autumn, fall |
خَريف (ar) (ḵaryf)
republican; Republican |
جُمهوريّ (ar) (jumhwryy)
the national anthem |
السلام الجُمهوريّ (ar) (as-slām al-jumhwryy)
symptom |
عَرَض (ar) (ʕaraḍ)، أعراض (ar) (ʔʕrāḍ)
side effects |
أعراض جانِبيّة (ar) (ʔʕrāḍ jānibyya)
consecutive or continuous succession |
تَوالٍ (ar) (tawālin) / التّوالي (ar) (at-twāly)
party-related; partisan, factional |
حِزبيّ (ar) (ḥizbyy)
rope, cord, cable |
حَبْل (ar) (ḥabl)
expectation, anticipation; forecast |
تَوَقُّع ات (ar) (tawaqquʕ āt)
nomination, candidacy |
تَرشيع (ar) (taršyʕ)
valuable, responsible (على for) |
قَيِّم (ar) (qayyim)
pleased, satisfied; accepting, consenting |
راضٍ (ar) (rāḍin) / الرّاضي (ar) (ar-rāḍy)
kufr (rejection of the Islamic faith), unbelief, apostasy |
كُفْر (ar) (kufr)
technical term |
مُصطَلَح ات (ar) (muṣṭalaḥ āt)
terminology |
مُصطَلَحات (ar) (muṣṭalaḥāt)
surprise, astonishment; bewilderment, confusion |
مَهشة (ar) (mahša)
survey, measure; wiping off; sweeping |
مَسْح (ar) (masḥ)
affliction, sorrow, grief |
أسىً (ar) (ʔsan)
darkness |
ظُلمة ات (ar) (ẓulma(t) āt)
glass |
زُجاج (ar) (zujāj)
windshield |
زُجاج أماميّ (ar) (zujāj ʔmāmyy)
to graze, take out to pasture (sheep); to care for, protect sb; to sponsor, promote sb/sth; to safeguard, look after (sb's affairs) |
رَعى (ar) (raʕā)، يَرعي (ar) (yarʕy)، الرَّعي (ar) (ar-raʕy)
sitting down, being seated |
جُلوس (ar) (julws)
colonialism; building of settlements |
اِستِعمار (ar) (istiʕmār)
divergent; against (the law); transgressor, offender |
مُخالِف (ar) (muḵālif)
more/most expensive |
أغلى (ar) (ʔḡlā)
(noun) content; guaranteed, insured |
مَضمون (ar) (maḍmwn)
speech; sermon |
خُطبة (ar) (ḵuṭba)، خُطَب (ar) (ḵuṭab)
prohibition, ban; embargo |
حَظْر (ar) (ḥaẓr)
approach, approximation; getting near |
اِقتِراب (ar) (iqtirāb)
rising, ascending; advanced; fancy, high-class |
راقي (ar) (rāqy)
intelligence, cleverness |
ذَكاء (ar) (ḏakāʔ)
racist |
عُنصُريّ (ar) (ʕunṣuryy)
noble |
نَبيل (ar) (nabyl)
friendly, cordial, amicable, warm |
وُدِّيّ (ar) (wuddiyy)
hell, inferno |
جَحيم (ar) (jaḥym)
descent; reduction, losing (weight); resignation, stepping down |
نُزول (ar) (nuzwl)
to turn around; to turn over; to be reversed, be inverted |
اِنقَلَبَ (ar) (inqalaba)
to respect, revere sb/sth |
اِحتَرَمَ (ar) (iḥtarama)
satellite (broadcasting) station |
فَضائيّة ات (ar) (faḍāʔyya(t) āt)
forbidden, prohibited, banned |
مَمنوع (ar) (mamnwʕ)
investigator; editor; investigating |
مُحَقِّق (ar) (muḥaqqiq)
leading, guiding; commanding; commander |
قِياديّ (ar) (qiyādyy)
to produce, create, yield sth; to cause, result in sth |
أنتَجَ (ar) (ʔntaja)
to get in/on (vehicle), board (ship, airplane), mount (horse, bicycle) |
رَكِبَ (ar) (rakiba)، يَركَبُ (ar) (yarkabu)، الرُّكوب (ar) (ar-rukwb)
dance, dancing |
رَقْص (ar) (raqṣ)
impediment; objection |
حَزَج (ar) (ḥazaj)
courage |
شَجاعة (ar) (šajāʕa)
taking charge, assuming responsibility |
تَوَلٍّ (ar) (tawallin) / التَّوَلي (ar) (at-tawaly)
guaranteeing, ensuring (ب sth); guarantor, sponsor, (person) responsible |
كَفيل (ar) (kafyl)
liver (organ); center, middle |
كَبِد (ar) (kabid)
glory, honor; power |
عِزّة (ar) (ʕizza)
self esteem |
عِزّة النَّفْس (ar) (ʕizza(t) an-nafs)
marketing |
تَسويق (ar) (taswyq)
piece of wood; board or plank |
خَشَبة ات (ar) (ḵašaba(t) āt)
(theater) stage |
خَشَبة المَسرَح (ar) (ḵašaba(t) al-masraḥ)
goalpost |
خَشَبات الجول (ar) (ḵašabāt al-jwl)
poison, toxin |
سَمّ (ar) (samm)، سُموم (ar) (sumwm)
to overflow; to exceed, go beyond عن sth |
فاضَ (ar) (fāḍa)، يَفيضُ (ar) (yafyḍu)، الفَيْض (ar) (al-fayḍ)
employing, using; user |
مُستَخدِم (ar) (mustaḵdim)
logical, rational |
مَنطِقيّ (ar) (manṭiqyy)
scandal; disgrace, shame |
فَضيحة (ar) (faḍyḥa)
perhaps, maybe, I wonder... |
يا تُرى (ar) (yā turā)
moral, ethical |
أخلاقيّ (ar) (ʔḵlāqyy)
to be necessary (على for sb) to do sth; to cling to |
لَزِمَ (ar) (lazima)، يَلزَمُ (ar) (yalzamu)، اللُّزوم (ar) (al-luzwm)
to keep quiet |
لَزِمَ الصَّمْت (ar) (lazima ṣ-ṣamt)
to stay in bed |
لَزِمَ الفِراش (ar) (lazima l-firāš)
to sink, drown, be submerged |
غَرِقَ (ar) (ḡariqa)، يَغرَقُ (ar) (yaḡraqu)، الغَرَق (ar) (al-ḡaraq)
Soviet |
سوفييتيّ (ar) (swfyytyy)
to reflect on, ponder (في) sth |
تَأَمَّلَ (ar) (taʔammala)
concerning, regarding |
حِيال (ar) (ḥiyāl)
to act, behave, proceed (في/مع with sb/sth; وكَأَنَّ as if) |
تَصَرَّفَ (ar) (taṣarrafa)
selling |
بائِع (ar) (bāʔiʕ)
selling, vendor; merchant |
باعة (ar) (bāʕa)
reviving, enlivening; celebrating (anniversary); commemorating |
إحياء (ar) (ʔiḥyāʔ)
in memory of |
إحياءً لِذِكرى (ar) (ʔiḥyāʔan liḏikrā)
warm |
دافِئ (ar) (dāfiʔ)
cat |
قِطّ (ar) (qiṭṭ)، قِطَط (ar) (qiṭaṭ)
innocence; acquittal |
بَراءة (ar) (barāʔa)
(invention) patent |
بَراءة اِختِراع (ar) (barāʔa(t) iḵtirāʕ)
humiliation, dishonor |
ذُلّ (ar) (ḏull)
room, chamber; compartment, enclosure; (bio) cell |
حُجرة (ar) (ḥujra)، حُجَر (ar) (ḥujar)
occupier; occupying, occupation (forces) |
مُحتَلّ (ar) (muḥtall)
built, based (على on) |
مَبنيّ (ar) (mabnyy)
avoidance, avoiding |
تَجَنُّب (ar) (tajannub)
to lie (على to sb) |
كَذَبَ (ar) (kaḏaba)، يَكذِبُ (ar) (yakḏibu)، الكِذْب (ar) (al-kiḏb)
publication; brochure; published, posted (on the Web) |
مَنشور ات (ar) (manšwr āt)
to wage (war, battle) ضِدّ against; to embark on (a campaign); to wade في into (water); to plunge, dive في into (an issue) |
خاضَ (ar) (ḵāḍa)، يَخوضُ (ar) (yaḵwḍu)، الخَوْض (ar) (al-ḵawḍ)
to exceed, go beyond; to infringe على on (sb's rights) |
تَعَدّى (ar) (taʕaddā)
tank |
دَبّابة ات (ar) (dabbāba(t) āt)
garden |
رَوْضة (ar) (rawḍa)، رِياض (ar) (riyāḍ)
kindergarten |
رَوْضة الأطفال (ar) (rawḍa(t) al-ʔṭfāl)
steadfastness, determination |
صُمود (ar) (ṣumwd)
controlled, regulated; accurate, precise |
مَضبوط (ar) (maḍbwṭ)
beating, palpitation, throbbing |
نَبْض (ar) (nabḍ)
general, public, common; plenary |
عُموميّ (ar) (ʕumwmyy)
to arrive, come إلى to; approach على sth |
قَدِمَ (ar) (qadima)، يَقدِمُ (ar) (yaqdimu)، القُدوم (ar) (al-qudwm)
neck (person, bottle) |
عُنْق (ar) (ʕunq)
interested, concerned; (person, party) interested, concerned |
مُهتَمّ (ar) (muhtamm)
eyesight, (plain) view |
عِيان (ar) (ʕiyān)
eyewitness |
شاهِد عِيان (ar) (šāhid ʕiyān)
honored, revered |
مُكَرَّم (ar) (mukarram)
membership, affiliation; commitment |
اِنتِماء (ar) (intimāʔ)
drop |
قَطرة ات (ar) (qaṭra(t) āt)
to intend, want (to do sth) |
نَوى (ar) (nawā)، يَنوي (ar) (yanwy)، النَّوْى (ar) (an-nawā)
installation, assembling; structure, construction |
تَركيب (ar) (tarkyb)
bitter |
مُرّ (ar) (murr)
to deny, dispute (claim) |
أنكَرَ (ar) (ʔnkara)
walk, stroll, promenade |
مِشوار (ar) (mišwār)
to review, go over sth; (mil.) to review (troops); to tour (facilities) |
اِستَعرَضَ (ar) (istaʕraḍa)
height, altitude, elevation; highlands |
مُرتَفَع (ar) (murtafaʕ)
Olympic |
أولِمبيّ (ar) (ʔwlimbyy)
to suggest, imply, indicate بِأنَّ that; to inspire ل sb ب to do sth |
أوْحى (ar) (ʔwḥā)
shame, bashfulness, shyness |
خَجَل (ar) (ḵajal)
(adj) iron, iron-like |
حَديديّ (ar) (ḥadydyy)
correction |
تَصحيح (ar) (taṣḥyḥ)
adoption |
تَبَنٍّ (ar) (tabannin) / التَّبَنّي (ar) (at-tabanny)
to plant (seed); to implant, transplant (organ); to set (bomb), lay (mines); to grow (plants, crops); to cultivate, farm (land) |
زَرَعَ (ar) (zaraʕa)، يَزرَعُ (ar) (yazraʕu)، الزَّرْع (ar) (az-zarʕ)
suitable, appropriate |
مُلائِم (ar) (mulāʔim)
virtue; (in titles) فَضيلة الشَّيْخ His Eminence, the Sheikh |
فَضيلة (ar) (faḍyla)
illuminate; honored |
مُنَوَّر (ar) (munawwar)
viewer, spectator |
مُشاهِد (ar) (mušāhid)
crossig point, juncture |
مَعبَر (ar) (maʕbar)، مَعابِر (ar) (maʕābir)
to be wrong, make a mistake (في in doing sth); to do (في sth) incorrectly |
أخطَأَ (ar) (ʔḵṭaʔa)
lion |
أسَد (ar) (ʔsad)، أُسود (ar) (ʔuswd)
socialist |
اِشتِراكيّ (ar) (ištirākyy)
aggression, hostility; enmity, animosity |
عَداء (ar) (ʕadāʔ)
nose; (figurative) pride |
أنْف (ar) (ʔnf)
against his will, to spite him |
رَغمَ أنفِهِ (ar) (raḡma ʔnfihi)
shortness, smallness; limiting, restricting |
قَصْر (ar) (qaṣr)
abbreviation, shortening |
اِختِصار (ar) (iḵtiṣār)
briefly, in short |
بِاِختِصار (ar) (biiḵtiṣār)
cigarette |
سيجارة (ar) (syjāra)، سَجائِر (ar) (sajāʔir)
spending, expenditure; exertion, effort; donating |
بَذْل (ar) (baḏl)
to be characterized ب by |
اِتَّسَمَ (ar) (ittasama)
alliance, treaty, pact |
حِلُف (ar) (ḥiluf)
result, outcome; sum, total count; revenue |
حَصيلة (ar) (ḥaṣyla)
to drop, fall, decline; to fall (night, darkness); to land (aircraft) |
هَبَطَ (ar) (habaṭa)، يَهبِطُ (ar) (yahbiṭu)، الهُبوط (ar) (al-hubwṭ)
cost, expenditure, overhead |
كُلفة (ar) (kulfa)
interim |
غُضون (ar) (ḡuḍwn)
during |
في غُضون (ar) (fy ḡuḍwn)
residence, domicile |
مَسكَن (ar) (maskan)، مَساكِن (ar) (masākin)
almost, nearly |
قُرابةَ (ar) (qurābata)
to accept ل (an invitation); to grant ل (a request); to comply with ل (sb's demands); to respond to ل (medical treatment) |
اِستَجابَ (ar) (istajāba)
spiritual; alcoholic |
روحيّ (ar) (rwḥyy)
in front of |
َقُدّام (ar) (aquddām)
to approach, draw near |
قَرُبَ (ar) (qaruba)، يَقرُبُ (ar) (yaqrubu)، القَرابة (ar) (al-qarāba)
failed, failing, unsuccessful; a failure |
فاشِل (ar) (fāšil)
avoiding, moving or staying away; distancing oneself (عن from) |
اِبتِعاد (ar) (ibtiʕād)
to explain, interpret sth (ل for sb) |
فَسَّرَ (ar) (fassara)
conviction, belief |
قَناعة (ar) (qanāʕa)
out of conviction |
عن قَناعة (ar) (ʕn qanāʕa)
convinced |
على قَناعة (ar) (ʕlā qanāʕa)
to complain إلى to sb من about; to suffer من from |
شكا (ar) (škā)، يَشكو (ar) (yaškw)، الشَّكْو (ar) (aš-šakw)
Pakistani |
باكِستانيّ (ar) (bākistānyy)
beast |
وَحْش (ar) (waḥš)، وُحوش (ar) (wuḥwš)
to wake up; be alert |
اِستَيْقَظَ (ar) (istayqaẓa)
kind, gentle, polite, nice |
لَطيف (ar) (laṭyf)
oh my! wow! |
يا لَطيف (ar) (yā laṭyf)
apology; excuse |
اِعتِذار (ar) (iʕtiḏār)
impasse, predicament; dilemma, crisis |
مَأْزِق (ar) (maʔziq)
decline, deterioration; fall, drop |
تَدَهوُر (ar) (tadahwur)
relinquishment, surrender, renunciation (من of) |
تَخَلّي (ar) (taḵally)
(gradual) growth, increase, rise |
تُزايُد (ar) (tuzāyud)
to maintain, pursue (efforts); to maintain mutual contacts or intercommunication مع with |
تَواصَلَ (ar) (tawāṣala)
after, followed by |
تِلوَ (ar) (tilwa)
serious, grave, critical; dangerous, risky |
خَطِر (ar) (ḵaṭir)
arbitration |
تَحكيم (ar) (taḥkym)
jury |
لَجنة تَحكيم (ar) (lajna(t) taḥkym)
curse, oath; enchantment, spell |
لَعنة (ar) (laʕna)
maternal uncle |
خال (ar) (ḵāl)
to surprise sb (ب with) |
فاجَأَ (ar) (fājaʔa)
to be surprised (ب by) |
فوجِئَ (ar) (fwjiʔa)
immediate, instant; direct |
فَوْريّ (ar) (fawryy)
sold |
مَبيع (ar) (mabyʕ)
sales |
مَبيعات (ar) (mabyʕāt)
mindful, careful, protective على of; eager, desirous على for, keen على on |
حَريص (ar) (ḥaryṣ)
for free, free of charge |
مَجّاناً (ar) (majjānan) / بِالمَجّان (ar) (bi-l-majjān)
hearing |
سَمْع (ar) (samʕ)
hurrying, hastening |
مُسرِع (ar) (musriʕ)
adventure, risk |
مُغامَرة (ar) (muḡāmara)
(adj) family, domestic, familial |
عائِليّ (ar) (ʕāʔilyy)
to remind sb |
ذَكَّرَ (ar) (ḏakkara)
learning, study |
تَعَلُّم (ar) (taʕallum)
to rejoice; to be happy ب/ل about sth |
فَرِحَ (ar) (fariḥa)، يَفرَحُ (ar) (yafraḥu)، الفَرَح (ar) (al-faraḥ)
straight, correct |
سَويّ (ar) (sawyy)
together, jointly |
سَويّاً (ar) (sawyyan)
struggle, battle |
نِضال (ar) (niḍāl)
not to mention |
نَاهيك (ar) (nāhyk)
author, writer |
أديب (ar) (ʔdyb)، أُدَباء (ar) (ʔudabāʔ)
lute; stick, match stick; aloe plant |
عود (ar) (ʕwd)
aloe gel; body, physique |
دُهْن العودِ (ar) (duhn al-ʕwdi)
frail, delicate |
طَريّ (ar) (ṭaryy) / ناعِم العودِ (ar) (nāʕim al-ʕwdi)
to assist, support sb/sth |
أعانَ (ar) (ʔʕāna)
militia |
ميليشيا ات (ar) (mylyšyā āt)
spending, expenditure, disbursement; expenses |
إنفاق (ar) (ʔinfāq)
gem; jewel; (fig) essence, substance, gist; heart, crux, core |
جَوْهَر (ar) (jawhar)، جَواهِر (ar) (jawāhir)
loyalty, allegiance |
وَلاء (ar) (walāʔ)
scenario |
سيناريو (ar) (synāryw)
to recover, regain, reclaim sth |
اِستَعادَ (ar) (istaʕāda)
to distinguish sth/sb, to set sth/sb apart (عن from the rest); to differentiate, tell the difference بين between |
مَيَّزَ (ar) (mayyaza)
gradual, progressive |
تَدريجيّ (ar) (tadryjyy)
gradually |
تَدريجيّاً (ar) (tadryjyyan)
to lower, lessen, decrease sth; to alleviate, mitigate من sth |
خَفَّفَ (ar) (ḵaffafa)
rebellion, insurgency, insurrection |
تَمَرُّد (ar) (tamarrud)
to result, arise من/عن from |
نَتَجَ (ar) (nataja)، يَنتَجُ (ar) (yantaju)، النَّتْج (ar) (an-natj)
pollution, contamination |
تَلَوُّث (ar) (talawwuṯ)
treaty, pact, charter |
ميثاق (ar) (myṯāq)
cleanliness |
نَظافة (ar) (naẓāfa)
drop, fall, decline; descent; landing (aircraft); (med) prolapse |
هُبوط (ar) (hubwṭ)
messiah |
مَسيح (ar) (masyḥ)
to veil, cover, hide sth |
سَتَرَ (ar) (satara)، يَستَرُ (ar) (yastaru)، السَّتْر (ar) (as-satr)
sweat, perspiration; araq (alcoholic drink similar to ouzo) |
عَرَق (ar) (ʕaraq)
married (من to) |
مُتَزَوِّج (ar) (mutazawwij)
encirclement, containment; bounds, limits |
حَصْر (ar) (ḥaṣr)
unlimited, immense |
لا حَصْر لَهُ (ar) (lā ḥaṣr lahu)
prevention; precaution; protection |
وِقاية (ar) (wiqāya)
guardian; patron, sponsor; steward |
راعي (ar) (rāʕy)
well, spring |
بِئْر (ar) (biʔr)
passing (of time); expiration (deadline) |
مُضيّ (ar) (muḍyy)
proceeding, continuing (في with) |
المُضيّ قُدُماً (ar) (al-muḍyy quduman)
to adopt sth; to claim responsibility for sth; to be built |
تَبَنّى (ar) (tabannā)
ratification, confirmation |
إقرار (ar) (ʔiqrār)
to spend, change (money); to dismiss, fire sb; to divert sth (عن from) |
صَرَفَ (ar) (ṣarafa)، يَصرِفُ (ar) (yaṣrifu)، صَريف (ar) (ṣaryf)
(mil) buildup, mobilization; crowd, gathering |
حَشْد (ar) (ḥašd)
orphan; orphaned; unique, sole, only (existing) |
يَتيم (ar) (yatym)، أتيام (ar) (ʔtyām)
warmth, heat; warm, hot, spicy |
حَرّ (ar) (ḥarr)
livelihood, subsistence; life, living |
مَعيشة (ar) (maʕyša)
to complete, finish, conclude sth |
أتَمّ (ar) (ʔtamm)
fabric, tissue, textile |
نَسيج (ar) (nasyj)
expended (efforts); efforts, endeavors |
مَجهود (ar) (majhwd)
support, assistance; approval |
تَأْييد (ar) (taʔyyd)
reputation, fame |
شُهرة (ar) (šuhra)
competition, rivalry |
تَنافُس (ar) (tanāfus)
muscle |
عَضَلة ات (ar) (ʕaḍala(t) āt)
jealousy; zeal |
غَيْرة (ar) (ḡayra)
to tell sb, speak to sb (عن about); to narrate |
حَدَّثَ (ar) (ḥaddaṯa)
mental, intellectual; rational |
عَقليّ (ar) (ʕaqlyy)
academy |
أكاديميّة (ar) (ʔkādymyya)
to harm, injure ب sth (one's health) |
ضَرَّ (ar) (ḍarra)، يَضٌرُّ (ar) (yaḍunrru)، الضَّرّ (ar) (aḍ-ḍarr)
raid, foray |
غارة ات (ar) (ḡāra(t) āt)
tent |
خَيْمة (ar) (ḵayma)، خِيام (ar) (ḵiyām)
diverse, different, separate; dispersed, scattered, sporadic |
مُتَفَرِّق (ar) (mutafarriq)
budget; balance, comparison |
مُوازَرة (ar) (mūzara)
myth, fable; tale, legend |
أُسطورة (ar) (ʔusṭwra)، أساطير (ar) (ʔsāṭyr)
used, utilized, employed |
مُستَخدَم (ar) (mustaḵdam)
cleaning |
تَنظيف (ar) (tanẓyf)
to allege, claim بِأنّ/أنّ that |
زَعَمَ (ar) (zaʕama)، يَزعَمُ (ar) (yazʕamu)، الزَّعْم (ar) (az-zaʕm)
bosom; arms |
حِضْن (ar) (ḥiḍn)، أحضان (ar) (ʔḥḍān)
amidst, in the hearts of |
في (ar) (fī) / بين أحضان (ar) (byn ʔḥḍān)
to approach, draw near على sb/sth; to engage على in |
أقبَلَ (ar) (ʔqbala)
Bahraini |
بَحرَنيّ (ar) (baḥranyy)
clay; mud |
طين (ar) (ṭyn)
to make things worse |
زَادَ الطّين بِلّةً (ar) (zāda ṭ-ṭyn billatan)
section; selection, excerpt |
مَقطَع (ar) (maqṭaʕ)، مَقاطِع (ar) (maqāṭiʕ)
sarcasm, cynicism; ridicule |
سُخريّة (ar) (suḵryya)
similar |
مُشابِه (ar) (mušābih)
fluid, liquid |
سائِل (ar) (sāʔil)، سَوائِل (ar) (sawāʔil)
ladder; stairs, staircase; scale |
سُلَّم (ar) (sullam)
stretching, extending; spreading |
مُمتَدّ (ar) (mumtadd)
to support, lean on, rely on إلى st |
اِستَنَدَ (ar) (istanada)
to flow, circulate, spread; to apply (a law) على to |
سَرى (ar) (sarā)، يَسري (ar) (yasry)، السَّيَران (ar) (as-sayarān)
lowering, decreasing; reduction, diminution |
خَفْض (ar) (ḵafḍ)
assumed, presumed, supposed, alleged |
مُفتَرَض (ar) (muftaraḍ)
parting, farewell, going away |
فِراق (ar) (firāq)
(fem) shoulder |
كَتِف (ar) (katif)
to grab, hold sth or ب sth |
مَسَكَ (ar) (masaka)، يَمسِكُ (ar) (yamsiku)، المَسْك (ar) (al-mask)
variety, diversity |
تَنَوُّع (ar) (tanawwuʕ)
facility, installation, plant |
مُنشَأة (ar) (munšaʔa)، مُنشَآت (ar) (munšaʔāt)
random, indiscriminate, arbitrary |
عشوائِيّ (ar) (ʕšwāʔiyy)
limiting, curbing من (sb's freedom, power); stopping, halting, ending من sth |
حَدّ (ar) (ḥadd)
organizer, sponsor; organizing, sponsoring |
مُنَظَّم (ar) (munaẓẓam)
fear, anxiety; concern, worry |
خَشية (ar) (ḵašya)
arm, lever, crank |
ذِراع (ar) (ḏirāʕ)، أُذرُع (ar) (ʔuḏruʕ)
capable, efficient; Omnipotent (God) |
قَدير (ar) (qadyr)
to undertake, tackle, approach على sth |
أقدَمَ (ar) (ʔqdama)
ideal, perfect, exemplary, model |
مِثاليّ (ar) (miṯālyy)
prophetic; relating to the Prophet Muhammad |
نَبَويّ (ar) (nabawyy)
control, power, rule; supremacy, domination |
هَيْمَنة (ar) (haymana)
perpetration, commission (crime, error) |
اِرتِكاب (ar) (irtikāb)
removal; elimination; deposition |
نَزْع (ar) (nazʕ)
designation, specification; allocation, appropriation; reserving, earmarking |
تَخصيص (ar) (taḵṣyṣ)
specialty, area of competence; jurisdiction, domain, area of responsibility |
اِختِصاص (ar) (iḵtiṣāṣ)
person, soul (in a census) |
نَسَمة (ar) (nasama)
immediately; with pronoun تَوَّهُ he has just (done sth) |
لِلتَّوِّ (ar) (lilttawwi)
wealth, affluence |
غِنىً (ar) (ḡinan)
it is indispensable |
لا غِنى عنه (ar) (lā ḡinā ʕnh)
we can do without it |
نحن في عِنىً عنه (ar) (nḥn fy ʕinan ʕnh)
manner, way; haste |
غِرار (ar) (ḡirār)
in the Name of God |
بِسمِ (ar) (bismi)
persuasion, convincing; conviction, firm belief |
إقناع (ar) (ʔiqnāʕ)
easier/est |
أسهَل (ar) (ʔshal)
diminution, reduction, decrease |
تَقليل (ar) (taqlyl)
certainly, sure, yes indeed |
بَلى (ar) (balā)
to give up, do without sth; to refrain, abstain عن from; to prevent, keep sb عن from doing sth |
كَفَّ (ar) (kaffa)، يَكُفُّ. الكَفّ (ar) (yakuffu. al-kaff)
lowering, reducing; reduction, decrease; discount |
تَخفيض ات (ar) (taḵfyḍ āt)
horse |
حِصان (ar) (ḥiṣān)
shouting, screaming |
صُراخ (ar) (ṣurāḵ)
to start, undertake في sth |
شَرَعَ (ar) (šaraʕa)، يَشرَعُ (ar) (yašraʕu)، الشُّروع (ar) (aš-šurwʕ)
agreement, accord; reconciliation |
وِفاق (ar) (wifāq)
criminal, penal |
جِنائيّ (ar) (jināʔyy)
digging, drilling; excavation |
حَفْر (ar) (ḥafr)
unionist, federal |
اِتِّحاديّ (ar) (ittiḥādyy)
to become clear, evident; to appear, manifest itself |
تَجَلّى (ar) (tajallā)
schedule, hours; appointed time; appointment, engagement; promise |
ميعاد (ar) (myʕād)، مَواعيد (ar) (mawāʕyd)
more/most difficult, harder/est |
أصَعب (ar) (ʔṣaʕb)
sensitivity; allergy |
حَسّاسيّة (ar) (ḥassāsyya)
settling (a matter, dispute) |
حَسْم (ar) (ḥasm)
preparation; facilitating, paving (the way) |
تَمهيد (ar) (tamhyd)
in preparation for, paving the way for, in order to facilitate |
تَمهيداً لِ (ar) (tamhydan li)
founding, creating; constituent; founder, creator |
مُؤَسِّس (ar) (muʔassis)
to encourage, urge, incite sb على to do sth |
حَثَّ (ar) (ḥaṯṯa)، يَحُثُّ (ar) (yaḥuṯṯu)، الحَثّ (ar) (al-ḥaṯṯ)
blackness |
سَواد (ar) (sawād)
masses, populace |
سَواد الناس (ar) (sawād an-nās)
heart; mind |
فُؤاد (ar) (fuʔād)
ally, allied |
حَليف (ar) (ḥalyf)، حُلَفاء (ar) (ḥulafāʔ)
to lessen, reduce (من) sth; to diminish, downplay من sth |
قَلَّلَ (ar) (qallala)
correct, true |
صَواب (ar) (ṣawāb)
forehead, brow |
جَبين (ar) (jabyn)
Communist |
شُيوعيّ (ar) (šuywʕyy)
double, multiple; (with number) times |
ضِعْف (ar) (ḍiʕf)، أضعاف (ar) (ʔḍʕāf)
making (sb/sth do sth), causing (sb/sth to be sth); beginning (to do sth) |
جَعْل (ar) (jaʕl)
stopping, halting, detaining |
إيقاف (ar) (ʔīqāf)
objection, opposition على to sth |
اِعتِراض (ar) (iʕtirāḍ)
to cross (border, street) |
عَبَرَ (ar) (ʕabara)، يَعبُرُ (ar) (yaʕburu)، العُبور (ar) (al-ʕubwr)
inquiry |
اِستِخبار (ar) (istiḵbār)
intelligence service, secret service |
اِستِخبارات (ar) (istiḵbārāt)
to plan, make plans ل to do sth; to draw lines, define (borders) |
خَطَّطَ (ar) (ḵaṭṭaṭa)
soiree, evening gathering |
سَهرة (ar) (sahra)
overthrowing (government); bringing down, shooting down (aircraft) |
إسقاط (ar) (ʔisqāṭ)
escape, flight; desertion |
هَرَب (ar) (harab)
(coll) cows |
بَقَر (ar) (baqar)
statement, proposition; expression |
مَقولة (ar) (maqwla)
dismantling, taking apart; separating, breaking up; loosening, untying |
فَكَّ (ar) (fakka)، يَفُكُّ (ar) (yafukku)، الفِكاك (ar) (al-fikāk)
disengagement of troops |
فَكَّ الاِشتِباك (ar) (fakka l-ištibāk) / الاِرتِباط (ar) (al-irtibāṭ)
pyramid |
هَرَم (ar) (haram)، أهرام (ar) (ʔhrām)
abduction, kidnapping; hijacking; snatch (in weightlifting) |
خَطْف (ar) (ḵaṭf)
vehicle, craft; cart, carriage; space shuttle |
مَركَبة (ar) (markaba)
peasant, farmer |
فَلّاح (ar) (fallāḥ)
deep-rooted; ancient, noble, aristocratic |
عَريق (ar) (ʕaryq)
merchandise, goods |
بِضاعة (ar) (biḍāʕa)، بِضائِع (ar) (biḍāʔiʕ)
proof, confirmation; verification |
إثبات (ar) (ʔiṯbāt)
specific, characteristic; qualitative |
نَوْعيّ (ar) (nawʕyy)
commenting; commentator |
مُعَلِّق (ar) (muʕalliq)
to refuse, decline sth or أنْ to do sth |
أبى (ar) (ʔbā)، يَأبى (ar) (yaʔbā)، الإباء (ar) (al-ʔibāʔ)
to be completed, finished; to be perfect, integral |
اِكتَمَلَ (ar) (iktamala)
stance, posture; pause, break |
وَقفة (ar) (waqfa)
morself, bite |
لُقمة (ar) (luqma)
one's daily bread, making a living |
لُقمة العَيْش (ar) (luqma(t) al-ʕayš)
standard, measure, measurement |
مِقياس (ar) (miqyās)، مَقاييس (ar) (maqāyys)
assortment, group; line-up (team sports) |
تَشكيلة (ar) (taškyla)
to be incumbent على on sb أنْ to do sth; to be appointed, be designated as sth |
تَعَيَّنَ (ar) (taʕayyana)
watery, liquid, fluid, aquatic; hydraulic |
مائيّ (ar) (māʔyy)
to harm, offend, insult إلى sb; (with following masdar) to do sth badly, incorrectly |
أساءَ (ar) (ʔsāʔa)
to control في/ب sth |
تَحَكَّمَ (ar) (taḥakkama)
bell |
جَرَس (ar) (jaras)
supreme, exalted, sublime |
عَليّ (ar) (ʕalyy)
the Supreme (God) |
العَليّ (ar) (al-ʕalyy)
star; female celebrity |
نَجمة (ar) (najma)
three-part, tri-partite, tri- |
ثُلاثيّ (ar) (ṯulāṯyy)
one's full name |
الاِسْم الثُّلاثيّ (ar) (al-ism aṯ-ṯulāṯyy)
Arabism |
عُروبة (ar) (ʕurwba)
solace, consolation, comfort; condolence(s), sympathy |
عَزاء (ar) (ʕazāʔ)
majority |
أكثَريّة (ar) (ʔkṯaryya)
ruins, destruction |
خَراب (ar) (ḵarāb)
to make possible من sth (for sb) |
مَكَّنَ (ar) (makkana)
? |
جَدُرَ (ar) (jadura)، يَجدُرُ (ar) (yajduru)، الجَدارة (ar) (al-jadāra)
curtain; veil |
سِتار (ar) (sitār)
to burn sth; to hurt sb |
حَرَقَ (ar) (ḥaraqa)، يَحرِقُ (ar) (yaḥriqu)، الحَرْق (ar) (al-ḥarq)
mufti (Muslim legal scholar) |
مُفتي (ar) (mufty)
according to |
حَسْبما (ar) (ḥasbmā)
feature, characteristic; advantage |
مَزيّة (ar) (mazyya)، مَزايا (ar) (mazāyā)
framework, structure; skeleton; temple, sanctuary |
هَيْكَل (ar) (haykal)
low; reduced |
مُنخَفِض (ar) (munḵafiḍ)
to cause, bring about (reaction, change, situation) |
أحدَثَ (ar) (ʔḥdaṯa)
revolutionary |
ثَوّريّ (ar) (ṯawwryy)
decreed, ordered; drawn, sketched; charted (course); decree, edict, ordinance, statue |
مَرسوم (ar) (marswm)
target, object (of criticism), exposed (to virus) |
عُرضة (ar) (ʕurḍa)
certified, qualified; competent, experienced |
مُؤَهَّل (ar) (muʔahhal)
to meet (needs), fulfill (desires, expectations); to comply with (request) |
لَبّى (ar) (labbā)
to befall, strike على/ب sb (misfortune); to arrive, start (month, season) |
حَلَّ (ar) (ḥalla)، يَحُلُّ (ar) (yaḥullu)، الحَلّ (ar) (al-ḥall)
billboard, placard, sign |
لافِتة ات (ar) (lāfita(t) āt)
border, edge, side; seam, hem |
حافة (ar) (ḥāfa)
frightful, terrifying, horrible |
مُخيف (ar) (muḵyf)
mechanical, automatic; machine- |
آليّ (ar) (ʔālyy)
police officer, policeman |
شُرطيّ (ar) (šurṭyy)
to support, assist sb; to approve of sth |
أيَّدَ (ar) (ʔyyada)
authority; authoritative source |
مَرجِعيّة (ar) (marjiʕyya)
robbing, depriving |
سَلْب (ar) (salb)
negatively |
سَلْباً (ar) (salban)
weekly |
أُسبوعيّ (ar) (ʔusbwʕyy)
face, facade; front, forefront; (computer) interface, front end |
واجِهة (ar) (wājiha)
splendid, shining; bright, auspicious |
مُشرِق (ar) (mušriq)
uniform, dress, clothing |
زيّ (ar) (zyy)، أزياء (ar) (ʔzyāʔ)
fashion clothes, haute couture |
أزياء (ar) (ʔzyāʔ)
(fem pl) who, whom |
اللَّواتي (ar) (al-lawāty)
allegation, claim; prosecution |
اِدِّعاء (ar) (iddiʕāʔ)
the public prosecutor |
الاِدِّعاء العامّ (ar) (al-iddiʕāʔ al-ʕāmm)
strengthening, reinforcement |
تَقوية (ar) (taqwya)
sorcerer, magician; charming, enchanting |
ساحِر (ar) (sāḥir)
incomplete, defective; missing, lacking (sth); (math) minus |
ناقِص (ar) (nāqiṣ)
development-related |
تَنمَويّ (ar) (tanmawyy)
discussion, debate; talk, dialogue |
مُباحَثة ات (ar) (mubāḥaṯa(t) āt)
attraction, lure; gravitation |
جَذْب (ar) (jaḏb)
withdrawal, pulling out; removal |
سَحْب (ar) (saḥb)
liberation; release, freeing (عن of) |
إفراج (ar) (ʔifrāj)
isolation, seclusion; separation |
عُزلة (ar) (ʕuzla)
escalation, intensification |
تَصعيد (ar) (taṣʕyd)
support, base; pillar, column, mast; (mil) major general |
عِمام (ar) (ʕimām)، عُمُم (ar) (ʕumum)
slowness |
بُطء (ar) (buṭʔ)
slowly |
بِبًطءٍ (ar) (bibanṭʔin)
lesson, moral |
عَبرة (ar) (ʕabra)، عَبِر (ar) (ʕabir)
return, going back (إلى to); reversing عن (one's decision) |
رُجوع (ar) (rujwʕ)
modesty, shyness, inhibition, shame |
حَياء (ar) (ḥayāʔ)
previous, former; earlier |
أسبَق (ar) (ʔsbaq)
adherence, commitment (ب to) |
تَمَسُّك (ar) (tamassuk)
setting |
غُروب (ar) (ḡurwb)
sunset |
غُروب الشَّمْس (ar) (ḡurwb aš-šams)
bus |
حافِلة ات (ar) (ḥāfila(t) āt)
effort, endeavor |
مَسعىً (ar) (masʕan)، مَساعٍ (ar) (masāʕin) / المَساعي (ar) (al-masāʕy)
to contain, include (على) sth |
حَوى (ar) (ḥawā)، يَحوي (ar) (yaḥwy)، الحَواية (ar) (al-ḥawāya)
non-existence, absence, lack of |
اِنعِدام (ar) (inʕidām)
salon, chat room, parlor, exhibit room |
صالون (ar) (ṣālwn)
classification, categorization, sorting |
تَصنيف (ar) (taṣnyf)
treaty, accord, pact |
مُعاهَدة (ar) (muʕāhada)
wish |
بُغْية (ar) (buḡya)
with the purpose of |
بُغْيةَ (ar) (buḡyata)
tourist |
سائِح (ar) (sāʔiḥ)، سُيّاح (ar) (suyyāḥ)
convoy, column |
قافِلة (ar) (qāfila)، قَوافىل (ar) (qawāfāl)
report, bulletin; publication; announcement, proclamation |
نَشرة (ar) (našra)
surgical |
جِراحيّ (ar) (jirāḥyy)
urgent, critical, pressing |
مُلِحّ (ar) (muliḥḥ)
consecutive, successive |
مُتَتالٍ (ar) (mutatālin) / المُتَتالي (ar) (al-mutatāly)
accustomed, habituated على to sth; typical, usual, contrary |
مُعْتاد (ar) (muʕtād)
to fight, wage war against sb/sth |
حارَبَ (ar) (ḥāraba)
to be suitable for sb |
ناسَبَ (ar) (nāsaba)
embellishment, decoration |
تَجميل (ar) (tajmyl)
Jamahiriya (Libya?) |
جَماهيريّة (ar) (jamāhyryya)
to wrap sth; to turn, rotate, go around |
لَفَّ (ar) (laffa)، يَلُفُّ (ar) (yaluffu)، اللَّفّ (ar) (al-laff)
hurry, rush, haste |
عَجَل (ar) (ʕajal)
to watch, observe, monitor sth/sb; to oversee, supervise sth/sb |
راقَبَ (ar) (rāqaba)
discontinuation, breaking off |
اِنقِطاع (ar) (inqiṭāʕ)
motor, engine |
مُحَرِّك (ar) (muḥarrik)
Bedouin |
بَدَويّ (ar) (badawyy)، بَدو (ar) (badw)
beverage, drink |
شَراب (ar) (šarāb)
inflammation |
اِلتِهاب ات (ar) (iltihāb āt)
collecting, gathering; collector; battery; (web) aggregator (feed reader, news reader) |
مُجَمِّع (ar) (mujammiʕ)
to demand, require sth |
اِقتَضى (ar) (iqtaḍā)
to modify, alter sth; to amend, rectify (law); to adjust, correct sth |
عَدَّلَ (ar) (ʕaddala)
kind, sort, type |
قَبيل (ar) (qabyl)
excellence; superiority, supremacy |
تَفَوُّق (ar) (tafawwuq)
obedience |
طاعة (ar) (ṭāʕa)
to teach sb sth or أنّ that; to mark (put a mark on) sth; to write down (phone number) |
عَلَّمَ (ar) (ʕallama)
perspective, point of view, angle; anticipated, expected, foreseeable (future) |
مَنظور (ar) (manẓwr)
side, lateral; marginal; secondary |
جانِبيّ (ar) (jānibyy)
delegation, legation |
مُفَوَّضيّة (ar) (mufawwaḍyya)
supermarket |
سوبَرماركت (ar) (swbarmārkt)
assembling, meeting; (meeting) participant, assemblage |
مُجتَمِع (ar) (mujtamiʕ)
combined, collectively, as a whole, as a group |
مُجتَمِعةً (ar) (mujtamiʕatan)
source; authority; reference work |
مَرجِع (ar) (marjiʕ)، مَراجِع (ar) (marājiʕ)
to become general, prevalent, commonplace; to fill up, spread throughout (a place); to be rampant, widespread (chaos, unrest) |
عَمَّ (ar) (ʕamma)، يَعُمُّ (ar) (yaʕummu)، العُمومة (ar) (al-ʕumwma)
calming, soothing; easing, relieving (tension) |
تَهدِئَة (ar) (tahdiʔa)
to appear, loom (في الُفُق on the horizon) |
لاحَ (ar) (lāḥa)، يَلوحُ (ar) (yalwḥu)، اللَّوْح (ar) (al-lawḥ)
to whisper ل to sb (في أُذْنِهِ in sb's ear) |
هَمَسَ (ar) (hamasa)، يَهمِسُ (ar) (yahmisu)، الهَمْس (ar) (al-hams)
to transmit, broadcast (news, show); to disseminate, spread sth |
بَثَّ (ar) (baṯṯa)، يَبُثُّ (ar) (yabuṯṯu)، البَثّ (ar) (al-baṯṯ)
to become (acquire a quality or feature); to seem, appear |
غَدا (ar) (ḡadā)، يَغدو (ar) (yaḡdw)، الغَدْو (ar) (al-ḡadw)
worry, concern; apprehension, misgiving, premonition; fixed idea, obsessive thought |
هاجِس (ar) (hājis)، هَواجِس (ar) (hawājis)
exceptional, irregular; extraordinary |
اِستِثنائِيّ (ar) (istiṯnāʔiyy)
forwards, forward |
قُدُماً (ar) (quduman)
flag, banner; badge, seal |
عَلَم (ar) (ʕalam)، أعلام (ar) (ʔʕlām)
celebrities, famous people |
أعلام (ar) (ʔʕlām)
(what a) wonderful |
نِعْمَ (ar) (niʕma)
portable; carried, held; mobile (phone) |
مَحمول (ar) (maḥmwl)
fasting, abstinence |
صِيام (ar) (ṣiyām)
ashes, cinders |
رَماد (ar) (ramād)
defensive, protective |
دِفاعيّ (ar) (difāʕyy)
preface, introduction; front part; vanguard, front, head |
مُقَدَّمة (ar) (muqaddama)
silence, calm |
سُكوت (ar) (sukwt)
fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) ; understanding, knowledge, science |
فِقْه (ar) (fiqh)
philology |
فِقْه اللُّغة (ar) (fiqh al-luḡa)
to quote, cite ب sth |
اِستَشهَدَ (ar) (istašhada)
to be martyred, die in battle |
اُستُشهِدَ (ar) (ustušhida)
possessions, property; land, real estate |
مِلْك (ar) (milk)
majority, most, main part (of) |
جُلّ (ar) (jull)
brain |
دِماغ (ar) (dimāḡ)
liberation, deliverance, salvation; settlement |
خَلاص (ar) (ḵalāṣ)
sensation, feeling; sound, noise |
حِسّ (ar) (ḥiss)
(verbal noun) crossing (border, street) |
عُبور (ar) (ʕubwr)
charging (battery), loading (camera); cargo, freight; transportation, shipment |
شَحْن (ar) (šaḥn)
delightful; musician, musical performer |
مُطرِب (ar) (muṭrib)
survival, deliverance, salvation; escape |
نَجاة (ar) (najāh)
residential, population-related |
سُكّانيّ (ar) (sukkānyy)
to hurry, hasten في in doing sth |
أسرَعَ (ar) (ʔsraʕa)
stimulating, activating, putting in motion, making move |
تَحريك (ar) (taḥryk)
wheat |
قَمْح (ar) (qamḥ)
surgery |
جِراحة (ar) (jirāḥa)
honorable, noble; honorary |
مُشَرِّف (ar) (mušarrif)
wish, hope, aspiration, desire |
أُمْنيّة (ar) (ʔumnyya)، أمانٍ (ar) (ʔmānin) / الأماني (ar) (al-ʔmāny)
feature, characteristic; stamp, imprint |
سِمة ات (ar) (sima(t) āt)
complication, complexity |
تَعْقيد (ar) (taʕqyd)
spoon |
مِلعَقة (ar) (milʕaqa)، مَلاعِق (ar) (malāʕiq)
damage, harm; injury; offense |
أذىً (ar) (ʔḏan)
pound, lira (Leb. and Syria) |
ليرة ات (ar) (lyra(t) āt)
(adj) branch, secondary, subdivision |
فَرعيّ (ar) (farʕyy)
manufacturer, producer; maker |
صانِع (ar) (ṣāniʕ)، صُنّاع (ar) (ṣunnāʕ)
snow; ice |
ثَلْج (ar) (ṯalj)
stick, baton, rod |
عَصاً (ar) (ʕaṣan)
organizational, planning; controlling, regulatory |
تَنظيميّ (ar) (tanẓymyy)
to be decided, be resolved |
تَقَرَّرَ (ar) (taqarrara)
expulsion; dismissal, firing; parcel, package |
طَرْد (ar) (ṭard)
early |
باكِر (ar) (bākir)
early (adv) |
باكِراً (ar) (bākiran)
to condemn, denounce, censure, disapprove of sth/sb |
أدانَ (ar) (ʔdāna)
lost; stray; wasted (time) |
ضانِع (ar) (ḍāniʕ)
fabric, cloth |
قُماش (ar) (qumāš)، أقمِشة (ar) (ʔqmiša)
satirical; ridiculing |
ساخِر (ar) (sāḵir)
to be aware of, pay attention to sth |
وَعى (ar) (waʕā)، يَعي (ar) (yaʕy)، الوَعي (ar) (al-waʕy)
to doubt, distrust في sth/sb |
شَكَّ (ar) (šakka)، يَشُكُّ (ar) (yašukku)، الشَّكّ (ar) (aš-šakk)
mineral, metal, metallic |
مَعدِنيّ (ar) (maʕdinyy)
convening, holding (meeting) |
اِنعِقاد (ar) (inʕiqād)
remaining, left over; remainder, rest |
مُتَبَقٍّ (ar) (mutabaqqin) / امُتَبَقّي (ar) (āmutabaqqy)
rose-colored, rosy, pink |
وِرْديّ (ar) (wirdyy)
thickness, density; compactness; intensity |
كَثافة (ar) (kaṯāfa)
diagnosis, analysis; characterization |
تَشخيص (ar) (tašḵyṣ)
map, chart |
خارِطة (ar) (ḵāriṭa)
credibility |
مِصداقيّة (ar) (miṣdāqyya)
to wound, injure sb |
جَرَحَ (ar) (jaraḥa)، يَجرَحُ (ar) (yajraḥu)، الجَرْح (ar) (al-jarḥ)
to be wounded, be injured |
جُرِحَ (ar) (juriḥa)
rejecting, refusing |
رافِض (ar) (rāfiḍ)
colored, multi-colored |
مُلَوَّن (ar) (mulawwan)
guard, escort, protection |
حِراسة (ar) (ḥirāsa)
pursued, desired, sought; goal, objective |
مَنشود (ar) (manšwd)
to be hidden |
خَفِيَ (ar) (ḵafiya)، يَخفى (ar) (yaḵfā)، الخَفاء (ar) (al-ḵafāʔ)
it's obvious |
لا يَخفى (ar) (lā yaḵfā)
as everyone knows... |
لا يَخفى على أحَدٍ أنّ (ar) (lā yaḵfā ʕlā ʔḥadin ʔnn)
you are well aware of the fact that |
لا يَخفى عَلَيْكَ أنّ (ar) (lā yaḵfā ʕalayka ʔnn)
to regulate, control; to adjust, fix |
ضَبَطَ (ar) (ḍabaṭa)، يَضبِطُ (ar) (yaḍbiṭu)، الضَّبْط (ar) (aḍ-ḍabṭ)
to become accustomed على to sth, to get used على to sth |
اِعتادَ (ar) (iʕtāda)
chairmanship; precedence |
صَدارة (ar) (ṣadāra)
critic |
نَاقِد (ar) (nāqid)، نُقّاد (ar) (nuqqād)
sacrifice |
تَضحية ات (ar) (taḍḥya(t) āt)
consequence, upshot |
مَطاف (ar) (maṭāf)
in the end, finally |
في نِهاية المَطاف (ar) (fy nihāya(t) al-maṭāf)
(adj) mass, throng; (of the) masses |
جَماهيريّ (ar) (jamāhyryy)
attribute, characteristic, feature, trait; peculiarity |
خَصيصة (ar) (ḵaṣyṣa)، خَصائِص (ar) (ḵaṣāʔiṣ)
flow, stream, flood; influx, invasion |
تَدَفُّق (ar) (tadaffuq)
lake |
بَحيرة (ar) (baḥyra)
enthusiasm, eagerness, zeal; fortitude, bravery |
حَماس (ar) (ḥamās)
gift, donation; grant, scholarship |
مِنحة (ar) (minḥa)
to happen, take place |
حَصَلَ (ar) (ḥaṣala)، يَحصُلُ (ar) (yaḥṣulu)، الحُصول (ar) (al-ḥuṣwl)
entirety |
رُمّة (ar) (rumma)
completely, all of it/them |
بِرُمَّتِهِ (ar) (birummatihi) / ها (ar) (hā)
nationalism, patriotism |
وَطَنيّة (ar) (waṭanyya)
standing out, distinguishing oneself; distinction, excellence |
تَمَيُّز (ar) (tamayyuz)
balloting, voting, election |
اِقتِراع (ar) (iqtirāʕ)
clean, pure; flawless, perfect; chaste |
طاهِر (ar) (ṭāhir)
on the verge of, just about to |
على وَشْكِ (ar) (ʕlā waški)
fetus, embryo; germ |
جَنين (ar) (janyn)
dust, ground, dirt; grave, graveyard |
تُربة (ar) (turba)
(adj) resembling, similar to |
شَبيه (ar) (šabyh)
to rub, wipe sth; to wipe, sweep, clean sth; to survey, measure sth |
مَسَحَ (ar) (masaḥa)، يَمسَحُ (ar) (yamsaḥu)، المَسْح (ar) (al-masḥ)
sample, specimen |
عَيِّنة ات (ar) (ʕayyina(t) āt)
consequence |
عُقْب (ar) (ʕuqb)، أعقاب (ar) (ʔʕqāb)
immediately after |
في أعقاب (ar) (fy ʔʕqāb)
dryness, drought; dehydration, desiccation |
جَفاف (ar) (jafāf)
rating, valuation; calendar |
تَقويم (ar) (taqwym)
observation; survey; following, tracking, monitoring |
رَصْد (ar) (raṣd)
to be honored, be happy (على to meet sb) |
تَشَرَّفَ (ar) (tašarrafa)
brutal, savage |
وَحْشيّ (ar) (waḥšyy)
expenditure, disbursement |
نَفَقة ات (ar) (nafaqa(t) āt)
spending |
نَفَقات (ar) (nafaqāt)
possession; control; seizure |
اِمتِلاك (ar) (imtilāk)
unprecedented |
غَيْر مَسبوق (ar) (ḡayr masbwq)
developing (country) |
نامٍ (ar) (nāmin) / النّامي (ar) (an-nāmy)
receiving, receipt; acquisition |
تَلَقِّي (ar) (talaqqī)
(adj) language, linguistic; linguist |
لُغَويّ (ar) (luḡawyy)
pride, arrogance; greatness |
كِبْر (ar) (kibr)
ticket, card |
تَذكَرة (ar) (taḏkara)، تَذاكِر (ar) (taḏākir)
listening (إلى to) |
اِستِماع (ar) (istimāʕ)
to touch, feel, sense sth |
لَمَسَ (ar) (lamasa)، يَلمُسُ (ar) (yalmusu)، اللَّمْس (ar) (al-lams)
to drop, fall, decrease; to be lowered, decreased, reduced |
اِنخَفَضَ (ar) (inḵafaḍa)
stressing, emphasizing; strengthening, intensifying |
مَشَدِّد (ar) (mašaddid)
to advise, counsel sb (ب to do sth) |
نَصَحَ (ar) (naṣaḥa)، يَنصَحُ (ar) (yanṣaḥu)، النَّصْح (ar) (an-naṣḥ)
deceased, late |
مَرحوم (ar) (marḥwm)
opening up, welcoming; openness; receptiveness; open-door (policy) |
اِنفِتاح (ar) (infitāḥ)
influenza, flu |
إنفاَوَنزا (ar) (ʔinfawanzā)
to appoint, designated sb as sth; to determine, define sth |
عَيَّنَ (ar) (ʕayyana)
forbidden |
مُحَرَّم (ar) (muḥarram)
forbidden things, taboos |
مُحَرَّمات (ar) (muḥarramāt)
sanctity, inviolability; taboo, prohibition; married woman, wife |
حُرمة (ar) (ḥurma)
preparing, putting in order; equipment, gear |
تَجهيز ات (ar) (tajhyz āt)
joke |
نُكتة (ar) (nukta)
extension, deferment; postponement, delay; break, respite; reprieve |
مُهلة (ar) (muhla)
understanding, comprehending |
فاهِم (ar) (fāhim)
to join, become part إلى of sth |
اِنضَمَّ (ar) (inḍamma)
dry |
جافّ (ar) (jāff)
bleeding, hemorrhage |
نَزيف (ar) (nazyf)
to oppose, resist sth/sb |
عارَضَ (ar) (ʕāraḍa)
preparation, arrangement |
تَهْيِئة (ar) (tahyiʔa)
review, inspection; tour, parade |
اِستِعراض (ar) (istiʕrāḍ)
to swear يَميناً an oath, swear ب by |
أقسَمَ (ar) (ʔqsama)
platform, podium |
مِنَصّة (ar) (minaṣṣa)
successful; fortunate |
مُوَفَّق (ar) (muwaffaq)
rally, demonstration |
تَظاهِرة (ar) (taẓāhira)
hardship, trouble; distress, preoccupation |
عَناء (ar) (ʕanāʔ)
expressing, showing, demonstrating |
إظهار (ar) (ʔiẓhār)
more/most knowledgeable |
أعلَم (ar) (ʔʕlam)
to justify, warrant sth; to vindicate, acquit sth/sb |
بَرَّرَ (ar) (barrara)
bridging (a gap); defrayal (of costs); paying off (a debt) |
سَدّ (ar) (sadd)
affliction, misfortune; tribulation |
بَلاء (ar) (balāʔ)
functional; practical; work-related, employment-related |
وَظيفيّ (ar) (waẓyfyy)
citizenship |
مُواطَنة (ar) (mūṭana)
noticeable, substantial; tangible, concrete |
مَلموس (ar) (malmws)
improvement |
تَحَسُّن (ar) (taḥassun)
martyrdom |
اِستِشهاد (ar) (istišhād)
to inform, notify sb أنّ that; to report ب sth or أنّ that |
أبلَغَ (ar) (ʔblaḡa)
distribution; promotion, marketing |
تَرويج (ar) (tarwyj)
taking (medicine, drugs); treating, handling (على a problem) |
تَعاطٍ (ar) (taʕāṭin) / التَّعاطي (ar) (at-taʕāṭy)
to clash, conflict, be at odds مع/و with sth |
تَعارَضَ (ar) (taʕāraḍa)
donation, contribution |
تَبَرُّع ات (ar) (tabarruʕ āt)
truce, armistice; calm, lull |
هُدنة (ar) (hudna)
objective |
مَوْضوعيّ (ar) (mawḍwʕyy)
demon; jinn; genie |
جِنّ (ar) (jinn)
certain, sure convinced (من of) |
مُتَأكِّد (ar) (mutaʔkkid)
to conclude, finalize, wind up (an activity) |
اِختَتَمَ (ar) (iḵtatama)
manufacture, industrialization, processing |
تَصنيع (ar) (taṣnyʕ)
(self) liberation, emancipation |
تَحَرُّر (ar) (taḥarrur)
shield, armor; plaque (award) |
دِرع (ar) (dirʕ)
to wage, launch sth (war, campaign) |
شَنَّ (ar) (šanna)، يَشُنُّ (ar) (yašunnu)، الشَّنّ (ar) (aš-šann)
worried, concerned, uneasy |
قَلِق (ar) (qaliq)
radio |
راديو (ar) (rādyw)
stomach |
مَعِدة (ar) (maʕida)
to live in comfort; to enjoy ب sth |
نَعَمَ (ar) (naʕama)، يَنعَمُ (ar) (yanʕamu)، النَّعمة (ar) (an-naʕma)
era, age, time period |
حِقبة (ar) (ḥiqba)
realization, awareness, comprehension; attainment |
إدراك (ar) (ʔidrāk)
(mostly figurative) gap, gulf, breach |
فَجوة (ar) (fajwa)
to contradict sth/sb; to conflict with, go against sth; to violate (the law) |
خالَفَ (ar) (ḵālafa)
to derive or result على from; to carry the consequence على of |
تَرَتّبَ (ar) (tarattba)
to satisfy, please sb |
أرضى (ar) (ʔrḍā)
shoe, pair of shoes |
حِذاء (ar) (ḥiḏāʔ)
to comprehend, grasp, master sth; to contain, absorb, assimilate sth |
اِستَوْعَبَ (ar) (istawʕaba)
oasis |
واحة (ar) (wāḥa)
exit, way out; escape, resort; gateway; port (computer) |
مَنفَذ (ar) (manfaḏ)، مَنافِذ (ar) (manāfiḏ)
tyrant, desopt, oppressor; tyrannical, oppressive (person, regime, weather) |
طاغٍ (ar) (ṭāḡin) / الطّاغي (ar) (aṭ-ṭāḡy)، طُغاة (ar) (ṭuḡāh)
artery |
شِريان (ar) (širyān)، شَرايين (ar) (šarāyyn)
album (music CD) |
ألبوم (ar) (ʔlbwm)
filling; capacity; quantity |
مِلء (ar) (milʔ)
managing, arranging, preparing; arrangement, preparation |
تَدبير, تَدابير (ar) (tadbyr, tadābyr)
kafir (person who rejects the Islamic faith), infidel, unbeliever, apostate |
كافِر (ar) (kāfir)، كُفّار (ar) (kuffār)
license, permission |
تَرخيص (ar) (tarḵyṣ)
boredom |
مَلَل (ar) (malal)
increase, raise; bonus; allowance, subsidy |
عِلاوة (ar) (ʕilāwa)
in addition to |
عِلاوة على (ar) (ʕilāwa(t) ʕlā)
brave |
شُجاع (ar) (šujāʕ)
to obstruct, block (way); to settle/pay off (debt); to aim, shoot (bullet, ball) |
سَدَّدَ (ar) (saddada)
to lead, guide, direct sb (إلى to); to show sb (the way) |
هَدى (ar) (hadā)، يَهدي (ar) (yahdy)، الهَدْي (ar) (al-hady)
spectrum (light); ghost, apparition, phantom; vision, fantasy |
طَيْف (ar) (ṭayf)، أطياف (ar) (ʔṭyāf)
meaning, content |
مُفاد (ar) (mufād)
to the effect that, implying that |
مُفادُهُ (ar) (mufāduhu) / ها (ar) (hā)
creator; creating, creative |
خالِق (ar) (ḵāliq)
melody, music, song; tone |
لَحْن (ar) (laḥn)
comfortable, pleasant; soothing, restful |
مُريح (ar) (muryḥ)
raw, unprocessed; crude (oil) |
خام (ar) (ḵām)
leading إلى to; resulting in, causing إلى sth |
مُؤَدٍّ (ar) (muʔaddin) / المُؤَدّي (ar) (al-muʔaddy)
candle |
شَمعة (ar) (šamʕa)، شُموع (ar) (šumwʕ)
to be formed, be composed |
تَشَكَّلَ (ar) (tašakkala)
mixture; temperament; mood, feeling |
مِراج (ar) (mirāj)
first aid, medical service |
إسعاف (ar) (ʔisʕāf)
ambulance |
سَيّارة إسعاف (ar) (sayyāra(t) ʔisʕāf)
numerical; digital |
رَقَميّ (ar) (raqamyy)
uh-huh; huh? |
هيه (ar) (hyh)
sister |
شَقيقة (ar) (šaqyqa)
heat, warmth |
دِفء (ar) (difʔ)
Greek |
يونانيّ (ar) (ywnānyy)
proof, corroboration; constancy, firmness |
ثَبات (ar) (ṯabāt)
forgery; falsification (documents, the truth); counterfeiting |
تَزوير (ar) (tazwyr)
Hebrew |
عِبْريّ (ar) (ʕibryy)
Hebrew (language) |
العِبريّة (ar) (al-ʕibryya)
the Jewish state (Israel) |
الدَّوْلة العِبريّة (ar) (ad-dawla(t) al-ʕibryya)
smallness; youth, infancy |
صِغَر (ar) (ṣiḡar)
tunnel; underpass, subway |
نَفَق (ar) (nafaq)، أنفاق (ar) (ʔnfāq)
agreed upon |
مُتَّفَق عَلَيْهِ (ar) (muttafaq ʕalayhi) / ها (ar) (hā)
example, role model; pattern |
قَدوة (ar) (qadwa)
model, pattern |
موديل ات (ar) (mwdyl āt)
pressure, gravity; harshness, cruelty |
وَطأة (ar) (waṭʔa)
hell; Hell |
جَهَنَّم (ar) (jahannam)
to complete, conclude sth; to stamp, seal sth |
خَتَمَ (ar) (ḵatama)، يَختِمُ (ar) (yaḵtimu)، الخَتْم (ar) (al-ḵatm)
benefiting, profiting (من from); beneficiary |
مُستَفيد (ar) (mustafyd)
epidemic, disease; scourge |
وَباء (ar) (wabāʔ)
rise, ascent; advancement, promotion; progress; evolution |
اِرتِقاء (ar) (irtiqāʔ)
pursuing, following, compliance |
اِتِّباع (ar) (ittibāʕ)
tranquility, quietude, calm; rest, repose |
سُكون (ar) (sukwn)
waging, launching (a war, campaign) |
شَنّ (ar) (šann)
confirmation; stabilization |
تَثبيت (ar) (taṯbyt)
planting (seed); implanting, transplanting (organ); setting (bomb), laying (mines); growing (plants, crops); cultivating, farming (land) |
زَرْع (ar) (zarʕ)
stronghold, citadel, fort |
قَلعة (ar) (qalʕa)
strenuous, vigorous; striving, endeavoring |
جاهِد (ar) (jāhid)
deck (ship) |
مَتْن (ar) (matn)
on board (ship, airplane); surface; main text, content (book, article, poem); lexicon (language); body (person, object) |
على مَتْن (ar) (ʕlā matn)
moving, mobile |
مُتَحَرِّك (ar) (mutaḥarrik)
component, ingredient; basic element |
مُقَوِّم ات (ar) (muqawwim āt)
imagined, imaginary; fake, bogus |
وَهميّ (ar) (wahmyy)
announcer; advertiser; announcing, signaling |
مُعلِن (ar) (muʕlin)
without any, without even |
دونَما (ar) (dwnamā)
infection |
عَدوى (ar) (ʕadwā)
exaggeration |
مُبالَغة (ar) (mubālaḡa)
consequence, result, effect |
عاقِبة (ar) (ʕāqiba)، عَواقِب (ar) (ʕawāqib)
white, whiteness |
بَياض (ar) (bayāḍ)
to guarantee, insure |
ضَمِنَ (ar) (ḍamina)، يَضمَنُ (ar) (yaḍmanu)، الضَّمان (ar) (aḍ-ḍamān)
(noun) utmost, extreme |
مُنتَهىً (ar) (muntahan)
fever; heat |
حُمّى (ar) (ḥummā)
(noun) passing, course (of time); going by |
مَرّ (ar) (marr)
to resist, oppose sth |
قاوَمَ (ar) (qāwama)
coalition, union |
اِئْتِلاف (ar) (iʔtilāf)
pedestrian, passerby |
مارّ (ar) (mārr)، مارّة (ar) (mārra)
chemical |
كيميائيّ (ar) (kymyāʔyy)
modernity, newness, novelty |
حَداثة (ar) (ḥadāṯa)
إيدز (ar) (ʔīdz)
voter, elector |
ناخِب (ar) (nāḵib)
dependance |
اِستِناد (ar) (istinād)
on the basis of, according to |
اِستِناداً على (ar) (istinādan ʕlā)
total, full amount; summary |
مُجمَل (ar) (mujmal)
safeguarding, preservation |
اِحتِفاظ (ar) (iḥtifāẓ)
naked, bare |
عارٍ (ar) (ʕārin) / عاري (ar) (ʕāry)
streaming, flowing |
سَيْل (ar) (sayl)
lost, missing; missing |
مَفقود (ar) (mafqwd)
optimism |
تَفاؤُل (ar) (tafāʔul)
atomic |
ذَريّ (ar) (ḏaryy)
Brazilian |
بَرازيليّ (ar) (barāzylyy)
old, aged |
عَتيق (ar) (ʕatyq)
word, term, expression |
مُفرَدة ات (ar) (mufrada(t) āt)
vocabulary |
مُفرَدات (ar) (mufradāt)
Korean |
كوريّ (ar) (kwryy)
making general or public (education, announcement); spreading, disseminating, popularizing |
تَعميم (ar) (taʕmym)
rumor |
شائِعة ات (ar) (šāʔiʕa(t) āt)
crew, staff, team |
طاقِم (ar) (ṭāqim)
principle, rule |
ثابِتة (ar) (ṯābita)، ثَوابِت (ar) (ṯawābit)
established norms, guiding principles |
ثَوابِت (ar) (ṯawābit)
deliberation, joint consultation |
تَشاوُر (ar) (tašāwur)
mentality, attitude, way of thinking |
عَقَليّة (ar) (ʕaqalyya)
shout, scream |
صَرخة (ar) (ṣarḵa)
arriving, coming, visiting; foreign, imported; visitor, newcomer; envoy, delegate |
وافِد (ar) (wāfid)
to stay, linger |
لَبِثَ (ar) (labiṯa)، يَليَثُ (ar) (yalyaṯu)، اللَّبث (ar) (al-labṯ)
it wasn't long before |
ما لَبِثَ أنْ (ar) (mā labiṯa ʔn) / لم يَلبَثْ أنْ (ar) (lm yalbaṯ ʔn)
mirage, illusion |
سَراب (ar) (sarāb)
Latin |
لاتينيّ (ar) (lātynyy)
splitting, opening; crack, gap |
شَقّ (ar) (šaqq)
support, aid, assistance |
مُسانَدة (ar) (musānada)
diabetes |
شُكَّريّ (ar) (šukkaryy)
complex (emotion, feeling); knot (nautical) |
عُقدة (ar) (ʕuqda)، عُقَد (ar) (ʕuqad)
booby-trapped |
مُفَخَّخ (ar) (mufaḵḵaḵ)
car bomb |
سَيّارة مُفَخَّخة (ar) (sayyāra(t) mufaḵḵaḵa)
ugly, horrible, disgusting |
بَشِع (ar) (bašiʕ)
hindering, obstructing; derailing; interrupting |
تَعطيل (ar) (taʕṭyl)
content |
مُحتَوَيات (ar) (muḥtawayāt)
time |
إبّان (ar) (ʔibbān)
during |
إبّانَ (ar) (ʔibbāna)
to pardon, forgive ل sb sth |
عَفَرَ (ar) (ʕafara)، يَعفَرُ (ar) (yaʕfaru)، العَفَر (ar) (al-ʕafar)
to disappear, vanish |
زالَ (ar) (zāla)، يَزولُ (ar) (yazwlu)، الزَّوْل (ar) (az-zawl)
wherever |
أينَما (ar) (ʔynamā)
consensus |
إجماع (ar) (ʔijmāʕ)
unanimously |
بِالإجماع (ar) (bi-l-ʔijmāʕ)
breathing, respiration; breath |
تَنَفُّس (ar) (tanaffus)
demolition, destruction; leveling, razing |
هَدْم (ar) (hadm)
cage; prisoner's dock |
قَفْص (ar) (qafṣ)
to embody, personify sth; to put sth into concrete form |
جَسَّدَ (ar) (jassada)
treasury; vault, safe |
خِزانة (ar) (ḵizāna)
bookcase |
خِزانة كُتُب (ar) (ḵizāna(t) kutub)
ghost, specter |
شَبَح (ar) (šabaḥ)
wakefulness; alertness |
يَقظة (ar) (yaqẓa)
delicate, sensitive; awkward |
حَرِج (ar) (ḥarij)
inner, interior; hidden; inner part, inside |
باطِن (ar) (bāṭin)
license, permit |
رُخصة (ar) (ruḵṣa)، رُخَص (ar) (ruḵaṣ)
pending, outstanding (issues); related, connected, relevant; caught, stranded |
عالِق (ar) (ʕāliq)
corporeal, physical, bodily; sensual |
جَسَديّ (ar) (jasadyy)
to intensify, grow more intense |
اِشتَدَّ (ar) (ištadda)
moral, spiritual, mental; semantic |
مَعنَويّ (ar) (maʕnawyy)
enduring, chronic |
مُزمِن (ar) (muzmin)
invading, raider |
غازٍ (ar) (ḡāzin) / الغازي (ar) (al-ḡāzy)، غُزاة (ar) (ḡuzāh)
fitr (end of the Ramadan fast) |
فِطْر (ar) (fiṭr)
Eid al-Fitr (festival of the breaking of the Ramandan fast) |
عَيْد الفِطْر (ar) (ʕayd al-fiṭr)
Persian |
فارِسيّ (ar) (fārisyy)، فُرْس (ar) (furs)
(the) open |
عَلَن (ar) (ʕalan)
openly, publicly |
في العَلَن (ar) (fy al-ʕalan) / عَلَناً (ar) (ʕalanan)
to contain, include على sth |
اِنطَوى (ar) (inṭawā)
to isolate oneself; to be introverted |
اِنطَوى على نَفسِهِ (ar) (inṭawā ʕlā nafsihi)
fragmentation, schism; disruption |
اِنقِسام (ar) (inqisām)
treasure |
كَنْز (ar) (kanz)، كُنوز (ar) (kunwz)
(adj) hostile, anti- |
مُعادٍ (ar) (muʕādin) / المُعادي (ar) (al-muʕādy)
tired, weary |
مُتعَب (ar) (mutʕab)
to heed, observe sth; to respect, show consideration for sth |
راعى (ar) (rāʕā)
partial, incomplete |
جُزْئيّ (ar) (juzʔyy)
partially, in part |
جُزئيّاً (ar) (juzʔyyan)
mixture, blend |
خَليط (ar) (ḵalyṭ)
delinquent, criminal |
جانٍ (ar) (jānin) / الجاني (ar) (al-jāny)، جُناة (ar) (junāh)
faqih (exper in Islamic jurisprudence) |
فَقيه (ar) (faqyh)، فُقَهاء (ar) (fuqahāʔ)
damaged; injured; victim; plaintiff |
مُتَضَرِّر (ar) (mutaḍarrir)
costly; valuable, precious |
ثَمين (ar) (ṯamyn)
transitional |
اِنتِقاليّ (ar) (intiqālyy)
skin, epidermis |
بَشَرة (ar) (bašara)
doubling, compounding |
مُضاعَفة (ar) (muḍāʕafa)
complications |
مُضاعَفات (ar) (muḍāʕafāt)
student-related |
طُلّابيّ (ar) (ṭullābyy)
empty; unoccupied; available, free (not busy) |
فَاضٍ (ar) (fāḍin) / الفاضي (ar) (al-fāḍy)
gas, gasoline, petrol |
بَنزين (ar) (banzyn)
to be determined, be resolute (على to do sth) |
اِعتَزَمَ (ar) (iʕtazama)
flower; (fig) splendor |
زَهرة (ar) (zahra)
oppression, repression |
قَمْع (ar) (qamʕ)
contemporary, modern |
عَصريّ (ar) (ʕaṣryy)
(coll) grass, vegetation |
عُشْب (ar) (ʕušb)
herb, plant |
عُشبة (ar) (ʕušba)، أعشاب (ar) (ʔʕšāb)
boldness, audacity, courage |
جُرأة (ar) (jurʔa)
juice |
عَصير (ar) (ʕaṣyr)
to do من sth frequently, to do a lot of من sth |
أكثَرَ (ar) (ʔkṯara)
inspiration |
وَحي (ar) (waḥy)
determination, resoluteness |
حَزْم (ar) (ḥazm)
production-related; productive |
إنتاجيّ (ar) (ʔintājyy)
insult, affront; (with following masdar) wrong, incorrect |
إساءة (ar) (ʔisāʔa)
to be easy, be convenient |
سَهُلَ (ar) (sahula)، يَسهُلُ (ar) (yashulu)، السُّهولة (ar) (as-suhwla)
country, countryside, rural area |
ريف (ar) (ryf)
situation, status; position |
وَضعيّة (ar) (waḍʕyya)
tyrant, despot, dictator |
طاغية (ar) (ṭāḡya)
enumeration, listing; presentation, account |
سَرْد (ar) (sard)
television |
تِلفاز (ar) (tilfāz)
to be victorious, triumph (على over sb/sth) |
اِنتَصَرَ (ar) (intaṣara)
avoidance, avoiding |
تَفادٍ (ar) (tafādin) / التَّفادي (ar) (at-tafādy)
settlement |
مُستَوْطَنة ات (ar) (mustawṭana(t) āt)
to be reasonable, be sensible; to make sense, be conceivable |
عَقَلَ (ar) (ʕaqala)، يَعقِلُ (ar) (yaʕqilu)، العَقْل (ar) (al-ʕaql)
consolidating, reinforcing, bolstering |
تَرسيخ (ar) (tarsyḵ)
authoring, compiling, composing; forming, constituting; publication, compilation, composition; formation, figuration |
تَأليف (ar) (taʔlyf)
wooden, made of wood |
خَشَبيّ (ar) (ḵašabyy)
to run, race |
رَكَضَ (ar) (rakaḍa)، يَركُضُ (ar) (yarkuḍu)، الرَّكْض (ar) (ar-rakḍ)
period, duration, term; extent, range |
أمَد (ar) (ʔmad)
brain |
مُخّ (ar) (muḵḵ)
sending, transmitting; transporting, conveying |
إيصال (ar) (ʔīṣāl)
Atlantic; NATO-related |
أطلَسيّ (ar) (ʔṭlasyy)
extremist, fanatic; strict, intense |
مُتَشَدِّد (ar) (mutašaddid)
waste, refuse |
نُفاية ات (ar) (nufāya(t) āt)
to curse, damn sb/sth |
لَعَنَ (ar) (laʕana)، يَلعَنُ (ar) (yalʕanu)، اللَّعْن (ar) (al-laʕn)
God damn sb |
الله يَلعَنْ على (ar) (allāh yalʕan ʕlā)
needy (person); wanting, needing إلى sth |
مُحتاج (ar) (muḥtāj)
to ascertain من sth; to be confirmed |
تَأَكَّدَ (ar) (taʔakkada)
cross, crucifix |
صَليب (ar) (ṣalyb)
fruit; result, yield, outcome |
ثَمرة (ar) (ṯamra)
removal, dismissal, distancing; isolation, separation |
عَزْل (ar) (ʕazl)
settled, at ease; stable, permanent |
مُستَقِرّ (ar) (mustaqirr)
happiness; pleasure, delight |
سُرور (ar) (surwr)
echo, reverberation |
رَدّة (ar) (radda)
reaction |
رَدّة فِعْل (ar) (radda(t) fiʕl)
symbolic; (data) encoded, encrypted |
رَمْزيّ (ar) (ramzyy)
illiteracy |
أُمّيّة (ar) (ʔummyya)
link; connection, contact; receipt |
وَصْل (ar) (waṣl)
description, portrayal; (medical) prescription; (food) recipe |
وَصْفة (ar) (waṣfa)
vicious, savage, fierce |
شَرِس (ar) (šaris)
bridegroom |
عَريس (ar) (ʕarys)
help, assistance; support, backing |
نُصرة (ar) (nuṣra)
washing; laundry, (dirty) clothes |
غَسيل (ar) (ḡasyl)
to be stormy, be tempestuous; to rage (wind, conflict, crisis) |
عَصَفَ (ar) (ʕaṣafa)، يَعصِفُ (ar) (yaʕṣifu)، العَصْف (ar) (al-ʕaṣf)
destructive, destroying |
مُدَمِّر (ar) (mudammir)
anthem, hymn, song |
نَشيد (ar) (našyd)
from/about who/m |
عَمَّن (ar) (ʕamman)
paralysis, inertia |
شَلَل (ar) (šalal)
polio |
شَلَل الأطفال (ar) (šalal al-ʔṭfāl)
truck, lorry, freight car |
شاحِنة ات (ar) (šāḥina(t) āt)
so-called; alleged, claimed |
مَزعُوم (ar) (mazʕūm)
package, pack; (explosive) charge |
عَبوة ات (ar) (ʕabwa(t) āt)
explosive device |
عَبوة ناسِفة (ar) (ʕabwa(t) nāsifa)
to secure, safeguard, protect sth/sb; to insure, underwrite على sth/sb (ضد against) |
أمَّنَ (ar) (ʔmmana)
balcony |
شُرفة (ar) (šurfa)
benefit, advantage; use |
نَفْع (ar) (nafʕ)
shortcoming, insufficiency; negligence |
قُصور (ar) (quṣwr)
effectuation, implementation; bringing about |
إحداث (ar) (ʔiḥdāṯ)
regular, systematic; orderly |
مُنتَظِم (ar) (muntaẓim)
to emerge, originate; to emanate, flow |
نَبَعَ (ar) (nabaʕa)، يَنبَعُ (ar) (yanbaʕu)، النَّبْع (ar) (an-nabʕ)
combatant, warrior |
مُقاتِل (ar) (muqātil)
narrator, storyteller; reciter (of poetry) |
راوٍ (ar) (rāwin) / الرّاوي (ar) (ar-rāwy)
neck |
رَقَبة (ar) (raqaba)
his responsibility |
في رَقَبتِهِ (ar) (fy raqabtihi)
bird, sparrow |
عُصفور (ar) (ʕuṣfwr)، عَصافير (ar) (ʕaṣāfyr)
to celebrate ب (anniversary, graduation) |
اِحتَفَلَ (ar) (iḥtafala)
to be strong (enough) |
قَوِيَ (ar) (qawiya)، يَقوى (ar) (yaqwā)، القُوّة (ar) (al-quwwa)
moderate (weather, policy), restrained; balanced |
مُعتَدِل (ar) (muʕtadil)
lengthening; extension, prolongation |
تَمديد (ar) (tamdyd)
suicide |
اِنتِحار (ar) (intiḥār)
adversary |
خَصْم (ar) (ḵaṣm)
deficiency, inadequacy |
تَقصير (ar) (taqṣyr)
relief, relaxation, happiness |
فَرَج (ar) (faraj)
admiration, amazement; wonder, surprise |
إعجاب (ar) (ʔiʕjāb)
removal; distancing; banishment, deportation, exile |
إبعاد (ar) (ʔibʕād)
to close, barricade (door); to turn off (electricity, water); to pay, settle (a debt); to fill (gap), provide (need) |
سَدَّ (ar) (sadda)، يَسِدُّ (ar) (yasiddu)، السَّداد (ar) (as-sadād)
to fly, soar, hover; to circle (the skies) |
حَلَّقَ (ar) (ḥallaqa)
relaxed; at ease, resting; happy, satisfied |
مُرتاح (ar) (murtāḥ)
simpler/est; more/most basic |
أبسَط (ar) (ʔbsaṭ)
leader, head; union boss; (military) captain |
نَقيب (ar) (naqyb)
uranium |
يورانيوم (ar) (ywrānywm)
lineage; kinship |
نَسَب (ar) (nasab)
listening, hearing, able to hear; having heard |
سامِع (ar) (sāmiʕ)
breakdown, collapse |
تَداعٍ (ar) (tadāʕin) / التَّداعي ات (ar) (at-tadāʕy āt)
reflections, thoughts; repercussions |
تَداعيات (ar) (tadāʕyāt)
good deed |
خَيْرة ات (ar) (ḵayra(t) āt)
resources, wealth, treasures |
خَيْرات (ar) (ḵayrāt)
pit, hole |
حُفرة (ar) (ḥufra)، حُفَر (ar) (ḥufar)
to deserve, merit sth |
اِستَأْهَلَ (ar) (istaʔhala)
person presenting or submitting; offering, presenting, submitting (request, complaint) |
مُقَدِّم (ar) (muqaddim)
to exist, live; to be found, be located; to be present |
تَواجَدَ (ar) (tawājada)
smile |
نَسمة (ar) (nasma)
hurrying, speeding up; acceleration |
إسراع (ar) (ʔisrāʕ)
uttering, saying |
لَفْظ (ar) (lafẓ)
word, term, expression |
ألفاظ (ar) (ʔlfāẓ)
malicious, evil; malignant, pernicious |
خَبيث (ar) (ḵabyṯ)
anthrax |
جَمرة جَبيثة (ar) (jamra(t) jabyṯa)
floor, story |
طابِق (ar) (ṭābiq)
necessity, obligation, duty |
وُجوب (ar) (wujwb)
to tell sb sth or عن about sth or أنّ that |
خَبَّرَ (ar) (ḵabbara)
revenge; retaliation, reprisal |
اِنتِقام (ar) (intiqām)
comprehensive, extensive; gathering, collecting; collector (stamps, etc) |
جامِع (ar) (jāmiʕ)
immortal, eternal; glorious |
خالِد (ar) (ḵālid)
Sahaba (companions of the Prophet) |
صَحابة (ar) (ṣaḥāba)
rise, ascent; escalation |
تَصاعُد (ar) (taṣāʕud)
blame, fault, disapproval, reproach |
لَوْم (ar) (lawm)
(adj) domestic, household |
مَنزَِليّ (ar) (manzailyy)
friendship |
صُحبة (ar) (ṣuḥba)
accompanied by |
بِصُحبة (ar) (biṣuḥba)
to lack, be in need إلى of sth |
اِفتَقَرَ (ar) (iftaqara)
notebook; ledger |
دَفتَر (ar) (daftar)
(mil) mobilization, alert; (manufacture) packaging, canning, bottling |
تَعبِئة (ar) (taʕbiʔa)
umbrella |
مِظَلّة (ar) (miẓalla)
well-informed (على about sth) |
مُطَّلِع (ar) (muṭṭaliʕ)
why |
لِمَ (ar) (lima)
object, goal, intention; (what is) desired, intended |
مُراد (ar) (murād)
object, goal, intention; (what is) desired, intended |
رَصَدَ (ar) (raṣada)، يَرصُدُ (ar) (yarṣudu)، الرَّصْد (ar) (ar-raṣd)
expatriate community, colony |
جالية (ar) (jālya)
to exceed, break (barrier); to pierce, penetrate sth; to hack into (computer, network); to traverse, cross (region) |
اِختَرَقَ (ar) (iḵtaraqa)
to cancel, terminate; abrogate |
ألغى (ar) (ʔlḡā)
equal, match; peer |
مَثيل (ar) (maṯyl)
beyond comparison |
لا مَثيل لَهُ (ar) (lā maṯyl lahu)
feeling, emotion; conscience |
وِجدان (ar) (wijdān)
expected, anticipated |
مُرتَقَب (ar) (murtaqab)
to honor, respect sb; to venerate pay tribute to sb |
أكرَمَ (ar) (ʔkrama)
targeted, aimed at, intended |
مُستَهدَف (ar) (mustahdaf)
desert; Saharan |
صَحراويّ (ar) (ṣaḥrāwyy)
to be inserted, included; to be classified, categorized, filed |
اِندَرَجَ (ar) (indaraja)
clothes, dress, attire |
لِباس (ar) (libās)
to lose sth; to waste (time); to miss, let go by (opportunity) |
أضاعَ (ar) (ʔḍāʕa)
movement, motion |
حَراك (ar) (ḥarāk)
to bring or send down, lower sth |
أنزَلَ (ar) (ʔnzala)
frozen; rigid |
جامِد (ar) (jāmid)
splendor, magnificence; delight |
بَهجة (ar) (bahja)
to dissolve, melt |
ذابَ (ar) (ḏāba)، يَذوبُ (ar) (yaḏwbu)، الذَّوْب (ar) (aḏ-ḏawb)
coastal, seaside |
ساحِليّ (ar) (sāḥilyy)
noise; commotion |
ضَجيج (ar) (ḍajyj)
objectivity |
مَوْضوعيّة (ar) (mawḍwʕyya)
result, outcome; production; offspring |
نِتاج (ar) (nitāj)
farmer |
مُزارِع (ar) (muzāriʕ)
pathological; diseased; medical |
مَرَضيّ (ar) (maraḍyy)
orthodox |
حَنيف (ar) (ḥanyf)
Islam |
الدّين الحَنيف (ar) (ad-dyn al-ḥanyf)
to hurry, hasten إلى to a place, or to do sth |
سارَعَ (ar) (sāraʕa)
succession; caliphate |
خِلافة (ar) (ḵilāfa)
explosive, exploding |
ناسِف (ar) (nāsif)
reaching, attaining |
بُلوغ (ar) (bulwḡ)
to be centered, concentrated حول/على/في in/on/around sth; to be focused على خر sth |
تَرَكَّزَ (ar) (tarakkaza)
to be sweet |
حلا (ar) (ḥlā)، يَحلو (ar) (yaḥlw)، الحَلاوة (ar) (al-ḥalāwa)
to enjoy doing sth |
يَحلو لَهُ أنْ (ar) (yaḥlw lahu ʔn)
as he pleases |
كَما يَحلو لَهُ (ar) (kamā yaḥlw lahu)
to agree, concur |
تَوافَقَ (ar) (tawāfaqa)
to host, invite sb |
اِستَضافَ (ar) (istaḍāfa)
death, fatality |
مَصرَع (ar) (maṣraʕ)
demonstrator; demonstrating |
مُتَظاهِر (ar) (mutaẓāhir)
impact, effect; result |
مَفعول (ar) (mafʕwl)
valid (permit) |
ساري المَفعول (ar) (sāry al-mafʕwl)
imaginary, fantastic; fictitious |
خَياليّ (ar) (ḵayālyy)
amount, quantity |
كَمّ (ar) (kamm)
visual, graphic |
تَشكيليّ (ar) (taškylyy)
growth, increase, rise |
اِزدياد (ar) (izdyād)
seeking help ب from sb, resorting ب to sth, making use of ب sth |
اِستِعانة (ar) (istiʕāna)
analyst |
مُحَلِّل (ar) (muḥallil)
gone by, elapsed (time period) |
مُنصَرِم (ar) (munṣarim)
then, at that time |
عِندئذٍ (ar) (ʕindʔḏin)
type, class, kind, category |
صِنْف (ar) (ṣinf)، أصناف (ar) (ʔṣnāf)
to rule out (regard as unlikely) sth |
اِستَبعَدَ (ar) (istabʕada)
to become; (with imperf) to begin, start (doing) |
أضحى (ar) (ʔḍḥā)
embellishment, adornment, decoration |
حِبْر (ar) (ḥibr)
advisory, consultative, consulting; advisor, consultant |
اِستِشاريّ (ar) (istišāryy)
venerable, eminent; glorious, great |
جَليل (ar) (jalyl)
bring, french, get sth; to give, hand over sth |
هاتِ (ar) (hāti)
justification, pretext; vindication, exoneration |
تَبرير (ar) (tabryr)
radical, fundamental, basic |
جِذريّ (ar) (jiḏryy)
to follow in succession, come on after the other |
تَوالى (ar) (tawālā)
(coll) vegetables, greens |
خُضار (ar) (ḵuḍār)
to outlaw, ban sth; to forbid على sb to do sth; to prevent على sb from doing sth |
حَرَّمَ (ar) (ḥarrama)
attempting, trying (to do sth) |
مُحاوِل (ar) (muḥāwil)
camel |
جَمَل (ar) (jamal)، جِمال (ar) (jimāl)
composed (من of); compiled; publication, book; compilation, composition |
مُؤَلَّف (ar) (muʔallaf)
thousands and thousands |
أُلوف مُؤَلَّفة (ar) (ʔulwf muʔallafa)
on display, shown; offered, available; offering, proposal |
مَعروض (ar) (maʕrwḍ)
atom, particle |
ذَرّة (ar) (ḏarra)
embers |
جَمْر (ar) (jamr)
to infiltrate إلى sth |
تَسَلَّلَ (ar) (tasallala)
satisfactory, satisfying, pleasing; adequate, sufficient |
مُرضٍ (ar) (murḍin) / المُرضي (ar) (al-murḍy)
praying, worshipping; person praying or worshipping |
مُصَلٍّ (ar) (muṣallin) / المُصَلّي (ar) (al-muṣally)
to attack, assault sth/sb; to raid, launch a strike against sth |
هاجَمَ (ar) (hājama)
custom, client |
زبون (ar) (zbwn)، زَبائِن (ar) (zabāʔin)
close, near; close companion, protege |
مُقَرَّب (ar) (muqarrab)
sectarianism, factionalism |
طائِفيّة (ar) (ṭāʔifyya)
calm, tranquility, serenity; rest, repose |
طُمَأْنينة (ar) (ṭumaʔnyna)
smuggling (goods or persons) |
تَهريب (ar) (tahryb)
completion; realization |
إتْمام (ar) (ʔitmām)
awakening, revival; resurgence |
صَحوة (ar) (ṣaḥwa)
protective; preservative; preventative |
وِقائيّ (ar) (wiqāʔyy)
to occur ل to sb; to come على/ب to sb's minds |
خَطَرَ (ar) (ḵaṭara)، يَخطِرُ. الخَطْر (ar) (yaḵṭiru. al-ḵaṭr)
taking place, happening; ongoing, current |
دائِر (ar) (dāʔir)
woe, distress |
وَيْل (ar) (wayl)
woe is me! |
يا وَيْلي (ar) (yā wayly)
to be useful, helpful |
أجدى (ar) (ʔjdā)
it's useful |
يُجدي نَفْعاً (ar) (yujdy nafʕan)
dark, darkness, gloom |
عَتمة (ar) (ʕatma)
to split, cut through sth |
شَقَّ (ar) (šaqqa)، يَشُقُّ (ar) (yašuqqu)، الشَّقّ (ar) (aš-šaqq)
to make one's way (إلى towards) |
شَقَّ طَريقه (ar) (šaqqa ṭaryqh)
laboratory; factory, installation, (production) facility |
مَعمَل (ar) (maʕmal)، مَعامِل (ar) (maʕāmil)
diplomacy |
دِبموماسيّة (ar) (dibmwmāsyya)
oil, grease, fat (esp in food) |
دُهْن (ar) (duhn)، دُهون (ar) (duhwn)
vitamin |
فيتامين ات (ar) (fytāmyn āt)
breaking (barrier); incursion, penetration; traversing, crossing (region); hacking into (computer, network) |
اِختِراق (ar) (iḵtirāq)
excellence, eminence; (in titles) فَخامة الرَّئيس |
فَخامة (ar) (faḵāma)
sphere, scope; field, domain, area |
حَيِّز (ar) (ḥayyiz)
housing, lodging; residence, home; territory, inhabited area |
رَبْع (ar) (rabʕ)، رُبوع (ar) (rubwʕ)
proprietor, owner; possessing, owning; having, holding |
مالِك (ar) (mālik)
zakat (almsgiving in Islam); charity |
زَكاة (ar) (zakāh)
confiscation, seizure; expropriation; impounding |
مُصادَرة (ar) (muṣādara)
oppressed, treated unjustly |
مَظلوم (ar) (maẓlwm)
to make pleasant; to enhance, make delicious (food); to perfume, scent sth |
طَيَّبَ (ar) (ṭayyaba)
to appease sb |
طَيَّبَ خاطِرَهُ (ar) (ṭayyaba ḵāṭirahu)
concluding, closing, final |
خِتاميّ (ar) (ḵitāmyy)
purposeful, directed; (plans, efforts) aimed at |
هادِف (ar) (hādif)
rural, countryside; rustic |
ريفيّ (ar) (ryfyy)
containing, including; controlling, holding back, curbing; inclusion, content |
اِحتِواء (ar) (iḥtiwāʔ)
housing |
إسكان (ar) (ʔiskān)
rice |
أرُزّ (ar) (ʔruzz)
antagonist, adversary; resisting, opposing |
مُقاوِم (ar) (muqāwim)
to bleed, hemorrhage; drain |
نَزَفَ (ar) (nazafa)، يَنزِفُ (ar) (yanzifu)، النَّزْف (ar) (an-nazf)
inundation, flood |
غَمرة (ar) (ḡamra)
heat, passion (of conflict) |
غِمار (ar) (ḡimār)
grip; fistful; seizure |
قَبضة (ar) (qabḍa)
older/est, more/most ancient |
أقدَم (ar) (ʔqdam)
date palms |
نَخيل (ar) (naḵyl)
obstacle, hurdle, impediment |
مُعَوِّق ات (ar) (muʕawwiq āt)
to treat, deal with sb/sth (ب in a manner) |
عامَلَ (ar) (ʕāmala)
structure, composition; arrangement, configuration |
تَركيبة (ar) (tarkyba)
affectionate, compassionate; loving, dear |
حُنون (ar) (ḥunwn)
doctrinal, sectarian |
مَذهَبيّ (ar) (maḏhabyy)
to wave ب with (hand) إلى at sb; to allude to, hint at ب sth |
لَوَّحَ (ar) (lawwaḥa)
(adj) individual, separate |
مُفرَد (ar) (mufrad)
alone, by itself/himself |
بِمُفرَدِهِ (ar) (bimufradihi)
slowly, gradually; (with pronoun) رُوَيْدَك slow down! |
رُوَيْداً (ar) (ruwaydan)
to fight (sb) |
قاتَلَ (ar) (qātala)
characteristic, distinguishing feature; merit, distinction, advantage, asset |
ميزة (ar) (myza)
navy |
بَحريّة (ar) (baḥryya)
inclination, tendency; trend |
نَزْعة (ar) (nazʕa)
to head, lead, direct sth; to chair (meeting) |
رَأَسَ (ar) (raʔasa)، يَرأَسُ (ar) (yarʔasu)، الرَّأْس (ar) (ar-raʔs)
dew; generosity |
نَدىً (ar) (nadan)
to happen (unexpectedly) على to sb; to occur على to sb (an idea) |
طَرَأَ (ar) (ṭaraʔa)، يَطرَأُ (ar) (yaṭraʔu)، الطَّرء (ar) (aṭ-ṭarʔ)
gist, synopsis, abstract, summary |
خُلاصة (ar) (ḵulāṣa)
in brief, in short |
خُلاصة القَوْل (ar) (ḵulāṣa(t) al-qawl)
knowledge-related, information-related; cognitive |
مَعرِفيّ (ar) (maʕrifyy)
matron, elderly woman, elderly female |
شَيْخة (ar) (šayḵa)
my dear lady, ma'am |
يا شَيْخة (ar) (yā šayḵa)
thermal, caloric, heat-related |
حَراريّ (ar) (ḥarāryy)
greenhouse effect, global warming |
الاِحتِباس الحَراريّ (ar) (al-iḥtibās al-ḥarāryy)
game, sport; toy, play thing; (fig) deal, trick; (sports) move |
لُعبة (ar) (luʕba)، لُعَب (ar) (luʕab)
changing, alternating |
مُتَغَيِّر (ar) (mutaḡayyir)
variables |
مُتَغَيِّرات (ar) (mutaḡayyirāt)
region, district |
قُطر (ar) (quṭr)، أقطار (ar) (ʔqṭār)
countries |
أقطار (ar) (ʔqṭār)
committed (ب to); involved, loyal |
مُلتَزِم (ar) (multazim)
requesting, demanding |
طالِب (ar) (ṭālib)
(film, video) clip |
كَليب ات (ar) (kalyb āt)
(traffic) congestion, jam, bottleneck; crowd, throng |
زُحمة (ar) (zuḥma)
sacrifice; self-sacrifice |
فِداء (ar) (fidāʔ)
strike, invasion |
اِجتِياح (ar) (ijtiyāḥ)
vigor, vitality; liveliness |
حَيَويّة (ar) (ḥayawyya)
charity; piety, righteousness |
بِرّ (ar) (birr)
pregnant |
حَامِل (ar) (ḥāmil)
humanity, humankind; humaneness |
إنسانيّة (ar) (ʔinsānyya)
incursion, assault; storming into, breaching |
اِقتِحام (ar) (iqtiḥām)
to follow, come after sth/sb; to recite (Quran) |
تَلا (ar) (talā)، يَتلو (ar) (yatlw)، التَّلاوة (ar) (at-talāwa)
one-hundred, hundredth; percent; Celsius, centigrade |
مِئَويّ (ar) (miʔawyy)
to point out, mention ب/إلى أنّ that |
نَوَّهَ (ar) (nawwaha)
novelist, narrator; narrative, novelistic |
رِوائيّ (ar) (riwāʔyy)
repercussion; reflection |
اِنعِكاس ات (ar) (inʕikās āt)
separately, individually |
على حِدةٍ (ar) (ʕlā ḥidatin)
spiral, cycle; whirlpool, vortex; dizziness, confusion |
دَوّامة (ar) (dawwāma)
neglect, negligence, carelessness |
إهمال (ar) (ʔihmāl)
past, expired, elapsed, gone by |
فائِت (ar) (fāʔit)
sidewalk; platform |
رَصيف (ar) (raṣyf)
young girl, young (unmarried) woman |
ضَبيّة (ar) (ḍabyya)، ضَبايا (ar) (ḍabāyā)
gift, grant |
هِبة (ar) (hiba)
limited in number, countable |
مَعدود (ar) (maʕdwd)
procession, cavalcade; entourage, retinue |
رَكْب (ar) (rakb)
mutual affinity; rapprochement |
تَقارُب (ar) (taqārub)