

śa 1

   śa the first of the three sibilants (it belongs to the palatal class, but in sound as well as euphonic treatment often corresponds to ṣ, though in some words pronounced more like s). -1

⋙ śakāra

   ○kāra m. (for 2. p. 1045) the letter or sound śa Prāt. 
   • -bheda m. = next

⋙ śabheda

   ○bheda m. N. of a treatise on the proper spelling of words beginning with ś, ṣ, or s

⋙ śavarga

   ○varga m. the sibilating class of letters, i.e. the three sibilants and the letter h

śa 2

   śa (ifc.) = śaya ( giri-, vāri-, vṛkṣa-śa)

śa 3

   śa m. = śastra L. 
   • = śiva L. 
   • n. 2. śam


   śaṃya śṃyu &c. p. 1054


   śaṃva śaṃvara, śaṃvūka, śamba, śambara, śambūka, p. 1055


   śaṃśamam śaṃśāmam √śam


   śaṃs cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xvii, 79) śáṃsati (m. c. also Ā 
   • pf. śaśaṃsa, ○se Br. &c 
   • śaṃsuḥ, ○sire MBh. 
   • p. śaṃsivas, q.v 
   • aor. aśaṃsīt RV. &c., &c.: Subj. śaṃsiṣat RV. Br. 
   • 2. pl. śasta RV. 
   • śastāt AitBr. 
   • 1. sg. śaṃsi RV. 
   • Prec. śasyāt. Gr 
   • fut. śaṃsitā ib. 
   • śaṃsiṣyati Br. &c 
   • inf. śaṃsitm MBh. 
   • -śase RV. 
   • inf. p. śastvā́, -śasya, -śaṃsam Br. &c 
   • -śaṃsya MBh.), to recite, repeat (esp. applied to the recitation of texts in the invocations addressed by the Hotṛi to the Adhvaryu, when śaṃs is written śoṃs and the formulas śoṃsāmas, śoṃsāvas, śoṃsāva are used 
   • 2. ā-hāva RV. Br. [Page 1044, Column 1] ŚrS. 
   • to praise, extol RV. &c. &c 
   • to praise, commend, approve VarBṛS. 
   • to vow, make a vow (?) RV. x, 85, 9 
   • to wish anything (acc.) to (dat.) ib. 124, 3 to relate, say, tell, report, declare, announce to (gen. or dat 
   • who or where anybody is', acc 
   • also with two acc, 'to declare anybody or anything to be-') AV. &c. &c 
   • to foretell, predict, prognosticate R. Kum. &c 
   • to calumniate, revile W. 
   • to hurt, injure Dhātup. 
   • to be unhappy ib.: Pass. śasyáte, to be recited or uttered or praised or approved RV. &c. &c.: Caus. śaṃsayati (aor. aśaśaṃsat), to cause to repeat or recite AitBr. Lāṭy. BhP. 
   • to predict, foretell R.: Desid. śiśaṃsiṣati Gr.: Intens. śāśasyate, śāśaṃsti ib. [Cf. Lat. carmen for casmen ; casme1na came1na ; censeo.]

≫ śaṃsa

   śáṃsa m. recitation, invocation, praise RV. 
   • wishing well or ill to, a blessing or a curse ib. 
   • a promise, vow ib. (narā́ṃ śáṃsa RV. ii, 34, 6, prob. = narā-ś○, q.v 
   • ṛjúr íc cháṃsa, ii, 26, 1 either, by tmesis, 'the right praiser', or ṛju-śaṃsa as adj. 'righteous, faithful' 
   • a spell MW. 
   • calumny ib. 
   • (ā), f. praise, flattery, eulogium Kāv. 
   • wish, desire W. 
   • speech, utterance, anouncement R. 
   • mfn. reciting, proclaiming, praising, wishing ( agha-, duḥ-ś &c.)

≫ śaṃsatha

   śaṃsatha m. conversation PārGṛ.

≫ śaṃsana

   śaṃsana n. reciting, recitation, praise L. 
   • report, announcement, communication R. (applied to Śiva Hariv. 7425 = veda-praśasya Nīlak.)

≫ śaṃsanīya

   śaṃsanīya mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy Nir. Rājat.

≫ śaṃsita

   śaṃsita mfn. (often confounded with saṃ-śita, saṃ-√śo) said, told, praised, celebrated Pañcat. praiseworthy ib. 
   • wished, desired, longed for W. 
   • calumniated, falsely accused ib.

≫ śaṃsitṛ

   śaṃsitṛ m. a reciter (= śaṃstṛ below) MBh. VāyuP. Yājñ. Sch. 
   • = hotṛ AitĀr.

≫ śaṃsin

   śaṃsin mfn. (only ifc.) reciting, uttering, announcing, telling, relating, betraying, predicting, promising Hariv. Kāv. Kathās. &c

≫ śaṃsivas

   śaṃsivas mfn. announcing, proclaiming R.

≫ śaṃstavya

   śaṃstavya mfn. to be recited AitBr.

≫ śaṃstṛ

   śáṃstṛ m. one who recites, a reciter RV. AitBr. (a priest identified with the Praśāstṛi and mentioned along with five others in RV. i, 162, 5 
   • his sacrificial duties correspond with those of the Maitrā-varuṇa of the later ritual) 
   • a praiser, encomiast, panegyrist W.

≫ śaṃsya

   śáṃsya mfn. to be recited RV. 
   • to be praised, praiseworthy ib. 
   • N. of Agni (in a formula)
   VS. TBr. KātyŚr. Sch. (m. the eastward sacrificial fire L.) 
   • to be wished for, desirable W.

≫ śas 1


⋙ śasa

   śasa mfn. reciting ( uktha-śás, -śasá)

≫ śasitvā

   śasitvā ind. having praised &c. (= śastvā, √śaṃs) MW.

≫ śasta 1

   śastá mfn. (for 2. under √śas) recited repeated RV. 
   • praised, commended, approved MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • auspicious (cf. á-ś○) AV. Rājat. 
   • beautiful R. 
   • happy, fortunate Kathās. 
   • n. praise, eulogy RV. 
   • happiness, excellence W.

⋙ śastakeśaka

   ○keśaka mfn. having excellent or beautiful hair L.

⋙ śastatā

   ○tā f. excellence MārkP.

⋙ śastokta

   śastôkta mfn. one. to whom a recitation has been made VS.

≫ śastavya

   śastavya mfn. to be recited or praised MW.

≫ śasti

   śastí f. praise, a hymn RV. 
   • a praiser, singer ib.

≫ śastra 1

   śastrá n. (for 2. under √śas) invocation, praise (applied to any hymn recited either audibly or inaudibly, as opp. to stoma, which is sung, but esp. the verses recited by the Hotṛi and his assistant as an accompaniment to the Grahas at the Soma libation) VS. Br. ŚrS. ChUp. 
   • reciting, recitation ŚāṅkhBr.

⋙ śastrapūjāvidhi

   ○pūjā-vidhi m. N. of wk. -1

⋙ śastravat

   ○vat mfn. (for 2. p. 1061, col. i ) accompanied by a Śastra KātyŚr. Sch.

≫ śastraka 1

   śastraka n. = 1. śastra KātyŚr.

≫ śastrin 2

   śastrin mfn. (for 2. p. 1061, col. 2) reciting, a reciter ĀpŚr. Sch.

≫ śasman

   śásman n. invocation, praise RV.

≫ śasya 1

   śásya mfn. (for 2. p. 1061, col. 2) to be recited or treated as a Śastra Br. 
   • to be praised or celebrated Kāv. 
   • to be wished, desirable, excellent W. 
   • n. recitation ŚāṅkhBr. 
   • good quality, merit W.


   śak cl. 5.P. (cf. Dhātup.xxvll, 15) śaknoti (pf. śaśā́ka, śekúḥ RV. &c. &c 
   • aor áśakat AV. &c. [Ved. also Pot. śakeyam and śakyām 
   • Impv. śagdhi, śaktam] 
   • fut. śaktā, or śakitā Gr. [Page 1044, Column 2] 
   • śakṣyati, ○te Br. &c 
   • śakiṣyate, ○te Gr 
   • inf. -śaktave RV. 
   • śaktum or śakitum Gr.), to be strong or powerful, be able to or capable of or competent for (with acc., dat. or loc., rarely acc. of a verbal noun, or with an inf. in am or tum 
   • or with pr. p 
   • e.g. with grahaṇāya or grahaṇe, 'to be able to seize' 
   • vadha-nirṇekam a-śaknuvan, 'unable to atone for slaughter' 
   • śakéma vājíno yámam, 'may we be able to guide horses' 
   • vii7kṣitum na śaknoti, 'he is not able to see' 
   • pūrayan na śaknoti, 'he is not able to fill') RV. &c. &c. (in these meanings ep. also śakyati, ○te, with inf in tuṃ cf. Dhātup. xxvi, 78) 
   • to be strong or exert one's self for another (dat.), aid, help, assist RV. vii, 67, 5 ; 68, 8 &c 
   • to help to (dat. of thing) ib. ii, 2, 12 ; iv, 21, 10 &c.: Pass. śakyate (ep. also ○ti), to be overcome or subdued, succumb MBh. 
   • to yield, give way ib. 
   • to be compelled or caused by any one (instr.) to (inf.) ib. 
   • to be able or capable or possible or practicable (with an inf. in pass. sense, e.g. tat kartuṃ śakyate, 'that can be done' 
   • sometimes with pass. p., e.g. na śakyate vāryamāṇaḥ, 'he cannot be restrained' 
   • or used impers., with or with out instr., e.g. yadi [tvayā] śakyate, 'if it can be done by thee', if it is possible') Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. śākayati (aor. aśīśakat), Gr.: Desid., √śikṣ. [Cf., accord. to some, Gk. ?, ?, ?, Germ. ḥag ḥecke [1044, 2] hegen ; behagen.]

≫ śaka 1

   śaka su-śáka

≫ śakita

   śakita mfn. (cf. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 7-2, 17) able, capable (mostly used with na, and giving a pass. sense to the inf., e.g. na śakitaṃ chettum, it could not be cut 
   • also impers., e.g. na śakitaṃ tena, he was not able) MBh. R. Kathās.

≫ śakta

   śakta mfn. able, competent for, equal to, capable of (instr., gen., dat., loc., acc. of person with prati inf., or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • = śakita, able to be (with inf. in a pass. sense) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 7-2, 17 m. N. of a son of Manasyu MBh.

≫ śakti

   śákti or f. power, ability, strength, might, effort, energy, capability (śaktyā or ātma-ś○ or sva-ś○, 'according to ability'

⋙ śakti

   śaktí f. power, ability, strength, might, effort, energy, capability (śaktyā or ātma-ś○ or sva-ś○, 'according to ability' 
   • paraṃ śaktyā, with all one's might' 
   • vitta-śaktyā, 'according to the capability of one's property' 
   • śaktim a-hāpayitvā, 'not relaxing one's efforts, exerting all one's strength'), faculty, skill, capacity for, power over (gen., loc., dat., or inf.) RV. &c. &c 
   • effectiveness or efficacy (of a remedy) ŚārṅgS. 
   • regal power (consisting of three parts, prabhutva, personal pre-eminence 
   • mantra, good counsel, and utsāha, energy) Kām. (cf. Ragh. iii, 13) 
   • the energy or active power of a deity personified as his wife and worshipped by the Śākta (q.v.) sect of Hindūs under various names (sometimes only three, sometimes eight Śakti goddesses are enumerated, as follow, Indrāṇi, Vaishṇavii, Śāntā, Brahmāṇī, Kaumāri, Nārasiṃhī, Vārāhī, and Māheśvarī, but some substitute Cāmuṇḍā and Cāṇdikā for the third and sixth of these: according to another reckoning there are nine, viz. Vaishṇavii, Brahmāṇi, Raudri, Māheśvarī, Nārasiṃhī, Vārāhī, Indraṇī, Kārttikī, and Pradhānā: others reckon fifty different forms of the Śakti of Vishṇu besides Lakshmī, some of these are Kīrtti, Kānti, Tushṭi, Pushṭā, Dhṛiti. Śānti, Kriyā, Dayā, Medhā &c 
   • and fifty forms of the Śakti of Śiva or Rudra besides Durgā' or Gaurī, some of whom are Guṇôdarī, Virajā, Sālmali, Lolâkshi, Vartulâkshī, Dīrgha-ghoṇā, Sudirgha-mukhī, Go-mukhī, Dirgha-jihvā, Kuṇḍôdarī, Ardha-keśī, Vikṛita-mukhī, Jvālā-mukhi, Ulkāmukhi &c 
   • Sarasvati is also named as a Śakti, both of Vishṇu and Rudra: according to the Vāyu-Purāṇa the female nature of Rudra became twofold, one half asita or white, and the other sita or black, each of these again becoming manifold, those of the white or mild nature included Lakshmī, Sarasvati, Gaurī, Umā &c 
   • those of the dark and fierce nature, Durgā, Kāli &c.) Kāv. Kathās. Pur. (cf. RTL. 181 &c. MWB. 216) 
   • the female organ (as worshipped by the Śākta sect either actually or symbolically) RTL. 140 
   • the power or signification of a word (defined in the Nyāya as padasya padârthe sambandhaḥ i.e. 'the relation of a word to the thing designated') Bhāshāp. Sāh. 
   • (in Gram.) case-power, the idea conveyed by a case (= kāraka) Pāṇ. 2-3, 7 Sch. 
   • the power or force or most effective word of a sacred text or magic formula Up. Pañcar. 
   • the creative power or imagination (of a poet) Kāvyâd. 
   • help, aid, assistance, gift, bestowal RV. 
   • a spear, lance, pike, dart RV. &c. (also śaktī g. bahv-ādi) 
   • a sword MW. 
   • (prob.) a flag-staff ( ratha-ś○) [Page 1044, Column 3] 
   • a partic. configuration of stars and planets (when the latter are situated in the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th astrological house), VirBṛS 
   • m. N. of a Muni or sage (the eldest of Vasishṭha's hundred sons 
   • accord. to VP. he was father of Parāśara, and was devoured by king Kalmāsha-pāda, when changed to a man-eating Rākshasa, in consequence of a curse pronounced upon him by the sage 
   • he is represented as having overcome Viśvāmitra at the sacrifice of king Saudāsa 
   • he is regarded as the author of RV. vii, 32, 26 ; ix, 97, 19-21 ; 108, 3 ; 14-16 
   • Śakti is also identified with one of the Vylāsas, and with Avalokitêśvara, and has elsewhere the patr. Jātukarna and Sāṃkṛiti) Pravar. MBh. &c

⋙ śaktikara

   ○kara mfn. producing strength Cāṇ.

⋙ śaktikunṭhana

   ○kunṭhana n. the deadening or blunting of a faculty MW.

⋙ śaktikumāra

   ○kumāra m. N. of a prince Inscr. 
   • of a man, Diś 
   • of a poet Cat. 
   • (ī), f. N. of a woman Vcar.

⋙ śaktikumāraka

   ○kumāraka m. N. of a man Inscr.

⋙ śaktigaṇa

   ○gaṇa m. the company or assemblage of Śaktis ( col. 2) MW.

⋙ śaktigraha

   ○graha (only L.), mf(ā)n. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 9 Vārtt. 1 Pat.) holding a spear or lance 
   • taking hold of the force or meaning (of a word or sentence &c. ) 
   • m. a spearman, lancer 
   • N. of Kārttikeya and Śiva 
   • perception or apprehension of the force or sense (of a word &c.)

⋙ śaktigrāhaka

   ○grāhaka m. who or what causes to apprehend the force or signification (of a word or phrase), determining or establishing the meaning of words (as a dictionary, grammar &c.) MW. 
   • = -graha ib.

⋙ śaktija

   ○ja mfn. born from Śakti ib. 
   • m. a son of Śiva ib.

⋙ śaktijāgara

   ○jāgara m. N. of a Tāntric wk

⋙ śaktijāmala

   ○jāmala wṛ. for -yāmala

⋙ śaktijña

   ○jña mfn. one who knows his powers MBh.

⋙ śaktitantra

   ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ śaktitas

   ○tas ind. in consequence or by reason of power or strength Kap. Sāṃkhyak. 
   • according to power, to the best of one's ability Mn. MBh. &c

⋙ śaktitā

   ○tā f. (ifc.) power, capacity, faculty BhP.

⋙ śaktitraya

   ○traya n. the three constituents of regal power ( col. 2) ib.

⋙ śaktitva

   ○tva n. (ifc.) = -tā Suśr.

⋙ śaktidatta

   ○datta m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ śaktidāsa

   ○dāsa m. N. of the author of the Māyā-bijakalpa ib.

⋙ śaktideva

   ○deva m. N. of a Brāhman Kathās. 
   • of an author of Mantras Cat.

⋙ śaktidvayavat

   ○dvaya-vat mfn. endowed with two powers or faculties Vedântas.

⋙ śaktidhara

   ○dhara mfn. bearing or holding a spear VarBṛS. 
   • m. 'spearman', N. of a warrior Hit. (vḷ. śaktivara) 
   • of Skanda Hariv. BhP. (cf. kanaka-śakti) 
   • of an author of Mantras Cat. 
   • of a Tāntric teacher ib.

⋙ śaktidhṛk

   ○dhṛk mfn. bearing a spear MW.

⋙ śaktidhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. 'having a spear for emblem', N. of Skanda Daś.

⋙ śaktinātha

   ○nātha m. 'lord of Śakti', N. of Siva, Mālatim

⋙ śaktinyāsa

   ○nyāsa m. N. of a Tāntric wk

⋙ śaktiparṇa

   ○parṇa m. Alstonia Scholaris L.

⋙ śaktipāṇi

   ○pāṇi m. 'spear-handed', N. of Skanda Kālac.

⋙ śaktipāta

   ○pāta m. prostration of strength MW.

⋙ śaktiputra

   ○putra m. 'son of Śiva', N. of Skanda L.

⋙ śaktipūjaka

   ○pūjaka m. a Śakti-worshipper, a Śikta Cat.

⋙ śaktipūjā

   ○pūjā f. Śakti-worship MW. 
   • N. of wk

⋙ śaktipūrva

   ○pūrva m. having Śakti for a forefather', patr. of Parāśara VarBṛS.

⋙ śaktiprakarṣa

   ○prakarṣa mfn. possessing superior capacity or power MW.

⋙ śaktiprakāśabodhinī

   ○prakāśa-bodhinī f

⋙ śaktibodha

   ○bodha m. N. of wks

⋙ śaktibhadra

   ○bhadra m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śaktibhṛt

   ○bhṛt mfn. bearing power, powerful, VārBṛS 
   • 'spear-holder', N. of Skanda L. 
   • a spearman W.

⋙ śaktibheda

   ○bheda m. difference of power MW. 
   • a special capacity ib.

⋙ śaktibhairavatantra

   ○bhairavatantra n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ śaktimat

   ○mat mfn. possessed of ability, powerful, mighty, able to (inf. or loc.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • possessing a competence, one who has gained a fortune MW. 
   • possessed of or united with his Sakti or energy (as a god) Kathās. 
   • armed with a spear or lance Hariv. 
   • m. N. of a mountain (prob. wṛ. for śukti-mat) MBh. 
   • (atī), f. N. of a woman, Kathis 
   • (-mat) -tva n. power, might Ragh.

⋙ śaktimaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of or produced from a Śakti &c. Cat.

⋙ śaktimokṣa

   ○mokṣa m. 'loss of strength' and 'hurling a spear' Vās.

⋙ śaktiyaśas

   ○yaśas f. N. of a Vidyādhari and of the 10th Lambaka of the Kathā-sarit-sāgara (named after her)

⋙ śaktiyāmala

   ○yāmala n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ śaktirakṣita

   ○rakṣita or m. N. of a king of the Kirātas Kathās.

⋙ śaktirakṣitaka

   ○rakṣiḍtaka m. N. of a king of the Kirātas Kathās.

⋙ śaktiratnākara

   ○ratnâkara m. 'jewelmine of Śakti', N. of awk. on the mystical worship of Śakti or Durgā

⋙ śaktivanamāhātmya

   ○vana-māhātmya n. N. of a ch. of the BhavP.

⋙ śaktivara

   ○vara -dhara

⋙ śaktivallabha

   ○vallabha m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śaktivāda

   ○vāda m. 'assertion of Śaktidoctrine', N. of a phil. wk. by Gadādhara-bhaṭṭacārya 
   • -kalikā f. -tīkā f. -rahasya n. -vivaraṇa, n 
   • ○dârtha-dīpikā f. N. of wks

⋙ śaktivādin

   ○vādin m. one who asserts the Śakti-doctrine, an adherent of Śiva-doctrine, a Sākta Cat.

⋙ śaktivicāra

   ○vicāra m. N. of a phil. wk. (= -vāda)

⋙ śaktivijayastuti

   ○vijaya-stuti f

⋙ śaktivijayasvāmistotra

   ○vijaya-svāmi-stotra n. N. of wks

⋙ śaktivīra

   ○vīra m. (in Śakti worship) the man who has intercourse with the woman representing Śakti W. [Page 1045, Column 1] 

⋙ śaktivega

   ○vega m. N. of a Vidyādhara Kathās.

⋙ śaktivaikalya

   ○vaikalya n. deficiency of power or strength, incapacity, debility W.

⋙ śaktivaibhavika

   ○vaibhavika mfn. endowed with power and efficacy MārkP.

⋙ śaktiśodhana

   ○śodhana n., purification of SṭŚakti', a ceremony performed with the woman representing ŚṭŚakti W.

⋙ śaktiṣṭha

   ○ṣṭha (for -stha), mfn. potent, mighty L.

⋙ śaktisaṃgamatantra

   ○saṃgama-tantra n

⋙ śaktisaṃgamāmṛta

   ○saṃgamâmṛta n. N. of Tāntric wks

⋙ śaktisiṃha

   ○siṃha m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ śaktisiddhanta

   ○siddhánta m. N. of wk

⋙ śaktisena

   ○sena m. N. of a man Rājat. vi, 216

⋙ śaktistotra

   ○stotra n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ śaktisvāmin

   ○svāmin m. N. of a minister of Muktâpiḍa Cat.

⋙ śaktihara

   ○hara mf(ā)n. depriving of strength Cāṇ.

⋙ śaktihasta

   ○hasta m. = -pāṇi Kālac.

⋙ śaktihīna

   ○hīna mfn. powerless impotent Hit.

⋙ śaktihetika

   ○hetika mfn. armed with a spear or lance L.

≫ śaktin 1

   śaktin mfn. (prob.) furnished with a flag-staff MBh. (cf. ratha-śakti)

≫ śaktin 2

   śaktin m. N. of a man (= śakti, m.) MBh.

≫ śaktīvat

   śaktī-vat mfn. (cf. śakti) 'powerful' or 'helpful' RV. TBr.

≫ śakty

   śakty in comp. for śakti

⋙ śaktyapekṣa

   ○apêkṣa mfn. having regard or reference to ability, according to power or capacity MW.

⋙ śaktyardha

   ○ardha m. 'half-strength', a partic. stage of exhaustion (perspiring or panting with fatigue) L.

⋙ śaktyavara

   ○avara mfn. junior to Śakti MW.

≫ śakna

   śakna or mfn. kind or pleasant in speech (= priyaṃ-vada) L.

⋙ śaknu

   śaknu mfn. kind or pleasant in speech (= priyaṃ-vada) L.

≫ śaknuvāna

   śaknuvāna a-ś○

≫ śakman

   śákman n. power, strength, capacity RV. 
   • energy, action ib. 
   • m. N. of Indra L.

≫ śakya

   śakya mf(ā)n. able, possible, practicable, capable of being (with inf. in pass. sense, e.g. na sā śakyā netum balāt, she cannot be conducted by force' 
   • tan mayā śakyam pratśpattum, that is able to be acquired by me' 
   • the form śakyam may also be used with a nom. case which is in a different gender or number, e.g. śakyaṃ śva-māṃsâdibhir api kṣut pratihantum, 'hunger can be appeased even by dog's flesh &c.' 
   • cf. Vām. v, 2, 25) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to be conquered or subdued, liable to be compelled to (inf.) MBh. 
   • explicit, direct, literal (as the meaning of a word or sentence, opp. to lakṣya and vyaṅgya) Alaṃkāraś.

⋙ śakyatama

   ○tama mfn. most possible, very practicable (with inf. in a pass. sense) Hit. iii, 115 (vḷ.)

⋙ śakyatā

   ○tā f

⋙ śakyatva

   ○tva n. possibility, practicability, capacity, capability Sarvad. (-tâvacchedaka n. = śakyâṃśe bhāsamāna-dharmaḥ L.)

⋙ śakyapratikāra

   ○pratikāra mfn. capable of being remedied, remediable Kathās. (apr○) 
   • m. a possible remedy or counter-agent W.

⋙ śakyarūpa

   ○rūpa mfn. possible to be (inf. in pass. sense) MBh. xii, 2613

⋙ śakyaśaṅka

   ○śaṅka mfn. liable to be doubted, admitting of doubt Sarvad.

⋙ śakyasāmantatā

   ○sāmantatā f. the state of being able to conquer neighbouring kings Kām.

≫ śakra

   śakrá mf(ā́)n. strong, powerful, mighty (applied to various gods, but esp. to Indra)
   RV. AV. TBr. Lāṭy. 
   • m. N. of Indra MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • of an Āditya MBh. Hariv. 
   • of the number, fourteen' Gaṇit. 
   • Wrightia Antidysenterica L. 
   • Terminalia Arjuna L.

⋙ śakrakārmuka

   ○kārmuka n. 'Indra's bow', the rainbow VarBṛS.

⋙ śakrakaṣṭhā

   ○káṣṭhā f. 'Indra's quarter', the east Dhūrtan.

⋙ śakrakumārikā

   ○kumārikā (cf. KālP.) or (VarBṛS.), f. a small flag-staff used with Indra's banner VarBṛS.

⋙ śakrakumārī

   ○kumāḍrī (VarBṛS.), f. a small flag-staff used with Indra's banner VarBṛS.

⋙ śakraketu

   ○ketu m. Indra's banner ib.

⋙ śakrakrīdācala

   ○krīdâcala m. Indra's pleasure. mountain', N. of the mountain Meru L.

⋙ śakragopa

   ○gopa or m. the cochineal insect (cf. indra-g○) MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ śakragopaka

   ○gopaka m. the cochineal insect (cf. indra-g○) MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ śakracāpa

   ○cāpa n. = -kārmuka MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • -samudbhavā f. a kind of cucumber L. ○pāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to represent a rainbow, Hiriv

⋙ śakraja

   ○ja m. Indra-born', a cow L.

⋙ śakrajanitrī

   ○janitrī f. 'Indra's mother', N. of the largest flag-staff used with Indra's banner VarBṛS.

⋙ śakrajāta

   ○jāta m. = -ja L.

⋙ śakrajānu

   ○jānu m. N. of a monkey R.

⋙ śakrajāla

   ○jāla n. magic, sorcery Kālac.

⋙ śakrajit

   ○jit m. Indra's conqueror', N. of the son of Rāvaṇa (his first name was Megha-nāda, but after his victory over Indra, described in the Rāmâyaṇa, Uttara-kṭkāṇḍa xxxiv, it was changed by Brahmā to Śakra-jit = Indra-jit, q.v 
   • he was killed by Lakshmaṇa) R. Ragh. &c 
   • of a king VP.

⋙ śakrataru

   ○taru m. a species of plant (= vijayā) L.

⋙ śakratejas

   ○tejas mfn. glorious or vigorous like Indra Bhag.

⋙ śakratva

   ○tva n. Indra's power or dignity MBh.

⋙ śakradantin

   ○dantin m. Indra's elephant (called Airāvata) Śiś.

⋙ śakradiś

   ○diś f. = -kāṣṭhā Kāv. VarBṛS.

⋙ śakradeva

   ○deva m. N. of a king of the Kaliṅgas MBh. 
   • of a son of Sṛigāla Hariv. 
   • of a poet Cat.

⋙ śakradevatā

   ○devatā f. N. of a partic. night of new moon MBh.

⋙ śakradaivata

   ○daivata n. 'having Indra as deity', N. of the Nakshatra Jyeshṭhā VarBṛS. . [Page 1045, Column 2] 

⋙ śakradruma

   ○druma m. Pinus Deodora L. 
   • Mimusops Elengi L. 
   • Terminalia Arjuna L.

⋙ śakradhanus

   ○dhanus n. = -kārmuka MBh. R. &c

⋙ śakradhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. Indra's banner MBh. R. VarBṛS. 
   • -taru m. id. Hariv. 
   • ○jôtsava m. = śakrôtsava MW.

⋙ śakranandana

   ○nandana m. Indra's son', patr. of Arjuna L.

⋙ śakraparyāya

   ○paryāya m. Wrightia Antidysenterica L.

⋙ śakrapāta

   ○pāta m. the lowering of IṭIndra's flag Yājñ.

⋙ śakrapāda

   ○pāda m. the foot of Indra's banner, Var Yogay

⋙ śakrapādapa

   ○pādapa m. Pinus Deodora L. 
   • Wrightia Antidysenterica L.

⋙ śakrapura

   ○pura n. (cf. Kull.),

⋙ śakrapurī

   ○purī f. (cf. Kathās.) Indra's town

⋙ śakrapuṣpikā

   ○puṣpikā or f. Menispermum Cordifolium L.

⋙ śakrapuṣpī

   ○puṣpī f. Menispermum Cordifolium L.

⋙ śakraprastha

   ○prastha n. N. of ancient Delhi (= indra-prastha) MBh. BhP.

⋙ śakrabāṇāsana

   ○bāṇâsana n. = -kārmuka R.

⋙ śakrabīja

   ○bīja n. the seed of Wrightia Antidysenterica L.

⋙ śakrabhakṣa

   ○bhakṣa m. or n. = śakrâśana Kautukas. 
   • -bhakṣaka m. an eater of lowering's food ib. 
   • -makha or -makhôtsava m. a festival in honour of the plant called 'Indra's food' ib.

⋙ śakrabhavana

   ○bhavana n. Indra's heaven, Svarga or paradise, I-

⋙ śakrabhid

   ○bhid m. = -jit L.

⋙ śakrabhuvana

   ○bhuvana n. = -bhavana W.

⋙ śakrabhūbhavā

   ○bhūbhavā f. Cucumis Coloquintida L.

⋙ śakrabhūtruha

   ○bhūtruha m. = -vṛkṣa L.

⋙ śakramātṛ

   ○mātṛ f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus L.

⋙ śakramātṛkā

   ○mātṛkā f. = -janitrī, KāIP

⋙ śakramūrdhan

   ○mūrdhan m. Indra's head, an ant-hill L.

⋙ śakrayava

   ○yava m.= -bīja Suśr.

⋙ śakrayaśovidhvaṃsana

   ○yaśo-vidhvaṃsana n. N. of a ch. of GaṇP. ii

⋙ śakrarūpa

   ○rūpa mfn. having the form of lṭlowering MW.

⋙ śakraloka

   ○loka m. = -bhavana Mn. R. 
   • -bhāj mfn. sharing Indra's heaven or paradise MW.

⋙ śakravallī

   ○vallī f. colocynth L.

⋙ śakravāpin

   ○vāpin m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.

⋙ śakravāhana

   ○vāhana m. 'Indra's vehicle', a cloud L.

⋙ śakravṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. Wrightia Antidysenterica L.

⋙ śakraśarāsana

   ○śarâsana n. = -kārmuka L. 
   • ○nāya Nom. P. ○yate (○yita n. impers.), to represent a rainbow, Dhanaicj

⋙ śakraśākhin

   ○śākhin m. = -vṛkṣa Bhpr.

⋙ śakraśālā

   ○śālā f. lowering's hall', a place or room prepared for sacrifices L.

⋙ śakraśiras

   ○śiras n. = -mūrdhan L.

⋙ śakrasadas

   ○sadas n. lowering's seat or place MBh.

⋙ śakrasārathi

   ○sārathi m. Indra's charioteer Mātali L.

⋙ śakrasuta

   ○suta m. Indra's son', N. of the monkey Vālin L. 
   • of Arjuna (cf. -nandana) W.

⋙ śakrasudhā

   ○sudhā f. Indra's nectar', gum olibanum L.

⋙ śakrasṛṣṭā

   ○sṛṣṭā f. Indra-created', Terminalia Chebula or yellow myrobalan (fabled to have sprung from the ground on which Indra spilt a drop of nectar) L.

⋙ śakrastuti

   ○stuti f. N. of wk

⋙ śakrākhya

   śakrâkhya m. 'Indraṇamed', an owl (cf. ulūka and Vām. ii, 1, 13) L.

⋙ śkrāgni

   śkrâgni m. du. Indra and Agni (lords of the Nakshatra Viśākhā) VarBṛS.

⋙ śakrātmaja

   śakrâtmaja m. 'Indra's son', N. of Arjuna MBh.

⋙ śakrādana

   śakrâdana n. -śakra-taru L.

⋙ śakrāditya

   śakrâditya m. N. of a king Buddh.

⋙ śakrānalākhya

   śakrânalâkhya mfn. called Indra and Agni (ibc.) VarBṛS. (cf. śakrâgni).'

⋙ śakrābhilagnaratna

   śakrâbhilagnaratna n. a partic. gem L.

⋙ śakrāyudha

   śakrâyudha n. = sakra-kārmuka R. VarBṛS. MārkP.

⋙ śakrāri

   śakrâri m. Indra's enemy', N. of Kṛishṇa Pañcar.

⋙ śkrāvataratīrtha

   śkrâvatára-tīrtha n. N. of a place of pilgrimage Siṃhâs.

⋙ śkrāvarta

   śkrâvarta m. id. MBh.

⋙ śakrāśana

   śakrâśana m. 'Indra's food', the plant Wrightia Antidysenterica (fabled to have sprung from the drops of Amṛita which fell to the ground from the bodies of Rāma's monkeys restored to life by Indra) L. 
   • n. the seed of Wrightia AntṭAntidysenterica L. 
   • an intoxicating drink prepared from hemp (= bhaṅgā) Hāsy. Kautukas. (cf. indrâśana) 
   • -kānana n. -vāṭikā f. -vipina', n. a wood or garden in which hemp grows ib. 
   • -niryāsa resin of Cannabis Sativa L.

⋙ śakrāsana

   śakrâsana n. lowering's throne MBh. Kāv.

⋙ śakrāhya

   śakrâhya m. (?) the seed of Wrightia Antidysenterica L.

⋙ śakreśvaratīrtha

   śakrêśvaratīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha Cat.

⋙ śakrotthāna

   śakrôtthāna n. the raising up of IṭIndra's banner, = next Cat. (also ○nôtsava m. VP.)

⋙ śakrotava

   śakrôtava m. Indra-festival', a festival in honour of lowering on the twelfth day of the light half of Bhādra (when a flag or banner was set up 
   • cf. dhvajôtthāna and śakra-dhvajôtsava) MBh.

≫ śakrāṇī

   śakrāṇī f. N. of Śacī (wife of Indra) MBh.

≫ śakri

   śakri m. (only L.) a cloud 
   • a thunderbolt 
   • an elephant 
   • a mountain

≫ śakru

   śakru m. N. of a man VP.

≫ śakla 1

   śakla mfn. (for 2. p. 1047, col. i) speaking pleasantly or kindly, affable L. (cf. śakna)

≫ śakvan

   śákvan mf(arī)n. powerful, able, mighty VS. 
   • m. an artificer ŚBr. 
   • an elephant L. 
   • (arī), f. below

≫ śakvara

   śakvara m. a bull Hcar. Kām. Sch. 
   • (ā), f. gravel L. (prob. wṛ. for śarkarā)

≫ śakvarī

   śákvarī f. pl. (wrongly written śakkarī or śarkarī) N. of partic. verses or hymns (esp. of the Mahānāmnī verses belonging to the Śākvara-Sāman) RPrāt. Gobh. 
   • a partic. metre (in Vedic texts of 7 x 8 syllables, and therefore called sapta-padā, later any metre of 4 x 14 syllables, e.g. the Vasanta-tilaka, q.v.)
   TS. Kāṭh. ChUp. &c. [Page 1045, Column 3] 
   • pl. water AV. VS. Gobh. 
   • du. the arms Naigh. ii, 4 
   • sg. a cow AV. PañcavBr. (cf. Naigh. ii, 11) 
   • a finger L. 
   • a river Uṇ.iv, 112 Sch. 
   • N. of a river L. 
   • a girdle, Kāvâsd. iii, 149

⋙ śakvarītva

   ○tvá n. the state or condition of being a Śakvarī verse MaitrS.

⋙ śakvarīpṛṣṭha

   ○pṛṣṭha mfn. having the Śakvarī verses for a Pṛishṭha (q.v.) Lāṭy.

≫ śagma

   śagmá mf(ā́)n. powerful, mighty, strong, effective (others, helpful, kind, friendly') RV. AV. VS. Br. Kauś.

≫ śagman

   śágman n. vḷ. for śâkma, i Naigh. ii, 1

≫ śagmya

   śagmyá mf(ā)n. = śagma RV. AV. ŚBr.

śaka 2

   śáka n. excrement, ordure, dung (cf. śakan, i, śakṛt) AV. 
   • water (v. l. for kaśa) Naigh. i, 12 
   • m. a kind of animal Pañcar. (vḷ. śala) 
   • wṛ. for śuka MBh. xiii, 2835 
   • (ā), f. a kind of bird or fly or long-eared animal VS. TS. (cf. Sch.)

⋙ śakadhūma

   ○dhū́ma m. the smoke of burnt or burning cow-dung AV. 
   • (prob.) N. of a Nakshatra ib. 
   • a priest who augurs by means of cow-dung Kauś. 
   • -já or -jā́ mfn. produced or born from cow-dung AV.

⋙ śakaṃdhi

   ○ṃdhi m. N. of a man, g. śubhrâdhi

⋙ śakapiṇḍa

   ○piṇḍa m. a lump of dung VS.

⋙ śakapūṇa

   ○pūṇa m. (fr. √pūṇ?) N. of a man (cf. śākapūṇi)

⋙ śakapūta

   ○pūta (śáka-), mfn. 'purified with cow-dung', N. of the author of RV. x, 132 (having the patr. Nārmedha) Anukr.

⋙ śakabali

   ○bali (śáka-), m. an oblation of cow-dung AV.

⋙ śakamaya

   ○máya mf(ī)n. consisting of or arising from excrement RV.

⋙ śakambhara

   ○mbhará mfn. bearing dung or ordure AV.

⋙ śakaloṭa

   ○loṭa m. (√luṭ) = śālūka, a lotus-√cf. Gobh. (cf. Sch 
   • accord. to some = śaka-loṣṭa, a lump or ball of cowdung')

⋙ śakahū

   ○hū mfn. Pat.

⋙ śakaīdha

   śakaī7dha m. a fire (made) with the excrement of animals ĀpŚr.

≫ śakandhu

   śakandhu n. (perhaps for śakan-andhu) a dung-well (?) Pāṇ. 6-1, 94 Vārtt. 4

śaka 3

   śaka m. pl. N. of a partic. whiteskinned tribe or race of people (in the legends which relate the contests between Vasishṭha and Viśvamitra the Śakas are fabled to have been produced by the Cow of Vasishṭha, from her sweat, for the destruction of Viśvāmitra's army ; in Mn. x, 44, they are mentioned together with the Pauṇḍrakas, Oḍras, Draviḍas, Kāmbojas, Javanas or Yavanas, Pāradas, Pahlavas, Cīnas, Kirātas, Daradas, and Khaśas, described by Kullūka as degraded tribes of Kshatriyas called after the districts in which they reside: according to the VP. iv, 3, king Sagara attempted to rid his kingdom of these tribes, but did not succeed in destroying them all: they are sometimes regarded as the followers of Śaka or Śāli-vāhana, and are probably to be identified with the Tartars or Indo-Scythians [Lat. saca] who overran India before the Āryans, and were conquered by the great Vikramâditya q.v. ; they really seem to have been dominant in the north-west of India in the last century before and the first two centuries after the beginning of our era) AV.Pariś. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • a king of the Śakas, g. kambojâdi (on Pāṇ. 4-1, 175 Vārtt.) 
   • an era, epoch (cf. -kāla) 
   • a year (of any era) Inscr. 
   • a partic. fragrant substance Gal.

⋙ śakakartṛ

   ○kartṛ or m. the founder of an era L.

⋙ śakakāraka

   ○kāraka m. the founder of an era L. 
   • ○kôtpatti, f. N. of wk

⋙ śakakāla

   ○kāla m. the Śaka era (beginning AḌ.78, and (founded by king Śāli-vāhana ; an expired year of the Śaka era is converted into the corresponding year AḌ. by adding to it 78-79 ; e.g. 654 expired = AḌ. 732-733)
   VarBṛS. Rājat. (cf. RTL. 433)

⋙ śakakṛt

   ○kṛt m. = -kartṛ L.

⋙ śakacella

   ○cella (?), m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ śakadeśa

   ○deśa m. N. of a country Cat.

⋙ śakanṛpatisaṃvatsara

   ○nṛpati-saṃvatsara m. a year of the Śaka era Inscr.

⋙ śakanṛpāla

   ○nṛpāla m. a Śaka king Jyot.

⋙ śakapuruṣavivaraṇa

   ○puruṣa-vivaraṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ śakabhūpakāla

   ○bhūpa-kāla m. = śaka-kāla VarBṛS.

⋙ śakavatsara

   ○vatsara m. a year of the Śaka era L.

⋙ śakavarṇa

   ○varṇa m. N. of a king VP.

⋙ śakavarman

   ○varman m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ śakavarṣa

   ○varṣa m. or n. = -vatsara Jyot.

⋙ śakavṛddhi

   ○vṛddhi m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ śakasthāna

   ○sthāna n. N. of a country (?) Hcar.

⋙ śakāditya

   śakâditya m. 'sun of the Śālis', N. of king Śāli-vāhana L.

⋙ śakādhiparājadhānī

   śakâdhipa-rājadhānī f. the capital or residence of the Śāli king, i.e. Dilli (Delhi) L.

⋙ śakāntaka

   śakântaka m. 'destroyer of the ŚṭŚāli', N. of king Vikramâditya L.

⋙ śakābda

   śakâbda m. a year of the Śāli era W.

⋙ sakāri

   sakâri m. 'enemy of the Śskas', N. of king Vikramâditya Rājat.

⋙ śakendrakāla

   śakêndra-kāla m. = śakabhūpa-kāla VarBṛS.

≫ śakāra 2

   śakāra m. (for 1. under 1. śa) a descendant of the Śakas, a Śaka Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-i, 130 
   • a king's brother-in-law through one of his inferior wives (esp. in the drama represented as a foolish, frivolous, proud, low, and cruel man, such as is Saṃsthānaka in the Mṛicchakaṭikā, he speaks the dialect of the Śikas i.e. Śākārī, which employs the sibilant ś, exclusively [Page 1046, Column 1] 
   • hence Śakāra, accord. to some, is for, 'Śa-kāra', one who uses the letter Śa) Bhar. Daś. Sāh. &c

≫ śakārilipi

   śakāri-lipi f. a partic. kind of writing Lalit.


   śakaca m. a proper N. Rājat.


   śakaṭa n. (rarely m. of doubtful derivation) a cart, waggon, car, carriage Nir. ŚāṅkhŚr. &c 
   • (with prājāpatyam, or rohiṇyāḥ, cf. rohiṇī-ś○) the five stars forming the asterism Rohiṇī compared to a cart Kāv. VarBṛS. &c 
   • (only) n. a partic. configuration of stars and planets (when all the planets are in the Ist and 7th house) VarBṛS. 
   • m. n. a form of military array resembling a wedge Mn. vii, 187 
   • m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis L. 
   • Arum Colacasia L. 
   • an implement for preparing grain MW. 
   • wṛ. for śākaṭa, q.v 
   • N. of a man, g., naḍâdi 
   • of a demon slain by the child Kṛishṇa Śiś. 
   • m. or n. (?) N. of a place Cat. 
   • (ī), f. below

⋙ śakaṭadāsa

   ○dāsa m. N. of a man Mudr.

⋙ śakaṭanīḍa

   ○nīḍa n. the interior of a cart ĀpŚr.

⋙ śakaṭabhid

   ○bhid m. 'slayer of Śakaṭa', N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Pañcar.

⋙ śakaṭabheda

   ○bheda m. division of the ŚṭŚakaṭa asterism by the moon or a planet passing through it Col.

⋙ śakaṭamantra

   ○mantra m. pl. the verses addressed to the chariot of Soma ĀpŚr.

⋙ śakaṭavila

   ○vila (?), m. a gallinule W. (cf. śakaṭāvila)

⋙ śakaṭavyūha

   ○vyūha m. a partic. form of military array MBh.

⋙ śakaṭavrata

   ○vrata n. a partic. observance Cat.

⋙ śakaṭasārtha

   ○sârtha m. a multitude or train of carts, caravan Pat. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 115

⋙ śakaṭahan

   ○han m. = -bhid W.

⋙ śakaṭākṣa

   śakaṭâkṣa m. the axle of a cart MW.

⋙ śakaṭāṅgaja

   śakaṭâṅgaja m. a patr. = śākatayana. Gaṇar.

⋙ śakaṭāpaṇa

   śakaṭâpaṇa m. pl. carts and merchandise R. (wṛ. śakaṭâyana)

⋙ sakaṭāri

   sakaṭâri m. 'enemy of Śakaṭa', N. of Kṛishṇa L.

⋙ śakaṭāvila

   śakaṭâvila (?), m. a kind of aquatic bird (= plava) Yājñ. Sch.

⋙ śakatāsurabhañjana

   śakatâsura-bhañjana m. 'crusher of the demon Śakaṭa', N. of Kṛishṇa Pañcar.

⋙ śakaṭāhvā

   śakaṭâhvā f. 'cartnamed', the asterism Rohiṇī (cf. above) L.

⋙ sakaṭoccāṭana

   sakaṭôccāṭana n. the upsetting or overturning of a cart BhP.

≫ śakaṭāya

   śakaṭāya Nom. P. ○yati, to represent or be like a cart BhP.

≫ śakaṭāra

   śakaṭāra m. a bird of prey (perhaps a kind of vulture) MW. 
   • N. of a monkey Hit. 
   • = śakaṭāla W.

⋙ śakaṭāropākhyāna

   śakaṭārôpâkhyāna n. the episode or fable of the monkey Śakaṭāra Cat.

≫ śakaṭāla

   śakaṭāla m. N. of a minister of king Nanda (in revenge for ill-treatment he conspired with the Brāhman Cāṇakya to effect his master's death) Hcar. Kathās.

≫ śakaṭi

   śakaṭi f. = śakaṭī g. bahv-ādi

≫ śakaṭika

   śakaṭika mfn. (fr. śākaṭa), g. kumudâdi

≫ śakaṭikā

   śakaṭikā f. a small cart, a child's cart, toy-cart Mṛicch. ix, (cf. 28/29 (cf. mṛc-chakaṭikā)

≫ śakaṭin

   śakaṭin mfn. possessing a cart or carriage 
   • m. the owner of a cart Kathās.

≫ śakaṭī

   śakaṭī́ f. a waggon, cart, carriage RV. x, 146, 3 (cf. g. bahv-āli)

⋙ śakaṭīkarṇa

   ○karṇa g. suvāstv-ādi (cf. Kāś. śaṭī-karṇa)

⋙ śakaṭīmukha

   ○mukha mf(ī) u. 'cart-mouthed', having a mouth like a cart ṢaḍvBr.

⋙ śakaṭīśakaṭa

   ○śakaṭa mfn. (prob.) consisting of (or produced by) carts or carriages of all kinds (as a noise) Hariv.

≫ śakaṭīyaśabara

   śakaṭīya-śabara m. N. of a poet Cat.

≫ śakaṭyā

   śakaṭyā f. a multitude of carts, g. pāśâdi


   śakán śákṛt, col. 3


   śakam unader śám (ind.)


   śákara next


   śákala m. n. (in ŚBr. also śákara, of doubtful derivation) a chip, fragment, splint, log, piece, bit TS. &c. &c. (śakalāni √kṛ, with acc., 'to separate, divide, dissipate' Ragh.) 
   • a potsherd Mn. vi, 28 
   • a spark (in kṛśānu-ś○) Śiś. v 9 
   • n. a half Sāh (candra-ś○, the half-moon Kād.) 
   • a half-verse Ked. 
   • the half of an egg-shell Mn. MBh. &c 
   • skin, bark Divyâv. 
   • the scales of a fish (cf. śalka, śalkala) ib. 
   • the skull (in kapāla-ś○) 
   • cinnamon L. 
   • a kind of black pigment or dye L. 
   • m. N. of a man, g. gargâdi

⋙ śakalajyotis

   ○jyotis m. a kind of venomless snake L.

⋙ śakalavat

   ○vat mfn. g. madhv-ādi

⋙ śakalāṅguṣṭhaka

   śakalâṅguṣṭhaka mfn. (Vedic) Pāṇ. 3-1, 59 Sch.

⋙ śakalendu

   śakalêndu m. the half-moon, Hanv. (also wṛ. for sakal○). [Page 1046, Column 2] 

⋙ śakalaya

   śakalaya Nom. P. ○yati, to break into pieces, divide Mcar.

≫ śakalākṛ

   śakalā-√kṛ P. -karoti id., g. ūry-ādi

≫ śakalita

   śakalita mfn. broken into pieces, reduced to fragments Hcar. Śiś. Bālar.

≫ śakalin

   śakalin m. 'having scales', a fish Harav.

≫ śakalī

   śakalī in comp. for śakala

⋙ śakalīkaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. the act of breaking in pieces W. -√kṛ P. -karoti, to break in pieces, divide, bruised Kād. ĀpŚr. Sch.

⋙ śakalīkṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. broken or cut in pieces, reduced to fragments, smashed, bruised, divided MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ śakalīkṛti

   ○kṛti f = -karaṇa Harav.

⋙ śakalībhū

   ○bhū P. -bhavati, to be broken in pieces, burst asunder MBh. R.

⋙ śakalībhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. broken in pieces, bruised, crushed, burst MBh.

≫ śakalyeṣin

   śakalyeṣin mfn. (accord. to Padap. from śakalya + eṣin) 'desiring fragments of wood', devouring or licking (as a flame of fire) AV. 1, 25, 2


   śakava m. (doubtful) a goose W.


   śakasakāya P. ○yati (onomat.), to make a rustling noise, rustle (as the leaves of a tree in the wind) Bhaṭṭ.


   śakāra 1. 2. under 1. śa and 3. śaka


   śakuṭā f. a partic. part of an elephant's hind leg L.


   śakuná m. (said to be fr. √śak Uṇ. iii, 49) a bird (esp. a large bird or one of good or bad omen) RV. &c. &c 
   • a partic. kind of bird (either = gridhra, a vulture, or = cilla, a common kite or Pondicherry eagle) L. 
   • a kind of Brāhman (vipra-bheda) MW. 
   • a sort of hymn or song (sung at festivals to secure good fortune) W. 
   • (with vasiṣṭhasya) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr. 
   • N. of an Asura BhP. 
   • pl. N. of a people MBh. Buddh. 
   • (ī), f. col. 3 
   • n. any auspicious object or lucky omen, an omen or prognostic (in general 
   • rarely 'an inauspicious omen')
   Kāv. Kathās. Pañcat. 
   • mfn. indicating good luck, auspicious MW.

⋙ śakunajña

   ○jña mfn. knowing omens Kathās. 
   • (ā), f. a small house-lizard L.

⋙ śakunajñāna

   ○jñāna n. knowledge of birds or omens, augury Yājñ. 
   • N. of a chapter of the ŚārṅgP.

⋙ śakunadīpaka

   ○dīpaka m. (or ikā f.) N. of wk. on augury

⋙ śakunadevatā

   ○devatā f. a deity presiding over good omens Kathās.

⋙ śakunadvāra

   ○dvāra n. 'door of omens', a partic. term in augury VarBṛS.

⋙ śakunapattra

   ○pattra n

⋙ śakunaparīkṣā

   ○parī7kṣā f

⋙ śakunapradīpa

   ○pradīpa m

⋙ śakunaratnāvalī

   ○ratnâvalī f. N. of wks

⋙ śakunarutajñāna

   ○ruta-jñāna n. knowledge of the notes of birds VarBṛS. Rājat.

⋙ śakunavidyā

   ○vidyā f. = prec. Buddh.

⋙ śakunaśāstra

   ○śāstra ī. 'doctrine or book of omens', N. of wk

⋙ śakunasāroddhāra

   ○sārôddhāra m. N. of wk

⋙ śakunasūkta

   ○sū7kta n. the bird-hymn (perhaps RV. i, 164, 20 or x, 146, 2) VarBṛS.

⋙ śakunādhiṣṭhātrī

   śakunâdhiṣṭhātrī f. f. (a goddess) presiding over good omens Kathās.

⋙ śakunārṇava

   śakunârṇava m.,,

⋙ śakunāvalī

   śakuḍnâvalī f. N. of wks. on augury

⋙ śakunāśā

   śakunâśā f. N. of a plant, Śuśr. (perhaps wṛ. for śakulâśa 
   • cf. śakulâdanī)

⋙ śakunāhṛt

   śakunâhṛt m. a kind of rice L. 
   • a kind of fish L.

⋙ śakunāhṛta

   śakunâhṛta mfn. brought by birds L. 
   • a kind of rice Suśr. (cf. prec.)

⋙ śaknnopadeśa

   śaknnôpadeśa m. the doctrine of omens, augury VarBṛS.

≫ śakunaka

   śakunaka m. a bird MBh. 
   • (ikā), f. a female bird ib. 
   • N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant of Skanda ib. 
   • of various women Vās.

≫ śakuni

   śakúni m. a bird (esp. a large bird L. = gridhra or cilla, accord. to some 'a cock') RV. &c. &c 
   • (in astronomy) N. of the first fixed karaṇa (q.v.) VarBṛS. 
   • N. of a Naga MBh. 
   • of an evil demon (son of Du?-saha) MārkP. 
   • of an Asura (son of Hiraṇyâksha and father of Vṛika) Hariv. Pur. 
   • of the brother of queen Gandhārī (and therefore the brother-in-law of Dhṛita-rāshṭra and the Mātula or maternal uncle of the Kuru princes 
   • as son of Subala, king of Gāndhāra, he is called Saubala 
   • he often acted as counsellor of Duryodhana, and hence his name is sometimes applied to an old officious relative whose counsels ten to misfortune) MBh. Hariv. &c. (cf. IW. 380) 
   • of a son of Vikukshi and grandson of Ikshvāku) Hariv. 
   • of a son of Daśa-ratha ib. BhP. 
   • of the great-grandfather of Aśoka Rājat. 
   • du. N. of the Āśvins MW. 
   • (i or ī), f. below

⋙ śakunigraha

   ○graha m. N. of a demon causing children's diseases MBh.

⋙ śakuniprapā

   ○prapā f. a drinking-trough for birds L.

⋙ śakunivāda

   ○vāda m. the first song of birds (or of a partic. bird) at dawn (accord. to some 'the crowing of a cock') AitBr.

⋙ śakunisavana

   ○savana n. g. savanâdi. [Page 1046, Column 3] 

⋙ śakunisāda

   ○sādá m. a partic. part of the sacrificial horse VS.

⋙ śakunīśvara

   śakunī7śvara m. lord of birds', N. of Garuḍa L.

⋙ śakunyupākhyāna

   śakuny-upâkhyāna n. N. of wk

≫ śakunī

   śakunī f. (of śakuna or ○ni, col, 2) a female bird MBh. Hariv. 
   • a hen-sparrow L. 
   • Turdus Macrourus L. 
   • N. of a female demon (sometimes identified with Durgā) causing a partic. child's disease (sometimes = pūtanā, and in this sense also śakuni) MBh. Hariv.

≫ śakunta

   śákúnta m. a bird MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • a partic. bird of prey BhP. 
   • a blue jay L. 
   • a sort of insect L. 
   • N. of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh.

≫ śakuntaka

   śakuntaká m. a small bird VS. MBh. 
   • (ikā́), f. a female bird RV.

≫ śakuntalā

   śakuntalā f. (said to be fr. śakunta) N. of a daughter of the Apsaras Menakā by Viśvāmitra (she was supposed to have been born and left in a forest, where she was protected by birds till found by the sage Kaṇva, who took her to his hermitage and reared her as his daughter 
   • she was there seen by king Dushyanta, when on a hunting expedition, and married by him, and became the mother of Bharata, sovereign of all India 
   • the story of Dushyanta's accidental meeting with Śakuntalā, their marriage, separation, his repudiation of her through temporary loss of memory caused by a curse, his subsequent recognition of her by means of a ring which was lost but afterwards recovered, forms the subject of Kalidāsa's celebrated drama called Abhijñāna-śakuntalā, q.v.)

⋙ śakuntalātmaja

   ○"ṣtmaja (○lâtm○), m. 'Svargakh's'son', metron. of Bharata (sovereign of India) L.

⋙ sakuntalopākhyāna

   sakuntalôpâkhyāna n. 'story of ŚṭŚakuntalā', N. of MBh. i, 60-74 and of PadmaP., Svargakh. 1-5

≫ śakunti

   śakúnti m. a bird RV. Kāv.

≫ śakuntikā

   śakuntikā śakuntaka


   śakunda m. Nerium Odorum L. (cf. śata-kunda)


   śakura mfn. tame, quiet (as an animal) Hcar.


   śakulá m. a kind of fish (perhaps 'the gilt-head') VS. AV. MBh. &c 
   • a kind of spur-like projection (behind the hoof of an ox or cow) VS. 
   • (with vasiṣṭhasya) N. of a Śāman (v. l. for śakuna) 
   • (ī), f. below

⋙ śakulagaṇḍa

   ○gaṇḍa m. a kind of fish L.

⋙ śakulākṣaka

   śakulâkṣaka m. 'fish-eyed', white bent-grass, Panicum Dactylon (the blossoms are white and compared to the eye of a fish) L.

⋙ śakulākṣī

   śakulâkṣī f. a kind of Dūrvā grass L. (cf. prec.)

⋙ śakulāda

   śakulâda m. pl. 'eating Śakulas', N. of a people, g. kāśyādi

⋙ śakulādanī

   śakulâdanī f. (cf. śakunâśā) a kind of potherb (accord. to L. Commelina Salicifolia, Scindapsus Officinalis &c.) Car. Vāgbh. 
   • an earthworm W.

⋙ śakulārbhaka

   śakulârbhaka m. a sort of fish L.

≫ śakulin

   śakulin m. a fish L. (prob. wṛ. for śakalin, q.v.)


   śákṛt n. (the weak cases are optionally formed fr. a base śakán, cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 3 
   • śakṛt nom. acc. sg. and ibc 
   • gen. sg. śaknás AV. 
   • instr. śaknā́ VS., or śakṛtā KātyŚr., instr. pl. śákabhis TS. 
   • acc. pl. śakṛtas VarBṛS.), excrement, ordure, feces, dung (esp. cow-dung) RV. &c. &c. [Cf. Gk. ?, ?, ; accord. to some, [1046, 3] ?, and Lat. cacare.]

⋙ śakṛtkari

   ○kari m. 'dung-making', a calf. L. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 24)

⋙ śakṛtkāra

   ○kāra mfn. making ordure W.

⋙ śakṛtkīṭa

   ○kīṭa m. a dung-beetle L.

⋙ śakṛtpadī

   ○padī f. having ordure at the feet, g. kumbha-pady-ādi

⋙ śakṛtpiṇḍa

   ○piṇḍa m. a lump or ball of cow-dung Kauś. Āpast.

≫ śakṛd

   śakṛd in comp. for śakṛt

⋙ śakṛdgraha

   ○graha wṛ. for sakṛd-gr○, q.v

⋙ śakṛddeśa

   ○deśa m. (cf. R.),

⋙ śakṛddvāra

   ○dvāra n. (K.) 'door of the feces', the anus

⋙ śakṛdbheda

   ○bheda m. 'loosening of the feces', diarrhoea Suśr.

≫ śakṛn

   śakṛn in comp. for śakṛt

⋙ śakṛnmūtra

   ○mūtra n. feces and urine BhP. (cf., mūtra-śakṛt)


   śakkara ○rī, śakvara, ○rī


   śakkari m. a bull L. (cf. śakvara)


   śakkuli prob. wṛ. for śaṣkuli Siddh.


   śakta śakti &c. p. 1044, col. 2


   śaktu śaktuka, incorrect for saktu, saktuka, q.v


   śaktri śaktrin wṛ. for śakti m. [Page 1047, Column 1] 


   śakman śakya, śakra &c. p. 1045, col. 1

śakla 2

   śakla m. (for 1. p. 1045, col. 2) prob. for śakala, śalka TS.

≫ śaklīkaraṇa

   śaklī-karaṇa n. = śakalī-k○, breaking or hewing in pieces Bālar.


   śakvan śakvara, śakvarī, p. 1045, col. 2


   śagmá śagmyá, p. 1045, col. 3


   śaṅk c1. 1. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. iv, 12) sáṅ kate (ep. also P 
   • aor. 2. sg. aśaṅkīs, aśaṅkiṣṭa, śaṅkiṣṭhās, śaṅkithās MBh. &c., inf. śaṅkitum ib. 
   • ind. p 
   • -śaṅkya ib. 
   • Gr. also pf. śaśaṅke fut. śaṅkitā, śaṅkiṣyate), to be anxious or apprehensive, be afraid of (abl.), fear, dread, suspect, distrust (acc.) Br. MBh. 
   • to be in doubt or un certain about (acc.), hesitate MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to think probable, assume, believe, regard is (with two acc.), suppose to be (śaṅke, 'l think', I suppose', 'it seems to me') ib. 
   • (in argumentative works) to ponder over or propound a doubt or objection: Pass. śaṅkyate (aor. aśaṅki), to be feared or doubted &c.: Caus. śaṅkayati, to cause to fear or doubt, render anxious about (loc.) Mālav.

≫ śaṅka 1

   śaṅka m. (for 2. below) fear, doubt ( comp.) 
   • N. of a king Buddh. (cf. śaṅkana) 
   • (ā), f. below

⋙ śaṅkatvanirukti

   ○tva-nirukti f. N. of wk

≫ śaṅkana

   śaṅkana m. 'causing fear or awe (?)', N. of a king MW.

≫ śaṅkanīya

   śaṅkanīya mfn. to be distrusted or suspected or apprehended (n. impers.), doubtful, questionable Kāv. Hit. Sarvad. &c 
   • to be supposed to be, to be regarded as (e.g. bādhakatvena, as hurting or injuring'), Kusum

≫ śaṅkā

   śaṅkā́ f. (ifc. f. ā) apprehension, care, alarm, fear, distrust, suspicion of (abl., loc., or prati with acc., or comp 
   • brahma-hatyā-kṛtā śaṅkā, 'the fear of having committed the murder of a Brāhman' R. 
   • pāpa-śaṅkā na katavyā, 'no evil is to be suspected' Kathās.) ŚBr. &c. &c 
   • doubt, uncertainty, hesitation MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (ifc.) belief. supposition, presumption (of or that any person or thing is-) ib. 
   • a subject started in disputation MW. 
   • a species of the Daṇḍaka metre W.

⋙ śaṅkākula

   ○"ṣkula (śaṅkâk○), mfn. bewildered by doubt or fear MW.

⋙ śaṅkātaṅkita

   ○"ṣtaṅkita (śaṅkât○), mfn. overcome with fear and anxiety Subh.

⋙ śaṅkānvita

   ○"ṣnvita (śaṅkânv○), mfn. filled with doubt, apprehensive, afraid R.

⋙ śaṅkābhiyoga

   ○"ṣbhiyoga (śaṅkâbh○), mfn. accusation or charge on suspicion Yājñ. Sch.

⋙ śaṅkāmaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. full of doubt or uncertainty, fearful, afraid R.

⋙ śaṅkāśaṅku

   ○śaṅku m. the thorn or sting of doubt or fear Rājat.

⋙ śaṅkāśīla

   ○śīla mfn. of hesitating or diffident disposition, prone to doubt MW.

⋙ śaṅkāspada

   ○"ṣspada (śaṅkâsp○), n. cause of doubt, ground or matter of suspicion Hit.

⋙ śaṅkāspṛṣṭa

   ○spṛṣṭa mfn. touched with fear, seized with alarm Megh.

⋙ śaṅkāhīna

   ○hīna mfn. free from doubt or apprehension W.

≫ śaṅkita

   śaṅkita mfn. alarmed, apprehensive, distrustful, suspicious, afraid of (abl., gen., or comp.), anxious about (loc. or acc. with prati) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • assuming, supposing Rājat. 
   • feared, apprehended R. Śāntiś. 
   • doubted, doubtful, uncertain Mn. Mṛicch. &c 
   • weak, unsteady W.

⋙ śaṅkitadṛṣṭi

   ○dṛṣṭi mfn. looking afraid or shy Pañcat.

⋙ śaṅkitamanas

   ○manas mfn. fainthearted, timid, apprehensive MBh.

⋙ śaṅkitavarṇaka

   ○varṇaka m. 'of doubtful appearance', a thief L.

≫ śaṅkitavya

   śaṅkitavya mfn. to be feared or suspected or distrusted (n. impers.' it should be feared' &c.) MBh. Prasannar. 
   • to be doubted, doubtful, questionable MBh.

≫ śaṅkin

   śaṅkin mfn. afraid of. fearing (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • timid, suspicious, distrustful as (comp., e.g. kāka-s○, 'distrustful as a crow') MBh. Kathās. 
   • assuming, supposing, suspecting, imagining Ragh. Hit. 
   • full of apprehension or danger Pañcat.

≫ śaṅku 1

   śaṅku m. (for 2. col. 2) fear, terror W.

≫ śaṅkura

   śaṅkura mfn. causing fear, frightful, formidable, m. N. of a Dānava VP. (v. l. for śaṃkara)

≫ śaṅkya

   śaṅkya mfn. to be distrusted or suspected or feared (n. impers 
   • superl. -tama) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to be assumed or expected or anticipated Daś. Rājat.

śaṅka 2

   śaṅka m. a bull L.


   śaṅkara śaṃkara, p. 1054, col. 3. [Page 1047, Column 2] 


   śaṅkavya under 2. śaṅku below


   śaṅkila m. (prob. wṛ. for śankhila 
   • cf. śaṅkha) a conch-shell suspended on the ear of an elephant L.

śaṅku 2

   śaṅkú m. (of doubtful derivation) a peg, nail, spike RV. &c. &c 
   • a stick Hariv. 
   • a stake, post, pillar MBh. 
   • an arrow, spear, dart (fig. applied to the 'sting' of sorrow, pain &c 
   • cf. śankā-, śoka-ś &c.) Hariv. Kāv. Rājat. 
   • a partic. weapon or any weapon L. 
   • the pin or gnomon of a dial (usually twelve fingers long) Col. 
   • a kind of forceps (used for the extraction of a dead fetus) Suśr. 
   • the fibre or vein of a leaf. ChUp. 
   • the measure of twelve fingers L. 
   • (in astron.) the sine of altitude, Śūryas 
   • a partic. high number, ten billions (compared to an innumerable collection of ants) MBh. R. 
   • the clapper of a bell, Govardh. (cf. L. also 'the penis 
   • poison 
   • Unguis Odoratus 
   • a partic. tree or the trunk of a lopped tree 
   • a partic. fish [accord. to some 'the skate fish'] or aquatic animal 
   • a goose 
   • a measuring rod 
   • a Rākshasa 
   • N. of Śiva 
   • of a Gaudharva attendant on Śiva 
   • of Kāma 
   • of a Nāga 
   • = aṃśa) 
   • N. of a man, g. gargâdi 
   • of a Dānava Hariv. 
   • of a Vṛishṇi (son of Ugra-sena) MBh. Hariv. Pur. 
   • of a son of Kṛishṇa Hariv. 
   • of a poet (= śaṅkuka, q.v.) Cat. 
   • of a. Brāhman Buddh. 
   • n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.

⋙ śaṅkukarṇa

   ○karṇa mf(ī or ā)n. having pointed ears MBh. R. &c 
   • m. an ass L. 
   • N. of a Dānava Hariv. 
   • of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. 
   • of a serpent-demon ib. 
   • of a Rākshasa R. 
   • of a son of Janam-ejaya MBh. 
   • of a camel Pañcat. 
   • -mukha mfn. having pointed ears and mouth MBh. 
   • ○Nin○ mfn. having pointed ears Hariv. 
   • ○ṇesvara m. a partic. form of Siva MBh. 
   • n. N. of a Liṅga Cat.

⋙ śaṅkucchāyā

   ○cchāyā f. the shadow of a gnomon Sūryas.

⋙ śaṅkujīvā

   ○jīvā f. the sine of a gnomon ib.

⋙ śaṅkutaru

   ○taru m. the tree Vatica Robusta L.

⋙ śaṅkutala

   ○tala n. the base of a gnomon Gol.

⋙ śaṅkudhāna

   ○dhāna n. 'peg-receptacle', a hole for a pin (made in a skin to fasten it when used as an amulet) Kauś.

⋙ śaṅkupatha

   ○patha m. Pāṇ. 5-1, 77 Vārtt. 2

⋙ śaṅkupuccha

   ○puccha n. the sting (of a bee &c.) Rājat.

⋙ śaṅkuphaṇin

   ○phaṇin m. a kind of aquatic animal L.

⋙ śaṅkuphalā

   ○phalā or f. Prosopis Spicigera Bhpr.

⋙ śaṅkuphalikā

   ○phalíkā f. Prosopis Spicigera Bhpr.

⋙ śaṅkumat

   ○mat mfn. filled with stakes or spikes L. 
   • (atī), f. N. of a metre Col.

⋙ śaṅkumukha

   ○mukha mf(ī)n. having a pointed or sharp mouth (as a mouse) Suśr. 
   • m. a crocodile L. 
   • a kind of leech Suśr.

⋙ śaṅkumūlī

   ○mūlī f. the 15th day of the light half of the month Mārga-śīrsha L.

⋙ śaṅkuvicāra

   ○vicāra m. N. of wk. (containing rules for finding out the hours by the shadows of pegs driven into the earth in sunshine) by Lakshmī-pati Cat.

⋙ śaṅkuvṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. = -taru L.

⋙ śaṅkuśiras

   ○śiras mfn. spear-headed L. 
   • m. N. of an Asura Hariv. Pur.

⋙ śaṅkuśravaṇa

   ○śravaṇa mfn. = -karṇa VarBṛS.

⋙ śaṅkuṣṭha

   ○ṣṭha (for -stha), mfn. Pāṇ. 8-3, 97

≫ śaṅkavya

   śaṅkavya mfn. fit for a peg or serving as a peg Hcar. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 2 Sch.)

≫ śaṅkuka

   śaṅkuka m. a small peg or nail KātyŚr. Sch. 
   • N. of a poet (author of the Bhuvanâbhyudaya, son of Maynra) Rājat. 
   • of a writer on rhetoric Cat.

≫ śaṅkuci

   śaṅkuci m. a skate fish (= 2. śaṅku) L. (cf. sāṃkuci)

≫ śaṅkulā

   śaṅkulā f. a kind of lancet or knife Uṇ. i, 37 Sch. 
   • a pair of nippers or scissors (used to cut the areca-nut into small pieces) W. (cf. danta-śaṅku)

⋙ śaṅkulākhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa n. a piece cut off with a pair of nippers Pāṇ. 6-1, 2 Sch.

≫ śaṅkoca

   śaṅkoca or m. = śaṅkuci W.

⋙ śaṅkoci

   śaṅkoḍci m. = śaṅkuci W.


   śaṅkhá m. n. (ifc. f. ā) a shell, (esp.) the conch-shell (used for making libations of water or as an ornament for the arms or for the temples of an elephant 
   • a conch-shell perforated at one end is also used as a wind instrument or horn 
   • in the battles of epic poetry, each hero being represented as provided with a conch-shell which serves as his horn or trumpet and of ten has a name) AV. &c. &c. IW. 403 
   • a partic. high number (said to = a hundred billions or 100, 000 krores) MBh. 
   • m. the temporal bone, temple (accord. to some also, the bone of the forehead' or, frontal bone') Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • an elephant's cheek or the part between the tusks (hasti-danta-madhya) L. 
   • N. of the teeth of an elephant 23 years old VarBṛS. 
   • Unguis Odoratus L. 
   • a partic. Mantra Gobh. 
   • a kind of metre, Ked N. of one of Kubera's treasures and of the being presiding over it MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • a military drum or other martial instrument W. 
   • N. of one of the 8 chiefs of the Nāgas (q.v.) MBh. Hariv. Pur. [Page 1047, Column 3] 
   • of a Daitya (who conquered the gods, stole the Vedas, and carried them off to the bottom of the sea, from whence they were recovered by Vishṇu in the form of a fish) ib. 
   • of a demon dangerous to children ĀpGṛ. Sch. 
   • of a mythical elephant R. 
   • N. of various men (pl. N. of a Gotra) AV. &c. &c 
   • of a son of Virāṭa MBh. 
   • of a son of Vajra-nābha Hariv. Pur. 
   • of a law-giver (often mentioned together with his brother Likhita, q.v.) Yājñ. MBh. &c. (cf. comp. below) 
   • of the author of RV. x, 15 (having the patr. Yāmāyana) Anukr. 
   • of another poet Cat. 
   • of a country in the south of India (said to abound in shells) VarBṛS. (cf. g. śaṇḍikâdi) 
   • of a mountain Hariv. Pur. 
   • of a forest VP. 
   • (ā), f. a kind of flute Saṃgīt. [Cf. Gk., ? ; Lat. concha, [1047, 3] cangius.]

⋙ śaṅkhakarṇa

   ○karṇa m. 'shell-eared', N. of one of Siva's attendants L. 
   • of a dog Vcar. =

⋙ śaṅkhakāra

   ○kāra or m. a worker in shells, shell-cutter (described as a kind of mixed caste, accord. to some, the adulterous offspring of Vaiśya-parents whose mother is a widow'

⋙ śaṅkhakāraka

   ○kāraka m. a worker in shells, shell-cutter (described as a kind of mixed caste, accord. to some, the adulterous offspring of Vaiśya-parents whose mother is a widow' 
   • cf. śaṅkhika) Col.

⋙ śaṅkhakumbhaśravas

   ○kumbhaśravas f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda MBh.

⋙ śaṅkhakusuma

   ○kusuma n. Andropogon Aciculatus L.

⋙ śaṅkhakūṭa

   ○kūṭa m. N. of a serpent-demon L. 
   • of a mountain Pur.

⋙ śaṅkhakṣīra

   ○kṣīra n. the milk of a shell', any impossibility or absurdity W.

⋙ śaṅkhacakra

   ○cakra (ibc.) a conch and a discus 
   • -gadā-dhara mfn. holding a conch and a discus and a mace (as Vishṇu) Vishṇ. 
   • dhāraṇa-vāda m. N. of a treatise (treating of the marking of the limbs with a conch, discus and other emblems of Vishṇu) by Purushôttama 
   • -pāṇi mfn. holding a conch and a discus VP. 
   • -vidhi m. -vivaraṇa n. N. of wks

⋙ śaṅkhacarī

   ○carī or f. a mark made with sandal on the forehead L.

⋙ śaṅkhacarcī

   ○carcī f. a mark made with sandal on the forehead L.

⋙ śaṅkhacilla

   ○cilla m. Falco Cheela L.

⋙ śaṅkhacūḍa

   ○cūḍa m. N. of an Asura Pañcar. 
   • of a Gandharva Cat. 
   • of one of Kubera's attendants BhP. 
   • of a serpent-demon Nāg. (also ○ḍaka L.) 
   • ○ḍêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat.

⋙ śaṅkhacūrṇa

   ○cūrṇa n. shell-powder, pṭpower produced from shells L.

⋙ śaṅkhaja

   ○ja m. 'shell-born', a large pearl shaped like a pigeon's egg and said to be found in shells W.

⋙ śaṅkhajātī

   ○jātī (?), f. N. of a princess Buddh.

⋙ śaṅkhatīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh.

⋙ śaṅkhadatta

   ○datta m. N. of a poet Rājat. 
   • of another man Kathās.

⋙ śaṅkhadāraka

   ○dāraka m. a shell-cutter Col.

⋙ śaṅkhadrāva

   ○drāva or m. a solvent for dissolving the conch or other shells (used in medicine) L.

⋙ śaṅkhadrāvaka

   ○drāvaka m. a solvent for dissolving the conch or other shells (used in medicine) L.

⋙ śaṅkhadrāvin

   ○drāvin m. 'shell-dissolver', Rumex Vesicarius L.

⋙ śaṅkhadvīpa

   ○dvīpa m. N. of a Dvipa VP. (one of the 6 islands of Anudviipa, which lie in the southern sea L.)

⋙ śaṅkhadhara

   ○dhara m. N. of various authors (esp. of the author of the Laṭka-melana-prahasana) Cat. 
   • (ā), f. Hingcha Repens Madanav.

⋙ śaṅkhadhavalā

   ○dhavalā f. Jasminum Auriculatum L.

⋙ śaṅkhadhma

   ○dhmá m. a shellblower, one who plays on the conch or horn VS. ŚBr.

⋙ śaṅkhadhmā

   ○dhmā́ m. id. Vop.

⋙ śaṅkhadhvani

   ○dhvani m. the sound of a conch or horn Malatīm.

⋙ śaṅkhanaka

   ○naka m. = next L. (prob. wṛ.)

⋙ śaṅkhanakha

   ○nakha m. a kind of snail MBh. Vās. 
   • the shell of the Trochus Perspectivus MW. 
   • the perfume called Nakhi (Unguis Odoratus) or another kind of perfume L.

⋙ śaṅkhanābha

   ○nābha m. N. of a king (son of Vajra-nābha) VP.

⋙ śaṅkhanābhi

   ○nābhi f. a kind of shell Suśr. 
   • (ī), f. a kind of plant or drug ib. Divyâv.

⋙ śaṅkhanāmnī

   ○nāmnī f. Andropogon Aciculatus L.

⋙ śaṅkhanārī

   ○nārī f. a kind of metre Col.

⋙ śaṅkhanūpuriṇī

   ○nūpuriṇī f. having shell-bracelets and anklets Pāṇ. 5-2, 128 Sch.

⋙ śaṅkhapad

   ○pad strong form -pād), m. N. of a being enumerated among the Viśve Devā? Hariv. 
   • of a son of Kardama (said to have been made regent of the south) VP.

⋙ śaṅkhapada

   ○pada m. N. of a son of Manu Svārocisha MBh. 
   • = next Hariv. VP.

⋙ śaṅkhapā

   ○pā m. N. of a son of Kardama VP.

⋙ śaṅkhapāṇi

   ○pāṇi m. 'holding a conch in the hand', N. of Vishṇu L.

⋙ śaṅkhapātra

   ○pātra n. a vessel formed like a conchshell R.

⋙ śaṅkhapāda

   ○pāda m. N. of a son of Kardama VP. 
   • of the chief of a partic. sect Cat.

⋙ śaṅkhapāla

   ○pāla m. a kind of snake Suśr. 
   • a kind of sweetmeat (fr. Pers. ?) L. 
   • N. of a serpent-demon Hariv. BhP. 
   • of a son of Kardama VP. 
   • n. a house with a partic. defect (also ○laka), Vastuv

⋙ śaṅkhapiṇḍa

   ○piṇḍa m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.

⋙ śaṅkhapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town Kathās.

⋙ śaṅkhapuṣpikā

   ○puṣpikā f. Andropogon Aciculatus, Samskārak

⋙ śaṅkhapuṣpī

   f. id. Vas. Suśr. (-śṛta mfn. boiled with the above plant Mn. xi, 148) 
   • Canscora Decussata L.

⋙ śaṅkhapoṭalin

   ○poṭalin m. a partic. mixture Bhpr.

⋙ śaṅkhapraṇāda

   ○praṇāda m. = -dhvani MW.

⋙ śaṅkhapravara

   ○pravara m. an excellent or the best shell ib.

⋙ śaṅkhaprutha

   ○prutha m. a spot in the moon L.

⋙ śaṅkhabhasman

   ○bhasman n. the ashes of a burnt shell L.

⋙ śaṅkhabhinna

   ○bhinna mf(ī)n. Pāṇ. 4-1, 52, Sch

⋙ śaṅkhabhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. 'conch-bearer', N. of Vishṇu R. [Page 1048, Column 1] 

⋙ śaṅkhamālini

   ○mālini f. Andropogon Aciculatus L.

⋙ śaṅkhamitra

   ○mitra m. N. of a man Pravar.

⋙ śaṅkhamuktā

   ○muktā f. mother of pearl R. 
   • pl. shells and pearls MW.

⋙ śaṅkhamukha

   ○mukha m. shell-faced', an alligator L. 
   • N. of a serpent-demon MBh.

⋙ śaṅkhamudrā

   ○mudrā f. a partic. position of the fingers Kālac.

⋙ śaṅkhamula

   ○mula n. a partic. esculent √cf. L

⋙ śaṅkhamekhala

   ○mekhala m. N. of an ancient sage MBh.

⋙ śaṅkhamauktika

   ○mauktika m. shell-pearl', a kind of wheat (the husks of which resemble a shell and the grains a pearl) L.

⋙ śaṅkhayūthikā

   ○yūthikā f. Jasminum Auriculatum L.

⋙ śaṅkharāj

   ○rāj m. the best of shells MW.

⋙ śaṅkharāja

   ○rāja m. N. of a king Rājat.

⋙ śaṅkharāvita

   ○rāvita n. a sound of conches R.

⋙ śaṅkharoman

   ○roman m. N. of a serpent-demon Hariv.

⋙ śaṅkhalakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ śaṅkhalikhita

   ○likhita mfn. perfect in its kind, faultless, flawless (with vṛtti f. faultless conduct) MBh. 
   • m. a king who practises justice, a Just king MW. 
   • du. the two Rishis Saṅkha and Likhita (authors of a law-book) IW. 203 
   • -priya m. 'beloved, by' Śaṅkha and Likhita', a friend of strict justice Kathās. 
   • -smṛti f. the law-book of Saṅkha and Likhita

⋙ śaṅkhavaṭīrasa

   ○vaṭī-rasa m. a partic. mixture Bhpr.

⋙ śaṅkhavat

   ○vat mfn. possessing or having a shell or shells L.

⋙ śaṅkhavalaya

   ○valaya m. n. a shellbracelet Śiś.

⋙ śaṅkhaviṣa

   ○viṣa n. white arsenic L.

⋙ śaṅkhaśiras

   ○śiras m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.

⋙ śaṅkhaśilā

   ○śilā f. (prob.) a kind of stone Lalit. Divyâv.

⋙ śaṅkhaśirṣa

   ○śirṣa m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.

⋙ śaṅkhaśuktikā

   ○śuktikā f. mother of pearl (= śuktikā) L.

⋙ śaṅkhaśrīdhara

   ○śrī-dhara m. N. of a writer on Dharma Cat.

⋙ śaṅkhasnāna

   ○snāna n. N. of wk. (on bathing the images of gods with libations of water from conch-shells) ib.

⋙ śaṅkhasmṛti

   ○smṛti f. Saṅkha's law-book mentioned by Yājñ. &c. and existing in a Bṛihat, Vṛiddha and Laghu recension)

⋙ śaṅkhasvana

   ○svana m. = -dhvani MW.

⋙ śaṅkhasvara

   ○svara prob. wṛ. for saṃkasvara = saṃkasuka, Mahāvy

⋙ śaṅkhahrada

   ○hrada m. N. of a lake Hariv. Kathās.

⋙ śaṅkhākhya

   śaṅkhâkhya m. a kind of perfume MW.

⋙ śaṅkhāntara

   śaṅkhântara n. the space between the temples', the forehead 
   • -dyotin mfn. shining in the forehead Kum.

⋙ śaṅkhālu

   śaṅkhâlu or n. Dolichos Bulbosus L.

⋙ śaṅkhāluka

   śaṅkhâḍluka n. Dolichos Bulbosus L.

⋙ śaṅkhāvatī

   śaṅkhā-vatī f. (for śaṅkha-v○) N. of a river MārkP.

⋙ śaṅkhāvarta

   śaṅkhâvarta m. the convolution of a shell Bhpr. 
   • a kind of fistula in the rectum ŚārṅgP.

⋙ śaṅkhāsura

   śaṅkhâsura m. the Daitya Śaṅkha MW.

⋙ śaṅkhāhata

   śaṅkhâhata n. a partic. rite in the Gavām-ayana Lāṭy.

⋙ śaṅkhāhvā

   śaṅkhâhvā f. Andropogon Aciculatus L.

⋙ śaṅkhodaka

   śaṅkhôdaka n. the water poured from a conchshell MW.

⋙ śaṅkhoddhāra

   śaṅkhôddhāra (or ○ra-tīrtha), n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat. 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of wk

≫ śaṅkhaka

   śaṅkhaka m. n. the conch-shell (also worn as a bracelet) MBh. 
   • m. the temporal bone, forehead Yājñ. 
   • disease of the head (pain in the forehead with heat and puffiness of the temples) Suśr. ŚārṅgS. 
   • (with Jainas) one of the 9 treasures L. 
   • (ikā), f. Andropogon Aciculatus L. 
   • n. a bracelet (cf. above) W.

≫ śaṅkhaṇa

   śaṅkhaṇa m. N. of various men VP.

≫ śaṅkhalikā

   śaṅkhalikā f. N. of one of the Mātris attendant on Skanda MBh.

≫ śaṅkhika

   śaṅkhika m. N. of a man Buddh.

≫ śaṅkhin

   śaṅkhin mfn. possessing a conch (as Vishṇu) MBh. Hariv. 
   • bearing shells (as water) Āpast. 
   • possessing the treasure called Saṅkha MārkP. 
   • possessed by the demon Saṅkha ĀpGṛ. 
   • m. the ocean L. 
   • a worker in shells L. 
   • N. of Vishṇu L. 
   • (iṇī), f. next

≫ śaṅkhinī

   śaṅkhinī f. of prec 
   • mother of pearl Bālar. 
   • a partic. plant Suśr. Car. ŚārṅgS. (accord. to L. Andropogon Aciculatus, Cissampelos Hexandra, = śveta-cukrā, śveta-puṃnāga, and śveta-vṛndā) 
   • a partic. vein (nāḍī) Cat. 
   • N. of one of the four classes into which females are divided (the other three being citriṇī, padminī, and hastinī) RTL. 389 
   • N. of a Śakti worshipped by Buddhists Kālac. 
   • a kind of semidivine being or fairy (upadevatā-viśeṣa) W. 
   • N. of a Tirtha MBh.

⋙ śaṅkhinīphala

   ○phala m. Acacia Sirissa L.

⋙ śaṅkhinīvāsa

   ○vāsa m. Trophis Aspera L.


   śaṃ-ga śaṃ-gaya &c. p. 1054, eol. 3


   śac cl. 1. Ā. śacate, to be strong &c. (in this sense a collateral form of √śak) 
   • to speak cut, speak, say, tell Dhātup. vi, 4

≫ śaci

   śaci (cf. L.),

⋙ śacikā

   śacikā (cf. VarBṛS.), f. N. of the wife of Indra (= śacī)

≫ śaciṣṭha

   śáciṣṭha mf(ā)n. most powerful or helpful RV.

≫ śacī

   śácī f. the rendering of powerful or mighty help, assistance, aid (esp. said of the deeds of Indra and the Aśvins, instr. śácyā and śácībhis, often = 'mightily' or, helpfully') RV. 
   • kindness, favour, grace ib. AV. AitBr. [Page 1048, Column 2] 
   • skill, dexterity RV. VS. 
   • speech, power of speech, eloquence Naigh. 
   • N. of the wife of Indra (derived fr. śacī-pati, q.v.) ŚāṅkhGṛ. MBh. &c 
   • of the authoress of RV. x, 159 (having the patr. Paulomi) Anukr. 
   • Asparagus Racemosus L. 
   • a kind of coitus L.

⋙ śacītīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha, Sak

⋙ śacīnandana

   ○nandana m. metron. of Vishṇu Cat.

⋙ śacīnara

   ○nara m. N. of a king of Kāśmīra Rājat.

⋙ śacīpati

   ○páti (śácī-), m. lord of might or help (applied to Indra and the Aśvins) RV. AV. 
   • N. of Indra MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. kṣiti-ś○)

⋙ śacībala

   ○bala m. an actor who dresses like Śakra L.

⋙ śacīramaṇa

   ○ramaṇa m. 'lover or husband of Śaci', N. of Indra Bālar.

⋙ śacīvat

   ○vat (śácī-), mfn. mighty or helpful (often in voc. -vas) RV.

⋙ śacīvasu

   ○vasu mfn. (only in voc.), id. ib.

⋙ śacīśa

   śacī7śa m. 'lord of Śacī', N. of Indra L.

≫ śacoka

   śacoka m. N. of a poet Cat.


   śañc cl, 1. Ā. śaṅcate, to go L.


   śaṭ (prob. artificial), cl. 1. P. śaṭati, to be sick 
   • to divide, pierce 
   • to be dissolved 
   • to be weary or dejected 
   • to go Dhātup. ix, 12: cl. 10. A. śāṭayate Dhātup. xxxiii, 18, vḷ. for √1. śaṭh

≫ śaṭa

   śaṭa mfn. sour, astringent, acid L. 
   • m. N. of a man, g. gargâdi 
   • of a son of Vasu-deva Hariv. (prob. wṛ. for śaṭha) 
   • of a country, g. śaṇḍikâdi

≫ śaṭi

   śaṭi f. the plant Curcuma Zedoaria L. 
   • a partic. kind of ginger (the fresh √of which is scented like a green mango) W.

≫ śatī

   śatī f. Curcuma Zedoaria Suśr. (often written śaṭhī)

⋙ śatīkarṇa

   ○karṇa g. suvāstv-ādi (cf. Kāś 
   • cf. śakaṭīk○)


   śaṭā f. (= saṭā, jaṭā) an ascetic's clotted hair W.


   śaṭṭaka n. flour of rice mixed with water and ghee Bhpr.

śaṭh 1

   śaṭh (cf. śaṭ, śal), cl. 10. Ā. śāṭhayate, to praise, flatter Dhātup. xxxiii, 18

śaṭh 2

   śaṭh (cf. √1. śvaṭh), cl. 10. P. śaṭhayati, to speak ill (according to others' to speak well') 
   • to be true Dhātup. xxxv, 4

śaṭh 3

   śaṭh (cf. √2. śvaṭh, saṭh, svaṭh), cl. 10. P. śāṭhayati, to accomplish, adorn (others 'to leave unfinished or unornamented') 
   • to go, move Dhātup. xxxii, 28

śaṭh 4

   śaṭh cl. 1. P. śaṭhati, to deceive 
   • to hurt 
   • to suffer pain Dhātup. ix, 65 
   • cl. 10. P. śāthayati (cf. √śuṭh), to be idle or lazy ib.

≫ śaṭha

   śaṭha mf(ā)n. false, deceitful, frauduIent, malignant, wicked Āpast. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • m. a cheat, rogue (esp. a false husband or lover, who pretends affection for one female while his heart is fixed on another 
   • one of the four classes into which husbands are divided) W. 
   • a, fool, blockhead ib. 
   • an idler ib. 
   • a mediator, umpire L. 
   • the thorn-apple L. 
   • white mustard seed L. 
   • N. of an Asura MBh. 
   • of a son of Vasu-deva Hariv. (vḷ. gada and suta) 
   • (ī), f. wṛ. for śaṭī Car. 
   • n. saffron L. 
   • Tabernaemontana Coronaria L. 
   • steel L. 
   • tin L.

⋙ śaṭhakopa

   ○kopa m. (with ācārya) N. of an author Cat. 
   • -viṣaya m. -sahasra-nāman n. N. of wks

⋙ śaṭhatā

   ○tā f. (cf. L.)

⋙ śaṭhatva

   ○tva n. (cf. Sāh.) roguery, depravity, malice, wickedness (-tâcaraṇa n. wicked or roguish conduct MW.)

⋙ śaṭhadhī

   ○dhī (cf. Mṛicch.),

⋙ śaṭhabuddhi

   ○buddhi (cf. Prasaṅg 
   • -tā f. R.),

⋙ śaṭhamati

   ○mati (cf. VP.), mfn. wicked -minded, malicious

⋙ śaṭhavairivaibhavadīpikā

   ○vairi-vaibhava-dīpikā f

⋙ śaṭhavairivaibhavaprabhākara

   ○vairi-vaibhavaprabhākara m. N. of wks

⋙ saṭhāmbā

   saṭhâmbā f. Clypea Hernandifolia L.

⋙ śaṭhāri

   śaṭhâri m. 'enemy of the wicked', (with muni) N. of an author Cat. 
   • -vyutpatti-dīpikā f. N. of a poem

⋙ śaṭhodarka

   śaṭhôdarka mfn. deceitful or wicked in the end MBh.


   śaḍhī f. (cf. śaṭi) a kind of plant L.


   śaṇ cl. 1. 10. P. śaṇati, śaṇayati, to give 
   • to go Dhātup. xix, 35


   śaṇá m. (L. also n.) a kind of hemp, Cannabis Sativa or Crotolaria Juncea AV. &c. &c., an arrow L.

⋙ śaṇakulāya

   ○kulāyá n. a texture of hemp, hempen cloth ŚBr.

⋙ śaṇagaura

   ○gaura mfn. yellowish like hemp R.

⋙ śaṇaghaṇṭikā

   ○ghaṇṭikā f. Crotolaria of various species L.

⋙ śaṇacūrṇa

   ○cūrṇa n. the refuse of hemp (after it has been crushed) L.

⋙ śaṇatantu

   ○tantu m. thread or string made of the fibre of the Crotolaria Juncea MW.

⋙ śaṇatāntava

   ○tāntava mf(ī)n. made of hempen string Mn. ii, 42

⋙ śaṇatūla

   ○tūla n. fibres of hemp Suśr. [Page 1048, Column 3] 

⋙ śaṇapaṭṭa

   ○paṭṭa m. a hempen bandage R.

⋙ śaṇaparṇī

   ○parṇī f. Pentaptera Tomentosa L.

⋙ śaṇapuṣpikā

   ○puṣpikā or f. Crotolaria Verrucosa Car. Bhpr.

⋙ śaṇapuṣpī

   ○puṣpī f. Crotolaria Verrucosa Car. Bhpr.

⋙ śaṇaphalā

   ○phalā f. (prob.) a species of plant Pāṇ. 4-1, 64 Vārtt. 2 Pat,.

⋙ śaṇamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. made of hemp, hempen KātyŚr. Sch.

⋙ śaṇarajju

   ○rajju f. a hempen cord or rope Kauś.

⋙ śaṇavalka

   ○valka m. n. the bark of hemp R.

⋙ śaṇaśakala

   ○śakala m. a piece of hemp Kauś.

⋙ śaṇaśāka

   ○śāka m. pulse of hemp Cāṇ.

⋙ śaṇaśulba

   ○śulba n. a hempen cord or string Kauś.

⋙ śaṇasūtra

   ○sūtra n. id. GṛŚrS. 
   • a net made of hemp W. 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of hempen threads or cord Mn. ii, 44

⋙ śaṇālu

   śaṇâlu or m. Cathartocarpus or Cassia Fistula L.

⋙ śaṇāluka

   śaṇâḍluka m. Cathartocarpus or Cassia Fistula L.

≫ śaṇaka

   śaṇaka m. N. of a man 
   • -bābhrava pl., g. kārta-kaujapâdi (cf. Kāś. śanaka-b○) 
   • (ikā), f. Crotolaria of various species L.


   śaṇīra n. a bank or alluvial island in the middle of the river Śoṇā L. 
   • an island enclosed by the branches of the river Sarayū at the point where it falls into the Ganges above Chupra (this spot is also called Dardari-tata, 'Dardari-bank') L.


   śaṇṭha mfn. = śaṭha L. 
   • m. an unmarried or an impotent man Uṇ. iv, 104 Sch. (cf. ṣaṇḍha)


   śaṇḍ cl. 1. Ā. śaṇḍate, to hurt' or 'to collect' (rujāyāṃ saṃghāte ca) Dhātup. viii, 27

≫ śaṇḍa

   śaṇḍa m. thick sour milk, curds L. 
   • N. of an Asura priest (son of Śukra) VS. MaitrS. (later N. of a Yaksha) 
   • wṛ. for ṣaṇḍha, q.v

⋙ śaṇḍāmarka

   śáṇḍāmárka du. Śaṇḍa and Marka (two demons) TS. Br. &c. (cf. g. vanas-paty-ādi)

≫ śaṇḍika

   śaṇḍika m. a descendant of Śaṇḍa RV. ii, 30, 8 (cf. Sāy.) 
   • N. of a country Pāṇ. 4-3, 92 
   • (ikā), f. = yuddha (in the language of the Draviḍas) Nīlak.

≫ śaṇḍila

   śaṇḍilá m. N. of a man (pl. his descendants) ĀśvŚr. TĀr. (cf. śāṇḍila, ○lya) 
   • (ī), f. N. of Parvati L.


   śaṇḍha wṛ. for ṣaṇḍha


   śat śātayati, √2. śad, p. 1051


   śatá n. (rarely m 
   • ifc. f. ī) a hundred (used with other numerals thus, ekâdhikaṃ śatam, or eka-ś○, a hundred + one, 101 viṃśaty-adhikaṃ śatam or viṃśaṃ ś○, a hundred + twenty, 120 
   • śate or dve śate or dvi-śatam or śata-dvayam, 200 
   • trīṇi śatāni or tri-śatāni or śata-trayam, 300 
   • ṣaṭ-śatam, 600 
   • or the comp. becomes an ordinal, e.g. dvi-śata, the 200th 
   • dvikaṃ, trikaṃ śatam = 2, 3 per cent 
   • śatātpara, 'beyonda hundred, exceeding 100' 
   • the counted object is added either in the gen., or in the same case as śata, or ibc., e.g. śatam pitaraḥ or, śatam pitṝṇām or pitṛ-śatam a hundred ancestors' 
   • sometimes also ifc., comp. below 
   • rarely śatam is used as an indecl. with an instr., e.g. śatáṃ ráthebhiḥ, 'with a hundred chariots' RV. i, 48, 7 
   • rarely occurs a masc. form in pl., e.g. pañca-śatā, rathān MBh. iv, 1057 
   • and śata n. rarely in comp. of the following kind, catur-varṣa-śatam or ○tāni, '400 years') RV. &c. &c 
   • any very large number (in comp. as śata-pattra &c. below). [Cf. Gk. ? 'one' hundred ; [1048, 3] Lat. centum ; Lith. sśmtas 
   • Got. (twa) hunda ; Germ. hund-ert ; Eng. hund-ed.]

⋙ śataṃhima

   ○ṃhima (śatá), mfn. = satá-hima AV. xix, 55, 4 (cf. MSS.)

⋙ śatakaṇṭaka

   ○kaṇṭaka m. Zizyphus Xylopyrus L.

⋙ śatakapāleśa

   ○kapālêśa m. 'lord of a hundred skulls, (prob.) a form of Śiva Rājat.

⋙ śatakarṇācārya

   ○karṇâcārya m. N. of an author Cat. (wṛ. -karaṇ○)

⋙ śatakarman

   ○karman m. the planet Saturn L.

⋙ śatakāṇḍa

   ○kāṇḍa (śatá-), mfn. having a hṭhundred sections AV.

⋙ śatakiraṇa

   ○kiraṇa m. a kind of Samādhi Kāraṇḍ.

⋙ śatakīrti

   ○kīrti m. N. of the 10th Arhat of the future Utsarpiṇī L.

⋙ śatakunta

   ○kunta (cf. Bhpr. ṃṣ.) or (cf. L.), m. Nerium Odorum

⋙ śatakunda

   ○kunda (cf. L.), m. Nerium Odorum

⋙ śatakumbha

   ○kumbha m. Nerium Odorum Bhpr. 
   • N. of a mountain L. 
   • (ā), f. Phyalis Flexuosa W. 
   • N. of a river MBh. 
   • n. gold W.

⋙ śatakulīraka

   ○kulīraka m. a kind of crustaceous animal Suśr.

⋙ śatakusumā

   ○kusumā f. Anethum Sowa Car.

⋙ śatakṛtvas

   ○kṛtvas ind. a hundred times Kāv. Kathās. BhP.

⋙ śatakṛṣṇala

   ○kṛṣṇala (śatá), mf(ā)n. rewarded with a hundred gold pieces TS. Kāṭh.

⋙ śatakesara

   ○kesara m. N. of a mountain BhP.

⋙ śatakoṭi

   ○koṭi f. pl. 100 krores, a thousand millions Pañcar. Vās. 
   • mfn. having a hundred edges MW. 
   • Indra's thunderbolt Vās. Bhām. 
   • N. of wk 
   • n. a diamond Dharmaśarm. 
   • -khaṇḍana n. -maṇḍana n. -vyākhyā f. N. of wks

⋙ śatakratu

   ○kratu (śatá-.), mfn. having hṭhundred-fold insight or power or a hundred counsels &c. RV. AV. VS. &c 
   • containing a hundred sacrificial rites (ekôna-śata-kr○, one who has made 99 sacrifices) ŚBr. BhP. [Page 1049, Column 1] 
   • m. N. of Indra (a hundred Aśva-medhas elevating the sacrificer to the rank of Indra 
   • Gk. ?) MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. [1049, 1] kṣiti-śatakr○) 
   • -prastha n. N. of the residence of the Yādavas MBh. (cf. indra-pr○) 
   • -smṛti f. N. of wk

⋙ śatakrī

   ○krī mfn. purchased with a hundred Lāṭy.

⋙ śatakhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa n. 'having a hundred pieces', gold L. 
   • mfn. = -maya (○ḍaṃ √kṛ, to break into a hṭhundred pieces) Mṛicch. 
   • maya mf(ī)n. consisting of a hundred pieces (in sun-jīrṇa-śatakhaṇḍa-m○) 
   • made of gold MW.

⋙ śataga

   ○ga mfn. being in the hundredth, Var Yogay

⋙ śatagu

   ○gu mfn. possessed of a hundred cows Mn. Gaut. [Gk. [1049, 1] ? 
   • ]

⋙ śataguṇa

   ○guṇa mfn. a hundred-fold, a hṭhundred-fold more valuable &c 
   • a hundred times (am ind. a hundred times, a hṭhundred time more than abl.) Mn. MBh. R. Pañcar. 
   • a hundred Pañcar. 
   • ○nâcārya m. N. of a man Cat. 
   • ○ṇâdhikam ind. more than a hundred times MBh.

⋙ śataguṇṭa

   ○guṇṭa mfn. increased a hṭhundred-fold, a hundred times longer (as a night) Vikr.

⋙ śataguṇībhāva

   ○guṇī-bhāva m. a hṭhundred-fṭfold increase, Kathās.

⋙ śataguṇībhū

   ○guṇī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to be multiplied a hundred times Vikr. Kād.

⋙ śataguṇībhūta

   ○guṇī-bhūta mfn. multṭmultiplied a hundred times Kathās.

⋙ śataguptā

   ○guptā f. Euphorbia Antiquorum L.

⋙ śatagodānapaddhati

   ○go-dāna-paddhati f. N. of wk

⋙ śatagranthi

   ○granthi 'having a hundred knots', Dūrvā grass L.

⋙ śatagrīva

   ○grīva m. N. of a goblin Hariv.

⋙ śatagva

   ○gva mf(ī)n. hundred-fold MW. (cf. daśa-gva, nava-gva)

⋙ śatagvin

   ○gvín mfn. hundred-fṭhundred, consisting of hundred RV.

⋙ śataghaṇṭā

   ○ghaṇṭā f. N. of a spear MBh. 
   • of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda ib.

⋙ śataghāta

   ○ghāta wṛ. for śara-gh○ Hariv.

⋙ śataghora

   ○ghora m. a kind of sugar-cane L. (prob. wṛ. for -pora)

⋙ śataghni

   ○ghni f. m.c. for -ghnī Hariv. VarYogay. BhP.

⋙ śataghnin

   ○ghnin mfn. having the weapon Śata-ghnī MBh. xiii, 1157 (or else perhaps to be taken as one word, śata-ghnī-khaḍgin)

⋙ śataghnī

   ○ghnī f. (cf. -han, p. 1050) a partic. deadly weapon (used as a missile, supposed by some to be a sort of fire-arms or rocket, but described by the Comm. on the Mahābhārata as a stone or cylindrical piece of wood studded with iron spikes) MBh. Hariv. Kāv. &c 
   • a deadly disease of the throat Suśr. ŚārṅgS. 
   • Tragia Involucrata L. 
   • Pongamia Glabra L. 
   • a female scorpion W. 
   • N. of Śiva (m.) MW. 
   • -pāśa-śakti-mat mfn. having a Śata-ghnī and a noose and a spear MBh. xiii, 17, 134 (but śata-ghnī may also be, separate)

⋙ śataghnu

   ○ghnu (for -hanu?), a kind of plant, Sil

⋙ śatacakra

   ○cakra (śatá-), mfn. hundred-wheeled RV.

⋙ śatacaṇḍī

   ○caṇḍī f. a hundred repetitions of Caṇḍi's exploits Cat. 
   • -paddhati f. -pūjā-krama m. -vidhāna n. -vidhāna-paddhati f. -vidhi m. -sahasra-caṇḍīprayoga m. -sahasra-caṇḍī-vidhi m. ○ra-caṇḍyādi-vidhāna n. N. of wks

⋙ śatacandra

   ○candra mfn. adorned with a hṭhundred moons (or moon-like spots) MBh. BhP. 
   • (scil. asi or carman) a sword or a shield adorned with a hundred moons BhP. 
   • m. N. of a warrior MBh.

⋙ śatacandrita

   ○candrita mfn. = -candra Cat.

⋙ śatacaraṇā

   ○caraṇā f. a centipede ĀpGṛ. Sch.

⋙ śatacarman

   ○carman mfn. made of a hundred skins MBh.

⋙ śatacchada

   ○cchada m. a sort of woodpecker, Picus Bengalensis L.

⋙ śatacchidra

   ○cchidra mf(ā)n. having a hṭhundred holes or openings Nyāyam. Sch.

⋙ śatajit

   ○jit m. a vanquisher of a hundred (Vishṇu) R. 
   • N. of a son of Raja or Rajas or Viraja Pur. 
   • of a son of Sahasra-jit ib. 
   • of a son of Bhajamāna BhP. (vḷ. śatā-jit) 
   • of a son of Kṛishṇa VP. 
   • of a Yaksha BhP.

⋙ śatajihva

   ○jihva mfn. hundred-tongued (Siva) MBh.

⋙ śatajīvin

   ○jīvin mfn. living a hundred years VarBṛS.

⋙ śatajyoti

   ○jyoti or m. N. of a son of Su-bhrāj MBh. (accord. to Nīlak., the moon')

⋙ śatajyotis

   ○jyoḍtis m. N. of a son of Su-bhrāj MBh. (accord. to Nīlak., the moon')

⋙ śataṃjayā

   ○ṃ-jayā wṛ. for śatruṃ-jayā MBh.

⋙ śatatanti

   ○tanti mfn. hundred-stringed KātyŚr., Scch. ŚBr. Sch.

⋙ śatatantu

   mfn. id. Kāṭh. KātyŚr. AitĀr. 
   • a hundred-fold, Kāśikh

⋙ śatatantrī

   ○tantrī (only f. ŚāṅkhŚr.) or mfn. (cf. TāṇḍyaBr.) = -tanti

⋙ śatatantrīka

   ○tantrīka mfn. (cf. TāṇḍyaBr.) = -tanti

⋙ śatatama

   ○tamá mf(ā́ or ī)n. the hundredth RV. MBh. R. &c

⋙ śatatardma

   ○tardma mfn. having a hundred openings KātyŚr.

⋙ śatatarha

   ○tarhá m. pl. the piercing &c. of a hundred (with gen.) TS.

⋙ śatatarham

   ○tárham ind. piercing a hṭhundred (with gen.) AV.

⋙ śatatārā

   ○tārā f. having a hundred stars', the constellation Sata-bhishaj (q.v.) L.

⋙ śatatejas

   ○tejas (śatá-), mfn. having a hṭhundred-fold vital power &c. ŚBr. 
   • m. N. of a Vyāsa Cat.

⋙ śatatraya

   ○traya n. (cf. MārkP. Rājat.) or (cf. Rājat.) three hundred

⋙ śatatrayī

   ○trayī f. (cf. Rājat.) three hṭhundred

⋙ śatada

   ○da mfn. giving a hundred MBh.

⋙ śatadakṣiṇa

   ○dakṣiṇa mfn. giving a hṭhundred-fold reward AV. (cf. á-śata-d○)

⋙ śatadaṇḍārha

   ○daṇḍârha mfn. deserving a fine of a hundred (Paṇas) Mn. viii, 240

⋙ śatadat

   ○dat (śatá-), mfn. having a hṭhundred teeth (said of a comb) AV.

⋙ śatadantikā

   ○dantikā f. Tiaridium Indicum L. = dala n. a lotus-flower Amar. 
   • (ā), f. a kind of flower L. 
   • the Indian white rose MW.

⋙ śatadā

   ○dā (śatá-), mfn. giving or granting a hundred SV.

⋙ śatadātu

   ○dātu (śatá-), mfn. hṭhundred-fold RV.

⋙ śatadāya

   ○dāya (śatá- [RV. AV. MaitrS.] or -dāyá {cf. TBr.}), mfn. = -dā 
   • having abundant wealth MW. 
   • a hundred-fold ib.

⋙ śatadāruka

   ○dāruka m. a kind of venomous insect Suśr. [Page 1049, Column 2] 

⋙ śatadāvan

   ○dā́van mfn. = -dā RV.

⋙ śatadura

   ○dura (śatá- 
   • prob.) n. a place secured by a hundred doors RV.

⋙ śatadūṣaṇī

   ○dūṣaṇī f

⋙ śatadūṣaṇīkhaṇḍana

   ○dūṣaṇī-khaṇḍana n

⋙ śatadūṣaṇīyamata

   ○dūṣaṇī-yamata (for -yamana?),

⋙ śatadūṣaṇīvyākhyā

   ○dūṣaṇī-vyākhyā f

⋙ śatadūṣiṇī

   ○dūṣiṇī f. N. of wks

⋙ śatadyumna

   ○dyumna (śatá-), m. N. of various men TBr. MBh. Hariv. Pur.

⋙ śatadru

   ○dru f. 'flowing in a hundred (or numerous) branches', N. of a river now called the Sutlej (it is the most easterly of the five rivers of the Pañjāb, and rises in a lake prob. ṃānasa ṣarovar on the Himâlaya mountains 
   • flowing in a southwesterly direction for 550 miles, it unites with the Vipāśā or Beas south-east of Amritsar [see vipāś], afterwards joining the Chenāb and filling into the Indus below Multan 
   • it is also called śutu-dri, śutu-dru, śita-dru &c.) MBh. Hariv. R. &c 
   • N. of the Ganges MW. 
   • -ja m. pl. people that dwell near the Sutlej MārkP.

⋙ śatadrukā

   ○drukā f. = -dru, the Sutlej MBh.

⋙ śatadruti

   ○druti f. N. of a daughter of the sea-god and wife of Barhi-shad BhP.

⋙ śatadrū

   ○drū f. = -dru, the Sutlej R. VarBṛS.

⋙ śatadvaya

   ○dvaya n. two hundred VarBṛS. 
   • (ī), f. id. Rājat. 
   • ○yī-prâyaścitta n. N. of wk

⋙ śatadvasu

   ○d-vasu (śatád-), mfn. (accord. to Sāy.) śata-vasu, having hundreds of treasures, containing much wealth RV.

⋙ śatadvāra

   ○dvāra n. a hundred doors MW. 
   • mf(ā)n. hundred-gated, having a hundred outlets MBh. Hit. m. N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi

⋙ śatadhanu

   ○dhanu (cf. BhP.) or (cf. Pur. Pāṇ. Sch.), m. N. of various men

⋙ śatadhanus

   ○dhaḍnus (cf. Pur. Pāṇ. Sch.), m. N. of various men

⋙ śatadhanya

   ○dhanyá mfn. worth the price of a hundred RV.

⋙ śatadhanvan

   ○dhanvan (śatá-), mfn. having a hundred bows VS. 
   • m. N. of various kings Hariv. Pur.

⋙ śatadhara

   ○dhara m. N. of a king VāyuP. Kād. -1

⋙ śatadhā

   ○dhā f. Dūrvā grass L. -2

⋙ śatadhā

   ○dhā́ ind. in a hundred ways. W. 
   • a hundred-fold, into a hundred parts or pieces (with √bhū, to be divided into a hundred parts) ŚBr. Up. &c

⋙ śatadhāman

   ○dhāman m. 'having a hundred forms', N. of Vishṇu L.

⋙ śatadhāya

   ○dhāya v. l. for -dāya Kāṭh.

⋙ śatadhāra

   ○dhāra (śatá-), mf(ā)n. having a hundred streams RV. VS. 
   • having a hundred (i.e. numberless) points or edges RV. 
   • m. h edged', the thunderbolt Vās. 
   • -vana n. (prob.) N. of a hell Pāṇ. 8-4, 4 Sch.

⋙ śatadhāraka

   ○dhāraka m. hundred-edged', Indra's thunderbolt L.

⋙ śatadhṛti

   ○dhṛti m. 'having a hundred sacrifices', N. of Brahmā BhP. 
   • of Indra ib. 
   • = svarga L.

⋙ śatadhanutantra

   ○dhanu-tantra n. N. of wk

⋙ śatadhauta

   ○dhauta mfn. cleansed a hṭhundred-fold, perfectly clean Suśr. Car.

⋙ śatanirhrāda

   ○nirhrāda mf(ā)n. emitting manifold sounds MBh.

⋙ śatanītha

   ○nītha (śatá-), mfn. having a hundred tricks RV.

⋙ śatanetrikā

   ○netrikā f. Asparagus Racemosus L.

⋙ śatapati

   ○pati (śatá-.), m. a lord of a hṭhundred TBr.

⋙ śatapattra

   ○pattra n. (ibc.) a hundred leaves DhyānabUp. 
   • a hundred vehicles Śiś. 
   • (śatá-), mfn. having a hundred (i. e. numberless) feathers or leaves RV. 
   • having a hundred wings, borne by numerous conveyances (said of Bṛihas-pati) MW. 
   • m. a wood pecker MBh. Hariv. R. &c 
   • a peacock MBh. Vās. 
   • the Indian crane Jātakam. (?) L. 
   • a kind of parrot L. 
   • a kind of tree VarBṛS. 
   • (ā), f. a woman W. 
   • (ī), f. a kind of rose Dhanv. 
   • n. a lotus which opens by day MBh. Hariv. R. &c 
   • -nivāsa mfn. abiding in a lotus MW. 
   • m. N. of Brahmā Kavik. 
   • -yoni m 'lotus-born', N. of Brahmā Kum. 
   • ○ttrâyatêkṣaṇa mfn. having long lotus-like eyes MBh.

⋙ śatapattraka

   ○pattraka m. a woodpecker Suśr. 
   • a kind of venomous insect ib. 
   • N. of a mountain Śatr. 
   • (ikā) f. a kind of rose L. 
   • Anethum Sowa L. 
   • n. a lotus which opens by day Cat.

⋙ śatapatha

   ○patha mfn. having a hundred (i.e. numerous) paths, very many-sided MBh. Cat. 
   • proceeding in a hundred ways Siṃhâs. 
   • m. = next 
   • -brāhmaṇa n. the Brāhmaṇa with a hundred paths or sections', N. of a well-known Brāhmaṇa attached to the Vājasaneyi-samhitā or White Yajur-veda, (like the Saṃhitā, this Brāhmaṇa is ascribed to the Ṛishi Yājñavalkya 
   • it is perhaps the most modern of the Brāhmaṇas, and is preserved in two Sākhās or schools, Mādhyampdina and Kāṇva 
   • the version belonging to the former is best known, and is divided into fourteen Kāṇḍas or books which contain one hundred Adhyāyas or lectures or according to another arrangement into sixty-eight Prapsṭhakas 
   • the whole work is regarded as the most systematic and interesting of all the Brāhmaṇas, and though intended mainly for ritual and sacrificial purposes, is full of curious mythological details and legends 
   • cf. yajur-veda, vijasaneyisaṃhitā, brāhmaṇa) IW. 25 &c 
   • -śruti f. N. of wk

⋙ śatapathika

   ○pathika mf(ī)n. (fr. -patha) Pāṇ. 4-2, 60 Vārtt. 9 
   • following numberless paths or doctrines W.

⋙ śatapathīya

   ○pathīya mfn. belonging to the Śata-patha-brāhmaṇa Cat.

⋙ śatapad

   ○pad or (strong form)

⋙ śatapād

   ○pād (śatá-), mf(adī)n. having a hundred feet
   RV. ṢaḍvBr. Lāṭy. MaitrS. (accordṭo Padap. -pád) 
   • having a hundred wheels MW. 
   • m. a centipede, Tulus Suśr. 
   • (adī), f. id ib. Car. Kathās. [Page 1049, Column 3] 
   • Asparagus Racemosus L. 
   • a kind of disease peculiar to horses MBh. Sch.

⋙ śatapada

   ○pada n. (with cakra) an astronomical circle with a hundred divisions for exhibiting the various divṭdivisions of the Nakshatras L. 
   • -cakra n. id. Gobh. Sch.

⋙ śatapadī

   ○padī under -pad above

⋙ śatapadma

   ○padma n. the flower of the white lotus L. 
   • a legends with a hundred petals A.

⋙ śatapayas

   ○payas (śatá-.), mfn. containing a hundred fluids &c. VS.

⋙ śataparivāra

   ○parivāra m. a kind of Samādhi Kāraṇḍ. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a Nāga female ib.

⋙ śataparṇa

   ○parṇa m. N. of a man ( śātaparṇeya)

⋙ śataparva

   ○parva n. vegetable perfume L. 
   • (ā), f. 'hundred jointed', Dūrvā grass, (or) white Dūrval grass L. 
   • a kind of Helleborus L. 
   • a kind of √, = vacā L. 
   • the night of full moon in the month Āśvina L. 
   • N. of the wife of Śukra MBh.

⋙ śataparveśa

   ○parḍvêśa m. 'lord or husband of Śataparvā, the planet Venus L.

⋙ śataparvaka

   ○parvaka m. or n. (?) white-flowering Dūrvā grass Suśr. 
   • (ikā), f. Dūrvā grass L. 
   • barley L. 
   • a kind of √(= vacā) Bhpr.

⋙ śataparvan

   ○parvan (śatá-), mfn. having a hundred knots or joints RV. AV. Hariv. &c 
   • m. a bamboo Bhpr. 
   • a kind of sugar-cane ib. 
   • the thunderbolt ( comp.) 
   • n. a hole L. 
   • ○va-dhṛk m. 'bearer of the thunderbolt', N. of Indra BhP.

⋙ śatapavitra

   ○pavitra (śatá-.), mf(ā)n. purifying a hundred-fold RV.

⋙ śatapāka

   ○pāka mfn. boiled a hundred times 
   • n. (with or scil. taila) a partic. unguent MBh. Suśr.

⋙ śatapākya

   ○pākya mfn. = prec 
   • (with sneha), m. a kind of oil Car.

⋙ śatapātin

   ○pātin mfn. (?) MBh. ii, 51, 25

⋙ śatapād

   ○pād -pad

⋙ śatapādaka

   ○pādaka m. a centipede Suśr. 
   • (ikā), f. id. L. 
   • a kind of medicinal plant L.

⋙ śatapādī

   ○pādī f. a centipede L. 
   • a kind of plant (= sita-kaṭabhī) L.

⋙ śatapāla

   ○pāla m. an overseer of a hundred (villages, gen.) MBh.

⋙ śatapuṭa

   ○puṭa m. a partic. part of the body (= adhyūdhnī) KātyŚr. Sch

⋙ śataputra

   ○putra mfn. having a hundred sons MBh. 
   • -tā f. the possession of a hundred sons ib.

⋙ śatapuṣkara

   ○puṣkara mf(ā)n. consisting of a hundred blue lotus-flowers ĀśvŚr. R.

⋙ śatapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa mf(ā)n. having a hṭhundred flowers, many-flowered MW. 
   • m. Anethum Sowa Suśr. VarYogay. 
   • N. of the poet Bhāravi L. 
   • of a mountain Buddh. 
   • (ā), f. Anethum Sowa Suśr. Var. 
   • Andropogon Aciculatus L. 
   • = adhaḥ-puṣpī, priyangu, śukla-vacā L. 
   • N. of a Gandharva female, Kārauḍ

⋙ śatapuṣpikā

   ○puṣpikā f. Anethum Sowa L.

⋙ śatapona

   ○pona m. (for pavana?) a sieve W.

⋙ śataponaka

   ○ponaka m. fistula in ano Suśr. ŚārṅgS.

⋙ śatapora

   ○pora or m. (prob. fr. parvan) a kind of sugar-cane Suśr. (cf. -ghora and nīla-pora)

⋙ śataporaka

   ○poḍraka m. (prob. fr. parvan) a kind of sugar-cane Suśr. (cf. -ghora and nīla-pora)

⋙ śataprada

   ○prada mfn. giving a hundred Nir.

⋙ śataprabhedana

   ○prabhedana m. N. of the author of the hymn Ṛig-veda x, 113 (having the patr. Vairūpa)

⋙ śataprasava

   ○prasava or m. N. of a son of Kambala-barhis Hariv.

⋙ śataprasūti

   ○prasūti m. N. of a son of Kambala-barhis Hariv.

⋙ śataprasūnā

   ○prasūnā f. Anethum Sowa L.

⋙ śataprāyaścittavājapeya

   ○prâyaścitta-vājapeya N. of wk

⋙ śataprāsa

   ○prâsa m. Nerinm Odorum L.

⋙ śataphalin

   ○phalin m. a bamboo Bhpr.

⋙ śatabaddha

   ○baddha mfn. pl. united in a hṭhundred Hariv.

⋙ śatabala

   ○bala m. N. of a monkey R. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river MBh. VP. 
   • ○lâkṣa m. (with the patr. maudgalya) N. of a grammarian Nir.

⋙ śatabalāka

   ○balāka m. N. of a teacher VāyuP.

⋙ śatabali

   ○bali m. a kind of fish Āpast. 
   • N. of a monkey R. 
   • (prob. more correct -vali)

⋙ śatabalśa

   ○balśa (śatá-.), mf(ā)n. = śatá-valśa AV.

⋙ śatabāhu

   ○bāhú (?), mfn. having a hṭhundred arms (a boar) TĀr. 
   • m. a partic. small animal of a noxious kind Suśr. 
   • N. of an Asura BhP. 
   • of an evil demon (māra-putra) Lalit. 
   • (u), f. N. of a goddess Cat. 
   • of a Nāga female Kāraṇḍ.

⋙ śatabuddhi

   ○buddhi mfn. hundred-witted 
   • m. N. of a fish Pañcat.

⋙ śatabradhna

   ○bradhna (śatá-), mfn. hṭhundred-pointed RV.

⋙ śatabrāhmaṇaghātaja

   ○brāhmaṇa-ghāta-ja mfn. resulting from (i.e. equal to the guilt of) the murder of a hṭhundred Brāhmans Ml.

⋙ śatabhaṅgībhū

   ○bhaṅgī√bhū P. -bhavati, to be varied in a hundred ways Bālar.

⋙ śatabhāga

   ○bhāga m. the 100th part ŚvetUp.

⋙ śatabhiṣa

   ○bhiṣa m. = śatá-bhiṣaj, N. of a Nakshatra L. 
   • (śatábhiṣaṃ nákṣatram MaitrS. ii, 13, 20, wṛ for śatá-bhiṣaṅ nákṣatram)

⋙ śatabhiṣaj

   ○bhiṣaj (śata.), mf. 'requiring a hundred physicians', N. of the 22nd or 24th Nakshatra (containing 100 stars, one of which is ? Aquarī 
   • its name is said to denote that Dhanvantari himself cannot cure a person affected with disease whilst the moon is in this asterism) AV. TS. TBr. 
   • m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 4-3, 36 
   • ○ṣak-sena m. N. of a man ib. viii, 3, 100 Sch.

⋙ śatabhiṣā

   ○bhiṣā f. = śatábhiṣaj, N. of a Nakshatra MBh. Hariv. &c

⋙ śatabhīru

   ○bhīru f. Jasminum Sambac L. (correct śītabh○)

⋙ śatabhuji

   ○bhuji (śatá-), mf(ī)n. hṭhundred-fold RV. 
   • having a hundred enclosures or fortifications MW.

⋙ śatabhṛṣṭi

   ○bhṛṣṭi (śatá-), mfn. having a hundred points or spikes TS.

⋙ śatamakha

   ○makha m. having a hundred sacrifices', N. of Indr1 Kāv. Kathās. &c. (cf. -kratu) 
   • an owl A.

⋙ śatamanyu

   ○manyu (śatá-), mfn. having hṭhundred-fold wrath RV. VarBṛS. Rājat. 
   • receiving a hundred sacrifices MW. 
   • very spirited, very zealous ib. 
   • m. N. of Indra Rājat. BhP. Bhaṭṭ. 
   • an owl A. 
   • -kaṇṭhi or ○ṭhin, a kind of plant Pañcar. [Page 1050, Column 1] 
   • -cāpa m. or n. (?) a rainbow Kād.

⋙ śatamaya

   ○maya in kapaṭa-śata-maya mfn. consisting of hundred-fold fraud Bhartṛ.

⋙ śatamayūkha

   ○mayūkha m. 'hundred-rayed', the moon VarBṛ.

⋙ śatamāṇṭi

   ○māṇṭi v. l. for māṇṭi (q.v.) Cat.

⋙ śatamāna

   ○māna (śatá-.), mfn. hṭhundred-fold VS. 
   • weighing a hundred (Raktikās Sch.) TS. Kāṭh. ŚBr. &c 
   • m. any object made of gold which weighs a hundred Mānas ŚBr. KātyŚr. m. n. a weight (or gift) of a hṭhundred Mānas in gold or silver (dakṣiṇa mfn. KātyŚr) ib. Mn. Yājñ. &c 
   • a Pala of silver W. 
   • an Aḍhaka (q.v.) W. 
   • -dāna-vidhi m. N. of wk

⋙ śatamāya

   ○māya mfn. employing a hundred artifices MBh.

⋙ śatamārin

   ○mārin m. 'hundred-killer', a man who has killed a hundred W.

⋙ śatamārja

   ○mārja m. (prob. for śastra-m○) a sword-polisher L.

⋙ śatamukha

   ○mukha n. a hundred mouths or openings MW. 
   • a hundred ways ib. 
   • mfn. having a hundred apertures or outlets, Pañcit. Hit. Kathās. 
   • proceeding or possible in hundred ways Bhartṛ. 
   • having a hundred issues or ways MW. 
   • mṆ. of an Asura MBh. 
   • of one of Śiva's attendants Hariv. 
   • of a king of the Kiṃ-naras, Karaṇḍ 
   • (ī), f. N. of Durgā L. 
   • a brush, broom A. 
   • -rāvana-caritra n. N. of wk

⋙ śatamūti

   ○mūti (śatá-), mfn. granting a hṭhundred aids RV. (cf. śatốti)

⋙ śatamūrdhan

   ○mūrdhan mfn. hundred-headed VS. 
   • m. an ant-hill L.

⋙ śatamūla

   ○mūla (śatá-), mf(ā)n. having a hundred roots TĀr. 
   • (ā), f. Dūrvā grass L. 
   • a kind of √= vacā L. 
   • (ī), f. Asparagus Racemosus L.

⋙ śatamūlikā

   ○mūlikā f. Asparagus Racemosus L. (also ○lī) 
   • Anthericum Tuberosum L.

⋙ śatayajña

   ○yajña m. 'having a hundred sacrifices', N. of Indra L. 
   • cāpa m. or n. Indra's rainbow Kād. 
   • ○ñôpalakṣaka (?) or ○ñôpalakṣita mfn. characterized by a hundred sacrifices 
   • m. Indra MārkP.

⋙ śatayajvan

   ○yajvan m. 'sacrificing with a hṭhundred', N. of Indra Kir.

⋙ śatayatṣṭika

   ○yatṣṭika m. a necklace of a hṭhundred strings L.

⋙ śatayājam

   ○yā́jam ind. with a hundred sacrifices AV.

⋙ śatayātu

   ○yātu (śatá-), m. N. of a man RV. Vas.

⋙ śatayāman

   ○yāman (śatá-), mfn. having a hṭhundred paths RV.

⋙ śatayūpa

   ○yūpa m. N. of a Rājarshi MBh.

⋙ śatayogamañjarī

   ○yoga-mañjarī f. N. of wk

⋙ śatayojana

   ○yojana n. a distance of a hṭhundred Yojanas ŚāṅkhBr. 
   • -parvata m. N. of a mountain Cat.

⋙ śatayāyin

   ○yāyin mfn. travelling a hundred Yojanas MBh. 
   • -vat ind. as long as a hundred Yojanas MW.

⋙ śatayoni

   ○yoni (śatá-.), mfn. having a hṭhundred receptacles or nests or dwellings AV.

⋙ śatarañjinī

   ○rañjinī f. N. of wk

⋙ śataratha

   ○ratha m. N. of a king MBh. VP.

⋙ śatarā

   ○rā (śatá-) mfn. = -sukha RV. x, 106, 5 (Naigh)

⋙ śatarātra

   ○rātra m. n. a festival of ahṭhundred days PañcavBr. ŚrS. Maś.

⋙ śatarudra

   ○rudra m. pl. a hundred Rudras Cat. 
   • (with Śaivas) N. of a class of emancipated souls Sarvad. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river and Tirtha MatsyaP. 
   • (prob.) n. (perhaps) = -rudríya MBh. xiii, 7092 
   • -saṃhitā f. N. of a part of the Śiva-purāṇa

⋙ śatarudriya

   ○rudriya mfn. belonging or sacred to a hundred Rudras VS. ('much celebrated' Mahīdh.) 
   • n. (with or scil. brahman) N. of a celebrated hymn and prayer of the Yajur-veda addressed to Rudra (Śiva) in his hundred aspects (occurring in VS. xvi, 1-66)
   ŚBr. Kāṭh. &c. (cf. RTL. 76) 
   • N. of an Upaṇishad 
   • -bhāṣya n. N. of wk 
   • -vat ind. as in the Sata-rudriya oblation KātyŚr. 
   • -śiva-stotra n. N. of a ch. of the Mahā-bhārata 
   • -homa m. a partic. oblation KātyŚr. 
   • N. of the 16th Adhyāya of the Vājasaneyi-saṃhitā

⋙ śatarudrīya

   ○rudrī́ya mfn. having a hṭhundred Rudrās as divinity L. 
   • n. a hymn of the Yajurveda (= -rudriya, q.v.) TS. TBr. MBh.

⋙ śatarūpa

   ○rūpa mfn. having a hundred forms L. 
   • m. N. of a Muni Cat. 
   • (ā), f. N. of the daughter and wife of Brahmā (her incestuous intercourse with her father produced Manu Svāyambhuva, but some Purāṇas make Śata-rūpā the wife not mother of the first Manu) Hariv. BṛĀrUp. Sch. Pur.

⋙ śatarca

   ○rca (fr. śatá- + ṛc), n. a hṭhundred Ṛic L.

⋙ śatarcas

   ○rcas (śatá- 
   • fr. śata + ṛc), mfn. (prob.) having a hundred supports (accord. to Sāy. = śatârcis or śata-vidhagati-yukta) RV.

⋙ śatarcin

   ○rcin (fr. ○ta + ṛc), m. pl. N. of the authors of the first Maṇḍala of the Ṛig-veda GṛS. AitĀr. &c

⋙ śatalakṣa

   ○lakṣa n. a hundred lacs, ten millions Pañcar.

⋙ śatalumpa

   ○lumpa or m. N. of the poet Bhāravi L. (cf. śatru-lummpa)

⋙ śatalumpaka

   ○lumḍpaka m. N. of the poet Bhāravi L. (cf. śatru-lummpa)

⋙ śatalocana

   ○locana mfn. hundred -eyed 
   • m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. 
   • of an Asura Hariv.

⋙ śatavaktra

   ○vaktra m. 'having a hundred mouths', N. of an incantation recited over weapons R.

⋙ śatavat

   ○vat (śatá-), mfn. containing a hṭhundred, possessed of or accompanied with a hundred RV.

⋙ śatavadha

   ○vadha (śatá-), mf(ā)n. causing a hundred deaths AV.

⋙ śatavani

   ○vani m. N. of a man (cf. śātavaneya)

⋙ śatavapus

   ○vapus m. N. of a son of Uśanas VP.

⋙ śatavarṣa

   ○varṣa n. a hundred years W. 
   • mf(ā)n. possessing or lasting a hundred years Āpast. ParGṛ. &c 
   • -sahasrin mfn. living a hundred thousand years MBh. 
   • -sāriṇī f. N. of wk

⋙ śatavarṣin

   ○varṣin mfn. = -varṣa MBh.

⋙ śatavarṣman

   ○varṣman mfn. having a hundred bodies Hariv. (vḷ. -śīrṣa)

⋙ śatavala

   ○vala m. (vala = vali accord. to Comm.) N. of a partic. object given as reward for a sacrifice ŚāṅkhŚr.

⋙ śatavaliśa

   ○valiśa (śatá-.), vḷ. for next MaitrS. [Page 1050, Column 2] 

⋙ śatavalśa

   ○valśa (śatá-), mfn. having a hṭhundred branches RV. VS. AV. BhP. (cf. śatá-balśa)

⋙ śatavāja

   ○vāja (śatá-), mf(ā)n. having or yielding a hundred energies RV.

⋙ śatavāra

   ○vāra (śatá-), mfn. consisting of a hundred hairs AV.

⋙ śatavārakam

   ○vārakam or ind. a hundred times AgP.

⋙ śatavāram

   ○vāram ind. a hundred times AgP.

⋙ śatavārṣika

   ○vārṣika mf(ī)n. lasting a hṭhundred years MārkP.

⋙ śatavāhī

   ○vāhī́ f. bringing a hundred as dowry AV.

⋙ śatavicakṣaṇa

   ○vicakṣaṇa (śatá-), mfn. having a hundred-fold appearance RV.

⋙ śatavitṛṇṇa

   ○vitṛṇṇa (śatá-), mfn. pierced with a hundred holes ŚBr.

⋙ śatavīra

   ○vīra m. N. of Vishṇu L.

⋙ śatavīrya

   ○vīrya (śatá-), mfn. having a hṭhundred energies AV. TS. Kāṭh. Br. 
   • m. a partic. Samīdhi Kāraṇḍ. 
   • (ā), f. white. flowering Dūrvā grass Suśr. Car. Pañcar. 
   • a vine with reddish grapes L. 
   • Asparagus Racemosus L.

⋙ śatavṛṣabha

   ○vṛṣabha m. N. of the 23rd Muhūrta Sūryapr.

⋙ śatavṛṣṇya

   ○vṛṣṇya (śatá-), mfn. having hṭhundred-fold manly strength AV.

⋙ śatavedhin

   ○vedhin m. Rumex Vesicarius L.

⋙ śatavraja

   ○vraja (śatá-), mf(ā)n. having a hundred folds RV.

⋙ śataśakara

   ○śakara mfn. being able to give a hṭhundred MBh.

⋙ śataśarkara

   ○śarkara n. a hundred grains of gravel &c. (-tā f.), Śis. =

⋙ śataśala

   ○śala a distance of a hundred Śalas MaitrS. Kāṭh.

⋙ śataśalāka

   ○śalāka mfn. having. a hundred ribs (as an umbrella) MBh. R. 
   • (ā), f. a parasol(?) Divyâv.

⋙ śataśalya

   ○śalya (śatá-), mf(ā)n. hṭhundred-pointed AV.

⋙ śataśas

   ○śás ind. by or in hundred, a hṭhundred times (in connexion with a nom., acc' or instr 
   • catur-daśa varṣāṇi yāsyanti śataśaḥ', 14 years will pass away like a hundred') AV. Mn. MBh. &c

⋙ śataśākha

   ○śākha (śatá-.), mf(ā or ī)n. having a hundred branches (also fig.) AV. MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • -tva n. the state of havṭhaving a hundred brṭbranches, hundred-foldness Rājat.

⋙ śataśārada

   ○śārada (śatá-), mfn. containing or bestowing &c. a hundred autumns RV. AV. TS. 
   • n. a period or age of a hundred years RV. AV. 
   • (āya), ind. for a hundred autumns or years MW.

⋙ śataśāstra

   ○śāstra n

⋙ śatasāstravaipulya

   ○sāstra-vaipulya n. N. of wks

⋙ śataśīrṣa

   ○śīrṣa mfn. hundred-headed MBh. Hariv. R. 
   • m. a partic. incantation recited over weapons R. 
   • N. of a king of the Nāgas Kāraṇḍ. 
   • (ā), f. N. of the wife of Vāsuki MBh.

⋙ śataśīrṣan

   ○śīrṣan (śatá-), mfn. hṭhundred-headed ŚBr. 
   • ○ṣa-rudra-śamanī́ya mfn. fit to appease the hṭhundred-headed Rudra ŚBr.

⋙ śataśṛṅga

   ○śṛṅga mfn. hundred-peaked R. 
   • m. N. of a mountain MBh. BhP. Pañcar. &c 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ śataślokavyavahāraka

   ○śloka-vyavahāraka m

⋙ śataśloki rāmāyaṇa

   ○śloki rāmâyaṇa n

⋙ śataślokī

   ○ślokī f

⋙ śataślokīcandrakalā

   ○ślokī-candra-kalā f

⋙ śataślokīvyākhyā

   ○ślokī-vyākhyā f. N. of wks

⋙ śatasaṃvatsara

   ○saṃvatsara mfn. lasting ahṭhundred years Maś. 
   • -kāla-sūcikā f. -phala n. N. of wks

⋙ śatasaṃkhya

   ○saṃkhya mfn. numbering a hṭhundred MBh. Hit. 
   • m. pl. N. of a class of deities in the tenth Manv-antara Pur.

⋙ śatasaṃghaśas

   ○saṃgha-śas ind. in collections of a hundred, by hundred (in connexion with a nom. or acc.) MBh.

⋙ śatasani

   ○sani mfn. gaining or procuring a hṭhundred ṢaḍvBr. PārGṛ.

⋙ śatasaṃdhāna

   ○saṃdhāna mfn. fixing an arrow a hṭhundred times MBh.

⋙ śatasahasra

   ○sahasra n. sg. or pl. a hṭhundred thousand (the counted object may be in gen. or in apposition or comp.) Hariv. R. &c 
   • -dhā ind. into a hundred hundred pieces R. 
   • -pattra n. kind of flower L. 
   • -yāna n. a hundred hundred roads MW. 
   • -śas ind. by hundred of hundred (in connexion with a nom., acc., or instr.) MBh. R. BhP. 
   • ○râṃśu mfn. having a hundred hundred rays (said of the moon) MBh. 
   • ○rânta mfn. spreading in a hundred hundred directions (said of the moon) MBh. (v. l.)

⋙ śatasāhasraka

   ○sâhasraka mf(ikā)n. consisting of a hundred thousand Buddh. 
   • n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. (vḷ. -sāhasraka)

⋙ śatasā

   ○sā́ mfn. = -sani RV.

⋙ śatasāhasra

   ○sāhasra mf(ī)n. amounting to a hṭhundred thousand, containing a hundred hundred, consisting of a hundred hundred, a hundred thṭhundred-fold Mn. MBh. Hariv. MārkP. 
   • n. sg. (m.c 
   • with gen. pl.) = -sahasra R. 
   • a hundred thousandth part DhyānabUp. 
   • -saṃkhya mfn. numering a hundred hundred R. 
   • -sammita mfn. id VP.

⋙ śatasāhasraka

   ○sāhasraka n. N. of a Tirtha MBh. (cf. -sahasraka)

⋙ śatasāhasrika

   ○sāhasrika mfn. consisting of a hṭhundred hundred Hariv.

⋙ śatasukha

   ○sukha n. hundred-fold happiness, endless delight Bhartṛ.

⋙ śatasū

   ○sū f. bringing forth a hundred Pāṇ. 3-2, 61 Sch.

⋙ śatasūtrī

   ○sūtrī f. N. of wk

⋙ śataseya

   ○séya n. the obtaining of a hṭhundred RV.

⋙ śataspṛh

   ○spṛh mfn. wished for by hundred' MW.

⋙ śatasphya

   ○sphya (śatâ-), mf(ā)n. having a hundred beams or spars TS.

⋙ śatasvin

   ○svín mfn. possessing a hundred RV.

⋙ śatahan

   ○hán mf(ghnī́)n. slaying ahṭhundred TS. 
   • (ghnī), f. p. 1049

⋙ śatahaya

   ○haya m. N. of a son of Manu Tamasa VP. (vḷ. śānta-h○)

⋙ śatahali

   ○hali mfn. possessing a hundred large ploughs Daś.

⋙ śatahasta

   ○hasta mfn. hundred-handed AV.

⋙ śatahāyana

   ○hāyana (śatá-), mfn. containing or lasting for a hundred years ib.

⋙ śatahima

   ○hima (śatá-), mf(ā)n. lasting for or living for a hundred winters or years RV. AV.

⋙ śatahuta

   ○huta mfn. offered a hundred-fold, ṢávBr

⋙ śatahrada

   ○hrada m. N. of an Asura Hariv. 
   • (ā), f. (ifc. f. ā), containing a hundred rays of light', lightning or a partic. kind of light MBh. Hariv. Kāv. &c 
   • a thunderbolt L. 
   • N. of one of the daughters of Daksha (the wife of Bāhu-putra) VahniP. 
   • of the mother of the Rākshasa Virādha R.

⋙ śatahrādā

   ○hrādā f. 'possessing a hundred sounds', the thunderbolt W. [Page 1050, Column 3] 

⋙ śatāṃśa

   śatâṃśa m. a hundredth part MW.

⋙ śatāṃśaka

   śatâṃśaka m. the 100th part or division (esp. of a constellation), Var Yogay.'

⋙ śatākarā

   śatâkarā f. N. of a Kiṃ-nara female Kāraṇḍ.

⋙ satākārā

   satâkārā f. N. of a female Gandharva ib.

⋙ śatākṣa

   śatâkṣa mf(ī). hundred-eyed L. 
   • m. N. of a Dānava Hariv. 
   • (ī), f. night L. 
   • Anethum Sowa L. 
   • N. of Durgā MārkP.

⋙ satākṣara

   satâkṣara mf(ā)n. of a hundred syllables, ĀpŚ

⋙ śatāgniṣṭoma

   śatâgni-ṣṭoma mfn. connected with a hṭhundred Agni-shṭomas ŚBr.

⋙ śatāgra

   śatâgra mfn. hundred-pointed Sāy. 
   • the first among hundred (in -mahiṣī f. the first wife among a hundred) MārkP.

⋙ śatāṅkura

   śatấṅkura mf(ā)n. having a hundred shoots TĀr.

⋙ śatāṅga

   śatâṅga mfn. hundred-memhered, manifold (applied to musical instruments = 'played upon in numerous ways') MBh. 
   • m. a chariot L. 
   • Dalbergia Ougeinensis L. 
   • N. of a Dānava Hariv.

⋙ śatātirātra

   śatấtirātra mf(ā)n. connected with a hundred Atirātras ŚBr. KātyŚr.

⋙ śatātṛṇṇa

   śatấtṛṇṇa mf(ā)n. having a hundred holes Br. Kauś. 
   • (ā), f. a jar or vessel having a hundred holes ŚBr. Vait.

⋙ śatātṛṣṇā

   śatātṛṣṇā́ wṛ. for ○tṛṇṇā TBr.

⋙ śatātman

   śatấtman mfn. possessing or bestowing a hṭhundred lives RV. 
   • containing a hundred forms, having numerous manifestations MW.

⋙ śatādhika

   śatâdhika mf(ā)n. exceeding a hṭhundred, constituting 101 MBh.

⋙ śatādhipati

   śatâdhipati m. a commander of a hṭhundred ib.

⋙ śatādhyāya

   śatâdhyāya m. = śata-rudriya Cat.

⋙ satānaka

   satânaka n. a burning-ground, cemetery L.

⋙ satānana

   satânana m. Aegle Marinelos L. 
   • (ā), f. 'hundredfaced', N. of a goddess Cat.

⋙ śatānanda

   śatânanda m. 'delighting hundred's', N. of Brahmā L. 
   • of Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa L. 
   • of a sage and other men MBh. Hariv. R. &c 
   • the car of Vishṇu L. 
   • (ā), f. N. of one of the Matṛis attending on Skanda MBh. 
   • ○da-saṃhitā f. N. of wk

⋙ śatānīka

   śatấnīka mf(ā)n. having a hundred forms of array RV. 
   • containing or possessing a hundred hosts MW. 
   • m. an old man L. 
   • a father-in-law L. 
   • N. of various men AV. VS. Br. &c 
   • of an Asura Kathās.

⋙ satāparādhaprāyaścitta

   satâparādha-prâyaścitta n

⋙ satāparādhastotra

   satâparāḍdha-stotra n. N. of wks.,

⋙ satāpāṣṭha

   satấpāṣṭha mf(ā)n. hundred-barbed AV. TBr.

⋙ satābja

   satâbja mfn. having a hundred lotus-flowers DhyānabUp.

⋙ śatābda

   śatâbda mfn. (a life) consisting of a hṭhundred years Mṛicch. 
   • n. a hundred years, century MW.

⋙ śatāyu

   śatấyu mfn. = śatâyus ŚBr. 
   • ○tâyú-tā f. the state of having existed for a hṭhundred years ib.

⋙ śatayūdha

   śatayū7dha mfn. wielding a hundred weapons TS. Gobh. 
   • m. N. of a king of Vasanta-pura HPariś. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a Kiṃ-nara female Kāraṇḍ.

⋙ śatāyus

   śatâyus n. an age or life (consisting) of a hundred years BhP. 
   • (○tây○), mf(uṣī)n. attaining the age of a hundred yṭyears AV. Kāṭh. Lāṭy. &c 
   • m. a man a hundred years old, a centenarian W. 
   • N. of various men MBh. Hariv. VP. Kathās.

⋙ śatāra

   śatâra (or ○târa), m. n. 'hṭhundred-angled', a thunderbolt L. 
   • (with Jainas) a partic. Kalpa Dharmaśarm.

⋙ śatāritra

   śatâritra mf(ā)n. hundred-oared RV. VS. AV.

⋙ śatāruka

   śatâruka m. a kind of leprosy ŚāṅgS.

⋙ śatāruṇa

   śatâruṇa m. N. of a king of the ants Kauś. (v. l. śatā-varuṇa)

⋙ śatāruṣa

   śatâruṣa m. (cf. Car.) or (cf. MW.) or (cf. MW.) or (cf. Car. Bhpr.) = śatâruka

⋙ śatāruṣī

   śatâḍruṣī f. (cf. MW.) or (cf. Car. Bhpr.) = śatâruka

⋙ śatārus

   śatâḍrus n. (cf. Car. Bhpr.) = śatâruka

⋙ śatārgha

   śatârghá mfn. worth a hundred ŚBr.

⋙ śatārṇā

   śatârṇā f. Anethum Sowa L.

⋙ śatārdha

   śatârdha n. half a hundred, fifty VarBṛS. 
   • -saṃkhya mfn. numbering fifty ib. 
   • ○dhâra mfn. fifty-spoked ŚvetUp.

⋙ śatārha

   śatârha mfn. = śatârghá ŚrS.

⋙ śatāvadhāna

   śatâvadhāna m. a man with such a good memory that he can attend to a hundred things at once' (also ○nin), N. of Rāghavêndra Cat.

⋙ śatāvaya

   śatâvaya mfn. comprising or numbering a h. sheep RV.

⋙ śatāvara

   śatâvara m. a fine of a hundred (Paṇas &c.) W. 
   • (ī), f. Asparagus Racemosus
   Suśr. ŚārṅgS. VarBṛS. Bhpr. 
   • a kind of plant, zedoary (= śaṭī) MW. 
   • N. of the wife of Indra L.

⋙ śatāvarta

   śatâvarta mfn. having a hundred tufts or curls (on the head ; said of Śiva) MBh. 
   • m. N. of Vishṇu L. 
   • -vana n. N. of a forest Hariv.

⋙ satāvartin

   satâvártin m. N. of Vishṇu L.

⋙ śatāśri

   śatấśri mfn. having a hundred angles or edges (said of the thunderbolt) RV.

⋙ satāśva

   satâśva mfn. numbering a hundred horses (sahásraṃ śatâśvam, a thousand cattle with a hundred horses) RV. ŚrS. Vait. 
   • -ratha n. sg. a hundred cattle and a car with horses KātyŚr. 
   • -vijaya m. N. of part of wk

⋙ satāṣṭaka

   satâṣṭaka n. one hundred and eight Pañcar.

⋙ satāhvayā

   satâhvayā f. Anethum Sowa Suśr. 
   • Asparagus Racemosus L.

⋙ śatāhvā

   śatâhvā f. Anethum Sowa Suśr. (wṛ. ○hva) Bhpr. 
   • Asparagus Racemosus (○hve dve du.) Car. 
   • N. of a river and Tīrtha MatsyaP.

⋙ śatedhma

   śatêdhma n. a hundred logs Kāṭh. MaitrS.

⋙ śatendriya

   śatêndriya mfn. having a hundred senses TS. Br. [Page 1051, Column 1] 
   • (ā), f. a proper N. MW.

⋙ śatepañcāśannyāya

   śate-pañcāśan-nyāya m. the rule that fifty are contained in a hundred TPrāt. Sch.

⋙ śateśa

   śatêśa m. the chief of a hundred (villages 
   • cf. grāma-ś○) Mn. vii, 115, 117

⋙ śatehudhi

   śatếhudhi mfn. hundred-quivered ŚBr.

⋙ śataikaśīrṣan

   śatâika-śīrṣan mfn. possessing a hṭhundred unique or excellent heads BhP. (cf. Sch.)

⋙ śataikīya

   śat'âikīya mfn. one of a hundred Rājat.

⋙ śatokthya

   śatốkthya mfn. having a hundred Ukthya-days ŚBr. KātyŚr.

⋙ śatoti

   śato9ti mfn. affording a hundred aids &c., protecting hundred RV. TS.

⋙ śatodara

   śatôdara mfn. having a hundred bellies MBh. Hariv. 
   • m. a partic. incantation recited over weapons R. 
   • N. of one of Śiva's attendants Hariv. 
   • (ī), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh.

⋙ śatodyāma

   śatôdyāma mfn. having a hundred cords or ropes TBr.

⋙ śatonmāna

   śatônmāna mfn. hundred-fold ŚBr.

⋙ śatopaniṣad

   śatôpaniṣad a hundred Upanishads', N. of wk

⋙ śatolūkhalamekhalā

   śatôlūkhala-mekhalā f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh.

⋙ śataudanā

   śatâudanā f. N. of a partic. ceremony and of the cow that gives the milk employed in it
   AV. Kauś. APrāt. Sch.

≫ śataka

   śataka mf(ikā)n. consisting of a hundred, comprising or amounting to a hundred Hariv. MārkP. 
   • the hundredth R. 
   • m. N. of Vishṇu L. 
   • (ikā), f. an amount of a hundred or of several hundreds (according to the numeral prefixed in comp., e.g. dvi-śatikāṃ dadāti. he gives an amount or a sum of 200) Pāṇ. 5-4, 1 Sch. 
   • (akam), n. a hundred, a century (construed like śata) MBh. &c. (esp. in titles of wks. 'a cento' or 'a collection of 100 stanzas' 
   • cf. amaru-, nīti-ś○ &c.)

⋙ śatakatīkā

   ○tīkā and f. N. of Commentaries

⋙ śatakavyākhyā

   ○vyākhyā f. N. of Commentaries

≫ śatā

   śatā in comp. for śata

⋙ śatājit

   ○jit m. 'conquering hundreds', N. of a son of Bhajamāna Hariv. Pur.

⋙ śatāpadī

   ○padī f. (m. c. for śata-p○) a centipede Car.

⋙ śatāmagha

   ○magha (śata-), mfn. possessing or distributing a hundred (i.e. numerous) bounties or rewards (said of Indra) RV. (cf. magha-van)

⋙ śatāvat

   ○vat mfn. (prob. = śatavat) ib. (accord. to Padap. = śata + avat fr. √av) 'bestowing hundredfold help')

⋙ śatāvaruṇa

   ○varuṇa wṛ. for śatâruṇa

≫ śatika

   śatika mfn. containing or amounting to a hundred (-vṛddhi, mfn. one whose gain in gambling amounts to 100) Yājñ. ī. 199 
   • the hundredth VarBṛS. 
   • (accord. to Gr. and L. also) bought with a hṭhundred 
   • doing or effecting anything with a hundred 
   • bearing tax or interest per hundred 
   • changed with or for a hundred 
   • indicative of a hundred &c 
   • (ikā), f. śataka

≫ śatin

   śatín mfn. consisting of hundreds, hundredfold RV. (śatínībhis ind. 'in a hundred manners', i, 39, 7) 
   • possessing a hundred (with gavām, 'cows') MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. go-śatin)

≫ śatya

   śatya mfn. consisting of a hundred Yājñ. 
   • = śatika, bought with a hundred &c. Pāṇ. Sch.


   śatatin m. N. of a son of Raja or Rajas VP. (cf. W., śata-jit)


   śatana n. (for śātana, √2, śad) cutting down, belling Divyâv.


   śatṛ (in gram, ) a technical term for the Kṛit affix at used in forming present participles of the Parasmai-pada


   śatera m.= śatru, an enemy Uṇ. i, 61 Sch. 
   • hurt, injury L.


   śattri m. an elephant Uṇ. iv, 67


   śatraṃ-jaya (prob.) wṛ. for śatruṃjaya


   śátri m. N. of a man (having the. patr. Āgniveśi) RV. v, 34, 9


   śátru m. (said to be for śat-tru, fr. √2. śad), 'overthrower', an enemy, foe, rival, a hostile king (esp. a neighbouring king as a natural enemy) RV. &c. &c 
   • the 6th astrological mansion, Var Yogay 
   • Asparagus Racemosus L. 
   • N. of an Asura MBh. i, 2543 (perhaps krodha-śatru as one word). [Cf. Gk., ?, ? ; [1051, 1] Germ. ḥader, ḥass, hassen ; Eng. hate.]

⋙ śatruṃsaha

   ○ṃ-saha mfn. bearing or patient with an enemy (also a proper N. ) Pāṇ. 3-2, 46 Sch.

⋙ śatrukarśana

   ○karśana or mfn. harassing enemies MBh.

⋙ śatrukarśaṇa

   ○karśaṇa mfn. harassing enemies MBh.

⋙ śatrukula

   ○kula n. the house of an enemy Mn. viii, 93

⋙ śatrugṛha

   ○gṛha n. N. of the 6th astrol. mansion VarYogay.

⋙ śatrugha

   ○gha or mfn. slaying enemies ib. 49 Sch.

⋙ śatrughāta

   ○ghāta mfn. slaying enemies ib. 49 Sch.

⋙ śatrughātin

   ○ghātin m. 'id.', N. of a son of Śatrughna (son of Daśa-ratha) R. [Page 1051, Column 2] Raghuv.

⋙ śatrughna

   ○ghna mfn. foe-killing, destroying enemies Pañcar. 
   • m. N. of one of Rāma-candra's brothers (he was son of Sumitrā and twin brother of Lakshmaṇa, and was the chosen companion of Bharata, son of Kaikeyī, as Lakshmaṇa was of Rāma, son of Kauśalyā) R. Ragh. &c. (cf. IW. 345 ; 503) 
   • of a son of Śva-phalka Hariv. 
   • of a son of Deva-śravas ib. 
   • (ī), f. -han 
   • n. a weapon L. 
   • -jananī f. 'mother of Śatru-ghna', N. of Su-mitra L. 
   • -śarman m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śatrujana

   ○jana m. an enemy (also coll. 'enemies') VarBṛS.

⋙ śatrujaya

   ○jaya mfn. conquering an enemies Kull. on Mn. vii, 164.,

⋙ śatrujit

   ○jit mfn. id. Pāṇ. 3-2, 61 Sch. 
   • m. N. of Śiva Śivag. 
   • of a son of Rājâdhideva Hariv. 
   • of the father of Ṛita-dhvaja or Kuvalayâśva Pur. 
   • of various other princes ib.

⋙ śatruṃjaya

   ○ṃ-jaya m. 'foe-conquering', N. of a divine being Kauś. 
   • of a king MBh. 
   • of a door-keeper Kathās. 
   • of an elephant Hariv. R. 
   • of the mountain Vimala (cf. vimalâdri) or Girnar in Gujarāt (-māhātmya n. [IW. 367], -stava m. -stotra n. N. of wks.) 
   • (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda MBh. 
   • of a river Śatr.

⋙ śatrutas

   ○tas ind. from an enemies or enemies MW.

⋙ śatrutā

   ○tā f. hostility, enmity (-tām √i, to become a foe) Kāv. Kathās.

⋙ śatrutāpana

   ○tāpana mfn. tormenting enemies (said of Śiva) Śivag. 
   • m. N. of a demon producing illness Hariv.

⋙ śatrutūrya

   ○tū́rya n. the overcoming of an adversary RV.

⋙ śatrutva

   ○tvá n. = -tā RV. Kāv.

⋙ śatrudamana

   ○damana mfn. subduing enemies, g. nandy-ādi

⋙ śatrunandana

   ○nandana mfn. gladdening enemies Hit.

⋙ śatrunāśakṛt

   ○nāśa-kṛt or mfn. destroying enemies VarBṛS.

⋙ śatrunāśana

   ○nāśana mfn. destroying enemies VarBṛS.

⋙ śatrunikāya

   ○nikāya m. a host of enemies W.

⋙ śatrunibarhaṇa

   ○nibarhaṇa mfn. foe-destroying R.

⋙ śatrunilaya

   ○nilaya m. the dwelling of a foe W.

⋙ śatruṃtapa

   ○ṃ-tapa mfn. harassing enemies MBh. (also as a proper N. Pāṇ. 3-2, 46 Sch. 
   • cf. śātruṃtapi)

⋙ śatruṃdama

   ○ṃ-dama mfn. subduing enemies MārkP. (applied to Śiva Śivag.)

⋙ śatrupakṣa

   ○pakṣa m. the side or part of an enemies MBh. 
   • mfn. taking the side of an enemies, an antagonist, opponent VarBṛS.

⋙ śatruparājaya

   ○parājaya m. (with svara-śāstra-sāra) N. of wk

⋙ śatrubādhaka

   ○bādhaka (cf. MW.),

⋙ śatrubādhana

   ○bā́dhana (cf. TS.), mfn. harassing or distressing enemies

⋙ śatrubha

   ○bha n. = -gṛha VarYogay.

⋙ śatrubhaṅga

   ○bhaṅga m. Saccharum Munjia L.

⋙ śatrubhaṭa

   ○bhaṭa m. N. of an Asura Kathās.

⋙ śatrumardana

   ○mardana mfn. crushing or destroying enemies Kathās. 
   • m. a kind of pavilion Vāstuv. 
   • N. of a son of Daśa-ratha (= śatru-ghna) L. 
   • of a son of Kuvalayâśva MārkP. 
   • of a king of Videha W. 
   • of an elephant Kathās.

⋙ śatrumitropaśānti

   ○mitrôpaśānti f. N. of wk

⋙ śatrurūpa

   ○rūpa mfn. appearing in the form of an enemy Pañcat.

⋙ śatrulāva

   ○lāva mfn. cutting an enemies to pieces, killing foes Bhaṭṭ.

⋙ śatrulumpa

   ○lumpa m. N. of Bhāravi Gal. (cf. śata-l○)

⋙ śatruloka

   ○loka wṛ. for śakra-l○ MārkP.

⋙ śatruvat

   ○vat ind. like an enemies MW.

⋙ śatruvala

   ○vala mfn. having enemies Siddh. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 112

⋙ śatruvigraha

   ○vigraha m. 'war of enemies', hostile invasion MW.

⋙ śatruvināśana

   ○vināśana m. destroyer of enemies', N. of Śiva MBh.

⋙ śatruviloḍana

   ○viloḍana n. alarming the enemy Pratāp.

⋙ śatruśalyacarita

   ○śalya-carita n

⋙ śatrusaṃhananakavaca

   ○saṃhanana-kavaca m. n. N. of wks

⋙ śatrusammukham

   ○sammukham ind. facing the enemies, in front of the enemies' MW.

⋙ śatrusaha

   ○saha mfn. = -sāha ib.

⋙ śatrusāt

   ○sāt ind. (with Caus. of √gam) to deliver into the hands of an enemies MBh.

⋙ śatrusāha

   ○sāha mfn. sustaining (the shock of) an enemies ib.

⋙ śatrusevin

   ○sevin mfn. serving an enemies, being in the service of a hostile prince Mn. vii, 186

⋙ śatruha

   ○há mfn. slaying enemies AV.

⋙ śatruhatyā

   ○hatyā f. foe-destruction, hosticide MW.

⋙ śatruhan

   ○hán mfn. = -há RV. BhP. 
   • m. N. of a son of Śva-phalka (cf. śatru-ghna) Hariv. 
   • (ghnī) f. N. of wk

⋙ śatruhantṛ

   ○hantṛ m. 'foe-slayer', N. of a minister of Śambara ib.

⋙ śatrūpajāpa

   śatrū7pajāpa m. the treacherous whisperings of an enemies (-dūṣita mfn. corrupted by an enemies's treachery) Kull. on Mn. vii, 62

⋙ śatrūṣah

   śatrū-ṣáh (strong form -ṣā́h), mfn. overpowering enemies RV. AV.

≫ śatruka

   śatruka m. an enemy Subh.

≫ śatrūya

   śatrūya Nom. P. ○yáti, to be an enemy, be hostile RV. AV. VS.


   śatvarī f. (said to be fr. √śad, or śam) night (cf. śarvarī) L.

śad 1

   śad (only occurring in the forms śāśadúḥ, śāśadmahe, śāśadré, and śā́śadāna), to distinguish one's self. be eminent or superior, prevail, triumph RV. AV. [Cf. Gk. ?, ?, [1051, 2] ?, ?],

śad 2

   śad cl. 1. 6. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xx, 25 ; xxviii, 134) śīyate (cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 78 
   • P. in non-conjugational tenses, i, 3. 60 
   • pf. śaśada, śeduḥ Br. 
   • fut. śatsyati AV. 
   • aor. aśadat Gr 
   • fut. śattā ib. [Page 1051, Column 3] 
   • inf. śattum ib.), to fall, fall off or out AV. Br. Bhaṭṭ.: Caus. śādayati, to impel, drive on (cattle) Pāṇ. 7-3, 42 
   • śātáyati, ○te (ib.), to cause to fall off or out or asunder, hew or cut off, knock out AV. &c. &c 
   • to fell, throw down, slay, kill MBh. Hariv. R. 
   • to disperse, dispel, remove, destroy Gobh. Śiś. Suśr.: Desid. śiśatsati Gr.: Intens. śāśadyate, śāśatti ib. [Cf., accord. to some, Lat. cedo.]

≫ śada

   śada m. falling ( parṇa-ś) 
   • produce, revenue Gaut. 
   • a partic. Ekâha ĀśvŚr. 
   • any edible vegetable product (phala-mūtâdi) L.

≫ śadaka

   śadaka m. or n. (?) unhusked corn Bhadrab. (v. l. sadaka)

≫ śadri

   śadri (only L.), m. a cloud 
   • an elephant 
   • f. lightning 
   • clayed or candied sugar

≫ śadru

   śadru mfn. falling, perishing &c. Pāṇ. 3-2, 159 
   • m. N. of Vishṇu L.

≫ śanna

   śanna mfn. fallen, decayed, withered &c. (-mala mfn. Nir. xi, 8) 
   • n. offal ( haviṣya-ś○)


   śadvalā f. N. of a river Śatr.


   śana (prob. connected with √śam), quiet, calm, soft (only in instr. pl. śanais, q.v.)

≫ śanakaiścara

   śanakaiś-cara m. (fr. next + cara) = śanaiścara MW.

≫ śanakais

   śanakaís ind. (dimin. of śanais) quietly, softly, gently, by degrees, in every case that arises, with alternations, alternately RV. &c. &c

≫ śani

   śani m. (prob. 'slow-moving' 
   • cf. manda) the planet Saturn or its regent (fabled as the offspring of the Sun 
   • he is represented as of a black colour or dressed in dark-coloured clothes 
   • cf. nīla-vāsas) R. VarBṛS. &c 
   • N. of Śiva MW. 
   • of a son of Atri VāyuP.

⋙ śanicakra

   ○cakra n. Satum's diagram (a peculiar diagram used to foretell good or bad fortune 
   • it is marked with 27 compartments to represent the Nakshatras passed through by the planet Saturn) MW.

⋙ śanija

   ○ja n. 'Saturn-produced', black pepper W.

⋙ śanitrayodaśīvrata

   ○trayodaśī-vrata n

⋙ śanipratimāndana

   ○pratimāndana n. N. of wks

⋙ śanipradoṣa

   ○pradoṣa m. 'Saturu-evening', N. of the worship performed to Śiva on the 13th day of the waxing or waning moon when it falls on a Saturday MW. 
   • -vrata n. N. of wk

⋙ śaniprasū

   ○prasū f. 'mother of Saturn', N. of Chāyā (wife of the Sun) L.

⋙ śanipriya

   ○priya n. 'dear to Saturn', a dark-coloured stone (the emerald or sapphire) L.

⋙ śanivāra

   ○vāra or m. Saturn's day, Saturday L.

⋙ śanivāsara

   ○vāsara m. Saturn's day, Saturday L.

⋙ śaniśānti

   ○śānti f

⋙ śanisūkta

   ○sū7kta n

⋙ śanistotra

   ○stotra n. N. of wks

⋙ śanyaṣṭaka

   śany-aṣṭaka n. N. of wk

≫ śanair

   śanair in comp. for śanais

⋙ śanairgaṅgam

   ○gaṅgam ind. where the Gaṅgā flows slowly Pāṇ. 2-1, 21 Sch.

⋙ śanairdehin

   ○dehin wṛ. for -mehin Car.

⋙ śanairbhāva

   ○bhāva m. slowness, graduality (ibc. before a pr. p. = slowly, by degrees). Kathās.

⋙ śanairmeha

   ○meha m. slow or painful discharge of water from the bladder, dysuria ŚārṅgS. 
   • ○hin mfn. suffering from dysuria Suśr.

≫ śanaiś

   śanaiś in comp. for śanais

⋙ śanaiścara

   ○cara mfn. walking or moving slowly Bhartṛ. 
   • m. the planet Saturn or its regent (cf. śani) MBh. Kāv. &c. (in MBh. also applied to other planets and even the sun) 
   • Saturday Vishṇ. 
   • -kavaca m. n. -pūjā f. N. of wks 
   • -vāra m. Saturday Subh. 
   • -vidhāna n. -vrata n. N. of wks 
   • -saṃvatsara m. the year of Saturn (during which this planet completes his course through the 28 Nakshatras 
   • in modern astron. = 30 of our years) MW.

≫ śanais

   śanais (cf. RV.) or (cf. ŚBr.), ind. (originally instr. pl. of śana, q.v

⋙ śanais

   śanaís (cf. ŚBr.), ind. (originally instr. pl. of śana, q.v 
   • cf. uccais, nīcais) quietly, softly, gently, gradually, alternately RV. &c. &c

⋙ śanaistarām

   ○tarām ind. more (or very) quietly, softly &c. AitBr. ĀśvŚr.


   śanaka m. (cf. śaṇaka) N. of a son of Śambara Hariv. (vḷ. senaka)

≫ śanakāvali

   śanakâvali or f. (perhaps for śaṇak○

⋙ śanakāvalī

   śanakâvaḍlī f. (perhaps for śaṇak○ 
   • cf. śaṇa) Scindapsus Officinalis L.

≫ śanaparṇī

   śana-parṇī f. (for śaṇa-p○?) Wrightia Antidysenterica L. (cf. sana and asana.p○)


   śanôtsāha m.= gaṇḍaka L. (v. l. svanôtsāha)


   śanta śanti &c. p. 1055, col. r

≫ śantanu

   śantanu śantama &c. śaṃ-tanu, śáṃtama, p. 1054, col. 3


   śanna √2. śad


   śaṃ-no-devī &c. p. 1054, col. 3. [Page 1052, Column 1] 

śap 1

   śap (in gram.) a technical term used for the Vikaraṇa a (inserted between the √and terminations of the conjugational tenses in verbs of the Ist class 
   • vi-karaṇa, p. 954)

śap 2

   śap ind. a prefix implying assent or acceptance (as in śap-karoti, he admits or accepts) W.

śap 3

   śap cl. 1. 4. P. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxiii, 31 
   • xxvi, 59) śapati, ○te or śapyati, ○te (the latter only in Bhaṭṭ. 
   • pf. śaśā́pa, śepé aor. aśāpsīt, aśapta Gr. [2. pl. śāpta in TS. prob. wṛ. ] 
   • fut. śaptā ib. 
   • śapsyati, ○te ib. 
   • śapiṣye MBh. 
   • inf. śaptum or śapitum ib. 
   • ind. p. śapitvā ib. 
   • śaptvā Gr.), to curse (mostly P. with acc 
   • in AV. v, 30, 3, Ā. with dat.) RV. &c. &c 
   • (P. Ā.) to swear an oath, utter an execration (sometimes with śapatham or ○thān 
   • also with anṛtam, to swear a false oath) RV. &c. &c 
   • (P. Ā.) to revile, scold, blame (acc., rarely dat.) Yājñ. Kāv. Pur. 
   • (Ā 
   • m. c. also P.) to curse one's self (followed by yadi, 'if', i. e. to promise with an oath, vow or swear, 'that one will not' &c 
   • or followed by dat. and rarely acc. of the person to whom and instr. of the object by which one swears 
   • or followed by iti e.g. varuṇêti, 'to swear by the name of Varuṇa VS.) RV. &c. &c 
   • (Ā) to adjure, supplicate, conjure any one (acc.) by (instr.) R. Hariv.: Caus. śāpayati (aor. aśīśapat), to adjure, conjure, exorcise (demons) AV. AitBr. 
   • to cause any one (acc.) to swear by (instr.) Mn. viii, 113 (cf. śāpita): Desid. śiśapsati, ○te Gr.: Intens. śāśapyate, śāśapti, or śaṃśpyate, śaṃśapti ib.

≫ śapa

   śapa m. a curse, imprecation, oath (= śapatha) L. 
   • a corpse (wṛ. for śava, q.v.) W. 
   • N. of a man, g. aśvâdi

≫ śapatha

   śapatha m. (and n. g. ardharcâdi ifc. f. ā) a curse, imprecation, anathema RV. &c. &c 
   • an oath, vow Mn. MBh. &c 
   • an ordeal Nār. 
   • scolding, reviling L.

⋙ śapathakaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. swearing or taking an oath Dhūrtan.

⋙ śapathajambhana

   ○jambhana mf(ī)n. nullifying a curse Āpast.

⋙ śapathapattra

   ○pattra n. written testimony on oath or affidavit MW.

⋙ śapathapūrvakam

   ○pūrvakam mfn. with oaths Cat.

⋙ śapathayāvana

   ○yā́vana mf(ī)n. averting a curse AV.

⋙ śapathayopana

   ○yópana mf(ī)n. warding off or nullifying a curse ib.

⋙ śapathottaram

   śapathôttaram ind. with oaths Kathās.

≫ śapathīya

   śapathīya Nom. P. -yâti (only pr. p. yát, uttering curses) AV.

≫ śapatheyya

   śapatheyyá m. a curser, swearer AV.

≫ śapathya

   śapathyá mfn. depending on a curse, (a sin) consisting in cursing or imprecation RV.

≫ śapana

   śápana n. a curse, imprecation AV. 
   • reviling, abuse W. 
   • an oath, asseveration by oath or ordeal ib.

⋙ śapanatara

   ○tara (śapaná-), mfn. inclined to cursing ŚBr.

≫ śapita

   śapita mfn. cursed R. vii, 55, 21

≫ śapta

   śaptá mfn. id. Suparṇ. MBh. &c. (-vat mfn. = pf. śaśāpa MBh.) 
   • adjured, conjured R. 
   • sworn, taken as an oath W. 
   • m. Saccharum Cylindricum L. 
   • n. a curse, imprecation TBr. Kāṭh. 
   • an oath R.

≫ śaptṛ

   śaptṛ́ m. a curser, swearer AV.

≫ śapya

   śapya mfn. to be cursed &c. Pāṇ. 3-1, 98 Sch.

≫ śapva

   śapva m. abuse, reviling L.


   śaphá m. (L. also n 
   • ifc. f. ā 
   • of doubtful derivation) a hoof (esp. the hoof of a horse) RV. &c. &c 
   • an eighth (because of the divided hoofs of the cow 
   • cf. pāda, a fourth) RV. TS. ŚBr. 
   • a claw VS. xii, 4 
   • a wooden implement formed like a claw or hook (for lifting an iron pot or pan from the fire) Br. Lāṭy. 
   • Unguis Odoratus L. 
   • (du., with vasiṣṭhasya) N. of two Sāmans KātyŚr. ; n. the √of a tree L. [Cf., accord. to some, Germ. huof, ḥuf ; Angl. Sax. hôf ; Eng. hoof]

⋙ śaphagraha

   ○grahá m. the hoof or claw of an animal used as a kind of receptacle ŚBr.

⋙ śaphacyuta

   ○cyuta (śaphá-), mfn. tossed up by hoofs (as dust) RV. -1

⋙ śaphavat

   ○vat (śaphá-), mfn. possessing hoofs or claws (n. a hoofed animal) ib. -2

⋙ śaphavat

   ○vat ind. like a hoof. MW.

⋙ śaphaśas

   ○śas ind. by eighths ( śapha above), PiñcavBr

⋙ śaphākṣa

   śaphâkṣa m. N. of a man (cf. śāphākṣi)

⋙ śaphāruj

   śaphârúj mfn. destroying hoofs or dṭdestroying with the hoofs (said of demons) RV.

⋙ śaphoru

   śaphôru mf(ū)n. (a woman) whose thighs resemble the two divisions of a cow's hoof Pāṇ. 4-1, 70

≫ śaphara

   śaphara m. (ifc. f. ā 
   • also written saphara and said to be connected with śapha Cyprinus Saphore (a kind of bright little fish that glistens when darting about in shallow water)
   Kāv. VarBṛS. Kathās. &c. [Page 1052, Column 2] 
   • a carp or kind of large fish (that preys on other fish) Kathās. cxxiii, 10 
   • (ī), f. a fish or a kind of fish ( pūti-ś○) 
   • ebony L.

⋙ śaphararūpa

   ○rūpa n. the form of a carp or large fish BhP.

⋙ śapharadhipa

   śapharádhipa m. the fish Clupea Alosa (= illiśa) L.

≫ śaphari

   śaphari (prob.) m. a small fish Gal.

≫ śapharīya

   śapharīya mfn. (fr. śaphara), g. utkarâdi

≫ śapharuka

   śapharuka m. a box, box-like receptacle, pot Hcar.


   śabara mfn. - (also written śavara 
   • cf. śabala below) variegated, brindled L. 
   • relating or belonging to a Śabara (prob. for śābara) MBh. 
   • m. N. of a wild mountaineer tribe in the Deccan (in later language applied to any savage or barbarian = kirāta, pulinda, bhilla 
   • accord. to L. 'the son of a Śūdra and a Bhillī') AitBr. MBh. &c 
   • a kind of Lodhra or Lodh tree L. (cf. comp.) 
   • N. of Śiva L. 
   • (with kāṣivata) N. of the author of RV. x, 169 Anukr. 
   • of a poet Cat. 
   • of a Buddhist ib. 
   • = śabara-svāmin (in śabara-bhāṣya, q.v.) 
   • = hasta and śāstra-viśeṣa L. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a Yoginī Hcat. 
   • (ī), f. a Śabara woman R. Kathās. &c 
   • n. water L. (prob. wṛ. for śambara)

⋙ śabarakanda

   ○kanda m. a sweet potato L.

⋙ śabarajambu

   ○jambu N. of a place ( śābarajambuka)

⋙ śabarabhāṣya

   ○bhāṣya n. Śabara's i.e. Śabara-svāmin's Comm. on the Mīmāṃsā-sūtra (also called śābara-bh○ 
   • it has been critically annotated by the great Mīmāṃsā authority Kumārila)

⋙ śabaralodhra

   ○lodhra m. a kind of Lodhra L.

⋙ śabarasiṃha

   ○siṃha m. N. of a king (mentioned in the Kathárṇava) Cat.

⋙ śabarasvāmin

   ○svāmin m. N. of an author (cf. śabara-bhāṣya) IW. 98, n. 1

⋙ sabarālaya

   sabarâlaya m. the abode of savage tribes L.

⋙ śabarāhāra

   śabarâhāra m. 'the 'Śabaras' food', a kind of jujube L.

≫ śabaraka

   śabaraka m. a Śabara, savage or barbarian Kāv. 
   • (ikā), f. a Śabara woman Nalac.

≫ śabarāla

   śabarāla m. a sort of Lodhra W.

≫ śaharībhū

   śaharī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to become a Śabara or savage Harav.


   śabála mf(ā, or ī)n. (also written śavala 
   • cf. śabara above) variegated, brindled, dappled, spotted (in RV. x, 14, 10 applied to the two four-eyed watch-dogs of Yama) RV. &c. &c 
   • variegated by, i.e. mixed or provided or filled with (instr. or comp.) Kāv. Sarvad. 
   • disfigured, disturbed BhP. ( comp.) 
   • m. a variegated colour W. 
   • N. of a serpent-demon MBh. 
   • of a man (v. l. for śabara) Cat. 
   • (ā) or (ī), f. below 
   • n. water (cf. śabara) W. 
   • a partic. religious observance of the Buddhists ib.

⋙ śabalagu

   ○gu mfn. having mottled cows MW.

⋙ śabalacetana

   ○cetana mfn. disturbed in mind BhP.

⋙ śabalatā

   ○tā f

⋙ śabalatva

   ○tva n. mixedness, mixture Kāv. Sāh.

⋙ śabalahṛdaya

   ○hṛdaya mfn. = -cetana BhP.

⋙ śabalākṣa

   śabalâkṣa m. 'spotted-eyed', N. of a Ṛishi MBh.

⋙ śabalāśva

   śabalâśva m. 'having a dappled-horse', N. of a man (son of Avikshit) MBh. 
   • pl. N. of the children of Daksha and Vairaṇī Hariv. Pur.

⋙ śabalodara

   śabalôdara m. 'having a spotted-belly', N. of a demon MantraBr.

≫ śabalaka

   śabalaka mfn. spotted, brindled (in alg. applied to the 13th unknown quantity) Col.

≫ śabalā

   śabalā f. a spotted cow L. 
   • N. of a cow (Kāmadhenu, the cow of plenty) R.

≫ śabalikā

   śabalikā f. a kind of bird Cat. (incorrectly written sab○)

≫ śabalita

   śabalita mfn. variegated Vās.

≫ śabaliman

   śabaliman m. variegated state or condition, mottled look or appearance Śiś. vi, 27

≫ śabalī

   śabalī f. a spotted cow L. 
   • (nom. ī́s) the cow of plenty TS. Br.

⋙ śabalīhoma

   ○homa m. an offering to the cow of plenty Lāṭy.

≫ śabalīkṛta

   śabalī-kṛta mfn. (śabalī for ○la) variegated Ragh. VarBṛS.


   śabd (rather a Nom. śabdaya fr. śabda), cl. 10. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxxiii, 40) śabdayati, to make any noise or sound, cry aloud Śiś. Pañcat. BhP. 
   • to call, invoke Śaṃk. Kathās. 
   • (śabdāpayati, ○te), to call, address R.: Pass. śábdyate, to be sounded &c 
   • to be called MBh. 
   • (impers.) it is chattered Nir. i, 18

≫ śabda

   śábda m. (in DhyānabUp. also n. ifc. f. ā perhaps connected with √3. śap, cf. also 2. śap) sound, noise, voice, tone, note (śabdaṃ √kṛ, to utter a sound, raise the voice, cry aloud 
   • sound is supposed to be sevenfold [cf. MBh. xii, 6858] or eight. fold [cf. Dharmas. 35] or tenfold [cf. MBh. xiv, 1418] [Page 1052, Column 3] 
   • in the Mīmāṃsā it is taught to be eternal) 
   • a word (śabdena, by word, explicitly, expressly) cf. ib. cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 19 
   • speech, language cf. BhP 
   • the right word, correct expression (opp. to apa-śabda) cf. Pat 
   • the sacred syllable Om, AmṛitUp 
   • (in gram.) a declinable word or a word-termination, affix cf. Pāṇ. cf. Sch 
   • a name, appellation, title cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (tacchabdāt', because it is socalled' cf. KātyŚr.) 
   • a technical term cf. TPrāt 
   • verbal communication or testimony, oral tradition, verbal authority or evidence (as one of the Pramāṇas, q.v. ) cf. Nyāyas. cf. Sarvad

⋙ śabdakarmaka

   ○karmaka mfn. (a root) meaning, 'to sound' Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-4, 52. -1

⋙ śabdakarman

   ○karman n. 'sound-making', a sound, noise Āpast. -2

⋙ śabdakarman

   ○karman mfn. = -karmaka Pāṇ. 1-4, 52

⋙ śabdakalpa

   ○kalpa m

⋙ śabdakalpataru

   ○kalpa-taru m. N. of gram. wks

⋙ śabdakalpadru

   ○kalpa-dru m. N. of a lexicon by Keśava (also called kalpa-dru)

⋙ śabdakalpadruma

   ○kalpa-druma m. N. of a modern Encyclopaedia by Rādhā-kāntadeva

⋙ śabdakāra

   ○kāra Pāṇ.),

⋙ śabdakārin

   ○kārin (cf. Nir.), mfn. making a noise or sound, sounding, sonorous

⋙ śabdakośa

   ○kośa m. 'wordrepository', N. of a dictionary

⋙ śabdakaumudī

   ○kaumudī f. N. of a grammar by Cokka-nātha

⋙ śabdakaustubha

   ○kaustubha m. N. of a gram. by Īśvari-prasāda and of a Comm. on Pāṇ. 1-1 
   • -dūṣaṇa n. N. of a gram. wk. by Bhāskara-dīkshita

⋙ śabdakriya

   ○kriya mfn. = -karmaka Pāṇ. 1-4, 52 Vārtt. 1

⋙ śabdakhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa m. n. N. of a ch. of the Tattva-cintāmaṇi 
   • -prakāśa m. -vyākhyā f. N. of Comms. on it

⋙ śabdaga

   ○ga mfn. perceiving sounds BhP. 
   • uttering sounds MBh.

⋙ śabdagata

   ○gata mfn. being or residing in a word (as a poetical or metaphorical meaning) MW.

⋙ śabdagati

   ○gati f. 'method of sounds', music, song VarBṛS. 
   • mfn. uttering sounds Hariv.

⋙ śabdaguṇa

   ○guṇa m. the quality of sounds MW. 
   • the excellence of the sound or form (of a poem, as opp. to artha-g○, q.v 
   • there are 10 guṇâlaṃkāras, viz. ojas, prasāda, śleṣa, samatā, samādhi, mādhurya, saukumārya, udāratā, artha-vyakti, and kānti, qq. vv.) Vām. iii, 1, 4

⋙ śabdagocara

   ○gocara m. the aim or object of speech (e.g. any one who is spoken to or spoken about) BhP.

⋙ śabdagraha

   ○graha m. 'receiver of sounds', the ear L. 
   • receiving or catching sound ib. 
   • N. of a fabulous arrow ib.

⋙ śabdagrāma

   ○grāma m. the totality of sounds L.

⋙ śabdaghoṣā

   ○ghoṣā f. N. of a collection of paradigms to the Saṃkshiptasāra grammar

⋙ śabdacandrikā

   ○candrikā f. N. of a lexicon by Bāṇa-kavi and of a dictionary on materia medica by Vaidya Cakrapāṇi-datta

⋙ śabdacāturya

   ○cāturya n. skill in words, cleverness of diction, eloquence MW.

⋙ śabdacāli

   ○cāli f. a partic. movement in dancing Saṃgīt. 
   • -nṛtya n. a kind of dance ib.

⋙ śabdacitra

   ○citra n. sound-variation, alliteration &c. Kpr. Sāh. 
   • mfn. having various or fanciful sounds MW.

⋙ śabdacintāmaṇi

   ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of a Comm. on Pāṇini's Ashṭâdhyāyi and of a lexicon by Vyāsa-viṭṭhalâcārya 
   • -vṛtti f. N. of a Prākṛit grammar by Śubha-candra

⋙ śabdacora

   ○cora m. 'word-thief.' a plagiarist, [also lexicographer?] W.

⋙ śabdacyuta

   ○cyuta n. (prob.) = -hīna, Bharat

⋙ śabdaja

   ○ja mfn. arising from sounds, produced by words MW.

⋙ śabdatattvaprakāśa

   ○tattva-prakāśa m. N. of wk

⋙ śabdatanmātra

   ○tanmātra n. the subtle element of sounds MW.

⋙ śabdataraṃga

   ○taraṃga m

⋙ śabdataraṃgiṇī

   ○taraṃgiṇī f

⋙ śabdatāṇḍava

   ○tāṇḍava n. (?)

⋙ śabdatriveṇikā

   ○triveṇikā f. N. of wks

⋙ śabdatva

   ○tva n. the condition or nature of sṭsounds Tarkas. 
   • -jāti-pramāṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ śabdadīpikā

   ○dīpikā f. N. of a grammar (on irregular nouns) and a lexicon by Kumbhīnasa-nātha 
   • of a Comm. on the Mugda-bodha by Govinda-rāma

⋙ śabdanityatā

   ○nityatā f. the eternity of sound (also -tva MW.) 
   • -vicāra m. N. of wk

⋙ śabdanirūpaṇa

   ○nirūpaṇa n

⋙ śabdanirṇaya

   ○nirṇaya m. N. of wks

⋙ śabdanṛtya

   ○nṛtya n. a kind of dance, Saṃigīt

⋙ śabdametṛ

   ○metṛ m. 'word-chief' N. of Pāṇini (as chief of grammarians) Buddh.

⋙ śabdapati

   ○pati m. 'word-lord', a mere nominal leader Ragh.

⋙ śabdapadamañjarī

   ○pada-mañjarī m. N. of a grammar

⋙ śabdapariccheda

   ○pariccheda m. N. of various wks 
   • -rahasya n. -rahasye' pūrva-vāda-rahasya n. N. of wks

⋙ śabdapāṭha

   ○pāṭha m. a collection of paradigms of declension, by Gaṅgā-dhara

⋙ śabdapāta

   ○pāta m. range or reach of sound 
   • (am), ind. as far as sounds reaches Bhaṭṭ. (vḷ.)

⋙ śabdapātin

   ○pātin mfn. aiming or hitting at any object by the mere sounds (without seeing it) Nir. 
   • falling with a sounds MW. =

⋙ śabdaprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m. N. of virious wks

⋙ śabdaprabheda

   ○prabheda m. N. of a grammar and lexicon 
   • -nāmamālā f. = śabda-bheda-prakāśa

⋙ śabdapramāṇa

   ○pramāṇa n. verbal testimony or proof. oral evidence MW.

⋙ śabdaprāmāṇyakhaṇḍana

   ○prāmāṇya-khaṇḍana n

⋙ śabdaprāmāṇyavāda

   ○prāmāṇya-vāda m. N. of two phil. wks

⋙ śabdaprāś

   ○prāś mfn. enquiring after (the meaning of) a word Uṇ. ī. 57 Sch. (cf. Pāṇ. 4, 19)

⋙ śabdabāṇāgravedhin

   ○bāṇâgra-vedhin mfn. hitting (an unseen object) with an arrow's point by (aiming at) the mere sound R. (cf. śabda-vedhin)

⋙ śabdabṛhatī

   ○bṛhatī f. N. of a Comm. on the Mahā-bhāshya

⋙ śabdabodha

   ○bodha m. (in phil.) knowledge derived from verbal testimony [Page 1053, Column 1] 
   • -prakāra m. -prakriyā f. -vicāra m. N. of wks

⋙ śabdabrahman

   ○brahman n. word-brahman', the Veda considered as a revealed sound or word and identified with the Supreme MaitrUp. Pur. 
   • ○ma-maya mf(t)n. consisting in the Veda identified with Brahman Pañcar.

⋙ śabdabhāj

   ○bhāj mfn. (ifc.) bearing the title of. Ragh.

⋙ śabdabhid

   ○bhid f. perversion of words BhP.

⋙ śabdabhūṣaṇa

   ○bhūṣaṇa n. N. of a grammar and a Comm. on Pāṇini's Ashṭîdhyāyī

⋙ śabdabhṛt

   ○bhṛt mfn. bearing only the name of anything BhP. (vḷ 
   • cf. śabda-pati)

⋙ śabdabheda

   ○bheda m. 'difference or distinction of sounds or words', N. of a glossary 
   • -nirūpaṇa n. -nirdeśa m. N. of wks 
   • -prakāśa m. N. of a glossary of nouns (which although identical in meaning differ more or less in their orthography 
   • it is usually appended to the Viśva-prakāśa and also called śab'ā-bheda-nāmamālā or śabd-prabheda-n○)

⋙ śabdabhedin

   ○bhedin mfn. = -vedhin L. 
   • m. an arrow L. 
   • N. of Arjuna L. 
   • the anus L.

⋙ śabdamañjarī

   ○mañjarī f. N. of a grammar by Nārāyaṇa

⋙ śabdamaṇiparicchedāloka


⋙ śabdamaṇivyākhyā

   ○maṇivyākhyā f. N. of a Commentary

⋙ śabdamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of sound or of sounds VPrāt. Hcar. 
   • sounding uttering, sounds Hariv. 
   • (ifc.) consisting or formed of a partic. word Ragh. xviii, 5

⋙ śabdamātra

   ○mātra n. sound only, a mere sound Pañcat.

⋙ śabdamālā

   ○mālā f. N. of a lexicon and a collection of paradigms of declension (accord. to the Kā-tantra grammar)

⋙ śabdamālikā

   ○mālikā f

⋙ śabdamīmāṃsā

   ○mīmāṃsā f. N. of wks

⋙ śabdamuktāmahārṇava

   ○muktāmahârṇava m. N. of a modern dictionary (compiled for Colebrooke by Tārā-maṇi, son of Rāmacandra)

⋙ śabdamūla

   ○mūla n. N. of a gram. wk

⋙ śabdayoni

   ○yoni m. the source cr origin of a word BhP. 
   • a radical word, √cf. L

⋙ śabdaratna

   ○ratna n. N. of a Comm. on the Prâuḍha-manoramā (q.v.) and of a lexicon 
   • -mālā f. -samanvaya. m 
   • ○tnâkara m. ○tnâvalī f. N. of grammars and dictionaries

⋙ śabdarahasya

   ○rahasya n. N. of two phil. wks

⋙ śabdarahita

   ○rahita mfn. 'destitute of sound', noiseless VarBṛS.

⋙ śabdarāśi

   ○rāśi m. (in phil.) a collection of sounds or words or in fallible verbal teachings (said of the Veda) 
   • 'collection of sounds or letters', the alphabet 
   • -mahêśvara m. 'great lord of the alphabet', N. of Śiva (as the revealer of grammar to Pāṇini) RTL. 84, 1 Cat.

⋙ śabdarūpa

   ○rūpa n. the nature or quality of a sound, a partic. sound Pañcat. 
   • the gram. form of a word Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 48 
   • N. of a gram. wk 
   • mf(ā)n. appearing in the form of a sound Pañcar. 
   • -prakāśikā f. a collection of paradigms of declension (accord. to the Mugda-bodha grammar) 
   • ○pâvali f. N. of a gram. wk

⋙ śabdalakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa n. and N. of wks

⋙ śabdalakṣaṇarahasya

   ○lakṣaṇa-rahasya n. N. of wks

⋙ śabdaliṅgārthacandrikā

   ○liṅgârthacandrikā f. 'elucidation of the gender and meaning of words', N. of a lexicon

⋙ śabdavajrā

   ○vajrā f. N. of a deity Kālac.

⋙ śabdavat

   ○vat mfn. uttering sounds, sounding, noisy Nir. Hariv. 
   • crackling (as flame) VarBṛS. 
   • endowed with sound (as wind) BhP. 
   • (at), ind. noisily MBh. MārkP.

⋙ śabdavādārtha

   ○vādârtha m. N. of wk. on the Nyāya by Raghu-nātha

⋙ śabdavāridhi

   ○vāridhi m. 'ocean of words', a vocabulary Cat.

⋙ śabdavidyā

   ○vidyā f. 'science of sounds or words', grammar, philology Daś. Śiś. 
   • -śāstra n. id. Buddh. 
   • ○dyôpâdhyāya m. a teacher of grammar Rājat.

⋙ śabdavidhi

   ○vidhi m. N. of a gram. wk

⋙ śabdavirodha

   ○virodha m. contradiction in words (not in sense), seeming contradiction Mālav. Sch.

⋙ śabdaviśeṣa

   ○viśeṣa m. difference or variety of sound 
   • pl. the varieties of sound (these the Sāṃkhya arranges accord. to the accents, udātta, an-udātta, svarita, and the notes of the gamut, ṣaḍ-ja, ṛṣabha, gāndhāra, madhyama, pañcama, daivata, niṣāda &c., qq. vv.) MW.

⋙ śabdaviśeṣaṇa

   ○viśeṣaṇa n. (in gram.) the attribute of a word, an adjective ib.

⋙ śabdavṛtti

   ○vṛtti f. (in rhet.) the function of a word ib.

⋙ śabdavedha

   ○vedha mfn. = vedhin (applied to an arrow) Pañcad. 
   • m. the act of shooting at or hitting an invisible object the sound of which is only heard MBh. R. Divyâv.

⋙ śabdavedhin

   ○vedhin mfn. 'sound-piercing', hitting an unseen (but heard) object Nir. R. (○dhi-tva n. MBh. R.) 
   • N. of Arjuna L. 
   • of king Daśa-ratha MW.

⋙ śabdavedhya

   ○vedhya mfn. to be shot at without being seen (cf. prec.) R. 
   • n. = -vedha m. ib.

⋙ śabdavailakṣaṇya

   ○vailakṣaṇya n. difference in word, verbal difference (as opp. to artha-v○, difference of meaning) MW.

⋙ śabdavyāpāravicāra

   ○vyāpāravicāra m. N. of wk. on Alaṃkāra by Rājânaka Mammaṭa

⋙ śabdaśakti

   ○śakti f. the force or signification of a word Kpr. Pratāp. 
   • -prakāśikā f. N. of a Nyāya wk 
   • -prabodhinī f. N. of a Comm. on it

⋙ śabdaśabdārthamañjūṣā

   ○śabdârtha-mañjūṣā f. 'collection of words and their meanings', N. of a lexicon

⋙ śabdaśāsana

   ○śāsana n. 'science of sounds or words', grammar 
   • -vid mfn. versed in grammar Śiś.

⋙ śabdaśāstra

   ○śāstra n. = -śāsana Vcar. (also N. of a partic. grammar)

⋙ śabdaśuddhi

   ○śuddhi f. 'purity of language', N. of the 5th ch. of Vāmana's Kāvyâlaṃkāra-vṛitti [Page 1053, Column 2] 

⋙ śabdaśeṣa

   ○śeṣa mfn. having only the name remaining Kāvyâd. (cf. prabhu-śabda-ś○)

⋙ śabdaśobhā

   ○śobhā f. N. of a grammar

⋙ śabdaśleṣa

   ○śleṣa m. a verbal quibble, pun (opp. to artha-ś○) Śiś. Sch.

⋙ śabdasaṃkīrṇanirūpaṇa

   ○saṃkīrṇa-nirūpaṇa n

⋙ śabdasaṃgrahanighaṇṭu

   ○saṃgraha-nighaṇṭu m

⋙ śabdasaṃcaya

   ○saṃcaya (cf. śabdâmbhodhi), m. N. of wks

⋙ śabdasaṃjña

   ○saṃjña mfn. bearing the name of (comp.) BhP.

⋙ śabdasaṃjñā

   ○saṃjñā f. (in gram.) a technical term Pāṇ. 1-1, 68

⋙ śabdasadrūpasaṃgraha

   ○sadrūpa-saṃgráha m. N. of a Nyāya wk

⋙ śabdasaṃdarbhasindhu

   ○saṃdarbha-sindhu m. (cf. śadârnavâbhidhāna) N. of a lexicon (compiled for Sir W. Jones by Kāśīnātha Bhaṭṭâcārya)

⋙ śabdasambhava

   ○sambhava m. the source or origin of sound (applied to air or the wind) Hariv.

⋙ śabdasāgara

   ○sāgara m. 'sea of words', N. of Comm. on the Siddhânta-kaumudī

⋙ śabdasādhana

   ○sādhana mfn. hitting a mere sound (i.e. hitting an object perceived only by the ear 
   • cf. śabda-vedhin) MBh.

⋙ śabdasādhyaprayoga

   ○sādhya-prayoga m. N. of a grammar by Rāma-nātha Cakra vartin

⋙ śabdasāra

   ○sāra m. N. of a grammar by Yatîśa 
   • -nighaṇṭu m. N. of a dictionary

⋙ śabdasāha

   ○sāha mfn. -sādhana MBh.

⋙ śabdasiddhāntamañjarī

   ○siddhânta-mañjarī f. N. of a gram. wk

⋙ śabdasiddhi

   ○siddhi f. 'correct formation or use of words', N. of various wks 
   • -nibandha m. N. of a modern school-book

⋙ śabdasaukarya

   ○saukarya n. facility of expression A.

⋙ śabdasauṣṭhava

   ○sauṣṭhava n. elegance of words, a graceful style ib.

⋙ śabdastomamāhānidhi

   ○stoma-mâhānidhi m. N. of wk

⋙ śabdasparśarasa

   ○sparśa-rasa m. pl. sound and touch and taste R.

⋙ śabdasphoṭa

   ○sphoṭa m. the crackling (of fire) Kām.

⋙ śabdasmṛti

   ○smṛti f. science of words, grammar, philology Vām. iii, 1, 4

⋙ śabdasvātantryavāda

   ○svātantrya-vāda m. N. of a Nyāya wk

⋙ śabdahīna

   ○hīna n. the use of a word in a form or meaning not sanctioned by standard authors Kāvyâd. (cf. śabda-cyuta)

⋙ śabdākara

   śabdâkara m. 'wordmine', N. of a grammar

⋙ śabdākṣara

   śabdâkṣara n. the sacred syllable Om uttered aloud or audibly AmṛitabUp.

⋙ śabdākhyeya

   śabdâkhyeya mfn. that which may be said aloud Megh.

⋙ śabdāḍambara

   śabdâḍambara m. high-sounding words, verbosity, bombast Sāh.

⋙ śabdātita

   śabdâtita mfn. beyond the reach of sound (applied to the Supreme) MW.

⋙ śabdādi

   śabdâdi m. (scil. viṣaya, q.v.) the objects of sense beginning with sound W. 
   • -dharmin (cf. ib.), -mat (Śarpk.), mfn. having the quality of sound &c

⋙ śabdādhikāra

   śabdâdhikāra m. N. of a gram. wk

⋙ śabdādhiṣṭhāna

   śabdâdhiṣṭhāna 'sound-receptacle', the ear L.

⋙ śabdādhyāhāra

   śabdâdhyāhāra m. the supplying of a word (to complete an ellipsis) MW.

⋙ śabdānantasāgarasamuccaya

   śabdânanta-sāgarasamuccaya m

⋙ śabdānityatārahasya

   śabdânityatā-rahasya n. N. of wks

⋙ śabdānukaraṇa

   śabdânukaraṇa mfn. imitating sounds Nir.

⋙ śabdānukṛti

   śabdânukṛti f. imitation of sounds, onomatopoeia ib.

⋙ śabdānurūpa

   śabdânurūpa n. conformity to or imitation of sound W.

⋙ śabdānuviddhasamādhipañcaka

   śabdânuviddha-samādhipañcaka n. N. of a Yoga wk

⋙ śabdānuśāsana

   śabdânuśāsana n. 'word-instruction or explanation', N. of Pāṇini's grammar and similar wks. (by Śakaṭsyana, Hemacandra &c.) 
   • -durga-padâvali f. -sūtra-pāṭha m. N. of wks

⋙ śabdānuśiṣṭi

   śabdânuśiṣṭi f. teaching of words or sounds, grammatical knowledge Sarvad.

⋙ śabdānusāra

   śabdânusāra m. following a sound 
   • (eṇā), ind. in the direction of a sound Śak.

⋙ śabdāntarapāda

   śabdântara-pāda m

⋙ śabdāprāmāṇyarahasya

   śabdâprāmāṇya-rahasya n. N. of wks

⋙ śabdābdhi

   śabdâbdhi m. 'ocean of words', N. of a lexicon (compiled by order of Prâṇa-kṛishṇa) 
   • -tari f.' boat on the ocean of words', a glossary (of words formed by Uṇādi suffixes, by Rāma-govinda)

⋙ śabdābhivaha

   śabdâbhivaha mf(ā)n. conducting sound (as the auditory passage) Suśr.

⋙ śabdāmbhodhi

   śabdâmbhodhi m. (also called śabda-saṃcaya) 'word-ocean', N. of wk. on declension by a Jain author

⋙ śabdārṇava

   śabdârṇava m. 'id.', N. of a grammar and a lexicon 
   • -candrikā f. N. of Comm. 
   • -vācaspati m. N. of a poet Cat. 
   • -sudhā-nidhi m. N. of a grammar 
   • ○vâbhidhāna n. N. of a lexicon (= śabda-saṃdarbha-sindhu)

⋙ śabdārtha

   śabdârtha m. (du.) sound (or word) and sense Sāh. (cf. artha-śabdau g. rāja-dantâdi) 
   • the nature or meaning of sounds VPrāt. 
   • the meaning of a word ( śabdaśabdârtha-mañjūṣā) 
   • sense or meaning of oral tradition (as a source of knowledge 
   • comp.) 
   • -kalpataru m. N. of a lexicon 
   • -garbha-vat mfn. containing (virtually) sound and meaning RāmatUp. 
   • -candrikā f. (○kôddhāra, m.), -cintāmaṇi m. -tarkâmṛta n. -nirvocana n. (○na-khaṇḍaṇa n.), -mañjarī f. -ratna n. -ratnâkara m. -ratnâvalī f. -rahasya n. -samáīpikā f. -sāra-mañjarī f. N. of wks 
   • ○thârambhaṇa mfn. beginning with the meaning or force of oral tradition Āpast. 
   • N. of a ch. of the Tattva-cintāmaṇy-āloka. [Page 1053, Column 3] 

⋙ śabdālaṃkāra

   śabdâlaṃkāra m. embellishment of the sound (of a sentence by rhyme. alliteration &c., as opp. to arthâl○, q.v.), a figure of speech depending for its pleasingness on sound or words (such as the yamaka and anuprâsa, qq. vv.) 
   • -mañjarī f. N. of wk 
   • -vicāra m. N. of a ch. of Vāmana's Kāvyâlaṃkaravṛitti

⋙ śabdāloka

   śabdâloka m. N. of wk 
   • -rahasya n. -viveka, m 
   • ○kôddyota m. N. of Comms

⋙ śabdāvali

   śabdâvali f. a collection of paradigms of declension (belonging to the Kā-tantra grammar)

⋙ śabdāvaloka

   śabdâvaloka m. N. of wk

⋙ śabdenduśekhara

   śabdêndu-śekhara m. (with bṛhat) N. of a Comm. on Nāgoji-bhaṭṭa's Siddhânta-kaumudi 
   • (with laghu) an abridgment of the prec. wk. by the same 
   • -doṣôddhāra m. N. of an index of the errors in the same wk

⋙ śabdendrīya

   śabdêndrīya n. 'sound-organ, the ear' Suśr.

⋙ śabdotpatti

   śabdôtpatti f. production or origin of sound TPrāt.

⋙ śabdodadhi

   śabdôdadhi m. ocean or treasury of words Cat.

≫ śabdaka

   śabdaka m. = śabda, a sound AgP.

≫ śabdana

   śabdana mfn. sounding, sonorous Pāṇ. 3-2, 148 Sch. 
   • n. sounding, a sound, noise W. 
   • (ifc.) speaking, talking about Cat.

≫ śabdanīya

   śabdanīya mfn. to be invoked Sāy.

≫ śabdāya

   śabdāya (cf. √śabd), Nom. Ā. ○yate (Pāṇ. 3-1, 17 
   • exceptionally also ○yati), to make a sound (acc.), cry, yell, bray Nir. MBh. &c.: Caus. śabdāyayati, to cause a sound to be made by (instr.) Pāṇ. 1-4, 52 Vārtt. 1 Pat. 
   • to cause any one (acc.) to, cry by (instr.) Vop. v, 5

≫ śabdāla

   śabdāla mfn. sonorous L.

≫ śabdita

   śabdita mfn. sounded, cried, uttered &c 
   • invoked (as deity) Śiś. 
   • communicated, imparted, taught BhP. 
   • called, named MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • n. noise, cry, the braying (of an ass) Pañcat.

≫ śabdin

   śabdín mfn. sounding, noisy AV. 
   • (ifc.) resounding with Hariv. (vḷ. -nādin)

śam 1

   śam cl. 4. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxvi, 92), śā́myati (rarely ○te, and ep. also śanati, ○te 
   • Ved. śamyati, śimyati, and cl. 9. śamnāti [Naigh. ii, 9], śamnīṣe, śamnīthās Impv. śamnīṣva, śamīṣva, śamiṣva, śamīdhvam 
   • pf. śaśāma, śemuḥ Br. &c 
   • śaśamé Subj. śaśámate RV. 
   • p. śaśamāná q.v. 
   • aor. áśamiṣṭhās RV. 
   • aśamat Br. [pres.] 
   • Prec. śamyāt Gr 
   • fut. śamiśā, śamiṣyati ib. 
   • ind. p. śamitvā, śāntvā, [z�Amam] ib.), to toil at, fatigue or exert one's self (esp. in performing ritual acts) RV. TBr. 
   • to prepare, arrange VS. 
   • to become tired, finish, stop, come to an end, rest, be quiet or calm or satisfied or contented TS. ŚBr. &c 
   • to cease, be allayed or extinguished MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • cl. 9. (cf. above) to put an end to, hurt, injure, destroy Kāṭh.: Pass. śamyate (aor. aśami) Pāṇ. 7-3, 34: Caus. śamáyati (m. c. also śāmayati 
   • aor. aśīśamat 
   • Pass. śāmyate), to appease, allay, alleviate, pacify, calm, soothe, settle RV. &c. &c 
   • to put to an end or to death, kill, slay, destroy, remove, extinguish. sup. press TS. &c. &c 
   • to leave off, desist MBh. 
   • to conquer, subdue Kālid. Bhaṭṭ.: Desid. śiśamiṣati Gr.: Intens. śaṃśamīti (cf. Bālar.), śaṃśamyate, śaṃśanti (Gr.), to be entirely appeased or extinguished (pf. śaṃśamāṃ cakruḥ Bhaṭṭ.). [Cf. Gk. ?], [1053, 3]

≫ śama

   śama m. tranquillity, calmness, rest, equanimity, quietude or quietism, absence of passion, abstraction from eternal objects through intense meditation (śamaṃ √kṛ, 'to calm one's self', be tranquil') Mn. MBh. &c 
   • peace, peace with (sârdham) MBh. 
   • Quietism or Tranquillity (personified as a son of Dharma and husband of Prâpti) MBh. 
   • tranquillization, pacification, allayment, alleviation, cessation, extinction MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • absence of sexual passion or excitement, impotence TāṇḍBr. 
   • alleviation or cure of disease, convalescence W. 
   • final happiness, emancipation from all the illusions of existence L. 
   • indifference, apathy Rājat. 
   • the hand (cf. śaya) L. 
   • imprecation, malediction (wṛ. for śapa) L. 
   • N. of a king of the Nandi-vegas MBh. 
   • of a son of Andhaka Hariv. 
   • of a son of Dharma-sūtra BhP. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a divine female, PārGṭ 
   • (śáma), mfn. tame, domestic RV. i, 32, 15 ; 33, 15

⋙ śamakṛt

   ○kṛt mfn. devoted to quietism L.

⋙ śamagir

   ○gir f. a tranquillizing word or speech Prab.

⋙ śamanīcamedhra

   ○nīca-medhra m. one whose generative organ hangs down from absence of passion or impotence TāṇḍBr.

⋙ śamapara

   ○para mfn. devoted to quiet, tranquil VarBṛS.

⋙ śamapradhāna

   ○pradhāna mfn. id. Śak.

⋙ śamaprāpta

   ○prâpta mfn. one who has attained, quiet Vedântas.

⋙ śamavat

   ○vat mfn. tranquil, peaceful Śiś. Veṇis. [Page 1054, Column 1] 

⋙ śamavyasanin

   ○vyasanin mfn. dissolute from indifference Rājat.

⋙ śamaśama

   ○śama mfn. enjoying perpetual tranquillity (as Śiva) MBh.

⋙ śamasukha

   ○sukha n. the joy or happiness of trṭtranquillity Bhartṛ.

⋙ śamasudhā

   ○sudhā f. the nectar of trṭtranquillity ib.

⋙ śamasetupradīpa

   ○setu-pradīpa m. N. of wk

⋙ śamasaukhya

   ○saukhya n. = -sukha, Śāntiś

⋙ śamastha

   ○stha mfn. engaged in quietism MW.

⋙ śamasthalī

   ○sthalī f. = antarvedī Gal.

⋙ śamāgāsa

   śamāgāsa (?) and N. of two places Rājat.

⋙ śamāṅga

   śamâṅga N. of two places Rājat.

⋙ śainātmaka

   śainâtmaka mfn. calm or tranquil by nature R.

⋙ śamāntaka

   śamântaka m. 'destroyer of tranquillity', N. of Kāma-deva (god of love) L.

⋙ śamānvita

   śamânvita mfn. devoted to quietism MuṇḍUp.

⋙ śamopanyāsa

   śamôpanyāsa m. overtures of peace Veṇis.

≫ śamaka

   śamaka mfn. (fr. Caus.) pacifying, a pacifier, peace-maker Pāṇ. 7-3, 34 Sch. 
   • (ā), f. a kind of creeper (found in Nanda-pura) Kauś.

≫ śamaṭha

   śamaṭha m. (cf. Uṇ. i, 102 Sch.) N. of a Brahman MBh.

≫ śamatha

   śamatha m. quiet, tranquillity, absence of passion Lalit. 
   • a counsellor, minister L.

⋙ śamathavipaśyanāvihārin

   ○vipaśyanā-vihārin m. 'enjoying quietude and right knowledge', N. of Buddha Divyâv.

⋙ śamathasambhāra

   ○sambhāra m. (with Buddhists) quietude as one of the equipments (one of the 4 Sambhāras, q.v.) Dharmas. 117

≫ śamana

   śamana mf(i) n. calming, tranquillizing, soothing, allaying, extinguishing, destroying KātyŚr. MBh. &c 
   • m. 'settler, destroyer, N. of Yama Daś. 
   • a kind of antelope L. 
   • a kind of pea L. 
   • (ī), f. below 
   • n. the act of calming, appeasing, allaying, tranquillization, pacification, extinction, destruction Kauś. MBh. &c. killing, slaying, immolation Kauś. 
   • chewing, swallowing L. 
   • a mode of sipping water (prob. for camana) MW. 
   • malediction, reviling (wṛ. for śapana) W.

⋙ śamanavidhi

   ○vidhi m. N. of the 46th Pariś. of the AV.

⋙ śamanaśvasṛ

   ○śvasṛ f. 'Yama's sister', the river Yamunā or Jumnā L.

≫ śamanī

   śamanī f. the calming one', night L.

⋙ śamanīpāra

   ○pāra m. (prob.) a partic. mode of reciting the Ṛig-veda Pat. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 1, Vartt. i

⋙ śamanīṣada

   ○ṣada m. nightgoer', a Rākshasa, evil spirit, demon L.

≫ śamanīya

   śamanīya mfn. to be tranquillized, consolable MW. 
   • serving for tranquillization, soothing Suśr. 
   • n. a sedative ib. Sāh.

≫ śamayitṛ

   śamayitṛ m. (fr. Caus.) an alleviator, tranquillizer Kauś. (śámayitṛkā f. MaitrS.) 
   • an extinguisher, destroyer, killer, slayer Nir. Ragh.

≫ śamala

   śámala n. (cf. Uṇ. i, iii) impurity, sin, blemish, fault, harm AV. TS. Kāṭh. Kauś. BhP. 
   • feces, ordure L.

⋙ śamalagṛhīta

   ○gṛhīta m. affected with a taint AitBr.

≫ śamāya

   śamāya Nom. Ā. ○yáte, to fatigue or exert one's self. RV. 
   • to set at rest, put to death, kill, slay MaitrS. Āpast. 
   • (P.) to strive after mental calm TUp.

≫ śamāha

   śamāha m. a quiet place, hermitage L.

≫ śami

   śámi n. labour, toil, work, effort RV. AV. 
   • f. a legume, pod (vḷ. śimi) L. 
   • the Śamī tree ( below) 
   • m. N. of a son of Andhaka Hariv. 
   • of a son of Uśinara BhP.

⋙ śamiroha

   ○roha m. 'ascending the Śamī tree', N. of Śiva L.

⋙ śamiṣṭhala

   ○ṣṭhala n. Pāṇ. 8-3, 96

≫ śamika

   śamika m. N. of a man, g. bidâdi

≫ śamita

   śamitá mfn. (cf. śānta) prepared, ready (as an oblation) VS. 
   • (fr. Caus.) appeased, allayed &c 
   • kept in order, cut (as nails) Megh. 89 (v. l.) 
   • destroyed, killed Ragh. 
   • relieved, cured W. 
   • relaxed, intermitted ib. 
   • m. N. of a Sthavira of the Jainas HPariś. 
   • (ā), f. rice-powder L.

⋙ śamitaruci

   ○ruci mfn. whose lustre is moderated or dimmed MW.

⋙ śamitāyāma

   śamitâyāma mfn. having the length diminished ib.

≫ śamitavya

   śamitavya mfn. to be appeased MW.

≫ śamitṛ

   śámitṛ mfn. one who keeps his mind calm, Raj 
   • (○tṛ́), m. a killer, slaughterer, cutter up (of a slaughtered victim), preparer, dresser RV. Br. MBh.

≫ śamin

   śamin mfn. tranquil, pacific, incapable of any emotion Kāv. Rājat. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 141 
   • compar. of f. śaminī-tarā or śamini-tarā Pat.) 
   • m. N. of a son of Rājâdhideva Hariv. 
   • of a son of Sūra VP. 
   • of a son of Andhaka ib.

≫ śamira

   śamira m. (cf. śamīra) a small variety of the Śamī tree L.

≫ śamiṣṭha

   śamiṣṭha mfn. most active, busiest (applied to the Ṛibhus) ŚākhŚr.

≫ śamī

   śámī f. (cf. śámi) effort, labour, toil RV. VS. 
   • (śamī́) the Śamī tree, Prosopis Spicigera or (accord. to others) Mimosa Suma (possessing a very tough hard wood supposed to contain fire, cf. Mn. viii, 247 Ragh. iii, 9 
   • it was employed to kindle the sacred fire, and a legend relates that Purū-ravas generated primeval fire by the friction of two branches of the Samī and Aśvattha trees) AV. &c. [Page 1054, Column 2] 
   • a legume, pod (cf. -jāti) 
   • a partic. measure ( catuh-ś○) = valgulī or vāgnji L.

⋙ śamīkuṇa

   ○kuṇa m. the time when the Sami tree bears fruit Pāṇ. 5-2, 24

⋙ śamīgarbha

   ○garbhá m. born in the Sami', the Aśvattha tree or Ficus Religiosa (which strikes √in the fissures of other trees) Br. ŚrS. MBh. &c 
   • fire (supposed to be contained in the Sami) Hariv. 
   • a Brāhman L.

⋙ śamījāta

   ○jāta mfn. produced in a Śamī tree (cf. prec.) Hariv.

⋙ śamījāti

   ○jāti f. a kind. of legume or pod VarBṛS.

⋙ śamīdṛṣada

   ○dṛṣada n. sg. a Śamī tree and a mill-stone Laghuk.

⋙ śamītaru

   ○taru n. the Śamī tree Śak. i, 17 (vḷ. for -latā)

⋙ śamīdhānya

   ○dhānya n. Śamī grain (one of the 5 classes of grain 
   • but often= any pulse or grain growing in pods) ŚBr. Car.

⋙ śamīnivātam

   ○nivātam ind. so as to be protected from the wind by a Śamī tree Pāṇ. 6-2, 8 Kāś.

⋙ śamīpattra

   ○pattra n. or 'having Śamī leaves', a kind of sensitive plant, Mimosa Pudica L.

⋙ śamīpattrī

   ○pattrī f. 'having Śamī leaves', a kind of sensitive plant, Mimosa Pudica L.

⋙ śamīparṇa

   ○parṇá n. a leaf of the Śamī tree TBr.

⋙ śamīpujāvidhi

   ○pujā-vidhi m. N. of wk

⋙ śamīprastha

   ○prastha n. g. karky-ādi

⋙ śamīphalā

   ○phalā f. a sensitive plant (prob. = -pattrā) L.

⋙ śamīmandāramāhātmya

   ○mandāra-māhātmya n. 'glorification of the Śamī and Mandāra trees', N. of ch. of the GaṇP.

⋙ śamīmaya

   ○máya mf(ī)n. consisting or made of Śamī wood TS. Br. GṛŚrS.

⋙ śamīlatā

   ○latā f. a branch of the Śamī tree Śak. i, 17

⋙ śamīlūna

   ○lūna mfn. one (whose hair is) cut with (an instrument made of) Sami wood Kauś.

⋙ śamīvat

   ○vat mfn. N. of a man (cf. śāmīvata)

⋙ śamīvṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. = -taru Pañcat.

⋙ śamyoṣa

   śamyoṣa m. the grains or seed of a legume or pod Āpast.

≫ śamīka

   śamīka m. N. of various men (esp. of a Muni, son of Sūra and brother of Vasu-deva) VP.

≫ śamīra

   śamīra m.= śamira Pāṇ. 5-3, 88

≫ śamya

   śamya mfn. to be appeased or kept quiet &c. MW. 
   • = rūkṣa TS. Sch. 
   • m. a partic. personification SāmavBr. 
   • (ā), f. next

≫ śamyā

   śámyā f. a stick, staff, (esp.) a wooden pin or peg, wedge &c. RV. AV. Br. GṛŚrS. 
   • the pin of a yoke ( yuga-ś○) 
   • a partic. instrument used in the treatment of hemorrhoids Vāgbh. 
   • a sacrificial vessel W. 
   • a kind of cymbal or other musical instrument (= tāla-viśeṣa) MW. 
   • a partic. measure of length = 36 Aṅgulas VarBṛ. (or = 32 Aṅgulas KātyŚr. Sch. 
   • cf. -kṣepa, -nipâta &c. below) 
   • du. (dhuroḥ śamye) N. of two Śāmans ĀrshBr.

⋙ śamyākṣepa

   ○kṣepa m. the cast of a staff, distance that a staff can be thrown MBh.

⋙ śamyāgarta

   ○garta m. n. a hole for the Śamyā ŚāṅkhŚr.

⋙ śamyāgrāha

   ○grāha m. (prob.) one who plays the cymbals R.

⋙ śamyātāla

   ○tāla m. a kind of cymbal MBh. Car.

⋙ śamyānipāta

   ○nipāta (cf. MBh.),

⋙ śamyāparāvyādha

   ○parāvyādhá (cf. ŚBr.),

⋙ śamyāparāsa

   ○parâsa (cf. ĀpŚr.), m. = -kṣepa

⋙ śamyāparāsin

   ○parâsin mfn. measuring the distance of the cast of a Śamyā PañcavBr.

⋙ śamyāpāta

   ○pāta m. (cf. MBh.),

⋙ śamyāprāsa

   ○prâsa m. (cf. Āpast.),

⋙ śamyāprasana

   ○prásana n. (Lāty.) = -kṣepa above

⋙ śamyāmātra

   ○mātrá mfn. having the measure of a Śamyā TBr.

śam 2

   śám ind. (g. câdi and svar-ādi) auspiciously, fortunately, happily, well (frequently used in the Veda, rarely in later language ; often to be translated by a subst., esp. in the frequent phrase śáṃ yóḥ or śáṃ ca yóś ca, 'happiness and welfare', sometimes joined with the verbs bhū, as, kṛ, dāvah, yā, sometimes occurring without any verb ; with dat. or gen. [cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 73 Sch.] ; in some cases corresponding to an adj., e.g. śaṃ tad asmai, that is pleasant to him) RV. &c. &c

⋙ śampāka

   ○pāka m. Cathartocarpus Fistula MBh. Suśr. &c. (perhaps wṛ. for śamyāka, cf. śamyā) 
   • N. of a Brāhman MBh. 
   • (only L.) = vipāka and yāvaka (v. l. viyāta and yācaka) 
   • = tarkaka and dhṛṣṭa

⋙ śampāta

   ○pāta m. Cassia Fistula MW.

⋙ śambhara

   ○bhara m. N. of a man (cf. śāmbhara)

⋙ śambhava

   ○bhavá mfn. = śambhu VS. 
   • m. (with Jainas) N. of the third Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L.

⋙ śambhaviṣṭha

   ○bhaviṣṭha (śáṃ-), mfn. superl. of śambhu

⋙ śambhu

   ○bhu śambhu, p. 1055

⋙ śammad

   ○mad N. of an Āṅgirasa PañcavBr. (cf. śāmmada)

≫ śaṃ

   śaṃ in comp. for 2. śam

⋙ śaṃyu

   ○yu śaṃyú, col. 3

⋙ śaṃyuvāka

   ○yu-vāka m. a sacred formula containing the words sáṃyóḥ ( = next) ĀśvŚr. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 29 Vārtt. 1 Pat.)

⋙ śaṃyorvāka

   ○yor-vāká m. the sacred formula beginning with the words tác cháṃ-yór ā vṛṇīmahe Br. ŚrS.

⋙ śaṃyos

   ○yós ind.= śaṃ yos ( under 2. śam) VS. 
   • = śaṃ-yor-vāká Br. KātyŚrS.

⋙ śaṃyvānta

   ○yv-ânta mf(ā)n. ending with the formula śaṃyós Vait.

⋙ śaṃvat

   ○vat (śáṃ-), mfn. auspicious, prosperous ŚBr. 
   • containing the word śam Cat.

⋙ śaṃvada

   ○vada m. Pāṇ. 3-2, 14 Sch.

⋙ śaṃstha

   ○stha or mfn. being in prosperity, happy, prosperous Pāṇ. 3-2, 77 Sch. [Page 1054, Column 3] 

⋙ śaṃsthā

   ○sthā mfn. being in prosperity, happy, prosperous Pāṇ. 3-2, 77 Sch. [Page 1054, Column 3] 

⋙ śaṃkara

   ○kará below

⋙ śaṃkṛt

   ○kṛt (śáṃ-), mfn. causing prosperity, beneficent TĀr.

⋙ śaṃga

   ○gá mfn. vḷ. for -gú TS.

⋙ śaṃgaya

   ○gayá mf(gáyī)n. blessing the household RV. ĀśvŚr.

⋙ śaṃgarā

   ○garā f. = śaṃkarā Pat.

⋙ śaṃgavī

   ○gavī (śáṃ-), f. blessing cattle ŚBr.

⋙ śaṃgu

   ○gú mfn. id. VS. 
   • (gender doubtful) a kind of plant Pañcar.

⋙ śaṃtanu

   ○tanu (śáṃ-), mfn. wholesome for the body or the person (-tvá n.) TS. 
   • m. (also written śāṃtanu) N. of an ancient king with the patr. Kauravya (he was fourteenth descendant of Kuru, son of Pratīpa and younger brother of Devāpi, and usurped the sovereignty whilst the latter became a hermit 
   • he married Gaṅgā and Śatya-vati 
   • by the former he had a son named Bhīshma, and by the latter Citrâṅgada and Vicitravirya, cf. IW. 375) RV. MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • (with cakra-vartin) N. of an author (son of Uddharaṇa, of the Tomara race) Cat. 
   • -tanūja m. 'son of Śaṃtanu', N. of Bhīshma, Śis. xv, 20

⋙ śaṃtama

   ○tama (śâṃ-), mfn. most beneficent or wholesome or salutary RV. AV. VS. BhP.

⋙ śaṃtāti

   ○tāti (śáṃ-), mfn. beneficent, auspicious RV. 
   • f. pl. benefits ib. 
   • -sū7kaṭāni catvāri, N. of four hymns attributed to Śaunaka Cat. 
   • ○tīya n. N. of the hymn RV. vii, 35 GṛŚrS.

⋙ śaṃtva

   ○tvá n. beneficialness, auspiciousness TS. TBr. Kāṭh.

⋙ śaṃnodevī

   ○no-devī f. N. of the verse RV. x, 9, 4 Yājñ. 
   • ○viiya m. (scil. anuvāka) N. of AV. i, 6 Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 2 Vārtt. 1

≫ śaṃya

   śaṃya mfn. Pāṇ. 5-2, 138

≫ śaṃyu

   śaṃyú mfn. benevolent, beneficent RV. TS. 
   • happy, fortunate Bhaṭṭ. 
   • N. of a son of Bṛihas-pati TS. Br. MBh.

⋙ śaṃyudhāyas

   ○dhāyas (śaṃyú-), mfn. beneficent, refreshing TĀr.

≫ śaṃva

   śaṃva śamba, p. 1055, col. 2

≫ śaṃkara

   śaṃkará mf(ī)n. causing prosperity, auspicious, beneficent Nir. MBh. BhP. 
   • m. N. of Rudra or Śiva VS. ĀśvGṛ. MBh. &c 
   • of a son of Kaśyapa and Danu VP. 
   • of Skanda AV.Pariś 
   • of a serpentdemon L. 
   • of a Cakra-vartin L. 
   • N. of various authors and commentators, (esp.) of Śaṃkarâcārya ( next page, col. 1 
   • also with bhaṭṭa, paṇḍita, śarman, rājânaka, &c.) 
   • (ā), f. (cf. śaṃ-garā under śaṃ above) = śakunikā, PIṇ. iii, 2, 14 Vārtt.i Pat. 
   • N. of a female ib. 
   • a partic. Rāga or musical mode MW. 
   • (ī), f. p. 1055

⋙ śaṃkarakathā

   ○kathā f. N. of wk

⋙ śaṃkarakavaca

   ○kavaca f. N. of a Kavaca

⋙ śaṃkarakavi

   ○kavi m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ śaṃkarakiṃkara

   ○kiṃkara m. a servant or worshipper of Śiva (○ri-bhava, m. the being or becoming a w of ŚṭŚiva) Siṃhâs. 
   • N. of an author Sarvad.

⋙ śaṃkarakroḍa

   ○kroḍa m. N. of a Nyāya Commentary

⋙ śaṃkaragaṇa

   ○gaṇa m. N. of a poet Subh.

⋙ śaṃkaragiri

   ○giri m. N. of a mountain Daś.

⋙ śaṃkaragītā

   ○gītā f. N. of wk. Hcat.

⋙ śaṃkaragaurtśa

   ○gaurtśa m. N. of a temple Rājat.

⋙ śaṃkaracaritra

   ○caritra n. N. of wk.,

⋙ śaṃkaracetovilāsa

   ○cetovilāsa m. 'the play of Śarnkara's wit', N. of an artificial poem by Śaṃkara-dikshita (celebrating the glories of Vārāṇasī, esp. of its kings Yavanâri and Ceta-siṃha or Chet Singh)

⋙ śaṃkarajaya

   ○jaya saṃkṣepá. śaṃkara-jaya

⋙ śaṃkarajit

   ○jit m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ śaṃkarajī

   ○jī m. N. of an author ib.

⋙ śaṃkarajīka

   ○jīka m. N. of a scribe MW.

⋙ śaṃkaratīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of ch. of the ŚivaP.

⋙ śaṃkaradatta

   ○datta m

⋙ śaṃkaradayālu

   ○dayālu m. and N. of authors Cat.

⋙ śaṃkaradāsa

   ○dāsa m. N. of authors Cat.

⋙ śaṃkaradigvijaya

   ○dig-vijaya m. 'Śaṃkara's victory over every quarter (of the world)', N. of a fanciful account of the controversial exploits of Śaṃkarâcarya (q.v.) by Mādhavâcārya (also called saṃkṣepa-saṃkarajaya) 
   • = śaṃkara-vijaya below 
   • -ḍiṇḍima and -sāra m. N. of wks

⋙ śaṃkaradīkṣita

   ○dīkṣita m. N. of a writer of the last century (son of Dīkshita Bāla-kṛishṇa 
   • author of the Gaṅgâvatāra-campū-prabandha, Pradyumna-vijaya, and, Śaṃkara-ceto-vilāsa)

⋙ śaṃkaradeva

   ○deva m. N. of a form of Śiva Cat. 
   • of a king and a poet ib.

⋙ śaṃkaradhara

   ○dhara m. N. of a poet ib.

⋙ śaṃkaranārāyaṇa

   ○nārāyaṇa m. Vishṇu-Śiva ( = hari-hara) RTL. 65 
   • -māhātmya n. ○ṇâṣṭôttara-śata n. N. of wks

⋙ śaṃkarapati

   ○pati mṆ. of a man Buddh.

⋙ śaṃkarapattra

   ○pattra n

⋙ śaṃkarapādabhūṣaṇa

   ○pāda-bhūṣaṇa n. N. of wks

⋙ śaṃkarapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa m. a white Calotropis L. (cf. śarkarā-p○)

⋙ śaṃkaraprādurbhāva

   ○prādur-bhāva m. N. of wk

⋙ śaṃkarapriya

   ○priya m. 'dear to Śaṃkara', the Francoline partridge (= tittiri) L. 
   • (ā), f. Śiva's wife Kathās.

⋙ śaṃkarabindu

   ○bindu m

⋙ śaṃkarabhaṭṭa

   ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of authors Cat.

⋙ śaṃkarabhaṭṭī

   ○bhaṭṭī f

⋙ śaṃkarabhaṭṭīya

   ○bhaṭṭīya n. N. of wks. (or of one wk.)

⋙ śaṃkarabhāratītīrtha

   ○bhāratī-tīrtha m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śaṃkarabhāṣyanyāyasaṃgraha

   ○bhāṣya-nyāya-saṃgraha m

⋙ śaṃkaramandārasaurabha

   ○mandārasaurabha n. N. of wks

⋙ śaṃkaramiśra

   ○miśra m. N. of various authors (esp. of a poet and a philosopher, son of Bhava-nātha 
   • cf. IW. 62, 68) Cat.

⋙ śaṃkararkṣa

   ○rkṣa (for -ṛkṣa)', m. N. of the Nakshatra Ārdrā (presided over by Siva) L.

⋙ śaṃkaralāla

   ○lāla m. N. of the patron of Kshemendra (son of Bhū-dhara) Cat.

⋙ śaṃkaravardhana

   ○vardhana m. N. of a man Rājat.

⋙ śaṃkaravarman

   ○varman m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ śaṃkaravijaya

   ○vijaya m. 'Samkara's victory', N. of Ānanda-giri's biography of Śaṃkarâcārya (recording his controversial victories, as a Vedântin, over numerous heretics) [Page 1055, Column 1] 
   • of a fanciful life of Śṃkarâcārya (in the form of a dialogue between Cid-vilāsa and Vijñānakanda) 
   • of a poem by Vyāsa-giri (describing the adventures of Śiva) 
   • -vilāsa m. N. of a poem

⋙ śaṃkaravilāsa

   ○vilāsa m. N. of ch. of the SkandaP. and of another wk. by Vidyâraṇya 
   • -campū f. N. of a poem by Jagan-nātha

⋙ śaṃkaraśikṣā

   ○śikṣā f. N. of wk. on Vedic phonetics

⋙ śaṃkaraśukra

   ○śukra n. quicksilver Bhpr.

⋙ śaṃkaraśukla

   ○śukla m. N. of a learned man Cat.

⋙ śaṃkaraśvaśura

   ○śvaśura m. 'Śiva's father-in-law', N. of the mountain Hima-vat R.

⋙ śaṃkarasaṃhitā

   ○saṃhitā f

⋙ śaṃkarasambhava

   ○sambhava m. N. of chs. of the SkandaP.

⋙ śaṃkarasiddhi

   ○siddhi m. N. of a man Kathās.

⋙ śaṃkarasena

   ○sena m. N. of a writer on medicine Cat.

⋙ śaṃkarastuti

   ○stuti f. N. of the 7th Adhyāya of MBh. x

⋙ śaṃkarastotra

   ○stotra n. N. of a Stotra by Bala-krishṇa

⋙ śaṃkarasvāmin

   ○svāmin m. N. of a Brāhman Kathās.

⋙ śaṃkarākhya

   śaṃkarâkhya N. of two medical wks. by Rāma and Śakara

⋙ saṃkarācārya

   saṃkarâcārya below

⋙ śaṃkarānanda

   śaṃkarânanda m. N. of a philosopher (son of Vāñchêśa and Veṅkaṭâmbā, pupil of Ānandâtman and guru of Sāyaṇa 
   • author of the Ātma-purāṇa or Upanishad-ratna, containing the substance of a number of Upanishads in verse 
   • and of many Commentaries on Upanishads and similar wks.) 
   • -tīrtha m. -nātha m. N. of authors

⋙ śaṃkarābharaṇa

   śaṃkarâbharaṇa m. (in music) a partic. Rāga Saṃgīt.

⋙ śaṃkarābhyudaya

   śaṃkarâbhyudaya m. N. of a poem by Rāmakṛishṇa

⋙ saṃkarālaya

   saṃkarâlaya m. 'Śiva's abode', the mountain Kailāsa Cat.

⋙ śaṃkarāvāsa

   śaṃkarâvāsa m. id. MW. 
   • a kind of camphor L.

⋙ śaṃkarāṣṭaka

   śaṃkarâṣṭaka n. N. of wk. by Lakshmī-nārāyana

≫ śaṃkarācārya

   śaṃkarâcārya m. N. of various teachers and authors, (esp.) of a celebrated teacher of the Vedânta philosophy and reviver of Brāhmanism (he is thought to have lived between AḌ. 788 and 820, but according to tradition he flourished 200 B.c., and was a native of Kerala or Malabar 
   • all accounts describe him as having led an erratic controversial life 
   • his leaming and sanctity were in such repute that he was held to have been an incarnation of Śiva, and to have worked various miracles 
   • he is said to have died at the age of thirty-two, and to have had four principal disciples, called Padma-pāda, Hastâmalaka, Sureśvara or Mandana, and Troṭaka 
   • another of his disciples, Ānanda-giri, wrote a history of his controversial exploits, called Śaṃkara-vijaya, q.v 
   • tradition makes him the founder of one of the principal Śaiva sects, the Daśa-nāmi-Daṇḍins or 'Ten-named Mendicants' RTL. 87 
   • he is the reputed author of a large number of original works, such as the Ātma-bodha, Ānanda-lahari, Jñāna -bodhinī, Maṇi-ratna-mālā, &c 
   • and commentaries on the Upanishads, and on the Brahma-mīmāṃsā or Vedānta-sūtra, Bhagavadgītā, and Mahā-bhārata, &c.) IW. 46 RTL. 53 
   • -carita n. -vijaya-ḍiṇḍima (cf. śaṃkara-digvijaya-ḍ○) 
   • ○ryâvatāra-kathā f. ○ryôtpatti f. N. of wks

≫ śaṃkarī

   śaṃkarī f. the wife of Śiva L. 
   • Rubia Munjista L. 
   • Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma ib. 
   • -gīta n. -gīti f. N. of musical wks

⋙ saṃkarīya

   saṃkarīya mfn. (fr. śaṃkara), g. utkarâdi 
   • n. N. of wk

≫ śanta


⋙ śanti


⋙ śantu

   śanḍtu mfn. Pāṇ. 5-2, 138

≫ śantācī

   śántācī (?), f. = śaṃ-tāti TBr. ĀpŚr.

≫ śantiva

   śantivá mf(ā)n. beneficent, friendly, kind AV.

≫ śambha

   śambha mfn. Pāṇ. 5-2, 138

≫ śambhu

   śambhú mfn. being or existing for happiness or welfare, granting or causing happiness, beneficent, benevolent, helpful, kind RV. AV. Br. ŚrS. 
   • m. N. of Śiva MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • of Brahmā MBh. Hariv. 
   • of a partic. Agni MBh. 
   • of Vishṇu L. 
   • of a son of Vishṇu MBh. 
   • of Indra in the 10th Manvantara BhP. 
   • of one of the 11 Ruḍras MBh. Hariv. VP. 
   • of a king of the Daityas R. 
   • of an Arhat L. 
   • of a Siddha L. 
   • of a king MBh. (v. l. śanku) 
   • of a son of Śuka Hariv. 
   • of a son of Ambarīsha BhP. 
   • (also with bhaṭṭa) of various authors and other men Cat. 
   • a kind of Asclepias L. 
   • a kind of metre Col. 
   • f. N. of the wife of Dhruva Hariv. VP.

⋙ śambhukāntā

   ○kāntā f. 'Śiva's wife', N. of Durgā Kāv.

⋙ śambhugiri

   ○giri m. N. of a mountain

⋙ śambhumāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. N. of ch. of the SkandaP.

⋙ śambhucandra

   ○candra m. N. of a Zamindār (who wrote the Vikrama-bhārata in the beginning of this century) Cat.

⋙ śambhutattvānusaṃdhāna

   ○tattvânusaṃdhāna n. N. of a Śaiva wk. by Śambhu-nātha

⋙ śambhutanaya

   ○tanaya m. 'Śiva's son', N. of Skanda and Gaṇeta L.

⋙ śambhudāsa

   ○dāsa m

⋙ śambhudeva

   ○deva m. N. of authors

⋙ śambhunandana

   ○nandana m. -tanaya L.

⋙ śambhunātha

   ○nātha m. N. of a temple of Siva in Nepāl. W. [Page 1055, Column 2] 
   • (also with ācārya and siddhântavágīśa) N. of various authors &c. Cat. 
   • -rasa m. a partic. mixture L. 
   • ○thârcana n. N. of a Tāntric wk

⋙ śambhunityā

   ○nityā f. N. of a Tantric wk

⋙ śambhupriyā

   ○priyā f. dear to Śiva', N. of Durgā L. 
   • Emblic Myrobolan L.

⋙ śambhubhaṭṭīya

   ○bhaṭṭīya n. N. of a Nyāya wk

⋙ śambhubhairava

   ○bhairava m. a form of Śiva Cat.

⋙ śambhumayobhū

   ○mayo-bhū f. du. N. of the hymns AV. i, 5 and 6

[[ ]]

   śambhumahādevakṣetramāhātmya3śambhú--mahādeva-kṣetra-māhātmya n

⋙ śambhurahasya

   ○rahasya n. N. of wks

⋙ śambhurāja

   ○rāja m. N. of the author of the Nyāya-mañjari Cat. 
   • -caritra n. N. of wk

⋙ śambhurāma

   ○rāma m. N. of various authors Cat.

⋙ śambhuvardhana

   ○vardhana m. N. of a man Rājat.

⋙ śambhuvallabha

   ○vallabha n. 'beloved by Śiva', the white lotus' L.

⋙ śambhuvākyapelāśāṭīkā

   ○vākya-pelāśā-ṭīkā f. N. of an astron. wk

⋙ śambhuśikṣā

   ○śikṣā f. N. of wk. on Vedic phonetics

⋙ śambhuhorāprakāśa

   ○horā-prakāśa m. N. of an astron. wk

≫ śambhū

   śambhū́ mfn. (= śambhú above) beneficent, kind RV. 
   • m. N. of an author of Tāntric prayers Cat.

⋙ śambhūnātha

   ○nātha m. N. of an author ib. (cf. śambhun○)

⋙ śambhūrājacaritra

   ○rāja-caritra n. N. of wk. ib. (cf. śambhur○)

⋙ śambhūvartani

   ○vartani f. N. of a town (= eka-cakrā) Gal.


   śamantaka-stotra n. N. of a Stotra Cat. (prob. wṛ. for śamântaka-, or syamantaka-st○)


   śamara (in roma-ś○), prob. = vivara GopBr.


   śamālā f. N. of a place Rājat.


   śamópya (cf. Padap. śam-op○), n. (of unknown meaning) AV. i, 14, 3


   śampaka mṆ. of a Śākya Buddh.


   śampā f. lightning Harav. 
   • a girdle ib.

⋙ śampātala

   ○tala wṛ. for śamyā-t○ MBh. Kathās.


   śamphalī f. (cf. śambalī and śambhalī) a procuress L.


   śamb cl. 1. P. śambati, to go Dhātup. xi, 29 (cf. Vop.) 
   • cl. 10. P. śambayati, to collect ib. xxxii, 21 (v. l.)


   śámba m. (derivation doubtful) a weapon used by Indra (accord. to some 'Indra's thunderbolt', but cf. śambín) RV. x, 42, 7 (= vajra Naigh. iv, 2) 
   • the iron head of a pestle L. 
   • an iron chain worn round the loins W. 
   • a partic. measure of length L. 
   • ploughing in the regular direction (= anuloma-karṣaṇa) L. 
   • the second ploughing of a field W. 
   • N. of an Asura (cf. śambara) TBr. Sch. 
   • mfn. happy, fortunate L. (cf. śaṃ-vat, p. 1054, col. 2) 
   • poor (?) L.

≫ śambara

   śámbara m. N. of a demon (in RV. often mentioned with Sushṇa, Arbuda, Pipru &c 
   • he is the chief enemy of Divo-dāsa Atithigva, for whose deliverance he was thrown down a mountain and slain by Indra 
   • in epic and later poetry he is also a foe of the god of love) RV. &c. &c 
   • a cloud Naigh. i, 10 
   • a weapon Sāy. on RV. i, 112, 14 
   • war, fight L. 
   • a kind of deer Vās. Bhpr. 
   • a fish or a kind of fish L. 
   • Terminalia Arunja L. 
   • Symplocos Racemosa L. 
   • a mountain in general or a partic. mountain L. 
   • best, excellent L. 
   • = citraka L. 
   • N. of of a Jina L. 
   • of a king Vās. (v. l. for śambaraṇa and saṃ-varaṇa) 
   • of a juggler (also called śambarasiddhi) Ratnâv. 
   • (ī), f. Salvinia Cucullata L. Croton Polyandrum L. 
   • = māyā, sorcery, magic (prob. wṛ. for śāmbarī) L. 
   • n. water Naigh. i, 12 (but Sāh. censures the use of śambara in this sense) 
   • power, might Naigh.ī, 9 
   • sorcery, magic Kathās. (printed saṃ-vara) 
   • any vow or a partic. vow (with Buddhists) L. 
   • wealth L. 
   • = citra L. 
   • (pl.) the fastnesses of Śambara RV.

⋙ śambarakanda

   ○kanda m. a kind of bulbous plant L.

⋙ śambaraghna

   ○ghna m. 'Sambara-slayer', N. of the god of love Hariv.

⋙ śambaracandana

   ○candana n. a variety of sandal L.

⋙ śambaradāraṇa

   ○dāraṇa m. 'Ś-destoyer', the god of love Gīt.

⋙ śambararipu

   ○ripu m. 'enemy of Sambara', id. Bhām.

⋙ śambaravṛtrahan

   ○vṛtra-han m. 'slayer of SṭSambara and Vṛitra', N. of Indra R.

⋙ śambarasiddhi

   ○siddhi m. above

⋙ śambarasūdana

   ○sūdana m. 'destroyer of ŚṭŚambara, the god of love L.,

⋙ śambarahatya

   ○hátya n. the killing of ŚṭŚambara RV. TBr. ŚāṅkhSr.

⋙ śambarahan

   ○han m. 'Śambara-killer', N. of Indra MBh.

⋙ śambarāntakara

   śambarântakara m. 'ŚṭŚambara-destroyer', the god of love Hariv.

⋙ śambarāri

   śambarâri m. enemy of Sambara Hāsy.

⋙ śambarāsura

   śambarâsura m. the Asura SṭSambara 
   • -vadhôpâkhyāna n. story of the killing of Śambara (told in BhP. x, 55)

≫ śambaraṇa

   śambaraṇa m. N. of a king Vās. (more correctly saṃ-varaṇa 
   • under. śambara)

≫ śambākṛ

   śambā-√kṛ P. Ā. -karoti, -kurute (cf. Pāṇ. 5- 4, 58), to plough twice or in both directions Bhām. [Page 1055, Column 3] 

⋙ śambākṛkṛta

   śambā-√kṛ--kṛta mfn. twice ploughed L.

≫ śambin

   śambín m. having a pole or oar', a rower, boatman AV.


   śambáṭ ind. = chambáṭ Suparṇ.


   śambaṭī f. (māṣa-śambaṭyaḥ) Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-64, Vartt. 59


   śambala m. n. (also -written sambala, or saṃ-vala, q.v.) provender or provisions for a journey, stock for travelling Kāv. Kāraṇḍ. 
   • 'a bank, shore' or' a race, family' (kūla or kula) L. 
   • envy, jealousy L. 
   • (ī), f. a procuress L. (cf. śambhalī and śamphalī)


   śambu m. a bivalve shell L. 
   • N. of a man, ĀtśvŚr 
   • (ū), f. N. of a woman ( śambūputra)

⋙ śambuvardhana

   ○vardhana m. N. of a man MW.

≫ śambuka

   śambuka m. (cf. below and śāmbuka) a bivalve shell L. 
   • a partic. noxious insect Suśr. 
   • N. of a Sūdra MBh. (B. jambuka) Ragh. (v. l. kañcuka) 
   • of a poet Subh.

≫ śambukka

   śambukka m. a bivalve shell L.

≫ śambūka

   śambūka m. a bivalve shell, any shell or conch Kāv. Kathās. Suśr. (also ā f. L.) 
   • a snail W. 
   • a kind of animal (= ghoṅgha) L. 
   • the edge of the frontal protuberance of an elephant L. 
   • N. of a Śūdra (who had become a devotee and was slain by Rāma-candra) R. Uttarar. (cf. śambuka) 
   • of a Daitya L.

⋙ śambūkapuṣpī

   ○puṣpī f. a species of plant (= saṅkha-p○ Bhpr.

⋙ sambūkāvarta

   sambūkâvarta m. (cf. śaṅkhâv○) the convolution of a shell Suśr. 
   • a fistula of that shape in the rectum ib.

≫ śambūputra

   śambū-putra m. son of Śambū', patr. of a man Nid.


   śambhala m. (also written sambhala) N. of a town (situated between the Rathaprā and Ganges, and indentified by some with sambhal in Moradābād 
   • the town or district of Śambhala is fabled to be the place where Kalki, the last incarnation of Vishṇu, is to appear in the family of a Brāhman named Vishṇu-yaśas) MBh. Hariv. Pur. 
   • (ī), f. a procuress L. (cf. śamphalī and śambhalī)

⋙ śambhalagrāma

   ○grāma m. the town Śambhala MBh. Hariv. Pur. (also -grāmaka) 
   • -māhātmya (or śambhala-m○), n. 'glory of Śambhala', N. of part of the SkandaP.

⋙ sambhaleśvaraliṅga

   sambhalêśvara-liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga Cat.


   śam-bhava śam-bhaviṣṭha, under 2. śam, p. 1054, col. 2


   śambhu for śam-bhú, śam-bhū́ &c. cols. 1, 2


   śamya śamyā &c. p. 1054, col. 2


   śamyu śaṃyu, p. 1054, col. 3


   śamva śamvat wṛ. for śamba and śaṃvat


   śaya mf(ā)n. (fr. √1. śī) lying, sleeping, resting, abiding (ifc. after adv. or subst. in loc. case or sense 
   • adhaḥ-ś○, kuśe-ś, giri-ś○ &c.) 
   • m. sleep, sleeping Dhātup. xxiv, 60 (cf. divā-ś○) 
   • a bed, couch ( viira-ś○) 
   • a snake (accord. to some, the boa constrictor) L. 
   • a lizard, chameleon L. 
   • the hand (= hasta, also as a measure of length) VarBṛS. Naish. KātyŚr. Sch. 
   • = paṇa L. 
   • abuse, imprecation L. (prob. wṛ. for śapa) 
   • pl. N. of a people MBh. 
   • (ā́), f. a place of rest or repose (cf. śayyā) RV. [Cf. Gk. ?-?.] [1055, 3]

≫ śayaṇḍa

   śayaṇḍa mfn. addicted to much sleep, sleepy, sleeping L. 
   • m. N. of a place Uṇ. i, 128 Sch.

⋙ śayaṇḍabhakta

   ○bhakta mfn. g. aiṣukāry-ādi

≫ śayaṇḍaka

   śayáṇḍaka m. (cf. śayā́ṇḍaka) a lizard, charmeleon TS. (cf. Sch.)

≫ śayata

   śayata m. one who sleeps much L. 
   • the moon (?) L.

≫ śayatha

   śayátha m. a lair, abode RV. 
   • one who sleeps much L. 
   • the boa constrictor L. 
   • a fish L. 
   • a boar L. 
   • death L.

≫ śayadhyai

   śayádhyai Ved. inf. of √1. śī q.v

≫ śayana

   śáyana mfn. lying down, resting, sleeping Pañcar. 
   • n. the act of lying down or sleeping, rest, repose, sleep MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (ifc., f. ā) a bed, couch, sleeping-place (acc. with √bhaj, ā- √ruh, saṃ-√viś &c., to go to bed or to rest' 
   • with Caus. of ā-√ruh, 'to take to bed, have sexual intercourse with' acc. 
   • śayanaṃ śṛta or ○ne sthita mfn. gone to bed, being in bed) ŚBr. &c. &c [Page 1056, Column 1] 
   • copulation, sexual intercourse L. 
   • N. of a Sāman L.

⋙ śayanagṛha

   ○gṛha n. 'sleeping-house', a bed-chamber Śak. v, 29/30 (vḷ.)

⋙ śayanatalagata

   ○tala-gata mfn. gone to bed, lying in bed, Subh

⋙ śayanapālikā

   ○pālikā f. the (female) keeper of a (royal) couch Jātakam.

⋙ śayanabhūmi

   ○bhūmi f. 'sleeping-place', a bed-chamber Śak.

⋙ śayanaracana

   ○racana n. the preparation of a bed or couch (one of the 64 arts) Cat.

⋙ śayanavāsas

   ○vāsas n. a sleeping-garment Ṛitus.

⋙ śayanavidha

   ○vidha mfn. having the form of a bedstead Kauś.

⋙ śayanasakhī

   ○sakhī f. the female bed-fellow (of a woman) Kathās.

⋙ śayanastha

   ○stha mfn. being or reclining on a couch Mn. iv, 74

⋙ śayanasthāna

   ○sthāna n. = -bhūmi L.

⋙ śayanāgāra

   śayanâgāra m. (L.),

⋙ śayanāvāsa

   śayaḍnâvāsa m. (cf. Rājat.) = ○na-griha L.

⋙ śayanāsana

   śayanâsana n. sleeping and sitting ( comp.) 
   • 'sleeping or resting place', a dwelling, cell Buddh. 
   • -vārika m. a partic. official in a convent ib. 
   • -sevana n. the enjoyment of sleeping and sitting VarBṛS.

⋙ śayanāspada

   śayanâspada n. = ○na-bhūmi L.

⋙ śayanaikadaśī

   śayanâikadaśī f. the 11sth day of the light half of the month Āshāḍha (on which Vishṇu's sleep begins) L.

≫ śayanīkṛ

   śayanī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make into a couch or resting-place Kād.

≫ śayanīya

   śayanīya mfn. to be slept or lain on, fit or suitable for sleep or rest (am ind. 'it should be slept or rested') MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • n. a bed, couch ib.

⋙ śayanīyagṛha

   ○gṛha n. sleeping-house', a bed-chamber Kathās.

⋙ śayanīyatala

   ○tala n. (the surface of) a bed or couch R.

⋙ śayanīyavāsa

   ○vāsa m. -gṛha Vet.

⋙ śayanīyāśrita

   śayanīyâśrita mfn. gone to bed R.

≫ śayanīyaka

   śayanīyaka n. a bed, couch Kathās.

≫ śayāṇḍa

   śayāṇḍa (cf. śayaṇḍa), g. aiṣukāry-ādi (ī f. g. varaṇâdi)

⋙ śayāṇḍabhakta

   ○bhakta mfn. ib.

≫ śayāṇḍaka

   śayāṇḍaka m. (cf. śayaṇḍaka) a kind of bird VS.

≫ śayāna

   śayāna mfn. lying down, resting, sleeping Mn. MBh. &c 
   • m. a lizard, chameleon L.

≫ śayānaka

   śayānaka mfn. lying, resting ( prati-suryaś○) 
   • m. a lizard, chameleon L. 
   • a snake L.

≫ śayālu

   śayālu mfn. sleepy, inclined to sleep, sluggish slothful Pañcar. Śiś. 
   • m. a dog L. 
   • a jackal L. 
   • the boa snake L.

≫ śayita

   śayita mfn. reposed, lying, sleeping, asleep MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • m. the plant Cordia Myxa W. 
   • n. the place where any one has lain or slept Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 68

⋙ śayitavat

   ○vat mfn. one who has lain down, gone to sleep, sleeping, asleep W.

≫ śayitavya

   śayitavya mfn. to be lain or slept Pañcar. Kathās. (n. impers 
   • mayā-hutavahe-śayitavyam, 'it must be lain down by me in the fire' Vās.)

≫ śayitṛ

   śayitṛ m. one who sleeps or rests Pāṇ. 4-2, 15

≫ śayīci

   śayīci in. N. of Indra L.

≫ śayu

   śayú mfn. lying down, sleeping, resting RV. 
   • m. the boa snake L. 
   • N. of a person protected by the Aśvins RV.

≫ śayutrā

   śayutrā́ ind. on or to a couch RV.

≫ śayuna

   śayuna m. the boa constrictor L.

≫ śayyambhadra

   śayyam-bhadra or m. N. of one of the 6Śruta-kevalins (with Jainas) HPariś.

⋙ śayyambhava

   śayyam-bhava m. N. of one of the 6Śruta-kevalins (with Jainas) HPariś.

≫ śayyā

   śayyā f. (ifc. f. ā) a bed, couch, sofa (acc. with saṃ-√viś or adhi-ṣṭhā [√sthā], 'to go to bed or to rest' 
   • with Caus. of ā-√ruh, 'to take a woman to bed, have sexual intercourse with' acc. 
   • śayyāyām ā-rūḍha mfn. 'gone to bed, lying in bed') ṢaḍvBr. &c. &c 
   • lying, reposing, sleeping KātyŚr. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • resort, refuge ( comp.) 
   • stringing together (esp. of words, = gumphana or śabdagumpha), rhetorical composition or a partic. rhetor. figure L. ('couch' and 'rhetor. composition' Kād., Introd., v. 8)

⋙ śayyākāla

   ○kāla sleeping-time ĀpGṛ.

⋙ śayyāgata

   ○gata mfn. gone to bed, lying on a couch MW.

⋙ śayyāgṛha

   ○gṛha n. 'sleeping-house', a bed-chamber MBh. Kāv. Kathās.

⋙ śayyācchādana

   ○cchādana (śayyâcch○), n. a bedcovering, counterpane, sheet MW.

⋙ śayyātara

   ○tara mf(ī)n. affording refuge HPariś.

⋙ śayyādāna

   ○dāna n. 'offering a couch or resting-place', N. of wk 
   • -paddhati f. N. of wk

⋙ śayyādhyakṣa

   ○"ṣdhyakṣa (śayyâdh○), m.= -pāla MW.

⋙ śayyāntara

   ○"ṣntara (śayyânt○), n. the interior or middle of a bed (○re, in bed) Kām.

⋙ śayyāpāla

   ○pāla or m. the guardian of the (royal) couch Pañcat.

⋙ śayyāpālaka

   ○pālaka m. the guardian of the (royal) couch Pañcat. 
   • ○la-tva n. the office of guardian of the bed-chamber ib.

⋙ śayyāprayoga

   ○prayoga m. N. of wk

⋙ śayyāprāntavivartana

   ○prânta-vivartana n. rolling from one side to another of a couch Śak.

⋙ śayyāmūtra

   ○mūtra n. wetting a bed with urine ŚārṅgS.

⋙ śayyāvāsaveśman

   ○"ṣvāsa-veśman (śayyâv○), n. a bed-chamber Kathās.

⋙ śayyāveśman

   ○veśman n. id. ib.

⋙ śayyāsana

   ○"ṣsana (○sayyâs○) and a seat Mn. ii, 119 (-stha mfn. occupying a couch or seat ib.) [Page 1056, Column 2] 
   • lying and sitting (-bhoga m. enjoyment of ying and sṭsitting Nal. 
   • cf. śayanâsana-sevana)

⋙ śayyotthāyam

   śayyôtthāyam ind. at the time of rising from bed, early in the morning Kathās. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 52 Sch.)

⋙ śayyotsaṅga

   śayyôtsaṅga m. = śayyôntara Megh.


   śará m. (fr. √śrī 'to rend' or 'destroy') a sort of reed or grass, Saccharum Sara (used for arrows) RV. &c. &c 
   • an arrow, shaft MuṇḍUp. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • N. of the number 'five' (from the 5 arrows of the god of love) VarBṛS. 
   • (in astron.) the versed sine of an arc (accord. to Āryabh. also 'the whole diameter with subtraction of the versed sine') 
   • a partic. configuration of stars (when all the planets are in the 4tb, 5th, 6th, and 7th houses) VarBṛS. 
   • the upper part of cream or slightly curdled milk (v. l. sara), ApSr. Car. 
   • mischief, injury, hurt, a wound W. 
   • N. of a son of Ricatka RV. 
   • of an Asura Hariv. (v. l. śuka) 
   • (ī), f. Typha Angustifolia L. 
   • n. water ( śara-varṣa and ○ṣin)

⋙ śarakāṇḍa

   ○kāṇḍa m. the stem of the Sacclsarum Sara Suśr. 
   • the shaft of an arrow W.

⋙ śarakāra

   ○kāra m. a maker of arrows Sāh.

⋙ śarakuṇḍeśaya

   ○kuṇḍe-śaya mfn. lying in a hollow place covered with Śara grass R.

⋙ śarakūpa

   ○kūpa m. N. of a well Buddh.

⋙ śaraketu

   ○ketu m. N. of a man Hcar.

⋙ śarakṣepa

   ○kṣepa m. the range of an arrow-shot Daś.

⋙ śaragulma

   ○gulma m. a clump of reeds MBh. 
   • N. of a monkey R.

⋙ śaragocara

   ○gocara m. the range of an arṭarrow Pañcat.

⋙ śaraghāta

   ○ghāta m. an arrow-shot MBh.

⋙ śaraja

   ○ja mfn. born in a clump of reeds Pāṇ. 6-3, 16 
   • m. = -janman L. 
   • n. produced from sour cream', butter L.

⋙ śarajanman

   ○janman m. reed-born', N. of Kārttikeya Ragh. Kathās.

⋙ śarajāla

   ○jāla n. net-work of arrows', a dense mass or multitude of arrow R. (pl.) 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of a dense mass of arrow Śiś.

⋙ śarajālaka

   ○jālaka m. (?) a multitude of arṭarrow L.

⋙ śaratalpa

   ○talpa m. a couch formed of arṭarrow (esp. for a dead or wounded warrior)
   MBh. Vās. Gīt. (cf. -pañjara, -śayana, -śayyā)

⋙ śaratā

   ○tā f. the state of an arrow R.

⋙ śaratva

   ○tvá n. the state of a reed TS.

⋙ śaradakṣa

   ○dakṣa m. (or śarad-a○?) N. of the author of a law-book Cat.

⋙ śaradaṇḍa

   ○daṇḍa m. a stalk of reed MBh. 
   • (pl.) N. of a country belonging to Śālva in Madhyadeśa L. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river R. (v. l. sarad○)

⋙ śaradānavarātrapujā

   ○dānava-rātra-pujā f. N. of wk. =

⋙ śaradurdina

   ○durdina n. a shower of arrows R.

⋙ śaradeva

   ○deva m. N. of a poet Subh.

⋙ śaradvīpa

   ○dvīpa m. N. of an island Hariv.

⋙ śaradhāna

   ○dhāna m. pl. N. of a people VarBṛS. (cf. śava-dh○)

⋙ śaradhi

   ○dhi m. an arrow-case, quiver Vikr. Kuval.

⋙ śaranikara

   ○nikara m. a multitude of arṭarrow, shower of arrow, Vās'

⋙ śaranivāsa

   ○nivāsa m. and g. -kṣubhnâdi

⋙ śaraniveśa

   ○niveśa m. g. -kṣubhnâdi

⋙ śarapañjara

   ○pañjara n. = -talpa BhP.

⋙ śarapattra

   ○pattra m. Tectona Grandis L.

⋙ śaraparṇikā

   ○parṇikā (L.) or (cf. Pāṇ. 4-i, 64 Sch.), f. a kind of plant

⋙ śaraparṇī

   ○parṇī (cf. Pāṇ. 4-i, 64 Sch.), f. a kind of plant

⋙ śarapāta

   ○pāta m. an arrow's fall or flight W. 
   • the range of an arrow-shot MBh. 
   • -sthāna n. the place of an arrow' fall, an arṭarrow's flight or range, a bowshot W.

⋙ śarapuṅkha

   ○puṅkha m. the shaft or feathered part of an arrow ( puṅkha) Suśr. Vāgbh. 
   • (ā), f. id. W. 
   • Galega Purpurea Bhpr.

⋙ śarapuccha

   ○puccha mf(ī)n. Pāṇ. 4-1, 55 Vārtt. 2

⋙ śarapravega

   ○pravega m. the rush or rapid flight of an arrow, a swift arrow MBh. R.

⋙ śaraphala

   ○phala n. the iron point or barb of an arrow W.

⋙ śarabandha

   ○bandha m. a continuous line of arrows MBh. R.

⋙ śarabarhis

   ○barhís n. .a layer of reed ŚBr.

⋙ śarabhaṅga

   ○bhaṅga m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh. Kāv.

⋙ śarabhū

   ○bhū m. = -janman L.

⋙ śarabhṛṣṭi

   ○bhṛṣṭi (śará-), f. the point of a reed ŚBr. Kauś. 
   • the point of an arrow MW.

⋙ śarabheda

   ○bheda m. a wound made by an arṭarrow', and 'deficiency of cream' Vās.

⋙ śaramaya

   ○máya mf(ī)n. consisting or made of reeds Kāṭh. TS. &c

⋙ śaramarīcimat

   ○marīcimat mfn. having arṭarrow's for rays MBh.

⋙ śaramalla

   ○malla m. 'arrow-fighter', an archer MW. 
   • a kind of bird L.

⋙ śaramukha

   ○mukha n. the point of an arrow L.

⋙ śarayantraka

   ○yantraka n. the string on which the palm-leaves of a manuscript are filed Vās.

⋙ śaraloma

   ○loma m.pl. the descendants of Śara-loman Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 85 Vārtt. 8. -10- man, m. N. of a Muni Car. Bhpr.

⋙ śaravaṇa

   ○vaṇa ( -vana), n. a thicket or clump of reeds MBh. R. Kathās. Suśr. 
   • -bhava (with deva Megh.), ○ṇâlaya (cf. MBh.) or ○ṇôdbhava (cf. ib.), m. 'born in a thicket of reeds', N. of Kārttikeya

⋙ śaravat

   ○vat mfn. filled with arrow Hariv. 
   • (also used in explaining śalmali and said to be = kaṇṭakair hinasti Nir.)

⋙ śaravana

   ○vana wṛ. for -vaṇa

⋙ śaravarṣa

   ○varṣa n. a shower of arrows MBh. R. (pl.) 
   • a shower of water, rain Śiś. (pl.)

⋙ śaravarṣin

   ○varṣin mfn. raining or showering down arrow Śiś. Kathās. 
   • discharging water Śiś.

⋙ śaravāṇi

   ○vāṇi m. (only L.) the head of an arrow 
   • a maker of arrow 
   • an archer 
   • a foot soldier 
   • = pāpiṣṭha (prob. wṛ. for padāti)

⋙ śaravāraṇa

   ○vāraṇa n. 'warder off of arṭarrow', a shield MBh. (v. l. śarâvara)

⋙ śaraviddha

   ○viddha mf(ā)n. pierced with arṭarrow R.

⋙ śaravṛṣṭi

   ○vṛṣṭi m. N. of a Marutvat Hariv. 
   • f. a shower of arrow s L.

⋙ śaravega

   ○vega m. 'swift as an arrow', N. of a steed Kathās. [Page 1056, Column 3] 

⋙ śaravrāta

   ○vrāta m. a mass of arrows MBh. Hariv. Kāv.

⋙ śaraśayana

   ○śayana n. (cf. Daś.)or

⋙ śaraśayyā

   ○śayyā f. (cf. Kathās.) = -talpa

⋙ śaraśāstra

   ○śāstra n. N. of wk

⋙ śarasaṃdhāna

   ○saṃdhāna n. taking aim with an arṭarrow Śak.

⋙ śarasambādha

   ○sambādha mf(ā)n. covered with arṭarrow MW.

⋙ śarasāt

   ○sāt ind. (with √kṛ) to hit with an arrow Naish.

⋙ śarastamba

   ○stamba m. a clump or thicket of reeds MBh.' Hariv. &c 
   • N. of a place MBh. 
   • of a man Cat.

⋙ sarākṣepa

   sarâkṣepa m. flight of arrow MW.

⋙ śaragni

   śarágni g. kṣubhnâdi 
   • -parimāṇa n. an aggregate of thirty-five MBh.

⋙ saragrya

   sarágrya m. an excellent arrow MW.

⋙ śarāghāta

   śarâghāta m. an arrow-shot L.

⋙ sarāṅkuśavyākhyā

   sarâṅkuśa-vyākhyā (?), f. N. of wk

⋙ sarādāna

   sarâdāna n. taking hold of an arrow L.

⋙ śarabhyāsa

   śarábhyāsa m.practice with bow and arrow L.

⋙ śarāyudha

   śarâyudha u. 'arrow-weapon', a bow L.

⋙ śarāropa

   śarâropa m. 'that on which arrows are fixed', a bow L.

⋙ śararcis

   śarárcis m. N. of a monkey R.

⋙ śarāvatī

   śarā-vatī f. (for śara-v○), full of reeds', N. of a river MBh. VP. 
   • of a town Ragh.

⋙ śarāvara

   śarâvara m. a quiver R. 
   • n. a shield MBh. 
   • (accord. to Nīlak. also, a coat of mail')

⋙ śarāvaraṇa

   śarâvaraṇa n. 'warder off of arrow', a shield MBh.

⋙ śarāvāpa

   śarâvāpa m. 'casting arrow', a bow ib. 
   • (prob.) a quiver ib.

⋙ śaraśani

   śaráśani m. or f. an arrow like a thunderbolt Śiś.

⋙ śarāśari

   śarāśari ind. arrow to arrow, ar against arṭarrow Campak. Uttamac.

⋙ śarāśraya

   śarâśraya m. 'arrow -receptacle', a quiver L.

⋙ śarāsa

   śarâsa m. a bow BhP.

⋙ śarasana

   śarásana m. 'shooting arrow', N. of a son of Dhṛita-rishṭra MBh. 
   • n. a bow ib. Kāv. &c 
   • -jyā f. a bow-string MW. 
   • -dhara m. arrow-holder', an archer Mudr. 
   • -vid mfn. skilled in archery, Pracaṇḍ

⋙ śarāsanin

   śarâsanin mfn. armed with a bow MBh. Hariv. MārkP.

⋙ sarāsāra

   sarâsāra m. a shower of arrow s Vās.

⋙ śarāsya

   śarâsya n. a bow MārkP.

⋙ śarāhata

   śarâhata mf(ā)n. wounded by an arṭarrow W.

⋙ śareṣīkā

   śarêṣīkā́ (cf. ŚBr. R.) or (cf. R.), f. a stalk of reed

⋙ śaraṣīkā

   śara9ṣīkā (cf. R.), f. a stalk of reed 
   • (○réṣikā) an arrow MW.

⋙ śareṣṭa

   śarêṣṭa m. 'desired by arrow', the mango tree (the mango being one of the blossoms which tip the arṭarrow's of Kama-deva) W.

⋙ śarottama

   śarôttama n. best of arrows, a very good arrow MW.

⋙ śaraugha

   śarâugha m. a shower of arrows (pl.) Śiś.

≫ śaraka

   śaraka mfn. (fr. śara), g. ṛtyâdi

≫ śaraṇa 1

   śaraṇa m. (for 2. p. 1057, col. 1) one of the arrows of Kāma-dev Cat. 
   • n. falling asunder, bursting, falling in Vop. 
   • killing, slaying L. 
   • what slays or injures MW.

≫ śaraṇi 1

   śaraṇi f. (for 2. under 2. śaraṇa) refractoriness, obstinacy RV. AV. (others 'hurt, injury, offence')

≫ śaraṇya 1

   śaraṇya n. (for 2. ib.) injury, hurt W.

≫ śaravya

   śaravya mf(ā)n. (fr. śaru below) capable of wounding or injuring MW. 
   • (○vyá), f. 'an arrowshot' or 'a shower of arrows' RV. AV. &c 
   • an arrows, missile, an arrows personified MW. 
   • n. a butt or mark for arrows, aim, target Kāv. 
   • -tā f. the condition, of a target Kād.

⋙ śaravyavyadha

   ○vyadha mfn. hitting a mark Śiś.

≫ śaravyaka

   śaravyaka n. = śaravya, an aim L.

≫ śaravyaya

   śaravyaya Nom. P. ○vyayati, to aim at a mark, take aim at (ati-ś○) Naish.

≫ śaravyāya

   śaravyāya Nom. Ā. ○vyāyate, to form a mark or object aimed at Daś.

≫ śaravyīkaraṇa

   śaravyī-karaṇa n. the act of taking aim Naish.

≫ śaras

   śáras n. cream, film on boiled milk VS. TS. &c. (○ro-gṛhīta, mfn. covered with a skin or film AitBr.) 
   • a thin layer of ashes TBr. ĀpŚr. 
   • wṛ. for saras BhP.

≫ śarāya

   śarāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become or represent an arrow, Śṛiṅgār. Naish.

≫ śarāru

   śarā́ru mfn. injurious, noxious RV. Nir. Hcar. Śiś. 
   • m. any mischievous creature MW.

≫ śarāśari

   śarāśari ind. under śara above

≫ śari

   śari mfn. = hiṃsra Uṇ. iv, 127 Sch. 
   • m. a wild beast, beast of prey L.

≫ śarin

   śarin mfn. provided with arrows MBh. R.

≫ śarīkṛ

   śarī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make anything into an arrow Kuval.

≫ śaru

   śáru m. or (more frequently) f. a missile, dart, arrow AV. 
   • m. any missile weapon (esp. the thunderbolt of Indra and weapon of the Maruts 
   • f. also that weapon personified) RV. 
   • a partridge L. 
   • anger, passion L. 
   • N. of Vishṇu L. 
   • of a Deva-gandharva MBh. ; of a son of Vasu-deva MW. [Cf. Goth. hairus.]

⋙ śarumat

   ○mat (śáru-), mfn. armed with missiles RV.

≫ śareja

   śare-ja mfn. = śara-ja. col. 2

≫ śarya

   śárya m. an arrow, missile RV. (cf. Sāy. 'a fighter', warrior') [Page 1057, Column 1] 
   • (ā), f. a cane, shaft, arrow RV. (Nir.) 
   • membrum virile(?) RV. x, 178, 4 
   • night L. 
   • a finger Naigh. Nir. 
   • (accord. to some) a porcupine (cf. śalya) MW. 
   • pl. wicker-work (of the Soma sieve) RV. 
   • n. id. ib. 
   • mf(ā)n. hostile, injurious, hurtful MW.

⋙ śaryahan

   ○hán m. killing with arrows, an archer, warrior RV.

≫ śaryaṇa

   śaryaṇa m. pl. 'thicket of reeds', N. of a district in Kuru-kshetra Sāy. on RV. viii, 6, -39

≫ śaryaṇāvat

   śaryaṇā-vat m. 'reedy', a pond (also fig. of a receptacle for Soma 
   • accord. to Sāy. N. of a lake or district in Kurukshetra) RV. i. 84, 4 
   • viii. 6, 93 ; 7, 29 &c

≫ śaryāṇa

   śaryāṇa (prob.) wṛ. for śaryaṇā (v. l. śarpaṇā), g. madhv-ādi

⋙ śaryāṇavat

   ○vat mfn. (prob.) wṛ. for śaryaṇā-vat ib.

≫ śarva

   śarvá m. (fr. śúru) N. of a god who kills people with arrows (mentioned together with Bhava and other names of Rudra-Śiva) 
   • N. of the god Śiva (often in the later language 
   • esp. in the form Kshitimūrti 
   • du. Śarva and Śarvāṇi, cf. Vām. v, 2, 21) AV. &c. &c 
   • of one of the 11 Rudras VP. 
   • of Vishṇu MW. 
   • of a son of Dhanusha VP. 
   • of a poet Sadukt. 
   • pl. N. of a people MārkP. (wṛ. sarva) 
   • (ā), f. N. of Umā BhP.

⋙ śarvakosa

   ○kosa m. N. of a dictionary

⋙ śarvadatta

   ○datta m. 'given by Śarva', N. of a teacher VBr.

⋙ śarvapatnī

   ○patnī f. the wife of Śiva, Parvati Kathās.

⋙ śarvaparvata

   ○parvata m. Śiva's mountain, Kailāsa 
   • vāsinī f. N. of Durgā Kathās.

⋙ śarvavarman

   ○varman m. N. of various authors and other men Kathās. ŚārṅgP. &c. (vḷ. sarva-v○)

⋙ śarvākṣa

   śarvâkṣa n. the fruit of Ganitrus Sphaeica L.

⋙ śarvācala

   śarvâcala m. Śiva's mountain, Kailāsa Kathās.

⋙ śarvāvatāramāhātmya

   śarvâvatāra-māhātmya n. N. of wk

≫ śarvaka

   śarvaka m. N. of a Muni Cat. 
   • (ikā), f. leprosy L.

≫ śarvaṭa

   śarvaṭa m. N. of a man Rājat. 
   • of a poet Subh.

≫ śarvāṇī

   śarvāṇī f. Śiva's wife GṛŚrS. MBh. Kathās. Daś.

⋙ śarvāṇīramaṇa

   ○ramaṇa m. 'Śarvaṇi's husband', N. of Śiva Cat.

≫ śarvilaka

   śarvilaka m. N. of a man Mṛicch.

śaraṇa 2

   śaraṇá mfn. (fr. √śṛ for śri 
   • for 1. p. 1056) protecting, guarding, defending RV. AV. 
   • m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh. 
   • of a poet Gīt. (cf. -deva) 
   • of a king Buddh. 
   • (ā and ī), f. N. of various plants &c. (prob. wṛ. for saraṇā, ○ṇī, q.v.) 
   • n. (Ifc f. ā), shelter, place of shelter or refuge or rest, hut, house, habitation, abode, lair (of an animal), home, asylum RV. &c. &c 
   • refuge, protection, refuge with (śaraṇaṃ √gam or yā or i &c., 'to go to any one for protection, seek refuge with' acc. or gen. ; often ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • water L. 
   • (with indrasya) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.2

⋙ śaraṇaṃgata

   ○ṃ-gata mfn. = śaraṇâgata MW.

⋙ śaraṇada

   ○da (cf. BhP.)

⋙ śaraṇaprada

   ○prada (cf. R.), mfn. affording protection

⋙ śaraṇadeva

   ○deva m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ śaraṇāgata

   śaraṇâgata mfn. come for protection, one who comes for refuge or protection, a refugee. fugitive Mn. MBh. &c 
   • -ghātaka (cf. Vcar.) or -gātin (cf. Pañcar.), m. the slayer of a suppliant for protection 
   • -tā f. the state of a suppliant for protection Kathās. 
   • -hantṛ m. (= -ghātaka) Mn. xi, 191

⋙ śaraṇāgati

   śaraṇâgati f. approach for prṭprotection 
   • -gadya n. -tātparya-ślokôpanyāsa m. -dīpikā f. N. of wks

⋙ śaraṇādhikāramañjarī

   śaraṇâdhikāra-mañjarī f. N. of a Stotra

⋙ saraṇāpanna

   saraṇâpanna mfn. = śaranâgata L.

⋙ śaraṇārtham

   śaraṇârtham ind. for the sake of prṭprotection MW.

⋙ śaranārthin

   śaranârthin mfn. seeking refuge or prṭprotection, wretched MBh. MārkP.

⋙ śaraṇārpaka

   śaraṇârpaka mfn. 'requiring prṭprotection to be given', ruined L.

⋙ saraṇālaya

   saraṇâlaya m. (place of) refuge or shelter asylum MBh.

⋙ śaraṇaiṣin

   śaraṇâiṣin mfn. -śaraṇârthin R.

≫ śaraṇi 2


⋙ śaraṇī

   śaraṇī saraṇi, ṇī

≫ śaraṇī

   śaraṇī in comp. for śaraṇa

⋙ śaraṇīkṛ

   ○√kṛ Ā. -kurute, to seek the protection of(acc.) Rājat. (cf. a-śaraṇīkṛta)

≫ saraṇya 2

   saraṇya mf(ā)n. affording shelter, yielding help or protection to (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • needing shelter or protection, seeking refuge with (comp.) ŚāṅkhGṛ. R. VarBṛS. &c 
   • n. who or what affords protection or defence W. 
   • m. N. of Śiva MW. 
   • (with ācārya) N. of a Tāntric teacher Cat. 
   • (ā), f. N. of Durga MW.

⋙ saraṇyatā

   ○tā f. (the condition of) affording protection R.

⋙ saraṇyapuramāhātmya

   ○puramāhātmya n. 'praise of a city of refuge', N. of wk

≫ saraṇyu

   saraṇyu m. a protector, defender W. 
   • wind, air (prob. for saraṇyu) L. 
   • a cloud L.


   śaraṇḍa m. (alao written sar○ 
   • only L.) a bird (in general) [Page 1057, Column 2] 
   • a lizard, chameleon 
   • a quadruped (in general) 
   • a kind of ornament 
   • a rogue, cheat 
   • a libertine


   śarád f. (prob. fr. √śrā, śṝ) autumn (as the time of ripening'), the autumnal season (the sultry season of two months succeeding the rains 
   • in some parts of India comprising the months Bhādra and Āśvina, in other places Āśvina and Kārttika, fluctuating thus from August to November) RV. &c. &c 
   • a year (or pl. poetically for 'years', cf. varṣa) ib.

⋙ śaradakṣa

   ○akṣa śara-dakṣa, on p. 1056, col. 2

⋙ śaradanta

   ○anta m. the end of autumn, winter L.

⋙ śaradambudhara

   ○ambu-dhara m. an autumnal cloud Subh.

⋙ śaradāgama

   ○āgama m. 'approach of autumn', N. of a Commentary (also -vyākhyā)

⋙ śaradudāśaya

   ○udâśaya m. an autumnal pond (dry in the other seasons) Kāv.

⋙ śaradṛtuvarṇana

   ○ṛtuvarṇana n.'description of the autumnal season', N. of wk

⋙ śaradgata

   ○gata mfn. arising in autumn, autumnal (as clouds) R.

⋙ śaradghana

   ○ghana m. = -ambu-dhara Dhūrtan.

⋙ śaraddhimaruci

   ○dhima-ruci (for -him○), m. the autumnal moon Kām.

⋙ śaraddhrada

   ○dhrada (for -hrada), m. a pond in autumn BhP.

⋙ śaradyāminī

   ○yāminī f. a night in autumn Kautukas.

⋙ śaradvat

   ○vat (śarád-), mfn. 'full of years', aged RV. 
   • m. N. of a son or other descendant of Gotama and other men MBh. Hariv. Pur. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 102)

⋙ śaradvadhū

   ○vadhū f. autumn compared to a women Vcar.

⋙ śaradvarṇana

   ○varṇana n. description of autumn', N. of ch. of BhP.

⋙ śaradvasu

   ○vasu m. N. of a Muni Cat.

⋙ śaradvihāra

   ○vihāra m. autumnal sport or amusement ib.

≫ śarac

   śarac in comp. for śarad

⋙ śaraccandra

   ○candra m. the autumnal moon Śak. Vet. 
   • ○drāya Nom. P. ○yate, to resemble the autṭautumnal moon Kāv.

⋙ śaraccandrikā

   ○candrikā f. autṭautumnal moonshine (pariṇata-candrikāsu kṣapāsu, cf. pariṇata) Megh.

⋙ śaracchaśadhara

   ○chaśa-dhara (for -śaśa- Hāsy.),

⋙ śaracchaśin

   ○chaśin (cf. BhP.), m. = -candra

⋙ śaracchāli

   ○chāli (for -śāli), m. rice ripening in autumn Rājat.

⋙ śaracchikhin

   ○chikhin (for -śikhin), m. a peacock in autumn (supposed to cease its cries) MBh.

⋙ śaracchrī

   ○chrī (for -śrī), f. N. of the wife of Kuṇāla HPariś.

≫ śaraj

   śaraj in comp. for śarad

⋙ śarajjyotsnā

   ○jyotsnā f. autumnal moonshine Pañcat.

≫ śarat

   śarat in comp. for śarad

⋙ śaratkāntimaya

   ○kānti-maya mf(ī)n. lovely like autumn Jātakam.

⋙ śaratkāmin

   ○kāmin m. 'desirous of autṭautumn', a dog L.

⋙ śaratkāla

   ○kāla m. the time or season of autṭautumn Kāv. Pur. 
   • ○lina mfn. autumnal W.

⋙ śarattriyāmā

   ○triyāmā f. a night in autṭautumn MW.

⋙ śaratpadma

   ○padma n. an autumnal lotus (others, a white lotus') BhP.

⋙ śaratparvan

   ○parvan n. an autumnal full-moon night (○vaśasin m. the moon in such a night) Śaṃkar.

⋙ śaratpuṣpa

   ○puṣpa m. Tabernaemontana Coronaria L.

⋙ śaratpratīkṣam

   ○pratī7kṣam ind. having expected the autṭautumn MW.

⋙ śaratprāvṛṣika

   ○prāvṛṣika mfn. (with ṛtū du.) autumn and the rainy season BhP.

⋙ śaratsamaya

   ○samaya m. = -kāla Vās.

⋙ śaratsasya

   ○sasya n. autumnal corn VarBṛS.

≫ śarada

   śarada (ifc.) = śarad, autumn Pāṇ. 5-4, 107 
   • (ā), f. autumn L. 
   • a year L. 
   • N. of a woman Rājat.

≫ śaradātilaka

   śaradā-tilaka wṛ. for śār○

≫ śaradija

   śaradi-ja mfn. (loc. of śarad + ja) produced in autumn, autumnal Kathās.

≫ śaran

   śaran in comp. for śarad

⋙ śaranmukha

   ○mukha n. the (face or front, i.e.) commencement of autumn W.

⋙ śaranmegha

   ○megha m. an autumnal cloud (-vat ind. like an autumnal cloud) Hit.


   śara-dakṣa śara-daṇḍa, śara-dhi &c. p. 1056, col. 2


   śarabhá m. a kind of deer or (in later times) a fabulous animal (supposed to have eight legs and to inhabit the snowy mountains 
   • it is represented as stronger than the lion and the elephant 
   • cf. aṣṭa-pad and mahā-skandhin) AV. &c. &c 
   • a young elephant L. 
   • a camel L. 
   • a grasshopper (= śalabha) W. 
   • a locust ib. 
   • a kind of metre Col. 
   • N. of Vishṇu MW. 
   • of an Upanishad (cf. śarabhôpaniṣad) 
   • of an Asura MBh. 
   • of two serpent-demons ib. 
   • of various men RV. MBh. &c 
   • of a son of Śiśu-pāla MBh. 
   • of brother of Śakuni ib. 
   • of a prince of the Aśmakas Hcar. 
   • of a monkey in Rāma's army R. 
   • (pl.) N. of a people MBh. (B. śabara) 
   • (ā), f. a girl with withered limbs and therefore unfit for marriage GṛS. 
   • (prob.) a kind of wooden machine. [Cf., accord. to some, Gk., ?, ?.] [1057, 2]

⋙ śarabhakalpatantra

   ○kalpa-tantra n

⋙ śarabhakavaca

   ○kavaca n. N. of wks

⋙ śarabhaketu

   ○ketu m. N. of a man Vās., Introd

⋙ śarabhatā

   ○tā f. the condition or nature of a Śarabha MBh.

⋙ śarabhapakṣirājaprakaraṇa

   ○pakṣi-rāja-prakaraṇa n

⋙ śarabhapaddhati

   ○paddhati f

⋙ śarabhamantra

   ○mantra m

⋙ śarabhamālāmantra

   ○mālā-mantra m. N. of wks. [Page 1057, Column 3] 

⋙ śarabharājavilāsa

   ○rāja-vilāsa m. a history of Śarabhoji of Tanjore (1798-1832) by Jagan-nātha

⋙ śarabhalīla

   ○līla m. (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt.

⋙ śarabhalīlākathā

   ○līlā-kathā f

⋙ śarabhavidhāna

   ○vidhāna n

⋙ śarabhasahasranāman

   ○sahasra-nāman n

⋙ śarabhastotra

   ○stotra n

⋙ śarabhahṛdaya

   ○hṛdaya n. N. of wks

⋙ śarabhānanā

   śarabhânanā f. 'Śarabāna faced', N. of a sorceress Kathās.

⋙ śarabhārcanacandrikā

   śarabhârcanacandrikā f

⋙ śarabhārcanapaddhati

   śaraḍbhârcana-paddhati f

⋙ śarabhārcāpārijāta

   śaraḍbhârcā-pārijāta m

⋙ śarabhāṣṭaka

   śaraḍbhâṣṭaka n. N. of wks

⋙ śarabheśvarakavaca

   śarabhêśvara-kavaca n. N. of ch. of wk

⋙ śarabhopaniṣad

   śarabhôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad (also called Paippaladôpanishad)

≫ śarabhoji

   śarabhoji m. N. of a king of Tanjore (he was born in 1778, reigned from 1798-1832 and is the author of various wks 
   • cf. śarabha-rāja-vilāsa)

⋙ śarabhojirājacaritra

   ○rāja-caritra n. N. of wk


   śarayu śarayū, sarayu, ○yū


   śarala &c. sarala


   śaralaka n. water L.


   śarava m. pl. N. of a people MBh. vi, 2084 (prob. wṛ. for śabara, q.v.)


   śaravya &c. p. 1056, col. 3


   śaraśarāya ○yati (onomat.), to hiss, make, hissing sound ĀśvŚr.


   śarāka m. (prob.) N. of a mixed caste Cat.


   śarāṭi f. a sort of bird (of the heron kind 
   • more commonly called Śarāli) L.

≫ śarāṭikā


⋙ śarāḍi

   śarāḍi or f. id. L.

⋙ śarāti

   śarāti f. id. L.

≫ śarāri

   śarāri f. the Śarāli bird (= śarāṭi) Kāv.

≫ śarārī

   śarārī f. id. Suśr.

⋙ mukhī

   mukhī f. a kind of scissors or an instrument pointed like a heron's beak ib.

⋙ sarāryāsya

   sarāry-āsya n. a partic. surgical instrument (prob. = prec.) Vāgbh.

≫ śarāli


⋙ śarālikā

   śarāḍlikā and f. = śarāṭi above L.

⋙ śarālī

   śarāḍlī f. = śarāṭi above L.


   śarāru p. 1056, col. 3


   śarāva m. n. (g. ardharcâdi) a shallow cup, dish, plate, platter, earthenware vessel (also the flat cover or lid of any such vessel) GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • a measure equal to two Prasthas or one Kuḍava TS. Bṛ. ŚrS.

⋙ śarāvakurda

   ○kurda m. 'creeping among dishes', a kind of snake Suśr.

⋙ śarāvasampāta

   ○sampāta m. the arriving or bringing in of dishes (vṛtte śarāva-sampāte, when the dishes have been removed, i.e. when the meal is over) Mn. vi, 56

≫ śarāvaka

   śarāvaka m. (ifc. f. ikā) a kind of vessel or the cover of a vessel (= śarāva) Suśr. Kathās. 
   • (ikā), f. a partic. abscess Suśr.

≫ śarāvin

   śarāvin māṣa-śarāvi


   śari śarin, p. 1056, col. 3


   śariman or śarīman m. (said to be fr. √śṝ, to break forth'), bearing, birth, bringing forth (= prasava) Uṇ. iv, 147 Sch.


   śarī under śara, p. 1056, col. 2


   śárīra n. (once in R. m 
   • ifc. f. ā 
   • either fr. √śri and orig. = 'suport or supporter', 2. śaraṇa and Mn. i, 7 
   • or accord. to others, fr. √śṝ, and orig. = 'that which is easily destroyed or dissolved') the body, bodily frame, solid parts of the body (pl. the bones) RV. &c. &c 
   • any solid body (opp. to udaka &c.) MBh. VarBṛS. Pañcat. 
   • one's body i.e. one's own person Mn. xi, 229 
   • bodily strength MW. 
   • a dead body ib.

⋙ śarīrakartṛ

   ○kartṛ m. 'body-maker', a father MBh.

⋙ śarīrakarṣaṇa

   ○karṣaṇa n. emaciation of the bṭbody Mn. vii, 112

⋙ śarīrakṛt

   ○kṛt m. = -kartṛ MBh.

⋙ śarīragrahaṇa

   ○grahaṇa n. assumption of a bodily form VP.

⋙ śarīracintā

   ○cintā f. care of the body (washing one's self &c.) Pañcad.

⋙ śarīraja

   ○ja mf(ā)n. produced from or belonging to or performed with the body, bodily Mn. Śiś. VP. 
   • m. (ifc. f. ā) offspring 
   • a son MBh. 
   • the god of love, love MBh. 
   • sickness L. 
   • lust, passion MW.

⋙ śarīrajanman

   ○janman mfn. = -ja Kir.

⋙ śarīratā

   ○tā f. the state or condition of a body Sarvad.

⋙ śarīratulya

   ○tulya mf(ā)n. equal to the body, dear as one's own person MBh.

⋙ śarīratyāga

   ○tyāga m. abandonment of the bṭbody, renunciation of life Vās.

⋙ śarīratva

   ○tva n. = -tā KaṭhUp.

⋙ śarīradaṇḍa

   ○daṇḍa m. corporal punishment BhP. Inscr.

⋙ śarīradeśa

   ○deśá m. a part of the body ŚBr.

⋙ śarīradhātu

   ○dhātu m. a chief constituent of the body (flesh, blood &c.) MBh. 
   • a relic of Buddha's body (such as a bone, tooth, a hair, or nail) MWB. 495

⋙ śarīradhṛk

   ○dhṛk m. 'bearing a body', a corporeal being Baudh.

⋙ śarīranicaya

   ○nicaya m. (accord. to Nīlak. = śarīrasya saṃcayaḥ, śar○ avasthitiḥ [Page 1058, Column 1] 
   • prob. wṛ. for -niścaya) certainty about the body MBh.

⋙ śarīranipāta

   ○nipāta m. collapse of the bṭbody, falling down dead Gaut.

⋙ śarīranyāsa

   ○nyāsa m. casting off the bṭbody, death Āpast.

⋙ śarīrapakti

   ○pakti f. purification of the bṭbody MBh.

⋙ śarīrapatana

   ○patana n. = -pāta MW.

⋙ śarīrapāka

   ○pāka m. 'ripening of the bṭbody', decline of bodily strength, decay MW.

⋙ śarīrapāta

   ○pāta m. collapse of the body, death VarBṛ. Kum. &c

⋙ śarīrapīḍā

   ○pīḍā f. bodily pain or suffering VarYogay.

⋙ śarīrapuruṣa

   ○puruṣa m. a soul possessed with a body AitĀr.

⋙ śarīrapradhānatā

   ○pradhānatā f. the character or nature of the body (ayā ind. in virtue of the bṭbody) Vedântas.

⋙ śarīraprabhava

   ○prabhava m. a begetter, father R.

⋙ śarīraprahlādana

   ○prahlādana m. N. of a king of the Gandharvas Kāraṇḍ. =

⋙ śarīrabaddha

   ○baddha mf(ā)n. endowed or invested with a body Kum.

⋙ śarīrabandha

   ○bandha m. the fetters of the bṭbody, being fettered by the body BhP. 
   • assumption of a (new) body, rebirth Ragh. 
   • (ena), ind. in bodily from', bodily ib.

⋙ śarīrabandhaka

   ○bandhaka m. 'personal pledge', a hostage W.

⋙ śarīrabhāj

   ○bhāj mfn. having a body, embodied L. 
   • m. an embodied being BhP.

⋙ śarīrabhūta

   ○bhūta mf(ā)n. become or being a body MW.

⋙ śarīrabhṛt

   ○bhṛt mfn. 'containing the (future) body' and, endowed with a body' (said of seed and the soul) MBh.

⋙ śarīrabheda

   ○bheda m. dissolution of the body, death AitUp. Gaut. &c

⋙ śarīramātra

   ○mātra n. the mere body or person, the body only MW.

⋙ śarīrayaṣṭi

   ○yaṣṭi f. 'stick-like body', a slender body, slim figure Ragh.

⋙ śarīrayātrā

   ○yātrā f. means of bodily subsistence, subsṭsubsistence Bhag. Kathās.

⋙ śarīrayoga

   ○yoga m. bodily union 
   • -ja mfn. produced from bodṭbodily contact Ragh.

⋙ śarīrarakṣaka

   ○rakṣaka m. a body-guard L.

⋙ śarīrarakṣā

   ○rakṣā f. defence of the body, protection of the person Ragh.

⋙ śarīraratna

   ○ratna n. a jewel of a body, i.e. an excellent body, Mālatim

⋙ śarīrareṣaṇa

   ○reṣaṇa n. hurting or injuring the body, sickness and death ĀpGṛ.

⋙ śarīralakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ śarīravat

   ○vat mfn. provided with a body Sarvad. 
   • substantial TBr. 
   • m. an embodied being MBh. 
   • -tva n. the being provided with a body Sarvad.

⋙ śarīravāda

   ○vāda m

⋙ śarīraviniścayādhikāra

   ○viniścayâdhikāra m. N. of wks

⋙ śarīravimokṣaṇa

   ○vimokṣaṇa n. liberation from body, death Baudh. Mn.

⋙ śarīravṛtta

   ○vṛtta mfn. occupied about bodily state Kathās.

⋙ śarīravṛtti

   ○vṛtti f. maintenance of the body, support of life Ragh.

⋙ śarīravaikalya

   ○vaikalya n. imperfection or indisposition of the body Hit.

⋙ śarīraśuśrūṣā

   ○śuśrūṣā f. attendance on the bṭbody personal attṭattendance Mn. Pañcat.

⋙ śarīraśoṣaṇa

   ○śoṣaṇa n. drying up i.e. mortification of the body Sarvad. Pañcat.

⋙ śarīrasaṃskāra

   ○saṃskāra m. Purification of the body (by the ceremonies at conception, birth, initiation &c 
   • saṃsk○) Mn.ī, 26 
   • n. decoration or adorning of the person W.

⋙ śarīrasaṃdhi

   ○saṃdhi m. a joint of the body BhP.

⋙ śarīrasampatti

   ○sampatti f. health or prosperity of body MW.

⋙ śarīrasambandha

   ○sambandha m. 'bodily connection', relation by marriage ib.

⋙ śarīrasāda

   ○sāda m. exhaustion of body Ragh.

⋙ śarīrastha

   ○stha mfn. existing in the bṭbody Bhartṛ.

⋙ śarīrasthāna

   ○sthāna n. the doctrine about the human body Cat. 
   • -bhāṣya n. N. of wk

⋙ śarīrasthiti

   ○sthiti f. = -vṛtti Hcar. Kād.

⋙ śarīrahoma

   ○homa m. pl. N. of partic. oblations ĀpŚr.

⋙ śarīrākāra

   śarīrâkāra m. (cf. Mālatīm.) or

⋙ śarīrākṛti

   śarīrâkṛti f. (cf. Pat.) bodily gesture or mien

⋙ śarīrātman

   śarīrâtman m. the bodily soul' (as distinguished from antarâtman, q.v.) Pat.

⋙ śarīranta

   śarīránta m. (ifc. f. ā) the hairs on the body Pañcat. 
   • -kara mfn. making an end of or destroying the body MBh. Bh. R.

⋙ śarīrāntara

   śarīrântara n. another body 
   • -cārin mfn. acting in another body MBh.

⋙ śarīrābhyadhika

   śarīrâbhyadhika mfn. dearer than one's own person Kathās.

⋙ sarīrārdha

   sarīrârdha m. the half of the body Kum.

⋙ śarīrāvayava

   śarīrâvayava m. a part of the body, member, limb Pāṇ. 5-1, 6

⋙ śarīrāvaraṇa

   śarīrâvaraṇa n. 'body-covering', a shield MBh. 
   • the skin (?) L.

⋙ śarīrāsthi

   śarīrâsthi n. bones of the body, a skeleton L.

≫ śarīraka

   śarīraka n. a small or tiny body Śiś. 
   • a wretched b Pañcat. Kād. Kathās. &c 
   • (m. c. for śarīra 
   • ifc. f. ikā) the body Yājñ. Hcat. 
   • m. the soul A.

≫ śarīrin

   śarīrin mfn. having a body, embodied, corporeal Mn. Kāv. &c 
   • (ifc.) having anything as a body Mn. iv, 243 (cf. kha-s○) 
   • covered with bodies MBh. 
   • (ifc.) exercising one's own bodies BhP. 
   • living MW. 
   • m. an embodied being, creature, (esp.) a man Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • the soul Bhag. Ragh. &c. (n. W.) 
   • an embodied spirit MW.

≫ śarīrībhū

   śarīrī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to become embodied, assume bodily shape (pp. -bhūta) Kathās.


   śarepha m. N. of a poet Subh.


   śaro-gṛhita śaras, p. 1056


   śarkara mf(ā)n. consisting of gravel or grit, gritty. ŚBr. KātyŚr. 
   • m. a pebble, small stone Kauś. 
   • (m. c.) = śarkarā ( comp.) 
   • a kind of drum Saṃgīt. 
   • N. of a fabulous aquatic being PañcavBr. [Page 1058, Column 2] 
   • (pl.) N. of a people MārkP. 
   • (ā and ī), f. below

⋙ śarkarakarṣin

   ○karṣin mfn. = śarkarā-k○ Hariv.

⋙ śarkarajā

   ○jā f. ground or candied sugar MW.

⋙ śarkaratva

   ○tvá n. the condition or nature of grit or gravel TS.

⋙ śarkaravarṣin

   ○varṣin mfn. = śarkarā-v○ MBh.

≫ śarkaraka

   śarkaraka mfn. (fr. śarkarā), g. ṛśyâdi 
   • m. a species of sweet citron or lime L. 
   • (ikā), f. ground or candied sugar Param.

≫ śarkarā

   śárkarā f. (ifc. f. ā) gravel, grit. pebbles, shingle, gravelly mould or soil (mostly pl.) AV. &c. &c 
   • gravel (as a disease) Suśr. 
   • hardening of the flesh ib. 
   • hardening of the ear-wax ib. 
   • ground or candied sugar Kāv. VarBṛS. Suśr. 
   • a fragment or piece of broken earthenware, potsherd Naish.

⋙ śarkarākarṣin

   ○karṣin mfn. attracting or carrying along gravel ŚāṅkhGṛ.

⋙ śarkarākṣa

   ○"ṣkṣa (○râkṣa), m. N. of a man, g. gargâdi (○kṣya prob. wṛ. Saṃk. on ChUp. v, 11, 1)

⋙ śarkarācala

   ○"ṣcala (○râc○), m. 'sugar-hill', a sugar-loaf (shaped like a conical hill) Cat. 
   • -dāna n. the gift of the above ib.

⋙ śarkarādhenu

   ○dhenu f. a gift of sugar moulded in the shape of a cow ib.

⋙ śarkarāpuṣpa

   ○puṣpa m. a white Calotropis L. (cf. śaṃkara-p○)

⋙ śarkarāprabhā

   ○prabhā f. gravel. resemblance', N. of the second of the Jaina hells L.

⋙ śarkarāmbu

   ○"ṣmbu (râmbu), n. sugared water Suśr.

⋙ śarkarārbuda

   ○"ṣrbuda (○rârb○ ), m. n. a kind of tumour Suśr.

⋙ śarkarāvat

   ○vat mfn. full of stony particles, gritty, gravelly L.

⋙ śarkarāvartā

   ○"ṣvartā (○râv○), f. N. of a river BhP.

⋙ śarkarāvarṣin

   ○varṣin mfn. raining gravel, ŚāṅkhGf

⋙ śarkarāsaptamī

   ○saptamī f. a partic. observance on the 7th day of the light half of the month Vaiśākha Cat.

⋙ śarkarāsava

   ○"ṣsava (○râs○), m. spirituous liquor distilled from sugar, rum R.

⋙ śarkarodaka

   śarkarôdaka n. sugared water Bhpr.

≫ śarkarāla

   śarkarāla mfn. impregnated with gritty or gravelly particles (as wind &c.), Veṇis

≫ śarkarika

   śarkarika mfn. (g. kumudâdi) gritty, stony, gravelly W.

≫ śarkarin

   śarkarin mfn. suffering from the disease called gravel Car.

≫ śarkarila

   śarkarila mfn. gravelly (= śarkarā-vat) Pāṇ. 5-2, 105

≫ śarkarī

   śarkarī f. (only L.) a river 
   • a belt 
   • = lekhanī 
   • a kind of metre (cf. śakvarī)

⋙ śarkarīdhāna

   ○dhāna n. N. of a village Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 109

≫ śarkarīkṛta

   śarkarī-kṛta mfn. made into gravel or grit L.

≫ śarkarīya

   śarkarīya mfn. Pāṇ. 4-2, 84


   śarkāra (and ī f.), g. gaurâdi


   śarku m. N. of an evil demon AV.

≫ śarkura

   śarkura mfn. young, tender L.

≫ sarkoṭa

   sarkoṭá m. N. of a partic. snake ib. (cf. śārkoṭa and karkoṭaka)


   śarṇacāpili (?), m. N. of a man Pravar.


   śardís or śárdis (of unknown meaning) AV. xviii, 3, 16


   śárdha mfn. (√śṛdh) defiant, bold (orig. 'breaking wind against another') RV. 
   • m. breaking wind, flatulence Vop. 
   • a (defiant or bold) host, troop (esp. the host of the Maruts) RV.

⋙ śardhaṃjaha

   ○ṃjaha mfn. (jaha fr. √3. hā) causing flatulence Pāṇ. 3-2, 28 Vārtt. 1 Pat. 
   • m. beans or any leguminous grain, pulse W.

⋙ śardhanīti

   ○nīti (śárdha-), mfn. 'acting boldly' or 'leading the host (of Maruts), 'Ry

⋙ śardhavat

   ○vat mfn. containing (the word) śardha ĀpŚr.

≫ śardhat

   śárdhat mfn. (pr. p.) defiant, mocking, bold, daring RV.

≫ śardhana

   śardhana n. the act of breaking wind Kull.

≫ śardhas

   śárdhas mfn. = śárdhat (only in compar. śadhas-tara, more daring or defiant) RV. 
   • n. a troop, host, multitude (cf. śârdha) ib.

≫ śardhin

   śardhin bāhu-ś○

≫ śardhya

   śárdhya mfn. bold, strong RV. i, 119, 5


   śarpaṇā f. g. madhv-ādi (cf. Kāś.)

⋙ śarpaṇāvat

   ○vat mfn. ib. (cf. śaryaṇā-vat)


   śarb (cf. √śarv, śamb, samb, sarb, sarv), cl. 1. P. śarbati, 'to go' or 'to kill' Dhātup. xi, 29


   śárman n. (prob. fr. √śri and connected with 1. śaraṇa, śarīra) shelter, protection, refuge, safety RV. &c 
   • &c 
   • a house Naigh. iii, 4 
   • Joy, bliss, comfort, delight, happiness (often at the end of names of Brāhmans, just as varman is added to the names of Kshatriyas, and gupta to those of Vaiśyas) Yājñ. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • N. of partic. formulas VarYogay. [Page 1058, Column 3] 
   • identified with śarva (cf. Kauś.) and with vāc (cf. AitBr.) 
   • mfn. happy, prosperous W.

≫ śarma 1

   śarma n. = śarman L.

≫ śarma 2

   śarma in comp. for śarman

⋙ śarmakāma

   ○kāma mfn. desirous of happiness Yājñ. iii, 328

⋙ śarmakārin

   ○kārin (cf. Dhūrtan.),

⋙ śarmakṛt

   ○kṛt (cf. BhP.), mfn. causing hṭhappiness, blessing

⋙ śarmada

   ○da (cf. ŚārṅgP.),

⋙ śarmadātṛ

   ○dātṛ (cf. BhP.),

⋙ śarmaprada

   ○prada (cf. Bhartṛ.), mfn. conferring happiness, making prosperous, propitious

⋙ śarmalābha

   ○lābha m. obtaining happiness or joy Suśr.

⋙ śarmavat

   ○vat mfn. containing the word śarman Mn. ii, 32 
   • possessed of happiness, lucky, auspicious W.

⋙ śarmavarmagaṇa

   ○varma-gaṇa m. N. of a partic. Gaṇa of verses in the Atharva-veda AV.Pariś

⋙ śarmasad

   ○sád mfn. sitting behind a shelter or screen RV.

⋙ śarmopaya

   śarmôpáya m. a means of obtaining happiness Kathās.

≫ śarmaka

   śarmaka m. pl. N. of a people MBh.

≫ śarmaṇya

   śarmaṇya mfn. sheltering, protecting TS.

≫ śarmaya

   śarmaya Nom. P. ○yati (only in pr. p. ○yát, = prec.) RV.

≫ śarmara

   śarmara m. a sort of garment or cloth L. 
   • Curcuma Aromatica or another species L.

≫ śarmin

   śarmin mfn. possessing happiness, lucky, auspicious MBh. 
   • m. N. of a Rishi ib.

≫ śarmilā

   śarmilā pāṇḍu-ś○

≫ sarmiṣṭhā

   sarmiṣṭhā f. 'most fortunate', N. of one of the wives of Yayāti (she was the daughter of Vṛishaparvan and mother of Druhyu, Anu, and Puru 
   • under. yayāti and deva-yānī) MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ sarmiṣṭhāyayāti

   ○yayāti n. N. of a Nāṭaka (mentioned in Sāh.)


   śarya śaryaṇa, śaryāṇa, p. 1056, col. 3, and p. 1057, col. 1


   śaryāta m. N. of a man RV. ŚBr. (cf. next and śāryāta)

≫ śaryāti

   śaryāti m. N. of a son of Manu Vaivaśvata MaitrUp. MBh. &c 
   • of a son of Nahusha VP.


   śarv (cf.√śarb, sarv), cl.1. P. śarvati, to hurt, injure, kill Dhātup. xv, 76


   śarva śarvaka &c. p. 1057, col. 1


   śarvara mfn. variegated, spotted (= karvara 
   • cf. also śabara, śabala) cf. L 
   • (ī), f. below 
   • n. darkness cf. L 
   • the god of love (?) cf. L

≫ śarvarin

   śarvarin m. (fr. next) the 34th year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBṛS. (cf. śārvarin)

≫ śarvarī

   śárvarī f. the (star-spangled) night RV. 
   • evening, twilight L. 
   • turmeric or Curcuma Longa L. 
   • a woman L. 
   • N. of the wife of Dosha and mother of Śiśu-māra BhP. 
   • pl. the spotted steeds of the Maruts RV.

⋙ śarvarīpati

   ○pati m. 'lord of night', the Moon L. 
   • N. of Śiva Śivag.

⋙ śarvarīśa

   śarvarī7śa (cf. Rājat.),

⋙ śarvarīśvara

   śarvaḍrī7śvara (cf. Dhūrtan.), m. the Moon


   śarvarīka wṛ. for śarśarīka


   śarvalā ○lī, sarv○


   śarśarīka mfn. (fr. Intens. of √śṝ) hurtful, mischievous Uṇ. iv, 19 Sch.


   śarṣīkā f. (cf. sarṣīkā) a kind of metre Nidānas.

śal 1

   śal cl. 1. Ā. śalate, to shake' or 'to cover' Dhātup. xiv, 19 
   • cl. 1. P. śalati, to go, move ib. xix, 13 (only found in comp. with prep., cf uc-chal, prôc-chal, sam-uc-chal) 
   • cl. 10. Ā. śālayate, to praise Dhātup. xxxiii, 18 Vop.

≫ śala

   śalá mfn. (connection with above very doubtful) = dravaṇa-samartha Nir. Sch. 
   • m. a staff TBr. 
   • a dart, spear L. 
   • a kind of animal Pañcar. (accord. to L. 'a camel' or 'an ass') 
   • = kṣetrabhid L. 
   • = vidhi L. 
   • N. of Bhṛiṅgi (one of Śiva's attendants) L. 
   • of Brahmā W. 
   • of a serpent-demon MBh. 
   • of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra ib. 
   • of a son of Soma-datta ib. 
   • of a son of Parīkshit ib. 
   • of a son of Śuna-hotra Hariv. 
   • m. or n. the quill of a porcupine L. 
   • a partic. measure of length (cf. ?-, pañcaś○. &c.) 
   • (ī), f. below

⋙ śalakara

   ○kara m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.

⋙ śaladā

   ○dā f. N. of a daughter of Raudrāśva L.

⋙ śalaputra

   ○putra N. of a place Buddh. (v. l. śali-p○)

≫ śalaka

   śalaka m. a spider L. 
   • a bird L. 
   • (ā), f. wṛ. for śalākā Pañcat.

≫ śalala

   śalala n. the quill of a porcupine (prob. also = a boar's bristle) MBh. Bhartṛ. 
   • m. a porcupine L. 
   • (ī), f. below

⋙ śalalacañcu

   ○cañcu m. or n. the quill of porcupine (used for writing) L. [Page 1059, Column 1] 

⋙ śalalita

   śalalita mfn. furnished with quills MBh.

≫ śalalī

   śalalī́ f. the quill of a porcupine (used in the ceremony of hair-parting and for applying collyrium) TBr. ŚBr. GṛŚrS. 
   • a small porcupine

⋙ śalalīpisaṅga

   ○pisaṅga m. 'variegated as the quills of a porcupine', N. of a Nava-rātra ĀśvŚr.

≫ śalāka

   śalāka m. (rare) = śalākā Kāṭh. Nār. MBh.

⋙ śalākadhūrta

   ○dhūrta m. 'one who deceives by employing a śalākā', (perhaps) a bird-catcher (who deceives birds with a twig, below) MBh. v, 1225

≫ śalākalā

   śalākalā́ f. (fr. next) a small stake or peg or splint AV. (cf. MS. śalokakā)

≫ śalākā

   śalākā f. any small stake or stick, rod (for stirring &c.), twig (smeared with lime for catching birds), rib (of an umbrella), bar (of a cage or window), chip, splinter, splint, pencil (for painting or applying collyrium) ŚBr. &c. &c 
   • a piece of bamboo (borne as a kind of credential by mendicants and marked with their name) Buddh. 
   • the quill of a porcupine KātyŚr. Sch. 
   • an oblong quadrangular piece of ivory or bone (used in playing a partic. game). ib. 
   • a peg, pin, arrow-head, needle, a probe (used in surgery and sometimes taken as the N. of this branch of, surgery Suśr.), any pointed instrument MBh. R. ŚārṅgS. 
   • a sprout, sprig, shoot of any kind ( ratna-ś○) 
   • a ruler W. 
   • a toothpick or tooth-brush L. 
   • a match or thin piece of wood (used for ignition by friction) W. 
   • a bone L. 
   • a finger, toe Vishṇ. Yājñ. 
   • a porcupine L. 
   • a partic. thorny shrub, Vanguieria Spinosa L. 
   • the Sārikā bird, Turdus Salica L. 
   • N. of a town R. 
   • of a woman, g. śubhrâdi

⋙ śalākāpari

   ○pari ind. a term applied to a partic. throw or movement (said to be unlucky) in the game of Śalākā Pāṇ. 2-1, 10

⋙ śalākāpuruṣa

   ○puruṣa m. pl. (with Jainas) N. of 63 divine personages (viz. the 24 Jainas, 12 Cakravartins, 9 Vāsudevas, 9 Bala-devas, and 9 Prati-vāsu-devas) L.

⋙ śalākābhrū

   ○bhrū f. N. of a woman, g. śubhrâdi

⋙ śalākāyantra

   ○yantra n. (in surgery) a pointed instrument or probe (cf. above) Suśr. Vāgbh.

⋙ śalākāvat

   ○vat mfn. g. madhv-ādi

⋙ śalākāvṛtti

   ○vṛtti n. famine of a partic. kind Divyâv.

⋙ śalākāstha

   ○stha mfn. being at or on a peg ĀpŚr.

≫ śalākikā

   śalākikā f. = śalākakā Kpr.

≫ śalākin

   śalākin mfn. furnished with awns (as barley) Suśr. 
   • furnished with ribs (śrīmac-chata-ś○)

≫ śalāhaka

   śalāhaka m. the wind L.

≫ śalya

   śalya m. n. (ifc. f. ā) a dart, javelin, lance, spear, iron-headed weapon (cf. upa-ś○), pike, arrow, shaft (also the point of an arrow or spear and its socket) RV. &c. &c 
   • anything tormenting or causing pain (as a thorn, sting &c.), or (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain (e.g. a splinter, pin, stone in the bladder &c 
   • also applied to the fetus, and, as a branch of medṭmedicine, to 'the extraction of splinters or extraneous substances') MBh. R. &c. Suśr. 
   • a fault, defect Hariv. (cf. karma-ś○) 
   • m. a porcupine BhP. 
   • a kind of fish L. 
   • a fence, boundary L. 
   • Vanguieria Spinosa L. 
   • Aegle Marmelos L. 
   • N. of an Asura Hariv. VP. 
   • of a king of Madra (maternal uncle of the sons of Pāṇḍu and esp. of Nakula and Saha-deva, Madrī the wife of Pāṇḍu being sister to Śalya) MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • of another king Rājat. 
   • (ā), f. a kind of dance (mentioned together with lāsya and calita) Kāvyâd. i, 39 (vḷ. sāmya) 
   • n. an iron crow L. 
   • poison L. 
   • abuse, defamation L.,

⋙ śalyakaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭha m. 'quill-throated', a porcupine L.

⋙ śalyakartana

   ○kartana N. of a place R.

⋙ śalyakartṛ

   ○kartṛ m. an arrow-maker ib. 
   • = next ib. (cf. kriyā)

⋙ śalyakarttṛ

   ○karttṛ m. 'cutter or remover of splinters', a surgeon MBh.

⋙ śalyakarṣaṇa

   ○karṣaṇa and N. of places R.

⋙ śalyakīrtana

   ○kīrtana N. of places R.

⋙ śalyakṛnta

   ○kṛnta m. = -karttṛ Āpast.

⋙ śalyakriyā

   ○kriyā f. the extraction of thorns or other extraneous substances lodged in the body W.

⋙ śalyajñāna

   ○jñāna n

⋙ śalyatantra

   ○tantra n. N. of chs. of medical wks

⋙ śalyadā

   ○dā f. a kind of plant (= medā) L.

⋙ śalyaparṇikā

   ○parṇikā or f. a kind of medicinal plant Bhpr.

⋙ śalyaparṇī

   ○parṇī f. a kind of medicinal plant Bhpr.

⋙ śalyaparvan

   ○parvan n. N. of the ninth book of the Mahā-bhārata, (this book describes how, on the death of Karṇa, Śalya, king of Madra, was appointed to the command of the Kuru army, and how a combat with maces took place between Śalya and Bhīma, and another great battle between Śalya and Yudhi-shṭhira, in which the former was at last killed)

⋙ śalyapīḍita

   ○pīḍita mfn. hurt by an arrow or thorn &c. R.

⋙ śalyaprota

   ○prôta mfn. pierced or transfixed by an arrow Ragh.

⋙ śalyabhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. being a thorn or sting (fig.) MBh.

⋙ śalyaloman

   ○loman n. a porcupine's quill L.

⋙ śalyavat

   ○vat mfn. possessing an arrow, having an arrow-head sticking in it (as a deer) MBh. xii, 4649 
   • or owning the arrow-head (and so owning the animal killed by the arrow) Mn. ix, 44 
   • set with stakes, hampered or harassed with difficulties W. [Page 1059, Column 2] 

⋙ śalyavāraṅga

   ○vāraṅga n. 'arrow-handle', the part by which an arrow or other foreign substance lodged in the body is laid hold of during the operation of extraction ib.

⋙ śalyaśāstra

   ○śāstra n. 'splinter(-extraction) science', N. of a part of surgery and ch. of medical wks. (cf. āyur-veda)

⋙ śalyasraṃsana

   ○sraṃsana n. the extraction or removal of a thorn Kauś.

⋙ śalyahartṛ

   ○hartṛ m. 'remover of thorns', a weeder W. 
   • = next R. Kathās.

⋙ śalyahṛt

   ○hṛt m. 'extractor of splinters', a surgeon VarBṛS.

⋙ śalyātman

   śalyấtman mfn. of a prickly or thorny nature TS.

⋙ śalyāpanayanīya

   śalyâpanayanīya mfn. treating of the extraction of thorns &c. Suśr.

⋙ śalyāri

   śalyâri m. 'enemy of Śalya', N. of Yudhi-shṭhira L.

⋙ śalyāharaṇavidhi

   śalyâharaṇa-vidhi m. 'method of extracting splinters &c.', N. of a ch. of the Ashṭâṅga-hṛidaya-saṃhitā.

⋙ śalyoddharaṇa

   śalyôddharaṇa n

⋙ śalyodddhāra

   śalyôdḍddhāra m

⋙ śalyodddhṛti

   śalyôdḍddhṛti f. the extraction of arrows and thorns &c. (also as N. of wks.)

≫ śalyaka

   śályaka m. an arrow, dart, spear, thorn &c. (= śalya) 
   • a porcupine VS. &c. &c 
   • a scaly fish Vajras. (cf. sa-śalka) 
   • Vanguieria Spinosa L.

⋙ śalyakavat

   ○vat mfn. having a pointed mouth 
   • m. (with ākhu) a shrew-mouse MBh.

≫ śalyaya

   śalyaya Nom. P. ○yati, to pain, torment, injure Anarghar.

≫ śalyāya

   śalyāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a thorn or sting Harav.

≫ śalla

   śalla m. (prob. fr. śalya) a frog L. 
   • bark L. 
   • (ā), f. Boswellia Thurifera L.

≫ śallaka

   śallaka m. (fr. śalyaka) a porcupine Baudh. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • Bignonia Indica L. 
   • (ikā), f. a kind of ship or boat (vḷ. jhillikā) Hariv. 
   • (akī), f. below 
   • n. bark L.

⋙ śallakāṅgaja

   śallakâṅga-ja mfn. grown on the body of a porcupine Suśr.

≫ śallakī

   śallakī f. (m.c.) = next Suśr.

≫ śallakī

   śallakī f. (also written sallakī) a porcupine R. Pañcar. 
   • Boswellia Thurifera MBh. R. &c 
   • incense, olibanum Suśr.

⋙ śallakītvac

   ○tvac f. the bark of Boswellia Thurifera Suśr.

⋙ śallakīdrava

   ○drava m. 'Śallaki-essence', a kind of incense, olibanum L.

≫ śallakīya

   śallakīya m. = śallakī-drava MBh. (B. and C. sallakīya)

śal 2

   śál onomat. (an exclamation used to express anything sudden) AV. xx, 135, 2


   śalakaṭaṅkata m. N. of Skanda AV. Pariś


   śalaṅkaṭa m. N. of a man (in uttara-śalaṅkaṭāḥ, the descendants of Uttara and Śalaṅkaṭa), g. tika-kitavâdi

≫ śalaṅku

   śalaṅku m. N. of a man, g. naḍâdi


   śalaṅga m. a king, sovereign L. 
   • a kind of salt L.


   śalabha m. (cf. śarabha) a grass-hopper, locust (fabled to be the children of Pulastya or of Tārkshya and Yāminī), a kind of moth (such as is attracted by a lighted candle?) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh. 
   • of an Asura ib. 
   • (ī), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda ib.

⋙ śalabhatā

   ○tā f. (cf. Mcar.),

⋙ śalabhatva

   ○tva n. (Kum) the state or condition of a grasshopper or moth

⋙ śalabhāsura

   śalabhâsura m. the Asura Salabha MBh.

⋙ śalabhāstra

   śalabhâstra n. a bow decorated with golden locusts MBh. iii, 11967 (cf. iv, 1329)

≫ śalabhāya

   śalabhāya Nom. P. ○yate, to be or act like a grasshopper or moth (i.e. to fly recklessly into fire, run into certain death) Kāv. Kathās.


   śalala śalākā &c. p. 1058, col. 3, and col. 1 above


   śalāṭa m. a cart-load (= 20 times 100 Palas) L. (cf. 2. śākaṭa)


   śalāṭu m. n. (cf. śalālu and saṭālu) the unripe fruit of a tree (accord. to some mfn. unripe') Gobh. Suśr. 
   • m. Aegle Marmelos L. 
   • a kind of √cf. L


   śalātura N. of the abode of the ancestors of Pāṇini (cf. śālāturīya)


   śalāthala m. N. of a man (pl. his descendants), g. upakâdi


   śalābholi m. a camel L. (prob. wṛ.)


   śalālu n. a sort of perfume or fragrant substance (○luka, mf[ī]n. dealing in it) Pāṇ. 4-4, 54 (cf. Siddh.) [Page 1059, Column 3] 
   • = śalāṭu ĀpGṛ.


   śalāvat m. N. of a man Śaṃk. (cf. śālāvat, śālāvatya)


   śali-putra vḷ. for śala-putra, q.v


   śalúna m. a kind of insect AV.


   śálka m. n. (cf. śakala, śakla, śalāka) a chip, shaving, piece, bit, portion TS. Kāṭh. Br. 
   • m. meal, flour L. 
   • n. a fish-scale Mn. MBh. &c 
   • bark L.

⋙ śalkamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. scaly, flaky MW.

⋙ śalkayuta

   ○yuta mfn. id. L.

≫ śalkala

   śalkala n. = śalka n. W.

≫ śalkalin

   śalkalin mfn. having scales ( mahā-ś○) 
   • m. a fish L.

≫ śalkin

   śalkin m. 'having scales', a fish L.


   śalpa ○paka, ○pa-dā &c., wṛ. śalya &c


   śalbh cl. 1. Ā. śalbhate, to praise, boast Dhātup. x, 30


   śalmalí m. (cf. śālmali) the silk-cotton tree, Salmalia Malabarica RV. VS. Br. Gobh.

≫ śalmalī

   śalmalī f. id. VarBṛS. (vḷ.) L.


   śalya &c. col. 1


   śalla śallaka, col. 2


   śalva m. pl. N. of a people L. (cf. sálva) 
   • a kind of plant L.


   śav (prob. artificial), cl. 1. P. to go Dhātup. xvii, 76 (cf. Naigh.ī, 14) 
   • to alter, change, transform Dhātup. ib. (cf. Vop.)


   śava m. n. (ifc. f. ā 
   • prob. fr. √1. śū, or śvi and orig. = 'swollen') a corpse, dead body ŚBr. &c. &c 
   • n. water L.

⋙ śavakarman

   ○karman n. the burning of a corpse, obsequies Baudh.

⋙ śavakāmya

   ○kāmya m. 'fond of or feeding on corpses', a dog L.

⋙ śavakṛt

   ○kṛt m. 'corpses-maker', N. of Kṛishṇa Pañcar.

⋙ śavagandhin

   ○gandhin mfn. smelling of cṭcorpses Cat.

⋙ śavadahyā

   ○dahyā́ f. cremation of a corpse ŚBr.

⋙ śavadāha

   ○dāha m. id. W.

⋙ śavadāhaka

   ○dāhaka or m. a corpses-burner ib.

⋙ śavadāhin

   ○dāhin m. a corpses-burner ib.

⋙ śavadhara

   ○dhara mfn. carrying a corpses MBh.

⋙ śavadhāna

   ○dhāna m. pl. N. of a people MārkP. (cf. śara-dh○)

⋙ śavanabhya

   ○nabhya n. a piece of the nave of (a wheel of) a vehicle used as a bier KātyŚr.

⋙ śavapannaga

   ○pannaga m. a dead serpent MBh.

⋙ śavabhasman

   ○bhasman n. the ashes of a cṭcorpses MW.

⋙ śavabhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. become a corpses or like a corpses ib.

⋙ śavamandira

   ○mandira n. a place for cremating corpses MārkP.

⋙ śavayāna

   ○yāna n

⋙ śavaratha

   ○ratha m. 'corpses-vehicle', a bier, litter L.

⋙ śavarūpa

   ○rūpa n. 'corpse-like', a kind of animal ŚāṅkhGṛ.

⋙ śavalokadhātu

   ○loka-dhātu wṛ. for saha-l○

⋙ śavavāha

   ○vāha or m. a corpses-carrier MBh.

⋙ śavavāhaka

   ○vāhaka m. a corpses-carrier MBh.

⋙ śavaviṣa

   ○viṣa n. corpses-poison, the poison of a dead body Suśr.

⋙ śavaśatamaya

   ○śata-maya mf(ī)n. covered with a hundred corpses Daś.

⋙ śavaśayana

   ○śayana n. place (prepared) for (the cremation of) corpses BhP. (accord. to Sch. also 'a lotusflower')

⋙ śavaśibikā

   ○śibikā f. 'corpse-litter', a bier Hcar.

⋙ śavaśiras

   ○śiras n. the head or skull of a cṭcorpses Mn. xi, 72 
   • ○ro-dhvaja mfn. carrying the skull (of a slain enemy) as an ensign Āpast.

⋙ śavaśīrṣaka

   ○śīrṣaka m. 'corpses-head', the 7th cubit from the bottom or the 11th from the top of the sacrificial post L.

⋙ śavasādhana

   ○sādhana n. 'corpses-rite', a magical ceremony performed with a corpses Cat.

⋙ śavasparśa

   ○sparśa m. touching a corpses MW.

⋙ śavaspṛś

   ○spṛś mfn. one who has touched a corpse (and is consequently defiled) Mn. v, 64

⋙ śavāgni

   śavâgni m. a funereal fire ĀpŚr.

⋙ śavācchādana

   śavâcchādana n. 'corpses-covering', a shroud MW.

⋙ śavānna

   śavânna n. funereal food PārGṛ.

⋙ śavāśa

   śavâśa m. a corpses-eater Bhaṭṭ.

⋙ śavāsthimālika

   śavâsthi-mālika mfn. wearing a garland of bones Jain.

⋙ śavodvaha

   śavôdvahá m. a corpse-carrier ŚBr.

≫ śavas

   śávas n. (orig. 'swelling, increase') strength, power, might, superiority, prowess, valour, heroism (○sā ind. mightily, with might) RV. AV. 
   • water L. 
   • a dead body (= -śava) L. 
   • m. N. of a teacher Cat.

≫ śavasāna

   śavasāná mfn. strong, vigorous, powerful, violent RV. 
   • m. a road Uṇ. ii, 86 Sch.

≫ śavasāvat

   śavasā-vat mfn. mighty, powerful RV.

≫ śavasin

   śavasin mfn. id. ib.

≫ śavasī

   śavasī́ f. 'the strong one', N. of Indra's mother ib.

≫ śavya

   śavya n. cremation of a corpse, funeral ChUp.


   śavara śavala, śab○


   śaś (prob. invented as a √for śaśa below), cl. 1. P. (cf. Dhātup. xvii, 77) śaśati (only pr. p. śaśat Kir. xv, 5), to leap, bound, dance. [Page 1060, Column 1] 

≫ śaśa

   śaśá m. a hare, rabbit, or antelope (the markings on the moon are supposed to resemble a hare or rabbit) RV. &c. &c. (for śaśasya vrata under karṣū, p. 260) 
   • a kind of meteor AV. v, 17, 4 
   • N. of a man born under a partic. constellation VarBṛS. 
   • a man of mild character and easily led (one of the four classes into which men are divided by erotic writers, the other three being aśva, mṛga and vṛṣan) L. 
   • the Lodhra tree, Symplocos Racemosa Kād. 
   • gum-myrrh L. 
   • N. of a part of Jambu-dviipa MW. 
   • (ī), f. N. of an Apsaras Kāraṇḍ. [Cf. accord. to some, Gk. ? 
   • [1060, 1] accord. to others, śaśa is for śasa and is connected with Germ. haso, ḥase ; Eng. hare.]

⋙ śaśakarṇa

   ○karṇa m. the ear of a hare L. 
   • du. N. of a Sāman Lāṭy. 
   • 'hare-eared', N. of the author of RV. viii, 9 (having the patr. kāṇva) Anukr.

⋙ śaśaketu

   ○ketu wṛ. for śaśi-k○ Lalit.

⋙ śaśaghātaka

   ○ghātaka (cf. Bhpr.) or (cf. Suśr.), m. 'hare-killer', a hawk

⋙ śaśaghātin

   ○ghātin (cf. Suśr.), m. 'hṭhare-killer', a hawk

⋙ śaśaghna

   ○ghna m. id. VarBṛS. 
   • (ī), f. -han

⋙ śaśadhara

   ○dhara m. 'bearer of hare-marks', the moon Kāv. 
   • camphor MW. 
   • N. of various authors Cat. 
   • -prabhā f. -mālā f. N. of wks 
   • -mukhī f. a moon-faced woman Kautukar. 
   • -mauli m. 'moon-crested', N. of Śiva MW. 
   • ○râcārya m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śaśadharīya

   ○dharīya n. a work composed by Śaśa-dhara Cat.

⋙ śaśadharman

   ○dharman m. N. of a king VP.

⋙ śaśapada

   ○pada n. a hare's track (easily got over) Hcar. 
   • -śakti f. N. of wk

⋙ śaśaplutaka

   ○plutaka n. a scratch with a finger-nail L.

⋙ śaśabindu

   ○bindu m. 'hare-spotted', the moon W. 
   • N. of a king (son of Citraratha 
   • pl. his descendants) MaitrUp. MBh. Hariv. &c

⋙ śaśabhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. 'hare-bearer', the moon VarBṛ. Sāh. Śatr. &c 
   • ○bhṛd-bhṛt m. 'moon-bearer', N. of Śiva KālP.

⋙ śaśamātra

   ○mātra mf(ī)n. 'having the measure of a hare', as large as a hare W.

⋙ śaśamuṇḍarasa

   ○muṇḍa-rasa m. a kind of fluid medicine made from a hare's head ŚārṅgS. -1

⋙ śaśayāna

   ○yāna n. (for 2. col. 3) N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh.

⋙ śaśarajas

   ○rajas n. 'dirt on a hare', a partic. measure of length or capacity L.

⋙ śaśalakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa m. 'hare-marked', the moon MBh.

⋙ śaśalakṣmaṇa

   ○lakṣmaṇa wṛ. for prec. ib.

⋙ śaśalakṣman

   ○lakṣman n. the mark of a hare (on the moon) ib. 
   • m. 'hare-marked', the moon Kathās. Sāh.

⋙ śaśalāñchana

   m. id. Kāv. Pañcat. &c 
   • camphor A.

⋙ śaśalupta

   ○lupta n. disappearing like a hare Pāṇ. 6-2, 145 Sch.

⋙ śaśaloman

   ○loman m. hare's hair L. 
   • m. N. of a king MBh.

⋙ śaśaviṣāṇa

   ○viṣāṇa n. a hare's horn (a term for an impossibility) Bhartṛ. Kathās. &c

⋙ śaśaviṣāṇāya

   ○viṣāṇāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to resemble a hare's horn, to be an impossibility Sarvad.

⋙ śaśaśimbikā

   ○śimbikā f. a partic. plant L.

⋙ śaśaśṛṅga

   ○śṛṅga n. = -viṣāṇa Kull. on Mn. viii, 53 
   • m. N. of a man Viddh. (in Prākṛit)

⋙ śaśasthalī

   ○sthalī f. the Doab or country between the Ganges and Jumnā rivers L. 
   • wṛ. for kuśa-sth○ L.

⋙ śaśahan

   ○han mf(ghnī)n. killing hares Pāṇ. 3-2, 53 Sch. 
   • (-ghnī), f. a hawk Car. (wṛ. śama-ghnī)

⋙ śaśākṣa

   śaśâkṣá m. 'hare-eyed', N. of a mythical being Suparṇ.

⋙ śaśāṅka

   śaśâṅka below

⋙ śaśāda

   śaśâda mfn. eating hares L. 
   • m. a partic. bird of prey L. 
   • N. of Vikukshi MBh. Hariv. Pur.

⋙ śaśādana

   śaśâdana m. 'hare-eater', the brown hawk L.

⋙ śaśorṇa

   śaśôrṇa n. the hair of a rabbit or hare Siddh. L. Buddh.

⋙ śaśolūktamukhī

   śaśôlūkta-mukhī f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh.

≫ śaśaka

   śaśaka m. a (little) hare AdbhBr. MBh. R. &c 
   • a man of a partic. character (= śaśa, q.v.) A. 
   • pl. N. of a people MBh.

⋙ śaśakaviṣāṇa

   ○viṣāṇa n. = śaśa-viṣ○ Bhartṛ.

⋙ śaśakaśiśu

   ○śiśu m. the young of a hare Vās.

⋙ śaśakādhama

   śaśakâdhama m. a miserable little-rabbit Hit.

≫ śaśat

   śaśat mfn. leaping, jumping Kir.

≫ śaśayu

   śaśayú mfn. pursuing hares AV.

≫ śaśāṅka

   śaśâṅka m. 'hare-marked', the moon MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • camphor L. 
   • N. of a king Hcar. Sch. 
   • -kānta mfn. lovely as the moon Jain. 
   • -kiraṇa-prakhya mfn. resembling a ray of the moon MBh. 
   • -kula n. the lunar race Kathās. 
   • ja or -tanaya m. 'the moon's son', the planet Mercury VarBṛS. 
   • -dhara m. N. of a grammarian Cat. 
   • -pura n. N. of a town (also -pūrvam puram) Kathās. 
   • -bimba n. n. the disk of the moon Jain. 
   • -bhās mfn. shining like the moon MW. 
   • -mukuṭa m. 'having the moon as diadem', N. of Śiva Kathās. 
   • -mūrti m. 'having a hare-marked form', N. of the moon MW. 
   • -lekhā f. 'moon-streak', the lunar crescent Śak. 
   • -vatī f. N. of a princess (after whom the 12th Lambaka of the Kathā-sarit-sāgara is called) Kathās. 
   • -vadanā f. a moon-faced woman Kāvyâd. 
   • -śatru m. 'moon's foe', N. of Rāhu VarYogay. 
   • -śṛṅga n. a horn or point of the moon's crescent (?) MW. [Page 1060, Column 2] 
   • -śekhara m. 'moon-crested', N. of Śiva BhP. 
   • -suta m. (= śaśâṅka-ja) VarBṛ. 
   • ○kârdha m. the half-mṭmoon 
   • ○kârdha-mukha mfn. having a head shaped like a half-mṭmoon (said of an arrow) Ragh. 
   • ○kârdhaśekhara m. N. of Śiva Rājat. 
   • ○kôpala m. a kind of precious stone (= candra-kānta) Sāh.

⋙ śaśāṅkita

   śaśâṅkita mfn. hare-marked (the moon) Śiś.

≫ śaśāṇḍuli

   śaśāṇḍuli or f. a kind of cucumber L.

⋙ śaśāṇḍulī

   śaśāṇḍuḍlī f. a kind of cucumber L.

≫ śaśi

   śaśi in comp. for śaśin

⋙ śaśikara

   ○kara m. a moonbeam MW.

⋙ śaśikalā

   ○kalā f. a digit of the moon, the mṭmoon (in general) Vikr. Kathās. Chandom. 
   • a kind of metre Chandom. 
   • N. of various women Kathās. Cat. 
   • -pañcāśikā f. N. of wk 
   • ○lâbharaṇa m. 'ornamented with a digit of the moon', N. of Śiva MW.

⋙ śaśikānta

   ○kānta m. 'moon-loved', the mṭmoon-stone (= candra-k○) VarBṛS. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river VP. 
   • n. a white lotus-flower opening by night L.

⋙ śaśikiraṇa

   ○kiraṇa m. = -kara Suśr.

⋙ śaśiketu

   ○ketu m. N. of a Buddh.

⋙ śaśikoṭi

   ○koṭi f. a horn of the moon MW.

⋙ śaśikṣaya

   ○kṣaya m. the new moon Hcat.

⋙ śaśikhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa m. or n. (?) the moon's crescent ( comp.) 
   • m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās. 
   • -pada m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara ib. 
   • -śekhara m. 'having the moon's crescent as diadem', N. of Śiva Hariv.

⋙ śaśigaccha

   ○gaccha m. the lunar race Śatr.

⋙ śaśigupta

   ○gupta m. N. of a king VP.

⋙ śaśiguhyā

   ○guhyā f. the juice of the liquorice-√cf. L

⋙ śaśigraha

   ○graha m. 'moon-seizure', an eclipse of the moon Cat. 
   • -samāgama m. a conjunction of the moon with asterisms or planets VarBṛS.

⋙ śaśija

   ○ja (cf. MBh. Var.) or (cf. Var.), m. 'moon's son', the planet Mercury

⋙ śaśitanaya

   ○tanaya (cf. Var.), m. 'moon's son', the planet Mercury

⋙ śaśitejas

   ○tejas m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās. 
   • of a serpent-demon L.

⋙ śaśidivākara

   ○divākara m. du. moon and sun Ml.

⋙ śaśideva

   ○deva m. N. of a king (= ranti-d○) L. 
   • of a grammarian Cat. 
   • n. = next VarBṛS. (vḷ.)

⋙ śaśidaiva

   ○daiva n. the lunar mansion Mṛiga-śiras (presided over by the moon) ib.

⋙ śaśidhara

   ○dhara m. N. of a man Inscr. 
   • -maṅgala-mata n. N. of wk

⋙ śaśidhāman

   ○dhāman n. the moon's splendour MW.

⋙ śaśidhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. N. of an Asura Hariv. 
   • of a king of Bhallāṭa-nagara KalkiP.

⋙ śaśipāda

   ○pāda m. a moon-beam W.

⋙ śaśiputra

   ○putra m. = -ja Var.

⋙ śaśiprabha

   ○prabha mfn. shining like the mṭmoon, radiant as the moon Ragh. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a woman Kathās. 
   • n. a lotus-flower opening by night L. 
   • the white esculent water-lily W. 
   • a pearl L. 
   • (ā), f. the moon's lustre, moon-light L.

⋙ śaśipriya

   ○priya n. a pearl L. 
   • (ā), f. 'loved of the moon', a lunar mansion personified L.

⋙ śaśibindu

   ○bindu wṛ. for śaśa-b○ R.

⋙ śaśibhās

   ○bhās f. a moonbeam MW.

⋙ śaśibhūṣaṇa

   ○bhūṣaṇa m. 'moon-decorated', N. of Śiva L.

⋙ śaśibhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. 'moon-bearer', id. VarBṛS. (cf. nava-śaśi-bh○).,

⋙ śaśimaṇi

   ○maṇi m. the moon-stone (= candra-kānta) Nāg. Kād.

⋙ śaśimaṇḍala

   ○maṇḍala n. the disk of the mṭmoon HPariś.

⋙ śaśimat

   ○mat mfn. possessing the moon Sāh.

⋙ śaśimaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of or relating to the moon Naish.

⋙ śaśimayūkha

   ○mayūkha m. a moon-beam MW.

⋙ śaśimukha

   ○mukha mfn. moon-faced 
   • (ī), f. a moon-faced woman Kāv.

⋙ śaśimauli

   ○mauli m. 'having the moon as a diadem', N. of Śiva Kum. Kathās. MārkP.

⋙ śaśiraśmi

   ○raśmi m. a moon-beam MW.

⋙ śaśirekhā

   ○rekhā f. 'moon-streak', digit of the moon L. 
   • N. of a woman Kathās.

⋙ śaśilekhā

   ○lekhā f. a digit of the moon Viddh. 
   • Vernonia Anthelminthica Bhpr. Dhanv. 
   • Cocculus Cordifolius L. 
   • a kind of metre L. 
   • N. of an Apsaras BrahmaP. 
   • of a princess Kathās. 
   • of a female slave Vās.

⋙ śaśivaṃśa

   ○vaṃśa m. the lunar race (-ja mfn. sprung from the lunar race) Hariv. Kāv. 
   • N. of wk

⋙ śaśivadanā

   ○vadanā f. = -mukhī Chandom. 
   • two kinds of metre ib. Śrutab. &c

⋙ śaśivardhana

   ○vardhana m. N. of a poet Kāv.

⋙ śaśivāṭikā

   ○vāṭikā f. Boerhavia Procumbens L.

⋙ śaśivimala

   ○vimala mfn. pure as the moon (with giri m. 'the Kailāsa') R. (cf. Sch.)

⋙ śaśiśikhāmaṇi

   ○śikhā-maṇi m. 'having the moon as diadem', N. of Śiva Rājat.

⋙ śaśiśekhara

   m. id. ib. Kathās. Inscr. 
   • N. of a Buddha L. 
   • of one of the Jaina pontiffs W.

⋙ śaśisaṃnibha

   ○saṃnibha mfn. = -prabha MBh.

⋙ śaśisuta

   ○suta m. = -ja Var.

⋙ śaśībha

   śaśī7bha wṛ. for śaśâṅka Cat.

⋙ śaśīśa

   śaśī7śa m. 'lord of the moon', N. of Śiva 
   • -śiśu m. 'son of Śiva', N. of Skanda (-śī m. wounding Śiva), Kit. xv, 5

≫ śaśika

   śaśika m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (vḷ. śāśika)

≫ śaśin

   śaśin m. 'containing a hare', the moon ŚvetUp. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • N. of the number one VarBṛS. 
   • camphor Hcat. 
   • a kind of metre Col. 
   • N. of a man Kathās. 
   • the emblem of a partic. Arhat or Jina W. 
   • (inī), f. N. of the 8th Kalā of the moon Cat.

≫ śaśī 1

   śaśī f. under śaśa

≫ śaśī 2

   śaśī in comp. for śaśa

⋙ śaśībhū

   ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become a bare Hariv.


   śaśamāná mfn. (fr. √1. śam) exerting one's self, zealous, toiling, working, active (esp. in worship) RV. VS. AV. [Page 1060, Column 3] 


   śaśayá mf(ā́)n. (either fr. √1. śī, or connected with śaśīyas, śaśvat) ever-flowing, unfailing, abundant RV.

śaśayāna 2

   śaśayāná mfn. (pf. p. of √1. śī 
   • for 1. śaśa-y○, col. 1) lying, reposing, sleeping (= śiśyāna) RV.


   śáśīyas mfn. (prob. compar. of śaśvat below 
   • accord. to Sāy. fr. √śaś) more numerous, mightier, richer RV.


   śaśvacai √śvac


   śáśvat mf(śáśvatī, or ○tī́)n. (accord. to some for sasvat and corresponding to Gk. ?) [1060, 3] perpetual, continual, endless, incessant, frequent, numerous, many (esp. applied to the ever-recurring dawns) RV. 
   • all, every RV. AV. TBr. 
   • (at), ind. perpetually, continually, repeatedly, always, ever (śáśvat purā́, from immemorial time 
   • śaśvac-chaśvat, again and again, constantly) RV. &c. &c 
   • at once, forthwith, directly (generally preceded or followed by ha 
   • śáśvat-śáśvat, no sooner-than forthwith) ŚBr. BhP. 
   • it is true, certainly, indeed Br.

⋙ śaśvatkāma

   ○kāma mf(ā)n. always intent on love Pañcar.

⋙ śaśvattama

   ○tamá mfn. most constant or frequent or numerous RV. 
   • (ám), ind. once more, again ib.

≫ śaśva

   śaśva Nom. P. ○yati = śaśvāyate below Vop.

≫ śaśvacchānti

   śaśvac-chānti f. (for ○vat-z○) everlasting peace or tranquillity, eternal rest MW.

≫ śaśvadhā

   śaśvadhā́ ind. again and again, ever and ever again RV.

≫ śaśvāya

   śaśvāya Nom. P. ○te, to be or become eternal (g. bhṛśâdi)


   śaṣ cl. 1. P. śaṣati, to hurt, injure, kill Dhātup. xvii, 39


   śaṣkaṇḍī f. a kind of plant and its fruit Gaṇar.


   śaṣkula m. Pongamia Glabra L. 
   • (ifc.) = next Pāṇ. 1-2, 49 Sch.

≫ śaṣkuli

   śaṣkuli or f. the orifice of the ear, auditory passage Yājñ. Suśr.

⋙ śaṣkulī

   śaṣkuḍlī f. the orifice of the ear, auditory passage Yājñ. Suśr. 
   • a kind of disease of the ear ŚārṅgS. 
   • a large round cake (composed of ground rice, sugar, and sesamum, and cooked in oil 
   • also written śask○) MBh. Suśr. BhP. 
   • a sort of fish L. 
   • Pongamia Glabra L. 
   • rice-gruel or barley-water W.

≫ śaṣkulikā

   śaṣkulikā f. a sort of cake (= prec.) Suśr. VarBṛS.


   śáṣpa n. (ifc. f. ā 
   • accord. to Uṇ. iii, 28 fr. √śas 
   • often incorrectly śaspa and śaṣya) young or sprouting grass, any grass VS. &c. &c 
   • loss of consciousness (= pratibhā-kṣaya) L.

⋙ śaṣpatulya

   ○tulya mfn. resembling young grass Pañcat. (vḷ.)

⋙ śaṣpabṛsī

   ○bṛsī f. a seat of Kuśa grass R. Suśr.

⋙ śaṣpabhuj

   ○bhuj or m. 'grass-eater', any animal feeding on grass Pañcat.

⋙ śaṣpabhojana

   ○bhojana m. 'grass-eater', any animal feeding on grass Pañcat.

⋙ śaṣpavat

   ○vat mfn. containing young grass L.

⋙ śaṣpāda

   śaṣpâda mfn. grass-eating, graminivorous Ml.

≫ śaṣpiñjara

   śaṣpíñjara mfn. (for śaṣpa-p○) yellowish-red like young grass MS. VS. (cf. TS. śasp○)

śas 1

   śas cl. 1. P. (cf. Dhātup. xvii, 78) śásati (Ved. also -śasti and -śāsti 
   • pf. śaśāsa MBh. 
   • 3. pl. śaśasuḥ Gr 
   • fut. śasitā ib. 
   • śasiṣyati Br. 
   • Ved. inf. -śásas Br. 
   • ind. p. -śasya MBh.), to cut down, kill, slaughter (mostly vi-√śas, q.v.)

≫ śasana

   śásana n. slaughtering, killing RV.

≫ śasā

   śásā f. id. RV. v, 41, 18 (cf. Sāy. = stutyā, fr. √śaṃs)

≫ śasita


⋙ śasitṛ

   śasiḍtṛ vi-ś○

≫ śasitvā

   śasitvā ind. having wounded or hurt MW.

≫ śasta 2

   śasta mfn. (for 1. p. 1044, col. 1) cut down, slaughtered, killed MBh. iii, 1638

≫ śastaka

   śastaka n. = loha L. (prob. wṛ. for śastraka) 
   • a defence for the finger of an archer (= aṅgulitrāṇa) L.

≫ śastṛ

   śastṛ m. a cutter, dissecter RV. AV.

≫ śastra 2

   śástra m. (for 1. p. 1044, col. 1) a sword L. 
   • (ī), f. below 
   • n. an instrument for cutting or wounding, knife, sword, dagger, any weapon (even applied to an arrow Bhaṭṭ. 
   • weapons are said to be of four kinds, pāṇi-mukta, yantra-mukta, muktâmukta, and amukta) ŚBr. &c. &c 
   • any instrument or tool ( comp.) 
   • iron, steel L. 
   • a razor L.

⋙ śastrakarman

   ○karman n. 'knife-operation', any surgical operation Suśr. [Page 1061, Column 1] 
   • ○ma-kṛt m. 'performing a surgical operation', a surgeon ib. 
   • ○ma-vidhi m. N. of wk

⋙ śastrakali

   ○kali m. a duel with swords Kathās.

⋙ śastrakāra

   ○kāra m. 'weapon-maker', an armourer W.

⋙ śastrakuśala

   ○kuśala mfn. skilled or expert in arms MW.

⋙ śastrakopa

   ○kopa m. 'swordfury', war, battle VarBṛS.

⋙ śastrakośa

   ○kośa m. the sheath of a weapon 
   • -taru m. a thorny Gardenia L.

⋙ śastrakṣata

   ○kṣata mfn. killed by weapon MW.

⋙ śastrakṣāra

   ○kṣāra m. borax L.

⋙ śastragraha

   ○graha m. taking arms, battle, fight Mcar.

⋙ śastragrāhaka

   ○grāhaka mfn. taking arms, armed Kām.

⋙ śastragrāhavat

   ○grāha-vat mfn. having sea-monsters for weapons (said of a river) R.

⋙ śastragrāhin

   ○grāhin mfn. taking arms 
   • m. an armed man W.

⋙ śastraghāta

   ○ghāta m. the stroke of a sword VarBṛS.

⋙ śastraghuṣṭakara

   ○ghuṣṭa-kara mfn. making a noise or clanging with arms W.

⋙ śastracikitsā

   ○cikitsā f. 'curing by means of instruments', surgery Hāsy.

⋙ śastracūrṇa

   ○cūrṇa n. iron-filings L.

⋙ śastrajāla

   ○jāla n. a quantity of wṭweapons W.

⋙ śastrajīvin

   ○jīvin mfn. living by arms 
   • m. a professional soldier VarBṛS. MārkP.

⋙ śastratyāga

   ○tyāga m. abandoning or throwing away a weapon W.

⋙ śastradevatā

   ○devatā f. 'weapon-deity', a deified weapon or goddess of war (represented as the offspring of Kṛiśâśva, and, according to some, one hundred in number) Uttarar. Rājat.

⋙ śastradhara

   ○dhara mfn. bearing wṭweapons 
   • m. a warrior W.

⋙ śastradhāraṇa

   ○dhāraṇa n. bearing arms or a sword Kām. MārkP. 
   • -jīvaka m. 'one who lives by bearing arms', a soldier MW.

⋙ śastradhārin

   ○dhārin mfn. bearing arms ib.

⋙ śastranitya

   ○nitya mfn. one who is continually under arms MBh.

⋙ śastranidhana

   ○nidhana mfn. dying by the sword VarBṛS.

⋙ śastranipāta

   ○nipāta m. 'fall or stroke of a sword', killing by weapons, war, fight ib. 
   • = next Suśr.

⋙ śastranipātana

   ○nipātana n. 'stroke of the knife', a surgical operation ib.

⋙ śastraniryāṇa

   ○niryāṇa mfn. = -nidhana VarBṛS.

⋙ śastranyāsa

   ○nyāsa m. 'laying down of arms', abstention from battle Vikr.

⋙ śastrapada

   ○pada n. 'knifemark', incision Suśr.

⋙ śastrapāṇi

   ○pāṇi mfn. (m.c. also ○ṇin) 'weapon-handed', armed 
   • m. an armed warrior Hit. Vet.

⋙ śastrapāta

   ○pāta m. 'fall or stroke of a weapon or knife', incision Kāvyâd.

⋙ śastrapāna

   ○pāna n. a mixture for saturating weapons (so as to temper or harden them) VarBṛS.

⋙ śastrapūjāvidhi

   ○pūjā-vidhi m. N. of wk

⋙ śastrapūta

   ○pūta mfn. 'purified by wṭweapons', absolved from guilt by dying on the field of battle Mālatīm.

⋙ śastraprakopa

   ○prakopa m. = -kopa VarBṛS.

⋙ śastraprahāra

   ○prahāra m. a sword-cut Kāvyâd.

⋙ śastrabhaya

   ○bhaya n. fear or danger of arms, calamity of war VarBṛS.

⋙ śastrabhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. = -dhara Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c

⋙ śastramaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. (rain) consisting in or formed by weapons R.

⋙ śastramārja

   ○mārja m. 'weapons-cleaner', an armourer L.

⋙ śastramukha

   ○mukha n. the edge of a wṭweapons L.

⋙ śastralakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk. -2

⋙ śastravat

   ○vat mfn. (for 1. p. 1044, col. 1) provided with a weapons MBh. Hariv. &c

⋙ śastravadha

   ○vadha m. killing with a weapon (in a-ś○, 'killing without a weapon') Pañcat.

⋙ śastravārtta

   ○vārtta mfn. = -jīvin VarBṛS.

⋙ śastravikrayin

   ○vikrayin m. a dealer in wṭweapons Mn. iv, 215

⋙ śastravidyā

   ○vidyā f. = dhanur-veda Anarghar.

⋙ śastravidvas

   ○vidvas mfn. skilled in arms MBh.

⋙ śastravihita

   ○vihita mfn. inflicted with a wṭweapon Ml.

⋙ śastravṛtti

   ○vṛtti mfn. = -jīvin Mn. xii, 45

⋙ śastravyavahāra

   ○vyavahāra m. practice of wṭweapons Ragh.

⋙ śastravraṇamaya

   ○vraṇa-maya mf(ī)n. consisting in wounds produced by weapons Śiś.

⋙ śastraśāstra

   ○śāstra n. the science of arms, military science MW.

⋙ śastraśikṣā

   ○śikṣā f. skill with weapons or with the sword Kathās.

⋙ śastraśikhin

   ○śikhin mfn. proud of (the practice of) weapons MW.

⋙ śastrasaṃhati

   ○saṃhati f

⋙ śastrasamūha

   ○samūha m. 'collection of wṭweapons', an arsenal, armoury W.

⋙ śastrasampāta

   ○sampāta m. 'descent of weapons', discharge of missiles, battle, fight Bhag. Kathās.

⋙ śastrahata

   ○hata mfn. struck or killed by a sword 
   • -caturdaśī f. N. of a partic. fourteenth day sacred to the memory of fallen warriors L.

⋙ śastrākhya

   śastrâkhya mfn. called a sword (applied to a comet) VarBṛS. 
   • n. iron L.

⋙ śastrāgnisambhrama

   śastrâgni-sambhrama m. trouble or alarm (caused) by war or fire VarBṛS.

⋙ śastrāṅgā

   śastrâṅgā f. a kind of sorrel L.

⋙ śastrājīva

   śastrâjīva mf(ī)n. = śastra-jīvin 
   • m. a soldier L.

⋙ śastrānta

   śastrânta mfn. dying by the sword VarBṛS.

⋙ sastrābhyāsa

   sastrâbhyāsa m. the practice of arms, military exercise L.

⋙ śutrāmayārti

   śutrâmayârti f. distress (caused) by war or disease VarBṛS.

⋙ śastrāyasa

   śastrâyasa n. iron, steel L.

⋙ śastrāyudha

   śastrâyudha mfn. having the sword for a weapon (and not the Veda, as a Brāhman should have) Vet.

⋙ śastrārcis

   śastrârcis mfn. blazing or flaming with weapons MW.

⋙ śastrāvapāta

   śastrâvapāta m. injury by a weapon Yājñ. ii, 277

⋙ śastrāśastri

   śastrā-śastri ind. sword against sword Daś. AgP.

⋙ śastrāstra

   śastrâstra (ibc.) weapons both for striking and throwing 
   • -bhṛt mfn. bearing weapons &c. (-tva n. the use of arms) Mn. x, 79

⋙ śastrotthāpana

   śastrôtthāpana n

⋙ śastrottrodyama

   śastrôtḍtrôdyama m. lifting up a weapon (so as to strike) W.

⋙ śastrodyoga

   śastrôdyoga m. the practice of arms VarBṛS.

⋙ śastropakaraṇa

   śastrôpakaraṇa n. arms and instruments of warfare, military apparatus MW. [Page 1061, Column 2] 

⋙ śastropajīvin

   śastrôpajīvin m. 'living by arms', a warrior, soldier Hcar. 
   • an armourer R. (cf. Sch.)

≫ śastraka 2

   śastraka n. (for 1. p. 1044, col. 1) a knife L. 
   • iron L. 
   • (ikā), f. a dagger, knife Daś.

≫ śastrin 2

   śastrin mfn. having weapons, bearing arms, armed with a sword MBh. Hariv. Kām. &c

≫ śastrī

   śastrī f. a dagger, knife, Bharṭṛ

⋙ śastrīśyāma

   ○śyāma mfn. bluish like the blade of a knife Śiś.

≫ śasya 2

   śasya mfn. to be cut down or slaughtered or killed Vop. 
   • n. corn, grain (more correctly sasya, q.v.)

≫ śasyaka

   śasyaka n. powder (= cūrṇa) R. (cf. Sch.) 
   • vḷ. for sasyaka, q.v

śas 2

   śas √sas

śas 3

   śas (in gram.) the technical casetermination of the accusative plural Pāṇ. 4-1, 2 
   • the Taddhita affix śas (forming adverbs from nouns, esp. from numerals and words expressive of quantity) ib. v, 1, 42 &c. (cf. alpa-śas, bahu-śas, śata-śas &c.)


   śaskulī śaspiñjara, śaṣk○, śaṣp○, p. 1060, col. 3


   śasti śasman, p. 1044, col. 1


   śahendra-varṇana-vilāsa (for śāh○?), m. N. of a poem Cat.


   śāṃvatya m. (fr. śaṃ-vat) N. of an ancient teacher ĀśvGṛ.


   śāṃśapá mf(ī)n. (fr. śiṃśapā) derived from the Śiṃśapā (Dalbergia Sissoo, a large and beautiful tree), made of its wood &c. AV.

≫ śāṃśapaka

   śāṃśapaka mfn. id., g. arīhaṇâdi

≫ śāṃśapāyana

   śāṃśapāyana m. N. of an ancient teacher (also called su-śarman) Pur.

≫ śāṃśapāyanaka

   śāṃśapāyanaka mf(ikā)n. written or composed by Śāṃśapāyama Cat.

≫ śāṃśapāyani

   śāṃśapāyani m. = śāṃśapāyana

≫ śāṃśapāsthala

   śāṃśapāsthala mfn. (fr. śiṃśapā-sthata) Pāṇ. 7-3, 1 Sch.

śāka 1

   śā́ka m. (fr. √śak) power, might, help, aid RV. 
   • (śāká), m. helpful, a helper, friend ib.

≫ śākin

   śākín (once śā́kim), mfn. helpful or powerful RV. 
   • m. N. of a man, g. kurv-ādi 
   • (inī), f. a kind of female demon attendant on Durgā Pañcat. Kathās.

≫ śākina 1

   śākiná mfn. (for 2. col. 3) mighty RV.

≫ śākinikā

   śākinikā f. a kind of female demon (= śākinī under śākin) Cat.

≫ śākī

   śākī f. (prob.) = 1. śāka Pāṇ. 5-2, 100 Vārtt. 1 Pat.

śāka 2

   śāka n. (or m. g. ardharcâdi 
   • of doubtful derivation, and scarcely to be connected with 1. śāka) a potherb, vegetable, greens
   GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • any vegetable food Gaut. 
   • m. the Teak tree, Tectona Grandis GṛŚrS. MBh. &c 
   • Acacia Sirissa L. 
   • N. of a Dviipa (the sixth of the seven Dviipas, called after the Teak tree growing there, surrounded by the sea of milk or white sea, and inhabited by the Ṛita-vratas, Satya-vratas, Dāna-vratas, and Anu-vratas) MBh. Pur. 
   • (ā), f. Terminalia Chebula L. 
   • m. or n. (?) N. of a place Col.

⋙ śākakalambaka

   ○kalambaka m. leek, garlic L.

⋙ śākakāla

   ○kāla m. the Śāka era Jyot.

⋙ śākacukrikā

   ○cukrikā f. the tamarind L.

⋙ śākajagdha

   ○jagdha mf(ā or ī)n. Pāṇ. 4-1, 53 Sch.

⋙ śākajambu

   ○jambu N. of a place 
   • ○buka mfn. Pāṇ. 4-2, 119 Sch.

⋙ śākataru

   ○taru m. the Teak tree L. 
   • Capparis Trifoliata W.

⋙ śākadāsa

   ○dāsa m. N. of a teacher VBr.

⋙ śākadīkṣā

   ○dīkṣā f. (pl.) feeding only on vegetables MBh.

⋙ śākadvīpa

   ○dvīpa m. N. of a Dviipa ( above)

⋙ śākadvīpīya

   ○dvīpīya mf(ā)n. belonging to Śākadviipa MW.

⋙ śākanighaṇṭu

   ○nighaṇṭu m. N. of a glossary of plants by Sītā-rāma Śāstrin

⋙ śākapaṇa

   ○paṇa m. a handful of vegetables &c., a measure equal to a handful L.

⋙ śākapattra

   ○pattra n. a leaf of the Teak tree Suśr. 
   • (prob.) = pattra-śāka, vegetables consisting of leaves MārkP. 
   • m. Moringa Pterygosperma L.

⋙ śākapātra

   ○pātra n. a vessel for vegetables, vegetable dish MW.

⋙ śākapārthiva

   ○pārthiva m. a king who eats or enjoys vegetables (= śāka-bhojī pārthivaḥ) Pat. ('a king dear to the era', accord. to Siddh. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 69, 4. śāka)

⋙ śākapiṇḍī

   ○piṇḍī f. a mass of vegetables ŚāṅkhGṛ.

⋙ śākapota

   ○pota m. pl. N. of a people MārkP.

⋙ śākaprati

   ○prati ind. a little potherb (?) MW.

⋙ śākabāleya

   ○bāleya m. a partic. plant (= brahma-yaṣṭi) L.

⋙ śākabilva

   ○bilva or m. the egg-plant L. (cf. -vindaka)

⋙ śākabilvaka

   ○bilḍvaka m. the egg-plant L. (cf. -vindaka)

⋙ śākabhakṣa

   ○bhakṣa mfn. vegetarian 
   • -tā f. vegetarianism Gaut.

⋙ śākabhava

   ○bhava m. N. of a Varsha in Plaksha-dviipa MārkP. [Page 1061, Column 3] 

⋙ śākamṛṣa

   ○mṛṣa (?), m. or n. a species of plant Kauś. (vḷ. sāka-m○ and śāka-vṛṣa)

⋙ śākambharī

   ○m-bharī f. 'herb-nourishing', N. of a lake in Rājputāna (the modern Sāmbhar) Vās., Introd. Col. 
   • a form of Durgā MBh. Pur. 
   • N. of a place or town sacred to Durgā MBh. 
   • observances there in honour of Durgā (accord. to some) MW.

⋙ śākambharīya

   ○m-bharīya mfn. coming from Śākam-bharī Bhpr. 
   • n. a kind of fossil salt from the above lake W.

⋙ śākayogya

   ○yogya m. coriander L.

⋙ śākaracita

   ○racita mf(ā)n. composed of vegetables &c. VarBṛS.

⋙ śākarasa

   ○rasa m. edible vegetable juice MBh. 
   • ○sī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to turn into vegetable jṭjuice Kathās.

⋙ śākarāj

   ○rāj or m. 'king of vegṭvegetable', Chenopodium L.

⋙ śākarāja

   ○rāja m. 'king of vegṭvegetable', Chenopodium L.

⋙ śākavarṇa

   ○varṇa mfn. = śyāva Bhpr. 
   • m. N. of a king VP.

⋙ śākavāṭa


⋙ śākavāṭaka

   ○vāḍṭaka m. or a vegṭvegetable garden Kathās.

⋙ śākavāṭikā

   ○vāḍṭikā f. a vegṭvegetable garden Kathās.

⋙ śākaviḍambaka

   ○viḍambaka mfn. disgracing (the name) śāka Kāv.

⋙ śākavindaka

   ○vindaka m. = -bilva L.

⋙ śākavīra

   ○vīra m. Chenopodium L. 
   • a species of purslain L.

⋙ śākavṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. the Teak tree L.

⋙ śākavṛṣa

   ○vṛṣa -mṛṣa

⋙ śākavrata

   ○vrata n. a partic. vow, abstinence from vegṭvegetable &c. MW.

⋙ śākaśākaṭa

   ○śākaṭa or n. a bed or field of vegṭvegetable L.

⋙ śākaśākina

   ○śākina n. a bed or field of vegṭvegetable L.

⋙ śākaśreṣṭha

   ○śreṣṭha m. 'best of herbs', the egg-plant L. 
   • a partic. medicinal plant used also as a potherb L. 
   • Hoya Viridifolia L. 
   • Chenopodium Album MW. 
   • (ā), f. the above medicinal plant Bhpr. 
   • = jīvantī 
   • = ḍoḍī 
   • the egg-plant MW.

⋙ śākahāra

   ○hāra wṛ. for śākâhāra (q.v.)

⋙ śākākhya

   śākâkhya m. the Teak tree L. 
   • n. a vegetable, potherb MW.

⋙ śākāṅga

   śākâṅga n. pepper L.

⋙ śākāda

   śākâda m. 'eater of vegṭvegetable', N. of a man 
   • pl. his family Cat.

⋙ śākāmla

   śākâmla n. the fruit of Garcinia Cambogia Kālac. 
   • the hog-plum L. 
   • -bhedaka n. vinegar made from fruit (esp. from the tamarind-fruit) L. 
   • -bhedana n. id. L. 
   • sorrel MW.

⋙ śākālābu

   śākâlābu m. a species of cucumber L.

⋙ śākāśana

   śākâśana mfn. feeding on vegetables Kathās. (wṛ. śākāsana)

⋙ śākāṣṭakā

   śākâṣṭakā (cf. Cat.) or (cf. W.), f. the 8th day of the dark half of the month Phālguma (on which vegṭvegetable are offered to the Pitṛis)

⋙ śākāṣṭamī

   śākâṣḍṭamī (cf. W.), f. the 8th day of the dark half of the month Phālguma (on which vegṭvegetable are offered to the Pitṛis)

⋙ śākāsana

   śākāsana wṛ. for śākâśana Kathās.

⋙ śākāhāra

   śākâhāra mfn. eating vegetables, living on vegetables Bhartṛ.

⋙ śākekṣu

   śākêkṣu m. a species of sugar-cane L.

≫ śākaṭa 1

   śākaṭa n. (ifc.) = next (cf. ikṣu-ś○)

≫ śākina 2

   śākina n. (ifc 
   • for 1, col. 2) a field (cf. iksku-, 'a field of sugar-cane', mūla-, śāka-ś○)

≫ śākinī

   śākinī f. (cf. under śākin) a field or land planted with vegetables or potherbs L.

≫ śākīya

   śākīya mfn. g. utkarâdi

śāka 3

   śāka m. N. of a man, g. kuñjâdi

≫ śākāyana

   śākāyana śākāyanya

≫ śākāyanin

   śākāyanín m. pī. (prob.) the followers of Śākāyanya ŚBr.

≫ śākāyanya

   śākāyanya m. patr. fr. śāka g. kuñjâdi (pl. ○yanāḥ ib.)

śāka 4

   śāka mfn. (fr. śaka) relating to the Śakas or Indoscythians 
   • m. n. (scil. saṃvatsara, abda &c.) the Śaka era (also śāka-kāla 
   • śakak○) VarBṛS. Sch. 
   • (also) a general N. for any era 
   • (pl.) N. of a people (wṛ. for śaka) Buddh.

⋙ śākapārthiva

   ○pārthiva under 2. śāka

⋙ śākendra

   śākêndra mfn. (a year) of a king of the Śākas Inscr.

≫ śākeya

   śākeya m. pl. N. of a school L.

śākaṭa 2

   śākaṭa mf(ī)n. (fr. śakaṭa) relating or belonging to a cart, going in a cart, drawing a cart, filling a cart &c. L. 
   • m. a draught-animal L. 
   • a cart-load L. 
   • Cordia Latifolia L.

⋙ śākaṭapotikā

   ○potikā f. Basella Rubra L.

⋙ śākaṭākhya

   śākaṭâkhya m. a kind of tree MW.

≫ śākaṭāyana

   śākaṭāyana m. (fr. śakaṭa) patr. of an ancient grammarian Prāt. Nir. Pāṇ. 
   • of a modern grammarian Gaṇar. Vop. 
   • of the author of a law-book ( -smṛti)

⋙ śākaṭāyanavyākaraṇa

   ○vyākaraṇa n. N. of a grammar (adopted by the Jaina community in opposition to the orthodox Ashṭâdhyāyī)

⋙ śākaṭāyanasmṛti

   ○smṛti f. the lawbook of ŚṭŚalkaṭalyana Hcat.

⋙ śākaṭāyanopaniṣadbhāṣya

   śākaṭāyanôpaniṣad-bhāṣya (?), n. N. of a Comm. by Śaṃkarâcārya

≫ śākaṭāyani

   śākaṭāyani m. a patr. (prob. = ○yana) Cat.

≫ śākaṭika

   śākaṭika mfn. belonging to a cart or going in a cart W. 
   • m. a carter VarBṛS. Pañcat.

≫ śākaṭīkarṇa

   śākaṭīkarṇa mfn. (fr. śakaṭī-karṇa), g. suvāstv-ādi

≫ śākaṭīna

   śākaṭīna mfn. belonging or relating to a cart W. 
   • m. a cart-load (also as a measure of weight = 20 Tulās) L.


   śākandhavya m. patr. fr. śakandhu g. kurv-ādi. [Page 1062, Column 1] 


   śākaṃdheya m. patr. fr. śakaṃdhi g. śubhrâdi


   śākapūṇi m. (wṛ. śākapūrṇi 
   • fr. śakapūṇi) patr. of an ancient grammarian Nir. (cf. IW. 159)


   śākarī wṛ. for śākārī below


   śā́kala mfn. (fr. śakala) dyed with the substance called Śakala Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 2 
   • relating to a piece or portion MW. 
   • derived from or belonging or relating to the Śākalas Mn. ix, 200 (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 128) 
   • m. or n. a chip, piece, fragment, splinter ŚBr. ŚrS. 
   • m. (scil. maṇi) an amulet made of chips of wood Kauś. 
   • N. of an ancient teacher Cat. 
   • a kind of serpent AitBr. 
   • (pl.) the Śākalas (i.e.) followers of Śākalya RPrāt. (g. kaṇvâdi) 
   • the inhabitants of the town Śākala MBh. 
   • n. the text or ritual of Śākalya AitBr. ĀśvGṛ. Pat. 
   • N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr. 
   • of a town of the Madras MBh. Kathās. 
   • of a village of the Bāhīkas Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Vārtt. 4

⋙ śākalaprātiśākhya

   ○prātiśākhya n. N. of the Ṛig-veda Prātiśākhya (ascribed to Śaunaka and handed down for the use of the Śākala school)

⋙ śākalaśākhā

   ○śākhā f. the Śākala branch or school of the RV. (the text of the Ṛig-veda as handed down by the Śākalas constituting the only extant version) IW. 150

⋙ śākalasaṃhitā

   ○saṃhitā f. the Śākala Saṃhitā

⋙ śākalasmṛti

   ○smṛti f. N. of a law-book (also called śākalya-smṛti) Cat.

⋙ śākalahoma

   ○homa m. a partic. kind of oblation ib. 
   • ○mīya mfn. relating or belonging to the Śākalahoma Mn. xi, 256

≫ śākalaka

   śākalaka mf(ikā)n. derived from or relating to the Śākalas Pāṇ. 4-3, 128

≫ śākali

   śākali or m. (cf. śakalin) a fish Car.

⋙ śākalin

   śākaḍlin m. (cf. śakalin) a fish Car.

≫ śākalika

   śākalika mf(ī)n. dyed with the substance called Śakala Pāṇ. 4-2, 2 Vārtt. 1 
   • having a piece or portion, fragmentary W. 
   • relating to the town Śākala ib. iv, 2, 117 Sch.

≫ śākalya

   śā́kalya m. patr. fr. śakala ŚBr. 
   • N. of an ancient grammarian and teacher Prāt. Nir. Pāṇ. &c. (who is held to be the arranger of the Pada text of the Ṛig-veda) 
   • of a poet Subh.

⋙ śākalyacarita

   ○carita n. N. of wk

⋙ śākalyapalya

   ○palya m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ śākalyapitṛ

   ○pitṛ m. the father of ŚṭŚaákalya RPrāt.

⋙ śākalyamata

   ○mata n

⋙ śākalyasaṃhitā

   ○saṃhitā f

⋙ śākalyasaṃhitāpariśiṣṭa

   ○saṃhitā-pariśiṣṭa n. N. of wks

≫ śākalyāyanī

   śākalyāyanī f. of śākalya g. lohitâdi


   śākārī or śākārikā f. the dialect spoken by the Śakas or Śakāras ( 2. śakāra) Sāh. Mṛicch., Introd

śākuna 1

   śākuna mfn. = parôttāpin L. ('repentant', 'regretful' W.)

śākuna 2

   śākuna mf(ī)n. (fr. śakuna) derived from or relating to birds or omens Mn. MBh. &c 
   • having the nature of a bird Car. 
   • ominous, portentous W. 
   • m. a bird-catcher VarBṛS. 
   • augury, omen ib. R. 
   • N. of wk. by Vasanta-rāja (= śakunárṇava, q.v.)

⋙ śākunavicāra

   ○vicāra m

⋙ śākunaśāstrasāra

   ○śāstra-sāra m

⋙ śākunasāroddhāra

   ○sārôddhāra m. N. of wks

⋙ śākunasūkta

   ○sū7kta n. N. of a partic. hymn of the Ṛig-veda (= śakuna-s○)

≫ śākuni

   śākuni m. 'a bird-catcher' or 'an augur' VP.

≫ śākunika

   śākunika mfn. relating to birds or omens, ominous W. 
   • m. a fowler, bird-catcher Mn. MBh. &c 
   • a fisherman MaitrUp.

⋙ śākunikapraśna

   ○praśna m. N. of wk. on augury

≫ śākunikāyinī

   śākunikāyinī f. a female poulterer (?) Divyâv.

≫ śākunin

   śākunin m. a fisherman VarBṛS. (vḷ. śākuna) 
   • a partic. evil demon L.

≫ śākuneya

   śākuneya mfn. relating to birds or omens MW. 
   • composed or written by Śakuni Cat. 
   • m. a small owl L. 
   • N. of a Muni Cat. 
   • patr. of the Asura Vṛika BhP.


   śākuntaki m. pl. (fr. śakunta, or śakuntaka) N. of a warrior-tribe, g. dāmany-ādi

≫ śākuntakīya

   śākuntakīya m. a king of the Śākuntakis ib.

≫ śākuntika

   śākuntika m. a fowler, bird-catcher Car.

≫ śākunteya

   śākunteya m. N. of a physician ib.


   śākuntala m. (fr. śakuntalā) metron. of Bharata (sovereign of India as son of Śakuntalā and Dushyanta) MBh. 
   • n. (accord. to some also ā f.) = next or the drama commonly called Śakuntalā or Abhijñāna-śakuntalam Mālatīm.

⋙ sākuntalopākhyāna

   sākuntalôpâkhyāna n. the story of Śakuntalā and Dushyanta (constituting the episode in MBh. i, 2815-3125). [Page 1062, Column 2] 

⋙ śākuntaleya

   śākuntaleya m. metron. of Bharata (cf. above) L.


   śākulādika mf(ā, or ī)n. (fr. śakulâda), g. kāśy-ādi

≫ sākulika

   sākulika mfn. belonging to fish 
   • m. a fisherman Pāṇ. 4-4, 35 Sch. 
   • n. a multitude of fish L.


   śākṛtka mfn. (fr. śakṛt) Pāṇ. 7-3, 51 Sch.


   śākoṭa ○ṭaka wṛ. for śākh○


   śākola m. the Amaranth creeper L.


   śākkara śākvara, col. 3


   śākkī f. N. of one of the five Vibhāshās or corrupt dialects Cat.


   śākta mfn. (fr. śakti) relating to power or energy, relating to the Śakti or divine energy under its female personification Sarvad. 
   • m. a worshipper of that energy (especially as identified with Durgā, wife of Śiva 
   • the Śāktas form one of the principal sects of the Hindūs, their tenets being contained in the Tantras. and the ritual enjoined being of two kinds, the impurer called vāmâcāra, q.v., and the purer dakṣiṇâcāra, q.v.) RTL. 185 &c 
   • (○tá), m. a teacher, preceptor RV. vii, 103, 5 
   • patr. of Parāśara MBh. (C. śāktra) 
   • n. N. of a Sāman (prob. = śāktya, q.v.)

⋙ śāktakrama

   ○krama m

⋙ śāktatantra

   ○tantra n. N. of Tantra wks

⋙ śāktabhāṣya

   ○bhāṣya n. N. of wk. by Abhinava-gupta

⋙ śāktamataratnasūtradīpikā

   ○mata-ratna-sūtra-dīpikā f

⋙ śāktasarvasva

   ○sarvasva n. N. of wks

⋙ śāktāgama

   śāktâgama m. N. of a Tantra wk

⋙ śāktānandataraṃgiṇī

   śāktânanda-taraṃgiṇī f. N. of wk. compiled for the use of the Śāktas from the Tantras and Purāṇas

⋙ śāktābhiṣeka

   śāktâbhiṣeka m. N. of wk

≫ śāktika

   śāktika mf(ī)n. = śaktyā jīvati g. vetanâdi 
   • peculiar to the Śāktas Tantras. 
   • m. a worshipper of the Śakti ( śākta above) MW. 
   • a spearman ib.

≫ śāktīka

   śāktīka mfn. belonging or relating to a spear, spearing, speared W. 
   • m. a spearman, lancer Śiś.

≫ śākteya

   śākteya m. a worshipper of the Śakti ( above), VoP 
   • patr. of Parāśara MBh.

≫ śāktya

   śāktya m. a worshipper of the Śakti W. 
   • (○tyá), m. patr. of Gaura-viiti AitBr. ŚBr. ŚrS. 
   • (also -sāman n.) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr.

≫ śāktyāyana

   śāktyāyana m. patr. fr. śāktya (also pl.) Saṃskārak.

≫ śāktra

   śāktra and m. patr. of Parāśara MBh. (C

⋙ śāktreya

   śāktreya m. patr. of Parāśara MBh. (C 
   • cf. śākta, śānta, ○teya)


   śā́kman n. (cf. śakman) 'power' or 'help' RV.


   śākya mfn. derived or descended from the Śakas (= śakā abhijano'sya), g. śaṇḍikâdi 
   • m. N. of a tribe of landowners and Kshatriyas in Kapila-vastu (from whom Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, was descended) Buddh. MWB. 21, 22 
   • N. of Gautama Buddha himself Nyāyam. 
   • of his father Śuddhodana (son of Saṃjaya) Pur. 
   • a Buddhist mendicant VarBṛS. 
   • patr. fr. śaka g. gargâdi 
   • patr. fr. śāka, or śākin g. kurv-ādi

⋙ śākyakīrti

   ○kīrti m. 'glory of the Śākyas', N. of a teacher Buddh.

⋙ śākyaketu

   ○ketu m. 'star of the Śākyas', N. of Gautama Buddha ib.

⋙ śākyapāla

   ○pāla m. N. of a king Rājat.

⋙ śākyapuṃgava

   ○puṃgava m. 'Śākyas bull', N. of Gautama Buddha Buddh.

⋙ śākyaputrīya

   ○putrīya m. a Buddhist monk Hcar.

⋙ śākyaprabha

   ○prabha m. N. of a scholar Buddh.

⋙ śākyabuddha

   ○buddha m. = -muni ib.

⋙ śākyabuddhi

   ○buddhi m. N. of a scholar ib. (wṛ. -bodhi)

⋙ śākyabodhisattva

   ○bodhi-sattva m. = -muni ib.

⋙ śākyabhikṣu

   ○bhikṣu m. a Buddhist monk or mendicant VarBṛS.

⋙ śākyabhikṣuka

   ○bhikṣuka m. id 
   • (ī), f. a Buddhist nun Daś.

⋙ śākyamati

   ○mati m. N. of a scholar Buddh.

⋙ śākyamahābala

   ○mahā-bala m. N. of a king ib.

⋙ śākyamitra

   ○mitra m. N. of a scholar ib.

⋙ śākyamuni

   ○muni m. 'Śākya sage', N. of Gautama Buddha ib. Kād. Hcar. &c. (also -buddha)

⋙ śākyarakṣita

   ○rakṣita m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ śākyavaṃśa

   ○vaṃśa m. the Śākyas family Buddh. 
   • ○śâvatīrṇa m. 'incarnate in the Śākyas family', N. of Gautama Buddha ib.

⋙ śākyavardha

   ○vardha m. = (or wṛ. for) -vardhana 
   • n. N. of a temple Divyâv.

⋙ śākyaśāsana

   ○śāsana n. the doctrine or teaching of Gautama Buddha Hcar.

⋙ śākyaśramaṇa

   ○śramaṇa or m. a Buddhist monk Mṛicch. (in Prākṛit)

⋙ śākyaśramaṇaka

   ○śramaḍṇaka m. a Buddhist monk Mṛicch. (in Prākṛit)

⋙ śākyaśravaṇa

   m. id. VarBṛS. Sch. (prob. wṛ. for śramaṇa)

⋙ śākyaśrī

   ○śrī m. N. of a teacher Buddh.

⋙ śākyasiṃha

   ○siṃha m. 'Śakya lion', N. of Gautama Buddha ib. Rājat.

≫ śākyāyanīya

   śākyāyanīya m. pl. N. of a school L. (prob. wṛ. for śākāy○). [Page 1062, Column 3] 


   śākra mf(ī)n. (fr. śakra) relating or belonging or sacred to or addressed to Indra MBh. VarBṛS. Kathās. 
   • (ī), f. Indra's wife (also applied to Durgā) Pur. 
   • n. the Nakshatra Jyeshṭhā (presided over by Indra) VarBṛS.

≫ śākrīya

   śākrīya mfn. = śākra (-dis f. 'Indra's quarter', the east) Śatr.


   śākvará mfn. (fr. śakvara) mighty, powerful, strong (applied to Indra, the thunderbolt &c.) VS. AV. TBr. 
   • relating to the Sāman Śakvara (or to the Śakvarī verses) TS. TBr. 
   • an imaginary kind of Soma Suśr. (wṛ. śāṃkara) 
   • m. a bull, ox Hcar. 
   • n. a kind of observance or ceremony, ŚaṅkhGṛ 
   • N. of a Sāman (one of the six chief forms, based upon the Śakvarī verses) ĀrshBr.

⋙ śākvaragarbha

   ○garbha mfn. containing the Sāman Śakvara ŚāṅkhŚr.

⋙ śākvarapathyā

   ○pathyā f. a kind of metre Śiś. Sch.

⋙ śākvarapṛṣṭha

   ○pṛṣṭha mfn. having the Sāman Śiś. for a Pṛishṭha (q.v.) ŚāṅkhŚr.

⋙ śākvaravarṇa

   ○varṇa n. N. of a Sāman (comprising the verses RV. ix, 61, 10-12) ĀrshBr.

≫ śākvarya

   śākvarya n. (fr. śākvara), g. purohitâdi


   śākh (prob. artificial 
   • √.ślākh), cl. 1. P. śākhati, to embrace, pervade Dhātup. v, 12

≫ śākha

   śākha m. N. of a manifestation of Skanda or of his son MBh. Hariv. Pur. 
   • Pongamia Glabra L. 
   • m. or n. N. of a place Cat. 
   • (ā), f. next

≫ śākhā

   śā́khā f. (ifc. f. ā or ī) a branch (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c 
   • a limb of the body, arm or leg Suśr. 
   • a finger Naigh. ii, 5 
   • the surface of the body Car. 
   • a door-post VarBṛS. (cf. dvāra-ś○) 
   • the wing of a building MārkP. 
   • a division, subdivision MBh. BhP. 
   • the third part of an astrological Saṃhitā (also ○khā-skandha, m.) VarBṛS. 
   • a branch or school of the Veda (each school adhering to its own traditional text and interpretation 
   • in the Caraṇa-vyūha, a work by Śaunaka treating of these various schools, five Śākhās are enumerated of the Ṛig-veda, viz. those of the Śākalas, Bāshkalas, Āśvalāyanas, Śāṅkhāyanas, and Māṇḍukāyanas 
   • forty-two or forty-four out of eighty-six of the Yajur-veda, fifteen of which belong to the Vājasaneyins, including those of the Kāṇvas and Mādhyaṃdinas 
   • twelve out of a thousand said to have once existed of the Sāma-veda and nine of the Atharva-veda 
   • of all these, however, the Ṛig-veda is said to be now extant in one only, viz. the Śākala-śākhā, the Yajur-veda in five and partially in six, the Sāma-veda in one or perhaps two, and the Atharva-veda in one: although the words caraṇa and śākhā are sometimes used synonymously, yet caraṇa properly applies to the sect or collection of persons united in one school, and śākhā to the traditional text followed, as in the phrase śākhām adhīte, he recites a particular version of the Veda) Prāt. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • a branch of any science Car. 
   • a year Śrīkaṇṭh. 
   • = pakṣântara L. 
   • = antika L.

⋙ śākhākaṇṭa

   ○kaṇṭa m. Euphorbia Nerifolia or Antiquorum L.

⋙ śākhāṅga

   ○"ṣṅga (○khâṅ○), n. a limb of the body Yājñ.

⋙ śākhācaṅkramaṇa

   ○caṅkramaṇa n. skipping from branch to branch, desultory study MW.

⋙ śākhācandranyāya

   ○candra-nyāya m. rule of the moon on a bough (a phrase denoting that an object seen or matter discussed has its position or relation assigned to it merely from the appearance of contiguity) ib.

⋙ śākhāda

   ○"ṣda (○khâda), mfn. branch-eating 
   • m. N. of a class of animals (such as goats, elephants &c.) Car.

⋙ śākhādaṇḍa

   ○daṇḍa m. = -raṇḍa L.

⋙ śākhādhyetṛ

   ○ḍdhyetṛ (○khâdh○), m. the reciter of a Śākhā, follower of any partic. text of the Veda MW.

⋙ śākhānagara

   ○nagara (cf. MBh. Hariv.) or (cf. MBh. MārkP.), n. 'branch-town', a suburb

⋙ śākhānagaraka

   ○nagaḍraka (cf. MBh. MārkP.), n. 'branch-town', a suburb

⋙ śākhāntaga

   ○"ṣntaga (○khân○), mfn. one who has finished one Śākhā Mn. iii, 145

⋙ śākhāntara

   ○"ṣntara (○khân○), n. another Vedic school Āpast. R. &c

⋙ śākhāntarīya

   ○"ṣntarīya (○khân○), mfn. belonging to another Vedic school Bādar. Sch. Madhus. 
   • -karman n. the (rule of) action belṭbelonging to another Vedic school MW.

⋙ śākhāpavitra

   ○pavitra n. a means or instrument of purification fastened to a branch ĀpŚr. KātyŚr. Sch.

⋙ śākhāpaśu

   ○paśu m. a victim tied to a branch (instead of to a sacrificial post) ŚāṅkhGṛ.

⋙ śākhāpitta

   ○pitta n. inflammation of the extremities (i.e. the hands, feet &c.) L.

⋙ śākhāpura

   ○pura n. or = -nagara L.

⋙ śākhāpurī

   ○purī f. = -nagara L.

⋙ śākhāpuṣpapalāśavat

   ○puṣpa-palāśa-vat mfn. having branches and blossoms and leaves MBh.

⋙ śākhāprakṛti

   ○prakṛti f. pl. the eight remoter princes to be considered in time of war (opp. to mūla-prakṛti) Kull. on Mn. vii, 157

⋙ śākhābāhu

   ○bāhu m. a branch-like (i.e. slender) arm Śak.

⋙ śākhābhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. 'branch-bearer', a tree Kir.

⋙ śākhābheda

   ○bheda m. difference of (Vedic) school W.

⋙ śākhāmaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. (ifc.) consisting of branches of Daś.

⋙ śākhāmṛga

   ○mṛga m. 'branch-animal', a monkey MBh. R. VarBṛS. &c. [Page 1063, Column 1] 
   • a squirrel W. 
   • -gaṇâyuta mfn. filled with or possessed of troops of monkeys MW. 
   • -tva n. the condition or nature of a monkey R. 
   • ○gânīka-pati m. 'lord of troops of monkeys', N. of Sugrīva MW.

⋙ śākhāmlā

   ○"ṣmlā (○khâm○), f. a kind of plant (= vṛkṣâmlā) MW.

⋙ śākhāraṇḍa

   ○raṇḍa m. a man who is faithless or a traitor to his Śākhā, i.e. a Brāhman who has deserted his own Vedic school L. (cf. -daṇḍa)

⋙ śākhārathyā

   ○rathyā f. a branch-road, side-road, DeviiP.

⋙ śākhāvāta

   ○vāta m. pain in the limbs Suśr.

⋙ śākhāvilīna

   ○vilīna mfn. settled or sitting on branches (said of birds) Kathās.

⋙ śākhāśiphā

   ○śiphā f. 'branches-√', a √growing from a branches (as in the Indian Banyan tree, = avaroha) L. 
   • a creeper growing upwards from the √of a tree (accord. to some) MW.

⋙ śākhāśraya

   ○"ṣśraya (○khâś○), m. attachment to a Śākhā, adherence to a partic. school ib.

⋙ śākhāsamāna

   ○samāna N. of wk

⋙ śākhāstha

   ○stha mfn. standing or being on brṭbranches (of trees) R.

⋙ śākhāsthi

   ○"ṣsthi (○khâs○), n. a bone of the arm or leg, a long bone L.

≫ śākhāla

   śākhāla m. Calamus Rotang L.

≫ śākhi

   śākhi m. pl. N. of a people (= turuṣka 
   • next.) L.

≫ śākhin

   śākhín mfn. provided with branches Yājñ. MBh. Hariv. 
   • separated into schools (said of the Veda) BhP. 
   • adhering to a partic. Vedic school Kull. TPrāt. Sch. 
   • m. a tree Suparṇ. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • a Veda which exists in various schools L. 
   • the follower of any Vedic school Bādar. Sch. 
   • Salvadora Persica L. 
   • N. of a king L. 
   • pl. N. of a people (= turuṣka 
   • cf. śākhi) L.

≫ śākhila

   śākhila m. N. of a man Kathās.

≫ śākhīya

   śākhīya mfn. (ifc.) belonging to a branch or school of the Veda BṛĀrUp.

≫ śākhya

   śākhya mfn. resembling a branch Pāṇ. 5-3, 103 
   • belonging to the branch of a tree, branching, ramifying (lit. and fig.) W.


   śākhoṭa or ○ṭaka m. Trophis Aspera (a small, crooked, ugly tree) Bhpr.


   śāṃkara mf(ī)n. (fr. śaṃ-kara) relating or belonging to Śiva Kathās. 
   • relating to or derived from or composed by Śaṃkarâcārya Sarvad. Cat. 
   • m. a bull W. 
   • a follower of Śaṃkaracārya MW. 
   • (ī), f. below 
   • n. the Nakshatra Ārdrā (presided over by Śiva) VarYogay.

⋙ śāṃkarabrāhmaṇa

   ○brāhmaṇa n. N. of a Brāhmaṇa

≫ śāṃkari

   śāṃkari m. patr. of Skanda Bālar. 
   • of Gaṇêśa L. 
   • fire W. 
   • a Muni ib.

≫ śāṃkarī

   śāṃkarī f. Śiva's arrangement of the letters, the Śiva-sūtra Cat. 
   • the commentary of Śaṃkara-miśra ib.

⋙ śāṃkarīkroḍa

   ○kroḍa m

⋙ śāṃkarīratnamālā

   ○ratnamālā f. N. of wks

≫ śāṃkarīya

   śāṃkarīya n. N. of wk


   śāṅkavya m. a patr. fr. śaṅku g. gargâdi and kurv-ādi

≫ śāṅkavyāyanī

   śāṅkavyāyanī f. of śāṅkavya g. lohitâdi

≫ śāṅkuka

   śāṅkuka m. N. of a poet Rājat.

≫ śāṅkupathika

   śāṅkupathika mfn. (fr. śaṅku-patha) Pāṇ. 5-1, 77 Vārtt. 2

≫ śāṅkura

   śāṅkurá m. (applied to the penis) AV.


   śāṅkucī f. the skate fish (cf. śaṅkuci, sāṃkuci) W.


   śāṅkha mf(ī)n. (fr. śaṅkhá) relating to or made of a conch or any shell 
   • n. the sound of a conch-shell L.

≫ śāṅkhamitra

   śāṅkhamitra m. patr. fr. śaṅkha-mitra Pravar.

≫ śāṅkhamitri

   śāṅkhamitri m. (patr. fr. id.) N. of a grammarian APrāt. Sch.

≫ śāṅkhalikhita

   śāṅkhalikhita mfn. composed by Śaṅkha and Likhita (q.v.) Parāś.

≫ śāṅkhāyana

   śāṅkhāyana m. (patr. fr. śaṅkha), N. of a teacher (author of a Brāhmaṇa and two Sūtras, pl. his descendants or followers) TPrāt. 
   • mfn. relating &c. to Śāṅkhāyana Cat. 
   • n. Śāṅkhāyana's work ĀśvGṛ.

⋙ śāṅkhāyanagṛhyasūtra

   ○gṛhya-sūtra n. the Gṛihya-sūtras ascribed to Śāṅkhāyana

⋙ śāṅkhāyanacaraṇa

   ○caraṇa m. or n. N. of a Caraṇa of the Ṛig-veda

⋙ śāṅkhāyanabrāhmaṇa

   ○brāhmaṇa n. the Brāhmaṇa of Śāṅkhāyana (also called Kaushītaki-brṭbrāhmaṇa)

⋙ śāṅkhāyanaśrautasūtra

   ○śrauta-sūtra n. the

⋙ śāṅkhāyanaśrautasūtra

   ○śrauta-sūtra n. the Śrauta-sūtra of Śāṅkhāyana

⋙ śāṅkhāyanāraṇyaka

   śāṅkhāyanâraṇyaka n

⋙ śāṅkhāyanāraṇyakopaniṣad

   śāṅkhāyanâraṇyaḍkôpaniṣad f. N. of wks

⋙ śāṅkhāyanāhnika

   śāṅkhāyanâhnika n. N. of wk. by Acala

≫ śāṅkhāyanin

   śāṅkhāyanin m. pl. the pupils of Śāṅkhāyana MW.

≫ śāṅkhāyanya

   śāṅkhāyanya m. patr. fr. śāṅkhāyana g. kuñjâdi

≫ śāṅkhika

   śāṅkhika mf(ī)n. made from or relating to a conch-shell or to any shell, shelly W. [Page 1063, Column 2] 
   • m. a shellblower or player on the conch-shell Śiś. 
   • a shellcutter, worker or dealer in shells (constituting a partic. caste called Śāṅkhāri) L.

≫ śāṅkhina

   śāṅkhina m. patr. fr. śaṅkhin Pāṇ. 6-4, 166 Sch.

≫ śāṅkhya

   śāṅkhya mfn. made or prepared from shells Suśr. 
   • born in Śaṅkha, g. śaṇḍikâdi 
   • m. patr. fr. śaṅkha g. gargâdi


   śāṅguṣṭhā vḷ. for sâṅguṣṭhā

śāci 1

   śāci m. pl. (perhaps connected with 2. śāka) barley or other grain which has the husk removed and is coarsely ground VS. (cf. Mahīdh.)

śāci 2

   śāci (prob. fr. √śac = śak), and having the sense of 'strong' in the following compounds

⋙ śācigu

   ○gu mfn. (prob.) going or advancing strongly (fr., gu = ga [cf. adhri-gu] Sāy. 'having strong cattle or clearly manifested rays', fr. gu = go) RV. viii, 17, 12

⋙ śācipūjana

   ○pūjana mfn. (prob.) having earnest worship ib.


   śāṭa m. (fr. √śaṭ?) a strip of cloth, a kind of skirt or petticoat, a partic. sort of garment or gown Vas. Cāṇ. 
   • (ī), f. below

≫ śāṭaka

   śāṭaka m. n. = śāṭa Kāv. Kathās. &c 
   • (ikā), f. id. Divyâv.

≫ śāṭi

   śāṭi f. id. SaddhP.

≫ śāṭī

   śāṭī f. id. MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ śāṭīpaṭīra

   ○paṭīra n

⋙ śāṭīpaṭṭika

   ○paṭṭika n

⋙ śāṭīpicchaka

   ○picchaka n

⋙ śāṭīpracchada

   ○pracchada n. g. gavâśvâdi

≫ śāṭīya

   śāṭīya tāmra-ś○


   śāṭya mfn. born in Śaṭa, g. śaṇḍikâdi 
   • patr. fr. śata g. gargâdi

≫ śāṭyāyana

   śāṭyāyana m. (patr. fr. śāṭya) N. of a teacher and author of various wks. ( below) 
   • pl. 'the followers of Śāṭyāyana' ĀśvGṛ. R. &c 
   • (ī), f. N. of an Upanishad 
   • n. an oblation for remedying anything wrong in the performance of an act or rite (cf. -homa) 
   • mf(ī)n. of or belonging to Śāṭyāyana or the ŚṭŚāṭyāyana-brāhmaṇa MW.

⋙ śāṭyāyanagotra

   ○gotra n. the family of ŚṭŚāṭyāyana R.

⋙ śāṭyāyanabrāhmaṇa

   ○brāhmaṇa n. the Brāhmana of Śāṭyāyana ŚrS.

⋙ śāṭyāyanasmṛti

   ○smṛti f. the law-book of ŚṭŚāṭyāyana Hcat.

⋙ śāṭyāyanahoma

   ○homa m. N. of a partic. oblation (cf. above) Tithyād.

≫ śāṭyāyanaka

   śāṭyāyanaka n. the Brāhmaṇa of Śāṭyāyana or a passage from it ŚrS.

≫ śāṭyāyani

   śā́ṭyāyani m. patr. of the author of a law-book ŚBr. (cf. g. tikâdi)

≫ śāṭyāyanin

   śāṭyāyanin m. pl. the followers of Śāṭyāyana (N. of a Sākhā of the Yajur-veda) Lāṭy. Śāy.

≫ śāṭyāyanīyopaniṣad

   śāṭyāyanī7yôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanisbad

≫ śāṭyāyanyupaniṣad

   śāṭyāyany-upaniṣad f. id


   śāṭha m. (prob. patr. fr. śaṭha), kaṭha-ś○

≫ śāṭhāyana

   śāṭhāyana next

≫ śāṭhāyanya

   śāṭhāyanya m. patr. fr. śaṭha (pl. ○yanāḥ), g. kuñjâdi

≫ śāṭhin

   śāṭhin kāṭha-ś○

≫ śāṭhya

   śāṭhya n. wickedness, deceit, guile, roguery, dishonesty MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ śāṭhyavat

   ○vat mfn. deceitful, wicked, dishonest VarBṛS.

≫ śāṭhyāyanīya

   śāṭhyāyanīya m. pl. N. of a Śākhā or school MW. (prob. wṛ. for śāṭy○)


   śāṭhara m. a patr. Saṃskārak.


   śāḍ cl. 1. Ā. śāḍate, to praise Dhātup. viii, 37


   śāḍava m.= ṣāḍava Harav. (cf. phala-ś○)


   śāḍbala or śāḍvala, śādvala

śāṇa 1

   śāṇa m. (or ā, f 
   • fr. √śo, cf. śāna) a whetstone, grindstone, touchstone Kāv. Rājat. 
   • a saw L.

⋙ śāṇājīva

   śāṇâjīva m. 'living by a whetstone', an armourer L.

⋙ śāṇāśmaka

   śāṇâśmaka or n. a whetstone, grindstone, touchstone Kāv.

⋙ śāṇāśman

   śāṇâśman n. a whetstone, grindstone, touchstone Kāv. 
   • ○śma-gharṣaṇa n. rubbing (anything) on a touchstone ib.

⋙ śāṇopala

   śāṇôpala m. a whetstone ib.

≫ śāṇita

   śāṇita mfn. sharpened on a grindstone, whetted, ground L.

śāṇa 2

   śāṇa m. (or ā f.) a weight of four Māshas Hariv. Bhpr.

⋙ śāṇapāda

   ○pāda m. a quarter of a Śāṇa (i.e. a Māsha) Car.

⋙ śāṇapramaṇa

   ○pramaṇa mfn. weighing a Śāṇa Hariv. [Page 1063, Column 3] 

⋙ śāṇika

   śāṇika mfn. weighing a Śāṇa Bhpr.

≫ śāṇya

   śāṇya dvi-ś○

śāṇa 3

   śāṇá mf(ī)n. (fr. śaṇa) made of hemp or Bengal flax, hempen, flaxen ŚBr. &c. &c 
   • m. or n. a hempen garment Gaut. 
   • (ī), f. below

⋙ śāṇavāsa

   ○vāsa or m. N. of an Arhat L.

⋙ śāṇavāsika

   ○vāsika m. N. of an Arhat L.

≫ śāṇaka

   śāṇaka m. or n. a hempen cloth or garment Lalit.

⋙ śāṇakavāsa

   ○vāsa m. = śāṇa-vāsa Buddh.

≫ śāṇavatya

   śāṇavatya m. pl. N. of a people MBh.

≫ śāṇi

   śāṇi m. Corchorus Olitorius (a plant from the fibres of which a coarse cloth or cordage is prepared) L.

≫ śāṇī

   śāṇī f. a hempen cloth or garment MBh. 
   • ragged or torn raiment, the tattered clothes of a Jain ascetic L. 
   • a single breadth of cloth given to a student at his investiture W. 
   • a small tent or screen ib. 
   • gesture, gesticulation ib.


   śāṇīra n. = śaṇīra L.


   śāṇḍa in. (patr. fr. śaṇḍa) N. of a man RV. 
   • of the father of Lakshmī-dhara Cat.

⋙ śāṇḍadūrvā

   ○dūrvā́ f. a kind of plant AV. (vḷ. pākadūrvā́)


   śāṇḍākī f. a kind of animal Car.

≫ śāṇḍika

   śāṇḍika m. an animal living in holes ib. (vḷ. śāṭuka)


   śāṇḍikya mfn. born in Śaṇḍika Pāṇ. 4-3, 92


   śāṇḍila mfn. derived from or enjoined by Śāṇḍilya &c. ŚBr. Lāṭy. 
   • m. pl. the descendants of Śaṇḍila TĀr. ĀśvŚr. (cf. g. kaṇvâdi) 
   • (sg.) wṛ. for śaṇḍila, or śāṇḍilya 
   • (ī), f. next

≫ śāṇḍilī

   śāṇḍilī f. N. of a Brāhmaṇī (worshipped as the mother of Agni) MBh. Hariv.

⋙ śāṇḍilīputra

   ○pútra (śā́ṇḍilī-), m. N. of a teacher ŚBr. 
   • (prob.) of Agni Cat.

⋙ śāṇḍilīmātṛ

   ○mātṛ f. the mother of Śāṇḍilī Pañcat.

≫ śāṇḍileya

   śāṇḍileya m. metron. fr. śāṇḍilī, (prob.) N. of Agni Cat.

≫ śāṇḍilya

   śāṇḍilya mfn. derived from or composed by Śāṇḍilya &c. Cat. 
   • m. patr. fr. śaṇḍila g. gargâdi 
   • N. of various teachers, authors &c. (esp. of a Muni or sage from whom one of the three principal families of the Kanouj or Kānyakubja Brāhmans is said to be descended 
   • he is the author of a law-book and of the Bhakti-sūtra or aphorisms enjoining 'love or devotion to God' as one of the three means of salvation - a doctrine said to have been formulated in the 12th century 
   • bhakti RTL. 63) 
   • of Agni Hariv. 
   • Aegle Marmelos Bhpr. 
   • n. N. of various wks. of Śāṇḍilya (esp. = -sūtra and = ○lyôpaniṣad)

⋙ śāṇḍilyagṛhya

   ○gṛhya n. the Gṛihya-sūtra of Śāṇḍilya ĀpŚr. Sch.

⋙ śāṇḍilyagotra

   ○gotra n. the family of ŚṭŚalṇḍilya MW.

⋙ śāṇḍilyaputra

   ○putra m. N. of a teacher ĀrshBr.

⋙ śāṇḍilyalakṣmaṇa

   ○lakṣmaṇa m. N. of a Commentator Sch.

⋙ śāṇḍilyavidyā

   ○vidyā f. the doctrine of SṭŚāṇḍilya (in the ChUp.)

⋙ śāṇḍilyasūtra

   ○sūtra n. the aphorisms of ŚṭŚāṇḍilya ( above) 
   • -pravacana n. -bhāṣya n. -vyākhyā, f 
   • ○trī-bhāṣya n. N. of Comms. on the above wk 
   • ○trīya mfn. relating to it Cat.

⋙ śāṇḍilyasmṛti

   ○smṛti f. the law-book of ŚṭŚāṇḍilya

⋙ śāṇḍilyopaniṣad

   śāṇḍilyôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad

≫ śāṇḍilyāyana

   śāṇḍilyāyana m. (patr. fr. śāṇḍilya) N. of a teacher ŚBr. Lāṭy.

≫ sāṇḍilyāyanaka

   sāṇḍilyāyanaka mfn. (fr. prec.), g. arīhaṇâdi

śāta 1

   śātá mfn. (fr. √śo 
   • cf. śita) sharpened, whetted, sharp Kathās. Rājat. 
   • thin, feeble, slender, emaciated Hariv. Kāv. VarBṛS. 
   • n. the thorn-apple MW.

⋙ śātaśikha

   ○śikha mfn. sharp-pointed W.

⋙ śātaśṛṅgin

   ○śṛṅgin m. N. of a mountain MārkP.

⋙ śātātapa

   śātâtapa m. N. of a lawgiver (cf. vṛddha-ś○ 
   • -smṛti f. Śātá's law-book 
   • ○pīya mfn. composed by Śātá Cat.

⋙ śātodara

   śātôdara mf(ī)n. thin-waisted, slender Kāv. VarBṛS. 
   • -tva n. thinness, slenderness Hariv.

≫ śātana 1

   śātana n. the act of sharpening or wetting MW. 
   • sharpness, thinness ib.

śāta 2

   śāta m. (fr. √2. śad) falling out or decaying (of nails, hair &c.) Suśr.

≫ śātana 2

   śātana mf(ī)n. causing to fall or decay, felling, destroying, hewing or cutting off Nir. Kāv. Kathās. 
   • n. the act of causing to fall &c 
   • cutting or plucking off L. 
   • destroying, ruining MārkP. 
   • polishing, planing MārkP. 
   • a means of removing or destroying Suśr. ŚārṅgS. (cf. garbha-ś○). [Page 1064, Column 1] 

≫ śātita

   śātita mfn. caused to fall, overthrown, destroyed, cut off &c. MBh.

≫ śātin

   śātin mfn. cut off (ifc.) Ragh.

śāta 3

   śāta n. joy, pleasure, happiness L. 
   • mfn. handsome, bright, happy W.

śāta 4

   śāta Vṛiddhi form of śata, in comp

⋙ śātakumbha

   ○kumbha n. (fr. śata-kumbhā) gold MBh. R. &c 
   • mfn. golden ib. 
   • m. Nerium Odorum L. 
   • the thorn-apple L. 
   • -drava n. melted gold Ml. 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. made or consisting of gold, golden MBh. Hariv. R.

⋙ śātakaumbha

   ○kaumbha mfn. (fr. śātakumbha) golden ib. 
   • n. gold ib. 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. golden BhP.

⋙ śātakratava

   ○kratava mf(ī)n. (fr. śatá-kratu) relating to Indra (with śarâsana n. a rainbow Vcar. 
   • with āśā f. the east Kād.)

⋙ śātadvāreya

   ○dvāreya m. patr. fr. śata-dvāra g. śubhrâdi

⋙ śātapata

   ○pata mfn. (fr. śata-pati), g. aśvapaty-ādi

⋙ śātapattra

   ○pattra mfn. (fr. śata-pattra), g. śarkarâdi

⋙ śātapattraka

   ○pattraka m. or (fr. id.) moonlight L.

⋙ śātapattrakī

   ○pattraḍkī f. (fr. id.) moonlight L.

⋙ śātapatha

   ○patha mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to or based upon the Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa Kāś. Śaṃk. 
   • = śatapatha-br○ Hcat. 
   • ○thika m. an adherent or teacher of the ŚBr. L.

⋙ śātaparṇeya

   ○parṇeya m. patr. fr. śata-parṇa ŚBr.

⋙ śātaputraka

   ○putraka n. (fr. śata-putra) the possession of a hundred sons, g. manojñâdi

⋙ śātabhiṣa

   ○bhiṣa mf(ī)n. born under the Nakshatra Śata-bhishaj Pāṇ. 4-2, 7 Vārtt. 1 Pat.

⋙ śātabhiṣaja

   ○bhiṣaja mf(ī)n. id. ib.

⋙ śātabhīru

   ○bhīru m. (fr. śata-bhīru) a kind of Mallikā or Arabian jasmine L.

⋙ śātamanyava

   ○manyava mf(ī)n. (fr. śata-manyu) relating or belonging to Indra Kir. (with āśā f. the eastern quarter Hcar.)

⋙ śātamāna

   ○māna mf(ī) n. (fr. śata-māna) bought with the measure of one hundred Pāṇ. 5-1, 27

⋙ śātarātrika

   ○rātrika mfn. (fr. śata-rātra) relating to the ceremony of a hundred nights (or days) KātyŚr. Sch.

⋙ śātavaneya

   ○vaneyá m. patr. fr. śata-vani RV.

⋙ śātaśūrpa

   ○śūrpa m. (fr. śata-śūrpa) N. of a man Nid.

⋙ śātahrada

   ○hrada mfn. (fr. śata-hrada) relating or belonging to lightning Ragh.


   śātaka m. pl. N. of a people VarBṛS. (vḷ.)


   śātakarṇi or ○ṇin m. (fr. śatakarṇa or śāta-k○) N. of various kings Ragh. Pur. 
   • of an author Cat.


   śā́tapanta (only du. ○nta 
   • prob. wṛ.) RV. x, 106, 5


   śātalā f. vḷ. for sātalā, q.v


   śātaleya m. patr. fr. śatala g. śubhrâdi


   śātavāhana m. N. of a king (= śāli-vāhana) Kathās.


   śātâtapa under 1. śāta


   śātāhara m. N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi

≫ śātāhareya

   śātāhareya m. patr. fr. prec. ib.


   śātra n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.


   śātrava mf(ī)n. (fr. śatru) belonging to an enemy, hostile, inimical R. Ragh. 
   • m. an enemy MBh. Kāv. 
   • n. enmity, hostility L. 
   • a multitude of enemies L.

⋙ śātraveṅgita

   śātravêṅgita n. an enemy's intention MW.

≫ śātravīya

   śātravīya mfn. relating to an enemy, inimical Śiś.

≫ śātruṃtapi

   śātruṃtapi m. pl. (fr. śatruṃ-tapa) N. of a people or community, g. dāmany-ādi

≫ śātruṃtapīya

   śātruṃtapīya m. a king or chief of the Śātruṃtapis ib.


   śātvala m. pl. N. of a Śākhā or Vedic school MW.


   śā́da m. (fr. √2. śad, 2. śāta) falling off, dropping ( parṇa-ś○) 
   • young grass RV. VS. 
   • mud, slime L. 
   • = rakṣas Sāy. on RV. ix, 15, 6 
   • (ā), f. a brick Gobh.

⋙ śādaharita

   ○harita mfn. green or fresh with young grass L.

≫ śādvala

   śādvala mfn. (often written śāḍvala 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 88) abounding in fresh or green grass, grassy, verdant, green 
   • n. sg. and pl. (L. also m 
   • ifc. f. ā) a place abounding in young grass, grassy spot, turf GṛS. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • m. a bull L. (written śāḍvala)

⋙ śādvalavat

   ○vat mfn. covered with grass, grassy PārGṛ.

⋙ śādvalasthalī

   ○sthalī f. a grassy spot, grass-plot MW.

⋙ śādvalābha

   śādvalâbha m. a partic. green insect Suśr. [Page 1064, Column 2] 

⋙ śādvalita

   śādvalita n. the being covered with grass BhP.

≫ śādvalin

   śādvalin mfn. covered with grass, grassy, green R.


   śān (for √śo), only in Desid. Ā. śīśāṃsate, to whet, sharpen Dhātup. xxiii, 26 (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 6)

≫ śāna

   śāna m. (cf. 1. śāṇa) a whetstone, grindstone, touchstone L. 
   • (ī), f. a sort of cucumber or colocynth L.

⋙ śānapāda

   ○pāda m. N. of the Pāripātra mountain MW. 
   • a stone for grinding sandal ib.

≫ śāni

   śāni f. Siddh.

≫ śānita

   śānita mfn. (cf. śāṇita) whetted, sharpened (compar. -tara) Kāv.

≫ śānīya

   śānīya mfn. to be whetted or sharpened Pat.

≫ śānta 1

   śānta mfn. (perhaps always wṛ. for 1. śāta, q.v.) = śānita L. 
   • thin, slender Hariv. R. (cf. Sch.)

⋙ śāntodara

   śāntôdara mfn. (for śātodara, q.v.) slender-waisted (-tva, n.) Hariv. VarBṛS.


   śānac (in gram.), a technical term for the Kṛit affixes āna, or amāna (used in forming present participles Ātmane-pada when the radical syllable is accentuated, or for āna substituted for hi, the affix of the 2. sg. Impv.)


   śānila m. N. of a man Cat.


   śānaiścara mfn. (fr. śanaiś-cara) relating to Saturn or to his day, falling on a Saturday Vet.

śānta 2

   śāntá mfn. (fr. √1. śam) appeased, pacified, tranquil, calm, free from passions, undisturbed Up. MBh. &c 
   • soft, pliant Hariv. 
   • gentle, mild, friendly, kind, auspicious (in augury 
   • opp. to dīpta) AV. &c. &c 
   • abated, subsided, ceased, stopped, extinguished, averted (śāntam or dhik śāntam or śāntam pāpam, may evil or sin be averted! may God forfend! Heaven forbid! not so!) ŚBr. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • rendered ineffective, innoxious, harmless (said of weapons) MBh. R. 
   • come to an end, gone to rest, deceased, departed, dead, died out ib. Ragh. Rājat. 
   • purified, cleansed W. 
   • m. an ascetic whose passions are subdued W. 
   • tranquillity, contentment (as one of the Rasas, q.v.) 
   • N. of a son of Day MBh. 
   • of a son of Manu Tāmasa MārkP. 
   • of a son of Śambara Hariv. 
   • of a son of Idhma-jihva BhP. 
   • of a son of Āpa VP. 
   • of a Devaputra Lalit. 
   • (ā), f. (in music) a partic. Śruti Saṃgīt. 
   • Emblica Officinalis L. 
   • Prosopis Spicigera and another species L. 
   • a kind of Dūrvā grass L. 
   • a partic. drug (= reṇukā) L. 
   • N. of a daughter of Daśa-ratha (adopted daughter of Loma-pāda or Roma-pāda and wife of Ṛishya-śṛiṅga) MBh. Hariv. R. 
   • (with Jainas) of a goddess who executes the orders of the 7th Arhat L. 
   • of a Śakti MW. 
   • n. tranquillity, peace of mind BhP. 
   • N. of a Varsha in Jambu-dviipa ib. 
   • N. of a Tīrtha W.

⋙ śāntakarṇa

   ○karṇa m. (with prefixed śrī) N. of a king BhP.

⋙ śāntakrodha

   ○krodha mfn. one whose anger is appeased MW.

⋙ śāntaguṇa

   ○guṇa mfn. one whose virtues are destroyed, i.e. deceased R.

⋙ śāntaghoravimūḍhatva

   ○ghora-vimūḍhatva n. calmness and vehemence and infatuation BhP.

⋙ śāntacetas

   ○cetas mfn. tranquil-minded Kāv. 
   • composed in mind, calm Pañcat. Hit. &c

⋙ śāntajvara

   ○jvara mfn. one whose fever or grief is alleviated MBh.

⋙ śāntatā

   ○tā f. quietness, calmness, freedom from passion Kathās.

⋙ śāntatoya

   ○toya mfn. having calm or still waters, gently flowing MW.

⋙ śāntatva

   ○tva n. = -tā MaitrUp. BhP.

⋙ śāntadevatya

   ○devatya mfn. who or what appeases a god, that by which a divinity is appeased MW.

⋙ śāntapura

   ○pura n. (cf. W.) or (cf. Buddh.) N. of a town

⋙ śāntapurī

   ○puḍrī f. (cf. Buddh.) N. of a town

⋙ śāntabhaya

   ○bhaya m. N. of a son of Medhâtithi VP. 
   • n. N. of the Varsha ruled by him ib. (vḷ. śāṃtanava)

⋙ śāntamati

   ○mati m. 'composed in mind', N. of a Deva-putra Lalit.

⋙ śāntamanas

   ○manas mfn. composed in mind MBh. Śak. VarBṛS.

⋙ śāntamala

   ○mala mfn. having all defilement removed W.

⋙ śāntamoha

   ○moha n. 'having delusion dispelled', (with Jainas) N. of the 11th of the 14 steps towards supreme happiness Cat.

⋙ śāntayoni

   ○yoni (śāntá-), mfn. one whose birth-place is auspicious TBr.

⋙ śāntarajas

   ○rajas mfn. dustless or passionless (lit. 'having dust or passion allayed') Bhag.

⋙ śāntaraya

   ○raya mfn. slackened in speed W. 
   • m. N. of a son of Dharma-sārathi BhP.

⋙ śāntarava

   ○rava mfn. uttering auspicious sounds VarBṛS.

⋙ śāntaraśmi

   ○raśmi mfn. one whose rays are extinguished or dimmed (as the sun) R.

⋙ śāntarasa

   ○rasa m. the sentiment of quietism or tranquillity MW. 
   • -nāṭaka n. N. of a drama

⋙ śāntarūpa

   ○rūpa mfn. having a tranquil appearance, tranquil, calm Pañcat.

⋙ śāntalābha

   ○lābha mfn. that which has ceased to bear interest, Bṛihasp

⋙ śāntavivāda

   ○vivāda mfn. having disputes allayed, reconciled, appeased W. [Page 1064, Column 3] 

⋙ śāntavīradeśikendra

   ○vīra-deśikêndra m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śāntaśrī

   ○śrī m. N. of Pracaṇḍa-deva W.

⋙ śāntasumati

   ○sumati m. N. of a Deva-putra Lalit. (cf. śānta-mati)

⋙ śāntasūri

   ○sūri m. N. of a scholiast Cat.

⋙ śāntasena

   ○sena m. N. of a son of Subāhu BhP.

⋙ śāntahaya

   ○haya m. N. of a son of Manu Tāmasa VP.

⋙ śāntahṛdaya

   ○hṛdaya mfn. tranquil-hearted ChUp.

⋙ śāntātman

   śāntâtman mfn. calm-minded, composed MaitrUp.

⋙ śāntāntakara

   śāntântakara m. N. of a son of Śambara Hariv.

⋙ śāntārcis

   śāntârcis mfn. whose flame is extinguished, gone out (as fire) MBh.

≫ śāntaka

   śāntaka mfn. allaying, appeasing ( roga-ś○)

≫ śāntaya

   śāntaya Nom. P. ○yati to calm any one Śak.

≫ śānti

   śā́nti f. tranquillity, peace, quiet, peace or calmness of mind, absence of passion, averting of pain (śānti! śānti! śānti! may the three kinds of pain be averted!), indifference to objects of pleasure or pain KaṭhUp. MBh. &c 
   • alleviation (of evil or pain), cessation, abatement, extinction (of fire &c.) AV. &c. &c 
   • a pause, breach, interruption Hcat. 
   • any expiatory or propitiatory rite for averting evil or calamity Br. &c. (cf. RTL. 346) 
   • peace, welfare, prosperity, good fortune, ease, comfort, happiness, bliss MBh. R. &c 
   • destruction, end, eternal rest, death Kāv. Kathās. BhP. 
   • = śānti-kalpa BhP. 
   • Tranquillity &c. personified (as a daughter of Śraddhā, as the wife of Atharvan, as the daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma) Hariv. Prab. Pur. 
   • m. N. of a son of Indra MBh. 
   • of Indra in the tenth Manv-antara Pur. 
   • of a Tushita (son of Vishṇu and Dakshiṇā) ib. 
   • of a son of Kṛishṇa and Kālindī ib. 
   • of a Ṛishi MBh. 
   • of a son of Aṅgiras ib. 
   • of a disciple of Bhūti MārkP. 
   • of a son of Nīla and father of Su-śānti VP. 
   • (with Jainas) of an Arhat and Cakra-vartin L. 
   • of a teacher (also called ratnâkara-ś○) Buddh.

⋙ śāntikamalākara

   ○kamalâkara m. N. of part of wk

⋙ śāntikara

   ○kara mfn. causing peace or prosperity VarBṛS. 
   • m. N. of a man Kathās.

⋙ śāntikaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. the averting of evil KātyŚr.

⋙ śāntikartṛ

   ○kartṛ mfn. causing tranquillity, calming, allaying MW. 
   • m. any divinity who averts evil or suffering ib.

⋙ śāntikarman

   ○karman n. any action for averting evil ĀśvGṛ. 
   • N. of wk

⋙ śāntikalpa

   ○kalpa m

⋙ śāntikalpadīpikā

   ○kalpa-dīpikā f

⋙ śāntikalpapradīpa

   ○kalpa-pradīpa m

⋙ śāntikalpalatā

   ○kalpa-latā f

⋙ śāntikalyāṇī

   ○kalyāṇī f. N. of wks

⋙ śāntikāma

   ○kāma m. desire of tranquillity W. 
   • mfn. desirous of tranquillity ib.,

⋙ śāntikārin

   ○kārin mfn. soothing, pacifying A.

⋙ śāntikṛt

   ○kṛt mfn. removing evil or causing alleviation by reciting texts &c. MBh.

⋙ śāntikhaṇḍa


⋙ śāntigaṇapati

   ○gaṇa-pati m. N. of wks

⋙ śāntigupta

   ○gupta (cf. Buddh.),

⋙ śāntiguru

   ○guru (cf. Cat.), m. N. of men

⋙ śāntigṛha

   ○gṛha (cf. VarBṛS.) or (cf. L.), n. a room for the performance of propitiatory rites to avert evil

⋙ śāntigṛhaka

   ○gṛḍhaka (cf. L.), n. a room for the performance of propitiatory rites to avert evil

⋙ śāntigrantha

   ○grantha m

⋙ śānticandrikā

   ○candrikā f

⋙ śānticaritra

   ○caritra n

⋙ śānticaritranāṭaka

   ○caritra-nāṭaka n

⋙ śānticintāmaṇi

   ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wks

⋙ śāntijala

   ○jala n. = śāntyuda W.

⋙ śāntitattvāmṛta

   ○tattvâmṛta n. N. of wk

⋙ śāntida

   ○da mfn. causing tranquillity or prosperity VarBṛS. 
   • N. of Vishṇu RTL. 106, n. 1

⋙ śāntidīpikā

   ○dīpikā f. N. of wk

⋙ śāntideva

   ○deva m. N. of a man Buddh. 
   • (ā [Hariv. Pur.], or ī {cf. VP.}), f. N. of a daughter of Devaka (and one of Vasu-deva's wives)

⋙ śāntinātha

   ○nātha m. N. of an Arhat (with Jainas 
   • = śānti) Śatr. 
   • -caritra n. -purāṇa n. N. of wks

⋙ śāntinirṇaya

   ○nirṇaya m

⋙ śāntipaṭala


⋙ śāntipaddhati

   ○paddhati f. N. of wks

⋙ śāntiparvan

   ○parvan n. 'Tranquillizing-section', N. of the 12th book of the Mahā-bhārata (the longest in the whole poem and consisting chiefly of stories, discourses and episodes narrated for the tranquillizing of the troubled spirit of Yudhi-shṭhira after the termination of the war and the slaughter of his relatives)

⋙ śāntipāṭha

   ○pāṭha m. N. of wk

⋙ śāntipātra

   ○pātra n. a vessel for propitiatory water ŚāṅkhGṛ.

⋙ śāntipārijāta

   ○pārijāta mṆ. of wk

⋙ śāntipura

   ○pura n. N. of a town Kshitîś.

⋙ śāntipurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n

⋙ śāntipustaka

   ○pustaka m

⋙ śāntiprakaraṇa

   ○prakaraṇa n

⋙ śāntiprakāra

   ○prakāra m

⋙ śāntiprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m. N. of wks

⋙ śāntiprabha

   ○prabha m. N. of a man Buddh.

⋙ śāntiprayoga

   ○prayoga m. N. of wk

⋙ śāntibhājana

   ○bhājana n. = -pātra ŚāṅkhGṛ.

⋙ śāntibhāṣya

   ○bhāṣya n

⋙ śāntimantra

   ○mantra m

⋙ śāntimayūkha

   ○mayūkha m. N. of wks

⋙ śāntiyukta

   ○yukta mfn. connected with welfare or prosperity, auspicious R.

⋙ śāntirakṣita

   ○rakṣita m. N. of a man Buddh.

⋙ śāntiratna

   ○ratna n. or N. of wk

⋙ śāntiratnākara

   ○ratnâkara m. N. of wk

⋙ śāntivaravarman

   ○vara-varman m. or N. of a king Inscr.

⋙ śāntivarman

   ○varman m. N. of a king Inscr.

⋙ śāntivācana

   ○vācana n. the reciting of a text for averting evil &c., g. puṇyâha-vācanâdi on Pāṇ. 5-1, 111 Vārtt. 3 
   • mfn. = śānti-vācanam prayojanam asya ib.

⋙ śāntivāda

   ○vāda m. N. of wk

⋙ śāntivāhana

   ○vāhana m. N. of a king Buddh.

⋙ śāntividhāna

   ○vidhāna n

⋙ śāntividhi

   ○vidhi m

⋙ śāntivilāsa

   ○vilāsa m

⋙ śāntiviveka

   ○viveka m. N. of wks

⋙ śāntivrata

   ○vrata n. N. of a partic. religious observance RāmatUp.

⋙ śāntiśataka

   ○śataka n

⋙ śāntiśatakasaṃgraha

   ○śataka-saṃgraha (?), m. N. of wks

⋙ śāntiśarman

   ○śarman m. N. of a Brahman Inscr.

⋙ śāntiśīla

   ○śīla m. 'quiet-tempered' N. of a man Vet.

⋙ śāntisadman

   ○sadman n. a room for performing any propitiatory rite for averting evil (= -gṛha) VarBṛS. [Page 1065, Column 1] 

⋙ śāntisarvasva

   ○sarvasva n. N. of wk

⋙ śāntisalila

   ○salila n. propitiatory water Hcar.

⋙ śāntisāra

   ○sāra m

⋙ śāntisārabhāṣya

   ○sāra-bhāṣya n. N. of wks

⋙ śāntisūkta

   ○sū7kta n. N. of a hymn Cat.

⋙ śāntisūri

   ○sūri m. N. of an author ib.

⋙ śāntisoma

   ○soma m. N. of a man Kathās.

⋙ śāntistava

   ○stava m. N. of sev. wks. (cf. bṛhac-chānti-st○)

⋙ śāntihoma

   ○homa m. a propitiatory oblation Mn. MBh. 
   • -mantra m. N. of work

≫ śāntika

   śāntika mfn. propitiatory, expiatory, averting evil Hcat. 
   • producing or relating to ease or quiet MW. 
   • m. pl. N. of a people VarBṛS. MārkP. 
   • n. a propitiatory rite for averting evil MBh. VarBṛS. &c

⋙ śāntikakarman

   ○karman n. a magical rlte performed for removing obstacles MW.

⋙ śāntikādhyāya

   śāntikâdhyāya m. N. of work

≫ śāntivā

   śāntivā f. N. of a deity Kauś.

≫ śānty

   śānty in comp. for śānti

⋙ śāntyagniparīkṣādigrantha

   ○agni-parī7kṣâdi-grantha m. N. of wk

⋙ śāntyākara


⋙ śāntyākaragupta

   ○ākara-gupta m. N. of poets Sadukt.

⋙ śāntyuda

   ○uda n. propitiatory water 
   • -kumbha m. a vessel for holding propṭpropitiatory water W.

⋙ śāntyudaka

   ○udaka n. = -uda Gaut. Vait. Kāv. -prayoga m. N. of wk

⋙ śāntyuddyota

   ○uddyota m. N. of wk

≫ śāntvā

   śāntvā ind. = śamitvā, having become tranquil Pāṇ. Vop.


   śāṃtanava mf(ī)n. written or composed by Śaṃtanu Cat. 
   • m. patr. of Bhīshma (as son of king Śaṃtanu, the reputed great uncle of the Pāṇḍavas) MBh. 
   • N. of a son of Medhâtithi VP. 
   • of various writers (esp. of the author of the Phiṭsūtras 
   • cf. ○vâcārya) 
   • (ī), f. (scil. ṭīkā) the Comm. composed by Śaṃtanu Cat. 
   • n. N. of the Dviipa ruled by Śāṃtanava VP.

⋙ śāṃtanavaṣaṭsūtra

   ○ṣaṭ-sūtra n. N. of a Vedânta wk

⋙ śāṃtanavācārya

   śāṃtanavâcārya m. the author of the Phiṭ-sūtras (on accentuation)

≫ śāṃtanu

   śāṃtanu m. N. of the father of Bhīshma (in older language śáṃtanu, q.v.) MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • a partic. inferior kind of grain Suśr.

⋙ śāṃtanutva

   ○tva n. the state or condition of (being) Śāṃtanu MBh.

⋙ śāṃtanunandana

   ○nandana m. 'ŚṭŚāṃtanu's son', patr. of Bhishma Dhanaṃj.

⋙ śāṃtanūja

   śāṃtanū-ja m. (m.c. for ○tanu-ja) id. MBh.


   śāntv &c. √sāntv


   śāntvati f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus L.

śāpa 1

   śāpa m. (ifc. f. ā 
   • fr. √śap) a curse, malediction, abuse, oath, imprecation, ban, interdiction (acc. with √vac, √dā, pra-√yam, ny-√as, vi-√sṛj, ā-√diś, 'to pronounce or utter a curse on any one', with dat., gen., loc., or acc. with prati) MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ śāpagrasta

   ○grasta mfn. seized by or suffering from a curse W.

⋙ śāpaja

   ○ja mfn. arising from a curse ib.

⋙ śāpatā

   ○tā f. being under a curse Kād.

⋙ śāpanāśana

   ○nāśana m. 'curse-destroyer', N. of a Muni Cat.

⋙ śāpaparikṣata

   ○parikṣata mfn. = -grasta R.

⋙ śāpaprada

   ○prada mfn. uttering a curse MW.

⋙ śāpapradāna

   ○pradāna n. utterance of a cṭcurse VP.

⋙ śāpabhāj

   ○bhāj mfn. labouring under a curse ib.

⋙ śāpamukta

   ○mukta mfn. freed from a curse W.

⋙ śāpamukti

   ○mukti f. deliverance from a cṭcurse Kathās.

⋙ śāpamokṣa

   ○mokṣa m. id. MBh. 
   • uttering of a curse R.

⋙ śāpayantrita

   ○yantrita mfn. restrained by a curse Ragh.

⋙ śāpavimocana

   ○vimocana n. N. of wk

⋙ śāpasamāyukta

   ○samāyukta mfn. = -grasta R.

⋙ śāpānta

   śāpânta m. the end of a curse or of the period of its effect Megh.

⋙ sāpāmbu

   sāpâmbu n. water used in formularies of cursing VP.

⋙ śāpāvasāna

   śāpâvasāna n. = śāpânta MW.

⋙ śāpāstra

   śāpâstra m. 'having curses for weapons', a saint (whose curse are formidable even to deities) L.

⋙ śāpotsarga

   śāpôtsarga m. the utterance of a curse MBh.

⋙ sāpodaka

   sāpôdaka n. = śāpâmbu Mcar.

⋙ śāpoddhāra

   śāpôddhāra m. deliverance from a curse R.

≫ śāpāyana

   śāpāyana m. patr. fr. śapa g. aśvâdi

≫ śāpita

   śāpita mfn. (fr. Caus. of √śap) made to take an oath, one to whom an oath has been administered, sworn Mn. MBh. &c

≫ śāpīya

   śāpīya m. N. of a school PratijñāS. (vḷ. śābīya)

≫ śāpeya

   śāpeya m. N. of a teacher (pl. his school), g. śaunakâdi

≫ śāpeyin

   śāpeyin m. N. of a disciple of Yājñavalkya VāyuP. 
   • m. the followers of Śāpeya, g. śaunakâdi

śāpa 2

   śā́pa m. (of doubtful derivation) floating wood or other substances RV. AV.

≫ śāpeṭa

   śāpeṭa m. or n. (?) floating reed &c. Kauś.


   śāpaṭika or śāpaṭhika m. a peacock L.


   śāpharika m. (fr. śaphara) a fisherman Pāṇ. 4-4, 35 Sch. [Page 1065, Column 2] 


   śāphākṣi m. patr. fr. śaphâkṣa Pravar.


   śāpheya m. N. of a school of the Yajur-veda (cf. śāpeya)


   śāba 1. śāva


   śābara mfn. (fr. śabara) wicked, malicious L. 
   • m. injury, offence L. 
   • Symplocos Racemosa Bhpr. (cf. sāvara) 
   • N. of a teacher and of various wks. (cf. below) 
   • (ī), f. the dialect of the Śabaras Sāh. Mṛicch., Introd 
   • Carpopogon Pruriens L. 
   • n. copper L. 
   • darkness L. 
   • a kind of sandal (cf. śāmbara) L.

⋙ śābarakaustubha

   ○kaustubha m. or n

⋙ śābaracintāmaṇi

   ○cintāmaṇi m

⋙ śābaratantra

   ○tantra n

⋙ śābaratantraśarvasva

   ○tantra-śarvasva n. N. of wks

⋙ śābarabhāṣya

   ○bhāṣya n. N. of Śabara's commentary on the Mīmāṃsa-sūtras

⋙ śābarabhedākhya

   ○bhedâkhya n. copper L.

⋙ śābaramahātantra

   ○mahā-tantra n. N. of a Tantra by Śri-kaṇṭha-śiva Paṇḍita

⋙ śābarotsava

   śābarôtsava m. a partic. festival of the Mlecchas KālP.

⋙ śābaropaniṣad

   śābarôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad

≫ śābaraka

   śābaraka m. (wṛ. śāv○) Symplocos Racemosa L. 
   • (ikā), f. a kind of leech Suśr.

≫ śābarajambuka

   śābarajambuka mfn. (fr. śabara-jambu) Pāṇ. 4-2, 119 Sch.

≫ śābarāyaṇa

   śābarāyaṇa m. patr. fr. śabara g. haritâdi

≫ śābari

   śābari m. N. of a man Buddh.


   śābalīya mfn. (fr. śabala), g. kṛśâśvâdi

≫ śābalya

   śābalya n. a mixture, medley BhP. 
   • (ā́), f. (prob.) a female buffoon VS. (cf. TS. śābulyā́)


   śābasta m. N. of a son of Yuvanāśva (and founder of the city Śābastī) BhP., (ī), f. N. of a city ib.

≫ śābasti

   śābasti m. patr. fr. śābasta BhP.


   śābīya śāpīya


   śābulyā śābalyā


   śābdá mf(ī)n. (fr. śabda) sonorous, sounding W. 
   • relating to sound (as opp. to ārtha, q.v.) Sāh. 
   • based on sounds, expressed in words oral, verbal, (esp.) resting on or enjoined by sacred sound (i.e. on the Veda 
   • with brahman. n. = 'the Veda') ŚBr. &c 
   • nominal (as inflection) W. 
   • m. a philologist, grammarian RPrāt. 
   • pl. a partic. sect Hcar. 
   • (ī), f. Sarasvatī (as goddess of speech and eloquence) W.

⋙ śābdatva

   ○tva n. the being based on sounds or words &c. Sāh.

⋙ śābdabodha

   ○bodha m. 'verbal knowledge', apprehension of the meaning of words, perception of the verbal or literal sense (of a sentence &c.) 
   • -taraṃgiṇī f. a modern grammar by Īśvarīdatta

⋙ śābdaprakriyā

   ○prakriyā f. a philosophical grammar by Rāma-kṛishṇa

⋙ śābdavyañjanā

   ○vyañjanā f. (in rhet.) suggestion or insinuation founded on mere words, (as opp. to ārtha-v○, or suggestion dependent upon the meaning of words) MW.

≫ śābdika

   śābdika mfn. sonorous, uttering a sound Pāṇ. 4-4, 34 
   • relating to sounds or words, verbal W. 
   • m. 'conversant with words', a grammarian, lexicographer' Siṃhâs. Āpast.Śr. Sch.

⋙ śābdikacintāmaṇi

   ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of a gram. wk

⋙ śābdikanarasiṃha

   ○narasiṃha m. N. of a grammarian Cat.

⋙ śābdikarakṣā

   ○rakṣā f. N. of a gram. wk

⋙ śābdikavidvaktavipramodaka

   ○vidvakta-vipramodaka m. or n. a list of words formed by Uṇādi suffixes (by Veṅkaṭêśvara who lived at the end of the 17th century)

⋙ śābdikābharaṇa

   śābdikâbharaṇa n. N. of a grammar by Dharma-kīrti


   śāma mfn. (√1. śam) appeasing, curing, having curative properties MW.

⋙ śāmadatta

   ○datta m. (with paṇḍita) N. of an author Cat.

≫ śāman

   śāman n. (cf. sāman) appeasing, reconciling, conciliation W.

≫ śāmana

   śāmana mfn. extinguishing, destroying Pañcat. iii, 31 (vḷ. for śamana) 
   • m. N. of Yama (= śamana) W. 
   • (ī), f. the southern quarter L. 
   • n. a sedative Car. 
   • tranquillity, peace W. 
   • killing, slaughter ib. 
   • end (○naṃ-√yā, to go to an end, be destroyed) MW.

≫ śāmam

   śāmam √1. śam

≫ śāmaladāsa

   śāmala-dāsa or m. N. of a modern poet MW.

⋙ śāmalabhaṭṭa

   śāmala-bhaṭṭa m. N. of a modern poet MW.

≫ śāmāyana

   śāmāyana m. a patr 
   • pl. Pravar.

≫ śāmāyanīya

   śāmāyanīya m. pl. N. of a school Cat.

≫ śāmika

   śāmika m. patr. fr. śamika g. bidâdi

≫ śāmitra

   śāmitra mfn. (fr. śamitṛ) relating to the official who cuts up the sacrificial victim ( -karman) BhP. 
   • m. (scil. agni) the fire for cooking the sacrificial flesh GṛŚrS. [Page 1065, Column 3] 
   • n. the place for the above fire ŚrS. 
   • any place of immolation, shambles Vait. Mṛicch. 
   • = next MBh.

⋙ śāmitrakarman

   ○karman n. the office of the above official BhP.

≫ śāmīla

   śāmīla mf(ī)n. made of the wood of the Śamī tree (Prosopis Spicigera) KātyŚr. Gobh. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 142 ; 155 Sch.) 
   • n. ashes MW. 
   • (ī), f. a chaplet, garland ib.

≫ śāmīvata

   śāmīvata m. pl. (fr. śamī-vat) N. of a tribe or race Pāṇ. 5-3, 118 
   • (ī), f. a princess of the Śāmīvatas ib.

≫ śāmīvatya

   śāmīvatya m. a prince of the Śāmīvatas ib.

≫ śāmeya

   śāmeya m. a patr 
   • pl. Pravar.

≫ śāmya

   śāmya mfn. relating to peace, peaceful MBh. 
   • n. peace, reconciliation ib.

⋙ śāmyatā

   ○tā f. id. ib.

⋙ śāmyaprāśa

   ○prâśa m. a kind of sacrifice Divyâv.

⋙ śāmyavākā

   ○vākā f. N. of a plant Kauś.


   śāmā́ f. (prob.) a kind of plant (used for curing leprosy) AV. i, 24, 4 (Paipp. śyāmā)


   śāmāka incorr. for śyāmāka


   śāmu-pāla (?), m. N. of a king Buddh.


   śāmulyá n. (perhaps connected with śamala) a woollen shirt RV.

≫ śāmūla

   śāmūla n. id. Kauś. Lāṭy.


   śāmba m. N. of a king Daś. (also wṛ. for sāmba, q.v.)


   śāmbará mf(ī́)n. relating or belonging or peculiar to Śambara RV. Hariv. &c 
   • coming from the deer called Śambara Bhpr. 
   • (ī), f. jugglery, sorcery, illusion (as practised by the Daitya Śambara) Naish. 
   • a sorceress W. 
   • n. the fight with Śambara RV. 
   • a kind of sandal L. (cf. śābara)

⋙ śāmbarasilpa

   ○silpa n. the art of jugglery, magic Naish.

≫ śāmbarika

   śāmbarika m. a juggler Cat.


   śāmbalâmbā-varma-ratna n. N. of a ch. of the Saubhāgya-lakshmī-tantra


   śāmbava m. (fr. śambu), next

≫ śāmbavānandakalpa

   śāmbavânanda-kalpa m. N. of wk

≫ śāmbavika

   śāmbavika m. a worker or dealer in shells W.

≫ śāmbavya

   śāmbavya m. N. of a teacher Cat.

≫ śāmbu

   śā́mbu m. N. of a man AV.

≫ śāmbuka

   śāmbuka m. a bivalve shell W.

≫ śāmbuvi

   śāmbuvi m. pl. N. of a Śākhā or school Anup.

≫ śāmbūka

   śāmbūka m.= śāmbuka L.


   śāmbhara m. patr. fr. śambara Pravar. 
   • (prob. n.) N. of a lake in Rājputāna (commonly called Sāmbhar, where a kind of fossil salt is found) MW.

⋙ śāmbharanagara

   ○nagara n. a town near SṭSāmbhar ib.

≫ śāmbharāyiṇī

   śāmbharāyiṇī f. (patr. fr. śāmbhara) N. of a woman Cat. (vḷ. sāmbh○)

⋙ śāmbharāyiṇīvrata

   ○vrata n. a partic. observance ib.


   śāmbhava mf(ī)n. (fr. śam-bhu) coming or derived from Śiva, relating or belonging or sacred to him Kāv. Kathās. 
   • m. (only L.) a worshipper of Śiva 
   • a son of Śambhu 
   • Sesbana Grandiflora 
   • camphor 
   • a sort of poison 
   • bdellium 
   • (ī), f. below 
   • n. Pinus Deodora L.

⋙ śāmbhavadīpikā

   ○dīpikā f. N. of a Tantra

⋙ śāmbhavadeva

   ○deva m. N. of a poet Cat.

≫ śāmbhavāha

   śāmbhavāha m. a patr. Pravar.

≫ śāmbhavī

   śāmbhavī f. N. of Durgā Tantras. 
   • a kind of blue-flowering Dūrvā grass L.

⋙ śāmbhavītantra

   ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra

≫ śāmbhavīya

   śāmbhavīya mfn. relating or belonging to Śiva Mcar.

≫ śāmbhavya

   śāmbhavya m. N. of a teacher GopBr.


   śāmmada n. (fr. śam-mada) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr.


   śāmya above


   śāmyāka mf(ī)n. (fr. śamyāka) derived or made from (the wood of) Cathartocarpus Fistula Kauś.


   śāya mfn. (fr. √śī) lying, sleeping, abiding ( kaṅka-ś○)

≫ śāyaka

   śāyaka mf(ikā)n. id. Vishṇ. (cf. kośa-, vṛkṣa-śāyikā) 
   • (ikā), f. sleeping, lying ('manner of lying' or 'one's turn to rest') Pāṇ. 3-3, 108 Vārtt. 1 ; ii, 2, 15 Sch. 
   • wṛ. for sāyaka, arrow

≫ śāyayitavya

   śāyayitavya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be made to lie upon (loc.) Kād. 
   • to be made to sleep (with dīrgham, 'to be made to sleep the long or eternal sleep', i.e. 'to be put to death') Bālar. [Page 1066, Column 1] 

≫ śāyitā

   śāyi-tā f. (fr. next) the state of lying or reposing or abiding in (ifc.) MBh. Kathās.

≫ śāyin

   śāyin mfn. lying down, reclining, resting, abiding Br. &c. &c. (mostly ifc 
   • cf. adhaḥ-, eka-ś○ &c.)

≫ śāyyika

   śāyyika mfn. = śayyayā jīvati g. vetanâdi


   śāyaṇḍāyana m. pl. N. of a partic. association, g. aiṣukāry-ādi

⋙ śāyaṇḍāyanabhakta

   ○bhakta mfn. inhabited by the Śāyaṇḍāyanas ib.


   śāyana n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.


   śāyasthi m. N. of a teacher VBr.


   śār (also written sār 
   • √.śṝ) to be weak or feeble Dhātup. xxxv, 16

śāra 1

   śārá mf(ā)n. (in most meanings also written sāra 
   • of doubtful derivation) variegated in colour, of different colours (as dark hair mixed with grey), motley, spotted, speckled Pāṇ. 3-3, 21 Vārtt. 2 
   • yellow W. 
   • m. variegating or a variegated colour, (esp.) a mixture of blue and yellow, green ib. 
   • (also śāraka) a kind of die or a piece used at chess or at backgammon Bhartṛ. Daś. 
   • air, wind L. 
   • hurting, injuring (fr. √śṝ) L. 
   • (ī), f. a chessman &c. ( m.) Naish. 
   • a kind of bird (= śāri) ib. 
   • Kuśa grass L. 
   • n. a variegated colour MW.

⋙ śāratā

   ○tā f

⋙ śāratva

   ○tva n. variety of colour, yellowness ib.

⋙ śārapada

   ○pada m. a kind of bird Car. (vḷ. for sāra-p○)

≫ śāraṅga

   śāraṅga sāraṅga

≫ śāri

   śā́ri f. (L. also written śārī or sāri) a partic. bird (= śārikā below) TS. VS. 
   • an arrow RV. 
   • an elephant's housings or armour Śiś. 
   • = vyavahārântara and kapaṭa L. 
   • N. of a daughter of Māṭhara (wife of Tishya and mother of the first disciple of Gautama Buddha 
   • cf. śāri-putra) Buddh. 
   • m. a chessman, piece at chess (or at a kind of draughts) Kād. (written sāri) 
   • a little round ball (= guṭikā) MW. 
   • a kind of die or small cube used in games with dice ib.

⋙ śārikukṣa

   ○kukṣa mfn. = śārer iva kukṣir asya Pāṇ. 5-4, 120 Sch.

⋙ śārijā

   ○jā f. pūti-śārijā

⋙ śāripaṭṭa

   ○paṭṭa m. a chequered cloth or board for playing draughts &c., chess-board MW.

⋙ śāriprastara

   ○prastara m. N. of a gambler Kathās.

⋙ śāriphala

   ○phala n

⋙ śāriphalaka

   ○phalaka m. n. = -paṭṭa L.

⋙ śāriputra

   ○putra m. N. of one of the two chief disciples (Agra-śrāvaka), of Gautama Buddha (the other being Maudgalyāyana) MWB. 47

⋙ śāriśākā

   ○śākā (of unknown meaning) AV. iii, 14, 5

⋙ śāriśṛṅkhalā

   ○śṛṅkhalā f. a chessman or a square on a chessboard L.

⋙ śārisuta

   ○suta m.= -putra Buddh.

≫ śārika

   śārika m. (prob.) a kind of bird (= next) Vas. xiv, 18 
   • (ā), f. next

≫ śārikā

   śārikā f. a kind of bird (commonly called Maina, either the Gracula Religiosa or the Turdus Salica, also written sārikā, q.v.) 
   • playing at chess or draughts Uṇ. iv, 127 Sch. 
   • a bow or stick used for playing the Vīṇā or any stringed instrument L. 
   • a form of Durgā Kathās. Rājat. 
   • N. of a woman (= śāri) Buddh.

⋙ śārikākavaca

   ○kavaca n. N. of a ch. of Rudrayāmala-tantsa

⋙ śārikākūṭa

   ○kūṭa n. Durgā's peak', N. of a place Kathās.

⋙ śārikānātha

   ○nātha m. N. of an author Pratāp. Sch.

⋙ śārikāpīṭha

   ○pīṭha n. 'Durgā's seat', N. of a place Kathās.

⋙ śārikāstotra

   ○stotra n. N. of a Stotra

≫ śārita

   śārita mfn. variegated, coloured Hcar.

≫ śārī

   śārī 1. śāra

≫ śāru

   śāru kiṃ-śāru

≫ śāruka

   śāruka mfn. one who injures or destroys (with acc.) Vop. 
   • mischievous, injurious Pāṇ. 3-2, 154

śāra 2

   śāra Vṛiddhi form of śara, in comp

⋙ śāratalpika

   ○talpika mfn. (spoken by a dying warrior) from a bed of arrows MBh.

⋙ śāradaṇḍāyani

   ○daṇḍāyani m. patr. fr. śara-daṇḍa ib.

⋙ śāradaṇḍāyanī

   ○daṇḍāyanī or f. the wife of Śāra-daṇḍāyani ib. (cf. Nīlak.)

⋙ śāradaṇḍāyinī

   ○daṇḍāḍyinī f. the wife of Śāra-daṇḍāyani ib. (cf. Nīlak.)

⋙ śāralomī

   ○lomī m. patr. fr. śara-loman Pāṇ. 4-1, 85 Vārtt. 8 Pat.

⋙ śāralomyā

   ○lomyā f. a patr. Pāṇ. 4-1, 75 Vārtt. 3 Pat.


   śāraṇika mfn. in need of protection, going for protection or refuge, a refugee MBh.


   śāradá mf(ī́, or śā́radī)n. (fr. śarad) produced or growing in autumn, autumnal, mature AV. &c. &c 
   • (prob.) that which offers a shelter in autumn (against the overflowings of rivers 
   • applied to puras or 'castles' 
   • others 'rich in years', 'old') RV. i, 131, 4 ; 174, 2 ; vi, 20, 10 
   • new, recent L. (perhaps Bhartṛ. i, 47 in salilaṃ śāradam 
   • cf. also rajju-śārada and dṛṣac-chārada) 
   • modest, shy, diffident cf. L 
   • m. a year cf. L.' 
   • a cloud cf. L 
   • N. of various plants (a yellow kind of Phaseolus Mungo 
   • Mimusops Elengi &c.) cf. L. [Page 1066, Column 2] 
   • autumnal sickness cf. W 
   • autumnal sunshine cf. ib 
   • N. of a teacher of Yoga (vḷ. śābara) cf. Cat 
   • (ā), f. below 
   • (ī), f. (only cf. L.) the day of full moon in the month Kārttika (or Āśvina) 
   • Jussiaea Repens 
   • Alstonia Scholaris 
   • n. corn, grain, fruit (as ripening in autumn) cf. VarBṛS 
   • the white lotus cf. L

⋙ śāradabhūruh

   ○bhūruh m. Alstonia Scholaris Dharmaś.

⋙ śāradaśarvarī

   ○śarvarī f. N. of a poem

⋙ śāradollāsa

   śāradôllāsa m. N. of a Comm. on the Laghu-candrikā

≫ śāratka

   śāratka mfn. = śaradam adhīte veda vā g. vasantâdi

≫ śāradaka

   śāradaka m. a kind of Darbha grass L. 
   • (ikā), f. Mimusops Elengi L. 
   • Cucumis Utilissimus L.

≫ śāradā

   śāradā f. a kind of Viṇā or lute L. 
   • N. of two plants (= brāhmī and sārivā) L. 
   • N. of a Sarasvati Śukas. 
   • of Durgā BhP. 
   • of a daughter of Devaratha Cat. 
   • = śāradā-tilaka ib.

⋙ śāradākalpa

   ○kalpa m

⋙ śāradākalpalatā

   ○kalpa-latā f. N. of wks

⋙ śāradākāra

   ○"ṣkāra (○dâk○), m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ śāradākramadīpikā

   ○krama-dīpikā f. N. of a Tāntric wk

⋙ śāradātanaya

   ○tanaya m. N. of an author Pratāp. Sch.

⋙ śāradātilaka

   ○tilaka n. N. of a Bhāṇa (q.v.) by Śaṃkara and of a mystical poem by Lakshmaṇâcārya (cf. RTL. 207) 
   • -tantra n. the Tantra called Śāradā-tilaka

⋙ śāradādikalpa

   ○"ṣdi-kalpa (○dâd○), m

⋙ śāradādevīmāhātmyapaṭala

   ○devī-māhātmya-paṭala n. N. of wks

⋙ śāradānanda

   ○"ṣnanda (○dân○), m. N. of a teacher of Yoga Cat. 
   • (prob.) n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ śāradānandana

   ○"ṣnandana (dân○), m. N. of a man Siṃhâs.

⋙ śāradāpurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n

⋙ śāradāpūjā

   ○pūjā f

⋙ śāradāmāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. N. of wks

⋙ śāradāmbā

   ○"ṣmbā (○dâmbā), f. the goddess Śāradā Cat.

⋙ śāradāsahasranāman

   ○sahasra-nāman n

⋙ śāradāstava

   ○stava m

⋙ śāradāstotra

   ○stotra n. N. of wks

≫ śāradika

   śāradika mfn. autumnal (only applied to certain substantives, as śrāddha, ātapa, roga) Pāṇ. 4-3, 12 ; 13 
   • (ā), f. śāradaka

≫ śāradin

   śāradin mfn. autumnal, belonging to autumn W.

≫ śāradīna

   śāradīna mfn. autumnal, kept or taking place in autumn Nalac.

≫ śāradīya

   śāradīya mf(ā)n. id

⋙ śāradīyamahāpūjā

   ○mahā-pūjā f. the autumnal great worship (of Durgā) Tithyād.

⋙ śāradīyākhyanāmamālā

   śāradīyâkhya-nāma-mālā f. N. of a glossary by Harsha-kīrti (printed in Benares AḌ. 1874)

≫ śāradya

   śāradya n. autumnal corn or grain VarBṛS.

≫ śāradvata

   śāradvata m. patr. fr. śarad-vat g. bidâdi 
   • N. of Kṛipa MBh. BhP. 
   • of Gautama Hariv. (pl. = gautamāḥ Pravar.) 
   • of a disciple of Kaṇva Śak. 
   • (ī), f. below

≫ śāradvatāyana

   śāradvatāyana m. patr. fr. śāradvata Pāṇ. 4-1, 102 (also pl. Saṃskārak.)

≫ śāradvatī

   śāradvatī f. patr. of Kṛipī MBh. 
   • N. of an Apsaras ib. Hariv.

⋙ śāradvatīputra

   ○putra m. = śāri-putra Buddh.

⋙ śāradvatīsuta

   ○suta m. a son of Kṛipī MBh.


   śārāva mf(ī)n. (from śarāva) placed on a shallow dish (as rice) Pāṇ. 4-2, 14 Sch.


   śārivā sārivā


   śārīṭaka m. N. of a village Rājat.


   śārīrá mf(ī)n. (fr. śarīra) bodily, corporeal, relating or belonging to or being in or produced from or connected with the body (with daṇḍa m. corporal punishment) ŚBr. &c. &c 
   • made of bone Suśr. 
   • n. bodily constitution MBh. VarBṛS. 
   • (in med.) the science of the body and its parts, anatomy Suśr. Car. 
   • the feces, excrement Mn. xi, 202 
   • the embodied soul or spirit W. 
   • = vṛṣa (?) L.

⋙ śārīrabrāhmaṇa

   ○brāhmaṇa n. (= bṛhad-āraṇyaka),

⋙ śārīralakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa n

⋙ śārīravidyā

   ○vidyā f

⋙ śārīravaidya

   ○vaidya n. N. of wks

⋙ śārīravraṇa

   ○vraṇa m. a bodily ulcer or tumour Suśr.

⋙ śārīrasthāna

   ○sthāna n. vāgbhaṭa-śārīra-sth○

⋙ śārīropaniṣad

   śārīrôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad (cf. śārīrakôp○)

≫ śārīraka

   śārīraka mfn. bodily, corporeal &c. (= śārīra) 
   • n. the soul or embodied spirit or the doctrine inquiring into its nature MW. 
   • = -sūtra Vedântas. 
   • N. of an Upanishad (cf. ○kôpaniṣad) and of a medical wk. by Śrī-mukha 
   • du. bodily joy and pain BhP.

⋙ śārīrakaṭīkā

   ○ṭīkā f. N. of wk. by Vācas-pati

⋙ śārīrakanyāya

   ○nyāya m. N. of a Vedânta wk 
   • -nirṇaya m. a Comm. on Śaṃkarâcārya's Śārīraka-bhāshya by Ānanda-tīrtha 
   • -maṇi-mālā f. N. of wk 
   • -rakṣā-maṇi m. a Comm. on Śaṃkarâcārya's Śārīraka-bhāshya by Appaya Dīkshita 
   • -saṃgraha m. an abridgment in verse of Rāmânuja's Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra by Bādhūla Śrī-nivāsâcārya

⋙ śārīrakapradīpikā

   ○pradīpikā f. N. of a Mīmāṃsā wk

⋙ śārīrakabhāṣya

   ○bhāṣya n. N. of Śaṃkara's Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra 
   • -tīkā f. -nyāyavārttika n. -vārttika n. -vibhāga, m. -vyākhyā f. N. of Comms. on it

⋙ śārīrakamīmāṃsā

   ○mīmāṃsā f. 'inquiry into the embodied spirit', N. of the Brahmasūtra 
   • -nyāya-saṃgraha m. -bhāṣya n. -vyākhyā f. N. of Comms. on it. [Page 1066, Column 3] 

⋙ śārīrakaśāstradarpaṇa

   ○śāstra-darpaṇa m. N. of wk

⋙ śārīrakasaṃkṣepa

   ○saṃkṣepa m. = saṃkṣepa-śārīraka, q.v

⋙ śārīrakasaṃgraha

   ○saṃgraha m

[[ ]]

   śārīrakasambandhoktisaṃkṣepa3śārīraka--sambandhôkti-saṃkṣepa m. N. of wks

⋙ śārīrakasūtra

   ○sūtra n. the aphorisms on the Vedânta philosophy (= brahma-sūtra) 
   • -sārârtha-candrikā f. N. of wk

⋙ śārīrakopaniṣad

   śārīrakôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad

≫ śārīrakīya

   śārīrakīya mfn. corporeal, psychological (as a book treating of the embodied soul) MW.

≫ śārīrika

   śārīrika mfn. relating to the body, corporeal, personal, material, contained in the body, incorporate, psychological ib.


   śāru śāruka, col. 1


   śārka m. = śarkarā, ground or candied sugar L.

≫ śārkaka

   śārkaka m. (only L.) id 
   • a lump of sugar 
   • a lump or ball of meat 
   • the froth of milk, cream

≫ śārkara

   śārkara mf(ī)n. (fr. śarkarā) gravelly, stony Pāṇ. 5-2, 105 
   • made of sugar, sugary Suśr. 
   • m. a stony or gravelly place MW. 
   • the froth or skim of milk L. 
   • n. N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr. (also wṛ. for śākvara)

≫ śārkaraka

   śārkaraka mfn. gravelly, stony W. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 83) 
   • m. a place abounding in stones or gravel ib.

≫ śārkarākṣa

   śārkarākṣa m. a patr. BhP. Sch. 
   • pl., ○kṣya

≫ śārkarākṣasa

   śārkarākṣasa (?), m. N. of a section of the Hāridraviiyas L.

≫ śārkarākṣi

   śārkarākṣi m. patr. fr. śarkarâkṣa ĀśvŚr.

≫ śārkarākṣya

   śārkarākṣya m. (g. gargâdi) patr. fr. id. ŚBr. ChUp. TĀr. (pl. ○kṣāḥ or ○kṣyāḥ)

≫ śārkarākṣyāyaṇī

   śārkarākṣyāyaṇī f. a patr. Pāṇ. 4-1, 73 Vārtt. 2 Pat.

≫ śārkarika

   śārkarika mfn. (fr. śarkara) Pāṇ. 4-2, 84

≫ śārkarin

   śārkarin mfn. suffering from gravel or stone Car. (prob. wṛ. for śarkarin)

≫ śārkarīdhāna

   śārkarīdhāna mfn. (fr. śarkarī-dhāna) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 109

≫ śārkarīya

   śārkarīya wṛ. for śarkarīya


   śā́rkoṭa mfn. coming from the serpent Śarkoṭa AV.


   śārgá m. a kind of bird, Maitr 
   • n. N. of various Sāmans (prob. wṛ. for śārṅga, q.v.)


   śārgāla more correctly sārgāla, q.v


   śārṅkhalatodi m. patr. fr. śṛṅkhala-todin g. bāhv-ādi


   śārṅga mf(ī)n. (fr. śṛṅga) made of horn, horny, corneous Suśr. 
   • derived or taken from the plant Śṛiṅga (as poison) Yājñ. 
   • armed with a bow Bhaṭṭ. 
   • m. a kind of bird MBh. (cf. śārga) 
   • patr. of various Vedic Ṛishis RAnukr. 
   • (ī), f. the female of the bird Sārṅga MBh. 
   • n. a bow (esp. that of Vishṇu) MBh. Hariv. Pur. 
   • fresh ginger L. 
   • N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.

⋙ śārṅgajagdha

   ○jagdha mf(ī)n. one who has eaten Śārṅga birds Pāṇ. 2-2, 36 Vārtt. 1 Pat.

⋙ śārṅgadatta

   ○datta m. N. of the author of the Dhanurveda Cat.

⋙ śārṅgadeva

   ○deva m. N. of the author of the Saṃgīta-ratnâkara ib.

⋙ śārṅgadhanus

   ○dhanus m. 'armed with the bow Śarṅga', N. of Vishṇu-Krishṇa Nalac. (○nurdhara m. id. Vishṇ.)

⋙ śārṅgadhanvan

   ○dhanvan m. = -dhanus MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ śārṅgadhanvin

   ○dhanvin m. id. MārkP.

⋙ śārṅgadhara

   ○dhara m. (also with śeṣa and miśra) N. of various authors 
   • -paddhati, or -vrajyā f. N. of a poetical anthology 
   • -saṃhitā f. N. of a medical wk 
   • ○rīya n. N. of a Nāṭaka

⋙ śārṅgapakṣin

   ○pakṣin m. the bird ŚṭŚarṅga MBh.

⋙ śārṅgapāṇi

   ○pāṇi m. 'holding (the bow) ŚṭŚarṅga in the hand', N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Kāv. Kathās. &c 
   • of the father of Vishṇu Sarva-jña (who was Sāyaṇa's Guru) Sarvad. 
   • of a Vaishṇava Cat. 
   • -stotra n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ śārṅgabhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. 'carrying (the bow) ŚṭŚarṅga', N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Kathās.

⋙ śārṅgāyudha

   śārṅgâyudha m. 'armed with (the bow) ŚṭŚarṅga', id. Hariv.

≫ śārṅgaka

   śārṅgaka m. a kind of bird (= śārṅga) MBh. 
   • (ikā), f. the female of that bird

≫ śārṅgavata

   śārṅgavata n. (fr. śṛṅga-vat) N. of the country Kuru-varsha L.

≫ śārṅgi

   śārṅgi in comp. for śārṅgin

⋙ śārṅgideva

   ○deva m. (in music) a kind of time or measure Saṃgīt. 
   • N. of an author ib., Introd. (cf. śārṅga-deva)

≫ śārṅgika

   śārṅgika m. = śārṅgaka MBh.

≫ śārṅgin

   śārṅgin m. 'bowman, archer', N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Śiś. 
   • of Śiva MW.


   śārṅgarava m. (fr. śṛṅga-rava?) N. of a disciple of Kaṇva Śak. (pl. Pravar.) [Page 1067, Column 1] 
   • (ī), f. N. of a woman Pāṇ. 4-1, 73


   śārṅgaṣṭā f. a tree resembling the Pongamia Glabra L. 
   • a kind of potherb Car.

≫ śārṅgeṣṭā

   śārṅgeṣṭā and vḷ. for prec. L.

⋙ śārṅgoṣṭhā

   śārṅgoṣṭhā vḷ. for prec. L.


   śārdūlá m. (of unknown derivation) a tiger VS. &c. &c 
   • a lion L. 
   • a panther, leopard L. 
   • the fabulous animal Śarabha L. 
   • a kind of bird L. 
   • any eminent person, best, excellent, pre-eminent (ifc 
   • cf. vyāghra) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • Plumbago Zeylanica L. 
   • N. of two metres (cf. below) Col. 
   • of a Rākshasa R. 
   • pl. N. of a Śākhā or school of the Yajur-veda 
   • (ī), f. a tigress (also the mythical mother of tigers and other beasts of prey) MBh. R.

⋙ śārdūlakarṇa

   ○karṇa m. N. of a son of Tri-śaṅku Buddh.

⋙ śārdūlacarman

   ○carmán n. a tiger's skin TBr.

⋙ śārdūlajyeṣṭha

   ○jyeṣṭha (śārdulá-), mfn. having a tiger as superior or chief ŚBr.

⋙ śārdūlamṛgasevita

   ○mṛga-sevita mfn. frequented by tigers and deer MBh.

⋙ śārdūlalalita

   ○lalita n. 'tiger's sport', N. of a metre (consisting of four Pādas of 19 syllables each) Col.

⋙ śārdūlaloman

   ○lomán n. tiger's hair ŚBr.

⋙ śārdūlavarman

   ○varman m. N. of a king Inscr.

⋙ śārdūlavāhana

   ○vāhana m. 'riding on a tiger', N. of Mañju-śrī L.

⋙ śārdūlavikrīḍita

   ○vikrīḍita n. 'tiger's play', N. of a metre (consisting of four Pādas of 19 syllables each) Gīt. Śrutab. Chandom. (also mfn. imitating a tiger's play)

⋙ śārdūlaśataka

   ○śataka n. N. of a poem

⋙ śārdūlasamavikrama

   ○sama-vikrama mfn. having prowess equal to a tiger, as bold as a tiger MW.


   śārmaṇa mfn. (fr. śarman) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 75


   śārmaṇya or ○ṇya-deśa m. the modern N. of Germany


   śāryātá m. patr. fr. śaryāti (also pl. and ī́ f.) RV. Br. Hariv. 
   • (with mānava) N. of the author of RV. x, 92 AitBr. Anukr. 
   • n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.

≫ śāryātaka

   śāryātaka m. = prec. Br.


   śārva mf(ī)n. (fr. śarva) relating or belonging or sacred to or derived from Śiva Kāv. Kathās. (with diś f. the east VarBṛS.)

≫ śārvavarmika

   śārvavarmika mfn. written or composed by Śarva-varman Cat.


   śārvarī mf(ī)n. (fr. śarvarī) belonging to night, nocturnal Kād. Hcar. Vās. 
   • pernicious, murderous L. 
   • (ī), f. night Vcar. ŚārṅgP. 
   • n. (cf. L. also m.) darkness, gloom BhP.

≫ śārvarika

   śārvarika mfn. nocturnal Vām. v, 2, 52

≫ śārvarin

   śārvarin m. (cf. śarvarin) N. of the 34th year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years Cat.


   śāl (cf. √śāḍ, which in one sense is vḷ.), cl. 1. Ā. śālate, to shine, be distinguished for or endowed with (instr.) Siṃhâs. Śiś. Sch. 
   • cl. 1. 10. Ā. śālate, or śālayate, to praise Dhātup. viii, 37 
   • xxxiii, 18 (cf. Vop.)

≫ śālita

   śālita mfn. shining with, beautified by, distinguished for (with instr. or comp.) Siṃhâs.

śāla 1

   śālá mfn. (fr. śṛ for śri) being in a house &c. ŚBr. (ám ind. 'at home' ib.) 
   • m. (also written sāla), an enclosure, court, fence, rampart, wall Inscr. Kāv. 
   • the Śāl tree, Vatica Robusta (a valuable timber tree) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • Artocarpus Locucha L. 
   • any tree L. 
   • a kind of fish, Ophiocephalus Wrahl Vās. 
   • N. of a son of Vṛika BhP. 
   • of king Śāli-vāhana L. 
   • of a river W. 
   • (ā), f. below 
   • n. (ifc.) = śālā (col. 2)

⋙ śālakaṭaṅkaṭa

   ○kaṭaṅkaṭa (also written śālaṅkaṭaṅk○), m. N. of a Rākshasa MBh. 
   • du. N. of two supernatural beings Yājñ. 
   • (ī), f. of a Rākshasī MBh. R. 
   • mfn. belonging to ŚālṭŚāli R.

⋙ śālagupta

   ○gupta m. N. of a man Pat. 
   • ○tāyani m. patr. fr. prec. ib.

⋙ śālagrāma

   ○grāma m. N. of a village situated on the river Gaṇḍakī and regarded as sacred by the Vaishṇavas (its name comes from the Śāl trees growing near it) Prab. Pur. 
   • N. of Vishṇu as worshipped at Śāla-grāma or as identified with the Śālgrām stone MBh. 
   • m. n. a sacred stone worshipped by the Vaishṇavas and supposed to be pervaded by the presence of Vishṇu (it is a black stone which contains a fossil ammonite and is chiefly found near the above village in the Gaṇḍaki) RTL. 69, 1412 
   • (ī), f. N. of the river Gaṇḍakī 
   • -kalpa m. N. of wk 
   • -kṣetra n. the district of Śālgrām Cat. 
   • -giri m. N. of a mountain producing the Śālgrām stone VāmP. 
   • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat. 
   • -dāna-kalpa m. -nirṇaya m. -parī7kṣā f. -māhātmya, n. -lakṣaṇa n. N. of wks. [Page 1067, Column 2] 
   • -śilā f. the Śālgrām stone Cat. 
   • -stotra n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ śālaja

   ○ja m. a kind of fish (= 1. śāla) L.

⋙ śālaniryāsa

   ○niryāsa m. the resinous exudation of the Śāl tree Ragh. Suśr.

⋙ śālapattrā

   ○pattrā f. Desmodium Gangeticum L.

⋙ śālaparṇikā

   ○parṇikā f. a kind of fragrant plant (prob. = next) L.

⋙ śālaparṇī

   ○parṇī f. Desmodium or Hedysarum Gangeticum L.

⋙ śālapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa n. the flower of the Śāl tree MBh. 
   • Hibiscus Mutabilis L. 
   • -nibha mfn. resembling the flowers of the Śāl tree (i.e. reddish-yellow) MBh. 
   • -bhañjikā f. a partic. game Pāṇ. 6-2, 74 Sch. 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. made of the flowers of the Śāl tree MBh.

⋙ śālapota

   ○pota m. a young Śāl tree MBh.

⋙ śālaprāṃśu

   ○prâṃśu mfn. as high as a Sāl tree Ragh.

⋙ śālabhañjikā

   ○bhañjikā f. an image or figure made of Śāl wood Kathās. Rājat. 
   • a kind of game played in the east of India Uṇ.ī, 32 Sch. 
   • a harlot, courtezan L. 
   • -prakhya mfn. resembling the above game MW. 
   • ○kāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be like a statue Nalac. (vḷ. śali-bh○)

⋙ śālabhañjī

   ○bhañjī f. a statue (made of Śāl wood) Prab.

⋙ śālamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. made of Śāl wood Pāṇ. 4-3, 144 Sch.

⋙ śālamarkaṭaka

   ○markaṭaka wṛ. for śālā-markaṭaka

⋙ śālarasa

   ○rasa m. = -niryāsa L.

⋙ śālavaṃśanṛpamuktāvalī

   ○vaṃśa-nṛpa-muktâvalī f. N. of wk

⋙ śālavadana

   ○vadana m. N. of an Asura Hariv.

⋙ śālavana

   ○vana bhadra-śāla-vana

⋙ śālavalaya

   ○valaya m. n. an encircling wall or rampart Vās.

⋙ śālavāṇaka

   ○vāṇaka m. pl. N. of a people VP.

⋙ śālavāha

   ○vāha m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ śālavāhana

   ○vāhana m. N. of a man Cat. 
   • = śāli-v○ Vīrac.

⋙ śālaveṣṭa

   ○veṣṭa m. = -niryāsa L.

⋙ śālaśṛṅga

   ○śṛṅga n. the top of a wall L.

⋙ śālasaṃkāśa

   ○saṃkāśa mfn. resembling the Śāl tree MBh.

⋙ śālasāra

   ○sāra m. a tree L. 
   • Asa Foetida L.

⋙ śālaskandha

   ○skandha and m. the trunk of the Śāl tree MBh.

⋙ śālastambha

   ○stambha m. the trunk of the Śāl tree MBh.

⋙ śālāṅkī

   śālâṅkī f. a doll, puppet, wooden figure (cf. śāla-bhañjikā) L.

⋙ śālendrarāja

   śālêndra-rāja m. N. of a Buddha SaddhP.

≫ śālaka

   śālaka (ifc.) = 1. śāla or = śālā ( tri-, pīta-, priya-ś○) 
   • m. (prob.) a jester, buffoon Pāṇ. 1-4, 106 Sch.

≫ śālana

   śālana n. (also written sāl○) the resin of Vatica Robusta Pañcar.

≫ śālā

   śā́lā f. (ifc. also śāla n.) a house, mansion, building, hall, large room, apartment, shed, workshop, stable AV. &c. &c. [Germ. sāl ; Eng. hall] 
   • a large branch (cf. śākhā) L. 
   • a kind of metre (cf. śālinī)

⋙ śālākarkaṭaka

   ○karkaṭaka n. a kind of radish L. (vḷ. -markaṭaka and -śarkataka)

⋙ śālākarman

   ○karman n. house-building, PārGr 
   • ○ma-paddhati f. N. of wk

⋙ śālākṣa

   ○"ṣkṣa (śālâkṣa), m. (prob.), house-eyed i.e. large-eyed (?)', N. of a man ĀśvŚr.

⋙ śālāgni

   ○"ṣgni (śālâgni), m. domestic fire Gaut. Gobh. (cf. RTL. 365)

⋙ śālājira

   ○"ṣjira (śālâj○), m. a kind of dish Hcar.

⋙ śālātva

   ○tva n. the state of (being) a house &c. MārkP.

⋙ śālādvār

   ○dvār f. or a house-door

⋙ śālādvāra

   ○dvāra n. a house-door 
   • ○rya mfn. being at the door or entrance of a house (as fire) KātyŚr. 
   • m. a kind of sacrificial fire Vait.

⋙ śālāpati

   ○pati (śā́lā), m. the lord of a house, a house-holder AV.

⋙ śālāmarkaṭaka

   ○markaṭaka -karkaṭaka

⋙ śālāmukha

   ○mukha n. the front of a house L. 
   • m. a kind of rice Suśr. 
   • ○khīya mfn. being at the front of a house (cf. -dvārya) 
   • m. a kind of sacrificial fire ŚrS.

⋙ śālāmṛga

   ○mṛga m. 'house-animal', a dog L. 
   • a jackal (as prowling near houses?) R. (vḷ. śākhā-mṛga)

⋙ śālāvaṃśa

   ○vaṃśa m. the chief part of a shed AitĀr.

⋙ śālāvat

   ○vat m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 5-3, 118 
   • (ī), f. N. of a wife of Viśvāmitra Hariv.

⋙ śālāvata

   ○vata m. pl. the descendants of Śālāvat Pāṇ. 5-3, 118 
   • (ī), f. a princess of the Śālāvatas ib.

⋙ śālāvatya

   ○vatya m. a king of the Śālāvatas ib. 
   • patr. fr. śalāvat ChUp. (cf. Śaṃk.)

⋙ śālāvṛka

   ○vṛka m. 'house-wolf', a dog, cat, jackal &c. L. (cf. śālāvṛká)

⋙ śālāśarkaṭaka

   ○śarkaṭaka -karkaṭaka

⋙ śālāśraya

   ○"ṣśraya (śālâśr○), mfn. dwelling in a house (-tva, n.) Baudh.

⋙ śālāsad

   ○sad mfn. sitting or being in a hṭhouse or stable AitBr.

⋙ śālāstambha

   ○stambha m. a house-post KātyŚr.

⋙ śālāstha

   ○stha mfn. standing in a stable (as elephants) MBh.

≫ śālānī

   śālānī f. the shrub Hedysarum Gangeticum L.

≫ śāli

   śāli (for 2. p. 1068, col. 1), in comp. for śālin. -1

⋙ śālitā

   ○tā f

⋙ śālitva

   ○tva n. (for 2. under 2. śāli) being connected or furnished or endowed with (comp.) Sarvad. Suśr. 
   • trust or confidence in, relying upon W.

≫ śālika 1

   śālika mfn. relating or belonging to a hall or room, g. vrīhy-ādi 
   • relating or belonging to the Śāl tree. W. 
   • (ā), f. a house, shop ( nāpita-ś○)

≫ śālin

   śālin mfn. possessing a house or room &c., g. vrīhy-ādi 
   • (ifc.) possessing, abounding in, full of, possessed of, amply provided or furnished with, conversant with, distinguished for MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • praiseworthy BhP. (cf. √śāl) 
   • m. N. of a teacher VāyuP. [Page 1067, Column 3] 
   • (inī), f. a kind of metre (four times ? ? ) Piṅg. Chandom. 
   • N. of a woman Śukas.

≫ śālī

   śālī f. a kind of plant (= kṛṣṇa-jīraka) W.

≫ śālīna

   śālīna mf(ā)n. having a fixed house or abode, settled, established, domestic Āpast. Baudh. 
   • impotent (in a partic. manner) Nār. 
   • shy, bashful, modest Kāv. Pur. (arn, ind. Naish.) 
   • like, resembling W. 
   • m. an opulent householder, one who devotes himself to household or worldly affairs ib. 
   • (ā), f. Anethum Panmorium or another species L. 
   • n. bashfulness, modesty, humility, (esp.) taking alms without begging BhP.

⋙ śālīnatā

   ○tā f. bashfulness, embarrassment, shyness, modesty Kāv.

⋙ śālīnatva

   ○tva n. the having a fixed abode or homestead Baudh. 
   • bashfulness Bhaṭṭ. 
   • -varjita mfn. devoid of modesty, immodest W.

⋙ śālīnaśīla

   ○śīla mfn. having a bashful disposition or retiring nature (-tva n.) Uttarar.

≫ śālīnī

   śālīnī in comp. for śālīna

⋙ śālīnīkaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. the making humble, humiliation Pāṇ. 1-3, 70 
   • abuse, reproach MW.

⋙ śālīnīkṛ

   ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make humble, humiliate ib.

≫ śālīnya

   śālīnya m. patr. fr. śālīna g. kurv-ādi

≫ śālīya

   śālīya mfn. 'belonging to a house', g. utkarâdi 
   • m. N. of a teacher Pur.

śāla 2

   śāla m. (for 1. col. 1) = śala g. jval-ādi 
   • m. n. (also written sāla), g. ardharcâdi


   śāla-grāma &c. 1. śāla, col. 1


   śālaṅka m. pl. the disciples of Śālaṅki Pat.

≫ śālaṅkāyana

   śālaṅkāyana m. (also written sāl○) patr. fr. śalaṅka g. nadâdi 
   • N. of a Ṛishi (son of Viśvāmitra 
   • pl. = Śālaṅkāyana's, descendants) ĀśvŚr. MBh. Pañcat. 
   • of one of Śiva's attendants L.

⋙ śālaṅkāyanagotra

   ○gotra n. the family of the Śālankāyanas MW.

⋙ śālaṅkāyanajā

   ○jā f. 'ŚṭŚālaṅkāyana's daughter', N. of Satyavatī L.

⋙ śālaṅkāyanabāṣkala

   ○bāṣkala m. pl. the ŚṭŚālaṅkāyana and the Bāshkalas Hariv.

⋙ śālaṅkāyanasauśrava

   ○sauśrava m. pl. the Śālaṅkāyana and the Sauśravas ib.

≫ śālaṅkāyani

   śālaṅkāyani m. a patr. (perhaps wṛ. for ○yana) Pravar.

≫ śālaṅkāyanin

   śālaṅkāyanin m. pl. the school of Śālaṅkāyana Lāṭy.

≫ śālaṅkāyanīputra

   śā́laṅkāyanī-pútra m. N. of a teacher ŚBr.

≫ śālaṅki

   śālaṅki m. patr. of Pāṇini L.


   śālaṅkaṭaṅkaṭa śāla-k○, on col. 1


   śālaṅkṛtya m. pl. N. of a family VP.


   śālabha mfn. (fr. śalabha) belonging to a moth or grasshopper 
   • m. (with vidhi) the way of the moth (to fly into fire, i.e. 'rushing inconsiderately into danger') Mudr. (cf. pataṃga-vṛtti)


   śālava m. Symplocos Racemosa L.


   śālāká m. (fr. śalāka) a collection of chips or brush-wood ŚBr. KātyŚr. 
   • m. (scil. agni) a fire of brush-wood ĀśvŚr.

≫ śālākābhreya

   śālākābhreya m. patr. fr. śalākā-bhrū g. śubhrâdi

≫ śālākin

   śālākin m. (prob. wṛ. for śalākin) a surgeon, barber W. 
   • a spearman ib.

≫ śālākeya

   śālākeya m. metron. fr. śalākā g. śubhrâdi

≫ śālākya

   śālākya m. an oculist who uses sharp instruments VarBṛS. 
   • n. employment of pointed instruments as a branch of surgery (cf. āyur-veda) Suśr. 
   • metron. fr. śalākā g. kurv-ādi

⋙ śālākyaśāstra

   ○śāstra n. the science of using sharp instruments for diseases of the eye &c. ib.


   śālāñci vḷ. for next


   śālāñji f. Achyranthes Triandra L. (vḷ. śālañca, ○lāñci, ○liñca)


   śālāturīya mfn. born in Śalātura Pāṇ. 4-3, 94 
   • m. N. of Pāṇini Gaṇar. 2


   śālāthala m. patr. fr. śalāthala Pravar.

≫ śālāthaleya

   śālāthaleya m. patr. fr. id., g. śubhrâdi


   śālāra n. (perhaps connected with śālā 
   • only L.) a bird-cage 
   • a ladder, flight of stairs 
   • the claw of an elephant 
   • (also written sālāra) a pin or peg projecting from a wall, bracket, shelf (cf. śalāka). [Page 1068, Column 1] 


   śālāluka mfn. dealing in śalālu (q.v.) Pāṇ. 4-4, 54


   śālāsthali m. a patr., g. krauḍyādi

≫ śālāsthalyā

   śālāsthalyā f. ib.

śāli 2

   śāli m. (accord. to some also f 
   • for 1. p. 1067, col. 2) rice (often varieties), any grain of a similar character to rice Mn. MBh. &c 
   • the civet-cat, pole-cat Hcar. (?) L. 
   • N. of a Yaksha (who was transformed into a lion 
   • cf. śāli-vāhana below) 
   • pl. grains of rice, rice R.

⋙ śālikaṇa

   ○kaṇa m. a grain of rice Kathās.

⋙ śālikūṭa

   ○kūṭa n. a heap of rice R.

⋙ śālikedāra

   ○kedāra m. a rice-field Vās. (vḷ.)

⋙ śālikṣetra

   ○kṣetra n. id. Yājñ. Sch.

⋙ śāligotra

   ○gotra m. N. of a teacher Cat. (vḷ. śāli-hotra)

⋙ śāligopī

   ○gopī f. the female watcher of a rice-field Ragh.

⋙ śālicūrṇa

   ○cūrṇa n. rice-flour, ground rice Rājat.

⋙ śālijāla

   ○jāla n. a mass or dense field of rice Ṛitus.

⋙ śālijaudana

   ○jâudana m. n. (ja + od○) rice-pap, boiled rice VarBṛS. -2

⋙ śālitā

   ○tā f

⋙ śālitva

   ○tva n. (for 1. p. 1067, col. 2) the state or condition of rice MW.

⋙ śālinātha

   ○nātha m. (also with miśra) N. of various authors Cat.

⋙ śāliparṇī

   ○parṇī f. Glycine Debilis Car. 
   • = māṣa-parṇī L.

⋙ śālipiṇḍa

   ○piṇḍa m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.

⋙ śālipiṣṭa

   ○piṣṭa n. rice-flour Suśr. 
   • crystal L.

⋙ śālibhañjikaya

   ○bhañjikaya śāla-bh○

⋙ śālibhadra

   ○bhadra m. N. of a Jina Siṃhâs. 
   • -caritra n. N. of wk

⋙ śālibhavana

   ○bhavana n. (cf. MBh.),

⋙ śālibhū

   ○bhū f. (cf. Rājat.) a rice-field

⋙ śālimañjari

   ○mañjari m. N. of a Ṛishi Cat. (written sāli-m○)

⋙ śālivah

   ○vah (strong form -vāh) mf(śāly-ūhī)n. carrying rice Vop.

⋙ śālivāha

   ○vāha m. an ox used for carrying rice MBh. R. (cf. Sch 
   • accord. to Nīlak. 'the measure of rice called śāli-vāha') 
   • a proper N. MW.

⋙ śālivāhana

   ○vāhana m. N. of a celebrated sovereign of India (said to be so called either from having ridden on a Yaksha called Śāli, or from Śali for Śāla, the Śāl tree, Śāli-vāhana being represented as borne on a cross made of that or other wood 
   • he was the enemy of Vikramâditya and institutor of the era now called Śaka, q.v 
   • his capital was Pratishṭhāna on the Godāvarī) Siṃhâs. Subh. Buddh. 
   • -caritra n. -sataka n. -saptatī f. N. of wks

⋙ śāliśiras

   ○śiras m. N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh. Hariv.

⋙ śāliśūka

   ○śūka m. n. an awn or beard of rice R. 
   • m. N. of a Maurya Pur.

⋙ śālisaṃrakṣikā

   ○saṃrakṣikā f. a female watcher of a rice-field Vās. Sch.

⋙ śālisūrya

   ○sūrya m. or n. N. of a place MBh.

⋙ śālistambhaka

   ○stambhaka (?), N. of wk

⋙ śālihotra

   ○hotra m. 'receiving offerings of rice', a poetical N. for a horse L. 
   • N. of a Muni and writer on veterinary subjects MBh. 
   • n. Śāli-hotra's work on veterinary science 
   • -jña mfn. versed in that science Pañcat. 
   • -sāra m. N. of wk 
   • ○trāyaṇa m. patr. fr. śālihotra (pl.), Prav 
   • ○trin m. a horse L. 
   • ○trīya n. ○trônnaya m. N. of medical wks

⋙ śālīkṣumat

   śālī7kṣu-mat mfn. sown with rice and sugar-cane VarBṛS.

≫ śālika 2

   śālika mfn. (for 1. p. 1067, col. 2) derived or prepared from rice (with piṣṭa n. rice-flour) Hcat. 
   • m. (with ācārya) N. of a teacher 
   • (ā), f. N. of wk

⋙ śālikanātha

   ○nātha m. N. of a poet Cat. 
   • of the author of a Comm. on the Gīta-govinda ib.

≫ śāleya

   śāleya mf(ī)n. sown with rice Bālar. 
   • m. or (ā), f. Anethum Panmori or Sowa (n. its grain) Car. 
   • m. a kind of radish L. 
   • N. of a mountain Vīrac.

≫ śāly

   śāly in comp. for 2. śāli

⋙ śālyanna

   ○anna n

⋙ śālyodana

   ○odana mṇ. boiled rice Kāv. Suśr.


   śāliñca m. ○cī f. = śālāñji L.

śālī 1

   śālī f. Nigella Indica L.

śālī 2

   śālī f. (prob. Prākṛit for śyālī 
   • cf. śyāla) a wife's sister ( comp.)

⋙ śālībhartṛ

   ○bhartṛ m. the husband of a wife's sṭsister Gal.

⋙ śālyūḍha

   śāly-ūḍha m. id. ib.

≫ śālūḍha

   śālūḍha m. (prob. corrupted) = prec. ib.


   śālīki m. N. of a teacher Baudh.


   śālīna &c. p. 1067, col. 3


   śālīhotra-munī m. N. of an author (prob. wṛ. for śali-h○) Cat.


   śālu m. (fr. √śal) a frog L. 
   • a kind of astringent substance L. 
   • a sort of perfume (commonly called Chor) L. 
   • n. a partic. fruit coming from the north VarBṛS. 
   • an esculent lotus-√cf. L

⋙ śāluveśakavaca

   ○veśa-kavaca n. N. of a Kavaca (q.v.)

≫ śāluka

   śāluka n. the esculent √of different kinds of lotus L.

≫ śālūka

   śālū́ka m. a frog L. 
   • N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi 
   • n. (ifc. f. ā) = śāluka AV. &c. &c. (also -kanda Kād.) 
   • a tumour in the throat Car. 
   • a nut-meg L. 
   • N. of a poet Cat. [Page 1068, Column 2] 

≫ śālūkikā

   śālūkikā f. a country rich in esculent lotus-roots Pat. Sch.

≫ śālūkikīya

   śālūkikīya mfn. (fr. śālūkikā) Pat.

≫ śālūkinī

   śālūkinī f. = śālūkikā g. puṣkarâdi 
   • N. of a Tīrtha MBh. 
   • of a village Pāṇ. 2-4, 7 Sch.

≫ śālūkeya

   śālūkeya m. patr. fr. śālūka g. śubhrâdi

≫ śālūra

   śālūra m. a frog KāśīKh. 
   • a kind of metre Col.

≫ śālūraka

   śālūraka m. a kind of worm infesting the intestines Car.


   śā́luḍa m. N. of an evil demon AV.


   śālottarīya (prob. wṛ. for śālāturīya, q.v.), m. N. of the grammarian Pāṇini L.


   śālmala m. the silk-cotton tree (only ifc 
   • sa-ś○) 
   • the gum or resin of the cotton tree L. 
   • N. of a Dvipa (also -dviipa) Pur.

≫ śālmali

   śālmali mf. (or ○lī, f 
   • cf. śalmalí) the Seemul or silk-cotton tree, Bombax Heptaphyllum or Salmalia Malabarica (a lofty and thorny tree with red flowers 
   • its thorns are supposed to be used for torture in one of the hells [cf. kūta-ś○], or it may stand for the N. of that hell) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • one of the 7 Dviipas or great divisions of the known continent (so called from the above tree said to grow there 
   • it is surrounded by the sea of ghee or clarified butter) MBh. Pur. 
   • patr. of a man (f. ○lyā), g. krauḍyādi 
   • N. of a son of Avikshit MBh. 
   • of another man descended from Agasti Hcat. 
   • (ī), f. below

⋙ śālmalidvīpa

   ○dvīpa m. the Śālmali-dviipa ( above)

⋙ śālmalipattraka

   ○pattraka m. Alstonia Scholaris L.

⋙ śālmalistha

   ○stha m. 'abiding in the Śālmali', a vulture L. 
   • N. of Garuḍa ib.

≫ śālmalika

   śālmalika mfn. (fr. śālmali), g. kumudâdi (with dviipa, m. = śālmali-dv○ MBh.) 
   • m. the tree Andersonia Rohitaka L. 
   • n. an inferior kind of Śālmali tree MW.

≫ śālmalin

   śālmalin m. N. of Garuḍa (cf. śālmali-stha) L. (inī), f. the silk-cotton tree L.

≫ śālmalī

   śālmalī f. = śālmali (above) 
   • N. of a river in the infernal regions Mn. iv, 90 
   • of another river R. 
   • of one of the Śaktis of Vishṇu MW.

⋙ śālmalīkanda

   ○kanda m. the √of the Śālmali tree ib.

⋙ śālmalīphala

   ○phala m. a partic. fruit-tree L.

⋙ śālmalīphalaka

   ○phalaka n. a smooth board of Śālmali wood (used to wash clothes upon) Mn. viii, 396

⋙ śālmalīveṣṭa

   ○veṣṭa or m. the gum or resin of the Śāmali tree L.

⋙ śālmalīveṣṭaka

   ○veṣṭaka m. the gum or resin of the Śāmali tree L.

≫ śālmalyā

   śālmalyā under śālmali


   śāly-anna śaly-odana, śāly, col. 1


   śālya-pati m. N. of a man Saṃskārak.


   śālva m. pl. (also written sālva 
   • cf. śalva) N. of a people GopBr. MBh. &c. (mfn. 'relating to the Śalvas', g. kacchâdi) 
   • sg. a king of the Śālvas (mentioned among the enemies of Vishṇu 
   • cf. śālvâri below) MBh. Hariv. BhP. 
   • (ā), f. (prob.) N. of a river, g. nady-ādi 
   • n. the fruit of the Śālva plant Pāṇ. 4-3, 166 Vārtt. 2 Pat. (vḷ.)

⋙ śālvanagara

   ○nagara n. the city of the Śālvas Hariv.

⋙ śālvapati


⋙ śālvarāja

   ○rāja or m. a king of the Śālvas MBh.

⋙ śālvarājan

   ○rājan m. a king of the Śālvas MBh.

⋙ śālvaseni

   ○seni m. pl. N. of a people MBh.

⋙ śālvāgiri

   śālvā-giri m. N. of a mountain, g. kiṃśulakâdi

⋙ śālvāri

   śālvâri m. 'enemy of Śālva', N. of Vishṇu L.

≫ śālvaka

   śālvaka mf(ikā)n. relating or belonging to or ruling over the Śālvas MBh. 
   • (○kī), f. g. gaurâdi

≫ śālvakinī

   śālvakinī f. N. of a river R.

≫ śālvaṇa

   śālvaṇa n. a poultice, cataplasm Suśr.

≫ śālvāyana

   śālvāyana mfn. = śālvaka MBh.

≫ śālvika

   śālvika m. (also written sāl○) a kind of bird L.

≫ śālveya

   śālveya m. pl. (also written sāl○) N. of a people MBh. 
   • sg. one who belongs to or reigns over the Śālveyas Pāṇ. 4-1, 169

≫ śālveyaka

   śālveyaka m. pl. N. of a people MBh.

śāva 1

   śāva m. (prob. fr. √1. śū for √śvi 
   • cf. śiśu) the young of any animal (cf. mṛga-śāva) MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ śāvatva

   ○tva n. (dvi-tri-catuḥ-ś○, 'the having two, three, or four young') VarBṛS.

≫ śāvaka

   śāvaka m. the young of any animal Kāv. (rarely applied to human beings, e.g. in muni-ś○, a young Brāhman) VarBṛS. Hit. &c

śāva 2

   śāva mfn. (fr. śava) cadaverous, relating to a dead body, produced by or belonging to a corpse Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • dead Hariv. 
   • of a cadaverous or dark yellowish colour, tawny W. 
   • n. defilement caused by contact with a corpse or the death of a relation MārkP. [Page 1068, Column 3] 

⋙ śāvāsauca

   śāvâsauca n. = 2. śāva n. W.

śāva 3

   śāva wṛ. for śyāva


   śāvara &c. śābara, p. 1065


   śāvasāyana m. patr. fr. śavas L.


   śāvasta ○sti, ○stī, śābasta


   śāvirī f. (in music) a partic. Rāga Saṃgīt.


   śāśa mfn. (fr. śaśa) belonging to or coming from a hare Yājñ. Car.

≫ śāśaka

   śāśaka mfn. id. Hariv.

≫ śāśakarṇi

   śāśakarṇi m. (also written śāsak○) patr. fr. śaśa-karṇa Saṃskārak.

≫ śāśabindu

   śāśabindu mf(ī)n. descended from Śaśa-bindu MBh.

≫ śāśādanaka

   śāśādanaka mfn. (fr. śaśâdana), g. dhūmâdi

≫ śāśika

   śāśika m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (B. śaśika)


   śā́śadāna √1. śad, p. 1051


   śāśvatá mf(ī)n. (fr. śaśvat) eternal, constant, perpetual, all (śā́śvatībhyaḥ sámābhyaḥ, śāśvatīḥ samāḥ, or śāśvatam, for evermore, incessantly, eternally) VS. &c. &c 
   • about to happen, future MW. 
   • m. N. of Śiva L. 
   • of Vyāsa L. 
   • of a son of Śruta (and father of Su-dhanvan) VP. 
   • of a poet and various other writers (esp. of a lexicographer, author of the Anekârtha-samuccaya) 
   • (ī), f. the earth L. 
   • n. continuity, eternity MBh. 
   • heaven, ether W.

⋙ śāśvatatva

   ○tva n. constancy, eternity MBh.

⋙ śāśvatamandira

   ○mandira mfn. having a fixed dwelling or abode VarBṛS.

⋙ śāśvatānanda

   śāśvatânanda and m. N. of two authors Cat.

⋙ śāśvatendra

   śāśvatêndra (with saras-vatī), m. N. of two authors Cat.

≫ śāśvatika

   śāśvatika mfn. = śāśvaṭa, eternal, constant, permanent Nir. Āpast. Kād.

⋙ śāśvatikatā

   ○tā f. the being eternal, eternity Harav.


   śāṣasāna m. N. of a physician Cat.


   śāṣkula mfn. (cf. śuṣkala and śauṣkala) eating flesh or fish L.


   śāṣkulika mfn. (fr. śaṣkulī) Pāṇ. 5-3, 108 ; iv, 3, 96 Sch. 
   • n. a quantity of baked cakes or pastry L.


   śāṣpaka mfn. (fr. śaṣpa), g. dhūmâdi

≫ śāṣpeya

   śāṣpeya m. N. of a teacher, g. śaunakâdi

≫ śāṣpeyin

   śāṣpeyin m. pl. the school of Śāshpeya ib.

śās 1

   śās (cf. √śaṃs), cl. 2. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxiv, 67) śāsti (Ved. and ep. also śā́ste and śāsati, ○te 
   • du. śiṣṭhaḥ &c. Pāṇ. 6-4, 34 
   • 3. pl. śāsati ib. vi, 1, 6 
   • impf. aśāt Br. &c 
   • Impv. śādhi, śāstána RV. 
   • Pot. śiṣyāt Up. GṛŚrS. 
   • pf. śaśāsa, ○suḥ [in RV. also Impv. śaśādhi and Subj. śaśās] RV. &c. &c 
   • aor. aśiṣat [in RV. also 1. pl. śiṣāmahi and p. śiṣát] ib. 
   • fut. śāsitā Gr 
   • śāsiṣyati, ○te Br. &c 
   • inf. śāstum GṛŚrS. 
   • śāsitum MBh. &c 
   • ind. p. śāsitvā or śiṣṭvā ib. 
   • -śiṣya Br. Up. 
   • -śāsya MBh. &c.), to chastise, correct, censure, punish RV. &c. &c 
   • to restrain, control, rule, govern (also with rājyam or aiśvaryam) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to administer the laws (with dharmam, 'to admṭadminister justice') MBh. 
   • to direct, bid, order, command, enjoin, decree (with an inf. or a sentence followed by iti) ib. 
   • to teach, instruct, inform (with two acc., or with acc. of pers. and dat. or loc. of thing) RV. &c. &c 
   • to confess (a crime) Mn. xi, 82 
   • to announce, proclaim Bhaṭṭ. 
   • to predict, foretell VarBṛS. 
   • to blame, reject, disdain (?) RV. x, 32, 4 
   • to praise, commend (= √śaṃs) Hit. iii, 102: Pass. śāsyate or śiṣyate (cf. √śiṣ), to be chastised or corrected &c. MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. śāśayati (aor. aśaśāsat Pāṇ. 7-4, 2), to recommend Bālar. v, 33: Desid. śiśāsiṣati Gr.: Intens. śeśiṣyate, śāśāsti ib.

≫ śās 2

   śā́s f. command 
   • a commander, ruler RV.

≫ śāsa 1

   śā́sa m. order, command RV. 
   • (śāsá) a commander, ruler, chastiser RV. 
   • N. of the hymn x, 152 AitBr. 
   • of its author (having the patr. Bhāradvāja) Anukr.

≫ śāsaka

   śāsaka m. a chastiser, teacher, instructor, governor, ruler Śiś. (cf. mahī-ś○)

≫ śāsana

   śā́sana mf(ī)n. punishing, a punisher, chastiser ( pāka-, pura-, rukmi-, smara-ś○) [Page 1069, Column 1] 
   • teaching, instructing, an instructor BhP. 
   • (ī), f. an instructress RV. i, 31, 11 
   • (am), n. (ifc. f. ā) punishment, chastisement, correction (śāsanaṃ-√kṛ, to inflict punishment) Baudh. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • government, dominion, rule over (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • an order, command, edict, enactment, decree, direction (śāsanaṃ-√kṛ [kāṅkṣ Baudh.] or śāsane-√vṛt or sthā, 'to obey orders' 
   • śāsanāt with gen., 'by command of' 
   • śāsanā f. Sch. on Śiś. xiv, 36) RV. &c. &c 
   • a royal edict, grant, charter (usually a grant of land or of partic. privileges, and often inscribed on stone or copper) Yājñ. Kāv. Rājat. &c 
   • a writing, deed, written contract or agreement W. 
   • any written book or work of authority, scripture (= śāstra) ib. 
   • teaching, instruction, discipline, doctrine (also= 'faith', 'religion') MBh. Kām. Kathās. 
   • a message ( comp.) 
   • self-control W.

⋙ śāsanadūṣaka

   ○dūṣaka mfn. disobeying a (royal) command Mṛicch.

⋙ śāsanadevatā

   ○devatā or f. (with Jainas) the female messenger of an Arhat HPariś.

⋙ śāsanadevī

   ○devī f. (with Jainas) the female messenger of an Arhat HPariś.

⋙ śāsanadhara

   ○dhara mfn. one who bears a message or order, a messenger, envoy Kuval.

⋙ śāsanapattra

   ○pattra n. 'edict-plate', a plate of copper or of stone on which an edict or grant is inscribed W.

⋙ śāsanaparāṅmukha

   ○parāṅmukha mf(ī)n. disobedient to an order BhP.

⋙ śāsanalaṅghana

   ○laṅghana n. transgression of an order or command Rājat.

⋙ śāsanavartin

   ○vartin mfn. obeying the orders of (gen.) Kathās.

⋙ śāsanavāhaka

   ○vāhaka mfn. = -dhara Kām.

⋙ śāsanaśilā

   ○śilā f. an edict (engraved on) stone Sadukt.

⋙ śāsanahara

   ○hara mfn. = -dhara L.

⋙ śāsanahāraka

   ○hāraka (cf. Kām.),

⋙ śāsanahārin

   ○hārin (cf. Ragh.), mfn. id

⋙ śāsanātivṛtti

   śāsanâtivṛtti f. the transgression of a command MW.

≫ śāsanīya

   śāsanīya mfn. to be chastised or corrected, deserving punishment, punishable MW. 
   • to be governed or directed or instructed Śak. (vḷ.)

≫ śāsita

   śāsita mfn. governed, ruled, directed, instructed MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • restrained, controlled R. 
   • punished, chastised Hit.

≫ śāsitavya

   śāsitavya mfn. to be taught or prescribed Pāṇ. 3-3, 133 Vārtt. 3 
   • to be governed or directed &c. W.

≫ śāsitṛ

   śāsitṛ m. a punisher, chastiser Mn. vii, 17 
   • a governor, commander, ruler over (acc. or comp.) Rājat. Kathās. Campak. 
   • a teacher, instructor Mn. Ragh. Sarvad.

≫ śāsin

   śāsin mfn. (only ifc.) punishing, chastising Hariv. 
   • governing, ruling Ragh. 
   • teaching, instructing Śiś.

≫ śāsus

   śā́sus n. order, command RV.

≫ śāsti 1

   śāsti f. correction, punishment MārkP. 
   • direction, order, command Prab. Sch. 
   • governing, ruling W. 
   • a sceptre ib.

≫ śāsti 2

   śāsti m. N. of the √śās Śiś. xiv, 66

≫ śāstṛ

   śāstṛ m. a chastiser, punisher MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • a ruler, commander TS. &c. &c 
   • a teacher, instructor Āpast. MBh. Hariv. &c. (also applied to Punishment and to the Sword personified) 
   • N. of Buddha Rājat. (accord. to L. also 'a Jina or the deified teacher of either of these sects') 
   • a father MW.

⋙ śāstṛtva

   ○tva n. the state of being a ruler, ruling, governing BhP.

≫ śāstṛka

   śāstṛka mfn. coming from a teacher Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Vārtt. 15 Pat.

≫ śāstra

   śāstrá n. an order, command, precept, rule RV. Kāv. Pur. 
   • teaching, instruction, direction, advice, good counsel MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • any instrument of teaching, any manual or compendium of rules, any bock or treatise, (esp.) any religious or scientific treatise, any sacred book or composition of divine authority (applicable even to the Veda, and said to be of fourteen or even eighteen kinds [see under vidyā] 
   • the word śāstra is often found ifc. after the word denoting the subject of the book, or is applied collectively to whole departments of knowledge, e.g. vedânta-ś○, a work on the Vedânta philosophy or the whole body of teaching on that subject 
   • dharma-ś○, a law-book or whole body of written laws 
   • kāvya-ś○, a poetical work or poetry in general 
   • śilpi-ś○, works on the mechanical arts 
   • kāma-ś○, erotic compositions 
   • alaṃkāra ś○, rhetoric, &c.)
   Nir. Prāt. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • a body of teaching (in general), scripture, science Kāv. Pur.

⋙ śāstrakāra

   ○kāra m. the author of a Śāstra VarBṛS.

⋙ śāstrakṛt

   ○kṛt m. id. BhP. Vedântas. 
   • a writer or author (in general) W.: a Ṛishi (as the author of sacred works) ib.

⋙ śāstrakovida

   ○kovida mfn. skilled in sacred works MW.

⋙ śāstragañja

   ○gañja m. N. of a parrot Kathās.

⋙ śāstragaṇḍa

   ○gaṇḍa m. = praghaṭā-vid, a superficial reader of books or a general reader (?) L.

⋙ śāstracakṣus

   ○cakṣus n. 'eye of science', grammar L. [Page 1069, Column 2] 
   • mfn. having authoritative works as eyes MBh. Kām. Car.

⋙ śāstracāraṇa

   ○cāraṇa mfn. = -darśin L.

⋙ śāstracintaka

   ○cintaka m. a learned man MBh.

⋙ śāstracaura

   ○caura m. one who unlawfully promulgates another's system of teaching (as if it were his own) MārkP.

⋙ śāstrajaladhiratna

   ○jaladhi-ratna n. N. of wk

⋙ śāstrajña

   ○jña mfn. (or m.) acquainted with the Śāstra's, learned, a specialist (kevala-ś○, 'a mere theorist') VarBṛS. Suśr. Pañcat. &c 
   • a mere theorist MW. 
   • -tā f. or -tva n. acquaintance with the Śāstra W.

⋙ śāstrajñāna

   ○jñāna n. knowledge of the ŚṭŚāstra, knowledge derived from the study of the ŚṭŚāstra W.

⋙ śāstratattva

   ○tattva n. the truth (taught) in the Śāstra W. 
   • -jña mfn. knowing thoroughly a Śāstra, understanding the truth of the Śāstras L. 
   • m. an astrologer L.

⋙ śāstratas

   ○tas ind. accord. to the ŚṭŚāstra or accord. to prescribed rules Mn. MBh. R. Suśr.

⋙ śāstratva

   ○tva n. the being a rule &c. Sarvad.

⋙ śāstradarpaṇa

   ○darpaṇa m. N. of various wks

⋙ śāstradarsana

   ○darsana n. mention in a ŚṭŚāstra or in any sacred or authoritative work 
   • (āt), ind. = śastra-tas MBh.

⋙ śāstradarśin

   ○darśin mfn. = -jña L.

⋙ śāstradasyu

   ○dasyu m. = -caura MBh.

⋙ śāstradīpa

   ○dīpa m

⋙ śāstradīpārthasāra

   ○dīpârtha-sāra m. N. of wks

⋙ śāstradīpikā

   ○dīpikā f. N. of two Comms. on the Mīmāṃsā-sūtra (by Pārtha-sārathi-miśra and Prabhā-kara)

⋙ śāstrakroḍa

   ○kroḍa m

⋙ śāstraṭīkā

   ○ṭīkā f

⋙ śāstraprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m

⋙ śāstraprabhā

   ○prabhā f

⋙ śāstrapraveśa

   ○praveśa m

⋙ śāstraloka

   ○loka m

⋙ śāstravyākhyā

   ○vyākhyā f. N. of wks

⋙ śāstradṛṣṭa

   ○dṛṣṭa mfn. 'seen in the ŚṭŚāstra', mentioned or prescribed in the Śāstra, according to precept or rule, scientific Mn. Kāv. &c

⋙ śāstradṛṣṭi

   ○dṛṣṭi f. scriptural point of view A. 
   • mfn. = -cakṣus MBh. 
   • m. an astrologer MārkP. (cf. -tattva-jña)

⋙ śāstranindā

   ○nindā f. reviling or denying the authority of the Śāstra W.

⋙ śāstranetra

   ○netra mfn. = -cakṣus Śivag.

⋙ śāstrapāṇin

   ○pāṇin wṛ. for śastra-p○ Hit.

⋙ śāstrapūjanaprakaraṇa

   ○pūjana-prakaraṇa n

⋙ śāstraprakāśikā

   ○prakāśikā f. N. of wks

⋙ śāstraprasaṅga

   ○prasaṅga m. the subject of the Śāstra W. 
   • discussion of sacred works W.

⋙ śāstrabuddhi

   ○buddhi f. learning (derived) from the Śiag R.

⋙ śāstramati

   ○mati mfn. having a well-informed mind, learned in the Śāstra Kām.

⋙ śāstramālā

   ○mālā f

⋙ śāstramālāvṛtti

   ○mālā-vṛtti f. N. of wks

⋙ śāstrayoni

   ○yoni m. the source of the ŚṭŚāstra (-tva n.) MW.

⋙ śāstravaktṛ

   ○vaktṛ m. an expounder of sacred books ib.- 1

⋙ śāstravat

   ○vat ind. = -tas MBh. Hit. (vḷ.) -2

⋙ śāstravat

   ○vat mfn. having or following sacred books or precepts, skilled in sacred writings W.

⋙ śāstravarjita

   ○varjita mfn. free from all rule or law Kāv.

⋙ śāstravāda

   ○vāda m. a precept or statement or maxim of the Śāstra R.

⋙ śāstravādin

   ○vādin m. a teacher of the ŚṭŚāstra Kāv.

⋙ śāstravid

   ○vid mfn. = -jñā Mn. Gaut. VarBṛ. 
   • one who has studied the Āyur-veda L.

⋙ śāstravidhāna

   ○vidhāna n. a precept of the ŚṭŚāstra W. 
   • ○nôkta mfn. prescribed by sacred precept MW.

⋙ śāstravidhi

   ○vidhi m. = -vidhāna W.

⋙ śāstravipratiṣiddha

   ○vipratiṣiddha mfn. forbidden by or contrary to the Śāstra W.

⋙ śāstravipratiṣedha

   ○vipratiṣedha m. opposition to the Śāstra, any act contrary to sacred precept ib.

⋙ śāstravimukha

   ○vimukha mfn. disinclined to learning, averse from study Bhartṛ.

⋙ śāstraviruddha

   ○viruddha mfn. opposed or contrary to the Śāstra W.

⋙ śāstravirodha

   ○virodha m. opposition to sacred precept ib. 
   • mutual contradiction of books, incompatibility of different works ib.

⋙ śāstravyutpatti

   ○vyutpatti f. perfect conversancy with the Śāstra MW.

⋙ śāstraśilpin

   ○śilpin m. the country of Kaśmīra ib. 
   • pl. the people of Kaśmīra L.

⋙ śāstrasaṃgraha

   ○saṃgraha m

⋙ śāstrasāra

   ○sāra m

⋙ śāstrasārāvali

   ○sārâvali f

⋙ śāstrasāroddhāra

   ○sārôddhāra m. N. of wks

⋙ śāstrasiddha

   ○siddha mfn. established by the Śāstra W. 
   • ○dhânta-leśa-saṃgraha m. ○dhânta-leśa-saṃgraha-sāra m. N. of wks

⋙ śāstrācaraṇa

   śāstrâcaraṇa n. observance of sacred precepts A. 
   • the study of the Śāstra MW. 
   • m. one versed in the Śāstra, a Paṇḍit W. 
   • a student of the Vedas or one whose conduct is regulated by their precepts ib.

⋙ śāstrātikrama

   śāstrâtikrama m. transgressing the ŚṭŚāstra, violation of sacred precepts ib.

⋙ śastrātiga

   śastrâtiga mfn. offending against the ŚṭŚāstra Baudh.

⋙ śāstrādhyāpaka

   śāstrâdhyāpaka m. a teacher of the Śāstras L.

⋙ śāstrānanuṣṭhāna

   śāstrânanuṣṭhāna n. disregard of the Śāstra Hit.

⋙ śāstrānuṣṭhāna

   śāstrânuṣṭhāna n. observance of the ŚṭŚāstra W. 
   • applying one's self to books MW.

⋙ śāstrānuṣṭhita

   śāstrânuṣṭhita mfn. established by the Śāstra, obeying sacred precepts W.

⋙ śāstrānusāra

   śāstrânusāra m. conformity to the ŚṭŚāstra ib.

⋙ śāstrānvita

   śāstrânvita mfn. conformable to doctrine or rule L.

⋙ śāstrābhijña

   śāstrâbhijña mfn. versed in the ŚṭŚāstra Hit.

⋙ śāstrārambhavādārtha

   śāstrârambha-vādârtha m. .,

[[ ]]

   śāstrārambhavādārambhasamarthana3śāstrârambha-vādâḍrambha-samarthana n. N. of wks

⋙ śāstrārtha

   śāstrârtha m. the object or purport of a book, a precept of the Śāstra or of any partic. ŚṭŚāstra MW.

⋙ śāstrāvartalipi

   śāstrâvarta-lipi f. a partic. mode of writing Lalit.

⋙ śāstrokta

   śāstrôkta mfn. declared or enjoined by the Śāstra W.

⋙ śāstropadeśakrama

   śāstrôpadeśa-krama m. N. of wk

⋙ śāstraugha

   śāstrâugha m. a treatise of great extent, IndSt

≫ śāstrika

   śāstrika mfn. versed in the Śāstras ŚivaP. [Page 1069, Column 3] 

⋙ śāstrita

   śāstrita mfn. (fr. śāstra), g. tārakâdi 
   • treated according to the Śāstras MW.

⋙ śāstritārtha

   śāstritârtha m. a scientifically treated subject ib.

≫ śāstrin

   śāstrin mfn. or m. versed in the Śāstras, learned (cf. satata-ś○) Cat. 
   • m. a teacher of sacred books or science, a learned man W. 
   • a Buddha Śiś. Sch.

≫ śāstrīya

   śāstrīya mfn. taught in or agreeable to the Śāstras, belonging to the Śāstras, conformable to sacred precepts, legal Sāh. Śaṃk. &c

⋙ śāstrīyatva

   ○tva n. the fact of being prescribed in the Śāstras Mn. Sch.

≫ śāsya

   śā́sya mfn. to be punished, punishable Mn. Gaut. Bālar. 
   • to be controlled or governed MBh. 
   • to be directed RV. 
   • to be corrected MW. 
   • wṛ. for sasya MBh. xii, 2691

≫ śiṣṭa


⋙ śiṣya

   śiṣya &c. 1. śiṣṭá p. 1076, col. 3, and p. 1077, col. 1

śās 3

   śās strong form of √1. śas

≫ śāsa 2

   śāsá m. (for 1. p. 1068, col. 3) a butcher's knife Br. ŚrS.

⋙ śāsahasta

   ○hasta mfn. holding a butcher's knife in the hand AitBr.

śās 4

   śās strong form for 3. śas ( uktha-śás)


   śāha m. = ? ( nema-, phatiha-, bhūmi-ś○) 
   • N. of a country belonging to Kaśmīra Rājat.

⋙ śāhajī

   ○jī m. N. of a king of Tanjore (1684-1711 
   • he is the supposed author of various wks.) Cat.

⋙ śāheśa

   śāhêśa m. the lord of Śāha ib.

≫ śāhi

   śāhi m. N. of a dynasty Rājat.

⋙ śāhimakaranda

   ○makaranda m. N. of a king and author Cat.


   śāheva m. (prob.) = ? Rājat.


   śāhnāma = ? Cat.

śi 1

   śi (accord. to some = √śo), c1. 3. P. śiśāti (Impv. śíśīhi, śādhi), to grant, bestow RV. (cf. Nir. v, 23) 
   • to present or satisfy with (instr.) ib. 
   • cl. 5. P. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxvii, 3) śinoti, śinute (p. śiṣāya, śiṣye 
   • aor. aśaiṣīt, aśeṣṭa fut. śeṣyati, ○te), to sharpen

≫ śita 1

   śitá mfn. (for 2. p. 1071, col. 2) satisfied, regaled RV. viii, 23, 13

śi 2

   śi m. N. of Śiva W. 
   • auspiciousness, good fortune ib. 
   • peace, composure, calm ib.

śi 3

   śi (in gram.) a technical term for the case-ending i (substituted for jas and śas in neuters)


   śiṃśa m. a kind of fruit-tree MBh.


   śiṃśápā f. (rarely and m. c. śiṃśapa, m.) the tree Dalbergia Sissoo AV. &c. &c 
   • the Aśoka tree W.

⋙ śiṃśapāsthala

   ○sthala śāṃśapāsthala

≫ śiṃśapāyana

   śiṃśapāyana vḷ. for vaiśampāyana VP.

≫ śiṃśipā

   śiṃśipā wṛ. for śiṃśapā


   śiṃśumā́ra m. a porpoise, Delphinus Gangeticus (= śiśu-māra, q.v.) RV. TS. (= grāha Sāy.)

⋙ śiṃśumāraśānti

   ○śānti f

⋙ śiṃśumārastava

   ○stava m. N. of wks


   śiṃh = √śiṅgh (cf. uc-chiṃhana and upa-śiṃhana)

≫ śiṃhāṇa


⋙ śiṃhāṇaka

   śiṃhāḍṇaka śinghāṇa &c


   śikam ind., g. câdi


   śikku mfn. idle, lazy, following no business or profession L.


   śiktha ○thaka, siktha


   śikman sú-śikman


   śikyá n. (cf. L. also ā f.) a kind of loop or swing made of rope and suspended from either end of a pole or yoke to receive a load, carrying swing (also applied to the load so carried) AV. &c. &c 
   • the string of a balance W. 
   • = vajra-vikāra (?) Vop.

⋙ śikyāpāśa

   ○pāśá m. the string by which a vessel is suspended ŚBr.

⋙ śikyāvat

   ○vat mfn. provided with a carrying sling KātyŚr.

⋙ śikyākṛta

   śikyā́-kṛta (?), mfn. suspended by strings AV. xiii, 4, 8

⋙ śikyādhāra

   śikyâdhāra m. 'loop-holder', the hook or eye at each end of a pole or beam which bears the above looped cord for holding the strings of a balance W.

⋙ śikyoduta

   śikyốduta mfn. suspended in a swing or loop ŚBr.

≫ śikyaka

   śikyaka (prob.) n. = śikya, a loop or swing ( next)

⋙ śikyakavastra

   ○vastra n. a balance made of cloth and suspended by strings VarBṛS. [Page 1070, Column 1] 

≫ śikyita

   śikyita mfn. suspended in a swing or loop made of cord &c. L.


   śikvá mfn. (fr. √śak) skilful, clever, artistic AV.

≫ śikvan

   śíkvan mfn. id. RV. TS. (accord. to Sāy.= rajju and tejas)

≫ śikvas

   śíkvas mfn. mighty, powerful, able RV.


   śikṣ (properly Desid. of √śak 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 54), cl. 1. P. Ā. śíkṣati, ○te (in later language oftener Ā 
   • cf. Dhātup. xvi, 4 
   • pr. p. śíkṣat, śíkṣamāṇa RV. 
   • śikṣāṇa MBh. 
   • Impv. śiśikṣa Nir. 
   • aor. aśikṣithṭa Bhaṭṭ.), 'to wish to be able', (P.) try to effect, attempt, undertake TS. AV. 
   • (Ā 
   • rarely P.) to learn, acquire knowledge, study, practise, learn from (abl. or sakāśāt with gen.) RV. &c. &c 
   • to practise one's self in (loc.)
   Kathās. (cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 2 Vārtt. 3 Sch.) 
   • 'to wish to be able to effect for others' (P.) wish to help, aid, befriend (dat.) RV. 
   • (P.) to wish to give, bestow ib. 
   • (P.) to wish to present with (instr.) Nir. ŚāṅkhBr. 
   • (Ā.) to offer one's service to, enter the service of (acc.) MBh.: Pass. śikṣyate (aor. aśikṣi), to be learnt or practised Kād. Kathās.: Caus. śikṣayati (rarely ○te 
   • aor. aśiśikṣat), to cause to learn, impart knowledge, inform, instruct, teach (with acc. of pers. or thing 
   • also with two acc., or with acc. of pers. and loc. of thing, or with acc. of pers. and inf., or with acc. of thing and gen. of pers.) Mn. MBh. &c

≫ śikṣa

   śikṣa m. N. of a king of the Gandharvas R. 
   • (ā), f. below

≫ śikṣaka

   śikṣaka mfn. teaching, instructing Śiś. Sch. (m. a teacher Mālav. 
   • a trainer, hasti-ś○ 
   • a learner W.) 
   • one who knows Śikshā (q.v.), g. kramâdi

≫ śikṣaṇa

   śikṣaṇa n. the act of learning, acquiring knowledge W. 
   • teaching, instruction in (loc. or comp.) Kām. BhP.

≫ śikṣaṇīya

   śikṣaṇīya mfn. to be taught (with acc.) Kāv. Kathās. 
   • to be learnt W.

≫ śikṣayitṛ

   śikṣayitṛ m. an instructor, teacher MW.

≫ śikṣā

   śikṣā f. desire of being able to effect anything, wish to accomplish Kir. xv, 37 
   • learning study knowledge, art, skill in (loc. or comp 
   • śikṣayā or ○kṣābhis, 'skilfully, artistically, correctly') MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • teaching, training (held by Buddhists to be of three kinds, viz. adhicitta-śikṣā, training in the higher thought 
   • adhiśīla-ś○, training in the higher morality 
   • adhiprajñā-ś○, training in the higher learning Dharmas. 140), instruction, lesson, precept ŚāṅkhBr. TUp. &c 
   • chastisement, punishment Nyāyam. Sch. 
   • the science which teaches proper articulation and pronunciation of Vedic texts (one of the six Vedâṅgas, q.v.) Prāt. MuṇḍUp. &c 
   • modesty, humility, diffidence W. 
   • (?) helping, bestowing, imparting ( śikṣā-nará) 
   • the plant Bignonia Indica L.

⋙ śikṣākara

   ○kara m. 'instruction-causing', a teacher W. 
   • N. of Vyāsa L. 
   • -gupta m. (prob.) N. of a Sch. on the Hariprabodha Cat.

⋙ śikṣākāra

   ○kāra m. a singer capable of teaching others Saṃgīt. 
   • the author of a Śikshā TPrāt. Sch.

⋙ śikṣākṣara

   ○"ṣkṣara (śikṣâkṣ○), n. a sound pronounced according to the rules of Śikshā R. 
   • mfn. correctly pronounced MBh.

⋙ śikṣāguru

   ○guru m. a religious preceptor. MW.

⋙ śikṣācāra

   ○"ṣcāra (śikṣâc○), mfn. conducting one's self according to precept Rājat.

⋙ śikṣādaṇḍa

   ○daṇḍa m. punishment (serving for) a lesson ib.

⋙ śikṣādaśaka

   ○daśaka n. N. of wk. on Bhakti

⋙ śikṣānara

   ○nará mfn. helping men or liberal towards men RV. (= dānasya netā, Śāy.)

⋙ śikṣānīti

   ○nīti f

⋙ śikṣāpañcaka

   ○pañcaka n

⋙ śikṣāpattra

   ○pattra n. or N. of wks

⋙ śikṣāpattrī

   ○pattrī f. N. of wks

⋙ śikṣāpada

   ○pada n. moral precept Buddh. 
   • -prajñapti f. N. of a part of the Vinaya (q.v.) ib.

⋙ śikṣāprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m

⋙ śikṣābodha

   ○bodha m. N. of wks

⋙ śikṣārasa

   ○rasa m. desire of acquiring skill in (loc.) Viddh.

⋙ śikṣāvat

   ○vat mfn. possessed of knowledge, learned Hariv. 
   • full of instruction, instructive (as a tale) Kathās.

⋙ śikṣāvallī

   ○vallī f. N. of the 1st ch. of the Taittirīya Upanishad

⋙ śikṣāvidhi

   ○vidhi m. N. of wk

⋙ śikṣāśakti

   ○śakti f. 'power of learning', dexterity, skill W.

⋙ śikṣāsaṃvara

   ○saṃvara m. the moral life of a monk Kāraṇḍ.

⋙ śikṣāsamuccaya

   ○samuccaya m

⋙ śikṣāsūtra

   ○sūtra n. pl. N. of wks

⋙ śikṣāsvara

   ○svara m. = śikṣâkṣara n. R.

≫ śikṣāṇa

   śikṣāṇa under √śikṣ

≫ śikṣita

   śikṣita mfn. learnt, studied, practised Baudh. Kāv. &c 
   • taught, instructed or trained or exercised in (acc., loc., or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • docile W. 
   • skilful, clever, conversant ib. 
   • modest, diffident ib. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a woman ( śaikṣita) 
   • n. teaching, instruction BhP.

⋙ śikṣitākṣara

   śikṣitâkṣara mfn. one who has been taught letters or literature Rājat. [Page 1070, Column 2] 
   • m. a pupil, scholar L.

⋙ śikṣitāyudha

   śikṣitâyudha mfn. skilled in weapons L.

≫ śikṣitavya

   śikṣitavya mfn. to be learnt from (abl.) ĀśvŚr. Sch. 
   • to be instructed or taught W.

≫ śikṣitukāma

   śikṣitu-kāma mfn. (śikṣitu for inf. ○tum) one who is willing to learn, a beginner in his art Mṛicch.

≫ śikṣin

   śikṣin mfn. learning 
   • instructing MW.

≫ śikṣu

   śikṣú mfn. helpful, liberal RV.

≫ śikṣuka

   śikṣuka mfn. one who studies Śikshā MāṇḍŚ.

≫ śikṣeṇya

   śikṣeṇya mfn. instructive Vait.

≫ śikṣya

   śikṣya mfn. to be learnt or taught W.


   śikha m. N. of a serpent-demon (mentioned together with anu-śikha, q.v.) PañcavBr. 
   • (ā), f. below 
   • (ī), f. a kind of magic Divyâv. 
   • N. of a river VP.


   śikhaka m. = lekhaka, a writer, scribe L.


   śikhaṇḍá m. (cf. śikhā) a tuft or lock of hair left on the crown or sides of the head at tonsure TS. ŚBr. Daś. 
   • any crest or plume or tuft MW. 
   • a peacock's tail Vikr. 
   • a kind of plant L. 
   • (ī), f. below

⋙ śikhaṇḍāstha

   śikhaṇḍâsthá n. du. N. of partic. bones ŚBr. (cf. next)

≫ śikhaṇḍaka

   śikhaṇḍaka m. a tuft or lock of hair (= śikhaṇḍa) Kālid. 
   • three or five locks left on the side of the head (esp. in men of the military class, = kākapakṣa, q.v.) W. 
   • a curl or ringlet MW. 
   • a peacock's tail Gīt. 
   • du. (accord. to Sch. n.) the fleshy parts of the body below the buttocks TS. 
   • (with mystic Śaivas) one who attains a partic. degree of emancipation Hcat.

≫ śikhaṇḍi

   śikhaṇḍi in comp. for ○ṇḍin

⋙ śikhaṇḍiketu

   ○ketu m. 'having a peacock for an emblem', N. of Skanda Bālar.

⋙ śikhaṇḍimat

   ○mat mfn. rich in peacocks Kum.

≫ śikhaṇḍika

   śikhaṇḍika m. a cock L. 
   • (prob.) one who attains a partic. stage of emancipation Hcat. 
   • (ā), f. a tuft or lock of hair on the crown of the head W. 
   • (prob.) n. a kind of ruby L.

≫ śikhaṇḍita

   śikhaṇḍita n. N. of a metre, Kad

≫ śikhaṇḍin

   śikhaṇḍín mfn. wearing a tuft or lock of hair, tufted, crested (applied to various gods) AV. MBh. R. 
   • m. a peacock Kāv. Pur. Kathās. 
   • a peacock's tail L. 
   • a cock L. 
   • an arrow L. 
   • one who attains a partic. degree of emancipation Hcat. 
   • N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa MBh. 
   • of a Ṛishi or Muni (one of the seven stars of the Great Bear 
   • cf. citra-ś○) W. 
   • of a son of Drupada (born as a female [see śikhaṇḍinī], but changed into a male by a Yaksha 
   • in the great war between Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas he became instrumental in the killing of Bhīshma who declined to fight with a woman, but he was afterwards killed himself by Aśvatthāman 
   • in the ŚāṅkhBr. he has the patr. Yājñasena) MBh. 
   • of a Brāhman Lalit. 
   • of a mountain Cat. 
   • (inī), f. a pea-hen MBh. 
   • the shrub Abrus Precatorius L. 
   • N. of a daughter of Drupada (afterwards changed to a male 
   • above) MBh. 
   • of the wite of Antardhāna Hariv. Pur. 
   • of two Apsaras (daughters of Kaśyapa and regarded as the authoresses of RV. ix, 104) Anukr.

≫ śikhaṇḍī

   śikhaṇḍī f. (of śikhaṇḍa g. gaurâdi) a lock on the crown of the head L. 
   • Abrus Precatorius L. 
   • yellowjasmine L.

⋙ śikhaṇḍīvedāntasāra

   ○vedânta-sāra (?), m. N. of wk

≫ śikhāṇḍaka

   śikhāṇḍaka m. = śikhaṇḍaka, a tuft or lock of hair L.


   śikhara &c. col. 3


   śikha-lohita m. (perhaps for śikhā-l○, 'red as a flame') N. of a plant (commonly called kukura-muḍā) W.


   śíkhā f. (of doubtful derivation 
   • prob. connected with √1. śi, 'to sharpen') a tuft or lock of hair on the crown of the head, a crest, topknot, plume ŚBr. &c. &c 
   • a peacock's crest or comb MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • a pointed flame, any flame ib. 
   • a ray of light Kum. Kathās. 
   • a sharp end, point, spike, peak, summit, pinnacle, projection, end or point (in general)
   MaitrUp. Kāv. VarBṛS. 
   • the end or point or border of a garment Śak. 
   • the point or tip of the foot L. 
   • the nipple L. 
   • a branch which takes √, any branch L. 
   • a fibrous √, any √L. 
   • the plant Jussiaea Repens L. 
   • the head or chief or best of a class L. 
   • the fever or excitement of love L. 
   • a partic. part of a verse or formula (the crest of the verse compared to a king) RāmatUp. [Page 1070, Column 3] 
   • = śikha-vṛddhi Gaut. 
   • N. of various metres Col. 
   • of a river (prob. wṛ. for śikhī) VP.

⋙ śikhākanda

   ○kanda n. a kind of onion or garlic L.

⋙ śikhāgradat

   ○"ṣgra-dat or (śikhâg○), mfn. Pāṇ. 4,? 145 Sch.

⋙ śikhāgradanta

   ○"ṣgra-danta (śikhâg○), mfn. Pāṇ. 4,? 145 Sch.

⋙ śikhācala

   ○cala wṛ. for

⋙ śikhāvala

   ○vala L.

⋙ śikhājaṭa

   ○jaṭa mfn. having a single lock of hair on the top of the head (the rest being shaved off) Gaut. Āpast. Mn. (cf. -muṇḍa)

⋙ śikhātaru

   ○taru m. 'flame-support', a lamp-stand L.

⋙ śikhādāman

   ○dāman n. a wreath worn on the top of the head Megh. (cf. Sch.)

⋙ śikhādhara

   ○dhara mfn. having a sharp end or point, having a top-knot W. 
   • m. a peacock Kir. 
   • N. of a Mañjuśrī L. 
   • -ja, 'peacock-produced', a peacock's feather MW.

⋙ śikhādhāra

   ○dhāra m. 'crest-wearer', a peacock L.

⋙ śikhāpati

   ○pati m. N. of a man Saṃskārak.

⋙ śikhāpāśa

   ○pāśa m. a tuft of hair Bhar.

⋙ śikhāpitta

   ○pitta n. inflammation in the extremities (as in fingers or toes) L.

⋙ śikhābandha

   ○bandha m. a tuft of hair L.

⋙ śikhābandhana

   ○bandhana n. the binding together of locks of hair Cat.

⋙ śikhābharaṇa

   ○"ṣbharaṇa (śikhâbh○), n. a crest-ornament, diadem Vikr.

⋙ śikhāmaṇi

   ○maṇi m. a crest-jewel, jewel worn on the head Kāv. Kathās. 
   • (ifc.) the head or chief or best of a class BhP. Rājat.

⋙ śikhāmārjita

   ○mārjita mfn. one who has his top locks combed and cleansed Śak.

⋙ śikhāmuṇḍa

   ○muṇḍa mfn. one who has only one lock on the crown of his head left unshaven Baudh. (cf. -jaṭa)

⋙ śikhāmūla

   ○mūla n. any √which has a tuft of leaves W. 
   • = -kanda L. (vḷ. śikhi-m○) 
   • a carrot W. 
   • a turnip W.

⋙ śikhālambin

   ○lambin mfn. hanging down from the top of the head Kāvyâd. -1

⋙ śikhāvat

   ○vat ind. like a crest MW. -2

⋙ śikhāvat

   ○vat mfn. flaming, burning Śiś. 
   • pointed Kull. on Mn. i, 38 
   • m. fire Kir. 
   • a lamp W. 
   • a comet or the descending node L. 
   • a partic. plant or tree (= citraka) MW. 
   • N. of a man MBh. 
   • (atī), f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana L. 
   • another plant, cock's comb MW.

⋙ śikhāvara

   ○vara m. the jack fruit tree L.

⋙ śikhāvarta

   ○"ṣvarta (śikhâv○), m. N. of a Yaksha MBh.

⋙ śikhāvala

   ○vala mfn. pointed, crested W. 
   • m. a peacock, Kavyâd 
   • (ā), t. Celosia Cristata W.

⋙ śikhāvṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. = -taru L.

⋙ śikhāvṛddhi

   ○vṛddhi f. 'high-interest', a kind of usurious interest increasing daily, Bṛihasp

⋙ śikhāsūtra

   ○sūtra n. the lock of hair on the crown of the head and the sacred thread (regarded as distinguishing marks of a Brāhman) MW.

⋙ śikhopaniṣad

   śikhôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad

≫ śikhara

   śikhara mfn. pointed, spiked, crested Megh. Kathās. 
   • m. n. a point, peak (of a mountain), top or summit (of a tree), edge or point (of a sword), end, pinnacle, turret, spire MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • erection of the hair of the body L. 
   • the arm-pit L. 
   • a ruby-like gem (of a bright red colour said to resemble ripe pomegranate seed) L. 
   • (?) the bud of the Arabian jasmine (cf. -daśanā) 
   • N. of a mythical weapon (astra) R. 
   • m. a partic. position of the fingers of the hand Cat. 
   • N. of a man Kathās. 
   • (ā), f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana (a plant from the fibres of which bow-strings are made) L. 
   • N. of a partic. mythical club (gadā) R. 
   • (ī), f. id. R. (B.) 
   • = karkaṭa-śṛṅgī L. 
   • n. cloves L.

⋙ śikharadatī

   ○datī f. having pointed teeth Vām. (in a quotation)

⋙ śikharadaśanā

   ○daśanā f. id. Megh. (cf. Sch., having teeth resembling the buds of the Arabian jasmine')

⋙ śikharanicaya

   ○nicaya m. a collection of mountain-peaks MW.

⋙ śikharavāsinī

   ○vāsinī f. 'dwelling on a peak (of the Himâlaya)', N. of Durgā L.

⋙ śikharasena

   ○sena m. N. of a man Mudr.

⋙ śikharādri

   śikharâdri m. N. of a mountain MārkP.

⋙ śikhareśaliṅga

   śikharêśa-liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga on the Kailāsa mountain Cat.

≫ śikhari

   śikhari in comp. for ○rin

⋙ śikharipattrin

   ○pattrin m. a winged or flying mountain Bhartṛ.

⋙ śikharisama

   ○sama mfn. mountain-like MW.

⋙ śikharīndra

   śikharī7ndra m. the chief of mountains (applied to Raivataka Sch.) Śiś. vi, 73

≫ śikharin

   śikharin mfn. pointed, peaked, crested, tufted MBh. R. &c 
   • resembling the buds of the Arabian jasmine MW. 
   • m. a peaked mountain, any mountain MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • N. of a mountain Śatr. Sch. 
   • a hill-post, stronghold L. 
   • a tree L. 
   • Achyranthes Aspera L. 
   • Andropogon Bicolor L. 
   • a partic. parasitical plant L. 
   • the resin of Boswellia Thurifera L. 
   • Parra Jacana or Goensis L. 
   • a kind of antelope L. 
   • (iṇī), f. an eminent or excellent woman L. 
   • a dish of curds and sugar with spices Bhpr. 
   • a line of hair extending across the navel L. 
   • a kind of vine or grape L. 
   • Jasminum Sambac L. 
   • Sanseviera Roxburghiana L. 
   • Arabian jasmine L. 
   • a kind of Atyashṭi metre (four times ?) Gīt. Śrutab. Chandom.

≫ śikhi 1

   śikhi m. (m. c. for śikhin) a peacock Hariv. 
   • N. of Indra under Manu Tāmasa MārkP. 
   • the god of love L. [Page 1071, Column 1] 

≫ śikhi 2

   śikhi in comp. for śikhin

⋙ śikhikaṇa

   ○kaṇa m. 'fire-particle', a spark Harav.

⋙ śikhikaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭha or n. blue vitriol L.

⋙ śikhigrīva

   ○grīva n. blue vitriol L.

⋙ śikhitama

   ○tama m. a partic. Gaṇa of Śiva Harav.

⋙ śikhitā

   ○tā f. the state of a peacock Kathās.

⋙ śikhitīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat.

⋙ śikhidiś

   ○diś f. Agni's quarter of the sky, south-east VarBṛS.

⋙ śikhidyut

   ○dyut mfn. gleaming like fire Śiś.

⋙ śikhidhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. 'fire-marked', smoke L. 
   • 'peacock-marked', N. of Kārttikeya L. 
   • n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat. 
   • -tīrtha n. id. MW.

⋙ śikhipiccha

   ○piccha (cf. MBh.) or (cf. L.), n. a peacock's tail

⋙ śikhipuccha

   ○puccha (cf. L.), n. a peacock's tail

⋙ śikhipriya

   ○priya m. a kind of jujube tree L.

⋙ śikhibhū

   ○bhū m. N. of Skanda Harav.

⋙ śikhimaṇḍala

   ○maṇḍala m. Crataeva Roxburghī L.

⋙ śikhimūla

   ○mūla śikhā-m○

⋙ śikhimodā

   ○modā f. a kind of plant (= aja-m○) L.

⋙ śikhiyūpa

   ○yūpa m. a kind of antelope (= śrī-kārin) L.

⋙ śikhivardhaka

   ○vardhaka m. Benincasa Cerifera L.

⋙ śikhivāsas

   ○vāsas m. N. of a mountain VP.

⋙ śikhivāhana

   ○vāhana m. 'having a peacock for his vehicle', N. of Kārttikeya L.

⋙ śikhivrata

   ○vrata n. a partic. religious observance, Gāruḍap

⋙ śikhiśikhā

   ○śikhā f. a peacock's crest W. 
   • 'fire-peak', a flame W.

⋙ śikhiśṛṅga

   ○śṛṅga m. a spotted antelope L.

⋙ śikhiśekhara

   ○śekhara n. a peacock's crest W.

⋙ śikhīndra

   śikhī7ndra m. ebony, Diospyros Ebenaster L.

≫ śikhin

   śikhin mfn. having a tuft or lock of hair on the top of the head Gaut. MBh. &c 
   • one who has reached the summit of knowledge BrahmUp. 
   • proud MW. 
   • m. a peacock RPrāt. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • a cock L. 
   • Ardea Nivea (a kind of heron or crane) L. 
   • a bull L. 
   • a horse L. 
   • 'having flame', fire or the firegod Gṛihyās. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • the number 'three' (from the three sacred fires) VarBṛS. 
   • a lamp L. 
   • a comet VarBṛS. 
   • N. of Ketu (the personified descending node) VP. 
   • a mountain L. 
   • a tree L. 
   • Carpopogon Pruriens L. 
   • Trigonella Foenum Graecum L. 
   • a kind of potherb (= sitâvara) L. 
   • an arrow L. 
   • a Brāhman L. 
   • a religious mendicant W. 
   • N. of a serpent-demon MBh. 
   • of Indra under Manu Tāmasa Pur. 
   • of the second Buddhi Lalit. Kāraṇḍ. (cf. MWB. 136, n. 1 ; 516) 
   • of a Brahmā (with Buddhists) Lalit. 
   • (inī), f. a pea-hen R. 
   • cock's comb, Celosia Cristata L.

≫ śikhina

   śikhina m. a partic. Gaṇa of Śiva Harav.


   śikhī śikha, p. 1070, col. 2


   śigrú m. (of unknown derivation) Moringa Pterygosperma (a kind of horse-radish = śobhâñjana 
   • the √and leaves and flowers are eaten) Yājñ. Suśr. &c 
   • N. of a man, g. bidâdi 
   • pl. N. of a people RV. 
   • n. the seed of the above tree Kauś. Car. 
   • any potherb or vegetable L.

⋙ śigruja

   ○ja n. 'growing on or produced by the Moringa', = next L.

⋙ śigrubīja

   ○bīja n. the seed of the Moringa tree L.

⋙ śigrumūla

   ○mūla n. the pungent √of the Moringa W.

≫ śigruka

   śigruka m. = śigru m. Mn. vi, 14 
   • n. any potherb L.


   śiṅkh cl. 1. P. śiṅkhati, to go, move Dhātup. v, 31


   śiṅkhapa m. N. of a man Buddh.


   śiṅga m. a tree L. 
   • = kisora L. 
   • N. applied to various men

⋙ śiṅgadharaṇīśa

   ○dharaṇī7śa or m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śiṅgadharaṇīsena

   ○dharaṇī-sena m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śiṅgabhaṭṭa

   ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of an author ib. 
   • ○ṭṭīya n. his wk

⋙ śiṅgabhūpāla

   ○bhūpāla m. N. of an author (prob. = -dharaṇī7śa) Pratāp. Sch. 
   • ○līya n. his wk

⋙ śiṅgarāja

   ○rāja m. N. of an author (= -bhūpāla) Cat.

≫ śiṅgaya

   śiṅgaya m. N. of a man Cat.


   śíṅgi n. or śiṅgī f. (perhaps) a partic. part of the entrails of a sacrificial animal VS. (cf. next)


   śiṅgin n. a beard L.


   śiṅgh (also written śiṃh, prob. for orig. śiṅkh), cl. 1. P. śiṅghati, to smell Dhātup. v, 57 (cf. upa-√śiṅgh)

≫ śiṅghaṇa

   śiṅghaṇa n. = śiṅghāṇa, the mucus of the nose L. 
   • a beard (cf. śiṅgin) L.

⋙ śiṅghaṇadeva

   ○deva m. N. of a man (the patron of Śārṅgadeva) Cat.

≫ śiṅghāṇa

   śiṅghāṇa m. (also written śiṃhāṇa or śiṃhāna) Os Sepiae L. 
   • swollen testicles L. 
   • (also n. and ā f.) the mucus of the nose L. 
   • n. rust of iron L. 
   • any glass vessel L. 
   • a beard L.

≫ śiṅghāṇaka

   śiṅghāṇaka m. n. the mucus of the nose, phlegm L. 
   • (ikā), f. (also written siṅgh○) id. (cf. śṛṅkhaṇikā)

≫ śiṅghāṇin

   śiṅghāṇin m. (or iṇī f.) 'having mucus', the nose L.

≫ śiṅghita

   śiṅghita mfn. perceived by the nose, smelled L. [Page 1071, Column 2] 

≫ śiṅghinī

   śiṅghinī f. (also written siṅgh○) 'smelling', the nose L. [Germ. Zinken]


   śic f. (nom. śik) = śikya, the cord or strap of a yoke or pole for carrying burdens BhP. 
   • a net ib.


   śiñj cl. 2. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxiv, 17) śiṅkte (accord. to Vop. also cl. 1. 10. Ā. śiñjate, śiñjayate 
   • pr. p. śiñjāna, or śiñjat see below Kāv. 
   • pf. śiśiñje Gr 
   • aor. aśiñjiṣṭa ib. 
   • fut. śiñjitā, śiñjiṣyate ib.), to utter a shrill sound, tinkle, rattle, jingle, whirr, buzz, hum, twang, bellow, roar RV. &c. &c. [Cf. collateral √siñj.]

≫ śiñjañjikā

   śiñjañjikā f. a chain worn round the loins W.

≫ śiñjat

   śiñjat mfn. tinkling, rattling, sounding &c

≫ śiñjad

   śiñjad in comp. for ○jat

⋙ śiñjadvalayasubhaga

   ○valaya-subhaga mfn. pleasant with tinkling bracelets or zones Megh.

⋙ śiñjadṣaḍaṅghri

   ○ṣaḍaṅghri mfn. full of humming bees BhP.

≫ śiñjā

   śiñjā f. (also written siñjā) tinkle, jingle, (esp.) the tinkling sound of silver ornaments on the ankles or wrist Hcar. (accord. to some also śiñja, m.) 
   • a bow-string Bālar.

⋙ śiñjālatā

   ○latā f. a bow-string. ib.

⋙ śiñjāśvattha

   ○"ṣśvattha (śiñjâśv○), g. rāja-dantâdi (cf. Kāś. śiñjâstha)

≫ śiñjāna

   śiñjāna mfn. tinkling, sounding &c. (= śiñjat)

⋙ śiñjānabhramara

   ○bhramara mfn. = śiñjat-ṣaḍaṅghri Bhaṭṭ.

≫ śiñjāra

   śiñjā́ra m. N. of a man RV.

≫ śiñjita

   śiñjita mfn. (also written siñjita) tinkled, tinkling, rattling, sounding Hariv. Kāv. 
   • n. tinkling, rattling, (esp.) the tinkling of metallic ornaments MBh. R. &c

≫ śiñjin

   śiñjin mfn. tinkling, rattling, sounding L. 
   • (inī), f. a bow-string MBh. (also written siñj○) 
   • the sine of an arc Gol. 
   • tinkling rings worn round the toes or feet L.


   śiṭ (also written siṭ), cl. 1. P. śeṭati, to despise Dhātup. ix, 17


   śiṭā f. a rope (?) Divyâv.


   śiṇḍākī f. (also written siṇḍ○) a partic. edible substance (made with rice and mustard and said to possess stomachic properties) L.


   śit (in gram.) having ś as an indicatory letter

śita 2

   śita mfn. (for 1. and 4. under √śi and śo) wṛ. for sita, 'bright-coloured, white.'

śita 3

   śita m. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh.


   śita-dru f. (cf. sita-dru) = śata-dru, the river Sutlej L.


   śitâbhra wṛ. for sitâbhra, q.v


   śítāman n. (of doubtful derivation 
   • cf. śitīman) a partic. part of a sacrificial victim (accord. to Yāska 'the under fore-foot', accord. to others 'the shoulder-blade, the liver &c.' 
   • Nir. iv, 13) VS. TBr. (○ma-tás ind.)


   śitâvara sitâvara


   śiti mfn. (perhaps fr. √śo) white L. (cf. sita) 
   • black, dark-blue Śiś. 
   • m. the Bhojpattra or birch tree L. 
   • = sāra L.

⋙ śitikakud

   ○kakud (śíti-), mfn. white-humped MaitrS.

⋙ śitikakuda

   ○kakuda mfn. id. L.

⋙ śitikakṣa

   ○kákṣa mfn. white-shouldered MaitrS.

⋙ śitikakṣin

   ○kakṣín m. a vulture with a white belly (= pāṇḍarôdaro gṛdhraḥ) TS. (cf. Sch.)

⋙ śitikaṇṭha

   ○káṇṭha mfn. whitenecked Kāṭh. 
   • dark-necked (as Rudra-Śiva 
   • cf. nīla-k○) VS. &c. &c 
   • m. a partic. bird of prey MBh. 
   • a peacock Śiś. Bālar. 
   • a gallinule (= dātyūha) L. 
   • N. of Śiva Kāv. 
   • of a serpent-demon MBh. 
   • (also with dīkṣita and often confounded with śrī-kaṇṭha) 
   • of various authors &c. Cat. 
   • -rāmâyaṇa n. -stotra, n 
   • ○ṭhīya n. ○ṭhīya-ṭippaṇī f. N. of wks

⋙ śitikaṇṭhaka

   ○kaṇṭhaka mfn. blue-necked (as a peacock) Vikr.

⋙ śitikumbha

   ○kumbha m. the oleander tree, Nerium Odorum L.

⋙ śitikeśa

   ○keśa m. 'white-haired', N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.

⋙ śiticandana

   ○candana n. musk L.

⋙ śiticāra

   ○cāra m. a kind of potherb (apparently Marsilea Dentata) L.

⋙ śiticchada

   ○cchada m. 'white-feathered', a goose L. (cf. sita-cch○)

⋙ śitinas

   ○nas mfn. white-nosed Pāṇ. 5-4, 118 Pat.

⋙ śitipakṣa

   ○pakṣa mf(ā)n. white-winged Hariv. 
   • m. a goose L. (cf. sita-p○)

⋙ śitipad

   ○pád (strong form -pā́d), mf(padī)n. white-footed RV. AV. Kauś. 
   • blackfooted MW.

⋙ śitipāda

   ○pāda mfn. white-footed MBh.

⋙ śitipṛṣṭha

   ○pṛṣṭhá mf(ā)n. white-backed (accord. to others 'black-backed')
   RV. VS. Br. Hariv. [Page 1071, Column 3] 
   • m. N. of a serpent-priest (fabled to have acted as Maitrā-varuṇa at a sacrifice) MW.

⋙ śitiprabha

   ○prabha mfn. white-hued, whitish MBh.

⋙ śitibāhu

   ○bā́hu or mfn. having white fore-feet MaitrS. AV. ŚBr.

⋙ śitibāhu

   ○bāhú mfn. having white fore-feet MaitrS. AV. ŚBr.

⋙ śitibhasad

   ○bhasad (śíti-), mfn. having white hinder parts Kāṭh. TS.

⋙ śitibhru

   ○bhrú mfn. white-browed VS. TS.

⋙ śitimāṃsa

   ○māṃsa n. 'white-flesh', fat Nir.

⋙ śitiratna

   ○ratna n. 'blue-gem', a sapphire Śiś.

⋙ śitirandhra

   ○rándhra mfn. having white ear-holes MaitrS.

⋙ śitilalāṭa

   ○lalāṭa mfn. having a white forehead Pāṇ. 6-2, 138 Sch.

⋙ śitivara

   ○vara m. Marsilea Quadrifulia Bhpr.

⋙ śitivāra

   ○vā́ra mfn. white-tailed TS. 
   • m. = -vara L.

⋙ śitivāla

   ○vā́la mfn. white-tailed ŚBr.

⋙ śitivāsas

   ○vāsas mfn. wearing a dark garment BhP.

⋙ śitisāraka

   ○sāraka m. 'having a dark essence', Diospyros Embryopteris L.

⋙ śitīkṣu

   śitī7kṣu m. N. of a son of Uśanas VP. (vḷ. śiteyu, śitêkṣu, śineyu)

≫ śitiṅga

   śitiṅgá mfn. (prob.) whitish AV.

≫ śity

   śity in comp. for śiti

⋙ śityaṃsa

   ○áṃsa mfn. white-shouldered TS.

⋙ śityoṣṭha

   ○óṣṭha mfn. white-lipped ib.


   śitīmán or ○mat (only du. ○mábhyām or ○madbhyām) = śítāman TS. Kāṭh.


   śitpuṭá m. (vḷ. śityuṭá Sch.) a partic. animal resembling a cat TS. 
   • a large black bee L.


   śithirá mf(ā́)n. (for śṛthira fr. √śrath) loose, lax, slack, flexible pliant, soft RV. AV. Br.

≫ śithila

   śithilá mf(ā)n. (collateral form of prec.) loose, slack, lax, relaxed, untied, flaccid, not rigid or compact TS. &c. &c 
   • soft, pliant, supple Pañcat. 
   • unsteady, tremulous MBh. 
   • languid, inert, unenergetic, weak, feeble MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • careless in (loc.) R. 
   • indistinct (as sound) L. 
   • not rigidly observed W. 
   • loosely retained or possessed, abandoned, shaken off ib. 
   • (am), ind. loosely, not firmly Ragh. 
   • (ī), f. a kind of tawny-coloured ant (said to be a variety of the white ant) L. 
   • (am), n. a loose fastening, looseness, laxity, slowness MW. 
   • a partic. separation of the terms or members of a logical series ib.

⋙ śithilatā

   ○tā f

⋙ śithilatva

   ○tva n. looseness, laxity, relaxation, want of energy or care, indifference, languor (-tāṃ-√gam or vraj, 'to undergo indifference', be neglected) Hariv. Kāv. Pañcat.

⋙ śithilapīḍita

   ○pīḍita mfn. loosely pressed or compressed (-tā f.) Suśr.

⋙ śithilaprayatna

   ○prayatna mfn. one whose efforts are relaxed MW.

⋙ śithilabala

   ○bala mfn. relaxed in strength, weakened, relaxed ib.

⋙ śithilambhāva

   ○m-bhāva á-ś○

⋙ śithilavasu

   ○vasu mfn. having diminished wealth MW. 
   • shining with diminished rays ib.

⋙ śithilaśakti

   ○śakti mfn. impaired in strength or power ib.

⋙ śithilasamādhi

   ○samādhi mfn. having the attention drawn off or relaxed Mālav.

≫ śithilaya

   śithilaya Nom. P. ○yati, to loosen, make loose, relax Śak. 
   • Ā. ○yate, to neglect, let pass ib. (vḷ.)

≫ śithilāya

   śithilāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become relaxed Bhartṛ.

≫ śithilita

   śithilita mfn. loosed, loosened, slackened, relaxed, dissolved, made soft Kāv.

⋙ śithilitajya

   ○jya mfn. (a bow) whose string has been relaxed Kathās.

⋙ śithilitamṛṇāla

   ○mṛṇāla mfn. (an armlet formed) of lotus-fibres hanging loose Śak.

≫ śithilī

   śithilī in comp. for śithila

⋙ śithilīkaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. the act of loosening, relaxing, impairing, weakening Sarvad.

⋙ śithilīkṛ

   ○√kṛ P. Ā. -karoti, -kurute, to make loose, loosen, relax, slacken, weaken, impair, remit, abandon MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ śithilīkṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. made loose, loosened, relaxed &c. ib.

⋙ śithilībhū

   ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become loosened or slackened, be relaxed, slacken Kāv. Kathās. 
   • to desist from (abl.) Mṛicch.

⋙ śithilībhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. loosened, relaxed, slackened, languid Kathās. Suśr.

≫ śithilīśānti

   śithilī-śānti f. N. of wk


   śina m. N. of a man Pravar.

≫ śini

   śini m. N. of various men (of a son of Su-mitra, of a son of Garga, of the father of Sātyaka, &c 
   • śiner naptṛ, 'grandson of Śini', N. of Sātyaki, one of the Pāṇḍu chiefs) MBh. Hariv. Pur. 
   • (ibc.) the race of Śini ( below) 
   • pl. N. of a class of Kshatriyas Uṇ. iv, 51

⋙ śinipravīra

   ○pravīra m. a chief or hero of the race of Śini MBh.

⋙ śinibāhu

   ○bāhu m. N. of a river VP.

⋙ śinivāsa

   ○vāsa m. N. of a mountain BhP. (B. śinī-v○)

⋙ śinivāsudeva

   ○vāsudeva m. pl. Pāṇ. 6-2, 34

≫ śinīka

   śinīka m. N. of a preceptor VP.

≫ śinīpati

   śinī-pati m. (for śini-p○?) N. of a warrior Hariv. (vḷ. sinī-pati)

≫ śinīvāsa

   śinī-vāsa śini-vāsa. [Page 1072, Column 1] 

≫ śineyu

   śineyu m. N. of a son of Uśat Hariv. 
   • of Uśanas VP. (vḷ. śiteyu)


   śinīvālī wṛ. for sin○


   śipada a-śipadá


   śipavitnuká m. a kind of worm AV.


   śipaviṣṭa m. = śipiv○ L.


   śipāṭaka m. N. of a man Rājat.


   śipí m. a ray of light Nir. v, 8 
   • = paśu TS. 
   • = prâṇin L. 
   • f. skin, leather W.

⋙ śipiviṣṭa

   ○viṣṭá mfn. (accord. to Sāy.) pervaded by rays (applied to Rudra-Śiva and Vishṇu 
   • cf. RTL. 416) RV. &c. &c 
   • bald-headed Āpast. 
   • 'leprous' or 'having no prepuce' L. 
   • superfluous Kāṭh. 
   • -vat mfn. containing the word śipiviṣṭa TS. Br. 
   • (vatī), f. a verse containing the above word Br. ĀpŚr.

⋙ śipiviṣṭaka

   ○viṣṭaká mf(ā)n. (prob.) smooth TS.

≫ śipita

   śipitá mfn. (prob.) superfluous ŚBr.


   śipra m. sipra 
   • (ibc.) = śiprā f. ( below)

⋙ śipravat

   ○vat (śípra-), mfn. having full cheeks, full-cheeked RV. vi, 17, 2

≫ śipraka

   śipraka m. N. of the murderer of Su-śarman VP. 
   • of the first king of the Āndhras MW.

≫ śiprā

   śíprā f. (du.) the cheeks RV. 
   • (pl.) the visors (of a helmet) ib. 
   • (sg.) the nose Nir. vi, 17

≫ śipriṇīvat

   śipríṇī-vat and mfn. full-cheeked RV.

⋙ śiprin

   śiprín mfn. full-cheeked RV.


   śipha m. (derivation unknown) = śiphā (which is the more usual form 
   • below) L.

≫ śiphā

   śíphā f. a fibrous or flexible √(used for making whips &c.) Mn. ix, 230 
   • a lash or stroke with a whip or rod ib. viii, 369 
   • N. of a river RV. (cf. L. also 'a branch 
   • a river 
   • a mother 
   • a tuft of hair on the crown of the head 
   • the √of a water-lily 
   • spikenard 
   • turmeric 
   • a sort of dill or fennel')

⋙ śiphākanda

   ○kanda m. n. the √of a water-lily L.

⋙ śiphādhara

   ○dhara m. 'possessing fibres', a branch L.

⋙ śiphāruha

   ○ruha m. 'growing from fibres which descend to the ground', the Banyan tree L.

≫ śiphāka

   śiphāka m. the √of a water-lily L.


   śibi m. (also written śivi) N. of a Ṛishi (having the patr. Auśīnara and supposed author of RV. x, 179) Anukr. 
   • of a king (renowned for his liberality and unselfishness, and said to have saved Agni transformed into a dove from Indra transformed into a hawk by offering an equal quantity of his own flesh weighed in a balance) MBh. Hariv. Pur. 
   • (pl.) a people descended from Śibi MBh. Hariv. VarBṛS. 
   • N. of a son of Indra MBh. 
   • of Indra in the fourth Manv-antara (vḷ. śikhin) VP. 
   • of a son of Manu Cākshusha BhP. 
   • of a Daitya (son of Saṃhrāda) MBh. 
   • a king of the Śibis VarBṛS. 
   • a beast of prey L. 
   • the birch tree (= bhūrja) L. 
   • Typha Angustifolia L.

⋙ śibikāla

   ○kāla m. N. of a Daitya Hariv.

⋙ śibicarita

   ○carita or n. the story of Śibi (occurring as an episode of the MBh. iii, 10560-10596 and 13275-13300)

⋙ śibicaritra

   ○caritra n. the story of Śibi (occurring as an episode of the MBh. iii, 10560-10596 and 13275-13300)

≫ śibika

   śibika m. N. of a king (= śibi) Buddh. 
   • pl. N. of a people in the south of India VarBṛS. 
   • (ā), f. next

≫ śibikā

   śibikā f. (also written śivikā) a palanquin, palkee, litter, bier MBh. R. &c 
   • a partic. weapon of Kubera (god of wealth) VP. 
   • a stage or platform erected for exhibitions MW. 
   • a proper N. ib.

⋙ śibikādāna

   ○dāna n. or 'the gift of a litter &c.', N. of a ch. of the VahniP.

⋙ śibikādānavidhi

   ○dāna-vidhi m. 'the gift of a litter &c.', N. of a ch. of the VahniP.

≫ śibira

   śibira n. (also written śivira) a royal camp or residence, tent in a royal camp, any tent MBh. R. &c 
   • an entrenchment for the protection of an army MW. 
   • a sort of grain L. 
   • m. N. of a tribe (?) MW. 
   • (prob.) wṛ. for divira Rājat. v, 176

⋙ śibiragiri

   ○giri m. N. of a mountain VarBṛS.

≫ śibīratha

   śibī-ratha m. a palanquin, litter L.


   śibhrá mfn. (prob.) desirous of sexual intercourse AV.


   śim (= √1. śam), cl. 4. P. śímyati, to cut up, prepare (a sacrificial victim) TS. Kāṭh.

≫ śima

   śíma m. a cutter up or preparer (of sacrificial food) TS.

≫ śimi

   śimi f. = śamī, a legume, pod L. 
   • work, labour = śimī ( a-śimi-dvíṣ)

⋙ śimijāvarī

   ○jāvarī f. growing wild TĀr. (cf. Sāy.) [Page 1072, Column 2] 

⋙ śimidā

   ○dā (śími-), f. N. of a female demon AV. ŚBr.

≫ śimī

   śimī f. = śamī, effort, labour, work, industry TS. Kāṭh.

⋙ śimīvat

   ○vat (śímī-), mfn. effective, mighty, strong RV.

≫ śimyu

   śímyu mfn. (prob.) strenuous, vigorous, aggressive RV. i, 100, 18 
   • m. pl. N. of a people ib. vii, 18, 5


   śimikā f. N. of a place Rājat.


   śímidvat mfn. (applied to a partic. wind) MaitrS.


   śimiśimāya ○yati (onomat 
   • cf. simisim○), to simmer, bubble or boil with a murmuring sound VarYogay.


   śimiṣī-pada m. (cf. śamanīṣada) a Rākshasa L.


   śimṛḍī f. a kind of shrub L.


   śimba m. (also written simba) a pod, legume Suśr. 
   • Cassia Tora L. 
   • (ā), f. (also written simbā) a pod L.

≫ śimbala

   śimbalá m. a small pod or kind of flower (accord. to Sāy. 'the flower of the Śālmalī tree') RV. iii, 53, 22 
   • a kind of plant Kauś.

≫ śimbi

   śimbi f. (also written simbī) a pod, legume Mālatīm. Car.

⋙ śimbijā

   ○jā f. 'pod-born', any pulse or grain growing in pods MW.

⋙ śimbiparṇikā

   ○parṇikā or f. Phaseolus Trilobus L.

⋙ śimbiparṇī

   ○parṇī f. Phaseolus Trilobus L.

≫ śimbika

   śimbika m. a black variety of Phaseolus Mungo L. 
   • (ā), f. a pod, legume L.

≫ śimbī

   śimbī f. a pod, legume Suśr. 
   • Phaseolus Trilobus L. 
   • Mucuna Pruritus L. 
   • = niṣvāpī L.

⋙ śimbīdhānya

   ○dhānya n. leguminous grain Car. Bhpr.

⋙ śimbīphala

   ○phala n. Tabernaemontana Coronaria L.


   śimbā́ta mfn. (accord. to Naigh. iii, 6) = sukha RV. x, 106, 5


   śimyu above


   śimrīḍī (prob.) wṛ. for śimṛḍī


   śir (nom. śīr 
   • √śṝ), hurting, injuring, wounding (only ifc., e.g. śaśī7śa-śiśu-śīḥ) Kir. xv, 5


   śíras n. (prob. originally śaras = karas 
   • and connected with karaṅka, q.v.) the head, skull (acc. with √dā, 'to give up one's head i.e. life' 
   • with √dhṛ, or √vah, 'to hold up one's head, be proud' 
   • with Caus. of √vṛt or with upa-√sthā, 'to hold out the head', 'acknowledge one's self guilty', śirôpasthāyin 
   • instr. with √grah, √dhā, √dhṛ, vi-√dhṛ, √bhṛ, √vah, or √kṛ, 'to hold or carry or place on the head, receive deferentially' 
   • instr. with √gam, abhi-√gam, pra-√grah, √yā, pra-ṇam [√nam], ni-√pat, pra-ṇi-√pat, 'to touch with the head, bow or fall down before' 
   • loc. with √kṛ or ni-√dhā, 'to place on one's head' 
   • loc. with √sthā, 'to be on or stand over a person's head, stand far above gen.)' RV. &c. &c 
   • the upper end or highest part of anything, top, peak, summit, pinnacle, acme MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • the forepart or van (of an army) Śiś. 
   • the beginning (of a verse) VarBṛS. 
   • (ifc.) the head, leader, chief, foremost, first (of a class) BhP. 
   • N. of the verse āpo jyotir āpo'mṛtam Baudh. Vishṇ. &c 
   • of a Sāman (also with indrasya) ĀrshBr. Lāṭy. 
   • of a mountain Buddh. [Cf. śīrṣan 
   • Gk. ? &c. ; Lat. cerebrum for [1072, 2] ceresrum, cornu ; Germ. hirni, ḥirn ; Eng. horn.]

⋙ śirastas

   ○tas ind. out of or from or at the head GṛS. Kāv.

⋙ śirastāpin

   ○tāpin m. 'hot in the head', an elephant W.

⋙ śirastra

   ○tra n. 'head-protector', a helmet Ragh. Rājat. &c., a cap, turban, head-dress W.

⋙ śirastrāṇa

   ○trāṇa n. = prec. MBh. Hariv. Kāv. 
   • a skull L.

⋙ śiraspada

   ○pada n. the upper part Car.

⋙ śirasstha

   ○stha śiraḥ-stha

≫ śira 1

   śira m. = śiras, the head MBh. Pañcar. &c 
   • the √of Piper Longum L. (vḷ. sira) 
   • Betula Bhojpatra L. 
   • a Boa L. 
   • a bed, couch L.

⋙ śiropasthāyin

   śirôpasthāyin mfn. 'holding out the head' (scil. for punishment, as a man must do if the person accused by him has cleared himself by an ordeal) Nār.

≫ śira 2

   śira in comp. for śiras

⋙ śiraupaniṣad

   ○upaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad

⋙ śiraja

   ○ja m. 'head-produced', the hair of the head L.

⋙ śirasnāta

   ○snāta mfn. = śiraḥ-sn○ MBh.

≫ śiraḥ

   śiraḥ in comp. for śiras

⋙ śiraḥkapāla

   ○kapāla n. 'head-bowl', the skull MBh. Hariv. Suśr. [Page 1072, Column 3] 

⋙ śiraḥkapālin

   ○kapālin mfn. carrying a skull Yājñ. 
   • m. a religious mendicant who carries about a human skull (as a symbol of having abandoned the world) W.

⋙ śiraḥkampa

   ○kampa m. the act of shaking the head (also pl.) MBh. Rājat.

⋙ śiraḥkampin

   ○kampin mfn. shaking the head Śiksh.

⋙ śiraḥkarṇa

   ○karṇa n. sg. the head and the ear Kauś.

⋙ śiraḥkṛntana

   ○kṛntana n. cutting off the head, decapitation Siṃhâs.

⋙ śiraḥkriyā

   ○kriyā f. (ifc.) presentation of the head R.

⋙ śiraḥpaṭṭa

   ○paṭṭa m. a turban Pañcar.

⋙ śiraḥpāka

   ○pāka m. a partic. disease of the hṭhead, ŚārṅgS.

⋙ śiraḥpiṇḍa

   ○piṇḍa m. du. the two protuberances on the forehead of an elephant L.

⋙ śiraḥpīṭha

   ○pīṭha n. the back of the neck L.

⋙ śiraḥpīḍā

   ○pīḍā f. head-ache W.

⋙ śiraḥpraṇāma

   ○praṇāma m. bowing or bending the head Bhartṛ.

⋙ śiraḥpradāna

   ○pradāna n. giving up the head or life Cat.

⋙ śiraḥprāvaraṇa

   ○prâvaraṇa n. 'hṭhead-covering', a head-dress, turban MW.

⋙ śiraḥphala

   ○phala m. the cocoanut tree L.

⋙ śiraḥśāṭaka

   ○śāṭaka n. a turban L.

⋙ śiraḥśila

   ○śila n. N. of a fortress Rājat.

⋙ śiraḥśūla

   ○śūla n. violent head-ache Suśr. Kathās. &c

⋙ śiraḥśeṣa

   ○śeṣa m. 'having only the head left', N. of Rāhu Bhartṛ.

⋙ śiraḥśrit

   ○śrit mfn. (ifc.) being at the head or top of Śiś.

⋙ śiraḥśreṇi

   ○śreṇi mf. a line or number of heads MW.

⋙ śiraḥstha

   ○stha mfn. being or borne on the hṭhead 
   • hanging over one's head, imminent Kāv. 
   • m. a chief, leader W. 
   • a plaintiff L.

⋙ śiraḥsthāna

   ○sthāna n. a chief place MBh.

⋙ śiraḥsthita

   ○sthita mfn. being in the head, cerebral (as a letter or sound) Śiksh.

⋙ śiraḥsnāta

   ○snāta mfn. one who has bathed or perfumed his head Mn. MBh. &c

⋙ śiraḥsnāna

   ○snāna n. bathing or perfuming the head VarBṛS. Pur.

⋙ śiraḥsnānīya

   ○snānīya n. pl. all the requisites for bathing or perfuming the head, ĀPGṛ. Sch.

⋙ śiraḥsraj

   ○sraj f. a wreath worn on the head Hcat.

≫ śiraś

   śiraś in comp. for śiras

⋙ śiraścheda

   ○cheda m. (cf. Kāv. Kathās. &c.) or (cf. Cat.) cutting off the head, decapitation

⋙ śiraśchedana

   ○chedana n. (cf. Cat.) cutting off the head, decapitation

≫ śirasa

   śirasa = śiras in sahasra-śirasôdara, q.v

≫ śirasi

   śirasi loc. of śiras, in comp

⋙ śirasija

   ○ja m. (ifc. f. ā) 'produced on the head', the hair of the head Śiś. Kād. Pañcat. 
   • -pāśa m. a tuft of hair Śiś.

⋙ śirasiruh

   ○ruh (cf. W.) or (cf. L.), m. growing on the head', the hair

⋙ śirasiruha

   ○ruha (cf. L.), m. growing on the head', the hair

⋙ śirasisic

   ○sic f. a head-cloth L.

≫ śirasita

   śirasita mfn. exalted (?) Divyâv.

≫ śiraska

   śiraska (ifc 
   • -tva n.) = śiras Suśr. VarBṛS. &c 
   • mfn. belonging to or being on the head MW. 
   • m. or (cf. L.) n. a helmet HPariś. 
   • n. a cap, turban W. 
   • (ā), f. a palanquin W.

≫ śirasya 1

   śirasya Nom. P. ○yati, = śira icchati Pāṇ. 6-1, 61 Sch.

≫ śirasya 2

   śirasya mfn. = śira iva g. śākhâdi 
   • belonging to or being on the head (= śīrṣaṇya) Pāṇ. 6-1, 61 Vārtt. 2 Pat. 
   • m. 'the hair of the head', or 'clean hair' L.

≫ śiro

   śiro in comp. for śiras

⋙ śirogata

   ○gata mfn. = śiraḥsthita Śiksh.

⋙ śirogada

   ○gada m. a disease of the head, Śuśr

⋙ śirogṛha

   ○gṛha or n. a top-room, a room on the top of a house L.

⋙ śirogeha

   ○geha n. a top-room, a room on the top of a house L.

⋙ śirogaurava

   ○gaurava n. heaviness of head Suśr.

⋙ śirograha

   ○graha m. 'head-seizure', disease or affection of the head Suśr. SārṅgS.

⋙ śirogrīva

   ○grīvá n. sg. the head and neck MaitrS. AitBr.

⋙ śiroghāta

   ○ghāta m. a blow on the head Mṛicch. VarBṛS.

⋙ śiroja

   ○ja n. pl. 'head-produced', the hair of the head Hariv.

⋙ śirojānu

   ○jānu n 
   • g. rāja-dantâdi

⋙ śirojvara

   ○jvara m. fever with head-ache MBh.

⋙ śirodāman

   ○dāman n. a turban Pañcar.

⋙ śiroduḥkha

   ○duḥkha n. headache Suśr.

⋙ śirodhara

   ○dhara m. (cf. R. BhP.) or (cf. MBh. Hariv. Kāv. &c

⋙ śirodharā

   ○dharā f. (cf. MBh. Hariv. Kāv. &c 
   • ifc. f. ā) 'head-supporting', the neck

⋙ śirodharaṇīya

   ○dharaṇīya mfn. to be borne on the head, to be greatly honoured Dhūrtas.

⋙ śirodhāman

   ○dhāman n. the head (of a bed) Kād. (vḷ. -bhāga)

⋙ śirodhārya

   ○dhārya mfn. = -dharaṇīya Bhām.

⋙ śirodhi

   ○dhi m. = -dhara Śiś.

⋙ śirodhūnana

   ○dhūnana n. shaking the head Kpr.

⋙ śirodhra

   ○dhra m. = -dhara BhP.

⋙ śironati

   ○nati f. bowing the head Kāv.

⋙ śironyāsa

   ○nyāsa m. hanging down the head Car.

⋙ śiropti

   ○pti wṛ. for -'rti MānGṛ.

⋙ śirobīja

   ○bīja n. g. rāja-dantâdi (cf. Kāś.)

⋙ śirobhava

   ○bhava m. the hair of the head L.

⋙ śirobhāga

   ○bhāga m. the top (of a tree) Kathās. 
   • the head-end (of a bed 
   • also śayanīya-śiro-bh○) Kād. (vḷ. ○ro-dhāman) Hcar.

⋙ śirobhitāpa

   ○'bhitāpa (○ras-abh○), m. head-ache MBh. Suśr.

⋙ śirobhūṣaṇa

   ○bhūṣaṇa n. a head-ornament 
   • ○ṣaṇāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to form a head-ornament Kāvyâd. Sch.

⋙ śiromaṇi

   ○maṇi m. 'crest-jewel', a jewel worn on the head Ṛitus. VarBṛS. &c 
   • the chief of (gen. or comp 
   • -tā f.) Pañcar. Kathās. HPariś. &c 
   • a title of honour conferred on Paṇḍits MW. 
   • N. of the chief wk. on any subject and of various eminent scholars Cat. 
   • -khaṇḍana n. -nyāyânusāri-vivṛti f. N. of wks 
   • -bhaṭṭa, -bhaṭṭâcārya m. N. of various authors Cat. 
   • -mathurā-nāthīya n. -vyākhyā f. N. of wks

⋙ śiromarman

   ○marman m. a boar L.

⋙ śiromātrāvaśeṣa

   ○mātrâvaśeṣa mfn. having only the head left (Rāhu) ŚārṅgP.

⋙ śiromālin

   ○mālin m. 'garlanded with skulls', N. of Śiva MW. [Page 1073, Column 1] 

⋙ śiromukha

   ○mukha n. sg. the head and face ĀśvGṛ.

⋙ śiromauli

   ○mauli m. 'crest-jewel', an eminent or distinguished person Cat.

⋙ śirorakṣin

   ○rakṣin m. the bodyguard of a prince Hcar.

⋙ śiroratna

   ○ratna n. 'crest-gem', jewel worn on the head L.

⋙ śiroruj

   ○ruj f. head-ache Suśr. VarBṛS. Kathās.

⋙ śirorujā

   ○rujā f. id. MBh. 
   • Alstonia Scholaris L.

⋙ śiroruh

   ○ruh m. 'head-growing', hair of the head L.

⋙ śiroruha

   ○ruha m. (ifc. f. ā) id. MBh. Hariv. Kāv. &c 
   • a horn VarBṛS. 
   • (ā), f. Leea Hirta L.

⋙ śiroroga

   ○roga m. any disease of the head Suśr. 
   • -ghnayajñôpaviita-dāna n. N. of wk

⋙ śirorti

   ○'rti (○ras-ar○), f. head-ache Kathās.

⋙ śirovartin

   ○vartin mfn. being at the head, being on the top or summit W. 
   • = śirôpasthāyin Nār. 
   • m. a chief. W.

⋙ śirovallī

   ○vallī f. the crest or comb of a peacock L.

⋙ śirovasti

   ○vasti m. or f. (?) pouring oil or other liquids on the head L.

⋙ śirovāhya

   ○vāhya mfn. to be borne or worn on the head Campak.

⋙ śirovireka

   ○vireka m. anything for cleansing or clearing the head ŚārṅgS.

⋙ śirovirecana

   ○virecana mfn. cleansing the hṭhead Suśr. 
   • n. = -vireka ib.

⋙ śirovṛtta

   ○vṛtta n. pepper L. 
   • -phala m. a kind of Achyranthes Aspera with red flowers Bhpr.

⋙ śirovedanā

   ○vedanā f. head-ache Kād.

⋙ śiroveṣṭa

   ○veṣṭa m. or a head-dress, turban L.

⋙ śiroveṣṭana

   ○veṣḍṭana n. a head-dress, turban L.

⋙ śirovrata

   ○vrata n. a partic. religious observance MuṇḍUp.

⋙ śirosthi

   ○'sthi (○ras-as○), n. 'headbone', the skull L.

⋙ śirohārin

   ○hārin m. N. of Śiva MW.

⋙ śirohṛtkamala

   ○hṛt-kamala n. the lotus of head and heart Kathās.


   śirā śirāla, sirā, sirāla


   śiri m. (only L. 
   • cf. Uṇ. iv, 142) a murderer, killer 
   • a sword 
   • an arrow 
   • a locust


   śíriṇā f. (prob.) night RV. ii, 10, 3 (cf. Naigh. i, 7 
   • others 'a cell')


   śirímbiṭha m. (prob.) a cloud RV. x, 155, 1 (cf. Naigh. iv, 3 
   • accord. to Anukr. 'N. of a Ṛishi having the patr. Bhāradvāja and author of the above hymn')


   śiriśirā (onomat.), with √bhū P. -bhavati, to hiss ĀpŚr. Sch.

≫ śirisirāya

   śirisirāya (onom.), Ā. ○yate id. ĀpŚr.


   śirīṣa m. Acacia Sirissa (n. its flower) ṢaḍvBr. &c. &c 
   • m. pl. N. of a village Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-2, 51

⋙ śirīṣakusuma

   ○kusuma n. the flower of the ŚṭŚirīsha tree Śak.

⋙ śirīṣapattrā

   ○pattrā or f. a kind of white Kiṇihī (q.v.) L.

⋙ śirīṣapattrikā

   ○pattrikā f. a kind of white Kiṇihī (q.v.) L.

⋙ śirīṣaphala

   ○phala n. the fruit of ŚṭŚirīsha tree Suśr.

⋙ śirīṣabīja

   ○bīja n. the seed of ŚṭŚirīsha tree ib.

⋙ śirīṣavaṇa

   ○vaṇa or n. a wood of ṢaḍvBr trees Pāṇ. 8-4, 6 Sch.

⋙ śirīṣavana

   ○vana n. a wood of ṢaḍvBr trees Pāṇ. 8-4, 6 Sch.

≫ śirīṣaka

   śirīṣaka m. Acacia Sirissa R. 
   • N. of a serpent. demon MBh. 
   • (ikā), f. a kind of tree Bhpr. (cf. ambu-śirīṣikā)

≫ śirīṣika

   śirīṣika mfn. (fr. śirīṣa), g. kumudâdi

≫ śirīṣin

   śirīṣin m. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh. 
   • (iṇī), f. a country abounding in Śirīsha trees, g. puṣkarâdi


   śil (also written sil), cl. 6. P. śilati, to glean Dhātup. xxviii, 70

≫ śila 1

   śila m. (cf. L. also n 
   • for 2. col. 2) gleaning, gathering stalks or ears of corn (accord. to Kull. on Mn. x, 112 śila = aneka-dhānyônnayana i.e. 'gleaning more than one ear of corn at a time', opp. to uñcha = ekâika-dhānyâdi-guḍakôccayana) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • m. N. of a son of Pāryātra Ragh.

⋙ śilaṃdhara

   ○ṃ-dhara or (?), m. N. of a man Pravar.

⋙ śilaṃdhari

   ○ṃ-dhari (?), m. N. of a man Pravar.

⋙ śilarati

   ○rati mfn. satisfied with gleaning MBh.

⋙ śilavṛtti

   ○vṛtti mfn. subsisting by gleaning ib.

⋙ śilāda

   śilâda m. 'eating ears of corn', N. of a man Cat.

⋙ śilāndhas

   śilândhas n. ears of corn left on a field BhP.

⋙ śilāhārin

   śilâhārin mfn. one who gathers stalks or ears of corn MBh.

⋙ śliloñcha

   ślilôñcha m. gleaning ears of corn Āpast. 
   • m. du. or n. sg. (as a Dvandva) gleaning ears and picking up grains (hence, following an irregular occupation') Mn. Yājñ. BhP. 
   • -vṛtti f. subsistence by gleaning (or by unusual and irregular occupation) MBh. BhP. 
   • mfn. = śila-vṛtti MBh. Hariv.

⋙ śiloñchana

   śilôñchana n. gleaning ears of corn BhP.

⋙ śiloñchin

   śilôñchin mfn. subsisting by gleaning Bālar.

≫ śilamba

   śilamba m. a sage L. 
   • a weaver L.


   śilamāna-khāna m.= ? Cat.


   śilā́ f. (perhaps connected with √1. śi) a stone, rock, crag AV. &c. &c 
   • red arsenic Suśr. 
   • camphor L. 
   • the lower mill-stone L. 
   • the lower timber of a door L. 
   • the top of the pillar supporting a house L. 
   • a vein, tendon (for śira, q.v.) L. [Page 1073, Column 2] 
   • N. of a river R. 
   • of a woman Cat.

⋙ śilākarṇī

   ○karṇī f. Boswellia Thurifera L.

⋙ śilākuṭṭa

   ○kuṭṭa or m. a stone-cutter's chisel or hatchet L.

⋙ śilākuṭṭaka

   ○kuṭṭaka m. a stone-cutter's chisel or hatchet L.

⋙ śilākusuma

   ○kusuma n. storax W.

⋙ śilākṣara

   ○"ṣkṣara (○lâk○), n. 'stone-letter', writing on stone, lithography Veṇis.

⋙ śilāgṛha

   ○gṛha n. 'rock-house', a grotto R. Rājat.

⋙ śilāghana

   ○ghana mfn. firm or hard as a stone or rock Ragh.

⋙ śilācakra

   ○cakra n. a diagram on a stone Pañcar.

⋙ śilācaya

   ○caya m. 'rockmass', a mountain (kanaka-śilā-c○, a mountain of gold) VarBṛS.

⋙ śilāja

   ○ja mfn. produced in a rock or mountain, mineral W. 
   • n. bitumen Suśr. 
   • iron L. 
   • benzoin, storax W. 
   • petroleum MW. 
   • any fossil production ib. (cf. śila-ja below)

⋙ śilājatu

   ○jatu n. 'rock-exudation', bitumen MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • red chalk W. 
   • -kalpa m. N. of wk

⋙ śilājit

   ○jit n. 'rock-overpowering', bitumen L.

⋙ śilāñjanī

   ○"ṣñjanī (○lâñ○), f. a partic. plant L.

⋙ śilāṭaka

   ○"ṣṭaka (○lâṭ○), m. = aṭṭa L. 
   • = tila L. 
   • = vilepa L. 
   • = bila (?) L. 
   • a fence, enclosure W.

⋙ śilātala

   ○tala n. a slab of rock MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • the surface of a rock W.

⋙ śilātmaja

   ○"ṣtmaja (○lât○), n. 'rock-born', iron L.

⋙ śilātmikā

   ○"ṣtmikā (○lât○), f. a crucible L.

⋙ śilātva

   ○tva n. the state or nature of stone Naish.

⋙ śilātvac

   ○tvac f. = -valkā L.

⋙ śilādadru

   ○dadru m. 'rock-eruption', bitumen L.

⋙ śilādāna

   ○dāna n. the gift of a stone (e.g. of a 'Śālagrāma') Pañcar.

⋙ śilāditya

   ○"ṣditya (○lâd○), m. N. of a king Śatr. (cf. śīlâditya)

⋙ śilādhara

   ○dhara m. N. of the chamberlain of Hima-vat Pārvat.

⋙ śilādhātu

   ○dhātu m. 'rock-mineral', chalk L. 
   • yellow ochre L. 
   • red chalk W. 
   • a white fossil substance W. 
   • an aluminous earth of a white or yellowish colour W.

⋙ śilānicaya

   ○nicaya m. a heap or mass of stones or rock VarBṛS.

⋙ śilāniryāsa

   ○niryāsa m. 'rock-exudation', bitumen L.

⋙ śilānīḍa

   ○nīḍa m. N. of Garuḍa L. (wṛ. -nīha 
   • cf. śilâukas)

⋙ śilānta

   ○"ṣnta (○lânta), m. Bauhinia Tomentosa L.

⋙ śilānyāsapaddhati

   ○nyāsapaddhati f. N. of wk

⋙ śilāpaṭṭa

   ○paṭṭa m. a stone slab (for sitting on or grinding) MBh. Kāv. Vās.

⋙ śilāpaṭṭaka

   ○paṭṭaka m. id. Viddh.

⋙ śilāputra

   ○putra m. 'a little rock', a grindstone L. 
   • a torso KapS.

⋙ śilāputraka

   ○putraka m. a grindstṭgrindstone MW. 
   • a torso BṛĀrUp. Sch.

⋙ śilāpuṣpa

   ○puṣpa n. 'rock-efflorescence', bitumen L. 
   • storax or benzoin W.

⋙ śilāpeṣa

   ○peṣa m. a grindstone MārkP. 
   • grinding with a storax MW.

⋙ śilāpratikṛti

   ○pratikṛti f. a stone image or statue Hariv.

⋙ śilāprasūna

   ○prasūna n. 'rock-produced', bitumen L.

⋙ śilāprāsāda

   ○prāsāda m. a stone temple Rājat.

⋙ śilāphalaka

   ○phalaka n. = -paṭṭa Vishṇ. (cf. Sch.)

⋙ śilābandha

   ○bandha m. a stone fence or wall Rājat.

⋙ śilābhava

   ○bhava n. 'rock-produced', bitumen L. 
   • storax or benzoin W.

⋙ śilābhāva

   ○bhāva m. = -tva Kathās.

⋙ śilābhid

   ○bhid m. Plectranthus Scutellarioides Bhpr.

⋙ śilābheda

   ○bheda m. id. L. 
   • a stone-cutter's chisel W.

⋙ śilāmaya

   ○maya mf(ī or less correctly ā)n. made of stone (with varṣa, 'a shower of stones') Kāv. BhP. Vās.

⋙ śilāmala

   ○mala n. 'rock-impurity', bitumen L.

⋙ śilāmāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ śilāyūpa

   ○yūpa m. N. of a son of Visvāmitra MBh.

⋙ śilārambhā

   ○"ṣrambhā (○lâr○), f. the wild plantain L.

⋙ śilārasa

   ○rasa m. 'rock-exudation', olibanum, benzoin, incense W.

⋙ śilāvarṣin

   ○varṣin mfn. raining stones Ragh.

⋙ śilāvalkala

   ○valkala m. n. (cf. W.) or (cf. L.) a partic. medicinal substance

⋙ śilāvalkā

   ○valkā f. (cf. L.) a partic. medicinal substance

⋙ śilāvaha

   ○vaha m. pl. N. of a people R. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river ib.

⋙ śilāvitāna

   ○vitāna m. n. a spreading of stones, shower of stones MW.

⋙ śilāvṛṣṭi

   ○vṛṣṭi f. 'stones-rain', a shower of stones A. 
   • hail W.

⋙ śilāveśman

   ○veśman n. 'rock-abode', a grotto Megh.

⋙ śilāvyādhi

   ○vyādhi m. 'rock-ailment', bitumen L.

⋙ śilāśastra

   ○śastra n. a stone weapon Kathās.

⋙ śilāśita

   ○śita mfn. sharpened on a stones (as an arrow) MBh. R.

⋙ śilāsana

   ○"ṣsana (○lâs○), n. a stones seat W. 
   • mfn. seated on a stones R. 
   • n. bitumen L. 
   • benzoin or storax W.

⋙ śilāsāra

   ○sāra n. 'rock-essence', iron L.

⋙ śilāstambha

   ○stambha m. a stones-column Kathās.

⋙ śilāsthāpanapaddhati

   ○sthāpana-paddhati f. N. of wk

⋙ śilāsveda

   ○sveda m. 'rock-perspiration', bitumen L.

⋙ śilāhva

   ○"ṣhva or (○lâh○), n. 'stṭstones-named', bitumen L.

⋙ śilāhvaya

   ○"ṣhvaya (○lâh○), n. 'stṭstones-named', bitumen L.

⋙ śiloccaya

   śilôccaya m. 'rock-accumulation', a mountain MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • a high mountain W.

⋙ śilottha

   śilôttha mfn. growing upon rocks, produced from rock or stones W. 
   • n. bitumen L. 
   • benzoin, storax W.

⋙ śilodbhava

   śilôdbhava mfn. produced from stṭstones or on rock W. 
   • n. bitumen L. 
   • gold L. 
   • a kind of sandal-wood L. 
   • benzoin W.

⋙ śilodbheda

   śilôdbheda m. = śilā-bhid Car.

⋙ śiloraska

   śilôraska mfn. having a rocky breast (said of the Himâlaya) Kum.

⋙ śilaukas

   śilâukas m. 'dwelling in rocks', N. of Garuḍa L.

≫ śila 2

   śila (for 1. col. 1), in comp. for śilā

⋙ śilagarbhaja

   ○garbha-ja m. a partic. plant (= pāṣāṇa-bhedana) L.

⋙ śilaja

   ○ja n. bitumen L. (cf. śilā-ja) 
   • (ā), f. a partic. medicinal substance L.

⋙ śilaprastha

   ○prastha n. a N. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 63

⋙ śilavaha

   ○vaha n. a N. ib.

⋙ śilavāhā

   ○vāhā f. (prob.) N. of a river Pāṇ. 6-3, 63 Sch.

≫ śili

   śili m. Betula Bhojpatra L. 
   • f. the lower timber of a door W. [Page 1073, Column 3] 

⋙ śilika

   śilika m. g. puro-hitâdi

≫ śilikākoṣṭha

   śilikā-koṣṭha N. of a village among mountains Rājat.

≫ śilin

   śilin m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.

≫ śilina

   śilina m. N. of a man ŚBr. Sch.

≫ śilī 1

   śilī f. a kind of worm L. (accord. to some, the female of gaṇḍa-pada) 
   • a female frog MBh. Sch. 
   • = stambha-śīrṣa L. 
   • = dvārâdhaḥ-sthita-kāṣṭha L. 
   • a spike, dart W. 
   • an arrow MW.

⋙ śilīpṛṣṭha

   ○pṛṣṭha mfn. (applied to a sword) MBh. (śilī = bhekī Nīlak.)

⋙ śilīmukha

   ○mukha mfn. N. of a sword ib. (cf. prec.) 
   • = jaḍī-bhūta L. 
   • m. (ifc. f. ā) an arrow MBh. Hariv. Kāv. &c 
   • (ifc. f. ā) a bee Kāv. 
   • a fool W. 
   • a battle L. 
   • war W. 
   • N. of a hare Hit. Kathās.

≫ śilī 2

   śilī in comp. for śilā

⋙ śilībhū

   ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become stone, turn to stone, become as hard as stone Vcar.

⋙ śilībhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. turned to stone, become as hard as stone Kum.

≫ śileya

   śileya mfn. coming from rock, rocky, stony MW. 
   • as hard as rock or stone Pāṇ. 5-3, 102 
   • n. bitumen L. 
   • benzoin W.


   śilālin m. N. of the supposed author of partic. a-sūtras Pāṇ. 4-3, 110


   śilāhya (?), m. N. of a man Pravar.


   śilinda m. a kind of fish L.


   śilīndhra m. (perhaps fr. acc. of 1. śilī + dhra = dhara) the plantain tree, Musa Sapientum L. 
   • a kind of fish, Mystus Chitala L. 
   • (ī), f. a kind of bird L. 
   • a kind of worm L. 
   • earth, clay L. 
   • (am), n. a mushroom Hariv. Kāv. &c. (cf. uc-chil○) 
   • the flower of the plantain tree Śiś. 
   • a kind of jasmine L. 
   • a kind of tree L.

≫ śilīndhraka

   śilīndhraka n. a mushroom (esp. one growing out of cow-dung) Bhpr.


   śilīpada m. (= ślī-p○) enlarged or swelled leg, elephantiasis Dhūrtas.


   śilūṣa m. Aegle Marmelos L. 
   • N. of a Ṛishi (said to have been an early teacher of the art of dancing) L. (cf. śailūṣa.)


   śilôñcha &c. col. 1


   śilgú m. = sukha Naigh. iii, 7


   śílpa n. (of doubtful derivation) the art of variegating, variegated or diversified appearance, decoration, ornament, artistic work
   VS. Br. Hariv. Kathās. BhP. 
   • any manual art or craft, any handicraft or mechanical or fine art (64 such arts or crafts, sometimes called bāhya-kalā, 'external or practical arts', are enumerated, e.g. carpentering, architecture, jewellery, farriery, acting, dancing, music, medicine, poetry &c. [cf. IW. 185] 
   • and 64 abhyantara-kalā, 'secret arts', e.g. kissing, embracing, and various other arts of coquetry) ŚāṅkhBr. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • skill in any art or craft or work of art, ingenuity, contrivance MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • any act or work (also m.) BhP. 
   • ceremonial act, ceremony, rite (also m.) MW. 
   • form, shape Naigh. iii, 7 (cf. su-śilpa) 
   • a partic. kind of Śastra or hymn (of a highly artificial character, recited on the 6th day of the Pṛishṭhya Ṣaḍ-aha, at the Viśvajit &c.) Br. ŚrS. 
   • a kind of sacrificial ladle (?) L. 
   • (du. with jamad-agneḥ) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr. 
   • m. N. of a teacher ŚBr. 
   • (ā), f. a barber's shop L. 
   • (ī), f. a female artisan or mechanic Cat. 
   • (śilpá), mfn. variegated VS. TS.

⋙ śilpakara

   ○kara m

⋙ śilpakari

   ○kaḍri f. = -kāra, ○rī MW.

⋙ śilpakarman

   ○karman n. manual labour, handicraft W.

⋙ śilpakalādīpikā

   ○kalā-dīpikā f. N. of wk

⋙ śilpakāra

   ○kāra or m. an artisan, mechanic L.

⋙ śilpakāraka

   ○kāḍraka m. an artisan, mechanic L. 
   • (○rī or ○rikā), f. a female artisan Kālid.

⋙ śilpakārin

   ○kārin m. (cf. MārkP.),

⋙ śilpakāriṇī

   ○kāḍriṇī f. (cf. Bhar.) = prec

⋙ śilpagṛha

   ○gṛha (cf. BrahmaP.) or (cf. Kull.), n. a workshop, workroom, manufactory

⋙ śilpageha

   ○geha (cf. Kull.), n. a workshop, workroom, manufactory

⋙ śilpajīvikā

   ○jīvikā f. subsistence by art or by a craft MBh.

⋙ śilpajīvin

   ○jīvin m. 'living by art &c.', an artisan, mechanic, craftsman ĀpŚr. Sch. (vḷ.) 
   • (inī), f. a female artisan L.

⋙ śilpatva

   ○tva n. the state of being variegated or decorated PañcavBr.

⋙ śilpaprajāpati

   ○prajāpati m. N. of Viśva-karman MBh.

⋙ śilpalekha

   ○lekha m. N. of wk

⋙ śilpavat

   ○vat m. 'skilled in art', an artisan MBh. Hariv.

⋙ śilpavidyā

   ○vidyā f. the science of arts or mechanics Pañcar.

⋙ śilpavidhānadṛṣṭa

   ○vidhāna-dṛṣṭa mfn. made according to the rules of art VarYogay.

⋙ śilpavṛtti

   ○vṛtti f. = -jīvikā Gaut.

⋙ śilpaśāla

   ○śāla n. or = -gṛha L.

⋙ śilpaśālā

   ○śāḍlā f. = -gṛha L.

⋙ śilpaśāstra

   ○śāstra n. = -vidyā VarBṛS. (also N. of a partic. class of wks. on any mechanical or fine art, as architecture &c 
   • cf. IW. 184). [Page 1074, Column 1] 

⋙ śilpasarvasvasaṃgraha

   ○sarvasva-saṃgraha m. N. of wk

⋙ śilpasthāna

   ○sthāna n. skill in art, mechanical or manual skill Divyâv.

⋙ śilpājīva

   śilpâjīva m. = śilpa-jīvin Āpast.

⋙ śilpārthasāra

   śilpârtha-sāra m. N. of wk

⋙ śilpālaya

   śilpâlaya m. = śilpa-gṛha VarBṛS.

⋙ śilpopajīvin

   śilpôpajīvin m. = śilpa-jīvin Gaut.

≫ śilpaka

   śilpaka n. a kind of drama Sāh. (cf. IW. 472) 
   • (ikā), f. = śilpinī (q.v.) MW.

≫ śilpi

   śilpi in comp. for śilpin

⋙ śilpikarman

   ○karman n. the work of an artisan Divyâv.

⋙ śilpijana

   ○jana (cf. VarBṛS.), m. an artisan, craftsman

⋙ śilpiśāla

   ○śāla n. or a workshop, manufactory L.

⋙ śilpiśālā

   ○śāḍlā f. a workshop, manufactory L.

⋙ śilpiśāstra

   ○śāstra n. = śilpa-śāstra Cat.

⋙ śilpisāra

   ○sāra m. olibanum Gal.

≫ śilpika

   śilpika mfn. skilled in art (applied to Śiva) MBh. (accord. to Nīlak. = little versed in art) 
   • n. any handicraft or mechanical art W. 
   • a kind of drama (= śilpaka) ib. 
   • (ā), f. śilpaka

≫ śilpin

   śilpin mfn. belonging to or skilled in art 
   • m. an artificer, artisan, craftsman, artist Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • (ifc.) fashioner of Naish. 
   • (inī), f. a female artisan or artist Daś. 
   • a kind of herb or grass (commonly called Lahānasipī, used medicinally: otherwise described as a perfume = kola-dala) L.


   śilhaṇa m. (also written śilhana and śihlaṇa) N. of a poet from Kaśmīra (author of the Śānti-śataka)


   śivá mf(ā́)n. (according to Uṇ. i, 153, fr. √1. śī, 'in whom all things lie' 
   • perhaps connected with √śvi, cf. śavas, śiśvi) auspicious, propitious, gracious, favourable, benign, kind, benevolent, friendly, dear (ám ind. kindly, tenderly) RV. &c. &c 
   • happy, fortunate BhP. 
   • m. happiness, welfare (cf. n.) R. v, 56, 36 
   • liberation, final emancipation L. 
   • 'The Auspicious one', N. of the disintegrating or destroying and reproducing deity (who constitutes the third god of the Hindū Trimūrti or Triad, the other two being Brahmā 'the creator' and Vishṇu 'the preserver' 
   • in the Veda the only N. of the destroying deity wss Rudra 'the terrible god', but in later times it became usual to give that god the euphemistic N. Śiva 'the auspicious' [just as the Furies were called ? 'the gracious ones'], and to assign him the office of creation and reproduction as well as dissolution 
   • in fact the preferential worship of Śiva as developed in the Purāṇas and Epic poems led to his being identified with the Supreme Being by his exclusive worshippers called "ṣaivas 
   • in his character of destroyer he is sometimes called Kāla 'black', and is then also identified with Time', although his active destroying function is then oftener assigned to his wife under her name Kālī, whose formidable character makes her a general object of propitiation by sacrifices 
   • as presiding over reproduction consequent on destruction Śiva's symbol is the Liṅga q.v. or Phallus, under which form he is worshipped all over India at the present day 
   • again one of his representations is as Ardha-nārī, 'half-female', the other half being male to symbolize the unity of the generative principle [RTL. 85] 
   • he has three eyes, one of which is in his forehead, and which are thought to denote his view of the three divisions of time, past, present, and future, while a moon's crescent, above the central eye, marks the measure of time by months, a serpent round his neck the measure by years, and a second necklace of skulls with other serpents about his person, the perpetual revolution of ages, and the successive extinction and generation of the races of mankind: his hair is thickly matted together, and gathered above his forehead into a coil 
   • on the top of it he bears the Ganges, the rush of which in its descent from heaven he intercepted by his head that the earth might not be crushed by the weight of the falling stream 
   • his throat is dark-blue from the stain of the deadly poison which would have destroyed the world had it not been swallowed by him on its production at the churning of the ocean by the gods for the nectar of immortality 
   • he holds a tri-śūla, or three-pronged trident also called Pināka in his hand to denote, as some think, his combination of the three attributes of Creator, Destroyer, and Regenerator 
   • he also carries a kind of drum, shaped like an hour-glass, called Ḍamaru: his attendants or servants are called Pramatha qq.vv. 
   • they are regarded as demons or supernatural beings of different kinds, and form various hosts or troops called Gaṇas 
   • his wife Durgā [otherwise called Kālī, Pārvatī, Umā, Gaurī, Bhavāṇī &c.] is the chief object of worship with the Śāktas and Tāntrikas, and in this connection he is fond of dancing [see tāṇḍava] and wine-drinking [Page 1074, Column 2] 
   • he is also worshipped as a great ascetic and is said to have scorched the god of love (Kāma-deva) to ashes by a glance from his central eye, that deity having attempted to inflame him with passion for Pārvatī whilst he was engaged in severe penance  
   • in the exercise of his function of Universal Destroyer he is fabled to have burnt up the Universe and all the gods, including Brahmā and Vishṇu, by a similar scorching glance, and to have rubbed the resulting ashes upon his body, whence the use of ashes in his worship, while the use of the Rudrâksha berries originated, it is said, from the legend that Śiva, on his way to destroy the three cities, called Tri-pura, let fall some tears of rage which became converted into these beads: his residence or heaven is Kailāsa, one of the loftiest northern peaks of the Himâlaya 
   • he has strictly no incarnations like those of Vishṇu, though Vīra-bhadra and the eight Bhairavas and Khaṇḍo-bā &c. {RTL. 266} are sometimes regarded as forms of him 
   • he is especially worshipped at Benares and has even more names than Vishṇu, one thousand and eight being specified in the 69th chapter of the Śiva-Purāṇa and in the 17th chapter of the Anuśāsana-parvan of the Maha-bhārata, some of the most common being Mahā-deva, Śambhu, Śaṃkara, Īśa, Īśvara, Mahêśvara, Hara 
   • his sons are Gaṇêśa and Kārttikeya) ĀśvŚr. MBh. Kāv. &c. RTL. 73 
   • a kind of second Siva (with Śaivas), a person who has attained a partic. stage of perfection or emancipation MBh. Sarvad. 
   • śiva-liṅga L. 
   • any god L. 
   • a euphemistic N. of a jackal (generally śivā f. q.v.) 
   • sacred writings L. 
   • (in astron.) N. of the sixth month 
   • a post for cows (to which they are tied or for them to rub against) L. 
   • bdellium L. 
   • the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum L. 
   • Marsilia Dentata L. 
   • a kind of thorn-apple or = puṇḍarīka (the tree) L. 
   • quicksilver L. (cf. śiva-bīja) 
   • a partic. auspicious constellation L. 
   • a demon who inflicts diseases Hariv. 
   • = śukra m. kāla m. vasu m. L. 
   • the swift antelope L. 
   • rum, spirit distilled from molasses L. 
   • buttermilk L. 
   • a ruby L. 
   • a peg L. 
   • time L. 
   • N. of a son of Medhâtithi MārkP. 
   • of a son of Idhma-jihva BhP. 
   • of a prince and various authors (also with dīkṣita, bhaṭṭa, paṇḍita, yajvan, sūri &c.) Cat. 
   • of a fraudulent person Kathās. 
   • (du.) the god Śiva and his wife Kir. v, 40 Pracaṇḍ. i, 20 (cf. Vām. v, 2, 1) 
   • pl. N. of a class of gods in the third Manvantara Pur. 
   • of a class of Brāhmans who have attained a partic. degree of perfection like that of Śiva MBh. 
   • (ā), f. Śiva's wife (also śivii), śivā below 
   • (am), n. welfare, prosperity, bliss (āya, éna or ébhis, 'auspiciously, fortunately, happily, luckily' 
   • śivāya gamyatām, 'a prosperous journey to you!') RV. &c. &c 
   • final emancipation L. 
   • water L. 
   • rock-salt L. 
   • sea-salt L. 
   • a kind of borax L. 
   • iron L. 
   • myrobolan L. 
   • Tabernaemontana Coronaria L. 
   • sandal L. 
   • N. of a Purāṇa (= śiva-purāṇa or śaiva) Cat. 
   • of the house in which the Pāṇḍavas were to be burnt MārkP. 
   • of a Varsha in Plaksha-dviipa and in Jambu-dviipa Pur.

⋙ śivakaṇṭhamalikā

   ○kaṇṭha-malikā f. N. of a Stotra

⋙ śivakara

   ○kara mf(ī)n. causing happiness or prosperity, auspicious, propitious W. 
   • m. (with Jainas) N. of one of the 24 Arhats of the past Utsarpiṇī L.

⋙ śivakarṇāmṛta

   ○karṇâmṛta n. N. of wk

⋙ śivakarṇī

   ○karṇī f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda MBh.

⋙ śivakavaca

   ○kavaca n. N. of various Kavacas (q.v.) Cat.

⋙ śivakāñcī

   ○kāñcī f. N. of a town (said to have been founded by Śaṃkara 
   • cf. viṣṇu-kāñcī) Cat. 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ śivakāntā

   ○kāntā f. 'beloved of Skanda', N. of Durgā L.

⋙ śivakāntī

   ○kāntī f. N. of a Tirtha Cat.

⋙ śivakāmadughā

   ○kāmadughā f. N. of a river ib.

⋙ śivakāriṇī

   ○kāriṇī f. N. of a form of Durgā ib.

⋙ śivakiṃkara

   ○kiṃkara m. 'Śaṃkara's servant', N. of an author ib.

⋙ śivakīrtana

   ○kīrtana m. 'ŚṭŚaṃkara-praiser', N. of Bhṛiṅgi or Bhṛiṅgarīṭa (one of Skanda's attendants) L. 
   • N. of Vishṇu L. 
   • n. the act of praising or celebrating Śaṃkara W.

⋙ śivakuṇḍa

   ○kuṇḍa m. or n. (?) N. of a place Cat.

⋙ śivakusumāñjali

   ○kusumâñjali m. N. of a Stotra

⋙ śivakṛṣṇa

   ○kṛṣṇa (?), m. N. of an author Cat.

[[ ]]

   śivakeśādipādāntavarṇanastotra3śivá--keśâdi-pādânta-varṇana-stotra n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ śivakesara

   ○kesara m. Mimusops Elengi L.

⋙ śivakopamuni

   ○kopa-muni m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śivakośa

   ○kośa m. N. of a dictionary of synonyms of trees and medicinal plants by Śiva-datta

⋙ śivakṣetra

   ○kṣetra n. a district sacred to ŚṭŚaṃkara BhP. 
   • N. of a partic. district Kathās.

⋙ śivakhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa m. n. N. of a ch. of the Skanda Purāṇa

⋙ śivagaṅgā

   ○gaṅgā f. N. of a river 
   • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat. 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ śivagaṇa

   ○gaṇa m. N. of a king Cat. 
   • n. (or -pura n.) N. of a town founded by the above king ib. [Page 1074, Column 3] 
   • (for the Gaṇas of Śiva col. 1.)

⋙ śivagati

   ○gati mfn. having a prosperous course, auspicious, happy W. 
   • worshipping Śiva ib. 
   • m. (with Jainas) N. of the 24 Arhats of the past Utsarpiṇī L.

⋙ śivagayā

   ○gayā f. N. of wk. on the pilgrimage to Gayā

⋙ śivagāyatrī

   ○gāyatrī f. N. of a Tantra wk

⋙ śivagītā

   ○gītā f. N. of a ch. of the Padma Purāṇa (propounding the doctrines of Śaivas 
   • it is regarded as a Vedânta treatise, and attributed to Veda-vyāsa) and of various other wks. (esp. of chs. of the Bhāgavata and Skanda Purāṇas) 
   • -tātparya-bodhinī f. -dīpikā f. -bhāṣya n. -vyākhyā, f. N. of Comms

⋙ śivaguptadeva

   ○gupta-deva m. N. of a king Inscr.

⋙ śivaguru

   ○guru m. N. of the father of Śaṃkarâcarya (son of Vidyādhirāja) Cat.

⋙ śivagharmaja

   ○gharma-ja m. 'born from the perspiration of Śaṃkara', N. of the planet Mars L.

⋙ śivaṃkara

   ○ṃ-kara mf(ī)n. = śiva-kara L. (in MBh. xii, 4430 applied to Punishment personified) 
   • m. a sword L. 
   • N. of a demon causing illness Hariv. 
   • of one of Śiva's attendants L.

⋙ śivacakra

   ○cakra n. N. of a partic. mystical circle MW.

⋙ śivacatuḥślokīvyākhyā

   ○catuḥ-ślokī-vyākhyā f. N. of wk

⋙ śivacaturdaśī

   ○caturdaśī f. the 14th day of the dark half of the month Māgha kept as a festival in honour of SṭSkanda (= śiva-rātri, q.v.) Pañcar. 
   • -vrata, a fast and other observances on that day MW.

⋙ śivacandra

   ○candra m. N. of the great grandfather of the late Mahārāja Satîśa-candra Rāya (author of the Ashṭādasôttara-śata-ślokī) Cat. 
   • (with siddhânta) N. of the author of the Siddhânta-candrikā ib.

⋙ śivacampū

   ○campū f

⋙ śivacaritra

   ○caritra n. N. of wks

⋙ śivacitta

   ○citta m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ śivajī

   ○jī m. N. of a well-known Marāṭha king (= Śiva-rāja) RTL. 265 
   • of the author of the Paramânanda-tantra-ṭīkā Cat.

⋙ śivajña

   ○jña mfn. knowing what is fortunate or propitious W. 
   • worshipping Śiva ib. 
   • (ā), f. a female devotee of the Śaiva sect ib.

⋙ śivajñāna

   ○jñāna n. knowledge of what is fortunate or of auspicious moment L. 
   • -tārâvalī f. -bodha m. -bodha-sūtra n. -vidyā f. N. of wks 
   • ○nêśvara m. (with ācārya) N. of the author of the Bhakti-mīmāṃsā-bhāshya Cat.

⋙ śivajyotirvid

   ○jyotirvid m. N. of an author ib.

⋙ śivatattva

   ○tattva n. N. of wk. on Vedânta 
   • -prakāśikā f. -bodha m. -ratnakalikā f. -ratnâkara, m. -rahasya n. -viveka m. -viveka-khaṇḍana n. -sudhā-nidhi, m 
   • ○ttvârṇava m. ○ttvâvabodha m. (= -tattva-bodha), ○ttvôpaniṣad f. (= parama-haṃsôp○) N. of wks

⋙ śivatantra

   ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra wk

⋙ śivatama

   ○tama (śivá-), mfn. most prosperous or auspicious, very fortunate RV. MaitrUp. BhP.

⋙ śivatara

   ○tara mfn. more (or most) prosperous or fortunate Uttarar. 
   • very complacent MW.

⋙ śivatā

   ○tā f. the state or condition of (a person absorbed in) Śiva Sarvad.

⋙ śivatāṇḍava

   ○tāṇḍava m. or n. 'Śiva's dance', N. of a Tantra wk. (cf. RTL. 85) 
   • -stotra n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ śivatāti

   ○tāti mfn. causing good fortune, conferring happiness, propitious Mālatīm. (also ○tika W.) 
   • f. auspiciousness, happiness, welfare Jātakam. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 143 ; 144)

⋙ śivatāla

   ○tāla m. (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt.

⋙ śivatīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat.

⋙ śivatva

   ○tva n. the condition or nature of Śiva Sarvad. 
   • = -tā ib.

⋙ śivadaṇḍaka

   ○daṇḍaka (prob.) m. (?) N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śivadatta

   ○datta m. 'given by or presented to Śaṃkara', (with śarman, miśra and sūri) N. of three authors Cat. 
   • of various other men Kathās. 
   • n. the discus of Vishṇu MW. 
   • -pura n. N. of a town in the east Pāṇ. 6-2, 99 Sch.

⋙ śivadayālu

   ○dayālu m. N. of the author of a Comm. on the Bhagavad-gītā

⋙ śivadayāsaharsra

   ○dayā-saharsra n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ śivadaśaka

   ○daśaka n. N. of two wks

⋙ śivadāyin

   ○dāyin mfn. vḷ. for -tāti Mālatīm.

⋙ śivadāru

   ○dāru n. the tree Pinus Deodora L.

⋙ śivadāsa

   ○dāsa m. 'Śaṃkara's servant', N. of various writers and other men (esp. of the author of the Kathârṇava, the Vetāla-pañcaviṃśati, and the Śāli-vāhana-caritra) Cat. 
   • (with cakravartin) N. of the author of a Comm. on the Uṇādi-sūtra of the Kātantra grammar ib. 
   • -deva m. N. of a poet ib. 
   • -sena m. N. of the author of the Tattva-candrikā ib.

⋙ śivadiś

   ○diś f. 'Śiva's quarter', the north-east VarBṛS.

⋙ śivadīkṣā

   ○dīkṣā f. N. of wk 
   • -ṭikā f. N. of a Comm. on it

⋙ śivadīna

   ○dīna m. N. of a lexicographer Cat. 
   • -dāsa m. N. of an astronomer ib.

⋙ śivadūtikā

   ○dūtikā f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Śiva L.

⋙ śivadūtī

   ○dūtī f. 'Śiva's messenger', N. of a form of Durgā MārkP. 
   • of a Yoginī MW. 
   • -tantra n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ śivadṛṣṭi

   ○dṛṣṭi f. N. of wk. (containing the Śaiva system, by Somânanda-nātha)

⋙ śivadeva

   ○deva m. N. of two kings and of a grammarian Cat. 
   • n. = (or vḷ. for) next VarBṛS.

⋙ śivadaiva

   ○daiva n. N. of the lunar mansion Ārdrā (presided over by Śiva) ib.

⋙ śivadyumaṇidīpikā

   ○dyumaṇi-dīpikā f. N. of wk. (also called dina-karôddyota)

⋙ śivadruma

   ○druma m. Aegle Marmelos L.

⋙ śivadviṣṭā

   ○dviṣṭā f. Pandanus Odoratissimus L. [Page 1075, Column 1] 

⋙ śivadhanurveda

   ○dhanur-veda m. N. of wk. attributed to Vyāsa Cat.

⋙ śivadharma

   ○dharma n. N. of a ch. of the Nandikêśvara-saṃhitā 
   • ○môttara n. N. of a sequel of the prec. wk 
   • ○môpapurāṇa n. N. of an Upa-purāṇa IW. 521

⋙ śivadhātu

   ○dhātu m. 'Śiva's essence', quicksilver L. 
   • Śiva's mineral, milk-stone, opal or chalcedony L.

⋙ śivadhāra

   ○dhāra m. N. of a Tirtha MatsyaP.

⋙ śivadhāriṇī

   ○dhāriṇī vḷ. for -kāriṇī

⋙ śivadhyānapaddhati

   ○dhyāna-paddhati f. N. of wk

⋙ śivanakṣatrapuruṣavrata

   ○nakṣatra-puruṣa-vrata n. a partic. observance or ceremony Cat.

⋙ śivanakṣatramālikā

   ○nakṣatra-mālikā f. N. of a Stotra

⋙ śivanātha

   ○nātha m. N. of a man ib.

⋙ śivanābhi

   ○nābhi m. 'Śiva's navel', a partic. form of Śiva-liṅga L.

⋙ śivanāmāvalī

   ○nāmâvalī f

⋙ śivanāmāṣṭottaraśata

   ○nāmâṣṭôttara-śata n. N. of wks

⋙ śivanārāyaṇa

   ○nārāyaṇa m. N. of a god Cat. 
   • -ghoṣa m. N. of a man ib. 
   • (with sarasvatī-kaṇṭhâbharaṇa) -dāsa m. ○yaṇânanda-tīrtha m. N. of authors

⋙ śivanirmālyabhakṣaṇa

   ○nirmālyabhakṣaṇa n. N. of a poem

⋙ śivanirvāṇastotra

   ○nirvāṇa-stotra n. N. of a Stotra ascribed to Vyāsa

⋙ śivapañcamukhadhyāna

   ○pañca-mukha-dhyāna n

⋙ śivapañcavadanastotra

   ○pañca-vadana-stotra n

⋙ śivapañcākṣarastotra

   ○pañcâkṣara-stotra n. N. of wks

⋙ śivapañcākṣarī

   ○pañcâkṣarī f. N. of a Tantra wk 
   • -nakṣatra-mālikā f. -māhātmya n. -muktâvalī f. N. of wks

≫ pañcāṅga

   pañcâṅga n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ pañcāṅgapañcāśikā

   ○pañcāśikā f. N. of wk. by Appaya Dikshita (also called ātmârpaṇa-stuti)

⋙ pañcāṅgapattra

   ○pattra n. a red lotus-flower L. 
   • -muhūrta-prakaraṇa (?), n. N. of wk

⋙ pañcāṅgapada

   ○pada n. final liberation, emancipation L.

⋙ pañcāṅgapaddhati

   ○paddhati f. N. of wk

⋙ pañcāṅgapara

   ○para n. (prob.) N. of a Stotra

⋙ pañcāṅgapavitraka

   ○pavitraka n. a partic. festival L.

[[ ]]

   pañcāṅgapādādikeśāntavarṇanastotra3pañcâṅga--pādâdi-keśânta-varṇana-stotra n

[[ ]]

   pañcāṅgapāramparyapratipādikaśrutismṛtyudāharaṇa3pañcâṅga--pāramparya-pratipādika-śruti-smṛty-udāharaṇa n

⋙ pañcāṅgapārvatīsaṃvāda

   ○pārvatī-saṃvāda m. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgaputra

   ○putra m. 'Śiva's son', patr. of Ganêśa Gal.

⋙ pañcāṅgapur

   ○pur f. 'Śiva's city', N. of the city Benares Gal.

⋙ pañcāṅgapura

   ○pura n. 'id, N. of various cities MBh. Kathās. 
   • (ī), f. N. of a city Śatr. 
   • = vārāṇasī L.

⋙ pañcāṅgapurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n. N. of one of the 18 Puraṇas (devoted to the praise of Śiva, and consisting of 12 Saṃhitās, viz. Vighnêśa, Rudra, Vināyaka, Bhauma, Mātṛikā, Rudrâikadaśa, Kailāsa, Śata-rudra, Koṭi-rudra, Sahasra-koṭi-rudra, Vāyaviya, and Dharma-saṃhitā) 
   • -tāmasatva-khaṇḍana n. N. of wk. (cf. IW. 514)

⋙ pañcāṅgapuṣpaka

   ○puṣpaka m. Calotropis Gigantea L.

⋙ pañcāṅgapūjana

   ○pūjana n. 'worship or adoration of Śiva', N. of wk

⋙ pañcāṅgapūjā

   ○pūjā f. id 
   • -paddhati f. -prakaśa m. -mahiman m. -vidhāna n. -vidhi m. -saṃgraha m. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgaprakāsakasiṃha

   ○prakāsakasiṃha or m. N. of the author of the Bhāgavata-tattva-bhāskara

⋙ pañcāṅgaprakāśadeva

   ○prakāśa-deva m. N. of the author of the Bhāgavata-tattva-bhāskara

⋙ pañcāṅgapraṇāmaśikṣāstuti

   ○praṇāmaśikṣā-stuti f. N. of wk

⋙ pañcāṅgapratiṣṭhā

   ○pratiṣṭhā f. and N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgapratiṣṭhāpaddhati

   ○pratiṣṭhā-paddhati f. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgaprasāda

   ○prasāda m. N. of various authors Cat. 
   • (with tarka-pañcânana) N. of the father of Gaṅgā-dhara ib. 
   • -vikṛti f. -sundara-stava m. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgaprādurbhāva

   ○prādur-bhāva m. the manifestation of Śiva MW.

⋙ pañcāṅgaprārthanāstotra

   ○prârthanā-stotra n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ pañcāṅgapriya

   ○priya mfn. dear to or esteemed by Siva W. 
   • m. Agati Grandiflora L. 
   • the thorn-apple L. 
   • (ā), f. N. of the goddess Durgā L. 
   • n. the seeds of the Elaeocarpus Ganitrus L. 
   • crystal L.

⋙ pañcāṅgaphalābhiṣeka

   ○phalâbhiṣeka m. N. of wk. on scattering various kinds of fruit on the Liṅga (as offerings)

⋙ pañcāṅgabīja

   ○bīja n. 'Śiva's seed', quick silver L.

⋙ pañcāṅgabhakta

   ○bhakta m. 'devoted to ŚṭŚiva', a Śaiva Cat. 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of wk 
   • ○tânanda, N. of a Nāṭaka 
   • ○tânanda-kārikā f. N. of a Stotra by Śaṃkarâcārya

⋙ pañcāṅgabhakti

   ○bhakti f. devotion to the worship of Śiva 
   • -māhātmya n. -muktâbharaṇa n. -vilāsa m. -sudhā-nidhi m. -sudhârṇava m. -sudhôdaya m. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgabhaṭṭa

   ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of the father of Nāgêśa-bhaṭṭa Cat.

⋙ pañcāṅgabhadra

   ○bhadra m. (also with śukla) N. of an author 
   • -kāvya n. N. of a poem

⋙ pañcāṅgabhāgavata

   ○bhāgavata m. (prob.) a worshipper of Śiva Col.

⋙ pañcāṅgabhārata

   ○bhārata (prob.) n. the history of Śiva-rāja or Śiva-ji (AḌ. 1627-1680) by Kavindra Cat. 
   • (○tī), m. N. of the author of the Siddhânta-mañjūshā ib.

⋙ pañcāṅgabhāskara

   ○bhāskara m. 'Śiva compared to the sun', (prob.) N. of a teacher ib.

⋙ pañcāṅgabhujaṃga

   ○bhujaṃga (ibc.), ŚṭŚiva compared to a serpent 
   • -stotra n. ○gâṣṭaka n. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgabhūti

   ○bhūti or m. N. of a minister Kathās.

⋙ pañcāṅgabhūtika

   ○bhūtika m. N. of a minister Kathās.

⋙ pañcāṅgamaṅgalāṣṭaka

   ○maṅgalâṣṭaka n. N. of wk

⋙ pañcāṅgamantra

   ○mantra m. Śiva's Mantra Pañcat. 
   • -vidhi m. N. of wk

⋙ pañcāṅgamaya

   ○maya mf(ī or ā)n. full of prosperity BhP. 
   • entirely devoted to Śiva Kathās.

⋙ pañcāṅgamallaka

   ○mallaka m. Terminalia Arjuna L. 
   • (ikā), f. Agati Grandiflora L.

⋙ pañcāṅgamallī

   ○mallī f. = -mallikā L. 
   • Getonia Floribunda L.

⋙ pañcāṅgamahiman

   ○mahiman m. Śiva's majesty 
   • ○ma-prakhyāpana n. ○ma-vyākhyā f. ○mnaḥ stava m. ○mnaḥ-stotra n. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgamātra

   ○mātra m. or n. (?) a partic. high number Buddh.

⋙ pañcāṅgamānasapūjā

   ○mānasa-pūjā f

⋙ pañcāṅgamānasikasnāna

   ○mānasika-snāna n. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgamārga

   ○mārga m. 'Siva's path', final liberation L. [Page 1075, Column 2] 

⋙ pañcāṅgamālā

   ○mālā f

⋙ pañcāṅgamāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. N. of wks 
   • (○tmya) -khaṇḍa m. N. of a ch. of the SkandaP. 
   • -muktâvalī f. N. of wk

⋙ pañcāṅgamauli

   ○mauli and m. N. of authors Cat.

⋙ pañcāṅgayajvan

   ○yajvan m. N. of authors Cat.

⋙ pañcāṅgayoga

   ○yoga m. (prob.) N. of wk. ib.

⋙ pañcāṅgayogin

   ○yogin m. a Śaiva ascetic, Hcat 
   • N. of one of the six Gurus of Ṣaḍ-guruśishya ib. 
   • ○gi-bhikṣu (with rāmêśvara) and ○gī7ndra m. N. of authors

⋙ pañcāṅgayoṣit

   ○yoṣit f. Śiva's wife Cat.

⋙ pañcāṅgaratnamālā

   ○ratna-mālā f

⋙ pañcāṅgaratnāvalī

   ○ratnâvalī f

⋙ pañcāṅgaratnāvalīvyākhyā

   ○ratnâvalī-vyākhyā f. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgaratha

   ○ratha m. N. of a man Rājat.

⋙ pañcāṅgarasa

   ○rasa m. the water of boiled rice or pulse three days old (undergoing spontaneous fermentation) L. 
   • 'secret doctrine of Siva, N. of a ch. of the SkandaP. (also -khaṇḍa) and of a Tantra wk

⋙ pañcāṅgarahasya

   ○rahasya n

⋙ pañcāṅgapañcaratna

   ○pañca-ratna n. pl. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgarāghavasaṃvāda

   ○rāghava-saṃvāda m. N. of a ch. of the PadmaP.

⋙ pañcāṅgarāja

   ○rāja m. N. of various men (also = śivajī, q. v.) Cat. 
   • -caritra n. N. of a poetical life of Śiva-ji 
   • -dhānī f. 'Śiva's capital', N. of the city Kāśī or Benares Cat. 
   • -bhaṭṭa m. N. of a man Vās., Introd

⋙ pañcāṅgarātri

   ○rātri f. 'Siva's night', N. of a popular fast and festival in honour of Siva (kept on the 14th of the dark half of the month Māgha or January-February with many solemn ceremonies, observed during the day and night, cf. śiva-caturdaśī) Rājat. RTL. 90 ; 428 
   • a form of Durgā (= mahā-kālī) Hcat. 
   • -kathā f. -kalpa m. -nirṇaya m. -pūjā f. -māhātmya n. -vratā n. -vrata-kathā f. -vrata-kalpa, m. -vratôdyāpana, n 
   • ○try-argha m. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgarāma

   ○rāma m. (also with ācārya, cakra-vartin, bhaṭṭa &c.) N. of various authors and other men 
   • -gira m. N. of a person MW. 
   • -gītā f. N. of wk. on Yoga 
   • -tīrtha m. N. of a preceptor Cat. 
   • -stotra n. N. of a Stotra 
   • ○mânandatirtha m. N. of a preceptor Cat. 
   • ○mêndra m. (also with yati and sarasvatī) N. of various authors

⋙ pañcāṅgarūpa

   ○rūpa n. the form or image of Śiva MW. 
   • mfn. having the form of Śiva ib.

⋙ pañcāṅgarūpya

   ○rūpya (prob.) N. of a place (cf. śaiva-rūpya)

⋙ pañcāṅgalaharī

   ○laharī f. N. of wk

⋙ pañcāṅgalāla

   ○lāla m. (also with sukula, pāṭhaka, and śarman) N. of various authors

⋙ pañcāṅgaliṅga

   ○liṅga n. Śiva's genital organ or Śiva worshipped in the form of the Liṅga VarBṛS. Kathās. 
   • any temple or spot dedicated to the worship of Śiva's Liṅga MW. 
   • N. of the city Kāśī or Benares Gal. 
   • m. (with cola-bhūpati) N. of an author 
   • -dāna-vidhi m. -parī7kṣā f. -pratiṣṭhā-krama m. -pratiṣṭhā-prayoga m. -pratiṣṭhā-vidhi m. -lakṣaṇa n. -sūryôdaya, m 
   • ○gânanda-jñānôdaya m. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgalīṅgin

   ○līṅgin m. a worshipper of ŚṭŚiva's Liṅga or one who carries that symbol on his person MW.

⋙ pañcāṅgalīlāmṛta

   ○līlâmṛta n

⋙ pañcāṅgalīlārṇava

   ○līlârṇava m. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgaloka

   ○loka m. Śiva's heaven (on Kailāsa) Pañcar.

⋙ pañcāṅgavarman

   ○varman m. N. of a minister Kathās. 
   • (○ma) -kathana n. N. of a ch. of the SkandaP.

⋙ pañcāṅgavallabha

   ○vallabha mfn. loved by ŚṭŚiva W. 
   • m. the mango tree ib. 
   • gigantic swallow-wort ib. 
   • (ā), f. the goddess Pārvatī ib. 
   • the Indian white rose (= śata-pattrī) MW.

⋙ pañcāṅgavallikā

   ○vallikā f. a kind of plant L.

⋙ pañcāṅgavallī

   ○vallī f. id. L. 
   • Acacia Concinna L.

⋙ pañcāṅgavāhana

   ○vāhana m. 'Śiva's vehicle', a bull L.

⋙ pañcāṅgavipra

   ○vipra m. a Brāhman worshipper of Śiva Hcat.

⋙ pañcāṅgavilāsacampū

   ○vilāsacampū f. N. of a poem

⋙ pañcāṅgavivāhaprayoga

   ○vivāha-prayoga m

⋙ pañcāṅgaviṣṇustotra

   ○viṣṇu-stotra n. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgavīja

   ○vīja -bīja

⋙ pañcāṅgavīrya

   ○vīrya n. quicksilver L.

⋙ pañcāṅgavratakalpa

   ○vrata-kalpa m. N. of wk

⋙ pañcāṅgavratin

   ○vratin m. a Brāhman engaged in a vow of standing on one foot L.

⋙ pañcāṅgaśakti

   ○śakti f. (du.) Śiva and his female energy Cat. 
   • (sg.) attachment or devotion to Śiva MW. 
   • m. N. of a man Rājat. 
   • -pūjana-vidhi m. N. of wk 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. produced by Śiva and his energy Cat. 
   • -siddhi f. N. of wk. by Harsha

⋙ pañcāṅgaśaṃkara

   ○śaṃkara m. N. of an author 
   • -gītā f. N. of wk

⋙ pañcāṅgaśataka

   ○śataka n

⋙ pañcāṅgaśatanāmastotra

   ○śata-nāma-stotra n

⋙ pañcāṅgaśabdakhaṇḍa

   ○śabda-khaṇḍa m. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgaśarman

   ○śarman m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ pañcāṅgasāsasana

   ○sāsasana n. 'ŚṭŚiva's ordinance, N. of a law-book

⋙ pañcāṅgaśāstra

   ○śāstra n. (prob. = prec.), and f. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgaśikhariṇīstuti

   ○śikhariṇī-stuti f. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgaśekhara

   ○śekhara m. Śiva's crest or head MW. 
   • the moon ib. 
   • Agati Grandiflora L. 
   • the thorn-apple L.

⋙ pañcāṅgaśrī

   ○śrī m. N. of a king VP.

⋙ pañcāṅgaṣaḍakṣarastotra

   ○ṣaḍ-akṣara-stotra n

⋙ pañcāṅgasaṃhitā

   ○saṃhitā f. N. of wk

⋙ pañcāṅgasaṃkalpa

   ○saṃkalpa (śivá-), m. 'auspicious in meaning', N. of the text VS. xxxii, 1-6 (also ○pa-sū7kta 
   • also ○pôpaniṣad 
   • cf. Mn. xi, 251)

⋙ pañcāṅgasamarasa

   ○sama-rasa mfn. having the same sentiments as Śiva (-tā f.) Siṃhâs.

⋙ pañcāṅgasamudra

   ○samudra m. 'Śiva's sea', N. of a waterfall L.

⋙ pañcāṅgasarvasva

   ○sarvasva n

⋙ pañcāṅgasahasranāman

   ○sahasra-nāman n

⋙ pañcāṅgasahasranāmāvali

   ○sahasra-nāḍmâvali f. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgasahāya

   ○sahāya m. 'Śiva's companion', N. of two authors

⋙ pañcāṅgasāyujya

   ○sāyujya n. absorption into or identification with Śiva, final emancipation MW.

⋙ pañcāṅgasiṃha

   ○siṃha m. (also -deva) N. of various princes (esp. of a king of Mithilā, brother of Padma-siṃha, and patron of Vidyā-pati) Inscr. Cat. [Page 1075, Column 3] 

⋙ pañcāṅgasiddhānta

   ○siddhânta m. (also -śāstra n.) N. of an astrol. wk

⋙ pañcāṅgasundarī

   ○sundarī f. Śiva's wife', N. of Pārvati L.

⋙ pañcāṅgasūkta

   ○sū7kta n. N. of a partic. Vedic hymn

⋙ pañcāṅgasūtra

   ○sūtra n. (cf. spanda-sūtra) N. of the aphorisms of the Śaiva philosophy (attributed to the god Śiva) Sarvad. 
   • N. of the 14 Sūtras with which Pāṇini opens his grammar (containing a peculiar method of arranging the alphabet or alphabetical sounds, said to have been communicated to him by the god Sūtras) 
   • -jālagrantha m. -vimarśinī f. -vivṛti f. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgasūnu

   ○sūnu m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ pañcāṅgaskanda

   ○skanda or m. N. of a king Pur.

⋙ pañcāṅgaskandha

   ○skandha m. N. of a king Pur.

⋙ pañcāṅgastavarāja

   ○stava-rāja m

⋙ pañcāṅgastuti

   ○stuti f

⋙ pañcāṅgastotra

   ○stotra n. N. of Stotras

⋙ pañcāṅgasthalamahimavarṇana

   ○sthalamahima-varṇana n. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgasva

   ○sva n. 'Sūtras's property', anything that has been offered to Śiva MW.

⋙ pañcāṅgasvarūpapūjā

   ○svarūpa-pūjā f

⋙ pañcāṅgasvarūpapūjāvidhi

   ○svarūpa-pūjā-vidhi m

⋙ pañcāṅgasvarūpamantra

   ○svarūpa-mantra m. N. of wks

⋙ pañcāṅgasvāti

   ○svāti m. N. of a king Pur.

⋙ pañcāṅgasvāmin

   ○svāmin m. N. of various authors and teachers Cat.

⋙ śivākṣa

   śivâkṣa n. the seed of Elaeocarpus Ganitrus L.

⋙ śivākhya

   śivâkhya mfn. called happy, termed lucky MW.

⋙ śivāgama

   śivâgama m. Śiva's doctrine (also as N. of a wk.) Hcat.

⋙ śivācalamāhātmya

   śivâcala-māhātmya n

⋙ śivācārasaṃgraha

   śivâcāra-saṃgraha m. N. of wks

⋙ śivāṭikā

   śivâṭikā (or ○vâṭ○?), f. Boerhavia Procumbens L. 
   • a kind of grass Bhpr.

⋙ śivāṭī

   śivâṭī f. (prob.) = prec. Suśr.

⋙ śivāṇḍakalpa

   śivâṇḍa-kalpa m. N. of a Tantra wk

⋙ śivātmaka

   śivâtmaka mf(ikā)n. consisting of the essence of Śiva MW. 
   • n. rock-salt L.

⋙ śivātharvaśīrṣopaniṣad

   śivâtharva-śīrṣôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad

⋙ śivāditya

   śivâditya m. (with miśra) N. of an author (also called nyāyâcārya) Cat. 
   • -prakāśikā f. -maṇi-dīpikā f. ○kā-khaṇḍana n. N. of wks

⋙ śivādeśaka

   śivâdeśaka m. a fortuneteller, astrologer Mālav.

⋙ śivādyaṣṭottaraśatanāman

   śivâdy-aṣṭôttaraśata-nāman n. N. of wk

⋙ śivādvaita

   śivâdvaita (ibc.) 
   • -nirṇaya m. -prakāśikā f. -siddhânta-prakāśikā f. N. of wks

⋙ śivādhikyaśikhāmaṇi

   śivâdhikya-śikhāmaṇi m. N. of wk

⋙ śivānanda

   śivânanda m. 'Śiva's joy' 
   • (also with bhaṭṭa, ācārya, gosvāmin, and sarasvatī) N. of various authors and other men Cat. 
   • -nātha m. N. of an author (also called Kāśī-nātha-bhaṭṭa) ib. 
   • -laharī (or śiva-laharī), f. N. of wk. of Śaṃkarâcārya 
   • -sena m. N. of the author of the Kṛishṇacaitanyâmṛita Cat.

⋙ śivānubhavasūtra

   śivânubhava-sūtra n. N. of wk

⋙ śivāpara

   śivâpará mfn. 'other than propitious', cruel AV.

⋙ śivāparādhakṣamāpaṇastotra

   śivâparādha-kṣamāpaṇa-stotra n

[[ ]]

   śivāpāmārjanamālāmantrastotra3śivâpâmārjana-mālā-mantra-stotra n. N. of Stotras

⋙ śivāpīḍa

   śivâpīḍa m. Getonia Floribunda L.

⋙ śivābhimarśana

   śivâbhimarśana mfn. one whose touch is auspicious or beneficial RV.

⋙ śivāmbudhi

   śivâmbudhi m. N. of a Stotra

⋙ śivāyatana

   śivâyatana n. a Śiva temple Vet.

⋙ śivārādhanadipikā

   śivârādhana-dipikā f. N. of wk

⋙ śivārka

   śivârka m. Getonia Floribunda L. 
   • -candrikā f. -maṇidīpikā, f 
   • ○kôdaya m. N. of wks

⋙ śivārcana

   śivârcana n. worship of Śiva 
   • -krama m. -candrikā f. -paddhati f. -mahôdadhi m. -ratna n. N. of wks

⋙ śivārti

   śivârti f

⋙ śivārtiprakāra

   śivârti-prakāra m. (ārti for ārati) N. of wks

⋙ śivārya

   śivârya m. N. of a man Inscr.

⋙ śivālaya

   śivâlaya m. 'Śiva's abode', Kailāsa, Rājat 
   • (accord. to some also n.) any temple or shrine dedicated to Śiva (generally containing a Liṅga) Kathās. 
   • a cemetery, place where dead bodies are burnt L. 
   • N. of a place Cat. 
   • red Tulasī or basil L. 
   • -pratiṣṭhā f. N. of wk

⋙ śivāṣṭaka

   śivâṣṭaka n

⋙ śivāṣṭapadī

   śivâṣṭapadī f

⋙ śivāṣṭamūrtitattvaprakāśa

   śivâṣṭa-mūrti-tattva-prakāśa m

⋙ śivāṣṭottarabhāṣya

   śivâṣṭôttara-bhāṣya n

⋙ śivāṣṭottaraśatanāman

   śivâṣṭôttara-śata-nāman n. N. of wks

⋙ śivāhlāda

   śivâhlāda m. 'Śiva's joy', Getonia Floribunda L.

⋙ śivāhvā

   śivâhvā f. 'called after Śiva', a species of creeper L.

⋙ śivetara

   śivêtara mfn. 'other than propitious', malignant, inauspicious BhP.

⋙ śivendra

   śivêndra m. (with sarasvatī) N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śiveṣṭa

   śivêṣṭa m. 'loved by Śiva', Aegle Marmelos L. 
   • Getonia Floribunda L. 
   • (ā), f. Dūrvā grass L.

⋙ śivotkarṣa

   śivôtkarṣa m. N. of a Vedânta wk 
   • -prakāśa m. -mañjarī f. N. of wks

⋙ śivodbheda

   śivôdbheda m. N. of a Tirtha MBh.

⋙ śivopaniṣad

   śivôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad (supposed to have been the work on which the Śiva-sūtras were founded) Cat.

⋙ sivopapurāṇa

   sivôpapurāṇa n. N. of an Upa-purāṇa Cat.

≫ śivaka

   śivaka m. an idol or image of Śiva Pāṇ. 5-3, 99 Sch. 
   • a pillar or post to which cows are tied (to be milked or for rubbing against) L.

≫ śivā

   śivā f. the energy of Śiva personified as his wife (known as Durgā, Pārvatī &c.)
   Inscr. Kāv. Kathās. Pur. 
   • final emancipation (= mukti) Pur. 
   • a euphemistic N. of a jackal (generally regarded as an animal of bad omen) GṛS. Baudh. MBh. &c. [Page 1076, Column 1] 
   • N. of various plants (accord. to L. 'Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma 
   • Terminalia Chebula or Citrina, Emblica Offcinalis 
   • Jasminum Auriculatum 
   • turmeric 
   • Dūrvā grass &c.') 
   • the √of Piper longum L. 
   • a kind of yellow pigment (= ○go-rocanā) L. 
   • a kind of metre L. 
   • (in music) a partic. Śruti Saṃgīt. 
   • N. of the wife of Anila MBh. 
   • of the wife of Aṅgiras ib. 
   • of a Brāhman woman ib. 
   • of the mother of Nemi (the 22nd Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇi) L. 
   • of the mother of Rudra-bhaṭṭa Cat. 
   • of a river MBh. Hariv. (In the following comp. not always, distinguishable from śiva m. or n.)

⋙ śivāpriyā

   ○priyā f. 'dear to the jackals', a goat L.

⋙ śivāphalā

   ○phalā f. Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma L.

⋙ śivābali

   ○bali m. an offering to Durgā (offered at night and consisting chiefly of flesh 
   • also N. of a ch. of the Rudra-yāmala Tantra) Cat.

⋙ śivāmbātriśatī

   ○"ṣmbā-triśatī (śivâmb○), f. N. of wk

⋙ śivārāti

   ○"ṣrāti or (śivâr○), m. 'jackal's enemy, a dog L.

⋙ śivāri

   ○"ṣḍri (śivâr○), m. 'jackal's enemy, a dog L.

⋙ śivāruta

   ○ruta n. the howling of a jackal L.

⋙ śivārudra

   ○rudra m. N. of Śiva (as half male, half female,
   under śiva) Pañcar.

⋙ śivālikhita

   ○likhita (śivā-l○ or śivâl○?), m. or n. and f. N. of wks

⋙ śivālikhitaparibhāṣā

   ○likhita-paribhāṣā f. N. of wks

⋙ śivāvidyā

   ○vidyā f. 'jackal-science', divination by the cries of jackals Divyâv.

⋙ śivāstuti

   ○stuti f

⋙ śivāstotra

   ○stotra n. N. of Stotras

⋙ śivāsmṛti

   ○smṛti f. 'Durgā-remembrance', the plant Sesbania Aegyptiaca L.

≫ śivāku

   śivāku m. N. of a man, g. bāhv-ādi

≫ śivānī

   śivānī f. the wife of Śiva (= Durgā, Pārvati &c.) L. 
   • the plant Sesbania Aegyptiaca (or accord. to others Celtis Orientalis) L.

≫ śivālu

   śivālu m. a jackal (cf. under śiva and śivā) L.

≫ śivīya

   śivīya Nom. P. ○yati, to treat any one (acc.) like Śiva Vop.


   śivi śivikā &c. śibi, p. 1072


   śivipiṣṭa m. (cf. śipiviṣṭa) N. of Śiva L.


   śivira &c. śibira, p. 1072


   śivī-ratha śibī-ratha, p. 1072


   śiśan (only instr. śiśnā), collateral form of śiśna (q.v.) Pañcar.


   śiśapā f. m.c. for śiṃśapā (q.v.)


   śiśayá mfn. (fr. √1. śi) liberal, munificent RV.


   śiśayiṣā f. (fr. Desid. of √1. śī) desire to lie down or to sleep, sleepiness W.

≫ śiśayiṣu

   śiśayiṣu mfn. wishing to lie down, sleepy, drowsy BhP.


   śiśava (once for śiśu in śiśavasya)


   śiśira mf(ā)n. (prob. connected with √śyai, śīta &c.) cool, chilly, cold, frigid, freezing R. VarBṛS. &c 
   • m. n. cold, coolness, hoarfrost, dew MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • the cool or dewy season (comprising two months, Māgha and Phālguna, or from about the middle of January to that of March 
   • cf. ṛtu) AV. &c. &c 
   • m. N. of the seventh month of the year (accord. to one reckoning) 
   • of a mountain R. Hariv. Pur. 
   • of a son of Dhara and Manoharā MBh. Hariv. 
   • of a son of Medhâtithi MārkP. 
   • of a teacher (a pupil or descendant of Śākalya Vedamitra) Cat. 
   • (ā), f. a partic. drug (= reṇukā) L. 
   • a kind of Cyperus L. 
   • n. the √of Andropogon Muricatus L. 
   • a partic. mythical weapon R. Hariv. 
   • N. of a Varsha in Plaksha-dviipa MārkP.

⋙ śiśirakara

   ○kara m. 'cool-rayed', the moon VarBṛS.

⋙ śiśirakāla

   ○kāla m. the cool season W.

⋙ śiśirakiraṇa

   ○kiraṇa m. = -kara VarBṛS. 
   • -vāsara m. Monday ib.

⋙ śiśiragabhasti

   ○gabhasti m

⋙ śiśiragu

   ○gu m. = -kara ib.

⋙ śiśiraghna

   ○ghna m. 'cold-destroying', N. of Agni or fire MW.

⋙ śiśiratara

   ○tara mfn. more cool, very refreshing Vās. Gīt.

⋙ śiśiratā

   ○tā f. coolness, cold ( aśiśiratā)

⋙ śiśiradīdhiti

   ○dīdhiti m. (cf. Ṛitus.) and m. (cf. VarBṛS.) = -kara

⋙ śiśiramayūkha

   ○mayūkha m. (cf. VarBṛS.) = -kara

⋙ śiśiramathita

   ○mathita mfn. pinched by cold Megh.

⋙ śiśiramāsa

   ○māsa m. the cool month Śiś.

⋙ śiśirartu

   ○rtu (for -ṛtu), m. the cool season 
   • -varṇana n. N. of a poem

⋙ śiśiraśrī

   ○śrī f. the beauty of the cool season Pañcat.

⋙ śiśirasamaya

   ○samaya m. = -kāla Cat.

⋙ śiśirāṃśu

   śiśirâṃśu mfn. having cool rays (-tva n.) R. Hariv. 
   • m. the moon Vikr. (tanu-bhavaḥ śiśirâṃśoḥ, 'son of the Moon', N. of the planet Mercury VarBṛS.)

⋙ śiśirākṣa

   śiśirâkṣa m. N. of a mountain MārkP.

⋙ śiśirātyaya

   śiśirâtyaya m. 'close of the cool season', spring R.

⋙ śiśirāpagama

   śiśirâpagama m. 'departure of the cool season', id. Ragh. [Page 1076, Column 2] 

⋙ śiśiropacāra

   śiśirôpacāra m. 'artificial cooling', a refrigerator Hcar.

⋙ śiśiroṣṇavarṣā

   śiśirôṣṇa-varṣā f. pl, the cool, hot, and rainy seasons MW.

≫ śiśiraya

   śiśiraya Nom. P. ○yati, to cool Daś.

≫ śiśirāya

   śiśirāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become cool or cooler Hcar.

≫ śiśirāyaṇa

   śiśirāyaṇa wṛ. for śaiś○ (q.v.)

≫ śiśirita

   śiśirita mfn. cooled Pañcar.

≫ śiśirī

   śiśirī in comp. for śiśira

⋙ śiśirīkṛ

   ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to cool, refresh Hcar.

⋙ śiśirībhū

   ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become cool MW.


   śíśu m. (fr. √1. śū = śvi) a child, infant, the young of any animal (as a calf, puppy &c 
   • also applied to young plants, and to the recently risen sun 
   • often ifc.) RV. &c. &c 
   • a boy under eight years of age W. 
   • a lad under sixteen ib. 
   • a pupil, scholar ib. 
   • N. of Skanda MBh. R. (cf. kumāra) 
   • of a descendant of Aṅgiras (author of RV. ix, 112). Anukr. 
   • of a son of Sāraṇa VP. 
   • of a king Buddh. 
   • mfn. young, infantine L.

⋙ śiśukāla

   ○kāla m. time of infancy, childhood Pañcat.

⋙ śiśukṛcchra

   ○kṛcchra n. a form of austerity or penance Vas. 
   • ○râtikṛcchra n. another kind of penance L.

⋙ śiśukranda

   ○kranda m. the weeping or crying of a child or infant Pāṇ. 4-3, 88 (○dīya mfn. treating of it ib.)

⋙ śiśukrandana

   ○krandana n. = -kranda W.

⋙ śiśukrīḍā

   • f. a child's play Naish. Sch.

⋙ śiśugandhā

   ○gandhā f. double jasmine L.

⋙ śiśucāndrāyaṇa

   ○cāndrāyaṇa n. the lunar penance of children (eating four mouthfuls at sunrise and four mouthfuls at sunset for a month) Baudh. Mn. xi, 219

⋙ śiśujana

   ○jana m. young people, children

⋙ śiśutā

   ○tā f

⋙ śiśutva

   ○tva n. childhood, childishness Kāv. VarBṛS. Pañcat. 
   • pupilage, the period before sixteen W. 
   • the period up to eight years of age ib.

⋙ śiśudeśya

   ○deśya mfn. being in the place of a child, not far from or almost a child Rājat.

⋙ śiśunandi

   ○nandi m. N. of a king BhP.

⋙ śiśunāka

   ○nāka next

⋙ śiśunāga

   ○nāga m. a young snake R. 
   • a young elephant MW. 
   • a kind of Rākshasa or demon ib. 
   • N. of a king of Magadha (pl. his descendants) BhP. VP. (v. l. -nāka)

⋙ śiśunāman

   ○nāman m. a camel L.

⋙ śiśupāla

   ○pāla m. 'child-protector', N. of the king of the Cedis inhabiting a country in central India, probably the same as Bundelkhand ( cedi 
   • he was son of Dama-ghosha, and is also called Sunītha 
   • his impiety in opposing the worship of Kṛishṇa is described in the Sabhā-parvan of the Mahā-bhārata 
   • when Yudhi-shthira was about to perform a Rājasūya sacrifice, numerous princes attended, and Bhishma proposed that especial honour should be paid to Kṛishṇa, who was also present, but Śiśu-pāla objected, and after denouncing Kṛishṇa as a contemptible person challenged him to fight, whereupon Kṛishṇa struck off his head with his discus 
   • the Vishṇu-Purāṇa identifies this impious monarch with the demons Hiraṇya-kaśipu and Rāvaṇa 
   • his death forms the subject of Māgha's celebrated poem called Śiśupāla-vadha) 
   • -kathā f. N. of a tale 
   • -niṣū Śiśpāla-vadha) 
   • -kathā f. N. of a tale 
   • -niṣūdana m. destroyer of Śisu-pāla, N. of Kṛishṇa L. 
   • -vadha m. 'slaying of Śisu', N. of a poem by Māgha (q.v.) on the above subject 
   • -vadha-parvan n. N. of a ch. of the Mahā-bhārata (ī, 1418-1627) on the same subject 
   • -śiraś-chettṛ (cf. Pañcar.) and -han (cf. W.), m. N. of Kṛishṇa

⋙ śiśupālaka

   ○pālaka m. 'protector of children', N. of a king (= śiśu-pāla) L. 
   • the plant Nauclea Cordifolia L.

⋙ śiśuprabhodhālaṃkāra

   ○prabhodhâlaṃkāra m. N. of wk

⋙ śiśupriya

   ○priya m. 'dear to children', treacle L. 
   • n. the white water-lily L.

⋙ śiśubodha

   ○bodha m

⋙ śiśubodhinī

   ○bodhinī f. N. of various wks

⋙ śiśubhāva

   ○bhāva m. state of childhood, infancy L.

⋙ śiśubhūpati

   ○bhūpati m. a young prince Rājat.

⋙ śiśumat

   ○mat (śíśu-), mfn. accompanied by or possessed of children or young RV. VS. PañcavBr.

⋙ śiśumāra

   ○mā́ra m. 'child-killer', the Gangetic porpoise or dolphin, Delphinus Gangeticus VS. &c. &c 
   • an alligator Suśr. 
   • a collection of stars supposed to resemble a dolphin (and held to be a form of Vishṇu 
   • also personified as a son of Dosha and Śarvari, or as father of Bhrami, wife of Dhruva) MBh. Pur. 
   • (ī), f. a female porpoise PañcavBr. 
   • a kind of plant VarBṛS. 
   • ○ra-mukhī f. 'dolphin-faced', N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda L. 
   • ○ra-rṣi m. a Ṛishi having the form of a dolphin TāṇḍyaBr. 
   • ○ra-vasā f. the marrow or fat of the Delphinus Gangeticus Suśr. 
   • ○ra-śiras n. 'the dolphin's head', a part of the heavens having stars of that shape, the north-east point MBh. 
   • ○râkṛti mfn. dolphin-shaped VP.

⋙ śiśurakṣāratna

   ○rakṣā-ratna n. N. of a medical wk. (also called bāla-cikitsā)

⋙ śiśuroman

   ○roman m. 'having hair like a child', N. of a serpent-demon MBh.

⋙ śiśuvarjitā

   ○varjitā f. a woman without a child L.

⋙ śiśuvāhaka

   ○vāhaka or m. 'carrying young', a wild goat L. [Page 1076, Column 3] 

⋙ śiśuvāhyaka

   ○vāhyaka m. 'carrying young', a wild goat L. [Page 1076, Column 3] 

⋙ śiśusaukhya

   ○saukhya n. N. of wk

⋙ śiśuhatyā

   ○hatyā f. child-murder MW.

⋙ śiśuhariṇadṛś

   ○hariṇa-dṛś f. a girl having the eyes of a young antelope Amar.

⋙ śiśuhitaiṣiṇī

   ○hitâiṣiṇī f. 'benefiting children', N. of a Comm. on the Kumāra-sambhava and Raghu-vaṃśa by Cāritra-vardhana

≫ śiśuka

   śiśuká m. a child, young AV. &c. &c 
   • a kind of aquatic animal (accord. to L. a porpoise or Delphinus Gangeticus) MBh. 
   • a kind of tree L. 
   • N. of a king VP.

≫ śiśūla

   śiśū́la m. a little child or infant RV.

≫ śiśvan

   śiśvan saṃ-śísvan

≫ śiśvi

   śiśvi sú-śiśvi


   śiśoka m. N. of a poet Cat.


   śiśodara m. (perhaps wṛ. for śiśnôdara) N. of a man Virac.


   śiśná m. n. (cf. śiśan 
   • said to be fr. √śnath, 'to pierce') a tail, (esp.) the male generative organ RV. &c. &c

⋙ śiśnacchedana

   ○cchedana n. cutting off he tail (or) cutting off the genṭgenerative organ Āpast.

⋙ śiśnadeva

   ○deva (śiśná-), m. 'having the genṭgenerative organ for a god', a phallus-worshipper, (or) a tailed or priapic demon (accord. to Sāy. 'one who sports with the generative organ' 
   • accord. to Nir. iv, 19', mfn. unchaste, lustful') RV.

⋙ śiśnapraṇejinī

   ○praṇejinī f. wiping or washing the genṭgenerative organ Lāṭy.

⋙ śiśanodara

   śiśanôdara n. the genṭgenerative organ and the belly MBh. 
   • -tṛp (cf. BhP.), -parâyaṇa (cf. MW.), -m-bhara (cf. BhP.), mfn. addicted to lust and gluttony

≫ śiśnatha

   śiśnátha m. piercing, perforation RV.


   śiślikṣu mfn. (fr. Desid. of √śliṣ) wishing to cling to or adhere (in á-ś○) AV. xx, 134, 6 (not in MS.)


   śiśvi in sú-śiśvi, q.v


   śiśvidāna mfn. (accord. to Uṇ. ii, 93, fr. √śvit) innocent, virtuous (= śukla-karman) L. 
   • guilty, sinful, wicked (= kṛṣṇa-karman) L.

śiṣ 1

   śiṣ cl. 1. P. śeṣati, to hurt, in, jure, kill Dhātup. xvii, 36

śiṣ 2

   śiṣ cl. 7. P. (Dhātup.xxix, 14) śinaṣṭi (in TBr. also śiṃṣati, in later lang. pr. p. śeṣat 
   • Impv. śiṇḍḍhi or śiṇḍhi Kāś. Pāṇ. 8-4, 65 
   • pf. śiśeṣa Gr 
   • śiśiṣe Br. 
   • aor. aśiś-hat ib. 
   • Prec. śiṣyāt Gr 
   • fut. śeṣṭā ib. 
   • śekṣyati, ○te Br. 
   • ind. p. śiṣṭvā ĀśvŚr. 
   • śiṣya, -śeṣam Br. &c.), to leave, leave remaining TBr. ŚrS. (accord. to Dhātup. also 'to distinguish'): Pass. śiṣyáte, to be left, remain (with na, 'to be lacking') AV. &c. &c.: Caus. (or cl. 10 
   • Dhātup. xxxiv, 11) śeṣayati, ○te (aor. aśīśiṣat), to cause or allow to remain, leave, spare MBh. Kāv. &c.: Desid. śiśikṣati Gr.: Intens. śeśiṣyate, śeśeṣṭi ib.

≫ śiṣṭa 1

   śiṣṭá mfn. left, remaining, escaped, residual (often ifc., e.g. nala-ś○', having only the stem left' 
   • hata-ś○, 'escaped from slaughter or destruction') AV. &c. &c 
   • n. anything that remains or is left, remains, remnant ŚBr. &c. &c. 1

⋙ śiṣṭatā

   ○tā f

⋙ śiṣṭatva

   ○tva n. the being left, the being residual MW.

⋙ śiṣṭabhakṣa

   ○bhakṣa m. the eating of remnants of food KātyŚr.

⋙ śiṣṭāśana

   śiṣṭâśana or mfn. feeding on remnants MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ śiṣṭāśin

   śiṣṭâḍśin mfn. feeding on remnants MBh. Kāv. &c

≫ śeṣa

   śeṣa &c. p. 1088, col. 3

śiṣ 3

   śiṣ weak form of √śās, q.v

≫ śiṣṭa 2

   śiṣṭá mfn. taught, directed, ordered, commaned (applied to persons and things) AV. &c. &c 
   • disciplined, cultured, educated, learned, wise (m. a learned or well-educated or wise man) ŚBr. 
   • eminent, superior Mālav. i, 15 (vḷ. for śliṣṭa) 
   • m. (cf. above) a chief. W. 
   • a courtier, counsellor ib. 
   • n. precept, rule RPrāt. 
   • instruction ( śiṣṭârtham)

⋙ śiṣṭagītā

   ○gītā f. N. of wk. on ethics. 2

⋙ śiṣṭatā

   ○tā f

⋙ śiṣṭatva

   ○tva n. culture, learning, refinement Kāv.

⋙ śiṣṭaprayoga

   ○prayoga m. the practice of the learned Vām.

⋙ śiṣṭasabhā

   ○sabhā f. assembly of chiefs, council of state Hit.

⋙ śiṣṭacāra

   ○"ṣcāra (○bhâc○), m. history or tradition of eminent persons W.

⋙ śiṣṭasammata

   ○sammata mfn. approved or loved by the learned Mn. iii, 39

⋙ śiṣṭasmṛti

   ○smṛti f. tradition of the lṭlearned Baudh.

⋙ śiṣṭākaraṇa

   śiṣṭâkaraṇa n. non-performance or neglect of what is prescribed Gaut.

⋙ śiṣṭāgama

   śiṣṭâgama m. tradition of the learned Baudh.

⋙ śiṣṭācāra

   śiṣṭâcāra m. practice or conduct of the learned or virtuous, good manners, proper behaviour Vas. 
   • mfn. acting like a learned man, well-behaved MBh. [Page 1077, Column 1] 
   • -viruddha mfn. opposed to the practice of the virtuous MW. 
   • ○râviruddha mfn. not opposed to the practice of the vṭvirtuous ib.

⋙ śiṣṭācīrṇa

   śiṣṭâcīrṇa mfn. practised by the learned ib.

⋙ śiṣṭādiṣṭa

   śiṣṭâdiṣṭa mfn. prescribed or approved by the learned MBh.

⋙ śiṣṭādhyāya

   śiṣṭâdhyāya m. N. of wk

⋙ śiṣṭāntaka

   śiṣṭântaka m. 'destroyer of the learned', N. of a man Kautukas.

⋙ śiṣṭārtham

   śiṣṭârtham ind. for (the sake of) instruction MBh. (v. l. śikṣârtham)

≫ śiṣṭi

   śiṣṭi f. (for 2. below) direction, instruction Pat. 
   • order, command Bhadrab. 
   • correction, punishment Gaut. (○ty-artham, for the sake of correction Mn. iv, 164)

≫ śiṣya

   śiṣya mfn. to be taught ( a-ś○ 
   • a-niṣpanne niṣpanna-śabdaḥ śiṣyaḥ, 'it must be taught that the word niṣpanna has the meaning of a-niṣpanna' Vārtt. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 132) 
   • to be instructed ( a-ś○) 
   • m. a pupil, scholar, disciple (ā f. a female pupil) ṢaḍvBr. MBh. &c 
   • passion, anger W. 
   • violence ib.

⋙ śiṣyatā

   ○tā f

⋙ śiṣyatva

   ○tva n. the state or character of a pupil, pupilage, instruction Kāv. Kathās. BhP.

⋙ śiṣyadhīvṛddhidamahātantra

   ○dhī-vṛddhida-mahā-tantra n. N. of wk

⋙ śiṣyaparamparā

   ○paramparā f. a series or succession of pupils or disciples Sāṃkhyak.

⋙ śiṣyaputra

   ○putra m. a pupil equal to a son MW.

⋙ śiṣyapradeya

   ○pradeya mfn. to be delivered or imparted to pupil ib.

⋙ śiṣyapraśnopaniṣad

   ○praśnôpaniṣad f. N. of a Vedânta wk

⋙ śiṣyarūpin

   ○rūpin mfn. having the form or appearance of a disciple Kathās.

⋙ śiṣyaśikṣāvāda

   ○śikṣā-vāda m. N. of a Nyāya wk

⋙ śiṣyaśiṣṭi

   ○śiṣṭi f. chastisement or correction of a pupil W.

⋙ śiṣyasakha

   ○sakha m. having a pupil for a friend MBh.

⋙ śiṣyahitā

   ○hitā f. N. of Bhaṭṭôtpala's Comm. on the Laghu-jātaka 
   • -nyāsa m. N. of a gram. wk. by Ugra-bhūti

⋙ śiṣyahitaīṣiṇī

   ○hitaī7ṣiṇī f. 'pupil's well wisher', N. of a Comm. on Megha-dūta

⋙ siṣyopaniṣad

   siṣyôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad

≫ śiṣyaka

   śiṣyaka m. a pupil, scholar Yājñ. 
   • N. of a man Buddh.

≫ śiṣyāya

   śiṣyāya Nom. (fr. śiṣya, only p.p. ○yāyita n. impers.) to become the pupil of (gen.) Sāh.

≫ śiṣyīkṛ

   śiṣyī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make any one (acc.) a pupil of (gen.) Kathās.

śiṣṭi 2

   śiṣṭi f. (fr. √śikṣ, for 1. above), help, aid (in su-s○, q.v.)


   śihla śihlaka &c. sihla


   śihlaṇa śilhaṇa

śī 1

   śī cl. 2. Ā. Dhātup.xxiv, 22) śéte (with Guṇa throughout the pr. stem: thus, śáye in ṛV. also 3. sg., śéṣe &c., 3. pl. śérate [in AV. also śére and Class. śayire] 
   • Pot. śáyīta RV. &c 
   • Impv. -śetām and śayām AV. 
   • impf. aśeta ŚBr. &c., 3. pl. aśerata [in RV. also áśeran], p. śáyāna RV. &c 
   • Ved. and ep. also cl. 1. śáyate, ○ti 
   • impf. áśayat and aśāyata RV. 
   • pf. śiśye, śiśyire Br. 
   • p. Ved. śaśayāná, Class. śiśyāna 
   • aor. aśayiṣṭa Subj. śéṣan RV. 
   • fut. śayitā Up., 2. sg. ○tā́se ŚBr. 
   • śayiṣyate, ○ti Br. 
   • śeṣyate, ○ti MBh. 
   • inf. śayádhyai RV. 
   • śayitum MBh. 
   • ind. p. śayitvā Up. &c 
   • -śayya Kāv.), to lie, lie down, recline, rest, repose RV. &c. &c 
   • to remain unused (as Soma) TS. 
   • to lie down to sleep, fall asleep, sleep GṛŚrS. MBh. &c 
   • (with patye) to lie down to a husband (for sexual intercourse) Pat. 
   • (madanena-√śī = 'to be impotent') VarBṛS.: Pass. śayyate, Gr. (aor. aśāyi ib., pr.p. once in MBh. śīyat): Caus. śāyayati, ○te (aor. aśīśayat), to cause to lie down, lay down, put, throw, fix on or in (loc.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to cause to lie down, allow to rest or sleep Bhaṭṭ. Rājat. BhP.: Desid. śiśayiṣate, to wish to rest or sleep Daś.: Intens. śāśayyate, śeśayīti, śeśeti Gr. [Cf. Gk. [1077, 1] ?, 'to lie' 
   • ?', a bed.']

≫ śayana


⋙ śayanīya

   śayanīya &c. p. 1055, col. 3

≫ śī 2

   śī mfn. (ifc.) lying, resting( jihma-, madhyama-śī, &c.) 
   • f. sleep, repose L. 
   • devotion, tranquillity L.

śī 3

   śī (connected with √2. śad 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 78), cl. 4. Ā. śīyate, to fall out or away, disappear, vanish TBr. Bhaṭṭ.


   śīk (also written sīk), cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. iv, 1) śīkate (pf. śiśīke aor. aśīkiṣṭa &c., Gr.), to rain in fine drops, drizzle, sprinkle, wet, moisten Hcar. Bhaṭṭ. 
   • to go, move Dhātup. iv, 11 (v. l.): Caus. śīkayati, to besprinkle Hcar. 
   • (cl. 10.) 'to speak' or 'to shine' (bhāṣârthe or bhāsârthe) Dhātup. xxxiii, 116 [Page 1077, Column 2] 
   • āmarṣaṇe or marṣaṇe, xxxiv, 20. [Cf. Gk. ?.] [1077, 2]

≫ śīkara

   śīkara m. (mostly pl 
   • also written sīkara) fine or drizzling rain, drizzle, spray, mist MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • a fine drop of rain or water W. 
   • coldness L. 
   • n. the resin of the Sarala pine or the tree itself. L. 
   • mf(ā)n. cold L.

⋙ śīkarakaṇa

   ○kaṇa m. a drop of rain or water Ratnâv.

⋙ śīkaravarṣin

   ○varṣin mfn. raining in fine drops, drizzling Megh.

⋙ śikarāmbu

   śikarâmbu (cf. BhP.),

⋙ śikarāmbhas

   śikarâḍmbhas (cf. VarBṛS.), n. rain-water

⋙ śīkarārdra

   śīkarârdra mfn. wet with rain or spray Ragh.

⋙ śīkaraugha

   śīkarâugha mfn. abounding with mist, having much spray or fine rain W.

≫ śīkarin

   śīkarin mfn. sprinkling. drizzling, scattering spray Ragh. Sāh. 
   • spurting water (as the trunk of an elephant) Uttarar.

≫ śīkāya

   śīkāya P. ○yati (accord. to Pāṇ. 3-1, 17 Vārtt. 1, Ā. ○yate 
   • only p. ○yát and ○yiṣyát), to rain in fine drops, drizzle, sprinkle, drip TS. VS.

≫ śīkita

   śīkitá mfn. rained in fine drops, sprinkled TS.


   śīkayata m. N. of a man, g. tikâdi


   śīkṣā f. incorrect form of śikṣā (q.v.) TĀr. ĀpŚr. &c

⋙ śīkṣādhyāyopaniṣad

   śīkṣâdhyāyôpaniṣad and f. N. of wks

⋙ śīkṣopaniṣad

   śīkṣôpaniṣad f. N. of wks


   śīghra mf(ā)n. (of doubtful derivation) quick, speedy, swift, rapid (ám and eṇa ind. quickly, rapidly, fast) VS. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • m. N. of a son of Agni-varṇa Hariv. Pur. 
   • N. of Vāyu, the wind L. 
   • (ā), f. Croton Polyandrum or Tiglium L. 
   • N. of a river MBh. 
   • n. (in astron.) conjunction (accord. to other 'parallax') 
   • the √of Andropogon Muricatus L. 
   • = cakrâṅga L.

⋙ śīghrakarman

   ○karman n. the calculation of the conjunction of a planet Sūryas.

⋙ śīghrakārin

   ○kārin mfn. acting or operating speedily Hariv. Kathās. 
   • acute (as a disease) Car. (applied to a kind of fever Bhpr.) 
   • ○ri-tva n. acuteness Car.

⋙ śīghrakṛt

   ○kṛt mfn. acting speedily MBh.

⋙ śīghrakṛtya

   ○kṛtya mfn. to be done quickly Pañcat.

⋙ śīghrakendra

   ○kendra n. the distance from the conjunction (of a planet) Sūryas. Sch.

⋙ śīghrakopin

   ○kopin mfn. quickly angry, irritable MW.

⋙ śīghraga

   ○ga mf(ā)n. going or moving or running quickly MBh. Hariv. R. &c 
   • m. N. of the sun MBh. of a son of Agni-varṇa R. 
   • of a hare Pañcat. 
   • -tva n. quick motion Kām.

⋙ śīghragaṅga

   ○gaṅga mfn. (a place) where the Ganges flows rapidly Pāṇ. 2-1, 21 Sch.

⋙ śīghragati

   ○gati f. the swiftest motion of a planet (i.e. when arrived at the conjunction) VarBṛS. 
   • mfn. = -ga VarYogay.

⋙ śīghragantṛ

   ○gantṛ or (cf. MW.)or

⋙ śīghragamana

   ○gamana (cf. MW.)or

⋙ śīghragāmin

   ○gāmin (cf. R. Pañcar.), mfn. id

⋙ śīghracāra

   ○cāra mfn. id. (in maṇḍala-ś○, 'whirling around') Vikr.

⋙ śīghracetana

   ○cetana mfn. having quick intellect, very sagacious (as a dog) Cāṇ. 
   • m. a dog L.

⋙ śīghrajanman

   ○janman m. Guilandina Bonduc L. 
   • another plant (= karañja) MW.

⋙ śīghrajava

   ○java mfn. moving or running rapidly R.

⋙ śīghratara

   ○tara mfn. more quick, very swift 
   • (am ind. as swiftly as possible) Pañcat. 
   • -gati mfn. moving more swiftly VarYogay.

⋙ śīghratā

   ○tā f. (cf. MBh. Śiś.) or (cf. MBh. R. MārkP.) quickness, speed, rapidity

⋙ śīghratva

   ○tva n. (cf. MBh. R. MārkP.) quickness, speed, rapidity

⋙ śīghraparākrama

   ○parākrama mfn. having quick energy, going to work quickly, quickly resolved R.

⋙ śīghraparidhi

   ○paridhi m. the epicycle of the conjunction of a planet Sūryas.

⋙ śīghrapāṇi

   ○pāṇi mfn. quick-handed (applied to the wind) ṢaḍvBr.

⋙ śīghrapātin

   ○pātin mfn. flying or moving or acting quickly Kām.

⋙ śīghrapāyin

   ○pāyin mfn. drinking or sucking quickly Suśr.

⋙ śīghrapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa m. Agati Grandiflora L.

⋙ śīghraphala

   ○phala n. the equation of the conjunction Sūryas.

⋙ śīghrabāhukāyana

   ○bāhukāyana m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ śīghrabuddha

   ○buddha m. N. of a teacher Buddh.

⋙ śīghrabuddhi

   ○buddhi mfn. quickwitted MW.

⋙ śīghrabodha

   ○bodha mfn. quickly understood 
   • m. N. of various wks 
   • -bhūṣaṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ śīghrabodhinī

   ○bodhinī f. (with nāma-mālā) N. of wk

⋙ śīghrayāna

   ○yāna n. (also pl.) rapid motion MBh. 
   • mfn. moving rapidly Kām.

⋙ śīghrayāyin

   ○yāyin mfn. id. R.

⋙ śīghralaṅghana

   ○laṅghana mfn. springing or jumping quickly, moving rapidly Ghaṭ.

⋙ śīghravaha

   ○vaha mf(ā)n. flowing rapṭrapidly Suśr.

⋙ śīghravāhin

   ○vāhin mfn. moving rapṭrapidly R.

⋙ śīghravikrama

   ○vikrama mfn. = -parākrama R. BhP.

⋙ śīghravega

   ○vega mfn. having a rapid course R.

⋙ śīghravedhin

   ○vedhin mfn. shooting quickly L. 
   • m. a good archer MW.

⋙ śīghrasaṃcārin

   ○saṃcārin mfn. moving quickly R.

⋙ śīghrasrotas

   ○srotas mfn. having a rapid current R.

⋙ śīghrāstra

   śīghrâstra mfn. having fast-flying missiles (-tva n.) MBh.

⋙ śīghrocca

   śīghrôcca n. 'apsis of the swiftest motion (of a planet)', a conjunction
   Sūryas. Sch. (cf. IW. 179)

≫ śīghrāya

   śīghrāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become quick or rapid Bhaṭṭ. 
   • to hasten MW. [Page 1077, Column 3] 

≫ śīghrin

   śīghrin mfn. quick, speedy, hasty, fleet, rapid Śiksh.

≫ śīghriya

   śīghriya (only L.) mfn. quick, fleet 
   • m. N. of Śiva 
   • of Vishṇu 
   • the fighting of cats

≫ śīghrīya

   śīghrīya mfn. quick, speedy, rapid MW.

≫ śīghrya

   śīghrya mfn. hasty VS. 
   • n. quickness, speed, rapidity MW.


   śīt onomat. (also written sīt) a sound made by drawing in the breath (to express any sudden thrill of pleasure or pain and esp. pleasurable sensations during sexual enjoyment)

⋙ śītkāra

   ○kāra m. (also written sīt-kāra) the sound śīt (supposed to indicate pleasure, pain, or applause 
   • also applied to the noise of spurting water &c.) Kāv. Kathās.

⋙ śītkārin

   ○kārin mfn. uttering the sound śīt Amar.

⋙ śītkṛ

   ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to utter the sound śīt Gīt.

⋙ śītkṛta

   ○kṛta n. or the utterance of the sound śīt Kāv.

⋙ śītkṛti

   ○kṛti f. the utterance of the sound śīt Kāv.

⋙ śītkṛtin

   ○kṛtin mfn. = -kārin, Nalod


   śītá mf(ā́)n. (fr. śyai 
   • cf. śīna) cold, cool, chilly, frigid (with ind. p. of √kṛ either śītaṃ kṛtya, or kṛtvā g. sâkṣâdi) RV. &c. &c 
   • dull, apathetic, sluggish, indolent L. 
   • boiled (= kvathita 
   • śīta prob. wṛ. for śṛta) L. 
   • m. Calamus Rotang L. 
   • Cordia Myxa and Latifolia L. 
   • Azadirachta Indica L. 
   • = asana-parṇī and parpaṭā L. 
   • camphor L. 
   • (ā), f. spirituous liquor L. 
   • a kind of Dūrvā grass L. 
   • another kind of grass (= śilpikā) L. 
   • often wṛ. for sītā (q.v.) 
   • n. cold, coldness, cold weather L. 
   • cold water L. 
   • Cassia bark L.

⋙ śītakara

   ○kara mfn. causing coolness Suśr. 
   • m. 'cool-rayed', the moon (ambhaḥ-śīta-k○, the mṭmoon reflected in water Prab.) Var. Kathās. 
   • camphor L.

⋙ śītakāla

   ○kāla m. the cold season Suśr. Ṛitus. VarBṛS. &c

⋙ śītakālīna

   ○kālīna mfn. belonging to or produced in the cold season W.

⋙ śītakiraṇa

   ○kiraṇa m. 'cold-rayed', the moon Var.

⋙ śītakumbha

   ○kumbha m. the fragrant oleander L. 
   • (ī) f. Pistia Stratiotes L.

⋙ śītakṛcchra

   ○kṛcchra m. (or n. A.) a partic. religious penance (consisting in eating only cold food) Vishṇ.

⋙ śītakṛcchraka

   ○kṛcchraka n. id. L.

⋙ śītakriyā

   ○kriyā f. the act of cooling Mālav.

⋙ śītakṣāra

   ○kṣāra n. refined borax L.

⋙ śītagandha

   ○gandha n. having cool fragrance', white sandal L. 
   • (ā), f. Minusops Elengi L.

⋙ śītagātra

   ○gātra m. 'causing cool limbs', a kind of fever Bhpr.

⋙ śītagu

   ○gu m. = -kiraṇa Var. Kathās. 
   • camphor A. 
   • -tanaya m. 'son of the moon', the planet Mercury VarBṛS. Sch.

⋙ śītacampaka

   ○campaka m. = dīpa, tarpaṇa (ātarpaṇa), darpaṇa L.

⋙ śītajvara

   ○jvara m. a fever with cold fits Kathās. Bhpr.

⋙ śītatā

   ○tā f. (cf. MBh. R. Cāṇ. &c.) or (cf. R. Sāh.) coldness, cold

⋙ śītatva

   ○tva n. (cf. R. Sāh.) coldness, cold

⋙ śītadīdhiti

   ○dīdhiti m.= -kiraṇa VarBṛS.

⋙ śītadūrvā

   ○dūrvā f. white Dūrvā grass L. (wṛ. for sita-a○)

⋙ śītadyuti

   ○dyuti m.= -kiraṇa Hāsy.

⋙ śītapaṅka

   ○paṅka m. rum, spirit distilled from molasses L.

⋙ śītaparṇi

   ○parṇi (m.c. Suśr.) or (L.), f. Gynandropsis Pentaphylla

⋙ śītaparṇī

   ○parṇī (L.), f. Gynandropsis Pentaphylla 
   • (ī), f. Cleome PentṭPentaphylla W. 
   • another plant (= arka) W.

⋙ śītapallava

   ○pallava m. Ardisea Solanacea W. 
   • (ā), f. another plant (= bhūmi-jambu) MW.

⋙ śītapākinī

   ○pākinī f. = kākolī, mahāsamaṅgā L.

⋙ śītapākī

   ○pākī f. a kind of potherb MBh. (Sida Cordifolia, Abrus Precatorius, = kākolī L.)

⋙ śītapākya

   ○pākya n. (prob.) a kind of plant or fruit Suśr.

⋙ śītapāṇi

   ○pāṇi mfn. 'cold-handed', cold-rayed (as the moon) ṢaḍvBr.

⋙ śītapitta

   ○pitta n. a tumour caused by a chill (attended with fever and sickness and compared to a swelling caused by a wasp sting) BhP. ŚārṅgS. 
   • increase of bile or phlegm caused by cold MW.

⋙ śītapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa (only L.), m. Acacia Sirissa 
   • (ā), f. Sida Cordifolia 
   • n. Cyperus Rotundus

⋙ śītapuṣpaka

   ○puṣpaka m. Calotropis Gigantea L. (vḷ. śiva-p○) 
   • n. bitumen L.

⋙ śītapūtanā

   ○pūtanā f. a kind of female demon (causing illness in children) MBh. Suśr.

⋙ śītaprada

   ○prada or m. camphor L.

⋙ śītaprabha

   ○prabha m. camphor L.

⋙ śītapriya

   ○priya m. = parpaṭa L.

⋙ śītaphala

   ○phala (only L.), m. Ficus Glomerata 
   • Cordia Myxa 
   • (ā), f. Emblica Officinalis

⋙ śītabalā

   ○balā f. a kind of plant (= mahā-samaṅgā) L.

⋙ śītabudhna

   ○budhna mfn. having a cold bottom (as a vessel) ĀpŚr.

⋙ śītabhañjirasa

   ○bhañjirasa m. a partic. mixture Bhpr. Rasar.

⋙ śītabhānaviya

   ○bhānaviya mf(ā)n. lunar Dhūrtan.

⋙ śītabhānu

   ○bhānu m. 'cool-rayed', the moon ib.

⋙ śītabhīta

   ○bhīta mfn. afraid of cold (held to be wrong with Brāhmans) MBh.

⋙ śītabhīru

   ○bhīru m. sensitive to cold, Jasminum Zambac L.

⋙ śītabhīruka

   ○bhīruka mfn. sensitive to cṭcold 
   • m. a kind of rice Suśr. Vāgbh.

⋙ śītabhojin

   ○bhojin mfn. eating cold food Pāṇ. 3-2, 78 Sch.

⋙ śītamañjarī

   ○mañjarī f. Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis L.

⋙ śītamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. having a cold nature, cool Hariv.

⋙ śītamayūkha

   ○mayūkha m. = -kiraṇa VarYogay. 
   • camphor L. 
   • -mālin m. the moon VarBṛS.

⋙ śītamarīci

   ○marīci m.= -kiraṇa Kāv. 
   • camphor L.

⋙ śītamūlaka

   ○mūlaka mfn. having a cool √cf. MW 
   • n. the √of An- dropogon Muricatus L. [Page 1078, Column 1] 

⋙ śītameha

   ○meha m. diabetes caused by or attended with cold, ŚārṅgS. Bhpr.

⋙ śītamehin

   ○mehin mfn. suffering from the prec. complaint Car.

⋙ śītaramya

   ○ramya mfn. pleasant in cold weather MW.: m. a lamp L.

⋙ śītaraśmi

   ○raśmi mfn. cool-rayed (-tva n.) Śak. 
   • m. the moon MBh. Hariv. Kāv. 
   • Var camphor MW. 
   • -ja m. 'son of the moon', the planet Mercury VarBṛS.

⋙ śītarasa

   ○rasa m. spirituous liquor made from the unboiled juice of the sugar-cane Bhpr.

⋙ śītarasika

   ○rasika mfn. having or causing a cold flavour Suśr.

⋙ śītaruc

   ○ruc m. = -kiraṇa Śiś.

⋙ śītaruci

   ○ruci m. id. Bālar.

⋙ śītarūra

   ○rūrá m. or n. du. a fever marked by cold and burning heat (alternating) TS. Vait.

⋙ śītarocis

   ○rocis m. = -kiraṇa Śiś.

⋙ śītavatī

   ○vatī f. mahā-ś○

⋙ śītavana

   ○vana n. N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh. (v. l. sīta-v○) 
   • of a place (for receiving) corpses in Magadha Buddh.

⋙ śītavalka

   ○valka mfn. having cool bark MW. 
   • m. Ficus Glomerata L.

⋙ śītavaha

   ○vaha mf(ā)n. flowing with cold water (a river) R.

⋙ śītavātoṣṇavetālī

   ○vātôṣṇa-vetālī f. a kind of female demon Hariv.

⋙ śītavīrya

   ○vīrya mfn. having a cooling effect, cooling ib.

⋙ śītavīryaka

   ○vīryaka m. Ficus Infectoria L.

⋙ śītaśiva

   ○śiva m. Anethum Sowa or another kind of anise Suśr. 
   • Mimosa Suma L. 
   • m. or (ā), f. a kind of fennel (= madhurikā, miśreyā) MW. 
   • (ā), f. dill L. 
   • Mimosa Suma L. 
   • n. bitumen L. 
   • rock-salt L.

⋙ śītaśūka

   ○śūka m. barley L. (cf. sita-śūka)

⋙ śītasaṃsparśa

   ○saṃsparśa mfn. cool to the touch R.

⋙ śītasaha

   ○saha (only L.), mfn. bearing or enduring cold 
   • m. Careya Arborea or Salvadora Persica 
   • (ā), f. Vitex Negundo 
   • = vāsantī

⋙ śītasparśa

   ○sparśa mfn. = -saṃsparśa MW. 
   • m. a cold sensation Kāv.

⋙ śītahara

   ○hara mfn. removing cold Śiś.

⋙ śītahrada

   ○hrada (śītá-), mfn. cool as a pond AV.

⋙ śītāṃśu

   śītâṃśu mfn. cold-rayed (-tā, f 
   • -tva n.) MBh. R. 
   • m. the moon MBh. Kāv. VarBṛS. &c 
   • camphor L. 
   • -taila n. cold oil L. 
   • -bhāj, (n. ?) a Nakshatra Kāv. 
   • -mat m. the moon R.

⋙ śītākula

   śītâkula mfn. benumbed with cold, frozen W.

⋙ śītāṅga

   śītâṅga mf(ī)n. cold-bodied, benumbed Suśr. 
   • m. a kind of fever Bhpr. (ī), f. a kind of Mimosa L.

⋙ śītātapatra

   śītâtapatra n. an umbrella that protects from cold (or rain) and heat (sunshine) VarBṛS.

⋙ śītāda

   śītâda m. scorbutic affection of the gums Suśr. Bhpr.

⋙ śītādri

   śītâdri m. the snowy mountains, the Himâlaya Kālac.

⋙ śītādhivāsa

   śītâdhivāsa mf(ā)n. living in cool places, (or) cooling Suśr.

⋙ śītānta

   śītânta m. 'cold-bordered', N. of a mountain Pur.

⋙ śītābalā

   śītâbalā f. a kind of plant (= mahāsamaṅgā). L.

⋙ śītārirasa

   śītâri-rasa m. a partic. mixture Rasêndrac.

⋙ śītārta

   śītârta mfn. suffering from cold Kathās. 
   • wṛ. for śītânta MārkP.

⋙ śītāśman

   śītâśman m. a cold stone MW. 
   • the moon-gem L.

⋙ śītetara

   śītêtara mfn. other than cold, hot 
   • -raśmi (L.) or ○tarâcis (cf. Rājat.), m. 'hot-rayed', the sun

⋙ śīteṣu

   śītêṣu m. 'cold-arrow', N. of a mythical missile, R:

⋙ śītottama

   śītôttama n. 'best of cold things', water L.

⋙ śītoda

   śītôda n. 'having cool water', N. of a lake Pur. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a mythical river Kathās.

⋙ śītodaka

   śītôdaka (prob.) m. N. of a hell Kāraṇḍ. (wṛ. sitôd○)

⋙ śītopacāra

   śītôpacāra m. curing with cold remedies Pañcat.

⋙ śītoṣṇa

   śītôṣṇa mf(ā)n. cold and hot GṛŚrS. Kāv. &c 
   • (ā), f. N. of a female demon W. (wṛ. śīlôṣṇā) 
   • n. (sg. or du.) cold and heat MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • -kiraṇa m. du. the moon and the sun Mālav.

⋙ śītoṣma

   śītôṣma or n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.

⋙ śītoṣman

   śītôṣḍman n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.

≫ śītaka

   śītaka mf(ikā)n. cool AV. 
   • sluggish. idle, lazy. Pāṇ. 5-2, 72 
   • healthy L. 
   • m. feeling of cold, shivering Car. 
   • the cold season, g. yāvâdi L. 
   • any cold thing A. 
   • a lazy man W. 
   • a happy or contented man ib. 
   • = asana-parṇī L. 
   • Marsilea Dentata MW. 
   • a scorpion L. 
   • pl. N. of a people VarBṛS. 
   • n. a kind of sandal L.

≫ śītaya

   śītaya Nom. P. yati, to cool (trans.) Hariv.

≫ śītala

   śītala mf(ā)n. cold, cool, cooling MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • shivering, frosty Cat. 
   • cold i.e. free from passion, calm, gentle, Ashṭāv. Prasannar. 
   • not exciting emotion, not causing painful feelings Vikr. iv, 37 
   • m. (only L.) the wind 
   • the moon 
   • Cordia Myxa 
   • Michelia Champaka 
   • = asana-parṇī 
   • a kind of camphor 
   • the resin of Ṣorea Robusta 
   • green sulphate of iron (also m.) 
   • bitumen (also m.) 
   • a religious ceremony observed on the sun's entering Aries 
   • (with Jainas) N. of the 10th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī 
   • (ā), f. below 
   • (ī), f. Pistia Stratiotes L. 
   • small-pox W. 
   • (am), n. cold, coldness, cold weather Subh. 
   • sandal L. 
   • a lotus L. 
   • Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L. 
   • the √of Andropogon Muricatus L. 
   • a pearl L.

⋙ śītalacchada

   ○cchada m. a white leaf MW. 
   • mfn. having white leaves ib. 
   • m. Michelia Champaka L.

⋙ śītalajala

   ○jala n. cold water MW. 
   • a lotus flower L. [Page 1078, Column 2] 

⋙ śītalatara

   ○tara mfn. more cool, colder Śiś.

⋙ śītalatā

   ○tā f. coldness ŚārṅgP. 
   • insensibility MW.

⋙ śītalatva

   ○tva n. coldness L. 
   • indifference, apathy Campak.

⋙ śītaladīkṣita

   ○dīkṣita m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śītalapattrikā

   ○pattrikā f. Maranta Dichotoma L.

⋙ śītalaprada

   ○prada mfn. giving or producing coolness MW. 
   • m. (or n. A.) sandal L.

⋙ śītalaprasāda

   ○prasāda m. N. of a person MW.

⋙ śītalavāta

   ○vāta m. a cool breeze, cold wind ib.

⋙ śītalavātaka

   ○vātaka mfn. having cool breezes ib. 
   • m. the plant Marsilea Quadrifolia L.

⋙ śītalasaptamī

   ○saptamī f. = -śītala-s○ MW.

⋙ śītalasparśa

   ○sparśa mfn. cold to the touch R.

⋙ śītalasvāmin

   ○svāmin m. N. of an Arhat with Jainas Śatr.

≫ śītalaka

   śītalaka m. marjoram L. 
   • n. a white lotus L.

≫ śītalaya

   śītalaya Nom. P. ○yati, to cool (trans.) Prasannar.

≫ śītalā

   śītalā f. (only L.) sand 
   • Pistia Stratiotes 
   • = kuṭumbinī and ārāma-śītalā 
   • a red cow 
   • small-pox 
   • the goddess inflicting small-pox (cf. comp. and RTL. 227, 228)

⋙ śītalāgaurīpūjāvidhi

   ○gaurī-pūjā-vidhi m. N. of wk

⋙ śītalāpūjā

   ○pūjā f. worship of the goddess Śītalā (a festival on the 8th day of the second half of the month Phālguna) MW. 
   • N. of wk

⋙ śītalāprakaraṇa

   ○prakaraṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ śītalāvrata

   ○vrata n. a partic. religious observance Cat. 
   • N. of a ch. of the Skanda-purāṇa

⋙ śītalāsaptamī

   ○saptamī f. a festival kept on the 7th day of the light half of the month Māgha (in honour of the small-pox goddess, when only cold food is eaten) RTL. 430

⋙ śītalāṣṭaka

   ○"ṣṣṭaka (○lâṣṭ○), n

⋙ śītalāstotra

   śītaḍlā-stotra n. N. of wks

≫ śītalāya

   śītalāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become cool, Mālatim

≫ śītalī

   śītalī in comp. for śītala

⋙ śītalīkṛ

   ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to cool, make cold, Das. Lalit.

⋙ śītalījaṭā

   ○jaṭā f. Villarsia Cristata L.

⋙ śītalībhū

   ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become cold (also fig.) Kathās.

≫ śītāru

   śītāru mfn. sensitive to cold L.

≫ śītālu

   śītālu mfn. suffering from cold, sensitive to cold, shivering with cold VarBṛ. Śiś. Kathās.

≫ śītikā

   śītikā f. coldness MW.

⋙ śītikāvat

   ○vat mf(atī)n. cool AV.

≫ śītiman

   śītiman m. coldness, g. ḍriḍhâdi

≫ śītī

   śītī in comp. for śita

⋙ śītīkaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. act of cooling, means of cooling Suśr.

⋙ śītīkṛ

   ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make cold, cool (trans.) R.

⋙ śītībhāva

   ○bhāva m. the becoming cool Nir. Car. Kāraṇḍ. 
   • cold state, coldness MW. 
   • the growing cold or passionless, perfect tranquillity of mind Lalit. 
   • final emancipation MW.

⋙ śītībhū

   ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become cold ( next)

⋙ śītībhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. become cold Suśr. 
   • tranquillized, emancipated, Śīl

⋙ śītīmbhāva

   ○m-bhāva wṛ. for śītī-bh○ Lalit.

≫ śītya

   śītya mfn. to be cooled or chilled MW. 
   • ploughed, tilled (in this sense more usually sītya) ib.


   śīt-kāra &c. p. 1077, col. 3


   śīdhu &c. sīdhu


   śīná mfn. (fr. √śyai 
   • cf. śīta and śyāna) congealed, frozen, coagulated, thick Car. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 24) 
   • m. a large snake L. 
   • a fool, blockhead (= mūrkha, which is perhaps a wṛ. for mūrta) L. 
   • n. ice VS.


   śīpalya mf(ā)n. overgrown with Śīpāla plants ṢaḍvBr. (v. l. śaivalya)

≫ śīpāla

   śī́pāla m. n. the plant Blyxa Octandra RV. ĀśvGṛ. 
   • (ā), f. water or a pool abounding in the above plants AV.

≫ śīpālila

   śīpālila mfn. (also written sīp○) overgrown with Śīpāla plants, g. kāśâdi


   śīpúdru wṛ. for cīpú-dru (q.v.)


   śīphara mfn. charming, delightful Daś. 
   • = sphīta L.


   śīphālikā f. (also, written śephālī, or śephālikā) the plant Nyctanthes Tristis L.


   śībh cl. 1. Ā. śībhate, to boast Dhātup. x, 20


   śībham ind. quickly, swiftly, speedily RV. AV. TS. Kauś.

≫ śībhya

   śībhya mfn. moving quickly VS. 
   • m. a bull L. 
   • N. of Śiva L.


   śībhara m.= śīkara, fine rain L. (wṛ. śībhava) 
   • mfn. = śīphara, charming, delightful Harav. Jātakam.


   śīma duḥ- and su-śī́ma

śīra 1

   śīrá mfn. (fr. √śo) pointed, sharp RV. [Page 1078, Column 3] 
   • m. a large snake, the Boa Constrictor Pañcat.

⋙ śīraśocis

   ○śocis (śīrá-), mfn. sharp-rayed, burning RV.

≫ śīrin

   śīrin m. a kind of Kuśa grass L.

śīra 2

   śīra śīra-deva &c. sīra


   śīri or śīrī f. (cf. sirā) a vein, artery MaitrS.


   śīrṇá mfn. (fr. √śṝ) broken or rent asunder, shivered, crushed, shattered, injured ŚBr. &c. &c 
   • fallen away or out MBh. R. Rājat. 
   • broken away, burst or overflowed (as river-water that has burst its banks) Nir. 
   • withered, faded, shrivelled, shrunk, decayed, rotten Mn. MBh. &c 
   • thin, small, slender W. 
   • n. a sort of perfume (= sthauṇeyaka) Bhpr.

⋙ śīrṇatā

   ○tā f. (cf. W.),

⋙ śīrṇatva

   ○tva n. (cf. Mṛicch.) withered condition, rottenness, decay

⋙ śīrṇadanta

   ○danta mfn. one whose teeth have fallen out, toothless MBh.

⋙ śīrṇanālā

   ○nālā f. Hemionitis Cordifolia L.

⋙ śīrṇapattra

   ○pattra n. a withered leaf. MW. 
   • mfn. having withered leaves ib. 
   • m. Pterospermum Acerifolium L. 
   • a kind of Lodhra L.

⋙ śīrṇaparṇa

   ○parṇa n. = prec. n 
   • mfn. = prec. MW. 
   • m. Azadirachta Indica L. 
   • (ī), f. a kind of plant L. 
   • ○ṇa-phala mfn. having withered leaves and fruits (as a tree) MBh. 
   • ○ṇâśin mfn. one who eats withered leaves ib.

⋙ śīrṇapāda

   ○pāda m. a thin or shrunken foot MW. 
   • 'having shrivelled feet', N. of Yama (said to have become so in consequence of his mother's curse) L.

⋙ śīrṇapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa mf(ā)n. having wṭwithered flowers (as a branch) R.

⋙ śīrṇapuṣpikā

   ○puṣpikā f. Anethum Sowa L.

⋙ śīrṇamālā

   ○mālā wṛ. for -nālā

⋙ śīrṇamūla

   ○mūla mfn. having withered roots MW.

⋙ śīrṇavṛnta

   ○vṛnta m. 'slender-stalked', a water-melon (n. its fruit) Suśr. Vāgbh.

⋙ śīrṇaśīrṣan

   ○śīrṣan mfn. one who has a broken or shattered head BhP.

⋙ śīrṇāṃhri

   śīrṇâṃhri or m. N. of Yama (= śīrṇa-pāda, q.v.) L.

⋙ śīrṇāṅghri

   śīrḍṇâṅghri m. N. of Yama (= śīrṇa-pāda, q.v.) L.

≫ śīrṇaka

   śīrṇaka mfn. one who eats withered leaves L.

≫ śīrṇi

   śīrṇi f. breaking, crushing, shattering Vop.

≫ śīrṇīkṛ

   śīrṇī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to hurt, injure, sting Kād.

≫ śīrta 1

   śīrta mfn. fragile, destructible (in a-śīrtatanu and duḥ-śṭśīrtatanu-t○, q.v.)

≫ śīrti

   śīrti f. breaking, shattering Kāṭh. ṢaḍvBr.

≫ śīrya

   śīrya mfn. destructible, perishable ( a-śīrya) 
   • n. a kind of grass Gobh.

≫ śīrvi

   śīrvi mfn. hurtful, injurious, savage Uṇ. iv, 54 Sch.

śīrta 2

   śīrta mfn. (fr. 1. √śrī) mixed (in ā́-śīrta RV. viii, 2, 9 
   • cf. śrītá, p. 1098)


   śīrṣá n. (connected with śiras: collateral of śīrṣán below, from which it is not separable in comp 
   • m. only in vasti-ś○, q.v 
   • ifc. f. ā, or ī), the head, skull (acc. with Caus. of √vṛtśiras with id.) AV. &c 
   • the upper part, tip, top (of anything, as of a letter &c.) Hariv. Kāv. 
   • the fore-part, front (in raṇa-ś○, q.v.) R. 
   • black Agallochum or aloe wood L. 
   • m. a kind of grass Pat. 
   • N. of a mountain W. 
   • (ā), f. a kind of metre Col.

⋙ śīrṣakapāla

   ○kapālá n. a skull AV. ŚBr. TUp.

⋙ śīrṣaghātin

   ○ghātin m. one who beheads', an executioner Pāṇ. 3-2, 51

⋙ śīrṣacchida

   ○cchida m. a partic. Ekâha ŚāṅkhŚr.

⋙ śīrṣacchinna

   ○cchinná mfn. having the head cut off, decapitated ŚBr.

⋙ śīrṣaccheda

   ○ccheda m. (cf. Subh.),

⋙ śīrṣacchedana

   ○cchedana n. (cf. MW.) the act of cutting off the head, decapitation

⋙ śīrṣacchedika

   ○cchedika wṛ. for śairṣacch○ (q.v.)

⋙ śīrṣacchedya

   ○cchedya mfn. deserving decapitation Ragh. Uttarar. (○dyaṃ-√kṛ, 'to behead, decapitate' Bhaṭṭ.)

⋙ śīrṣatas

   ○tás ind. from or at the head or top, in front RV. AV. ŚBr. (pādau śīrṣá kṛtvā, 'putting the head where the feet ought to be' R.)

⋙ śīrṣatrāṇa

   ○trāṇa n. 'head-protector', a helmet MBh.

⋙ śīrṣapaṭṭaka

   ○paṭṭaka m. 'head-cloth', a turban Kathās.

⋙ śīrṣaparṇī

   ○parṇī (prob.) wṛ. for śīrṇa-p○

⋙ śīrṣabandhanā

   ○bandhanā f. a head-band MBh.

⋙ śīrṣabhāra

   ○bhāra m. a head-load, g. bhastrâdi 
   • ○rika mf(ī)n. carrying a head-load ib.

≫ bhidya

   bhidya n. head-splitting AV.

⋙ bhidyamāya

   ○māya m. N. of a man (pl. his descendants), g. yaskâdi

⋙ bhidyarakṣa

   ○rakṣa m

⋙ bhidyarakṣaṇa

   ○rakṣaṇa n. = -trāṇa L.

⋙ bhidyarogin

   ○rogin mfn. having or producing hṭ-ache MBh.

⋙ bhidyavana

   ○vana (prob.) wṛ. for śirīṣa-v○ Kāraṇḍ.

⋙ bhidyavartana

   ○vartana n. submission to punishment (if an accused person clears himself in an ordeal 
   • under śiras) Vishṇ.

⋙ bhidyavirecana

   ○virecana n. a means or remedy for making the head clear (= śiro-v○ 
   • cf. vir○) Car.

⋙ bhidyavedanā

   ○vedanā (cf. Ratnâv.),

⋙ bhidyavyathā

   ○vyathā (cf. Pañcad.), f. head-ache

⋙ bhidyaśoka

   ○śoka m. pain in the head AV.

⋙ bhidyahārya

   ○hāryá mfn. to be borne on the hṭhead (opp. to ano-vāhya) TS. Kāṭh.

⋙ śīrṣānta

   śīrṣânta m. neighbourhood of the head (○tāt, 'from the head of a bed', ○te, 'under the pillow') Kathās. [Page 1079, Column 1] 

⋙ śīrṣāmaya

   śīrṣâmayá m. disease or morbid affection of the head AV.

⋙ śīrṣāvaśeṣīkṛta

   śīrṣâvaśeṣī-kṛta mfn. one who has only the head left (as Rāhu) Bhartṛ.

⋙ śīrṣāhārya

   śīrṣâhārya mfn. = śīrṣa-h○ MaitrS.

⋙ śīrṣodaya

   śīrṣôdaya mfn. rising in front (said of the zodiacal signs Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Pisces)

≫ śīrṣaka

   śīrṣaka mfn. familiar with the text called śiras Baudh. 
   • m. N. of a Rāhu (the personified ascending node 
   • cf. śīrṣâvaśeṣī-kṛta) L. 
   • n. the head, skull BhP. Pañcar. 
   • the top of anything L. 
   • a cap or helmet L. 
   • a garland worn on the head Gal. 
   • judgment, verdict, sentence, result of judicial investigation (cf. next)

⋙ śīrṣakastha

   ○stha mfn. being in or on the head W. 
   • abiding by a verdict, submitting to punishment (if an accused person clears himself in an ordeal) Yājñ.

≫ śīrṣakti

   śīrṣaktí f. (prob. for śīrṣa-sakti) 'headseizure', pain in the head AV.

⋙ śīrṣaktimat

   ○mát mfn. suffering from head-ache TS.

≫ śīrṣaṇ

   śīrṣaṇ in comp. for śīrṣan

⋙ śīrṣaṇvat

   ○vát mfn. having a head (opp. to a-śīrṣaka) AV. TS. ŚBr.

≫ śīrṣaṇī

   śīrṣaṇī f. the head of a couch VarBṛS.

≫ śīrṣaṇya

   śīrṣaṇyá mf(ā́)n. being in or on the head RV. &c. &c 
   • being at the head (fig.), first Kāṭh. BhP. 
   • m. clean and, unentangled hair L. 
   • n. the head of a couch ĀpŚr. 
   • a helmet L.

≫ śīrṣan

   śīrṣán n. (for śiras + an 
   • rare in later language 
   • Veda has all cases in sg. except nom. acc 
   • also has nom. acc. du. pl. loc. pl 
   • later language has only acc. pl. and remaining cases 
   • cf. also a-, tri-, sahasraś○) the head (also 'an eminent or illustrious person', cf. cf. RV. vii, 18, 24) cf. RV. &c. &c

≫ śīrṣaya

   śīrṣaya n. N. of a partic. mythical being Vīrac.

≫ śīrṣika

   śīrṣika and a-ś○

⋙ śīrṣin

   śīrṣin a-ś○

≫ śīrṣe

   śīrṣe loc. of śīrṣa, in comp

⋙ śīrṣebhāra

   ○bhāra m. a load on the head, g. bhastrâdi (cf. śīrṣa-bh○)

⋙ śīrṣebhārika

   ○bhārika mfn. carrying a load on the head ib.

śīl 1

   śīl (rather Nom. fr. śīla below), cl. 1.P. śīlati (pf. śiśīla &c.), to meditate, contemplate Dhātup. xv, 16 
   • to serve, worship ib. 
   • to act, do, practise, make ib.: Caus. (or cl. 10. P. Dhātup. xxxv, 26) śīlayati (aor. aśiśīlat), to do, make, practise repeatedly or exceedingly, be intent upon or engaged in (acc.), exercise, cultivate Āpast. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to wear, put on Gīt. 
   • to visit, frequent Bhām. (cf. śīlita) 
   • to exceed, excel Vop.

≫ śīla

   śī́la n. (and m. g. ardharcâdi 
   • ifc. f. ā) habit, custom, usage, natural or acquired way of living or acting, practice, conduct, disposition, tendency, character, nature (often ifc. = 'habituated' or 'accustomed' or 'disposed' or 'addicted to', 'practising' 
   • cf. guṇa-, dāna-, puṇya-ś○ &c.) VS. &c. &c. good disposition or character, moral conduct, integrity, morality, piety, virtue Mn. MBh. &c 
   • cf. IW. 208 
   • (with Buddhists śīla', moral conduct', is one of the 6 or 10 perfections or Pāramitās q.v. and is threefold, viz. sambhāra, kuśala-saṃgrāha, sattvârtha-kriyā Dharmas. 106) 
   • a moral precept (with Buddh. there are 5 fundamental precepts or rules of moral conduct, cf. pañca-śīla) MWB. 126 
   • form, shape, beauty W. 
   • m. a large snake in this sense prob. fr. √1. śī) L. 
   • N. of a man Buddh. 
   • of a king Rājat. 
   • (ā), f. below

⋙ śīlakīrti

   ○kīrti m. 'glory of virtue', N. of a man Buddh.

⋙ śīlakhaṇḍana

   ○khaṇḍana n. violation of morality or virtue Pañcat.

⋙ śīlagupta

   ○gupta mfn. hidden or crafty by character, cunning Kathās. (cf. gupta-śīla)

⋙ śīlajña

   ○jña mfn. knowing virtue or morality Kathās.

⋙ śīlajñānanidhi

   ○jñāna-nidhi m. a treasury of vṭvirtue and knowledge MBh.

⋙ śīlataṭa

   ○taṭa mfn. (fig.) having virtue for a bank or shore MW.

⋙ śīlatas

   ○tas ind. according or in regard to moral character or conduct Mn. Daś. MārkP.

⋙ śīlatā

   ○tā f

⋙ śīlatva

   ○tva n. disposition, inclination, customary practice 
   • morality, virtuousness Kāv. Suśr.

⋙ śīlatulya

   ○tulya mfn. resembling or equivalent, to virtue MBh.

⋙ śīlatyāga

   ○tyāga m. abandonment of virtue or honour Kathās.

⋙ śīladhara

   ○dhara mfn. maintaining or possessing virtue, virtuous, honourable BhP. 
   • m. N. of a man Kathās.

⋙ śīladhārin

   ○dhārin m. 'virtuepossessor', N. of Śiva MBh.

⋙ śīlanidhi

   ○nidhi m. a treasury of virtue ib.

⋙ śīlapāramitā

   ○pāramitā f. (with Buddhists) the perfection (called) śīla (one of the 6 transcendental perfections, under. śīla) SaddhP. Kāraṇḍ.

⋙ śīlapālita

   ○pālita m. 'virtue-protected', N. of a man Buddh.

⋙ śīlabhaṅga

   ○bhaṅga m. = -khan4ḍana Kāv.

⋙ śīlabhaṭṭārikā

   ○bhaṭṭārikā wṛ. for śīlā-bh○, q.v

⋙ śīlabhadra

   ○bhadra m. 'eminent in virtue', N. of a teacher (also called Dharma-kośa) Buddh.

⋙ śīlabhāj

   ○bhāj mfn. possessing virtue, honourable MBh. [Page 1079, Column 2] 

⋙ śīlabhraṃśa

   ○bhraṃśa m. loss of virtue or integrity Kathās.

⋙ śīlamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting in moral character or good conduct Buddh.

⋙ śīlavañcanā

   ○vañcanā f. deception in regard to a person's character Mṛicch.

⋙ śīlavat

   ○vat mfn. possessed of a good disposition or character, wellconducted, moral Mn. MBh. &c 
   • (ifc.) having the custom or practice of VarBṛS. 
   • (atī), f. N. of a woman Kathās.

⋙ śīlavarjita

   ○varjita mfn. destitute of morality or virtue, ill-conducted, immoral R.

⋙ śīlavighnakṛt

   ○vighnakṛt mfn. causing an obstacle to virtue Rājat.

⋙ śīlaviplava

   ○viplava (cf. ib.),

⋙ śīlavilaya

   ○vilaya (cf. Bhartṛ.), m. ruin of virtue

⋙ śīlavilāsa

   ○vilāsa m. N. of wk

⋙ śīlaviśuddhanetra

   ○viśuddha-netra m. N. of a Deva-putra Lalit.

⋙ śīlavṛtta

   ○vṛtta n. sg. or m. du. virtue and good conduct (-dhara and -vid mfn. holding or knowing vṭvirtue and good conduct) MBh. Kāv. 
   • mfn. virtuous and well-conducted MBh.

⋙ śīlavṛtti

   ○vṛtti f. practice of virtue, good conduct or behaviour MW.

⋙ śīlavṛddha

   ○vṛddha mfn. rich in virtue, honourable, moral MBh.

⋙ śīlavela

   ○vela mfn. = -taṭa Mṛicch.

⋙ śīlavrata

   ○vrata n. (with Buddh.) ceremonial practices (one of the ten fetters) MWB. 127

⋙ śīlaśālin

   ○śālin mfn. possessed of virtue or good conduct Hcat.

⋙ śīlasaṃgha

   ○saṃgha m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śīlasamādāna

   ○samādāna mfn. observance of vṭvirtue or morality Divyâv.

⋙ śīlasampanna

   ○sampanna mfn. = -śālin MBh.

⋙ śīlahara

   ○hara m. 'destroying virtue', N. of a man Kathās.

⋙ śīlāṅka

   śīlâṅka mf(ā)n. characterized by virtue HPariś. 
   • m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śīlāṅga

   śīlâṅga m. N. of an author ib.,

⋙ śīlāḍhya

   śīlâḍhya mfn. abounding in virtue, most honourable MBh.

⋙ śīlāditya

   śīlâditya m. 'sun of virtue', N. of various kings (esp. of a son of Vikramâditya, also called Pratāpa-śīla) Buddh.

⋙ śīlendrabodhi

   śīlêndra-bodhi m. N. of a man ib.

⋙ śīlopadeśamālā

   śīlôpadeśa-mālā f. 'garland of instruction in virtue', N. of wk

⋙ śīlopasampanna

   śīlôpasampanna mfn. = śīla-sampanna MBh.

⋙ śīloṣṇā

   śīlôṣṇā prob. wṛ. for śītôṣṇā (q.v.)

≫ śīlaka

   śīlaka m. N. of a poet Cat. 
   • n. the √of the ear L.

≫ śīlana

   śīlana n. repeated practice, constant study (of the Śāstras &c.) MBh. 
   • frequent mentioning Pat. 
   • wearing, putting on, possessing MW. 
   • serving, honouring ib.

≫ śīlaya

   śīlaya under √1. śī col. 1

≫ śīlā

   śīlā f. N. of the wife of Kauṇḍinya Vās., Introd 
   • (also -bhaṭṭārikā) N. of a poetess ŚārṅgP. Cat.

≫ śīlāravaṃśa

   śīlāra-vaṃśa m. N. of a royal family Inscr.

≫ śīlika

   śīlika mfn. accustomed to act (in anyathā-ś○, accustomed to act in another manner) GopBr.

≫ śīlita

   śīlita mfn. practised, exercised &c 
   • inhabited, frequented Gīt. 
   • (ifc.) prepared or made of ib. 
   • n. practice, conduat MW.

≫ śīlin

   śīlin mfn. virtuous, moral, honest MBh. 
   • (ifc.) having the custom of, habituated or used to, practising ib. Hariv. &c

śīl 2

   śīl m. N. of a man Inscr.


   śīvan mfn. (fr. √1. śī 
   • ) lying, resting ( uttāna-, talpa-, vahya-ś○) 
   • m. a large snake, the Boa Constrictor Uṇ. iv, 113 Sch. 
   • (arī), f. an iguana (= godhā) ib.


   śīvala n. the aquatic plant Blyxa Octandra (= śevāla) L. 
   • benzoin or storax (= śaileya) L.


   śīṣṭa m. pl. (accord. to some) N. of a people RV. viii, 53, 5


   śīhara m. N. of a scribe MW.

śu 1

   śu cl. 1. P. śavati, to go &c 
   • √.śav, p. 1059, col. 3

śu 2

   śu ind. (g. svar-ādi) quickly, swiftly (= kṣipram) Naigh. ii, 15

≫ śukam

   śukam ind. (g. câdi), id. (accord. to some)


   śuṃśumāra incorrect for śiśu-māra, q.v


   śuk cl. 1. P. śokati, to go, move Dhātup. v, 5


   śúka m. (prob. fr. √1. śuc, and orig. 'the bright one') a parrot RV. &c. &c 
   • a poet (?) Rājat. v, 31 
   • Acacia Sirissa L. 
   • Zizyphus Scandens L. 
   • N. of a son of Vyāsa (narrator of the Bhāgavata-Purāṇa to king Parikshit) MBh. Pur. 
   • of a warrior MBh. 
   • of an Asura Hariv. (vḷ. śara) 
   • of a king of the Gandharvas R. 
   • of a minister of Rāvaṇa ib. 
   • of a Brāhman ascetic Buddh. 
   • (ī), f. a female parrot (also the mythical mother of parrots, fabled as daughter or, accord. to some, wife of Kaśyapa) MBh. Pur. [Page 1079, Column 3] 
   • N. of the wife of Saptarshi (loved by Agni) BhP. 
   • n. N. of various plants (Acacia Sirissa, Bignonia Indica &c.) L. 
   • a partic. drug and perfume (= granthi-parṇa, commonly called Gaṇṭhīāla) L. 
   • the hem of a garment L. 
   • cloth, clothes L. 
   • a helmet or turban L. 
   • N. of a mythical weapon MBh.

⋙ śukakarṇī

   ○karṇī f. (perhaps) a kind of plant Pāṇ. 4-1, 64 Sch.

⋙ śukakūṭa

   ○kūṭa m. a garland fixed over two pillars L.

⋙ śukacchada

   ○cchada m. a parrot's wing Dhūrtan. 
   • n. = granthi-parṇa Bhpr. 
   • Xanthochymus Pictorius L.

⋙ śukajātaka

   ○jātaka n. N. of wk

⋙ śukajihvā

   ○jihvā f. a parrot's tongue Suśr. 
   • a plant (commonly called Śuyā-ṭhoṇṭī, or parrot's beak) W. 
   • Bignonia Chelonioides L.

⋙ śukataru

   ○taru m. Acacia Sirissa L.

⋙ śukatā

   ○tā f. or the state of a parrot Kathās. Uttamac.

⋙ śukatva

   ○tva n. the state of a parrot Kathās. Uttamac.

⋙ śukatātparyaratnāvali

   ○tātparya-ratnâvali f. N. of wk

⋙ śukatuṇḍa

   ○tuṇḍa m. 'parrot's-beak', a partic. position of the hands Cat.

⋙ śukatuṇḍaka

   ○tuṇḍaka n. a kind of cinnabar Bhpr.

⋙ śukadeva

   ○deva m. N. of Kṛishṇa Pañcar. 
   • of a son of Vyāsa ib. 
   • of a son of Hari-hara Cat. 
   • of various authors ib. 
   • (with paṇḍita-śiromaṇi) of a man ib. 
   • -caritra n. N. of a ch. of the Mahā-bhārata

⋙ śukadruma

   ○druma m. = -taru L.

⋙ śukanalikānyāya

   ○nalikā-nyāya m. the rule of the parrot (who was causelessly frightened by) the Nalikā plant 
   • (ena), ind. accord. to that rule, i.e. causelessly Nīlak.

⋙ śukanaśā

   ○naśā wṛ. for next Suśr.

⋙ śukanasā

   ○nasā f. = -nāsā ib.

⋙ śukanāmā

   ○nāmā wṛ. for -nāsā L.

⋙ śukanāśa

   ○nāśa (L.),

⋙ śukanāśā

   ○nāḍśā (cf. Suśr.), wṛ. for -nāsa, ○sā

⋙ śukanāśana

   ○nāśana m. 'parrot-destroying', a partic. plant (= dadru-ghna) L.

⋙ śukanāsa

   ○nāsa mfn. having a nose like apṭparrot's beak MW. 
   • m. a partic. ornament on a house Vāstuv. 
   • Calosanthes Indica L. 
   • Bignonia Chelonioides Bhpr. 
   • Agati Grandiflora L. 
   • Bignonia Indica W. 
   • Sesbana Grandiflora ib. 
   • N. of a Rākshasa R. 
   • of a minister of Tārâpiḍa Kād. 
   • (ā), f. a kind of plant (accord. to L., = m. kāśmīrī, nalikā) Suśr.

⋙ śukanāsikā

   ○nāsikā f. a parrot, nose MW. 
   • a nose like that of a parrot ib. 
   • an aquiline nose ib.

⋙ śukapakṣīya

   ○pakṣīya n. or (ā), f

⋙ śukapakṣīyavyākhyā

   ○pakṣīḍya-vyākhyā f. N. of wks

⋙ śukapiṇḍi

   ○piṇḍi wṛ. for śūka-p○

⋙ śukapitāmaha

   ○pitāmaha m. 'grandfather of Śuka', N. of the sage Parāśara (father of Vyāsa) W.

⋙ śukapuccha

   ○puccha m. a parrot's tail ib. 
   • 'coloured like a parrot's tail', sulphur L.

⋙ śukapucchaka

   ○pucchaka n. a partic. drug (= granthi-parṇa) L.

⋙ śukapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa m. 'parrot-flowered', Acacia Sirissa L. 
   • n. = granthiparṇa Bhpr.

⋙ śukapotra

   ○potra m. a kind of harmless snake L.

⋙ śukapraśnasaṃhitā

   ○praśna-saṃhitā f. N. of wk

⋙ śukapriya

   ○priya mfn. dear to parrot MW. 
   • m. Acacia Sirissa Bhpr. 
   • Azadirachta Indica L. 
   • (ā), f. Eugenia Jambolana L. 
   • N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs.

⋙ śukaphala

   ○phala m. Calotropis Gigantea L.

⋙ śukababhru

   ○babhru (śúka-), mfn. reddish like a parrot VS. MaitrS.

⋙ śukabarha

   ○barha n. N. of a kind of fragrant substance Car. Bhpr.

⋙ śukabṛhatkathā

   ○bṛhat-kathā f

⋙ śukamahimnaḥstava

   ○mahimnaḥ-stava m. N. of wks

⋙ śukayogin

   ○yogin m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śukarahasya

   ○rahasya n. or N. of an Upanishad

⋙ śukarahasyopaniṣad

   ○rahasḍyôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad

⋙ śukarūpa

   ○rūpa (śúka-), mfn. having the colour of a parrot VS.

⋙ śukalāṅgala

   ○lāṅgala (prob.) wṛ. for -lāṅgula and = -barha Suśr.

⋙ śukavat

   ○vat ind. like a parrot MW.

⋙ śukavallabha

   ○vallabha m. 'beloved by pṭparrot', the pomegranate tree L.

⋙ śukavāc

   ○vāc mfn. having a voice like the note of a parrot (Kṛishṇa) Pañcar.

⋙ śukavāha

   ○vāha m. 'parrot-borne', N. of Kāma-deva (whose vehicle is a parrot) L.

⋙ śukaśārika

   ○śārika n. a parrot and a Maina bird MW. (cf. sārikā-pralāpana)

⋙ śukaśimbā

   ○śimbā or wṛ. for śūka-śim○,

⋙ śukaśimbi

   ○śimbi wṛ. for śūka-śim○,

⋙ śukasaṃvāda

   ○saṃvāda m

⋙ śukasaṃhitā

   ○saṃhitā f

⋙ śukasaṃdeśa

   ○saṃdeśa m

⋙ śukasaṃdeśavyākhyā

   ○saṃdeśa-vyākhyā f. N. of wks

⋙ śukasaptati

   ○saptati f. N. of 70 stories related by a parrot (of which there are 2 recensions extant)

⋙ śukasārikāpralāpana

   ○sārikā-pralāpana n. instruction about parrot and Maina birds (one of the 64 arts) Cat. (cf. śārika)

⋙ śukasuktisudhākara

   ○súkti-sudhâkara m

⋙ śukasūtra

   ○sūtra n. N. of wks

⋙ śukahari

   ○harí mfn. green like a parrot MaitrS. Vait. &c

⋙ śukaharita

   ○harita mfn. id. ĀpŚr.

⋙ śukākhyā

   śukâkhyā f. Bignonia Chelonioides Suśr.

⋙ śukādana

   śukâdana m. 'parrot's food', the pomegranate tree L.

⋙ śukānana

   śukânana mfn. parrot-faced R. 
   • (ā), f. Bignonia Chelonioides L.

⋙ śukānuśāsana

   śukânuśāsana n. 'Śuka-narrative', N. of an episode of the Śānti-parvan of the Mahā-bhārata, i, 12046 &c

⋙ śukāṣṭaka

   śukâṣṭaka n

⋙ śukāṣṭakavyākhyā

   śukâṣḍṭakavyākhyā f. N. of wks

⋙ śukeśvaratīrtha

   śukêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha Cat.

⋙ śukeṣṭa

   śukêṣṭa m. Acacia Sirissa L. 
   • Mimusops Hexandra L.

⋙ śukoktijāla

   śukôkti-jāla n. N. of a Kāvya

⋙ śukotpatti

   śukôtpatti f. 'birth of Śuka', N. of a section of the Śānti-parvan of the Mahā-bhārata

⋙ śukodara

   śukôdara n. a parrot's belly MW. 
   • a kind of tree (= tālī7śa-pattra) L.

⋙ śukorvaśīsaṃvāda

   śukôrvaśī-saṃvāda m. N. of wk

≫ śukāyana

   śukāyana m. N. of an Arhat Buddh. [Page 1080, Column 1] 

≫ śukībhū

   śukī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to become ae parrot Kathās.


   śuktá mf(ā) n. (perhaps fr. √1. śuc and orig. 'fermented') become acid or sour ŚBr. &c. &c 
   • astringent and sour L. 
   • putrid, stinking L. 
   • harsh, rough (as words) Gaut. Baudh. &c 
   • void of men, lonely, deserted L. 
   • united, joined (= śliṣṭa) L. 
   • pure, clean (prob. wṛ. for śukra, or śukla) L. 
   • m. sourness L. 
   • N. of a son of Vasishṭha MārkP. (cf. śukra) 
   • (ā), f. Rumex Vesicarius L. 
   • n. anything fermented or become sour, any sour liquor or gruel (esp. a kind of acid beverage prepared from roots and fruits) Gaut. Suśr. 
   • flesh L. 
   • hard or harsh speech (?) Yājñ. i, 33

⋙ śuktatiktakaṣāyaka

   ○tikta-kaṣāyaka mfn. astringent and sour and bitter L. 
   • m. astṭastringent and sour and bad taste L.

⋙ śuktapāka

   ○pāka m. acid digestion, acidity of stomach Car.

⋙ śuktasvara

   ○svara mfn. (said to be) = a-vyakta-svara MaitrUp. (cf. Sch.)

≫ śuktaka

   śuktaka mfn. sour, sourish Gaut. 
   • n. acid eructation Mn. iv, 121

≫ śukti

   śukti f. (prob. fr. √1. śuc and orig. 'shining, bright') a pearl-oyster or oyster shell (eight sources of pearls are enumerated by Sch. on Kir. xii, 40, viz. clouds, elephants, fish, serpents, bamboos, conchshells, boars, and oyster shells) Kauś. Kāv. &c 
   • a small shell or cockle L. 
   • a portion of a skull (used as a cup &c.) W. 
   • a bone BhP. 
   • Tamarindus Indica L. 
   • Unguis Odoratus L. 
   • any perfume or fragrant substance R. 
   • a curl or feather on a horse's neck or breast Śiś. 
   • a measure of weight (= 1/2 Pala or 4 Karshas) ŚārṅgS. 
   • a partic. disease of the cornea Suśr. 
   • hemorrhoids L. 
   • m. N. of an Āṅgirasa PañcavBr. 
   • of a mountain MārkP. (wṛ. sukti) 
   • pl. N. of a people VarBṛS.

⋙ śuktikarṇa

   ○karṇa mfn. shell-eared MBh. 
   • N. of a serpent-demon Hariv.

⋙ śuktikhalati

   ○khalati mfn. bald like an oyster, completely bald Hcar.

⋙ śuktija

   ○ja n. 'oyster-born', a pearl VarBṛS.

⋙ śuktipaṭṭa

   ○paṭṭa m. a partic. musical instrument, Saṃg

⋙ śuktiparṇa

   ○parṇa m. Alstonia Scholaris L.

⋙ śuktipuṭa

   ○puṭa n. the hollow in the shell (in which the pearl rests) Śiś. 
   • a pearl-oyster shell W.

⋙ śuktipeśī

   ○peśī f. 'pearl-envelope', a pearl-oyster W.

⋙ śuktibīja

   ○bīja n. 'oyster-seed', a pearl L.

⋙ śuktimaṇi

   ○maṇi m. 'oyster-gem', id. L.

⋙ śuktimat

   ○mat m. N. of one of the seven principal mountains or mountainous ranges in India (cf. kula-giri) MBh. Pur. 
   • (atī), f. N. of a river ib. 
   • of the capital of the Cedis ib.

⋙ śuktivadhū

   ○vadhū f. mother of pearl (or the pearl oyster which produces the pearl) L.

⋙ śuktisāhvayā

   ○sâhvayā f. N. of a city (= śukti-matī) MBh.

⋙ śuktisparśa

   ○sparśa m. a dark spot or flaw on a pearl W.

≫ śuktika

   śuktika m. a partic. disease of the cornea ŚārṅgS. 
   • (ā), f. id. Suśr. 
   • mother of pearl Śaṃk. Sarvad. 
   • Rumex Vesicarius L.

≫ śukty

   śukty in comp. for śukti

⋙ śuktyudbhava

   ○udbhava m. 'sprung from or produced in a pearl-oyster', a pearl MW.


   śukrá mf(ā́)n. (fr. √1. śuc, cf. śukla) bright, resplendent RV. AV. VS. Br. MBh. 
   • clear, pure RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. 
   • light-coloured, white RV. AV. ŚāṅkhBr. 
   • pure, spotless RV. Br. 
   • m. N. of Agni or fire R. 
   • of a month (Jyeshṭha = May-June, personified as the guardian of Kubera's treasure) MBh. Suśr. 
   • the planet Venus or its regent (regarded as the son of Bhṛigu and preceptor of the Daityas) MBh. R. &c 
   • clear or pure Soma RV. 
   • (with or scil, graha) a partic. Graha or receptacle for Soma VS. ŚBr. 
   • a partic. astrol. Yoga L. 
   • a N. of the Vyāhṛitis (bhūr, bhuvaḥ, svar) MW. 
   • a kind of plant (= citraka) ib. 
   • N. of a Marutvat Hariv. 
   • of a son of Vasishṭha VP. 
   • of the third Manu Hariv. 
   • of one of the seven sages under Manu Bhautya MārkP. 
   • of a son of Bhava VP. 
   • of a son of Havir-dhāna (cf. śukla) VP. 
   • (with Jainas) of a partic. Kalpa (q.v.) 
   • n. brightness, clearness, light RV. Up. MBh. R. 
   • (also pl.)any clear liquid (as water, Soma &c.) RV. VS. 
   • juice, the essence of anything Br. ŚrS. (also pl.) 
   • semen virile, seed of animals (male and female), sperm RV. &c. &c 
   • a morbid affection of the iris (change of colour &c. accompanied by imperfect vision 
   • cf. śukla) Suśr. ŚārṅgS. 
   • a good action L. 
   • gold, wealth L. 
   • N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr. 
   • of a Vedic metre RPrāt.

⋙ śukrakara

   ○kara mfn. producing semen Bhpr. 
   • m. the marrow of the bones L.

⋙ śukrakṛcchra

   ○kṛcchra n. a partic. urinary disease, ŚārṅgS.

⋙ śukragṛha

   ○gṛha n. house or mansion of the planet Venus Siṃhâs.

⋙ śukracāra

   ○cāra m. course of the planet MW.

⋙ śukraja

   ○ja mfn. 'produced from (one's own) semen', one's own son MBh. 
   • m. pl. (with Jainas) a partic. class of gods L.

⋙ śukrajyotis

   ○jyotis (śukrá), mfn. having bright splendour VS.

⋙ śukratīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha Cat.

⋙ śukradanta

   ○danta m. 'white toothed', N. of a man Rājat. [Page 1080, Column 2] 

⋙ śukradugha

   ○dúgha mfn. emitting a clear fluid RV.

⋙ śukradoṣa

   ○doṣa m. defect of semen, impotence L.

⋙ śukranāḍi

   ○nāḍi f

⋙ śukranālikodāharaṇa

   ○nālikôdāharaṇa n

⋙ śukranīti

   ○nīti f. N. of wks

⋙ śukrapa

   ○pá mfn. drinking pure Soma VS. TBr.

⋙ śukrapāṇi

   ○pāṇi m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śukrapātra

   ○pātrá n. the vessel for the Graha Śukra ŚBr.

⋙ śukrapiś

   ○píś mfn. radiantly adorned RV. x, 110, 6 (cf. śúcipeśas)

⋙ śukrapūjā

   ○pūjā f. N. of wk

⋙ śukrapūtapā

   ○pūta-pā́ mfn. one who drinks bright and purified Soma RV.

⋙ śukrapṛṣṭha

   ○pṛṣṭha (śukrá-), mfn. having a bright-coloured back AV.

⋙ śukrabhuj

   ○bhuj m. 'seed-eater', a peacock L.

⋙ śukrabhū

   ○bhū mfn. semen-produced MW. 
   • m. 'semen-source', the marrow of the bones L.

⋙ śukramūtrala

   ○mūtrala mfn. producing semen and urine Suśr.

⋙ śukrameha

   ○meha m. seminal diabetes Bhpr. Car.

⋙ śukramehin

   ○mehin mfn. suffering from semṭseminal diabṭdiabetes Suśr. Car.

⋙ śukrayajus

   ○yajús n. pl. N. of partic. texts belonging to the Pravargya TĀr.

⋙ śukrarūpa

   ○rūpa mfn. bright-coloured MārkP.

⋙ śukrarṣabha

   ○rṣabha (śukrá- 
   • -rṣ○ for -ṛṣ○), mf(ā)n. having bright-coloured bulls TS.

⋙ śukravat

   ○vat (śukrá-), mf(atī)n. containing purejuice or Soma TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. 
   • contṭcontaining the word śukra AitBr.

⋙ śukravarcas

   ○varcas (śukrá-), mfn. having bright lustre RV.

⋙ śukravarṇa

   ○varṇa (śukrá-), mf(ā)n. bright coloured, bright ib.

⋙ śukravardhinī

   ○vardhinī f. = -kara m. L.

⋙ śukravaha

   ○vaha mfn. bringing semen Suśr.

⋙ śukravāra

   ○vāra m. Venus' day, Friday Sūryas. Inscr.

⋙ śukravāsara

   ○vāsara m. id. A.

⋙ śukravāsas

   ○vāsas (śukrá-), mfn. bright-robed RV.

⋙ śukravisṛṣṭi

   ○visṛṣṭi f. emission of semen L.

⋙ śukraśānti

   ○śānti f. N. of wk

⋙ śukraśiṣya

   ○śiṣya m. 'pupil of Śukra', an Asura L.

⋙ śukraśoca

   ○śoca mfn. brightly shining Sāy.

⋙ śukraśoci

   ○śoci mfn. = next RV.

⋙ śukraśocis

   ○śocis (śukrá-), mfn. brightrayed ib. VS. TBr.

⋙ śukrasadman

   ○sadman (śukrá-), mfn. having a bright dwelling-place RV.

⋙ śukrasāra

   ○sāra mfn. having semen as essence (-tā f.) VarBṛS.

⋙ śukrasuta

   ○suta m. son of the planet Venus ib.

⋙ śukrasūkta

   ○sū7kta n. N. of wk

⋙ śukrasṛṣṭā

   ○sṛṣṭā f. yellow myrobolan L.

⋙ śukrastoma

   ○stoma m. a partic. Ekâha ŚāṅkhŚr.

⋙ śukraharaṇa

   ○haraṇa mf(ī)n. bringing semen Suśr.

⋙ śukrāṅga

   śukrâṅga m. 'having a brilliant body', a peacock L.

⋙ śukrācārya

   śukrâcārya m. the sage ŚṭŚukrâcārya (regent of the planet Venus and preceptor of the Daityas) W.

⋙ śukrāmanthinau

   śukrā́-manthínau m. nom. du. pure and meal-like Soma TS. Br.

⋙ śukreśvara

   śukrêśvara N. of a temple Cat. 
   • of a Liṅga MW. 
   • -stuti f. N. of 8 verses from the Kaśī-khaṇḍa

⋙ śukrottara

   śukrôttara m. (with Jainas) N. of a Kalpa (q.v.)

≫ śukrala

   śukrala mfn. producing semen Suśr. ŚārṅgS. Car. (cf. māṃsa-ś○) 
   • spermatic, seminal W. 
   • abounding in semen, lascivious L. 
   • (ā), f. a sort of Cyperus L.

≫ śukriman

   śukriman m. brightness, pureness, g. dṛḍhâdi

≫ śukriya

   śúkriya mfn. containing pure juice Kāṭh. Br. 
   • belonging or sacred to Śukṛa W. 
   • seminal, spermatic MW. 
   • n. brilliance ŚāṅkhGṛ. 
   • (pl.) N. of certain Sāmans belonging to the Pravargya TĀr. Lāṭy. 
   • N. of the Pravargya section or VS. 36-40 also -kāṇḍa) Yājñ. Caraṇ. 
   • a partic. observance ŚāṅkhGṛ.

≫ śukrībhū

   śukrī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to become semen or sperm Suśr.

≫ śukla

   śuklá mf(ā)n. (later form of śukra, for which it is sometimes wṛ.) bright, light (with pakṣa = śukla-p○, q.v.) KātyŚr. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • white, whitish AitBr. &c. &c 
   • pure, spotless, unsullied MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • m. the bright half of a lunar month or any day in it GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • the month Vaiśākha BhP. (cf. Sch.) 
   • white (the colour) L. 
   • mucus, saliva (śukláṃ-√kṛ, to spit at) AV. 
   • ricinus or white L. 
   • Mimusops Hexandra L. 
   • the 37th (or 3rd) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBṛS. 
   • the 24th of the astronomical Yogas. L. 
   • N. of Śiva MBh. 
   • of Vishṇu BhP. 
   • of a son of Havir-dhāna (cf. śukra) Hariv. 
   • of a Muni Cat. 
   • of a king Buddh. 
   • of a mountain BhP. 
   • (ā), f. a white cow KātyŚr. 
   • white or candied sugar L. 
   • Euphorbia Antiquorum L. 
   • = kākOlī and vidārī L. 
   • N. of Sarasvatī L. 
   • of a daughter of Siṃha-hanu Buddh. 
   • of a river BhP. 
   • n. brightness, light MaitrUp. 
   • a white spot, white substance, anything white AV. ŚBr. ChUp. 
   • the white of the eye ŚBr. R. Suśr. 
   • a disease of the cornea or white part of the eye (opacity, albugo 
   • cf. śukra) L. 
   • silver L. 
   • fresh butter L.

⋙ śuklakaṇṭhaka

   ○kaṇṭhaka m. 'white-throated', a kind of gallinule L.

⋙ śuklakanda

   ○kanda m. a kind of bulbous plant (= mahiṣa-k○) L. 
   • (ā), f. = ativiṣā L.

⋙ śuklakarṇa

   ○karṇa mfn. white-eared Pāṇ. 6-2, 112 Sch.

⋙ śuklakarman

   ○karman a water plant L.

⋙ śuklakuṣṭha

   ○kuṣṭha n. white leprosy GāruḍaP.

⋙ śuklakṛṣṇa

   ○kṛṣṇa n. du. light and dark fortnight TĀr.

⋙ śuklakeśa

   ○keśa mfn. white-haired MBh.

⋙ śuklakṣīra

   ○kṣīra mfn. having white milk or juice MW. [Page 1080, Column 3] 
   • (ā [L.] or ī {cf. MW.}), f. a kind of plant (= kākolī)

⋙ śuklakṣetra

   ○kṣetra n. N. of a sacred district Cat.

⋙ śuklajanārdana

   ○janârdana m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ śuklatā

   ○tā f

⋙ śuklatva

   ○tva n. whiteness &c. Pāṇ. 5-1, 123 Sch.

⋙ śuklatīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat. 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ śukladanṣṭratā

   ○danṣṭra-tā f. having white teeth (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84

⋙ śukladat

   ○dat mfn. white-toothed AitBr. BhP.

⋙ śukladaśana

   ○daśana mfn. id. MW.

⋙ śukladaśabhāṣya

   ○daśabhāṣya (?), N. of wk

⋙ śukladugdha

   ○dugdha m. 'having white juice', Trapa Bispinosa L.

⋙ śukladeha

   ○deha mfn. pure in body or person MBh.

⋙ śukladruma

   ○druma m. Symplocos Racemosa R. (cf. Sch.)

⋙ śukladhātu

   ○dhātu m. a white mineral, chalk L.

⋙ śukladhānya

   ○dhānya n. white grain or corn Pañcar.

⋙ śukladhyāna

   ○dhyāna n. meditation on pure spirit HPariś.

⋙ śukladhvajapatākin

   ○dhvaja-patākin mfn. having a white banner and flag (Śiva) MBh.

⋙ śuklapakṣa

   ○pakṣa m. the light half, of a month, the 15 days of the moon's increase
   KātyŚr. Kauś. Mn. &c 
   • the rightful side of two contending parties Divyâv.

⋙ śuklapakṣīya

   ○pakṣīya mfn. relating to the light half of the month MW.

⋙ śuklapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa mfn. having white flowers Kauś. 
   • m. N. of various plants (accord. to L., Asteracantha Longifolia 
   • Nerium Odorum 
   • = maruvaka &c.) Pañcar. 
   • (ā), f. Pistia Stratiotes L. 
   • = nāga-dantī L. 
   • (ī), f. = nāgadantī L.

⋙ śuklapṛṣṭhaka

   ○pṛṣṭhaka m. Vitex Paniculata L. 
   • Vitex Nigundo W.

⋙ śuklabala

   ○bala m. a white Bala or Baladeva (accord. to the Jainas 
   • nine are enumerated, corresponding to the nine Kṛishṇas or black Vāsudevas 
   • bala, b"ṣ-deva) W.

⋙ śuklabīja

   ○bīja m. (prob.) a kind of ant MBh.

⋙ śuklabuddhikara

   ○buddhi-kara b"ṣ-k○

⋙ śuklabhāga

   ○bhāga m. the white of the eye Suśr.

⋙ śuklabhāsvara

   ○bhāsvara mfn. shining bright Bhāshāp.

⋙ śuklabhūdeva

   ○bhū-deva m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śuklamaṇḍala

   ○maṇḍala n. a white circle or globe MW. 
   • = -bhāga L.

⋙ śuklamathurānātha

   ○mathurā-nātha m. N. of an astronomer Cat.

⋙ śuklamālyānulepana

   ○mālyânulepana mfn. having a white garland and unguents (i.e. wearing a white gṭgarland and anointed with ungṭunguents) MW.

⋙ śuklameha

   ○meha m. whitish diabetes Car.

⋙ śuklamehin

   ○mehin mfn. suffering from white diabṭdiabetes ib.

[[ ]]

   śuklayajurvedādhyetṛpraśaṃsā3śuklá--yajur-vedâdhyetṛ-praśaṃsā f. N. of wk

⋙ śuklayajñopavītavat

   ○yajñôpavīta-vat mfn. invested with a white sacred thread MBh.

⋙ śuklarūpa

   ○rūpá mfn. white-coloured ŚBr.

⋙ śuklarohita

   ○rohita m. a kind of plant L. 
   • a kind of bright-looking Rohita fish MW.

⋙ śuklavacā

   ○vacā f. Terminalia Chebula L.

⋙ śuklavat

   ○vat (śuklá-), mfn. containing the word śuklá ŚBr. KātyŚr.

⋙ śuklavatsā

   ○vatsā (śuklá.), f. a cow which has a white calf. ŚBr. KātyŚr.

⋙ śuklavarga

   ○varga m. a class of white objects (as the conch-shell, pearl-oyster, and cowry) W.

⋙ śuklavastra

   ○vastra mf(ā)n. wearing a white robe Mn. ix, 70

⋙ śuklavāyasa

   ○vāyasa m. Ardea Nivea L. 
   • a crane W. 
   • a white crow MW.

⋙ śuklavāsas

   ○vāsas mfn. = -vastra TĀr.

⋙ śuklavidarśanā

   ○vidarśanā f. a partic. stage in the life of a Śrāvaka, Mahāvy. =

⋙ śuklaviśrāma

   ○viśrāma m. viś○

⋙ śuklavṛtta

   ○vṛtta mfn. pure in conduct MBh.

⋙ śuklavṛtti

   ○vṛtti f. pure employment or subsistence, maintenance derived by a Brāhman from other BrṭBrāhmans only MW.

⋙ śuklaśāla

   ○śāla m. a kind of tree related to Melia Bukayun L.

⋙ śuklasūtra

   ○sūtra n. N. of wk

⋙ śuklaharita

   ○harita m. pale-greenness L. 
   • mf(ā or iṇī) n. pale-green ib.

⋙ śuklāguru

   śuklâguru n. white agallochum Kum.

⋙ śuklāṅga

   śuklâṅga m. 'having a white or brilliant body', a peacock L. 
   • (ī), f. Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis L.

⋙ śuklācāra

   śuklâcāra mf(ā)n. pure in conduct R.

⋙ śuklādiśrāvaṇakṛṣṇasaptamī


⋙ śuklādiśrāvaṇakṛṣṇāṣṭamī

   śuklâdi-śrāvaṇa-ḍkṛṣṇâṣṭamī f. N. of certain festivals or holy days Cat.

⋙ śuklāpara

   śuklâpara mfn. having a white hinder part (said of the body) KātyŚr.

⋙ śuklāpāṅga

   śuklâpâṅga m. 'having white eye-corners', a peacock Megh.

⋙ śuklābhijātīya

   śuklâbhijātīya mf(ā)n. of a pure race MBh. R.

⋙ śuklāmbara

   śuklâmbara mfn. having a white garment Ml. 
   • -dhara mfn. wearing or arrayed in white garments MW.

⋙ śuklāmla

   śuklâmla n. a sort of sorrel (= amlaśāka) ib.

⋙ śuklārka

   śuklârka m. a kind of Calotropis L.

⋙ śuklārman

   śuklârman n. a partic. disease of the white of the eye Suśr. Bhpr.

⋙ śuklāṣṭamī

   śuklâṣṭamī f. N. of wk

⋙ śukletara

   śuklêtara mfn. other than white, black, dirty R.

⋙ śukleśvara

   śuklêśvara (cf. Daśar., Introd),

⋙ śukleśvaranātha

   śuklêśḍvara-nātha (cf. Cat.), m. N. of authors

⋙ śuklodana

   śuklódana (fr. śukla + od○), m. N. of a brother of Śuddhodana Buddh.

⋙ śuklopala

   śuklôpala m. a white stone MW. 
   • (ā), f. id. W. 
   • white sugar ib.

≫ śuklaka

   śuklaka mfn. white MW. 
   • m. a white colour ib. 
   • the light fortnight Tithyād.

≫ śuklala

   śuklala mfn. white, whitening L. 
   • (ā), f. a kind of Cyperus (v. l. śukralā) L.

≫ śuklāyana

   śuklāyana m. N. of a Muni Cat.

≫ śukliman

   śukliman m. whiteness, white colour Hcar.

≫ śuklī

   śuklī in comp. for śukla

⋙ śuklīkaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. making white, whitening MW. [Page 1081, Column 1] 

⋙ śuklīkṛ

   ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make white, whiten ( next)

⋙ śuklīkṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. made white Ṛitus. Hit. &c

⋙ śuklībhū

   ○√bhū P. -bhavati (or -√as Pat.), to become white Kāv.

≫ śukvan

   śukvan su-śúkvan


   śukṣi m. (accord. to Uṇ. iii, 155 fr. √śuṣ) air, wind L. 
   • (perhaps fr. √1. śuc) = tejas, or = citram L.


   śuṅga m. (etymology doubtful) the Indian fig-tree (= vaṭa) L. 
   • Ficus Infectoria L. 
   • Spondias Mangifera L. 
   • the awn of corn L. 
   • the sheath or calyx of a bud L. 
   • N. of a man (pl. his descendants) Pravar. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 117) 
   • pl. N. of a dynasty which succeeded the Mauryas (sg. a king of the śuṅga dynṭdynasty) Pur. 
   • (ā́), f. below 
   • (ī), f. Spondias Mangifera L. 
   • Ficus Infectoria L. 
   • N. of the mother of Garuḍa Suparṇ. 
   • n. the sheath or calyx of a bud, (fig.) effect (opp. to mūla, 'cause') ChUp. 
   • Ficus Infectoria L.

⋙ śuṅgarājan

   ○rājan m. a king of the Śuṅga dynasty VP.

≫ śuṅgā

   śuṅgā́ f. the sheath or calyx of a young bud (esp. of a fig-tree) GṛS. Suśr. 
   • the awn of barley &c., a bristle L. 
   • the waved-leaf fig-tree W. 
   • N. of the mother of Garuḍa Suparṇ.

⋙ śuṅgākarman

   ○karman n. a ceremony connected with the Puṃ-savana (q.v.) at which the calyx of a young bud of the Ficus Indica is used Gṛihyās.

≫ śuṅgin

   śuṅgin mfn. having a sheath or calyx MW. 
   • furnished with an awn ib. 
   • m. Ficus Indica or Infectoria L.

śuc 1

   śuc cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. vii, 1) śocati (Ved. and ep. also ○te 
   • once in ŚBr. -śucyati [cf. saṃ-√śuc] 
   • and in MBh. iii, 2372 śocimi 
   • pf. śuśoca [Impv. śuśugdhi Pot. śuśucīta, p. śuśukvás and śuśucāná aor. aśucat [p. śucát and śucámāna] RV. 
   • aśocīt [2. sg. śocīḥ] Br. 
   • aśociṣṭa Gr 
   • Prec. śucyāsam ib. 
   • fut. śoktā or śocitā ib. 
   • śuciṣyati, ○te MBh. &c. &c 
   • inf. śucádhyai RV. 
   • śoktum or śocitum MBh. &c 
   • ind. p. śocitvā MBh. 
   • śucitvā Pāṇ. 1-2, 26) to shine, flame, gleam, glow, burn RV. Br. ĀśvŚr. 
   • to suffer violent heat or pain, be sorrowful or afflicted, grieve, mourn at or for (loc. or acc. with prati) TS. &c. &c 
   • to bewail, lament, regret (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to be absorbed in deep meditation MW. 
   • (cl. 4. P. Ā. śucyati, ○te) to be bright or pure Dhātup. xxvi, 56 (cf. Caus. and śuci) 
   • to be wet ib. 
   • to decay, be putrid, stink ib.: Pass. (only aor. áśoci) to be kindled, burn, flame RV. vii, 67, 2: Caus. śocáyati, ○te (p. śucáyat q.v. RV. 
   • aor. aśūśucat, śūśucat AV. Br.), to set on fire, burn RV. TBr. 
   • to cause to suffer pain, afflict, distress AV. ŚBr. MBh. 
   • to feel pain or sorrow, grieve, mourn MBh. 
   • to lament, regret Ragh. Rājat. 
   • to purify VarYogay. Kathās.: Pass. of Caus. śocyate Kāv.: Desid. śuśuciṣati or śuśociṣati Pāṇ. 1-2, 26: Intens. śośucyate, śośokti, to shine or flame brightly, Gr. (only śóśucan RV. vi, 66, 3 
   • cf. śóśucat, śóśucāna, śośucyamāna)

≫ śuc 2

   śúc mfn. shining. illumining ( tri- and viśva-śúc) 
   • f. flame, glow, heat RV. AV. Br. 
   • brightness, lustre RV. 
   • (also pl.) pain, sorrow, grief or regret for (comp.) AV. &c. &c 
   • pl. tears BhP.

≫ śuca

   śucá mf(ā́)n. = śuci, pure RV. x, 26, 6 
   • (ā), f. grief. sorrow BhP.

≫ śucadratha

   śucád-ratha mfn. (pr. p. of √1. śuc + r○) having a shining car RV.

≫ śucadhyai

   śucádhyai under √1. śuc

≫ śucanti

   śucantí m. N. of a person under the especial protection of the Aśvins RV.

≫ śucayat

   śucáyat mfn. (cf. Caus. of √1. śuc) shining, bright RV.

≫ śuci

   śúci mfn. (f. nom. pl. śucyas Mn. viii, 77) shining, glowing, gleaming, radiant, bright RV. &c. &c 
   • brilliantly white, white Bhartṛ. 
   • clear, clean, pure (lit. and fig.), holy, unsullied, undefiled, innocent, honest, virtuous RV. &c. &c 
   • pure (in a ceremonial sense) ChUp. Mn. Bhag. &c 
   • (ifc.) one who has acquitted himself of or discharged (a duty, rahaḥ-ś○) 
   • m. purification, purity, honesty, virtue Kāv. 
   • fire L. 
   • N. of a partic. fire (a son of Agni Abhimānin and Svāhā or a son of Antardhāna and Sikhaṇḍinī and brother of the fires Pavamāna and Pavaka) Pur. 
   • oblation to fire at the first feeding of an infant W. 
   • a partic. hot month (accord. to some = Āshāḍha or Jyeshṭha, accord. to others 'the hot season in general') VS. ŚBr. MBh. &c. [Page 1081, Column 2] 
   • the sun MaitrUp. (cf. Sch.) 
   • the moon L. 
   • the planet Venus or its regent (cf. śukra) L. 
   • a ray of light L. 
   • wind L. 
   • sexual love (= śṛṅgāra) L. 
   • a Brāhman L. 
   • a faithful minister, true friend L. 
   • the condition of a religious student L. 
   • a fever that attacks pigs L. 
   • judicial acquittal W. 
   • white (the colour) ib. 
   • a partic. plant (= citraka) MW. 
   • N. of Śiva L. 
   • of a son of Bhṛigu MBh. 
   • of a son of Gada Hariv. 
   • of a son of the third Manu ib. 
   • of Indra in the 14th Manv-antara Pur. 
   • of one of the 7 sages in the 14th Manv-antara ib. 
   • of a Sârthavāha MBh. 
   • of a son of Śata-dyumna Pur. 
   • of a son of Śuddha (the son of Anenas) ib. 
   • of a son of Andhaka ib. 
   • of a son of Vipra ib. 
   • of a son of Artha-pati Vās., Introd 
   • (also ī), f. N. of a daughter of Tāmrā and wife of Kaśyapa, (regarded as the parent of water-fowl) Hariv. VP.

⋙ śucikarṇa

   ○karṇa g. kumudâdi (2.) 
   • ○ṇika n. white lotus L.

⋙ śucikāma

   ○kāma mfn. loving purity Baudh.

⋙ śucikranda

   ○kranda (śúci-), mfn. calling aloud, clear-voiced RV.

⋙ śucigātratā

   ○gātra-tā f. the state of having bright limbs (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84

⋙ śucicarita

   ○carita mfn. virtuous or honest in conduct VP.

⋙ śucijanman

   ○janman (śúci-), mfn. of pure or radiant birth RV.

⋙ śucijihva

   ○jihva (śúci-), mfn. flame-tongued (as Agni) ib.

⋙ śucitā

   ○tā f. (cf. Mn. Kāv. Rājat.),

⋙ śucitva

   ○tvá n. (cf. RV.) clearness, purity (lit. and fig.), uprightness, honesty, virtue

⋙ śucidat

   ○dat (śúci-), mfn. bright-toothed RV.

⋙ śucidrava

   ○drava or (?), m. N. of a king VP.

⋙ śucidravya

   ○dravya (?), m. N. of a king VP.

⋙ śucidruma

   ○druma m. 'holy tree', the sacred fig-tree L.

⋙ śucināsatā

   ○nāsa-tā f. having a bright nose (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84

⋙ śucinetraratisambhava

   ○netra-rati-sambhava m. N. of a king of the Gandharvas Buddh.

⋙ śucipati

   ○pati m. 'lord of purity', fire Gal.

⋙ śucipadī

   ○padī f. clean-footed, g. -kumbha-pady-ādi

⋙ śucipā

   ○pā́ mfn. drinking the clear (Soma) RV.

⋙ śucipeśas

   ○peśas (śúci.), mfn. brightly adorned ib.

⋙ śucipraṇī

   ○praṇī f. inducing purity', sipping water, cleansing the mouth &c. L.

⋙ śucipratīka

   ○pratīka (śúci.), mfn. radiant-faced RV.

⋙ śucibandhu

   ○bandhu (śúci-), mfn. having a brilliant relative (said of Soma as related to fire) ib.

⋙ śucibāhya

   ○bāhya mfn. externally pure MW.

⋙ śucibhrājas

   ○bhrājas (śúci-), mfn. shining brightly ib.

⋙ śucimaṇi

   ○maṇi m. 'pure jewel', crystal W. 
   • a jewel worn on the head MW.

⋙ śucimallikā

   ○mallikā f. Arabian jasmine (= nava-m○) L.

⋙ śucimānasa

   ○mānasa mfn. pure-hearted Kir.

⋙ śucimukhī

   ○mukhī f. N. of a female flamingo Hariv. 
   • the plant Sanseviera Zeylanica MW.

⋙ śuciratha

   ○ratha m. 'having a bright chariot', N. of a king VP.

⋙ śucirocis

   ○rocis m. 'white-rayed', the moon L.

⋙ śucivana

   ○vana n. = śuṣka-v○ BhP. (cf. Sch.)

⋙ śucivarcas

   ○varcas mfn. having pure splendour, g. bhṛśâdi 
   • ○cāya Nom. Ā. ○yate ib.

⋙ śucivarṇa

   ○varṇa (śúci-), mfn. bright-coloured RV.

⋙ śucivāc

   ○vāc m. 'clear-voiced', N. of a bird Hariv.

⋙ śucivāsas

   ○vāsas mfn. clothed in pure or bright garments ĀśvGṛ.

⋙ śucivāhya

   ○vāhya -bāhya

⋙ śucivṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣá m. N. of a man (pl. his descendants) MaitrS. Pravar.

⋙ śucivrata

   ○vrata (śúci-), mf(ā) n. whose observances are pure or holy (said of gods) RV. TBr. 
   • virtuous in conduct Mn. R.

⋙ śuciśravas

   ○śravas m. 'having bright renown', N. of Vishṇu Vishṇ. MBh. BhP. 
   • of a Prajā-pati VP.

⋙ śuciṣad

   ○ṣád mfn. dwelling in light or in clear (water) RV. VS. BhP. 
   • abiding on the path of virtue BhP.

⋙ śuciṣah

   ○ṣah m. (nom. -ṣāṭ) N. of Agni RV.

⋙ śucisaṃkṣaya

   ○saṃkṣaya m. end of the hot season, beginning of the rains MBh.

⋙ śucisamācāra

   ○samācāra mfn. maintaining pure practices R.

⋙ śucisamudācāratā

   ○samudācāra-tā f. the being of pure behaviour (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84

⋙ śucismita

   ○smita mf(ā)n. smiling brightly MBh. R. &c 
   • accompanied by a bright smile Śiś.

≫ śucikā

   śucikā f. N. of an Apsaras MBh. Hariv.

≫ śucita

   śucita mfn. grieved, sad, lamenting W. 
   • purified, pure, clean ib.

≫ śucidratha

   śucidratha m. N. of a king Pur. (prob. wṛ. for śucad- or śuci-ratha)

≫ śucin

   śucin mfn. = śuci, clear, pure MārkP.

≫ śuciṣmat

   śuciṣ-mat mfn. (fr. śucis = śocis + mat) shining, radiant RV. 
   • m. N. of a son of Kardama Cat. 
   • (atī), f. N. of the mother of Agni ib.

≫ śucī

   śucī in comp. for śuci

⋙ śucīkṛ

   ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make clear or bright, purify Kalpas.

⋙ śucībhū

   ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to be pure (in a ceremonial sense) Pañcat.

≫ śucīya

   śucīya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become clear or pure or white, g. bhṛśâdi

≫ śucīvatī

   śucīvatī f. g. śarâdi

≫ śucy 1

   śucy (for 2. col. 3), in, comp. for śuci

⋙ śucyakṣa

   ○akṣa mf(ī)n. pure-eyed ĀpŚr.

⋙ śucyācāra

   ○ācāra mfn. pure in conduct Pat.

⋙ śucyupacāra

   ○upacāra mfn. performing holy actions MW. [Page 1081, Column 3] 

≫ śucyadakṣa

   śucyadakṣa (?), mf(ī)n. (prob.) = śucy-akṣa MaitrS.

≫ śuśukvana

   śuśukvaná or mfn. shining, resplendent, brilliant RV.

⋙ śuśukvani

   śuśuḍkváni mfn. shining, resplendent, brilliant RV.

≫ śuśukvas


⋙ śuśucāna

   śuśucāná √1. śuc, col. 1

≫ soka

   soka &c. p. 1091, col. 1

śuc 3

   śuc cl. 4. P. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxvi, 56), under √1. śuc

śucy 2

   śucy (also written cucy), cl. 1. P. śucyati, to distil (= abhiṣave, q.v 
   • others 'to perform ablution') Dhātup. xv, 6


   śuj (cf. √śvaj 
   • only in p. śū́śujāna), to be puffed up, be audacious or insolent RV.


   śuṭīra m. (prob.) a hero (cf. comp. and śauṭīra, ○rya)

⋙ śuṭīratā

   ○tā f

⋙ śuṭīratva

   ○tva n. heroism L.

≫ suṭīrya

   suṭīrya n. valour, heroism L.


   śuṭh cl. 1, P. śoṭhati', to limp' or 'to be obstructed or impeded (gati-pratighāte) Dhātup. ix, 56 (cf. √śuṇṭh) 
   • cl. 10. P. śoṭhayati, to be dull or slow ib. xxxii, 102 (cf. √4. śaṭh)

≫ śoṭha

   śoṭha mfn. (only L.) foolish 
   • idle, lazy 
   • wicked, low 
   • m. a fool 
   • an idler &c


   śuṇṭa n. the hair under the arm-pit Gal.


   śuṇṭh cl. 1. P. śuṇṭhati, to limp, be lame Dhātup. ix, 56 (cf. √śuṭh) 
   • to dry, become dry (śoṣaṇe) ib. 60 
   • cl. 10. P. śuṇṭhayati, to dry, become dry (śoṣaṇe) ib. xxxii, 103

≫ śuṇṭha

   śuṇṭhá mf(ā)n. (applied to a bull or cow) TS. MaitrS. Kāṭh. ŚrS. (accord. to Sch. either 'white coloured' or 'of small stature or = āveṣṭita-karṇa) 
   • a kind of grass Gobh. (vḷ.) 
   • a piece of flesh or meat L. 
   • (ī), f. next

⋙ śuṇṭhākarṇa

   śuṇṭhā-kárṇa mfn. short-eared MaitrS. VS. (Mahidh.)

⋙ śuṇṭhācārya

   śuṇṭhâcārya m. N. of a great Śaiva sage or teacher Dhūrtan.

⋙ śuṇṭhādhī

   śuṇṭhādhī mfn. (prob. wṛ.) KātyŚr.

≫ śuṇṭhi

   śuṇṭhi or f. dry ginger Kāv. VarBṛS. Suśr. &c

⋙ śuṇṭhī

   śuṇṭhī f. dry ginger
   Kāv. VarBṛS. Suśr. &c

≫ śuṇṭhya

   śuṇṭhya n. id. L.


   śuṇḍ cl.1. P. śuṇḍati, to break, crush, disturb, vex, torment Dhātup. ix, 40

≫ śuṇḍa

   śuṇḍa m. the juice exuding from the temples of an elephant in rut L. 
   • an elephant's trunk MW. 
   • (ā and ī), f. below

⋙ śuṇḍaroha

   ○roha m. (cf. śuṇṭha) a kind of fragrant grass L.

≫ śuṇḍaka

   śuṇḍaka m. a military flute or fife L. 
   • a distiller or seller of spirituous liquors L. 
   • (ikā), f. the uvula (in the throat) L. 
   • swelling of the uvula (gala-ś○) Vāgbh.

≫ śuṇḍā

   śuṇḍā f. an elephant's trunk MBh. Suśr. Kathās. 
   • spirituous liquor L. 
   • a tavern L. 
   • a partic. kind of animal (prob. a female hippopotamus) L. 
   • a harlot, prostitute, bawd L. 
   • Nelumbium Speciosum L.

⋙ śuṇḍādaṇḍa

   ○daṇḍa m. an elephant's trunk Pañcat.

⋙ śuṇḍāpāna

   ○pāna n. a place where spirituous liquor is drunk or sold, tavern, dram-shop L.

⋙ śuṇḍārocanikā

   ○rocanikā or f. a kind of plant L. (cf. śuṇḍī-r○)

⋙ śuṇḍārocaṇī

   ○rocaṇī f. a kind of plant L. (cf. śuṇḍī-r○)

≫ śuṇḍāra

   śuṇḍāra m. the trunk of a young elephant Mcar. 
   • an elephant 60 years old Gal. 
   • a distiller or seller of spirituous liquor L.

≫ śuṇḍāla

   śuṇḍāla m. 'possessing a proboscis or trunk', an elephant L.

≫ śuṇḍika

   śuṇḍika m. or n. (prob.) a tavern, dram-shop Pāṇ. 4-3, 76 
   • m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (C. maṇḍika) 
   • (ikā), f. under śuṇḍaka

≫ śuṇḍin

   śuṇḍin m. 'possessing spirituous liquor', a distiller, preparer or seller of spirituous liquors (constituting a partic. mixed caste) Cat. 
   • 'having a proboscis', an elephant W.

≫ śuṇḍimūṣikā

   śuṇḍi-mūṣikā f. (fr. śuṇḍi = ○ḍiṇ + m○) a musk rat L. (cf. gandha-śuṇḍinī)

≫ śuṇḍī

   śuṇḍī f. the swelling or enlargement of any gland (cf. kaṇṭha, and gala-ś○ 
   • the plant Heliotropium Indicum L.

⋙ śuṇḍīrocanikā

   ○"ṣrocanikā or f. a kind of plant L. (cf. śuṇḍā-r○)

⋙ śuṇḍīrocanī

   ○"ṣrocanī f. a kind of plant L. (cf. śuṇḍā-r○)


   śutudrī́ f. (accord. to L. also śutudri and ○dru) the Śata-dru or Sutlej river RV. ( śata-dru)


   śudi ind. (contracted fr. śukla, or śuddha and dina, also written sudi as if for su-dina) in the light fortnight or light half of a lunar month Inscr. (cf. vadi). [Page 1082, Column 1] 


   śudh or śundh, cl. 1. P. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. iii, 37) śundhati, ○te (Impv. śunddhi ĀśvGṛ. 
   • pf. śuśundha aor. aśundhīt fut. śundhitā, śundhiṣyati Gr.), to purify (Ā. 'one's self', become or be pure) RV. VS. TBr. GṛŚrS. 
   • cl. 4. P. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxvi, 82) śudhyati (m. c. also ○te 
   • pf. śuśodha aor. aśudhat fut. śoddhā, śotsyati, inf. śoddhum Gr.), to be cleared or cleansed or purified, become pure (esp. in a ceremonial sense) VS. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • to become clear or free from doubts R. Mṛicch. 
   • to be cleared or excused from blame, to be excusable Kathās.: Pass. śudhyate (aor. aśodhi), Gr.: Caus. śundhayati, to clear, purify VS. 
   • śodhayati (aor. aśūśudhat), to purify (esp. in a ceremonial sense) TS. &c. &c 
   • to correct, improve Yājñ. Sch. 
   • to remove (impurity or anything noxious) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • to clear off, pay (debts) Rājat. Kull. 
   • to acquit, exculpate, justify Mn. Kām. 
   • to put to test Kathās. 
   • to try, examine Pañcat. Yājñ. Sch. 
   • to make clear, explain Vedântas. Madhus. 
   • to subtract Gaṇit.: Desid. śuśutsati Nidānas.: Intens. śośudhyate, śośoddhi Gr

≫ śuddha

   śuddhá mfn. cleansed, cleared, clean, pure, clear, free from (with instr.), bright, white RV. &c. &c 
   • cleared, acquitted, free from error, faultless, blameless, right, correct, accurate, exact, according to rule Kāv. VarBṛS. Suśr. 
   • upright ( comp.) 
   • pure, i.e. simple, mere, genuine, true, unmixed (opp. to miśra) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • pure, i.e. unmodified (as a vowel not nasalized) ŚāṅkhBr. Prāt. 
   • complete, entire Rājat. 
   • unqualified, unmitigated (as capital punishment) Mn. ix, 279 
   • (in phil.) veritable, unequalled (= dvitīya-rahita) MW. 
   • tried, examined Kām. 
   • authorised, admitted W. 
   • whetted, sharp (as an arrow) ib. 
   • m. the bright fortnight (in which the moon increases) Inscr. 
   • N. of Śiva MBh. 
   • of one of the seven sages under the 14th Manu BhP. 
   • of a son of Anenas ib. 
   • (with bhikṣu) of an author Cat. 
   • of a bird Hariv. 
   • (pl.) of a partic. class of gods MBh. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Siṃhahanu Buddh. 
   • (am), n. anything pure &c 
   • pure spirit W. 
   • rock-salt L. 
   • black pepper L.

⋙ śuddhakarṇa

   ○karṇa m. 'pure-eared', N. of a man (cf. śauddhakarṇi)

⋙ śuddhakarman

   ○karman mfn. pure in practice, honest Kum.

⋙ śuddhakāṃsyamaya

   ○kāṃsya-maya mf(ī)n. made or consisting of pure brass Hcat.

⋙ śuddhakīrti

   ○kīrti m. 'having pure renown', N. of a man Kathās.

⋙ śuddhakoṭi

   ○koṭi f. 'upright side', one of the sides of a right-angled triangle W.

⋙ śuddhagaṇapati

   ○gaṇa-pati m. (opp. to ucchiṣṭa-g○, q.v.) Gaṇêśa as worshipped by those who have cleansed their mouths (from remnants of food) Col.

⋙ śuddhacaitanya

   ○caitanya n. pure intelligence Vedântas.

⋙ śuddhajaṅgha

   ○jaṅgha m. 'having clean legs or thighs', an ass L.

⋙ śuddhajada

   ○jada m. a quadruped L.

⋙ śuddhatattvadāsavijñapti

   ○tattva-dāsa-vijñapti f. N. of wk

⋙ śuddhatā

   ○tā f. purity, correctness, faultlessness Pañcat. 
   • -kośa m. 'treasure of correctness', N. of a grammar by Bhava-deva

⋙ śuddhatva

   ○tva n. = -tā Campak.

⋙ śuddhadat

   ○dat mfn. white-toothed Pāṇ. 5-4, 145

⋙ śuddhadanta

   ○danta mfn. id. ib. 
   • made of pure ivory MBh.

⋙ śuddhadhī

   ○dhī mfn. pure minded Rājat.

⋙ śuddhanaṭṭā

   ○naṭṭā f. (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇī, Saṃgit

⋙ śuddhaneri

   ○neri m. a kind of dance, m. ib.

⋙ śuddhapakṣa

   ○pakṣa m. the light half of a month ŚāṅkhŚr. KaushUp.

⋙ śuddhapaṭa

   ○paṭa m. 'having clean garments', N. of a man Pañcat.

⋙ śuddhapāda

   ○pāda m. 'straight-footed (?)', N. of a teacher Cat. (vḷ. siddha-p○)

⋙ śuddhapārṣṇi

   ○pārṣṇi mfn. having the rear protected Ragh. (cf. viśuddha-p○)

⋙ śuddhapurī

   ○purī f. N. of a town (Tiruparur in the Tripoli district) 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of a ch. of the SkandaP.

⋙ śuddhapratibhāsa

   ○pratibhāsa m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh.

⋙ śuddhabaṭuka

   ○baṭuka m. (in music) a kind of drummer Saṃgīt.

⋙ śuddhabadha

   ○badha -vadha

⋙ śuddhabuddha

   ○buddha wṛ. for next

⋙ śuddhabuddhi

   ○buddhi mfn. = -dhī 
   • m. N. of a teacher Cat. (v. l. siddha-buddha)

⋙ śuddhabodha

   ○bodha mfn. (in Vedâna) possessed of pure intelligence

⋙ śuddhabhāva

   ○bhāva m. purity of mind BhP. 
   • mfn. pure-minded MBh. R. &c

⋙ śuddhabhikṣu

   ○bhikṣu m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śuddhabhairava

   ○bhairava m. (in music) a partic. Rāga Saṃgīt.

⋙ śuddhamati

   ○mati mfn. = -dhī Kāv. 
   • m. N. of the 21st Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī L.

⋙ śuddhamadhyamārgī

   ○madhya-mārgī f. (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā Saṃgīt.

⋙ śuddhamāṃsa

   ○māṃsa n. a kind of condiment or strong seasoning (made with pieces of meat, Asa Foetida, turmeric &c.) Bhpr.

⋙ śuddhamiśratva

   ○miśratva n. the being both unmixed and mixed, Kṛishṇaj

⋙ śuddhamukha

   ○mukha m. a welltrained horse MW.

⋙ śuddharūpin

   ○rūpin mfn. having the pure or true form, Ashṭāv

⋙ śuddhavaṃśya

   ○vaṃśya mf(ā)n. of a pure family or race Ragh. [Page 1082, Column 2] 

⋙ śuddhavat

   ○vat mfn. containing the word śuddha 
   • (atī), f. N. of the verses RV. viii, 95, 7-9 Baudh. Vas.

⋙ śuddhavarṇa

   ○varṇa mfn. having a pure colour or caste, being of high caste &c. W. 
   • well lettered, having clear words, perspicuous (as a speech) MW.

⋙ śuddhavallikā

   ○vallikā f. a kind of plant (Cocculus Cordifolius or Menispermum Glabrum) L.

⋙ śuddhavāla

   ○vāla (śuddhá-), mfn. bright-tailed MaitrS.

⋙ śuddhavāsas

   ○vāsas mfn. dressed in clean garments W.

⋙ śuddhavirāj

   ○virāj f

⋙ śuddhavirāḍṛṣabha

   ○virāḍṛṣabha n. N. of metres Col.

⋙ śuddhaviṣkambhaka

   ○viṣkambhaka m. (in dram.) a pure interlude (in which only speakers of Sanskṛit take part, such as that between the second and third act of the Śakuntalā 
   • opp. to saṃkīrṇa-v○, q.v.) Bhar.

⋙ śuddhaveṣa

   ○veṣa mfn. = -vāsas Ragh.

⋙ śuddhaśīla

   ○śīla mf(ā)n. having a pure character, innocent, guileless Śak.

⋙ śuddhaśukra

   ○śukra n. a morbid affection of the pupil of the eye ŚārṅgS.

⋙ śuddhaṣaḍjā

   ○ṣaḍjā f. (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā Saṃgīt.

⋙ śuddhasaṃgama

   ○saṃgama mf(ā)n. having pure intercourse or association Śrutab.

⋙ śuddhasattva

   ○sattva mf(ā)n. = -śīla R.

⋙ śuddhasādhyavasānā

   ○sâdhyavasānā and f. N. of two kinds of ellipsis Sarvad.

⋙ śuddhasāropā

   ○sâropā (or ○pa-lakṣaṇā), f. N. of two kinds of ellipsis Sarvad.

⋙ śuddhasāra

   ○sāra m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh.

⋙ śuddhasūḍanṛtya

   ○sūḍa-nṛtya n. (in music) a kind of dance Saṃgīt.

⋙ śuddhasaukhya

   ○saukhya n. N. of wk

⋙ śuddhasnāna

   ○snāna n. bathing in pure water (without unguents &c.) Megh.

⋙ śuddhasvabhāva

   ○svabhāva mf(ā)n. = -śīla R.

⋙ śuddhahasta

   ○hasta (śuddhá-), mfn. having pure hands AV.

⋙ śuddhahṛdaya

   ○hṛdaya mf(ā)n. pure-hearted Bhartṛ.

⋙ śuddhākṣa

   śuddhâkṣa m. or n. (?) N. of a gate Hariv.

⋙ śuddhākhyasahasrasaṃhitā

   śuddhâkhya-sahasra-saṃhitā f. N. of a ch. of the Vātula-tantra

⋙ śuddhātman

   śuddhâtman mfn. pure-minded VP. 
   • m. 'pure soul or spirit', N. of Śiva MBh.

⋙ śuddhādvaitamārtaṇḍa

   śuddhâdvaita-mārtaṇḍa m. N. of a Vedânta wk. by Giri-dhara

⋙ śuddhānanda

   śuddhânanda m. 'pure joy', N. of the teacher of Ānanda-tīrtha (also with yati) Cat. 
   • (with sarasvatī) N. of an author (= śuddhabhikṣu) ib.

⋙ śuddhānumāna

   śuddhânumāna n. 'correct inference', a partic. figure of rhetoric L.

⋙ śuddhānta

   śuddhânta m. 'sacred interior', the private or women's apartments (esp. in the palace of a king 
   • pl. a king's wives and concubines) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (ā), f. (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā Saṃgīt. 
   • (○ta) -kāntā f. pl. the women of the harem Rājat. 
   • -cara and -cārin mfn. attending on the women's apartments Kāv. 
   • -pālaka or -rakṣaka m. a guardian of or attendant in the women's apartments, eunuch L. 
   • -yuj, prob. wṛ. for śuddhântara-yuj 
   • -rakṣī f. a female guardian of the women's apartments Ragh. 
   • -vṛddha m. (with jana) an old servant in a harem Vikr.

⋙ śuddhāntaḥpura

   śuddhântaḥ-pura n. = śuddhânta above R.

⋙ śuddhāntarayuj

   śuddhântara-yuj f. change of mode or key in music W. (wṛ. śuddhânta-yuj)

⋙ śuddhāpahnuti

   śuddhâpahnuti f. 'entire denial', a partic. figure of rhetoric (e.g. 'this is not the moon, it is a lotus of the heavenly Ganges') L.

⋙ śuddhābha

   śuddhâbha mfn. consisting of pure light Mn. xii, 27

⋙ śuddhābhijanakarman

   śuddhâbhijana-karman mfn. pure in family and in conduct R.

⋙ śuddhāvarta

   śuddhâvarta mfn. (said to be) = pradakṣiṇâvarta (q.v.) ṢaḍvBr.

⋙ śuddhāvāsa

   śuddhâvāsa m. 'pure abode', a partic. region of the sky Lalit. 
   • -deva m. = next ib. 
   • -kāyika m. (with deva) a god belonging to the class who dwell in that region ib. 
   • -devaputra m. a Deva-putra belonging to the above class ib. Kāraṇḍ.

⋙ śuddhāśaya

   śuddhâśaya mfn. pure-minded, having a pure heart or conscience Kathās. Pañcar.

⋙ śudṣāśuddhīya

   śudṣāśuddhīya n. N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr.

⋙ śuddhāśubodha

   śuddhâśu-bodha m. N. of an elementary grammar

⋙ śuddhoda

   śuddhôda mfn. having pure water BhP. 
   • m. = next ib.

⋙ śuddhodana

   śuddhódana m. 'having pure rice or food', N. of a king of Kapila-vastu (of the tribe of the Śākyas and father of Gautama Buddha Buddh. MWB. 21 &c.) 
   • -suta m. 'son of Śuddhódana', Gautama Buddha 
   • ○dani wṛ. for śauddhodani

≫ śuddhāyū

   śuddhāyū mfn. striving after purity TS.

≫ śuddhi

   śúddhi f. cleansing, purification, purity (lit. and fig.), holiness, freedom from defilement, purificatory rite (esp. a partic. Śrāddha performed at the cost of a person who needs purification) TBr. &c. &c 
   • setting free or securing (from any danger), rendering secure Kām. VarBṛS. 
   • justification, exculpation, innocence (established by ordeal or trial), acquittal Yājñ. 
   • quittance, clearing off or paying off, discharge (of a debt &c.) MW. 
   • retaliation ib. Kāv. Kathās. 
   • verification, correction, making true, correctness, accuracy, genuineness, truth Yājñ. Mālatīm. 
   • clearness, certainty, accurate knowledge regarding (gen. or comp 
   • śuddhiṃ-√kṛ', to ascertain for certain' 
   • ś"ṣ-√labh', to receive certain intelligence') Mn. Kathās. Vet. [Page 1082, Column 3] 
   • (in arithm.) leaving no remainder (śuddhim-√i', to leave no remainder'), Bījag 
   • subtraction of a quantity or a quantity to be subtracted, Lil 
   • N. of Durgā Cat. 
   • of one of the Śaktis of Vishṇu MW. 
   • of Dākshāyaṇī as worshipped at Kapāla-mocana ib.

⋙ śuddhikara

   ○kara mf(ī)n. causing purity, purifying, correcting MW.

⋙ śuddhikṛt

   ○kṛt m. one who makes clean, a washerman L.

⋙ śuddhikaumudī

   ○kaumudī f

⋙ śuddhicandrikā

   ○candrikā f

⋙ śuddhicintāmaṇi

   ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wks

⋙ śuddhitattva

   ○tattva n. N. of a ch. of Raghu-nandana's Smṛiti-tattva 
   • -kārikā f. pl 
   • ○ttvârṇava m. N. of wks

⋙ śuddhitama

   ○tama mfn. (= śuddha-tama) purest MaitrUp.

⋙ śuddhidarpaṇa

   ○darpaṇa m

⋙ śuddhidīpa

   ○dīpa m. (= -pradīpa) N. of wks

⋙ śuddhidīpikā

   ○dīpikā f. N. of wk. by Sri-nivāsa (on the position of stars considered favourable for marriages, journeys &c.)

⋙ śuddhinirūpaṇa

   ○nirūpaṇa n

⋙ śuddhinirṇaya

   ○nirṇaya m

⋙ śuddhipañjī

   ○pañjī f. N. of wks

⋙ śuddhipattra

   ○pattra n. a sheet or paper of corrections, errata list (often at the end of works) MW. 
   • a certificate of purification by penance ib.

⋙ śuddhiprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m

⋙ śuddhipradīpa

   ○pradīpa m

⋙ śuddhiprabhā

   ○prabhā f. N. of wks

⋙ śuddhibhūmi

   ○bhūmi f. N. of a country W.

⋙ śuddhibhṛt

   ○bhṛt mfn. possessing purity, pure, virtuous ib.

⋙ śuddhimakaranda

   ○makaranda m. N. of wk

⋙ śuddhimat

   ○mat mfn. = -bhṛt Kāv. Kathās. 
   • innocent, acquitted Bālar.

⋙ śuddhimayūkha

   ○mayūkha m

⋙ śuddhiratna

   ○ratna n

⋙ śuddhiratnākara

   ○ratnâkara m

⋙ śuddhiratnāṅkura

   ○ratnâṅkura m

⋙ śuddhilocana

   ○locana n

⋙ śuddhiviveka

   ○viveka m

⋙ śuddhivivekoddyota

   ○vivekôddyota m

⋙ śuddhivyavasthāsaṃkṣepa

   ○vyavasthāsaṃkṣepa m. N. of wks

⋙ śuddhiśrāddha

   ○śrāddha n. a kind of Śrāddha ( above) VP.

⋙ śuddhisāra

   ○sāra m

⋙ śuddhisetu

   ○setu m

⋙ śuddhismṛti

   ○smṛti f. N. of wks

≫ śundhana

   śúndhana mf(ī)n. purifying TBr. 
   • n. removal of anything impure (gen.) Āpast.

≫ śundhāvat

   śundhā-vat mfn. sacred, holy, pure MW.

≫ śundhyu

   śundhyú or mfn. pure, bright, radiant, beautiful

⋙ śundhyū

   śundhyū́ mfn. pure, bright, radiant, beautiful 
   • purified or free from, unmolested by (gen.) RV. VS. TS. 
   • m. fire or Agni, the god of fire Uṇ. iii, 20 Sch. 
   • n. (with Bharad-vājasya) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.

≫ śoddhavya


⋙ śodha

   śodha &c. p. 1O91, col. 3


   śun cl. 6. P. śunati, to go Dhātup. xxviii, 46

śuna 1

   śuná m. (prob. fr. √śū or śvi, and connected with śūra, śūṣa &c.) 'the Auspicious one', N. of Vāyu Nir. 
   • of Indra ĀśvŚr. 
   • (ā), f. (?) a ploughshare ( śunā-vat and śunā-sīra) 
   • n. growth, success, prosperity, welfare ŚBr. ŚāṅkhGṛ. 
   • (ám), ind. happily, auspiciously, for growth or prosperity RV. AV.

⋙ śunaṃhuvīyā

   ○ṃ-huvīyā f. N. of the verse RV. iii, 30, 22 (beginning with the words śuṇáṃ huvema) AitBr.

⋙ śunaṃkuri

   ○ṃ-kuri (for kari?), m. 'causing growth or prosperity', N. of a rural deity PārGṛ.

⋙ śunapṛṣṭha

   ○pṛṣṭha (śuná-), mfn. having a back fit for riding (as a horse) RV. vii, 70, 1 (accord. to others 'carrying food on his back')

⋙ śunavat

   ○vat (śuná- or śunā́-), mfn. (prob.) furnished with a share (as a plough) TBr.

⋙ śunahotra

   ○hotra (śuná-), m. 'offering auspicious sacrifices', N. of a son of Bharad-vāja (and author of RV. vi, 33, 34 
   • pl. his family) Anukr. 
   • of a son of Kshatra-vṛiddha Hariv. (written suna-h○)

≫ śunāsīra

   śúnā-sī́ra m. du. N. of two rural deities favourable to the growth of grain (prob. personifications of 'share' and 'plough' 
   • but identified by Yāska with Vāyu and Āditya, by others with Indra and Vāyu or Indra and Sūrya) 
   • sg. (also written sun○) N. of Indra (cf. vasuṃdharā-śun○) TS. &c. &c 
   • (pl.) a partic. class of gods (also written sun○) BhP. 
   • -śarâsana n. 'Indra's bow', a rainbow Hcar. 
   • ○rin mfn. (applied to Indra) ŚāṅkhŚr. 
   • ○rī́ya or ○ryá mfn. belonging or relating to Śunā-sira VS. ŚBr. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 32) 
   • n. or (ā), f. N. of partic. oblations Br. ŚrS.

śuna 2

   śuna m. = śvan, a dog L.

⋙ śuneṣita

   śúnêṣita mfn. drawn along or carried by dogs RV.

≫ śunaḥ

   śunaḥ in comp. for śunas

⋙ śunaḥpuccha

   ○puccha m. 'dogtailed', N. of one of the three sons of Ṛicīka (or accord. to AitBr. the eldest of the three sons of Ajigarta) AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Hariv. 
   • of the author of a law-book (-smṛti f. his wk.)

≫ śunaḥśepa

   śúnaḥ-śépa m. 'dog-tailed', N. of a Vedic Ṛishi (having the patr. Ājīgarti, as son of Ajigarta or Ajīgarta, and regarded as the author of the hymns i, 24-30, ix, 3 
   • accord. to AitBr. vii, 13-18, king Hariścandra, whose priest was Viśvā-mitra, being childless, made a vow that on obtaining a son he would sacrifice him to the god Varuṇa 
   • a son was then born to him named Rohita, but Hariścandra put off on various pretexts the fulfilment of his vow, and when he at length consented to perform it, his son refused to be sacrificed, and retiring to the forest passed six years there until he met a poor Brāhman Ṛishi named Ajigarta, who had three sons, the second of whom, Śuna?-śepa, was purchased by Rohita for a hundred cows to serve as a substitute for himself [Page 1083, Column 1] 
   • Varuṇa having accepted him as a ransom, he was about to be sacrificed, Viśvā-mitra being Hotṛi priest, when he saved himself by reciting verses in praise of various deities, and was received into the family of Viśmā-mitra as one of his sons under the name of Deva-rāta, q.v.: the legend is different in the Rāmāyaṇa, which makes Ambarīsha, king of Ayodhya, perform a sacrifice, the victim of which is stolen by Indra 
   • this king is described as wandering over the earth in search of either the real victim or a substitute until he meets with a Brāhman named Ṛicika, from whom he purchases his middle son, Śunah-śepa, who is about to be sacrificed, when Viśvā-mitra saves him by teaching him a prayer to Agni and two hymns to Indra and Vishṇu 
   • R. i, 61, 62) RV. &c. &c. (cf. IW. 25-27) 
   • n. the genital organ of a dog MW.

⋙ śunaḥśepaśepha

   ○śepha m. later and less correct form of śunaḥ-śepa

⋙ śunaḥśepasakha

   ○sakha m. 'dog's friend', N. of a man MBh.

≫ śunaka

   śunaka m. a young or small dog, any dog MBh.: xiii, 6070 (cf.Uṇ. ii, 32 Sch.) 
   • N. of a Ṛishi MBh. 
   • of an Āṅgirasa and disciple of Pathya BhP. 
   • of a king MBh. 
   • of a son of Ruru ib. 
   • of a son of Ṛicīka R. 
   • of a son of Ṛita BhP. 
   • of a son of Gṛitsa-mada Hariv. 
   • of the slayer of Puram-jaya and father of Pradyota BhP. 
   • = śaunaka Cat. 
   • pl. the family or race of Śunaka ŚrS. (cf. śaunaka) 
   • (ī), f. a bitch L.

⋙ śunakakañcuka

   ○kañcuka m. a kind of plant (= kṣudra-cañcu) L.

⋙ śunakacillī

   ○cillī f. a kind of culinary herb (= śva-cillī) L.

⋙ śunakaputra

   ○putra m. 'Sunaka's son', Śaunaka (also applied to Gṛitsa-mada, who is elsewhere described as the father of Śunaka) MW.

⋙ śunakasuta

   ○suta m. = śaunaka Cat.

≫ śunas

   śunas gen. of śvan in comp

⋙ śunaskarṇa

   ○karṇa m. 'dogeared', N. of a man PañcavBr. (cf.g. kaskâdi)

≫ śuni

   śuni m. (fr. śvan) a dog L.

⋙ śuniṃdhama

   ○ṃ-dhama mfn. (said to be for śunīṃ-dh○) Vop. xxvi, 54

⋙ śuniṃdhaya

   ○ṃdhaya mfn. (for śunīṃ-dh○) Pāṇ. 3-2, 28 Vārtt. 1 Pat.

≫ śunī

   śunī under śvan

≫ śunīra

   śunīra m. a number of dogs L.

≫ śuno

   śuno in comp. for śunas

⋙ śunolāṅgūla

   ○lāṅgūla m. 'dogtailed', N. of the youngest of the three sons of Ṛicika (or, accord. to AitBr., of Ajigarta) AitBr. Hariv. (cf. śunaḥ-puccha and -śepa)

≫ śunya 1

   śunya mfn. (fr. śvan), g. gav-ādi 
   • n. and (ā), f. a number of dogs or female dogs L.


   śundh &c. √śudh, p. 1082

śunya 2

   śunya mfn. = śūnya, empty, void L. 
   • n. a cypher L.


   śup (in gram.) a technical term for the affix u (the characteristic sign of the eighth class of verbs)


   śúpti f. (prob.) the shoulder (accord. to Sāy. = mukha) RV. i, 51, 5. [Cf. Zd. supti.]


   śuphāliha N. of a place Cat.

śubh 1

   śubh (or 1. śumbh), cl. 1. Ā. or 6. P. (Dhātup. xviii, 11 ; xxviii, 33) śóbhate, śumbháti or śúmbhati (ep. also śobhati, and Ved. śúmbhate 
   • 3. sg. śóbhe RV. 
   • pf. śuśobha, śuśubhe MBh. &c 
   • śuśumbha Gr 
   • aor., aśubhat, aśobhiṣṭa, aśumbhīt ib. 
   • p. śúmbhāna, śubhāná RV. 
   • fut. śobhitā or śumbhitā Gr 
   • śobhiṣyati MBh. 
   • śumbhiṣyati Gr 
   • inf. śubhé, śobhāse RV. 
   • śobhitum Gr.), to beautify, embellish, adorn, beautify one's self. (Ā.) look beautiful or handsome, shine, be bright or splendid 
   • (with iva or yathā, 'to shine or look like' 
   • with na', to look bad, have a bad appearance, appear to disadvantage') RV. &c. &c 
   • to prepare, make fit or ready, (Ā.) prepare one's self. RV. AV. 
   • (śúmbhate accord. to some) to flash or flit i.e. glide rapidly past or along RV. (cf. śubhāná, śumbhámāna, and pra-√śumbh) 
   • (śumbhati) wrongly for śundhati (to be connected with √śudh, to purify) AV. vi, 155, 3 ; xii, 2, 40 &c 
   • (śumbhati) to harm, injure Dhātup. xi, 42 (in this sense rather to be regarded as a second √śumbh, √2. śumbh, ni-śumbh): Pass. aor. aśobhi-tarām Inscr.: Caus. śbhayati (aor. aśūśubhat [Page 1083, Column 2] 
   • cf. śobhita), to cause to shine beautify, ornament, decorate AV. &c. &c 
   • (śubháyati, ○te) to ornament, decorate, (Ā.) decorate one's self. RV. TBr. 
   • (only pr. p. śubháyat), to fly rapidly along RV.: Desid. śuśobhiṣate (accord. to Gr. also ○ti, and śuśubhiṣati, ○te), to wish to prepare or make ready Nir. viii, 10: Intens. śośubhyate (Gr. also śośobdhi), to shine brightly or in tensely, be very splendid or beautiful MBh.

≫ śubh 2

   śúbh f. (dat. śubhé as inf.) splendour, beauty, ornament, decoration RV. AV. VS. TBr. 
   • flashing or flitting past, gliding along, rapid course or flight RV. AV. TS. 
   • readiness (?) RV.

≫ śubha

   śubha mf(ā)n. splendid, bright, beautiful, handsome (often f. voc, śubhe', fair one!' in addressing a beautiful woman) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • pleasant, agreeable, suitable, fit, capable, useful, good (applied to persons and things) ib. 
   • auspicious, fortunate, prosperous ib. 
   • good (in moral sense), righteous, virtuous, honest ŚvetUp. Mn. &c 
   • pure (as an action) Yājñ. Sch. 
   • eminent, distinguished W. 
   • learned, versed in the Vedas ib. 
   • m. water L. 
   • the Phenila tree (Sapindus Detergens) L. 
   • a hegoat L. (prob. wṛ. for stubha) 
   • the 23rd of the astrol Yogas. L. 
   • N. of a man (cf.g. tikâdi) Kathās. 
   • of a son of Dharma BhP. 
   • of an author Cat. 
   • (also ā f.) a city floating in the sky (cf. śaubha = vyomacāri-pura) MW. 
   • (ā), f. (only L.) light, lustre, splendour, beauty 
   • desire 
   • Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma 
   • white Dūrva grass 
   • = priyaṅgu 
   • bamboo manna 
   • a cow 
   • the yellow pigment Gorocanā 
   • an assembly of the gods 
   • a kind of metre 
   • N. of a female friend and companion of the goddess Umā 
   • (am), n. anything bright or beautiful &c 
   • beauty, charm, good fortune, auspiciousness, happiness, bliss, welfare, prosperity Kauś. Kāv. Kathās. 
   • benefit, service, good or virtuous action Kāv. VarBṛS. Kathās. 
   • the wood of Cerasus Puddum L.

⋙ śubhakatha

   ○katha mfn. talking well or agreeably MBh.

⋙ śubhakara

   ○kara mfn. causing welfare, auspicious, fortunate VarBṛS. 
   • (ī), f. Prosopis Spicigera L.

⋙ śubhakarman

   ○karman n. a good or virtuous act, auspṭauspicious action Rājat. (○manirṇaya m. N. of wk.) 
   • mfn. acting nobly MBh. 
   • m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants ib.

⋙ śubhakāma

   ○kāma mfn. desirous of welfare Kauś.

⋙ śubhakāmyā

   ○kāmyā f. desire of welfare L.

⋙ śubhakūṭa

   ○kūṭa m. 'auspicious peak', N. of Adam's Peak (in Ceylon) Buddh.

⋙ śubhakṛt

   ○kṛt mfn. = -kara VarBṛS. 
   • N. of the 37th (or 36th) year of Jupiter's cycle of 6o years ib.

⋙ śubhakṛtsna

   ○kṛtsna m. pl. (with Buddhists) N. of a class of gods Dharmas. 128 MWB. 212

⋙ śubhakṣaṇa

   ○kṣaṇa n. an auspicious or lucky moment MW.

⋙ śubhaga

   ○ga (prob. wṛ. for su-bhaga), mfn. going well or beautifully, gracious, elegant W. 
   • auspṭ, fortunate ib. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a Śakti Hcat.

⋙ śubhagandhaka

   ○gandhaka n. 'agreeably-scented', gum-myrrh L.

⋙ śubhagarbha

   ○garbha m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh.

⋙ śubhagābhīrī

   ○gābhīrī f. (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇī Saṃgīt.

⋙ śubhagraha

   ○graha m. an auspicious planet, lucky star (such as Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and the moon when more than half full) MW. 
   • ○hôdaya m. the rising of an auspṭauspicious planet ib.

⋙ śubhaṃkara

   ○ṃ-kara mfn. = śubha-k○ L. 
   • m. N. of an Asura Kathās. 
   • of a poet and various other writers Cat. 
   • (ī), f. N. of Pārvatī L.

⋙ śubhacandra

   ○candra m. N. of the author of the Śabda-cintāmaṇi-vṛitti Cat.

⋙ śubhajāni

   ○jāni mfn. having a beautiful wife Pāṇ. 5-4, 134 Sch.

⋙ śubhaṃcarā

   ○ṃ-carā f. pl. N. of a class of Apsarases VP.

⋙ śubhatara

   ○tara mfn. more (most) auspicious or fortunate R. Pañcat.

⋙ śubhatāti

   ○tā́ti f. welfare, prosperity (-kṛt mfn. causing welfare or prosperity) Śatr.

⋙ śubhada

   ○da mfn. = -kara Var. 
   • m. the sacred fig-tree L.

⋙ śubhadatta

   ○datta m. N. of a man Kathās.

⋙ śubhadanta

   ○danta mf(ī)n. having good teeth L. 
   • (ī), f. a woman with good teeth L. 
   • the female of Pushpa-danta (elephant of the north-west quarter) L. (v. l. śubha-datī and śubhra-dantī)

⋙ śubhadarśa

   ○darśa or mfn. of auspicious aspect, beautiful R.

⋙ śubhadarśana

   ○darśana mfn. of auspicious aspect, beautiful R.

⋙ śubhadāyin

   ○dāyin mfn. = -da VarBṛS.

⋙ śubhadārumaya

   ○dārumaya mf(ī)n. made of beautiful wood Hcat.

⋙ śubhadina

   ○dina n. an auspṭauspicious or lucky day Daś.

⋙ śubhadṛḍhavrata

   ○dṛḍhavrata mfn. of virtuous and firm principles R.

⋙ śubhadṛṣṭi

   ○dṛṣṭi mfn. = -darśa MW.

⋙ śubhadhara

   ○dhara m. N. of a man Rājat.

⋙ śubhadhāraṇa

   ○dhāraṇa mfn. one whose soul is fixed upon true welfare BhP.

⋙ śubhanaya

   ○naya m. 'of virtuous conduct', N. of a Muni Kathās.

⋙ śubhanāmā

   ○nāmā f. (in astron.) 'of auspṭauspicious name', N. of the 5th and 10th and 15th lunar night

⋙ śubhapattrikā

   ○pattrikā f. 'having auspicious leaves', Desmodium Gangeticum (a kind of shrub) L. [Page 1083, Column 3] 

⋙ śubhapuṣpitaśuddhi

   ○puṣpita-śuddhi m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh.

⋙ śubhaprada

   ○prada mfn. = -kara Var. Kathās.

⋙ śubhaphala

   ○phala n. auspicious result, good or happy consequence VarBṛS. 
   • -kṛt mfn. yielding auspṭauspicious results &c. ib.

⋙ śubhabhāvanā

   ○bhāvanā f. the forming of good thoughts or opinions Subh.

⋙ śubhamaṅgala

   ○maṅgala n. good luck, welfare (accord. to others mfn. 'lucky, fortunate') R. ii, 25, 34

⋙ śubhamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. splendid, beautiful Subh.

⋙ śubhamālā

   ○mālā f. N. of a Gandharvii Kāraṇḍ.

⋙ śubhamitra

   ○mitra m. N. of a man Buddh.

⋙ śubhaṃbhāvuka

   ○ṃ-bhāvuka mfn. splendid, beautiful Dhūrtan., (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 57)

⋙ śubhayoga

   ○yoga m. a partic. astron. Yoga ( śubha) Cat.

⋙ śubhalakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa mf(ā)n. having auspicious marks, characterized by auspiciousness Kāv. Kathās.

⋙ śubhalagna

   ○lagna m. n. the rising of an auspṭauspicious constellation, a lucky moment Hit. Kautukas.

⋙ śubhalocana

   ○"ṣlocana mfn. fair-eyed R.

⋙ śubhavaktrā

   ○vaktrā f. 'of auspṭauspicious face, N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh.

⋙ śubhavastu

   ○vastu (?), N. of a river (= su-vāstu) Buddh.

⋙ śubhavārttā

   ○vārttā f. good news MW.

⋙ śubhavāsana

   ○vāsana vḷ. (or wṛ.) for mukha, v○ q.v

⋙ śubhavāsara

   ○vāsara mṇ. = -dina Hcat.

⋙ śubhavimalagarbha

   ○vimalagarbha m. 'wearing bright and pure garments, N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh.

⋙ śubhaveṇutriveṇumat

   ○veṇu-triveṇumat mfn. furnished with a Tri-veṇu (q.v.) of excellent reeds MBh.

⋙ śubhavyūha

   ○vyūha m. N. of a king Buddh.

⋙ śubhavrata

   ○vrata n. N. of a partic. religious observance (kept on the 12th day in one of the halves of the month Kārttika) Cat. 
   • mf(ā)n. virtuous or moral in conduct R. MārkP.

⋙ śubhaśaṃsin

   ○śaṃsin mfn. indicative of good luck, auspicious Ragh. Rājat.

⋙ śubhaśakuna

   ○śakuna m. an auspṭauspicious bird, bird of good omen Daś.

⋙ śubhaśīla

   ○śīla mfn. having a good disposition or character W. 
   • -gaṇi m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śubhasaṃyuta

   ○saṃyuta mfn. endowed with prosperity or happiness, blissful L.

⋙ śubhasaptamīvrata

   ○saptamī-vrata n. N. of a partic. religious observance Cat.

⋙ śubhasamanvita

   ○samanvita mfn. endowed with beauty, charming R.

⋙ śubhasāra

   ○sāra m. N. of a king Buddh.

⋙ śubhasūcanī

   ○sūcanī f. 'indicating good', N. of a female deity (worshipped by women in times of calamity 
   • she is also called Su-vacani) L.

⋙ śubhasthalī

   ○sthalī f. 'auspṭauspicious place', a room or hall in which sacrifices are offered L.

⋙ śubhākaragupta

   śubhâkara-gupta m. 'protected by a multitude of good works', N. of a man, Baddh

⋙ śubhākṣa

   śubhâkṣa m. 'auspicious-eyed', N. of Śiva MW.

⋙ śubhāgama

   śubhâgama n. N. of partic. Tāntric wks. (regarded as especially orthodox) Cat.

⋙ śubhāṅka

   śubhâṅka m. N. of various authors Cat. (cf. next)

⋙ śubhāṅga

   śubhâṅga mfn. handsome-limbed (applied to Śiva) Śivag. 
   • m. N. of a Tushita-kāyika Deva-putra Lalit. 
   • of a lexicographer (v. l. śubhâṅka,) Cat. 
   • (ī) f. a handsome woman W. 
   • N. of a Daśârhī (and wife of Kuru) MBh. 
   • of a Vaidarbhi (the daughter of Rukmin and wife of Pradyumna) Hariv. 
   • of Rati (wife of Kāma-deva). A. 
   • of the wife of Kubera (god of wealth) L.

⋙ śubhāṅgada

   śubhâṅgada m. N. of a king MBh.

⋙ śubhāṅgin

   śubhâṅgin mfn. = śubhâṅga RāmatUp.

⋙ śubhācāra

   śubhâcāra mfn. pure in practices or observances, virtuous MBh. Ragh. MārkP. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a female attendant on Umā L.

⋙ śubhāñjana

   śubhâñjana m. = śobhâñjana L.

⋙ śubhātmaka

   śubhâtmaka mf(ikā)n. pleasant, charming L. 
   • benevolent, kind (in a-śubhâtmaka) Kām.

⋙ śubhānana

   śubhânana mfn. handsome-faced, good. looking (ā f. 'a handsome woman') MBh.

⋙ śubhānandā

   śubhânandā f. N. of a goddess (said to be a form of Dākshāyaṇī) Cat.

⋙ subhānvita

   subhânvita mfn. endowed with prosperity or good fortune, happy, prosperous L.

⋙ śubhāpāṅgā

   śubhâpâṅgā f. 'having beautiful eye-corners', a beautiful woman R.

⋙ śubhārcita

   śubhârcita mfn. worshipped in the right manner, Kṛishṇaj

⋙ śubhārthin

   śubhârthin mfn. desirous of prosperity or welfare R. Rājat.

⋙ śubhāvāha

   śubhâvâha mfn. causing prosperity, conferring happiness VarBṛS. Rājat.

⋙ śubhāśaya

   śubhâśaya mfn. of virtuous disposition Kām. Rājat.

⋙ śubhāśis

   śubhâśis f. good wishes, benediction, blessing, congratulation Pañcar. (○śīrvacana n. -vāda m. [Hāsy.], utterance of blessing or congratulation) 
   • mfn. receiving blessing or congratulation (○śiṣaṃ-√kṛ, with acc. 'to bless, congratulate') ib.

⋙ śubhāśubha

   śubhâśubha mf(ā)n. pleasant and unpleasant, agreeable and disagreeable, prosperous and unfortunate, good and evil Mn. MBh. &c 
   • n. weal and woe, good and evil
   MaitrUp. Bhag. VarBṛS. 
   • -prakaraṇa-ṭīkā f. N. of wk 
   • -phala mfn. producing good or evil results Mn. xii, 3 
   • -yoga m. an auspicious or inauspicious Yoga Cat. 
   • -lakṣaṇa n. a mark or sign of good and bad fortune, good. or evil omen MW.

⋙ śubhāṣṭakaṭīkā

   śubhâṣṭaka-ṭīkā f. N. of wk

⋙ śubhāsana

   śubhâsana m. N. of a Tāntric teacher Cat.

⋙ śubhekṣaṇa

   śubhêkṣaṇa mfn. having auspicious or fair eyes R. [Page 1084, Column 1] 

⋙ śubhetara

   śubhêtara mfn. other than auspṭauspicious, unlucky, unfortunate, evil, bad, Śis

⋙ śubhaikadṛś

   śubhâika-dṛś mfn. seeing only what is good or right Pañcar.

⋙ śubhodaya

   śubhôdaya m. the rising of an auspicious (planet) Cat. (in a-śubh○) 
   • N. of a Tāntric teacher ib.

⋙ śubhodarka

   śubhôdarka mf(ā)n. having a prosperous issue or consequence, auspicious, lucky (-tā f.) Kāv. Kathās.

≫ śubhaṃ

   śubhaṃ in comp. for śubham (acc. of 2. śubh)

⋙ śubhaṃyā

   ○yā́ mfn. flying swiftly along RV.

⋙ śubhaṃyāvan

   ○yā́van mfn. id. ib.

⋙ śubhaṃyu

   ○yú mfn. loving adornment RV. 
   • splendid beautiful, handsome Kāv. 
   • happy L.

⋙ śubhaṃkara


⋙ śubhaṃcarā

   ○carā &c., under śubha, p. 1083, col, 2

≫ śubhaṃyikā

   śubhaṃyikā f. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 7-3, 46

≫ śubhaka

   śubhaka m. mustard seed, Sinapis Dichotoma L.

≫ śubhaspati

   śubhás-páti m. du. (fr. gen. of 2. [zubh +p○]) the two lords of splendour (or 'of the rapid course', applied to the Aśvins) RV.

≫ śubhāna

   śubhāná mfn. shining bright, brilliant RV. 
   • gliding rapidly along ib.

≫ śubhāya

   śubhāya Nom. P. ○yate, to be bright or beautiful, become a blessing ( bahu-ś○)

≫ śubhikā

   śubhikā f. a garland formed of flowers MW.

≫ śubhita

   śubhitá mfn. (accord. to Pat. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 85) = su-hita TS.

≫ śubhīkṛ

   śubhī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to illumine, beautify Kautukas.

≫ śubhra

   śubhrá mf(ā́) n. radiant, shining, beautiful, splendid RV. &c. &c 
   • clear, spotless (as fame) Pañcat. 
   • bright-coloured, white Mn. VarBṛS. &c 
   • m. white (the colour) L. 
   • sandal L. 
   • heaven L. 
   • N. of a man, g. kurv-ādi 
   • of the husband of Vikuṇṭhā and father of Vaikuṇṭha BhP. 
   • of a poet Cat. 
   • plṆ. of a people MārkP. 
   • (ā), f. (only L.) crystal 
   • bamboo-manna 
   • alum 
   • N. of the Ganges 
   • n. (only L.) silver 
   • talc 
   • green vitriol 
   • rock or fossil salt 
   • the √of Andropogon Muricatus

⋙ śubhrakṛt

   ○kṛt wṛ. for śubha-kṛt L.

⋙ śubhrakhādi

   ○khādi mfn. wearing glittering bracelets or rings (applied to the Maruts) RV.

⋙ śubhratā

   ○tā f

⋙ śubhratva

   ○tva n. whiteness Kāv.

⋙ śubhradat

   ○dat mf(ī́)n. having white teeth Pāṇ. 5-4, 145

⋙ śubhradanta

   ○danta mf(ī)n. id. Mṛicch. 
   • (ī), f. N. of the female of the elephants Pushpa-danta (cf. śubha-dantī) and Sārvabhauma L.

⋙ śubhrabhānu

   ○bhānu m. 'white-rayed', the moon Inscr.

⋙ śubhramatī

   ○matī (prob.) wṛ. for -vatī, q.v

⋙ śubhrayāma

   ○yāma (śubhrá-), mfn. having a radiant chariot (as Ushas) RV.

⋙ śubhrayāvan

   ○yāvan mfn. going in a radiant chariot (as the Aśvins) ib.

⋙ śubhraraśmi

   ○raśmi m. = -bhānu L.

⋙ śubhravatī

   ○vatī f. N. of a river (vḷ. śvabhra-v○) Hariv.

⋙ śubhraśastama

   ○śastama (śubhrá- 
   • prob. for -śasta-tama, superl. of śastá, pp. of √śaṃs), mfn. highly celebrated for shining i.e. shining very much RV. ix, 66, 26 (cf. Sāy.)

⋙ śubhrāṃśu

   śubhrâṃśu m. = śubhra-bhānu L. 
   • camphor L.

⋙ śubhrālu

   śubhrâlu m. a partic. bulbous plant L.

⋙ śubhrāvat

   śubhrā́-vat mfn. (cf. Padap. śubhrá-vat) splendid, beautiful RV. ix, 15, 3

≫ śubhri

   śubhrí mfn. shining, bright, beautiful RV. 
   • m. the sun L. 
   • a Brāhman L.

≫ śubhrikā

   śubhrikā f. Vop. iv, 8

≫ śubhrībhū

   śubhrī-√bhū P. -bhavati (pp. -bhūta), to become white Rājat.

≫ śubhvan

   śúbhvan mfn. shining, bright (accord. to others 'swift', fleet', √1. śubh) RV.

≫ śumbhana

   śúmbhana mf(ī)n. (prob.) purifying AV.

≫ śumbhamāna

   śúmbhamāna or mfn. shining, bright, splendid, beautiful RV.

⋙ śumbhamāna

   śumbhámāna mfn. shining, bright, splendid, beautiful RV. 
   • (accord. to some) flying rapidly along ib. 
   • (śúmbh○), m. (seid to be) N. of a Muhūrta in the dark fortnight of a month TBr.

≫ śumbhāna

   śúmbhāna √1. śubh, p. 1083, col. 1

≫ śumbhita

   śumbhita mfn. purified, adorned (in brahmaś○, q.v.)

≫ śumbhū

   śumbhū́ m. (said to be) N. of a Muhūrta in the dark fortnight of a month (= śumbhamāna) TBr.

≫ śobha

   śobha &c. p. 1092, col. 1


   śumba n. = śulba L.


   śúmbala n. pl. any substance which easily catches fire (as straw) ŚBr.

śumbh 2

   śumbh (for 1. √1. śubh), cl. 1. P. śumbhati, to kill, harm, injure (cf. √1. śubh, ni-√śubh)

≫ śumbha

   śumbha m. N. of an Asura or demon (slain by Durgā 
   • he was the son of Gaveshṭhin and grandson of Prahlāda) Hariv. R. Pur.

⋙ śumbhaghātinī

   ○ghātinī f. 'Sumbha-killing', N. of Durgā L. [Page 1084, Column 2] 

⋙ śumbhadeśa

   ○deśa m. N. of a country Col. (cf. sumbha)

⋙ śumbhaniśumbha

   ○niśumbha m. du. Śumbha and Niśumbha Mṛicch.

⋙ śumbhapura

   ○pura n

⋙ śumbhapurī

   ○purī f. 'city of Śumbha', N. of a town and district (the modern Sambhalpūr in the district of Gondwāna 
   • it is also called Eka-cakra and Hari-gṛiha) L.

⋙ śumbhamathanī

   ○mathanī or f. 'ŚṭŚumbha-destroying', N. of a Durgā L.

⋙ śumbhamardinī

   ○mardinī f. 'ŚṭŚumbha-destroying', N. of a Durgā L.

⋙ śumbhavadha

   ○vadha m. 'killing of ŚṭŚumbha', N. of a ch. of the Deviimāhātmya

⋙ śumbhahananī

   ○hananī f. = -ghātinī L.


   śura m. a lion L. 
   • wṛ. for śūra, a hero MBh. i, 3708


   śurúdh f. pl. (prob. connected with √śṛdh) invigorating draughts, healing herbs, any refreshment or comfort RV.


   śulk (prob. artificial), cl. 10. P. śulkayati, to pay, give Dhātup. xxxii, 75 
   • to gain, acquire ib. 
   • to leave, forsake ib. 
   • to narrate, tell (cf. √śvalk), xxxii, 34

≫ śulka

   śulká m. n. (ifc. f. ā) price, value, purchase-money RV. 
   • the prize of a contest MBh. 
   • toil, tax, duty, customs (esp. money levied at ferries, passes, and roads) Gaut. Āpast. Mn. &c 
   • nuptial gift (orig. a price given to parents for the purchase of a bride, but in later times bestowed on the wife as her own property together with the profits of household labour, domestic utensils, ornaments &c.), dower, dowry, marriage settlement Gaut. Vishṇ. Mn. &c. (cf. IW. 267) 
   • wages of prostitution Kathās. MārkP. 
   • wṛ. for śukra and śukla MBh.

⋙ śulkakhaṇḍana

   ○khaṇḍana n. defrauding the revenue MW.

⋙ śulkagrāhaka

   ○grāhaka or mfn. receiving a toll or duty ib.

⋙ śulkagrāhin

   ○grāhin mfn. receiving a toll or duty ib.

⋙ śulkatva

   ○tva n. the being a nuptial gift or dowry (cf. above), Dhāyabh

⋙ śulkada

   ○da m. the giver of a nuptial present, an affianced suitor Mn. Yājñ. MBh.

⋙ śulkamoṣaṇa

   ○moṣaṇa n. stealing or defrauding the revenue Kull. on Mn. viii, 400

⋙ śulkaśālā

   ○śālā f. a custom-house Pāṇ. 4-3, 75, Sch, (cf. śaulkaśālika)

⋙ śulkasaṃjña

   ○saṃjña mfn. having (merely) the name of a nuptial gratuity MW.

⋙ śulkasthāna

   ○sthāna n. a toll-house, tax-office, custom house Mn. Yājñ. 
   • any object of taxation or duty W.

⋙ śulkahāni

   ○hāni f. loss or forfeiture of wages or dower &c. W.

⋙ śulkādhyakṣa

   śulkâdhyakṣa m. a superintendent of tolls or taxes or revenue L.

⋙ śulkābhidhāna

   śulkâbhidhāna mfn. = śulka-saṃjña MW.

⋙ śulkāvāpta

   śulkâvâpta mfn. obtained as a dowry MBh.

⋙ śulkopajīvin

   śulkôpajīvin mfn. living by tolls or taxes or revenue ib.

≫ śulkikā

   śulkikā f. N. of a country L. (cf. śaulkikeya)


   śulb or śulv (prob. artificial or Nom. fr. next), cl. 10. P. śulbayati, to mete out Dhātup. xxxii, 71 
   • to create ib.

≫ śulba

   śulba or n. (accord. to some also m. and a or ī f.) a string, cord, rope ŚrS. Sūryas. BhP.

⋙ śulva

   śulva n. (accord. to some also m. and a or ī f.) a string, cord, rope ŚrS. Sūryas. BhP. 
   • a strip Bhpr. 
   • N. of a Pariśiśhṭa Cat. L. also 'copper' 
   • 'sacrificial act' 
   • 'conduct' 
   • 'vicinity of water' 
   • m. N. of a man Śaṃk.

⋙ śulbakalpa

   ○kalpa m. or N. of wks

⋙ śulbakārikā

   ○kārikā f. N. of wks

⋙ śulbaja

   ○ja n. brass L.

⋙ śulbadīpikā

   ○dīpikā f

⋙ śulbapariśiṣṭa

   ○pariśiṣṭa n

⋙ śulbabhāṣya

   ○bhāṣya n

⋙ śulbamīmāṃsā

   ○mīmāṃsā f

⋙ śulbarahasyaprakāśa

   ○rahasya-prakāśa m

⋙ śulbavārttika

   ○vārttika n

⋙ śulbavṛttivivaraṇa

   ○vṛttivivaraṇa n. N. of wks

⋙ śulbasūtra

   ○sūtra n. N. of a Sūtra work (belonging to the Śrauta ritual and containing curious geometrical calculations and attempts at squaring the circle) 
   • -bhāṣya-vārttika-vyākkyā f. N. of wk

⋙ śulbāgninidhiṭīkā

   śulbâgni-nidhi-ṭīkā f. N. of wk

⋙ śulbāri

   śulbâri m. 'enemy of copper', sulphur L.

⋙ śulbopadhāna

   śulbôpadhāna n. N. of wk

≫ śulbika

   śulbika n. = śūba-pariśiṣṭa Cat.


   śulla n. = śulba', a rope' or 'copper',


   śuśukvaná ○kváni, p. 1081, col. 3


   śuśukvás √1. śuc, p. 1081


   śuśukṣaṇi ā-śuś○ under ā-√śuc


   śuśumāra-giri m. (perhaps for śiś○) N. of a place Divyâv.

⋙ śuśumāragirīya

   śuśumāra-girīya or mfn. living at Śuśumāra-giri ib.

⋙ śuśumāragirīyaka

   śuśumāra-girīḍyaka mfn. living at Śuśumāra-giri ib.


   śuśulūka m. a small owl, owlet Sāy. on RV. vii, 104, 22

⋙ śuśulūkayātu

   ○yātu (○lū́ka-), m. a demon in the shape of an owlet RV. vii, 104, 22

≫ śuśulūkā

   śuśulū́kā f. a partic. bird MaitrS. (cf. Padap. suṣilī́kā). [Page 1084, Column 3] 


   śuśruvás √1. śru


   śuśrū f. (fr. Desid. of √1. śru) 'one who waits on a child', a mother MBh. xii, 9513 (B.)

≫ śuśrūṣaka

   śuśrūṣaka mfn. desirous of hearing, attentive, obedient, attending or waiting on (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • m. an attendant, servant (comprehending five descriptions of persons, viz. a pupil, a religious pupil, a hired servant, an officer, and a slave) W.

⋙ śuśrūṣaṇa

   śuśrūḍṣaṇa n. desire of hearing BhP. 
   • obedience, service, dutiful homage to (gen., dat., loc., or comp.) MBh. R. &c 
   • (ifc.) attention to, maintenance of (fire) MBh.

≫ śuśrūṣā

   śuśrūṣā f. desire or wish to hear Kām. 
   • obsequiousness, reverence, obedience, service (said to be of five kinds ( śuśrūṣaka) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • saying, speaking, telling L. 
   • -para mfn. diligent or attentive in service Kathās.

⋙ śuśrūṣitavya

   śuśrūḍṣitavya mfn. to be obeyed or attended to R. 
   • n. (impers.) it should be obeyed Pat.

⋙ śuśrūṣitṛ

   śuśrūḍṣitṛ mfn. obedient, attending on (gen.) MBh.

⋙ śuśrūṣin

   śuśrūḍṣin mfn. id. (ifc.) ib.

≫ śuśrūṣu

   śuśrūṣu mfn. desirous of hearing or learning NṛisUp. Bhag. &c 
   • eager to obey, obedient, attentive, serving, attending on (gen. or comp.) TBr. &c. &c

⋙ śuśrūṣeṇya

   śuśrūḍṣéṇya mfn. to be willingly heard or attended to TS. ŚāṅkhŚr,.

⋙ śuśrūṣya

   śuśrūḍṣya mfn. to be heard or obeyed or served R. Kathās.

śuṣ 1

   śuṣ (prob. for orig. suṣ, sus), cl. 4.P. (cf. Dhātup. xxvi, 74) śúṣyati (m. c. also ○te 
   • pf. śuśoṣa 
   • aor. aśuṣat 
   • fut. śoṣṭā, śokṣyati 
   • inf. śoṣṭum 
   • ind. p. -śúṣya Br.), to dry, become dry or withered, fade, languish, decay AV. &c. &c.: Caus. śoṣayati (aor. aśūśuṣat), to make dry, dry up, wither, parch AV. &c. &c 
   • to afflict, injure, hurt, extinguish, destroy MBh.: Desid. śuśukṣati Gr.: Intens. śośuṣyate, śośoṣṭi ib. [Cf. Gk. ? for ? ; [1084, 3] Lat. siccus ; Slav. [s�uchati] ; Lith. susú, sausiú, saúsas &c.]

≫ śuṣ 2

   śuṣ (ifc.) drying, withering Pāṇ. 4-3, 166 Vārtt. 1 
   • drying up, parching ( parna-śuṣ)

≫ śuṣa

   śuṣa mfn. drying, drying up L. 
   • m. a hole in the ground L. 
   • the son of a Vena and a Tivarī L. (śuṣásya in AV. v, 1, 4 prob. wṛ.)

≫ śuṣi 1

   śuṣi f. (for 2. p. 1085, col. 1) drying L. 
   • a hole, chasm L. (also written suṣi) 
   • the hollow or groove in the fang of a snake W.

≫ śuṣikā

   śuṣikā f. dryness, thirst L.

≫ śuṣira

   śuṣira suṣira

≫ śuṣka 1

   śúṣka mf(ā)n. dried, dried up, dry, arid, parched, shrivelled, emaciated, shrunk, withered, sere RV. &c. &c 
   • useless, fruitless, groundless, vain, unprofitable, empty Mn. MBh. &c 
   • mere, simple ( -gāna) 
   • m. N. of a man (a relative of Sukha-varman 
   • cf. śuṣkaṭa-varman) Rājat. 
   • n. (and m. g. ardharcâdi) anything dry (e.g. dry wood, dry cow-dung &c.) RV. Vishṇ.

⋙ śuṣkakaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭhá n. a partic. part of the neck of a sacrificial animal VS. (cf. Sch.)

⋙ śuṣkakalaha

   ○kalaha m. a groundless quarrel Mudr. Pañcat.

⋙ śuṣkakāṣṭha

   ○kāṣṭha n. pl. dry wood MBh.

⋙ śuṣkakāsa

   ○kāsa m. a dry cough Bhpr.

⋙ śuṣkakṣetra

   ○kṣetra wṛ. for śuṣkaletra, q.v

⋙ śuṣkagāna

   ○gāna n. mere singing (unaccompanied by dancing) Sāh.

⋙ śuṣkagomaya

   ○gomaya m. dry cowdung L.

⋙ śuṣkacarcana

   ○carcana n. 'dry anointing', idle talk, chaff Hāsy.

⋙ śuṣkajñānanirādara

   ○jñāna-nirādara m. N. of wk

⋙ śuṣkatarka

   ○tarka m. dry or unprofitable argument MW.

⋙ śuṣkatā

   ○tā f

⋙ śuṣkatva

   ○tva n. dryness, aridity Pañcar. Kām.

⋙ śuṣkatoya

   ○toya mf(ā)n. (a river) whose water is dried up MBh.

⋙ śuṣkadṛti

   ○dṛtí f. a dry or empty bag MaitrS.

⋙ śuṣkanitambhasthalī

   ○nitambha-sthalī f. shrunk or shrivelled hip-region. Dhūrtas.

⋙ śuṣkapattra

   ○pattra n. a dry or withered leaf MW. 
   • a dried potherb ib.

⋙ śuṣkaparṇa

   ○parṇa n. a dry leaf (-vat ind. like a dry leaf) ib.

⋙ śuṣkapāka

   ○pāka m. dry inflammation (of the eyes 
   • cf. śuṣkâkṣi-p○) Suśr.

⋙ śuṣkapeṣam

   ○peṣam ind. (with √piṣ) to grind anything in a dry state (i.e. without any fluid) Bhaṭṭ.

⋙ śuṣkaphala

   ○phala n. dry fruit MW.

⋙ śuṣkabhṛṅgāra

   ○bhṛṅgāra m. N. of a teacher KaushUp. 
   • ○rīya n. the doctrine of Śushkabhṛiṅgāra ŚāṅkhŚr.

⋙ śuṣkamatsya

   ○matsya n. dried fish MW.

⋙ śuṣkamāṃsa

   ○māṃsa n. dry flesh or meat L.

⋙ śuṣkamukha

   ○mukha mfn. dry-mouthed R.

⋙ śuṣkarudita

   ○rudita n. weeping without tears Sāh.

⋙ śuṣkarevatī

   ○revatī f. N. of a female demon inimical to children MatsyaP.

⋙ śuṣkavat

   ○vat mfn. dried up Mṛicch. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 51)

⋙ śuṣkavādavivāda

   ○vāda-vivāda m. idle or useless discussion BhP.

⋙ śuṣkavigraha

   ○vigraha m. a useless contest ib.

⋙ śuṣkavirohaṇa

   ○virohaṇa n. the sprouting of a dry tree VarBṛS.

⋙ śuṣkavṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. Grislea Tomentosa L. 
   • a dry tree MW.

⋙ śuṣkavaira

   ○vaira n. groundless enmity Mn. iv, 139

⋙ śuṣkavairin

   ○vairin mfn. quarrelling causelessly BhP. [Page 1085, Column 1] 

⋙ śuṣkavraṇa

   ○vraṇa m. a dried-up wound, scar, Mṛicch Sch.

⋙ śuṣkasambhava

   ○sambhava n. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L.

⋙ śuṣkasrota

   ○srota or mfn. having the stream dried up (as a river) R.

⋙ śuṣkasrotas

   ○srotas mfn. having the stream dried up (as a river) R.

⋙ śuṣkakṣipāka

   śuṣkákṣipāka m. dry inflammation of the eyes, inflṭinflux without efflux Suśr. Vāgbh. (cf. śuṣka-pāka)

⋙ śuṣkāgra

   śúṣkâgra mf(ā)n. having a dry tip or point TS. Br. ŚrS.

⋙ śuṣkāṅga

   śuṣkâṅga mf(ī)n. having shrivelled limbs, emaciated, withered W. 
   • m. Grislea Tomentosa L. 
   • (ā or ī), f. a crane L. 
   • (ī), f. Lacerta Godica L.

⋙ śuṣkānna

   śuṣkânna n. 'dry food', rice in the husk VarBṛS.

⋙ śuṣkāpa

   śúṣkâpa mfn. having the water dried up (as the sea) R. 
   • a dried-up pond, mud &c. ŚBr.

⋙ śuṣkārdra

   śuṣkârdra mf(ā)n. dry and wet R. 
   • n. dry ginger L.

⋙ śuṣkārśas

   śuṣkârśas n. dry swelling of the eyelids Suśr.

⋙ śuṣkāsthi

   śuṣkâsthi n. mere bone, a fleshless bone VarBṛS.

⋙ śuṣkāsya

   śúṣkâsya mfn. = śuṣkamukha AV.

≫ śuṣka 2

   śuṣka Nom. (only mf. śuṣkitum) to become dry Divyâv.

≫ śuṣkaka

   śuṣkaka mf(ikā)n. dried up, emaciated, thin R.

≫ śuṣkaṭavarman

   śuṣkaṭa-varman m. N. of the father of the poet Vidyādhara Subh. (cf. under 1. śúṣka)

≫ śuṣkala

   śuṣkala m. a kind of fish L. 
   • (also n. and ī f.) flesh (f. also dry flesh) L. 
   • n. a fish-hook TBr. Sch. 
   • mfn. one who eats flesh L. (cf. śauṣkala)

≫ śuṣkaletra

   śuṣkaletra m. (for ○lêtara?) N. of a mountain or a place Rājat.

≫ śuṣṇa 1

   śuṣṇa m. the sun L. 
   • fire L.

≫ śuṣma 1

   śuṣma m. n. fire, flame L. 
   • the sun L.

≫ śuṣman 1

   śuṣman m. fire Śiś. Bālar. 
   • a partic. plant (= citraka) MW.

≫ śoṣa

   śoṣa &c. 1. śoṣa, p. 1092, col. 2

śuṣ 3

   śuṣ (cf. √śvas), cl. 6. P. śuṣáti (1. sg. also -śuṣé and p. -śuṣāṇa 
   • ā-√śuṣ). to hiss (as a serpent) RV. i, 61, 10

≫ śuṣi 2

   śuṣi f. (for 1ṣee p. 1084, col. 3) strength, power (= bala) L.

≫ śuṣila

   śuṣila m. air, wind Uṇ. i, 57 Sch.

≫ śuṣṇa 2

   śúṣṇa m. 'Hisser', N. of a demon slain by Indra RV. (accord. to some a drought demon 
   • √1. śuṣ) 
   • n. strength (= bala) Naigh. ii, 9

⋙ śuṣṇahatya

   ○hátya n. the slaughter of Śushṇa RV.

≫ śuṣma 2

   śúṣma mf(ā)n. hissing, roaring (as water) RV. 
   • fragrant ib. 
   • strong, bold ib. 
   • m. hissing, roaring, rushing (of water, fire, the wind &c.) RV. AV. 
   • exhalation, fragrance, odour (of plants, esp. of the Soma) RV. VS. 
   • strength, vigour, vital or sexual energy, impulse, courage, valour ib. AV. TBr. 
   • semen virile (?) AV. ix, 1, 10 ; 20 
   • air, wind L. 
   • a bird L. 
   • wṛ. for śuṣṇa Pāṇ. 3-1, 85 Sch. 
   • n. strength (= bala) Naigh. ii, 9

⋙ śuṣmada

   ○dá mfn. bestowing strength or valour AV.

⋙ śuṣmavat

   ○vat (śúṣma-), mfn. fiery, violent, excited (esp. sexually) AV.

≫ śuṣman 2

   śuṣman n. strength, vigour, energy, courage, valour KāśīKh.

≫ śuṣmaya

   śuṣmáya mfn. strengthening, encouraging TS.

≫ śuṣmāyaṇa

   śuṣmāyaṇa m. patr. of a Soma VP.

≫ śuṣmi

   śuṣmi m. wind or the god of wind L.

≫ śuṣmiṇa

   śuṣmiṇa ṃ. N. of a king of the Śibis AitBr.

≫ śuṣmin

   śuṣmín mfn. roaring, rushing RV. 
   • strong, fiery, mettlesome, vigorous, impetuous, courageous, bold ib. &c. &c 
   • sexually excited, ruttish (applied to bulls and elephants) MBh. BhP. 
   • m. pl. N. of a caste living in Kuśa-dvipa (corresponding to the Kshatriyas) Pur.

⋙ śuṣmintama

   ○tama (śuṣmín-.), mfn. most strong or mighty or fiery or bold RV.

≫ śoṣa

   śoṣa 2. śoṣa, p. 1092, col. 2

śū 1

   śū a weak form of √śvi, q.v

≫ śū 2

   śū (ifc.) surā-śū́

≫ śūtha

   śūtha m. a place for sacrifice L.

≫ śūna

   śūna mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 14) swelled, swollen (esp. 'morbidly'), increased, grown Suśr. 
   • m. N. of a man MBh. 
   • (śū́na), n. emptiness (orig. 'swollen state', 'hollowness', cf. śūnya below), lack, want, absence RV. 
   • a partic. incorrect pronunciation (esp. of vowels) RPrāt.

⋙ śūnagātra

   ○gātra mfn. having swollen limbs Suśr.

⋙ śūnatva

   ○tva n. the state of being swollen Suśr.

⋙ śūnavat

   ○vat mfn. one who has increased Pāṇ. 7-2, 14

⋙ śūnākṣa

   śūnâkṣa mfn. having swollen eyes Suśr.

⋙ śūnāṇḍameḍhratā

   śūnâṇḍa-meḍhra-tā f. swollen condition of the testicles and penis ib.

≫ śūnya

   śūnyá mf(ā) n. empty, void (with vājin = 'a riderless horse' 
   • with rājya = 'a kingless kingdom'), hollow, barren, desolate, deserted Br. &c. &c. [Page 1085, Column 2] 
   • empty, i.e. vacant (as a look or stare), absent, absentminded, having no certain object or aim, distracted MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • empty i.e. possessing nothing, wholly destitute MBh. Kathās. 
   • wholly alone or solitary, having no friends or companions R. BhP. 
   • void of, free from, destitute of (instr. or comp.), wanting, lacking Kāv. Kathās. Pur. Sarvad. non-existent, absent, missing Kāv. Pañcat. 
   • vain, idle, unreal, nonsensical R. Rājat. Sarvad. 
   • void of results, ineffectual (a-śūnyaṃ-√kṛ, 'to effect', accomplish') Śak. Ratnâv. 
   • free from sensitiveness or sensation (said of the skin), insensible Bhpr. 
   • bare, naked MW. 
   • guileless, innocent ib. 
   • indifferent ib. 
   • (ā), f. a hollow reed L. 
   • a barren woman L. 
   • Cactus Indicus = malī (for nalī?) L. 
   • n. a void, vacūm, empty or deserted place, desert (śūnye, in a lonely place) MBh. R. &c 
   • (in phil.)vacuity, nonentity, absolute non-existence (esp. with Buddhists) IW. 83, n. 3 ; 105, n.4 MWB.7, n. 1 ; 142 
   • N. of Brahma MW. 
   • (in arithm.) nought, a cypher
   VarBṛS. Gaṇit. (cf. IW. 183) 
   • space, heaven, atmosphere L. 
   • a partic. phenomenon in the sky. L. 
   • an earring ( next). [Cf. Gk. ?, ? 
   • ?. [1085, 2] ?.]

⋙ śūnyakarṇa

   ○karṇa m. an ear adorned with an earring Amar. (cf. Sch.)

⋙ śūnyageha

   ○geha n. an empty house W.

⋙ śūnyacitta

   ○citta mfn. vacant-minded, absent-minded, thinking of nothing Hāsy.

⋙ śūnyatā

   ○tā f. emptiness, loneliness, desolateness R. VarBṛ. &c. (cf. a-śūnyatā) 
   • absence of mind, distraction Suśr. Sarvad. 
   • vacancy (of gaze) Dhūrtas. 
   • (ifc.) absence or want of Cāṇ. Kum. 
   • nothingness, non-existence, non-reality, illusory nature (of all worldly phenomena) Śiś. Sarvad. -samāpti f. N. of wk

⋙ śūnyatva

   ○tva n. = -tā Kāv. Rājat. Sarvad.

⋙ śūnyapakṣa

   ○pakṣa m. = -vāda, Sāṃkhyas. Sch.

⋙ śūnyapadavī

   ○padavī f. 'path to non-existence', the way or passage of the soul (= brahma-randhra) Cat.

⋙ śūnyapāla

   ○pāla m. 'keeper of a vacant place', a substitute MBh.

⋙ śūnyabandhu

   ○bandhu m. N. of a son of Triṇa-bindu BhP.

⋙ śūnyabindu

   ○bindu m. the mark of a cypher or nought (cf. bindu) Vās. Dhūrtan.

⋙ śūnyabhāva

   ○bhāva m. state of being empty, emptiness, AmṛitUp

⋙ śūnyamadhya

   ○madhya m. 'having a hollow or empty centre', a hollow reed L.

⋙ śūnyamanas

   ○manas mfn. = -citta, Śāntiś

⋙ śūnyamūla

   ○mūla mfn. empty or unprotected at the base (said of a badly placed army) Kām.

⋙ śūnyavat

   ○vat ind. like a cypher, as if it were annihilated or vanished Daś.

⋙ śūnyavāda

   ○vāda m. the (Buddhist) doctrine of the non-existence (of any Spirit either Supreme or human), Buddhism, atheism Madhus.

⋙ śūnyavādin

   ○vādin m. the affirmer of a void (i.e. of the non-existence of any Spirit, divine or human), a Buddhist, atheist W. MWB. 7 ; 142

⋙ śūnyavyāpāra

   ○vyāpāra mfn. free from occupation, unoccupied (= vyāpāra-śūnya) Prab.

⋙ śūnyaśarīra

   ○śarīra mfn. 'emptybodied', having nothing in the body (-tā f.) Vās.

⋙ śūnyaśālā

   ○śālā f. an empty hall Kauś.

⋙ śūnyaśūnya

   ○śūnya mf(ā)n. thoroughly empty or vain (as a speech), S Śiś.

⋙ śūnyasthāna

   ○sthāna n. an empty place W.

⋙ śūnyahara

   ○hara n. 'remover of emptiness', gold L.

⋙ śūnyahasta

   ○hasta mfn. empty-handed W.

⋙ śūnyahṛdaya

   ○hṛdaya mfn. = -citta 
   • (-tva n.) RV. Śak. Kathās. 
   • heartless Pañcat.

⋙ śūnyākṛti

   śūnyâkṛti mfn. 'empty-formed', having a vacant aspect MW.

⋙ śūnyāgārakṛtālaya

   śūnyâgāra-kṛtâlaya mfn. making an abode in deserted houses ib.

⋙ śūnyālaya

   śūnyâlaya m. an empty or deserted house (sleeping in such a house is forbidden) ib.

⋙ śūnyāśaya

   śūnyâśaya mf(ā)n. = śūnya-citta Kathās.

⋙ śūnyāśūnya

   śūnyâśūnya n. emancipation of the spirit even during a person's life (= jīvan-mukti) L.

⋙ śūnyaiṣa

   śūnyâiṣa mf(ī)n. desiring a desert or solitude AV.

≫ śūnyaka

   śūnyaka mfn. (= śūnya) empty, void, g. yāvâdi 
   • n. absence, lack of (gen.) MBh.

≫ śūnyī

   śūnyī in comp. for śūnya

⋙ śūnyīkṛ

   ○√kṛ Ā. -kurute, to turn into a desert, lay waste VarBṛS. 
   • to leave empty, quit, abandon Pañcat.

⋙ śūnyībhū

   ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become deserted or desolate Kād.

śū 3

   śū (onomat.), in comp

⋙ śūkara

   ○kara m. 'making the sound śū', a boar, hog (more correctly sū-kara, q.v.)

⋙ śūkāra

   ○kārá m. the act of startling with the sound śū VS.

⋙ śūkṛta

   ○kṛta (śū́-), mfn. startled by the sound śū ib. 
   • urging, spurring (of a horse) RV.


   śūka m. n. (g. ardharcâdi 
   • derivation doubtful) the awn of grain R. Sarvad. KātyŚr. Sch. 
   • a bristle, spicule, spike (esp. the bristle or sharp hair of insects &c.) W. 
   • the sheath or calyx of a bud L. 
   • pity, compassion (in niḥ-śūka) L. 
   • m. a species of grain (cf. dīrgha-ś○) Suśr. Bhpr. 
   • sorrow, grief. L. 
   • = abhi-ṣava L. 
   • (ā), f. scruple, doubt L. [Page 1085, Column 3] 
   • Mucuna Pruritus L. 
   • the sting of an insect (cf. above), anything that stings or causes pain Suśr. Car. 
   • a partic. insect (produced in water and applied externally as an aphrodisiac) ib. Bhpr. 
   • a kind of grass L.

⋙ śūkakīṭa

   ○kīṭa or m. a kind of caterpillar covered with bristles or hairs (accord. to some 'a scorpion') L.

⋙ śūkakīṭaka

   ○kīṭaka m. a kind of caterpillar covered with bristles or hairs (accord. to some 'a scorpion') L.

⋙ śūkataru

   ○taru wṛ. for śuka-taru,

⋙ śūkatṛṇa

   ○tṛṇa n. a kind of spiky grass L.

⋙ śūkadoṣa

   ○doṣa m. the injurious effect of the above Sūka insect Suśr. Bhpr.

⋙ śūkadhānya

   ○dhānya n. any awned or bearded grain (one of the 5 kinds of grain, the others being śāli-, vrīhi-, śamī-, and kṣudra-dh○) Car. Bhpr.

⋙ śūkapattra

   ○pattra m. a kind of snake Suśr.

⋙ śūkapiṇḍi

   ○piṇḍi or f. Mucuna Pruritus L.

⋙ śūkapiṇḍī

   ○piṇḍī f. Mucuna Pruritus L.

⋙ śūkaroga

   ○roga m. = -doṣa, Śuśr

⋙ śūkavat

   ○vat mfn. awned, bearded 
   • (atī), f. Mucuna Pruritus L.

⋙ śūkavṛnta

   ○vṛnta m. a partic. venomous insect Suśr.

⋙ śūkaśimbā


⋙ śūkaśimbi


⋙ śūkaśimbikā

   ○śimbikā and f. Mucuna Pruritus L.

⋙ śūkaśimbī

   ○śimbī f. Mucuna Pruritus L.

⋙ śūkāḍhya

   śūkâḍhya n. 'abounding with spikes', a kind of grass (= śūka-tṛṇa) L.

⋙ śūkāmaya

   śūkâmaya m. = śūka-doṣa L.

≫ śūkaka

   śūkaka (ifc.) = śūka, awn of grain ( dīrghaśūkaka) 
   • barley or a bearded kind of wheat resembling barley L. 
   • the sentiment of compassion or tenderness L.

≫ śūkin

   śūkin mfn. awned, bearded W.


   śū-kara 3. śū, col. 2


   śūkala m. (perhaps connected with śū-kara above) a restive horse L.


   śūkāpuṭṭa or śūkāpūṭṭa m. a partic. gem (perhaps a kind of amber, = tri-maṇi) L.


   śūkula m. a fish W. 
   • a partic. kind of fish ib. 
   • a fragrant grass (a kind of Cyperus) ib.


   śūkṣma incorrect for sūkṣma, q.v


   śūghaná mf(ā́)n. going quickly, swift, fleet (= kṣipra) RV. iv, 58, 7 (cf. Naigh. ii, 15)


   śūci wṛ. for śuci (also śūci and śūcī for sūcī)


   śūtiparṇa m. Cathartocarpus Fistula L.


   śūt-kāra m. 'the sound śūt', hissing, whistling, whizzing &c


   śūdrá m. (of doubtful derivation) a Śūdra, a man of the fourth or lowest of the four original classes or castes (whose only business, accord. to Mn. i, 91, was to serve the three higher classes 
   • in RV. ix, 20, 12, the Śūdra is said to have been born from the feet of Purusha, q.v 
   • in Mn. i, 87 he is fabled to have sprung from the same part of the body of Brahmā, and he is regarded as of higher rank than the present low and mixed castes so numerous throughout India 
   • kevala-ś○, a pure Śūdra) RV. &c. &c. (cf. IW. 212 &c.) 
   • a man of mixed origin L. 
   • N. of a Brāhman Buddh. 
   • pl. N. of a people MBh. Pur. 
   • (ā and ī), f. below

⋙ śūdrakanyā

   ○kanyā f. a Śūdra girl Mn. x, 8, 9

⋙ śūdrakamalākara

   ○kamalâkara m. N. of wk

⋙ śūdrakalpa

   ○kalpa mfn. resembling a ŚṭŚudra AitBr.

⋙ śūdrakuladīpikā

   ○kula-dīpikā f. N. of wk

⋙ śūdrakṛta

   ○kṛta (śūdrá-), mfn. made by a ŚṭŚudra AV.

⋙ śūdrakṛtya

   ○kṛtya mfn. to be done, by a ŚṭŚudra, proper for a Śudra MW. 
   • n. the duty of a Śudra 
   • N. of wk 
   • -vicāraṇa n. ○ṇa-tattva n. -vicāra-tattva n. N. of wk

⋙ śūdragamana

   ○gamana n. sexual intercourse with a Śudra Āp.

⋙ śūdraghna

   ○ghna mfn. killing a Śudra, the slayer of a Śudra Pañcar.

⋙ śūdrajana

   ○jana m. a person of the ŚṭŚudra class Mn. iv, 99

⋙ śūdrajanman

   ○janman mfn. Śūdra-born, descended from a Śudra PārGṛ. 
   • m. a Śudra Yājñ.

⋙ śūdrajapavidhāna

   ○japa-vidhāna n. N. of wk

⋙ śūdratā

   ○tā f. or the state of a Śudra or servant, servile condition, servitude Mn. MBh. Pur.

⋙ śūdratva

   ○tva n. the state of a Śudra or servant, servile condition, servitude Mn. MBh. Pur.

⋙ śūdradharma

   ○dharma m. the duty of a ŚṭŚudra Cat. 
   • -tattva n. -bodhinī f. N. of wks

⋙ śūdrapañcasaṃskāravidhi

   ○pañca-saṃskāra-vidhi m

⋙ śūdrapaddhati

   ○paddhati f. N. of wks

⋙ śūdrapriya

   ○priya mfn. dear to a Śudra L. 
   • m. an onion L.

⋙ śūdrapreṣya

   ○prêṣya m. a man of one of the three superior castes who has become a servant to a Śudra W. 
   • n. the being servant to a Śudra MW.

⋙ śūdrabhikhṣita

   ○bhikhṣita mfn. (anything) begged or received as alms from a Śudra Yājñ.

⋙ śūdrabhūyiṣṭha

   ○bhūyiṣṭha mfn. inhabited mostly by Śudras, abounding with Śudras Mn. viii, 22

⋙ śūdrabhojin

   ○bhojin mfn. eating food of a ŚṭŚudra MBh.

⋙ śūdrayājaka

   ○yājaka mfn. one who sacrifices for a Śudra Gaut. 
   • -prâyaścitta n. the penance incurred by sacrificing for a Śudra MW.

⋙ śūdrayoni

   ○yoni f. the womb of a Śudra woman MBh. 
   • -ja mfn. born from the womb of a Śudra MW.

⋙ śūdrarājya

   ○rājya n. a country of which a ŚṭŚudra is king Mn. iv, 61. [Page 1086, Column 1] 

⋙ śūdravarga

   ○varga m. the Śudra class MW.

⋙ śūdravarjam

   ○varjam ind. except Śudras KātyŚr.

⋙ śūdraviveka

   ○viveka m. N. of wk

⋙ śūdravṛtti

   ○vṛtti f. the occupation of a ŚṭŚudra Mn. x, 98

⋙ śūdraśāsana

   ○śāsana n. an edict addressed to ŚṭŚudras L.

⋙ śūdrasaṃskāra

   ○saṃskāra m. any purificatory rite relating to Śudras MW.

⋙ śūdrasaṃsparśa

   ○saṃsparśa m. the touch of a ŚṭŚudra Mn. v, 104

⋙ śūdrasevana

   ○sevana n. attendance on a ŚṭŚudra master, the being in the service of a Śudra Mn. xi, 69

⋙ śūdrasmṛti

   ○smṛti f. N. of wk

⋙ śūdrahatyā

   ○hatyā f. the killing of a ŚṭŚudra Mn. xi, 131 ; 140

⋙ śūdrahan

   ○han mfn. = -ghna ib. xi, 130

⋙ śūdrācāra

   śūdrâcāra m. the conduct or occupation of a Śudra 
   • -cintāmaṇi m. -śiromaṇi m. -saṃgraha m. N. of wks

⋙ sūdrānna

   sūdrânna n. food belonging to or received from a Śudra Āp. Mn.

⋙ sūdrārtā

   sūdrârtā f. Panicum Italicum L.

⋙ śūdrārthayājaka

   śūdrârtha-yājaka mfn. sacrificing at the expense (lit. 'with the property') of a Śudra Gaut.

⋙ śūdrārya

   śūdrâryá m. du. (nṣg., g. rāja-dantâdi) a Śudra and a Vaiśya VS.

⋙ sūdrāśauca

   sūdrâśauca n. the impurity of a ŚṭŚudra MW.

⋙ śūdrāhnika

   śūdrâhnika n. the daily ceremonies of a ŚṭŚudra Cat. 
   • ○kâcāra-tattva n. N. of wk

⋙ śūdrocchiṣṭa

   śūdrôcchiṣṭa mfn. left by a ŚṭŚudra (as water) Mn. xi, 148

⋙ śūdrotpatti

   śūdrôtpatti f. N. of wk

⋙ śūdrodaka

   śūdrôdaka n. water polluted by the touch of a Śudra MW. 
   • -pāna-prâyaścitta n. a penance for drinking water given by a Śudra ib.

⋙ sūdroddyota

   sūdrôddyota m. N. of wk

≫ śūdraka

   śūdraka m. N. of various kings (esp. of the author of the drama called Mṛicchakaṭikā)
   Mṛicch. Kathās. Hit. &c

⋙ śūdrakakathā

   ○kathā f. N. of a tale (written by Rāmila and Somila) Cat.

≫ śūdrā

   śūdrā́ f. a woman of the fourth class or caste AV. &c. &c 
   • N. of a daughter of Raudrāśva Hariv.

⋙ śūdrāpariṇayana

   ○pariṇayana n. the marrying a Śūdra female W.

⋙ śūdrāputra

   ○putra m. the son of a Śudra woman PañcavBr. Gaut.

⋙ śūdrābhārya

   ○bhārya m. one who has a ŚṭŚudra woman for wife MW.

⋙ śūdrāvedana

   ○vedana n. = -pariṇayana W.

⋙ śūdrāvedin

   ○vedin mfn. marrying a Śudra woman Mn. iii, 16

⋙ śūdrāsuta

   ○suta m. = -putra Mn. ix, 151 ; 153

≫ śūdrāṇī

   śūdrāṇī f. the wife of a Śūdra MW.

≫ śūdrika

   śūdrika m. N. of a mythical person Vīrac.

≫ śūdrī

   śūdrī f. a woman of the fourth caste, a Śūdra woman Yājñ. KātyŚr. Sch. 
   • the wife of a Śūdra L.

≫ śūdrībhū

   śūdrī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to become a Śūdra Mn. Kathās.


   śūna p. 1085, col. 1


   śūnā sūnā


   śūnya &c. p. 1085, col. 1


   śūpa-kāra sūpa-kāra


   śūr (also written sūr), cl. 4.Ā. Dhātup. xxvi, 48) śūryate, to hurt, injure, kill (only in pf. śuśūre, 'he cut off the head' Śiś. xix, 108) 
   • to be or make firm Dhātup. ib. 
   • cl. 10. Ā. to be powerful or valiant (in this sense rather Nom. fr. next) Dhātup. xxxv, 48

≫ śūra

   śū́ra mfn. (prob. fr. √1 . śū = śvi and connected with śavas, śuna, śūna) strong, powerful, valiant, heroic, brave (cf. -tama and -tara) RV. MBh. 
   • m. a strong or mighty or valiant man, warrior, champion, hero, one who acts heroically towards, any one (loc.) or with regard to anything (loc., instr., or comp 
   • ifc. f. ā) RV. &c. &c 
   • heroism (?, = or wṛ. for śaurya) Kāv. 
   • a lion L. 
   • a tiger or panther L. 
   • a boar L. 
   • a dog L. 
   • a cock L. 
   • white rice L. 
   • lentil L. 
   • Arthocarpus Locucha L. 
   • Vatica Robusta L. 
   • N. of a Yādava, the father of Vasu-deva and grandfather of Kṛishṇa MBh. 
   • of a Sauviraka ib. 
   • of a son of Ilina ib. 
   • of a son of Kārtaviirya Hariv. Pur. 
   • of a son of Vidūratha ib. 
   • of a son of Deva-miḍhusha ib. 
   • of a son of Bhajamāna Hariv. 
   • of a son of Vasu-deva BhP. 
   • of a son of Vatsa-prī MārkP. 
   • of a poet Cat. 
   • of various other men Buddh. Rājat. 
   • wṛ. for sūra L. 
   • (pl.) N. of a people MBh. Hariv. [Cf. Gk. ? in ?.] [1086, 1]

⋙ śūrakīṭa

   ○kīṭa m. 'insect-like hero', a feeble hero Mcar.

⋙ śūragrāma

   ○grāma (śū́ra-), mfn. having a multitude of heroes RV.

⋙ śūraṃgama

   ○ṃ-gama m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh. 
   • N. of a Bodhi-sattva ib. 
   • -samādhi-nirdeśa m. N. of wk

⋙ śūraja

   ○ja m. a son of Śūra Rājat. 
   • N. of a man ib.

⋙ śūratama

   ○tama mfn. most heroic or valiant MBh.

⋙ śūratara

   ○tara (śura-), mfn. more heroic or valiant RV.

⋙ śūratā

   ○tā f

⋙ śūratva

   ○tva n. state or condition of a hero, heroism, valour, bravery Kāv. Sāh.

⋙ śūradanta

   ○danta m. N. of a Brāhman Kathās.

⋙ śūradeva

   ○deva m. N. of a son of king Vira-deva ib. 
   • (with Jainas) N. of the second of the 24 Arhats of the future Utsarpiṇī L.

⋙ śūrapatnī

   ○patnī (śū́ra-), f. having a heroic lord or husband RV. [Page 1086, Column 2] 

⋙ śūraputrā

   ○putrā (śū́ra-), f. 'having a heroic son', the mother of a hero (applied to Aditi) ib.

⋙ śūrapura

   ○pura n. 'hero-town', N. of a town Kathās. Rājat.

⋙ śūrabala

   ○bala m. 'having heroic strength', N. of a Deva-putra Lalit.

⋙ śūrabhū

   ○bhū or f. N. of a daughter of Ugrasena BhP.

⋙ śūrabhūmi

   ○bhūmi f. N. of a daughter of Ugrasena BhP.

⋙ śūrabhogeśvara

   ○bhogêśvara m. N. of a Liṅga in Nepal Cat.

⋙ śūramaṭha

   ○maṭha m. n. the monastery of Śūra Rājat.

⋙ śūramāna

   ○māna n. thinking one's self a hero, arrogance, vaunting W.

⋙ śūramānin

   ○mānin mfn. one who thinks himself a hero, a boaster MBh. R.

⋙ śūramūrdhamaya

   ○mūrdhamaya mf(ī)n. consisting of the heads of heroes Kathās.

⋙ śūrammanya

   ○m-manya mfn. = śūra-mānin W.

⋙ śūravarman

   ○varman m. N. of various men Kathās. Rājat. 
   • of a poet (also written sūra-v○) Cat.

⋙ śūravākya

   ○vākya n. pl. the words of a hero, speech of a boaster R.

⋙ śūravidya

   ○vidya mfn. understanding heroism, heroic Kathās.

⋙ śūravīra

   ○vīra (śū́ra-), mfn. having heroic men or followers AV. 
   • m. N. of a teacher (having the patr. Māṇḍūkeya) AitĀr. 
   • (pl.) N. of a people Hariv.

⋙ śūraśloka

   ○śloka m. a kind of artificial verse Cat.

⋙ śūrasāti

   ○sāti (śū́ra-), f. 'hero-occupation', din of battle, fighting (only in loc. sg.) RV.

⋙ śūrasiṃha

   ○siṃha m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śūrasena

   ○sena m. N. of the country about Mathurā Pañcar. 
   • a king of Mathurā (and ruler of the Yadus, applied to Vishṇu and Ugra-sena) MBh. Hariv. 
   • N. of a son of Kārtaviirya Hariv. 
   • of a son of Śatru-ghna VP. 
   • of various other men Kathās. 
   • pl. N. of the people inhabiting the above country (also ○naka and ○na-ja) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • (ā), f. N. of the city of Mathurā R. 
   • (ī), f. a princess of the Śūra-senas MBh. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 177)

⋙ śūrācārya

   śūrâcārya m. N. of an author Gaṇar. (vḷ. for sūrâc○)

⋙ śūrāditya

   śūrâditya m. N. of a son of Guṇâditya Cat.

⋙ śūreśvara

   śūrêśvara m. N. of an image erected by Śūra Rājat.

≫ śūraka

   śūraka v. l. for śūdraka VP.

≫ śūraṇa

   śūraṇa mfn. high-spirited, fiery (said of horses) RV. i, 163, 10 (= vikrama-śīla Sāy.) 
   • m. (also written sūraṇa) Amorphophallus Campanulatus (the Telinga potato) Hcar. Suśr. 
   • Bignonia Indica L.

⋙ śūraṇodbhuja

   śūraṇôdbhuja m. a kind of bird L.

≫ śūrīkṛ

   śūrī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to turn into a hero Kathās.

≫ śūrṇa

   śūrṇa mfn. fixed, firm MW.


   śūrtá mfn. (√śṝ) scattered, crushed, slain RV. i, 174, 6 (accordṭo Naigh.ī, 15 = kṣipra)


   śūrp (prob. Nom. fr. śūrpa below), cl. 10. P. śūrpayati, to measure, mete out Dhātup. xxxii, 71

≫ śūrpa

   śū́rpa n. (and m. g. ardharcâdi 
   • also written sūrpa) a winnowing basket or fan (i.e. a kind of wicker receptacle which, when shaken about, serves as a fan for winnowing corn 
   • also personified as a Gandharva) VS. &c. &c 
   • a measure of 2 Droṇas ŚārṅgS. 
   • (ī), f. (g. gaurâdi) a small winnowing basket or fan (used as a child's toy) L. 
   • = śūrpaṇakhā (q.v.) L.

⋙ śūrpakarṇa

   ○karṇa mfn. having ears like winnowing fans (applied to Gaṇêśa) Kathās. (wṛ. śūrya-k○) 
   • m. an elephant L. 
   • N. of a mountain MārkP. (incorrectly sūrpa-k○) 
   • pl. N. of a people VarBṛS. 
   • -puṭa mfn. having ear-orifices like winnowing fans Kathās.

⋙ śūrpakhārī

   ○khārī f. a partic. measure (= 16 Droṇas) Hcat.

⋙ śūrpagrāha

   ○grāha mf(ī)n. holding a wṭwinnowing basket AV.

⋙ śūrpaṇakhā

   ○ṇakhā (rarely -ṇakhī), f. (wrongly -nakhā, ○khī 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 4-?a ; 58) 'having fingernails like wṭwinnowing fans', N. of the sister of Rāvaṇa (she fell in love with Rāma-candra and, being rejected by him and insulted by Sītā's laughter, assumed a hideous form and threatened to eat her up, but was beaten off by Lakshmaṇa, who cut off her ears and nose and thus doubly disfigured her 
   • in revenge she incited her brother to carry off Sītā) MBh. R.

⋙ śūrpaṇāya

   ○ṇāya m. (for -nāya) N. of a man, g. kurv-ādi (wṛ. -ṇāyya) 
   • ○yīya mfn. (fr. prec.), g. utkarâdi

⋙ śūrpanakhā


⋙ śūrpanakhī

   ○naḍkhī -ṇakhā, ○khī

⋙ śūrpaniṣpāva

   ○niṣpāva m. a basket full of winnowed corn L.

⋙ śūrpaparṇī

   ○parṇī f. a sort of bean, Phaseolus Trilobus L.

⋙ śūrpapuṭa

   ○puṭa mṇ. the nozzle of a winnowing fan ĀśvGṛ.

⋙ śūrpavāta

   ○vāta m. the wind raised by a winnowing fan MārkP.

⋙ śūrpaviṇā

   ○viṇā f. a kind of lute, LāṭyŚr. Sch.

⋙ śūrpaśruti

   ○śruti m. an elephant (= -karṇa, q.v.) Vās.

⋙ sūrpākāra

   sūrpâkāra mfn. shaped like a wṭwinnowing fan VarBṛS.

⋙ śūrpādri

   śūrpâdri m. N. of a mountain in the south of India ib. (cf. sūryâdri)

≫ sūrpaka

   sūrpaka m. N. of a demon (an enemy of Kāmadeva) L.

⋙ śūrpakārāti

   śūrpakârāti or m. 'enemy of Śūrpaka', N. of Kāma (god of love) L. [Page 1086, Column 3] 

⋙ śūrpakāri

   śūrpakâri m. 'enemy of Śūrpaka', N. of Kāma (god of love) L. [Page 1086, Column 3] 

⋙ śūrpī

   śūrpī col. 2 under śūrpa


   śūrpāraka m. N. of a country and (pl.) its inhabitants MBh. R. Pur. 
   • n. N. of a town (accordṭo some of two different towns) Hariv. Mark. Buddh.


   śūrma m. an iron image W. 
   • an anvil ib.

≫ śūrmi

   śūrmi mf., śūrmikā or śūrmī f. id. ib. (cf. sūrmi, sūrmī, sūrmya)


   śūrya-karṇa wṛ. for śūrpa-karṇa, q.v


   śūl (rather Nom. fr. next), cl. 1. P. śūlati, to hurt, cause pain (Dhātup. xv, 19), (only occurring in Ā. śūlate and cl. 4. P. Ā. śūlyati, ○te Car. 
   • accord. to Dhātup. also saṃghoṣe, or saṃghāte, 'to sound' or 'to collect')

≫ śūla

   śū́la m. n. (ifc. f. ā) a sharp iron pin or stake, spike, spit (on which meat is roasted) RV. &c. &c 
   • any sharp instrument or pointed dart, lance, pike, spear (esp. the trident of Śiva) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • a stake for impaling criminals (śūlam ā-√ruh, 'to be fixed on a stake, suffer impalement' 
   • with Caus. of ā-√ruh, 'to fix on a stake, have any one acc. impaled', cf. śūlâdhiropita &c.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • any sharp or acute pain (esp. that of colic or gout) Kāv. VarBṛS. Suśr. 
   • pain, grief, sorrow MBh. Hariv. 
   • death L. 
   • a flag, banner L. 
   • = -yoga (q.v.) VarBṛS. 
   • (ā), f. a stake (= śūla) L. 
   • a harlot, prostitute Vās. 
   • Kriṭṭanim 
   • (ī), f. a kind of grass L.

⋙ śūlakāra

   ○kāra m. pl. N. of a people MārkP.

⋙ śūlagava

   ○gava m. an ox fit for a spit (presented as an offering to Rudra) GṛŚrS. 
   • -prayoga m. N. of wk

⋙ śūlagranthi

   ○granthi m. or f. a kind of Dūrvā grass (wṛ. for mūla-g○) L.

⋙ śūlagraha

   ○graha (Sāmkhyak. Sch.) or (cf. Śivag.), m. 'spearbearer', N. of Śiva

⋙ śūlagrāhin

   ○grāhin (cf. Śivag.), m. 'spearbearer', N. of Śiva

⋙ śūlaghātana

   ○ghātana n. 'pain-destroying', iron rust L.

⋙ śūlaghna

   ○ghna mfn. removing sharp pain, anodyne Suśr. 
   • m. a kind of plant (= tumburu) L. 
   • (ī), f. a reed-like plant, sweet flag L.

⋙ śūladoṣaharī

   ○doṣa-harī f. a kind of plant L.

⋙ śūladviṣ

   ○dviṣ m. 'hostile to colic', Asa Foetida L.

⋙ śūladhanvan

   ○dhanvan m. 'having a trident for a bow', N. of Śiva L.

⋙ śūladhara

   ○dhara mfn. bearing a spear (applied to Rudra-Siva) R. Śivag. 
   • (ā) f. N. of Durgā L.

⋙ śūladhārin

   ○dhārin mfn. spear-holding 
   • (iṇī), f. N. of Durgā Tantras.

⋙ śūladhṛk

   ○dhṛk mfn. spear-holding (said of Śiva) R. 
   • f. N. of Durgā L.

⋙ śūlanāśaka

   ○nāśaka or n. 'removing pain in the stomach', sochal salt L.

⋙ śūlanāśana

   ○nāśana n. 'removing pain in the stomach', sochal salt L.

⋙ śūlanāśinī

   ○nāśinī f. 'id.', Asa Foetida L.

⋙ śūlapattrī

   ○pattrī f. a kind of grass L.

⋙ śūlapadī

   ○padī f. having spear-like feet, g. kumbhapady-ādi

⋙ śūlaparṇī

   ○parṇī f. a kind of plant L.

⋙ śūlapāṇi

   ○pāṇi mfn. having a spear in hand BhP. 
   • m. N. of Rudra Śiva ṢaḍvBr. MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • of various scholars and of a poet Sadukt. Cat. &c

⋙ śūlapāṇin

   ○pāṇin mfn. = prec 
   • m. N. of Śiva Cat.

⋙ śūlapāla

   ○pāla m. (more correct form śālā-p○) the keeper of a brothel, or frequenter of brothels ( śūlā) Vās.

⋙ śūlaprota

   ○prôta mfn. fixed on a stake, impaled 
   • m. N. of a hell BhP.

⋙ śūlabhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. 'spear-holder', N. of Śiva MBh. Kāv.

⋙ śūlabheda

   ○bheda m. N. of a place Cat.

⋙ śūlamudgarahasta

   ○mudgarahasta mf(ā)n. having a lance and mace in hand MBh.

⋙ śūlayoga

   ○yoga m. a partic. grouping of stars in which all the planets are in three houses or asterisms VarBṛS.

⋙ śūlavat

   ○vat mfn. having sharp pain Suśr.

⋙ śūlavara

   ○vara n. a partic. mythical weapon R.

⋙ śūlavedanā

   ○vedanā f. sharp pain MW.

⋙ śūlaśatru

   ○śatru m. 'hostile to colic', Ricinus Communis L.

⋙ śūlastha

   ○stha mfn. fixed on a stake, impaled MBh.

⋙ śūlahantrī

   ○hantrī f. 'colic-removing', Ptychotis Ajowan L.

⋙ śūlahasta

   ○hasta mfn. = -pāṇi MBh. 
   • m. a man armed with a lance, lancer W. 
   • N. of Śiva Pañcar.

⋙ śūlahṛt

   ○hṛt mfn. removing sharp pain or colic Suśr. 
   • m. Asa Foetida L.

⋙ śūlāgra

   śūlâgra n. the point of a pike or stake MBh. R. 
   • mfn. pointed like a pike VarBṛS.

⋙ śūlāṅka

   śūlâṅka mfn. marked with Śiva's spear MBh.

⋙ śūlādhiropita

   śūlâdhiropita mfn. fixed on a stake, impaled Kathās.

⋙ śūlāpāla

   śūlā-pāla m. śūla-p○

⋙ śūlāri

   śūlâri m. Terminalia Catappa L.

⋙ śūlāropaṇa

   śūlâropaṇa n. 'stretching out on a stake', impalement Kathās.

⋙ śūlāvataṃsita

   śūlâvataṃsita mfn. impaled Daś.

⋙ śūleśvarī

   śūlêśvarī f. N. of Durgā Inscr. 
   • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha Cat.

⋙ śūlotkhā

   śūlôtkhā (cf. W.) or (cf. L.), f. Serratula Anthelminthica

⋙ śūlotthā

   śūlôtthā (cf. L.), f. Serratula Anthelminthica

⋙ śūlodyatakara

   śūlôdyata-kara mfn. with uplifted spear in hand MW.

≫ śūlaka

   śūlaka m. (cf. śūkala) a restive horse L.

≫ śūlavata

   śūlavata n. (cf. śūla-vat and -vara) N. of a partic. mythical weapon R. [Page 1087, Column 1] 

≫ śūlākṛ

   śūlā́-√kṛ P. -karoti (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 65), to roast on a spit ŚBr.

≫ śūlākṛta

   śūlā-kṛta mfn. roasted on a spit Daś.

≫ śūli

   śūli mfn. (m. c.) = śūlin, armed with a spear MBh.

≫ śūlika

   śūlika mfn. roasted on a spit L. 
   • having a spear or any sharp instrument MW. 
   • m. one who impales criminals L. 
   • a cock L. 
   • a hare L. 
   • the illegitimate son of a Brāhman and a Śūdra woman L. 
   • the son of a Kshatriya and an unmarried Śūdra woman L. 
   • a strict guardian of the treasure and the harem L. 
   • (pl.) N. of a people (cf. śūlīka below) VarBṛS. MārkP. 
   • (ā), f. a spit for roasting Suśr. 
   • a kind of factitious salt L. 
   • n. roast meat W.

≫ śūlin

   śūlin mfn. having a dart or pike, armed with a spear MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • one who suffers from sharp internal pain or from colic Kauś. Vcar. Hcat. 
   • m. a spearman, lancer L. 
   • N. of Rudra Śiva (as holding a trident) MBh. 
   • a hare Bhpr. 
   • N. of a Muni, Cat 
   • (inī), f. below

≫ śūlina

   śūlina m. the Indian fig-tree (= bhāṇḍīra) L.

≫ śūlinī

   śūlinī f. N. of Durgā ( comp.)

⋙ śūlinīkalpa

   ○kalpa m

⋙ śūlinīkavaca

   ○kavaca n

⋙ śūlinīdurgādigbandhana

   ○durgā-dig-bandhana n

⋙ śūlinīmantrakalpa

   ○mantra-kalpa m

⋙ śūlinīvidhāna

   ○vidhāna n. N. of wks

≫ śūlī

   śūlī under śūla, p: 1086, col. 3

≫ śūlīka

   śūlīka m. pl. N. of a people (v. l. sūlīka) Car.

≫ śūlya

   śūlya mfn. belonging to a spit (for roasting), roasted on a spit &c. KātyŚr. Hariv. Suśr. 
   • deserving impalement on a stake W. 
   • n. roasted meat ib.

⋙ śūlyapāka

   ○pāka m. any meat or food roasted on a spit MW.

⋙ śūlyamāṃsa

   ○māṃsa n. roast meat, meat cooked on a spit ib.


   śūlvāṇa m. N. of a demon Kauś.


   śūśujāna √śuj, p. 1081, col. 3


   śūśuvas śūśuvāna, √śvi


   śūṣ (also written sūṣ), cl. 1. P. śūṣati, to bring forth, procreate (prasave) Dhātup. xvii, 28


   śūṣá mfn. (prob. either fr. √1. śū = śvi, or fr. √śuṣ = śvas) resounding, shrill, loud, hissing RV. 
   • high-spirited, courageous, bold, fierce, impetuous ib. 
   • m. a loud or resounding note, song of praise or triumph ib. VS. Kāṭh. 
   • (also śū́ṣa) spirit, vital energy, strength, power RV. VS. TBr. ŚBr. 
   • N. of a man TBr. 
   • n. = bada Naigh. ii, 9 
   • = śukha ib.

≫ śūṣaṇi

   śūṣáṇi √śvi

≫ śūṣya

   śūṣyá mfn. resounding, loud-sounding, hissing RV.


   śṛgāla (also written śṛkāla), m. a jackal &c. sṛgāla


   śṛṅkhala m. n. (derivation doubtful) a chain, fetter (esp. for confining the feet of an elephant) Ragh. Pur. 
   • a man's belt L. 
   • a measuring chain MW. 
   • (ā and ī), f. below

⋙ śṛṅkhalatā

   ○tā f

⋙ śṛṅkhalatva

   ○tva n. the being chained together, concatenation, connection, order, a series W. 
   • restraint ib.

⋙ śṛṅkhalatodin

   ○todin m. N. of a man, g. bāhv-ādi (cf. śārṅkhalatodi)

⋙ śṛṅkhalabaddha

   ○baddha m. bound by a chain or fetter MārkP.

≫ śṛṅkhalaka

   śṛṅkhalaka m. a chain MW. 
   • a young camel or other young animal with wooden rings or clogs on his feet (to prevent his straying) Śiś. xii, 7 (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 79) any camel MW.

≫ śṛṅkhalaya

   śṛṅkhalaya Nom. P. ○yati, to chain, fetter Daś.

≫ śṛṅkhalā

   śṛṅkhalā f. a chain, fetter &c. (= śṛṅkhala) Kāv. VarBṛS. &c

⋙ śṛṅkhalākalāpa

   ○kalāpa m. (cf. Mṛicch.),

⋙ śṛṅkhalādāman

   ○dāman n. (cf. Ratnâv.),

⋙ śṛṅkhalāpāśa

   ○pāśa m. (cf. Kathās.) a chain(-band)

⋙ śṛṅkhalābandha

   ○bandha m. (cf. MW.),

⋙ śṛṅkhalābandhana

   ○bandhana n. (cf. Daś.) confining by chains or fetters

≫ śṛṅkhalita

   śṛṅkhalita mfn. chained, fettered, bound, confined Daś.

≫ śṛṅkhalī

   śṛṅkhalī f. Asteracantha Longifolia L.


   śṛṅkhāṇikā f. (v. l. śṛṅghāṇikā 
   • cf. śiṅghāṇikā and siṅgh○) mucus Āpast.


   śṛṅga n. (perhaps connected with śiras, śīrṣan 
   • ifc. f. ā, or ī) the horn of an animal, a horn used for various purposes (as in drinking, for blowing, drawing blood from the skin &c.) RV. &c. &c 
   • the tusk of an elephant R. Kām. 
   • the top or summit of a mountain, a peak, crag MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • the summit of a building, pinnacle, turret ib. [Page 1087, Column 2] 
   • any peak or projection or lofty object, elevation, point, end, extremity AV. Kum. Gīt. 
   • a cusp or horn of the moon R. Hariv. VarBṛS. 
   • highest point, acme, height or perfection of anything Hariv. 6424 
   • the horn as a symbol of self reliance or strength or haughtiness Ragh. 
   • the rising of desire, excess of love or passion (cf. śṛṅgāra) Sāh. 
   • a partic. military array in the form of a horn or crescent MBh. vi, 2413 
   • a syringe, water-engine Ragh. Śiś. 
   • the female breast BhP. 
   • a lotus L. 
   • agallochum L. 
   • a mark, token, sign L. 
   • = śaśaśṛṅga', hare's horn', anything impossible or extra ordinary, Kusum 
   • m. a kind of medicinal or poisonous plant L. 
   • N. of a Muni (of whom, in some parts of India, on occasions of drought, earthen images are said to be made and worshipped for rain) MW. (ī), f. s.v. [Cf. Lat. cornu ; Goth. háurn ; Germ., Eng. horn.]

⋙ śṛṅgakanda

   ○kanda m. Trapa Bispinosa L.

⋙ śṛṅgakūṭa

   ○kūṭa m. N. of a mountain Pañcar.

⋙ śṛṅgakośa

   ○kośa m. a horn as a receptacle (of liquids) SāmavBr.

⋙ śṛṅgagiri

   ○giri m. N. of a hill and town in Mysore ( śṛṅgeri) Cat.

⋙ śṛṅgagrāhikā

   ○grāhikā f. 'taking by the horns' i.e. in a direct manner (instr. 'directly', 'without any intervening agent') 
   • (in logic) taking singly (all the particulars included under a general term) Sch. on ŚāṅkhBr. Sch. on KātyŚr. &c

⋙ śṛṅgaja

   ○ja mfn. hornproduced, made from horn Saṃgīt. 
   • m. an arrow, shaft MW. 
   • n. aloe wood L.

⋙ śṛṅgajāha

   ○jāha n. the √of a horn L.

⋙ śṛṅgadhara

   ○dhara m. N. of a man Buddh.

⋙ śṛṅgapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town (cf. śṛṅgeri-p○) Cat.

⋙ śṛṅgaprahārin

   ○prahārin mfn. horn-striking, butting or fighting with the horns MW.

⋙ śṛṅgapriya

   ○priya m. 'fond of hornblowing', N. of Śiva (cf. śṛṅga-vādya-priya) MBh.

⋙ śṛṅgabhuja

   ○bhuja m. N. of a man Kathās.

⋙ śṛṅgamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. (in. kanaka-śṛṅga-maya) furnished with (golden) horns MBh.

⋙ śṛṅgamūla

   ○mūla m. Trapa Bispinosa L.

⋙ śṛṅgamohin

   ○mohin m. Michelia Champaka L.

⋙ śṛṅgaruha

   ○ruha m. Trapa Bispinosa L.

⋙ śṛṅgaroha

   ○roha vḷ. for śuṇḍ-r○ L.

⋙ śṛṅgavat

   ○vat mfn. horned MBh. 
   • having (many) peaks, peaked (as a mountain) R. 
   • m. N. of a mythical mountain forming one of the boundaries of the earth MBh. Pur.

⋙ śṛṅgavarjita

   ○varjita m. a hornless quadruped L.

⋙ śṛṅgavādya

   ○vādya n. a horn for blowing L. 
   • -priya m. 'fond of blowing his horn', N. of Kṛishṇa (cf. śṛṅga-priya) Pañcar.

⋙ śṛṅgavṛṣ

   ○vṛṣ m. N. of a man RV. viii, 17, 13

⋙ śṛṅgavera

   ○vera m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh. 
   • ginger (undried or dry) Suśr. (also ○raka L.) 
   • N. of a town ( -pura) 
   • -kalka m. sediment of ginger Suśr. 
   • -cūrṇa n. ginger-powder ib. 
   • -pura n. N. of a town (situated on the Ganges) MBh. R. &c. (-māhātmya n. N. of a ch. of the SkandaP.) ○râbha-mūlaka m. 'having a √like that of ginger', Typha Angustifolia L.

⋙ śṛṅgaśata

   ○śata n. a hundred peaks MW.

⋙ śṛṅgasukha

   ○sukha n. (prob.) horn-music L.

⋙ śṛṅgāgrapraharaṇābhimukha

   śṛṅgâgra-praharaṇâbhimukha mfn. ready to strike with the points of the horns Hit.

⋙ śṛṅgāntara

   śṛṅgântara n. the space or interval between the horns (of a cow &c.) Ragh.

⋙ śṛṅgābhihita

   śṛṅgâbhihitá mf(ā́)n. bound by the hṭhorns MaitrS.

⋙ śṛṅgīśvaratīrtha

   śṛṅgī́śvara-tīrtha n. (cf. next) N. of a Tirtha Cat.

⋙ śṛṅgeśvara

   śṛṅgêśvara m. or n. (?) N. of a place ib.

⋙ śṛṅgocchrāya

   śṛṅgôcchrāya m. a lofty peak Megh.

⋙ śṛṅgotpādana

   śṛṅgôtpādana mfn. producing or having the power to produce horns 
   • m. (with or scil. mantra) a spell producing horns Kathās.

⋙ śṛṅgotpādinī

   śṛṅgôtpādinī f. N. of a Yakshiṇi (producing horns and changing men into animals) ib.

⋙ śṛṅgonnati

   śṛṅgônnati f. elevation of a horn, rising (cf. śīrṣôdaya) Gaṇit. 
   • ○ty-adhikāra m. N. of wk

⋙ śṛṅgonnamana

   śṛṅgônnamana n. id. Gaṇit.

⋙ śṛṅgoṣṇīṣa

   śṛṅgôṣṇīṣa m. a lion L.

≫ śṛṅgaka

   śṛṅgaka m. n. (ifc. f. ikā) a horn or anything pointed like a horn MBh. Kathās. Hcat. 
   • a syringe Ratnâv. 
   • a cusp or horn of the moon Cat. 
   • m. a kind of plant (= jīvaka) L. 
   • (ikā), f. a kind of flute Saṃgīt. 
   • aconite L. 
   • a kind of gall-nut L. 
   • a kind of Betula or birch tree L.

≫ śṛṅgalā

   śṛṅgalā f. Odina Pinnata L.

≫ śṛṅgāṭa

   śṛṅgāṭa m. Trapa Bispinosa (also ī f.) Suśr. 
   • Asteracantha or Barleria Longifolia L. 
   • an instrument shaped like the thorny fruit of BarlṭBarleria LongṭLongifolia L. 
   • N. of a mountain in Kāmâkhyā KālP. 
   • mṇ. a triangle or a triangular place Kām. 
   • (in astron.) a partic. configuration of the planets VarBṛS. 
   • (in anat.) N. of partic. junctions of veins or blood-vessels (in nose, ear, eye, or tongue) Car. 
   • n. the triangular nut of Trapa Bispinosa Suśr. 
   • a place where three (or four) roads meet L.

≫ śṛṅgāṭaka

   śṛṅgāṭaka m. N. of various plants (Trapa Bispinosa &c. = śṛṅgāṭa) MBh. ŚārṅgS. Bhpr. 
   • a mountain having three peaks W. [Page 1087, Column 3] 
   • N. of a mountain (= śṛṅgāṭa) KālP. 
   • m. n. (ifc. f. akā and ikā) a place where four (or several) roads meet, crossway MBh. R. &c 
   • (in anat.) = śṛṅgāṭa Suśr. 
   • (in astron.) a partic. configuration of the planets (when all of them are in the 1st, 5th, and 9th asterisms) VarBṛS. 
   • n. a kind of pastry or minced meat &c. (called Samūsā in Hindi) Bhpr. 
   • a door W.

≫ śṛṅgāya

   śṛṅgāya Nom. Ā. ○yáte, to butt with the horns TBr.

≫ śṛṅgāra

   śṛṅgāra m. (prob. connected with śṛṅga as vṛndāra with vṛnda) love (as 'the horned' or 'the strong one'?), sexual passion or desire or enjoyment Kāv. Rājat. &c 
   • (in rhet.) the erotic sentiment (one of the 8 or 10 Rasas, q.v 
   • it has Vishṇu for its tutelary deity and black for its colour 
   • accord. to most authorities it is of two kinds, viz. sambhoga', mutual enjoyment', and vipralambha, 'deception, disappointment', to which by some is added as third a-yoga, 'separation') Bhar. Daśar. Sāh. &c 
   • a dress suitable for amorous purposes, elegant dress, line garments, finery Kāv. Pañcat. Kathās. &c 
   • the ornaments on an elephant (esp. red marks on its head and trunk) L. (cf. -dhārin) 
   • any mark MW. 
   • (also with bhaṭṭa) N. of various persons (esp. of a poet) Rājat. Cat. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a woman Inscr. 
   • (am), n. (only L.) gold 
   • red-lead 
   • fragrant powder for the dress or person 
   • cloves 
   • undried ginger 
   • black aloe-wood 
   • mfn. handsome, pretty, dainty, fine MBh. R.

⋙ śṛṅgārakalikā

   ○kalikā f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs. 
   • of a poem by Kāma-rāja Dīkshita

⋙ śṛṅgārakośa

   ○kośa m. N. of a poem and of a drama (of the class called Bhāṇa)

⋙ śṛṅgārakaustubha

   ○kaustubha m. N. of a rhet. wk

⋙ śṛṅgāragarva

   ○garva m. the pride of love L.

⋙ śṛṅgāragupta

   ○gupta m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śṛṅgāracandrodaya

   ○candrôdaya m. N. of wk

⋙ śṛṅgāraceṣṭā

   ○ceṣṭā f. (cf. Ragh.),

⋙ śṛṅgāraceṣṭita

   ○ceṣṭita n. (cf. Sāh.) love-gesture, any outward action indicating love

⋙ śṛṅgārajanman

   ○janman m. 'born from desire', N. of Kāma (god of love). L.

⋙ śṛṅgārajīvana

   ○jīvana n. N. of a drama (of the class called Bhāṇa)

⋙ śṛṅgārataṭinī

   ○taṭinī f. N. of a rhet. wk

⋙ śṛṅgārataraṃginī

   ○taraṃginī f. N. of a Bhāṇa and other wks

⋙ śṛṅgāratā

   ○tā f. the state of being ornamental or decorative Priy.

⋙ śṛṅgāratilaka

   ○tilaka n. N. of various wks. (esp. of a Kāvya, attributed to Kālidāsa, and of a rhet. wk. by Rudraṭa or Rudra-bhaṭṭa 12th or 13th century ā.ḍ. corresponding in its contents to the 3rd ch. of the Sāhitya-darpaṇa)

⋙ śṛṅgāradīpaka

   ○dīpaka m

⋙ śṛṅgāradīpikā

   ○dīpikā f. N. of wks

⋙ śṛṅgāradhārin

   ○dhārin mfn. wearing ornaments, ornamented (as an elephant) R.

⋙ śṛṅgārapaddhati

   ○paddhati f

⋙ śṛṅgārapadya

   ○padya n

⋙ śṛṅgārapāvana

   ○pāvana n. N. of wks

⋙ śṛṅgārapiṇḍaka

   ○piṇḍaka m. N. of a serpent-demon Hariv.

⋙ śṛṅgāraprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m

⋙ śṛṅgāraprabandhadīpikā

   ○prabandha-dīpikā f. N. of wks

⋙ śṛṅgārabhāṣita

   ○bhāṣita n. a love-story MW. 
   • amorous talk A.

⋙ śṛṅgārabhūṣaṇa

   ○bhūṣaṇa n. red-lead L. 
   • N. of a Bāṇa

⋙ śṛṅgārabhedapradīpa

   ○bheda-pradīpa m. N. of wk

⋙ śṛṅgāramañjarī

   ○mañjarī f. N. of a woman Vās. 
   • of a rhet. wk

⋙ śṛṅgāramaṇḍapa

   ○maṇḍapa m. or n. 'love-temple', N. of a temple SkandaP.

⋙ śṛṅgārayoni

   ○yoni m. 'love-source', N. of Kāma-deva L.

⋙ śṛṅgārarasa

   ○rasa m. the erotic sentiment 
   • -maṇḍana n. -vilāsa m. N. of rhet. wks 
   • ○sâṣṭaka n. eight stanzas attributed to Kālidāsa 
   • ○sôdaya m. N. of a drama

⋙ śṛṅgārarājīvana

   ○rājīvana n. (prob. for rājīva-vana) N. of a rhet. wk

⋙ śṛṅgāralajjā

   ○lajjā f. shame or modesty caused by love Śak.

⋙ śṛṅgāralatā

   ○latā f

⋙ śṛṅgāralaharī

   ○laharī f. N. of wks

⋙ śṛṅgāravat

   ○vat mfn. 'well dressed' or 'amorous' ( f.) 
   • amatory, erotic Daśar. Sch. 
   • (atī), f. N. of a woman Kathās. 
   • of a town Cat.

⋙ śṛṅgāravāpikā

   ○vāpikā f. N. of a Nāṭaka by Viśva-nātha

⋙ śṛṅgāravidhi

   ○vidhi m. a dress suitable for amorous interviews MW. 
   • N. of a rhet. wk

⋙ śṛṅgāraveṣa

   ○veṣa mfn. dressed suitably for amorous enterprises MBh. 
   • ○ṣâbharaṇa mfn. dressed and ornamented suitably for the above purpose ib.

⋙ śṛṅgāravairāgyataraṃgiṇī

   ○vairāgya-taraṃgiṇī f. N. of a Jaina poem by Soma-prabhâcārya

⋙ śṛṅgāraśata

   ○śata or n. 'a hundred verses on love', N. of various collections (esp. of the stanzas of Amaru and of the 2nd book of Bhartṛi-hari's poem)

⋙ śṛṅgāraśataka

   ○śataka n. 'a hundred verses on love', N. of various collections (esp. of the stanzas of Amaru and of the 2nd book of Bhartṛi-hari's poem)

⋙ śṛṅgāraśūra

   ○śūra m. a hero in love affairs Pañcar.

⋙ śṛṅgāraśekhara

   ○śekhara m. N. of a king Vās., Introd,

⋙ śṛṅgārasaptaśatī

   ○sapta-śatī f

⋙ śṛṅgārasarasī

   ○sarasī f

⋙ śṛṅgārasarvasva

   ○sarvasva n. N. of wks

⋙ śṛṅgārasahāya

   ○sahāya m. an assistant in affairs of love, confidant of a dramatic hero MW.

⋙ śṛṅgārasāra

   ○sāra m. N. of a Kāvya (by Kālidāsa)

⋙ śṛṅgārasiṃha

   ○siṃha m. N. of a man Rājat.

⋙ śṛṅgārasudhākara

   ○sudhâkara m. N. of the author of a Comm. on the Rāmâyaṇa

⋙ śṛṅgārasundarī

   ○sundarī f. N. of a princess Virac.

⋙ śṛṅgārastabaka

   ○stabaka m. N. of a drama (of the class called Bhāṇa)

⋙ śṛṅgārahāra

   ○hāra m. N. of a rhet wk. by Bala-deva

⋙ śṛṅgārādirasa

   śṛṅgārâdi-rasa m. N. of a rhet. wk

⋙ śṛṅgārābhra

   śṛṅgārâbhra n. a partic. mixture Rasêndrac.

⋙ śṛṅgārāmṛtalaharī

   śṛṅgārâmṛta-laharī f. N. of a rhet. wk. by Sāma-rāja

⋙ śṛṅgāraikarasa

   śṛṅgārâika-rasa mfn. one whose sole feeling is love MW. [Page 1088, Column 1] 

≫ śṛṅgāraka

   śṛṅgāraka mfn. horned, having a horn or crest L. 
   • m. love &c. (= śṛṅgāra) MW. 
   • (ikā), f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs. 
   • n. red-lead L.

≫ śṛṅgāraṇa

   śṛṅgāraṇa n. (with Pāśupatas) feigning love, amatory gesture or behaviour Sarvad.

≫ śṛṅgārita

   śṛṅgārita mfn. affected by love, impassioned MW. 
   • stained with red-lead, reddened ib. 
   • adorned, decorated, embellished Śiś.

≫ śṛṅgārin

   śṛṅgārin mfn. feeling love or amorous passion, enamoured, impassioned Kāv. Sch. 
   • erotic, relating to love Daśar. 
   • adorned, beautifully dressed Vās. 
   • stained with red-lead W. 
   • m. an impassioned lover ib. 
   • dress, decoration ib. 
   • an elephant L. 
   • the betel-nut tree L. 
   • a ruby(?), Pracaṇḍ 
   • (iṇī), f. a mistress, wife Inscr.

≫ śṛṅgārīya

   śṛṅgārīya Nom. P. ○yati, to long for love, Śāntiś:

≫ śṛṅgi 1

   śṛṅgi f. (= śṛṅgī) a species of fish L. 
   • gold used for ornaments (also -kanaka) W.

≫ śṛṅgi 2

   śṛṅgi in comp. for śṛṅgin

⋙ śṛṅgiputra

   ○putra m. N. of a preceptor Cat.

⋙ śṛṅgivara

   ○vara m. N. of a man ib.

≫ śṛṅgika

   śṛṅgika m. a partic. vegetable poison L. 
   • m. or f. (only ifc., f. ikā) a kind of missile or catapult MBh. iii, 363 (cf. Nīlak.) 
   • (ikā), f. śṛṅgaka

≫ śṛṅgiṇa

   śṛṅgiṇa mfn. horned W. 
   • m. a wild ram L. 
   • (ī), f. next

≫ śṛṅgin

   śṛṅgin mfn. horned, crested, peaked (ifc. having horns of -) RV. &c. &c 
   • tusked MBh. 
   • having a sting ( viṣa-śṛ○) 
   • breasted (in cāru-śṛ○, beautifully breasted) BhP. 
   • m. 'a horned or tusked animal', a bull L. 
   • elephant L. 
   • a mountain L. 
   • Ficus Infectoria L. 
   • Spondias Mangifera L. 
   • a partic. bulbous plant (= vṛṣabha) L. 
   • N. of a mythical mountain or mountain-range forming one of the boundaries of the earth ( śaila) VP. 
   • of a Ṛishi MBh. Hariv. 
   • (iṇī), f. a cow L. 
   • Cardiospermum Halicacabum L. 
   • Jasminum Sambac L.

≫ śṛṅgī

   śṛṅgī f. (g. gaurâdi) a sort of Silurus or sheat fish Bhpr. 
   • N. of various plants (Trapa Bispinosa, Ficus Infectoria or Indica &c.) ib. Suśr. 
   • a kind of vessel (?) Hcat. 
   • = -kanaka L.

⋙ śṛṅgīkanaka

   ○kanaka n. a kind of gold used for making ornaments L.

⋙ śṛṅgīviṣa

   ○viṣa n. a kind of plant having a poisonous √cf. Suśr

≫ śṛṅgeri

   śṛṅgeri or (prob.) f. (for śṛṅgagiri) N. of a hill and town in Mysore RTL. 55

⋙ śṛṅgerī

   śṛṅgerī (prob.) f. (for śṛṅgagiri) N. of a hill and town in Mysore RTL. 55

⋙ śṛṅgeripura

   ○pura n. id. ib.

⋙ śṛṅgerimaṭha

   ○maṭha f. N. of a monastery (founded by Śaṃkara) ib.

≫ śṛṅgya

   śṛṅgya mfn. horn-like, horny, g. śākhâdi


   śṛṅghāṇikā śṛṅkhāṇikā


   śṛtá mfn. (fr. √śrā 
   • cf. śrātá) cooked, boiled (opp. to āma', raw', and esp. said of water, milk, and ghee) RV. &c. &c 
   • n. cooked food, (esp.) boiled milk Br. ĀśvŚr. 
   • (ám), ind., below

⋙ śṛtakāma

   ○kāma (śṛtá-), mfn. liking boiled milk TBr. Kāṭh.

⋙ śṛtatva

   ○tvá n. the being cooked or boiled TS. TBr. Kāṭh.

⋙ śṛtapā

   ○pā́ mfn. one who drinks boiled milk RV.

⋙ śṛtapāka

   ○pā́ka mfn. thoroughly cooked or boiled ib.

⋙ śṛtaśīta

   ○śīta mfn. boiled and cooled again ĀpŚr. VarBṛS. Suśr.

⋙ śṛtātaṅkya

   śṛtâtaṅkyá mfn. to be curdled or coagulated in boiled milk TS. ĀpŚr.

⋙ śṛtāvadāna

   śṛtâvadāna n. a wooden implement for distributing the Puroḍāśa (q.v.) KātyŚr.

⋙ śṛtoṣṇa

   śṛtôṣṇa mfn. cooked and (still) hot Bhpr.

≫ śṛtaṃ

   śṛtáṃ in comp. for śṛtám

⋙ śṛtaṃkartṛ

   ○kartṛ́ mfn. one who cooks thoroughly TS.

⋙ śṛtaṃkāra

   ○kāra m. pl. N. of texts containing the word śṛta ĀpŚr.

⋙ śṛtaṃkṛta

   ○kṛta (śṛtáṃ-), mfn. cooked thoroughly TBr.

⋙ śṛtaṃkṛtya

   ○kṛtya mfn. to be cooked thoroughly TS.


   śṛdh cl. 1.P. Ā. (Dhātup. xviii, 21 
   • xxxiii, 61) śárdhati, ○te (pr. p. Ved. śárdhat and śárdhamāna 
   • Gr. also pf. śaśṛdhe 
   • aor. aśṛdhat, or aśardhiṣṭa 
   • fut. śartsyati or śardhiṣyate 
   • inf. śardhitum 
   • ind. p. śardhitvā or śṛddhvā), to break wind downwards (in ava- and vi-√śṛdh, q.v.) 
   • to mock at, ridicule, defy (with gen.) RV. VS. 
   • to moisten, become moist or wet Dhātup. xxi, 9: Caus. śardhayati (only in ati-praśardháyat) RV. viii, 13, 6: Desid. śiśardhiṣate, śiśṛtsati Gr.: Intens. śarīśṛdhyate, śarīśṛdhīti, śarīśarddhi ib.

≫ śardha


⋙ śardhana

   śardhana &c. p. 1058, col. 2

≫ śardhat

   śárdhat or mfn. mocking, defiant, bold RV. VS.

⋙ śardhamāna

   śárdhamāna mfn. mocking, defiant, bold RV. VS.

≫ śṛddha

   śṛddha mfn. expelled from the body downwards (as wind) MW. 
   • moistened ib.

≫ śṛdhu

   śṛdhu mf. the anus L. 
   • = buddhi L. [Page 1088, Column 2] 

⋙ sṛdhū

   sṛdhū f. the anus Uṇ. i, 93 Sch.

≫ śṛdhyā

   śṛdhyā́ f. boldness, defiance RV.


   śṝ cl. 9. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxxi, 18) śṛṇā́ti (pr. p. Ā. śṛṇāná RV. 
   • Impv. śṛṇa AV. 
   • pf. śaśāra, 2. sg. śaśaritha, 3. pl. śaśaruḥ, or śaśruḥ Gr 
   • śaśré AV. 
   • aor, aśarīt, aśarait AV. 
   • aśārīt Gr 
   • Prec. śīryāt ib. 
   • fut. [zar�ItA], [zar�ISyati] ib. 
   • śariṣyate Br. 
   • inf. [zar�Itum] Gr 
   • śárītos RV. 
   • śaritos AitĀr. 
   • ind. p. -śī́rya Br.), to crush, rend, break (Ā. with reference to self, as 'to break one's own arm') RV. AV. Br. 
   • to kill (game) Kir., xiv, 13: Pass. śīryate (m.c. also ○ti 
   • aor. aśāri, śāri), to be crushed or broken or rent or shattered RV. &c. &c 
   • to fall out or off MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to be worn out, decay, wither, fade ŚBr. Hariv. &c.: Caus. śārayati (aor. aśīśarat), Gr.: Desid. [zizar�ISati], śiśīrṣati ib.: Intens. śeśīryate, śāśarti ib.

≫ śīrṇa


⋙ śīrta


⋙ śulrta

   śulrtá s.v


   śeku śeku-ṣṭha Pāṇ. 8-3, 97


   śekhara m. (fr. or connected with śikhara) the top or crown of the head Kathās. 
   • a chaplet or wreath of flowers worn on the top of the head, crown, diadem, crest Hariv. Kām. Pur. &c 
   • a peak, summit, crest (of a mountain) ib. Rājat. 
   • (mostly ifc.) the highest part, chief or head or best or most beautiful of (-tā f.), Ṛit. Caurap. Dhūrtas. 
   • (in music) a partic. Dhruva or introductory verse of a song (recurring as a kind of refrain) 
   • N. of an author (with bhaṭṭa) Cat. 
   • of a grammatical work ib. 
   • (ī), f. Vanda Roxburghī L. 
   • n. cloves L. 
   • the √of Moringa Pterygosperma L.

⋙ śekharajyotis

   ○jyotis m. N. of a king Kathās.

⋙ śekharavyākhyā

   ○vyākhyā f. N. of a grammatical wk. ( above)

⋙ śekharāpīḍayojana

   śekharâpīḍa-yojana n. N. of one of the 64 Kalās or arts BhP. Sch.

≫ śekharaka

   śekharaka m. N. of the Viṭa (q.v.) in the drama Nāgânanda

≫ śekharaya

   śekharaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make into a chaplet or diadem Kāv.

≫ śekharāya

   śekharāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a chaplet or diadem &c. Nalac.

≫ śekharita

   śekharita mfn. made into or serving for a chaplet or diadem &c. BhP. 
   • crested, peaked, tipped with (comp.) Śiś.

≫ śekharī

   śekharī in comp. for śekhara

⋙ śekharīkṛ

   ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to make into a chaplet or diadem Kād.

⋙ śekharībhāva

   ○bhāva m. the becoming a dṭdiadem Bālar.

⋙ śekharībhū

   ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become a diadem VP.


   śeḍa or śeḍḍa, (prob.) N. of a place Rājat.


   śeṇavī or śeṇā f. (cf. ratna-śeṇā) N. of wk


   śetya mfn. = śetavya TāṇḍyaBr. (cf. Sch.)


   śépa m. (said to be fr. √1. śī, and connected with śiva and √śvi) the male organ, penis RV. AV. VS. TS. 
   • a tail (cf. paru-cchepa, śu-naḥ-śepa) RV. [Cf. Lat. cippus.]

⋙ śepaharṣaṇa

   ○hárṣaṇa mf(ī)n. causing erection of the male organ AV.

≫ śepas

   śépas n. the male organ AV. ŚāṅkhBr. Car. 
   • the scrotum or a testicle Uṇ. iv, 200

≫ śepya

   śepya mayūra-śepya

≫ śepyā

   śepyā́ f. the skin which covers the tail Kauś. (cf. Sch.)

⋙ śepyāvat

   ○vat mfn. tailed AV.

≫ śepha

   śepha m. (cf. śaphá, śiphā́) = śepa, the male organ TS. (vḷ.) MBh. 
   • the scrotum (du. 'the testicles') AitBr.

≫ śephaḥstambha

   śephaḥ-stambha m. (fr. śephas + st○) morbid rigidity and erection of the male organ Car.

≫ śephas

   śephas n. the male organ Suśr. VarBṛS.


   śepāna √śap, p. 1052, col. 1


   śepāla m. n. Vitex Negundo L.

≫ śephāli

   śephāli or f. id. L.

⋙ śephālī

   śephāḍlī f. id. L.

≫ śephālikā

   f. id. Suśr. Ṛitus. &c. (accord. to some also 'the fruit of the above tree' 
   • accord. to others 'Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis')


   śemuṣī f. (fr. pf. p. of √1. śam) understanding, intellect, wisdom Vās. Rājat. 
   • resolve, purpose, intention (ifc. ○ṣīka) Rājat. BrahmaP.

⋙ śemuṣīmuṣ

   ○muṣ mfn. robbing wisdom Hcar.


   śeya n. impers. (fr. √1. śī) it is to be lain or slept Pāṇ. 7-4, 22 Sch. [Page 1088, Column 3] 

≫ śeyya

   śeyya saha-śéyya


   śerabha and ○bhaka m. (cf. śarabha) N. of serpents AV.


   śel (also written sel), cl. 1. P. śelati, to go Dhātup. xv, 36

≫ śelāya

   śelāya Nom. P. ○yati g. kaṇḍv-ādi


   śelaga m. (cf. sélaga) N. of a man Pravar.


   śelu m. Cordia Myxa Suśr.


   śev (cf. √sev), cl. 1. Ā. śevate, to worship, serve Dhātup. xiv, 36


   śéva mfn. (prob. fr. √śvi, and connected with śavas and śiva) dear, precious RV. AV. 
   • m. (only L.) the male organ (cf. śepa) 
   • a serpent 
   • a fish 
   • height, elevation 
   • treasure, wealth 
   • N. of Agni 
   • (ā), f. the form of the Liṅga L. 
   • n. prosperity, happiness W. 
   • hail, homage (an exclamation or salutation addressed to the deities) ib.

⋙ śevadhi

   ○dhí m. (cf. L. also n.) 'treasure-receptacle', wealth, treasure, jewel RV. &c. &c 
   • treasury, an inexhaustible quantity (of good or evil) Siṃhâs. 
   • one of the nine treasures of Kubera MW. 
   • -pā́ mfn. guarding treasure RV.

≫ śevas

   śevas su-śévas

≫ śevāra

   śévāra m. (prob. for śeva-vāra) a treasury RV. viii, 1, 22

≫ śevṛdha

   śévṛdha or mfn. (prob. for śevavṛdha) 'increasing felicity', dear, precious RV.

⋙ śevṛdha

   śevṛdhá mfn. (prob. for śevavṛdha) 'increasing felicity', dear, precious RV. 
   • m. a kind of snake (also ○dhaka) AV.

≫ śevya

   śévya mfn. dear (as a friend) RV.


   śevaraka m. N. of an Asura Kathās.


   śévala mfn. (√1. śī) slimy(?) AV. i, 11, 4 
   • m. (?) in comp. forming proper names Pāṇ. 5-3, 84 
   • n. (cf. śaivala) Blyxa Octandra L.

⋙ śevaladatta

   ○datta m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 5-3, 84 Sch.

⋙ śevalendradatta

   śevalêndra-datta m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 1-b Kāś.

≫ śevalika

   śevalika m. (an endearing form) for śevaladatta Pāṇ. 5-3, 84

≫ śevalinī

   śevalinī f. (cf. śaivalinī) a river L.

≫ śevaliya

   śevaliya or,

⋙ śevalila

   śevaḍlila m. = śevalika Pāṇ. 5-3, 84

≫ śevāla

   śevāla m. n. Blyxa Octandra Dharmaśarm.

⋙ śevālaghoṣa

   ○ghoṣa m. N. of a mountain Siṃhâs. 
   • (ī), f. spikenard L.

≫ śevālī

   śevālī ind. (with √kṛ &c.) g. ūry-ādi


   śeśyita ○ta-vat, √1. śī


   śeśvīyamāna √śvi


   śeṣa m. n. (fr. √2. śiṣ) remainder, that which remains or is left, leavings, residue (pl. 'all the others'), surplus, balance, the rest (śeṣe loc. 'for the rest', 'in all other cases' 
   • śeṣe rātrau, 'during the rest of the night' 
   • mama śeṣam asti, 'there remains something to happen to me') 
   • that which has to be supplied (e.g. any word or words which have been omitted in a sentence 
   • iti śeṣaḥ, 'so it was left to be supplied', a phrase commonly used by Comm. in supplying any words necessary to elucidate the text) 
   • that which is saved or spared or allowed to escape (nom. with √as, or √bhū, 'to be spared' 
   • śeṣaṃ-√kṛ', to spare', 'allow to escape' 
   • śeṣam avâp 'to escape') Mn. MBh. R. &c 
   • remaining (used as an adj. at the end of adj. comp. [f. ā], cf. kathā-ś○, kṛtya-ś○) AitBr. &c. &c 
   • remaining out of or from, left from (with abl. or loc., e.g. prayātebhyo ye śeṣāḥ, 'the persons left out of those who had departed' 
   • but mostly ifc. after a pp. in comp., e.g. bhukta-śeṣa, 'remaining from a meal', 'remnant of food' 
   • hata-śeṣāḥ, 'those left out of the slain', 'the survivors' &c.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • end, issue, conclusion, finish, result RV. 77, 15 
   • last, last-mentioned Rājat. 
   • a supplement, appendix Nir. iii, 13 
   • a keepsake, token of remembrance Daś. 
   • secondary matter, accident KātyŚr. Sch. 
   • death, destruction W. 
   • m. N. of a celebrated mythological thousand-headed serpent regarded as the emblem of eternity (whence he is also called An-anta', the infinite' ; in the Vishṇu-Purāṇa he and the serpents Vāsuki and Takshaka are described as sons of Kadru, but in one place Śesha alone is called king of the Nāgas or snakes inhabiting Pātāla, while elsewhere Vāsuki also is described as king of the Nagas and Takshaka of the serpents ; the thousand headed Śesha is sometimes represented as forming the couch and canopy of Vishṇu whilst sleeping during the intervals of creation, sometimes as supporting the seven Pātālas with the seven regions above them and therefore the entire world [Page 1089, Column 1] ; he is said to have taught astronomy to Garga ; according to some legends he became incarnate in Bala-rāma, q.v.) MBh. Hariv. Pur. &c. (R.TL. 105 ; 112 ; 232, n. r) 
   • N. of one of the Prajā-patis R. VP. 
   • of a Muni MW. 
   • (also with ācārya, dīkṣita, śāstrin &c.) of various authors (cf. below) 
   • of one of the mythical elephants that support the earth L. 
   • a kind of metre L. 
   • (ā), f. pl. the remains of flowers or other offerings made to an idol and afterwards distributed amongst the worshippers and attendants (sg. 'a garden made of the remains of flowers') MBh. R. &c 
   • (ī), f. N. of a woman Cat. 
   • n. above

⋙ śeṣakamalākara

   ○kamalâkara m. N. os an author Cat.

⋙ śeṣakaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. the leaving a remnant of (comp.) PārGṛ. 
   • the doing what remains to be done MW.

⋙ śeṣakārita

   ○kārita mfn. unfinished, undone MBh.

⋙ śeṣakāla

   ○kāla m. the time of end or death W.

⋙ śeṣakṛṣṇa

   ○kṛṣṇa m. (also with paṇḍita) N. of various authors Cat.

⋙ śeṣakriyā

   ○kriyā f. the remainder of a ceremony Baudh.

⋙ śeṣagovinda

   ○govinda m. (with paṇḍita) N. of an astronomer Cat.

⋙ śeṣacakrapāṇi

   ○cakrapāṇi m. N. of a grammarian ib.

⋙ śeṣacintāmaṇi

   ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of a poem

⋙ śeṣajāti

   ○jāti f. (in alg.) assimilation of residue, reduction of fractions of residues or successive fractional remainders, Lil

⋙ śeṣatas

   ○tas ind. otherwise, else R.

⋙ śeṣatā

   ○tā āyuḥ- and lāvaṇya-śeṣatā

⋙ śeṣatva

   ○tva n. the state of being a remainder (ena', by the remainder, in every other case') Bhpr. KātyŚr. Sch. 
   • all that is left, residue MW. 
   • secondariness Jaim. Bādar. 
   • -vicāra m. N. of a Vedânta wk

⋙ śeṣadeva

   ○deva m. the serpent Śesha (worshipped) as a god Pañcar.

⋙ śeṣadharma

   ○dharma m. N. of a ch. of the Hari-vaṃśa

⋙ śeṣanāga

   ○nāga m. the serpent Śesha ( above) 
   • N. of the mythical author of the Paramârtha-sāra Cat.

⋙ śeṣanārāyaṇa

   ○nārāyaṇa m. N. of the author of the Sûkti-atnâkara (a Comm. on the Mahā-bhāshya 
   • also with -paṇḍita)

⋙ śeṣapati

   ○pati m. a superintendent, manager L.

⋙ śeṣabhāga

   ○bhāga m. the rest or remaining part W.

⋙ śeṣabhāva

   ○bhāva m. the being a remainder KātyŚr.

⋙ śeṣabhuj

   ○bhuj mfn. one who eats leavings Mn. BhP.

⋙ śeṣabhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. being left, remaining ŚāṅkhŚr. 
   • being secondary or accidental Jaim. Sch. 
   • (m. c. for śeṣā-bh○) being (i.e. 'as if being, as it were') a garland of flowers (cf. śeṣā f.) Mṛicch. x, 44

⋙ śeṣabhūṣaṇa

   ○bhūṣaṇa m. 'having the serpent-demon Śesha for ornament', N. of Vishṇu Cat.

⋙ śeṣabhojana

   ○bhojana n. the eating of leavings, eating the remnant of food (after feeding the family-guests &c.) W.

⋙ śeṣabhojin

   ○bhojin mfn. = -bhuj Āpast.

⋙ śeṣarakṣaṇa

   ○rakṣaṇa n. taking care that an undertaking is brought to a conclusion W.

⋙ śeṣaratnākara

   ○ratnâkara m. N. of the author of the Sāhityaratnākara (a Comm. on the Gita-govinda)

⋙ śeṣarātri

   ○rātri f. the last watch of the night W.

⋙ śeṣarāmacandra

   ○rāma-candra m. N. of a Scholiast on the Naishadhlya-carita Cat.

⋙ śeṣarūpin

   ○rūpin mfn. appearing to be secondary Sarvad.

⋙ śeṣavat

   ○vat mfn. left alive, spared MBh. 
   • characterized by an effect or result (sometimes applied in logic to a posteriori reasoning) Nyāyas.

⋙ śeṣavākyārthacandrikā

   ○vākyârthacandrikā f. N. of a Vedânta wk

⋙ śeṣavistārapāṇḍu

   ○vistārapāṇḍu mfn. pale in its remaining surface (said of a cloud) Megh.

⋙ śeṣaśarīra

   ○śarīra n. the remainder (i.e. all the other parts) of the body MW.

⋙ śeṣaśāragadhara

   ○śāragadhara m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śeṣaśeṣin

   ○śeṣin (ibc.), secondary and primary matter 
   • (○ṣi)-tva n. -bhāva m. the being secondary and pṭprimary matter, secondariness and primariness Madhus.

⋙ śeṣasaṃhitā

   ○saṃhitā f. N. of wk

⋙ śeṣasaṃgrahanāmamālā

   ○saṃgraha-nāma-mālā f

⋙ śeṣasaṃgrahasāroddhāra

   ○saṃgraha-sārôddhāra m. N. of supplements to Hema-candra's Abhidhāna-cintāmaṇi

⋙ śeṣasamuccayaṭīkā

   ○samuccaya-ṭīkā f

⋙ śeṣahomaprayoga

   ○homa-prayoga m. N. of wks

⋙ śeṣāṅkagaṇanā

   śeṣâṅkagaṇanā f. N. of an astron. wk. by Kamalâkara

⋙ śeṣādri

   śeṣâdri m. N. of a grammarian Cat.

⋙ śeṣādhikārīya

   śeṣâdhikārīya mfn. belonging to the section śeṣa Pāṇ. 7-3, 48

⋙ śeṣānanta

   śeṣânanta m

⋙ śeṣānanda

   śeṣânanda m. N. of two authors Cat.

⋙ śeṣānna

   śeṣânna n. leavings of a meal &c. W.

⋙ śeṣāryā

   śeṣâryā f. N. of a metrical introduction to the Vedânta by Śesha-nāga 
   • -vyākhyāna n. N. of wk

⋙ śeṣāvacayana

   śeṣâvacayana n. gathering up remnants, collecting what remains MW.

⋙ śeṣāvasthā

   śeṣâvasthā f. the last state or condition of life, old age W.

⋙ śeṣāhi

   śeṣâhi m. the serpent Śesha ( above) Pañcad. 
   • N. of a teacher (also called Nāgêśvara) Cat.

≫ śeṣaka

   śeṣaka m. the serpent Śesha Pañcar.

≫ śeṣaṇa

   śéṣaṇa n. a partic. term (in gambling) AV.

≫ śeṣas

   śéṣas n. offspring RV. [Page 1089, Column 2] 

⋙ śeṣin

   śeṣin mfn. having (little) remainder (i.e. constituting the' chief matter' or 'main point') Sarvad.

≫ śeṣībhū

   śeṣī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to be left, remain over Bālar.

≫ śeṣya

   śeṣya mfn. to be left or ignored or neglected Kathās.


   śai vḷ. for √śyai and śrai


   śaikayatāyani m. patr. fr. śīkayata g. tikâdi


   śaiki m. (only pl.) a patron. Pravar.


   śaikya mfn. (fr. śikya) suspended in the loop of a yoke (or m. 'a kind of sling' MBh. ii, 1916) Uṇ. v, 16 Sch. 
   • damasked (?) MBh. 
   • pointed (for śaikhya) MW.

⋙ śaikyāyasa

   śaikyâyasa mfn. made of damasked steel MBh. 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. id. ib.


   śaikṣa mf(ī)n. (fr. śikṣā) in accordance with right teaching or with rule, correct MBh. 
   • m. a young Brāhman pupil studying with his preceptor, one who has recently begun to repeat the Veda L.

≫ śaikṣika

   śaikṣika mfn. familiar with the Śikshā (q.v.) L.

≫ śaikṣya

   śaikṣya mfn. (v. l. for śaikṣa) conformable to right teaching or to rule, correct MBh. 
   • n. learning, skill MW.

⋙ śaikṣyaguṇakrama

   ○guṇa-krama mfn. possessing skill and cleverness and dexterity ib.


   śaikṣita m. metr. fr. śikṣitā Pāṇ. 4-1, 113 Sch.


   śaikha m. (fr. śikhā) the offspring of an outcaste Brāhman Mn. x, 21

≫ śaikhāyani

   śaikhāyani m. metron. fr. śikhā g. tikâdi

≫ śaikhāvata

   śaikhāvata m. patr. fr. śikhā-vat Pāṇ. 5-3, 118 
   • pl. and (ī), f. ib.

≫ śaikhāvatya

   śaikhāvatya m. a king of the Śaikhāvatas ib. 
   • N. of a Brāhman MBh.

≫ śaikhya

   śaikhya mfn. (cf. śaikya) pointed, spiked MW.


   śaikhaṇḍa mfn. (fr. śikhaṇḍin) Pāṇ. 6-4, 144, Vartt. 1

≫ śaikhaṇḍi

   śaikhaṇḍi m. patr. fr. śikhaṇḍin MBh.

≫ śaikhaṇḍina

   śaikhaṇḍina (fr. śikhaṇḍin), g. suvāstv-ādi 
   • n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.


   śaikharika m. (fr. śekhara) Achyranthes Aspera Car.

≫ śaikhareya

   śaikhareya m. id. L.


   śaikhina mfn. (fr. śikhin) relating to or coming from or produced by a peacock Suśr.


   śaigrava m. (fr. śigru) a patr., g. bidâdi 
   • n. the fruit of Moringa Pterygosperma, g. plakṣâdi


   śaighra n. (fr. śīghra) swiftness, velocity R. Kām. 
   • mfn. (in astron.) relating to a conjunction 
   • (with or scil. phala n.) the equation of the second epicycle, Śūryas.

≫ śaighrya

   śaighrya n. swiftness, rapidity, velocity MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • (in astron.) = preceding


   śaitikakṣa m. patr. fr. śiti-kakṣa (-pāñcāleyāḥ. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 37)

≫ śaitibāheya

   śaitibāheya m. metron. fr. śiti-bāhu Pāṇ. 4-1, .135 Sch.


   śaitoṣma or ○man n. pl. (fr. śīta + ūṣman) N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.


   śaitya n. (fr. śīta) coldness, frigidity, cold Yājñ. MBh. &c

⋙ śaityamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting in coldness, causing frost (-tva n.) Sāh.

≫ śaityāyana

   śaityāyana m. N. of a grammarian TPrāt.


   śaithilika mfn. (fr. śithila) loose, lax, slack, idle Lalit.

≫ śaithilya

   śaithilya n. looseness, laxity Hariv. R. &c 
   • flaccidity Suśr. 
   • decrease, diminution, smallness, weskness, relaxation, remission, depression (of the mind), unsteadiness, vacancy (of gaze) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • negligence in (comp.) Campak. 
   • relaxation of rule or connection W. 
   • dilatoriness, inattention MW.


   śaineya m. (fr. śini) patr. of Satyaka or Sātyaki (the charioteer of Kṛishṇa, represented as having destroyed numerous Dasyus) MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • pl. the descendants of Śini (a branch of the Yādavas) ib. 
   • (○yá), wṛ. for śyaineyá MaitrS.

≫ śainya

   śainya m. a patr. ĀśvŚr. 
   • pl. the descendants of Śini (who became Brāhmans, though originally of the Kshatriya race) Pur. [Page 1089, Column 3] 


   śaipatha m. a patr. Pravar.


   śaiphālika mfn. (fr. śephāli, or ○likā) made of the Vitex Negundo Pat.


   śaiba mfn. (also written śaiva) inhabited by Śibis Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 52 ; 69 
   • (ī), f. (of śaibya) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 73

≫ śaibika

   śaibika mfn. (fr. śibikā), g. chattrâdi (cf. Kāś.)

≫ śaibya

   śaibya mfn. (often written śaivya) relating or belonging to the Śibis AitBr. 
   • m. a descendant of Śibi or king of the Śbis PraśnUp. MBh. &c 
   • N. of one of the four horses of Vishṇu MBh. Hariv. BhP. 
   • (ā), f. (cf. under śaiba) N. of various princesses MBh. Caṇḍ. 
   • of a river MBh.


   śaibala ○bāla, śaivala, ○vāla


   śaimbya mfn. (fr. śimba) relating or belonging to leguminous plants (such as pulse &c.) KātyŚr. Sch.


   śairasa n. (fr. śiras) the head of a bedstead Car.

≫ śairasi

   śairasi m. patr. fr. śiras g. bāhv-ādi


   śairika (cf. sairika), m. N. of a man Cat.

≫ śairin

   śairin (?), m. N. of a man Pravar.


   śairīyaka or śaireyaka m. Barleria Cristata (a kind of shrub) W.


   śairīṣa m. (fr. śirīṣa) coming from the Acacia Sirissa Suśr. 
   • having the colour of Acacia Sirissa VarBṛS. 
   • n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.

≫ śairīṣaka

   śairīṣaka mfn. g. arīhaṇâdi 
   • (prob.) n. N. of a place Divyâv.

≫ śairīṣi

   śairīṣi m. patr. of the Ṛishi Su-vedas, (q.v.) RAnukr.

≫ śairīṣika

   śairīṣika mfn. g. kumudâdi


   śairṣaghātya n. (fr. śīrṣa-ghātin), g. brāhmaṇâdi


   śairṣacchedika mfn. (fr. śīrṣaccheda) one who deserves to have his head cut off Pāṇ. 5-?165


   śairṣāyaṇa mfn. (fr. śīrṣa), g. pakṣâdi

≫ śairṣika

   śairṣika carama-ś○

≫ śairṣya

   śairṣya mfn. (fr. śīrṣa), g. saṃkāśâdi


   śaila mf(ī)n. (fr. śilā) made of stone, stony, rocky MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • stone-like, rigid (with āsana n. a partic. manner of sitting) Cat. 
   • m. (ifc. f. ā) a rock, crag, hill, mountain (there are seven [or, accord, to some, eight] mythical mountain ranges separating the divisions of the earth, viz. niṣadha, hema-kūṭa, nīla, śveta, śṛn4gin, mālyavat, gandha-mādana VP.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • N. of the number 'seven' Gaṇit. 
   • a dike MW. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a nun Divyâv. 
   • (ī), f. below 
   • n. (only L.) benzoin or storax 
   • bitumen 
   • a sort of collyrium

⋙ śailakaṭaka

   ○kaṭaka m. the brow of a hill, slope of a mountain W.

⋙ śailakanyā

   ○kanyā f. 'danghter of the mṭmountain (Himâlaya)', N. of Pārvatī Hariv.

⋙ śailakampin

   ○kampin mfn. shaking mṭmountains 
   • m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. 
   • of a Dānava Hariv.

⋙ śailakuñja

   ○kuñja m. a mountain-copse, thicket on a hill MW.

⋙ śailakūṭa

   ○kūṭa mṇ. a mountain-peak VarBṛS.

⋙ śailagandha

   ○gandha n. a kind of sandal L.

⋙ śailagarbhāhvā

   ○garbhâhvā f. a kind of medicinal substance L.

⋙ śailagāthā

   ○gāthā f. pl. N. of a collection of hymns Divyâv.

⋙ śailaguru

   ○guru mfn. as heavy as a mountain Ragh. 
   • m. 'chief of mountains', N. of the Himâlaya, Kum

⋙ śailaja

   ○ja mfn. mountain-born R. 
   • made of stone Hcat. 
   • m. or n. a kind of lichen L. 
   • (ā), f. N. of various plants (= siṃha-pippalī, gaja-pipp○ &c.) L. 
   • N. of Durgā MW. 
   • n. bitumen L. 
   • benzoin or storax W. 
   • (-jā) -mantrin m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śailajana

   ○jana m. a person inhabiting mṭmountains, a mountaineer W.

⋙ śailajātā

   ○jātā f. a kind of pepper L. 
   • Scindapsus Officinalis L.

⋙ śailatanayā

   ○tanayā f. = -kanya Kathās. 
   • -tāta m. 'father of Pārvatī', the Himâlaya Dhūrtan.

⋙ śailatas

   ○tas ind. (= śailāt) from or than a mountain MW.

⋙ śailaṭā

   ○ṭā f. (Śārṅgp.) or (cf. MBh.) the condition of a mountain

⋙ śailatva

   ○tva n. (cf. MBh.) the condition of a mountain

⋙ śailaduhitṛ

   ○duhitṛ f. = -kanyā Kathās.

⋙ śailadhanvan

   ○dhanvan m. 'having a bow of rock', N. of Śiva L.

⋙ śailadhara

   ○dhara m. 'mountain-holder', N. of Kṛishṇa Dhanaṃj.

⋙ śailadhātu

   ○dhātu m. a mineral Hariv. 
   • -ja n. a kind of mineral resin L.

⋙ śailaniryāsa

   ○niryāsa m. 'rock-exudation', id. L. 
   • storax, benzoin L.

⋙ śailapati

   ○pati m. 'mountain-lord', the Himâlaya W.

⋙ śailapattra

   ○pattra m. Aegle Marmelos L. [Page 1090, Column 1] 

⋙ śailapatha

   ○patha m. a mountain path Rājat. 
   • N. of a man Cat. (wṛ. -yatha)

⋙ śailaputrī

   ○putrī f. = -kanyā MBh. Hariv. R. 
   • N. of the Ganges R.

⋙ śailapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town Kathās.

⋙ śailapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa n. bitumen Suśr.

⋙ śailapūrṇārya

   ○pūrṇârya m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ śailapratimā

   ○pratimā f. a stone image, idol made of stone Mṛicch.

⋙ śailaprastha

   ○prastha m. n. a mountain-plain plateau R.

⋙ śailabāhu

   ○bāhu m. N. of a serpent-demon Buddh.

⋙ śailabīja

   ○bīja m. 'having stony seeds', the marking-nut plant L.

⋙ śailabhitti

   ○bhitti f. an instrument for breaking or cutting stones L.

⋙ śailabheda

   ○bheda m. Coleus Scutellaroides Suśr.

⋙ śailamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. made or consisting of stone Hariv. R. &c

⋙ śailamallī

   ○mallī f. a kind of plant (commonly called koraiyā) Bhpr.

⋙ śailamūla

   ○mūla n. a kind of Zerumbet (= kacora) Suśr.

⋙ śailamṛga

   ○mṛga m. a wild goat MBh.

⋙ śailayatha

   ○yatha wṛ. for -patha

⋙ śailarandhra

   ○randhra n. 'mountain-hole', a cavern cave Ragh.

⋙ śailarāj

   ○rāj m. 'king of mountain', N. of the Himâlaya R.

⋙ śailarāja

   ○rāja m. id. Kāv. 
   • N. of Indra-kīla MW. 
   • -duhitṛ f. patr. of Pārvatī Cat. 
   • -sūtā f. id. R. 
   • patr. of Gaṅgā ib.

⋙ śailarugṇa

   ○rugṇa mfn. crushed by mountain Ragh.

⋙ śailavanopapanna

   ○vanôpapanna mfn. possessed of mountain and woods MW.

⋙ śailavara

   ○vara m. 'best of mountain', N. of the Himâlaya R.

⋙ śailavalkalā

   ○valkalā f. a kind of medicinal substance L.

⋙ śailavālukā

   ○vālukā or wṛ. for sâilavāl○ Hariv. Bhpr.

⋙ śailavālukāḥ

   ○vālukāḥ wṛ. for sâilavāl○ Hariv. Bhpr.

⋙ śailavāsa

   ○vāsa m. a mountain-habitation MW.

⋙ śailaśikhara

   ○śikhara m. n. the peak of a mṭmountain Kāv. Hit.

⋙ śailaśikhā

   ○śikhā f. the top of a mṭmountain 
   • a kind of metre Piṅg.

⋙ śailaśibira

   ○śibira n. 'rock-entrenched', the ocean L.

⋙ śailaśṛṅga

   ○śṛṅga n. a mountain-peak MBh.

⋙ śailaśekhara

   ○śekhara m. id. Kpr. Kuval.

⋙ śailasaṃdhi

   ○saṃdhi m. a valley L.

⋙ śailasambhava

   ○sambhava n. 'rock-produced', bitumen L.

⋙ śailasambhūta

   ○sambhūta n. red chalk L.

⋙ śailasarvajña

   ○sarvajña m. N. of a poet Sadukt.

⋙ śailasāra

   ○sāra mfn. hard as a rock Ragh. Kusum.

⋙ śailasutā

   ○sutā f. = -kanyā Kum. Kathās. 
   • a kind of plant (= mahā-jyotiṣmatī) L. 
   • -kānta m. 'husband of Pārvati', N. of Śiva Kathās. 
   • -caraṇa-rāga-yoni mfn. produced by the colour of PṭPārvati's feet MW. 
   • -pati m. = -sutākānta VarBṛS.

⋙ śailasetu

   ○setu m. a stone embankment, stone bridge Rājat.

⋙ śailāṃśa

   śailâṃśa or m. N. of a country MW.

⋙ śailāṃśadeśa

   śailâṃḍśa-deśa m. N. of a country MW.

⋙ śailākhya

   śailâkhya n. 'having the name Śaila', bitumen L.

⋙ śailāgra

   śailâgra n. a mountain top L.

⋙ śailāṅga

   śailâṅga or m. N. of a country MW.

⋙ śailāṅgadeśa

   śailâṅga-deśa m. N. of a country MW.

⋙ śailāja

   śailā-ja n. bitumen L. (wṛ. for śaila-ja)

⋙ śailāṭa

   śailâṭa m. a mountaineer, wild hill tribesman W. 
   • a lion L. 
   • a Kirāta L. 
   • = devalaka L. 
   • crystal L.

⋙ śailādhārā

   śailâdhārā f. 'mountain-support', the earth L.

⋙ śailādhipa

   śailâdhipa m. 'king of mountain', N. of the Himâlaya MW.

⋙ śailādhirāja

   śailâdhirāja m. id 
   • -tanayā f. 'daughter of Himālaya', N. of Pārvati Kāv.

⋙ śailābha

   śailâbha mfn. mountain-like, high as a mountain MBh. R. 
   • m. N. of a being reckoned among the Viśve Devāh MBh.

⋙ śailālaya

   śailâlaya m. N. of a king ib.

⋙ śailāsana

   śailâsana mfn. = next Car. 
   • ○nôdbhava mfn. made of stone or, of the wood of Terminalia Tomentosa Suśr.

⋙ śailāsā

   śailâsā f. N. of Pārvati L.

⋙ śailāhva

   śailâhva n. 'having the name Śaila', bitumen L.

⋙ śailedra

   śailêdra m. the chief or lord of mṭmountain (esp. as N. of the Himâlaya) R. MārkP. 
   • -jā f. N. of the Gaṅgā L. 
   • -duhitṛ f. 'daughter of Himālaya', N. of Pārvatī and of Gaṅgā ib. 
   • -sutā f. id. Siṃhâs. 
   • -stha m. a birch tree L.

⋙ śaileśa

   śailêśa m. 'lord of mountain', N. of the Himâlaya 
   • -liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga Cat.

⋙ śaileśyavasthā

   śailêśy-avasthā f. (with Jainas) the last stage of an ascetic's life, Śil,

⋙ śailodā

   śailôdā f. N. of a river MBh. R.

⋙ śailodbhavā

   śailôdbhavā f. a species of small pāṣāṇabhedin MW.

≫ śailaka

   śailaka n. bitumen VarBṛS. 
   • benzoin or storax W.

≫ śailāvatya

   śailāvatya m. a proper N. MW.

≫ śailika

   śailika m. N. of a people, MārkP. 
   • n. bitumen &c. L.

≫ śailī 1

   śailī f. (for 2. col. 2) hardness, stoniness W. (cf. śailya)

≫ śaileya

   śaileya mfn. rocky, stony, mountain-like, hard Pāṇ. 5-3, 102 
   • produced in mountains or rocks W. 
   • mṇ. bitumen (of virious kinds)
   Kāv. VarBṛS. Suśr. 
   • benzoin L. 
   • a kind of lichen L. 
   • m. a bee L. 
   • alion L. 
   • (ī), f. patr. of Pārvatī L. 
   • n. Anethum Graveolens L. 
   • rock-salt L.

⋙ śaileyagandhi

   ○gandhi mfn. smelling of bitumen, fragrant with benzoin &c. W.

≫ śaileyaka

   śaileyaka n. bitumen, benzoin &c. Suśr. VarBṛS.

≫ śaileyika

   śaileyika mfn. relating to bitumen &c. MW.

≫ śailya

   śailya mfn. rocky, stony, hard ib. 
   • n. (cf. 1. śailī) rockiness, stoniness, hardness ib.


   śailāda m. (fr. śilâda) a patr. Cat.

≫ śailādi

   śailādi m. (fr. id.) patr. of Nandin (one of Śiva's attendants) VāmP. [Page 1090, Column 2] 


   śailāla n. a work composed by Śilālin Pāṇ. 4-3, 110 Sch.

≫ śailāli 1

   śaílāli m. (fr. śilālin) N. of a teacher ŚBr.

≫ śailāli 2

   śailāli in comp. for śailālin

⋙ śailālibrāhmana

   ○brāhmana n. N. of a Brāhmaṇa ĀpŚr.

⋙ śailāliyuvan

   ○yuvan m. a young actor or dancer Hcar.

≫ śailālin

   śailālin m. (pl.) the school of Śilālin Pāṇ. 4-3, 110 
   • (sg.) an actor, dancer L. (cf. śailūṣa)


   śailikya m. = sarva-liṅgin L. 
   • n. (fr. śilika), g. purohitâdi


   śailiná m. (fr. śilina) N. of a preceptor ŚBr.

≫ śailini

   śailini m. id. BṛĀrUp.

śailī 2

   śailī f. (fr. śīla 
   • for 1. col. 1) habit, custom, manner of acting or living, practice, usage Kāv. Kathās. 
   • a special or particular interpretation (esp. a concise explanation of a gram. matical aphorism) L.

⋙ śailījñāpaka

   ○jñāpaka n. N. of wk


   śailūta m. or n. (?) N. of a place R. (v. l. for kolūka)


   śailūṣá m. (said to be fr. śilūṣa) an actor, public dancer, tumbler &c. VS. &c. &c 
   • the leader of a band, one who beats time (= tāladhāraka) L. 
   • a rogue L. 
   • Aegle Marmelos Bhpr. 
   • N. of a Gandharva king MBh. R. 
   • (pl.) of a people MārkP. 
   • (ī), f. an actress, female dancer MBh.

≫ śailūṣaka

   śailūṣaka mfn. inhabited by actors &c., g. rājanyâdi 
   • m. = śailūṣa MW.

≫ śailūṣi

   śailūṣi m. patr. of the Vedic Ṛishi Kulmalabarhisha RAnukr.

≫ śailūṣika

   śailūṣika m. and (ī), f. = śailūṣa, ○ṣī, Prâyaśc


   śaileścaya (?),
   m. (prob. wṛ. for. śaile-śaya) N. of a man (pl. his family) Pravar.

śaiva 1

   śaiva mf(ī)n. (fr. śiva) relating or belonging or sacred to the god Śiva, coming or derived from Śiva R. Kathās. Pur. &c 
   • m. patr. fr. śiva Pāṇ. 4-1, 112 
   • 'a worshipper or follower of Śiva', N. of one of the three great divisions of modern Hindūism (the other two being the Vaishṇavas and Śāktas, qq. vv 
   • the Śaivas identify Śiva-rather than Brahmā and Vishṇu-with the Supreme Being and are exclusively devoted to his worship, regarding him as the source and essence of the universe as well as its disintegrator and destroyer 
   • the temples dedicated to him in his reproducing and vivifying character [as denoted by the Liṅga, q.v.] are scattered all over India 
   • the various sects of Śaivas are described in RTL. 86 &c.) 
   • a particular religious rite in honour of Durgā (consisting of devout meditation and prostration of the body) MW. 
   • the thorn-apple L. 
   • a kind of plant (= vasuka) L. 
   • (with Jainas), N. of the fifth black Vāsudeva L. 
   • (ī), f. N. of the goddess Mānasā Cat. 
   • n. auspiciousness, welfare, prosperity BhP. 
   • N. of a Śāstra and of a Tantra and of a Purāṇa ( below)

⋙ śaivakalpadruma

   ○kalpadruma m. N. of wk. by Appaya Dikshita

⋙ śaivatattvaprakāśa

   ○tattva-prakāśa m

⋙ śaivatattvāmṛta

   ○tattvâmṛta n

⋙ śaivatantra

   ○tantra n. N. of wks

⋙ śaivatā

   ○tā f. devotion to or worship of Śiva Rājat.

⋙ śaivatātparyasaṃgraha

   ○tātparya-saṃgraha m. N. of wk

⋙ śaivadarśana

   ○darśana n. the Śaiva philosophy RTL. 89 
   • N. of the 7th ch. of the Sarva-darśana-saṃgraha

⋙ śaivadharmamaṇḍana

   ○dharma-maṇḍana n. N. of wk. on Dharma

⋙ śaivanagara

   ○nagara n. N. of a town Cat.

⋙ śaivanavadaśaprakaraṇa

   ○nava-daśa-prakaraṇa n

⋙ śaivapañcaka

   ○pañcaka n

⋙ śaivaparibhāṣā

   ○paribhāṣā f. N. of wks

⋙ śaivapurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n. N. of a Purāṇa (= śiva-p○, q.v.)

⋙ śaivapūjāvidhāna

   ○pūjā-vidhāna n. N. of a Purāṇa (= śiva-p○ q.v.)

⋙ śaivapūjāvidhāna

   ○pūjā-vidhāna n

⋙ śaivabhāṣya

   ○bhāṣya n. N. of wks

⋙ śaivavāyavīyapurāṇa

   ○vāyavīya-purāṇa n. N. of a Purāṇa

⋙ śaivavaiṣṇava

   ○vaiṣṇava n. N. of a Vedânta wk 
   • -pratiṣṭhā-prayoga m. -matamaṇḍana n. -vāda m. -vādârtha m. N. of wks

⋙ śaivasāstra

   ○sāstra n

⋙ śaivasarvasva

   ○sarvasva n

⋙ śaivasarvasvasāra

   ○sarvasva-sāra m

⋙ śaivasiddhāntadīpikā

   ○siddhânta-dīpikā f

⋙ śaivasiddhāntaśekhara

   ○siddhânta-śekhara m

⋙ śaivasiddhāntasaṃgraha

   ○siddhânta-saṃgraha m

⋙ śaivasiddhāntasāra

   ○siddhântasāra m

⋙ śaivasiddhāntasārāvalī

   ○siddhânta-sārâvalī f. N. of wks

⋙ śaivāgama

   śaivâgama m

⋙ śaivāṣṭaka

   śaivâṣṭaka n

⋙ śaivāhniha

   śaivâhniha n. N. of wks

≫ śaiva 2

   śaiva Vṛiddhi form of śiva in comp

⋙ śaivagava

   ○gava m. (fr. śiva-gu) N. of a Gotra or family ĀśvŚr.

⋙ śaivapāśupata

   ○pāśupata mfn. relating to Śiva Paśupati Cat. 
   • m. a worshipper of Śiva Paśupati Prab.

⋙ śaivapura

   ○pura mfn. (fr. śiva-pura) Pāṇ. 4-2, 109 Sch.

⋙ śaivarūpya

   ○rūpya mfn. (fr. śiva-rūpa) Pāṇ. 4-2, 106 Sch.

≫ śaivāyana

   śaivāyana m. patr. fr. śiva g. aśvâdi

≫ śaivi

   śaivi m. patr. fr. śiva Pravar. [Page 1090, Column 3] 

⋙ śaivya

   śaivya mfn. (cf. śaibya) relating or belonging to Śiva &c. W.

śaiva 3

   śaiva n. a kind of aquatic plant, Blyxa Octandra L.

≫ śaivala

   śaivala m. n. (ifc. f. ā cf. śevala), Blyxa Octandra (a kind of duck-weed or green moss-like plant growing in pools and often alluded to in poetry)
   MBh. Hariv. Kāv. &c 
   • m. N. of a mountain R. 
   • of a serpent-demon Buddh. 
   • (pl.) of a people MBh. (C. śaibāla) 
   • n. the (fragrant) wood of Cerasus Puddum (used in medicine) L.

⋙ śaivalavat

   ○vat mfn. = next Ragh.

≫ śaivalita

   śaivalita mfn. covered with Śaivala plants, g. tārakâdi

≫ śaivalin

   śaivalin mfn. id. Śiś. 
   • (inī), f. a river L.

≫ śaivalya

   śaivalya mf(ā)n. = prec. mfn. ṢaḍvBr. (v. l. śīpalya)

≫ śaivāla

   śaivāla n. the Śaivala plant MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • m. N. of a mountain MārkP. 
   • (pl.) of a people MBh. VP.

⋙ śaivālavajra

   ○vajra n. a kind of steel L.

≫ śaivālaka

   śaivālaka (ifc.) = the above plant, Śṛiṅgār 
   • m. N. of a mountain Siṃhâs.

≫ śaivālin

   śaivālin mfn. = śaivalin Bhām.

≫ śaivālīya

   śaivālīya Nom. P. ○yati, to resemble the Śaivala plant Vās., Introd

śaiva 4

   śaiva wṛ. for śaiba


   śaivākavi m. patr. fr. śivāku g. bāhv-ādi


   śaiśava mfn. (fr. śiśu) childish Viddh. 
   • m. a patr., Prav 
   • (pl.) N. of a people MBh. 
   • n. childhood, infancy, pupilage, the period under age (i.e. under sixteen) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • childishness, stupidity Prasannar. 
   • N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.

⋙ śaiśavayauvanīya

   ○yauvanīya mfn. representing childhood and youth Naish.

≫ śaiśavya

   śaiśavya n. childhood, infancy Sarvad. (prob. wṛ. for śaiśava)


   śaiśika m. Pl. N. of a people VP.


   śaiśirá mf(ī)u. ( śiśira) relating or belonging to the Śiśira or cool season AV. &c. &c 
   • composed by Śiśira Cat. 
   • m. N. of a teacher and founder of a supposed Sākhā of the Ṛig-veda ib. 
   • of a mountain MBh. 
   • of a dark kind of Cātaka bird L.

⋙ śaiśiraśākhā

   ○śākhā f. N. of a Śākhā of the Ṛig-veda, (perhaps only a subdivision of the Śākala) Cat.

⋙ śaiśirāstra

   śaiśirâstra mfn. having cold weapons (as the moon in fighting with the Daityas) Hariv. (vḷ. śiśirâstra)

≫ śaiśirāyaṇa

   śaiśirāyaṇa m. patr. fr. śiśira Hariv. (v. l. śiśirāyaṇa)

≫ śaiśiri

   śaiśiri m. (patr. fr. id.) N. of a teacher of the White Yajur-veda ĀśvŚr.

≫ śaiśirika

   śaiśirika mfn. one who studies or knows Śiśira, g. vasantâdi

≫ śaiśirīya

   śaiśirīya mfn. relating or belonging to Śaiśiri, g. gahâdi (accord. to some 'to be performed in the cool season') N. of one of the seven Śākala, text Cat.

⋙ śaiśirīyaśākhā

   ○śākhā f. a subordinate branch of the Śākalaśikhā ib.

≫ śaiśirīyaka

   śaiśirīyaka mfn. = śaiśirīya ib.

≫ śaiśireya

   śaiśireya m. patr. of a teacher ib.


   śaiśunāga m. patr. fr. śiśu-nāga 
   • (pl.) Śiśunāga and his descendants VP.

≫ śaiśunāri

   śaiśunāri (cf. Hcar.) and m. (prob.) wṛ. for śaiśupāli

⋙ śaiśunāli

   śaiśunāli (cf. Vās., Introd.), m. (prob.) wṛ. for śaiśupāli

≫ śaiśupāla

   śaiśupāla or m. patr. fr. śiśupāla MBh.

⋙ śaiśupāli

   śaiśupāli m. patr. fr. śiśupāla MBh.

≫ śaiśumāra

   śaiśumāra mfn. relating or belonging to Śisumāra BhP.


   śaiśnya m. (fr. śiśna 
   • scil. bhoga) sexual enjoyment BhP.


   śaiṣa m. (?for śaiśa 
   • śaiśirá above) the cool season L.


   śaiṣika mf(ī)n. (fr. śeṣa) relating to the remainder, holding good in the remaining cases (but only now and not in previous cases) Kār. on Pāṇ. Śiś. Sch. &c 
   • (ī), f. (with ṣaṣṭhī) the genitive case taught in Pāṇ. 2-3, 50 (in the rule ṣaṣṭhī śeṣe) Nyāyas. Sch.


   śaiṣiri wṛ. for śaiśiri (q.v.) [Page 1091, Column 1] 


   śaiṣyopādhyāyikā f. (fr. śiṣya + upâdhyāya) the relation between pupil and teacher Pāṇ. 5-1, 133 Sch.


   śaisīka and śaisīta m. pl. N. of a people VP.


   śo (cf. √1. śi), cl. 3. P. Ā. śiśāti, śíśīte (accord to Dhātup. xxvi, 36 also cl. 4. P. śyati, cf. ni-√śo 
   • pf. śaśau Gr 
   • p. śaśāná AV. 
   • aor. aśīta, cf. saṃ-√śo 
   • aśāt, or aśāsīt Gr 
   • Prec. śāyāt ib. 
   • fut. śātā, śāśyati ib. 
   • ind. śā́ya AV.), to whet, sharpen (Ā. 'one's own' weapons or horns) RV. AV. Hariv.: Pass. śāyate Gr.: Caus. śāyayati ib. 
   • Desid. śiśāsati ib.: Intens. śāśāyate, śaśeti, śāśāti ib. [? Cf. Gk. ? &c.] [1091, 1]

≫ śāta

   śāta mfn. 1. śāta, p. 1063, col. 3

≫ śita 4

   śitá mfn. (for 1. &c. p. 1069, col. 3) whetted, sharp RV. &c. &c 
   • thin, slender, weak, feeble L.


   śoṃs (substituted in certain formulas) for √śaṃs

≫ śoṃsāmas


⋙ śoṃsāmasāvas


⋙ śoṃsāmasāva

   śoṃsāmaḍsāva (substituted) for śaṃsāmas, ○sāvas, ○sāva (cf. śom, śośoṃsavas) TS.


   śoká mfn. (√śuc) burning, hot AV. 
   • (śóka), m. (ifc. f. ā) flame, glow, heat RV. AV. ŚBr. 
   • sorrow, affliction, anguish, pain, trouble, grief for (gen. or comp.) RV. &c. &c 
   • Sorrow personified (as a son of Death or of Droṇa and Abhimati) Pur. 
   • (ī), f. below

⋙ śokakara

   ○kara m. Semecarpus Anacardium L. (wṛ. for śopha-k○)

⋙ śokakarṣita

   ○karṣita mfn. harassed by sorrow, agonized with grief R.

⋙ śokacarcā

   ○carcā f. 'sorrow-repetition', indulgence in grief L.

⋙ śokacchid

   ○cchid mfn. sorrow-removing W.

⋙ śokaja

   ○ja mfn. produced by sorrow MBh.

⋙ śokatara

   ○tará mf(ā)n. conquering sṭsorrow ŚBr.

⋙ śokaduḥkhasamanvita

   ○duḥkha-samanvita mfn. affected by sorrow and pain MW.

⋙ śokanāśa

   ○nāśa m. 'sorrow-destroying', the Aśoka tree L.

⋙ śokanāśana

   ○nāśana mfn. sorrow-destroying, a remover of grief R.

⋙ śokanihata

   ○nihata mfn. struck down or overcome with sorrow Mṛicch. Hit.

⋙ śokapaṅka

   ○paṅka m. n. a slough of sorrow, sṭsorrow compared to a quagmire MBh.

⋙ śokaparāyaṇa

   ○parâyaṇa mfn. wholly given up to sorrow MBh. R.

⋙ śokaparipluta

   ○paripluta mfn. overwhelmed with sorrow MBh.

⋙ śokapātrātman

   ○pātrâtman mfn. id. (lit. 'whose soul is a receptacle for sorrow') Śak.

⋙ śokabhaṅga

   ○bhaṅga m. 'sorrow-break', dissipation or removal of grief MW.

⋙ śokabhāra

   ○bhāra m. a weight or burden of sṭsorrow MārkP.

⋙ śokamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of or full of sorrow Kathās.

⋙ śokamūrchita

   ○mūrchita mfn. stupefied or stunned by grief W.

⋙ śokarugṇa

   ○rugṇa mfn. broken down with sṭsorrow, in great distress R.

⋙ śokalālasa

   ○lālasa mfn. entirely given up to sṭsorrow MBh. R.

⋙ śokavat

   ○vat mfn. sorrowful ib.

⋙ śokavartavya

   ○vartavya mfn. (fr. √1. vṛ) to be involved in or exposed or obnoxious to sorrow Śak. (v. l.)

⋙ śokavikala

   ○vikala mfn. overwhelmed with sṭsorrow A.

⋙ śokavināśana

   ○vināśana or mfn. destroying or removing sorrow MBh.

⋙ śokavināśin

   ○vināḍśin mfn. destroying or removing sorrow MBh.

⋙ śokavivardhana

   ○vivardhana mfn. increasing sṭsorrow ib.

⋙ śokavihvala

   ○vihvala mfn. afflicted with sṭsorrow A.

⋙ śokasaṃvignamānasa

   ○saṃvigna-mānasa mfn. having the heart distracted with sorrow Bhag.

⋙ śokasaṃtapta

   ○saṃtapta mfn. consumed by sṭsorrow R. 
   • -mānasa mfn. one whose mind is consumed by sorrow MW.

⋙ śokasāgara

   ○sāgara m. a sea of sorrow, ocean of trouble R.

⋙ śokasthāna

   ○sthāna n. any circumstance or occasion of sorrow MBh. Hit.

⋙ śokahārī

   ○hārī f. a kind of plant (= vana-barbarikā) L. (wṛ. for śopha-hārin)

⋙ śokākula

   śokâkula mfn. overwhelmed or overcome, with sorrow Nal.

⋙ śokāgāra

   śokâgāra m. n. 'lamentation-room', an apartment to which women retire for weeping Divyâv.

⋙ śokāgni

   śokâgni m. the fire of sorrow, violent grief Kāv. Hit. 
   • -saṃtapta mfn. consumed by the fire of sorrow or grief W.

⋙ śokātiga

   śokâtiga mfn. overcoming sorrow KaṭhUp.

⋙ śokātisāra

   śokâtisāra m. diarrhoea produced by sṭsorrow MW.

⋙ śokānala

   śokânala m. = śokâgni ib.

⋙ śokānuśoka

   śokânuśoka n. sorrow upon sorrow, continual sorrow R.

⋙ śokāntara

   śokântara mfn. free from sorrow, BṛĀiUp. (á-ś○ ŚBr.)

⋙ śokānvita

   śokânvita mfn. filled with sorrow MW.

⋙ śokāpanuda

   śokâpanuda mfn. removing or alleviating sṭsorrow Pāṇ. 3-2, 5

⋙ śokāpanoda

   śokâpanoda m. removal of sorrow MW. 
   • mfn. = ○kâpanuda Pāṇ. 3-2, 5 Vārtt. 
   • m. a remover of grief, teacher of wisdom W.

⋙ śokāpaha

   śokâpaha mfn. destroying or removing sorrow Vop.

⋙ śokāpahartṛ

   śokâpahartṛ mfn. taking away or removing, sorrow W.

⋙ śokābhibhūta

   śokâbhibhūta mfn. afflicted with sṭsorrow A.

⋙ śokārātibhayatrāṇa

   śokârātibhaya-trāṇa n. protection or a protector from sorrow and enemies and danger Hit.

⋙ śokāri

   śokâri m. 'sorrowenemy', Nauclea Cadamba L.

⋙ śokārta

   śokârta mfn. afflicted with sorrow Hit.

⋙ śokārti

   śokârti f. visitation or affliction by sṭsorrow Mālatīm.

⋙ śokāviṣṭa

   śokâviṣṭa mfn. filled with sorrow ib.

⋙ śokāveśa

   śokâveśa m. a fit or paroxysm of sṭsorrow Śak.

⋙ śokaikamaya

   śokâika-maya mf(ī)n. consisting of sṭsorrow only MW. [Page 1091, Column 2] 

⋙ śokotpādana

   śokôtpādana mfn. causing sorrow ib.

⋙ śokodbhava

   śokôdbhava mfn. arising from sorrow W.

⋙ śokonmathitacittātman

   śokôn-mathita-cittâtman mfn. having the thoughts and mind agitated by sorrow MBh.

⋙ śokopahata

   śokôpahata mfn. afflicted with sorrow ib.

≫ śoca

   śoca a-śoca

≫ śocana

   śocana mfn. Pāṇ. 3-2, 150 
   • n. (cf. L.) and (ā), f. (cf. Hāsy.) grief, sorrow

≫ śocanīya

   śocanīya mfn. lamentable, deplorable (n. impers. 'it should be lamented') Kālid. Rājat.

⋙ śocanīyatā

   ○tā f. deplorableness Kum.

≫ śocayat

   śocayat mf(antī)n. (fr. Caus.) causing to burn or causing to grieve 
   • (śocáyantī), f. pl. 'inflaming', 'afflicting', N. of the Apsarases of the Gandharva Kāma TBr.

≫ śocayitṛ

   śocayitṛ m. a causer of grief or pain ib.

≫ śoci

   śocí f. flame, glow AV. ĀpŚi.

≫ śocitavya

   śocitavya mfn. to be lamented or mourned (○vye ind. 'when there is reason for lamentation or mourning'), deplorable MBh. R. Pañcat.

≫ śociṣ

   śociṣ in comp. for śocís

⋙ śociṣkeśa

   ○keśa (śocíṣ-), mfn. 'flame-haired', having flaming locks (applied to Agni and the sun) RV. ŚBr. 
   • m. fire L.

⋙ śociṣmat

   ○mat (śocíṣ-), mfn. flaming, shining, radiant RV.

≫ śociṣṭha

   śociṣṭha mfn. shining very much, most brilliant (said to be superl. of śukra) RV.

≫ śocis

   śocís n. flame, glow, radiance, light RV. AV. Hariv. 
   • colour Kpr. 
   • splendour, beauty BhP. 
   • mfn. shining, brilliant ib.

≫ śocya

   śocya mfn. to be lamented (n. impers.), deplorable, miserable MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • -tā f. deplorableness, miserable condition Kathās. 
   • = next MW.

≫ śocyaka

   śocyaka m. a deplorable or miserable person, wretched man L.


   śókī f. = rātri, night Naigh. i, 7


   śoṭīrya n. = śauṭīrya, valour, heroism L.


   śoṭha p. 1081, col. 3


   śoḍha wṛ. for soḍha Kathās.


   śoṇ (rather Nom. fr. next), cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xiii, 13) śoṇati (occurring only in pf. śuśoṇa), to be or become red Hcar. 
   • to go, move, approach Dhātup.

≫ śoṇa

   śóṇa mf(ā or ī)n. red, crimson, purple RV. &c. &c 
   • m. redness BhP. 
   • fire L. 
   • Bignonia Indica or a variety of it L. 
   • red sugar cane L. 
   • a chestnut or bay horse L. 
   • the river Śona or Sone (also ā, f 
   • it rises in Gondwana in the district of Nagpore, on the table-land of Amara-kaṇṭaka, four or five miles east of the source of the Narmadā ṇerbudda, and running first northerly and then easterly for 500 miles falls into the Ganges above Pāṭali-putra or Patnā) MBh. R. &c 
   • N. of a partic. ocean L. 
   • of a man, g. naḍâdi 
   • of a prince of the Pañcālas ŚBr. 
   • (ā), f. above 
   • n. blood L. 
   • red-lead L.

⋙ śoṇakarṇa

   ○karṇa mfn. having red ears Kāṭh.

⋙ śoṇajhiṇṭikā

   ○jhiṇṭikā f. a kind of red-flowering Barleria Cristata L.

⋙ śoṇajhiṇṭī

   ○jhiṇṭī f. N. of two plants (= kurabaka and kaṇṭakinī) L.

⋙ śoṇatā

   ○tā f. redness Kathās.

⋙ śoṇanada

   ○nada m. N. of a river MW.

⋙ śoṇapattra

   ○pattra m. a kind of red-flowering hogweed L.

⋙ śoṇapadma

   ○padma m. (cf. Gīt.) or (L.) a red lotus

⋙ śoṇapadmaka

   ○padḍmaka n. (L.) a red lotus

⋙ śoṇapura

   ○pura n. N. of a well-known town and place of pilgrimage

⋙ śoṇapuṣpaka

   ○puṣpaka m. Bauhinia Variegata Bhpr.

⋙ śoṇapuṣpī

   ○puṣpī f. a kind of plant (= sindūra-p○) L.

⋙ śoṇaprastha

   ○prastha v. l. for śoṇā-pr○

⋙ śoṇabhadra

   ○bhadra m. N. of a river R.

⋙ śoṇamaṇī

   ○maṇī (m. c.), f. a ruby Sāh.

⋙ śoṇaratna

   ○ratna n. a red gem, ruby L.

⋙ śoṇavajra

   ○vajra n. a kind of steel L.

⋙ śoṇaśāli

   ○śāli m. red rice L.

⋙ śoṇasaṃgama

   ○saṃgama m. 'Śoṇaconfluence', N. of a celebrated place of pilgrimage MW.

⋙ śoṇasambhava

   ○sambhava n. the √of long pepper L.

⋙ śoṇahaya

   ○haya mfn. having red horses (said of Droṇa) MBh.

⋙ śoṇādhara

   śoṇâdhara mf(ā)n. red-lipped Bhām.

⋙ śoṇāprastha

   śoṇā-prastha g. mālâdi

⋙ śoṇāmbu

   śoṇâmbu m. 'having crimson water', N. of one of the seven clouds at the destruction of the world Cat.

⋙ śoṇāśman

   śoṇâśman m. a red stone, ruby Vcar.

⋙ śoṇāśva

   śoṇâśva mfn. = śoṇa-haya MBh. 
   • m. N. of a son of Rājâdhideva Hariv.

⋙ śoṇottarā

   śoṇôttarā f. N. of a woman Mudr.

⋙ śoṇopala

   śoṇôpala m. a red stone MW. 
   • a ruby Dharmaśarm.

≫ śoṇaka

   śoṇaka m. Bignonia Indica Bhpr.

≫ śoṇāka

   śoṇāka m. id. VarBṛS.

≫ śoṇāya

   śoṇāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to redden, become red BhP. ○yita, mfn. become red ib.

≫ śoṇita

   śoṇita mfn. red W. 
   • n. (ifc. f. ā) blood (also pl.) GṛŚrS. &c. &c. [Page 1091, Column 3] 
   • the sap of trees, resin Suśr. 
   • saffron Bhpr.

⋙ śoṇitacandana

   ○candana n. red sandal L.

⋙ śoṇitatva

   ○tva n. the being blood, bloodiness MBh.

⋙ śoṇitapa

   ○pa mfn. drinking bloodiness W. 
   • bloodiness-sucking MW.

⋙ śoṇitapāraṇā

   ○pāraṇā f. a breakfast of blṭbloodiness Ragh.

⋙ śoṇitapitta

   ○pitta n. hemorrhage Suśr. 
   • -vat mfn. subject to hemorrhage ib.

⋙ śoṇitapura

   ○pura n. N. of the city of the Asura Bāṇa Hariv. Pur.

⋙ śoṇitapriyā

   ○priyā f. N. of a goddess Siṃhâs.

⋙ śoṇitabinduvarṣin

   ○bindu-varṣin mfn. showering drops of blood MW.

⋙ śoṇitamāṃsasāra

   ○māṃsa-sāra mfn. having blood and flesh for essence VarBṛS.

⋙ śoṇitamehin

   ○mehin mfn. discharging urine mixed with bloodiness Suśr.

⋙ śoṇitavarṇana

   ○varṇana n. description of the properties of blood 
   • ○nīya mfn. relating to that subject Suśr.

⋙ śoṇitavarṣin

   ○varṣin mfn. flowing with blṭbloodiness Rājat.

⋙ śoṇitaśarkarā

   ○śarkarā f. sugar of honey L.

⋙ śoṇitasāhvaya

   ○sâhvaya mfn. named after blṭbloodiness 
   • (with pura), n. = -pura Hariv.

⋙ śoṇitasnāta

   ○snāta mfn. bathed in blṭbloodiness MW.

⋙ śoṇitākṣa

   śoṇitâkṣa m. 'having blood-shot eyes', N. of a Rākshasa R.

⋙ śoṇitākhya

   śoṇitâkhya mfn. = ○ta-sâhvaya BhP.

⋙ śoṇitādigdha

   śoṇitâdigdha mfn. blood-stained MBh.

⋙ śoṇitābhiṣyanda

   śoṇitâbhiṣyanda m. congestion of blṭbloodiness Car.

⋙ śoṇitāmaya

   śoṇitâmaya m. a partic. disease of the blṭbloodiness L.

⋙ śoṇitārbuda

   śoṇitârbuda n. a bloody tumour Suśr.

⋙ śoṇitārśas

   śoṇitârśas n. 'bloody pustules', a partic. disease of the eyelid Suśr. 
   • ○śin mfn. suffering from the above disease Uṇ. iv, 195 Sch.

⋙ śoṇitāśin

   śoṇitâśin mfn. drinking blood (fig.) Veṇis.

⋙ śoṇitāhvaya

   śoṇitâhvaya n. 'having name of blṭbloodiness', saffron L.

⋙ śoṇitokṣita

   śoṇitôkṣita mfn. blṭbloodiness-stained MBh.

⋙ śoṇitotpala

   śoṇitôtpala n. a red lotus MW.

⋙ śoṇitotpādaka

   śoṇitôtpādaka m. a spiller of blood Mn. iv, 168

⋙ śoṇitoda

   śoṇitôda m. N. of a Yaksha MBh.

⋙ śoṇitopala

   śoṇitôpala m. 'blood-stone', a ruby L.

⋙ śoṇitaugha

   śoṇitâugha m. a torrent of blood MW.

≫ śoṇitin

   śoṇitin vāta-ś○

≫ śoṇiman

   śoṇiman m. redness Kāv. Kād. BhP.

≫ śoṇī

   śoṇī f. N. of a town

⋙ śoṇīpuramāhātmya

   ○pura-māhātmya n. N. of a ch. of the Padma-purāṇa

≫ śoṇīkṛ

   śoṇī-√kṛ P. -karoti, to colour blood-red Hcar. Kād.


   śoṇḍa śoṇḍī wṛ. for śauṇḍa, ○ḍī


   śotha m. (ifc. f. ā 
   • fr. √śū = śvi) a swelling, tumour, morbid intumescence, dropsy Suśr.

⋙ śothakṛt

   ○kṛt m. 'causing swellings (? wṛ. for -hṛt)', Semecarpus Anacardium L.

⋙ śothaghnī

   ○ghnī f. 'removing tumours', Boerhavia Procumbens or Desmodium Gangeticum L.

⋙ śothajit

   ○jit m. id., Boerhavia Procumbens L.

⋙ śothajihma

   ○jihma m. hogweed MW.

⋙ śotharoga

   ○roga m. 'swelling disease', dropsy Bhpr.

⋙ śothaśatra

   ○śatra m. = śothâri L.

⋙ śothahṛt

   ○hṛt m. 'tumour-removing', Semecarpus Anacardium L.

⋙ śothāri

   śothâri m. 'enemy of swellings', Boerhavia Procumbens L.

≫ śothaka

   śothaka m. = śotha above L.


   śoddhavya mfn. (fut. p.p., √śudh) to be cleansed or purified or corrected MW.

≫ śodha

   śodha m. purification, cleansing Vop. 
   • correction, setting right MW. 
   • payment ib. 
   • retaliation ib.

⋙ śodhapattra

   ○pattra n. a sheet or paper of corrections (cf. śuddhi-p○) ib.

≫ śodhaka

   śodhaka mf(ikā)n. purificatory, m. a purifier R. 
   • corrective MW. 
   • (in arithm. or alg.) 'corrector', the subtrahend, the quantity to be subtracted from a number (to render it capable of yielding an exact square root) Col. 
   • (ikā), f. a red variety of Panicum Italicum L. 
   • n. a partic. kind of earth (= kaṅkuṣṭha) L.

≫ śodhana

   śodhana mfn. cleaning, purifying, cleansing, refining, purgative Mn. MBh. Suśr. 
   • m. the citron tree L. 
   • Alangium Hexapetalum L. 
   • (ī), f. below 
   • (am), n. the act of cleaning, purifying, correcting, improving Nir. KātyŚr. MBh. &c 
   • refining (as of metals for chemical or medicinal purposes) W. 
   • a means of purification Mn. Suśr. 
   • clearing up, sifting, investigation, examination, correction Kām. Hit. Yājñ. Sch. 
   • payment, acquittance W. 
   • justifying, exculpating R. 
   • expiation MW. 
   • retaliation, punishment ib. 
   • removal, eradication Mn. MBh. &c 
   • (in arithm.) subtraction, Bījag 
   • excrement, ordure ib. 
   • green vitriol ib.

≫ śodhanaka

   śodhanaka m. a kind of official or servant in a judge's court (charged with cleaning and keeping it in order) Mṛicch.

≫ śodhanī

   śodhanī f. a broom, brush L. 
   • the indigo plant or = tāmra-vallī L.

⋙ śodhanībīja

   ○bīja n. the seed of Croton Jamalgota L.

≫ śodhanīya

   śodhanīya mfn. to be cleansed or purified Kull. 
   • to be discharged or paid Kathās. 
   • serving for purification Suśr. [Page 1092, Column 1] 
   • to be corrected W. 
   • to be subtracted ib. 
   • n. a means of cleansing or purifying Suśr.

≫ śodhayitavya

   śodhayitavya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be cleansed or purified SaddhP.

≫ śodhayitṛ

   śodhayitṛ mfn. (fr. id.) purifying, a purifier L.

≫ śodhita

   śodhita mfn. (fr. id.) cleansed, purified refined corrected &c 
   • removed Kām. 
   • justified, exculpated Mn. viii, 202 
   • discharged, liquidated (as a debt) W.

≫ śodhin

   śodhin mfn. cleansing, purifying Suśr. 
   • requiting, settling ib.

≫ śodhya

   śodhya mfn. to be cleansed or purified or refined or corrected or improved Mn. Yājñ. &c 
   • to be discharged, payable, due W. 
   • to be subtracted VarBṛS. Sch. 
   • m. an accused person, one to be tried or cleared W. 
   • n. (in arith.) a constant number to be subtracted ib.


   śonāya śonita, incorrect for śoṇāya, ○ṇita


   śopha m. (connected with √śvi 
   • ifc. f. ā 
   • cf. śotha) intumescence, morbid swelling, tumour Suśr. Kathās.

⋙ śophaghnī

   ○ghnī f. 'removing swellings', Desmodium Gangeticum L. 
   • a Punar-navā with red flowers L.

⋙ śophanāśana

   ○nāśana m. id., a kind of plant (= nīla) L. 
   • (ī), f. Boerhavia Procumbens L.

⋙ śophahārin

   ○hārin m. id., Ocimum Pilosum L.

⋙ śophahṛt

   ○hṛt m. id., Semecarpus Anacardium L.

⋙ śophāri

   śophâri m. 'enemy of swellings', a kind of bulbous plant L.

≫ śophita

   śophita mfn. afflicted with tumours or swellings Bhadrab.

≫ śophin

   śophin mfn. having tumours, subject to swellings, id. Car.


   śobha mfn. (fr. √śubh) bright, brilliant, handsome W. 
   • m. N. of a man Rājat. 
   • (pl.) of a class of gods L. 
   • of a class of heretics L. 
   • lustre (in comp. for śobhā, q.v.)

⋙ śobhakṛt

   ○kṛt m. causing lustre beautifying W. 
   • the 36th (or 37th) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years (cf. śubha-kṛt) VarBṛS. 
   • wṛ. for śotha-kṛt L.

⋙ śobhajāta

   ○jāta m. 'lustre-born', N. of a prince Buddh.

≫ śobhaka

   śobhaka mf(ikā)n. brilliant, beautiful Naish. 
   • m. N. of a man Rājat.

≫ śobhatha

   śobhátha m. splendour SV.

≫ śobhana

   śobhaná mf(ā or ī)n. brilliant, splendid, beautiful (at end of comp. = 'beautiful by reason of') ŚBr. Kauś. MBh. &c 
   • excellent, glorious, magnificent, distinguished in or by (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (ifc.) superior to, better than BhP. propitious, auspicious VarBṛS. Rājat. 
   • virtuous, moral ( comp.) 
   • correct, right Sarvad. 
   • m. N. of Agni at the Śuṅgā-karman Gṛihyās. 
   • of Śiva MBh. 
   • a burnt offering for auspicious results W. 
   • the fifth of the astron. Yogas. L. 
   • a planet L. 
   • the eleventh year of Jupiter's cycle MW. 
   • (ā), f. a beautiful woman (often in voc.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • turmeric L. 
   • the yellow pigment Go-rocanā L. 
   • N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh. 
   • (am), n. the act of adorning, causing to look beautiful MW. 
   • an ornament ( karṇa-ś○) 
   • anything propitious or auspicious, welfare, prosperity R. Pur. 
   • moral good, virtue ib. brilliance MW. 
   • a lotus L. 
   • tin L. 
   • (with kaśyapasya) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.

⋙ śobhanavatī

   ○vatī f. N. of a town W.

⋙ śobhanavāha

   ○vāha mfn. having splendid carriers or horses MW.

⋙ śobhanavyūha

   ○vyūha (?), m. N. of a scholar Buddh.

⋙ śobhanācarita

   śobhanâcarita n. virtuous practice ib.

≫ śobhanaka

   śobhanaka m. Moringa Pterygosperma L.

≫ śobhanika

   śobhanika m. a kind of actor (v. l. śaubhika) Pat. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 26 Vārtt. 15

≫ śobhanīya

   śobhanīya mfn. to be beautified or adorned MW. 
   • beautiful, splendid Kāraṇḍ.

≫ śobhayitṛ

   śobhayitṛ mfn. adorning, beautifying Nir.

≫ śobhase

   śobháse Ved. inf. of √śubh, q.v

≫ śobhā

   śobhā́ f. (ifc. f. ā) splendour, brilliance, lustre, beauty, grace, loveliness (kā śobhā with loc., 'what beauty is there in that', i.e. 'it has no beauty' 
   • śobhāṃ na-√kṛ, 'to look bad or ugly' 
   • ifc. often = 'splendid', 'excellent', e.g. śaurya-śobhā, 'splendid heroism' 
   • karma-śobhā, 'a masterpiece') TS. &c. &c 
   • distinguished merit W. 
   • colour, hue VarBṛS. Mudr. 
   • wish, desire L. 
   • a kind of metre Col. 
   • turmeric L. 
   • the yellow pigment Go-rocanā L.

⋙ śobhākara

   ○kara mfn. causing lustre, beautifying MBh. 
   • -bhaṭṭa and -mitra m. N. of two authors Cat.

⋙ śobhāñjana

   ○"ṣñjana or (śobhâñj○), m. Moringa Pterygosperma (its leaves, flowers and √are edible and are used medicinally, = śigru, q.v.) MBh. Suśr. Bhpr.

⋙ śobhāñjanaka

   ○"ṣñjaḍnaka (śobhâñj○), m. Moringa Pterygosperma (its leaves, flowers and √are edible and are used medicinally, = śigru, q.v.) MBh. Suśr. Bhpr.

⋙ śobhāmaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. full of lustre or beauty, beautiful MW.

⋙ śobhāvatī

   ○vatī f. a kind of metre Col. [Page 1092, Column 2] 
   • N. of a town (cf. śobhana-vatī) Kathās.

⋙ śobhāsiṃha

   ○siṃha m. N. of a king Kshitîś.

≫ śobhāka

   śobhāka m. N. of a poet Cat.

≫ śobhāya

   śobhāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to represent the beauty of anything Nalac.

≫ śobhita

   śobhita mfn. (mostly ifc.) splendid, beautiful, adorned or embellished by MBh. Kāv. &c

≫ śobhin

   śobhin mfn. brilliant, splendid, beautiful MBh. 
   • (ifc.) resplendent with, beautified by MBh. Kāv. &c. (also for śobha = śobhā 
   • e.g. anumeya-śobhin, 'whose splendour may be infered from' Kum. i, 37)

≫ śobhiṣṭha

   śóbhiṣṭha mfn. most brilliant or splendid RV.

≫ śobhuśubha

   śobhuśubha or mfn. shining intensely or repeatedly, Uṇādi-vṛ. 19

⋙ śaubhuśubha

   śaubhuśubha mfn. shining intensely or repeatedly, Uṇādi-vṛ. 19

≫ śośubhyamāna

   śośubhyamāna mfn. (fr. Intens. of √śubh) shining very much, very brilliant MBh.


   śom ind. an exclamation interposed in reciting sacred texts (cf. śoṃs, śoṃsāmos, śośoṃsāvas) TUp.


   śolī f. yellow turmeric L.


   śóśucat mfn. (fr. Intens. of √śuc) shining very brightly, very splendid RV.

≫ śośucāna

   śóśucāna mfn. id. ib.

≫ śośucyamāna

   śośucyamāna mfn. sorrowing intensely, grieving deeply Bhaṭṭ.


   śośoṃsāvas √śaṃs, śoṃs

śoṣa 1

   śoṣa mfn. (fr. √1. śuṣ) drying up, desiccating (also fig. = 'removing, destroying') BhP. 
   • m. the act of drying up, desiccation, dryness MBh. Suśr. 
   • pulmonary consumption (also personified as an evil demon) Suśr. VarBṛS. Hcat. 
   • (also wṛ. for śotha or śopha.)

⋙ śoṣasambhava

   ○sambhava m. the √of long pepper L.

⋙ śoṣāpahā

   śoṣâpahā f. 'removing consumption', a kind of plant (= klītanaka) L.

≫ śoṣaka

   śoṣaka mfn. drying up, absorbing, removing, destroying BhP.

≫ śoṣaṇa

   śoṣaṇa mf(ī)n. drying up, draining, parching, withering Nir. MBh. Suśr. 
   • (ifc.) removing, destroying BhP. 
   • m. N. of an Agni, Hiriv 
   • of one of the arrows of Kāma-deva (god of love) Vet. Gīt. Sch. 
   • Bignonia Indica L. 
   • n. drying up (intr.), desiccation MaitrUp. VarBṛS. 
   • making dry, draining, suction MBh. Pañcat. Suśr. 
   • dry ginger L.

≫ śoṣaṇīya

   śoṣaṇīya mfn. to be dried or sucked up or drained or absorbed VarBṛS.

≫ śoṣayitavya

   śoṣayitavya mfn. to be dried up &c. MW.

≫ śoṣayitṛ

   śoṣayitṛ m. one who dries up or parches Sāy.

≫ śoṣita

   śoṣita mfn. dried or sucked up, drained, desiccated, absorbed, exhausted, emptied Hariv. Kāv. &c

⋙ śoṣitasaras

   ○saras mfn. possessing dried-up ponds, drying up ponds (as summer) Pañcat.

≫ śoṣin

   śoṣin mfn. drying up (intr.), wasting away, consumptive Suśr. VarBṛS. 
   • (mostly ifc.) drying up (trans.), frying, desiccating, absorbing, exhausting MBh. R. Suśr. 
   • (iṇī), f. ether (one of the five Dhāraṇās) Cat.

≫ śoṣu

   śoṣu m. drought, thirst L.

≫ śoṣya

   śoṣya a-śoṣya

śoṣa 2

   śóṣa m. (fr. √śū = śvi 
   • cf. śūṣa) breath, vital energy VS. (cf. Mahīdh.)


   śoṣyantī (prob.) wṛ. for soṣyantī, ĀPGṛ


   śos (?), ind. a particle of reproach or contempt L.


   śauka n. (fr. śuka) a flight of parrots, g. khaṇḍikâdi 
   • a kind of coitus L. 
   • sorrowfulness (perhaps wṛ. for śoka) L.

≫ śauki

   śauki m. a patr. Pravar.

≫ śaukeya

   śaukeya m. patr. fr. śuka g. śubhrâdi


   śaukara ○rava, sauk○

śaukta 1

   śaukta mfn. (fr. śukta) acid, acetic, acetous W.

≫ śauktika 1

   śauktika mfn. id. ib. 
   • relating to sour gruel Car.

śaukta 2

   śaukta mfn. (fr. śukti) made of mother-of-pearl Hcat. 
   • n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.

≫ śauktika 2

   śauktika mfn. relating to a pearl W. 
   • n. a pearl L. [Page 1092, Column 3] 

≫ śauktikeya

   śauktíkeya n. a pearl L.

≫ śaukteya

   śaukteya mfn. relating to a pearl W. 
   • n. a pearl L.


   śaukra mf(ī)n. (fr. śukra) seminal, relating to semen or sperm &c. MW. 
   • relating to the planet Venus VarBṛS. 
   • (am), n. (with ahan) Tuesday Vishṇ.

≫ śaukrāyaṇa

   śaukrāyaṇa m. patr. fr. śukra (also pl.) Saṃskārak.

≫ śaukri

   śaukri mfn. g. sutaṃgamâdi

≫ śaukreya

   śaukreya m. patr. fr. śukra g. śubhrâdi 
   • (pl.) N. of a warrior-tribe Pāṇ. 5-3, 117 
   • (sg.) a king of the Śaukreyas ib. iv, 1, 178 Sch.

≫ śaukrya

   śaukrya n. (fr. śukra), g. dṛḍhâdi


   śaukla mfn. (fr. śukla) relating to what is clean or pure or undefiled (with janman n. 'birth from pure or blameless parents') BhP. 
   • n. N. of a Sāman (wṛ. for 2. śaukta)

≫ śauklya

   śauklya n. whiteness, brightness, clearness VarBṛS. Vedântas.


   śauklikeya m. a sort of poison L. (prob. wṛ. for śaulkikeya, q.v.)


   śauṅga m. (patr. fr. śuṅga Pāṇ. 4-1, 117) N. of various men (pl. of a Gotra) ĀśvŚr. Vās., Introd 
   • (ā and ī), f. below

≫ śauṅgāyani

   śauṅgāyani and m. patr. fr. śuṅga Pāṇ. 4-1, 117 ; 2, 138, &c

⋙ śauṅgi

   śauṅgi m. patr. fr. śuṅga Pāṇ. 4-1, 117 ; 2, 138, &c

≫ śauṅgīputra

   śaúṅgī-pútra m. N. of a teacher ŚBr.

≫ śauṅgīya

   śauṅgīya mfn. (fr. śauṅgi), g. gahâdi

≫ śauṅgeya

   śauṅgeyá m. (metron. fr. śuṅgā) N. of Garuḍa Suparṇ. 
   • a falcon or hawk Daś.

≫ śauṅgya

   śauṅgya m. patr. fr. śuṅga Pravar.


   śaucá m. (fr. śuci) N. of a man (also called Āhneya) TĀr. 
   • n. cleanness, purity, purification (esp. from defilement caused by the death of a relation) ĀśvŚr. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • purity of mind, integrity, honesty (esp. in money-matters) MBh. R. &c 
   • (with Buddhists) self-purification (both external and internal) MWB. 240 
   • evacuation of excrement MW.

⋙ śaucakalpa

   ○kalpa m. mode of purification, purificatory rite ib.

⋙ śaucakūpa

   ○kūpa m. 'excretion-pit', a privy ib.

⋙ śaucatas

   ○tas n. by way of purification Āpast.

⋙ śaucatva

   ○tva n. purity Hit. (v. l.)

⋙ śaucavat

   ○vat mfn. clean, pure (lit. and fig.) Yājñ. MBh.

⋙ śaucavidhi

   ○vidhi m. rule of purification (after defilement by the death of a relation) W.

⋙ śaucasaṃgrahavivṛti

   ○saṃgraha-vivṛti f. N. of wk

⋙ śaucācamanavidhi

   śaucâcamana-vidhi m. N. of wk

⋙ śaucācāra

   śaucâcāra m. purificatory rite, mode of cleansing the person by ablution &c. (after voiding excrement or contracting any defilement) W. 
   • -paddhati f. N. of wk

⋙ śaucepsu

   śaucêpsu mfn. wishing or intending to obtain purification MW.

≫ śaucaka

   śaucaka mfn. pure (in a-ś○) Hcat. 
   • n. purity (in a-ś○) MBh.

≫ śaucakīya

   śaucakīya n. N. of wk. Hcat.

≫ śaucika

   śaucika m. a cleaner, cleanser MW. 
   • a partic. mixed caste (the son of a Śauṇḍika and a Kaivarta woman) ib.

≫ śaucikarṇika

   śaucikarṇika mfn. (fr. śuci-karṇa), g. kumudâdi

≫ śaucin

   śaucin mfn. pure (in a-ś○) Kull. on Mn. v, 84

≫ śaucivṛkṣi

   śaucivṛkṣi m. patr. fr. śuci-vṛkṣa Nidānas. (pl. ○kṣās ib. 
   • f. ○kṣī or ○kṣyā Pāṇ. 4-1, 81)

≫ śauceya

   śauceya m. a washerman L. 
   • (○yá), m. a patr. TS. ŚBr.


   śaucadrathá m. (fr. śucad-ratha) patr. of Su-nītha RV.


   śaucādireya m. a patr. Nidānas.


   śauṭ (also written śauḍ, prob. artificial), cl. 1. P. to be proud or haughty Dhātup. ix, 1

≫ śauṭa

   śauṭa m. (cf. śauḍa) N. of a country Inscr.

≫ śauṭīra

   śauṭīra mfn. haughty, arrogant, proud of (comp.) MBh. R. 
   • liberal, munificent L. 
   • m. a hero L. 
   • an ascetic (who has given up worldly pursuits) Uṇ. iv, 30 Sch. 
   • n. pride, manliness R. (perhaps wṛ. for śauṭīrya)

⋙ śauṭīratā

   ○tā f. heroism (in yuddha-ś○) R.

≫ śauṭīrya

   śauṭīrya n. manliness, haughtiness 
   • pride in (comp.) MBh. Hariv. R.


   śauḍ = √śauṭ, q.v

≫ śauḍa

   śauḍa m. (cf. śauṭa) N. of a country Rājat. [Page 1093, Column 1] 

≫ śauṇḍarya

   śauṇḍarya n. = śauṭīrya L.

≫ śauṇḍīra

   śauṇḍīra mfn. (also written śauṇḍira and śauḍīra) proud, haughty, bold, arrogant MBh. R. 
   • n. haughtiness, pride BhP.

⋙ śauṇḍīratā

   ○tā f. id. MW.

≫ śauṇḍīrya

   śauṇḍīrya n. haughtiness, pride MBh. R. Mṛicch.


   śauṇḍa mf(ā, or ī)n. (fr. śuṇḍā) fond of spirituous liquor, addicted to drinking MBh. MārkP. 
   • drunk, intoxicated L. 
   • (ifc.) passionately fond of or devoted to (-tā f.) MBh. R. &c 
   • skilled in, familiar with BhP. 
   • being the pride of Bālar. x, 0/1 
   • m. a cock L. 
   • (ā), f. spirituous liquor (ifc. perhaps wṛ. for śuṇḍa) R. 
   • (ī), f. long pepper or Piper Chaba Bhpr. 
   • = kaṭabhī (a tree) L. 
   • a line of clouds L.

≫ śauṇḍaka

   śauṇḍaka tṛṇa-śauṇḍikā and madaśauṇḍaka

≫ śauṇḍāyana

   śauṇḍāyana m. pl. N. of a warrior-tribe, g. kuñjâdi

≫ śauṇḍāyanya

   śauṇḍāyanya m. a king of the Śauṇḍāyanas ib.

≫ śauṇḍi

   śauṇḍi mfn. fond of, devoted to BhP. (B.)

≫ śauṇḍika

   śauṇḍika m. a distiller and vendor of spirituous liquors (considered as a mixed caste 
   • accord. to some 'the son of a Kaivarta and a Gāndhika woman' 
   • accord. to others 'the son of a Nishṭhya and a Śūdra woman') Yājñ. R. VarBṛS. 
   • pl. N. of a people MBh. (C. śauṇḍīka) 
   • (ī), f. a female keeper of a liquor-shop (regarded as one of the eight Akulas, accord. to the Śāktas) MW.

⋙ śauṇḍikāgāra

   śauṇḍikâgāra m. n. a liquor-shop Cat.

≫ śauṇḍikeya

   śauṇḍikeya m. N. of a demon hostile to children PārGṛ.

≫ śauṇḍin

   śauṇḍin m. = śauṇḍika L. 
   • (inī), f. = śauṇḍikī ŚārṅgP.

≫ śauṇḍīka

   śauṇḍīka śauṇḍika

≫ śauṇḍeya

   śauṇḍeya m. (only in pl.) a patr. or a metron. Saṃskārak.


   śauṇḍrin m. N. of a man Pravar. (perhaps wṛ. for śauṇḍin)


   śauddhākṣara mfn. (fr. śuddha + akṣara) relating to a pure vowel (without consonant or Anusvāra) RPrāt.


   śauddhodani m. (fr. śuddhôdana) patr. of Gautama Buddha Buddh.


   śaúdra mfn. relating or belonging to a Śūdra ŚBr. MBh. 
   • m. the son of a man of either of the first three classes by a Śūdra woman (the last of the twelve kinds of sons acknowledged in the ancient Hindū law) Mn. ix, 160

≫ śaudrāyaṇa

   śaudrāyaṇa m. patr. fr. śūdra g. aiṣukāryādi

⋙ śaudrāyaṇabhakta

   ○bhakta mfn. inhabited by the Śaudrāyaṇas ib.


   śaudrakāyaṇa m. patr. fr. śūdraka g. aśvâdi


   śaudhikā f. incorrect for śodhikā ( under śodhaka)


   śauna mf(ī)n. (fr. śvan) relating or belonging to a dog MBh. 
   • wṛ. for sauna, q.v

≫ śaunaḥśepa

   śaunaḥśepá m. (fr. śunaḥ-śepa) patr. of Nicumpuṇa Kāṭh. Anukr. 
   • n. (scil. ākhyāna) the story of Śuna?-śepa Br. 
   • N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.

≫ śaunaḥśepi

   śaunaḥśepi m. patr. fr. śuṇaḥ-śepa ĀrshBr.

≫ śaunika

   śaunika mfn. relating to dogs or hunting ( comp.) 
   • wṛ. for saunika, q.v

⋙ śaunikaśāstra

   ○śāstra n. N. of wk. on dogs or hunting


   śaúnaka m. (patr. fr. śunaka g. bidâdi) N. of various authors and teachers (also with Indrôta and Svaidāyana 
   • esp. of the celebrated grammarian, author of the Rig-veda Prātiśākhya, the Bṛihad-devatā, and various other wks 
   • he is described as the teacher of Kātyāyana and especially of Āsvalāyana 
   • he is said to have united the Bāshkala and Śākala Śākhās, and is sometimes identified with the Vedic Ṛishi Gṛitsa-mada 
   • but according to the Vishṇu-Purāṇa, Śākhās was a son of Gṛitsamada, and originated the system of four castes 
   • he is quoted in ĀśvŚr. APrāt. and VPrāt. 
   • the various legends about him are very confused) ŚBr. Up. MBh. &c 
   • pl. the descendants and pupils of Śākhās Hariv. 
   • (ī), f. a wk. of Śākhās (cf. laghu- and vṛddhaśaunakī)

⋙ śaunakakalpasūtra

   ○kalpa-sūtra n

⋙ śaunakakārikā

   ○kārikā f. pl.,

⋙ śaunakagṛhyapariśiṣṭa

   ○gṛhya-pariśiṣṭa n. and [Page 1093, Column 2] 

⋙ śaunakagṛhyasūtra

   ○gṛhya-sūtra n. [Page 1093, Column 2] 

⋙ śaunakapañcasūtra

   ○pañca-sūtra n. N. of wks. attributed to Śaunaka

⋙ śaunakayajña

   ○yajña m. a kind of sacrifice Vait.

⋙ śaunakasūtra

   ○sūtra n

⋙ śaunakasmṛti

   ○smṛti f. N. of wks

⋙ śaunakātharvaṇasūtra

   śaunakâtharvaṇa-sūtra n

⋙ śaunakāraṇyaka

   śaunaḍkâraṇyaka n

⋙ śaunakopaniṣad

   śaunaḍkôpaniṣad f. N. of wks

≫ śaunakāyana

   śaunakāyana m. patr. fr. śaunaka Pāṇ. 4-1, 2

≫ śaunaki

   śaunaki m. patr. fr. id., Siṇhâs

≫ śaunakin

   śaunakin m. pl. the pupils or followers of Śaunaka Pāṇ. 4-3, 106

≫ śaunakīputra

   śaúnakī-pútra m. N. of a teacher ŚBr.

≫ śaunakīya

   śaunakīya mfn. belonging to or composed by Śaunaka or the Śaunakīyas 
   • n. a wk. of Śaunaka or the Śaunakīyas Hcat.

⋙ śaunakīyacaturādhyāyikā

   ○caturādhyāyikā f. 'Śaunaka's treatise in four chapters', N. of the Atharva-veda Prātiśākhya

⋙ śaunakīyacaraṇa

   ○caraṇa n. N. of a Caraṇa (q.v.)

⋙ śaunakīyaprayoga

   ○prayoga m

⋙ śaunakīyasvarāṣṭaka

   ○svarâṣṭaka n. N. of wks


   śaunahotra (cf. ĀśvŚr. &c.), ○hotri (cf. Hariv.), m. (fr. śuna-hotra) patr. of the Ṛishi Gṛitsa-mada


   śaunāyana m. (only pl.) a patr. Saṃskārak.


   śaunāsīrya mfn. (fr. śunā-sīra) Lāṭy.


   śaubha m. (fr. śubha) a god, divinity L. 
   • the Areca or betel-nut tree L. 
   • wṛ. for saubha, q.v

≫ śaubhāyana

   śaubhāyana m. (fr. id.) N. of a warrior-tribe, g. kuñjâdi

≫ śaubhāyani

   śaubhāyani m. a patr. (fr. id.), g. tikâdi

≫ śaubhāyanya

   śaubhāyanya m. a king of the Śaubhāyanas, g. kuñjâdi


   śaubhaneya m. (fr. śobhanā) the son of a handsome mother Pāṇ. 4-1, 113 Sch. 
   • mfn. relating to anything handsome or brilliant W.


   śaubhāñjana m. = śobhâñjana Hcar. Sch.


   śaubhika m. (cf. saubhika) a kind of actor Pat. (v. l. śobhanika) 
   • the sacrificial post at a Homa L.


   śaubhrāyaṇa m. pl. (fr. śubhra) N. of a partic. association or company, g. aiṣukāry-ādi

⋙ śaubhrāyaṇabhakta

   ○bhakta mfn. inhabited by the Saubhrāyaṇas ib.

≫ śaubhreya

   śaubhreya mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to anything white or shining MW. 
   • m. patr. fr. śubhra or metron. fr. śubhrā Pāṇ. 4-1, 123 
   • pl. N. of a warrior-tribe, g. yaudheyâdi 
   • (sg.) a king of the Śaubhreyas ib. 
   • (ī), f. a princess of this tribe ib.

≫ śaubhrya

   śaubhrya m. patr. fr. śubhra g. kurv-ādi


   śaura mf(ī)n. (fr. śūra 
   • also as Vṛiddhi form in comp.) relating to a hero, heroic MW.

⋙ śauradevya

   ○devyá m. patr. fr. śūra-deva RV. viii, 70, 15

⋙ śaurasena

   ○sena mf(ī)n. relating to the Śūra-senas, g. palady-ādi 
   • (ī), f. (scil. bhāṣā) the language of the Śūra (a Prākṛit dialect supposed to have been spoken at Mathurā and sometimes substituted for Sanskṛit in the plays, esp. as representing the speech of women of high rank) Bhar. Sāh. &c

⋙ śaurasenikā

   ○senikā f. = -senī MBh.

⋙ śaurasenya

   ○senya mfn. (fr. -sena), g. saṃkāśâdi

≫ śauri

   śauri m. patr. of Vasu-deva MBh. BhP. 
   • of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa (also among the names of the sun) ib. 
   • of Prajāti MārkP. 
   • of Bala-deva MW. 
   • Terminalia Tomentosa L. (v. l. sauri) 
   • the planet Saturn (wṛ. for sauri)

⋙ śauridatta

   ○datta and m. N. of two authors Cat.

⋙ śaurisūnu

   ○sūnu m. N. of two authors Cat.

≫ śaurya

   śaúrya n. heroism, valour, prowess, might ŚBr. &c. &c 
   • the heroic branch of dramatic art (= ārabhaṭī) W. 
   • N. of a village Pat. on Pāṇ. 2-4, 7 Vārtt. 2

⋙ śauryakaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. prowess L.

⋙ śauryakarman

   ○karman n. an heroic deed Mn. ix, 268

⋙ śauryanagara

   ○nagara n. N. of a town HPariś.

⋙ śauryarāśi

   ○rāśi m. a collection or aggregate (= paragon) of heroism Veṇis.

⋙ śauryavat

   ○vat mfn. heroic, courageous, valiant Kāv. VarBṛS. Kathās.

⋙ śauryavardhana

   ○vardhana mfn. strengthening or increasing heroic BhP.

⋙ śauryavrata

   ○vrata n. a partic. observauce Cat.

⋙ śauryasāgara

   ○sāgara m. 'ocean of hṭheroic', a collection (= paragon) of heroic Veṇis.

⋙ śauryādimat

   śauryâdi-mat mfn. endowed with hṭheroic and other virtues Sāh.

⋙ śauryonmādin

   śauryônmādin mfn. 'intoxicated by hṭheroic', foolhardy Daś.

⋙ śauryopārjita

   śauryôpârjita mfn. acquired by heroism W.

⋙ śauryaudaryaśṛṅgāramaya

   śauryâudarya-śṛṅgāra-maya mf(ī)n. composed of heroism and generosity and love Kathās. [Page 1093, Column 3] 


   śauraṇa sauraṇa


   śaurpa mf(ī)n. (fr. śūrpa) belonging to or measured by a winnowing basket Pāṇ. 5-1, 26

≫ śaurpaṇāyya

   śaurpaṇāyya m. (fr. śūrpa-ṇāya g. kurvādi) N. of a teacher ŚBr.

≫ śaurpika

   śaurpika mfn. = śaurpa above Pāṇ. 5-1, 26


   śaula m. (fr. śūla) a partic. part of a plough Kṛishis.


   śaulāyana m. (only pl.) a patr. Saṃskārak.


   śaulika m. pl. N. of a people VarBṛS. (v. l. śūlika, sūlika, maulika)


   śaulka mf(ī)n. (fr. śulka) relating to tolls or customs or taxes, levied (as a tax &c.) W. 
   • m. a superintendent of tolls or customs, custom-house officer ib. 
   • n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.

≫ śaulkaśālika

   śaulkaśālika mf(ī)n. (fr. śulka-śālā) belonging to or derived from a custom-house Pāṇ. 4-3, 50 ; 75 Sch.

≫ śaulkāyani

   śaulkāyani m. patr. of a teacher Pur.

≫ śaulkika

   śaulkika mfn. relating to taxes or tolls Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 104 Vārtt. 13 
   • eating fish and flesh L. 
   • m. a superintendent of tolls or customs Yājñ.


   śaulkikeya m. (fr. śulkikā) a kind of poison (said to be produced in a country called Śulkikā 
   • accord. to some 'the venom of a kind of snake') L. (v. l. śauklikeya)


   śaulpha n. Anethum Sowa L.


   śaulba mfn. (fr. śulba) ĀpŚr. Sch.

≫ śaulbāyana

   śaulbāyaná m. patr. fr. śulba TS. ŚBr.

≫ śaulbika

   śaulbika m. a coppersmith L.

śauva 1

   śauva mf(ī)n. (fr. śvan) relating or belonging to dogs, doggish, canine Pāṇ. Sch. Vop. 
   • m. N. of a partic. Udgītha MW. 
   • n. a multitude or pack of dogs, g. khaṇḍikâdi 
   • the nature or state of a dog MW.

≫ śauvadaṃṣṭra

   śauvadaṃṣṭra v. l. for śauvādaṃṣṭra

≫ śauvana

   śauvana mfn. relating or belonging to a dog, canine Pāṇ. Sch. Vop. 
   • n. a pack of dogs, g. khaṇḍikâdi 
   • the nature of a dog MW. 
   • the progeny of a dog ib.

≫ śauvani

   śauvani mfn. (fr. śvan), g. sutaṃgamâdi

≫ śauvaneya

   śauvaneya m. patr. fr. śvan g. śubhrâdi

≫ śauvahāna

   śauvahāna n. (fr. śva-hāna) N. of a town Pāṇ. 7-3, 8 Vārtt. 1 Pat.

≫ śauvādaṃṣṭra

   śauvādaṃṣṭra mfn. (fr. śvā-daṃṣṭrā) ib.

≫ śauvāpada

   śauvāpada mfn. (fr. śvā-pada) relating to or coming from a wild beast, ferocious, savage, wild Anarghar.

≫ śauvāvatāna


⋙ śauvāvatānika

   śauvāvatāḍnika (prob.) wṛ. for saudhāv○

≫ śauvāvidha

   śauvāvidha mfn. (fr. śvā-vidh) Pat.

śauva 2

   śauva mfn. (fr. 2. śvas) relating to the morrow, occurring to-morrow L.

≫ śauvastika

   śauvastika mf(ī)n. of or belonging to the morrow, lasting till to-morrow, ephemeral Pāṇ. 4-3, 15

⋙ śauvastikatva

   ○tva n. the lasting or enduring till tomorrow, ephemeralness Bhaṭṭ.


   śauṣira sauṣira


   śaúṣkala mfn. (fr. śuṣkala) living on dried flesh or fish or by selling it (accord. to some catching fish) VS. 
   • m. N. of the chief priest of Rāvaṇa Anarghar.

≫ śauṣkula

   śauṣkula v. l. for prec


   śauṣkāsyá n. (fr. śuṣkâsya) dryness of the mouth AV.


   ścand (cf. √cand), only in Intens. p. cániścadat, 'shining brilliantly' RV.

≫ ścandra

   ścandra mfn. shining, radiant (only ifc 
   • aśva-ścandra, puru-ścandrá, viśvá-ścandra, suścandrá, śvá-ścandra, and hári-ścandra)


   ścam (prob. to be connected with √śam rather than with √cam), only in ścamnan, 'they may quench or appease' RV. i, 104, 2


   ścar (for car) in upa-√ścar, to come near, approach (only in upâścarat) MaitrS.

ścut 1

   ścut (often in later language written ścyut 
   • √.cyut), cl. 1. P. (cf. Dhātup. iii, 4) ścótati (pf. cuścota Br. [Page 1094, Column 1] 
   • aor. aścotīt or aścutat Gr 
   • fut. ścotitā, ścotiṣyati ib.), to ooze, trickle, exude, drop, distil RV. Br. BhP. Bhaṭṭ. 
   • to shed, pour out, sprinkle Kāv. Kathās.: Caus. ścotayati (aor. -acuścutat inf. -ścotayitavaí 
   • cf. abhi- and ā-√ścut), to cause to drop or flow, shed ŚBr.: Desid. cuścotiṣati Pāṇ. 7-4, 61 Sch.

≫ ścut 2

   ścut (ifc.) distilling, sprinkling, shedding (ifc. ghṛta- madhu-ścút &c.)

≫ ścutita

   ścutita mfn. oozed, exuded, sprinkled, shed Br. &c. &c

≫ ścota

   ścota m. oozing, sprinkling, aspersion L.

≫ ścotana

   ścotana n. the act of oozing or flowing, exudation ( pra-śc○)

≫ ścotanmayūkha

   ścotan-mayūkha mfn. (pr. p. of √ścut + m○) diffusing light MW.

≫ ścoti

   ścoti f. id. L.


   ścyut √ścut, p. 1093, col. 3


   śnath cl. 1. P. (cf. Dhātup. xix, 37) śnathati (only occurring in pr. Subj. śnathat Impv. śnathihi, and aor. śnathiṣṭam, ○ṭana 
   • Gr. also pf. śaśnātha 
   • fut. śnathitā, ○thiṣyati &c.), to pierce, strike, injure, kill RV.: Caus. śnatháyati, ○te (aor. aśiśnat, śiśnáthat id. ib.: Desid. śiśnathiṣati Gr.: Intens. śāśnathyate, śāśnatti ib.

≫ śnathana

   śnáthana mfn. piercing, transfixing RV.

≫ śnathita

   śnathitá mfn. pierced, transfixed ib.

≫ śnathitṛ

   śnáthitṛ m. a piercer, killer, slayer ib.


   śnáptra (cf. VS.) or śnyáptra (cf. TS.), n. the corner of the mouth (cf. Mahīdh.)


   śnam (in gram.) a technical term for the verbal affix na (inserted in roots of the 7th class)


   śnā (in gram.) a technical term for the affix nā (the characteristic sign of the 9th class of verbs)


   śnābhāśnauṣṭīya n. du. N. of two Sāmans (cf. śnauṣṭa below) ĀrshBr.


   śnu (in gram.) a technical term for the affix nu (added to the √in the 5th class of verbs)


   śnuṣṭi f. (prob.) either 'a little heap' or 'a small measure' (for measuring grain) Kāṭh. 
   • m. N. of an Āṅgirasa PañcavBr.

≫ śnauṣṭa

   śnauṣṭa n. (fr. prec.) N. of various Sāmans (cf. śnabhāśnauṣṭīya above) ArshBr.

≫ śnauṣṭīgava

   śnauṣṭī-gava n. N. of a Sāman ib.


   śnyáptra śnáptra above


   śman n. the body Nir. 
   • the mouth L. 
   • (both meanings prob. invented to explain śmaśāna and śmaśru)

⋙ śmaśayana

   śma-śayana n. (a compound artificially formed to explain śmaśāna) place of repose for dead bodies or the bones of burnt corpses, cemetery Nir. iii, 5

≫ śmaśa

   śmaśá (a word invented to serve as the source of śmaśāna)

≫ śmaśā

   śmaśā́ f. (prob. connected with aśman) the elevated ridge or edge of a trench or ditch or channel for water or of a vessel RV. x, 105, 1 (but in ŚBr. the m. pl. śmaśā́ḥ is said to mean those deceased ancestors who consume or eat the oblations [?], and a comp. śmaśânná is formed to explain śmaśāna)

≫ śmaśāna

   śmaśāna n. (accord. to Kir. iii, 5 for śmaśayana above 
   • but prob. for aśma-śayana) an elevated place for burning dead bodies, crematorium, cemetery or burial-place for the bones of cremated corpses AV. &c. &c 
   • an oblation to deceased ancestors (= pitṛ-medha, above) PārGṛ. KātyŚr. Sch. 
   • = brahma-randhra

⋙ śmaśānakaraṇa

   ○karaṇá n. the laying out of a burning-ground ṢaḍvBr.

⋙ śmaśānakālikā

   ○kālikā f. a form of Durgā Cat.

⋙ śmaśānakālī

   ○kālī f. id. ib. 
   • -kavaca n. -mantra m. N. of wks

⋙ śmaśānagocara

   ○gocara mfn. frequenting burning-grounds, going about in places for burning the dead Mn. x, 39

⋙ śmaśānacit

   ○cít mfn. piled up like a pyre or a burning-grṭgrounds (a-śmaśāna-cít, 'not piled up like a pyre' MaitrS. 
   • á-śmaśāna-cit, 'not piling up a pyre' TS.) TS. MaitrS. Śulbas.

⋙ śmaśānanilaya

   ○nilaya mfn. dwelling in bṭburning-grṭgrounds (Śiva) Śivag.

⋙ śmaśānanivāsin

   ○nivāsin mfn. dwelling in bṭburning-grṭgrounds, a ghost, spectre MW.

⋙ śmaśānapati

   ○pati m. (prob.) N. of a magician Buddh.

⋙ śmaśānapāla

   ○pāla m. a guardian of a bṭburning-grṭgrounds. Kathās.

⋙ śmaśānabhāj

   ○bhāj m. 'inhabiting bṭburning-grṭgrounds', N. of Śiva MW.

⋙ śmaśānabhairavī

   ○bhairavī f. a form of Durgā Cat. [Page 1094, Column 2] 

⋙ śmaśānavartin

   ○vartin mfn. abiding in bṭburning grounds, a ghost, spectre MW.

⋙ śmaśānavāṭa

   ○vāṭa m. the enclosure of a bṭburning-grṭgrounds Mālatīm.

⋙ śmaśānavāsin

   ○vāsin mfn. dwelling in bṭburning-grṭgrounds L. 
   • m. N. of Śiva L. 
   • (inī), f. N. of Kālī L.

⋙ śmaśānavīthī

   ○vīthī f. a row of trees in a cemetery Mṛicch.

⋙ śmaśānavetāla

   ○vetāla m. N. of a gambler Kathās.

⋙ śmaśānaveśman

   ○veśman m. 'inhabiting bṭburning-grṭgrounds', N. of Śiva L. 
   • a ghost W.

⋙ śmaśānavairāgya

   ○vairāgya n. momentary abandonment of worldly desires at the sight of a bṭburning-grṭgrounds ib.

⋙ śmaśānaśūla

   ○śūla m. n. a stake used for impaling criminals in a burning-grṭgrounds Kum.

⋙ śmaśānasādhana

   ○sādhana n. magical rites performed in a burning-grṭgrounds to obtain control over evil spirits MW. 
   • N. of wk

⋙ śmaśānasumanas

   ○sumanas n. a flower from a bṭburning-grṭgrounds Mṛicch.

⋙ śmaśānāgni

   śmaśānâgni m. the fire of a bṭburning-grṭgrounds MW.

⋙ śmaśānālaya

   śmaśānâlaya m. a place for burning the dead, a burning-grṭgrounds 
   • -vāsin mfn. inhabiting burning grounds (N. of Śiva) Śivag. 
   • (inī), f. N. of Kālī Tantras.

≫ śmaśānika

   śmaśānika mfn. (prob. wṛ. for śmāś○) abiding in burning-grounds (as a bird) Car.

≫ śmāśānika

   śmāśānika mfn. frequenting burning-grounds Buddh. 
   • = śmaśāne'dhī7te Pāṇ. 4-4, 71 Sch.


   śmaśāru = next in hári-śm○, q.v


   śmáśru n. (of unknown derivation, but cf. śman) 
   • the beard, (esp.) moustache, the hairs of the beard (pl.) RV. &c. &c. [Cf. Lith. smakrá ; accord. to some also Lat. maxilla.]

⋙ śmaśrukara

   ○kara m. 'beard-maker', 'bṭbeard-cutter', a barber VarBṛS.

⋙ śmaśrukarman

   ○karman n. 'beard-cutting', shaving MārkP.

⋙ śmaśrujāta

   ○jāta mfn. one whose beard has grown (= jāta-śmaśru), g. āhitâgny-ādi

⋙ śmaśrudhara

   ○dhara mfn. wearing a beard, bearded BhP. 
   • pl. N. of a people VarBṛS.

⋙ śmaśrudhārin

   ○dhārin mfn. wearing a beard MBh. 
   • pl. N. of a people MārkP.

⋙ śmaśrupravṛddhi

   ○pravṛddhi f. the growth of a beard Ragh.

⋙ śmaśrumukhī

   ○mukhī f. 'a beard-faced woman', woman with a beard L.

⋙ śmaśruyajñopavītin

   ○yajñôpavītin mfn. wearing a beard and invested with the sacred thread Hcat.

⋙ śmaśruvat

   ○vat mfn. having a beard, bearded GopBr.

⋙ śmaśruvardhaka

   ○vardhaka m. 'bṭbeard-cutter', a barber R.

⋙ śmaśruśekhara

   ○śekhara m. the cocoa-nut tree L.

≫ śmaśruṇa

   śmaśruṇá mfn. bearded (as a goat) TS. Kāṭh. ĀpŚr.

≫ śmaśrula

   śmaśrula mfn. having a beard, bearded Mn. MBh. &c

≫ śmaśrūya

   śmaśrūya Nom. Ā. ○yate (only pr. p. ○yamāṇa), to appear as if bearded, look like a beard Śiś.


   śmasi in RV. ii, 31, 6. √vaś


   śmīl (also written smīl 
   • √.mīl), cl. 1. P. śmīlati, to wink, twinkle Dhātup. xv, 12

≫ śmīla

   śmīla n. winking, blinking, twinkling W.

≫ śmīlita

   śmīlita mfn. winked, blinked W. 
   • n. a wink, blink, winking ib.


   śme ind. (used as an abbreviation) for pārthuraśme (q.v.)


   śmetra m. = śvetra L.


   śyan (in gram.) a technical term for the syllable ya (inserted after the √in the 4th class of verbs)


   śyāna under √śyai, p. 1095


   śyā́parṇa m. (cf. g. bidâdi) N. of a man (pl. his family) MaitrS. Br.

≫ śyāparṇīya

   śyāparṇīya mfn. relating or belonging to the Śyāparṇas AitBr.

≫ śyāparṇeya

   śyāparṇeya m. (also pl.) patr. fr. śyāparṇa g. kārta-kaujapâdi


   śyāpīya (?), m. pl. N. of a school


   śyāmá mf(ā)n. (said to be connected with √śyai) black, dark-coloured, dark blue or brown or grey or green, sable, having a dark or swarthy complexion (considered a mark of beauty) AV. &c. &c 
   • m. black or blue or green (the colour) L. 
   • a cloud L. 
   • the Kokila or Indian cuckoo L. 
   • a black bull TS. ĀśvŚr. 
   • N. of various plants (fragrant grass 
   • thorn-apple 
   • Artemisia Indica 
   • Careya Arborea &c.) L. 
   • (in music) a partic. Rāga Saṃgīt. 
   • N. of a son of Śūra and brother of Vasudeva Hariv. VP. 
   • of a modern prince Cat. 
   • of a mountain MBh. 
   • of a sacred fig-tree at Prayāga or Allahābād R. Ragh. Uttarar. 
   • pl. N. of a Vedic school (a subdivision of the Maitrāyaṇīyas) 
   • (ā), f. a woman with peculiar marks or characteristics (accord. to some 'a girl who has the marks of puberty' 
   • accord. to others 'a woman who has not borne children' 
   • also described as 'a female of slender shape' &c.) Śiś. Siṃhâs. [Page 1094, Column 3] 
   • a N. or form of Durgā (worshipped by the Tāntrikas) W. 
   • N. of Yamunā L. 
   • of a daughter of Meru (an incarnation of Gaṅgā) BhP. 
   • of a princess, Vāś., Introd 
   • of another woman MBh. 
   • of a goddess who executes the commands of the 6th Arhat or of the mother of the 13th Arhat (with Jainas) 
   • a kind of bird (either 'the female of the Indian cuckoo' or 'a hen-sparrow') VarBṛS. Pañcat. 
   • N. of various plants (= gundrā, priyaṅgu, sārivā &c.) R. Suśr. 
   • night ( śyāmā-cara) 
   • the earth Gal. 
   • N. of a river MārkP. 
   • n. black pepper L. 
   • sea-salt L.

⋙ śyāmakaṅgu

   ○kaṅgu m. black Panic L.

⋙ śyāmakaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭha m. 'black-throated', a peacock L. 
   • a kind of small bird W. 
   • N. of Śiva ib.

⋙ śyāmakandā

   ○kandā f. Aconitum Ferox L.

⋙ śyāmakarṇa

   ○karṇa mfn. black-cared BhP. 
   • m. a horse suitable for a horse-sacrifice MW.

⋙ śyāmakāṇḍā

   ○kāṇḍā or f. a kind of Dūrvā grass L.

⋙ śyāmagranthi

   ○granthi f. a kind of Dūrvā grass L.

⋙ śyāmacaṭaka

   ○caṭaka m. a kind of sparrow L.

⋙ śyāmajit

   ○jit m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ śyāmatā

   ○tā f. (cf. MBh. MārkP. Kād.) or (cf. MBh. R.) blackness, dark colour

⋙ śyāmatva

   ○tva n. (cf. MBh. R.) blackness, dark colour

⋙ śyāmadāsa

   ○dāsa m. N. of various men Cat.

⋙ śyāmadeva

   ○deva m. a proper N. MW.

⋙ śyāmapattra

   ○pattra m. Xanthochymus Pictorius L.

⋙ śyāmaphena

   ○phena mfn. having black foam or froth (-tā f.) Kām.

⋙ śyāmabhaṭṭa

   ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ śyāmabhās

   ○bhās mfn. of a brilliant black, glossy black W.

⋙ śyāmamukha

   ○mukha mfn. black-faced (as a cloud) Kāv. 
   • having black nipples Kathās.

⋙ śyāmaruci

   ○ruci mfn. = -bhās A.

⋙ śyāmalatā

   ○latā f. a kind of climbing plant (= sārivā or Echites Frutescens L.) Kālid.

⋙ śyāmavarṇa

   ○varṇa mfn. dark-coloured (-tva n.) Kām.

⋙ śyāmavallī

   ○vallī f. black pepper L.

⋙ śyāmavrata

   ○vrata n. a partic. ceremony Hāl. Sch.

⋙ śyāmaśabala

   ○śabalá m. du. 'black and spotted', Yama's two watch-dogs (regarded as sons of Saramā, cf. RV. x, 14, 10-12) TS. (cf. RTL. 283, 289, 329, 422)

⋙ śyāmaśiṃśapā

   ○śiṃśapā f. Dalbergia Sissoo L.

⋙ śyāmasāra

   ○sāra m. a kind of Acacia Catechu L.

⋙ śyāmasāh śaṃkara

   ○sāh śaṃkara (with preceding mahā-rāja), m. N. of a king and author Cat.

⋙ śyāmasundara

   ○sundara m. 'dark and beautiful', N. of Kṛishṇa MW. 
   • (also with cakravartin) N. of various men Cat.

⋙ śyāmāṅga

   śyāmâṅga mfn. black-bodied W. 
   • m. the planet Mercury L. 
   • N. of Buddha L. 
   • (ī), f. N. of Bāhu-dā (q.v.) L.

⋙ śyāmācārya

   śyāmâcārya m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ śyāmāmlī

   śyāmâmlī f. a kind of shrub L.

⋙ śyāmāruṇa

   śyāmâruṇa mfn. darkred VarBṛS. Śiś.

⋙ śyāmārya

   śyāmârya m. N. of a Jaina saint Cat.

⋙ śyāmāvadāta

   śyāmâvadāta mf(ā)n. dazzling black or blackish white R. BhP.

⋙ śyāmekṣu

   śyāmêkṣu m. a kind of sugar-cane L.

≫ śyāmaka

   śyāmaka mfn. dark-coloured, dark VarBṛS. 
   • m. Panicum Frumentaceum (a kind of cultivated millet) L. 
   • a gramineous plant MW. 
   • N. of a man, g. bidâdi 
   • of a brother of Vasu-deva BhP. 
   • a patr., g. bidâdi (pl., g. gopa-vanâdi) 
   • pl. N. of a People MārkP. 
   • (ikā), f. blackness Kum. Kād. Hcar. 
   • impurity Ragh. Kād. Hcar. 
   • a white-spotted blackish deer L. 
   • n. a kind of grass L.

≫ śyāmala

   śyāmala mf(ā)n. dark-coloured Hariv. Kāv. &c 
   • m. black (the colour) W. 
   • a kind of bee L. 
   • Terminalia Arjuna PañcavBr. Sch. 
   • a species of plant serving as a substitute for the Soma plṭplant (= pūtīka) KātyŚr. Sch. 
   • the sacred fig-tree L. 
   • black pepper W. 
   • N. of a poet Sadukt. Kshem. 
   • of another man, Vāś., Introd 
   • (ā), f. N. of various plants (Physalis Flexuosa 
   • = kaṭa-ohī 
   • = kastūrī 
   • = jambū) L. 
   • a form of Durgā L. 
   • N. of a woman Buddh.

⋙ śyāmalacūḍā

   ○cūḍā f. a kind of shrub (= guñjā) MW.

⋙ śyāmalatā

   ○tā f. (cf. Naish.) or (cf. Sarvad.) blackness, dark colour

⋙ śyāmalatva

   ○tva n. (cf. Sarvad.) blackness, dark colour

⋙ śyāmaladevī

   ○devī f. N. of a princess Inscr.

⋙ śyāmalāṅgī

   śyāmalâṅgī f. N. of a woman Vīrac.

⋙ śyāmalekṣu

   śyāmalêkṣu m. a sort of sugar-cane L.

≫ śyāmalaka

   śyāmalaka mfn. dark-coloured, dark (as N. of the 14th unknown quantity) Col. 
   • m. N. of a man Pañcat. Dhanaṃj. 
   • (ikā), f. the indigo plant L.

⋙ śyāmalakacūḍa

   ○cūḍa f. Abrus Precatorius L.

≫ śyāmalā

   śyāmalā f. (of śyāmala) in comp

⋙ śyāmalāgītā

   ○gītā f. N. of a Stotra

⋙ śyāmalādaṇḍaka

   ○daṇḍaka m

⋙ śyāmalānavaratna

   ○nava-ratna n

⋙ śyāmalāmantrasādhana

   ○mantra-sādhana n

⋙ śyāmalāmbāstotra

   ○"ṣmbā-stotra (○lâmb○), n

⋙ śyāmalārahasya

   ○rahasya n

⋙ śyāmalāṣṭaka

   ○"ṣṣṭaka (○lâṣṭ○), n

⋙ śyāmalāsahasranāman

   ○sahasra-nāman n. N. of wks

≫ śyāmalita

   śyāmalita mfn. darkened, obscured Hariv. Prab. Kād.

≫ śyāmaliman

   śyāmaliman m. blackness, darkness Kpr. Vcar. Śiś.

≫ śyāmalī

   śyāmalī in comp. for śyāmala

⋙ śyāmalīkṛ

   ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to darken, obscure Prab. Kathās.

≫ śyāmā

   śyāmā f. (of śyāma) in comp

⋙ śyāmākalpalatā

   ○kalpa-latā f

⋙ śyāmākalpalatikā

   ○kalpa-latikā f

⋙ śyāmākavaca

   ○kavaca n. N. of wks

⋙ śyāmācara

   ○cara m. 'night-goer', a Rakshas Bālar.

⋙ śyāmācāratantra

   ○cāratantra n

⋙ śyāmātāpanyupaniṣad

   ○tāpany-upaniṣad f

⋙ śyāmādīpadāna

   ○dīpa-dāna n. N. of wks. [Page 1095, Column 1] 

⋙ śyāmādevī

   ○devī f. N. of a princess Hcar.

⋙ śyāmānityapūjāpaddhati

   ○nitya-pūjā-paddhati f

⋙ śyāmāpaddhati

   ○paddhati f. N. of wks

⋙ śyāmāpūjā

   ○pūjā f. the worship of Śyāmā or Durgā (on the new moon of the month Kārttika) W. 
   • -paddhati f. N. of wk

⋙ śyāmāprakaraṇa

   ○prakaraṇa n

⋙ śyāmāpradīpa

   ○pradīpa m

⋙ śyāmāprayogavidhi

   ○prayoga-vidhi m

⋙ śyāmāmantra

   ○mantra m. pl.,

⋙ śyāmāmānasārcana

   ○mānasârcana n

⋙ śyāmāratna

   ○ratna n

⋙ śyāmārahasya

   ○rahasya n. N. of wks

⋙ śyāmāruta

   ○ruta n. the song of the bird Śyāmā Cat.

⋙ śyāmārcanacandrikā

   ○"ṣrcana-candrikā (○mâr○), f. N. of wk

⋙ śyāmālatā

   ○latā f. (prob.) = śyāma-l○ VarBṛS.

⋙ śyāmāvatī

   ○vatī f. N. of a woman Divyâv.

⋙ śyāmāsaparyākrama

   ○saparyā-krama m

⋙ śyāmāsaparyāvidhi

   ○saparyā-vidhi m

⋙ śyāmāsahasranāman

   ○sahasra-nāman n

⋙ śyāmāstotra

   ○stotra n. N. of wks

≫ śyāmāka

   śyāmā́ka m. a kind of cultivated millet (Panicum Frumentaceum 
   • pl. grains of it) VS. &c. &c 
   • N. of a man Divyâv. 
   • pl. N. of a people VarBṛS. 
   • (○māká), mf(ī)n. made of PanṭPanicum FrumṭFrumentaceum TS. ŚrS. MBh. 
   • m. a patr., g. vidâdi 
   • gopa-vanâdi (pl.)

⋙ śyāmākataṇḍula

   ○taṇḍulá m. a grain of Panicum FrumṭFrumentaceum ŚBr.

⋙ śyāmākamuṣṭimpaca

   ○muṣṭim-paca mfn. cooking (a mere) handful of millet i.e. living very frugally Bālar.

⋙ śyāmākāgrayaṇa

   śyāmākâgrayaṇa n. the firstlings of millet 
   • ○ṇêṣṭi f. an oblation of the firstlings of millet KātyŚr. Paddh

⋙ śyāmākeṣṭi

   śyāmākêṣṭi f. an oblation of millet ĀpŚr. KātyŚr. Paddh

⋙ śyāmākaudana

   śyāmākâudana m. rice with millet KātyŚr.

≫ śyāmāya

   śyāmāya Nom. Ā. ○māyate, to assume a dark colour (○māyita, mfn. become dark) Kāv. Sāh.

≫ śyāmāyana

   śyāmāyana m. a patr., g. aśvâdi 
   • N. of a son of Viśvā-mitra MBh.

≫ śyāmāyani

   śyāmāyani m. patr. of a teacher Cat.

≫ śyāmāyanin

   śyāmāyanin m. pl. N. of a school Pāṇ. 4-3, 104 Sch.

≫ śyāmāyanīya

   śyāmāyanīya m. pl. N. of a school of the Black Yajus Hcat. Caraṇ.

≫ śyāmita

   śyāmita mfn. blackened, darkened Kir.

≫ śyāmī

   śyāmī in comp. for śyāma

⋙ śyāmīkṛ

   ○√kṛ P

⋙ śyāmīkaroti

   ○karoti to darken Kāv.

⋙ śyāmībhū

   ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become dark-coloured Kir. Naish. Hcar.

≫ śyāmeya

   śyāmeya m. a patr., g. śubhrâdi

≫ śyāva

   śyāvá mf(ā́)n. (connected with śyāma) darkbrown, brown, dark-coloured, dark RV. AV. Br. &c 
   • drawn by brown or bay horses (said of chariots, Ved.) MW. 
   • pungent and sweet and sour L. 
   • m. a brown horse RV. 
   • brown (the colour) W. 
   • a partic. disease of the outer ear Suśr. 
   • pungent and sweet and sour taste L. 
   • N. of a man RV. 
   • pl. the horses of the Sun Naigh. 
   • (ī), f. a brown or bay mare RV. 
   • night ib. (cf. Naigh. i, 7) 
   • (śyā́va) m. N. of a man RV.

⋙ śyāvatā

   ○tā f. brownness Suśr. ŚārṅgS.

⋙ śyāvataila

   ○taila m. the mango-tree L.

⋙ śyāvada

   ○da (wṛ.) = next Āpast.

⋙ śyāvadat

   ○dat (śyāvá- AV. TS. TBr. &c.) or (cf. Kāṭh. MārkP.

⋙ śyāvadanta

   ○danta (cf. Kāṭh. MārkP. 
   • -tā f. Mn. Suśr.), or

⋙ śyāvadantaka

   (cf. Mn. Yājñ. Suśr. ŚārṅgS.), mfn. having dark or discoloured teeth (accord. to some 'having a little tooth growing over the two front teeth')

⋙ śyāvanāya

   ○nāya m. N. of a man, g. kurv-ādi

⋙ śyāvanāyīya

   ○nāyīya mfn. g. utkarâdi

⋙ śyāvanāyya

   ○nāyya m. patr. fr. -nāya g. kurv-ādi

⋙ śyāvaputra

   ○putra m. N. of a man, g. kurv-ādi 
   • ○trya m. patr. fr. it ib.

⋙ śyāvaratha

   ○ratha m. N. of a man ib. 
   • ○thya m. patr. fr. that N. ib.

⋙ śyāvavartman

   ○vartman n. a partic. disease of the eyelid Suśr. ŚārṅgS.

⋙ śyāvākṣa

   śyāvâkṣa mfn. brown-eyed VarBṛS.

⋙ śyāvāśva

   śyāvấśva mfn. having brown horses AV. ŚāṅkhŚr. TĀr. 
   • m. N. of a Vedic Ṛishi (having the patr. Ātreya 
   • he was the supposed author of various hymns in the 5th, 8th, and 9th Maṇḍalas 
   • ○vâśvasya prahitau, N. of two Sāmans) RV. AV. &c 
   • n. the story of Śyāvâśva ŚāṅkhŚr. 
   • N. of various Sāmans SV. Br. Lāṭy. 
   • (○vâśvá) -stuta mfn. praised by Śyāvâśva RV. 
   • ○vāśvi m. patr. of the Vedic Ṛishi Andhīgu RAnukr.

⋙ śyāvāsya

   śyāvâsya mfn. brown-faced (-tā f. Suśr.) PārGṛ.

≫ śyāvaka

   śyā́vaka mfn. brown, dark-coloured MW. 
   • m. N. of a man RV. 
   • pl. the horses of the Sun MW.

≫ śyāvaya

   śyāvaya Nom. P. śyāvayati, to embrown, make brown Car.

≫ śyāvala

   śyāvala m. patr. fr. next, g. vidâdi

≫ śyāvali

   śyāvali m. N. of a man ib.

≫ śyāvyā

   śyāvyā́ f.: (prob.) darkness RV. vi, 15, 17


   śyāla syāla


   śyāva above


   śyetá mf(śyénī, or śyetā)n. (prob. connected with śveta, q.v.) reddish white, white AV. ŚBr. ŚrS. 
   • m. white (the colour) L. 
   • (śyenī), f. a white cow ( śyaineya) 
   • a woman with a lily-white complexion (= kumuda-pattrâbhā) L. [Page 1095, Column 2] 

⋙ śyetakolaka

   ○kolaka m. the Saphara fish, Cyprinus Saphore (commonly called Puṇṭī) L.

⋙ śyetākṣa

   śyetâkṣá mf(ī)n. having reddish-white eyes VS. ŚBr. Kāṭh.

≫ śyetīkṛ

   śyetī-√kṛ Ā. -kurute, to master, overcome TS. TBr. (cf. Sch.)

≫ śyena

   śyená m. a hawk, falcon, eagle, any bird of prey (esp. the eagle that brings down Soma to man) RV. &c. &c 
   • firewood laid in the shape of an eagle, Śulbas. 
   • a kind of array (in battle) MBh. Kām. 
   • a partic. part of the sacrificial victim Kauś. 
   • a partic. Ekâha ṢaḍvBr. KātyŚr. 
   • a horse L. 
   • N. of a Ṛishi (having the patr. Āgneya and author of RV. x, 188) Anukr. 
   • (with or without indraśya) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr. Lāṭy. 
   • (ā), f. a female hawk L. 
   • (ī), f. a female hawk L. 
   • N. of a daughter of Kaśyapa (regarded as the mother of hawks) MBh. Hariv. Pur. 
   • a kind of metre Piṅg. 
   • mfn. eaglelike AitBr. 
   • coming from an eagle (as 'eagle's flesh'), Kṛishṇaj. (prob. wṛ. for śyaina)

⋙ śyenakapotīya

   ○kapotīya mfn. (the story) of the hawk and the pigeon (cf. śibi) MBh.

⋙ śyenakaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. 'acting like a hawk', acting with precipitation W. 
   • burning on a separate funeral pile ib.

⋙ śyenagāmin

   ○gāmin m. 'flying like a hawk', N. of a Rākshasa R.

⋙ śyenaghaṇṭā

   ○ghaṇṭā f. a kind of plant L.

⋙ śyenacit

   ○cít mfn. piled in the shape of a hawk, Śulbas. 
   • m. a hawkfeeder, falconer W.

⋙ śyenacita

   ○cita mfn. = prec 
   • m. a partic. Agni MBh.

⋙ śyenacitra

   ○citra m. N. of a man ib.

⋙ śyenajit

   ○jit m. N. of a man ib. 
   • (-jid) -ākhyāna n. 'hawk-story', N. of an episode in the Mahā-bhārata

⋙ śyenajīvin

   ○jīvin m. one who lives by selling or training hawk, a falconer Mn. iii, 164

⋙ śyenajūta

   ○jūta (śyená-), mfn. swift as an eagle RV.

⋙ śyenapattra

   ○pattrá n. an eagle's feather ŚBr. KātyŚr.

⋙ śyenapatvan

   ○patvan (śyená-), mfn. 'flying by means of eagles', borne or drawn along by eagles RV.

⋙ śyenapāta

   ○pāta m. an eagle's flight (a favourite feat of jugglers) Daś. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 71) 
   • mfn. flying along like an eagle MBh.

⋙ śyenabṛhat

   ○bṛhat m. N. of a Sāman (cf. -vṛṣaka)

⋙ śyenabhṛta

   ○bhṛta mfn. brought by the eagle (Soma) RV.

⋙ śyenayāga

   ○yāga m. a kind of sacrifice Col.

⋙ śyenavṛṣaka

   ○vṛṣaka n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.

⋙ śyenahṛta

   ○hṛta (śyená-), mfn. brought by the eagle (Soma or some similar plant) ŚBr. KātyŚr.

⋙ śyenākhya

   śyenâkhya m. Ardea Sibirica L.

⋙ śyenābhṛta

   śyenâbhṛta mfn. = śyena-bhṛta RV.

⋙ śyenāvapātam

   śyenâvapātam ind. swooping down like an eagle or hawk Prab.

⋙ śyenāśvaśyena

   śyenâśva-śyena or n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.

⋙ śyenāśvaśyaina

   śyenâśva-śyaina n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.

⋙ śyenāhṛta

   śyenâhṛta m. = śyenahṛta L.

⋙ śyenopadeśa

   śyenôpadeśa m. injunction to women to burn on a separate funeral pile (cf. śyena-karaṇa) W.

≫ śyenikā

   śyenikā f. a female hawk or eagle (said to be a N. of two metres) Piṅg. Sch. Ked.

≫ śyenī

   śyenī śyeta and śyena above

≫ śyaita

   śyaitá m. (also pl.), a patr. AV. ĀśvŚr. 
   • n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.

≫ śyaina

   śyaina mfn. coming from a hawk &c. ( śyena)

≫ śyainampāta

   śyainampāta mf(ā)n. (fr. śyena-pāta) any place fit for the flying of hawks (= śyena-pāto'syām vartate 
   • with mṛgayā f. 'hawking, hunting with hawks') Pāṇ. 4-2, 58 Sch.

≫ śyainika

   śyainika mfn. relating or belonging to the Ekâha Śyena PañcavBr. Sch.

≫ śyaineya

   śyaineyá mfn. (fr. śyenī) descended from a white cow MaitrS. 
   • metron. of Jaṭāyu Mcar.


   śyai cl. 1. P. śyāyati, to cause to congeal or freeze ŚBr. 
   • (Ā.) śyāyate (Gr. also pf. śaśye 
   • aor. aśyāsta 
   • fut. śyātā, śyāsyate), to go, move Dhātup. xxii, 67: Pass. śīyate, to congeal, freeze, be cold TS. TBr.: Caus. śyāpayati, Gr.: Desid. śiśyāsate ib.: Intens. śāśyāyate, śāśyeti, śāśyāti ib.

≫ śīta

   śīta p. 1077, col. 3

≫ śīna

   śīna p. 1078, col. 2

≫ śyāna

   śyāna mfn. shrunk, become dry ( below) 
   • viscous, sticky, adhesive (as clarified butter) W. 
   • coagulated, congealed W. ; gone ib. [Cf. accord. to some, Lith. sśe14nas ; Slav. [s�eno].]

⋙ śyānapulina

   ○pulina mfn. having dry sandbanks (as a river in the hot season) Bhartṛ.


   śyoṇāka or śyonāka m. Bignonia Indica Car. Suśr. VarBṛS.


   śraṃś śraṃs wṛ. for √sraṃs


   śraṅk (also written ślaṅk, sraṅk), cl. 1. Ā. śraṅkate &c., to go, move, creep Dhātup. iv, 9-11. [Page 1095, Column 3] 


   śraṅg (also written ślaṅj, śvaṅg, svaṅg), cl. 1. P. śraṅgati &c., to go, move Dhātup. v, 43-45


   śraṇ (only in vi-√śraṇ, q.v.), cl. 1. P. (cf. Dhātup. xix, 36) śraṇati, or cl. 10. P. (xxxii, 42) śrāṇayati (aor. aśiśraṇat, or aśaśrāṇat Siddh. Vop.), to give, grant, present


   śrát or śrád ind. (accord. to Naigh. iii, 10 = satya, 'truth, faithfulness' 
   • prob. allied to Lat. credo for cred-do 
   • cor, cord-is 
   • Gk. ?, ?, Eng. [1095, 3] 'heart' 
   • only in comp. with √kṛ and dāna and √dhā and its derivations, below)

≫ śratkṛ

   śrat-√kṛ P. -karoti, to make secure, guarantee RV. viii, 75, 2 (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 57 Sch.)

≫ śraddadhāna

   śrad-dádhāna mfn. having faith, trustful, believing RV. &c. &c

⋙ śraddadhānatā

   ○tā f. belief, faith Mn. vii, 86

⋙ śraddadhānavat

   ○vat mfn. trustful, believing VP.

≫ śraddāna

   śrad-dāna n. faith, belief, faithfulness Sarvad.

≫ śraddha

   śrad-dha mfn. having faith, believing in, trusting, faithful, having confidence Kāṭh. TS. 
   • (ā), f. below 
   • n. = śraddhā W.

≫ śraddhayat

   śrad-dhayat (?), mfn. = śrad-dadhāna MuṇḍUp.

≫ śraddhayita

   śrad-dhayita mfn. trustful, believing in (gen.) Divyâv.

≫ śraddhā

   śrad-√dhā P. Ā. -dadhāti, -dhatte (pr. p. śraddadhat, śrad-dádhāna 
   • Ved. inf. śraddhé, cf. śrát above), to have faith or faithfulness, have belief or confidence, believe, be true or trustful (with na, 'to disbelieve' &c.) RV. &c. &c 
   • to credit, think anything true (two acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to believe or have faith in or be true to (with dat., and in later language with gen. of thing or person, or with loc. of thing) RV. &c. &c 
   • to expect anything (acc.) from (abl.) MBh. 
   • to consent, assent to, approve, welcome (with acc 
   • with na, 'to disapprove') Kathās. 
   • to be desirous of (acc.), wish to (inf.) ib. BhP.: Caus. -dhāpayati, to make faithful, render trustful, inspire confidence RV. x, 151, 5

≫ śraddhā

   śraddhā́ f. faith, trust, confidence, trustfulness, faithfulness, belief in (loc. or comp 
   • śraddhayā-√gam, 'to believe in', with gen. Divyâv.), trust, confidence, loyalty (Faith or Faithfulnesses is often personified and in RV. x, 151 invoked as a deity 
   • in TBr. she is the daughter of Prajā-pati, and in ŚBr. of the Sun 
   • in MBh. she is the daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma 
   • in MārkP. she is the mother of Kāma, and in BhP. the daughter of Kardama and wife of Aṅgiras or Manu) RV. &c. &c 
   • wish, desire (śraddhayā ind. 'willingly, gladly'), longing for (loc., acc. with prati inf., or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • desire of eating, appetite Suśr. 
   • the longing of a pregnant woman Car. 
   • curiosity (śraddhām ākhyāhi nas tāvat, 'just satisfy our curiosity and tell us') Kathās. 
   • purity L. 
   • respect, reverence W. 
   • calmness or composure of mind MW. 
   • intimacy ib. 
   • a term for the fem. nouns in ā Kāt. 
   • (with kāmāyanī) N. of the authoress of RV. x, 151 (cf. above) 
   • du. (with prajā-pateḥ) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr.

⋙ śraddhākṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. done with faith or faithfulness W.

⋙ śraddhājāḍya

   ○jāḍya n. blind or obstinate adherence to one's faithfulness MW.

⋙ śraddhādeya

   ○deya n. trust, confidence Divyâv. 
   • also wṛ. for next

⋙ śraddhādeva

   ○deva (śraddhā́-), mfn. trusting in the deity, faithful, believing
   TS. Br. ChUp. (cf. śrāddha-d○)

⋙ śraddhānusārin

   ○"ṣnusārin (śraddhân○), m. 'a follower or observer of faith', one who acts faithfully, a Śrāvaka at a partic. stage of his religious life Divyâv.

⋙ śraddhānvita

   ○"ṣnvita (śraddhânv○), mfn. endowed with faithfulness, believing W.

⋙ śraddhāprakaraṇa

   ○prakaraṇa n

⋙ śraddhābalādhāna

   ○balâdhāna n. N. of wks

⋙ śraddhāmanas

   ○manas (śraddhā́-), mfn. truehearted, faithful RV.

⋙ śraddhāmanasyā

   ○manasyā́ ind. (instr.) faithfully RV.

⋙ śraddhāmaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. full of faith, believing Bhag.

⋙ śraddhāyukta

   ○yukta mfn. having fṭfaithfulness, believing W.

⋙ śraddhārahita

   ○rahita mfn. deprived of faith, disbelieving ib.

⋙ śraddhāvat

   ○vat mfn. = -yukta Bhag. MārkP. 
   • consenting, assenting Kathās. 
   • (vatī), f. N. of a mythical town on mount Meru BhP. Sch.

⋙ śraddhāvitta

   ○vitta (śraddhā-), mfn. possessed of faith or belief, faithful, believing ŚBr.

⋙ śraddhāvimukta

   ○vimukta m. 'released from faith', a Śrāvaka at a partic. stage of his religious life Divyâv.

⋙ śraddhāvirahita

   ○virahita mfn. -rahita MW.

⋙ śraddhāsamanvita

   ○samanvita mfn. = śraddhánvita ib.

⋙ śraddhendriya

   śraddhêndriya mfn. the faculty of believing Lalit.

≫ śraddhātavya

   śraddhātavya n. (impers.) it should be believed MBh.

≫ śraddhātṛ

   śraddhātṛ mfn. one who has belief or is faithful MW. [Page 1096, Column 1] 

≫ śraddhāpana

   śraddhāpana n. (fr. Caus. of śrad-√dhā) a means of inspiring faith or belief Jātakam.

≫ śraddhālu

   śraddhālu mfn. disposed to believe or trust, faithful, trustful Śaṃk. BhP. 
   • (ifc.) vehemently longing for Rājat. 
   • f. a pregnant woman who longs for anything L.

≫ śraddhita

   śráddhita mfn. believed, trusted in or relied on (n. impers., with dat.) RV. i, 104, 6 
   • consented to, approved BhP. 
   • gladly accepted, welcomed ib. 
   • trustful, believing, confident ib.

≫ śraddhin

   śraddhin mfn. faithful, trustful, believing MBh.

≫ śraddhiva

   śraddhivá mfn. to be believed, credible RV. i, 125, 4

≫ śraddheya

   śraddhéya mfn. to be trusted, trustworthy, faithful AV. &c. &c. (tadā-tva-mātra-śr○, one who believes only in the present time Hariv. 11, 180, v. l. ○tre zr○)

⋙ śraddheyatā

   ○tā f. (cf. Jātakam.),

⋙ śraddheyatva

   ○tva n. (cf. Pañcat. ) credibility, trustworthiness


   śrath or śranth (cf. √ślath), cl. 9. P. (Dhātup. xxxi, 39) śrathnāti (Ved. also śrathnīte and śṛnthati, and accord. to Dhātup. also śrathati, śrāthayati, śranthati, ○te 
   • pf. śaśrātha or śaśrantha Gr 
   • 3. sg. -śaśrathe RV. 
   • 3. pl. śrethuḥ or śaśranthuḥ Gr 
   • aor. aśranthīt, ○thiṣṭa ib. 
   • fut. śranthiṣyati ib. 
   • inf. śrathitum or śranthitum ib. 
   • ind. p. śrathitvā or śranthitvā ib. 
   • -śrathya Nir.), to be loosened or untied or unbent, become loose or slack, yield, give way RV. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 89 Sch.) 
   • to make slack, disable, disarm RV. i, 171, 3 
   • (Ā.) to loosen one's own (bonds &c.) AV. 
   • v. l. for grath, granth: Caus. śratháyati, ○te (in Saṃhitāp. also śrathāyati and accord. to Gr. also śrāthayati and śranthayati [below]. 
   • aor. aśiśrathat [3. sg. Subj. śiśrathat and 3. pl. Impv. śiśrathantu RV.] or aśaśranthat), to loosen, untie, unbend, slacken, relax (Ā. 'to become loose, yield') RV. AitBr. 
   • to remit, Pardon (sin) RV. 
   • (śrāthayati), to strive eagerly, endeavour, use exertion Dhātup. xxxii, 13 
   • to delight, gladden ib. 
   • (śranthayati), to bind, tie, connect, arrange Dhātup. xxxiv, 31 
   • to hurt, kill ib.

≫ śratha

   śratha hima-śratha

≫ śrathana

   śrathana n. (only L.) the act of untying, loosening 
   • destroying, killing 
   • tying, binding, connecting 
   • making effort, exertion 
   • delighting

≫ śratharya

   śratharya Nom. P. ○yáti, to become loose or relaxed RV.

≫ śrathāya

   śrathāya Caus. of √śrath

≫ śrantha

   śrantha m. (only L.) loosening, looseness 
   • tying, binding, stringing together 
   • N. of Vishṇu

≫ śranthana

   śranthana n. (only L. 
   • cf. also hima-śr○) the act of loosening, untying, relaxing &c 
   • tying, binding, stringing together (flowers &c.) 
   • composing (a book) 
   • killing, destroying

≫ śranthita

   śranthita mfn. (only L.) loosened, let loose &c. ( √śrath)


   śraddhā śrad-dadhāna &c. P. 1095, col. 3


   śrapa śrapaṇa &c. p. 1097, col. 3

śram 1

   śram cl. 4. P. (Dhātup. xxvi, 95) śrāmyati (in later language also śramati, te 
   • pf. śaśrama, 3. pl. śaśramuḥ or [ŚāṅkhBr.] śremuḥ, p. śaśramāṇá RV. MBh. 
   • aor. āśramat AV., Śubj. śramat RV. 
   • śramiṣma ib. Br. 
   • fut. śramitā MBh. 
   • śramiṣyati Gr 
   • inf. śramitum ib. 
   • ind. p. -śrámya. Br.), to be or become weary or tired, be tired of doing anything (with inf 
   • also impers. ná mā śramat, 'may I not become weary!') RV. &c. &c 
   • to make effort, exert one's self (esp. in performing acts of austerity), labour in vain ib.: Pass. śramyate (aor. [azr�Ami], Gr.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. vi-√śraṃ): Caus. [sr�Amayati] (aor. aśiśramat), to make weary, fatigue, tire Kām. Hariv. Subh. 
   • to overcome, conquer, subdue R. 
   • (śrāmayati), to speak to, address, invite (āmantraṇe) Dhātup. xxxv, 40 (v. l. for grām○, cf. grāmaya): Desid., vi-śiśramiṣu

≫ śrama

   śráma m. (ifc. f. ā) fatigue, weariness, exhaustion RV. &c. &c 
   • exertion, labour, toil, exercise, effort either bodily or mental, hard work of any kind (as in performing acts of bodily mortification, religious exercises and austerity 
   • śramaṃ-√kṛ, 'to work hard at one's studies'), pains or trouble bestowed on (loc. or comp.) AV. &c. &c 
   • military exercise, drill W. [Page 1096, Column 2] 
   • N. of a son of Āpa Hariv. 
   • of a son of Vasu-deva BhP.

⋙ śramakara

   ○kara mfn. causing fatigue or trouble Subh.

⋙ śramakarśita

   ○karśita or mfn. worn out with fatigue MBh.

⋙ śramakarṣita

   ○karṣita mfn. worn out with fatigue MBh.

⋙ śramaklānta

   ○klānta mfn. exhausted with fṭfatigue Śak.

⋙ śramakhinna

   ○khinna mfn. distressed by fṭfatigue R.

⋙ śramaghna

   ○ghna mfn. dispelling fatigue Suśr. 
   • (ī), f. the fruit of Cucurbita Lagenaria L.

⋙ śramacchid

   ○cchid mfn. destroying fatigue' Ragh.

⋙ śramajala

   ○jala n. 'toil water', perspiration Daś. Śiś.

⋙ śramanud

   ○nud mfn. removing fatigue Ragh.

⋙ śramapīḍita

   ○pīḍita mfn. distressed with fṭfatigue MBh.

⋙ śramamohita

   ○mohita mfn. bewildered or stupefied by fatigue ib.

⋙ śramavat

   ○vat mfn. one who has exerted himself or worked hard Cat.

⋙ śramavāri

   ○vāri n. (= -jala) 
   • -bindu m. -leśa m. a drop of perspiration Kāv.

⋙ śramavinayana

   ○vinayana mfn. dispelling fṭfatigue (in adhva-śr"ṣ-v○) Megh.

⋙ śramavinoda

   ○vinoda m. the act of dispelling fṭfatigue VarBṛS.

⋙ śramaśīkara

   ○śīkara m. = -jala Gīt.

⋙ śramasaṃtāpakarṣita

   ○saṃtāpakarṣita mfn. worn out by fatigue and pain MBh.

⋙ śramasādhya

   ○sādhya mfn. to be accomplished by exertion MW.

⋙ śramasiddha

   ○siddha mfn. accomplished by exertion or labour ib.

⋙ śramasthāna

   ○sthāna n. a place for work or exercise, workshop, drilling-place L.

⋙ śramādhāyin

   śramâdhāyin (?), mfn. causing pain or trouble Rājat.

⋙ śramāpanayana

   śramâpanayana n. dispelling fatigue (in ati-śr○) Śak.

⋙ śramāmbu

   śramâmbu n. = śrama-jala Uttarar.

⋙ śramāyukta

   śramâyukta mfn. worn out with fatigue R.

⋙ śramārta

   śramârta mfn. oppressed by fatigue, wearied Mn. viii, 67

≫ śramaṇa

   śramaṇá mf(ā or ī)n. making effort or exertion, toiling, labouring, (esp.) following a toilsome or menial business W. 
   • base, vile, bad ib. 
   • naked L. 
   • m. one who performs acts of mortification or austerity, an ascetic, monk, devotee, religious mendicant ŚBr. &c. &c 
   • a Buddhist monk or mendicant (also applied to Buddha himself, cf. MWB. 23 &c 
   • also applied to a Jain ascetic now commonly called Yati) MBh. R. &c 
   • N. of a serpent-demon Buddh. 
   • (ā or ī), a female mendicant or nun L. 
   • a hard-working woman L. 
   • (ā), f. a handsome woman L. 
   • = śabarī-bhid, māṃsī, muṇḍīrī L. 
   • n. toil, labour, exertion ŚāṅkhŚr.

⋙ śramaṇadatta

   ○datta m. N. of a man HPariś.

⋙ śramaṇaśākyaputrīya

   ○śākya-putrīya m. a disciple of Buddha Divyâv.

⋙ śramaṇācārya

   śramaṇâcārya m. a Buddhist or Jain teacher Hcar.

⋙ śramaṇoddeśa

   śramaṇôddeśa m. (and ikā f.) a male or female disciple of a Śramaṇa Divyâv.

≫ śramaṇaka

   śramaṇaka m. (and ikā f.) a Buddhist or Jain ascetic Mṛicch. Daś.

≫ śramaṇāya

   śramaṇāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be or become a Śramaṇa or monk or ascetic Hit.

≫ śramayu

   śramayú mfn. toiling, exerting one's self RV.

≫ śramin

   śramin mfn. (only L. 
   • cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 141) making great efforts 
   • undergoing fatigue or weariness

≫ śrānta

   śrāntá mfn. wearied, fatigued, tired, exhausted (śrānta-klānta mfn. 'wearied and exhausted'), pained, distressed RV. &c. &c 
   • hungry L. 
   • calmed, tranquil (= śānta L. 
   • m. N. of a son of Āpa VP. 
   • n. fatigue, exertion, self-mortification, religious austerity (or its fruit) RV. TS. AitBr. KātyŚr.

⋙ śrāntacitta

   ○citta (cf. Cāṇ.),

⋙ śrāntamanas

   ○manas (cf. Śak.), mfn. wearied or distressed in mind

⋙ śrāntasaṃvāhana

   ○saṃvāhana n. soothing a weary person (by rubbing or shampooing his limbs), relieving or tending the wearied W.

⋙ śrāntasad

   ○sád mfn. lying down wearied AV.

⋙ śrāntahṛdaya

   ○hṛdaya mfn. = -citta R.

⋙ śrāntāgata

   śrāntâgata mfn. one who has arrived weary L.

≫ śrāma

   śrāma m. a temporary shed (= maṇḍapa) L. 
   • a month L. 
   • time L. 
   • wṛ. for śrama R.

≫ śrāmaṇa

   śrāmaṇa n. (fr. śramaṇa), g. yuvâdi 
   • (ī), f. N. of a plant L.

≫ śrāmaṇaka

   śrāmaṇaka m. or n. (fr. id.) N. of a partic. contrivance for kindling fire
   Gaut. Baudh. Vas. (v. l. śrāvaṇaka)

≫ śrāmaṇera

   śrāmaṇera m. (among Buddhists) a pupil or disciple admitted to the first degree of monkhood, a novice Buddh. MWB. 77

≫ śrāmaṇeraka

   śrāmaṇeraka m. id. Divyâv.

≫ śrāmaṇya

   śrāmaṇya n. religious austerity or mendicancy HPariś.

śram 2

   śram ind., g. svar-ādi


   śrambh (also written srambh 
   • generally found with the prefix vi 
   • vi-√śrambh, and cf. also ni-śṛmbhá, pra-śrabdhi), cl. 1. Ā. śrambhate (Gr. also pf. śaśrambhe fut. śrambhitā &c.), to be careless or negligent cf. Dhātup. x, 33 
   • to trust, confide, xviii, 18


   śraya m. (fr. √1. śri 
   • cf. ā-śraya, pari-śr○, bhadra-śr○, uc-chraya) approaching for protection, asylum, refuge, protection W. [Page 1096, Column 3] 

≫ śrayaṇa 1

   śrayaṇa n. the act of going to or approaching (esp. for protection), recourse to (comp.), asylum, refuge, protection, shelter BhP.

≫ śrayaṇīya

   śrayaṇīya or mfn. to be had recourse to, to be depended on MW.

⋙ śrayitavya

   śrayitavya mfn. to be had recourse to, to be depended on MW. 
   • to be sheltered or protected ib.

≫ śrayin

   śrayin ā-śrayin and saṃ-śrayin

≫ śrāya 1

   śrāyá mfn. possessing anything, furnished or provided with (loc.) RV. v, 53, 4 
   • m. refuge, reliance, shelter, protection W. 
   • a house, dwelling, abode (cf. uc-chrāya) Bhaṭṭ.

≫ śrāyat

   śrāyat mfn. having recourse to (acc.) RV. viii, 99, 3 (cf. Nir. vi, 8)

≫ śrāyantīya

   śrāyantīya n. (fr. prec.) N. of a Sāman Br. ĀśvŚr.

śrayaṇa 2

   śrayaṇa n. (fr. √śrī) mixing up, mixture KātyŚr.

śrava 1

   śravá mfn. (√1. śru) sounding VS. 
   • m. hearing (āt, 'from hearsay', e, with gen., 'within hearing of') MBh. Hariv. 
   • the ear VarBṛS. Kathās. 
   • the hypotenuse of a triangle Sūryas.

≫ śrava 2

   śrava in comp. for 1. śravas

⋙ śravaeṣa

   ○eṣá m. desire of praising RV.

≫ śravaṇa 1

   śrávaṇa n. the act of hearing (also 'that which is heard' = śruti, q.v 
   • iti śravaṇāt, 'because it is so heard or revealed' i.e. 'according to a Vedic text') ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • acquiring knowledge by hearing, learning, study (cf. a-śravaṇāt) Kām. Sarvad. 
   • (in phil.) the determining by means of the six signs the true doctrine of the Vedânta (in regard to the only really existing Being) Vedântas. 
   • fame, reputation ĀśvŚr. Nir. 
   • wealth MW. 
   • m. (rarely n.) the ear MaitrUp. MBh. &c 
   • m. (= śramaṇa) a Buddhist or Jain monk (cf. śrāvaka) HPariś. 
   • the hypotenuse of a triangle or the diagonal of a tetragon &c. Gol. 
   • (ā), f. a female monk or nun or ascetic HPariś.

⋙ śravaṇakātaratā

   ○kātaratā f. anxiety for hearing Śak.

⋙ śravaṇagocara

   ○gocara m. range of hearing Kathās. 
   • mfn. being within hearing (-tā f.) Vīrac.

⋙ śravaṇapatha

   ○patha m. the region of the ears ( comp.) 
   • the ear-passage, auditory passage, ear Śiś. 
   • range of hearing ( comp.) 
   • -gata mfn. reaching to the ear-passage or ears Bhartṛ. 
   • -paryanta-gamana n. reaching to the limit of hearing Gīt. 
   • ○tâtithi m. coming to (lit. 'being a guest of') the ears of any one (○thi-tvam√i, with gen., 'to come to the ears of', 'be heard by') Ratnâv.

⋙ śravaṇaparuṣa

   ○paruṣa mfn. hard or cruel to the ear, hard to be listened to Megh.

⋙ śravaṇapāli

   ○pāli f. the tip of the ear Gīt.

⋙ śravaṇapāśa

   ○pāśa m. a beautiful ear A. (cf. Gaṇar. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 66)

⋙ śravaṇapuṭaka

   ○puṭaka m. the auditory passage L.

⋙ śravaṇapūraka

   ○pūraka m. 'ear-filler', an earring or other ornament for the ear Śiś.

⋙ śravaṇaprāghuṇika

   ○prāghuṇika m. coming to any one's ears Naish. Sch. 
   • ○ṇikī-kṛta mfn. brought to any one's (gen.) ears Naish.

⋙ śravaṇabhūṣaṇa

   ○bhūṣaṇa n. 'ear-ornament', N. of wk

⋙ śravaṇabhṛta

   ○bhṛta mfn. brought to any one's ears, spoken of BhP.

⋙ śravaṇamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of ears, being nothing but ears Dharmaśarm.

⋙ śravaṇamūla

   ○mūla n. the √of the ear Kathās.

⋙ śravaṇaruj

   ○ruj f. ear-ache, disease of the ear VarBṛS.

⋙ śravaṇavidāraṇa

   ○vidāraṇa mfn. ear-rending (said of speech) Mudr.

⋙ śravaṇavidhi

   ○vidhi m. a method or rule of hearing or studying 
   • -vicāra m. N. of a treatise on the study of the Upanishads

⋙ śravaṇaviṣaya

   ○viṣaya m. = -gocara Megh. 
   • -prâpin mfn. reaching the range of the ear Ragh.

⋙ śravaṇavyādhi

   ○vyādhi m. = -ruj VarBṛS.

⋙ śravaṇaśīrṣikā

   ○śīrṣikā f. Sphaeranthus Mollis L.

⋙ śravaṇasukha

   ○sukha (cf. Śiś.) or (cf. Megh.), mfn. pleasant to the ear

⋙ śravaṇasubhaga

   ○subhaga (cf. Megh.), mfn. pleasant to the ear

⋙ śravaṇahārin

   ○hārin mfn. charming the ear Vās.

⋙ śravanādhikārin

   śravanâdhikārin m. 'ear-ruler', a speaker, addresser W.

⋙ śravaṇānanda

   śravaṇânanda m

⋙ śravaṇānandinī

   śravaṇânaḍndinī f. N. of wks

⋙ śravaṇāvabhāsa

   śravaṇâvabhāsa m. range of hearing Buddh.

⋙ śravaṇāhvayā

   śravaṇâhvayā f. a kind of plant Suśr.

⋙ śravaṇendriya

   śravaṇêndriya n. 'organ or sense of hearing', the ear W.

⋙ śravaṇotpala

   śravaṇôtpala n. 'earlotus', a lotus fastened in the ear (as an ornament) MW.

⋙ śravaṇodara

   śravaṇôdara n. 'ear-hollow', the auditory passage, ear Śiś.

⋙ śravaṇodyāpana

   śravaṇôdyāpana n. N. of wk

≫ śravaṇaka

   śravaṇaka m. = śramaṇaka, a Buddhist or Jain ascetic HPariś.

≫ śravaṇas

   śravaṇas (?), mfn. accompanying a song Saṃgīt.

≫ śravaṇasya

   śravaṇasya m. a proper N. MW.

≫ śravaṇīya

   śravaṇīya mfn. to be heard, worth hearing ṢaḍvBr. MBh. &c 
   • to be celebrated, praise worthy MW.

⋙ śravaṇīyapāra

   ○pāra m. N. of one of the eight Sthānas (q.v.) of the Ṛig-veda. [Page 1097, Column 1] 

≫ śravas 1

   śrávas n. sound, shout, loud praise RV. VS. BhP. 
   • glory, fame, renown RV. AV. BhP. 
   • the ear L. 
   • m. N. of a son of Santa MBh. [Cf. Gk. ? for ?] [1097, 1]

⋙ śravaskāma

   ○kāma (śrávas-), mfn. desirous of praise RV.

≫ śravasya 1

   śravasya Nom. P. ○yáti (only pr. p. ○yát), to wish to praise RV. i, 128, 1

≫ śravasya 2

   śravasyá n. fame, glory, renown RV. 
   • a glorious deed ib.

≫ śravasyu 1

   śravasyú mfn. willing to praise or celebrate RV.

≫ śravāyya

   śravā́yya mfn. to be praised or celebrated, praiseworthy, notorious RV. 
   • m. an animal fit for sacrifice Uṇ. iii, 96 Sch.

≫ śraviṣṭha

   śraviṣṭha mfn. most famous MW. 
   • born or produced under the Nakshatra Śravishṭhā Pāṇ. 4-3, 34 
   • m. N. of a man, g. aśvâdi 
   • (ā), f. below

≫ śraviṣṭhaka

   śraviṣṭhaka m. N. of a man Cat.

≫ śraviṣṭhā

   śraviṣṭhā f. pl. (in later language also sg. and du.) N. of the 24th (or 21st or 22nd) Nakshatra (also called Dhanishṭhā and regarded as having the shape of a drum) AV. TS. TBr. Sūryas. 
   • of a daughter of Citraka Hariv. 
   • of a daughter of Rājâdhideva ib. 
   • of a daughter of Paippalādi ib.

⋙ śraviṣṭhāja

   ○ja or m. 'son of Śravishṭhā', N. of the planet Mercury L.

⋙ śraviṣṭhābhū

   ○bhū m. 'son of Śravishṭhā', N. of the planet Mercury L.

⋙ śraviṣṭhāramaṇa

   ○ramaṇa m. 'lover of Śravishṭhā', N. of the moon L.

≫ śraviṣṭhīya

   śraviṣṭhīya mf(ā)n. relating or belonging to the Nakshatra Śravishṭhā ŚāṅkhGṛ.

≫ śravo

   śravo in comp. for 1. śravas

⋙ śravojit

   ○jít mfn. winning renown, glorious RV.

≫ śravya

   śravya mfn. audible, to be heard, worth hearing, praiseworthy MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ śravyatva

   ○tva n. praiseworthiness Sāh.

≫ śrāva

   śrāva m. hearing, listening MW. 
   • N. of a son of Yuvanāśva (and father of Śrāvastaka) MBh.

≫ śrāvaka

   śrāvaka mf(ikā)n. hearing, listening to (comp.) Vās. 
   • audible from afar Śiś. 
   • m. a pupil, disciple Mālatīm. 
   • a disciple of the Buddha (the disciples of the Hīna-yāna school are sometimes so called in contradistinction to the disciples of the Mahā-yāna school 
   • properly only those who heard the law from the Boddha's own lips have the name śrāvaka, and of these two, viz. Sāriputta and Moggallāna, were Agra-śrāvakas, 'chief disciples', while eighty, including Kāśyapa, Upāli, and Ānanda, were Mahā-śrāvakas or 'great disciples') MWB. 47, 75 
   • a Jaina disciple (regarded by orthodox Hindūs as a heretic) MW. 
   • a crow L. 
   • a sound audible from afar Śiś. 
   • that faculty of the voice which makes a sound audible to a distance L. 
   • (ikā), f. below

⋙ śrāvakakṛtya

   ○kṛtya n. N. of wk

⋙ śrāvakatva

   ○tva n. the state or condition of a Śrāvaka HYog.

⋙ śrāvakayāna

   ○yāna n. the vehicle of the ŚrṭŚrāvaka (cf. under yāna) Dharmas. 3

⋙ śrāvakavrata

   ○vrata n. N. of a Jaina treatise

⋙ śrāvakānuṣṭhānavidhi

   śrāvakânuṣṭhāna-vidhi m

⋙ śrāvakārādhana

   śrāvakârādhana n. N. of Jaina wks

≫ śrāvaṇa 1

   śrāvaṇa mfn. relating to or perceived by the ear, audible MārkP. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-2, 92 Sch.) 
   • taught or enjoined in the Veda (cf. śrauta) MBh. iii, 100, 75 
   • m. a heretic L. 
   • N. of a Muni Cat. 
   • (ā and ī), f. N. of various plants Suśr. 
   • n. causing to be heard, announcing, proclaiming MBh. Pañcat. 
   • knowledge derived from hearing MW.

⋙ śrāvaṇatva

   ○tva n. audibleness Tarkas.

≫ śrāvaṇikā 1

   śrāvaṇikā mahā-śr○

≫ śrāvaṇīya

   śrāvaṇīya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be caused to be heard, to be read MārkP. 
   • to be heard, audible MBh.

≫ śrāvayat

   śrāvayat (pr. p. of id.), in comp

⋙ śrāvayatpati

   ○pati (○yát-), mfn. making the lord famous RV.

⋙ śrāvayatsakhi

   ○sakhi (○yát-), mfn. making the friend famous ib.

≫ śrāvayitavya

   śrāvayitavya mfn. (fr. id.) to be caused to be heard, to be communicated VarBṛS. 
   • to be caused to hear, to be apprized or informed Śak.

≫ śrāvikā

   śrāvikā f. a female Śrāvaka ( above 
   • two female disciples of the Buddha were called agraśrāvikā, 'chief female disciples') Śatr. MWB. 48

⋙ śrāvikātva

   ○tva n. the state or condition of a Śrāvikā (cf. śrāvaka-tva) HPariś.

≫ śrāvita

   śrāvitá mfn. (fr. Caus. of √1. śru) caused to be heard, announced, proclaimed, communicated Hariv. R. BhP. 
   • called, named R. 
   • taught, informed of (acc.) Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • n. (in ritual), call, cry, exclamation ŚBr.

≫ śrāvitṛ

   śrāvitṛ m. one who hears, a hearer MBh.

≫ śrāvin

   śrāvin mfn. hearing, a hearer Sarvad.

≫ śrāviṣṭha

   śrāviṣṭha mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to the Nakshatra Śravishṭhā L. [Page 1097, Column 2] 

≫ śrāviṣṭhāyana

   śrāviṣṭhāyana m. patr. fr. śraviṣṭha (also pl. Pravar.), g. aśvâdi

≫ śrāviṣṭhīya

   śrāviṣṭhīya mfn. born under the Nakshatra Śravishṭhā Pāṇ. 4-3, 34 Vārtt. 3 Pat.

≫ śrāvya

   śrāvya mfn. audible, to be heard, worth hearing R. Kathās. Sāh. 
   • to be announced or proclaimed MBh. 
   • to be apprized or informed ib.

śrava 3

   śrava śravaka &c. srava &c

śravaṇa 2

   śrávaṇa mfn. (fr. √2. śru 
   • for 1. śravaṇa, p. 1096 
   • cf. sravaṇa) limping, lame KātyŚr. 
   • m. N. of the 20th (or 23rd) Nakshatra (presided over by Vishṇu, and containing the three stars, ?, ?, and ? Aquilae, supposed to represent three footsteps 
   • cf. tri-vikrama) AV. GṛS. MBh. &c 
   • a sort of disease (= śroṇa) MW. 
   • N. of a son of Naraka BhP. 
   • (with bhaṭṭa) N. of a teacher Cat. 
   • (ā), f. below 
   • n. = śravaṇā-karman ŚāṅkhGṛ.

⋙ śravaṇadatta

   ○datta m. N. of a teacher Br.

⋙ śravaṇadvādaśī

   ○dvādaśī f. a partic. Tithi or lunar day (when certain religious observances of great efficacy are performed 
   • it is said to fall on the twelfth of the light half of Bhādra, when that month is connected with the asterism Śravaṇa) BhP. 
   • -vrata n. N. of a ch. of the BrahmaP. 
   • -vrata-kathā f. N. of a ch. of the ĀdityaP

⋙ śravaṇamāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. N. of wk

≫ śravaṇā

   śravaṇā f. N. of a Nakshatra (= 2. śravaṇa) VarBṛS. Pur. 
   • the night of full-moon in the month Śrāvaṇa GṛŚrS. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 5) 
   • N. of a daughter of Citraka or Rājâdhideva (cf. śraviṣṭhā) Hariv.

⋙ śravaṇākarman

   ○karman n. the ceremony performed on the day of full moon in Śrāvaṇa GṛS.

≫ śravaṇikāvrata

   śravaṇikā-vrata n. N. of a partic. religious observance (prob. = śravaṇā-karman) Cat.

≫ śravas 2

   śrávas n. (= sravas) a stream, flow, gush RV. 
   • swift course, rapid motion, flight (instr. pl. in flight, while flying) ib. 
   • a channel ib. vii, 79, 3 ; x, 27, 21 
   • = anna or dhana Nir. [Cf., accord. to some, Gk. ?.] [1097, 2]

≫ śravasya 3

   śravasya Nom. P. ○yáti, to be swift, hasten, fly along RV. 
   • to snatch up ib. ii, 13, 13

≫ śravasya 4

   śravasyá mfn. swift, rapid RV.

≫ śravasyā

   śravasyā́ ind. swiftly, rapidly, fast ib.

≫ śravasyu 2

   śravasyu mfn. flowing, streaming RV. 
   • swift, nimble ib. AV.

≫ śrāvaṇa 2

   śrāvaṇa mf(ī)n. relating to or produced under the Nakshatra Śravaṇa 
   • m. (with or scil. mās or māsa) N. of one of the twelve Hindū months (generally rainy and corresponding to July-August) Suśr. GṛS. Yājñ. &c 
   • (ī), f. below 
   • n. = next GṛS.

⋙ śrāvaṇakarman

   ○karman n. = śravaṇā-k○ above 
   • ○masarpa-bali-prayoga m. N. of wk

⋙ śrāvaṇadvādaśī

   ○dvādaśī f. the twelfth day of the month Śrāvaṇa 
   • -pāranavidhi m. -māhātmya n. -vrata n. -vratakalpa, m. N. of wks

⋙ śrāvaṇaniṣedhavacana

   ○niṣedha-vacana n

⋙ śrāvaṇamāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n

⋙ śrāvaṇavidhi

   ○vidhi m

⋙ śrāvaṇaśanivāravrata

   ○śanivāra-vrata n. N. of wks

⋙ śrāvaṇaśukla

   ○śukla (ibc.) the light half of ŚrṭŚrāvaṇa 
   • -caturthī and -tṛtīyā f. the fourth and third day in the light half of Śrāvaṇa MW.

⋙ śrāvaṇahomamantra

   ○homa-mantra m. N. of wk

⋙ śrāvaṇotsargakarman

   śrāvaṇôtsarga-karman n. N. of wk

≫ śrāvaṇika

   śrāvaṇika mfn. = 2. śrāvaṇa W. 
   • (ā), f. next

≫ śrāvaṇikā 2

   śrāvaṇikā f. (for 1. col. 1) = śrāvaṇī below

⋙ śrāvaṇikāvrata

   ○vrata n. a partic. observance Cat.

≫ śrāvaṇī

   śrāvaṇī f. (cf. under 1. śrāvaṇa) the day of full-moon in the month Śrāvaṇa GṛŚrS. Mn. Rājñ. &c 
   • a partic. Pāka-yajña Gaut.

⋙ śrāvaṇīkarman

   ○karman n

⋙ śrāvaṇīkarmavidhi

   ○karma-vidhi m

⋙ śrāvaṇīpaddhati

   ○paddhati f

⋙ śrāvaṇīprayoga

   ○prayoga m. N. of wks

śravaṇa 3

   śravaṇa m. a kind of plant used for colouring white Suśr. 
   • (ā), f. = muṇḍīrikā L.

śravaṇa 4

   śravaṇa n. = śrapaṇa L. 
   • (ī), f. vapā-śravaṇī

śravaṇa 5

   śravaṇa wṛ. for sravaṇa


   śravāpya wṛ. for śravāyya


   śraviṣṭha &c. col. 1


   śravya col. 1


   śrā or śrai (cf. √śrī), cl. 1. or 4. P. (Dhātup. xxii, 21) śrāyati (accord. to xxiv, 45 also cl. 2. P. śrāti 
   • pf. śaśrau 
   • aor. aśrāsīt 
   • Prec. śrāyāt or śreyāt inf. śrātum Gr.), to cook, boil, seethe, mature, ripen (only in Dhātup. 
   • accord. to Vop. also 'to sweat'): Pass. śrāyate (aor. aśrāyi), Gr.: Caus. śrapáyati, ○te (aor. aśiśrapat 
   • Pass. śrapyáte), to cause to cook or boil, roast, bake AV. &c. &c. [Page 1097, Column 3] 
   • to make hot, heat, bake (earthenware) VS. Gaut. Vait. 
   • to cause to sweat Vop. [for śrāpaya, p. 1098, col. 1]: Desid. śiśrāsati Gr.: Intens. śāśrāyati, śāśrāti, śāśreti ib.

≫ śṛta

   śṛta p. 1088, col. 1 (cf. śrīta, p. 1098)

≫ śrapa

   śrapa su-śrápa

≫ śrapaṇa

   śrápaṇa n. (fr. Caus.) cooking, boiling TS. ŚBr. MBh. 
   • m. (scil. agni) cooking fire (applied to the Āhavanīya and Gārhapatya) KātyŚr. 
   • (ī), f. vapā-śrápaṇī

≫ śrapaṇīya

   śrapaṇīya or mfn. (fr. id.) to be cooked or boiled MW.

⋙ śrapayitavya

   śrapayitavya mfn. (fr. id.) to be cooked or boiled MW.

≫ śrapayitṛ

   śrapayitṛ́ m. (fr. id.) a cook ŚBr.

≫ śrapāyya

   śrapāyya m. (fr. id.) a sacrificial animal L.

≫ śrapita

   śrapita mfn. (fr. id.) caused to be cooked or boiled MBh. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 27 Vārtt. 2 Pat.) 
   • (ā), f. rice-gruel L. 
   • n. boiled meat &c. MW.

≫ śrāṇa

   śrāṇa mfn. cooked, boiled Pāṇ. 6-1, 27 Vārtt. 1 Pat. 
   • moist, wet L. 
   • (ā), f. rice gruel L. 
   • n. boiled meat &c. MW.

≫ śrāta

   śrātá mfn. (cf. śṛtá) cooked, boiled, roasted RV. TS. ĀśvŚr. [Cf. Gk. ? in ?.] [1097, 3]

≫ śrāpin

   śrāpin mfn. (fr Caus.), cooking, boiling Kāty.


   śrāddha mf(ī)n. (fr. śrad-dhā) faithful, true, loyal, believing HPariś. SaddhP. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 101) 
   • relating to a Śrāddha ceremony Cat. 
   • n. a ceremony in honour and for the benefit of dead relatives observed with great strictness at various fixed periods and on occasions of rejoicing as well as mourning by the surviving relatives (these ceremonies are performed by the daily offering of water and on stated occasions by the offering of Piṇḍas or balls of rice and meal [see piṇḍa] to three paternal and three maternal forefathers, i.e. to father, grandfather, and great grandfather 
   • it should be borne in mind that a Śrāddha is not a funeral ceremouy [antyêṣṭi] but a supplement to such a ceremony 
   • it is an act of reverential homage to a deceased person performed by relatives, and is moreover supposed to supply the dead with strengthening nutriment after the performance of the previous funeral ceremonies has endowed them with ethereal bodies 
   • indeed until those antyêṣṭi, or 'funeral rites' have been performed, and until the succeeding first Śrāddha has been celebrated the deceased relative is a prêta or restless, wandering ghost, and has no real body [only a liṅga-śarīra, q.v.] 
   • it is not until the first Śrāddha has taken place that he attains a position among the Pitṛis or Divine Fathers in their blissful abode called Pitṛi-loka, and the ŚrṭŚrāddha is most desirable and efficacious when performed by a son 
   • for a full description of the Śrāddha ceremonies, RTL. 276, 304 &c.) GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • gifts or offerings at a Śrāddha MW.

⋙ śrāddhakara

   ○kara and m. one who performs a Śrāddha or offers an oblation to the Pitṛis W.

⋙ śrāddhakartṛ

   ○kartṛ m. one who performs a Śrāddha or offers an oblation to the Pitṛis W.

⋙ śrāddhakarman

   ○karman n. a ŚrṭŚrāddha rite Gaut. Mn. Hariv. &c 
   • ○ma-vidhi m. N. of wk

⋙ śrāddhakalā

   ○kalā f. N. of wk

⋙ śrāddhakalpa

   ○kalpa m. = -karman Āpast. Mn. MBh. 
   • N. of various wks. (also -dīpa m. -druma m. -bhāṣya gobhilīya n. -latā f. -sūtra n.)

⋙ śrāddhakāṇḍa

   ○kāṇḍa m. n

⋙ śrāddhakāṇḍasaṃgraha

   ○kāṇḍa-saṃgraha m

⋙ śrāddhakārikā

   ○kārikā f

⋙ śrāddhakāryanirṇayasaṃkṣepa

   ○kārya-nirṇaya-saṃkṣepa m. N. of wks

⋙ śrāddhakāla

   ○kāla m. the time for offering a ŚrṭŚrāddha (accord. to some the eighth hour of the day) KaṭhUp.

⋙ śrāddhakāśikā

   ○kāśikā f. N. of a Comm. on the Śrāddhakalpa-sūtra by Kṛishṇa-miśra

⋙ śrāddhakṛt

   ○kṛt m. = -kara W.

⋙ śrāddhakaumudī

   ○kaumudī f. N. of wk

⋙ śrāddhakriyā

   ○kriyā f. = -karman MW.

⋙ śrāddhagaṇapati

   ○gaṇa-pati m

⋙ śrāddhaguṇasaṃgraha

   ○guṇa-saṃgraha m

⋙ śrāddhacandrikā

   ○candrikā f

⋙ śrāddhacintāmaṇi

   ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wks

⋙ śrāddhatattva

   ○tattva n. N. of two chs. of Raghu-nandana's Smṛiti-tattva (called Chandoga-śrāddha-tattva and Yajurvedi-śrṭśrāddha-tṭtattva) 
   • -ṭīkā f. N. of a Comm. on the former by Kāśi-rāma

⋙ śrāddhatilaka

   ○tilaka m. N. of wk

⋙ śrāddhatva

   ○tva n. faithfulness, loyalty L. 
   • the being a ŚrṭŚrāddha MW.

⋙ śrāddhada

   ○da m. the offerer of a Śr W.

⋙ śrāddhadarpaṇa

   ○darpaṇa m. N. of wk

⋙ śrāddhadina

   ○dina n. the day of a ŚrṭŚrāddha, anniversary of the death of a near relative Cat.

⋙ śrāddhadīdhiti

   ○dīdhiti f

⋙ śrāddhadīpa

   ○dīpa m

⋙ śrāddhadīpakalikā

   ○dīpa-kalikā f

⋙ śrāddhadīpikā

   ○dīpikā f. N. of wks

⋙ śrāddhadeva

   ○deva m. any god presiding over ŚrṭŚrāddha rites (esp. applied to Yama, lord of the dead, but also to his brother Manu Vaivasvata, who in a former mundane age was Manu Satya-vrata 
   • also applied to Vivasvat himself, and even to Brāhmans) Mn. MBh. Pur. 
   • -tva n. Hariv.

⋙ śrāddhadevatā

   ○devatā f. any deity presiding over ŚrṭŚrāddha rites BhP. (cf. prec.) 
   • a Pitṛi or progenitor W. 
   • -nirṇaya m. N. of wk

⋙ śrāddhadvāsaptatikalā

   ○dvā-saptati-kalā f. (pl.),

⋙ śrāddhanavakaṇḍikāsūtra

   ○nava-kaṇḍikā-sūtra n

⋙ śrāddhanirūpaṇa

   ○nirūpaṇa n

⋙ śrāddhanirṇaya

   ○nirṇaya m

⋙ śrāddhapaṅkti

   ○paṅkti f. [Page 1098, Column 1] 

⋙ śrāddhapaddhati

   ○paddhati f. (also with pañca-triṃśac-chlokī),

⋙ śrāddhapallava

   ○pallava m. n

⋙ śrāddhapārijāta

   ○pārijāta m

⋙ śrāddhaprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m

⋙ śrāddhaprakīrṇakārikā

   ○prakīrṇa-kārikā f

⋙ śrāddhapradīpa

   ○pradīpa m

⋙ śrāddhaprabhā

   ○prabhā f

⋙ śrāddhaprayoga

   ○prayoga m

⋙ śrāddhaprayogacintāmaṇi

   ○prayoga-cintāmaṇi m

⋙ śrāddhaprayogapaddhati

   ○prayoga-paddhati f

⋙ śrāddhapraśaṃsā

   ○praśaṃsā f

⋙ śrāddhabrāhmaṇa

   ○brāhmaṇa n

[[ ]]

   śrāddhabhāskaraprayogapaddhati3śrāddha--bhāskara-prayoga-paddhati f. N. of wks

⋙ śrāddhabhuj

   ○bhuj mfn. eating food prepared at a ŚrṭŚrāddha Mn. iii, 250

⋙ śrāddhabhojana

   ○bhojana n. participation in a ŚrṭŚrāddha ŚāṅkhGṛ.

⋙ śrāddhamañjarī

   ○mañjarī f

⋙ śrāddhamayūkha

   ○mayūkha m. N. of wks

⋙ śrāddhamitra

   ○mitra mfn. making friends through a ŚrṭŚrāddha Mn. iii, 140

⋙ śrāddhamīmāṃsā

   ○mīmāṃsā f

⋙ śrāddharatna

   ○ratna n

⋙ śrāddharahasya

   ○rahasya n

⋙ śrāddhavacanasaṃgraha

   ○vacana-saṃgraha m

⋙ śrāddhavamanaprāyaścitta

   ○vamanaprâyaścitta n

⋙ śrāddhavarnana

   ○varnana n

⋙ śrāddhavasiṣṭha

   ○vasiṣṭha m. or n. N. of wks

⋙ śrāddhavāsara

   ○vāsara m. n. = -dina Cat.

⋙ śrāddhavidhi

   ○vidhi m

⋙ śrāddhaviveka

   ○viveka m

⋙ śrāddhavivekasaṃgraha

   ○viveka-saṃgraha m

⋙ śrāddhavṛttiprakaraṇa

   ○vṛtti-prakaraṇa n. and N. of wks

⋙ śrāddhavyavasthāsaṃkṣepa

   ○vyavasthā-saṃkṣepa m. N. of wks

⋙ śrāddhaśāka

   ○śāka n. a kind of potherb Bhpr.

⋙ śrāddhaśiṣṭa

   ○śiṣṭa n. remainder of a ŚrṭŚrāddha W.

⋙ śrāddhasaṃkalpa

   ○saṃkalpa m

⋙ śrāddhasaṃkalpavidhi

   ○saṃkalpa-vidhi m

⋙ śrāddhasaṃgraha

   ○saṃgraha m

⋙ śrāddhasamuccaya

   ○samuccaya m

⋙ śrāddhasāgara

   ○sāgara m

⋙ śrāddhasāra

   ○sāra m. N. of wks

⋙ śrāddhasūtaka

   ○sūtaka mfn. relating or belonging to a ŚrṭŚrāddha or a natal feast (as food) MBh. 
   • -bhojana n. participation in a ŚrṭŚrāddha or a natal fṭfeast ŚāṅkhGṛ.

⋙ śrāddhasūtra

   ○sūtra n. (= śrāddha-kalpa-sūtra),

⋙ śrāddhasaukhya

   ○saukhya n

⋙ śrāddhastabaka

   ○stabaka m

⋙ śrāddhahemādri

   ○hemâdri m. or n. N. of wks

⋙ śrāddhādarśa

   śrāddhâdarśa m

⋙ śrāddhādividhi

   śrāddhâdi-vidhi m

⋙ śrāddhādhikāra

   śrāddhâdhikāra m

⋙ śrāddhādhikārinirṇaya

   śrāddhâdhiḍkāri-nirṇaya m

⋙ śrāddhānukramaṇikā

   śrāddhânukramaṇikā f

⋙ śrāddhāparārka

   śrāddhâparârka m

⋙ śrāddhāśaucīyadarpaṇa

   śrāddhâśaucīya-darpaṇa m. N. of wks

⋙ śrāddhāha

   śrāddhâha m. = śrāddha-dina Kathās. 
   • ○hnika mfn. one who daily performs a ŚrṭŚrāddha Hariv.

⋙ śrāddhendu

   śrāddhêndu m. N. of wk

⋙ śrāddhopayogin

   śrāddhôpayogin mfn. serviceable or appropriate for a ŚrṭŚrāddha (with mantra m. pl. and ○gi-vacana n. N. of wks.)

≫ śrāddhika

   śrāddhika mfn. relating to a Śrāddha or ceremony in honour of deceased ancestors, the recipient of Śrāddha oblations Pāṇ. 5-2, 83 
   • n. a present given at a Śrāddha Mn. Yājñ.

≫ śrāddhin

   śrāddhin mfn. performing Śrāddhas Mn. Hariv. (cf. a-śr○) 
   • partaking of a Śrāddha Gaut.

≫ śrāddhīya

   śrāddhīya mfn. relating or belonging to a Śrāddha Kull.

≫ śrāddheya

   śrāddheya a-śrāddheya


   śrānta &c. under √1. śram, p. 1096, col. 2


   śrāpaya Nom. P. ○yati (cf. Caus. of √śrā and śri), artificially formed from śra and connected with śreyas, śreṣṭha Vop.


   śrām Caus. of √1. śram


   śrāma śrāmaṇaka &c. p. 1096, col. 2

śrāya 2

   śrāya mfn. (for 1. p. 1096, col. 3) relating or belonging to Śrī Siddh.

≫ śrāyasa

   śrāyasa mfn. = śreyasi bhavam Pāṇ. 7-3, 1 Sch. 
   • m. patr. of Kaṇva Kāṭh. TS. 
   • of Vīta-havya TS. PañcavBr.


   śrāva śrāvaka, śrāvaṇa &c. p. 1097, col. 1


   śrāvantī śrāvastī below


   śrāvaṣṭhīya wṛ. for śrāviṣṭhīya


   śrāvasta m. (prob. connected with √1. śru) N. of a king (son of Śrāva and grandson of Yuvanāśva) Hariv. VP. 
   • (ī), f. N. of a city situated north of the Ganges and founded by king Śrāvasta (it was the ancient capital of Kosala and said to have been the place where the wealthy merchant Anātha-piṇḍika built the Buddha a residence in the Jeta-vana monastery which became his favourite retreat during the rainy seasons: other authorities derive the name from a Ṛishi called Sāvattha, who is said to have resided there 
   • it has been identified by General Cunningham with a place now called SāhetMāhet, about 58 miles north of Ayodhyā in Oudh) MBh. Hariv. Buddh. (cf. MWB. 48 ; 407 &c.)

≫ śrāvastaka

   śrāvastaka m. = śrāvasta MBh. Hariv.

≫ śrāvasteya

   śrāvasteya mfn. (fr. śrāvastī), g. nady-ādī


   śrāvitṛ śrāvin &c. p. 1097, col. 1

śri 1

   śri cl. 1. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxi, 31) śrayati, ○te (pf. śiśrā́ya, śiśriyé 
   • aor. áśret, āśriyan RV. 
   • aśrait AV. 
   • áśiśriyat ib. &c. [Page 1098, Column 2] 
   • [azr�AyiSTa] Gr. [Ved. forms belonging either to the pf. or aor. type are also aśiśret, ○śrema, ○śrayuḥ, śiśrītá] 
   • fut. śrayitā Gr 
   • śrayiṣyati, ○te Br. &c 
   • inf. śrayitum MBh. 
   • śrayitavaí Br. 
   • ind. p. śrayitvā MBh. &c., -śrítya Br. &c.), P. to cause to lean or rest on, lay on or in, fix on, fasten to, direct or turn towards, (esp.) spread or diffuse (light or radiance or beauty) over (loc.) RV. TS. Br. 
   • (Ā. or Pass., rarely P.) to lean on, rest on, recline against (acc.), cling to (loc.), be supported or fixed or depend on, abide in or on (acc., loc. or adv.)
   ib. ĀśvGṛ. ChUp. MBh. 
   • (Ā. P.) to go to, approach, resort or have recourse to (for help or refuge), tend towards (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (Ā.) to go into, enter, fall to the lot or take possession of (acc. or loc.) Kāv. Kathās. 
   • (Ā. P.) to attain, undergo, get into any state or condition (acc.) ib. &c 
   • to assume (with śrāvikā-tvam, 'to assume the form of a Śrāvikā, q.v.) Kathās. HPariś. 
   • to show, betray (heroism) R. 
   • to honour, worship Dhātup.: Pass. [zr�Iyate] (aor. áśrāyi: above.) RV. &c. &c.: Caus. śrāpayati (in uc-chr○) VS. 
   • śrāyayati (aor. aśiśrayat 
   • for aśiśriyat, above), Gr.: Desid. śiśrayiṣati, ○te or śiśrīṣati, ○te Gr.: Intens. śeśrīyate, śeśrayīti, śeśreti ib. [Cf. Gk. ?, ?, ? ; Lat. clino, clivus ; Lith. [1098, 2] sśly4ti, sśle14ti, sślaítas ; Goth. hlains ; hlaiw ; Germ. hlinên, linên, lehnen ; Angl. Sax. hlinian ; Eng. lean.]

≫ śiśrivas

   śiśrivas mf(○ryuṣī)n. one who has leaned against or gone to or approached Pāṇ. 7-2, 67 Sch.

≫ śraya


⋙ śrayaṇa

   śrayaṇa &c. p. 1096, cols. 2, 3

≫ śri 2

   śri in antáḥ- and bahiḥ-śri (q.v.)

≫ śri 3

   śri light, lustre (= 3. śrī, q.v.) at end of adj. comp

≫ śrit

   śrit mfn. going to, having gone or attained to in kṛcchre-śrit, divi-śrít, nabhaḥ-śrit &c

≫ śrita

   śritá mfn. clinging or attached to, standing or lying or being or fixed or situated in or on, contained in, connected with (loc., acc., or comp.) RV. &c. &c 
   • one who has gone or resorted to (acc.) Rājat. Kathās. BhP. 
   • having attained or fallen or got into any condition (acc. or comp 
   • cf. kaṣṭa-śr○) ib. 
   • having assumed (a form) Kathās. 
   • gone to, approached, had recourse to, sought, occupied (as a place) Kāv. Kathās. 
   • taken, chosen Rājat. 
   • served, honoured, worshipped W. 
   • subservient, subordinate, auxiliary MW.

⋙ śritakṣama

   ○kṣama mfn. one who has had recourse to patience, composed, tranquil Śatr.

⋙ śritavat

   ○vat mfn. one who has taken refuge with (acc.) Kuval.

⋙ śritasattva

   ○sattva mfn. one who has taken courage or resolution BhP.

≫ śriti

   śriti f. approach, recourse, entering ( ucchriti) 
   • (ī́) = śṛtyai, śrayaṇârtham (?) RV. ix, 14, 6


   śri-manya n. (fr. 2. śrī + manya, connected with śriyam-manyā below Pāṇ. 6-3, 68, Vartt. 5 Pat.)

≫ śriyammanya

   śriyam-manya mf(ā)n. fancying one's self Śrī Bhaṭṭ. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 68 Vārtt. 1 Pat.) 
   • conceited, proud, arrogant W.


   śriyadhyai śriyáse, śriyā &c. p. 1100, col. 2


   śriya-putra wṛ. for priya-p○


   śriv √sriv

śriṣ 1

   śriṣ (cf. √1. śliṣ), cl. 1. P. śreṣati, to burn Dhātup. xvii, 51

śriṣ 2

   śriṣ (prob. a collateral form of √2. śliṣ), in śreṣāma (accord to Sāy.) = śleṣayema, 'may we connect or compose' RV. iv, 43, 1, and ā-śliṣat = ā-śliṣṭaṃ mā bhūt, 'let it not be left on the ground' ib. i, 162, 11 (cf. abhi-śríṣ, doṣaṇiśríṣ, hṛdaya-śríṣ, ā-śréṣa, saṃ-śreṣaṇí)

śrī 1

   śrī (cf. √śrā), cl. 9. P. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxxi, 3) śrīṇáti, śrīṇīté (Gr. also pf. śiśrāya, śiśrīye 
   • aor. aśraiṣīt, aśreṣṭa &c 
   • for aśiśrayuḥ 2. abhi-√śrī), to mix, mingle, cook (cf. abhi- and ā-√śrī) RV. TS. VS. Br. 
   • (= √1. śri), to burn, flame, diffuse light RV. i, 68, 1

≫ śrī 2

   śrī mfn. (ifc.) mixing, mingling, mixed with 
   • f. mixing, cooking

≫ śrīta

   śrītá mfn. mixed, mixed with (instr.), cooked RV.

śrī 3

   śrī f. (prob. to be connected with √1. śri and also with √1. śrī in the sense of 'diffusing light or radiance' [Page 1098, Column 3] 
   • nom. śrī́s accord. to some also śrī) light, lustre, radiance, splendour, glory, beauty, grace, loveliness (śriyé and śriyaí, 'for splendour or beauty', 'beauteously', gloriously', cf. śriyáse 
   • du. śriyau, 'beauty and prosperity' 
   • śriya ātmajāḥ, 'sons of beauty', i.e. horses [cf. śrī-putra] 
   • śriyaḥ putrāḥ', goats with auspicious marks') RV. &c. &c 
   • prosperity, welfare, good fortune, success, auspiciousness, wealth, treasure, riches (śriyā, 'accordṭaccording to fortune or wealth'), high rank, power, might, majesty, royal dignity (or 'Royal dignity' personified 
   • śriyo bhājaḥ, 'possessors of dignity', 'people of high rank') AV. &c. &c 
   • symbol or insignia of royalty Vikr. iv, 13 
   • N. of Lakshmī (as goddess of prosperity or beauty and wife of Vishṇu, produced at the churning of the ocean, also as daughter of Bhṛigu and as mother of Darpa) ŚBr. &c. &c 
   • N. of Sarasvatī ( -pañcamī) 
   • of a daughter of king Su-śarman Kathās. 
   • of various metres Col. 
   • (the following only in L. 'a lotus-flower 
   • intellect, understanding 
   • speech 
   • cloves 
   • Pinus Longifolia 
   • Aegle Marmelos 
   • a kind of drug, = vṛddhi 
   • N. of a Buddhist goddess and of the mother of the 17th Arhat') 
   • m. N. of the fifth musical Rāga ( rāga) Saṃgīt. 
   • mfn. diffusing light or radiance, splendid, radiant, beautifying, adorning (ifc 
   • agni-, adhvara-, kṣatra-, gaṇa-, jana-śrī &c.) RV. iv, 41, 8. [The word śrī is frequently used as an honorific prefix (= 'sacred', 'holy') to the names of deities (e.g. Śri-Durgā, Śrī-Rāma), and may be repeated two, three, or even four times to express excessive veneration. (e.g. Śrī-śrī-Durgā &c.) 
   • it is also used as a respectful title (like 'Reverend') to the names of eminent persons as well as of celebrated works and sacred objects (e. g. Śrī-Jayadeva. ŚrīBhāgavata), and is often placed at the beginning or back of letters, manuscripts, important documents &c 
   • also before the words caraṇa and pāda 'feet', and even the end of personal names.]

⋙ śrīāhnika

   ○āhnika n. N. of wk. on Dharma

⋙ śrīkaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭha m. 'beautiful-throated', a partic. bird VarBṛS. 
   • N. of Śiva (cf. nīla-k○) MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • (with Śaivas) N. of partic. emancipated spirits Hcat. 
   • of the poet Bhavabhūti Mālatīm. 
   • of a partic. Rāga (in music) Saṃgīt. 
   • of various authors and other men (also with ācārya, dīkṣita, paṇḍita &c.) Cat. 
   • of an arid district north-west of Delhi Vās., Introd 
   • of a peak in the Himâlayas Inscr. 
   • -kaṇṭha m. Śiva's neck Kāv. (ī f. = -kaṇṭhīya-saṃhitā, q.v.) 
   • -kaṇṭha-taṭinī f. Śiva's throat, Śiṃhâs 
   • -kaṇṭhīya Nom. P. ○yati, to be like Śiṃhâ's neck Vās., Introd 
   • -carita n. N. of a poem (written by Maṅkha who lived in Kaśmīra in the 12th century AḌ.) 
   • -tā f. the state or condition of being Śiṃhâ MBh. 
   • -tīrtha m. N. of an author Cat. 
   • -tri-śatī f. N. of a Stotra 
   • -datta m. N. of a medical author Cat. 
   • -deva m. (prob.) N. of a Jina Siṃhâs. 
   • -deśa m. the country of Śrī-kaṇṭha Kathās. 
   • -nāthīya n. N. of wk 
   • -nilaya m. the district of Śrīkaṇṭha Kathās. 
   • -pada-lāñchana m. 'marked by the name Śrī-kaṇṭha', N. of the poet Bhava-bhūti Mālatīm. 
   • -bhāṣya n. -māhātmya n. N. of wks 
   • -miśra m. N. of a grammarian Cat. 
   • -viṣaya m. the country of Śrī-kaṇṭha Kathās. 
   • -śambhu m. -śarman m. -śiva (with ācārya), m. N. of authors &c. Cat. 
   • -sakha m. 'Śiva's friend', N. of Kubera L. 
   • -stava m. 'praise of the district of Śrī-kaṇṭha', N. of a poem

⋙ śrīkaṇṭhikā

   ○kaṇṭhikā f. (in music) a partic. Rāga. Saṃgīt.

⋙ śrīkaṇṭhīya

   ○kaṇṭhīya mfn. relating to Śiva Bālar. 
   • relating to the author Śrī-kaṇṭha 
   • -saṃhitā f. N. of his wk. (also called śrī-kaṇṭhī)

⋙ śrīkandā

   ○kandā f. a kind of gourd L.

⋙ śrīkayyasvāmin

   ○kayya-svāmin m. N. of a partic. shrine or temple Rājat.

⋙ śrīkara

   ○kara mf(ā, or ī)n. causing prosperity, giving good fortune Hcat. 
   • m. N. of Vishṇu L. 
   • (also with miśra, bhaṭṭa, ācārya) of various authors &c. Cat. 
   • n. the red lotus L.

⋙ śrīkaraṇa

   ○káraṇa mfn. causing glory or distinction MaitrS. 
   • 'making the word Śrī', a pen L. 
   • N. of the capital of the Northern Kosalas (and residence of king Prasena-jit 
   • it was in ruins when visited by Fa-Hian, not far from the modern Fyzabad) Buddh. 
   • ○ṇâdi m. a chief secretary Inscr. 
   • ○ṇâdhyakṣa m. a kind of official (prob. = prec.) Campak.

⋙ śrīkarṇa

   ○karṇa m. a kind of bird VarBṛS. 
   • -deva m. N. of a king Inscr.

⋙ śrīkarṇīyaka

   ○karṇīyaka m. a kind of bird ib.

⋙ śrīkallaṭa

   ○kallaṭa m. N. of a Siddha Rājat.

⋙ śrīkavaca

   ○kavaca n. N. of a Kavaca (q.v.)

⋙ śrīkānta

   ○kānta m. 'beloved by Śrī', N. of Vishṇu L. 
   • (with miśra) N. of an author Cat. 
   • ○tā-kathā f. N. of a tale

⋙ śrīkāma

   ○kāma (śrī́), mfn. desirous of distinction or glory MaitrS. AitBr. 
   • (ā), f. N. of Rādhā Pañcar. [Page 1099, Column 1] 

⋙ śrīkāra

   ○kāra m. the word Śrī (written at the top of a book or letter &c.) MW.

⋙ śrīkārin

   ○kārin m. 'causing increase', a kind of antelope (= kuraṅga 
   • the flesh of it is considered highly nutritious 
   • some make the word śrī-kārī f.) L.

⋙ śrīkīrti

   ○kīrti f. (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt.

⋙ śrīkuñja

   ○kuñja n. and N. of Tīrthas MBh.

⋙ śrīkuṇḍa

   ○kuṇḍa n. N. of Tīrthas MBh.

⋙ śrīkula

   ○kula and n. N. of wks

⋙ śrīkūrmamāhātmya

   ○kūrma-māhātmya n. N. of wks

⋙ śrīkṛcchra

   ○kṛcchra m. a kind of penance (living for three days on nothing but the liquid and solid excreta of a cow and on the grains of barley found in the latter), Prâyaśc

⋙ śrīkṛṣṇa

   ○kṛṣṇa m. 'the divine Kṛishṇa', N. of various authors (also with bhaṭṭa and vaidika), Cat 
   • -tarkâlaṃkāra-bhaṭṭâcārya, -tīrtha, -nyāyavāg-īśa-bhaṭṭâcārya, -rāya, -vidyā-vâg-īśa, -vipra, -sarasvatī m. N. of various men ib. 
   • -sarojabhramarī f. pl. N. of a poem 
   • ○ṇâlaṃkāra m. N. of a Commentary

⋙ śrīkeśava

   ○keśava or m. N. of a teacher Cat.

⋙ śrīkeśavācārya

   ○keśavâcārya m. N. of a teacher Cat.

⋙ śrīkośahṛdaya

   ○kośa-hṛdaya n

⋙ śrīkrama

   ○krama m

⋙ śrīkramacandrika

   ○krama-candrika f

⋙ śrīkramatantra

   ○krama-tantra n

⋙ śrīkramasaṃhitā

   ○krama-saṃhitā f. N. of wks

⋙ śrīkriyārūpiṇī

   ○kriyā-rūpiṇī f. N. of Rādhā Pañcar.

⋙ śrīkṣatra

   ○kṣatra or n. N. of a country Buddh.

⋙ śrīkṣetra

   ○kṣetra n. N. of a country Buddh.

⋙ śrīkhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa m. or n. (?) the sandal-tree, sandal Kāv. Kathās. &c 
   • (ī), f. comp 
   • -khaṇḍa m. n. a quantity of sandal Subh. 
   • -carcā f. sandal unguent Gīt. 
   • -tamāla-pattra Nom. P. ○ttrati, to represent a sṭsandal mark on the forehead Prasannar. 
   • -dāsa m. N. of a man Ratnâv. 
   • -druma m. the sandal-tree Rājat. 
   • -pṛthvii-dhara m. 'sandal-mountain', the Malaya range Vcar. 
   • -vilepana n. anointing with sandal Hit. 
   • -śītala mfn. cool as sandal Kathās. 
   • -śaila m. (= pṛthvii-dhara) Gīt. 
   • ○ḍâṅga-rāga m. anointing the body with sandal Kathās. 
   • ○ḍârdra-vilepana n. moist unguent of sandal ib. 
   • ○ḍī-vedânta-sāra m. N. of wk

⋙ śrīgaṇeśa

   ○gaṇêśa m. the divine Gaṇêśa MW. 
   • (ā), f. N. of Rādhā Pañcar.

⋙ śrīgadita

   ○gadita n. a kind of Uparūpaka or minor drama (described as a composition in one act, founded upon a famous story, and dedicated chiefly to the goddess Śrī) Sāh.

⋙ śrīgarbha

   ○garbha mfn. having welfare for its inner nature (applied to the sword and punishment) MBh. 
   • m. N. of Vishṇu Hariv. 
   • of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. 
   • of a merchant Kathās. 
   • of a contemporary of Maṅkha Cat. 
   • (with kavii7ndra) of a poet ib. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a Rādhā Pañcar. 
   • -ratna n. a kind of gem L.

⋙ śrīgiri

   ○giri m. N. of a mountain W.

⋙ śrīguṇaratnakośa

   ○guṇa-ratna-kośa m. N. of wk

⋙ śrīguṇalekhā

   ○guṇa-lekhā f. N. of a princess Rājat.

⋙ śrīguṇasahasranāman

   ○guṇa-sahasra-nāman n. N. of wk

⋙ śrīgunna

   ○gunna m. N. of a Mīmāṃsaka (a contemporary of Maṅkha) Cat.

⋙ śrīgupta

   ○gupta m. N. of a man Buddh.

⋙ śrīgurusahasranāmastotra

   ○gurusahasra-nāma-stotra n

⋙ śrīgoṣṭhīmāhātmya

   ○goṣṭhī-māhātmya n. N. of wks

⋙ śrīgraha

   ○graha m. a trough or place for supplying birds with water (= śakunīprapā) L.

⋙ śrīgrāma

   ○grāma m. 'village of Fortune', N. of a place Cat.

⋙ śrīgrāmara

   ○grāmara m. (fr. prec.) N. of the astronomer Nārāyaṇa ib.

⋙ śrīghana

   ○ghana n. coagulated milk, sour curds L. 
   • m. a Buddha or N. of a Buddha Pañcar.

⋙ śrīcakra

   ○cakra n. a magical diagram (supposed to represent the orb of the earth) RTL. 196 ; 203 
   • an astrological division of the body (said to, represent the uterine or pubic region) L. 
   • a wheel of Indra's car L. 
   • -nyāsa-kavaca n. -pattra n. -pūjā-vidhi m. N. of wks

⋙ śrīcaṅkuṇavihāra

   ○caṅkuṇa-vihāra m. N. of a Buddhist monastery Rājat.

⋙ śrīcaṇḍa

   ○caṇḍa m. N. of a man (of passionate character) Kathās.

⋙ śrīcandana

   ○candana n. a kind of sandal HPariś.

⋙ śrīcandra

   ○candra m. N. of various men Rājat. (also -deva Col.)

⋙ śrīcūrṇaparipālana

   ○cūrṇa-paripālana n. N. of wk

⋙ śrīja

   ○ja m. 'born from Śrī', N. of Kāma (god of love) L. 
   • = sāmba L.

⋙ śrījagadrāma

   ○jagad-rāma m. N. of a man Kshitîś.

⋙ śrījyotirīśvara

   ○jyotir-īśvara m. N. of the author of the Dhūrta-samāgama Dhūrtas.

⋙ śrīḍhakka

   ○ḍhakka N. of a place Rājat.

⋙ śrītattvanidhi

   ○tattva-nidhi m

⋙ śrītattvabodhinī

   ○tattva-bodhinī f. N. of wks

⋙ śrītala

   ○tala n. a partic. hell VP.

⋙ śrītāḍa

   ○tāḍa m. (prob.) = -tāla Hcat.

⋙ śrītāla

   ○tāla m. a kind of tree resembling the wine-palm L.

⋙ śrītīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh.

⋙ śrītejas

   ○tejas m. N. of a Buddha Lalit. 
   • of a serpent-demon Buddh.

⋙ śrītrikaṭukavihāra

   ○tri-kaṭukavihāra m. N. of a Buddhist monastery ib.

⋙ śrīda

   ○da mfn. bestowing wealth or prosperity Pañcar. 
   • m. N. of Kubera Kuval. 
   • (ā), f. N. of Rādhā Pañcar.

⋙ śrīdatta

   ○datta m. 'Fortune-giver', N. of various authors &c. (also with bhaṭṭa and maithila) Kathās. Vet. Cat.

⋙ śrīdayita

   ○dayita m. 'husband of Śrī', N. of Vishṇu Vop.

⋙ śrīdarpaṇa

   ○darpaṇa m. N. of a Commentary

⋙ śrīdarśana

   ○darśana m. N. of a man Kathās.

⋙ śrīdaśākṣara

   ○daśâkṣara m. (scil. mantra) a partic. prayer consisting of ten syllables Pañcar.

⋙ śrīdākṣinagara

   ○dākṣi-nagara n. N. of a town Buddh.

⋙ śrīdāman

   ○dāman m. N. of a playfellow of Kṛishṇa Hariv. Pañcar. [Page 1099, Column 2] 
   • (○ma-) carita n. N. of a drama 
   • -nanda-dātrī and ○mêśvara-vallabhā f. N. of Rādhā Pañcar.

⋙ śrīdurgāyantra

   ○durgā-yantra n. a partic. diagram Cat.

⋙ śrīdeva

   ○deva m. (also with ācārya, paṇḍita and śarman) N. of various authors &c. Rājat. Cat. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a wife of Vasu-deva Hariv. Pur.

⋙ śrīdruma

   ○druma m. the tree called Śrī (cf. above) Kād.

⋙ śrīdhana

   ○dhana N. of a place (-kataka, of a Caitya) Buddh.

⋙ śrīdhanvipurīmāhātmya

   ○dhanvi-purī-māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ śrīdhara

   ○dhara m. 'bearer or possessor of fortune', N. and a form of Vishṇu MBh. Hariv. Pur. 
   • N. of the month Śrāvaṇa VarBṛS. 
   • of the seventh Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī L. 
   • (also with ācārya, kavi, dīkṣita, bhaṭṭa, miśra &c.) N. of various authors and other men Sarvad. Buddh. Cat. 
   • (am), n. an ammonite of a partic. form BrahmaP. 
   • -dāsa m. -nandin m. -pati m. N. of authors 
   • -paddhati f. N. of wk 
   • -mālava m. N. of a man (the father of Śiva-dāsa) Cat. 
   • -sena m. N. of a king Bhaṭṭ. 
   • -svāmin m. (also ○mi-yati) N. of a well-known scholar (the pupil of Paramânanda and author of various Commentaries) Cat. 
   • ○rânanda m. (also with yati) N. of authors 
   • ○rī-pañcadaśī f. ○rīya n. ○rīya-vyākhyā f. ○rīya-saṃhitā f. N. of wks 
   • ○rêndra m. N. of an author (also called Khaṇḍadeva) Cat.

⋙ śrīdharolanagara

   ○dharola-nagara n. N. of a town Cat.

⋙ śrīdhāman

   ○dhāman n. abode of Śrī (applied to the lotus) BhP.

⋙ śrīdhra

   ○dhra m. = -dhara L.

⋙ śrīnagara

   ○nagara n. (or ī f.) 'city of Fortune', N. of two towns (one situated in the district of Caunpore, the other in Bundelcund) Rājat. Hit. &c

⋙ śrīnandana

   ○nandana m. metron. of the god of love L. 
   • (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt.

⋙ śrīnandīya

   ○nandīya n. N. of wk

⋙ śrīnarendraprabhā

   ○narêndra-prabhā f. N. of a woman Rājat.

⋙ śrīnarendreśvara

   ○narêndrêśvara m. N. of a statue of Śiva erected by Śrī-narêndra-prabhā ib.

⋙ śrīnātha

   ○nātha m. 'husband of Śrī', N. of Vishṇu Cat. 
   • of various authors (also with ācārya, kavi, paṇḍita, bhaṭṭa and śarman) ib.

⋙ śrīnāradapurāṇa

   ○nārada-purāṇa n. N. of a Purāṇa

⋙ śrīniketa

   ○niketa m. 'abode of beauty', a paragon of beauty BhP. 
   • a lotus-flower ib. 
   • n. the resin of Pinus Longifolia, Śusr

⋙ śrīniketana

   ○niketana m. 'dwelling with Śrī', N. of Vishṇu BhP. 
   • n. = prec. n. Suśr.

⋙ śrīnitambā

   ○nitambā f. 'having beautiful hips', N. of Rādhā Pañcar.

⋙ śrīnidhi

   ○nidhi m. 'receptacle of beauty', N. of Vishṇu Pañcar.

⋙ śrīnivāsa

   ○nivāsa m. abode of Śrī Kāv. 
   • N. of Vishṇu Chandom. BhP. 
   • N. of various authors and other men (also with ācārya, kavi, dīkṣita, bhaṭṭa &c.) Cat. 
   • (ā), f. N. of Rādhā Pañcar. 
   • m. or n. (?) the resin of Pinus Longifolia L. (also ○saka Car.) 
   • -kavacânta-stotra n. pl. N. of various Stotras from the Agni-purāṇa 
   • -campū f. N. of a poem by Veṅkaṭa 
   • -tīrtha m. N. of various authors Cat. (○thīya n. N. of wk.) 
   • -dāsa m. N. of various authors &c. Cat. 
   • -dīkṣitīya n. -dīpikā f.
   -brahma-tantra-para-kāla-svāmy-aṣṭôttara-śata n. -māhātmya n. N. of wks 
   • -rāghava m. (with ācārya), -śiṣya m. N. of authors Cat. 
   • ○sīya n. N. of wk

⋙ śrīnīlakaṇṭha

   ○nīla-kaṇṭha m. (prob.) N. of a Jina Cat.

⋙ śrīpañcamī

   ○pañcamī f. the fifth day of the light half of Māgha (a festival in honour of Sarasvatī, goddess of learning, when books and implements or writing are worshipped) MW. 
   • -vrata n. the above religious observance ib.

⋙ śrīpati

   ○pati m. 'lord of fortune', a king, prince L. 
   • 'husband of Śrī', (śriyaḥ pati) N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa (esp. as worshipped on the hill Veṅkaṭa, q.v.) VarBṛS. Śiś. BhP. 
   • N. of the father of Kṛishṇajī Cat. 
   • (also with dvi-vedin, bhaṭṭa, and śarman) of various authors &c. ib. 
   • -govinda m. N. of a poet ib. 
   • -grantha m. N. of wk 
   • -datta m. N. of the author of the Kātantra-pariśishṭa 
   • -paddhati f. -bhāṣya n. -vyavahāra-nirṇaya m. -vyavahāra-samuccaya m. N. of wks 
   • -śiṣya m. N. of an author Cat. 
   • -saṃhitā, f 
   • ○tīya n. N. of wks

⋙ śrīpattana

   ○pattana n. N. of a town Vīrac.

⋙ śrīpatha

   ○patha m. a royal road, highway L.

⋙ śrīpadī

   ○padī f. a kind of jasmine L.

⋙ śrīpaddhati

   ○paddhati f. N. of wk. (on the worship of Rādhā, Kṛishṇa, and Caitanya) 
   • -pradīpa m. N. of a Comm. on it

⋙ śrīpadma

   ○padma m. N. of Kṛishṇa MBh.

⋙ śrīparāpūjana

   ○parāpūjana n. N. of a Tantra wk

⋙ śrīparṇa

   ○parṇa n. Premna Spinosa or Longifolia Hcat. 
   • a lotus L. 
   • (ī), f. Gmelina Arborea Hcat. (cf. L. also 'Premna Spinosa or Longifolia, Pistia Stratiotes, Salmalia Malabarica, and a species of Solanum')

⋙ śrīparṇi

   ○parṇi f. (m. c.) = -parṇī Hcat.

⋙ śrīparṇikā

   ○parṇikā f. Myristica Malabarica and Myrica Sapida Bhpr.

⋙ śrīparvata

   ○parvata m. N. of various mountains MBh. Suśr. Pur. 
   • of a Liṅga MW.

⋙ śrīpā

   ○pā mfn. preserving fortune Siddh.

⋙ śrīpāñcarātra

   ○pāñcarātra n

⋙ śrīpāñcarātrārādhana

   ○pāñcarātrârādhana n. N. of wks. [Page 1099, Column 3] 

⋙ śrīpāda

   ○pāda m. N. of various men Cat.

⋙ śrīpāla

   ○pāla m. N. of a king Śatr. 
   • of an author Cat. 
   • (with kavi-rāja) N. of a poet ib. 
   • -carita n. N. of wk

⋙ śrīpālita

   ○pālita m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ śrīpiṣṭa

   ○piṣṭa m. the resin of Pinus Longifolia L. (prob. wṛ. for śrīveṣṭa)

⋙ śrīpuṭa

   ○puṭa m. a kind of metre Col. 
   • ○ṭôṣṭha mfn. having beautifully formed closed lips VarBṛS.

⋙ śrīputra

   ○putra m. 'son of Śrī', N. of Kāma (god of love) L. 
   • a horse L.

⋙ śrīpura

   ○pura n. N. of a town (also ○ranagara) Vet.

⋙ śrīpuruṣottamatattva

   ○puruṣôttama-tattva n. N. of a ch. of the Smṛiti-tattva

⋙ śrīpuṣpa

   ○puṣpa n. cloves L. 
   • n. white lotus L. 
   • the wood of Cerasus Puddum L.

⋙ śrīpūjāmahāpaddhati

   ○pūjā-mahā-paddhati f. N. of wk

⋙ śrīprada

   ○prada mf(ā)n. bestowing happiness or prosperity Pañcar.

⋙ śrīprabhāva

   ○prabhāva m. N. of Kambala Buddh.

⋙ śrīpraśna

   ○praśna m. N. of wk. Hcat.

⋙ śrīprasūna

   ○prasūna n. cloves L.

⋙ śrīpriya

   ○priya n. orpiment L.

⋙ śrīphala

   ○phala m. the Bilva tree, Aegle Marmelos L. 
   • (ā), f. the Indigo plant L. 
   • (ī), f. id. L. 
   • myrobalan L. 
   • (am), n. 'sacred fruit', the Bilva fruit Mn. Yājñ. Hariv. 
   • a cocoanut GāruḍaP. 
   • the fruit i.e. result of splendour &c. Cat. 
   • -kṛcchra m. a kind of self-mortification (regarded as specially efficacious, eating no food except the Bilva fruit for a whole month) Vishṇ. 
   • -vardhinī f. N. of wk

⋙ śrīphalikā

   ○phalikā f. a kind of gourd L. 
   • a kind of indigo L.

⋙ śrībaka

   ○baka m. (with paṇḍita) N. of a poet Subh. 
   • another man Rājat.

⋙ śrībappa

   ○bappa m. N. of a man Inscr. 
   • -pādīya-vihāra m. N. of a Buddhist monastery ib.

⋙ śrībabba

   ○babba m. = -bappa ib.

⋙ śrībali

   ○bali m. N. of a village Cat.

⋙ śrībāpa

   ○bāpa m. a kind of garment Pañcad.

⋙ śrībhakṣa

   ○bhakṣa m. auspicious food (applied to the Madhu-parka) Gobh.

⋙ śrībhaṭṭa

   ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of a teacher of the Nimbârka school Cat.

⋙ śrībhaḍa

   ○bhaḍa m. N. of a man ib.

⋙ śrībhadra

   ○bhadra m. Cyperus Rotundus (generally ā f.) L. 
   • m. N. of a serpent-demon Buddh. 
   • of an author Col. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a goddess Kālac. 
   • of the second wife of Bimbisāra Buddh.

⋙ śrībhartṛ

   ○bhartṛ m. 'husband of Śrī', N. of Vishṇu Śiś.

⋙ śrībhāgavata

   ○bhāgavata n. 'the sacred Bhāgavata', N. of the Bhāgavata-Purāṇa MW.

⋙ śrībhānu

   ○bhānu m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP.

⋙ śrībhāṣya

   ○bhāṣya n. N. of a Comm. on the Brahma-sūtra by Rāmânuja 
   • -dīpa m. -vṛtti f. -vṛtty-upanyāsa m. -saṃgraha, m 
   • ○ṣyândhra-ṭīkā f. ○ṣyôdāhṛtôpaniṣad-vākya-vivaraṇa n. N. of Comms. on it

⋙ śrībhuja

   ○bhuja (ibc.), the arms of a person of high rank Daś.

⋙ śrībhrātṛ

   ○bhrātṛ m. 'brother of Śrī', the horse (fabled to have sprung with her from the ocean when churned by the gods 
   • cf. lakṣmī) L.

⋙ śrīmakuṭa

   ○makuṭa n. gold L.

⋙ śrīmaṅgala

   ○maṅgala m. N. of a man Cat. 
   • n. N. of a Tīrtha ib.

⋙ śrīmañju

   ○mañju m. N. of a mountain Buddh.

⋙ śrīmaṇas

   ○maṇas mfn. = śrī́-manas

⋙ śrīmaṇḍapa

   ○maṇḍapa m. N. of a mountain Cat.

⋙ śrīmat

   ○mat mfn. 1100, col. 2

⋙ śrīmati

   ○mati f. (for matī ?) N. of Rādhā MW.

⋙ śrīmatottara

   ○matôttara n. N. of wk

⋙ śrīmada

   ○mada m. the intoxication produced by wealth or prosperity BhP.

⋙ śrīmanas

   ○manas (śrī́-), mfn. (prob.) well-disposed VS.

⋙ śrīmanta

   ○manta mfn. (m. c.) = -mat Hcat.

⋙ śrīmaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of (or quite absorbed into) Śrī Pañcar.

⋙ śrīmalā

   ○malā or f. a kind of shrub L.

⋙ śrīmalāpahā

   ○malâpahā f. a kind of shrub L.

⋙ śrīmallakarṇi

   ○mallakarṇi m. N. of a king VP.

⋙ śrīmastaka

   ○mastaka m. 'Lakshmī's head', a kind of garlic L.

⋙ śrīmahādevī

   ○mahā-devī f. N. of the mother of Śaṃkara W.

⋙ śrīmahiman

   ○mahiman m. the majesty of Śiva 
   • ○mnaḥ stava m. N. of a Stotra

⋙ śrīmāla

   ○māla m. or n. (?) N. of a district and the town situated in it 
   • -khaṇḍa m. n. -purāṇa n. -māhātmya n. N. of wks

⋙ śrīmālādevīsiṃhanādasūtra

   ○mālā-devī-siṃha-nāda-sūtra n. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra

⋙ śrīmālinīvijayottara

   ○mālinī-vijayôttara n. N. of wk

⋙ śrīmitra

   ○mitra m. N. of a poet Cat.

⋙ śrīmukha

   ○mukha n. a beautiful face MW. 
   • m. the word Śrī written on the back of a letter ib. 
   • the 7th (ur 41st) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBṛS. 
   • N. of a medical author (cf. śrī-sukha). Cat. 
   • (ī), f. next

⋙ śrīmukhīsahasranāman

   ○mukhī-sahasra-nāman n. N. of wk

⋙ śrīmudrā

   ○mudrā f. a mark made on the forehead &c. by worshippers of Vishṇu MW.

⋙ śrīmuṣ

   ○muṣ mfn. stealing beauty (ifc. = 'surpassing in beauty') Megh.

⋙ śrīmuṣṭimāhātmya

   ○muṣṭi-māhātmya and n. N. of a ch. in various Purāṇas

⋙ śrīmuṣṇamāhātmya

   ○muṣṇa-māhātmya n. N. of a ch. in various Purāṇas

⋙ śrīmūrti

   ○mūrti f. 'any divine image', an image or personification of Vishṇu or of the Supreme Being 
   • any idol MW.

⋙ śrīyaśas

   ○yaśas n. splendour and glory (in -kāma mfn. 'desirous of splendour and glory) KātyŚr. 
   • m. N. of a king Kālac.

⋙ śrīyaśasa

   ○yaśasá n. splendour and glory ŚBr.

⋙ śrīyāmala

   ○yāmala n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ śrīyukta

   ○yukta or mfn. 'endowed with Śrī', happy, fortunate, famous, illustrious, wealthy &c. (prefixed as an honorific title to the names of men, and in the common language written śrī-yut) W. [Page 1100, Column 1] 

⋙ śrīyuta

   ○yuta mfn. 'endowed with Śrī', happy, fortunate, famous, illustrious, wealthy &c. (prefixed as an honorific title to the names of men, and in the common language written śrī-yut) W. [Page 1100, Column 1] 

⋙ śrīraṅga

   ○raṅga m. col. 3

⋙ śrīratnagiri

   ○ratna-giri m. N. of a sacred hill Buddh.

⋙ śrīratnākara

   ○ratnâkara m. N. of a Tantra wk

⋙ śrīrasa

   ○rasa m. the resin of Pinus Longifolia Suśr.

⋙ śrīrāga

   ○rāga m. (in music) a partic. Rāga Saṃgīt.

⋙ śrīrāghavīya

   ○rāghavīya n. N. of a poem by Ragu-nāthâcārya

⋙ śrīrājacūḍāmaṇidīkṣita

   ○rāja-cūḍāmaṇi-dīkṣita m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śrīrādhāvallabha

   ○rādhāvallabha m. a form of Vishṇu W.

⋙ śrīrāma

   ○rāma m. the divine Rāma, i.e. Rāma-candra (whose name in this form is used as a salutation by those who worship Vishṇu in this Avatāra) W. 
   • N. of an author Cat. 
   • -kalpa-druma m. N. of wk 
   • -navamī f. the ninth of the light half of the month Caitra (observed as a festival in honour of the birthday of Rāma-candra) MW. (-nirṇaya m. N. of wk.) 
   • -paddhati f. N. of wk. on the proper mode of worshipping Rāma (attributed to Rāmânuja) 
   • -maṅgala n. -rakṣā f. -stuti, f 
   • ○môdanta m. N. of wks

⋙ śrīrāṣṭramitrāyuṣkāma

   ○rāṣṭramitrâyuṣ-kāma mfn. wishing eminence and dominion and friends and long life KātyŚr.

⋙ śrīrudrahṛdayopaniṣad

   ○rudra-hṛdayôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad

⋙ śrīrūpā

   ○rūpā f. having the form of Śrī (applied to Rādhā) Pañcar.

⋙ śrīlakṣmaṇa

   ○lakṣmaṇa mfn. characterized by Śrī BhP.

⋙ śrīlakṣman

   ○lakṣman m. N. of a man (= lakṣmīdhara) Vās., Introd

⋙ śrīlatā

   ○latā f. (for śrīla-tā col. 3) a kind of plant (= mahā-jyotiṣmatī) L.

⋙ śrīlābha

   ○lābha m. N. of various men Buddh.

⋙ śrīlekhā

   ○lekhā f. N. of a princess Rājat.

⋙ śrīvacanabhūṣaṇamīmāṃsā

   ○vacana-bhūṣaṇamīmāṃsā f. N. of wk

⋙ śrīvat

   ○vat mfn. containing the word śrī Kāṭh.

⋙ śrīvatsa

   ○vatsa m. 'favourite of Śrī, N. of Vishṇu L. 
   • a partic. mark or curl of hair on the breast of Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa (and of other divine beings 
   • said to be white and represented in pictures by a symbol resembling a cruciform flower) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • the emblem of the tenth Jina (or Vishṇu's mark so used) L. 
   • a hole of a partic. form made through a wall by a housebreaker L. 
   • (in astron.) one of the lunar asterisms Col. 
   • N. of the eighth Yoga MW. 
   • N. of various authors (also with ācārya and śarman) Cat. 
   • -dhārin or -bhṛt m. 'wearing the Śrī-vatsa mark', N. of Vishṇu L. 
   • -piṇyāka m. the resin of Pinus Longifolia L. 
   • -muktikanandy-āvarta-lakṣita-pāṇi-pāda-tala-tā f. having the palms of the hands and soles of the feet marked with Śrī-vatsa and Muktika (for muktikā ?) and Nandy-āvarta (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84 
   • -lakṣman m. 'marked with the Śrī-vatsa', N. of Vishṇu MW. 
   • -tāñchana m. id. L. 
   • N. of Mahêśvara Vās., Introd 
   • of an author Cat. 
   • ○tsâṅka mfn. having the Śrī-vatsa as a mark VarBṛS. 
   • m. a wolf L. 
   • N. of Vishṇu L. 
   • of an author Cat.

⋙ śrīvatsakin

   ○vatsakin m. a horse having a curl of hair on his breast (resembling that of Vishṇu) L.

⋙ śrīvada

   ○vada m. a kind of bird L.

⋙ śrīvara

   ○vara m. N. of the author of the Jaina-taraṃgiṇī (said to be a continuation of the Rāja-taraṃgiṇī up to the year A. D. 1477) Cat. 
   • -bodhi-bhagavat m. N. of a man Buddh.

⋙ śrīvarāha

   ○varāha m. 'divine boar', N. of Vishṇu (in his boar-incarnation) L.

⋙ śrīvardhana

   ○vardhana m. 'increase or increaser of fortune', a kind of musical composition, Saṃgīt 
   • N. of Śiva MW. 
   • of a man Rājat. 
   • of a poet Cat.

⋙ śrīvallabha

   ○vallabha m. a favourite of fortune MW. 
   • N. of various authors 
   • (also with utprabhātīya and vidyā-vāg-īśa bhaṭṭâcārya) Cat.

⋙ śrīvallī

   ○vallī f. Acacia Concinna L. 
   • a kind of jasmine L.

⋙ śrīvasukra

   ○vasukra m. N. of a grammarian Gaṇar.

⋙ śrīvaha

   ○vaha m. 'bringing fortune', N. of a serpentdemon MBh.

⋙ śrīvāñcheśvaramāhātmya

   ○vāñchêśvara-māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ śrīvāṭī

   ○vāṭī f. a species of Nāga-vallī L.

⋙ śrīvāraka

   ○vāraka m. Marsilea Quadrifolia L. 1

⋙ śrīvāsa

   ○vāsa m. 'having a pleasant scent', the resin of Pinus Longifolia Bhpr. - 2

⋙ śrīvāsa

   ○vāsa m. 'abode of Śrī or beauty', N. of Vishṇu or Śiva L. 
   • a lotus L.

⋙ śrīvāsaka

   ○vāsaka m

⋙ śrīvāsas

   ○vāsas m. = 1. śrī-vāsa L.

⋙ śrīvidyā

   ○vidyā f. a form of Durgā Cat. 
   • exalted science (also N. of wk.) ib. 
   • -triśatī f. -paddhati f. -pujā-paddhati f. ○rcana-candrikā and -paddhati (○dyârc○), f. -viṣaya m. ○dyôttara-tāpinī f. N. of wks

⋙ śrīviśāla

   ○viśāla mf(ā)n. abounding in good fortune Megh.

⋙ śrīviṣṇupadī

   ○viṣṇu-padī f. clinging to the feet of the divine Vishṇu BhP.

⋙ śrīvṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. the sacred fig-tree L. 
   • the Bilva tree L. 
   • = next ( sa-śrīvṛkṣa)

⋙ śrīvṛkṣaka

   ○vṛkṣaka m. a ring or curl of hair on the chest of a horse (cf. śrī-vatsa) Sch. on Śiś. 
   • -navamī-vrata n. N. of a partic. religious observance MW. 
   • ○kṣakin mfn. marked with a curl or lock of hair (as a horse, cf. śrī-vatsakin) Śiś. v, 56

⋙ śrīvṛddhi

   ○vṛddhi f. N. of a deity of the Bodhi tree Lalit.

⋙ śrīveṣṭa

   ○veṣṭa or m. the resin of the Pinus Longifolia L.

⋙ śrīveṣṭaka

   ○veṣṭaka m. the resin of the Pinus Longifolia L.

⋙ śrīvaidyanāthamāhātmya

   ○vaidya-nātha-māhātmya n. N. of wk. [Page 1100, Column 2] 

⋙ śrīvaiṣṇava

   ○vaiṣṇava m. a member of the Vaishṇava sect (esp. a follower of Rāmânuja, q.v.) W. 1 
   • ○vâcāra-saṃgraha m. N. of wk. Cat.

⋙ śrīśa

   ○"ṣśa (śrī7śa), m. 'lord or husband of Śrī', N. of Vishṇu Prasaṅg. 
   • of Rāma-candra (whose wife Sitā is regarded as an incarnation of Śrī or Lakshmī) L. 
   • (ā), f. N. of Rādhā Pañcar.

⋙ śrīśataka

   ○śataka n. N. of an astron. wk

⋙ śrīśalmalībhāṇḍatīrtha

   ○śalmalī-bhāṇḍa-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat.

⋙ śrīśānta

   ○śānta m. N. of a man W.

⋙ śrīśuka

   ○śuka m. N. of a poet and an astronomer Cat. 
   • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ib.

⋙ śrīśaila

   ○śaila m. N. of various mountains BhP. 
   • (with sūri) N. of an author 
   • -khaṇḍa m. n. N. of ch. of the SkandaP. 
   • -tātâcārya m. N. of a preceptor Cat. 
   • -māhātmya, n 
   • ○lôpâkhyāna n. N. of wks

⋙ śrīśyāmalāmbāstotra

   ○śyāmalâmbāstotra n

⋙ śrīślokapaddhati

   ○śloka-paddhati f. N. of wks

⋙ śrīśvara

   ○"ṣśvara (śrī7śv○), m. N. of a modern author (alive in 1884) Cat.

⋙ śrīṣavāyaṇa

   ○ṣavāyaṇa n. N. of a part of the spurious Romaka-siddhânta

⋙ śrīṣeṇa

   ○ṣeṇa (or -sena), m. N. of a king Kathās. 
   • of the author of the Romaka-siddhânta (quoted by Brahma-gupta) 
   • (ā), f. N. of a woman HPariś.

⋙ śrīsaṃsthā

   ○saṃsthā f

⋙ śrīsaṃhitā

   ○saṃhitā f. N. of wks

⋙ śrīsaṃgrāma

   ○saṃgrāma m. N. of a partic. Maṭha (q.v.) Rājat.

⋙ śrīsaṃjña

   ○saṃjña n. 'called after Śrī', cloves (the various names of Śrī being applied to cloves) L.

⋙ śrīsambhūtā

   ○sambhūtā f. (in astron.) N. of the sixth night of the Karma-māsa (q.v.)

⋙ śrīsarasvatī

   ○sarasvatī f. du. Lakshmī and Sarasvatī MW.

⋙ śrīsahasra

   ○sahasra n. N. of Stotra

⋙ śrīsahodara

   ○sahôdara m. 'brother of Śrī', the moon (as produced together with Śrī at the churning of the ocean 
   • cf. śrī-putra) L.

⋙ śrīsiddhi

   ○siddhi f. (in astrol.) N. of the sixteenth Yoga

⋙ śrīsukha

   ○sukha m. N. of a medical author Cat.

⋙ śrīsūkta

   ○sū7kta n. N. of the hymn RV. i, 165 ŚāṅkhBr. AgP. 
   • -nyāsa m. -vidhāna n. -vidhi m. N. of wks

⋙ śrīsena

   ○sena -ṣeṇa

⋙ śrīstava

   ○stava m

⋙ śrīstuti

   ○stuti f. N. of wks

⋙ śrīsthala

   ○sthala n. N. of a temple of Śiva 
   • -prakāśa m. -māhātmya n. N. of wks

⋙ śrīsmaraṇadarpaṇa

   ○smaraṇadarpaṇa m. N. of wk

⋙ śrīsraja

   ○sraja n. Śrī (or fortune) and a garland Pāṇ. 5-4, 106 Sch.

⋙ śrīsvarūpa

   ○svarūpa m. N. of a disciple of Caitanya W.

⋙ śrīsvarūpiṇī

   ○svarūpiṇī f. having the nature of Śrī (applied to Rādhā) Pañcar.

⋙ śrīsvāmin

   ○svāmin m. N. of a king Rājat. 
   • of the father of Bhaṭṭi Bhaṭṭ. Sch.

⋙ śrīhaṭṭa

   ○haṭṭa N. of a town (= Silhet) W.

⋙ śrīhara

   ○hara mfn. robbing (i.e. excelling all in) beauty (applied to Rādhā) Pañcar.

⋙ śrīhari

   ○hari m. N. of Vishṇu (○rer utthāna n. N. of a festival on the 14th day of the month Ka2rttika) Col. 
   • -stotra n. N. of wk

⋙ śrīharṣa

   ○harṣa m. N. of various authors &c. (esp. of a celebrated king and poet or patron of poets, also called Śrīharsha-kavi or Śrī-harsha-deva, who lived probably in the first half of the seventh century AḌ. and is the supposed author of three plays, viz. Nāgânanda, Priya-darśikā, and Ratnâvalī)

⋙ śrīhastinī

   ○hastinī f. the sunflower, Heliotroplum Indicum (so called as held in the hand of Śrī or Lakshmī) L.

≫ śrīyadhyai

   śrīyadhyai Ved. inf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 9 Sch.

≫ śrīyase

   śrīyáse (dat. and Ved. inf.), for beauty or splendour or glory, splendidly, gloriously RV.

≫ śriyā

   śriyā f. (collateral form of 3. śrī) prosperity, happiness (personified as the wife of Śrī-dhara i.e. Vishṇu) Kāv. BhP.

⋙ śriyāditya

   ○"ṣditya (śriyâd○), m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ śriyānakula

   ○nakula m. or n. N. of a place ib.

⋙ śriyāvāsa

   ○vāsa m. abode of fortune or prosperity MBh.

⋙ śriyāvāsin

   ○vāsin m. 'dwelling with Śrī', N. of Śiva ib.

≫ śrīka

   śrīka (ifc 
   • f. ā) = 2. śrī, fortune, prosperity, wealth, beauty &c. (cf. gata-, niḥ-, puṇya-śrika &c.) 
   • m. a kind of bird VarBṛS. (= śrī-karṇa Sch.) 
   • a kind of resin ib. (= śrī-vāsaka Sch.)

≫ śrīmat

   śrī-mat mfn. beautiful, charming, lovely, pleasant, splendid, glorious MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • possessed of fortune, fortunate, auspicious, wealthy, prosperous, eminent, illustrious, venerable (used, like śrī, as a prefix before the names of eminent persons and celebrated works and sometimes corrupted into śrīmant), of high rank or dignity (m. 'a great or venerable person') ChUp. MBh. R. &c 
   • decorated with the insignia of royalty (as a king) VarBṛS. 
   • abounding in gold (as Meru) Bhartṛ. 
   • m. N. of Vishṇu L. 
   • of Kubera L. 
   • of Śākya-mitra Buddh. 
   • of a son of Nimi MBh. 
   • of a poet Cat. 
   • Ficus Religiosa L. 
   • another tree (= tilaka) L. 
   • a parrot L. 
   • a bull kept for breeding L. 
   • (atī), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda MBh. 
   • of various women (esp. of the mother of Mādhavâcārya) Buddh. Cat. 
   • -kumbha n. gold L. 
   • -tama mfn. (superl.) most prosperous or eminent or illustrious KaushUp. 
   • -tā f. prosperity, thriving condition, beauty, splendour Kāv. [Page 1100, Column 3] 

⋙ śrīmacchataśalākin

   śrīmac-chata-śalākin mfn. (fr. śrīmat + śata + ś○) furnished with a hundred beautiful ribs (as an umbrella) MBh.

⋙ śrīmaddattopaniṣad

   śrīmad-dattôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad

⋙ śrīmannṛpurī

   śrīman-nṛpurī f. a royal residence Viddh.

⋙ śrīmanmanya

   śrīman-manya mfn. fancying one's self possessed of Śrī Bhaṭṭ.

≫ śrīya

   śrīya mfn. = śriyai hitaḥ Pat.

≫ śrīyāka

   śrīyāka m. N. of a son of Śakaṭāla HPariś.

≫ śrīra

   śrīra a-śrīrá

≫ śrīraṅga

   śrī-raṅga m. N. of Vishṇu (accord. to some 'of Siva', and according to others 'of an ancient king who founded the city of Seringapatam') MW. 
   • n. N. of a town and a celebrated Vaishṇava temple (established by Rāmânuja near Trichinopoly) RTL. 71, n. ; 448

⋙ śrīraṅgagadya

   ○gadya n

⋙ śrīraṅgagurustotra

   ○guru-stotra n. N. of Stotras

⋙ śrīraṅgadeva

   ○deva m. N. of an author Cat. 
   • -devâlaya-pradakṣiṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ śrīraṅganātha

   ○nātha m. N. of Vishṇu W. (cf. comp.) 
   • of the author of a Comm. on the Bhāmatī (cf. Cat.) 
   • -kṣamā-ṣoḍaśī f. -prapatti f. -maṅgalâśāsana n. -suprabhāta n. -stotra, n 
   • ○thârādhana-krama m. ○thâṣṭôtara-śata n. N. of wks

⋙ śrīraṅganāyakī

   ○nāyakī f. (of -nāyaka) wife of the lord of Śrī-raṅga L. 
   • -stuti f. -stotra n. N. of wks

⋙ śrīraṅgapattana

   ○pattana n. 'Vishṇu's city', the city of Seringapatam (situated in Mysore on an island an a channel of the Kāverī, said to have been founded by an ancient king who called it after himself, or by a devotee who dedicated it to Vishṇu 
   • above.) MW.

⋙ śrīraṅgamāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n

⋙ śrīraṅgarājacatuṣṭaya

   ○rāja-catuṣṭaya n

⋙ śrīraṅgarājastava

   ○rāja-stava m

⋙ śrīraṅgarājastotra

   ○rāja-stotra n

⋙ śrīraṅgavimānastotra

   ○vimāna-stotra n

[[ ]]

   śrīraṅgasaptaprākārapradakṣiṇavidhi3śrī-raṅga--sapta-prākāra-pradakṣiṇa-vidhi m. N. of wks

⋙ śrīraṅgeśa

   śrīraṅgêśa m. lord of Śrī-raṅga (○śvarī f. wife of the lord of ŚrṭŚrī-raṅga)

≫ śrīla

   śrīla mf(ā)n. (g. sidhmâdi) prosperous, happy, wealthy, beautiful, eminent Pañcar. (cf. a-śrīla),

⋙ śrīlatā

   ○tā f. high rank (compared to a creeping plant 
   • for śrī-latā col. 1) Rājat.

⋙ śrīlaśrīvopadeva

   ○śrī-vopadeva m. the eminent and illustrious Vopadeva Vop.

⋙ śrīlahanumat

   ○hanumat m. the celebrated Hanumat Cat.

≫ śry

   śry in comp. for 2. śrī

⋙ śryāhva

   ○āhva n. 'having the name of Śrī', a lotus-flower (the goddess Śrī or Lakshmī having appeared with a lotus, the type of beauty, in her hand and being connected with it in many of her names, cf. padmā) L. 
   • a kind of tree Car.


   śrīkajāka (?), n. a building of a partic. form Hcat.


   śrīṇā f. night (v. l. for śiriṇā) Naigh. i, 7


   śrībera n. Andropogon Muricatus L.


   śrīv √śrīv


   śrīvabhāsa (?), m. N. of a man, Rājāt

śru 1

   śru cl. 5. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxii, 44) śṛṇóti (Ved. and ep. also Ā. śṛṇute, and in RV. 3. sg. śṛṇvé, 2. sg. ○viṣé, 3. pl. ○viré [below]. 
   • Impv. śṛṇu, [○Nudh�'I] and [○Nuh�'I] pl. [zRNut�'A], ○ṇota and ○ṇotana RV. 
   • pf. śuśrā́va once in ṛ. with pass. sense, śuśruve [2. sg. śuśrotha, 1. pl. śuśruma, in Up. also ○mas 
   • śuśravat, śuśrūyā́s RV., p. śuśruvás, q.v.] 
   • aor. Ved. áśravam, áśrot, 2. sg. śróṣi 
   • Subj. śrávat, ○vathaḥ 
   • [?] śruvam TĀr. 
   • Impv. [zrudh�'I], śrótu RV. 
   • aśrauṣīt Br. &c 
   • Subj. śroṣan Impv. śroṣantu RV. [cf. śróṣamāṇa] 
   • Prec. śrūyā́sam AV. &c 
   • fut. śrotā MBh. 
   • śroṣyati, ○te Br. &c 
   • inf. śrotum MBh. &c 
   • ind. p. śrutvā́ RV. &c 
   • -śrútya AV. &c 
   • śrāvam GṛŚrS. &c.), to hear, listen or attend to anything (acc.), give ear to any one (acc. or gen.), hear or learn anything about (acc.) or from (abl., gen., instr., mukhāt or śakāśāt), or that anything is (two acc.) RV. &c. &c 
   • to hear (from a teacher), study, learn ŚrS. MBh. &c 
   • to be attentive, be obedient, obey MBh. R. &c.: Pass. śrūyáte (ep. also ○ti 
   • and in RV. śṛṇve &c. {cf. above} with pass. meaning 
   • aor. aśrāvi, śrāvi), to be heard or perceived or learnt about (acc.) or from (gen., abl. or mukhāt 
   • in later language often 3. sg. śrūyate impers. 'it is heard', 'one hears or learns or reads in a book', = 'it is said', 'it is written in (with loc.)' 
   • Impv. śrūyatām, 'let it be heard' = 'listen!') RV. &c. &c 
   • to be celebrated or renowned, be known as, pass for, be called (nom.) RV. [Page 1101, Column 1] 
   • to be heard or learnt (from a teacher) Pañcat. 
   • to be taught or stated (in a book) Sarvad. 
   • to be heard i.e. pronounced or employed (as a sound or word) TPrāt. Sch.: Caus. śrāváyati (ep. also ○te, in RV. also śraváyati 
   • aor. aśuśravi, ○vuḥ RV. 
   • aśuśruvat Br. 
   • aśiśravat Gr 
   • Pass. śrāvyate, below), to cause to be heard or learnt, announce, proclaim, declare RV. &c. &c 
   • to cause to hear, inform, instruct, communicate, relate, tell (with acc. of thing, and acc., gen., or dat. of pers., or with instr. in sense of 'through') Mn. MBh. &c.: Pass. of Caus. śrāvyate, to be informed of (acc.) MBh. &c.: Desid. śúśrūṣate (cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 57 
   • ep. or m. c. also ○ti 
   • Pass. śuśrūṣyate), to wish or like to hear (acc.), desire to attend or listen to (dat.) RV. &c. &c 
   • to attend upon, serve, obey (acc., rarely gen.) Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. of Desid. śuśrūṣayati, to wait upon, be at the service of (acc.) Kull. on Mn. ii, 243: Desid. of Caus. śiśrāvayiṣati or śuśrāvayiṣati Gr.: Intens. śośrūyate, śośraviiti, śośroti, Gr. [Cf. Gk. ?, ? = śrudhí, ? = śrutá &c. ; Lat. [1101, 1] cluo, in-clutus ; Slav. sluti ; Germ. laut ; Eng. loud.]

≫ śuśruvas

   śuśruvás mfn. one who has heard &c. (with two acc., 'that anything is -' 
   • also = śuśrāva, 'he has heard') RV. R. Ragh. &c 
   • one who has learnt or studied, a scholar TS. ŚBr.

≫ śuśrū


⋙ śuśrūṣaka

   śuśrūṣaka &c. p. 1084, col. 3

≫ śrava


⋙ śravaṇa

   śravaṇa &c. 1. śrava, p. 1096, col. 3

≫ śrāva


⋙ śrāvaka

   śrāvaka &c. p. 1097, col. 1

≫ śruṇa

   śruṇa su-śrúṇa

≫ śrut 1

   śrút mfn. hearing, listening (only in next and ifc 
   • cf. karṇa-, dīrgha-śrut &c.) 
   • that which is heard, sound, noise Harav.

⋙ śrutkarṇa

   ○karṇa (śrút-), mfn. one who has hearing ears, quick to hear RV. AV.

≫ śruta

   śrutá mfn. heard, listened to, heard about or of, taught, mentioned, orally transmitted or communicated from age to age ŚBr. ChUp. MBh. &c 
   • known, famous, celebrated RV. AV. Br. MBh. 
   • known as, called (nom. with iti) MBh. R. &c 
   • m. N. of a son of Bhagīratha Hariv. 
   • of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP. 
   • of a son of Su-bhāshaṇa ib. 
   • of a son of Upagu VP. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Dīrghadaṃshṭra Kathās. 
   • (am), n. anything heard, that which has been heard (esp. from the beginning), knowledge as heard by holy men and transmitted from generation to generation, oral tradition or revelation, sacred knowledge (in the Pur. personified as a child of Dharma and Medhā), the Veda AV. &c. &c 
   • the act of hearing MuṇḍUp. Kāv. Kathās. 
   • learning or teaching, instruction (śrutaṃ-√kṛ, 'to learn') Āpast. 
   • memory, remembrance AV. i, 1, 2

⋙ śrutaṛṣi

   ○ṛṣi (śrutá-), mfn. (cf. śruta-rṣi) having famous Ṛishis RV.

⋙ śrutakakṣa

   ○kakṣa (śrutá-), m. N. of a Ṛishi (author of RV. viii, 81) Anukr.

⋙ śrutakarman

   ○karman m. N. of a son of Saha-deva MBh. 
   • of a son of Arjuna ib. 
   • of a son of Somâpi VP. 
   • of Śani L.

⋙ śrutakāma

   ○kāma mfn. desirous of sacred knowledge ŚāṅkhŚr.

⋙ śrutakīrti

   ○kīrti m. 'one whose fame is heard about', N. of a son of Arjuna MBh. 
   • of an astronomer Cat. 
   • of another man (also -bhoja) Inscr. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Kuśa-dhvaja (wife of Śatru-ghna) R. 
   • of a daughter of Śūra (sister of Vasu-deva and wife of Dhṛishṭa. ketu) Pur.

⋙ śrutakevalin

   ○kevalin m. N. of a class of Jama Arhats (of whom six are enumerated) L.

⋙ śrutaṃjaya

   ○ṃ-jaya m. N. of a son of Sena-jit VP. 
   • of a son of Śatyâyu BhP.

⋙ śrutatas

   ○tas ind. as if heard Gobh. 
   • with regard to orally transmitted knowledge or tradition Nir.

⋙ śrutatva

   ○tva n. the being taught or learnt Śaṃk.

⋙ śrutadīpa

   ○dīpa m. N. of wk

⋙ śrutadeva

   ○deva m. a god in respect of knowledge BhP. 
   • N. of a son of Kṛishṇa ib. 
   • of a servant of Kṛishṇa ib. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Śūṛa (sister of Vasu-deva and wife of Vṛiddha-śarman) Hariv. Pur. 
   • (ī), f. 'goddess of learning', N. of Sarasvatī L.

⋙ śrutadhara

   ○dhara mfn. retaining what has been heard, having a good memory Kāv. Kathās. BhP. 
   • m. the ear BhP. 
   • N. of a king Kathās. 
   • of a poet Gīt., Introd 
   • pl. N. of the Brāhmans in Śālmaladviipa BhP.

⋙ śrutadharman

   ○dharman m. N. of a son of Udâpi Hariv. (v. l. śruta-śravas)

⋙ śrutadhāraṇa

   ○dhāraṇa mfn. = -dhara BhP.

⋙ śrutadhi

   ○dhi m. 'receptacle of knowledge', N. of a man Kathās.

⋙ śrutadhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. 'characterized by knowledge', N. of a warrior MBh.

⋙ śrutanigadin

   ○nigadin mfn. able to recite what has once been heard SāmavBr. (○di-tva n. Sch.)

⋙ śrutaniṣkraya

   ○niṣkraya m. fee for instruction Ragh.

⋙ śrutaṃdhara

   ○ṃ-dhara m. a kind of pavilion Vāstuv.

⋙ śrutapāraga

   ○pāra-ga (cf. R.),

⋙ śrutapāradṛśvan

   ○pāra-dṛśvan (R.agh.), mfn. extremely learned R.

⋙ śrutapāla

   ○pāla m. 'guardian of knowledge', N. of a grammarian Cat. [Page 1101, Column 2] 

⋙ śrutapūrva

   ○pūrva mf(ā)n. heard or learnt before, known by hearsay R. Kālid.

⋙ śrutaprakāśa

   ○prakāśa mfn. renowned for knowledge of the Vedas Ragh.

⋙ śrutaprakāśikā

   ○prakāśikā f. N. of various wks 
   • -khaṇḍana (with siddhânta-siddhâñjana), n 
   • -"ṣcāryakṛta-rahasya-traya (○kâc○), n. -tātparya-dīpikā., f. -saṃgraha m. N. of Vedânta wks

⋙ śrutapradīpa

   ○pradīpa m

⋙ śrutapradīpikā

   ○pradīḍpikā f. N. of Vedânta wks

⋙ śrutabandhu

   ○bandhu m. N. of a Ṛishi (having the patr. gaupāyana or laupāyana and author of RV. v, 24, 3 ; x, 57-60) Anukr.

⋙ śrutabodha

   ○bodha m. a short treatise or compendium on the most common Sanskṛit metres (attributed either to Kālidāsa or to Vara-ruci)

⋙ śrutabhāvaprakāśikā

   ○bhāva-prakāśikā f. N. of a Vedânta wk

⋙ śrutabhṛt

   ○bhṛt mfn. bearing knowledge, learned HPariś.

⋙ śrutamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of knowledge Buddh.

⋙ śrutamahat

   ○mahat śruti-m○

⋙ śrutamātra

   ○mātra n. mere hearing or hearsay Śrutab.

⋙ śrutayukta

   ○yukta mfn. endowed with knowledge, learned VarBṛS.

⋙ śrutaratha

   ○ratha (śrutá-), mfn. possessing a renowned chariot (others 'N. of a man') RV.

⋙ śrutarṣi

   ○rṣi (for -ṛṣi), m. a Ṛishi distinguished by knowledge, a very learned Ṛishi or a ṚṭṚishi of a partic. order (such as the author of the Su-śruta) Āpast. Nir. Sch. 
   • (śrutá-), mfn. having distinguished Ṛishi TBr.

⋙ śrutavat

   ○vat mfn. one who has heard &c. Kāv. Hit. 
   • possessing (sacred) knowledge, learned, pious MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • connected with or founded on knowledge BhP. 
   • m. N. of a son of Somâpi BhP.

⋙ śrutavadana

   ○vadana mfn. one whose speech is (readily) heard AitĀr.

⋙ śrutavardhana

   ○vardhana m. N. of a physician Kathās.

⋙ śrutavarman

   ○varman m. N. of a man Vās., Introd

⋙ śrutaviṃśatikoṭi

   ○viṃśati-koṭi wṛ. for śroṇa-koṭi-viṃśa (q.v.)

⋙ śrutavid

   ○víd m. 'knowing sacred revelation', N. of a Ṛishi (having the patr. ātreya and author of RV. v, 62) RV. v, 44, 12

⋙ śrutavindā

   ○vindā f. N. of a river BhP.

⋙ śrutavismṛta

   ○vismṛta mfn. heard and forgotten Kathās.

⋙ śrutavṛtta

   ○vṛtta n. du. knowledge and virtue Mn. vii, 135 
   • ○ttâḍhya mfn. rich in knowledge and virtue, learned and virtuous R. 
   • ○ttôpapanna mfn. id. Mn. ix, 244

⋙ śrutavṛddha

   ○vṛddha m. 'rich in knowledge', a learned man, scholar Ragh.

⋙ śrutaśabdārthasamuccaya

   ○śabdârtha-samuccaya m. a vocabulary (by Somêśvara) Cat.

⋙ śrutaśarman

   ○śarman m. N. of a son of Udâyus VP. 
   • of a prince of the Vidyā-dharas Kathās.

⋙ śrutaśālin

   ○śālin mfn. possessed of knowledge, learned Siṃhâs.

⋙ śrutaśīla

   ○śīla n. learning and virtuous conduct Mn. xi, 22 
   • m. N. of a man Cat. 
   • -vat mfn. learned and virtuous Mn. iii, 27, v. l 
   • -sampanna (cf. Gaut.) 
   • ○lôpasampanna (cf. Kām.), mfn. id

⋙ śrutaśravas

   ○śravas m. N. of various men MBh. Hariv. Pur. 
   • f. (also ○vā) N. of a daughter of Śūra (mother of Śiśu-pāla and sister of Vasu-deva) ib. 
   • ○vo'nuja m. the planet Saturn (said to be one of the sons of Sūrya) L.

⋙ śrutaśrī

   ○śrī m. N. of a Daitya MBh.

⋙ śrutaśruvas

   ○śruvas wṛ. for -śravas

⋙ śrutaśroṇī

   ○śroṇī f. Anthericum Tuberosum (prob. wṛ. for suta-śr○)

⋙ śrutasad

   ○sád mfn. abiding in what is heard (i.e. in transmitted knowledge or tradition) TS.

⋙ śrutasena

   ○sená m. having a famous army VS. (cf. Sch.) 
   • (śrutá-), m. N. of a brother (or son) of Janam-ejaya ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • of a son of Saha-deva MBh. 
   • of a son of Parīkshit ib. 
   • of a son of Bhīma-sena BhP. 
   • of a son of Śatru-ghna ib. 
   • of a son of Śambara Hariv. 
   • of a prince of Go-karṇa Kathās. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a wife of Kṛishṇa Hariv.

⋙ śrutasoma

   ○soma m. N. of a son of Bhīma VP. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a wife of Kṛishṇa Hariv.

⋙ śrutāñjanaṭīkā

   śrutâñjana-ṭīkā f. N. of wk

⋙ śrutādāna

   śrutâdāna n. 'Veda-acceptation', citing or explaining the Veda (= brahma-vāda) L.

⋙ śrutādhyayanasampanna

   śrutâdhyayana-sampanna mfn. conversant with repetition or recitation of the Veda W.

⋙ śrutānīka

   śrutânīka and m. N. of men MBh.

⋙ śrutānta

   śrutânta m. N. of men MBh.

⋙ śrutānvita

   śrutânvita mfn. acquainted with or conforming to the Veda Bhaṭṭ.

⋙ śrutāmagha

   śrutā-magha (for śrutá-m○), mfn. having renowned treasures RV.

⋙ śrutāyu

   śrutâyu or m. N. of a king of the solar race (descended from Kuśa, son of Rāma) R.

⋙ śrutāyus

   śrutâḍyus m. N. of a king of the solar race (descended from Kuśa, son of Rāma) R. 
   • of a son of Purū-ravas MBh. 
   • of another king and various other men ib. Hariv. Pur.

⋙ śrutāyudha

   śrutâyudha m. N. of a man MBh.

⋙ śrutārtha

   śrutârtha mfn. one who has heard anything (gen.) Hariv. 
   • m. any matter ascertained by hearing MW. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a woman Kathās.

⋙ śrutāvatī

   śrutā-vatī (for śruta-v○), f. N. of a daughter of Bharad-vāja MBh.

≫ śrutar

   śrutár (in a formula) = śrutaḥ (nom.) TS.

≫ śrutarya

   śrutárya m. N. of a man RV. i, 112, 9 (cf. Sāy.)

≫ śrutarvan

   śrutárvan mfn. N. of a man (having the patr. Arksha) RV. MBh. Hariv. (cf. śrautarvaṇa)

≫ śruti 1

   śrúti f. hearing, listening (śrutim abhinīya, 'feigning to hear' 
   • śrutiṃ vaco'nugāṃ-√kṛ, 'to listen to a speech') ŚBr. &c. &c 
   • the ear, organ or power of hearing Kāv. VarBṛS. Kathās. 
   • the diagonal of a tetragon or hypothenuse of a triangle Gol. [Page 1101, Column 3] 
   • that which is heard or perceived with the ear, sound, noise &c. RV. AV. Prāt. Kathās. BhP. 
   • an aggregate of sounds (whether forming a word or any part of a word) TPrāt. 
   • rumour, report, news, intelligence, hearsay (śrutau-√sthā, 'to be known by hearsay') MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • a saying, saw, word MBh. R. BhP. 
   • that which has been heard or communicated from the beginning, sacred knowledge orally transmitted by the Brāhmans from generation to generation, the Veda (i.e. sacred eternal sounds or words as eternally heard by certain holy sages called Ṛishis, and so differing from smṛ́ti or what is only remembered and handed down in writing by human authors, Mn. ii, 10 
   • it is properly only applied to the Mantra and Brāhmaṇa portion of the Vedas, although afterwards extended to the Upanishads and other Vedic works including the Darśanas 
   • iti śruteḥ, 'because it is so taught in the Veda, according to a śruti or Vedic text' 
   • pl. 'sacred texts, the Vedas', also 'rites prescribed by the Vedas') AitBr. ŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c. IW. 144 
   • (in music) a particular division of the octave, a quarter tone or interval (twenty-two of these are enumerated, four constituting a major tone, three a minor, and two a semitone 
   • they are said to be personified as nymphs) Yājñ. Śiś. Pañcar. 
   • a name, title Kāvyâd. ii, 331 
   • learning, scholarship Śak. VarBṛS. (prob. wṛ. for śruta) 
   • = buddhi L. 
   • N. of a daughter of Atri and wife of Kardama VP.

⋙ śrutikaṭa

   ○kaṭa m. (only L.) penance, expiation 
   • a snake 
   • = prāñca-loha or prāñcalloha

⋙ śrutikaṭu

   ○kaṭu mfn. harsh to the ear, unmelodious 
   • m. (in rhet.) a harsh or unmṭunmelodious sound, cacophony Kpr.

⋙ śrutikaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭha wṛ. for -kaṭa

⋙ śrutikathita

   ○kathita mfn. mentioned or taught or prescribed in the Veda W.

⋙ śrutikalpadruma

   ○kalpadruma m

⋙ śrutikalpalatā

   ○kalpalatā f

⋙ śrutikīrti

   ○kīrti f

⋙ śrutigītā

   ○gītā f. N. of wks

⋙ śrutigocara

   ○gocara mf(ā)n. perceptible by the ear, RāmatUp 
   • permitted to be heard by (gen.) BhP.

⋙ śruticandrikā

   ○candrikā f

⋙ śruticikitsā

   ○cikitsā f. N. of wks

⋙ śruticodana

   ○codana n. a Vedic precept, sacred precept or injunction Mn. Yājñ.

⋙ śrutijātiviśārada

   ○jāti-viśārada mfn. familiar with the origin or different kinds of the quarter tones Yājñ. iii, 115

⋙ śrutijīvikā

   ○jīvikā f. a lawbook or code of laws L.

⋙ śrutitattvanirṇaya

   ○tattva-nirṇaya m. N. of wk

⋙ śrutitatpara

   ○tatpara mfn. having ears, hearing L. 
   • intent on hearing or studying the Veda L.

⋙ śrutitas

   ○tas ind. according to sacred or revealed knowledge, in respect of or according to sacred precept Āpast.

⋙ śrutitā

   ○tā f. udātta-śruti-tā

⋙ śrutitātparyanirṇaya

   ○tātparya-nirṇaya m. N. of a Vedânta wk

⋙ śrutiduṣṭa

   ○duṣṭa n. = -kaṭu Sāh.

⋙ śrutidūṣaka

   ○dūṣaka mfn. offending the ear Saṃkar.

⋙ śrutidvaidha

   ○dvaidha n. disagreement or contradiction of any two passages in the Vedas or of two Vedas Mn. ii, 14 &c

⋙ śrutidhara

   ○dhara m. = (and often v. l. for) śruta-dh○ Hariv. Suśr. Gīt. 
   • holding or observing the Vedas W.

⋙ śrutinigadin

   ○nigadin mfn. = śruta-n○ Suśr.

⋙ śrutinidarśana

   ○nidarśana n. Veda-demonstration, testimony of the Veda-demonstration Mn. xi, 45

⋙ śrutipatha

   ○patha m. the range of hearing (-pathaṃ-√gam with gen., 'to come to any one's ears', 'be heard by') MBh. R. &c 
   • the auditory passage, hearing Śiś. ( comp.) 
   • pl. tradition Suśr. 
   • -gata (cf. MBh.) 
   • -prâpta (cf. Rājat.), mfn. come to the ears of, heard by (gen.) 
   • -madhura mfn. pleasant to the ear Śiś. 
   • ○thâyāta mfn. = ○thagata Kathās.

⋙ śrutipāda

   ○pāda m

⋙ śrutiprapādikā

   ○prapādikā f

⋙ śrutipurāṇasaṃgraha

   ○purāṇa-saṃgraha m

⋙ śrutiprakāśikā

   ○prakāśikā f. N. of wks

⋙ śrutiprasādana

   ○prasādana n. gratifying the ear, engaging the attention Śak.

⋙ śrutiprāmāṇyatas

   ○prāmāṇyatas ind. on the authority or with the sanction of the Veda Mn. ii, 8

⋙ śrutibhāskara

   ○bhāskara m. N. of wk. on music (by Bhīmadeva)

⋙ śrutimaṇḍala

   ○maṇḍala n. 'ear-circle', the outer ear W. 
   • the whole circle of the quarter-tones Śiś. i, 10

⋙ śrutimat

   ○mat mfn. having ears ŚvetUp. 
   • possessed of knowledge, learned (often v. l. for the more correct śruta-vat) Kāv. VarBṛS. Kathās. 
   • having the Veda as source or authority, supported by a Vedic text (-tva n.) Nyāyam.

⋙ śrutimatānumāna

   ○matânumāna n. N. of a Vedânta wk. (by Try-ambaka Śāstrin)

⋙ śrutimaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. based on or conformable to sacred tradition or the Veda MBh.

⋙ śrutimayūra

   ○mayūra m. N. of wk. on ornithology

⋙ śrutimahat

   ○mahat mfn. mighty in sacred knowledge (v. l. śruta-m○) Śak.

⋙ śrutimārga

   ○mārga m. = -patha (○gaṃ gata or ○ga-praviṣṭa, 'having come or entered by way of the ears', 'heard' 
   • mārga ibc. or ○geṇa, 'by way of the ears', 'by hearing') Kāv. Kathās.

⋙ śrutimitaprakāśikā

   ○mita-prakāśikā f

⋙ śrutimīmāṃsā

   ○mīmāṃsā f

⋙ śrutimuktāphala

   ○muktā-phala n. N. of wks

⋙ śrutimukha

   ○mukha mfn. having the Veda or sacred tradition for a month Pañcar.

⋙ śrutimukharamukha

   ○mukhara-mukha mfn. one whose mouth is talkative or eloquent with learning Bhartṛ. [Page 1102, Column 1] 

⋙ śrutimūla

   ○mūla n. the √of the ear Gīt. 
   • the text of the Vedas W. 
   • ○laka mfn. founded on or springing from the Veda MW.

⋙ śrutimṛgya

   ○mṛgya mfn. to be sought by hearing or by the Veda (not by sight) MW.

⋙ śrutirañjanī

   ○rañjanī f

⋙ śrutirañjinī

   ○rañjinī f

⋙ śrutilakṣaṇaprāyaścitta

   ○lakṣaṇa-prâyaścitta n. N. of wks

⋙ śrutivacana

   ○vacana n. a Vedic precept Vās.

⋙ śrutivarjita

   ○varjita mfn. devoid of hearing, deaf L. 
   • ignorant or unread in the Veda W.

⋙ śrutivāksārasaṃgraha

   ○vāksāra-saṃgraha m. N. of a Vedânta wk

⋙ śrutivikrāyaka

   ○vikrāyaka mfn. selling the Veda or sacred knowledge MBh.

⋙ śrutivipratipanna

   ○vipratipanna mfn. dissenting from the Veda or sacred tradition, disregarding the doctrine of the Veda Bhag.

⋙ śrutivivara

   ○vivara n. the auditory passage VarBṛS.

⋙ śrutiviṣaya

   ○viṣaya m. the object of hearing (i.e. sound,
   • subject-matter or doctrine of the Veda, any sacred matter or ordinance W. 
   • mfn. conversant with sacred knowledge, familiar with the Veda MW. 
   • -guṇa mfn. having the quality (sound) which is the object of hearing or which is perceptible by the ear (said of ether) Śak.

⋙ śrutivedha

   ○vedha m. the piercing or boring of the ear L.

⋙ śrutiśiras

   ○śiras n. a leading text of the Veda Sarvad.

⋙ śrutiśīla

   ○śīla mfn. able to distinguish the difference of the tones of a lute (= tantrī-nāda-vibhājana-śīla) R. (cf. Sch.) 
   • -vat wṛ. for śruta-śīla-vat (q.v.)

⋙ śrutisaṃkṣiptavarṇana

   ○saṃkṣiptavarṇana n

⋙ śrutisaṃgraha

   ○saṃgraha m. N. of two Vedânta wks

⋙ śrutisāgara

   ○sāgara m. the ocean (i.e. the whole substance or essence) of sacred knowledge (Vishṇu) Pañcar.

⋙ śrutisāra

   ○sāra m. N. of two wks 
   • -pañca-ratna n. -samuccaya m. -samuddharaṇa-prakaraṇa, n. N. of wks

⋙ śrutisukha

   ○sukha mfn. pleasant to the ear BhP. 
   • -da (cf. VarBṛS.) and ○khâvaha (Ṛitus), mfn. giving pleasure to the ear, pleasant to hear

⋙ śrutisūktimālā

   ○sū7ktimālā f

⋙ śrutisūtratātparyāmṛta

   ○sūtra-tātparyâmṛta n

⋙ śrutistuti

   ○stuti f. (= veda-stuti) N. of wks

⋙ śrutisphoṭā

   ○sphoṭā f. Gynandropsis Pentaphylla L.

⋙ śrutismṛti

   ○smṛti f. du. the Veda and human tradition or law 
   • -viruddha mfn. opposed to the Veda and human trṭtradition MW. 
   • -vihita mfn. enjoined by the Veda and human trṭtradition W. 
   • ○ty-āai-tātparya n. N. of a Vedânta wk 
   • ○ty-udita mfn. declared or enjoined by the Veda and human law Mn. iv, 155

⋙ śrutihārin

   ○hārin mfn. captivating the ear Ṛitus.

≫ śrutin

   śrutin mfn. one who has heard, g. iṣṭâdi 
   • obeying, observing W. 
   • having or following the Vedas ib.

≫ śrutīka

   śrutīka (ifc., fr. śrutī = śruti) MBh.

≫ śruty

   śruty in comp. for 1. śruti

⋙ śrutyanuprāsa

   ○anuprâsa m. a kind of alliteration consisting in the repetition of consonants belonging to the same class or organ of utterance (e.g. the palatal letter j and y &c.) Sāh.

⋙ śrutyantasuradruma

   ○anta-sura-druma m

⋙ śrutyartharatnamālā

   ○artha-ratna-mālā f. N. of wks

⋙ śrutyarthābhāva

   ○arthâbhāva m

⋙ śrutyānarthakya

   ○ānarthakya n. the uselessness of the Veda or of oral sacred tradition KātyŚr.

⋙ śrutyukta

   ○ukta mfn. said or enjoined in the Veda Mn. i, 108

⋙ śrutyudita

   ○udita mfn. id. MW.

≫ śrutya

   śrútya mfn. to be heard, famous, glorious RV. 
   • n. a glorious deed ib.

≫ śrū 1

   śrū (for 2. śrū col. 2). deva-śrū́

≫ śrūyamāṇa

   śrūyamāṇa mfn. (Pass. pr. p. of √1. śru) being heard, heard (-tva n.) Vedântas.

≫ śrotavya

   śrotavya &c. p. 1103, col. 1

śru 2

   śru (only in śrúvat 
   • generally an incorrect form of √sru), to dissolve into parts, burst asunder RV. i, 127, 3

≫ śravaṇa 2

   śrávaṇa &c. p. 1097, col. 2

≫ śrut 2

   śrút f. (= srut) a river (?) RV. i, 53, 9

≫ śruti 2

   śrúti f. (cf. sruti) course, path (?) RV. ii, 2, 7 ; x, 111, 3 
   • the constellation, Śravaṇā L.

≫ śrotas 1

   śrotas &c. srotas


   śrughnikā incorrect for sr○


   śruc &c., incorrect for sruc


   śrudhīya n. (perhaps fr. Impv. [zrudh�I]) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr.

≫ śrudhīyat

   śrudhīyát mfn. (prob.) willing, obedient RV.

≫ śrudhya

   śrudhya n. N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr.

≫ śrumat

   śru-mat m. N. of a man Pāṇ. 5-3, 118 (cf. śromata, śraumata, ○tya)


   śruva &c. sruva


   śruṣ a collateral form of √1. śru, and appearing in the verbal forms śroṣan, śroṣantu, śroṣamāṇa, and in śrauṣṭi &c. [Cf. Lith. kláusti ; Slav. [sluch�u].]

≫ śruṣṭi

   śruṣṭí or f. obedience, complaisance, willing service (śruṣṭíṃ-√kṛ, 'to obey'

⋙ śruṣṭi

   śrúṣṭi f. obedience, complaisance, willing service (śruṣṭíṃ-√kṛ, 'to obey' 
   • śruṣṭī́ ind. 'willingly, gladly, immediately, quickly, at once') RV. [Page 1102, Column 2] 
   • confidence in (with gen.) RV. 
   • mfn. obedient, willing ib. 
   • m. N. of an Āṅgirasa (prob. wṛ. for śnuṣṭi, q.v.)

⋙ śruṣṭigu

   ○gu (śrúṣṭi-), mfn. N. of a Ṛishi (having the patr. Kāṇva and author of RV. viii, 51) Anukr.

⋙ śruṣṭimat

   ○mát mfn. obedient, willing RV.

≫ śruṣṭīvan

   śruṣṭī-ván mf(árī)n. willing, obedient, ready to help RV.

śrū 2

   śrū (nom. śrūs, fr. √śriv = sriv) Vop.


   śrūṣā f. Cassia Esculenta L.


   śrek √srek


   śreṭī or śreḍī or śreḍhī f. (in the vernaculars śeḍi 
   • cf. śreṇi) a partic. numerical notation or progression of figures (in arithm.) Col.


   śreṇi f. (L. also m 
   • according to Uṇ. iv, 51, fr. √śri 
   • connected with śreṭī above) a line, row, range, series, succession, troop, flock, multitude, number RV. &c. &c 
   • a swarm (of bees) Śiś. 
   • a company of artisans following the same business, a guild or association of traders dealing in the same articles Mn. MBh. &c 
   • a bucket, wateringpot L. 
   • the fore or upper part of anything L. 
   • Sanseviera Roxburghiana L.

⋙ śreṇikṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. = śreṇīkṛ○ Pāṇ. Sch.

⋙ śreṇidat

   ○dat (śréṇi-), mfn. one whose teeth form a row RV.

⋙ śreṇibaddha

   ○baddha mfn. bound into a row, forming a row MBh.

⋙ śreṇimat

   ○mat mfn. having a number of followers, presiding over an association or guild ib.

⋙ śreṇiśas

   ○śás ind. in rows or lines or troops or flocks RV.

⋙ śreṇisthāna

   ○sthāna n. 'social state', N. of the first three stages in the life of an Ārya (cf. āśrama) MBh. xii, 8917

≫ śreṇika

   śreṇika m. a front-tooth Gal. 
   • N. of a king (= bimbisāra) HPariś. 
   • (ā), f. next

⋙ śreṇikapurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n. N. of wk

≫ śreṇikā

   śreṇikā f. a kind of metre (= śyeṇikā) Col. 
   • a tent W.

≫ śreṇī

   śreṇī f. a line, row &c. (= śreṇi) Mn. MBh. &c

⋙ śreṇīkṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. made into a row, forming rows or lines MBh. (cf. śreṇi-kṛ○)

⋙ śreṇīdharma

   ○dharma m. pl. the customs of trades or guilds Mn. viii, 41

⋙ śreṇībandha

   ○bandha m. the formation of a row or line Ragh.

⋙ śreṇībhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. being i.e. forming a row or rows Megh.

≫ śreṇya

   śreṇya m. N. of a king (= śreṇika) Buddh.

≫ średhī

   średhī f. (cf. śreṭī &c.) any set or succession of distinct things W. 
   • (in arithm.) progression 
   • sequence ib.

⋙ średhīphala

   ○phala n. the sum of a progression MW.

⋙ średhīvyavahāra

   ○vyavahāra m. the ascertainment or determination of progressions ib.

≫ śraiṇya

   śraiṇya m. (cf. śreṇya) N. of Bimbisāra Buddh.


   śretṛ m. one who has recourse to (gen.) MBh. (v. l. ā-śretṛ)


   śre-mán m. (fr. 2. śrī) distinction, superiority MaitrS. Br.


   śréyas mfn. (either compar. of śrī, or rather accord. to native authorities of śrī-mat or praśasya 
   • Gk. ?) more splendid or beautiful, [1102, 2] more excellent or distinguished, superior, preferable, better, better than (with abl. or with na, below) RV. &c. &c 
   • most excellent, best MBh. iii, 1256 
   • propitious, well disposed to (gen.) ib. i, 3020 
   • auspicious, fortunate, conducive to welfare or prosperity Kāv. Hit. MārkP. 
   • m. (in astron.) N. of the second Muhūrta 
   • of the third month (accord. to a partic. reckoning) 
   • (with Jainas) N. of the 11th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L. 
   • (śreyasī), f. N. of various plants (accord. to L. Terminalia Chebula or Citrina 
   • Clypea Hernandifolia 
   • Scindapsus Officinalis 
   • = rāsnā, ambaṣṭhā and priyaṅgu) Car. Bhpr. &c 
   • N. of a deity of the Bodhi tree Lalit. 
   • (as), n. the better state, the better fortune or condition (sometimes used when the subject of a sentence would seem to require the masc. form) AV. TS. Br. Kauś. 
   • good (as opp. to 'evil'), welfare, bliss, fortune, happiness KaṭhUp. MBh. &c 
   • the bliss of final emancipation, felicity ( śreyaḥ-pariśrāma, col. 3) 
   • ind. better, rather, rather than (used like varam q.v. with na 
   • e.g. śreyo mṛtaṃ na jīvitam, 'better is death and not life' or 'rather than life', or 'death is better than life') MBh. R. &c 
   • = dharma L. 
   • N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.

⋙ śreyaskara

   ○kara (śréyas-), mf(ī)n. making better or superior VS. 
   • causing or securing fortune, conducive to happiness or prosperity, salutary, wholesome Mn. MBh. &c. [Page 1102, Column 3] 
   • -tara mfn. more efficacious for securing happiness Mn. xii, 84 ; 86 
   • -bhāṣya n. N. of wk

⋙ śreyaskāma

   ○kāma mf(ā)n. desirous of welfare or prosperity MBh. BhP. 
   • -tā f. desirous of causing happiness or rendering happy MBh.

⋙ śreyaskṛt

   ○kṛt mfn. = -kara BhP.

⋙ śreyastara

   ○tara mfn. very much better MW.

⋙ śreyastva

   ○tva n. betterness, superiority Mn. x, 66

≫ śreyaḥ

   śreyaḥ in comp. for śreyas

⋙ śreyaḥketa

   ○keta (śréyaḥ-), mfn. striving after excellence or superiority AV.

⋙ śreyaḥpariśrāma

   ○pariśrāma m. toiling after final emancipation BhP.

≫ śreyasa

   śreyasa n. welfare, happiness, bliss (mostly ifc 
   • cf. ahaṃ-, niḥ-, śvaḥ-śr○)

≫ śreyasitarā

   śreyasi-tarā or f. a more excellent woman Pāṇ. 6-2, 45

⋙ śreyasītarā

   śreyasī-tarā f. a more excellent woman Pāṇ. 6-2, 45

≫ śreyāṃsa

   śreyāṃsa m. N. of the 11th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L.

≫ śreyo

   śreyo in comp. for śreyas

⋙ śreyobhikāṅkṣin

   ○'bhikāṅkṣin mfn. desiring bliss or welfare Mn. iv, 91

⋙ śreyomaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of bliss, excellent, best ŚārṅgS.

⋙ śreyorthin

   ○'rthin mfn. desiring felicity or bliss, Śāntaś.: desirous of good, ambitious W.

≫ śreṣṭha

   śréṣṭha mf(ā)n. most splendid or beautiful, most beautiful of or among (with gen.) RV. AV. R. 
   • most excellent, best, first, chief (n. 'the best or chief thing'), best of or among or in respect of or in (with gen., loc., or comp.) RV. &c. &c 
   • better, more, distinguished, superior, better than (abl. or gen.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • most auspicious or salutary VarBṛS. 
   • oldest, senior W. 
   • m. a king L. 
   • a Brāhman L. 
   • N. of Vishṇu or Kubera L. 
   • N. of a king Buddh. 
   • (ā), f. an excellent woman MW. 
   • Hibiscus Mutabilis L. (prob. wṛ. for lakṣmī-śr○) 
   • a kind of √resembling ginger L. 
   • n. cow's milk L. 
   • copper L.

⋙ śreṣṭhakāṣṭha

   ○kāṣṭha m. Tectona Grandis L. 
   • n. the main pillar of a house W.

⋙ śreṣṭhatama

   ○tama (śréṣṭha-), mfn. the very best, most excellent RV. &c. &c 
   • (ā), f. holy basil L.

⋙ śreṣṭhatara

   ○tara mfn. more excellent, better than (abl.) MBh.

⋙ śreṣṭhatas

   ○tas ind. according to excellence or superiority Lāṭy.

⋙ śreṣṭhatā

   ○tā f. (cf. AitBr. Mn. &c.),

⋙ śreṣṭhatva

   ○tva n. (cf. Suśr.) betterness, eminence, excellence, superiority

⋙ śreṣṭhapāla

   ○pāla m. N. of a king Buddh.

⋙ śreṣṭhabhāj

   ○bhāj mfn. 'possessing the best', = śreṣṭha, best, excellent MBh.

⋙ śreṣṭhayajña

   ○yajña m. the best or chief sacrifice AitBr.

⋙ śreṣṭhayāna

   ○yāna n. (with Buddhists) the best or chief vehicle Vajracch.

⋙ śreṣṭhavarcas

   ○varcas (śréṣṭha-), mfn. having most excellent vigour or energy or glory RV.

⋙ śreṣṭhavāc

   ○vāc mfn. pre-eminent in speech, eloquent R.

⋙ śreṣṭhaśāka

   ○śāka n. a kind of excellent potherb (cf. vara-pota) L.

⋙ śreṣṭhaśocis

   ○śocis (śréṣṭha-), mfn. having the best splendour, most brilliant RV.

⋙ śreṣṭhasāman

   ○sāman n. the best or chief Sāman PañcavBr.

⋙ śreṣṭhasena

   ○sena m. N. of a king Rājat.

⋙ śreṣṭhasthā

   ○sthā mfn. (nom. -sthās) fit for or belonging to the best TāṇḍBr.

⋙ śreṣṭhānvaya

   śreṣṭhânvaya mfn. descended from an excellent family Mālatīm.

⋙ śreṣṭhāmla

   śreṣṭhâmla n. the fruit of Garcinia Cambogia L.

⋙ śreṣṭhāśrama

   śreṣṭhâśrama m. the best period or stage of a Brāhman's life, one who is in the best period, a householder L.

≫ śreṣṭhaka


⋙ śreṣṭhika

   śreṣḍṭhika bhūri-śr○

≫ śreṣṭhin

   śreṣṭhin mfn. having the best, best, chief W. 
   • m. a distinguished man, a person of rank or authority AitBr. ŚāṅkhBr. KaushUp. 
   • a warrior of high rank Jātakam. 
   • an eminent artisan, the head or chief of an association following the same trade or industry, the president or foreman of a guild (also inī f. a female artisan &c.) Hariv. Kāv. VarBṛS. &c

≫ śraiṣṭhya

   śraíṣṭhya n. (fr. śreṣṭha) superiority, preeminence among (gen. or comp.) AV. &c. &c

⋙ śraiṣṭhyatama

   ○tama (?), mfn. = śreṣṭha-tama ŚāṅkhGṛ.


   śreṣman a-śreṣmán


   śrai √śrā, p. 1097, col. 2


   śroṇ (prob. artificial 
   • √.śloṇ), cl. 1. P. śroṇati, to collect, accumulate Dhātup. xiii, 14 
   • to go, move Nir. iv, 3


   śroṇá mf(ā́)n. (= 2. śravaṇa) lame, limping, a cripple RV. 
   • cooked, dressed, matured (prob. wṛ. for śrāṇa) L. 
   • m. (m. c.) and (ā́), f. the constellation Śravanā TS. Kāṭh. Baudh. BhP. 
   • (ā), f. rice-gruel (cf. śrāṇā) L.

⋙ śroṇakoṭikarṇa

   ○koṭi-karṇa and m. N. of two men Buddh.

⋙ śroṇakoṭiviṃśa

   ○koṭi-viṃśa m. N. of two men Buddh.

⋙ śroṇāparānta

   śroṇâparânta N. of a town (○ta-ka m. pl. its inhabitants) ib.

≫ śroṇi

   śróṇi f. (L. also m 
   • mostly du 
   • ifc. f. ī for śroṇī-, below) the hip and loins, buttocks RV. &c. &c. [Page 1103, Column 1] 
   • the thighs or sides of the Vedi or of any square Baudh. Śulbas. ; a road, way L. [Cf. Lat. clunis ; Lith. sślaunís.]

⋙ śroṇikapāla

   ○kapāla n. the thigh bone AitBr.

⋙ śroṇitaṭa

   ○taṭa m. the slope of the hips BhP.

⋙ śroṇitas

   ○tás ind. from the hips VS.

⋙ śroṇideśa

   ○deśa m. the region of the hips BhP.

⋙ śroṇipratodin

   ○pratodín mfn. kicking the hinder parts or posteriors AV.

⋙ śroṇiphala

   ○phala or n. the hip and loins L.

⋙ śroṇiphalaka

   ○phalaka n. the hip and loins L. 
   • the hip-bone (os ilium) MW.

⋙ śroṇibimba

   ○bimba n. round hips ( bimba) Kālid. 
   • a waist-band (= kaṭi-sūtra) L.

⋙ śroṇimat

   ○mat (śróṇi-), mfn. having strong hips (-tara, compar.) MaitrS.

⋙ śroṇiyugma

   ○yugma n. a pair of hips, both hips Pañcar.

⋙ śroṇivarjam

   ○varjam ind. except the hips MW.

⋙ śroṇivimba

   ○vimba -bimba

⋙ śroṇivedha

   ○vedha m. N. of a man (pl. his descendants) Saṃskārak.

⋙ śroṇisūtra

   ○sūtra n. a string worn round the loins MBh. 
   • a sword-belt ib.

≫ śroṇikā

   śroṇikā f. the hips Pañcar.

≫ śroṇī

   śroṇī f. the hips and loins &c. (= śroṇī) 
   • the middle Dharmaś. 
   • N. of a river VP.

⋙ śroṇīphala

   ○phala n. the hip Col.

⋙ śroṇībhāra

   ○bhāra m. the weight of the buttocks Megh.

⋙ śroṇīsūtra

   ○sūtra n. a string worn round the loins R.

≫ śroṇīkā

   śroṇīkā f. = śroṇikā Pañcar.

≫ śroṇya

   śroṇya m. N. of a man (pl. his descendants) Saṃskārak.


   śrota srota


   śrotavya mfn. (fut. p. of √1. śru) to be heard or listened to, audible, worth hearing ŚBr. &c. &c 
   • n. the moment for hearing (impers. 'it must be heard') MBh. Kāv. &c

≫ śrotas 2

   śrotas n. (fr. √1. śru) the ear L. (also wṛ. for srotas)

≫ śrotu

   śrotu (prob.) m. hearing (only in next and suśrótu)

⋙ śroturāti

   ○rāti (śrótu-), mfn. giving an ear, hearing RV.

≫ śrotṛ

   śrótṛ (with acc.) or (with gen.), mfn. one who hears, hearing, a hearer RV. &c. &c

⋙ śrctṛ

   śrctṛ́ (with gen.), mfn. one who hears, hearing, a hearer RV. &c. &c 
   • m. N. of a Yaksha BhP. (cf. Sch.)

≫ śrotra

   śrótra n. the organ of hearing, ear, auricle RV. &c. &c 
   • the act of hearing or listening to AV. &c. &c 
   • conversancy with the Veda or sacred knowledge itself MW.

⋙ śrotrakāntā

   ○kāntā f. a kind of medicinal plant L.

⋙ śrotracit

   ○cít mfn. accumulated by hearing ŚBr.

⋙ śrotrajña

   ○jña mfn. perceiving by the ear 
   • -tā f. perception by the ear Yājñ.

⋙ śrotratas

   ○tás ind. by the ear, on the ear ŚBr.

⋙ śrotratā

   ○tā f. the state of (being) an ear Amar. (v. l.)

⋙ śrotradā

   ○dā mfn. giving an ear, listening to, hearing ĀpŚr.

⋙ śrotranetramaya

   ○netra-maya mf(ī)n. consisting of eyes and ears Kathās.

⋙ śrotrapati

   ○pati m. the lord of hearing TUp. 
   • a partic. form of Īśvara Śaṃk.

⋙ śrotrapadavī

   ○padavī f. the range of hearing (○viim upa-√yā, 'to come within the range of hṭhearing') Cat.

⋙ śrotrapadānuga

   ○padânuga mfn. agreeable to the ear MW.

⋙ śrotraparamparā

   ○paramparā f. successive oral report or hearsay (○rayā, 'by successive oral communication') Ratnâv.

⋙ śrotrapā

   ○pā́ mfn. protecting the ear VS.

⋙ śrotrapāli

   ○pāli f

⋙ śrotrapuṭa

   ○puṭa m. the lobe of the ear Rājat.

⋙ śrotrapeya

   ○peya mfn. to be drunk in by the ear or attentively heard, worth hearing Megh. Kathās.

⋙ śrotrabhid

   ○bhid mfn. splitting the ears MW.

⋙ śrotrabhṛt

   ○bhṛ́t mfn. N. of partic. bricks ŚBr.

⋙ śrotramaya

   ○máya mf(ī)n. consisting in hearing, whose nature or quality is hearing ib.

⋙ śrotramārga

   ○mārga m. path or range of the ear (○gaṃ-√gam with gen., 'to be heard by') Pañcat.

⋙ śrotramūla

   ○mūla n. the √of the ear R.

⋙ śrotraramya

   ○ramya mfn. pleasant to the ear BrahmaP.

⋙ śrotravat

   ○vat (srótra-), mfn. endowed with (the power of) hearing ŚBr.

⋙ śrotravartman

   ○vartman n. = -mārga Bhartṛ. (v. l.)

⋙ śrotravādin

   ○vādin mfn. willing to hear, obedient Hariv.

⋙ śrotraśuktipuṭa

   ○śukti-puṭa m. the hollow of the ear or auricle Rājat.

⋙ śrotrasaṃvāda

   ○saṃvāda m. agreement of the ear Mālatīm.

⋙ śrotrasukha

   ○sukha mfn. sounding agreeably, melodious, musical VarBṛS.

⋙ śrotrasparśin

   ○sparśin mfn. touching i.e. entering or penetrating the ear BhP.

⋙ śrotrasvin

   ○svín mfn. having a good or quick ear TBr. (cf. śata-svin)

⋙ śrotrahārin

   ○hārin mfn. enrapturing the ear MārkP.

⋙ śrotrahīna

   ○hīna mfn. destitute of hearing, deaf VarBṛS.

⋙ śrotrādi

   śrotrâdi n. 'the ear and the other senses', the five senses ( indriya) MW.

⋙ śrotrānukūla

   śrotrânukūla mfn. = śrotra-ramya R.

⋙ śrotrāpeta

   śrotrâpêta mfn. = śrotra-hīna KaushUp.

⋙ śrotrābhirāma

   śrotrâbhirāma mfn. = śrotra-ramya Ragh.

⋙ śrotrāśayasukha

   śrotrâśaya-sukha mfn. pleasant to the seat of hearing or ear, melodious R.

⋙ śrotrendriya

   śrotrêndriya n. the sense or organ of hearing Suśr.

≫ śrotriya

   śrótriya mfn. learned in the Veda, conversant with sacred knowledge AV. &c. &c 
   • docile, modest, well-behaved W. [Page 1103, Column 2] 
   • m. a Brāhman versed in the Veda, theologian, divine Mn. MBh. &c 
   • a Brāhman of the third degree (standing between the Brāhmaṇa and Anūcāna) Hcat.

⋙ śrotriyatā

   ○tā f. (cf. L.),

⋙ śrotriyatva

   ○tva n. (cf. MBh.) conversancy with the Veda, the being a learned Brāhman,

⋙ śrotriyasva

   ○sva n. the property of a learned Brāhman Mn. viii, 149

≫ śrotriyasātkṛ

   śrotriya-sāt-√kṛ P. -karoti, to give into the possession of Brāhmans versed in the Veda Ragh.

≫ śromata

   śrómata n. (cf. śru-mat) renown, fame, celebrity, glory (instr. pl. 'gloriously') RV. [Cf. Zd. sraoman ; Germ. liumunt, ḻeumund.]

≫ śroṣamāṇa

   śróṣamāṇa mfn. (cf. śruṣṭi) willing, obedient, confident RV.

≫ śrauta

   śrauta mf(ī or ā)n. relating to the ear or hearing W. 
   • to be heard, audible, expressed in words or in plain language (as a simile, opp. to ārtha, 'implied') Kpr. 
   • relating to sacred tradition, prescribed by or founded on or conformable to the Veda (with janman n. 'the second birth of a Brāhman produced by knowledge of the Veda') Yājñ. Kāv. Kathās. &c 
   • sacrificial MW. 
   • n. relationship resulting from (common study of) the Veda Hariv. 
   • a fault (incurred in repeating the Veda) Hcat. 
   • any observance ordained by the Veda (e.g. preservation of the sacred fire) W. 
   • the three sacred fires collectively ib. 
   • N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.

⋙ śrautaṛṣi

   ○ṛṣi m. patr. of Deva-bhāga AitBr.

⋙ śrautakakṣa

   ○kakṣa n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.

⋙ śrautakarman

   ○karman n. a Vedic rite 
   • (○ma) -padârtha-saṃgraha m. -prâyaścitta n. and (○maṇy) -āśvalāyanôpayogi-prâyaścitta n. N. of wks

⋙ śrautagrantha

   ○grantha m

⋙ śrautacandrikā

   ○candrikā f

⋙ śrautanṛsiṃhakārikā

   ○nṛsiṃha-kārikā f. N. of wks

⋙ śrautapadārthanirvacana

   ○padârthanirvacana n. an explanation of technical terms occurring in Śrauta sacrifices (compiled about 1880 by Benares Paṇḍits)

⋙ śrautapaddhati

   ○paddhati f

[[ ]]

   śrautaparibhāṣāsaṃgrahavṛtti3śrauta--paribhāṣā-saṃgraha-vṛtti f

⋙ śrautaprakriyā

   ○prakriyā f

⋙ śrautaprayoga

   ○prayoga m

⋙ śrautaprayogasāman

   ○prayoga-sāman n. pl.,

⋙ śrautapravāsavidhi

   ○pravāsavidhi m

⋙ śrautapraśna

   ○praśna m. N. of wks

⋙ śrautapraśnottaravyavasthā

   ○praśnôttaravyavasthā f. rules for sacrificial rites in the form of question and answer

⋙ śrautaprāyaścitta

   ○prâyaścitta n. N. of a Pariśishṭa of the Sāma-veda and of other wks 
   • -candrikā f. -prayoga m. N. of wks

⋙ śrautamārga

   ○mārga m. (the path of) hearing Śiś.

⋙ śrautamīmāṃsā

   ○mīmāṃsā f

[[ ]]

   śrautayajñadarśapaurṇamāsikaprayoga3śrauta--yajña-darśa-paurṇamāsika-prayoga m. N. of wks

⋙ śrautarṣa

   ○rṣá m. (fr. śruta-rṣi) patr. of Devabhāga TBr. 
   • n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.

⋙ śrautavājapeya

   ○vājapeya n

⋙ śrautavyākhyāna

   ○vyākhyāna n. N. of wks

⋙ śrautaśrava

   ○śrava m. (fr. śruta-śravā) metron. of Śiśupāla MBh.

⋙ śrautasarvasva

   ○sarvasva n

⋙ śrautasiddhānta

   ○siddhânta m. N. of wks

⋙ śrautasūtra

   ○sūtra n. N. of partic. Sūtras or Sūtra works based on Śruti or the Veda (ascribed to various authors, such as Āpastamba, Āśvalāyana, Kātyāyana, Drāhyāyaṇa &c 
   • cf. IW. 146) 
   • -vidhi m. -vyākhyā f. N. of wks

⋙ śrautasmārtakarmapaddhati

   ○smārta-karma-paddhati f. N. of wk. (= kātyāyana-sūtra-p○)

⋙ śrautasmārtakriyā

   ○smārta-kriyā f. any act conformable to the Veda and Smṛiti, q.v. MW.

⋙ śrautasmārtadharma

   ○smārta-dharma m. a duty enjoined by the Veda and Smṛiti ib.

⋙ śrautasmārtavidhi

   ○smārtavidhi m. N. of wk. by Bāla-kṛishṇa

⋙ śrautahoma

   ○homa m. N. of a Pariśishṭa of the Sāma-veda

⋙ śrautāṃḍabilā

   śrautâṃḍabilā f

⋙ śrautādhāna

   śrautâdhāna n

⋙ śrautādhānapaddhati

   śrautâdhāna-paddhati f

⋙ śrautānukramaṇikā

   śrautânukramaṇikā f

⋙ śrautāntyeṣṭi

   śrautântyêṣṭi f

⋙ śrautāhnika

   śrautâhnika n

⋙ śrautollāsa

   śrautôllāsa m. N. of wks

≫ śrauti

   śrauti m. a patr. (prob. fr. śruta), g. gahâdi

≫ śrautīya

   śrautīya mfn. (fr. prec.) ib.

≫ śrautra

   śrautrá mf(ī́)n. (fr. śrotra) relating to the ear VS. ŚBr. 
   • n. the ear (= śrotra), g. prajñâdi 
   • a multitude of ears, g. bhikṣâdi 
   • (fr. śrotriya) = next, g. yuvâdi

≫ śrautriyaka

   śrautriyaka n. (fr. śrotriya) conversancy with the Vedas, g. manojñâdi

≫ śraumata

   śraumata m. pl., next

≫ śraumatya

   śraumatya m. patr. fr. śru-mat ŚBr. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 118) 
   • pl. ○matāḥ ĀśvŚr. (cf. Pāṇ. ib.)

≫ śrauṣaṭ

   śraúṣaṭ ind. (prob. for śroṣat Subj. of √1. śru, 'may he, i.e. the god, hear us!') an exclamation used in making an offering with fire to the gods or departed spirits (cf. vaṣaṭ, vauṣaṭ) RV. TS. ŚBr. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 91)


   śrauṣṭa n. N. of a Sāman (prob. wṛ. for śnauṣṭa, q.v.)

⋙ śrauṣṭīgava

   śrauṣṭī-gava and n. N. of Sāmans (prob. wṛ. for śn○, q.v.)

⋙ śrauṣṭīya

   śrauṣḍṭīya n. N. of Sāmans (prob. wṛ. for śn○, q.v.)


   śrauṣṭī mfn. (fr. śruṣṭi) willing, obedient RV. [Page 1103, Column 3] 


   śry-āhva p. 1100, col. 3


   ślakṣṇá mf(ā)n. (in Uṇ. iii, 19 said to be fr. √śliṣ) slippery, smooth, polished, even, soft, tender, gentle, bland AV. &c. &c 
   • small, minute, thin, slim, fine (cf. comp.) L. 
   • honest, sincere W. 
   • (am), ind. softly, gently MBh. R. 
   • m. N. of a mountain, Dīvyâv 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river ib.

⋙ ślakṣṇatara

   ○tara mfn. more or most slippery or smooth &c. R.

⋙ ślakṣṇatā

   ○tā f. smoothness Cat.

⋙ ślakṣṇatīkṣṇāgra

   ○tīkṣṇâgra mfn. having a thin and sharp point L.

⋙ ślakṣṇatvac

   ○tvac m. 'having a smooth bark', Bauhinia Tomentosa L.

⋙ ślakṣṇapattraka

   ○pattraka m. ebony, Diaspyros Ebenaster L.

⋙ ślakṣṇapiṣṭa

   ○piṣṭa mfn. ground fine Suśr.

⋙ ślakṣṇarūpasamanvita

   ○rūpa-samanvita mfn. having a smooth (or slender) form (applied to the sacrificial post) R.

⋙ ślakṣṇavāc

   ○vāc f. kindly speaking L.

⋙ ślakṣṇavādin

   ○vādin mfn. speaking softly or gently ib.

⋙ ślakṣṇaśilā

   ○śilā f. a smooth or slippery stone Suśr.

≫ ślakṣṇaka

   ślakṣṇaka mf(ikā)n. (= ślakṣṇa) slippery, smooth AV.

≫ ślakṣṇana

   ślakṣṇana n. making slippery, smoothing, polishing KātyŚr.

≫ ślakṣṇaya

   ślakṣṇaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make slippery, smooth, polish ib. 
   • to make thin or small MW.

≫ ślakṣṇī

   ślakṣṇī in comp. for ślakṣṇa

⋙ ślakṣṇīkaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. smoothing Nyāyam. Sch. 
   • a means or method of polishing' ĀpŚr.

⋙ ślakṣṇīkṛ

   ○√kṛ P. -karoti, to smooth, polish ĀpŚr. TS. Sch.

≫ ślākṣṇabhārika

   ślākṣṇabhārika m. (fr. ślakṣṇa + bhāra) bearing a small load, g. vaṃśâdi

≫ ślākṣṇika

   ślākṣṇika mfn. id., g. vaṃśâdi 
   • = ślakṣṇam adhī7te veda vā g. ukthâdi


   ślakha uc-chlakhá


   ślaṅk (cf. √śraṅk), cl. 1. Ā. ślaṅkate, to go, move Dhātup. iv, 11


   ślaṅg (cf. √śraṅg), cl. 1. P. ślaṅgati, to go, move Dhātup. v, 45


   ślath (collateral form of √śrath), cl. 1. P. ślathati (only pr. p. ślathat), to be loose or relaxed or flaccid BhP.: Caus. ślathayati id. Dhātup. xxxv, 18 
   • to let loose, relax, loosen Śiś. 
   • to hurt, kill W.

≫ ślatha

   ślatha mfn. loose, relaxed, flaccid, weak, feeble, languid MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • untied, unfastened Kāv. Kathās. 
   • dishevelled (as hair) W.

⋙ ślathatva

   ○tva n. looseness, laxity Sāh.

⋙ ślathabandhana

   ○bandhana mfn. having the muscles relaxed Ṛitus.

⋙ ślathalambin

   ○lambin mfn. hanging loosely Kum.

⋙ ślathaśila

   ○śila mfn. covered with a loose stone (as a well) VarYogay.

⋙ ślathasaṃdhi

   ○saṃdhi mfn. having weak joints (-tā f.) Vāgbh.

⋙ ślathāṅga

   ślathâṅga mfn. having relaxed or languid limbs (-tā f.) Bhartṛ.

⋙ ślathādara

   ślathâdara mfn. having feeble or slight regard to (loc.) Prab.

⋙ ślathodyama

   ślathôdyama mfn. relaxing one's effort Bhartṛ.

≫ ślathāya

   ślathāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become loose or relaxed MBh.

≫ ślathīkṛ

   ślathī-√kṛ P. -karoti (p.p. -kṛta), to make loose, relax Amar. 
   • to diminish Kathās.


   ślanavāsa m. N. of an Arhat Buddh.


   ślavana m. (cf. 2. śravaṇa 
   • śroṇa) lame, limping PañcavBr.


   ślākh (cf. √śākh), cl. 1. P. ślākhati, to pervade, penetrate Dhātup. v, 13


   ślāgh cl. 1. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. iv, 41) ślā́hate (ep. also ○ti 
   • pf. śaślāghe, ○ghire Hariv. 
   • Gr. also aor. aślāghiṣṭa 
   • fut. ślāghitā, ślāghiṣyate 
   • inf. ślāghitum), to trust or confide in (dat.) ŚBr. 
   • to talk confidently, vaunt, boast or be proud of (instr. or loc.) Āpast. Baudh. MBh. &c 
   • to coax, flatter, wheedle (dat.) Pāṇ. 1-4, 34 Kāś. 
   • to praise, commend, eulogise, celebrate MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. Pāṇ. ib.): Pass. ślāghyate (aor. aślāghi), to be praised or celebrated or magnified MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. ślāghayati (aor. aśaślāghaṭ), to encourage, comfort, console R. 
   • to praise, celebrate Hit. BhP.

≫ ślāghana

   ślāghana mfn. boasting, a boaster MBh. 
   • n. or (ā), f. the act of flattering, praise, eulogy Sāh.

≫ ślāghanīya

   ślāghanīya mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy, laudable, commendable MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ ślāghanīyatara

   ○tara mfn. more (or most) praiseworthy &c. R.

⋙ ślāghanīyatā

   ○tā f. praiseworthiness Kāv. [Page 1104, Column 1] 

≫ ślāghā

   ślāghā f. vaunt, boasting MBh. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 134) 
   • flattery, praise, commendation
   MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 34 Kāś.) 
   • pleasure or delight in anything Jātakam. 
   • service, obedience L. 
   • wish, desire L.

⋙ ślāghāvaha

   ○vaha mfn. meriting praise

≫ ślāghita

   ślāghita mfn. flattered, praised, commended BhP.

≫ ślāghin

   ślāghin mfn. boasting or proud of (comp.) Hariv. R. 
   • haughty (as a lion) BhP. 
   • celebrated, famous for (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • (ifc.) praising, celebrating R. (cf. ātma-śl○) = śālin Divyāv. 
   • desiring MW.

≫ ślāghiṣṭha

   ślāghiṣṭha mfn. highly praised or celebrated BhP.

≫ ślāghya

   ślāghya mfn. = ślāghanīya (am ind.) MBh. Kāv. &c

⋙ ślāghyatama

   ○tama (cf. BhP.),

⋙ ślāghyatara

   ○tara (cf. Ragh.), mfn. most or more praiseworthy or laudable &c

⋙ ślāghyatā

   ○tā f. praiseworthiness Kām.

⋙ ślāghyayauvanā

   ○yauvanā f. (a woman) in the glorious bloom of youth Ratnâv.

⋙ ślāghyānvaya

   ślāghyânvaya mfn. descended from a honourable family Mālatīm.


   śli = √śri, in pra-śita, q.v


   śliku m. (accord. to Uṇ. i, 33 fr. √2. śliṣ) a servant, slave, dependant L. 
   • a profligate or low person L. 
   • m. or n. astronomy, astrology L. 
   • f. or n. exhaustion L.

śliṣ 1

   śliṣ (cf. √1. śriṣ), cl. 1. P. śleṣati, to burn Dhātup. xvii, 52

⋙ śleṣa 1

   śleṣa m. burning MW.

śliṣ 2

   śliṣ (cf. √2. śriṣ), cl. 4. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxvi, 77) ślíṣyati (rarely ○te 
   • pf. śiśleṣa Br. &c 
   • aor. aśliṣat MBh. &c 
   • aślikṣat [only in the sense of 'to embrace' Pāṇ. 3-1, 46] or aślaikṣīt [?], Gr 
   • fut. śleṣṭā, ślekṣyati ib. 
   • inf. śleṣṭum Kāv. 
   • ind. p. śliṣṭvā ib. 
   • -śliṣya MBh. &c.), to adhere, attach, cling to (loc., rarely acc.), Suśr ChUp. MBh. 
   • to clasp, embrace Gaut. Gīt. BhP. 
   • to unite, join (trans. or intrans.) Kāv. Kathās. 
   • (Ā.) to result, be the consequence of anything Śaṃk.: Pass. śliṣyate (aor. aśleṣi), to be joined or connected MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to be implied or intimated MW.: Caus. (cf. Dhātup. xxxii, 38) śleṣayati, ○te (aor. aśiśliṣat), to (cause to) connect or embrace (cf. śleṣita), Desid. śiślikṣate (Gr. also ○ti), to wish to clasp, cling to AV. (not in MS.): Intens. śeśliṣyate, śeśleṣṭi Gr

≫ śliṣā

   śliṣā f. clinging, embracing L.

≫ ślīṣṭa

   ślīṣṭa mfn. clinging or adhering to (loc. or comp.) Kāṭh. KātyŚr. MBh. &c 
   • (with sarvataḥ) adhering closely, fitting tight (as a coat of mail) MBh. vii, 5161 
   • adhering to one's self, i.e. not affecting others, merely personal (as an art or science) Mālav. i, 15 (v. l. śiṣṭa) 
   • joined together, united, connected MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • clasped, embraced Kāv. Kathās. 
   • (in rhet.) connected so as to be susceptible of a double interpretation, equivocal Sāh.

⋙ ślīṣṭaparamparitarūpaka

   ○paramparita-rūpaka n. a continuous series of words having a double meaning (a kind of metaphor) Śiś. Sch.

⋙ ślīṣṭarūpaka

   ○rūpaka n. ambiguity as a metaphor Kāv. ii, 87

⋙ ślīṣṭavartman

   ○vartman n. the adhering together of the eyelids ŚārṅgS.

⋙ śliṣṭākṣepa

   śliṣṭâkṣepa m. an objection expressed through using words containing a double meaning Kāvyâd. ii, 159 ; 160

⋙ śliṣṭārthadīpaka

   śliṣṭârtha-dīpaka n. a Dīpaka (q.v.) containing a double meaning ib. ii, 113 ; 114

⋙ śliṣṭokti

   śliṣṭôkti f. an expression containing a dṭdouble meaning Kathās.

≫ ślīṣṭi

   ślīṣṭi f. adherence, connection MW. 
   • an embrace ib. 
   • m. N. of a son of Dhruva Hariv. VP.

≫ śleṣa 2

   śleṣa m. adhering or clinging to (loc.) R. 
   • connection, junction, union (also applied to sexual union) MBh. 
   • embracing, an embrace Kāv. Sāh. 
   • (in rhet.) 'connection', 'combination' (one of the ten Guṇas or merits of composition, consisting either in a pleasing combination of words or of contrasted ideas, or of words having a double meaning) double meaning, equivoque, ambiguity, paranomasia, pun, hidden meaning Vām. Kāvyâd. Sāh. &c 
   • a grammatical augment Nyāyas. 
   • (ā), f. an embrace BhP.

⋙ śleṣakavi

   ○kavi m. f. a poet or poetess skilled in the use of words with double meanings Naish.

⋙ śleṣacampūrāmāyaṇa

   ○campūrāmâyaṇa n

⋙ śleṣacūḍāmaṇi

   ○cūḍāmaṇi m. N. of poems

⋙ śleṣabhittika

   ○bhittika mfn. resting on or adhering to a wall (said to mean simply 'resting on') MW.

⋙ śleṣamaya

   ○maya pratyakṣara-śleṣa-maya

⋙ śleṣārtha

   śleṣârtha m. implied or hidden or second meaning MW. 
   • mfn. having an implied meaning (as a word) 
   • -pada-saṃgraha m. N. of a dictionary of ambiguous words (by Śrīharsha-kavi). [Page 1104, Column 2] 

⋙ śleṣokti

   śleṣôkti f. an expression having a double meaning Siṃhâs.

⋙ śleṣopamā

   śleṣôpamā f. a comparison containing double meanings Kāv. ii, 28

≫ śleṣaka

   śleṣaka mfn. attaching, connecting Vāgbh.

≫ śleṣaṇa

   śleṣaṇa antaḥ- and loha-śl○

≫ śleṣaṇīya

   śleṣaṇīya mfn. to be embraced &c. MW.

≫ śleṣita

   śleṣita mfn. (fr. Caus.) joined, united, connected with (instr.) MBh.

≫ śleṣin

   śleṣin mfn. adhering, clinging to, embracing MW.

≫ śleṣma

   śleṣma in comp. for śleṣman

⋙ śleṣmakaṭāhaka

   ○kaṭāhaka m. or n. (?) a spitting-box, spittoon L.

⋙ śleṣmakṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. caused by phlegm or mucus (said of a disease) VarBṛS.

⋙ śleṣmakṣaya

   ○kṣaya m. decrease of phlegm Suśr.

⋙ śleṣmagulma

   ○gulma m. a swelling in the abdomen caused by phlṭphlegm L.

⋙ śleṣmaghana

   ○ghana m. Pandarus Odoratissimus L. 
   • Arabian jasmine L.

⋙ śleṣmaghna

   ○ghna mfn. removing phlegm L. 
   • (ā), f. a kind of jasmine L. 
   • (ī), f. Arabian jasmine L. 
   • Cardiospermum Halicacabum L. 
   • the three spices (= tri-kaṭu) L.

⋙ śleṣmaja

   ○ja mfn. produced or proceeding from phlṭphlegm Suśr.

⋙ śleṣmajvara

   ○jvara m. a fever caused by phlegm Cat. 
   • -nidāna n. 'phlegm-origin', N. of wk

⋙ śleṣmatyāga

   ○tyāga m. discharging mucus or phlṭphlegm VarBṛS.

⋙ śleṣmaduṣṭa

   ○duṣṭa mfn. corrupted or vitiated by phlṭphlegm Suśr.

⋙ śleṣmadhātu

   ○dhātu m. the phlegmatic humour MW.

⋙ śleṣmapitta

   ○pitta n. 'phlṭphlegm and bile', a kind of disease Bhpr. 
   • -jvara m. fever caused by phlṭphlegm and bile Cat.

⋙ śleṣmapurīṣa

   ○purīṣa n. mucus and feces MBh.

⋙ śleṣmabhava

   ○bhava mfn. produced by or becoming phlṭphlegm Suśr.

⋙ śleṣmabhū

   ○bhū m. du 'seat of phlegm', the lungs Car.

⋙ śleṣmavat

   ○vat mfn. furnished with cords (as a cart) PañcavBr.

⋙ śleṣmavidagdha

   ○vidagdha mfn. = -duṣṭa Suśr.

⋙ śleṣmavināśakṛt

   ○vināśakṛt mfn. destroying phlegm Hāsy.

⋙ śleṣmavṛddhi

   ○vṛddhi f. increase of phlṭphlegm Suśr.

⋙ śleṣmaśopha

   ○śopha m. a tumour proceeding from phlṭphlegm ib.

⋙ śleṣmasaṃghātaja

   ○saṃghāta-ja mfn. produced by the compacting together of phlegm (said of the breasts) Yājñ. iii, 97

⋙ śleṣmaha

   ○ha m. 'removing phlṭphlegm', Cordia Latifolia L.

⋙ śleṣmahara

   ○hara mfn. destroying or removing phlegm Kāv. Suśr.

⋙ śleṣmāgāra

   śleṣmâgāra n. a receptacle of mucus or phlṭphlegm Bhartṛ.

⋙ śleṣmātisāra

   śleṣmâtisāra m. dysentery or diarrhoea produced by vitiated phlṭphlegm Suśr.

⋙ śleṣmātura

   śleṣmâtura mf(ā)n. suffering from phlegm Hāsy.

⋙ śleṣmāntaka

   śleṣmântaka mfn. = śleṣmahara ib. 
   • m. = śleṣmātaka Yājñ. Sch.

⋙ śleṣmāpihitalocana

   śleṣmâpihita-locana mfn. having the eyes filled up with phlṭphlegm or slime, blear-eyed MBh.

⋙ śleṣmāśmarī

   śleṣmâśmarī f. stone (the disease) produced by mucus Suśr.

⋙ śleṣmāśru

   śleṣmâśru n. mucus and tears Yājñ. Pañcat.

⋙ śleṣmāsrāva

   śleṣmâsrāva m

⋙ śleṣmopanāha

   śleṣḍmôpanāha m. N. of diseases Suśr.

⋙ śleṣmaujas

   śleṣmâujas n. the phlegmatic humour MW.

≫ śleṣmaka

   śleṣmaka n. phlegm, the phlegmatic humour L.

≫ śleṣmaṇa

   śleṣmaṇá mfn. phlegmatic, slimy ŚBr. 
   • producing phlegm or mucus Car. 
   • (ā), f. a kind of plant L.

≫ śleṣman

   śleṣmán m. phlegm, mucus, rheum, the phlegmatic humour (one of the three humours of the body = kapha 
   • dhātu) ŚBr. Yājñ. Suśr. MBh. &c 
   • n. a band, cord, string AitBr. Kāṭh. 
   • lime, glue &c. Āpast. 
   • the fruit of Cordia Latifolia Vishṇ. (cf. Sch.)

≫ śleṣmala

   śleṣmala mf(ā)n. phlegmatic, abounding with phlegm or mucus (with yoni f. 'discharging mucus') Suśr. Car. &c 
   • m. the plant Cordia Myxa or Latifolia L.

≫ śleṣmāta

   śleṣmāta m. Cordia Latifolia L.

≫ śleṣmātaka

   śleṣmātaka m. (cf. śleṣmântaka) = prec. (also ī f.) MBh. Var. Suśr. &c 
   • the fruit of Cordia Latifolia MBh. xii, 1313

⋙ śleṣmātakatvac

   ○tvac f. the bark of CṭCordia Latifolia Suśr.

⋙ śleṣmātakaphala

   ○phala n. the fruit of CṭCordia Latifolia Mn. vi, 14

⋙ śleṣmātakamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. made of CṭCordia Latifolia MBh. R.

⋙ śleṣmātakavana

   ○vana n. 'forest of Śleshmātaka trees', N. of a forest around Go-karṇa (where Śiva is said to have been concealed in the form of a stag) R.

≫ śleṣmin

   śleṣmin m. bdellium L.

≫ ślaiṣmika

   ślaiṣmika mf(ī and ā)n. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 38 Vārtt. 1 Pat.) relating or belonging to phlegm, producing or diminishing phlegm, phlegmatic Suśr. VarBṛS. &c


   ślī-pada n. (thought by some to be fr. √śliṣ + pada 
   • others suppose ślī to have the meaning 'elephant') morbid enlargement of the leg, swelled leg, elephantiasis Suśr. Bhpr. &c

⋙ ślīpadaprabhava

   ○prabhava m. 'source of elephantiasis', the Mango tree L.

≫ ślīpadāpaha

   ślīpadâpaha m. 'removing or curing elephantiasis', the tree Putranjiva Roxburghī L.

≫ ślīpadin

   ślīpadin mfn. having a swelled leg, suffering from elephantiasis [Page 1104, Column 3] 
   • m. a club-footed man Mn. iii, 165


   ślīla mfn. (= śrīra 
   • cf. a-ślīla) prosperous, fortunate, affluent, happy W.


   ślu (in gram.) N. of the Vikaraṇa q.v. of the 3rd class of roots in which there is elision of the conjugational affix a (ślu is one of the 3 technical terms [containing lu] for grammatical elision, 2. luk) Pāṇ. 1-1, 61 &c

⋙ śluvat

   ○vat ind. as if there were ślu ib. iii, 1, 39


   ślok (prob. Nom. fr. śloka below), cl. 1. Ā. ślokate, to compose or be composed (saṃghāte) Dhātup. iv, 3 (accord. to Vop. also sarjane and varjane)

≫ śloka

   ślóka m. (prob. connected with √1. śru R. i, 2, 33 gives a fanciful derivation fr. śoka, 'sorrow', the first śloka having been composed by Vālmīki grieved at seeing a bird killed) sound, noise (as of the wheels of a carriage or the grinding of stones &c.) RV. 
   • a call or voice (of the gods) ib. 
   • fame renown, glory, praise, hymn of praise ib. AV. TS. Br. BhP. 
   • a proverb, maxim MW. 
   • a stanza, (esp.) a partic. kind of common epic metre (also called Anu-shṭubh, q.v 
   • consisting of 4 Pādas or quarter verses of 8 syllables each, or 2 lines of 16 syllables each, each line allowing great liberty except in the 5th, 13th, 14th and 15th syllables which should be unchangeable as in the following scheme, 8. 1.. 8-8., the dots denoting either long or short 
   • but the 6th and 7th syllables should be long 
   • or if the 6th is short the 7th should be short also) ŚBr. KaushUp. MBh. &c 
   • N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.

⋙ ślokakāra

   ○kāra m. a composer of Ślokas Pāṇ. 3-2, 23

⋙ ślokakālanirṇaya

   ○kāla-nirṇaya m. N. of wk

⋙ ślokakṛt

   ○kṛ́t mfn. making a sound, sounding, calling, noisy AV. TUp.

⋙ ślokagautama

   ○gautama m. Gautama (when speaking) in ŚlṭŚlokas or in metre Cat.

⋙ ślokacaraṇa

   ○caraṇa m. a single stanza of a Ślokas Saṃgīt.

⋙ ślokatarpaṇa

   ○tarpaṇa n

⋙ ślokatraya

   ○traya n. N. of wks

⋙ ślokatva

   ○tva n. versification, celebration in verse R. Ragh.

⋙ ślokadīpikā

   ○dīpikā f. N. of wk

⋙ ślokadvaya

   ○dvaya n. a couple of Ślokas 
   • two verses 
   • -vyākhyā f. N. of wk

⋙ ślokapañcakavivaraṇa

   ○pañcaka-vivaraṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ ślokabaddha

   ○baddha mfn. composed in Ślokas R.

⋙ ślokabhū

   ○bhū mfn. being or appearing in sound AitĀr.

⋙ ślokamātra

   ○mātra n. a single Ślokas MW.

⋙ ślokayantra

   ○yantra (ślóka-), mfn. confining sound (within the limits of metre 
   • accord. to others, 'having Ślokas for reins') RV. ix, 73, 6

⋙ ślokavārttika

   ○vārttika n. (also called mīmāṃsā-ślṭślokas-v○) a metrical paraphrase of Śabara's Mīmāṃsā-bhāshya by Kumārila

⋙ ślokasaṃgraha

   ○saṃgraha m. N. of various wks

⋙ ślokasthāna

   ○sthāna n. = sūtrasth○ Car.

⋙ ślokābhinayana

   ślokâbhinayana n. a dramatic performance accompanied by recitation of ŚlṭŚlokas

⋙ ślokāvali

   ślokâvali f. a collection of stanzas, anthology Cat.

≫ ślokaya

   ślokaya Nom. P. ○yati (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 25), to make resound, cause to sound VS.

≫ ślokin

   ślokín mfn. sounding, noisy RV. 
   • having a good reputation or fair fame ŚāṅkhBr.

≫ ślokya

   ślókya mfn. sounding, noisy VS. 
   • praiseworthy BhP.


   śloṇ (also written śroṇ, q.v.), cl. 1. P. śloṇati, to heap, collect Dhātup. xiii, 15 (only 3. sg. áśloṇat, used to explain śroṇā́ TBr.)


   śloṇá mf(ā́)n. (= śroṇa) lame, limping AV. TBr. (= duṣṭa-tvac Sch.)

≫ śloṇya

   ślóṇya n. lameness TBr. (= tvag-doṣa Sch.)


   śvaghnin p. 1105, col. 2


   śvaṅk (also written śraṅk, svaṅk), cl. 1. Ā. śvaṅkate, to go, move Dhātup. iv, 22


   śvaṅg (also written śraṅg, svaṅg &c.), cl. 1. P. śvaṅgati, to go, move Dhātup. v, 44


   śvac or śvañc, cl. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. vi, 5, 'to go') śvacate, śvañcate 
   • to become open, open (intrans.), receive with open arms (only śaśvacaí) RV. iii, 33, 10: Caus. śvañcáyati, to open (trans.) ib. x, 138, 2. (Cf. uc-chvañc.)


   śvaj or śvañj, cl. Ā. śvajate, śvañjate, to go, move Dhātup. vi, 7 (cf. Kāś.)

śvaṭh 1

   śvaṭh cl. 10. P. śvaṭhayati (cf. Dhātup. xxxv, 4) = √2. śāth, q.v

śvaṭh 2

   śvaṭh or śvaṇṭh, cl. 10. P. śvāṭhayati, śvaṇṭhayati (cf. Dhātup. xxxii, 28) = √3. śaṭh, q.v. [Page 1105, Column 1] 

≫ śvaṭha

   śvaṭha Pāṇ. 6-1, 216

śvan 1

   śván m. (nom. sg. du. pl. śvā, śvānau, śvānas 
   • weakest base śun, 2. śuna &c., p. 1082 
   • in some comp. śvā for śva, below.), a dog, hound, cur RV. &c. &c. ; (śunī́), f. a female dog. [Cf. Zd. spā 
   • Gk. ? ; Lat. canis ; Lit. sśú ; Goth. hunds ; Eng. hound ; Germ. ḥund.]

⋙ śvanvatī

   ○vatī (śván-), f. N. of a class of Apsarases AV.

≫ śva 1

   śva in comp. for 1. śvan

⋙ śvakaṇṭaka

   ○kaṇṭaka m. the son of a Vrātya and a Śūdra (accord. to others 'a servant of Śūdras') L.

⋙ śvakarṇa

   ○karṇa m. a dog's ear KātyŚr. Sch. (cf. śvā-k○)

⋙ śvakiṣkin

   ○kiṣkín mfn. (said of demons 
   • accord. to some 'having the tail of a dog') AV. viii, 6, 6

⋙ śvakrīḍin

   ○krīḍin mfn. keeping dogs for pleasure Mn. iii, 164 
   • m. a breeder of sporting dogs W.

⋙ śvakharoṣṭra

   ○kharôṣṭra n. sg. a dog and an ass and a camel Mn. iv, 115

⋙ śvagaṇa

   ○gaṇa m. a pack of hounds Hariv.

⋙ śvagaṇika

   ○gaṇika mf(ī)n. accompanied by a pack of hounds, Prâyasc 
   • m. a hunter W. 
   • m. and (ī) f. a dog feeder 
   • one who is drawn by dog ib.

⋙ śvagaṇin

   ○gaṇin mfn. having packs of hounds Ragh. 
   • m. a leader of pack of hounds Caṇḍ.

⋙ śvagardabha

   ○gardabha n. sg. dogs and asses Mn. x, 15 
   • -pati m. one who possesses dogs and asses, Bhp

⋙ śvagraha

   ○graha m. 'dog-seizer', N. of a demon hostile to children ĀpGṛ.

⋙ śvaghnī

   ○ghnī under -han

⋙ śvacakra

   ○cakra n. 'chapter on dogs', N. of the 89th Adhyāya of VarBṛS.

⋙ śvacaṇḍāla

   ○caṇḍāla m. one whose father is a Brāhman and mother a Caṇḍālī L. 
   • n. (g. gavâśvâdi) a dog and a Caṇḍāla (also -cāṇḍāla MW.)

⋙ śvacaryā

   ○caryā f. a dog's state of life MBh.

⋙ śvacillī

   ○cillī f. a kind of vegetable (= śunaka-c○) L.

⋙ śvajāghanī

   ○jāghanī f. a dog's tail Mn. MBh. KātyŚr. Sch.

⋙ śvajīvana

   ○jīvana mfn. living by breeding dṭdog Nir. Sch.

⋙ śvajīvikā

   ○jīvikā f. doglife, servitude L.

⋙ śvajīvin

   ○jīvin m. a breeder of dogs Vishṇ.

⋙ śvadaṃṣṭraka

   ○daṃṣṭraka m. Tribulus Lanuginosus L.

⋙ śvadaṃṣṭrā

   ○daṃṣṭrā f. a dog's tooth W. 
   • Asteracantha Longifolia Suśr. Car. 
   • = go-kṣura MW.

⋙ śvadaṃṣṭrin

   ○daṃṣṭrin m. a kind of animal Car.

⋙ śvadayita

   ○dayita n. 'dear to dog', a bone L.

⋙ śvadṛti

   ○dṛti m. a dog's bladder MBh.

⋙ śvadhūrta

   ○dhūrta m. 'dog-rogue', a jackal L.

⋙ śvanakula

   ○nakula n. sg. a dog and an ichneumon Mn. xi, 159

⋙ śvanara

   ○nara m. a dog-like fellow, low fṭfeeder, currish or snappish feeder MW.

⋙ śvaniśa

   ○niśa n. or (ā), f. 'dog-night', a night on which dog bark and howl L. Pāṇ. Sch.

⋙ śvanī

   ○nī́ m. a dogleader MaitrS.

⋙ śvapa

   ○pa m. 'keeper of dog', a possessor of dog Hariv.

⋙ śvapaka

   ○paka wṛ. for -paca Rājat.

⋙ śvapac

   ○pac m. = next Mn. iii, 92

⋙ śvapaca

   ○paca m. and (ā or ī) f. 'one who cooks dog', a man or woman of a low and outcaste tribe (the son of a Caṇḍāla and a Brāhmaṇī, or of a Nishṭya and a previously unmarried Kirātī, or of an Ugra woman by a Kshatriya, or of a Kshṭhounds woman by an Ugra, or of a Brāhmaṇī by an Ambashṭha, often = caṇḍāla 
   • he acts as a public executioner and carries out the bodies of those who die without kindred) ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • a dog-feeder, dog-keeper W. 
   • (ī), f. (cf. above) 
   • a form of one of the Śaktis of Śiva MW. 
   • -tā f. or -tva n. the condition of a member of the above low caste MBh.

⋙ śvapati

   ○pati (śvá-), m. a lord or possessor of dogs VS. MaitrS. BhP.

⋙ śvapad

   ○pad (śvá-), m. a wild animal AV. ĀpŚr.

⋙ śvapada

   ○pada n. a dog's foot (or its mark branded on the body) Mn. ix, 237

⋙ śvapāka

   ○pāka m. one who cooks dogs, a man of an outcaste tribe (= -paca above) Baudh. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • (ī), f. a woman of the above outcaste tribe Rājat.

⋙ śvapāda

   ○pāda m. = -pada ib.

⋙ śvapāmana

   ○pāmana m. Pavetta Indica L.

⋙ śvapuccha

   ○puccha n. the tail or hind part of a dog Pañcat. 
   • Hemionitis Cordifolia L. (cf. śvā-p○)

⋙ śvapoṣaka

   ○poṣaka m. a dog-feeder, huntsman Kād.

⋙ śvaphala

   ○phala m. a citrontree L. 
   • n. the lime or common citron MW.

⋙ śvaphalka

   ○phalka m. N. of a son of Vṛishṇi Hariv. Pur.

⋙ śvabāla

   ○bāla wṛ. for -vāla

⋙ śvabhakṣa

   ○bhakṣa or (v. l.), mfn. eating dog's meat MBh.

⋙ śvabhakṣya

   ○bhakṣya (v. l.), mfn. eating dog's meat MBh.

⋙ śvabhīru

   ○bhīru m. 'dog-fearing', a jackal L.

⋙ śvabhojana

   ○bhojana n. a meal for dog (said of the body) BhP. 
   • m. 'having dog for food', N. of a hell VP.

⋙ śvabhojin

   ○bhojin mfn. eating dog's flesh R.

⋙ śvamāṃsa

   ○māṃsa n. dog's flesh Mn. x, 106

⋙ śvamukha

   ○mukha m. pl. N. of a people VarBṛS.

⋙ śvayātu

   ○yātu (śvá-), m. a demon in the shape of a dog RV.

⋙ śvayūtha

   ○yūtha n. ( śvā-yūthika) or (cf. MW.) a number or pack of dogs

⋙ śvayūthya

   ○yūthya n. (cf. MW.) a number or pack of dogs

⋙ śvarūpadhārin

   ○rūpa-dhārin mfn. wearing or having the form of a dog MW.

⋙ śvalih

   ○lih mfn. (nom. -liṭ) licking up or lapping like a dog Pāṇ. 8-4, 42 Sch.

⋙ śvalehya

   ○lehya mfn. to be lapped by a dog (as a well with little water) Pāṇ. 2-1, 33 Sch. - 1

⋙ śvavat

   ○vat mfn. keeping dogs, m. a dogfeeder, dog-trainer Mn. MBh. Vas. - 2

⋙ śvavat

   ○vat ind. like a dog, cur-like MW.

⋙ śvavarta

   ○vartá m. a kind of worm AV. (v. l. for śavartá)

⋙ śvavāla

   ○vāla m. dog's hair Kathās. [Page 1105, Column 2] 

⋙ śvaviṣṭhā

   ○viṣṭhā f. dog's excrement Mn. x, 91

⋙ śvavṛtti

   ○vṛtti f. 'dog-subsistence', gaining a livelihood by menial service (forbidden to Brāhmans) Mn. iv, 4, 6 Rājat. BhP. &c 
   • mfn. living on dog, Prâyaśc 
   • a 'lick-spittle' or most contemptible toady Yājñ. Sch.

⋙ śvavṛttin

   ○vṛttin mfn. living on dog Yājñ.

⋙ śvavyāghra

   ○vyāghra m. a beast of prey, a tiger or hunting leopard L.

⋙ śvaśīrṣa

   ○śīrṣa mfn. having a dog's head L.

⋙ śvasuta

   ○suta or m. Conyza Lacera L.

⋙ śvasuna

   ○suna m. Conyza Lacera L.

⋙ śvasṛgāla

   ○sṛgāla n. sg. a dog and a jackal Pat. on Pāṇ. 2-4, 12 Vārtt. 2

⋙ śvaspṛṣṭa

   ○spṛṣṭa mfn. touched by a dog, defiled W.

⋙ śvahata

   ○hata mfn. killed by a dog or dogs ib.

⋙ śvahan

   ○han mf(ghnī)n. one killing by means of dog MW. 
   • m. a hunter ib. 
   • (ghnī), f. a hunter's wife ib.

⋙ śvahāna

   ○hāna śauvah○

⋙ śvāgra

   śvâgra n. a dog's tail Kathās.

⋙ śvājina

   śvâjina n. a dog's skin Āpast.

⋙ śvāda

   śvâda m. = śvapāka BhP.

⋙ śvānala

   śvânala m. N. of a form or Garuḍa Vīrac.

⋙ śvāśva

   śvâśva m. 'having a dog for a horse', N. of Bhairava (or Śiva mounted on a dog) L.

⋙ śvāhi

   śvâhi m. 'dog-serpent', N. of a son of Vṛijina-vat BhP.

≫ śva 2

   śva (ifc.) = 1. śvan MW.

≫ śvaka

   śvaka m. a wolf Nalac.

≫ śvaghnin

   śvaghnín m. (prob. fr. śva-han, 'a dog-killer' or low fellow, but accord. to some for sva-ghnin, 'one who destroys his own') a gamester, professional gambler RV. AV.

≫ śvanin

   śvanín mfn. keeping dogs VS.

≫ śvā

   śvā in comp. for 1. śvan above

⋙ śvākarṇa


⋙ śvākunda


⋙ śvādaṃṣṭra


⋙ śvādanta

   ○danta mfn. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 137 (cf. śva-k○ &c.)

⋙ śvājani

   ○jani m. N. of a Vaiśya JaimBr.

⋙ śvāpad

   ○pad (śvā́-), m. a beast of prey AV.

⋙ śvāpada

   ○pada (śvā́-), m. n. a beast of prey, wild beast RV. &c. &c 
   • a tiger L. 
   • pl. N. of a people MārkP. (wṛ. svāp○) 
   • mfn. relating or belonging to a wild beast (= śauvāpada) Pāṇ. 7-3, 9 
   • -rājan m. a king of the beasts Ml. 
   • -sevita mfn. frequented or infested by wild beast MW. 
   • ○dâcarita mfn. overrun or infested by wild beast MBh. 
   • ○dânusaraṇa n. the chase after wild beast MW.

⋙ śvāpuccha

   ○puccha mfn. or m. = śva-p○, q.v

⋙ śvāvarāha

   ○varāha mfn. or m. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 137

⋙ śvāvarāhikā

   ○varāhikā f. the enmity between the dog and the boar Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Vārtt. 21 Pat.

⋙ śvāvidh

   ○vídh below

≫ śvāgaṇika

   śvāgaṇika mf(ī)n. (fr. śva-gaṇa) = śva-gaṇika Yājñ. Sch. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 11)

≫ śvādaṃṣṭṛ

   śvādaṃṣṭṛ m. a patr. Pāṇ. 7-3, 8 Sch.

≫ śvāna

   śvāna m. a dog Kāv. Pañcat. 
   • the wind (?) Sāy. on RV. i, 161, 13 
   • (ī), f. a female dog, bitch (= śunī) Hcar.

⋙ śvānacillikā

   ○cillikā f. a kind of vegetable L.

⋙ śvānanidrā

   ○nidrā f. dog's sleep, light slumber MW.

⋙ śvānavaikharī

   ○vaikharī f. 'dog's speech', snarling like a dog on trifling occasions ib.

⋙ śvānocchiṣṭa

   śvānôcchiṣṭa n. 'dogremnant', anything left by a dog ib.

≫ śvāpākaka

   śvāpākaka mfn. (fr. śva-pāka), g. kulālâdi

≫ śvāphalka

   śvāphalka m. patr. fr. śva-phalka Pāṇ. 4-1, 114 ; ii, 4, 58 Sch.

⋙ śvāphalkacaitraka

   ○caitraka m. pl. ib. vi, 2, 34 Sch.

≫ śvāphalki

   śvāphalki m. patr. fr. id. (= a-krūra) BhP.

≫ śvābhastra

   śvābhastra mfn. (fr. next) Pāṇ. 7-3, 8 Vārtt. 3 Pat.

≫ śvābhastri

   śvābhastri m. a patr. Pāṇ. 7-3, 8 Sch.

≫ śvāyūthika

   śvāyūthika mfn. (fr. śva-yūtha) Pāṇ. 7-3, 8 Vārtt. 2 Pat.

≫ śvāvic

   śvāvic in comp. for śvá-vidh below

⋙ śvāviccharaṇa

   ○charaṇa (for ○vit-śaraṇa), the lair or hole of a porcupine (which generally has two or more entrances) MW.

⋙ śvāvicchalalita

   ○chalalita (for ○vit-śalalita), mfn. furnished with porcupine quills MBh.

≫ śvāvid

   śvāvid in comp. for śvā-vidh below

⋙ śvāvidgarta

   ○garta m. the hole or lair of a porcupine 
   • ○tīya mfn. Pat.

⋙ śvāvidroman

   ○roman n. the quill of a porcupine KātyŚr. Sch.

≫ śvāvidh

   śvā-vídh m. (nom. -vit) 'dog-piercer', a porcupine AV. VS. MaitrS. &c

≫ śvāvidha

   śvāvidha m. = śvā-vidh above (or ○dhaḥ may be pl. of śvā-vidh) R.

≫ śvāvil

   śvāvil in comp. for śvā-vidh above

⋙ śvāvilloman

   ○loman n. a porcupine's quill 
   • ○mâpanayana n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. 
   • ○mâpaha n. id. ib.

śvan 2

   śvan (prob. fr. √śvi) in ṛjí-, durgṛ́bhi-, and mātarí-śvan, qq. vv


   śvabhr (rather Nom. fr. śvabhra below), cl. 10. P. śvabhrayati (only Dhātup. xxxii, 79), to go, move 
   • to live in misery 
   • to pierce, bore

≫ śvabhra

   śvábhra m. n. (of doubtful derivation) a chasm, gap, hole, pit, den RV. &c. &c 
   • m. hell or a partic. hell Kāv. MārkP. Sarvad. 
   • N. of a son of Vasudeva Hariv. 
   • of a king of Kampanā Rājat. [Page 1105, Column 3] 

⋙ śvabhratiryañc

   ○tiryañc m. an animal living in holes Subh.

⋙ śvabhrapati

   ○pati m. (prob.) the king of hell Śatr.

⋙ śvabhramukha

   ○mukha n. the mouth or entrance of a hole MBh.

⋙ śvabhravat

   ○vat mfn. full of holes, hollow, perforated Suśr. MBh. 
   • (atī), f. N. of a river Hariv. (v. l. śubhra-vatī)

≫ śvabhrita

   śvabhrita mfn. full of holes, g. tārakâdi

≫ śvabhrīya

   śvabhrīya Nom. P. ○yati, to regard as a hole or pit VarYogay.


   śvaya śvayatha &c. √śvi next p


   śvart (or svart) = or for √śvabhr (accord. to some authorities in Dhātup. xxxii, 79)


   śval (or śvall), c1. 1. P. (cf. Dhātup. xv, 42) śvalati, to go quickly, run Suśr.


   śvalk cl. 10. P. (only Dhātup. xxxii, 34) śvalkayati, to tell, narrate


   śvall √śval above


   śváśura m. (prob. for orig. svaśura 
   • below.) a father-in-law, husband's or wife's father (in the oldest language commonly the former, in the Sūtras the latter, in Class. langṭlanguage both meanings 
   • also applied to a maternal uncle and to any venerable person) RV. &c. &c 
   • du. (cf. Pāṇ. 1-2, 72) a father and mother-in-law Yājñ. Kathās. (also pl., e.g. RV. x, 95, 12 AV. xiv, 2, 27 &c.) 
   • (prob. ī), f. = brāhmī L. 
   • for śvaśrū́ below. [Cf. Gk. ? ; [1105, 3] Lat. socer ; Lith. sśésśuras ; Slav. [svekr�u] ; Goth. swaihra ; Angl. Sax. sweór ; Germ. swe10her, ṣchwā0her.]

≫ śvaśuraka

   śvaśuraka m. a dear or poor father-in-law Pañcat. Vet.

≫ śvaśurīya

   śvaśurīya mf(ā)n. relating or belonging to a father-in-law ĀśvŚr.

≫ śvaśurya

   śvaśurya m. a brother-in-law, wife's or husband's brother (esp. 'a husband's younger brother') Kathās.

≫ śvaśrū

   śvaśrū́ f. (of śvaśura) a mother-in-law (either the wife's or the husband's mother) RV. &c. &c 
   • pl. the mother-in-law and the other wives of the father-in-law RV. [Cf. Lat. socrus ; Slav. svekry ; Angl. Sax. swe10ger ; Germ. swigar, swiger, ṣchwieger.]

⋙ śvaśrūśvaśura

   ○śvaśura m. du. (cf. L.) or pl. (cf. Kathās.) mother and father-in-law, parents-in-law

⋙ śvaśrūsnuṣā

   ○snuṣā f. du. mother-in-law and daughter-in-law Kāv. Kathās. 
   • -dhana-saṃvāda m. 'agreement in respect of the property of mother and daughter-in-law', N. of wk

śvas 1

   śvas (cf. √3 -śuṣ), cl. 2. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxiv, 61) śvasiti (Ved. and ep. also śvásati, ○te 
   • Impv. śvasihí AV., śvasa MBh. 
   • impf. or aor. aśvasīt, ep. also aśvasat 
   • Pot. or Prec. śvasyāt, ep. also śvaset 
   • pr. p. śvasat, ep. also śvasamāna [for śvasamāna, below] 
   • pf. śaśvāsa MBh. 
   • fut. śvasitā Gr 
   • śvasiṣyati MBh. 
   • inf. śvasitum ib. 
   • ind. p. -śvasya ib.), to blow, hiss, pant, snort RV. &c. &c 
   • to breathe, respire, draw breath (also = live) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • to sigh, groan ib. 
   • to strike, kill Naigh. ii, 19: Caus. śvāsayati (aor. aśiśvasat), to cause to blow or breathe &c 
   • to cause heavy breathing Suśr.: Desid. śiśvasiṣati Gr.: Intens. śāśvasyate, śāśvasti ib. (only p. śāśvasat, snorting MaitrS.)

≫ śvasatha

   śvasátha m. the act of blowing, hissing, snorting, panting, breathing, breath RV. ŚBr.

≫ śvasana

   śvasaná mfn. blowing, hissing, panting, breathing RV. ŚāṅkhBr. VarBṛS. 
   • breathing heavily Suśr. 
   • m. air, wind (also of the body) or the god of wind MBh. R. Suśr. 
   • N. of a Vasu (son of Śvāsā) MBh. i, 2583 
   • (śvás○) N. of a serpent-demon Suparṇ. 
   • Vanguieria Spinosa Car. 
   • (am), n. breathing, respiration, breath Kāv. Pur. Suśr. 
   • heavy breathing Suśr. 
   • clearing the throat ib. 
   • hissing (of a serpent) Śiś. 
   • sighing, a sigh Ratnâv. 
   • feeling or an object of feeling BhP. (cf. Sch.)

⋙ śvasanamanoga

   ○mano-ga mfn. moving as (fast as) wind or thought VarYogay.

⋙ śvasanarandhra

   ○randhra n. 'breath-hole', a nostril BhP.

⋙ śvasanavat

   ○vat mfn. hissing, snorting Sāy.

⋙ śvasanasamīraṇa

   ○samīraṇa n. wind (caused) by breathing, breath Śiś.

⋙ śvasanāśana

   śvasanâśana m. 'airswallower', a snake, serpent (cf. pavanâśana, vāyubhakṣa) Rājat.

⋙ śvasaneśvara

   śvasanêśvara m. 'wind-lord', the tree Pentaptera Arjuna L.

⋙ śvasanotsuka

   śvasanôtsuka m. 'eager for (swallowing) air', a serpent L.

⋙ śvasanormi

   śvasanôrmi mf. a wave or gust of wind MW.

≫ śvasaya

   śvasaya (?), mfn. Kauś. 107

≫ śvasāna

   śvasāna mfn. breathing, living, alive BhP.

≫ śvasita

   śvasita mfn. breathed, sighed &c 
   • possessed of breath or life, vivified, revived Kathās. [Page 1106, Column 1] 
   • n. breathing, breath, respiration, sighing, a sigh Kāv. Pur.

≫ śvasīvat

   śvasī-vat mfn. = śvasana-vat, hissing, snorting RV. i, 140, 10 (cf. Sāy.)

≫ śvāsa

   śvāsa m. hissing, snorting, panting R. Kathās. BhP. 
   • respiration, breath (also as a measure of time = prâṇa, asu) MBh. Kāv. &c 
   • breathing or aspiration (in the pronunciation of consonants) RPrāt., Introd 
   • inspiration Sarvad. 
   • sighing, a sigh Śak. Sāh. 
   • affection of the breath, hard breathing, asthma (of which there are five kinds, viz. kṣudra, tamaka, chinna, mahat, and ūrdhva) Suśr. 
   • (ā), f. N. of the mother of Śvasana (the god of wind) MBh. 
   • Convolvulus Turpethum L. 
   • -karma-prakāśa m. N. of wk

⋙ śvāsakāsa

   ○kāsa m. 'breath-cough', asthma (○sin mfn. suffering from it) Hcat.

⋙ śvāsakuṭhāra

   ○kuṭhāra m. N. of a drug used as a remedy for asthma Bhpr.

⋙ śvāsatā

   ○tā f. the being breath, the being aspirated (cf. above) RPrāt. 
   • breathing, respiration, aspiration MW.

⋙ śvāsadhāraṇa

   ○dhāraṇa n. suppression or suspension of breath KātyŚr. Sch.

⋙ śvāsapraśvāsadhāraṇa

   ○praśvāsa-dhāraṇa n. suppression or suspension of inspiration and expiration (= prâṇâyāma, q.v.) MW.

⋙ śvāsarodha

   ○rodha m. obstruction of the breath, oppression of the chest BhP.

⋙ śvāsaśeṣa

   ○śeṣa mf(ā)n. having nothing left but breath, consisting only in breathing (as life) Rājat.

⋙ śvāsahikkā

   ○hikkā f. a kind of hiccough (○kkin mfn. suffering from it) Car.

⋙ śvāsaheti

   ○heti f. 'remedy for asthma', sound sleep L.

⋙ śvāsākula

   śvāsâkula mfn. troubled in breathing, out of breath Campak.

⋙ śvāsānila

   śvāsânila m. wind (caused) by breathing, breath BhP.

⋙ śvāsāri

   śvāsâri m. 'breath-enemy', Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L.

⋙ śvāsocchvāsa

   śvāsôcchvāsa m. du. inspiration and expiration, respiration MW.

≫ śvāsika

   śvāsika mfn. occurring in or resulting from asthma Car.

≫ śvāsita

   śvāsita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to breathe &c 
   • wṛ. for sv-āśita R. ii, 84, 18

≫ śvāsin

   śvāsin mfn. hissing, breathing ĀśvGṛ. 
   • breathing hard, asthmatic Suśr. 
   • aspirated (as a sound or letter) Śiksh. 
   • m. wind L.

śvas 2

   śvás ind. to-morrow, on the following day (śváḥ śvaḥ, 'day by day' 
   • śvó bhūté, 'on the morrow', 'next day') RV. &c. &c 
   • in the future (sec comp.) 
   • a particle implying auspiciousness W.

≫ śvaḥ

   śvaḥ in comp. for 2. śvás

⋙ śvaḥkāla

   ○kāla m. to-morrow's time, the morrow 
   • (e), loc. on the morrow, to-mṭmorrow MBh.

⋙ śvaḥkraya

   ○kraya m. a purchase (to be made) on the morrow Lāṭy.

⋙ śvaḥprabhṛti

   ○prabhṛti ind. from to-mṭmorrow onwards

⋙ śvaḥśreyasa

   ○śreyasá n. 'better state on the morrow', progressive improvement ŚBr. 
   • happiness, prosperity L. 
   • the Supreme Spirit L. 
   • mfn. happy, progressively prosperous L.

⋙ śvaḥśva

   ○śvá n. putting off to the morrow, procrastination ŚBr.

⋙ śvaḥsutyā

   ○sutyā f. 'tomorrow's preparation of the Soma', the eve of the Sutyā rite AitBr. ŚBr. Lāṭy.

⋙ śvaḥstotriya

   ○stotriya n. tomorrow's Stotriya (q.v.) AitBr.

≫ śvastana

   śvástana mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to the morrow (○ne'hani, 'on the morrow') Kāv. Pur. [Lat. crastinus] 
   • (ī), f. the next day, the morrow MaitrS. 
   • (in gram.) the terminations of the first future Pāṇ. 3-3, 15 Vārtt. 1 
   • (am), n. to-morrow, next day, the future Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. a-śv○)

⋙ śvastanavat

   ○vat mfn. having a future PañcavBr.

≫ śvastanika

   śvastanika a-śv○

≫ śvastya

   śvastya mfn. = śvastana Pāṇ. 4-2, 105

≫ śvo

   śvo in comp. for 2. śvás

⋙ śvobhāva

   ○bhāva m. to-morrow's state of affairs KātyŚr. 
   • pl. the affairs or occurrences of to-mṭmorrow KaṭhUp.

⋙ śvobhāvin

   ○bhāvin (cf. MBh. R.),

⋙ śvobhūta

   ○bhūta (cf. Gaut.), mfn. what may happen to-mṭmorrow

⋙ śvobhūti

   ○bhūti m. N. of a man Pat. Sch.

⋙ śvomaraṇa

   ○maraṇa n. imminent death or the thought of it MBh.

⋙ śvovasīya

   ○vasīya n. future welfare or prosperity Daś. 
   • mfn. 'happy for all future time', auspicious, fortunate MW.

⋙ śvovasīyas

   ○vasīyas mfn. id. ib.

⋙ śvovasīyasa

   ○vasīyasa mf(ī́)n. bestowing future welfare MaitrS. 
   • n. future welfare, auspiciousness, good fortune L.

⋙ śvovasyasa

   ○vasyasá mfn. = prec. TBr.

⋙ śvovijayin

   ○vijayín mfn. one who is about to conquer on the morrow MaitrS.


   śvā-karṇa śvā-kunda &c. p. 1105, col. 2


   śvātr cl. 1. P. śvātrati, to go, move Naigh. ii, 14


   śvātrá mfn. (prob. fr. √śvi = śū) invigorating, strengthening, strong (as Soma, the waters &c. [Page 1106, Column 2] 
   • accord. to native authorities = kṣipra, or mitra 
   • accord. to others, 'savoury', 'dainty', fr. √śvad = svad) RV. VS. 
   • (ám), ind. = kṣipram Nir. v, 3 
   • (am), n. strengthening or savoury food or drink, a dainty morsel RV. 
   • = dhana Naigh. ii, 10

⋙ śvātrabhāj

   ○bhā́j mfn. = next RV. viii, 4, 9

≫ śvātrya

   śvā́trya mfn. 'strengthening' or 'savoury' (cf. śvātra) RV.


   śvāna &c. p. 1105, col. 2


   śvāntá mfn. (fr. √śvam = śam ?) tranquil, placid RV. (cf. Sāy. = śānta, or śrānta)


   śvā-pada śvā-vidh &c. p. 1105, col. 2


   śvāśura mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to a father-in-law Kathās. 
   • m. pl. = śvāśurer yūnaś chāttrāḥ Pat.

≫ śvāśuri

   śvāśuri m. the son of the father-in-law ib.

≫ śvāśurya

   śvāśurya wṛ. for śvaśurya Kathās.


   śvi (connected with √śū 
   • sometimes written śvā), cl. 1. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxiii, 41) śváyati (pf. śiśvāya, or śuśāva Gr 
   • aor. áśvat ŚBr., aśvayīt HPariś. 
   • Prec. śūyāt Gr 
   • fut. śvayitā, śvayiṣyati ib. 
   • inf. śváyitum Br.), to swell, grow, increase TS. ŚBr. &c.: Pass. śūyate (aor. aśvāyi), id. Car.: Caus. śvāyayati (aor. aśiśvayat [Bhaṭṭ.] or aśūśavat), id., Gr.: Desid. of Caus. śiśvāyayiṣati or śuśāvayiṣati ib.: Desid. śiśvayiṣati ib.: Intens. śeśviiyate (cf. Bhaṭṭ.), śośūyate 
   • śeśvayīti, śeśveti, to swell much

≫ śūtha


⋙ śūna

   śūna &c. p. 1085, col. 1

≫ śvaya

   śvaya m. swelling, increase MW.

≫ śvayatha

   śvayátha m. swelling ŚBr.

≫ śvayathu

   śvayathu m. swelling, intumescence Suśr.

⋙ śvayathukara

   ○kara mfn. causing intṭintumescence ib.

⋙ śvayathucikitsā

   ○cikitsā f. the cure or treatment of swelling &c. ib.

⋙ śvayathumat

   ○mat mfn. suffering from swelling or intumescence Car.

≫ śvayana

   śvayana n. swelling APrāt. Sch.

≫ śvayas

   śvayas n. swelling L. 
   • power, strength L.

≫ śvayīci

   śvayīci m. or f. a kind of illness Uṇ. iv, 71 Sch.


   śvíkna m. pl. N. of a people ŚBr.

śvit 1

   śvit cl. 1. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xviii, 2) śvetate (occurring only in pr. p. śvetamāna Mālatīm., and in aor. aśvait or aśvitat, p. śvitāná q.v. RV. 
   • Gr. also pf. śiśvite fut. śvetitā, śvetiṣyate, and aor. aśvetiṣṭa), to be bright or white: Caus. (only aor. aśiśvitat 
   • but cf. śvetaya and śvetita), id. RV. [Cf. Lith. sśvaily4ti ; Goth. hweits ; Germ. weiss ; Eng. white

≫ śvit 2

   śvit uda-śvít and sūrya-śvít

≫ śvita

   śvita mfn. white, n. whiteness Sāy.

≫ śvitāna

   śvitāná mfn. being white, white-coloured RV. vi, 6, 2

≫ śviti

   śviti (prob.) f. whiteness, a white colour Sāy.

≫ śvitīci


⋙ śvitna

   śvítna and mfn. whitish RV.

⋙ śvitnya

   śvitnyá mfn. whitish RV.

≫ śvitya

   śvitya mfn. white, white-coloured MW. 
   • m. (cf. śvaitya) N. of a man MBh. vii, 2183 (cf. Nīlak.)

≫ śvityañc

   śvityáñc mf(○tīcī́)n. whitish RV.

≫ śvitra

   śvitrá mfn. whitish, white AV. TS. 
   • having white leprosy PañcavBr. 
   • m. a partic. white domestic animal or any white anṭanimal VS. 
   • m. n. morbid whiteness of the skin, white leprosy, vitiligo Suśr. BhP. 
   • = antarikṣa Sāy. on RV. v, 19, 3 
   • (ā), f. N. of a woman Sāy. on RV. i, 13, 14

⋙ śvitraghnī

   ○ghnī f. 'removing white leprosy', the plant Tragia Involucrata L.

⋙ śvitrahara

   ○hara mfn. removing or curing white leprosy Suśr.

⋙ śvitropakāśa

   śvitrôpakāśa mfn. looking whitish ĀpŚr.

≫ śvitrin

   śvitrin mfn. affected with whiteness of the skin, leprous, a leper Gaut. Mn. &c

≫ śvitrya

   śvítrya m. metron. fr. śvitra RV. i, 33, 15 (cf. Sāy.)

≫ śveta

   śvetá mf(ā́ or śvenī)n. white, dressed, in white, bright (with párvata m. 'snow-mountain' ŚBr. 
   • with kaṭâkṣa m. 'a bright side-glance' Saṃgīt.) RV. &c. &c 
   • m. white (the colour) L. 
   • a white horse ŚBr. 
   • a small white shell, cowry L. 
   • a silver coin L. 
   • a white cloud L. 
   • the planet Venus or its regent Śukra L. 
   • a partic. comet (cf. -ketu) VarBṛS. 
   • a partic. plant (= jīvaka) L. 
   • cumin seed W. 
   • N. of a serpent-demon (with vaidārva or vaidārvya or vaidarvya 
   • others give śvaita-vaidārava as signifying 'a partic. deity connected with the sun') GṛS. Pur. [Page 1106, Column 3] 
   • N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. 
   • of a Daitya (son of Vipra-citti) Hariv. 
   • of a Muni MBh. Kathās. 
   • of a partic. Avatāra of Śiva Cat. 
   • of a pupil of Śiva IW. 122, n. 3 
   • of a manifestation of Vishṇu in his Varāha incarnation (worshipped in a partic. part of India) MW. 
   • of a Rājarshi MBh. 
   • of a son of the king Sudeva R. 
   • of a general MBh. 
   • of a son of Vapushmat MārkP. 
   • of a preceptor Cat. 
   • of a mythical elephant MBh. 
   • of the sixth range of mountains dividing the known continent (the white or 'snowy' mountains separating the Varshas of Hiraṇmaya and Ramyaka) MBh. Pur. (cf. IW. 420, n. 1) 
   • of one of the minor Dviipas or divisions of the world (cf. -dviipa) MBh. R. 
   • (ā), f. one of the seven tongues of Fire Gṛihyās. 
   • a small white shell, cowry L. 
   • N. of various plants (accord. to L. the birch tree, a white bignonia, Boerhavia P3rocumbens, Achyranthes Atropurpurea &c.) Suśr. VarBṛS. 
   • crystal L. 
   • alum L. 
   • white or candied sugar L. 
   • bamboo-manna L. 
   • a mystical term for the letter s Up. 
   • N. of one of the M3ātṛis attendant on Skanda MBh. 
   • of the mother of the elephant Śveta (or Śaṅkha) MBh. R. 
   • of a princess Rājat. 
   • (ī), f. N. of a river MW. 
   • n. the white of the eye Suśr. 
   • the growing white (of the hair) ChUp. 
   • silver L. 
   • butter-milk and water mixed half and half L.

⋙ śvetakaṇṭakārī

   ○kaṇṭakārī f. a species of plant (= priyaṃkarī) MW.

⋙ śvetakaṇṭhin

   ○kaṇṭhin mfn. white-necked (as a jar) Hariv.

⋙ śvetakanda

   ○kanda m. Allium Cepa or Ascalonicum 
   • (ā), f. Aconitum Ferox L.

⋙ śvetakapota

   ○kapota m. a kind of mouse Cat. 
   • a kind of snake Suśr.

⋙ śvetakamala

   ○kamala n. a white lotus MW.

⋙ śvetakarṇa

   ○karṇa m. N. of a son of Satya-karṇa Hariv.

⋙ śvetakalpa

   ○kalpa m. a partic. Kalpa or world-period Hcat.

⋙ śvetakāka

   ○kāka m. a white crow, i.e. any very unusual thing Kautukas.

⋙ śvetakākīya

   ○kākīya mfn. relating to a white crow, rare, unusual, unheard of MBh. Mṛicch.

⋙ śvetakāṇḍā

   ○kāṇḍā f. white Dūrvā grass L.

⋙ śvetakāpotī

   ○kāpotī f. a kind of plant Suśr.

⋙ śvetakāmbojī

   ○kāmbojī f. a white variety of Abrus Precatorius L.

⋙ śvetakiṇihī

   ○kiṇihī f. a kind of tree L.

⋙ śvetakukṣi

   ○kukṣi m. a kind of fish L.

⋙ śvetakuñjara

   ○kuñjara m. 'white-elephant', Indra's elephant Airāvata L.

⋙ śvetakuśa

   ○kuśa m. white Kuśa, grass L.

⋙ śvetakuṣṭha

   ○kuṣṭha n. white leprosy Cat. 
   • mfn. suffering from white leprosy (-tva n.) Kull. on Mn. xi, 51

⋙ śvetakṛṣṇā

   ○kṛṣṇā f. a kind of venomous insect Suśr.

⋙ śvetaketu

   ○ketu (śvetá-), m. N. of a comet (also called Uddālakaśvṭśvetá) VarBṛS. 
   • a Jaina saint L. 
   • N. of Auddālaki ŚBr. 
   • of Āruṇeya ib. &c 
   • of a son of Sena-jit Hariv. 
   • of Gautama Buddha as a Bodhi-sattva Lalit.

⋙ śvetakeśa

   ○keśa m. white hair ib. 
   • a kind of red-flowering Moringa L.

⋙ śvetakola

   ○kola or m. the fish Cyprinus Sophore L.

⋙ śvetakolaka

   ○kolaka m. the fish Cyprinus Sophore L.

⋙ śvetakṣāra

   ○kṣāra m. white nitre, saltpetre, alkali L.

⋙ śvetakhadira

   ○khadira m. a white variety of the Khadira tree L.

⋙ śvetagaṅgā

   ○gaṅgā f. N. of a river Kād.

⋙ śvetagaja

   ○gaja m. a white elephant or the elephant of Indra ib.

⋙ śvetagarut

   ○garut (cf. L.) or (cf. MW.), m. 'white-winged', a goose

⋙ śvetagaruta

   ○garuta (cf. MW.), m. 'white-winged', a goose

⋙ śvetagiri

   ○giri m. white mountain, snowy range of hills ( under śveta above) Cat. 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of chs. of two Purāṇas

⋙ śvetaguñjā

   ○guñjā f. a white variety of Abrus Precatorius L.

⋙ śvetaguṇavat

   ○guṇavat mfn. possessed of the quality of whiteness Sāh.

⋙ śvetagokarṇī

   ○gokarṇī f. Clitoria Ternatea Dhanv.

⋙ śvetagodhūma

   ○godhūma m. a kind of wheat Vās.

⋙ śvetaghaṇṭā

   ○ghaṇṭā f. a kind of plant (= nāgadantī) L.

⋙ śvetaghaṇṭī

   ○ghaṇṭī f. mahā-śveta-gh○

⋙ śvetaghoṣā

   ○ghoṣā f. a white Ghoshā plant MW.

⋙ śvetacandana

   ○candana n. white sandal Pañcar.

⋙ śvetacampaka

   ○campaka m. a kind of Campaka ib.

⋙ śvetacaraṇa

   ○caraṇa m. a kind of bird Suśr.

⋙ śvetacintāmaṇi

   ○cintā-maṇi m. N. of wk

⋙ śvetacillikā

   ○cillikā or f. a kind of vegetable L.

⋙ śvetacillī

   ○cillī f. a kind of vegetable L.

⋙ śvetacchattra

   ○cchattra n. a white umbrella BhP. 
   • mfn. having a white umbṭumbrella MW.

⋙ śvetacchattrāya

   ○cchattrāya Nom. to resemble a white umbrella (○yita, mfn.) Vcar.

⋙ śvetacchattrin

   ○cchattrin mfn. having a white umbṭumbrella ĀpŚr.

⋙ śvetacchada

   ○cchada m. 'white-winged' or 'white-leaved', a goose L. 
   • a kind of plant L. 
   • Ocymum Album W.

⋙ śvetajala

   ○jala N. of a lake VP.

⋙ śvetajīraka

   ○jīraka m. white cumin L.

⋙ śvetaṭaṅkaka

   ○ṭaṅkaka or n. a kind of borax L.

⋙ śvetaṭaṅkaṇa

   ○ṭaṅkaṇa n. a kind of borax L.

⋙ śvetataṇḍula

   ○taṇḍula m. a kind of rice L.

⋙ śvetatantrī

   ○tantrī f. a kind of stringed instrument Saṃgīt.

⋙ śvetatapas

   ○tapas m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ śvetatara

   ○tara m. pl. N. of a school Caraṇ.

⋙ śvetatā

   ○tā f. whiteness MW.

⋙ śvetadūrvā

   ○dūrvā f. white Dūrvā grass Bhpr.

⋙ śvetadyuti

   ○dyuti m. the moon L.

⋙ śvetadruma

   ○druma m. Crataeva Roxburghī L.

⋙ śvetadvipa

   ○dvipa m. a white elephant or Indra's elephant Airāvata L.

⋙ śvetadvīpa

   ○dvīpa m. n. 'white island', N. of a mythical abode of the blessed
   MBh. Hariv. Kāv. &c. (cf. IW. 126, n. 1) 
   • of a sacred place near Kāśī Cat. 
   • m. England W.

⋙ śvetadvīpāya

   ○dvīpāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to resemble the white isle Hcar.

⋙ śvetadhātu

   ○dhātu m. chalk L. 
   • opal or chalcedony W. 
   • any white mineral MW.

⋙ śvetadhāman

   ○dhāman m. (only L.) 'having white lustre', the moon [Page 1107, Column 1] 
   • camphor 
   • cuttle-fish bone 
   • Achyranthes Atropurpurea 
   • a white-flowering variety of Clitoria Ternatea

⋙ śvetanāman

   ○nāman m. Clitoria Ternatea Car.

⋙ śvetanīla

   ○nīla mfn. white and black L. 
   • m. a cloud L.

⋙ śvetanyaṅga

   ○nyaṅga mfn. having a white mark ĀpŚr.

⋙ śvetapakṣa

   ○pakṣa mfn. whitewinged PārGṛ.

⋙ śvetapaṭa

   ○paṭa m. N. of a jaina teacher Piṅg. Sch. 
   • pl. N. of a Jaina sect Hcar. Inscr.

⋙ śvetapattra

   ○pattra n. a white feather MW. 
   • m. 'whitefeathered', a goose ( comp.) 
   • (ā), f. a kind of tree L. 
   • (○ra)-ratha m. 'whose vehicle is a goose', N. of Brahmā L.

⋙ śvetapadma

   ○padma n. a white lotus Pañcar. Kālac.

⋙ śvetaparṇa

   ○parṇa m. N. of a mountain MārkP. 
   • (ā), f. pistia Stratiotes L.

⋙ śvetaparṇāsa

   ○parṇâsa m. white basil L.

⋙ śvetaparvata

   ○parvata m. 'white mountain', N. of a mountain MBh. Hariv. R.

⋙ śvetapākī

   ○pākī f. a kind of plant or its fruit, g. harītaky-ādi

⋙ śvetapāṭalā

   ○pāṭalā f. a whiteflowering variety of Bingnonia L.

⋙ śvetapāda

   ○pāda m. N. of one of Śiva's attendants L.

⋙ śvetapiṅga

   ○piṅga m. 'white and tawny', a lion L.

⋙ śvetapiṅgala

   ○piṅgala mfn. tawny L. 
   • m. a lion L. 
   • N. of Śiva MW.

⋙ śvetapiṅgalaka

   ○piṅgalaka m. a lion L.

⋙ śvetapiṇḍītaka

   ○piṇḍītaka m. a kind of tree L.

⋙ śvetapītala

   ○pītala m. yellow-whiteness 
   • mf(ā)n. yellow-white L.

⋙ śvetapaṅkhā

   ○paṅkhā f. a kind of shrub L.

⋙ śvetapunarnavā

   ○punarnavā f. white-flowering hogweed MW.

⋙ śvetapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa n. a white flower Suśr. 
   • mf(ī)n. white-flowering GṛŚrS. 
   • m. Vitex Negundo L. 
   • (ā), f. N. of various plants (Crataea Roxburghī 
   • a white-flowering species of Clitoeia Ternatea 
   • Artemisia Vulgaris or Alpinia Nutans 
   • colorynth 
   • a white-flowering variety of Vitex Negundo 
   • = ghoṣātakī or nāga-dantī L. 
   • (ī), d. a white -flowering variety of Clitoria Ternatea Npr.

⋙ śvetapuṣpaka

   ○puṣpaka mfn. having white flowers MW. 
   • m. white oleander L. 
   • Nerium Odorum (the white variety) W. 
   • (ikā), f. two kinds of plant (= putra-dātrī or = mahā-saṇapuṣpikā) L.

⋙ śvetaprasūnaka

   ○prasūnaka mfn. having white flowers MW. 
   • m. Tapia Crataeva L.

⋙ śvetaphalā

   ○phalā f. a kind of plant Pāṇ. 4-1, 64 Vārtt. 2 Pat.

⋙ śvetabarbara

   ○barbara n. a kind of sandal L.

⋙ śvetabalā

   ○balā f. the white Balā (a kind of plant) MW.

⋙ śvetabindukā

   ○bindukā f. a girl with white spots (and there fore unfit for marriage) L.

⋙ śvetabuhnā

   ○buhnā f. a kind of plant L.

⋙ śvetabṛhatī

   ○bṛhatī f. a kind of white Vārtāki or egg-plṭplant L.

⋙ śvetabhaṇḍā

   ○bhaṇḍā f. a white-flowering variety of Clitoria Ternatea L.

⋙ śvetabhadra

   ○bhadra m. N. of a Guhyaka. MBh.

⋙ śvetabhasman

   ○bhasman n. a partic. preparation of quicksilver L.

⋙ śvetabhānu

   ○bhānu mfn. white-rayed (as the moon) Hariv. 
   • m. the moon Hcar. Kād.

⋙ śvetabhikṣu

   ○bhikṣu m. a kind of mendicant Pañcat.

⋙ śvetabhiṇḍā

   ○bhiṇḍā f. a kind of plant Car.

⋙ śvetabhujaṃga

   ○bhujaṃga m. N. of an incarnation of Brahmā Virac.

⋙ śvetamaṇḍala

   ○maṇḍala m. a kind of snake Suśr.

⋙ śvetamadhya

   ○madhya m. Cyperus Rotundus L.

⋙ śvetamandāra

   ○mandāra (cf. Cat.) or (cf. L.), m. a kind of tree.,

⋙ śvetamandāraka

   ○mandāḍraka (cf. L.), m. a kind of tree.,

⋙ śvetamayūkha

   ○mayūkha m. 'white-rayed', the moon Vcar.

⋙ śvetamarica

   ○marica m. a kind of Moringa Pterygosperma Dhanv. 
   • n. the seed of it L. 
   • the seed of the Hyperanthera MorṭMoringa W. 
   • white pepper MW.

⋙ śvetamahoṭikā

   ○mahoṭikā f. a kind of plant L.

⋙ śvetamāṇḍavya

   ○māṇḍavya m. N. of an author Cat.

⋙ śvetamādhava

   ○mādhava (cf. Cat.) or (cf. MW.), n. N. of a Tīrtha

⋙ śvetamādhavatīrtha

   ○mādhaḍva-tīrtha (cf. MW.), n. N. of a Tīrtha

⋙ śvetamāla

   ○māla m. having white wreaths, 'a cloud L. 
   • smoke L. (prob. wṛ. for khatam○)

⋙ śvetamūtra

   ○mūtra mfn. having white urine (-tā f.), ŚārṅgS.

⋙ śvetamūla

   ○mūla m. (cf. Suśr.) or (cf. Npr.) Boerhavia Procunibens

⋙ śvetamūla

   ○mūḍla f. (cf. Npr.) Boerhavia Procunibens

⋙ śvetamṛd

   ○mṛd f. white clay, Var Yogay. (pl.)

⋙ śvetameha

   ○meha wṛ. for śīta-m○, q.v

⋙ śvetamoda

   ○moda m. N. of a demon who causes diseases Hariv.

⋙ śvetayāvarī

   ○yā́varī f. white-flowing, (or) N. of a river RV. viii, 26, 18

⋙ śvetarakta

   ○rakta m. pale redness 
   • mfn. pale-red L.

⋙ śvetarañjana

   ○rañjana n. 'white-coloured', lead L.

⋙ śvetaratha

   ○ratha m. a white chariot MW. 
   • 'having a white car', the planet Venus L.

⋙ śvetaraśmi

   ○raśmi m. N. of a Gandharva transformed into a white elephant Kathās.

⋙ śvetarasa

   ○rasa m. butter-milk and water mixed in equal parts L.

⋙ śvetarājī

   ○rājī f. a kind of plant L.

⋙ śvetarāvaka

   ○rāvaka m. Vitex Negundo L.

⋙ śvetarāsnā

   ○rāsnā f. the white Rāsnā plant W.

⋙ śvetarūpya

   ○rūpya n. tin L.

⋙ śvetarocis

   ○rocis m. 'having white light', the moon L.

⋙ śvetaroman

   ○roman n. white hair MW. 
   • ○môṅka m. a spot of white hair ib.

⋙ śvetarohita

   ○rohita m. 'white and red', N. of Garuḍa L. 
   • a kind of plant L.

⋙ śvetalodhra

   ○lodhra m. a kind of Lodhra L.

⋙ śvetalohita

   ○lohita m. N. of a Muni (a pupil of Śveta) VP.

⋙ śvetavaktra

   ○vaktra m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.

⋙ śvetavacā

   ○vacā f. N. of two kinds of plant (= ativiṣā or = śukla-vacā) L.

⋙ śvetavatsā

   ○vatsā (śvetá.), f. (a cow) having a white calf TS. Kāṭh. ŚBr.

⋙ śvetavarṇa

   ○varṇa mfn. white-coloured MW. 
   • (ā), f. chalk Divyâv.

⋙ śvetavalkala

   ○valkala m. white bark MW. 
   • Ficus Glomerata L.

⋙ śvetavastrin

   ○vastrin mfn. white-clad, Kālac

⋙ śvetavah

   ○vah mfn. (nom. -vāḥ 
   • instr. -vāhā [?] or śvetâuhā du. -vobhyām 
   • f. -vāhī [?] or śvetâuhī) borne by white horses Pāṇ. 3-2, 71 Vārtt. Vop. xxvi, 65 &c. [Page 1107, Column 2] 
   • m. N. of Indra ib. 
   • (○tâuhī or -vāhī f. the wife of Indra ib.

⋙ śvetavājin

   ○vājin m. a white horse MW. 
   • having white horses', the moon L. 
   • N. of Arjuna L.

⋙ śvetavārāha

   ○vārāha m. a partic. Kalpa, the first day in the month of Brahmā (also ○ha-kalpa m.) Cat. 
   • N. of ch. of the Vāyu-purāṇa 
   • -tīrthsa n. N. of a Tirtha Cat.

⋙ śvetavārija

   ○vārija n. a white lotusflower L.

⋙ śvetavārttākī

   ○vārttākī f. a kind of plant L.

⋙ śvetavāsas

   ○vāsas m. an ascetic who wears white garments L.

⋙ śvetavāh

   ○vāh -vah

⋙ śvetavāha

   ○vāha mfn. driving white horses or drawn by white horses 
   • m. N. of Indra L. 
   • of Arjuna MBh.

⋙ śvetavāhana

   ○vāhana mfn. = prec 
   • m. the moon L. 
   • a marine monster (= makara) W. 
   • a form of Śiva Hariv. 
   • N. of Arjuna MBh. 
   • of Bhadrâśva Cat. 
   • of a son of Rājâdhideva Hariv. 
   • of a son of Śūra, VP

⋙ śvetavāhin

   ○vāhin m. 'borne by white horses', N. of Arjuna L.

⋙ śvetavṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. Crataeva Roxburghī L.

⋙ śvetavrata

   ○vrata m. pl. a partic. sect (prob. for -paṭa) Vās., Introd

⋙ śvetaśarapuṅkhā

   ○śara-puṅkhā f. a kind of shrub L.

⋙ śvetaśāla

   ○śāla m. white rice L.

⋙ śvetaśiṃśapā

   ○śiṃśapā f. a kind of tree L.

⋙ śvetaśikha

   ○śikha m. N. of a pupil of Śveta IW. 122, n. 3

⋙ śvetaśigru

   ○śigru m. a white-flowering variety of Moringa Bhpr.

⋙ śvetaśimbikā

   ○śimbikā f. white bean L.

⋙ śvetaśīrṣa

   ○śīrṣa m. N. of a Daitya Hariv.

⋙ śvetaśuṅga

   ○śuṅga m. 'having white awns', barley L.

⋙ śvetaśūraṇa

   ○śūraṇa m. a kind of bulbous plant (= vana-ś○) L.

⋙ śvetaśṛṅga

   ○śṛṅga m. 'having white awns', barley MW.

⋙ śvetaśaila

   ○śaila m. a snow-mountain (or N. of a range, under śveta) Hariv. Kathās. 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. made of white stone or marble Rājat.

⋙ śvetaśyāma

   ○śyāma mfn. white and black (applied to a side-glance) Saṃgīt.

⋙ śvetasarpa

   ○sarpa m. a white snake W. 
   • Crataeva Roxburghī L. 
   • Tapia CratṭCrataeva W.

⋙ śvetasarṣapa

   ○sarṣapa m. white mustard, a grain of white mustard Suśr.

⋙ śvetasāra

   ○sāra m. Acacia Catechu or a white-flowering species of it L. 
   • Mimosa Catechu W. 
   • sandal L.

⋙ śvetasiṃhī

   ○siṃhī f. a kind of pot-herb L.

⋙ śvetasiddha

   ○siddha m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.

⋙ śvetasurasā

   ○surasā f. a white -flowering variety of the Vitex Negundo or Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis L.

⋙ śvetaspandā

   ○spandā f. Clitoria Ternatea or a white-flowering variety of it L.

⋙ śvetahanu

   ○hanu m. a kind of snake Suśr.

⋙ śvetahaya

   ○haya m. a white horse (N. of the horse of Indra) L. 
   • 'having white horse', N. of Arjuna L.

⋙ śvetahastin

   ○hastin m. a white elephant W. 
   • N. of Airāvata (elṭelephant of Indra) L.

⋙ śvetahūṇa

   ○hūṇa m. pl. the white Huns VarBṛS.

⋙ śvetāśu

   śvetâśu m. 'white-rayed', the moon ŚārṅgP.

⋙ śvetāṃśuka

   śvetâṃśuka mfn. clad in white Rājat.

⋙ śvetākṣa

   śvetâkṣa m. a kind of Soma plant Suśr.

⋙ śvetāñjana

   śvetâñjana n. white paint Pañcad.

⋙ śvetāṇḍa

   śvetâṇḍa mfn. having a white scrotum (as a kind of stallion) MBh.

⋙ śvetātapatra

   śvetâtapatra n. a white umbrella Vās. 
   • ○patrāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to resemble a white umbrella Kād.

⋙ śvetātrivṛt

   śvetā-trivṛt f. the white Trivṛit plant MW.

⋙ śvetātreya

   śvetâtreya m. N. of a man Cat.

⋙ śvetādri

   śvetâdri m. N. of a mountain or mountain range Hariv. BhP. (accordṭo Sch. = kailāsa) 
   • -vāsâṣṭaka n. N. of wk

⋙ śvetānukāśa

   śvetânukāśa śvetânūkāśa

⋙ śvetānulepana

   śvetânulepana mfn. covered with white ointment 
   • m. N. of Bala-rāma MBh.

⋙ śvetānūkāśa

   śvetấnūkāśa mfn. shining white TS. ŚāṅkhBr.

⋙ śvetāparājitakalpa

   śvetâparājita-kalpa m. N. of wk

⋙ śvetāmbara

   śvetâmbara mfn. clad in white 
   • m. N. of the second great Jaina sect (opp. to the Dig-ambara, q.v.) MWB. 532 &c 
   • a form of Śiva Cat. 
   • N. of an author ib. 
   • -candra m. N. of a man ib.

⋙ śvetāmlī

   śvetâmlī f. Tamarindus Indica L.

⋙ svetāraṇya

   svetâraṇya n. N. of a forest R. 
   • of a Tirtha situated on the northern bank of the Kāverī (also -tīrtha) Cat. 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ śvetārka

   śvetârka m. Calotropis Gigantea Alba L. 
   • -kalpa. m. N. of wk

⋙ śvetārcis

   śvetârcis m. 'white-rayed', the moon, Kāvyâd.

⋙ śvetāvara

   śvetâvara m. a kind of vegetable L.

⋙ śvetāśva

   śvetâśva m. a white horse ŚāṅkhŚr. R. 
   • mfn. yoked with white steeds (as a car) ib. 
   • m. 'drawn by white steeds', N. of Arjuna MBh. 
   • of a pupil of Śiva IW. 122, n. 3 
   • of pupil of Sveta W. (v. l. śvetâsya) 
   • (ā), f. N. of a goddess Cat. 
   • (○va) -dāna-vidhi m. N. of wk

⋙ śvetāśvatara

   śvetâśvatara m. 'having white mules', N. of a teacher ŚvetUp. 
   • plḥis school TĀr. Sch. 
   • śkhā f. or -śākhin pl. id. Cat. 
   • ○rôpanithad f. N. of an Upanishad IW. 43 &c. (○ṣat-prakāśikā f. ○ṣaddīpikā f. N. of Comms.)

⋙ śvetāsthi

   śvetâsthi n. a partic. kind of famine Divyâv.

⋙ śvetāsya

   śvetâsya m. 'white-faced', N. of a pupil of Śveta Cat.

⋙ śvetāhvā

   śvetâhvā f. a white flowering variety of Bignonia (= śukla-pāṭalā) L.

⋙ śvetekṣu

   śvetêkṣu m. a species of sugar-cane L.

⋙ śvetairaṇḍa

   śvetâiraṇḍa m. white Ricinus L.

⋙ śvetotpala

   śvetôtpala m. N. of an astronomer Col.

⋙ svetodara

   svetôdara m. 'having a white belly', a kind of snake Suśr. 
   • N. of Kubera L. 
   • of a mountain MārkP. [Page 1107, Column 3] 

⋙ śvetopakāśa

   śvetôpakāśa mf(ā)n. = śvitrôp○ MaitrS.

≫ śvetaka

   śvetaka mfn. whitish, white VarBṛS. (applied to the 7th unknown quantity Col.) 
   • m. a cowry L. 
   • N. of a serpent-demon Buddh. 
   • n. silver L.

≫ śvetaki

   śvetaki m. N. of an ancient king MBh.

≫ śvetanā

   śvetanā́ f. dawn RV. i, 122, 4

≫ śvetaya

   śvetaya Nom. P. ○yati, = śvetâśvam ācaṣṭe or śvetâśvenâtikrāmati, . Dhātup. Vop.

≫ śvetayat

   śvetayat mfn. making white, whitening MW.

≫ śvetāya

   śvetāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become white Kād.

≫ śvetāyin

   śvetāyin mfn. belonging to the race of Śveta Cat.

≫ śvetika

   śvetika m. N. of a man Rājat.

≫ śvetita

   śvetita mfn. (prob.) whitened MW. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 16, 17)

≫ śvetiman

   śvetiman m. whiteness, white colour Car. Kād.

≫ śvetauhī

   śvetâuhī śveta-vah, cols. 1, 2

≫ śvetya

   śvetyá mf(ā)n. white, brilliant (as the dawn) RV. Naigh. Nir. 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river RV.

≫ śvetra

   śvetra n. white leprosy L.

≫ śvaita

   śvaita n. N. of the country Hiraṇmaya L.

≫ śvaitacchattrika

   śvaitacchattrika mfn. (fr. śveta-cchattra) having a claim to a white umbrella Pāṇ. 5-1, 63 Sch.

≫ śvaitarī

   śvaítarī f. (accord. to Sāy.) a cow abounding in milk RV. iv, 33, 1

≫ śvaitavaidārava

   śvaita-vaidārava under śveta, p. 1106

≫ śvaitāṃśava

   śvaitāṃśava mfn. (fr. śvetâṃśu) lunar Bālar.

≫ śvaiti

   śvaiti (fr. śveta), g. sutaṃgamâdi

≫ śvaitya

   śvaitya m. patr. of Sṛiñjaya MBh. 
   • n. whiteness Kāv. Vāgbh. Sāh. 
   • white leprosy, vitiligo W.

≫ śvaitra

   śvaitra n. (fr. śvitra) white leprosy, vitiligo W.

≫ śvaitreya

   śvaitreyá m. (fr. śvitra) the fire or brilliancy of lightning RV. v, 19, 3 (cf. Sāy.) 
   • metron. fr. śvitrā RV. i, 33, 14 (cf. Sāy.)

≫ śvaitrya

   śvaitrya n. (fr. śvitra) white leprosy Mn. xi, 51


   śvind (connected with √śvit), cl. 1. A. (Dhātup. ii, 9) śvindate (only pf. śiśvinde), to be white Hcar. 
   • to be cold Dhātup. [Cf. Lith. sśvintú.]


   śvaikna m. a king of the Śviknas ŚBr.


   śvo-bhāva śvo-bhāvin &c. p. 1106, col. 1