Sir Monier-Williams (1819–1899) - A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1899) |
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szerkesztés- jha the 9th consonant (aspirate of the preceding). =
- ○kāra m. the sound jha W.
- jha mfn. asleep L.
- • m. playing a tune, beating time L.
- • a sound like the splashing of water or clashing of symbols, jingling, clanking L.
- • wind accompanied by rain L.
- • anything lost or mislaid L.
- • Bṛihaspati L.
- • N. of a chief of the Daityas L.
- • = jhaṇṭī7śa L.
- • (ā), f. a water-fall L.
- jhagajhagāya Nom. Ā. (p. ○yamāna) to sparkle, flash, DeviiP. [Page 428, Column ]
- jhag-iti = jhaṭ- Prasannar.
- jhaṅ ind. (onomat.) in comp. (cf. 2. jha)
- ○kāra m. a low murmuring (buzzing of bees &c.), jingling, clanking
- Pañcat. Vikr. Kād. Bhartṛ. &c
- ○kārita n. id. i, 97 (vḷ. ṭaṃ-k○)
- ○kārin mfn. murmuring, humming, &c. Kād. i, 251 Mālatīm.
- ○kṛta n. pl. = -kāra, Caitany
- jhañjhana n. jingling, clanking W.
- jhañjhā f. the noise of the wind or of falling rain L.
- • wind and rain, hurricane L.
- • raining in large drops W.
- • a stray W.
- ○"ṣnila (○jhân○), m. wind with rain, high wind in the rainy season KāśīKh. lxxxviii, 98
- ○marut m. id. Amar.
- ○māruta m. id. Pārśvan.vi, 52
- ○vāta m. id. L.
- jhaṭ cl. 1. ○ṭati, to become entangled or intermixed Dhātup. ix, 19
- • cf. uj-jhaṭita
- jhaṭi m. a shrub Uṇ. iv, 117 Sch.
- jhaṭ-iti ind. onomat. (g. svar-ādi, not in Kāś.) instantly, at once Bhartṛ. i, 69 and 95 Ratnâv. i, 6 Sṛiṅgār. Kathās. vi, 118
- • ix Rājat. &c
- jhaṇ cl, 1, ○ṇati, to sound Hcar. iv
- jhaṇaj-jhaṇita mfn. tinkling Viddh. HPariś.
- jhaṇajhaṇāya Nom. Ā. (p. ○yamāna) to tinkle, jingle, rattle Mālatīm. i, 25/26 Kād. Hcar.
- jhaṇajhaṇāyita mfn. tinkling Uttarar. v, 5
- jhaṇajhaṇā-rava m. pl. tinkling Kathās. xxv
- jhaṇajhaṇī-bhūta mfn. rattling MBh. vi
- jhaṇat-kāra m. jingling Prab. ii, 34
- jhaṇ-iti vḷ. jhaṭ- Kād. viii, 15
- jhaṇṭi See hima-
- jhaṇṭī7śa m.= 2. jha, q.v. L.
- jhaṇṭī
- jhaḍṇḍī f. a kind of grass L.
- jhaṇḍuka m.= ○dū L.
- jhaṇḍū f
- jhaṇḍḍūka m. Gomphrena globosa L.
- jhanat-kāra = jhaṇat- W.
- jham cl. 1. P.= √cham, jam Dhātup.
- jhampa m. ○pā f. a jump (○pam, [Hit. or ○pāṃ [HPariś. Rājat.vii Siṃhâs. xv, 4/5 xxi, 1/] √dā, to make a jump, ifc. Kathās. lxi, 91 ) Vcar. xvi
- jhampaḍa n. (in music) a kind of measure
- jhampā f. of ○pa, q.v
- ○tāla m. (in music) a kind of measure
- • a kind of cymbal
- ○nritya n. a kind of dance
- jhampâśin m. a kingfisher L.
- jhampāka
- jhamḍpāru m. 'leaper', an ape L.
- jhampin m. id. L.
- jhara m. a water-fall L.
- • (ā, ī), f. id. Prab. iv, 12
- • (ī), f. a river W.
- • cf. mir-
- ○vāhalā f. N. of a river
- jharaṇôdaka n. water from a cascade Npr.
- jharat mfn. flowing or falling down (cf. √kṣar) Śatr. i, 41 and (?) 44
- jharasī f. N. of a pot-herb Npr.
- jharc jharch, jharjh, cl. 1. ○cati, ○chati, ○jhati, to blame (fr. √bharts?) Dhātup. xvii, 66 and xxviii, 17 (vḷ.)
- • to injure ib.
- jharjhara m. a kind of drum MBh. viff. Pāṇ. 4-4, 56 Hariv. R. vi, 99, 23
- • a strainer Bhpr. v, 11, 125
- • = ○raka L.
- • N. of a Daitya (son of Hiraṇyâksha) Hariv. 194
- • of a river L.
- • n. a sound as of splashing or dropping W.
- • (ā), f. a harlot (cf. ṛccharā) L.
- • (ī), f. a kind of drum Hariv. 13212 and 15885
- • = ○rikā Bhpr. v, 11, 37
- jharjharaka m. the Kali-yuga L.
- • (ikā), f. bean-cake Bhpr. v, 11, 36. Jharjharin, mfn. furnished with a drum (Śiva) MBh. xii, 10406
- jharjharita mfn. (√jhṝ) worn, wasted, withered R. iii, 16, 26 Sarvad. Priy. i, 10
- jharjharīka m. n. the body Uṇ. iv, 20 Sch.
- • m. a region Uṇ. vṛ
- • a picture ib.
- jhalakkā See jvalakā
- jhalajjhalā f. (onomat.) the sound of falling drops Amar. (v. l.)
- • the flapping of an elephant's ears (or of flaccid breasts &c.) Kām.
- jhalarī f. -"ṣllakī L. . a curl L.
- jhalā f. a girl L.
- • sun-heat L.
- • (= jhillī) a cricket (also jhālā W.) L.
- jhali f. the areca-nut W.
- jhalla m. a prize-fighter, cudgelplayer (offspring of an outcast Kshatriya) Mn.x, 22 ; xii, 45 MBh. ii, 102 [Page 429, Column ]
- • (ī), f. = ○llakī L.
- ○kaṇṭha m. = jhillī-k○ L.
- jhallaka n. cymbals Tithyād.
- • (ī), f. a kind of drum L.
- jhallanā f. N. of a Prākṛit metre
- jhallarī f. a kind of musical instrument, sort of drum or cymbal (cf. jhalarī, jharjharī) Hariv.iii, 52, 2 Jain. Kād.
- • (ifc. ○rīka) Hcar.
- • acurl L.
- • moisture L.
- • a ball &c. of perfumed substances used for cleaning the hair L. Sch.
- • = śuddha L.
- jhallikā f. a cloth used for applying colour or perfumes L. (also jhill○ W. ; jhillī L.)
- • dirt rubbed off the body by the application of perfumes (also jhillṭjhillī and jhillīkā) L.
- • light, sunshine (also jhill○, jhillī and jhillīkā
- • cf. jhalā) L.
- jhallīkā f. = jhillīka Svapnac.
- jhallīṣaka a kind of musical instrument Hariv. 8450
- jhallola m. a ball at the lower end of a spindle L.
- jhaṣ cl. 1. ○ṣati, to hurt Dhātup. xvii, 38
- • (also Ā.) to take, xxi, 26
- • to cover ib.
- jhaṣá m. a large fish ŚBr. i, 8, 14
- • a fish MBh. R. VarBṛS. BhP.
- • the sign Pisces VarBṛS. VarBṛ.
- • a forest, forest overgrown with grass L.
- • sun-heat L.
- • n. a desert L.
- • (ā), f. Uraria lagopodioides L.
- ○ketana m. = -dhvaja Bhartṛ. Ratnâv,.
- • 'the god of love' and 'the sea' Kuval. 33
- ○dhvaja m. 'fish-symboled', the god of love, love, Bhaṭt. viii, 48
- ○pitta n. fish-bile VarBṛS. l, 24
- ○rāja m. a large fish BhP. viii, 18, 2
- ○śreṣṭha m. 'most excellent fish', the fish Rohita Bhpr.
- jhaṣâśana m. 'fish-eater', the Gangetic porpoise L.
- jhaṣôdarī f. N. of Vyāsa's mother Satyavatī L.
- jhāṃ ind. (onomat.) in comp
- ○kāra m. a low murmuring (of kettle-drums), Alam, kārat,
- ○kārin mfn. = jhaṃ-k○ Mcar. iii, 48
- ○kṛta n. (cf. jhaṃ.k○) a tinkling ornament worn round the toes or feet L.
- jhāṭa m. an arbour L.
- • a forest (also n. W.) L.
- • cleaning sores L.
- • (ā), f. = ○ṭikā L.
- • a kind of jasmine L.
- jhāṭâmalā f. = ○ṭikā L.
- jhāṭâstraka m. the water-melon W.
- jhāṭala ○li m. Bignonia suaveolens L.
- jhāṭikā ○ṭīkā f. Flacourtia cataphracta L.
- jhāṭ-kārin mfn. whistling (the wind), Veṇis. ii, 18
- • cf. jhaṅ-kṭkārin and jhaṃ-k○
- jhābuka m.= jhāvuka L.
- jhāmaka n. (fr. kṣāmá) a burnt or vitrified brick L.
- jhāmara m. a small whetstone (used for sharpening spindles, needles, &c.) L.
- jhārjhara and ○rika m. (fr. jharjhara) a drummer, tabor-player Pāṇ. 4-4, 56
- jhālarī for jhāl, a kind of drum W.
- jhālā f. = jhalā, a cricket W.
- jhāli f. sour or unripe mango fried with salt, mustard, and Asa foetida Bhpr. v, 11, 155
- jhāvu m. Tamarix indica L.
- jhāvuka m
- jhāḍvū f. id. L.
- jhiṅgāka m. Luffa acutang. L.
- jhiṅginī = ○gī Bhpr.
- • a torch L.
- jhiṅgī f. = jiṅginī Bhpr. v, 5, 42
- jhijjī f. = jiñihī W.
- jhiñjhima m. a forest on fire L.
- jhiñjhirā f. N. of a shrub L.
- jhiñjhiriṭā
- jhiñjhiḍriṣṭā
- jhiñjhiḍrilṭā f. id. L.
- jhiñjhī f. = jhillī, a cricket W.
- jhiṇṭi f. = ○ṭī Pañcar. i, 7, 19
- jhiṇṭikā
- jhiṇḍṭī f. Barleria cristata L.
- jhirikā ○ri f. a cricket L.
- jhirīkā
- jhiḍrukā f. id. W.
- jhillarī f. id. (?, or = jhall○) L.
- jhilli f. id. Hariv. 3497
- • a kind of musical instrument L.
- • parchment W.
- jhillika m. pl. vḷ. for jill○, q.v
- • (ā), f. a cricket Nal. xii, 1 R. [Page 429, Column ]
- • a cricket's chirp L.
- • a kind of vehicle Hariv. ii, 88, 63
- • = jhall○, q.v. L.
- • = jhiṇṭikā L.
- • membrane, parchment W.
- jhillī f. a cricket BhP. v
- • the wick of a lamp L.
- • = jhallikā, q.v. L.
- • rice burnt by cooking in a saucepan L.
- • cymbals W.
- • parchment W.
- ○kaṇṭha m. a domestic pigeon L.
- jhillīka m. a cricket MBh. i, 2849
- • (ā), f. id. L.
- • = jhallīkā, q.v. L.
- jhillin N. of a Vṛishṇi MBh. i, vii
- jhīrikā ○rukā f. = jhir○ L.
- jhu cl. 1. Ā., vḷ. for √jyu
- jhuṇṭa m. a shrub L.
- jhumari f. N. of a Rāgiṇī
- jhumbarí f. a kind of lute HPariś. viii, 359ff
- jhūṇi f. a kind of betel-nut L.
- • a voice boding ill-luck, evil omen L.
- • = kaṭhina L.
- jhūṣ cl. 1. P., Vḷ. for √yūṣ
- jhṝ (= √jṝ), cl. 4. 9. jhiryati, jhriṇāti, to become old Dhātup.xxvi, xxxi
- • cf. jharjharita
- jhoḍa m. the betel-nut tree L.
- jhombaka mfn. making grimaces when singing
- jhaulika a small bag Dhūrtas. ii
- jhyu cl. 1. Ā., vḷ. for √jyu