Sir Monier-Williams (1819–1899) - A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1899) |
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szerkesztés- á-baṇḍa mf(ā)n. not crippled ŚBr
- á-baddha mfn. unbound, unrestrained, at liberty TS. &c
- unmeaning, nonsensical, N
- ○mukha mfn. foul-mouthed, scurrilous L
- ○mūla mfn. whose √does not hold fast, is not firm
- ○vat mfn. unmeaning, ungrammatical BhP. [Page 60, Column]
- a-baddhaka mfn. unmeaning, nonsensical L
- á-badhira mfn. not deaf. RV. viii, 45 17
- a-badhya mfn. unmeaning, nonsensical L
- a-banddhrá (or defectively written a-bandhrá) mfn. without bonds or ligatures AV. iv, 16, 7
- a-bandhaka mfn. not binding
- m. N. of a man, and (ās), m. pl. his descendants, (g. upakâdi.)
- a-bandhaná mfn. without fetters, free RV. iii, 55, 6
- a-bandhya mfn. not to be fettered or bound
- a-bandhrá a-banddhrá
- a-badha a-vadha
- a-badhya a-vadhya
- abadhā f. segment of the basis of a triangle (cf. a-bādhā and avabadhā. In Jaina Prākṛit a-ba-hā, or a-va-hā.)
- a-bandhú mfn. without kindred, without companions, friendless RV. i, 53, 9 and viii, 21, 4 AV. vi, 122, 2
- ○kṛt (á-bandhu-), mfn. causing want of companions AV. iv, 19, 1
- a-bāndhava mfn. having no relation or kindred, lone Mn. x, 55
- ○kṛta mfn. not caused by relation or kindred Śāk
- a-bandhya mf(ā)n. not barren, not unfruitful, fruitful, productive (cf. a-vandhya, which is perhaps the better spelling.)
- a-balá mf(ā́)n. weak, feeble RV. v, 30, 9, &c
- m. the plant Tapia Crataeva
- a king of Magadha VP
- (ā), f. a woman Śāk. &c
- N. of a woman Kathās
- (= acalā) one of the ten Buddhist earths
- (am), n. want of strength, weakness
- ○dhanvan (abalá-), mfn. possessing a weak bow AV. iii, 19, 7
- ○vat mfn. strengthless Veṇis
- a-balâbala mfn. 'neither powerful nor powerless', N. of Śiva
- ábalīyas mfn. (compar.) weaker ŚBr
- superl. abaliṣṭha mfn. weakest PBr
- a-balyá "ṣBr. or n. weakness, sickness
- á-balya "ṣBr. xiv, n. weakness, sickness
- a-balāsá mfn. not causing consumption AV. viii, 2, 18
- a-bahir ind. 'not outside', in the interior, in one's heart BhP
- ○dhā (á-bahir-), ind. not outside ŚBr
- ○vāsas mfn. without an upper garment BhP
- a-bahu mfn. not many, few
- abahvakṣara mfn. having not many (i.e. not more than two) syllables RPrāt
- abahv-ac mfn. id. Pāṇ. Sch
- a-bādha mfn. unobstructed, unrestrained
- free from pain
- (ā), f. freedom from pain MārkP
- = a-badhā, q.v
- a-bādhaka mf(ā)n. unimpeded Kathās
- á-bādhita mfn. unimpeded, unobstructed RV. x, 92, 8, &c
- unrefuted
- not forbidden Comm. on Mn. iv, 5
- a-bādhya mfn. not to be opposed or pained
- a-bāndhava a-bandhú
- a-bāliśa mfn. not childish Nir. ix, 10 R
- a-bālêndu m. 'not the infantine moon', full moon Ragh. vi, 53
- a-bāhyá mfn. not exterior, internal Ragh. xiv, 50
- without an exterior ŚBr. xiv
- ab-indhana m. 'having water (ap) for fuel', submarine fire Ragh. xiii, 14
- á-bibhīvas m(instr. ○bhyuṣā
- nom. pl. ○bhyuṣas)fn. (perf. p.) fearless, confident RV. i, 6, 7, 11, 5 and ix, 53, 2 AV. iii, 14, 3
- á-bibhyat mfn. (pr. p.) id. RV. vi, 23, 2
- a-bīja mfn. seedless
- impotent Mn. ix, 79
- a-bījaka mfn. unsown Mn. x, 71
- á-bībhatsā f. non-disgust TBr
- a-buddha mfn. unwise, foolish
- not seen or noticed, KaushBr. R
- ○tva n. foolishness
- a-buddhi f. want of understanding
- ignorance
- stupidity
- (mfn.), ignorant, stupid
- (a-buddhyā), ind. unintentionally
- ○pūrva or mfn. not preceded by intelligence
- ○pūrvaka mfn. not preceded by intelligence
- beginning with non-intelligence
- (am), ind. ignorantly
- ○mat mfn. unwise, foolish. [Page 60, Column]
- ○stha mfn. not being in the conscience of Comm. on Mn. iii, 266
- a-budh Bṛāarūp. or mfn. stupid, foolish
- a-budhá "ṣBr. xiv, mfn. stupid, foolish
- (a-budha), m. a fool Hit
- a-budhyá mfn. not to be awakened RV. iv, 19, 3
- á-budhyamāna mfn. not being awake RV
- a-bodha m. non-perception
- ignorance, stupidity
- (mfn.), ignorant, stupid
- puzzled, perplexed
- ○gamya mfn. incomprehensible
- a-bodhanīya mfn. unintelligible
- not to be awakened or aroused
- a-budhná mfn. bottomless RV. i, 24, 7 and viii, 77, 5
- ab-ja mfn. (fr. 2. áp and √jan), born in water
- m. the conch
- the moon
- the tree Barringtonia Acutangula
- N. of Dhanvantari (physician of the gods, produced at the churning of the ocean)
- a son of Viśāla
- (am), n. a lotus
- a milliard (cf. padma)
- ○ja m. 'sprung (at the creation) from the lotus (which arose from the navel of Vishṇu)', N. of Brahmā
- ○dṛś or mfn. lotus-eyed, having large fine eyes
- ○nayana mfn. lotus-eyed, having large fine eyes
- ○nābha m. 'whose navel is a lotus', N. of Vishṇu
- ○netra mfn. = -dṛś
- ○bāndhava m. 'friend of the lotus', the sun
- ○bhava BhP. or m. Brahmā
- ○bhū ḍaś., m. Brahmā
- ○bhoga m. the √of a lotus L
- ○yoni m. (= -ja above) N. of Brahmā Hcat
- ○vāhana m. 'carrying the moon (on his forehead)', N. of Śiva
- ○hasta m. the sun (represented as holding a lotus in one hand) L
- abjâda m. 'eating lotus-leaves', a swan VarBṛS
- ab-jā́ mfn. born, in water RV. iv, 40, 5 and vii, 34, 16
- ab-jít mfn. conquering waters RV
- abjinī f. a multitude of lotus flowers, (g. puṣkarâdi.)
- ○pati m. the sun Kathās
- áb-da mfn. giving water L
- m. a year
- a cloud Bhaṭṭ
- the grass Cyperus Rotundus
- N. of a mountain L
- (ā́), f. abdayā́ below
- ○tantra n. N. of an astronomical work
- ○vāhana m. (for abja-vāhana, q.v.), N. of Śiva L
- ○śata n. a century
- ○sahasra n. a thousand years
- ○sāra m. a kind of camphor
- abdârdha n. a half year
- abdayā́ (instr. of ab-dā́), ind. out of desire of giving water RV. v, 54, 3
- abdi-mát mfn. possessed of clouds (abdi = abda) RV. v, 42, 14
- ab-durga n. a fortress surrounded by a moat or lake
- ab-daivata mfn. having the waters as divinities, praising the waters (said of certain hymns, abliṅga below) Mn. viii, 106 and xi, 132
- ab-dhi m. (√dhā), a pond, lake L
- the ocean Hit. &c
- (hence) the numeral 4
- ○kapha m. cuttle fish bone, being considered as the froth of the sea
- ○ja mfn. born in the ocean
- (au), m. du. the Aśvins L
- (ā), f. spirituous liquor L
- ○jīvin m. a fisherman Kathās
- ○jhaṣa m. a sea-fish
- ○tanaya au m. du. the Aśvins Kathās
- ○dvīpā f. earth L
- ○nagarī f. N. of Dvārakā, the capital of Kṛishṇa
- ○navanītaka m. the moon
- ○phena m. cuttle fish bone
- ○maṇḍūkī f. the pearl oyster
- ○śayana m. 'sleeping on the ocean (at the periods of the destruction and renovation of the world)', N. of Vishṇu
- ○sāra m. a gem
- abdhy-agni m. submarine fire
- ab-bindu m. a tear BhP
- ab-bhakṣa mfn. living upon water Yājñ. iii, 286 Gaut
- m. a snake L
- ab-bhakṣaṇa n. living upon water (a kind of fasting) BhP
- ab-liṅga āni n. pl. [Yājñ. iii, 3] or N. of some Vedic verses [RV. x, 9, 1-] addressed to the waters (cf. abdaivata above.)
- abliṅgā ās f. pl. ṅaut., N. of some Vedic verses [RV. x, 9, 1-] addressed to the waters (cf. abdaivata above.)
- a-brahmacarya mfn. not keeping a vow of continence, unchaste Nir
- a-brahmacaryaka n. incontinence L
- a-brahmaṇya mfn. not favourable to Brāhmans MBh. BhP
- (am), n. an unbrahmanical or sacrilegious act, used as an exclamation, meaning 'help!' 'a disgraceful deed is perpetrated!' Pañcat. Kathās
- (Prākṛit abbamhaṇṇaṃ) Śāk
- á-brahman mfn. not a brahmán ŚBr
- without devotion (bráhman) RV
- without Brāhmans Mn. ix, 322
- (á), n. not the bráhman TBr
- abrahmá-tā f. want of devotion RV. v. 33, 3 VS. [Page 60, Column]
- abrahma-bandhūka mfn. without brahmabandhū (q.v.) Pāṇ. 6-2, 173 Kāś
- a-brahma-vid mfn. not knowing Brahma or the Supreme Spirit
- á-brāhmaṇa m. not a Brāhman AV. &c
- (ī), f. not a Brāhmaṇī
- (a-brāhmaṇá), mfn. without Brāhmans ŚBr
- a-brāhmaṇya n. violation of the duty of a Brāhman AśvŚr
- a-bruvat mfn. (pr. p.), not speaking, silent Yājñ. ii, 76
- á-bhakta mfn. not received as a share RV. i, 129, 5 and iii, 30, 7
- not attached to, detached, unconnected with
- not eaten
- ○cohanda m. or want of appetite
- ○ruci f. want of appetite
- a-bhakti f. want of devotion to, want of faith
- ○mat mfn. undevoted to, unbelieving
- a-bhakṣa m. or a-bhakṣaṇa n. not eating anything, fasting
- á-bhakṣita mfn. not eaten
- a-bhakṣya mfn. not to be eaten by (instr. or gen. Mn.)
- ○bhakṣaṇa n. eating of prohibited food RāmatUp
- ○bhakṣin mfn. eating forbidden food
- a-bhagá mfn. without enjoyment, unfortunate AV. v, 31, 11
- a-bhagna mfn. unbroken, entire
- uninterrupted
- ○kāma mf(ā)n. whose desire or wishes are not disturbed Ragh
- a-bhaṅgura mf(ā)n. not fragile
- unchangeable, invariable, firm
- (not curved), flat, plain Suśr
- a-bhajyamāna mfn. (Pass.) not being detached
- not being vanquished, &c
- a-bhadra mfn. inauspicious, mischievous
- (am), n. mischief
- á-bhaya mf(ā)n. unfearful, not dangerous, secure
- (a-bháya), mfn. fearless, undaunted ŚBr. xiv
- m. N. of Śiva
- of a natural son of Bimbisāra
- of a son of Idhmajihva BhP
- of a river in Krauñcadviipa BhP
- (ā), f. the plant Terminalia Chebula
- (á-bhayam), n. (ifc. f. ā) absence or removal of fear, peace, safety, security RV. &c. (cf. ábhaya-tama below)
- 'safety', (applied as proper name to) a child of Dharma and his reign in Plakshadviipa BhP
- a kind of symbol procuring security Hcat
- a sacrificial hymn recited to obtain personal security Kauś
- the √of a fragrant grass, Andropogon Muricatum
- ○giri-vāsin m. pl. 'dwelling on the mountain of safety', N. of a division of Kātyāyana's pupils Buddh
- ○giri-vihāra m. Buddhist monastery on the Abhayagiri
- ○ṃ-kará [RV. x, 152, 2 AV. &c.] or mfn. causing safety
- ○ṃ-kṛ́t "ṣBr., mfn. causing safety
- ○jāta m. N. of a man, (g. gargâdi, q.v.)
- ○ḍiṇḍima m. a war-drum L
- ○tama (ábhaya-), n. greatest safety RV. x, 17, 5
- ○da mfn. giving fearlessness or safety
- m. an Arhat of the Jainas
- N. of a king (the son of Manasyu and father of Sudhanvan) Hariv. VP
- ○dakṣiṇā f. promise or present or protection from danger Mn. iv, 247, &c
- ○dāna n. giving assurance of safety
- ○ṃ-dada m. N. of Avalokiteśvara Buddh
- ○pattra n. (a modern term), a written document or paper granting assurance of safety, a safe conduct
- ○prada mfn. giving safety Mn. iv, 232, &c
- ○pradāna n. = -dāna Pañcat
- ○yācanā f. asking for safety Ragh. xi, 78
- ○vacana n. Pañcat. or ḥit. assurance of safety
- ○vāc f. ḥit. assurance of safety
- ○sáni mfn. giving safety VS. xix, 48
- abhayânanda m. N. of a man
- a-bhartṛkā f. an unmarried woman
- a widow
- a-bhava m. non-existence
- destruction, end of the world
- a-bhavanīya mfn. what is not to be, what will not be
- a-bhavan-mata-yoga or m. want of fitness between words and the ideas expressed by them (a defect in composition)
- a-bhavan-mata-sambandha m. want of fitness between words and the ideas expressed by them (a defect in composition)
- a-bhavya mfn. not to be, not predestined
- what ought not to be, improper
- ○haṃsa m. a swan as it ought not to be (i.e. with black wings) L
- a-bhāva m. non-existence, nullity, absence
- non-entity, negation (the seventh category in Kanāda's system)
- proof from non-existence (one of the six pramāṇas in Vedānta phil. ['since there are no mice, therefore there must be cats here'], pramāṇa)
- annihilation, death. [Page 61, Column]
- a-bhāvanā am fn. absence of judgment or right perception
- a-bhāvanīya mfn. not to be inferred or contemplated
- a-bhāvayitṛ mfn. not perceiving, not inferring, not comprehending
- a-bhāvin mfn. what is not to be or will not be, not destined to be
- a-bhāvya mfn. id
- a-bhavadīya mfn. not belonging to your Honour Daś
- a-bhastra mfn. without bellows
- a-bhastrakā or f. a badly made or inferior pair of bellows (i.e. small), said to mean also (a woman) who has no bellows Pāṇ. 7-3, 47
- a-bhastrikā f. a badly made or inferior pair of bellows (i.e. small), said to mean also (a woman) who has no bellows Pāṇ. 7-3, 47
- a-bhāgá mf(ā)n. having no share RV. x, 83, 5, &c
- a-bhāgin mfn. having no share
- not participating in, excluded from (gen.)
- a-bhāgya mfn. unfortunate, wretched
- a-bhāṣaṇa n. not speaking, silence
- abhí ind. (a prefix to verbs and nouns, expressing) to, towards, into, over, upon. (As a prefix to verbs of motion) it expresses the notion or going towards, approaching, &c. (As a prefix to nouns not derived from verbs) it expresses superiority, intensity, &c
- e.g. abhi-tāmra, abhi-nava, q.v. (As a separate adverb or preposition) it expresses (with acc.) to, towards, in the direction of, against
- into ŚBr. and KātyŚr
- for, for the sake of
- on account of
- on, upon, with regard to, by, before, in front of
- over. It may even express one after the other, severally Pāṇ. 1-4, 91, e.g. vṛkṣaṃ vṛkṣam abhi, tree after tree [Gk. ? ; Lat. ob ; Zend [61,] aibi, aiwi ; Goth. bi ; Old High Germ. bī]
- abhika mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 74) lustful, libidinous Ragh. xix, 4 (cf. 1. abhīka and anuka)
- m. a lover Naish
- abhi-tarám ṃaitrṣ. or ind. nearer
- abhi-tarā́m [ŚBr. AitBr. ( 2. abhī7)], ind. nearer
- abhí-tas ind. near to, towards MBh. &c
- near, in the proximity or presence of (gen.) Bhag. &c
- (with acc.) on both sides ŚBr. &c
- (with acc.) before and after ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr. Gaut
- (with acc.) on all sides, everywhere, about, round
- entirely MBh
- quickly L
- abhitaḥ-sara mfn. running on both sides Up
- abhitaś-cara m. pl. the attendants, retinue MBh. &c
- abhito (in Sandhi for abhitas)
- ○deva-yajana-mātra-deśa mfn. whose space on all sides suffices for a sacrificial ground KātyŚr
- ○bhāvin mfn. being on both, sides Pāṇ. 6-2, 182
- ○rātrám ind. near (i.e. either just at the beginning or end of) the night ŚBr
- ○'sthi (abhitó-), mfn. surrounded by bones (as the eyes) ŚBr
- abhi-√kam (fut. -kamiṣyate) to desire, love TBr.: Caus. -kāmayate id. MBh. BhP
- abhi-kāma m. (ifc. f. ā) affection, desire, N. BhP
- (mf(ā)n.), affectionate, loving, desirous (with acc. or ifc.)
- (am), ind. with desire L., (cf. ābhikāmika.)
- abhi-√kamp -kampate, to tremble vehemently MBh. iii, 15721: Caus. -kampayati, to stir, allure KātyŚr
- abhi-√kāṅkṣ -kāṅkṣati, ○te, rarely Caus. -ayate, to long for, desire
- to strive
- abhi-kāṅkṣā f. longing for, desire (with acc. or ifc.)
- abhi-kāṅkṣita mfn. longed for, wished, desired
- abhi-kāṅkṣin mfn. longing for, desiring (with acc. BhP. or ifc. [Mn. iv, 91, &c.])
- abhi-kāla m. N. of a village R. ii, 68, 17
- abhi-√kāś Intens. -cākaśīti (1. sg. ○śīmi
- Imper. 2. sg. ○śīthi
- impf. 1. sg. -acākaśam) to illuminate, irradiate VS
- to look on, to perceive RV. ŚBr. xiv
- abhi-√kuts to revile, inveigh against R. ii, 75, 2
- abhi-√kuṣ -kuṣṇāti, to tear, pull at, pinch Suśr. [Page 61, Column]
- abhi-√kūj to twitter, warble R
- abhi-kṛ √1. to do with reference to or in behalf of ŚBr
- (perf. 2. pl. -cakrá) to procure, effect AV. iii, 9, 1
- (with niveśaṃ) to settle
- abhi-karaṇa svapnâbhikáraṇa
- abhi-kṛti f. N. of a metre (containing one hundred syllables) RPrāt. &c
- abhi-kṛ́tvarī f. 'producing (diseases)', a female demon AV. ii, 8, 2
- abhi-√kṛṣ -karṣati, to overpower MBh. iii, 15064
- abhi-kṝ √1. -kirati, to pour over, throw over, cover
- abhi-√kḷp Ā. (p. -kálpamāna) to be adequate to, be in accordance with (acc.) VS. xiii, 25: Caus. -kalpayati, to put in order R
- abhí-kḷpta mfn. being adequate to, in accordance with ŚBr. Up
- abhi-knū́yam ind. (√knūy), so as to bemoisten ŚBr. xiv
- abhí-kratu mfn. insolent, haughty RV. iii, 34, 10
- abhi-√krand (aor. 2. sg. -kran) to shout at, roar at, neigh or whinny at RV. AV. Lāṭy.: Caus. (aor. -acikradat), id. RV. ix, 68, 2 and 82, 1: Intens. (p. -kánikradat), id. RV
- abhi-kranda m. a shout MBh
- indrasyâ-bhikranda m. N. of a Sāman
- abhi-√kram (aor. -akramīt ind. p. -krámya) to step or go near to, approach RV. &c
- to attack, overpower RV. vi, 49, 15 & ix, 40, 1
- to step upon
- to undertake, begin RPrāt
- (with gamanāya) to get on one's way R. i, 77, 18: Caus. -kramayati, to bring near TS
- abhi-krama m. stepping near, approaching
- assault, attack L
- overpowering PBr. Gaut
- ascending
- undertaking, attempt, beginning
- ○nāśa m. unsuccessful effort Bhag
- abhi-kramaṇa n. stepping near, approaching Gaut. &c
- abhi-krānta mfn. approached
- attacked
- begun
- (am), n. = abhí-krānti PBr
- abhí-krānti f. Ved. overpowering, bringing into one's possession TS. AitBr. &c
- abhi-krāntin mfn. one who has undertaken (the study of), i.e. conversant with (loc.) Lāṭy
- abhi-krāmam ind. so as to step near KātyŚr
- abhi-√krī to buy for a special purpose ŚBr
- abhi-√krudh to be angry with (acc.) Pāṇ. 1-4, 38 Sch. Vikr
- abhi-kruddha mfn. being angry MBh. BhP
- abhi-√kruś to cry out at, call out to, to call to (in a scolding manner) AV. &c
- to lament with tears, bemoan R. iv, 24, 22
- abhi-króśaka m. a reviler (nindaka) VS
- abhi-kṣattṛ́ tā m. (√kṣad), 'one who carves and distributes (food)' an host RV. ii, 29, 2 and vii, 21, 8
- ['a destroyer' Sāy.]
- a-bhikṣa-dā́ [Padap. abhi-kṣa-dā́], mfn. giving without being asked RV. vi, 50, 1
- [according to the Padap. (cf. abhi-kṣattṛ́) 'destroying, a destroyer' Sāy.]
- á-bhikṣita mfn. not asked for alms ŚBr
- abhi-√kṣam (Opt. -kṣameta
- Imper. 2. pl. -kṣámadhvam) to be gracious, propitious to (dat. or loc.) RV
- to pardon (perf. Opt. 2. sg. -cakṣamīthāḥ) RV. ii, 33, 7
- abhi-√kṣar (aor. 3. sg. -akṣah RV. ix, 97, 45) to flow near or round RV. ŚBr
- to pour on AV
- abhi-√kṣip (only P. Pāṇ. 1-3, 80
- pr. p. -kṣipát) to fling at (as the lash of a whip at a horse) RV. v, 83, 3
- to excel Bhaṭṭ
- abhi-√khan to dig up, turn up (the soil) ŚBr. &c
- abhi-√khyā (Subj. 1. 2. 3. sg. -khyam, -khyas and -khyás, -khyát
- impf. 3. sg. abhy ákhyat [Page 61, Column]
- ind. p. -khyā́ya) to see, view, perceive RV
- to cast a kind or gracious look upon any one, to be gracious RV
- (impf. 3. pl. abhí ákhyan) TS.: Caus. -khyāpayati, to make known Mn. &c
- abhi-khyā́ f. a gracious look RV. x, 112, 10
- splendour RV. i, 148, 5 & viii, 23, 5
- beauty Ragh. &c
- fame, glory Kathās
- telling L
- 'calling, addressing', a name, appellation
- abhi-khyāta mfn. become known, manifested MBh
- (neg. an-) Yājñ. iii, 301
- abhi-khyātṛ́ tā́ m. a supervisor (N. of Indra) RV. iv, 17, 17
- abhi-khyāna n. fame, glory L
- abhi-√gam -gacchati, to go near to, approach (with acc.)
- to follow Kāṭh. R
- to meet with, find
- to cohabit (said of men and women) Yājñ. ii, 205, &c
- to undertake
- to get, gain, obtain AV. ŚBr. &c
- (with mánasā, or medháyā or hṛ́dayena) to understand RV. iii, 60, 1 TS. ŚBr.: Caus. -gamayati, to study MBh. i, 1295
- abhi-gacchat mfn. approaching, &c
- abhi-gata mfn. approached, &c
- abhi-gantṛ́ tā m. one who understands ŚBr
- 'one who pursues', insidious Kāṭh
- one who has intercourse with a woman
- abhi-gama m. (g. anuśatikâdi, q.v.), approaching
- visiting Megh. Ragh. v, 11
- sexual intercourse Yājñ. ii, 291
- abhi-gamana n. = abhi-gama
- the act of cleansing and smearing with cowdung the way leading to the image of the deity (one of the five parts of the upâsana with the Rāmānujas) Sarvad
- abhi-gamya mfn. to be visited Kum. vi, 56, &c
- accessible, tempting (for, a visit) Ragh. i, 16
- abhi-gamya ind. p. having approached
- abhi-gāmin mfn. having sexual intercourse with (in comp.) Mn. iii, 45 Yājñ. ii, 282, &c
- abhi-gará abhi- √1. grī below
- abhi-garj to roar at, bawl at, raise savage or ferocious cries MBh. &c
- abhi-garjana n. ferocious roaring, uproar R
- abhi-garjita n. a savage cry, uproar R
- abhi-gā √1. -jígāti (impf. -ajigāt
- aor. Subj. -gāt) to go near to, to approach, arrive at RV. &c
- to get, gain
- abhi-√gāh Ā. (p. -gā́hamāna) to penetrate into (acc.) RV. x, 103, 7
- abhi-gupta mfn. guarded, protected
- abhí-gupti f. guarding, protecting ŚBr. &c
- abhi-goptṛ́ mfn. guarding, protecting ŚBr
- abhi-gumphita mfn. strung together, interwoven Śiś
- abhi-√gur (Subj. -jugurat
- Opt. 2ṣg. -juguryās) to assent, agree, approve of RV
- abhí-gūrta mfn. approved of RV. i, 162, 15 TS
- abhí-gūrti f. song of praise RV. i, 162, 6 and 12
- abhi-gū́ryā (Ved.) ind. p. having approved of. RV. ii, 37, 3
- abhi-gṛdhna mfn. mithyâbhi-gṛdhna
- abhi-gṝ √1. -gṛṇā́ti, to call to or address with approbation
- to join in (acc.)
- to welcome, praise
- to approve of, accept propitiously, allow
- abhi-gará m. a calling out in approbation (part of the sacrificial ceremony) VS. KātyŚr
- the priest who calls out approvingly (to the other priests) MaitrS. Lāṭy. (cf. apagara.)
- abhi-√gai (Imper. 2. sg. -gā́ya, or -gāya, 2. pl. -gāyata) to call or sing to (acc.) RV
- to enchant AitBr
- to sing (a hymn, &c.) ŚBr. &c
- to fill with song R
- to celebrate in song R
- abhí-gīta mfn. addressed or praised in song RV. ix, 96, 23
- abhi-geṣṇa mfn. calling to AitBr
- abhi-grasta mfn. = abhi-panna (overcome) L
- abhi-√grah -grihṇāti, to take hold of, take up (from the soil) TS. &c
- to accept, receive MBh
- to set (as a blossom) BhP
- to lay together, to fold (the hands), abhigṛhīta-pāṇi below: Caus. -grāhayati, to catch, surprise, e.g. rūpâbhigrāhita, taken in the very act Daś. [Page 62, Column]
- abhi-gṛhīta mfn. taken hold of, &c
- ○pāṇi mfn. having the hands joined BhP
- abhi-graha m. seizing taking hold of
- attack, onset L
- defiance, challenge L
- robbing, plundering L
- authority L
- a vow Jain
- abhi-grahaṇa n. robbing L
- abhi-grahītṛ́ mfn. one who seizes MaitrS
- abhi-gharṣaṇa n. (√ghṛṣ), rubbing, friction L
- possession by an evil spirit L
- abhi-ghāta m. (√han), striking, attack
- infliction of injury, damage Mn. xii, 77, &c
- striking back, driving away, warding off
- abrupt or vehement articulation (of Vedic text) VPrāt
- (am), n. an irregular combination of consonants, i.e. the combination of the fourth Ietter of gutturals, cerebrals, &c. with the first or third letter, of the second with the first Ietter, and of the third with the second letter of those classes of consonants
- abhi-ghātaka mf(ikā)n. counteracting, removing
- abhi-ghātita mfn. struck, wounded (ifc. as śarâbhighātita, wounded by arrows)
- abhi-ghātin mfn. (generally ifc.) striking, attacking, hurting
- inflicting injury
- (ī), m. an assailant, enemy Hit
- abhi-√ghṛ (perf. Pass. p. abhí-ghṛta, below). Caus. -ghārayati, to cause to trickle down TS. &c
- to sprinkle with ŚBr. &c
- abhi-ghāra m. sprinkling over ŚāṅkhGṛ
- scattering over, mingling with Gobh
- ghee or clarified butter L
- abhi-ghāraṇa n. the act of sprinkling ghee, be sprinkling Kauś. KātyŚr
- abhi-ghārita mfn. sprinkled with AV. &c
- abhí-ghārya mfn. to be sprinkled
- abhí-ghṛta mfn. sprinkled (as ghee), dropped upon TS
- sprinkled with BhP
- abhi-√ghrā -jighrati (ind. p. -jighrya Gobh.) to snuffle, smell at
- to bring the nose close to another's forehead in caressing, or as a token of affection TS. &c
- to smell, scent Kād
- abhi-ghrāṇa n. smelling at, caressing Comm. on Gobh
- abhi-jighraṇa n. id. Gobh
- abhi-jíghrat mf(du. antī)n. caressing RV. i, 185, 5
- abhi-√cakṣ -caṣṭe (2. sg. -cakṣase RV. v, 3, 9
- Ved. Inf. -cakṣase RV.) to look at, view, perceive RV. BhP
- to cast a kind or gracious look upon any one RV
- to address BhP
- to assail with harsh language RV. vii, 104, 8
- to call BhP
- abhi-cákṣaṇa n. conjuring, incantation AV. vi, 127, 2
- (ā), f. (in augury or astron.) observation (of the sky) AV. ix, 2, 21
- abhi-cákṣya mfn. manifest RV. viii, 4, 7
- abhi-√car (Ved. Inf. abhí-carita-vaí TBr., and abhi-caritos Kāṭh
- Pāṇ. 3-4, 13 Sch.) to act wrongly towards any one
- to be faithless (as a wife)
- to charm, enchant, bewitch RV. x, 34, 14 (Subj. 2. pl. -caratâbhí) AV. &c
- pūrvâbhicaritā (f. perf. Pass. p.) = pūrva-dig-gā-minī R. i, 34, 10
- abhi-cara m. a servant L
- abhi-caraṇī́ya mfn. fit for enchanting or exorcising ŚBr. &c
- (neg. an-) Comm. on Mn. xi, 197
- abhi-cārá m. exorcising, incantation, employment of spells for a malevolent purpose AV. &c
- magic (one of the Upapātakas or minor crimes)
- ○kalpa m. N. of wk. on incantations (belonging to the Atharva-veda)
- ○jvara m. a fever caused by magical spells
- ○mantra m. a formula or prayer for working a charm, an incantation
- ○yajña or m. a sacrifice for the same purpose
- ○homa m. a sacrifice for the same purpose
- abhi-cāraka mf(ikā)n. enchanting, exorcising, conjuring VarBṛS. &c
- a conjurer, a magician
- abhi-cāraṇīya mfn. to be enchanted L
- abhi-cārita mfn. enchanted, charmed
- abhi-cārín mfn. enchanting AV. x, 1, 9
- abhi-cārya mfn. = abhi-cāraṇīya L
- abhī-cāra m. exorcising, incantation Āp
- abhi-cākaś abhi-√kāś
- abhi-√cint (impf. -acintayat) to reflect on MBh. xiii, 4341. [Page 62, Column]
- abhi-cihnaya Nom. P. (perf. Pass. p. -cihnita) to mark, characterize R. iv, 42, 12
- abhi-√cud Caus. -codayati, to impel, drive
- to inflame, animate, embolden
- to invite
- to fix, settle
- to announce, inquire for (acc.) MBh. i, 2913
- abhi-caidyam ind. against the prince of the Cedis (i.e. Śiśupāla) Śiś. ii, 1
- abhi-cchad (√chad), abhí-cchā-dayati, to cover over ŚBr. Kauś
- abhi-cchāyám ind. in darkness AV. xiii, 1, 57
- abhi-√jan cl. 4. Ā. -jāyate (Ved. Inf. abhí-janitos ŚBr.) to be born for or to RV. i, 168, 2, &c
- to claim as one's birthright
- to be born or produced
- to be reproduced or born again Bhag. &c
- to become: Caus. -janayati (with abhi-jñānam) to reanimate, revivify Sarvad
- abhi-ja mfn. ifc. produced all around L
- abhi-jana m. family, race
- descendants
- ancestors
- noble descent
- the head or ornament of a family L
- native country Pāṇ. 4-3, 90
- fame, notoriety Rājat. &c
- ○vat mfn. of noble descent Śāk. &c
- abhi-jāta mfn. born in consequence of
- born, produced
- noble, well-born
- obtained by birth, inbred, fit, proper L
- wise learned L
- handsome R. Kum. i, 46
- (am), n. nativity BhP
- high birth, nobility
- ○tā f. high birth, nobility
- abhi-jāti f. descent, birth Comm. on Nir. ix, 4
- ifc. ○tīya (f. ā) R. vi, 10, 24
- abhi-√jap to mutter over or whisper to R
- abhi-√jabh Intens. (p. -jáñjabhāna) to try to swallow, open the mouth to do so AV. v, 20, 6 Kauś
- abhi-√jalp to address
- to accompany with remarks
- to advocate
- to settle by conversation MBh. iv, 711
- abhi-√ji -jayati, to conquer completely, acquire by conquest AV. TS. &c.: Desid. -jigīṣati, to try to win, attack Suśr
- abhi-jaya m. conquest, complete victory
- abhi-jít mfn. victorious VS. xv, 7
- born under the constellation Abhijit Pāṇ. 4-3, 36, (cf. ābhijita)
- (t), m. N. of a Soma sacrifice (part of the great sacrifice Gavām-ayana) AV. ŚBr. &c
- N. of a son ḥariv. or of the father VP. of Punarvasu
- of Vishṇu L
- N. of a star (a Lyrae) L
- of the 20th (or 22nd) Nakshatra AV. &c
- the eighth Muhūrta of the day (about midday) Kauś. &c
- abhijid-viśvajítau f. du. the two Soma sacrifices called Abhijit and Viśvajit ŚBr
- abhijin-muhūrta m. the eighth Muhūrta (the period comprising twenty-four minutes before and twenty-four after midday)
- abhi-jita m. N. of a Nakshatra ( abhijít) MBh
- of the eighth Muhūrta ( abhi-jít) MBh. Hariv
- abhi-jiti f. victory, conquest ŚBr. AitBr
- abhi-jighraṇa abhi-√ghrā
- abhi-√juṣ (Subj. -jújoṣat
- pr.p. -juṣāṇá) to be pleased with, like RV. iv, 23, 1 and 4
- abhi-juṣṭa mfn. visited, frequented, surrounded by, possessed of MBh. &c
- abhi-√jṛmbh to open the mouth wide (for swallowing) R. vi, 2, 18
- abhi-√jñā -jānāti, ○nīte, to recognize, perceive, know, be or become aware of
- to acknowledge, agree to, own
- to remember (either with the fut, p. or with yad and impf.) Pāṇ. 2-2, 112 seqq. Bhaṭṭ
- abhi-jña mf(ā)n. knowing, skilful, clever
- understanding, conversant with (gen. or ifc.)
- (ā), f. remembrance, recollection Pāṇ. 3-2, 112
- supernatural science or faculty of a Buddha (of which five are enumerated, viz. 1. taking any form at will
- 2. hearing to any distance
- 3. seeing to any distance
- 4. penetrating men's thoughts
- 5. knowing their state and antecedents)
- ○tā f. [Ragh. vii, 6] or the knowledge of
- ○tva n. the knowledge of
- abhi-jñāna n. remembrance, recollection
- knowledge L
- ascertainment
- a sign or token of remembrance [Page 62, Column]
- any sign or token serving as a proof for (loc. or prati) R
- = abhijñāna-śakuntala, q.v. Sāh
- ○pattra n. certificate
- ○śakuntala n. title of a play of Kālidāsa, i.e. (the nāṭaka or play) on the subject of 'token-(recognized)-Śakuntalā' Śāk
- abhi-jñāpaka mfn. making known BhP
- abhi-jñāyam yathâbhijñāyam
- abhi-√jñú ind. on the knees RV
- up to the knees RV. i, 37, 10 and viii, 92, 3
- abhi-√jval to blaze forth MBh
- Caus. -jva-layati, to enlighten, illuminate Vait.: Intens. -jājvalīti, to blaze up, rise suddenly (as anger, &c.)
- abhi-ḍīna n. (√ḍī), act of flying towards MBh
- abhi-√taṃs (perf. 3. pl. -tatasré), to shake out of, rob RV. iv, 50, 2 and x, 89, 15
- abhi-√taḍ -tāḍayati, to thump, hit, beat, wound, bruise
- (in astron.) to eclipse the greater part of a disk VarBṛS
- abhi-tāḍita mfn. knocked, struck
- abhi-√tan to stretch or spread across or over, be prominent, (aor. 1. pl. -tatánāma) RV. i, 160, 5 and v, 54, 15
- to extend or enlarge in front of (perf. Ā. 2. sg. -tatniṣe) RV. viii, 6, 25 and ix, 108, 6
- abhi-√tap to irradiate with heat, to heat AV. &c
- to pain, distress: Pass. -tapyate, to suffer intensely: Caus. -tāpayati, to distress
- abhi-tapta mfn. scorched, burnt
- afflicted about (acc.) R
- abhi-tāpa m. extreme heat Śiś. &c
- agitation, affliction, emotion
- great pain
- abhi-tarám &c. abhí
- abhi-√tarj -tarjayati, to scold, abuse
- abhí-tas ind. abhí
- abhi-tāmra mf(ā)n. very red, dark-red, murry-coloured MBh. Ragh. xv, 49, &c
- abhi-tigmaraśmi ind. towards the sun Śiś. ix, 11
- abhi-√tuṣ -tuṣyati, to be glad or pleased Kathās
- abhi-√tṛd -tṛṇatti (Imper. 2. sg. -tṛndhi [for tṛnd-dhi]
- aor. Subj. 2. sg. -tárdas RV. vi, 17, 1) to burst open, open, procure (waters) by bursting (the clouds) or by boring (i.e. digging a well) RV. &c
- to procure (vā́jam, vā́jān, gā́ḥ, gandharvám) RV
- annâdyam, &c. ŚBr. &c.: Desid. (Subj. 3. pl. -títṛtsān) to try to open RV. x, 74, 4
- abhi-tṛtti f. the act of procuring or gaining Kāṭh
- abhi-√tṛp Caus. -tarpayati (pr. p. f. pl. -tarpáyantīḥ AV.) to satiate, refresh
- abhi-tṛpta mfn. satiated, refreshed
- abhi-√tṝ to come near, approach (Ā. 3. du. -tarete) RV. i, 140, 3
- to overtake, get up to MBh. vii, 280
- á-bhitti f. not bursting VS. xi, 64
- no wall Kathās
- (mfn.), having no walls, i.e. no solid foundation Śiś. iv, 53
- abhi-√tyaj to abandon R. ii, 47, 5 (ed. Bomb.)
- abhi-trāsa m. putting in fear, intimidating Āp
- abhi-tripiṣṭapa mfn. being over the three worlds Hariv
- abhi-√tvar to be in haste
- abhi-√tsar (3. pl. -tsáranti) to catch, entrap RV. viii, 2, 6
- abhi-tsāra m. catching, entrapping Kāṭh
- abhi-dakṣiṇam ind. to or towards the right Kauś. KātyŚr. Lāṭy
- abhi-dadí abhi- √1. dā. [Page 63, Column]
- abhi-dadhat mfn. pr. p. of 1. abhi-√dhā, q.v
- abhi-darśana abhi-√dṛś
- abhi-√daṣṭa mfn. (√daṃś), bitten
- abhi-√dah to singe, burn RV. ii, 4, 7 (aor.p. abhi-dákṣat [Padap. -dákṣat]) ŚBr. &c
- abhi-dā √1. -dadāti, to give, bestow (for a purpose) MBh. iii, 13309
- abhi-dadí m. an oblation of boiled rice (caru) upon which ghee has been sprinkled TS
- abhi-dāpana n. the being trampled on by elephants as a punishment (?)
- abhi-√dās Ved. -dāsati (Subj. 3. sg. -dā́sat [RV. vi, 5,] or -dā́sāt AV. v, 6, 10) to consider and treat as an enemy
- abhi-dipsú mfn. (dips Desid. of √dambh), 'wishing to deceive', inimical, cunning RV. ī. 23, 10 and 13
- abhi-√diś to point out PBr
- abhi-√dih to wrap up, envelop in ĀpŚr
- abhí-digdha mfn. polished, glazed (in the fire, tápasā), i.e. sharp AV. v, 18, 8
- abhi-dī √2. (Imper. 2. sg. -didīhi) to radiate, beam forth or towards RV. ix, 108, 9
- abhi-√dīkṣ to consecrate one's self (for a purpose, acc.) PBr
- abhi-√dīp to blaze towards Hariv.: Caus. dīpayati, to cause to shine, make brilliant Car
- to blaze or shine all round AV. iv, 19, 3
- abhi-du √2. (pr. p. m. nom. dunván) to burn or pain by burning AV. v, 22, 2
- abhi-√duṣ -dūṣayati, to contaminate
- to wound
- abhi-duṣṭa mfn. contaminated MBh
- abhi-dūṣita mfn. wounded, injured Suśr
- abhi-√duh to milk in addition to TBr
- Caus. P. to cause to milk in addition to ĀpŚr
- abhi-dohana n. milking upon ĀpŚr
- abhi-dohya n. (impers.) to be milked upon, ApSr
- abhi-dūti ind. to or towards a female messenger Śiś. ix, 56 (quoted in Sāh.)
- abhi-√dṛś (Inf. -draṣṭum) to look at: Caus. -darśayati, to show
- to point out, denounce any one (acc.) MBh. i, 7740: Pass. -dṛś-yate, to be visible, be in view, appear Mn.ix, 308, &c
- abhi-darśana n. becoming visible, appearance Mn. ix, 274
- abhi-devana n. a board for playing at dice MBh. ix, 760
- abhí-dyu mfn. directed to heaven, tending or going to heaven RV
- heavenly, bright RV. ŚBr
- abhi-drā √2. (aor. Subj. -drāsat) to overtake RV. viii, 47, 7
- abhi-dru √2. to run up to or near RV. x, 75, 2, &c
- to attack, overrun, infest
- abhi-druta mfn. run towards, attacked
- abhi-drutya ind. p. having attacked
- abhi-√druh -drúhyati (aor. Subj. 3. pl. -druhan
- perf. 1. p. -dudróha) to hate, seek to injure or maliciously assail RV. &c.: Desid. (p. -dudrukṣat) id. Kāṭh
- abhi-drugdha mfn. injured, oppressed BhP
- injuring, oppressing MBh. v, 2160 PārGṛ
- abhi-drúh mfn. seeking to injure, inimical RV. i, 122, 9 (nom. -dhrúk) and ii, 27, 16 (cf. án-abhidruh.)
- abhi-druhyamāṇa mfn. being injured
- abhi-drohá m. injuring RV. Mn. &c
- abhi-√dhanv (aor. 3.pl. -ádhan-viṣuḥ and perf. Ā. -dadhanviré) to come up in haste RV. iv, 31, 6, ix, 13, 7 and 24, 2
- abhi-√dham (p. m. du. -dhámantā) to blow towards or against RV. i, 117, 21. [Page 63, Column]
- abhi-dhmāta mfn. blown on (as an instrument) Kathās
- abhi-dharma m. the dogmas of Buddhist philosophy or metaphysics
- ○kośa m. N. of wk. on the preceding
- ○piṭaka m. 'basket of metaphysics', N. of the third section of Buddhist writings
- abhi-dharṣaṇa n. (√dhṛṣ), possession by demoniac spirits L
- abhi-√dhā -dadhāti, to surrender any one to (dat
- aor. Subj. 2. du. -dhātam) RV. i, 120, 8
- to bring upon (dat.) RV. ii, 23, 6: Ā. (rarely P.) to put on or round, put on the furniture of a horse (cf. abhí-hīta below) RV. &c
- to cover (a country) with an army MBh. ii, 1090
- to cover, protect RV. viii, 67, 5 (aor. Pot. 2. pl. -dhetana), &c
- (in classical Sanskṛit generally) to set forth, explain, tell, speak to, address, say, name (cf. abhí-hita below): Pass. -dhīyate, to be named or called: Caus. -dhāpayate, to cause to name ĀśvGṛ.: Desid. Ā. -dhítsate, to intend to cover one's self RV. x, 85, 30
- abhi-dhā f. name, appellation
- the literal power or sense of a word Sāh
- a word, sound L
- (ā́s), mf. surrounding VS. xxii, 3
- ○dhvaṃsin mfn. losing one's, name
- ○mūla mfn. founded on the literal meaning of a word
- abhi-dhātavya mfn. to be told or named
- to be manifested
- abhi-dhātṛ mfn. saying, telling Śiś
- abhi-dhāna n. telling, naming, speaking, speech, manifesting
- a name, title, appellation, expression, word
- a vocabulary, dictionary, lexicon
- putting together, bringing in close connection VPrāt
- (compar. -tara) KaushBr
- (ī), f. s.v
- ○cintāmaṇi m. 'the jewel that gives every word', N. of Hemacandra's vocabulary of synonyms
- ○tva n. the state of being used as a name
- ○mālā f. a dictionary
- ○ratnamālā f. N. of Halāyudha's vocabulary
- abhi-dhānaka n. a sound, noise L
- abhi-dhā́nī f. a halter AV. ŚBr. AitBr
- abhi-dhānīya mfn. to be named L
- abhi-dhāya ind. p. having said, having called
- abhi-dhāyaka mfn. naming, expressing, expressive of, denominating RPrāt. &c
- telling, speaking
- ○tva n. the state of being expressive
- abhi-dhāyam ind. ifc. gotrâbhidhāyam
- abhi-dhāyin mfn. = abhi-dhāyaka (cf. pṛṣṭâbhidhāyin.)
- abhi-dhitsā f. desire of expressing or naming Kpr
- abhi-dheya mfn. to be named or mentioned
- to be expressed, to be spoken of Pāṇ. 3-3, 51 Sch. &c
- being, spoken of, being expressed Sāh
- (am), n. signification, meaning
- 'that which is expressed or referred to', the substantive
- ○tā f. signification, meaning
- ○rahita mfn. having no sense or meaning, unmeaning, nonsensical
- abhí-hita
- abhi-hiti s.v
- abhi-√dhāv -dhāvati, to run up towards, to rush upon, attack RV. &c
- abhi-dhāvaka mfn. running up, hastening towards Yājñ. ii, 234
- assailing, an assailant
- abhi-dhāvana n. running up, attack
- abhi-dhi √3. (impf. 3. pl. abhy-adhinvan) to satisfy Kāṭh. PBr
- abhi-√dhī (perf. 1. sg. -dīdhaya○
- p. Ā. -dī́dhyāna RV. iv, 33, 9) to reflect upon, consider RV. iii, 38, 1 and x, 32, 4
- abhi-√dhū (p. -dhūnvat) to shake TĀr
- abhi-√dhṛ Caus. -dhārayati, to uphold, maintain MBh
- abhi-√dhṛṣ to overpower, (impf. 3. pl. -adhṛṣṇuvan) Kāṭh
- (perf. 3. pl. -dādhṛ-ṣuḥ) AV. i, 27, 3. Caus. -dharṣayati, id. MBh
- abhi-dhṛṣṇú mfn. powerful over (acc.) ŚBr
- abhi-dhmāta abhi-√dham
- abhi-√dhyai -dhyāyati, to direct one's intention to, set one's heart upon, intend, desire TS. ŚBr. &c
- to meditate Mn. i, 8, &c
- abhi-dhyā f. wish, longing for, desire
- abhi-dhyāna n. desiring, longing for (loc.) Mn. xii, 5, &c
- meditation Up. [Page 63, Column]
- abhi-dhyāyin mfn. (ifc.) giving one's attention to MārkP
- abhi-dhyeya mfn. deserving attention BhP
- (neg. an-) MBh
- abhi-√dhvaṃs Caus. -dhvaṃsayati, to sprinkle with dust, dust Kāṭh
- abhi-dhvasta mfn. afflicted by (instr.) MBh. v, 3230
- abhi-√dhvan to resound, whiz (as arrows) Śiś. xx, 13
- abhi-√nakṣ -nákṣati (perf 3.pl. -nanakṣúḥ
- p. P. -nákṣat Ā. -nákṣamāṇa) to approach, come to, arrive at RV. AV
- abhi-√nad to sound towards (acc.) BhP
- to sound, raise a noise Hariv.: Caus. -nādayati (perf. Pass. p. -nādita, or for the sake of the metre -nadita ṛ.), to cause to sound, fill with noise
- abhi-naddha mfn. (√nah), 'tied round', abhi-naddhâkṣa, mfn. blindfold ChUp
- abhi-nahana n. a bandage (over the eyes) ChUp
- abhi-√nand to please AV. ix, 2, 2
- to rejoice at, salute, welcome, greet, hail
- to praise, applaud, approve (often with na neg. 'to refuse')
- to acknowledge: Caus. -nandayati, to gladden R
- abhi-nánda m. the delight, pleasure (of sensuality) ŚBr. xiv ChUp
- wish, desire for (ifc.) Suśr
- N. of the first month
- N. of a commentator on the Amara-kosha
- N. of the author of the Yoga-vāsishṭhasāra
- (ā), f. delight L
- wish L
- abhi-nandana n. delighting L
- praising, applauding L
- wish, desire L
- (as) m. N. of the fourth Jaina Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī
- abhi-nandanīya mfn. to be acknowledged or applauded Śāk
- abhi-nandita mfn. delighted, made happy, saluted, applauded, &c
- abhi-nanditṛ mfn. gladdening MBh
- abhi-nandin mfn. rejoicing at, wishing, desiring (ifc.)
- abhi-nandya mfn. = abhi-nandanīya Śāk. Ragh. v, 31
- abhi-nandya ind. p. having rejoiced at
- having gladdened
- abhi-nabhas ind. towards the sky
- abhi-nabhyám ind. near the clouds or the sky RV. x, 119, 12
- abhi-√nam (aor. 3. sg. -anamat, or -anān Kāṭh.) to bow or bend or turn towards
- abhi-nata mfn. bent, inclined, KaushBr. &c
- abhi-namra mf(ā)n. deeply bowed or curved Ragh. xiii, 32
- abhi-nāmin ī m. N. of a Ṛishi in the sixth Manvantara VP
- abhi-naya 1. abhi-√nī
- abhi-√nard P. (ep. also Ā.) to roar towards MBh
- to roar R
- abhi-nava mf(ā)n. quite new or young, very young, fresh
- modern (cf. -kālidāsa and -śākaṭāyana below)
- N. of two men Rājat
- not having experience L
- ○kālidāsa m. the modern Kālidāsa, i.e. Mādhavācārya
- ○gupta m. N. of a well-known author
- ○candrârgha-vidhi m. 'a ceremony performed at the time of the new moon', N. of the 114th chapter in the BhavP. ii
- ○yauvana mf(ā)n. youthful Hit
- ○vaiyākaraṇa m. a modern grammarian
- ○śākaṭāyana m. the modern Śākaṭāyana
- abhinavī-√bhū to become new Comm. on Bhaṭṭ
- abhinavôdbhid m. a new bud
- abhi-naś √1. (aor. Subj. 3. sg. -naṭ RV. vii, 104, 23) to attain, reach RV
- abhi-nahana abhi-naddha
- abhi-nāsikāvivaram ind. to the opening of the nose Śiś. ix, 52
- abhi-niḥ-√sṛ to stream forth, issue Suśr
- abhi-niḥ-sṛta mfn. issued or issuing from (abl.) ChUp. (= KaṭhUp.) Yājñ. &c
- abhi-niḥ-√sṛj to pour out towards ŚBr. [Page 64, Column]
- abhi-niḥ-√sṛp to move towards ĀśvŚr
- abhi-niḥ-√stan to sound heavily (as a drum) Pāṇ. 8-3, 86 Sch
- abhi-niṣṭāna m. 'a sound which dies away', the Visarga APrāt. ĀśvGṛ. &c
- abhi-nistāna m. = abhi-niṣṭāna Pāṇ. 8-3, 86
- abhi-ni-√kram (aor.2 ṣg. -akramīs) to tread down (with acc.) RV. x, 60, 6
- abhi-ni-√gad to speak to Kauś
- abhi-nidhana n. N. of different verses of the Sāma-veda KātyŚr. &c
- abhi-ni-√dhā P. to place upon or into (loc.) ŚBr
- Ā. to place upon one's self (as a burden) AitBr
- to touch slightly with (instr.) ŚBr. KātyŚr. &c.: Pass. -dhīyate, 'to be touched by each other', be in close contact (as the letters e, o and a in the Sandhi called abhiníhita, q.v.) Prāt
- abhi-ni-dhāna n. placing upon KātyŚr
- (as) m. āPrāt. and ṭPrāt. or (am), n. ṛPrāt. 'touching' or close contact (of letters in pronunciation, especially in the cases where initial a is suppressed after e and o)
- abhi-ní-hita mfn. touched with (instr
- also án- neg.) ŚBr
- (as) m. 'close contact', N. of a special Sandhi (by which final e and o are brought into close contact with the initial a of the following word, which in the old language probably was not entirely suppressed) Prāt
- abhi-ni-√dhyai to give attention to R
- abhi-ni-nartam md. (√nṛt), so as to accomplish step by step, i.e. repeating separately, KaushBr. (cf. abhy-ā-gāram.)
- abhi-ni-√nī to pour out (water &c.) upon Comm. on KātyŚr
- (ni-√nī.)
- abhi-ni-√pat Caus. -pātayati, to throw down MBh
- abhi-ni-pāta m. = abhini-dhāna (m. or n.) above Comm. on APrāt
- abhi-ni-√pīḍ to press, squeeze, trouble MBh. &c
- abhi-nipīḍita mfn. pained, tormented
- abhi-ni-√mantr to summon, invite Hariv
- abhi-ni-√mruc -mrócati (said of the sun) to set upon anybody who is sleeping or has not finished his work TS. TBr. Kāṭh
- abhi-ni-mrukta mfn. upon whom while not doing any work or while sleeping the sun has set TBr
- (wrongly written abhi-nir-mukta) Mn.ī, 221 and BhP
- abhi-ni-√mluc = -√mruc before Mn. ii, 219 (cf. ni-√mruc and ni-√mluc.)
- abhi-ni-mlupta = abhi-ni-mrukta above Gobh
- abhi-niyukta mfn. (√yuj), occupied in
- abhi-nir-as √2. to throw towards Kauś
- abhi-nir-√gam to go out or away from (abl.) R
- abhi-nirjita mfn. (√ji), conquered MBh. xiv, 2220
- abhi-nir-ṇud (√nud), (Pot. -ṇudet) to drive out, frighten away MBh. xii, 10728
- abhi-nir-√diś to point out, indicate TS. &c
- to appoint, characterize Mn. x, 20
- to settle, fix MBh. VarBṛS
- abhi-nir-√bharts (ind. p. -bhartsya) to scold thoroughly R. ii, 78, 19
- abhi-nirmita mfn. (√3. mā), made, created R. iii, 76, 30 Kir. v, 3. [Page 64, Column]
- abhi-nir-mukta for abhi-ni-mrukta, q.v
- abhi-nir-√yā to march out, go out towards (dat.) or from (abl.) MBh. &c
- abhi-niryāṇa n. march of an assailant L
- abhi-nir-√vad to declare with regard to (acc.) PBr
- abhi-nir-vap √2. to share out or add anything to another thing (either acc. and loc. ṭṣ. or instr. and acc. āitBr.)
- abhi-nir-√vṛt to result from, proceed MBh.: Caus. -vartayati, to produce, accomplish Hariv. &c
- abhi-nirvṛtta mfn. resulting from MBh. &c
- abhi-nirvṛtti f. resulting, proceeding, accomplishment
- abhi-ni-līyamānaka mfn. (√lī), (a bird) lying down in its nest in the presence of (a spectator) VarBṛS
- abhi-ni-vártam ind. (√vṛt), so as to turn back towards (acc.) TS. ŚBr. Kāṭh
- abhi-ni-√viś -viśate, to enter (with acc.) Pāṇ. 1-4, 47 Sch
- to disembogue (as a river) into (acc.) BhP
- to devote one's self entirely to (acc.) Daś. &c.: Caus. -veśayati, to cause to enter, lead into (acc.) BhP
- to cause to sit down upon (loc.) Śiś
- to cause any one to devote himself entirely to MBh. &c., (with manas, or ātmānam) to devote one's attention to (loc.) BhP
- abhi-niviṣṭa mfn. entered or plunged into
- intent on (loc. or in comp.)
- endowed with Ragh. ii, 75
- determined, persevering
- ○tā f. state of being persevering Sāh
- abhi-niveśa m. application, intentness, study, affection, devotion (with loc. or ifc.)
- determination (to effect a purpose or attain an object), tenacity, adherence to (loc.) Kum. v, 7, &c
- abhi-niveśita mfn. made to enter into, plunged into
- abhi-niveśin mfn. intent upon, devoted to Yājñ. iii, 134
- determined
- abhi-ni-√śam (ind. p. -śāmya) to perceive, notice Daś
- abhi-niścita mfn. (√2. ci), quite convinced of. MBh. xii, 10635
- settled or fixed with regard to (acc.) MBh. iii, 1085
- abhi-ni-√śri to pass (from one thing) to another (acc.) Āp
- abhi-ni-ṣad (√sad), to sit down or settle round (perf. 3. sg. -ṣasāda) RV. vii, 15, 2
- (Opt. 1. pl. -ṣīdema) AV. xii, 1, 29
- abhi-niṣ-kārín mfn. intending anything evil against, injuring AV. x, 1, 31 (cf. abhi-kṛ́tvarī.)
- abhi-níṣ-kṛta mfn. directed against (as an evil action) AV. x, 1, 12
- abhi-niṣ-√kram to go out towards
- to lead towards (as a door) Pāṇ. 4-3, 86
- to leave the house in order to become an anchorite Buddh. and Jain
- abhi-niṣkramaṇa n. going forth
- leaving the house in order to become an anchorite Buddh. and Jain
- abhí-niṣkrānta mfn. gone out towards
- descended from (abl.) R
- having left the house (abl.) in order to become an anchorite Mn. vi, 41 Buddh. and Jain
- ○gṛhâvāsa mfn. having left his house (for becoming an anchorite) Buddh
- abhi-niṣṭāna abhi-niḥ-√stan
- abhi-ni-√ṣṭhiv to spit upon ŚBr. Kauś
- abhi-niṣ-pat √to fly out towards (acc.) AV. vii, 64, 1
- to spring forth, shoot forth
- abhi-niṣpatana n. springing forth, issuing
- abhi-niṣ-√pad to come to (acc.) ŚBr
- to enter into, become (with acc.) ŚBr. xiv ChUp. [Page 64, Column]
- to appear ChUp.: Caus. -pādayati, to bring to (acc.) ŚBr
- abhi-niṣpatti f. appearance Comm. on ChUp
- abhi-ni-√syand (or -ṣyand), to trickle upon MBh. xii, 3881
- abhi-ni-ṣyanda m. trickling R
- abhi-ni-√han (p. -ghnat) to beat, strike MBh. &c
- abhi-ni-hata mfn. put on (as on a spit), (abhí níhata) RV. i, 162, 11
- for abhi-ní-hita, q.v. APrāt
- abhi-ní-hita abhi-ni-√dhā
- abhi-nihnava m. (√hnu), denial L
- N. of a Sāman
- abhi-√nī (perf. Opt. -ninīyāt RV. vii, 88, 2
- aor. Subj. 2. sg. -neṣi RV. vi, 61, 14) to conduct towards, bring near RV. &c
- to represent dramatically, act
- to adduce, quote L
- abhi-naya m. (indication of a passion or purpose by look, gesture, &c.) acting, dramatic action (expressive of sentiment)
- abhi-nīta mfn. brought near
- performed L
- highly finished or ornamented L
- fit, proper MBh. &c
- = marṣin or amarṣin (? patient or impatient) L
- abhi-nīti f. gesture, expressive gesticulation L
- friendship, civility L
- abhi-netavya mfn. to be represented dramatically
- abhi-netṛ́ tā́ m. one who brings near RV. iv, 20, 8 ŚBr
- abhi-neya mfn. = abhi-netavya
- abhi-nī7 (-ni-√i), (Imper. -nyétu) to enter into (as in approaching a woman) RV. x, 149, 4
- abhi-nīla mfn. very black or dark
- abhi-nu √3. Ā. (3. pl. abhī́navante) to turn one's self towards (acc.) RV. ix, 100, 1
- abhi-nu √4. P. Ā. (pr.1. pl. -navāmahe, 3. pl. -navante
- impf. P. 3. pl. -anāvan
- aor. 1. sg. -anūṣi, 3. du. -anūṣātām, 3. pl. -anūṣata very frequently or -nūṣata RV. ix, 103, 3) to shout towards (acc.) RV.: Intens. (1. pl. -nonumas), id. RV
- abhi-√nud to push, press: Caus. -nodayati, to excite, spur or urge on
- abhi-√nṛt -nṛtyati, to dance towards (acc.) or in imitation of (acc.) BhP
- abhi-nṛmṇa mf(ā)n. exceedingly propitious BhP
- á-bhinna mfn. (√bhid), uncut, unbroken ŚBr. &c
- uninterrupted RV. vi, 28, 2
- (a-bhinná) AV
- (in arithm.) 'undivided', integer, whole (as numbers)
- unchanged, unaltered, not different from (abl. or in comp.)
- ○gati mfn. not changing its course Śāk
- ○taraka mfn. (compar.) not at all different Pat
- ○tā f. or ṛ. 'non-difference', identity
- ○tva n. ṛ. 'non-difference', identity
- (with numbers) wholeness
- ○parikarmâṣṭaka n. the eight processes in working whole numbers
- ○sthiti mfn. not breaking its rules Śāk
- abhinnâtman mfn. 'of undaunted spirit', firm
- abhi-ny-as √2. -asyati, to depress (as fire) KātyŚr
- abhi-nyāsa m. a kind of fever Bhpr
- abhi-ny-√ubj to press down, hold down AV. viii, 8, 6 Kauś
- abhi-√pac to boil up (as milk) Suśr
- abhi-paṭhita mfn. denominated, named Suśr
- abhi-pat √1. -patyate, to be lord over (acc.) RV. viii, 102, 9
- pr. p. -pātyamāna, possessing RV. x, 132, 3
- abhi-pat √2. to fly near, hasten near
- to rush towards, assail
- to fall down upon (acc.) AV. vi, 124, 1 and 2 (aor. abhy-ápapta & abhy-ápaptat), &c
- to fall or come into (acc.)
- to fly through or over MBh. v, 3051
- to overtake in flying MBh. viii, 1910: Caus. -pātayati, to throw after with (instr.) TBr. [Page 65, Column]
- to throw upon (dat. or loc.)
- to throw down
- to pass (time)
- abhi-patana n. flying towards
- abhi-pāta m. hastening near Kād
- abhi-pātin mfn. hastening near
- running to the help of (in comp.) MBh. iii, 284
- abhi-pitvá n. (cf. apa-pitvá), approaching, visiting, putting up (for the night at an inn) RV
- (with or without the gen. pl. áhnām) close or departure of the day, evening RV
- abhi-√pad to come near or towards, approach
- to approach (a deity) for imploring her help Śiś. ix, 27
- to come up (as an auxiliary), assist
- to seize, catch, overpower, master RV. x, 71, 9 ŚBr. &c
- to take possession of Mn. i, 30, &c
- to accept R
- to undertake, devote one's self to (acc.)
- abhí-patti f. seizing ŚBr
- abhí-panna mfn. approaching for imploring the help of L
- assisted MBh. &c
- seized, overpowered ŚBr. &c
- undertaking, taking in hand
- undertaken, taken in hand
- one who has acted wrongly towards (in comp.) MBh. xii, 68, 50 and 58
- distant L
- dead L
- abhi-padma mfn. (said of elephants) having red spots on the skin MBh. i, 7013
- abhi-parā-√vad to speak to, address ŚBr. KaushBr
- abhi-pari-√grah to clasp, embrace MānGṛ
- abhi-pari-glāna mfn. (√glai), tired, exhausted MBh. i, 4489
- abhi-paripluta mfn. overflowed with (as medasā, rajasā [said of a wife during menstruation MBh. iii, 523
- cf. abhi-pluta below], &c.)
- attacked, afflicted by (instr
- as by anger, sorrow, compassion, &c.) MBh. &c
- abhi-pari-ṣvañj (√svañj), (p. -ṣvajat) to embrace R
- abhi-pari-√han to overpower entirely ŚBr
- abhi-pari-√hṛ P. to move round (in a circle) ŚBr.: P. with ātmānam Kauś. or
- Caus. Ā. (Opt. 3. pl. -hārayeran) āaśv"ṣr. to move round one's self
- abhi-pari-hāra m. moving round, (an- neg.) ĀśvŚr
- abhi-parī7ta mfn. (√i), filled or taken with, seized by (instr., in comp.) MBh. &c
- abhi-parī-vṛta mfn. (√vṛ), filled or taken with (instr
- as with anger) R
- abhi-parê (√i), (Imper. 2. sg. -párêhi) to go away towards (acc.) AV. xiv, 2, 34 and 35
- abhi-pary-ā-√dhā (= pary-ā-√dhā, q.v.), to surround (as a pan with fire) ŚBr
- abhi-pary-ā-√vṛt Ā. to turn one's self towards (acc.) AV. TS. &c
- to turn one's self round (acc.) AitBr
- abhi-pary-ā-√sic to pour out round AitBr
- abhi-pary-ūh √1. abhí páry ūhate, to carry or bring towards (acc.) TS
- abhi-pary-ê (√i), (said of the time) 'to pass round' (acc.), i.e. to pass away or elapse ŚBr
- abhi-palê (√i), to follow after any one running away (acc.), PBr. (cf. palê.)
- abhi-√paś -paśyati, to look upon or at, view RV. &c
- to perceive, notice MBh. i, 5002, &c
- (with gen.) BhP
- to know ChUp
- abhi-pā √1. to drink of Gobh
- abhi-pīta mfn. watered (as the earth by rain) MBh. xii, 12844
- abhi-pā √2. -pā́ti, to guard RV. VS
- to behold with attention RV. viii, 59, 3: Caus. P. -pālayati, to protect, assist MBh. &c
- abhi-pāla m. protector MBh
- abhi-pālana n. protecting R. [Page 65, Column]
- abhi-piṅgala mfn. 'very red', reddish-brown Hariv
- abhi-pitvá apa- √2. pat
- abhi-√piś (impf. -apiṃśat, perf. Ā. 3. pl. -pipiśre) to adorn with (instr.) RV. v, 60, 4 ; x, 68, 11 TBr
- abhi-√pīḍ to oppress, torment
- abhi-pīḍita mfn. pressed (as the soil by the foot or by an army) ṢaḍvBr. &c
- oppressed, tormented, afflicted MBh. &c
- abhi-√puth Caus. -pothayati, to throw with violence upon (loc.) Hariv
- abhi-puṣpa mfn. covered with flowers R
- (am), n. an excellent flower L
- abhi-√pū -pavate, to flow purified towards or for (acc. or dat.) RV
- to blow towards TS. TBr
- to make bright, glorify AV. TS
- abhi-√pūj to honour, reverence greatly
- to approve of
- abhi-pūjita mfn. honoured
- approved, assented to Mn. vi, 58, &c
- abhi-pūrva mfn. following in regular order PBr
- (ám āV. "ṣBr. or eṇa PBr.), ind. in regular order, successively
- abhi-pṛṣṭhe ind. at the back of, behind Kum
- abhi-√pṝ (Imper. 2. sg. -pṛṇīhi) to fill up PārGṛ
- -pūryate, to become full or abundant PārGṛ. MBh.: Caus. -pūrayati, to make full, fill ŚBr. &c
- to load with Kathās
- to cover with (as with arrows) MBh. vi, 1721
- to present with (instr.) Hariv. Kathās
- (said of sorrows, &c.) to fill the heart of any one, overwhelm
- to accomplish R. vii, 35, 14
- abhi-pūraṇa n. filling KātyŚr
- abhi-pūrṇa mfn. full of (instr. or gen.)
- abhi-pūrta n. that which has been fulfilled AV. ix, 5, 13
- abhi-pū́rya mfn. to be filled MaitrS
- abhi-√pyai (perf. Ā. p. -pī́pyāna) to swell, abound with (instr.) RV. vii, 36, 6
- abhi-pra-√kamp Caus. -kampayati, to stir, allure ŚBr
- abhi-pra-√kāś -kāśate, to become visible MBh. (cakṣuṣā, 'to the eye') R
- abhi-pra-√kram P. -krāmati, to go up to (acc.) ŚBr. Kauś
- abhi-pra-kramya mfn. to be stepped upon or walked on PBr
- abhi-pra-√kṣar to stream towards (acc.) ŚBr
- abhi-pra-kṣarita mfn. poured out ŚBr
- abhi-pra-√kṣal -kṣālayati, to clean thoroughly, polish up (as a jewel) Vikr
- abhi-pra-√gāh -gā́hate, to dip or plunge into, penetrate RV. ix, 99, 2 and 110, 2: Caus. (ind. p. -gāhya) to immerse, dip ŚāṅkhŚr
- abhi-pra-√gai (Imper. 2. pl. -gāyata) to begin to praise RV
- abhi-pra-√cakṣ (Ved. Inf. -cákṣe) to see RV. i, 113, 6
- abhi-pra-√cud Caus. -codayati, to impel, induce, persuade MBh. R
- abhi-pra-√cyu (Imper. 2. sg. Ā. -cyavasva) to move towards, arrive at (acc.) VS. TS
- abhi-√prach to ask or inquire after MBh. &c
- abhi-pṛṣṭa mfn. inquired after BhP
- abhi-praśnín mfn. inclined to ask, inquisitive VS
- abhi-pra-√jan (3. pl. Ā. -jāyante) to bring forth, bear RV. v, 19, 1: Caus. -janayati, to generate for the sake of (acc.) ŚBr
- abhi-pra-√jval (perf. -jajvāla) to flare up MBh. [Page 65, Column]
- abhi-pra-ṇakṣ (√nakṣ), (perf. Ā. -nanakṣé) to overpower RV. viii, 51, 8
- abhi-pra-ṇad (√nad), (perf. 3. pl. -ṇeduḥ) to begin to roar or sound Bhaṭṭ
- abhi-pra-ṇam (√nam), to bow before (dat. or acc.) MBh. &c
- abhi-praṇata mfn. bent, bowing before
- abhi-pra-ṇī (√nī), (aor. Subj. 2. sg. -ṇeṣi) to bring towards (acc.) RV. i, 31, 18
- abhi-praṇaya m. affection L. (cf. praṇaya.)
- abhi-praṇīta mfn. brought to (as fire to the altar) Bhaṭṭ. (cf. pra-ṇī.)
- abhi-pra-ṇu (√4. nu), (aor. Ā. 3. pl. -ánūṣata) to shout towards, praise highly RV. iv, 32, 9: Intens. (1. pl. -ṇonumas frequently
- perf. 3. pl. -ṇonuvuḥ) id. RV
- abhi-pra-√tan to spread over (acc.) KaushUp
- abhi-pratapta mfn. 'intensely heated', dried up Suśr
- exhausted with pain or fever R
- abhi-pratārin ī m. N. of a descendant of Kaksha-sena ChUp
- abhi-prati-gṝ √1. 'to call out to (acc.) alternately', answer in singing TS
- (cf prati- √1 -gṝ.)
- abhi-prati-√pad P. (fut. -patsyati) to begin with or at (acc.) AitBr
- abhi-prati-√piṣ (perf. -pipeṣa) to dash or crush out ŚBr
- abhi-praty-ava-√ruh to step down upon (acc.) AitBr
- abhi-praty-avê (√i), to move down towards ŚBr
- abhi-praty-ê (√i), to come back towards (acc.) ŚBr
- abhi-√prath (perf. Ā. -paprathe) to spread, extend itself towards (acc.) RV. ix, 80, 3: Caus. -prathayati, to spread or scatter over (acc.) TS
- to spread (as one's fame) MBh
- abhi-prathana n. spreading over L
- abhi-pra-dakṣiṇam ind. to the right (e.g. with √1. kṛ, to circumambulate keeping the object on the right) R
- abhi-pra-darśana n. pointing out, indicating Sāh
- abhi-pra-√diś Caus. -deśayati, to urge on R
- abhi-pra-√dṝ (perf. 3. pl. -dadrur = abhi-jagmuḥ, Sā. fr. -√2. drā, 'to run towards') to put forth by bursting or opening RV. iv, 19, 5: Pass. -dīryate, to be scattered or divided asunder MBh. viii, 3976
- abhi-pra-drā √2. -√dṝ
- abhi-pra-dru √2. (perf. Ā. -dudruve) to rush towards (acc.), assail MBh
- abhi-pra-dharṣaṇa n. oppressing, injuring MBh. iii, 14937
- abhi-pra-√pac Pass. -pacyate, 'to get ripe', develop itself Suśr
- abhi-pra-√pad to come towards, reach at, enter into (acc.) ŚBr. &c
- to resort to (acc.) MBh. &c
- to undertake MBh
- abhi-prapanna mfn. approached, attained
- abhi-pra-√paś (impf. -prấpaśyat) to look out after (acc.) RV. x, 113, 4
- abhi-pra-√pīḍ Caus. -pīḍayati, to cause pain, torture MBh. &c
- abhi-pra-√pṝ -pūryate, to be filled, fill one's self completely MBh. xv, 678
- abhi-pra-bhaṅgín mfn. (√bhañj), breaking completely RV. viii, 45, 35. [Page 66, Column]
- abhi-pra-√bhū
- (Ved. Inf. aor. abhí-pra-bhūṣáṇi) to assist RV. x, 132, 1
- abhi-pra-√bhṛ (1. pl. -bharāmahe) to offer to (dat.) RV. iv, 56, 5
- (Imper. 2. sg. -bhara) to throw, dart RV. viii, 89, 4
- abhi-pra-√math Caus. -manthayati, to churn thoroughly Suśr
- abhi-pra-√man Ā. (3. pl. -manvate) to take any one for, look upon him as AV. vi, 84, 1
- abhi-pra-mand √1. (1. and 2. sg. Ā. -mande, -mandase
- perf. P. 3. pl. -mandúḥ) to gladden RV
- P. (Imper. 2. sg. -manda) to confuse, infatuate RV. vi, 18, 9
- abhi-pra-múr mfn. (√mṝ, bruising, crushing RV. x, 115, 2
- abhi-pra-√mṛś (Imper. 2. sg. -mṛsa
- aor. Subj. 2. sg. -mṛkṣas and 2. pl. -mṛkṣata) to seize, grasp: Intens. (p. nom. m. -marmṛśat) id. RV. i, 140, 5
- abhi-pra-√yā (Imper. 2. pl. -yāthána) to come towards, approach RV. viii, 27, 6
- to set out, march off, go to battle MBh. &c
- abhi-pra-yāyam ind. so as to approach KātyŚr
- abhi-pra-yāyín mfn. approaching TS
- abhi-pra-√yuj -prá-yuṅkte, to seize, grasp, bring in one's possession TS. TBr. KaushBr
- abhi-pra-√ruh to put forth or produce shoots Suśr
- abhi-pra-√vah to carry or bring towards AitBr
- abhi-pra-√vip (Opt. 3. pl. -véperan) to move against (acc.), threaten TS
- abhi-pra-√viś to disembogue into (acc.) BhP
- abhi-pra-viṣṭa mfn. fallen or come into (acc.) R
- abhi-pra-veśa m. entering into MBh. i, 2871
- abhi-pra-√vṛt Ā. to advance up to (acc.) AitBr. KaushUp
- to disembogue into (acc.) R
- to go forth, advance ĀśvGṛ
- ( also abhi-pra-vṛtta): Caus. -vartayati, to cause to advance against, throw against (acc.) TS
- (dat.) SV
- abhi-pravartana n. coming or flowing forth (said of the sweat) Suśr
- abhi-pravṛtta mfn. being performed, advancing, proceeding MBh. viii, 3464
- occupied or engaged in Bhag
- abhi-pra-vṛdh Caus. -vardhayati (generally used in the perf. Pass. p. -vardhita) to enlarge Suśr
- render prosperous MBh
- abhi-pra-√vṛṣ to pour down rain MBh. &c
- abhi-pra-√vraj to step or advance towards ChUp. KaushUp
- abhi-pra-√śaṃs to praise highly MBh
- abhi-pra-√śudh Caus. -śodhayati, to clean thoroughly Suśr
- abhi-praśnín abhi-√prach
- abhi-pra-√śvas to blow towards (acc.) AitBr
- abhi-pra-√sad (p. -sī́dat
- perf. 3. pl. -seduḥ) to sit down or settle along (acc.) RV. iv, 1, 13 and x, 32, 1: Caus. -sādayati, to cause to be well-disposed or gracious, pray for grace or favour MBh. &c
- abhi-pra-√sah to be able to (Inf.) Kir. xii, 18
- abhi-pra-supta mfn. (√svap), fallen asleep MBh
- abhi-pra-sū √1. (3. pl. -suvanti) to drive towards (acc.) Nir. [Page 66, Column]
- abhi-pra-sūta mfn. engaged, induced, ordered Nir
- abhi-pra-sūta mfn. (√4. su), generated, born MBh. v, 964
- abhi-pra-√sṛ Caus. (ind. p. -sārya) to stretch one's self out towards (acc.) ŚBr
- Ā. (Pot. -sārayīta) to stretch out (as a foot) towards or upon (loc.) Āp
- abhi-pra-sāraṇa n. stretching out the feet towards (gen.) Āp
- abhi-pra-sṛta mfn. devoted to R. (cf. prasṛta.)
- abhi-pra-√sṛp (p. -sárpat) to creep near AV. viii, 6, 22
- abhi-pra-√skand to jump into (acc.) ŚāṅkhBr
- abhi-pra-√stu to praise with a stoma (q.v.) TS
- abhi-pra-√stṛ to scatter ŚBr
- abhi-pra-√sthā (aor. Subj. 2. pl. -sthāta
- perf. 3. pl. -tasthuḥ) to start or advance towards, reach RV. AV. &c
- to surpass, have the precedence of (with or without acc.) RV. i, 74, 8 and x, 65, 15
- (cf. ati-pra-√sthā): Caus. to drive (as the cattle to pasture) ChUp
- abhi-pra-sthita mfn. one who has set out, started MBh. &c
- abhi-pra√-han (3. pl. -ghnánti) to overpower RV. vi, 46, 10 ŚBr
- abhi-pra-hata mfn. struck at, hurt Suśr
- abhi-pra-hā √2. -jihīte, to jump or fly upwards in the direction of (acc.) ŚāṅkhŚr
- abhi-prá-hita mfn. (√hi), sent hither AV. x, 1, 15
- abhi-prâṇ (√an), -prâṇiti, to exhale, breathe forth towards (acc.) ŚBr
- to exhale, breathe forth AitBr. TBr. &c
- abhi-prâṇana n. exhaling (opposed to apânana, q.v.) L
- abhi-prātár ind. towards morning, early ŚBr. xiv
- (according to some Comm. 'on the fourth day early in the morning')
- abhi-prâp (√āp), to reach, obtain ŚBr. ChUp
- abhi-prâpana arthâbhiprāpaṇa
- abhi-prâpta mfn. reached, obtained
- abhi-prâpti f. arrival Nir
- abhi-prêpsu mfn. desirous of gaining Mn. &c
- abhi-prâya abhi-prê
- abhi-prârc (√arc), to celebrate in song RV. viii, 49, 1 and 69, 4
- abhi-prârth (√arth), to long for, wish R
- abhi-prâś (√2. aś), to eat in addition to (acc.) another thing (in order to get rid of the taste of it) ChUp
- abhi-prâs (√2. as), to throw upon (acc.) ŚBr. KātyŚr
- abhi-√prī Caus. to gladden, refresh Car
- abhi-prī́ mfn. gladdening RV. i, 162, 3 and ix, 31, 3
- abhi-prīta mfn. pleased, (an- neg.) AitBr
- abhi-prīti f. pleasing, pleasure PBr
- abhi-√pru to hasten near or towards RV. iv, 58, 8
- to jump into ŚBr
- abhi-prava as, m.= abhi-plavá below Kāṭh
- abhi-√pruṣ -pruṣṇute, -pruṣāyati [RV. x, 26,], to sprinkle with RV
- abhi-prê (√i), -prâiti (Imper. 2. sg. -prếhi 2. pl. prếta RV
- to go near to, approach
- to approach with one's mind, to think of Pāṇ. 1-4, 32, &c
- to aim at, intend
- abhi-prâya m. aim Pāṇ. 1-3, 72
- purpose, intention, wish R. &c
- opinion Mn. vii, 57, &c
- meaning, sense (as of a word or of a passage)
- abhi-prêta mfn. meant, intended R. &c
- accepted, approved Nir. &c. [Page 66, Column]
- to whom one's heart is devoted, dear MBh. Śāk. &c
- abhi-prêtya ind. intending, meaning by Nir
- abhi-prêkṣ (√īkṣ), (generally ind. p. -prêṣya) to look at, to see, view MBh. &c
- abhi-prêpsu abhi-prâp
- abhi-prêr (√īr), Caus. -prêayati, to drive forwards, push on Suśr
- abhi-prêraṇa n. pushing, setting in motion (as a see-saw)
- abhi-prêṣ (√1. iṣ), (1. sg. -prêṣyāmi) to summon, command AV
- abhi-prêṣita mfn. that which has been commanded or ordered, (án- neg.) ŚBr
- abhi-prôkṣaṇa n. (√ukṣ), sprinkling upon, affusion
- abhi-√plu to swim or navigate towards, approach ŚBr. &c
- to overflow, &c. ( abhi-pluta)
- to jump near to Hariv. &c.: Caus. (said of the sea) to wash Kauś
- abhi-plavá m. N. of a religious ceremony (lasting six days and performed five times during the sacrifice Gavām-ayana) ŚBr. &c
- abhi-pluta mfn. overflowed, overrun
- overwhelmed, affected by, labouring under (instr.) MBh. &c
- (rajasā, said of a wife during menstruation
- cf. abhi-pari-pluta above) Mn. iv, 41
- abhi-bala n. (in dramatic language) overreaching or deceiving anybody by disguise Sāh
- abhi-√bādh -bādhate, to check, stop RV. viii, 5, 34
- to attack (in battle) MBh. xii, 3731
- to cause pain, afflict R
- abhi-bādhitṛ mfn. causing pain Hariv
- (v. l. adhi-bādhitṛ.)
- abhi-buddhi f. (in Sāṅkhya phil.) N. of a function of the intellect (comprising adhyavasāya, abhimāna, icchā, kartavyatā, and kriyā)
- abhi-√bhaj to turn or flee towards (acc.) Hariv
- abhi-bhañj √
- 2. (p. gen. pl. f. -bhañjatīnā́m) to break down, destroy RV. x, 103, 8
- abhi-bhaṅgá mfn. breaking down, destroying RV. ii, 21, 3
- abhi-bhartṛ ind. towards the husband Śiś. ix, 35
- before (i.e. in presence of) the husband Śiś. ix, 77
- abhi-√bharts (ind. p. -bhartsya) to scold, threaten so as to terrify R
- to deride, ridicule MBh. iii, 10921
- abhi-bhavá 1. abhi-√bhū below
- abhi-√bhā to glitter (around), be bright, appear MBh. &c
- abhi-bhā́ f. 'apparition, phenomenon', inauspicious omen RV. ii, 42, 1 AV
- (with Buddh.) act of overpowering, superiority L
- abhibhâyatana n. 'abode of superiority', N. of the eight sources of superiority with Buddhists L
- abhí-bhāra abhi-√bhṛ
- abhi-√bhāṣ to address, speak to (acc.) MBh. &c
- converse with (instr.) Mn. &c
- to utter, say (abhibhāṣante, 'people use to say' Nir.)
- to confess Mn. xi, 103
- abhi-bhāṣaṇa n. the act of addressing or speaking to ĀśvŚr. &c
- abhi-bhāṣita mfn. addressed, spoken to
- abhi-bhāṣin mfn. addressing, speaking to
- abhi-bhāṣya mfn. to be addressed
- abhi-bhāṣyamāṇa mfn. being addressed
- abhi-bhuj √3. P. to be useful to (acc.) ŚāṅkhŚr
- abhi-√bhū to overcome, overpower, predominate, conquer, surpass, overspread
- to attack, defeat, humiliate
- to approach, come near to (acc.) RV. iv. 31, 3 AV
- to be victorious or prospering in (loc.) RV. v, 37, 5
- abhi-bhavá mfn. overpowering, powerful AV. i, 29, 4 [Page 67, Column]
- m. prevailing, overpowering, predominance Bhag. &c
- defeat, subjugation under (instr. or abl., or in comp.)
- disregard, disrespect
- humiliation, mortification
- abhi-bhavana n. overpowering Lalit
- the state of being overpowered Mn. vi, 62
- abhi-bhavanīya mfn. to be overcome
- abhi-bhāvaka mfn. overpowering, surpassing Comm. on Nyāyad
- abhi-bhāvana n. causing to overcome, making victorious L
- abhi-bhāvin mfn. (ifc.) overpowering Ragh. i, 14, &c
- abhi-bhāvuka mfn. = abhi-bhāvaka L
- abhi-bhú or 2
- abhi-bhū́ mfn. one who surpasses, a superior (with or without acc.) RV. AV. VS
- (Compar. abhibhū́tara RV. viii, 97, 10)
- (us), m. N. of a month Kāṭh
- (ū́s), m. N. of a die TS. Kāṭh
- of a prince of the Nāgas PārGṛ
- abhi-bhūta mfn. surpassed, defeated, subdued, humbled
- overcome, aggrieved, injured
- abhí-bhūti f. superior power, overpowering RV. iv, 38, 9 ŚBr. KātyŚr
- disrespect, humiliation L
- (mfn.), overpowering, superior RV. AV
- abhibhūty-ójas (6), mfn. having superior power RV
- abhi-bhū́ya n. superiority AV. xix, 37, 3
- abhi-bhū́van mf(varī)n. superior, victorious over RV. x, 159, 5 and 6
- abhi-√bhṛ (Subj. -bhárāti) to lay or throw upon (as a fault or blame) RV. v, 3, 7
- abhí-bhāra mfn. very heavy ŚBr
- abhi-√mad (p. -mā́dyat) to be inebriated ŚBr. (cf. abhi- √1. mand below.)
- abhi-māda m. intoxication, inebriety L
- abhi-mādyat-ká mfn. partially intoxicated, half-drunk ŚBr
- abhi-√man -manyate (Subj. -manyāte RV. x, 27, 11) to think of, long for, desire RV. &c
- (aor. Subj. 2. sg. -maṃsthāḥ, 3. sg. -maṃsta, Ved. Inf. abhí-mantoḥ ŚBr.) to intend to injure, be insidious, threaten, injure VS. AV. &c
- to kill AitBr. (aor. -amaṃsta) KātyŚr
- to allow, agree MBh. ii, 1374, &c
- to think of self, be proud of
- to think, suppose, imagine, take for (acc.)
- abhi-mata mfn. longed for, wished, desired
- loved, dear
- allowed ĀśvGṛ
- supposed, imagined
- (am), n. desire, wish
- ○tā f. agreeableness, desirableness
- desire, love
- abhi-mati f. self reference, referring all objects to self (as the act of Ahaṃkāra or personality) BhP
- abhi-manas mfn. 'having the mind directed towards', desirous of, longing for (acc.) R. &c
- abhi-manasya Nom. Ā. (Opt. -manasyéta) 'to have the mind directed towards', be pleased with, like AV. xi, 3, 25
- abhi-manāya Nom. Ā. (Opt. -manāyeta) to long for, desire Bhaṭṭ. (cf. g. bhṛśâdi): Desid. -mimānayiṣate Pat
- abhi-mantavya mfn. to be considered Pañcat
- to be desired
- abhi-mantṛ tā m. one who refers all objects to self (N. of Iśvara, together with ahaṃkāra
- cf. abhi-mati above) Mn. i, 14
- one who injures or threatens GopBr
- abhí-mantos Ved. Inf. s.v. abhi-√man
- abhi-mannu m. N. of a son of Manu Cākshusha
- of a son of Arjuna (by Subhadrā)
- of two kings of Kāśmīra Rājat
- ○pura n. N. of a town Rājat
- ○svāmin m. N. of a temple Rājat
- abhí-māti mfn. insidious RV. v, 23, 4 and x, 18, 9
- (is), f. striving to injure RV
- an enemy, foe RV. AV. ŚBr
- ○jít mfn. subduing the enemies VS
- ○ṣā́h ṛV. or mfn. conquering enemies
- ○ṣāhá ṛV. āV., mfn. conquering enemies
- ○ṣā́hya (7), n. conquering enemies RV. iii, 37, 3
- ○hán mfn. striking or destroying one's enemies RV. VS
- abhi-mātín mfn. insidious RV. i, 85, 3
- abhi-māna m. intention to injure, insidiousness KātyŚr
- high opinion of one's self, self-conceit, pride, haughtiness
- (in Sāṇkhya phil.) = abhi-mati, above
- conception (especially an erroneous one regarding one's self) Sāh. &c
- affection, desire
- N. of a Ṛishi in the sixth Manvantara VP
- ○tā f. pride, arrogance
- ○vat mfn. conceiving or having ideas about self
- proud, arrogant
- ○śālin mfn. proud, arrogant Kir. ii, 48. [Page 67, Column]
- ○śūnya mfn. void of conceit, humble
- abhi-mānita n. copulation, sexual intercourse L
- abhi-mānin mfn. thinking of one's self, proud, self-conceited
- (ifc.) imagining one's self to be or to possess, laying claim to, arrogating to one's self
- (ī), m. N. of an Agni VP. BhP
- abhimāni-tā f. or the state of self-conceitedness
- abhimāni-tva n. the state of self-conceitedness
- abhi-mā́nuka mfn. insidious (with acc.) ŚBr. (cf. án-abhimānuka.)
- abhī-māna nir-abhīmāna
- abhī-mānin ī m. N. of an Agni MārkP
- abhi-√mantr Ā. to address or consecrate with a Mantra (acc. and instr
- or rarely dat. and acc. [RV. x, 191,])
- to address with any formula (as when inviting a guest ṛ., &c.)
- abhi-mantraṇa n. making anything sacred by a special formula (called abhi-mantraṇamantra), consecrating
- addressing Kauś
- abhi-mantrita mfn. consecrated by a certain formula
- abhi-√manth to churn or rub (for eliciting fire) ŚBr. xiv
- abhi-mantha m. (ophthalmia) = adhimantha, q.v
- abhi-manthana n. the upper piece of wood (araṇi) which is churned in the lower one (for kindling the fire) Kauś
- abhi-mand √1. P. (3. pl. aor. -ámandiṣuḥ) to gladden RV. viii, 50, 3
- Ā. (2. sg. -mandase) to be pleased with, enjoy (with loc.) RV. x, 50, 2 (cf. abhi-√mad above.)
- abhi-mara abhi-√mṛ
- abhi-marda abhi-√mṛd
- abhi-marśana abhi-√mṛś
- abhi-mā √3. to measure upon ŚBr. KātyŚr
- abhi-mā́ f. measure (with regard to the breadth) MaitrS
- abhí-māti abhi-√man
- abhi-māda abhi-√mad
- abhi-māna abhi-√man
- abhi-māya mfn. (fr. māyā), perplexed, confused L
- abhi-mārutam ind. against the wind
- abhi-mith to address with insulting speech, insult ŚBr. ĀśvŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- abhi-methana n. insulting or injurious speech Vait
- abhi-méthikā f. id. ŚBr
- abhi-√mih (pr. p. gen. sg. m. -mehatas) to wet (by urining upon) Yājñ. ii, 293
- abhi-mihya mfn. to be wetted (by urining upon) ŚBr
- abhi-mukha mf(ī, rarely ā)n. with the face directed towards, turned towards, facing (with acc., dat., gen
- or ifc.)
- (ifc.) going near, approaching (as yauvanâbhimukhī, 'approaching puberty, marriageable' Pañcat.)
- (ifc.) disposed to, intending to, ready for
- taking one's part, friendly disposed (with gen. or instr.) R
- (am), ind. towards (often used in a hostile manner Kir. vi, 14, &c.), in the direction of, in front or presence of, near to (acc., gen
- or ifc.)
- (e), ind. in front or presence of (gen
- or ifc.) R
- (ī), f. one of the ten Bhūmis to be passed by a Bodhisattva, before becoming a Buddha
- ○tā f. presence, proximity
- abhimukhaya Nom. P. ○yati, to face Kir. xii, 19
- abhimukhī (for abhimukha in comp. with √1. kṛ and √bhū)
- ○karaṇa n. turning the face towards, addressing Pāṇ. 2-3, 47 Sch
- ○√kṛ to turn the face towards, address
- to cause to turn the face forward, push forward Daś
- ○bhūta
- mfn. being in presence of or facing
- (said of the fate) being favourable to
- abhi-√muc P. -muñcati, to let go, let loose MBh. xii, 10949: Ā. to throw or shoot (as arrows) MBh. vii, 3967. [Page 67, Column]
- abhi-√muh to lose consciousness, faint away Suśr
- abhi-mūrchita mfn. augmented, intensified Suśr
- excited, stirred up (as by passions) MBh. i, 7794
- abhi-√mṛ Ā. (impf. -amriyata) to touch or defile while dying TS
- abhi-mara m. killing, slaughter L
- combat L
- treachery, mutiny L
- binding in fetters L
- abhi-mṛta mfn. afflicted or rendered impure by the death of (instr.), defiled Kāṭh. ĀśvGṛ
- abhi-√mṛkṣ (impf. Ā. 3. sg. -amṛkṣata) to smear, anoint MBh. xiii, 1486: Caus. (impf. 1. sg. -amṛkṣayam), id. MBh. xiii, 7426
- abhi-√mṛj (ind. p. -mṛjya) to wipe, cleanse Suśr.: Caus. (impf. -amārjayat), id. R. iv, 6, 16
- abhi-√mṛḍ (Ved. Imper. 2. sg. -mṛḻā́) to protect graciously from (abl.) RV. x, 25, 3
- abhi-√mṛd to oppress, to devastate, destroy MBh. &c
- (in astron.) to be in opposition to VarBṛS
- abhi-marda m. devastation (of a country &c. by an enemy) MBh
- battle L
- spirituous liquor L
- abhi-mardana mfn. (ifc.) oppressing
- (am), n. oppression
- abhi-mardin mfn. (ifc.) oppressing R
- one who devastates
- abhi-√mṛś P. (1. pl. -mṛśāmasi
- Ved. Inf. -mṛ́śe RV. ii, 10, 5) to touch, come in contact with RV. &c.: Ā. -mṛśate id. RV. i, 145, 4, &c.: Caus. to cause to touch, ŚāṇkhŚr.: Intens. (p. -marmṛśat) 'to intend to bring in contact with one's self', to long for (acc.) RV. iii, 38, 1
- (AitBr.)
- abhi-marśa (or less correctly
- abhi-marṣa Mn. viii, 352, &c.), m. touching, contact Kum. &c
- (ifc. f. ā) Śāk
- grasping, seizing (as by the hair) BhP
- abhi-marśaka (or less correctly
- abhi-marṣaka R.), mfn. touching, coming in contact with
- abhi-marśana (or less -correctly
- abhi-marṣaṇa R.), n. touching, contact KātyŚr. Yājñ. &c
- (mfn.), (ifc.) = abhi-marśaka R. BhP
- abhi-mṛṣṭa mfn. touched
- struck (as by a weapon) BhP
- ○ja mfn. 'born from (women) touched (by others)', illegitimate(?) MBh. ii, 2422
- summoned, invited BhP
- abhi-√mrakṣ abhi-√mṛkṣ
- abhi-mlāta an-abhimlāta
- abhi-√yaj to honour with sacrifices Gobh. &c
- to offer (a sacrifice) MBh
- to honour (aor. Ā. 3. sg. -ayaṣṭa) RV. vi, 47, 25
- abhi-yaṣṭavya mfn. to be honoured with sacrifices Gobh
- abhī7jya mfn. id. L
- m. a god L
- abhi-√yā to go up to in a hostile manner, attack, assail RV. i, 174, 5 (aor. Subj. -yāsiṣat) AV. &c
- to go up to, approach, obtain MBh. &c
- to devote one's self to take up (as pāṣaṇḍam, 'heterodoxies') BhP.: Caus. to cause to approach, send towards BhP
- abhi-yā mfn. going up to, approaching L
- assailing L
- (said of a prince) 'going all round', i.e. vigilant, careful MBh
- abhi-yāta mfn. approached
- attacked
- abhi-yāti is, or ī m. an assailant, enemy L
- ○yātin ī m. an assailant, enemy L
- abhi-yātṛ tā m. id. R. ii, 2, 21
- abhi-yāna n. coming near, approching L
- attacking MBh
- abhi-yāyin mfn. going towards, approching (with acc. or ifc.)
- (ifc.) attacking Ragh. xii, 43
- abhi-√yāc to ask for, solicit, request
- abhi-yācana n. asking for, entreaty, request (cf. satyâbhiyācana.)
- abhi-yācita mfn. asked for, requested. [Page 68, Column]
- abhi-yācñā f. id. L
- abhi-√yuj Ā. -yuṅkte, to put to (as horses to a carriage) for a special purpose (acc.) ŚBr.: P. to put to (as horses) subsequently ŚBr.: Ā. to summon, invite to (dat.) R. vii, 61, 9: P. to order, charge with (loc.) MBh. xiv, 2637: Ā. (rarely P.) to encounter, attack, assail
- to accuse of (acc.) Mn. viii, 183, &c.: P. Ā. to undertake, apply to, make one's self ready to (acc. or Inf.): Caus. to furnish with, make anybody share in (instr.) MBh. &c
- abhi-yukta mfn. applied, intent on (loc.)
- diligent, versed in (loc.)
- appointed
- attacked (by an enemy), assailed
- blamed, rebuked L
- (in law) accused, charged, prosecuted, a defendant Yājñ. &c
- abhi-yúgvan mfn. attacking RV. vi, 45, 15 VS
- abhi-yúj k f. an assailant, enemy RV
- abhi-yujyamāna mfn. (in law) being persecuted (as a defendant)
- abhi-yoktavya mfn. (in law) to be accused or prosecuted Mn. viii, 50
- abhi-yoktṛ mfn. assailing, attacking
- (tā), m. an enemy Hit
- (in law) a plaintiff, claimant, pretender, accuser Mn. viii, 52 and 58, &c
- abhi-yoga m. application
- energetic effort, exertion, perseverance in, constant practice (with loc. or inf.)
- attack, assault Kum. vii, 50, &c
- (in law) a plaint, a charge, accusation Yājñ. &c
- ○pattra n. a petition or writing of complaint
- abhi-yogin mfn. intent upon, absorbed in attacking
- (in law) accusing Yājñ. ii, 11
- (ī), m. a plaintiff, prosecutor
- abhi-yogya mfn. assailable L
- abhi-yojana n. putting to (as horses) subsequently Sāy. on ŚBr. (cf. abhi-√yuj)
- abhi-yojya mfn. assailable
- abhi-yuta mfn. inclosed in (acc.) Nir. ii, 19
- abhi-√yudh (prṢubj. 2. sg. -yúdhyās
- aor. 2. sg. -yodhīs, 3. sg. -áyodhīt, 2. du. -yodhiṣṭam, p. -yodhāná) to fight against (acc.) RV
- to acquire by fighting RV
- to fight Hariv. BhP
- abhi-√rakṣ P. Ā. -rákṣati, ○te (p. -rákṣamāṇa RV. x, 157, 4) to guard, protect, preserve RV. &c
- 'to govern or command' (cf. abhi-rakṣita)
- abhi-rakṣaṇa n. guarding, protection MBh. &c
- abhi-rakṣā f. protection VarBṛS
- abhi-rakṣita mfn. protected, preserved, guarded
- governed, commanded Bhag. &c
- abhi-rakṣitṛ mfn. one who preserves, a protector of (gen.) Mn. vii 35
- abhi-rakṣya mfn. to be protected VarBṛS
- abhi-rañj -rajyate, to be pleased with (instr.): Caus. P. 'to colour' (cf. abhi-rañjita)
- abhi-rakta mfn. devoted to MBh. &c
- abhi-rañjita mfn. tinted, coloured R
- abhi-√rabh Ā. (perf. 3. pl. -rebhire) to embrace BhP.: Caus. perf. Pass. p. -rambhita, below
- abhi-rambhita mfn. embraced BhP
- seized by (acc.!) BhP
- abhi-√ram -ramate, to dwell ĀśvGṛ
- to repose ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn. iii, 251 Yājñ. i, 251
- to delight in, be delighted MBh. &c. Caus. -rā́mayati, to gladden MBh. &c
- to delight in, to be delighted
- abhi-rata mfn. reposing Yājñ. i, 251
- pleased or contented with (loc.), satisfied
- engaged in, attentive to (loc.), performing, practising
- abhi-rati f. pleasure, delighting in (loc. or in comp.) Ragh. ix, 7, &c
- N. of a world Buddh
- abhi-ramaṇa n. delighting in, delighting
- abhi-ramaṇīya mfn. delightful
- abhi-rāma mf(ā) n. pleasing, delightful, agreeable, beautiful
- m. N. of Siva
- 1. (am), ind. so as to be agreeable to (in comp.) Śāk
- (for 2. abhi-rāmam, s.v. below.)
- ○tā f. loveliness, beauty Śiś. i, 16, &c
- the state of being agreeable to (in comp.) Mcar
- ○tva n. = -tā
- ○paśupati m. N. of a poet
- ○maṇi n. N. of a drama of Sundaramiśra (cf. Wilson, Hindu Theatre, ii, 395.)
- abhi-ras √1. to neigh towards (acc.) KātyŚr. [Page 68, Column]
- abhi-√rāj -rājate, to shine, be brilliant MBh. iii, 10960
- abhi-rāj mfn. reigning everywhere Kauś
- abhi-rāja m. N. of a Burmese king
- abhí-rāṣṭra mfn. overpowering or conquering dominions RV. x, 174, 5
- abhi-√rādh Caus. -rādhayati, to propitiate, conciliate ŚBr. &c.: Caus. Pass. -rādhyate, to be rendered propitious R.: Caus. Desid. -rirādhayiṣati, to intend to render propitious ŚBr
- abhi-rāddha mfn. rendered propitious, propitiated, conciliated Śiś. i, 71
- abhi-rāmam ind. referring to Rāma
- abhi-√ribh -rebhati, to howl towards (acc.) BhP. (vḷ. for abhi- √1. ru, q.v.)
- abhi-√riṣ (Subj. -réṣāt) to fail, miscarry AV. iv, 35, 1
- abhi-ru √1. -rauti (v. l. -rebhati) to roar or howl towards (acc.) BhP
- (Imper. 2. sg. -ruva) AV. v, 20, 3
- abhi-ruta mfn. filled with roaring or any noise, resounding with (in comp.) MBh. &c
- (am), n. cries R
- singing (as of birds) R
- abhi-√ruc Ā. to be bright, shine R. MārkP
- to please any one (dat.) Vikr.: Caus. P. to delight, amuse MBh. xiii, 476 (v. l. abhi-√ram, Caus.): P. Ā. to be pleased with, approve of, be inclined to, like MBh. &c
- abhi-ruci f. delighting in, being pleased with (loc. or in comp.) BhP. &c
- abhi-rucita mfn. pleasing, agreeable to
- pleased with, delighting in (loc. or in comp.) (cf. yathâbhirucita)
- m. N. of a prince of the Vidyādharas Kathās
- abhi-rucira mfn. very bright R. iii, 39, 5
- abhi-rudita mfn. cried, uttered in a lamenting manner R
- abhi-rorudá mfn. causing tears (indicative of strong passion) AV. vii, 38, 1
- abhi-√rudh to keep off MBh. viii, 4308
- abhi-roddhṛ́ mfn. one who wards off MaitrS
- abhi-ruṣita mfn. very angry MBh. viii, 1747
- abhi-ruh (perf. 3. pl. -ruruhuḥ) to ascend, mount RV. v, 7, 5, &c
- abhi-ruhya ind. p. having ascended
- abhi-rūpa mf(ā)n. corresponding with (dat.), conformable to ŚBr. AitBr
- pleasing, handsome, beautiful AV. viii, 9, 9 Mn. &c
- wise, learned Mn. iii, 144 Śāk
- m. the moon L
- Śiva L
- Vishṇu L
- Kāmadeva L
- ○tā f. the state of being learned or well educated Kād
- ○pati m. 'having an agreeable master', (a rite) to secure such a master in the next world L
- ○vat mfn. handsome, beautiful MBh. iii, 10070
- abhi-rūpaka mfn. = abhi-rūpa Pāṇ. 8-1, 8 Sch
- (g. śreṇy-ādi and śramaṇâdi, q.v.)
- abhi-√rai to back towards (acc.) TĀr
- abhi-rorudá abhi-rudita
- abhi-√lakṣ Pass. -lakṣyate, to appear MBh. viii, 1045
- abhi-lakṣaṇa n. the act of marking (with signs) Hcat
- abhi-lakṣita mfn. fixed or indicated by (as by special signs)
- determined for, selected as MBh. xii, 13223
- indicated, pointed out R. ii, 57, 2
- appearing, visible Hariv
- (an- or na neg.) unseen, unperceived MBh. i, 5822 Yājñ. iii, 59
- abhi-lakṣya mfn. to be fixed or indicated by, distinguishable through (in comp.)
- (am), ind. towards a mark or aim R. ii, 63, 23
- abhilakṣyī-kṛtya ind. p. (√1. kṛ), aiming at a mark, directing towards
- abhi-laṅgh Caus. to jump across or over
- to transgress, violate
- to injure MBh. xii, 3565
- abhi-laṅghana n. jumping over (gen.) R. [Page 68, Column]
- violating, acting contrary to (in comp.) MBh. xiii, 2194
- abhi-laṅghin mfn. violating, acting contrary to (in comp.) MBh. xiii, 4964
- abhi-√lap to talk or speak about AitBr. KaushBr
- abhi-lapya mfn. nir-abhilapya
- abhi-lāpa m. expression, word Sāh. &c
- declaration (as of the object of a vow) Kād. (cf. abhīlāpaláp.)
- abhi-labh Ā. to take or lay hold of BhP
- to reach, obtain, gain MBh. &c.: Desid. (p. P. -lipsat) to intend to catch or obtain MBh. i, 2940
- abhi-lipsā f. desire of obtaining
- abhi-√laṣ -laṣati, to desire or wish for (acc.), covet, crave
- abhi-laṣaṇa n. craving after, desiring
- abhi-laṣaṇīya mfn. desirable, to be coveted
- abhi-laṣita mfn. desired, wished
- (am), n. desire, wish, will
- abhi-lāṣa or (less correctly)
- abhi-lāsa) m. (ifc. f. ā), desire, wish, covetousness, affection (with loc. or ifc.)
- abhi-lāṣaka mfn. wishing, desiring (with acc.) R
- abhi-lāṣin mfn. id. (with loc. or ifc.) Śāk. &c. ; (less correctly abhi-lāsin Megh. &c.)
- abhi-lāṣuka mf(ā)n. id. (with acc. Kir. or ifc. Kathās.)
- abhi-lāva m. (√lū), cutting, reaping, mowing Pāṇ. 3-3, 28
- abhi-√likh to engrave, write upon, draw, paint: Caus. to cause to paint, have anything painted Kathās
- to cause to write down Yājñ. i, 318
- abhi-lekhana n. writing upon, inscribing
- abhi-lekhita n. a written document Yājñ. ii, 149
- abhi-√lip to smear with TS. Kauś.: Caus. id. MBh. xiii, 7427
- abhi-√lī -līyate, to adhere to, cling to (acc.) MBh. Daś
- abhi-līna mfn. adhering to, clinging to (acc.) Megh. &c
- 'adhered to', chosen (as a seat by birds or bees) Hariv. Ragh. iii, 8
- abhi-√lup (p. -lumpat) to rob, plunder BhP
- abhi-lupta mfn. disturbed, injured
- abhi-√lubh Caus. -lobhayati, to entice, allure
- abhi-lulita mfn. touched or grazed by (anything)
- shaken about, agitated Śāk
- abhi-lūtā f. a kind of spider Suśr
- abhi-√lok Caus. (p. -lokayat) to view, look at (from a height) R. vi, 2, 7
- abhi-√vac (= abhy-anu-√vac), 'to declare or utter a verse with reference to', only perf. Pass. p. abhy-ukta, q.v
- to say to (acc.), tell MBh. &c
- abhi-vañcita mfn. cheated, deceived MBh. v, 7506
- abhi-vát mfn. containing the word abhí ŚBr
- abhi-√vad P. (rarely Ā., e.g. MBh. v, 923) to address or salute with reverence ŚBr. &c
- to declare with reference to, express by, name, call ŚBr. &c
- to say, speak BhP. Up.: Caus. -vādayati, ○te, to address or salute reverently
- to present one's self to (dat.) ŚāṅkhGṛ.: Ā. to salute through another person (acc. or instr.) Pāṇ. 1-4, 53 Comm.: P. to cause to recite BhP
- 'to cause to sound', play (on an instrument) MBh. iii, 14386
- abhi-vadana n. salutation MBh. iii, 1835
- addressing Comm. on Kum. vi, 2
- abhi-vāda m. reverential salutation Mn. ii, 120 seqq. Gaut
- (v. l. ati-vāda) opprobrious or unfriendly speech, abuse MBh. xii, 9972
- abhi-vādaka mfn. a saluter, saluting Comm. on Mn. ii, 125 [Page 69, Column]
- having the intention to salute, N. (cf. abhi-vandaka)
- civil, polite L
- abhi-vādana n. respectful salutation (including sometimes the name or title of the person so addressed and followed by the mention of the person's own name)
- salutation (of a superior or elder by a junior or inferior, and especially of a teacher by his disciple
- in generaI it is merely lifting the joined hands to the forehead and saying aham abhivādaye, I salute)
- ○śīla mfn. one who habitually salutes, respectful
- abhi-vādanīya mfn. deserving respectful salutation MBh. iii, 10035
- (said of the name) used for the salutation ĀśvGṛ. Gobh
- abhi-vādayitṛ mfn. saluting respectfully Comm. on Mn. ii, 123
- abhi-vādita mfn. saluted respectfully
- abhi-vādin mfn. telling, enunciating, describing Nir
- (ī), m. an explainer, interpreter MaitrUp
- abhi-vādya mfn. to be respectfully saluted MBh. &c
- abhi-√vadh (aor. -avadhīt) to strike MBh. R
- abhi-√van (impf. 3. pl. -avanvan) to long for, desire RV. i, 51, 2
- abhi-vānyā́ ṭBr. or (or
- abhivānya-vatsā āitBr. (or
- apivānya-vatsā Kauś.), f. cow who suckles an adopted calf (cf. also ni-vānyā́, &c.)
- abhi-√vand Ā. (rarely P.) to salute respectfully MBh. &c
- abhi-vandaka mfn. having the intention to salute Jain
- abhi-vandana n. saluting respectfully MBh. &c
- abhi-vap √2. (impf. 3. pl. -vapanta
- Ved. ind. p. -úpyā) to scatter over, cover with (instr.) RV. ii, 15, 9 and vii, 56, 3
- abhi-√vam to spit upon TS. ŚBr
- abhí-vayas mfn. very youthful, fresh RV. x, 160, 1
- abhi-varṇana n. description Kathās
- abhi-varṇita mfn. described MBh. Suśr
- abhi-√valg to jump towards MBh. vi, 3265
- (said of boiling water) to bubble up AV. xii, 3, 29
- abhi-√vaś -vaṣṭi (perf. Ā. -vāvaśe, p. 1. -vāvaśāná RV. i, 164, 28
- for 2. -vāvaśāná abhi-√vāś), P. to rule or be master over (acc.) RV. ii, 25, 3: P. Ā. to long for, desire RV
- abhi-vas √4. -vaste, to wrap one's self up in (acc.) Kauś.: Caus. (impf. -ávāsayat) to clothe, cover RV. TS. &c
- abhi-vāsa m. covering Nyāyam
- abhi-vāsana n. id. Comm. on TS. and on Nyāyam
- abhi-vā́sas ind. over the garment ŚBr
- (as), n. (scil. aṅgirasām) 'the cover of the Aṅgiras', N. of a Sāman
- abhi-vā́sya mfn. to be covered TBr
- abhi-vas √5. abhy-uṣita
- abhi-√vah (3. pl. -váhanti
- Pot. 3. pl. -vaheyuḥ
- aor. Subj. 2. sg. -vakṣi, 3. du. -voḻhā́m [RV. viii, 32, 29 and 93, 2]) to convey or carry near to or towards RV. ŚBr. AitBr.: Caus. -vāhayati (incorrectly for ati-v○), to pass (time) Rājat
- abhi-vahana n. carrying near to Nir
- abhivāha-tás ind. in consequence of the flowing towards TS
- abhi-vāhya n. conveyance, transmission Mn. i, 94
- abhi-voḍhri ḍhā m. one who conveys towards Car
- abhy-ū́ḍhi f. conveying towards TBr
- abhi-vā √2. (perf. -vavau ŚBr.) to blow upon or towards RV. vii, 35, 4 & x, 169, 1 ŚBr. &c
- abhi-vātám ind. windwards ŚBr
- abhi-√vāñch to long for, desire MBh. &c.: Caus. id. MBh. xii, 2907. [Page 69, Column]
- abhi-vāñchā f. longing for, desire (ifc.) Kathās
- abhi-vāñchita n. wish, desire R. &c
- abhi-vāta mf(ā)n. (√vai), ill, sick Lāṭy
- abhi-vānyā́ abhi-√van
- abhi-√vāś (aor. 3. pl. -avāvaśanta
- perf. 3.pl. -vavāśire, or -vāvaśre, p. 2. -vāvaśāná [RV. x, 123, 3
- cf. abhi-√vaś]) to low. (as a cow) or roar towards RV. Nir
- abhi-vāśat mfn. lowing (as a cow) or roaring towards MBh. VarBṛS
- abhi-vāśin bastâbhivāśin
- abhi-vikrama mfn. endowed with great courage R
- abhi-vi-√kṣip to flap one's wings over ĀpŚr
- abhi-vi-kṣepa m. flapping one's wings over Comm. on ĀpŚr
- abhi-vi-√khyā to look at, view VS. Gobh
- abhi-vikhyāta mfn. universally known, renowned, known as, called MBh. &c
- abhi-vi-√cakṣ -caṣṭe, to look towards RV. iii, 55, 9 AV. ii, 10, 4
- abhi-vi-√car Ā. (Subj. 3. pl. -caranta) to go near to (acc.) RV. iii, 4, 5: Caus. -cārayati, to consider, reflect upon Nir
- abhi-√vij (aor. Subj. Ā. -vikta) to tip over (a vessel) RV. i, 162, 15
- abhi-vegá m. tottering, vacillation RV. x, 27, 1
- abhi-vi-√jaṃh Intens. -jáṅgahe (Ved. 3. sg.) to struggle, move in convulsions AV. v, 19, 4
- abhi-vi-√jñā (impf. 1. pl. -ajanīmas!) to be aware of, perceive AitBr
- abhi-vijñapta mfn. notified, made known
- abhi-vi-jñāya ind. p. being aware of, perceiving MBh. &c
- abhi-vi-√jval to flame or blaze against or opposite to Bhag
- abhi-vi-√tan (Imper. 2. sg. -tanu) to stretch (the string) over or across (the bow) AV. i, 1, 3: P. Ā. (3. pl. -tanvanti, -tanvate) to stretch over, cover ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- abhi-vid √1. Caus. -vedayati, to report, relate R. (v. l.)
- abhi-vid √3. to find, obtain ŚBr.: Ā. (3. pl. -vindate) to know MBh. iii, 13698
- abhi-vi-dīpita mfn. entirely inflamed MBh. xiv, 2033
- abhi-vi-√dṛś Caus. -darśayati, to show to (gen.) ĀpŚr
- abhi-vi-dyut √1. (aor. -dyaut) to break open, open by force RV. iv, 4, 6
- abhi-vi-druta mfn. (√2. dru), run towards MBh. vi, 1776
- run away, fled MBh. vi, 4614
- abhi-vi-√dhā to bring near to or in contact with (acc.) ŚBr
- abhi-vidhi m. complete comprehension or inclusion Pāṇ. 2-1, 13
- (au), loc. ind. inclusively Pāṇ. 3-3, 44 and v, 4, 53
- abhi-vi-hita mfn. covered entirely Lāṭy
- abhi-vi-dhāv √1. to run near to RV. x, 29, 3
- abhi-vi-√nad to raise a loud noise R
- abhi-vinīta mfn. well disciplined, well educated, versed in (loc.) R. &c
- abhi-vi-√nud Caus. -nodayati, to gladden, cause to rejoice MBh. xii, 898
- abhi-vi-paṇyu mfn. (= aihikâmuṣmika-karma-rahita) absolutely indifferent BhP. [Page 69, Column]
- abhi-vi-√paś -páśyati, to look at, view RV. ŚBr. Nir
- to look hither RV. iii, 23, 2
- abhi-vi-√budh -budhyate, to notice, learn from
- abhi-vi-√bhaj Ā. to distribute Suśr
- abhi-vi-√bhā -bhāti, to illuminate RV. vii, 5, 2 AV. xiii, 2, 42
- abhi-vi-√manth (Opt. -mathnīyāt) to grind, triturate ŚBr
- abhi-vimāna mfn. endowed with the faculty called abhimāna ('self-reference') ChUp
- abhi-vi-√mṛj (ind. p. -mṛjya) to rub in, rub with Kauś
- abhi-vi-√yā -yāti, to approach, visit RV. i, 48, 7
- abhi-vi-√rāj (= vi-√rāj, 'to govern') Nir
- to shine, be radiant MBh. &c
- abhi-virājita mfn. quite bright or brilliant MBh
- abhi-vi-√ruc Ā. (impf. -arocata) to shine or be brilliant over MBh. vi, 1669 (v. l. ati-vi-√ruc)
- abhi-vi-√lī Caus. (ind. p. -lāpya) to cause to melt Suśr
- abhi-vi-vas √2. (Pot. -ucchet) to shine forth during or at the time of (acc.) ĀśvŚr. PBr
- (Ā. -uccheta) ŚāṅkhŚr
- abhi-vi-vṛddhi f. increased prosperity VarBṛS
- abhi-√viś Caus., perf. Pass. p. -veśita, 'caused to enter upon', directed towards BhP
- abhi-viṣṭa mfn. 'entered by', seized by, being in the power of (in comp.) R
- abhi-vi-√śaṃs -śáṃsati, to divide (verses) in reciting TS. (cf. vi-√śaṃs.)
- abhi-vi-śaṅkin mfn. afraid of (abl.)
- abhi-vi-√śṝ Pass. (impf. -aśīryata) to be torn to pieces MBh. vii, 4378
- abhi-viśruta mfn. widely celebrated MBh. &c
- abhi-vi-√śvas Caus. -śvāsayati, to render confident MBh. iii, 10021 Suśr
- abhi-vi-ṣañj (√sañj), Pass. -ṣajjate, to be entirely devoted to, have one's heart set upon (loc.), B?P
- abhi-vi-ṣṭhā (√sthā), Ā. (2. sg. -tiṣṭhase, perf. 3. sg. -tasthe) to extend one's self towards or over RV. v, 8, 7 and vi, 21, 7
- abhi-vi-ṣyand (√syand), Caus. to pour water upon, moisten Kauś
- abhi-vi-√sṛj Ā. (impf. 3. pl. -asṛjanta) to throw or shout towards (acc.) Kāṭh
- to assume from (abl.), Kaush Up
- abhi-vi-√hṛ (Pot. 3. pl. -hareyuḥ) to divide ĀśvŚr
- abhi-vī7 (√i), (3. pl. abhí ví yanti) to come towards from different parts RV. vi, 9, 5
- abhi-vī7kṣ (√īkṣ), Ā. -vii7kṣate (rarely P., e.g. impf. -vyaikṣat AitUp.) to look at, view, perceive MBh. Mn. &c
- to examine Suśr
- to look upon as (nom.), behave as (nom.) with regard to (acc.) MBh. xv, 379
- to be affected towards
- abhi-vī7kṣita mfn. seen, perceived
- abhi-vī7kṣya ind. p. having seen or observed
- abhi-√vīj Caus. to fan MBh. xii, 6347, &c
- abhí-vīta mf(ā)n. (√1. vii), desired RV. vii, 27, 4
- driven, impelled by (in comp.) ŚBr. [Page 70, Column]
- abhí-vīra mfn. surrounded by heroes RV. x, 103, 5
- abhi-vṛ √1. Caus. -vārayati, to keep off, fend off MBh
- abhi-vṛta mfn. surrounded by R. vi, 92, 83
- abhī́-vṛta mfn. surrounded by, bordered by RV
- (said of a cow) covered by (the bull) RV. i, 164, 29
- abhi-vṛ √2. -vṛṇīte, to choose, prefer Kāṭh
- (perf. 3. pl. -vavrire) to select MBh. xii, 4861
- abhi-vṛta mfn. chosen, selected MBh. v, 5971
- abhi-√vṛt to go towards, approach ŚBr. &c
- to attack RV. v, 31, 5
- (ind. p. -vṛ́tya) x, 174, 2, &c
- to be victorious (perf. -vāvṛté) RV. x, 174, 1
- to turn up, arise R. &c
- to take place, happen, exist MBh. &c.: Caus. P. (aor. -aviivṛtat) to conquer RV. x, 174, 3 AV
- 'to render victorious in', place over (dat.) RV. x, 174, 1
- to drive over (with a cart) RV. ii, 34, 9
- abhi-vartá m. (= abhī-v○) N. of a Sāman TS
- abhi-vartin mfn. coming towards, approaching Hariv
- going towards (in comp.) R
- abhí-vṛtti f. coming towards TBr
- abhī-vartá mfn. rendering victorious RV. x, 174, 1 and 3
- (ás), m. victorious attack, victory VS
- N. of different Sāmans (especially of the hymn RV. x, 174) supposed to render victorious AśvGṛ. Lāṭy
- abhī́-vṛt mfn. 'approaching' (Sāy.) RV. i, 35, 4
- the form (acc. m. abhī́-vṛtam) is however better derived fr. abhī́-vṛta by BR. and Gmn
- abhi-√vṛdh to grow higher than (acc.), surpass RV. AV. (i, 29, 1, perf. -vāvṛdhé for -vāvṛté, RV. i, 174, 1), &c
- to grow up, grow or increase more and more MBh. &c
- to prosper Mn. & c.: Caus. P. (aor. -aviivṛdhat) to increase, strengthen, render prosperous AV. i, 29, 1 and 3 (for abhi-√vṛt, RV. x, 174, 1 and 3) MBh. &c
- abhi-vṛddha mfn. increased, augmented
- abhi-vṛddhi f. growth, increase VarBṛS. Suśr
- increase, prosperity MBh. Mn. vii, 109
- abhi-√vṛṣ P. (aor. -ávarṣīt) to rain upon RV. vii, 103, 3 AV. &c.: P. (sometimes Ā.) to bedew, cover with (instr.) a shower (as of arrows or blossoms, &c.) MBh. &c
- (said of gods) to cause to rain VarBṛS. &c
- abhi-varṣa m. rain BhP
- abhi-varṣaṇa n. raining upon Kauś. ĀśvŚr
- raining R. (cf. kāmâbhivarṣaṇa.)
- abhi-varṣin mfn. raining R. BhP
- abhí-vṛṣṭa mfn. rained upon RV. vii, 103, 4, &c
- covered with (instr.)
- (said of clouds) having rained MBh. vii, 8104
- also (am), n. impers. it has been raining VarBṛS. (cf. yathâbhivṛṣṭam.)
- abhi-√vṛh Caus. (Imper. 2. sg. -vṛṃhaya) to strengthen, encourage MBh. vii, 2136
- abhi-vegá abhi-√vij
- abhi-vedhin abhi-√vyadh
- abhi-√veṣṭ Caus. to cover with (instr.) Kathās. &c
- abhi-vy-√añj Pass. -vyajyate, to be manifested, become manifest
- abhi-vyakta mfn. manifest, evident, distinct Śāk. Ragh. &c
- (am), ind. manifestly Yājñ
- N
- abhi-vyakti f. manifestation, distinction Pāṇ. 8-1, 15 Sāh. &c
- abhi-vyañjaka mfn. revealing, manifesting. BhP. Sāh
- indicative, showing
- abhi-vyañjana n. making manifest L
- abhi-√vyadh P. (rarely Ā., e.g. MBh. viii, 4591) to wound TS. &c
- abhi-viddha mfn. wounded MBh. iv, 1691
- abhi-vedhin mfn. (in geom.) cutting (as one line another)
- abhi-vyādhín mfn. wounding AV. i, 19, 1
- abhi-vy-√an -aniti, to breathe through, to fill with breath ŚBr
- (aor. -ānīt) to breathe upon ŚBr. Kāṭh. [Page 70, Column]
- abhi-vy-ā-dā √1. (impf. -vyâdadāt) to open one's mouth for swallowing (with acc.) ŚBr. Kāṭh
- abhi-vyādāna n. 'swallowing', i.e. suppressing (a vowel) RPrāt
- abhi-vy-√āp (ind. p. -vyāpya), (said of a rule) to extend to (acc.), have value unto (acc.) Pāṇ. 2-1, 134 Sch
- abhi-vyāpaka mfn. (in Gr.) extending to (acc
- as a rule), including, comprehending
- abhi-vyāpin mfn. id
- abhi-vyāpta mfn. included, comprehended
- abhi-vyāpti f. inclusion, comprehension (= abhi-vi-dhi, q.v.) Pāṇ. 6-4, 53 Sch
- abhi-vyāpya ind. p. up to a certain point, inclusive
- abhi-vyāpya mfn. to be included Suśr
- abhi-vy-ā-√hṛ to utter, pronounce TS. &c
- to speak or converse about (acc.) TS. &c.: Caus. to cause to pronounce Kauś
- to pronounce Mn. ii, 172
- abhi-vyāharaṇa n. = abhi-vyāhāra Comm. on Nir
- abhi-vyāhāra m. pronunciation. utterance ChUp. &c
- an articulate significant word or phrase Nir
- abhi-vyāhārin mfn. (ifc. e.g. kokilâbhivyāhārin) speak, like (a cuckoo) Pāṇ. 6-2, 80 Sch
- abhi-vyāhṛta mfn. pronounced, spoken
- addressed ŚBr
- (am), n. what has been said AitUp
- what is being said Pāṇ. 3-2, 188 Comm
- abhi-vyāhṛtya mfn. to be said AitBr
- abhi-vy-ukṣ √1. (Opt. -ukṣet) to sprinkle towards (acc.) ŚBr
- abhi-vy-ud-as √2. to give up or abandon entirely BhP
- abhi-√vye (Imper. 2. sg. Ā. -vyayasva) to wrap one's self into (acc.) RV. iii, 53, 19
- abhi-√vraj (p. -vrájat) to go up to (acc.) RV
- (ind. p. -vrajya) to pass through Kauś., to go to (acc.) BhP
- abhi-vlaṅgá m. turning off, shaking off RV. i, 133, 4
- abhi-√vlī (impf. -avlīyata) to sink down, fall down PBr
- abhi-√śaṃs to accuse, blame, calumniate TS. &c
- (2. sg. -śaṃsasi
- ind. p. -śasya) to praise R. ii, 11, 16 and 23, 8
- abhi-śaṃsaka mfn. accusing L
- insulting L
- abhi-śaṃsana n. accusation
- insult (with gen.) Mn. vlī, 268
- 'accusation', ifc. e.g. anṛtâbhiśaṃsana ṅaut. or mithyâbhiśaṃsana [Yājñ. ii, 28] a false accusation
- abhi-śaṃsin mithyâbhiśaṃsin
- abhi-śás (only instr. -śásā), f. accusation, imprecation RV. x, 164, 3
- abhi-śasta mfn. accused, blamed, calumniated
- defamed, infamous MBh. &c
- threatened Mn. xi, 112
- also s.v
- abhi-śastaka mfn. accused, defamed Yājñ
- caused by imprecation (as a disease) Suśr
- abhí-śasti f. curse, imprecation, damnation RV. AV
- effect of imprecation, misfortune, evil RV. VS
- one who curses or injures RV. AV
- blame ŚBr
- 'accusation' (ifc
- mithyâbhiśasti)
- calumny, defamation L
- asking, begging L
- ○kṛt mfn. accusing, Āpśr
- ○cā́tana mfn. keeping off imprecation RV. iii, 3, 6
- ○pā́ mfn. defending from imprecations RV. VS. AV
- ○pā́van mfn. id. RV. VS
- abhi-śastenya &c. án-abhiśasta
- abhi-√śaṅk Ā. (rarely P., e.g. aor. Subj. 2. sg. -śaṅkīḥ MBh. v, 5000: but Ā. -śaṅkithāḥ MBh. iii, 1166) to doubt, suspect (with acc
- rarely with gen., e.g. Mn. viii, 96), have doubts about (acc
- rarely gen., e.g. MBh. v, 6078)
- abhi-śaṅkā f. suspicion (with gen.) R
- apprehension, fear Kathās
- abhi-śaṅkita mfn. having doubts
- suspecting
- being alarmed, being in solicitude (v. l. ati-śaṅkita) Hariv. Bhaṭṭ
- (am), ind. (an- neg.) without fear or shyness MārkP
- abhi-śaṅkin mfn. doubting, suspecting MBh
- abhi-śaṅkya mfn. suspicious MBh. iii, 1167
- (an- neg.) MBh. ii, 190. [Page 70, Column]
- abhi-√śap P. to curse MBh. &c.: Caus. (ind. p. -śāpya) to conjure, implore with solemnity Yājñ. ii, 108
- abhi-śapana n. false accusation, calumny L
- abhi-śapta mfn. cursed, accursed, calumniated, reviled, defamed MBh. Hariv. &c. [often v. l. abhiśasta] (cf. mithyâbhiśapta.)
- abhi-śāpa m. curse Nir. &c
- charge, accusation Yājñ. ii, 12 and 99 (cf. abhī-śāpa and mithyâbhiśāpa)
- false accusation, calumny L
- ○jvara m. fever caused by a curse (cf. abhi-śastaka at end.)
- abhi-śāpana n. pronouncing a curse L
- abhī-śāpa m. charge, accusation Yājñ. ii, 110
- abhi-śabdaya Nom. P. (pr. p. ○yat) to name, call ĀśvŚr.: Pass. -śabdyate, to be called MārkP
- abhi-śabdita mfn. announced, mentioned Mn. vi, 82
- named MBh. Suśr
- abhi-√śam -śāmyati, to be calmed, cease MBh. xii, 6020
- abhi-śasta mfn. perf. Pass. p. fr. abhi-√śaṃs, q.v., but sometimes (e.g. Comm. on MBh. v, 1277 and on Mn. xii, 112) derived fr. abhi-√śas, which does not occur
- abhi-√śās -śā́sati, to assign, allot RV. vi, 54, 2
- to rule, govern MBh. xiii, 4582
- abhi-śāstṛ́ mfn. one who assigns, allots TBr
- abhi-√śikṣ Caus. to teach (with acc.) MBh. i, 8033
- (with double acc.) Hariv. 4910
- abhi-śī √1. to lie upon (acc.) ŚBr
- abhi-śī √3. (Imper. 3. sg. Ā. -śīyatām) to fall down upon TBr
- abhi-śīta or abhi-śyāta mfn. (√śyai), cold, chilly Pāṇ. 6-1, 26 Kāś
- abhi-śīna or mfn. coagulated, congealed Pāṇ. 6-1, 26
- abhi-śyāna mfn. coagulated, congealed Pāṇ. 6-1, 26
- abhi-śuc √1. to mourn MBh. xii, 11242
- abhi-śuc √2. (Imper. -śocatu
- Subj. 2. sg. -śocas) to flame towards, burn, consume RV. VS. KātyŚr
- to burn, torment AV. VS. KātyŚr.: Caus. (aor. Subj. 3. pl. -śūśucan) to burn, consume (by fire) VS. TS.: Intens. (p. -śóśucāna), id. RV. x, 87, 9 and 14
- abhi-śoká m. ardour AV. i, 25, 3
- abhi-śocá mfn. shining, glowing with heat AV. iv, 37, 10
- abhi-śócana n. a tormenting spirit or demon AV. ii, 4, 2 and, iv, 9, 5
- abhi-śocayiṣṇú mfn. causing heat or torments AV. vi, 20, 3
- abhí-śuna mfn. successful, having an advantage over (as one wrestler over another) TBr
- abhi-√śubh Ā. (part. f. -śúmbhamānā) to adorn one's self with (acc.) RV. i, 92, 10
- (3. pl. -śobhante) to be bright Hariv
- abhi-śobhita mfn. adorned, looking bright or smart Hariv. Kathās
- abhi-śauri ind. towards Śauri or (Kṛishṇa)
- abhi-√ścut Caus. P. (aor. -acuścutat) to sprinkle with, Kātyśr. Kauś.: Ā. to scatter over one's self, cover one's self with (instr.) Kauś
- abhi-√śnath to pierce through, (Ved. Inf. abl. -śnáthaḥ [with abibhet, he was afraid] of being pierced through) RV. x, 138, 5
- (Gmn., combining abhi-śnáthaḥ with vájrāt, takes abhiśnáth as an adj. 'piercing through, killing')
- abhi-śyāta and -śyāna, abhi-śīta and -śīna
- abhi-√śri (aor. -aśrait) to spread, extend (as brightness) AV. xiii, 2, 9
- (perf. 3. pl. -śiśriyuḥ) to resort to MBh. i, 8274
- abhi-śrī́ mfn. (Ved. du. -śríyā) attached to each other RV. i, 144, 6 AV. viii, 2, 14
- arranging, putting in order (with acc.) TBr
- (ī́s), m. (or f. RV. x, 130, 5) one who arranges, puts or keeps in order RV. [Page 71, Column]
- abhi-śríṣ (abl. -śríṣas), f. a ligature RV. viii, 1, 12
- abhi-√śrī (3. pl. -śrīṇanti, p. -śrīṇát
- plusq. 3. pl. -aśiśrayuḥ) to mix, mingle RV
- -śrīṇāti, 'to prepare or dress', produce, cause TBr
- (by BR. placed under abhi-√śri.)
- abhi-śrī́ nom. pl. -śríyas f. anything added by mingling RV. ix, 79, 5 and 86, 27
- abhi-√śru (p. -śṛṇvat) to hear, learn Hariv. 4583 BhP
- abhi-śravaṇa n. repeating Vedic texts (while sitting down to a Śrāddha) L
- abhi-śrāvá m. hearing (a prayer), granting an answer RV. i, 185, 10 and x, 12, 1
- abhi-śrutá mf(ā́)n. renowned AV. vi, 138, 1
- abhi-śrutya ind. p. hearing of, learning MBh. i, 4427
- abhi-√śvas (p. -śvasát
- Ved. Inf. (abl.) -śvásas) to blow towards or hither RV. i, 140, 5 and 92, 8
- (p. -śvasat) to whistle R
- to groan R
- abhi-śvāsa m. blowing (into a flame) KātyŚr
- abhi-ṣac (√sac), Ā. -sacate, to turn to, be favourable to (acc.) RV.: P. -siṣakti, to approach for revering RV. vii, 67, 3
- abhi-ṣác m. (acc. -ā́cam
- n. pl. -ā́cas) fn. following, accompanying RV. vi, 63, 9 AV. xviii, 4, 44
- paying attention to, devoted to, favourable RV
- abhi-ṣañj (√sañj), -ṣajati (Pāṇ. 8-3, 65 Sch.) 'to be in close contact with', have a claim to or lay claim to MBh. iv, 95 (v. l. abhi- √2. pat)
- to put a slur upon (acc.), revile, curse
- abhi-ṣakta mfn. possessed by evil spirits L
- humiliated, defeated L
- reviled, cursed
- abhi-ṣaṅga m. (ifc. f. ā Ragh. xiv, 77) propensity or inclination to BhP
- the state of being possessed by evil spirits (cf. bhūtâbhiṣaṅga) or disturbed in mind MBh
- humiliation, defeat MBh. Ragh. Kum
- curse or imprecation MBh
- false accusation, calumny L. (cf. mithyâbhiṣaṅga)
- oath L
- embracing L
- ○jvara m. a fever supposed to be caused by evil spirits
- abhi-ṣaṅgin mfn. humiliating, defeating MBh. iv, 2108
- abhī-ṣaṅga m. curse or imprecation L
- abhi-ṣad (√sad), -sīdati, to besiege RV. ix, 7, 5
- Ved. (impf.) -aṣīdat, or -asīdat, &c. Pāṇ. 8-3, 119, in classical Sanskṛit only forms with ṣ are allowed Pāṇ. 8-3, 63 and 118
- abhí-ṣaṇṇa mfn. besieged, oppressed TS. Kāṭh
- abhi-ṣava &c. abhi-ṣu
- abhi-ṣah (√sah), (perf. Subj. -sāsáhat Prec. 2. sg. -sāsahīṣṭhā́s, p. P. -sāhvás and Ā. -sehāná) to overpower, conquer RV
- (aor. Ā. 1. sg. -asākṣi) to gain, win RV. x, 159, 1 Kauś. Nir
- to tolerate, allow, pardon, (Pass. -sahyate) Sāh
- abhi-ṣaha as, m.= nigraha (q.v.) L
- abhi-ṣahya ind. p. with √1
- kṛ 'to treat by force', commit a rape, violate (a female) Mn. viii, 367
- abhī-ṣáh m(nom. -ṣā́ṭ)fn. overpowering RV. vii, 4, 8 AV. Nir
- (-ṣáhā), instr. ind. by force ŚBr
- abhī-ṣāha ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. viii, 127
- abhí-ṣāta mfn. gained RV. v, 41, 14
- abhi-ṣic (√sic), P., rarely Ā. (e.g. MBh. vii, 4593 Bhaṭṭ.) to sprinkle, water, wet RV. i, 121, 6 (pr. p. -siñcát), &c
- to consecrate, anoint, appoint by consecration AV. &c.: Ā. (Imper. 2. sg. -ṣiñcasva, sometimes v. l. Pass. -ṣicyasva) to consecrate one's self or have one's self consecrated MBh. Hariv. R.: Ā. or Pass. to bathe MBh. xii, 8894 and xiii, 1702: Caus. P. to water, wet: P. (rarely Ā.) to consecrate, anoint: Ā. (with or without ṇir. ātmānam) to have one's self consecrated: Desid. -ṣiṣikṣati and Intens. -sesicyate Pāṇ. Sch. and Comm
- abhi-ṣikta mfn. sprinkled
- anointed, installed, enthroned (cf. mūrdhâbhiṣikta.)
- abhi-ṣeká m. anointing, inaugurating or consecrating (by sprinkling water), inauguration of a king, royal unction [Page 71, Column]
- the water or liquid used at an inauguration ŚBr. &c
- religious bathing, ablution MBh. &c
- bathing of the divinity to whom worship is offered L. (cf. mahâbhiṣeka and mūrdhâbhiṣeka.)
- ○śālā f. the hall of coronation
- abhiṣekârdra-śiras mfn. wet on the head with the royal unction
- abhiṣekâha m. day of inauguration
- abhi-ṣektavya mfn. to be consecrated or anointed Kathās
- abhi-ṣektṛ́ tā m. one who consecrates (by sprinkling) VS. ŚBr
- abhiṣekya mfn. worthy of inauguration (abhiṣeka) Kauś. KātyŚr
- (said of the elephant) used for the inauguration Jain. (Prākṛit abhisekka)
- abhi-ṣecana n. sprinkling MBh. BhP
- initiation, inauguration R. &c
- abhi-ṣecanī́ya mfn. worthy of inauguration ŚBr
- belonging to inauguration (as vessels, &c.) ŚBr. &c
- m. N. of a sacrificial ceremony performed at the inauguration of a king ŚBr. AitBr. &c
- abhi-ṣecita mfn. caused to be sprinkled, watered, wetted Hariv
- inaugurated
- abhi-ṣecya mfn. to be anointed R
- abhi-ṣidh -ṣedhati Pāṇ. 8-3, 65 Sch.: Caus. Desid. -ṣiṣedhayiṣati ib., 64 Sch
- abhi-ṣiddha mf(ā)n. driven hither AitBr
- abhi-ṣiv (√siv), to sew round ŚāṅkhŚr
- abhi-ṣiṣeṇayiṣu abhi-ṣeṇá
- abhi-ṣu (√3. su), (3. pl. -ṣuṇvánti
- ind. p. -ṣútya) to press out (with stones) the Soma juice (or any other juice) ŚBr. &c
- to press out with the help of any liquid Mn. v, 10 (Pass. 3. pl. -ṣūyante) Suśr
- (fut. p. -soṣyat, Pāṇ. 8-3, 117) to moisten Bhaṭṭ.: Caus. -ṣāvayati Pāṇ. 8-3, 65 Comm
- abhi-ṣava m. pressing out (the juice of the Soma plant) ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr
- distillation L
- religious bathing, ablution (preparatory to religious rites) L
- drinking Soma juice, sacrifice L
- ferment, yeast, any substance producing vinous fermentation L
- (am), n. sour gruel VP
- abhi-ṣavaṇa n. pressing out (the juice of the Soma plant) Nir
- (abhi-ṣávanīs), Ved. nom. pl. f. the utensils used for pressing out (the Soma juice) AV. ix, 6, 1, 16 (cf. adhi-ṣávana.)
- abhi-ṣavaṇīya mfn. to be expressed (as Soma juice)
- abhi-ṣāvaka m. the priest (or any one) who expresses the Soma juice L
- abhí-ṣuta mfn. expressed (as Soma juice) ŚBr. &c
- (am), n. (= abhi-ṣava n.) sour gruel L
- abhi-ṣotṛ́ tā m. = abhi-ṣāvaka ŚBr. KātyŚr
- abhi-sāvakīya Nom. P. ○yati, to long for a sāvaka (q.v.) Pāṇ. 8-3, 65 Comm
- abhi-susūṣ mfn. desirous of expressing Soma Juice Pāṇ. 8-3, 117 Sch
- abhi-ṣuka m. N. of a plant Suśr
- abhi-ṣū (√1. sū), -ṣuvati, to endow with (instr.) Kāṭh
- to consecrate for a purpose (acc.) ŚBr
- impf. -aṣuvat Pāṇ. 8-3, 63: Desid. -susūṣati ib., 64 Comm
- abhi-ṣūd (√sūd), Caus. to kill, destroy R. i, 27, 19
- abhi-ṣeṇá m. directing arrows against RV. vi, 44, 17
- abhi-ṣiṣeṇayiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) desirous of marching against Śiś. vi, 64
- abhi-ṣeṇana n. marching against (in comp.) with an army Rājat
- abhi-ṣeṇaya Nom. P. -ṣeṇayati, (impf. -aṣeṇayat Pāṇ. 8-3, 63), to assail with an army, to march with an army against (acc.) Veṇis. &c.: Desid. -ṣiṣeṇayiṣati Pāṇ. 8-3, 64 Sch
- abhi-ṣo (√so), (1. sg. -ṣyāmi) to fetter, chain AV. iv, 16, 9
- (pr. p. -ṣyat) to put an end to, destroy Bhaṭṭ
- impf. -aṣyat Pāṇ. 8-3, 63. [Page 71, Column]
- abhi-ṣṭan (√stan), (Imper. 2. sg. -ṣṭana) to thunder AV. vi, 126, 2: Caus. id. TS.: Intens. (Imper. 2. sg. -taṃstanīhi) to roar AV. v, 20, 1
- abhi-ṣṭaná m. roaring, hollow noise RV. i, 80, 14
- abhi-ṣṭambh (√stambh), -ṣṭabhnoti, or -ṣṭabhnāti impf. -aṣṭabhnāt, perf. -taṣṭambha Pāṇ. 8-3, 63 seqq
- abhi-ṣṭava abhi-ṣṭu
- abhi-ṣṭí m. (s-tí, fr. √1. as, 1. pl. s-más, &c.) an assistant, protector ['one who is superior or victorious' NBD.], (generally said of Indra) RV. VS
- (abhí-ṣṭis), f. assistance, protection, help RV. AV. VS. (cf. sv-abhiṣṭí.)
- ○kṛ́t mfn. procuring help, assisting RV
- ○dyumna (abhiṣṭí-), mf(ā)n. 'whose glory is protecting or superior', being of benevolent majesty RV. iv, 51, 7
- ○pā́ m(nom.-pā́)fn. protecting with assistance RV. ii, 20, 2
- (the nom. -pā́ being irregular for -pā́ḥ Gmn. proposes the emendation adopted by the ṇBḍ. [abhíST�I] (Ved. instr.) pāsijánān instead of abhiṣṭipấsi jánān)
- ○mát mfn. rendering assistance RV. i, 116, 11
- ○śavas (abhíṣṭi-), mfn. rendering powerful assistance RV. iii, 59, 8
- abhi-ṣṭu (√stu), -ṣṭauti (impf. -aṣṭaut Pāṇ. 8-3, 63, or also -astaut Pāṇ. 8-3, 119 Kāś
- Subj. 1. pl. -ṣṭavāma RV. viii, 100, 3
- Imper. 2. sg. -ṣṭuhi RV. i, 54, 2) to praise, extol RV. &c.: Ā. (3. sg.) -ṣṭuvate id. MBh. xii, 7715
- abhi-ṣṭava m. praise, eulogy BhP
- abhí-ṣṭuta mfn. praised RV. AV. &c
- praised on addressed (with oṃkāras), consecrated Yājñ. iii, 307
- abhi-ṣṭuvat mfn. pr. p. P. praising Hariv
- abhi-ṣṭuvāna mfn. pr. p. Ā. praising BhP
- abhi-ṣṭūya irreg. ind. p. praising BhP. &c
- abhi-ṣṭubh (√stubh), -ṣṭobhati (impf. -aṣṭobhat Pāṇ. 8-3, 63) to sing or recite in addition to Lāṭy
- abhi-ṣṭhā (√sthā), -tiṣṭhati (aor. -asthāt RV., -aṣṭhāt Pāṇ. 8-3, 63
- perf. p. -taṣṭhivás RV. iv, 4, 9) to tread or step upon (acc.) RV. AV. TS. ŚBr
- to overpower, defeat RV. AV. VS
- to extend or rise over (acc.) RV. i, 149, 4 and iii, 14, 4
- to step or advance towards (acc.) PBr. Kauś
- to stay, live MBh. xil, 3316
- to stop ib., 4475
- abhí-ṣṭhita mfn. trampled upon, defeated RV. x, 166, 2 AV
- stepped upon, serving as basis ŚBr
- abhi-√ṣṭhiv (perf. -tiṣṭheva, perf. Pass. p. -ṣṭhyūta) to spit upon ŚBr
- abhi-ṣṇāta ās m. pl (√snā), N. of a family Hariv. 1466 (v. l. abhi-glāna and ati-glāna)
- abhi-ṣyat mfn. pr. p. fr. abhi-ṣo, q.v
- (an) or (abhiṣyantas n. sg.), m. N. of a son of Kuru MBh. i, 3740
- abhi-ṣyand (√syand), -syandate (or also -ṣyandate, if said intransitively of lifeless objects Pāṇ. 8-3, 72) to run towards or along (generally said of liquids) AV. v, 5, 9 (perf. -siṣyade, said of a plant growing or running along the stem and branches of a tree), &c
- abhi-ṣyanda or m. oozing or flowing L
- ○syanda m. oozing or flowing L
- running at the eyes Suśr
- great increase or enlargement Ragh. Kum. (Cf. pittâbhiṣyanda, raktâbh○, vātâbh○, śleṣmâbh○)
- abhi-ṣyandamāna mfn. (said of a cloud) raining Uttarar
- abhi-ṣyandin or mfn. oozing, trickling Suśr
- ○syandin mfn. oozing, trickling Suśr
- laxative Suśr
- causing defluxions or serious effusions Suśr
- abhiṣyandi- or n. a smaller city appended to a larger one, suburb L
- abhisyandi-ramaṇa n. a smaller city appended to a larger one, suburb L
- abhi-ṣvañj (√svañj), -ṣvajate (impf. -aṣvajata Pāṇ. 8-3, 63
- perf. -ṣasvaje, or -ṣasvañje ib., 118 Kāś.) to embrace MBh. viii, 1652: (exceptionally) P. (Opt. -ṣvajet), id. MBh. xii, 8796. [Page 72, Column]
- abhi-ṣvaṅga m. intense attachment or affection to (loc. [MBh. &c.], rarely instr. Kathās.)
- abhí-ṣvaṅgin mfn. intensely attached to or mad for MaitrUp
- abhi-saṃ-yatta mfn. (√yat), being taken care of or governed by (v. l. abhi-sampanna) MBh. vii, 5173
- abhi-saṃ-√yā -yāti, to visit, approach to (acc.) RV. ix, 86, 15 Kāṭh
- to approach in hostile manner, assail MBh. viii, 1826
- abhi-saṃ-√yuj Caus. to bring in close contact with (instr.) Hariv
- abhi-saṃyukta mfn. furnished or endowed with R
- abhi-saṃyoga m. (in Mīmāṃsā phil.) close contact or relation to
- abhi-saṃ-rakta mfn. (√rañj), intensely attached to (in comp.) R
- abhi-saṃ-√rabh Ā. (3. pl. -rabhante
- Opt. 1. pl. -rabhemahi) to take hold of (for support) RV
- abhi-saṃrabdha mfn. excited, furious MBh. &c
- abhi-saṃrambha m. fury, rage MBh. xiv, 874
- abhi-saṃ-rādhana n. pacifying, conciliating BhP
- abhi-saṃ-vas √4. Ā. (pr. p. 1. -vásāna) to wrap one's self into (acc.) AV. xii, 3, 52
- abhi-saṃ-vas √5. Ā. (pr. p. 2. -vásāna) to settle round (acc.) together TBr. Lāṭy
- abhi-saṃ-√vāñch to long for, KenaUp
- abhi-saṃ-vid √1. (perf. 3. pl. -vidús) to know thoroughly AV. iii, 21, 5
- abhi-saṃ-vid √3. Ā. (pr. p. -vidāná) to meet each other Bṛ. VS. xxix, 6 ('to relate, explain' Comm.)
- abhi-saṃ-√viś P. Ā. (Imper. 2. pl. -sáṃ-viśadhvam) to meet round or near, surround AV. &c
- to enter into, dissolve in TUp. NṛisUp
- abhi-saṃ-vī7kṣ (√īkṣ), to look at in astonishment, gaze at Kād
- abhi-saṃ-vṛ √1. (impf. -vṛṇot) to cover, conceal MBh. v, 7239
- abhi-saṃvṛta mfn. covered, concealed MBh. &c
- surrounded by, accompanied by ib
- filled with, furnished with ib
- abhi-saṃ-√vṛt Ā. (Imper. -vartatām) to turn one's self towards AV. vi, 102, 1
- abhi-saṃvṛtta mfn. undertaking, beginning to (Inf.) R
- abhi-saṃvṛddha mfn. (said of a tree) 'having grown a very long time', very old MBh. xii, 5805
- abhi-saṃśīna or ○śyāna mfn. (√śyai), coagulated, congealed Pāṇ. 6-1, 26 Kāś
- abhi-saṃ-√śri P. to resort to (for refuge), have recourse to (acc.) ŚBr. &c
- to give way to, devote one's self to (acc.) MBh. xii, 518
- to attain, (Pass. -śrīyate) MBh. xii, 10977
- abhi-saṃśraya m. refuge R., connection MBh. i, 2398
- abhi-saṃśrita mfn. who has resorted to any one (for refuge) MBh. xii, 2766
- (for a visit) MBh
- abhi-saṃ-√śru (ind. p. -śrutya) to hear, learn R
- abhi-saṃ-√śliṣ (ind. p. -śliṣya) to cling to each other MBh. vi, 3127
- abhi-saṃ-su √3. (3. du. -sáṃ-sunutas) to press out (Soma juice) together for the sake of (acc.) TBr
- abhi-saṃ-√sṛ (ind. p. -sṛtya) to run against or assail each other BhP
- abhi-saṃ-sā́ram ind. running near in crowds ŚBr. [Page 72, Column]
- abhi-saṃ-sṛta mfn. one who has come near MBh. viii, 4417
- abhi-saṃ-s-kṛ √1. -s-karoti, to shape, form ŚBr.: Ā. (Subj. 1. sg. -s-karávai) to render or make one's self (ātmānam) anything (wished to be, acc.) ŚBr
- abhi-saṃskāra m. 'the being formed', development (as of seeds) Car
- preparation ib
- conception, idea Buddh
- abhi-saṃskṛta mfn. consecrated MBh
- abhi-saṃ-√stambh (ind. p. -stabhya) to support, render firm Kauś. R
- abhi-saṃ-stīrṇa mfn. (√stṝ), entirely covered with MBh. xii, 7613
- abhi-saṃ-√stu (pr. p. -stuvat) to praise highly MBh. xiii, 3695
- abhi-saṃstava m. praise L
- abhi-saṃstuta mfn. highly praised MBh. BhP
- abhi-saṃ-√sthā -tiṣṭhate, to stop at, finish at (acc.) ŚāṅkhŚr.: Caus. to cause to stop or finish at (acc.) ChUp
- abhi-saṃstham ind. in regular order GopBr
- abhi-saṃsthita mfn. stopping or standing or watching at some place MBh
- reflecting upon (loc.) MBh. iv, 553
- abhi-saṃ-√spṛś to wash one's self MBh. iii, 8080
- to seize ib. xii, 2140
- abhi-saṃ-√smṛ to recollect (with acc.) MBh. iii, 15758
- abhi-saṃ-√sru to unite in flowing into (acc.) ŚBr
- abhi-saṃ-√svañj Ā. (Imper. 2 sg. -svajasva) to embrace AV. xii, 3, 12
- abhi-saṃ-√svṛ (impf. 3. pl. -asvaran four times or -ásvaran once) to praise or call or invite unanimously RV
- abhi-saṃ-√han (ind. p. -hatya) to combine, confederate MBh
- abhi-saṃ-hata mfn. attacked, assailed BhP
- abhi-saṃ-hita -saṃ-√dhā
- abhi-saṃ-√krudh (pr. p. -krudhyat) to be angry with (acc.) Bhaṭṭ
- abhi-saṃkruddha mfn. angry with (acc.) MBh. iv, 1572
- (gen.) ib. iii, 682
- abhi-saṃ-√kruś (ind. p. -kruśya) to call out to R
- abhi-saṃ-√kṣip (ind. p. -kṣipya) to compress, render quite small (the body by magical power) MBh. v, 283
- abhi-saṃkṣipta mfn. one who has compressed his body so as to render it small MBh. i, 5368
- abhi-saṃkṣepa m. compressing L
- abhi-saṃ-√khyā (perf. Pass. p. -khyāta) to enumerate R
- abhi-saṃkhya mfn. inferable, clearly ascertainable Jaim
- 2. (ā), f. number MBh. i, 617
- abhi-saṃkhyeya mfn. to be enumerated R
- abhi-saṃ-√gam (ind. p. -gátya AV. xi, 1, 16, or -gamya R. BhP.) to approach together RV. ix, 14, 7 (aor. Ā. 3. pl. -agmata), &c
- to join in welcoming BhP
- to meet with R
- abhi-saṃ-gata mfn. together with (incomp.) BhP
- abhi-saṃgupta mfn. guarded, protected MBh. iii, 274
- abhi-saṃ-gṝ √1. to promise Kauś
- abhi-saṃ-√grah to grasp at once with several fingers Gobh
- abhi-√sac abhi-ṣac
- abhi-saṃ-√car (3. pl. -caranti pr. p. f. du. -cárantī) to go up to, seek for RV
- abhi-saṃcārin mfn. 'moving in every direction', inconstant, changeable Nir
- abhi-saṃ-ci √1. Ā. -cinute, (Opt. 1. sg. -cinviiya) to pile up (the sacrificial fire) for the benefit of (one's self, ātmā́nam) ŚBr. [Page 72, Column]
- abhi-saṃ-√cint (ind. p. -cintya) to remember MBh. vii, 5551
- abhi-saṃjāta mfn. (√jan), produced (as joy, harṣa) Hariv
- abhi-saṃ-√jñā (3. pl. -jānate Subj. -jānā́ntai impf. -ajānata) to agree, allow, concede anything (dat.) to (acc.) MaitrS. TS. ŚBr
- abhi-saṃjñita mfn. (fr. 2. saṃjñā, cf. saṃjñita), called, named MBh. &c
- abhi-saṃ-√jvar to envy, regard with spite MBh. v, 1615
- abhi-satkṛ (√1. kṛ), (ind. p. -kṛtya) to honour, receive (a guest) with reverence MBh. ii, 2549
- abhi-satkṛta mn. honoured, received with reverence MBh. &c
- abhí-satvan ā m. surrounded by heroes RV. x, 103, 5 (cf. abhí-viira.)
- abhi-saṃ-√tan (3. pl. -tanvanti) to use for bridging over or stretching across TBr. PBr
- abhi-saṃtata mfn. spread over, covered with (in comp.) Hariv. (v. l. abhi-saṃ-vṛta)
- abhi-saṃ-√tap (Subj. -tapāti) to press hard on all sides AV. ii, 12, 6
- abhi-saṃtapta mfn. tormented MBh. &c
- abhi-saṃ-√tṝ to cross over towards (acc.) AitBr
- abhi-saṃ-√tyaj (ind. p. -tyajya) to abandon, give up, desist from (acc.) MBh
- abhi-saṃtrasta mfn. (√tras), terrified, much alarmed R
- abhi-saṃdaṣṭa (abhísáṃdaṣṭa), mfn. (√daṃś), compressed or tightened together TS
- abhi-saṃdeha n. organ of generation, (du. acc. ○he) MBh. v, 7494 (v. l. abhisaṃdoha)
- abhi-saṃ-√dham (1. sg. -dhamāmi) to blow at AV. viii, 2, 4
- abhi-saṃ-√dhā (3. du. -dhattas
- Imper. 2. sg. -dhehi
- aor. -adhāt) to snap at (acc.) for devouring RV. x, 87, 3 AV. ŚBr. Kāṭh
- to take aim at (dat. or acc.) MBh. &c
- to aim at, have in view (with acc
- rarely dat.) ib
- to acknowledge unanimously, (perf. 3. pl. -dadhúḥ) RV. i, 101, 6
- to overcome, master Mn. &c
- to win (as by presents) R. iv, 54, 5
- to ally, associate with (instr.)
- abhi-saṃ-hita mfn. aimed at
- agreed upon R. v, 82, 5
- acknowledged by (in comp.) MBh. xii, 4793
- overcome
- (ifc.) connected with, attached to MBh. &c
- abhi-sandhaka mfn. ifc. deceiving ['calumniating' Comm.] Mn. iv, 195
- abhi-saṃdhā f. 'speech, declaration' (only ifc., cf. anṛtâbhisandha and satyâbhisandha)
- abhi-saṃdhāna n. the being allied or connected, connection between (in comp.) MBh. i, 3639
- 'speech, deliberate declaration' (only ifc., cf. satyâbh○)
- attachment or interest in any object
- special agreement
- overcoming, deceiving Ragh. xvii, 76
- making peace or alliance L
- abhi-saṃdhāya ind. p. aiming at, having in view
- coming to an agreement regarding (acc.) Mn. ix, 52
- overcoming Mālatīm. &c
- bringing in contact with (as an arrow with a bow), place upon (instr.) R. v, 36, 42
- abhi-saṃdhi m. speaking or declaring deliberately, purpose, intention, object, meaning
- special agreement Sāh
- cheating, deceiving
- making peace or alliance L
- joint, junction L
- ○kṛta mfn. done intentionally
- ○pūrva mfn. that which has been intended, aimed at Gaut
- ○pūrvakam ind. with some intention, purposely VP
- abhi-saṃ-√nam (Opt. -namet) to alter, modify ĀśvŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- abhi-saṃ-√nah (3. pl. -nahyanti) to bind or string together Kauś.: Ā. (impf. 3. du. -anahyetām) to arm one's self against (acc.) TS. [Page 73, Column]
- abhi-saṃ-naddha mfn. armed MBh. iii, 14883
- abhi-saṃ-ni-viṣṭa mfn. (√viś), being united or combined in Comm. on BṛĀrUp
- abhi-saṃ-√nī to lead to or upon (loc.) MBh. xii, 6566
- abhi-saṃ-nu √4. Ā. (3. pl. -navante
- aor. 3. pl. -anūṣata) to rejoice or cheer together at or towards (acc.) RV
- abhi-√sap (3. pl. Ā. -sápante) to carry on, manage RV. vii, 38, 5
- abhi-samaya abhi-sam-√i
- abhi-samavâya m. (√i), union, association L
- abhi-sam-as √2. to put together, group, collect Car
- abhi-sam-ā-√gam to approach together Nir
- to come to (acc.) MBh. xi, 445
- abhi-sam-ā-√pad Ā. (perf. -pede) to enter upon (acc.) R. ii, 12, 1
- abhi-sam-ā-√yam -yácchati, to fasten to (acc.) TBr
- abhi-sam-ā-√yā to approach together MBh. v, 1974
- abhi-sam-ā-yukta mfn. connected or endowed with (instr.) MBh. xii, 3478
- abhi-sam-ā-√ruh (impf. 3. pl. -árohan) to enter upon (the sacrificial fire-place) for a purpose (acc.) TBr
- abhi-sam-ā-√vṛt Ved. (3. pl. -ā́vartante and impf. -âvartanta
- fut. p. -vartsyamāna) to return home TBr. &c
- abhi-sam-ā-√sic to pour together Kauś
- abhi-sam-ā-hita mfn. (√dhā), fastened to, connected with (instr.) R
- abhi-sam-ā-√hṛ to scrape up or together Kauś
- abhi-sam-√i -eti (3. pl. -yanti, Imper. -yantu), Ved. to approach together, come together or meet at (acc.) RV. i, 125, 7 AV. &c
- (Opt. 3. pl. -īyúḥ) to invade TS
- abhi-samaya m. agreement Car
- clear understanding Buddh
- abhi-sam-√indh to set on fire, kindle PBr
- abhi-sam-īkṣya ind. p. (√īkṣ), seeing, viewing R
- noticing, perceiving, learning from RPrāt. Suśr
- considering, with reference to Suśr. Car
- abhi-sam-√īr Caus. (perf. Pass. p. -īrita) to put in motion MBh. x, 579
- abhi-sam-√ubj to spread a covering upon (acc.) PBr
- abhi-sam-ūh √1. -ūhati, to heap up PBr
- to heap up and cover with (as with ashes, instr.) TS. ŚBr
- abhi-sam-√ṛ Ā. (aor. Opt. -arīta) to reach, seize RV. ix, 79, 3
- abhi-sam-ê (-ā-√i), Ved. (Imper. abhí... sam-áitu [AV. vi, 102,] or ā́.. abhí sám-etu [RV. vi, 19,]) to join in coming near (acc.), approach together
- abhi-sam-êta mfn. assembled ŚBr. xiv
- abhi-sam-√pac Pass. (3. pl -pacyante) to become ripe up to a certain time (acc.) PBr
- abhi-sam-√pat (p. -patat
- perf. 3. pl. -petuḥ) to fly to, hasten to (acc.) MBh. vii, 7295, &c
- abhi-sampāta m. concourse, war, battle L. [Page 73, Column]
- abhi-sam-√pad Ved. -padyate, to become
- to become similar to, be changed to (acc.) ŚBr. &c
- to come to, arrive at, obtain ŚBr. xiv Up.: Caus. -pādayati, to make equal to, change into (acc.) ŚBr. AitBr
- abhi-sampatti f. becoming anything, becoming similar or equal to KātyŚr
- abhi-sampád t f. id. ŚBr
- abhi-sámpanna mfn. becoming similar to, being changed to (acc.) ŚBr. RPrāt
- being in accordance with, agreeing with (instr.) Uttarar
- abhi-samparâya m. (√i), futurity Lalit
- abhi-sam-√pū -pavate, to blow along over or towards (acc.) TBr
- abhi-sam-√pūj (generally ind. p. -pūjya) to honour, revere greatly MBh. MārkP
- abhi-sam-pra-√pad -padyate (= abhi-sam-√pad) to be changed to, assume or obtain the shape of (acc.) Up
- abhi-sam-pra-√yā (ind. p. -yāya) to go towards MBh. vi, 3762 (v. l. abhi-vārayitvā)
- abhi-sam-pra-√vṛt Caus. to change (?as a battle-field, raṇâjirám) MBh. i, 1184
- abhi-sam-pravṛtta mfn. having begun VarBṛS
- abhi-sam-prâp (√āp) to reach, come to, arrive at, obtain L
- abhi-sam-prêkṣ (√īkṣ), (ind. p. -prêkṣya) to look at, perceive MBh. R
- abhi-sam-√plu (ind. p. -plutya) to bathe MBh. xii, 365 (an- neg.)
- abhi-sam-pluta mfn. poured upon, overflowed with MBh. ix, 3279
- deeply engaged in (in comp.) R
- abhi-sam-√bandh -badhnāti, to refer to (acc.), mean by Comm. on BṛĀrUp.: Pass. -badhyate, 'to be referred to', belong to, require to be connected with (instr. Pat. or acc. [Pāṇ. 2-1, 6 and 2, 11 Sch. &c.])
- abhi-sambaddha mfn. connected, (an- neg.) Suśr
- abhi-sambandha m. connection with, relation to (instr.) Jaim
- being connected with, belonging to Sāh. Pāṇ. Sch
- sexual connection MBh. xiii, 2924 Mn. v, 63
- abhi-sambādha mfn. pressed together, crowded R
- abhi-sam-buddha mfn. deeply versed in MBh. iii, 12515
- having attained the Bodhi Buddh
- abhi-sam-bodhana n. attaining the Bodhi Buddh
- abhi-sam-bhagna mfn. broken, crashed MBh. viii, 2801
- abhi-sam-√bhū Ved. (perf. 2. sg. -babhūtha) to reach, come to, arrive at RV. x, 18, 8, &c
- to obtain the shape of (acc.), be changed into ŚBr.: Caus. to salute BhP
- abhi-sam-bhṛta mfn. endowed with (in comp.) MBh. xii, 12959 (v. l. abhi-saṃ-vṛta)
- abhi-sam-mata mfn. honoured, esteemed MārkP. &c
- abhi-sam-mukhá mf(ā)n. looking respectfully towards (acc.) ŚBr
- abhi-sam-mūḍha mfn. entirely confused MBh. iii, 12219
- abhi-sam-√mūrch (p. -mūrchat) to assume a solid form with regard to or in connection with (acc.) ŚBr
- abhi-sara &c. abhi-√sṛ
- abhi-sarga &c. abhi-√sṛj
- abhi-sarpaṇa abhi-√sṛp. [Page 73, Column]
- abhi-√sāntv (p. -sāntvayat
- ind. p. -sāntvya) to conciliate, pacify, comfort MBh. iv, 383 R. ii, 32, 39 MārkP
- abhi-sāntva m. consolation, conciliation R. v, 56, 44
- abhi-sāntvita mfn. conciliated, pacified Kām
- abhi-sāyam ind. about evening, at sunset ChUp. (cf. abhi-prātár.)
- abhi-sāra &c. abhi-√sṛ
- abhi-sāvaka &c. abhi-ṣu
- abhi-sidh √1. -sedhati Pāṇ. 8-3, 113 Sch
- abhi-sidh √3. -sidhyati, to be accomplished MBh. xii, 7427
- to obtain, win (with acc.) ChUp
- abhi-siddhi f. the state of being effected or realized AgP
- abhi-susūṣ abhi-ṣu
- abhi-sūcita mfn. pointed out MBh. iii, 2939
- abhi-√sṛ (3. pl. impf. -asaran, perf. -sasrur) to flow towards (acc.) RV. i, 52, 5 and ix, 82, 3
- to approach, go towards, advance in order to meet, attack MBh. &c
- to go to a rendezvous (said of lovers) Sāh.: Caus. to lead towards Kathās
- to cause to attack, lead to battle MBh. iii, 665 (v. l.)
- to invite to a rendezvous Sāh
- to approach, visit MBh. i, 1221 Mṛicch
- abhi-sara m. (ifc. f. ā) a companion Daś
- abhi-saraṇa n. meeting, rendezvous (of lovers) Sāh. &c
- abhi-sartṛ́ mfn. attacking, assailant VS. xxx, 14
- abhi-sāra m. attack, assault R
- meeting, rendezvous (of lovers) Sāh. Gīt. &c
- 'pay for coming', messenger's pay Buddh
- companion L
- a purificatory rite L
- (eṇa), instr. (with sarveṇa) = sarvâbhisāreṇa, q.v. MBh. iii, 639 (cf. lohâbhisāra and abhīsāra)
- (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. &c
- (ī), f. N. of a town MBh. ii, 1027
- ○sthāna n. a place of rendezvous (of lovers) Sāh
- abhi-sārikā f. a woman who goes to meet her lover or keeps an assignation Kum. vi, 43 Ragh. xvi, 12, &c
- abhi-sārin mfn. going to meet Vikr
- (iṇī), f. = abhi-sārikā L
- N. of a species of the Trishṭubh metre (as that in RV. x, 23, 5, in which two Pāda's contain twelve instead of eleven syllables, and which therefore is said to approach another metre called Jagatī) RPrāt
- abhi-sisārayiṣu mfn. intending to go to a rendezvous or to visit (a lover) Śiś. x, 20
- abhi-sṛta mfn. gone near (acc.) MBh. vii, 4449 Gīt
- one who has approached (for attacking) MBh
- directed towards (in comp.) VarBṛS
- visited by (instr.) Kathās
- abhi-sṛtya ind. p. having gone near (acc.)
- abhī-sāra m. assault MBh. vii, 8785
- abhi-√sṛj (impf. -asṛjat
- aor. Pass. -ásarji [RV. ix, 106, 1] and 3. pl. -asṛgran [RV. ix, 88,] or -asṛkṣata [RV. i, 135, 6 and ix, 63, 2]) to pour into or upon (acc.), pour out for a purpose (acc.) or for the sake of (acc.) RV. AV. AitBr
- to let loose in a special direction ŚBr. AitBr
- (aor. Subj. 2. sg. -srās for -srākṣ-s) to throw upon AV. xi, 2, 19
- to surrender, give, grant, allow, permit R. &c
- to assail, attack ŚBr. xiv
- abhi-sarga m. creation MBh. xii, 13801
- abhi-sarjana n. for ati-s○ (q.v.) L
- abhí-sṛṣṭa mfn. 'let loose in a special direction', running towards (acc. or loc.) RV
- allowed to R
- uttered Hariv
- surrendered, given, granted R. &c
- abhi-sṛp (Imper. 2. sg. -sarpa) to approach silently or softly AV. Kāṭh. Nir
- abhi-sarpaṇa n. approaching
- the ascent (of sap in the trees)
- abhi-sevana n. practising, cultivating Suśr
- abhi-√skand (perf. -caskanda) to ascend AV. vii, 115, 2. [Page 74, Column]
- abhi-skándam ind. running near AV. v, 14, 11
- abhi-√skambh Caus. (p. -skabhāyat) Pāṇ. 3-1, 84 Comm
- abhi-√stṛ to scatter over, cover TBr. Suśr
- abhi-sthirám ind. very firmly, intensely ŚBr
- abhi-snigdha an-abhisn○
- abhi-sneha m. affection, desire BhP
- abhi-spṛś (Opt. -spṛśet) to touch MBh. i, 2931
- to influence, affect Suśr
- abhi-sphurita mfn. expanded to the full (as a blossom)
- abhi-√sphūrj -sphūrjati, to sound towards AV. xii, 5, 20
- abhi-√smi (p. -smayat) to smile upon MBh. iii, 8732
- abhi-√syand abhi-ṣyand
- abhi-√sraṃs aor. Subj. 2. sg. -srās, which is better derived fr. abhi-√srij, q.v
- abhi-√sru (Imper. 3. pl. -sravantu) to cause to flow near RV. x, 9, 4
- (p. -sravanta for -sravat) MBh. xiii, 901
- abhi-svayamātṛṇṇám ind. on the brick (used in sacrifices and called) svayamātṛṇṇā́ (q.v.) ŚBr
- abhi-√svṛ (Imper. 2. sg. -svara, 3. pl. -svarantu) to join in praising or invoking RV
- to keep a note (in singing) up to (acc.) PBr
- abhi-svár (instr. -svárā), f. invocation, Rv. ii, 21, 5 and viii, 97, 12
- (-svaré), dat. ind. 'for calling into one's presence', just behind (with gen.) RV. iii, 45, 2 and x, 117, 8 VS
- abhi-svartṛ́ tā m. an invoker RV. x, 78, 4
- abhi-√han (2. sg. Imper. -jah4i impf. -hán [RV. v, 29,] & perf. -jaghantha) to thump at, strike, kill RV. &c
- to beat (as a drum, &c.) MBh. vi, 1535 Bhag. &c
- to afflict, visit with (instr.) MBh. xiii, 4375 MārkP.: Desid. -jíghāṃsati, to intend to strike down RV. vii, 59, 8
- abhi-ghāta
- abhi-ghātita s.v
- abhí-hata mfn. struck, smitten, killed AV. xi, 10, 22, &c
- attacked R
- beaten (as a drum, &c.) R. VarBṛS
- afflicted, visited with MBh. and c
- (in arithm.) multiplied
- abhi-hati f. striking (as of an arrow) Kād
- (in arithm.) multiplication
- the product of multiplied numbers
- abhi-hatya ind. p. striking, killing Mn. xi, 206, &c
- abhi-hara &c. abhi-√hṛ
- abhi-√hary (3. pl. -háryanti
- Subj. Ā. -haryata [AV. iii, 30,]) to wish anything to be near, call it near TS
- to like, love RV. x, 112, 6 AV
- (-haryati) ŚBr. xiv (cf. abhi-√hṛ, Caus. Pass.)
- abhi-hava abhi-√hu and √hve
- abhi-hásya mfn. ridiculous AV. vi, 30, 2
- abhi-hāsa m. jest, joke ĀśvŚr
- abhi-hā √2. (ind. p. -hāya) to rush upon, seize hastily Kāṭh. AitBr
- abhi-hiṅkṛ (√1. kṛ), Ved. (3. pl. -hiṅ-kurvanti) to make a sound towards, low or roar or neigh towards Kāṭh. PBr. &c
- abhi-hiṅkāra m. the sound hiṅ (used) in addition to (a certain japa formula) ĀśvŚr
- abhí-hita mfn. (√dhā), harnessed or put to (as a horse) RV. AV. ŚBr
- named, called Mn. iii, 141, &c
- held forth, said, declared, spoken MBh. Mn. &c
- spoken to Kum. &c
- m. N. of a chief L
- (am), n. a name, expression, word
- ○tā f. ṣarvad. or the having been said or stated or named
- ○tva n. the having been said or stated or named
- a holding forth, declaration L
- authority, test L
- abhi-hiti f. telling, manifesting, title L. [Page 74, Column]
- abhi-√hu to make an oblation upon (acc.) or for the sake of (acc.), shed or pour over (acc.) ŚBr. &c
- abhi-hava m. pouring the oblation upon
- abhi-havana n. id. ĀśvŚr
- abhí-huta mfn. poured upon with an oblation, shed or poured over AV. vi, 133, 2 AitBr. ŚBr. &c
- abhí-hotavaí Ved. Inf. to pour upon (an oblation) MaitrS
- abhi-homa as, m.= 1. abhi-hava Vait
- abhi-hūti abhi-√hve
- abhi-√hṛ to bring, offer ŚBr. &c
- to pull off, tear off MBh. iii, 14610: Caus. -hārayati, to have brought to by, send by Hariv
- to bring, offer MBh. iv, 2364
- to put on (as a cuirass) ib. iv, 1011 seqq
- to assail, attack MBh.: Pass. -hāryate incorrectly for -haryati ( abhi-√hary) BṛĀrUp
- abhi-hara mfn. (ifc.) carrying off, removing L
- abhi-haraṇa n. bringing or conveying near MBh. Ragh
- abhi-haraṇīya mfn. to be brought near
- abhi-hartavya mfn. id
- abhi-hartṛ tā m. one who carries off, takes by violence (ifc.) MBh. iii, 15761
- abhi-hāra m. bringing near Pat. (cf. ābhi-hārika)
- robbing, seizing anything (in the owner's presence) MBh. xiii, 3047
- brisk attack L
- effort L
- arming, taking up arms L
- mingling together Car. &c
- abhi-hārya mfn. = abhi-haraṇīya
- abhi-√hṛṣ Caus. (p. -harṣayat) to gladden MBh. vi, 1833 ; xii, 1894
- abhi-√heṣ (p. dat. m. -heṣate) to neigh towards AitBr. MBh. viii, 4471
- abhi-hrút mfn. (√hvṛ), causing a fall or damage, injurious RV. i, 189, 6 AV. vi, 4, 2
- f. (abl. -hrútas) fall, damage, injury RV. i, 128, 5 and x, 63, 11
- abhí-hruti f. fall, damage, injury RV. i, 166, 8 AV. vi, 3, 3
- abhi-hvārá m. a crooked or damaging way or place AV. vi, 76, 3
- abhi-√hve to call near ŚBr
- abhi-hava m. calling near Pāṇ. 3-3, 72
- abhi-hūti f. calling near (as the gods to the sacrifice) Nir
- a-bhī mfn. fearless R. Ragh
- ○pada (v. l. -pāda), m. 'whose foot or step is without fear', N. of a Ṛishi VBr
- a-bhīka mfn. fearless L
- a-bhīta mf(ā)n. id. R
- ○vat ind. fearlessly MBh. xii, 3730 R. &c
- a-bhīti f. fearlessness L
- á-bhīru m. (acc. ○rvam, 4
- nom. pl. ○ravas) fn. fearless RV. Mn. vii, 190
- not terrific (nom. pl. f. ○ravas) RV. viii, 46, 7
- (us), m. N. of a prince MBh. i, 2689
- N. of Bhairava or Śiva
- (us) ḻ. or (ū) ṣuśr., f. the plant Asparagus Racemosus
- ○pattrī f. the above plant Asp. Rac
- a-bhīruka mfn. fearless MBh. vii, 2522
- a-bhī́ruṇa [AV. vii, 89,] or a-bhīrúṇa Vṣ., mfn. not terrific
- abhī7 (√i), abhy-éti (Imper. 2. sg. abhī74hi
- impf. 3. pl. -āyan, 3. sg. Ā. -āyata
- ind. p. abhī74tya) to come near, approach, go up to or towards (acc.) RV. &c
- (with sakāśam or samīpam or pārśve) id. Pañcat
- to go along or after (acc.) RV. &c
- to enter, join, go over to Mn. Bhaṭṭ
- (with a pr. p.) to begin to, (perf. 3. pl. abhī7yúḥ) ŚBr
- to reach, obtain RV. &c
- to get or fall into (acc.) MBh. &c
- to come to, fall to one's share (with acc.) Bhaṭṭ
- (said of the sun) to rise (as if he came nearer
- also with abhitarām q. v. instead of abhi) AitBr., (with astam) to set MBh. i, 1797 (cf. abhy-aya): Pass. abhī7yate, to be perceived, known BhP.: Intens. (1. pl. -īmahe) to ask, request RV. i, 24, 3
- abhī74ti f. assault RV. ii, 33, 3 and vii, 21, 9
- abhī74tvan mf(varī)n. attacking VS. AitBr
- abhy-aya m. approaching (as of darkness) KātyŚr
- setting (of the sun) ib
- abhy-āyuka mfn. coming up to (acc.) KapS. [Page 74, Column]
- abhīka mfn. (= abhika, q.v.), longing after, lustful, libidinous Pāṇ. 5-2, 74
- m. a lover
- a master L
- a poet L
- abhī́ka n. (fr. abhi-añc
- cf. ánūka), meeting together, collision RV. ix, 92, 5
- (e), loc. ind. in the presence of (gen.), near, towards RV
- (with √muc or √1. as with āré) away from, out of (abl.) RV
- (with verbs expressing defending from, as √3. pā and √uruṣya) from (with abl.) RV
- before (as before midday
- with abl.) RV. iv, 28, 3
- abhī7kṣ (√īkṣ), Ā. (impf. 3. du. -aíkṣetām) to look towards (acc.) RV. x, 121, 6
- abhīkṣṇa mfn. (contr. of abhikṣaṇa, Nir. ii, 25), constant, perpetual L
- in comp. for abhīkṣṇam, q.v
- (am), ind. repeatedly, again and again, perpetually, constantly
- presently, at once
- very, exceedingly (in comp. abhīkṣṇa-) Rājat
- ○śas ind. constantly R. Suśr
- abhī-cāra abhi-√car
- abhī7jya abhi-√yaj
- a-bhīta &c. 1. a-bhī
- abhī7ndh (√indh), abhī́dhe (for ○nddhe) to surround with flames, inflame AV. xi, 3, 18 ŚBr
- abhī74ddha mfn. inflamed RV. i, 164, 26 and x, 190, 1 VS
- abhīpa m. or n. (fr. 2. áp with abhí
- cf. anūpá), only in comp. with
- ○tás ind. from the waters or clouds ṅmn., 'at the right time' [NBD. (fr. √āp with abhi)] RV. i, 164, 52
- abhī-p�ada 1. a-bhī
- abhī7ps (Desid.), &c. abhy-√āp
- a-bhīma mfn. unterrific, causing no fear
- m. N. of Vishnu
- abhī-māna nir-abhīmāna
- abhī-mānin abhi-√man
- abhīmoda-múd (or abhī-modamúd, fr. irreg. Intens.), mfn. (√mud), excessively joyful AV. xi, 7, 26 and 8, 24 (cf. abhīlāpa-láp.)
- abhī7r (√īr), Caus. (p. -īráyat) to bring near TBr
- abhī7raṇī f. a kind of serpent L
- abhīra (incorrectly) for ābhīra, q.v
- abhīrājī f. N. of a poisonous insect Suśr
- á-bhīru &c. 1. a-bhī
- abhīlāpa-láp (or abhī-lāpaláp, fr. irreg. Intens.), mfn. (√lap), excessively whimpering AV. xi, 8, 25 (cf. abhīmoda-múd.)
- abhī-vargá m. (√vṛj), circuit, compass AV. iii, 5, 2 ; vi, 54, 2 and xi, 2, 4
- abhī-vartá abhi-√vṛt
- abhī́-vṛta 1. abhi- √1. vṛ
- abhī-śāpa abhi-√śap
- abhī́śu m. (fr. √1. aś with abhi Nir. iii, 9), chiefly Ved. rein, bridle RV. &c
- ray of light Naigh
- (through incorrect interpretation of dáśâbhīśu q.v.) arm, finger Naigh
- N. of a Ṛishi VBr
- abhīṣu m. (incorrectly for abhīśu) rein, bridle MBh. vii, 8180
- ray of light Śiś. i, 22
- ○mat mfn. 'having rays of light', radiant, bright Śiś. xvi, 50
- (ān), m. the sun Śiś. vi 63
- abhī7ṣ (√3. iṣ), abhī7cchati (Subj. abhī74cchāt) to seek for, long for (acc.) AV. AitBr
- to intend to (Inf.) Kathās
- abhī74ṣṭa mfn. wished, desired, dear TS. &c
- m. a lover Pañcat. Sāh. (cf. -tama below)
- (ā), f. a mistress
- betel L
- (am), n. wish
- ○tama mfn. (superl.) dearest Pañcat
- m. a dearest lover Sāh
- ○tā f. state of being desired
- ○devatā f. beloved goddess, favourite deity (invoked in the last prayer before death) Pañcat
- ○lābha m. or the gaining a desired object. [Page 75, Column]
- ○siddhi f. the gaining a desired object. [Page 75, Column]
- abhī7ṣṭi f. wish PBr
- abhy-eṣaṇa n. (only for the explan. of abhiṣṭi) approaching (either in a friendly or hostile manner) Sāy. on RV. vii, 19, 8 and i, 9, 1
- desiring, wishing for Sāy. on RV. i, 116, 11 and iv, 11, 4
- abhy-eṣaṇīya mfn. (only for the explan. of abhiṣṭi) to be desired Sāy. on RV. i, 119, 8
- abhī-ṣaṅga abhi-ṣañj
- abhī-ṣáh abhi-ṣah
- a-bhīṣma-droṇa mfn. without Bhishma and Droṇa Veṇis
- abhī-sāra abhi-√sṛ
- a-bhukta mfn. uneaten
- unenjoyed, unused, unexpended
- one who has not eaten, enjoyed or expended
- ○pūrva mfn. what has not been enjoyed before MBh. xii, 180, 32
- ○vat mfn. one who has not eaten MBh. Suśr
- a-bhúj mfn. one who has not experienced or enjoyed RV. x, 95, 11
- a-bhujiṣya as, ā mf. not liberal, stingy ŚāṅkhŚr
- not a servant
- abhujiṣyā-tva n. the state of a woman who lives independently Mṛicch. (cf. a-bhaújiṣya.)
- á-bhuñjat mfn. not being useful to, not liberal, stingy RV. i, 120, 12 and viii, 1, 6
- not eating
- a-bhuñjāna mfn. not eating, fasting R. Gaut
- a-bhugna mfn. not bent, straight
- free from disease, well
- a-bhuja mfn. armless, maimed
- a-bhuva n. (√bhū), 'no real or common being', a monster MaitrS. (cf. a-bhva.)
- a-bhū ūs m. 'unborn', N. of Vishṇu L
- a-bhūta mfn. whatever has not been or happened
- ○tadbhāva m. the becoming or changing into anything which one has not been before Pāṇ. 3-1, 12, Comm
- ○tva n. 'the state of not having existed or happened any time', impossibility Comm. on Kāvyâd
- ○doṣa mfn. faultless
- ○pūrva mfn. unprecedented R. &c
- ○prādurbhāva m. the becoming manifest of what has not been before
- ○rajas asas m. pl., N. of a class of deities (supposed to have existed in the fifth Manvantara) VP
- ○śatru mfn. having no enemy
- abhūtârtha m. anything unheard of or impossible Sāh. (v. l.)
- abhūtáharaṇa n. relating anything which in fact has not happened, a wrong account (given for deceiving or puzzling anybody) Sāh. Daśar. &c
- á-bhūti f. non-existence ŚBr. xiv, 'want of power', wretchedness AV. VS
- mischief, calamity MBh
- a-bhūmi f. non-earth, anything but earth KātyŚr
- no proper place or receptacle or object for (gen.) Śāk. &c
- ○ja mfn. produced in unfit or unsuitable ground Suśr
- ○sâhvaya m. 'named a-bhūmi (bhūmi-dharā, earth), i.e. adhara', lip Kāvyâd
- a-bhūyaḥ-saṃnivṛtti f. no return any more Ragh. x, 28
- a-bhūyiṣṭha mfn. few, scanty
- a-bhūri mfn. few, some
- a-bhūṣa mfn. unadorned Bhaṭṭ
- a-bhūṣita mfn. id
- a-bhṛta mfn. not receiving hire, not paid Mn. viii, 231
- a-bhṛtaka mfn. id. MBh. vii, 4463
- a-bhṛtyâtman mfn. 'not behaving as a servant', disobedient towards (loc.) Kād
- a-bhṛśa mfn. not much, little, few
- a-bheda m. non-fracture, compactness, closeness of array RPrāt. &c
- absence of difference or distinction, identity
- (mfn.) not different, identical VP
- a-bhedaka mfn. not dividing, not causing any distinction Pat
- a-bhedin mfn. not different Sarvad
- a-bhedya mfn. not to be divided or broken or pierced
- indivisible
- not to be betrayed (as a secret formula) BhP
- (am), n. a diamond L
- ○tā f. or ṛ. indivisibility, impenetrability. [Page 75, Column]
- ○tva n. ṛ. indivisibility, impenetrability. [Page 75, Column]
- a-bhoktri mfn. not enjoying, not using, abstemious
- a-bhoktavya mfn. not to be enjoyed or used
- a-bhoga m. non-enjoyment Megh. &c
- abhog-ghán m(nom. pl. -ghánas)fn. (fr. abhoj = á-bhuñjat), killing the stingy RV. i, 64, 3
- a-bhogya mfn. not to be enjoyed Megh. (v l. for a-bhoga, q.v.)
- not to be enjoyed sexually MBh. xiii, 4529
- a-bhojana n. not eating, fasting KātyŚr. Mn. &c
- (āni), n. pl. id. Kathās
- a-bhojita mfn. not fed, not feasted
- a-bhojin mfn. not eating, fasting
- a-bhojya mfn. uneatable Hariv
- not to be eaten, prohibited as food Gaut. &c
- one whose food is not allowed to be eaten Mn. xi, 152
- abhojyânna mfn. one whose food is not allowed to be eaten Mn. iv, 221
- a-bhaújiṣya n. 'not the state of a servant', independence Suparṇ. (cf. a-bhujiṣya s.v. a-bhukta.)
- a-bhautika mfn. not relating to or produced by the gross elements, not material Comm. on Nyāyad. &c
- abhy-agni m. N. of a son of Etaśa or Aitaśa AitBr. KaushBr
- (i), ind. towards the fire Pāṇ. 2-1, 14 Sch
- abhy-agra mf(ā)n. having the point turned or directed towards (acc.) ĀpŚr
- quick, KaushBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- constant, perpetual Āp
- fresh (as blood) Bhaṭṭ
- near L
- (am), n. proximity L
- abhy-aghāya Nom. P. -aghāyáti, to intend to injure AV. vii, 70, 3
- abhy-aṅka mf(ā)n. recently marked (as cattle) Pāṇ. 2-1, 14 Kāś
- abhy-aj (√aj), (Imper. or Subj. 1. du. -ájāva) to combine, unite RV. i, 179, 3
- abhy-√añj P. to smear, anoint TS. AitBr. &c.: Ā. to anoint one's self: Ā. (3. pl. abhy áñjate) to decorate RV. ix, 86, 43: Ā. -aṅkté, to decorate one's self TS. (quoted in Pāṇ. 2-3, 62 Kāś.)
- (in Pass. sense
- p. -añjāná) to be decorated RV. ii, 8, 4
- abhy-ákta mfn. oiled, anointed ŚBr. Mn. iv, 44, &c
- decorated AV. x, 1, 25
- abhy-aṅga m. rubbing with unctuous substances, inunction Mn. ii, 178, &c
- unguent Suśr. &c
- abhy-añjaka mfn. (ifc.) rubbing (the feet) with unctuous substances Kathās
- abhy-áñjana n. rubbing with unctuous substances, inunction (especially of the feet, once BhP. said of the hairs) KātyŚr. Mn. &c
- unguent (used for rubbing the feet
- cf. ấñjana) ŚBr. &c
- (5) ornament, embellishment RV
- abhy-añjanyá mfn. whose feet are to be rubbed with unguents TBr
- abhy-añjya mfn. to be rubbed with unguents (as a foot) Kathās
- abhy-ati-√kram (ind. p. -kramya
- Inf. -krāntuṃ) to step over, walk through R
- to overpower MBh. xiv, 1551
- to transgress, violate MBh. i, 199
- abhy-ati-√kṣar (impf. -akṣarat) to flow over to (acc.) TBr. AitBr
- abhy-atita mfn. (√at), one who has walked towards (acc.), one who visits (used for the etym. of atithi) Nir
- abhy-ati-√nī to bring or place upon (loc.) Kauś
- abhy-ati-√ric Pass. -áti-ric-yate, or -ati-ricyáte (Subj. abhy-áti-rícyātai
- Pot. -áti-ricyeta) Ved. to remain for the sake of (acc.) TS. ŚBr. &c
- abhy-ati-√vad P. (= ati-√vad, q.v.) 'to speak louder or better', surpass in disputing PBr
- abhy-ati-√vṛt -vartate, to drive past MBh. vii, 1391 (v. l.)
- abhy-ati-√sṛj (1. pl. -áti-sṛjāmas) to let pass AV. x, 5, 15= xvi, 1, 5. [Page 75, Column]
- abhy-atī7 (√i), (ind. p. -atī7tya) to pass over (acc.) R
- to get through towards (acc.) ŚBr
- abhy-atī7ta mfn. passed away (as time) MBh. iii, 12547
- dead Mn. iv, 252 MBh. vii, 1061
- abhy-aty-√ṛj to carry over or transfer upon (acc.) AitBr
- abhy-adhika mf(ā)n. surpassing (in number, power, kind) R
- exceeding the common measure, pre-eminent, extraordinary MBh. &c
- superior to, more excellent than, having more authority or power than, more than (abl. or instr. or in comp.) MBh. &c
- augmented by (abl. VarBṛṣ. or instr. or in comp.)
- (am), ind. exceedingly MBh. xiii, 580, &c
- abhy-adhvam ind. upon the way KātyŚr
- (é), loc. ind. on the way AV. iv, 28, 2
- abhy-anu-√jñā to assent to, approve, allow, permit, concede MBh. &c
- to authorize, direct MBh. ii, 1225
- to allow one to depart, dismiss MBh. &c
- (ind. p. -jñaya
- Inf. -jñātum) to take leave, ask for leave to depart MBh. xiv, 146 R.: Caus. (ind. p. -jñāpya
- fut. p. -jñāpayiṣyat) to ask for leave to depart MBh
- abhy-anujñā f. (ifc. f. ā) assent, approval Ragh. ii, 69 Nyāyad
- authorization, permission RPrāt. ĀśvGṛ
- granting leave of absence, dismissing R. &c
- abhy-anujñāta mfn. assented to, approved Mn. ii, 1
- authorized, allowed to MBh. &c
- (an- neg.) Mn. ii, 229
- favoured by (instr.) R. iii, 36, 19
- allowed to depart, dismissed MBh. &c
- abhy-anujñāna n. assenting to, approval Comm. on Nyāyad
- authorization, permission R. i, 3, 14
- abhy-anujñāpana n. causing to assent to
- abhy-anu-√prach to inquire after, ask for MBh. xii, 1933 and xiii, 2169
- abhy-anu-√mud Caus. (perf. Pass. p. -modita
- p. necess. -modanīya) to assent to, approve of. MBh. i, 4447 Inscr
- abhy-anu-√yuj (ind. p. -yujya) to apply to, ask MBh. xii, 5667
- abhy-anu-√vac (perf. -anū7vāca) to declare or state or utter with reference to (acc.) AitBr.: Pass. (3. pl. -anū7cyante) to be referred to by some statement or verse ŚBr
- abhy-anū7kta mfn. stated or uttered with reference to (acc.) ŚBr. AitBr. ChUp. (cf. abhyukta.)
- abhy-anu-√vad P. (= abhy-anu-√vac) to utter with reference to (acc.) ŚBr
- abhy-anu-√śās (Imper. 1. p. -śāsāni) to indicate, denote ChUp
- abhy-anu-√sṛ (ind. p. -sṛtya, v. l. -sṛjya) to learn by investigating Hariv. 1440
- abhy-anu-√sṛj (ind. p. -sṛjya) id. ib
- abhy-antara mf(ā)n. interior, being inside of, included in (loc
- gen. or in comp. [cf. gaṇâbhyantara]) MBh. ii, 2282, &c
- initiated in, conversant with (loc.) R. Megh
- next, nearly related, intimate Pañcat
- (am), n. inner part, interior, inside, middle Śāk. &c
- (generally loc
- ifc.) interval, space of time Mṛicch. Pañcat. Hit
- (am), ind. (ifc.) into Kathās. &c
- ○kalā ās f. pl. the secret arts or the arts of coquetry Daś
- ○tas ind. in the interior, inwards Suśr
- ○doṣa-kṛt mfn. 'doing a wrong to one's own land', raising a sedition or mutiny VarBṛS
- abhyantarâyāma m. curvature of the spine by spasm, emprosthonos Suśr. (cf. bāhyâyāma.)
- abhy-antaraka m. an intimate friend L
- abhyantarī (for abhyantara in comp. with √1. kṛ and its derivatives)
- ○karaṇa n. initiating in (loc.) Daś
- ○√kṛ to put between, insert Pat
- ○kṛta mfn. initiated in (loc.) R
- made intimate Pañcat
- abhy-apa-√kram -kram, -krāmati, to go away towards (acc.) ŚBr
- (aor. Subj. 2. sg. -ápakramīs) to come up to AV. xii, 2, 18. [Page 76, Column]
- abhy-apa-√śri Ā. to retire towards (acc.) ṢaḍvBr
- abhy-apân (√an), to breathe towards (acc.) AitBr
- abhy-√am abhy-ámīti (VS. [quoted in Pāṇ. 7-2, 34 Sch
- cf. also ib. 3, 95 Sch.]
- 2. sg. -ámīṣi
- 3. pl. Subj. -amánti and impf. Ā. -ámanta) to advance violently against, pain, hurt RV. i, 189, 3 ; vii, 25, 2 and x, 86, 8 VS
- abhy-amana n. paining, oppression Nir
- ○vat mfn. paining, hurting ib
- abhy-amita or mfn. (perf. Pass. p.) diseased, sick L
- abhy-ānta mfn. (perf. Pass. p.) diseased, sick L
- abhy-amitrīṇa Bhaṭṭ. or mfn. [apparently derivatives fr. abhy-amitram ( below s.v.), but probably originally derived from the √, which is also indicated by the parallel form abhy-amin ( below)] advancing against or attacking (the enemy) Pāṇ. 5-2, 17
- abhy-amitrīya or mfn. [apparently derivatives fr. abhy-amitram ( below s.v.), but probably originally derived from the √, which is also indicated by the parallel form abhy-amin ( below)] advancing against or attacking (the enemy) Pāṇ. 5-2, 17
- abhy-amitrya Bhaṭṭ., mfn. [apparently derivatives fr. abhy-amitram ( below s.v.), but probably originally derived from the √, which is also indicated by the parallel form abhy-amin ( below)] advancing against or attacking (the enemy) Pāṇ. 5-2, 17
- abhy-amitrīṇa-tā f. a good opportunity to attack the enemy Rājat
- abhy-amin mfn. attacking Pāṇ. 3-2, 157
- abhy-amitra (basis of abhy-amitram and its derivatives ○trīṇa, &c.) Pāṇ. 5-2, 17
- (am), ind. against the enemy Veṇis
- abhy-trīṇa &c. abhy-√am
- abhy-aya 2. abhī7
- abhy-ayodhyam ind. towards or against Ayodhyā Bhaṭṭ
- abhy-ari ind. towards or against the enemy L
- abhy-arkabimbam ind. towards the disk of the sun Śāk
- abhy-√arc (3. pl. -arcanti and impf. -arcan [RV. iv, 1, 1]
- Imper. 2. sg. -arca, 2. pl. -arcata
- Ā. 1. sg. -arce and aor. -arcase [RV. x, 64,]) to praise, celebrate in song (instr.) RV. AV. VS
- (ind. p. -arcya) to worship, reverence MBh. Mn. &c
- abhy-arcana n. worship, reverence Mn. ii, 176, &c
- abhy-arcanīya mfn. = abhy-arcya
- abhy-arcā f. = abhy-arcana above L
- abhy-arcita mfn. reverenced MBh. ii, 1390, &c
- incorrectly for abhy-arthita MBh. v, 1532
- abhy-arcya mfn. to be reverenced VarBṛS. &c
- abhy-arṇa mfn. (fr. √ṛ, or according to Pāṇ. 7-2, 25 fr. √ard, in which case it should be written abhy-arṇṇa) near, proximate Ragh. ii, 32, &c
- (am), n. proximity Mālatīm. &c
- ○tā f. proximity Kād
- abhy-√art (aor. Ā. 2. pl. -artiḍhvam) ṇBḍ. incorrectly for abhy-√arth PBr
- cf. anvart (anv-art?)
- abhy-√arth Ā. (Opt. 2. sg. -arthayethās
- rarely P., e.g. fut. -arthayiṣyati Kathās.) to request, ask for (acc. or dat. or loc. or in comp. with artham) MBh. iii, 16990, &c
- ( also abhy-√art.)
- abhy-arthana n. asking, requesting
- generally (ā), f. id. Kum. i, 53, &c
- abhy-arthanīya mfn. to be requested or asked
- abhy-arthita mfn. asked, invited Mn. ii, 189, &c
- (am), n. request Yājñ. ii, 88 (cf. yathâbhyarthitam.)
- abhy-arthin mfn. (ifc.) asking Kathās
- abhy-arthya mfn. = abhy-arthanīya
- abhy-arthya ind. p. asking, requesting Kathās
- abhy-√ard to oppress, afflict, pain R.: Caus. id. BhP
- abhy-arṇṇa mfn. (as ni-ṣaṇṇa fr. ni-ṣad). abhy-arṇa
- abhy-ardita mfn. (fr. Caus.) distressed, oppressed MBh. i, 4116 Pāṇ. 7-2, 25 Sch
- abhy-ardhá m. only (é) loc. ind. opposite to, in the face of (abl.) ŚBr
- ○yájvan (6), mfn. (said of Pūshan) receiving sacrifices apart or separate ones RV. vi, 50, 5
- abhy-ardhas ind. apart, separate from (abl.) MaitrS. TS. [Page 76, Column]
- abhy-√arṣ (Imper. 2. sg. [-arS�A] (most frequently in RV.)
- p. -árṣat) to flow or run near (acc.) RV
- to cause to flow near, afford RV
- (aor. or plusq. -ānarṣat) TĀr
- abhy-arhaṇa n. reverencing, honouring BhP
- abhy-arhaṇīya mfn. to be greatly honoured, venerable
- ○tā f. honourableness Mn. ix, 23
- abhy-arhita mfn. greatly honoured, venerable Kād. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-2, 34 Comm.)
- more honoured Kād
- more important than (abl.)
- fit, proper, becoming L
- abhy-alaṃkṛta mfn. decorated R. iii, 53, 36
- abhy-alaṃkāra m. (ifc. f. ā), decoration MBh. iii, 16166
- abhy-alpa mfn. very small AitBr
- abhy-√av (aor. -āviit) to refresh RV. ix, 97, 35
- abhy-avakarṣaṇa n. (√kṛṣ), extraction, drawing out L
- abhy-avakāśa m. (√kāś), an open space. Kauś
- abhy-ava-√kṝ (Pass. 3. pl. -kīryante) to throw or cast on, pour on, cover R. Lalit
- abhy-ava-kīrṇa mfn. covered R
- abhy-ava-√krand to call out towards (acc.) Kāṭh
- abhy-ava-√gāh Caus. to ride or walk (horses) into the ford Comm. on TBr
- abhy-ava-√car (Subj. 3. pl. -cárān) to approach, assail ŚBr.: Caus. (Opt. -cārayet) to send away MBh. xii, 3779
- abhy-ava-√jval Caus. -jvālayate, to enlighten, illumine GopBr
- abhy-ava-√tan -tanoti, to send out or spread (as rays, instr.) towards (acc.) ŚBr.: Pass. (3. pl. -tāyante) to be sent out or spread (as rays) towards (acc.) ŚBr
- abhy-ava-dā √1. to place into (loc.) Car
- abhy-ava-dā √3. to cut off in addition to ŚBr
- abhy-ava-dānyá (or -dā́nya), mfn. depriving of (gen.) ŚBr. xiv
- abhy-ava-dugdha mfn. that upon which milk has been milked Kauś
- abhy-ava-√dhā (perf. Pass. p. -hita) to allay, lay (as dust) R. ii, 40, 33
- abhy-ava-√nam Caus. (ind. p. -nāmya) to bow, incline MBh. iii, 10062
- abhy-ava-√nij P. -nenekti, to wipe or wash, clean Kauś
- (aor. Ā. 1. sg. -nikṣi) AV. x, 5, 15: Caus. to cause to wash Kauś
- abhy-ava-√nī to lead down (into water) ŚBr. AitBr
- (perf. -nināya) to pour into or upon (acc.) AitBr. PBr
- abhy-ava-√pat to fly near AitBr
- abhy-ava-√man -manyate, to despise, reject Mn. iv, 249
- abhy-ava-√ruh to step down upon ŚBr
- (perf. p. -rūḍhavat) R. v, 52, 15
- abhy-ava-√vṛt Ā. (Opt. 3. pl -várteran) to turn one's self away from (abl.) TBr.: Caus. P. to turn towards or to this side ŚBr
- abhy-ava-√sṛ (ind. p. -sṛtya) to retire from (abl.) towards (acc.) MBh. vii, 8479
- abhy-ava-√sṛj (1. p. -sṛjāmi) to dismiss towards (acc.) AV. xvi, 1, 6
- to dismiss (as rays) MBh. xii, 3295
- to throw, shoot (as arrows) MBh. R
- abhy-ava-√skand (ind. p. -skandya) to jump down or into MBh. [Page 76, Column]
- to meet, encounter MBh. iv, 1549
- abhy-avaskanda m. or impetuous assault L
- abhy-avaskandana n. impetuous assault L
- abhy-ava-sthita mfn. resisting (with acc.) BhP
- abhy-ava-√syand to drive (on a carriage) towards ŚBr
- abhy-ava-√hṛ to throw down into water (acc
- apáḥ, or samudrám or hradám) VS. ŚBr. ĀśvŚr. (cf. abhy-ava-√nī)
- to bring near ŚBr
- to take food, eat Suśr. Car. &c.: Caus. to cause to throw down (into water) Lāṭy
- to attack (as an enemy) MBh. iii, 16369
- to take food, eat MBh. iii, 15905
- to cause to eat Daś
- abhy-avaháraṇa n. throwing away or down ŚBr. KātyŚr
- taking food, eating Vishṇus. Comm. on Yājñ
- abhy-avahāra m. taking food Mn. vi, 59, &c
- abhy-avahārin satṛṇâbh○
- abhy-avahārya mfn. eatable R. Pāṇ. Sch. and Comm
- (am), n. Vikr. or (āṇi), n. pl. ṃBh. food, eating
- abhy-avâs (√2. as), (Opt. -avâsyet) to throw upon (acc.) Kauś
- abhy-avê (√i), -avâiti, to go down, descend (into water, as in bathing) AitBr. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- (fut. 3. pl. -avâiṣyanti) to condescend ŚBr
- (impf. 3. pl. -avấyan) to perceive TS
- abhy-avấyana n. going down ŚBr
- abhy-avêṣ (√īkṣ), -avêkṣate, to look at or upon ŚBr. MBh. ii, 2686
- abhy-aś √1. -aśnoti, (frequently Opt. or Prec. 1. sg. -aśyām, 3. sg. -aśyās [RV. iv, 5,], 1. pl. -aśyāma
- aor. P. -ānaṭ and Ā. -ā́ṣṭa
- perf. 1. pl. -ānaśma, 3. pl. -ānaśúḥ) to pervade, reach to, gain RV
- (Subj. 1. du. -aśnávāva, 1. pl. -aśnávāma) to overpower RV
- abhy-aśana n. reaching to, gaining Nir
- abhy-āśa m. (also written 1.)
- abhy-āsa reaching to, pervading Yājñ. iii, 114
- (with yad and Pot.) prospect, any expected result or consequence ChUp
- proximity (with gen. or abl.) R. &c
- (mfn.) near Kum. vi, 2
- (am), ind. near, at hand AitBr. PBr
- (e), loc. ind. near (with gen. or abl.) R. &c
- (āt), abl. in comp. with (a perf. Pass. p., as) āgata, &c., arrived from near at hand, &c. Pāṇ. 2-1, 39 Sch. & vi, 3, 2 Sch
- abhyāśī-√bhu to come near to Pat
- abhy-as √1. -ásti (1. pl. abhíṣmas, but 3. pl. abhí sánti and pr. p. abhí sát [according to Pāṇ. 8-3, 87 abhismas, but abhiṣanti and abhiṣat]
- Subj. -asat, 1. pl. -ásāma, 3. pl. -ásan
- Pot. sg. -ṣyām, -ṣyās, -ṣyāt, 1. and 3. pl. -ṣyāma, -ṣyuḥ or -ṣyúḥ
- perf. 1. sg. -āsa) to be over, reign over, excel, surpass, overpower RV. AV
- to fall to one's share Pāṇ. 1-4, 91
- abhi-ṣṭí s.v
- abhy-as √2. (ind. p. -asya) to throw towards or upon ŚBr. AitBr
- (p. gen. sg. -asyatas) to throw (as arrows) MBh. i, 5479
- to add, Śulb.: P. (rarely Ā.) -asyati (but also Pot. -aset Mn
- p. -asat MBh. iii, 1450 R. Yājñ. iii, 204: Ā. -asate Mn. iv, 149) to concentrate one's attention upon (acc.), practise, exercise, study MBh. &c
- to repeat, double
- to multiply Sūryas. &c.: Caus. to cause to practise or study, teach Comm. on Śiś. ix, 79
- abhy-asana n. practice, exercise R. &c
- abhy-asanīya mfn. to be practised Kathās
- to be studied
- to be repeated
- (in Gr.) to be reduplicated
- abhy-asitavya mfn. to be practised Comm. on Nyāyam
- abhy-asta mfn. accumulated by repeated practice (as food) Suśr
- practised, exercised Mṛicch. &c
- learnt by heart, repeated, studied Ragh. i, 8, &c
- multiplied Nir. Sūryas
- (in Gr.) reduplicated (as roots) Nir
- (am), n. the reduplicated base of a √Pāṇ
- abhy-āsa m. the act of adding anything, Śulb
- (in Gr.) 'what is prefixed', the first syllable of a reduplicated radical Pāṇ
- reduplication Nir
- repetition Mn. xii, 74, &c
- (in poetry) repetition of the last verse of a stanza ṇir. or of the last word of a chapter Comm. on āitBr.
- (in arithm.) multiplication
- repeated or permanent exercise, discipline, use, habit, custom [Page 77, Column]
- repeated reading, study
- military practice L
- (in later Vedānta phil.) inculcation of a truth conveyed in sacred writings by means of repeating the same word or the same passage
- (in Yoga phil.) the effort of the mind to remain in its unmodified condition of purity (sattva)
- ○tā f. constant practice, use, habit
- ○nimitta n. the cause of the reduplication-syllable Pāṇ. Comm
- ○parivartin (for abhyāśa-), mfn. wandering about or near, N
- ○yoga m. the practice of frequent and repeated meditation on any deity or on abstract spirit, repeated recollection
- ○vat m. (in Yoga phil.) 'being in the condition called abhyāsa', i.e. a Yogin of the first degree
- ○vyavâya m. interval caused by the reduplication-syllable Pāṇ. Comm
- abhyāsâkūpāra n. 'the sea of meditation', N. of a verse of the SV
- abhyāsin mfn. (ifc.) practising, repeating Gaut
- = abhyāsa-vat, q.v. Sarvad
- abhy-asūya Nom. P. Ā. -asūyati, ○te, to show indignation, be indignant at MBh. &c
- abhy-asūyaka mfn. indignant Bhag
- abhy-asūyā f. indignation, anger Megh
- envy, jealousy Kum. iii, 4 Ragh
- abhy-ástam with √i [Pot. -iyāt ŚBr. AitBr.] or √1. gā [aor. -agāt ŚBr.], (said of the sun) to set upon anybody (acc.) who is not working or while anything (acc.) is not done or performed (cf. abhi-ni-√mruc.)
- abhy-astam-aya m. anuddbṛtâbh○
- abhy-astam-ita mfn. one on whom while not (working or) being asleep the sun has set Gaut
- abhy-ākarṣa m. (√kṛṣ), a striking of the flat of the hand upon the breast in defiance (a practice common to wrestlers and pugilists) MBh. i, 7109
- abhy-ākāṅkṣita n. a groundless complaint, false accusation L
- abhy-ā-kāram ind. (√1. kṛ), by or in drawing near to one's self AitBr. ŚBr. (Kāṇva Rec.)
- abhy-ā-krā́mam ind. (√kram), by or in stepping towards repeatedly AV. x, 7, 42
- abhy-ā-√kruś (impf. 3. pl. -âkrośan) to assail with harsh language, revile ŚāṅkhŚr
- abhy-ā-√khyā (Inf. -khyātum = mithyâbhiyoktum) to accuse falsely Comm. on Kir. xiii, 58
- abhy-ākhyāta mfn. accused falsely, calumniated Kauś. TUp
- abhy-ākhyāna n. a false or groundless accusation, calumny Buddh. Jain
- abhy-ā-√gam (fut. p. neg. ánabhyāgamiṣyat ŚBr.) to come near to, approach, visit ŚBr. &c
- (with cintām) to happen to think R. iii, 4, 20
- abhy-āgata mfn. come, arrived MBh. &c
- (with kramāt) inherited Yājñ. ii, 119
- m. (opposed to atithi) an uninvited guest BhP
- a guest in general Hit. &c
- abhy-āgama m. approaching, arrival, visit, visitation Ragh. &c
- arriving at or enjoying a result Nyāyad
- neighbourhood L
- rising (to receive a guest) L
- war, battle L
- encountering, striking, killing L
- enmity L
- abhy-ā-gamana mfn. arrival, visit R. i, 8, 24 Kir. (cf. kalâbh○.)
- abhy-ā-gā √1. (aor. abhy-ấgāt) to approach, come to (acc.) RV. i, 164, 27 MBh
- (gen.) BhP
- (said of evil) to visit MBh. iii, 1120
- to begin to (Inf.) Mn. x, 108
- abhy-ā-gāram ind. (√1. gṝ), so as to call or shout to each other (at the different steps of a dance), i.e. repeating separately, KaushBr. ( also abhi-ni-nartam)
- cf. -apa-gāram
- abhy-āgāre loc. ind. in the house ĀśvGṛ
- v. l. abhy-ācāre Pārṅṛ. and abhy-ācare ṃānṅṛ., 'in the reach or compass.'
- abhy-āgārika mfn. diligent in supporting a family L
- abhy-āghāta m. (√han), assault, attack Mn. ix, 272
- interruption Comm. on PBr. [Page 77, Column]
- abhy-āghātin mfn. attacking Pāṇ. 3-2, 142
- abhy-āghātya mfn. recited with interruption PBr
- abhy-ā-ghāram punar-abh○
- abhy-ā-√cakṣ (impf. -âcaṣṭa) to look at (acc.) BhP
- to speak BhP
- abhy-ā-√car
- (pr. p. acc. pl. f. abhy-ā́-cárantīs) to approach (with acc.) RV. viii, 96, 15
- to undertake, practise MBh. xii, 9719
- abhy-ācare loc. ind. abhy-āgāre
- abhy-ācārá m. approaching (as an enemy), assault AV. x, 3, 2
- mishap, an accident, KaushBr
- (e), loc. ind. abhy.āgāre
- abhy-âj (√aj), (Imper. 2. sg. -âja) to drive near Pāṇ. 8-1, 8 Sch
- abhy-ā-jñāyá m. order, command ŚBr
- abhy-ā-√tan Ā. (impf. 3. pl. -ấtanvata) to take aim at, shoot TS
- abhy-ātāná ā́s m. pl. 'aiming at', N. of certain war-songs TS. Kauś
- ○tvá n. the state of those war-songs TS
- abhy-ā-√tap (3. pl. -tapanti) to torment, pain RV. vii, 83, 5
- abhy-ā-√tṝ (Imper. 2. sg. -tara) to come up to (acc.) RV. viii, 75, 15
- abhy-ātmám ind., Ved. towards one's self ŚBr. &c
- abhyātma (in comp. for abhyātmám)
- ○taram ind. more towards one's self ĀśvŚr
- abhyātmâgra mfn. having the points turned towards one's self, ĀŚvGṛ
- abhy-ā-dā √1. Ā. (rarely P. Hariv.) to seize, snatch away, (Pot. -dadīta) MBh. i, 3558= xii, 10999= xiii, 4985: Ā. to put on (as a wreath) Hariv
- (with vākyam) to take up the word, commence to speak MBh. v, 3384
- abhy-ā-tta mfn. encompassing ChUp
- abhy-ādāna n. beginning Pāṇ. 8-2, 87
- abhy-ā-dāvyá m. (√2. du), N. of the non-sacrificial fire which in coming close to the sacrificial one blazes up together with it MaitrS
- abhy-ā-√diś (Intens. p. -dédiśāna) to aim at (in hostile manner) RV. vi, 44, 17
- abhy-ā-dru √2. (perf. -dudrāva) to run towards (acc.) ŚBr
- abhy-ā-√dhā chiefly Ved. to lay on (fuel, &c.) VS., &c
- to place the fire upon ŚBr. &c
- abhy-ādhā́na n. laying on (fuel) ŚBr. Kauś
- abhy-ā́hita mfn. laid on (as fuel) ŚBr. ChUp
- ○paśu m. a present or duty (usual in some districts of India) Pāṇ. 6-3, 10 Sch
- (v. l. abhyarhitapaśu.)
- abhy-ānana mfn. having the face turned towards BhP
- abhy-ā-√nī (ind. p. -nīya) to pour into, mix with AitBr
- abhy-ā-√nṛt (pr. p. -nṛ́tyat) to dance towards, hasten near TBr
- abhy-ānta = abhy-amita, q.v
- abhy-√āp -āpnóti, to reach to, get, obtain ŚBr.: Caus. -āpáyati, to bring to an end ŚBr.: Desid. P. abhī7psati (rarely Ā. MBh. v, 17), to strive to reach, ask for, desire MBh. &c
- abhī7psat mf(atī MBh. i, 6469 R
- antī Mn. v, 156)n. (pr. p.) longing for, desiring
- abhī7psita mfn. desired, acceptable, dear
- abhī7psin mfn. (ifc.) = abhī7psat KaṭhUp
- abhī7psu mfn. id. (with acc., N. &c
- with Inf. Śiś. i, 14)
- abhy-āpti f. obtaining AitĀr
- abhy-ā-√pat to jump on, hasten near to, rush towards (acc. without or with prati) MBh. Kathās.: Caus. to extend (a string) towards (acc.), Śulb. [Page 77, Column]
- abhy-āpāta m. calamity, misfortune L
- abhy-ā-√pad (Pot. -padyeta) to enter into, come to (acc.) ĀśvGṛ
- abhy-ā-pādam ind. so as to enter into or pass through (acc.) Nir. vii, 26
- abhy-ā-√bhū (Pot. -bhávet) to happen to, occur to (acc.) ŚBr. AitBr
- abhy-āmarda m. war, battle L
- abhy-ā-√yam P. (3. pl. -yacchanti) to lengthen (as a syllable in speaking) AitBr
- to draw or pull (as the udder in sucking) Kāṭh.: Ā. (Imper. 2. sg. -yacchasva) to assume ('to grant' Comm.) VS. iii, 38: P. (Subj. 3. pl. -yaman
- ind. p. -yátya) to aim at RV. viii, 92, 31 ŚBr. AitBr
- for abhy-ā-√gam, KaushBr
- abhy-ā-yaṃsénya mfn. (said of the Aśvins) one who allows himself to be drawn near (for accepting the sacrificial oblation) RV. i, 34, 1
- abhy-ā-√yā to come up to, approach MBh. &c
- abhy-ā-yu √2. Ā. (3. pl. -yuvate) to strive towards (acc.) AitBr
- abhy-āyuka 2. abhī7
- abhy-ā-√rabh Ā. to lay hold of (acc.) ŚBr. AitBr.: P. (impf. -ârabhat) to commence MBh. iii, 10724
- abhy-ārambhá m. beginning ŚBr
- rebeginning, repetition PBr
- abhy-ā́ram ind. (cf. ārá) near, at hand RV. viii, 72, 11
- abhy-ā-√ruh -ā́-rohati, to ascend, mount, step upon AV. TS. ŚBr.: Caus. (Subj. 1. sg. -roháyāṇi) to cause to ascend ŚBr
- abhy-ā́rūḍha mfn. ascended TS. (cf. án- neg.)
- abhy-ārohá m. ascending ŚBr. (cf. ánneg.)
- increase, growth (as of days) ŚBr
- 'ascending in devotion', praying ŚBr. xiv
- abhy-ārohaṇīya m. N. of a sacrificial ceremony ĀśvŚr. Lāṭy
- abhy-āróhuka mfn. ascending MaitrS
- abhy-ārohya an- neg
- abhy-ā-√vadh (aor. -âvadhīt) to strike R. i, 45, 17 (v. l.)
- abhy-ā-√vah (3. pl Imper. -vahantu and impf. -avahan) to convey, bring towards (acc.) RV. i, 51, 10, 134, 1 and vi, 63, 7
- abhy-ā-√viś (impf. -âviśat) to rush into (acc.) MBh. vii, 5812
- P. Ā. to enter into, penetrate MBh
- abhy-ā-√vṛt -vártate (Imper. 2. sg. -vavṛtsva
- P. impf. 3. sg. -âvart [RV. vii, 59,]) to roll (as a cart) towards, come up to or towards (acc.), approach RV. AV. VS.: Caus. (Ved.) -vavartati id. RV. x, 64, 1
- -vartayati, to repeat ŚāṅkhGṛ
- abhy-ā-vártam ind. so as to repeat, repeatedly ŚBr. PBr
- abhy-āvartin mfn. coming near, coming repeatedly VS. (voc.) Kauś
- returning (as days) AitBr. (an- neg.)
- (ī́), m. N. of a king (son of Cayamāna and descendant of Pṛithu) RV. vi, 27, 5 and 8
- abhy-ā́vṛtta mfn. come near, approached VS. viii, 58
- (with acc.) ŚBr
- turned towards KātyŚr
- abhy-āvṛtti f. repetition Pāṇ. Jaim
- abhy-ā-vṛtya ind. p. turning one's self towards (acc.) MBh. v, 4128
- abhy-āśa m. abhy- √1. aś
- abhy-āsa (abhy- √1. aś and) 2. abhy- √2. as
- abhy-ā-sakta mfn. (√sañj), closely linked together (as days by beginning a day with the same ceremony which has been performed at the end of the preceding day) ĀśvŚr. Comm. on PBr
- abhy-āsaṅgya mfn. to be closely linked together (as days
- before) PBr. Vait
- m. N. of a Pañcāha PBr. ĀpŚr
- abhy-ā-√sad (Ved. Inf. -sádam) to sit down into (acc.) RV. ix, 3, 1 and 30, 4
- to attain, obtain Kir. v, 52. [Page 78, Column]
- abhy-āsādana n. attacking an enemy L
- abhy-āsādayitavya mfn. to be allowed to approach MBh. iii, 17101
- abhy-ā-√sic to pour on Gobh. Suśr
- abhy-ā-√han (Imper. 2. sg. -jahí
- perf. Ā. -jaghne) to strike, wound RV. ix, 85, 2 MBh. ChUp
- to impede (Inf. -hanitum) Hariv
- abhy-āhata mfn. struck, wounded MBh. &c
- seized by, afflicted with MBh. &c
- impeded Bhaṭṭ., (an- neg.) ĀśvŚr. MārkP
- abhy-āhanana n. impeding, interruption Comm. on PBr
- abhy-ā́hita abhy-ā-√dhā
- abhy-ā-√hṛ to bring near, hand over MBh. R
- to carry off R. ed. Bomb. i, 61, 7
- abhy-āhā́ra m. bringing near ŚBr
- carrying off, robbery L
- abhy-ā-√hve -hváyate, to address (with the āhāva formula) TS. ŚBr. AitBr
- (pr. p. -hvayat) to shout at, challenge, attack PBr
- abhy-ukta mfn. declared or uttered (as a verse) with reference to (acc.) ŚBr. Up
- abhy-ukṣ √1. P. -ukṣáti, (ind. p. -ukṣya) to sprinkle over, besprinkle ŚBr. and c.: Ā. (perf. -vavakṣe) to cover with sparks RV. i, 146, 2
- abhy-ukṣaṇa n. sprinkling over, wetting KātyŚr. Lāṭy. Ragh. xvi, 57
- abhy-ukṣita mfn. besprinkled R. Mṛicch
- abhy-√uc -ucyati, to like, take pleasure in visiting TS
- abhy-ucita mfn. usual, customary R
- abhy-uc-√car (Imper. 2. sg. -carā) to rise over (acc.) RV. viii, 25, 21
- abhy-uc-ci √1. to bring together in one place Comm. on Bād
- to treat (a subject) in connection with (another) ib
- abhy-uccaya m. increase Nir. Bhaṭṭ
- abhy-uccita mfn. increased Comm. on Nir
- abhy-ucchraya m. (√śri), 'elevation', in comp. with
- ○vat mfn. having a great elevation, being higher than (abl.) MBh. iii, 11699
- abhy-úcchrita mfn. raised aloft, elevated ŚBr. &c
- prominent VarBṛS. Ragh. ix, 62
- excellent through (instr.) Ragh. xvi, 2
- ○kara mfn. with uplifted proboscis MBh. iii, 15735
- abhy-uj-√ji to obtain by conquering GopBr
- abhy-uj-√jīv -jīvati, to preserve life MBh. v, 4538
- abhy-ut-√kram to go upto, ascend Vait.: P. (fut. 1. pl. -kramiṣyāmas ŚBr.) and Caus. P. -kramayati "ṣBr. or -krāmayati āaśvṅṛ. to cause to go or step towards (loc.)
- abhy-ut-√kruś (Subj. 1. pl. -krośāma) to raise loud acclamations towards (acc.) AitBr
- abhy-utkruṣṭa mfn. applauded with loud acclamations AitBr. (an- neg.)
- abhy-utkrośana n. loud acclamation Sāy. on AitBr
- ○mantra m. a hymn of applause (with which Indra is addressed) ib
- abhy-ut-√tṝ (3. pl. -út-taranti) to cross ŚBr
- (1. pl. -tarema) to cross over towards, penetrate to (acc.) RV. x, 53, 8
- abhy-ut-thā (√sthā), (impf. -údatiṣṭhat
- perf. -út-tasthau) to rise for going towards (acc.) AV. xv, 8, 5 ŚBr. &c
- to rise from a seat to do any one (acc.) honour Śāk. &c
- (with ātithya-karma) id. MBh. viii, 634
- to rise in rebellion MārkP
- to leave off, desist from (abl.) Comm. on ChUp
- abhy-utthāna n. rising from a seat through politeness Pañcat
- rising, setting out R
- rebellion Hariv
- elevation, gaining a high position, gaining authority, respectability Bhag. Ragh
- (said of destiny) gaining efficacy, power MBh. xiii, 343
- rise, origin, birth MBh. xii. [Page 78, Column]
- abhy-utthāyin mfn. rising from a seat to do any one honour Comm. on KātyŚr. (an- neg.)
- abhy-utthita mfn. risen R. &c
- risen from the seat to do any one (acc.) honour Hariv. BhP
- appeared, visible Ragh. i, 53, &c
- risen for doing anything, making one's self ready for (acc.) Nir
- (Inf.) MBh. xii, 4130
- ready Hariv. BhP
- abhy-uttheya mfn. to be greeted reverentially (i.e. by rising from one's seat) Comm. on KātyŚr
- abhy-ut-√pat (p. -patat
- perf. -papāta) to fly or jump or rush up to (acc.) Hariv. Kathās.: Caus. -út-pātayati, to cause to fly up to (acc.) ŚBr
- abhy-utpatana n. springing or leaping against any one Ragh. ii, 27
- abhy-ut-√sad Caus. (Ved. aor. -sādayām akaḥ [akar, √1. kṛ]) to cause to set out towards (acc
- for obtaining) MaitrS. (quoted by Pāṇ. 3-1, 42)
- abhy-ut-√sarj (Pot. -út-sarjet) to rattle towards (acc.) TS
- abhy-ut-√sah to be able to resist (with acc.) MBh. vi, 2351
- to feel competent, venture (with Inf.) MBh. iii, 13206 Ragh. v, 22
- abhy-ut-√sic (ind. p. -sícya) to fill up by pouring ŚBr
- to sprinkle with (instr., adbhis) ŚāṅkhGṛ
- abhy-ut-√sṛj to throw (as an arrow) towards (dat.) MBh. vii, 8852: Desid. (p. -sisṛkṣat) to be about to give up (as one's life) MBh. xii, 833
- abhy-ut-√smi (only p. -smayat) to smile on (acc.), smile MBh. Hariv
- abhy-√ud (p. -undát
- Imper. 2. pl. -unátta [for unttá, Whitney's Gr. ? 69]) to wet, flow over RV. ŚBr. AitBr
- abhy-ud-√an -ániti, to breathe towards or upon (acc.) ŚBr
- abhy-ud-ava-√so -syati, to set out or go towards (acc.) AitBr
- abhy-ud-ā-√nī to lead up (out of water) MānŚr. MānGṛ. Gobh. (cf. ud-ā√nī)
- to fetch out from MānŚr
- abhy-ud-ā-√hṛ to give an example in addition Āp
- abhy-udāharaṇa n. an example or illustration of a thing by its reverse L
- abhy-ud-√i (2. sg. -eṣi
- Imper. 2. sg. -úd-ihi
- Pot. -iyāt "ṣBr., -īyāt [MBh. iii, 2010 and 1027]
- fut. -ud-ayiṣyati MBh. iv, 688), (said of the sun) to rise over (acc.), rise RV. viii, 93, 1 AV. &c
- to engage in combat with (acc.) MBh. (Pot. -īyāt, before)
- to finish off at (acc.) PBr
- abhy-udaya m. sunrise or rise of luminaries (during or with reference to some other occurrence) KātyŚr. Jaim
- beginning, commencing (as of darkness, &c.) R
- elevation, increase, prosperity, happiness, good result Mn. iii, 254 R. &c
- a religious celebration, festival Mn. ix, 84
- abhyudayêṣṭi f. N. of an expiatory sacrifice Jaim. (cf. abhyuditêṣṭi.)
- abhy-udayin mfn. rising Rājat
- abhy-udita mfn. risen (as the sun or luminaries) MBh. R. Mn. iv, 104
- one over whom (while sleeping) the sun has risen Mn. ii, 221 Comm. on TS
- engaged in combat MBh. iii, 15362
- arisen, happened
- elevated, prosperous
- (abhyúdita), n. (said of the sun or the moon) rising (during some other occurrence) ŚBr. KātyŚr
- (ā), f. N. of the ceremony (to be performed at the abhyúdita), KaushBr
- ○śāyi-tā f. the state of lying asleep while the sun has risen MBh. xiii, 5093
- abhyuditêṣṭi f. = abhyudayêṣṭi, KaushBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- abhy-udita mfn. (√vad), expressed (in words), KenaUp. (an- neg.)
- abhi-√vad
- abhy-ud-√īkṣ Ā. (impf. -aikṣata) to look towards (acc.) R
- abhy-ud-√īr Caus. (p. -īrayat) to raise (one's voice) MBh. i, 2570: Pass. -īryate, to be stirred up, be intensified Suśr. [Page 78, Column]
- abhy-udīrita mfn. 'raised (as the voice), said', (e), loc. ind. after it had been said by (instr.) Kathās
- abhy-ud-ūh √1. (impf. auhat) to move or push farther out AitBr
- abhy-udê (√i), (ind. p. -ếtya) to go out in order to meet any one (acc.) AV. xv, 11, 2 and 12, 2
- abhy-udga mfn. fr. √ubj Pat. on Pāṇ. Śivasūtra 5 and viii, 3, 38
- abhy-ud-gata mfn. risen (as the moon)
- one who has gone out in order to meet any one (acc.) MBh. i, 3572
- extended (as fame) R. Lalit
- ○rāja m. N. of a Kalpa Buddh
- abhy-udgama m. rising from a seat to honour any one Kathās
- abhy-udgamana n. id. L
- abhy-ud-gā √1. (aor. 2. sg. -ágās, 3. sg. -úd-agāt) to rise over or during (acc.) RV. viii, 93, 4 ŚBr
- abhy-ud-√diś to point at anything above with reference to MānGṛ
- abhy-ud-dṛṣṭa mfn. having become visible (as the moon) during anything KātyŚr
- án- (neg.), one during the sacrifice of whom the moon has not become visible ŚBr. KātyŚr
- (abhy-uddṛṣṭa), f. N. of a ceremony, KaushBr
- abhyuddṛṣṭêṣṭi f. N. of a ceremony (beginning only after the moon has become visible), KaushBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- abhy-ud-dru √2. -drávati, to run up to (acc.) TBr
- abhy-ud-dhā (√2. hā), Ā. (3. pl. -ujjihate) to rise together with ChUp
- abhy-ud-dhṛ (√hṛ), Ved. to take out (especially one fire in order to add it to another) TS. ŚBr. &c
- to take or draw out, draw (as water) MBh. &c
- to take up, lift up ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. xii, 12322
- to re-obtain Yājñ. ii, 119
- to elevate, render prosperous MBh. Sāh. &c.: Caus. (ind. p. -uddhārya) to raise, lift up MBh. iii, 13326
- abhy-uddhṛta mfn. taken up, &c
- drawn (as water) Yājñ. i, 17
- collected (for a purpose) Mṛicch
- abhy-ud-yata mfn. (√yam), raised, lifted up MBh. &c
- offered Mn. iv, 247 seq
- prepared for, engaged in, ready for (Inf. [Hariv. &c.] or dat. VarBṛṣ. or loc. [Mn. ix, 30] or in comp. ṃegh.)
- (for abhy-udgata), received kindly, welcomed BhP
- abhy-unnata mfn. (√nam), raised, elevated VarBṛS. Śāk. &c
- abhy-un-√nī to pour upon, scoop towards ŚBr. PBr. Lāṭy
- abhy-upa-√gam to go near to, approach, arrive at (acc.) MBh. &c
- to obtain
- to assent, agree to Daś. &c.: Caus. (ind. p. -gamayya) to prevail on any one to assent Daś. ( also abhy-upagamita)
- abhy-upagata mfn. gone near to, approached, arrived at
- agreed, assented to, admitted MBh. Śāk. &c
- abhy-upagantavya mfn. to be gone to or set out for (dat.) MBh. xiv, 327
- to be assented to or agreed upon Pāṇ. 1-2, 55 Kāś
- to be admitted Comm. on Bād. and on Nyāyam
- abhy-upagantṛ mfn. one who assents or admits Comm. on ChUp
- abhy-upagama m. going near to, approaching, arriving at L
- an agreement, contract Mn. ix, 53
- assenting to, admitting Sāh. &c
- (as a statement) Comm. on Bād
- ○siddhānta m. an admitted axiom Nyāyad
- abhy-upagamita mfn. 'made to consent', obtained by assent or free consent (as a slave for a fixed term) Comm. on Yājñ
- abhy-upa-√dhā -úpa-dadhāti, to place upon TS
- to cover with (instr.) ŚBr.: P. Ā. (3. pl. -úpa-dadhati, Subj. 1. pl. -dádhāmahai) to place upon (the fire) in addition or together with ŚBr. [Page 79, Column]
- abhy-upa-ni-√vṛt to return, be repeated, KaushBr
- abhy-upa-√pad Ā. -padyate, to approach in order to help MBh. &c
- to ask for help R. iii, 14, 7
- to furnish with MBh. ii, 187
- abhy-upapatti f. approaching in order to assist, protection, defence (ifc. ṃn. ḍaś. or with gen. [MBh. i, 11])
- favour, the conferring of a benefit or kindness
- agreement, assent Comm. on Nyāyad
- impregnation of a woman (especially of a brother's widow, as an act of duty) L
- abhy-upapanna mfn. protected, rescued
- asking for protection or help Mṛicch
- agreed to, admitted
- agreeing to
- abhy-upa-√mantr (impf. -mantrayat) to address with a formula MBh. viii, 4720
- abhy-upa-√yā to approach, go towards (acc. or dat.) MBh. vii, 1967 R
- (with śamam) to enter the state of rest MārkP
- abhy-upayukta mfn. (√yuj), employed, used Comm. on Pat
- abhy-upa-√lakṣ (perf. Pass. p. -lakṣita) to perceive, notice R. v, 28, 11
- abhy-upa-√viś to sit down upon (acc.) MBh. v, 3244 Gobh. (v. l. adhy-upa-√viś)
- to sit down Rājat
- abhy-upa-śānta mfn. (√śam), allayed, calmed
- abhy-upa-√sad Caus. (ind. p. -sādya) to reach (as a town)
- abhy-upa-√sṛ to come near R
- abhy-upa-√sev -sevate, to observe religiously MBh. iii, 13432
- abhy-upa-√sthā to honour BhP.: Caus. to cause to bring near R. iv, 38, 28
- abhy-upa-sthita mfn. come, arrived Kathās
- attended or accompanied by (instr.) MBh. iii, 16132
- abhy-upâ-kṛ √1. to prepare or make preparations (for a sacred action, upâ- √1. kṛ) with reference to (acc.) or in connection with (acc.) MaitrS. ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr
- abhy-upâ-√kṛṣ to draw towards one's self BhP
- abhy-upâ-gata mfn. come near, approached Lalit
- (with vyasanāya, said of a sad fate) R
- abhy-upâ-dā √1. (ind. p. -dāya) to pick up (as fruits from the ground) MBh. xii, 672
- abhy-upâ-√yā to come up to, approach Kathās
- abhy-upâva-√hṛ -upấva-hara-ti, to bring or set down upon (acc.) ŚBr
- to Iower (as one's arms, bāhū́) VS. x, 25 ŚBr
- abhy-upâ-√vṛt -upấ-vartate (also P., aor. Subj. 1. and 3. sg. -upấ-vṛtam, -upấ-vṛtat) to turn one's self or go towards (acc.) TS. ŚBr. AitBr
- abhy-upấ-vṛtta mfn. turned or gone towards (acc.) ŚBr
- returned R
- abhy-upâ-√hṛ (impf. -upâharat, which might also be -upâharat fr. abhy-upa-√hṛ) to bring near, offer MBh. xv, 11
- abhy-upê (√i), -upâiti (3. pl. -úpayanti) to go near, approach, arrive at, enter RV. vi, 28, 4 ŚBr. &c
- (with apaḥ) to bathe KātyŚr. Mn. xi, 259 Yājñ
- to approach (in copulation) Hit
- to go to meet any one (acc.) BhP
- to enter a state or condition, obtain, share AitBr. (Ved. Inf. -upâitos) MBh. &c
- to admit as an argument or a position RPrāt. (perf. p. gen. pl. -upêyuṣām) Comm. on Nyāyam. and on Bād
- to select as acc.) MBh. i, 811
- to agree with, approve of Daś. ( abhy-upêta): Pass. -upêyate, to be approved of, admitted Sarvad
- abhy-upâya m. an agreement, promise, engagement, Āp
- a means, an expedient MBh. Mn. xi, 210, &c. [Page 79, Column]
- abhy-upâyana n. a complimentary gift, an inducement BhP
- abhy-upêta mfn. approached, arrived at (acc.) MBh. i, 3592 Ragh. v, 14
- (with gṛham) staying in a house VarBṛS
- furnished with (in comp. VarBṛṣ. or instr.)
- agreed upon, assented to Daś
- promised Megh
- abhy-upêtavya mfn. to be admitted or assented to Comm. on Nyāyam
- abhy-upêtya ind. p. having arrived at (acc.)
- having entered Nir
- having assented or agreed to
- abhyupetyâśuśrūṣā f. breach of a contracted service, a title of law treating of disputes between the master and a servant who has broken his agreement Comm. on Yājñ. ii, 182 seqq
- abhy-upêyivas mf(yuṣī)n. (perf. p.) having approached, arrived at (acc.) R. Bhaṭṭ
- having admitted RPrāt. (sae 1. abhy-upê)
- abhy-upê (-upâ √i), (Imper. 2. sg. -upaihi) to approach (for refuge, śaraṇam) R. vi, 9, 39
- abhy-upêkṣ (√īkṣ), (perf. p. -upêkṣitavat) to overlook, allow MBh. xvi, 160
- abhy-ullasat mfn. (√las), gleaming, flashing Śiś. v, 2
- abhy-√uṣ (impf. 3. pl. -uṣṇán
- Ved. Inf. -uṣas) to burn, consume by fire RV. ix, 97, 39 Kāṭh
- abhy-uṣa or m. a kind of cake of grain &c. (half dressed, slightly scorched, or parched so as to be eaten from the hand), (g. apūpâdi, q.v.)
- abhy-ūṣa or m. a kind of cake of grain &c. (half dressed, slightly scorched, or parched so as to be eaten from the hand), (g. apūpâdi, q.v.)
- abhy-oṣa m. a kind of cake of grain &c. (half dressed, slightly scorched, or parched so as to be eaten from the hand), (g. apūpâdi, q.v.)
- abhyuṣīya or mfn. consisting of, or belonging to, or fit for the above cake or preparation of parched grain, (g. apūpâdi, q.v.)
- abhyūṣīya or mfn. consisting of, or belonging to, or fit for the above cake or preparation of parched grain, (g. apūpâdi, q.v.)
- abhyuṣya or mfn. consisting of, or belonging to, or fit for the above cake or preparation of parched grain, (g. apūpâdi, q.v.)
- abhyūṣya or mfn. consisting of, or belonging to, or fit for the above cake or preparation of parched grain, (g. apūpâdi, q.v.)
- abhy-oṣīya or mfn. consisting of, or belonging to, or fit for the above cake or preparation of parched grain, (g. apūpâdi, q.v.)
- abhy-oṣya mfn. consisting of, or belonging to, or fit for the above cake or preparation of parched grain, (g. apūpâdi, q.v.)
- abhy-uṣṭa-miśrá mfn. partly burnt ŚBr
- abhy-uṣita mfn. (√5. vas), having dwelt, having passed the night with R. iii, 17, 2
- abhy-ū́ḍhi abhi-√vah
- abhy-√ūrṇu abhy-ū́rṇoti (Imper. 2. sg. -ūrṇuhi) to cover, conceal RV. viii, 79, 2 and x, 18, 11 AV.: Ā. -ūrṇuté (p. f. -urṇvānā́) to cover or conceal one's self AV. xiv, 1, 27 RV. v, 41, 19
- abhy-ūṣa abhy-uṣa
- ○khādikā f. 'eating of abhyūṣa-grains', N. of a play Vātsyāy
- abhy-ūh √1. to cover with (instr.) TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- abhy-ūh √2. Ā. aor. -auhiṣṭa, (p. -óhasāna) to watch for, lie in ambush for (acc.) RV. vi, 17, 8 and 9: P. -ūhati, to infer, guess Nir
- abhy-ūḍha mfn. concluded, inferred Nir
- abhy-ūha m. reasoning, deduction, inference, conjecture Nir. Mālatīm
- abhy-ūhitavya mfn. to be inferred Nir
- abhy-ūhya mfn. id. L
- abhy-ūhya ind. p. having deduced by reasoning, having inferred Suśr. Pāṇ. 7-4, 23 Kāś. &c
- abhy-√ṛ -ṛṇoti (perf. 3. pl. abhy-ā́ruḥ) to run towards, reach RV. i, 35, 9 and iii, 1, 4
- abhy-arṇa s.v., p. 76, col. 1
- abhy-√ṛch -archati, to come to, visit or afflict with MBh. iii, 11875
- (impf. -ārchat) to strive against (acc.), strive to overpower MBh. iii, 11726
- abhy-√ṛñj Ā. -ṛjyate (P. pr. p. -ṛ́jyat) to stretch out the hand for, hasten towards (acc.) RV. i, 140, 2 and vi, 37, 3
- abhy-√ṛṣ abhy-√arṣ
- abhy-ê (√i), -ấyati [RV. viii, 55,] or -âi4ti Vṣ., to go near, come to, approach RV. &c
- abhy-êtya ind. p. having approached, N. Pañcat. &c
- abhy-eṣaṇa abhī7ṣ. [Page 79, Column]
- abhr cl. 1. P. abhrati (perf. ānabhra) to error wander about Bhaṭṭ
- abhrá (sometimes spelt abbhra, according to the derivation ab-bhra, 'water-bearer'
- Comm. on ChUp. ii, 15, 1), n. (rarely m. AV. ix, 6, 47 and TS.) cloud, thunder-cloud, rainy weather RV. &c
- sky, atmosphere Śiś. ix, 3
- (in arithmetic) a cypher
- ṇBḍ. dust AV. xi, 3, 6
- (in med.) talc, mica
- gold L
- camphor L
- the ratan (Calamus Rotang) L
- Cyperus Rotundus L. ; [Gk. ? & Lat. [79,] imber.]
- ○ṃ-liha (abhraṃ-l○), mfn. [Pāṇ. 3-2, 3] 'cloud-licking', what touches the clouds, high, lofty Ragh. xiv, 29, &c
- m. wind Pāṇ. 3-2, 32 Sch. Sāh
- ○gaṅgā f. the celestial Gaṅgā Kād
- ○ghana mfn. thickly covered with clouds Ragh
- ○ṃ-kaṣa (abhraṃ-k○), mfn. [Pāṇ. 3-2, 4] 'grazing (hurting) the clouds', very high Kād
- m. wind Pāṇ. 3-2, 42 Sch
- ○jā́ mfn. 'born from clouds', caused by rainy weather AV. i, 12, 3
- ○taru m. N. of a certain phenomenon VarBṛS
- ○nāga ās m. pl., N. of the eight elephants supporting the globe L
- ○patha m. sky, atmosphere L
- ○piśāca or m. 'sky-demon', N. of Rāhu (the descending node personified) L
- ○piśācaka m. 'sky-demon', N. of Rāhu (the descending node personified) L
- ○puṣpa m. the cane Calamus Rotang L
- (am), n. 'a flower in the clouds', castle in the air, anything impossible Naish. (cf. ambara-puṣpa.)
- ○prúṣ f. the sprinkling of the clouds, rain RV. x, 77, 1
- ○maṃsī f. the plant Valeriana Jaṭāmāṃsī L
- ○mātaṅga m. Airāvata, Indra's elephant L
- ○mālā f. a line or succession of clouds L
- ○roha n. lapis lazuli L
- ○lipta mf(ī)n. partly overspread with clouds Pāṇ. 4-1, 51 Sch
- ○varṣa (abhrá-), mfn. dripping or raining from the clouds RV. ix, 88, 6
- ○vāṭika for āmra-vāṭika, q.v
- ○vilipta mf(ī)n. = -lipta, q.v. Pāṇ. 4-1, 51 Kāś
- ○vṛkṣa m.= -taru, q.v. VarBṛS
- ○śiras n. a head formed of the sky Śiś
- ○sáni mfn. procuring clouds TS
- abhrânadhyāya m. pause in the study on account of rainy weather Gobh
- abhrâvakāśika [Mn. vi, 23, &c.] or mfn. having the clouds for shelter, open to the sky (as an ascetic)
- abhrâvakāśikāśin [R. iii, 10,], mfn. having the clouds for shelter, open to the sky (as an ascetic)
- abhrôttha mfn. 'cloudborn', Indra's thunderbolt L
- abhraka n. talc, mica Bhpr. &c
- ○bhasman n. calx of talc L
- ○sattva n. steel L
- abhráyantī f. (pr. p. fr. abhraya Nom. P.) 'forming clouds, bringing rainy weather', N. of one of the seven Kṛittikās TS. TBr
- abhrāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to create clouds Pāṇ. 3-1, 17
- abhrāyita mfn. 'shaped like a cloud', similar to a cloud Bhām
- abhrita mf(ā)n. covered with clouds, (g. tārakâdi, q.v.) Ragh. iii, 12
- abhríya (once
- abhriyá RV. x, 68, 12), mfn. belonging to or produced from clouds RV. AV
- (as, am), m. n. thunder-cloud RV
- abhrīya mfn. belonging to or produced from talc
- abhrya m. 'clothed only by the air' or, 'having the clouds for shelter' (cf. abhrâvakāśika), a naked ascetic, (g. śākhâdi, q.v.)
- a-bhrama mfn. not blundering
- steady, clear
- m. not erring, steadiness, composure BhP
- a-bhramu f. the female elephant of the east (the mate of Airāvata)
- ○priya Vcar. or m. the male elephant of the east or Airāvata
- ○vallabha ḻ., m. the male elephant of the east or Airāvata
- a-bhrātṛ́ mfn. brotherless RV. i, 124, 7 (nom. sg. f. tā́) ; iv, 5, 5 (nom. pl. f. táras) AV. i, 17, 1 (nom. pl. f. abhrā́taras) Nir. iii, 5 (acc. sg. f. ○trīm)
- ○ghnī (ábhrātṛ-), f. (√han), not killing a brother AV. xiv, 1, 62
- ○matī f. brotherless Nir. &c
- a-bhrātṛka mf(ā)n. brotherless Nir. &c
- a-bhrātṛvyá mf(ā)n. having no rival RV. viii, 21, 13 ŚBr. &c
- (am), n. N. of a verse of the SV
- a-bhrānta mfn. unperplexed, not mistaken, not in error
- clear, composed
- a-bhrānti f. absence of perplexity or error
- ábhri f. a wooden scraper or shovel, a spatula, spade VS. AV. ŚBr. &c
- ○khāta (ábhri-), mfn. dug up with a spatula AV. iv, 7, 5 and 6. [Page 80, Column]
- a-bhreṣa m. non-deviation, fitness, propriety Pāṇ. 3-3, 37 Vait
- á-bhva ṛV. or a-bhvâ āV. or abhvá "ṣBr., mfn. (cf. a-bhuva) monstrous, immense, terrible RV. i, 39, 8 and 63, 1
- (am), n. immense power, monstrosity, horror RV. ŚBr
- a monster RV. vi, 71, 5 AV. ŚBr
- am ind. quickly, a little, (g. câdi, q.v.)
- am the termination am in the comparative and other forms used as ind., e.g. pratarám, &c., (g. svar-ādi, q.v.)
- am amati, to go L
- to go to or towards L
- to serve or honour L
- to sound L
- (Imper. Ā. 2. sg. amīṣva
- aor. āmīt
- cf. abhy-√am) to fix, render firm TS
- (perf. p. acc. sg. emuṣám for emivā́ṃsam) to be pernicious or dangerous RV. viii, 77, 10: Caus. āmáyati (impf. ā́mayat
- aor. Subj. āmamat) to be afflicted or sick RV. AV. VS. (cf. án-āmayat)
- áma m. impetuosity, violence, strength, power RV. VS. AV
- depriving of sensation, fright, terror RV
- disease L
- ○vat (áma-), mfn. impetuous, violent, strong RV
- (vat), ind. impetuously RV. v, 58, 1
- amata m. sickness, disease Uṇ
- death L
- time L
- dust Comm. on Uṇ
- ámati f. want, indigence RV. VS. AV
- (is), mfn. poor, indigent RV. x, 39, 6
- amatīván mfn. poor, indigent RV. viii, 19, 26
- ámatra mfn. violent, strong, firm RV. i, 61, 9 and iv, 23, 6
- (am), n. a large drinking vessel RV. Pāṇ. 4-2, 14
- m. id. RV. iii, 36, 4
- amatraka n. a drinking vessel, vessel BhP
- amatrín mfn. having the large drinking vessel called ámatra RV. vi, 24, 9
- amani f. road, way Uṇ
- amita or ānta mfn. perf. Pass. p. √am Pāṇ. 7-2, 28
- aminá mfn. impetuous RV. vi, 19, 1 and x, 116, 4
- áma mfn. (pron
- cf. amu) this AV. xiv, 2, 71 (quoted in ŚBr. xiv and ĀśvGṛ.) [The word is also explained by prâṇa, 'soul', Comm. on ChUp. v, 2, 6.]
- amā́
- amā́t ss.vv
- a-maṅgala mfn. inauspicious, unlukey, evil Ragh. xii, 43, &c
- m. the castor oil tree, Ricinus Communis L
- (am), n. inauspiciousness, ill-luck Kum. Veṇis
- a-maṅgalya mfn. inauspicious, unlucky L
- (am), n. inauspiciousness, ill-luck BhP
- a-majjáka mfn. having no marrow TS
- a-maṇiva mfn. ṇBḍ. having no jewels SāṅkhŚr
- amaṇḍa m. the castor oil tree, Ricinus Communis (cf. āmaṇḍa and maṇḍa)
- a-maṇḍita mfn. unadorned
- á-mata mfn. (√man), not felt, not perceptible by the mind ŚBr. xiv
- not approved of, unacceptable
- ○padârtha mfn. having an unacceptable second sense Kpr. Sāh
- a-mati f. 'unconsciousness', generally (tyā), instr. ind. unconsciously Mn. iv, 222 and v, 20 Gaut
- ○pūrva or mfn. unconscious, unintentional
- ○pūrvaka mfn. unconscious, unintentional
- amáti f. form, shape, splendour, lustre RV. VS
- time Uṇ
- moon L
- ámatra √am
- a-matsara mfn. unenvious, disinterested Mn. iii, 231, &c
- (am), n. disinterestedness Hcat
- a-matsarin mfn. disinterested Hcat
- not sticking to, not having one's heart set upon (loc.) R
- a-mātsarya n. disinterestedness MBh. v, 1640
- ○tā f. id. Lalit
- a-mada mfn. cheerless Bhaṭṭ
- a-madana m. N. of Śiva BhP
- a-madya-pa mfn. not drinking intoxicating liquors Suśr. [Page 80, Column]
- ○madyat mfn. being (inebriated or) joyful without (having drunk) any intoxicating liquor Kām
- a-mádhu u n. no sweetness ŚBr
- a-madhavya mfn. not worthy of the sweetness (of the Soma) AitBr
- á-madhyama -āsas, (Ved.) m. pl. of whom none is the middle one RV. v, 59, 6 (cf. á-kaniṣṭha.)
- a-madhyastha mfn. not indifferent
- á-manas as n. non-perception, want of perception ŚBr. xiv
- (a-manás), mfn. without perception or intellect ŚBr. xiv
- silly ChUp
- a-manaska mfn. without perception or intellect Sarvad
- silly KaṭhUp
- not well-disposed, lowspirited Kād
- a-manī́ (for a-manás in comp. with √bhū and its derivatives)
- ○bhāva m. the state of not having perception or intellect MaitrUp
- a-mano (in comp. for a-manas)
- ○jña mfn. disagreeable KātyŚr
- (Prākṛit a-maṇuṇṇa) Jain
- ○rama-tā f. unpleasantness Śiś
- a-mantú mfn. silly, ignorant RV. x, 22, 8 and 125, 4
- a-mantṛ́ mfn. not thinking MaitrUp
- a-manāk ind. not little, greatly
- amani √am
- a-manuṣya m. no man, any other being but a man KātyŚr. R. ii, 93, 21 (nâ-manuṣye, 'only with men')
- a demon Pāṇ. 2-4, 23
- ○tā f. unmanliness
- ○niṣevita mfn. not inhabited by men
- a-mānava mfn. 'not human, superhuman', and 'not being a descendant of Manu' Śiś. i, 67
- á-mānuṣa mf(ī)n. not human, anything but a man RV. x, 95, 8
- superhuman, divine, celestial R. &c
- inhuman, brutal RV
- (mf(ā)n.), without men, not inhabited by men Kathās
- m. not a man ŚBr. AitBr. Mn. ix, 284
- (ī), f. a female animal Gaut
- ○loka m. 'the celestial world', heaven Kād
- a-mānuṣya mfn. not human MBh. xiv, 266
- a-mano-jña &c. á-manas
- a-mantṛ́ &c. á-manas
- a-mantra m. not a Vedic verse or text or any formula
- (mf(ā)n.), unaccompanied by Vedic verses or texts Mn. iii, 121
- unentitled to or not knowing Vedic texts (as a Śūdra, a female, &c.) Mn. ix, 18 and xii, 114
- not using or applying Mantra formulas Bhām
- ○jña mfn. not knowing Vedic texts Mn. iii, 129
- ○vat mfn. unaccompanied by Vedic verses Up
- ○vid mfn. not knowing the formulas or texts of the Veda Mn. iii, 133
- (t), m. N. of a prince
- a-mantraka mf(ikā)n. unaccompanied by Vedic verses Mn. ii, 66
- (am), n. no Vedic verse or formula VarBṛS
- á-manda mfn. not slow, active, merry RV. i, 126, 1
- not dull, bright
- not little, much, important Rājat. &c
- (am), ind. (in comp. amanda-) intensily Bhaṭṭ
- m. a tree L
- á-manyamāna mfn. not understanding RV. i, 33, 9
- not being aware of RV. ii, 12, 10
- á-manyuta mf(ā)n. not affected with secret anger AV. xii, 3, 31
- a-mama mfn. without egotism, devoid of all selfish or worldly attachment or desire Buddh. Jain
- indifferent, not caring for (loc.) Mn. vi, 26
- m. the twelfth Jaina saint of a future Utsarpiṇī
- ○tā f. or disinterestedness
- ○tva n. disinterestedness
- indifference
- á-mamri mfn. (√mṛ), immortal, undying AV. viii, 2, 26
- a-mára mf(ā Mn. ii, 148
- ī R. i, 34, 16)n. undying, immortal, imperishable ŚBr. xiv, &c
- m. a god, a deity MBh. &c
- hence (in arithm.) the number 33
- N. of a Marut Hariv
- the plant Euphorbia Tirucalli Suśr
- the plant Tiaridium Indicum L
- a species of pine L
- quicksilver L
- N. of Amarasiṃha
- of a mountain ( -parvata)
- mystical signification of the letter u
- (ā), f. the residence of Indra L. [Page 80, Column]
- the umbilical cord L
- after-birth L
- a house-post L
- N. of several plants, panicum Dactylon, Cocculus Cordifolius, &c. L
- (ī), f. the plant Sanseviera Roxburghiana L
- ○kaṇṭaka n. 'peak of the immortals', N. of part of the Vindhya range (near the source of the Soṇā and Narmadā)
- ○koṭa m. 'fortress of immortals', N. of the capital of a Rājput state
- ○koṣa m. N. of the Sanskṛit dictionary of Amara or Amara-siṃha
- ○koṣa-kaumudī f. title of a commentary on Amara-siṃha's dictionary
- ○gaṇa m. the assemblage of immortals L
- ○guru m. 'teacher of the gods', Bṛihaspati, the planet Jupiter VarBṛS. Kād
- ○candra m. N. of the author of the Bāla-bhārata
- ○ja m. N. of a plant L
- ○ṃ-jaya (amaraṃ-j○), mfn. conquering the gods BhP
- ○taṭinī f. 'river of the gods', N. of the Ganges
- ○tā ṣāh., f. or n. the condition of the gods (i.e. immortality)
- ○tva [MBh. &c.], n. the condition of the gods (i.e. immortality)
- ○datta m. N. of a lexicographer
- of a prince Kathās
- ○dāru m. the tree Pinus Deodaru Roxb
- ○deva m. a N. of Amarasinha
- ○dvija m. a Brāhman who lives by attending a temple or idol, by superintending a temple L
- ○dviṣ m. 'foe of the gods', N. of an Asura Kathās
- ○pa m. 'lord of the gods', N. of Indra VarBṛS
- ○pati m. id
- ○parvata m. N. of a mountain MBh. ii, 1193
- ○pura n. 'the residence of the immortals', paradise Bhaṭṭ
- N. of various towns
- ○purī f. N. of a town Pañcat
- ○puṣpa or m. the plants Saccharum Spontaneum, Pandanus Odoratissimus and Magnifera Indica
- ○puṣpaka m. the plants Saccharum Spontaneum, Pandanus Odoratissimus and Magnifera Indica
- ○puṣpikā f. a kind of anise (Anethum Sowa Roxb.) L
- ○prakhya or mfn. like an immortal
- ○prabha mfn. like an immortal
- ○prabhu m. 'lord of the immortals', one of the thousand names of Vishṇu MBh
- ○bhartṛ m. 'supporter of the gods', N. of Indra L
- ○mālā f. title of a dictionary (said to be by the same author as the Amara-kosha)
- ○ratna n. 'jewel of the gods', crystal (also amalaratna) L
- ○rāj VarBṛṣ. or m. 'king of the gods', N. of Indra
- ○rāja ṛ., m. 'king of the gods', N. of Indra
- ○rāja-mantrin m.= amara-guru, q.v. VarBṛS
- ○rāja-śatru m. 'enemy of amara-rāja (q.v.)', N. of Rāvaṇa R. vi, 35, 1
- ○loka-tā f. 'state of the abode of the gods', the bliss of heaven Mn. ii, 5
- ○vat ind. like an immortal
- ○vallarī f. the plant Cassyta Filiformis Lin. L
- ○śakti m. N. of a king Pañcat
- ○sadas n. the assemblage of the gods VarBṛS
- ○sarit f. 'river of the gods', N. of the Ganges
- ○siṃha m. 'god-lion', N. of a renowned lexicographer (probably of the sixth century AḌ
- he was a Buddhist, and is said to have adorned the court of Vikramāditya, being included among the nine gems)
- ○strī f. wife of the gods', an Apsaras or nymph of heaven L
- amarâṅganā f. id. Kathās
- amarâcārya m. (= amara-guru, q.v.), N. of Bṛihaspati BhP
- amarâdri m.= amara-parvata, q.v. BhP
- N. of Sumeru or Meru L
- amarâdhipa m.= amara-pa, q.v. R. ii, 74, 19
- N. of Śiva
- amarâpagā f. = amara-taṭinī and -sarit, q.v. Kād
- amarâri m. an enemy of the gods R
- an Asura, hence (amarâri) -pūjya m. (= asurâcārya, q.v.), N. of Śukra, the planet Venus VarBṛS
- amarā-vatī f. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 1i9), 'the abode of the immortals', Indra's residence MBh. Hariv. &c
- N. of a town in Berar
- amarī-√bhū to become immortal (said of brave warriors dying in battle) Bālar
- amarêjya m.= amara-guru, q.v. VarBṛS. Sūryas
- amarêśa m.= amara-pa, q.v. VarBṛS. Sāh
- N. of Śiva or Rudra R
- amarêśvara m.= amara-pa, q.v. Śāk. Ragh. xix, 15
- N. of Vishṇu R. i, 77, 29
- N. of a Liṅga
- amarêśvara-tīrtha m. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP
- amarôpama mfn. like an immortal MBh
- a-maraṇa n. the not dying, immortality L
- a-maraṇīya mfn. immortal L
- ○tā f. immortality L
- á-mariṣṇu mfn. immortal (v. l. for á-maviṣṇu, q.v.)
- á-marta mfn. immortal RV. v, 33, 6
- á-martya (4), mfn. immortal RV. AV. VS
- imperishable, divine RV
- m. a god L
- ○tā ṃBh., f. or immortality
- ○tva ḻ., n. immortality
- ○bhāva m. the condition of immortals, immortality, Righ. vii, 50
- ○bhuvana n. 'world of the immortals', the heaven L
- amaru m. N. of a king, the author of the amaru-śataka, q.v
- ○śataka n. the hundred verses of Amaru. [Page 81, Column]
- a-mardita mfn. (√mṛd), unthreshed
- unsubdued
- not trodden down
- á-mardhat mfn. not getting tired or inactive RV. iii, 25, 4 ; v, 43, 1 and vii, 76, 5
- not making tired RV. vii, 76, 2
- á-mṛdhra mf(ā)n. not getting tired, unremitting, indefatigable RV
- unceasing RV
- a-marmán mfn. having no vital part, invulnerable RV. iii, 32, 4 ; v, 32, 5 and vi, 26, 3
- (a), n. not a vital part of the body Suśr
- a-marma (in comp. for a-marman)
- ○jāta mfn. not originating in a vital part of the body (as a disease), Susr
- ○vedhi-tā f. the state of not inflicting severe injury on others, absence of acrimony (one of the thirty-five Vāg-guṇas of a Tīrthaṃkara) Jain
- a-maryāda mfn. having no limits, transgressing every bound R
- a-marṣa m. (√mṛṣ), non-endurance Pāṇ. 3-3, 145
- impatience, indignation, anger, passion MBh. R. &c
- m. N. of a prince VP
- ○ja mfn. springing from impatience or indignation MBh
- ○vat mfn. not bearing, intolerant passionate, wrathful, angry L
- ○hāsa m. an angry laugh, a sarcastic sneer MBh
- a-marṣaṇa mfn. = amarṣa vat MBh. &c., impatient (cf. raṇâmarṣaṇa)
- m. (= amarṣa), N. of a prince BhP
- (am), n. impatience of (gen.) MBh. xiii, 2159
- a-marṣita mfn. amarṣa vat, q.v. MBh. &c
- a-marṣin mfn. id. MBh. &c
- a-mala mf(ā)n. spotless, stainless, clean, pure, shining
- (as), ni. crystal (cf. amara-ratna) BhP
- N. of a poet
- of Nārāyaṇa L
- (ā), f. N. of the goddess Lakshmī L
- ( amarā, q.v.) the umbilical cord L
- the tree Emblica Officinalis Gaertn. L
- the plant Saptalā L
- (am), n. talc L
- ○garbha m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva L
- ○patatrin m. the wild goose L
- ○maṇi m. or (cf. amara-ratna) crystal L
- ○ratna n. (cf. amara-ratna) crystal L
- ○saṃyuta mfn. 'not defiled by any spot', endowed with purity MBh
- amalâtman mfn. of undefiled mind
- amalī √1
- kṛ to purify VarBṛS
- amalôdarī f. N. of a female poet
- amalaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make spotless, whiten make brilliant Kir. v, 44
- a-malina mfn. stainless, free from dirt, clean
- ○dhī mfn. of a pure mind
- a-malīmasa mfn. not impure Rājat
- a-malātaka or a malānaka n. ( a mlāna, q.v.) globe amaranth (Gomphraena Globosa), (cf. amilātaka.)
- áma-vat 1. áma
- a-maviṣṇu mfn. (√mū -√1. mīv NBD.), immovable RV. x, 94, 11
- amasa m. disease Uṇ., a fool L
- time L. (cf. 1. amata and 3. amáti.)
- a-masṛṇa mfn. not soft, harsh L
- a-mastaka mfn. headless
- a-mastu mfn. without thickened milk or sour cream Kauś
- ámas-van mf(varī)n. for támasvan, q.v. MaitrS
- á-mahīyamāna mf(ā)n. 'not high-spirited', down-cast, sad RV. iv, 18, 13 PBr
- a-mahīyu m. N. of a Ṛishi (composer of the hymn RV. ix, 61) (cf. āmahīyava.)
- amā́ ind. (Ved. instr. fr. 2. áma, q.v.) (chiefly Ved.) at home, in the house, in the house of (gen.), with RV. &c
- together Pāṇ. 3-1, 122
- (ā), f. = amā-vāsyā́, q.v. Comm. on Ragh. xiv, 80 (in a verse quoted from Vyāsa) Comm. on Sūryas
- also amânta m. the end, of the amā (-vāsyā́) night ib
- ○√kṛ (g. sākṣād-adi, q.v.), Ved. to have or take with one's self AV. ŚBr. &c
- ○jur ū́r f. living at home, growing old at home (as a maiden) RV. ii, 17, 7 ; viii, 21, 15 and X, 39, 3
- ○vasī f. = vāsyā́, q.v. L
- ○vasu m. N. of a prince (a descendant of Purūravas) MBh. Hariv. VP. [Page 81, Column]
- ○vasyā f. = -vāsyā́, q.v. Kāṭh. Pāṇ. 3-1, 122
- ○vāsī f. = -vāsyā́, q.v. MBh. i, 4644 and R. vi, 72, 66 (only loc. ○syām, which might be a metrical abbreviation for ○syāyām)
- ○vāsyá n. ṇBḍ. neighbourhood AV. iv, 36, 3 [perhaps for -vāśtya, 'lowing (of cows) at home', as the word is used together with ā-gará and prati-krośa]
- mfn. born in an amā-vāsyā́ night Pāṇ. 4-3, 30 (cf. āmāvāsyá)
- N. of a Vedic teacher VBr
- (-vāsyā́), f. (scil. rātri
- fr. √5. vas, 'to dwell', with amā́, 'together') the night of new moon (when the sun and moon 'dwell together'), the first day of the first quarter on which the moon is invisible AV. ŚBr. &c
- a sacrifice offered at that time
- N. of the Acchodāriver MatsyaP
- ○vāsyaka mfn. (= -vāsya) born in an amā-vāsyā́ night Pāṇ. 4-3, 30
- ○haṭha m. N. of a snake demon MBh. i, 2157
- amêṣṭá mfn. sacrificed at home VS
- amôtá &c., s.v
- amā́t ind. (abl.) from near at hand RV., v 53, 8 and ix, 97, 8
- amā́tya (4), m. (fr. 1. amā́, Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Sch.) inmate of the same house, belonging to the same house or family RV. vii, 15, 3 VS. AśvGṛ. KātyŚr
- 'a companion (of a king)', minister MBh. Mn. &c
- a-mā (√3. mā), f. (= a-pramāṇa) not an authority, not a standard of action Nyāyam
- ○tva n. the not being an authority ib
- a-māt m(nom. sg. ān)fn. (pr. p. √3. mā), not measuring, not affording room or space, bound less (in qualities) Śiś. xiii, 2 Nalôd
- a-mātrá mfn. without measure, boundless (as Indra) RV. i, 102, 7
- (as Brahman) BṛĀrUp
- not metrical or prosodical MāṇḍUp. having the measure or quantity of the letter a VPrāt
- (ayā), ind. (instr. f.) in a boundless manner Kathās
- a-māna n. = 2. a-mā Nyāyam
- ○tā f. = amā-tva (s.v. 2. a-mā) ib
- a-miti f. = 2. a-mā ib
- boundlessness Naish
- a-māṃsa n. not flesh, anything but flesh KātyŚr
- (mfn.), without flesh PārGṛ
- feeble, thin L
- ○bhakṣa mfn. not eating flesh Kathās
- a-māṃsâśana mfn. id. Vishṇus
- a māṃsâśin mfn. id. ŚBr. xiv KātyŚr. PārGṛ
- a-māṃsáka mfn. without flesh TS
- á-mātṛ ta f. not a mother ŚBr. xsv
- a-mātā putra mfn. (g. kāṣṭhâdi, q.v.) 'having neither mother nor son', only in comp., e.g. amātāputrâdhyāpaka m. a teacher who cares for neither mother nor son (on account of being entirely absorbed in his work) Pāṇ. 8-1, 67, Kālś
- a-mātṛka mfn. motherless Āp
- amā́tya 1. amā́
- a-mātrá 2. a-mā
- a-mātsarya a matsara
- a-mānana n. disrespect Hit
- a-mānava a-manuṣya
- a-mānasya = āmanasya, q.v. L
- a-mānin mfn. (√man), not proud, modest MBh
- amāni-tā f. or modesty, humility
- amāni-tva [Bhag. &c.], n. modesty, humility
- a-mānuṣa &c. a-manuṣya
- amā-mā́sī vḷ. for -vasī, q.v. L
- a-māyá mfn. not cunning, not sagacious ŚBr. AitBr
- free from deceit, guileless Bhaṭṭ
- (ā), f. absence of delusion or deceit or guile, (ayā), instr. ind. guilelessly, sincerely Mn. ii, 51 BhP. Hit
- a-māyika mfn. without illusion or deceit, void of trick or guile Comm. on Kir
- not illusory, real Kap
- a-māyin mfn. void of trick or guile MBh. iii, 1357 BhP
- (prākṛt a-māī) Jain
- a-māra m. non-destruction, Rajat
- a-māraka mfn. not killing Sāy. on RV. i, 84, 4
- a-mārga m. a bad road, (also figuratively) an evil path Rājat. Kathās
- (eṇa), instr. ind. in a dishonourable manner MBh. ii, 2035, (mfn.), pathless L. [Page 81, Column]
- ○prasṛt mfn. (√sṛ), one who is out of the right way Car
- a-mārjita mfn. uncleansed, unwashed MBh. iii, 2577
- amā-vasī &c. 1. amā́
- amā-vāsyā́ ib
- a-māṣa mfn. not producing kidneybeans Pat
- without or except kidney-beans Hcat
- (ās), m. pl. no beans ĀpŚr
- amā-haṭha 1. amā́
- amita √am
- á-mita mfn. (√3 mā), unmeasured, boundless, infinite RV. &c
- without a certain measure ŚBr. Suśr. &c
- (áṃitam), ind. immensely RV. iv, 16, 5
- ○kratu (ámita-), mfn. of unbounded energy RV. i, 102, 6
- ○gati m. N. of a Vidyādhara Kathās
- N. of a Jaina author
- ○tejas mfn. of boundless glory MBh
- ○tva n. boundlessness Hariv
- ○dyuti mfn. of infinite splendour
- ○dhvaja m. N. of a son of Dharmadhvaja VP
- ○ruci m. N. of a deity Buddh
- ○vikrama m. 'of unbounded valour', a N. of Vishṇu
- ○vīrya mfn. of immense strength AV. xix, 34, 8
- a-mitâkṣara mfn. not containing a fixed number of syllables Nir. RPrāt
- amitâtman mfn. of an immense mind MBh. iii, 11924
- amitâbha ās m. pl., of unmeasured splendour', N. of certain deities in the eighth Manvantara VP
- (as), m. sg. = amitâyus
- amitâyus m. N. of a Dhyāni buddha Buddh
- ámitâujas mfn. of unbounded energy, almighty RV. i, 11, 4 Mn.i, 4. 16 and 36, N. of Brahman's paryanka KaushUp
- N. of a man, (g. bāhv-ādi, q.v.)
- a-miti 2. a-mā
- amítra as, ā mf. (fr. √am [Uṇ. iv, 1 7] or perhaps a-mítra, not a friend [Pāṇ. 6-2, 116, 'not having a friend'], but abhyamitrīṇa, &c.) an enemy, adversary, foe RV. &c., (mfn.), not having a friend
- ○khādá mfn. 'devouring his enemies', N. of Indra RV. x, 152, 1
- ○ghāta mfn. (Ved.) killing enemies Pāṇ. 6-2, 88 Sch. (as), m. (= ?) N. of Bindusāra (the son of Candragupta)
- ○ghātin or mfn. killing, enemies MBh. R
- ○ghna mfn. killing, enemies MBh. R
- ○jit mfn. 'conquering enemies', N. of a son of Suvarṇa VP
- ○tampana mfn. tormenting enemies AitBr
- ○tā f. enmity Mṛicch. Pañcat
- ○dámbhana mfn. hurting enemies RV. ii, 23, 3 and iv, 15, 4
- ○varman m. N. of a man Daś
- ○saha v. l. for mitra-saha, q.v
- ○sāhá mfn. (for -khadá in RV.) enduring or overcoming enemies (N. of Indra) AV.i, 20, 4
- ○senā́ f. hostile army SV. (= AV. iii, 1, 3) AV. v, 20, 6
- ○hán mfn. killing enemies RV. VS
- ○hū mfn. calling or inviting evil-doers SaṃhitUp. p. 7
- amitrā-yúdh (for ○tra-), mfn. fighting with enemies RV. iii, 29, 15
- amitraya Nom. P. (p. ○yát) to have hostile intentions RV
- amitrayú mfn. hostile AV. xx, 127, 13
- amitrāya Nom. P. p. ○yát = amitrayát above AV. vii, 84, 2 (cf. RV. x, 180, 3): Ā. ○yate, to have hostile intentions Pañcat
- amitrín mfn. hostile RV. i, 120, 8
- amitríya mfn. id. RV. vi, 17, 1 ; viii, 31, 3 and ix, 61, 20
- á-mithita mfn. not reviled
- unprovoked RV. viii, 45, 37
- a-mithyā ind. not falsely, truthfully Ragh
- amin mfn. (fr. 1. ama), sick L
- aminá √am
- á-minat mfn. (√1. mi), not violating or transgressing, not altering RV
- (Ved. du. f. ○adi) unalterable RV. iv, 56, 2
- á-mīta-varṇa mf(ā)n. of unaltered colour RV. iv, 51, 9
- a-milātaka = a-malataka, q.v
- a-miśra mfn. 'unmixed', exclusive (i.e. without participation of others) ŚBr
- a-miśraṇa n. = a-yāvana, q.v. Comm. on RPrāt
- a-miśraṇīya mfn. immiscible L
- a-miśrita mfn. unmixed, unblended. [Page 82, Column]
- amiṣa = āmiṣa, q.v. Uṇ
- á-mīta-varṇa á-minat
- a-mīmāṃsā f. (√man), absence of reasoning or investigation L
- a-mīmāṃsya mfn. not to be reasoned about or discussed Mn. ii, 10
- amīva n. (√am), pain, grief R. BhP
- (ámīvā), f. distress, terror, fright RV. AV. VS
- tormenting spirit, demon RV. AV
- affliction, disease RV
- ○cā́tana mf(ī)n. driving away pains, diseases, or tormenting spirits RV. AV
- ○hán mfn. destroying pains, killing evil spirits RV. BhP
- amu a pronom. base, used in the declension of the pronom. adás, that (e.g. acc. amúm, amū́m
- instr. amunā, amuyā
- dat. amúṣmai, amuṣyai, &c.)
- ○vat ind. like such person or thing (referred to without name) KātySr
- amū-dṛkṣa or mfn. like such a one L
- amū-dṛś or mfn. like such a one L
- amū-dṛśa mfn. like such a one L
- amuka mf(ā)n. such and such a person or thing, a thing or person referred to without name Yājñ
- amútas ind. from there, there RV. AV
- from above, from the other world, from heaven ŚBr. Nir
- hereupon, upon this
- (= abl. amuṣmāt) from that one Daś
- amútra ind. there AV. ŚBr. &c
- there above, i.e. in the other world, in the life to come VS. ŚBr. &c
- there i.e. in what precedes or has been said ŚBr
- here Kathās
- ○bhū́ya n. being or going there (in the other world), dying AV. vii, 53, 1 (= VS. xxvii, 29)
- amutrârtham ind. for the sake of (existence in the) other world Mn. vii, 95
- amúthā ind. thus, in that manner, like that Nir
- with √1. as, 'to be thus' (a euphemistic expression used in the sense of) to fare very ill ŚBr
- amunyā́ ind. (instr. f.) in that manner thus or thus RV. AV
- with √1. as, or √bhū, to be gone, be lost ŚBr
- amúrhi ind. at that time, then ŚBr. BṛĀrUp
- amuṣmin (loc. sg. of adás), ind. in the other world L
- (forms the base of āmuṣmika, q.v.)
- amúṣya (genṣg. of adác), of such a one
- ○kula mfn. belonging to the family of such a one, (ganas pratijanâdi and manojñâdi, q.v.)
- ○putra m. the son of such a one (i.e. of a good family, of known origin), (g. manojñâdi, q.v.)
- amū-dṛkṣa &c. amu
- a-mukta mfn. not loosed, not let go, not liberated from birth and death, not liberated from Rāhu, still eclipsed Vishṇus
- (am), n. a weapon that is always grasped and not thrown (as a knife, a sword, &c.)
- ○hasta mf(ā)n. 'one whose hand is not open (to give)', sparing, economical Mn. v, 150. -hasta-tā, f. economy, frugality Vishṇus
- a-mukti f. non-liberation L
- a-múc k f. not setting at liberty ŚBr
- á-mucī f: 'not setting at liberty', N. of an evil spirit AV. xvi, 6, 10
- a-mukhá ṭṣ. or á-mukha ṣBr. xiv, mfn. having no mouth
- a-mukhya mfn. not chief, inferior Jaim. &c
- á-mugdha mfn. not foolish, not perverse ŚBr
- a-mūḍha mfn. not infatuated, not perplexed, (ani), n. pl. (in Saṅkhya phil.) 'not gross', N. of the five subtle elements (tan matra, q.v.)
- á-mura mf(a)n. not ignorant, wise, intelligent, sharp-sighted RV
- (v. l. a-mura) AV. v, 1, 9 and 11, 5
- á-mūrta mfn. formless, shapeless, unembodied ŚBr. xiv Up. &c
- not forming one body, consisting of different parts Sūryas
- m. N. of Siva
- ○rajas or m. a son of Kuśa (by Vaidarbhī) MBh. R. (ed. Bomb. asūrti-rajasa, q.v.) VP
- ○rajasa or m. a son of Kuśa (by Vaidarbhī) MBh. R. (ed. Bomb. asūrti-rajasa, q.v.) VP
- ○rayasa m. a son of Kuśa (by Vaidarbhī) MBh. R. (ed. Bomb. asūrti-rajasa, q.v.) VP
- a-mūrti f. shapelessness, absence of shape or form
- (mfn.), formless
- (is), m. N. of Vishṇu MBh. xiii
- (ayas), m. pl. a class of Manes (who have no definite form) Hariv
- ○mat m. = amurta-rajas, q.v. VP
- a-mūlá mf(ā, Pāṇ. 4-1, 64 Comm.)n. rootless, baseless ŚBr. &c
- without authority, not resting on authority Comm. on Yājñ
- (aá), f. 'without √', a bulbous plant ṇBḍ. AV. v, 31, 4
- the plant Methonica Superba L. [Page 82, Column]
- a-mūlya mfn. invaluable, priceless
- á-mṛkta mfn. unhurt RV
- a-mṛḍayá mfn. pitiless TS
- a-mṛṇāla
- am n. the √of a fragrant grass (used for tatties or screens, &c., commonly called Kaskas, Andropogon Muricatus)
- a-mṛ́ta (cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 116), mfn. not dead MBh
- immortal RV. &c
- imperishable RV. VS
- beautiful, beloved L
- m. an immortal, a god RV. &c
- N. of Śiva
- of Vishṇu MBh. xiii
- of Dhanvantari L
- the plant Phaseolus Trilobus Ait
- the √of a plant L
- (ā), f. a goddess RV. &c
- spirituous liquor L
- Emblica Officinalis, Terminalia Citrina Roxb., Cocculus Cordifolius, Piper Longum, Ocymum Sanctum
- N. of the mother of Parikshit MBh. i, 3794
- of Dākshāyaṇī MatsyaP
- of a sister of Amṛitodana Buddh
- of a river Hcat
- of the first kalā of the moon BrahmaP
- (am), n. collective body of immortals RV
- world of immortality, heaven, eternity RV. VS. AV
- (also āni n. pl. RV. i, 72, 1 and iii, 38, 4)
- immortality RV
- final emancipation L
- the nectar (conferring immortality, produced at the churning of the ocean), ambrosia RV. (or the voice compared to it, N. Ragh.)
- nectar-like food
- antidote against poison Suśr
- N. of a medicament Śiś. ix, 36, medicament in general Buddh
- the residue of a sacrifice (cf. amṛeta-bhuj)
- unsolicited alms Mn. iv, 4 and 5, water Naigh
- milk L. clarified butter L. (cf. pañâmṛta), boiled rice L
- anything sweet, a sweetmeat R. vii, 7, 3
- a pear L
- food L., property L
- gold L
- quicksilver L
- poison L
- a particular poison L
- a ray of light Ragh. x, 59, N. of a metre RPrāt
- of a sacred place (in the north) Hariv. 14095, of various conjunctions of planets (supposed to confer long life) L
- the number, 'four' L
- ○kara or m. 'nectar-rayed', the moon Kād
- ○kiraṇa m. 'nectar-rayed', the moon Kād
- ○kuṇḍa n. the vessel containing the Amṛita or nectar
- ○kesava m. N. of a temple (built by Amṛitaprabhā) Rājat
- ○kṣāra n. sal ammoniac L
- ○gati f. N. of a metre (consisting of four times ten syllables)
- ○garbhá m. child of immortality (said of sleep) AV. vi, 46, 1
- ○cít mfn. piled up (as sacrificial bricks) for the sake of immortality MaitrS
- ○citi f. the piling up (of sacrificial bricks) conferring immortality ŚBr
- ○jaṭā f. the plant Valeriana Jaṭāmāṃsī
- ○jā f. 'produced by the Amṛita', the plant Yellow Myrobalan
- ○taraṅgiṇī f. 'havingnectar-waves', moon-light L
- ○tā f. immortality L
- ○tejas m. N. of a Vidyādhara prince Kathās
- ○tvá n. = -ta RV. AV. VS. &c
- ○dīdhiti Kād. or m. 'nectar-rayed', the moon
- ○dyuti ṇaish. m. 'nectar-rayed', the moon
- ○drava mfn. shedding (said of the rays of the moon) Śiś. ix, 36
- ○dhārā f. 'stream of Amṛita', N. of a metre
- ○nādôpaniṣad f. 'the sound of immortality', N. of an Upanishad
- ○pa mfn. drinking nectar
- m. N. of a Dānava MBh. i, 2537, N. of Vishṇu MBh. xiis
- ○pakṣá, m. the immortal wing (of sacrificial fire) ŚBr
- (amṛ́ta-pakṣa), mfn. (= híraṇya-pakṣa, q.v.) having golden wings ŚBr
- ○prabha m. N. of a Vidyādhara Kathās
- (a), f. N. of several women Rājat
- ○prâsana or m. 'living on Amṛita', a god R
- ○prâsin m. 'living on Amṛita', a god R
- ○phala m. a pear tree L
- the plant Trichosanthes Dioeca Roxb, (am), n. a pear L
- the fruit of Trichosanthes D. Roxb,
- (ā), f. the vine L
- the plant Emblica Officinalis Gaertn
- ○bandhu (amṛta-), m. friend or keeper of immortality RV. x, 72, 5
- 'friend of Nectar', a horse (so called because produced from the ocean along with the Nectar) L
- ○bindū7paniṣad f. 'drop of nectar, N. of an Upanishad of the Atharva-veda
- ○bhavana n. N. of a monastery (built by Amṛita prabhā) Rājat
- ○bhuj m. = -prâsana, q.v. Mcar
- one who eats the residue of a sacrifice Bhag
- ○bhojana mfn. one who eats the residue of a sacrifice Mn. iii, 285
- ○mati f. (= -gati, q.v.) N. of a metre
- ○manthana n. 'the churning for the Amṛita', N. of the chapters 17-19 of MBh. i
- ○máya mf(ī)n. immortal ŚBr. xiv
- consisting of or full of Amṛita Pañcat. &c
- ○mālinī f. 'having an everlasting garland', N. of Durgā
- ○yajña m. a sacrifice for obtaining immortality Kāṭh
- ○yoga m. (in astrol.) a certain Yoga. -yoní, m. the home of the immortals ŚBr
- ○raśmi m.= -kara, q.v. Kathās. Bhaṭṭ. -rasa m. nectar Hit. &c
- (ā), f. dark-coloured grapes L
- ○latā or f. a creeping plant that gives nectar Pañcat. [Page 82, Column]
- ○latikā f. a creeping plant that gives nectar Pañcat. [Page 82, Column]
- ○loka m. the world of the immortals AitBr
- ○vapus m. 'of immortal form', N. of Vishṇu MBh. xiii
- of Śiva
- ○vardhana m. N. of a poet (quoted in Śārṅgadhara's anthology)
- ○varṣin mfn. giving a shower of nectar Śak. (v. l.)
- ○vallarī or f. the creeping plant Cocculus Cordifolius
- ○vallī ṣuśr., f. the creeping plant Cocculus Cordifolius
- ○vā́kā f. N. of a bird ŚBr. x
- ○vindū7paniṣad -bind○
- ○śāstra n. N. of wk. Buddh
- ○sambhava mfn. produced from nectar MBh. xiii, 7200
- (ā), f. = -vallarī, q.v
- ○sahôdara m. 'brother of Nectar', a horse (cf. -bandhu) L
- ○sāra-ja m. 'produced from the essence of ambrosia', raw sugar L
- ○sū m. (√3. su), 'distilling nectar', the moon L
- ○sôdara m. = -sahôdara
- ○sravā f. N. of a plant L
- ○srāva m. a flow or current of water Sūryas
- ○srut mfn. (= -drava, q.v.) Kum. i, 46 Śiś. ix, 68
- ○harītakī f. N. of a medicament
- ○hrada m. a lake of nectar Śāk
- amṛtâṃśu m. the moon Kathās
- amṛtâkara m. 'a mine of nectar', N. of a man Rājat
- amṛtâkṣara n. anything imperishable Up
- amṛtânanda m. N. of a man Buddh
- amṛtândhas m. 'whose food is ambrosia', a god L
- amṛtâpidhāná n. water sipped after eating nectar-like food so as to overlay it like a cover TĀr. ĀśvGṛ. MānGṛ. (cf. amṛtópastáraṇa),
- amṛtā-phala n. (= amṛtaphala n. q.v.) the fruit of Trichosanthes L
- amrítâbhiṣikta mfn. anointed with nectar ŚBr
- amṛtâśa m. = amṛta-prâśana, q.v. MBh. xii
- N. of Vishṇu MBh. xiii
- amṛtâśana m. amṛta-prâśana, q.v. L
- amṛtâśma m.? Pāṇ. 5-4, 94 Sch
- amṛtâṣṭamī-tapas n. N. of wk
- amṛtâsaṅga n. blue vitriol Car
- amṛ́tâsu mfn. whose soul is immortal AV. v, 1, 1 and 7
- amṛtâharaṇa m. 'nectar-stealer', N. of Garuḍa
- (am), n. N. of a Parisishṭa work of the SV
- amṛtâhuti f. N. of an oblation (offered to the gods) AitBr
- amṛtâhva n. a pear L
- amṛtī-karaṇa n. changing into nectar
- amṛtêśa m. 'lord of the immortals', N. of Śiva PadmaP
- amṛte-śaya m. lying on Amṛita', N. of Vishṇu Hariv
- amṛtesvara m. = amṛtêsa, q.v. Rājat
- N. of a medicament Bhpr
- amṛtêṣṭakā́ f. a burnt or baked (and therefore imperishable) brick (used for the sacrificial altar) ŚBr
- amṛtôtpatti f. the production of the Ansṛita (N. of a chapter of the first book of the Rāmāyaṇa, relating how the Amṛita was obtained by the gods)
- amṛtotpanna n. impure carbonate of zinc L., (ā), f. a fly L
- amṛtôdana m. N. of a son of Siṃhahanu, and uncle of Śakyamuni
- amṛtôdbhava or n. = amṛptótpanna n. q.v. L
- amṛtopama n. = amṛptótpanna n. q.v. L
- amṛtopastaraṇa n. water sipped as a substratum for the nectar like food ĀśvGṛ. and MānGṛ
- an imperishable substratum TĀr. (cf. amptâpidhāná)
- amṛtaka n. the nectar of immortality
- amṛtāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to turn into nectar Kād
- (p. ○yamāna) to be like nectar Ragh.ī, 61
- amṛtāyana mfn. nectar like BhP
- á-mṛt-pātra-pa mfn. not drinking from a clay vessel MaitrS
- á-mṛn-maya mfn. not made of clay TBr. Sulb. KātySr
- ○pa PBr. or (á-mṛn-maya-) ṣBr. xiv and Pārṅṛ., mfn. = á mṛt-pātra-pa
- ○payin (á-mṛn-maya-) ṣBr. xiv and Pārṅṛ., mfn. = á mṛt-pātra-pa
- á-mṛtyu m. non death, immortality ŚBr. xiii KaushUp
- (mfn.), immortal RV
- a-mṛdhra á-mardhat
- a-mṛṣā́ ind. not falsely, certainly, surely ŚBr. xiv BhP
- ○bhāṣi-tva n. speaking truthfully (one of the qualities of a good spy) Comm. on Kir
- amṛṣôdya n. true speech Bhaṭṭ.vi, 57
- a-mṛṣṭa mfn. (√mṛj), not rubbed or washed, unclean R. (v. l.)
- ○bhuj or mfn. not eating delicate food or dainties (cf. 1. mṛṣṭa) R. i, 6, 8 (i, 6, 11 ed. Bomb.)
- ○bhojin mfn. not eating delicate food or dainties (cf. 1. mṛṣṭa) R. i, 6, 8 (i, 6, 11 ed. Bomb.)
- ○mṛja mfn. of unimpaired purity Bhaṭṭ
- á-mṛṣyamāṇa mfn. (√mṛṣ), not-bearing, not tolerating ŚBr. xii, &c
- a-mekṣaṇa mfn. having no mekṣaṇa, or mixing instrument
- a-medáska mfn. without fat, lean TS. Suśr. [Page 83, Column]
- a-medhas mfn. unintelligent, foolish, an idiot Pāṇ. 5-4, 122
- a-medhyá mfn. not able or not allowed to sacrifice, not fit for sacrifice, impure, unholy, nefarious, foul ŚBr. Mn. &c
- (am), n. faeces, excrement KātyŚr. Mn. ix, 282 Yājñ. &c
- ○kuṇapâśin mfn. feeding on carrion
- ○tā f. or impurity, foulness, filthiness
- ○tva n. impurity, foulness, filthiness
- ○yukta mfn. filthy, foul
- ○lipta mfn. smeared with ordure Mn. iv, 56 BhP
- ○lepa m. smearing with ordure
- amedhyâkta mfn. soiled with ordure Mn
- a-mená m. having no wife, a widower RV. v, 31, 2
- a-mená mfn. not casting or throwing, not able to throw AV. v, 6, 9 and 10 VS. TBr
- a-meya mfn. immeasurable MBh. viii, 1975 Kathās
- ameyâtman mfn. possessing immense powers of mind, magnanimous MBh. Ragh. x, 8
- (ā), m. N. of Vishṇu MBh. xiii
- amêṣṭá 1. amā́
- á-meha m. retention of urine TS. Kāṭh. PBr
- a-mokyá mfn. (√muc), that can not be unloosed AV. iii, 6, 5
- a-mocana n. not loosening or letting go L
- a-mocanīya mfn. not to be liberated
- a-mocíta mfn. not liberated, confined
- a-mocya mfn. = ○canīya, q.v. Ragh. iii, 65
- a-mokṣa mfn. (√mokṣ,) unliberated, unloosed L
- m. want of freedom, bondage confinement
- non liberation (from mundane existence)
- a-mokṣayat mfn. not liberating Yājñ.ī, 300
- a-mocana &c. a-mokyá
- a-mogha mf(ā) n. unerring, unfailing, not vain, efficacious, succeeding, hitting the mark, productive, fruitful
- (á-mogha,) as m. the not erring, the not failing ŚBr
- N. of Śiva
- of Vishṇu MBh. xiii
- of Skanda MBh. iii, 14632
- of a minister of an Asura king at war with Karttikeya SkandaP
- of a river L
- (ā), f. trumpet flower, Bignonia Suaveolens, Roxb
- a plant of which the seed is used as a vermifuge, Erycibe Paniculata Roxb
- Terminalia Citrina Roxb
- N. of a spear MBh. iii, 16990 and R. i, 29, 12
- (with or without rātri) 'the unfalling one' a poetical N. of the night MBh
- a mystical N. of the letter kṣ (being the last one of the alphabet)
- N. of Durgā L
- of the wife of Sāntanu
- of one of the mothers in Kanda's suite MBh. ix, 2639
- ○kirana ani n. pl. 'the unerring rays' N. of the rays, immediately after sunrise and before sunset VarBṛS
- ○daṇḍa m. 'unerring in punishment' N. of Siva
- ○darśana m. 'of an unfailing eye' N. of a Nāgi Buddh
- ○darsin m. N. of a Bodhisattva
- ○dṛś mfn. of an unfailing look or eye BhP
- ○nandinī f. N. of a Śikshā-text
- ○patana mfn. 'not falling in vain', reaching the aim Rājat
- ○pāśa m. N. of a Lokeśvara Buddh
- ○bala mfn. of never-failing strength (said of the horse Uccai?sravas)
- ○bhūti m. N. of a king of the Pañjāb
- ○rāja m. N. of a Bhikshu Lalit
- ○varṣa m. N. of a Caulukya prince
- ○vāc mfn. whose words are not vain BhP
- ○vāñchita mfn. never disappointed L
- ○vikrama m. 'of unerring valour', N. of Siva
- ○siddhi m. N. of the fifth Dhyānibuddha
- āmoghâkṣī f. N. of Dākshāyaṇī MatsyaP
- āmoghâcārya m. N. of an author
- amôtā mfn. woven at home AV. Kauś
- ○pútraka m. a child protected at home a weaver's boy ṇBḍ. AV. xx, 127, 5
- a-mautra-dhauta mfn. not washed (by a washerman) with alkaline lye KātyŚr
- a-mauná n. the state of not being a Muni or not keeping the vows of a Muni ŚBr. xiv
- amnás mfn. unawares AV. viii, 6, 19 Kāṭh. APrāt. [according to Pāṇ. 8-2, 70 the word is liable to become amnar in Sandhi]. [Page 83, Column]
- amb cl. 1. P. ambati, to go L.: cl. 1. Ā. ambate, to sound L
- ámba ambā́
- ambaka n. Śiva's eye Bālar. (cf. try-ambaka)
- an eye L
- copper L
- ambayā ambā́
- ámbara n. circumference, compass, neighbourhood RV. viii, 8, 14
- (ifc. f. ā) clothes, apparel, garment MBh. &c
- cotton L
- sky, atmosphere, ether Naigh. MBh. &c
- (hence) a cipher Sūryas
- N. of the tenth astrological mansion VarBṛ
- the lip
- saffron L
- a perfume (Ambra) L
- N. of a country MatsyaP
- (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS
- ○ga mfn. sky-going Suśr. -cara mfn. id. Kathās
- a bird Pañcat
- a Vidyādhara Kathās
- ○cārin m. a planet
- ○da n. giving clothes', cotton
- ○nagarī f. N. of atown
- ○puṣpa n. 'a flower in the sky', anything impossible (cf. abhra-puṣpa.)
- ○prabhā f. N. of a princess Kathās
- ○maṇi m. 'sky-jewel', the sun, Salh. Bālar
- ○yuga n. 'pair of vestments', the two principal female garments (upper and lower)
- ○śaila m. a high mountain (touching the sky)
- ○sthalī f. the earth L. Ambarâdhikarin, m. superintendent over the robes (an office at court) Rājat
- ambarânta m. the end of a garment
- the horizon
- ambarâukas m. 'sky-dweller', a good Kum. v, 79
- ambarī́ṣa as, am m. n. a frying pan TS. v, KstySr
- m. N. of a hell Jain
- remorse L
- war, battle L
- a young animal, colt L
- the sun R. v, 3, 5, sky, atmosphere Comm. on Uṇ
- the hog-plum plant (Spondias Magnifera) L
- N. of a Rājarshi (son of the king Vṛishagir, and composer of the hymns RV. i, 100 and ix, 98) RV. i, 100, 17, of a descendant of Manu Vasvasvata and son of Nābhāga (celebrated for his devotion to Vishṇu) MBh. &c., N. of a Rājarshi (descendant of Sagara and ancestor of Daśaratha) R
- N. of a son of the patriarch Pulaha VāyuP. &c
- N. of Siva L
- of Vishṇu L
- of Gaṇeśa Kathās
- ○putra m. son of Ambarisha, whence the N. of a country, (g. rājanyâdi)
- ambarya Nom. P. ○ryati, to bring together, collect, (g. kaṇḍv-ādi.)
- amba-ṣṭha m. (fr. amba and stha? Pāṇ. 8-3, 97), N. of a country and of its inhabitants MBh. VarBṛS. &c
- of the king of that country MBh. vii, 3399 seqq
- the offspring of a man of the Brāhman and a woman of the Vaisya caste (a man of the medical caste Mn. x, 47
- an elephant-driver BhP.) Mn. x Yājñ. &c
- (ā), f. Jaiminum Auriculatum L
- Clypea Hernandifolia Suśr
- Oxalis Corniculata Suśr
- (ā), f. an Ambashṭha woman [Comm. on Mn.x, 1], (ī), f. [Mn. x, e 1], id
- ambaṣṭhakī f. Clypea Hernandifolia L
- ambaṣṭhikā f. Clerodendrum Siphonanthus
- ambā́ f. (Ved. voc. ámbe Vṣ.or amba ṛV., in later Sanskrit amba only, sometimes a mere interjection ĀśvŚr.), a mother, good woman (as a title of respect)
- N. of a plant
- N. of Durgā (the wife of Śiva)
- N. of an Apsaras L
- N. of a daughter of a king of Kāsi MBh
- N. of one of the seven Kṛttikās TS. Kāṭh. TBr
- a term in astrol. (to denote the fourth condition which results from the conjunction of planets?). In the South Indian languages, ambā is corrupted into ammā, and is often affixed to the names of goddesses, and females in general [Germ. āmme, a nurse ; Old Germ. amma, Them. ammôn, ammū7n],
- ○gaṅgā f river in Ceylon
- ○janman n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 6051
- ambayā f. mother (a N. of rivers) KaushUp
- ambādā or f. mother Pāṇ. 7-3, 107 Comm. (voc. ○ḍe and ○le) and Kāś. (in Veda voc. optionally ○ḍa and la)
- ambālā f. mother Pāṇ. 7-3, 107 Comm. (voc. ○ḍe and ○le) and Kāś. (in Veda voc. optionally ○ḍa and la)
- ambālikā f. (voc. ámbālike), mother VS
- of a plant, N. of a daughter of a king of Kāśi (wife of Vicitraviirya, and mother of Pāṇḍu) MBh
- ambālī f. mother TS. vii (voc. ámbāli for ambāle as mentioned by Pāṇ. 6-1, 118)
- ambí f. mother RV. i, 23, 16: Superl. voc. ámbitame, O dearest mother! RV. ii, 4i, 16, (cf. ambī́.)
- ambikā f. (voc. ámbike), mother, good woman (as a term of respect) VS. and TS. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 118) Pāṇ. 7-3, 107 Comm. (voc. ○ke) and Kāś. (in Veda voc. optionally ○ka and ○ke) [Page 83, Column]
- a N. applied to the harvest (as the most productive season) Kāṭh
- a sister of Rudra VS. ŚBr
- N. of Pārvatī (the wife of Siva) Hariv. Yājñ. &c
- of the wife of Rudra Ugraretas BhP
- of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2630
- of a daughter of the king of Kāśi (wife of Vicitraviirya, and mother of Dhṛitarāshṭra) MBh. &c. (cf. ambālikā)
- one of the female domestic deities of the Jairias L
- N. of a place in Bengal L
- N. of two rivers Hcat
- the plant Wrightia Antidysenterica
- ○pati m. N. of Siva
- N. of Rudra or Siva TĀr. Kād. &c
- ○putra or m. N. of Dhṛitarāshṭra
- ○suta m. N. of Dhṛitarāshṭra
- ambikeya m. (for āmbikeya, q.v.) N. of Dhṛitarāshṭra MBh. iii, 219 and 250
- of Gaṇeśa L
- of Kārttikeya L
- ambī́ f. = ambī́, q.v. RV. viii, 72, 5 (acc. ambyâm) and Kāṭh
- ámbu n. water Naigh. MBh. &c
- a kind of Andropogon VarBṛS. Bhpr
- N. of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables) RPrāt
- the number, 'four' VarBṛ
- ○kaṇa m. 'a drop of water', a shower L
- ○kaṇṭaka or m. the short-nosed alli. gator L
- ○kirāta m. the short-nosed alli. gator L
- ○kīśa or m. a porpoise (especially the Gangetic, Delphinus Gangeticus) L
- ○kūrma m. a porpoise (especially the Gangetic, Delphinus Gangeticus) L
- ○keśara m. lemon tree L
- ○kriyā f. a funeral rite (= jala-kriyā), Bhiṭṭ
- ○ga mfn. 'water-goer', living in water
- ○ghana m. hail, frozen rain L
- ○cara mfn. moving in the water, aquatic
- ○cāmara n. 'water-chowrī', the aquatic plant Valisneria. cārin mfn. moving in water (as a fish, &c.) Mn. .xu, 57 (cf. ap-cara s.v. 2. áp):
- ○ja mfn. produced in water, water born, aquatic, m. the plant Barringtonsa Acutangula Gaertn
- a lotus (Nymphaea Nelumbo)
- a muscle-shell R. vii, 7, 10, the thunderbolt of Indra ('cloud-born') L
- ○janman n. a lotus (Nymphaea Nelumbo) Naish
- ja-bhū m. 'being in a lotus', the god Brahmā
- ○ja-stha mfn. sitting on a lotus
- ○jâkṣa mf(ī)n. lotus-eyed
- ○ñánanā f. 'having a lotus face', N. of the tutelary deity of the Ojishṭha family BrahmaP
- ○taskara m. 'water thief', the sun L
- ○tāla m. (= -cāmara) the plant Valisneri, i
- ○da m. 'giving water', a cloud, the plant Cyperus Hexastychius Communis, ambudâraṇya, n. N. of a forest
- ○deva or n. 'having the waters as deity', N. of the astrological mansion Purvashādhā VarBṛS
- ○daiva n. 'having the waters as deity', N. of the astrological mansion Purvashādhā VarBṛS
- ○dhara m. 'waterholder', a cloud
- ○dhi m. receptacle of waters, the ocean
- the number, 'four'
- [(ambudhi)-kAminI] f. a river Bhām
- -sravā f. the plant Aloes Perfoliata
- ○nātha m. 'lord of the waters', the ocean Hariv
- ○nidhi m. 'treasury' of waters, the ocean
- ○nivaha m. 'water- bearer, a cloud VarBṛS. -1
- ○pa m. 'drinking water, the plant Cassia Tora or Alata L. -2
- ○pa m. 'lord of the waters', Varuṇa R. vii, i, 18
- ○pakṣin m. aquatic bird Kathās
- ○pati m.= 2 -pa VarBṛS., the ocean
- ○pattrā f. (= -da), the plant Cyperus Hex. C
- ○paddhati f. or current, stream, flow of water L
- ○pāta m. current, stream, flow of water L
- ○prasāda m. or the clearing nut tree, Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water [Mn. vi, 6]
- ○prasādana n. the clearing nut tree, Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water [Mn. vi, 6]
- they are rubbed upon the inner surface of a vessel, and so precipitate the impurities of the fluid it contains)
- ○bhṛt m. a cloud L
- talc L
- the grass Cyperus Pertenuis L
- ○mat mfn. watery, having or containing water, (tī), f. N. of a river MBh. iii, 6026
- ○mātra-ja mfn. produced only in water
- ○muc m. a cloud Kir. v, 12 Śiś
- ○yantra n. clepsydra VarBṛS
- ○raya, m. a current R. ii, 63, 43
- ○rāja m.= nātha Nalôd
- = 2. pa Hariv
- ○rāśi m. 'heap of waters', the ocean Kum. Ragh. &c
- ○ruha n. (ifc. f. ā) 'water-growing', the day-lotus R. &c., (ā), f. Hibiscus Mutabilis
- ○ruhiṇī f. the lotus, Kathās
- ○rohiṇī f. id. L
- ○vācī f. four days in Āshāḍha (the tenth to the thirteenth of the dark half of the month, when the earth is supposed to be unclean, and agriculture is prohibited) BrahmaP. ii, 77
- (ambuvācī) -tyaga m. the thirteenth of the same
- -prada n. the tenth in the second half of the month Āshāḍha
- ○vāsinī or f. the trumpet flower (Bignonia Suaveolens) L
- ○vāsī f. the trumpet flower (Bignonia Suaveolens) L
- ○vāha m. a cloud Kum. Megh. &c
- the grass Cyperus Pertenuis
- a water-carrier L
- talc L
- the number, 'seventeen' L
- ○vāhin mfn. carrying or conveying water
- (inī), f. a wooden baling vessel L
- N. of a river (v. l. madhu-vāhinī) MBh. vi, 334 VP
- ○vetasa m. a kind of cane or reed growing in water. [Page 84, Column]
- ○śi-rīṣikā f. N. of a plant Bhpr
- ○śītā f. N. of a river R. iv, 41, 16
- ○sarpiṇī f. 'water-glider' a leech L
- ○secanī f. (-vāhinī) a wooden baling vessel L
- ambū-krita mfn. (ambū used onomatopoetically to denote by trying to utter mb the effect caused by shutting the lips on pronouncing a vowel), pronounced indistinctly (so that the words remain too much in the mouth)
- [in later writers derived fr. ambu, water] sputtered, accompanied with saliva Pat. Lāṭy. (an-, neg.)
- (am), n. a peculiar indistinct pronunciation of the vowels RPrāt. Pat
- roaring (of beasts) accompanied with emission of saliva Uttarar. Mālatīm
- ambyâ m. 'a chanter' (an error of Sāy.'s on RV. viii, 72, 5
- cf. ambī́)
- ambh ambhate, to sound L
- ambhaṇa n. 'sounding', the body of the VIṇā lute AitĀr
- ámbhas n. (cf. abhrá, ámbu), water RV. &c., the celestial waters AitUp
- power, fruit fulness VS. and AV
- (āṃsi), n. pl. collective N. for gods, men, Manes, and Asuras TBr. and VP., (hence) (as), sg. the number 'four'
- mystical N. of the letter v
- N. of a metre (consisting of 82 syllables) RPrāt., (asa), instr. in comp. for ambhas (e.g. ambhasākṛta 'done by water') Pāṇ. 6-3, 3
- (asī) n. du. heaven and earth Naigh. [Gk. ? imber]
- ambhaḥ (incomp. for ambhas)
- ○pati m. 'the lord of the waters, Varuṇa
- ○syāmāka m. water hair-grass Car
- ○sāra m. a pearl L
- ○sū m. smoke L
- ○stha mfn. standing in water Hit
- ambho (in comp. for ambhas)
- ○ja n. (ifc. f. (ā) 'water-born', the day lotus
- (as)', n. the plant Calamus Rotang L., the Sārasa or Indian crane L. -j a-khaṇḍa, n. a group of lotus flowers Pāṇ. 4-2, 5 i, Kāś. -ja-janman, m. N. of Brahma (born in a lotus)
- ○janma jani m. (= ja janman) Brahmā BhP
- ○janman n. (= -ja) 'water-born', the Iotus BhP
- ○ja-yoni m. id
- ○jinī f. the lotus plant Kathās. &c
- an assemblage of lotus flowers or a place where they abound, (g. puṣ karâdi, q.v.) -da m. a cloud MBh. &c., the plant Cyperus Hexastychius Commnnis Nees
- ○dhara m. a cloud Mṛicch. &c
- ○dhi m. 'receptacle of waters, the ocean, (ambudhi) -pallava or vallabha m. coral L
- ○nidhi m. the ocean
- ○muc m. 'water-shedder', a cloud Kād
- ○raśi m. =
- ○nīdhi the ocean
- ○ruh n. 'water-growing', the lotus
- ○ruha n. (ifc. f. ā) id. Kum. &c
- m. (= -ja m.) the Indian crane
- N. of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh. xiii, 258
- ambhiṇī́ (for ○bhṛṇi), f. N. of a preceptress (who transmitted the white Yajur-veda to Vāc, speech) ŚBr. xiv (cf. āmbhṛṇī.)
- ambhṛṇá mfn. (cf. ámbhas, ?), powerful, great ṇaigh RV. i, great ṇaigh. RV. i, 133, 5 ['roaring terribly' Sāy.]
- (ás), m. a vessel (used in preparing the Soma juice) VS. and ŚBr
- N. of a Ṛishi (father of Vāc) RAnukr. (cf. ambhṛṇī)
- am-maya mf(ī) n. (for ap-maya Pāṇ. 4-3, 144 Siddh.), formed from or consisting of water, watery Ragh. x, 59 BhP
- ámyak ind. 'towards, here' (Nir. and Sāy. on RV. i, 169, 3), but √myakṣ
- amra as, m.= āmra, q.v. L
- amrāta m. = āmrāta, q.v. L
- amrātaka m. = āmrāt○, q.v. VarBṛS
- amla mfn. sour, acid Mn. v, 114, &c
- m. (with or without rasa) acidity, vinegar Suśr., wood sorrel (Oxalis Corniculata), Susr., (ī), f. Oxalis Corniculata. L
- (am), n. sour curds Suśr
- ○kāṇḍa n. N. of a plant
- ○keśara m. citron tree
- ○cukrikā f. or a kind of sorrel
- ○cūḍa m. a kind of sorrel
- ○jambīra m. lime tree
- ○tā f. sourness Suśr
- ○drava m. the acid juice (of fruits) Bhpr
- ○nāyaka m. sorrel
- ○nimbūka m. the lime
- ○níśā f. the plant Curcuma Zerumbet Roxb
- ○pañcaka or n. a collection of five kinds of sour vegetables and fruits
- ○pañca-phala n. a collection of five kinds of sour vegetables and fruits
- ○pattra m. the plant Oxalis and other plants
- ○panasa m. the tree Artocarpus Lacucha Roxb
- ○pítta n. acidity of stomach
- ○phala m. the tamarind tree, Magnifera Indica
- (am), n. the fruit of this tree Suśr
- ○bhe-dana m. sorrel L. [Page 84, Column]
- ○meha m. acid urine (a disease) Suśr
- ○rasa mfn. having a sour taste
- m. sourness, acidity
- ○ruhā f. a kind of betel
- ○loṇikā or f. wood sorrel (Oxalis Corniculata)
- ○loṇī or f. wood sorrel (Oxalis Corniculata)
- ○lolikā f. wood sorrel (Oxalis Corniculata)
- ○varga m. a class of plants with acid leaves or fruits (as the lime, orange, pomegranate, tamarind, sorrel, and others) Suśr
- ○vallī f. the plant Pythonium Bulbiferum Schott
- ○vāṭaka m. hog-plum (Spondias Magnifera)
- ○vāṭikā f. a kind of betel
- ○vāstūka n. sorrel
- ○vṛkṣa m. the tamarind tree
- ○vetasa m. a kind of dock or sorrel, Rumex Vesicarius MBh. iii, 11568 Suśr
- (am), n. vinegar (obtained from fruit) L
- ○śāka m. a sort of sorrel (commonly used as a pot-herb). -sāra, m. the lime
- a kind of sorrel
- (am), n. rice water after fermentation
- ○harídrā f. the plant Curcuma Zerumbet Roxb
- amlâṅkuśa m. a kind of sorrel
- amlâdhyuṣita n. a disease of the eyes (caused by eating acid food) Suśr. Amlībhūta, mfn. become sour Suśr. amlôdgāra m. sour eructation L
- amlaka m. the plant Artocarpus Lakuca
- (ikā), f. a sour taste in the mouth, acidity of stomach, Susr. the tamarind tree, wood sorrel (Oxalis Corniculata)
- ○vaṭaka m. a sort of cake Bhpr
- amliman ā m. sourness L
- amlīkā f. (= amlikā, q.v.) acidity of stomach Suśr
- wood sorrel L
- a-mlāna mfn. (√mlai), unwithered, clean, clear
- bright, unclouded (as the mind or the face) MBh. &c., m. globe-amaranth (Gom. phriena Globosa L.) Hcat
- a-mlāni f. vigour, freshness L
- a-mlānin mfn. clean, clear L
- (inī), f. an assemblage of globe amaranths L
- a-mlāyin mfn. unfading Kathās
- ay = √t, only supposed to be a separate √on account of such forms of √i, as ayate [RV. i, 127,], &c. √i
- aya m. going (only ifc., cf. abhyastam aya)
- (with gavām) 'the going or the turn of the cows, N. of a periodical sacrifice MBh
- a move towards the right at chess Pat. (cf. anânaya)
- Ved. a die Rv. x 166, 9 AV. &c
- the number 'four
- good luck, favourable fortune, Nalod move towards the right at chess Pat. (cf. ayânaya), Ved. a die RV. x, 116, 9 AV. &c
- the number, 'four
- good luck, favourable fortune, Nalod
- ○vat mfn. happy Kir., 20
- ○sobhin mfn. bright with good fortune Śiś. ayânaya, s. v
- ayânvita mfn. fortunate, lucky Ragh. iv, 26
- m. N. of Sankarācārya L
- ayatha n. a foot RV. x 28, 10 and 11 (mfn.) prosperous, PārGr
- áyana mfn. going VS. xxii, 7 Nir
- (am), n. walking a road a path RV. iii 33, 7 &c. (often ifc., cf. naimiṣâyana, puruṣâyana, prasamâyana, samudrâyaṇa, svedâyana), (in astron) advancing, precession Sūryas
- (with gen [e.g. ángirasām, ādityā́nam, gavām, &c.] or ifc.) 'course, circulation', N. of various periodical sacrificial rites AV. ŚBr. &c. the sun's road north and south of the equator, the half year Mn. &c., the equinoctial and solstitial points VarBṛS. &c
- way, progress, manner ŚBr
- place of refuge Mn. i, 10
- a treatise (śāstra, cf. jyotiṣām-ayana) L
- ○kala ās f. pl. the correction (in minutes) for ecliptic deviation, Suryas
- ○graha m. a planet's longitude as corrected for ecliptic deviation ib
- ○dṛk-karman n. calculation for ecliptic deviation ib
- ○bhaga m. (in astron.) the amount of precession ib
- ○vṛ́tta n. the ecliptic
- ayanâṃśa m. = ayana-bhāga, Sūryas Ayanânta, m. solstice ib
- a-yakṣyamá mf(ā́)n. not consumptive, not sick, healthy VS. AV
- causing health, salubrious RV. ix, 49, 1 VS. AV
- (ám)ṇ health VS
- ○ṃ-káraṇa mf(ī) n. producing health AV. ix, 2, 5
- ○tāti (ayakṣmá.), f. health AV. iv, 25, 5
- ○tvá n. id. ŚBr
- a-yakṣyamāṇa mfn. not wishing or not about to institute a sacrifice Jaim
- á-yajamāna mfn. not instituting a sacrifice VS. &c
- a-yajúṣka mfn. without a Yajus-formula ŚBr
- (am), ind. id. TBr
- a-yajús n. 'not a Yajus-formula', (úṣā), instr. without a Yajus-formula MaitrS
- á-yajuṣ-kṛta mfn. not consecrated with a Yajus-formula ŚBr. Lāṭy
- á-yajña m. not a real sacrifice ŚBr. and TBr
- non-performance of a sacrifice Mn. iii, 1 20 Lāṭy. Gaut. [Page 84, Column]
- (a-yajñá), mfn. not offering a sacrifice RV. vii, 6, 3 and x, 138, 6
- ○sac (á-yajña.), m(nom. pl. ācas) fn. not performing a sacrifice RV. vi, 6 7, 9
- a-yajñiyá mfn. not fit for sacrifice ŚBr. (once á-yajñya)
- profane, unworthy RV. x, 124, 3 and AV. xii, 2, 37
- á-yajñīya mfn. not fit for sacrifice KapS
- á-yajyu mfn. not sacrificing, impious RV
- á-yajvan mfn. id. RV. &c. Mn. xi, 14 & 20
- a-yajñadatta m. not Yajñtia. datta, i.e. the vile Yajñadatta Pāṇ. 6-2, 159 Kāś
- a-yat mfn. (√yam), not making efforts Bhaṭṭ
- á-yata mfn. unrestrained, uncontrolled
- a-yati m. no ascetic Bhag
- N. of one of the six sons of Nahusha MBh. i, 3155
- á-yatit mfn. (√yat), not going side by side RV. ii, 24, 5 ['not making efforts' Gmn.]
- a-yatna as, m. absence of effort or exertion
- (ena [Mn. v, 47, &c.], at, or in comp. ayatna-), ind. without effort or exertion
- ○kārin mfn. making no exertion, idle
- ○krita or mfn. easily or readily produced,. spontaneous L
- ○ja mfn. easily or readily produced,. spontaneous L
- ○tas without effort or exertion
- ○bālavysjanī-√bhū (perf. 3. pl. babhūvuḥ) to become or be changed into a fan without effort Ragh. xvi, 33
- ○vat mfn. inactive, idle
- ayátha col. 2
- a-yatha ind. not as it should be, unfitly BhP
- ○kṛta mfn. done unfitly VarBṛS
- ○jātiyaka mfn. contrary to what should be the case Pat. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 10
- ○tatham ind. not so as it should be Pāṇ. 7-3, 31 Mn. iii, 240
- ○tathā ind. given by Pat. on Pāṇ. 7-3, 31 as the base of āyathātathya (whereas Pāṇ. derives it from
- ○tatham q.v.)
- ○devatam- (á-yathā), ind. not consonant or suitable to a deity TBr
- ○dyotana n. intimation of something that should not be Pāṇ. 2-1, 10 Comm
- ○puram ind. not as formerly Pāṇ. 7-3, 31
- ○pūrva mfn. not being so as before Ragh. xii, 88 BhP
- (á-yathapurvam), ind. not in regular order TBr
- ○balam ind. not according to one's strength Śiś
- a-yathâbhipreta mfn. not desired, not agreeable Pāṇ. 3-4, 59
- a-yathā-mātram ind. not according to measure or quantity (a defect in the pronunciation of vowels) RPrāt
- a-yathāmukhina mfn. having the face turned away Bhaṭṭ
- á-yathāyatham ind. not as it ought to be, unsuitably ŚBr
- a-yathârtha mf(ā)n. incorrect, incongruous Śāk. &c., (am), ind. incorrectly Jaim
- a-yathā-vat ind. incorrectly Bhag
- a-yathāśāstra-kārin mfn. not acting in accordance with the scripture
- a-yathā-sthita mfn. not being in order, deranged Kād
- a-yath7ṣṭa mfn. not according to wish, not intended Pāṇ. 8-2, 1 and 116 Comm
- a-yathôktam ind. not in accordance with what has been stated RPrāt
- a-yathôcita mfn. unsuitable Pañcat
- aya-dīkṣita m. N. of an author (nephew of Apyaya-dikshita, q.v.) ayana. √ay, col. 2
- a-yantirá n. non restraint, not a means of restraining RV. x, 46, 6, (cf. paśv-áyantra.)
- a-yantraṇā f. not putting on a bandage, not dressing Suśr
- a-yantrita mfn. unhindered, unrestrained, selfwilled Mn. ii 118 &c
- á-yabhyā f. (a woman) with whom one ought not to cohabit AV. xx, 128, 8
- ayám this one. idám
- a-yamita mfn. 'unchecked.'
- ○nakha mfn. with untrimmed nails Megh. 1
- á-yava m. the dark half of the month VS. ŚBr
- á-yavan ā m. "ṣBr. or ri. Vṣ., id
- á-yavas ri. Vṣ., id
- á-yāva as, or, ā m. id. TS
- á-yāvan, ā m. id. TS
- a-yava mfn. producing bad or no barley Pāṇ. 6-2, 108 Pat. and 172 Kāś
- m. N. of one of the seven species of worms in the intestines Suśr. [Page 85, Column]
- a-yavaka mfn. producing bad or no barley Pāṇ. 6-2, 117 Pat. and 174 Kāś
- a-yāva mfn. not made of barley KātyŚr
- aya-vat áya
- a-yaśas n. infamy R. Mn. viii, 128, &c
- (ás), mfn. devoid of fame, disgraced ŚBr. xiv KātyŚr
- ○kara mf(ī)n. causing dishonour, disgraceful MBh. &c
- ayaśasya mfn. = ayaśas-kara, q.v. R. BhP. Suśr
- áyas iron, metal RV. &c
- an iron weapon (as an axe, &c.) RV. vi, 3, 5 and 47, 10
- gold Naigh
- steel L. ; [Lat. aes, aer-is for as-is ; Goth. ais, Thema aisa ; Old Germ. êr, iron ; Goth. eisarn ; Mod. Germ. Eisen.]
- ○kaṃsa m. an iron goblet Pāṇ. 8-3, 46 Sch
- ○karṇī f.? (cf. adhīloha-kárṇa and adhirūḍhā-k○) ib
- ○kāṇḍa m. n. 'a quantity of iron' or 'excellent iron', (g. kaskâdi, q.v.)
- ○kānta m. (gaṇa kaskâdi), 'iron-lover', the loadstone (cf. kāntâyasa) Ragh. xvii, 63, &c
- ○kāntamaṇi m. id. Mālatīm
- ○kāma m. a blacksmith Pāṇ. 8-3, 46 Sch
- ○kāra m. id. Pāṇ. 2-4, 10 Sch. and viii, 3, 46 Sch
- ○kuṇḍa m. an iron pitcher L
- ○kumbha m. or an iron pot or boiler Pāṇ. 8-3, 46 Sch
- ○kumbhī f. an iron pot or boiler Pāṇ. 8-3, 46 Sch
- ○kuśā f. a rope partly consisting of iron ib
- ○kṛti f. a medical preparation of iron Suśr
- ○tāpá mfn. one who heats iron VS
- ○tuṇḍa mfn. having an iron point Hariv
- ○pātrá m. an iron vessel AV. viii, 10, 22 Suśr. (v. l.)
- (am, or ī), n. f. id. Pāṇ. 8-3, 46 Sch
- ○máya mf(ī)n. Ved. made of iron or of metal RV. v, 30, 15, &c. BhP., m. N. of a son of Manu Svārocisha Hariv., (ī), f. N. of one of the three residences of the Asuras AitBr
- ayasmayâdi, a g. of Pāṇ. 1-4, 20
- ayaḥ (in comp. for ayas)
- ○kaṇapa m. a certain iron weapon MBh. i, 8257
- ○kāya m. 'of an iron body, N. of a Daitya Kathās
- ○kiṭṭa n. rust of iron L
- ○pāna n. 'iron-drink', N. of a hell BhP
- ○piṇḍa m. a ball or lump of iron Suśr
- ○pratimā f. iron image L
- ○śaṅku m. an iron bolt Ragh. xii, 95 Rājat
- (us), m. N. of an Asura Hariv. and MārkP
- ○śaphá mfn. having iron hoofs TĀr
- ○śayá mf(ā́)n. lying in iron (said of fire) VS. KātyŚr. (cf. ayā-śayá)
- ○sipra (á-yah), mfn. (said of the Ṛibhus) having iron cheeks (on the helmet) RV. iv, 37, 4
- ○siras m. N. of an Asura Hariv
- ○sirṣan (áyaḥ-), mfn. having an iron head RV. viii, 101, 3
- ○śula n. 'an iron dart', a painful or violent act Pāṇ. 5-2, 76
- ○sṛṅga (áyaḥ-), mfn. having iron horns MaitrS
- ○sthūṇa (áya? ), mfn. having iron pillars RV. v, 62, 8, m. N. of a Ṛishi ŚBr. xi
- (g. śivâdi, q.v.)
- (ās), m. pl. his descendants, (g. yaskâdi, q v.), (ī), f. (g. gaurâdi, q.v.)
- ayaś (in comp. for ayas)
- ○curṇa n. a powder prepared from iron (used for curing worms) Suśr
- ayo (incomp. for ayas)
- ○agra (áyo.), mf(ā)n. iron pointed RV. x, 99, 6
- ○gava and s.v
- ○gū́ s.v
- ○guḍa m. an iron ball Mn. iii, 1 33 Car
- ○'gra or n. a pestle L
- ○'graka n. a pestle L
- ○ghana m. an iron hammer Pāṇ. 3-3, 82 Ragh. xiv, 33, &c
- ○jāla (áyo-), mfn. having or carrying iron snares (as demons) AV. xix, 66, (am), n. iron net work R
- ○daṃṣṭra (áyo-), mfn. iron toothed RV. i, 88, 5 and x, 87, 2. -dati, f. having teeth like iron, a proper name Pāṇ. 5-4, 143, Kāś
- ○darvi f. an iron spoon Bhpr
- ○dāha m. the burning property of iron (used as an instance of metaphorical, speech, for iron does not possess the property of burning, but the fire by which the iron is heated)
- ○'pāṣṭi (áyo-), mfn. having iron claws RV. x, 99, 8 (cf. apaṣṭha.)
- ○bāhu m. 'iron-armed', N. of a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra MBh. i, 2733
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made of iron R. Mn. &c. (Ved. ayas-máya, q.v.)
- ○mala n. rust of iron L.,
- ○mukha (áyo-), mfn. having an iron mouth AV. xi, 10, 3
- having an iron beak MBh. xii, 12072
- iron-pointed (as a plough [Mn. x, 8] or a stake for impaling criminals [R. iii, 53, 5])
- m. an arrow Ragh. v, 55
- N. of a Dānava Hariv. and VP
- of a mountain Hariv. and R
- ○rajas n. = -mala, q.v. L
- ○rasá m. id. ŚBr. KātySr
- ○vikāra m. iron-work, any iron fabric Pāṇ. 4-1, 42
- ○'śana mfn. eating or living on rust of iron Hariv
- ○hata (áyo.), mfn. embossed in iron-work RV. ix, 1, 2 and 80, 2
- ○hanu (áyo-), mfn. iron-jawed RV. vi, 71, 4
- ○hṛdaya mfn. iron-hearted, stern Ragh. ix, 9. [Page 85, Column]
- ayasa n. (only ifc.) = ayas e.g. kṛṣṇâyasa, lohâyasa, q.v
- áyase Ved. Inf. fr. √i q.v
- áyā́ ind. (fr. pronom. base a = anayā), in this manner, thus RV
- a-yācaka mfn. (√yāc), 'one who does not ask or solicit' [a misspelling for a-pācaka NBD.] MBh. xii, 342
- a-yācat mfn. id. MBh. xiii, 3053
- a-yācamāna mfn. id. KaushUp
- á-yācita mfn. not asked for, unsolicited TĀr. Mn. &c
- m. N. of the Ṛishi Upavarsha L
- ○vrata n. the obligation of eating such food only as has been obtained without solicitation
- (mfn.), keeping the above obligation Āp. (quoted by Kullūka on Mn.)
- ayācitâhṛta mfn. offered without having been solicited Yājñ. i, 215
- ayācitôpanīta mfn. id. Comm. on Mn. iv, 247
- a-yācin mfn. not soliciting, (g. grahâdi.)
- a-yājyá mfn. (√yaj), a person for whom one must not offer sacrifices, outcast, degraded ŚBr. xiv KātyŚr. Mn. &c., not to be offered in a sacrifice
- ○tva n. the state of not being fit for a sacrificial offering Jaim
- ○yājana . [Mn. iii, 6] or n. sacrificing for an outcast (one of the sins called Upapātaka)
- ○saṃyājya [Mn. xi, 5], n. sacrificing for an outcast (one of the sins called Upapātaka)
- ayāṭ-kārá m. pronouncing the word áyāṭ (aor. fr. √yaj, quoted fr. VS. xxi, 47) ŚBr. i
- a-yātá mfn. not gone AV. x, 8, 8
- á-yātayāma mfn. not worn out by use, not weak, fresh ŚBr. MBh. iii 11005 and BhP
- (ām), n. pl., N. of certain texts of the Yajur-veda (revealed to Yajñavalkya) VP. and BhP
- ○tā (ayācayāmá-), f. unweakened strength, freshness ŚBr. and AitBr
- ○tva (áyatayāma-), n. id. TS. ii
- á-yātayāman mf(mnī)n. not weak, fresh ŚBr. and AitBr
- á-yātu m. not a demon RV. vii, 34, 8 and 104, 16
- a-yātrā f. the state of not being passable (as the sea) R. iv, 27, 16
- a-yāthātathya am n. (= ā-yathātathya), the state of being a-yathātatham, q.v. Pāṇ. 6-3, 31. Bhaṭṭ
- a-yāthāpurya n. (= āyathāpurya), the state of being a-yathāpuram, q.v. Pāṇ. 7-3, 31
- a-yāthârthika mfn. not suitable = a-yathârtha q.v. L
- a-yāthârthya n. the being a-yathârtha (q.v.) incongruousness L
- a-yāna n. not moving', halting, stopping L
- (= sva.bhāva), natural disposition or temperament' L
- ayânaya n. good and bad luck L
- m. a particular movement of the pieces on a chess or backgammon board Pāṇ. 5-2, 9 (cf. aya)
- ayânayina m. a piece at chess or backgammon so moved Pāṇ. 5-2, 9
- á-yāma m. not a path TS
- not a night-watch, any time during daylight
- á-yāman a n. (Ved. loc. ○man) no march or expedition RV. i, 181, 7 and viii, 52, 5
- a-yāva. and 2 1. and 2. a-yava
- á-yāvan 1. a-yava
- a-yāvana n. not causing to mix or to unite RPrāt
- ayā-śayá mfn. = ayaḥ-śaya, q.v. MaitrS. (cf. avā-śṛṅgá.)
- a-yāśú mfn. unfit for copulation AV. viii, 6, 15
- ayā́s (2, twice 3 [i.e. [a'As]] RV. i, 167, 4 and, vi, 66, 5), mfn. (fr. a + √yas?
- ayā́sya), agile, dexterous, nimble RV., (ās), n. (ind.) fire Uṇ. [Page 85, Column]
- ayā́sya (4), mfn. (= ? Windisch
- cf. ayā́s and [a'As] before), agile, dexterous, valiant RV
- m. N. of an Aṅgiras (composer of the hymns RV. ix, 44-66 and x, 67 and 68) RV. x, 67, 1 and 108, 8 ŚBr. xiv
- ayāsomīya n. N. of some verses of the SV. (so called from their beginning with the words ayā́ sóma)
- ayi ind. a vocative particle (especially used in dramas)
- a particle of encouragement or introducing a kind inquiry
- ayin mfn. only ifc., e.g. aty-ayin, anv-ayin, &c
- a-yuk-chada &c. a-yúj
- á-yukta mfn. (√yuj), not yoked RV. x, 27, 9 ŚBr. KātyŚr
- not harnessed RV. ix, 97, 20 ṢaḍvBr
- not connected, not united (as vowels)
- not added, not joined
- not applied or made use of ( -cāra below)
- to be supplied ( -padârtha below)
- not attentive, not devout RV. v, 33, 3 ŚBr. &c
- not suited, unfit, unsuitable MBh. &c
- not dexterous, silly R. BhP
- (á-yuktam), ind. not being yoked ŚBr. xii
- ○kṛt mfn. committing wrong acts
- ○cāra m. (a king &c.) who does not appoint spies R. iii, 37, 7 & 10
- ○tā f. or the not being used, the not being suitable
- ○tva n. the not being used, the not being suitable
- ○padârtha m. the sense of a word not given but to be supplied
- ○rūpa, mfn. unfit, unsuitable Kum
- a-yukti is f. unsuitableness, unreasonableness, want of conformity (to correct principles or to analogy) Sarvad
- ○yukta mfn. applied in an unsuitable way Bhpr
- inexpert (as a surgeon) Suśr
- a-yuga n. not a pair', one VarBṛS
- (mfn.) odd L
- ayugârcis m. 'having odd (i.e. seven) flames', fire Śiś
- a-yugapad ind. not at once, not simultaneously Nyāyad
- ○grahaṇa n. apprehending gradually and not simultaneously ib
- ○bhāva m. non-simultaneousness, successiveness ib
- a-yugū ūs f. 'without a companion', the only daughter (of a mother) Gobh
- a-yugma mf(ā)n. odd ĀśvŚr. &c. Mn. iii, 48
- ○cchada m.= a-yuk chada, q.v. Kir., i, i 6
- ○netra m. having an odd number of eyes (i.e. three), N. of Śiva Kum. iii, 51 and 69
- ○pattra or m. = cchada, q.v. L
- ○parṇa m. = cchada, q.v. L
- ○pādayamaka n. (a species of alliteration) the repetition of the odd (i.e. the first and third) Pādas of a stanza (in such a manner that the sense of the sounds repeated is different in the first and third Pāda) Comm. on Bhaṭṭ. x, 10
- ○locana m. (netra), Śiva Kād
- ○sara m. 'having an odd number of arrows (i.e. five)', N. of the god of love Daś
- a-yuṅga mfn. = a-yugma ŚBr. iii, xiii
- a-yuj mfn. id. ŚBr. &c. Mn. iii, 277
- ayukchada m. 'having odd (i.e.: seven, cf. spata-parṇa) leaves', the plant Alstonia Scholaris Śiś. vi 50
- ayuk-palasa m. id. L
- ayuk-pāda-yamaka n. = ayugma-p○, q.v. Comm. on Bhaṭṭ. x, 10
- ayuk-śakti m. 'having an odd number of (i.e. nine) powers', Siva L
- ayug-akṣa m. =
- ayugma-netra q.v., L-
- ayug-iṣu m= ayugmaśara, q.v. L
- ayug-dhātu mfn. having an odd number of elements or component parts KātyŚr
- ayug-bāṇa m. = ayugma-śara, q.v. L. Ayuṅnetra, m. = ayuma-netra, q.v. L
- a-yujá mfn. 'without a companion', not having an equal RV. viii 62, 2
- = a-yugma, q.v. ĀśvŚr. and ĀśvGṛ
- a-yujin mfn. = a-yugma, q.v. PBr
- a-yoga as, ni. separation, disjunction
- separation from a lover Daśar
- unfitness, unsuitableness, nonconformity Kāvyâd
- impossibility Comm. on Kum. iii, 14
- inefficacy of a remedy Suśr
- medical treatment counter to the symptoms, non-application or mis-application of remedies Suśr
- vigorous effort, exertion L
- inauspicious conjunction of planets L
- N. of a certain conjunction of planets
- ○kṣema (á-yoga), m. no secure possession of what has been acquired, no prosperity ŚBr. and AitBr
- ○valha m. '(sounds) which occur (in the actual language) without being given (by grammarians) together with (the other letters of the alphabet)', a term for Anusvāra, Visarjanīya, Upadhmānīya, Jihvāmūlīya, and the Yamas Pat. on Sivasutra 5 and on Pāṇ. 8-3, 5
- a-yogya mfn. unfit, unsuitable, useless KātyŚr. &c. [Page 86, Column]
- incapable, not qualified for Yājñ. ii, 235 Bhaṭṭ
- not adequate to, not a match for (loc.) Veṇis
- (in Sāṅkhya phil.) not ascertainable &c. by the senses, immaterial
- ○tā f. or unfitness, unsuitableness
- ○tva n. unfitness, unsuitableness
- a-yauktika mfn. incongruous Kap
- a-yaugapadya n. non-contemporaneous existence, unsimultaneousness Nyāyad
- a-yaugika mfn. having no regular derivation
- á-yuta mfn. (√1. yu), unimpeded AV. xix, 51, 1
- N. of a son of Rādhika BhP
- ○siddha mfn. (in phil.) proved to be not separated (by the intervention of space), proved to be essentially united (as organic bodies, &c.)
- ○siddhi f. establishing by proof that certain objects or ideas are essentially united and logically inseparable
- a-yúta n. [as m. only MBh. iii, 80], 'unjoined, unbounded', ten thousand, a myriad RV. AV. &c
- in comp. a term of praise ( ayutâdhyāpaka), (g. kāṣṭhâdi, q.v.)
- ○jit m. vḷ. for ayutā-jit' below
- ○nāyin m. N. of a king MBh. i, 3773
- ○śas ind. by myriads MBh. iii, 1763
- ○homa m. N. of a sacrifice BhavP
- ayutā-jit m. N. of a king (son of Sindhudviipa and father of Ṛituparṇa) BrahmaP
- of another king (son of Bhaj amāna) VP
- ayutâdhyāpaka m. an excellent teacher Pāṇ. 8-1, 67, Kas. Ayutâyu, m. N. of a son of Jayasena Āravin VP
- of a son of Śrutavat, VP
- ayutâsva m. (= ayutā-jit above) N. of a son of Sindhudvilpa VP
- á-yuddha mfn. (√yudh), unconquered, irresistible RV. viii, 45, 3 &x, 27, 10
- (am), n. not war, absence of war, peace MBh. &c
- ○sena (á-yuddha-), mfn. whose arrows or armies are un conquered, irresistible RV. x, 138, 5
- á-yuddhvi Ved. ind. without fighting RV. x, 108, 5
- a-yudha m. a non-fighter Pāṇ. 5-1, 121
- a-yudhyá mfn. unconquerable RV. x, 103, 7
- a-yoddhṛ́ m(nom. ○ddhā́)fn. id. RV. i, 32, 6, not fighting
- a-yodhyá (3, 4), mf(ā́)n. not to be warred a gainst, irresistible AV. R
- (ā́), f. the capital of Rāma (the modern Oude on the river Sarayu described in R.i, 5)
- ayodhyā-kaṇḍa n. N. of R. ii
- ayodhyâdhipati m. the sovereign of Ayodhyā
- ayodhyā-vāsin mfn. inhabiting Ayothrā
- a-yaudhika m. not a warrior, (g. cārvādi, q.v.)
- á-yupita mfn. not confused or troubled MaitrS
- a-yuva-mārin mfn. ṇBḍ. where no young people die AitBr
- a-yūpa m. not a sacrificial post Jaim
- without sacrificial posts MānGṛ
- aye ind. a vocative particle, an interjection (of surprise, recollection, fatigue, fear, passion, especially used in dramas, cf. ayi)
- ayoga as, ni. ṇBḍ. = ayogava MBh. xii
- ayogava m. the offspring' of a Śūdra man and Vaiśya woman (whose business is carpentry) Mn. x, 32, (since the word occurs only the loc. ayogave and is by both commentaries said to imply the female of this mixed tribe, the original reading is probably, as suggested by BR. ayoguvi loc. fr. ayogū, q.v.)
- ayogū́ ūs m. id., VS xxx, 5
- cf. ā́yogava
- (ūs), f. id.? ayogava
- a-yoddhṛ &c. á-yuddha
- á-yoni m. f. any place other than the pudendum muliebre ŚBr. Mn. xi, 173 Gaut
- (a-yoní), mfn. = a-yoni-ja below MaitrS
- without origin or beginning (said of Brahma) Kum. ii, 9
- (= antya-yoni) of an unworthy or unimportant origin MBh. xiii, 1885
- (in rhetoric) 'having no source that can be traced', original
- (is), m. N. of Brahma ( before)
- of Śiva PadmaP
- ○ja mf(ā)n. not born from the womb, not produced in the ordinary course of generation, generated equivocally MBh. &c
- ○ja-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha VāyuP
- ○ja-tva n. the state of not being born from a womb, Rājatt
- ○jâśa m. N. of Siva. [Page 86, Column]
- ○jeśvaratīrtha n. = -ja-tīrtha, q.v. VāyuP
- ○sambhava mfn. = a-yoni-ja, q.v. L
- a-yonika mfn. without the verse containing the word
- yoni (i.e. VS. xxiii, 2) KātyŚr
- a-yaudhika á-yuddha
- ara mfn. (√ṛ), swift, speedy L
- little (only for the etym. of udara) Comm. on TUp
- ifc., 'going', cf. samará
- (ás), m. the spoke or radius of a wheel RV. &c
- the spoke of an altar formed like a wheel, Śulb
- a spoke of the timewheel, viz. a Jaina division of time (the sixth of an Avasarpiṇi or Utsarpiṇi)
- the eighteenth Jaina saint of the present Avasarpiṇī
- N. of an ocean in Brahmā's world (only for a mystical interpretation of araṇya) ChUp
- (am), n. the spoke of a wheel L
- (áram), ind., s. v
- ○ghaṭṭa m. a wheel or machine for raising water from a well (Hind. ?) Pañcat
- a well Rājat
- ○ghaṭṭaka m. -ghaṭṭa, q.v. L
- ○nemi m. N. of Brahmadatta (king of Kośala) Buddh
- ○maṇas (ará-) and mati (ará) s.v. áram
- arântara āṇi n. pl. the intervals of the spokes
- araka m. the spoke of a wheel Suśr
- the Jaina division of time called ará L., the plant Blyxa Octandra
- another plant, Gardenia Enneandra
- ari m. v. l. for arin below
- arin i n. 'having spokes', a wheel, discus BhP. RāmatUp
- a-rakṣat mfn. (√1. rakṣ), not guarding Mn. viii, 304 and 307
- a-rakṣita mfn. not guarded MBh. Mn. &c
- a-rakṣitṛ mfn. one who does not guard R
- a-rakṣás mfn. (√3. rakṣ), harmless, honest RV
- a-rakṣasyá mfn. free from evil spirits MaitrS
- aragárāṭa m. (? a valley) AV. vi, 69, 1
- araṃ-kṛ √1. &c. áram
- araṃ-√gam &c. áram
- araṃ-gará and áram
- ○ghuṣá áram
- a-raṅgin mfn. passionless L
- araṅgi-sattva ās m. pl. a class of deities Buddh
- a-raja mfn. (for a-rajás below), dustless R. vi
- (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Uśanas R. vii 80 8 seqq
- a-rajás mfn. dustless ŚBr. xiv, N., free from passion or desire MBh. xiv, 1283, (ās), f. 'not having the monthly courses', a young girl
- a-rajas-ka mfn. dustless, without the quality called rajas NṛisUp
- arajāya Nom, Ā. ○yate, to become dustless' or, 'to lose the monthly courses', (g. bhṛśâdi, q.v.)
- a-rajjú mfn. not having or consisting of cords ['not a cord or rope' NBD.] RV. ii, 13, 9 and vii, 84, 2
- araṭu m. the tree Colosanthes Indica Bl. (cf. aralu.)
- araṭvá mfn. made of the wood of the above tree
- (as), m. N. of a man RV. viii, 46, 27
- áraḍu us, m.= aratu above AV. xx, 131, 18
- aráuka mfn. made of the wood of the above tree, (g. ṛśyâdi, q.v.)
- araḍā f. N. of a goddess Gobh
- áraṇa mf(ī) n. (√ṛ), foreign, distant RV. AV. ŚBr
- (am), n. (only for the etym. of araṇi) the being fitted (as a piece of wood) Nir
- a refuge BhP
- aráṇi f. 'being fitted into' or 'turning round', the piece of wood (taken from the Ficus Religiosa or Premna Spinosa) used for kindling fire by attrition RV. &c. (generally distinction is made between the lower one and the upper one, adharâraṇí and uttarâraṇi, the former may also be meant by araṇi alone without adhara)
- (figuratively) a mother Hariv. (cf. pāṇḍávâraṇi and surâraṇi)
- (is) m. the plant Premna Spinosa L., the sun L., (1), du. f. the two Araṇis (used for kindling the fire) RV. &c
- ○mat mfn. being contained in the Araṇis (as fire) ĀśvŚr
- araṇikā f. the plant Premna Spinosa L
- aráṇī f. = 1. aráṇi RV. v, 9, 3, &c
- ○ketu m. the plant Premna Spinosa L
- a-raṇa mfn. without fighting (as death, i.e. natural death) Bhaṭṭ. [Page 86, Column]
- á-raṇi f. discomfort, pain AV. i, 18, 2
- áraṇya n. (fr. 1. áraṇa
- fr. √ṛ Uṇ.), a foreign or distant land RV. i, 163, 11 and vi, 24, 10
- a wilderness, desert, forest AV. VS. &c
- m. the tree also called Kaṭphala L
- N. of a son of the Manu Raivata Hariv. 434
- of a Sādhya ib. 11536
- of a teacher (disciple of Pṛithvidhara)
- ○kaṇā f. wild cumin seed L
- ○kadalī f. the wood or wild plantain L
- ○karpāsī f. = -kāpāsī below
- ○kāka m. the wood-crow L
- ○kāṇḍa n. N. of R. iii (describing Rāma's life in the wilderness)
- ○kārpāsī f. the wild cotton-shrub L
- ○kulathikā f. the plant Glycine Labialis Lin. L
- ○kusumbha m. the plant Carthamus Tinctorius L
- ○ketu m. N. of a plant L. (cf. araṇī-ketu.)
- ○gaja m. a wild elephant Pañcat
- ○gata mfn. gone into a forest Pat. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 24 Comm
- ○gholī f. N. of a vegetable L
- ○caṭaka m. a wood-sparrow L
- ○cara mfn. living in forests, wild Pañcat
- ○ja mfn. produced or born in a forest L
- araṇyajârdrakā f. wild ginger L
- ○jira m. wild cumin L
- ○jīva mfn. = cara L
- ○dvādasi f. the twelfth day of the month Mārgasīrsha
- with or without -vrata n. N. of a ceremony performed on this day BhavP
- ○dharma m. forest usage, wild or savage state Pañcat
- ○dhānya n. wild rice L
- ○nṛpati m. 'king of the forest the tiger', N
- ○parvan n. N. of the first section of MBh. iii
- ○bhava mfn. growing in a forest, wild Pañcat
- ○bhāga (áraṇya-) mfn. forming part of the forest ŚBr. xiii
- ○makṣikā f. the gad fly L
- ○mārjāra m. wild cat Pañcat
- ○mudga m. a kind of bean L
- ○yāna n. going into a forest Bhaṭṭ. (cf. -gata above)
- ○rakṣaka m. forest-keeper, superintendent of a forest district L
- ○rajanī f. the plant Curcuma Aromatica L
- ○rāj m. = -nṛpati, N
- a lion ib
- ○rājya n. the sovereignty of the forest Hit
- ○rudita n. 'weeping in a forest', i.e. weeping in vain, with no one to hear, Pāncat
- ○vat ind. like a wilderness Hit
- ○vāyasa m. a raven L
- ○vāsa m. living in a forest R
- ○vāsin mfn. living in a forest MBh. iii, 15632
- ī m. a forest beast Hit
- 'forestdweller', a hermit MBh. iii, &c
- (imī), f. N. of a plant
- ○vāstuka or m. N. of a plant
- ○vastuka m. N. of a plant
- ○śāli m. wild rice. -śuraṇa m. N. of a plant
- ○śvan m. a wolf L
- a jackal L
- ○ṣaṣṭhikā or f. N. of a festival celebrated by females on the sixth day of the light half of the month Jyaishṭha
- ○ṣaṣṭhī f. N. of a festival celebrated by females on the sixth day of the light half of the month Jyaishṭha
- ○haladī f. the plant Curcuma Aromatica Bhpr
- araṇyâdhīti f. or reading or study in a forest Sāy. on TĀr
- araṇyâdhyayana n. reading or study in a forest Sāy. on TĀr
- araṇyâyana n. going into a forest becoming a hermit ChUp
- araṇye-geya &c., s.v. araṇye
- araṇyâukas m. 'whose abode is the forest', a Brāhman who has left his family and become an anchorite Śāk
- araṇyaka n. a forest Yājñ. iii, 192, the plant Melia Sempervirens L
- araṇyāní or f. a, desert, large forest RV. x, 146, 4 AV. &c
- araṇyānī́ f. a, desert, large forest RV. x, 146, 4 AV. &c
- the goddess of the wilderness and desert RV. x, 146, 1-6
- araṇyīya mfn. 'containing a forest' or 'near to a forest', (g. utkarâdi, q.v.)
- araṇye (in comp. for áraṇyn chiefly used for figurative expressions or as names Pāṇ. 2-1, 44 and vi, 3, 9)
- ○geya mfn. to be sung in the forest Lāṭy. Up
- ○tilaka ās m. pl. 'wild, sesamum growing in a forest and containing no oil, anything which disappoints expectation Pāṇ. 2-1, 44 Sch. and vi, 3, 9 Sch
- ○'nuvākyá mfn. to be recited in the forest TBr
- ○'nū74cya m. 'to be recited in a forest), N. of an oblation (so called because of its being offered with a verse which is to be recited in a forest) ŚBr. KātySr
- a-rata mfn. (√ram), dull, languid, apathetic L
- disgusted, displeased with, Nalod
- (am), n. non-copulation L
- ○trapa m. 'not ashamed of copulation', a dog L.'
- a-rati is f. dissatisfaction, discontent, dulness, languor Buddh. Jain. &c
- anxiety, distress, regret MBh. BhP. &c
- anger, passion L
- a bilious disease L
- (mfn.), discontented L
- ○jña mfn. 'not knowing pleasure', dull, spiritless BhP
- a-ratika mfn. without Rati (the wife of Kāma) Kathās. [Page 87, Column]
- a-ratní mfn. 'disgusted, discontented' ṇBḍ. RV. viii, 80, 8
- a-rantos Ved. Inf. not to like AitBr
- a-ramaṇīya-tā f. unpleasantness Pāṇ. 5-1, 121 Kāś
- a-rámati mfn. without relaxation or repose RV. ii, 38, 4 and viii, 31, 12
- á-rámamāṇa mfn. id. RV. ix, 72, 3
- aratí m. (√ri cf. ara, áram), 'moving quickly', a servant, assistant, manager, administrator RV. (for RV. v, 2, 1, 2. aratní)
- aratní m. the elbow RV. v, 2, 1 (according to the emendation of BR.) ŚBr. AśvŚr
- a corner RV. x, 160, 4
- a cubit of the middle length, from the elbow to the tip of the little finger, a fist RV. viii, 80, 8 (cf. 1. a-ratni) AV. ŚBr. &c
- ifc. with numbers (e.g. pañcâratnyas, five fists') Pāṇ. 1-1, 58 Comm. and vi, 2, 29 and 30 Sch
- (is), f. the elbow BhP. (cf. ratni.)
- ○mātrá mf(ī́)n. one ell in length ŚBr. &c
- (ám), n. a distance of only an ell ŚBr
- aratnika m. the elbow, Yājṅ. iii, 86
- á-ratnin mfn. not possessing wealth or precious things TBr
- á-rathá mfn. having no car RV. VS. AV
- a-rathin ī m. a warrior who does not fight in a car, or owns no car MBh
- á-rathī m. not a charioteer RV. vi, 66, 7
- á-radhra mfn. not pliant or obedient RV. vi 18, 4 and 62, 3
- arantuka
- as m. N. of a Tirtha MBh. iii, 7078
- a-rantos a-rata
- a-rapá mfn. unhurt VS.viii, 5
- a-rapás mfn. unhurt, safe RV. AV
- not hurting, beneficial RV. viii, 18, 9
- arapacana m. a mystical collective N. of the five Buddhas (each being represented by a letter)
- áram ind. (√ṛ
- ara), readily, fitly, suitably, so as to answer a purpose (with dat.) RV
- (with purú, or prithú) enough, sufficiently RV. i, 142, 10 and v, 66, 5, with dat. (e.g.bhaktaya), id. Pāṇ. 8-2, 18 Kāś. [cf. álam and Gk. ?]. [87,]
- ○iṣ (áram-), mfn. hastening near (to help) RV. viii, 46, 17
- ará (in comp. -áram)
- ○maṇas (ará-), mfn. ready to serve, obedient RV. vi, 17, 10. 2
- arámati f. 'readiness to serve, obedience, devotion (generally personified as) a goddess protecting the worshippers of the gods and pious works in general RV., (mfn.)', patient ṇBḍ. RV. x, 92, 4 and 5
- áraṃ (in comp. for áram)
- ○√kṛ (Subj. -kárat or -karat, 1. pl. -kṛṣṇavāma
- Imper. 1. sg. -karaṇ aor. 3.pl. -ákran) to prepare, make ready RV
- to serve (with or without dat.) RV
- ○kṛ́t mfn. preparing (a sacrifice), serving(as a worshipper) RV
- ○kṛta (áraṃ-) mfn. prepared, ready RV. and AV
- ○kṛti (áraṃ-), f. service RV. vii, 29-3
- ○kṛ́tyā Ved. ind. p. having prepared, being ready RV. x, 51, 5
- ○√gam (Imper. 2. du. gantam
- Opt.2ṣg. -gamyas, 1. pl. -gaméina) to come near (in order to help), assist, attend (with dat.) RV. and SV
- ○gamá mfn. coming near (in order to help), ready to help RV. vi, 42, 1 and viii, 46, 17 AV
- ○gará m. (√1. gṝ), one who bestows praise, who hymns the gods?' AV. xx, 135, 13
- ○ghuṣá mfn. sounding aloud AV. x, 4, 4
- á-ramamāṇa &c. a-rata
- aramuḍi m. a king of Nepal Rājat
- arará n. a covering, a sheath L., (as, ī), mf. the leaf of a door, a door L
- (am), n. id. Mcar
- m. an awl L
- a part of a sacrifice L
- fighting, war
- arari m. a door-leaf. Rājat. (cf. dvārârari.)
- arar�ākā f. N. of the ancestress of a celebrated Hindū family, (g. gargâdi, q.v.)
- (ās), m. pl, the descendants of Arara�akā Pat. (cf. [Arar�Akya].) [Page 87, Column]
- ararínda n. a vessel or a utensil used in preparing the Soma juice RV. i, 139, 10
- water Naigh
- á-rarivas m(nom. ○vān
- gen. abl. á-raruṣas)fn. (√rā),, 'not liberal', envious, hard, cruel, unfriendly (N. of evil spirits, who strive to disturb the happiness of man) RV
- a-ráru mfn. id. RV. i, 129, 3
- (us), m. Ved. N. of a demon or Asura RV. x, 99, 10 VS. &c
- a weapon Uṇ
- arare ind. a vocative particle (expressing haste) L
- ararya Nom. P. ○ryati, to work with an awl (ā́rā, q.v
- cf. arā below), (g. kaṇḍvādi, q.v.)
- aralu = araṭu, q.v., Kauś. Suśr
- araluka m. id., Suśr
- a-rava mfn. noiseless
- aravinda n. (fr. ara and vinda Pāṇ. 3-1, 138 Kāś.), a lotus, Nelumbium Speciosum or Nymphiea Nelumbo Śāk. &c
- m. the Indian crane L
- copper L
- ○dala-prabha n. copper L
- ○nābha m. Vishṇu (from whose navel sprung the lotus that bore Brahmā at the creation) BhP
- ○sad m. 'sitting on a lotus', N. of Brahmā Bhaṭṭ
- aravindinī f. (g. puṣkarâdi, q.v.) an assemblage of lotus flowers Kād. &c
- a-raśmán m(nom. pl. ā́nas)fn. having no ropes or reins, R5T. ix, 97, 20
- a-raśmika mfn. without reins ĀśvGṛ
- a-rasá mf(ā́)n. sapless, tasteless NṛisUp
- not having the faculty of tasting ŚBr. xiv
- weak, effectless, having no strength RV. i 191 16 AV
- m. absence of sap or juice L
- ○jna mfn. having no taste for, not taking interest in MBh. xii, 6719
- arasâsa m. the eating, of sapless or dry food Kauś. Arasâsin, mfn. eating sapless or dry food Kauś
- a-rasayitṛ́ mfn. one who does not taste MaitrUp
- a-rasika mfn. devoid of taste, unfeeling, dull
- arasi-ṭhakkura m. N. of a poet (mentioned in Śārṅgadhara's anthology)
- a-rahas as n. absence of secrecy Pāṇ. 3-1, 12 Kāś. (v.1.)
- arahāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become public ib. (vḷ.)
- a-rahita mfn. not deprived of, possessed of
- arā f. (= ā́rā), an awl Comm. on MBh. xv, 19
- a-rāga mfn. unimpassioned, cool Veṇis
- a-rāgin mfn. id
- not coloured Suśr
- a-ragitā f. indifference with regard to (loc.) Sāh
- a-rājan ā m. not a king ŚBr. and AitBr
- arāja-tā f. the want of a king AitBr
- a-rājânvayin mfn. not belonging to the family of a king, Rajat
- a-rājáka mfn. having no king TBr. &c., (am), n. want of a king, anarchy BhP
- a-rājanyá mfn. without the Rājanya-or Kshatriya-caste ŚBr
- a-rājín mfn. without splendour RV. viii, 7, 2 3
- arāṭakī́ f. N. of a plant AV. iv, 37, 6
- arā́ḍa mf(ī́)n. (= ucchrita-śṛṅga) having high horns MaitrS
- (compar. of fem. ○dī́tara) ŚBr. iv
- arāḍyâ mfn. id. TS
- arāṇá aor. p. √ṛ, q.v
- arāṇi or arālis m. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh. xiii, 257
- á-rāts f. 'non liberality', enviousness', malignity RV
- failure, adversity RV. AV. ŚBr. TBr
- particular evil spirits (who frustrate the good intentions and disturb the happiness of man) ib
- (is), m. an enemy Ragh. xii, 89
- (in arithm.) the number six (there being six sins or internal enemies, cf. ṣaḍ-varga). [Page 87, Column]
- ○dū́ṣana mfn. destroying adversity AV. xix, 34, 4
- ○dū́ṣi mfn. id. AV. ii, 4, 6
- ○nud mfn. expelling enemies MBh. iii, 1702
- ○bhaṅga m. defeat of a foe L
- ○há mfn. = -dūṣaṇa, q.v. AV. xix, 35, 2
- arātī-ván mfn. hostile, inimical RV
- arātiya Nom. P. (Subj. ○tsyā́t) to be malevolent, have hostile intentions against (dat.) AV. iv, 36, 1
- arātīya Nom. P. ○tīyáti (p. ○tīyát [RV. i, 99, 1, &c.]
- Subj. ○tīyā́t), Ved. id
- arātīyú mfn. hostile AV. x, 6, 1
- á-rāddhi f. ill-success, mischance VS. xxx, 9
- a-rādhás mfn. not liberal, hard, stingy, selfish RV. and AV
- á-rāya mfn. id. RV. viii, 61, 11 (Nir. vi, 25)
- (a-rā́ya), m. an evil spirit AV
- (ī), f. id. RV. x, 555, 1 and 2 AV
- ○kṣáyaṇa n. anything that serves to destroy evil spirits AV. ii, 18, 3
- ○cā́tana n. id. ib
- arāla mfn. (cf. ará, fr. √ṛ
- Intens. for arāra?), crooked, curved Uttarar. (an- neg. 'straight'), &c
- crisped or curled (as hair) Ragh. &c
- (g. śārṅgaravâdi, q.v.) 'Crispus', N. of a Vedic teacher VBr. m. a bent or crooked arm or hand L. the resin of the plant Ṣorea Robusta L
- an elephant in rut L
- (ā, i), f. (g. bahv-ādi, q.v.) a disloyal or unchaste woman L
- a modest woman L
- ○pakṣma-nayana mfn. whose eyelashes are curved, N. xi, 33
- arāli v. l. for araṇs, q.v
- a-rāvan mfn. 'not liberal', envious, hostile RV
- árāvan ā m. = arvan, a steed, horse [NBD
- = ara-vat, having spokes or wheels, a cart', Ludwig. = gamana-vat, moving Sāy] RV. vii 68, 7
- á-rāṣṭra am, and, n. not a kingdom ŚBr
- arí mfn. (√ṛ), attached to faithful RV
- (is), m. a faithful or devoted or pious man RV
- ○gūrtá mfn. praised by devoted men RV. i, 186, 3
- ○dhāyas (arī-), mf(acc. pl. ○yasas)n. willingly yielding milk (as a cow) RV. i, 126, 5
- ○ṣṭutá mfn. (√stu), praised with zeal (Indra) RV. viii, 1, 22
- a-ri mfn. (√rā
- = 1. arí, assiduous, &c., Gnm.), not liberal, envious, hostile RV. (ís), m. an enemy RV. MBh. &c
- (áris), m.id. AV. vii, 88, 1 and xiii, 1, 29, (in astron.) a hostile planet VarBṛS
- N. of the sixth astrological mansion ib. (in arithm.)the number six (cf. arāti)
- a species of Khadira or Mimosa L
- ○karṣaṇa m. harasser of enemies, N
- ○ghna m. a destroyer of enemies R. v
- ○cintana n. or plotting against an enemy, administration' of foreign affairs L
- ○cintā f. plotting against an enemy, administration' of foreign affairs L
- ○jana n. a number of enemies Kathās
- ○jit m. 'conquering enemies', N. of a son of Kṛishṇa (and of Bhadrā) BhP
- ○tā f. or enmity
- ○tva n. enmity
- ○dānta 'enemy-subdued', N. of a prince Hariv. 6628 (v. l. ati-dānta, q.v.)
- ○nandana mfn. gratifying or affording triumph to an eneny Hit
- ○nipāta m. invasion or incursion of enemies Hit
- ○nuta mfn. praised even by enemies Bhaṭṭ
- ○ṃ-dama mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 46 Sch.) foe-conquering, victorious, N. &c., m. N. of Śiva
- of the father of Sanaśruta AitBr
- of a Muni Kathās
- ○pura n. an enemy's town
- ○marda m. the plant Cassia Sophora
- ○mardana mfn. foe-trampling, enemy destroying MBh. &c
- m. N. of a son of Śvaphalka Hariv
- of a king of owls Pañcat
- ○mitra m. an ally or friend of an enemy
- ○m-ejaya m. 'shaking enemies', N. of a Naga priest PBr
- of a son of Śvaphalka Hariv
- of Kuru ib
- ○meda m. a fetid Mimosa, Vachellia Farnesiana L
- (ās), m. pl., N. of a people, VaṛB-S
- ○medaka m. N. of an insect Suśr
- ○rāṣṭra n. an enemy's country
- ○loka m. a hostile tribe or an enemy's country L
- ○siṃha m. N. of an author
- ○sūdana m. destroyer of foes
- ○soma m. a kind of Soma plant MBh. xiv, 247
- ○ha m. 'killing enemies', N. of a prince, (son of Avācīna) MBh. i, 3771
- of another prince (son of Devātithi) ib., 3776
- ○han mfn. killing or destroying enemies, N. Ragh. ix, 23. [Page 88, Column]
- a-rikta mfn. not empty KātyŚr. BhP
- not with empty hands ŚāṅkhGṛ
- abundant BhP. iv, 22, 11
- a-riktha-bhāj mfn. not entitled to a share of property, not an heir, (in a verse quoted by the) Comm. on Yājñ
- a-rikthīya mfn. id. Mn. ix, 147
- aritṛ́ tā́ m. (√ṛ), a rower RV. ii, 42, 1 and ix, 95, 2
- [Gk. ? &c. ; Lat. ratis, [88,] remex, &c.]
- arítra mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 184) propelling, driving RV. x, 46, 7
- (arítra), m. an oar ŚBr. iv
- (arítra [RV. i, 46,] or áritra [AV. v, 4,]), am, n. (ifc. f. ā) an oar (cf. dáśâritra, nítyâr○, śátâr○, sv-aritrá) ; [Lat. aratrum.]
- ○gādha mfn. oar-deep, shallow Pāṇ. 6-2, 4 Kāś
- ○páraṇa mf(ī)n. crossing over by means of oars RV. x, 101, 2
- arin i n. ara
- a-riprá mf(ā́)n. spotless, clear RV. and AV
- faultless, blameless RV
- a-riphita mfn. (said of the Visarga) not changed into r Prāt
- a-repha mfn. without the letter r
- ○jāta mfn. id. Up
- ○vat mfn. id. RPrāt
- a-rephin mfn. = a-riphita RPrāt
- á-riṣaṇya mfn. not failing, certain, to be depended upon RV. ii, 39, 4
- á-riṣaṇyat mfn. id. RV
- á-riṣṭa mf(ā) n. unhurt RV. &c
- proof against injury or damage RV
- secure, safe RV
- boding misfortune (as birds of ill omen, &c.), Adbh Br. Hariv
- fatal, disastrous (as a house) R. ii, 42, 22
- m. a heron L
- a crow L
- the soapberry tree, Sapindus Detergens Roxb. (the fruits of which are used in washing Yājñ. i 186)
- cf. arī ṣṭaka
- Azadirachta Indica R. ii, 94, 9
- garlic L
- a distilled mixture, a kind of liquor Suśr
- N. of an Asura (with the shape of an ox, son of Bali, slain by Kṛishṇa or Vishṇu) Hariv. BhP
- of a son of Manu Vaivasvata VP. (v. l. for deṣṭa)
- ill-luck, misfortune ( ariṣṭa n.) MBh. xii, 6573, (ā), f. a bandage Suśr
- a medical plant L
- N. of Durgā SkandaP
- N. of a daughter of Daksha and one of the wives of Kaśyapa Hariv
- (am), n. bad or ill-luck. misfortune
- a natural phenomenon boding approaching death
- good fortune, happiness MBh. iv, 2126, buttermilk L
- vinous spirit L
- a woman's apartment, the lying-in chamber (cf. ariṣṭagriha and -śayyā below) L
- ○karman m. N. of a prince VP
- ○gātu (áreṣṭa ), mfn. having a secure residence RV. v, 44, 3
- ○gu (árlṣṭa), mfn. whose cattle are unhurt AV. x, 3, 10
- ○gṛha n. a lying-in chamber L
- ○grāma (áriṣṭa.), mfn. (said of the Maruts) whose troop is unbroken, i.e. complete in number RV. i, 166, 6
- ○tāti (ariṣṭá-), f. safeness, security RV. x and AV
- (mfn.) = aruhṭasya kara making fortunate auspicious Pāṇ. 4-4, 143
- ○duṣṭa-dhī mfn. (= viivaśa) apprehensive of death, alarmed at its approach L
- ○nemi (áriṣṭa-), mfn. the felly of whose wheel is unhurt (N. of Tārkshya) RV., (is), m. N. of a man (named together with Tārkshya) VS. xv, 18, (said to be the author of the hymn RV. x, 178) RAnukr
- N. of various princes MBh. VP
- of a Gandharva BhP
- of the twenty-second of the twenty four Jaina Tirthaṃkaras of the present Avasarpiṇi
- ○nemin m. N. of a brother of Gauḍa (= Aruṇa Comm.) R. v, 2, 10
- of a Muni R. vii, 90, 5
- of the twenty-second Tirthaṃkara ( nemi) L
- ○pura n. N. of a town Pāṇ. 6-2, 100
- ○bharman mfn. yielding security RV. viii, 1 8, 4 (voc.)
- ○mathana m. 'killer of the Asura Arishṭa', N. of Śiva (i.e. Vishṇu)
- ○ratha (áriṣṭa-), mfn. whose carriage is unhurt RV. x, 6, 3
- ○vira (árishṭa-), mfn. whose heroes are unhurt RV. i 114, 3 and AV. iii, 12, 1
- ○śayyā f. a lying-in couch Ragh. iii, 15
- ○sūdana or m. (= -mathana, q.v.) N. of Vishṇu L
- ○han m. (= -mathana, q.v.) N. of Vishṇu L
- ariṣṭâśritapura n. N. of a town Pāṇ. 6-2, 100 Sch
- á-riṣṭa9su mfn. whose vital power is unhurt AV. xiv, 2, 72
- a-riṣṭaka m. (= á-riṣṭa, m.) the soapberry tree (the fruits of which are used in washing Mn. v, 120) Suśr
- (aka or ikā,) f. N. of a plant VarBṛS. [Page 88, Column]
- á-riṣṭi f. Ved. safeness, security RV. &c
- á-riṣyat mfn. not being hurt RV. and AV
- á-rīḻha mfn. (for á-rīḍha, √rih = lih), not licked RV. iv, 18, 10
- a-rīti f. (in rhetoric) deficiency of style, a defect in the choice of expressions
- a-rītika am, n. id. L
- arīhaṇa m. the first N. of the following gaṇa
- arīhaṇâdi a g. of Pāṇ. 4-3, 80
- aru m. the sun L
- the redblossomed Khadira tree L
- for arus n. only in comp. with -ṃ-tuda mf(ā)n. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 35 and vi, 3, 67) 'beating or hurting a wound', causing torments, painful Mn. ii, 161, &c
- arū-√kṛ to wound L
- aruṃṣikā f. (fr. arūṃṣi pl. of arus n.), scab on the head Suśr
- á-rugṇa mfn. unbroken RV. vi, 39, 2
- a-ruj mfn. painless (as a tumour) Suśr
- free from disease, sound, healthy
- a-ruja mf(ā)n. painless (as a tumour, &c.) Suśr
- free from disease, sound Suśr. &c
- brisk, gay R. vii, 84, 16
- m. the plant Cassia Fistula
- N. of a Dānava Hariv. 14286
- a-rúc mfn. lightless RV. vi, 39, 4
- a-ruci f. want of appetite, disgust Suśr
- aversion, dislike Sāh. Kād. (with upari)
- á-rucita mfn. not agreeable or suitable to ŚBr. xiv
- a-rucira mfn. disagreeable, disgusting
- a-rucya mfn. id. L
- a-ruj and a-ruja, á-rugṇa
- aruṇá mf(ā́ [RV. v, 63, 6, &c.] or ī́ [RV. x, 61, 4, &, (nom. pl. aruṇáyas) 95,]) n. (√ṛ Uṇ.), reddish-brown, tawny, red, ruddy (the colour of the morning opposed to the darkness of night) RV. &c
- perplexed L
- dumb L
- m. red colour BhP
- the dawn (personified as the charioteer of the sun) Mn. x, 33, &c
- the sun Śāk
- a kind of leprosy (with red [AV. v, 22, 3 and vi, 20,] spots and insensibility of the skin) L
- a little poisonous animal Suśr
- the plant Rottleria Tinctoria L
- molasses L
- N. of a teacher TS. ŚBr. TBr
- of the composer of the hymn RV. x, 91 (with the patron. Vaitahavya) RAnukr
- of the Nāga priest Aṭa PBr
- of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- of the Daitya Mura ib
- of an Asura MBh. xvi, 119 (v.1 varuṇa), of the father of the fabulous bird Jaṭāyu MBh. iii, 16045
- (áruṇa), m. pl., N. of a pupil of Upaveśi (cf. aruṇá m. above) ŚBr. xiv, (ās), m. pl., N. of a class of Ketus (seventy seven in number) VarBṛS
- (named as the composers of certain Mantras). Kāṭh
- (a), f. the plants Betula, madder (Rubia Manjith), Tori, a black kind of the same, Colocynth or bitter apple, the plant that yields the red and black berry used for the jewellers weight (called Retti) L
- N. of a river MBh. iii, 7022 and ix, 2429 seq., (ī́s), f. red cow (in the Vedic myths) RV. and SV
- the dawn RV
- (ám), n. red colour RV. x, 168, 1, gold AV. xiii, 4, 51
- a ruby BhP
- ○kamala n. the red lotus
- ○kara m. 'having red rays', the sun Kād
- ○kiraṇa m. id. VarBṛS
- ○ketu-brāhmaṇa n. the Brāhmaṇa of the Aruṇih Ketava? ( aruṇās above), AitrAnukr
- ○cūḍa m. 'red-combed', a cock L
- ○jyotis m. N. of Śiva:
- ○tā f. red colour Śiś. ix, 14 Suśr
- ○tva n. id Hcat
- ○datta m. N. of an author Comm. on Uṇ. iii' 159 ; iv, 117 and 184
- ○dūvā́ f. reddish fennel ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ○netra m. 'redeyed', a pigeon L
- ○piśaṅgá mfn. reddish-brown TS
- ○puṣpa (aruṇá-), mfn. having red flowers ŚBr
- the blossom of a certain grass KātyŚr
- (ī), f. the plant Pentapetes Phoenicea L
- ○priyā f. N. of an Apsaras Hariv. 12470
- ○psu (aruṇá-), mfn. of a red appearance RV
- ○babhru (aruṇá-), mfn. reddish-yellow VS. xxiv, 2
- ○yúj mfn. furnished with red (rays of light) RV. vi, 65, 2
- ○locana mfn. red-eyed (as in anger) MārkP
- (as), m.= -netra, q.v. L
- ○sārathi m. 'whose charioteer is Aruṇa', the sun L
- ○smṛti f. N. of wk
- aruṇâgraja m. 'the first of Aruṇa', Garuḍa (the bird of Vishṇu) L. (cf. aruṇánuja below.),
- aruṇâtmaja m. 'son of Aruṇ', Jaṭayu ( aruṇa m. above) L. [Page 88, Column]
- aruṇâditya m. one of the twelve shapes of the sun SkandaP
- aruṇânuja m. 'the younger brother of Aruṇa', Garuḍa Kād. (cf. aruṇâgraja above and aruṇâvaraja below). Aruṇâmnāya-vidhi, m. N. of part of the Kāṭh. (cf. aruṇīya-vidhi). Aruṇârcis, m. the rising sun Daś
- aruṇâvaraja m. = aruṇânuja above L
- aruṇấśva mfn. driving with red horses (N. of the Maruts) RV. v, 57, 4
- aruṇī-kṛta mfn. reddened, turned or become red Kād. Sāh
- aruṇâitá mfn. yellow-dappled TS
- aruṇôda n. N. of a lake VP
- of one of the seas surrounding the world Jain
- aruṇôdaya m. break of day, dawn Mn. x, 33
- -saptamī f. the seventh day in the bright half of Māgha L
- aruṇôpala m. a ruby L
- aruṇaya Nom. P. ○yati, to redden Kād
- (perf. Pass. p. aruṇita) reddened Śiś. vi, 32 Kum. v, 11
- aruṇi m. N. of a Muni BhP. (cf. āruṇi)
- aruṇiman ā m. redness, ruddiness Sāh. Bālar
- aruṇīya-vidhi m. = aruṇâmnāya-vidhi above Sāy. on TĀr
- á-ruta-hanu mfn. one whose cheeks or jaws are not broken RV. x, 105, 7
- a-ruddha mfn. not hindered
- aruṃ-tuda aru
- a-rundhatī́ f. a medicinal climbing plant AV
- the wife of Vasishṭha R. &c
- the wife of Dharma Hariv
- the little and scarcely visible star Alcor (belonging to the Great Bear, and personified as the wife of one of its seven chief stars, Vasishtha, or of all the seven, the so-called seven Ṛishss
- at marriage ceremonies Arundhatī is invoked as a pattern of conjugal excellence by the bridegroom) ĀśvGṛ. &c
- N. of a kind of super natural faculty (also called kuṇḍalinī)
- ○jāni or m. 'husband of Arundhati', Vasishṭha (one of the seven Ṛishis or saints, and stars in the Great Bear) L
- ○nātha m. 'husband of Arundhati', Vasishṭha (one of the seven Ṛishis or saints, and stars in the Great Bear) L
- ○vaṭa m. N. of a Tirtha MBh. iii, 8019
- ○sahacara m. companion of Arnndhati, Vasishṭha. arun-mukha, ās m. pl. (an irregular form developed fr. arur-magha below), N. of certain Yatis KaushUp
- arur-magha ās m. pl. (cf. pū7nar-magha), N. of certain miserly evil spirits (as the Paṇis, &c.) AitBr
- aruśa n. N. of a Tantra
- ○hán m. (aruśa = aruṣá) striking the red (clouds), N. of Indra [killing enemies, Say.] RV. x, 116, 4
- a-ruṣ mfn. not angry, good-tempered, Pa5icat
- aruṣá mf(áruṣi RV. i, 92, 1 and 2
- x 5, 5) n. red reddish (the colour of Agni and his horses, of cows, of the team of Ushas, the Aśvins, &c.) RV.& VS
- (ás), m. the sun, the, day RV. vi, 49, 3 and vii, 71, 1 (cf. arūṣa)
- (ā́s, ā́sas), m. pl. the red horses of Agni RV. AV., (áruṣī), f. the dawn RV
- a red mare (a N. applied to the team of Agni and Ushas, and to Agni's flames) RV
- (ám), n. shape Naigh
- ○stupa (aruṣá), mfn. having a fiery tuft (as Agoi) RV. iii, 29, 3
- aruṣa Nom. P. áruṣati, to go Naigh
- aruṣya Nom. P. aruṣyati, v. l. for áru ṣati
- arus mfn. wounded, sore ŚBr., (us), n. a sore or wound AV. v, 5, 4 ŚBr. &c
- the sun Uṇ
- ind. a joint L
- ○srā́ṇa n. (defectively written aru-sr○) a kind of medical preparation for wounds AV. ii, 3, 3 and 5
- aru and s.v
- arū-√kṛ s.v
- aruṣ (in comp. for árus)
- ○kara mfn. causing wounds, wounding Suśr
- m. the tree Semecarpus Anacardium
- (am), n. the nut of that tree Suśr
- ○kṛta (áruṣ), mfn. wounded ŚBr
- aruṣka ifc. for árus Car
- (as)', m. (= aruṣ-kara above) Semecarpus Ariacardium L
- a-ruhā f. N. of a plant L
- á-rūkṣa mfn. soft MaitrS
- ○tā (a-rūkṣá), f. softness ŚBr
- á-rūkṣita mfn. soft, supple RV. iv, 11, 1
- á-rūkṣṇa mfn. soft, tender AV. viii, 2, 16
- a-rūpa mf(ā)n. formless, shapeless PBr. ŚvetUp. NṛisUp. [Page 89, Column]
- ugly, ill-formed R
- ○jña (á-rūpa-), mfn. not distinguishing the shape or colour ŚBr. xiv
- ○tā f. ugliness
- ○tva n. id. Kathās
- want of any characteristic quality Jaim
- ○vat mfn. ugly
- a-rūpaka mfn. shapeless, immaterial MBh. iii, 12984
- (in rhetoric) without figure or metaphor, literal
- a-rūpaṇa n. not a figurative expression Kāvyâd
- a-rūpin mfn. shapeless R. i, 23, 15
- arūṣa m. (for aruṣa m. q.v.) the sun Uṇ
- a kind of snake L
- are ind. interjection of calling VS. ŚBr. &c. (cf. arare, arere, and re)
- a-reṇú mfn. not dusty (said of the gods and their cars and roads) RV
- not earthly, celestial RV. i, 56, 3
- (ávas), m. pl. the gods RV. x, 143, 2
- a-retás mfn. not receiving seed ŚBr. xiv
- a-retás-ka mfn. seedless ŚBr
- a-repás mfn. spotless RV. VS. AV
- a-repha a-riphita
- arere ind. (probably are're, repetition of are, q.v.), interjection of calling to inferiors or of calling angrily L
- a-roka mfn. (√ruc), not bright, darkened L
- ○dat or mfn. having black or discoloured teeth Pāṇ. 5-4, 1 44
- ○danta mfn. having black or discoloured teeth Pāṇ. 5-4, 1 44
- a-rocaka mfn. not shining, Kaus., causing want of appetite or disgust Suśr
- (as) m. want or loss of appetite, disgust, indigestion Suśr. &c
- a-rocakin mfn. suffering from want of appetite or indigestion Suśr. Hcat., (in rhetoric) having a fastidious or cultivated taste
- a-rocamāna mfn. not shining Mn. iii, 62, not pleasing, m. (g. cārv adi q.v.)
- a-rociṣṇu mfn. dark L., disagreeable L
- a-rocuká mfn. not pleasing MaitrS
- a-roga mf(ā)n. free from disease, healthy, well Mn. &c., m. health Hit., (ā), f. N. of Dīkshāyaṇī in Vaidyanātha MatsyaP
- ○tā f. health Bhpr
- ○tva n. id. R. vii, 36, 16
- á-rogaṇsa mfn. freeing from disease AV.ī, 3, 2
- a-rogin mfn. healthy L
- arogi-tā f. healthiness, health Hit. Vet
- a-rogya mfn. healthy L
- ○tā f. health R. ii, 70, 7
- a-rodana n. not weeping
- a-rodhya mfn. (√2. rudh), not to be hindered or obstructed, unobstructed
- a-ropaṇa n. (√ruh), not planting or fixing
- a-roma mf(ā) n. hairless MBh. i, 8010
- a-romaśa mfn. id. VarBṛS
- a-roṣa m. freedom from anger, gentleness MBh. x, 712
- a-roṣaṇa mfn. not inclined to anger MBh
- a-rohiṇī-ka mfn. without Rohiṇī Kathās
- a-raudra mfn. not formidable
- ark arkaya, col. 2
- arká m. (√arc), Ved. a ray, flash of lightning RV. &c
- the sun RV. &c
- (hence) the number, twelve' Sūryas
- Sunday
- fire RV. ix, 50, 4 ŚBr. BṛĀrUp
- crystal R. ii, 94, 6
- membrum viriIe AV. vi, 72, 1
- copper L
- the plant Calotropis Gigantea (the larger leaves are used for sacrificial ceremonies
- cf. arka-kośī, -parṇá, palaśá, &c. below) ŚBr. &c., a religious ceremony ŚBr. BṛĀrUp. (cf. arkâśvamedha below)
- praise hymn, song (also said of the roaring of the Maruts and of Indra's thunder) RV. and AV
- one who praises, a singer RV
- N. of Indra L
- a learned man (cf. RV. viii, 63, 6) L. [Page 89, Column]
- an elder brother L
- N. of a physician BrahmaP. (cf. arka-cikitsā below)
- (as, am), m. n. (with agneḥ, indrasya, gautamasaḥ, &c.) N. of different Sāmans
- food Naigh. and Nir. (cf. RV. vii, 9, 2)
- ○kara m. sunbeam Naish
- ○kāntā f. the plant Polanisia Icosandra W
- ○kāṣṭha n. wood from the Arka, Kātyśr
- ○kuṇḍa-tirtha n. N. of a Tīrtha SkandaP
- ○kośī́ f. a bud of the Arka plant ŚBr. x
- ○kṣīra n. the milky juice of the Arka plant Suśr
- ○kṣetra n. 'the field of the sun', N. of a sacred place in Orissa
- ○graha m. eclipse of the sun VarBṛS
- ○grīva m. N. of a Sāman
- ○candana n. red sanders L
- ○cikitsā f. Arka's ( arka m. at end), 'medical art', i.e. work on medicine
- ○ja mfn. sun-born', coming from the sun
- m. the planet Saturn VarBṛS. &c
- (au), m. du., N. of the Aśvins L
- ○tanaya m. =
- ○ja the planet Saturn VarBṛ
- N. of Karṇa L
- of Manu Vaivasvata and Manu Sāvarṇi MBh
- (ā), f. N. of the rivers Yamunā and Tapatī MBh
- ○tvá n. brightness ŚBr. x
- ○tviṣ f. the light of the sun
- ○dina n. a solar day
- ○dhānā́ ā́s f. pl. seeds of the Arka plant ŚBr. x
- ○nandana m. (= -ja, q.v.) N. of the planet Saturn VarBṛS
- N. of Karṇa L
- ○nayana n. N. of an Asura Hariv
- ○pattra n. the leaf of the Arka plant MBh. i 715
- m. the Arka plant
- (ā), f. a kind of birth-wort (Aristolochia Indica) L
- ○parṇá n. the leaf of the Arka plant ŚBr. KātySr., (as) m. the Arka plant
- N. of a snake demon MBh. i, 2551
- ○pādapa m. the tree Melia Aza dirachta Lin. L
- ○putra m. (= ja, q.v.) the planet Saturn VarBṛS. and VarBṛ
- N. of Karṇa L., of Yama L
- ○puṣpâdya m. N. of a Saman
- ○puṣpikā f. the plant Gynandropsis Pentaphylla L
- ○puṣpī f. the plant Hibiscus Hirtus, Susr
- ○puṣpôttara n. N. of a Siman
- ○prakāśa mf(ā)n. bright like the sun MBh. ii 313 m. N. of a medical work (cf. -cikitā above), of a work on jurisprudence
- ○prabhā-jāla n. (a multitude of) sun-beams MBh. iii -12541
- ○priyā f. the plant Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis L
- ○bandhu or -bāndhava m. a N. of Buddha Sākya-muni L
- ○bhaktā f. = -kāntā, q.v
- ○maṇḍala n. the disc of the sun
- ○maya mfn. composed of the Arka plant, ApSr
- ○mūlá n. the √of the Arka plant ŚBr. x, (a), f. (= -pattra, q.v.) Aristolochia Indica L
- ○ripu m. 'enemy of the sun', Rahu Kād
- ○reto-ja m. 'son of Sūrya, Revanta L
- ○lavaṇa n. saltpetre L
- ○lūṣa m. N. of a man, (g. karnâdi and vid-adi, q.v.)
- ○vat (arká-), mfn. possessing or holding the thunderbolt TS. containing the word arká PBr
- receiving the oblation in the Arka ceremony MaitrS
- ○varṣa m. a solar year
- ○vallabha m. the plant Pentapetes Phoenicea L
- ○vidha (arká), mfn. Arka like ŚBr. x
- ○vedha m. N. of a plant L
- ○vrata n. the rule or law of the sun (i.e. levying taxes, subjecting' the people to imposts, or drawing their wealth as imperceptibly as the sun evaporates water) Mn. ix, 305
- ○śaśi-śatru m. 'enemy of sun and moon', Rāhu VarBṛS. (cf. -ripu above). -śiras n. N. of a Sāman
- ○soká m. the heat of rays RV. vi, 4, 7
- ○samudgá m. the tip of an Arkabud ( -kośī́) ŚBr. x
- ○sāti (arká-), f. invention of hymns, poetical inspiration RV. i, 174, 7 ; vi, 20, 4 and 26, 3
- ○suta m. (= -tanaya, q.v.) N. of Karṇa L
- (ā), f. N. of the river Yamunā L
- ○sūnu m. (= -ja, q.v.) the planet Saturn
- N. of Yama L
- ○sôdara m. Indra's elephant Airāvata
- ○stubh mfn. singing hymns ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○hitā f. = -kāntā, q.v.,
- arkâṃśa m. a digit or the twelfth part of the sun's disc L
- arkâgrā f. the sun's measure of amplitude, Sūiryas
- arkâśman m. heliotrope girasol, crystal L
- arkâsvâ xi, 7, 7, and ŚBr.], the Arka ceremony and the Aśvamedha sacrifice
- ○dhá-vat mfn. containing the two TS
- ○dhin mfn. performing the two TS
- arkâṣṭhīlā́ f. a grain' of the fruit of the Arka plant ŚBr. x
- arkâhuti ayas f. pl., N. of five sacrificial offerings ĀpŚr
- arkâhva m. 'named (after) Arka', the stone Sūryakānta L
- the plant Pinus Webbiaria L
- arkêndu-saṃgama m. the instant of conjunction of the sun and moon
- arkôpala m. (= arkâhva above) Sūryakānta Naish
- arkaya Nom. P. ○yati, to heat L
- to praise L
- arkín mfn. radiant with light RV. viii, 101, 13
- praising RV. i, 7, 1 ; 10, 1 and 38, 15. [Page 89, Column]
- arkīya mfn. belonging to Arka, (g. utkarâdi, q.v.)
- arkyâ n. N. of a Śsistra and of a Sāman TS. ŚBr. PBr
- arga m. N. of a Ṛisbhi of the SV. (with the patron. Aurava)
- argaṭa m. N. of a poet, Śārṅg
- the plant Barleria Caerulea
- argaḍa (in the word sā́rgaḍa, q.v.) v. l. for argala ŚBr. xiv
- argala mfn. a wooden bolt or pin for fastening a door or the cover of a vessel Ragh. &c
- a bar, check, impediment ib
- a wave L
- (as, or am), m. or n. N. of a hell PadmaP. v
- argalā-nirgama m. N. of an astrological treatise
- argalā-stuti f. or a hymn introductory to the Deviimāhātsmya
- ○stotra n. a hymn introductory to the Deviimāhātsmya
- argalikā f. a small door pin L
- argalita mfn. fastened by a bolt Kād. Kathās
- argalīya or mfn. belonging to a bolt, (g. apūpâdi, q.v.)
- argalya mfn. belonging to a bolt, (g. apūpâdi, q.v.)
- argha m. (√arh), worth, value, price, Mn Yājñ
- (often ifc., cf. dhanârghá, mahârgha, śatârghá), sahasrârghá)
- (ás), m. respectful reception of a guest (by the offering of rice durva-grass, flowers, or often only of water) ŚBr. xiv, &c. (often confounded with arghya, q.v.)
- a collection of twenty pearls (having the weight of a Dharaṇa) VarBṛS
- ○dāna n. presentation of a respectful offering
- ○pātra n. (for arghya-pātra) the small vessel in which water is offered to the guest on his arrival Kathās
- ○balâbala n. rate of price, proper price, the cheapness or dearness of commodities Mn. ix, 329 (cf. arghasya hrāsaṃ vṛddhiṃ va Yājñ. ii, 249). =
- ○saṃsthāpana n. fixing the price of commodities, appraising, assize (it is the act of a king or ruler, in concert with the traders, and should be done once a week or once a fortnight) Mn. viii, 402
- arghâpacaya m. diminution of price, '(ena), instr. ind. cheaper Gaut
- arghârha mfn. worthy of or requiring a respectful offering, a superior
- arghêśvara m. N. of Śiva, (cf. arghī7śa)
- arghī7sa m. ('arghin' for argha) = arghêśvara, q.v. L
- arghya mfn. 'valuable', an-arghya, (g. daṇḍâdi, q.v., 'argham-arhati') deserving a respectful reception (as a guest) PārGṛ. Yājñ. &c
- belonging to or used at the respectful reception of a guest Gobh. Yājñ. &c
- (am), n. (Pāṇ. 5-4, 25) water offered at the respectful reception of a guest ĀśvGṛ. &c., (probably for ārghya, q.v.) a kind of honey L
- ○pātra n. argha-p○
- arghyârha m. the plant Pterospermnm Suberifolium L
- arghaṭa n. (-parghaṭa, q.v.) ashes L
- arc 2cl. 1. Párcats (Subj. árcāt impf. ā́rcat' aor. ārcīt Bhaṭṭ., perf. ānarca 3.pl. ānarcuḥ [MBh. iii, 988, &c.], but Ved. ānṛcúḥ ṛV.
- perf. Ā. (Pass.) ānarce Bhaṭṭ., but Ved sám ānṛce [RV. i, 160,]
- fut. p. arciṣyat [Mn. iv, 25]. ind. p., arcya [Mn. &c
- cf Pāṇ. 7-1, 38 Sch.] or arcitvā [R. iii, 77, 1], Ved. Inf.' ṛcáse [RV. vi, 39, 5 and vii, 61,]) to shine, brilliant RV
- to praise, sing (also used of the roaring of the Maruts, and of a bull [RV. iv, 16,]) RV. AV. ŚBr., to praise anything to another (dat.), recommend RV
- to honour or treat with respect MBh. &c
- to adorn VarBṛS.: exceptionally Ā. (i. pl. arcāmahe) to honour MBh. ii, 1383: Caus. (2. sg. arcayas) to cause to shine RV. iii, 44, 2. P. Ā. to honour or treat with respect Mn. MBh. &c.: Desid. arciciṣati, to wish to honour Pāṇ. 6-1, 3 Sch. Ved. Pass. ṛcyate (p. ṛcyámāna) to be praised RV
- árc m. (instr. arcā́) fn. shining, brilliant ṅmn. RV. vi, 34, 4
- arcaka mfn. honouring, worshipping Mn. xi, 224, m. a worshipper BhP
- árcat mfn. (pr.p.) shining RV
- praising RV
- (an), m. N. of a Ṛishi (son of Hiraṇyastūpa) Nir. x, 32 (commenting on RV. x, 149, 5)
- arcáddhūma mfn. whose smoke is shining RV. x, 46, 7. [Page 90, Column]
- arcátri mfn. (said of the Maruts) roaring RV. vi, 66, 10
- arcatryâ (4), mfn. (fr. arcatra, 'praise') to be raised RV. vi, 24, 1
- arcana mf(ī)n. ifc. honouring, praising Nir
- (am, â), n. f. homage paid to deities and to superiors MBh. &c. (cf. vibudhârcana and surârcana)
- arcanấnas^ m. 'who has a rattling carriage', N. of a Ṛishi RV. v, 64, 7 and AV. xviii, 3, 15
- arca-nas mfn. (fr. arcā below), 'one whose nose is like that of an idol' Kāś. and Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-4, 118. [The rule perhaps originally meant to explain the above N. arcanấnas, taking it for arcanā́nas, 'whose nose shows submission or devotion.']
- arcanīya mfn. to be worshipped, venerable
- arcā́ f. (Pāṇ. 2-3, 43 and 2, 101) worship, adoration ŚBr. xi Mn. &c
- an image or idol (destined to be worshipped) VarBṛS. &c
- body Jain
- ○vat mfn. (= 1. ārca, q.v.) worshipped Pāṇ. 5-2, 101, Sch
- ○vidhi m. rules for worshi or adoration RāmatUp
- arcí m. (chiefly Ved.) ray, flame RV. &c., (is), m. (for aṃśa) N. of one of the twelve Ādityas Comm. on KaushBr
- ○netradhipati m. N. of a Yaksha L
- ○mát m. (du. -mántā) mfn. shining, blazing RV. x, 61, 15 MuṇḍUp
- ○vát mfn. id. RV. vii, 81, 2 and ix, 67, 24
- arcita mfn. honoured, worshipped, respected, saluted MBh. Mn. &c
- offered with reverence, Mn iv, 213 (an- neg.) & 235 Yājñ. i, 167
- arcitin mfn. honouring (with loc.), (g. iṣṭâdi, q.v.)
- arcitṛ tā m. a worshipper R. v, 32, 7
- arcín mfn. (said of Varuṇa's foot) shining RV. viii, 41, 8
- = arcátri, q.v. RV. ii, 34, 1 and v, 45, 1 N. of a man
- arcís n. ray of light, flame, light, lustre RV. (once. Pl. arcī́nṣi RV. vii, 62, 1) AV. ŚBr. &c
- (is), f. id. ŚBr. ii Up. &c., (is), N. of the wife of Kṛiśāśva and mother of Dhūmaketu BhP
- ○ārciṣ-mat mfn. brilliant, resplendent R. &c., (ān), m. fire, the god of fire Hariv
- a flame VarBṛS
- (atī), f. one of the ten stages (through which a Bodhisattva must rise before becoming a Buddha) Buddh
- arcya mfn. to be honoured or worshipped. 2
- arcya ind. p. √arc
- arj cl. 1. P. arjati (perf. 3. pl. ānarjuḥ) to procure, acquire Naish. and Bhaṭṭ.: Ā. arjate, to go L., to stand firm L., to procure L
- to be of good health L.: Caus. arjayati, ○te, (aor. arjījat Bhaṭṭ.) to procure, acquire, obtain MBh. Mn. &c
- arjaka mfn. procuring, acquiring L
- m. the plant Ocimum Gratissimum L.
- arjana n. (Pāṇ. 3-1, 20 Comm.) procuring, acquiring, gaining, earning Mn. xii, 79, &c
- arjanīya mfn. to be acquired or procured Kathās
- arjita mfn. acquired, gained, earned (cf. svârjita and svayam arjita.)
- árjuna mfn. (cf. ṛjrá and √raj) white, clear (the colour of the day RV. vi, 9, 1
- of the dawn RV. i, 49, 3
- of the lightning
- of the milk
- of silver, &c.)
- made of silver AV. iv, 37, 4
- m. the white colour' L
- a peacock L
- cutaneous disease Sāy. on RV. i, 122, 5
- the tree Terminalia Arjuna W. and A
- N. of a man RV. i, 122, 5
- of Indra VS. ŚBr., of the third of the Pinḍava princes (who was a son of Kṛitaviirya who was slain by Paraśurāma) ib
- of a Śāskya (known as a mathematician)
- of different other persons
- the only son of his mother L
- (ī), f. a cow MBh. xiii, 3596
- a kind of serpent, (voc. áijuni)' AV. ii, 24, 7
- a procuress, bawd L
- N. of Ushā (wife of Aniruddha) L
- of the river Bāhudā or Karatoys L
- (○nyau, or ○nyas), f. du. or Pl., N. of the constellation Phalgunī RV. x, 85, 13 ŚBr
- (am), n. silver AV. v, 28, 5 and 9
- gold L
- slight inflammation of the conjunctiva or white of the eye Suśr
- a particular grass (used as a substitute for the Soma plant) PBr. &c
- (= rūpa) shape Naigh
- (ās), m. pl. the descendants of Arjuna Pāṇ. 2-4, 66 Sch
- ○kāṇḍa (árjuna-), mfn. having a white appendage AV. ii, 8, 3
- ○cchavi mfn. of a white colour, white
- ○tas ind. on the side of Arjuna
- ○dhvaja m. having a white banner', N. of Hanumat L
- ○pākī f. N. of a plant and its fruits, (g. harītaky-ādi, q.v.)
- ○pāla m. N. of a prince (the son of Śamika) BhP
- ○pura n. N. of a town, BrahmāṇḍaP. ī. [Page 90, Column]
- ○puruṣa n. the plants Arjuna (i.e. Terminalia Arjuna) and Purusha (i.e. Rottleria Tinctoria), (g. gavâśvâdi, q.v.)
- ○miśra n. N. of a commentator on MBh. vi:
- ○śirīṣa n. the plants Terminalia Arjuna and Sirīsha (q.v.), (g. gavâśvâdi, q.v.)
- ○sakhi m. having Arjuna for his friend', N. of Kṛishṇa L
- ○siṃha m. N. of a prince Inscr
- arjunâbhra n. N. of a medicament
- arjunâriṣṭa-saṃchanna mfn. covered with Arjuna and Nimb trees
- arjuṇârcana-kalpalatā f. or N. of two works
- arjunârcā-pārijāta m. N. of two works
- arjunâhva m. named Arjuna, 'N. of a tree L
- arjunêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha ŚivaP. Rev
- arjunôpama m. 'similar to the Arjuna tree', the teak tree (Tectona Grandis) L
- arjunaka m. N. of a hunter MBh. xiii, 18
- a worshipper of Arjuna Pāṇ. 4-3, 98 ; vi, e, 197 Sch
- arjunasa mfn. overgrown with Arjuna plants, (g. tṛṇâdi, q.v.)
- arjunāva m. N. of a man, (g. dhūmâdi, q.v.), (cf. ārjunāda.)
- arjunīyā-damana n. the taming of Arjunīyā, N. of the 104th chapter of PadmaP. iv
- árṇa as, am m. n. a wave, flood stream RV. BhP
- (figuratively applied to the) tumult of battle RV. v, 50, 4
- m. a letter, syllable RāmatUp. N. of a metre (comprising ten feet, and belonging to the class called Daṇḍaka)
- the teak tree ( arjunâpama above) L
- N. of a man ( arna citráratha below) (ā), f. a river L., m. pl., N. of a people BhP
- ○sāti (árṇa-), f. (only loc. ○tau) conquering or obtaining streams NBD
- 'tumult of battle' BR. and Gmn.] RV. i, 63, 6 ii, 20, 8 and iv, 24, 4
- árnā-citrárathā m. du. Arṇa and Citraratha RV. iv, 30, 18
- arṇodara m. N. of a teacher (v. l. ūrṇâdara, q.v.) VāmP
- arṇavá mfn. agitated, foaming, restless RV. VS. AV
- (ás), m. a wave, flood RV
- the foaming sea RV. VS
- the ocean of air (sometimes personified as a demon with the epithet mahā́n or ta nayitnús) RV. AV
- (as, rarely am [MBh. xiii, 736]) m. n. the sea
- (hence) the number, 'four' Sūryas
- N. of two metres (cf. árṇa, m.), N. of wk. on jurisprudence
- ○ja m. 'sea-born', cuttlefish L
- ○nemi f. 'having the sea as a felly round itself. the earth Daś
- ○pati m. 'lord of the seas', the ocean Bālar
- ○pota m. a boat or ship
- ○bhava m. existing in the sea, a muscle L
- ○mandira m. 'whose abode is the sea', Varuṇa L
- ○mala n. = ja above
- ○yāna n. = -pota above
- ○varṇana n. 'description of the sea, N. of a work
- ○sarid-āsrita mfn. living on the bank of the sea and of rivers VarBṛS. Arṇavânta, m. the extremity of the ocean
- arṇavodbhava m=, agni-jāra, q.v
- árṇas n. a wave, flood, stream RV
- the foaming sea ocean of air RV
- river Naigh
- water (ifc. arṇas-ka) Bālar., N. of different metres RPrāt. &c
- ○vat mfn. containing many waves Nir. x, 9
- arṇasá mfn. (fr. árṇas) agitated, foaming RV. v, 54, 6
- (fr. árṇa) full of waves, (g. tṛṇâdi, q.v.)
- arṇo (in Sandhi for árṇas)
- ○da 'yielding water', a cloud L
- the plant Cyperus Rotundus
- ○nidhi m. 'receptacle of the waves', the ocean Bālar. (cf. arṇava-pat.)
- ○bhava m. = arṇavabhava - above L
- ○vṛ́t mfn. (√1. vṝ) including the waters RV. ii, 19, 2
- arta-gala as, m.= ārta-gala, q.v. L
- artaná mfn. (√ṛt), reviling [BR
- = duhkhin Comm.] VS. xxx, 19
- (am), n. censure, blame L
- ártuka mfn. provoking, quarrelsome ŚBr
- arti f. = ārti, pain Suśr. Kathās
- = artnī, the end of a bow L
- artikā f. an elder sister (in theatrical language) L. (cf. atti, attikā, and antikā.)
- arth cl. 10. Ā. arthayate (2. du. arthayāse RV. x, 106, 7
- Subj. 2. sg. arthayāse RV. i, 82, s)
- rarely cl. 1. Ā. (1. pl. arthāmahe MBh. iii, 8613) to strive to obtain, desire, wish, request, ask for (acc
- rarely Inf. [Bhaṭṭ. yoddhum])
- to supplicate or entreat any one (acc., rarely abl. Kathās.)
- to point out the sense of. comment upon Comm. on Mṛicch
- ártha as, am m. n. [in RV. i-ix only n. [Page 90, Column]
- in RV. x six times n. and thrice m
- in later Sanskṛit only m.] aim, purpose (very often artham, arthena, arthāya, and arthe ifc. or with gen., for the sake of. on account of. in behalf of. for')
- cause, motive, reason Mn. ii, 213, &c
- advantage, use, utility (generally named with kāma and dharma, tri-varga
- used in wishing well to another, dat. or gen. Pāṇ. 2-3, 73)
- thing, object (said of the membrum virile ŚBr. xiv)
- object of the senses VarBṛS
- (hence) the number, five', Seiryas
- substance, wealth, property, opulence, money
- (hence in astron.) N. of the second mansion, the mansion of wealth (cf, dhana) VarBṛS
- personified as the son of Dharma arid Buddhi BhP
- affair, concern (Ved. often acc. ártham with √i, or gam, to go to one's business, take up one's work RV. &c.)
- (in law) lawsuit, action
- having to do with (instr.), wanting, needing anything (instr.), SBr, &c
- sense, meaning, notion (cf. artha-śabdau and arthāt s.v. below and vedatattvârtha-vid)
- manner, kind L., prohibition, prevention L
- price (for argha, q.v.) L
- (āt), abl. ind., s.v. below
- (e), loc. ind. with √1. kṛ (g. sakṣād-ādi, q.v.)
- ○kara mf(i)n. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 20 Sch.) producing advantage, useful Hit
- ○karman n. an action on purpose (opposed to guṇa-karman, q.v.)
- ○kāma n. [R. ii, 86, 6, vḷ.] or au m. du. [R. ii, 86, 6 Mn., iv, 17] or ās m. pl. [Mn. ii, 1] utility and desire, wealth and pleasure, (mfn.) desirous of wealth, N. MBh. xii, 220, desiring to be useful
- ○kāraka m. N. of a son of Dytimat MārkP. (v. l. andha-k○ VP.)
- ○kāraṇāt ind. ifc. for the sake or on account of. R. Hcat
- ○karśya n. poverty Ragh. v, 21
- ○kāśin mfn. only apparently (i.e. not really) of use or utility BhP
- ○kilbiṣin mfn. dishonest in money matters Mn. viii, 141
- ○kṛcchra n. sg. [R. iv, 7,] or pl. ṇ. a difficult matter
- ○kṛt mfn. causing profit, useful
- ○kṛta mfn. made for a special purpose Jaim
- made only with regard to utility, interested (as friendship) BhP
- caused by the sense of a word (opposed to śabda-k○ and desa-k) Comm. on VPrāt
- ○kṛtya n. ṛ. or ṃegh. settling a matter or affair
- ○kṛtyā f. ṃegh. settling a matter or affair
- ○kovida mfn. expert in any matter, experienced R. vi, 4, 8
- ○kriya f. an action performed with a special purpose Sarvad
- the being useful (to others), Lalit
- ○gata mfn. = gatârtha, (g. ākitâgny-ādi, q.v.)
- ○gati f. understanding the sense Pat
- ○gariyas mfn. (compar.) highly significant
- ○guṇa m. preference or advantage in regard to the sense Kpr
- ○gṛha n. a treasury Hariv
- ○grahaṇa n. abstraction, of money
- (in Gr.) apprehension of meaning
- signification
- ○grāhin mfn. choosing advantage Āp
- ○ghna mfn. destroying wealth, wasteful, extravagant Mn. ix, 80 and Yājñ. i, 73
- destroying advantage, causing loss, or damage Vātsy
- ○citta mfn. thinking on or desirous of wealth
- ○citra n. 'variety in sense', a pun Kpr
- ○cintaka mfn. knowing or considering what is useful Vātsy. (cf. sarvârtha-c○.)
- ○cintana n. or attention or consideration of affairs Sāh
- ○cintā f. attention or consideration of affairs Sāh
- ○jāta n. sg. and pl. collection of goods, money Mṛicch
- things, objects, Sak. Daś
- ○jña mfn. = -kovida above R. iii, 71, 1
- understanding the sense (of a word) Nir. &c
- ○tattva n. the real object or nature or cause of anything (in comp.) Mn. xii, 102 R. i, 1, 16
- the true state of a case, fact of the matter
- ○tantra n. the doctrine of utility BhP
- (mfn.) subject to, i.e. acting according to one's interest BhP
- ○tas ind. towards a particular object, Sāṅkhyak. Mcar
- (ifc.) for the sake of. Pañcat
- in fact, really, truly R. &c
- for the profit of
- with respect to the sense VarBṛS. (opposed to grantha-tas and sūtra-tas Jain.)
- ○tṛṣ mfn. greedy after money BhP
- ○tṛṣṇā f. desire for wealth or money VP. BhP
- ○da mfn. conferring advantage, profitable Kathās
- munificent Mn. ii, 109
- ○datta m. N. of wealthy merchants' Kathās
- Vet
- ○darśaka m. 'seeing lawsuits', a judge L. (cf. akṣa-d○.)
- ○darśana n. consideration of a case Mālav
- ○dāna n. donation of money, present MBh
- a present given with a (self ish) purpose Hcat
- ○dūṣṇa n. spoiling of (another's or one e own) property, either' unjust seizure of property' or, 'prodigality' Mn. vii, 48 & 51, &c
- ○dṛś f. an eye on (i.e. consideration of) the truth, BhP
- ○driṣṭi f. seeing profit BhP
- ○doṣa m. a mistake with regard to the meaning Sāh. Kpr
- ○dravya-virodha m. opposition between the purpose and the thing, KāstyŚr. Jaim
- ○nāśa m. loss of money
- ○nibandhana mfn. having its cause in wealth, contingent on affluence and respectability MBh. i, 5141. [Page 91, Column]
- ○nirvṛtti f. fulfilling of a purpose, KāiySr. R
- ○niścaya m. decision of a matter R. iv, 31, 32
- determinate view of a matter L
- ○nyúna mfn. deficient in wealth', poor MBh
- ○pati m. 'lord of wealth', a rich man VarBṛS. &c
- a king Ragh. &c
- N. of Kubera L
- of the grandfather of the poet Bāṇa Kād. (cf. ārtha-patya.)
- ○pada n. N. of the Vārttikas on Pāṇ. R. vii, 36, 45
- ○para mfn. intent on gaining wealth, niggardly R
- ○parígraha m. possession of wealth R. v, 43, 6
- (mfn.) dependent on money MBh. iii, 1292
- ○pāla m. N. of a man, Dās
- ○prakṛti f. 'the principal thing required for a special aim', N. of the five constituent elements of a drama Sāh. Daśar
- ○prayoga m. application of wealth to usury
- ○prasaṃkhyā f. considering the aim KātySr
- ○prâpti f. acquisition of wealth
- 'attainment of meaning', i.e. the state of being clear by itself. Car
- ○bandha m. 'binding the sense together', a word or sentence Śāk. Vikr
- ○bhāj mfn. entitled to a share in the division of property
- ○bhṛta mfn. having high wages (as a servant)
- ○bheda m. distinction or difference of meaning
- ○bhraṇśa m. loss of fortune, ruin VarBṛS
- failing of an aim or of an intention
- ○matta mfn. proud of money Daś
- ○manas mfn. having an aim in view Gobh
- ○maya mfn. useful Bhām
- ○mātra ā, am fn. property, money Pañcat. Kathās
- (mfn.) being only the matter itself. Yogas
- ○yukta mfn. significant Kum. i, 13
- ○yukti f. gain, profit
- ○rāsi m. great wealth Daś
- ○ruci mfn. = -citta Mudr
- ○lābha m. acquisition of wealth
- ○lubdha mfn. greedy of wealth, covetous, niggardly Daś
- ○leśa m. a little wealth
- ○lopa m. failing or non-existence of anaim Jaim. KātyŚr
- ○lobha m. desire of wealth, avarice
- ○vat mfn. wealthy
- full of sense, significant Pāṇ. 1-2, 45, &c
- suitable to the object, fitting RPrāt. KātyŚr
- full of reality, real
- (ān), m. a man L
- (artha-vat), ind. according to a purpose Mn. v, 134 Yājñ. iii, 2
- ○vat-tā f. or significance, importance
- ○vat-tva n. significance, importance
- ○vargīya ās or āṇi m. or n. pl. 'treating of the category of objects', N. of certain Buddhist texts
- ○varjita mfn. unimportant Kathās
- ○varman m. N. of a rich merchant Kathās
- ○vāda m. explanation of the meaning (of any precept) KātySr. Nyāyad. &c
- praise, eulogium Uttarar
- ○vādin mfn. 'relating facts' Pañcat
- ○vijñāna n. comprehension of meaning (one of the six or eight exercises of the understanding) L
- ○vid mfn. knowing the sense Ragh. iii, 21
- ○vidyā f. knowledge of practical life MBh. vii, 169
- ○vināśa m. loss of one's fortune VarBṛS
- ○vināśana mfn. causing a loss or disadvantage MBh
- ○viniścaya m. 'a disquisition treating of the' objects', N. of a, Buddhist text
- ○vipatti f. failing of an aim R. ii, 19, 40
- ○vṛddhi f. accumulation of wealth
- ○vaikalya n. incongruity in the facts, deviation from truth Mn. viii, 95
- ○vyakti f. clearness of the sense Sāh. Kpr. &c
- ○vyaya m. expenditure
- -sāha mfn. 'allowing expenditure', prodigal L
- ○śabdau m. du. = śabdârthau, word and sense, (g. rājadantâdi.)
- ○śālin mfn. wealthy
- (ī), m. a wealthy man
- ○śāstra n. a book treating of practical life (cf. -vidyā above) and political government (cf. -cintana above) MBh. &c
- ○śāstraka n. id. AgP
- ○śauca n. purity, honesty in money matters (cf. -prayoga above) Mn. v, 106 Kām
- ○śrī f. great wealth Kathās
- ○samisaya m. danger in regard to one's fortune MBh
- ○saṃsthāna n. accumulation of wealth
- treasury L
- ○saṃgraha m. accumulation of wealth Ragh. xvii, 60
- treasury L
- 'compendium of objects (treated of), N. of one of the Pūrva-mīmāṃsā texts
- ○saṃgrahin mfn. accumulating wealth MBh. ii, 2569
- ○saṃcaya m. sg. and pl. collection of wealth, property MBh
- ○saṃnyāsin mfn. renouncing an advantage
- ○saṃsambandha m. possession of wealth Mudr
- connection of the sense with the word or sentence (cf. -bandha above) L
- ○sambandhin mfn. concerned or interested in an affair Mn. viii, 64 Yājñ. ii, 71
- ○sādhaka mf(ikā)n. promoting an aim, useful, profitable MBh. i, 4785, &c. (cf. svârthasādhaka)
- m. the plant Putraṃjīva Roxburghī, N
- N. of a minister of king Dáśarathi R. i, 7, 3
- ○sāra m. n. a considerable property Pañcat
- (Hit.)
- ○siddha mfn. clear in itself. self-evident
- m. N. of the tenth day of the Karma-māsa, Sūiryapr
- N. of Śākyamuni in one of his previous births (as a Bodhisattva). [Page 91, Column]
- ○siddhaka m. the plant Vitex Nesuccess Ragh. ii, 21
- N. of a particular magical faculty
- (is), m. N. of a son of Pushya Hariv
- ○hara mfn. inheriting wealth Vishṇus
- ○hāni f. loss of wealth MBh. VarBṛS
- ○hāraka mf(ikā)n. stealing money
- (ikā), f. N. of a female demon MārkP
- ○hārin mfn. stealing money Kathās
- ○hīna mfn. 'deprived' of sense, unmeaning, nonsensical
- deprived of wealth, poor L
- arthâgama m. sg. Vātsy. or pl. [MBh. iii, 8] receipt or collection of property, income, acquisition of wealth
- arthâdhikāra m. office of treasurer Hit
- arthâdhikārin mfn. a treasurer
- arthântara n. another matter, a different or new circumstance, a similar case (often with ny- √2. as, to introduce some other matter as an illustration, arthântara-nyāsa below)
- a different meaning Nyāyad
- opposite or antithetical meaning, difference of meaning or purport L
- arthântara-nyāsa m. introduction of some other matter (an illustration of a particular case by a general truth or of a general truth by a particular case) Sāh. Kāvyâd. &c
- arthântarâkṣepa m. 'throwing in another fact', i.e. establishing any disagreement with a statement by introducing a similar case (showing the impossibility of that statement), Kāvyâd
- arthânvita mfn. possessed of wealth, rich
- possessed of sense, significant
- arthâpatti f. inference from circumstances, a disjunctive hypothetical syllogism
- arthâpatti-sama ā, am fn. an inference by which the quality of any object is attributed to another object because of their sharing some other quality in common Nyāyad. Sarvad
- arthâbhāva m. absence or want of an aim KātyŚr. &c
- arthâbhinirvṛtti f. accomplishment or successful issue of any matter MBh. v, 4548
- arthâbhiprâpaṇa n. obtaining or pointing out the sense
- arthârjana n. acquisition of property Hit
- arthârtha mfn. effective for the accomplishment of the aim in view Gobh
- (am), ind. on account of money, Kathis
- arthârtha-tattva-jña mfn. 'knowing the essence of the very aim of anything', knowing thoroughly R
- arthârthin mfn. desirous of gaining wealth MBh. iii, 1288, desirous of making a profit, selfish
- ○thi-ta f. desire of wealth
- arthâlaṃkāra m. embellishment of the sense by poetical figures, &c. (opposed to śabdâlaṃkāra, embellishment of the sound by rhymes, &c.), N. of wk
- arthâvamarda m. 'wasting of wealth', prodigality
- arthâvṛtti f. (in rhetoric) re-occurrence of words of the same sense Kāvyâd
- arthết mfn. (√i), active, hasty (said of running waters) VS. x, 3
- arthêpsu-tā f. desire of wealth MBh. i, 6126
- arthêhā f. id
- arthā9ka-tva n. congruity or harmony of the purpose (with the thing) Jaim
- arthâikya n. id. Comm. on Nyāyam
- arthôtpāda m. (in rhetoric), production of a (different) sense, putting words in an artificial order so that they give a different sense
- arthôtsarga m. expenditure of money Mudr
- arthôpakṣepaka mfn. indicating or suggesting a matter (so as to facilitate the understanding of the plot)', a N. applied to the parts of a drama called viṣkambha, cūlikā, aṅkâsya, aṅkâvatāra, and praveśaka, qq.vv. Sāh. Daśar
- arthôpakṣspaṇa n. suggesting or indicating a matter Sāh
- arthôpama n. a simile which merely states the object of comparison (without adding the tertium comparationis or any particle of comparison, e.g. 'he is a lion', said in praise) Nir
- arthôpârjana n. = arthârjana above
- arthôṣman m. glow or pride of wealth, condition of being wealthy L
- arthâugha m. a heap of effects or property MBh. iii, 15307
- a treasure L
- arthanā f. request, entreaty Kathās. Naish
- arthanīya mfn. to be requested, asked for
- artham acc. ind. s.v. ártha
- arthāt abl. ind. according to the state of the case, according to the circumstance, as a matter of fact
- according to she sense, that is to say Sāh. &c
- arthāpaya Nom. P. arthāpayati (paṇ. iii, 1, 25ṭ Comm.) to treat as money, i.e. to hide cautiously Naish
- arthika mfn. wanting anything MBh. i, 5619 (cf. kanyâthika)
- (as)
- a prince's watchman (announcing by song or music the hours of the day especially those of rising and going to rest) L
- arthita mfn. asked, desired, requested
- (am), ī. wish, desire L. [Page 91, Column]
- arthitavya mfn. = artkanīya, q.v. MBh. iii, 3038
- arthín mfn. active, industrious RV
- (cf arthết above)
- one who wants or desires anything (instr. or in comp
- cf. putrârthin, balârthin)
- supplicating or entreating any one (gen.)
- longing for, libidinous R. i, 48, 18
- (ī), m. one who asks for a girl in marriage, a wooer Yājñ. i, 60 Kathās
- a beggar, petitioner, suitor Mn. xi, 1, &c
- one who supplicates with prayers VarBṛS
- a plaintiff, prosecutor Mn. viii, 62 and 79 Yājñ. ii, 6
- a servant L
- a follower, companion L
- arthi^ (in comp. for arthín)
- ○tā f. the condition of a suppliant Kād
- wish, desire for (instr. Mn. ix, 203), asking, request MBh. &c
- ○tva n. condition of a suppliant Megh
- request Malav. Kathās
- ○bhāva m. condition of a beggar VarYogay
- ○sāt ind. with √1. kṛ, to grant anything (acc.) to one who asks for it Kathās
- arthīya mfn. ifc. destined for Mn. xii, 16
- relating to (cf. evam-arthīya and tad-arthīya)
- arthya mf(ā Pāṇ. 4-4, 92) n. = arthanīya, q.v. L
- proper, fit R. Ragh. Kum
- rich Pañcat. Kathās
- intelligent, wise L
- = dhruva L
- (am), n. red chalk L
- ard Ved. cl. 6. P. (Imper. 3. pl. ṛdantu
- impf. 3. pl. ā́rdan) to move, be moved, be scattered (as dust), R iv, 17, 2 and vii, 104, 24. cl. 1. P. ardati (árdati, 'to go, move' Naigh.) to dissolve AV. xii, 4, 3, (aor. ārdīt Bhaṭṭ., perf. anarda Pāṇ. 7-4, 71 Sch.) to torment, hurt, kill L
- to ask, beg for (acc.) Ragh. v, 17. cl. 7. ṛṇatti, to kill Naigh.: Caus. ardayati (Subj. ardayāsi, Imper. 2. sg. ardaya, impf. ā́dayat, 2. sg. ardáyas
- aor. ārdidat, or [after ma] ardayit Pāṇ. 3-1, 51) to make agitated, stir up, shake vehemently AV. iv, 15, 6 & 11, vi, 49, 2, to do harm, torment, distress MBh. &c. (generally used in perf. Pass. p. ardita, q.v.), to strike, hurt, kill, destroy RV. AV. &c. Desid. ardidiṣati ; [Lat. ardeo.]
- ardana mfn. moving restlessly Nir. vi, 3
- ifc. (janârdana) disturbing, distressing, tormenting R. BhP. &c
- annihilating, destroying BhP. (cf. mahīṣârdana)
- (as) m. a N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1147
- (ā), f. request L
- (am), n. pain, trouble, excitement Suśr
- ardani m. sickness, disease L
- asking, request L
- fire L
- ardita mfn. asked, requested, begged L
- injured, pained, afflicted, tormented, wounded MBh. &c
- killed, destroyed ib
- (am), n. N. of a disease (spasm of the jaw-bones, trismus, tetanus
- or hemiplegia, i.e. paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face and neck) Suśr
- arditin mfn. having spasms of the jaw-bones Suśr
- ardyamāna mfn. (Pass. p. fr. Caus.) being distressed or afflicted or troubled
- ardidhiṣu mfn. (√ṛdh Desid.), desirous of increasing or making anything (acc.) prosperous Bhaṭṭ
- árdha m. Ved. side, part
- place, region, country (cf. ápy-ardham, abhy-ardhá, parârdhá) ; [Lat. ordo ; Germ. ort.]
- ardhá mfn. (m. pl. ardhe or ardhas Pāṇ. 1-1, 33) half. halved, forming a half [Osset. ardag]
- ardhá.. ardhá (or níma.. ardhá RV. x, 27' 18), one part, the other part
- (ás, ám), m. n. (ifc. f. ā) the half. RV. vi, 30, 1, &c
- (ám), n. 'one part of two', with √1. kṛ, to give or leave to anybody (acc.) an equal share of (gen.) RV. ii, 30, 5 and vi, 44, 18
- a part, party RV. iv, 32, 1 and vii, 18, 16
- (e), loc. ind. in the middle, Sāk. (ardha) in comp. with a subst. means 'the half part of anything' [Pāṇ. 2-2,], with an adj. or past Pass. p. [Pāṇ. 5-4,] 'half'
- also with an adj. indicating measure [Pāṇ. vii, 3, 26 and 2]
- a peculiar kind of compound is formed with ordinals [Pāṇ. 1-1, 23 Comm.], e.g. ardha-tṛtīya, containing a half for its third, i.e. two and a half
- ardha-caturtha, having a half for its fourth, three and a half.)
- ○ṛcá m.= ardha-rcá below VS.xix. 25
- ○kaṃsika mfn. = ārdhak○, q.v., measuring half a kaṃsa Pāṇ. 7-3, 27 Sch
- ○kathana n. relating only half (not to the end of a story) Veṇis. (v. l. -ka-thita, 'half-related'). [Page 92, Column]
- ○karṇa m. 'half the diameter', radius
- ○kārṣika mfn. having the weight of half a karṣa Suśr
- ○kāla m. a N. of Siva L
- ○kīla n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 7024
- ○kūṭa m. a N. of Siva L
- ○kṛta mfn. half done, half performed
- ○kṛṣṭa mfn. half drawn out from (in comp.) Śāk
- ○ketu m. N. of a Rudra VāyuP
- ○kaiśika mf(ī)n. having half the breadth of a hair Suśr
- ○koṭī f. half a koṭī i.e. five millions Hit
- ○koṣa m. a moiety of one's treasure
- ○kauḍavika mfn. = ārdhak○, q.v., measuring half a kuḍava Pāṇ. 7-3, 27 Sch
- ○krośa m. half a league
- ○kṣetra āṇi n. pl., N. of particular lunar mansions Sūryapr
- ○khāra n. or half a khārī Pāṇ. 5-4, 101
- ○khārī f. half a khārī Pāṇ. 5-4, 101
- ○gaṅgā f. 'half the Gaṅgā', N. of the river Kāverī L. (cf. ardhajāhnavii below)
- ○garbhá m. half a descendant (?) RV. i, 164, 36
- ○guccha m. a necklace of sixteen (or twenty-four) strings VarBṛS
- ○gola m. a hemisphere
- ○cakravartin or m. half a cakravartin', N. of the nine black Vāsudevas (of the Jainas) L
- ○cakrin m. half a cakravartin', N. of the nine black Vāsudevas (of the Jainas) L
- ○catur4tha mfn. pl. ( above 2. ardh'ā tend) three and a half Suśr. &c., (Jaina Prākṛit addhuṭṭha, s.v. adhyuṣṭa.)
- ○candana-lipta mfn. half rubbed with sandal MBh. xiii, 888. candra, in. half moon
- the semi circular marks on a peacock's tail L
- the semicircular scratch of the finger nail L
- an arrow, the head of which is like a half-moon MBh. R. Kathās. (cf. ardhacandra-mukha and ardha candrâpama below)
- the hand bent into a semicircle or the shape of a claw (as for the purpose of seizing anybody by the neck
- generally acc. ○am with √1. da, to seize any one by his neck) Kathās. Pañcat. Vet
- N. of the Anusvāra (from its being written in the older MSS. in a semilunar form) RāmatUp
- N. of a constellation VarBṛS
- (ā), f. the plant Convolvulus Torpethum
- (mfn.) crescent shaped, of a semilunar form Hcat
- (ardbacandra) -kuṇḍa n. N. of a mystical figure of semilunar form
- -bhāgin mfn. seized by the neck
- mukha mfn. (an arrow) the head of which is like a half-moon Ragh xii, 96
- ardhacandrâkāra or ardhacandrâ kṛta mfn. half moon shaped, crescent shaped, ardhacandrôpama mfn. 'like a half-moon', of semilunar form (said of an arrow, the head of which is like a half moon) R
- ○candraka m. (= ardhacandra) the hand bent into a semicircle for grasping any one's throat', ifc. dattârdhacandraka, mfn. 'seized at the throat', Kaṭhās
- (am), n. the semilunar point of an arrow, Sārṅg
- (ika), f. N. of a climbing plant (Gynandropsis Pentaphylla or Convolvulus Torpethum
- ardhacandrā above)
- ○colaka m. a short bodice L
- ○jaratiya n. (fr. pr. p. jarat, √jrs), (according to the rule of half an aged woman) incompatibility in argument Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 78
- Sarvad:
- ○jāhnavī f. = gaṅgā
- ○jlvakā or f. = jyârdha, the sine of in arc
- ○jyā f. = jyârdha, the sine of in arc
- ○tanu f. half a body
- ○tikta mfn. 'halfbitter', the plant Gentiana Chirata
- ○tūra m. a particular kind of musical instrument L
- ○tṛtiya mf(ān. pl. ( above, 2. ardhá at end) two and a half. ĀśvŚr. AitĀr
- ○trayodaśa mf(ā)n. pl. twelve arid a half. AitAr. Yājñ. ii, 165 and 204
- ○dagdha mfn. half-burnt
- ○divasa m. 'half a day', midday R. (cf. ardha-rātra below.)
- ○devá m. demi-god RV. iv, 42, 8 and 9
- ○drauṇika mfn. = ārdhadr○, q.v., measuring half a droṇa Pāṇ. 7-3, 26 Sch
- ○dhāra n. 'half-edged, i.e. single-edged', a knife or lancet with a single edge (the blade two inches long, the handle six, used by surgeons) Suśr
- ○nārāca m. a particular kind of arrow MBh. ii, 1855
- ○nārī-nara-vapus mfn. having a body half man and half woman (said of Rudra) VāyuP. ii
- ○nārī-nāṭêśvara m. Siva.,
- ○nāriśa or m. 'the lord who is half female (and half male)', a form of Śiva
- ○nārī7śvara m. 'the lord who is half female (and half male)', a form of Śiva
- ○nāva n. half a boat Pāṇ. 5-4, 100
- ○niśā f. midnight
- ○pakva mfn. half ripe Bhpr
- ○pañcadaśa mfn. pl. fourteen and a half. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○pañcan mfn. pl. four and a half VarBṛS
- ○pañcama mfn. pl. id. Mn. iv, 95 Āp. Gaut
- ○pañcamaka mfn. bought for four and a half. Pat
- ○pañcāśat f. twenty-five Mn. viii, 268
- ○paṇa m. a measure containing half a paṇa Mn. viii, 404
- ○patha m. 'half-way', (e), loc. ind. midway Yājñ. ii, 198
- ○pada n. half a Pāda (or the fourth part of a verse) Lāṭy
- ○padyā f. a brick measuring half a foot KātySr
- ○paryaṅka m. sitting half (i.e. partly) upon the hams (a particular posture practised in meditation ; cf. paryaṅka) Lalit. [Page 92, Column]
- ○pāñcālaka mfn. belonging to half the Pañcālas (as a country) Pat
- ○pāda m. half the fourth part
- (ā), f. the plant Phyllanthus Niruri L
- ○pādika mfn. having only half a foot Mn. viii, 325
- ○pārāvata m. a kind of pigeon L
- partridge L
- ○pīta mfn. half-drunk Śāk
- ○puruṣa m. half the length of a man KātyŚr
- ○puruṣīya mfn. having half the length of a man KātyŚr
- ○pulāyita n. a halfgallop, canter
- ○puṣpā f. the plant Sida Rhomboidea L
- ○purṇa mfn. half-full
- ○prasthika mfn. = ārdhapr○, q.v., measuring half a prastha Pāṇ. 7-3, 27 Sch
- ○prahara m. half a watch (one hour and a half)
- ○praharikā f. id. (?) PSarv
- ○bṛgalá n. half a portion ŚBr
- ○bṛhatī f. 'having half the usual breadth', a kind of sacrificial brick KātySr. &c
- ○bhāga m. a half. Kum. v, 50
- ○bhāgika or mfn. receiving half a share Yājñ. ii, 134
- ○bhāgin mfn. receiving half a share Yājñ. ii, 134
- ○bhāj mfn. containing the half of (gen.) PBr
- taking or sharing half. Mn. viii, 39, (-bhā́j), m. a sharer, companion AV. vi, 86, 3
- ○bhāskara m. midday R
- ○bhūmi f. half the land MBh. i, 7444
- ○bheda m. hemiplegia (cf. ardita n.) Suśr., (cf. ava-bhedaka.)
- ○māgadhaka mfn. belonging to half the Magadhas as a country) Pat
- ○māgadhī f. a variety of the Māgadhī dialect (being the language of the sacred Īterature of the Jains)
- ○māṇava ḻ. or m. a necklace of twelve strings
- ○māṇavaka VarBṛṣ., m. a necklace of twelve strings
- ○mātra n. the half. middle VPrāt. &c
- (ā), f. half a short syllable, (mfn.) having the quantity of half a short syllable TPrāt
- hence m. a N. of the peculiar sound called yama (q.v.) RāmatUp
- ○mātrika mfn. (= mātra mfn.) having the quantity of half a short syllable Comm. on VPrāt
- (ā), f. half a short syllable RPrāt
- ○mārge loc. ind. half-way, mid-way Kathās
- ○māsá m. half a month VS. AV. &c
- (ardhamāsa) -tama mfn. done or happening every half month or fortnight Pāṇ. 5-2, 57
- -śás ind. every half month ŚBr
- -sahasra n. a thousand of half months ŚBr
- ○masika mfn. lasting half a month Yājñ. ii, 177
- ○muṣṭi m. a half-clenched hand L
- ○yāma m. (= -prahara above) half a watch Bhpr. =
- ○ratha m. a warrior who fights on a car along with another MBh. v, 5816 and 5820
- ○rāja m. N. of a Prākṛit poet
- ○rātra m. midnight Mn. &c
- ardharātrârdhadivasa m. the time when day and night are half and half. i.e. equal, the equinox R
- ○ruḍha mfn. half grown or developed Megh
- ○rcá (ṛsc
- cf. -ṛcá above), m. half a verse AV. ix, 10, 19 ŚBr. &c
- ([ardharca) -zás] ind. by hemistichs' AV. xx, 135 5 ŚBr. &c
- -śasya mfn. to be recited in hemistichs Vait
- ardharcâdi, a g. of Pāsṇ. (ī, 4, 31)
- ardharcântara n. another hemistich KātyŚr
- ○rcya (ṛ) mf(ā)n. = ardharca-śasya above, AitĀ
- ○lakṣmī-hari m. 'half Lakshmī and half Hari', one of the forms of Vishṇu L. (cf. ardha-nārīṇātêśvara above)
- ○likhita mfn. half painted Śāk
- ○vartman n. = -patha above Naish
- ○vaśā́ f. half a cow MaitrS
- ○vastra-saṃvīta mfn. clothed or enveloped in half-garments
- ○vidhu m. the half-moon Bālar
- ○visarga m. the sound Visarga before k, kh, p, ph (so called because its sign [?] is the half of that of the Visarga [ḥ])
- ○vī7kṣaṇa n. a side-look, glance, leer L
- ○vṛddha mf(ā)n. middle-aged L
- ○vṛddhi f. the half of the interest or rent Mn. viii, 150
- ○vaínāśika m. 'arguing half-perishableness', N. of the followers of Kaṇāda
- ○vyāma m. half a fathom ( vyāma) KātyŚr
- ○vyāsa m. 'half the diameter', radius
- ○vratá n. the half portion of milk ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ○śata n. fifty Mn. viii, 311
- one hundred and fifty ib. 267
- ○śaphara m. a kind of fish L
- ○śabda mfn. having a low voice
- ○śas ind. by halves KātyŚr
- ○śiras n. the half head ĀpŚr
- ○śeṣa mfn. half left R. (cf. ardhâvaśeṣa below)
- ○śyāma mfn. half dark or clouded Śāk
- ○śruta mfn. half heard Veṇis
- ○śloka m. half a Śloka
- ○ṣaṣṭha mfn. pl. five and a half. PārGṛ
- ○saṃjāta-sasya mf(ā)n. having its crops half grown MBh. iii, 3007
- ○saptadaśa mfn. pl. sixteen and a half. KātyŚr
- ○saptama mfn. pl. six and a half. PārGṛ
- ○sapta-śata mf(ā)n. pl. or āni n. pl. three hundred and fifty R
- ○sama mfn. 'half equal', N. of metres, in which the first and third and the second and fourth Pādas are equal
- -muktâvalī f. N. of wk
- ○samasyā f. supplying an idea which is only half expressed Naish
- ○sīrin mfn. a cultivator (who takes half the crop for his labour) Yājñ. i, 166. [Page 92, Column]
- ○soma m. half the Soma KātySr
- ○hāra m. a necklace of sixty-four (or of forty) strings VarBṛS
- ○hrasva n. the quantity of half a short vowel Pāṇ. 1-2, 32
- ardhâṃśa m. a half, the half
- ardhâṃśin mfn. sharing a half
- ardhâkāra m. 'half the letter a', a N. of the avagraha, q.v
- ardhâkṣi n. = ardha-vikṣaṇa above Mṛicch
- ardhâṅga n. half the body
- ardhâcita mfn. (said of a girdle, &c.) half-set (as with gems) Ragh. vii, 10 Kum. vii, 61
- ardhâṇumātrā f. 'half a small mātrā', i.e. the eighth part of the quantity of a short syllable VPrāt
- ardhâdhve loc. ind. = ardha-mārge above ĀpŚr
- ardhântarâikapadatā f. (in rhetoric) placing a single word (which belongs grammatically to one hemistich) into the other half or hemistich of the verse Sāh
- ardhâmbu mfn. consisting half of water L
- ardhârdha mfn. 'half of, the half of', the fourth part of. Pañcat
- -bhāga m. a quarter Ragh. x, 57
- -hāni f. deduction of a half in every case Yājñ. ii, 207
- ardhâvabheda and m. = ardhabheda above Car
- ardhâvabhedaka m. = ardhabheda above Car
- (mfn.) dividing into halves
- ardhâvalīḍha mfn. half chewed Śāk
- ardhâvaśeṣa mfn. = ardha-śeṣa above R
- ardhâśana n. half a meal L
- ardhâsana n. half a seat (it is considered a mark of high respect to make room for a guest on one's own seat) Śāk. Ragh. vi, 73, &c
- greeting kindly L
- ardhâstamaya m. half (i.e. partial) setting of the sun or the moon VarBṛS
- ardhī-kṛta mfn. divided into halves
- ardhêḍā f. 'half the iḍā, the syllable up inserted in some Sāman verses PBr
- ardhêndu m. (-ardha-candra above) a half moon or crescent Naish
- the semicircular impression of a finger nail L
- an arrow with a crescentshaped head L
- the hand expanded in a semicircular from like a claw L
- the constellation also called ardhacandra (q.v.) VarBṛS
- (ardhênd) -mauli m. 'whose diadem is a half-moon, Śiva Megh. Bālar
- ardhêndrá mfn. that of which a half belongs to Indra TS. ŚBr
- ardhôkta mfn. half, uttered, said imperfectly or indistinctly
- ardhôkti f. 'half-speech', speaking incompletely, broken or interrupted speech
- ardhôdaya m. half (i.e. partial) rising of the sun or the moon
- ardhôdita mfn. (fr. 1. ud-ita) half risen Pañcat
- (fr. 2. udita) half-uttered
- ardhôna mf(ā)n. diminished by half a short syllable RPrāt
- ardhôruka mfn. reaching to the middle of the thighs
- (am), n. a short petticoat Daś. Rājat
- ardhaka mfn. forming a half. Bhpr
- (am), n. the half. Hcat
- N. of a wrong pronunciation of the vowels Pat
- m. water-snake L
- ○ghātín mfn. 'killing the water-snake' (?), N. of Rudra AV. xi, 2, 7 (adhvaga-gh○ AV. Paipp.)
- ardhika mf(ī Pāṇ. 5-1, 48) n. measuring a half. Yājñ. ii, 296
- (ifc., Pāṇ. 4-3, 4 Comm.) forming the half of. Mn. iii, 1, &c
- (= ardha-sīrin above) receiving half the crop for his labour Vishṇus. (cf. ārdhika)
- ardhín mfn. forming a half. TS
- giving half (the dakshiṇā) Lāṭy
- receiving half (the dakṣiṇā) Mn. viii, 210
- ardhya mfn. forming the half of (gen.), Śulb
- árdhuka mfn. (√ṛdh), prospering ŚBr
- árdhya (3), mfn. to be accomplished RV. i, 156, 1
- to be obtained RV. v, 44, 10
- arpaya Caus. of √ṛ, q. v
- arpaṇa mf(ī)n. procuring MBh. xiii, 1007
- consigning, entrusting
- (árpaṇa), n. inserting, fixing R
- piercing AV. xii, 3, 22
- placing in or upon Ragh. ii, 35
- offering, delivering, consigning, entrusting of (gen. or in comp.)
- giving back Hit
- arpaṇīya mfn. to be delivered or entrusted Kathās
- árpita [eight times in RV
- Pāṇ. 6-1, 209 seq.] or
- arpitá [RV. i, 164, 48, &c.], mfn. inserted, fixed RV. VS. &c
- fixed upon (as the eyes or the mind)
- thrown, cast into (loc
- said of an arrow) Ragh. viii, 87
- placed in or upon Ragh. ix, 78, &c
- (said of a document or of a sketch) transferred to (a plate or portrait, i.e., 'engraved' or, painted') Ragh. xvii, 79 Śāk. Kum. iii, 42
- offered, delivered, entrusted Yājñ. ii, 164, &c
- given back Ragh. xix, 10, &c
- arpitá-kara mfn. 'having given one's hand', married L. [Page 93, Column]
- arpitôpta mfn. (g. rājadantâdi, q.v.)
- arpya ind. p. prârpyā
- arpya mfn. to be delivered, consignable
- arpisa m. the heart Uṇ
- arb cl. 1. P. arbati (perf. ānarba L.) to go L
- to hurt L
- arbuka ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. ii, 1119
- árbuda m. Ved. a serpent-like demon (conquered by Indra, a descendant of Kadrū therefore called Kādraveya ŚBr. AitBr
- said to be the author of RV. x, 94 RAnukr.) RV. &c
- (ás) m.id. RV.i, 51, 6 and x, 67, 12
- (am), n. N. of the above-named hymn RV. x, 94 ĀśvŚr
- (as, am), m. n. a long round mass (said especially of the shape of the foetus in the second half of the first month [Nir. xiv,] or in the second month [Yājñ. iii, 75 and 8])
- a swelling, tumour, polypus Suśr. &c
- (árbuda), ri. (also m. L.) ten millions VS. xvii, 2, &c
- (as), m., N. of a mountain in the west of India (commonly called Abū, a place of pilgrimage of the Jainas, and celebrated for its Jaina temples)
- m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. BhP. &c
- ○parvata m. the mountain Arbuda
- ○śikhara m.id. Hit
- arbudâkara m. 'shaped like a tumour', the plant Cordia Myxa L
- arbudaraṇya n. N. of a forest NarasP
- árbudi m. a serpent like demon (probably = árbuda and arbudá m. above, but called índramedhin, q.v.) AV. xi, 9 and 10 (in almost every verse) (cf. ny-árbudi.)
- arbudin mfn. afflicted with a swelling or tumour Suśr
- arbudha as, m. = árbuda m. above Kāṭh. Anukr
- árbha mf(ā) n. little, small, unimportant RV
- (arbhá), mfn. id. AV. vii 56, 3 ; m. child, boy BhP. [Lat. orbus
- Gk. ?]. [93,]
- arbhaká mfn. small, minute RV. AV. VS
- weak RV. vii, 33, 6 AV
- (used together with kumāraká) young, childish RV. viii, 30, 1 and 69, 15
- emaciated L
- similar L
- m. a boy, child Ragh. &c., the young of any animal Śak. (v. l.) Kād. a fool, idiot L
- árbhaga mfn. youthful RV. i, 116, 1
- árbha ās, m.pl. ruins, rubbish VS. xxx, 11 TS. &c., often ifc. in names of old villages half or entirely gone to ruin (e.g. guptârma, kukkuṭârma, bṛhad-arma, &c., qq. vv.) Pāṇ. 6-2, 90 seq and viii, 2, 2 Sch
- m. = arman, q.v. Uṇ
- armaká am, rubbish, ruins RV. i, 133, 3
- armaṇa as, am m. n. a measure of one droṇa Suśr
- arman a n. a disease of the eyes Suśr
- aryá (2, once 3 RV. iv, 1, 7), mfn. (√ṛ) kind, favourable RV
- attached to, true, devoted, dear RV
- excellent L
- (ás), m. a master, lord Naigh. Pāṇ. 3-1, 103 (cf. 3. árya.)
- ○pati (aryá-), mf(patnī)n. (said of the dawns and of the waters) having kind or favourable lords (?) RV. vii, 6, 5 and x, 43, 8
- aryá mf(ā)n. ( = 1. aryá) kind, favourable RV. i, 123, 1
- árya m. (= 1. aiyá) 'master, lord', a Vaiśya VS. &c. Pāṇ. 3-1, 103 (ā), f. a woman of the third caste, the wife of a Vaiśya VS. &c. Pāṇ. 4-1, 49 Comm., (ī), f. the wife of any particular Vaiśya Pāṇ. 4-1, 49 Siddh. (cf. aryāṇī.)
- ○jārā (árya-), f. the mistress of a Vaiśya VS. xxiii, 30
- ○patnī -pati s.v. 1. aryá
- ○varya m. a Vaiśya of rank Daś
- ○śveta m. (v. l. ārya-sv○), N. of a man, (g. śivâdi, q.v.)
- aryamán ā m. a bosom friend, play-fellow, companion, (especially) a friend who asks a woman in marriage for another RV. AV. ŚBr. TBr
- N. of an Aditya (who is commonly invoked together with Varuṇa and Mitra, also with Bhaga, Bṛihaspati, and others
- he is supposed to be the chief of the Manes Bhag. &c., the milky way is called his path [aryamṇáḥ pánthāḥ TBr.]
- he presides over the Nakshatra Uttaraphalgunī VarBṛS
- his name is used to form different male names Pāṇ. 5-3, 84) RV. &c
- the sun, Śiś. ii, 39
- the Asclepias plant L. [Page 93, Column]
- aryama (in comp. for aryamán)
- ○gṛhapati (aryamá-), mfn. having Aryaman as gṛhapati (i. e. as keeper of the precedence in a grand sacrifice) MaitrS
- ○datta m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 5-3, 84 Sch
- ○devā f. or 'having Aryaman for its deity', N. of the mansion Uttaraphalgunī L
- ○daivata n. 'having Aryaman for its deity', N. of the mansion Uttaraphalgunī L
- ○bhūti and m. N. of two Vedic teachers VBr
- ○rādha m. N. of two Vedic teachers VBr
- aryamâkhya n. the mansion Uttaraphalgunī VarYogay
- aryamika m. a shortened name for aryama-datta Pāṇ. 5-3, 84
- aryamiya or as m. id. ib
- aryamila as m. id. ib
- aryamyá (4), mfn. intimate, very friendly RV. v, 85, 7
- aryāṇī f. a mistress Pāṇ. 4-1, 49 Siddh
- a woman of the third or Vaiśya caste Pāṇ. 4-1, 49 Comm
- arv cl. 1. P. arvati (perf. ānarva L.) to hurt, kill L
- arva and arvaṇa, an-arvá
- árvat mfn. running, hasting RV. v, 54, 14 and AV. iv, 9, 2
- low, inferior, vile Uṇ
- (ān), m. a courser, horse RV. VS. AV. BhP
- the driver of a horse RV. x, 40, 5 and 74, 1
- N. of a part of the sacrificial action RV. ii, 33, i and viii, 71, 12, (árvati), f. a mare RV. AV
- a bawd, procuress. L
- árvan mfn. running, quick (said of Agni and Indra) RV
- low, inferior, vile Uṇ
- (ā), m. a courser, horse RV. AV. ŚBr. N. of Indra ( before) L
- one of the ten horses of the moon L
- a short span L. (cf. árāvan.)
- árvasa or mfn. running, quick (said of Indra and of the gods) RV. x, 92, 6
- arvaśá mfn. running, quick (said of Indra and of the gods) RV. x, 92, 6
- arvā́c vā́ṅ, vā́cī, vā́k, Ved. (fr. añc with arva, near or 'hither') coming hitherward, coming to meet any one, turned towards RV. &c., being on this side (of a river) L., being below or turned downwards AV. ŚBr. ChUp
- (acc. arvāñcā́k) with √nud, to push down RV. visi, 14, 8
- (ā́k), ind., ss.vv. arvā́k and arvā́g,
- arvā́k ind. (g. svar-ādi, q.v.) hither, (opposite to párāk, parás, parastāt) RV. AV. ŚBr
- (with abl. ŚBr. &c
- with instr. RV. x, 129, 6 AV.) on this side, from a certain point, before, after
- on the lower side ChUp
- (with loc.) within, near Sāh. (v. l.)
- ○kalika-tā f. the belonging to a proximate time, the state of being more modern (than anything else) Mn. xii, 96
- ○kula n. the near bank of a river
- ○catvāriṃśá mfn. pl. under forty ŚBr
- ○tana mf(ā) n. being on this side of, not reaching up to BhP
- ○pañcāśá mfn. pl. under fifty ŚBr
- ○śatá mfn. pl. under a hundred ib
- ○ṣaṣṭhá mfn. pl. under sixty ib
- ○sāman (arvaák-), m. pl., N. of the three days a during which a Soma sacrifice is performed ŚBr
- ○srotas mfn. (said of a creation of beings) in which the current of nutriment tends downwards VP
- arvāké loc. ind. (opposed to
- parāké q.v.) in the proximity, near RV. viii, 9, 15
- arvā́g (in comp. for arvāk).,
- ○aśitá mfn. pl. under eighty ŚBr
- ○bila (arvā́g-), mfn. having the mouth downwards ŚBr. xiv
- ○vasu (arvā́g), mfn. offering riches VS. xv, 19 ŚBr
- (us), m. (for arvā-vasu, q.v.), N. of a Hotṛi of the gods GopBr
- ○viṃśá mfn. pl. under twenty ŚBr
- arvācin mfn. turned towards KaushĀr
- arvācīná or mf(ā́)n. turned towards, favouring RV
- arvācī́na mf(ā́)n. turned towards, favouring RV
- turned towards (in a hostile manner) RV., vi, 25, 3
- (with abl.) being on this side or below ŚBr
- belonging to a proximate time, posterior, recent
- (for avāsīna) reverse, contrary L
- (ar vā́cenam) ind. (with abl.) 'on this side of', thence forward, thence onward ŚBr
- less than (abl.) ib
- arvā-vát t f. proximity RV
- (in all passages opposed to parā-vát, q.v.)
- arvā-vásu m. N. of a Hotṛi or Brahman of the gods ŚBr. KaushUp
- of a son of Raibhya MBh. &c
- arvuka v. l. for arbuka, q.v
- arśa as, m: (√ṛś), 'damage', ánarśa-rāti, (for arśas) hemorrhoids, piles L
- árśas n. piles, hemorrhoids VS. xii, 97, &c
- arśa-ādi^ a g. of Pāṇ. 5-2, 127
- arśasa mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 127) afflicted with hemorrhoids Mn. iii, 7 Suśr. [Page 93, Column]
- arśasāná mfn. striving to hurt, malicious RV
- m. (= ardani, q.v.) fire Uṇ
- arśasin mfn. = arśasa Hcat
- arśin mfn. id. L
- arśo (in comp. for árśas)
- ○ghora mfn. destroying hemorrhoids Suśr
- m. the plant Amorphophallus Campanulatus L
- one part of buttermilk with three parts of water L
- (ī), f. the plant Curculigo Archioides Lin. L
- ○yuj mfn. afflicted with hemorrhoids L
- ○roga m. hemorrhoids
- ○roga-yuta or mfn. afflicted with hemorrhoids
- ○rogin mfn. afflicted with hemorrhoids
- ○vartman n. a tumour in the corner of the eye Suśr
- ○hita m. the marking nut plant (Semecarpus Anacardium) L
- arṣaṇa or arṣaṇin mfn. (√1. ṛṣ), flowing, movable Nir
- arṣaṇī́ f. (√2. ṛṣ), a pricking or piercing pain AV. ix, 8, 13, 16 and 21
- arṣṭṛ́ mfn. (√ṛj, or 2. ṛṣ?) -= ārtaṃ gacchat (Comm.), falling into misery TS. TBr
- (only in an obscure formula together with iṣṭárga, q.v.)
- arh cl. 1. P. árhati, rarely Ā. arhate [MBh. iii, 1580 R.], (p. árkat see be low
- Ved. Inf. arháse [RV. x 77,]
- perf. 3. pl. ānarhuḥ Pāṇ. 6-1, 39 Sch., but Ved. ānṛhuḥ [cf. ānṛcúḥ, √arc] Pāṇ. 6-1, 36) to deserve, merit, be worthy of, to have a claim to, be entitled to (acc.), to be allowed to do anything (Inf.)
- to be obliged or required to do anything (acc.)
- to be worth, counterbalance, to be able
- (arhase, 2. sg. with an Inf. is often used as a softened form of Imper
- e.g. dātum arhasi, 'be pleased to give'
- śrotum arhasi, 'deign to listen', for śṛiṇu): Caus. (Opt. arhayet Mn. iii, 3 and 119
- aor, ārjihat Bhaṭṭ.) to honour. Desid. arjihiṣati [Gk. ?]. [93,]
- arha mf(ā)n. meriting, deserving (praise or blame, cf. pūjârha, nindârha), worthy of. having a claim or being entitled to (acc. or Inf. or in comp.)
- being required, obliged, allowed (with Inf.)
- becoming, proper, fit (with gen. or ifc.) Pañcat
- worth (in money), costing R., (cf. satârha, sahasrârha), m. a N. of Indra L., (a), f. or (āṇi), n. pl. worship ChUp.
- arhaṇa mfn. having a claim to, being entitled to (in comp.) BhP
- (am), n. deserving, meriting Pāṇ. 3-3, 111, worship, honour, treating any one (gen.) with respect Mn. iii, 54 BhP
- a present of honour MBh. i, 130 BhP
- (ā), f. worship, honour, N. Ragh. &c., (arháṇa), Ved. instr. ind. according to what is due RV. i, 127, 6, x, 63, 4 and 92, 7
- árhat mfn. deserving, entitled to (acc.) RV
- used in a respectful address for arhasi Pāṇ. 3-2, 133, able, allowed to (acc.) RV
- worthy, venerable, respectable ŚBr. AitBr. &c. ( arhat-tama below)
- praised, celebrated L
- (an), m. a Buddha who is still a candidate for Nirvāṇa
- (= kṣapaṇaka) a Jaina
- an Arhat or superior divinity with the Jainas
- the highest rank in the Buddhist hierarchy L
- ○tama mfn. (superl.) most worthy, most venerable Mn. iii, 128 BhP
- ○tva n. the dignity of an Arhat Kathās
- arhanta mfn. worthy L
- m. a Buddha L
- a Buddhist mendicant L
- a N. of Śiva L
- arhantikā f. N. of a Buddhist nun Daś
- arhita mfn. honoured, worshipped L
- arhya mfn. worthy ('of praise', stotum) L
- arhariṣváṇi mfn. (said of Indra) exultant [formed by irregular redupl. of √hṛṣ BR
- arhari-ṣváṇi, 'making enemies cry aloud, 'Sāy.] RV. i, 56, 4
- al cl. 1. P. alati, to adorn L
- to be competent or able L
- to prevent L. [The √is evidently invented for the derivation of alam, q.v.]
- ala n. the sting in the tail of a scorpion (or a bee) L. (cf. ali and alin)
- (= āla, q.v.) yellow orpiment L
- ○gardá m. a water-serpent (the black variety of the Cobra de Capello, Coluber Nāga) Suparṇ. Suśr
- (ā), f. a large poisonous leech Suśr. (cf. [al�I-garda].)
- ○gardha m. =
- ○gardá a water-serpent L
- alâyudha m. 'whose weapon is the sting from the tail of a scorpion', N. of a Rākshasa MBh. vii, 8004. [Page 94, Column]
- alaka as, am m. n. (ifc. f. ā) a curl, lock Ragh. &c
- (as), m. (= alarka, q.v.) a mad dog L
- (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS
- of the Inhabitants of Kubera's residence Alakā MBh. iii, 11813
- (ā), f. (g. kṣipakâdi, q.v.) a girl from eight to ten years of age L
- N. of the capital of Kubera (situated on a peak of the Himālaya inhabited also by Śiva) Kum. vi, 37, &c
- N. of a town in Nishadha Kathās
- ○nandā f. a young girl from eight to ten years old L
- N. of a river that runs from the Himālaya mountains and falls into the Gaṅga MBh. i, 6456 VP
- ○prabhā f. the capital of Kubera L
- ○priya m. the plant Terminalia Tomentosa L
- ○saṃhati f. rows of curls
- alakâdhipa or m. 'lord of Alakā', a N. of Kubera
- alakâdhipati ṣuśr. m. 'lord of Alakā', a N. of Kubera
- alakânta m. the end of a curl a ringlet
- alakôśvara m. 'lord of Alaks', a N. of Kubera Ragh. xix, 15
- álakam ind. in vain, for nothing RV. x, 71, 6 and 108, 7
- alakta m. (said to be for arakta), red juice or lac (obtained from the red resin of certain trees and from the cochineal's red sap) L
- ○rasa m. the Alakta juice R. ii, 60, 18 Bhpr
- alaktaka m. rarely n. id. Kum. &c
- a-lakṣaṇa n. (√lakṣ), a bad, inauspicious sign Mn. iv, 156
- (a-lakṣaṇá), mf(ā)n. having no signs or marks, without characteristic ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. i, 5, having no good marks, inauspicious, unfurtunate Ragh. xiv, 5
- á-lakṣita mfn. unseen, unperceived, unobserved MBh
- uncharacterized having no particular mark ŚBr. KātyŚr
- alakṣitântaka mfn. suddenly dead L
- alakṣitôpasthita mfn. one who has approached unobserved
- a-lakṣya mfn. invisible, unobserved MBh. &c., unmarked, not indicated Sāh
- having no particular marks, insignificant in appearance ( -janma-tā below)
- m. N. of a Mantra spoken to exorcise a weapon R. i, 30, 5
- ○gati mfn. moving invisibly
- ○janma-tā f. being of insignificant birth or origin Kum. v, 72
- ○liṅga mfn. disguised, incognito
- a-lakṣmī īs f. evil fortune, bad luck, distress, poverty, (mfn.) causing misfortune ŚāṅkhGṛ
- alakhāna m. N. of a king of Gujara Rājat
- ala-gardá and ○rdha, ala
- a-lagna mfn. (√lag), not joined or connected
- a-láglam ind. unconnectedly in a stammering manner ŚBr. iii
- a-laghu mfn. not light, heavy
- not short, long (as a syllable in prosody)
- not quick, slow Mṛicch
- weighty, significant Daś
- serious, solemn
- intense, violent
- ○pratijña mfn. solemnly pledged or promised
- alaghupala m. 'heavy stone', a rock L
- alaghū7ṣman m. intense heat
- a-laghīyas mfn. (compar.) not insignificant, mighty Śiś. ii, 58
- alaṃ-karaṇa -kūrá &c., álam
- a-laṅghana n. not surmounting, not transgressing, not passing over or beyond
- a-laṅghanīya mfn. insurmountable, impassable, not to be crossed
- not to be reached or caught (by hastening) Śāk
- not to be transgressed, inviolable. -
- tā f. impassableness, insurmountableness inaccessibility
- inviolability
- a-laṅghayat mfn. not transgressing Ragh. ix, 9
- a-laṅghya mfn. impassable (as a river)
- inviolable (as a command or prohibition) BhP
- alajá m. a kind of bird VS. xxiv, 34
- ○cít ṭṣ. Kaṭh. or mfn. piled up (as the sacrificial altar) in the shape of the bird Alaja
- ○cita "ṣulb., mfn. piled up (as the sacrificial altar) in the shape of the bird Alaja
- alajī́ f. inflammation of the eye (at the edge of the cornea) AV. ix, 8, 20
- alajī f. id. Suśr
- a-lajja mf(ā Naish.)n. shameless
- alañjara = aliñjara, q.v. L. [Page 94, Column]
- aláṃ-juṣa álam
- alati m. a kind of song L
- alaṃ-tama -tarām, álam
- á-lapat mfn. not chattering, not speaking nonsense AV. viii, 2, 3
- a-labdha mfn. unobtained
- ○nātha mfn. without a patron
- ○nidra mfn. not obtaining sleep, unable to fall asleep BhP
- ○bhūmika-tva n. the state of not obtaining any degree (bhūmi) of deep meditation Yogas
- alabdhâbhípsíta mfn. disappointed in one's desire
- a-labhamāna mfn. not gaining, &c
- a-labhya mfn. unobtainable Kum. v, 43, &c
- álam ind. (later form of áram, q.v.), enough, sufficient, adequate, equal to, competent, able. (alam may govern a dat. [jī́vitavaí (Ved. Inf. dat.) álam AV. vi, 109, 1, or alaṃ jīvanāya Mn. xi, 76, &c., sufficient for living] or Inf. [Pāṇ. 2-4, 66
- alaṃ vijñātum 'able to conceive' Nir. ii,] or instr. [Pāṇ. 2-3, 27 Siddh
- alaṃ śaṅkayā, enough, i.e. away with fear!] or gen. [alaṃ prajāyāḥ, capable of obtaining progeny PBr.] or may be used with the fut. [alaṃ haniṣyati, he will be able to kill Pāṇ. 3-3, 154 Sch.] or with an ind. [Pāṇ. 3-4, 18
- alaṃ bhuktvā, enough of eating, i.e. do not eat more, alaṃ vlcārya, enough of consideration].)
- ○artha-tā f. or having the sense of alam Pat. =
- ○artha-tva n. having the sense of alam Pat. =
- ○atardana mfn. easy to perforate Nir.vi, 2
- ○paśu &c. (i.e. alaṃ-paśu, &c.), s.v. alaṃ below
- alaṃ (in comp. for álam)
- ○karana n. making ready, preparation Kauś., (ifc. f. ā Kathās.) decoration, ornament KātyŚr. &c
- ○karaṇin mfn. possessed of an ornament Kathās
- ○kariṣṇu mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 136) fond of ornament Nir
- (with acc.) decorating Pāṇ. 2-3, 69 Sch., (an., neg. also s.v.) Pāṇ. 6-2, 160 Sch
- (us), m. N. of Śiva
- ○kartṛ mfn. one who decorates L
- ○karmiṇa mfn. competent for any act or work Pāṇ. 5-4, 7
- ○kārá m. the act of decorating, R ii, 40, 13, (ifc. f. R. 18, 6) ornament, decoration ŚBr. TBr. &c. (in rhetoric) an ornament of the sense or the sound (cf. arthâl○ and śabdâl○)
- (ataṃkāra) -kārikā f. -kaustubha m. -candrika f. -cūḍāmaṇi m. mañjari, -mala, -muksâvalī, different works on rhetoric
- -vatī f. 'the decorated one', N. of the ninth Lambaka in the Kathāsaritsāgara,
- ○śāstra n. a manual or text book of rhetoric, śīla m. N. of a prince of the Vidyādharas Kathās
- -suvarṇa n. gold used for ornaments L
- ○sūra m. N. of a kind of meditation Buddh., -hīna mfn. unadorned
- ○kāraka m. ornament Mn. vii, 220
- ○kārya mfn. to be adorned or decorated Sāh
- ○kāla m. for -kāra, ornament, Nalod
- ○kumāri mfn. fit for marrying a young girl Pat
- ○√kṛ (cf. áraṃ-√kṛta s.v. áram), to make ready, prepare ŚBr., (ind. p. -kṛtvā, q.v.)
- to decorate, ornament R. &c., (ind. p. -kṛtya, q.v.)
- to impede, check, violate (with gen.) Mn. viii, 16
- ○kṛta (átaṃ-), mfn. adorned, decorated ŚBr. &c., (cf. áraṃ-kṛta s.v. áram,)
- ○kṛti f. ornament Kathās
- rhetorical ornament (cf. -kara above) Sāh. Kāvyâd
- ○kṛ́tya ind. p. having decorated TBr. Mn. iii, 28 and v, 68
- ○kṛtvā ind. p. having made ready, having prepared Pāṇ. 1-4, 64 Sch
- ○kriyā f. decorating L
- rhetorical ornament
- ○gāmin mfn. (= anugaviina) going after or watching (as cows) in a proper manner Pāṇ. 5-2, 15 Sch
- ○jīvika mfn. sufficient for livelihood Pat
- ○juṣa (aláṃ-), mfn. sufficient ŚBr.iii
- ○tama mfn. very well able to (Inf.) BhP
- ○tarām ind. (compar.of alaṃ) exceedingly Kum. xiv, 16 and xv, 28
- very much better or easier to (Inf.) Śiś. ii, 106
- ○dhana mfn. possessing sufficient wealth Mn. viii, 162
- ○dhūma m. 'smoke enough', thick smoke L
- ○paśu mfn. able to keep cattle KātySr
- ○puruṣīṇa mfn. sufficient for a man Pāṇ. 5-4, 7
- ○purva mfn. being preceded by the word alam Pat
- ○prajanana mfn. (cf. alaṃ prajāyāḥ above s.v. álam) able to beget or generate ĀśvŚr
- ○bala mfn. 'equal to any power', N. of Śiva
- ○bhūṣṇu mfn. able, competent L
- ○manas mfn. satisfied in mind BhP. (cf. arámaṇas s.v. áram.)
- a-lampaṭa mfn. not libidinous, chaste BhP. [Page 94, Column]
- alambuṣa m. the palm of the hand with the fingers extended L
- N. of a plant L
- of a Rākshasa MBh. vii, 4065 and 4072
- (ā), f. a barrier, a line or anything not to be crossed L
- a sort of sensitive plant Bhpr
- N. of an Apsaras MBh. ix, 2931 seqq. Kathās
- alamma m. N. of a Rishi PBr
- a-laya m. (√lī), non-dissolution, permanence R. iii, 71, 10 (v. l. an-aya)
- (mfn.) restless Śiś. iv, 57
- alayas 2. ali
- alarka m. a mad dog or one rendered furious Suśr
- a fabulous animal, like a hog with eight legs MBh. R. MārkP
- the plant Calatropis Gigantea Alba Suśr. (cf. dīrghâíarka)
- N. of a king Hariv. &c
- alarti (3. sg.) and alarṣi (2. sg.), Intens. fr. √ṛ, q.v
- alarṣi-rāti mfn. eager to bestow SV. (v. l. án-arśa-rati, q.v. RV.)
- alalā-bhávat mfn. (said of the waters) sounding cheerfully RV. iv, 18, 6
- alale ind. (cf. arare), a word of no import occurring in the dialect or gibberish of the Piśācas (a class of goblins introduced in plays, &c.) L
- a-lavaṇa mfn. not salty Pāṇ. 5-1, 121
- alavas 2. ali
- alavāla or ○laka, as, m.= ālavāla, q.v. L
- a-las mfn. (√las), not shining L
- a-lasa mf(ā)n. inactive, without energy, lazy, idle, indolent, tired, faint, SB3r. AitBr
- &c
- m. a sore or ulcer between the toes Suśr
- (= a-lasaka below) tympanitis Bhpr
- N. of a small poisonous animal Suśr., N. of a plant L., (ā), f. the climbing plant Vitis Pedata Wall L
- ○gamana mf(ā)n. going lazily Megh
- ○tā f. or idleness
- ○tva n. idleness
- alasi-√bhu to become tired Bhpr
- alase'kṣaṇa mf(ā)n. having languishing or tired looks Rājat
- a-lasaka m. tympanitis, flatulence (intumescence of the abdomen', with constipation and wind), Car Suśr
- a-lāsya mfn. (said of peacocks) not dancing, idle Ragh. xvi, 14
- alasā́lā f. ? AV. vi, 16, 4
- alāka m. ( = alarka) the plant Calotropis Gigantea Car
- a-lāñchana mfn. spotless Bālar
- alāṇḍu m. N. of a noxious animal AV. ii, 31, 2 and 3
- alāta n. a fire-brand, coal MBh. &c
- ○śanti f. N. of the fourth chapter of Gauḍapada's commentary on the MāṇḍUp
- alātâkṣī f. 'having fiery eyes', N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2626
- a-lātṛná mfn. (√lā = √rā? BR.) not granting anything, miserly RV. i, 166, 7 and iii, 30, 10, (Nir. vi, 2.)
- alā́bu f. the bottle-gourd (Lagenaria Vulgaris Ser) Suśr. &c
- (us, u), m. n. a vessel made of the bottle-gourd AV. &c
- (used by Brāhmanical ascetics) Mn. vi, 54 Jain
- (u), n. the fruit of the bottle-gourd MBh. ii, 2196, &c
- ○gandhi mfn. smelling of the bottle-gourd AV. Paipp,
- ○pātrá n. a jar made of the bottle-gourd AV. viii, 10, 29
- ○maya mfn. made of a bottle-gourd Yājñ. iii, 60
- ○vīṇā f. a lute of the shape of a bottlegourd Lāṭy
- ○suhṛd m. friend of the bottlegourd', sorrel L
- alā́buka n. the fruit of the bottle-gourd AV. xx, 132, 1 and 2
- (ā), f. the bottle-gourd L
- alābukôśvara n. N. of a Tirtha SkandaP
- alābū ūs f. ( = alā́bu above) the bottle-gourd Pāṇ. 4-1, 66 Comm. Uṇ
- ○kaṭa n. the down of the bottle-gourd Pāṇ. 5-2, 29 Comm. [Page 95, Column]
- a-lābha m. non-acquirement Mn. vi, 57
- want, deficiency ĀśvGṛ. &c
- loss (in selling goods) Mn. ix' 331
- loss (of life, prâṇa) Mn. xi, 80
- alâyudha ala
- alā́yya (4), mfn. a N. of Indra [BR
- 'an assailant', fr. √ṛ Sāy.] RV. ix, 67, 30
- alāra m. a kind of Aloe plant L
- (am), n. a door L
- alāsa m. inflammation and abscess at the √of the tongue Suśr
- alāsya mfn. a-lasá above
- ali m. (for alin, fr. ala, q.v.) 'possessed of a sting', a (large black) bee Ragh. &c
- a scorpion L
- a crow L
- the Indian cuckoo L
- spirituous liquor L
- ○kula n. a swarm of bees VarBṛS
- ([alikula) -priyA] or -saṃkulā f. 'fond of or full of swarms of bees', the plant Rosa Glandulifera L
- ○garda or m. = ala-garda, q.v., L
- ○gardha m. = ala-garda, q.v., L
- ○jihvā or f. the uvula or soft palate L
- ○jihvikā f. the uvula or soft palate L
- ○dūrvā f. N. of a plant L
- ○pattrikā f. N. of a shrub L
- ○parṇī f. the plant Tragia Involacrata Lin. L
- ○priya n. the red lotus, Nymphaea Rubra L
- (ā), f. the flower (Bignonia Suaveolens) L
- ○mālā f. a line or swarm of bees, Malatim
- ○modā f. the plant Premna Spinosa L
- ○mohinī f. N. of a plant L
- ○vallabhā f. = priyā, q.v. L
- ○virāva m. or song or hum of the bee L
- ○viruta n. song or hum of the bee L
- alin ī m. 'possessed of a sting' (ala, q.v.), a (large black) bee BhP. &c
- a scorpion L
- the Scorpion (in the zodiac) VarBṛS
- (inī), f. a female bee Śiś. vi, 72, a swarm of bees BhP
- ali (in the Apabhraṃsa dialect) for ari, enemy (pl. alayas for arayas) Pat
- also alávas is mentioned as a corrupt pronunciation for ar4yas ŚBr
- alíṃsa m. a kind of demon AV. viii. 6, 1
- alika as, m.= alīka, the forehead Bālar
- N. of a Prākrit poet
- ○lekhā f. an impression or mark upon the forehead Kād
- alíklava m. a kind of carrion bird AV. xi, 2, 2 and 9, 9
- ali-garda and -gardha, 1. ali
- a-ligu m. N. of a man, (g. gargâdi, q.v.)
- a-liṅga n. absence of marks Comm. on Nyāyad., (mfn.) having no marks Nir. MuṇḍUp. &c
- (in Gr.) having no gender
- a-liṅgin mfn. 'not wearing the usual' frontal marks, skin, staff, &c., a pretended ascetic or student L. (cf. sa-liṅgin.)
- aliñjara m. a small earthen water-jar MBh. iii, 12756 (cf. alañjara.)
- álina ās m. pl., N. of a tribe RV. vii, 18, 7
- alinda m. (ifc. f. ī g. gaurâdi, q.v.) a terrace before a house-door Śāk. &c
- (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 371 VP
- alindaka m. a terrace before a house-door L
- alipaka as, in. (= 1 ali above) a bee L
- the Indian cuckoo L
- a dog L
- alimaka m. a bee L
- the Indian cuckoo L
- a frog L
- the plant Bassia Latifolia L
- the filaments of the lotus L
- alimpaka or m. = alimaka
- alimbaka m. = alimaka
- a-lipsā f. freedom from desire
- álīka mf(ā Naish.)n. unpleasing, disagreeable (as a serpent) AV. v, 13, 5
- untrue, false, pretended MBh. &c. little L
- (am) n. anything displeasing, ĀśvŚr. R. ii, 52, 25
- falsehood, untruth Mn. xi, 55, &c
- the forehead (cf. alika), heaven L
- ○tā f. falsehood, vanity
- ○matsya m. a kind of dish tasting like fish ('mock-fish', made of the flour of a sort of bean fried with Sesamum oil) Bhpr
- ○supta or n. pretended sleep Kathās. [Page 95, Column]
- ○suptaka n. pretended sleep Kathās. [Page 95, Column]
- alīkayu m. N. of a Brāhman (with the patron. Vācaspatya), KaushBr
- alīkāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be deceived, (g. sukhâdi, q.v.)
- alīkin mfn. 'possessed of alīka', (g. sukhâdi q.v.)
- disagreeable L
- false, deceiving L
- alīkya mfn. 'like alīka', (g. dig-ādi and vargiyâdi, q.v.)
- belonging to falsehood, false L
- alīgarda = ali-garda, q.v. L
- alu f. (= ālu, q.v.) a small waterpot L
- a-lupta mfn. not cut off, undiminished
- ○mahiman mfn. of undiminished glory
- a-lubdha mfn. not covetous, not avaricious Gaut
- ○tva n. freedom from covetousness
- á-lubbyât mfn. not becoming disordered, not disturbed AV. iii, 10, 11
- a-lobha m. 'non-confusion', steadiness AitBr
- absence of cupidity, moderation Hit
- a-lobhin mfn. not desiring
- a-lūkṣa mfn. (= á rūkṣa, q.v.) not harsh, soft, greasy TUp. &c
- álūkṣanta-tva n. the having greasy substances (like butter) near at hand (for oblations) TBr. i, 1, 6, 6
- a-lūna mfn. uncut, unshorn
- ale or alele ind. (cf. are and arere), unmeaning words in the dialect of the demons or Piśācas (introduced in plays &c.) L
- a-lepaka mfn. stainless
- a-leśa mfn. not little, much, large, (am), ind. 'not a bit', not at all L
- a-leśaija mfn. 'not moving a bit, firm, steady L
- a-loka m. 'not the world', the end of the world R. i, 37, 12, the immaterial or spiritual world Jain. (á-lokas), m. pl. not the people, S Br. xiv
- (a-loká), mfn. not having space, finding no place ŚBr
- ○sāmānya mfn. not common among ordinary people Mālatīm
- a-lokanīya mfn. invisible, imperceptible L
- a-lokita mfn. unseen L
- a-lokyá mf(ā́) n. unusual, unallowed ŚBr. Mn. ii, 161
- ○tā (alokyá-), f. loss of the other world ŚBr. xiv
- a-locana mf(ā) n. without eyes
- without windows (to look through) Car
- a-laukika mf(ī)n. not current in the world, uncommon, unusual (especially said of words)
- not relating to this world, supernatural
- ○tva n. rare occurrence (of a word) Sāh
- a-lopa m. not dropping (as a letter or syllable) Lāṭy. TPrāt
- dropping of the letter a VPrāt
- alopâṅga mfn. not defective in a single limb AitBr
- a-lomáka ṭṣ.or a-lámaka "ṣBr., mf(Ved. ○makā, class. ○mikā [Mn. iii, 8
- but also AitBr.] Pāṇ. 7-3, 45 Comm.) n. hairless
- a-loman mfn. id. Gaut
- a-lomaharṣaṇa mfn. not causing erection of the hair of the body (from joy)
- a-lola mfn. unagitated, firm, steady
- (ā), f. (also lolā, q.v.), N. of a metre (containing four lines, each of fourteen syllables)
- a-lola-tva = alolup-tva below Bhag
- a-lolupa mfn. = a-lola MBh. iii, 153
- free from desire Āp
- m. N. of a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra MBh. i, 2738
- ○tva "ṣvetūp. or n. freedom from any desire
- aloluptva [Bhag.xvi, 2, v.], n. freedom from any desire
- a-lolupyamāna mfn. not greedy Gaut
- aloha mfn. not made of iron MBh. i, 5755
- m. N. of a man, (g. 1. naḍâdi, q.v.)
- a-lohitá ṭṣ. or a-lóhita "ṣBr. xiv, mfn. bloodless
- (am), n. Nymphiaea Rubra L
- a-laukika a-loka
- algá au m. du. the groin VS. xxv, 6
- álpa mf(ā)n. (m. pl. e or ās Pāṇ. 1-1, 33) small, minute, trifling, little AV. &c
- (am), ind. (opposed to bahu) little Mn. ii, 149 and x, 60
- (ena), instr. ind. (with a perf. Pass. p. Pāṇ. 2-3, 33) 'for little', cheap Dal. [Page 95, Column]
- easily R. iv, 32, 7
- (āt), abl. ind. (with a perf. Pass. p.) without much trouble, easily Pāṇ. 2-3, 33
- (in comp. with a past Pass. p.) ii, 1, 39 and vi, 3, 2
- ○kārya n. small matter
- ○keśī f. N. of a plant (or perhaps the √of sweet flag) L
- ○krīta mfn. bought for little money, cheap
- ○gandha n. the red lotus L
- ○ceṣṭita mfn. 'making little effort', inert
- ○cchada mfn. scantily clad
- ○jña mfn. knowing little, ignorant
- ○tanu mfn. small-bodied L
- ○tara mfn. (compar., cf. alpīyas), smaller RPrāt. KātyŚr. &c
- ○tā f. or smallness, minuteness
- ○tva n. smallness, minuteness
- insignificance
- ○dakṣiṇa mfn. defective in presents (as a ceremony) Mn. xi, 39 and 40
- ○darśana [MBh. i, 591] or mfn. of confined views, narrow-minded
- ○dṛṣṭi mfn. of confined views, narrow-minded
- ○dhana mfn. of little wealth, not affluent Mn. iii, 66 and xi, 40
- ○dhī mfn. weakminded, having little sense, foolish Hit
- ○niṣpatti Nir. ii, 2
- ○pattra m. 'having little leaves', N. of a plant (a species of the Tulasi) L
- (ī), f. the plants Curculigo Orchioides and Anethum Sowa L
- ○padma n. the red lotus L
- ○parīvāra mfn. having a small retinue
- ○paśu (álpa-) mfn. having a small number of cattle AV. xii, 4, 25
- ○pāyin mfn. sucking little or not sufficiently (as a leech) Suśr
- ○puṇya mf(ā)n. whose religious merit is small MBh. iii, 2650 R. vi, 95, 20
- ○prajas mfn. having few descendants or few subjects
- ○prabhāva mfn. of little weight or consequence, insignificant, ([alpaprabhAva) -ta] f. or insignificance
- ○tva n. insignificance
- ○pramāṇa mfn. of little weight or measure
- of little authority, resting on little evidence
- ○pramāṇaka m. common cucumber (Cucumis Sativus) L
- ○prayoga mfn. of rare application or use Nir
- ○prâṇa m. (in Gr.) slight breathing or weak aspiration (the effort in uttering the vowels, the semivowels y, r, l, v, the consonants k, c, ṭ, t, p, g, j, ḍ, i, b, and the nasals, is said to be accompanied with slight aspiration, but practically alpaprâṇa is here equivalent to unaspirated, as opposed to mahā-prâṇa, q.v.) Pāṇ. 1-1, 9 Sch
- (mfn.) having short breath, not persevering, soon tired Suśr. pronounced with slight breathing Kāvyâd
- ○bala mfn. of little strength, feeble
- ○balaprâṇa mfn. of little strength and little breath, i.e. weak and without any power of endurance, N
- ○bahu-tva n. the being little or much
- ○bādha mfn. causing little annoyance or inconvenience Yājñ. ii, 156, having little pain or trouble MBh
- ○buddhi mfn. weak-minded, unwise, silly Mn. xii, 74
- ○bhāgya mf(ā)n. 'having little fortunate, unfortunate MBh. R. &c
- ○bhāṣin mfn. speaking little, taciturn
- ○mati mfn. = -buddhi above Suśr.,
- ○madhyama mfn. thin-waisted
- ○mātra n. a little, a little merely
- a short time, a few moments L
- ○māriṣa m. Amaranthus Polygamus L
- ○mūrti mfn. 'small-bodied', diminutive (as a star) Sūryas
- (is), f. a small figure or object
- ○mulya mfn. of small value
- ○medhas mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-4, 122 Sch.) of little understanding, ignorant, silly KaṭhUp. &c
- ○m-paca mfn. (= mitam-pasa. q.v) cooking little, stiny L
- ○ruj or mfn. 'of little pain', not painful Bhpr
- ○ruja mfn. 'of little pain', not painful Bhpr
- ○vayas mfn. young in age (as a horse) L
- ○vādin mfn. speaking little, taciturn
- ○vid mfn. knowing little ChUp
- ○vidya mfn. ignorant, uneducated Mn. xi, 36
- ○viṣaya mfn. of limited range or capacity Ragh. i, 2
- ○vyāhārin mfn. = -bhāṣin above Lāṭy
- ○śakti mfn. of little strength, weak, feeble Hit
- ○śayu (álpa-), m. a species of troublesome insect AV. iv, 36, 9
- ○śarīra mfn. having a small body R. v, 35, 31
- ○śás ind. in a low degree, a little ŚBr
- (Pāṇ. 2-1, 38) seldom, now and then (opposed to prāya-śas) Mn. xii, 20 and 21
- ([alpazaH) -paGkti] f. N. of a metre
- ○śeṣa mfn. at which little is left, nearly finished R. Kād
- ○sattva mfn. having little strength or courage Kathās
- ○saṃnicaya mfn. having only small provisions, poor R. i, 6, 7
- ○sambhāra mfn. id., superl
- ○tama very poor Gobh
- ○saras n. a small pond (one which is shallow or dry in the hot season) L
- ○sara mfn. of little' value Mn. xi, 164
- (as)
- m. 'a little valuable object, a jewel, trinket Jain
- ○snāyu mfn. having few sinews
- ○sva mfn. having little property GopBr. Vait
- alpâkāṅkṣin mfn. desiring little, satisfied with little
- álpâjya mfn. with little ghee ŚBr
- alipâñji mfn. covered with minute spots VS. xxiv, 4
- alpâtyaya mfn. causing little pain Suśr. [Page 96, Column]
- alpâmbu-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha SkandaP
- alpâyus mfn. shortlived Mn. iv, 157
- 'of few years', a goat L
- alpârambha m. a gradual beginning
- (mfn.) having little or moderate zeal in worldly affairs Jain
- alpâlpa mfn. very little Mn. vii, 129 Megh
- alpâsthi n. 'having a little kernel', the fruit of Grewia Asiatica L
- alpâhāra mfn. taking little food, moderate, abstinent Buddh. Jain
- alpâhārin mfn. id. L
- alpī-√kṛ to make small L
- alpī-√bhū (p. -bhavat) to become smaller Kathās
- alpêccha mfn. having little or moderate wishes Jain
- alpêcchu mfn. id
- alpêtara mfn. 'other than small', large
- ([alpâtara) -tva n. largeness Ragh. v, 22
- alpêśâkhya mfn. 'named after an insignificant chief or master', of low origin Buddh
- alpôna mfn. slightly defective, not quite complete or not finished
- alpôpâya m. small means
- alpaka mf(ikā)n. small, minute, trifling Mn. &c
- (ám), ind. little Naigh. ŚBr
- (ā́t), abl. ind. shortly after ŚBr
- m. the plants Hedysarum Alhagi and Premna Herbacea L
- alpaya Nom. P. ○yati, to lessen, reduce, diminish Bālar. Naish. xxii, 54
- perf. Pass. p. alpita mfn. lessened in value or influence Naish. i, 15
- alpiṣṭha mfn. least, smallest Pāṇ. 5-3, 64
- ○kīrti mfn. of very little reputation L
- alpīyas mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 64, cf. alpa-tara above) smaller, less KātyŚr. Mn. &c., very small
- alpiyaḥ-khā f. having a very small vulva Suśr
- allā f. (voc. alla), a mother Pāṇ. 7-3, 107 Sch
- av cl. I .P. ávati (Imper. 2. sg. ava sg. tāt RV. viii, 2, 3, p. ávat impf. ávat, 2. sg. 1. ā́vaḥ [for 2. ā́vaḥ
- √vṛ]
- perf. 3ṣg. āva, 2. pl. āvá RV. viii, 7, 18, 2ṣg. ā́vitha
- aor. ávit, 2. sg. āviis, aviis and aviṣas, Imper. aviṣṭu, 2. sg. aviḍḍhí [once RV. ii, 17,] or aviḍḍh six times in ṛV., 2. du. aviṣṭam, 3. du., 2. pl. aviṣṭánā RV. vii, 18, 25, Prec. 3. sg. avyās, Inf. ávitave RV. vii, 33, 1
- Ved. ind. p. āvyā RV. i, 166, 13) to drive, impel, animate (as a car or horse) RV
- Vedṭo promote, favour, (chiefly Ved.) to satisfy, refresh
- to offer (as a hymn to the gods)' RV. iv, 44, 6
- to lead or bring to (dat.: ūtáye, vā́ja-sātaye, kṣatrā́ya, svastáye) RV
- (said of the gods) to be pleased with, like, accept favourably (as sacrifices, prayers or hymns) RV., (chiefly said of kings or princes) to guard, defend, protect, govern BhP. Ragh. ix, 1 VarBṛS. &c.: Caus. (only impf. avayat, 2. sg. āvayas) to consume, devour RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. [Gk. ? Lat: aveo?]. [96,]
- áva m. favour RV. i, 128, 5
- (cf niravát.)
- ávat mfn. pr. p., √av
- ○taram (ávat-), ind. (compar.), 'more favourably' or 'with greater pleasure, v. l. of TS. instead of áva-tara in VS. xvii, 6
- avana n. favour, preservation, protection Nir. BhP. &c. (cf. an.avana)
- (= tarpaṇa) satisfaction L
- joy, pleasure L
- (for the explan. of 2. éva) desire, wish Nir
- speed L
- 1. (ī), f. the plant Ficus Heterophylla L
- N. of a river Hariv
- (for 2. avanī aváni.)
- áva ind. (as a prefix to verbs and verbal nonus expresses) off, away, down RV. &c
- (exceptionaIly as a preposition with abl.) down from AV. vii, 55, I
- (for another use of this preposition, ava-kokila.)
- ○tarám ind. (compar.) farther away RV. i, 129, 6
- ava (only gen. du. avór with vām, 'of you both', corresponding to sá tvám, 'thou', &c.), this RV. vi, 67, 11 ; vii, 67, 4 and (vā for vām) x, 132, 5 [Zd. pron. ava ; Slav. ovo
- cf. also the syllable, ? &c. ; Lat. au-t, autem, &c.]
- áva-ṛti for áva-rti, q .v. VS. xxx, 12
- a-vaṃśa m. a low or despised family
- (ám), n. 'that which has no pillars or support', the ether RV. ii, 15, 2 ; iv, 56, 3 and vii, 78, I
- a-vaṃśya mfn. not belonging to the family Pat
- ávaka m. a grassy plant growing in marshy land (Blyxa Octandra Rich., otherwise called Saivālā) MaitrS
- (ā), f. (g. kṣipakâdi, q.v.), id. VS. TS. ŚBr. &c. [Page 96, Column]
- avakâdá mfn. eating the above plant AV. iv, 37, 8-10
- avákôlba mf(ā)n. covered or surrounded with Avakā plants AV. viii, 7, 9
- avakin mfn. filled with Avakā plants Comm. on KātyŚr
- ava-kaṭa mfn. (formed like ut-kaṭa, pra-kaṭa, vi-kaṭa, saṃ-kaṭa) Pāṇ. 5-2, 30
- ava-kaṭikā f. dissimulation L
- ava-kara ava-√kṝ
- ava-karṇaya Nom. P. ○yati, not to listen or attend to Kād
- ava-karta &c. ava-√kṛt
- ava-kalita mfn. (√2. kal), seen, observed L
- ava-kalkana n. mingling, mixing together L
- ava-kalpita ava-√kḷp
- ava-√kāṅkṣ to desire, long for Car
- p. neg. an-avakāṅkṣamāṇa, not wishing impatiently (said of ascetics who, having renounced all food, expect death without impatience) Jain
- ava-√kāś -kāśate, to be visible, be manifest ŚBr.: Caus. P. -kāśayati (fut. p. -kāśayiṣyat) to cause to look at ŚBr. KātyŚr.: Intens. p. -cā́kaśat shining AV. xiii, 4, 1
- seeing RV. AV. xiii, 2, 12 ( and vi, 80, 1)
- ava-kāśá m. (ifc. f. ā) place, space
- room, occasion, opportunity, (avakāsâṃ √1. kṛ or dā to make room, give way, admit ŚBr. &c
- avakaśaṃ √labh or āp, to get a footing, obtain a favourable opportunity Śak. &c
- to find scope, happen take place
- avakāśaṃ √rudh, not to, give way, hinder Megh.)
- aperture Suśr. (○śena instr. ind. between PBr.)
- intermediate time ŚBr
- 'a glance cast on anything', N. of certain verses, during the recitation of which the eyes must be fixed on particular objects (which therefore are called avakāśya, q.v.) ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ○da mfn. giving opportunity, granting the use of (in comp.) Mn. ix, 271 and 278 Yājñ. 11, 276
- ○vat (avakāsá-), mfn. spacious ŚBr
- ava-kāśya mfn. 'to be looked at', admitted in the recitation of the Avakāśa verses KātyŚr
- ava-kiraṇa ava- √1. kṝ
- áva-kiraṇa &c. ib
- ava-kilaka as m. a peg or plug MBh. xiv, 1236
- ava-kuñcana n. curving, flexure, contraction Suśr
- ava-√kuṭ (ind. p. -kuṭya) to break or cut into pieces, Suśs
- ava-kuṭāra mfn. (cf. ava-kaṭa) Pāṇ. 5-2, 30
- ava-kuṭārikā f. = ava-kaṭikā, q.v. L
- ava-kuṇṭhana n. (= ava-guṇṭhana, q.v.) investing, surrounding, covering Hcar
- ava-kuṇṭhita mfn. invested, surrounded L
- ava-√kuts to blame, revile L
- ava-kutsita n. blame, censure Nir. i, 4
- ava-√kuṣ to rub downwards L
- ava-√kūj (Opt. -kūjet) to make a sound, utter (with na neg. not to make any allusion to, be silent) MBh. xii, 4037
- ava-√kūl to singe, burn Suśr
- ava-kṛ √(ind . p. [-kRtvA mukhāny ava]) to direct downwards (as the face) BhP
- ava-kṛta mfn. directed downwards as a √Kathās
- ava-kriyā f. non-performance of prescribed acts L
- ava-√kṛt (ind. p. -kṛtya) to cut off ŚBr. KātyŚr
- (p. -kṛntat) to destroy MBh. i, 6810. Caus. (Opt. -kartayet) to cause to cut off Mn. viii, 28i
- ava-karta m. a part cut off, strip, N
- ava-kartana n. cutting off, N
- ava-kartin carmâvak○ [Page 96, Column]
- ava-karttṛ carmâvak○
- ava-kṛtta mfn. cut off KātyŚr. Suśr
- ava-√kṛś Caus. (3. pl. -karśáyanti) to emaciate, make lean or mean-looking RV. vi, 24, 7
- ava-√kṛṣ -karṣati (ind. p. -kṛṣya
- once [MBh. xiii, 500] Pass. Opt. -kṛṣyeta in the sense of P. or Ā.) to draw off or away, take off (as a garment or wreath, &c.) MBh. &c
- to turn off, remove KātyŚr
- to drag down ( avakṛṣṭa below)
- to entice, allure Kād
- ava-karṣaṇa n. taking off, &c. L
- ava-kṛṣṭa mfn. dragged down, being underneath anything (in comp') Suśr
- 'removed', being at some distance KātyŚr
- (also compar. avakṛṣṭa-tara mfn. 'farther off from' abl. Comm. on APrāt.)
- inferior, low, outcast Mn. vii, 126 & viii, 177 Yājñ. iii, 262, &c
- ava-√kṝ -kirati (impf. avákirat
- ind. p. -kīrya) to pour out or down, spread, scatter, ĀśyGṛ. &c
- (Pot. -kíret) to spill one's semen virile TĀr. (cf. áva-kīrṇa and ○rṇin below)
- to shake off, throw off, leave TBr. MBh
- to bestrew, pour upon, cover with, fill MBh. &c.: Pass. -kīryate (perf. -cakre MBh. iii, 12306, according to Pāṇ. 3-1, 87 Comm. also Ā -kirate aor. avâkirṣṭa) to extend in different directions, disperse, pass away MBh. &c
- Ā. (aor. 3. pl. avâkīrṣata) to fall off, become faithless, PBr., (cf. ava-√s-kṝ)
- ava-kara m. dust or sweepings Gaut. &c
- ○kuṭa m. heap of sweepings' Kād
- ava-kiraṇa n. sweepings Car
- áva-kirṇa mfn. who has spilt his semen virile, i. e. violated his vow of chastity TĀr., poured upon, covered with, filled MBh. i, 7840, &c., (cf. sapta dvārâvakīrṇa)
- ○jaṭā-bhāra mfn. whose tresses of hair are scattered or have become loose Daś
- ava-kīrṇin mfn. ( = áva-kīrṇa) who has violated his vow of chastity ĀśvŚr. &c
- ava-√kḷp -kalpate, to correspond to, answer, be right TS. &c
- to be fit for, serve to (dat.) BhP. Sarvad.: Caus., -kalpayati, to put in order, prepare', make ready ŚBr. &c
- to employ becomingly ŚBr
- to consider as possible Pāṇ. 3-', 3, 147 Sch.: Desid. of Caus. (impf. 3. pl. avâcikalpayiṣan) to wish to prepare or to make ready AitBr
- ava-kalpita mfn. (g. śreṇy'-ādi, q.v.)
- ava-kṛpta mfn. corresponding with, right, fit ŚBr
- (án- neg.) TS. ŚBr
- ava-kḷpti f. considering as possible Pāṇ. 3-3, 145 (an- neg.)
- ava-keśa mfn. having the hair hanging down AV. vi, 30, 2
- ava-keśin mfn. 'having its filaments (keśa = kesara, q.v.) turned downwards (so that they remain uncopulated)', unfruitful, barren (as a plant) L
- ava-kokila mfn. (= avakruṣṭaḥ kokilayā) called down to by the koī0l (singing in a tree above?) Pāṇ. 2-2, 18 Comm
- avákôlba ávaka
- a-vaktavya mfn. not to be said, indescribable NṛisUp. &c
- a-vaktṛ mfn. who does not speak MaitrUp
- a-vaktra mf(ā)n. having no mouth (as a vessel) Suśr
- a-vakra mfn. not crooked, straight ĀśvŚr. &c
- upright, honest
- ava-krakṣís mfn. (cf. krákṣamaṇa) rushing down RV. viii, 1, 2
- ava-√krand (Imper. -krandatu, 2. sg. -kranda
- aor. -cakradat, 2. sg: cakradas) to cry out, roar RV. . Caus. (aor. acikradat) to rush down upon (acc.) with a loud cry RV. ix, 75, 3
- ava-krandá m. roaring, neighing VS. xxii, 7 and xxv, 1
- ava-krandana n. crying, weeping aloud L
- ava-√kram (Opt, -krāmet) to step down upon (acc.) TĀr
- (aor. 3. pl. -kramuḥ [Pāṇ. 6-1, 11]
- pr. p. krā́mat) to tread down, overcome RV. vi, 75, 7 and vii, 32, 27 VS. AV. ŚBr
- to descend (into a womb) Buddh. Jain.: Caus. (p. -kramayat) to cause to go down KātyŚr. [Page 97, Column]
- ava-kramaṇa n. descending (into a womb), conception Buddh. Jain
- ava-krānti f. id. ib
- ava-krāmin mfn. running away AV. v, 14, 10
- ava-kriyā ava- √1. kṛ
- ava-√krī only Ā. -kriṇīte (Pāṇ. 1-3, 18
- but also P. Pot. -krīṇīyāt BṛĀrUp., [apa-krīṇīyāt ŚBr. xiv]
- ind. p. -krīya ŚāṅkhŚr.) to purchase for one's self hire, bribe
- ava-kraya as, m. letting out to hire Yājñ. ii, 238
- rent, revenue Pāṇ. 4-4, 50
- ava-√krīḍ Ā. to play (?) L
- ava-kruṣṭa mfn. 'called down to', ava-kokila
- ava-krośa as, m. a discordant noise L
- an imprecation L
- abuse L
- avaklinna-pakva mfn. trickling because of being over-ripe, (g. rājadantâdi, q.v.)
- ava-kleda m. or trickling, descent of moisture L
- ○kledana n. trickling, descent of moisture L
- fetid discharge L
- ava-kvaṇa m. a discordant or false note L
- ava-kvātha m. imperfect di gestion or decoction L
- ava-√kṣar Caus. (ind. p. -kṣā rayitvā) to cause to flow down upon (acc.) ĀśvGṛ
- ava-kṣālana n. (√2. kṣal), washing by immersion or dipping in
- ava-√kṣi (Pot. -kṣiṇuyāt) to remove Lāṭy. Kauś.: Pass. -kṣīyate, to waste away L
- ava-kṣaya as m. destruction, waste, loss L
- ava-kṣayana aṅgārâvakṣáyaṇa
- ava-kṣīṇa mfn. wasted, emaciated L
- ava√kṣip -kṣipati (Subj. -kṣi pát RV. iv, 27, 3
- p. -kṣipát mfn. RV. x, 68, 4) to throw down, cause to fly down or away, hurl RV. &c
- to revile MBh. ii, 1337(v. l. apa for ava)
- to grant, yield MBh. xiii, 3030. Caus. (aor. Subj. 3. pl. -cikṣipan) to cause to fall down AV. xviii, 4, 12 and 13
- ava-kṣipta mfn. thrown down
- said sarcastically, imputed, insinuated L
- blamed, reviled L
- ava-kṣepa m. blaming, reviling, scolding Pāṇ. 6-3, 73 Comm
- ava-kṣepaṇa n. throwing down, overcoming Pāṇ. 1-3, 32, &c
- reviling, blame, despising Pāṇ. 5-3, 95 & vi, 2, 195
- (ī), f. bridle L
- ava-kṣuta mfn. sneezed upon Mn. iv, 213 and v, 125 MBh. xiii, 4367
- ava-√kṣud (ind. p. -kṣudya) to stamp or pound or rub to pieces Suśr
- ava√kṣai only p.p
- ava-kṣā́ṇa mfn. burnt down MaitrS. TS
- áva-kṣāma mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-, 2, 53) meagre, lean AV. vi, 37, 3
- ava-kṣāyam ind. so as to give a blow, ĀpṢr
- ava-√kṣṇu (I. sg. -kṣṇaumi) to rub off, efface RV. x, 23, 2
- ava-√khaṇḍ -khaṇḍayati, to break into pieces BhP. Kād
- to annihilate, destroy Comm. on BṛArUp
- ava-khaṇḍana n. breaking into pieces Kād
- destroying Comm. on BṛĀrUp
- ava-khādá m. 'a devourer, destroyer' ṅmn., or mfn. 'devouring, destroying' ṇBḍ. RV. i, 41, 4
- ava-√khyā (Imper. 2.pl. -khyáta
- impf. ava-khyat) to look down RV. viii, 47, 11
- (with acc.) to see, perceive RV. i, 161, 4 and x, 27, 3 TS.: Caus. -khyāpayati, to cause to look at ŚBr
- ava-√gaṇ (ind. p. -gaṇayya) to disregard, disrespect Pañcat
- ava-gaṇana am, n. disregard, contempt L
- ava-gaṇita mfn. disregarded Pañcat
- despised L
- ava-gaṇa mfn. separated from one's companions, isolated MBh. iii, 4057
- (v. l. ava-guṇa MBh. xiii, 5207.) [Page 97, Column]
- ava-gaṇḍa m. (= yuva-gaṇḍa, q.v.) a boil or pimple upon the face L
- ava-gatha ava- √1. gā
- ava-gadita mfn. unsaid L
- avagadha ās m. pl., N. of a people AitĀr
- ava-√gam -gacchati (Subj. -gácchāt
- ind. p. -gátya RV. vi, 75, 5
- Ved. Inf. ávagantos TS.) to go down, descend to (acc. or loc.) RV. AV
- (with acc.) to come to, visit, approach RV. AV. ŚBr
- to reach, obtain TS. AitBr
- to get power or influence TS
- to go near, undertake MBh. v, 740
- to hit upon, think of. conceive, learn, know, understand, anticipate, assure one's self, be convinced
- to recognize, consider, believe any one (acc.) to be (acc.) MBh. iii, 2483, &c.: Caus. P. (3. pl. -gamayanti
- Imper. 2. sg. -gamaya) to bring near, procure AV. iii, 3, 6 TS
- to cause to know, teach Mālav. &c
- ava-gata mfn. conceived, known, learnt, understood, comprehended
- assented to, promised L
- ava-gati f. conceiving, guessing, anticipating Sāh
- ava-gantavya mfn. to be known or understood, intended to be understood, meant
- áva-gantos s.v. ava- √gam
- ava-gama m. understanding, comprehension, intelligence Bhag.ix, 2, &c
- ava-gamaka mfn. making known, conveying a sense, expressive of
- ava-gamana n. the making known, proclamation L
- ava-gamayitṛ́ mfn. (fr. Caus.) one who procures TS
- ava-gamin mfn. ifc. conceiving, understanding BhP
- ava-gamya mfn. intelligible
- ava-garhita mfn. despised R. ii, 21, 19 (vḷ. garhita)
- ava-√gal (impf. avâgalat) to fall down, slip down, Sis. viii, 34 Rājat
- ava-galita mfn. fallen down BhP
- ava-√galbh -galbhate, or -galbhayate, to be brave, valiant Pāṇ. 3-1, 15, Kāś
- ava-√gā (aor. Subj. -gat) to pass away, be wanting AV. xii, 3, 46, (aor. 2. sg. -gā́s, 3. sg. avâgāt) to go to, join with (instr.) RV. i, 17 74, 4
- (acc.) KātyŚr
- ava-gatha mfn. bathed early in the morning Uṇ
- avagāṇa ās m. pl., N. of a people (the modern Afghāns) VarBṛS
- ava-√gāh -gāhate (ind. p. -gāhya Kum. i, 1, &c
- pr.p. P. -gāhat, R
- Ved. Inf. -gāhe Pāṇ. 3-4, 14 Kāś.) to plunge into, bathe in (loc.)
- to go deep into, be absorbed in (loc. or acc.)
- ava-gāḍha mfn. immersed, bathed, plunged into (acc. ṛ. "ṣak.
- loc. [Āp. MBh. i, 530]
- rarely gen. [R. iv, 43, 3]
- often in comp. "ṣak. ṃṛicch.)
- that in which one bathes MBh. iii, 8236
- deepened, low Śak. Suśr
- curdling (as blood) Suśr
- having disappeared, vanished MBh. iv, 2238
- ○vat mfn. bathing, plunging, diving
- ava-gāha m. plunging, bathing
- a bucket L
- ava-gāhana n. immersion, bathing
- ava-gāhita mfn. that in which one bathes (as a river) MBh. iii, 8230 and xiii, 1821
- ava-gīta mfn. (√gas), sung depreciatingly
- sung of frequently, well known, trite Rājat
- censured, blamable, despicable, vile Hariv. Kir. ii, 7
- (am), n. satire in song, blame, censure L
- ava-guṇa mfn. deficient in good qualities ( ava-gaṇa)
- ava-√guṇṭh -guṇṭhayati (ind. p. -guṇṭhya) to cover with, conceal, ŚāṅkhGṛ- &c
- ava-guṇṭhana n. hiding, veiling Mṛicch. Kād
- (often kṛtâvaguṇṭhana, 'enveloped in')
- a veil Sāh. &c
- a peculiar intertwining of the fingers in certain religious ceremonies L
- sweeping L
- ○vat mfn. covered with a veil Mālav. Śak
- ava-guṇṭhikā f. a veil L. [Page 97, Column]
- ava-guṇṭhita mfn. covered, concealed, veiled, screened MBh. Mn. iv, 49, &c
- ○mukha mfn. having the face veiled
- ava-guṇḍita mfn. pounded, ground, pulverulent L
- ava-√gur (Pot. -guret Mn. iv, 169
- impf. avâgurat BhP
- ind. p. -gūrya Mn. iv, 165
- xi, 206 and 208) to assail any one (loc. or dat.) with threats
- ava-gūraṇa n. rustling, roaring Uttarar
- ava-gūrṇa mfn. assailed with threats Pāṇ. 8-2, 77 Sch
- ava-goraṇa n. menacing Gaut. &c
- ava-gorya mfn. to be menaced Pat
- ava-√guh -gūhati [AV. xx, 133, 4 ŚBr.], ○te [KātyŚr. &c.], to cover, hide, conceal, put into or inside
- to embrace VarBṛS. Pañcat
- ava-gūhana an n. hiding, concealing KātyŚr
- embracing
- ava-√gṝ only Ā. (Pāṇ. 1-3, 51 [p. -giramāṇa Bhaṭṭ
- aor. avâgīrṣṭa Pāṇ. 3-1, 87 Sch.], but P. Subj. -garat AV.' xvi, 7, 4) to swallow down: Intens. (Subj. 2. sg. -jalgulas), id. RV. i, 28, 1
- ava-gīrṇa mfn. swallowed down Pat
- ava-√gai ava-gīta
- ava-√grah -gṛhṇāti (Pot. -gṛh ṇīyāt) to let loose, let go Lāṭy
- to keep back from (abl.), impede, stop PBr. Car. Kād
- to divide Suśr
- (in Gr.) to sepirate (as words or parts of a word) ŚāṅkhŚr. &c. (cf. ava-grāham below)
- to perceive (with one's senses), distinguish Bhp. Suśr.: Caus. (ind. p. -grāhya) to separate (into pieces)
- ava-gṛhya mfn. (in Gr.) separable Prāt. &c
- ava-gṛhya ind. p. having separated, laying hold with the feet (pādābhyām) Suśr., forcibly, by force Śiś. v, 49
- ava-graha m. separation of the component parts of a compound, or of the stem and certain suffixes and terminations (occurring in the Pada text of the Vedas) Prāt. &c
- the mark or the interval of such a separation Prāt
- the syllable or letter after which the separation occurs VPrāt. Pāṇ. 8-4, 26, the chief member of a word so separated Prāt
- obstacle, impediment, restraint PBr. &c
- (= varṣa pratibandha Pāṇ. 3-3, 51) drought Ragh. Kathās
- nature, original temperament L
- 'perception with the senses', a form of knowlege Jain
- an imprecation or term of abuse L
- an elephant's forehead L
- a herd of elephants L
- an iron hook with which elephants are driven L
- avagrahântara n. (= ava-graha) the interval of the separation called Avagraha RPrāt
- ava-grahaṇa n. the act of impeding or restraining L
- disrespect L
- (ī), f. = gṛhâva- grahaṇī, q.v. L
- ava-grāha m. obstacle, impediment (used in imprecations) Pāṇ. 3-3, 45
- (Pāṇ. 3-3, 51
- cf. also ava-graha) drought Rājat
- (v. l. for avagāha, q.v.) a bucket L
- (am), ind. so as to separate (the words) AitBr., (cf. padâvagrāham)
- the forehead of an elephant L
- ava-ghaṭarikā f. N. of a musical instrument ŚāṅkhŚr. (cf. ghāṭarī.)
- ava-√ghaṭṭ Caus. (p. -ghaṭṭayat) to push away, push open R. v, 15, 10 (Gorresio)
- to push together, rub Suśr
- to stir up Car. Suśr
- ava-ghaṭṭa m. n. cave, cavern L
- ava-ghaṭṭana n. pushing together, rubbing Suśr
- coming into contact with each other MBh. iv, 354
- ava-ghaṭṭita mfn. rubbed or pushed together Hariv. 4720
- ava-ghāta &c. ava-√han
- ava-√ghuṣ (Pass. impf. -ghuṣyata) to proclaim aloud Hariv. 3522
- ava-ghuṣita mfn. approved of. Pāṇ. 7-2, 23 Kāś
- ava-ghuṣṭa mfn. 'proclaimed aloud', offered publicly (as food) MBh. xiii, 1576 (cf. ghuṣṭânna and saṃghuṣṭa)
- sent for, summoned MBh. i, 5321
- addressed aloud (to attract attention) Hariv. 4696 [Page 98, Column]
- filled with cries or noise MBh. xiii, 522
- ava-ghoṣa m. jayâvaghoṣa
- ava-ghoṣaṇa n. proclaiming L
- ava-√ghūrṇ (p. -ghūrṇamāna) to move to and fro, be agitated Daś
- ava-ghūrṇa mfn. shaking, agitated BhP
- ava-ghūrṇita mfn. id. MBh. ix, 3239
- ava-√ghṛṣ (ind. p. -ghṛṣya
- 3. pl. -ghṛṣyanti for Pass. ○ṣyante) to rub off, rub to pieces Suśr. Pañcat.: Caus. (p. -gharṣayat) to rub or scratch off Suśr
- to rub with ib
- ava-gharṣaṇa n. rubbing off, scrubbing Suśr. Yājñ. iii, 60
- ava-ghoṭita mfn. (√ghuṭ), (said of a palanquin) 'covered' or, cushioned (?)' MBh. iii, 13155
- ava-√ghrā (Imper. 2. pl. -jighrata
- Pot, -jighret [TS. Mn.iii, 21] or -ghrāyāt āaś"ṣr. ind. p. -ghrāya) to smell at VS. &c
- to touch with the mouth, kiss PārGṛ. &c.: Caus. -ghrāpayati, to cause to smell at TS. ŚBr. TBr
- ava-ghra mfn. 'kissing', being in immediate contact wsth ĀpŚr
- m. ( = ava-ghrāṇa) smelling at ib
- ava-ghrāṇa am, n. smelling at KātyŚr
- smelling BhP
- ava-ghrāta mfn. kissed R. ii, 20, 21
- ava-ghrāpaṇa n. causing to smell at ĀpŚr
- ava-ghrāyam ind. so as to smell at KātyŚr
- ava-ghréya mfn. to be smelt at TBr
- avaca 'lower', in uccâvaca q.v
- ava-√cakṣ Ā. -cáṣṭe (impf. -cakṣata
- aor. 1. sg. -acacakṣam, 2. sg. -cakṣi
- Ved.Inf. -cákṣe) to look down upon RV
- to perceive RV. iv 58, 5 (Inf. in Pass. sense: 'to be seen by') and v, 30, 2
- ava-cakṣaṇam ind. (g. gotâdi, q.v.)
- avacatnuka (as m. ?), N. of a country AitBr
- a-vacana n. absence of a special assertion KātyŚr. &c
- (mfn.) not expressing anything Jaim
- not speaking, silent Śak
- ○kara mfn. not doing what one is bid or advised
- a-vacanīya mfn. not to be spoken, improper Mn. viii 269
- ○tā f. or impropriety of speech
- ○tva n. impropriety of speech
- a-vacas-kara mfn. silent, not speaking
- ava-candramasá n. disappearance of the moon ŚBr
- ava-√car (3. pl. -caranti) to come down from (abl.) RV. x, 59, 9: Caus. (Pot. -cārayet
- ind. p. -carya) to apply (in med.) Suśr
- ava-cara m. the dominion or sphere or department of (in comp. kāmâvacara, dhyānâv○, &c.) Buddh. (cf. tālâvacara and yajñâvacará.)
- ava-carantikā́ f. (dimin. of pr. p. f. ○ntī) stepping down from (abl.) AV. v, 13, 9 (cf. pravar tamanaká.)
- ava-cāraṇa n. (in med.) application Suśr
- ava-cārita mfn. (in med.) applied Suśr
- ava-ci √1. (p. -cinvat MBh. iii, 13151
- ind. p. -icitya
- Inf. -cetum Kathās.) to gather, collect (as fruits from a tree, vṛkṣam phalāni double acc. Pāṇ. 1-4, 51. Kāś.)
- (p.f. -cinvatī), to draw back or open one's garment RV. iii, 61, 4
- ava-caya m. gathering (as flowers, fruits, &c.) Śak. &c
- ava-cāyin mfn. gathering Kathās
- ava-cicīṣā f. (Desid.) a desire to gather Śiś. vi, 10
- ava-cita mfn. gathered
- ava-ci √2. (3. pl. -cinvanti) to examine MBh. iii, 10676 seq
- ava-cūḍa m. the pendent crest or streamer of a standard, Siś. v, 13
- (ā), f. a pendent, tuft or garland (an ornament of peacock feathers hanging down) Śiś. iii, 5
- ava-cūla m. = ava-cūḍa m. Kād
- ava-cūlaka n. a chowri or brush (formed of a cow's tail, peacock's feathers, &c., for warding off flies) L. [Page 98, Column]
- ava-cūri is, or -cūrikā f. a gloss, short commentary
- ava-cūrṇ √-cūrṇayati, (ind. p. -cūrṇya) to sprinkle or cover with meal, dust, &c. Hariv. Suśr. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 25 Sch.)
- ava-cūrṇana n. sprinkling with Suśr
- ava-cūrṇita mfn. sprinkled with powder, &c. MBh. &c
- (with flowers) MBh. ii, 813
- ava-cūla ava-cūḍa, col. 1
- ava-√cṛt (Pot. -cṛtét) to let loose TS
- ava-cchad (√chad), -cchādayati (ind. p. -cchādya) to cover over, overspread KātyŚr. &c
- to cover, conceal Kād. Kathās
- to obscure, leave in darkness BhP
- ava-cchada m. a cover R. iii, 56, 48
- ava-cchanna mfn. covered over, overspread, covered with (instr.) BhP. Kād. &c
- filled (as with anger) MBh. xii, 5835
- ava-cchid (√chid), to refuse any one Kād.: Pass. áv-cchidyate, to be separated from (abl.) TS
- ava-cchinna mfn. separated, detached Lāṭy. &c
- (in logic) predicated (i.e. separated from everything else by the properties predicated), distinguished, particularised Sarvad. &c
- ava-ccheda m. anything cut off (as from clothes) ĀśvŚr
- part, portion (as of a recitation) ib
- separation, discrimination
- (in logic) distinction, particularising, determining
- a predicate (the property of a thing by which it is distinguished from everything else)
- avacchedâvaccheda m. removing distinctions, generalising L
- ava-cchedaka mfn. distinguishing, particularising, determining, m. 'that which distinguishes', a predicate, characteristic, property L
- ava-cchedana n. cutting off L
- dividing L
- discriminating, distinguishing L
- ava-cchedya mfn. to be separated
- ava-cchurita or ○taka n. a horse-laugh L
- ava-ccho (√cho), (ind. p. -cchāya) to cut off
- to skin ŚBr
- ava-cchāta mfn. skinned L
- reaped KātyŚr
- emaciated (as by abstinence) Gaut
- ava-cchita mfn. skinned L
- reaped ŚBr
- ava-ji √(impf. avâjayat
- ind. p. -jitya) to spoil (i.e. deprive of by conquest), win MBh. Mn. xi 80 &c
- to ward off MBh. xiii, 124, to conquer MBh. .: Desid. (p. -jigīṣat) to wish to win or recover ŚāṅkhŚr
- ava-jaya m. overcoming, winning by conquest Ragh. vi, 62, &c
- ava-jita mfn. won by conquest R. iii, 54, 6, contemned L
- ava-jiti is, f. conquest, victory Kir. vi, 43
- ava-√jṛmbh Ā. to yawn Car
- ava-√jñā -jānāti (ind. p. -jñaya
- perf. Pass. -jajñle Bhaṭṭ.) to disesteem, have a low opinion of, despise, treat with contempt MBh. &c
- to excel Kāvyâd
- ava-jñā f. contempt, disesteem, disrespect (with loc. or gen.)
- (ayā), instr. ind. with disregard, indifferently Kathās. (cf. sâvājñam.)
- avajñôpahata mfn. treated with contempt, humiliated
- ava-jñāta mfn. despised, disrespected
- given (as alms) with contempt. Bhag. xvii, 22
- ava-jñāna n. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 55) = 2. ava-jñā Ragh. i, 79 Hit
- ava-jñeya mfn. to be contemned, disesteemed MBh. &c. Yājñ. i, 153
- ava-√jyut Caus. -jyotayati, to light up or cause a light to shine upon, illumine ŚBr
- ava-jyotana n. causing a light to shine upon, illumining KātyŚr
- ava-jyótya ind. p. having lighted (a lamp) ŚBr. KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ava-√jval Caus. -jvalayati āa"ṣV-"ṣr. or -jvāl, Kauś., to set on fire
- avaṭá m. a hole, vacuity in the ground SV. VS. &c. [Page 98, Column]
- a hole in a tooth VarBṛS
- any depressed part of the body, a sinus Yājñ. iii, 98
- a juggler L
- N. of a man, (g. gargâdi, q.v.)
- ○kacchapa m. a tortoise in a hole (said of an inexperienced man who has seen nothing of the world), (g. pātresmitâdi, q.v.)
- ○virodhana m. a particular hell BhP
- avaṭôdā f. N. of a river BhP
- avaṭi m. a hole in the ground L
- avaṭu us mf. the back or nape of the neck Suśr
- a hole in the ground L
- a well L
- N. of a tree L
- (u), n. a hole, rent L
- ○ja m. a hind curl, the hair on the back of the head
- avaṭyá mfn. being in a hole VS. xvi, 38
- avatá m. a well, cistern RV. (cf. avatká.)
- avaṭaṅka m. N. of a Prākṛit poet
- ava-ṭīṭa mf(ā)n. flat-nosed Pāṇ. 5-2, 31
- (am), n. the condition of having a flat nose ib. Sch. (cf. ava-nāṭa and ava-bhraṭa.)
- avaḍaṅga or avadraṅga m. a market, mart L
- ava-ḍīna n. (√ḍī), the flight of a bird, flying downwards MBh. viii, 1899 and 1901
- avatá above, s.v. avaṭá
- ava-taṃsa as, am m. n. (ifc. f. ā), (√taṃs), a garland, ring-shaped ornament, ear ornament, ear-ring, crest R. &c
- avataṃsī-kṛ to employ as a garland Kād
- ava-taṃsaka as, am, mṇ. (ifc.f. ā), id. R. &c
- N. of a Buddhist text
- ava-taṃsana n. a garland L
- pushing on a carriage Car
- ava-taṃsita mfn. having a garland L. (cf. śūlâvat○.)
- ava-takṣaṇa n. (√takṣ), anything cut in pieces (as chopped straw) Kauś
- ava-√tad Caus. -taḍayati, to strike downwards Nir. iii, 11
- ava-√tan -tanoti (ind. p. -tatya) to stretch or extend downwards Kauś
- to overspread, cover VarBṛS., (Imper. 2. sg. P. -tanu [AV. vii, 90,] or -tanuhi [four times in RV
- cf Pāṇ. 6-6, 4, 106 Comm.], Ā. -tanuṣva RV. ii, 33, 14) to loosen, undo (especially a bowstring) RV. AV. ŚBr
- áva-tata mfn. extended downwards AV. ii, 7, 3 Hariv
- overspread, canopied, covered) MBh. &c
- ○dhanvan (ávatata), mfn. whose bow is unbent VS. iii, 61
- ava-tati f. stretching, extending L
- ava-tāná m. 'unbending of a bow', N. of the verses VS. xiv, 54-63 ŚBr
- a cover (spread over climbing plants) MBh. ii, 355 R. v, 16, 28
- N. of a man Pāṇ. 2-4, 67 Kāś
- ava√tap tapati, to radiate heat (or light) downwards AV. xii, 4, 39: Caus. (ind. p. -tāpya) to heat or illuminate from above MBh. v, 7162
- ava-tapta mfn. heated L
- avatapte-nakula-sthita n. an ichneumon's standing on hot ground (metaphorically said of a person's inconstancy) Pāṇ. 2-1, 47 Sch
- ava-tāpín mfn. heated from above (by the sun) ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ava-tamasa n. (Pāṇ. 5-4, 79) slight darkness, obscurity Śiś. xi, 57
- ava-tarám 2. áva
- ava-tarpaṇa n. (√tṛp), a soothing remedy Suśr
- áva-tānta mfn. (√tam), fainting away TS
- ava-tunna mfn. (√tud), pushed off Car
- ava-tulaya Nom. P. ○yati = tūlair avakuṣṇāti L
- ava-√tṛd -tṛṇatti, to split, make holes through Kāṭh
- to silence (as a drum) ŚāṅkhŚr
- ava-tarda m. splitting, perforation KaushĀr
- ava-tṛṇṇa mfn. split, having holes (án- neg. holeless, entire, uninjured ŚBr.) [Page 99, Column]
- ava-√tṝ cl. 1. P. -tarati (perf. -tatāra, 3. pl. -teruḥ
- Inf. -taritum e.g. ḥariv. 3511 or -tartum [e.g. MBh. i, 2509 R. vii, 30, 1]
- ind. p. -tīrya) to descend into (loc. or acc.), alight from, alight (abl.) VS
- to descend (as a deity) in becoming incarnate MBh
- to betake one's self to (acc.), arrive at MBh
- to make one's appearance, arrive Sarvad
- to be in the right place, to fit TPrāt
- to undertake: Ved. cl. 6. P. (Imper. 2. sg. -tira
- impf. -átirat, 2. sg. -átiras, 2. du. -atiratam
- aor. 2. sg. -tārīs) to overcome, overpower RV. AV.: Ved. cl. 4. (p. fem. -tī́yatī) to sink AV. xix, 9, 8: Caus. -tārayati (ind. p. -tārya) to make or let one descend, bring or fetch down (acc. or loc.) from (abl.) MBh. &c
- to take down, take off, remove, turn away from (abl. Ragh. vi, 30) ib
- 'to set a-going, render current', ava-tārita below
- to descend(?) AV. vii, 107, 1
- ava-tara m. descent, entrance Śiś. i, 43
- opportunity Naish
- ava-taraṇa n. descending, alighting R. Śak
- 'rushing away, sudden disappearance', or for ava-tāraṇa, bhārâvat○ (cf. stanyâvataraṇa)
- translating L
- ○maṅgala n. 'auspicious act performed at the appearance (of a guest)', solemn reception
- ava-taraṇikā f. the introductory words of a work (e.g. gaṇeśāya namaḥ), Ss1h
- ava-taritavya n. impers. to be alighted Mṛicch
- ava-tāra m. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 120) descent (especially of a deity from heaven), appearance of any deity upon earth (but more particularly the incarnations of Vishṇu in ten principal forms, viz. the fish tortoise, boar, man lion, dwarf, the two Rāmas, Kṛishṇa, Buddha, and Kalki MBh. xii, 12941 seqq.)
- any new and unexpected appearance Ragh. iii, 36 & v, 24, &c., (any distinguished person in the language of respect is called an Avatāra or incarnation of a deity)
- opportunity of catching any one Buddh
- a Tirtha or sacred place L
- translation L
- ○kathā f. 'account of an Avatāra', N. of a chapter in Anantānandagiri's Śankaravijaya
- ○dvādaśa-kīrtana n. 'giving an account of the twelve Avatāras, N. of a chapter of the work Ūrdhvāmnāya-saṃhitā
- ○mantra m. a formula by which descent to the earth is effected Kathās
- ○vādâvalī f. N. of a controversial work by Purushottama
- ava-tāraka mfn. 'making one's appearance', raṅgâvat○
- ava-tāraṇa n. causing to descend R. &c
- taking or putting off Kād
- 'removing' (as a burden), bhārâvat○, descent, appearance (= ava-taraṇa) MBh. i, 312 and 368, translation L
- worship L
- possession by an evil spirit L
- the border of a garment L
- ava-tārita mfn. caused to descend, fetched down from (abl.)
- taken down, laid down or aside
- removed
- set a-going, rendered current, accomplished Rājat
- ava-tārin mfn. making one's appeance, raṅgâvat○
- making a descent in the incarnation of (in comp.) RāmatUp
- ifc. appearing Mālatīm
- ava-titarṣu mfn. intending to descend Kathās
- ava-tīrṇa mfn. alighted, descended
- got over (a disease) Kathās
- translated L
- avatīrṇarṇa (a.ṛ), mfn. freed from debt L
- áva-tokā f. a woman (or a cow L.) miscarrying from accident AV. viii, 6, 9 and VS. xxx, 15
- avatká n. (?fr. avatá, q.v.), a little hole (? 'a remedy' NBD.) AV. ii, 3, 1
- áva-tta and ava-ttin, ava- root
- ávat-taram √av
- ava-trasta mfn. (√tras), terrified, Hanv. 2520 (vḷ. apaḍhvasta)
- ava-tviṣ √to glitter, shine L
- to give L
- to dwell L
- ava-tsar √(impf. áva tsarat) to fly away RV. i, 71, 5
- ava-tsārá m. N. of a man (descendant of Kaśyapa ṛānukr. āaśv"ṣr. and son of Prasravaṇa KushBr.) RV. v, 44, 10:
- a-vatsīya mfn. not suitable for a calf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 155 Sch. [Page 99, Column]
- ava-daṃśa m. any pungent food (which excites thirst), stimulant Hariv. Suśr
- á-vadat mfn. not speaking RV. x, 117, 7
- a-vadanta m. 'not speaking', a baby L
- ava-datta mfn. (√1. dā) Pāṇ. 7-4, 47 Siddh
- ava-√day -dayate (1ṣg. -daye) to give or pay a sum of money (for the purpose of silencing or keeping one off) AV. xvi, 17, 11 ŚBr. PBr
- ava-√dal -dalati, to burst, crack asunder Suśr
- ava-dalita mfn. burst, cracked L
- ava-√dah (impf. 2. sg. ávâdahas) 'to burn down from', expel from (abl.) with heat or fire RV. i, 33, 7
- (ind. p. -dahya) to burn down, consume Suśr
- ava-dagdha mfn. burnt down Kauś
- ava-dāgha m. (g. nyaṅkv-ādi, q.v.)
- ava-dāha m. 'burning down', the √of the fragrant grass Andropogon Muricatus L
- avadāhêṣṭa n. id. L
- ava-dāta mfn. (√das), cleansed, clean, clear Pāṇ. Sch. Bhaṭṭ
- pure, blameless, excellent MBh. &c., of white splendour, dazzling white ib
- clear, intelligible Sāh
- as m. white colour L
- ava-dāna n. a great or glorious act, achievement (object of a legend Buddh.) Śak. Ragh. xi, 21 Kum. vii, 48. (For 2. ava-dā́na ava√do.)
- a-vadāvada mfn. undisputed, uncontested AitBr
- ava-√diś (Imper. 2. pl. -didiṣṭana) to show or practise (kindness &c.) RV. x, 132, 6: Caus. (aor. Subj. 1. sg. -dediśam) to inform RV. viii, 74, 5
- ava-√dih cl.2.P. -degdhi, to be smear Kauś
- ava-√dīp (p. -dipyamāna) to burst out in a flame ĀśvŚr.: Caus. to kindle Kauś. MānGṛ
- ava-√duh (aor. Subj.Ā. 3. sg. -dhukṣata) to give milk to (dat.) RV. vi, 48, 1 3. Caus. -dohayati, to pour over with milk Car
- ava-doha m. milk L
- ava-√dṛś Pass. -dṛśyate, to be inferred or inferrible BhP
- ava-dṝ √(aor. Subj. -darṣat RV. ix, 74, 7, Pot. -driṇīyāt ŚBr
- ind. p. -dīrya Suśr.) to split or force open, to rend or tear asunder: Caus. (Pot. -dārayet
- p. -dārayat) to cause to burst, rend or split R. vi, 4, 22 Ragh. xiii, 3: Pass. -dīryate, to be split, burst ŚBr. &c
- ava-daraṇa n. breaking (as a boil &c.), bursting, separating Suśr
- ava-dāra m. 'breaking through', acc. ○ram with √i, to break or burst through VarBṛS
- ava-dāraka mfn. splitting open, i.e. digging (the earth) L
- ava-dāraṇa mfn. breaking, shattering' in pieces MBh. i, 1179
- (am), n. breaking, shattering, Ss1h
- breaking open, bursting open R. ii, 77, 6 Suśr
- 'opening (the ground)', a spade or hoe L
- ava-dārita mfn. rent or burst open MBh. &c
- ava-dīrṇa mfn. torn, rent MBh. &c
- melted, liquefied L
- 'bewildered', bhayâvadīrṇa
- avado -dyati (ind. p. -dāya ĀśvGṛ. BhP.) Ved. to cut off, divide (especially the sacrificial cake and other objects offered in a sacrifice) ŚBr. &c
- to cut into pieces BhP
- (aor. Pot. Ā. 1. sg. -diṣīya [derived fr. ava-√dā, 'to present', by Gmn.]
- perhaps fr. ava.√day above) to appease, satisfy with (instr.) RV. ii, 33, 5
- áva-tta mfn. cut off, divided VS. fli, 43, &c. (cf. catur-avattá, pañcâvatta, and yathâvattam.)
- avattin mfn. (after a cardinal num.) 'dividing into so many parts', catur-av○ and pañcâi○
- ava-dā́na n. cutting or dividing into pieces ŚBr. &c. [Page 99, Column]
- a part, portion ŚBr. KātyŚr
- = ava-dāha ( s.v. ava-√dah) L
- avadānīyá n. particle or portion (of meat) Kāṭh. TBr
- avadānya mfn. (cf. abhy-avad○) 'niggardly', (g. cārv-ādi, q.v.)
- ava-deya mfn. to be divided Comm. on Nyāyam
- ava-dyat mfn. (pr. p.) breaking off Kir. xv, 48
- ava-doha ava-√duh
- a-vadyá mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-1, 101) 'not to be praised', blamable, low, inferior RV. iv, 18, 5 and vi, 15, 12 BhP
- disagreeable L
- (ám), n. anything blamable, want, imperfection, vice RV. &c
- blame, censure ib
- shame, disgrace RV. AV
- ○gohana mfn. concealing imperfection RV. i, 34, 3
- ○pa mithó-avadya-pa
- ○bhī́ f. fear of vices or sin RV. x, 107, 3
- ○vat (avadyá.), mfn. disgraceful, lamentable AV. vii, 103, 1
- ava-√dyut Caus. -dyotayati, to illustrate, show, indicate, Comm: on BṛĀrUp
- ava-dyotaka mfn. illustrating, making clear Comm. on Nyāyad
- ava-dyotana n. illustrating ib
- ava-dyotin mfn. = -dyotaka
- avadraṅga avaḍanga
- ava√drai (fut. p. -drāsyát) to fall asleep ŚBr. (cf. an-avadrāṇá.)
- a-vadhá mfn. (√vadh), not hurting, innoxious, beneficent [Gmn
- 'indestructible, 'NBD.] RV. i, 185, 3
- m. the not striking or hurting Gaut
- absence of murder Mn.v, 39
- a-vadhârha mfn. not worthy of death L
- a-vadhyá mfn. not to be killed, inviolable VS. viii, 46 Mn. ix, 249, &c
- ○tā (avadhyá-), f. inviolability ŚBr. &c
- ○tva n. id. R. Ragh. x 44
- a-vadhrá mfn. innoxious, beneficent RV. vii, 82 10
- ava-√dham -dhamati (said of spirituous liquor) to stir up (as the parts of the body) Car.: Pass. to shake, tremble, shudder Bhpr
- ava-dharṣya an-avadh○
- ava-√dhā P. (aor. 3. pl. -ádhuh RV
- Imper. 2. sg. -dhehi and perf. 3. pl. -dadhúh AV
- ind. p. -dhāya
- rarely Ā., e.g. perf. -dadhe MBh. i, 4503) to place down, plunge into (loc.), deposit RV. i, 158, 5 & ix, 13, 4, &c
- to place or turn aside ŚBr.: Pass. (Imper. -dhīyatām) to be applied or directed (as the mind) Hit.: Caus. (Pot. -dhāpayet) to cause. to put into (loc.) ĀśvGṛ
- ava-dhātavya n. impers. to be attended to
- ava-dhāna n. attention, attentiveness, intentness Kum.iv, 2 Śiś. ix, 11, &c., (cf. sâvadhana.)
- ○tā f. Pañcat. or ḻ. attentiveness
- ○tva n. ḻ. attentiveness
- avadhānin mfn. 'attentive', (gaṇaishṭâdi, q.v.)
- ava-dhí iṣ m. attention L
- a term, limit ŚBr. &c
- conclusion, termination Kum. iv, 43 Kathās. &c
- surrounding district, environs, neighbourhood Pāṇ. 4-2, 124
- a hole, pit L
- period, time L
- (i), ind. until, up to (in comp.) Kathās
- (es), abl. ind. until, up to, as far as, as long as (gen. ṃegh., or in comp.) -jñāna n. 'perception extending as far as the furthest limits of the world', i.e. the faculty of perceiving even what is not within the reach of the senses, N. of the third degree of knowledge Jain
- ○jñānin mfn. having the above knowledge Jain
- ○mat mfn. limited, bounded Pāṇ. 5-3, 35 Sch
- ava-dhīyámāna mfn. (Pass. p.) being confined within (acc. AV. xii, 5, 30 (?)
- or loc. R. v, 11, 13)
- ava-dheya n. = -dhātavya, q.v. Hcat
- ava-hita mfn. plunged into (loc.)
- fallen into (as into water or into a hole of the ground) RV. i, 105, 17 & x, 137, 1, &c
- placed into, confined within ŚBr. &c
- (gaṇapravṛiddhâdi, q.v.) attentive R. &c
- ○tā f. application, attention L
- avahitâñjali mfn. with joined hand L
- ava-√dhāv -dhā́vati to run down drop down from (abl.) RV. i, 162, 11 and AV. ii, 3, 1
- ava-√dhī (impf. -dīdhet) to watch or lie in wait for (dat.) RV. x, 144, 3. [Page 100, Column]
- ava-√dhīr (ind. p. -dhīrya) to disregard, disrespect, repudiate Śiś. ix, 59 Kathās. Hit
- ava-dhīraṇa n. or treating with disrespect, repudiating Śak. Ragh. viii, 47
- ava-dhīraṇā f. treating with disrespect, repudiating Śak. Ragh. viii, 47
- ava-dhīrita mfn. disrespected, disregarded, Sak. &c
- surpassed, excelled Sāh
- ava-dhīrin mfn. despising L
- excelling Daś
- ava-√dhū Ved. P. (Imper. 2. sg. -dhūnuhi, 2. pl. -dhūnutā) to shake off or out or down RV. x, 66, 14 & 134, 3 KātyŚr. &c.: Ā. (2. sg. -dhūnuṣé
- impf. 2. sg. -dhūnuthās
- aor. -adhūṣata
- perf. Pot. -dudhuviita
- p. -dhūnvāná) to shake off (as enemies or evil spirits or anything disagreeable), frighten away RV. AV. ŚBr.: Caus. (Pot. -dhūnayet) to shake Mn. iii, 229
- ava-dhūta mfn. shaken off (as evil spirits) VS. i, í
- removed, shaken away BhP. &c
- discarded, expelled, excluded MBh. &c
- disregarded, neglected, rejected Daś. &c
- touched R. vi, 82, 62
- shaken, agitated (especially as plants or the dust by the wind), fanned MBh. &c
- that upon which anything unclean has been shaken out or off (cf. avakṣuta) Mn. v, 125 MBh. xiii, 1577
- unclean BhP
- one who has shaken, off from himself worldly feeling and obligation, a philosopher (brahma-vid) BhP. Rājat
- m. N. of a Śaiva philosopher
- (am), n. rejecting, repudiating MBh. iv, 352 (= Hariv. 4717)
- ○praṇipāta mf(ā)n. rejecting an act of homage Vikr
- ○veṣa mfn. 'wearing unclean clothes' or 'wearing the clothes of one who is rejected', or 'having discarded clothes' BhP
- ava-dhūnana am n. shaking, causing to shake MBh. viii, 4380 Mn. iii, 230, &c
- agitation, shaking (of the earth) Car
- ava-dhūya ind. p. shaking off, rejecting, discarding MBh. &c
- disregarding Comm. on Śis. v, 5
- a-vadhū-ka mfn. having no wife,
- l
- ava-dhūpita mfn. perfumed with incense R. ii, 83, 16 (v. l.)
- ava-dhūlana am n. (cf. dhūli) scattering over, strewing Bhpr
- ava-dhūlita mfn. scattered over, covered Śārṅg
- ava-√dhṛ Caus. -dhārayati (ind. p. dhārya
- Pass. -dhāryate) to consider, ascertain, determine accurately, limit, restrict MBh. &c., to hear, learn ib
- to conceive, understand, make out, become acquainted with ib
- to reflect upon, think of (acc. or a phrase with iti), Sak. (ind. p. Prākṛit odhāria) Pañcat. &c
- to communicate Kathās.: Pass. -dhriyate, to be ascertained, be certain Comm. on BṛĀrUp
- ava-dhāra m. accurate determination limitation Suśr
- ava-dhāraka mfn. determining, bearing upon, meaning
- restricting TPrāt
- ava-dhāraṇa am n. ascertainment affirmation, emphasis
- stating or holding with positiveness or assurance
- accurate determination, limitation (of the sense of words), restriction to a certain instance or instances with exclusion of any other VPrāt. Pāṇ. 2-i, 8, viii, 1, 62, &c
- (mfn.) restrictive L
- ava-dhāraṇīya mfn. to be ascertained, determined or known, (an- neg.) Ragh. xiii, 5
- to be considered as ascertained or determined Hariv. 6252, to be restricted to (instr.)
- ava-dhārita mfn. ascertained, known, certain, heard, learnt Mālav. &c
- (ifc. with śreṇy-ādi) 'known as', (g. kṛtâdi, q.v.)
- avadhāritin mfn. (g. iṣṭâd, q.v.)
- ava-dhārya mfn. to be ascertained or known
- 'to be made out or understood', dur-avadh○
- ava-dhṛta mfn. ascertained, determined, certain, KaushBr. &c
- heard, learnt MBh. xiii, 3544, understood, made out Comm. on Mn. iii, 135
- (āni) n. pl. (in Ss1nkhya phil.) the organs of senses
- ava-dhṛṣya an-avadh○
- a-vadhyá a-vadhá
- ava-√dhyai (perf. -dadhyau)to think Ill of (acc.), disregard BhP
- ava-dhyāta mfn. disregarded R. i, 25, 12 BhP. Car
- ava-dhyāna n. disregard BhP
- ava-dhyāyin mfn. disregarding (ifc.) BhP. [Page 100, Column]
- ava-dhyeya mfn. to be disregarded BhP
- a-vadhrá a-vadhá
- ava-√dhvaṃs Ā. (perf. -dadhvase) to be scattered or dispersed RV. x, 113, 7
- -dhvaṃsate, to sprinkle, strew with (instr.) Pāṇ. 3-1, 25 Siddh.: Caus. -dhvaṃsayati id. Pāṇ. 3-i, 25 Sch
- ava-dhvaṃsá m. sprinkling L
- meal, dust AV. v, 22, 3
- abandoning L
- despising, disrespect L
- ava-dhvasta mfn. sprinkled Kauś
- spotted, stippled ĀśvŚr
- abandoned L
- despised L. (cf. apa-dhvasta.)
- avana √av
- ava-√nakṣ (2. du. -nakṣathas) to overtake any one (gen.) RV. i, 180, 2
- ava-nakṣatra am n. disappearance of the luminaries Kauś
- ava-√nam (p. -namat
- ind. p. -namya) to bow, make a bow to BhP. Śiś. ix, 74 Kathās
- (perf. Ā. 3. pl. -nanāmire) to bow down (as the head) MBh. i, 5336: Caus. (ind. p. -nāmya) to bend down MBh. iii, 10043 Hariv. 3685
- to bend (a bow) MBh. viii, 4606
- ava-nata mfn. bowed, bent down MBh. &c
- bending, stooping, deepened, not projecting R. vi, 23, 12, &c
- ○kaya mfn. bending the body, crouching down
- ○mukha mfn. wsth downcast countenance
- ○śrṣan mfn. bowing the head
- avanatânana mfn. = avanata-mukha above MBh. i, 6121
- avanatôttarakāya mfn. bowing the upper part of the body Ragh. ix, 60
- ava-nati f. setting (of luminaries) Śiś. ix, 8
- bowing down, stooping L
- parallax VarBṛS. Sūryas
- ava-namra mf(ā) n. bowed, bent Kum.iii, 54 Kathās
- ava-nāma m. bending, bowing L
- ava-nāmaka mfn. what depresses or causes to bow or bend L
- ava-nāmita mfn. bent down MBh. i, 7586, &c. (cf. an-avanāmita-vaij○)
- ava-nāmin mfn. being bent down (as the branches of a tree) MBh. i, 2855 and iii, 11059 Hariv. 4947
- ava-√nard (Pot. -nardet) to slur or trill (a term applicable to chanting in the Hindū ritual) PBr. (cf. ni-√nard.)
- ava-√naś (perf. 3. pl. -neśuḥ) to disappear, perish MBh. iv, 1728
- ava-√nah (ind. p. -nahya) to cover with (instr.) KātyŚr
- ava-naddha mfn. bound on, tied, covered with (instr. or in comp.) AV. &c. (cf. carmâvanaddha)
- (am), n. a drum L
- ava-nāha as, m. binding or putting on L
- ava-nāṭa mf(ā)n. = ava-ṭīṭa q.v. Pāṇ. 5-2, 31
- ○násika mfn. flat-nosed Hcar
- aváni f. course, bed of a river RV
- stream, river RV., the earth Naigh. R. Pañcat. &c
- the soil, ground Megh
- any place on the ground Sūryas
- (ayas), f. pl. the fingers Naigh
- ○ṃ-gata mfn. prostrate on the ground
- ○cara mfn. roving over the earth, vagabond
- ○ja m. 'son of the earth', the planet Mars VarBṛ
- ○pa m. 'lord of the earth, a king VarBṛS
- ○pati m. id. Ragh. x, 87 Pañcat
- ○pāla m. 'protector of the earth', a king Bhag. Ragh.xi, 93
- ○pālaka m. id
- ○bhṛt m. 'earth-supporter', a mountain, a king Naish
- ○maṇḍala n. globe of the earth
- ○ruh ḻ. or m. 'grown from the earth', a tree
- ○ruha ḍas., m. 'grown from the earth', a tree
- ○suta m.= -ja above VarBṛS
- avanī7śa or m. 'lord of the earth', a king VarBṛS
- avanī7svara m. 'lord of the earth', a king VarBṛS
- avanī f. the earth R. Pañcat
- ○dhara m. 'earth-upholder', a mountain
- ○dhra m.id. MBh. xiii, 1847 seq
- ○pati m. = avani-p○ above Kathās
- ○pāla m. = avani-p○ above BhP
- ○bhṛt m. (= avani-bh○ above) a king Naish
- ava-√nij (ind. p. -nija
- perf. Ā. -nije for -ninije) to wash (especially the feet) BhP.: Ā. -nenikte (1ṣg. -nenije) to wash one's self. ŚBr. AitBr. ŚāṅkhGṛ.: Caus. -nejayati, to cause to wash ŚBr. KātyŚr. PārGṛ. [Page 100, Column]
- ava-nikta mfn. washed BhP
- ava-nektṛ pādâvan○
- ava-nega prātar-avanegá
- ava-négya mfn. serving for washing ŚBr
- ava-neja pādâvan○
- ava-néjana mf(ī)n. washing, serving for washing (the feet) BhP
- (am), n. ablution (of hands ṣBr. or feet [Mn. ii, 209 BhP.])
- water for washing (hands [AV. xi, 3, 1] or feet, cf. pādâvan○)
- ava-nejya pādâvan○
- ava-ni-√nī (ind. p. -nīya) to put or bring into (water) ŚāṅkhŚr. ŚāṅkhGṛ
- to pour down ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ava-niścaya as m. inference, deduction, ascertainment L
- ava-ni-√ṣṭhiv (p. -ṣṭhīvat) to spit upon Mn. viii, 282
- ava-niṣṭhīvana n. spitting upon L
- ava-√nī (fut. 2. sg. -neṣyasi) to lead or bring down into (water) ŚBr
- to put into (loc.) Gobh
- -nayati, Ved. to pour down or over AV. VS. &c
- ava-naya m. = ava-nāya L
- ava-nayana n. = ava-nāya L
- pouring down ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr
- ava-nāya m. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 26) placing down L
- áva-nīta mfn. led or pushed down into (loc.) RV. i, 116, 8 and 118, 7
- ava-nī́ya mfn. to be poured out or down TS
- ava-nīyamāna mfn. (Pass. p.) being led down into water (as a horse) KātyŚr
- ava-neya mfn. to be led away R. vii, 46, 9
- ava-√nu Ā. (3. pl. -navante) to move towards (acc.), Rv. ix, 86, 27
- avantaka ās m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS
- N. of a Buddhist school
- avanti ayas m. pl., N. of a country and its in habitants MBh. vi, 350 VarBṛS. &c
- (is), m. N. of a river
- ○khaṇḍa n. a portion of the Skanda-purāṇa
- ○deva m. (= -varman, q.v.) N. of a king Rājat
- ○nagari f. the city of the Avantis, Oujein Kād
- ○pura n. id. Hariv. 4906
- N. of a town in Kāśmira, built by Avantivarman Rājat
- (ī), f. Oujein Mṛicch
- ○brahma m. a Brāhman living in the countary of the Avantis Pāṇ. 5-4, 104 Kāś
- ○bhūpāla m. the king of Avanti, i.e. Bhoja
- ○vatī f. N. of the wife of Pālaka Kathās
- ○vardhana m. N. of a son of Pālaka ib
- ○varman m. N. of a king Rājat
- of a poet, Śāṅg
- ○sundari f. N. of a woman Daś
- ○sena m. N. of a man Kād
- ○soma m. sour gruel (prepared from the fermentation of, rice-water) L
- ○svāmin m. N. of a sanctuary built by Avantivarman Rājat
- a-vantī7śvara m.id. ib
- avanty-aśmaka n. sg. or ās m. pl. the Avantis and the Aśmakas, (g. rajadantâdi and kārtakaujapâdi, q.v.)
- avantikā f. the modern Oujein (one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindūs to die at which secures eternal happiness), the language of the, Avantis Sāh
- avantī f. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 65 Sch.) Oujein, N. &c
- the queen, of Oujein Pāṇ. iv, 1, 176 Sch. (cf. āvantya)
- (= avanti) N. of of river
- ○ḍeśa m. the region of Avanti
- ○nagara n. the city Avantiii Kād
- ○saras n. N. of a Tirtha SkandaP
- a-vandhya mf(ā)n. = 2. a-bandhya, q.v
- (as, or am and ā), m. or n. and f. N. of a place
- ava-√paṭ (ind. p. -pāṭya) to split, tear into pieces Suśr. Kād. Pass. -pātyate, to crack, flaw, split Suśr
- ava-pāṭikā f. laceration of the prepuce Suśr
- ava-√pat (p. -patat RV. x, 97, 17, ind. p. -patya, ava-pāta
- impf. avâpatat MBh. &c.) to fly down, jump down, fall down: Caus. (p. -pātayat) to throw down Kathās
- ava-patana n. falling down, (cf. avarâvap○.) Jaina Prākṛit ovaḍaṇa, śastrâvapāta
- ava-patita mfn. fallen down from (in comp.) R. ii, 28, 12
- that upon which anything (in comp.) has fallen down ( keśa-kīṭâvap○)
- (said of the voice) unclear, (an- neg.) Car
- ava-pāta m. falling down Mṛicch
- (an- neg.) AitBr. (cf. śastrâvap○)
- descent, descending upon
- flying down Hit
- a hole or pit for catching game in Ragh. xvi, 78 [Page 101, Column]
- (am), ind. with ava-patya (ind. p.), falling or flying down like (in comp.)
- ava-pātana n. felling, knocking or throwing down Mn.xi, 64 Yājñ. ii, 223 BhP
- (in dramatical language) a scene during which a person enters the stage in terror but leaves it at the end in good humour Sāh
- ava-√pad -padyate (Subj. P. -padāti RV. ix, 73, 9
- Prec. Ā. 3. sg. -padīṣṭa RV. vii, 104, 17
- aor. Subj. Ā. 3. sg. -pādi RV. i, 105, 3
- Ved. Inf. (abl.) -pádas RV. ii, 29, 6) Ved. to fall down, glide down into (acc.) RV. &c
- (Imper. Ā. 3. pl. -padyantām
- Subj. P. 2. sg. -patsi
- Pot. P. 1. sg. -padyeyam) to drop from (abl.), be deprived of (abl.) AV. AitBr. PBr
- (Subj. Ā. 1. sg. -padyai) to fall, meet with an accident AitBr
- (fut. 3. pl. -patsyanti) to throw down Kāṭh.: Caus. (Imper. 2. sg. -pādaya
- ind. p. -pādya) to cause to glide or go down AV. Suśr
- ava-panna mfn. fallen down, that upon which anything has fallen down MārkP
- keśa-kīṭâvap○ and kīṭâvap○ 'fallen down', svayamavapanná
- ava-pādá m. falling TBr. Kāṭh
- ava√paś P. -paśyati (2. pl. -paśyata
- p. -páśyat) to look down upon (acc.) RV. AV. xviii, 4, 37: Ā. -paśyate, to look upon AV. ix 4, 19
- a-vapā́-ka mfn. having no momentum (cf. vapā́) ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ava-pātrita mfn. a person not allowed by his kindred to eat or drink from the same vessel (cf. apa-pātrita.)
- ava-pā́na am n. drinking RV. i, 136, 4 and x, 43, 2
- a pond or pool for watering RV. vii, 98, 1, viii, 4, 10 and x, 106, 2
- ava-pāśita mfn. having a snare laid upon, snared R. iii, 59, 18 and vii, 6, 59
- ava-piṇḍita mfn. (said of dewdrops) fallen down in the shape of little globules (piṇḍa, q.v.) Kathās
- ava-√piṣ (ind. p. -piṣya) to crush or grind into pieces, grind Suśr
- ava-√pīḍ (ind. p. -piḍya) to press down, compress MBh. i 6292, (Pot. -pīḍayet) to press out (as a wound) Suśr
- ava-pīḍa m. pressing down Suśr
- one of the five sternutatories or drugs producing sneezing Suśr. Bhpr
- ava-pīḍaka m. (= -pīḍa) a sternutatory Car
- ava-pīḍana n. the act of pressing down Suśr
- pressing down (the eye-lids) Comm. on Nyāyad
- a sternutatory Suśr
- (ā), f. damage, violation Mn. viii, 287
- ava-pīḍita mfn. pressed down, thrown down MBh. xiv, 1944
- pressed, oppressed, pressed out (as a wound) Suśr
- ava-puñjita mfn. collected into small heaps (as sweepings)
- ava√puth Caus. (p. -pothayat
- Pot. -pothayet) to throw or knock down Hariv
- ava-pothikā f. anything used for knocking down, as stones &c. thrown from the walls of a city on the besiegers MBh. iii, 641
- ava-pothita mfn. thrown or knocked down MBh. vi, 5505 Hariv
- ava-pūrṇa mfn. filled with (m comp.) Hariv. 11993 VarBṛS
- ava-prajjana am n. (√pṛj), the end of the warp of a web (opposed to 2. pra-vayaṇa, q.v.) AitBr
- ava-pra-snuta or -sruta mfn. wetted by the fluid excretion (of a bird) KātyŚr
- ava√plu Ā. (perf. -pupluve) to jump down (as from a cart) MBh. vii, 5196 and 6887
- ava-pluta mfn. plunged into ĀśvGṛ
- jumped down from MBh. &c
- gone away from, departed from MBh. ii, 1452 Hariv.4760
- (am), n. jumping down MBh. ix, 3193
- ava-plutya ind. p. jumping down MBh. &c
- jumping away from (abl.) MBh. vii, 568 [Page 101, Column]
- hastening away or off Hariv. 15340
- ava-badhā f. = abadhā, q.v
- ava-√bandh Ā. (ind. p. -badhya) to tie or fix on, put on Kauś. PārGṛ. MBh. vii, 80
- ava-baddha mfn. put on (as a helmet) MBh. ix, 3096
- fastened on, fixed, sticking (as an arrow or a nail, &c.) MBh. vi, 1787 Suśr. &c
- captivated, attached to MBh. xii, 1438 Kathās
- ava-bandha m. 'palsy', vartmâvab○
- áva-bāḍha mfn. (√baṃh), digged out, discovered (said of the valagá, q.v.) TS. ĀpŚr
- ava-√bādh Ā. (1.pl. -bādhāmahe
- perf. 3. sg. -babādhé) Ved. to keep off RV. ii, 14, 4 & x, 128, 9 AV. &c
- ava-bāhuka m. spasm in the arm Suśr
- ava√budh budhyate (fut. 3. pl. -bhotsyante MBh. iii, 1363, rarely P., e.g. -budhyati Hariv.10385
- 2. sg. -budhyasi MBh. vi, 2921) to become sensible or aware of, perceive, know Caus. (impf. -bodhayat) to make one aware of, remind of MBh. i, 5811, &c
- to cause to know, inform, explain Bālar. &c.: Pass. -budhyate, to be learnt by (instr.) BhP
- ava-buddha mfn. learnt (as skilfulness, kanśala) MBh. iv, 69
- ava-boddhavya mfn. to be kept in mind MBh. ii, 2435
- ava-bodha m. waking, being awake Bhag. vi, 17 Kum. ii, 8
- perception, knowledge Ragh. vii, 38, &c., faculty of being resolute in judgment or action Comm. BhP., teaching L
- ava-bodhaka mfn. awakening (as faculties), teaching BhP
- ava-bodhana n. informing, teaching, instruction Daś. Pañcat
- ava-bodhanīya mfn. to be reminded, admonished, censured Kād
- ava-bodhita mfn. awakened MBh. iii, 16812 Ragh. xii, 23
- ava-brava an-avabravá
- ava√bhañj (ind. p. -bhajga) to break off, smash. MBh. Kum. iii, 74
- ava-bhagna mfn. broken off MBh. R
- broken, injured (as honour) R. iv 22 14
- ava-bhaṅga m. breaking off (as of the shaft of a bow) Sāh
- hollowing or sinking (of the nose) Suśr
- ava-bhañjana n. breaking or tearing off Suśr
- ava-bharjana n. (√bhṛj), 'frying', destroying (as seeds) BhP
- ava-bharjita mfn. 'fried', destroyed (as seeds) BhP
- ava√bharts (p. -bhartsayat) to deter by threatening MBh. iii 15096
- to deter by scolding scold MBh. v 641 and 7115 R
- ava-bhā √-bhāti, to shine downwards RV. i, 154, 6 (v. l. -bhari, fr. ava-√bhṛ VS. vi, 3)
- to shine, be brilliant Hariv. 13100
- to appear, become manifest MBh. iii, 10094 BhP. Rājat
- ava-bhāṣaṇa n. speaking against, speaking Sāh
- ava-bhāṣita mfn. spoken against, reviled Kām
- ( ava-√bhās.)
- ava√bhās -bhasate, to shine forth, be brilliant MBh. BhP
- to become manifest, appear as (instr.): Caus. P. (p. -bhāsayat, wrongly written -bhāṣayat MBh. xii, 8345) to illuminate MBh. &c
- to make manifest Suśr
- ava-bhāsa m. splendour, lustre, light
- appearance (especially ifc. with words expressing a colour) Jain. Suśr
- (in Vedānta phil.) manifestation
- reach, compass, see, śravaṇâvabh○
- ○kara m. N. of a Devaputra Lalit
- ○prabha ās m. pl., N. of a class of deities Buddh
- ○prâpta m. N. of a world Buddh
- ava-bhāsaka mfn. (in Vedānta phil.) illuminating, making manifest. [Page 101, Column]
- ava-bhāsana n. shining Bhpr
- becoming manifest Sāh
- (in Ved. phil.) illuminating
- ○śikhin m. N. of a Nāga demon Buddh
- ava-bhāsita mfn. shining, bright MBh. xii, 13221
- illumined, lighted MBh. (wrongly written ava-bhāṣita, vii, 6672), &c
- ava-bhāsin mfn. shining, bright VarBṛS. Suśr. (said of the outer skin of a snake)
- making manifest Nyāyam
- ava-√bhid (impf. 2. sg. -bhinat, or -ábhinat or -abhinat
- 3. sg. -abhinat
- aor. 3. sg. -bhet) to split, pierce RV. AV. TS. ŚBr
- áva-bhinna mfn. pierced MBh. vi, 1774
- broken, injured ŚBr
- ava-bhedaka mfn. 'piercing (the head)', aching (as hemiplegia) (cf. ardha-bheda.)
- ava-bhedí mfn. splitting, dividing VS
- ava-√bhuj to incurve Kauś
- ava-bhugna mfn. bent down MBh. i, 5891
- ava-√bhṛ P. (impf. ávâbharat, or -bharat, 2. sg. -bharas, Ved.Imper.2ṣg. -bharā) to throw or push or press down or into RV
- to throw or cut off RV. ii, 20, 6 and x 171, 2: Ā. -bharate, to sink down or disappear (as foam) RV. i, 104, 3, to lower RV. viii, 19, 23: Pass. (Subi. -bhriyāte aor. -bhāri) to be pressed upon or in (acc.) RV. v, 31, 12 VS. vi, 3 ( ava-√bhā)
- ava-bhṛti f. N. of a town (residence of the Āvabhṛitya kings) Comm. on BhP
- ava-bhṛthá (once -bhṛtha AV. ix, 6, 63) m. 'carrying off, removing', purification or ablution of the sacrificer and sacrificial vessels after a sacrifice RV. viis, 73, 23, &c
- a supplementary sacrifice ( below), cf. jīvitâvabh○
- ○yajūṃṣi n. pl. the Yajus-formulas used for the Ava-bhṛitha TS
- ○sāman, n. N. of a Sāman Lāṭy
- ○snapana n. bathing or ablution after a sacrificial ceremony BhP
- ○snāna n. id
- avabhṛthêṣṭi f. a supplementary sacrifice to atone for defects in a principal and preceding one Lāṭy. KāṭyŚr
- ava-bhra an-avabhrá-rādhas
- ava-bhraṭa mf(ā) n. = ava-ṭīṭa, q.v. Pāṇ. 5-2, 31
- avamá mf(ā́) n. undermost, inferior, lowest base RV. &c
- next, intimate RV
- last, youngest RV. vi, 21, 5, (ifc. with numerals) less by RPrāt
- (am), n. (scil. dina) or (āni), n. pl. the difference (expressed in days of twenty-four hours) existing between the lunar months and the corresponding solar ones VarBṛS. &c
- ava-√majj (p. f. majjanti) to immerse R. ii, 95, 14
- ava-√math (ind. p. -mathya) to cleanse (as a wound) by pricking or stirring (with an instrument), Susr
- ava-mantha or ○nthaka m. swellings caused by boils or contusions Suśr
- ava-√man Ā. (Pot. -manyeta aor. Subj. 2. sg. maṃsthāḥ, 2.pl. -madhvam Bhaṭṭ
- ep. also P. -manyati fut. -maṃsyati MBh. iv, 444) to despise, treat, contemptuously MBh. &c
- to repudiate refuse ib.: Pass. -manyate to be treated contemptuously: Caus. (Pot. -mānayet) to despise, treat contemptuous) y Mn. ii, 50
- ava-mata mfn. despised, disregarded, contemned Mn. vii, 150, &c
- avamatâṅkuśa mfn. 'disdaining the hook', a restive elephant L
- ava-mati f. version, dislike L., disregard, contempt L
- (is), m. a master, owner L
- ava-matya ind. p. despising Kum.v, 53 BhP
- ava-mantavya mfn. to be treated with disrespect, contemptible MBh. Mn. ii, 226 & vii, 8, &c
- ava-mantṛ mfn. despising, disrespectful towards (gen. [MBh. i, 170] or acc. Bālar. or in comp. BhP.)
- ava-manya ind. p.= -matya MBh. v, 7533, xvi, 73 and 75
- ava-manyaka mfn. = -mantṛ MBh. iii, 1176 (with gen.) VP. (ifc.)
- ava-māna m. (ifc. f. ā Kathās.) disrespect contempt Mn. ii, 162, &c
- dishonour, ignominy MBh. iii, 226, &c
- ○tā f. dishonourableness
- ava-mānana am, ā n. f. disrespect, -Sāh. Daśar. Kathās
- abuse, insult Bālar. [Page 102, Column]
- ava-mānanīya mfn. = -mantavya L
- ava-mānita mfn. disrespected, despised MBh. &c
- neglected, not taken notice of. Suśr
- ava-mānin mfn. contemning, despising (ifc.) R. v, 81, 6
- Sak
- avamāni-tā f. or disrespectfulness
- avamāni-tva n. disrespectfulness
- ava-mānya mfn. = -mantavya MBh. i, 1467 Mn. ix, 82
- ava-marda &c. ava-√mṛd
- ava-marśa &c. ava- √mṛś
- ava-√mā (ind. p. -mā́ya) to measure off TS
- ava-māna &c. ava-√man
- ava-mā́rjana ava-√mṛj
- ava-√mih -mehati, to urine towards or upon (acc.) ŚBr. MārkP
- to urine BhP
- to pour out (as Soma) RV. ix, 74, 4
- ava-mehana n. urining upon BhP
- ava-mehanīya mfn. to be urined upon, (an- neg.) Gobh
- ava√muc P. (p. -muñcát) to loosen AV. viii, 2, 2
- to let go VarBṛS
- (ind. p. -mucya) to unharness MBh. iii, 2870
- (generally ind. p. -mucya) to take off (as a garment &c.) MBh. &c.: Ā. (p. -muñcámána) to liberate one's self from, strip off AV. viii, 1, 4
- ava-mocana n. loosening
- setting at liberty L
- 'where horses are unharnessed', stage, a place for resting or settling BhP
- ava√muṣ to take away Kāṭh
- ava-√mūtr (p. -mūtrayat) to urine upon Mn. viii, 282 VarBṛS
- ava-mūtraṇa n. urining upon Car
- ava-mūtrita mfn. urined upon
- wetted by the fluid excretion (of an insect) Suśr
- ava-√mūrch (Pot. -mūrchet) to be appeased or allayed (as a quarrel) MBh. v, 811
- ava-mūrdha-śaya mfn. lying with the head hanging down (g. pārśvâdi q.v.)
- ava√mṛj -mārṣṭi (ind p. mṛjya) to wipe or rub off Comm. on TBr
- to wipe or rub, clean by wiping ŚBr. &c.: Pass. (Pot. -mṛjyeta with the sense of Ā.) to rub one's (limbs, gātrāṇi) MBh. xiii, 5006
- ava-mā́rjana n. an instrument (or 'water' Sāy.) for rubbing down (a horse), a curry-comb ṅmn. ṭransl. RV. i, 163, 5 ['that which is rubbed off' NBD.]
- wipings MBh. iii, 13373
- ava-√mṛd (impf. avâmṛdnāt
- p. -mṛdnat) 'to grind down', crush, tread down MBh. Hariv. R
- to rub MBh. iv, 468
- ava-marda m. oppression, giving pain MBh. xii, 2183 R
- a kind of eclipse VarBṛS
- N. of an owl Kathās
- ava-mardana mfn. crushing, oppressing, giving pain R. iii 35, 114, (am), n. rubbing (as of hands and feet) Pañcat
- oppression, giving pain MBh. iii, 12313 R
- ava-mardita mfn. crushed, destroyed MBh. iii, 874 R
- ava-√mṛś (Pot. -mṛśét
- Subj. 3. pl. -mṛśā́n
- aor. avâmṛkṣat
- ind. p. 1. -mṛ́śya) Ved. to touch AV. vii, 64, 2 TS. &c
- to reflect upon BhP.: Caus. to cause to touch ŚBr
- ava-marśa m. (ifc. f. ā) touch, contact Śak. (vḷ.)
- reflecting upon Daśar
- ava-márśam ind. so as to touch ŚBr. (cf. án-avam○)
- ava-marśita mfn. touched, i.e. disturbed (as a sacrifice) BhP
- ava-mṛśya an-vamṛlsyá
- avaya śtâvaya
- ava-√yaj P.Ā. -yájati (Imper. 2. sg. P. -yaja and Ā. -yakṣva
- Pot. -yajeta) Ved. to offer a sacrifice for satisfying the claims of, to get rid of or remove by means of a sacrifice RV. &c
- ava-yáj Nom. -yā́ḥ (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 72 and viii, 2, 67), f. share of the sacrificial oblation RV. i, 173, 12 AV.ī, 35, 1. [Page 102, Column]
- ava-yájana n. 'removing by means of a sacrifice', expiation VS
- means for expiation PBr
- ava-yā́j 2. ava-yáj
- ava-yava &c. ava-√yu
- ava-√yā (perf. 3. pl. -yayuḥ
- p. gen. pl. -yātā́m) to go or come down RV. i, 94, 12 and 168, 4
- (Ved. Inf. ava-yaí) to go away (opposed to upa-yaí, 'to come up') RV. viii, 47, 12
- (aor. Subj. -yāsat
- Prec. 2. sg. -yāsisīṣṭhāḥ [Pāṇ. 3-1, 34 Comm.]
- aor. 1. sg. -ayāsiṣam) to avert, appease RV. iv, 1, 4 ; vi, 66, 5 VS. iii, 48
- ava-yāta n. N. of a Tīrtha, (g. dhūmâdi, q.v.)
- ○heḻas (ávayāta-.), mfn. whose anger is appeased RV. i, 171, 6
- ava-yātṛ́ mfn. one who averts or appeases RV. i, 129, 11 and viii, 48, 2 (= AV. ii, 2, 2)
- ava-yā́na n. going down AV. viii, 1, 6
- retreat Lalit
- appeasing RV. i, 185, 8
- ava-yāsá m. (√yas), N. of an evil spirit in Yama's world TS
- ava-yu √1. (p. fem. -yuvati) to separate from (abl.) Nir. iv, 11: Caus. -yāvayati, to keep off Nir. ix, 42
- ava-yava m. (ifc. f. ā) a limb, member, part, portion Pāṇ. &c
- a member or component part of a logical argument or syllogism Nyāyid. &c
- ○dharma m. the property or quality of a part Pāṇ. 2-3, 20 Kāś
- ○rūpaka n. a simile by which two things are only compared with regard to their parts Kāvyâd
- ○śas ind. part by part BhP
- avayavârtha m. the meaning of the component parts of a word
- avayavin mfn. having portions or subdivisions, a whole BhP. &c., (ī), m. a syllogism Nyāyad. &c
- avayavi rūpaka n. a smile by which two things are only compared as wholes Kāvyâd
- ava-yuti f. 'separation', (○tya), instr. ind. separately Comm. on ĀpŚr
- a-vayuná mfn. undistinguishable, indistinct, dark RV. vi, 21, 3
- ávara mf(ā)n. (fr. 2. áva), below inferior RV. AV. VS
- low, mean, unimportant of small value ŚBr. Up. Mn. &c
- posterior, hinder, later, last, younger RV. &c
- nearer RV. AV
- western ŚBr
- preceding (with abl., opposed to pára) ŚBr. RPrāt
- (ā), f. 'after-birth', avarâvapatana below
- (= aparā, q.v.) the hind quarter of an elephant L
- N. of Durgā L., (am), n. ifc. (f. ā) the least, the lowest degree, lowest sum (cf. kārṣāpaṇâvara, trirātrâvara, try-avara, daśâvara, saṃvatsarâvara), the hind thigh of an elephant L
- (eṇa), instr. ind. below (with acc.) ŚBr
- ○ja mf(ā)n. of low birth, inferior, younger, junior R. iii, 75, 10 BhP
- m. a Śūdra Mn. ii, 223
- a younger brother R. Rājat
- (with abl.) MBh. iv, 1012, (ā), f. a younger sister Ragh. BhP
- ○tara (ávara-), mfn. (compar.) farther down ŚBr
- ○tas ind. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 29) below &c. L
- at least Pat
- ○para mf(ā)n. preceding and following, AitAr
- (ám), ind. one upon the other AV. xi, 3, 20, successively TBr. (cf. avaras-pará below)
- ○puruṣa m. a descendant ChUp
- ○vayas mfn. younger Āp
- ○varṇa m. 'a low or despised caste', -varṇa-ja
- 'belonging to a low caste', a Śūdra L
- ○varṇa-ja m. 'born in a low caste', a Śūdra Mn. iii, 241 and ix, 248
- ○vrata m. the sun L
- ○śaila ās, m.pl. 'living or originated on the western mountain (in the monastery called avara śaila-saṅghârāma), N. of a Buddhist school
- ○stāt ind. below &c. Pāṇ. 5-3, 29 & 41
- ○s-pará mfn. [Padap. avara para] having the last first or the hindermost foremost, inverted VS. xxe, 19
- avarârdha m. ifc. the least part, the minimum Pāṇ. 5-4, 57
- (am), ind. at least Kauś
- avarârdha-tás ind. from below ŚBr
- avarârdhyâ mfn. being on the lower or nearer side ŚBr
- beginning from below ib
- (am), n. ifc. (f. ā) the least part, the minimum, KaushBr. Lāṭy
- mfn. being the minimum Lāṭy. (cf. an-avarârdhya.)
- avarâvapatana n. dropping of or discharge of the secundines, miscarriage PārGṛ
- avarâvara mfn. lowest, most inferior of all R. v, 53, 24 ; 69, 21
- avarôkta mfn. named last KātyŚr
- avarīṇsa mfn. (= adharīṇa, q.v.) vilified, censured L. [Page 102, Column]
- avarya Nom. P. ○ryati, to become lower, (g. kaṇḍv-ādi, q.v.)
- avaraṅga-sāha = Aurungzeb (a Muhammedan king of the 17th century
- sāha = the Persian ?)
- ava-rata an-avarata
- ava-rati f. stopping, ceasing L
- ava-√ramb (p. -rámbamāṇa) to hang down RV. viii, 1, 34, = ava-√lamb, q.v
- ava-√rādh (aor. 2. sg. -arātsīs) to commit a fault AV. v, 6, 6
- -rādhnoti, to turn out ill, fail AitBr
- ava-√riph (p. -riphat) to utter a murmuring guttural sound Kāṭh
- avarīṇa ávara
- a-varīyas ān m. N. of a son of the Manu Sāvarṇa Hariv. 465
- ava-√ruc -rócate, to shine down AV. iii, 7, 3
- ava-rokín mfn. shining, brilliant VS. xxiv, 6
- ava-rocaka m. want of appetite Suśr
- ava-√ruj (ind. p. -rujya) to break off (as shrubs) MBh. i 5884
- ava-rugṇa mfn. broken, torn Hariv. 3565
- a-varuṇárm 1nd. without falling into the power of Varuṇa MaitrS
- a-varuṇyá mfn. not belonging to or fallen into the power of Varuṇa ŚBr
- ava-rudita mfn. (√rud), that upon which tears have falIe MBh. xiii 4367
- ava-√rudh P. (aor. -rudhat) to obstruct, enclose, contain RV. x, 105, 1, (Inf. -roddhum) to check, keep back, restrain R. iii, 1, 33, to expel Kauś. ŚāṇkhŚr. R. ii, 30, 9
- -ruṇaddhi, to seclude, put aside, remove ŚBr. KaushBr. ṢaḍvBr
- to shut in, (aor. Ā. avâruddha and Pass. avârodh) Pāṇ. 3-1, 64 Sch
- to keep anything (acc., as one's grief) locked up (in one's bosom, acc.) Bhaṭṭ
- (ind. p. -rudhya) to keep one's self (ātmānam) wrapped up in one's self (ātmani) BhP
- (impf. avâruṇat) to confine within, besiege Daś.: Ā. -rundhe (for ○nddhe AV
- impf. avârundha TS
- ind. p. -rúdhya ib
- Ved. Inf. -rúdham ib. and -rudham MaitrS.) chiefly Ved. to reach, obtain, gain: P. (p.f. -rundhatī
- cf. anu√rudh) to be attached to, like BhP.: Desid.A. -rurutsate, Vedṭo wish to obtain or gain TS. &c.: Intens.P. (Subj. 2. sg. -rorudhas) to expel from' (the domimon) R. si, 58, 20
- ava-ruddha mfn. hindered, checked, stopped, kept back Śak. Sāh
- shut in, enclosed Mn. viii, 236 &c
- imprisoned secluded (as in the inner apartments), Yājn1. ii, 290, &c
- expelled MBh. iv, 2011, &c
- wrapped up, covered VarBṛS
- disguised Daś
- Ved. obtained, gained ŚBr. &c
- ○deha mfn. having the person imprisoned, incarcerated BhP
- ava-ruddhi f. only dat. ○ddhyai, for the obtainment of (gen.) AitBr. ŚBr
- ava-ruddhikā f. a woman secluded in the inner apartments Rājat
- ava-rúdham Ved.Inf., ava√rudh
- ava-rudhyamāna mfn. being enclosed or surrounded BhP
- ava-rúndham Ved. Inf., ava-√rudh
- ava-rodha m. hindrance, obstruction, injury, harm Suśr. &c
- seclusion, imprisonment Āp. Comm. on Yājñ
- an enclosure, confinement, besieging Hit
- a covering, lid L
- a fence, pen L
- the inner apartments of a palace, the queen's or women's apartments MBh. i, 1812 R. &c
- a palace L
- (ās), (or in comp. avarodha-) m.pl. the women's apartments, the wives of a king Śak. Ragh. &c
- avarodhâyana n. a seraglio L
- ava-rodhaka mfn. hindering L
- being about to besiege (with acc.) R. i, 71, 16
- m. a guard L
- (ikā), f. a female of the inner apartments L. (cf. ava-ruddhikā)
- (am), n. a barrier, fence L
- ava-ródhana mf(ī)n. procuring KaushUp
- (am), n. siege, blockade R. i, 3, 33
- secluding, imprisonment Āp
- a closed or private place, the innermost part of anything RV. ix, 113, 8
- obtaining KaushUp. [Page 103, Column]
- the inner or women's apartments (in a royal palace)
- (āni), n. pl. = ava-rodhās m. pl
- ava-rodhika m. a guard of the queen's apartments L
- ava-rodhin mfn. (ifc.) obstructing, hindering Naish
- wrapping up, covering Kād
- ava-√ruh P. (p. -róhat
- ind. p. -ruhya
- also Ā., e.g. MBh. ix, 3470 R. ii, 7, 11 and iv, 49, 25) to descend, alight, dismount RV. v, 78, 4, &c
- 'to descend from', i.e. to be deprived of (one's dominion, aiśvaryāt) BhP.: Caus. (impf. avâropayat [v. l. ○rohayat] Ragh. i, 54
- Imper. 2. sg. -ropaya MBh. iv, 1318 and ix, 3468, 2. pl. Ā. -rohayadhvam MBh. iii, 15609) to cause to descend, take down from (abl.): Pass. -ropyate, to be lowered or lessened MBh. xii, 8501
- áva-rūḍha mfn. come near, approached AV. vi, 140, 1
- descended, dismounted, alighted
- ava-rodha m. (√1. rudh = √ruh) 'moving down',
- 1. rodha
- (= ava-roha below) a shoot or √sent down by a branch (of the Indian fig-tree) AitBr
- ava-rodhana n. descending motion (opposed to ud rodhana, q.v.) AitBr
- ava-ropaṇa n. planting MBh. xiii, 2991, causing to descend L
- depriving, diminishing L
- ava-ropita mfn. caused to descend, taken down from (abl.)
- deprived of (as of one's dominion, rājyāt &c.) MBh. iv, 2101. R. MārkP
- lowered, lessened Mn. i, 82, curtailed, lost (as dominions, rāṣṭrāṇi) BhP., silenced (in dispute) BhP
- ava-ropya ind. p. having made or making to descend Gobh. Hariv. 9721, planting MBh. i, 7063
- ava-roha m. descent L
- (in music) descending from a higher tone to a lower one Comm. on Mṛicch
- mounting L
- a shoot or √sent down by a branch (especially of the Indian fig-tree
- 2. ava-rodha), Kaus. PārGṛ. R. ii, 52, 96
- (= latôdgama) a creeping plant climbing up to the top of a tree L
- heaven L
- ○vat mfn. possessed of avaroha-shoots (as the Indian fig-tree), (g. balâdi, q.v.) Pat
- ○śākhin m. 'having branches with avaroha- shoots', the Indian fig-tree L
- ava-rohaka m. asvâv○, (ikā), f. the plant Physalis Flexuosa L
- ava-rohaṇa mf(ī)n. alighting', descending MārkP
- (am), n. descending, alighting from (abl. [MBh. i, 46], or in comp. Kathās.)
- (in music = ava-roha) descending from a higher tone to a lower one Comm. on Mṛicch
- the place of descending BhP
- ava-rohita and mfn. (g. utkarâdi, q.v.)
- ava-rohitīya mfn. (g. utkarâdi, q.v.)
- ava-rohin mfn. descending VarBṛS
- = avaroha-vat, q.v. (g. balâdi, q.v.)
- (ī), m. the Indian fig-tree L
- ava-rūpa mf(ā)n. mis-shapen, deformed, degenerated Kauś. 130
- ava-rokín &c. ava-√ruc
- a-varcás mfn. having no vigour or energy AV. iv, 22, 3 ŚBr. v
- a-varjanīya mfn. inevitable
- ○tā f. or inevitableness Jaim. Comm. on Nyāyad
- ○tva n. inevitableness Jaim. Comm. on Nyāyad
- á-varjuṣi f. AV.vii, 50, 2, vḷ. for vavarjúṣī, perf. p. f. fr. √vṛj, q.v
- a-varṇa mfn. having no outward appearance ŚvetUp., colourless (Comm
- said of Nara and Nārāsyaṇa) MBh. iii, 8384
- m. 'no praise', blame, speaking ill of. Ragi. xiv, 38 and 57 Rājat
- ○kāraka mfn. 'not praising, speaking ill of Buddh. Jain
- ○vāda m. censure, blame L
- ○saṃyoga m. no connection with any caste, Āp
- a-varṇya mfn. indescribable Up
- not to be predicated Comm. on Nyāyad
- ○sama m. a sophism in which the argument still to be proved is confounded with the admitted one, Nysyad. Sāh
- a-varṇa m. the vowel a or ā APrāt
- a-vartamāna mfn. 'not belonging to the present time', (gana cārv-ādi, q.v.)
- áva-rti f. (ṛti fr. √ṛ), bad fortune, poverty, distress RV. AV. (cf. 'ā-ṛti.) [Page 103, Column]
- a-vartrá mfn. 'having nothing that restrains', unimpeded RV. vi, 12, 3
- a-varmán mfn. having no armour AV. xi, 10, 23
- a-vardhamāna mfn. 'not growing', (g. cārv-ādi, q.v.)
- a-varṣa n. want of rain, drought MBh. xii, 1208 R
- (ā), f. id. MBh. xiii, 4579
- a-varṣaṇa am n. id Vet
- a-varṣin mfn. not raining Hcat
- á-varṣuka mfn. id. TS. ŚBr
- a-varṣṭos Ved. Inf. not to rain AitBr
- a-varṣyá mf(ā́)n. being active in rainless bright weather VS. xvi, 38 MaitrS
- not coming from rain (as water) TS. vii
- a-valakṣa mfn. = balákṣa, q.v. L
- ava-√lag Caus. -lagayati, to fasten to Comm. on KātyŚr
- ava-lagita n. an addition made in the prologue of a drama and not having any particular reference to the latter Sāh
- ava-lagna mfn. hanging down from (in comp.) Ragh. xvi, 68, &c
- (as, am), m. n. the waist, Śis. ix, 49, &c
- ava-√laṅgh (ind. p. -laṅghya) to pass or spend (time)
- ava-laṅghita mfn. passed (as time) Kathās
- ava-√lamb -lambate (ind. p. -lambya, exceptionally P., e.g. Pot. -lambet MBh. i, 8443, ed. Bomb.) to hang down, glide or slip down, descend TUp. &c
- (pr. p. P. -lambat) to set (as the sun) MBh. iv, 1040
- to catch hold of. cling to, hang to, hold on or support one's self by, rest upon as a support, depend upon (generally acc
- but also loc. [MBh. i, 844] or instr. ṃegh. 108), to hold up anything (to prevent its falling down) Śak. Ragh. vii, 9, &c
- to enter a state or condition (as māyām, mānuṣyatvam, dhairyam, &c.)
- to devote one's self to (acc.) Kum. ii, 15
- 'to incline towards choose as a direction Kathās.: Caus. (ind. p. -lambya) to hang up Pañcat. Kathās
- to grasp (for support) Mālav
- ava-lamba mf(ā)n. hanging down from (loc. R.)or to (in comp. MBh. xiii, 982), (as), mḥanging on or from Megh
- depending, resting upon L
- dependance, support, a prop, a stay Ragh.xix, 5o, &c. (cf. nir-avat○), a perpendicular L. (cf. pṛṣṭhyâvat○.)
- ava-lambaka mfn. hanging down Hcat
- m. (in geom.) a perpendicular
- (am), n. N. of a metre
- ava-lambaka mnf (ī)n. hanging on, clinging to Bhpr
- leaning against (loc.) BhP
- (am), n. hanging down L
- depending upon, dependance, support Śak. &c
- making a halt, stopping at (loc.adv.) Hit
- ava-lambita mfn. hanging down, hanging on, suspended from, clinging to Śak. &c
- crouching or settling down Hit
- depending upon, resting upon as a support Ragh. ix, 69 Vikr. &c
- placed upon Suśr
- supported or protected by
- (in Pass. sense) clung to, caught hold of Śiś. vi, 10
- (fr. Caus.) having been made to hang down, let down (as a basket by a string) Kathās
- ava-lambitavya mfn. to be caught hold of or grasped, to be clung to
- ava-lambin mfn. hanging down so as to rest upon, hanging on or from, depending on
- clinging to, reclining, resting upon
- ava-√likh (Pot. -likhet ind. p. -likhya) to scratch, graze Suśr
- ava-lekha m. anything scraped off Suśr
- (ā), f. drawing painting BhP
- ava-lekhana n. brushing, combing ĀśvŚr. Āp. Gaut
- (ī), f. brush, comb Kauś
- ava-√lip P. (ind. -lipya) to smear, KaushBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Suśr.: Ā. (p. -limpamāna) to smear one's self. BhP
- ava-liptá mfn. smeared MBh. i, 6391 ; viii, 2059 Suśr. Vet
- furred (as the tongue) Suśr
- (= ápi-ripta, q.v.) blind (?) VS. xxiv, 3 Kauś
- proud, arrogant Mn. iv, 79 MBh. &c
- ○tā f. or ṛ. pride, arrogance
- ○tva n. ṛ. pride, arrogance
- ava-lepa m. glutinousness (as of the mouth) Suśr. [Page 103, Column]
- ointment L
- ornament L
- pride, haughtiness BhP. Ragh. &c. (cf. an- neg.)
- ava-lepana n. ointment
- proud behaviour R. i, 44, 9 and 36
- ava-√lih P. -leḍhi (impf. avâleṭ ; Pot. -lihet [MBh. xiii, 2286 VarBṛS.] or -lihyāt ; ind. p. -lihya ; rarely Ā. sg. -lihe MBh. i, 667) to lick, lap AitBr. Kāṭh. &c.: Intens. (p. -lelihat) to flicker (as a flame) MBh. i, 1181
- ava-līḍha mfn. licked, lapped MBh. &c
- touched (by a flickering object) R. iii, 43, 3
- touched (as by a finger-nail) Hariv. 7050 (cf. ardhâval○)
- (ā), f. disregard L
- ava-leha m. licking, lapping VarBṛS
- an extract, electuary Suśr
- ava-lehaka mfn. licking MBh. xiii, 2173
- (ikā), f. ( = -leha before) an extract, electuary Suśr
- ava-lehana n. licking
- = -lehikā Bhpr
- ava-lehin mfn. lickerish, fond of dainties, [BR
- 'sṛkkiṇī lelīhāna i.e. sadā kruddha' Comm.] MBh. xiii, 519
- ava-√lī Ā. (p. -līyamāna
- impf. 3. pl. avâliyanta) to stick to (loc.) Suśr
- to bow, stoop MBh. viii, 939, to hide one's self in (loc.) R. vi, 99, 43 (pr. p. P. 4, liyat)
- ava-līna mfn. sitting down (as a bird) VarBṛS
- cowering down in, hiding one's self in (loc.) R. v, 25, 13
- 'engaged in' (in comp.), beginning to, Nalod. ii, 46
- ava-līlā f. 'play, sport', (ayā), instr. ind. quite easily
- ava-√luñc (ind. p. -luñcya) to tear out (as hairs) MBh. iii, 10760 seqq. MārkP
- ava-luñcaṇa n. tearing out (of hairs), R vi, 98, 25, opening or unstitching (of a seam) Suśr
- ava-luṇṭhana n. (√luṇṭh), robbing Kathās
- wallowing on the ground L
- ava-luṇṭhita mfn. robbed L
- rolled or wallowed on the ground L
- ava√lup P. Ā. (3. pl. -lumpanti) to cut or take off TS. TĀr. ṢaḍvBr
- to take away by force, wrest MBh. vi, 381, to suppress, extinguish
- to rush or dash upon (as a wolf on his prey) (cf. vṛkâvalupta.)
- ava-lupti f. falling off PBr
- ava-lumpana n. rushing upon (as of a wolf) MBh. i, 5586
- ava-lopa m. interruption BhP
- ava-lopya mfn. to be torn off Bhaṭṭ
- ava-lūna mfn. (√lū), cut off L
- ava-lekha &c. ava-√likk
- ava-lepa &c. ava-√lip
- ava-leha &c. ava-√lih
- ava√lok cl.1.Ā. -lokate, to look Sāh. Hit.: cl. 10. P. -lokayati (p. -lokayat
- ind. p. -lokya) to look upon or at, view, behold, see, notice, observe MBh. &c
- ava-loka m. looking upon or at, viewing Vikr. Śiś. ix, 71 Sāh., look, glance BhP
- (eṣu), loc. pl. ind. before the (looks or) eyes of(gen.) MBh. i, 7902
- ava-lokaka mfn. wishing to view (as a spy) R. vi, 101, 13
- ava-lokana n. seeing, beholding, viewing, observing Ragh. xi, 60, &c
- a look, glance Ragh. x, 14, &c
- looking like', appearance of (in comp.) BhP
- (ā). the aspect (of planets) VarBṛS
- ava-lokanīya mfn. worthy to be looked at Lalit
- ava-lokayitavya mfn. to be observed VarBṛS
- ava-lokayitṛ mfn. one who views
- ava-lokita mfn. seen viewed, observed, viewed by, i. e. being in sight of a planet VarBṛS. MārkP
- m. = avalokiteśvara below
- (ā), f. N. of a woman, Mālatim
- (am), n. looking at, beholding L
- ○vrata m. N. of a Buddhist
- avalokitêśvara m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva, worshipped by the northern Buddhists
- ava-lokin mfn. looking Kum. v, 49
- looking at, beholding (ifc.) Kathās
- ava-lokya mfn. to be looked at MBh. xiii, 5001 PSarv
- ava-lopa &c. ava-√lup. [Page 104, Column]
- ava-lobhana an-aval○
- ava-loma mfn. Pāṇ. 5-4, 75
- a-valgu-ja m. the plant Vernonia Anthelminthica Suśr
- avalgulī f. N. of a poisonous insect Suśr
- ava-√vad (aor. Subj. 1. pl. -vādiṣma) to speak ill of or against (gen.) AitBr. (cf. dur-avavada.)
- ava-vadana n. speaking ill of. Sāy. on AitBr
- ava-vadita mfn. instructed, taught Buddh
- ava-vaditṛ tā m. one who speaks finally, who gives the definitive opinion AitBr
- ava-vāda m. speaking ill of, evil report L
- a command, order L
- trust, confidence L
- instruction, teaching Buddh
- avavarti aor. Ā. fr. √vṛt, q.v
- ava-varṣaṇa ava-√vṛṣ
- ava-√vā -vāti, to blow down RV. x, 60, 11
- (said of fire compared to a bull) to snort (i.e. to crackle) towards RV. i 58, 5
- ava-viddha ava-√vyadh
- ava-√vī -veti to eat, enjoy RV. x, 23, 4
- ava-√vṛj to disjoin, separate Kāṭh.: Caus. (Pot. 3. pl. -varjáyeyuḥ) to remove TBr
- ava-√vṛṣ (p. -várṣat) Ved. to rain upon VS. xxii, 26, &c
- ava-varṣaṇa n. raining upon KātyŚr
- ava-vṛṣṭa mfn. rained upon TBr
- ava√vyadh -vidhyati, to throw down into (loc.) RV. ix, 73, 8, (opposed to abhy ā-róhati Comm. = pramadyati) to fall or sink down TS
- (Pot. -vidhyet)' to throw down from', deprive of (loc.) TBr
- ava-viddha mfn. thrown down into (loc.) RV. i, 182, 6 and vii, 69, 7
- ava-√vye (p. -vyáyat) to pull off (as clothes) RV. iv, 13, 4
- ava-√vraśc (Imper. 2. sg. -vriścā́
- impf. -avṛścat) to splinter, cut off RV. i, 51, 7 and vii, 18, 17
- ava-vráśca m. splinter chip ŚBr. xii
- a-vaśá mf(ā)n. unsubmissive to another's will, independent, unrestrained, free, Av. vi, 42, 3 & 43, 3, &c
- not having one's own free will, doing something against one's desire or unwillingly Mn. v, 33 Bhag. &c
- ○ga mfn. not being in any one's (gen.) power
- ○ṃ-gama n. 'not submissive to each other N. of a special Sandhi (in which the two sounds meeting each other remain unchanged) RPrāt
- a-vaśī-bhūta mfn. unrestrained, independent L
- uninfluenced by magic L
- avaśêdriya-citta mfn. whose mind and senses are not held in subjection Hit
- a-vaśin mfn. not having one's own free will
- not exercising on's own will, not independent Āp
- avaśi-tva n. not being master of one's self MBh. xiv, 1001
- a-vaśya in comp. with a fut. p.p. (and with some other words) for a-vaśyam Pāṇ. 6-1, 144, Conim
- (avaśyam), ind necessarily, inevitably, certainly, at all events, by all means, avaśyam eva, most surely (cf. āvaśyaka.)
- ○karman n. any necessary action or performance, AiṭAr
- ○kārya mfn. (g. maiyūravyaṃsakâdi, q.v.) to be necessarily done R. ii, 96, 8
- (aṇi), n. pl. necessary performances MBh. i, 7899 ; viii, 10
- ○pācya mfn. to be necessarily cooked' Pāṇ. 7-3, 65 Sch
- ○mbhāvin mfn. necessarily being MBh. i, 6144 Hit
- ○m-bhāvi-tā f. Comm. on ṃṛicch. or Bhpr. the being necessarily
- ○tva n. Bhpr. the being necessarily
- ava-śapta mfn. cursed MBh. xiii, 7221
- ava-śas (only instr. -śásā), f. (√śaṃs), wrong desire AV. vi, 45, 2. [Page 104, Column]
- á-vaśā f. not a cow, a bad cow AV. xii, 4, 17 and 42. 17 and 42
- ava-śātana n. (√śad, Caus.), withering, drying up Suśr
- ava-√śi (Imper. 2. sg. -śiśīhi) to deliver from, remove RV. x, 105, 8
- ava-śiras mfn. having the head turned down Kauś
- ava-śīrṣaka mfn. id. Suśr
- ava-√śiṣ Pass. -śíṣyate, to be left as a remnant, remain TBr. ŚBr. MBh. &c.: Caus. (Pot. -śeṣayet) to leave as a remnant MBh. v, 2638 R. v, 26, 38
- ava-śiṣṭa mfn. left, remaining
- ava-śiṣṭaka n. remainder Yājñ. ii, 47
- ava-śeṣa n. leavings, remainder Mn. viii, 159, &c
- often ifc., e.g. ardhâv○, kathâv○, pitâv○, q.v
- (am), ind. ifc. so as to leave as a remnant Daś. (cf. nir-av.)
- ○tā f. the being left as a remainder BhP
- ava-śeṣita mfn. left as a remnant, remaining MBh. i, 5129, &c. (cf. kathā-mātrâv○ and nāmamātrâv○.)
- ava-seṣya mfn. to be left or kept remaining
- ava-√śī Ā. (3.pl. śīyante
- Imper. -śīyatam) to fall or drop off AV. xviii, 3, 60 TS. Kāṭh. ŚBr. PBr
- ava-śīta and -śīna, ava-śyā
- ava-√śuṣ -śṣyats, to become dry VāyuP. ii
- (-suṣyate) MārkP
- ava-√śṝ (impf. avâśṛṇāt) to break (as any one's anger) PBr.: Pass. (impf. -śīryata) to be dispersed, fly iii every direction R. i, 37, 13, ed. Bomb
- ava-śarṇa mfn. broken, shattered Kauś. MBh. xiii, 1503
- ava-śeṣa &c. ava-√śiṣ
- ava√ścut (perf. -cuścota) to trickle down TBr
- ava-śyā f. (√śyai), hoar-frost, dew L
- ava-śīta or mfn. cooled, cool Pāṇ. 6-1, 26 Kāś
- ○śyāta mfn. cooled, cool Pāṇ. 6-1, 26 Kāś
- ava-śīna or mfn. coagulated Pāṇ. 6-1, 26
- ○śyāna mfn. coagulated Pāṇ. 6-1, 26
- ava-śyāya m. (Pāṇ. 3-1, 141) hoar frost, dew Nir. MBh. xii, 5334 R
- pride L
- ○paṭa m. a kind of cloth L
- ava-√śrath Caus. (Imper. 2. sg. -śrathāya Padap. ○thaya) to loosen RV. i, 24, 15
- ava-śrayaṇa n. (√śri), taking (anything) from off the fire (opposed to adhiśr○, q.v.) Sāh
- ava-śvasám Ved. Inf. fr. √śvas, to blow away AV. iv, 37, 3
- ava-√śvit (aor. -aśvait) to shine down RV. i, 124, 11
- a-vaṣaṭkāra mfn. without the exclamation vaṣat, KātyŚr'
- a-vaṣaṭkṛta mfn. id. ŚBr. iv
- ava-ṣṭambh (√stainbh), -ṣṭabhnoti (&c. Pāṇ. 8-3, 63 seqq
- generally ind. p. -ṣṭabhya ĀśvŚr. &c.) to lean or rest upon, 3, 68, &c
- to bar, barricade R. iii, 56, 7
- -ṣṭabhnāti (Kathās
- Inf. -ṣṭabdhum ib
- Pass. aor. avâṣṭambhi Rājat.) to seize, arrest R. v, 25, 52, &c
- ava-ṣṭabdha mfn. standing firm R. iii, 74, 24
- supported by (acc.), resting on R. v, 31, 50
- grasped, seized, arrested VarBṛS. Kathās
- standing near Pāṇ. 8-3, 68 R. v, 56, 129
- (said of time) being near, approaching Pāṇ. 5-2, 13 VāyuP. (cf. ava-stabdha below.)
- ava-ṣṭabhya ind. p. ava-ṣṭambh
- ava-ṣṭabhya mfn. to be seized or stopped Kathās
- ava-ṣṭambha m. leaning or resting upon Suśr. &c
- having recourse to anything, applying Pañcat. Sāh
- self-confidence, resoluteness Suśr. Pañcat. (cf. sâvaṣṭ○) [Page 104, Column]
- beginning L
- obstruction, impediment L
- post or pillar L
- gold L
- ○maya mfn. (said of an arrow) shot with resoluteness(?) Ragh. iii, 53
- ava-ṣṭambhana n. having recourse to (in comp.) Pañcat
- ava-stabdha mfn. stiff (with cold &c.) Pāṇ. 8-3, 68 Sch
- ava-ṣṭhyūta mfn. spit upon ŚBr
- ava-ṣvan (√svan), -ṣvaṇati (impf. avâṣvaṇat
- perf. p. Ā. -ṣaṣvāṇa) to smack (one's lips) or otherwise make a noise in eating Pāṇ. 8-3, 63 seqq. (cf. ava-√svan.)
- ava-ṣvāṇa m. noisy eating, smacking L
- ávas n. (√av), favour, furtherance, protection, assistance RV. AV. VS
- refreshing RV
- enjoyment, pleasure RV
- wish, desire (as of men for the gods &c. RV., or of the waters for the sea RV. viii, 16, 2) (cf. -sv-ávas.)
- ávas-vat mfn. desirous AV. iii, 26, 6 TS. v
- ávasvad-vat mfn. united with the desirous one ṇBḍ. MaitrS
- avasá n. Ved. refreshment, food, provisions, viaticum RV. i, 93, 4 ; 119 6
- vi 61 &c
- (with pad vát) 'food that has feet', i.e. cattle RV. x, 169, 1
- m. a king Uṇ
- avasya Nom P. (p. dat. sg. m. avasyate) to seek favour or assistance RV. i, 116, 23
- avasyú mfn. desiring favour or assistance RV. VS. (v, 32 and xviii, 45, nom. sg. m. ○syū́ḥ)
- (said of Indra) desirous of helping or assisting RV. iv, 16, 11 and v, 31, 10, (cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 116)
- (us), m. N. of a Ṛishi (with the patron. Ātreya, composer of the hymn RV. v, 31)
- avás (once, before m, avár RV. i, 133, 6
- Pāṇ. 8-2, 70), ind. (fr. 2. áva) downwards RV
- (as a prep.) down from (abl. or instr.) RV
- below (with instr.) RV. i, 164, 7 and 18, x, 67, 4
- ○tāt (avás-), ind. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 40) below RV. VS. ŚBr
- before (in time) TBr
- (as a prep. with gen.) below ŚBr
- (avástāt) -prapadana mfn. (anything) attained from below (as heaven) ŚBr
- avā-śṛṅgá mfn. (fr. avaḥ-, ct. ayā-śayá) whose horns are turned downwards TS. ii
- ava-sakthikā f. (= paryaṅka, q.v.) sitting on the hams (or also 'the cloth tied round the legs and knees of a person sitting on his hams' L.) Mn. iv, 112 Gaut
- ava-saṃ-cakṣya mfn. to be shunned or avoided, P2ṇ. ii, 4, 54 Pat
- ava√sañj (ind. p. -sajya, Imper. 3. pl.Pass. -sajyantām) to suspend, attach to, append MBh. xv, 436 Hariv. R., (cf. ava-√sṛj at end)
- to charge with (a business
- acc.) R. iv, 42, 7: Ā. -sajjate, to adhere or cleave to, not leave undisturbed MBh. xiii, 2198
- ava-sakta mfn. suspended from, attached to (as to the shoulder or to the branch of a tree &c.), bound round MBh. &c
- being in contact with Pañcat
- belonging to BhP
- (in Pass. sense) hung with (as with wreaths) Hariv. 10049, charged with (a business) R. iv, 42, 8
- ava-sañjana n. (= niviita, q.v.) the Brahmanical thread hanging over the shoulder Comm. on KātyŚr
- ava-saṃ-ḍīna n. (√ḍī), the united downward flight of birds MBh. iii, 1901 (v. l.)
- avasatha m. (for ā-vasatha, q.v.) habitation Hcat
- a village L
- a college, school L
- (am), n. a house, dwelling L
- avasathin mfn. having a habitation Hcat
- avasathya mfn. (for āvas○, q.v.) belonging to a house, domestic L
- m. a college, school L
- ava-√sad P. -sīdati (rarely Ā., e.g. Pot. -sideta MBh. i, 5184
- impf. -sīdata R. iv, 58, 6) to sink (is into water) Suśr. BhP
- to sink down, faint, grow lean ṭṣ. PBr., become exhausted or disheartened, slacken, come to an end, perish, Caus. (p. -sādayat
- ind. p. -sādya) to cause to sink (as, into water) Suśr
- to render downhearted, dispirit, ruin ChUp. MBh. &c
- to frustrate MBh. xii, 2634 R. v, 51, 2
- ava-sanna mfn. sunk down, pressed down (as by a burden BhP. R. ii, 52, 22) [Page 105, Column]
- sunken (as eyes) Suśr
- (opposed to ut-sanna) deep (as a wound) Suśr
- languid, dispirited, distressed, unhappy KātyŚr. MBh. iv, 198, &c
- ended, terminated Hit
- (as the eyesight
- said of a blind person) Ragh. ix, 77
- (in law) beaten in a cause
- ava-sāda m. sinking (as of a chair) Suśr
- the growing faint (as of a sound) ib
- failing exhaustion, fatigue, lassitude ib
- defeat Mālav
- want of energy or spirit (especially as proceeding from doubtful or unsuccessful love) L
- (in law) badness of a cause L
- end, termination L. (cf. nir-av○.)
- ava-sādaka mfn. causing to sink, frustrating R. iv, 26, 19
- exhausting, tiresome, wearisome L
- ending, finishing L
- ava-sādana n. oppressing, disheartening
- the state of being disheartened Car
- an escharotic, removing proud flesh by escharotic applications Suśr
- ava-sādita mfn. made to sink, exhausted, dispirited
- frustrated R. v, 51, 2
- áva-sabha only in f. (ā), excluded from a (husband's) company ṣāy, fallen into wrong (i.e. into men's) company ṇBḍ. ŚBr. 3, 1. 1, 21
- ava-sara ava-√sṛ
- ava-sarga ava-√sṛj
- ava-sárjana ib
- ava-sarpa &c. ava-√sṛp
- ava-salavi ind. = apa-s○, q.v. Gobh
- ava-savi ind. to the left ŚāṅkhŚr
- ava-savya mfn. not left, right L
- áva-sā and -sātṛ́, ava-√so
- ava-sāda &c. ava-√sad
- á-vasāna mfn. ( √vas), not dressed RV. iii, 1, 6
- ava-sā́na &c. ava-√so
- ava-sāma mfn. Pāṇ. 5-4, 75
- ava-sāya &c. ava-√so
- ava-√sic (p. -siñcat
- ind, p. -sicya) to sprinkle, pour upon (acc. or loc.) KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ. Kauś. Gobh
- to pour out Gobh.: Caus. (Pot. -secayet) to sprinkle, bedew MBh. xiii, 5056 VarBṛS
- ava-sikta mfn. sprinkled MBh. Hariv. R
- ava-siñcita mfn. id. MBh. vii, 7319
- ava-seka m. sprinkling, irrigating (as the ground) Mṛicch
- syringing, administering a clyster Suśr., bleeding (with leeches) Suśr
- ava-sekima m. a kind of cake (pulse ground and fried with oil or butter) L
- ava-secana n. sprinkling, KāstyŚr. Suśr
- water used for irrigating (trees) Mn. iv, 151
- bathing MBh. iii, 8231
- bleeding Suśr
- ava-secita mfn. = -srkta MBh. vi, 4434
- ava-√sidh (impf. avâsedhat vḷ. apâs○) to keep back or off from (abl.) MBh. vii, 7397
- ava-supta mfn. (√svap), asleep R. ii, 56, 1
- ava-√sṛ Caus. to move anything aside or away Kauś
- ava-sara m. 'descent (of water)', rain L
- occasion, moment, favourable opportunity Śak. &c
- seasonableness, appropriate place for anything (gen.) Kathās
- any one's (gen.) turn Pañcat
- leisure, advantageous situation L
- (= mantra) consultation in private(?) L
- a year L
- (e), loc. ind. at the right moment Kathās
- ○kāle or loc. ind. on a favourable opportunity
- ○velāyām Pañcat., loc. ind. on a favourable opportunity
- ava-sāraṇa n. moving away L
- ava-√sṛj (Subj. -sṛjāt [RV. x, 108,] or -sṛját [RV. i, 174,] or -sṛjat [RV. i, 55, 6 and x, 113,]
- Imper. 2. sg. -sṛjā́, or -sṛjā
- impf. -ásṛjat
- perf. Pot. -sasṛjyā RV. i, 24, 13
- p. -sṛját RV. ii, 3, 10) to fling, throw (as arrows or the thunderbolt) RV. iv, 27, 3 AV. iv, 6, 7 TS. &c
- to throw or put into (loc.) Mn. i, 8 MBh. iii, 12769, Ved, to let off, let loose, let go, send, dismiss, abandon, surrender (as to misfortune, aghā́ya RV. i, 189, 5) RV. AV. &c
- to give up (as one's anger &c.) MBh. v, 1822 and vi, 5848, (or one's life, prāṇān) xii, 88 [Page 105, Column]
- to pardon RV. vii, 86, 5
- (any one's life, prāṇān) MBh. iii, 3052
- to deliver (a woman) RV. x, 138, 2
- to be delivered, bring forth AV. i, 11, 3
- to produce, form, shape Hariv. 7057 BhP.: Ā. (impf. 3. pl. ávâsṛjanta) to relax, lose energy and power. RV. iv, 19, 2
- (impf. avâsṛjat for ○sajat, fr. -√sañj BR.) to attach to (loc.) MBh. i, 1973
- ava-sarga m. (g. nyaṅkv-ādi, q.v.) letting loose, letting go (an- neg.) Jaim
- relaxation, laxity L
- following one's own inclinations, independence L
- ava-sárjana n. liberation VS. xii, 64
- ava-sarjita mfn. (= visṛṣṭavat Comm.) who has abandoned R. vii, 56, 23
- áva-sṛṣṭa mfn. let loose RV. x, 4, 3
- thrown (as arrows or the thunderbolt) RV. vi, 75, 16 and vii, 46, 3 AV. i, 3, 9 (cf. rudrâv○)
- (ava-sṛṣṭá), mfn. made over, dismissed, sent RV. x, 28, 11 and 91, 14, brought forth (from the womb) BhP
- fallen down from or upon (in comp.) BhP
- ava-√sṛp -sárpati, (said of the sun) to set VS. xvi, 7
- (p. loc. m. -sarpati) Lāṭy
- to flow back (as the, sea in low tide) MBh. xiii, 7257 (v. l. ava-sarpita mfn. 'caused to flow back')
- to creep to or approach unawares TS. AV. viii, 6, 3
- to flow over gradually AV. xi, 1, 17
- ava-sárjpana m. one who approaches unawares', a spy L. (cf. apa-sarpa.)
- ava-sarpaṇa n. 'descent', the place from which Manu descended after he had left his ark ŚBr. i
- going down to MārkP. (cf. rathyâvas○.)
- ava-sarpiṇī f. 'going or gliding down gradually', a descending period of a long duration and alternating with the 'ascending one' (ut-sarpiṇī q.v
- both the ascending [ut-s○] and descending [ava-s○] cycle are divided into six stages each: good-good, good, good-bad, bad-good, bad, bad-bad) Jain. Āryabh
- ava-sarpita mfn. s.v. ava-√sṛp
- ava√so -syati (Imper. 2. du. -syatam
- aor. Subj. -sāt) to loose's, deliver from RV. vi, 74, 3 and vii, 28, 4 TS. ŚBr
- (Imper. 2. sg. -sya
- aor. ávâsāt TBr. &c., aor. 3. pl. ávâsur RV. i, 179, 2
- ind. p. -sā́ya RV. i, 104, 1
- Ved. Inf. -sai RV. iii, 53, 20) Ved. to unharness (horses), put up at any one's house, settle, rest RV. &c
- to take, one's abode or standing-place in or upon (loc) AV.ix, 2, 14 TBr
- to finish, terminate (one's work) ŚāṅkhŚr. RPrāt. &c
- to be finished, be at an end, be exhausted Kir. xvi, 17
- to choose or appoint (as a place for dwelling or for a sacrifice) TS. ŚBr
- (Pot.2ṣg. -seyās
- Pāṇ. 6-4, 67)to decide Bhaṭṭ., to obtain BhP.: Caus. -sāyayati (ind. p. -sā́yya) to cause to take up one's abode in or upon (loc.) TS. AitBr. ŚBr
- (ind. p. -sāyya) to complete Ragh. v, 76
- (Inf. in Passṣense] -sāyyayitum) to ascertain, clearly distinguish Kir. ii, 29. Pass. -sīyate (cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 66) to be obtained BhP
- to be insisted upon MBh. xii, 554 (ed. Bomb. in active sense 'to insist upon')
- to be ascertained BhP. Sarvad
- áva-sā f. liberation, deliverance RV. iv, 23, 3
- 'halt, rest', an-avasá
- ava-sātṛ́ tā m. a liberator RV. x, 27, 9
- ava-sā́na n. (cf. ava-mocana) 'where the horses are unharnessed', stopping, resting-place, residence RV. x, 14, 9 AV. ŚBr. MBh
- a place chosen or selected for being built upon MānGṛ
- (ifc. f. (ā) Ragh. i, 95) conclusion, termination, cessation Mn. ii, 71 Śak. &c
- death Śak. Pañcat
- boundary, limit L
- end of a word, last part of a compound or period, end of a phrase Prāt. Pāṇ
- the end of the line of a verse or the line of a verse itself. Ānukr. VPrāt. KātyŚr
- N. of a place, (g. takṣaśilâdi, q.v.)
- ○darśá mfn. looking at one's place of destination or residence AV. vii, 41, 1 seeing the end of (gen.) PBr
- ○bhūmi f. 'place of limit', the highest limit Kād
- avasānaka mf(ikā)n. attaining an end by (in comp.)
- avasānika mfn. forming the end of (in comp.) R. ii, 56, 25
- avasānyá mfn. belonging to the line of a verse VS. xvi, 33
- ava-sā́ya ind. p. (Pāṇ. 6-4, 69), -√so
- ava-sāya m. (Pāṇ. 3-1, 141) 'taking up one's abode', yatra-kāmâvasāya
- termination, conclusion, end L. [Page 105, Column]
- remainder L
- determination, ascertainment L
- ava-sāyaka mfn. (said of an arrow, sāyaka), 'bringing to a close', destructive Kir. xv, 37
- ava-sāyin mfn. 'taking up one's abode, settling', antâv○ and and ante-'v○, yatra-kāmâv○
- ava-sāyya ind. p. (fr. Caus.), ava-√so
- áva-sita mfn. one who has put up at any place, who dwells, rests, resides RV. i, 32, 15 and iv, 25, 8 ŚBr. KātyŚr
- brought to his abode (as Agni) TS
- ended, terminated, finished, completed MBh. i, 4678, &c
- one who has given up anything (abl. MBh. xii, 7888
- or in comp. Yājñ. ii, 183)
- determined, fixed BhP
- ascertained BhP
- known, understood
- one who is determined to (loc.) BhP
- being at end of the line of a verse ( ava-sā́na) RPrāt. VPrāt
- stored (as grain &c.) L
- gone L
- (am), n. 'a dwelling-place', navâvasitá
- ava-seya mfn. to be ascertained, be understood, be made out, be learnt, from Jain. Comm. &c
- 'to be brought to a close', be destroyed L
- ava-saí Ved.Inf., ava-√so above
- ava-√skand (ind. p. -skandya) to jump down from (abl.) BhP
- to approach hastening from (abl.) ṢaḍvBr
- to storm, assault (as a city &c.) R. Mālav. &c
- ava-skanda m. assault, attack, storm Pañcat. Hit. Kathās
- ava-skandana am n. id. L
- descending L
- bathing L
- (in law) accusation
- ava-skandita mfn. attacked L
- gone down L
- bathed, bathing L., (in law) accused, refuted (?) L
- ava-skandin mfn. 'covering (a cow)', gaurâv○
- ifc. attacking Mcar
- ava-skanna mfn. spilt (as semen virile) Hariv. 1786
- 'attacked', overpowered (as by love) R. vi, 95, 41
- ava-s-kara ava- √s-kṝ-
- ava-skavá as m. (√sku), a kind of worm AV. ii, 31, 4
- ava-s-kṝ (√3. kṝ), Ā. (perf. 3. pl. ava-caskarire)to scrape with the feet Śiś. v, 63, (cf. apa √s-kṝ s.v. apa-√k-rī.)
- ava-s-kara m. ordure, faeces Pāṇ. 6-1, 148
- the privities L
- a place for faeces &c., privy, closet MBh. iii, 14676, Rajat
- a place for sweepings &c. Comm. on Yājñ. (cf. ava-kara.)
- ○mandira n. water closet Rājat
- ava-s-karaka m. N. of an insect (originating from faeces) Pāṇ. 4-3, 28
- avás-tāt 2. avás
- a-vastu n. a worthless thing Kum. v, 66, insubstantiality, the unreality of matter Kap. Vedāntas
- ○tā f. or,
- ○tva n. Kap. insubstantiality, unreality:
- ava√stṝ P. -stṛṇats (1. sg. -stṛṇāmi ind. p. -stī́rya) to strew, scatter VS. v, 25 TS. ŚBr
- (perf. -tastāra) to scatter over, cover with (instr.) MBh. vii, 1568 : Ā. (perf. -tastare) to penetrate (as a sound) Kir. xiv, 29
- ava-staraṇa n. strewing KātyŚr
- a cover for a bed, blanket Āp
- ava-stāra m. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 120) 'a litter, bed', (cf. nir-av○.)
- ava-stirṇa mfn. strewed, covered with (instr.) Kauś. Suśr
- a-vastra mfn. without clothes, naked'
- ○tā f. nakedness, N
- ava-√sthā P. -tiṣṭhati (impf. -atiṣṭhat
- aor. Subj. -sthāt
- perf. Ā. 3. sg. -tasthe
- perf. p. P. -tasthivás) 'to go down into (acc.), reach down to (acc.) RV. ŚBr
- (aor. Subj. 2. pl. -sthāta), to go away from (abl.) RV. v, 53, 8
- (aor. Subj. 1. sg. -stkam) to be separated from or deprived of (abl.) RV. ii, 27, 17: Ā. (Pāṇ. 1-3, 22
- rarely P., e.g. Bhag. xiv, 23 BhP. &c.) to take one's stand, remain standing ĀśvGṛ. &c
- to stay, abide, stop at any place (loc.) MBh. &c
- to abide in a state or condition (instr.) MBh. i, 5080 BhP. &c
- (with ind. p.) to remain or continue (doing anything) MBh. i, 5770 ; iii, 187 (ed. Bomb.), &c
- to be found, exist, be present MBh. Yājñ. i, 272, &c
- (perf. 1, sg. -tasthe) to fall to, fall into the possession of (dat.) RV. x, 48, 5
- to enter, be absorbed in in (loc.) Mn. vi, 81 [Page 106, Column]
- to penetrate (as sound or as fame) MBh. xiii, 1 845: Pass. -sthīyate, to be settled or fixed or chosen Śak.: Caus. (generally ind. p. -sthāpya) to cause to stand or stop (as a carriage or an army &c.), let behind MBh. &c
- to place upon (loc.), fix, set, array ĀśvGṛ. &c
- to cause to enter or be absorbed in (loc.) MBh. iii, 12502
- to render solid or firm R. v, 35, 36
- to establish (by arguments) Comm. on Nyāyad.: Pass. Caus. -sthāpyate, to be kept firm ['to be separated' BR.] BhP
- ava-thá m. membrum virile AV. vii, 90, 3 (cf. upá-stha)
- (ā), f. appearance (in a court of justice) Mn. viii, 6o
- 'stability, consistence', cf. anavastka
- state, condition, situation (five are distinguished in dramas Sāh.), circumstance of age [Pāṇ. v, 4, 146 ; vi, 2, i 15, &c.] or position, stage, degree
- (ā́s), f. pl. the female organs of generation RV. v, 19, 1
- avasthā-catuṣṭaya n. the four periods or states of human life (viz. childhood, youth, manhood, and old age)
- avasthā-traya n. the three states (viz. waking, dreaming, and sound sleep) RāmatUp. BhP
- avasthā-dvaya n. the two states of life (viz. happiness and misery)
- avasthā́van mfn. possessed of stability TS
- ava-sthāna n. standing, taking up one's place R. v, 5, 18
- situation, condition Pañcat. Hit
- residing, abiding, dwelling Vedāntas. Sāh
- stability Rājat. (cf. an-av○.)
- ava-sthāpana n. exposing (goods for sale) Daś
- ava-sthāyin mfn. staying residing in Kād. placed (behind, paścā
- as an army), abiding in a particular condition Comm. on Bād
- avasthita mfn. standing near (sometimes with acc., e.g. Hariv. 147 28 R. v, 73, 26), placed, having its place or abode ĀśvŚr. MaitrUp. MBh., &c., (with a pr. p.) continuing to do anything R. iii, 30, 19
- engaged in, prosecuting, following, practising (with loc. [MBh. si, 1228 Mn. &c.] or in comp. [Bhag. iv, 23 Hit])
- obeying or following (the words or commands of
- loc.) BhP. Bhaṭṭ
- giving one's self up to (e.g. to compassion or pride) MBh. xii, 272 R. v, 58, 13
- contained in (loc.) Mn. xii, 119 Bhag. ix, 4 and xv, 11: being incumbent upon (loc.) Kum. ii, 28, ready for (dat.) Pañcat., firm, fixed, determined, Kat?hUp. R. &c
- steady, trusty, to be relied on Mn. vii, 60, &c. (cf. an-av○.)
- ava-sthiti is f. residence BhP. Kathās. abiding, stability, an-av○
- following, practising L
- ava√sna Caus. -snapayati, to wash Kauś
- ava-snāta mfn. (water) in which any one has bathed MBh. xiii, 5014
- ava-√spṛ (aor. Subj. -spárat, 2. sg. -spar, Imper. 2. sg. -spṛdhi and 2. du. -spṛtam) to defend, preserve from (abl.) RV
- ava-spartṛ (only Voc. ○rtar), m. a preserver, saviour RV. ii, 23, 8
- ava-√sphur (fut. -sphuriṣyati) to cast away Nir. v, 17
- ava√sphūrj (p. -sphū́jat) Vedṭo thunder, make a noise like a thunder-clap VS. TS. ŚBr. &c
- to snort MBh. vi, 774 (ed. Bomb.) Suśr
- to fill with noise MBh. vii, 321 Hariv. 13279
- ava-sphūrja as, ni. the rolling of thunder PārGṛ
- ava√smi Ā. (impf, 3. pl. -smayanta) to flash down (said of lightning) RV. i, 168, 8
- avasya Nom. P. 1. ávas
- ava-syand √Ā. (p. -syandamāna) to flow or trickle down BhP
- ava-syandana n. (g. gahâdi q.v.)
- ava-syandita n. (in rhetoric) attributing to one's own words a sense not originally meant Sāh. Daśar. &c
- avasyú 1. ávas
- ava-sraṃs √Ā. (p. -sraṃsamāna) falling down Suśr
- ava-srásu Ved. Inf' (abl.) from falling down RV. ii, 17, 5
- ava-srasta nifn' fallen down Suśr. [Page 106, Column]
- ava-√sru Caus. (p. -srāvayat) to cause to flow down KātyŚr
- ava-sruta mfn. run or dropped down ĀśvGṛ
- ávas-vat 1. ávas
- ava-√svan (aor. -ásvanīt) to fly down with noise RV. iv, 27, 3 (cf. ava-ṣvan.)
- ava-svanyá mfn. roaring MaitrS. VS. xvi, 31
- ava-√svṛ (Subj. -svarāti) to sound (as an instrument) RV. viii, 69, 9
- (Pot. -svaret) to sustain with gradually lowered voice Lāṭy
- ava-√han (Subj. 2. sg. -han RV. v, 32, 1 and vi, 26, 5
- Imper. 2. pl. -hantanā RV. ii, 34, 9 Imper. 2. sg. -jahi
- impf. 2. and 3. sg. -áhan, or ahan
- perf. 2. sg. -jaghantha) to throw down, strike, hit RV. AV. MBh. ii, 915
- Ved. to drive away, expel, keep off, fend off RV. AV. &c
- chiefly Ved. to thresh RV. i, 195, 2 (p. fem. -ghnatī) TS. &c.: Ā. -jighnate, to throw down RV. i, 80, 5: Caus. (Pot -ghātayet) to cause to thresh ŚBr. xiv: Intens. (Imper. 2. sg. -jaṅghanīhi) to drive away, fend off AV. v 20 8
- ava-ghāta m. a blow Sāh. &c
- threshing corn by bruising it with a wooden pestle in a mortar of the same material Jaim. Kathās. &c
- (for ava ghaṭṭa, q.v.) a hole in the ground L
- ava-ghātin mfn. ifc. threshing BhP
- striking L
- ava-jaghnat mfn. (irreg. p. in Pass. sense
- -hanyamāna Comm.) being beaten or struck by (instr.) MBh. i, 1424
- ava-hata mfn. threshed, winnowed KātyŚr
- ava-hanana n. threshing, winnowing KātyŚr. BhP. (cf. adhy-avah○)
- the left lung Yājñ. iii, 94 Comm. on Vishṇus
- ava-hantṛ́ tā́ m. one who throws off or wards off RV. iv, 25, 6
- ava-harṣista mfn. (√hṛṣ), caused to shiver MBh. ix, 2786
- ava√has to laugh at, deride MBh. &c
- ava-hasana n. deriding MBh. i, 144
- ava-hāsa m. jest, joke Bhag. xi, 42 BrahmaP
- derision MBh. R. Kathās
- ava-hāsya mfn. to be derided, exposed to ridiculous, ridiculous MBh.i, 7039
- ○tā f. ridiculousness MBh. iii, 17193 Kathās
- ava-hasta m. the back of the hand L
- ava-hā √3 (aor.3. sg. aváhāh [for ○hās-t], perf. 3. sg. -jahā́ ind. p. -hā́ya) to leave, quit RV. i, 116, 3 and viii, 45, 37 TS. MBh. xiii, 6208, Pass. hīyate (fut. -hasyate Kāṭh.) to be left remaining, remain behind MBh. iii, 11558, 'to remain behind', i.e. to be excelled R. v, 2, 11, (1. sg. hīye) to be abandoned RV. x, 34, 5: Caus. (aor. Subj. 2. sg. -jīhipas) to cause to remain behind on or to deviate from (a path, abl.) RV. iii, 53, 9
- ava-hālikā f. (√hal), a wall, hedge L. (cf. nir av○.)
- ava-hita ava-√dhā
- avahittha n. (corrupted fr. abahiḥ-stha?) dissimulation
- (ā), f. id. Daśar. Sāh. &c
- ava-√hu (3. pl. -juhvati) to shed (as drops of sweat) RV. v, 7, 5
- ava√hṛ Ā. -harate (generally ind. p. -hṛtya) to move down (as the arms), take down, put down or aside KātyŚr. Lāṭy
- (P. Imper. 2. sg. -hara) MBh. iv, 1304. P. -harati to bring together, amass (?) Pāṇ. 5-1, 52: Caus. to cause to pay taxes Āp.: Caus. Pass. (3' pl. -hāryante) to be caused to pay taxes MBh. ii, 249
- ava-haraṇa n. putting aside, throwing away KātyŚr
- ava-hāra m. truce, suspension of arms MBh., cessation of playing &c. Kathās
- summoning, inviting L
- a thief. L
- a marine monster L
- (= dharmântara) apostacy, abandoning a sect or cast (?) L
- (= apanetavya-draya or upan○) a tax, duty (?) L
- ava-hāraka mfn. one who stops fighting &c
- m. a marine monster L. (cf. yuddhâvahdrika.) [Page 106, Column]
- ava-hārya mfn. to be caused to pay (as a person) Mn. viii, 198
- to be caused to be paid (as a sum) Mn. viii, 145
- ava-hṛta mfn. for apa-h○, taken off MBh. vii, 1787 MārkP
- ava-hela am, ā n. f. (√hel for hed), disrespect L
- (ayâ), instr. ind. without any trouble, quite easily Kathās. (cf. sâvahelam.)
- ava-helana n. disrespect L
- ava-helita mfn. disrespected L
- (am), n. disrespect L
- ava-hvara án-av○
- ava-√hve Ā. (1. sg. -hvaye) to call down from RV. v, 56, 1
- avāk 1. a-vā́ and âvāñc
- avākin mfn. (√vac), not speaking ChUp
- a-vāk-ká mfn. speechless ŚBr. x
- a-vā́c mfn. id. ŚBr. xiv VarBṛS
- a-vākśruti mfn. deaf and dumb L
- a-vācaka mfn. not expressive of. Kpr. Sāh
- a-vācaniya mfn. not to be read Bālar
- a-vācya mfn. not to be addressed Mn. ii, 128, improper to be uttered R. Kathās
- (a vācyaṃ karma maithunam) Comm. on ŚBr
- not distinctly expressed', -tva
- ○tā f. reproach, calumny Kir. xi, 53 BhP
- ○tva n. the not being distinctly expressed Sāh
- ○deśa m. 'unmentionable region', the vulva Comm. on ŚBr
- avā-√kṛ (Imper. 2. sg. -kṛdhi) to ward off, remove RV. viii, 53, 4
- avâ√gam (aor. 1. pl. áva, âganma) to undertake, begin RV. iii, 31, 14
- avāgra mfn. having the point turned aside ĀpŚr. (cf. avāg-agra.)
- avâ-√ci -cinoti (= bhogena uyayi-karoti Comm.) to dissipate what is accumulated, use up MBh. xii, 5952
- avā-√chid (in d.p. -chidya)to tear away or out from (abl.) Vikr
- avâj (√aj) ávâjati, to drive down RV. i, 161, 10
- á-vājin ī m. a bad horse RV. iii, 53, 23
- ávāñc āṅ, ācī, āk (fr. 2. añc), turned downwards, being or situated below, lower than (abl.) RV. iv, 25, 6 AV. x, 2, 11 ŚBr. xiv, (avāñcam), ind. downwards, Śulb
- (ávācī), f. (with diś) the direction downwards (i.e. towards the ground) VS. xxii, 24 ŚBr. xiv Up
- (without diś) the southern quarter L
- (avāk), ind., s.v
- avāk ind. downwards, headlong ĀśvGṛ. Kauś. Mn. viii, 75
- ○puṣpi f. 'having its flowers turned downwards', the plant Anethum Sowa Roxb. L
- ○śākha mfn. having shoots turned downwards (as the Ficus Indica) KaṭhUp
- ○siras mfn. having the head downwards, headlong Mn. MBh. &c
- having its upper end turned downwards VarBṛS
- ○śirṣa mfn. having the head turned downwards MBh. xiii, 2929
- ○sṛṅga mfn. (said of the moon) whose crescent is turned downwards VarBṛS
- av4āk-ka mf(a)n. (only for etym. of ávakā) turned downwards ŚBr. ix
- avāg (in Sandhi for avāk)
- ○agra mfn. having the point turned downwards Āp. (wrongly written avāṅ-agra)
- ○gati f. the way downwards (to the hell) MBh. xiv 490
- ○gamana-vat mfn. (said of the Apāna) taking its course downwards Vedāntas
- ○bhāga m. the part below, ground L
- ○vadana mfn. having the face turned downwards, Bhp
- avāg (in Sandhi for avāk)
- ○agra avāgagra
- ○nābhi ind. below the navel. -niraya m. the hell below (the earth) MBh. xiv, 1008 (cf. tiyaṅ-nir○.)
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. having the face turned downwards, looking down MBh. &c
- turned downwards
- m. N. of a Mantra spoken over a weapon R. i, 30, 4
- avācína mf(ā)n. directed downwards, being or situated below (abl.) AV. x, 4, 25 ; xiii, 1, 30 ŚBr. [Page 107, Column]
- m. N. of a king MBh. i, 3770 seqq
- ○śīrṣán mf(○rṣṇī́)n. having the head turned downwards, headlong ŚBr. iv
- ○hastra mfn. having the hand turned downwards, Kaus
- avācīnâgra mfn. = avāg.agra, q.v. AitBr
- avācya mfn. southern, southerly L
- avâñcita mfn. (perf. Pass. p. √añc) turned downwards (as the face) Sāh
- a-vātá mf(ā́)n. (√vai), not dried up, fresh RV. i, 52, 4 ; 62, 10 and viii, 79, 7
- a-vāna mfn. id. MBh. ii, 704 (v. l. a-vāta)
- wet Kād
- dry L
- a-vātá mf(ā́)n. windless RV. i, 38, 7
- (ám), n. the windless atmosphere RV. vi, 64, 4 and x, 129, 2
- a-vātala mfn. not flatulent Suśr
- á-vāta mf(ā)n. (√van), unattacked, untroubled RV
- avâtita mfn. (√at), (only for the etym. of avatá) gone down Nir. x, 13
- avâd (√ad), (Pot. 1. pl. -adimahi) to cause to eat food VS. iii, 58
- a-vādin mfn. (g. grāhy-ādi, q.v.) not speaking, not disputing, peaceable L
- avân (√an), avấniti, to breathe or inhale ŚBr. iv (cf. án-avânat)
- a-vāna 1. a-vātá
- avântará mfn. intermediate TS. ŚBr
- respectively different, respective (generally said with regard to two things only), Vedāntas Sāh. &c., (ám), ind. differently from (abl.) MaitrS
- (ā́m), ind. between ŚBr
- ○díś f. an intermediate region of the compass ŚBr. BṛArUp. Nir. Śulb
- (avântara-dik) -srakti mfn. (said of the Vedi) having its corners turned towards intermediate regions of the compass KātyŚr
- ○disā́ f. = -dis, q.v. MaitrS. VS. xxiv, 26
- ○dikṣá mfn. performing an intermediate consecration ŚBr. iii
- ○dikṣā f. an intermediate consecration, ApŚr. MānŚr
- avântaradiṣâdi, a gaṇa, comm. on Pāṇ. 5-1, 94. Comm
- ○deśá m. a place situated in an intermediate region ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ○bheda m. subdvision Kap
- avântarêḍā f. an Iḍā subdivided into five parts AitBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr
- avâp (√āp), -āpnoti (Imper. 2. sg. āpnuhi) to reach, attain, obtain, gain, get Up. Mn. MBh. &c
- to get by division (as a quotient) Sūryas
- to suffer (e.g. blame or unpleasantness or pain) Mn. Ragh. xviii, 34 Pañcat.: Caus. to cause to obtain anything (acc.) Naish. viii, 89
- avâpa mfn. dur-avâpa
- avâpta mfn. one who has attained or reached KaṭhUp
- obtained, got, (am), n. 'got by division, a quotient Comm. on VarBṛ
- ○vat mfn. reaching, obtaining
- entertaining (as a belief) L
- avâptavya mfn. to be obtained Bhag. Ragh
- avâpti f. obtaining, getting R. Kum. v, 64, &c
- (in arithm.) a quotient
- avâpya ind. p. having obtained Ragh. iii, 33, &c
- avâpya mfn. to be obtained Mn. xi, 185 Pañcat
- a-vāpita mfn. (√vap), not sown (as grain, dhānya) but planted L
- avâpôh (√1. ūh), (ind. p. ○pôhya) to remove Suśr
- avâya m. (√, i), going down (into water, in comp.) KātyŚr
- 'yielding', an-avâyâ
- a-vāyú mfn. without wind ŚBr. xiv
- avārá as n. (fr. 2. áva, but formed after a-pārá, q.v.) Ved. this side, the near bank of a river VS. xxx, 16 TS. &c
- ○tas (avará-), ind. to this side RV. x, 65, 6
- ○pāra m. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 93 and v, 2, 11) the ocean L. (cf. pārâvāra.)
- ○pārīṇa mfn. deriv. fr. avāra-pāra Pāṇ. 4-2, 93 and v, 2, 11
- avārīṇa mfn. deriv. fr. avāra Pāṇ. 4-2, 93 Comm. ; v, 2, 11 Siddh. [Page 107, Column]
- avāryá mfn. being on the near side of a river VS. xvi, 42 and xxv, 1
- a-vāraṇīya mfn. (√1. vṛ), not to be stopped or kept back, not to be warded off, unrestrainable, (as water) MBh. i, 693
- (as a weapon) MBh. iv, 2112 and v, 1888 Kathās
- 'not to be remedied, incurable', i.e. treating of incurable sicknesses, Suśir
- avārikā f. the plant Coriandrum Sativum
- a-vārita mfn. unimpeded, unobstructed
- (am), ind. without obstacles, at pleasure MBh. xiii, 3294 ; xiv, 2686 Mudr. Kathās
- ○dvāra mfn. having open doors Naish. iii, 41
- a-vāritavya mfn. not to be impeded or hindered, not to be kept off
- a-vārya mfn. not to be kept back or warded off, unrestrainable, irresistible Hariv. 10805 and 15067 R
- (vārya with na neg.) MBh. v, 7375
- 'incurable', -tā
- ○kratu (avāryá.), (6) mfn. of irresistible power RV. viii, 92, 8
- ○tā f. incurableness Suśr. Suśr
- avâ-√ruh Caus. (fut. sg. -rohayitā) to bring down from (abl.)
- avârch (√ṛch), avârchati (sic
- Pot. avârchét) to fall down, become damaged TS. ŚBr
- avârj (√ṛj), (3. pl. avârjanti) to dismiss ŚBr. iv
- avā√loc Ā. (perf. -luloce) to consider Bhaṭṭ
- avāvaṭa m. the son of a woman by any other man than her first husband Comm. on Mn. x, 5
- avāvan mf(vars)n. (√oṇ Pāṇ. 4-1, 7 Comm.), one who carries off, a thief. L
- avā-śṛṅgá 2. avás
- avâs (√2. as), (Ved. ind. p. avâsyā) to put down RV. i, 140, 10
- a-vāsas mfn. unclothed L
- avā√sic to pour into (loc.) Gobh
- a-vāsin mfn. (g. grāhy-ādi, q.v.)
- a-vāstava mfn. unsubstantial, unreal, fictitious
- unfounded, irrational (as an argument)
- a-vāstú mfn. having no home AV. xii, 5, 45
- a-vāhaná mfn. having no vehicle or carriage, not driving in a carriage ŚBr. iv
- ávi mfn. (√av), favourable, kindly disposed AV. v, 1, 9, (is), mf. a sheep RV. (mentioned with reference to its wool being used for the Soma strainer) AV. &c
- the woollen Soma strainer RV
- (is), m. a protector, lord L
- the sun L
- air, wind L
- a mountain L
- a wall or enclosure L
- a cover made of the skin of mice L., (is), f. an ewe AV. x, 8, 31, (= a-vii, q.v. ; cf. also adhi) a woman in her courses L. [cf. Lith. awi-s ; Slav. ovjśa, Lat. ovi-s
- Gk. ?-s ; Goth. avistr]
- ○kaṭa m. a [107,] flock of sheep Pāṇ. 5-2, 29 Comm
- avikaṭâṛaṇa m. tribute or tax consisting of a ram to be paid (to, the king) by the owner of a flock of sheep Pāṇ. 6-3, 10 Pat
- ○gandhikā f. the plant Ocimum Villosum, (cf. aja-gandhā.)
- ○dugdha n. the milk of an ewe L
- ○dusa n. id. Pāṇ. 4-2, 36 Comm
- ○paṭa m. = avināṃvistāra Pāṇ. 5-2, 29 Comm
- ○pālá m. a shepherd VS. xxx, 11 ŚBr. iv MBh. iii, 14700. =
- ○priya m. 'liked by sheep', the grass Panicum Frumentaceum L
- (ā), f. N. of another plant L
- ○bhuj m. enjoying (i.e. devouring) sheep, a wolf. L
- ○mat (ávi-.), mfn. possessing sheep RV. iv, 2, 5 AV. vi, 37, 1
- ○marīsa n. = -dugdha above Pāṇ. 4-2, 36 Comm
- ○sodha n. d. ib
- ○sthala n. 'sheep-place', N. of a town MBh. v. 934 (ed. Bomb.) and 2595
- avika m. a sheep Pāṇ. 5-4, 28
- (ā), f. an ewe RV. i, 126, 7 AV. xx, 129 17 (avikā) Mn. Kathās
- (am), n. a diamond L
- avita avitṛ́, avithya. ss.vv
- a-vikaca mfn. closed, shut (as a flower)
- a-vikacita mfn. unblown. [Page 107, Column]
- a-vikatthana mfn. not boasting MBh. Ragh. xiv, 73, &c
- a-vikathayat mfn. not talking vainly or idly Āp
- a-vikarṣa m. absence of separation, RPrat
- a-vikṛṣṭa mfn. not separated RPrāt
- not robbed or plundered AitBr
- a-vikala mfn. unimpaired, entire MaitrUp. MBh. xii, 11943, &c
- regular, orderly Śiś. xi, 10
- a-vikalpa m. absence of alternative, positive precept
- (mfn.) not distinguished or particularized BhP. &c
- not deliberating long or hesitating Kathās. Pañcat
- (am), ind. without hesitation Kād. Pañcat. Kathās
- a-vikalpita mfn. undoubted Sarvad
- a-vikāra m. non-change of form or nature, non-alteration VPrāt. Gaut. Jaim
- (mfn.) unchangeable, immutable VPrāt
- (g. cārvādi, q.v.)
- ○vat mfn. not exhibiting any alteration Kām
- ○sadṛśa mfn. (g. cārv-ādi, q.v.)
- a-vikārin mfn. unchangeable, invariable (as truth) MBh. xii, 5979 & (superl. ○ri-tama) 5986, &c
- unchangeable (in character), faithful Mn. vii, 190
- without change, without being changed Suśr
- not exhibiting any alteration (in one's features) Kathās
- a-vikārya mfn. invariable Bhag. ii, 25
- a-vikṛta mfn. unchanged TPrāt
- not prepared, not changed by artificial means, being in its natural condition Āp. Gaut., (said of cloth) not dyed Gaut
- not developed (in its shape) ŚBr. iii
- not deformed, not monstrous Gaut
- ávikṛtâṅga mfn. having undeveloped limbs (as an embryo) ŚBr. iv
- a-vikṛti f. unchangeableness Sāy. on RV. i, 164, 36
- a-vikriya mf(a) n. unchangeable, invariable Ragh. x, 17 BhP
- not showing any alteration (in one's features) Kathās
- not exhibiting any difference, quite similar Rājat
- (ā) 'unchangeableness', avikriyâtmaka below
- ○tva n. unchangeableness Sāy. on RV. i, 164, 36 Kull. on Mn. vi, 92
- avikriyâtmaka mfn. whose nature is unchangeableness Vedāntas
- a-vikrama mfn. without heroism Kir. 15 m. non-prohibition of the change of a Visarga into an Ūshman RPrāt
- a-vikrānta mfn. unsurpassed L
- not valiant, feeble L
- a-vikraya as m. non-sale
- á-vikrīta mfn. who has not sold RV. iv, 24, 9
- a-vikreya mfn. not to be sold, unsaleable MBh. v, 1 402 R. i, 61, 17 (ed. Bomb.)
- a-viklava mf(ā)n. not confused or bewildered, not unsteady MBh. i, 2070 BhP
- a-viklisnnâkṣa mfn. whose eyes do not water ĀpŚr
- a-vikṣata mfn. unhurt MBh. xii, 3604
- a-vikṣit t m. N. of a, king MBh. i, 231
- (son of Kuru) 3740 seqq. ; xiv, 82
- á-vikṣita mfn. undiminished RV. vii, 1, 24 and viii, 32, 8. ŚBr
- a-vikṣīṇa mfn. id. ŚBr. i
- a-vikṣipa mfn. unable to distribute or dispense, &c. Pāṇ. 6-2, 157 seq. Sch., (as), ī., N. of a son of Śvaphsika Hariv. 1917, (cf. giri-kṣipa.)
- a-vikṣipta mfn. not frustrated MBh.xii, 8683
- á-vikṣubdha mfn. undisturbed (as a sacrifice) ŚBr
- a-vikṣobha m. the not being disturbed MaitrS. TBr
- a-vikhaṇḍita mfn. undisturbed MārkP
- a-vigarhita mfn. unreproached
- a-vigalita mfn. inexhaustible BhP. [Page 108, Column]
- a-vigāna mf(ā)n. without discord, concordant, unanimous Rājat
- a-vigīta mfn. not being out of harmony with each other Comm. on Bād
- a-viguṇa mfn. not incomplete, not in a bad state, normal Bhpr
- a-vigna m. the plant Carissa Carandas L. (cf. a-vighnā, ā-vigna, and vighna.)
- a-vigraha m. (said of a word) the not occurring in a separate form (but only in a compound) RPrāt
- bodiless
- indisputable (as the Dharma) Rājat
- a-vighāta m. no hindrance or obstacle APrāt. Sāṅkhyak. &c
- (mfn.) unimpeded BhP
- a-vighna mfn. without obstacle, unimpeded, uninterrupted R. Śak
- (ā), f. = a-vigna, q.v
- (am), n. want of obstacle, undisturbedness Ragh. i, 91
- (ena), instr. ind. without obstacle R
- ○karaṇa-vrata n. N. of a particular rite on the fourth day of Phālguna, VārP
- ○tas ind. without obstacle Rājat
- ○vrata n. = -karaṇa-vrata above
- a-vighnita mfn. undisturbed R. i, 62, 12
- a-vicakṣaṇa mfn. not discerning, not clever, ignorant Mn. iii, 115 and viii, 150
- a-vicartyá a-vicṛtyá
- a-vicala mfn. immovable, steady, firm MBh. MārkP
- avicalêndriya mfn. whose senses do not waver, i.e. are under control BhP
- a-vicalat mfn. not moving Naish. iv, 93
- a-vicalita mfn. not deviating, steadily fixed (as the mind) Mālatīm
- not deviating from (abl.) Comm. on TPrāt
- a-vicācala mfn. not staggering, standing firmly AV. x, 8, 4
- a-vicācalat mfn. id. AV. vi, 87, 1 and 2
- a-vicācali mfn. id. RV. x, 173, 1 and 2, (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 171 Comm.)
- a-vicālita mfn. unmoved, unshaken
- a-vicālin mfn. not falling off from (abl.) Kathās
- invariable Pat
- a-vicālya mfn. not to be moved from its place MBh. xv, 213
- a-vicāra m. want of discrimination, error, folly Rājat. Vet
- (mfn.) undiscriminating Kathās
- (am), ind. [MBh. ix, 2376 VarBṛS.] or in comp. avicāra- ḍaś., unhesitatingly
- ○jña mfn. not knowing or clever at discrimination Kathās
- a-vicāraṇa n. non deliberation, non-hesitation, (āt), abl. ind. unhesitatingly R. iii, 28, 27
- a-vicāraṇīya mfn. not needing deliberation Ragh. xiv, 46, &c
- a-vicārayat mfn. not deliberating or hesitating Mn. R
- a-vicārita mfn. unconsidered, not deliberated, HIt. xii, 16
- not requiring deliberation, certain, clear Mn. viii 295 MBh. xiv, 1344
- (am), ind. unhesitatingly Hariv. 3853 R. &c
- a-vicārya ind p. without considering, unreflectingly
- a-vicārya mfn. not requiring deliberation Kathās
- a-vicālita ta, &c. a-vicala
- a-vicikitsat mfn. not having doubts ŚBr. iv
- a-vicikitsā f. absence of uncertainty Āp
- a-vicintana n. not thinking of MBh. iii, 69
- a-vicintitṛ tā m. one who does not think of (gen.) MBh. v, 2446
- a-vicintya mfn. not to be comprehended or conceived MBh. iii, 12980
- a-vicṛtyá [VS. xii, 6] or a-vicartyá ṭṣ. iv, mfn. not to be loosened
- a-vicetaná mfn. unintelligible RV. vii, 100, 10 xx, 135, 7
- á-vicetas mfn. unwise RV. ix, 64, 21
- a-vicchindat mfn. not separating from each other, Ā3vGṛ. [Page 108, Column]
- a-vicchinna mfn. uninterrupted, continual ĀśvGṛ. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Hariv. &c
- ○pāta m. continually falling (on one's knees) Daś
- á-viccheda m. uninterruptedness, continuity AV. ix, 6, 38 ŚBr. Sarvad. &c
- (āt), abl. ind. Kād. or (ena), instr. ind. Comm. on ṇyāyad. or in comp. aviccheda- [MBh. viii, 251], uninterruptedly
- a-vicyuta mfn. not lost, inamissible Yājñ. i, 212
- without deviation or mistake Yājñ. i, 112
- á-vijātā f. (a woman) who has not brought forth VS. xxx, 15
- a-vijātīya mfn. of the same species L
- á-vijānat mfn. not understanding or knowing, ignorant RV. i, 164, 5 KenUp. Mn. iii, 97 Yājñ. ii, 258
- a-vijña mfn. ignorant
- ○tā f. ignorance
- á-vijñāta mfn. unknown ŚBr. xiv KenUp. Mn
- indistinct, doubtful VS. ŚBr. &c
- not noticed, passed unawares (as the time) BhP
- m. N. of a son of Anala Hariv. 156 (ed. Bomb.)
- ○gati mfn. whose course is unknown BhP
- (is), m. N. of a son of Anila Hariv. 156
- ○gada (ávijñāta-.), mf(ā)n. speaking unintelligibly AV. xii, 4, 16
- a-vijñātṛ mfn. not perceiving ChUp
- ignorant Nir. ii, 3
- (tā), m. a N. of Vishṇu MBh. xiii, 7000
- a-vijñāna mfn. not having any information Kathās
- (am), n. no knowledge', (āt), abl. ind. without knowing, unawares Mn. ii, 220 MBh. v, 5443 Hariv. R
- ○tva n. undiscernibleness NṛisUp
- ○vat mfn. not possessing knowledge KaṭhUp
- a-vijñeya mfn. undistinguishable undiscernible Mn. i, 5 and xii, 29 Bhag. xiii, 15 Jaim
- a-vijitin mfn. not victorious AitBr
- a-vijitya ind. p. not having conquered MBh. v, 1150= 4337
- a-viḍina n. 'not flying apart', a direct flight MBh
- avita mfn. (√av). protected L. (cf. ádroghâvita.)
- avitṛ́ mfn. a favourer, protector RV. BhP., (f. avitrī) MBh. xii, 9449
- a-vitat-karaṇa (and a-vitad-bhaṣaṇa), n. (with the Pāsupatas) doing (and speaking) what in general is held to be unsuitable or nonsensical (vi-tad) but is admitted by the Pāśupatas from their own view
- a-vitatha mfn. not untrue, true MBh. &c
- not vain or futile, below
- (am), ind. not falsely, according to truth Mn. ii, 144 MBh. iii, 11946, &c
- (ena), ind. id. Up. MBh. v, 1692, (ājñam) avitathāṃ √1. kṛ, or avitathī √1. kṛ, 'to make true or effective', fulfil (an order)
- (am), n. a species of the Atyashṭi metre
- ○kriya mfn. whose work is not vain or ineffectual R. ii, 47, 5
- avitathâbhisandhi mfn. whose intentions are not futile, i.e. successive BhP
- avitathi √1 kṛ, above
- avitathehita mfn. whose wishes are not frustrated BhP
- a-vitad-bhāṣaṇa a-vitatkaraṇa
- a-vitarka m. N. of a man Buddh
- a-vitarkita mfn. unforeseen R. ii, 69, 21
- ávitave Ved. Inf. √av, q.v
- a-vitārin mfn. not passing away, permanent RV. viii, 5, 6
- avitṛ́ avita
- a-vitṛpta mfn. unsatisfied, (as in one's wishes, kāmānām) R. iv, 35, 9 BhP
- ○kāma mfn. having the desires unsatisfied BhP
- ○tā f. the being unsatisfied Kir. ii, 29
- ○dṛś mfn. having one's eyes unsatisfied BhP
- á-vitti is f. (√3. vid), the not finding ŚBr. xiii
- the not possessing, poverty AV. xvi, 6, 10
- a-vityaja as, am m. n. quicksilver L. [Page 108, Column]
- á-vithura mfn. not staggering, firm RV. i, 87, 1 ĀśvŚr
- avithya mfn. (fr. ávi), fit or suited for sheep Pāṇ. 5-1, 8
- (ā), f. (probably) N. of a plant (like ajathyā, q.v.) ib. Sch
- a-vidagdha mfn. not burnt Kauś. Nir
- not digested Suśr
- not ripe (as a tumour, śotha, or śopha) Suśr. Bhpr
- not turned sour Suśr
- inexperienced, stupid Pañcat
- a-vidāhin mfn. not producing heartburn (on account of being imperfectly digested) Car. Suśr
- a-vidasyá mfn. not ceasing, permanent, inexhaustible RV. vii, 39, 6
- a-vidāsin mfn. not drying up (as a pond), perennial ĀśvGṛ. Gobh. BhP
- a-vidānta m. 'unsubdued', N. of a son of Śatadhanvan Hariv. 2037 (v. l. atidatta)
- á-vidita mfn. unknown ŚBr. x, xi, xiv KenUp. R
- without the knowledge of (gen.) Kathās
- (e), loc. ind. [MBh. v, 597] or (am), acc. ind. [kathās.] without the knowledge of (gen.)
- (am), ind. so that nobody knows Mṛicch
- á-vidīdhayu mfn. (√dhyai), not deliberating or hesitating RV. iv, 31, 7
- á-viduṣṭara a-vidya
- a-vidūra mfn. not very distant, near R. Kum. vii, 41
- (am), n. proximity, (am), ind. near to R. ii, 45, 33
- (e), loc. ind. not far off (with abl.), near MBh. iii, 16093 R. BhP
- (āt), abl. ind. id. R. -tas ind. near R
- a-vidoṣa mfn. faultless Lāṭy
- a-vidoha as, mṇot a bad milking, Milking MaitrS
- a-viddha mfn. unpierced, not perforated (as pearls) Kum. vii, 10
- 'unimpaired', below
- ○karṇā or f. the plant Cissimpelos Hexandra (cf. viddha-karṇā. )
- ○karṇī f. the plant Cissimpelos Hexandra (cf. viddha-karṇā. )
- ○dṛś mfn. of unimpaired sight, all-seeing BhP
- ○nas mfn. (said of a bull) having the nose not bored (by a nose-ring) BhP
- ○varcas mfn. of unimpaired glory BhP
- a-vidya mfn. unlearned, unwise Mn. ix, 205, &c
- (avidyā), f. ignorance, spiritual ignorance AV. xi, 8, 23 VS. xl, 12-14 ŚBr.xiv
- (in Vedānta phil.) illusion (personified as Māyā), ignorance together with non-existence Buddh
- avidyā-maya mfn. consisting of ignorance
- a-vidvas mfn. (perf. p.) not knowing, ignorant RV. AV. &c., comp. á-viduṣ-ṭara mfn. quite ignorant RV. x, 2, 4
- a-vidyamāna mfn. (√3. vid
- pr. Pass. p.), not present or existent, absent KātyŚr. Lāṭy. Mn. &c. -ta f. the not being present Comm. on Nyayad
- ○tva n. id. Comm. on BṛĀrUp
- ○vat ind. as if not being present Pāṇ. 3-1, 3 Comm. ; viii, 1, 72
- a-vidriyá mfn. (√dṛ), not to be split or dispersed, indestructible RV. i, 46, 15
- á-vidvas a-vidya
- a-vidviṣ mfn. not an enemy L
- not having enemies
- (ṣe), dat., s.v
- a-vidviṣāṇa mfn. not inimical KātyŚr
- á-vidviṣe Ved. Inf. for preventing enmity AV. i, 34, 5
- á-vidveṣa m. non-enmity AV.iii, 30, 1
- a-vidhavā́ f. not a widow RV. x, 18, 7, ŚaṅkhGṛ. &c
- avidhā ind. an interjection (said to correspond to the Prākṛit avihā, or aviha, used in calling for help) Comm. on Śak
- a-vidhāna am n. absence of fixed rule, the not being prescribed KātyŚr
- ○tas ind. not according to what is prescribed, irregularly Mn. ix, 144 and xii, 7
- a-vidhi m. = 'a-vidhana', (onā), instr. ind. = avidhāna-tas q.v. MuṇḍUp. Mn. v, 33 Āp. &c
- ○pūrvakam ind. not according to rule Bhag. ix, 23 and xvi, 17. [Page 109, Column]
- avina m. (√av), an officiating priest at a sacrifice Uṇ
- a-vinaya m. want of good manners or modesty, bad or rude behaviour Mn. vii, 40 & 41 Śak. &c
- (mf(ā)n.) misbehaving Comm. on Kap
- a-vināyin mfn. (g. grāhy-ādi, q.v.)
- a-vinīta mfn. badly trained or brought up, illmannered, misbehaving Mn. iv, 67 Yājñ. iii, 155 R. &c
- (ā), f. an immodest or unchaste woman
- a-vinābhāva m. necessary connection of one thing with another, inherent and essential character Sāh. Sarvad. &c
- a-vinābhāvin mfn. necessarily connected with, inherent Comm. on Nyāyad
- avinābhāvi-tva n. the being necessarily connected with Comm. on Kap
- a-vināśa m. non-destruction, non-putrefaction (of a body) Kād.'
- a-vināśin mfn. imperishable ŚBr. xiv Bhag. ii, 17, &c
- not decaying or putrefying Kād
- ávināśi-tva n. imperishableness ŚBr. xiv
- a-vināśya mfn. indestructible MBh. xv, 926
- a-vinigama m. an illogical conclusion L
- a-vinipāta m. not doing wrong or erring, ŚāsnkhGṛ
- a-vinipātita mfn. erred, done wrong MBh. xii, 3348
- a-vinipātin mfn. not erring (in one's duties, dharmeṣu) Āp
- a-vinirṇaya m. indecision, irresolution (in one's actions, karmamām) MBh. xiv, 998
- a-vinivartin mfn. not turning back, not fugitive (in battle)
- a-vinīta a vinaya
- a-vinoda m. non diversion, tediousness Vikr
- a-vindhya m. N. of a minister of Rāvana R
- (a), f. N. of a river Hariv. 7603
- a-vipakva mfn. undigested Bhpr
- immature
- ○karaṇa mfn. having immature or insufficiently developed organs (of mind) Yājñ. iii, 141
- ○kaṣāya mfn. whose passions or sins have not yet ripened, i.e. are not yet quite extinguished BhP
- ○buddhi mfn. having an immature or inexperienced mind BhP
- a-vipāka m. indigestion Suśr
- ○tā f. suffering from indigestion ib
- a-vipakṣa mfn. having no adversary, unopposed
- a-vipad t, f. no calamity, ease
- a-vipâdyat mfn. not decaying or dying BhP
- a-viparihṛta mfn. = samāna (?) AitĀr
- a-viparyay a m. non-inversion, absence of inverted order Nir
- (āt) abl. ind. without mistake or misapprehension, without any doubt, Sāṅkhyak
- á-viparyāsam ind. so that there is no interchange ŚBr. iii
- a-vipaścit mfn. unwise, ignorant Kauś. Bhag. ii, 42
- a-vipāka a-vipakva
- a-vipula mfn. insignificant, small, slender
- a-viprá mfn. not spiritually excited, not inspired RV. vi, 45, 2 and viii, 61, 9
- a-viprakṛṣṭa mfn. not remote, near (as time) Pāṇ. 5-4, 20
- near (in rank) Pāṇ. 2-4, 5
- a-viprakramaṇa n. not quitting or retiring Āp
- a-vipraṇaśa m. (said of the actions) the not perishing, continuing through their fruits MBh. xv, 923. [Page 109, Column]
- a-viprayukta mfn. not separated Gaut
- a-vipralabdha mfn. not deceitful BhP
- a-vipralambhaka mfn. not deceiving
- a-vipravāsa m. not staying in a foreign country ŚāṅkhGṛ
- a-viprahata mfn. untrodden (as a forest or path) R. i, 26, 12 and iii, 74, 4
- avi-priya ávi
- a-vipluta mfn. unviolated, observed without deviation Mn. iii, 2 Yājñ. i, 52 BhP. &c
- undeviating, steadily observing (the vow of chastity) Mn. ii, 249 MBh. xii, 12033
- ○mati mfn. whose mind is not deviating Yājñ. iii, 161
- ○mano-buddhi mfn. id. Kathās
- a-viphala mfn. not fruitless or vain
- a-vibudha mfn. not wise, ignorant
- m. not a god
- a-vibruvat mfn. not saying or addressing MBh. i, 3449 and xv, 281
- not explaining MBh. vii, 9226 (ed. Bomb.? BR.)
- a-vibhakta mfn. undivided Lāṭy. Bhag. xii, 16 Rājat
- 'not shared', -tva un-separated, Joint (as co-heirs who have not divided their inheritance) Mn. ix, 215 BhP
- ○tva n. the not being shared Jaim
- the not being distinguished (from each other) ib
- a-vibhaktin mfn. unseparated (as co-heirs who have not divided their inheritance) Kauś
- a-vibhajya ind. p. not dividing (the inheritance) Kum. iv, 27
- a-vibhāga m. no separation, no distinction between (gen.) Pāṇ. 1-2, 33 Kāś. Suśr. &c
- no division Gaut
- undivided inheritance L
- (ena), instr. ind. without distinction, in the same way Pāṇ. 1-2, 33 Sch
- ○vid mfn. not knowing the distinction between or the classification of (gen.) MBh. viii, 3455
- a-vibhāgin mfn. not dividing or sharing L
- a-vibhāgya mfn. not to be divided Lāṭy
- a-vibhājya mfn
- ○ta f. or indivisibility, unfitness for partition L
- ○tva n. indivisibility, unfitness for partition L
- a-vibhāvana or ○nā f. nonperception, non-discriminaton L
- a-vibhāvaniya mfn. imperceptible L
- a-vibhāvita mfn. unperceived (as indistinct voice or speech) Bālar
- a-vibhāvya mfn. undistinguishable, imperceptible (as indistinct, speech) MBh. xii, 3491 and Ragh. vii, 35
- (as stars) Śiś. ix, 12
- a-vibhāvyamāna mfn. (Pass.p.) not being perceived Kād
- a-vibhinna mfn. not separated from (abl.) Kathās
- unchanged ib. Kathās., unchanged ib
- avi-bhuj ávi
- á-vibhraṃsin mfn. not crumbling to pieces ŚBr.iii KātyŚr. Gobh
- a-vibhraṣṭa mfn. uninjured Comm. on Bṛ. ArUp
- a-vibhrama m. non-confusion (of mind), prudence MBh. iv, 1887
- mfn. (said of anger) not capricious or not pretended Śak. (v. l.)
- a-vibhrānta mfn. not distorted, firm (as the eye-brows) Daś
- a-vimatta ās m. pl., N. of a family (g. kārtakaujapâdi, q.v.)
- a-vimanas mfn. not absent in mind Āp
- a-vimāna m. non-disrespect, veneration Hariv. 12039
- a-vimita mfn. unmeasured, immense (as strength, vikrama) BhP
- a-vimukta mfn. not loosened, not unharnessed ŚBr
- m. N. of a Tirtha near Benares MBh. iii, 8057 Hariv. 1578 seqq. &c
- avimuktâpiḍa m. N. of a king Rājat
- avimuktêśa m. a particular from of Siva
- avimuktêśa-mahātmya, n. N. of wk. [Page 109, Column]
- avimuktêśvara m. = avimuktêśa Daś
- avimuktêśvara-liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga ŚivaP. SkandaP
- a-vimucyamāna mfn. (Pass. p.) not being extended AitBr
- a-vimokyá mfn. not to be loosened AV. vi, 63, 1
- a-vimokṣa m. no final liberation Bād
- a-vimocana n. not liberating, not running to any one's help Gaut
- a-vimūḍha ās m. pl. a particular class of Ṛishis MBh. i, 7683
- a-viyukta mfn. undivided, conjoined Ragh. xiii, 31 Veṇis. Kām
- not separated from (instr.) Vikr
- a-viyoga m. no separation from, not being deprived of (instr.) Daś
- ○tṛtīyā f. N. of a certain festival
- (avsyogatṛtīyā) -vrata n. N. of the eighteenth chapter of BhavP. ii
- a-viyogin mfn. not liable to separation MBh. xii, 8816
- a-virakta mfn. not indifferent, attached to Jain. (Prākṛit ○ratta) &c
- á-viraṇa m. no recovery (from defeat) RV. i, 174, 8
- a-virata mfn. not desisting from (abl.) KaṭhUp. KātyŚr., uninterrupted Megh
- (am), ind. uninterruptedly, continually BhP. Mṛicch. &c
- a-virati f. incontinence, intemperance Yogas
- a-viramat mfn. not desisting from (abl.) Kathās
- a-virāmam ind. uninterruptedly, Git
- a-virala mf(ā) n. contiguous, close, dense, compact MBh. &c., incessant, numerous, Ratnāv
- vehement Kād
- (am), ind. contiguously, closely Śak. Mālatīm. Uttarar
- ○dhārâsāra m. incessant down-pour of heavy rain Vikr
- avir-avika-nyāya as, m.= avy-avika-nyāya, q.v. Pat
- a-virahita mfn. unseparated Vikr., not separated from, not being without (instr.) Kir. v, 52 Kād
- a-virāga as m. N. of a Prākṛtpoet
- á-virādhayat mfn. not opposing one's self to, not being at variance with (instr.) AV. ii, 36, 4
- a-viruddha mfn. unobstructed, unimpeded Vikr
- not incompatible with, consistent with (instr. or in comp.) KātyŚr. Gaut. &c
- a-virodha m. non-opposition to, living or being in agreement with (in comp. or inst.) MBh. xiii, 1935 Hariv. 8752 R
- non-incompatibility, consistency, harmony, Yāñ. ii, 186, &c
- a-virodhita mfn. not refused Śiś.x, 69
- a-virodhin mfn. not being out of harmony with, not being obstructive to (gen. or in comp.) Gaut. &c
- a-virecana n. anything which constipates or stops the passage of the food
- a-virecaniya mfn. not to be purged, Susr
- a-virecya mfn. id
- a-vilakṣita mfn. not perceived, not perceivable BhP
- a-vilagnam ind. so as not to cling or stick to VarBṛS
- a-vilaṅghana n. non-transgression, not trespassing
- a-vilaṅghaniya mfn. not to be exceeded or transgressed, prescribed, fixed
- a-vilaṅghya mfn. not to be surpassed Kathās
- a-vilamba m. non-delay, following immediately Comm. on Ragh. x, 6 and Kum. iii, 58
- (mfu.) not delaying, prompt, expeditous L
- (am) ind without delay Hariv. 16160 Vikr. Vikr. Śak. (v. l. ○lambitam), (ena), ind. id
- a-vilambana n. non-delay MBh. i, 5227, (mfn.) not delaying, prompt L
- a-vilambita mfn. not delaying, expeditious Kathās
- not pronounced slowly KātySr. Lāṭy. TPrāt
- (am), ind. without delay Śak. Kathās. [Page 110, Column]
- avilā f. an ewe L. (cf. ávi.)
- a-vilikha mfn. unable to write or paint, writing or painting badly Pāṇ. 6-2, 157 seq. Sch
- a-vilupta mfn. undamaged unhurt BhP. Rājat. Kathās
- a-vilopa -as m. non-injury, not harming (with gen.) MBh. v, 3232
- absence of break or interruption (in the Saṃhitā) RPrāt
- a-vivakṣat mfn. not intending to speak Sarvad
- a-vivakṣā f. not declaring especially, i.e. considering to be unessential Pat
- a-vivakṣita mfn. not intended to be stated or expressed Pāṇ. Sch. &c
- ○tva n. the not being intended to be expressed Pat
- a-vivākyá mfn. indisputable
- N. of the tenth day, of a certain Soma sacrifice TS. vii AitBr. ĀśŚr. KātyŚr
- a-vivadiṣṇu mfn. not causing dispute ĀśvGṛ
- a-vivāda m. non-dispute, agreement
- (mfn.) not disputed, agreed upon Comm. on Nyāyad
- á-vivādin mfn. not quarrelling with (abhi) ŚBr. iii
- a-vivāhin mfn. interdicted as to marriage, not to be married Mn. ix, 238
- a-vivāhya mfn. not to be married (as a girl). PSarv
- one to whom one ought not to ally one's self by marriage Lāṭy. MBh. i, 3376
- a-vivikta mfn. unseparated Vedāntas
- undiscriminated, uninvestigated L
- indiscriminate, confounded L
- not separated from the Public, not retired or secluded L
- a-viveka m. absence of judgment or discrimination Pañcat. Kathās
- non-separation, nondistinction Kap
- (am), ind., a-vivecam
- ○tā want of judgment, inconsiderateness Pañcat. Hit
- a-vivekin mfn. not separated, undistinguished, uniform, Sātikhyak. &c
- undiscriminating, ignorant Comm. on BṛĀrUp. &c
- (said of a country) destitute of men that can discriminate Kathās
- a-vivecaka mfn. undiscriminating, Sāṅkhyak
- a-vivecanā f. want of judgment L
- a-vivecam ind. so as not to part or separate ĀśvŚr
- (a-vivekam in the same sense) ĀpŚr
- á-vivenat mfn. not disaffected, favourable RV. iv, 24, 6
- a-vivenam ind. favourably RV. iv, 25, 3
- a-viśaṅka mfn. having no doubts, not hesitating MBh. iii, 2171 and xiii, 2747
- (ā), f. 'no hesitation', (ayā), instr. ind. undoubtingly without hesitation MBh. Hariv. &c
- a-viśaṅkita mfn. unapprehensive, not having doubts, not hesitating MBh. v, 490 BhP. &c
- (am), ind. without hesitation R. v, 90, 13 Suśr
- a-viśastṛ́ tā́ m. an unskilful cutter up or killer (of animals) RV. i, 162, 20
- a-viśuddha mfn. not clear or pure BhP
- not examined with regard to cleanness or purity Kām
- a-viśeṣa m. non-distinction, non-difference, uniformity Kap
- (mfn.)without difference, uniform BhP. Kap. &c
- (āṇi), n. pl. (in Siṅkhya phil.) N. of the (five) elementary substances (cf. tan-mātra)
- (āt), ind. or in comp. aviśṣa- [e.g. aviśeṣa-śruteṣ, aviseṣôpadeśāt KātyŚr.] without a special distinction or difference KātyŚr.] Jaim. Gaut. Śulb
- not differently, equally Comm. on Nyāyad
- (eṇa), ind. without a special distinction or difference Āp. Comm. on Yājñ. &c. =
- ○jña-tā f. want of discrimination or judgment Kathās
- ○tas ind. without difference Mn. ix, 125 R. Kathās
- ○vat mfn. not making a difference between (loc.) Yājñ. iii, 154
- ○sama m. a kind of sophism Nyāyad. Sarvad
- a-viśrambha as, m.want of confidence, diffidence MBh. &c
- ○tā f. id. Kād
- a-viśrambhin mfn. diffident Bhaṭṭ
- a-viśrānta mfn. unwearied
- incessant Śak
- a-viśrāmam ind. so as not to rest. [Page 110, Column]
- a-viśva n. not the universe BhP
- ○m-inva (á-viśvam-inva), mf(ā)n. not allembracing, not pervading everything RV. i, 164, 10 and ii, 40, 3
- ○vinna (á-viśva-), mf(ā)n. (v. l. of á-vitvam-inva) not perceived everywhere AV. ix, 9, 10
- a-viśvasat mfn. not confiding Rājat. Kathās
- a-viśvasanīya mfn. not to be trusted
- ○tvâ n. the not deserving confidence Mālav
- a-viśvasta mfn. not trusted, suspected, doubted L
- = a-viśvasát R. iii, 1, 25, &c
- a-viśvāsa m. mistrust, suspicion MBh. xii, 5160 R. &c
- (mfn.)not inspiring with confidence, mistrusted L
- (ā), f. a cow calving after long intervals L
- a-viśvāsin mfn. mistrustful Megh. &c
- a-viṣá mf(ā)n. not poisonous RV. AV. VS. Suśr
- (ā), f. the plant Curcuma Zedoaria
- aviṣa m. (√av), the ocean Uṇ. (cf. taviṣa)
- (ī), f. a river Uṇ
- the earth L
- a-viṣakta mfn. not clinging or sticking to
- unrestrained, unchecked Kir. xiii, 24
- a-viṣama mfn. not different, equal BhP
- (am), ind. not unfavourably BhP
- a-viṣaya m. anything out of reach, anything impossible or improper MBh. xiii, 2207 Śak. Kathās
- not a proper object for (gen.). Mālatīm. Veṇis
- (mfn.) not having an object NṛisUp
- ○manas mfn. one whose mind is not turned to the objects of sense Mālav
- a-viṣayīkaraṇa n. the not making anything (gen.) an object Vedāntas
- a-viṣahya mfn. not bearable, not wearable MBh. BhP
- intolerable, insupportable BhP. R. Ragh. Kum. iv, 30
- irresistible MBh. &c
- unfeasible, impracticable MBh. R. (ī, 20, 33, superl. -tama)
- inaccessible (to the eyes, cakṣuṣām) MBh. xiv, 611
- indeterminable (as a boundary) Mn. viii, 265
- a-viṣāṇá mfn. not having horns ŚBr. v
- a-viṣāda m. non-depression, cheerfulness, courage MBh. i, 7100
- a-viṣādin mfn. intrepid MBh. iii, 14078
- áviṣṭha mfn. (superl. of √av), gladly accepting RV. vii, 28, 5
- aviṣyát mfn. helping readily RV. x, 115, 6
- desirous of (acc. [RV. i. 58,] or loc. [RV.vii, 3,] or Inf. [RV. viii, 51,])
- aviṣyā́ f. desire, ardour RV. ii, 38, 3
- aviṣyú mfn. desirous, vehement RV. AV
- a-visaṃvāda m. non-contradiction Sarvad
- non-violation of one's promise MBh. xii, 9240
- a-visaṃvādin mfn. not contradictory, coinciding, agreeing MārkP. Rājat. Daś
- a-visaṃvādi-tā f. not violating (i.e. keeping) a promise Kām
- a-visargin mfn. unintermittent (as a fever) Bhpr
- a-visarpin ī m. N. of a hell TĀr
- avi-soḍha ávi
- a-vistīrṇa mfn. not extended, of small extent or circuit Kād
- a-vistṛta mfn. not spread or expanded BhP
- a-vispandita mfn. not quivering Kum. iii, 47
- a-vispaṣṭa mf(ā)n. not clear or plain, indistinct, obscure Nir. &c
- (am) n. indistinct speech Mn. iv, 99
- anything indistinct MBh. iii, 16446
- a-vismita mfn. not proud BhP
- a-vismṛta mfn. not forgotten Mudr
- a-vismṛti f. not forgetting, remembering L
- a-visyandita a-vispand○. [Page 110, Column]
- a-visraṃsa m. not falling asunder AitBr. PBr
- a-visrāvya mfn. (water) that cannot be caused to flow off MBh. xii, 2634
- not to be bled Suśr
- a-visvararm ind. without dissonance MārkP
- a-vihata mfn. not refused or sent away BhP
- unobstructed, unimpeded BhP. Megh
- a-viharyata-kratu mfn. one whose will cannot be averted RV. i, 63, 2 ['doer of acts undesired (by his foes)' Sāy.]
- a-vihasta mfn. not unclever, experienced in (loc.) R. v, 81, 31
- a-vihiṃsaka mfn. not injuring anybody MBh. (sometimes with the gen. bhūsānām)
- a-vihiṃsana am, n. not injuring BhP
- a-vihiṃsā f. id. MBh. xii, 9421
- a-vihiṃsra mfn. not injurious BhP
- a-vihita mfn. unprescribed, for bidden Āp
- undone, uneffected L
- á-vihruta mfn. unbent, unbroken RV. v, 66, 2 and x, 170, 1 AV.vi, 26, 1
- a-vihvarat mfn. undeviating RV. iv, 36, 2
- a-vihvala mf(ā)n. not disquieted, merry MBh. v, 7164
- not hesitating, having courage Kathās
- a-vī īs f. (√vii), a woman in her courses L
- a-vī7kṣaṇa n. not looking at, not regarding L
- a-vikṣita mfn. not seen before Naish
- a-vikṣin mfn. ifc. not seeing Naish. i, 28
- á-vī7ṅgita mfn. unmoved TBr
- a-vī7ci mfn. waveless L
- (is), m. a particular hell Yājñ. iii, 224 Buddh. &c
- ○mat m. (sc. naraka), id. BhP
- ○saṃśoṣaṇa m. a particular Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- a-vīja &c. a-bīja
- á-vīta mf(ā)n. (√vii), not enjoyed (as the sacrificial oblation) RV. iv, 48, 1
- a-vī́ra mfn. unmanly, weak RV. vii, 61, 4 and x, 95, 3
- having no sons RV. vii, 4, 6
- without heroes Bālar
- (ā), f. (a woman) who has no husband, a widow RV. x, 86, 9 BhP
- one who has neither husband nor son Mn. iv, 213 Yājñ. i, 163
- (ám), n. a country destitute of heroes or men ŚBr
- ○juṣṭa mfn. not liked by men Mṛicch
- ○tā (a-vsra-), f. want of sons RV. iii, 16, 5 (dat. ○tāyaī) ; vii, 1, 11 (instr. ○tā) and 19 (dat. ○te)
- ○puruṣa m. a weak man Kathās
- ○han mf(-ghnī)n. not killing men, not pernicious to meu RV. i, 91, 19 VS. AV
- a-vīryá mf(ā́) u. weak, ineffective ŚBr
- ○vat (á-viirya-), mfn. weak, powerless MaitrS
- a-vṛká mfn. not hurting, inoffensive RV
- unendangered, safe RV
- (ám), n. safety RV
- a-vṛkṣa mfn. treeless, destitute of trees Lāṭy. R. iv, 43, 28 (ed. Bomb.)
- a-vṛkṣaka mfn. id. R. iv, 44, 35 (= iv, 43, 28, ed. Bomb.)
- á-vṛjina mfn. not intriguing, straightforward RV. ii, 27, 2 ŚBr. xiv
- á-vṛta mfn. unchecked RV
- a-vṛta mfn. uninvited Gaut. Gaut
- a-vṛtta mfn. not happened Kathās
- not dead, still living R. vi, 8,: 10
- a-vṛtti f. inadequate support, absence of subsistence or livelihood Mn. Āp. Gaut.: (mfn.) not happening or occurring
- a-vṛtti-ka mfn. not having to live upon Kathās
- not yielding livelihood (as a country)
- a-vṛthā ind. not in vain, profitably L
- a-vṛthârtha-tā f. successfulness in gaining one's object or, correctness of meaning' Śiś. vi, 47
- a-vṛddhi-ka mfn. not bearing interest Yājñ.ī, 63. [Page 111, Column]
- a-vṛdhá mfn. not rendering prosperous or refreshing (the gods with sacrifices) RV. vii, 6, 3
- á-vṛṣṭi is, f. want of rain, drought (famine) ŚBr. xi Kauś. VarBṛS
- ○kāma mfn. not, wishing rain ĀpŚr
- a-vṛha ās m. pl. a class of Buddhist divinities Lalit
- avê (√i), -eti (impf. -ayat
- Pot. 1. sg. iyām
- pr. p. f. avā-yati RV. viii, 91, 1) to go down, go down to (acc.), go to RV
- (Imper. 3. pl. Ā. âyantām) to rush down AV. xi, 10, 8 (cf. âvê)
- (Imper. ávâitu) to go away RV. v, 49, 5 AV. i, 11, 4
- to look upon, consider Śak. Vikr. Bhaṭṭ
- to perceive, conceive, understand, learn, know MBh. &c
- (with Inf.) Kathās.: Intens. (pl. -īmahe) to beg pardon for, conciliate RV. i, 24, 14 and vii, 58, 5
- avêta mfn. elapsed, passed, (án- neg.) TS
- one who has gained, obtained (with acc.), Pā. v, 1, 134
- avêkṣ (√īkṣ), avêkṣate, to look towards, look at, behold TS. ŚBr. &c
- (1ṣg. íkṣe) to perceive, observe, experience RV. viii, 79, 9 R. Bhag. &c.: Ā. (rarely P., e.g. 2. sg. avékṣasi MBh. ii, 2158) to have in view, have regard to, take into consideration Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus, avêkṣayati, to cause to look at KātyŚr
- avêkṣaṇa n. looking towards or at Gaut. Sāh
- (said of planets) the being in sight VarBṛS
- the act of considering, attention, observation Ragh. xiv, 85, &c
- avêkṣaṇīya mfn. to be respected Ragh. xiv, 67
- avêkṣā f. observation, care, attention to (loc.) Mn. vii, 101 R. BhP
- avêkṣitavya mfn. to be observed attentively Suśr
- avêkṣin mfn. looking towards or at Pañcat
- attentive to (acc.) MBh. v, 1423
- avêkṣya mfn. to be attended to MBh. ii, 2591 Yājñ. iii, 63 R
- a-veṇi mfn. having no braid of hair L
- not commingled (as the waters of rivers) L
- single, being by itself. Buddh. (cf. aveṇika.)
- á-veda ās m. pl. not the Vedas ŚBr. xiv
- ○vid mfn. not knowing the Vedas GopBr. Mn. iv, 192
- ○vidvas
- m(dat. -viduṣe)fn. id. MBh. xii, 8967
- ○vihita mfn. not prescribed in the Vedas Mn. v, 43
- a-vedôkta mfn. id. MBh. xiii, 4397
- a-vedana n. not knowing Mn. v, 60
- a-vedayāna mfn. (pr. p. Ā.) not knowing, not ascertaining Mn. viii, 32
- a-vedi f. ignorance BṛĀrUp
- á-vedin mfn. having no knowledge ŚBr. xiv BhP. MārkP
- a-vedya mfn. not to be known, unascertainable MBh. xii, 11765
- (ā), f. (in Sāṅkhya phil.) non-admission of the Ahaṃkāra
- a-vedana mfn. painless Suśr
- a-vedi mfn. without a Vedi or sacrificial altar KātyŚr
- a-vedya mf(ā)n. (√3. vid), not to be married Mn. x, 24
- m. a calf. L
- a-vedhya mfn. unpierceable, not to be pierced Kathās
- á-venat mfn. not having any wish or desire RV. x, 27, 16
- avênv (√inv), (Imper. 2. du. -invatam) to send down (as rain) RV. vii, 64, 2
- a-vela m. (?), denial or concealment of knowledge L
- (ā), f. wrong time Lāṭy
- chewed betel L
- (am), ind. untimely Kathās
- áveṣṭi f. (√yaj), appeasing or expiation by sacrifices ŚBr. TBr
- a-vaidika mfn. non-Vedic
- a-vaidya mfn. unlearned Gaut. Jaim
- a-vaidha mfn. not conformable to rute, unprescribed Comm. on Mn. v, 50 and 55 ; vi, 31
- a-vaidhavya n. non-widowhood MBh. iii, 16725 and 16873 ; v, 362. [Page 111, Column]
- á-vaibhīdaka mfn. not having its origin on a Vibhīdaka tree MaitrS
- a-vairahatyá n. the non-destruction of men AV. vi, 29, 3 (a-virahatya) ĀpŚr
- avo9kṣaṇa n. besprinking, bedewing with (in comp.) Sāy. on ŚBr
- bedewing one's self. Gaut
- avôda mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-4, 29), dripping, wet L
- avó-deva 2. avás
- avoṣa m. N. of a king of ants
- avôṣīya or mfn. relating to avôṣa, (g. apūpâdi, q.v.)
- avôṣya mfn. relating to avôṣa, (g. apūpâdi, q.v.)
- avôh (√ūh), (Pot. ávôhet) to push down TS. vi
- ávya mfn. (said of the woollen Soma strainer) coming from sheep (ávi, q.v.) RV
- (as, am), m. n. the woollen Soma strainer RV
- a-vyakta mfn. undeveloped, not manifest, unapparent, indistinct, invisible, imperceptible Up. Pāṇ. Mn. &c
- (in alg.) unknown as quantity or number
- speaking indistinctly
- m. (= paramâtman) the universal Spirit Mn. ix, 50
- N. of Vishṇu L
- of Śiva L
- of Kāma L
- a fool L
- N. of an Upanishad
- (am), n. (in Sāṅkhya phil.) 'the unevolved (Evolver of all things)', the primary germ of nature, primordial element or productive principle whence all the phenomena of the material world are developed, KaṭhaUp. Sāṅkhyak. &c
- (am), ind. indistinctly
- ○kriyā f. algebraic calculation L
- ○gaṇita n. id
- ○gati mfn. going imperceptibly
- ○pada mfn. inarticulate
- ○rāga m. dark-red (the colour of the dawn) L
- ○rāśi m. (in alg.) an unknown number or indistinct quantity
- ○lakṣaṇa mfn. whose marks are imperceptible, N. of Siva
- ○vyakta mfn. id
- ○sāmya n. equation of unknown quantities
- avyaktânukaraṇa n. the imitating of inarticulated sound Pāṇ. 5-4, 57 and vi, 1, 98
- a-vyañjana mf(ā)n. without the marks of puberty
- without consonants Up
- m. an animal without horns (though of age to have them) L
- a-vyagra mf(ā)n. unconfused, steady, cool, deliberate MaitrUp. MBh. &c
- unoccupied Uttarar
- not in danger, undisturbed, safe MBh. R
- (am), ind. coolly, deliberately Hariv. 9034 R. &c
- a-vyaṅga mf(ā AgP.)n. not mutilated, perfect KātyŚr. BhP. &c
- (ā), f. (for adhyaṇḍā, q.v.) the plant Carpopogon Pruriens Roxb. L
- ○tā f. the not being mutilated MBh. xiii, 5599 seqq
- avyaṅgâṅga mf(ī)n. perfect, entire Mn. iii, 10
- avyaṅga as or am m. n. the girdle of the Maga priests BhavP. i ; (viyaṅga or viyāṅga) VarBṛS. [Zd. aiwyāoṃhana]
- á-vyacas mfn. not spacious AV. xix, 68, 1
- avy-aṇḍā = adhy-a○ q.v. L
- á-vyat mfn. (√vii
- cf. a-vii), only f. ○tī, not longing for copulation RV. x, 95, 5
- a-vyatikrama m. non-transgression Āp
- a-vyatikīrṇa mfn. unmixed, unblended, distinct, separate L
- a-vyaticāra m. the absence of mutual permutation ĀśvŚr
- á-vyatimoha m. the not confounding by error ŚBr. xiii
- a-vyatireka m. non-exclusion, non-exception Jaim. Nyāyad
- (mfn.), (= avyabhicārin) unerring L
- a-vyatirekin mfn. unerring
- á-vyatiṣakta mfn. not intermingled ŚBr. xii
- a-vyatiṣaṅgam ind. without exchanging one for another ĀpŚr
- a-vyatha mfn. untroubled
- intrepid Daś. [Page 111, Column]
- painless L
- m. a snake L
- (á-vyathā), f. absence of tremor, firmness VS. TBr
- the plant Terminalia Citrina Roxb. L
- the plant Hibiscus Mutabilis L
- ○tva n. painlessness Bhpr
- a-vyathamāna mfn. not trembling VS. TS
- a-vyathi mfn. not tremulous, not unsteady, sure-footed, safe RV
- unfailing (as help) RV. i, 112, 6
- (is), f. sure-footedness RV
- a-vyathin mfn. Pāṇ. 3-2, 157
- a-vyathiṣa m. the sun Uṇ
- the ocean Uṇ
- (ī), f. the earth Uṇ
- night Uṇ
- a-vyathiṣyai Ved. Inf. (Pāṇ. 3-4, 10), for not trembling, for rendering sure-footed KapS
- (a-vyáthiṣe!) MaitrS
- a-vyathyá mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-1, 114), unshakable RV. ii, 35, 5 AitBr
- á-vyanat (4), mfn. not breathing RV. x, 120, 2
- a-vyanta mfn. not very distant, growing near (abl.) ĀpŚr
- a-vyapadeśa m. no designation or pointing to Āp
- ○rūpin mfn. whose shape admits of no name or appellation BhP
- a-vyapadeśya mfn. not to be defined MāṇḍUp. RāmatUp
- a-vyapêta mfn. not separated, contiguous Kāvyâd
- a-vyapôhya mfn. undeniable, in contestable Rājat
- a-vyabhicāra m. non-failure, absolute necessity, Kap
- &c
- 'non-deviation', conjugal fidelity Mn. ix, 101
- non-transgression Mn. viii, 122
- (mfn.) constant Bhag. xiv, 26
- (āt, eṇa), ind. with absolute necessity Pāṇ. Kāśi. and Sch
- ○vat mfn. absolutely determined, inevitable MBh. ii, 871
- a-vyabhicárin mfn. not going astray, unfailing Śak. Rājat. &c
- steady, permanent MBh. xiv, 1111 Bhag. xiii, 10, &c
- faithful Kathās. &c
- avyáya or rarely ávyaya [only RV. viii, 97, 2 and ix, 86, 3], mfn. (ávi) made of sheep's skin (as the woollen Soma strainer) RV
- belonging to or consisting of sheep RV. viii, 97, 2
- a-vyaya mf(ā)n. not liable to change, imperishable, undecaying Up. Mn. &c
- 'not spending', parsimonious
- m. N. of Vishṇu or Śiva L
- of a son of Manu Raivata Hariv. 433
- of a Nāga demon MBh. i, 2157 (ed. Bomb.)
- the non-spending, parsimony
- (am), n. or m. ḻ. an indeclinable word, particle Pāṇ. APrāt. &c
- (in Vedānta) a member or corporeal part of an organized body L
- ○tva n. imperishableness Hit. (v. l.)
- the state of an indeclinable word Pat
- ○vat mfn. consisting of an indeclinable word Pat
- avyayâtman mfn. imperishable VP
- avyayī-bhāva m. 'unchangeable state', an indeclinable compound Pāṇ
- (avyayībhava) -samāsa m. id. Pāṇ. 1, 41 Sch
- a-vyarṇa mfn. (√ard
- Pāṇ. vii, 2, 24) unoppressed Bhaṭṭ
- a-vyartha mfn. not useless, profitable, fruitful
- effectual, efficacious
- á-vyardhuka mfn. not losing anything (instr.) TS. TBr
- a-vyṛddha mfn. undiminished ŚBr. xii
- á-vyṛddhi f. no ill-success AV. x, 2, 10
- a-vyalīka mfn. having no uneasiness or unpleasantness
- well off MBh. v, 698
- not false, true, veracious BhP. Daśar
- (am), ind. truly BhP
- á-vyavacchinna mfn. uninterrupted ŚBr. and AitBr. (together with sáṃtata) Hariv. 3580
- (am), ind. or in comp. avyavaccihinna- [MBh. vii, 474] uninterruptedly
- á-vyavaccheda m. uninterruptedness ŚBr. AitBr
- a-vyavadhāna n. non-interruption, contiguity Pāṇ. Kāṇ. &c
- non-separation BhP. Comm. on Mn. xi, 201
- (mfn.) uninterrupted BhP
- without a cover (as the ground) Kād
- a-vyavahita min. not separated, adjoining, contiguous Pāṇ. Sch. &c. [Page 112, Column]
- uninterrupted (as worship) BhP
- separated by the letter a VPrāt
- a-vyavalambin mfn. unsupported, not sure-footed, KaushBr
- a-vyavasāyin mfn. inactive, negligent, remiss Bhag. ii, 41
- a-vyavasita mfn. id. R. iv, 26, 13
- a-vyavasta mfn. (sta for sita?, √sī), not tied or fastened ĀśvŚr
- a-vyavastha mfn. irregular, without rule
- (ā), f. irregularity
- a-vyavasthita mfn. not conformable to law or Practice
- not in due order, unmethodical
- a-vyavasraṃsa m. not falling asunder PBr
- a-vyavahārya mfn. not to be practised MāṇḍUp. RāmatUp
- not to be discussed in law, unactionable L
- a-vyavahita a-vyavadhāna
- á-vyavânam ind. (√an), without breathing between MaitrS
- a-vyavâya m. not entering between, non-separation KātyŚr. Lāṭy
- uninterrupted contiguity Jaim. Nyāyam
- avy-avika-nyāya m. (only instr. ○ena) after the fashion of avi and avika (i.e. though avi and avika both mean 'a 'goat', a derivation in the sense of, goat's flesh' can be formed only from avika [āvikam]. not from avi [aver māṃsam]) Pat
- a-vyasana mfn. free from evil practices MBh. xii, 3910 Yājñ. i, 309
- a-vyasanin mfn. id. Mn. vii, 53 Suśr. &c
- a-vyasta mfn. undecomposed, undispersed, not separated Lāṭy
- á-vyākṛta mfn. undeveloped, unexpounded ŚBr. xiv BhP
- (am), n. elementary substance from which all things were created, considered as one with the substance of Brahma L
- a-vyākṣepa m. the not being confused or unsteady-minded, resolution Ragh. x, 6
- a-vyākhyeya mfn. inexplicable, unintelligible
- inexpressible Bhām
- a-vyāja m. 'absence of fraud, siplicity', (only in comp.) without fraud or artifice Śak. Mālav
- (mfn.) not pretended or artificial Mālatīm. Rājat. &c
- a-vyāpaka mfn. not spread over or pervading the whole, not an invariable concomitant, special, peculiar
- ○tā f. or noncomprehensiveness or generation, speciality
- ○tva n. noncomprehensiveness or generation, speciality
- a-vyāpin mfn. not pervading, not comprehensive Kap. &c
- a-vyāpta mfn. not pervaded with Mn. v, 128
- a-vyāpti f. 'non-coniprehensiveness', inadequate pervasion or extent (of a definition
- e.g. 'man is a cooking animal', which does not extend to savages who eat raw food) Sāh. Comm. on Kap
- a-vyāpya ind. p. not pervading generally, not extending to the whole circumstances L
- ○vṛtti mfn. being of limited application, of partial inherence (with reference to place and time, as pain, pleasure, love, hatred, virtue, vice, &c.)
- a-vyāpanna mfn. not dead Megh
- a-vyāpāra m. cessation from work L
- not one's own business Pañcat. (and Hit.)
- a-vyāyāma m. non-exertion, want of bodily exercise Suśr. Kām
- a-vyāvartanīya mfn. not to be taken bick Comm. on Yājñ
- á-vyāvṛtta mfn. undivided Comm. on Nyāyad
- simultaneous TS. vi TBr
- a-vyāvṛ́tti f. not turning away from (abl.), not neglecting ĀśvŚr. Lāṭy
- a-vyāhata mfn. unresisted, unimpeded MBh. R. &c
- not disappointed, not contradictory L. [Page 112, Column]
- a-vyāhārin mfn. not speaking, (g. grāhy-ādi, q.v.)
- a-vyāhṛta am n. not speaking MBh. v, 1271 (= xii, 11029)
- a-vyucchinna mfn. uninterrupted MBh. iii, 355 Hariv. 2355, &c
- a-vyucchettṛ tā m. one who does not injure (with gen.) MBh. xii, 2901
- a-vyutpanna mfn. not ensuing or following, Veṇis
- underived (as a word), having no etymology Pāṇ. 7-2, 8 Pat
- unaccomplished, inexperienced BhP. &c
- á-vyuṣṭa mfn. not yet shining (as the dawn) RV. ii, 28, 9
- á-vyuṣṭi f. the not becoming light TS. i
- á-vyūḍha mfn. not moved asunder or separated ŚBr. v
- a-vyūha m.indivisibility Nyāyad
- non-separation, non-resolution (of semivowels and compound vowels) RPrāt
- á-vyṛddha &c. á-vyardhuka
- á-vyeṣyat mfn. (√i fut. p.) not disappearing AV. xii, 4, 9
- a-vraṇá mf(ā)n. unhurt, unscarred, sound VS. xl, 8 BhP
- (generally said of bows, swords, sticks &c.) without rents or splinters or notches, entire KātyŚr. Mn. MBh. &c
- a-vratá mf(ā)n. lawless, disobedient, wicked RV. AV. SV
- not observing religious rites or obligations Gobh. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○vat mfn. not observing religious rites MBh. xii, 2305
- a-vratika mfn. = avrata-vat, q.v. MBh. xii, 1336
- a-vratin mfn. id. MBh. xiii, 1601 R
- a-vratyá n. anything out of harmony with, or violating, a religious obligation ŚBr. AitBr. AitĀr
- (mfn.) with karman id. Gobh
- avratyôpacāra m. practising anything that offends one's religious obligations ĀśvŚr. ĀśvGṛ
- á-vrātya m. not a Vratya AV. xv, 1 3, 6 (am), n. = a-vratyá n. q.v. Vishṇus
- a-vrājin mfn. 'not wandering', (g. grāhy-ādi, q.v.)
- aś (in classical Sanskṛit only) Ā. aśnute (aor. 3. pl. āśiṣata Bhaṭṭ
- perf. ānaśe Pāṇ. 7-4, 72. Vedic forms are: aśnoti, &c
- Subj. aśnavat, &c
- aor. P. ānat (2. & 3. sg., frequently in RV.) and Ā. aṣṭa or ā́ṣṭa, 3. pl. āśata (frequently in RV.) or ā́kṣiṣur [RV. i, 163, 1], Subj. ákṣat [RV. x, 11,], Pot. 1. pl. aśema, Prec. aśyās (2. & 3. sg.) &c., Pot. Ā. 1. sg. aśīya and pl. aśīmahi, Imper. aṣṭu Vṣ.
- perf. ānaṃśa (thrice in RV.) or ānāśa [RV. vi, 16, 2] or āśa [RV. viii, 47,], 2. pl. ānaśá 3. pl. ānaśúh (frequently in RV.) or āśuh [RV. iv, 33,], Ā. ānaśó Subj. 1. pl. a anaśāmahai [RV. viii, 27, 2], Pot. 1. sg. ānasyām, p. ānaśāná āV.
- Inf. aṣṭave RV. iv, 30, 19) to reach, come to, reach, come to, arrive at, get, gain, obtain RV. &c
- (said of an evil, aṃhati, áṃhas, grā́hi) to visit RV. AV. vi, 113, 1
- to master, become master of. RV
- to offer RV
- to enjoy MBh. xii, 12136
- to pervade, penetrate, fill Naigh. Bhaṭṭ. ii, 30
- to accumulate L.: Desid. aśiśiṣate Pāṇ. 7-2, 74 Intens. aśāśyate, Pā2 iii, 1, 22 Pat
- aśana mfn. reaching, reaching across Nir
- aśāya Nom. Ā. (impf. aśāyata) to reach RV. x, 92, 1
- aśin mfn. reaching far, lasting long Nir
- aś aśnā́ti (Pot. aśnīyāt
- p. aśnát ( s.v. 1. aśna)
- aor. Subj. aśīt RV. x, 87, 17
- fut. p. aśiṣyát ŚBr., perf. ā́sa RV. i, 162, 9 and iii, 36, 8
- perf. p. āśivas, án-āśvas s.v. án-āsaka
- Pass.p. aśyámāna AV.xii, 5, 38) to eat, consume (with acc. this only in classical ṣanskrit or gen.) RV. &c
- to enjoy Bhag. ix, 20, &c.: Caus. āśayati (Pāṇ. 1-3, 87 Sch
- aor. āśiśat ib. i, 1, 59 Sch.) to cause to eat, feed Mn
- (with double acc
- Pāṇ. 1-4, 52 Kāś.) BhP
- (cf. ā́śita): Desid. áśiśiṣâti (Pāṇ. 6-1, 2 Sch.) to wish to eat ŚBr. ChUp.: Intens. aśāśyate, P5ṇ. iii, 1, 22 Pat
- á-śana n. eating ŚBr. &c
- food ŚBr. &c. [often ifc., e.g. mūla-phalâśana mf(ā)n. having roots and fruit for food Mn. &c.] [Page 112, Column]
- (ā), f. = aśanāya, q.v. ŚBr. xi ChUp
- ○kṛ́t mfn. preparing food AV. ix, 6, 13
- ○pati m. (voc.) lord of food ŚBr. vi
- ○vat mfn. possessed of food Nir. x, 12 and 13
- aśanânaśaná n. eating and fasting AV. xix, 6, 2 ŚBr. i
- aśanāya Nom. P. ○yati (Pāṇ. 7-4, 34) to desire food, be hungry ŚBr. ChUp
- aśanāyā́ or f. desire of eating or consuming, hunger ŚBr. AitBr. &c
- aśanā́yā f. desire of eating or consuming, hunger ŚBr. AitBr. &c
- ○pipāse (aśanāyā́.), f. nom. du. hunger and thirst ŚBr. xiv
- ○vat mfn. hungry Vedāntas
- aśanāyita mfn. hungry L
- aśanā́yuka mfn. id. ŚBr. vii, xi, xii
- aśanīya Nom. P. ○yati, to be greedy for food (without being, hungry) Pāṇ. 7-4, 34 Sch
- aśitá mf(ā́)n. eaten AV. xii, 5, 37 and 38 ŚBr. i
- (am), n. the place where anybody has eaten Pāṇ. 2-3, 68 Kāś
- ○m-gavīna mfn. for āśit○, q.v. L
- aśitā́-vat mfn. (Padap. ○ta-vat) one who has eaten AV. ix, 6, 38
- aśitavyá mfn. (impers.) to be eaten MaitrS. ŚBr. i
- aśitā́-vat aśitá
- aśitṛ́ tā m. an eater ŚBr. ii
- aśitra am, u. food Kāṭh. (cf. prâśitrá.)
- aśiśiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.), hungry Kauś
- áśiṣṭha mfn. (superl.) 'eating most' (as an equivalent for aśītama) ŚBr
- aśītama mfn. (superl.) 'eating most' VS. ii, 20 (voc.) (cf. aśīta-tann.)
- a-śakuna n. (ifc. f. ā) an inauspicious omen Śiś. ix, 83 Kathās
- aśakunī- root
- bhū to turn into an inauspicious omen Naish. iii, 9
- aśa-kumbhi f. the aquatic plant Pistia Stratiotes L
- a-śakta mfn. unable, incompetent (with Inf. or loc. or dat.) Mn. MBh. &c
- a-śakti f. inability, incapability
- a-śaknuvat mfn. (p. P.) unable to (Inf.) Mṛicch
- a-śaknuvāna mfn. (p. Ā.) id. Bhaṭṭ
- a-śakya mfn. impossible, impractible KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- impossible to be composed (as a book Mn. xii, 94) or to be executed (as an order Kathās.), not to be overcome, invincible R. vi, 17, 8 Pañcat
- ○tā f. or impossibility (with Inf.) Sarvad
- ○tva n. impossibility (with Inf.) Sarvad
- aśakyârtha mfn. unavailing L
- a-śaṅka mfn. fearless Hit
- secure, certain, to be relied on MBh. xii, 4169
- (am), ind. without fear Daś. Kathās
- (ayā), instr. f. ind., id. R. ii, 49, 17
- a-śaṅkita mfn. fearless, confident MBh. Rājat
- undoubted, certain Mn. xii, 108
- (am), ind. without fear Kād. Kathās. Rājat
- unexpectedly, suddenly Kathās
- a-śaṅkya mfn. not to be mistrusted, secure MBh
- not to be expected Rājat
- a-śaṭha mf(ā)n. not false, sincere, honest Mn. iii, 246 MBh. xii, 12550, &c
- á-śata n. not a full hundred ŚBr. iv
- ○dakṣiṇa (á-śata-), mfn. where the Dakshiṇā is less than a hundred ib
- a-śatrú mfn. one who has no adversary or whom no enemy defies (especially said of Indra) RV
- without opposition from enemies RV. v, 2, 12
- (us), m. the moon L
- (ú), n. condition of having no enemy AV. vi, 40, 2
- áśan m. (connected with √aś) [only áśnā (instr.) and áśnas, perhaps better derived from áśman, q.v., cf.Whitney's Gr.? 425 e], stone, rock RV. x, 68, 8
- a stone for slinging, missile stone RV. ii, 30, 4 and iv, 28, 5
- (NBD.) the firmanent RV. i, 164, i ; 173, 2 ; x, 27, 15
- [in the first two of these three passages the form áśnas has before been taken as nom. sg. m. fr. 1. aśna, q.v.]
- aśáni f. (rarely m. R. Pāṇ. Sch.) the thunderbolt, a flash of lightning RV. &c
- the tip of a missile RV. x, 87, 4
- (in astronomy) a subdivision of the phenomena called Ulkās VarBṛS
- (is), m. one of the nine names of Rudra PārGṛ
- N. of Śiva MBh. xiii
- (ayas), m. pl., N. of a warrior tribe, (g. parśv-ādi, q.v.)
- ○prabha m. N. of a Rākshasa R. vi, 69, 11 i
- ○mat (aśáni-), mfn. possessing the thunderbolt RV. iv, 17, 13. =
- hata mfn. struck by lightning Kāṭh. [Page 113, Column]
- aśanika mfn. = aśanau kuśala, (g. ākarṣâdi, q.v.)
- aśanin mfn. = aśáni-mat, q.v. MBh. xiii, 1157
- aśanī f. = aśáni, the thunderbolt ŚBr. xi (voc.) R. iii, 35, 40
- aśana and 2 √1. and √2. aś
- aśana for 2. asana, q.v
- aśanāya &c. √2. aś
- aśanīya √2. aś
- á-śapat mfn. not cursing AV. vi, 37, 3 and vii, 59, 1
- á-śabda mfn. soundless ŚBr. xiv Āp. TPrāt
- not Vedic Jaim
- á-śam ind.' non-welfare', harm AV. ii, 25, 1 ŚBr. ii
- a-śama m. disquietude, uneasiness L
- 'not resting', in comp. with
- ○rathaṃbhāvuka (áśama-), mfn. being changed into a neverresting carriage TBr
- a-śaraṇa mf(ā)n. destitute of refuge, defenceless R. Megh. Śak. &c
- aśaraṇīkṛta mfn. deprived of refuge VarBṛS
- (Pañcat.)
- a-śaraṇya mfn. not yielding refuge MBh. R
- detitute of refuge, wanting refuge R. iii, 55, 65 Daś
- á-śaramaya mfn. not made of reeds MaitrS
- a-śaravyá mf(ā́)n. not to be reached by arrows ŚBr. v
- a-śarī́ra mf(ā)n. bodiless, incorporeal AitBr. ŚBr. xiv, &c
- not coming from a visible body (as a voice) R. iv, 63, 6 Kathās
- m. N. of Kāma, Śis. ix, 61
- (am), n. (in rhetoric) absence of the verb in a sentence
- a-śarīrin mfn. incorporeal RāmatUp
- not coming from a visible body (as a voice) R. Uttarar. &c
- a-śarman a n. unhappiness Kir
- á-śavâgni m. 'not a corpse-fire' or fire kindled to burn a corpse ŚBr. xii
- a-śás mfn. (√śaṃs), not blessing or wishing well, cursing, hating RV. ii, 34, 9 and iv, 4, 15
- á-śasta mfn. 'ineffable' or, 'unwished' AV. vi, 45, 1
- ○vāra (áśasta-), mfn. having indescribable treasures RV. x, 99, 5 ['who is not asked for wealth, i.e. who grants it of his own accord' Sāy.]
- á-śasti f. not wishing well, curse RV. vi, 68, 6
- (generally personified) a curser, hater RV. AV. VS
- ○hán mfn. averting curses or cursers RV
- a-śastra mf(ā) n. having no invocation MārkP
- a-śastra mfn. (√1. śas), weaponless, unarmed MBh. &c
- ○pāṇi mfn. not having a sword in one's hand, Veṇis
- a-śākhā f. N. of a grass L
- á-śānta mfn. unappeased, indomitable, violent, wild MaitrS. ŚBr. BhP
- restless, unresigned L
- unconsecrated, not sacred ŚBr
- ○tā f. want of tranquillity, passionateness Kathās
- a-śānti f. restlessness, anxiety L
- non-cessation Suśr
- ○kara mfn. causing mischief. BhP
- a-śā́mya mfn. unappeasable Hariv. 4207
- aśāya Nom. Ā. √1. aś
- a-śāśvata mf(i)n. not permanent or eternal, transient MaitrUp. MBh. &c
- a-śāsat mfn. not punishing Mn. ix, 254
- a-śāsana n. want of government, anarchy L
- a-śāstra mf(ā)n. not prescribed in the Sāstras, unscriptural Jaim
- ○vihita or mfn. not enjoined or established by the Sāstras
- ○siddha mfn. not enjoined or established by the Sāstras
- a-śāstrīya mfn. = a-śāstra, q.v
- a-śāsyá (4), mfn. unblamable RV. viii, 33, 17
- not to be punished MBh. v, 3542
- aśika vḷ. for asika, q.v
- a-śikṣita mfn. not learnt' (as manners &c.) Kām
- untaught (with acc. "ṣak. Kathās. or loc. or Inf.)
- aśitá aśitavyâ, &c. √2. aś. [Page 113, Column]
- á-śithira mfn. not loose, tight, firm MaitrS
- á-śithila mf(ā)n. id. ŚBr
- ○ṃ-bhāva (áśithilaṃ-bh○), m. the becoming tight or firm TS. vii TBr
- aśin √1. aś
- a-śipadá mf(ā́)n. not causing, i.e. averting the sickness called Śipada RV. vii, 50, 4
- a-śimidá mf(ā)n. not destructive like a Śimidā RV. vii, 50, 4 VS. xxxviii, 7
- a-śimi-vidvíṣ mfn. (śimikarman Comm.), not unfavourable to or counteracting the labours of men (N. of the seven Parjanyas or rain-clouds) TĀr. (quoted by Sāy. on RV. ii, 12, 12)
- aśira m. (√2. aś) 'consumer', fire L
- the sun L
- N. of a Rākshasa and (ā), f. of his wife L
- (am), n. a diamond L
- a-śiras mfn. headless Mn. ix, 237
- a-śiraḥ-snāna n. bathing the whole body except the head L
- a-śiraska mfn. headless MBh. iii, 15745
- á-śiva mf(ā) n. unkind, envious, pernicious, dangerous RV. AV. MBh. &c
- m. N. of a demon causing disease Hariv. 9560
- (am), n. ill-luck RV. i, 116, 24 ; x, 23, 5 MBh. &c
- a-śiśira mf(ā)n. not cool, hot Śak
- ○kara m. 'having hot rays, the sun Kād
- ○kiraṇa m. id. ib
- ○tā f. heat Megh
- ○raśmi m.= -kara, q.v. Kir.v, 31
- aśiśiṣu √2. aś
- á-śiśu mf(á-śiśvi, but according to Pāṇ. 4-1, 62, also Ved. a-śiśu)n. childless, without young ones RV. i, 120, 8 and iii, 55, 6
- aśiśvikā f. a childless woman L
- a-śiṣṭa mfn. (√śās), untrained, badly trained, ill-behaved, rude Āp. MBh. &c
- ○tā f. or rudeness
- ○tva n. rudeness
- a-śiṣya mfn. not to be taught (as a person), not deserving to, or not capable of being instructed MBh. v, 1009 Pañcat
- (a thing) that need not be taught or which it is unnecessary to teach Pāṇ. 1-2, 53
- á-śiṣṭa mfn. (√śiṣ), not left AV. ii, 31, 3
- aśiṣṭha √2. aś
- a-śīta mfn. not cold, warm, hot
- ○kara m. = aśiśira-kara, q.v
- ○tanu mfn. (only voc.) having a hot body TS. and TBr. (vḷ. for aśītama of VS.)
- ○ruc m. =
- ○kara Śiś. ix, 5
- a-śītala mf(ā)n. hot Śiś. ix, 86
- aśīta mfn. ifc. 'the eightieth', arvāg-aśītá
- aśīti f. eighty RV. ii, 18, 6 AV. &c
- ○tama mfn. the eightieth MBh. &c. (in the numeration of the chapters)
- ○bhāga m. the eightieth part Mn. viii, 140
- aśītiṣṭaka mfn. having eighty Ishṭakās ŚBr. x
- aśītika mfn. measuring eighty R
- an octogenarian VarBṛS
- aśītikâvara mfn. being at least eighty years of age Gaut
- a-śīrṇa mfn. unimpaired L
- á-śīrya mfn. indestructible ŚBr. xiv
- a-śīrṣáka mfn. headless TS
- a-śīrṣán mfn. id. RV. iv, I, II AV
- a-śīrṣika mfn. id., (g. vrīhy-ādi, q.v.)
- a-śīrṣin mfn. id. Pāṇ. 5-2, 116 Kāś
- a-śīla mf(ā)n. ill-behaved, vulgar MBh. xii, 4619 R. &c
- (am), n. bad manners, depravity Kathās
- á-śukla mf(ā)n. not white ŚBr.vii
- ○vat (á-śukla-), mfn. not containing the word śukla ŚBr. vi
- a-śuci mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-2, 161) impure, foul Mn. &c
- ○kara mfn. making dirty, soiling Āp
- ○tva n. impurity
- ○bhāva m. id. MBh. i, 782
- ○lipta mfn. soiled Āp
- a-śauca n. (= āśauca, q.v. Pāṇ. 7-3, 30) impurity, contamination, defilement (contracted by the death of a relation, or by the commission of prohibited acts, &c.) Mn. xi, 183 [Page 113, Column]
- uncleanness Pañcat. Vet
- á-śuddha mfn. impure ŚBr. Mn
- inaccurate, wrong (especially said of mistakes of copyists and of errata in printing)
- unknown, un ascertained L
- ○vāsaka in. 'having impure abodes', a vagrant, suspicious character
- a-śuddhi f. impurity Yogas
- a-śodhita mfn. uncleansed, unclean
- uncorrected, unrevised, inaccurate
- á-śuna n. (AV. xiv, 2, 16) for śū́na (RV. iii, 33, 13), q.v
- a-śubha mfn. not beautiful or agreeable, disagreeable
- inauspicious Vet
- bad, vicious (as thought or speech) MBh. i, 3077 seq. &c
- m. N. of a lexicographer
- (á-śubha), n. a shameful deed, sin ŚBr. ii Bhag. &c
- misfortune, harm, mischief. Suśr. VarBṛS. &c
- ○darśana mfn. ugly R. iii, 1, 21
- a-śuśrūṣā f. non-desire of hearing, disobedience, neglect of service or respect MBh. v, 1535
- a-śuśrūṣu mfn. not desirous of hearing or learning GopBr. Bhag. Hariv
- disobedient towards (gen.) MBh. xii, 8405
- aśúṣa mfn. (√2. aś), consuming, voracious RV. ['not causing to dry up, not extinguished' Sāy., as if fr. √śuṣ]
- a-śuṣka mf(ā)n. not dry, moist, fresh, SāṅkhSr. Gobh. Mn. xi, 64
- a-śuṣkágra mf(ā)n. not having a dry point KātyŚr
- a-śoṣya mfn. not to be dried up, not drying up, permanent (as a pond) Bhag. ii, 24 VarBṛS
- á-śūdra m. not a Śūdra VS. xxx, 22 KātyŚr
- á-śūdrôcchiṣṭin mfn. not coming into contact with Sūdras or with leavings ŚBr. xiv
- a-śūnya mf(ā)n. not empty KātyŚr. &c
- not vain or useless Rājat
- ○tā (aśūnyá-), f. non-emptiness Ragh. xix, 13
- completion (as of seasons) ŚBr. x
- ○śayana n. the day on which Viśvakarman rests VāmP
- (aśūnyaśayana) -dvitīyā f. and -vrata n. N. of ceremonies on that occasion MatsyaP. BhavP. ii
- aśūnyôpasthā f. (a woman) whose womb is not empty, married MantraBr. PārGṛ
- a-śūlā f. the tree Vitex Alata L
- a-śṛṅga mf(ī)n. without horns PBr. Rājat
- having no top L
- á-śṛṇvat mfn. not hearing or liking to hear TS. vii Pañcat
- á-śṛta mfn. uncooked ŚBr
- á-śṛthita mfn. (√śrath), not loosened, not becoming loose RV. x, 94, II
- á-śeva mf(ā)n. not causing pleasure, pernicious RV. vii, 34, 13 ; x, 53, 8
- a-śeṣa mf(ā)n. without remainder, entire, perfect, all
- m. non-remainder KātyŚr
- (am), ind. entirely, wholly Kum. v, 82
- (eṇa), ind. id. MBh. &c
- ○tas ind. id' Mn. MBh. &c
- ○tā f. totality Pāṇ. 2-1, 6 Sch
- ○tva n. id. Jaim
- ○sāmrājya m. 'possessed of complete sovereignty', N. of Siva L
- aśeṣaya Nom. P. (ind. p. ○ṣayitvā) to finish entirely Kum. vii, 29
- a-śéṣas mfn. without descendants RV. vii, 1, 11
- aśeṣita mfn. completely annihilated, Veṇis
- a-śaikṣa m. 'no longer a pupil', an Arhat Buddh
- a-śoka mf(ā)n. (√1. śuc), not causing sorrow, N. Lalit
- not feeling sorrow, Nalod
- m. the tree Jonesia Asoka Roxb. (a tree of moderate size belonging to the leguminous class with magnificent red flowers) MBh. &c
- N. of a minister of king Daśaratha R. i, 7, 3
- of a well-known king (in Pāṭaliputra) MBh. Buddh. &c
- (ā), f. N. of a medicinal plant L
- a female name, (g. śubhrâdi, q.v.)
- N. of one of the female deities of the Jainas L
- (am), n. the blossom of the Aśoka plant Vikr., (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 166 Siddh.)
- quicksilver L
- ○kara m. 'rendering sorrowless', N. of a Vidyādhara Kathās. [Page 114, Column]
- (ī), f. a female name Kathās
- ○taru m. the Aśoka tree, N
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha MBh. iii, 8338 SkandaP
- ○trirātra m. N. of a feast which lasts three nights BhavP. ii
- ○datta m. N. of a man Kathās
- ○dvādaśī and f. N. of certain holidays MatsyaP. BhavP. ii
- ○pūrṇimā f. N. of certain holidays MatsyaP. BhavP. ii
- ○mañjari f. N. of a metre
- ○mālā f. a female name Kathās
- ○rohiṇī f. N. of a medicinal plant Suśr
- ○vanikā f. a grove of Aśoka trees R
- ○vardhana m. N. of a king BhP. VP
- ○vega m. = -datta, q.v. Kathās
- ○vrata n. N. of a certain ceremony BhavP.ī
- ○ṣaṣṭhī f. the sixth day in the first half of the month Caitra BhavP. ii
- aśokâri m. 'enemy of the Asokâ tree', the plant Nauclea Kadamba Roxb
- aśokâṣṭamī f. the eighth day in the first half of the month Caitra
- aśokêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha ŚivaP. Rev
- a-śoca mfn. ? = an-ahaṃkṛti L
- a-śocanīya mfn. not to be lamented Kād
- a-śocya mfn. id. MBh. &c
- (am), n. impers. id. Hariv. 6062
- ○tā f. the state of being not to be lamented Ragh. viii, 27
- ○tva n. id. MBh. iv, 523
- á-śoka mfn. (√3. śuc), without heat ŚBr. xiv
- a-śobhamāna m. (g. cārvādi, q.v.)
- a-śoṣya a-śuṣka
- a-śauca a-śuci
- a-śauṭīrya n. want of self confidence, unmanliness MBh. xii, 3605, ed. Bomb
- a-śauṇḍīrya n. id. MBh. xii, 3605, ed. Calc. Mṛicch
- a-śaurya n. want of heroism
- áśna mfn. (√2. aś), voracious' [RV. i, 164, 1 and 173,], áśan at end (as) m. N. of a demon RV. ii, 14, 5 ; 20 5 ; vi, 4, 3
- aśnát mfn. eating, consuming RV. vii, 67, 7 & viii, 5, 31, &c. (cf. án-aśnat.)
- aśni mfn. 'eating', only in the comp
- áśnyuṣṇi mfn. burning him who eats' Comm. or, 'consuming and burning' (N. of an Agni) TĀr
- aśnīta-pibatā f. invitation to eat and to drink, (g. mayūravyaṃsakâdi, q.v.)
- aśnītapibatīya Nom. P. ○yati, to have the intention of inviting to eat and drink Bhaṭṭ. v, 92
- aśman ā m. an eater AV. xviii, 4, 54
- aśna m. (cf. áśan), a stone RV. viii, 2, 2
- a cloud Naigh
- aśma ifc. for 2. áśman, a stone Pāṇ. 5-4, 94
- aśmaka m. (g. ṛśyâdi, q.v.) N. of a son of Vasishṭha and Madayanti MBh. VP
- (ās), m.pl., N. of a warrior tribe Pāṇ. 4-s, 173 R. &c. (cf. avanty-aśmakās)
- (ī), f. N. of several women Hariv. &c
- ○sumantu m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh. xii, 1592
- áśman ā m. (once aśmán ŚBr. iii), a stone, rock RV. &c
- a precious stone RV. v, 47, 3 ŚBr. vi
- any instrument made of stone (as a hammer &c.) RV. &c
- thunderbolt RV. &c
- a cloud Naigh
- the firmament RV. v, 30, 8 ; 56, 4 ; vii, 88, 2 [Zd. asman ; Pers. aṣmān ; Lith. akmu ; Slav. kamy]
- ○máya mf(ī)n. made of stone RV. iv, 30, 20 ; x, 67, 3 ; 101, 10 (cf. aśma-máya.)
- ○vat (áśman-), mfn. stony RV. x, 53, 8 AV. xii, 2, 26 and 27 (cf. aśma-vat.)
- aśma (in comp. for 2. áśman)
- ○kadalī f. N. of a plant L
- ○kuṭṭa mfn. breaking or bruising with a stone (as grain) Mn. vi, 17 R
- ○kuṭṭaka mfn. id. Yājñ. iii, 49
- ○ketu in., N. of a plant L
- ○gandhā (áśma-), f. N. of a plant ŚBr. xiii KātySr. (cf. aśva-gandhā.)
- ○garbha or n. an emerald L
- ○garbha-ja n. an emerald L
- ○ghna m. N. of a plant L
- ○cakra (áśma.), mfn. furnished with a disk of stone RV. x, 101, 7
- ○cita mfn. covered with stones PBr
- ○ja n. rock-born', bitumen L
- iron L. (cf. Mn. ix, 321.)
- ○jatu n. bitumen Car
- ○tā f. the state (hardness) of a stone Kathās
- ○dāraṇa m. an instrument for breaking Stones L
- ○didyu (áśma.), mfn. whose missile weapons are stones or thunderbolts RV. v, 54, 3
- ○nagara n. N. of the town in which Kālakeya resided R. vii
- ○purā́ f. a castle built on a rock ŚBr. iii
- ○puṣpa n. benzoin (styrax) L
- ○bhāla n. a stone mortar L. [Page 114, Column]
- ○bhid m. the plant Coleus Scutellarioides (supposed to dissolve stone in the bladder) Suśr
- ○bheda ḻ. or m. id
- ○bhedaka ṣuśr., m. id
- ○máya mf(ī)n. (= aśman-máya, q.v.) made of stone ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn
- ○mūrdhan mfn. having a head of stone AitBr
- ○yoni m. = -garbha, q.v. L
- ○vat mfn. (= áśman-vat, q.v.) stony Suśr
- ○varmán n. a wall or shield of stone AV. v, 10, 1-7
- ○varṣa n. a shower of stones MBh
- ○vṛṣṭi f. id. R. iii, 38, 8
- ○vraja (áśma-), mfn. whose stall or pen is a rock RV. iv, s, 13 ; x, 139, 6
- ○sāra m. n. iron Suśr
- m. sapphire L
- (aśmasāra) -maya mfn. made of iron MBh. ii, 1836 R. iv, 22, 15
- ○sārin m. N. of a man
- ○hanman (áśma-), n. a stroke of the thunderbolt RV. vii, 104, 5
- aśmâdi a g. of Pāṇ. 4-2, 80
- aśmâpidhāna mfn. covered by a stone PBr
- aśmârma n. a heap of ruins, stones of a ruin Pāṇ. 6-2, 91
- áśmâsya (4), mfn. 'having a stone-mouth or a stone-source', flowing from a rock RV. ii, 24, 4
- aśmôttha n. (= aśmaja, q.v.) 'rock-produced', bitumen L
- aśmanta n. a fire-place L
- a field L
- m. N. of a Marutvat Hariv. 11546
- [?cf. Gk. [114,] ? ; Lat. caminus], (v. l. aśvanta.)
- aśmantaka n. a fire. place L
- a shade for a lamp Daś
- m. (= aśmāntaka, q.v.) N. of a plant PārGṛ. Suśr. &c
- aśmarī f. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 80), (in comp. sometimes aśmari Suśr.) strangury, stone or gravel (the disease) Suśr. &c
- ○ghna m. the tree Crataeva Roxburghī (used as a lithontriptic) L
- ○bhedana a lithontriptic Suśr
- ○hara m. the tree Pentaptera Arjuna or another plant (used as a lithontriptic) L
- aśmāntaka m. N. of a plant (from the fibres of which a Brāhman's girdle may be made) Mn. ii, 43
- a-śmanta mfn. (?√śam), inauspicious L
- unbounded L
- (am), n. death L
- (v. l. aśvanta and this perhaps for asv-anta', end of life'?)
- aśra ifc. for áśri (q.v.), e.g. caturaśra, try-aśra, qq. vv
- aśra for asra (a tear, blood), q.v
- á-śraddadhāna mfn. (p. Ā. śrad√dhā), not trusting in (gen. Bhag. ix, 3), unbelieving ŚBr. xii MBh. &c
- a-śraddhá mfn. (fr. śraddhā́), id. RV. vii, 6, 3 AV. xii, 2, 51 (á-śraddhā), f. want of trust, unbelief. VS. AV. ŚBr. Mn
- a-śraddhita mfn. unbelieving BhP
- a-śraddheya mfn. incredible R. &c
- a-śrāddha mfn. not performing funeral rites L
- (am), n. food which has no relation to funeral rites Āp
- ○bhojin mfn. one who has taken a vow not to eat during the performance of the Srāddha ceremonies Pāṇ. 3-2, 80 Sch
- a-śrāddhin mfn. not performing funeral rites Mn.iv, 223
- a-śrāddheya mfn. not fit for funeral rites MBh. xiii, 4363
- a-śramá mfn. in defatigable RV. vii, 69, 7
- (á-śrama), mfn. id. RV. vi, 21, 12
- (eṇa), instr. ind. without fatigue Ragh. ii, 67
- a-śramaṇá mfn. indefatigable RV. x, 94, 11
- (á-śramaṇa), m. not an ascetic ŚBr. xiv
- á-śramiṣṭha mfn. (superl.) quite indefatigable RV. iv, 4, 12
- á-śrānta mfn. unwearied RV. x, 62, 11 AV. xix, 25, 1 Kathās
- (am), n. unweariedly Uttarar
- a-śravaṇa n. not hearing Vedāntas
- (āt), abl. ind. on account of not hearing, i.e. not seeing anything declared in the sacred texts Lāṭy
- a-śravaṇīya mfn. inaudible ChUp
- a-śrāvya mfn. unfit to be heard Sāh
- á-śrāta mfn. uncooked RV. x, 179, 1
- a-śrāddha &c. á-śraddadhāna
- a-śrāvya a-śravaṇa
- áśri f. the sharp side of anything, corner, angle (of a room or house), edge (of a sword) ŚBr. KātyŚr
- often ifc., e.g. aṣṭâśri, trir-áśri, cátur-aśri, śatâśri, q.v. (cf. aśra) ; [Lat. acies, acer ; Lith. assmu]
- ○mat mfn. cornered Nir. vi, 23. [Page 114, Column]
- aśrī f. = áśri ṢaḍvBr
- á-śrita mfn. ? RV. iv, 7, 6
- a-śrī f. ill-luck (personified as a goddess) Kathās
- ○mat mfn. inglorious, unpleasant R. i, 6, 16 (ed. Bomb.)
- a-śrīka mfn. unlucky MBh. iii, 12261
- a-śrīrá mf(ā́)n. unpleasant, ugly RV
- a-ślīka mfn. unpropitious Mn. iv, 206
- a-ślīlá mfn. = a-śrīrá, q. v AV. ŚBr. AitBr
- (especially said of speech)coarse, vulgar Kāṭh. PBr. MBh. &c
- (am), n. rustic language, low abuse Daś. Sāh. &c
- ○tā f. or rustic language Sāh. &c
- ○tva n. rustic language Sāh. &c
- ○dṛḍha-rūpā f. (a woman) of an unpleasant but strong figure Pāṇ. 6-2, 42
- ○parivāda m. ill-report Yājñ. i, 33
- aśrīvī́ = asrīvií, q.v. MaitrS
- áśru n. (us m. only once ŚBr. vi and once R.) a tear RV. x, 95, 12 and 13 AV. &c. with √muc, or √kṛ [MBh. xii, 1249] or √vṛt, Caus. ṛ. to shed tears [supposed to stand for daśru fr. √daṃś: Gk. ? ; Lat. lacryma for dacryma ; [114,] Goth. tagrs ; Eng. tear ; Mod. Germ. [Z�"hre]]
- ○karman n. shedding tears MBh. xii, 12491
- ○nālī f. Fistula Lacrymalis
- ○nipāta m. flow of tears MBh. iii, 327, &c
- ○paripluta mfn. bathed in tears
- ○pāta m. = -nipāta, q.v. MBh. xiv, 1638 Sāh
- N. of a particular part of a horse's head VarBṛS
- pūrṇa mfn. filled with tears
- ○pravāha m. = -nipāta, q.v. Pañcat
- ○plāvita n. a flood of tears Kād
- ○mukhá mf(ī́)n. having tears on the face AV. xi, 9, 7 R. Vikr
- (ās), m. pl. a collective name for father, grandfather, and great-grand-father BrahmaP
- ○locana mfn. having tears in the eyes MBh. iv, 485
- ○vilocana mfn. id., Var BṛS
- aśrū7pahata mfn. affected by tears Vikr
- á-śruta mfn. unheard ŚBr. xiv, &c
- not heard from the teacher, not taught Jaim
- (hence) contrary to the Vedas L
- untaught, not learned MBh. v, 1000 and 1369
- m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa, Kṛishṇs Hariv. 6190
- of a son of Dyutimat VP
- (ā), f. N. of the wife of Aṅgiras Kathās
- ○vat ind. as if it were not heard Rājat
- ○vraṇa m. N. of a son of Dyutimat VP
- á-śruti f. oblivion ŚBr. xiii R
- not a Vedic text KātySr
- ○tva n. 'inaudibleness', indistinctness RPrāt
- ○dhara mfn. not striking the hearing VPrāt
- not knowing the Veda L
- a-śreyas mfn. (compar.) not the better, inferior Mn.x, 64 MBh
- (as), n. mischief. MBh. iii, 1195 ; v, 7079 Kathās
- a-śreyaska mfn. fatal, noxious MBh. iii, 75
- a-śreṣṭha mfn. not the best, inferior L
- a-śreṣmán mfn. (√2. śriṣ), without bands AV. iii, 9, 2
- a-śrotṛṛ́ mfn. one who does not hear ChUp. MaitrUp
- a-śrotrá mfn. without ears ŚBr. xiv
- á-śrotriya mfn. not versed in the Veda Kāṭh. ŚBr. &c
- performed by Brāhmans who are not versed in the Veda Pañcat
- a-ślāghā f. modesty Nir. iv, 10
- a-ślāghya mfn. not to be praised, base Mṛicch
- a-ślika 2. a-śri
- a-ślīlá ib
- a-śleṣā f. sg. or ās f. pl. (= aśleṣā́, q.v.) N. of the seventh (in later times the ninth) lunar mansion (containing five stars) MBh. xiii, 3262 Jyot. VarBṛS
- ○bhava or m. the Ketu (or descending node) L
- ○bhū m. the Ketu (or descending node) L
- á-śloṇa mf(ā)n. not lame AV
- áśva (2. rarely 3 RV.), m. (√1. aś Uṇ.), ifc. f. ā, a horse, stallion RV. &c
- the, horse (in the game of chess)
- the number 'seven' (that being the number of the horses of the sun)
- the archer (in the zodiac) VarBṛ
- a particular kind of lover (horse-like in strength) L
- N. of a teacher (with the patron. Sāmudri) ŚBr. xiii
- of a son of Citraka Hariv. 1921
- of a Dānava MBh. i, 2532 ; (ā), f. (g. ajâdi, q.v.) a mare RV. &c. [Zd. aspa ; Lat. eqūs
- Gk. ?, &c.]
- ○kandikā f. = -ganghā, [114,] q.v. L
- ○karṇa m. the ear of a horse KātyŚr
- (mfn.) 'resembling the ear of a horse', said of a particular fracture of the bones Suśr. [Page 115, Column]
- (as)
- m. the tree Vatica Robusta (so called from the shape of its leaves) R. Suśr
- N. of a mountain Buddh
- ○karṇaka mfn. (= -karṇa mfn.) said of a particular fracture of the bones Suśr
- m. the tree Vatica Robusta, Suśs
- ○kaśá f. a whip for a horse Nir. ix, 19
- ○kuṭī f. a stable for horses Pañcat
- ○kuṇapá n. the carcass of a horse TS. vii
- ○keśa âs m. pl., N. of a people MārkP
- ○kovida mfn. skilled in horses, N
- ○kranda (áśva-), m. N. of a mythical being Suparṇ. MBh. 1, 1488 ('N. of Yaksha' Comm.)
- ○krīta mf(ī Pāṇ. 4-1, 50) n. bought (in exchange) for a horse Pāṇ. 6-2, 151 Sch
- ○kṣabhâ mf(ā)n.? AV.xix, 49, 1
- ○khura m. a horse's hoof. Suśr. Pañcat
- a perfume (apparently a dried shell-fish) L
- (ī), f. the plant Clitoria Ternatea L
- ○gati f. 'the pace of a horse', N. of a metre (containing four verses of eighteen [or sixteen?] syllables each)
- ○gandhā f. the plant Physalis Flexuosa Suśr. Comm. on KātyŚr
- ○gupta m. N. of a teacher Buddh
- ○goyuga n. a pair of horses (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 29 Comm.)
- ○goṣṭha n. a stable for horses Pāṇ. 5-2, 29 Comm
- ○griva m. horse-neck', N. of an Asura MBh. R
- of a son of Citraka Hariv. 1920
- ○ghāma m. N. of a place Rājat
- ○ghāsa m. (Pāṇ. 2-1, 36 Comm.) fodder for horses Kathās
- ○ghoṣa m. N. of a Buddhist patriarch
- ○ghna m. horsebane', a kind of Oleander (Nerium Odorvm) L
- ○cakra m. N. of a man MBh. iii, 10272
- ○calana-śālā f. a riding-house Pañcat
- ○cikitsā f. veterinary art', a work of Jayadatta
- ○jaghana mfn. having the lower limbs like those of a horse VarBṛ
- ○jit mfn. gaining horses by conquest RV. ii, 21, 1 ; ix, 59, 1 AV
- (t), m. N. of a Buddhist Bhikshu
- ○tará below s.v
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a place of pilgrimage near Kānyakubja on the Gaṅgā MBh. iii, 11052 ; xiii, 216
- ○ttha
- ○tthāma
- ○tthāman ss.vv. below
- ○trirātra m. (g. yuktârohyādi, q.v.) N. of a ceremony ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy
- ○tvá n. the state of a horse ŚBr. xiii
- ○da mfn. giving horses Mn. iv, 231
- ○daṃṣṭrā f. (= śva-daṃṣṭrā, q.v.) the plant Tribulus Lanuginosus L
- ○dā́ mfn. = -da, q.v. RV. (cf. án-aśva-dā.)
- ○dāvan mfn. id. RV. v, 18, 3 (voc.)
- ○dūta m. a messenger on horseback Lalit
- ○nadi f. N. of a river MBh. iii, 17132
- ○nāya m. a horse-herd, one who has the charge of a drove of grazing horses ChUp
- ○nāśaka m.= -ghna L
- ○nibandhika m. 'a horse-fastener', groom Inscr
- ○nirṇij (áśva-), mfn. decorated with horses RV. x 76, 3
- ○pá m. a groom VS. xxx, 11
- ○pati (áśva-), m. lord of horses RV. viii, 21, 3 (voc
- said of Indra) VS. xvi, 24
- N. of a Kaikeya ŚBr. x
- of a brother-in-law of Daśiratha R. ii, 1, 2
- of an Asura MBh. Hariv
- of a king of Madras and father of Sāvitri MBh
- (aśvapaty)-ādi, a g. of Pāṇ. 4-1, 84
- ○parṇa (ā́va-), mfn. having horses for wings RV. i, 88, 1 ; vi, 47, 31
- (ī), f. N. of a river ŚivaP. Rev
- ○pastya (ā́śva- 5), mfn. having horses in the stable, filling the stable with horses RV. ix, 86, 41
- ○pāda mfn. horse-footed, (g. hasty-ādi, q.v.)
- m. N. of a Siddha Rājat
- ○pāla m. (f. ī g. revaty-adi, q.v.) a groom, Ratnāv
- one who has to guard the sacrificial horse ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○pucchaka m. N. of a plant L
- (ikā), f. the plant Glycine Debilis L
- ○pṛṣṭha (ā́śva-), mfn. carried on horseback RV. viii, 26, 24
- (am), n. horseback
- ○peja or m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 4-3, 106 Kāś
- ○peya m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 4-3, 106 Kāś
- ○peśas (ā́śva.), mfn. decorated with horses RV. ii, 1, 16
- ○praṇīta (ā́śva-), mfn. carried near by a horse ŚBr. vii
- ○prapatana n. Pāṇ. 5-1, 111 Comm
- ○taniya mfn. referring to it ib
- ○bandha m. = -nibandhika, q.v MBh. iv, 62 R
- ○bandhaka m. id. R
- ○bandhana n. fastening of horses
- (mf(ī)n.) used for fastening horses
- ○balā f. the vegetable Trigonella Foenum Graecum Suśr
- ○bāhu m. N. of a son of Citraka Hariv. 1920 and 2088
- ○budhna (áśva.), mf(ā)n. 'based on horses', carried by horses RV. x, 8, 3
- ○budhya (áśva.), mfn. based on horses, consisting of horses (as wealth) RV. i, 92, 7 and 8 ; 121, 14
- horses (as wealth) RV. i, 92, 7 and 8 ; 121, 14
- ○bhāra m. the load of a horse, (g. vaṃśâdi, q.v.)
- ○mandurā f. = -goṣṭha, q.v. Kād
- ○mahiṣikā f. the natural enmity of a horse and a buffalo L
- ○māra or,
- ○māraka m. = -ghna, q.v. Suśr
- ○māla m. a kind of serpent L
- ○mitra m. N. of a teacher of the Gobhila family VBr
- ○m-iṣṭi (áśvam-iṣṭi), mfn. wishing for horses RV. viii, 61, 7
- procuring horses RV. ii, 6, 2. [Page 115, Column]
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. having the head of a horse VarBṛS
- (ás), m. N. of a mythical being Suparṇ
- a Kiṃnara Kād
- (ī), f. a Kiṃnarī R. Kum. i, 11
- (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. (vḷ. śva-mukha). 1
- ○medhá m. the horse-sacrifice (a celebrated ceremony, the antiquity of which reaches back to the Vedic period ; the hymns RV. i, 162 and 163 [= VS. xxii seqq.], referring to it, are however of comparatively late origin ; in later times its efficacy was so exaggerated, that a hundred such sacrifices entitled the sacrificer to displace Indra from the dominion of Svarga ; kings who engaged in it spent enormous sums in gifts to the Brāhmans ; it is said that the horse was sometimes not immolated, but kept bound during the ceremony) VS. xviii, 22 TS. Ragh. &c., (cf. arkâśvamedhá) ; (aśvamedha) -kāṇḍa n. N. of ŚBr.xiii (treating of the Aśvamedha)
- -ja m. N. of a king BhP
- -tvá n. the state of an Aśv. ŚBr. x
- -datta m. N. of a king MBh. i, 3838 VP
- -yājín m. engaged in an Aśv. ŚBr. xiii, xiv
- (aśvamedhá) -vat mfn. receiving an Aśv
- ind. as with the Aśv. KātyŚr
- aśvamedhêśvara m. N. of a king MBh. ii, 1066. -2
- ○medha (áśva-), m. N. of a descendant of Bharata RV. v, 27, 4-6
- ○medhaka m. (= aśvamedha-ja above) N. of a king BhP
- ○medhika mfn. relating to the Aśva medha MBh. i, 354 and 605 (cf. ā́śvamedhika)
- m. a horse fit for the Aśv. L
- ○medhin mfn. engaged in an Aśv. PBr
- ○medhīya m. = -medhika (q.v.), m. L
- ○mohaka m. -ghna, q.v. L
- ○yajña m. a sacrifice offered for the benefit of one's horses Gobh
- ○yuj mfn. harnessing horses RV. v, 54, 2
- having horses put to (as a carriage) R. v, 27, 14
- born under the constellation Aśvayuj Pāṇ. 4-3, 36 (cf. āśvayuja)
- (k), f. sg., N. of a constellation (the head of Aries) Pāṇ. 4-3, 36 VarBṛS. iv, 3, 36 VarBṛS. &c
- (-yújau), f. du. id. AV. xix, 7, 5 TBr
- (k), m. the month Āśvina (Sept.-Oct.) VarBṛS
- ○yuja m. the month Aśvina Kauś. VarBṛS
- ○yūpá m. the post to which the sacrificial horse is bound RV. i, 162, 6
- ○yoga (áśva.), mf(ā)n., having horses put to', reaching quickly RV. i, 186, 7
- ○rakṣa m. a groom L
- ○rathá m. a carriage drawn by horses ŚBr. v KātyŚr
- (mfn.) driving in such a carriage PBr
- (ā), f. N. of a river MBh. iii, 11681
- ○rāja m. 'king of horses', N. of the horse Uccai?śravas (q.v.) MBh. i, 1097
- N. of Sākyamuni Lalit
- ○rādhas (áśva-), mfn. equipping or furnishing horses RV. v, 10, 4 ; x, 21, 2
- ○ripu m. 'enemy of horses', a buffalo Bhpr
- ○rodhaka m. = -ghna, q.v. L
- ○lalita n. a species of the Vikṛiti metre
- ○lālā f. a kind of snake L
- ○loman mḥorse-hair L
- ○vaktra m. (-mukha, q.v.) a Kiṃnara L
- ○vaḍava n. sg. or au m. du. a horse and a mare Pāṇ. 2-4, 12
- (ās), m. pl. horses and mares Pāṇ. 2-4, 27 Kāś
- ○vat (ā́śva-), mfn. rich in horses AV. vi, 68, 3
- (t), n. 'consisting of horses', possession of horses RV. viii, 46, 5 ; ix, 105, 4 AV. xviii, 3, 61 (cf. áśvā-vat)
- (mfn.) containing the word aśva PBr
- (ti), f. N. of a river MBh. xiii, 7651
- of an Apsaras VP
- ○vadana ās m. pl., N. of a people, VasBṛS
- ○vaha m. a horseman L. - 1
- ○vāra m. (= -vālá, q.v.) Saccharum Spontaneum Pāṇ. 8-2, 18 Comm. (cf. āśvavāra.) -2
- ○vāra m. a horseman R. Siś. iii, 66, &c
- a groom L
- ○vāraka m. a groom L
- ○vārana m. -ripu, q.v. L
- ○vālá m. hair from the tail of a horse KātyŚr
- the reed Saccharum Spontaneum ŚBr. iii
- ○vāha m. a horseman L
- ○vikrayin m. a horse-dealer L. -1
- ○vid m. (√1. vid), 'skilled in training horses', a N. of Nala L. -2
- ○vid mfn. (√3. vid), procuring horses RV. ix, 55, 3 ; 61, 3
- ○vṛṣá m. a stallion ŚBr. xiv
- ○vaidya m. a veterinary surgeon
- ○vrata n. N. of a Sāman
- ○śaká n. excrements of a horse, ŚBs. vi
- ○śakṛt n. id. KātyŚr
- f. N. of a river Hariv. 6445
- ○saṅku m. N. of a Dānava MBh. i, 2531
- ○śatru m. = -ripu, q.v. L
- ○śaphá m. a horse's hoof. ŚBr. xiii KātyŚr
- (aśvaśapha) -budhna mfn. having ground shaped like a horse's hoof. ĀpŚs
- -mātrá, having the measure of a horse-hoof. ŚBr. i
- ○śākhoṭa m. N. of a plant
- ○śālā f. a stable for horses MBh
- ○śāva m. a foal
- ○śāstra n. a text-book of veterinary science
- N. of wk. of Nakula
- ○śiras n. a horse's head MBh
- (mfn.) having the head of a horse (N. of Nārāyaṇa) MBh. xii, 13100 seqq
- (ās), m. N. of a Dānava MBh. Hariv
- of a king (named in connection with Nārāyaṇa), VārP
- ○śīrṣa m. 'having the head of a horse', a form of Vishṇu AgP. [Page 115, Column]
- ○ścandra (áśva-), brilliant with horses RV. vi, 35, 4
- ○ṣaḍgava n. a set or team of six horses Pāṇ. 5-2, 29 Comm
- ○ṣā mfn. (Ved.) = -sā́, q.v. Pāṇ. 8-3, 110 Pat
- ○sáni mfn. gaining or procuring horses VS. viii, 12 (cf. g. savanâdi, q.v.)
- ○sā́ mfn. id. RV
- ○sādá m. a horseman VS. xxx, 13
- ○sādin m. id. Ragh. vii, 44
- ○sārathya management of horses and cars, horsemanship and driving Mn. x, 47
- ○sukta n. N. of a Sāman
- ○sū7ktin m. N. of the author of the hymns RV. viii, 14 and 15
- ○sūtra n. a text-book on the management of horses MBh. ii, 255
- ○sūnṛta mf(ā)n. pleased with horses RV. v, 79, 1-10 (voc.)
- ○sṛgālikā f. the natural enmity between the horse and the jackal L
- ○sena m. N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 803, 8237
- of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- of the father of the twenty-third Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇi L
- ○stomī́ya n. relating to the praise of the sacrificial horse', N. of the hymn RV. i, 162 ŚBr. xiii
- m. (sc. homa), N. of an oblation ĀpŚr
- ○sthāna n. a stable for horses Yājñ. i, 278
- (mfn.) born in a stable Pāṇ. 4-3, 35 Sch
- ○hana m.= -ghna, q.v. Car
- ○hanu m. N. of a man Hariv. 1943
- ○hantṛ m. = -ghna, q.v. Suśr
- ○hayá mfn. driving horses RV. ix, 96, 2 ; x, 26, 5
- ○havis n. N. of a sacrificial ceremony MaitrS
- ○hāraka m. a horse-stealer Mn. xi, 51
- ○hṛdaya n. horsemanship L
- (ā), f. a N. of the Apsaras Rambhā Kād
- aśvâkṣa m. N. of a plant L
- aśvâjanī f. a whip RV. v, 62, 7 ; vi, 75, 13
- aśvâdi two gaṇas of Pāṇ. 4-1, 110 and v, 1, 39
- aśvâdhika mfn. superior in horses, strong in cavalry
- aśvâdhyakṣa m. a guardian of horses, N. Pañcat
- aśvânīka n. cavalry Mālav
- aśvantaka m.= aśva-ghna, q.v. L
- aśvâbhidhā́nī f. a halter AV. ŚBr
- aśvâbhidhāni-kṛta mfn. having the halter put on ŚBr. vi
- áśvā-magha mfn. rich in horses RV. vii, 71, 1
- aśvâyurveda m. veterinary science
- aśvâyus m. N. of a king MatsyaP
- aśvâri m. = aśva-ripu, q.v. L
- aśvâruḍha mfn. mounted, sitting on horseback Kathās
- aśvâroha m. a horseman Kathās
- (ā), f. = aśva-gandhā, q.v. L
- áśvā-vat mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-3, 131) furnished with horses, together with a horse or horses RV
- consisting of horses RV
- (t), n. (= ásva-vat, q.v.) possession of horses RV
- (tī), f. N. of a river ŚivaP. Rev
- aśvâvatāna m. N. of a man, (gaṇa, gopavanâdi and vidâdi, q.v.)
- aśvâvarohaka m. or = aśva-gandhā, q.v
- aśvâvarohikā f. = aśva-gandhā, q.v
- áśvêṣita mfn. driven by horses RV. viii, 46, 28
- aśvôrasa n. a principal horse Pāṇ. 5-4, 93 Sch
- aśva Nom. P. aśvati, to behave like a horse Pāṇ. 3-1, 11 Sch
- aśvaká m. a small or bad horse VS. xxiii, 18
- a sparrow L
- (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 351, &c. (cf. aśmaka)
- (ikâ), f. a little mare Pāṇ. 7-3, 46
- aśvakinī f. the Nakshatra Aśvini L
- aśvatará m. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 91) a mule AV. iv, 4, 8 ŚBr. &c
- (compar. of aśva) a better horse Pat
- a male calf. L
- one of the chiefs of the Nāgas MBh. Hariv. &c
- N. of a Gandharva L
- (ā), f. a better mare Pat
- (ī́), f. a she-mule AV. viii, 8, 22 MBh. &c
- aśvatarâśva m. N. of a man Comm. on ChUp. (cf. āśvatarâśva.)
- aśvatarīratha m. a car drawn by a she-mule AitBr. ChUp. KātyŚr
- aśvattha m. (ttha-stha, under which horses stand') the holy fig tree, Ficus Religiosa AV. ŚBr. &c
- a vessel made of its wood RV. i, 135, 8 ; x, 97, 5
- the upper (or male) araṇi made of its wood AV. vi, 11, 1 ŚBr. xi KātyŚr
- the plant Thespesia Populneoides L
- N. of a Nakshatra (also called Śroṇā) Pāṇ. 4-2, 5 and 22
- a N. of the sun MBh. iii, 151
- (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS
- (ā), f. day of full moon in the month Aśvina (in which month the fruit of the Ficus Religiosa generally becomes ripe)
- (ī), f. the small Pippala tree L
- (mfn.) 'relating to the Nakshatra Aśvattha', (with muhūrta) the moment in which the moon enters that Nakshatra Pāṇ. 4-2, 5 Sch
- ○kuṇa m. the fruit season of the holy fig tree, (g. pīlv-ādi, q.v.)
- ○bheda m. the tree Ficus Benjamina
- aśvatthaka mfn. to be done (as paying debts) when the Asvattha tree bears Pāṇ. 4-3, 48
- (ikā), f. = aśvatthī, q.v. L
- aśvatthāma mfn. (for aśva-sth○) having the strength of a horse Pat. [Page 116, Column]
- aśvatthāman mfn. id. Pāṇ. 4-1, 85 Siddh
- (ā), m. N. of a son of Droṇa MBh
- of one of the seven Ṛishis of the period of Manu Savarṇi Hariv. 453
- aśvatthika mf(ī)n.,
- aśvatthila
- aśvatthīya mfn. (gaṇas parpâdi, kumudâdi, kāśâdi, and utkarâdi qq. vv.)
- aśvathá m. N. of a man RV. vi, 47, 24
- aśvaya Nom. Ā. ○yate = aśvataram ācaṣṭe L
- aśvayā́ f. desire to get horses RV. viii, 46, 10 ; ix, 64, 4
- aśvayú mfn. desiring horses RV
- aśvalá m. N. of the Hotṛi-priest of Janaka king of Vaideha ŚBr. xiv (cf. āśvalāyana.)
- aśvasya Nom. P. ○syati, to wish for the stallion Pāṇ. 7-1, 51
- aśvāya Nom. P. (p. ○syati,) to wish for the horses RV. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 37.)
- aśvika mf(ī)n. (gaṇas parpâdi and kumudâdi, qq.vv.)
- aśvin mfn. possessed of horses, consisting of horses RV
- mounted on horseback MārkP
- (ī́), m. a cavalier
- horse-tamer RV
- (ī́nā or inau), m. du., the two charioteers', N. of two divinities (who appear in the sky before the dawn in a golden carriage drawn by horses or birds
- they bring treasures to men and avert misfortune and sickness
- they are considered as the physicians of heaven) RV. &c
- a N. of the Nakshatra presided over by the Aśvins VarBṛS
- the number, 'two' ib. Sūryas
- (for aśvi-sutau) the two sons of the Aśvins, viz. Nakula and Sahadeva MBh. v, 1816
- (inī), f. N. of the wife of the two Aśvins (who in later times was considered as their mother
- cf. aśvinī-putrau below) RV. v, 46, 8
- the head of Aries or the first of the 28 Nakshatras Jyot. VarBṛS
- (aśvini, shortened for the sake of metre) Sūryas
- (i), n. (= aśva-vat n. q.v.) richness in horses RV. i, 53, 4
- aśvi-devatāka mfn. whose divinities are the Aśvins L
- asvina-kṛta mfn. (irreg. for aśví-k○) done by the Aśvins VS. xx, 35
- aśvinī-kumāra m. the son of Aśvinī (said to be the father of the first physician) BrahmaP. i
- aśvinī-putrau or m. du. the twin sons of Aśvinī L
- aśvinī-sutau m. du. the twin sons of Aśvinī L
- aśvi-mat mfn. (any Mantra) containing the word Aśvin Pāṇ. 4-4, 126
- aśviyá ā́, Ved. n. pl. troops of horses RV. iv, 17, 11
- aśvīya Nom. P. ○yati, to desire horses Pāṇ. 7-1, 51 Sch.: Desid. aśviiyiyiṣati or aśisviyiṣati Pāṇ. 6-1, 3 Comm
- aśvīya mfn. (g. apūpâdi, q.v.) conducive to horses L
- (Pāṇ. 4-2, 48) a number of horses or horsemen with horses Kād. Kathās
- áśvya (3, rarely 2), mfn. (g. apūpâdi q.v.) belonging to or coming from horses RV. ŚBr. xiv
- consisting of horses RV
- (am), n. a number of horses, possession of horses RV
- aśvyá (3), as m. 'son of Aśva', N. of Vaśa RV. i, 112, 10 ; viii, 46, 21 and 33
- N. of another man RV. viii, 24, 14
- aśvanta v. l. for aśmanta, q.v
- a-śvastana mf(i) n. not for to-morrow, not provided for to-morrow PBr. Yājñ. i, 128 MBh
- ○vid mfn. ignorant of the future BhP
- ○vidhātṛ mfn. not providing for the future MBh. xii, 8920
- ○vidhāna n. non-provision for the future Mn. xi, 16 (= MBh. xii, 6050)
- á-śvastanika mfn. = a-śvastana Mn. iv, 7
- aṣ cl. 1. P. Ā. aṣati, ○te, to go, move L
- to shine L
- to take or receive L. (cf. √3. as.)
- a-ṣaḍakṣiṇa mfn. (fr. ṣaṣ, akṣi), not seen by six eyes, i.e. known by two persons only, secret Pāṇ. 5-4, 7
- áṣatara mfn. (compar. fr., 'aṣa' fr. √1. aś?) more acceptable RV. i, 173, 4
- á-ṣāḍha (or in RV. á-ṣālha) mfn. not to be overcome, invincible RV. VS
- born under the Nakshatra Ashāḍhā Pāṇ. 4-3, 34
- m. the month (generally called) Āshāḍha L
- a staff made of Palāśa wood (carried by the student during the performance of certain vows) L
- N. of a teacher Kāṭh. ŚBr. i (cf. āṣāḍhi)
- (ā), f. N. of a brick (used for the sacrificial altar) ŚBr
- (ā́ or ā́s), f. sg. or pl., N. of two lunar mansions (distinguished as pinvā and uttara, 'the former' and the latter', and reckoned either as the eighteenth and nineteenth ṭBr. or as the twentieth and twenty-first [VP.&c.]) AV. xix, 7, 4, &c. [Page 116, Column]
- aṣāḍhaka m. the month Āshaḍha L
- aṣāḍhin mfn. wearing the staff (of Palāśa wood) called Ashāḍha Kād
- aṣṭa mfn. (√akṣ
- cf. nir-√akṣ) 'marked, branded', only in comp. with 1
- ○karṇa mfn. branded on the ear Pāṇ. 6-3, 115
- (ī́), f. a cow branded on the ear RV. x, 62, 7
- aṣṭa fr. √1. aś. á-samaṣṭa-k○
- aṣṭan aṣṭaú [RV. AV. &c.] or aṣṭā́ [RV. viii, 2, 4] or aṣṭá [RV. x, 27, 15 AV. &c.], pl. eight (other forms are: gen. aṣṭānām Mn. &c
- instr. aṣṭabhís RV. ii, 18, 4 ŚBr. &c
- loc. aṣṭāsú ŚBr. &c.) ; [Lat. octo ; Gk. ?. [116,] Goth. ahtau ; Mod. Germ. acht ; Eng. eight ; Lith. asśtuni ; Slav. osmj.]
- aṣṭa (in comp. for aṣṭan)
- ○kapāla mfn. = aṣṭā́
- ○kapāla mfn. = aṣṭā́-kap○ q.v. Pāṇ. 6-3, 46 Comm. -2
- ○karṇa m. 'eight-eared', N. of Brahman (who is supposed to have four heads) L
- ○kṛtvas ind. eight times AV. xi, 2, 9 KātyŚr. (cf. aṣṭaú kṛ́tvas id., ŚB.)
- ○koṇa m. an octogon L
- ○khaṇḍa m. N. of a collection of different passages of the RV
- ○gava n. a flock of eight cows Pāṇ. 6-3, 46 Comm., (cf. aṣṭā-gava)
- (mfn.) drawn by eight oxen MBh. viii, 799
- ○guṇa mfn. eightfold Mn. viii, 400
- (am), n. 'eight qualities', in comp., e.g. aṣṭaguṇâśraya, mfn. endowed with the eight qualities (as a king) L
- ○gṛhīta mfn. = aṣṭā-gṛh○, q.v. KātyŚr
- ○catvāriṃśa mfn. the forty-eighth
- ○catvāriṃśat f. = aṣṭā́-catv○, q.v. Pāṇ. 6-3, 49
- ○taya n. (in later language for aṣṭā-taya, q.v.) a collection of eight different things
- ○triṃśa mfn. the thirty-eighth MBh
- ○triṃśat f. = aṣṭātr○, q.v. MBh
- ○tva n. condition of eight Pāṇ. 7-2, 84 Sch
- ○daṃṣṭra m. (= aṣṭā-d○, q.v.) N. of a Dānava Hariv. 12935
- ○dala mfn. having a flower of eight leaves Sāh
- (am), n. a lotus flower with eight leaves
- ○diś ○śas f. pl. the eight cardinal points of the compass collectively L
- (aṣṭadik) -pāla, ās m. pl. the eight regents of the cardinal points, as Indra of the East, &c
- ( dik-pati and -pāla.)
- ○dhā́ ind. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 42 seq.) eight-fold, in eight parts or sections AV. xiii, 3, 19 VS. &c
- (aṣṭadhā) -vihitá mfn. divided into eight parts ŚBr. vi
- ○dhātu m. pl. the eight metals collectively (as gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, brass, iron, and steel)
- ○navata mfn. the ninety-eighth
- ○navati f. = aṣṭā́-n○, q.v
- ○navatitama mfn. =
- ○navata q.v. =
- ○pañcāśa mfn. the fifty-eighth
- ○pañcāśat f. = aṣṭā́-p○, q.v
- ○pañcāśattama mfn. = -pañcāśa, q.v
- ○pati (aṣṭá-), mf(-patnī)n (-pat), having eight husbands TĀr
- ○pattra mfn. and (am), n. = -dala, q.v
- ○pad m. (nom. -pād), 'having eight legs', a spider L
- the fabulous animal generally called Sarabha L
- ○pada mf(ā)n. having eight Padas (as a metre) RPrāt
- ○padikā f. the plant Vallaris Dichotomus Wall. MBh. xiii, 2831, ed. Bomb
- v. l. -pādikā ed. Calc
- ○pāda mfn. having eight legs MBh. iii, 10665
- m. a kind of spider L
- the fabulous animal Śarabha L
- ○pādikā -padikā above
- ○putra (aṣṭá-), mf(ā)n. having eight sons AV. viii, 9, 21 TĀr
- ○puruṣa (aṣṭá-), mfn. consisting of eight persons TĀr
- ○puṣpikā f. a wreath made with eight different kinds of flowers Kād
- ○maṅgala n. a collection of eight lucky things (for certain great occasions, such as a coronation &c.), e.g. a lion, a bull, an elephant, a water-jar, a fan, a flag, a trumpet, and a lamp
- (or, according to others, a Brāhman, a cow, fire, gold, ghee, the sun, water, and a king)
- m. a horse with a white face, tail, mane, breast, and hoofs L
- ○māna n. a measure (one kuḍava, q.v.) Śārṅg
- ○mūrti m. eight-formed', a N. of Siva (as identified with the five elements, mind, egotism, and Prakṛiti matter
- or, according to the opening of the Sakuntalā, with the five elements, the sun and moon and the sacrificing priest) MBh. iii, 1939 Ragh. &c
- ○mūrti-dhara m. 'possessing eight forms', a N. of Siva
- ○mūlī f. a collection of eight roots from different plants VarBṛS
- ○yoni (aṣṭá-), mf(ī)n. having eight places of origin AV. viii, 9, 21 TĀr
- ○ratna n. 'the eight jewels', N. of a collection of eight Ślokas on ethics
- ○rasâśraya mfn. endowed with the eight rasas (or sentiments of poetry)
- ○rcá m. (fr. ṛc), m. a hymn consisting of eight verses ŚBr. ix. [Page 116, Column]
- ○loha n. = -dhātu, q.v. Hcat
- ○varga mfn. being in rows of eight each KātyŚr
- m. a class of eight principal medicaments (viz. Ṛishabha, Jivaka, Medā, Mahāmedā, Ṛiddhi, Vṛiddhi, Kākoli, and Kshirakākoli) L
- ○varṣa mf(ā)n. eight years old Mn. ix, 94
- ○vikalpa mfn. of eight kinds Sāṅkhyak
- ○vidha mfn. eightfold, of eight kinds Mn. vii, 154, &c
- ○vṛṣá mfn. having eight bulls (?) AV. v, 168
- ○śata n. a hundred and eight VarBṛS. Jain
- eight hundred Yājñ. i, 302
- (ī), f. id. Sūryas
- (aṣṭaśata)-sāhasra mfn. consisting of eight hundred thousand MBh. iv, 288
- ○śataka n. a hundred and eight MBh. iii, 158
- ○śravaṇa or m. (= -karṇa, q.v.), 'eight-eared', N. of Brahman L. -ṣaṣṭa mfn. the sixty-eighth
- ○śravas m. (= -karṇa, q.v.), 'eight-eared', N. of Brahman L. -ṣaṣṭa mfn. the sixty-eighth
- ○ṣaṣṭi f. sixty-eight Kathās
- ○ṣaṣṭitama mfn. = -ṣaṣṭa, q.v
- ○saptati f. seventy-eight
- ○saptatitama mfn. the seventy-eight
- ○sāhasraka mf(ikā)n. consisting of eight thousand (i.e. ślokas, as one of the Buddhist Prajñāpāramitās)
- ○stanā́ ṃaitrṣ. or f. (a cow) whose udder has eight teats (cf. aṣṭā́stanā.)
- aṣṭá-stanā "ṣBr f. (a cow) whose udder has eight teats (cf. aṣṭā́stanā.)
- aṣṭā^ (in comp for aṣṭan) mfn
- ○kapāla (aṣṭā́-), mfn. (an oblation) prepared or offered in eight pans VS. AitBr. ŚBr
- ○gava mfn. (a car) drawn by eight oxen Pāṇ. 6-3, 46 Comm
- ○gṛhītá mfn. (said of ghee) drawn eight times ŚBr. vi
- ○cakra (aṣṭā́.), mf(ā)n. having eight wheels AV
- ○catvāriṃśá mfn. the forty-eighth VS. ŚBr
- consisting of forty-eight verses, N. of a Stoma
- ○catvāriṃśaka mfn. lasting forty-eight years PārGṛ
- = -catvāriṃśin, q.v. Pāṇ. 5-1, 94 Comm
- ○catvāriṃśat (aṣṭā́-), f. forty-eight ŚBr
- (aṣṭā́catvāriṃśad)-akṣara mf(ā)n. consisting of fortyeight syllables ŚBr
- (aṣṭā́catvāriṃśadj) -iṣṭaka mfn. consisting of forty-eight Ishṭakās ŚBr
- ○catvāriṃśin mfn. performing a vow that lasts fortyeight years Pāṇ. 5-1, 94 Comm
- ○taya āni n. pl. eight different things AitBr
- ○triṃśá mfn. 'the thirty-eighth', with śatá, a hundred augmented by thirty-eight ŚBr. x
- ○triṃśat f. thirty-eight KātyŚr
- ○daṃṣṭra mfn. having eight tusks, APrāt
- N. of a son of Virūpa, author of the hymn RV. x, 111 RAnukr. ĀśvŚr
- ○daśá mfn. the eighteenth VS. ŚBr
- connected with an eighteen fold Stoma, PBr'
- ○daśan (aṣṭā́-), mfn. eighteen ŚBr. &c
- (aṣṭādaśa) -dhā ind. in eighteen parts, Sāṅkhyak
- ○bhujā f. 'having eighteen arms', a N. of Durgā L
- ○rcá n. (ṛc), a hymn consisting of eighteen verses or lines AV. xix, 23, 15
- ○daśama mfn. the eighteenth
- ○diś f. pl.= aṣṭaḍiś, q.v. Hcat
- ○navati (aṣṭā́-), f. ninety-eight ŚBr. x Rājat
- ○pakṣa (aṣṭā́-), mf(ā)n. having eight side-pillars AV. ix, 3, 21
- ○pañcāśat (aṣṭā́-), f. fifty-eight ŚBr. vi
- ○pad (aṣṭā́-), mfn. only f. -padī (a verse) having eight lines, eightfold (as speech or verses) RV. AV
- (in ritual language) a pregnant animal VS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. (also neg. án-aṣṭāpadi, 'not a pregnant animal' ŚBr.)
- a wild sort of jasmin L
- ○pada m. 'having eight legs', a spider L
- a worm L
- the fabulous animal Sarabha L
- a wild sort of jasmin L
- a pin or bolt L
- the mountain Kailāsa L
- (as or am), m. n. (g. ardharcâdi, q.v.) a kind of chequered cloth or board for drafts, dice, &c. Hariv. R. &c
- (= -pruṣ, q.v.) gold MBh. xii, 10983 Kum. vii, 10
- (ā), f. (i.e. ric) a verse consisting of eight Padas
- ○parṇa mfn. having eight leaves, APrāt
- ○pādya mfn. eightfold Mn.viii, 337 Gaut
- ○pruṣ (aṣṭā-), mfn. (nom. n. -prūṭ!) having (i.e. marked by a sign similar to) eight drops (as a golden coin, cf. aṣṭā-pada) TS
- ○yogá m. a carriage and eight AV. vi, 91, 1
- ○ratha m. N. of a son of Bhimaratha Hariv. 1744
- ○vakra m. N. of a Brāhman (a son of Kahoḍa) MBh. iii, 10599 seqq. &c
- of another man Kathās
- ○vandhura (aṣṭā́-), mfn. having eight seats (as a cart) RV. x, 53, 7
- ○viṃśá mfn. the twenty-eight AV. xix, 8, 2
- consisting of twenty-eight VarBṛS
- consisting of twenty-eight verses (as a certain Stoma)
- ○viṃśati (aṣṭā́-), f. twenty-eight VS. ŚBr. &c
- (aṣṭāviṃśati) -dhā ind. twenty-eightfold Kap
- -śata n. a hundred and twenty-eight PBr
- ○śata (aṣṭā́.), n. a hundred and eight ŚBr. x
- ○śapha (aṣṭā́), mfn. having eight hoofs or claws ŚBr. vi
- ○ṣaṣṭi f. sixty-eight RPrāt
- ○saptati (aṣṭā́-), f. seventy-eight ŚBr. xiii
- ○stanā (aṣṭā́-), f. = aṣṭa-stanā́, q.v. TS [Page 117, Column]
- aṣṭa or with the final ā3 blended in comp
- aṣṭā with the final ā3 blended in comp
- aṣṭâkṣara mf(ā)n. containing eight syllables VS. AitBr. ŚBr
- m. N. of an author
- aṣṭâṅga mf(ā)n. consisting of eight parts or members (as medical science [MBh. ii, 224 and 44] or a kingdom [MBh. xv, 17] &c.)
- (in comp.) the eight parts (as of an army [MBh. ii, 19]
- or of a court, viz. the law, the judge, assessors, scribe, and astrologer, gold, fire, and water L.)
- (aṣṭâṅga)-naya or -pāta [see sâṣṭâṅga-pātam] or -praṇāma m. prostration of the eight parts of the body (in performing very profound obeisance
- the eight parts are the hands, breast, forehead, eyes, throat, and middle of the back
- or the first four, with the knees and feet
- or these six, with the speech and mind) L
- -hṛdaya n. N. of a medical work of Vāgbhaṭa
- aṣṭâṅgârghya n. an offering of eight articles (water, milk, Kuśa grass, curds, ghee, rice, barley, and mustard
- or honey, red oleander flowers, and sandal are substituted for the last three)
- aṣṭâdhyāyī f. 'a collection of eight books or chapters', N. of ŚBr. xi
- also of Pāṇini's grammar
- aṣṭâra mfn. having eight spokes NṛisUp
- (aṣṭâra) -cakra-vat mfn. having a wheel with eight spokes', a N. of Mañjuśri Buddh
- aṣṭâśīti f. eighty-eight
- (aṣṭâśīti) -śata, āni n. pl a hundred and eighty-eight BhP
- aṣṭâśri mfn. having eight corners ŚBr
- aṣṭâsri mfn. id. MBh. iii, 10665
- aṣṭâha mfn. lasting eight days (as a certain Soma sacrifice) KātyŚr
- aṣṭaka mf(ā or ikā, Śulb
- Pāṇ. 7-3, 45 Comm.) n. consisting of eight parts ŚBr. RPrāt. &c. one who is acquainted with the eight books of Pāṇini's grammar Pāṇ. 4-2, 65 Sch
- m. N. of a son of viśvāmitra (author of the hymn RV. x, 104) AitBr. ĀśvŚr. MBh. &c
- (ā), f. the eighth day after full moon (especially that in the months Hemanta and Śiśira, on which the progenitors or manes are worshipped ĀśvGṛ. Mn. &c
- aṣṭakā is therefore also a N. of the worship itself or the oblations offered on those days Kauś. &c.) AV. xv, 16, 2 ŚBr. &c
- (ā), f. a N. of the Acchodā river, Matsya. P
- (am), n. a whole consisting of eight parts (as each of the eight Ashṭakas of the RV., or as TS. i, or as Pāṇini's grammar &c.)
- aṣṭakâṅga n. a kind of dice-board having eight divisions L
- aṣṭakin mfn. one who performs an Ashṭakā, (g. vrīhy-ādi, q.v.)
- aṣṭakya mfn. relating to an Ashṭakā, (g. gav-ādi, q.v.)
- aṣṭamá mf(ī́)n. the eighth RV. ii, 5, 2 x, 114, 9 AV. &c
- m. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 51 seq.) the eighth part Mn. x, 120
- (mfn.) forming the eighth part of (gen.) Gaut. Śulb
- (ī), f. (i.e. rātri) the eighth day (night) in a half-month ĀśvGṛ. Mn. iv, 128, &c
- ○kālika mfn. one who omitting seven meals partakes only of the eighth Mn. vi, 19
- aṣṭamaka mfn. the eighth Yājñ.ī, 244
- (ikā), f. a śukti or weight of four tolas
- aṣṭi f. N. of a metre consisting of sixty-four syllables (like that in RV. ii, 22, 1 RPrāt.)
- the number, 'sixteen' Sūryas
- aṣṭin mfn. consisting of eight members or syllables RPrāt
- aṣṭi f. (√1. aś), reaching AV. vi, 54, 1 (cf. jarád-aṣṭi, vyáṣṭi, sámaṣṭi.)
- aṣṭi f. (= asthi, q.v.) the kernel or stone of a fruit BhP
- aṣṭhi f. id. L
- aṣṭhī-vát -vántau m. du: (Pāṇ. 8-2, 12) bony', the knees RV. AV. ŚBr. (cf. ūrv-aṣṭhīvá)
- (aṣṭhvad) -daghná mfn. reaching up to the knee ŚBr. xiii
- aṣṭhīlā f. id. MBh. iii, 10629 ; v, 2758
- a round pebble or stone Suśr. a ball, globe MBh. i, 4494 seqq., (cf. arkâṣṭhilā)
- (= vātâṣṭhīlā, q.v.) a globular swelling below the navel, produced by wind Suśr
- (aṣṭhīla m. or n.) Hcat
- aṣṭhīlikā f. a kind of abscess, Susr
- aṣṭhī-vát aṣṭhi
- áṣṭrā f. a prick or goad for driving cattle (regarded as the badge of the agriculturist Kauś.) RV. ; [Zd. astrā ; Lith. akstinas.]
- ○vin mfn. obeying the goad (as a bull) RV. x, 102, 8
- as cl.2. P. ásti (2. sg. ási, 1. sg. ásmi
- pl. smási or smás, sthá, sánti
- (rarely Ā., e.g. 1.pl. smahe MBh. xiii, 13)
- Subj. ásat
- Imper. astu, 2. sg. edhi (fr. as-dhi, Pāṇ. 6-4, 119)
- Pot. syā́t
- impf. ā́sīt, rarely ās [only in RV. x
- Pāṇ. 7-3, 9] [Page 117, Column]
- perf. 1. and 3ṣg, ā́sa, 2. sg. ā́sitha, 3. pl. āsúḥ
- p. m. sát f. satī́) to be, live, exist, be present
- to take place, happen
- to abide, dwell, stay
- to belong to (gen. or dat.)
- to fall to the share of. happen to any one (gen.)
- to be equal to (dat.) ŚBr. xiv Mn. xi, 85
- to turn out, tend towards any result, prove (with dat.)
- to become BṛĀrUp. &c., (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 51-55)
- to be (i.e. used as copula, but not only with adj., but also with adv. [e.g. tūṣṇīm āsīt MBh. iii, 404], and often with part., [e.g. perf. Pass. p. prasthitāḥ sma, N
- fut. p.p. hantavyo'smi, N
- fut. p. especially with Pot., and only in ŚBr., as yádi dāsyán-t-syā́t, 'if he should intend to give']
- the pf. āsa helps to form the periphrastic perf., and asmi &c. the fut.) ; [Gk. ? Lat' es-t ; Goth. [117,] is-t ; Lith. es-ti.]
- as cl.4. P. ásyati (p. ásyat
- impf. ā́syat, A.V. [cf. parâs and vy-as]
- fut. p. asiṣyát
- aor. āsthat [Nir. ii, 2 Pāṇ. 7-4, 17
- cf. vy-as]
- perf. P. āsa [cf. parâs], Ā. āse [cf. vy-as]
- Ved. Inf. ástave VS.) to throw, cast, shoot at (loc., dat., or gen) RV. &c
- to drive or frighten away, Nalod. iv, 36
- also 1. astá s.v
- asana n. (√2. as), throwing, sending, a shot RV. i, 112, 21 ; 130, 4 AV
- (mfn.) one who throws or discharges L
- (ā), f. a missile, an arrow RV
- as asati, ○te = √aṣ, q.v
- a-sa as, (Pāṇ. 6-1, 132) not he Śiś. i, 69 (cf. a-tad.)
- á-saṃyat mfn. (√i), 'not entering (into)', i. e. not pleasing (to one's mind) AV. xviii, 1, 14
- á-saṃyata mfn. not kept together TS. v
- not shut (as a door) R. ii, 71, 34
- unbridled MBh. xiii, 2261
- recited inattentively Up
- asaṃyatâtman mfn. having the soul uncontrolled
- a-saṃyama m. non-restraint (as of one's senses) Hit
- á-saṃyatta mfn. unopposed RV. i, 83, 3
- a-saṃyājya mfn. one with whom nobody is allowed to sacrifice Mn. ix, 248
- a-saṃyukta mfn. unconnected Jaim
- uncombined (as vowels in hiatus) RPrāt
- a-saṃyoga m. absence of union or connection Jaim
- for a-saṃtyāga, q.v. MBh. xii, 2797
- not a conjunct consonant Pāṇ. 1-2, 5 ; iv, 1, 54
- (mfn.) one with whom intercourse is forbidden Āp
- a-saṃyuta mfn. not combined, unmixed BhP
- not put together (as the hands) PSarv
- m. a N. of Vishṇu L
- a-saṃrodha m. non-injury' (ena), instr. ind. without injury to (with gen.) MBh. xiv, 1282
- á-saṃroha m. non-junction (as of roads) TS. ii
- a-saṃlakṣya mfn. not perceptible Sāh
- a-saṃvatsara m. not one year, not a whole year', in comp. with
- ○bhṛta (ás○), mfn. not maintained a whole year (as a sacred fire) ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ○bhṛtin mfn. one who does not maintain (a fire) a whole year KātyŚr
- ○vāsin mfn. not staying a whole year (with the teacher) AitĀr
- a-saṃvara mfn. not to be concealed Naish. i, 53
- a-saṃvārya mfn. not to be warded off MBh
- a-saṃvṛta mfn. uncovered, unconcealed ŚBr. xiv
- bare (as the ground) R
- (am), n. N. of a hell Mn. iv, 81
- a-saṃvijñāta mfn. not agreeing with Gaut
- a-saṃvijñāna n. unintelligible Mcar
- a-saṃvidá mfn. unconscious ŚBr
- á-saṃvidāna mfn. not agreeing together ŚBr. x (ChUp.)
- á-saṃvṛta a-saṃvara. [Page 117, Column]
- a-saṃvṛtti f. non-completion
- a-saṃvyavahārya mfn. with whom intercourse is forbidden Kām
- a-saṃvyavahitam ind. with out interval, immediately BhP
- a-saṃvyātha m. absence of disarrangement or irregular order PBr
- a-saṃvyāhārin mfn. (g. grāhy-ādi, q.v.)
- a-saṃvlaya m. the not sinking down TBr
- a-saṃśabdya mfn. not worth mentioning MBh. iii, 10695
- a-saṃśaya m. absence of doubt, certainty R. v, 23, 25
- (am), ind. without doubt Mn. N. &c
- a-saṃśrava m. the being out of hearing, (e), loc, out of the hearing of (gen.) Mn. ii, 203
- a-saṃśravaṇe ind. = a-saṃśrave ĀśvŚr
- a-saṃśrāvam ind. id. (with gen.) VPrāt. (v. l. ○vyam)
- a-saṃśliṣṭa mfn. not in close contact PBr
- m. a N. of Siva
- a-saṃśleṣa m. non-contact Comm. on BṛĀrUp
- a-saṃsakta mfn. unconnected, incoherent Bhpr
- (said of the eyebrows) not joining VarBṛS
- not attached to, indifferent to (loc.) R. vii, 3, 2 Hariv
- (am), ind. unconnectedly, separately MānŚr. MānGṛ
- a-saṃsūkta-gilá mfn. swallowing without chewing (as Rudra's dogs) AV. xi, 2, 30
- a-saṃsṛti f. not passing through a new course of existence
- a-saṃsṛṣṭa mfn. having no connection with, unacquainted MBh. xii, 3841
- not mixed with (instr.) KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr
- unadulterated, undefiled (as food Jain
- or as the mind by bad qualities VP.)
- á-saṃsṛṣṭi f. non-mixture MaitrS
- a-saṃskāra m. non-consecration PārGṛ
- want of embellishment or care, natural state, Sak. Kād
- a-saṃskṛta mfn. not prepared ŚāṅkhGṛ
- not consecrated Mn. Yājñ
- unadorned Pañcat
- unpolished, rude (as speech)
- asaṃskṛtâlakin mfn. having unadorned curls Kād
- a-saṃstava mfn. unknown, unacquainted, not on terms of friendship Śak. (v. l.)
- a-saṃstuta mfn. id. Vātsy. Śak. Kir. Kād
- a-saṃsthāna mfn. disfigured R
- á-saṃsthita mfn. not being fixed, moving continually AitBr. ŚBr
- not arrayed in one place, not collected, scattered Kām. Hit
- unaccomplished AV. vi, 50, 2 ŚBr. AitBr
- a-saṃsvādam ind. without tasting Gobh
- a-saṃhata mfn. not coagulated (as blood) Suśr
- not formed into a ball (as faeces) Bhpr
- unconnected BhP
- having no acquaintances or relations, not living in common MBh. xiii, 5207
- disagreeing, disunited Pañcat
- m. a form of array (loose or open order of troops) Kām
- a-saṃhārya mfn. irresistible, insuperable MBh. Hariv. R
- not to be diverted (from an opinion or purpose), not to be misled, unbribable MBh. R
- a-saṃhita mfn. unconnected Prāt
- a-sakala mfn. not all, not entire Kauś. Megh. VarBṛS
- a-sakṛt ind. not (only) once, often, repeatedly ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- with saṃvat-sarasya, oftener than once a year PārGṛ
- ○samādhi m. repeated meditation Buddh
- asakṛdgarbhavāsa m. repeated birth
- asakṛd-bhava m. 'produced more than once', a tooth VarBṛS
- asakaú m.f.= asau ( s.v. adás), only used in connection with yakáḥ and yakā́ (for yáḥ and yaá) VS. xxiii, 22 and 23 (cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 107.) [Page 118, Column]
- a-sakta mfn. not stopped or intercepted by os at (loc
- said of arrows and of a sword) MBh. iii, 1602 ; xiv, 2189
- (in the same sense a-saṅga Ragh. iii, 63)
- free from ties, independent, Sāṅkhyak
- detached from worldly feelings or passions, unattached or indifferent to (loc.) Mn. ii, 13 Ragh. &c
- (am), ind. without obstacle or resistance Hariv. 9741 R. iii, 75, 6
- uninterruptedly Kir. iv, 31 Kām
- immediately, at once Daś
- a-sakti f. the being detached from worldly feelings or passions Bhag. xiii, 9
- a-saktha or a-sakthi mfn. without thighs Pāṇ. 5-4, 121
- á-sakra mfn. (√saśc), not ceasing to flow or drying up RV. vi, 63, 8
- (Nir. vi, 29.)
- a-sakhi ā m. an untrustworthy friend Comm. on Uṇ
- a-sagotra mf(ā)n. not belonging to the same family with(gen.) Gobh. Mn. .iii, 5 MBh
- a-saṃkara m. non-mixture of easte Gaut
- (mfn.) with dharma id. MBh. xiv 2777
- m. absence of confusion Nyāyad
- a-saṃkalpa m. absence of desire BhP
- (am), n. id. R. i, 67, 15
- a-saṃkalpanīya mfn. not to be desired ChUp
- a-saṃkalpayat mfn. having no desire Kauś
- a-saṃkalpita mfn. not determined R. ii, 22, 24
- a-saṃkasuka mfn. not undetermined, firm, steady Mn. vi, 43
- a-saṃkīrna mfn. unmixed
- not unclean Suśr
- a-saṃkula mfn. not crowded
- m. a broad road L
- a-saṃketita mfn. one with whom nothing has been concerted Daś
- ○tva n. the not being settled by agreement Sāh
- a-saṃkrānta m. an intercalary month Hcat
- asaṃkrānti-māsa m. id
- a-saṃkhya mf(ā)n. innumerable, exceedingly numerous Mn. Suśr. &c
- a-saṃkhyaka mfn. id. AgP
- á-saṃkhyāta mfn. uncounted, innumerable AV. xii, 3, 28 VS. ŚBr. Kauś
- a-saṃkhyeya mfn. innumerable MBh. BhP. &c
- m. a N. of Śiva L
- (ám), n. an innumerable multitude AV. x, 8, 24
- an exceedingly large number Buddh
- ○guṇa mfn. innumerably multiplied, unnumbered
- ○tā f. innumerableness Suśr
- á-saṅga or a-saṅgá mfn. free from ties, independent, ŚBs. xiv (BṛĀrUp.) NṛisUp
- moving without obstacle (as a cart, a vessel, a flag, &c.) MBh. ii, 944 Hariv. &c
- having no attachment or inclination for or interest in
- ( also s.v. a-sakta)
- m. non-attachment, non-inclination Mn. vi, 75 Bh
- N. of a son of Yuyudhāna Hariv. 9207 VP
- a N. of Vasubandhu Buddh
- 'non-impediment', generally (ena), instr. ind. without obstacle Hariv. 10187 R
- (āt), abl. ind. unobstructedly, at pleasure Bālar
- ○cārin mfn. moving without obstacle R. v, 42, 4
- ○vat mfn. 'not attached to' (loc.) R. iii, 37, 23 [according to NBD. a mistake for saṅga-vat]
- a-saṅgin mfn. not attached to the world BhP
- free from worldly desire MārkP
- asaṅgi-tva n. non-attachment to the world MBh. xii
- asaṅgi-sattva ās m. pl., N. of certain deities Buddh
- a-sajjamāna mfn. not hesitating MBh. v, 1532
- asajjitâtman mfn. having a soul free from attachments BhP
- a-saṃgata mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-1, 121) ununited, unassociated with BhP
- uneven, unequal Pañcat. (Hit)
- unpreferred, disesteemed L
- unbecoming, unpolished, rude L
- a-saṃgati f. 'incongruity, improbability', N. of a rhetorical figure Sāh. Kpr. &c
- non-association with MBh. xii
- a-saṃgama m. not associating with
- (for a-saṅga m. q.v.) = vairagya, no attachment to (loc.) BhP. [Page 118, Column]
- a-saṃghaṭṭa m. non-collision Ragh. xiv, 86
- a-saca-dviṣ mfn. hating or persecuting the non-worshippers Bṛ. Gmn.]or not persecuting worshippers ṇBḍ. RV. viii, 20, 24 (voc.)
- asac-chākhā and -chāstra, á-sat
- á-sajāta mfn. not related by blood VS. v, 23
- a-sajātyá mf(ā́)n. without consanguinity RV. x, 39, 6
- asaj-jana á-sat
- a-saṃcaya mfn. having no provisions MBh. xiii, 2018
- ○vat mfn. id. TĀr
- a-saṃcayika mfn. id. Mn. vi, 43 (v. l.)
- á-saṃcita mfn. not piled, not, completely arranged (as the sacrificial altar) ŚBr. ii
- a-saṃcara m. not a passage which is frequented or accessible KātyŚr
- á-saṃcarat mfn. (pr. p.) not moving about (said of a Prāṇa) ŚBr. xiv
- a-saṃcāra m. no disarrangement (as of verses) Lāṭy
- a-saṃcārya mfn. inaccessible to (instr.) Hariv. 3637
- a-saṃchanna mfn. not covered ŚBr
- a-saṃjña mfn. senseless Bhpr
- not having full consciousness R
- (á-saṃjñā), f. disunion, discord AV. xii, 5, 34 ŚBr
- not a name Pāṇ. 4-3, 149
- ○tva n. the not having full consciousness MBh. xiv, 1001 (ed. Bomb.)
- á-saṃjñapta mfn. not suffocated (as a victim) ŚBr. xiii
- á-saṃjñāna n. discord with (instr.) TS. v
- asaṃjñi-sattva ās m. pl, = asaṅgi-s., q.v
- a-saṃjvara mfn. feeling no (beat of) anger or grief. Mn. iv, 185
- á-sat mf(á-satī)n. [in RV. seven times ásat and five times ā́sat with lengthening of the accentuated vowel] not being, not existing, unreal RV. vii, 134, 8 AV. Up. Kum. iv, 12
- untrue, wrong RV
- bad ŚBr. Mn. &c
- (n), m. Indra L
- (tī), f. s.v. below
- (t), n. non-existence, nonentity RV. AV. &c
- untruth, falsehood RV. vii, 104, 8
- evil Ragh. i, 10
- (ntas), m. pl. bad or contemptible men MBh. &c
- ○kara-tva n. incapability of effecting anything Kap
- ○kalpanā f. a wrong supposition Śak
- ○kāra m. doing injury, offence MBh. i, 6355
- ○kārya n. bad or illicit occupation Mn. xii, 32
- (asatkārya) -vādin m. one who (like a Naiyāyika) holds that an effect is nonexistent in its cause before production
- ○kṛta mfn. badly treated MBh. iii, 2755 and 2918
- (am), n. offence ib. 2981. - 1
- ○kṛtya ind. p. not taking notice of (acc.) MBh. xiii, 2766. - 2
- ○kṛtya mfn. one who does evil actions L
- ○tā f. non-existence L. - 1
- ○tva n. id. NṛisUp
- non-presence, absence Nyāyam
- ○patha m. a bad road L
- (mfn.) not being on the right path BhP
- ○parigraha mfn. receiving unfit presents, or from improper persons Mn. xi, 194 ; xii, 32
- ○putra mfn. having no son Mn. ix, 154
- ○pramudita n. (in Sāṅkhya phil.) one of the eight Asiddhis
- ○saṃsarga m. evil company
- ○saṅga m. 'attached to evil', N. of a doorkeeper (in the Prabodhacandrodaya)
- asac (in comp. for asat)
- ○chākhā́ f. an unreal branch (?) AV. x, 7, 21
- ○chāstra n. heretical doctrine Mn. xi, 65
- asaj (in comp. for asat)
- ○jana m. a bad or wicked man R. Ragh. xii, 46, &c
- a malignous man Kād. =
- ○jāti-miśra m. N. of a person (in the Dhulrtasaṃgraha)
- asatī f. an unfaithful or unchaste wife MBh. R. &c
- ○suta m. the son of an unchaste wife L
- a-sattva mfn. strengthless, without energy R
- a-satyá mfn. untrue, false, lying. RV. iv, 5, 5 MBh. &c
- (am), n. untruth, falsehood Mn. &c
- ○tā f. untruth Sāh
- ○vāda m. a lie Daś
- ○vādin mfn. speaking falsely, a liar
- ○śīla mf(ā)n. having an inclination to falsehood R
- ○sandha mfn. treacherous, base R. iii, 57, 20 Hit
- ○sannibha mfn. improbable, unlikely L
- asad (in comp. for asat)
- ○adhyetṛ m. a Brāhman who reads heterodox works L. [Page 118, Column]
- ○āgraha mfn. = -graha mfn. BhP
- ○ācāra mfn. following evil practices, wicked
- m. evil practice
- ○ācārin mfn. = -ācāra mfn
- ○graha mfn. performing mischievous or malignous tricks BhP
- m. caprice, idle or childish desire BhP. VP. &c
- ○grāha mfn. = -graha mfn. Hariv. 15479 R. BhP
- m. = -graha m. ib
- ○grāhin mfn. = -graha mfn. R. ii, I, 18 (vḷ. -grahin)
- ○dṛś mfn. evil-eyed L
- ○dharma m. evil practice or custom MBh. xiii, 2215
- ○buddhi mfn. foolish BhP
- ○bhāva m. non-existence, absence Vedāntas. &c
- an evil temperament or disposition L
- ○vāc mfn. whose speech is untrue, a liar BhP
- ○vāda m. heterodoxy BhP
- ○vṛtti f. low or degrading occupation or profession
- (mfn.) following evil practices BhP
- ○vyavahāra mfn. and m. = -ācāra mfn. and m
- ○vyavahārin mfn. = -ācārin
- asan (in comp. for asat)
- ○mati f. a wrong opinion BhP
- 'no intention', acc. ○tim with √1. kṛ, not to care for (loc.) BhP
- ○mantrá m. untrue speech AV. iv, 9, 6
- ○māna m. for a-sammāna, q.v
- a-sadṛśa mf(ī) n. (g. cārv-ādi, q.v.)unlike, dissimilar
- improper MBh. iii, 16061 Mṛicch
- m. N. of a Prākṛit poet
- ○tva n. dissimilarity VarBṛS
- ○vyavahārin mfn. behaving improperly
- asadṛsôpama n. (in rhetoric) a dissimilar simile
- a-sadyas ind. not on the same day, not immediately KātyŚr
- asán n. Ved the base of some cases (viz. instr. asnā́ gen. abl. asnás gen. pl. asnā́m) of ásṛj, q.v. AV. VS. MaitrS. &c
- asana m. the tree Terminalia Tomentosa Jain. Suśr
- (ct 3. aśana.)
- ○parṇī f. the plant Marsilea Quadrifolia L. (For 1. asana √2. as.)
- a-sanābhi = á-sajāta, q.v. KapS
- asani and asanika mfn. ? (g. ṛśyâdi, q.v.)
- á-saṃtata mfn. interrupted ŚBr
- a-saṃtāpá mf(ā)n. not suffering pain or sorrow AV. xvi, 3, 6 Comm. on Mn. iv, 185
- not causing pain or sorrow AV. iv, 26, 3 ; viii, 2, 14
- a-saṃtuṣṭa mfn. discontented, displeased Hit
- a-saṃtoṣa m. displeasure Śak. Mālatīm
- ○vat mfn. discontented Pañcat
- a-saṃtyāga m. not giving up or renouncing (intercourse with
- gen.) MBh. v, 1164
- a-saṃtyāgin mfn. not giving up or abandoning R
- a-saṃtyājya mfn. not to be abandoned MBh. i, 8349
- not to be avoided MBh. xii, 9950
- not to be neglected or forgotten MBh. iii, 1053
- a-saṃdigdha mfn. not indistinct MBh. xii
- undoubted, unsuspected, certain Jain. (Prākṛit ○diddha) ; Pat
- (am), ind. without any doubt, certainly Pañcat. MārkP
- á-saṃdita mfn. unbound, unrestrained RV. iv, 4, 2 Mn. viii, 342
- á-saṃdina mfn. id. RV. viii, 104, 14
- a-saṃdṛśya mfn. invisible to (gen.) Uttarar
- a-saṃdhāna n. want of aim or object
- disjunction
- a-saṃdhi m. want of union or connection
- a-saṃdhita mfn. for a-saṃdita, q.v. (NBD.)
- a-saṃdheya mfn. not to be made peace with MBh. xii, 6268 Hit
- for which no amends can be made, not to be redressed AitBr
- ○tā f. the state of one with whom no peace is to be made, Veṇis
- á-sanna mfn. restless ŚBr
- a-saṃnaddha mfn. not put on (as a mail-coat) MBh. xii, 3541
- not yet appertaining to (as a quality) Kāvyâd
- pretending to knowledge, conceited (as a Paṇḍit or teacher) L
- proud L. [Page 119, Column]
- a-saṃnikarṣa m. want of nearness or proximity, remoteness of objects (so as to render them imperceptible) L
- a-saṃnikṛṣṭa mfn. not near, remote
- a-saṃnidhāna n. nonproximity, absence Kāvyâd. Kathās. &c
- wanting, (āt), abl. instr. through want of (gen.) Rājat
- a-saṃnidhi m. (generally loc. ○dhau) absence Mn. Gaut. &c
- wanting Jaim
- asan-mati and -mantrá á-sat
- á-sapatna m. not a rival AV. i, 19, 4
- (a-sapatná), mf(ā́)n. (chiefly Ved.) without a rival or adversary, undisturbed RV. x, 159, 4 & 5 ; 174, 4 & 5 AV. &c
- (ā́), f. N. of a certain sacrificial brick ŚBr. KātyŚr
- (án), n. undisturbed condition, peace AV
- a-sapiṇḍa mfn. related more distantly than a sa-piṇḍa, q.v. Mn. Yājñ. &c
- á-saptaśapha mf(ā)n. not having seven hoofs (or claws) TS. vi ŚBr
- á-sabandhu mfn. not related VS. v, 23 AV
- a-sabhá mfn. without company TS
- a-sabhya mfn. unfit for an assembly, vulgar, low Nir. BhP. &c
- a-sama mfn. uneven, unequal (either by birth or in surface or number) Mn. x, 73 Kis. v, 7, &c
- odd
- (á-sama), mf(ā)n. unequalled, without a fellow or equal RV. AV. &c
- ○tā f. the being unequal led Naish
- ○tva n. unfair or ungracious behaviour MaitrUp
- ○bāṇa m. 'having an odd number of (i.e. five) arrows', Kāma Gīt
- ○ratha (ásama-), mfn. possessed of an unequalled chariot VS. xv, 17
- ○śara m. = -bāṇa, q.v. Naish
- ○sama mfn. unequalled Lalit
- ○sāyaka m. = -bāṇa, q.v. Kathās
- asamâśuga m. id. Naish
- asamêṣu m. id. L
- asamâujas m. N. of a man Hariv. 2038 seq
- a-samaná mf(ā́)n. not remaining united, going in different directions RV. i, 140, 4 ; vii, 5, 3
- uneven (as a path) RV. vi, 46, 13
- á-samāti mfn. having no equal, unparalleled RV. x, 60, 2 and 5 (AV. vi, 79, 1 for á-samarti? NBD.)
- (is), m. N. of a king (with the patron. Rāthaproshṭha) RAnukr
- ásamāty-ojas (6), mfn. of unequalled strength RV. vi, 29, 6
- á-samāna mf(ā)n. unequal (by birth or in qualities), different VS. v, 23, &c
- incomparable Daś
- (am), n. not a similar or corresponding condition Mṛicch
- ○kāraṇa mfn. not having the same cause RPrāt
- ○grāma mfn. not belonging to or being born in the same village Gaut
- a-samakṣam ind. not visibly, behind one's back BhP
- a-samagra mfn. incomplete, unentire, partial MBh. &c
- (am), [Ragh. iii, 6] or in comp. asamagra- ṃālav., ind. incompletely
- a-samañja as, or ○ñjas, ās m. N. of a descendant of Ikshvāku (a son of Sagara by Keśini and father of Aṃśumat) MBh. Hariv. &c
- a-samañjasa mfn. unfit, unbecoming MBh. &c
- m. a good-for-nothing fellow BhP
- (am), n. unconformity, impropriety, unbecomingness BhP. Pañcat. &c
- (am), ind. unbecomingly Kathās. &c
- á-samad t, f. non-conflict, concord ŚBr
- a-samaná a-sama
- a-samaya m. non-obligation, absence of contract or agreement Āp
- unseasonableness
- unfit or unfavourable time Kathās. Veṇis
- a-samartha mf(ā) n. unable to (Inf., dat., loc., or in comp.)
- not having the intended meaning Kpr
- ○tva n. incapability of (in comp.) Rājat
- a-samarpaṇa n. not committing or not intrusting
- non-delivery Hcat
- a-samarpita mfn. unconsigned, not intrusted
- undelivered. [Page 119, Column]
- á-samavahitam ind. so as not to touch each other ŚBr. ix
- a-samavâyin mfn. not inherent, not inseparably connected with, accidental Tarkas
- a-samavêta mfn. id. ib
- (pl.) not all assembled Gaut
- á-samaṣṭa-kāvya (7), mfn. (√aś), of unattainable wisdom RV. ii, 21, 4 ; ix, 76, 4
- a-samasta mfn. uncompounded Kāvyâd. &c
- uncollected L
- incomplete L
- á-samāti a-sama
- á-samāna ib
- a-samāpta mfn. unfinished, unaccomplished, incomplete
- a-samāpti f. non-completion KātyŚr
- a-samā́yuta mfn. unconnected TĀr
- a-samāvartaka m. a religious student who has not yet completed the period of his residence with his teacher and who therefore has not yet returned home Mn. xi, 157
- a-samāvṛttaka and m. id. ib. (vḷ.)
- a-samāvṛttika m. id. ib. (vḷ.)
- a-samidhya ind. p. not having kindled Mn. ii, 187
- a-samīkṣita mfn. not perceived or ascertained R. v, 81, 8
- a-samīkṣya ind. p. not having considered
- ○kārin mfn. acting inconsiderately Hit
- a-samīcīna mfn. incorrect
- á-samṛddha mfn. not successful or prosperous AV. i, 27, 2 and 3
- not fulfilled (as wishes &c.), unaccomplished, failing ŚBr. R. ii, 92, 16
- á-samṛddhi f. (often ayas, f.pl.) non-accomplishment, ill-success, failure AV. Mn. iv, 137, &c
- a-samêta mfn. 'not arrived, absent', missing Ragh. ix, 70
- a-saṃpatti f. ill-luck, want of success, failure Mn. xii, 36
- the not being sufficient Hcat
- a-saṃpanna mfn. unaccomplished, KaushBr. BhP
- a-saṃparka mfn. destitute of contact, without connection or relation
- a-saṃpāṭhya mfn. not to be studied with, one with whom it is forbidden to read or study Mn. ix, 238
- a-saṃpāta mf(ā)n. not present or at hand Kauś
- a-saṃpūrṇa mfn. incomplete
- á-saṃpṛñcāna mfn. (pr. p. Ā.) not being in contact ŚBr. iii KātyŚr
- á-saṃprati ind. (g. tiṣṭhadgvādi, q.v. Pāṇ. 2-1, 6) not according to the moment or to present circumstances ŚBr. ix
- á-saṃpratta mfn. not delivered or handed over TS. ii
- a-saṃpradatta mfn. not willingly given (as a girl into marriage) Hariv. 10106
- a-saṃpramāda m. absence of carelessness BhP
- a-saṃpramoṣa m. 'the not allowing to be carried off', not letting drop (as from memory) Yogas
- a-saṃprâpta mfn. not arrived at, not having reached the aim MBh. xiv, 2188
- not reached or attained (as an object or anything desired) MBh. Pāṇ. 2-3, 12 Comm
- a-saṃprâpya ind. p. without reaching
- a-saṃbaddha mfn. unconnected, separate R. iii, 31, 20
- not closely associated, distant, not related Mn. viii, 163 Śak
- incoherent (as words or speech), unmeaning, absurd, Veṇis. &c
- (also said of an action) Kād
- speaking unmeaningly Mṛicch
- a-saṃbandha mfn. not related Mn. ii, 129 Kād
- m. non-connection Jaim. [Page 119, Column]
- a-saṃbādha mf(ā)n. unconfined, spacious, wide, large AV. xii, 1, 2 ChUp. MBh. &c
- unobstructed, unimpeded L
- 'not crowded', scarcely frequented Kād
- (ā), f. N. of a metre
- (ám), n. non-confinement, open space AV. xviii, 2, 20
- a-saṃbodha m. non-knowledge, ignorance MBh. xii, 11289
- á-saṃbhava m. 'non-existence', destruction VS. xl, 10
- non-happening, cessation, interruption Mn. xi, 27
- absence of. want Mn. MBh. &c
- impropriety, inconsistence, impossibility KātyŚr. Mn. &c
- (mfn.) 'non-happening', inconsistent, impossible
- a-saṃbhavyám ind. so as to prevent any restoration AV. v, 18, 12 and 19, 11
- a-saṃbhāvanā f. not regarding possible Kād
- impossibility of comprehending L
- want of respect Bālar
- a-saṃbhāvanīya mfn. inconceivable, incomprehensible, impossible Mṛicch
- a-saṃbhāvita mfn. id. Kād
- unworthy of (gen.) ib
- asaṃbhāvitôpamā f. a simile that implies an impossibility Kāvyâd
- a-saṃbhāvya mfn. = ○bhāvanīya, q.v. MBh. xiii, 272, &c
- (am), ind. = a-saṃbhavyám, q.v. AitBr
- á-saṃbhūti f. 'non-existence', destruction VS. xl, 9 ŚBr. xiv
- a-saṃbhāṣā f. absence of conversation with (instr.) PārGṛ
- a-saṃbhāṣya mfn. one with whom one ought not to converse MBh. BhP
- unfit (as a place) for conversation Mn. viii, 55
- á-saṃbhindat mfn. not damaging PBr
- not bringing into contact, not mingling TBr
- á-saṃbhinna mfn. not broken or passed (as barriers or bounds) MBh
- not being in contact, separated, separate ŚBr
- á-saṃbheda m. non-contact, the being separate ŚBr
- a-saṃbhedya mfn. not to be brought into contact Hariv. 4504
- a-saṃbhoga m. non-enjoyment Hit
- absence of sexual union MBh. v, 1524
- a-saṃbhojya mfn. one with whom one ought not to eat Mn. ix, 238 MBh. xii, 4046
- a-saṃbhrama mfn. free from flurry, composed, cool MBh. &c
- (am). ind. coolly ib
- a-saṃbhrāntam ind. = a-saṃbhramam, q.v. Mṛicch
- a-saṃmata mfn. not respected, despised Kum. iii, 5 Rājat
- unauthorized, without the consent of (in comp.) Mn. viii, 197
- a-saṃmatâdāyin mfn. taking without the consent (of the owner) MBh. xii, 5969
- a-saṃmati f. dishonour Pāṇ. 3-1, 128
- a-saṃmāna as, m.id. Pañcat. (vḷ. a-sanm○)
- á-saṃmita mfn. not measured, immeasurable ŚBr
- a-saṃmukha mf(ī)n. having the face turned away from Kathās
- a-saṃmugdha mfn. one who has lost his way, KaushBr
- a-saṃmūḍha mfn. not confused, deliberate MBh
- a-saṃmoha m. calmness, composure, deliberateness R. Suśr
- á-saṃmṛṣṭa mfn. uncleansed RV. v, 11, 3 Kāvyâd
- (am), n. incomplete cleansing (of the sacrificial fire) ŚBr. ii KātyŚr
- a-saṃmoṣa m. = ? a-saṃpramoṣa, q.v. Buddh
- a-samyak ind. incorrectly, wrongly MārkP
- ○kārin mfn. acting improperly Mn.ix, 259
- ○kṛta-kārin mfn. not doing one's work or duty well MBh. i, 5551 = xii, 5307
- ○prayoga m. incorrect application Car
- a-saraṇa n. not proceeding, not going KātyŚr. [Page 120, Column]
- asaru m. the medicinal plant Bhumea Lacera L
- a-sarūpa mfn. not having the same form Pāṇ. 3-1, 94
- á-sarva mfn. not complete ŚBr. AitBr
- ○kratu (á-sarva-), m. not a general sacrifice, not an optional sacrifice ŚBr. xi,
- ○jña mfn. not knowing everything
- ○vibhakti mfn. not taking every case-termination, defective (e.g. yataḥ, yatra, and yadā, considered as abl., loc., and instr. respectively) Pāṇ. 1-1, 38
- ○vīra (á-sarva-), mfn. not surrounded by all (his) men AV. ix, 2, 14
- ○śas ind. not generally, not as a rule RPrāt
- a-savarṇa mf(ā)n. of a different caste Śak
- not homogeneous (as sounds) TPrāt
- a-savya mfn. not left VarBṛS
- (e), ind. on the right L. (cf. apa-savya.)
- a-saścát mf(○ścát, eight times as adj
- or á-saścantī, thrice) n. not sticking
- not ceasing
- not drying up RV
- (a-saścátas), f. pl. (i.e. dhārās) inexhaustible streams RV
- (a-saścátā), instr. f. ind. in an inexhaustible manner RV. x, 69, 8
- á-saścivas mf(○ścuṣī)n. not ceasing RV. ix, 86, 18
- á-sasat mfn. not sleeping RV. i, 143, 3
- a-saha mfn. incapable of bearing (or producing young ones) PārGṛ
- not bearing or enduring (ifc. or with gen.) Mudr. Kathās
- not able to, not capable of (Inf. or in comp.) Kathās
- intolerant, impatient ib
- (am), n. the middle of the breast L
- ○tva n. inability to endure Sarvad
- not tolerating Sāh
- not being at hand Bhpr
- a-sahana mf(ā)n. not able to endure, unenduring (ifc.) Kathās
- envious, jealous Megh. Vikr. &c
- m. an enemy L
- (am), n. not tolerating Sāh
- ○tā f. weakness,
- kād
- a-sahamāna mfn. not tolerating Mudr
- a-sahiṣṇu mfn. unable to endure (with acc., loc. or ifc.) Suśr. Rājat. &c
- impatient, unenduring, envious, quarrelsome Kathās. &c
- ○tā f. or inability to endure Suśr. &c
- ○tva n. inability to endure Suśr. &c
- impatience, envy Kathās. &c
- a-sahyá mf(ā)n. unbearable, insufferable, insuperable SV. MBh
- impracticable, impossible MBh. iii, 12255 seq
- with draṣṭum, 'impossible to be seen', i.e. invisible Up
- ○pīḍa mfn. causing intolerable pain Ragh. i, 71
- a-sahāya mfn. without companions, friendless Mn. vii, 30 and 55 Śārṅg
- solitary (as a house) Pāṇ. Sch
- ○tā f. loneliness, solitude the life of a hermit Mn. vi, 44
- ○vat mfn. without companions Mn. vi, 42
- a-sākṣāt ind. not before the eyes, invisible
- not present
- a-sākṣika mfn. unattested, unwitnessed Mn. viii, 109
- ○hata mfn. beaten (in law) without witnesses Yājñ. ii, 212
- a-sākṣin mfn. incompetent as a witness, not an eye-witness Yājñ. ii, 71 Vishṇus
- a-sākṣitva n. the not being an eye-witness Kap
- a-sākṣya n. want of evidence
- a-sâtmya mfn. unwholesome, disagreeing (as food) Car. Suśr
- a-sādá mfn. not mounted on horseback AV. xi, 10, 24
- not becoming tired, unwearied Rājat
- a-sādhana mfn. without means, destitute of resources or materials or instruments or implements MBh. &c
- (am), n. not a means, anything not effective of an object, Kap
- a-sādhú mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-2, 160) not good, wicked, bad ŚBr. MBh. &c
- wrong Comm. on TPrāt
- (ús), m. not an honest man, a wicked man ŚBr. Mn. &c
- (ú), n. anything bad, evil ŚBr. (sādhvasādhúnī, 'good and evil') MBh. &c
- disfavour, disgrace, only ○únā instr. ind. disfavourably ŚBr. ii ChUp. (cf. 3. a-sāman)
- (u), ind. (used as an interjection of disapproval) bad! shame! Rājat. &c
- ○tva n. wickedness Kām. &c
- the not being approvable VarBṛS
- ○vāda m. disapproval BhP
- ○vṛtta mf(ā)n. having bad manners Mn. ix, 80. [Page 120, Column]
- a-sādhya mfn. not to be effected or completed, not proper or able to be accomplished Yājñ. ii, 196 Hariv. &c
- incurable, irremediable MBh. iv, 395 Suśr. &c
- not to be overpowered or mastered Pañcat. Kām
- not susceptible of proof Comm. on Yājñ. ii, 6
- ○tā f. incurableness Suśr
- the state of one not to be mastered Pañcat
- ○tva n. incurableness Suśr
- a-sādhāraṇa mf(ī)n. not common, special, specifical Tarkas
- quite uncommon, extraordinary Daś. Kathās. &c
- (am), n. special property L
- a-sānāthya n. want of help or assistance Kathās
- a-sāṃtāpika mfn. Pāṇ. 6-2, 155 Sch
- a-sāṃnidhya n. 'non-nearness', absence MBh. iii, 610 R. Śak
- a-sāmañjasya n. incorrectness Comm. on Vedāntas
- impropriety, unbecomingness Bād
- a-sāman a n. (fr. 1. sā́man), want, deficiency ChUp
- a-sāmán mfn. (fr. 2. sā́man), without a song or Sāman ŚBr. i
- not acquainted with the Sāma-veda MBh. xii, 2312
- a-sāman a n. only ○mnā instr. ind. (= a-sādhúnā s.v. a-sādhú, q.v.) in an unfriendly way, unfavourably ChUp
- a-sāmanya mfn. unfavourable AitBr
- a-sāmayika mfn. unseasonable Kir. ii, 40
- a-sāmarthya n. weakness Pañcat. Sarvad
- (mfn.) weak, decaying (as a tree) MBh. xiii, 281
- a-sāmānya mfn. not common, special, Sāṅkhyak
- uncommon, peculiar MBh. i, 5308 Kathās. &c
- special property L
- á-sāmi mfn. not half, entire, complete RV
- (i), ind. completely RV
- ○śavas (ásāmi-), mfn. having complete strength RV. v, 52, 5
- a-sāṃprata mfn. not becoming, improper MBh. i, 6371, &c
- unseasonable Daś
- not belonging to the present time (as Brahman) MārkP
- (am), ind. unfitly, improperly MBh. v, 3255, &c
- a-sāṃpratika-tā f. improper behaviour Bālar
- a-sāṃpradāyika mfn. not traditional, not sanctioned by tradition Uttarar. Comm. on Mn. iii, 127, &c
- a-sāmya n. (fr. a-sama), difference, dissimilarity MBh. ii, 679 BhP
- a-sāra mfn. sapless, without strength or value, without vigour, spoiled, unfit, unprofitable Mn. viii, 203 Suśr. &c
- m. 'worthlessness', sārâsāra
- Ricinus Communis (castor-oil tree) L
- (ā), f. the plant Musa Paradisiaca L
- (am), n. Aloe wood L
- ○tā f. saplessness, unfitness, worthlessness, fragility Yājñ. ii, 60 Ragh. viii, 50
- a-sâvadhāna mfn. careless, inadvertent
- ○tā f. carelessness
- a-sāhasa n. absence of violence
- absence of boldness or inconsiderate hastiness
- a-sāhasika mf(ī)n. not acting boldly or inconsiderately Śiś. ix, 59
- a-sāhāyya n. want of assistance or co-operation
- así m. (√2. as), a sword, scimitar, knife (used for killing animals) RV. AV. &c
- (is), f. N. of a river (near Benaṛes) VāmP. (cf. asī) ; [Lat. ensi-s.]
- ○gaṇḍa m. = kṣudrôpadhāna (for kṣurôp○?) L
- ○caryā f. exercise or practice of arms MBh. i, 5239
- ○daṃṣṭra or m. 'having swords for fangs', the marine monster Makara (painted on the banner of Kāmadeva) L
- ○daṃṣṭraka m. 'having swords for fangs', the marine monster Makara (painted on the banner of Kāmadeva) L
- ○dhara m. N. of a man Rājat
- ○dhārā f. the blade of a sword Ragh. &c
- (asidhārā) -patha m. = asi-pathá, q.v., Śārṅg
- -vrata n. an exceedingly difficult task Pañcat. &c
- ○dhāva or m. a sword- or tool-cleaner, armourer L
- ○dhāvaka m. a sword- or tool-cleaner, armourer L
- ○dhenu f. a (small) knife Daś. Kathās
- ○dhenukā f. id. Kathās. [Page 120, Column]
- ○pattra n. the blade of a sword L
- m. 'having sword-shaped leaves', the sugar-cane (Scirpus Kysoor Roxb.) L
- 'paved with swords', N. of a hell L
- (asipattra) -vana n. N. of a hell Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- -vṛkṣa m. a kind of tree in the lower world Comm. Ragh. xiv, 48
- -vrata n. = asidhārā-vrata, q.v
- ○pattraka m. the sugar-cane L
- ○pathá m. the course of the sword or knife that kills ŚBr. xiii
- ○pāṇi mfn. having a sword in one's hand MBh. xii, 3737
- ○pucchaka m. the Gangetic porpoise (Delphinus Gangeticus)
- ○putrikā or f. 'daughter of a sword', a (small) knife Hcat
- ○putrī f. 'daughter of a sword', a (small) knife Hcat
- ○mát mfn. furnished with knives or daggers VS. xvi, 21
- ○meda m. the fetid Mimosa (Vachellia Farnesiana) L. (cf. ahi-māra, &c.)
- ○yaṣṭi f. = -latā, q.v. VarBṛS
- (Prākṛit asi-laṭṭhi) Jain
- ○latā f. the blade of a sword Śiś. vi, 51
- ○loman m. N. of a Dānava MBh. i, 2531 Hariv
- ○śimbī f. N. of a vegetable L
- ○hatya n. fighting with swords (or knives), (g. anuśatikâdi, q.v.)
- ○heti m. a swordsman or soldier armed with a sword L
- asyasi ind. sword against sword L
- asy-udyata mfn. (for udyatâsi) having the sword raised Pāṇ. 2-2, 36 Comm
- a-sika n. the part of the face between the underlip and the chin L
- (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. (vḷ. aśika)
- ásiknī Ved. f. of 2. ásita, q.v
- á-sita mfn. unbound TS. vii ŚBr. xiv
- ásita mf(ā
- Ved. ásiknī)n. (sita, 'white', appears to have been formed from this word, which is probably original, and not a compound of a and sita
- cf. asura and sura), dark-coloured, black RV. &c
- m. the planet Saturn VarBṛS
- a poisonous animal (said to be a kind of mouse) L
- N. of the lord of darkness and magic AV. ŚBr. ĀśvŚr
- of a descendant of Kaśyapa (composer of RV. ix, 5-24), named also Devala ṛānukr. or Asita Devala ṃBh. ḥariv.
- N. of a man (with the patron. Vārshagaṇa) ŚBr. xiv
- of a son of Bharata R
- of a Ṛishi Buddh
- of a mountain MBh. iii, 8364 Kathās
- (ás), m. a black snake AV
- a Mantra (saving from snakes) MBh. i, 2188
- (ā), f. a girl attending in the women's apartments (whose hair is not whitened by age) L
- the indigo plant L
- N. of an Apsaras MBh. i, 4819 Hariv. 12472
- (ásiknī), f. 'the dark one', the night RV. iv, 17, 15 ; x, 3, 1
- a girl attending in the women's apartments L
- N. of a wife of Daksha Hariv
- N. of the river Akesines (afterwards called Candra-bhāgā) in the Pañjāb RV. viii, 20, 25 and (asiknī́) x, 75, 5
- ○keśânta mfn. having black locks, N
- ○grīva (ásita-), mfn. having a black neck VS. xxiii, 13
- (ŚBr. xiii)
- m. a peacock MBh. xii, 4363
- ○jānu mfn. having black knees ĀpŚr
- ○jñú mf(nom. -jñū́s)n. id. AV. xii, 1, 21
- ○druma m. the tree Xanthochymus Pictorius L
- ○nayana mfn. black-eyed
- ○pucchaka m. 'having a black tail', N. of an animal Car. (cf. kāla-pucchaka.)
- ○bhrū mfn. having black eyelids
- ○muṣkaka m. the plant Schrebera Swietenioides Suśr
- ○mṛga m. N. of a Rishi of the SV. ṢaḍvBr
- (ās), m. pl. his descendants AitBr
- ○varṇa (ásita-), mfn. darkcoloured TS
- ○vartman m. 'having a black path (of smoke)', Agni Hcar
- asitâkṣa mf(ī)n. = asita-nayana, q.v. Vishṇus
- asitâṅga m. a form of Śiva (especially mentioned in Tantras) BrahmaP. &c
- asitâbhra-śekhara m. N. of a Buddha L
- asitâmburuha m. the black lotus L
- asitârcis m. fire L
- asitâlu m. N. of a plant L
- asitâśman m. the lapis lazuli Kir. v, 48
- asitôtpala m. the blue lotus Pañcat
- asitôda n. (i.e. saras) N. of a mythical lake VP
- asitôpala m. = asitâśman, q.v. L
- asiknikā f. (= asiknī, q.v.) a girl attending in the women's apartments Pāṇ. 4-1, 39 Kāś
- a-siddha mfn. imperfect, incomplete NṛisUp.: unaccomplished, uneffected
- unproved
- (regarded as) not existing or (as) not having taken effect (as a rule or operation taught in grammar) Pāṇ
- not possessed of magic power
- a-siddhânta m. not an incontestable dogma Suśr
- a-siddhârtha mfn. who has not effected his aim R. iii, 55, 20 BhP
- á-siddhi f. imperfect accomplishment, failure TBr. Gaut. [Page 121, Column]
- (in logic) want of proof, conclusion not warranted by the premises
- (in Sāṅkhya phil.) incompleteness (eight forms of it are enumerated)
- ○da mfn. not giving success BrahmaP
- a-sinvá mf(ā́)n. insatiable RV. v, 32, 8 ; x, 89, 12
- á-sinvat mfn. id. RV
- ásira m. (√2. as), 'an arrow', a beam, ray RV. ix, 76, 4
- ásiṣṭha mfn. (superl.) most skilful in shooting (arrows, &c.) AV. iv, 28, 2
- asī f. (= asi f. q.v.) N. of a river (near Benares) MBh. vi, 338
- a-sīman mfn. unlimited Bālar
- asīma-kṛṣṇa m. N. of a prince BhP
- ásu m. (√1. as), Ved. breath, life RV. AV. &c
- life of the spiritual world or departed spirits RV. x, 15, 1
- (in astron.) 'respiration', = four seconds of sidereal time or one minute of arc Sūryas
- = prajñā Naigh
- (in later language only ásavas), m. pl. the vital breaths or airs of the body, animal life AV. Mn. iii, 217, &c
- (asu), n. grief L
- (= citta) the spirit L
- ○tṛ́p mfn. enjoying or profiting by (another's) life, bringing it into one's possession RV., (cf. paśu-tṛ́p)
- enjoying one's life, devoted to worldly pleasures BhP. (once asu-tṛpa in the same sense)
- ○tṛpa mfn. before
- ○tyāga m. giving up one's life BhP
- ○dhāraṇa n. life L
- ○nīta (ásu-), n. 'the world of spirits', or m. 'the lord of spirits (i.e. Yama)' AV. xviii, 2, 56
- ○nīti (ásu-), f. the world of spirits RV. x, 12, 4 ; 15, 14 ; 16, 2
- personified as a female deity (invoked for the preservation of life RV. x, 59, 5 and 6), or as Yama (lord of the dead AV. xviii, 3, 59 Naigh.)
- ○bhaṅga m. breaking of life L
- fear about life, danger of life L
- ○bhṛt m. a living being, a creature, man BhP
- ○mat (ásu-), mfn. living TBr
- (ān), m. life, the principle of vitality, the portion of the spirit connected with the attributes of existence L
- ○ṃ-bhara mf(ā)n. only (supporting, i.e.) caring for one's life BhP
- ○vilāsa m. N. of a metre (of four times eleven syllables)
- ○sama m. 'dear as life', a husband, lover L
- ○sū mfn. 'exciting life (as Kāma's arrows)', an arrow Kir. xv, 5
- ○sthirâdara mfn. continually solicitous about one's life Rājat
- asv-anta aśvanta
- ásura mfn. (√2. as Uṇ.), spiritual, incorporeal, divine RV. AV. VS
- m. a spirit, good spirit, supreme spirit (said of Varuṇa) RV. VS
- the chief of the evil spirits RV. ii, 30, 4 and vii, 99, 5
- an evil spirit, demon, ghost, opponent of the gods RV. viii, 96, 9
- x AV. &c. [these Asuras are often regarded as the children of Diti by Kaśyapa, daitya
- as such they are demons of the first order in perpetual hostility with the gods, and must not be confounded with the Rākshasas or imps who animate dead bodies and disturb sacrifices]
- a N. of Rāhu VarBṛS. &c
- the sun L
- a cloud Naigh. (cf. RV. v, 83, 6)
- (ās), m. pl., N. of a warrior-tribe, (g. parśv-ādi, q.v.)
- of a Vedic school
- (ā), f. night L
- a zodiacal sign L
- (ī), f. a female demon, the wife of an Asura, KaushBr. (cf. āsurī and mahâsurī)
- the plant Sinapis Ramosa Roxb. L. [In later Sanskṛit sura has been formed from asura, as sita from asita, q.v.]
- ○kumāra ās m. pl. the first of the ten classes of Bhavanavāsin deities Jain
- ○kṣáyaṇa mfn. destroying the Asuras AV. x, 10, 10 ; 12 and 13
- ○kṣiti (ásura-.), mfn. id. AV. x, 6, 22 and 28
- ○guru m. 'teacher of the Asuras', the planet Ve3nus (or Śukra) Kād. (cf. amarâri-pūjya.)
- ○tamasá n. the darkness of the (world of the) demons ŚBr. iv
- ○tvá n. spirituality, divine dignity RV. iii, 55, 1 ; x, 55, 4 and 99, 2
- the being an Asura or opponent of the gods MaitrS. Kathās
- ○druh m. 'enemy of the Asuras', a god Śiś. ii, 35
- ○dviṣ m. 'enemy of the Asuras', a N. of Vishṇu L
- ○brahmá m. a priest of the Asuras ŚBr. i
- ○māyā́ f. demoniacal magic AV. iii, 9, 4 ŚBr. KaushBr. PBr
- ○yoni m. or f. the womb of Asuras TS
- ○rakṣasá n. a demoniacal being having the qualities of an Asura as well as of a Rakshas ŚBr
- (ā́ni), n. pl. Asuras and Rākshasas ŚBr
- ○rāj m. king of the Asuras (N. of the Asura Baka) MBh. i, 6208
- ○ripu m. = -dviṣ, q.v. L
- ○loka m. the world of the demons Kāṭh
- ○sūdana m. =
- ○dviṣ q.v. L
- ○hán mf(-ghnī́)n. destroying the Asuras RV. ŚBr
- asurâcārya m. = asura-guru, q.v. L. [Page 121, Column]
- asurâdhipa m. ( = asura-rāj) a N. of Bali Vairocani R. i, 31, 6
- of Māyādhara Kathās
- asurâri m. = asura-dviṣ, q.v. Kād
- asurâhva n. named after an Asura (i.e. after Kaṃsa, cf. kāṃsya)', bell-metal L
- asurêjya m. = asura-guru, q.v. VarBṛ
- asurêndra m. lord of the Asuras, VP'
- asuryâ (4), mfn. incorporeal, spiritual, divine RV
- (Pāṇ. 4-4, 1 23) demoniacal, belonging or relating to the Asuras AitBr. ŚBr
- (âs), m. (= ásura m. q.v.) the supreme spirit RV. ii, 35, 2
- asuryâ (3), am n. spirituality, divine nature RV
- the incorporeal, the collective body of spiritual beings RV. [Gmn. accentuates asuryá in accordance with similar cases, as 2. samaryá (3), n. compared with 1. samaryá (4), mfn.]
- a-sukara mfn. not easy to be done, difficult, arduous MBh. viii, 99, &c
- asukas nom. sg. = asakaú, q.v. Pāṇ. 7-2, 107 Comm. (cf. amuka.)
- a-sukha mf(ā)n. unhappy, sorrowful MBh. &c
- painful, N
- not easy to (Inf.) Kir. v, 49
- (am), n. sorrow, pain, affliction Mn. MBh. &c
- ○pīḍita mfn. pained with grief. N
- ○saṃcāra mf(ā)n. (a place) on which it is not easy or safe to dwell Kām
- asukhâvaha mf(ā)n. producing unhappiness MBh. i, 4732
- asukhâviṣṭa mfn. afflicted with grief or pain
- asukhôdaya mfn. causing or ending in unhappiness Mn. iv, 70
- asukhôdarka mfn. id. Mn
- a-sukhin mfn. unhappy, sorrowful R. &c
- a-sugandha m. a bad smell BhP
- (mfn.) not fragrant R
- a-sugama mfn. not easily passable (as a way) BhP
- difficult to be understood Comm
- á-suta mfn. (√3. su), not pressed out, not ready (as the Soma juice) RV. VS
- a-sunvá mf(ā́)n. 'not pressing out the Soma juice', not worshipping the gods RV. viii, 14, 15
- á-sunvat mfn. id. RV
- á-suṣvi mfn. id. RV. iv, 24, 5 ; 25, 6 ; vi, 44, 11
- a-sutara mfn. (√tṛ), not to be easily passed Kir. v, 18
- asu-tṛ́p and asu-tṛpa, ásu
- a-sundara mfn. not good or right, improper Comm. on Mn. iv, 222
- á-supta mfn. not asleep ŚBr. xiv
- ○dṛś mfn. never closing the eyes in sleep, ever-seeing L
- á-sumna mfn. contrary, adverse VS. xxxv, 1
- ásura ásu
- a-surakṣa mf(ā)n. difficult to guard or preserve, perishable Kir. ii, 39
- a-surasā f. the plant Basilicum Pilosum Benth. L
- a-sulabha mf(ā)n. difficult of attainment, rare Śak. Vikr. &c
- á-suvargya mfn. for a-svargyá, q.v. TS.v
- a-suṣira mfn. not hollow ĀpŚr
- ○tva (ás○), n. the not being hollow MaitrS
- a-suṣupta mfn. not fast asleep NṛisUp
- á-suṣvi á-suta
- a-susamāpta mfn. imperfect Nir. vi, 9 and 28
- asu-sū ásu
- a-sustha mfn. unwell, indisposed, uncomfortable Śak
- tā f. indisposition, sickness
- a-suhṛd t m. not a friend, N
- an enemy R. v, 76, 5
- (mfn.) having no friend MBh. xii, 6485
- a-sū́ mfn. (√3. sū), not bringing forth, barren RV. and AV. (acc. f. a-svám) VS. (acc. f. asū́m). [Page 121, Column]
- a-sūta-jaratī f. (a woman) who grows old without having brought forth a child Pāṇ. 6-2, 42
- a-sūti f. non-production, obstruction, removal Kir. ii, 56
- a-sū́tikā f. barren (as a woman) AV. vi, 83, 3
- a-sūsū́ mfn. = a-sū́, q.v. AV. x, 10, 23
- a-sūkṣma mfn. not fine or minute, thick, gross
- asūya Nom. P. ○yati, rarely Ā. ○yate (pr. p. ○yát RV. x, 135, 2 ŚBr
- aor. āsūyīt ŚBr. iii
- 3. pl. asūyiṣuḥ Rājat.) to murmur at, be displeased or discontented with (dat. [ŚBr. Pāṇ. 1-4, 37, &c.] or acc. [MBh. R. &c.]): Caus. (ind. p. asūyayitvā) to cause to be displeased, irritate MBh. iii, 2624 (N.)
- asūya mfn. grumbling at, displeased with (loc.) MBh. xiii, 513
- (ā), f. displeasure, indignation (especially at the merits or the happiness of another), envy, jealousy Nir. Āp. Mn. &c
- asūyaka mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 146) discontented, displeased, envious, calumnious Nir. Mn. &c
- asūyitṛ mfn. displeased, envious MBh. ii, 2545
- (an- neg.) i, 5611
- asūyu mfn. id
- ( an-asuyu.)
- a-sūrá n. 'absence of sunlight', only (é), loc. ind. in the night RV. viii, 10, 4
- asūrkṣaṇa n. disrespect L
- a-sū́rta mfn. (said of rájas), unilluminated, enveloped in darkness' ṅmn. or 'unvisited, unknown, remote' ṇir. Pāṇ. Bṛ. RV. x, 82, 4 AV. x, 3, 9 (cf. sūrta and a-sūryá.)
- ○rajasa m. v. l. for amūrta-r○, q.v
- a-sūryá mfn. (said of támas) sunless RV. v, 32.6 [(v. l. for I. asuryá in ŚBr. xiv) 'demoniacal', IśaUp
- 'inaccessible, unknown', (fr. √sṛ, cf. a-sū́rta) NBD.]
- (am), ind. at right ṢaḍvBr
- ○m-paśyā f. the wife of a king (who being shut up in the inner apartments never sees the sun) Pāṇ. 3-2, 36
- ásṛj k, (once d TS. vii), n. (m. or f. only Hariv. 9296) blood RV. i, 164, 4 AV. &c. [for the weak cases, asán
- besides, in later language, forms like instr. asṛjā (R. iii, 8, 4) and gen. asṛjas (Suśr.) are found]
- saffron L
- (k), m. the planet Mars
- a kind of religious abstraction L
- asṛk (in comp. for ásṛj)
- ○kara m. 'forming blood', lymph, chyle L
- ○tvá n. the state of blood MaitrS
- ○pa m. 'drinking blood', a Rākshasa L
- ○pāta m. the falling of blood Yājñ. iii, 293
- (ās), m. pl. drops of blood (as from a wound) Mn. viii, 44 (cf. asṛ-pāṭa.)
- ○pā́van mfn. drinking blood AV. ii, 25, 30
- ○srāva mfn. bleeding, letting blood L
- ○srāvin mfn. bleeding, taking away blood L
- asṛg (in comp. for ásṛj)
- ○graha m. 'the blood-planet', Mars VarBṛS
- ○dara m. irregular or excessive menstruation, moenorrhagia Suśr
- ○do-ha mfn. shedding blood, bleeding L
- ○dharā f. the skin L
- ○dhārā f. a stream of blood Kathās
- = -dharā, q.v. L
- ○vahā f. a blood-vessel L
- ○vimokṣaṇa n. blood-letting, bleeding L
- asṛṅ (in comp. for ásṛj)
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of blood Śiś. xviii, 71
- ○miśra mfn. mixed or covered with blood L
- ○mukha (ásṛṅ.), mfn. whose face is bloody AV. xi, 9, 17
- a-sṛṇi mfn. unrestrained BhP
- asṛ-pāṭa m. (corrupt form) for asṛk-pāta, q. L
- (ī), f. id. L
- a-sṛṣṭa mfn. uncreated
- undistributed
- continued
- asṛṣṭânna mfn. who does not distribute food
- a-secana mfn. (also ā-sec○, q.v.) charming, lovely L
- a-secanaka ḻ. or mfn. id
- a-secanīya ḻalit., mfn. id
- a-senyá (4), mfn. not striking or wounding, not hurting (as words) RV. x, 108, 6
- a-sevā f. not following or practising Mn. ii, 96
- disregard, inattention
- a-sevita mfn. neglected, unattended to
- abstained from
- asevitêśvara-dvāra mfn. not waiting at the doors of the great Hit
- a-sevya mfn. not to be served or attended to Pañcat. Kathās. [Page 122, Column]
- not to be visited by (gen.) Pañcat
- not to be used or practised, not to be eaten, drunk, &c
- a-soḍha mfn. not to be endured or mastered Pāṇ. 1-4, 26 (cf. á-ṣāḍha.)
- a-soma m. not Somajuice KātyŚr
- not a Soma sacrifice ib
- (mfn.) without Soma juice MBh. xiii, 1793
- ○pa mfn. one who does not drink or is not admitted to drink the Soma juice AitBr. &c. Mn. xi, 12
- ○pītha mfn. id. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○pīthin mfn. id. KātyŚr
- ○yājin (á-soma-), mfn. one who has not offered a Soma sacrifice ŚBr. i
- asaú (nom.) and ásau (voc.)
- adás and amu - √1
- ○kṛ to do such and such a thing (g. sākṣād-ādi, q.v.)
- ○nā́man mfn. having such and such a name ŚBr. xiv (BṛĀrUp.)
- ○yaja N. of a Praisha (with the address amuka yaja) SāṅkhŚr
- a-saundarya n. ugliness
- a-saumya mfn. unlovely, disagreeable, displeasing VP
- unpropitious R. i, 74, 10
- a-sauvarṇa mfn. not consisting of gold Mṛicch
- a-sauṣṭhava n. want of lightness or suppleness (of body) Sāh
- a-sauhṛda n. enmity MBh. xv, 895
- á-skanda m. the non-spilling (as of the semen virile) TS. ŚBr
- ○tva (á-skanda-) n. id. MaitrS
- a-skandayat mfn. not spilling Āp
- not neglecting Mn. vi, 9
- a-skandita mfn. not neglected or forgotten (as time or a vow) MBh. xii, 7002 BhP
- a-skandin mfn. not coagulating Suśr
- a-skanna mfn. not spilt (as an oblation) VS. ii, 8 ŚBr. MBh. xii, 2318
- not covered (as a cow) AitBr
- ○tva (á-skanna-), n. the not being spilt MaitrS
- a-skambhaná n. no pillar or support ['having no pillar or support', the ether Gmn.] RV. x, 149, 1
- á-skṛdhoyu mfn. (cf. kṛdhú), not deficient, abundant RV. vi, 22, 3 ; 67, 11 and vii, 53, 3
- a-skhala m. not shaking or slipping', N. of an Agni PārGṛ
- a-skhalita mfn. unshaken, unyielding, firm
- not stumbling or slipping, undeviating
- uninterrupted, unimpeded, undisturbed Ragh. v 20 ; xviii, 14 BhP. &c
- ○prayāṇa mfn. not stumbling in progress, with unfaltering step Hit
- asta mfn. (perf. Pass. p. √2. as), thrown, cast Ragh. xii, 91
- (án- neg.) ŚBr. iii
- (only in comp.) thrown off, left off, set aside, given up (as grief. anger, a vow, &c.) VP. Kathās. &c
- (ā́), f. a missile, an arrow AV
- ○kopa mfn. one whose anger is laid aside, Comm on Megh
- ○tandri mfn. who has laid aside sloth Kir. i, 9
- ○dhī mfn. 'out of one's mind', foolish
- ○vyasta mfn. scattered hither and thither, confused, disordered Sūryapr. 18
- ○saṃkhya mfn. innumerable L
- ástṛ mfn. (fut. p.) one who is about or intends to throw RV. i, 61, 7 ; x, 133, 3
- (tā), m. a thrower, shooter RV. AV
- (with a-pád) ŚBr
- ásta n. home RV. AV. ŚBr
- m. setting (as of the sun or of luminaries) VarBṛS. Sūryas
- 'end, death', asta-samaya below
- the western mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to set) MBh. R. &c
- (in astron.) the seventh lunar mansion VarBṛ
- (ástam), ind. at home, home RV. &c., especially used with verbs, e.g. ástam-√i [ástam éti
- pr. p. astaṃ-yát AV. ŚBr
- fut. p. astam-eṣyát AV
- perf. p. ástamita, below s.v.] or ástaṃ-√gam [ástam gácchati AV. &c
- perf. p. astaṃ-gata MBh. &c., once in reversed order gata astaṃ R. i, 33, 2] or astaṃ-√yā [pr. p. -yāt Mn. iv, 3] to go down, set RV. AV. &c
- astam-√i, astaṃ-√gam (also Caus., astaṃ-gamita below), or √prâp Kathās., to go to one's eternal home, cease, vanish, perish, die ŚBr. xiv MBh. &c
- astaṃ-√nī [-nayati], to lead to setting, cause to set MBh. iii, i 7330
- (ástā), ind. v. l. for ástam SV. [Page 122, Column]
- ○ṃ-yát and ástam before s.v. ásta
- ○ṃyāt ástam before s.v. ásta
- ○kṣitibhṛt m. 'the mountain Asta', the western mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to set), Ratnāv
- ○gamana n. setting (of the sun) MBh. i, 6058
- ○giri m. = -kṣitibhṛt, q.v., Śś. ix, 1
- ○m-gamita mfn. (Caus. perf. Pass. p.) brought to an end, destroyed Megh
- ○tāti (ásta-), f. home RV. v, 7, 6
- ○nimagna mfn. set (as the sun) Ragh. xvi, 11
- ○bhavana n. the seventh lunar mansion VarBṛ
- ○m-ayá m. setting (of the sun) ŚBr. ChUp. &c
- disappearance, vanishing, perishing KaṭhUp. (said of the senses) Ragh
- ○m-áyana n. setting of the sun ŚBr. xii
- ○mastaka mṇ. (the head, i.e.) the top of the mountain Asta, Ratāv
- ○m-ita (ást○), set (as the sun) AV. &c
- come to an end, ceased, dead R. Ragh. &c
- (e), loc. ind. after sunset ĀśvGṛ
- ○m-īké loc. ind. (fr. 2. añc, cf. samīká, &c.) at home RV. i, 129, 9
- ○mūrdhan m. = -mastaka, q.v. R. iii, 67, 24
- ○m-eṣyát ástam before s.v. ásta
- ○rāśi m. = -bhavana, q.v. VarBṛ
- ○śikhara m. = mastaka, q.v. Śak. Kathās. -samaya, m. 'the moment of sunset' and 'the moment of end or death' Śiś. ix, 5
- astâcala m. = asta-kṣitibhṛt, q.v. Hit
- astâdri m. id
- astâvalambin mfn. reclining on the western mountain, about to set
- ástaka n. home AV. ii, 26, 5 (cf. sv-astaká)
- m. going to one's eternal home L
- astamana n. (a corruption of astam-áyana, q.v.), setting MBh. R. &c
- astya n. (vḷ, for ásta) a house Naigh
- a-stabdha mfn. 'not fixed', moving, agile (as a bird) R. iii, 79, 22
- not arrogant or obstinate, unassuming, modest MBh. v, 1360 ; xii, 2709
- ○tā f. unassumingness Kām
- ○tva n. id. Hit
- a-stambha mf(ā)n. without pillars Ragh. i, 41
- unassuming Rājat
- a-stāgha mfn. 'not shallow', very deep Jain. (only in Prākṛit atthāha)
- asti ind. (3. sg. pr. √1. as
- g. câdi and svar-ādi, q.v.) sometimes used as a mere particle at the beginning of fables Pañcat. Kathās
- existent, present L
- ○kāya m. an ontological category (of which five are distinguished, viz. jīvâstikāya,). ajivâst○, dharmâst○, adharmâst○, pudgalâst○) Jain
- ○kṣīrā f. having milk (as a cow) Pāṇ. 2-2, 24 Comm
- ○tā f. existence, reality Comm. on Bād. Sarvad
- ○tva n. id. ib
- ○nâsti ind. partly true and partly not, doubtful L
- ○pravāda m. N. of the fourth of the fourteen Pūrvas or older writings of the Jainas
- ○mat mfn. possessed of property, opulent L
- asti f. (as-ti = s-ti, q.v.), N. of a sister of Prāpti (daughter of Jarāsandhas and wife of Kaṃsa) MBh. ii, 595 Hariv. 4955 BhP
- astu (3. sg. Imper.), let it be, be it so
- there must be or should be (implying an order)
- ○ṃ-kāra mfn. 'one who says astu', conceding, assenting unwillingly', or 'ordering' Pāṇ. 6-3, 70 Comm
- ○vid mfn. knowing that anything must be done Rājat
- á-stuta mfn. not praised (by a hymn) AitBr
- not recited (as.a hymn) ib
- not liked, not popular RV. v, 61, 8 ; 67, 5
- a-stuti mfn. not praising anybody MBh. xii
- a-stutya mfn. not to be praised Pañcat
- a-stotṛ mfn. = a-stuti, q.v. MBh. i, 3314 Kum. vi, 83
- ástṛ 1. asta
- á-stṛta mfn. not overcome, invincible, indestructible RV. AV. xix, 46
- (said of the gold) KaushUp. and ĀśvGṛ. [v. l. a-srutá ŚBr. xiv and PārGṛ.]
- (a-stṛtá), mfn. id. AV. i, 20, 4 and v, 9, 7
- ○yajvan (ástṛta-), mfn. sacrificing indefatigably or invincibly RV. viii, 43, 1
- a-stṛti f. invincibleness PBr. (ed. a-stiti)
- á-stena m. not a thief ŚBr. xiv
- ○mānin mfn. not believing one's self to be a thief. Mn. viii, 197
- a-steya n. not stealing Mn. Yājñ. &c
- a-stoka mfn. not slight or little, Mālatim
- a-stotṛ á-stuta
- a-stobha mfn. without stoppage or pause, Lalit [Page 122, Column]
- without the interjection of the sound called stobha (in the Sāman) Lāṭy
- astya 2. ásta
- a-styāna n. disregard L
- astrá n. (exceptionally m. Hariv. 10703, &c.), (√2. as), a missile weapon, bolt, arrow AV. xi, 10, 16 MuṇḍUp. &c
- a weapon in general L
- a sword L
- a bow L
- N. of a Mantra (pronounced, for instance, before reading a book or while kindling a fire &c.) BhavP. &c
- N. of the mystical syllable phat RāmatUp. [Gk. ? and ?] that which throws [122,] out or emits rays of light' (?)
- ○kaṇṭaka m. an arrow L
- ○kāra or m. a maker of weapons, armourer L
- ○kāraka m. a maker of weapons, armourer L
- ○kārin m. id. L
- ○kṣepaka mfn. shooting arrows L
- ○grāma m. a heap or collection of different missile weapons, Veṇis
- ○cikitsaka m. a surgeon L
- ○cikitsā f. surgery L
- ○jit n. N. of a plant L
- ○jīva m. 'living on arms', a soldier L
- ○dhāraṇa n. the bearing of arms L
- ○dhārin mfn. bearing arms', a soldier L
- ○nivāraṇa n. warding off a blow
- ○bandha m. an uninterrupted series of arrows R
- ○bhṛt m. a shooter R. v, 43, 2
- ○mantra m. a Mantra used to charm arrows Ragh. v, 59
- ○mārja m. a sword-polisher or toolcleaner, armourer L
- ○vid mfn. skilled in shooting, a good marksman Ragh. v, 59
- ○vidyā f. the military science L
- ○vṛṣṭi f. a shower of arrows Ragh. iii, 58
- ○śastra āṇi n. pl. all sorts of arms (as arrows and swords) R. i, 23, 14
- ○śikṣā f. military exercise L
- ○sāyaka m. an iron arrow L
- ○hīna mfn. unarmed, defenceless
- astrâgāra n. an arsenal, armoury, Veṇis. (quoted in Sāh.) MatsyaP
- astrâghāta n. a wound, cut
- astrâhata mfn. wounded, killed
- astrôpaniṣad f. science of arms Mcar
- astrāya Nom. Ā. ○yate (perf. p. ○yita mfn. ) to become or turn into a weapon Bālar
- astrin ī m. an archer BhP. Siś. xviii, 71
- a-strī f. not a woman MBh. ii, 1694
- (with lexicographers) 'not feminine', i.e. the masculine and neuter genders
- ○jita mfn. not wife subdued Rājat
- ○sambhogin mfn. not enjoying women (by sexual intercourse) Comm. on Mn. vi, 26
- a-stry-upâyin mfn. id. KātyŚr
- a-straiṇá mfn. without wives AV. viii, 6, 16
- astha only ifc. for ásthi, q.v., e.g. an-asthá, ūru-asthá, puruṣâsthá, q.v
- asthán the base of the weak cases of ásthi, q.v., e.g. instr. asthnā, &c. (Ved. also instr. pl. asthábhis RV. i, 84, 13
- and n. pl. asthāni Pāṇ. 7-i, 76):
- ○vát mfn. having bones, bony RV. i, 164, 4 ŚBr. vi
- vertebrated (as an animal) Gaut
- asthā ind. (?) at once RV. x, 48, 10
- a-sthāgha mfn. = a-stāgha, q.v. L
- a-sthāna n. non-permanency, inconstancy (as of a sound) Jaim
- not a (fit) place for (gen.) Kād
- (e), loc. ind, [PBr. R. &c.] or in comp. asthāna- ṃegh. ḍaś., in a wrong place
- in wrong time, unseasonably, unsuitably, (a-sthāne) R. MārkP. &c
- (a-sthāna-) R. iv, 32, 6 Sāh
- ○yukta mfn. applied in the wrong place Sāh
- ○stha-pada mfn. having a word in the wrong place Kpr
- ○stha-samāsa mfn. having a compound in the wrong place ib
- a-sthānin mfn. not being in one's proper place or order ĀśvŚr
- a-sthāyin mfn. not permanent, transient Rājat. Śārṅg. &c
- asthāyi-tva n. non-permanency, inconstancy Suśr
- a-sthāvara mfn. not fixed, moving, movable
- (in law, said of) movable (property, viz. money, cattle &c., as opposed to land) L
- a-sthāsnu mfn. impatient Kathās
- a-sthita mfn. not lasting RPrāt
- a-sthiti f. want of order Kād
- ásthi i n. ( asthán), a bone AV. VS. &c
- the kernel of a fruit Suśr. (cf. 3. aṣṭi) ; [Lat. os, ossis assimilated fr. ostis
- Gk. ?] [122,]
- ○kuṇḍa n. a hole filled with bones (part of the hell) BrahmaP
- ○kṛt n. marrow L
- ○ketu m. N. of a Ketu VarBṛS
- ○cchallita n. a particular fracture of the bones Suśr
- ○já mfn. produced in the bones AV. i, 23, 4
- m. marrow L
- (= -sambhava below) the thunderbolt L. (cf. akṣaja). [Page 123, Column]
- ○tuṇḍa m. whose mouth or beak consists of bone', a bird L
- ○tejas n. marrow L
- ○toda m. pain in the bones L
- ○tvac f. the periosteum L
- ○danta-maya mfn. made of bones or ivory Mn. v, 121
- ○dhanvan m. a N. of Śiva L
- ○pañjara m. 'cage of bones', a skeleton L
- ○bandhana n. a sinew R. v, 42, 20
- ○bhakṣa m. 'eating bones', a dog L
- ○bhaṅga m. fracture of the bones
- the plant Vitis Quadrangularis L
- ○bhuj m. = -bhakṣa, q.v. L
- ○bhūyas (ásthi.), mfn. consisting chiefly of bones, dried up AV. v, 18, 3
- ○bheda m. fracturing or wounding a bone
- a sort of bone
- ○mat mfn. having bones, vertebrated Mn. Yājñ. iii, 269
- ○maya mf(ī)n. bony, consisting of bones, full of bones Rājat. &c
- ○mālā f. 'necklace of bones', N. of wk
- ○mālin m. 'having a necklace of bones, i.e. of skulls', Śiva
- ○yajña m. bone-sacrifice (part of a funeral ceremony) KātyŚr
- ○yuj m. the plant Vitis Quadrangularis L
- ○vilaya m. the dissolving of bones (in a sacred stream)
- ○śṛṅkhalā f. id. L
- ○saṃhāra m. or id. L
- ○saṃhārī f. id. L
- ○saṃhāraka m. id. Bhpr
- 'bone-seizer', the adjutant bird L
- ○saṃcaya m. or the ceremony of collecting the bones (after burning a corpse) Comm. on KātyŚr
- ○saṃcayana n. the ceremony of collecting the bones (after burning a corpse) Comm. on KātyŚr
- ○sandhi m. a joint Car
- ○samarpaṇa n. throwing the bones of a dead body into the Ganges L
- ○sambhava mfn. consisting of bones (said of the Vajra or thunder bolt) MBh. i, 1514
- 'produced in the bones', marrow L
- ○sāra m. marrow L
- ○sthūṇa mfn. having the bones for its pillars (as the body) Mn. vi, 76
- ○sneha or m. marrow L
- ○snehaka m. marrow L
- ○sraṃsá mfn. causing the bones to fall asunder AV. vi, 14, 1
- asthika n. (g. yāvâdi, q.v.) a bone [generally only ifc. f. ā, e.g. R. Yājñ. iii, 89
- cf. an-asthika s.v. an-asthá]
- á-sthira mfn. unsteady, trembling, shaking ŚBr. &c
- not permanent, transient R
- uncertain, unascertained, doubtful Mn. viii, 71 MBh. ii, 1965
- not steady (in character), changeable, not deserving confidence R. ii, 21, 19 Pañcat
- ○tva n. the not being hard Suśr
- unsteadiness, fickleness MBh
- inconstancy MaitrUp. Mn. viii, 77
- asthirī-√bhū to become weak, decrease Suśr
- a-sthūri or mfn. not single-horsed RV. vi, 15, 19 VS. &c
- á-sthūri only ṭṣ. vii, mfn. not single-horsed RV. vi, 15, 19 VS. &c
- á-sthūla mf(ā)n. not gross or bulky, delicate ŚBr. xiv Pañcat. &c
- á-stheyas mfn. (compar.) not firmer TS. v
- not firm RV. x, 159, 5
- á-sthairya n. instability, unsteadiness Rājat. Sarvad. &c
- a-snāta mfn. not bathed BhP
- a-snātṛ́ mfn. not fond of bathing, fearing the water, not a swimmer RV. ii, 15, 5 ; iv, 30, 17 ; x, 4, 5
- a-snāna n. not bathing, (= naiṣṭhikabrahmacarya Comm.) MBh. xiv, 1353
- a-snāyin mfn. one who has not bathed Hcat
- a-snāváka mfn. without sinews TS. vii
- a-snāvirá mfn. id. VS. xl, 8
- a-snigdha mfn. not smooth, harsh, hard
- ○dāruka m. a kind of pine tree L
- a-snehá mfn. without unctuousness ŚBr. xiv Yājñ. Ragh. iv, 75
- without affection, unkind L
- m. want of affectiou L
- ○vat mfn. without affection Pañcat. (v. l.)
- a-snehana m. 'without affection', a N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1203
- a-snehya mfn. not to be made unctuous Suśr
- a-spanda mfn. not quivering or moving, fixed, Uttaras. Rājat
- unvariable (as love) BhP
- aspandâsu mfn. having motionless or suppressed breath BhP
- a-spandana mfn. not quivering or moving Suśr. (cf. garbhâspandana.)
- á-spandamāna mfn. id., v. l for á-syand○, q.v
- a-spandayat mfn. not causing to move, AśvSr
- a-sparśá mfn. not having the faculty of perception by touch ŚBr. xiv
- intangible Āp. NṛisUp
- m. non-contact with (instr.) MBh. iii, 11087
- ○para mfn. not followed by a letter called sparśa, q.v. VPrāt
- a-sparśana n. non-contact, avoiding the contact of anything (especially of one who is impure)
- a-spṛśat mfn. not touching, Śārṅg. [Page 123, Column]
- a-spṛśya mfn. not to be touched Hariv. BhP. &c
- not tangible MBh. xiv, 610
- (am), n. intangibleness BhP
- ○tva n. intangibleness, imperceptibleness Mn. v, 62
- a-spṛṣṭa mfn. untouched, not brought into contact BhP. Kāvyâd
- not touched or referred to (as by a word) Kum. vi, 75
- not touched by the organs of articulation (as the vowels, the Anusvāra, and the sibilants) RPrāt. VPrāt
- ○maithunā f. a virgin MānGṛ
- ○rajas-tamaska mfn. perfectly pure BhP
- a-spṛṣṭi f. not touching, avoiding contact
- a-spraṣṭṛ mfn. one who does not touch MaitrUp
- a-spaṣṭa mfn. indistinct BhP. Suśr. &c
- ○kīrti mfn. not famous, unknown BhP
- á-spṛta mfn. not forcibly carried off (as the Soma) RV. viii, 82, 9 and ix, 3, 8
- a-spṛśat &c. a-sparśa
- a-spṛha mfn. undesirous Mn. vi, 96
- (ā), f. no desire Gaut. BhavP. i
- ○tva n. id. Hcat
- a-spṛhaṇīya mfn. undesirable
- a-sphuṭa mf(ā)n. indistinct BhP. Kathās. &c
- not quite correct, approximate (as a number) Sūryas
- (am), n. (in rhetoric) indistinct speech
- ○phala n. approximate result (as the gross area of a triangle &c.)
- asphuṭâlaṃkāra m. an indistinct embellishment of speech Sāh
- asma (fr. a-sma), a pronom. base from which some forms (dat. ásmai, or asmaí abl. asimā́t loc. asmin) of idám (q.v.) are formed
- also the base of the first person pl., acc. asmā́n [= ?], instr. asmā́bhis dat. asmábhyam abl. asmát, in later, language also asmat-tas [MBh. &c.], gen. asmā́kam [exceptionlly asmā́ka RV. i, 173, 10 AV.], loc. asmā́su
- dat. loc. asmé (only RV. AV. VS.)
- ○trā́ ind. (for asmat-trā́ by defective spelling), to us, with us, among us RV
- asmatrâñ mfn. turned towards us RV. vi, 44, 19
- ○drúh (nom. -dhrúh), (nom. -dhrúk), mfn. (fur asmad-drúh by defective spelling), forming a plot against us, inimical to us RV. i, 36, 16 ; 176, 3 ; viii, 60, 7
- asméhiti f. errand or message for us RV. x, 108, 1
- asmat (in comp. for asmad below)
- ○prêṣita (asmát-), mfn. sent or driven towards us ŚBr. vi
- ○sakhi (asmát-), m(nom. ○khā)fn. having us as friends RV. vi, 47, 26
- asmad base of the first person pl., as used in comp
- also by native grammarians considered to be the base of the cases asmā́n &c. ( above)
- ○devatya mfn. having us as deities PBr
- ○rāta (asmád-), mfn. given by us VS. vii, 46
- ○vat ind. like us Kathās
- ○vidha mfn. one similar to or like us, one of us MBh. R. &c
- asmadīya mfn. (Pāṇ. 4-3, 1) our, ours MBh. &c
- asmadryañc (4), mfn. turned towards us RV. vii, 19, 10
- (○dryák), ind. towards us RV
- asmaya Nom. P. ○yati, to desire us Pat
- asmayú mfn. endeavouring to attain us, desiring us, liking us RV
- asmā́ka mfn. (fr. asma + añc?, cf. ápāka &c.) our, ours RV. (cf. āsmāká.)
- a-smaraṇa n. not remembering (with gen.) MBh. iii, 10811, &c
- a-smarat mfn. not remembering. Lāṭy
- a-smartavya mfn. not to be recollected
- a-smārta mfn. not traditional, illegal
- a-smṛta mfn. forgotten L
- not mentioned in authoritative texts, not traditional Comm. on Kāty. Śr
- ○dhru (á-smṛta-), m(nom. du. -dhrū)fn. (for -druh NBD.) not thinking of or caring for enemies RV. x, 61, 4
- a-smṛti f. non-remembrance, forgetting KātyŚr. MBh
- want of memory, forgetfulness MBh. xiv, 999
- the not being part of the institutes of law L
- (á-smṛti), ind. inattentively AV. vii, 106, 1
- asmi 'I am', √1. as, q.v
- ○tā f. egoism Yogas. Comm. on Śiś. iv, 55, &c
- ○māna m. self-conceit L
- á-smera mf(ā)n. not bashful or confused, confiding RV. ii, 35, 4 [Page 123, Column]
- not smiling, not merry Bālar
- asmé-hiti asma
- á-syandamāna (or a-spand○), mfn. not gliding away RV. iv, 3, 10
- asyavāmīya n. the hymn beginning with the words asyá vāmásya (RV. i, 164) Mn. xi, 250 Pāṇ. 5-2, 59 Sch
- asya-hatya (or -ha-tya), g. anuśatikâdi, q.v
- ( āsyahātya.)
- asya-heti ib
- ( ásyahaitika.)
- asrá mfn. (√2. as), throwing TBr
- (am), n. a tear Mn. R. &c. (often spelt aśra)
- asra n. blood Ragh. xvi, 15 (cf. ásṛj.)
- ○khadira m. a red Mimosa L
- ○ja or n. 'formed by blood', flesh L
- ○janman n. 'formed by blood', flesh L
- ○pa m. (= asṛk-pa, q.v.) a Rākshasa Mcar
- (ā), f. a leech L
- a Dākini or female imp L
- ○pattraka m. the plant Abelmoschus Esculentus L
- ○pitta n. = rakta-pitta, q.v. L
- ○phalā f. the plant Boswellia Thurifera Roxb. L
- ○bindu-cchadā f. N. of a tuberous plant
- ○mātṛ or f. (= asṛk-kara, q.v.) chyle L
- ○mātṛkā f. (= asṛk-kara, q.v.) chyle L
- ○rodhinī f. the plant Mimosa Pudica L
- asrârjaka m. the white Tulasi plant L
- asrāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to shed tears, (g. sukhâdi, q.v.)
- asrāyamāṇaka mfn. shedding tears MBh. iii, 16834
- asrin mfn. id. (g. sukhâdi, q.v.)
- asra m. hair of the head L
- á-sravat mfn. 'not flowing', not leaky (as a ship). RV. x, 63, 10 VS. xxi, 7
- a-srutá mfn. 'inexhaustible', v. l. for á-stṛta, q.v
- a-sruva n. granulation (of a running sore) L
- á-srāma mf(ā)n. not lame AV. i, 31, 3
- not withered Gobh
- a-srídh mfn. not failing, not erring RV
- á-sridhāna mfn. (aor. p. Ā.) id. RV. vii, 69, 7
- á-sredhat mfn. (pr. p. P.) id. RV
- asrī-váyas n. (fr. 1. váyas?) VS. xiv, 8 ŚBr. viii
- asrī-ví m. (cf. rāja-vi)? TS. iv
- asrī-vī́ m. (cf. vii = √ví) MaitrS
- a-sremán mfn. (said of Agni) faultless, perfect RV. iii, 29, 13 and x, 8, 2
- a-sva mfn. having no property MBh
- ○ga (á-sva-), mfn. not going to one's own home, homeless AV. xii, 5, 45
- (asvagá) -tā f. homelessness AV. ix, 2, 3 ; xii, 5, 40
- ○cchanda mfn. not self-willed, dependant L
- docile L
- ○jāti mfn. of a different caste Mn. ix, 86
- ○tantra mf(ā)n. not self-willed, dependant, subject Mn. ix, 2 Gaut. BhP
- (asvatantra) -tā f. the not being master of one's feelings or passions Kād
- ○tā f. the having no property L
- ○tva n. id. Kathās
- ○dṛś mfn. not seeing one's self or soul BhP
- ○dharma m. neglect of one's duty, Diś
- ○bhāva m. unnatural or unusual character or temperament
- (mfn.) of a different nature L
- ○rūpa mfn. essentially different L
- shapeless (opposed to rūpa-vat) BhP
- ○veśa (á-sva-), mfn. having no home of one's own RV. vii, 37, 7
- ○stha mf(ā)n. not in good health, sick, feeling uneasy Mn. vii, 226 MBh. &c
- not being firm in itself. MBh. xii, 276 (Hit.)
- (asvastha)-tā f. illness, Ratnāv. (Prākṛit assatthadā)
- -śarīra mfn. ill Kād
- a-svâṅga-pūrva-pada mfn. (a compound) the first part of which is not (a word denoting) part of the body Pāṇ. 4-1, 53
- a-svâdhīna mfn. = a-svatantra above R. iii, 33, 5 (ed. Bomb.)
- not independent, not doing one's own will R. ii, 30, 33
- a-svâdhyāya mfn. (a Brāhman) who has not performed his repetition of the Veda, who has not repeated or does not repeat the Vedas L
- m. interruption or interval of repetition (prohibited on certain days of the moon, at eclipses, &c.) L
- (a-svâdhyāya) -para mfn. not devoted to the repetition of the Vedas MBh. xiii, 4563
- a-svârtha mfn. not fit for a proper object, useless BhP
- unselfish, disinterested L
- a-svīkāra m. non-acquiescence, dissent L
- a-svīkṛta mfn. refused L. [Page 124, Column]
- a-svaka mf(akā or ikā Pāṇ. 7-3, 47)n. = asva, q.v. L
- a-svātantrya n. dependence MaitrUp
- a-svāsthya n. indisposition, sickness, discomfort BhP. Kathās
- á-svadita mfn. not made agreeable to the taste or sweet ŚBr. i
- a-svādu mfn. tasteless AitBr. MBh
- a-svana mfn. not having a clear sound VarBṛS
- a-svanta mfn. (sv-anta), ending ill, having an unfavourable issue
- ( also asv-anta s.v. aśvanta.)
- á-svapat mfn. not sleeping Suparṇ
- á-svapat m. sleeplessness ŚBr. iii ṢaḍvBr. (am, n.) VarBṛS
- (a-svapná), mfn. (= ?) not sleeping, watchful AV
- not dreaming NṛisUp
- m. 'sleepless', a god L
- á-svapnaj mfn. not sleepy, sleepless RV. ii, 27, 9 ; iv, 4, 12 VS
- a-svara mfn. not loud (as the voice), indistinct R. ii, 42, 26
- having no vowel Up having no accent APrāt. Sch
- having a bad or croaking voice L
- (ám), ind. in low tone, indistinctly ŚBr.xi
- a-svarâdi mfn. not beginnig with a vowel
- a-svaraka mfn. unaccentuated Pat
- a-svarita mfn. not having the accent called Svarita Pāṇ. Sch
- a-svargyá mfn. not leading to heaven ŚBr. x Mn. Bhag. &c
- a-svastha a-sva
- a-svādu á-svadita
- a-svâdhīna a-sva
- a-svāmika mf(ā Kāraṇḍ.)n. having no possessor, unowned MBh. xiii, 2633 Gaut. &c
- a-svāmin ī m. not an owner, not the owner Mn. viii, 4
- a-svârtha a-svāsthya, a-sva
- á-svāhākṛtay mfn. not dedicated to the gods by the exclamation Svāhā ŚBr
- a-svinna mfn. not thoroughly boiled MārkP
- (am), n. non-application of sudorifics Suśr
- a-sveda mfn. not perspiring L
- m. suppressed perspiration L
- a-svedana mfn. not perspiring (as feet) VarBṛS
- a-svedya mfn. where the application of sudorifics is prohibited Car
- ah (defect. verb, only perf. 3. sg. ā́ha and 3. pl. āhúh RV. AV. &c
- 2. sg. āttha ŚBr. xiv (BṛĀrUp.)
- N. Ragh. iii, 48
- 3. du. āhatuḥ Pāṇ. 8-2, 35) to say, speak RV. &c
- (with lexicographers) to express, signify
- to call (by name, nāmnā) MBh. iii, 16065
- to call, hold, consider, regard as (with two acc., for one of which may be substituted a phrase with iti) RV. &c
- to state or declare with reference to (acc.) BṛĀrUp. Śak. Megh
- to acknowledge, accept, state AitBr. Mn. &c
- to adjudge anything (acc.) to any one (gen.), Mn ix, 44. [Cf. Hib. ag-all, 'speech' ; eigh-im, 'I call' ; Goth. af-aika, 'I deny' ; Lat. nego for n'-ego, 'to say no' ; ad-ag-ium, ajo, &c.]
- ah cl. 5. P. ahnoti, to pervade or occupy L
- áha ind. (as a particle implying ascertainment, affirmation, certainty, &c.) surely, certainly RV. AV. ŚBr
- (as explaining, defining) namely ŚBr
- (as admitting, limiting, &c.) it is true, I grant, granted, indeed, at least ŚBr. [For the rules of accentuation necessitated in a phrase by the particle áha, Pāṇ. 8-1, 24 seqq.]
- áha n. (only Ved
- nom. pl. áhā RV. AV
- gen. pl. áhānām RV. viii, 22, 13) = áḥar, q.v., a day
- often ifc. ahá m. (e.g. dvādaśâhá, try-ahá, ṣaḍ-ahá, &c.) or n. (e.g. puṇyâhá, bhadrâhá, and sudinâha)
- also ahna s.v
- ahaṃ-yāti
- ○yú &c. ahám
- ahaḥ-pati &c. s.v. áhar
- ahakam ahám. [Page 124, Column]
- ahaṃ-karaṇa &c. ahám
- á-hata mfn. unhurt, uninjured AV. xii, 1, 11 VS
- not beaten (as a drum) AdbhBr
- unbeaten (as clothes in washing), unwashed, new ŚBr. &c
- unblemished, unsoiled BhP
- (am), n. unwashed or new clothes'
- ○tā f. uninjured condition GopBr
- ○vāsas (áhata-), mfn. wearing new clothes ŚBr. xiv KātyŚr
- á-hati is f. = ahata-tā, q.v. RV. ix, 96, 4
- á-hanti f. id. VS. xvi, 18 [vv. ll. á-hantva mfn. 'indestructible' TS. iv, and á-hantva mfn. id. MaitrS. Kāṭh.]
- á-hantya
- á-hantva the preceding
- a-hanyamāna mfn. (Pass. p.) not being struck Āp. BhP
- áhan the base of the weak and some other cases of áhar, q.v., e.g. instr. áhnā [once ahanā́ RV. i, 123,]
- dat. áhne
- loc. áhan (Ved.) or áhani, or ahni, &c
- nom. du. áhanī ( also s.v. áhar) and pl. áhāni
- only Ved. are the middle cases of the pl. áhabhyas ṛV., áhabhis [RV., nine times], and áhasu [RV. i, 124,], while the later language forms them fr. the base áhas, q.v
- ahnija mfn. originating or appearing during the day VarBṛS
- ahanā́ instr. with an earlier form of accentuation for áhnā. before
- ahanyâ (4), mfn. daily RV. i, 168, 5 ; 190, 3 ; v, 48, 3
- ahīna
- ahna ss.vv
- ahabhū́na m. N. of a Ṛishi TS. iv
- ahám nom. sg., 'I' RV. &c
- = ahaṃkaraṇa, q.v., (hence declinable, gen. ahamas, &c.) BhP. [Zd. aśem
- Gk. ? ; Goth. ik ; Mod. Germ. ich ; Lith. [124,] asś ; Slav. aś]
- ○agrikā f. = ahaṃśreṣṭhikā below L
- ○ahamikā f. (g. mayū-ravyaṃsakâdi, q.v.) assertion or conceit of superiority Pañcat
- ○uttará n. id. AV. iv, 22, 1 and xii, 4, 50
- (aham-uttara) -tva n. id. AV. iii, 8, 3
- ○pūrvá mfn. desirous of being first RV. i, 181, 3 R. ii, 12, 92
- ○pūrvikā f. emulation, desire of being first Kir. xiv, 32
- ○prathamikā f. id. Kathās
- ○buddhi f. = ahaṃ-karaṇa below BhP
- pride, haughtiness, (an- neg., mfn. 'free from pride') MBh. xiii, 5354
- ○bhadrá n. = ahaṃ-śreyas below ŚBr. i
- ○bhāva m. = -buddhi before BhP
- ○mati f. id. ib
- ○mama-tā f. id. ib
- ○mamâ-bhimāna m. id. Comm. on ŚBr. xiv
- ○māna m. id. ib
- egotism VP
- (mfn.) having the conceit of individuality VP. MārkP
- ahaṃ (in comp. for ahám)
- ○yāti m. N. of a son of Saṃyāti MBh. i, 3767seq. VP
- ○yú mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 140) proud, haughty RV. i, 167, 7
- ○vādin mfn. 'speaking of one's self, presumptuous, an-ahaṃv○
- ○śreyas n. claiming superiority for one's self ChUp. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○śréyasa n. id. ŚBr. xiv (BṛĀrUp.) KaushUp
- ○śreṣṭhikā f. id. L
- ○sana mfn. obtaining or claiming for one's self RV. (v, 72, 2 voc. du. incorrectly written in two words aháṃ sánā) and viii, 61, 9 (voc. sg.)
- ○karaṇa n. conceit or conception of individuality BhP
- ○kartavya mfn. 'to be done by self', being the object of Ahaṃkāra, PraśnaUp
- ○kāra m. conception of one's individuality, self-consciousness ChUp. &c
- the making of self, thinking of self, egotism MBh. &c
- pride, haughtiness R. &c
- (in Sāṅkhya phil.) the third of the eight producers or sources of creation, viz. the conceit or conception of individuality, individualization
- (ahaṃkāra) -val mfn. selfish, proud L
- ○kārin mfn. proud Kathās. Daśar
- ○kārya mfn. = -kartavya, q.v. Vedāntas
- (am), n. 'that which is to be done by one's self', any personal object or business MBh. iii, 11206. - √1
- ○kṛ (Pot. -kuryāt) to have the conceit of individuality BhP
- ○kṛta mfn. conscious of one's individuality Yājñ. iii, 151
- egotistic Bhag. xviii, 17 VP. &c
- proud, haughty MBh. i, 8252, &c
- ○kṛti f. = -karaṇa, q.v., Bh. (an- neg., adj., free from the conceit of individuality)
- ○kriyā nir-ahaṃkriya
- ○candrasūri m. N. of an author Sarvad
- ○juṣ mfn. thinking only of one's self Kum. xv, 51
- ○tā f. self-consciousness Comm. on BhP
- ○tva n. the being a self or an individuality NṛisUp
- ○dhī f. = -karaṇa, q.v. BhP
- ○nā́man mfn. named 'self' ŚBr., xiv
- ○pūrvá &c., s.v. ahám. [Page 124, Column]
- ahakam dimin. for ahám, 'I' Pāṇ. 1-1, 29 Pat
- áhar n. (the weak cases come fr. áhan, q.v., the middle ones fr. áhas see below or in RV. also fr. áhan, q.v.) a day RV. &c
- a sacrificial or festival day, portion of a sacrifice appointed for one day's performance AitBr. &c. (often ifc., as dvādaśâhá, &c., s.v. 2. áha)
- day personified as one of the eight Vasus MBh. i, 2582 seqq
- N. of an Āṅgirasa, KāṭhAnukr
- of a Tirtha MBh. iii, 6070
- (áhana), nom. du. day and night RV. AV. xiii, 2, 3 (cf. áhaś ca kṛṣṇám áhar árjunam ca, 'the black and the white day', i.e. night and day RV. vi, 9, 1)
- tád áhar acc. ind. on that very day ŚBr
- yád áhar acc. ind. on which day ŚBr
- ○ahar (áhar-), ind. day by day, daily RV. &c
- (aharahah) -karmán n. daily-work ŚBr. ix
- ○āgama m. the approach of the day Bhag. viii, 18 seq
- ○ādi a gaṇa Comm. on Pāṇ. 8-2, 70
- ○gaṇa m. a series of sacrificial days KātyŚr. &c
- a series of days, Bhp. Jaim
- any calculated term L
- a month L
- ○jaram ind. 'so that the days become old', by and by MantraBr. TUp
- ○jāta (áhar.), mfn. born in the day or from day, not belonging to night or to the spirits of darkness AV
- ○dala n. midday Sūryas
- ○divá (áhar-), mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-4, 77) daily VS. xxxviii, 12
- (am), ind. day by day Śiś. i, 51 Pāṇ. 5-4, 77 Sch
- ○divi (áhar-), ind. day by day RV. ix, 86, 41 AV. v, 21, 6
- ○dṛ́ś mfn. beholding the day, living RV. viii, 66, 10 (Nir. vi, 26)
- ○niśa n. day and night, a whole day Mn. i, 74 ; iv, 97
- (am), ind. day and night, continually Mn. iv, 126 Pañcat. &c
- ○páti m. (Pāṇ. 8-2, 70 Comm.) lord of the day VS. MaitrS
- the sun Ragh. x, 55
- a N. of Śiva L
- ○bāndhava m. the sun L
- ○bhā́j mfn. (said of a sacrificial brick) partaking of the day ŚBr. x
- ○maṇi m. 'the jewel of the day', the sun L
- ○mukha n. commencement of the day, dawn L
- ○lokā (áhar-), f. N. of a sacrificial brick ŚBr. x (cf. bhā́j before.)
- ○víd mfn. knowing the (right) days or the fit season RV
- ○vyatyāsam ind. so that the order of the days is reversed KātyŚr
- ahaḥ (in comp. for áhar)
- ○pati m. = aharpáti, q.v. Pāṇ. 8-2, 70 Comm
- ○śeṣa m. the remaining part of the day Mn. xi, 204
- ○saṃsthā́ f. completion of the day TBr. iii Lāṭy
- ○sahasrá n. a thousand days ŚBr. x
- ○sāmán n. a liturgy that is to be sung during the day ŚBr. xi
- ahaś (in comp. for áhar)
- ○cara mfn. wandering during the day, SāṅkhGṛ
- ○śas ind. day by day AitBr
- áhas the base of the middle cases of áhar instr. pl. áhobhis [RV. (twice) VS. ŚBr. &c.], dat. abl. áhobhyas [VS. &c.], loc. áhassu [ŚBr. x AitBr. &c.]
- ○kara m. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 21
- g. kaskâdi, q.v.) 'producing the day', the sun Rājat. Bālar
- ○triyāma n. day and night Ragh. vii, 21
- aho (instead of ahā [= áhar] in comp. before the letter r)
- ○ratna n. = ahar-maṇi above Pāṇ. 8-2, 68 Kāś
- ○rathantara n. Pāṇ. 8-2, 68 Comm
- ○rātrá m. [pl. VS
- du. AV. & PBr
- sg. or pl. MBh. &c.] or n. [pl. RV. x, 190, 2 VS. &c
- du. AV. VS. &c
- sg. or du. or pl. Mn. MBh. &c.] = ahar-nisa (q.v.), a day and night, ? (having twenty-four hours or thirty Muhūrtas)
- (am), ind. day and night, continually L
- ○rūpa n. Pāṇ. 8-2, 68 Comm
- a-hara m. N. of an Asura MBh. i, 2660 (vḷ. su-hara) Hariv
- of a son of Manu Hariv. 484 (vḷ. a-dūra)
- a-haraṇīya mfn. not to be taken away
- a-hārayat mfn. (Caus. p.) not losing (in play) Kathās
- a-hārin mfn. g. grāhy-ādi, q.v
- a-hārya mfn. not to be stolen, not to be removed Mn. ix, 189
- unalterable (as a resolution or the mind &c.) MBh. v, 953 Kum. v, 8 Daś. &c
- not to be bribed Mn. vii, 217 MBh
- m. a mountain L
- N. of a king VP
- ○tva n. the state of not being liable to be taken away Hit
- á-harita mfn. not yellow AV
- a-harīta n. N. of a Sāman
- a-harṣa mfn. unhappy, gloomy, sorrowful
- ○máya mfn. not consisting of joy ŚBr. xiv
- a-hala mfn. unploughed, unfurrowed? Pāṇ. 5-4, 121 (cf. AV. xx, 131, 9.)
- a-hali mfn. id. ib. [Page 125, Column]
- a-halyā f. N. of the wife of Gautama or Śaradvat ŚBr. iii, &c. MBh. &c
- N. of an Apsaras L
- of a lake (cf. MBh. iii, 8087) L
- ○jāra m. 'lover of Ahalyā (cf. R. i, 48, 15 seqq.)', Indra Bālar
- ○pati m. id. ib
- ○hrada m. N. of a lake SkandaP. (cf. MBh. iii, 8087.)
- ahalyêśvaratīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP. Rev
- ahallika m. a talker (?) ŚBr. xiv
- á-havis mfn. not offering oblations RV. i, 182, 3
- a-havir-yājin mfn. offering a sacrifice without oblations Āp
- a-haviṣya as or am m. or n. objects that are not fit to be offered as an oblation Āp
- á-havya-vah m(nom. -vāṭ)fn. not offering a sacrifice ŚBr. i
- ahaś-cara and ahaś-śas, áhar
- ahas
- ahas-kara and ib
- ahas-triyāma ib
- a-hastá mf(ā́)n. handless RV. Mn
- ahaha ind. an interjection, as Ah! Aha! &c. (implying surprise, fatigue, pain, sorrow, pleasure, calling) Vikr. Hit. &c
- ahahâre ind. id. ChUp
- ahahā ind. id. L
- a-hārayat &c. a-hara
- ahā́vas ind. an interjection said to sound like a flourish at the end of a Sāman verse ŚBr. iv
- áhi m. (√aṃh), a snake RV. &c
- the serpent of the sky, the demon Vṛitra RV
- ( also áhirbudhnyás below)
- a cloud Naigh
- water ib
- the sun L
- a N. of Rāhu L
- a traveller L
- the navel L
- lead L
- (in arithm.) the number eight
- N. of a Ṛishi (with the patron. auśanasa) and of another (with the patron. paidva). [Zd. aś8i ; Lat. angui-s
- Gk. ?, ?, ?, and ? ; Lith. ungury-s
- Russ. ? ; [125,] Armen. ôś ; Germ. unc.]
- ○kānta m. 'liked by snakes (which are supposed to feed upon air)', wind, air L
- ○kośa m. the slough or cast-off skin of a snake L
- ○kṣatra m. (= -cchattra, q.v.) N. of a country MBh. iii, 15244
- ○gopā (áhi-), mfn. guarded by a serpent RV. i, 32, 11
- ○ghna (áhi-), n. the slaying of the serpent or demon Vṛitra RV. vi, 18, 14 (loc. -ghne)
- ( -hán below.)
- ○cakra n. a certain Tāntric diagram
- ○cumbaka m. N. of a man, and ahicumbakāyani m. a descendant of his Pat
- ○cchattra m. a kind of vegetable poison L
- the plant Odina Pennata L
- N. of a country MBh. i, 5515 Hariv. &c
- (ā), f. sugar L
- the city of Ahicchattra MBh. i, 5516 Kathās
- ○cchattraka n. a mushroom Nir. v, 16
- ○jit m. 'conquering the serpent', N. of Kṛishṇa L
- of Indra L
- ○tuṇḍika m. (= āhituṇḍika, q.v.) a snake-catcher, snake-exhibitor L
- ○dat or mfn. having the teeth of a serpent Pāṇ. 5-4, 145 Sch
- ○danta mfn. having the teeth of a serpent Pāṇ. 5-4, 145 Sch
- ○deva or n. 'having serpents as deities', N. of the Nakshatra Aśleshā VarBṛS
- ○daivata n. 'having serpents as deities', N. of the Nakshatra Aśleshā VarBṛS
- ○dviṣ m. 'enemy of serpents', an ichneumon L
- a peacock L
- 'enemy of Vṛitra', Garuḍa L
- Indra L. (cf. -jit above)
- ○nakulikā f. the natural enmity between a snake and an ichneumon Pat
- ○nas mfn. having a nose like a snake Pāṇ. 5-4, 118 Comm
- ○nāman (áhi-), n. any animal named snake RV. ix, 88, 4
- (ahināma) -bhṛt m. 'bearing the name snake', N. of Baladeva (as identified with Śesha) L
- ○nirvlayanī́ f. the cast-off skin of a snake ŚBr. xiv (BṛĀrUp.)
- ○patāka m. a kind of snake (not venomous) Suśr
- ○pati m. 'sovereign of the snakes', N. of Śesha, Vāsuki, and others L
- ○putraka m. a kind of boat L
- ○puṣpa m. the plant Mesua Roxburghī L
- ○pūtana m. or sores on the hinder part of the body (of children) Suśr
- ○pūtanā f. sores on the hinder part of the body (of children) Suśr
- ○phena n. (= a-phena, q.v.) 'the saliva or venom of a snake', opium L
- ○bradhna m. (corrupted for ahirbudhnya, below) N. of Śiva L
- one of the Rudras L
- ○bhaya n. 'fear of a lurking snake', a king's apprehension of treachery L
- (ahibhaya) -dā f. the plant Flacourtia Cataphracta Roxb. L
- ○bhānu mfn. shining like serpents (N. of the Maruts) RV. i, 172, 1 (voc.)
- ○bhuj m. 'eating snakes', a peacock L
- the ichneumon plant L
- a N. of Garuḍa L
- ○bhṛt m. 'carrying serpents', Śiva L
- ○mat mfn. 'possessed of snakes', the base of āhimata, q.v
- ○manyu (áhi-), mfn. enraged like serpents (N. of the Maruts) RV. i, 64, 8 and 9
- ○mardanī f. 'killing snakes', the ichneumon plant L. [Page 125, Column]
- ○māya (áhi-), mfn. multiform or versatile like a snake, showing the same variety of colour and shape RV
- ○māra or m. (= asi-meda, q.v.) the plant Vachellia Farnesiana L
- ○māraka m. (= asi-meda, q.v.) the plant Vachellia Farnesiana L
- ○meda or m. id. L
- ○medaka m. id. L
- ○ripu m. (= -aviṣ, q.v.) a peacock L
- ○latā f. = -mardanī L
- the plant Betel L
- ○locana m. N. of a servant of Śiva L
- ○lolikā f. = ahibhaya-dā above L
- ○vallī f. the plant Betel L
- ○vidviṣ m. (= -dviṣ, q.v.) Garuḍa L
- Indra L
- ○viṣâpahā f. 'neutralizing the poison of snakes', the ichneumon plant L
- ○śuṣma-sátvan m. one whose attendants (the Maruts) hiss like serpents (N. of Indra) RV. v, 33, 5 [the Pada as well as the Saṃhitā Text takes ahiśuṣma as a voc. by itself, and Sāy. translates accordingly]
- ○hátya n. = -ghna above RV
- ○hán m. (dat -ghné) f. (ghnī́) n. killing serpents or Vṛitra RV. AV. x, 4, 7
- ○hrada m. N. of a mythical lake (named in connection with Śālivāhana)
- ahī7ndra m. 'lord of the snakes', Patañjali (mentioned under this name in Mahīpa's Anekārthatilaka)
- ahīvatī f. 'filled with snakes', N. of a river (?) Pāṇ. 6-3, 120
- ahī7śvara m. 'lord of the serpents', i.e. Śesha L
- ahy-árṣu mfn. gliding or shooting like a snake (perhaps N. of a bird) RV. ii, 38, 3
- áhirbudhnyás^ nom. sg. m. (instr. áhinā budhnyéna RV. iv, 55, 6) = ?, the serpent of the deep (enumerated in Naigh. v, 4 and Nir. x, 44 among the divinities of the middle region, the abyss in which he lives being that of the region of mist) RV. VS. x, 19
- allegorically identified with Agni Gārhapatya VS. v, 33 TBr. AitBr
- in later times:
- ahir-budhnya m. (considered as one word and therefore declinable as follows, dat. ahir-budhnyāya PārGṛ
- instr. pl. ahir-budhnyaiḥ MBh. v, 3899
- often incorrectly written ahir-budhna or -bradhna) N. of a Rudra PārGṛ. MBh. Hariv
- (ās), m. pl., N. of the Rudras MBh. v, 3899 ( before)
- (am), n. N. of a hymn of the RV. (i, 186, 5 or vi, 50, 14), KaushBr
- ○devatā ās f. pl. or 'having Ahirbudhnya as deity', the Nakshatra Uttara-Bhadrapadā L
- ○devatya n. 'having Ahirbudhnya as deity', the Nakshatra Uttara-Bhadrapadā L
- ahī́ m. (only gen. sg., nom. and acc. pl. ahyás
- gen. pl. ahī́nām) a snake RV. ix, 77, 3 ; x, 139, 6
- N. of a demon conquered by Indra and his companions RV. x, 138, 1 and 144, 4 (cf. ahīśúva s.v.)
- (ií), f. a cow Naigh
- (ī́), f. du. heaven and earth Naigh
- ○nara m. N. of a prince VP
- a-hiṃsaka mfn. not hurting, harmless, innocuous Mn. v, 45 MBh. R
- á-hiṃsat mfn. not hurting RV. x, 22, 13 VS. AV
- á-hiṃsā f. not injuring anything, harmlessness (one of the cardinal virtues of most Hindū sects, but particularly of the Buddhists and Jains
- also personified as the wife of Dharma VāmP.) ChUp. Nir. Mn. &c
- security, safeness ŚBr. AitBr
- ○nirata mfn. devoted to harmlessness or gentleness MBh. iii, 2248
- á-hiṃsāna mfn. not hurting RV. v, 64, 3
- a-hiṃsya mfn. not to be hurt MBh. xii, 13088 Ragh. ii, 57
- á-hiṃsyamāna mfn. being unharmed RV. i, 141, 5
- a-hiṃsra mfn. innocuous, harmless Kauś. KātyŚr. &c
- (am), n. harmless behaviour Mn. i, 29
- (ā), f. the plant Momordica Cochinchinensis Spreng. (commonly called Kūrkavāli) L
- the plant Capparis Sepiaria L
- Cactus Opuntia Bhpr
- ahikā f. the silk-cotton tree (Salmalia Malabarica) L
- a-hiṇḍukā f. a kind of small venomous animal Suśr
- á-hita mfn. unfit, improper RV. viii, 62, 3
- unadvantageous ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. iii, 20, &c
- noxious, hostile Kathās
- m. an enemy Bhag. ii, 36 Ragh
- (am), n. damage, disadvantage, evil Āp. R. &c
- (ā), f. N. of a river MBh. vi, 328
- N. of certain veins (cf. also hitā́) Yājñ. iii, 108
- ○kārin mfn. adverse, inimical, noxious Sāh
- ○nāman (á-hita-), mfn. having as yet no name ŚBr
- ○manas mfn. not friendly-minded, inimical
- ahitêcchu mfn. wishing evil, malevolent
- á-hima mf(ā)n. without cold, not cold ŚBr. xiv
- ○kara m. 'having hot rays', the sun L. [Page 125, Column]
- ○kiraṇa m. id. VarBṛS
- ○tviṣ m. id
- ○dīdhiti m. id. Śiś. vi, 41
- ○mayūkha m. id. Kir. vii, 9
- ○raśmi m. id. Śiś. xi, 64
- ○ruci m. id
- ahimâṃśu m. id. Kir. xii, 15
- a-hiraṇya mfn. without gold Āp
- ○vat (á-h○), mfn. having no gold AV. xx, 128, 6
- ahir-budhnya áhi
- ahī́ ib
- áhīna m. (fr. áhan Pāṇ. 6-4, 145) 'lasting several days', a sacrifice lasting several days AitBr. ĀśvŚr. &c
- (am), n. id. Comm. on Mn. xi, 197
- (mfn.) only ifc. with numerals (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 87 and vi, 4, 145), e.g. try-ahīna, dvyahīna, qq. vv
- á-hīna mfn. unimpaired, whole, entire, full ŚBr. AitBr. &c
- 'not deprived of', not withdrawing from (instr.) Mn. ii, 183
- not defective or inferior, excellent VarBṛS. Ragh. xviii, 13
- m. N. of a prince VP
- ○karman mfn. 'not devoted to inferior or vile work' (or 'not neglecting one's regular actions') Gaut
- ○gu m. N. of a prince (son of Devānīka) Hariv. 825 Ragh. xviii, 13
- ○vādin mfn. a witness capable of giving evidence L
- ahī-nara ahī́ s.v. áhi
- ahīra m. (= abhīra) a cowherd L
- ahīraṇi m. (cf. áhi and ahī́) a two-headed snake L
- ahī-vatī áhi
- ahīśúva m. N. of a demon conquered by Indra RV. viii, 32, 2 and 26 ; 77, 2 ; x, 144, 3
- ahu mfn. only in paró-'hu, q.v
- á-huta mfn. unoffered, not yet offered (as a sacrificial oblation) AV. xii, 4, 53 ŚBr. Mn. xii, 68
- one who has not received any sacrifice AV. vii, 97, 7
- (the fire) through or in which no sacrificial oblation has been offered Āp
- not obtained by sacrifice AV. vi, 71, 2
- m. religious meditation, prayer (considered as one of the five great sacraments, otherwise called Brahma-yajña) Mn. iii, 73 seq
- ahutấd mfn. not eating or not allowed to partake of a sacrifice AV. VS. TS. ŚBr
- a-hutâśa m. not a fire VarBṛS
- ahura m. the fire in the stomach MantraBr. Gobh
- á-hūta mfn. uncalled, unsummoned RV. x, 107, 9
- á-hṛṇāna mfn. not being angry, friendly RV. vii, 86, 2 ; x, 116, 7
- á-hṛṇīyamāna mfn. id. RV. v, 62, 6 ; x, 109, 2 AV
- (am), ind. willingly TBr. iii
- a-hṛta mfn. not captivated or carried away by (instr.) Ragh. viii, 68
- á-hṛdaya mfn. without a heart ŚBr. xiv
- ○jña mfn. not pleasing to the heart ChUp
- a-hṛdya mfn. not pleasing, not being to one's taste (as food) Suśr
- ahe ind. a particle (implying reproach, rejection, separation L.) TS. iii (only in a sacrificial formula beginning with áhe daidhiṣavya and reoccurring in several other texts)
- a-hetu m. absence of cause or reason MBh. xii, 10511
- not a real or sound argument Nyāyad
- (in rhetoric) a certain figure of speech
- ○tva n. (in Buddhist terminology) absence of cause or necessity Sarvad
- ○sama m. a particular sophism tending to prove an argument to be untenable Nyāyad. Sarvad
- a-hetuka mf(ā Naish. iv, 105)n. groundless
- a-haituka mf(ī)n. id. Bhag. xviii, 22
- causeless, unexpected (as samṛddhi) BhP
- having no motive, disinterested BhP
- (am), ind. without extraneous aid, through one's own ability or power BhP
- aheru m. the plant Asparagus Racemosus L
- á-heḻat mfn. not angry, not displeased, favourable RV. VS
- á-heḻamāna mfn. id. RV. i, 24, 11 ; 138, 3 and 4 ; vi, 41, 1
- á-heḻayat mfn. id. RV. x, 37, 5. [Page 126, Column]
- aho ind. a particle (implying joyful or painful surprise) Ah! (of enjoyment or satisfaction) Oh! (of fatigue, discontent, compassion, sorrow, regret) Alas! Ah! (of praise, Pāṇ. 8-1, 40 seq.) Bravo! (of reproach) Fie! (of calling Kum. iii, 20) Ho! Halo! (of contempt) Pshaw! Often combined with other particles of similar signification, as aho dhik or dhig aho, aho bata, &c
- ○puruṣikā f. for āho-pur○, q.v. L
- ○bala m. N. of a commentator
- N. of a place
- ○vīrya m. N. of a man MBh. xii, 8900
- á-hotṛ mfn. not sacrificing, not competent to sacrifice AV. ix, 6, 52 ŚBr
- á-homa m. no oblation ŚBr. xii
- aho-puruṣikā &c. 2. aho
- aho-ratna &c. áhar
- aho-rātrá and ib
- aho-rūpa ib
- aho-vīrya 2. aho
- ahna only (like ahá) ifc. for áhan (or áhar), q.v., e.g. aty-ahna, aparâhṇá, pūrvâhṇá &c., qq. vv
- (āya), dat. ind. formerly Naigh
- instantly, speedily MBh. Kum. Ragh
- ahnavāyyá (5), mfn. (√hnu), not to be denied or set aside RV. viii, 45, 27
- ahni-ja áhan
- ahnya n. daily course (of the sun) PBr. BṛĀrUp. (cf. rathâhnyá)
- ( also tiró-ahnya.)
- ahy-árṣu áhi
- á-hraya mfn. (√hrī), not bashful, bold, conscious of one's power RV
- abundant RV
- á-hrayāṇa mf(ā)n. bold, keen RV. i, 62, 10 ; iv, 4, 14 ; vii, 80, 2
- á-hri mfn. id. RV
- á-hrī mfn. shameless (as a beggar) ŚBr. xi
- (īs), f. shamelessness MBh. iii, 8494
- a-hrīka mfn. 'shameless beggar', a Buddhist mendicant L
- á-hruta mfn. not fluctuating, not stumbling, going in a straight line RV. VS. i, 9
- not crooked, straight AV. vi, 120, 3 VS. viii, 29
- ○psu (áhr○), mfn. of straight or upright appearance (N. of the Maruts) RV. i, 52, 4 ; viii, 20, 7
- á-hvalā f. not fluctuating, not stumbling, firmness ŚBr
- the plant Semecarpus Anacardium L