ○nagara n. N. of a town Cat
- ○nābhi mfn. 'large-naveled', having a prominent navel L
- ○nyāsa m. N. of wk
- ○parāśara m. the older Parāśara or an older recension of Parāśara's law-book Cat
- ○pārāśarīya or n. the work of Vṛiddha-Parāśara ib
- ○pārāḍśarya n. the work of Vṛiddha-Parāśara ib
- ○pradhāna m. a paternal great-grandfather MW
- ○prapitāmaha m. id. (others 'a great-grandfather's father') L
- (ī), f. a paternal great-grandmother W
- ○pramātāmaha m. a maternal great-grandfather Gobh
- (ī), f. a maternal great-grandmother W
- ○balā f. a species of plant L
- ○bāla n. sg. old men and children MBh
- ○bālaka See ā-vṛddha-bālakam
- ○bṛhaspati m. the older Bṛihaspati or an older recension of Bṛihaspati's law-book Kull
- ○baudhāyana m. the old Baudhāyana or an older recension of Baudhāyana's law-book Cat
- ○brahma-saṃhitā f
- ○brāhmaṇôpaniṣad-bhāṣya n. N. of wks
- ○bhāva m. the state of being old, senility R. Pañcat
- ○bhoja m. the elder Bhoja (i.e. Bhoja-deva) Vās., Introd
- ○mata n. an ancient precept MW
- ○manu m. the older Manu or an older recension of Manu's law-book Kull. (cf. bṛhan-manu)
- ○mahas (vṛddhá-), mfn. of great power or might RV
- ○yavana m. the older Yavana (also called yavanâcārya)
- -jātaka, n
- ○nêśvara m. N. of wks
- ○yājñavalkya m. the older Yājñavalkya or an older recension of Yājñavalkya's law-book (cf. bṛhad-y○)
- ○yuvati f. a procuress Divyâv
- a midwife ib
- ○yoga-taraṃ-giṇī f. [Page 1011, Column]
- ○yoga-śataka n. N. of wks
- ○yoṣit f. an old woman Kathās
- ○raṅka m. an old beggar Mṛicch
- ○rāja m. Rumex Vesicarius L
- ○vayas (vṛddhá-), mfn. of great strength or power RV
- advanced in age, old Pañcad
- ○vasiṣṭha m. the older Vasishṭha or an older recension of Vṛiddha's lawbook Cat
- ○vāg-bhaṭa m. the older Vāgbhaṭa Cat
- ○vāda-sūri (prob. wṛ. for vādi-sūri), m. the older Vāda-sūri Cat
- ○vādin m. a Jina Gal
- N. of a man Cat
- ○vāśinī f. a jackal Nir. v, 21
- ○vāhana m. the mango tree L
- ○viṭa m. an old voluptuary Mṛicch
- ○vibhītaka m. Spondias Mangifera L
- ○viṣṇu m. the older Vishṇu or an older recension of Vishṇu's law-book Yājñ. Sch
- ○vīvadhā f. 'yoke of the ancients', the bonds of traditional usage Sarvad
- ○vṛṣṇa (vṛddhá-), mfn. (prob.) = next AV
- ○vṛṣṇiya (vṛddhá-), mfn. of great manliness or strength TS
- ○vega mfn. of great intensity, violent, strong VarBṛS
- ○vaiyākaraṇa-bhūṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○śaṅkha m. the older Śaṅkha or an older recension of Śaṅkha's law-book
- -smṛti f. the law-book of Vṛiddha-ŚṭŚaṅkha Cat
- ○śabda-ratnaśekhara m. N. of a gram. wk
- ○śavas (vṛddhá-), mfn. of great power or strength RV
- ○śākalya m. the older Śākalya Cat
- ○śātâtapa m. the older Śātâtapa or an older recension of Śaṅkha's law-book Cat
- -smṛti f. the law-book of VṭVṛiddha-ŚātṭŚaṅkha
- ○śīlin mfn. having the nature or disposition of an old man Gobh
- weak from age, decrepit MBh
- ○śocis (vṛddhá-), mfn. increased in lustre, very bright RV
- ○śaunakī f. N. of wk
- ○śravas (vṛddhá-), mfn. possessed of great swiftness RV
- m. N. of Indra Vās
- of a Muni Cat
- ○śrāvaka m. an old Śaiva mendicant VarBṛS. Sch
- ○saṃgha m. an assembly of old men, council or meeting of elders L
- ○suśruta m. the older Suśruta or an older recension of Suśruta's wk. Cat
- ○sūtraka n. a flock of cotton, flocculent seeds flying in the air L
- ○sṛgāla m. an old jackal Hit
- ○sena (vṛddhá-), mfn. hearing large missiles (others 'forming mighty hosts') RV
- (ā), f. N. of the wife of Sumati (and mother of Devatā-jit) BhP
- ○sevā f. reverence for the aged Kām
- ○sevin mfn. reverencing one's elders Mn. vii, 38
- ○vi-tva n. -sevā ib. viii, 7
- ○hārīta m. the older Hārīta or an older recension of Hārīta's law-book Cat
- vṛddhâṅguli f. the great finger, the thumb W
- the great toe MW
- vṛddhâṅguṣṭha m. the great toe ib
- the thumb ib
- vṛddhâcala n. N. of a Tīrtha
- -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- vṛddhâtri m. the older Atri or an older recension of Atri's law-book Cat
- vṛddhâtreya m. the older Ātreya Cat
- vṛddhâditya m. a partic. form of the sun ib
- vṛddhânuśāsana n. direction or ordinance of the aged an old man's advice Nal
- vṛddhânta (prob.) m. 'senior's limit', the place of honour Divyâv
- vṛddhấyu mfn. full of vigour or life RV
- vṛddhâraṇya n. 'seer's grove', a place where the Purāṇas &c. are read and expounded W
- vṛddhârka m. 'old or declining sun', evening hour Kāv
- vṛddhâryabhaṭa m. the older or an ancient recension of Ārya-bhaṭa Cat
- vṛddhâvasthā f. the condition or period of old age, senility W
- vṛddhâśrama m. the old period or last stage in a Brāhman's life ( See āśrama) ib
- vṛddhôkṣa m. an old bull Kum
- vṛddhôpasevin mfn. honouring the aged Mn. MBh. &c
- vṛddhaka mfn. aged, old
- m. an old man MBh. Hariv
- n. a tale Divyâv
- vṛddhi f. (for 1. See p. 1010) growth, increase, augmentation, rise, advancement, extension, welfare, prosperity, success, fortune, happiness RV. &c. &c
- elevation (of ground) VarBṛS
- prolongation (of life) Pañcat
- swelling (of the body) Suśr
- enlargement of the scrotum (either from swelled testicle or hydrocele) ib
- swelling or rising (of the sea or of the waters), waxing (of the moon) MBh
- gain, profit R. Subh
- profit from lending money &c., usury, interest Mn. Yājñ. MBh. (the various kinds of interest recognized by Hindū lawyers are, 1. kāyikā vṛddhi, 'body-interest', i.e. either the advantage arising from the body of an animal pledged as security for a loan, or interest paid repeatedly without reducing the body or principal
- 2. kālikā v○, 'timeinterest', i.e. payable weekly, monthly, annually, &c., but most usually computed by the month
- 3. cakrav○, 'wheel-interest', i.e. interest upon interest, compound interest
- 4. kāritā v○, 'stipulated interest', at a rate higher than the usual legal rate
- 5. śikhā-v○, 'interest growing like a lock of hair', i.e. at a usurious rate payable daily [Page 1011, Column]
- 6. bhoga-lābha, 'advantage accruing to a creditor from the use' of objects handed over to him as security, e.g. of lands, gardens, animals, &c.: 'lawful interest' is called dharma-v○, 'usurious interest' a-nyāya-v○, 'interest at the highest legal rate' parama-v○) IW. 264
- the second modification or increase of vowels (to which they are subject under certain conditions, e.g. ā is the Vṛiddhi of the vowel a
- ai of i, ī, and e
- au of u, ū, and o
- 2. vṛddha and kṛta-vṛddhi) VPrāt. Pāṇ. Rājat. Sarvad
- one of the 8 principal drugs (described as mild, cooling &c
- and a remedy for phlegm. leprosy, and worms) Suśr. Bhpr
- N. of the 11th of the astrological Yogas (or the Yoga star of the 11th lunar mansion) L
- = vṛddhi-śrāddha GṛS
- m. (with bhaṭṭa) N. of a poet Cat
- ○kara mf(ī)n. yielding or causing increase, promoting growth or prosperity, augmenting (ifc.) Mn. VarBṛS. Rājat
- ○jīvaka mfn. living by usury MBh
- ○jīvana mfn. id. ib
- n. = next L
- ○jīvikā f. livelihood gained by usury L
- ○da mf(ā)n. giving increase, causing advancement or prosperity VarBṛS
- m. a kind of shrub (= -jīvaka) L
- Batatas Edulis ib
- ○datta m. N. of a merchant Campak
- ○dātrī f. a kind of plant L
- ○pattra n. a kind of lancet Suśr. Vāgbh
- ○mat mfn. having increase, growing, increasing Yājñ. Bhartṛ
- become powerful or prosperous Bhaṭṭ
- (in gram.) causing the vowel-modification called Vṛiddhi (q.v.) APrāt
- ○r-ād-aic-sūtra-vicāra m. ( Pāṇ. 1-1, 1) N. of a gram. treatise
- ○śrāddha n. a Śrāddha or offering to progenitors on any prosperous occasion (as on the birth of a son &c.) RTL. 305
- -dīpikā f. -prayoga m. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- vṛddhy in comp. for vṛddhi
- ○ājīva or (L.),
- ○ājīḍvin (L.),
- ○upajīvin (R.), mfn. one who lives by moneylending or usury, a money-lender, usurer
- vṛdhna (?), m. a bubo in the groin W
- vṛdhra See 1. vṛddha, p. 1010, col. 2
- vṛ́nta m. a kind of small crawling animal, caterpillar AV. viii, 6, 22
- the egg-plant Suśr
- (ā), f. a species of plant L
- a kind of metre (v. l. vṛttā) Cat
- n. the footstalk of a leaf or flower or fruit, any stalk ŚrS. MBh. &c
- the stand of a water-jar KātyŚr
- a nipple L
- ○tumbī f. a kind of round gourd L. (v. l. for vṛtta-t○)
- ○phala n. the fruit of the egg-plant Suśr
- ○yamaka n. a kind of Yamaka (e.g. Bhaṭṭ. x, 13)
- vṛntaka (ifc., f. ikā) = vṛnta, a stalk ( kṛṣṇa-, dīrgha-, nīla-vṛ○)
- (ikā), f. a small stalk (in palāśa-vṛ○) MBh
- vṛntāka m. (or ī f.) the egg-plant
- n. its fruit Bhpr
- ○vidhi m. N. of a ch. of BhavP. ii
- vṛntitā f. the medicinal plant Wrightea Antidysenterica L
- vṛndá n. (fr. √1. vṛ ?) a heap, multitude, host, flock, swarm, number, quantity, aggregation (vṛndaṃ vṛndam, vṛndais, or vṛndavṛndais, in separate groups, in flocks or crowds) Naigh. MBh. &c
- a bunch, cluster (of flowers or berries &c.) BhP
- achorus of singers and musicians Saṃgīt
- a partic. high number (100, 000 millions) L
- m. a tumour in the throat Suśr
- a partic. high number (1, 000 millions) Āryabh
- (with Jainas) a partic. Śakti L. (prob. vṛndā)
- N. of a medical author Bhpr
- (ā), f. sacred basil (= tulasī) Cat
- N. of Rādhā (Kṛishṇa's mistress) Pañcar. Vṛishabhān
- of the wife of Jalaṃ-dhara (daughter of king Kedāra) L
- mfn. numerous, many, much, all W
- ○gāyaka m. a chorus-singer, chorister Saṃgīt
- ○maya mf(ī)n. (ifc.) appearing as a multitude of Śiś
- ○mādhava N. of a medical wk
- ○śas ind. in groups or crowds or herds R. Hariv. BhP
- ○saṃhitā f
- ○sindhu m. N. of medical wks
- vṛndara mfn. (fr. vṛnda), g. āśmâdi
- vṛndā f. of vṛnda, in comp
- ○"ṣraṇya (vṛndâr○), n. = vṛndā-vana Pañcar. Bhām
- -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○vana n. 'Rādhā's forest', a wood near the town Go-kula in the district of Mathurā on the left bank of the Jumnā (celebrated as the place where Kṛishṇa in the character of Go-pāla, or cowherd, passed his youth, associating with the cowherds and milkmaids employed in tending the cattle grazing in the forest) Hariv. Kāv. &c
- a raised platform or mound of earth on which the worshippers of Kṛishṇa plant and preserve the Tulasī MW
- m. N. of various authors and others (also with go-svāmin and śukla) Cat
- (ī), f. holy basil (= tulasī) ib. [Page 1011, Column]
- -kāvya n. N. of a poem (○vyaṭīkā f. of the Comm. on it)
- -khaṇḍe garga-saṃhitā f. N. of wk
- -candra m. (with tarkâlaṃkāra cakravartin), N. of an author
- -campū f. N. of a poem
- -dāsa and -deva m. N. of authors Cat
- -nagara n. N. of a town ib
- -nirṇaya m. -paddhati f. -pratiṣṭhā f. -mañjarī f. -māhātmya n. -yamaka n. -rahasya n. -līlâmṛta n. -varṇana n. -vinoda m. N. of wks
- -vipina n. the Vṛindā-vana wood Cat
- -śataka n. and ○nâkhyāna n. N. of wks
- ○nêśa m. 'lord of Vṛindā', N. of Kṛishṇa Pañcar
- ○nêśvara m. id. ib
- (ī), f. N. of Rādhā L
- vṛndāra mfn. = vṛndāraka L
- m. a god, deity Kum
- vṛ́ndāraka mf(akā or ikā)n. being at the head of a host, chief, eminent, best or most beautiful of (loc. or comp.) Nir. MBh. &c
- m. a god MBh. Pur
- a chief, the leader of a crowd or herd W
- N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh
- vṛndārakāya Nom. P. (only inf. ○yitum ifc.) to represent the best of or best among Cat
- vṛndin mfn. containing a multitude of (in aśva-vṛ○) MBh
- vṛndiṣṭha and mfn. (superl. and compar. of vṛndāraka) most or more eminent or excellent, best, better Pāṇ. 6-4, 157 Vop
- vṛndīyas mfn. (superl. and compar. of vṛndāraka) most or more eminent or excellent, best, better Pāṇ. 6-4, 157 Vop
- vṛś cl. 4. P. vṛśati, to choose, select Dhātup. xxvi, 116
- vṛ́śa m. a partic. small animal (L. 'a mouse or rat'
- 1. vṛṣa) MaitrS
- N. of a man (with the patr. jāra, jāna, or vaijāna, supposed author of RV. v, 2). PañcavBr. Anukr. &c. (also written vṛṣa)
- Gendarussa Vulgaris L
- (ā), f. a partic. drug L
- (ī), f. See bṛsī
- n. ginger W
- vṛścád-vana See under √vraśc
- vṛścana m. (fr. √vraśc) a scorpion L
- vṛ́ścika m. a scorpion, &c. &c
- the zodiacal sign Scorpio VarBṛS. Pur
- the month when the sun is in Scorpio W
- a kind of caterpillar covered with bristles L
- a sort of beetle found in cow-dung W
- a centipede ib
- N. of various plants (Boerhavia Procumbens, = madana &c.) L
- (ā), f. Boerhavia Procumbens L
- (ī), f. a female scorpion L
- (ā or ī), f. an ornament for the toes Gal
- ○cchadā f. Tragia Involucrata L
- ○pattrikā f. Basella Cordifolia L
- ○priyā f. Basella Rubra or Lucida W
- ○rāśi m. the zodiacal sign Scorpio Vās
- vṛścikâlī f. a line of scorpions ib
- Tragia Involucrata L
- vṛścikêśa m. 'ruler of the (zodiacal sign) Scorpio', N. of the planet Mercury VarBṛS
- vṛścikarṇī f. (prob. for vṛścika-k○) Salvinia Cucullata L
- vṛścipattrī f. (prob. for vṛścika-p○) Tragia Involucrata L
- vṛścīka m. a species of plant Suśr
- vṛścīra (L.),
- vṛścīva (Car. Bhpr.), m. a Punar-navā with white flowers
- vṛṣ cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xvii, 56) várṣati (ep. also Ā. varṣate and Ved. vṛṣate
- pf. vavarṣa, vavṛṣe MBh. &c
- 3. pl. P. ep. vavṛṣus, or vavarṣus
- p. P. vavarṣvás MaitrS
- Ā. vāvṛṣāṇá RV
- Impv. vāvṛṣasva ib
- aor. ávarṣīt RV. &c. &c
- fut. vraṣṭā́ MaitrS
- varṣitā Gr
- varṣiṣyati, ○te Br. &c
- inf. varṣitum MBh. &c
- varṣṭos Br
- ind. p. vṛṣṭvā ib
- ○ṭvií RV
- varṣitvā Gr.), to rain (either impers., or with Parjanya, Indra, the clouds &c., in nom.) RV. &c. &c
- to rain down, shower down, pour forth, effuse, shed (Ā. = 'to bestow or distribute abundantly'
- also with instr. = 'to rain upon, or overwhelm with', e.g. with arrows
- várṣati, 'while it rains, during rain') ib
- to strike, hurt, vex, harass Dhātup.: Caus. varṣáyati (aor. aviivṛṣat or avavarṣat), to cause to rain (Parjanya &c.) or to fall down as rain (flowers &c.) RV. TS. MBh
- (without acc.) to cause or produce rain ChUp. ii, 3, 2
- to rain upon (= overwhelm) with (a shower of arrows, instr.) MBh
- Ā. to have manly power, have generative vigour Dhātup. xxxiii, 30: Desid. vivarṣiṣati Gr. (cf. vivarṣiṣu): Intens. varīvṛṣyate, varīvarṣṭi &c. ib. [For cognates See under varṣā and 1. vṛṣa.]
- varṣa
- varṣaṇa
- varṣita See p. 926 &c
- vṛṣa m. (prob. later form of vṛṣan) a man, male, husband KāśīKh
- the male of any animal ( See aśva-v○)
- a bull (in older language only ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c. [Page 1012, Column]
- the zodiacal sign Taurus VarBṛS
- a strong or potent man (one of the four classes into which men are divided in erotic wks.) L
- the chief of a class or anything the most excellent or preeminent or best of its kind (e.g. vṛṣo'ṅgulinām, the chief among fingers, the thumb
- vṛṣo gavām or simply vṛṣaḥ, the bull among cows, the principal die in a game at dice
- often ifc., e.g. kapivṛṣāḥ, the chief monkeys) MBh. Kāv. &c
- Justice or Virtue personified as a bull or as Śiva's bull Mn. viii, 16 Pur. Kāvyâd
- just or virtuous act, virtue, moral merit Śiś. Vās
- N. of Śiva MBh
- semen virile Vās
- water ib. Sch
- a mouse or rat (cf. vṛ́śa and -daṃśa) L
- an enemy L
- a partic. form of a temple VarBṛS
- a piece of ground suitable for the foundation of a house L
- N. of VishṇuKṛishṇa MBh
- of Indra MārkP
- of the Sun ib
- of Kāma-deva L
- of the regent of the Karaṇa Catush-pada VarBṛS
- of Indra in the 11th Manvantara Pur
- of a Sādhya Hariv
- of one of Skanda's attendants MBh
- of an Asura (= vṛṣabha) Kāvyâd
- of two sons of Kṛishṇa BhP
- of Karṇa MBh
- of a son of Vṛisha-sena and grandson of Karṇa Hariv
- of a Yādava and son of Madhu ib
- of a son of Sṛiñjaya BhP
- of an ancient king MBh
- of one of the 10 horses of the Moon L
- N. of various plants (L. Gendarussa Vulgaris or Adhatoda
- Boerhavia Procumbens or Variegata
- a species of bulbous plant growing on the Himavat &c.) Kāṭh. Suśr
- (ā), f. Gendarussa Vulgaris or Adhatoda L
- Salvinia Cucullata L
- Mucuna Pruritus L
- N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- (ī), f. See bṛsī
- n. a woman's apartment L
- myrobolan L. ; a peacock's plumage or tail L. [Cf. Lat. verres for verses ; Lith. vérsśis.]
- ○karṇikā (Car.) or (L.), f. Cocculus Tomentosus
- ○karṇī (L.), f. Cocculus Tomentosus
- ○kṛta mfn. g. pravṛddhâdi
- ○ketana m. 'having a bull for a sign', N. of Śiva MBh
- ○ketu m. id. R
- N. of a warrior Cat
- -śiṣya m. N. of Paraśu-rāma Bālar
- ○ga m. 'going on a bull', N. of Śiva Kāv
- ○gandhā f. Argyreia Speciosa or Argentea L
- ○gāyatrī f. a partic. Gāyatrī (recited in honour of a bull) Hcat
- ○cakra n. a partic. astrological diagram (shaped like a bull and having reference to agriculture) L
- ○tā f. virility generative power Car
- ○tva n. See under 2. vṛṣa
- ○daṃśa
- ○daṃśaka
- ○dat
- ○danta See above, line 13
- ○darbha m. N. of a prince of Kāśi (pl. his family) MBh. Hariv
- of a son of Śibi Hariv
- ○dāna n. N. of wk
- ○deva m. N. of a king Inscr
- (ā), f. of a wife of Vasu-deva VP
- ○dvīpa m. N. of a Dviipa VarBṛS
- ○dhara m. 'bull-bearer', N. of Śiva Bālar
- ○dhvaja m. = -ketana MBh. Kāv. &c
- 'having a rat for a sign', N. of Gaṇêśa W
- 'having virtue for a mark', a virtuous man ib
- N. of a king Cat
- (with Tāntrikas) N. of an author of mystical prayers ib
- of a mountain MārkP. (ā), f. N. of Durgā Hariv
- ○dhvāṅkṣī f. a species of Cyperus L
- ○nādin mfn. roaring like a bull Śiś
- ○nāśana m. Embelia Ribes L
- ○pati m. 'lord of the bull', N. of Śiva L
- a bull set at liberty L. (cf. vṛṣôtsarga)
- ○pattrikā f. = -gandhā L
- ○parṇī f. Salvinia Cucullata L
- Cocculus Tomentosus L
- ○parvan See under 2. vṛṣa
- ○puṣpa n. a kind of pot-herb Car
- ○pūtana (?), m. letting loose a black bull L. (cf. vṛṣôtsarga)
- ○bhānu m. (also written -bhāṇu or -bhāna) N. of a Vaiśya (the son of Sūra-bhāna and father of Rādhā
- cf. vārṣabhānavii) Cat
- -jā f. patr. of Rādha (also N. of a drama by Mathurā-dāsa
- -nandinī f. patr. of Rādhā, Vṛishabhān
- ○bhāsā f. the residence of Indra and of the immortals (= amarāvatī) L
- ○rāja (?), m. N. of a medical author Cat
- ○rāja-ketana m. 'having the king of bulls for a sign', N. of Śiva Kum
- ○lakṣaṇā f. a masculine (lit. 'bullish-looking') girl (unfit for marriage) L
- ○lāñchana m. = -ketana Bālar
- ○locana m. 'having the eyes of a bull', a rat L
- ○vat m. N. of a mountain MārkP
- ○vāha m. riding on a bull Pañcar
- ○vāhana m. 'whose vehicle is a bull', N. of Śiva Hariv
- ○vivāha m. = vṛṣôtsarga ib
- ○vṛṣa n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- ○śatru m. 'enemy of Vṛisha or Karṇa', N. of Kṛishṇa or Vishṇu L
- ○śīla mfn. (used to explain vṛṣala) Nir. iii, 16
- ○śuṣṇa See vṛ́ṣa-śuṣma under 2. vṛṣa)
- ○ṣaṇḍa m. N. of a man Pravar. (cf. vṛkakhaṇḍa)
- ○sānu m. a man L
- death L
- ○sâhvayā (MBh.),
- ○sâhvā (VP.), f. N. of two rivers
- ○sṛkkin m. a wasp L. (cf. viṣa-śṛṅgin and -sṛkkan)
- ○sena See under 2. vṛṣa
- ○skandha mfn. 'bull-shouldered', having the shoulders of a bull Ragh. [Page 1012, Column]
- N. of Śiva MBh
- vṛṣâkara m. a kind of bean, Phaseolus Radiatus L
- vṛṣâkṛti mfn. bull-shaped (applied to Vishṇu) MBh
- vṛṣâkrāntā f. (a cow) covered by a bull L
- vṛṣâkṣa mfn. bull-eyed (applied to Vishṇu) Hariv
- vṛṣâkhya n. N. of a partic. magical formula recited over, weapons R
- vṛṣâṅka m. 'bull-marked', N. of Śiva MBh. Kāv. &c
- 'marked by virtue', a pious man L
- the marking-nut plant L
- a eunuch L
- -ja m. 'Śiva-produced', a kind of small drum (held in one hand and played by means of a string attached to it, = ḍamaru) L
- vṛṣâñcana m. 'bull-going', 'borne on a bull', N. of Śiva L
- vṛṣâṇḍa m. 'having a bull's testicles', N. of an Asura MBh
- vṛṣâdri m. N. of a mountain Cat
- vṛṣântaka m. 'destroyer of Vṛisha', N. of Kṛishṇa or Vishṇu L. (cf. vṛṣa-śatru, col. 1)
- vṛṣâmitra m. N. of a Brāhman MBh
- vṛṣâvāha m. a kind of wild grain or rice L
- vṛṣâhāra m. 'feeding on rats', a cat L
- vṛṣêndra m. an excellent bull BhP
- vṛṣôtsarga m. letting loose a bull (or, accord. to some, a bull and four heifers, as a work of merit esp. on the occasion of a Śrāddha in honour of deceased ancestors) GṛS. Pañcat. RTL. 319
- giving up virtuous acts Vās
- N. of the 18th Pariśishṭa of the Atharva-veda
- -kaumudī f. -tattva n. -paddhati f. -pariśiṣṭa n. -prayoga m. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- vṛṣôtsāha m. 'having the strength of a bull', N. of Vishṇu L
- vṛṣôdara m. 'bull-bellied', id. MBh
- vṛṣa (not always separable from 1. vṛṣa), in comp. for vṛṣan
- ○karman mfn. doing manly deeds (as Indra) RV
- acting like a bull (as Vishṇu) MBh
- m. a partic. magical formula recited over weapons R
- ○kāma mfn. desirous of the male Kauś
- ○kratu (vṛ́ṣa-), mfn. manly-minded (as Indra) RV
- ○khādi (vṛ́ṣa-), mfn. having large bracelets or rings (as the Maruts
- others 'ornamented with ear-rings') ib
- ○gaṇa (vṛ́ṣa-), m. N. of a Ṛishi (pl. his descendants) ib
- ○cyuta (vṛ́ṣa-), mfn. excited by (drinking) the strong Soma ib
- ○jūti (vṛ́ṣa-), mfn. having manly impulse or speed ib
- ○tvá and n. (instr. ○nā́) manliness, virility ib. TS
- ○tvaná n. (instr. ○nā́) manliness, virility ib. TS
- ○daṃśá m. 'having strong teeth', a cat VS. &c. &c
- a kind of animal living in holes Suśr
- N. of a mountain MBh
- -mukha mfn. cat-mouthed ib
- ○daṃśaka (Sāh.),
- ○daṃśakaka (L.), m. = -daṃśa, a cat
- ○dat (vṛ́ṣa-), mf(atī)n. strong-toothed AV
- ○danta mfn. id. Pāṇ. 5-4, 145
- ○dhūta (vṛ́ṣa-), mfn. shaken i.e. pressed out by men RV
- ○nābhi (vṛ́ṣa-), mfn. having a strong nave (as a chariot) ib
- ○nā́man (of unknown meaning) RV. ix, 97, 54 (accord. to Sāy. vṛṣa = varṣaṇa, and nāman = namana)
- ○patnī (vṛ́ṣa-), f. having a strong lord or husband, ruled by the strong (applied to the waters) RV
- ○parvan (vṛ́ṣa-), mfn. strong-jointed (Indra) ib
- m. the √of Scirpus Kysoor L
- the areca-nut tree L
- N. of Vishṇu MBh
- of Śiva L
- of a Dānava (father of Śarmishṭhā) MBh. Hariv. &c
- of a Rājarshi MBh. MārkP
- of a monkey R
- ○pā́ṇa mfn. drunk by men RV
- ○pāṇi (vṛ́ṣa-), mfn. strong-hoofed ib
- ○prabharman (vṛ́ṣa-), mfn. to whom the strong (i.e. Soma) is presented or offered (Indra) ib
- ○prayāvan (vṛ́ṣa-), mfn. going with stallions (Maruts) ib
- ○psu (vṛ́ṣa-), mfn. of strong appearance (applied to the Maruts and their chariot) ib
- ○bhará mfn. 'seizing strongly, holding fast' or 'crying aloud' (cf. √bhṛ) RV. (others 'supporting men')
- ○maṇas and mfn. manly-spirited, brave, courageous ib
- ○maṇyu (vṛ́ṣa-), mfn. manly-spirited, brave, courageous ib
- ○ratha (vṛ́ṣa-), mfn. having a strong or mighty car ib
- ○raśmi (vṛ́ṣa-), mfn. having strong reins or thongs ib
- ○vrata (vṛ́ṣa-), mfn. 'bearing strong sway' or 'ruling over men' ib
- ○vrāta (vṛ́ṣa-), mfn. forming strong troops (or 'troops of men') ib
- ○śiprá m. 'bull-cheeked', N. of a demon ib
- ○śuṣma (vṛ́ha-), mfn. of manly courage or strength RV
- m. (also read -śuṣṇa) N. of a man with the patr. Vātāvata AitBr. KaushBr
- ○savá mfn. 'pressed out by men' or 'impelling men' (Soma) RV
- ○sená mfn. (prob.) having an army of men VS
- m. N. of a son of the 10th Manu Hariv
- of Karṇa MBh. Pur
- of a great-grandson of Aśoka Buddh
- ○stúbh mfn. calling aloud RV. (others 'praising the mighty i.e. the gods')
- vṛṣânna n. strong or nourishing food Kauś. (cf. vṛṣabhânna)
- vṛṣaka m. a species of plant Suśr
- N. of a king (son of Su-bala) MBh. [Page 1012, Column]
- n. (with indrasya) N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- vṛṣaṇ in comp. for vṛṣan
- ○aśvá mfn. drawn by stallions (as a chariot) RV
- m. N. of a man (the father of Menā) ib. MaitrS
- of a Gandharva L. (wṛ. ○ṇāśva)
- of a horse of Indra L
- ○vat (vṛṣaṇ-), mfn. yoked with or drawn by or going with stallions RV
- being among stallions ib
- containing the word vṛṣan TS. AitBr
- ○vasu (vríṣaṇ-), mfn. possessing or bringing great wealth RV
- n. the treasure of Indra L
- vṛ́ṣaṇa mf(ī)n. sprinkling, fertilizing MW
- m. (or n. Siddh.) the scrotum, (du.) the testicles VS. &c. &c
- m. N. of Śiva MBh
- of a son of Madhu Hariv
- of a son of Kārtaviirya VP
- ○kacchū f. ulceration of the scrotum Suśr
- vṛṣad in comp. for vṛṣat (pr. p. of √vṛṣ)
- ○añji (only in pl.) RV. viii, 20, 9 (= vṛṣatā somena añjantas Sāy.)
- ○gu m. N. of a king MBh. ii, 324 (B. ruṣadru
- cf. ṛṣad-gu)
- vṛ́ṣan mfn. (acc. [v'RS�ANam] nom. pl. ○ṣāṇas
- prob. originally 'raining, sprinkling, impregnating') manly, vigorous, powerful, strong, mighty, great (applied to animate and inanimate objects) RV. AV. VS. Br. (superl. -tama)
- m. a man, male, any male animal, a bull, stallion &c. (also N. of various gods, as implying strength, esp. of Indra and the Maruts) ib
- (ifc.) chief, lord (e.g. kṣiti-, kṣmā-v○, lord of the earth, prince) Rājat
- a kind of metre RPrāt
- N. of a man RV
- of Karṇa L
- (vṛṣṇī) f. a mare Lāṭy. Sch
- n. N. of a Sāman Lāṭy
- vṛ́ṣaṃ-dhi m. (perhaps) lightning RV. iv, 24, 2 (a 'cloud' Naigh. i, 10)
- vṛṣabhá mfn. (cf. ṛṣabha) manly, mighty, vigorous, strong (applied like vṛṣan to animate and inanimate objects) RV. AV
- m. (ifc., f. ā) a bull (in Veda epithet of various gods, as of Indra, Bṛihas-pati, Parjanya &c
- according to Sāy. = varṣayitṛ, 'a showerer of bounties, benefactor') RV. &c
- the chief, most excellent or eminent, lord or best among (in later language mostly ifc., or with gen.) ib
- the zodiacal sign Taurus VarBṛS
- a partic. drug (described as a √brought from the Himâlaya mountains, resembling the horn of a bull, of cooling and tonic properties, and serviceable in catarrh and consumption) Bhpr
- the hollow or orifice of the ear L
- N. of Daśad-yu RV
- of an Asura slain by Vishṇu Hariv. (v. l. ṛṣ○)
- of one of the sons of the 10th Manu MārkP
- of a warrior MBh
- of a son of Kuśâgra Hariv. (v. l. ṛṣ○)
- of a son of Kārtaviirya BhP
- (with Jainas) of the first Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī Col
- of a mountain in Giri-vraja MBh. Hariv. &c
- (in astron.) of the 28th Muhūrta
- (ā), f. N. of the three lunar mansions (viz. of Maghā, Pūrva-phalgunī, and Uttaraphalgunī) VP. (cf. viithi
- of a river MBh. (ī). f. a widow L
- Mucuna Pruriens L
- ○ketu m. 'having a bull for an emblem', N. of Śiva L
- ○gati m. 'going on a bull', N. of Śiva L
- ○carita mfn. done by bulls VarBṛS
- n. N. of a metre (commonly called Hāriṇī) ib
- ○tīrtha-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○tva n. the state or condition of (being) a bull Kathās
- ○dāna n. N. of wk
- ○dhvaja m. = -ketu MBh. R. &c
- N. of one of Śiva's attendants MBh
- of a mountain VarBṛS
- ○jêśvaramāhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○yāna n. a car drawn by oxen Mṛicch
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○vīthi f. N. of the ninth division of the course of the planet Venus (comprising the lunar mansions Maghā, Pūrva-phalgunī, and Uttara-phalgunī) VarBṛS
- ○ṣoḍaśa mfn. 'having a bull as sixteenth'
- (ā), f. pl. (with or scil. gāvaḥ) fifteen cows and a bull Mn. ix, 124
- xi, 116 &c
- ○skandha mfn. having shoulders like a bull, broad-shouldered R
- ○svargavidhāna n. N. of wk
- ○svāmin m. N. of a king (founder of the family of Ikshvāku and father of Draviḍa) Śatr
- vṛṣabhâkṣa mfn. bull-eyed MBh. R
- (ī), f. colocynth L
- vṛṣabhâṅka m. = ○bha-ketū MBh. R
- vṛṣabhâdri m. N. of a mountain (cf. under vṛṣabha)
- -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- vṛṣabhấnna mfn. eating nourishing food RV. (cf. vṛṣânna)
- vṛṣabhâsuravidhvaṃsin m. 'slayer of the Asura Vṛishabha', N. of Vishṇu Pañcar
- vṛṣabhêkṣaṇa m. 'bull-eyed', N. of Vishṇu MW
- vṛṣabhâikasahasrā f. pl. (with gāvaḥ) a thousand cows and a bull Mn. xi, 127
- vṛṣabhâikādaśā f. pl. (with gāvaḥ) ten cows and a bull Hcat
- vṛṣabhôtsarga m. 'letting loose a bull', N. of wk. (cf. vṛṣôtsarga). [Page 1013, Column]
- vṛṣaya See vṛṣāya
- vṛṣayú mfn. ruttish, in heat, excitable, highspirited (as a horse) RV
- vṛṣalá or m. (fr. vṛ́ṣan) a little or contemptible man, low or mean or wicked fellow (in later language 'a Śūdra') RV. &c. &c
- vṛ́ṣala m. (fr. vṛ́ṣan) a little or contemptible man, low or mean or wicked fellow (in later language 'a Śūdra') RV. &c. &c
- a dancer L
- N. of king Candra-gupta (who was by birth a Śūdra) Mudr
- a horse L
- an ox L
- a kind of garlic L
- (ī), f. See below
- n. long pepper L
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the condition of a Śūdra, state of an outcaste Mn. MBh
- ○pācaka mfn. one who cooks for a Śūdra MBh. (v. l. yājaka)
- ○yājaka mfn. one who sacrifices for a Śūdra ib
- vṛṣalâtmaja m. the son of a Vṛishala or of a reprobate W
- vṛṣalaka m. a poor or contemptible Śūdra Uttarar
- vṛ́ṣalī f. a woman of low caste, Śūdra woman ŚBr. &c. &c. (L. also 'an unmarried girl twelve years old in whom menstruation has commenced
- a woman during menstruation
- a barren woman
- the mother of a still-born child')
- ○pati m. the husband of a Śūdra woman or a Brāhman who owns such a woman as his mistress Mn. iii, 155
- ○putra (or ○lyAH p○), m. the son of a Śūdra woman Pāṇ. 6-3, 22 Sch
- ○phenapīta mfn. one who has drunk the moisture (i. e. kissed the lips) of a Śūdra woman Mn. iii, 19
- ○sevana n. respect to or intercourse with a Śūdra woman W
- vṛṣasya Nom. P. ○yati, to desire the male, be in heat (said of human beings and animals) Mn. Bhaṭṭ. Kathās
- vṛṣasyantī f. an amorous or lustful woman L
- a cow in heat L
- vṛṣā in comp. for vṛṣa or vṛṣan
- ○kapāyī f. the wife of Vṛishā-kapi ( next) RV. (by the Comm. identified with Dawn)
- = śrī
- gaurī
- svāhā
- śacī L
- Asparagus Racemosus and = jīvantī L
- ○kapi (vṛṣā́-), m. 'man-ape', N. of a semi-divine being standing in a partic. relation to Indra and Indrāṇī RV. x, 86 (by the Comm. identified with the Sun
- also supposed to be the son of Indra and the author of the above hymn
- RTL. 222, n. 1)
- the sun MBh
- fire Hariv
- N. of Śiva MBh. Kathās
- of Indra BhP
- of Vishṇu MBh
- of one of the 11 Rudras ib
- of the hymn attributed to Vṛishā-kapi AitBr
- -śastra n. N. of wk
- ○gir m. 'strong-voiced', N. of a man (cf. varṣāgiri)
- ○darbha (BhP.),
- ○darbhi (MBh.), m. N. of a son of Śibi (cf. vṛṣa-d○)
- ○modinī f. enjoying the male Kāṭh
- ○yúdh mfn. combating men RV
- ○rava m. 'roaring like a bull', a kind of animal ib
- a kind of mallet or drumstick TBr. ŚBr
- ○śīla mfn. (used to explain vṛṣala) Nir. iii, 16 (cf. vṛṣa-ś○)
- vṛṣāṇa m. N. of Bāṇa (an attendant of Śiva) L
- vṛṣāṇaka m. N. of the author of RV. x, 136, 4 (having the part. Vātaraśana) Anukr
- of Śiva L
- of one of Śiva's attendants L
- vṛṣāya (in Padap. ○ṣaya), Nom. P. ○yati, to cause any object (acc.) to rain RV. x, 98, 1
- Ā. ○yáte, to burn with sexual desire, be ruttish RV. Car
- to long or be eager for, advance upon (acc., dat., or loc.) RV
- to roar like a bull BhP
- vṛṣāyaṇa m. a sparrow L
- N. of Śiva MW
- vṛṣin m. (prob.) 'fond of rain', a peacock L
- vṛṣiman m. (fr. vṛṣa), g. pṛthv-ādi
- vṛṣīya Nom. P. ○yati (fr. vṛṣa) Pāṇ. 7-1, 51 Sch
- vṛṣṭá mfn. rained &c. (n. impers., e.g. yadi na vṛṣṭam, if it has not rained VarBṛS
- ○ṣṭe ind. when it has rained AV.)
- fallen or dropped as rain KaṭhUp
- one who has rained Pāṇ. 1-4, 88 Sch
- m. N. of a son of Kukura (cf. vṛṣṭi) VP
- ○dharma m. N. of a king VP
- ○vat mfn. that has rained (as a cloud) Kathās
- vṛṣṭí or f. (sg. and pl.) rain RV. &c. &c. (ifc. often = a shower of, cf. puṣpa-, śaravṛ○)
- vṛ́ṣṭi f. (sg. and pl.) rain RV. &c. &c. (ifc. often = a shower of, cf. puṣpa-, śaravṛ○)
- (in Sāṃkhya) one of the four forms of internal, acquiescence (cf. salila) MW
- m. a partic. Ekâha ŚāṅkhŚr
- N. of a son of Kukura (cf. vṛṣṭa) VP
- ○kara mf(ī)n. producing rain, sprinkling, raining VarBṛS
- ○rêndra-prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
- ○kāma (vṛ́ṣṭi-), mfn. desirous of rain MaitrS
- ○kāmanā n. f. desire of rain Jaim. Sch
- ○kāla m. the rainy season W
- ○ghnī f. small cardamoms L
- ○jīvana mfn. 'living by rain', (land) nourished or watered by rain (= deva-mātṛka) W
- ○tā f. the condition of rain Naish
- ○dyāvan (vṛṣṭí-), mfn. (prob.) = next MaitrS
- ○dyo (vṛṣṭí-), mfn. (only du. -dyāvā and pl. ○vas), dwelling in the rainsky RV. ĀśvŚr
- ○pāta m. a shower of rain Ragh. [Page 1013, Column]
- ○bhū m. 'rain-born', a frog L
- ○mát (or vṛ́ṣṭi-mat), mfn. rainy, raining RV. ŚBr. MBh
- m. N. of a son of Kavi-ratha BhP
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of rain Hcar
- ○māruta m. rain and wind Hariv
- ○váni mfn. obtaining or causing rain RV. TS. Br
- ○vāta m. = -māruta Hariv
- ○sáni mfn. = -váni MaitrS. TS. Kāṭh
- pl. N. of partic. bricks (-tva n.) TS. Kāṭh. ĀpŚr
- ○sampāta m. a shower of rain Rājat
- ○hávya m. N. of a man RV
- vṛṣṭy-ambu n. rain-water L
- vṛṣṇa m. N. of a man (cf. vṛddhá-vṛṣṇa)
- vṛṣṇí or mfn. manly, strong, powerful, mighty RV
- vṛ́ṣṇi mfn. manly, strong, powerful, mighty RV
- angry, passionate L
- heretical, heterodox L
- m. a ram VS. TS. ŚBr
- a bull L
- a ray of light L
- air, wind L
- N. of Śiva MBh
- of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa L
- of Indra L
- of Agni L
- of various kings Hariv. Pur
- pl. N. of a tribe or family (from which Kṛishṇa is descended, = yādava or mādhava
- often mentioned together with the Andhakas) MBh. Hariv. &c
- n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- ○garbha m. 'born in the family of the Vṛishṇis', N. of Kṛishṇa L
- ○pāla m. a shepherd Daś
- ○pura n. the city of Vṛishṇis MBh
- ○mat m. N. of a king VP
- ○vareṇya m. 'best of the Vṛishṇis', N. of Kṛishṇa Bhām
- ○vṛddha m. the eldest or best among the Vṛishṇis L
- vṛṣṇika m. N. of a man, g. śivâdi
- vṛṣṇiya See vṛddha-vṛṣṇiya
- vṛ́ṣṇya mfn. manly, vigorous, mighty RV
- n. manliness, virility RV. AV. Kauś
- vṛ́ṣṇyāvat mfn. possessed of manly power, vigorous, strong, mighty (applied to Parjanya) RV. v, 83, 2
- vṛṣya mfn. = varṣya Pāṇ. 3-1, 120
- productive of sexual vigour, stimulating VarBṛS. Suśr
- m. N. of Śiva MBh. 10372 (Nīlak. 'increasing merit'
- rather 'most manly or vigorous')
- Phaseolus Radiatus L
- (ā), f. Asparagus Racemosus L
- the myrobolan-tree L
- a kind of bulbous plant L
- n. an aphrodisiac L
- ○kandā f. Batatas Paniculata L
- ○gandhā f. Argyreia Speciosa or Argentea L
- ○gandhikā f. Sida Cordifolia or Rhombifolia L
- ○tā f. manly vigour or potency, virility Cat
- ○vallikā f. Batatas Paniculata L
- vṛṣad m. (for 1. See p. 1012, col. 3) N. of a man Uṇ. v, 21, Śch
- vṛṣad-añji vṛṣad-gu, See under 1. vṛṣad, p. 1012, col. 3
- vṛṣaya m. = āśraya, refuge, shelter Uṇ. iv, 100 Sch
- vṛsaya vṛsī, See bṛsaya, bṛsī
- vṛh See √1. 2. bṛh &c
- vṛha See a-vṛha
- vṛhat See bṛhat under √2. bṛh
- vṝ (Dhātup. xxxi, 16 ; 20). See √2. vṛ
- ve (cf. √ūy), cl. 1. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxiii, 37) váyati, ○te (pf. p. vavau or uvāya
- 2. sg. uvayitha Gr
- 3. pl. vavuḥ ib
- ūvuḥ RV
- ūyuḥ Bhaṭṭ
- Ā. vave, ūve, ūye Gr
- aor. avāsīt, avāsta Gr
- Prec. ūyāt, vāsīṣṭa ib
- fut. vātā ib
- vāsyati, ○te ib
- vayiṣyáti RV
- inf. ótum, ótave, ótavaí ib
- vā́tave AV.), to weave, interweave, braid, plait (fig. to string or join together artificially, make, compose, e.g. speeches, hymns) RV. &c. &c
- to make into a cover, into a web or web-like covering, overspread as with a web (said of a cloud-like mass of arrows filling the air) Bhaṭṭ.: Pass. ūyate (aor. avāyi), Gr.: Caus. vāyayati ib.: Desid. vivāsati, ○te ib.: Intens. vāvāyate, vāveti, vāvāti ib
- uta mfn. woven &c. See 1. uta, p. 175, col. 2
- ūta
- ūtí See 1. ūta &c., p. 221, col. 1
- vātavya mfn. to be woven or sewn Pat
- vāna &c. See 3. vāna, p. 940, col. 2
- vema m. a loom (in su-v○) MBh
- ○citra or m. N. of an Asura king Buddh
- ○citrin m. N. of an Asura king Buddh
- ○bhūpāla or m. N. of a king and author Cat
- ○rāja m. N. of a king and author Cat
- vemaka m. a weaver Hariv
- (ī), f. the wife of a weaver ib
- véman n. (L. also m.) a loom VS
- a slay TBr. Sch
- vemana mfn. (fr. prec.), g. pāmâdi
- vemanya mfn. skilful in weaving Pat
- veya mfn. to be woven &c
- ○gāna n. a partic. song-book or manual of singing (giving, with the Āraṇya-gāna, the various modifications of intonation for the Ārcika division of the Sāma-veda). [Page 1013, Column]
- ○cchalā f. N. of a ch. of the Sāma-veda-cchalā
- vé m. a bird (strong stem of 1. ví, q.v.)
- vekaṭa m. (cf. vaikaṭika, only L.) a youth
- a jeweller
- a sort of fish
- a buffoon (= vidūṣaka)
- ind. = adbhuta (cf. 2. vi-kaṭa)
- vekuri See bekuri
- vekṣ (prob. for avêkṣ, q.v.), cl. 10. P. vekṣayati, to see Dhātup. xxxv, 84, 6 (v. l. vlekṣ)
- vekṣaṇa n. looking after, care about (gen.) Mn. ix, 11 (v. l. for cêkṣaṇe)
- véga m. (fr. √vij) violent agitation, shock, jerk AV. R
- a stream, flood, current (of water, tears &c.) AV. ŚvetUp. MBh. &c
- rush, dash, impetus, momentum, onset MBh. BhP
- impetuosity, vehemence, haste, speed, rapidity, quickness, velocity (vegād vegaṃ-√gam, to go from speed to speed, increase one's speed) MBh. Kāv. &c
- the flight (of an arrow) Kir
- outbreak, outburst (of passion), excitement, agitation, emotion ib
- attack, paroxysm (of a disease) Suśr
- circulation, working, effect (of poison
- in Suśr. seven stages or symptoms are mentioned) Yājñ. Kāv. &c
- expulsion of the feces Suśr
- semen virile L
- impetus Kaṇ. Sarvad
- the fruit of Trichosanthes Palmata L
- N. of a class of evil demons Hariv
- ○ga mf(ā)n. going or streaming fast Hariv
- ○ghna mfn. killing swiftly MBh
- ○javā f. N. of a Kiṃ-narī Kāraṇḍ
- ○tara m. greater swiftness (vegād vegataraṃ-√gam, to run faster and faster
- cf. vega) Pañcat. (B.)
- ○tas ind. with a sudden impetus R
- with speed, quickly, hastily, impetuously Kathās
- ○daṇḍa m. (= vetaṇḍa) an elephant Hcar
- ○darśin m. N. of a monkey R
- ○nāśana m. 'preventing speed or activity', phlegm, the phlegmatic humour L
- veganāśyanāśakabhāvārtharahasya3véga--nāśya-nāśaka-bhāvârtha-rahasya n. N. of wk
- ○parikṣaya m. cessation of the paroxysm of a disease Suśr
- ○rāja m. N. of an author
- -saṃhitā f. N. of his wk. (composed AḌ. 1494)
- ○rodha m. obstruction of speed or activity, retardation, check W
- obstruction of the movement or evacuation of the bowels ib
- ○vat mfn. agitated (as the ocean) R
- impetuous, rapid, hasty, swift, violent MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. a leopard L
- N. of an Asura MBh
- of a Vidyādhara Kathās
- of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- of a king (son of Bandhu-mat) ib
- of a monkey R
- (vatī), f. N. of a river R
- a partic. drug Suśr
- a kind of metre Piṅg
- N. of a Vidyādharī Kathās
- (pl.) N. of a class of Apsarases or celestial nymphs VP
- -tama mfn. speediest, quickest, very quick or swift MW
- -tara mfn. more speedy, quicker, very quick ib
- -tā f. swiftness, velocity ib
- -stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- ○vāhin mfn. going or flowing or flying swiftly R. Rājat
- (inī), f. an arrow MBh. MārkP
- ○vidhāraṇa n. retardation of velocity, stopping, retarding W
- obstruction of the natural excretions, constipation Suśr
- ○virodhin mfn. obstructing the movement or evacuation of the bowels ŚārṅgS
- ○vṛṣṭi f. a violent rain L
- ○sampanna mfn. endowed with swiftness, swift (said of horses) R
- ○sara m. (cf. vesara) a mule L
- (ī), f. a female mule Kathās
- ○sāra m. pl. N. of a people VP
- vegâghāta m. = vegavidhāraṇa W
- vegânila m. a violent wind Vikr
- vegâvataraṇa n. swift descent Śak
- vegôdagra mfn. having rapid or intense effect (as venom) Vikr
- vegi in comp. for vegin
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. impetus, velocity, quickness, speed W
- ○hariṇa m. a kind of antelope L
- vegita mfn. agitated, rough (as the sea) MBh
- impetuous, hasty, rapid, swift, fleet MBh. Kāv. &c
- vegin mfn. having velocity, swift, rapid, impetuous MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. a hawk, falcon L
- an express, courier W
- N. of Vāyu L
- (inī), f. a river MW
- vegila m. N. of a man Kathās
- vejana-vat mfn. (fr. Caus. of √vij) used to explain vājin Nir
- vejita mfn. (fr. id.) agitated, frightened, terrified Hariv. Ragh
- enhanced, increased MBh
- veṅka m. pl. N. of a people in the south of India BhP. [Page 1014, Column]
- veṅkaṭa m. (Prākṛit for vyaṅkaṭa) N. of a very sacred hill in the Drāviḍa country (in the district of North Arcot, about 80 miles from Madras
- it reaches an elevation of about 2, 500 feet above the sea-level, and on the summit is the celebrated temple dedicated to Kṛishṇa or Vishṇu in his character of 'Lord of Veṅkaṭa', also called Śrī-pati or Tirupati, whence the hill is sometimes popularly known as Tri-pati
- it is annually thronged with thousands of pilgrims RTL. 267) BhP
- of a king of Vijaya-nagara (the patron. of Appaya Dīkshita) Cat
- (also with adhvarin, ācārya, kavi, bhaṭṭa, yajvan, yogin &c.) N. of various authors and teachers ib
- ○kavīya n. N. of a poem
- ○kṛṣṇa m. N. of an author Cat
- ○ṇīya n. N. of his wk
- ○giri m. the Veṅkaṭa hill Cat
- -nātha m. N. of a preceptor Cat
- -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○nātha m. N. of various authors Cat
- ○pati m. king Veṅkaṭa Kuval
- ○bheṭ N. of wk
- ○rāma
- ○rāya and m. N. of authors Cat
- ○śubhā-śāstrin m. N. of authors Cat
- veṅkaṭâcala m. ○la-māhātmya n. = ○ṭa-giri, ○ri-māhātmya Cat
- -sūri m. N. of an author ib
- ○lêśa m. Vishṇu as worshipped on the hill Veṅkaṭa ib
- ○lêśvara-maṅgalâśāsana n. N. of wk
- veṅkaṭâdri m. = ○ṭa-giri Cat
- (with bhaṭṭa, yajvan, rāyasa) N. of authors ib
- -nāthīya-graha-tantra n
- veṅkaṭâdri-māhātmya n. N. of wks
- veṅkaṭêśa m. 'lord of Veṅkaṭa', N. of Kṛishṇa RTL. 267
- N. of various authors (also -kavi, -dīkṣita, -paṇḍita &c.) Cat
- -kavaca n. -dvādaśa-nāman n. -namaskārâṣṭaka n. -pañcāśat f. -prahasana n. -maṅgala n. -maṅgalâśāsana n. -mālā-mantra m. -māhātmya n. -rahasya n. -śataka n. -sahasra-nāman n. -su-prabhāta, n. -stotra, n
- ○śâṣṭaka n. ○śâṣṭôttara-śata-nāman n. N. of wks
- veṅkaṭêśvara m. 'lord of VṭVeṅkaṭa', N. of Kṛishṇa or Vishṇu ( See above) Cat
- N. of various authors (also -kavi, -dīkṣita &c.) ib
- -cātur-bhadrikā f. -maṅgala-stotra n. -māhātmya n. -sahasra-nāman n. -stotra, n
- ○śvarīya n. N. of wks
- veṅkappa m. N. of a dramatic poet Cat
- veṅkappayya m. N. of an author ib
- veṅkayya m. (with prabhu) N. of a poet ib
- veṅgi or veṅgī f. N. of a town Vcar
- veṅghara m. pride of beauty L
- vecā f. (said to be fr. √vic) hire, wages L
- vecā-rāma and m. N. of two authors Cat
- vecu-rāma m. N. of two authors Cat
- vejānī f. Vernonia Anthelmintica L
- veṭ ind. an exclamation used in sacrificial, ceremonies VS
- ○kārá m. the exclamation veṭ ŚBr
- veṭa m. a kind of tree (= pīlu-vṝkṣa) Gaṇar
- (ā), f. the abode of the Vaiśya tribe (?) W
- (ī), f. a boat L
- veṭaka m. N. of a man Naigh., Introd
- veṭā-vat mfn. (fr. veṭa) Gaṇar
- veṭy (v. l. vedy), cl. 1. P. veṭyati, 'to be wicked' or 'to sleep' (dhaurtye svapne ca), g. kaṇḍv-ādi
- veḍa n. a kind of coarse sandal (= sāndra-vicchinna-candana) L
- (ā), f. (also written beḍā) a boat L. (cf. veṭī)
- veḍhamikā f. a kind of bread o cake L
- veṇ (prob. artificial
- √.ven), to go, move
- to know
- to think
- to discern
- to play on an instrument
- to hold or take Dhātup. xxi, 13
- veṇa m. (cf. veṇu and viiṇā) a worker in reed Vishṇ. Sch
- a musician (by caste, the son of a Vaideha and an Ambashṭhī) Mn. x, 19 ; 49 (cf. vaiṇa)
- the son of an Ugra and a Kshatriyā (who lives as a necromancer and conjuror) L
- v. l. for vena, q.v
- (ā), f. See next
- veṇā f. N. of a woman HPariś
- of a river MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○taṭa m. the bank of the river Veṇā Mṛicch. [Page 1014, Column]
- m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (AV. Pariś. veṇa-taṭa)
- veṇi f. (fr. √1. ve) weaving, braiding L
- braided hair or a braid of hair, hair twisted into a single unornamented braid and allowed to fall on the back (so worn by widows and women who mourn for absent husbands, cf. eka-veṇi
- the water of a river is often compared to such a braid, but in these meanings the form veṇī is more common, See below) MBh. Kāv. &c
- the confluence or meeting of two or more rivers or streams in a common point of union (as at Prayāga or Allāhābād, cf. triv○) W
- property re-united after it has been before divided Vas
- a cascade L
- ○mādhava m. a partic. square-shaped stone idol having four hands at Prayāga L. (cf. veṇī-mādhava-bandhu)
- ○rāma m. N. of an author Cat
- ○vedhanī f. 'hair-penetrating', a leech L
- ○vedhinī f. 'hair-piecer', a comb MW
- veṇika m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (B. vetrika)
- (ā), f. = veṇi, a braid of hair &c. L
- (met.) a continuous line, uninterrupted stream Hcar. Kād
- a twisted stripe or band Hcat. Suśr
- ○vāhin mfn. flowing or causing to flow in an uninterrupted stream Kād
- veṇin m. 'having a hood like braided hair', N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- (inī), f. a woman with braided hair L
- veṇī f. = veṇi, a braid of hair &c. MBh. Kāv. &c
- a stream, current L
- an abridgement of the title veṇī-saṃhāra ( See below) Sāh
- Lipeocercis Serrata Car
- a dam, bridge L
- a ewe L
- N. of a river Hariv
- N. of wk. Cat
- ○ga-mūlaka n. the √of Andropogon Muricatus L
- ○datta m. (also with bhaṭṭa, śarman &c.) N. of various authors and other men Cat
- ○dāna n. a ceremony performed at Prayāga (cutting off a braid of hair and offering it to the Ganges with gifts to the priests) RTL. 375
- ○dāsa m. N. of a man Cat
- ○bhūta mfn. (hair) forming a braid BhP
- ○mādhava m. N. of an author ib
- -bandhu m. N. of the father of Raṅga-nātha ib
- ○rāma (with śāka-dviipin and dharmâdhikārin), m. N. of authors ib
- ○rūpa n
- ○vilāsa m. N. of two poems
- ○saṃvaraṇa or n. = next
- ○saṃharaṇa n. = next
- ○saṃhāra m. 'binding up of the braided hair', N. of a wellknown drama by Bhaṭṭa-nārāyaṇa (who probably lived in the 9th century ; its subject is taken from an incident narrated in the 2nd and 8th books of the Mahā-bhārata, in which is described how Yudhishṭhira gambled away all his possessions, including Draupadī, and how Du?-śāsana then insulted Draupadī by loosening her braided hair and dragging her away by her dishevelled locks, and how Bhīma, who witnessed the insult, swore that he would one day kill Du?-śāsana and drink his blood ; this threat he fulfilled, and Draupadī's hair was then bound up again ; MBh. ii, 2229-2235, viii, 4235)
- ○skandha m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- veṇīra m. Sapindus Detergens (= ariṣṭa) L
- veṇú or véṇu m. (prob. connected with √1. ve) a bamboo, reed, cane RV. &c. &c
- a flute, fife, pipe MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of a deity of the Bodhi tree Lalit
- of a king of the Yādavas MBh
- of a son of Śata-jit VP
- of a mountain MārkP
- of a river L
- (pl.) the descendants of Veṇu ĀśvŚr. (veṇor viśāle, N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr.)
- ○karkara m. Capparis Aphylla (a species of thorny plant = karīra, commonly called Karir or Karil) L
- ○kāra m. a flute-maker Lalit
- ○gīta n. N. of wk
- ○gulma m. n. a bamboo-thicket BhP
- ○gopāla-pratiṣṭhā f. N. of wk
- ○ja mfn. 'reed-born', produced in or from a reed (as fire) BhP
- m. bamboo seed or fruit L
- n. pepper L
- ○jaṅgha m. N. of a Muni MBh
- ○jāla n. = -gulma Vet. (v. l.)
- ○datta m. N. of a man Cat. (v. l. vaiṇya-d○)
- ○dala n. a split bamboo Mn. viii, 299
- ○dāri m. N. of a king MBh. Hariv. &c
- ○dārin mfn. bamboo-splitting Śiś
- m. N. of a demon ib
- ○dhma m. a flute-player, piper L
- ○nisruti m. the sugarcane W
- ○nṛtyā f. N. of a Tantra deity Kālac
- ○pa m. N. of a people MBh. (v. l. reṇu-pa)
- ○pattra n. a bamboo leaf Cat
- (ī), f. a kind of grass L
- ○pattraka m. a kind of snake Suśr
- (ikā), f. = -pattrī ib
- ○bīja n. bamboo seed L
- ○bhārá m. a load of bamboo ŚBr
- ○maṇḍala n. N. of a Varsha in Kuśa-dviipa MBh
- ○mat mfn. provided with bamboo Yājñ. [Page 1014, Column]
- m. N. of a mountain Hariv
- of a son of Jyotish-mat VP
- (atī), f. N. of a river VarBṛS
- n. N. of a mountain Hariv
- of the Varsha ruled by Veṇu-mat VP
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made or consisting of bamboo VarBṛS. Hcat
- ○mudrā f. a partic. position of the fingers Pañcar
- ○yava m. pl. bamboo seed GṛŚrS. Suśr
- (ī), f. an oblation of bamboo seed ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○yaṣṭí f. a bamboo staff ŚBr
- ○vana n. a forest of bamboo Rājat
- N. of a forest Divyâv
- ○vāda or m. a flute-player, piper L
- ○vādaka m. a flute-player, piper L
- ○vādana n. playing on the flute Hcat
- ○vādya n. id
- -viśārada mfn. skilful in playing the flute (said of Kṛishṇa) Pañcar
- ○vidala n. split bamboo Gaut
- ○vīṇā-dharā f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda MBh
- ○vaidala mfn. made of split bamboo Mn. viii, 327
- ○śayyā f. a couch of reed R
- ○haya m. N. of a descendant of Yadu Hariv. BhP
- ○hotra m. N. of a son of Dhṛishṭa-ketu Hariv. VP
- veṇavin mfn. furnished with a flute (said of Śiva) MBh. (v. l. vaiṇavin)
- veṇuká m. a flute, pipe Hariv
- amomum L
- N. of a mythical being Suparṇ
- pl. N. of a people MārkP. (cf. veṇu-pa)
- (ā), f. a kind of plant with poisonous fruit Suśr
- amomum BhP. Sch
- n. a goad with a bamboo handle (used for driving an elephant) L
- veṇukīya mfn. (fr. veṇu), g. naḍâdi
- (ā), f. a place where bamboos grow Pāṇ. 6-4, 153 Sch
- veṇugradha (?), m. a species of plant MārkP
- veṇuna n. black pepper L
- veṇṭha n. a place where Viṭas congregate (viṭâśraya) L
- veṇṇā veṇyā, veṇvā, See kṛṣṇa-v○
- veta m. (prob. corrupted fr. vetra
- but See Uṇ. iii, 118) a cane, reed L
- (ā), f. = vetana L
- vetaṇḍa m. (cf. vitaṇḍa, vedaṇḍa, vega-daṇḍa) an elephant Hcar. Kād. Bhām
- (ā), f. a form of Durgā Vās. (v. l. for vetālā)
- vetana n. (accord. to Uṇ. iii, 150 fr. √vii, but rather connected with √vṛt
- cf. vartana) wages, hire, salary, subsistence, livelihood Mn. MBh. &c
- price Rājat
- silver L
- ○jīvin mfn. subsisting by wages, stipendiary MW
- ○dāna n. the paying of wages, hiring Pāṇ. 1-3, 36 Sch
- ○bhuj m. 'earning wages', a servant Pañcar
- vetanâdāna n. non-payment of wages Mn. viii, 218
- vetanin mfn. receiving wages, stipendiary (mostly ifc., e.g. kupya-v○, receiving bad pay) MBh
- vetasá m. (cf. veta and vetra) the ratan (Calamus Rotang) or a similar kind of cane, a reed, rod, stick RV. &c. &c
- the citron (Citrus Medica) MW
- N. of Agni ib
- (ī), f. the ratan, cane, reed Kathās. (○sī-taru Sāh.)
- n. a lancet shaped like a pointed leaf of the ratan Vāgbh
- N. of a city Kathās. [Cf., accord. to some, Gk. ? ; Lat. vitis ; [1014,] Germ. wîda, Weide ; Eng. withy.]
- ○gṛha n. an arbour formed of reeds Śak
- ○pattra n. the leaf of the ratan MārkP
- a lancet W
- ○parikṣipta mfn. (an arbour) fenced or enclosed by reeds Śak
- ○puṣpa n. the blossom of the ratan VarBṛS
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of reeds Hcar
- ○mālin mfn. wreathed with reeds Ml
- ○vṛtti mfn. acting or pliant as a reed Pañcat
- ○śākhā́ f. a branch of reed ŚBr
- vetasâmla m. Rumex Vesicarius L
- vetasaka m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (v. l. cet○)
- (ikā), f. N. of a place ib
- vetasinī f. N. of a river VP. (cf. vedasinī)
- vetasú m. N. of a man or of an Asura (pl. his descendants) RV
- vetas-vat mfn. abounding in reeds Pāṇ. 4-2, 87
- N. of a place PañcavBr
- vetāla m. (of doubtful derivation) a kind of demon, ghost, spirit, goblin, vampire (esp. one occupying a dead body) Hariv. Kāv. Kathās. &c
- N. of one of Śiva's attendants, KālikāP
- of a teacher BhP
- of a poet Cat
- a door-keeper (?) L
- (ā), f. a form of Durgā Vās
- (ī), f. N. of Durgā Hariv
- ○karma-jña mfn. knowing the doings of a Vetāla VarBṛS
- ○kavaca n. N. of a Kavaca2 (q.v.) Cat
- ○jananī f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda MBh
- ○pañca-viṃśati or f. a collection of 25 tales or fables told by a Vetāla or demon to king Vikramâditya (of which there are 5 recensions extant, one by Kshemêndra in his Bṛihat-kathā-mañjarī, one by Soma-deva in the Kathā-sarit-sāgara, and the other three by Jambhala-datta, Vallabha, and Śiva-dāsa [Page 1015, Column]
- ○pañca-viṃśaḍtikā f. a collection of 25 tales or fables told by a Vetāla or demon to king Vikramâditya (of which there are 5 recensions extant, one by Kshemêndra in his Bṛihat-kathā-mañjarī, one by Soma-deva in the Kathā-sarit-sāgara, and the other three by Jambhala-datta, Vallabha, and Śiva-dāsa [Page 1015, Column]
- versions of these popular tales exist in Hindī, Tamil and Telugu, and almost every Hindū vernacular)
- ○pura n. N. of a town Siṃhâs
- ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of a poet (the author of the Nīti-pradīpa, and one of the 9 men of letters said to have flourished at the court of Vikramâditya
- cf. nava-ratna) Cat
- ○rasa m. a partic. mixture L
- ○viṃśati f. N. of a collection of 20 Vetāla tales by Veṅkaṭa-bhaṭṭa
- ○sādhana n. winning or securing (the favour of) a Vetāla Kathās
- ○siddhi f. the supernatural power of a Vetāla, Buddb
- ○stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- vetālâkhyāyikā f. N. of wk
- vetālâsana n. a kind of posture (in which the right hand holds the toe of the left foot, and the left hand holds the toe of the right foot) L
- vetālôtthāpana n. the act of raising a Vetāla Mālatīm
- vettṛ mfn. (fr. √1. vid) ono who knows or feels or witnesses or experiences, a knower, experiencer, witness ŚvetUp. MBh. &c
- m. a sage, one who knows the nature of the soul and God W
- ○tva n. knowledge MW
- vettṛ m. (fr. √3. vid) one who obtains in marriage, an espouser, husband Āpast
- vetra m. n. (accord. to Uṇ. iv, 166, fr. √1. vii
- prob. connected with √1. ve, cf. veṇu) a kind of large reed (used for making sticks, prob. Calamus Rotang or Fasciculatus) Kauś. MBh. &c
- n. a cane, staff VarBṛS. BhP. MaitrUp. Sch
- the rod or mace of an officer, staff of a door-keeper ( See comp.)
- the tube of a flute Saṃgīt
- ○karīra m. n. the shoot or fresh sprout of a reed Suśr
- ○kāra m. a worker in reed R
- ○kīcaka-veṇu m. pl. different sorts of reed BhP
- ○grahaṇa n. 'grasping the staff', the office of a door-keeper Ragh
- ○daṇḍika m. 'reed-staff bearer', a door-keeper L
- ○dhara m. 'staff-bearer', a door-keeper L
- (ā), f. a female door-keeper Ragh
- ○dhāraka m. = -dhara L
- ○dhārin m. 'staff-bearer', the servant of a great man Pañcad
- ○nadī f. N. of a river Divyâv
- ○pāṇi m. 'staff-handed', a macebearer Hariv
- ○phala n. the fruit of Vetra Suśr
- ○bhṛt m. = -dhara Dharmaś
- ○yaṣṭi f. a staff of reed or cane Śak
- ○latā f. 'reed-branch', a staff or stick Pañcat
- -caya m. a heap of sticks R
- -maya mf(ī)n. made of sticks Hcar
- ○vat mfn. containing or consisting of reeds BhP
- m. N. of a mythical being (a son of Pūshan) Kathās
- (atī), f. a female door-keeper Śak. Prab
- a form of Durgā Hariv. (v. l. citra-rathī)
- N. of a river (now called the Betwā, which, rising among the Vindhya hills in the Bhopāl State and following a north-easterly direction for about 360 miles, falls into the Jumnā below Hamīrpur) MBh. R. &c
- of the mother of Vetrâsura VarP
- ○vana-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○vyāsakta-hasta mfn. one whose hands cling to a reed or reeds MBh
- ○han m. N. of Indra L. (prob. wṛ. for vṛtra-han)
- ○hasta m. = -pāṇi Kathās
- vetrâgra n. the point of a reed Suśr
- vetrâghāta m. a blow with a cane, a caning MW
- vetrâbhighāta m. id. Kautukas
- vetrâmla m. (prob.) = vetasâmla Suśr
- vetrā-vatī f. N. of a river Cat. (cf. vetra-vatī and Vām. v, 2, 75)
- vetrâsana n. 'cane-seat', a small oblong low couch of cane-work (used as a dooly or litter)
- ○nâsīna mfn. seated on such a seat Kum
- vetrâsava m. the juice or decoction of Vetra Suśr
- vetrâsura m. N. of an Asura VarP. (v. l. vaitr○)
- vetrakīya mfn. reedy, abounding with reeds or canes, g. naḍâdi
- (ā), f. a reedy place Pāṇ. 6-4, 153 Sch
- ○gṛha n
- ○vana n. N. of places MBh
- vetrika m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (v. l. veṇika)
- vetrin mfn. (ifc.) having a cane, having anything for a cane MaitrUp
- m. a staff-bearer, door-keeper Rājat
- vetrīya mfn. (fr. vetra), g. utkarâdi
- veda m. (fr. √1. vid, q.v.) knowledge, true or sacred knowledge or lore, knowledge of ritual RV. AitBr
- N. of certain celebrated works which constitute the basis of the first period of the Hindū religion (these works were primarily three, viz. 1. the Ṛig-veda, 2. the Yajur-veda [of which there are, however, two divisions, See taittirīya-saṃhitā, vājasaneyi-saṃhitā], 3. the Sāma-veda [Page 1015, Column]
- these three works are sometimes called collectively trayī, 'the triple Vidyā' or 'threefold knowledge', but the Ṛig-veda is really the only original work of the three, and much the most ancient [the oldest of its hymns being assigned by some who rely on certain astronomical calculations to a period between 4000 and 2500 B. C., before the settlement of the Āryans in India
- and by others who adopt a different reckoning to a period between 1400 and 1000 B3. C., when the Āryans had settled down in the Panjāb]
- subsequently a fourth Veda was added, called the Atharva-veda, which was probably not completely accepted till after Manu, as his law-book often speaks of the three Vedas-calling them trayam brahma sanātanam, 'the triple eternal Veda', but only once [xi, 3] mentions the revelation made to Atharvan and Aṅgiras, without, however, calling it by the later name of Atharva-veda
- each of the four Vedas has two distinct parts, viz. 1. Mantra, i.e. words of prayer and adoration often addressed either to fire or to some form of the sun or to some form of the air, sky, wind &c., and praying for health, wealth, long life, cattle, offspring, victory, and even forgiveness of sins, and 2. Brāhmaṇa, consisting of Vidhi and Artha-vāda, i. e. directions for the detail of the ceremonies at which the Mantras were to be used and explanations of the legends &c. connected with the Mantras [see brāhmaṇa, vidhi], both these portions being termed śruti, revelation orally communicated by the Deity, and heard but not composed or written down by men [I. W. 24 &c.], although it is certain that both Mantras and Brāhmaṇas were compositions spread over a considerable period, much of the latter being comparatively modern
- as the Vedas are properly three, so the Mantras are properly of three forms, 1. Ṛic, which are verses of praise in metre, and intended for loud recitation
- 2. Yajus, which are in prose, and intended for recitation in a lower tone at sacrifices
- 3. Sāman, which are in metre, and intended for chanting at the Soma or Moon-plant ceremonies, the Mantras of the fourth or Atharva-veda having no special name
- but it must be borne in mind that the Yajur and Sāma-veda hymns, especially the latter, besides their own Mantras, borrow largely from the Ṛig-veda
- the Yajur-veda and Sāma-veda being in fact not so much collections of prayers and hymns as special prayer- and hymn-books intended as manuals for the Adhvaryu and Udgātṛi priests respectively [see yajur-veda, sāma-veda]
- the Atharva-veda, on the other hand, is, like the Ṛig-veda, a real collection of original hymns mixed up with incantations, borrowing little from the Ṛig and having no direct relation to sacrifices, but supposed by mere recitation to produce long life, to cure diseases, to effect the ruin of enemies &c
- each of the four Vedas seems to have passed through numerous Śākhās or schools, giving rise to various recensions of the text, though the Ṛig-veda is only preserved in the Śākala recension, while a second recension, that of the Bhāshkalas, is only known by name
- a tradition makes Vyāsa the compiler and arranger of the Vedas in their present form: they each have an Index or Anukramaṇī q.v., the principal work of this kind being the general Index or Sarvânukramaṇī q.v.
- out of the Brāhmaṇa portion of the Veda grew two other departments of Vedic literature, sometimes included under the general name Veda, viz. the strings of aphoristic rules, called Sūtras q.v., and the mystical treatises on the nature of God and the relation of soul and matter, called Upanishad q.v., which were appended to the Āraṇyakas q.v., and became the real Veda of thinking Hindūs, leading to the Darśanas or systems of philosophy
- in the later literature the name of 'fifth Veda' is accorded to the Itihāsas or legendary epic poems and to the Purāṇas, and certain secondary Vedas or Upa-vedas q.v. are enumerated
- the Vedâṅgas or works serving as limbs for preserving the integrity of the Veda are explained under vedâṅga below: the only other works included under the head of Veda being the Pariśishṭas, which supply rules for the ritual omitted in the Sūtras
- in the Bṛihad-āraṇyaka Upanishad the Vedas are represented as the breathings of Brahmā, while in some of the Purāṇas the four Vedas are said to have issued out of the four mouths of the four-faced Brahmā and in the Vishṇu-Purāṇa the Veda and Vishṇu are identified) RTL. 7 &c. IW. 5 ; 24 &c
- N. of the number 'four' VarBṛS. [1015,] Srutabh
- feeling, perception ŚBr
- = vṛtta (v. l. vitta) L. (cf. 2. veda)
- ○kartṛ m. 'author of Veda', N. of the Sun MBh
- of Śiva Pañcar
- of Vishṇu ib
- ○kavi-svāmin m. N. of a poet Cat
- ○kāra m. the composer of the Veda, Kusum
- ○kāraṇa-kāraṇa n. 'cause of the cause of the Veda', N. of Kṛishṇa Pañcar
- ○kumbha m. N. of a preceptor Kathās
- ○kuśala mfn. versed in the Veda MW
- ○kauleyaka m. 'belonging to the family of the Veda', N. of Śiva L
- ○gata mfn. standing at the fourth place Śrutab
- ○garbha mf(ā)n. full of the Veda Cat
- m. N. of Brahmā (also transferred to Vishṇu) BhP
- a Brāhman L
- N. of a Brāhman Kshitîś. (v. l. -garva)
- of a treatise on the sacred syllable Om Cat
- (ā), f. N. of the Sarasvatī BhP
- ○bha-rāśi m. N. of a man Inscr
- ○bhāpurī-māhātmya or ○bhā-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○garva See -garbha
- ○gātha m. N. of a Ṛishi Hariv
- ○gāmbhīrya n. the deep or recondite sense of the Veda MW
- ○gnpta mfn. 'one who has preserved the Veda', N. of Kṛishṇa (a son of Parāśara) BhP
- ○gupti f. the preservation of the VṭVeda (by the Brāhmanical caste) W
- ○guhya mfn. concealed in the Veda (said of Vishṇu) Pañcar. (○hyôpaniṣad f. ŚvetUp.)
- ○ghoṣa m. the sound caused by the recitation of the Veda L
- ○cakṣus n. the Veda compared to an eye MBh
- the eye for seeing (or discerning the sense of) the VṭVeda Cat
- ○jananī f. 'mother of the Veda', N. of the Gāyatrī, KūrmaP
- ○jña mfn. knowing the Veda Mn. xii, 101
- ○tattva n. 'Veda-truth', the true doctrine of the Veda Cāṇ
- ○tattvârtha m. the true doctrine and meaning of the Veda Mn. iv, 92
- -vid or -vidvas mfn. knowing the true meaning of the VṭVeda ib., v, 42 ; iii, 96
- ○tātparya n. the real object or true meaning of the Veda MW
- ○taijasa n. N. of wk
- ○traya n. (Mn.),
- ○trayī f. (Prab.) the three VṭVedas. - 1
- ○tva n. (for 2. See p. 1017, col. 3) the nature of the Veda Hariv
- ○dakṣiṇā f. the fee for instruction in the Veda Āpast
- ○darśana n. the occurring or being mentioned in the Veda (○nāt, 'in accordance with the Veda', ) Sūryas
- ○darśin mfn. 'Veda-seeing', one who discerns the sense of the Veda Mn. xi, 234
- ○dala mfn. 'four-leaved' Hcat
- ○dāna n. the imparting or teaching of the Veda Cat
- ○dīpa m. 'lamp of knowledge or of the Veda', N. of Mahī-dhara's Comm. on the Vājasaneyi-saṃhitā
- ○dīpikā f. N. of a Comm. on the Brahma-sūtras by Rāmânujâcārya (= vedânta-dīpa)
- ○dṛṣṭa mfn. approved or sanctioned by the Veda or Vedic ritual MBh
- ○dhara m. N. of a man (= vedêśa) Cat
- ○dharma m. N. of a son of Paila Cat
- ○dhāraṇa n. keeping the Veda (in the memory) MBh
- ○dhvani m. = -ghoṣa R. Sch
- ○nāda m. = -ghoṣa W
- ○nighaṇṭu m. N. of a Vedic glossary (commonly called Nighaṇṭu, q.v.) Sch
- ○nidhi m. 'Veda-treasure', a Brāhman MW
- N. of a man Cat
- -tīrtha m. N. of a preceptor of the Madhva or Ānanda-tīrtha school (who died AḌ. 1576) ib
- ○nindaka m. 'Veda-denier', any one who disbelieves in the Veda, an unbeliever, atheist, Buddhist, Jaina L
- ○nindā f. denying the Veda, unbelief, heresy Mn. xi, 56
- ○nindin m. = -nindaka Kāvyâd
- ○nirghoṣa m. = -ghoṣa VarBṛS
- ○paṭhitṛ m. one who recites or repeats the Veda L
- ○patha or m. the path of the Veda BhP
- ○pathin m. the path of the Veda BhP
- ○pada-darpaṇa m. N. of a treatise on the Pada-text of the Veda (cf. padapāṭha)
- ○pada-stava (prob.) wṛ. for -pādastava
- ○pāṭha m. a partic. text or recitation of the Veda L
- ○pāṭhaka (Nīlak.),
- ○pāṭhin (MānGṛ.), mfn. -pāṭhitṛ
- ○pāda-rāmâyaṇa n. N. of wk. on Bhakti
- ○pāda-śiva-stotra n
- ○pādastava m
- ○pāda-stotra n. N. of Stotras
- ○pāraga m. 'one who has gone to the further end of the Veda', a Brāhman skilled in the Veda Gaut. Vas. &c
- ○pārâyaṇa-vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○puṇya n. merit (acquired) by (the reciting or repeating) the Veda Mn. ii, 78
- ○puruṣa m. the Veda personified AitĀr
- ○prakāśa m. N. of wk
- ○pradāna n. = -dāna Mn. ii, 171
- ○prapad f. N. of partic. formulas (in which pra-pad occurs) Kauś
- ○pravāda m. a statement or declaration of the Veda MBh
- ○plāvin m. one who promulgates or publicly teaches the Veda Yājñ
- ○phala n. the meritorious fruit or result of (reciting or repeating) the Veda Mn. i, 109
- ○bāhu m. 'Veda-armed', N. of one of the 7 Ṛishis under Manu Raivata Hariv
- of a son of Pulastya VP
- of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- ○bāhya m. 'outside the Veda', an unbeliever, sceptic Śaṃk. Sch
- mfn. not founded on, i.e. contrary to the Veda MBh. [Page 1016, Column]
- ○bīja n. 'seed of the Veda', N. of Kṛishṇa Pañcar
- ○brahmacarya n. studentship for acquiring the Veda GṛS
- ○brāhmaṇa m. a Brāhman knowing the Veda, a true or right Brāhman Buddh
- ○bhāga m. a fourth part, one fourth Hcat
- ○gâdi m. N. of wk
- ○bhāṣya n. a commentary on the VṭVeda (esp. Sāyaṇa's commentary on RV.)
- -kāra m. N. of Sāyaṇa Cat
- ○mantra m. a Mantra or verse of the Veda ( See comp.)
- pl. N. of a people MārkP
- -daṇḍaka (with karmôpayogin), m. N. of an author
- ○trânukramaṇikā f. ○trârtha-dīpikā f. N. of wks
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of i.e. containing the Veda or sacred knowledge AitBr. MBh. &c
- ○mātṛ f. 'mother of the Veda', N. of Sarasvatī and Sāvitrī and Gāyatrī TĀr. MBh. &c
- -ṭīkā f. N. of wk
- ○mātṛkā f. = '-mātṛ', N. of Sāvitrī Pañcar
- ○māli m. N. of a Brāhman Cat
- ○māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○mitra m. 'Vedafriend', N. of various preceptors and authors Cat
- ○mukha n. N. of wk. (cf. -vadana)
- ○muṇḍa m. (prob.) N. of an Asura
- -vadha m. N. of wk. Cat
- ○mūrti f. 'embodiment of the VṭVeda' (applied to the sun) MārkP. (sometimes used as an honourable title before the names of learned Brāhmans)
- ○mūla mfn. 'Veda-rooted', grounded on the Veda Kām
- ○yajña m. a Vedic sacrifice Mn. MBh
- -maya mf(ī)n. formed or consisting of the above sacrifices VP
- ○rakṣaṇa n. the preservation of the Veda (as a duty of the Brāhmanical class) W
- ○rahasya n. 'secret doctrine of the Veda', N. of the Upanishads MBh
- ○rāta wṛ. for deva-rāta Hariv
- ○rāśi m. 'whole collection of the Veda', the entire Veda Sāy
- -kṛta-stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- ○lakṣaṇa n. or N. of wks
- ○lakṣaṇa-sūtra-vṛtti f. N. of wks
- ○vacana n. a text of the Veda W
- ○vat mfn. having or familiar with the VṭVeda Hariv
- (atī), f. N. of a river MBh. Pur. (cf. vedasinī, vetasinī)
- of a beautiful woman (daughter of Kuśa-dhvaja, whose story is told in the Rāmâyaṇa
- she became an ascetic, and being insulted by Rāvaṇa in the wood where she was performing her penances, destroyed herself by entering fire, but was born again as Sītā or, accord. to other legends, as Draupadī or Lakshmī) R
- of an Apsaras L
- ○vadana n. 'Veda-mouth', introduction to the Veda, i.e. grammar Gol. (cf. -mukha)
- N. of a place Cat
- ○vākya n. a text or statement of the VṭVeda Sarvad
- ○vāda m. id. MBh
- speaking about the Veda, Vedic discussion ib. &c
- -rata mfn. delighting in such discussion Bhag
- ○vādin mfn. versed in Vedic dṭdiscussion or in Vedic lore discussion Hcat
- ○vāsa m. 'Veda-abode', a Brāhman L
- ○vāha m. devoted to the Veda MBh. (Nīlak.)
- ○vāhana mfn. carrying or bringing the Veda (said of the sun) MBh
- ○vāhya See bāhya
- ○vikrayin mfn. selling i.e. teaching the Veda for money MBh
- ○vicāra m. N. of wk
- ○vit-tva n. (fr. next) knowledge of the Veda MārkP
- ○víd mfn. knowing the Veda, conversant with it (superl. -vit-tama Mn. v, 107) ŚBr. &c. &c
- m. a Brāhman versed in the Veda W
- N. of Vishṇu MW
- ○vidyā f. knowledge of the VṭVeda
- -"ṣtmaka (○dyâtm○), mfn. one whose nature is knowledge of the Veda, thoroughly versed in Vedic lore MārkP
- ○dhigama (○dyâdh○), m. acquisition of Vedic lore MaitrUp
- -"ṣdhipa (○dyâdh○), m. a master of Vedic lore Pañcar
- -vid mfn. versed in Vedic knowledge Kathās
- -vrata-snāta mfn. one who has performed his ablutions after completing his knowledge of the Veda and his religious observances (cf. snātaka) Mn. iv, 31
- ○vidvas mfn. = -vid MBh
- ○viplāvaka mfn. propagating the VṭVeda Gaut
- ○vilāsinī f. N. of wk
- ○vihita mfn. taught or enjoined in the Veda W
- ○vṛtta n. the doctrine of the VṭVeda MW
- ○vṛddha m. N. of a Veda teacher Cat
- ○vedâṅga (ibc.) the Veda and Vedâṅga ( See col. 3)
- -tattva-jña mfn. one who knows the nature or truth of the Veda and Vedâṅga Cāṇ
- -pāra-ga mfn. one who has gone through the Veda and Vedâṅga MBh
- -vigrahin mfn. one whose body consists of the Veda and Vedâṅga (said of Vishṇu) Vishṇ
- -vid mfn. knowing the Veda and the Vedâṅga R
- [vedavedAntatattvasAre
- zAlagrAmamAhAtmya]veda--vedânta-tattva-sāre śālagrāma-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○vaināśikā f. N. of a river R. (v. l. ○nāsikā)
- ○vyāsa m. 'arranger of the Veda', N. of Vyāsa or Bādarāyaṇa MBh. Hariv. &c
- -tīrtha and -svāmin m. N. of two teachers Cat
- ○vrata n. any religious observance performed during the acquirement of the Veda Gaut. Hcat
- mfn. one who has undertaken the vow of acquiring the VṭVeda Gṛihyās. Sch
- -parâyaṇa mfn. one who is devoted to the Veda and performs the necessary observances VarBṛS
- -vidhi (or -vratānāṃ vidhi), m. N. of a Pariśishṭa of Kātyāyana. [Page 1016, Column]
- ○vratin mfn. id. Hcat
- ○śabda m. the word 'Veda' Āpast
- a statement or delaration of the Veda Mn. i, 21
- ○śākhā f. a branch or school of the VṭVeda BhP
- -praṇayana n. establishing or founding a Vedic school ib
- ○śāstra n. the doctrine of the VṭVeda Mn. iv, 260 &c
- pl. the Veda and Śāstras Cat
- -purāṇa n. pl. the Veda and Śāstras and Purāṇas Subh
- -vid mfn. knowing the Veda and Śāstras MBh
- -sampanna mfn. versed in the Veda and Śāstras MW
- ○śira m. N. of a son of Kṛiśâśva BhP. - 1
- ○śiras n. (for 2. See under 3. veda) 'head of the Veda', N. of a mythical weapon Cat
- m. N. of a Ṛishi (son of Mārkaṇḍeya and Mūrdhanyā, progenitor of the Bhārgava Brāhmans) MBh. Hariv. Pur
- of a son of Prâṇa MW
- of a son of Kṛiśâśva (cf. -śira) BhP. (B.)
- ○śīrṣa m. N. of a mountain Cat
- ○śravas m. N. of a Ṛishi MW
- ○śrī m. N. of a Ṛishi MārkP
- ○śruta m. pl. N. of a class of gods under the third Manu BhP
- ○śruti f. the hearing or reciting of the Veda R
- Vedic revelation (also ○tī) MBh
- N. of a river R
- ○saṃsthita mfn. contained in the VṭVeda, MārkP
- ○saṃhitā f. a Vedic Saṃhitā, the Saṃhitā text of the Veda, an entire Veda in any recension Mn. xi, 258
- ○saṃnyāsa m. discontinuance of Vedic rites W
- ○saṃnyāsika (Mn. vi, 86) or (Kull. on ib. 95), m. a Brāhman in the fourth period of his life who has discontinued all recitation of the Veda and performance of Vedic rites
- ○saṃnyāḍsin (Kull. on ib. 95), m. a Brāhman in the fourth period of his life who has discontinued all recitation of the Veda and performance of Vedic rites
- ○samarthana n. N. of wk
- ○samāpti f. complete acquisition of the Veda ĀśvGṛ
- ○sammata mfn. conformable to the VṭVeda W
- ○sammita mfn. of equal measure with or conformable to the Veda MBh
- ○sāra m. 'Essence of the Veda', N. of Vishṇu Pañcar
- -rahasya n. -śiva-sahasra-nāman n. -śiva-stava m. -śiva-stotra n. -sahasra-nāman n. N. of wks
- ○sū7kta-bhāṣya n. N. of a Comm. by Nāgêśa
- ○sūtra n. a Sūtra belonging to the Veda MBh
- ○stuti f. 'praise of the Veda', N. of the 87th ch. of the 11th book of the Bhāgavata-Purāṇa (also called śruti-stuti)
- -kārikā f. a metrical paraphrase of the prec. wk. by Vallabhâcārya (inculcating the doctrine of devotion as a means of salvation)
- -laghū7pâya m. N. of a Comm. on the Veda-stuti
- ○sparśa m. N. of a preceptor Cat
- ○smṛtā or (MBh.),
- ○smṛti (MBh.),
- ○smṛtī (VarBṛS.), f. N. of a river
- ○svāmin m. N. of a man Inscr
- ○hīna mfn. destitute of (knowledge of) the Veda L
- vedâṃśa m. a fourth part, one fourth Hcat
- vedâgnyutsādin mfn. one who neglects (recitation of) the Veda and (maintenance of) the sacred fire Vishṇ
- vedâgraṇī f. 'leader of the Veda', N. of Sarasvatī L
- vedâṅga See below
- vedâcārya m. 'Veda-teacher', (with āvasathika) N. of the author of the Smṛitiratnâkara Cat
- vedâtman m. 'Soul of the Veda', N. of Vishṇu R
- of the Sun MārkP
- vedātmaná (?), m. 'id.', N. of Brahmā TĀr
- vedâdi m. the beginning of the Veda ib
- m. n. the sacred syllable Om ŚāṅkhGṛ
- -bīja n. id. L
- -rūpa mfn. having the beginning of the Veda for its form or substance (as the syllable Om) Up
- -varṇa n. = -bīja W
- vedâdhigama m. the repetition or recitation of the Veda Mn. ii, 2
- vedâdhideva m. 'tutelary deity of the VṭVeda', N. of Brahmā Pañcar
- vedâdhipa or m. 'one who presides over the Veda', N. of certain planets (viz. of Jupiter or Bṛihaspati, Venus, Mars, and Mercury, who are supposed to preside respectively over the Ṛig-, Yajur-, Sāma-, and Atharva-veda) MW
- vedâdhiḍpati m. 'one who presides over the Veda', N. of certain planets (viz. of Jupiter or Bṛihaspati, Venus, Mars, and Mercury, who are supposed to preside respectively over the Ṛig-, Yajur-, Sāma-, and Atharva-veda) MW
- vedâdhyakṣa m. 'protector of the Veda', N. of Kṛishṇa Hariv
- vedâdhyayana n. the repetition or recitation of the Veda Āpast. R. &c
- vedâdhyayin mfn. = ○dhvāyin W
- vedâdhyāpaka m. a teacher of the VṭVeda W
- vedâdhyāpana n. teaching the Veda ib
- vedâdhyāya or mfn. one who repeats or is constantly repeating the Veda Āpast
- vedâdhyāḍyāyin mfn. one who repeats or is constantly repeating the Veda Āpast
- vedânadhyayana n. remissness in repeating the Veda Mn. iii, 63
- vedânadhyāya m
- vedânukramaṇikā f. N. of wks
- vedânuvacaná n. repetition or recitation of the Veda ŚBr. Gaut. Yājñ
- sacred doctrine TUp
- vedânusmṛti f. N. of wk
- vedânta &c., See p. 1017
- vedâpti f. acquisition of the Veda BrahmaP
- vedâbhyāsa m. constant repetition of the Veda Mn. ii, 166 &c
- the repetition of the mystical syllable Om W
- vedâraṇyamāhātmya n
- vedârambha-prayoga m. N. of wk
- vedârṇa N. of a Tīrtha Cat
- vedârtha m. the meaning or sense of the Veda Mn. MBh. &c
- -candra (or -pradīpa), m. -tattvanirṇaya m. -dīpa m. dīpikā f. (by Ṣaḍ-guru- śishya), -nighaṇṭu m. -prakāśa, m. (Sāyaṇa's Comms. on several Vedas), -prakāśikā f. -pradīpikā f. (by Kātyāyana-śishya), -yatna m. -ratna, n. -vicāra m. N. of wks. [Page 1016, Column]
- -vid mfn. knowing the sense of the Veda Mn. iii, 186
- -saṃgraha m. an abstract of the more important Upanishads by Rāmânuja
- vedâvatāra m. 'descent of the Veda', the revelation or handing down of the Veda MW
- vedâvâpti f. = vedâpti Hcat
- vedâśra mfn. quadrangular Hcat
- vedâśvā f. N. of a river MBh
- vedêśa m. 'lord of the Veda', N. of a man (= veda-dhara) Cat
- -tīrtha or -bhikṣu m. N. of an author ib
- vedêśvara m. N. of a man (= vedêśa) Vās., Introd
- vedôkta mfn. taught or declared or contained in the Veda Mn. R
- -śiva-pūjana n. N. of wk
- vedôdaya m. 'origin of the Veda', N. of Sūrya or the Sun (from whom the Sāma-veda is said to have proceeded
- Mn. i, 23) L
- vedôdita mfn. mentioned or enjoined in the Veda Mn. iv, 14 &c
- vedôpakaraṇa n. 'Veda-instrument', a subordinate science for aiding or promoting a knowledge of the Veda (= vedâṅga) Madhus
- -samūha m. N. of wk
- vedôpagrahaṇa n. an addition or supplement to the Veda R. (B. ○pabṛṃhaṇa)
- vedôpaniṣad f. the Upanishad or secret doctrine of the Veda TUp
- vedôpabṛṃhaṇa See ○pagrahaṇa
- vedôpayāma m. a partic. implement MānŚr
- vedôpasthānika f. attendance on the Veda Hariv
- vedaka mf(ikā)n. making known, announcing, proclaiming Rājat
- restoring to consciousness Sarvad
- (ikā), f. See s.v
- (akā), f. N. of an Apsaras VP
- vedana mfn. (for 2. See p. 1017, col. 2) announcing, proclaiming ( See bhaga-v○)
- n. perception, knowledge Nir. MBh. Kāv. &c. (rarely ā f.)
- making known, proclaiming Rājat
- (ā), f. pain, torture, agony (also personified as a daughter of Anṛita) MBh. R. &c. (exceptionally n.)
- feeling, sensation Yājñ. Śiś. (with Buddhists one of the 5 Skandhas MWB. 109)
- (ī), f. the true skin or cutis L
- vedanā-vat mfn. possessed of knowledge Sāy
- feeling pain, full of aches MBh
- painful, aching Suśr
- vedanīya mfn. to be denoted or expressed or meant by (ifc
- -tā f.) Sarvad
- to be (or being) felt by or as (ifc
- -tā f. -tva n.) ib
- to be known or to be made known W
- vedam See brāhmaṇa- and yāvad-v○
- vedaya mfn. (fr. Caus.) Pāṇ. 3-1, 138
- vedayāna See a-v○
- vedayitavya mfn. to be made known or communicated R
- vedayitṛ mfn. one who perceives or knows Kum
- védas n. (for 2. See p. 1017, col. 3) knowledge, science RV. (cf. keta-, jāta-, viśva-v○)
- vedâṅga n. 'a limb (for preserving the body) of the Veda', N. of certain works or classes of works regarded as auxiliary to and even in some sense as part of the Veda, (six are usually enumerated and mostly written in the ṣūtra or aphoristic style
- 1. śikṣā, 'the science of proper articulation and pronunciation', comprising the knowledge of letters, accents, quantity, the use of the organs of pronunciation, and phonetics generally, but especially the laws of euphony peculiar to the Veda [many short treatises and a chapter of the Taittirīya-āraṇyaka are regarded as the representatives of this subject
- but other works on Vedic phonetics may be included under it, prātiśākhya]: 2. chandas, 'metre' [represented by a treatise ascribed to Piṅgala-nāga, which, however, treats of Prākṛit as well as Saṃskṛit metres, and includes only a few of the leading Vedic metres]: 3. vyākaraṇa, 'linguistic analysis or grammar represented by Pāṇini's celebrated ṣūtras: 4. nirukta, 'explanation of difficult Vedic words' [cf. yāska]: 5. jyotiṣa, 'astronomy', or rather the Vedic calendar [represented by a small tract, the object of which is to fix the most auspicious days for sacrifices]: 6. kalpa, 'ceremonial', represented by a large number of Sūtra works [cf. sūtra]: the first and second of these Vedâṅgas are said to be intended to secure the correct reading or recitation of the Veda, the third and fourth the understanding of it, and the fifth and sixth its proper employment at sacrifices: the Vedâṅgas are alluded to by Manu, who calls them, in iii, 184, Pravacanas, 'expositions', a term which is said to be also applied to the Brāhmaṇas) IW. 145 &c
- ○tīrtha m. N. of an author Cat
- ○tva n. the nature or condition of a Vedâṅga, Śārvad
- ○rāya m. N. of various authors (esp. of the son of Tigulā-bhaṭṭa and father of Nandikêśvara, who wrote for Ṣah Jehān the Pārasī-prakāśa and the Śrāddha-dīpikā, AḌ. 1643). [Page 1017, Column]
- ○śāstra n. the doctrine of the Vedâṅgas Jyot
- vedâṅgin m. one who studies or teaches the Vedâṅgas MW
- vedấnta m. end of the Veda (= 'complete knowledge of the Veda', cf. vedânta-ga) TĀr. MBh
- N. of the second and most important part of the Mīmāṃsā or third of the three great divisions of Hindū philosophy (called Vedânta either as teaching the ultimate scope of the Veda or simply as explained in the Upanishads which come at the end of the Veda
- this system, although belonging to the Mīmāṃsā q.v. and sometimes called Uttara-mīmāṃsā, 'examination of the later portion or jñāna-kāṇḍa q.v. of the Veda', is really the one sole orthodox exponent of the pantheistic creed of the Hindūs of the present day - a creed which underlies all the polytheism and multiform mythology of the people
- its chief doctrine as expounded by "ṣaṃkara is that of Advaita i.e. that nothing really exists but the One Self or Soul of the Universe called Brahman neut. or Paramâtman, and that the Jīvâtman or individual human soul and indeed all the phenomena of nature are really identical with the Paramâtman, and that their existence is only the result of Ajñāna otherwise called āvidyā or an assumed ignorance on the part of that one universal Soul which is described as both Creator and Creation
- Actor and Act
- Existence, Knowledge and Joy, and as devoid of the three qualities [see guṇa]
- the liberation of the human soul, its deliverance from transmigrations, and re-union with the Paramâtman, with which it is really identified, is only to be effected by a removal of that ignorance through a proper understanding of the Vedânta
- this system is also called Brahma-mīmāṃsā and Śārīrakamīmāṃsā, 'inquiring into Spirit or embodied Spirit'
- the founder of the school is said to have been Vyāsa, also called Bādarāyaṇa, and its most eminent teacher was Śaṃkarâcārya) Up. MBh. &c
- (ās), m. pl. the Upanishads or works on the Vedânta philosophy Kull. on Mn. vi, 83
- ○kataka m
- ○kathā-ratna n. N. of wks
- ○kartṛ m. the author of the Vedânta Pañcar
- ○kalpataru m. (○ru-ṭīkā f. -parimala m. -parimala-khaṇḍana n. -mañjarī f.),
- ○kalpadruma m
- ○kalpalatā or f
- ○kalpalaḍtikā f
- ○kārikâvali f. N. of wks
- ○kṛt m. = -kartṛ Bhag
- ○kaumudī f
- ○kaustubha m. (○bha-prabhā f.) N. of wks
- ○ga m. one who has gone to the end of the Veda or who has complete knowledge of the Veda (= veda-pāra-ga) MBh
- a follower of the Vedânta W
- ○gamya mfn. accessible or intelligible by the Vedânta MārkP
- ○grantha m
- ○candrikā f
- ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wks
- ○jña m. a knower of the VṭVedânta W
- ○diṇḍima m
- ○tattva n. (○tva-kaumudī f. -dīpana n. -bodha m. -muktâvalī f. -sāra, m
- ○tvôdaya, m.) N. of wks
- ○tātparya n. the object or purport of the Vedânta Sarvad
- ○dīpa m
- ○dīpikā f. N. of wks
- ○deśika m
- ○nayanâcārya m. N. of authors Cat
- ○nayana-bhūṣaṇa n
- vedāntanāmaratnasahasravyākhyāna3vedấnta--nāma-ratnasahasra-vyākhyāna n
- ○nirṇaya m. N. of wks
- ○niṣṭha mfn. founded or resting on the Vedânta MBh
- ○nyāya-mālā f
- [vedAntanyAyaratnAvalI
- brahmAdvaitAmRtaprakAzikA]vedấnta--nyāya-ratnâvalī brahmâdvaitâmṛta-prakāśikā f
- ○padârtha-saṃgraha m
- ○paribhāṣā f
- ○parimala m
- ○pārijāta-saurabha n
- ○prakaraṇa n. (○ṇa-vākyâmṛta n.),
- ○prakriyā f. N. of wks
- ○praṇihita-dhī mfn. one who has his mind fixed upon the Vedânta Bhartṛ
- ○pradīpa m. (= -sāra, q.v.),
- ○bhāṣya n
- ○bhūṣaṇa n
- ○maṅgala-dīpikā f
- ○manana n
- ○mantra-viśrāma m
- ○mālā f
- ○muktâvalī f
- ○rakṣā f. N. of wks
- ○ratna n. the jewel of the VṭVedânta
- -kośa m. -traya-parī7kṣā f. -mañjūṣā f. -mālā, f
- ○tnâkara m. N. of wks
- ○rahasya n. 'secret doctrine of the Vedânta', N. of wk
- -dīpikā f. N. of wk
- vettṛ m. a knower of the secret doctrine of the VṭVedânta
- ○vākya n. a statement of the VṭVedânta
- -cūḍāmaṇi m. N. of wk
- ○vāgīśa m. (with bhaṭṭâcārya) N. of two authors Cat
- ○vāda m. assertion of the VṭVedânta doctrine Sarvad
- ○dârtha m. ○dâvali f. N. of wks
- ○vādin mfn. one who asserts the Vedânta doctrine Tattvas
- ○vārttika n
- ○vijaya m. N. of wks
- ○vijñāna n. knowledge of the Vedânta MuṇḍUp
- -naukā f. N. of wk
- ○vid mfn. knowing the VṭVedânta Vedântas
- ○vidyā f. knowledge of the VṭVedânta
- -vijaya m. -sāgara m. N. of wks
- ○vibhāvanā f
- ○vilāsa m
- ○vivaraṇa n
- ○viveka m. (○ka-cūḍāmaṇi, m.),
- ○vṛtti (?), f. N. of wks
- ○vedin m. = -vid Pañcar
- ○śataślokī f
- ○śāstra (?), n. (○tra-saṃkṣipta-prakriyā, f. [Page 1017, Column]
- ○trâmbudhi-ratna n.),
- ○śikhāmaṇi m
- ○śiromaṇi m
- ○śruti-sāra-saṃgraha m
- ○saṃgraha m
- ○saṃjñā f. (○jñā-nirūpaṇa n. -prakriyā f.),
- ○sapta-sūtra n
- ○sammatakarma-tattva n. N. of wks
- ○sāra m. 'essence or epitome of the Vedânta', N. of various wks
- (esp.) of a treatise on the Vedânta by Sadânanda Yogîndra and of a brief Comm. on the Vedânta-sūtra by Rāmânujâcārya (cf. -pradīpa)
- -padya-mālā f. -viśrāmôpaniṣad f. -saṃgraha m. -sāra m. (or -jñāna-bodhinī, an abstract of Sadânanda's Vedânta-sāra), -siddhânta-tātparya, n
- ○rôpaniṣad f. N. of wks
- ○siṃha m. (= -śata-ślokī),
- ○siddhânta m. (○takaumudī f. -candrikā f. -dīpikā f. -pradīpa m. -bheda m. -muktâvalī f. -ratnâñjali m. -sū7kti-mañjarī-prakāśa f.),
- ○sudhā-rahasya n. N. of wks
- ○sūtra n. N. of the aphorisms of the Vedânta philosophy (ascribed to Bādarāyaṇa or Vyāsa, also called Brahma-sūtra or Śārīraka-sṭsūtra)
- -muktâvalī f. -vṛtti saṃkṣiptā f. N. of wks
- ○saurabha n
- ○syamantaka m. N. of wks
- vedântâcārya m. N. of various teachers (esp. of a follower of Rāmânuja, founder of a separate seat RTL. 124)
- -caritra (with vaibhava-prakāśikā), -tārā-hārâvalī f. -dina-caryā f. -prapadana n. -maṅgala-dvādaśī f. -vigraha-dhyāna-paddhati f. -vijaya m. -saptati f. N. of wks
- vedântâdhikaraṇacintāmaṇi m
- vedântâdhiḍkaraṇa-mālā n. N. of wks
- vedântâbhihita mfn. declared in the Upanishads or in the Vedânta Mn. vi, 83
- vedântâmṛta n. (and ○mṛta-cid-ratna-caṣaka, m.) N. of wks
- vedântârtha m. the meaning or sense of the Vedânta
- -vivecana-mahābhāṣya n. -saṃgraha m. -sārasaṃgraha m. N. of wks
- vedântâloka m. a collective N. of Vijñāna-bhikshu's dissertations on a number of Upanishads
- vedântâvabṛtha-pluta m. one who performs an ablution after acquiring complete knowledge of the Veda MBh. ii, 1908
- vedântôpagata mfn. derived from or produced by the Vedânta Mn. ii, 160
- vedântôpadeśa m
- vedânḍtôpaniṣad f
- vedânḍtôpanyāsa m. N. of wks
- vedântin m. a follower of the Vedânta philosophy Sarvad
- (○ti-bruva mfn. one who calls himself a Vedântin Kap. Sch
- ○ti-mahādeva m. N. of a lexicographer Vās., Introd.)
- vedāpaya (fr. 1. veda), Nom. P. ○yati, to cause to know, impart knowledge Pāṇ. 3-1, 25 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- vedâpti &c. See p. 1016, col. 2
- vedi m. a wise man, teacher, Paṇḍit L
- f. knowledge, science ( See a-v○)
- a seal-ring (also ○dikā) L
- (ī), f. N. of Sarasvatī L
- vedi in comp. for 1. vedin
- ○tā f. and 1
- ○tva n. acquaintance or familiarity with ( karuṇa- and kāruṇya-v○, and under. 3. vedi)
- vedī7śa m. 'lord of the wise', N. of Brahmā L
- veditavyá mfn. to be learnt or known or understood ŚBr. &c. &c
- to be known or recognized as, to be taken for, to be meant Kāś
- véditṛ or mf(trī)n. knowing, a knower (with acc. or gen.) AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c. (cf. sarva-v○)
- veditṛ́ mf(trī)n. knowing, a knower (with acc. or gen.) AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c. (cf. sarva-v○)
- vedin mfn. (for 2. 3. See col. 3) knowing, acquainted with or versed in (ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. sarva-v○)
- feeling, perceiving MBh. Pur
- announcing, proclaiming MBh. R
- m. N. of Brahmā L
- (inī), f. N. of a river R
- védīyas mfn. knowing (others 'finding', 'acquiring', fr. √3. vid) better than (abl.) RV. vii, 98, 1
- védya mfn. notorious, famous, celebrated RV. AV
- to be learnt or known or understood, that which is learnt ŚvetUp. MBh. &c
- to be recognized or regarded as MBh. Hariv. BhP
- relating to the Veda MBh. (cf. g. gav-ādi)
- ○tva n. knowableness, intelligibility Śaṃk
- vedyā́ f. knowledge RV
- instr. sg. (= nom.) and pl. 'with knowledge', i.e. manifestly, actually, indeed ib
- veda m. (fr. √3. vid) finding, obtaining, acquisition ( See su-v○)
- property, goods ĀśvGṛ
- ○tā (vedá-), f. (prob.) wealth, riches RV. x, 93, 11
- védana mfn. finding, procuring ( See naṣṭa and pati-v○)
- n. the act of finding, falling in with (gen.) MBh
- the act of marrying (said of both sexes, esp. the marriage of a Śūdra woman with a man of a higher caste
- Mn. iii, 44, and utkṛṣṭa-v○) Mn. Yājñ
- the ceremony of holding the ends of a mantle (observed by a Śūdra female on her marriage with a man of a higher caste) W
- property, goods RV. AV. [Page 1017, Column]
- védas n. property, wealth RV. AV
- vedasa See sarva-v○
- vedin mfn. marrying ( See śūdrā-v○)
- védiṣṭha mfn. getting or procuring most RV. viii, 2, 24
- véduka mfn. acquiring, obtaining TS. TBr
- védya mfn. to be (or being) acquired TS. VS
- to be married ( See a-v○)
- vedá m. (perhaps connected with √1. ve, to weave or bind together) a tuft or bunch of strong grass (Kuśa or Muñja) made into a broom (and used for sweeping, making up the sacrificial fire &c., in rites) AV. MS. Br. ŚrS. Mn
- ○tṛṇa n. pl. the bunch of grass used for the above ĀśvŚr. - 2
- ○tvá n. (for 1. See p. 1015) state of being a Vedá MaitrS
- ○pralava m. a bunch of grass taken from the Vedá MānŚr
- ○yaṣṭi f. the handle of the broom called Vedá L. (v. l. deva-y○). - 2
- ○śiras n. (for 1. See p. 1016, col. 2) the head or broom end of the Vedá (cf. prec.) ĀśvŚr
- ○ro-bhūṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○staraṇa n. the strewing or scattering of the bunch of grass called Vedá Kāty
- védi f. (later also vedī
- for 1. 2. See col. 2) an elevated (or according to some excavated) piece of ground serving for a sacrificial altar (generally strewed with Kuśa grass, and having receptacles for the sacrificial fire
- it is more or less raised and of various shapes, but usually narrow in the middle, on which account the female waist is often compared to it) RV. &c. &c
- the space between the supposed spokes of a wheel-shaped altar, Śulbas
- a kind of covered verandah or balcony in a court-yard (shaped like a Vedi and prepared for weddings &c., = vitardi) Kāv. Kathās
- a stand, basis, pedestal, bench MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of a Tīrtha MBh. (only ī)
- n. a species of plant (= ambaṣṭha)',
- ○karaṇa n. the preparation of the Vedi LāṭyŚr
- pl. the implements used for it ĀpŚr
- ○jā f. 'altarborn', epithet of Draupadī, wife of the Pāṇḍu princes (the fee which Droṇa required for instructing the Pāṇḍu princes was that they should conquer Drupada, king of Pañcāla, who had insulted him
- they therefore took him prisoner, and he, burning with resentment, undertook a sacrifice to procure a son who might avenge his defeat
- two children were then born to him from the midst of the altar, out of the sacrificial fire, viz. a son Dhṛishṭa-dyumna, and a daughter Draupadī or Kṛishṇā, afterwards wife of the Pāṇḍavas) L. - 2
- ○tvá n. (for 1. See under 2. vedi) the state or condition of being a Vedi or altar MaitrS
- ○para m. pl. N. of a country and people L
- ○purīṣa m. the loose earth of the sacrificial ground ĀśvGṛ
- ○pratiṣṭha mfn. erected on sṭsacrificial ground MW
- ○bhājaná n. that which is substituted for the sacrificial ground ŚBr
- ○matī f. N. of a woman Daś
- ○madhya mf(ā)n. (a woman) having a waist resembling a Vedi (q.v.) Kād
- ○māna n. the measuring out of a (place for the) sacrificial ground L
- ○mekhalā f. the cord which forms the boundary of the Uttara-vedi BhP
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of the 24th Pariś. of the AV
- ○loṣṭa m. a clod of earth taken from the sacrificial ground MānGṛ
- ○vat ind. like a Vedi MW
- ○vimāná n. = -māna ŚBr
- ○śroṇi or f. (met.) the hip-like side of the Vedi ŚrS
- ○śroṇī f. (met.) the hip-like side of the Vedi, ŚrS
- ○ṣád (for -sad), mfn. sitting on or at the Vedi VS. TBr
- m. = prācīna-barhis BhP
- ○sambhavā f. = -jā Veṇis
- ○sammāna n. = -māna ĀpŚr
- ○sādhana-prakāra m. N. of wk
- vedī7śa See under 2. vedi, col. 2
- vedika m. a seat, bench R. Hariv
- (ā), f. (cf. vedaka and 1. vedi) id. MBh. Kāv. &c
- a sacrificial ground, altar VarBṛS
- a balcony, pavilion (= vitardi) Naish. Vās. Pañcat
- vedikā-krama m. N. of wk. on the construction of fire-altars
- vedin n. a species of plant (= ambaṣṭha) L. (cf. 2. vedi)
- vedī See under 1. and 3. vedi
- vedīka (ifc.) = vedī, a pavilion, balcony Kathās
- vedy in comp. for 3. vedi
- ○agni m. the fire on the Vedi Vait
- ○antá m. the end or edge of the VṭVedi ŚBr. Lāṭy
- ○antara n. the interior of the VṭVedi KātyŚr
- ○ardha m. 'half of a Vedi', N. of two mythical districts held by the Vidyādharas (on the Himâlaya, one to the north, and one to the south) Kathās
- ○ākṛti f. a kind of Vedi MānGṛ
- ○āstaraṇa n. covering the Vedi with Darbha grass L. (cf. veda-st○). [Page 1018, Column]
- ○upôṣaṇa mfn. burning the Vedi ĀpŚr. Sch
- veda m. N. of a pupil of Āyoda MBh
- (ā), f. N. of a river VP
- vedaṇḍa m. (cf. vitaṇḍa and vetaṇḍa) an elephant L
- veda-mukhya m. (cf. vedha-m○) a sort of insect, the winged bug L
- vedarakara vedarkara, prob. wṛ. for bedar○
- vedasinī f. N. of a river VP. (v. l. vetasinī)
- vedāyana wṛ. for baidāyana
- vedāra m. a chameleon, lizard L
- vedy See √veṭy, p. 1014, col. 1
- vedh (= vyath), cl. 1. Ā. vedhate, to tremble, quake Lalit
- védha mfn. (√vidh) = vedhas, pious, faithful AV. (v. l.)
- vedhás mfn. (in some meanings prob. connected with vi-√dhā
- nom. m. vedhā́s acc. vedhásam or vedhā́m) pious, religious, virtuous, good, brave (also applied to gods) RV. AV. TS. MBh. Hariv
- wise Kām
- performing, accomplishing (in gambhīra-v○) BhP
- m. a worshipper of the gods RV
- an arranger, disposer, creator (esp. applied to Brahmā, but also to Prajāpati, Purusha, Śiva, Vishṇu, Dharma, the Sun &c.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- an author Rājat. Sarvad
- a wise or learned man L
- N. of the father of Hari-ścandra ( See vaidasa)
- ○tama (vedhás-). mfn. most pious or religious, best, wisest RV
- vedhasa n. the part of the hand under the √of the thumb (considered as sacred to Brahmā
- See tīrtha) L
- m. N. of a Vedic Ṛishi (said to belong to the family of Aṅgiras) MW
- (ī), f. N. of a place of pilgrimage Cat
- vedhasyā́ f. (instr.) worship, piety RV. ix, 82, 2
- vedha m. (√vyadh) penetration, piercing, breaking through, breach, opening, perforation VarBṛS. Rājat. Sarvad
- hitting (a mark) MBh
- puncturing, wounding, a wound Suśr
- a partic. disease of horses L
- hole, excavation VarBṛS
- the depth of an excavation, depth Car. (also in measurement Col.)
- intrusion, disturbance Vāstuv
- fixing the position of the sun or of the stars VarBṛS
- mixture of fluids L
- a partic. process to which quicksilver is subjected Sarvad
- a partic. measure or division of time (= 100 Truṭis = 1/3 Lava) Pur
- N. of a son of Ananta VahniP
- (ā), f. a mystical N. of the letter m Up
- ○gupta m. (in music) a partic. Rāga Saṃgīt
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting in perforation or penetration Cat
- ○mukhya m. Curcuma Zerumbet L
- (ā), f. musk L
- a civetcat L
- ○mukhyaka m. Curcuma Zerumbet L
- veddhavya mfn. to be pierced or perforated or hit (as a mark) MārkP
- to be entered or penetrated into (with the mind) MuṇḍUp
- veddhṛ mfn. one who pierces or hits (a mark) MBh
- vedhaka m. a piercer, perforator (of gems &c.) MBh. R
- camphor L
- sandal L
- Rumex Vesicarius L
- N. of one of the divisions of Naraka (destined for arrow-makers) VP
- n. coriander L
- rocksalt L
- grain, rice in the ear W
- vedhana n. piercing, hitting (with an arrow) MBh
- penetration, excavation MW
- affecting with (instr.) Śaṃk
- depth (cf. 2. vedha) MBh
- puncturing, pricking, wounding MW
- (ī), f. an auger, gimlet, any piercing instrument (esp. for piercing an elephant's ears) L
- Trigonella Foenum Graecum L
- vedhanikā f. a sharp-pointed perforating instrument (esp. for piercing jewels or shells), auger, awl, gimlet &c. L
- vedhanīya mfn. capable of being pierced, penetrable, vulnerable MW
- vedhita mfn. = -viddha, pierced, perforated, penetrated L
- shaken, trembling (applied to the earth) Divyâv
- vedhi-tva n. (fr. next + tva) capacity of piercing ( See śabda-v○)
- vedhin mfn. piercing, perforating, hitting (a mark) MBh. R. [Page 1018, Column]
- m. Rumex Vesicarius L
- (inī), f. a leech L
- Trigonella Foenum Graecum L
- vedhya mfn. to be pierced or perforated VarBṛS. Kathās. &c
- to be cut open or punctured (as a vein
- -tā f.) Car
- to be fixed or observed (cf. 2. vedha) Gaṇit
- (ā), f. a kind of musical instrument L
- n. a mark for shooting at, butt, target MārkP
- ven (in Dhātup. xxi, 13, v. l. for veṇ, q.v.), cl. 1. P. vénati, to care or long for, be anxious, yearn for RV. ŚBr
- to tend outwards (said of the vital air) AitBr
- to be homesick TBr
- to be envious or jealous RV. (accord. to Naigh. ii, 6 and 14 also 'to go' and 'to worship')
- vená mf(ī)n. yearning, longing, eager, anxious, loving RV
- m. longing, desire, wish, care ib
- N. of the hymn RV. x, 123 (beginning with ayaṃ venaḥ) ŚāṅkhBr
- = yajña Naigh. iii, 17
- N. of a divine being of the middle region Naigh. v, 4 Nir. x, 38 (also applied to Indra, the Sun, Prajā-pati, and a Gandharva
- in AitBr. i, 20 connected with the navel)
- of various men, (esp.) of the author of RV. ix, 85 ; x, 123 (having the patr. bhārgava)
- of a Rājarshi or royal Ṛishi (father of Pṛithu, and said to have perished through irreligious conduct and want of submissiveness to the Brāhmans
- he is represented as having occasioned confusion of castes, Mn. vii, 41 ; ix, 66 ; 67, and as founder of the race of Nishādas and Dhīvaras
- according to the Vishṇu-Purāṇa, Vena was a son of Aṅga and a descendant of the first Manu
- a Vena Rāja-śravas is enumerated among the Veda-vyāsas or arrangers of the Veda) MBh. Hariv. Pur
- v. l. for veṇa, q.v
- (ā), f. love, desire RV
- venyá mfn. to be loved or adored, lovable, desirable RV
- m. N. of a man ib
- vennā f. (cf. veṇā and veṇvā) N. of a river Uṇ. iii, 8, Ṣch
- vep See √1. vip, p. 972, col. 3
- vépa mf(ī)n. vibrating (voice) RV. vi, 22, 5
- m. = next Kauś. BhP
- vepáthu m. quivering, trembling, tremor AV. &c. &c
- mfn. trembling, quaking VarBṛS
- ○parī7ta mfn. possessed of tremor, trembling R. Suśr
- ○bhṛt mfn. possessing tremor, trembling Śiś
- ○mat mfn. possessed of tremor, trembling Śak
- vepaná mfn. trembling, quivering, fluttering TS. ŚBr. VarBṛS. Suśr
- n. quivering, trembling, tremor Gobh. R. &c
- shaking, brandishing R
- ○kara mfn. manifesting tremor, trembling, quivering R
- vépas n. quivering, quaking, struggling RV
- stirring, agitation ib
- = anavadya L
- vepita n. trembling, agitation (in sa-vepitam), Śāntiś
- vépiṣṭha mfn. (superl. of vípra, q.v.) most inspired RV
- vema vemaka &c. See √1. ve, p. 1013
- vemāna-bhairavârya m. N. of an author Cat
- vera m. n. (only L.) the body
- n. the egg-plant
- saffron
- the mouth
- veraka n. camphor L
- veraṭa m. a low man or one of mixed caste (nīca, or miśrī-kṛta) L
- n. the fruit of the jujube L
- verâcārya (?), m. N. of a prince Buddh
- vel (v. l. for vell, q.v.), cl. 1. P. velati, to move, shake Dhātup. xv, 33
- vela n. a garden, grove L. (cf. vipina fr. √1. vip)
- a partic. high number Buddh
- m. the mango tree L
- ○ja m. bitter and salt and pungent taste L
- mfn. bitter and salt and pungent L
- velāna m. astringent and salt and pungent taste
- mfn. astringent and salt and pungent L
- vel (rather Nom. fr. velā below), cl. 10. P. velayati, to count or declare the time Dhātup. xxxv, 28. (Cf. ud-vela &c.)
- vélā f. limit, boundary, end ŚBr. Kāvyâd
- distance ŚBr. KātyŚr
- boundary of sea and land (personified as the daughter of Meru and Dhāriṇī, and the wife of Samudra), coast, shore (velāyām, on the sea-shore, coast-wise) MBh. Kāv. &c. [Page 1018, Column]
- limit of time, period, season, time of day, hour (with paścimā, the evening hour
- kā velā, 'what time of the day is it?' kā velā prâptāyāḥ, 'how long has she been here?' -velam ifc. after a numeral = times) ŚBr. &c. &c
- opportunity, occasion, interval, leisure (velām pra-√kṛ, to watch for an opportunity
- velāyām, at the right moment or season
- artha-velāyām, at the moment when the meaning is under consideration) MBh. Kāv. &c
- meal-time, meal (as of a god = īśvarasya bhojanam, Śiva's meal) L
- the last hour, hour of death BhP
- easy or painless death L
- tide, flow (opp. to 'ebb'), stream, current MaitrUp. MBh. &c
- 'sickness' or 'passion' (rāga or roga) L
- the gums L
- speech L
- N. of the wife of Buddha L
- of a princess found on the seashore (after whom the 11th Lambaka of the Kathāsarit-sāgara is called)
- ○"ṣkula (velâk○), mfn. agitated by the tide W
- ○kūla n. the sea-shore, coast (rarely the bank of a river) Uttamac. BhP
- mfn. situated on the sea-coast BhP
- n. N. of a district (the modern Tāmalipta or Tamlūk [see tāma-lipta], said to be in the district of Midnapur or in the southern part of the present Hūglī district, forming the west bank of the Hūglī river at its union with the sea
- a village having the name Beercool Bīrkūl, said to be derived from Velā-kūla, still exists near the sea-shore
- it is a hot-weather retreat from Calcutta and was formerly a favourite resort of Warren Hastings
- See Hunter's Gazetteer)
- ○jala n. sg. and pl. flood-tide (opp. to 'ebb') Uttamac
- ○taṭa m. the sea-shore (also ○ṭânta, m.) Kathās
- ○"ṣtikrama (velât○), m. overstepping the (right) time, tardiness Pañcat
- ○"ṣtiga (velât○), mfn. overflowing the shore (as the ocean) MBh
- ○"ṣdri (velâdri), m. a mountain situated on the coast Kathās
- ○dhara m. a kind of bird (= bhāraṇḍa) HPariś
- ○"ṣnila (velân○), m. a coast wind Ragh
- ○bala wṛ. for -vana MBh
- ○mūla n. the sea-shore W
- ○"ṣmbhas (velâmbhas), n. = -velā-jala Uttamac
- ○vana n. a forest on the sea-shore MBh
- ○"ṣvali (velâv○), f. (in music) a partic. scale
- ○vitta m. a kind of official Rājat
- ○vilāsinī f. a courtezan Nalac
- ○vīci m. a shore-wave, breaker
- pl. surge Kir
- ○samudra m. (Mṛicch.),
- ○salila n. (Vikr.) = -jala
- ○hīna mfn. untimely, occurring before the time (as an eclipse) VarBṛS
- velôrmi f. = velāviici Rājat
- velāya Nom. fr. velā g. kaṇḍv-ādi
- velikā f. (with bhū) a country situated on the sea-shore, maritime country Hariv
- velava m. a secretly born son of a Śūdra and a Kshatriyā L
- velāyani m. (prob. wṛ. for vail○) a patr. Pravar
- velibhuk-priya m. a kind of fragrant mango L. (prob. wṛ. for bali-bhuk-priya)
- veluva m. or n. (cf. vela) a partic. high number Buddh
- vell (cf. 1. vel and vehl), cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xv, 33) vellati (pr. p. vellat, or vellamāna Vām. V, 2, 9), to shake about, tremble, sway, be tossed or agitated Kāv. Kathās. &c.: Caus. vellayati, to cause to shake &c
- to knead (a dough) Bhpr
- vella mfn. going, moving, shaking W
- n. Embelia Ribes L
- N. of a town (the modern Vellore, See comp. and cf. vellūra)
- ○ja n. black pepper L
- ○purī-viṣaya-gadya n. an account in prose of the city and district of Vellore and of its ruler Keśa-veśa-rāja
- vellaka m. See kāra-v○
- (ikā), f. Trigonella Corniculata L
- vellana n. going, moving about, shaking W
- rolling (of a horse) Śiś
- surging (of waves) Rājat
- brushwood Bhpr
- a sort of rolling-pin with which cakes &c. are prepared W
- (ī), f. a species of Dūrvā grass L
- n. black pepper L
- vellantara m. a partic. tree (= viira-taru) Bhpr
- vellahala m. a libertine (= keli-nāgara) L
- velli f. (cf. valli) a creeping plant L
- vellikâkhya f. Trigonella Corniculata L. (cf. under vellaka)
- vellita mfn. shaken, trembling &c
- bent, curved, crooked MBh. Kāv. &c
- entwined (as arms) Śiś
- n. going, moving, shaking W
- the rolling of a horse L. [Page 1019, Column]
- vellitâgra mfn. curly at the end or point (as hair) MBh
- m. hair Gal
- vellitaka m. a kind of serpent Suśr
- n. crossing (instr. crosswise) ib
- vellūra m. or n. (cf. vella) N. of a town and district (the modern Vellore in North Arcot, 80 miles from Madras
- it has a celebrated fortress) VarBṛS
- vevijá mf(ā́)n. (fr. Intens. of √vij) starting, quick RV
- vévijāna See Intens. of √vij
- vévidat vévidāna, See Intens. of √3. vid
- véviṣat véviṣāṇa, See Intens. of √viṣ
- vevī (cf. Intens. of √1. vii), cl. 2. Ā. veviite (3. pl. vevyate Pāṇ. 6-1, 6 Sch.), to go
- to pervade
- to conceive
- to desire
- to throw
- to eat Dhātup. xxiv, 69
- veś See √ves
- veśá m. (√1. viś) 'a settler', small farmer, tenant, neighbour, dependent, vassal RV. Kāṭh. (once in VS. véśa)
- entrance, ingress W
- a tent ( See vastra-v○)
- a house, dwelling (cf. veśavāṭa) L
- prostitution or a house of ill fame, brothel Mn. Daś. Kathās
- the behaviour of a courtezan Kathās
- trade, business (to explain vaiśya) L
- the son of a Vaiśya and an Ugrī L
- often wṛ. for veṣa. [For cognate words See under √1. viś.]
- ○kula n. a number of courtezans Daś
- -strī f. a common woman Bhar
- ○tvá n. the state of a tenant or (dependent) neighbour, vassalage MaitrS
- ○dāna
- ○dhara &c., See veṣa-d○, veṣa-dh○
- ○nada (or veśana-da ?), m. N. of a river Inscr
- ○bhaginī f. N. of Sarasvatī Kāṭh. (cf. next)
- ○bhagī́na mf(ā)n. (an expression applied to Sarasvatī) MaitrS. (viśobh○ ĀpŚr
- cf. veśo-bh○ Pāṇ. 4-4, 132)
- ○bhāva m. the nature or condition of prostitutes Mṛicch
- ○bhṛt See veṣa-bhṛt
- ○yámana mfn. ruling or managing people MaitrS. Kāṭh
- n. the act of ruling &c. ib
- ○yuvati (Bhar.),
- ○yoṣit (Hariv.), f. a harlot, prostitute
- ○vat m. the keeper of a house of ill fame Kull. on Mn. iv, 84
- ○vadhū (Hariv.),
- ○vanitā (Mudr.), f. a common woman, harlot
- ○vāṭa n. house and court Daś
- ○vāsa m. a house of prostitutes, brothel Mṛicch
- ○strī (MBh.),
- ○sthā (SāmavBr.), f. a prostitute
- veśânta m. (BṛĀrUp.), or (ŚBr.) a pond
- veśấntā f. (ŚBr.) a pond
- veśaka mfn. who or what enters, entering W
- m. a house L
- (ikā), f. entrance, ingress W
- veśana n. the act of entering BhP
- a house W
- (ī), f. an entrance, waiting room L
- veśantá m. a pond, tank AV. Kāv. (cf. veśânta)
- fire L
- (véśantā TBr
- veśantī́ AV.), f. id
- veśás m. a neighbour, vassal AV. ii, 32, 5
- veśasa See yajña-v○
- veśā-pura n. N. of a town Vcar
- veśika n. (cf. vaiśika) a partic. art Lalit
- veśin mfn. entering Hariv. (also wṛ. for veṣin)
- veśī́ f. 'entering, piercing (?)', a pin, needle RV. vii, 18, 7 (Sāy.)
- veśo-bhagīna and mfn. (fr. veśas + bhaga) nourishing neighbours or retainers Pāṇ. 4-1, 131 ; 132 (cf. veśa-bhaginī ind. -bhagīna)
- veśo-bhagya mfn. (fr. veśas + bhaga) nourishing neighbours or retainers Pāṇ. 4-1, 131 ; 132 (cf. veśa-bhaginī ind. -bhagīna)
- veśma in comp. for veśman
- ○karman n. house-building MW
- ○kaliṅga prob. = (or wṛ. for) next L
- ○kuliṅga m. a kind of bird Suśr
- ○kūla m. a kind of creeper L
- ○caṭaka m. a kind of sparrow Bhpr
- ○dhūma m. a species of plant (prob. = gṛha-dh○) Car
- ○nakula m. the musk rat or shrew L
- ○bhū f. building-ground, the site of a habitation L
- ○vāsa m. a sleepingroom Kathās
- ○sthūṇā f. the main post or column of a house L
- veśmânta (ifc. f. ā) the interior of a house R
- veśmaka mfn. (fr. veśman), g. ṛśyâdi
- m. pl. N. of a people MārkP
- véśman n. a house, dwelling, mansion, abode, apartment RV. &c. &c
- a palace Āpast
- an astrological house VarBṛS
- N. of the 4th astrṭastrological house ib
- veśya mfn. to be entered (ifc., g. vargyâdi)
- (ā), f. See below
- (veśyá) n. neighbourhood, dependence, vassalage RV
- an adjacent or dependent territory ib
- a house of prostitutes, house of ill fame L
- prostitution (veśyam with Caus. of √vah, to be a prostitute) Divyâv
- ○kāminī (VarBṛS.), [Page 1019, Column]
- ○strī (MBh.), f. a prostitute, harlot (= veśyā, See next)
- veśyā f. 'intranda', a harlot, courtezan, prostitute Mn. MBh. &c. (in comp. also veśya
- See prec.)
- Clypea Hernandifolia L
- a kind of metre Col
- ○gaṇa m. a company of harlots L
- ○gamana n. going after harlots, licentiousness MW
- ○gāmin m. one who visits harlots, fornicator ib
- ○gṛha n. harlots-house, brothel VarYogay
- ○ghaṭaka m. a procurer of harlots, pander Kāv
- ○"ṣṅganā (veśyâṅg○), f. a common woman
- -kalpa m. -vṛtti f. N. of wks
- ○"ṣcārya (veśyâc○), m. the master or keeper of harlots or dancing girls L
- a catamite W
- ○jana m. a harlots or harlots Śiś
- -samāśraya or ○nâśraya m. a brothel L
- ○tva n. the condition of a hṭharlots Mṛicch. Sch
- ○paṇa m. wages of a harlots Mṛicch
- ○pati m. a harlots's husband, paramour Kāv
- ○putra m. an illegitimate son, bastard Mṛicch
- ○"ṣyatta (veśyây○), mfn. dependent on harlots
- ○ttī-√kṛ, to make depṭdependent on harlots Rājat
- ○vāra m. a number of harlots W
- ○vāsa m. = -gṛha L
- ○veśman n. id. Rājat
- ○vrata n. a partic. observance performed by harlots Cat
- ○"ṣśraya (veśyâśr○), m. = -gṛha Hāsy
- veśara veśavāra, See vesara, vesavāra, col. 3
- veśi f. (in astron.) = ?, N. of the second astrological house from that in which the sun is situated VarBṛS
- veśijāta or veśījāta m. a kind of creeper (= putra-dātrī) L
- veśvara m. = vesara L
- véṣa m. (ifc. f. ā, or ī, cf. bhūta-veṣī
- fr. √viṣ) work, activity, management VS. Kauś. KātyŚr
- dress, apparel, ornament, artificial exterior, assumed appearance (often also = look, exterior, appearance in general) Mn. MBh. &c. (acc. with √kṛ or ā-√sthā, 'to assume a dress', with √gam or vi-√dhā, 'to assume an appearance'
- with ā-cchādya, 'concealing one's appearance', 'disguising one's self'
- pracchanna-veṣeṇa id.)
- often wṛ. for veśa
- (veṣá), mfn. working, active, busy VS. (cf. prātar-v○)
- ○kāra m. (used to explain veṣṭana) L
- ○dāna m. the sunflower (= sūryaśobhā) L
- ○dhara mfn. having only the appearance of, disguising one's self, acting a part Siṃhâs
- (ifc.) disguised as Divyâv
- ○dhārin mfn. wearing the dress of (comp.) R
- m. a hypocrite, false devotee L
- ○vat mfn. well-dressed (for su-v○) Kām
- ○śri or (véṣa-), mfn. beautifully adorned TS. ŚBr
- ○śrī (véṣa-), mfn. beautifully adorned TS. ŚBr
- veṣâdhika mfn. very well clothed, too well dressed VarYogay
- veṣânya-tva n. change of dress VP
- veṣáṇa or n. service, attendance RV
- véṣaṇa n. service, attendance RV
- (ā), f. id. MānGṛ
- Flacourtia Cataphracta L
- veṣin See chadma-v○ and vikṛta-veṣin
- veṣya mfn. dressed, disguised, masked (as an actor) Pāṇ. 5-1, 100 Sch
- (veṣyá), m. (prob.) a head-band VS
- n. (prob.) work, labour ( See hastaveṣya)
- veṣavāra incorrect for vesavāra
- veṣká m. (cf. veṣṭa and bleṣka) a noose for strangling a sacrificial victim ŚBr
- veṣṭ (cf. viṣṭ), cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. viii, 2) veṣṭate (pf. viveṣṭe fut. veṣṭitā &c., Gr.), to wind or twist round Sāh
- to adhere or cling to (loc.) AV
- to cast the skin (said of a snake) R
- to dress MW.: Caus. veṣṭáyati, ○te (aor. aviveṣṭat, or avaveṣṭat
- Pass. veṣtyate), to wrap up, envelop, enclose, surround, cover, invest, beset TBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- to tie on, wrap round (a turban &c.) MBh. Rājat
- to cause to shrink up ŚvetUp.: Desid. viveṣṭiṣate Gr.: Intens. veveṣṭyate, veveṣṭi ib
- veṣṭa m. enclosing, an enclosure L
- a band, noose Kauś. MBh
- a tooth-hole Suśr
- gum, resin L
- turpentine L
- n. (that which surrounds) Brahman or the sky L
- ○pāla m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○vaṃśa m. Bambusa Spinosa L
- ○sāra m. turpentine L
- veṣṭâvāra (?) n. a kind of factitious salt L. (cf. vesavāra)
- veṣṭaka m. See aṅguli-v○
- a wall, fence W
- (in gram.) putting a word before and after iti VPrāt
- Beninkasa Cerifera L
- m. or n. turpentine L. [Page 1019, Column]
- n. a head-band, turban L
- resin, gum L
- mfn. who or what encompasses or surrounds W
- veṣṭana n. the act of surrounding or encompassing or enclosing or encircling (kṛta-veṣṭana, 'surrounded', 'beset'
- cf. also aṅguli-v○) GṛŚrS. Kāv. Kathās. &c
- anything that surrounds or wraps &c., a bandage, band, girdle (○naṃ-√kṛ, 'to bandage') MBh. Pañcat
- a head-band, tiara, diadem MBh. Ragh. Kathās
- an enclosure, wall, fence Megh
- a covering, case MW
- a span MārkP
- the outer ear (i.e. the meatus auditorius and concha) L
- a kind of weapon L
- a partic. attitude in dancing (either a disposition of the hands or crossing of the feet) W
- a rope round the sacrificial post L
- Pongamia Glabra L
- bdellium L
- = gati (?) L
- ○veṣṭaka m. a kind of coitus L
- veṣṭanaka m. a kind of coitus L
- veṣṭanika See pāda-v○
- veṣṭanīya mfn. to be surrounded or wound round Nyāyam
- veṣṭayitavya mfn. id. ib. Sch
- veṣṭitá mfn. enveloped, bound round, wrapped up, enclosed, surrounded, invested, beset ŚBr. &c. &c
- covered with, veiled in (instr.) Mn. i, 49
- accompanied or attended by (instr.) MBh
- twisted (as a rope) Kathās
- stopped, secured from access W
- n. encompassing, encircling W
- one of the gestures or attitudes of dancing (= veṣṭana) ib
- a kind of coitus L
- a turban ( See veṣṭitin)
- ○śiras mfn. one who has his head covered Āpast
- veṣṭitaka See latā-v○
- veṣṭitavya mfn. = veṣṭanīya MW
- veṣṭitin mfn. wearing a turban Āpast
- véṣṭuka mfn. sticking to, adhering MaitrS
- veṣṭya mfn. = veṣṭanīya MW
- veṣpa m. water Uṇ. iii, 23 Sch
- veṣya See under veṣa, col. 2
- ves cl. 1. P. vesati, to go, move Dhātup. xvii, 70
- to desire, love Naigh. ii, 6. (Cf. also 1. vi, 2. ve, √1. vii.)
- vesana n. a kind of flour made from a partic. vegetable product Bhpr
- vesara m. (cf. vega-sara
- also written veśara) a mule VarBṛS. Śiś
- (ī), f. a female mule Divyâv
- n. (used to explain vāsara) Nir. iv, 7 ; 11
- vesavāra m. (also written veśav○, or veṣav○) a partic. condiment or kind of seasoning (consisting of ground coriander, mustard, pepper, ginger, spice &c.) Suśr
- veh (also written beh), cl. l. Ā. vehate, to strive, make effort Dhātup. xvi, 42
- cl. 1. P. vehati = vehāya Vop
- vehát f. a barren cow or and cow that miscarries VS. AV. Br. (cf. Uṇ. ii, 85
- accord. to L. also 'a cow that desires the bull' or 'a pregnant cow')
- vehāya Nom. (fr. prec.) Ā. ○yate, to miscarry, g. bhṛśâdi
- vehānasa (with Jainas) a partic. forbidden mode of suicide, Śīl
- vehāra m. (cf. vihāra) N. of a country (Behār) L
- vehl cl. 1. P. vehlati, v. l. for √vell Dhātup. xv, 33
- vai (orig. identical with √2. vā), cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xxii, 24) vā́yati, to become languid or weary or exhausted RV. (śoṣaṇe Dhātup.)
- to be deprived of (gen.) RV. viii. 47, 6
- P. and (ep. also Ā.), to blow Āpast. MBh
- vāta mfn. (for 1. and 2. See pp. 934, 939) dried up ( 1. a-vātá)
- vāna mfn. dried &c. ( See 2. vāna, p. 940, col. 2)
- vaí ind. a particle of emphasis and affirmation, generally placed after a word and laying stress on it (it is usually translatable by 'indeed', 'truly', 'certainly', 'verily', 'just' &c
- it is very rare in the RV
- more frequent in the AV., and very common in the Brāhmaṇas and in works that imitate their style
- in the Sūtras it is less frequent and almost restricted to the combination yady u vai
- in Manu MBh. and the Kāvyas it mostly appears at the end of a line, and as a mere expletive. In RV. it is frequently followed by u in the combination vā́ u [both particles are separated, v, 18,] [Page 1020, Column]
- it is also preceded by u and various other particles, e.g. by íd, áha, utá
- in the Brāhmaṇas it often follows ha, ha sma, eva
- in later language api and tu. Accord. to some it is also a vocative particle)
- vaiṃśatika mf(ī)n. (fr. viṃśatika) purchased with twenty Pāṇ. 5-1, 27
- vaikaṃseya m. metron. fr. vi-kaṃsā g. śubhrâdi
- vaikakṣa n. (fr. vi-kakṣa) = vaikakṣaka Mudr. (v. l.)
- an upper garment, mantle L
- vaikakṣaka (Kād. Sadukt.) or (Mudr.) ?or (Mudr.) ?or (ib. Jātakam.), n. a garland suspended over the shoulder
- vaikakṣika (Mudr.) or (ib. Jātakam.), n. a garland suspended over the shoulder
- vaikakṣya (ib. Jātakam.), n. a garland suspended over the shoulder
- vaikakṣyaka (ifc. f. ā) a wrapper, mantle Hcar
- vaikaṅka m. N. of a mountain Pur
- vaikaṅkatá or vaík○ mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-kaṅkata) belonging to or coming from or made of Flacourtia Sapida AV. TS. Br. &c
- m. Flacourtia Sapida L
- vaikaṭika m. (fr. 2. vi-kaṭa, but cf, vekaṭa) a jeweller Vcar
- (ku-vaikaṭika m. a bad jeweller Hcar.)
- vaikaṭya n. hugeness, horribleness, atrociousness Sāh
- vaikathika mfn. = vi-kathāyāṃ sādhuḥ g. kathâdi
- vaikayata m. g. bhauriky-ādi
- ○vidha mfn. inhabited by Vaikayatas L
- vaikara mfn. (fr. vi-kara), g. utsâdi
- vaikarañja m. (fr. vi-karañja) a species of snake Suśr
- vaikarṇá m. (fr. vi-karṇa) N. of two tribes (du.) RV
- patr. fr. vi-karṇa PārGṛ. (accord. to Sch. N. of Garuḍa or of the wind)
- a patr. (if a Vātsya be meant) Pāṇ. 4-1, 117 (cf. vaikarṇeya)
- vaikarṇāyana (Cat.) or (Saṃskārak.), m. patr. fr. vi-karṇa
- vaikarṇi (Saṃskārak.), m. patr. fr. vi-karṇa
- vaikarṇeya m. patr. fr. vi-karṇa (if a Kāśyapa be meant) Pāṇ. 4-1, 124 (cf. vaikarṇa)
- vaikarta m. (fr. vi-karta) a partic. edible part of a sacrificial victim, (perhaps) the loin AitBr. (Sāy.)
- one who cuts up a sacrificial victim, a butcher MW
- vaikartana mfn. (fr. vi-kartana) relating or belonging to the sun Rāghav
- m. N. of Karṇa (as son of the sun) MBh
- patr. of Su-grīva Rāghav
- ○kula n. the solar race Uttarar
- vaikarma m. N. of the Muni Vātsya MW
- vaikarya mfn. (fr. vi-kara), g. saṃkāśâdi
- vaikalpa n. (fr. vi-kalpa) dubiousness, ambiguity, indecision MW
- optionality A
- wṛ. for vaikalya Mn. MBh. Rājat
- vaikalpika mf(ī)n. admitting of difference of opinion, optional ĀrshBr. ĀśvŚr. &c
- ○tā f. (Mṛicch. Sch.) or (Siddh.) optionality
- ○tva n. (Siddh.) optionality
- vaikalya n. (fr. vi-kala) imperfection, weakness, defectiveness, defect, frailty (also -tā f. R
- wṛ. vaikalpa-tā) Mn. MBh. &c
- incompetency, insufficiency W
- despondency MBh. MārkP. &c
- confusion, flurry MBh. (v. l. vaiklavya)
- vaikāyana m. a patr. Saṃskārak. (also pl.)
- vaikārika mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-kāra) based on or subject to modification, modifying or modified MBh. Suśr. Pur. &c
- m. a class of deities MW
- (with kāla) the time necessary for the formation of the fetus Car
- n. emotion, flurry R
- ○bandha m. (in the Sāṃkhya phil.) one of the threefold forms of bondage Tattvas
- vaikāri-mata n. g. rāja-dantâdi. [Page 1020, Column]
- vaikārya n. transformation, change, modification MBh
- vaikāla m. (fr. vi-kāla) evening, afternoon W
- vaikālika mf(ī)n. occurring in or belonging to the evening W
- n. evening devotion, (or) an evening meal Vet. Campak
- (am), ind. in the afternoon MW
- vaikālīna mf(ī)n. = vaikālika above W
- vaikāseya m. patr. fr. vi-kāsa g. śubhrâdi
- vaiki m. a patr., g. taulvaly-ādi Cat. (pl.)
- vaikira mfn. (fr. vi-kira) percolated, trickled through
- n. (with vāri) percolated water Suśr
- vaikughāsīya mfn. (fr. vikughāsa), g. kṛśâśvâdi (v. l. vaikutyāsīya)
- vaikuṭyāsīya mfn. (fr. vikuṭyāsa), g. kṛśâśvâdi (Kāś
- v. l. vaikughāsīya)
- vaikuṇṭhá m. (fr. vi-kuṇṭha) N. of Indra ŚBr. KaushUp
- of Vishṇu (Kṛishṇa) MBh. Hariv. &c
- a statue of Vishṇu Rājat
- the 24th day in the month of Brahmā L
- (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt
- a kind of Ocimum L
- N. of various men (esp. authors and teachers) Cat
- (with Indra) N. of the supposed author of RV. x, 48-50 Anukr
- pl. or sg. (scil. gaṇa) N. of a class of gods Pur
- m. or n. Vishṇu's heaven (variously described as situated in the northern ocean or on the eastern peak of mount Meru) Pañcat. BhP. &c
- n. talc W
- (ā), f. Vaikuṇṭha's (Vishṇu's) Śakti Pañcar
- ○gati f. going to Vishṇu's heaven Pañcat
- ○gadya n. N. of wk
- ○caturdaśī f. the 14th day of the light half of the month Kārttika (sacred to Vishṇu) MW
- ○tva n. the being Vishṇu (Kṛishṇa) Hariv
- ○dīkṣita m. N. of an author Cat
- ○tīya n. N. of his wk
- ○dīpikā f. N. of wk
- -nātha m. 'lord of VaikṭVaikuṇṭhá', Vishṇu
- -nāthâcārya m. N. of an author Cat
- ○purī f. Vishṇu's city Siṃhâs
- m. N. of an author Cat. W
- ○bhuvana n. or Vaikuṇṭha's (Vishṇu's) heaven Cat
- ○loka m. Vaikuṇṭha's (Vishṇu's) heaven Cat
- ○varṇana n. a description of Vaikuṇṭha MW
- ○vijaya m. N. of wk
- ○viṣṇu
- ○śiṣya or m. N. of authors Cat
- ○śiṣyâcārya m. N. of authors Cat
- ○stava m
- ○stava-vyākhyā f. N. of wks
- ○svarga m. = -bhuvana Pañcat
- vaikuṇṭhīya mfn. relating to Vishṇu's heaven Pañcat
- vaikṛta mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-kṛti) modified, derivative, secondary (-tva n. Lāṭy.) RPrāt. TPrāt. Sch. &c
- undergoing change, subject to modification Sāṃkhyak. KapS
- disfigured, deformed MBh
- not natural, perpetuated by adoption (as a family) Cat
- m. N. of the Ahaṃ-kāra or I-making faculty MBh
- of a demon causing a partic. disease Hariv
- n. (ifc. f. ā) change, modification, alteration, disfigurement, abnormal condition, changed state MBh. R. Suśr. &c
- an unnatural phenomenon, portent Ragh. VarBṛS. Rājat
- mental change, agitation MBh. R. &c
- aversion, hatred, enmity, hostility MBh. Hariv. Kathās. Rājat
- ○rahasya n. N. of wk
- ○vat mfn. morbidly affected by (comp.) Rājat
- ○vivarta m. a woeful plight, miserable condition, piteous state Mālatīm
- ○sarga m. a form of creation (opp. to prākṛtas○) VP
- vaikṛtâpaha mfn. removing or preventing change W
- vaikṛti wṛ. for vaikṛta n. MBh
- vaikṛtika mf(ī)n. subject to change Sāṃkhyak
- changed, incidental MW
- (in Sāṃkhya) belonging to a Vikāra i.e. to a production or evolved principle ( See vi-kāra, pra-kṛti) ib
- vaikṛtya mfn. changed (in form or mind) W
- n. change, alteration R
- change for the worse, deterioration, degeneration Hariv
- ugliness, repulsiveness Sadukt
- an unnatural phenomenon, portent MBh. VarBṛS
- a version, disgust W
- hostility R
- woeful state, miserable plight A
- vaikṛnta (?), m. mercury L
- vaikrānta m. n. (fr. vi-krānta) a kind of gem resembling a diamond (also ○taka) L
- vaikriya mfn. (fr. vi-kriyā) resulting from change HPariś. [Page 1020, Column]
- subject to change Śatr. Sūryapr
- vaiklava n. (fr. vi-klava) bewilderment, despondency Pur
- vaiklavya n. id. MBh. Hariv. Kāv. &c
- frailty, feebleness, mental weakness Kād. Śak. Sch
- ○tā f. = vaiklava R
- vaikṣa mfn. = vii7kṣā śīlam asya g. chattrâdi
- vaikṣamāṇi m. patr. fr. vii7kṣamāṇa Pat
- vaikharī f. N. of a partic. sound RāmatUp. Pat
- speech in the fourth of its four stages from the first stirring of the air or breath, articulate utterance, that utterance of sounds or words which is complete as consisting of full and intelligible sentences MW
- the faculty of speech or the divinity presiding over it ib
- speech in general A
- vaikhāna m. N. of Vishṇu MBh
- vaikhānasá m. (fr. vi-khānasa) a Brāhman in the third stage of his life, anchorite, hermit (= vānaprastha, q.v.) Kāv. Gaut. BhP
- a patr. of Vamra RAnukr
- of Puru-hanman PañcavBr
- N. of partic. stars VarBṛS
- of a sect of Vaishṇavas W. Cat
- (ī), f. a female anchorite Bālar
- a vessel used for cooking the meat offered in sacrifice W
- mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to Vaikhānasas or anchorites (with tantra n. the Tantra of the sect called Vaikhānasa BhP.) TS. PañcavBr. Lāṭy. &c
- n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- ○tantra n. (cf. above),
- ○bhṛgu-saṃhitā f. N. of wks
- ○mata n. the rules for anchorites Mn. vi, 21 (Kull.)
- ○vaiṣṇavâgama m
- ○śrauta-sūtra n
- ○saṃhitā f
- ○samprôkṣaṇa n
- ○sūtra n. N. of wks
- vaikhānasâgama m. N. of wk
- vaikhānasâcārya m. N. of a teacher Cat
- vaikhānasârādhana n
- vaikhānaḍsârcanā-nava-nīta n. N. of wks
- vaikhānasâśrama m. N. of a hermitage MBh
- vaikhānasi m. a patr. Cat
- vaikhānasīyôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad
- vaikhāraka (?), m. pungent (cf. khara) and salt taste L
- mfn. pungent and salt L
- vaigandhikā f. (fr. vi-gandha) a species of plant Car. (prob. m. c. for vig○)
- vaigaleya m. (with gaṇa) N. of a class of evil spirits Hariv
- vaiguṇya n. (fr. vi-guṇa) absence of or freedom from qualities, absence of attributes W
- difference of qualities, contrariety of properties, diversity W
- imperfection, defectiveness (with janmanaḥ, 'inferiority of birth') ŚrS. Mn. &c
- faultiness, badness, unskilfulness Mn. MBh. c
- vaigrahi (fr. vi-graha), g. sutaṃgamâdi
- vaigrahika mf(ī)n. belonging to the body, corporeal, bodily MW
- vaigri (fr. vigra), g. sutaṃ-gamâdi
- vaigreya m. patr. fr. vigra g. śubhrâdi
- vaighaṭika m. (cf. vaikaṭika) a jeweller L
- vaighasa m. (fr. vi-ghasa) N. of a huntsman Hariv
- vaighasika mfn. feeding on the residue or remains of food MBh
- vaighātya n. (fr. vi-ghātin), g. brāhmaṇâdi
- vaiṅki (cf. vaiki), m. a patr., g. taulvaly-ādi
- vaiṅgi m. a patr. Pāṇ. 4-2, 113 Sch
- vaiṅgīya m. (fr. prec.) ib
- vaiṅgeya N. of a partic. region Inscr
- vaicakila mf(ī)n. made of the plant Vicakila Sadukt
- vaicakṣaṇya n. (fr. vi-cakṣaṇa) experience, proficiency, skill in (loc.) Bhar. Daś. Bālar. [Page 1021, Column]
- vaicittya n. (fr. vi-citta) mental confusion, absence of mind, a swoon Suśr. Car. &c
- vaicitya wṛ. for prec
- vaicitra n. (fr. vi-citra) = vaicitrya below Rājat
- (ī), f. strangeness, wonderfulness, marvellous beauty Bālar. Kathās
- ○vīrya m. (fr. vicitra-v○) patr. of Dhṛita-rāshṭra, of Pāṇḍu and of Vidura Kāṭh. MBh. Hariv. BhP
- ○vīryaka mfn. belonging to Vicitra-viirya &c. Hariv
- ○vīryin (m. c.), m. = -viirya MBh
- vaicitrya n. variety, manifoldness, diversity Kap. Hit. VarBṛS. &c
- = vaicitrī above Kāv. Sāh. &c
- wṛ. for vaicittya Mālatīm
- sorrow, despair MW
- ○vīrya wṛ. for vaicitra-vii○ MBh
- vaicchandasa mfn. (fr. vi-cchandas) consisting of various metres Lāṭy
- n. a Sāman consisting of various metres ib
- vaicyuta m. (fr. vi-cyuta) N. of a Muni Cat
- vaijagdhaka mfn. (fr. vi-jagdha), g. varāhâdi
- vaijana or ○na-deva m. N. of a king and author Cat
- vaijanana mfn. (fr. vi-janana) relating to childbirth
- (with or scil. mās), m. the last month of pregnancy Hcar. Rājat
- vaijanya n. (fr. vi-jana) desertedness, solitude Rājat
- vaijayanta m. (fr. vi-jayat, or ○yanta) the banner of Indra MBh
- a banner, flag R
- the palace of Indra Buddh
- a house A
- N. of Skanda L
- of a mountain MBh. Hariv
- pl. (with Jainas) N. of a class of deities L
- (ī), f. a flag, banner MBh. Kāv. &c
- an ensign W
- a kind of garland prognosticating victory MBh. Pur
- the necklace of Vishṇu MW
- N. of the 8th night of the civil month Sūryapr
- Premna Spinosa Suśr
- Sesbania Aegyptiaca L
- N. of a lexicon by Yādavaprakāśa
- of a Comm. to Vishṇu's Dharmaśāstra (IW. 304, 305)
- of various other wks
- of a town or a river AV. Pariś
- n. N. of a gate in Ayodhyā R
- of a town (= vana-vāsī) R. Inscr
- vaijayantika mf(ā or ī)n. bearing a flag, a flag-bearer L
- (ā), f. a flag, banner Mālatīm
- a kind of pearl necklace (in Prākṛit) Vikr
- Sesbania Aegyptiaca L
- Premna Spinosa Bhpr
- vaijayi m. (fr. vi-jaya) N. of the third Cakra-vartin in Bhārata L
- vaijayika mf(ī)n. conferring or foretelling victory (○kīnāṃ [v. l. ○kānāṃ] vidyānāṃjñānam, one of the 64 arts) VarBṛS. Hariv. &c
- vaijayin mfn. id. MBh
- vaijara m. pl. N. of a school Caraṇ
- vaijala-deva or ○la-bhūpati, baijala-deva
- vaijava m. pl. N. of a school Caraṇ. (v. l. vaijara)
- wṛ. for paijavana
- vaijavana wṛ. for paijavana
- vaijavāpa &c. See baij○
- vaijātya n. (fr. vi-jāti) diverseness, heterogeneousness Sarvad
- exclusion from caste W
- difference of caste A
- strangeness A
- looseness, wantonness (cf. vaiyatya) W
- vaijāna m. patr. of Vṛiśa PañcavBr
- vaijāpaka or ○pakaka mfn. (fr. vijāpaka), g. kacchâdi
- vaiji m. N. of a man Bhartṛ. (perhaps wṛ. for baiji)
- vaijika &c. See baij○
- vaijñānaśālika (?), m. Campak
- vaijñānika mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-jñāna) rich in knowledge, proficient L
- vaiṭapa m. patr. fr. viṭapa g. śīvâdi. [Page 1021, Column]
- vaiṭuṣya wṛ. for vaiduṣya Rājat
- vaiṭṭālika (of obscure meaning
- for vaitālika ?) Cat
- vaiḍava m. patr. fr. viiḍu PañcavBr
- vaiḍāla See baiḍ○
- vaiḍūrya n. (rarely m
- cf. vidūra-ja) a cat's-eye gem (ifc. 'a jewel', = 'anything excellent of its kind') AdbhBr. MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. N. of a mountain (also -parvata) MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- mf(ā)n. made of cat's-eye gems MBh. R. &c
- ○kānti mfn. having the colour of a cat's-eye gem VarBṛS
- m. N. of a sword Kathās
- ○prabha m. N. of a serpent-demon Buddh
- ○maṇi m. a cat's-eye gem
- -vat mfn. containing cat's-eyes R
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting or made of or resembling cat's-eyes MBh. R. &c
- ○śikhara m. N. of a mountain MBh
- ○śṛṅga n. N. of a mythical town Kathās
- vaiṇa m. (fr. veṇu) a maker of bamboowork (a partic. mixed caste) Āpast. Mn. Yājñ
- n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- vaiṇavá mf(ī́)n. consisting or made of or produced from bamboo (with nicayāḥ, 'supply of bamboo'
- with agni, 'a bamboo fire'
- with yava, 'bamboo-corn') TS. ŚBr. GṛS. &c
- made of grains of barley KātyŚr
- belonging to a flute Cat
- m. a flute MBh
- a student's staff cut from a bamboo, any bṭbamboo-staff W
- a worker in bamboo W
- the son of a Māhishya and a Brāhman woman L
- a patr. ĀśvŚr
- N. of a sacred place of pilgrimage MW
- (ī), f. (said to be) = viiṇā Hcat
- bamboo manna Bhpr
- n. the fruit of Veṇu L
- gold from the Veṇu river L
- N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- of a Varsha in Kuśa-dviipa MārkP
- of a sacred place Col
- vaiṇavika m. a flute-player Nalac
- vaiṇavin mfn. possessing a flute MBh. (v. l. veṇ○)
- m. N. of Śiva MW
- vaiṇahotra wṛ. for vain○
- vaiṇāvata m. or n. (?) a bow Lāṭy
- vaiṇu (!), mfn. (said of the sea) ŚāṅkhGṛ
- vaiṇuka mfn. = veṇau sādhuḥ g. guḍâdi
- (fr. veṇukīya), g. bilvakâdi
- m. a flute-player L
- n. a pointed goad made of bamboo (for driving elephants) L
- vaiṇukīya mfn. (fr. vaiṇuka), g. gahâdi
- vaiṇukeya mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to a bamboo &c. W
- w. r. for raiṇ○ L
- vaiṇika m. (fr. viiṇā) a lute-player Śiś. Kathās
- the smell of faeces (mfn. having the smell of faeces) L
- vaiṇeya m. pl. N. of a school Caraṇ
- vaiṇya wṛ. for vainya
- ○datta m. N. of a man Cat
- vaitaṃsika m. (fr. vi-taṃsa, or vii-t○) a bird-catcher MBh
- a butcher L
- n. the act of ensnaring or entrapping, catching insidiously MBh. (cf. dyūta-vait○, dharma-vait○)
- vaitaṃsikāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to act the part of a bird-catcher, ensnaring, inveigling Jātakam
- vaitaṇḍika mfn. (fr. vi-taṇḍā) skilled in the tricks or artifices of disputation, g. kathâdi
- m. a disputations or captious person MW
- vaitaṇḍin m. N. of a Ṛishi Hariv
- vaitaṇḍya m. N. of a son of the Vasu Āpa VP
- vaitatya n. (fr. vi-tata) great extension Śukas
- vaitathya n. (fr. vi-tatha) falseness MāṇḍUp. Sch. BhP
- ○prakaraṇa n. N. of ch. of a wk
- vaitathyôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad
- vaitadhṛta m. pl. = vainadhṛta, vainabhṛta AV. Pariś
- vaitanika mf(ī)n. (fr. vetana) living on wages, serving for wages
- m. a hireling, labourer Pāṇ. 4-4, 12
- vaitaraṇa mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-taraṇa) intending to cross a river MBh
- transporting (a departed spirit) over the river that flows between earth and the lower regions (as a cow given to Brāhmans
- See below and RTL. 296, 297) Hcat
- (○ṇá), m. a patr. RV. [Page 1021, Column]
- N. of a physician Hariv. Suśr
- (ī), f. See below
- vaitaraṇi f. = next Uṇ. ii, 103 Sch
- vaitaraṇī f. N. of the Hindū Styx i.e. the river that flows between earth and the lower regions or abode of departed spirits presided over by Yama (it is described as rushing with great impetuosity, hot, fetid, and filled with blood, hair and bones, RTL. 290, 570) MBh. Pur. &c
- a cow (given to Brāhmans) that transports a dead man over that river Hcat
- N. of a sacred river in Kaliṅga or Orissa (usually called Baitaraṇī) MBh. Hariv. R. Pur
- of a division of the lower regions MW
- of the mother of the Rākshasas L
- ○dāna n
- ○māhātmya n
- ○vidhi m
- ○vratôdyāpana-vidhi m. N. of wks
- vaitasá mf(ī)n. (fr. vetasa) made of or peculiar to a reed (○sī vṛtti, 'reed-like action', i.e. yielding to superior force, adapting one's self to circumstances) TS. Br. KātyŚr. &c
- m. or n. a basket made of reed KātyŚr
- m. (met.) the penis AV
- Rumex Vesicarius L
- Calamus Fasciculatus W
- vaitasaka mfn. (fr. vetasakīya), g. bilvakâdi
- vaitasena m. (prob. derived fr. a misunderstanding of vaitaséna instr. RV. x, 95, 4
- cf. vaitasá), N. of Purū-ravas BhP
- vaitasta mfn. coming from or contained in the Vi-tastā (q.v.) Rājat
- vaitastya mfn. id. Vcar
- vaitastika mfn. (fr. vi-tasti) a span long (an arrow) MBh. Hariv. R
- vaitahavyá m. (fr. viita-havya) a patr. AV. ĀrshBr. GṛŚrS
- n. N. of various Sāmans Br. &c
- vaitahotrá m. a patr. MaitrS. iv, 2, 6 (perhaps wṛ. for vaitih○)
- vaitāḍhya m. N. of a mountain Śatr
- vaitāna mf(ī)n. (fr. 2. vi-tāna) relating to or performed with the three sacred fires GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh
- m. (m. c.) = vitāna, a canopy BhP. (accord. to Comm. = vitāna-samūha)
- a patr. Caraṇ. (v. l. vaitāyana)
- n. a rite performed with the three sacred fires PārGṛ. Mn. &c
- an oblation with fire W
- ○kuśala mfn. skilled in or conversant with the above rites Mn
- ○prâyaścittasūtra n
- ○sūtra n. N. of wks
- ○stha mfn. occupied in a sacrificial rite MBh
- vaitānôpâsanā f. the regular presentation of burnt-offerings morning and evening W
- vaitānika mf(ī)n. = vaitāna (with dvi-ja or vipra, a Brāhman who observes the precepts relative to the three sacred fires) GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- sacrificial, sacred (as fire) W
- n. a burnt-offering (esp. of clarified butter, as presented daily by the Brāhmans) W
- vaitānika mfn. (fr. 1. vi-tāna), See under 2. vaitālika below
- vaitānya n. despondency Jātakam
- vaitāyana m. a patr. Caraṇ. (v. l. vaitāna)
- vaitāla mf(ī)n. (fr. vetāla) relating to the Vetālas VarBṛS
- m. = vetāla Siṃhâs
- ○pura n. N. of a town Siṃhâs. (v. l. vetāla-p○)
- vaitālika m. one who is possessed by a Vetāla, the servant of a Vetāla W
- the worshipper of a Vetāla MW
- a magician, conjurer ib
- vaitālīya mfn. relating to the Vetālas VarBṛS
- n. a kind of metre VarBṛS
- vaitālaki m. N. of a teacher of the Ṛig-veda VP
- vaitālika m. (fr. vi-tāla) a bard, panegyrist of a king (whose duty also is to proclaim the hour of day) MBh. Kāv. &c
- = -kheḍḍatāla L
- one who sings out of tune (?) W. (prob. wṛ. for 2. vaitānika above)
- n. knowledge of one of the 64 arts BhP. Sch
- ○vrata n. the duty of a bard Bālar
- vaitālin m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. [Page 1022, Column]
- vaitālī f. (with sundarī) a kind of metre Ghaṭ. Sch
- vaitāli-karṇi m. (and ○ṇikantha n.), v. l. for baiḍāli-k○, q.v
- vaitula m. (and ○la-kantha n.), g. cihaṇâdi
- vaituṣika m. (fr. vi-tuṣa) N. of partic. hermits Baudh
- vaituṣya n. the being husked ĀpŚr. Sch
- vaitṛṣṇya n. (fr. vi-tṛṣṇa) quenching of thirst Mn. v, 128
- freedom from desire, indifference to (ifc.) MBh. BhP. Yogas. &c
- vaittapālya mfn. (fr. vitta-pāla) relating to Kubera MBh
- vaitraka mf(ī)n. (fr. vetra) cany, reedy W
- (fr. vetrakīyā), g. bilvakâdi
- vaitrakīya mf(ī)n. relating to a stick or cane W
- ○vana n. N. of a place MBh. (v. l. vetrak○)
- vaitrāsura m. (cf. vetrâs○) N. of an Asura Cat
- vaida See baida
- vaida mf(ī)n. (fr. vida) relating to or connected with a wise man, learned, knowing W
- m. a wise man MW
- (ī), f. a wise man's wife ib
- vaidagdha n. (fr. vi-dagdha
- prob.) wṛ. for vaidagdhya Bhartṛ. (v. l.)
- vaidagdhaka mfn. g. varāhâdi
- vaidagdhī f. = vaidagdhya Sāh. KātyŚr. Sch. &c
- grace, beauty Śiś
- vaidagdhya n. (ifc. f. ā) dexterity, intelligence, acuteness, cunning in (loc. or comp.) Mālatīm. Daśar. Sāh. &c
- ○vat mfn. possessed of cleverness, clever, skilful, experienced Prasannar. Vcar
- vaidata mfn. (fr. vidat, √1. vid) knowing, g. prajñâdi
- vaidathiná m. (fr. vidathin) a patr. RV
- vaídadaśvi m. (fr. vidad-aśva) a patr. RV. Br
- vaidanṛta (?), n. N. of a Sāman SV
- vaidanvata n. (fr. vidanvat) N. of various Sāmans Br. &c
- vaidabhṛtī f. (fr. vida-bhṛt)
- ○putra (vaíd○), m. N. of a teacher ŚBr
- vaidabhṛtya m. a patr., g. gargâdi
- vaidambha m. (fr. vi-dambha) N. of Śiva MBh
- vaidarbha mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-darbha) relating to the Vidarbhas, coming from or belonging to Vidarbha &c. Col
- m. a king of the Vidarbhas AitBr. MBh. Hariv. Kāv
- a gum-boil Bhpr. W
- (pl. or ibc.) = vidarbha (the VidṭVidarbhas people) Hariv. VarBṛS. &c
- (ī), f. See below
- ○rīti f. the VidṭVidarbhas style of composition (cf. under rīti)
- vaidarbhaka mfn. relating to the VidṭVidarbhaka (with rājan, a king of the Vidarbhaka) R
- m. a man belonging to the VidṭVidarbhaka, a native of VidṭVidarbhaka Cat
- vaidarbhi m. a patr. PraśnUp. MBh
- vaidarbhī f. a princess of the Vidarbhas MBh. Hariv. R. BhP
- N. of the wife of Agastya W
- of Damayantī (wife of Nala) W
- of Rukmiṇī (one of Kṛishṇa's wives) W
- = ○bha-rīti (q.v.) Pratāp. Sāh. Kpr
- the law of Vidarbha (which allowed first cousins to intermarry) W
- n. the chief city of the VidṭVidarbha, = kuṇḍiṇa L
- ambiguous speech L
- ○jananī f. the mother of Damayantī MW
- ○pariṇaya m. N. of sev. dramas
- vaidarvya m. (fr. vi-darvya, or vidarvi) a patr. GṛS
- vaidala mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-dala) made of split bamboo Mn
- m. any leguminous vegetable or grain (such as peas, beans &c.) Suśr. Bhpr
- a kind of poisonous insect, worm &c. Suśr
- a kind of cake L
- n. a wicker basket Suśr
- the shallow cup or platter belonging to a religious mendicant MW
- vaidalika mfn. belonging to leguminous vegetables Suśr
- vaidalya n. N. of wk. [Page 1022, Column]
- vaidāntika m. one who is learned in the Vedânta Siṃhâs. (wṛ. ved○)
- vaidāyana m. a patr. See baid○
- vaidārava See śveta
- vaidārva or m. v. l. for vaidarvya. See ib
- vaidārvya m. v. l. for vaidarvya. See ib
- vaidārika mfn. N. of a kind of fever Bhpr
- vaidi m. a patr. See baidi
- vaidika mf(ī)n. (fr. veda) relating to the Veda, derived from or conformable to the Veda, prescribed in the Veda, Vedic, knowing the Veda Mn. MBh. Hariv. &c
- m. a Brāhman versed in the Veda W
- n. a Vedic passage Mn. xi, 96
- a Vedic precept MBh. Kaṇ
- (○keṣu), ind. = vede, in the Veda Pat
- ○karman n. an action or rite enjoined by the Veda MW
- ○cchandaḥ-prakāśa m. N. of wk
- ○tva n. conformity to the Veda, the being founded on or derived from the Veda W
- ○durgâdimantra-prayoga m
- ○dharma-nirūpaṇa n. N. of wks
- ○pāśa m. a bad Veda-knower Pāṇ. 5-3, 47
- ○prakriyā f
- ○vijaya m
- ○vyaya-dhvaja m
- ○śikṣā f
- ○sarvasva n. N. of wks
- ○sārvabhauma m. N. of various authors Cat
- ○siddhânta m
- ○su-bodhinī f. N. of wks
- vaidikâcāra-nirṇaya m
- vaidiḍkâbharaṇa n
- vaidiḍkârcana-mīmāṃsā f. N. of wks
- vaidiśa mf(ī)n. of or belonging to the city of Vidiśā, near VidṭVidiśal MW
- m. a king of VidṭVidiśā Hariv. Mālav
- pl. the inhabitants of VidṭVidiśā, n. (also -pura n.) N. of a town situated on the river Vidiśā R. Mālav. Pur
- vaidiśya n. N. of a city not far from Vidiśā MW
- vaidurika n. a sentiment or maxim of Vidura BhP
- vaidurya wṛ. for vaidūrya (or vaiḍūrya) MārkP
- vaidula mfn. coming from or made of the reed called Vidula Suśr
- vaiduṣa mfn. (fr. vidvas) learned, g. prajñâdi
- vaiduṣī f. science, skill Śrīkaṇṭh
- learning W
- vaiduṣya n. learning, erudition, science R. Sch. Rājat
- vaidūra-pati m. pl. N. of a dynasty BhP
- vaidūrya mf(ī or rī)n. (fr. vi-dūra) brought from Vidūra Pāṇ. 4-3, 84
- vaidūrya wṛ. for vaiḍūrya
- vaideśika mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-deśa) belonging to another country, foreign
- m. a stranger, foreigner MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○tva n. foreignness Bālar
- ○nivāsin mfn. (pl.) foreign and native R
- vaideśya mfn. foreign Mṛicch
- n. the being in separate countries, separation in space, Śā3ṅkhŚr. Sch
- foreignness MW
- vaidehá mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-deha) belonging to the country of the Videhas TS. MaitrS
- (accord. to Comm. on TS.) having a handsome frame or body, well-formed
- (vaíd○), m. a king of the VedṭVeda (also ○ho rājan) Br. ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c
- a dweller in Videha MW
- a partic. mixed caste, the son of a Śūdra by a Vaiśyā (Gaut.), or of a Vaiśya by a Brāhman woman (Mn.)
- a trader L
- an attendant on the woman's apartments L
- pl. = videha (N. of a people) MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- people of mixed castes MW
- (ī́), f. See below
- vaidehaka mfn. relating or belonging to the Videhas MBh
- m. a man of the Vaideha caste (said to be the offspring of a Śūdra father and Brāhman mother) Mn. MBh. &c
- a merchant Hcar
- N. of a mountain Buddh
- pl. = videha (the people called so) VarBṛS. MārkP
- vaidehi m. a patr. Pat
- vaidehika m. a man of the Vaideha caste Mn. x, 36
- (accord. to Kull.) a merchant
- vaidehī́ f. a cow from the country of the Videhas Kāṭh. MaitrS
- a princess of the VidṭVidehas, (esp.) N. of Sītā MBh. Kāv. Buddh
- a woman of the Vaideha caste Mn. x, 37
- a sort of pigment (= rocanā) L
- long pepper L. (cf. ○hī-maya) [Page 1022, Column]
- a cow MW
- ○pariṇaya m. N. of sev. wks
- ○bandhu m. 'friend or husband of the princess of Videha (Sītā)', N. of Rāma Ragh
- ○maya mf(ī)n. 'engrossed with Sītā' and 'consisting of long pepper' Vās
- vaidya mfn. (fr. vidyā, and in some meanings fr. veda) versed in science, learned ĀśvGṛ. Kāty. Mn. &c
- relating or belonging to the Vedas, conformable to the VṭVedas, Vedic W
- medical, medicinal, practising or relating to medicine W
- wṛ. for vedya MBh
- m. a learned man, Pandit W
- follower of the Vedas or one well versed in them ib
- an expert (versed in his own profession, esp. in medical science), skilled in the art of healing, a physician (accounted a mixed caste) MBh. Kāv. &c
- Gendarussa Vulgaris L
- N. of a Ṛishi MBh. (wṛ. for raibhya)
- (ā), f. a kind of medicinal plant L
- (ī), f. the wife of a physician Pāṇ. 6-4, 150 Sch
- ○kalpa-taru m
- ○kalpa-druma m
- ○kutūhala n
- ○kula-tattva n
- ○kaustubha m. N. of wks
- ○kriyā f. the business of a physician MW
- ○gaṅgā-dhara or m. N. of a poet Cat
- ○gadā-dhara m. N. of a poet Cat
- ○candrôdaya m
- ○cikitsā f. N. of wks
- ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of an author Cat
- of various wks
- ○jīva-dāsa m. N. of a poet Cat
- ○jīvana n. (or m.),
- ○triṃśaṭ-ṭīkā f. N. of wks
- ○trivikrama m. N. of a poet Sadukt
- ○darpaṇa m. N. of sev. wks
- ○dhanya m. N. of a poet Cat
- ○naya-bodhikā f. N. of wk
- ○nara-siṃhasena m. N. of a scholiast Cat
- ○nātha m. lord of physicians Kāv
- a form of Śiva Inscr
- N. of Dhanvantari W
- of various authors &c. Cat
- n. N. of a celebrated Liṅga and of the surrounding district W
- -kavi, -gāḍagila m. N. of authors Cat
- -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ib
- -dīkṣita m. N. of various authors ib
- -dīkṣitīya n. N. of wk
- -devaśarman, -pāya-guṇḍe (or ○ḍa), -bhaṭṭa m. N. of authors Cat
- -bhaiṭ, -māhātmya n. N. of wks
- -miśra m. N. of a man Cat
- -maithila m. N. of an author ib
- -liṅga-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- -vācaspati-bhaṭṭâcārya, -śāstrin, -śukla, -sūri m. N. of authors Cat
- ○thīya n. N. of wk
- ○thêśvara n. N. of a Liṅga Cat
- ○nighaṇṭu m
- ○paddhati f. N. of wks
- ○prajñapta mfn. prescribed by doctors Divyâv
- ○pradīpa m. N. of wk
- ○bandhu m. Cathartocarpus (Cassia) Fistula L
- ○bodhasaṃgraha m
- ○bhūṣaṇa n
- ○manôtsava m
- ○manoramā f
- ○mahôdadhi m. N. of wks
- ○mātṛ f. the mother of a physician MW
- Gendarussa Vulgaris L
- ○mānin mfn. thinking one's self a physician, pretending to be a physṭphysician Car
- ○mālikā f
- ○yoga m. N. of wks
- ○ratna (prob.) n. N. of a man Cat
- n. of wk
- -mālā, f
- ○nâkara-bhāṣya n. N. of wks
- ○rasa-mañjarī f
- ○rasa-ratna n
- ○rasâyana n
- ○rahasyapaddhati f. N. of wks
- ○rāj m. 'king among physicians', N. of Dhanvantari (transferred to Vishṇu) Pañcar
- ○rāja m. 'id.', N. of Dhanvantari R
- of the father of Śārṅga-dhara Cat
- of an author ib
- -tantra n. N. of wk
- ○vallabha m
- ○vallaḍbhā f. N. of wks
- ○vācas-pati m. N. of a physician Cat
- ○vidyā f. the science or a text-book of medicine Kāv
- ○vinoda m
- ○vilāsa m
- ○vṛnda n. N. of wks
- ○śāstra n. a text-book for physicians, treatise on the preparation of medicines Cat
- -sārasaṃgraha m. N. of wk
- ○saṃkṣipta-sāra
- ○saṃgraha m
- ○saṃdeha-bhañjana n
- ○sarva-sva n
- ○sāra m
- ○sāra-saṃgraha m
- ○sārôddhāra m. N. of wks
- ○siṃhī f. Gendarussa Vulgaris L
- ○sūtra-ṭīkā f
- ○hitôpadeśa m. N. of wks
- vaidyâmṛta n. (and ○ta-laharī f.),
- vaiḍdyâlaṃkāra m
- vaiḍdyâvataṃsa m
- vaiḍdyêśvaramāhātmya n. N. of wks
- vaidyaka mfn. medical MW
- m. a physician, Śṛiṅgār
- n. the science of medicine Suśr
- ○granthapattra n. pl.,
- ○paribhāṣā f
- ○prayogâmṛta n
- ○yoga-candrikā f
- ○ratnâvalī f. N. of wks
- ○śāstra n. the science of medicine MW
- -vaiṣṇava n. N. of wk
- ○saṃgraha m
- ○sarva-sva n
- ○sāra
- ○sāra-saṃgraha m. N. of wks
- vaidyakânanta N. of a man or of a wk. Cat
- vaidyāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a physician Kulârṇ
- vaidyasika wṛ. for vaighasika MBh
- vaidyādhara mf(ī)n. (fr. vidyādhara) relating or belonging to the Vidyādharas R. Kathās. [Page 1023, Column]
- vaidyāni m. a patr. Kāṭh. Anukr
- vaidyutá mfn. (fr. vidyut) belonging to, or proceeding from lightning
- flashing, brilliant (with śikhin m. the fire of lightning Vcar
- ○takṛśānu m. id. ib.) VS. &c. &c
- m. N. of a son of Vapush-mat MārkP
- of a mountain ib
- pl. N. of a school Caraṇ
- (prob.) n. the fire of lightning Yājñ. BhP
- n. N. of the Varsha ruled by Vaidyuta VP
- vaidyuddhatī f. (fr. vidyut + hatī) N. of AV. vii, 31 ; 34 ; 59 ; 108
- vaidyota mf(ā)n. angry L
- vaidruma mfn. (fr. vi-druma) consisting or made of coral Suśr. Hariv. Kathās. Śiś
- vaidha mf(ī)n. (fr. vidhi) enjoined by rule or precept, prescribed, legal (-tva n.) TS. Sch. KātyŚr. Sch. &c
- vaidhahiṃsāghatimiramārtaṇḍodaya3vaidha--hiṃsâgha-timiramārtaṇḍôdaya m. N. of wk. (containing an apology for animal sacrifices as enjoined in the Śruti and Smṛiti, and composed AḌ. 1854)
- vaidhika mf(ī)n. in accordance with rule, preceptive, ritual W
- vaidharmika mfn. (fr. vi-dharma) unlawful MBh. (v. l. vidharmaka, or ○mika)
- vaidharmya n. unlawfulness, injustice MBh. R
- difference of duty or obligation W
- difference, heterogeneity Suśr. Kaṇ. &c
- ○sama m. (in log.) a fallacy based on dissimilarity Nyāyad
- vaidhava m. (fr. 1. vidhu) 'son of the Moon', N. of Budha Vikr
- vaidhaveya m. (fr. vidhavā) the son of a widow Śak
- vaidhavya n. widowhood MBh. Hariv. Kāv. &c
- ○nirṇaya m. N. of wk
- ○lakṣaṇôpêtā f. a girl who has the marks of widowhood (unfit for marriage) L
- ○veṇī f. a widow's braid Hcar
- vaidhasa mf(ī)n. (fr. vedhas) derived from fate Naish
- composed by Brahmā Cat
- m. patr. of Hari-ścandra AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- vaidhātaki (?), m. = next L
- vaidhātra mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-dhātṛ) derived from Brahmā or fate Rājat
- m. patr. of Sanatkumāra L
- (ī), f. a species of plant (= brāhmī) L
- vaidhāraya m. a patr. ĀrshBr
- vaidhurī f. (fr. vi-dhura) adversity, adverseness (vidhi-vaidh○, advṭadversity of fate) Prasannar
- vaidhurya n. desolation Kathās
- bereavement, deprivation, absence (○yaṃ vi-√dhā, 'to deprive of', 'remove') Bālar. Sāh
- misery, wretchedness, desperate plight Kathās. Rājat
- agitation, tremulousness MW
- vaidhūmāgnī f. N. of a city in the country of the Śālvas L
- vaidhṛta m. (fr. vi-dhṛti) N. of a partic. Yoga (or conjunction of the sun and moon when they are on the same side of either solstitial point [i.e. in the same Ayana, whether Uttarâyaṇa or Dakshiṇâyana] and of equal declination, and when the sum of their longitude amounts to 360 degrees
- this is considered a malignant aspect, cf. vy-atipāta) Var
- N. of Indra in the 11th Manv-antara BhP
- (ā), f. N. of the wife of Āryaka (mother of Dharma-setu) ib
- n. (with vāsiṣṭha) N. of a Sāman L
- ○vāsiṣṭha n. N. of a Sāman ib
- vaidhṛti f. the above position of the sun and moon Saṃskārak. Hcat
- the Yoga star of the 27th lunar mansion MW
- m. N. of Indra in the 11th Manv-antara (= vaidhṛta) BhP
- pl. N. of a class of gods ib
- ○janana-śānti f
- vaidhṛtivyatīpātasaṃkrāntijananaśānti3vaidhṛti--vyatīpātasaṃkrānti-janana-śānti f
- ○śānti f. N. of wks
- vaidhṛtya the above position of the sun and moon Kauś
- vaidheya mfn. (fr. vidhi) 'afflicted by fate', stupid, foolish
- m. an idiot, fool Kāv. Rājat
- mfn. relating to rule or precept, prescribed MW
- m. N. of a disciple of Yājñavalkya (the celebrated teacher of the White Yajur-veda) Pur
- pl. N. of a school of the White Yajur-veda Caraṇ. Āryav
- vaidheya-tā f. = vidheya-tā, dependence on, the being in the power of (ifc.) Daś. [Page 1023, Column]
- vaidhyata m. N. of Yama's doorkeeper L
- vaina mf(ā)n. (fr. vena) relating to Vena ŚāṅkhBr
- m. patr. of Pṛithi Sāy. on RV. i, 112, 15
- vainaṃśiná m. a patr. VS
- vainataka n. (prob. fr. vi-nata), a vessel for holding or pouring out ghee (used at sacrifices) W
- vainatīya mfn. (fr. id.), g. kṛśâśvâdi
- vainateyá m. (fr. vi-natā) metron. fr. vi-natā MaitrS. MBh. (also pl.)
- N. of Garuḍa (MBh. Kāv. &c.) and of Aruṇa (MatsyaP.)
- N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh
- of a poet Sadukt
- pl. N. of a school Caraṇ
- (ī), f. metron. fr. vi-natā Pāṇ. 4-1, 15 Sch
- vainatya n. (fr. vi-nata) humble demeanour MBh
- vainada mfn. (fr. vi-nada), g. utsâdi
- (ī), f. N. of a river VP. (v. l. vinadī)
- vainadhṛta m. pl. = next, pl., Āryav. (cf. vaitadhṛta)
- vainabhṛta m. a patr. Saṃskārak
- pl. N. of a school of the Sāma-veda Caraṇ. (cf. prec.)
- vainayika mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-naya) relating to moral conduct or discipline or good behaviour (vainayikīnāṃ [wṛ. ○kānāṃ] vidyānāṃ jñānam 'knowledge of the sciences relating to such subjects', reckoned among the 64 arts) MBh. R. BhP. Sch
- enforcing proper behaviour W
- performed by the officers of criminal justice, magisterial MW
- used in military exercises (as a chariot) L
- m. n. (and ī f.) a chariot used in military exercises, a war-chariot L
- vaināyaka mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-nāyaka) belonging to or derived from Gaṇêśa SāmavBr. AgP. Kāv
- m. pl. N. of a partic. class of demons, = vināyaka BhP
- ○saṃhitā f. N. of wk
- vaināyika m. = prec., mfn. MW
- m. a Buddhist L. (wṛ. for vaināśika)
- the doctrines of a Buddhist school of philosophy A
- a follower of that school ib
- vainava n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- vainahotra m. N. of a king VP
- vaināśa n. (fr. vi-nāśa) = next, n. VarYogay
- vaināśika mfn. perishable L
- believing in complete annihilation L
- causing destruction or ruin L
- dependent L
- m. a Buddhist BṛĀrUp. Sch. Bādar. Sch
- the doctrines of the BṛĀrUp A
- a dependent, subject W
- a spider L
- an astrologer (?) W
- n. the 23rd Nakshatra from that under which any one is born VarYogay
- ○tantra n. the doctrines or system of the Buddhists, B
- ○samaya m. id. ib
- vainītaka m. n. (fr. vi-nīta) a kind of litter, a palanquin &c. (with bearers relieving one another) L
- any indirect means of conveyance (as a porter who carries a sedan-chair, a palanquinbearer, horse dragging a carriage &c.) W
- vaineya mfn. (fr. vineya) to be taught, to be converted to the true religion m. a catechumen Kāraṇḍ
- m. pl. N. of a school of the White Yajur-veda Caraṇ
- vaindava &c. See baindava &c
- vaindhya mfn. belonging to the Vindhya range Ragh
- vainyá m. (less correctly spelt vaiṇya) patr. fr. vena (also pl.), N. of Pṛithi or Pṛithī or Pṛithu RV. Br. &c
- N. of a deity (?) MW
- ○datta m. N. of a man Cat
- ○svāmin m. N. of a temple Rājat
- vainra n. (said to be fr. 1. vi, 'a bird' + nṛ, 'man') Pat
- vaipañcamika (fr. vi-pañcamaka, v. l. of vi-pañcanaka, q.v.) or vaipañcika m. a diviner, soothsayer Buddh
- vaipathaka mfn. (fr. vi-patha), g. arīhaṇâdi
- relating to a wrong path MW. [Page 1023, Column]
- vaiparītya n. (fr. vi-parī7ta) contrariety, opposition, reverse Pañcat. Hit. MārkP. &c
- counterpart MW
- inconsistency A
- m. or (ā), f. a species of Mimosa L
- ○lajjālu mf. a species of Mimosa Pudica MW
- ○sambandha m. the relation of contrariety or contradictoriness ib
- vaipaścita m. (fr. vipaś-cit) patr. of Tārkshya ĀśvŚr
- vaipaśyata mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-paśyat) belonging or peculiar to a wise man Hcar
- (○tá), m. patr. of Tārkshya ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- vaipātya n. (fr. vi-pāta), g. brāhmaṇâdi
- vaipādika mfn. (fr. vi-pādikā) afflicted with blisters or pustules &c. on the feet, g. jyotsnâdi
- n. (Car.) or (ā), f. (L.) a kind of leprosy (= vipādikā)
- vaipārṣṇi mf. (?) L
- vaipāśa m. metron. fr. vi-pāś g. śivâdi
- vaipāśaka mfn. (fr. vi-pāśa), g. arīhaṇâdi
- vaipāśāyana m. pl. = vaipāśa g. kuñjâdi
- vaipāśāyanya m. id. ib
- vaipulya n. (fr. vi-pula) largeness, spaciousness, breadth, thickness VarBṛS. Rājat. Kāraṇḍ. &c
- a Sūtra of great extension Buddh. (also -sūtra, n
- cf. mahā-vaipulya-s○)
- m. N. of a mountain ib
- vaipuṣpita mfn. (for vi-p○) smiled (n. impers.) Divyâv
- vaipotâkhya n. a kind of dance Saṃgīt
- vaiprakarṣika mfn. (fr. vi-prakarṣa), g. chedâdi
- vaipraciti mfn. (fr. vipra-cita), g. sutaṃgamâdi
- vaipracitta m. patr. fr. vipra-citti MārkP
- vaiprayogika mfn. (fr. vi-prayoga), g. chedâdi
- vaipraśnika mfn. (fr. vi-praśna) ib
- vaipruṣa mfn. (fr. vi-pruṣ) directed to the Soma drops (homa) ŚrS
- vaiplava m. a partic. month (= Śrāvaṇa) Hcat
- vaiphalya n. (fr. vi-phala) fruitlessness, uselessness Kāv. Kathās. &c
- inability to help MBh
- vaibādha m. (fr. vi-bādha) 'that which forces asunder', N. of the Aśvattha tree AV
- ○praṇutta (○dhá-), mfn. forced asunder by the Aśvattha tree ib
- vaibudha mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-budha) belonging or peculiar to the gods, divine Śiś. Kathās. Alaṃkārat
- vaibodhika m. (fr. vi-bodha) one who awakens (princes by announcing the time &c.), a bard, panegyrist Kir
- vaibhakta mfn. (fr. vi-bhakti) relating to a case-termination Pat
- vaibhagnaka mfn. (fr. vi-bhagna), g. varāhâdi
- vaibhaḍi (?), m. a patr. Cat
- vaibhava n. (fr. vi-bhava) might, power (ifc. f. ā)
- high position, greatness Kāv. Kathās. &c
- superhuman power or might MW
- grandeur, glory, magnificance Kathās
- ○prakāśikā f. N. of wk
- vaibhavika See śakti-v○
- vaibhājana mfn. (fr. vi-bhājana) intersected with many streets Āpast. (Sch.)
- vaibhājitra mfn. (fr. vi-bhājayitṛ) = vibhājayitur dharmyam Pāṇ. 4-4, 49 Vārtt. 2
- n. apportioning, dividing W
- appointment MW. [Page 1024, Column]
- vaibhājya-vādin wṛ. for vibhajya-vādin Buddh
- vaibhāṇḍaki m. (fr. vi-bhāṇḍaka) patr. of Ṛiśya-śriṅga Hariv. R
- vaibhātika mfn. (fr. vi-bhāta) matutinal, pertaining to the dawn, Vṛishabhān
- vaibhāra m. (cf. vaihāra) N. of a mountain Śatr. HPariś
- ○giri m. or id. ib
- ○parvata m. id. ib
- vaibhāvara mfn. (fr. vi-bhāvarī) nocturnal, nightly Harav
- vaibhāṣika mfn. (fr. vi-bhāṣā) optional TPrāt
- m. a follower of the Vibhāshā, N. of a partic. Buddhist school MWB. 157 &c
- vaibhāṣya n. a copious commentary (= vibhāṣā) Buddh
- vaibhīta mfn. (fr. vi-bhīta) derived from or made of Terminalia Bellerica Car
- vaibhītaka (Kāṭh. ĀśvŚr. Āpast. Suśr.) or (TS. ṢaḍvBr. ŚāṅkhŚr.), mfn. id
- vaíbhīdaka (TS. ṢaḍvBr. ŚāṅkhŚr.), mfn. id
- vaibhīṣaṇa mfn. derived from or relating to Vi-bhīshaṇa Kāv
- vaibhujāgnaka mfn. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 126
- vaibhūtika mfn. (fr. vi-bhūti) generally current or prevalent (?), Mahāvy
- vaibhūvasá m. (prob. fr. vibhū-vasu) patr. of Trita RV
- vaibhoja m. pl. (said to be N. of a people, but in MBh. i, 85, 34 separable into two words: vai bhojāḥ)
- vaibhra n. (derivation doubtful
- said to be fr. vi-bhrāj) the heaven of Vishṇu W
- vaibhrāja m. (fr. vi-bhrāj, or vibhrāja) patr. of Vishvak-sena Hariv
- N. of a world (also pl.) ib
- of a mountain Pur
- m. N. of a celestial grove Hariv. Pur
- of a lake in that grove Hariv
- of a forest MW
- ○loka m. N. of a world (= vaibhrāja ) ib
- vaibhrājaka n. N. of a celestial grove (= vaibhrāja) BhP
- vaima mfn. (fr. veman), g. saṃkalâdi
- vaimatāyana (fr. vi-mata), g. arīhaṇâdi
- vaimatāyanaka mfn. ib
- vaimatika mfn. (fr. vi-mati) mistaken, in mistake (?) Divyâv
- vaimatya m. a patr., g. kurv-ādi
- pl. N. of a school of the White Yajur-veda MW
- n. difference of opinion Rājat
- aversion, dislike MW
- vaimattāyana (fr. vi-matta), ○naka mfn. g. arīhaṇâdi (v. l.)
- vaimada mf(ī)n. of or relating to Vi-mada AitBr. RPrāt
- vaimana mfn. (fr. veman) Pāṇ. 6-4, 167 Sch
- vaimanasyá n. (fr. vi-manas) dejection, depression, melancholy (also pl.) AV. MBh. &c
- sickness MW
- vaimanya mfn. (fr. veman) Pāṇ. 6-4, 168 Sch
- vaimalya n. (fr. vi-mala) spotlessness, cleanness, clearness, pureness (also fig.) Suśr. Car. MārkP. &c
- vaimātra mfn. (fr. vi-mātṛ) descended from another mother (with bhrātṛ m. a step-brother) R. ŚāṅkhŚr. Sch
- heterogeneous (-tā f.) Buddh
- m. a step-mother's son, half brother W
- (ā, or ī), f. a step-mother's daughter ib
- (prob.) n. gradation (?) Buddh
- a partic. high number ib
- vaimātraka m. a step-brother Mcar
- vaimātreya mfn. descended from another mother Kull. on Mn. viii, 116
- m. a step-mother's son, half brother R. Sch. [Page 1024, Column]
- (ī), f. a step-mother's daughter, half sister W
- vaimānika mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-māna) borne in a heavenly car Mn. MBh. Ragh. &c
- relating to the gods (with sarga m. the divine creation) LiṅgaP
- m. a partic. celestial being or deity (-tva n. Bālar
- Jainas reckon two classes: Kalpa-bhavas and Kalpâtîtas) Mcar. Kathās. BhP. &c
- an aeronaut A
- (prob.) n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- vaimitrā f. (fr. vi-mitra) N. of one of the 7 mothers of Skanda MBh
- vaimukta mfn. containing the word vi-mukta Pāṇ. 5-2, 61
- liberated, emancipated W
- n. liberation, emancipation W
- vaimukhya n. (fr. vi-mukha) the act of averting the face, avertedness, flight W
- aversion, repugnance to (loc. or comp.) Hariv. Rājat. Kuval
- vaimūḍhaka n. (fr. vi-mūḍha) a dance performed by men in women's dress Mālatīm
- vaimūlya n. (fr. vi-mūlya) difference of price (-tas ind. at different prices) Mn. ix, 28
- vaimṛdhá mf(ī́) n. (fr. vi-mṛdh) sacred or consecrated or dedicated to Indra TS. ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- m. N. of Indra (= vi-mṛ́dh) TS
- vaimṛdhya mfn. = vaimṛdhá ĀśvŚr
- vaimeya m. (fr. vi-meya
- √me) barter, exchange L
- vaimbaki See baim○
- vaimya m. a patr. (also pl.) Saṃskārak
- vaiyagra n. (fr. vy-agra) distraction or agitation of mind, perplexity MW
- the being totally absorbed or wholly engaged (in any occupation) ib
- vaiyagrya n. perplexity ib
- devotion to, absorption in (ifc.) Śukas
- vaiyathita m. (fr. vyathita ?) the 5th cubit (aratni) from the bottom or the 13th from the top of the sacrificial post L
- vaiyadhikaraṇya n. (fr. vyadhikaraṇa) non-agreement in case Sāh. Pratāp
- relation to different subjects KapS. Sch. Nyāyad. Sch
- vaiyamaka m. pl. N. of a people MBh
- vaiyarthya n. (fr. vy-artha) uselessness Vikr. TPrāt. Sch. &c
- vaiyalkaśa mfn. (fr. vy-alkaśa), g. dvārâdi
- vaiyavahārika mfn. (fr. vyavahāra, less correct than vyāvahārika) conventional, usual, of everyday occurrence Veṇis
- vaiyáśana (rather vaíyaśana, or vaiyaśaná), m. (fr. vy-aśana) MaitrS. (a word used in a partic. formula
- other forms are vy-aśana, vy-áśniya, vy-aśnuvín)
- vaiyaśvá m. (fr. vy-aśva) patr. of Viśva-manas RV
- n. N. of various Sāmans Br. &c
- vaiyaśvi m. patr. fr. vy-aśva Vop
- vaiyasana mfn. (fr. vy-asana) Pāṇ. 7-3, 3 Sch
- vaiyākaraṇa mfn. (fr. vy-ākaraṇa) relating to grammar, grammatical W
- m. a grammarian MBh. Sāh. &c
- (ī), f. a female grammarian MW
- ○kārikā f
- ○koṭi-pattra n. N. of wks
- ○kha-sūci m. a grammarian who merely pierces the air with a needle, a poor grammarian Pāṇ. 2-1, 53 Sch
- ○jīvātu f
- ○padamañjarī f
- vaiyākaraṇaparibhāṣārūpaśabdārthatarkāmṛta3vaiyākaraṇa--paribhāṣā-rūpa-śabdârthatarkâmṛta n. N. of wks
- ○pāśa m. a bad grammarian Pāṇ. 5-3, 47
- ○bhārya m. a man who has a female grammarian for a wife Vop
- ○bhūṣaṇa n
- ○bhūṣaṇa-saṃgraha m. [Page 1024, Column]
- ○bhūṣaṇa-sarvasva n
- ○bhūṣaṇa-sāra m
- ○bhūṣaṇôpanyāsa m
- ○mañjūṣā f
- ○sarvasva n
- ○siddhânta-kaumudī f
- ○siddhântadīpikā f
- ○siddhânta-bhūṣaṇa n
- vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇasāra3vaiyākaraṇa--siddhânta-bhūṣaṇa-sāra m
- ○siddhânta-mañjūṣā f
- vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntamañjūṣāsāra3vaiyākaraṇa--siddhânta-mañjūṣā-sāra
- vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntaratnākara3vaiyākaraṇa--siddhânta-ratnâkara m
- ○siddhânta-rahasya n. N. of wks
- ○hastin m. an elephant given to a grammarian as a reward Pāṇ. 6-2, 65 Sch
- vaiyākṛta mfn. = vyākṛta g. prajñâdi
- vaiyākhya (prob.) n. = vyākhyā, an explanation (sa-vaiy○, mfn. furnished with an explanation) MBh
- vaíyāghra mfn. (fr. vyāghra) coming from or belonging to a tiger, made of or covered with a tiger's skin AV. GṛŚrS. &c
- derived from Vyāghra (dharmāḥ) Cat
- m. a car covṭcovered with a tiger's skin A
- n. a tiger's skin AV. ŚāṅkhŚr. &c
- ○paricchada mfn. covered with a tiger's skin ŚāṅkhŚr
- vaiyāghrapadī f. relating to Vyāghra-pad L
- a patr. (-putra m. N. of a teacher BṛĀrUp.)
- vaíyāghrapadya mfn. composed by Vyā3ghrapad Cat
- m. patr. from vyāghra-pad (also pl.) ŚBr. Lāṭy. &c
- N. of a Muni (the founder of a family called after him) MW
- of an author (also ○pād or ○pāda) Hcat. Madanap
- vaiyāghrapād m. N. of an author ( See prec.)
- vaiyāghrapāda m. = prec
- wṛ. for vaiyāghrapadya MBh
- vaiyāghrya mfn. tiger-like (as a partic. sitting posture) Cat
- n. the state or condition of a tiger MW
- a partic. sitting posture ib
- vaiyāta mfn. = vi-yāta Pāṇ. 5-4, 36 Vārtt. 4 Pat
- vaiyātya n. boldness, immodesty, shamelessness Hit. Rājat. &c
- rudeness A
- vaiyāpada mfn. (fr. vyāpad), Kaiy
- vaiyāpṛtya-kara mfn. (fr. vyāpṛta) = bhogin L. (cf. vaiyāvṛtti-kara and vaiyāvṛttya-k○)
- vaiyāvṛtti wṛ. for vaiyāvṛttya HYog
- ○kara mfn. = bhogin L. (v. l. vaiyāvṛttya-k○)
- vaiyāvṛttya n. (more correctly vaiyāpṛtya) a commission, business (entrusted to any one and not to be interrupted) Kalpas. HYog
- mfn. = -kara Kalpas
- ○kara mfn. one who has to execute a commission Kalpas. Nār
- m. (with Buddhists) an incorporeal servant Buddh
- vaiyāvṛtya ○tya-kara wṛ. for vaiyāvṛttya, ○ttya-kara Buddh
- vaiyāsa mfn. derived from Vyāsa Śiś
- vaiyāsaki m. patr. fr. vyāsa MBh. Prab. Sch. BhP
- vaiyāsi m. id. BhP
- vaiyāsika mf(ī)n. derived from or composed by Vyāsa (-mata, n.) MBh. TBr., Śch. Prab. BhP
- m. a son of Vyāsa A
- (ī), f. with nyāya-mālā, N. of wk
- ○sūtrôpanyāsa m. N. of wk
- vaiyāsava n. (abstr. noun fr. vyasu), Kaiy
- vaiyāska m. N. of a teacher RPrāt. (there could also be two words, vai yāskaḥ)
- vaiyuṣṭa mfn. (fr. vy-uṣṭa) occurring at dawn or daybreak, early Pāṇ. 5-1, 97
- vaiyya wṛ. for vaiya [source?]
- vaíra mfn. (fr. viira) hostile, inimical, revengeful AV
- n. (exceptionally, m. [?], ifc. f. ā) enmity, hostility, animosity, grudge, quarrel or feud with (instr. with or without saha, or sârdham, or comp
- often pl.) AV. PañcavBr. MBh. &c
- heroism, prowess W
- a hostile host Śiś
- money paid as a fine for manslaughter TāṇḍyaBr
- ○kara mfn. causing hostility Mn. VarBṛS
- ○karaṇa n. cause of hostility R
- ○kāra mfn. -kara Pāṇ. 3-2, 23
- m. an enemy W
- ○kāraka mf(ikā)n. = -kara MBh
- ○kāraṇa n. a cause of hostility MW
- ○kārin mfn. quarrelsome
- ○ri-tā f. quarrelsomeness Kām. [Page 1025, Column]
- ○kṛt mfn. quarrelsome, hostile MBh. Pañcat
- m. an enemy MW
- ○khaṇḍin mfn. breaking or destroying hostility Cat
- ○ṃ-kara mfn. showing enmity to any one (gen.) BhP
- ○tā f. enmity, hostility MBh
- ○tva n. id. R
- ○deya (vaíra-), n. enmity, revenge or punishment RV. Kāṭh. (cf. viira-d○)
- ○niryātana n. requital of enmity, revenge Hariv. Pañcat
- ○puruṣa m. any hostile person or enemy MBh
- ○pratikriyā f. requital of hostile acts, revenge L
- ○pratimocana n. deliverance from enmity Ragh
- ○pratiyātana n. the requital of enmṭenmity, taking vengeance MBh
- ○pratīkāra m. id. A
- ○bhāva m. hostility BhP
- ○yātanā f. -niryātana MBh. Hariv. Pañcat
- expiation Āpast. (accord. to Sch. -yātana n.)
- ○rakṣin mfn. guarding against or warding off hostility Kathās
- ○vat mfn. hostile, living in enmity MBh
- ○viśuddhi f. requital of enmṭenmity, retaliation, revenge Rājat
- ○vrata n. vow of enmity Bālar
- ○śuddhi f. = -viśuddhi L
- ○sādhana n. cause or motive of enmity Pañcat
- retaliation A
- vairâtaṅka m. (for vairântaka) Terminalia Arunja L
- vairânubandha m. lasting enmity BhP
- beginning of hostilities MW
- mfn. continuing in enmṭenimity BhP
- vairânubandhin mfn. leading to or resulting in enmity or hostility (○dhi-tā f.) Kām
- m. the calorific or heating solar ray W
- N. of Vishṇu W
- vairânṛṇya n. retaliation A
- vairântaka m. Terminalia Arunja L
- vairâroha m. rise or increase of hostility, furious combat W
- vairâśaṃsana n. a battle Śiś. (v. l. viirâś○)
- vairôddhāra m. removal of a grudge, revenge L
- vairaka (ifc.) enmity, hostility BhP
- vairaki m. patr. fr. viiraka g. taulvaly-ādi
- vairaṇaka mfn. (fr. viiraṇa), g. arīhaṇâdi
- vairaṇī f. patr. fr. viiraṇa Hariv
- vaírahatya n. (fr. viira-han) the murder of men or heroes VS. TBr
- vairāya Nom. Ā. ○yate (pr. p. vairāyamāṇa, 3. pl. 1st fut. ○yitāraḥ), to become hostile, behave like an enemy, begin hostilities against (prati or instr.) Kāv
- vairāyita n. hostility Prasannar
- vairi m. an enemy Pañcar. (perhaps vairiḥ wṛ. for vairī)
- vairi in comp. for vairin
- ○tā f. enmity, hostility ('to', saha) Pañcat. Kathās
- heroism W
- ○tva n. enmity, hostility Kathās
- heroism W
- ○vīra m. N. of a son of Daśa-ratha VP. (v. l. iḍaviḍa)
- ○siṃha m. N. of a king Inscr
- vairiṇá mfn. (fr. viiraṇa, Andropogon Muricatus) RV. i, 191, 3
- vairiṇa n. enmity (in nir-v○) Tattvas
- vairiṇi m. a patr. Cat
- vairin mfn. hostile, inimical
- m. an enemy Mn. MBh. &c
- a hero W
- (iṇī), a female enemy Cāṇ. Kathās
- vairī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to change into enmity, become unfriendly Śak
- vaireya mfn. (fr. viira), g. sakhy-ādi
- vairakta (L.) or ○tya (Kathās.), n. (fr. vi-rakta) freedom from affections or passions, absence of affection, indifference, aversion
- vairaṅgika mfn. (fr. 1. vi-raṅga) free from all passions and desires Pārśvan
- vairaṭa m. N. of a king Inscr
- vairaṭṭī f. N. of a woman Buddh
- vairaṇḍeya m. a patr. Cat
- vairata m. pl. (prob. fr. vi-rata) N. of a people MārkP
- vairatya n. g. saṃkāśâdi
- wṛ. for vairaktya Kathās
- vairatha m. (fr. vi-ratha) N. of a son of Jyotishmat VP
- n. N. of the Varsha ruled by him ib
- vairantī f. N. of a town Hcar. (v. l. vairantya)
- vairantya m. N. of a king Kām. (cf. prec.)
- vairamaṇa n. (fr. vi-ramaṇa) conclusion of Vedic study Āpast
- vairamaṇya n. (ifc.) the abstaining or desisting from Lalit. (wṛ. vairam manya). [Page 1025, Column]
- vairambha mfn. = ○bhaka Divyâv
- m. N. of an ocean ib
- vairambhaka mfn. N. of partic. winds (pl. sometimes with vāyu) ib
- vairalya n. (fr. virala) looseness or openness (of texture) MW
- scarceness, fewness Rājat
- vairasa n. (fr. vi-rasa) tastelessness, disgust Kathās
- vairasya n. insipidity, bad taste VarBṛS. Suśr
- disagreeableness Kāvyâd
- repugnance, disgust of (gen., loc., or comp.) Suśr. Kathās. Rājat. &c
- vairaseni m. (fr. viira-sena) patr. of Nala Naish
- vairāga n. (fr. vi-rāga) absence of worldly passion, freedom from all desires W
- vairāgika mfn. = vairaṅgika L
- vairāgin mfn. id. BrahmaP
- m. a partic. class of religious devotees or mendicants (generally Vaishṇavas) who have freed themselves from all worldly desires RTL. 87
- vairāgī f. (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇī Saṃgīt
- vairāgya n. change or loss of colour, growing pale Suśr. Kām
- disgust, aversion, distaste for or loathing of (loc., abl., or comp.) Bhag. Ragh. &c
- freedom from all worldly desires, indifference to worldly objects and to life, asceticism Up. MBh. &c
- ○candrikā f. N. of wk
- ○tā f. aversion to (prati) Pañcat
- ○pañcaka n
- ○pañcâśīti f
- ○prakaraṇa n
- ○pradīpa m
- ○ratna n. N. of wks
- ○śataka n. '100 verses on freedom from worldly desires', N. of the third century of Bhartṛihari's moral sentiments and of sev. other wks
- vairājá mfn. (fr. 2. vi-rāj) belonging to or derived from Virāj MBh. Hariv. BṛĀrUp. Sch
- belonging or analogous to the metre Virāj, consisting of ten, decasyllabic Br. ŚrS. RPrāt
- relating to or containing the Sāman Vairāja VS. TS. ŚāṅkhŚr
- belonging to Brahmā Uttarar
- m. patr. of Purusha Hariv. BhP
- of Manu or of the Manus VP
- of the Vedic Ṛishi Ṛishabha MW
- N. of the 27th Kalpa or period of time VP
- of the father of Ajita BhP
- pl. N. of a partic. class of deities MW
- of a class of Pitṛis MBh. Hariv. VP
- of partic. worlds Uttarar
- n. N. of the Virāj metre MW
- of various Sāmans AV. VS. Br. &c
- ○garbha mfn. containing the Sāman Vairāja ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○pṛṣṭha mfn. having the Sāman Vairāja for a Pṛishṭha (q.v.) ŚrS
- vairājaka m. N. of the 19th Kalpa Cat
- vairājya n. extended sovereignty AitBr. Lāṭy. BhP
- vairāṭa mfn. (fr. vināṭa) relating or belonging to Virāṭa (king of the Matsyas) MBh. Kathās
- m. patr. fr. virāṭa MBh
- a kind of precious stone L
- a lady-bird L
- an earth-worm W
- a partic. colour or an object of a partic. colour MBh
- N. of a country Cat
- (ī), f. patr. fr. virāṭa MBh. BhP
- ○deśa m. the country Vairāṭa Cat
- ○rāja m. the king of Vairāṭa ib
- vairāṭaka n. a kind of poisonous bulbous plant Suśr
- vairāṭi m. patr. fr. virāṭa MBh
- vairāṭyā wṛ. for vairotyā L
- vairāṇaka g. utkarâdi
- vairāṇaḍkīya mfn. L
- vairādhayya n. (fr. vi-rādhaya), g. brāhmaṇâdi
- vairāma m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (possibly separable into vai rāmāḥ)
- vairāmatī f. N. of a town VP. (v. l. vairāvatī)
- vairiñca mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-riñca) relating or belonging to Brahmā BhP. Bālar. Caṇḍ
- vairiñcya m. a son of Brahmā BhP
- vairucanâcārya (rather vairoc○), m. N. of an author Ragh. Sch
- vairūpá m. (fr. vi-rūpa) a patr. PañcavBr. ĀśvŚr. &c
- pl. a division of the Aṅgirases RV
- N. of a race of Pitṛis MW
- n. N. of various Sāmans AV. VS. Br. &c
- mfn. relating or belonging to the Sāman Vairūpa VS. TS. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○garbha mfn. containing the Sāman Vairūpa ŚāṅkhŚr. [Page 1025, Column]
- ○pṛṣṭha mfn. having the Sāman Vairūpa for a Pṛishṭha (q.v.) ŚrS
- vairūpākṣa m. (fr. virūpâkṣa) a patr., g. śivâdi
- N. of a partic. Mantra Gobh. Gṛihyās
- vairūpya n. multiplicity of form, diversity, difference MBh. MārkP. BṛĀrUp. Sch
- deformity, ugliness MBh. Hariv. Yājñ. &c
- ○tā f. state of deformity MBh
- vairekīya mfn. (fr. vi-reka) purgative, purging Suśr
- vairecana mfn. (fr. vi-recana) id. Suśr. ŚārṅgS
- vairecanika mfn. id. Suśr. Car
- vairocana mfn. (fr. vi-rocana) coming from or belonging to the sun, solar Kir
- descended from Virocana &c. MW
- m. a son of the Sun L
- a son of Vishṇu L
- a son of Agni L
- 'son of the Asura Virocana', patr. of Bali MBh. R. BhP
- a partic. Samādhi Buddh
- N. of a king AitBr
- of a Dhyāni-Buddha MWB. 202
- of a son of the class of gods called Nīla-kāyikas Lalit
- of a class of Siddhas L
- of a world of the Buddhists W
- ○niketana n. 'abode of Bali', the lower regions L
- ○bhadra m. N. of a scholar Buddh
- ○muhūrta n. a partic. hour of the day Cat
- ○raśmi-pratimaṇḍita m. N. of a world Buddh
- vairocani m. a son of Sūrya L
- a son of the Asura Virocana (patr. of Bali) MBh. Hariv. VarBṛS. Pur
- patr. of the son of Agni MW
- N. of a Buddha L
- vairoci (?), m. patr. of Bāṇa son of Bali L
- N. of Bali A
- vairoṭyā f. (with Jainas) N. of a Vidyā-devii L
- vairodhaka mfn. (fr. vi-rodhaka) disagreeing (as food
- -tva n.) Car
- m. N. of a man Mudr
- vairodhika mfn. = vairodhaka Car
- vairohita m. pl. (fr. vi-rohita) a patr., g. kaṇvâdi
- vairohitya m. patr. fr. vairohita g. gargâdi
- vaila mf(ī)n. (fr. vila = bila) relating or belonging to or living in a hole or pit MW. (cf. baila)
- ○stha See makā́-vaila-stha
- ○sthāná n. a place like a hole, lurking-place, covert RV
- a burying-place MW
- ○sthānaká mfn. situated in a hole or lurking-place or covert RV
- n. a pit MW
- vailaki m. a patr., g. taulvaly-ādi (Kāś.)
- vailakṣaṇya n. (fr. vi-lakṣaṇa) difference, disparity, diverseness (often ifc
- pūrvôkta-vailakṣaṇyena, in opposition to what was before stated) Rājat. BhP. Sāh. &c
- indeterminableness, indescribableness Kāvyâd. Sch
- strangeness A
- vailakṣya n. (fr. vi-lakṣa
- ifc. f. ā) absence of mark W
- contrariety, reverse W
- the reverse of what is usual or natural, unnaturalness, affectation (cf. sa-vailakṣyam) W
- feeling of shame, embarrassment Hariv. Kāv. &c
- ○vat mfn. abashed, embarrassed Bālar
- vailātya n. (fr. vilāta), g. dṛḍhâdi (v. l. vailābhya)
- vailābhya n. (fr. vi-lābha), g. dṛḍhâdi (Kāś.)
- vailiṅgya n. (fr. vi-liṅga) absence of distinctive marks ĀpŚr. Sch
- vailepika mfn. (fr. vi-lepikā), g. mahiṣy-ādi
- vailomya n. (fr. vi-loma) inversion, invertedness Hcat
- contrariety, reverseness, opposition MW
- vailva See bailva
- vaivakṣika mfn. (fr. vi-vakṣā) intended to be said, meant, had in view Sāh. Śiś. Sch. Kir. Sch
- vaivadhika m. (fr. vi-vadha) a carrier, burden-bearer, porter (-tā f.) Hcar
- hawker who carries wares to sell L
- (ī), f. a female hawker Rājat. [Page 1026, Column]
- vaivarṇika m. (fr. vi-varṇa) one who has lost or been expelled from his caste, an outcaste Divyâv
- vaivarṇya n. change of colour (also varṇavaiv○) MBh. Hariv. Yājñ. &c
- secession or expulsion from tribe or caste &c. W
- heterogeneousness, diversity W
- vaivarta n. (fr. vi-varta), ○taka n brahma-v○
- vaivaśya n. (fr. vi-vaśa) want of self-control Rājat
- vaivasvatá mf(ī)n. (fr. vivasvat) coming from or belonging to the sun R
- relating or belonging to Yama Vaivasvata Kauś. MBh. Kāv
- relating to Manu Vaivasvata MBh. Hariv. Pur
- m. patr. of Yama RV. &c. &c
- of a Maṅu AV. ŚBr. &c
- of the planet Saturn L
- N. of one of the Rudras VP
- (ī), f. a daughter of Sūrya MBh
- patr. of Yamī MW
- the south L
- N. of Yamunā A
- n. (scil. antara) N. of the 7th or present Manv-antara (as presided over by Manu Vaivasvata) MW
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat
- ○manv-antara n. N. of the 7th or present Manvantara (q.v.) MW
- vaivasvatīya mfn. relating to Manu Vaivasvata Rājat
- vaivāha mfn. (fr. vi-vāha) nuptial R
- vaivāhika mf(ī)n. nuptial (-maṇḍapa Campak.), treating of nuptial rites (said of a chapter) Mn. MBh. Hariv. &c
- n. preparations for a wedding, nuptial festivities MBh. R
- a marriage, wedding MW
- alliance by marriage BhP
- m. a son's father-in-law or a daughter's father-in-lṭlaw i.e. the father of a son's wife or of a daughter's husband MW
- vaivāhya mfn. nuptial ŚāṅkhGṛ
- related by marriage GṛS. VP
- n. nuptial solemnity R
- vaiviktya n. (fr. vi-vikta) deliverance from (ifc.) Rājat
- vaivṛtta mfn. (fr. vi-vṛtti) connected with a hiatus RPrāt
- m. a partic. modification of Vedic accent MW
- vaiśadya n. (fr. vi-śada) clearness, purity, brightness, freshness (with manasi, 'cheerfulness of mind') Suśr. VarBṛS. Sarvad
- distinctness, intelligibleness Sāy
- whiteness MW
- vaiśantá mf(ī)n. (fr. veśanta) contained in or forming a tank RV. VS. TS. Br
- belonging to a Soma ladle or cup MW
- (ā́), f. = véśantā, a tank VS
- n. a cup of Soma juice MW
- vaiśampāyana m. (patr. fr. viśam-pa) N. of an ancient sage (teacher of the Taittirīya-saṃhitā q. v.
- in epic poetry a pupil of Vyāsa and also the narrator of the Mahā-bhārata to Janam-ejaya) GṛS. TĀr. &c. (cf. IW. 371, n. 1)
- of an author Cat
- of a son of Śuka-nāsa (transformed into a parrot) Kād
- ○nīti-saṃgraha m
- ○saṃhitā f
- ○smṛti f. N. of wks
- vaiśampāyanīya mfn. of or belonging to Vaiśampāyana Cat
- vaiśamphalyā (ĀpŚr.) or vaiśambalyā (ib.) or vaiśambhalyā́ (TBr.), f. N. of Sarasvatī
- vaiśalī f. N. of a wife of Vasudeva VP. (v. l. vaiśālī)
- of a town MW. (cf. vi-śalā, vaiśālī)
- vaiśalya n. (fr. vi-śalya) deliverance from a painful incumbrance (as that of the fetus) Car
- vaiśasa mfn. (fr. a form vi-śasa, derived fr. vi-√śas
- cf. vi-śasana) causing death or destruction MBh
- n. (ifc. f. ā) rending in pieces MW
- slaughter, butchery, war, strife, injury, hurt, outrage, distress, calamity, ruin (with premṇaḥ, ruin of affection) MBh. Hariv. Kāv. &c
- the hell BhP
- N. of a hell ib
- vaiśastya n. (fr. vi-śasti) Gaṇar
- vaiśastra mfn. (fr. vi-śasitṛ [viśastṛ]) Pāṇ. 4-4, 49 Vārtt. 2
- n. government, sway, rule W. [Page 1026, Column]
- vaiśastra n. (fr. vi-śastra) the state of being unarmed L
- vaiśasya n. an abstr. noun fr. viśasi g. brāhmanâdi (Kāś.)
- wṛ. for vaiṣamya Kathās
- vaiśākhá m. (fr. vi-śākhā) one of the 12 months constituting the Hindū lunar year (answering to April-May and in some places, with Caitra, reckoned as beginning the year) ŚBr. Lāṭy. MBh. &c
- a churning-stick Śiś. xi, 8
- the seventh year in the 12 years' cycle of Jupiter VarBṛS
- (ā), f. N. of a lioness Cat
- (ī), f. (with or scil. paurṇamāsī) the day of full moon in the month Vaiśākha GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- a kind of red-flowering Punarnavā L
- N. of a wife of Vasu-deva Hariv. VP
- n. a partic. attitude in shooting Hariv
- N. of a town (also -pura) Kathās
- mf(ī)n. relating to the month Vaiśākha ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ○purāṇa n
- ○māsa-vrata n
- ○māhātmya n. N. of wks
- ○rajju f. the string on a churning-stick L
- ○vadi ind. in the dark half of the month VaiśṭVaiśākha Inscr. (in giving dates)
- vaiśākhin m. a partic. part of an elephant's forefoot L
- vaiśākhya m. N. of a Muni Cat
- vaiśāyya n. (fr. vi-śāya) Gaṇar
- vaiśārada mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-śārada) experienced, skilled, expert, unerring BhP
- n. profound learning R
- vaiśāradya n. experience, skill in (loc.), expertness, wisdom MBh. Bālar. Sāh
- clearness of intellect, infallibility Yogas. BṛĀrUp. Sch
- Buddha's confidence in himself (of four kinds) Divyâv. (cf. Dharmas. 77)
- vaiśāla mfn. descended from Viśāla BhP
- m. N. of a Muni Cat
- (ī), f. a daughter of the king of Viśālā MBh
- N. of a wife of Vasudeva VP. (v. l. vaiśalī)
- of a town founded by Viśāla R. Pur. Buddh
- vaiśālaka mfn. relating to or ruling over Vaiśālī VP
- vaiśālākṣa n. N. of the Śāstra composed by Śiva as Viśālâksha MBh
- vaiśālāyana m. patr. fr. viśāla g. aśvâdi
- vaiśāli m. patr. of Su-śarman MārkP
- vaiśālika mfn. relating to Viśālā (Vaiśālī) R
- vaiśālinī f. patr. fr. viśāla MārkP
- vaiśālīya mfn. (fr. viśāla), g. kṛśâśvâdi
- vaiśāleyá m. patr. of Takshaka and of other serpent-demons AV. ŚāṅkhGṛ. &c
- vaiśika mf(ī)n. (fr. 1. veśa) relating to or treating of prostitution Mṛicch
- associating with courtezans, versed in the arts of courtezans L
- n. harlotry, the arts of harlots R. VarBṛS. Gaut. Buddh
- vaiśikya m. pl. N. of a people MārkP
- vaiśikha mfn. (fr. vi-śikhā), g. chattrâdi
- vaiśiṣṭa n. (fr. vi-śiṣṭa) distinction, difference (= next) Sāh. (prob. wṛ.)
- vaiśiṣṭya n. endowment with some distinguishing property or attribute, distinction, peculiarity, difference Caṇḍ. Tarkas. Sāh. &c
- pre-eminence, excellence, superiority MBh. Kām. &c
- vaiśīti m. patr. fr. viśīta g. taulvaly-ādi
- vaiśī-putrá m. (vaiśī = vaiśyā + p○) the son of a Vaiśya woman Br
- vaiśeya m. patr. fr. viśa g. śubhrâdi
- vaiśeṣika mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-śeṣa, p. 990) special, peculiar, specific, characteristic Āpast. Suśr. Bhāshāp. Hcat
- distinguished, excellent, pre-eminent MBh
- relating or belonging to or based on or dealing with the Vaiśeshika doctrine Bhāshāp. Madhus
- m. a follower of the Vaiśeshika doctrine Kap. Kusum. Buddh
- n. peculiarity, distinction Kaṇ
- N. of the later of the two great divisions of the Nyāya school of philosophy (it was founded by Kaṇâda, and differs from the, 'Nyāya proper' founded by Gautama, in propounding only seven categories or topics instead of sixteen
- and more especially in its doctrine of viśeṣa, or eternally distinct nature of the nine substances, air, fire, water, earth, mind, ether, time, space, and soul, of which the first five, including mind, are held to be atomic) IW. 65 &c. [Page 1026, Column]
- ○darśana n
- ○ratna-mālā f. N. of wks
- ○sūtra n. the aphorisms of the Vaiśeshika (branch of the Nyāya philosophy, which have been commented on by a triple set of commentaries, and expounded in various works, of which the best known are the Bhāsha-pariccheda with its commentary, called Siddhânta-muktâvalī, and the Tarkasaṃgraha) IW. 60, n. 1
- ○trôpaskara n. N. of wk
- vaiśeṣikādiṣaḍdarśanaviśeṣavarṇana3vaiśeṣikâdi-ṣaḍ-darśana-viśeṣavarṇana n. 'description of the difference between the Vaiśeshika and other systems', N. of a phil. wk
- vaiśeṣin mfn. specific, individual Sāṃkhyak. Sch
- vaiśeṣya n. peculiarity, specific or generic distinction TPrāt. Suśr. Vedântas
- difference, superiority, pre-eminence Mn. ix, 296 &c
- vaiśmika mfn. (fr. veśman) living in a house Car
- vaiśmīya mfn. (fr. id.), g. kṛśâśvâdi
- vaiśya m. (fr. 2. viś) 'a man who settles on the soil', a peasant, or 'working man', agriculturist, man of the third class or caste (whose business was trade as well as agriculture) RV. &c. &c
- pl. N. of a people VarBṛS
- (ā), f. See below
- n. vassalage, dependance TS
- mfn. belonging to a man of the third caste MBh
- ○kanyā f. a Vaiśya damsel, a girl of the agricultural class Mn. x, 8
- ○karman n. the business of a Vaiśya, agriculture, trade (○ma-pustaka n. N. of wk.)
- ○kula n. the house of a VṭVaiśya KātyŚr
- ○ghna m. the slayer of a VṭVaiśya VarBṛS
- ○caritra n. N. of wk
- ○jātīya m. a Vaiśya (by birth), man of the third caste L
- ○tā f. the state or condition of a VṭVaiśya (acc. with √gam, to become a Vaiśya) AitBr. MBh. &c
- ○tva n. = -tā MārkP
- ○dhvaṃsin mfn. destroying VṭVaiśya VarBṛS
- ○putra m. the son of a Vaiśya, a Vaiśya Siṃhâs
- ○pura n. N. of a town Vīrac
- ○bhadrā f. N. of a deity Buddh
- ○bhāva m. = -tā Mn. x, 93
- ○yajña m. the sacrifice performed by a Vaiśya KātyŚr
- ○yoni f. a Vaiśya's mode of existence ChUp
- ○rata mfn. living at the expense of the Vaiśyas Cat
- ○vṛtti f. a Vaiśya's mode of life or occupation, agriculture, trade Mn. x, 83
- ○sava m. a partic. sacrificial rite TBr
- ○stoma m. N. of an Ekâha ṢaḍvBr. ŚrS
- vaiśyântara m. N. of Buddha in his last birth but one MWB. 113
- vaiśyā f. a woman of the Vaiśya caste Mn. Yājñ. &c
- N. of a deity Buddh
- ○ja mfn. born of a Vaiśya woman, the child of a Vaiśya mother Mn. ix, 151
- ○putra m. 'son of a Vaiśya mother', N. of Yuyutsu MBh
- vaiśramaṇa wṛ. for vaiśravaṇa
- vaiśrambhaka mfn. (fr. vi-śrambha) awakening or inspiring confidence BhP
- n. N. of a celestial grove ib
- vaiśravaṇá m. (fr. vi-śravaṇa
- g. śivâdi) a patr. (esp. of Kubera and Rāvaṇa) AV. &c. &c
- (in astron.) N. of the 14th Muhūrta
- mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to Kubera MBh
- vaiśravaṇânuja m. 'younger brother of Kubera', N. of Rāvaṇa R
- vaiśravaṇâlaya m. 'Kubera's abode', the Indian fig-tree L
- N. of a place Cat
- vaiśravaṇâvāsa and m. 'Kubera's glory', the Indian fig-tree L
- vaiśravaṇôdaya m. 'Kubera's glory', the Indian fig-tree L
- vaiśreya m. patr. fr. viśri g. gṛṣṭyādi
- vaiśleṣika mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-śleṣa) Cat
- vaiśva mf(ī)n. (fr. viśva, of which it is also the Vṛiddhi form in comp.), relating to or presided over by the Viśve Devā?
- (ī), f. N. of the Nakshatra Uttarâshāḍha L
- n. id. VarBṛS
- (with yuga) the 8th cycle of 5 years in the 60 years' cycle of Jupiter VarYogay
- ○kathika mfn. (fr. viśva-kathā), g. kathâdi
- ○karmaṇá mf(ī́)n. relating or sacred to or coming from Viśva-karman AV. VS. Br
- ○janīna mfn. (fr. viśva-jana) kind to everybody, g. pratijanâdi
- ○jita mfn. relating to or connected with the Viśva-jit sacrifice AitBr. Lāṭy
- one who has performed the above sacrifice Gaut
- ○jyotiṣa n. (fr. viśva-jyotis) N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○tari wṛ. for vaiśvaṃ-tari. [Page 1027, Column]
- vaiśvadevá mf(ī)n. (fr. viśva-deva) relating or sacred to all the gods or to the Viśve Devā? VS. &c. &c
- m. a partic. Graha or Soma-vessel VS. ŚBr
- a partic. Ekâha ŚāṅkhŚr
- (ī), f. N. of partic. sacrificial bricks TS. ŚBr
- the 8th day of the 2nd half of the month Māgha Col
- a kind of metre Śrutab
- n. a partic. Śastra AitBr
- the first Parvan of the Cāturmāsya TBr. ŚBr
- (exceptionally m.) N. of a partic. religious ceremony which ought to be performed morning and evening and especially before the midday meal (it consists in homage paid to the Viśve Devāh followed by the bali-haraṇa or offering of small portions of cooked food to all the gods who give the food and especially to the god of fire who cooks the food and bears the offering to heaven) Āpast. Mn. &c. (cf. RTL. 417)
- N. of partic. verses or formulas TBr. ŚBr
- of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- the Nakshatra Uttarâshāḍhā (cf. under vaiśva) VarBṛS
- -karman n. the above homage to the deities collectively W
- -khaṇḍana n. -pūjā f. -prayoga m. N. of wks
- -bali-karman, u. du. N. of the above two ceremonies RTL. 417, n. 2
- -vidhi m. N. of wk
- -stut m. a partic. Ekâha ŚrS
- -homa m. the offering made to all the gods and to Fire at the Vaiśvadeva ceremony TBr. Sch
- ○vâgni m. the fire at the Vaiśvadeva-dṭdeities ceremony L
- ○vâgni-māruta mfn. consecrated to the Viśve Devāh and to Agni and to the Maruts MaitrS
- ○vâdi-mantra-vyākhyā f. N. of wk
- vaiśvaḍdevaka n. (fr. viśva-deva), g. manojñâdi
- vaiśvaḍdevata n. the Nakshatra Uttarâshāḍha VarBṛS. (vḷ. -daivata)
- vaiśvaḍdevika mfn. relating or sacred to the Viśve Devāh &c. R. (vḷ. -daivivika)
- belonging to the Vaiśvadeva Parvan MānŚr
- corresponding to the Vaiśvadeva-dṭdeities ceremony Yājñ
- pl. N. of partic. texts MārkP
- vaiśvaḍdevya mfn. sacred to the Viśve Devāh Nir
- vaiśvaḍdaivata n. = ○devata
- vaiśvaḍdaivika vḷ. for ○devaka
- vaiśvadha mfn. (fr. viśva-dhā), g. chattrâdi
- vaiśvadhenava m. (fr. viśva-dhenu) Pāṇ. 7-3, 25 Sch
- -bhakta mfn. g. aiṣukāry-ādi
- vaiśvaḍdhainava ○va-bhakta, v. l. for ○dhenava, ○va-bh○
- vaiśvaṃ-tari m. (fr. viśvaṃ-tara) a patr. Saṃskārak
- vaiśvamanasa n. (fr. viśva-manas) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- vaiśvamānava m. (fr. viśva-mānava), g. aiṣu-kāry-ādi
- -bhakta mfn. inhabited by Vaiśvamānava
- vaiśvarūpa mfn. (fr. viśva-rūpa) multiform, manifold, diverse Suśr
- n. the universe, Sāmkhyak
- vaiśvaḍrūpya mfn. = prec. Hariv
- n. manifoldness, multiplicity, diversity Sāṃkhyak. (eṇa, in various manners Hariv.)
- vaiśvalopa mf(ī)n. coming from (the tree) Viśva-lopa Kauś
- vaiśvavyacasá mfn. (fr. viśvá-vyacas) VS
- vaiśvasṛjá (fr. viśva-sṛ́j) TĀr. ĀpŚr
- -cayana-prayoga m. -prayoga m. N. of wks
- vaiśvānará mf(ī)n. (fr. viśvā-nara) relating or belonging to all men, omnipresent, known or worshipped, everywhere, universal, general, common RV. &c. &c
- consisting of all men, full in number, complete RV. AV. ŚrS
- relating or belonging to the gods collectively Lāṭy
- all-commanding AV
- relating or sacred to Agni Vaiśvānara TS. ŚBr. ŚrS
- composed by Viśvānara or Vaiśvānara Cat
- m. N. of Agni or Fire RV. &c. &c. (Agni VaiśvṭVaiśvānara is regarded as the author of x, 79, 80)
- a partic. Agni ĀrshBr
- the fire of digestion MW
- the sun, sunlight AV. ŚāṅkhBr
- (in the Vedânta) N. of the Svpreme Spirit or Intellect when located in a supposed collective aggregate of gross bodies (= Virâj, Prajā-pati, Purusha), Vedêntas. RTL. 35
- N. of a Daitya Hariv. Pur
- of various men Kathās
- (pl.) of a family of Ṛishis MBh
- (ī), f. N. of a partic. division of the moon's path (comprising both Bhadrapadā and Revatī
- cf. -patha and -mārga) VP
- a partic. sacrifice performed at the beginning of every year W
- n. men collectively, mankind TBr
- N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- -kṣāra m. a partic. mixture L
- -jyeṣṭha ○rá-), mfn. having Vedêntas for the first AV
- -jyotiś (○rá), mfn. having Vedêntas's light VS
- -datta m. N. of a Brāhman Cat
- -patha m. N. of a partic. division of the moon's path (cf. above) R. Hariv
- -pathi-kṛta-pūrvaka-darśa-sthālīpāka-prayoga m. and -pathi-kṛśa-sthālī-pākaprayoga m. N. of wks
- -mukha mfn. having Vedêntas for a mouth (said of Śiva) MBh
- -vat (○rá-), mfn. attended or connected with fire TBr
- -vidyā f. N. of an Upanishad
- vaiśvāḍnarāyaṇa m. patr. fr. visvānara g. aśvâdi
- vaiśvāḍnarīya mfn. relating to or treating of Vaiśvānara AitBr. Nir. [Page 1027, Column]
- n. du. N. of the Sûktas AV. vi, 35 &c. Kauś
- vaiśvāmanasa (cf. vaitva-m○), N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- vaiśvāmitra mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to Viśvāmitra
- m. patr. of various Vedic Ṛishis (as of Ashîaka, Ṛishabha &c.) Br. ŚrS. BhP. (also pl.)
- (ī), f. a female descendant of Vedic Pāṇ. 4-1, 78 Sch
- the Gāyatri of Vedic ŚāṅkhGṛ
- n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- vaiśvāḍmitri m. patr. fr. viśvā-mitra MBh
- vaiśvāḍmitrika mfn. relating to VṭVedic Pāṇ. 4-3, 69 Sch
- vaiśvāvasavá n. (fr. viśvā-vasu) the Vasus collectively TBr
- vaiśvāvasaḍvasavya (vaí○), m. (fr. id.) a patr. ŚBr. (cf. g. gargâdi)
- vaiśvāsika mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-śvāsa) deserving or inspiring confidence, trustworthy Daś
- vaiṣadya wṛ. for vaiśadya
- vaiṣama n. (fr. vi-ṣama)inequality, change Amar. (v. l.)
- ○sthya n. (fr. viṣamastha), g. brāhmaṇâdi
- vaiṣamya n. unevenness (of ground) MBh
- inequality, oddness (opp. to 'evenness'), diversity, disproportion ŚrS. MBh. &c
- difficulty, trouble, distress, calamity MBh. Kāv. &c
- injustice, unkindness, harshness R. Kathās. Sarvad
- impropriety, incorrectness, wrongness Sarvad
- an error, mistake in or about (loc. or comp.) BhP
- solitariness, singleness W
- ○kaumudī f. N. of wk
- vaiṣamyôd-dhariṇī f. difficulty-removing, N. of a Comm. on the Kirātârjunīya by Vaṅkima-dāsa
- vaiṣaya n. (fr. vi-ṣaya) = viṣayāṇāṃ samūhaḥ g. bhikṣâdi
- váiṣayika mf(ī)n. relating to or denotative of a country or district (as a suffix) Pat
- having a partic. sphere or object or aim (in gram. the ādhāra is called vaiṣayika when it is the aim or object of the action, Siddh on Pāṇ. 2-3, 36)
- relating to, concerning (comp.) Car
- belonging or relating to an object of sense, sensual, carnal, mundane Pañcar. HPariś
- m. a sensualist, one addicted to the pleasures of sense or absorbed in worldly objects L. (also -jana)
- (ī), f. a voluptuous or unchaste woman L
- vaíṣuvata mf(ī)n. (fr. viṣu-vat) being in the middle of anything, middlemost, central ŚBr. Āpast
- relating to the equinox, equinoctial Sūryas
- n. the middle of anything, centre Āpast
- the equinox BhP
- N. of a Brāhmaṇa, MalnGṛ
- vaiṣuvatīya mfn. = vaiṣuvata ŚāṅkhBr
- vaiṣka See baiṣka
- vaiṣkira mfn. consisting of the birds called Vishkira (as a flock) Car
- prepared from chickens (as broth, cf. viṣkira-rasa) Suśr
- vaiṣṭapá mfn. (fr. vi-ṣṭapa) AV
- vaiṣṭapureyá m. patr. fr. viṣṭapura ŚBr. (g. śubhrâdi)
- vaiṣṭambha n. (fr. vi-ṣṭambha) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- vaiṣṭika m. (fr. 1. viṣṭi) one who does compulsory service, one compelled to labour for a landlord SaddhP
- vaiṣṭuta mfn. relating to or used at the Vishṭuti (q.v.) L. n. = next L
- vaiṣṭubha n. the ashes of a burnt offering (cf. vaiṣṇava n. and vaiṣṇuṭa) L
- vaiṣṭra n. the worId Uṇ. iv, 159 Sch. ('the sky', 'the wind', or 'Vishṇu' Uṇvṛ.)
- vaiṣṇavá mf(ī)n. relating or belonging or devoted or consecrated to Vishṇu (q.v.), worshipping VṭVishṇu TS. &c. &c. ; m. patr. fr. viṣṇu g. bidâdi ; 'a worshipper of Vishṇu', N. of one of the three great divisions of modern Hindūism (the other two being the Śaivas and Śāktas ; the Vaishṇavas identify Vishṇu - rather than Brahmā and Śiva - with the supreme Being, and are exclusively devoted to his worship ; they have become separated into four principal and some minor sects, as follow: 1. the Rāmânujas, founded by Rāmânuja, who is said to have lived for 120 years from 1017 till 1137 ā.ḍ. [Page 1027, Column] ; his chief doctrines are described at p. 878, col. 1, and in RTL. p. 119 &c. ; one peculiarity of his sect is the scrupulous preparation and privacy of three meals ; 2. the Mādhvas, founded by a Kanarese Brāhman named Madhva, whose chief doctrines are described at p. 782, col. 3, and in RTL. p. 130 &c. ; 3. the Vallabhas, founded by Vallabhâcārya, whose chief doctrines are described at p. 928, col. 3, and in RTL. p. 134 &c. ; 4. a sect in Bengal founded by Caitanya q.v. who was regarded by his followers as an incarnation of Kṛishṇa ; his chief doctrine was the duty of bhakti, or love for that god which was to be so strong that no caste-feelings could exist with it [see RTL. p. 140 &c.] Of the minor Vaishṇava sects those founded by Nimbârka or Nimbâditya ṛṭḻ. 146 and by Rāmânanda ṛṭḻ. 147 and by Svāmi-Nārāyaṇa ṛṭḻ. 148 are perhaps the most important, to which also may be added the reformed theistic sect founded by Kabīr ṛṭḻ. i 58 and the Sikh theistic sect founded by Nānak ṛṭḻ. 161)
- N. of Soma (lord of the Apsarases) AśvŚr
- (śrī-) of a poet Cat
- the 13th cubit (aratni) from the bottom or the 5th from the top of the sacrificial post L
- a kind of mineral L
- (scil. yajña) a partic. sacrificial ceremony ib
- (ī), f. patr. fr. viṣṇu MBh
- a female worshipper of Vishṇu Pañcar
- the personified Śakti of Vishṇu (regarded as one of the Mātṛis, and identified with Durgā and Manasā) MBh. Rājat. &c
- Asparagus Racemosus L
- Ocymum Sanctum L
- Clitoria Ternatea L
- (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā Saṃgīt
- n. a partic. Mahā-rasa (q.v.) Cat
- a partic. prodigy or omen (belonging to or occurring in the paraṃ divam or upper sky), M-W
- the ashes of a burnt-offering ib
- N. of the NakshatraŚravana (presided over by Vishṇu) VarBṛS
- of two Sāmans ĀrshBr
- of various wks., esp. of the Vishṇu-Purlṇa
- ○karaṇa n
- vaiṣṇavakarṇābharaṇasaṃgraha3vaiṣṇavá--karṇâbharaṇasaṃgraha m
- ○kutūhala n
- ○jyotiṣa-śāstra n
- ○tantra n. N. of wks
- ○tīrtha n. a Tīrtha of the Vaishṇavas Cat
- ○toṣiṇī f. = viṣṇu-t○ (q.v.)
- ○tva n. belief in or worship of Vishṇu Rājat
- ○dāsa m. N. of an author Cat
- ○dīkṣāpaddhati f
- ○dharma-mīmāṃsā f
- vaiṣṇavadharmasuradrumamañjari3vaiṣṇavá--dharmasura-druma-mañjari f
- dharmânuṣṭhāna-paddhati f
- ○dhyāna-prakāra m
- vaiṣṇavanārāyaṇāṣṭākṣaranyāsa3vaiṣṇavá--nārāyaṇâṣṭâkṣara-nyāsa m
- ○purāṇa n
- ○pramāṇa-saṃgraha m
- ○praśna-śāstra n
- ○matâbja-bhāskara m
- ○mahā-siddhânta m
- ○lakṣaṇa n
- ○vandanā f
- ○vardhana n. N. of wks
- ○vāruṇa mf(ī)n. addressed to Vishṇu and Varuṇa (as a hymn) ŚBr
- ○vaidyaka-śāstra n
- ○vyākaraṇa n
- ○śaraṇâgati f
- ○śānti f
- ○śāstra n. (also pl.),
- ○saṃhitā f
- ○sadācāranirṇaya m
- ○siddhânta-tattva n
- ○siddhânta-dīpikā f
- ○siddhânta-vaijayantī N. of wks
- ○sthānaka n. (in dram.) walking about the stage with great strides Daśar. Sch
- vaiṣṇavâkūta-candrikā f
- vaiṣṇaḍvâgama m. N. of wks
- vaiṣṇavâcamana n. sipping water three times in the worship of Vishṇu MW
- vaiṣṇavâcāra m. the rites or practices of the Vaishṇavas
- -paddhati f
- vaiṣṇavâcāra-saṃgraha m. N. of wks
- vaiṣṇavâbhidhāna n. N. of wk. (containing the names of the disciples of Caitanya)
- vaiṣṇavâmṛta n
- vaiṣṇaḍvâṣṭaka n
- vaiṣṇaḍvôtsava m
- vaiṣṇaḍvôtsava-vidhi m
- vaiṣṇaḍvôpayoga-nirṇaya m. N. of wks
- vaiṣṇavāyana m. patr. fr. vaiṣṇava g. haritâdi
- vaiṣṇavī-tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- vaiṣṇavyá mfn. relating or belonging to Vishṇu VS. Gobh
- vaiṣṇāvaruṇá mf(ī)n. (prob. for vaiṣṇavavaruṇa) belonging to Vishṇu and Varuṇa TS
- vaiṣṇugupta mfn. taught by Vishṇu-gupta L
- vaiṣṇuta (?), n. sacrificial ashes (cf. vaithṇava n. vaiṣṭuta) L
- vaiṣṇuvāruṇa mf(ī)n. = vaiṣṇāvaruṇa AitBr
- vaiṣṇuvṛddhi m. patr. fr. viṣṇu-vṛddhi Pravar
- vaiṣvaksenya m. patr. fr. viṣvak-sena Pāṇ. 4-1, 114 Vārtt. 7 Pat
- vaisargika mfn. (fr. vi-sarga), g. saṃtāpâdi
- vaisarjana n. pl. (fr. vi-sarjana) N. of partic. sacrificial rites ĀpŚr
- ○tvá n. the condition of (being a rite called) VaisṭVaisarjana MaitrS
- ○homāya mfn. used at the VaisṭVaisarjana rite Nyāyam. Sch. [Page 1028, Column]
- vaisarjanīya (KātyŚr.) and n. pl. = vaiśarjana
- vaisarjiná (ŚBr.), n. pl. = vaiśarjana
- vaisarpa mfn. suffering from (the disease called) Vi-sarpa, g. jyotsnâdi on Pāṇ. 5-2, 103 Vārtt. 2
- = vi-sarpa L
- vaisarpika mfn. caused by Vi-sarpa Hcat
- vaisādṛśya n. (fr. vi-sadriśa) dissimilarity, difference BhP
- vaisāriṇa m. (fr. and= vi-sārin) a fish Pāṇ. 5-4, 16
- vaisūcana n. (fr. vi-sūcana) assumption of female attire by a man (in dram.) L
- vaisṛpa m. (fr. vi-sṛpa) N. of a Dānava Hariv
- vaistārika mfn. (fr. vi-stāra) extensive, wide Buddh
- vaistika See bahu-v○ (add.)
- vaispaṣṭya n. (fr. vi-spaṣṭa) clearness, distinctness Pāṇ. 5-3, 66 Vārtt. 4
- vaisreya m. patr. fr. visri g. śubhrâdi
- vaisvarya mfn. (fr. vi-svara) depriving of voice, Svśr
- n. loss of voice or language Vāgbh. Sāh
- different accentuation ŚāṅkhŚr
- vaihaga mf(ī)n. (fr. viha-ga) relating or belonging to a bird (with tanu f. the body or form of a bird') Kathās
- vaihaṃga mfn. (fr. vihaṃ-ga) id. (with rasa m. broth made of.bird's flesh') Suśr
- vaihati m. patr. fr. vi-hata g. taulvaly-ādi
- (ī), f. Pat
- vaihali m. (also pl.) a patr. Saṃskārak
- vaihāyana m. (also pl.) a patr. ib
- vaihāyasa mf(ī)n. (fr. 2. vi-hāyas) being or moving in the air, suspended in the air, aerial GṛS. MBh. &c
- (am), ind. in the open air Āpast
- m. pl. 'sky-dwellers', the gods &c. BhP
- N. of partic. Ṛishis (personified luminous phenomena) VarBṛS
- m. N. of a lake MW
- (ī), f. N. of a river BhP
- n. the air, atmosphere MBh
- flying in the air BhP. (-gata n. id. R.)
- a partic. attitude in shooting L
- vaihāra m. (fr. vi-hāra) N. of a mountain in Magadha MBh. (cf. vaibhāra)
- vaihārika mfn. serving for sport or amusement L
- vaihārya mfn. to be played or sported with, to be conciliated by playfulness or raillery (applied to a wife's brother or brother-in-law or other relations of a wife) MBh
- n. playfulness, sportiveness, fun ib
- vaihālī f. hunting, chase Siṃhâs
- vaihāsika m. (fr. vi-hāsa) a comic actor, buffoon, actor in general L
- a playfellow L
- vaihīnari See baih○
- vaihvalya n. (fr. vi-hvala) exhaustion, debility Rājat
- vokkāṇa m. or n. (?) N. of a place Divyâv
- m. pl. N. of a people VarBṛS. (cf. bokaṇa)
- voc See √vac, p. 912, col. 1
- voṭā f. a femaIe servant or slave L
- voḍa wṛ. for jhoḍa L
- voḍra m. a kind of large snake L
- a sort of fish L
- (ī), f. the fourth part of a Paṇa L
- voḍha mfn. (fr. √1. vah) led home married MBh
- vóḍhave or Ved. inf. of √1. vah
- vóḻhave Ved. inf. of √1. vah
- voḍhavya mfn. to be borne or carried or drawn or led &c. (n. impers.) MBh. Hariv
- to be undertaken or accomplished MBh
- (ā), f. (a woman) to be led home or married ib. [Page 1028, Column]
- voḍhu m. the son of a woman living in her father's house (whose husband is absent) W
- voḍhṛ́ or mfn. drawing, bearing, carrying, bringing, one who bears or carries &c. RV. &c. &c
- vóḍhṛ mfn. drawing, bearing, carrying, bringing, one who bears or carries &c. RV. &c. &c
- wafting (as wind) Kum
- m. a draught horse RV. (vóḻhā) MBh. &c. (also with rathasya L.)
- a bull, ox (also with dhurah or halasya) MBh. Pañcat. Hcat
- an offerer MBh
- a guide Śaṃk
- a porter, carrier BhP. (also bhā́ra-)
- a charioteer L
- a bridegroom, husband Mn. MBh. &c. (also with acc. Pāṇ. 3-3, 169 Sch.)
- = mūḍha L
- voṇṭa m. = vṛnta L
- voda mfn. = ārdra L
- vodāla m. a species of fish L
- vodra m. (and ī f.), wṛ. for voḍra, ○ḍrī
- vonthā-devī f. N. of a princess Inscr
- vopa-deva m. N. of the author of the Mugdha.bodha grammar (also of the Kavi-kalpa. druma and various other works, including, according to some, the Bhāgavata-Purāṇa
- he was a son of Keśava and pupil of Dhanêśvara, and is said to have flourished about the latter half of the thirteenth century at the court of Hemâdri, king of Deva-giri, now Dowlatābād)
- ○śataka n. N. of a Kāvya by Vopa-deva
- vopālita or vopālita-siṃha m. N. of a lexicographer Cat
- vopula m. N. of a man Vīrac
- vora m. (prob. not a Saṃskṛit word) a sort of pulse, Dolichos Catjang W
- ○paṭṭi f. a sort of mat or mattress for sleeping on (perhaps made of the straw of the Vora) L
- ○siddhi See bora-s○
- voraka m. (cf. volaka) a copyist, writer L
- voraṭa m. Jasminum Multiflorum or Pubescens L
- vorava m. a kind of rice (perhaps that called Boro, which is cut in March or April) L
- vorukhāna m. a horse (described as one of a pale red colour) L
- voruvāṇa wṛ. for roruvāṇa
- vola m. gum-myrrh Bhpr
- volaka m. a whirlpool L. (cf. voraka) a copyist, writer L
- vollāsaka m. or n. (?) N. of a place Rājat
- vollāha m. a chestnut-coloured horse (with a light mane and tail) L
- vohittha n. a vessel, ship L
- vaúk nom. sg. for vā́k (fr. vā́c) ŚBr
- vaujhaṭ for vauṣaṭ ŚBr. KātyŚr., Sch
- vaudanya n. N. of a city MBh. (vḷ)
- vauddha See bauddha
- vauli (?) m. a patr. Pravar
- vaúṣaṭ ind. (prob. a lengthened form of vaṣaṭ, q.v.) an exclamation or formula (used on offering an oblation to the gods or deceased ancestors with fire) Br. Hariv. &c
- vy in comp. before vowels for 3. ví
- ○aṃśa m. N. of a son of Vipra-citti Hariv. VP. (v. l. vy-aṃsa)
- ○aṃśaka m. a mountain W
- ○anśuka mfn. unclothed, naked ib
- ○áṃsa mfn. having shoulders wide apart, broadsholdered MBh
- mṆ. of demon vanquished by Indra RV. (= ṣoulderless Sāy.)
- of a son of Vipra-citti (cf. vy-aṃśa)
- ○akṣa m. (cf. nirakṣa), having no latitude', the equator Sūryas
- ○agra See s.v
- ○aṅkuśa mfn. unrestrained, unchecked BhP
- ○aṅga See p. 1029, cols. 1, 3
- ○aṅgāra mfn. without charcoal, having no fire (e ind. at the time when the burning charcoal is extinguished) MBh. MārkP
- ○rin mfn. having the charcoal extinguished Hcat. [Page 1028, Column]
- ○aṅgula n. the 60th part of an Aṅgula MW
- ○lī-√kṛ P
- -karoti, to deprive of the fingers MBh
- ○aṅguṣṭha a kind of plant L. (wṛ. for kāṅguṣtha)
- ○adhikaraṇa mfn. being in a different case-relation, relating to another subject KapS. Sch. Vām
- n. incongruity, Kusum. Śiś. Sch
- the subsisting or inhering in different receptacles or subjects or substrata (sometimes applied to a loose or ambiguous argument
- opp. to samānâdhik○, See viśeṣa-vyāpti) MW
- N. of sev. wks
- -dharmâvachinna-vāda m. ○cchinnâbhāva m. (○va-kroda, m. ○va-khaṇḍana n. ○va-ṭikā f. ○va-pariṣkāra m. ○va-prakāśa m. ○va-rahasya n.), N. of wks
- -pada mfn. containing words in different cases (as a Bahuvrīhi, e.g. kaṇṭhe-kāla, 'one who has black colour in the throat' [= kālakaṇṭha, 'black-throated']) Laghuk. 1036
- ○nâbhāva m. N. of wk
- ○adhva m. half the way (vyadhvé āV. or vyádhve ṣBr., in the middle of the way) KātyŚr. MBh
- a bad road, wrong road L
- mf(ā)n. being in the air between the zenith and the surface of the earth AV
- ○ádhvan mfn. being in the midst of the way (or) going astray RV. i, 141, 7
- m. 'having various paths', N. of Agni MW
- ○ánta mfn. separated, remote TBr. ĀpŚr
- ○tī-√kṛ P
- -karoti, to keep off, remove L
- ○tibhāva m. the being removed L
- ○antara n. (ifc.f. ā)
- absence of distinction Hariv
- an interval Gobh
- m. 'occupying an intermediate position', (with Jainas) N. of a class of gods (including Piśsācas, Bhūtas, Yakshas, Rākshasas, Kiṃ-naras, Kim-purushas, Mahôragas and Gandharvas) Śatr. HPariś. Pañcat. &c
- (ī), f. a deity of the above class Campak. HPariś
- (ā́m), ind. moderately ŚBr
- ○ra-paṅkti (?), f. Cat
- ○apatrapa mfn. shameless MW
- (ā), f. See under vy-apa-√trap
- ○apamūrdhan mfn. headless L. 1
- ○apâśraya mfn. (for 2. See vy-apâ-√śri) devoid of reliance or support, self-centred, self-dependent, Kam
- ○abhīmāna See s.v
- ○abhra mf(ā)n. cloudless, unclouded MBh. Hariv. &c
- (e), ind. when the sky is cloudless ib
- -ja mfn. appearing when the sky is cloudless VarBṛS
- ○amla mfn. free from acidity (-tā f.) Car
- ○arka mfn. with exception of the sun VarBṛ. 1
- ○arṇa mfn. (for 2, See vy-√ard) waterless, without water PañcavBr. ŚrS
- ○artha See s.v
- ○alīka mfn. very false or untruthful, lying, hypocritical (am, ind.) Amar. BhP
- disagreeable, painful, offensive, strange MW
- improper or unfit to be done MW
- not false, Ślś
- = vyañgya L
- m. = nāgara L
- a catamite MW
- n. anything displeasing ib
- any cause of pain or uneasiness ib
- pain, grief. MBh. Kāv. Pur. &c
- a falsehood, lie, fraud (also pl.) Kāv. Pur. &c
- transgression, offence, misdeed Ratnâv. Jātakam
- = vailakṣya L
- reverse, contrariety, inversion MW
- -tā f. or -tva n. disagreeableness, painfulness MW
- impropriety, displeasure ib
- -niḥśvāsa m. a sigh of pain or sorrow Kum
- ○álkaśa mfn. (accord. to Say.) having various branches
- (ā), f. a kind of plant RV. x, 16, 13
- ○avadhāraṇa n. a special definition or designation Nyāyam. Sch. Jaim. Sch
- ○avânin mfn. not breathing between, AitAr. - 1
- ○aśana mf(ā)n. (for 2. See p. 1034, col. 3) abstinence from eating, fasting Hariv
- ○áśva mfn. 'deprived of horses, horseless ṢaḍvBr. MBh. Ragh
- m. N. of a Ṛishi RV
- of an ancient king (also pl.) ib. MBh
- -vat ind. like Vyaśva MW
- -sārathy-āyudha mfn. deprived of horses and charioteer and weapons Gaut
- ○aṣṭakā f. the first day in the dark half of a month TS. TBr. Kāṭh. Lāṭy
- the dark half of a month ĀpGṛ. (Sch.)
- ○asi mfn. swordless VarYogay
- ○asu mf(u)n. lifeless, dead MBh. BhP. Śiś. Rājat
- -tva n. loss of life VarBṛS
- ○asthaka mfn. boneless PañcavBr
- ○ahan or (loc. ○hni, ○hani, or ○hne) Pāṇ. 6-3, 110 Vop. iii, 42 (-ahna), mfn. done or happening on separate days MW
- ○ahna (loc. ○hni, ○hani, or ○hne) Pāṇ. 6-3, 110 Vop. iii, 42 (-ahna), mfn. done or happening on separate days MW
- (accord. to some, done or produced in two days')
- ○ākula See s.v
- ○āmarṣa m. impatience MW
- ○āyudha mfn. weaponless MBh. MW. 1
- ○āvṛta mfn. (for 2. See under vy-ā-√vṛ) uncovered, opened, open to (loc.) Ragh. i, 19 (vḷ.)
- ○āśā f. an intermediate quarter (of the compass) RāmatUp
- ○āśraya mfn. (for 2. See under vyā-śri) having a different support or refuge (opp. to samānâśraya) Pat
- ○āhanasya mf(ā) ti. extremely lewd or obscene AitBr
- ○āhāva m. the invocation śoṃsāvOm ĀpŚr
- (am), ind. separating by interposing the Āhāva AitBr. AśvŚr
- ○uda mfn. waterless, dry BhP. [Page 1029, Column]
- ○udaka mf(ā)n. id., ŚāṅkhGr. Āpast. BhP
- ○upadrava mfn. undisturbed by any misfortune, not liable to unlucky accidents Suśr
- ○upavīta mfn. devoid of the sacred thread, Prâyaśc. 1
- ○upaśama m. (for 2. See vyupa-√śam) non-cessation, not ceasing or desisting Mālatīm. Sāh
- inquietude MW
- ○upaskara mfn. without appurtenance MBh
- ○ūdhnī f. having a large udder TāṇḍyaBr
- ○ūrdhva-bhāj wṛ. for vy-ṛddha-bhāj Jaim
- ○eka mf(ā)n. deficient by one VarBṛS
- ○énas mfn. guiltless RV. iii, 33, 13
- ○énī f. (of vy-eta) variously-tinted (said of the dawn) RV. v, 80, 4
- ○aílaba mfn. making various noises AV
- ○ókas mfn. dwelling apart Br
- ○ódana (? ind., accord. to Sāy. = vividhe'nne labdhe sati) RV. viii, 52, 9. 1
- ○oman mfn. (for 2. See s.v.) one who cannot be saved (?) Kāṭh
- vya m. (√vye) a coverer MW
- vya (said to be an abbreviated form of a-vyaya) a technical symbol for indeclinables such as ni, cit, svar, &c. Vop. iii, 17
- vy-aṃśa vy-aṃśaka, See p. 1028, col. 2
- vy-√aṃs P. -aṃsayati, to cheat, deceive Divyâv
- vy-√aṃs--aṃsaka m. a cheat, rogue, juggler L
- vy-√aṃs--aṃsana n. cheating, deceiving MBh
- vy-√aṃs--aṃsaniya to be cheated or deceived W
- vy-√aṃs--aṃsayitavya mfn. id. Pañcat
- vy-√aṃs--aṃsita mfn. cheated, deceived, disappointed, W
- vyakṛḍa mfn. (applied to Rudra) MaitrS
- vy-√akta vy-akti, See cols. 2, 3
- vy-√akṣ P. -akṣati, or -akṣṇoti = vy-√aś, to pervade, &c. MW
- vy-akṣa See p. 1028, col. 2
- vy-agra mf(ā)n. not attending to any one partic. point (opp. to ekâgra), distracted, inattentive
- bewildered, agitated, excited, alarmed MaitrUp. MBh. Kāv. &c
- diverted from everything else, intent on, engrossed by, eagerly occupied with or employed in (instr., loc., or comp
- sometimes said of hands and fingers) MBh. Hariv. Kāv. &c
- tottering, unsteady, exposed to dangers ( See a-vy○)
- being in motion (as a wheel) BhP
- m. N. of Vishṇu MW
- (am), ind. in an agitated manner, with great excitement VarBṛS
- -tā f. intense occupation, eagerness, intentness (ifc.) Śak. Pañcat. &c
- perplexity, confusion MW
- -tva n. distraction
- confusion, agitation MaitrUp. Pañcat
- (ifc.) intentness on Kull. on Mn. viii, 65
- -puraṃdhri-varga mfn. having companies of matrons zealously occupied MW
- -manas mfn. perplexed or bewildered in mind ib
- -hasta mfn. having the hands occupied with (comp.) Divyâv
- vyagraya Nom. P. ○yati, to divert or distract any one's thoughts Car
- vyaṅkaṭa older form of veṅkaṭa
- vy-aṅkuśa See p. 1028, col. 2
- vy-áṅga mf(ā)n. (for 2. See col. 3) without limbs, limbless, deficient in limb, deformed, crippled AV. Mn. MBh. &c
- having no wheels BhP
- lamed, lame MW
- bodiless ib
- ill-arranged ib
- m. a cripple ib
- m. or n. a kind of cat's eye (a precious stone) L
- (n., wṛ. for try-aṅga, tripartite army MBh.)
- -tā f. -tva n. deficiency of limb, crippled condition, mutilation MBh. VarBṛS. Pañcat
- ○gârtha m. (in rhet.) suggested sense or meaning MW
- vy-aṅgaya Nom.P. ○yati, to deprive of a limb, mutilate ĀpŚr. Pañcat
- vy-aṅgita mfn. mutilated (karṇayor vy○, perforated in the ears MBh. ṇīlak.
- ○tâikêṣaṇa mf[ā] n. defective in an eye, one-eyed Śiś.)
- vyaṅgin mfn. deficient in limb, deformed, crippled MBh. MārkP
- vyaṅgī-kṛ P. -k aroti = vyaṅgaya MBh. Hariv
- vy-aṅgāra &c. See p. 1028, col. 2
- vy-aṅgya &c. See col. 3
- vyac (cf.√vic
- prob. orig. identical with 2. vy-√ac), cl. 6. P. (Dhātup. xxviii, 12) vicati (only in cl. 3.pr. vivyakti, 3. du. viviktás, Subj vivyácat RV. [Page 1029, Column]
- impf. avivyak, 3 pl. avivyacus ib
- pf. vivyāca, 2. sg. vivyáktha ib. Br
- Gr. also aor. [avy�AcIt]
- Prec. vicyāt
- fut. vyacitā, vicitā
- vyaciṣyati
- inf. vyacitum
- ind. p. vicitvā), to encompass, embrace, comprehend, contain RV. AitBr
- (vicati), to cheat, trick, deceive Dhātup.: Caus. vyācayati (aor. avivyacat), Gr.: Desid. vivyaciṣati ib.: Intens. vevicyate, vāvyacīti, vāvyakti ib
- vyácas n. expanse, capacity, compass RV. AV. VS
- wide space, free scope, room RV. AV. ŚBr. (vyacas-√kṛ, to dilate, expand, open Kauś.)
- ○kāma mfn. desirous of wide space Kauś
- ○vat (vyácas-.), mfn. spacious, expansive RV. VS
- vyáciṣṭha mfn. (superl.) most spacious or expansive RV
- vy-√ac (or añc), P. Ā. -acati, ○te, to bend asunder, make wide, extend RV. AV
- vyaccha See go-vyacchá
- vy-√aj P. -ajati, to drive away (Pass. vy-ajyáte) RV. x, 85, 28
- to go through or across, furrow ib. v, 54, 4
- vy-aja Pāṇ. 3-3, 119
- vyaj (= √viij, only in vyajeta Suśr
- for vivyajuḥ See √viij), to fan, ventilate
- vyaja m. a fan W
- vyajana n. (ifc. f. ā) fanning Kād
- a palmleaf or other article used for fanning, fan, whisk (often du.) Mn. MBh. &c
- ○kriyā f. the act of fanning Kād
- ○cāmara n. the tail of the Bos Grunniens used as a whisk or fan, a chowry (cf. vyajanacāmara)
- vyajanaka n. = vyajana, a fan VarBṛS
- vyajanin m. the Yak (Bos Grunniens) L
- vyajanī in comp. for vyajana
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make into (or, use as) a fan Kād
- ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become or be a fan Ragh
- vyañc See uru-vyáñc
- vyañcana wṛ. for vy-añjana Hariv
- vyañcana-vat mfn. (a word used to explain vyácas-vat) Nir. viii, 10
- vy-√añj P.Ā. -anakti, -aṅkte, (Ā.) to anoint thoroughly RV
- to decorate, adorn, beautify ib
- (P. Ā.) to cause to appear, manifest, display RV. &c. &c.: Pass. -ajyate, to be manifested or expressed RV. Ragh. Pañcat.: Caus. -añjayati, to cause to appear, make clearly visible or manifest Mn. MBh. &c
- vy-ákta mfn. adorned, embellished, beautiful RV
- caused to appear, manifested, apparent, visible, evident (am, ind. apparently, evidently, certainly) MBh. Kāv. &c
- developed, evolved ( See below)
- distinct, intelligible ( See -vāc)
- perceptible by the senses (opp. to a-vyakta, transcendental) MBh. BhP
- specified, distinguished L
- specific, individual L
- hot L
- wise, learned Lalit
- m. heat L
- a learned man L
- an initiated monk Śīl
- 'the manifested One', N. of Vishṇu MW
- of one of the 11 Gaṇâdhipas (with Jainas)
- n. (in Sāṃkhya) 'the developed or evolved' (as the product of a-vyakta, q.v.), Saṃkhyak. (cf. IW. 82)
- -kṛtya n. a public action or deed Rājat
- -gaṇita n. calculation with known numbers, arithmetic IW. 176, n. 3
- -gandhā f. (only L.) long pepper
- jasmine
- a species of Sanseviera
- Clitoria Ternatea
- -tā f. or -tva n. distinctness, manifestation (instr. 'clearly, distinctly'
- acc. with √gam, 'to appear') Up. Kathās
- -tāraka mfn. having clear stars MW
- -darśana mfn. one who has attained to right knowledge R
- -dṛṣṭârtha mfn. perceiving or witnessing a transaction with one's own eyes, a witness L
- -bhuj mfn. consuming all manifested or visible things (said of time) MW
- -maya mf(ī)n. relating to what is perceptible by the senses MBh
- -māricika mfn. much peppered Car
- -rasa mfn. having a perceptible taste (tā f.) Suśr
- -rāśi m. (in arithm.) known or absolute quantity
- -rūpa m. 'having a manifested form', N. of Vishṇu MW
- -rūpin mfn. having a discernible shape ib
- -lakṣman mfn. having evident sings or marks, clearly characterized W
- -lavaṇa mfn. much salted Car
- -vāc f. a clear or distinct speech Pāṇ. 1-3, 48
- -vikrama mfn. displaying valour MW
- ○tâvadhūta mfn. one who has publicly shaken off worldly ties (opp. to guptâv○, q.v.) W
- ○tôdita mfn. spoken clearly or plainly MW. [Page 1029, Column]
- vy-aktaya Nom. P. ○yati, to manifest Dharmaś
- vy-akti f. visible appearance or manifestation, becoming evident or known or public (acc. with √bhaj, ā-√gam, and ā-√yā, to appear, become manifest) MBh. Kāv. &c
- specific appearance, distinctness, individuality ib
- an individual (opp. to jāti) Bhag. VarBṛS. &c
- (in gram.) gender Pāṇ. 1-2, 51
- case, inflection, the proper form of any inflected word W
- a vowel (?) MW
- -tā f. -tva n. distinctness, individuality, personality ib
- -viveka, mṆ. of wk
- vyaktī in comp. for vy-akta
- ○karaṇa n. the act of making manifest or clear or distinct Dhātup. Jātakam
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make mṭmanifest or clear or distinct (-kṛta mfn. made manifest or clear or distinct) Kathās
- ○bhāva m. the becoming mṭmanifest or clear or distinct, Śiṃk. =
- ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become manifest or clear or distinct (-bhūta mfn. become manifest or clear or distinct) MBh. VarBṛS. Rājat
- vy-áṅga mfn. (for 1. See col. 1) spotted, speckled AV
- m. freckles in the face Suśr
- a blot, blemish, stain Hariv
- a frog L
- steel L
- vy-aṅgya mf(ā)n. that which is manifested or indicated or made perceptible Śaṃk. Sāh
- (in rhet.) indicated by allusion or insinuation, implied, suggestive Kpr
- ○gyârtha-kaumudī f. ○gyârthadīpikā f. ○gârtha-dīpinī, f. N. of wks
- ○gyôkti f. covert language or insinuation MW
- vy-añjaka mf(ikā) n. making clear, manifesting, indicating (gen. or comp.) Mn. BhP
- (in rhet.) indicating by implication, suggesting (-tva n.) Sāh. Pratāp
- m. indication of passion or feeling Mālatīm
- a sign, mark, symbol W
- figurative expression or insinuation ib
- ○kârtha m. (in rhet.) suggested or implied sense
- vy-áñjana mfn. manifesting, indicating Hariv. (v. l. vyañcana)
- m. (once for n
- below.) a consonant VPrāt
- Pandanus Odoratissimus L
- = vāditra-karman L
- (ā), f. (in rhet.) implied indication, allusion, suggestion Sāh. Pratāp
- a figurative expression (○nā-vṛtti f. figurative style) W
- n. decoration, ornament RV. viii, 78, 2
- manifestation, indication Suśr. Rājat
- allusion, suggestion (= ā f.), Sah. ĀśvŚr. Sch
- figurative expression, irony, sarcasm W
- specification Nir
- a mark, badge, spot, sign, token ĀpŚr. R. Kathās. &c
- insignia, paraphernalia Kāv
- symptom (of a disease) Cat
- mark of sex or gender (as the beard, breasts &c.), the private organs (male or female) GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- anything used in cooking or preparing food, seasoning, sauce, condiment MBh. R. &c
- a consonant Prāt. ŚrS. &c
- a syllable VPrāt. (cf. hīnavy○)
- the letter (as opp. to arha, 'meaning') Mahāv
- a limb, member, part L
- a day L
- purification of a sacrificial animal (also m. and ā f.) L
- a fan L. (wṛ. for vyajana)
- -kāra m. the preparer of a sauce or condiment MBh
- -guṇa (?), m. N. of wk. on condiments in cookery
- -saṃgama m. a collection or group of consonants MW
- -saṃdhi m. (in gram.) the junction of consonants ib.,
- -saṃnipāta m. a falling together or conjunction of consonants ib
- -sthāne ind. in the place of sauce or seasoning ib
- -hārī7kā f. N. of a female demon supposed to remove the hair of a woman's pudenda MārkP
- ○nôdaya mfn. followed by a consonant MW
- ○nôpadha mfn. preceded by a consonant ib
- vy-áñjanḍañjanika n. (with svarāṇām) N. of a Pariś. of the VS
- vy-añjijiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to make clear or manifest W
- vy-añjita mfn. (fr. Caus.) clearly manifested or made visible
- -vṛtti-bheda mfn. having various actions manifested MW
- vyaḍa m. N. of a man Vop. (cf. vyāḍi)
- vyaḍambaka or ○bana n. the castor oil plant, Ricinus Communis L
- vyaḍḍa m. N. of a man Rājat. (also -maṇḍala ib.)
- vy-áti m. (fr. 3. vi and √2. at
- but not dissolved in Padap.) a horse RV
- vy-ati-√kṛ only Pass. -kriyate, to be greatly changed or moved BhP
- vy-atikara mfn. acting reciprocally, reciprocal W
- m. reciprocity, reciprocal action or relation ib
- contact, contiguity, union (ifc. = joined with, spreading through or over, pervading) MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ifc.) taking to, accomplishing, performing Amar. Daś. Rājat
- incident, opportunity Nalac
- reverse, misfortune, calamity, accident, fatality Hcar. Pañcat. Kathās. [Page 1030, Column]
- destruction, end BhP
- vy-atikarḍatikṛta mfn. pervaded MW
- vy-ati-√kṛ Pass. -kīryate, to be mixed or blended together Saṃk
- vy-atikara m. mixing or blending together, mixture MBh. BhP
- a confusing (or striking) resemblance Jātakam
- -vat mfn. mixed, of contrary kind or nature Mcar
- vy-atikarita mfn. mixed or joined with (instr. or comp.) Mcar. Mālatīm
- vy-atikīrṇa mfn. scattered about in different directions MBh
- mixed together, confused MW
- vy-ati-√kram P. Ā. -krāmati, -kramate (ind. p. -kramya), to go or pass by, step over or beyond (lit. and fig.) MBh. R. Pañcat
- to pass away, elapse, be spent (as time) ib. BhP
- to excel, surpass, conquer R
- to neglect, omit, violate ib
- vy-ati-√krḍatikrama m. going or passing by Suśr
- gaining the start MBh
- passing away, lapse (of time) R
- leaping or passing over, avoiding, escaping, getting rid of (gen.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- overstepping, transgressing, neglect, violation, non-performance, disregard of (gen. or comp.) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c
- violation of established order, transgression, crime, vice, fault, sin against (gen. or comp.) Āpast. Mn. MBh. &c
- inverted order, reverse, contrary, Śrs. Daś. atikramaṇa n. (ifc.) committing a sin against, wronging Kauś
- vy-ati-√krḍatikramin mfn. (ifc.) sinning against, wronging Āpast
- passing over, deviating, transgressing MW
- vy-ati-√krḍatikrānta mfn. passed over &c
- reversed, inverted W
- one who has wrongly taken to (acc.) MBh. xii, 6492
- n. transgression, sin, fault R
- vy-ati-√krḍatikrānti f. (ifc.) committing a sin against, harming, wronging Sāh
- vy-ati-kṣepa m. (kṣip) mutual exchange or permutation Āpast
- mutual altercation, strife, contest MBh. (vḷ. vy-adhi-kṣepa)
- vy-ati-√gam P. -gacchati, to go against each other Pāṇ. 1-3, 15 Sch
- vy-ati-√gḍatigata mfn. passed by, elapsed (as time) MBh
- vy-ati-√gā P. -jigāti (only aor. vy-aty-agāt), to pass by Ragh
- vy-ati-√car (only 1. sg. pr. Ā. -care), to transgress against, offend (acc.) R
- vy-ati-√cḍaticāra See a-vyaticāra
- vy-ati-cumbita mfn. (√cumb) touched closely, in immediate contact with Naish
- vy-ati-√jalp P. -jalpati, to chatter together, gossip Pāṇ. 1-3, 15 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- vy-ati-√ji (only 3. sg. pf. Ā. -jigye), to conquer, surpass, excel Bhaṭṭ
- vy-ati-√tan (only 3. du. impf. Ā. vy-atanvāsām), to vie with each other in extending or spreading out Bhaṭṭ
- vy-ati-√tṝ (only 3. sg. du. fut. P. -tariṣyati), to pass completely across, overcome Bhag
- vy-ati-√nī P. -nayati, to let pass (time) AśvŚr
- vy-ati-√paṭh P. -paṭhati, to recite mutually Pāṇ. 1-3, 15 Vārtt. .1 Pat
- vy-ati-pāka m. (√pac) Pāṇ. 3-3, 43 Vārtt. 1
- vy-ati-pāta m. (√pat) N. of a partic. astronomical Yoga (when sun and moon are in the opposite Ayana and have the same declination, the sum of their longitudes being = 180 degrees) Var. Hcat. &c. (cf. vy-atī-pāsa)
- -janana-śānti f. -prakarana n. -vrata-kalpa m. N. of wks
- vy-ati-√bhā Ā. -bhāte (pf. -babhe), to shine forth fully or brightly (used impers.) Viddh
- vy-ati-bhinna mfn. (√bhid) inseparably joined or connected with Nyāyas. Sch
- vy-atibheda m. bursting forth together or simultaneously Sāh
- pervading, penetration Nyāyas
- vy-ati-√bhū Ā. -bhavate (3. sg. prec. -bhaviṣīṣṭa Pāṇ. 7-3, 88 Sch.), to vie with any one (acc.), contend for precedence or superiority Vop. [Page 1030, Column]
- vy-ati-marśa m. (√mṛś) a partic. kind of Vihāra (mutual transposition of the several Pādas or half verses or whole verses of the first and second Vālakhilya hymns which are repeated in sets, two always taken together) MW
- vy-ati-marśḍatimarśam ind. so as to encroach ĀśvŚr
- so as to skip or take alternately MW
- vy-ati-miśra mfn. mixed or confounded with one another MBh. VarBṛS
- vy-ati-mūḍha mfn. (√muh) excessively perplexed or embarrassed, utterly distracted Hariv
- vy-ati-mūḍhḍatimoha See á-vyatimoha
- vy-ati-√yā P. -yāti, to go completely through, penetrate, pervade R
- to pass by, flow on (as time) Hariv
- vy-atiyāta mfn. gone by, elapsed ib
- vy-ati-√yu P. yauti (only 2. du. pr. -yutas), to unite mutually, mix together, mingle Bhaṭṭ
- vy-ati-√rā Ā. -rāte Siddh. (vyaty-are Pāṇ. 6-4, 64 Sch.)
- vy-ati-√ric Pass. -ricyate, to reach far beyond, leave behind, surpass, excel (acc. or abl.) Hariv. Ragh
- to be separated from (abl.) BhP
- to differ from ib. Śaṃk
- vy-atirikta mfn. reaching beyond, excessive, immoderate (ifc. = abundantly furnished with) MBh
- separate, different or distinct from, other than (abl. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- (ifc.) free from Sarvad
- left remaining from Ragh. Sch. (v. l.)
- with drawn, withheld W
- excepted ib
- (am), ind. with the exception of, except, without (e. g. svara-v○, 'except the accent') MW
- -tā, f. (BhP.), -tva, n. (Sarvad.) distinction, difference
- vy-atiriktḍatiriktaka n. a partic. manner of flying MBh
- vy-atireka m. distinction, difference, separateness, separation, exclusion Lāṭy. Kāv. Pur. &c. (bhāvo vyatireka-tas, a separate or particular existence
- vii7ta-vyatireka, not separate or particular
- eṇa or āt ind. [or vyatireka ibc.], with exception of, without)
- negation Kap
- contrariety, contrast to (comp.) Kām. (e ind., on the contrary supposition)
- logical discontinuance (opp. to anvaya, q.v.) Bhāshāp
- (in rhet.) a partic. figure of speech (the contrasting of things compared in some respects with each other) Kāvyâd
- . Sāh &c. N. of wk
- -tas ind., See above
- -vyāpti f. 'pervasion of difference or dissimilitude', a comprehensive argument derived from negation or non-existence of certain qualities MW
- ○kâlaṃkāra m. the rhetorical figure called Vyatireka ib
- ○kâvalī f. N. of wk
- vy-atireki in comp. for
- vy-ḍatirekin
- -pūrvapakṣa-rahasya n. -rahasya n. N. of wks
- -liṅga n. an exclusive mark, negative property (excluding its subject from the class possessing the corresponding positive property) MW
- -siddhânta-rahasya n. N. of wk
- ○ky-udāharaṇa n. illustration by contrast or negation (of certain properties) W
- vy-atirekin mfn. distinguishing, excluding, excepting, negative Tarkas
- different, reverse W
- vy-atirecana n. contrasting, pointing out a contrast or difference (in a comparison) Sāh
- vy-ati-√ruh P. -rohati, to grow MBh
- to attain to (another state, acc.) ib
- vy-atiropita mfn. (fr. Caus.) ejected, expelled, dispossessed ib
- vy-ati-laṅghin mfn. (√laṅgh) falling or slipping away Ragh
- vy-ati-√lū Ā. -lunīte (or P. -lunāti, if joined with itarêtarasya, or anyo'nyasya), to cut mutually Pāṇ. 1-3, 14 ; 16 Sch
- vy-ati-√vāh Ā. -vahate, to bear mutually or reciprocally Vop
- vy-ati-viddha mfn. (√vyadh) pierced, transfixed MBh. (B.)
- put through, entwined Śiś
- vy-ati-√vṛt Ā. -vartate, to go over, pass through R
- to escape, avoid MBh
- to glide or pass away, elapse ib. R. Hariv
- to depart from (abl.), leave, quit, abandon R. [Page 1030, Column]
- vy-ati-√vraj P. -vrajati, to go past Āpast
- to stride over, overstep Pañcat. (v. l.)
- vy-ati-śaṅkita mfn. (√śaṅk), 'suspecting' or 'suspected' (in mithyā-v○) Hariv
- vy-ati-√śī Ā. -śete, to extend or pass beyond, surpass Kāṭh
- vy-ati-√śrī P. -śīryate (pr.p. -śīryat), to burst into many pieces MBh
- vy-ati-ṣañj (√sanj) P. Ā. -ṣajati, ○te, (P.) to join or unite in opposite places, connect mutually, intertwine TBr. Uttarar
- to implicate, involve in (a game) Daś
- (Ā.) to change MW.: Pass. -ṣajyate, to be mutually connected ib
- vy-atiṣakta mfn. mutually connected or joined or related, intertwined, mixed together TBr. &c. &c
- intermarried, intermarrying MW
- vy-atiṣaṅga m. mutual connection, reciprocal junction or relation PañcavBr. KātyŚr
- entanglement Śiś. v, 61
- hostile encounter MBh
- exchange, barter BhP
- absorption MW
- -vat mfn. having mutual connection, connected, united, mixed ib
- vy-atiṣáṅgam ind. so as to join or connect mutually ŚBr
- vy-atiṣáṅgḍatiṣaṅgin mfn. (ifc.) hanging or sitting on Śiś
- vy-atiṣáṅgḍatiṣajya ind. seizing each other by the hand PañcavBr
- vy-atiṣañjita nafn. = vy-atiṣakta Śiś. Sch
- vy-ati-saṃ-√dah P. -dahati, to burn up entirely ChUp
- vy-ati-√sṛ only ind. p. -sṛtya, prob. 'in each case', on every occasion' MBh. xii, 4402 (gurum anu-sṛtya Nīlak.): Caus. -sārayati (with kathām), to converse Divyâv
- vy-ati-√sṛp P. -sarpati (Pāṇ. 1-3, 15), to move to and fro, fly in every direction (as arrows) MBh
- vy-ati-√sev Pass. -sevyate, to be well furnished or provided with (instr.) MBh. vii, 7297
- vy-ati-√han P. -hanti, to strike back or in return MBh. Bhaṭṭ
- to strike each other, fight together Pāṇ. 1-3, 15: to kill together Pat
- vy-ati-√has P. -hasati, to laugh at each other Pāṇ. 1-3, 15 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- vy-ati-√hiṃs P. -hiṃsati, to hurt or injure each other Pāṇ. 1-3, 15 Sch
- vy-ati-√hṛ Ā. -harate (Vop.), to transpose mutually Gobh
- vy-atihāra m. interchange, alternation, reciprocity Pāṇ. Vop
- exchange, barter Kāṭh
- exchange of blows or abuse W
- vy-atī (ati-√i), P. -atyeti, to pass away, elapse MBh. R. &c
- to take an irregular course PañcavBr
- to depart or deviate or swerve from (abl.) R. Ragh
- to go past or beyond or through (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to surpass, overcome, conquer MBh
- to disregard, neglect Bhag
- vyatī7ta mfn. passed away, gone Mn. MBh. &c
- departed, dead MBh
- left, abandoned Prab
- (ifc.) having disregarded or neglected R
- tardy, negligent ib
- -kāla mfn. one whose time is past, unseasonable, inopportune Ragh
- vy-atyaya m. transposition, transmutation, change, reverse, inverted order, contrariety (with karmaṇām, inverted or reverse occupation
- e, in the opposite case
- am, alternately
- āt and ena, against the usual rule rule or order) Lāṭy. Yājñ. Kāv. &c
- -ga mfn. moving in the opposite direction VarBṛS
- vy-atī-kāra m.= 1. vy-atikara, contact, hostile encounter Hariv
- vy-atī7kṣā f. (vy-ati-īkṣā) Pāṇ
- . iii, 3, 43 Vārtt. 4
- vy-atī-pāta m. = vy-ati-pāta Āryabh. (here also = vaidhṛta) Hcat
- a great calamity or any portent indicating it L
- disrespect, contempt W
- the day of new moon (when it falls on Ravi-vāra or Sunday, and when the moon is in certain Nakshatras) ib
- vy-atī7hā f. (fr. vy-ati-√īh) Pāṇ. 3-3, 43 Vārtt. 4. [Page 1031, Column]
- vy-atīhāra m.= vy-atihāra, q.v
- vy-aty-√as Ā. -ati-ste (1. sg. -ati-he, 2. sg. -ati-se Pāṇ. 7-4, 50 ; 52), to be above, excel, surpass Bhaṭṭ
- vy-aty-asta mfn. (√2. as) thrown or placed in an inverted position, reversed, inverted W
- placed across or crosswise, crossed (as the hands) Mn. ii, 72
- perverse, preposterous Bhām
- vy-atyāsa m. exchange, barter Lāṭy. MBh
- change, inverted order, reverse (ena and āt, 'invettedly, alternately') VarBṛS. Suśr
- vy-atyāsḍatyā́sam ind. alternating, alternately ŚBr. ŚrS
- having inverted, having placed crosswise MW
- vy-aty-√ūh P. -ūhati, to place or arrange differently Kāṭh
- vyath c1. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xix, 2) vyáthate (ep. also ○ti
- pf. vivyathe, 3. pl. ○thuḥ MBh
- aor. vyathiṣi AV
- Subj vyathiṣat Br
- fut. vyathitā, ○thiṣyate Gr
- inf. vyathitum ib., Ved. inf. vyathiṣyai), to tremble, waver, go astray, come to naught, fail RV. &c. &c. (with abl. = to be deprived of lose
- wish caritra-tas, to abandon the path of virtue)
- to fall (on the ground) Mn. vii, 84 ('to be dried up' Kull.)
- to cease, become ineffective (as poison) Kām
- to be agitated or disturbed in mind, be restless or sorrowful or unhappy AV. &c. &c
- to be afraid of (gen.) R. Caus. vyatháyati (aor. vivyathas Br
- vyathayīs AV.), to cause to tremble or fall RV. &c. &c
- to cause to swerve from (abl.) Bhaṭṭ
- to disquiet, frighten, agitate, Pain, afflict MBh. Kāv. &c.: Pass. of Caus. vyathyate, to be set in restless motion Suśr.: Desid. vivyathiṣate Gr.: Intens. vāvyathyate, vāvyatti ib
- vyatha See jala-vyatha
- vyathaka mfn. agitating, frightening, afflicting Kir
- vyathana mfn. greatly disturbing or perplexing MBh
- n. tottering, wavering Pāṇ. 5-4, 46
- alteration, change (of a sound) RPrāt
- feeling pain. Suśr
- vexing, tormenting Dharmaś
- piercing, perforating (= vyadhana) Āpast
- vyathanīya mfn. to be pained or afflicted or disturbed W
- vyathayitṛ mfn. (fr. Caus.) one who inflicts torture or punishment Mṛicch
- vyathā́ f. agitation, perturbation, alarm, uneasiness, pain, anguish, fear MBh. Kāv. &c. (vyathāṃ-√kṛ, either, 'to cause pain' or 'to feel pain')
- loss, damage, ill-luck ŚBr. VarBṛS
- (with hṛdi or hṛdaye), palpitation, throbbing of the heart Suśr
- ○kara mfn. causing pain (bodily or mental), painful, excruciating W
- ○"ṣkula (vyathâk○), mfn. agitated by fear or anguish Pañcat
- ○"ṣkrānta (vyathâkr○), mfn. id. Kathās
- ○"ṣtura (vyathât○), mfn. suffering pain, pained R
- ○"ṣnvita (vyathânv○), mfn. id. MW
- ○ráhita mfn. free from pain W
- ○vat mfn. full of pain MW
- vyathi See a-vyathí
- vyathitá mfn. tottering, rocking, reeling R
- troubled, changed (as colour) Daś
- disquieted, agitated, perturbed, distressed, afflicted MBh. Kāv. &c
- painful, causing pain BhP
- vyathitavya mfn. to be pained or distressed MW
- vyathin See a-vyathin
- vyathiṣa See a-vyathiṣa
- vyáthis mfn. tottering, wavering, sloping RV
- secret, unobserved by (gen.) ib
- insidious, fallacious, deceitful ib. AV. (accord. to some always n. = 'way, course)
- n. perturbation, anger Naigh. ii, 13
- vyathya See a-vyathyá
- vyathyayas wṛ. fur a-vyatháyas ( See a-yathí) Naigh. i, 14
- vy-√ad P. -atti, to bite through or on all sides, gnaw, nibble, eat R
- vy-advará m. (vy-ádvarī f. AV.) a gnawing animal ŚBr. (cf. vyadhvará)
- vyadya n. a partic. Sûkta Kauś
- vyadh cl. 4. P. (Dhātup. xxvi, 72) vídhyati (ep. also ○te
- pf. p. vivyādha Br. &c
- 3. pl. vivyadhuḥ MBh., vividhuḥ Up
- Ā. vivyadhe MBh
- p. vividhvás RV
- aor. vyātsīḥ Br
- Prec. vidhyāt Gr
- fut. veddhā, vetsyati, ○te MBh
- vyaddhā, vyatsyati Gr
- inf. veddhum MBh
- -vidhe RV
- ind. p. viḍḍhvā, -vidhya MBh.), to pierce, transfix, hit, strike, wound RV. &c. &c. [Page 1031, Column]
- (with sirām) to open a vein, bleed Suśr
- to pelt with (instr.) RV. AV. MBh
- to inflict, attach to, affect with (acc. of pers. and instr. of thing) RV. AV. Br. Up
- to shake, wave MBh
- (in astron.) to fix the position of a heavenly body Gol
- to cling to (acc.) ŚBr.: Caus. [vy�Adhayati], (ep. also vedhayati
- aor. aviividhat or avivyadhat), to pierce, open (a vein) MBh. Suśr
- to cause to pierce or perforate AitĀr.: Desid. vivyatsati, to wish to affect or taint with (instr.) ŚBr.: Intens. vevidhyate or vāvyaddhi (?), Gr
- viddhá &c. See p. 966, col. 2
- vedha
- vedhaka &c. See 2. vedha, p. 1018, col. 1
- vyadha m. piercing, hitting, striking, a stroke, wound Śiś
- cutting, opening (of a vein) Suśr
- (ā), f. bleeding MW
- vyadhana mfn. piercing, perforating Suśr
- n. the act of piercing or perforating or severing (a vein) ib
- (ifc.) chase, hunting Hcar
- vyadhya mfn. to be pierced or perforated Suśr. (-sira mfn. one who is to be bled ib.)
- a bowstring L
- a butt, mark to shoot at W
- vyadhvará mfn. piercing, perforating, boring (as a worm) AV. (cf. vy-advará)
- vyādha in. 'one who pierces or wounds', a hunter, one who lives by killing deer (said to be the son of a Kshatriya by a low-caste mother) Mn. MBh. &c
- a low man, wicked person L
- ○gīti f. a hunter's cry (in calling animals) Kād
- ○tā f. the state or business of a hunter Vishṇ
- ○bhīta m. 'afraid of hunters', a deer W
- vyādhaka m. a hunter Kauś
- vyādhāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become or be like a hunter, Śṛiṅgār
- vyādhi See vy-ādhi, p. 1037, col. 1
- vyādhín mfn. piercing, perforating VS
- vyādhin mfn. (fr. vyadha) possessing (i.e. frequented by) hunters Nalôd
- vyādhya mfn. to be pierced or cut (as a vein) Suśr
- mṆ. of Siva MBh. vii, 2877 (vḷ. vyādha)
- vyadhika (prob. wṛ. for hy-adhika) Kām
- vy-adhikaraṇa vy-adhva &c. See p. 1028, col. 3
- vy-adhi-kṣepa m. (√kṣip) invective, harsh language MBh
- vy-√an P. -aniti, to respire, breathe, inhale and exhale RV
- to draw in the breath through the whole body ŚBr
- vy-āna m. one of the five vital airs (that which circulates or is diffused through the body
- personified as a son of Udāna and father of Apâna
- cf. prâṇa) AV. &c. &c
- -dā́ mfn. giving breath VS
- -dṛ́h mfn. (nom. -dhṛ́k) making the Vyāna strong or durable TS. Kāṭh
- bhṛ́t mfn. maintaining the Vyāna ŚBr
- ○nôdâná m. du. Vyāna and Udāna AV
- vy-anu-√dhā (only 3. pl. pf. Ā. -dhire), to unfold, display RV. i, 166, 10
- vy-anu-√nad Caus. -nādayati, to cause to resound, fill with noise or cries Bhag
- vy-anu-√nḍanunāda m. reverberation, loud and extending sound or noise W
- vy-anu√sṛ P. -sarati, to roam or wander through (acc.) MBh
- to pervade Suśr
- vy-anta vy-antara &c. See p. 1028, col. 3
- vy-anv-ā-√rabh Ā. -rabhate, to lay hold of or touch on both sides AitBr
- vy-anv-ḍārambhaṇa n. laying hold of or touching on both sides Sāy
- vyap (vḷ. vyay, See 2. vyay), cl. 10. P. vyāpayati, to throw Dhātup. xxxii, 95
- to throw away, waste, diminish (cf. vyay) L
- vy-apa-kṛṣ P. -karṣati, to draw or drag away or off MBh. R
- to lead astray, seduce MBh
- to take off (as clothes), undress ib
- to take away, remove, give up, abandon Mn. MBh. &c
- vy-apḍapakarṣa m. exception (from a rule), Patr
- vy-apḍapakṛṣṭa mfn. drawn off, taken away, removed MBh
- vy-apa-√kram P. -krāmati, to go off retire, depart R. [Page 1031, Column]
- vy-apa-√gam P. -gacchati, to go away, retreat, escape, disappear MBh. Kāv. &c
- to move away from, be entirely removed or distant VarBṛS
- vy-apa-√gḍapagata mfn. gone away, disappeared ( See comp.)
- fallen away from (abl.) R
- -tilakagātra-tā f. the having limbs free from freckles (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84
- -raśmi-vat mfn. whose rays have disappeared, ray less Sūryas. Sch
- -śuc mfn. whose sorrow his departed, free from grief. MW
- vy-apa-√gḍapagama m. passing away, lapse (of time) Kull. on Mn. v, 66
- disappearance Amar
- vy-apa-√trap Ā. -trapate (rareIy ○ti), to turn away through shame, become shy or timid MBh. R
- vy-apa-√trḍapatrapā f. (for vy-apatrapa, See p. 1028, col. 3) shame, embarrassment R
- vy-apa-√trḍapatrāpya (?), n. id. Divyâv
- vy-apa-√diś P. -diśati, to point out, indicate, intend, mean, designate, name, mention MBh. Kāv. &c. (often Pass. -diśyate, 'so it is represented or intended or signified')
- to represent falsely, feign, pretend MBh. R. Prasannar
- vyapadiṣṭa mfn. pointed out &c
- informed W
- tricked ib
- pleaded as an excuse ib
- vy-apadeśa m. representation, designation, information, statement RPrāt. ŚrS. &c.: a name, title Uttarar
- a family, race Śak
- summons (of an army) R
- appeal to (gen.) Pañcat
- talk, speech MBh. iii, 8665 (Nīlak.)
- a partic. form of speech MW
- fame, renown ( See comp.)
- fraud, stratagem, pretext, excuse (ena, under pretext or excuse [also -tas], ifc. = under the pretext of) MBh. Kāv. &c
- -vat mfn. having a partic. designation or name (with pitṛ-tas, designated by the name of the father) Pat
- ○śârtham ind. for the purpose of (acquiring) renown Mn. vii, 168. ○apadeśaka mfn. designating, indicating BhP
- vy-apadeśḍapadeśin mfn. having a name or designation L
- (ifc.) denoting, indicating Śaṃk
- (ifc.) conforming to, following the advice of. R
- vy-apadeśḍapadeśya mfn. to be designated or indicated or named R. Pat. Saṃk
- to be censured or blamed Hariv
- vy-apadeśḍapadeṣṭṛ mfn. one who represents or shows or names W
- one who represents falsely, a cheat, impostor ib
- vy-apa-√dṛś Pass, -dṛśyate, to be clearly seen, be distinctly visible MBh
- vy-apa-√naś Caus. -nāśayati, to cause to disappear or perish, drive away, remove MBh
- vy-apa-√nī P. -nayati (inf. -netum, or -nayitum), to lead or take away MBh. R
- to drive away, remove, banish ib. &c
- to pour out or away AitBr
- to take off, lay aside, get rid of (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -nāyayati, to cause to take away or remove MBh
- vy-apanaya m. taking away, removal MBh. (vḷ. vy-apayana)
- vy-apanayḍapanayana n. tearing off, removing Veṇis
- vy-apanīta mfn. led off, taken away, removed R
- vy-apanītḍapaneya mfn. to be taken away or removed MBh
- vy-apa-√nud P. -nudati, to drive away, remove MBh
- vy-apḍapanutti f. driving away, removal AitBr
- vy-apa-√muc P. -muñcati, to loosen, take off R
- vy-apa-√yā P. -yāti, to go away, retire, withdraw MBh. Hariv
- to pass away, vanish R. ○apayāta mfn. gone away, retired MBh
- vy-apḍapayāna n. retreat, flight ib
- vy-apa-√rudh (only 2. sg. Intens. -rorudhaḥ), to exclude from sovereignty, dethrone R. (B.)
- vy-apa-√ruh Caus. -ropayati, to lay aside, remove, take off R
- to deprive of. expel from (instr. or abl.) MBh
- to √up, eradicate, extirpate ( See next)
- vy-aparopaṇa n. rooting up, extirpating, removing, destroying Kām. Sarvad
- tearing out, pulling (cf. keśa-vy○)
- vy-aparopaṇḍaparopita mfn. rooted up, extirpated, removed, expelled W
- vy-apa-vah See vy-apôh
- vy-apa-viddha mfn. (√vyadh) thrown about, broken to pieces (-bṛśī-maṭha mfn. with abandoned seats and cells) MBh. [Page 1032, Column]
- cast away, rejected MBh
- pierced, transfixed MBh
- vy-apa-vṛj Caus. -varjayati, to give up entirely, relinquish Ragh
- vy-apavarga m. separation, division, difference Pat
- cessation, termination, jaim
- vy-apavṛkta mfn. separated, divided Pat
- vy-apa-√vṛt Ā. -vartate, to turn away, desist from (abl.), Uttarar
- vy-apa-saṃ-√sṛ (only ind. p. -sṛtya), to go through (a series of existences) Divyâv
- vy-apa-√sṛ P. -sarati, to go asunder or in different directions MBh
- to depart from (abl.) Sarasv
- vy-apḍapasāraṇa n. (fr. Caus.) driving away, dispelling Rāghav
- vy-apa-√sṛj P. -sṛjati, to hurl, cast, discharge (arrows &c.) MBh
- to take off, relinquish (a garment) ib
- vy-apa-√sṛp P. -sarpati, to go or creep or run away, escape MBh
- vy-apa-√sphur Ā. -sphurate, to break (intr.) or burst asunder KātyŚr. Sch
- vy-apḍapasphuraṇa n. bursting asunder KātyŚr
- vy-apa-√han P. -hanti, to strike off R. (B.)
- to keep off, prevent Sāh
- vy-apa-√hā (only ind. p. -hāya), to relinquish, abandon Hariv
- vy-apa-√hṛ P. Ā. -harati, ○te, to cut off MBh
- to take away, remove, destroy Rājat
- vy-apâ-kṛta mfn. (√I. kṛ) free from (comp.) Naish
- vy-apâ-kṛtḍapâkṛti f. driving away, repelling, denial W
- vy-apâ-√kriṣ (only inf. -kraṣṭum), to drag or draw away, tear off MBh
- vy-apā-√nud (apā m.c. for apa), P. -nudati, to drive away, remove MBh
- vy-apâ-√śri P. Ā. -srayati, ○te, to go to for refuge, have recourse to (acc.) MBh
- to adhere to any doctrine, confess (acc.) Saṃk
- vyapâśraya m. (for 1 . See p. 1028, col. 3) going away, secession MW
- seat, place (ifc. = being in or on) R. Kām. Suśr
- place of refuge, shelter, support (ifc.= having recourse to, trusting in) MBh. R. &c
- expectation W
- vyapâśrayḍapâśrita mfn. one who has taken refuge with (acc. or comp.) MBh. Kathās
- having taken or assumed MBh. BhP
- vy-apâ-√hṛ P. -harati, to withdraw from (abl.) MBh
- vy-apé (-apa- √5. i) P. -apâiti, to go apart or asunder, separate MBh
- to cease, disappear Mn. Prab
- vy-apâya m. cessation, stop, end MBh. R. &c
- absence, want Kathās
- vy-apêta mfn. gone apart or asunder, separated MBh
- passed away, disappeared, ceased Mn. MBh. &c
- (ifc.) opposed to Yājñ
- -kalmaṣa mfn. having taint or guilt removed, free from sin Mn. iv, 260
- -ghṛṇa mfn. devoid of compassion, pitiless Amar
- -dhairya mfn. one who has abandoned firmness MBh
- -bhaya or -bhī mfn. free from fear ib
- -mada-matsara mfn. free from infatuation and selfishness Yājñ
- -harṣa mfn. devoid of joy R
- vy-apêkṣ (-apa-√ikṣ), Ā. -apêṣate, to look about, look for, regard, mind, pay regard or attention to (acc.) R. Ragh
- vy-ḍapêkṣa (ifc.), See ○apêkṣā below
- vy-ḍapêkṣaka mfn. mindful of (comp.) MBh
- vy-ḍapêkṣaṇa n. looking for, expectation, regard, consideration W
- vy-ḍapêkṣaṇiya mfn. to be looked for or expected ib
- vy-ḍapêkṣā f. regard, consideration (ifc. regarding, minding) MBh. R. &c
- looking for, expectation (ifc. expectant of) BhP. Kathās
- requisite, supposition ( See sa-vy○)
- application, use W
- (in gram.) rection Pāṇ. 2-1, 1 Sch
- the mutual application of two rules W
- vy-ḍapêkṣita mfn. looked for, expected MW
- mutually expected or looked to ib
- mutually related
- employed, applied ib. [Page 1032, Column]
- vy-ḍapêkṣya mfn. to be looked for or expected ib
- vy-apôh (-apa- √1. ūh) P. -apôhati (ep. also ○te), to drive away, keep off, remove, destroy TUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- to atone for, expiate (guilt) Mn. ii, 102 &c
- to heal, cure (sickness) Suśr
- vy-ḍapôḍha mfn. driven away, removed, destroyed (○dhâbhra mfn. having the clouds driven away) MBh
- manifested, displayed, exhibited ib
- opposite, contrary, reverse W
- vy-ḍapôha m. driving away, keeping off, removal, destruction MBh. Suśr
- denial, negation Sāh
- sweepings, rubbish MBh
- -stava m. N. of a ch. of the LiṅgaP
- vy-ḍapôhaka mfn. driving away, removing Car
- vy-ḍapôhaka mfn. driving away, removing Car
- vy-ḍapôhanastotra n. N. of a Stotra (prob. = vyapôha-stava)
- vy-ḍapôhya mfn. deniable ( See a-vy○)
- vy-abhi-√car P. Ā. -carati, to act in an unfriendly way towards (acc. or gen.), sin against, offend, injure MBh.: Kathās
- to bewitch, practise sorcery (pl. 'against each other') Lāṭy. Kathās
- to come to naught, fail, Bījag. BhP
- to go beyond, transgress, deviate from (acc. Kir. Pāṇ. Sch
- vy-abhi-√cḍabhicaraṇa n. uncertainty, doubt ( See savyabhī7caraṇa)
- vy-abhicāra m. going apart or astray, deviating, not falling or fitting together, being separated or isolated Kap. Bhāshāp. &c. (cf. a-vy○)
- trespass, transgression, crime, vice, sin (esp. infidelity of a wife) Mn. MBh. &c
- violation, disturbance, confusion Mn. x, 24 &c
- charge, mutation (in a-vy○ mfn. ) Bhag
- (in phil.) wandering from an argument, erroneous or fallacious reasoning, the presence of the hetu (q.v.) without the sādhya (q.v.) MW
- (in gram.) deviation from or exception to a rule, irregularity, anomaly ib
- -kṛt mfn. committing adultery Rājat
- -tas ind. in consequence of straying or erring Sāh
- (in phil.) from the Vyabhicāra involved in the other supposition MW. -tā f. -tva n. error ib
- -nirūpaṇa-khaṇḍa, N. of wk
- -bhāva wṛ. for vyabhicāri-bh○, Cat -vat mfn a-vyabhicāra-vat
- -vivarjita mfn. free from extravagance or debauchery Hit
- ○rârtham ind. for the sake of (committing) adultery Pāṇ. 4-1, 127 Sch
- vy-abhicāri in comp. for
- vy-abhiḍcārin
- -tā f. -tva n. the state of going apart or astray, deviation, alteration, change, variability Saṃk. Bhāshāp
- (-tva, in gram.) the having a secondary meaning or several meanings Pāṇ. Sch
- -bhāva m. a transitory state (of mind or body, opp. to sthāyi-bh○ q.v., and said to be thirty-four in number, viz. nirveda, glāni, śaṅkā, asūyā, mada, śrama, ālasya, dainya, cintā, moha, smṛti, dhṛti, vrīḍā, capalatā, harṣa, āvega, jaḍatā, garva, viṣāda, autsukya, nidrā, apasmāra, supta, vibodha, amarṣa, avahitthā, ugratā, mati, upâlambha, vyādhi, unmāda, maraṇa trāsa, vitrarka qq. vv.) Daśar. Kpr. &c
- vy-abhicārin mfn. going astray, straying or deviating or diverging from (abl.) Hariv. Kāv. Kathās. &c
- following bad courses, doing what is improper, profligate, wanton, unchaste (esp. said of women), faithless towards (gen.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- changeable, inconstant (opp. to sthāyin
- cf. ○ri-bhāva above) MBh. Sāh. Pratāp
- (ifc.) transgressing, violating, breaking (see, samaya-vy○)
- irregular, anomalous MW
- (a word) having a nonprimitive or secondary meaning, having several meanings ib
- (iṇī), f. a wanton woman, unchaste wife, adulteress W
- n. anything transitory (as feelings &c.) ib
- vy-abhīcāra m. transgression, offence MBh
- change, alteration ib
- vy-abhi-māna m. (√man) n. false apprehension or notion, erroneous view Nyāyas
- vy-abhi-hāsa m. (√has) derision, ridicule, Apast
- vy-abhra vy-amla, See p. 1028, col. 3
- vyay cl.1, P.Ā. vyayati, ○te (rather Nom. fr. vyaya below), to expend, spend, waste Bhaṭṭ. Hit. Subh
- cl. 10. P. vyayayati id. Dhātup. xxxv, 78
- to go, move ib
- vyaya mfn. (or vy-aya, fr. 3. vi + √5. i) passing away, mutable, liable to change or decay (only as opp. to or connected with a-vyaya), Mn MBh. Pur
- m. (ifc. f. ā) disappearance, decay, ruin, loss MBh. Kāv. &c. [Page 1032, Column]
- spending, expense, outlay, disbursement (opp. to āya, 'income', and often with kośasya, vittasya, dhanasya &c
- without a gen. = 'extravagance, waste, prodigality'
- with loc. or ifc. = 'outlay for or in') Mn. MBh. &c
- cost, sacrifice of (gen. or comp
- vyayena ifc. = 'at the cost of') R. Kālid
- wealth, money Yājñ. ii, 276
- (in gram.) inflection, declension Nir
- N. of the 20th (or 54th) year of Jupiter's cycle VarBṛS. of a serpent-demon MBh
- of Pradhāna MW
- m. or n. = -griha VarBṛS
- ○kara mf(ī)n. one who makes payments Kām
- ○karaṇa or m. a paymaster Pañcad
- ○karaṇaka m. a paymaster Pañcad
- ○karman n. the business of a paymaster Yājñ. R
- ○gata mfn. (v. l. for next)
- ○guṇa mfn. prodigal, spendthrift, one who spends all his money, impoverished MBh
- ○gṛha n. (in astron.) N. of the 12th house from the Lagna VarBṛS
- ○parāñmukha mf(ī)n. averse from expenditure, parsimonious Yājñ. i, 83
- ○bhavana n. = -gṛha VarBṛS
- ○vat mfn. liable to change, not complete, Rprāt
- spending much, prodigal Yājñ
- inflected VPrāt
- ○śālin (Rājat.),
- ○ślla (Kāv.), mfn. disposed to prodigality, wasteful, spendthrift
- ○saha mfn. bearing waste', inexhaustible (as a treasure) Kām
- ○sahiṣṇu mfn. bearing loss of money patiently ib
- ○sthāna n. = -gṛha. Cat
- vyayaka mfn. expending, making payments Kām
- vyáyana n. going apart, separation RV
- vyayamāna mfn. expending, wasting W
- vyayi in comp. for vyayin
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. prodigality, wastefulness MW
- vyayita mfn. expended, spent, dissipated, dispersed Hit
- gone away, declined, fallen into decay W
- vyayitavya mfn. to be expended or spent, Camp
- vyayin mfn. declining, decaying, falling (in udaya-vy○, 'rising and falling') Hit
- expending, spending, prodigal (in bahu-vy○ q.v.)
- vyayī in comp. for vyaya
- ○karaṇa n. the act of expending or disbursing, wasting W
- ○√kṛ P. Ā. -karoti, -kurute, to waste, expend Kathās
- ○kṛta mfn. expended, spent, lavished Kām. Rājat
- ○bhūta mfn. spent, squandered, wasted W
- vyay (vḷ. for vyap), cl. 10. P. vyāyayati, to throw Dhātup. xxxii, 95
- vy-arka See p. 1028, col. 3
- vy-arṇa. 2 See ib. and below under vy-√ard
- vy-artha mf(ā)n. (fr. 3. [vi+artha]) useless, unavailing, unprofitable, vain MBh. &c. &c
- deprived or devoid of property or money Pañcat
- excluded from, having no right (instr.) Āpast
- unmeaning, inconsistent Hariv. Kāvyâd
- = ○tha-nāmaka below MBh
- (am), ind. uselessly, in vain, without having effected one's object Kāv. Pañcat. &c
- -tā f. uselessness (○tāṃ-√yā, or √gam, to become useless) Pañcat. Kusum
- absence of meaning, nonsense R
- falseness MBh
- inoffensiveness MW
- -tva n. absence of meaning, contradictoriness Kāvyâd. Sch
- -nāmaka or -nāman mfn. having a name inconsistent with one's character MBh
- -yatna mfn. useless in its efforts Hit
- ○thī√kṛ P. -karoti, to make useless or superfluous Prab. Kād. k; ○thī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to become useless Naish. Kād
- vy-arthḍarthaka mfn. useless, vain R
- -tā f. (Śiś.) or -tva n. (MW.) uselessness
- vyarthaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make useless or superfluous Campak
- vy-√ard P. -ardati, to flow away ŚBr
- to oppress, harass, pain ( See a-vyarṇa): Caus. -ardayati, to cause to be scattered or dissolved, destroy, annihilate RV
- vy-arṇa or mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 24) oppressed, harassed ( See a-vyarṇa)
- vy-arṇṇa mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 24) oppressed, harassed ( See a-vyarṇa)
- vy-árdhuka mfn. . (√ṛdh) being deprived of (instr.), Maitr. ĀpŚr
- vy-arpaṇā f. (of unknown meaning), Mahāvy
- vy-alīka &c. See p. 1028, col. 3
- vy-ava-kalana n. (√2. kal) separation, subtraction, deduction Col
- vy-ava-kalanḍavákalita mfn. subtracted, deducted Līl
- n. subtraction, deduction ib
- vy-ava-√kṛṣ P. -karṣati, to draw or tear away, alienate MBh. (vḷ. vy-apa-k○). [Page 1033, Column]
- vy-ava-√kṝ P. -kirati, to scatter or pour down or on or about BhP
- vy-avḍavakiraṇā f. mixing together, mixture L
- vy-avḍavakīrṇa mfn. intermixed or filled or set with (instr.) Kām
- vy-ava-krośana n. (√krus) mutual altercation or abuse W
- abuse, reviling (in general). ib
- vy-ava-√gam Ā. -gacchate, to go apart, separate Kāṭh
- vy-ava-√gāh Ā. -gāhate (rarely ○ti), to dive or plunge into, penetrate MBh
- to set in, begin (as night) ib. ○avagaḍha mfn. dived or plunged into, immersed (-vat mfn.) ib
- vy-ava-gṛhīta mfn. (√grah) brought down, bent down ŚBr
- vy-ava-gṛhītḍavagrāham ind. having taken separately, singly ŚāṅkhBr
- vy-ava-cārayitavya mfn. (√car) to be pondered over or considered Mahāvy
- vy-ava-cchid (√chid) P. -cchinatti, to cut off, separate ŚBr. MBh. &c
- to tear asunder, open, sunder R. BhP
- to limit, fix, settle, ascertain BhP
- to resolve on (prati) ib.: Pass. -cchidyate, to be cut off or separated ŚBr
- vy-avacchid f. limitation Harav. ○avacchinna mfn. cut off, separated &c
- distinguished, distinct Tarkas
- interupted ( See a-vyavacchinna)
- vy-avaccheda cutting one's self off from, separation, interruption ( See á-vy○)
- exclusion Sāh
- (ifc.) getting rid of. BhP
- distinction, discrimination Sāh
- a division W
- letting fly (an arrow) R
- -vidyā f. the science of anatomy MW. ○avacchedaka mfn. distinguishing, discriminating (-tva n.) Sāṃkhyak
- excluding (-tva n.) Kull. ○avacchedya mfn. to be excluded Sāh
- vy-ava-tiṣṭhamāna See vyava-√sthā
- vy-ava-√dā (or do
- only ind. p. -dayā), to cut in two, divide Kauś
- vy-ava-dīrṇa mfn. (√dṝ) burst asunder, broken to pieces, distracted R
- vy-ava-√dai Pass. -dāyate (p. -dāyamāna), to be clearly diffused Daś. ○avadāta mfn. clean, clear, bright TĀr
- vy-avadāna n. purification Divyâv
- vy-ava-√dru P. -dravati, to run away Kāṭh
- vy-ava-√dhā P. Ā. -dadhāti, -dkatte, to place apart or asunder ŚāṅkhBr
- to put or place between, interpose Ragh
- to leave out, omit, Kaṭh
- to separate, divide, interrupt BhP.: Pass. -dhīyate, to be separated or divided or interrupted R. BhP.: Caus, -dhāpayati, to separate Naish
- vy-avadhā f. covering or anything that covers L
- vy-avḍavadhātavya n. (impers.) it is to be separated or divided MBh
- vy-avḍavedhātṛ mfn. one who separates or interposes or screens MW
- vy-avadhāna n. intervening, intervention (esp. in gram. 'the intervention of a syllable or letter') Prāt. ĀśvŚr. and e. (ena ind. = 'indirectly' Nīlak.)
- obstruction, hiding from view Ragh
- covering, a cover, screen Kum. Śaṃk
- separation, division BhP
- interruption ib
- cessation, termination ib
- interval, space L
- -vat mfn. (ifc.) covered with Kum
- vy-avadhāyaka mf(ikā)n. intervening, interposing, separating Prāt
- interrupting, disturbing Rājat
- concealing, screening, hiding W
- vy-avadhāyakḍavadhāyika wṛ. for prec
- vyavadhi m. covering, concealing, intervention Siś
- vy-avadheya mfn. to be put in between or interposed MW
- vy-avahita mfn. placed apart or asunder &c
- separated, not contiguous or immediately connected, Prāt
- interrupted, obstructed, disturbed Śak
- screened from view, concealed, covered Śaṃk
- hostile, opposed BhP
- remote, distant BhP
- passed over, surpassed, excelled, put to shame W
- done, acted, performed ib
- vy-ava-√dāv P. -dhāvati, to run in different directions, separate R. [Page 1033, Column]
- to run away, flee from (abl.) MBh
- vy-ava-√dhū P. Ā. -dhūnoti, ○nute, to shake off, ward off, remove Kāṭh. Hariv. R
- to shake about, treat roughly or rudely MBh
- to reject, repel ib. ○avadhūta mfn. one who has shaken off all wordly desires, indifferent in regard to life, resigned MBh
- vy-ava-√dhṛ P. -dhārayati, to fix, settle, establish ĀpŚr
- vy-avḍavadhāraṇa n. accurate determination Nyāyam. Sch
- vyavana (a word used to explain vyoman) Nir. xi, 40
- vy-ava-√nī (only ind. p. -nīya), to pour in separately ŚBr
- vy-ava-√pad Ā. -padyate, to fall down or asunder ŚBr
- vy-ava-√bhakṣ P. -bhakṣayati, to swallow down or eat (in the interval of certain religious rites) PañcavBr
- vy-ava-√bhās Caus. -bhāsayati, to cause to shine out brightly, to illuminate beautifully Kathās
- vy-avḍavabhāsita mfn. brightly illuminated ib
- vy-ava-√muc (only ind. p. -mucya), to unloose, unfasten, take off R
- vy-ava-√ruh P. Ā. -rohati, ○te, to ascend, mount, get upon (acc.) MBh.: Caus. -ropayati (Pass. -ropyate
- p.p. -ropita), to displace, remove, deprive of (abl.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- vy-ava-lambin See a-vy○
- vy-ava-√lī Ā. -līyate, to recline, lie or cower down MBh. Hariv
- vy-ava-lokana n. (√lok) the act of taking a view of Divyâv
- vy-ava-lokanḍavalokita mfn. looked upon, viewed, beheld ib
- vy-ava-√vad P. Ā. -vadati, ○te, to speak ill of. decry PañcavBr
- to begin to speak, break silence ChUp. (Śaṃk.)
- vy-ava-√vḍavavadya mfn. to be spoken ill of or decried PañcavBr
- vy-ava-√vid P. -vetti, to discern, discriminate ŚBr
- vy-ava-√vlī P. -vlināti, to sink down, collapse MaitrS
- vy-ava-√śad (only pf. -śaśāda, -śeduḥ), to fall off or down ŚBr
- vy-ava-√śḍavaśādá m. falling off or down ib
- vy-ava-√ścut P. -ścotati, to ooze, drip off ŚBr
- vy-ava√sad P. -sīdati, to sit down, sink or fall down MBh
- to pine or waste away, perish ib
- vy-avasāya See col. 3
- vy-ava-√sṛj P. Ā. -sṛjati, ○te, to throw, cast, hurl upon (gen.) MBh
- to put or lay down ib
- to dismiss, send away ŚBr
- to distribute, bestow ( See vy-avasarga), to hang on, fasten to (loc.) MBh. viii, 959 (prob. wṛ. for vyava-√sañj)
- vy-avasargá m. setting free, liberation ŚBr
- distributing, bestowing Pāṇ. 5-4, 2
- renunciation, resignation L
- vy-ava-√sṛp P. -sarpati, to creep or steal in AV. TS. Br
- vy-ava-√so P. -syati (ep. also -syate with act. and pass. meaning
- 1. sg. pr. -sāmi
- Pot. -seyam, -set
- fut. -siṣyati), to settle down or dwell separately ŚBr
- to differ (in opinion), contest, quarrel ib
- to separate, divide (opp. to sam-√as) RPrāt
- to determine, resolve, decide, be willing to (acc., dat., artham ifc., or inf.) TBr. &c. &c
- to settle, ascertain, be convinced or persuaded of take for (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to ponder, reflect, consider MBh. Śak
- to make strenuous effort, labour or seek after, make an attempt upon (acc.) MW.: Pass. -sīyate, to be settled or ascertained or fixed on or determined or decided (often impers.) MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -sāyayati, to cause to resolve, encourage to undertake, embolden VS. TS. [Page 1033, Column]
- to incite or instigate to (inf.) Kir
- vy-avasāya m. strenuous effort or exertion Car
- settled determination, resolve, purpose, intention to (loc., acc. with prati, or comp
- ○yam√kṛ MBh. Kāv. &c
- Resolution (personified) R. Pur
- trade, business Campak
- an act, action, performance R
- first impression or perception Nīlak
- state, condition MBh
- artifice, stratagem, trick W
- boasting ib
- N. of Vishṇu MW
- of Śiva ib
- of a son of Dharma by Vapus (daughter of Daksha) ib
- -dvitīya mfn. doubled or attended by (i.e.possessing) resolution BhP
- -buddhi mfn. having a resolute mind ib
- -vat mfn. full of resoluteness or perseverance MBh. Hariv
- -vartin mfn. acting resolutely, resolute Kām
- ○yâtmaka mfn. full of resolve or energy, energetic, laborious MBh
- vy-avasāyḍavasāyin mfn. one who acts resolutely or energetically, resolute, energetic, enterprising, industrious MBh. Kāv. &c
- engaged in trade or business MW
- m. a tradesman, handicraftsman ib
- vy-avasita mfn. finished, ended, done Kāṭh
- decided, determined, resolved, undertaken (also n. impers
- with dat. or inf.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- one who has resolved upon or is determined or willing to (loc., dat., or inf.) Kāv. Pur
- settled, ascertained, known (n. impers.), convinced or sure of anything (with samyak, 'one who has ascertained what is right
- with acc., 'one who has acknowledged anything as true') MBh. BhP
- deceived, tricked, cheated, disappointed L
- energetic, persevering, making effort or exertion W
- n. resolution, determination Kāv. Pur
- an artifice, contrivance Mṛicch
- vy-avasitḍavasiti f. ascertainment, determination, resolution Subh
- vy-avasitḍavaseya n. (impers.) it is to be settled or determined Pat
- vy-avasta mfn. = vy-avasita, Divyáv
- bound (?) ĀśvŚr. (Sch.)
- vy-ava-√stubh P. -stobhati, to interpose certain sounds or interjections in chanting the Sāma-veda Lāṭy
- vy-ava-√sthā Ā. -tiṣṭhate, to go apart, separate from (abl.) ŚāṅkhSr
- to differ respectively Śaṃk
- to halt, stop, stay R
- to prepare or make ready for (dat.) ib
- to be settled, be (logically) true or tenable MBh. Sarvad
- to appear as (nom.) Nir. Sāṃkhyak.: Caus. -sthāpayati, to put down, place VarBṛS. Vās
- to fix on, direct towards (loc.) Kum
- to charge with, appoint to (artham) Hit
- to stop, hold up, prevent from falling MBh. Rājat
- to restore, re-establish Kum. Jātakam
- to settle, arrange, establish, determine, prove to be (logically) tenable Daś. Sarvad
- to give a name Divyâv
- to perform MW
- vy-avatiṣṭhamāna mfn. standing apart W
- vy-avasthā f. respective difference (āyām loc. in each single case) ŚrS. Kap. Śaṃk
- abiding in one place, steadiness Kathās
- fixity, perseverance, constancy MBh. R. &c
- a fixed limit Śiś
- settlement, establishment, decision, statute, law, rule (ayā, instr. according to a fixed rule) BhP. Pāṇ. Sch. Kull
- legal decision or opinion (applied to the written extracts from the codes of law or adjustment of contradictory passages in different codes) W
- conviction, persuasion R
- fixed relation of time or place Pāṇ. 1-1, 34
- rate, proportion Bhpr
- state, condition Kāv. Rājat
- case, occasion, opportunity Rājat. W
- an engagement, agreement, contract ib
- -"ṣtikrama (○sthât○), m. transgression or violation of the law or settled rule, breaking an agreement or contract W
- -"ṣtivartana (○sthât○ ), n. id ib
- -"ṣtivartin (○sthâi○), mfn. transgressing the law, breaking an agreement or contract ib
- -darpaṇa m. -prakāśa m. N. of wks
- -pattra n. a written deed, document L
- -ratna-mālā f. -"ṣrṇava (○thā́rṇ○), m. -sāra-saṃgraha, m. -sâra-saṃcaya m. -setu m. N. of wks
- vy-avḍavasthātṛ mfn. one who settles or determines Pañcar
- vy-avḍavasthāna mfn. persistent (applied to Vishṇu) MBh. xiii, 6991
- n. steadiness, perseverance, continuance in (loc.) MBh. R
- firmness, constancy MBh
- state, condition (pl. 'circumstances') GopBr. Rājat
- regular arrangement or distribution MW
- -prajñapti f. a partic. high number Buddh
- vy-avasthāpaka mfn. (fr. Caus.) settling, arranging, deciding, establishing (-tva n.) Hāsy. Nyāyam. Sch
- vy-avasthāpakḍavasthāpana n. supporting, encouraging R. [Page 1034, Column]
- fixing, establishing, deciding (also in law) Kām. Kull
- vy-avasthāpakḍavasthāpanīya mfn. to be settled or established Kull. on Mn. ix, 242
- vy-avasthāpakḍavasthāpita mfn. arranged, settled Kum
- caused to be placed or arranged W
- vy-avasthāpakḍavasthāpya mfn. to be established or declared (in each single case) Vop
- n. the state of being established &c. MW
- vy-avasthita mfn. placed in order, drawn up (in battle) Bhag
- placed, laid, put, stationed situated, standing or being in or on or at (loc. or comp.) Yājñ. MBh. &c
- standing on the side of taking part with (comp.) Dhūrtas
- contained in (loc.) Sarvad
- used in the meaning of (loc.), signifying (as a word) Cat
- one who has waited or stayed MBh
- based or dependent on (loc.) Kām. Mālatīm. resolved upon (loc.) MBh
- persevering in, sticking or adhering to (loc. or comp
- with vākye, 'abiding in what is said', 'obeying') Yājñ. MBh. &c. intent upon, caring for (loc.) MBh
- settled, established, fixed, exactly determined, quite peculiar or restricted to (loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- constant, unchanging Suśr
- existing, present MBh. Sarvad
- proving, turning out or appearing as (nom. or instr. or ind. p. or adv.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- -tva n. continuance, permanence, duration, Suś
- -vikalpa m. -vibhāṣā f. (in law, gram. &c.) an option fixed or determined in each particular case applicable or omitted throughout (the operation being in one case carried out throughout and in the other omitted throughout) Dāyabh. Kull. APrāt. Pāṇ. Sch
- -viṣaya mfn. limited in sphere or range Uttarar
- vy-avasthitḍavasthiti f. the being placed apart or kept asunder or distinguished, separation, distinction, difference Bhag. Nyāyam. Sarvad. staying, abiding, perseverance in (instr. or loc.) BhP
- constancy, steadfastness Kathās
- fixity, fixed rule or statute, decision, determination Mn. Hariv. &c
- extracting (?) W
- vy-ava-√sraṃs Ā. -sraṃsate, to fall asunder TBr
- vy-ava-√srḍavasraṃsa m. See a-vy○
- vy-ava-√sru P. -sravati, to flow or trickle asunder, dissolve, fail, come to nothing MaitrS.: Caus. -srāvayati, to cause to flow asunder &c. Kāṭh
- vy-avaharaṇa See below
- vy-ava-hāsa (√has), mutual laughter W
- vy-avahita See vy-ava-√dhā
- vy-ava-√hṛ P. Ā. -harati, ○te, to transpose, exchange Nir
- to have intercourse with (instr. or loc.) GṛS. BhP
- to meet (as foes), fight with (instr. with or without sârdham) MBh. to act, proceed, behave towards or deal with (loc.) ib. Kāv. &c
- to be active or busy, work Yājñ. Sch
- to carry on commerce, trade, deal in (loc., instr., or gen.) Āpast. VarBṛS. BhP
- to bet at, play for (gen.) Pāṇ. 2-3, 57 Sch
- to manage, employ make use of (acc.) ib
- to carry on legal proceedings, litigate MW
- to be intent upon, care for cherish (acc.) MBh
- to roam or stroll about ib
- to recover, regain, obtain ib
- to distinguish ib. Pass. -hriyate, to be named or termed or designated Sarvad. Vedântas.: Caus. -hārayati, to allow any one to do what he likes Kull. on Mn. viii, 362 to deal with (acc.) SaddhP.: Pass. of Caus. hāryate, to be named or designated BhP
- vy-avaharaṇa n. a contest at law, litigation L
- vy-avaharaṇḍavahartavya mfn. to be managed or used or employed Kull. on Mn. x, 51
- to be transacted or done (n. impers.) Hariv. Pañcat
- to be litigated or decided judicially W
- vy-avaharaṇḍavahartṛ mfn. one who acts or transacts business, engaged in or occupied with (instr.), Yaljñ. Sāṃkhyak
- observing or following established usages W
- m. the manager of any business, conductor of any judicial procedure, judge, umpire Yājñ. Sch
- one engaged in litigation, a litigant, plaintiff, any one who institutes an action at law W
- an associate, partaker ib
- a Vaiśya L
- vy-avahāra m. doing, performing, action, practice, conduct, behaviour MBh. Kāv. &c. (vyavahāraḥ kāryaḥ, with instr., 'it should be acted according to )
- commerce or intercourse with (saha or comp.) Nir. Kām. &c
- affair, matter Nīlak
- usage, custom, wont, ordinary life, common practice Pat. BhP. Hit
- activity, action or practice of occupation or business with (loc. or comp.) Inscr. Kāv. Kathās
- mercantile transaction, traffic, trade with, dealing in (comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. [Page 1034, Column]
- a contract Mn. viii, 163
- legal procedure, contest at law with (saha), litigation, lawsuit, legal process ( See -matṛkā below) Mn. Yājñ. &c
- practices of law and kingly government IW. 209
- mathematical process Col
- administration of justice Gaut
- (fig.) punishment L
- competency to manage one's own affairs, majority (in law) ib
- propriety, adherence to law or custom ib
- the use of an expression, with regard to, speaking about (tair eva vyavahāraḥ, 'just about these is the question', it is to these that the discussion has reference') Kap. Sāh. Sarvad
- designation Jaim. Sch
- compulsory work L
- a sword L
- a sort of tree L
- N. of a ch. of the Agni-purāṇa
- ○kamalâkara m
- ○kalpataru m
- ○kāṇḍa n. N. of wks
- ○kāla m. the period of action, a mundane period MW
- ○candrôdaya m
- ○camatkāra m
- ○cintámaṇi m. (IW. 305), N. of wks
- ○jña mfn. knowing the ways of the world, acquainted with practice or legal procedure, one competent to manage his own affairs (i.e. one who has passed his 16th year and legally arrived at his majority) Nār
- ○tattva n. N. of a ch. of the Smṛiti-tattva IW. 304
- ○tas ind. according to established practice, practically, conventionally MW
- ○tilaka m. N. of wk. by Bhava-deva Bhaṭṭa
- ○tva n. the state of being common practice or usage or of being the occasion of litigation or of a lawsuit MBh
- ○darpaṇa m. N. of various wks
- ○darśana n. judicial investigation, trial Yājñ. Sch
- ○daśa-ślokī f. N. of wk. on law by Śri-dhara Bhaṭṭa
- ○daśā f. the state of common everyday life or reality Sarvad
- ○dīdhiti f
- ○dīpikā f. N. of wks
- ○draṣṭṛ m. 'examiner of a lawsuit', a judge, ApGṛ. Sch
- ○nirṇaya m. (also with śivakathita) N. of wk
- ○pada n. a title or head of legal procedure, occasion or case of litigation (cf. -mātṛkā below IW. 297), Yljñ
- ○paribhāṣā f
- ○pariśiṣṭa n
- ○prakāśa m
- ○pradīpa m
- ○pradīpikā f. N. of wks
- ○pāda m. the fourth part of a legal process, one of the four stages of a regular lawsuit (these four are, pūrva-pakṣa, uttara-pakṣa, kriyā-pāda, nirṇaya-pāda, qq. vv,
- cf. vyavahārasya prathamaḥ pādaḥ Mṛicch. ix, 8/7) L
- ○prâpta m. one who has attained a knowledge of business or legal procedure, a youth of 16 years of age (cf. -jña) W
- ○mayūkha m. (IW. 305),
- ○mahôdaya m. N. of wks
- ○mātṛkā f. the material or matter of ordinary judicature, legal process in general, any act or subject relating to the formation of legal courts or the administration of justice (arranged under thirty heads in the beginning of the second book or Vyavahalrâdhyāya of the Mitiiiksharā, e.g. 1. vyavahāra-darśanani, 2. vyavahāra-lakṣaṇam, 3. sabhā-sadaḥ, 4. prāḍ-vivākâdiḥ, 5. vyavahāra-viṣayah, 6. rājñaḥ kāryânutpādakatvam, 7. kāryârthini praśnaḥ, 8. āhvānânāhvâne, 9. āsedhah, 10. pratyarthiny āgatelekhyâdi-kartavyatā, 11. pañca-vidho hīnaḥ, 12. kīdṛśaṃ lekhyam, 13. pakṣâbhāsāḥ, 14. anadeyāḥ, 15. ādeyaḥ, and fifteen others) MW
- N. of wk. on Dharma (also called nyāya-m○) by Jīmūta-vāhana
- ○mādhava m. N. of a ch. of the Parāśara-smṛiti-vyākhyā by Mādhavācārya
- ○mārga m. a course or title of legal procedure Yājñ. Sch. (= viṣaya, q.v.)
- ○mālā f
- ○mālikā f
- ○ratna n
- ○ratna-mālā f
- ○ratnâkara m. N. of wks
- ○lakṣaṇa n. a characteristic of judicial investigation MW
- ○vat mfn. having occupation, occupied with (comp.) Mn. x, 37
- m. a man of business Kām
- ○vidhi m. legal enactment, rule of law, the precepts or code by which judicature is regulated, any code of law Yājñ. Sch
- ○viṣaya m. a subject or title of legal procedure, any act or matter which may become the subject of legal proceedings (according to Mn. viii, 4-7 eighteen in number, viz. ṛṇâdānam, nikṣepaḥ, asvāmi-vikrayaḥ, sambhūya-samutthānam, dattasyânapakarma, vetanâdānam, saṃvid-vyatikramaḥ, kraya-vikrayânuśayaḥ, svāmi-pālayor vivādaḥ, sīmā-vivādaḥ, vāk-pāruṣyam, daṇḍa-pāruṣyam, steyam, sāhasam, strī-saṃgrahaṇam, strīpuṃ-dharmaḥ, vibhāgaḥ, dyūtam, āhvayaḥ, qq.vv.)
- ○śataka n. N. of wk. (containing rules of good manners, by Trivikramâcārya)
- ○samuccaya m.,,
- ○sāra m
- ○sārôddhāra m
- ○saukhya n. N. of wks
- ○sthāna n. = -viṣaya Yājñ. Sch
- ○sthiti f. judicial procedure ib
- vyavahārâṃśa m. any part or division of legal procedure MW
- vyavahārâṅga n. the body of civil and criminal law ib. [Page 1034, Column]
- -smṛti-sarvasva n. N. of wk
- vyavahārâbhiśasta mfn. prosecuted, accused, proceeded against legally W
- vyavahārâyogya mfn. unfitted for legal proceedings ib
- m. one incompetent to conduct business, a minor, one not yet of age ib
- vyaváhārârtha-sāra m
- vyavahārārthasmṛtisārasamuccaya3vyavahārârtha-smṛti-sāra-samuccaya m. N. of wks
- vyavahārârthin m. one who has a lawsuit, a plaintiff, accuser Mṛicch. ix, 5/8
- vyavahārâloka m. N. of wk
- vyavahārâsana n. a judgment-seat, tribunal Ragh
- vyavahārôccaya m. N. of wk
- vy-avahāraka m. a dealer, trader Pañcat
- (ikā), f. a female slave R. (B. vyāv○)
- common practice, the ways of the world L
- a broom L
- Terminalia Catappa L
- vy-avahāram ind. alternately Kāṭh
- vy-avahārayitavya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be occupied (esp. with compulsory work) Kull
- vy-avahārika wṛ. for vyāvahārika
- vy-avahārin mfn. acting, proceeding, dealing with (ifc.) Hit. Kull
- transacting, practising (any business or trade) MBh. Yājñ. VarBṛS
- fit or competent for legal proceedings or for affairs, being of age (○ri-tā f. majority in law) Kāty
- relating to a legal process or action W
- customary. usual ib
- m. a man of business, trader, merchant MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of a Mohammedan sect W
- vy-avahārya mfn. to be transacted or practised ( an-av○)
- one who may be associated with Yājñ. MBh
- customary, usual W
- to be employed or used MW
- actionable, liable to a legal process ib
- n. a treasure L
- vy-avahṛt mfn. dealing in (ifc.) Kathās
- (as subst.) usage, practice Harav
- vy-avḍavahṛta mfn. practised, employed, used MW
- n. commerce, intercourse BhP
- vy-avḍavahṛti f. practice, conduct, action Rājat. Sāh
- intercourse Rājat
- business, trade, commerce BhP
- litigation, lawsuit Cat
- speech, talk, rumour ( See dur-vy○)
- -tattva n. N. of a ch. of the Sṃiti-tattva (cf. vyavahāra-t○)
- vy-avahriyamāṇa mfn. being named or designated (-tva n.), Kusum
- vy-ave (-ava-√i), P. -avâuti, to go or pass between, separate ŚBr. Kauś
- (in gram.) to resolve or separate by inserting a vowel, Prat
- to dissolve, decompose MW
- vy-avâya m. intervention, interposition, separation by insertion, being separated by (instr. or comp.) ŚrS. Prāt. Pāṇ
- entering, pervading, penetration MBh. Suśr
- change, transmutation BhP
- sexual intercourse, copulation MBh. VarBṛS. Suśr
- wantonness, lasciviousness BhP
- covering, disappearance W
- interval, space ib
- an obstacle, impediment MW
- n. light, lustre L
- vy-avâyḍavâyin mfn. intervening, separating Prāt. Pāṇ
- pervading, diffusive Suśr. ŚārṅgS. (○yi-tva n. Car.)
- lascivious, lustful Suśr
- m. a libertine W
- any drug possessing stimulating properties, an aphrodisiac ib
- vy-avêta mfn. separated, divided (esp. by insertion of a letter) Prāt. Pāṇ. (-tva n.)
- vy-√aś P. Ā. -aśnoti, -aśnute, to reach, attain Bhaṭṭ
- to obtain, take possession of RV. AV. ŚBr. ĀśvŚr
- to fall to one's share RV. AV
- to pervade, interpenetrate, fill, occupy Ragh. Bhaṭṭ
- vy-aśana m. (for 1. See p. 1028, col. 3) Kāṭh. (a word used in a partic. formula
- other forms are vaiyáśana
- vy-áśniya TS
- vy-aśnuvín VS.)
- vy-áṣṭi f. attainment, success TS. ŚBr. &c
- (in Vedânta) singleness, individuality, a separated aggregate (such as man, viewed as a part of a whole e.g. of the ūniversal ṣoul while himself composed of individual parts
- opp. to sam-aṣṭi, q.v.) Śaṃk. Vedântas
- m. N. of a preceptor ŚBr
- -samaṣṭitā f. the state of individuality and totality Vedântas
- ○ty-abhiprâya m. regarding (a group of objects) singly or individually MW
- vy-√aś P. Ā. -aśnāti, -aśīte, to eat up, consume by eating RV. AV
- vy-aśva &c. See p. 1028, col. 3
- vyaṣṭaka n. (vḷ. for muṣthaka, q.v.) black mustard L
- ○kā f. See p. 1028, col. 3
- vyaṣṭha n. copper L
- vy-as √2 as P. -asyati (ep. pf. vivyāsa as if fr. a √vyas), to throw or cast asunder or about or away, throw (effort) into, divide, separate, dispose, arrange [Page 1035, Column]
- scatter, disperse
- expel, remove RV. &c.&c
- vy-asana n. moving to and fro, wagging (of a tail) Pāṇ. 3-1, 20, Vartt. 3
- throwing (effort) into, assiduity, industry Bhartṛ. Subh
- separation, individuality W
- attachment or devotion or addiction to (loc. or comp.), passion, (esp.) evil passion, sin, crime, vice (said to arise either from love of pleasure or from anger
- eight are enumerated under the first head, vix. mṛgayā, dyūta or akṣa, divā-svapna, parivāda, striyaḥ, mada, taurya-trika, vṛthâtyā
- and eight under the second, viz. paiśunya, sāhasa, droha, irṣyā, asūyā artha-dūṣaṇa vākpāruṣya, daṇḍa-pāruṣya, qq.vv.) Mn. vii, 47, 48 MBh. &c
- favourite pursuit or occupation, hobby MBh. Pañcat. Rājat
- evil predicament or plight, disaster, accident, evil result, calamity, misfortune (vyasanāni pl. misfortunes), ill-luck, distress, destruction, defeat, fall, ruin Mn. MBh. &c
- setting (of sun or moon) Mṛicch. Śak
- fruitless effort L
- punishment, execution (of criminals) MW
- incompetence, inability W
- air, wind ib
- tale-bearing L
- -kāla m. time of need Subh
- prasārita-kara mfn. having the hand stretched forth for (inflicting) calamity Hit
- -prahārin mfn. inflicting calamity, giving trouble or pain W
- -prâpti f. occurrence of calamity Sāh
- -brahmacārin m. a companion of adversity, fellow-sufferer Mudr
- -mahârṇava m. a sea of troubles Mṛicch
- -rakṣin mfn. preserving from calamity R. Kathās
- -vat mfn. one who has had ill-luck with (comp.) Kām
- -vāgurā f. the net or snare of adversity R
- -saṃstkita mfn. one who indulges in any whim or favourite fancy Pañcat
- ○nâkrānta-tva n. distressful condition, grievous distress MW
- ○nâgama m. approach of calamity Śukas
- ○nâtibhāra mfn. weighed down or overburdened with misfortunes MW
- ○nâtyaya m. the passing away of calamity or distress BhP
- ○nânantaram ind. immediately after misfortune Kāv
- ○nâpāta m. (= ○nâgama) Rājat
- ○nâvāpa m. receptacle or abode of calamity BhP
- ○nânvita or ○nâpluta mfn. involved in or overwhelmed with calamity MW
- ○nârta mfn. afflicted by calamity, suffering pain L
- ○nôtsava m. a feast for the (evil) passions, an orgy &c. VarBṛS
- ○nôdaya m. the rising or approaching of misfortune Pañcat
- mfn. followed by or resulting in calamities MBh
- vyasani in comp. for vyasanin
- ○tā f. devotion or attachment to (loc. or comp.), fancy for Kāv. Hit
- an evil passion Kathās
- ○tva n. (ifc.) attachment or addiction to Rājat
- vyasanin mfn. working hard, taking great pains MBh
- (ifc.) passionately addicted to, fond of. Kāv. Kathās
- addicted to any kind of vice or evil practice (as gaming, drinking &c.), vicious, dissolute Yājñ. Hariv. Kāv
- having a favourite pursuit or occupation Śaṃk
- calamitous, unfortunate, unlucky with, suffering through or from (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- vyasanī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to consider or characterize as a vice Jātakam
- vyasanīya m. a vicious person, profligate, libertine W
- vy-ásta mfn. cut in pieces, dismembered (said of Vṛitra) RV. i, 32, 7 torn asunder, gaping TPrāt
- severed, separated, divided, distinct (vy-aste kāle, 'at different times', 'now and then'), single, simple Mn. MBh. &c
- multiplied, various, manifold Prab. Kāvyâd
- opposed to, inverse, reverse ( See comp.)
- disordered, disarranged, confused, bewildered ( See comp.)
- scattered, dispersed, jyot. Uttarar
- expelled, removed Megh
- spread, extended ( See comp.)
- changed, altered ( See comp.)
- inherent in or pervading all the several parts of anything (in phil opp. to sam-asta), penetrated, pervaded
- (am), ind. severally, separately, partially MW
- -keśá mf(ī)n. having dishevelled hair AV. -tā f. -tva n. severalty, individuality W
- individual inherence ib
- agitation, bewilderment ib
- -trairāśika n. the rule of three inverted Col
- -nyāsa mfn. 'having separate impressions', rumpled (as a couch) Ratnâv. ii, 11
- -pada n. confused statement of a case (in a lawcourt
- as, when a man is accused of debt, it is stated in defence that he has been assaulted), counter-plaint Yājñ. Sch
- (in gram.) a simple or uncompounded word W
- -puccha mfn. having an extended tail, Śulbas
- -rātriṃ-diva mfn. dividing or separating night and day MW
- -vidhi m. inverted rule, any rule for inversion Col
- -vṛtti mfn. (a word) whose proper force or meaning is changed or altered Ragh. xi, 73. [Page 1035, Column]
- vyastāra m. (said to be fr. vyasta + āra fr. √4. ṛ
- but rather formed in analogy to vi-stāra, fr. √stṛ) the issue of the fluid from the temples of an elephant in rut L
- vy-astikā ind. with arms or legs spread asunder, Mahāvy
- -kṛta mfn. being in the above position ib
- vy-āsa m. severing, separation, division Sarvad
- a kind of drawl (as a fault in pronunciation), ĀPrāt
- extension, diffusion, prolixity, detailed account (instr
- abl. and -tas ind. in detail, at length, fully) MBh. Suśr. BhP
- width, breadth, the diameter of a circle, Śulbas. VarBṛS
- 'distributing, disjoining', N. of the Pada-pāṭha or, disjoined text' Aprāt
- 'arranger, compiler', N. of a celebrated mythical sage and author (often called Veda-vyāsa and regarded as the original compiler and arranger of the Vedas, Vedânta-sūtras &c
- he was the son of the sage Parāśara and Satyavati, and half-brother of Vicitra-viirya and Bhīshma
- he was also called Vādarāyaṇa or Baldarāyaṇa, and Kṛishṇa from his dark complexion, and Dvaipāyana because he was brought forth by Satyavatī on a Dviipa or island in the Jumnā
- when grown up he retired to the wilderness to lead the life of a hermit, but at his mother's request returned to become the husband of Vicitra-viirya's two childless widows, by whom he was the father of the blind Dhṛita-rāshṭra and of Pāṇḍu ; he was also the father of Vidura q.v. by a slave girl, and of Śuka, the supposed narrator of the Bhāgavata-Purāṇa, he was also the supposed compiler of the Mahā-bhārata, the Purāṇas, and other portions of Hindū sacred literature ; but the name Vyāsa seems to have been given to any great typical compiler or author) MBh. Hariv. Pur., IW. 371, n. 2 ; 373 &c
- a Brāhman who recites or expounds the Purāṇas &c. in public (= pāṭhaka-brāhmaṇa) MW
- n. a bow weighing 100 Palas L
- ○kūṭa n. N. of wk. (containing puzzles for the amusement of Rāma in his solitude on the Mālyavat and for the delectation of simple minds)
- ○keśava m
- ○gaṇapati m. N. of authors Cat
- ○gadya n. N. of a Stotra
- ○giri (?), m. N. of an author Cat
- ○gītā f. pl. N. of a ch. of the Kūrma-Purāṇa
- ○caritra n
- ○tātparya-nirṇaya m. N. of wks
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat
- m. (also -tīrtha-bindu or -bhikṣu, vyāsa-yati, and vyāsa-rāja) N. of an author of various Comms. and founder of the Vyāsarāya-matha (who died AḌ. 1339) Cat
- ○tulasī m
- ○try-ambaka m. N. of men ib
- ○tva n. the state or title of a compiler MBh
- ○datti m. N. of a son of Vara-ruci Cat
- ○darśana-prakāra m. N. of wk
- ○dāsa m. N. of a man Cat. (also surname of Kshemêndra)
- of a chief of the Vaikhānasa sect MW
- ○deva m. the divine sage Vyāsa ib
- N. of an author Cat. (also -deva-miśra)
- ○nārāyaṇa m
- ○nābha m. N. of men ib
- ○paripṛcchā f
- ○pujana-saṃhitā f. N. of wks
- ○pūjā f. 'honour paid to an expounder of the Purāṇas', N. of a partic. observance
- -paddhati f. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○prabhākara (?), N. of wk
- ○bhāṣya-vyākhyā f. N. of a Commentary
- ○mātṛ f. 'mother of Vyāsa', N. of Satyavatī L
- ○mūrti m. N. of Śiva Śivag
- ○yati and See -tīrtha
- ○rāja See -tīrtha
- ○vatsa m. N. of an author Cat
- ○vana n. N. of a sacred forest MBh
- ○varya m. N. of a man (the father of Hanumad Ācārya) Cat
- ○viṭṭhala m. (with ācārya) N. of an author ib
- ○śataka n
- ○śikṣā f
- ○śuka-saṃvāda m. N. of wks
- ○sadânandajī m. N. of a grammarian Cat
- ○samāsa m. du. diffuseness and conciseness (instr. or -tas ind. 'in a diffuse and concise manner')
- ○sin mfn. diffuse and concise MBh
- ○siddhânta m. N. of wk
- ○sū . f. = -mātṛ L
- ○sūtra n. = brahma-s○ (q.v.)
- -candrikā f. bhāṣya n. -vṛtti f. -vyākhyā f. -śaṃkarabhāṣya n. -saṃgati f. N. of wks. on the above Sūtra
- ○stuti f. N. of wk
- ○sthalī f. N. of a place MBh
- ○smṛti f. N. of a law-book (mentioned by Yājñ. and in the PadmaP.)
- vyāsâcala m. N. of a poet Cat
- vyāsâcārya m. N. of a teacher of the Mādhva school (later called Vedavyāsa-tīrtha, died 1560 AḌ.) ib
- vyāsâdi-pañcasiddhânta m. pl
- vyāsâdri-taraṃgiṇī f. N. of wks
- vyāsâraṇya Guru of Vêśvara Cat
- vyāsâśrama m. N. of Amalânanda ib
- vyāsâṣṭaka n. N. of a hymn (containing the praise of Śiva, from the Kāśī-khaṇḍa)
- vyāsêśvara n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat. (also tīrtha)
- vyāsīya mfn. relating to Vyāsa
- n. a work by Vyāsa Cat
- vy-asi vy-asu &c. See p. 1028, col. 3. [Page 1035, Column]
- vy-√ah (only 3. pl. pf. -āhuḥ), to explain, assign a reason AitBr
- vy-ākaraṇa &c. See vy-ā-√kṛ
- vy-ā-kīrna mfn. (√kṝ) scattered or tossed in every direction, confused, disturbed, troubled VarBṛS. Pañcat
- n. confusion (of the cases) Pratāp
- -keśara mfn. having a disordered or rough mane Pañcat
- mālya-kavara mfn. variegated with interspersed garlands MW
- ○ṇârcis mfn. having scattered or dim flames VarBṛS
- vy-ā-kuñcita mfn. (√kuñc) distorted, crooked, contracted, curved L
- vy-ākula mf(ā)n. (fr. 3. [vi+A-kula]) entirely filled with or full of (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- intently engaged in or occupied with (comp.) Kālid. Prab
- bewildered, confounded, perplexed, troubled MBh. Kāv. . &c
- confused, disordered (am ind.) ib
- quivering (as lightning) Uttarar
- m. N. of a king Buddh
- -citta (SuŚr.), -cetas (MārkP.), mfn. agitated or perplexed in mind
- -tā f. -tva n. perturbation, agitation, bewilderment, alarm Kathās. Pañcat. MārkP
- -dhruva m. N. of a king Buddh
- -manas, -mānasa MBh. R., mfn. (= -citta)
- -mūrdhaja mfn. (ifc.) having the hair disarranged or dishevelled Kathās
- ○locana mfn. (ifc.) having the eyes dimmed MBh
- -hṛdaya mfn. (-citta) Pañcat
- ○lâlāpa mfn. uttering confused or discordant sounds Kathās
- ○lêndriya mfn. (= -citta) MBh. R
- vyākulaya Nom. P. ○yati, to agitate, confuse, flurry, distract Pañcar. Pañcat
- to disarrange, throw into confusion Prab
- vyākulita mfn. filled with, full of. Hariv. R. Kathās
- perplexed, bewildered, distracted, alarmed MBh. R. &c
- confused, disarranged, disturbed, corrupted R. Suśr
- -cetana, -manas, hṛdaya
- ○tântarâtman, ○têndriya mfn. agitated or perplexed in mind, alarmed, bewildered, frightened. -ākulitin mfn. = vyākulitam anena g. iṣṭâdi
- vyākulī in comp. for vy-ākula
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to confound, perplex, bewilder Kāv. Kathās
- ○kṛta mfn. filled with, full of (instr. or comp.) VarBṛS. Pañcat
- perplexed, bewildered R. Kathās
- confused, disarranged R
- ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become perplexed or bewildered Pañcat
- ○bhūta mfn. put to confusion ib
- vy-ā-kūta m. or n. pain, sorrow Nalac
- vy-ḍākūti f. wrong or evil intention, fraud, deception L
- vy-ā-√kṛ P. Ā. -karoti, -kurute, to undo, sever, divide, separate from (instr.) RV. AV. VS. ŚBr
- to expound, explain, declare MBh. R
- (with Buddhists) to predict (esp. future births) Divyâv
- to prophesy anything (acc.) about any one (acc.) Lalit. Kāraṇḍ
- Pass. -kriyate, to be divided or separated ŚBr
- vy-ākaraṇa n. separation, distinction, discrimination MBh
- explanation, detailed description ib. Suśr
- manifestation, revelation MBh. Hariv
- (with Buddhists) prediction, prophecy (one of the nine divisions of scriptures Dharmas. 62) SaddhP. &c
- development, creation Śaṃk. BhP
- grammatical analysis, grammar MuṇḍUp. Pat. MBh. &c
- grammatical correctness, polished or accurate language Subh
- the sound of a bow-string L
- kauṇḍinya m. N. of a Brāhman Buddh
- -kaustubha m. or n. khaṇḍana n. ḍhuṇḍhikā f. -traya n. dīpa m. (also -dīpa-vyākaraṇa n.), -dīpikā, f. -durghatôaghāṭa m. N. of gram. wks
- -prakriyā f. grammatical formation of a word, etymology MW
- -mahābhāṣya n. the Mahā-bhāshya of Patañjali
- -mūla n. -vāda-grantha m. -saṃgraha m. -sāra m. N. of gram. wks
- -siddha mfn. established by grammar, grammatical MW
- ○ṇâgama m. traditional rules of grammar ib
- ○ṇâtmaka mfn. having the nature or faculty of discrimination MBh
- ○ṇôttara m. N. of Śiva RTL. 84, n. 1. ○ākaraṇaka n. a bad grammar Pat. ○ākartṛ m. one who develops or creates, creator (-tva n.) Śaṃk
- an expounder Divyâv
- vy-ḍākāra m. change of form, deformity W. (cf. 2. vi-kāra)
- development, detailed description Kull
- -dīpikā f. N. of wk
- vy-ākṛta mfn. separated, divided, developed, unfolded
- analyzed, expounded, explained ( See á-vy○)
- transformed, disfigured', changed W
- vy-ḍā́kṛti f. separation, distinction ŚBr
- detailed description, explanation Suśr
- vy-ākriyā f. development, creation Śaṃk. [Page 1036, Column]
- vy-ā-√kṛṣ P. -karṣati, to drag apart, separate, remove, alienate Prab
- vy-ākarṣaṇa n. drawing to one's self, attracting, alluring Kuṭṭanīm
- vy-ḍākṛṣṭa mfn. drawn or taken off R
- drawn to one's self. attracted Ratnâv
- vy-ā-koca mfn. (√kuc) fully expanded, blown (as a flower) L
- vy-ā-kopa m. (√kup) contradiction, opposition Śaṃk
- vy-ā-kośa mfn. (also written -ākoṣa) fully expanded or blown, opened MBh. R. &c
- fully developed Bhartṛ
- -kohanada mfn. having expanded red lotuses (tā f.) Śiś
- ○śī-√kṛ P. -karoti to open (the hand) Gobh. Sch
- vy-ā-√kruś P. -krośati, to cry out aloud, complain, lament R
- vy-ākrośa m. abusing, reviling Prab. (also ī f. Cat.)
- screeching Hcar
- vy-ḍākrośaka mfn. one who abuses or reviles Pāṇ. 3-2, 147 Sch
- vy-ā-√kṣip P. Ā. -kṣipati, ○te, to stretch out (the hand &c.) MBh
- to shoot off(an arrow) ib.,
- to carry away, captivate (the mind) R. Pañcat
- vy-ākṣipta mfn. stretched out &c
- (ifc.) filled with, full of VarBṛS
- -manas (Pañcat.), -hṛdaya (R.), mfn. having the mind or heart carried away or captivated or distracted
- vy-ākṣepa m. invective, abuse MBh
- distraction (of mind) Hariv. VarBṛS. &c. (cf. a-vy○
- mano-vyākṣepártham, in order to distract the mind' HPariś.)
- throwing or tossing about MW
- obstruction, hindrance, delay ib
- vy-ḍākṣepin mfn. driving away, removing Mcar
- vy-ā-kṣobha m. (√kṣubh) commotion, perturbation, disturbance MW
- vy-ā-√khyā P. -khyāti, to explain in detail, tell in full, discuss ŚBr. ŚrS
- to relate, communicate MBh. Bhaṭṭ
- to name, call, Śrutab Desid. -cikhyāsati, to wish to explain Śaṃk
- vy-ākhyā f. explanation, exposition, gloss, comment, Paraphrase MaitrUp. Hariv. &c
- ○kusumâvalī f. N. of wk
- -kṛt m. the author of a Commentary Cat
- -"ṣgamya (○khyâg○), n. anything which can only be understood by explanation, a kind of uttarâbhāsa (q.v.) MW
- indistinct assertion or declaration (said to proceed from grammatical inaccuracy or faulty construction), any obscure statement or passage W
- -"ṣnanda (○khyân○), mṆ. of a Comm. on the Bhaṭṭi-kāvya
- -parimala m. -pradīpa m. -"ṣmṛta (khyâm○), n. -yukti f. -ratnâvalī f. N. of wks
- -śloka m. (= kārikā) L
- -sāra m. -sudhā f. N. of wks
- -sthāna n. 'place for explanation', lecture-room, school-room Vcar
- -svara m. 'tone of exposition', the middle tone (in speech) ĀśvŚr
- vy-ā́khyātana mfn. explained, fully detailed related, told ŚBr. &c. &c
- conquered, overcome (?) W
- vy-ā́khyḍākhyātavya mfn. to be explained or commented upon Nir. Pāṇ. MBh
- vy-ā́khyḍākhyātṛ m. an explainer, commentator, expounder MBh. Kathās. &c. (○trī f. Siddh.)
- vy-ākhyā́na mf(ī)n. explaining, expounding commenting Pāṇ. 4-3, 66 Sch
- (with gen.) reminding of. i.e. resembling Pāṇ. ib. Vārtt.4 Pat
- n. explaining, exposition, interpretation, gloss, comment ŚBr. &c. &c
- narration ŚBr
- recitation ib. prakriyā f. -mālā f. N. of wks
- -yogya mfn. deserving exposition MW
- -ratnâvalī f. -vivaraṇa n. N. of wks
- ○śālā f. 'teachingḥall', a school Inscr. ○ākhyānaya Nom.P. ○yati, to communicate, narrate, report Ratnâv. ii, 5/8 (in Prākṛit)
- ○śālḍākhyāyikā f. N. of a Comm. on the Vāsavadattā by Vikramarddhi
- ○śālḍākhyeya mfn. to be explained or expounded Śaṃk
- vy-ācikhyāsita mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to explain
- ○grantha m. one who is about to explain a book, Śaṃk,
- vy-ācikhyḍācikhyāsu mfn. intending to explain or comment upon (acc. or gen.) Śaṃk. ĀpŚr. Sch
- vy-ā-ghaṭṭana n. rubbing, friction W
- churning ib
- (ā), f. rubbing, friction Śiś
- vy-ḍāghaṭṭita mfn. rubbed together, rubbed W
- churned, stirred ib
- vy-ā-ghāta m. (√han) striking against, beating, wounding, a stroke, blow MBh. R
- a defeat Śiś
- commotion, agitation, disturbance MBh. Hariv. [Page 1036, Column]
- an obstacle, impediment, hindrance R. VarBṛS
- (in phil.) contradiction, in consistency of statement Śaṃk. Sarvad
- (in rhet.) a partic. figure of speech (in which different or opposite effects are-shown to arise from the same cause or by the same agency, e.g. 'the god of love reduced to ashes by the eye of "ṣiva is brought to life again by. the eye of beautiful women)' Kpr. Kuval. &c
- (in astron.) N. of the 13th Yoga Vās
- Cassia Fistula L
- vy-ā-ghḍāghātaka mfn. striking against, thwarting, opposing, resisting W
- vy-ā-ghātḍaghātin mfn. id. ib
- vy-ā-ghḍāghātima m. or n. (with Jainas) spontaneous death by abstinence from food after a mortal injury, Śīl
- vy-ā-√ghuṭ (only ind. p. -ghuṭya), to turn back, return Pañcat
- vy-ḍāghuṭana n. turning back, return HPariś
- vy-ā-√ghuṣ Caus. -ghoṣayati, to call aloud, shout or proclaim aloud Hariv
- vy-ā-ghuṣṭa mfn. sounded aloud, loud-sounding, resounding MBh
- vy-ā-√ghūrṇ P. Ā. -ghurṇati, ○te, to whirl or wave about, shake to and fro MBh
- vy-āghūrnita mfn. whirled about, rolling about, tottering, reeling ib
- vy-ā-√ghṛ Caus. -ghārayati, to sprinkle round or over, besprinkle TS. ŚBr
- vy-āghāraṇa n. the act of sprinkling GṛŚrS. (cf. dig-vy○)
- pl. the verses or formulas recited during the act of sprinkling ĀpŚr
- vy-āghḍāghārita mfn. besprinkled, sprinkled with oil or ghee W
- vy-ā-√ghrā P. -jighrati, to scent out, scent or smell at (prob. to explain vyághra below) Pat. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 137 Vārtt. 1
- vyāghrá m. a tiger (not in RV., but in AV., often mentioned with the lion
- accord. to R. iii, 30, 26, Śārdūlī is the mythical mother of tigers
- but in Vahni-Purāṇa they are said to be the offspring of Kaśyapa's wife Diṃshṭrā
- cf. citra-vy○) AV. &c. &c
- any pre-eminently strong or noble person, 'a tiger among men' (cf. ṛṣabha, siṃha)
- Pongamia Glabra L
- a red variety of the castor-oil plant L
- N. of a Rākshasa VP
- of a king Rājat
- of various authors (also abridged fr. vyāghra-pad) Cat
- (ī), f. See col. 3
- ○ketu m. N. of a man MBh. Hcar. Vas., Introd
- ○gaṇa m. N. of a poet Subh
- ○giri m. N. of a mythical mountain Virac
- ○grīva m. pl. N. of a people MārkP
- ○carman n. a tiger's skin AitBr. KātyŚr. Pañcat
- ○mamaya wṛ. for ○ma-cchada MBh
- ○jámbhana mfn. killing or destroying tigers AV
- ○tala m. a red variety of the castor-oil plant L. (cf. -dala)
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the state or condition of a tiger MBh. Hit
- ○daṃṣṭra m. Tribulus Lanuginosus L
- ○datta m. N. of a man MBh
- ○dala m. Ricinus Communis L
- ○nakha m. a tiger's claw W
- Tithymalus or Euphorbia Antiquorum L
- mṇ. a √or a partic. √L
- m. or n. a kind of perfume, Unguis Odoratus Suśr. VarBṛS. Bhpr
- (in this sense also ii, f. W.)
- n. = next L
- ○nakhaka n. a kind of medicinal herb or vegetable perfume L
- a scratch of a partic. form made with finger-nails L
- ○nāyaka m. 'tiger-leader', a jackal L. (cf. -sevaka)
- ○pad (nom. -pād), mfn. 'tiger-footed' Laghuk
- m. Flacourtia Cataphracta L
- N. of the author of RV. ix, 97, 16-18 (having the patr. Vasishṭha)
- of various other authors Cat. (-pat-smṛti f. = vyāghrasm○)
- ○pada m. a species of plant VarBṛS
- ○padya wṛ. for vaiyāghrapadya m. ChUp
- ○parākrama m. N. of a man Kathās
- ○pād See -pad
- ○pāda m. tiger-footed', Flacourtia Sapida L
- Asteracantha Longifolia L
- N. of various men MBh. &c
- -smṛti f. = vyághra-sm○
- -stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- ○puccha m. a tiger's tail MW
- the castor-oil tree, Ricinus Commūis Bhpr
- ○pucchaka m. id. L
- Palma Christi L
- ○pura n., 'tiger's town', N. of a town Cat
- ○puṣpi m. N. of a man Pravar
- ○pratīka (vyāghrá-), mfn. having a tiger-like appearance AV
- ○bala m. N. of a king Kathās
- of a mythical person Virac
- ○bhaṭa m. N. of an Asura Kathās
- of a warrior ib
- ○bhūti m. N. of various authors Cat
- ○mārin m. N. of a man Inscr
- ○mukha m. N. of a king Jyot
- of a mountain MārkP
- pl. N. of a people VarBṛS
- ○rāja m. N. of a king Buddh
- ○rūpā f. a kind of Momordica Dhanv. -lomán, n. a tiger's hair VS. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ○vaktra mfn. tiger-faced L. [Page 1036, Column]
- m. N. of one of Śiva's attendants Hariv
- (ā), f. (with Buddhists) N. of a goddess Kālac
- ○vadhū f. a tigress MBh
- ○śvan m. a tiger-like dog Vop
- ○śveta m. N. of a Yatudhāna VP
- ○sena m. N. of a man Kathās
- ○śevaka m. 'tiger's servant', a jackal (being said to lead the tiger to the deer) L
- ○smṛti f. N. of wk
- vyāghrâkṣa mfn. tiger-eyed L
- m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh
- of an Asura Hariv
- vyāghrâjina m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 5-3, 82 Sch
- vyāghrâṭa m. a skylark L
- vyāghrâdanī or f. Ipomoea Turpethum L
- vyāghrâḍdinī f. Ipomoea Turpethum L
- vyāghrâsya n. the mouth or face of a tiger MW
- mfn. tiger-faced L
- m. a cat L
- (ā), f. (with Buddhists) N. of a goddess Kālac. (cf. vyāgkra-vaktrā)
- vyāghrêśvara n. N. of a Liṅga Cat
- vyāghraka m. endearing form for vyāghrâjina Pāṇ. 5-3, 82 Sch
- vyāghrāṇa n. the act of smelling at Nir. (used to explain vyāghra)
- vyāghriṇī f. (with Buddhists) N. of a being attendant on the Mātṛis W
- vyāghrī f. of vyāghra, a tigress Śiksh. MBh. Kāv. &c
- Solanum jacquini Bhpr
- (with Buddhists) N. of a goddess Kālac
- vyāghryá mfn. relating or belonging to a tiger AV
- vyāṅgi patr. fr. vy-aṅga g. svāgatâdi
- vy-ā-√cakṣ Ā. -caṣṭe, to recite, rehearse ŚBr
- to explain, comment upon ib. KenUp. Kāś
- vy-ācikhyāsita and e. See col, 1
- vy-ā-√cint (only 3ṣg. impf. vyācintayat wṛ. for vy-a.c○) Pañcat
- vy-āja m. (rarely n. ifc. f. ā
- fr. vy-√añj, to smear over
- √.ac) deceit, fraud, deception, semblance, appearance, imitation, disguise, pretext, pretence (ibc. 'treacherously, falsely', also = ifc. 'having only the appearance of, appearing as, simulated, deceitful, false'
- instr. and abl., treacherously, deceitfully', 'under the pretext or guise of') MBh. Kāv. &c
- an artifice, device, contrivance, means Ragh
- wickedness W
- ○kheda m. feigned weariness Kathās
- ○guru m. only in appearance a teacher ib
- ○tapodhana m. a feigned or false ascetic ib
- ○nidrita mf(ā)n. feigning sleep Rājat
- ○nindā f. (in rhet.) artful or ironical censure Kuval
- ○pūrva mfn. having only the appearance of anything Ragh
- ○bhānu-jit m. N. of a man Cat
- ○maya mf(ī)n. simulated, hypocritical Kathās
- ○viṣṇu m. a feigned or false Vishṇu ib.'
- ○vyavahāra m. artful conduct or behaviour Dhūrtas
- ○sakhī f. a feigned or false (female) friend Kathās
- ○supta mf(ā)n. feigning sleep ib
- n. feigned sleep ib
- ○stuti f. (in rhet.) 'artful praise', praise or censure conveyed in language that expresses the contrary, indirect eulogy, ironical commendation Vām. Sāh. &c
- ○haṃsâvalī f. a false or feigned Haṃsâvalī (N. of a woman) Kathās
- ○hata mfn. killed treacherously R
- vyājâbhiprâya m. a feigned intention or opinion Kathās
- vyājâhvaya m. a false name BhP
- vyāljôkti f. (in rhet.) dissimulating statement (a figure of speech in which the effect of one cause is ascribed to another, or where a feeling is dissembled by being attributed to a different cause) Sāh. Kpr. &c
- vyājaya Nom. P. -yati, to cheat, deceive Kathās
- vyājī in comp. for vy-āja
- ○karaṇa n. fraud, deception Dhātup
- ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to hold out as a pretence or pretext (ind. p. -kṛtya = apadiśya) MW
- vy-ā-√jihma mfn. bent crooked or awry Nāg
- vy-ā-√jṛmbh Ā. -jṛmbhate, to open wide, gape Prasannar
- vyāḍa mfn. (said to be fr. 3. [vi+-√aD]
- cf. vyāla) malicious, mischievous L. (with loc', g. śauṇḍâdi)
- m. a beast of prey MBh. R. MārkP
- a snake L
- 'a rogue' or 'a jackal' (= vañcaka) L
- N. of Indra L
- ○yakṣa (?) Divyâv
- vyāḍâyudha n. Unguis Odoratus L
- vyāḍi or vyāḻi or vyāli m. (patr. fr. vyaḍa g. svāgatâdi) N. of various men (esp. of a poet, a grammarian, and a lexicographer) RPrāt. Kathās. &c. [Page 1037, Column]
- ○paribhāṣā f. pl. N. of a gram wk
- ○śālā f. g. chāttry-ādi
- ○śikṣā f. N. of wk. on Vaidic phonetics (also written vyāla-ś○)
- vyāḍīya mfn. coming from or composed by Vyāḍi (pl. the adherents of Vyāḍi), g. gahâdi
- ○paribhāṣāvṛtti f. N. of wk
- vyāḍyā f. patr. fr. vyāḍi g. krauḍy-ādi
- vy-ā-√tan (only Ā. pf. 3. sg. -tene Śiś. viii, 56
- and 3.pl. -tenire Kir. xv, 42, both with pass. meaning), to spread about, display, produce
- vy-âty-ukṣī f. (√ukṣ
- cf. vyâbhy-ukṣī) mutual sprinkling with water Śiś. Prasannar
- vy-ā-√dā P.Ā. -dadāti, -datte, to open wide, open (esp. the mouth, with or scil. mukham
- Ā., 'to open the mouth of another person, cause any one to open the mouth' Siddh.) ChUp. MBh. &c
- vy-ā́tta mfn. opened (esp. applied to the mouth) MBh
- expanded, vast W
- n. the opened mouth, open jaws AV. VS. ŚBr
- ○ttânana or ○ttâsya mfn. open-mouthed MBh
- vy-ādāna n. opening wide, opening Bālar. Hit
- vy-ādāya mfn. having opened &c. (with śṛṇvat, 'hearing with open mouth' BhP
- with svapiti, 'he sleeps with open mouth' Pāṇ. 3-4, 21 Vārtt. 5)
- svāpín m. 'sleeping with open mouth', N. of a demon Suparṇ
- vy-ādita mfn. opened (= vy-ātta)
- ○tâsya mfn. open-mouthed Hariv
- vy-ā-diś f. (cf. vy-ā-√diś) a partic. point of the compass (prob. the point between two vi-diś, See p. 950, col. 3) MBh
- vy-ā-√diś P. -diśati, to point out separately, divide among, distribute TS. &c. &c
- to point out, show, explain, teach R. Prab
- to prescribe, enjoin MBh. Kāv. &c
- to appoint, assign, despatch to any place or duty, direct, order, command (with dat., loc., or prati) ib
- to declare, foretell Mālav. v, 12/13 (v. l. ādiṣṭā for vy-ād○)
- vy-ā́diśa m. N. of Vishṇu L
- vy-ḍādiṣṭa mfn. distributed, pointed out, explained, prescribed, ordered, declared, indicated, foretold MBh. Kāv. &c
- vy-ādeśa m. detailed or special injunction, direction, order, command R
- vy-ā-dīrgha mfn. stretched out longways to the full extent Bhartṛ. Var
- vy-ā-dīrṇa mfn. 'stretched open' (in ○dirsâsya m. open-jawed', a lion) L
- vy-ā-√dīp Caus. dīpayati, to inflame or illuminate thoroughly MBh
- vy-ā-√dṛś Pass. -dṛśyate, to be clearly seen or visible BhP
- vyādha &c. See √vyadh, p. 1031
- vy-ā-dhā √1. -dhīyate to be separated or divided Br
- to be out of health, feel unwell ChUp
- vy-ādhāma m. (rather fr. √dhā than fr. √dhmā
- accord. to some also vy-ādhāva, fr. √dhū) India's thunderbolt (= vajra) L
- vy-ādhi m. (less probably from √vyadh, p. 1031) disorder, disease, ailment, sickness, plague (esp. leprosy) ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- Disease personified (as a Child of Mṛityu or Death) VP
- any tormenting or vexatious person or thing (ifc., e .g. strī-v○, a plague of a woman, very troublesome woman) VarBṛS
- Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L
- ○kara mfn. causing sickness VarBṛS
- ○grasta mf(ā)n. seized or afflicted with disease MW
- ○ghāta m. illness-destroyer', Cathartocarpus Fistula (also ○taka) Suśr. Bhpr
- Calamus Rotang L
- ○ghna mf(ī)n. removing or destroying disease W
- m. Cathartocarpus Fistula Dhanv
- ○durbhikṣa-pīḍita mf(ā)n. afflicted with sickness and famine MW
- ○nigraha m. suppression of disease Suśr
- ○nirjaya m. the subduing of a disease ib
- ○pīḍita mfn. afflicted with disṭdisease, Mn. Śukas. Vet
- ○bahula mfn. frequently visited with disease (as a village) Mn. iv, 60
- ○bhaya n. fear of disease VarBṛS
- ○yukta mf(ā) n. suffering from illness, sick W
- ○rahita mf(ā)n. free from disease, convalescent W
- ○ripu m. 'foe of disease', Webera Corymbosa or Pterospermum Acerifolium L
- ○vardhaka m. 'disṭdisease-increaser', nickname of a physician Kautukar
- ○saṃgha-vimardana n. N. of wks. [Page 1037, Column]
- ○samuddeśīya mfn. descriptive of the nature of diseases Suśr
- ○siddhâñjana n. N. of wk
- ○sindhu m. 'sea of diseases', nickname of a physician Hāsy
- ○sthāna n. 'station of disṭdiseases', the body L
- ○hantṛ mfn. = -ghna MW
- m. yam L
- vyādhita mf(ā)n. afflicted with disease, diseased, sick GṛŚrS. Mn. Yājñ. &c
- vyādhin mfn. (for 1, and 2 . See p. 1031, col. 2), id. MW
- vyādhy in comp. for vy-ādhi
- ○argala N. of wk
- ○ārta mfn. pained with or suffering from disease Mn. viii, 64
- ○upaśama m. allaying or curing diseases W
- vy-ā́-dhī f. (√1. dhī, or dhyai) care, sorrow AV
- vy-ā-√dhū P. Ā. [-dh�Unoti], ○nute, to shake off, shake to and fro, move or toss about MBh. R. Kālid
- vy-ḍādh�ūta mfn. shaken about, agitated, tremulous Kāv
- vy-ā-dhmātaka n. (√dhmā) a swollen corpse L
- vy-āna &c. See vy-√an, p. 1031
- vy-ā-naddha mfn. (√nah) connected mutually, interspersed Hariv
- vy-ā-√nam P. Ā. -namati, ○te, to bend or bow down MW
- vy-ānata mfn. bent down, having the face bent towards the ground ib
- n. a kind of coitus ib
- -karaṇa n. a partic. posture in coitus, lb
- vy-ānamra mfn. bowed or bent down Alaṃkāras
- vy-ānamḍrī√kṛ P. -karoti, to bow down, humble, put to shame Bhām
- vy-ā-nasí mfn. (√1. naś) pervading, penetrating (with acc.) RV. (Naigh. iii, I among the bahu-nāmāni)
- vy-ḍānaśiṅ mfn. =, vyāpana-śīla Sāy
- vy-ā-√nī Ā. -nayate, to pour in separately ŚBr
- vy-√āp P. -āpnoti (rarely Ā. -āpnute), to reach or spread through, pervade, permeate, cover, fill AV. &c. &c
- to reach as far as, extend to L. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 8): Pass. vy-āpyate ( See vyāpyamāna): Caus. vy-āpayati ( See vy-āpita): Desid. vii7psati ( See vii7psa)
- vy-āpaka mf(ikā)n. pervading, diffusive, comprehensive, widely spreading or extending, spreading everywhere (vyāpakaṃ ny-√as or nyāsaṃ√kṛ, to put or place or fix or make applicable everywhere AgP.) KaṭhUp. MBh. &c
- (in logic) invariably pervading or inherent or concomitant (as an attribute which is always found as smoke where some other as fire is found) Bhāshāp. IW. 62
- (in law) comprehending all the points of an argument, pervading the whole plea W
- (ikā), f. a woman who shows herself everywhere (?) MW
- -tā, f
- ○tva n. pervasion, diffusion, comprehensiveness, invariable concomitance or inherence (in logic) BhP. Bhāshāp. &c
- (-tā-vādârtha m. N. of wk.)
- -nyāsa m. (in the Tantra system) a partic. disposition or arrangement of mystical texts over the whole person L
- vy-āpana n. spreading though, pervading, penetration, covering, filling Sāh. Sāy. on RV. i. 113, 14
- vy-ḍāpanīya mfn. to be pervaded or penetrated, permeable Nir
- vyāpi in comp. for vy-āpin
- ○tva n. the state of pervading, pervasion, extensiveness, extent, universality, extension to (ifc.), ĀvŚr. MBh. Vedântas
- vy-āpita mfn. (fr. Caus.) filled up, filled Pañcat
- vy-āpin mfn. reaching through, pervading, covering, diffusive, comprehensive, spreading everywhere, spread over (ifc.), extending or reaching or continuing to or filling up or containing (ifc.) Nir. ŚvetUp. MBh. &c
- invariably inherent or concomitant (in logic) Bhāshāp
- m. pervader', N. of Vishṇu MW
- an invariably pervading property as characteristic ib
- vy-āpta mfn. spread through, pervaded, extended, covered or filled with, thoroughly occupied or penetrated by (as the universe by spirit), filled up, full ŚvetUp. Bhag. R. &c
- comprehended or included under (a general notion), having invariably inherent properties, invariably pervaded or attended or accompanied by (in logic
- e.g. dhūmo vahninnā vyāptaḥ, 'smoke is invariably attended by fire'), Bhashap
- occupied, obtained, taken possession of MBh. Prab. Pañcat. [Page 1037, Column]
- wealthy, rich AitBr
- celebrated, famous W
- placed, fixed ib
- open, outspread, expanded ib
- -tama mfn. most diffused NṛisUp
- ○tântara mfn. having intervals or apertures or recesses filled up MW
- vy-ā́pti f. (ifc. ○tika) acquisition, attainment, accomplishment AV. ŚBr
- pervasion, inherence, inherent and inseparable presence of any one thing in another (as of oil in sesamum seed, heat in fire &c.), universal pervasion, invariable concomitance, universal distribution or accompaniment (e.g. 'smoke is always pervaded by fire', or 'fire is necessarily attended with smoke', IW. 62) Kap. Nyāyam. Sch
- universality, universal rule without an exception Sarvad. Vedântas
- omnipresence, ubiquity (as a divine attribute) W
- ○karman mfn. whose business or function is to acquire or attain Naigh. ii, 18
- ○graha m. apprehension of a general proposition or of universal concomitance, induction MW
- N. of wk. (also ○hôpâya m. ○hôpâya-ṭippaṇī f. ○hôpâya-pūrva-pakṣa-prakāśa m. ○hôpâya-rahasya n.)
- ○jñāna n. knowledge of pervading inherence or of the presence of invariably concomitant properties W. -nirūpaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○niścaya m. (in logic) the ascertainment of pervading inherence or universal concomitance MW
- ○pañcaka n. (and ○ka-ṭīkā f. -rahasya n.),
- ○pariṣkāra m
- ○pūrva-pakṣa-prakāśa m
- ○pūrva-pakṣa-rahasya n. N. of wks
- ○mat mfn. spreading, extending. Saṃk
- possessing pervasion, universally diffused or pervading Mn. Tarkas
- pervaded, attended by MW
- -tva n. the capacity of extending or pervading Nir
- ○lakṣaṇa n. a sign or proof of universal pervasion or of the invariable attendance of an inherent property or characteristic W
- N. of wk
- ○vāda m. statement or assertion of universal pervasion &c
- -kroḍa m. -kroḍa-pattra n. -prakāśa m. -rahasya n. N. of wks
- vyāpty in comp. for vy-āpti
- ○anugama m
- ○anugama-prâkāśa m.,
- ○anugama-rahasya n
- ○anugama-vādârtha m
- ○anugamâloka m. N. of wks
- vy-āpya mfn. permeable, penetrable, capable of being attended by any inherent characteristic BhP. Kap. Sch. Tarkas
- n. that which may be the site or locality of universal pervasion or of an invariably concomitant cause or characteristic (e.g., smoke which is invariably pervaded by fire') IW. 62
- the sign or middle term of an inference, proof. reason, cause (= sādhana, hetu) L
- Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L
- -tā f. -tva n. permeableness, the state of being pervaded or attended by Tarkas
- the capacity of obtaining MW
- vy-āpyamāna mfn. being pervaded or permeated or comprehended or included Pāṇ. 3-4, 56
- vy-ā-√pad Ā. -padyate, to fall away, fall into misfortune, perish, be lost, fail, miscarry MBh. Suśr
- to disappear, be changed into another sound or symbol RPrāt. Sch (cf. vy-āpanna): Caus. -pādayati, to cause to perish, make worse, injure, hurt, spoil, kill, destroy MBh. Kāv. &c
- vy-āpatti f. falling into calamity or misfortune, suffering injury, failure, loss, ruin, death ŚrS. MBh. &c
- disappearance, substitution (of one sound or letter by another) RPrāt
- vy-āpad f. (cf. vi-pad) misfortune, calamity, derangement, disorder, failure, ruin, death MBh. Kāv. &c
- vy-āpanna mfn. fallen into misfortune, disordered, spoiled, corrupted Suśr
- hurt, injured, destroyed, perished MBh
- disappeared, changed by the substitution of another sound or symbol (esp. applied to the change of Visarga or Visarjanīya to its corresponding sibilants
- when Visarga remains unchanged it is called vi-krānta, q.v.) RPrāt
- -citta mfn. evil-minded, malicious Divyâv
- vy-āpāda m. destruction, ruin, death Rājat
- evil intent or design, malice Buddh. (one of the ten sins Dharmas. 56)
- vy-āpḍāpādaka mfn. destructive, murderous, fatal (as a disease) Rājat
- vy-āpḍāpādana n. destruction, killing, slaughter, death by (comp.) MārkP. Suśr. Pañcat
- ill-will, malice W
- vy-āpḍāpādanīya mfn. to be destroyed or killed (-tā f.) Pañcat
- vy-āpḍāpādayitavya mfn. id. Hit
- vy-āpḍāpādita mfn. destroyed, killed, slain (-vat mfn. one who has destroyed &c.) MBh. Hit
- vy-āpḍāpādya mfn. to be killed or destroyed MW
- vyāpalaṇḍikā (?), the neck L. [Page 1038, Column]
- vy-ā-pāta m. (√pat
- a word of unknown meaning) ĀpŚr. xiv, 22, 13
- vy-ā-pīta mfn. quite yellow VarBṛS
- vy-ā-pṛ Ā. √2. -priyate, or -priṇute, to be occupied or engaged in, be busy about (loc
- or with artham or hetos ifc.), be employed (in any office) MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -pārayati, to cause to be employed, set to work, keep busy, employ with or in or for (instr., loc., or artham ifc.) ib. (with karam, to place or fix the hand Ragh
- with, hastam, to wave the hand Bālar
- with vilocanāni, to fix the eyes upon, direct the glance towards Kum
- with vāṇīm, to use or raise one's voice Hcar.)
- vy-āpāra m. (ifc. f. ā) occupation, employment, business, profession, function (sāyakānāṃ vyāp○, the business of arrows' i.e. 'hitting the mark'
- often in comp., e.g. mānasa-vy○, 'occupation of mind' Vedântas
- vāg-vy○, 'employment of speech', talk Hit
- gṛha-vy○, 'occṭoccupation with domestic affairs') MBh. Kāv. &c
- doing, performance, action, operation, transaction, exertion, concern (acc. with √kṛ, 'to perform any one's gen. business' Kathās
- 'to render good offices in any affair' Kum
- 'to meddle in' loc. Pañcat
- with √vraj', to engage in' loc. Vikr
- with √yā, 'to be concerned about', 'care for' gen.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of the tenth astrol. mansion VarBṛS
- -kāraka mfn. (ifc.) engaging (in contest) with Hariv
- -kārin mfn. (ifc.) performing the function of, being occupied in, exercising or practising MBh
- -rodhin mfn. hindering the operation of. opposed to the ways of (gen.) Śak
- -vat', mfn. effective L. (-vat-tā f. the possession of a partic. function Sāh.)
- vy-āpḍāpāraka mfn. (ifc.) having an occupation or function, Kusum
- vy-āpāraṇa n. (fr. Caus.) causing to be busy, setting to work Pāṇ. 8-2, 104 Sch
- vy-āpḍāparita mfn. (fr. id, made to be busy, set to work, engaged, occupied Kāv
- vy-āpḍāpārin mfn. occṭoccupied, busy, engaged in (comp.) BrahmaP
- m. a worker agent, dealer, trader ib
- vy-āpṛta mfn. occupied, busy, engaged, employed or concerned in or with (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. a minister, official Yājñ.,
- vy-ḍāpṛti f. occupation, activity Car
- vy-āpta vy-āpti, See p. 1037
- vy-ā-pva m. (√pū?) the moon L
- vy-ā-√bādh Ā. -bādhayate, to hurt, injure Divyâv
- vy-ābādha m. (or vy-āvādha) disease, illness ib
- vy-ā-bhagna mfn. (√bhañj) broken to pieces, shattered Prab. (v. l. -bhugna)
- vy-ā-√bhāṣ Ā. -bhāṣate, to speak, declare, speak to. address MBh
- to pronounce ( See below)
- vy-ā-√bhḍābhāṣaka mfn. one who speaks &c. Pāṇ. 3-2, 146 Sch
- vy-ā-√bhḍābbāṣaṇa n. way or manner of speaking R
- ābhāṣita mfn. spoken &c
- pronounced ( See duḥkha-vy○)
- n. a speech MBh
- way or manner of speaking R
- vy-ā-bhugna mfn. (√1. bhuj) bent down or awry Hariv. Prab. (vḷ. for -bhagna)
- vy-âbhy-ukṣī f. (√ukṣ
- cf. vyâty-ukṣī) splashing about in water, bathing for pleasure W
- vy-āma m. (prob. for vi-yāma, q.v
- cf. vy-āyāma, sam-āma) the measure of the two extended arms (= 5 Aratnis), a fathom AV. ŚBr. GṛŚrS. &c
- diagonal direction AV
- disregard, disrespect (?) W
- smoke (?) L
- pl. N. of a class of deceased ancestors VP
- Costus Speciosus or Arabicus VarBṛS
- ○mātra mf(ī́)n. measuring a fathom ŚBr
- vyāmana n. a fathom (= vy-āma) L ....
- vyāmyá mfn. going across AV
- vy-ā-marśa m. (√mṛś) rubbing out erasure W. (wrongly written vy-ā-marṣa)
- vy-ā-miśra mfn. mixed together, blended (e ind. 'when both cases are combined' Pat. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 111)
- manifold, of various kinds MBh. R. &c
- mingled with, accompanied by, provided with (instr. or comp
- -tā f.) MBh. Hariv. Suśr. &c
- troubled, distracted, inattentive MBh
- vy-ā-mṛṣṭa See col. 2
- vy-ā-√mīl (only ind. p. -mīlya), to close and open the eyes, twinkle Amar. [Page 1038, Column]
- vy-ā-√muc P. -muñcati, to emit, discharge Pañcar
- vy-āmoka m. release or freeing from, getting rid of MW
- vy-ā-muh Ā. -muhyate, to become stupefied or bewildered, become confused in (loc.) Kād.: Caus. -mohayati, to stupefy, bewilder, confuse, infatuate, bewitch MBh
- vy-āmūḍha mfn. entirely stupefied or confused or infatuated Rājat
- vy-āmoha m. loss of consciousness, mental confusion, bewilderment, embarrassment MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ifc.), error or uncertainty regarding Kāvyâd. Kull. ĀpŚr. Sch
- -vidrāvana n. removal of error', N. of a phil. wk
- vy-ḍāmohita mfn. (fr. Caus.) bewildered, infatuated Pañcat
- -citta mfn. confused or perplexed in mind ib
- vy-ḍāmohin mfn. (ifc.) perplexing, bewildering Hāsy
- vy-ā-mṛṣṭa mfn. (√mṛj) rubbed out or off, erased (-tilaka, mfn. having the Tilaka mark rubbed off) R
- vy-ā-√yam P. Ā. -yacchati, ○te, (P.) to pull or drag or draw asunder, extend Lāṭy
- to sport or dally with (loc.) Suśr
- Ā. (P. only m. c.) to struggle or contend about (loc.), fight together, make efforts, strive, endeavour TS. Br. MBh. &c.: Caus. [y�Amayati], to cause to stretch out or struggle, make great effort or exertion, take exercise (ind. p. -yāmya, having taken exercise) Mn. vii, 216
- vy-āyacchana See prâṇa-vy○
- vy-āyata mfn. drawn asunder, separated (in avy○) RPrāt
- opened, expanded ( See comp.)
- long, wide, distant, far ( See comp.)
- hard, firm, strong R. Kām. &c
- excessive, intense ( See comp
- am ind. excessively, in a high degree R.)
- occupied, busy (= vyāpṛta) L
- -tā f. the being open, openness, gaping (of the, mouth) Mṛicch. Sch
- -tva n. firmness, strength Śak
- -pātam ind. while flying from afar Kum
- -pātin mfn. running far and wide (as horses) Prab
- vy-āyāmá m. dragging different ways, contest, strife, struggle AV. MBh
- exertion, manly effort, athletic or gymnastic exercise (e.g., 'playing with heavy clubs, drawing a bow with a chain &c.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ifc.) exercise or practise in MBh. R. Suśr
- (with Buddhists) right exercise or training MWB. 44 (cf. Dharmas.119)
- 'drawing out, extending', a partic. measure of length, fathom (= vi-yāma and vy-āma), Śulbas
- a difficult passage, any difficulty (?) L
- -karśita mfn. emaciated through bodily exercise MBh
- -kalaha m. du. contest and strife ib
- -prayoga m. N. of wk
- -bhūmi f. exercising ground, gymnasium Kām
- -vat mfn. taking bodily exercise, g. balâdi
- -vid mfn. skilled in gymnastics Rājat
- -vidyā f. the science of gymnastics ib
- -śālā f. an exercising hall Kād
- -śīla mfn. accustomed to or fond of exercise, active, robust, athletic W
- vy-āyḍāyāmika mf(ī)n. relating to exercise, active, athletic BhP. Sch
- vy-āyḍāyāmin mfn. = āyāma-vat VarBṛS. Vāgbh
- vy-ā́yuka mfn. (√5. i) running away, escaping MaitrS. Kapishṭh
- vy-ā-√yuj (only ind. p. -yujya), to disjoin or separate MārkP
- vy-āyoga m. a kind of dramatic representation or composition in one act (belonging to the Prakaraṇa class, and describing some military or heroic exploit from which the sentiment of love is excluded) Bhar. Daśar. &c
- vyā-yojima mfn. separated, loose (applied to a faulty bandage) Suśr
- vy-ā-rabdha mfn. (√rabh) held on every side, properly upheld or maintained AitBr
- vy-ā-roṣa m. (√ruṣ) anger, wrath L
- vy-ārta mfn. (√ṛ) pained, distressed Divyâv
- vyā́la mfn. (prob. connected with vyāḍa, q.v.) mischievous, wicked, vicious AV. Kāv. Kathās
- prodigal, extravagant L
- m. (ifc. f. ā) a vicious elephant, Kav
- a beast of prey Gaut. MBh. &c
- a snake MBh. Kāv. &c
- a lion L
- a tiger L
- a hunting leopard L
- a prince, king L
- Plumbago Ceylanica L
- the second dṛkāṇa (q.v.) in Cancer, the first in Scorpio, and the third in Pisces VarBṛS. [Page 1038, Column]
- a kind of metre Col
- N. of the number 'eight' Gaṇit
- N. of a man (cf. vyāḍa) Cat
- (ī), f. a female snake MBh. R. &c
- n. N. of one of the three retrograde stages in the motion of the planet Mars VarBṛS
- ○kara-ja (Npr.) or (L.), m. = -nakha
- ○khadga (L.), m. = -nakha
- ○gandhā f. the ichneumon plant L
- ○grāha m. a snake-catcher Mn. MBh
- ○grāhin m. id. Hit. Mudr. (in Prākṛit) &c
- (iṇī), f. a female snake-cṭcatcher KāśīKh
- ○grīva m. pl. N. of a people VarBṛS
- ○jihvā f. a kind of plant L
- ○tama mf(ā)n. very fierce or cruel W
- ○tva n. the state of a vicious elephant Mudr
- ○daṃṣṭra (L.) or (Dhanv.), m. Asteracantha Longifolia or Tribuluss Lanuginosus
- ○daṃṣḍṭraka (Dhanv.), m. Asteracantha Longifolia or Tribuluss Lanuginosus
- ○dreṣkāṇa m. the second dṛkāṇa (q.v) in Cancer &c. (= vyāla) VarBṛS. Sch
- ○nakha m. a kind of herb (Unguis Odoratus) L
- ○pattrā f. Cucumis Utilissimus L
- ○pāṇi-ja m. or = -nakha Npr
- ○praharaṇa n. = -nakha Npr
- ○bala m. id. MW
- ○mṛga m. a fierce animal W
- a beast of prey MBh. R. VarBṛS
- a partic. beast of prey MBh. (a hunting leopard MW.)
- ○rūpa m. N. of Śiva ib. 1
- ○vat mfn. inhabited by beasts of prey or by snakes Hcat. 2
- ○vat ind. like a serpent
- like a beasts of prey MW
- ○varga m. (either = vyāla) the second dṛkāṇa (q.v) in Cancer &c., (or) the two first in Cancer and in Scorpio and the third in Pisces VarBṛ. (Sch.)
- ○vala m. = -nakha L
- ○śikṣā f. N. of wk
- vyālâyudha m. (!) n. = vyāla-nakha L
- vyālaka m. a vicious elephant L
- a beast of prey, or a serpent MBh
- vyālī in comp. for vyāla
- ○bhūta mfn. become or being a snake MBh
- vyālīya Nom. P. ○yati, to be like a snake Vās., Introd
- vy-ā-√lamb Ā. -lambate, to hang down Megh
- to hang down on all sides, Hcar'
- vy-ālamba mfn. hanging down, pendent VarBṛS
- -hasta mfn. (an elephant) having its trunk hanging down MBh
- m. the red Ricinus or castoroil plant L
- vy-ḍālambin mfn. hanging down, pendulous MBh. Kāv. &c
- vyāli See vyāḍi
- vy-ā-√likh P. -likhati, to scratch at or upon, scrape against, touch, graze Kir
- to draw lines, write Cat
- vy-ā-līna mfn. (√lī) clinging or sticking close together, clustering, dense, thick W
- vy-ā-√lup P. -lumpati, to take away, remove Megh.: Pass. -lupyate, to be broken asunder or destroyed or removed, disappear MBh
- vy-ā-lūna mfn. (√lū) cut off Hariv. 9539 (vḷ. for nyālūna)
- vy-ā-loḍita mfn. (fr. Caus. of √luḍ) = mathita L. (vy-ā-loḍayat Hariv. 9091, wṛ. for vy-a-loḍayat
- See vi-√luḍ)
- vy-ā-lola mfn. (√lul) rolling about, quivering, tremulous, shaking, waving Kāv. Kathās. &c
- -kuntala-kalāpa-vat mfn. having dishevelled locks of hair Caurap
- vy-ḍālolana n. moving to and fro Veṇis
- vyāḻi See vyāḍi, p. 1036, col. 3
- vy-âva-kalana ○lita = vy-avak○ W
- vy-āva-krośī f. (√kruś) mutual abuse or vituperation or imprecation Hcar. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 43 Sch.)
- vy-âva-carcī f. (√car) mutual or general repetition Pāṇ. 3-3, 43. Vārtt. 3
- vy-âva-corī f. (√cur) mutual or common theft ib
- vy-ā-√vap only in pr. Subj. -vapāti wṛ. in Pāṇ. 3-1, 34, Sch (Kāś. and TS. cyāvayadti)
- vy-âva-bhāṣī f. (√bhāṣ) mutual or general abuse L. (accord. to some also vyâva-bhāsī
- vy-āvarga See vy-ā-√vṛj. [Page 1039, Column]
- vy-ā-√varṇ (only ind. p. -varṇya), to enumerate, narrate in detail Kathās
- vy-āvarta &c. See below
- vy-ā-√valg P, -valgati, to jump about, bound or leap from one place to another Bālar
- to gallop Uttarar
- to quiver, throb, be agitated (as a bosom) Kuval
- vy-ḍāvalgita mfn. rushing or sweeping along in gusts (as the east wind) MBh
- vyāvahārika mf(ī)n. (fr. vyava-hāra) relating to common life or practice or action, practical, usual, current, actual, real (as opp. to, 'ideal') Mn. MBh. &c
- (in phil.) practical existence (opp. to pāramārthika, 'real', and prātibhāsika, 'illusory') IW. 108
- sociable, affable Kām
- belonging to judicial procedure, judicial, legal Mn. viii, 78
- m. a counsellor, minister, official R
- N. of a Buddhist school
- n. business, commerce, trade BhP
- ○tva n. practicalness, the state of belonging to procedure or action MW
- -khaṇḍana n. -khaṇḍaṇa-sāra m. N. of wks
- vyāvahārya mfn. able, capable, not worn-out MBh. (a-śrānta Nīlak.)
- vy-âva-hārī f. (√hṛ with vi-ā-ava) mutual taking, interchange of intercourse Vop
- vy-âva-hāsī f. (√has) mutual or universal laughter Bhaṭṭ. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 43 Sch.)
- vy-āvādha See vy-ābādha
- vy-ā-vidha mfn. of various kinds MW
- vy-ā-√viś P. -viśati, to enter, penetrate, pervade (acc. or loc.) RV. ŚBr
- vy-ā-√vṛ only pr.p. Ā. -vṛṇvāna, hinding one's self BhP. i, 11, 38 (B. vy-ā-pṛnvāna, which accord. to Sch. = vy-ā-priyamāṇa)
- vy-āvṛta mfn. (for 1. See p. 1028, col. 3) covered, screened W
- removed, excepted ib. (cf. vy-āvṛtta)
- vy-ḍāvṛti f. covering, screening W
- exclusion ib. (cf. vy-avṛtti)
- āvritya See vyā-√vṛt
- vy-ā-√vṛ only 3. pl. impf. P. vyâvṛṇvan, 'they chose' MBh. (B.) i, 4413 (C. vyavṛṇvan)
- vy-ā-√vṛj (only ind. p. -vṛjya)to exclude from (abl.), separate, divide Br
- vy-āvarga m. a division, section Lāṭy
- vy-ā-√vṛt Ā. -vartate (rarely P.), to become separated or singledout from (instr.) RV. AV. Br
- to become separated or distinct, be distinguished as or in some partic. form of. MaitrUp
- to turn or wind in different directions, divide (as a road) MBh
- to be dispersed (as an army) Hariv
- to be opened Suśr
- to turn away from, part with, get rid of (instr. or abl.) Ragh. Kathās
- to diverge from, be inconsistent with (abl.) Sarvad
- to go away, depart Śāntiś
- to come back, return Ratnâv. Rājat
- to turn round, revolve R
- to sink (as the sun) MBh
- to come to an understanding or settlement AitBr
- to come to an end, cease, perish, disappear MBh. Hariv. &c.: Caus. -vartayati (Pass. -vartyate), to divide, separate from (instr. or abl
- ind. p. -vartya, 'with the exception of' Bālar.). TBr. &c. &c
- to free from (instr.) MaitrS
- to turn about or round MBh. Kād
- to keep back, avert R
- to throw about, strew MBh
- to exchange, substitute one for another Hariv
- to lay aside (the staff) R
- (with anyathā) to retract (a word) MBh
- to remove (pain or distress) Vikr
- to destroy or annul (an enemy or a rule) Ragh. xv, 7: Desid. -vivṛsate, to wish or intend to liberate one's self from or get rid of (abl.) ŚBr
- vy-āvarta m. revolving W
- encompassing, surrounding ib
- separating, selecting, appointing ib
- ruptured navel (= nābhi-kaṇṭaka) L
- vy-ḍāvartaka mf(ikā)n. separating, removing, excluding, excepting (-tā f. -tva n.), Śāntiś. Tarkas. Vedântas. &c
- distinguishing, distinctive MW
- turning away from ib
- encircling, encompassing ib
- vy-ḍâvartana mf(ī)n. averting, removing (cf. vigraha-vyāvartanī)
- excluding Saṃk
- n. turn (of a road) AV. ChUp
- coil (of a snake) Kir
- turning away Sāh
- turning round, revolving, encompassing, surrounding W
- vy-ḍāvartanīya mfn. to be taken back ( a-vyāvart○). [Page 1039, Column]
- vy-ḍāvartita mfn. (fr. Caus.) made to turn away, made to desist, made to revolve MW
- exchanged ib
- vy-ḍāvartya mfn. to be removed or excluded or excepted, Kusum
- vy-āvivṛtsu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to get rid of (abl. or comp.) Sāy
- vy-āvṛ́t f. distinction, superiority, pre-eminence over (gen. or instr.) TS. TBr. Kāṭh
- cessation TBr
- ○kāma (○vṛ́t-) mfn. desirous of superiority TS
- vy-ā́vṛtta mfn. turned away from, freed from, rid of (instr., abl., or comp.) AV. MaitrS. Kālid. &c
- split asunder, opened Hariv. Suśr
- (ifc.) different from Kap
- averted R. Kathās
- distorted ṢaḍvBr
- turned back, returned from (abl.) Campak
- (ifc.) incompatible or inconsistent with Bhāshāp
- thoroughly liberated or emancipated (as the soul) Kap
- ceased, disappeared, gone Kum
- 'chosen' or 'fenced' (= vṛta) L
- excepted, excluded W
- praised, hymned (?) ib
- -kautūhala mfn. one whose interest is diverted from (comp.) Vikr
- -gati mfn. one whose movement has ceased, abated, subsided, lulled (as wind) Kum
- -cetas mfn. one whose mind is turned away from (abl.) Kathās
- -tva n. the being separated or excluded from, inconsistency or incompatibility with (comp.) Sāh
- (in phil.) the being separated from, the being non-extensive (= alpa-deśa-vṛttitvam, 'existing in few places', i. e. comprising but few individuals', said of a species, and opp. to adhika-d"ṣ-vṛ○, existing in many places', said of a genus) MW
- -deha mfn. having the body split or burst asunder (said of a mountain) Hariv
- -buddhi f. limited conception', the conception of a class containing few individuals. (or of a class comprised in a higher class) MW
- -śiras mfn. having the head turned round R
- -sarvêndriyârtha mfn. turned away from all objects of sense, indifferent to all worldly matters Pañcat
- ○ttâtman mfn. = ○tta-cetas Ragh
- ○ttêndriya mfn. (ifc.) having the senses averted from MaitrUp. Sch
- vy-ḍā́vṛtti f. turning away, turning the back ( avyāvṛ○)
- rolling (the eyes) Suśr
- deliverance from, getting rid of (abl.) TS. Śāntiś
- being deprived of, separation or exclusion from Śaṃk
- exclusion, rejection, removal Kum. Kāvyâd. Sāh. (cf. paraspara-vy○)
- discrimination, distinction TS. ŚBr
- distinctness (of sound or voice) Kāṭh
- difference AitBr. Nyāyas. Sch
- cessation, end ĀpŚr
- a kind of sacrifice ŚBr
- screening (prob. for vy-āvṛti) ib
- praise, eulogium (?) ib
- -tva n. See under vyāvritta
- vy-ḍāvṛtsu wṛ. for vy-āvivṛtsu
- vy-ā-√vyadh P. -vidhyati, to throw or wave about, brandish MBh. R
- vy-āviddha mfn. thrown or tossed about, whirling round Mṛicch
- displaced, distorted MBh. R. Daś. Suśr. (am ind. Car.)
- interlaced, entwined MW
- vy-āśā See p. 1028, col. 3
- vy-ā-śraya m. (for. See p. 1028, col. 3) assistance, taking the party of any one Pāṇ. 5-4, 48
- vy-āsa &c. See p. 1035, col. 2
- vy-ā-√sañj (only
- 3. du. impf. Ā. vy-â-sajetām
- and ind. p. -sajya), to adhere separately or severally ( comp.)
- to begin to fight hand to hand Śiś. xviii, 12
- vy-āsakta mfn. attached, fastened or adhering or clinging to, fixed on (loc. or comp.) Kāv. Kathās
- devoted to, dependent on, connected with, engaged in, occupied with (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- clasped, embraced Amar
- detached, disjoined (in this sense vi is privative) W
- bewildered, confused ib
- vy-āsaṅga m. excessive attachment, close adherence Bhartṛ. Mālatīm
- devotion or addiction to, wish or desire of. longing or passion for (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- connection, Kusum
- addition W
- detachment, separation (in this and the next senses vi is privative) W
- separate attention, distraction (of thought) Nyāyas
- vy-ḍāsaṅgin mfn. attaching one's self or applying closely to anything MW
- vy-āsajya ind. having firmly attached or fastened on, having adhered or inhered separately or severally MW
- -ceta mfn. attached (in mind) to Divyâv
- -vṛtti mfn. inhering in more subjects than one (as a quality &c.) MW. [Page 1039, Column]
- vy-ā-√sic P. -siñcati, to distribute in pouring out ĀśvŚr
- vy-āseka m. (?), Mahāvy
- vy-ā-√sidh P. -sedhati (inf. -seddhum), to keep off, prevent Śiś
- vy-āsiddha mfn. prohibited, forbidden (as contraband) Yājñ
- vy-āsedha m. prohibition, hindrance, interruption (loc.with √vṛt, to annoy, be troublesome) VP
- vyāsuki m. (prob.) patr. of Vyadi Cat
- vy-ā-√sṛ P. -sarati, to run through or over (acc.) RV. ix, 3, 8
- vy-ā-√sṛj only in vy-âsṛjetām, v. l. or wṛ. for vy-âsajetām ( See vy-ā-√sañj)
- vy-ā-√sthā Caus. -sthāpayati, to send away in different directions, TBr:
- vy-ā-√han P. -hanti, to strike at excessively, strike back, repel Vas. BhP
- to impede, obstruct, fail, disappoint Kāv. Sāh. Suśr.: Caus. -ghātayati, to repel, obstruct MBh
- vy-āghāta &c. See p. 1036, col. 1
- vy-āhata mfn. struck at, hit R
- obstructed, impeded, repelled, disappointed MBh. Kāv. &c
- conflicting with, contradictory MBh. Sarvad
- confused alarmed W
- -tva n. contradictoriness L
- vy-ḍāhati f. contradiction (in logic) Kpr
- vy-āhantavya mfn. to be violated or transgressed R
- vy-āhanasya See p. 1028, col. 3
- vy-āhāva See ib
- vy-ā-√hṛ P.Ā. -harati, ○te, to utter or pronounce a sound, speak, say to (acc.), converse with (saha), name (with nāmabhis, to call by name
- with praśnān, to answer questions
- with udāharāṇi, to state examples) TBr. &c. &c
- to begin to talk (said of a child) MBh
- to confess, avow to (gen.) ib
- to utter inarticulate sounds, cry, scream (said of animals) KātyŚr
- to sport, enjoy one's self (exceptionally for vi-√hṛ) BhP
- to cut off, sever MBh. vi, 2757 (B. vi-√hṛ): Desid. -jihīrṣati, to wish to pronounce or utter ŚBr
- vy-āharaṇa n. the act of uttering or pronouncing, utterance, speech (mama "ṣṇāt, 'because I say so') MBh. BhP
- vy-āhartavya mfn. to be uttered or told or said to (loc.) MBh
- vy-āhāra m. utterance, language, speech, discourse, conversation, talk about (comp.) Kāv. Pañcat. Sāh
- song (of birds) Hariv. Mālav
- (in dram.) a jest, joke, humorous speech Bhar. Daśar. &c
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of speech or talk about (comp.) Kathās
- vyāhārin mfn. speaking, saying Lāṭy. MBh
- singing (as a bird) Hariv
- resounding with Prab
- vy-ā́hṛta mfn. spoken, uttered, said, told, declared, stated VS. &c, &c
- one who has uttered a sound R
- eaten, devoured Jātakam
- n. speaking, talking, conversation Kāv. BhP
- information, instruction, direction Pāṇ. 5-4, 35
- inarticulate speech or song (of animals and birds) MBh. Hariv
- -saṃdeśa mfn. one who tells news or communicates information MW
- vy-ā́hṛti f. utterance, speech, declaration, statement MBh. Kālid. VarBṛS
- (also ○tī
- ifc. ○tikā), the mystical utterance of the names of the seven worlds (viz. bhūr, bhuvar [or bhuvaḥ], svar, mahar, janar, tapar, satya qq. vv. the first three of which, called, the great Vyāhṛitis', are pronounced after om by every Brāhman in commencing his daily prayers and are personified as the daughters of Savitṛi and Pṛiśni) TS. Br. RTL. 403 Mn. ii, 76 MBh. &c
- N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- -traya n. the first three of the above mystical words MW
- -pūrvaka mfn. preceded by the above three mystical words ib
- vyāhruti wṛ. for vy-āhṛti
- vy-ā-√hve Ā. -hvayate (ind. p. -hāvam), to separate by inserting the Āhāva or invocation ( See 2 ā-hāva) AitBr. ĀśvŚr
- vy-āhāva See p. 1028, col. 3
- vy-√u P. -unoti, to urge on, incite, animate RV. v, 31, 1. [Page 1040, Column]
- vy-√ukṣ P. Ā. -ukṣati, ○te, (P.) to sprinkle, pour out ŚBr
- (Ā.) to besprinkle, wet RV. x, 90, 3
- vy-uc-car (-ud-√car) P. Ā. -carati, ○te, to go forth in different directions ŚBr
- to go out of the right path, transgress or offend against, be faithless or disloyal towards (acc.) MBh
- to commit adultery with (instr.) ib
- vy-ucchat &c. See vi-√vas
- vy-uc-chid (-ud-√chid) only Pass. (with act. terminations) -chidyati, to be cut off or interrupted or extirpated, become extinct, come to an end, cease, fail MBh
- vy-ucchitti f. cutting off or short, interruption, disturbance MBh. MārkP
- vy-ḍucchinna mfn. cut off, extirpated, destroyed, interrupted, ceased MBh. Kāv. &c
- vy-ḍucchettṛ mfn. who or what cuts off or destroys ( See a-vyucchettṛ)
- vy-ḍuccheda m. = ○ucchitti HPariś
- vy-úcya mfn. (√vac) to be contradicted or contested (n. impers.) TāṇḍBr
- vy-úta mfn. (√vac) interwoven, woven, variegated (as a garment) RV. ŚBr
- levelled (as a road) RV. iii, 54, 9
- vy-ḍuti f. weaving, sewing L
- vy-ūta mfn. = ○uta HPariś. KātyŚr. Sch
- vy-ūti f. = ○uti L
- vy-ut-√kram P. -krāmati, to go apart or in different directions AitBr. ŚBr
- to overstep, transgress, neglect Ragh
- to go astray MW
- vy-utkrama m. going astray or out of the right course, inverted order, Śāṇḍ. Vedântas
- transgression, offence VarBṛS. BhP
- dying, death L
- vy-ḍutkramaṇa n. going apart, separation Pāṇ. 8-1, 15
- vy-utkrānta mfn. gone apart or in different directions &c. (pl.with dvaṃdvam = 'paired off') Pāṇ. ib. Sch
- gone away, departed, removed, ceased ( See comp.)
- transgressed, disregarded ib
- (ā), f. (scil. prahelikā) a kind of riddle Kāvyâd
- -jīvita mfn. one whose life has departed, lifeless, dead Daś
- -dharma mfn. neglectful of duty MBh
- -rajas mfn. one whose impurity is removed, free from passion ib
- -vartman mfn. one who has gone beyond the right path Bhaṭṭ
- ○taka-samāpatti f. a partic. stage of concentration Buddh
- vy-ut-√tṝ Caus. -tārayati, to pour cut in different directions MānŚr
- vy-ut-√tras Caus. -trāsayati, to scare or frighten away, disperse ĀpŚr
- vy-ut-thā (-ud-√sthā) P. Ā. -tiṣṭhati, ○te, to rise in different directions (as light) RV
- to turn away from (abl.), give up, abandon ŚBr
- to swerve from duty, forget one's self. MBh. R
- to come back (from sea, cf. vy-ut-√pad) Divyâv.: Caus. -thāpayati, to cause to rise up &c
- to call in question, disagree about (acc.) MBh
- to seduce, win over ib
- to set aside, remove, depose (from a place) Kathās
- to abandon treacherously ib
- vy-utthātavya n. (impers.) it is to be desisted from (abl.) Śaṃk
- vy-utthāna n. rising up, awakening (a partic. stage in Yoga) Vedāntas
- yielding, giving way (in a-vy○) MBh
- swerving from the right course, neglect of duties ib
- opposition L
- independent action L
- a kind of dancing or gesticulation MW
- vy-ḍutthāpita mfn. (fr. Caus.) made to rise up. roused, brought up. ib
- vy-utthita mfn. greatly divergent in opinion MBh
- strongly excited or agitated ( See comp.)
- swerving from duty (with or scil. dharmāt) Hariv. Sarvad
- -citta mfn. strongly excited in mind Sarvad
- ○ttâśva m. N. of a prince VP
- ○ttêndriya mfn. greatly agitated in the senses or feelings Hariv
- vy-ut-√pad Ā. -padyate (aor. vyud-apādi), to proceed from, arise, originate, have origin or derivation (esp. in gram.), be derived (from a √&c.) Śiś. x. 23
- (P.) to come back (from sea, cf. vy-utthā) Divyâv
- to resist (?) ib.: Caus. -pādayati, to cause to arise or come forth, produce, cause BhP
- (in gram.) to derive, trace back to a √&c., Śaimk
- to discuss in detail Hcar.: Desid., See vy-utpitsu, col. 2. [Page 1040, Column]
- vy-utpatti f. production, origin, derivation (esp. in gram.), etymology Nyāyam. Sāh. Vop
- development, perfection, growth (esp. in knowledge), proficiency (esp. in literature or science), comprehensive learning or scholarship Nyāyam. Kap. Bālar. &c
- difference of tone or sound (fr. 3. vi denoting variation) VarBṛS
- -dīpikā f. N. of wk. (also called prākṛta-prakriyā-vṛtti)
- -pakṣe ind. on the side of derivation or etymology (an expression used by Vedic commentators when the accentuation is settled by the affixes and not accord. to the meanings of the words)
- -mat mfn. learned, cultured Saṃk
- -ratnâkara m. -rahasya n. N. of wks
- -rahita mfn. destitute of (clear) derivation, not to be explained etymologically, Kusum
- -vāda m. -vāda-kroḍapattra n. -vāda-ṭīkā f. -vāda-pattra n. vādaparyāya-pattra n. -vāda-rahasya n. -vādârtha m. N. of wks
- vy-utpanna mfn. arisen, originated, derived (esp. in gram.), to be explained etymologically ( See a-vy-○)
- learned, accomplished, experienced, Versed in (instr.) Bhartṛ. BhP. Nyāyam. Sch
- vy-utpādaka mfn. (fr. Caus.) giving rise to, producing, productive MW
- tracing back (a word to its √&c.), explaining etymologically L
- vy-ḍutpādana n. etymological explanation, derivation from (abl.) Madhus
- teaching, instruction VarBṛS. Sch
- vy-ḍutpādya mfn. capable of being traced back to its √, derivable, Saṃkhyak
- to be explained or discussed Nyāyam
- vy-utpitsu mfn. (fr. Deśid.) desirous of making proficiency (in any science) MW
- vy-ut-√sad P. -sīdati, to go out or away AitBr
- to be unsettled MW
- to be upset or overthrown ib
- vy-ut-√sic P. -siñcati, to pour out or sprinkle in different directions ĀpŚr
- vy-utseka m. pouring out in different directions ĀpŚr. Sch
- vy-ut-√sṛj P. -sṛjati, to give away, give up, leave, abandon ĀpŚr. BhP
- vy-utsarga m. renunciation, resignation HYog
- vy-ut-√sṛp P. -sarpati, to go out (of a place) AitBr
- vy-√ud (or und). P. -unatti, to spring or gush forth RV
- to sprinkle thoroughly, wet, drench ib. AV
- vy-útta mfn. well sprinkled or wetted, drenched TS
- vy-úndana n. the act of well moistening or wetting VS
- vy-ud-√as P. -asyati, to throw about, scatter Kauś. MBh
- to discharge, emit Gaut
- to cast off, reject, give up, abandon MBh. Kāv. &c
- vy-udasta mfn. thrown or scattered about, cast off, thrown aside MBh. Kāv. &c
- vy-udāsa m. throwing away, giving up, abandonment MBh
- rejection, exclusion Sāh. Kull
- disregard for, indifference to W
- destruction (of an enemy) Śiś. xv, 37
- cessation, end Nalôd
- vy-udita mfn. (√vad) disputed, debated, discussed, contested ŚāṅkhBr
- vy-ud-√ūh P. -ūhati (Pot. -uhyāt), to push apart or asunder, move away or out TS
- to sweep out or away ŚBr. KātyŚr
- vy-ud-granthana n. (√grath) binding up with several strings KātyŚr
- vy-ud-√dhāv Caus. -dhāvayati, to cause to be rubbed off or polished or cleansed Lāṭy
- vy-uddhṛ (-ud-√hṛ), P. -harati (ind. p. uddhāram), to distribute in drawing up or taking out TS. ŚrS. Nyāyam
- to extract, draw out of (abl.) BhP
- vy-un-miśra mfn. intermingled or mixed with, soiled or adulterated with (instr.), MPh. (v. l. vi-miśra)
- vyupa (?), m. one who eats out of his own hands L
- vy-upa-kāra m. (√1. kṛ) completely observing or accomplishing or satisfying (duty &c.) R. [Page 1040, Column]
- vy-upa-jāpa m. (√jap
- less correct vy-upa-jāva) whispering aside or apart, telling in a whisper Āpast
- vy-upa-toda m. (√tud) striking against ib
- vy-upa-deśa m. (√dis) pretext, pretence W. (prob. wṛ. for vy-apa-deśa)
- vy-upa-√nī P. -nayati, to lead or bring (sacrificial victims) separately or one by one ŚBr
- vy-upa-patti f. (√pad) re-birth Divyâv
- vy-upa-√yuj Ā. -yuṅkte, to be concerned about or intent upon (acc.) MBh. v, 992(vḷ.)
- vy-upa-√ram Ā. -ramate (ep. also ○ti
- ind. p. -ramam
- in augmented forms not separable from vy-upâ-√ram below), to leave off or pause variously ĀśvŚr
- to come to an end, cease MBh. Hariv
- to desist from (abl.) MBh
- vy-uparata mfn. rested, stopped, ceased, desisted MBh. Mṛicch
- vy-uparama m. pause, cessation, interruption MBh. Hariv. Kāv
- end, close (of day) Hariv
- (am), ind., See vy-upa-√ram above
- vy-upa-√viś P. -visati, to sit down at different places ŚBr
- vy-upavīta See p. 1029, col. 1
- vy-upa-√śam P. -śamyati (ep. also ○te), to become quiet, be allayed, cease MBh
- vy-upaśama m. (for 1. See p. 1029, col. 1) cessation, end Malatīm. (v. l. for vy-sparama) Sāh
- relief. Divyâv
- vy-upaśānta mfn. calmed, allayed, ceased (as pain) Kāraṇḍ
- desisting Divyâv
- vy-upā-√ram P. -ramati, to desist from, leave off, cease Hariv. (cf. vy-upa-√ram above)
- vy-upâs (-upa- √2. as) P. -upâsyati, to throw about, distribute ŚBr
- vy-upé (-upa- √3. ī), P. -upâiti, to extend or be distributed (intr.) in or over, Kath
- vy-úpta mfn. (p.p. of vi-√vap) shaved, shorn
- -keśa mfn. one whose hair is shorn MaitrS
- vy-upta mfn. (p.p. of vi-√vap) scattered about, disordered, dishevelled
- -keśa mfn. having dishevelled hair BhP
- m. N. of Rudra and of Fire (as identified with Rudra) MW
- -jatā-kalāpa mfn. having a dishevelled mass of hair BhP
- vy-√ubj P. -ubjati, to uncover open, display AV
- vyuṣ (also read pyuṣ), cl. 4. P. vyuṣati, to burn (in this sense perhaps = vy-uṣ) Dhātup. xxvi, 7
- to divide, distribute (in this sense also written pyus, puṣ, byus, bus) ib. 108
- cl. 10. P. vyoṣayati, to reject, discharge, emit (in this sense also written pus) ib. xxxii, 92
- vyuṣṭa mfn. (perhaps rather vy-uṣṭa, fr. √1. uṣ
- above.) burnt W
- vyoṣa See s.v
- vy-úṣ, f. (frvi- √2. vas) dawn, daybreak AV.xiii, 3, 21 (loc. vy-úṣi, as inf. RV. v, 35, 8 &c
- cf. also ā-vyuṣam and upa-vyuṣám)
- vy-uṣasa See upa-vyuṣasam
- vy-uṣita n. daybreak (only in loc.) ŚāṅkhŚr
- vy-úṣṭa mfn. dawned, become daylight, grown bright or clear ŚBr. MBh. &c
- n. daybreak L
- fruit, result (= phala) L
- m. Daybreak personified (as a son of Kalpa, or as a son of Pushpârṇa and Doshā, or as a son of Vibhā-vasu and Ushas) BhP
- -trirātra m. g. yuktârohy-ādi Kāś. (v. l. vyuṣṭi-tr○)
- vy-úṣṭi f. the first gleam or breaking of dawn, daybreak RV. AV. Br
- consequence, fruit, reward for (gen., loc., or comp.) requital (of good or evil) MBh. Kāv. &c
- grace, beauty ChUp. iii, 13, 4
- increase, prosperity, felicity W
- a hymn, praise (= stuti) L
- N. of partic. bricks ĀpŚr
- of a partic. Dvi-rātra ib. [Page 1041, Column]
- -tri-rātra m. g. yuktârohyādi (cf. vyuṣṭa-tr○)
- -mat mfn. bringing reward MBh
- endowed with grace or beauty ChUp
- vy-uṣita mfn. (fr. vi-√vas
- for 1. See p. 1040, col. 3) absent from home BhP
- 'one who has passed (e.g. rātrim, a night)' MBh. (n. impers.)
- inhabited by (comp.) R
- ○tâśva m. N. of a king descended from Daśa-ratha MBh. Hariv
- vy-uṣṭa mfn. one who has passed or spent (rajanīm, a night) MBh. (= pary-uṣita L.)
- vy-uṣṭi f. taking food only every eighth day L. (cf. upa-√vas)
- vyūka m. N. of a people MBh
- vy-ūta vy-ūti, See vy-uta, p. 1040, col. 1
- vy-√ūrṇu (cf. vi-√vṛ), P. Ā. -ūrnoti, -ūrṇute, to uncover, open, display RV
- vy-√ūh P. -ūhati (ep. also ○te impf. avyūhata, ○hanta as if fr. a √vyūh), to push or move apart, place asunder, divide, distribute TS. ŚBr. ŚrS. ĪśUp
- to arrange, place in order, draw up in battle-array Mn. MBh. &c
- to shift, transpose, alter AitBr. ŚBr. ĀśvŚr
- to separate, resolve (vowels, Saṃdhi &c. Rprāt
- vy-ū́ḍha or (for 1. vy-ūḍha See p. 987, col. 3), mfn. pushed or moved apart, divided, distributed, arranged Mn. MBh. &c
- vy-ūḻha (for 1. vy-ūḍha See p. 987, col. 3), mfn. pushed or moved apart, divided, distributed, arranged Mn. MBh. &c
- transposed, altered ( See comp.)
- expanded, developed, wide, broad, large MBh. Kāv. &c
- compact, firm, solid L. = cchandas below TāṇḍBr. Sch
- -kaṅkaṭa mfn. one who has arranged or put on armour, accoutred, mailed L
- -cchandas (vyū́ha- or vyūḻha-), mfn. having the metres transposed ŚBr. AitBr
- -jānu mfn. having the knees separated, ŚāṅkhGṛ
- -nava-rātra m
- ○ḍhâhīna-dvādaśâha-pariśiṣṭa
- n. ○ḍhâhīna-dvādaśâha-prayoga m. N. of wks
- ○ḍhôras mfn. = next (cf. ○ḍhôru)
- ○ḍhôraska mfn. broad-chested MBh. R. &c. (cf. Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 2)
- ○ḍhôru mfn. having thick thighs MBh. (B. ○ḍhôras)
- vy-ūḍhi f. orderly arrangement or disposition, array W
- vy-ūhá m. placing apart, distribution, arrangement R. VarBṛS. &c
- orderly arrangement of the parts of a whole (cf. caraṇa-vy○), disposition Nyāyas
- military array, an army, host, squadron (various arrays are daṇḍa-, 'staff-like array'
- śakaṭa-, 'cart array'
- varāha-, 'boar array'
- maṇḍala-, 'circular array
- ā-saṃhata-, 'loose array'
- ākheṭa-vyūha, 'hunting array' &c.) Mn. vii, 187 MBh. &c
- shifting, transposition, displacement ŚBr. ŚrS
- separation, resolution (of vowels, syllables &c.) RPrāt
- detailed explanation or description SaddhP
- a section, division, chapter Sarvad
- form, manifestation (esp. the quadruple manifestation of Purushôttama as Vāsudeva, Saṃkarshaṇa, Pradyumna, and Aniruddha), appearance (often ifc. after numerals, cf. catur-, trir-vy○) MBh. BhP. Sarvad
- formation, structure, manufacture L
- an aggregate, flock, multitude Vās. Śatr
- the body W
- breathing Nyāyas
- pārṣṇi m. or f. -pṛṣṭha n. the rear of an army L
- -bhaṅga m. -bheda m. the breaking of an array, throwing into, disorder W
- -racanā f. arrangement of troops (○naṃ vi-√dhā, 'to assume a warlike attitude') Pañcat
- 1. -rāja m. the chief or best form of military array MBh
- ○hântara m. a different arrangement or position MW
- vy-ūhaka (ifc.), form, manifestation (= 1. vyūha) AgP
- vy-ḍūhana mfn. pushing apart, separating, displacing (said of Śiva) Hariv. (= jagat-kṣobhaka Nīlak.)
- n. shifting, displacement, separate disposition KātyŚr. Suśr
- development (of the fetus) Yājñ
- arrangement, array (of an army) MW
- vy-ūhita mfn. arranged in order of battle Hariv. Pañcat
- vyūhī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to draw up in battlearray Kām
- vy-√ūh Ā. -ohate, to forebode, perceive (accord. to others 'despise') RV. ii, 23, 16
- vy-ūha m. reasoning, logic (= tarka) L
- -mati m. N. of a Deva-putra Lalit
- -2. -rāja m. a partic. Samādhi SaddhP
- N. of a Bodhi-sattva ib. (○jêndrā f. N. of a Kiṃ-narī Kāraṇḍ.)
- vy-√ṛ P. -ṛṇoti, -ṛṇvati (3. pl. vyṛṇvire
- pf. vy-āra), to open (intr.), go apart or asunder RV
- to open (trans.), spread abroad, display ib. [Page 1041, Column]
- vy-√ṛch P. -ṛcchati (only impf. vyārchat), to go apart or asunder ŚBr
- vy-√ṛdh Pass. -ṛdhyate, to be unfortunate or unsuccessful, be excluded or deprived of (instr.) ŚBr.: Caus. -ardhayati (Pass. -ardhyate), to exclude from, deprive of (instr.) AitBr. ŚBr. Desid. vii7rtsati, to wish to nullify or render vain AV. (cf. vii7rtsā, p. 1007, col. 1)
- vy-ṛ́ddha mfn. unsuccessful, failed, miscarried, defective, imperfect ŚBr. Nir. (cf. a-vy○)
- sinful, criminal Āpast
- -bhāj mfn. receiving a defective oblation as a share ib
- vy-ṛddhi f. ill-luck, want of success, loss, failure, miscarriage, exclusion VS. AV. Br. Gaut
- want of prosperity, scarcity (of grain &c.) Pāṇ. 2-1, 6
- vy-√rṣ P. -arṣati, to flow through (acc.) RV
- vy-√ṛṣ P. -ṛṣati, to pierce, penetrate RV
- vye cl. 1. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxili, 38) vyáyati, te (pf. P. vivyāya, 2. sg. vivyayitha Gr
- 2. du. vivyathus RV
- Ā. vivyé ib. -vyayā́ṃ cakāra ŚBr
- aor. avyat, avyata RV
- avyāsīt, avyāsta Gr
- Prec. viiyāt, vyāsīṣṭa ib
- fut. vyātā ib
- vyāsyati, ○te ib
- vyayiṣye GṛŚrS
- ind. p. -viíya Br. &c
- -vāya Gr.), to cover, clothe, wrap, envelop (A. also, 'one's self') RV. TS. TBr.: Psss. viiyáte (pr. p. viiyámāna), to be covered &c. TS.: Caus. vyāyayati Gr.: Desid. vivyāsati, ○te ib
- Intens. veviiyate, vāvyeti, vāvyâti ib
- vīta See 3. viita, p. 1004, col. 2
- vy-eka vy-enas &c. See p. 1029, col. 1
- vy-emāna pr. p. of vy-√am Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-4, 120
- vyo-kāra m. (prob.) 'making the sound vyo', a blacksmith Hcar
- vyôman m. (for 1. See p. 1029, col. 1
- accord. to Uṇ. iv, 150 fr. √vye accord. to others fr. vi-√av or √ve) heaven, sky, atmosphere, air (vyomnā, vyoma-mārgeṇa or -vartmanā, 'through the air') RV. &c. &c
- space Kap
- ether (as an element) Kāv. Pur. Suśr
- wind or air (of the body) BhP
- water L
- talc, mica L
- a temple sacred to the sun L
- a partic. high number L
- the 10th astrol. mansion VarBṛS
- preservation, welfare TS. (= rakṣaṇa Sch.)
- m. a partic. Ekâha ŚrS
- N. of Prajā-pati or the Year (personified) TS. VS. (Mahīdh.)
- of Vishṇu Vishṇ
- of a son of Dasârha Hariv. Pur. (vḷ. vyoma)
- vyoma (for 2. See col. 3), in comp. for 2. vyoman
- ○keśa (Śatar Up. MBh.) or (L.), m. 'sky-haired', N. of Śiva
- ○keśin (L.), m. 'sky-haired', N. of Śiva
- ○ga mfn. moving through the air, flying Kathās
- m. a being that moves in the air, a divine being Śiś
- ○gaṅgā f. the heavenly Ganges MBh. Kāv
- ○gamanī f. (with vidyā) the magic art of flying Kathās
- ○gāmin mfn. = -ga ib
- ○guṇa m. quality of the air', sound L
- ○cara mfn. id. Kāv
- m. a planet Gol
- ○cārin mfn. = -ga VarBṛS. Kathās
- a bird L
- a divine being, god Rājat
- = cira-jīvin and dvi-jāta (prob. 'a bird') L
- a saint W
- a Brāhman W
- a heavenly body A
- ([○ri) -pura] n. 'sky-floating city', the city of Hari-ścandra (supposed to be suspended between heaven and earth) L
- ○deva m. N. of Śiva MW
- ○dhāraṇa m. mercury L
- ○dhūma m. 'sky smoke', smoke or a cloud L
- ○dhvani m. a sound coming from the sky (○ni-pati) Hcat. (cf. -śabda
- ○nāsikā f. a quail L
- a sort of quail W
- ○pañcaka n. (prob.) the five apertures in the body Cat
- ○pāda mfn. one whose foot stands in the air (Vishṇu) Pañcar
- ○puṣpa n. a flower in the air (i.e. any impossibility or absurdity) HPariś. (cf. kha-p○)
- ○māñjara n. ('sky-cluster') or ('sky-circle') a flag, banner L
- ○maṇḍala n. ('sky-circle') a flag, banner L
- ○madhye ind. in the middle of the sky, in mid-air Vikr
- ○māya mf(ā)n. 'sky-measuring', reaching to the sky, high as the heaven W
- ○mudgara m. 'sky-hammer', a gust of wind L
- ○mṛga (prob.) m. N. of one of the Moon's ten horses L. (cf. vyomin)
- ○yāna n. 'sky-vehicle', a celestial car, chariot of the gods Cat
- ○ratna n. 'sky-jewel', the sun L
- ○vatī f. N. of a Comm
- ○vartman n. the path of the sky (○manā through the air or sky) Kathās. [Page 1041, Column]
- ○vállikā f. Cassyta Filiformis L
- ○vistṛta n. the expanse of heaven, the sky firmament W
- ○vyāpin mfn. filling the sky Śiś
- ○śabda m.= -dhvani Hcat
- ○śivâcārya m. N. of an author, Cat
- ○sád mfn. dwelling in the sky RV. VS
- m. a deity W
- a Gandharva MW
- a spirit W
- ○sambhavā f. a spotted cow L
- ○sarit f. = -gaṅgā Kathās
- ○stha mfn. being on or in the sky Śiś
- ○sthalī f. 'ground of the sky', the earth (?) L
- ○spṛś mfn. sky-touching, reaching to the sky Śiś
- vyomâkhya n. talc, mica L
- original germ (= mūla-kāraṇa) L
- vyomâdhipa m. 'lord of the heaven', N. of Śiva Hcat
- vyomâbha m. 'heaven-like', a Buddha L
- vyomâri m. N. of a being reckoned among the Viśve Devāb MBh
- vyomâikânta-vihārin mfn. moving exclusively in the air (as a bird) Pañcat. ii, 21 (v. l.)
- vyomôdaka n. 'sky-water', rain-water L
- vyoma m. (for 1. See col. 2) N. of a son of Daśârha Pur. (vḷ. for vyoman)
- vyomaka (gender doubtful) a kind of ornament Buddh
- vyomin m. N. of one of the Moon's ten horses VP. (cf. vyoma-mṛga)
- vyomnika See parama-vy○
- vy-ôṣa mf(ā)n. (fr. vi +√uṣ
- √.vyuṣ) burning, scorching AV
- m. a species of elephant L
- n. the three hot substances (viz. dry ginger, long pepper, and black pepper) Suśr
- vrá m. (a formula of unknown meaning) AV. xi, 7, 3. For the form vrā, See p. 1043, col. 1
- vrakṣas wṛ. for vakṣas Cat
- vraj cl. i, P. (Dhātup. viii, 79) vrájati (m.c. also ○te
- pf. vavrā́ja RV. &c. &c
- aor. avrājīt Br. Up
- fut. vrajitā Gr
- vrajiṣyati Br. &c
- inf. vrajitum MBh
- ind. p. vrajitvā, -vrájya, -vrājam Br. &c.), to go, walk, proceed, travel, wander, move (also applied to inanimate objects
- with acc. or instr. of the road, acc. of the distance, and acc., rarely loc. or dat., of the place or object gone to
- with or scil. padbhyām, 'to go on foot'
- with upānadbhyām id., lit. 'with shoes'
- with dhuryais, 'to travel by means of beasts of burden'
- with paramāṃgatim, 'to attain supreme bliss'
- with śaraṇam and acc., 'to take refuge with'
- with mūrdhnā pādau and gen., 'to prostrate one's self at anyone's feet'
- with antam and gen., 'to come to the end of'
- with anyena, anyatra or anyatas, 'to go another way or elsewhere'
- with adhas, either 'to sink down to hell' or 'to be digested as food'
- with punar, 'to return to life') RV. &c. &c
- to go in order to, be going to (dat., inf. or an adj. ending in aka [e.g. bhojako vrajati, he is going to eat']) Pāṇ. 2-3, 15 ; iii, 3, 10 &c
- to go to (a woman), have sexual intercourse with (acc.) Mn. Suśr
- to go against, attack (an enemy
- also with vidviṣam, dviṣato'bhimukham, abhy-ari &c.) Mn. Yājñ. Kām
- to go away. depart from (abl.), go abroad, retire, withdraw, pass away (as time) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to undergo, go to any state or condition, obtain, attain to, become (esp. with acc. of an abstract noun, e.g. with vināśam, 'to go to destruction, become destroyed'
- with chattratām, 'to become a pupil'
- with nirvṛtim, 'to grow happy' [√.gam, yā &c.]
- with sukham, 'to feel well'
- with jīvan, 'to escape alive') ib.: Caus. or cl. 10. P. (Dhātup. xxxii, 74) vrājayati, to send, drive, AitAr
- to prepare, decorate Dhātup.: Desid. vivrajiṣati Gr.: Intens. vāvrajate, vāvrakti, to go crookedly Pāṇ. 3-1, 23 Sch
- vraja m. (for 2. See p. 1042, col. 1) a way, road L
- n. wandering, roaming W
- vrajaka m. a wandering religious mendicant L
- vrájana n. going, travelling (anyatra, 'elsewhere') Pañcat. ii 62/63 going into exile ib. iii, 268 (v. l. pra-vrajana)
- a road, way RV. vii, 3, 2
- m. N. of as one of Aja-mīḍha and brother of Jahnu (considered as one of the ancestors of Kuśika) MBh
- vrajitá mfn. gone, proceeded (anyena, by another road) ŚBr
- n. going, roaming W
- vrajyā f. (for 2. See next page, col. 1) travelling, wandering, gait Nir. Pāṇ. Nyāyas. Sch
- march, attack, invasion L
- N. of a poem by Kavicandra
- ○mālā f. N. of a poem by Sarvânanda
- ○vat mfn. having a graceful gait Bhaṭṭ
- addicted to wandering or roaming, wandering, roaming W. [Page 1042, Column]
- vrāja m. (for 2. See below) going, movement, motion MW
- vrāji f. 'who or what moves (?)', a gale of wind W. (cf. dhrāji)
- vrājika n. a kind of fast (subsisting on milk
- observed by religious mendicants) L
- vrajá m. (n. only RV. v, 6, 7
- ifc. f. ā
- fr. √vṛj) a fold, stall, cow-pen, cattle-shed, enclosure or station of herdsmen RV. &c. &c
- m. N. of the district around Agra and Mathurā (the abode of Nanda, of Kṛishṇa's foster-father, and scene of Kṛishṇa's juvenile adventures
- commonly called Braj
- cf. vṛji) Inscr
- a herd, flock, swarm, troop, host, multitude MBh. Kāv. &c. (saṃgrāmaḥ savrajaḥ 'a fight with many' MārkP
- vrajo girimayaḥ, prob. = giri-vraja, q.v Hariv.)
- a cloud (= megha) Naigh. i, 10
- N. of a son of Havir-dhāna Hariv. VP
- ○kiśora m. 'young herdsman' or 'a young man of Vraja', N. of Kṛishṇa MatsyaP
- ○kṣít mfn. remaining in a (heavenly) station i.e. in the clouds VS
- ○tattva n
- ○nava-nāgaracandrikā f. N. of wks
- ○nātha m. 'lord of the herds', N. of Kṛishṇa MBh
- -bhaṭṭa m. N. of an author Cat
- ○paddhati f
- ○bhakti-vilāsa m. N. of wks
- ○bhāṣā f. the language current around Agra and Mathurā Col
- ○bhū mfn. being or produced in Vraja MW
- m. a variety of the Kadamba L
- f. the district of Vraja MW
- ○bhūṣaṇa
- ○bhūṣaṇa-kavi
- ○bhuṣaṇa-miśra m. N. of authors Cat
- ○maṇḍala n. the district of Vraja MatsyaP
- ○mohana m. 'fascinator of Vraja', N. of Kṛishṇa L
- ○yuvati f. a young cowherdess, young shepherdess Chandom
- ○rāja
- ○rāja-gosvāmin
- ○rāja-dīkṣita
- ○rāja-śukla m. N. of various authors and other men Cat
- ○rāmā f. a cowherdess, shepherdess Chandom
- ○lāla m. N. of a king Cat
- of an author ib
- ○vadhū (ib.) or (Chandom.), f. = -rāmā
- ○vanitā (Chandom.), f. = -rāmā
- ○vara m. 'best in Vraja', N. of Kṛishṇa MatsyaP
- ○vallabha m. 'beloved in Vraja', id. L
- ○vilāsa m
- ○vilāsa-stava m
- ○vihāra m. N. of wks
- ○sundarī (Gīt.) or (Rājat. BhP.), f. = -rāma
- ○strī (Rājat. BhP.), f. = -rāma
- vrajâṅgana n. a cow-yard or station of cowherds Pañcar
- (ā), f. a cowherdess Chandom. Vās
- vrajâjira n. a cow-yard, cattle-fold, cow-pen W
- vrajâvāsa m. a settlement of herdsmen BhP
- vrajêndra m. 'lord of Vraja', N. of Kṛishṇa Pañcar
- -carita n. N. of wk
- vrajêśvara m. = vrajêndra Pañcar
- vrajôparodham ind. enclosing in a fold or stall Pāṇ. 3-4, 49 Sch
- vrajâukas m. a herdsman Pur
- vrajas-pati m. (formed ungrammatically according to the analogy of bṛhas-pati) 'lord of the cow-pen', N. of Kṛishṇa BhP
- vrajín mfn. being in the stall RV. v, 45, 1
- herded or grouped together MW
- vrájya mfn. belonging to a fold or pen VS
- vrajyā f. division, group (= varga) Sāh
- vrājá m. (for 1. See above) = 2. vrajá, a troop, host, band (am ind. in troops) AV
- a domestic cock L
- ○patí (or vrājá-p○), m. the lord of a troop or host RV. AV
- ○bāhu m. du. outstretched arms (lit. 'arms that form an enclosure') ŚāṅkhBr
- vrājin See viṣṭhā-vrājin, p. 999, col. 1
- vraḍhiman m. ( fr. vṛḍha, See under √1. 2. bṛh), g. driḍhâdi
- vraṇ (also written braṇ), cl. 1. P. vraṇati, to sound Dhātup. xiii, 8
- vraṇ (rather Nom. fr. vraṇa below), cl. 1. P. vraṇati, to wound Suśr
- cl. 10. P. (Dhātup. xxxv, 82) vraṇayati id. Kāv. Kathās. &c
- vraṇa m. (exceptionally n.) a. wound, sore, ulcer, abscess, tumour, cancer, boil, scar, cicatrix, crack Mn. MBh. &c
- a flaw, blemish (also in inanimate objects) MBh. Hariv. VarBṛS
- ○kārin mfn. making or causing a sore, wounding L
- ○kṛt mfn. id. L
- corroding W
- m. Semecarpus Anacardium L
- ○ketu-ghnī f. a kind of small shrub L
- ○granthi m. a scar, cicatrix Mcar
- ○ghna-gaja-dāna-vidhi (with vṛddha-gautamôkta), m
- ○ghna-ratna-dāna-vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○ghnī f. Erythraea Centaureoides or Pharmaceum Mollugo L
- ○cikitsā f. 'cure of sores', N. of wk
- ○cintaka m. 'sores-curer', a surgeon Car
- ○jitā f. Schoenanthus Indicus Dhanv
- ○tā f. the state of a sore Suśr
- ○dviṣ mfn. (nom dviṭ) 'hating i.e. healing sores' MW
- m. Clerodendrum Siphonanthus L. [Page 1042, Column]
- ○dhūpana n. the fumigation of a sore (with vapour &c.) Suśr
- ○paṭṭa m. (Bālar. Rājat.) or a bandage on a wound (ifc. f. ikā)
- ○paṭḍṭṭaka m. (Kathās.) or f. (ib.) a bandage on a wound (ifc. f. ikā)
- ○paṭḍṭṭikā f. (ib.) a bandage on a wound (ifc. f. ikā)
- ○bhṛt mfn. wounded Śiś
- ○maya mf(ī)n., See śastra-vraṇa-m○
- ○yukta mfn. wounded (-tva n.) R
- ○vat mfn. sore, wounded MBh. Śiś
- ○vastu n. the place or seat of a wound Suśr
- a part liable to ulcerate (as skin, flesh &c.) W.,
- ○viropaṇa mfn. cicatrizing sores, healing sores Śak. (vḷ. viśoṣaṇa)
- n. the healing of a sore Daś
- ○vedanā f. the pain of a sore Suśr
- ○śodhana n. the cleansing or cicatrizing of a sore W
- ○śoṣin mfn. pining away with wounds or ulcers Suśr
- ○saṃrohaṇa n. the cicitrization or healing of a wound R
- ○sāmānya-karma-prakāśa m. N. of a section of the Jñāna-bhāskara
- ○ha mfn. destroying or removing sores L
- m. the castor-oil tree L
- (ā), f. Cocculus Cordifolius L
- ○hṛt mfn. removing sores L
- m. Methonica Superba L
- vraṇâyāma m. the pain of a sore or ulcer, ŚsrṅgS
- vraṇâri m. 'enemy of sores', Agati Grandiflora L
- myrrh L
- vraṇâsrāva m. discharge from wounds or ulcers Suśr
- vraṇana n. piercing, perforating Bālar
- vraṇayita mfn. .becoming sore or ulcerated Hcat
- vraṇita mfn. wounded, sore, ulcerated R. Suśr. Kathās. &c
- ○hṛdaya mf(ā)n. heart-stricken MW
- vraṇin mfn. having a sore or wound, ulcerated Suśr. Bhartṛ. Hcat
- vraṇila mfn. wounded, injured (said of a tree) ṢaḍvBr
- vraṇīya See dvi-v○
- vraṇya mfn. beneficial for wounds or sores Suśr
- vratá n. (ifc. f. ā
- fr. √2. vṛ) will, command, law, ordinance, rule RV
- obedience, service ib. AV. ĀśvGṛ
- dominion, realm RV
- sphere of action, function, mode or, manner of life (e.g. śuci-vr○, pure manner of life' Śak.), conduct, manner, usage, custom RV. &c. &c
- a religious vow or practice, any pious observance, meritorious act of devotion or austerity, solemn vow, rule, holy practice (as fasting, continence &c
- vratáṃ-√car, to observe a vow', esp., 'to practise chastity') ib
- any vow or firm purpose, resolve to (dat., loc., or comp
- vratāt, or vrata-vaśāt, 'in consequence of a vow'
- cf. asi-dhārā-vrata and āsidhāraṃ vratam) MBh. Kāv. &c
- the practice of always eating the same food (cf. madhu-vr○) L
- the feeding only on milk (as a fast or observance according to rule
- also the milk itself) VS. Br. KātyŚr
- any food (in a-yācita-vr○, q.v.)
- = mahā-vrata (i.e. a partic. Stotra, and the day for it) Br. ŚrS'
- (with gen. or ifc.) N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr. (L. also 'month
- season
- year
- fire
- '= Vishṇu
- 'N. of one of the seven islands of Antara-dviipa')
- (vráta), m. (of unknown meaning) AV. v, 1, 7 ĀpŚr. xiii, 16, 8
- N. of a son of Manu and Naḍvalā BhP
- (pl.) N. of a country belonging to Prācya L
- mfn. = veda-vrata, one who has taken the vow of learning the Veda Gṛihyās. ii, 3 (Sch.)
- ○kamalâkara m
- ○kalpa m
- ○kalpa-druma m
- ○kāla-nirṇaya m
- ○kāla-viveka m
- ○kośa m
- ○kaumudī f
- ○khaṇḍa n. N. of wks
- ○grahaṇa n. the taking upon one's self of a religious vow, becoming a monk Pañcat. HPariś
- ○caryā́ f. the practice of any religious observance or vow ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- (○rya). m. a relṭreligious student MW
- ○cārín mfn. vow-performing, engaged in any religious observance or practice ('in honour f', with gen
- ○ri-tā f.) RV. ĀśvGṛ. MBh. &c
- ○cūḍāmaṇi m. N. of wk
- ○tattva n. N. of a ch. of the Smṛiti-tattva
- ○daṇḍin mfn. bearing a staff in accordance with a vow Hariv
- ○dāna n. the imposing of a vow Pañcat
- a donation made in consequence of a vow AgP
- ○dugdha n. Vrata-milk KātyŚr. Sch
- ○dúghā (ŚBr. KātyŚr.) or (ĀpŚr. ib. Sch.), f. a cow which gives the Vrata-milk
- ○duh (ĀpŚr. ib. Sch.), f. a cow which gives the Vrata-milk
- ○dhara (ifc.), See daiṇḍa-, nagna-v○ &c
- ○dhāraṇa n. the fulfilling of a religious observance, fulfilling of duties towards (with gen. or comp.) Kām. BṛĀrUp. Sch. BhP
- ○dhārin mfn. fulfilling a relṭreligious obsṭobservance &c. Sāṃkhyak. Sch. (cf. mauna-v○)
- ○nimitta mf(ā)n. caused by a vow MW
- ○nirṇaya m. N. of wk
- ○nī́ mfn. 'obedient' or 'bearing the Vrata-milk' RV. x, 65, 6
- ○pakṣa m. du. (with prajā-pater) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr. Lāṭy
- ○pañjī f. N. of wk
- ○pati (vratá-), m. 'lord of religious observances' &c
- N. of Agni AV. VS. TS. &c
- ○patnī f. mistress of religious obsṭobservances &c. Kauś
- ○pā́ mfn. upholding or observing religious ordinances or duties RV. VS. Br. [Page 1042, Column]
- ○pāraṇa n. (Ragh. Rājat. &c.) or (MW.) conclusion of a fast, the first eating or drinking after a fast
- ○pāraḍṇā f. (MW.) conclusion of a fast, the first eating or drinking after a fast
- ○pustaka (?),
- ○prakāśa mṆ. of wks
- ○pratīṣṭhā f. the performance of a voluntary religious act
- -prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○pradá mfn. presenting the Vrata-milk Br. ŚrS
- ○pradāna n. the vessel wherein the VratamṭVrata is presented ŚrS
- the imposing of a vow Pañcat
- ○bandha-paddhati f. N. of wk
- ○bhakṣaṇa n. the feeding on Vrata-milk (-kāle) KātyŚr. Sch
- ○bhaṅga m. the breaking of a vow Cat
- breaking of a promise A
- ○bhikṣā f. soliciting alms (as one of the ceremonies at investiture with the sacred thread) W
- ○bhṛ́t mfn. bearing the ordinance or oblation &c. (said of Agni) TS. Br. ŚrS. (cf. samāna-v○)
- ○mayūkha m
- ○mālā f. N. of wks
- ○miśra mfn. mixed with Vrata-milk KātyŚr
- ○mīmāṃsā́ f. inquiry into or discussion about religious observances ŚBr
- ○ratnâvalī f
- ○rāja m. N. of wks
- ○ruci mfn. delighting in religious observances, devout Bhartṛ
- ○lupta mf(ā)n. one who has broken a vow MW
- ○lopa m. violation of a vow or relṭreligious obligation Vait. Yājñ. (cf. snātakáv○)
- ○lopana n. id. Mn. Yājñ. 1
- ○vat (vratá-), mfn. fulfilling or performing a relṭreligious vow &c. Kauś. MBh. Hariv. &c
- connected with the Vrata called Mahā-vrata ŚrS
- containing the word vratá ŚBr. 2
- ○vat ind. like (in or with) the Vrata-milk KātyŚr
- ○vallī f
- ○vidhi m
- ○viveka-bhāskara m. N. of wks
- ○visarga m. conclusion of any vow or observance PañcavBr. (cf. vratâdeśana)
- ○visarjana mf(ī)n. concluding a religious observance Kauś. Vait
- ○visarjanī́yôpayoga mfn. belonging to the conclusion of an obsṭobservance ŚBr
- ○vaikalya n. imperfection or incompletion of a vow or religious obsṭobservance Pañcat
- ○śayyā-gṛha n. a sleepingroom set apart for the fulfilling of a relṭreligious vow or observance Kathās
- ○śānti f. (with nānā-vidhā, ) N. of wk
- ○śeṣa m. the remainder of a relṭreligious obs MW
- ○śrapaṇa n. boiling Vrata-milk ŚāṅkhBr. ŚāṅkhSr
- ○saṃrakṣaṇa n. the keeping of a vow or penance MW
- ○saṃgraha m. the undertaking of any relṭreligious obligation L
- N. of wk
- ○samāpana mf(ī) n. concluding a religious observance Kauś
- ○samāyana wṛ. for prec. Daś
- ○sampāta m. N. of wk
- ○sampādana n. fulfilling a relṭreligious obligation or vow Vikr
- ○sahyâdri m
- ○sāra m. N. of wks
- ○stha mf(ā)n. engaged in a vow or relṭreligious observance &c. Mn. MBh. Kathās. BhP. (cf. kanyā-vrata-sthā)
- ○sthita mfn. engaged in religious observances (as a Brahma-cārin) VarBṛS
- ○snāta mfn. one who has bathed after completing a religious vow R. MārkP
- ○snātaka mfn. id. GṛS
- ○snāna n. bathing after the completing of a vow R. Rājat. BhP
- ○hāni f. relinquishment of a relṭreligious observance or vow ŚāṅkhGṛ
- vratâcaraṇa n. the act of observing a vow or relṭreligious obligation (esp. that of continence) MW
- vratâcāra m. N. of wk
- vratâtipatti f. omission of a relṭreligious observance ĀśvŚr
- vratâdāna n. undertaking a religious vow or obligation Hpariś
- vratâdānīya mfn. relating to the undertaking of a relṭreligious vow Kauś
- vratâdeśa m. direction for undertaking a Vrata, imposition of a vow &c. (esp. that of a Brahma-cārin) R. Yājñ
- investiture with the sacred cord MW
- vratâdeśana n. imposing or undertaking a vow GṛS. Mn
- -visarga m. pl. the undertaking and concluding of a vow PārGṛ
- vratârka m
- vraḍtâvalī f
- vraḍtâvalī-kalpa m. N. of wks
- vratâśa mfn. = mitaṃ hitam medhyaṃ câśnāti MBh. (Nīlak.)
- vratêśa m. lord of observances', N. of Śiva MBh
- vratôddyota m
- vratôddyoḍtôdyāpana n
- tôdyāpana-kaumudī f
- ḍtôdyāpana-vidhi m. N. of wks
- vratôpanáyana n. initiation into a relṭreligious vow &c. TBr
- vratôpavāsa m. fasting as a religious obligation R. BrahmaP
- -saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- vratôpasád f. pl. the Vrata-milk and the ceremony Upasad ŚBr
- vratôpaha wṛ. for vratôpôha
- vratôpâyaná n. entering on a religious observance &c. (-vat, ind.) ŚBr. KātyŚr
- presents of cakes &c. (to be eaten during a religious feast = vāyana) MW
- vratôpāyanī́ya mfn. belonging to the Vratôpâyana &c. ŚBr. ŚrS. ĀpŚr. Sch
- vratôpôha m. (with aṅgirasām) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- vrataka n. a religious observance &c. (= vratá) Hariv
- vrataya Nom. P. vratáyati, to drink the (hot) Vrata-milk (also with payas &c.) TS. Kāṭh. ŚBr
- to eat or drink after a fast TāṇḍyaBr. AitĀr., Sch, (wṛ. avrajayat) [Page 1043, Column]
- to observe a vow MW
- to fast or practise any abstinence in consequence of a vow ib
- to avoid certain kinds of food (as Śūdra food) Pāṇ. 3-5, 21 Sch
- to eat together MW
- vratayitavya mfn. to be consumed (as Vratamilk) TS. Sch
- vratika in a-, cāndra-vr○ &c. (umā-vr○ wṛ. for umā-vrataka Hariv.)
- vratín mfn. observing a vow, engaged in a religious observance &c. TS. ŚBr. Kauś. &c
- (ifc.) engaged in, worshipping, behaving like MBh. BhP
- m. an ascetic, devotee MW
- a religious student ib
- one who institutes a sacrifice and employs priests (= yajamāna) ib
- N. of a Muni Cat
- (inī), f. a nun HPariś
- vrateyu m. N. of a son of Raudraśva Pur
- vratyá mfn. obedient, faithful (with gen.) RV
- (vrátya), suitable or belonging to or fit for a religious observance, engaged in a relṭreligious obsṭobservance TS. Br. ŚrS
- n. food suitable for a fast-day KātyŚr
- vrāta &c. See below
- vratáti f. (prob. fr. √vṛt) a creeping plant, creeper RV. &c. &c. (also ○tī)
- expansion, extension, spreading (= pra-tatī) L
- ○valaya m. n. a creeper winding round like a bracelet Śak
- vrad (or vrand), Ā. -vradate (only impf. avradanta), to soften, become soft RV. ii, 24, 3 (cf. Nir. v, 16)
- vrandín mfn. becoming soft RV. i, 54, 4, 5
- vradhna See bradhna
- vráyas n. (perhaps fr. √vrī) overwhelming or superior power RV. ii, 23, 16
- vraśc (cf. √vṛk), cl. 6. P. (Dhātup. xxviii, 11) vṛścáti (pr. p. vṛkṇan [?] BhP
- pf. vavraśca, ○citha Gr
- aor. avraścīt, avrākṣīt ib
- vṛkṣi Br
- fut. vraścitā, vraṣṭā Gr
- vraściṣyati, vrakṣyati ib
- ind. p. vraścitvā ib
- vṛṣṭvā́ AV
- vṛktvií RV
- -vráścam, -vṛtcya Br. &c.), to cut down or off or asunder, cleave, hew, fell (a tree) RV. &c. &c.: Pass. vṛścyáte (in AV. also vṛścáte), to be cut down or off &c.: Caus. vraścayati (aor. avavraścat), Gr.: Desid. vivraściṣati, vivrakṣati ib.: Intens. varīvṛścyate, varīvṛtcīti ib
- vṛkṇá mfn. cut off or down, cleft, felled, torn, broken RV. &c. &c
- n. a cut, incision AV. TS
- ○vat mfn. one who has cut or severed W
- vṛścád-vana mfn. (pr. p. of √vraśc + vana) felling or destroying trees (said of Agni) RV
- vṛścana
- vṛścika &c. See p. 1011, col. 3
- vṛścita mfn. cut off or down &c. Kauś. Sch
- vráścana mfn. who or what cuts, cutting or for cutting Mcar
- a file or saw or chisel L
- the juice flowing from an incision in a tree Gaut. Yājñ
- n. cutting, wounding, a cut, incision ŚBr. Kāṭh. &c
- ○prabhava mfn. flowing from an incision (in a tree, as juices &c.) Mn. v, 6
- vraṣṭavya mfn. to be cut off or down &c. Pāṇ. 8-2, 36 Sch
- vraska See yūpa-vraská
- vrahman See brahman
- vrā́ f. (fr. √1. vṛ accord. to some fr. a masc. stem vra) a heap, host, multitude (mostly vrā́s, p1.) RV. (Sāy. i, 121, 2, 'night', 'dawn') AV
- vrācaṭa or vrācaḍa m. a kind of Apabhraṃśa dialect Cat
- vrāja.2. &c. See p. 1042, col. 1
- vrā́ta m. (connected with √1. vṛ, or with vratá and √2. vṛ) a multitude, flock, assemblage, troop, swarm, group, host (vrā́taṃ vrātam, in companies or troops
- páñca vrā́tās, the five races of men), association, guild RV. &c. &c
- the company or attendants at a marriage feast W
- = manuṣya Naigh. ii, 3
- the descendant of an out-caste Brāhman &c. (= vrātya) L
- n. manual or bodily labour, day-labour ib
- ○jīvana mfn. living by manual or bodily labour MW
- ○pata mf(ī)n. relating or belonging or sacred to Vrata-pati ŚrS. Vas
- ○tīya mfn. id. KātyŚr. Sch
- ○téṣṭi-prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○pati (vrā́ta-), m. lord of an assemblage or association VS
- ○bhṛta mf(ī)n. addressed to Agni Vrata-bhṛit ĀpŚr
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of a multitude of (comp.) BhP. -sāhá (Padap. -sahá), mfn. conquering hosts or in hosts RV. [Page 1043, Column]
- vrātika n. a partic. observance Gobh
- vrātīna mfn. living by the profession of a Vrāta Pāṇ. 5-?21
- having no fixed employment, belonging to a vagrant gang Lāṭy. Bhaṭṭ
- vrā́tya m. a man of the mendicant or vagrant class, a tramp, out-caste, low or vile person (either a man who has lost caste through non-observance of the ten principal Saṃskāras, or a man of a partic. low caste descended from a Sūdra and a Kshatriyā
- accord. to some 'the illegitimate son of a Kshatriya who knows the habits and intentions of soldiers'
- in AV. xv, 8, 1 ; 9, 1, the Rājanyas and even the Brāhmans are said to have sprung from the Vrātya who is identified with the Supreme Being, prob. in glorification of religious mendicancy
- accord. to ĀpŚr. vrātya is used in addressing a guest) AV. &c. &c
- (ā), f. a female Vrātya Mn. viii, 373
- a vagrant life PañcavBr
- mfn. belonging to the Vrata called Maha-vrata (q.v.) PañcavBr. Sch
- ○gaṇa m. the vagrant class KātyŚr
- ○caraṇa n. (ib.),
- ○caryā f. (Lāty, ) the life and practice of a vagrant
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the condition of a Vrātya Vishṇ. Mn. &c. (IW. 271)
- ○dhana n. the property of a VrṭVrātya PañcavBr
- ○bruvá m. one who calls himself a Vrātya AV
- ○bhāva m. = -tā Kāty
- ○yajña m. a kind of sacrifice PañcavBr. (cf. -stoma)
- ○yājaka m. one who sacrifices for a Vrātya MW
- ○stoma m. N. of partic. Ekâhas ŚrS. Gaut. Vas
- (with kratu) a partic. sacrifice (performed to recover the rights forfeited by a delay of the Saṃskāras) Yājñ. i, 38
- vrādh (prob. connected with √vṛdh), only in vrādhanta and superl. of pr. p. vrā́dhantama, (prob.) to be great or mighty (accordṭo others 'to urge, incite') RV
- vrís f. pl. the fingers RV. i, 144, 5 (Naigh. ii, 5)
- vrī (cf. √vri and vlī), cl. 9. P. and 4. Ā. vrīṇāti, vriṇāti, or vrīyate, to choose' or 'to cover' (varaṇe) Dhātup. xxxi, 31
- xxvi, 31 Caus. vrayayati, or vrepayati Gr.: Desid. vivrīṣati, ○te: Intens. vevrīyate, vevrayīti, vevreti ib
- vrīṇa mfn. chosen, elected MW
- vrīḍ cl. 1. Ā. vrīḍate (accord. to Dhātup. xxvi, 18 also cl, 4. P. vrīḍyati
- pf. vivrīḍa Gr
- aor. avrīḍīt ib
- fut. vrīḍitā, vrīḍiṣyati ib.), to be ashamed, feel shame, be bashful or modest MBh. Kāv. &c
- (cl. 4. P.) to throw, hurl Vop. Sch.: Caus. (or cl. 10. P.) vrīḍayati = viiḍayati, to make firm Nir. v, 16 (cf. √viiḍ)
- vrīḍa m. = vrīḍā, shame Kāv. Rājat
- vrīḍana n. lowering, depression RPrāt
- shame, bashfulness L
- vrīḍā f. shame, modesty, bashfulness (vrīḍāṃ √kṛ, to feel shame) MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○dāna n. a gift offered out of modesty Hcat
- ○"ṣnata (vrīḍânv○), mfn. bowed down with shame, ashamed W
- ○"ṣnvita (vrīḍân○), mfn. ashamed, bashful, modest ib
- ○yuj mfn. possessing shame, ashamed R
- ○vat mfn. ashamed, abashed MBh. Gīt
- vrīḍita mfn. ashamed, abashed, modest MBh. Kāv. &c
- n. shame, embarrassment Kir
- vrīlana n. Ved. = vrīḍana
- vrīlasa mfn. ashamed, modest L
- vrīs See √vrūs
- vrīhī́ m. (of doubtful derivation) rice, pl. grains of rice (not mentioned in RV., but in RV. named together with yava, mātha, and tila
- eight principal sorts are enumerated by native authorities) RV. &c. &c
- a field of rice KātyŚr
- rice ripening in the rainy season W
- any grain L
- ○kaṅka m
- ○kāñcana m. or n. a sort of pulse, Ervum Lens or Hirsutum L
- ○droṇa m. a Droṇa (q.v.) of rice MBh
- ○drauṇika mfn. relating to or treating of a Droṇa of rice ib
- ○parṇī f. a partic. shrub, Desmodium Gangeticum L
- ○bheda m. a kind of grain, (accord. to some) Panicum Miliaceum L
- ○mat mfn. mixed with rice ĀśvGṛ
- grown with rice (as a field) Śiś. Sch
- (atī), f. Pāṇ. 6-3, 119 Sch
- ○mata m. pl. N. of a people (not belonging to the Brāhmanical order) Pāṇ. 5-3, 113 Sch. (cf. vraihi-matya)
- ○máya mf(ī)n. made or consisting of rice ŚBr. MBh
- ○mukha mfn. (a surgical instrument) which resembles a grain of rice Suśr
- ○yavá m. du. or pl. (AV. ŚBr.), n. sg. (MBh.), rice and barley
- ○rājika n. Panicum Italicum or Miliaceum L. [Page 1043, Column]
- ○vāpa n. sowing rice Pāṇ. 8-4, 11 Sch
- ○vāpin mfn. one who sows rice ib
- ○velā f. the time of reaping rice Lāṭy
- ○śreṣṭha m. 'best of grains', rice or a kind of rice L
- vrīhika mfn. having or bearing rice Pāṇ. 5-2, 116
- vrīhin mfn. (a field) grown with rice Śiś
- vrīhila mfn. = vrīhika g. tundâdi
- vrīhy in comp. for vrīhi
- ○agāra n. 'ricehouse', a shed where rice or other grain is stored, granary L
- ○apūpa m. a rice-cake KātyŚr
- ○āgrayaṇa n. an offering of firstfruits of rice KātyŚr. Sch
- ○urvarā f. a rice-field Lāṭy
- vraiha mfn. made of rice &c., g. bilvâdi
- vraihika mfn. grown with rice Gal
- vraihimatya m. a king of the Vrihi-matas Pāṇ. 5-3, 113 Sch
- vraiheya mfn. fit for or sown with rice (as a field) Pāṇ. 5-2, 2
- made or consisting of rice MW
- n. a field of rice L
- vruḍ cl. 6. P. -vruḍati, to cover, DhātuP. xxviii, 99
- to heap ib
- to sink ib
- vruḍita mfn. plunged in, immersed, sunk Rājat
- gone astray, lost (in a thicket) ib
- vrūs (also written vrūṣ, or brūs
- vḷ. vrīs), cl. i. 10. P. vrūsati, vrūsayati, to hurt, kill Dhātup. xxxii, 121
- vrésī f. a N. applied to water VS. (réśī TS.)
- vlag only ind. p. abhi-vlagya, or ○yā, catching, seizing RV. (Sāy
- accord. to others 'pressing hard' or wringing the neck'
- cf. abhi-vlaṅgá)
- vlī (or blī
- √.vrī), cl, 9.P. (Dhātup. xxxi, 32) vlīnāti, or vlināti (pf. vivlāya Gr
- aor. avlaiṣīt ib
- fut. vletā ib
- vleṣyati Br
- ind. p. -"ṣvlīya ib.), to press down, crush, cause to fall Br. (Dhātup. also, 'to choose, select'
- 'to go, move'
- 'to hold, maintain, support'): Pass. vlīyate, to sink down, collapse, succumb PañcavBr. MaitrUp.: Caus. vlepayati (aor. avivlirpat) Pāṇ. 7-3, 36 ; 86: Desid. vivlīṣati Gr.: Intens. vevlīyate, to sink down MaitrS
- vevlayīti vevleti Gr
- vlīna mfn. crushed, sunk down, collapsed ( See pra-, saṃ-vlīna)
- gone MW
- held, supported ib.'
- vlekṣ See vekṣ, p. 1013, col. 3
- vleṣká m. a snare, noose (= bleṣka)
- ○hata (vleṣká-), mfn. strangled by a noose MaitrS