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A African American Arab Asian Australian Bengali Buddhism Buddhist Catholicism European Finnish Friday G Hebrew Hellenistic Hindu Hungarian I Islamic Italian K L LGBT Monday Muslim N PMID POJ Persian Protestant Protestantism Russian Sanskrit Sanskritic Saturday Scottish Slavic Sumerogram Sunday Thursday Tuesday V Z a ab abandon abbreviation abdomen abessive ability ablative able abnormal abode about above absence absent absolute absolutely absorb abstract absurd abugida abundance abundant abuse academic accent accept acceptable access accident accommodation accompany accomplish accord account accounting accumulate accurate accusation accusative accuse ache achieve achievement acid acknowledge acquire across act acting action active activity actor actual actually acute ad adapt add addition additional address adhere adjacent adjectival adjective adjust administer administration administrative administrator admire admit adopt adorn adult advance advantage adverb adverbial advertisement advertising advice advise advocate aerial af affair affect affection affix afraid after afternoon afterwards again against age agency agent aggressive agitate ago agree agreeable agreement agricultural agriculture ahead aid aim air aircraft airplane airport al ala alarm alchemy alcohol alcoholic ale alert algebra algorithm alien aliphatic alive alkaloid all allative alliance allow allowance alloy almond almost alone along alphabet already also alt altar alter alternate alternative although aluminium aluminum always am amateur amazing ambition amide amino among amount an analysis analytic anatomy ancestor anchor ancient and angel anger angle angry animal anion ankle anniversary announce announcement annoy annoyance annoyed annoying annual another answer ant antagonist ante anterior anthropology antibiotic antibody antimony anus anxiety anxious any anything apart apartment ape apparatus apparent appeal appear appearance appetite apple application apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve approximately aquatic ar arc arch archaeology archaic archery archipelago architecture are area argue argument arise arithmetic arm armed armor armour armpit arms army aromatic around arouse arra arrange arrangement array arrest arrival arrive arrogance arrogant arrow arsenic art artery article artificial artist artistic as ascend ash ashamed aside ask aspect ass assault assemble assembly asset asshole assign assist assistance assistant associate association assume astrology astronomy at athletics atmosphere atom attach attachment attack attempt attend attendant attention attitude attract attraction attractive attribute attributive au audience audio auf aunt author authority auto automatic automobile automotive autonomous autumn auxiliary av available aver average aviation avoid awake award aware awareness away awesome awkward axe axis axle az b ba baba babble baby bachelor back background backward backwards bacteria bacterium bad badly bag bait bake balance bald ball bamboo ban banana band bandage bandit bang bank banking banner banquet bar bare bargain bark barley barn barrel barren barrier base baseball based basic basin basis basket basketball bass bastard bat bath bathe bathroom batter battery battle bay be beach bead beak beam bean bear beard bearing beast beat beating beautiful beauty because become bed bedroom bee beef beer beetle before beforehand beg beggar begin beginning behave behavior behaviour behind being belief believe bell belly belong beloved below belt ben bench bend benefit bent berg berry beside besides best bestow bet betray better between beverage beyond bi bicycle bid big bih bili bill bin binary bind binding bio biochemistry biological biology birch bird birth birthday biscuit bishop bist bit bitch bite bitter black bladder blade blame blank blanket blast blaze blend blessing blind blister block blood bloody bloom blossom blow blue blunt boar board boast boat body bog boil boiling bold bolt bomb bond bone book boom boot border bore boring born boron borough borrow boss botany both bother bottle bottom bound boundary bow bowl box boxing boy boyfriend brace brag braid brain brake branch brand brass brave breach bread break breakfast breaking breast breath breathe breathing breed breeze bribe brick bride bridge bridle brief bright brightness brilliant bring broad broadcast broadcasting broken bronze brood brook broom broth brothel brother brown bruise brush bubble buck bucket bud budget buffalo bug build building bull bullet bully bump bun bunch bundle burden burial burn burning burst bury bus bush business busy but butcher butt butter butterfly buttock button buy by c cabbage cabinet cable café cage cake calamity calcium calculate calculation calculus calendar calf call calligraphy calm calque camel camera camp campaign can canal cancel cancer candidate candle candy cane cannabis cannon cannot cap capable capacity cape capital captain capture car carbon card cardinal cardiology care career careful carefully careless caress cargo carpenter carpet carriage carrier carrot carry cart cartilage carve casa case cash cast castle casual cat catch category caterpillar cation cattle causative cause caution cautious cave cavity ce cease ceiling celebrate celebration celebrity celestial cell cement cemetery center central centre century cereal ceremonial ceremony certain certainly certificate chain chair chalk challenge chamber champion chance change channel chant chaos chaotic chapter character characteristic charcoal charge chariot charity charm charming chart chase chat chatter che cheap cheat check cheek cheerful cheese chef chemical chemistry cherry chess chest chestnut chew chi chick chicken chief child childbirth childhood childish chill chimney chin chip chisel chlorine chocolate choice choke choose chop chromosome chronic church ci cigarette cinema cinematography circa circle circuit circular circulation circumstance citizen city civil clade claim clam clan class classical classification classifier clause claw clay clean cleaning clear clearly clerk clever click client cliff climate climb climbing clip cloak clock close closed closely cloth clothes clothing cloud cloudy club clumsy cluster co coach coal coarse coast coat cocktail coconut code coffee coffin cognomen coil coin cold collapse collar collect collection collective college colloquial colo colon colony color colored colour coloured column com comb combat combination combine come comfort comfortable coming command commander comment commerce commercial commission commit committee common commune communicate communication communism community compact companion company comparable comparative compare comparison compassion compel compensation compete competition complain complaint complete completely completion complex complicated component compose composition compound comprehend computer computing comrade con conceal concentrate concentration concept concern concerning conclude conclusion concrete concubine condition conditional conduct conductor cone conference confidence confine confirm conflict confuse confused confusion conjugation connect connected connection conquer conscience consciousness consent consequence conservative consider consideration consonant constant constantly constellation constitution construct construction consume consumer consumption contact contain container contemporary contempt contemptible content contest context continent continue continuous continuously contract contraction contrafactual contrary contrast contribution control convenient convention conversation converse conversion convert convey cook cooked cookie cooking cool coordinate copper copy coral cord core cork corn corner corporation corpse correct corrupt corruption cost costume cotton cough council counsel count counter counterfeit country countryside county couple courage courageous course court cousin cover covered covering cow coward cowardly crab crack craft crafty crane crap crash crawl crazy cream crease create creation creator creature credit creek creep crest crew cricket crime criminal crisis critical criticism criticize crocodile crooked crop cross crossing crow crowd crown crude cruel crush crust crustacean cry crystal crystalline cube cucumber cuisine cultivar cultivate cultivation cultural culture cum cunning cunt cup cure curl currency current curse curtain curve curved cushion custom customer customs cut cute cutting cycle cyclic cycling cylinder cylindrical cytology d' da dad dag dagger daily dal dam damage damn damp dance dancer dancing danger dangerous dar dare daring dark darken darkness darling dash dass dat database date dated dative daughter dawn day days daytime de dead deaf deal dealer dear death debate debt decay deceased deceit deceitful deceive deception decide decision deck declaration declare decline decorate decoration decorative decrease decree deed deep deer defeat defecate defect defence defend defender defense deficiency definite degree deity del delay deliberate delicate delicious delight deliver delivery dem demand demon demonstrate den dense density dental dentistry deny depart department departure depend dependent deponent deposit depressed depression deprive depth deputy der derivative derive derogatory des descend descendant descent describe description desert design desire desk desolate despicable dessert destiny destroy destruction det detail determination determine determined develop development device devotion dew di diagram dialect diamond diarrhea dice dick dictionary die diet difference different difficult difficulty dig digit digital dignity diligent dim dimension diminish diminutive din dinner dinosaur dip dire direct direction directly director dirt dirty disabled disagreement disappear disaster disc discard discharge disciple discipline disclose discount discourse discover discuss discussion disease disgrace disguise disgust disgusting dish dishonest disk dislike dismiss disorder disorderly dispatch disperse display disposition dispute disregard dissolve distance distant distinct distinction distinguish distinguished distress distribute distribution district disturb disturbance dit ditch dive diverse divide divination divine division divorce do dock doctor doctrine document dog doing doll dollar dolphin dom domain domestic dominate don don't donation done donkey door dot double doubt dough dove down draft drag dragon dragonfly drain drama draw drawing dread dream dress dried drift drill drink drinking drip drive driver driving drizzle drop drug drum drunk drunkard dry dual dub duck due dull dumb dung duoplural duration during dusk dust duty dwarf dwell dwelling dye dynasty e each eager eagle ear early earn earthquake ease easily east eastern easy eat eating eccentric echo eclipsis ecology economic economics economy edge edible edit educate education educational eel een effect effective effeminate effort egg eight eighteen eighth el elative elbow elder elderly election electric electrical electricity electron electronic electronics elegant element elephant elevation eleven elf eliminate ell em ember embrace embryo emerge emergency emit emotion emotional emperor emphasis emphatic empire employ employee employer employment empty en encircle enclose enclosure encounter encourage end endearing endemic ending endure enemy energetic energy eng engage engine engineer engineering enjoy enjoyment enough enter enterprise entertain entertainment enthusiasm enthusiastic entire entirely entity entomology entrance entry envelope environment environmental envy enzyme epithet equal equation equip equipment equivalent er era erect ergative error es escape escort especially esse essence essential establish established establishment estate este esteem ester estimate eternal ethics ethnic evade evaluate even evening event ever evergreen every everyone everything everywhere evidence evil evolution ex exact exactly exaggerate exaggerated exam examination examine example exceed excellent except exceptional excess excessive excessively exchange excite excited excitement excrement excuse execute execution exercise exhaust exhausted exhibit exhibition exile exist existence exit expand expansion expect expectation expel expense expensive experience experienced experiment expert explain explanation explode exploit explosion explosive expose exposure express expression extend extension extent external extinct extinguish extra extract extraordinary extreme extremely eye eyebrow eyelid ez f fa fabids fabric face facial facility fact factor factory fade fail failure faint fair faire fairy faith faithful fake fall fallen falling false falsehood fame familiar family famous fan fancy fandom fantasy far fare farewell farm farmer farming fart fashion fashionable fast fasten fat fate father fatigue fatty fault favor favour fear feast feather feature feces fee feeble feed feel feeling feet feign fell fellow felt female feminine fence fencing ferment fern fertile fest festival feudal fever few fiber fibre fiction fictional field fierce fifteen fifth fifty fig fight fighter fighting figure file fill filling film filter filth filthy fin final finally finance financial find fine finger finish finished fire firearm firewood firm first fish fisherman fishing fist fit fitting five fix fixed flag flame flap flash flat flatter flavor flavour flaw flax flea flee flesh flexible flight flirt float flock flood floor flour flourish flow flower flowing fluid fluorine flush flute flutter fly flying foam focus fodder fog fold folk folklore follow follower following fond food fool foolish foot football for force ford forehead foreign foreigner forest forestry forever forge forget forgive fork form formal formation former formula fort forth fortress fortune forty forward fossil foster foul found foundation fountain four fourth fowl fox fraction fractional fracture fragment fragrant frame framework fraud free freedom freeze frequency frequent frequentative frequently fresh freshwater fried friend friendly friendship frighten frightened fringe frog from front frost frozen fruit fry fuck fuel fulfill full fully fun function fund fundamental funeral fungus funny fur furious furnace furnish furniture furrow further fuse fuss future g gain gall gambling game gaming gang gap garbage garden garlic garment gas gate gather gathering gauge gay gaze ge gear gem gender gene general generally generate generation generous genetic genetics genitalia genitive genre gens gentle gentleman genuine genus geography geology geometry gerund gerundive gesture get ghost giant gift ginger girl girlfriend give given glad glance gland glass glasses global gloomy glory glove glow glucose glue glycoside gnaw go goal goat goddess going gold golden golf gone good goodbye goods goose gorge gossip govern government governor grab grace graceful grade gradually grain gram grammar grand grandfather grandmother grant grape graph grasp grass grasshopper grave gravel gravity gray graze grease great greedy green greet greeting grey grief grieve grill grind grip groom groove ground group grove grow growth guarantee guard guardian guess guest guide guilt guilty guitar gum gun gut guy gymnastics h ha habit habitational hack hail hair half hall halo halt ham hamlet hammer hand handle handsome hang hanging hanja happen happiness happy har harass harbour hard harden hardship hardware hare harm harmful harmony harness harsh harvest hasty hat hatch hate hatred haughty haul have having hawk hay he head heal health healthcare healthy heap hear hearing heart heat heating heaven heavy hedge heel height heir hello helmet help hem hemp hen her heraldry herb herd here hero hesitate het heterocycle hi hidden hide high higher highly hill him hinder hindrance hinge hint hip hire his historical history hit ho hoe hog hold holder hole holiday hollow holy home homosexual honest honey honor honorific honour hood hoof hook hop hope hora horizon horizontal hormone horn horror horse horticulture hospital host hostile hot hotel hound hour house household housing how however howl hug huge hull human humanity humble humorous hundred hunger hungry hunt hunter hunting hurl hurry hurt husband husk hut hybrid hydrocarbon hydrogen hypothetical i ice ich idea ideal identical identify identity ideology idiot idle idol if ignorance ignorant ignore ill illative illegal illness illuminate illusion im image imaginary imagine imitate imitation immature immediately immoral immunology impact imperative imperial impersonal implement import importance important impose impossible impression improve in inappropriate incense incident incite inclination incline include income incomplete incorrect increase indeclinable indeed indefinite independent index indicate indication indicative indifferent indigenous indigo individual induce industrial industry inessive infant infection inferior infinitive inflammation influence inform informal information ingredient inhabitant inheritance inhibitor initial initiate injection injure injury ink inn inner innocent input inquire insane insect insert inside insignificant inspect inspection inspire instance instant institution instruct instruction instrument instrumental insufficient insult insurance integer integrity intellect intellectual intelligence intelligent intend intense intensity intent intention interaction interest interfere interior intermediate internal international interpret interpretation interrupt intersection interval intestine intimate into intoxicated intransitive introduce introduction invent invertive investigate investigation investment invite involve ion iron irony irregular irritate is island iso isomer issue ist it itch item its ja jack jacket jade jail jako jam jar jargon jaw jealous jerk jet jewel jo job join joint joke journal journalism journey joy joyful judge judgement judgment judicial jug juice jump junction junk jurisdiction just justice k ka kana katakana keen keep keeper kernel ketone kettle key keyboard ki kick kid kidney kill killing kin kind kindness king kingdom kiss kit kitchen kite knee knife knight knit knitting knock knot know knowledge known ko koti kyūjitai l la label labor laboratory labour lace lack lacking lad ladder ladle lady lag lai lake lamb lame lament lamp lance land landing landscape lane lang language lantern lap large larva last late later lateral laugh laughter launch laundry law lawyer lay layer lazy le lead leader leading leaf league leak lean leap learn learned learning lease leather leave lecture left leg legal legend lego leisure lemon lend length lenition lens lento leopard les lesbian less lesson let letter level lever levy lexicography li liar liberal library license lichen lick lid lie life lift ligature light lightning like limb lime limit limited limp line lineage linear linen lines linguistic linguistics link lion lip lipid liquid liquor list listen literary literature litter little live lively liver liverwort livestock living lizard lo load loaf loan local locate location locative lock locomotive lodge lofty log logic lonely long longing look loom loop loose loosen lord lose loss lost lot lotus loud louse love lovely lover loving low lower loyal luck lucky lump lunar lunch lung lure lust m ma maa machine mad made magazine magenta magic magical magnesium magnetic magnificent mahjong mai maid maiden mail main maintain maintenance mair maist maize major majority make maker makeup making mal male malicious mammal man'yōgana manage management manager mane manganese manger mango manifest manner mano manual manufacture manufacturer manufacturing manure many map mar marble march mare margin marijuana marine mark marker market marketing marriage married marry marsh masculine mask mass massage mast master masturbate mat match mate material mathematics matrix matter mature maximum may maybe me meadow meal mean meaning means measure measurement meat mechanical mechanics mechanism med media medical medication medicinal medicine medieval medium meet meeting melancholy melody melon melt member membrane memory men mend menstruation mental mention mer merchant mercury mercy mere merit merry mess message messenger messy mesto metal metallic metallurgy meteorology meter method methyl metre metrology mi microbiology microscopic middle midnight might mighty mild military milk mill million mimation min mind mine mineral mineralogy minimum mining minister minor mint minute miracle mire mirror mischievous miser miserable misfortune miss missile mission mist mistake mistress mite mix mixed mixture mo moan mobile mock mode model moderate modern modest modify moist moisture molar mold mole molecule moment monarch monastery money monitor monk monkey monster month mood moral more morning morphology mortal mortar mosquito moss most moth mother motion motor motorcycle mould mound mount mountain mourning mouse mouth move movement movie moving much mucus mud muddy mug mule multiple multiplier multiply multitude municipality murder murmur muscle muscular mushroom music musical musician must mute mutual my mycology mysterious mystery mythology n na nag nail naive naked name nanoscale nap narrative narrow nasal nation national native natural nature naughty nautical navel navigation navy ne near nearby nearly neat necessary necessity neck need needle negative neglect neighborhood neighbour nerve nervous nest net network networking neuroanatomy neurology neuron neuter neutral never new news newspaper next ng ni nice nickel nickname night nine nipple nitrogen no nobility noble node noise noisy nominal nominative non nonsense noodle noon norm normal north northern nos nose not notch note notebook nothing notice nou noun novel now nu nuclear nucleus number numeral numero numerous numismatics nun nurse nut nutrition o oak oar oath obey object objective oblast obligation oblique obscene obscure observation observe obstacle obstinate obstruct obstruction obtain obvious occasion occupation occupy occur occurrence ocean odd odor of off offend offense offensive offer offering office officer official offspring often og oh oil old older ole olid olive olla om omen on once oncology one one's oneself oni onion online only ono onomatopoeia onomatopoeic op open opening opera operate operation operator opinion opium opponent opportunity oppose opposite opposition optical optics option or oral orange orbit order ordinary ore organ organic organism organization organize origin original originate ornament ornamental ornithology orphan orthography os other our out outcome outer outline output outside outstanding oven over overcome overflow owl own owner ownership ox oxide oxygen oyster p pace pack package pad paddle page pain painful paint painter painting pair palace pale paleontology palm pan panel pants paper par para parallel parasite parasitic pardon parent pari parish park parliament parrot part partial participant participate participle particle particular particularly partition partitive partner party pas pass passage passenger passerine passing passion passionate passive past pasta paste pastry pasture patch paternal path pathology patience patient patron patronymic pattern pause pawn pay payment pe pea peace peaceful peach peak peanut pear pearl peasant pebble peel peer peg pen penalty pencil penetrate peninsula penis people pepper peptide per perceive perception perennial perfect perform performance performer perfume perhaps period perish permanent permission permit persistent person personal personality persuade pes pester pet petty pharmacology pharmacy phenomenon philosopher philosophy phone phonetics phonology phonosemantic phosphate phosphorus photo photograph photography phrase phylum physical physician physics physiology piano pick pickle picture pie piece pierce pig pigeon pigment pile pill pillar pillow pilot pin pinch pine pink pipe piss pit pitch pitcher pity pizza place placename plague plain plait plan plane planet plank plant plantation plaster plastic plate platform play player playing pleasant please pleasing pleasure pledge plot plough plow pluck plug plum plump plunder pluperfect plural plus po pocket pod poem poet poetic poetry point pointed points poison poisonous poke poker pole police policy polish polite political politician politics polymer polytonic pond ponder pool poor pop popular population pork porridge port portable porter portion position positive possess possession possible post posterior postpone pot potassium potato potential pottery pouch pound pour poverty powder power powerful practical practice praise prank pray prayer precious precise predicative predict prefecture prefix pregnancy pregnant preparation prepare prepared presence present presentation preserve president press pressure pretend preterite pretty prevent previous price prick pride priest primary prime primitive prince princess principal principle print printing prison prisoner private privilege prize pro problem procedure proceed process procession proclaim produce product production productive profession professional profit profound program programming progress project projection prolative prominent promise promote promotion prompt pronominal pronoun pronounce pronunciation proof prop proper property prophet proponent proportion proposal proposition prosody prosperity prosperous prostitute protect protection protective protector protein protest proud prove provide province provision provoke prune psychiatry psychological psychology pub public publication publish publishing puff pull pulse pump pumpkin punch punish punishment pupil puppet puppy purchase pure purple purpose purse pursue pus push pussy put puzzle q quality quantity quarrel quarter que queen question quick quickly quiet quit quite quiver r rabbit race rack radiation radical radio radioactive rag rage raid rail railroad railway rain rainbow raise raja rake ram random range rank rape rapid rapidly rare rascal rash rat rate rather ratio rattle raven raw ray re reach reaction read reader reading ready real reality realize really realm rear reason reasonable rebel rebuke recall receipt receive recent recently reception receptor recite reckless reckon recognition recognize record recording recover recovery red reddish reduce reduction reduplication reed reel refer reference refined reflect reflection reflexive reform refuge refuse regard region regional register regret regular regulate regulation reign rein reindeer reject relate related relation relationship relative relax release reliable relief relieve religion religious remain remainder remark remedy remember remote removal remove render rent repair repay repeat repeatedly replace replacement reply report represent representation representative reprimand reproach reptile republic reputation request require requirement rescue research resemble reserve reside residence resident residential resin resist resistance resistant resolution resolve resource respect respond response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restless restore restrain restraint restriction result retreat return reveal revenge revenue reverse review revive revolt revolution reward rhetoric rhyme rhythm rib ribbon rice rich ride rider ridge ridicule rifle right rigid rim ring rip ripe rise rising risk rite ritual rival river road roam roar roast rob robber robe robust rock rocket rod rodent rogue role roll roller rolling romaji romantic roof room rooster root rope rose rot rotate rotation rotten rough round route row royal rub rubber rubbish rude rug rugby ruin rule ruler rum rumor run runner running rural rush rust s saber sack sacred sacrifice sad saddle sadness safe safety sage said sail sailing sailor sake sal salad salary sale sales saliva salmon salt salty sam same sample sand sandal sandwich sap sarcastic satellite satisfaction satisfied satisfy sauce sausage savage save saw say saying scale scar scare scared scatter scattered scene scent schedule scheme scholar school science sciences scientific scientist scissors scold scoop scope score scorn scorpion scoundrel scrap scrape scratch scream screen screw script sculpture se sea seal seam search season seat second secondary secret secretary secretly sect section sector secure security sediment see seed seek seem segment sei sein seize select selection self sell seller sem semantics semen sen send senior sensation sense sensitive sentence separate separation sequence ser series serious serpent servant serve server service session set setting settle settlement seven seventh sever several severe sew sewing sex sexual sexuality sexually shade shadow shaft shake shallow shame shameless shape shaped share shark sharp sharpen shave she sheath shed sheep sheet shelf shell shelter shepherd shield shift shine shining shinjitai ship shirt shit shiver shock shoe shoot shooting shop shore short shorten shot should shoulder shout shove shovel show shower shrimp shrine shrink shrub shut shy si sia sibling sick sickle sickness side sie sieve sig sigh sight sigmatic sign signal signature significance significant silence silent silicon silk silly silver similar simple simultaneously sin since sincere sing singer singing single singular sink sir sister sit site situation six sixteen sixth sixty size skeleton sketch ski skiing skill skilled skillful skin skinny skip skirt skull sky slab slag slander slang slap slash slaughter slave sleep sleeve slender slice slide slight slightly slim slip slit slope slow slowly sluggish slur slut sly smack small smart smash smear smell smile smoke smoking smooth snack snail snake snap snare snatch sneeze snow so soak soap soccer social society sociology sock socket sodium soft soften software soil sol solar soldier sole solemn solid solitary solution solve some somebody someone someone's something sometimes somewhat son song soon sore sorrow sorrowful sorry sort soul sound soup sour source south southern sovereign sow space spade span spare spark sparkle sparrow speak speaker speaking spear special specialist species specific speech speed spell spend sperm sphere spherical spice spicy spider spike spill spin spine spiral spirit spiritual spit splash spleen splendid split spoil spoken sponge spoon spore sport sports spot spouse spray spread spring sprinkle sprout spur spy squander square squash squeeze squirrel stab stable stack staff stage stain stake stalk stall stamp stance stand standard standing star starch stare start state statement station statistics statue status stay steady steal steam steep steer stem step stern steroid stew stick sticky stiff still stimulate stimulus sting stingy stink stir stitch sto stock stomach stone stool stop storage store storm story stove straight strain strait strand strange stranger strap strategy straw strawberry stream street strength strengthen stress stretch strict strike string strip stripe strive stroke stroll strong strongly structure struggle stubborn stuck student studies study stuff stump stupid stupidity style sub subclass subdistrict subdue subfamily subject subjunctive sublative submit suborder subordinate substance substitute suburb suburban succeed success successful succession such suck sudden suddenly suffer suffering sufficient suffix sugar suggest suicide suit suitable sulfur sum summary summer summit summon sumo sunlight sunset super superfamily superficial superior superlative supernatural supine supplement supply support supporter suppose suppress supreme sure surely surface surgery surgical surname surpass surplus surprise surrender surround survey survive sus suspect suspend suspicion suspicious swallow swamp swan swarm sway swear sweat sweep sweet sweetheart swell swelling swift swim swimming swindle swing switch swollen sword syllabification syllable symbol sympathy symptom syndrome synthesis synthetic syrup system t ta table tablet tag tail take taken taking tale talent talented talk talkative tall tame tan tank tap tape tar target tart task taste tasty tax taxation taxi taxonomic taxonomy te tea teach teacher teaching team tear tease technical technique technology teeth telecommunications telephone television tell temper temperature temple tempo temporal temporary ten tenant tend tendency tender tendon tennis tense tension tent tenth ter term terminal terminate terra terrain terrible territory terror test testicle text textile textiles texture than thanks that the theater theatre theatrical theft their them theme then theology theory therapy there therefore thermal these they thick thicket thief thigh thin thing think thinking third thirst thirteen thirty this thorn thorough thoroughly those thought thousand thread threat threaten three threshold throat throne through throw thrust thumb thunder thus ti tick ticket tide tidy tie tiger tight tighten til tile till tilt timber time times timid tin tiny tip tire tired tissue tit titanium title to toad toast tobacco today toe together toil toilet token tolerate toll tomato tomb tomorrow ton tonal tone tongue too tool tooth top topic topology torch torment tortoise torture toss tot total totally touch tough tour tourist towards tower town township toxic toxin toy trace track trade trader trading tradition traditional traffic trail train training trait traitor tranquil trans transaction transcription transfer transform transformation transgender transition transitive translate translation translative transmission transmit transparent transport transportation trap trash travel tray tread treasure treat treatment tree tremble trench trend trial triangle triangular tribe tributary tribute trick trifle trigonometry trim trip triple trivial troop tropical trouble troublesome trough trousers truck true truly trumpet trunk trust truth try tu tub tube tuft tumor tumour tun tune tunnel turkey turn turning turtle twelve twenty twig twilight twin twist twisted two type typical typography u ugly um umbrella un unable uncertain uncle und under undergo underground understand understanding undertake undo uneven unexpected unexpectedly unfortunate uniform unimportant unincorporated union unique unit unite united universal university unknown unlucky unmarried unpleasant unstable until unusual up upon upper upright upset uranium urban urge urgent urinate urine us usage use used useful useless user usual usually ut uterus utter utterance v vacation vacuum vagina vague vain vale valley valuable value valve van vanish var vara variable variation variety various vase vast vault ve vector vegetable vegetation vehicle veil vein velar velocity venom vent ver verb verbal verify verse version vertebra vertical very vessel vest vet veto vi via vice vicinity victim victory video view vigor vigorous vile villa village vine vinegar violate violence violent violet virgin virtue virtuous virus visible vision visit visitor visual vocative voice void volcano voltage volume vomit vor vote vow vowel vulgar vulva w wa wage wagon wail waist wait wake walk walking wall wan wander wandering want war ward warm warning warp warrior wart wash washing wasp waste wat watch water wave wax way we weak weaken weakness wealth wealthy weapon weaponry wear weary weather weave weaving website wedding wedge weed week weep weigh weight weird welcome welfare well west western wet whale what whatever wheat wheel when where which while whine whip whisper whistle white who whole whore why wicked wide widow width wife wild will willing willow win wind winding window wine wing winner winter wipe wire wisdom wise wish wit witch with withdraw wither within without witness wolf woman womb wonder wonderful wood wooden wool word words work worker working workshop world worm worn worried worry worse worship worth worthless worthy wound wrap wrestling wretched wrinkle wrist write writer writing written wrong x y ya yard yarn yawn ye year yeast yell yellow yes yesterday yet yield yoke you young younger your yours youth z za zero zinc zodiac zone zoology è é ſ