the |
ال (ar) (al-)
and; with |
و (ar) (w)
in, inside; on (a date); at (a time); about (a topic); among (with pl pronoun) فيكم among you all; could (in requests) هل فينا أنْ could we...? |
في (ar) (fī)
from; (with following verb or masdar) since |
مِن (ar) (min)
for, to |
ل (ar) (l)
with, by |
ب (ar) (b)
because of, due to |
بِسَبَب (ar) (bisabab)
on, above |
عَلى (ar) (ʕalā)
that |
أنَّ (ar) (ʔnna)
to, towards; till, until |
إلى (ar) (ʔilā)
to be |
كانَ (ar) (kāna)، يَكونُ (ar) (yakwnu)، الكَوْن (ar) (al-kawn)
no; not, non- |
لا (ar) (lā)
neither...nor |
ولا...ولا (ar) (wlā...wlā)
doesn't/didn't? |
ألا (ar) (ʔlā)
Allah |
الله (ar) (allāh)
I swear (by God) |
والله (ar) (wālllāh)
to |
أنْ (ar) (ʔn)
in order to |
لِأنْ (ar) (liʔn)
after (with perf. or imperf) بَعدَ أنْ ذَهَبَ after he went, بَعدَ أنْ يَذهَبَ |
بَعدَ أنْ (ar) (baʕda ʔn)
from, about |
عَن (ar) (ʕan)
by way of, via |
عَن طَريق (ar) (ʕan ṭaryq)
to say إنَّ that, to tell ل sb إنَّ that |
قالَ (ar) (qāla)، يَقولُ (ar) (yaqwlu)، القَوْل (ar) (al-qawl)
this (masc sing) |
هذا (ar) (hḏā)
with |
مَعَ (ar) (maʕa)
nevertheless |
مَعَ هَذا (ar) (maʕa haḏā) / ذَلِك (ar) (ḏalik)
together |
معاً (ar) (mʕan)
(fem sing) who, whom; which, that |
ألَّتي (ar) (ʔllaty)
each; every; all (of) |
كُلّ (ar) (kull)
everyone |
الكُلّ (ar) (al-kull)
everything |
كُلُّ شَيْءٍ (ar) (kullu šayʔin)
everything that |
كُلُّ ما (ar) (kullu mā)
everyone that |
كُلُّ مَن (ar) (kullu man)
each one of (the following) |
كُلُّ مِن (ar) (kullu min)
in any case, anyhow |
عَلى كُلٍّ (ar) (ʕalā kullin)
he, it |
هُوَ (ar) (huwa)
and, so |
ف (ar) (f)
this (fem sing) |
هَذِهِ (ar) (haḏihi)
or |
أَوْ (ar) (ʔaw)
(masc sing) who, whom; which |
ألَّذي (ar) (ʔllaḏy)
I |
أنا (ar) (ʔnā)
day |
يَوْم (ar) (yawm)، أيّام (ar) (ʔyyām)
today |
اليَوْم (ar) (al-yawm)
someday |
يَوْماً ما (ar) (yawman mā)
ever; (with neg) never |
يَوماً (ar) (yawman)
(with jussive) did not |
لَم (ar) (lam)
didn't...? |
ألَم (ar) (ʔlam)
not |
ما (ar) (mā)
don't/doesn't/didn't...? |
أما (ar) (ʔmā)
truly; that (after قالَ) |
إنَّ (ar) (ʔinna)
what, whatever, that which |
ما (ar) (mā)
between; among |
يَيْنَ (ar) (yayna) / ما بَيْنَ (ar) (mā bayna)
among ourselves |
فيما بَينَنا (ar) (fymā baynanā)
she; it; they |
هِيَ (ar) (hiya)
after |
بَعدَ (ar) (baʕda)
O...! |
يا (ar) (yā)
(masc sing) that |
ذَلِك (ar) (ḏalik)
(with perf) has/have already |
قَد (ar) (qad)
had already |
كانَ قَد (ar) (kāna qad)
will have already |
يَكونُ قَد (ar) (yakwnu qad)
other, another; one more, additional |
آخَر (ar) (ʔāḵar)، أُخرى (ar) (ʔuḵrā)
thing, something |
شَيْء (ar) (šayʔ)، أشياء (ar) (ʔšyāʔ)
with, next to; at (time, location); (to have) |
عِندَ (ar) (ʕinda)
first; best, top-most |
أوَّل (ar) (ʔwwal)، أُولى (ar) (ʔūlā)، أوائِل (ar) (ʔwāʔil)
beginning |
أوَّل (ar) (ʔwwal)
forefathers |
أوائِل (ar) (ʔwāʔil)
first of all, primarily |
أوَّلاً (ar) (ʔwwalan)
other (than), different (than); not |
غَيْر (ar) (ḡayr)
however, but |
غَيْر أنَّ (ar) (ḡayr ʔnna)
without |
بِغَيْر (ar) (biḡayr)
when, if, whenever; |
إذا (ar) (ʔiḏā)
and (then) suddenly |
و إذا ب (ar) (w ʔiḏā b)
same, self |
نَفْس (ar) (nafs)، أنفُس (ar) (ʔnfus)
Arab; Arabian; Arabic |
عَرَبيّ (ar) (ʕarabyy)، عَرَب (ar) (ʕarab)
any (in idaafa); what, which; whatever, whoever |
أيّ (ar) (ʔyy)
president, leader; chief, head, chairman; main, chief, principal |
رَئِيس (ar) (raʔīs)، رُؤَساء (ar) (ruʔasāʔ)
working; work, activity, action |
عَمَل (ar) (ʕamal)، أعمال (ar) (ʔʕmāl)
national; nationalistic |
وَطَنيّ (ar) (waṭanyy)
to know sth/sb or أنّ that; (perf) to learn, find out أنَّ that |
عَرَفَ (ar) (ʕarafa)، يَعرِفُ (ar) (yaʕrifu)، المَعارِفة (ar) (al-maʕārifa)
some, several |
بَعْض (ar) (baʕḍ)
a little, to some extent |
بَعضَ الشَّيْءٍ (ar) (baʕḍa š-šayʔin)
each other |
بَعضُهُم بَعضاً (ar) (baʕḍuhum baʕḍan)
together |
مَعَ بَعض (ar) (maʕa baʕḍ)
on top of each other |
على بَعض (ar) (ʕlā baʕḍ)
in line, in a row (one behind the other) |
وَراء بَعض (ar) (warāʔ baʕḍ)
state, country |
دَوْلة (ar) (dawla)، دُوَل (ar) (duwal)
and, also, as well |
كَما (ar) (kamā)
except (for), but (for), save |
إلّا (ar) (ʔillā)
however, except that |
إلّا أنَّ (ar) (ʔillā ʔnna)
otherwise |
وإلّا (ar) (wʔillā)
you (masc) |
أنتَ (ar) (ʔnta)
many, much, numerous |
كَثير (ar) (kaṯyr)
very much |
كَثيراً (ar) (kaṯyran)
frequently, often |
كَثيراً ما (ar) (kaṯyran mā)
one, single |
واحِد (ar) (wāḥid)
because |
لِأنَّ (ar) (liʔnna)
(with following noun) however, but |
لَكِنَّ (ar) (lakinna)
to not be |
لَيْسَ (ar) (laysa)
isn't...? |
ألَيْسَ (ar) (ʔlaysa)
new, modern |
جَديد (ar) (jadyd)، جُدُد (ar) (judud)
again, anew |
مِن جَديد (ar) (min jadyd)
if; whether |
إنْ (ar) (ʔin)
even if, although |
وإنْ (ar) (wʔin)
no sooner had... than, had just...when |
ما إنْ... حَتّى (ar) (mā ʔin... ḥattā)
year |
عام (ar) (ʕām)، أعوام (ar) (ʔʕwām)
one (of, someone; anyone; (neg) nobody, no one |
أحَد (ar) (ʔḥad) / إحدى (ar) (ʔiḥdā)
more/most, greater/est in number |
أكثَر (ar) (ʔkṯar)
large; great, important, major; adult, senior |
كَبير (ar) (kabyr)، كِبار (ar) (kibār)
the adults |
الكِبار (ar) (al-kibār)
brother |
أخ (ar) (ʔḵ)، إخوان (ar) (ʔiḵwān) / إخوة (ar) (ʔiḵwa)
my friend; (hey) buddy |
يا أخي (ar) (yā ʔḵy)
how |
كَيْفَ (ar) (kayfa)
before |
قَبلَ (ar) (qabla)
before, prior to |
مِن قَبلِ (ar) (min qabli)
previously, earlier |
قَبلُ (ar) (qablu) / من قَبلُ (ar) (mn qablu)
year |
سَنة (ar) (sana)، سَنَوات (ar) (sanawāt)
matter, issue, concern, affair |
أمْر (ar) (ʔmr)، أُمور (ar) (ʔumwr)
power, strength, force |
قُوَّة (ar) (quwwa)، ات (ar) (āt) / قُوىً (ar) (quwan)
(question marker) |
هَل (ar) (hal)
during, through |
خِلال (ar) (ḵilāl)
in the course of |
في خِلال (ar) (fy ḵilāl)
meanwhile |
في خِلال ذَلِك (ar) (fy ḵilāl ḏalik)
by means of, through; across, via; on the basis of; based on |
من خِلال (ar) (mn ḵilāl)
time, moment, occasion |
مَرّة (ar) (marra)، ات (ar) (āt) / مِرار (ar) (mirār)
once |
مَرّةً (ar) (marratan)
twice |
مَرَّتَيْن (ar) (marratayn)
repeatedly |
مِراراً (ar) (mirāran)
several times, repeatedly |
مَرّاتٍ (ar) (marrātin)
totally; completely; (with neg) never, not at all |
بِالمَرّة (ar) (bi-l-marra)
to see sth/sb; to think, believe أنَّ that |
رَأَى (ar) (raʔā)، يَرى (ar) (yarā)، الرَّؤية (ar) (ar-raʔya), بشفاثق أب (ar) (ʔb)، آباء (ar) (ʔābāʔ)
the parents |
الأبَوان (ar) (al-ʔbawān)
there, over there; there is, there are |
هُناكَ (ar) (hunāka)
to finish, conclude, come to an end; to take place, be held (event) |
تَمَّ (ar) (tamma)، يَتِمُّ (ar) (yatimmu)، التَّمام (ar) (at-tamām)
where, in which (non-question word) |
حَيْثُ (ar) (ḥayṯu)
so that, in order to |
حَيْثُ (ar) (ḥayṯu) / بِحَيْثُ (ar) (biḥayṯu)
since, because, given that |
حَيْثُ أنَّ (ar) (ḥayṯu ʔnna)
in terms of, based on |
من حَيْثُ ال (ar) (mn ḥayṯu l-)
second, additional; next, following |
ثانٍ (ar) (ṯānin) / الثّاني (ar) (aṯ-ṯāny)
secondly, furthermore |
ثانياً (ar) (ṯānyan)
again, once more |
ثَانيةً (ar) (ṯānyatan)
until, up to |
حَتّى (ar) (ḥattā)
all (of); everyone one (of) |
جَميع (ar) (jamyʕ)
everyone |
الجَميع (ar) (al-jamyʕ)
altogether; all, entirely |
جَميعاً (ar) (jamyʕan)
region, area, zone, territory |
مِنطَقة (ar) (minṭaqa)، مَناطِق (ar) (manāṭiq)
truth; legal right; true, right |
حَقّ (ar) (ḥaqq)، حُقوق (ar) (ḥuqwq)
the law |
الحُقوق (ar) (al-ḥuqwq)
really, truly |
حَقّاً (ar) (ḥaqqan)
American |
أمريكيّ (ar) (ʔmrykyy)
like, similar to |
مِثْل (ar) (miṯl)، أمثال (ar) (ʔmṯāl)
if |
لَوْ (ar) (law)
even if |
وَلَوْ (ar) (walaw)
if not, if it weren't for |
لَوْ لا (ar) (law lā)
general, common, public |
عامّ (ar) (ʕāmm)
name |
اِسم (ar) (ism)، أسماء (ar) (ʔsmāʔ)
to be possible (ل for sb) to do sth |
أمكَنَ (ar) (ʔmkana)
it's possible to (do sth) |
يُمكِنُ أنْ (ar) (yumkinu ʔn)
man |
رَجُل (ar) (rajul)، رِجال (ar) (rijāl)
but |
لَكِن (ar) (lakin)
world |
عالَم (ar) (ʕālam)، عَوالِم (ar) (ʕawālim)
life |
حَياة (ar) (ḥayāh)
subject, topic, issue, theme; placed, laid down; located, situated |
مَوْضوع (ar) (mawḍwʕ)، مَواضيع (ar) (mawāḍyʕ)
minister |
وَزير (ar) (wazyr)، وُزَراء (ar) (wuzarāʔ)
we |
نَحنُ (ar) (naḥnu)
time, moment, period |
وَقْت (ar) (waqt)، أوْقات (ar) (ʔwqāt)
while |
في الوَقْت الذي (ar) (fy al-waqt aḏ-ḏy)
country, nation |
بَلَد (ar) (balad)، بِلاد (ar) (bilād) / بُلدان (ar) (buldān)
who, whom |
مَن (ar) (man)
council, board |
مَجلِس (ar) (majlis)، مَجالِس (ar) (majālis)
parliament |
مَجلِس الشَّعْب (ar) (majlis aš-šaʕb)
US Senate |
مَجلِس الشُّيوخ (ar) (majlis aš-šuywḵ)
to rise, stand up; to undertake, carry out ب (task, activity); to play ب (a role); to be based على on; (with imperf) to start to do sth |
قامَ (ar) (qāma)، يَقومُ (ar) (yaqwmu)، القَوْم (ar) (al-qawm)
government, administration |
حُكومة ات (ar) (ḥukwma(t) āt)
house; family |
بَيْت (ar) (bayt)، بُيوت (ar) (buywt)
verse (of poetry) |
بَيْت (ar) (bayt)، أبَيات (ar) (ʔbayāt)
without; under, below |
دونَ (ar) (dwna)
without |
مِن دَونَ (ar) (min dawna) / بِدونَ (ar) (bidwna)
Palestinian |
فِلَسطينيّ (ar) (filasṭynyy)
then, afterwards; besides, furthermore |
ثُمَّ (ar) (ṯumma)
to come (إلى to); to come to sb; to appear, show up (في in sth written or spoken) |
جاءَ (ar) (jāʔa)، يَجيء (ar) (yajyʔ)، الجَيْئة (ar) (al-jayʔa)
heart; center, essence; overthrowing, toppling (a regime); turning over (pages) |
قَلْب (ar) (qalb)، قُلوب (ar) (qulwb)
thousand |
ألْف (ar) (ʔlf)، آلاف (ar) (ʔālāf)
people, humans; persons |
ناس (ar) (nās)
road, course; way, method |
طَريق (ar) (ṭaryq)، طُرُق (ar) (ṭuruq)
earth, ground; land, territory |
أرْض (ar) (ʔrḍ)، أراضٍ (ar) (ʔrāḍin) / الأراضي (ar) (al-ʔrāḍy)
reason, cause |
سَبَب (ar) (sabab)، أسباب (ar) (ʔsbāb)
company, corporation |
شَرِكة ات (ar) (šarika(t) āt)
number, quantity; (periodical) issue, edition |
عَدَد (ar) (ʕadad)، أعداد (ar) (ʔʕdād)
among those who |
بَيْنَ أعداد ال (ar) (bayna ʔʕdād al-)
picture, image, photo; manner, way, form |
صورة (ar) (ṣwra)، صُوَر (ar) (ṣuwar)
international, wold, global |
دَوْليّ (ar) (dawlyy)
internationally, worldwide, globally |
دُوَليّاً (ar) (duwalyyan)
people, nation |
شَعْب (ar) (šaʕb)، شُعوب (ar) (šuʕwb)
to return, go back إلى to sth; to be attributed إلى to sth/sb; (with imperf) عادَ يَفعَلُ to repeat sth, do sth again; لم يَعُد to no longer do sth or be sth |
عادَ (ar) (ʕāda)، يَعودُ (ar) (yaʕwdu)، العَوْدة (ar) (al-ʕawda)
hopefully, God willing |
إنْ شاء الله (ar) (ʔin šāʔ allāh)
as you wish |
كَما شِئْتَ (ar) (kamā šiʔta)
now |
الآن (ar) (al-ʔān)
to want, desire sth or أنْ to do sth |
أرادَ (ar) (ʔrāda)، يُريدُ (ar) (yurydu)، الإرادة (ar) (al-ʔirāda)
family, relatives, folks; people, inhabitants |
أهْل (ar) (ʔhl)، أهالٍ (ar) (ʔhālin) / الأهالي (ar) (al-ʔhāly)
(fem sing) that, those |
تِلكَ (ar) (tilka)
eye; water spring, water source; spy, secret agent; eye (needle) |
عَيْن (ar) (ʕayn)، عُيون (ar) (ʕuywn)
(masc pl) who, whom |
الَّذينَ (ar) (allaḏyna)
manner; form, shape; appearance, look |
شَكْل (ar) (šakl)، أشكال (ar) (ʔškāl)
operation, process |
عَمَليّة ات (ar) (ʕamalyya(t) āt)
as for..., concerning..., |
أمّا (ar) (ʔmmā)
and now to our main point |
أمّا بَعدُ (ar) (ʔmmā baʕdu)
special, specific; private, personal; exclusive, elite |
خاصّ (ar) (ḵāṣṣ)
around |
حَوْلَ (ar) (ḥawla)
to work, function; to make, prepare, build sth |
عَمِلَ (ar) (ʕamila)، يَعمَلُ (ar) (yaʕmalu)، العَمَل (ar) (al-ʕamal)
to mean, imply sth or أنّ that |
عَنى (ar) (ʕanā)، يَعني (ar) (yaʕny)، العِناية (ar) (al-ʕināya)
to be concerned ب with, take an interest ب in |
عُنِيَ (ar) (ʕuniya)، يُعنى (ar) (yuʕnā)
to find sth/sb |
وَجَدَ (ar) (wajada)، يَجِدُ (ar) (yajidu)، الوَجْد (ar) (al-wajd)
there are |
يوجِد (ar) (ywjid)
goodness, good; better (من than), best |
خَيْر (ar) (ḵayr)
national; nationalistic; nationalist |
وَطَنيّ (ar) (waṭanyy)
city |
مَدينة (ar) (madyna)، مُدُن (ar) (mudun)
son |
اِبْن (ar) (ibn)، أبناء (ar) (ʔbnāʔ)
children |
أبناء (ar) (ʔbnāʔ)
th native population |
أبناء البِلاد (ar) (ʔbnāʔ al-bilād)
also, as well; besides |
أيضاً (ar) (ʔyḍan)
will |
سَ (ar) (sa) / سَوْفَ (ar) (sawfa)
good, nice; pleasant; delicious; OK |
طَيِّب (ar) (ṭayyib)
hand |
يَد (ar) (yad)، الأيدي (ar) (al-ʔydy)
project, enterprise; lawful, legal |
مَشروع (ar) (mašrwʕ)، مَشاريع (ar) (mašāryʕ)
bill, draft law |
مَشروع قانون (ar) (mašrwʕ qānwn)
voice, sound; vote |
صَوْت (ar) (ṣawt)، أصوات (ar) (ʔṣwāt)
front, font part |
أمامْ (ar) (ʔmām)
in front of, facing |
أمامَ (ar) (ʔmāma)
forward |
إلى الأمام (ar) (ʔilā l-ʔmām)
to hear sb, listen (إلى) to sb |
سَمِعَ (ar) (samiʕa)، يَسمَعُ (ar) (yasmaʕu)، السَّماع (ar) (as-samāʕ)
ratio, rate, percentage |
نِسبة (ar) (nisba)، نِسَب (ar) (nisab)
concerning, regarding, in relation to |
بِالنِّسبة إلى (ar) (bi-n-nisba(t) ʔilā)
situation, condition, case |
حال (ar) (ḥāl)، أحوال (ar) (ʔḥwāl)
immediately, right now |
حالاً (ar) (ḥālan)
month |
شَهُر (ar) (šahur)، شُهور (ar) (šuhwr) / أشهُر (ar) (ʔšhur)
but, rather; in fact |
بَل (ar) (bal)
program |
بَرنامَج (ar) (barnāmaj)، بَرامِج (ar) (barāmij)
mother |
أُمّ (ar) (ʔumm)، أُمِّهات (ar) (ʔummihāt)
with one's own eyes; the best, greatest, finest |
بِأُم العين (ar) (biʔum al-ʕyn)
war, warfare |
حَرب (ar) (ḥarb)، حُروب (ar) (ḥurwb)
when, as soon as |
عِندَما (ar) (ʕindamā)
laying down, putting, placing; drafting (document); situation, state of affairs, status, condition |
وَضْع (ar) (waḍʕ)، أوْضاع (ar) (ʔwḍāʕ)
role, part, task, function; floor (building level); stage; turn (chance to act, play a role) |
دَوْر (ar) (dawr)، أدْوار (ar) (ʔdwār)
face, font; side; way, manner |
وَجه (ar) (wajh)، وُجوه (ar) (wujwh)
aspect, facet |
وَجه (ar) (wajh)، أوْجُه (ar) (ʔwjuh)
generally/specifically |
بِوَجهٍ عامّ (ar) (biwajhin ʕāmm) / خاصّ (ar) (ḵāṣṣ)
seriousness, earnestness |
جِدّ (ar) (jidd)
seriously, in earnest |
بِجِدٍّ (ar) (bijiddin)
to start, to begin (في) sth or (with imperf) to do sth |
بَدَأَ (ar) (badaʔa)، يَبدَأُ (ar) (yabdaʔu)، البَدء (ar) (al-badʔ)
word; remark; speech |
كَلِمة ات (ar) (kalima(t) āt)
child, infant |
طِفل (ar) (ṭifl)، أطفال (ar) (ʔṭfāl)
since, ago; ever since, starting from |
مُنذُ (ar) (munḏu)
with, by, at; to have |
لَدى (ar) (ladā)
to become sth; to being, start (to do sth) |
أصبَحَ (ar) (ʔṣbaḥa)
place, location; position, role, post |
مَكان (ar) (makān)، أمكِنة (ar) (ʔmkina) / أماكِن (ar) (ʔmākin)
to become; to happen; (with imperf) to begin to do |
صارَ (ar) (ṣāra)، يَصيرُ (ar) (yaṣyru)
problem, issue |
مُشكلة (ar) (muškla)، مَشاكِل (ar) (mašākil)
tens, scores, dozens |
عَشَرات (ar) (ʕašarāt)
to arrive إلى at; to connect, link, join (بين) between |
وَصَلَ (ar) (waṣala)
Islamic; Islamist |
إسلاميّ (ar) (ʔislāmyy)
hour, time, o'clock; clock, watch |
ساعة ات (ar) (sāʕa(t) āt)
sheikh, leader; old man; senator |
شَيخ (ar) (šayḵ)، شُيوخ (ar) (šuywḵ)
to confirm sth or أنّ that; to underscore, emphasize (على) sth or على) أنّ) that |
أكَّدَ (ar) (ʔkkada)
peace; (pl) greeting, salute |
سَلام ات (ar) (salām āt)
the national anthem |
السلام الوَطَنيّ (ar) (as-slām al-waṭanyy)
Sir, Mr; lord, master, boss |
سَِّد (ar) (saaid)، سادة (ar) (sāda)
owner, possessor; originator; friend, companion |
صاحِب (ar) (ṣāḥib)، أصحاب (ar) (ʔṣḥāb)
movement, motion, activity; organization, (political) movement |
حَرَكة ات (ar) (ḥaraka(t) āt)
lord, master; Lord; owner, proprietor |
رَبّ (ar) (rabb)، أرباب (ar) (ʔrbāb)
extent, limit, level; edge, corner |
حَدّ (ar) (ḥadd)، حُدود (ar) (ḥudwd)
border, frontier; range, scope |
حُدود (ar) (ḥudwd)
to take sth; (imperf) to begin to do sth |
أخَذَ (ar) (ʔḵaḏa)، يَزْخُذ (ar) (yazḵuḏ)، الأخذ (ar) (al-ʔḵḏ)
regime, government, system; orderliness |
نِظام (ar) (niẓām)، نُظُم (ar) (nuẓum) / أنظِمة (ar) (ʔnẓima)
ego, self; (idaafa) a certain, a given (day, time, occasion, person, thing) |
ذات (ar) (ḏāt)، ذَوات (ar) (ḏawāt)
exactly, precisely |
بالذّات (ar) (bālḏḏāt)
problem, issue; lawsuit, legal case |
قَضِيّة (ar) (qaḍiyya)، قَضايا (ar) (qaḍāyā)
past; previous, last; the past |
ماضٍ (ar) (māḍin) / الماضي (ar) (al-māḍy)
human being |
إنسان (ar) (ʔinsān)، أُناس (ar) (ʔunās)
condition, state, situation; case, instance |
حالة ات (ar) (ḥāla(t) āt)
last; latest, recent |
أخير (ar) (ʔḵyr)
the latter |
الأخير (ar) (al-ʔḵyr)
finally; recently lately |
أخيراً (ar) (ʔḵyran)
in spite of, despite |
رَغم (ar) (raḡm)، على الرَّغمِ من (ar) (ʕlā r-raḡmi mn)، بالرَّغمِ من (ar) (bālrraḡmi mn)
side, aspect, part |
جانِب (ar) (jānib)، جَوانِب (ar) (jawānib)
next to, beside |
إلى جانِب (ar) (ʔilā jānib)، بِجانِب (ar) (bijānib)
affection, love |
حُبّ (ar) (ḥubb)
out of affection for, for love of |
حُبّاً ل (ar) (ḥubban l)
university; league |
جامِعة ات (ar) (jāmiʕa(t) āt)
decision, resolution |
قَرار ات (ar) (qarār āt)
(with perf) has/have already |
لَقَد (ar) (laqad)
to cease |
زالَ (ar) (zāla)
to continue to be or do sth |
لا يَزالُ (ar) (lā yazālu)، ما زالَ (ar) (mā zāla)، لا زالَ (ar) (lā zāla)، ما يَزالُ (ar) (mā yazālu)
head; tip, top |
رَأْس (ar) (raʔs)، رُؤُوس (ar) (ruʔūs)
capital; (geo) cape |
رَأْس مال (ar) (raʔs māl)، رُؤُوس أموال (ar) (ruʔūs ʔmwāl)
immediately |
رَأساً (ar) (raʔsan)
bottom part |
تَحتْ (ar) (taḥt)
below, under |
تَحتَ (ar) (taḥta)
ministry |
وِزارة ات (ar) (wizāra(t) āt)
goal, target; intention, objective; (sports) goal, point |
هَدَف (ar) (hadaf)، أهداف (ar) (ʔhdāf)
relation, link, tie, connection |
عَلاقة ات (ar) (ʕalāqa(t) āt)
united |
مُتَّحِد (ar) (muttaḥid)
society |
مُجتَمَع ات (ar) (mujtamaʕ āt)
center; station; (sports) ranking, position |
مَركَز (ar) (markaz)، مَراكِز (ar) (marākiz)
to tell, relate, report |
حَكى (ar) (ḥakā)، يَحكي (ar) (yaḥky)، الحِكاية (ar) (al-ḥikāya)
result, outcome; consequence |
نَتيجة (ar) (natyja)، نَتائِج (ar) (natāʔij)
as a result of |
نَتيجةً ل (ar) (natyjatan l)
opinion, view; idea |
رَأْي (ar) (raʔy)، آراء (ar) (ʔārāʔ)
administration, management; bureau, office, directorate |
إدارة ات (ar) (ʔidāra(t) āt)
small; young; children, youths |
صَغير (ar) (ṣaḡyr)، صِغار (ar) (ṣiḡār)
law, statues, regulations |
قانون (ar) (qānwn)، قَوانين (ar) (qawānyn)
because, in light of the fact that, considering that |
بما أنّ (ar) (bmā ʔnn)
including |
بما في ذلك (ar) (bmā fy ḏlk)
to be able ْأن/vn. to do sth, to be capable أنْ/vn. of doing sth |
اِستَطاعَ (ar) (istaṭāʕa)
water; liquid; juice |
ماء (ar) (māʔ)، مِياه (ar) (miyāh)
(body of) water |
مِياه (ar) (miyāh)
safety, security, protection; order, control, discipline |
أمْن (ar) (ʔmn)
to offer, present sth; to submit (request, complaint) to apply على for (position) |
قَدَّمَ (ar) (qaddama)
person, individual |
شَخص (ar) (šaḵṣ)، أشخاص (ar) (ʔšḵāṣ)
speech, talk; statement, remark; saying, quote |
كَلام (ar) (kalām)
position, location, site; website |
مَوقِع (ar) (mawqiʕ)، مَواقِع (ar) (mawāqiʕ)
hundred |
مِئَة (ar) (miʔa)، مائِة (ar) (māʔia)
hundreds |
مئات (ar) (mʔāt)
when |
حينَ (ar) (ḥyna)
interior, inside |
داخِلْ (ar) (dāḵil)
inside (of) |
داخِلَ (ar) (dāḵila)
unity, solitude, loneliness; unit, item; portion, selection |
وَحدة ات (ar) (waḥda(t) āt)
nation; people, community |
أُمّة (ar) (ʔumma)، أُمَم (ar) (ʔumam)
important, serious |
مُهِمّ (ar) (muhimm)
the important thing is that, what's important is |
من المُهِمّ (ar) (mn al-muhimm)
million |
مِليُون (ar) (milyūn)، مَلايين (ar) (malāyyn)
doctor (physician or holder of doctorate); (title) Dr |
دُكتور (ar) (duktwr)، دَكاتِرة (ar) (dakātira)
doing; deed, act, action, (ling) verb |
فِعْل (ar) (fiʕl)، أفعال (ar) (ʔfʕāl)
really, actually, in fact |
فِعلاً (ar) (fiʕlan)، بالفعل (ar) (bālfʕl)
because of, owing to |
بِفِعل (ar) (bifiʕl)
sweet, nice pleasant |
حُلو (ar) (ḥulw)
team, group, band; faction, party; (pl) lieutenant general |
فَريق (ar) (faryq)، فرقاء (ar) (frqāʔ)
to remain, stay (على in a state); to last, endure; to be left over; to continue doing sth or being sth; (with neg) to no longer do sth or be sth |
بَقِيَ (ar) (baqiya)، يَبقى البَقاء (ar) (yabqā l-baqāʔ)
committee, council, commission |
لَجنة (ar) (lajna)، لِجان (ar) (lijān)
different, divergent; various; in disagreement (في/على about sth) |
مُختَلِف (ar) (muḵtalif)
to be necessary على for sb أنْ to do sth; to be incumbent upon على sb أنْ to do sth |
وَجَبَ (ar) (wajaba)، يَجِبُ (ar) (yajibu)
looking إلى at; examining, looking في into; view, looking, glance, opinion |
نَظَر (ar) (naẓar)، أنظار (ar) (ʔnẓār)
due to, in view of the fact that |
نَظَراً ل (ar) (naẓaran l)
area, space; field, domain, sphere; sector; arena |
مَجال ات (ar) (majāl āt)
air space |
مَجال جَوِّيّ (ar) (majāl jawwiyy)
time period, phase, interval |
فَتْرة (ar) (fatra)، فَتَرات (ar) (fatarāt)
young man, youths |
شَبّ (ar) (šabb)، شَباب (ar) (šabāb)
matter, affair, case; situation, condition |
شَأْن (ar) (šaʔn)، شُؤون (ar) (šuʔwn)
to mention sth/sbh; to remember sth/sb; |
ذَكَرَ (ar) (ḏakara)، يَذكُرُ (ar) (yaḏkuru)، الذِّكر (ar) (aḏ-ḏikr)
it's worth mentioning that |
يُذكَر أنّ (ar) (yuḏkar ʔnn)
question, inquiry |
سُؤال (ar) (suʔāl)، أسئِلة (ar) (ʔsʔila)
existence, presence, being present |
وُجود (ar) (wujwd)
solving (a problem); solution; dissolution, annulment; cancellation |
حَلّ (ar) (ḥall)
student, applicant; seeking, requesting |
طالِب (ar) (ṭālib)
level, standard |
مُستَوىً (ar) (mustawan)، مُستَوَيات (ar) (mustawayāt)
by God; I swear (an oath) |
وَاللّهِ (ar) (wālllhi)
I swear (on your life) |
وحياتك (ar) (wḥyātk)
or (in questions) |
أمْ (ar) (ʔm)
...or not? |
أمْ لا؟ (ar) (ʔm lā?)
only, just, solely |
فَقَط (ar) (faqaṭ)
not just... but (also) ... |
..ليس..فقط بل (ar) (..lys..fqṭ bl)
mandate, term of office; state, province |
وِلاية ات (ar) (wilāya(t) āt)
(imperf) may, might |
قَدْ (ar) (qad)
member, associate; (anat) organ, limb |
عَضو (ar) (ʕaḍw)، أعضاء (ar) (ʔʕḍāʔ)
(with subjunctive) in order to, so that |
حَتّى (ar) (ḥattā)
age (of a person); life, lifetime |
عُمْر (ar) (ʕumr)، أعمار (ar) (ʔʕmār)
lasting, enduring; permanent, constant |
دائِم (ar) (dāʔim)
former, previous, preceding |
سابِقٍ (ar) (sābiqin)
formerly, perviously |
سابِقاً (ar) (sābiqan)
news, report; (gram) predicate |
خَبر (ar) (ḵabr)، أخبار (ar) (ʔḵbār)
date, history |
تاريخ (ar) (tāryḵ)
study, research, examination |
دِراسة ات (ar) (dirāsa(t) āt)
position |
مَوقِف (ar) (mawqif)، مَواقِف (ar) (mawāqif)
political party |
حِزْب (ar) (ḥizb)، أحزاب (ar) (ʔḥzāb)
institution, organization; foundation |
مُؤَسَّسة ات (ar) (muʔassasa(t) āt)
to add sth |
أضافَ (ar) (ʔḍāfa)، يُضيفُ (ar) (yuḍyfu)، الإضافة (ar) (al-ʔiḍāfa)
sector, section |
قِطاع ات (ar) (qiṭāʕ āt)
Gaza Strip |
قِطاع غَزّة (ar) (qiṭāʕ ḡazza)
collection, group; squad; bloc |
مَجموعة ات (ar) (majmwʕa(t) āt)
to turn over, surrender sth إلى to sb; to great, salute sb |
سَلَّمَ (ar) (sallama)
give my regards to |
سَلِّم لي على (ar) (sallim ly ʕlā)
market |
سوق (ar) (swq)، أسواق (ar) (ʔswāq)
praise, commendation |
حَمْد (ar) (ḥamd)
to enter sth |
دَخَلَ (ar) (daḵala)، يَدخُلُ (ar) (yadḵulu)، الدُّخول (ar) (ad-duḵwl)
door, gate; category, rubric; section, chapter |
باب (ar) (bāb)، أبواب (ar) (ʔbwāb)
which |
مِمّا (ar) (mimmā)
sake |
أجْل (ar) (ʔjl)
because of, for the sake of |
من أجلِ (ar) (mn ʔjli) / لأجلِ (ar) (lʔjli)
in order to |
لأجلِ أنْ (ar) (lʔjli ʔn)
unification, unifying; union |
اِتِّحاد ات (ar) (ittiḥād āt)
achievement, realization; investigation; interrogation (مع of sb) |
تَحقيق ات (ar) (taḥqyq āt)
fine arts |
الفُنون الجَميلة (ar) (al-funwn al-jamyla)
type, kind, form |
نَوْع (ar) (nawʕ)، أنواع (ar) (ʔnwāʕ)
somewhat, more or less |
نَوْعاً ما (ar) (nawʕan mā)
to appear, emerge rise; to go outcome out, get out |
طَلَعَ (ar) (ṭalaʕa)
service, assistance, aid |
خِدمة (ar) (ḵidma)، خَدَمات (ar) (ḵadamāt)
while, meanwhile |
فيما (ar) (fymā)
later |
فيما بَعدُ (ar) (fymā baʕdu)
present, current |
حاليّ (ar) (ḥālyy)
presently, currently |
حاليّاً (ar) (ḥālyyan)
rule, government; (pl) judgement, decision, verdict; statutes laws |
حُكم (ar) (ḥukm)، أحكام (ar) (ʔḥkām)
by virtue of, because of |
بِحُكمِ (ar) (biḥukmi)
to indicate, mention, cite, refer to إلى sth |
أشارَ (ar) (ʔšāra)، يُشيرُ (ar) (yušyru)، الإشارة (ar) (al-ʔišāra)
side; direction; part, party; sector, office, institution |
جِهة ات (ar) (jiha(t) āt)
entities, parties, individuals, "players" |
جِهات (ar) (jihāt)
towards, approximately |
نَحوَ (ar) (naḥwa)
for a long time, extensively |
طَويلاً (ar) (ṭawylan)
likewise, also |
كَذَلِكَ (ar) (kaḏalika)
to attempt, try to do sth |
حاوَلَ (ar) (ḥāwala)
statement, remark; saying, utterance |
قَوْل (ar) (qawl)، أقوال (ar) (ʔqwāl)
woman, wife |
اِمرَأة (ar) (imraʔa) / المَرأة (ar) (al-marʔa)
truth, reality; fact |
حَقيقة (ar) (ḥaqyqa)، حَقائِق (ar) (ḥaqāʔiq)
to make sb/sth do sth (imperf); to cause sb/sth to be sth; to appoint sb; to begin to do sth (imperf) |
جَعَلَ (ar) (jaʕala)، يَجعَلُ (ar) (yajʕalu)، الجِعل (ar) (al-jiʕl)
when, after |
لَمّا (ar) (lammā)
to ask sb (في/عن about; إذا/إنْ whether); to request from sb (أنْ to do sth); to pray to (God) |
سَأَلَ (ar) (saʔala)، يَسألُ (ar) (yasʔlu)
to live, be alive, to experience sth |
عاشَ (ar) (ʕāša)، يَعيشُ (ar) (yaʕyšu)، العِيْش (ar) (al-ʕiyš)
citizen, compatriot |
مُواطِن ون (ar) (mūṭin wn)
power, rule, authority |
سُلطة (ar) (sulṭa)، سُلُطات (ar) (suluṭāt)
authorities, people in power |
سُلُطات (ar) (suluṭāt)
to appear, seem (ل to sb, أنّ that); to look, seem (big, small, happy, sad, etc) |
بَدا (ar) (badā)، يَبدو (ar) (yabdw)
evidently, apparently, it seems |
على ما يَبدو (ar) (ʕlā mā yabdw) / كَما يَبدو (ar) (kamā yabdw)
economic, economical |
اِقتِصاديّ (ar) (iqtiṣādyy)
search (عن for); discussion (في of); research, examination (في of) |
بَحْث (ar) (baḥṯ)، أبحاث (ar) (ʔbḥāṯ)
religion |
دين (ar) (dyn)، أديان (ar) (ʔdyān)
to carry, bear sth; to transport (cargo); to become pregnant, to attack على sth, campaign على against |
حَمَلَ (ar) (ḥamala)، يَحمِلُ (ar) (yaḥmilu)، الحَمَل (ar) (al-ḥamal)
military; solider |
عَسكَريّ (ar) (ʕaskaryy)
how many/much |
كَم (ar) (kam)
army; armed forces; troops |
جَيْش (ar) (jayš)، جُيوش (ar) (juywš)
apparatus, machine; device, appliance; organization; agency, bureau, office |
جِهاز (ar) (jihāz)، أجهِزة (ar) (ʔjhiza)
participation, association |
مُشارَكة (ar) (mušāraka)
nature, character; printing |
طَبْع (ar) (ṭabʕ)
of course, naturally |
طَبعاً (ar) (ṭabʕan) / بالطَّبع (ar) (bālṭṭabʕ)
to consider sth/sb to be; to regard sb/sth as; to believe أنّ that |
اِعتَبَرَ (ar) (iʕtabara)
to love, like sb; to want, like sth or to do sth |
أحَبَّ (ar) (ʔḥabba)
to come إلى to sth; to come to sb; to bring ب sth |
أتى (ar) (ʔtā)
to exit, go out من/عن from; to leave من (a place); to deviate عن from; |
خَرَجَ (ar) (ḵaraja)، يَخرُجُ (ar) (yaḵruju)، الجُروج (ar) (al-jurwj)
to give, provide sth to sb or ل to sb |
أعطى (ar) (ʔʕṭā)
dear, darling, beloved, sweetheart |
حَبيب (ar) (ḥabyb)، أحباب (ar) (ʔḥbāb) / أحِبّة (ar) (ʔḥibba)
top, upper part |
فَوْقْ (ar) (fawq)
above, over |
فَوْقَ (ar) (fawqa)
outside, outer part, exterior |
خارِِجْ (ar) (ḵāriij)
outside of |
خارِجَ (ar) (ḵārija)
overseas, abroad |
في الخارِج (ar) (fy al-ḵārij) / بالخارِج (ar) (bālḵārij)
outside |
خارِجاً (ar) (ḵārijan)
example; proverb |
مَثَل (ar) (maṯal)، أمثال (ar) (ʔmṯāl)
for example |
مَثَلاً (ar) (maṯalan)
number, numeral, figure; rate; record |
رَقْم (ar) (raqm)، أرقام (ar) (ʔrqām)
opposite |
ضِدّْ (ar) (ḍidd)
against |
ضِدَّ (ar) (ḍidda)
to occur, take place, to happen ل to sb; to flow, run (liquid); to run (person) وراء after sb |
جَرى (ar) (jarā)، يَجرى (ar) (yajrā)، الجَري (ar) (al-jary)
official, functionary; employer, boss, supervisor; responsible, dependable |
مَسؤول (ar) (masʔwl)
distant, far, remote |
بَعيد (ar) (baʕyd)، بِعاد (ar) (biʕād)
far away from |
بَعيداً عن (ar) (baʕydan ʕn)
to write sth |
كَبَبَ (ar) (kababa)
to be granted (success) |
كُتِبَ لَهُ (ar) (kutiba lahu)
to be destined (by God) to |
كُتِبَ عليهِ أنْ (ar) (kutiba ʕlyhi ʔn)
time, moment, opportunity |
حين (ar) (ḥyn)، أحيان (ar) (ʔḥyān)
to put, place sth في/على/تحت inside/on/under; to lay down (rules, conditions); to lay (an egg); to give birth to (a child); to write, compile, draft, compose sth |
وَضَعَ (ar) (waḍaʕa)، يَضَعُ (ar) (yaḍaʕu)، الوَضَع (ar) (al-waḍaʕ)
deputy, delegate, vice- |
نائِب (ar) (nāʔib)، نُوّاب (ar) (nuwwāb)
especially, particularly |
خاصّةً (ar) (ḵāṣṣatan)
the elite, the upper-class |
الخاصّة (ar) (al-ḵāṣṣa)
child, son, boy |
وَلَد (ar) (walad)، أوْلاد (ar) (ʔwlād)
blood |
دَم (ar) (dam)، دِماء (ar) (dimāʔ)
true, correct; sound, healthy; authentic (Hadith); yes, right |
صَحيح (ar) (ṣaḥyḥ)
really, truly |
صَحيحاً (ar) (ṣaḥyḥan)
phase, stage, step; (sports) round |
مَرحَلة (ar) (marḥala)، مَراحِل (ar) (marāḥil)
social |
اِجتِماعيّ (ar) (ijtimāʕyy)
discussion, conversation, talk; story, interview; Hadith |
حَديث (ar) (ḥadyṯ)، أحاديث (ar) (ʔḥādyṯ)
politics; (pl) policy |
سِياسة ات (ar) (siyāsa(t) āt)
edge, side; tip, end; extremity (body limb); participant, player, party, team |
طَرَف (ar) (ṭaraf)، أطراف (ar) (ʔṭrāf)
nation, homeland |
وَطَن (ar) (waṭan)، أوْطان (ar) (ʔwṭān)
perhaps, maybe |
رُبَّما (ar) (rubbamā) / لَرُبَّما (ar) (larubbamā)
few, small amount |
قَليل (ar) (qalyl)
a little, somewhat; briefly, shortly |
قَليلاً (ar) (qalylan)
to know sth or أنّ that; of find out أنّ that |
عَلِمَ (ar) (ʕalima)
even, including; although, even though |
حَتّى (ar) (ḥattā)
director, manager; (office) boss, chief |
مُدير (ar) (mudyr)
end, finish; termination, ending |
نِهاية (ar) (nihāya)
addition |
إضافة (ar) (ʔiḍāfa)
in addition to |
بالإضافة إلى (ar) (bālʔiḍāfa(t) ʔilā)
reality, fact; actual situation; falling (date), occurring (time); located, found, situated (place) |
واقِع (ar) (wāqiʕ)
complete, full; integral, perfect |
كامِل (ar) (kāmil)
completely |
بالكامِل (ar) (bālkāmil)
across, over, via; through, by means of |
عَبرَ (ar) (ʕabra)
east |
شَرق (ar) (šarq)
eastward |
شَرقاً (ar) (šarqan)
to stay, remain; to continue to be; (imperf) to keep on doing |
ظَلَّ (ar) (ẓalla)، يَظُلُّ (ar) (yaẓullu)
education, teaching; instruction |
تَعليم (ar) (taʕlym)
instructions, guidelines |
تَعليمات (ar) (taʕlymāt)
precepts |
تَعاليم (ar) (taʕālym)
spirit, should; life |
روح (ar) (rwḥ)، أرواح (ar) (ʔrwāḥ)
better/best |
أفضَل (ar) (ʔfḍal)
money, capital |
مال (ar) (māl)
assets, funds, monies |
أموال (ar) (ʔmwāl)
night, night-time |
لَيْلٍ (ar) (laylin) / اللَّيْلي (ar) (al-layly)
by night |
لَيْلاً (ar) (laylan)
day and night |
لَيْلاً ونَهاراً (ar) (laylan wnahāran)
week |
أُسبوع (ar) (ʔusbwʕ)، أسابيع (ar) (ʔsābyʕ)
conferences, congress, convention |
مُؤْتَمَر ات (ar) (muʔtamar āt)
meeting, encounter; interview |
لِقاء ات (ar) (liqāʔ āt)
to answer على sb, to respond على to sth/sb; to return, reciprocate (a favor) |
رَدَّ (ar) (radda)، يَرُدُّ (ar) (yaruddu)، الرَّدّ (ar) (ar-radd)
in order to, so that |
كَي (ar) (kay) / لِكَي (ar) (likay)
building, constructing, erecting; structure, building, edifice |
بِناء (ar) (bināʔ)
based on, according to |
بِناء على (ar) (bināʔ ʕlā)
method, procedure, way |
طَريقة (ar) (ṭaryqa)
higher/highest; advanced, superior |
أعلى (ar) (ʔʕlā) / عُليا (ar) (ʕulyā)
above (mentioned), aforementioned |
أعلاه (ar) (ʔʕlāh)
possible |
مُمكِن (ar) (mumkin)
support, assistance, bolstering, promotion |
دَعم (ar) (daʕm)
source |
مَصدَر (ar) (maṣdar)، مًصادِر (ar) (manṣādir)
to happen, occur, take place |
حَدَثَ (ar) (ḥadaṯa)، يَحدُثُ (ar) (yaḥduṯu)
moment, instant |
لَحظة (ar) (laḥẓa)، لَحَظات (ar) (laḥaẓāt)
chance, opportunity |
فُرصة (ar) (furṣa)، فُرَص (ar) (furaṣ)
club, association |
نادي (ar) (nādy)، أندية (ar) (ʔndya)
information, data |
مَعلومات (ar) (maʕlwmāt)
agency, organization; outward appearance, look |
هَيئة ات (ar) (hayʔa(t) āt)
story, tale |
قِصّة (ar) (qiṣṣa)، قِصَص (ar) (qiṣaṣ)
beginning, start; starting point |
بِداية ات (ar) (bidāya(t) āt)
origins, early history |
بِدايات (ar) (bidāyāt)
south, southern part |
جُنوب (ar) (junwb)
to know, be aware of sth or ب sth or أنّ |
دَرى (ar) (darā)، يَدري (ar) (yadry)
to call إلى for sth; to call (upon) sb إلى to do sth; to invite sb إلى to or to do sth |
دَعا (ar) (daʕā)، يَدعو (ar) (yadʕw)، الدَعوة (ar) (ad-daʕwa)
game, match, bout; competition |
مُباراة (ar) (mubārāh)، مُبَريات (ar) (mubaryāt)
as, since, seeing that; while, when |
إذ (ar) (ʔiḏ)
since, given that |
إذ أنّ (ar) (ʔiḏ ʔnn)
to believe في in sth, or بأنّ/أنّ that |
اِعتَقَدَ (ar) (iʕtaqada)
according to |
ِحًسًب (ar) (iḥansanb) / بِحًسًبِ (ar) (biḥansanbi) / على حًسًب (ar) (ʕlā ḥansanb)
minute |
دَقيقة (ar) (daqyqa)، دَقائِق (ar) (daqāʔiq)
king |
مَلِك (ar) (malik)، مُلوك (ar) (mulwk)
to announce, declare, proclaim (عن) sth or أنّ that |
أعلَنَ (ar) (ʔʕlana)
value, worth, importance |
قيمة (ar) (qyma)
values, morals, ethics |
قِيَم (ar) (qiyam)
player, athlete; playing |
لاعِب (ar) (lāʕib)
to cause, produce إلى sth; to lead, direct, guide ب sb إلى to; to perform (function), to carry out (duty, mission); to take (test, oath) |
أدّى (ar) (ʔddā)، يُؤدّي (ar) (yuʔddy)
substance, material; subject matter, topic; (school) course, subject; article, paragraph; material things, money |
مادّة (ar) (mādda)، مَوادّ (ar) (mawādd)
line; phone line; air route; airline (company); handwriting; script, calligraphy |
خَظ (ar) (ḵaẓ)، خُظوظ (ar) (ḵuẓwẓ)
show, display presentation; offer, tender; width, breadth |
عَرْض (ar) (ʕarḍ)، عُروض (ar) (ʕurwḍ)
letter, missive; message, communication; dissertation, thesis |
رِسالة (ar) (risāla)، رَسائِل (ar) (rasāʔil)
mission, task |
رِسالات (ar) (risālāt)
election, selection |
اِنتِخاب ات (ar) (intiḵāb āt)
sense, meaning, significance; concept, nuance |
مَعنىً (ar) (maʕnan)، مَعانٍ (ar) (maʕānin) / الَمعاني (ar) (al-amʕāny)
point, dot; location, position |
نُقطة (ar) (nuqṭa)، نِقاط (ar) (niqāṭ)
strong, powerful; great |
قَوِيّ (ar) (qawiyy)
discussion, conversation, dialogue, talk |
حِوار ات (ar) (ḥiwār āt)
response, reply |
رَدّ (ar) (radd)، رُدود (ar) (rudwd)
reaction |
رَدّ فِعل (ar) (radd fiʕl)
language |
لُغة ات (ar) (luḡa(t) āt)
to reach, arrive at, attain sth; to hear أنّ that |
بَلَغَ (ar) (balaḡa)، يَبلَغُ (ar) (yablaḡu)، البُلوغ (ar) (al-bulwḡ)
price, cost, rate |
سِعر (ar) (siʕr)، أسعار (ar) (ʔsʕār)
to get, obtain, acquire على sth |
حَصَلَ (ar) (ḥaṣala)، يَحصُلُ (ar) (yaḥṣulu)، الحُصول (ar) (al-ḥuṣwl)
less/least, smaller/smallest, lower/lowest; minimum |
أقَلّ (ar) (ʔqall)
to be less (عن than), decrease, diminish |
قَلَّ (ar) (qalla)، يَقُلُّ (ar) (yaqullu)
exact; complete; good, fine |
تَمام (ar) (tamām)
exactly; completely, totally |
تَماماً (ar) (tamāman)
morning |
صَباح (ar) (ṣabāḥ)
in the morning |
صَباحاً (ar) (ṣabāḥan)
existing, found, located; present |
مَوجود (ar) (mawjwd)
to wish ل sb (happiness, success); to hope أنْ that |
تَمَنّى (ar) (tamannā)
illness, disease |
مَرَض (ar) (maraḍ)، أمراض (ar) (ʔmrāḍ)
to speak إلى/مع to/with sb; to discuss عن (a topic) |
تَحَدَّثَ (ar) (taḥaddaṯa)
more/most important |
أهَمّ (ar) (ʔhamm)
escape, avoidance |
بُدّ (ar) (budd)
there's no escaping, it's inevitable |
لا بُدَّ من (ar) (lā budda mn)
to do sth |
فَعَلَ (ar) (faʕala)، يَفعَلُ (ar) (yafʕalu)، الفِعْل (ar) (al-fiʕl)
to request, ask for sth (من from sb); to apply for sth; to order, place an order for sth; look for sth; to fail, press (number on a phone) |
طَلَبَ (ar) (ṭalaba)، يَطلُبُ (ar) (yaṭlubu)
health, wellness; authenticity, truth |
صِحّة (ar) (ṣiḥḥa)
to fall down; to take place; to be located |
وَقَعَ (ar) (waqaʕa)، يَقِعُ (ar) (yaqiʕu)
necessary, required; needed |
لازِم (ar) (lāzim)
cooperation |
تَعاوُن (ar) (taʕāwun)
spouse; husband |
زَوْج (ar) (zawj)، أزواج (ar) (ʔzwāj)
married couple |
زَوْجان (ar) (zawjān)
therefore |
لِذَلِك (ar) (liḏalik)
following, subsequent |
تالٍ (ar) (tālin) / التّالي (ar) (at-tāly)
therefore, consequently |
بِالتّالي (ar) (bi-t-tāly)
street |
شارِع (ar) (šāriʕ)، شَوارِع (ar) (šawāriʕ)
(figurative) the public, public opinion |
الشّارِع (ar) (aš-šāriʕ)
fire; gunfire; hellfire |
نار (ar) (nār)، نيران (ar) (nyrān)
large number, large quantity; numerous, many |
عَديد (ar) (ʕadyd)
to pray; to worship; to say a prayer على for sb |
صَلّى (ar) (ṣallā)، يُصَلّي (ar) (yuṣally)، الصَّلاة (ar) (aṣ-ṣalāh)
idea, concept, notion (عن about) |
فِكرة (ar) (fikra)، أفكار (ar) (ʔfkār)
now that you mention it, by the way |
على فِكرة (ar) (ʕlā fikra)
to leave (behind), quit, abandon, sth |
تَرَكَ (ar) (taraka)، يَترُكُ (ar) (yatruku)، التُّرك (ar) (at-turk)
degree, grade, level; class, rank |
دَرَجة ات (ar) (daraja(t) āt)
last, final, concluding; end, tail, conclusion; bottom, foot |
آخِر (ar) (ʔāḵir)، أواخِر (ar) (ʔwāḵir)
et cetera |
إلى آخِرِهِ (ar) (ʔilā ʔāḵirihi)
last but not least |
أخيراً ولَيسَ آخِراً (ar) (ʔḵyran wlaysa ʔāḵiran)
meeting, gathering |
اِجتِماع ات (ar) (ijtimāʕ āt)
near, close; related |
قَريب (ar) (qaryb)
middle, center; environment |
وَسَط (ar) (wasaṭ)، أوساط (ar) (ʔwsāṭ)
amid, among, in the middle of |
وَسطَ (ar) (wasṭa)
diplomatic circle, quarters |
أوْساط (ar) (ʔwsāṭ)
to look إلى at; to examine, look في into |
نَظَرَ (ar) (naẓara)، نَنظُرُ (ar) (nanẓuru)، النَّظر (ar) (an-naẓr)
clear, explicit; obvious, visible |
واضِح (ar) (wāḍiḥ)
death |
مَوْت (ar) (mawt)
regarding this matter, issue; in this regard, respect |
خُصوص (ar) (ḵuṣwṣ)
especially, particularly |
خُصوصاً (ar) (ḵuṣwṣan)
but rather, on the contrary; (not just) but (also) |
إنّما (ar) (ʔinnmā)
interest, advantage, favor; department, agency |
مَصلَحة (ar) (maṣlaḥa)، مَصالِح (ar) (maṣāliḥ)
foundation, base; basis, principle |
أساس (ar) (ʔsās)، أُسُس (ar) (ʔusus)
basically, fundamentally |
أساساً (ar) (ʔsāsan)
on the basis of |
على الأساسِ (ar) (ʕlā l-ʔsāsi)
in principle |
في الأساسِ (ar) (fy al-ʔsāsi)
newspaper |
صَحيفة (ar) (ṣaḥyfa)، صُحُف (ar) (ṣuḥuf)
to stop, cease (doing sth); to stand, rise |
وَقَفَ (ar) (waqafa)، يَقِفُ (ar) (yaqifu)
stop! |
ْقِف (ar) (qif)
to stand by, support sb |
وَقَفَ جَنبَهُ (ar) (waqafa janbahu)
to go, leave, depart |
ذَهَبَ (ar) (ḏahaba)، يَذهَبُ (ar) (yaḏhabu)، الذَّهاب (ar) (aḏ-ḏahāb)
visiting, visit |
زِيارة ات (ar) (ziyāra(t) āt)
fantastic, amazing, marvelous, magnificent, awesome |
رائِع (ar) (rāʔiʕ)
conducting, carrying out, undertaking; procedure, process; step, measure; move, action |
إجراء (ar) (ʔijrāʔ)
contact, communication; connection, relation, relationship |
اِتِّصال ات (ar) (ittiṣāl āt)
world |
دُنيا (ar) (dunyā)
to love, like sb; to want, like sth or to do sth |
حَبَّ (ar) (ḥabba)، يُحِبُّ (ar) (yuḥibbu)، الحُبّ (ar) (al-ḥubb)
wife |
زَوْجة ات (ar) (zawja(t) āt)
execution, implementation, carrying out |
تَنفيذ (ar) (tanfyḏ)
color, tint, hue; type, sort, kind |
لَوْن (ar) (lawn)، ألوان (ar) (ʔlwān)
old, ancient |
قَديم (ar) (qadym)، قُدَماء (ar) (qudamāʔ)
old-timers, veterans |
قُدامى (ar) (qudāmā)
next, following, future; arriving, coming |
قادِم (ar) (qādim)
ball, globe, sphere |
كُرة ات (ar) (kura(t) āt)
to grow, increase; to exceed, go beyond على/عن sth; to increase, add to (من) sth |
زادَ (ar) (zāda)، يَزيدُ (ar) (yazydu)، الزِّيادة (ar) (az-ziyāda)
(idaafa) a number of, (invariable) several, numerous |
عِدّة (ar) (ʕidda)
return, going; return trip |
عَودة (ar) (ʕawda)
high, elevated |
عالٍ (ar) (ʕālin) / العالي (ar) (al-ʕāly)
other than, except for |
سِوى (ar) (siwā)
sea |
بَحر (ar) (baḥr)، بِحار (ar) (biḥār)
to feel, be aware of ب sth |
شَعَرَ (ar) (šaʕara)، يَشعُرُ (ar) (yašʕuru)، الشِّعر (ar) (aš-šiʕr)
report, account |
تَقرير (ar) (taqryr)، تَقارير (ar) (taqāryr)
to pass by, go by (time, event); to pass by, go past على/ب sth/sb; to visit, stop by على (sb's place) |
مَرَّ (ar) (marra)، يَمُرُّ (ar) (yamurru)، المَرارة (ar) (al-marāra)
women |
نِساء (ar) (nisāʔ)
to open sth; to open, start (a business); to turn on (lights, radio, TV); to conquer (city, land) |
فَتَحَ (ar) (fataḥa)، يَفتَحُ (ar) (yaftaḥu)، الفَتْح (ar) (al-fatḥ)
to witness, observe, see sth/sb; to testify, bear witness |
شَهِدَ (ar) (šahida)، يَشهَدُ (ar) (yašhadu)، الشَّهادة (ar) (aš-šahāda)
weapon; branch of the armed forces |
سِلاح (ar) (silāḥ)، أسلِحة (ar) (ʔsliḥa)
air force |
سِلاح الجَوّ (ar) (silāḥ al-jaww)
knowing; knowledge, information |
عِلم (ar) (ʕilm)
knowing that, in view of the fact that |
عِلماً أنّ (ar) (ʕilman ʔnn)
repeating, doing sth again; returning, giving sth back |
إعادة (ar) (ʔiʕāda)
night, evening |
لَيْلة (ar) (layla)، اللَّيالي (ar) (al-layāly) / لَيالٍ (ar) (layālin)
tonight |
اللَّيْلة (ar) (al-layla)
culture, civilization |
ثَقافة ات (ar) (ṯaqāfa(t) āt)
internal, domestic |
داخِليّ (ar) (dāḵilyy)
organization |
مُنَظَّمة ات (ar) (munaẓẓama(t) āt)
thinking, thought; idea, concept, notion |
فِكْر (ar) (fikr)، أفكار (ar) (ʔfkār)
messenger (Muhammad) |
رَسول (ar) (raswl)
messenger, apostle |
رُسُل (ar) (rusul)
part, section, piece; portion, fraction |
جُزء (ar) (juzʔ)، أجزاء (ar) (ʔjzāʔ)
to end, finish, conclude sth |
اِنتَهى (ar) (intahā)
strange; stranger, foreigner |
غَريب (ar) (ḡaryb)، غُرَباء (ar) (ḡurabāʔ)
room, chamber |
غُرفة (ar) (ḡurfa)، غُرَف (ar) (ḡuraf)
passing (of time); going through; passing by; stopping by (to visit); traffic |
مُرور (ar) (murwr)
password |
كَلِمة المُرور (ar) (kalima(t) al-murwr)
passing, crossing, going through, via |
مُروراً ل (ar) (murwran l)
freedom |
حُرِّيّة ات (ar) (ḥurriyya(t) āt)
thanks! |
تَسلَمُ (ar) (taslamu)
increase, rise, growth; addition, supplement |
زِيادة (ar) (ziyāda)
leader, commander |
قائِد (ar) (qāʔid)، قادة (ar) (qāda)
device, instrument, medium, means |
وَسيلة (ar) (wasyla)، وَسائِل (ar) (wasāʔil)
transportation, transfer; transmission, relaying (of news) |
نَقْل (ar) (naql)
quoting, as reported by |
نَقْلاً عن (ar) (naqlan ʕn)
true, real, factual, authentic |
حَقيقيّ (ar) (ḥaqyqyy)
to need, want إلى sth/sb |
اِحتاجَ (ar) (iḥtāja)
(noun) future |
مُستَقبَل (ar) (mustaqbal)
in the future |
مُستَقبَلاً (ar) (mustaqbalan)
court, tribunal |
مَحكَمة (ar) (maḥkama)، مَحاكِم (ar) (maḥākim)
leadership, command; driving (a vehicle), piloting (an aircraft) |
قِيادة (ar) (qiyāda)
leaders, commanders |
قِيادات (ar) (qiyādāt)
defense (military, legal, sports); protection |
دِفاع (ar) (difāʕ)
way, road; means |
سَبيل (ar) (sabyl)، سُبُل (ar) (subul)
scientific, scholarly, academic |
عِلميّ (ar) (ʕilmyy)
science fiction |
خِيال عِلميّ (ar) (ḵiyāl ʕilmyy)
while |
بَينَما (ar) (baynamā)
source, origin; descent, lineage; original, master copy |
أصل (ar) (ʔṣl)، أُصول (ar) (ʔuṣwl)
originally, primarily |
أصلاً (ar) (ʔṣlan)
principles, basic rules; funds, assets, capital |
أُصول (ar) (ʔuṣwl)
science; the study of... |
عِلم (ar) (ʕilm)، عُلوم (ar) (ʕulwm)
security, safety, protection |
أمْنيّ (ar) (ʔmnyy)
house, residence |
مَنزَل (ar) (manzal)، مَنازِل (ar) (manāzil)
time, period, duration |
زَمَن (ar) (zaman)
statement, declaration; bulletin, communiqué; press release |
بَيان (ar) (bayān)
data, information |
بَيانات (ar) (bayānāt)
needless to say, it goes without saying |
غَنيّ عن البَيان (ar) (ḡanyy ʕn al-bayān)
Western; Westerner; west of |
غَربيّ (ar) (ḡarbyy)
record, trace; sign, mark; effect, influence |
أثَر (ar) (ʔṯar)، آثار (ar) (ʔāṯār)
immediately after |
ِعلى (ar) (iʕlā) / في أثَر (ar) (fy ʔṯar)
necessity, need |
ضَرورة (ar) (ḍarwra)
necessarily |
بالضَّرورة (ar) (bālḍḍarwra)
noble, distinguished; decent, dignified; generous; dear, precious |
كَريم (ar) (karym)، كِرام (ar) (kirām)
basic, fundamental |
أساسيّ (ar) (ʔsāsyy)
(collective) paper; leaves; cards |
وَرَقة (ar) (waraqa)، وَرَق (ar) (waraq) / أوْراق (ar) (ʔwrāq)
parents |
الوالِدان (ar) (al-wālidān)
association, society |
جَمعيّة ات (ar) (jamʕyya(t) āt)
official, formal |
رَسميّ (ar) (rasmyy)
officially, formally |
رَسمياً (ar) (rasmyan)
professor, teacher; (title) Prof, Mr; (polite) sir |
أُستاذ (ar) (ʔustāḏ)، أساتِذة (ar) (ʔsātiḏa)
occupation (of land or property); filling (a post, a position) |
اِحتِلال (ar) (iḥtilāl)
white; whites, Caucasians |
أبيَض (ar) (ʔbyaḍ) / بَيضاء (ar) (bayḍāʔ) / بِيض (ar) (bīḍ)
office, bureau, department |
مَكتَب (ar) (maktab)، مَكاتِب (ar) (makātib)
assembly room, gathering place; (Internet) forum |
مُنتَدىً (ar) (muntadan)، مُنتَدَيات (ar) (muntadayāt)
resistance, opposition |
مُقاوَمة (ar) (muqāwama)
poetry |
شِعر (ar) (šiʕr)
local |
مُحَلّيّ (ar) (muḥallyy)
locally |
مُحَلّيّاً (ar) (muḥallyyan)
great, mighty, powerful |
عَظيم (ar) (ʕaẓym)، عِظام (ar) (ʕiẓām)
information, media; informing, notifying |
إعلام (ar) (ʔiʕlām)
film, movie |
فيلم (ar) (fylm)، أفلام (ar) (ʔflām)
natural, normal |
طَبيعيّ (ar) (ṭabyʕyy)
request; demand; application; (purchase) order |
طَلَب ات (ar) (ṭalab āt)
behind, past, beyond |
َوَراء (ar) (awarāʔ)
backward, in reverse |
إلى الوَراء (ar) (ʔilā l-warāʔ)
(with pron) alone, by itself, only it |
وَحْد (ar) (waḥd)
to understand sth/sb or في sth or أنّ that |
فَهِمَ (ar) (fahima)، يَفهَمُ (ar) (yafhamu)، الفَهْم (ar) (al-fahm)
without |
بِلا (ar) (bilā)
call; invitation; propaganda; (Islamic) missionary work |
دَعوة ات (ar) (daʕwa(t) āt)
step, stride; measure |
خَطوة (ar) (ḵaṭwa)، خَطَوات (ar) (ḵaṭawāt)
offering, presenting, submitting |
تَقديم (ar) (taqdym)
range, extent, reach; time period, duration |
مَدىً (ar) (madan)
experiment, test; experience, encounter; trial, ordeal |
تَجرِبة (ar) (tajriba)، تَجارِب (ar) (tajārib)
only, sole, exclusive; alone |
وَحيد (ar) (waḥyd)
prince, commander |
أمير (ar) (ʔmyr)
time period, length of time, interval |
مُدّة (ar) (mudda)
change, modification; replacement, switch |
تَغْيير ات (ar) (taḡyyr āt)
to die, pass away |
ماتَ (ar) (māta)، يَموتُ (ar) (yamwtu)، المَوْت (ar) (al-mawt)
house, home, abode; family, household |
دار (ar) (dār)، دِيار (ar) (diyār) / دور (ar) (dwr)
entering; entrance |
دُخول (ar) (duḵwl)
importance, significance |
أهَمّيّة (ar) (ʔhammyya)
difficult, hard |
صَعْب (ar) (ṣaʕb)
next, coming, approaching, nearing |
مُقبِل (ar) (muqbil)
event, incident |
حَدَث (ar) (ḥadaṯ)، أحداث (ar) (ʔḥdāṯ)
(sports) championship, tournament; cycle, turn, rotation, lap; circulation; round (elections); session (meeting); tour, patrol, round; (school) course, class |
دَوْرة ات (ar) (dawra(t) āt)
bathroom, toilet |
دَوْرة مِياه (ar) (dawra(t) miyāh)
activity, movement, action |
نَشاط (ar) (našāṭ)، أنشِطة (ar) (ʔnšiṭa)
within, inside; among |
ضِمنَ (ar) (ḍimna)
artistic, technical; technician |
فَنّيّ (ar) (fannyy)
to clarify, explain (ل to sb) أنّ that |
أوُضَحَ (ar) (ʔwuḍaḥa)، يوضِحُ (ar) (ywḍiḥu)، الإيضاح (ar) (al-ʔīḍāḥ)
capacity, ability, potential, power |
قُدرة (ar) (qudra)، قُدُرات (ar) (qudurāt)
half, middle, semi- |
نِصْف (ar) (niṣf)
sincerity, candor, frankness |
صَراحة (ar) (ṣarāḥa)
frankly |
بِصَراحة (ar) (biṣarāḥa) / صَراحةً (ar) (ṣarāḥatan)
group, party; gang |
جَماعة ات (ar) (jamāʕa(t) āt)
knowing sth/sb; meeting sb, becoming acquainted with sb |
مَعرِفة (ar) (maʕrifa)
knowledge, information; culture, education |
مَعارِف (ar) (maʕārif)
to appear; seem كَأنّ as if |
ظَهَرَ (ar) (ẓahara)، يَظهَرُ (ar) (yaẓharu)، الظُّهور (ar) (aẓ-ẓuhwr)
facing, confronting, encountering; confrontation, encounter |
مُواجَهة ات (ar) (mūjaha(t) āt)
to return, go back, come back إلى to; to even عن (one's decision); to go back (بِكَلامِهِ on one's word) |
رَجَعَ (ar) (rajaʕa)، يَرجَعُ (ar) (yarjaʕu)، الرُّجوع (ar) (ar-rujwʕ)
(with object pron) to/of it |
إيّا (ar) (ʔiyyā)
(with object pron) with it |
وَإيّا (ar) (waʔiyyā)
heroism; starring role; championship, tournament |
بُطولة ات (ar) (buṭwla(t) āt)
success |
نَجاح ات (ar) (najāḥ āt)
police |
شُرطة (ar) (šurṭa)
to play (game, role) |
لَعِبَ (ar) (laʕiba)، يَلعَبُ (ar) (yalʕabu)، اللَّعِب (ar) (al-laʕib)
development, growth; progress |
تَنمية (ar) (tanmya)
need, want (for what one lacks); desire, wish; objective, purpose, goal |
حاجة ات (ar) (ḥāja(t) āt)
in need of |
بِحاجة إلى (ar) (biḥāja(t) ʔilā)
to think في/ب about sth/sb; to consider في أنّ doing sth; to think believe أنّ that |
فَكَّرَ (ar) (fakkara)
development, advancement; promotion, encouragement |
تَطوير (ar) (taṭwyr)
north; northern |
شَمال (ar) (šamāl)
bank (financial institution) |
بَنك (ar) (bank)، بُنوك (ar) (bunwk)
individual, person |
فَرْد (ar) (fard)، أفراد (ar) (ʔfrād)
one by one, separately, individually |
فَرداً فَرداً (ar) (fardan fardan)
foot (also as a unit of measure) |
قَدَم (ar) (qadam)، أقدام (ar) (ʔqdām)
employee, worker, laborer; operator; regent, prefect |
عامِل (ar) (ʕāmil)، عُمّال (ar) (ʕummāl)
staff, workforce, personnel |
العامِلون (ar) (al-ʕāmilwn)
cultural, intellectual, educational |
ثَقافيّ (ar) (ṯaqāfyy)
rule, principle, basis; military base |
قاعِدة (ar) (qāʕida)، قَواعِد (ar) (qawāʕid)
regular, normal; ordinary |
عاديّ (ar) (ʕādyy)
sure, certain, definite |
أكيد (ar) (ʔkyd)
definitely, for sure |
أكيداً (ar) (ʔkydan)
except, whether (or not), regardless, either (or); equality |
سَواء (ar) (sawāʔ)
daily |
يَوْميّ (ar) (yawmyy)
every day, on a daily basis; per diem |
يَوْميّاً (ar) (yawmyyan)
prayer |
صَلاة (ar) (ṣalāh)، صَلَوات (ar) (ṣalawāt)
poet |
شاعِر (ar) (šāʕir)، شُعَراء (ar) (šuʕarāʔ)
dream |
حُلْم (ar) (ḥulm)، أحلام (ar) (ʔḥlām)
attainment, achievement |
وُصول (ar) (wuṣwl)
to kill (often passive) |
قَتَلَ (ar) (qatala)، يَقتُلُ (ar) (yaqtulu)، القَتْل (ar) (al-qatl)
speed |
سُرعة (ar) (surʕa)
quickly |
بِسُرعة (ar) (bisurʕa)
dear, precious |
عَزيز (ar) (ʕazyz)، أعِزّاء (ar) (ʔʕizzāʔ)
evening |
مَساء (ar) (masāʔ)
address; title, headline; URL |
عُنوان (ar) (ʕunwān)، عَناوين (ar) (ʕanāwyn)
physician, doctor |
طَبيب (ar) (ṭabyb)، أطِبّاء (ar) (ʔṭibbāʔ)
usage, using, utilization |
اِستِخدام (ar) (istiḵdām)
mind, intellect |
عَقْل (ar) (ʕaql)، عُقول (ar) (ʕuqwl)
holiday, festival, feast |
عيد (ar) (ʕyd)، أعياد (ar) (ʔʕyād)
hope, wish |
أمَل (ar) (ʔmal)، آمال (ar) (ʔāmāl)
hoping, wishing, in the hope (في أنْ that) |
أمَلاً (ar) (ʔmalan)
foreign ministry, foreign office |
خارِجيّة (ar) (ḵārijyya)
to push sth; to pay (a sum of money); to compel, move sb إلى to do sth |
دَفَعَ (ar) (dafaʕa)، يَدفَعُ (ar) (yadfaʕu)، الدَّفْع (ar) (ad-dafʕ)
undertaking, carrying out ب (task, activity); playing ب (a role); rising, standing up |
قِيام (ar) (qiyām)
elected; national team |
مُنتَخِب ات (ar) (muntaḵib āt)
soldier |
جُرديّ (ar) (jurdyy)، جُنود (ar) (junwd)
therefore, consequently |
إذَن (ar) (ʔiḏan) / إذاً (ar) (ʔiḏan)
agreement; accord, treaty |
اِتِّفاق ات (ar) (ittifāq āt)
light; lamp |
نور (ar) (nwr)، أنوار (ar) (ʔnwār)
intense, strong, severe |
شَديد (ar) (šadyd)
popular; national, of the people |
شَعبيّ (ar) (šaʕbyy)
province, governorate |
مُحافظة ات (ar) (muḥāfẓa(t) āt)
to expect, wait for sth/sb |
اِنتَظَرَ (ar) (intaẓara)
to represent, speak for sb; to play, act as sb (film); to exemplify, illustrate sth |
مَثَّلَ (ar) (maṯṯala)
circumstance, condition, situation |
ظَرْف (ar) (ẓarf)، ظُروف (ar) (ẓurwf)
family, community |
أُسرة (ar) (ʔusra)، أُسَر (ar) (ʔusar)
village |
قَريّة (ar) (qaryya)، قُرىً (ar) (quran)
opposite (to), corresponding (to), vis-à-vis |
مُقابِل (ar) (muqābil)
air, atmosphere; weather, climate |
جَوّ (ar) (jaww)، أجواء (ar) (ʔjwāʔ)
by air, by plane |
جَوّاً (ar) (jawwan)
agency; office; dealership; proxy, deputation, power of attorney |
وِكالة ات (ar) (wikāla(t) āt)
plan, project |
خُطّة (ar) (ḵuṭṭa)، خُطَط (ar) (ḵuṭaṭ)
civil; civilian |
مَدَنيّ (ar) (madanyy)
to participate, share (with sb) في in sth |
شارَكَ (ar) (šāraka)
to descend; stay في at |
نَزَلَ (ar) (nazala)، يَنزِلُ (ar) (yanzilu)، النُّزول (ar) (an-nuzwl)
right, correct; true |
صَحّ (ar) (ṣaḥḥ)
crisis, crunch |
أزمة (ar) (ʔzma)، أزَمات (ar) (ʔzamāt)
to look, search عن for; to discuss, debate (في) sth; to research, examine, look into في sth |
بَحَثَ (ar) (baḥaṯa)، يَبحَثُ (ar) (yabḥaṯu)، البَحْث (ar) (al-baḥṯ)
kingdom |
مَملَكة (ar) (mamlaka)
releasing, launching; (النّار) firing, shooting |
إطلاق (ar) (ʔiṭlāq)
(yes) absolutely, definitely; (no) not at all |
إطلاقاً (ar) (ʔiṭlāqan) / على الإطلاق (ar) (ʕlā l-ʔiṭlāq)
for sure |
على وَجه الإطلاق (ar) (ʕlā wajh al-ʔiṭlāq)
middle, central |
أوْسَط (ar) (ʔwsaṭ) / وُسطى (ar) (wusṭā)
attempt, effort |
مُحاوَلة ات (ar) (muḥāwala(t) āt)
to be able to, be capable of (doing sth) |
قَدَرَ (ar) (qadara)، يَقدُرُ (ar) (yaqduru)، القُدرة (ar) (al-qudra)
black; black people |
أسوَد (ar) (ʔswad)، سَوداء (ar) (sawdāʔ)، سود (ar) (swd)
section, portion; department, division |
قِسْم (ar) (qism)، أقسام (ar) (ʔqsām)
specification; definition |
تَحديد (ar) (taḥdyd)
specifically |
تَحديداً (ar) (taḥdydan)
back, rear part |
خَلْف (ar) (ḵalf)
behind (of) sth/sb |
من خَلف (ar) (mn ḵalf)
from the back, from the rear; at the back, in the rear |
من الخَلف (ar) (mn al-ḵalf)
(feminine) sun |
شَمس (ar) (šams)
addition, added amount, greater number (من of); more, additional, increased (من) |
مَزيد (ar) (mazyd)
to be exposed إلى to sth; to encounter, run into, have to deal with إلى sth |
تَعَرَّضَ (ar) (taʕarraḍa)
interest, attention; care, concern |
اِهتِمام (ar) (ihtimām)
religious; spiritual |
دينيّ (ar) (dynyy)
help, support |
مُساعَدة ات (ar) (musāʕada(t) āt)
aid |
مُساعَدات (ar) (musāʕadāt)
(idaafa) all of, the entirety of |
كافّة (ar) (kāffa)
all together |
كافّةً (ar) (kāffatan)
servant, slave |
عَبْد (ar) (ʕabd)، عَبيد (ar) (ʕabyd)
humanity, humankind |
العِباد (ar) (al-ʕibād)
west; West |
غَرْب (ar) (ḡarb)
westward, in the west |
غَرْباً (ar) (ḡarban)
capital city |
عاصِمة (ar) (ʕāṣima)، عَواصِم (ar) (ʕawāṣim)
framework, context |
إطار (ar) (ʔiṭār)
health-related, sanitary |
صِحّيّ (ar) (ṣiḥḥyy)
thankful, grateful; thanks! |
مَشكور (ar) (maškwr)
arrival, coming; attending, being present at (meeting, party, concert); viewing (film, TV show) |
حُضور (ar) (ḥuḍwr)
place, location; shop, store |
مَحَلّ (ar) (maḥall)، ات (ar) (āt) / مَحالّ (ar) (maḥāll)
Jew, Jewish |
يَهوديّ (ar) (yahwdyy)، يَهود (ar) (yahwd)
organizing, planning; regulating, controlling; organization, network |
تَنظيم ات (ar) (tanẓym āt)
sports; physical exercise; physical education; mathematics |
رِياضة (ar) (riyāḍa)
favor, grace; kindness, goodwill; distinction, merit, credit; surplus |
فَضْل (ar) (faḍl)
due to, thanks to |
بَفَضْل (ar) (bafaḍl)
aside from, not to mention |
فَضْلاً عن (ar) (faḍlan ʕn)
futhermore, moreover |
فَضلاً عن ذلك (ar) (faḍlan ʕn ḏlk)
during |
أثناء (ar) (ʔṯnāʔ) / في أثناء (ar) (fy ʔṯnāʔ)
meanwhile |
في هذه (ar) (fy hḏh) / تلك الأثناء (ar) (tlk al-ʔṯnāʔ)
to achieve, realize (success, goals); to serve, promote (interests); to investigate في sth; to interrogate مع sb |
حَقَّقَ (ar) (ḥaqqaqa)
to reject, refuse sth |
رَفَضَ (ar) (rafaḍa)، يَرفُضُ (ar) (yarfuḍu)، الرَّفْض (ar) (ar-rafḍ)
personality, identity; person, individual |
شَخصيّة ات (ar) (šaḵṣyya(t) āt)
trustee, keeper; secretary; loyal, faithful, reliable |
أمين (ar) (ʔmyn)، أُمَناء (ar) (ʔumanāʔ)
treasurer |
أمين الصُّندوق (ar) (ʔmyn aṣ-ṣundwq)
hospital |
مُستَشفىً (ar) (mustašfan)، مُستَشفَيات (ar) (mustašfayāt)
length; height |
طولْ (ar) (ṭwl)
throughout, during (the entire) |
طولَ (ar) (ṭwla)
thus, like that, in this way |
كَذا (ar) (kaḏā)
such-and-such, so-and-so |
كَذا وكَذا (ar) (kaḏā wkaḏā)
this and that |
كَذا وكَيْتَ (ar) (kaḏā wkayta)
energy, power; potential, ability |
طاقة (ar) (ṭāqa)
saying; (noun) saying |
قائِل (ar) (qāʔil)
writer, author; office worker, clerk; writing |
كاتِب (ar) (kātib)، كُتّاب (ar) (kuttāb) / كَتَبة (ar) (kataba)
known, well-known; favor, kind gesture, good deed; what is right |
مَعروف (ar) (maʕrwf)
sports, sportive; mathematical; mathematician |
رِياضيّ (ar) (riyāḍyy)
mathematics |
رِياضيّات (ar) (riyāḍyyāt)
P.E. |
تَربية رِياضية (ar) (tarbya(t) riyāḍya)
to contact ب sb, get in touch ب with sb; to be connected or related إلى to sth |
اِتَّصَلَ (ar) (ittaṣala)
foreign, foreigner |
أجنَبيّ (ar) (ʔjnabyy)، أجانِب (ar) (ʔjānib)
multitude, public, the masses |
جُمهور (ar) (jumhwr)، جَماهير (ar) (jamāhyr)
to last, go on (for a certain amount of time); to continue في doing sth |
اِستَمَرَّ (ar) (istamarra)
to read sth |
قَرَأَ (ar) (qaraʔa)، يَقرَأُ (ar) (yaqraʔu)، القِراءة (ar) (al-qirāʔa)
sky, heaven |
سَماء (ar) (samāʔ)، سَمَوات (ar) (samawāt)
to forget sth/sb |
نَسِيَ (ar) (nasiya)، يَنسى (ar) (yansā)، النِّسيان (ar) (an-nisyān)
effort, exertion; endeavor |
حَهْد (ar) (ḥahd)، جُهود (ar) (juhwd)
martyr |
شَهيد (ar) (šahyd)، شُهَداء (ar) (šuhadāʔ)
to lift, raise sth; to increase, boost sth; to lodge على against sb (a complaint) |
رَفَعَ (ar) (rafaʕa)، يَرفَعُ (ar) (yarfaʕu)، الرَّفْع (ar) (ar-rafʕ)
habit, custom, practice |
عادة ات (ar) (ʕāda(t) āt)
usually, generally, typically |
عادةً (ar) (ʕādatan)
pressing, exerting pressure; pressure, stress; voltage |
ضَغْط (ar) (ḍaḡṭ)، ضُغوط (ar) (ḍuḡwṭ)
(econ) share, stock |
سَهْم (ar) (sahm)، أسهُم (ar) (ʔshum)
arrow |
سَهْم (ar) (sahm)، سِهام (ar) (sihām)
time, period, duration |
زَمان (ar) (zamān)
(it has been) for some time; (it was) a long time ago |
من زَمانٍ (ar) (mn zamānin)
issue, affair; matter, question |
مَسألة (ar) (masʔla)، مَسائِل (ar) (masāʔil)
being, by virtue of being |
كَوْن (ar) (kawn)
because |
لِكَوْنِ (ar) (likawni)
the universe, existence |
الكَوْن (ar) (al-kawn)
crime |
جَريمة (ar) (jaryma)، جَرائِم (ar) (jarāʔim)
terror, terrorism; terrorizing, frightening |
إرهاب (ar) (ʔirhāb)
extent, degree; amount, value; ability, capability, capacity |
قَدْر (ar) (qadr)
final, definitive, conclusive; final (in sports) |
نِهائيّ ات (ar) (nihāʔyy āt)
finally, in the end |
نِهائيّاً (ar) (nihāʔyyan)
body; form, mass; organism |
جِسْم (ar) (jism)، أجسام (ar) (ʔjsām)
calculation, appraisal; account, invoice; expense |
حِساب ات (ar) (ḥisāb āt)
human; humane, humanitarian |
إنسانيّ (ar) (ʔinsānyy)
resident, inhabitant; residing |
ساكِن (ar) (sākin)، سُكّان (ar) (sukkān)
work, labor; occupation, business |
شُغْل (ar) (šuḡl)، أشغال (ar) (ʔšḡāl)
treatment, therapy |
عِلاج (ar) (ʕilāj)
(used as filler) I mean, y'know, like, uh; (as a response) sort of, more or less |
يَعْني (ar) (yaʕny)
residency; setting up, establishing; erecting |
إقامة (ar) (ʔiqāma)
happiness; (honorific) His Excellency |
سَعادة (ar) (saʕāda)
(passive) to suffer ب (injuries); to be struck, afflicted ب by (illness) |
أُصيبَ (ar) (ʔuṣyba)
to be connected ب with, have to do ب with sth/sb |
تَعَلَّقَ (ar) (taʕallaqa)
protection, protecting |
حِماية (ar) (ḥimāya)
considering, regarding; consideration, regard, belief |
اِعْتِبار ات (ar) (iʕtibār āt)
beginning on, starting from (date) |
اِعْتِباراً من (ar) (iʕtibāran mn)
progress, advancement; coming forward |
تَقَدُّم (ar) (taqaddum)
personal, private |
شَخصيّ (ar) (šaḵṣyy)
personally, in person |
شَخصيّاً (ar) (šaḵṣyyan)
pointing out, indicating; indicative |
مُشير (ar) (mušyr)
net; web, network; grid, system |
شَبَكة (ar) (šabaka)، ات (ar) (āt) / شِباك (ar) (šibāk)
marriage; wedding |
زَواج (ar) (zawāj)
foreign; outer, exterior, outside |
خارِجيّ (ar) (ḵārijyy)
bare, naked; from (عن/من from); pure, absolute (truth); mere, nothing but |
مُجَرَّد (ar) (mujarrad)
as soon as, the instant |
بِمُجَرَّد (ar) (bimujarrad)
for no other reason but, for the sole reason that |
لِمُجَرَّد (ar) (limujarrad)
to decide, resolve أنْ to do sth |
قَرَّرَ (ar) (qarrara)
new, recent; modern |
حَديث (ar) (ḥadyṯ)
recently, lately |
حَديثاً (ar) (ḥadyṯan)
paternal uncle |
عَمّ (ar) (ʕamm)، عُموم (ar) (ʕumwm)
mind, attention |
بال (ar) (bāl)
it occurred to me |
خَطَرَ على بالي (ar) (ḵaṭara ʕlā bāly)
it slipped my mind |
راحَ عن بالي (ar) (rāḥa ʕn bāly)
to reveal, disclose عن sth; to expose, uncover النِّقاب عن sth; to examine على sb (medically) |
كَشَفَ (ar) (kašafa)، يَكشِفُ (ar) (yakšifu)، الكَشْف (ar) (al-kašf)
possessing, having |
ذو (ar) (ḏw)
to demand, call for ب sth (from sb); to require ب sth (from sb) |
طالَبَ (ar) (ṭālaba)
tomorrow |
غَد (ar) (ḡad) / غَداً (ar) (ḡadan)
better/best |
أحسَن (ar) (ʔḥsan)
file, folder; dossier; (computer) document, file |
مِلَفّ ات (ar) (milaff āt)
volume, size |
حَجْم (ar) (ḥajm)
precondition, stipulation |
شَرْط (ar) (šarṭ)، شُروط (ar) (šurwṭ)
to constitute, form, compose sth |
شَكَّلَ (ar) (šakkala)
according to, in accordance with, pursuant to |
وَفْقَ (ar) (wafqa) / وِفْقاً ل (ar) (wifqan l)
factor, element; component, ingredient; race, ethnicity; member, agent |
عُنصُر (ar) (ʕunṣur)، عَناصِر (ar) (ʕanāṣir)
occasion, opportunity |
مُناسِبة ات (ar) (munāsiba(t) āt)
special occasions (feasts, holidays) |
مُناسِبات (ar) (munāsibāt)
incidentally, by the way |
بِالمُناسِبة (ar) (bi-l-munāsiba)
oh God! dear God! |
اللَّهُمَّ (ar) (al-lahumma)
apart from (the fact that) |
اللَّهُمَّ إلّا (ar) (al-lahumma ʔillā)
expensive, costly; dear, precious, beloved |
غالٍ (ar) (ḡālin) / الغالي (ar) (al-ḡāly)
dearly |
غالياً (ar) (ḡālyan)
chest; bosom |
صَدْر (ar) (ṣadr)، صُدور (ar) (ṣudwr)
to allow, permit ل sb (to do sth) |
سَمَحَ (ar) (samaḥa)، يَسمَحُ (ar) (yasmaḥu)، السَّماح (ar) (as-samāḥ)
excuse me (allow me) |
اِسمَح لي (ar) (ismaḥ ly)
please (if you don't mind) |
لَوْ سَمَحْت (ar) (law samaḥt)
victory |
فَوْز (ar) (fawz)
prison |
سِجْن (ar) (sijn)، سُجون (ar) (sujwn)
young woman, girl |
فَتاة (ar) (fatāh)، فَتَيات (ar) (fatayāt)
secret |
سِرّ (ar) (sirr)، أسرار (ar) (ʔsrār)
secretly, privately |
سِرّاً (ar) (sirran)
secretary |
أمين (ar) (ʔmyn) / كاتِب السِّرّ (ar) (kātib as-sirr)
(adj) free, independent |
حُرّ (ar) (ḥurr)، آحرار (ar) (ʔāḥrār)
liberals; independents |
أحرار (ar) (ʔḥrār)
responsibility, duty |
مَسؤُوليّة ات (ar) (masʔūlyya(t) āt)
spreading, propagation; publication, announcement |
نَشْر (ar) (našr)
manufacture, industry |
صِناعة (ar) (ṣināʕa)
trade, craft |
صِناعات (ar) (ṣināʕāt)
summit |
قِمّة (ar) (qimma)، قِمَم (ar) (qimam)
enemy |
عَدُوّ (ar) (ʕaduww)، أعداء (ar) (ʔʕdāʔ)
to own, possess sth; to control sth |
مَلَكَ (ar) (malaka)، يَملِكُ (ar) (yamliku)، المِلْك (ar) (al-milk)
side, perspective, aspect; area, region |
ناحية (ar) (nāḥya)، نَواحٍ (ar) (nawāḥin) / النَّواحي (ar) (an-nawāḥy)
wanted, needed; demanded, required, necessary |
مَطلوب (ar) (maṭlwb)
investing; investment |
اِستِثمار ات (ar) (istiṯmār āt)
to expect, anticipate sth; to look forward to sth |
تَوَقَّعَ (ar) (tawaqqaʕa)
(fem) soul, spirt |
نَفْس (ar) (nafs)، نُفوس (ar) (nufws)
continuation, continuity |
اِستِمرار (ar) (istimrār)
constantly |
باِستِمرار (ar) (bistimrār)
suitable, appropriate |
مُناسِب (ar) (munāsib)
approximately, around, about |
حَوالَيْ (ar) (ḥawālay)
to come, show up; to attend, be present at (meeting, party, concert); to view (film, TV show) |
حَضَرَ (ar) (ḥaḍara)، يَحضُرُ (ar) (yaḥḍuru)، الحُضور (ar) (al-ḥuḍwr)
Emirate |
إمارة ات (ar) (ʔimāra(t) āt)
mistake, blunder, error; (invariable) wrong, mistaken |
خَطَأ (ar) (ḵaṭaʔ)، أخطاء (ar) (ʔḵṭāʔ)
greeting, salute, salutation |
تَحيّة (ar) (taḥyya)، ات (ar) (āt) / تَحايا (ar) (taḥāyā)
prophet |
نَبيّ (ar) (nabyy)، أنبياء (ar) (ʔnbyāʔ)
progress, development, growth |
تَطَوُّر ات (ar) (taṭawwur āt)
events, developments |
تَطَوُّرات (ar) (taṭawwurāt)
affliction, illness; casualty, injury; point, score, goal |
إصابة ات (ar) (ʔiṣāba(t) āt)
art; specialty; type, variety |
فَنّ (ar) (fann)، فُنون (ar) (funwn)
murder, killing |
قَتْل (ar) (qatl)
to move, march |
سارَ (ar) (sāra)، يَسيرُ (ar) (yasyru)، السَّيْر (ar) (as-sayr)
task, assignment, mission |
مَهَمّة (ar) (mahamma)، ات (ar) (āt) / مَهامّ (ar) (mahāmm)
equipment, material, supplies |
مُهِمّات (ar) (muhimmāt)
sadness, grief, sorrow, anguish |
حُزْن (ar) (ḥuzn)، أحزان (ar) (ʔḥzān)
patient, sick person; ill, sick |
مَريض (ar) (maryḍ)، مَرضى (ar) (marḍā)
shared, common, join, collective |
مُشتَرَك (ar) (muštarak)
republic |
جُمهوريّة (ar) (jumhwryya)
wide, broad, extensive, widespread |
واسِع (ar) (wāsiʕ)
capable, able |
قادِر (ar) (qādir)
ruler, governor; ruling, in power |
حاكِم (ar) (ḥākim)، حُكّام (ar) (ḥukkām)
education, pedagogy; raising, child-rearing; breeding |
تَربية (ar) (tarbya)
mountain |
جَبَل (ar) (jabal)، جِبال (ar) (jibāl)
to let go, let out sth; to release, set free سِراح sb; to fire, shoot النّار/الرَّصاص على at sb; to call على sth/sb (ب a name) |
أطلَقَ (ar) (ʔṭlaqa)
session, meeting; court hearing |
جَلسة (ar) (jalsa)، جَلَسات (ar) (jalasāt)
quarter, district |
حَيّ (ar) (ḥayy)، أحياء (ar) (ʔḥyāʔ)
to count, enumerate sth; to consider, regard sth/sb as |
عَدَّ (ar) (ʕadda)، يَعُدُّ (ar) (yaʕuddu)، العَدّ (ar) (al-ʕadd)
countless |
لا يُعَدُّ (ar) (lā yuʕaddu)
good health, vigor |
عافية (ar) (ʕāfya)
well done! nice job! |
يُعطيكُم العافية (ar) (yuʕṭykum al-ʕāfya)
commercial, business |
تِجاريّ (ar) (tijāryy)
song, melody |
أُغْنية (ar) (ʔuḡnya)، أغانٍ (ar) (ʔḡānin) / الأغاني (ar) (al-ʔḡāny)
main, chief, principle |
رَئيسيّ (ar) (raʔysyy)
cup; Cup (in prize names) |
كَأس (ar) (kaʔs)، كُؤوس (ar) (kuʔws)
(idaafa) most of, the majority of |
مُعظَم (ar) (muʕẓam)
doubt |
شَكّ (ar) (šakk)، شُكوك (ar) (šukwk)
without a doubt |
لا شَكّ (ar) (lā šakk) / بِلا شِكّ (ar) (bilā šikk)
playing; game, sport |
لَعْب (ar) (laʕb)، ألعاب (ar) (ʔlʕāb)
canal; channel (broadcasting) |
قَناة (ar) (qanāh)، قَنَوات (ar) (qanawāt)
production, output |
إنتاج (ar) (ʔintāj)
obtaining, getting, acquiring; occurring, happening |
حُصول (ar) (ḥuṣwl)
specific, determined; fixed, set, prescribed; appointed, designated |
مُعَيَّن (ar) (muʕayyan)
raising, lifting, elevating; increasing, augmenting, boosting |
رَفْع (ar) (rafʕ)
simple, plain; naive, unsophisticated; easy, uncomplicated; insignificant (amount), trifle, pinch |
بَسيط (ar) (basyṭ)، بُسَطاء (ar) (busaṭāʔ)
family, household, clan |
عائِلة ات (ar) (ʕāʔila(t) āt)
mosque |
مَسجِد (ar) (masjid)، مَساجِد (ar) (masājid)
quick, prompt |
سَريع (ar) (saryʕ)
quickly, promptly |
سَريعاً (ar) (saryʕan)
security, safety; integrity |
سَلامة (ar) (salāma)
finance |
ماليّة (ar) (mālyya)
direction; course; trend, movement |
اِتِّجاه (ar) (ittijāh)
to transfer, transport sth; to transmit (news); to translate sth |
نَقَلَ (ar) (naqala)، يَنقُلُ (ar) (yanqulu)، النَّقْل (ar) (an-naql)
silence |
ضَمْت (ar) (ḍamt)
to strive إلى for sth; to pursue, chase وَراء after (a goal) |
سَعى (ar) (saʕā)، يَسعى (ar) (yasʕā)، السَّعَيْاً (ar) (as-saʕayan)
to install, establish, set up sth; to hold, host (event, party); to reside, live, set up residence في at |
أقامَ (ar) (ʔqāma)
light, lamp |
ضَوْء (ar) (ḍawʔ)، أضواء (ar) (ʔḍwāʔ)
Premier League |
دَوْريّ الأضواء (ar) (dawryy al-ʔḍwāʔ)
substitute |
بَدَل (ar) (badal)
instead of, in lieu of |
بَدَلاً من (ar) (badalan mn)
medical |
طِبّيّ (ar) (ṭibbyy)
office, bureau; district, circuit; circle, ring |
دائِرة (ar) (dāʔira)، دَوائِر (ar) (dawāʔir)
presidency, leadership, direction, chairmanship |
رِئاسة (ar) (riʔāsa)
rise, increase; height, elevation |
اِرتِفاع (ar) (irtifāʕ)
scientist, scholar; knowing, knowledgeable of |
عالِم (ar) (ʕālim)، عُلَماء (ar) (ʕulamāʔ)
as follows |
كَالتّالي (ar) (kālttāly)
hero; (sports) champion; (film) star |
بَطَل (ar) (baṭal)، أبطال (ar) (ʔbṭāl)
departure, leaving; getting out, exit; deviation (عن from) |
خُروج (ar) (ḵurwj)
announcing, declaring; announcement, declaration, statement; advertisement; billboard |
إعلان ات (ar) (ʔiʕlān āt)
to hold, conclude, convene (meeting) |
عَقَدَ (ar) (ʕaqada)، يَعقِدُ (ar) (yaʕqidu)، العَقْد (ar) (al-ʕaqd)
shade; patronage |
ظِلّ (ar) (ẓill)، ظِلال (ar) (ẓilāl)
auspices |
ظِلال (ar) (ẓilāl)
to register; to record (audio); to score (point) |
سَجَّلَ (ar) (sajjala)
scene; filed, arena |
ساحة ات (ar) (sāḥa(t) āt)
age, period, time, epoch |
عَصْر عُصور (ar) (ʕaṣr ʕuṣwr)
nuclear, atomic; nucleic |
نَوَويّ (ar) (nawawyy)
group, team, troupe; (music) band, ensemble; (mil) division, squad |
فِرقة (ar) (firqa)، فِرَق (ar) (firaq)
century, age; horn |
قَرْن (ar) (qarn)، قُرون (ar) (qurwn)
governmental, state; official; state or government officer |
حُكوميّ (ar) (ḥukwmyy)
vision, sight; view, viewing; perspective, view, opinion |
رُؤُية (ar) (ruʔuya)
commerce, business |
تِجارة (ar) (tijāra)
to continue, follow sth/sb; to monitor, keep an eye on sth/sb |
تابَعَ (ar) (tābaʕa)
declaration, statement |
تَصريح ات (ar) (taṣryḥ āt)
stopping, ceasing |
وَقْف (ar) (waqf)
struggle, conflict, fight |
صِراع ات (ar) (ṣirāʕ āt)
working, doing business (مع with); relations, (business) dealings |
تَعامُل ات (ar) (taʕāmul āt)
age, period; tenure, administration, reign; treaty, pact, promise, oath |
عَهْد (ar) (ʕahd)، عُهود (ar) (ʕuhwd)
crown prince |
وَلّي العَهْد (ar) (wally al-ʕahd)
college, institute, faculty; entirety, totality |
كُلِّيّة ات (ar) (kulliyya(t) āt)
confidence, trust |
ثِقة (ar) (ṯiqa)
adjusting; regulating; seizure, confiscation |
ضَبْط (ar) (ḍabṭ)
exactly |
بِالضَّبْط (ar) (bi-ḍ-ḍabṭ)
to name, designate, call |
سَمّى (ar) (sammā)
to suffer sth or من from sth |
عانى (ar) (ʕānā)
teacher, instructor, master (of a trade); foreman, boss, chief |
مُعَلِّم (ar) (muʕallim)
violence, force |
عْنف (ar) (ʕnf)
nature, character |
طَبيعة (ar) (ṭabyʕa)
representing, acting on behalf of; representative, delegate; actor |
مُمَثِّل (ar) (mumaṯṯil)
expression; phrase, word |
عِبارة ات (ar) (ʕibāra(t) āt)
in other words |
بِعِبارةٍ أُخرى (ar) (biʕibāratin ʔuḵrā)
line, row, rank; class, classroom |
صَفّ (ar) (ṣaff)، صُفوف (ar) (ṣufwf)
liberation; editorship, editing |
تَحرير (ar) (taḥryr)
to pass, go by, elapse (time); to continue (في) doing sth; to proceed, go نحو/إلى to/towards |
مَضى (ar) (maḍā)، يَمضي (ar) (yamḍy)
loftiness, nobility; (title) His/Her Highness |
سُمُوّ (ar) (sumuww)
opening; beginning; conquest (esp in Islamic history) |
فَتْح (ar) (fatḥ)
danger, threat; risk, hazard; alarm (signal), warning (sign) |
خَطَر (ar) (ḵaṭar)، أخطار (ar) (ʔḵṭār)
direct, immediate; live (broadcast) |
مُباشِر (ar) (mubāšir)
approximation |
تَقريب (ar) (taqryb)
approximately, around; almost, not quite |
تَقريباً (ar) (taqryban)
text; wording |
نَصّ (ar) (naṣṣ)، نُصوص (ar) (nuṣwṣ)
employee |
مُوَظَّف (ar) (muwaẓẓaf)
page; leaf |
صَفحة (ar) (ṣafḥa)، صَفَحات (ar) (ṣafaḥāt)
gunman; armed, bearing arms; armored; reinforced |
مُسَلَّح (ar) (musallaḥ)
campaign, expedition; attack, raid |
حَملة (ar) (ḥamla)، حَمَلات (ar) (ḥamalāt)
remaining, lasting; remainder, remnant |
باقٍ (ar) (bāqin) / الباقي (ar) (al-bāqy)، باقون (ar) (bāqwn)
to thank, give thanks to sb |
شَكَرَ (ar) (šakara)
perhaps, maybe; (with pro) perhaps I, maybe I |
لَعَلَّ (ar) (laʕalla)
training, coaching; practicing; exercise, drill, practice session |
تَدريب ات (ar) (tadryb āt)
reading; recitation; interpretation |
قِرأءة (ar) (qirʔʔa)
to sit (down); to sit إلى at (a table) to sit على on/upon sth |
جَلَسَ (ar) (jalasa)، يَجلِسُ (ar) (yajlisu)، الجُلوس (ar) (al-julws)
artist |
فَنّان (ar) (fannān)
to speak (a language); to speak مع with sb (عن/حول/على about) |
تَكَلَّمَ (ar) (takallama)
remainder, left over, remnant; end, ending, conclusion (article or story) |
بَقيّة (ar) (baqyya)، بقايا (ar) (bqāyā)
pain; hurt; suffering |
ألَم (ar) (ʔlam)، آلام (ar) (ʔālām)
sleep |
نَوْم (ar) (nawm)
to include, incorporate sth |
ضَمَّ (ar) (ḍamma)، يَضِمُّ (ar) (yaḍimmu)، الضَّمّ (ar) (aḍ-ḍamm)
as long as, provided that |
ما دامَ (ar) (mā dāma)
unless |
ما لَم (ar) (mā lam)