Függelék:Arab szógyakorisági lista/lista2

No., Verb, Translation

  1. ال(al-) , the,
  2. و(w) , and; with,
  3. في() , in; inside; on (a date); at (a time); about (a topic); among (with pl pronoun) فيكم among you all; could (in requests) هل فينا أنْ could we…?,
  4. مِن(min) , from; (with following verb or masdar) since ,
  5. ل(l) , for; to,
  6. ب(b) , with; by,
  7. بِسَبَب(bisabab) , because of; due to,
  8. عَلى(ʕalā) , on; above,
  9. أنَّ(ʔnna) , that,
  10. إلى(ʔilā) , to; towards; till; until,
  11. كانَ(kāna) , to be ,
  12. لا() , no; not; non-,
  13. ولا…ولا(wlā…wlā) , neither…nor,
  14. ألا(ʔlā) , doesn’t]] , Allah,
  15. والله(wālllāh) , I swear (by God) ,
  16. أنْ(ʔn) , to,
  17. لِأنْ(liʔn) , in order to,
  18. بَعدَ أنْ , after (with perf. or imperf) بَعدَ أنْ ذَهَبَ after he went; بَعدَ أنْ يَذهَبَ(baʕda ʔn , after (with perf. or imperf) baʕda ʔn ḏahaba after he went; baʕda ʔn yaḏhaba) , after he goes ,
  19. عَن(ʕan) , from; about ,
  20. عَن طَريق(ʕan ṭaryq) , by way of; via ,
  21. قالَ(qāla) , to say إنَّ that; to tell ل sb إنَّ that ,
  22. هذا(hḏā) , this (masc sing),
  23. مَعَ(maʕa) , with ,
  24. مَعَ هَذا(maʕa haḏā) , nevertheless ,
  25. معاً(mʕan) , together ,
  26. ألَّتي(ʔllaty) , (fem sing) who; whom; which; that ,
  27. كُلّ(kull) , each; every; all (of),
  28. الكُلّ(al-kull) , everyone,
  29. كُلُّ شَيْءٍ(kullu šayʔin) , everything,
  30. كُلُّ ما(kullu mā) , everything that ,
  31. كُلُّ مَن(kullu man) , everyone that ,
  32. كُلُّ مِن(kullu min) , each one of (the following),
  33. عَلى كُلٍّ(ʕalā kullin) , in any case; anyhow ,
  34. هُوَ(huwa) , he; it,
  35. ف(f) , and; so,
  36. هَذِهِ(haḏihi) , this (fem sing),
  37. أَوْ(ʔaw) , or ,
  38. ألَّذي(ʔllaḏy) , (masc sing) who; whom; which ,
  39. أنا(ʔnā) , I,
  40. يَوْم(yawm) , day,
  41. اليَوْم(al-yawm) , today,
  42. يَوْماً ما(yawman mā) , someday,
  43. يَوماً(yawman) , ever; (with neg) never ,
  44. لَم(lam) , (with jussive) did not,
  45. ألَم(ʔlam) , didn’t…?,
  46. ما() , not,
  47. أما(ʔmā) , don’t]] , truly; that (after قالَ) ,
  48. ما() , what; whatever; that which ,
  49. يَيْنَ(yayna) , between; among ,
  50. فيما بَينَنا(fymā baynanā) , among ourselves ,
  51. هِيَ(hiya) , she; it; they ,
  52. بَعدَ(baʕda) , after ,
  53. يا() , O…!,
  54. ذَلِك(ḏalik) , (masc sing) that ,
  55. قَد(qad) , (with perf) has]] , had already,
  56. يَكونُ قَد(yakwnu qad) , will have already,
  57. آخَر(ʔāḵar) , other; another; one more; additional ,
  58. شَيْء(šayʔ) , thing; something,
  59. عِندَ(ʕinda) , with; next to; at (time; location); (to have) ,
  60. أوَّل(ʔwwal) , first; best; top-most,
  61. أوَّل(ʔwwal) , beginning,
  62. أوائِل(ʔwāʔil) , forefathers ,
  63. أوَّلاً(ʔwwalan) , first of all; primarily ,
  64. غَيْر(ḡayr) , other (than); different (than); not,
  65. غَيْر أنَّ(ḡayr ʔnna) , however; but ,
  66. بِغَيْر(biḡayr) , without,
  67. إذا(ʔiḏā) , when; if; whenever; ,
  68. و إذا ب(w ʔiḏā b) , and (then) suddenly ,
  69. نَفْس(nafs) , same; self ,
  70. عَرَبيّ(ʕarabyy) , Arab; Arabian; Arabic ,
  71. أيّ(ʔyy) , any (in idaafa); what; which; whatever; whoever ,
  72. رَئِيس(raʔīs) , president; leader; chief; head; chairman; main; chief; principal,
  73. عَمَل(ʕamal) , working; work; activity; action,
  74. وَطَنيّ(waṭanyy) , national; nationalistic,
  75. عَرَفَ(ʕarafa) , to know sth]] , some; several,
  76. بَعضَ الشَّيْءٍ(baʕḍa š-šayʔin) , a little; to some extent ,
  77. بَعضُهُم بَعضاً(baʕḍuhum baʕḍan) , each other,
  78. مَعَ بَعض(maʕa baʕḍ) , together ,
  79. على بَعض(ʕlā baʕḍ) , on top of each other ,
  80. وَراء بَعض(warāʔ baʕḍ) , in line; in a row (one behind the other),
  81. دَوْلة(dawla) , state; country ,
  82. كَما(kamā) , and; also; as well,
  83. إلّا(ʔillā) , except (for); but (for); save,
  84. إلّا أنَّ(ʔillā ʔnna) , however; except that,
  85. وإلّا(wʔillā) , otherwise ,
  86. أنتَ(ʔnta) , you (masc),
  87. كَثير(kaṯyr) , many; much; numerous ,
  88. كَثيراً(kaṯyran) , very much,
  89. كَثيراً ما(kaṯyran mā) , frequently; often,
  90. واحِد(wāḥid) , one; single ,
  91. لِأنَّ(liʔnna) , because,
  92. لَكِنَّ(lakinna) , (with following noun) however; but ,
  93. لَيْسَ(laysa) , to not be ,
  94. ألَيْسَ(ʔlaysa) , isn’t…?,
  95. جَديد(jadyd) , new; modern,
  96. مِن جَديد(min jadyd) , again; anew ,
  97. إنْ(ʔin) , if; whether,
  98. وإنْ(wʔin) , even if; although,
  99. ما إنْ... حَتّى(mā ʔin... ḥattā) , no sooner had… than; had just…when ,
  100. عام(ʕām) , year,
  101. أحَد(ʔḥad) , one (of; someone; anyone; (neg) nobody; no one,
  102. أكثَر(ʔkṯar) , more]] , large; great; important; major; adult; senior ,
  103. الكِبار(al-kibār) , the adults ,
  104. أخ(ʔḵ) , brother,
  105. يا أخي(yā ʔḵy) , my friend; (hey) buddy,
  106. كَيْفَ(kayfa) , how,
  107. قَبلَ(qabla) , before ,
  108. مِن قَبلِ(min qabli) , before; prior to,
  109. قَبلُ(qablu) , previously; earlier ,
  110. سَنة(sana) , year ,
  111. أمْر(ʔmr) , matter; issue; concern; affair ,
  112. قُوَّة(quwwa) , power; strength; force ,
  113. هَل(hal) , (question marker),
  114. خِلال(ḵilāl) , during; through,
  115. في خِلال(fy ḵilāl) , in the course of,
  116. في خِلال ذَلِك(fy ḵilāl ḏalik) , meanwhile ,
  117. من خِلال(mn ḵilāl) , by means of; through; across; via; on the basis of; based on,
  118. مَرّة(marra) , time; moment; occasion,
  119. مَرّةً(marratan) , once,
  120. مَرَّتَيْن(marratayn) , twice ,
  121. مِراراً(mirāran) , repeatedly,
  122. مَرّاتٍ(marrātin) , several times; repeatedly,
  123. بِالمَرّة(bi-l-marra) , totally; completely; (with neg) never; not at all,
  124. رَأَى(raʔā) , to see sth]] , بشفاثق,
  125. الأبَوان(al-ʔbawān) , the parents,
  126. هُناكَ(hunāka) , there; over there; there is; there are,
  127. تَمَّ(tamma) , to finish; conclude; come to an end; to take place; be held (event) ,
  128. حَيْثُ(ḥayṯu) , where; in which (non-question word),
  129. حَيْثُ(ḥayṯu) , so that; in order to,
  130. حَيْثُ أنَّ(ḥayṯu ʔnna) , since; because; given that ,
  131. من حَيْثُ ال(mn ḥayṯu l-) , in terms of; based on,
  132. ثانٍ(ṯānin) , second; additional; next; following ,
  133. ثانياً(ṯānyan) , secondly; furthermore,
  134. ثَانيةً(ṯānyatan) , again; once more ,
  135. حَتّى(ḥattā) , until; up to,
  136. جَميع(jamyʕ) , all (of); everyone one (of),
  137. الجَميع(al-jamyʕ) , everyone ,
  138. جَميعاً(jamyʕan) , altogether; all; entirely ,
  139. مِنطَقة(minṭaqa) , region; area; zone; territory ,
  140. حَقّ(ḥaqq) , truth; legal right; true; right,
  141. الحُقوق(al-ḥuqwq) , the law ,
  142. حَقّاً(ḥaqqan) , really; truly,
  143. أمريكيّ(ʔmrykyy) , American,
  144. مِثْل(miṯl) , like; similar to,
  145. لَوْ(law) , if,
  146. وَلَوْ(walaw) , even if ,
  147. لَوْ لا(law lā) , if not; if it weren’t for,
  148. عامّ(ʕāmm) , general; common; public ,
  149. اِسم(ism) , name ,
  150. أمكَنَ(ʔmkana) , to be possible (ل for sb) to do sth,
  151. يُمكِنُ أنْ(yumkinu ʔn) , it’s possible to (do sth),
  152. رَجُل(rajul) , man,
  153. لَكِن(lakin) , but,
  154. عالَم(ʕālam) , world ,
  155. حَياة(ḥayāh) , life ,
  156. مَوْضوع(mawḍwʕ) , subject; topic; issue; theme; placed; laid down; located; situated,
  157. وَزير(wazyr) , minister ,
  158. نَحنُ(naḥnu) , we,
  159. وَقْت(waqt) , time; moment; period,
  160. في الوَقْت الذي(fy al-waqt aḏ-ḏy) , while ,
  161. بَلَد(balad) , country; nation,
  162. مَن(man) , who; whom,
  163. مَجلِس(majlis) , council; board ,
  164. مَجلِس الشَّعْب(majlis aš-šaʕb) , parliament ,
  165. مَجلِس الشُّيوخ(majlis aš-šuywḵ) , US Senate ,
  166. قامَ(qāma) , to rise; stand up; to undertake; carry out ب (task; activity); to play ب (a role); to be based على on; (with imperf) to start to do sth,
  167. حُكومة(ḥukwma) , government; administration ,
  168. بَيْت(bayt) , house; family,
  169. بَيْت(bayt) , verse (of poetry),
  170. دونَ(dwna) , without; under; below,
  171. مِن دَونَ(min dawna) , without,
  172. فِلَسطينيّ(filasṭynyy) , Palestinian ,
  173. ثُمَّ(ṯumma) , then; afterwards; besides; furthermore ,
  174. جاءَ(jāʔa) , to come (إلى to); to come to sb; to appear; show up (في in sth written or spoken),
  175. قَلْب(qalb) , heart; center; essence; overthrowing; toppling (a regime); turning over (pages),
  176. ألْف(ʔlf) , thousand ,
  177. ناس(nās) , people; humans; persons ,
  178. طَريق(ṭaryq) , road; course; way; method,
  179. أرْض(ʔrḍ) , earth; ground; land; territory ,
  180. سَبَب(sabab) , reason; cause,
  181. شَرِكة(šarika) , company; corporation,
  182. عَدَد(ʕadad) , number; quantity; (periodical) issue; edition,
  183. بَيْنَ أعداد ال(bayna ʔʕdād al-) , among those who,
  184. صورة(ṣwra) , picture; image; photo; manner; way; form,
  185. دَوْليّ(dawlyy) , international; wold; global,
  186. دُوَليّاً(duwalyyan) , internationally; worldwide; globally,
  187. شَعْب(šaʕb) , people; nation,
  188. عادَ(ʕāda) , to return; go back إلى to sth; to be attributed إلى to sth]] , hopefully; God willing,
  189. كَما شِئْتَ(kamā šiʔta) , as you wish,
  190. الآن(al-ʔān) , now ,
  191. أرادَ(ʔrāda) , to want; desire sth or أنْ to do sth,
  192. أهْل(ʔhl) , family; relatives; folks; people; inhabitants ,
  193. تِلكَ(tilka) , (fem sing) that; those ,
  194. عَيْن(ʕayn) , eye; water spring; water source; spy; secret agent; eye (needle),
  195. الَّذينَ(allaḏyna) , (masc pl) who; whom,
  196. شَكْل(šakl) , manner; form; shape; appearance; look,
  197. عَمَليّة(ʕamalyya) , operation; process,
  198. أمّا(ʔmmā) , as for…; concerning…; ,
  199. أمّا بَعدُ(ʔmmā baʕdu) , and now to our main point,
  200. خاصّ(ḵāṣṣ) , special; specific; private; personal; exclusive; elite ,
  201. حَوْلَ(ḥawla) , around, about; concerning,
  202. عَمِلَ(ʕamila) , to work; function; to make; prepare; build sth,
  203. عَنى(ʕanā) , to mean; imply sth or أنّ that,
  204. عُنِيَ(ʕuniya) , to be concerned ب with; take an interest ب in,
  205. وَجَدَ(wajada) , to find sth]] , there are,
  206. خَيْر(ḵayr) , goodness; good; better (من than); best,
  207. وَطَنيّ(waṭanyy) , national; nationalistic; nationalist ,
  208. مَدينة(madyna) , city,
  209. اِبْن(ibn) , son,
  210. أبناء(ʔbnāʔ) , children,
  211. أبناء البِلاد(ʔbnāʔ al-bilād) , th native population,
  212. أيضاً(ʔyḍan) , also; as well; besides ,
  213. سَ(sa) , will,
  214. طَيِّب(ṭayyib) , good; nice; pleasant; delicious; OK ,
  215. يَد(yad) , hand,
  216. مَشروع(mašrwʕ) , project; enterprise; lawful; legal ,
  217. مَشروع قانون(mašrwʕ qānwn) , bill; draft law ,
  218. صَوْت(ṣawt) voice; sound; vote,
  219. أمامْ(ʔmām) , front; font part,
  220. أمامَ(ʔmāma) , in front of; facing,
  221. إلى الأمام(ʔilā l-ʔmām) , forward,
  222. سَمِعَ(samiʕa) , to hear sb; listen (إلى) to sb,
  223. نِسبة(nisba) , ratio; rate; percentage ,
  224. بِالنِّسبة إلى(bi-n-nisba(t) ʔilā) , concerning; regarding; in relation to ,
  225. حال(ḥāl) , situation; condition; case,
  226. حالاً(ḥālan) , immediately; right now,
  227. شَهُر(šahur) , month,
  228. بَل(bal) , but; rather; in fact,
  229. بَرنامَج(barnāmaj) , program ,
  230. أُمّ(ʔumm) , mother,
  231. بِأُم العين(biʔum al-ʕyn) , with one’s own eyes; the best; greatest; finest,
  232. حَرب(ḥarb) , war; warfare,
  233. عِندَما(ʕindamā) , when; as soon as,
  234. وَضْع(waḍʕ) , laying down; putting; placing; drafting (document); situation; state of affairs; status; condition ,
  235. دَوْر(dawr) , role; part; task; function; floor (building level); stage; turn (chance to act; play a role) ,
  236. وَجه(wajh) , face; font; side; way; manner,
  237. وَجه(wajh) , aspect; facet ,
  238. بِوَجهٍ عامّ(biwajhin ʕāmm) , generally]] , seriousness; earnestness ,
  239. بِجِدٍّ(bijiddin) , seriously; in earnest ,
  240. بَدَأَ(badaʔa) , to start; to begin (في) sth or (with imperf) to do sth,
  241. كَلِمة(kalima) , word; remark; speech,
  242. طِفل(ṭifl) , child; infant,
  243. مُنذُ(munḏu) , since; ago; ever since; starting from ,
  244. لَدى(ladā) , with; by; at; to have,
  245. أصبَحَ(ʔṣbaḥa) , to become sth; to being; start (to do sth) ,
  246. مَكان(makān) , place; location; position; role; post,
  247. صارَ(ṣāra) , to become; to happen; (with imperf) to begin to do ,
  248. مُشكلة(muškla) , problem; issue,
  249. عَشَرات(ʕašarāt) , tens; scores; dozens ,
  250. وَصَلَ(waṣala) , to arrive إلى at; to connect; link; join (بين) between ,
  251. إسلاميّ(ʔislāmyy) , Islamic; Islamist ,
  252. ساعة(sāʕa) , hour; time; o’clock; clock; watch,
  253. شَيخ(šayḵ) , sheikh; leader; old man; senator ,
  254. أكَّدَ(ʔkkada) , to confirm sth or أنّ that; to underscore; emphasize (على) sth or على) أنّ) that ,
  255. سَلام(salām) , peace; (pl) greeting; salute ,
  256. السلام الوَطَنيّ(as-slām al-waṭanyy) , the national anthem ,
  257. سَِّد(saaid) , Sir; Mr; lord; master; boss,
  258. صاحِب(ṣāḥib) , owner; possessor; originator; friend; companion,
  259. حَرَكة(ḥaraka) , movement; motion; activity; organization; (political) movement ,
  260. رَبّ(rabb) , lord; master; Lord; owner; proprietor ,
  261. حَدّ(ḥadd) , extent; limit; level; edge; corner,
  262. حُدود(ḥudwd) , border; frontier; range; scope ,
  263. أخَذَ(ʔḵaḏa) , to take sth; (imperf) to begin to do sth,
  264. نِظام(niẓām) , regime; government; system; orderliness ,
  265. ذات(ḏāt) , ego; self; (idaafa) a certain; a given (day; time; occasion; person; thing),
  266. بالذّات(bālḏḏāt) , exactly; precisely ,
  267. قَضِيّة(qaḍiyya) , problem; issue; lawsuit; legal case,
  268. ماضٍ(māḍin) , past; previous; last; the past ,
  269. إنسان(ʔinsān) , human being,
  270. حالة(ḥāla) , condition; state; situation; case; instance,
  271. أخير(ʔḵyr) , last; latest; recent ,
  272. الأخير(al-ʔḵyr) , the latter,
  273. أخيراً(ʔḵyran) , finally; recently lately ,
  274. رَغم(raḡm) , in spite of; despite ,
  275. جانِب(jānib) , side; aspect; part,
  276. إلى جانِب(ʔilā jānib) , next to; beside ,
  277. حُبّ(ḥubb) , affection; love ,
  278. حُبّاً ل(ḥubban l) , out of affection for; for love of ,
  279. جامِعة(jāmiʕa) , university; league ,
  280. قَرار(qarār) , decision; resolution ,
  281. لَقَد(laqad) , (with perf) has]] , to cease ,
  282. لا يَزالُ(lā yazālu) , to continue to be or do sth ,
  283. رَأْس(raʔs) ,head; tip; top ,
  284. رَأْس مال(raʔs māl) , capital; (geo) cape ,
  285. رَأساً(raʔsan) , immediately,
  286. تَحتْ(taḥt) , bottom part ,
  287. تَحتَ(taḥta) , below; under,
  288. وِزارة(wizāra) , ministry ,
  289. هَدَف(hadaf) , goal; target; intention; objective; (sports) goal; point,
  290. عَلاقة(ʕalāqa) , relation; link; tie; connection ,
  291. مُتَّحِد(muttaḥid) , united ,
  292. مُجتَمَع(mujtamaʕ) , society ,
  293. مَركَز(markaz) , center; station; (sports) ranking; position ,
  294. حَكى(ḥakā) , to tell; relate; report ,
  295. نَتيجة(natyja) , result; outcome; consequence ,
  296. نَتيجةً ل(natyjatan l) , as a result of ,
  297. رَأْي(raʔy) , opinion; view; idea,
  298. إدارة(ʔidāra) , administration; management; bureau; office; directorate ,
  299. صَغير(ṣaḡyr) , small; young; children; youths,
  300. قانون(qānwn) , law; statues; regulations ,
  301. بما أنّ(bmā ʔnn) , because; in light of the fact that; considering that,
  302. بما في ذلك(bmā fy ḏlk) , including ,
  303. اِستَطاعَ(istaṭāʕa) , to be able ْأن]] , water; liquid; juice,
  304. مِياه(miyāh) , (body of) water,
  305. أمْن(ʔmn) , safety; security; protection; order; control; discipline ,
  306. قَدَّمَ(qaddama) , to offer; present sth; to submit (request; complaint) to apply على for (position) ,
  307. شَخص(šaḵṣ) , person; individual ,
  308. كَلام(kalām) , speech; talk; statement; remark; saying; quote,
  309. مَوقِع(mawqiʕ) , position; location; site; website ,
  310. مِئَة(miʔa) , hundred,
  311. مئات(mʔāt) , hundreds ,
  312. حينَ(ḥyna) , when ,
  313. داخِلْ(dāḵil) , interior; inside,
  314. داخِلَ(dāḵila) , inside (of),
  315. وَحدة(waḥda) , unity; solitude; loneliness; unit; item; portion; selection ,
  316. أُمّة(ʔumma) , nation; people; community,
  317. مُهِمّ(muhimm) , important; serious ,
  318. من المُهِمّ(mn al-muhimm) , the important thing is that; what’s important is,
  319. مِليُون(milyūn) , million ,
  320. دُكتور(duktwr) , doctor (physician or holder of doctorate); (title) Dr ,
  321. فِعْل(fiʕl) , doing; deed; act; action; (ling) verb ,
  322. فِعلاً(fiʕlan) , really; actually; in fact ,
  323. بِفِعل(bifiʕl) , because of; owing to ,
  324. حُلو(ḥulw) , sweet; nice pleasant ,
  325. فَريق(faryq) , team; group; band; faction; party; (pl) lieutenant general ,
  326. بَقِيَ(baqiya) , to remain; stay (على in a state); to last; endure; to be left over; to continue doing sth or being sth; (with neg) to no longer do sth or be sth ,
  327. لَجنة(lajna) , committee; council; commission ,
  328. مُختَلِف(muḵtalif) , different; divergent; various; in disagreement (في]] , to be necessary على for sb أنْ to do sth; to be incumbent upon على sb أنْ to do sth ,
  329. نَظَر(naẓar) , looking إلى at; examining; looking في into; view; looking; glance; opinion,
  330. نَظَراً ل(naẓaran l) , due to; in view of the fact that ,
  331. مَجال(majāl) , area; space; field; domain; sphere; sector; arena ,
  332. مَجال جَوِّيّ(majāl jawwiyy) , air space ,
  333. فَتْرة(fatra) , time period; phase; interval ,
  334. شَبّ(šabb) , young man; youths ,
  335. شَأْن(šaʔn) , matter; affair; case; situation; condition ,
  336. ذَكَرَ(ḏakara) , to mention sth]] , it’s worth mentioning that,
  337. سُؤال(suʔāl) , question; inquiry ,
  338. وُجود(wujwd) , existence; presence; being present ,
  339. حَلّ(ḥall) , solving (a problem); solution; dissolution; annulment; cancellation,
  340. طالِب(ṭālib) , student; applicant; seeking; requesting ,
  341. مُستَوىً(mustawan) , level; standard ,
  342. وَاللّهِ(wālllhi) , by God; I swear (an oath),
  343. وحياتك(wḥyātk) , I swear (on your life) ,
  344. أمْ(ʔm) , or (in questions),
  345. أمْ لا؟(ʔm lā?) , …or not? ,
  346. فَقَط(faqaṭ) , only; just; solely,
  347. ..ليس..فقط بل(..lys..fqṭ bl) , not just… but (also) … ,
  348. وِلاية(wilāya) , mandate; term of office; state; province,
  349. قَدْ(qad) , (imperf) may; might ,
  350. عَضو(ʕaḍw) , member; associate; (anat) organ; limb ,
  351. حَتّى(ḥattā) , (with subjunctive) in order to; so that,
  352. عُمْر(ʕumr) , age (of a person); life; lifetime,
  353. دائِم(dāʔim) , lasting; enduring; permanent; constant ,
  354. سابِقٍ(sābiqin) , former; previous; preceding,
  355. سابِقاً(sābiqan) , formerly; perviously ,
  356. خَبر(ḵabr) , news; report; (gram) predicate,
  357. تاريخ(tāryḵ) , date; history ,
  358. دِراسة(dirāsa) , study; research; examination ,
  359. مَوقِف(mawqif) , position ,
  360. حِزْب(ḥizb) , political party ,
  361. مُؤَسَّسة(muʔassasa) , institution; organization; foundation,
  362. أضافَ(ʔḍāfa) , to add sth ,
  363. قِطاع(qiṭāʕ) , sector; section ,
  364. قِطاع غَزّة(qiṭāʕ ḡazza) , Gaza Strip ,
  365. مَجموعة(majmwʕa) , collection; group; squad; bloc ,
  366. سَلَّمَ(sallama) , to turn over; surrender sth إلى to sb; to great; salute sb,
  367. سَلِّم لي على(sallim ly ʕlā) , give my regards to ,
  368. سوق(swq) , market ,
  369. حَمْد(ḥamd) , praise; commendation ,
  370. دَخَلَ(daḵala) , to enter sth,
  371. باب(bāb) , door; gate; category; rubric; section; chapter ,
  372. مِمّا(mimmā) , which ,
  373. أجْل(ʔjl) , sake,
  374. من أجلِ(mn ʔjli) , because of; for the sake of ,
  375. لأجلِ أنْ(lʔjli ʔn) , in order to ,
  376. اِتِّحاد(ittiḥād) , unification; unifying; union ,
  377. تَحقيق(taḥqyq) , achievement; realization; investigation; interrogation (مع of sb) ,
  378. الفُنون الجَميلة(al-funwn al-jamyla) , fine arts,
  379. نَوْع(nawʕ) , type; kind; form,
  380. نَوْعاً ما(nawʕan mā) , somewhat; more or less,
  381. طَلَعَ(ṭalaʕa) , to appear; emerge rise; to go outcome out; get out,
  382. خِدمة(ḵidma) , service; assistance; aid,
  383. فيما(fymā) , while; meanwhile,
  384. فيما بَعدُ(fymā baʕdu) , later,
  385. حاليّ(ḥālyy) , present; current ,
  386. حاليّاً(ḥālyyan) , presently; currently ,
  387. حُكم(ḥukm) , rule; government; (pl) judgement; decision; verdict; statutes laws ,
  388. بِحُكمِ(biḥukmi) , by virtue of; because of ,
  389. أشارَ(ʔšāra) , to indicate; mention; cite; refer to إلى sth ,
  390. جِهة(jiha) , side; direction; part; party; sector; office; institution,
  391. جِهات(jihāt) , entities; parties; individuals; “players” ,
  392. نَحوَ(naḥwa) , towards; approximately ,
  393. طَويلاً(ṭawylan) , for a long time; extensively ,
  394. كَذَلِكَ(kaḏalika) , likewise; also ,
  395. حاوَلَ(ḥāwala) , to attempt; try to do sth ,
  396. قَوْل(qawl) , statement; remark; saying; utterance ,
  397. اِمرَأة(imraʔa) , woman; wife ,
  398. حَقيقة(ḥaqyqa) , truth; reality; fact,
  399. جَعَلَ(jaʕala) , to make sb]] , when; after,
  400. سَأَلَ(saʔala) , to ask sb (في]] , to live; be alive; to experience sth ,
  401. مُواطِن ون(mūṭin wn) , citizen; compatriot ,
  402. سُلطة(sulṭa) , power; rule; authority,
  403. سُلُطات(suluṭāt) , authorities; people in power ,
  404. بَدا( badā) , to appear; seem (ل to sb; أنّ that); to look; seem (big; small; happy; sad; etc) ,
  405. على ما يَبدو(ʕlā mā yabdw) , evidently; apparently; it seems ,
  406. اِقتِصاديّ(iqtiṣādyy) , economic; economical ,
  407. بَحْث(baḥṯ) , search (عن for); discussion (في of); research; examination (في of) ,
  408. دين(dyn) , religion ,
  409. حَمَلَ(ḥamala) , to carry; bear sth; to transport (cargo); to become pregnant; to attack على sth; campaign على against ,
  410. عَسكَريّ(ʕaskaryy) , military; solider ,
  411. كَم(kam) , how many]] , army; armed forces; troops ,
  412. جِهاز(jihāz) , apparatus; machine; device; appliance; organization; agency; bureau; office ,
  413. مُشارَكة(mušāraka) , participation; association ,
  414. طَبْع(ṭabʕ) , nature; character; printing ,
  415. طَبعاً(ṭabʕan) , of course; naturally,
  416. اِعتَبَرَ(iʕtabara) , to consider sth]] , to love; like sb; to want; like sth or to do sth ,
  417. أتى(ʔtā) , to come إلى to sth; to come to sb; to bring ب sth ,
  418. خَرَجَ(ḵaraja) , to exit; go out من]] , to give; provide sth to sb or ل to sb,
  419. حَبيب(ḥabyb) , dear; darling; beloved; sweetheart,
  420. فَوْقْ(fawq) , top; upper part,
  421. فَوْقَ(fawqa) , above; over,
  422. خارِِجْ(ḵāriij) , outside; outer part; exterior ,
  423. خارِجَ(ḵārija) , outside of,
  424. في الخارِج(fy al-ḵārij) , overseas; abroad ,
  425. خارِجاً(ḵārijan) , outside ,
  426. مَثَل(maṯal) , example; proverb ,
  427. مَثَلاً(maṯalan) , for example ,
  428. رَقْم(raqm) , number; numeral; figure; rate; record ,
  429. ضِدّْ(ḍidd) , opposite ,
  430. ضِدَّ(ḍidda) , against ,
  431. جَرى(jarā) , to occur; take place; to happen ل to sb; to flow; run (liquid); to run (person) وراء after sb,
  432. مَسؤول(masʔwl) , official; functionary; employer; boss; supervisor; responsible; dependable ,
  433. بَعيد(baʕyd) , distant; far; remote ,
  434. بَعيداً عن(baʕydan ʕn) , far away from ,
  435. كَبَبَ(kababa) , to write sth ,
  436. كُتِبَ لَهُ(kutiba lahu) , to be granted (success) ,
  437. كُتِبَ عليهِ أنْ(kutiba ʕlyhi ʔn) , to be destined (by God) to ,
  438. حين(ḥyn) , time; moment; opportunity ,
  439. وَضَعَ(waḍaʕa) , to put; place sth في]] , deputy; delegate; vice-,
  440. خاصّةً(ḵāṣṣatan) , especially; particularly ,
  441. الخاصّة(al-ḵāṣṣa) , the elite; the upper-class ,
  442. وَلَد(walad) , child; son; boy ,
  443. دَم(dam) , blood ,
  444. صَحيح(ṣaḥyḥ) , true; correct; sound; healthy; authentic (Hadith); yes; right,
  445. صَحيحاً(ṣaḥyḥan) , really; truly ,
  446. مَرحَلة(marḥala) , phase; stage; step; (sports) round,
  447. اِجتِماعيّ(ijtimāʕyy) , social,
  448. حَديث(ḥadyṯ) , discussion; conversation; talk; story; interview; Hadith,
  449. سِياسة(siyāsa) , politics; (pl) policy ,
  450. طَرَف(ṭaraf) , edge; side; tip; end; extremity (body limb); participant; player; party; team ,
  451. وَطَن(waṭan) , nation; homeland ,
  452. رُبَّما(rubbamā) , perhaps; maybe,
  453. قَليل(qalyl) , few; small amount,
  454. قَليلاً(qalylan) , a little; somewhat; briefly; shortly ,
  455. عَلِمَ(ʕalima) , to know sth or أنّ that; of find out أنّ that ,
  456. حَتّى(ḥattā) , even; including; although; even though,
  457. مُدير(mudyr) , director; manager; (office) boss; chief,
  458. نِهاية(nihāya) , end; finish; termination; ending,
  459. إضافة(ʔiḍāfa) , addition ,
  460. بالإضافة إلى(bālʔiḍāfa(t) ʔilā) , in addition to ,
  461. واقِع(wāqiʕ) , reality; fact; actual situation; falling (date); occurring (time); located; found; situated (place) ,
  462. كامِل(kāmil) , complete; full; integral; perfect ,
  463. بالكامِل(bālkāmil) , completely ,
  464. عَبرَ(ʕabra) , across; over; via; through; by means of,
  465. شَرق(šarq) , east ,
  466. شَرقاً(šarqan) , eastward ,
  467. ظَلَّ(ẓalla) , to stay; remain; to continue to be; (imperf) to keep on doing ,
  468. تَعليم(taʕlym) , education; teaching; instruction,
  469. تَعليمات(taʕlymāt) , instructions; guidelines ,
  470. تَعاليم(taʕālym) , precepts ,
  471. روح(rwḥ) , spirit; should; life ,
  472. أفضَل(ʔfḍal) , better]] , money; capital ,
  473. أموال(ʔmwāl) , assets; funds; monies ,
  474. لَيْلٍ(laylin) , night; night-time ,
  475. لَيْلاً(laylan) , by night,
  476. لَيْلاً ونَهاراً(laylan wnahāran) , day and night,
  477. أُسبوع(ʔusbwʕ) , week ,
  478. مُؤْتَمَر(muʔtamar) , conferences; congress; convention ,
  479. لِقاء(liqāʔ) , meeting; encounter; interview ,
  480. رَدَّ(radda) , to answer على sb; to respond على to sth]] , in order to; so that,
  481. بِناء(bināʔ) , building; constructing; erecting; structure; building; edifice,
  482. بِناء على(bināʔ ʕlā) , based on; according to ,
  483. طَريقة(ṭaryqa) , method; procedure; way ,
  484. أعلى(ʔʕlā) , higher]] , above (mentioned); aforementioned ,
  485. مُمكِن(mumkin) , possible ,
  486. دَعم(daʕm) , support; assistance; bolstering; promotion ,
  487. مَصدَر(maṣdar) , source ,
  488. حَدَثَ(ḥadaṯa) , to happen; occur; take place ,
  489. لَحظة(laḥẓa) , moment; instant ,
  490. فُرصة(furṣa) , chance; opportunity ,
  491. نادي(nādy) , club; association ,
  492. مَعلومات(maʕlwmāt) , information; data,
  493. هَيئة(hayʔa) , agency; organization; outward appearance; look ,
  494. قِصّة(qiṣṣa) , story; tale ,
  495. بِداية(bidāya) , beginning; start; starting point ,
  496. بِدايات(bidāyāt) , origins; early history ,
  497. جُنوب(junwb) , south; southern part,
  498. دَرى(darā) , to know; be aware of sth or ب sth or أنّ,
  499. دَعا(daʕā) , to call إلى for sth; to call (upon) sb إلى to do sth; to invite sb إلى to or to do sth ,
  500. مُباراة(mubārāh) , game; match; bout; competition ,
  501. إذ(ʔiḏ) , as; since; seeing that; while; when ,
  502. إذ أنّ(ʔiḏ ʔnn) , since; given that ,
  503. اِعتَقَدَ(iʕtaqada) , to believe في in sth; or بأنّ]] , according to ,
  504. دَقيقة(daqyqa) , minute ,
  505. مَلِك(malik) , king ,
  506. أعلَنَ(ʔʕlana) , to announce; declare; proclaim (عن) sth or أنّ that ,
  507. قيمة(qyma) , value; worth; importance,
  508. قِيَم(qiyam) , values; morals; ethics ,
  509. لاعِب(lāʕib) , player; athlete; playing ,
  510. أدّى(ʔddā) , to cause; produce إلى sth; to lead; direct; guide ب sb إلى to; to perform (function); to carry out (duty; mission); to take (test; oath) ,
  511. مادّة(mādda) , substance; material; subject matter; topic; (school) course; subject; article; paragraph; material things; money ,
  512. خَظ(ḵaẓ) , line; phone line; air route; airline (company); handwriting; script; calligraphy ,
  513. عَرْض(ʕarḍ) , show; display presentation; offer; tender; width; breadth ,
  514. رِسالة(risāla) , letter; missive; message; communication; dissertation; thesis ,
  515. رِسالات(risālāt) , mission; task ,
  516. اِنتِخاب(intiḵāb) , election; selection ,
  517. مَعنىً(maʕnan) , sense; meaning; significance; concept; nuance ,
  518. نُقطة(nuqṭa) , point; dot; location; position ,
  519. قَوِيّ(qawiyy) , strong; powerful; great ,
  520. حِوار(ḥiwār) , discussion; conversation; dialogue; talk ,
  521. رَدّ(radd) , response; reply,
  522. رَدّ فِعل(radd fiʕl) , reaction ,
  523. لُغة(luḡa) , language ,
  524. بَلَغَ(balaḡa) , to reach; arrive at; attain sth; to hear أنّ that ,
  525. سِعر(siʕr) , price; cost; rate ,
  526. حَصَلَ(ḥaṣala) , to get; obtain; acquire على sth ,
  527. أقَلّ(ʔqall) , less]] , to be less (عن than); decrease; diminish ,
  528. تَمام(tamām) , exact; complete; good; fine ,
  529. تَماماً(tamāman) , exactly; completely; totally,
  530. صَباح(ṣabāḥ) , morning,
  531. صَباحاً(ṣabāḥan) , in the morning,
  532. مَوجود(mawjwd) , existing; found; located; present,
  533. تَمَنّى(tamannā) , to wish ل sb (happiness; success); to hope أنْ that,
  534. مَرَض(maraḍ) , illness; disease,
  535. تَحَدَّثَ(taḥaddaṯa) , to speak إلى]] , more]] , escape; avoidance,
  536. لا بُدَّ من(lā budda mn) , there’s no escaping; it’s inevitable,
  537. فَعَلَ(faʕala) , to do sth ,
  538. طَلَبَ(ṭalaba) , to request; ask for sth (من from sb); to apply for sth; to order; place an order for sth; look for sth; to fail; press (number on a phone) ,
  539. صِحّة(ṣiḥḥa) , health; wellness; authenticity; truth ,
  540. وَقَعَ(waqaʕa) , to fall down; to take place; to be located ,
  541. لازِم(lāzim) , necessary; required; needed,
  542. تَعاوُن(taʕāwun) , cooperation ,
  543. زَوْج(zawj) , spouse; husband,
  544. زَوْجان(zawjān) , married couple,
  545. لِذَلِك(liḏalik) , therefore ,
  546. تالٍ(tālin) , following; subsequent,
  547. بِالتّالي(bi-t-tāly) , therefore; consequently ,
  548. شارِع(šāriʕ) , street ,
  549. الشّارِع(aš-šāriʕ) , (figurative) the public; public opinion ,
  550. نار(nār) , fire; gunfire; hellfire ,
  551. عَديد(ʕadyd) , large number; large quantity; numerous; many ,
  552. صَلّى(ṣallā) , to pray; to worship; to say a prayer على for sb ,
  553. فِكرة(fikra) , idea; concept; notion (عن about) ,
  554. على فِكرة(ʕlā fikra) , now that you mention it; by the way ,
  555. تَرَكَ(taraka) , to leave (behind); quit; abandon; sth ,
  556. دَرَجة(daraja) , degree; grade; level; class; rank ,
  557. آخِر(ʔāḵir) , last; final; concluding; end; tail; conclusion; bottom; foot ,
  558. إلى آخِرِهِ(ʔilā ʔāḵirihi) , et cetera ,
  559. أخيراً ولَيسَ آخِراً(ʔḵyran wlaysa ʔāḵiran) , last but not least ,
  560. اِجتِماع(ijtimāʕ) , meeting; gathering ,
  561. قَريب(qaryb) , near; close; related ,
  562. وَسَط(wasaṭ) , middle; center; environment ,
  563. وَسطَ(wasṭa) , amid; among; in the middle of ,
  564. أوْساط(ʔwsāṭ) , diplomatic circle; quarters ,
  565. نَظَرَ(naẓara) , to look إلى at; to examine; look في into ,
  566. واضِح(wāḍiḥ) , clear; explicit; obvious; visible ,
  567. مَوْت(mawt) , death ,
  568. خُصوص(ḵuṣwṣ) , regarding this matter; issue; in this regard; respect ,
  569. خُصوصاً(ḵuṣwṣan) , especially; particularly ,
  570. إنّما(ʔinnmā) , but rather; on the contrary; (not just) but (also) ,
  571. مَصلَحة(maṣlaḥa) , interest; advantage; favor; department; agency ,
  572. أساس(ʔsās) , foundation; base; basis; principle ,
  573. أساساً(ʔsāsan) , basically; fundamentally ,
  574. على الأساسِ(ʕlā l-ʔsāsi) , on the basis of ,
  575. في الأساسِ(fy al-ʔsāsi) , in principle ,
  576. صَحيفة(ṣaḥyfa) , newspaper ,
  577. وَقَفَ(waqafa) , to stop; cease (doing sth); to stand; rise,
  578. ْقِف(qif) , stop! ,
  579. وَقَفَ جَنبَهُ(waqafa janbahu) , to stand by; support sb,
  580. ذَهَبَ(ḏahaba) , to go; leave; depart,
  581. زِيارة(ziyāra) , visiting; visit,
  582. رائِع(rāʔiʕ) , fantastic; amazing; marvelous; magnificent; awesome ,
  583. إجراء(ʔijrāʔ) , conducting; carrying out; undertaking; procedure; process; step; measure; move; action ,
  584. اِتِّصال(ittiṣāl) , contact; communication; connection; relation; relationship ,
  585. دُنيا(dunyā) , world ,
  586. حَبَّ(ḥabba) , to love; like sb; to want; like sth or to do sth,
  587. زَوْجة(zawja) , wife,
  588. تَنفيذ(tanfyḏ) , execution; implementation; carrying out,
  589. لَوْن(lawn) , color; tint; hue; type; sort; kind ,
  590. قَديم(qadym) , old; ancient,
  591. قُدامى(qudāmā) , old-timers; veterans ,
  592. قادِم(qādim) , next; following; future; arriving; coming,
  593. كُرة(kura) , ball; globe; sphere,
  594. زادَ(zāda) , to grow; increase; to exceed; go beyond على]] , (idaafa) a number of; (invariable) several; numerous,
  595. عَودة(ʕawda) , return; going; return trip ,
  596. عالٍ(ʕālin) , high; elevated ,
  597. سِوى(siwā) , other than; except for ,
  598. بَحر(baḥr) , sea,
  599. شَعَرَ(šaʕara) , to feel; be aware of ب sth ,
  600. تَقرير(taqryr) , report; account,
  601. مَرَّ(marra) , to pass by; go by (time; event); to pass by; go past على]] , women ,
  602. فَتَحَ(fataḥa) , to open sth; to open; start (a business); to turn on (lights; radio; TV); to conquer (city; land),
  603. شَهِدَ(šahida) , to witness; observe; see sth]] , weapon; branch of the armed forces,
  604. سِلاح الجَوّ(silāḥ al-jaww) , air force,
  605. عِلم(ʕilm) , knowing; knowledge; information,
  606. عِلماً أنّ(ʕilman ʔnn) , knowing that; in view of the fact that,
  607. إعادة(ʔiʕāda) , repeating; doing sth again; returning; giving sth back,
  608. لَيْلة(layla) , night; evening,
  609. اللَّيْلة(al-layla) , tonight ,
  610. ثَقافة(ṯaqāfa) , culture; civilization ,
  611. داخِليّ(dāḵilyy) , internal; domestic ,
  612. مُنَظَّمة(munaẓẓama) , organization ,
  613. فِكْر(fikr) , thinking; thought; idea; concept; notion ,
  614. رَسول(raswl) , messenger (Muhammad) ,
  615. رُسُل(rusul) , messenger; apostle ,
  616. جُزء(juzʔ) , part; section; piece; portion; fraction ,
  617. اِنتَهى(intahā) , to end; finish; conclude sth ,
  618. غَريب(ḡaryb) , strange; stranger; foreigner ,
  619. غُرفة(ḡurfa) , room; chamber ,
  620. مُرور(murwr) , passing (of time); going through; passing by; stopping by (to visit); traffic,
  621. كَلِمة المُرور(kalima(t) al-murwr) , password ,
  622. مُروراً ل(murwran l) , passing; crossing; going through; via,
  623. حُرِّيّة(ḥurriyya) , freedom,
  624. تَسلَمُ(taslamu) , thanks!,
  625. زِيادة(ziyāda) , increase; rise; growth; addition; supplement ,
  626. قائِد(qāʔid) , leader; commander,
  627. وَسيلة(wasyla) , device; instrument; medium; means ,
  628. نَقْل(naql) , transportation; transfer; transmission; relaying (of news) ,
  629. نَقْلاً عن(naqlan ʕn) , quoting; as reported by ,
  630. حَقيقيّ(ḥaqyqyy) , true; real; factual; authentic ,
  631. اِحتاجَ(iḥtāja) , to need; want إلى sth]] , (noun) future,
  632. مُستَقبَلاً(mustaqbalan) , in the future ,
  633. مَحكَمة(maḥkama) , court; tribunal ,
  634. قِيادة(qiyāda) , leadership; command; driving (a vehicle); piloting (an aircraft),
  635. قِيادات(qiyādāt) , leaders; commanders ,
  636. دِفاع(difāʕ) , defense (military; legal; sports); protection ,
  637. سَبيل(sabyl) , way; road; means ,
  638. عِلميّ(ʕilmyy) , scientific; scholarly; academic ,
  639. خِيال عِلميّ(ḵiyāl ʕilmyy) , science fiction ,
  640. بَينَما(baynamā) , while ,
  641. أصل(ʔṣl) , source; origin; descent; lineage; original; master copy,
  642. أصلاً(ʔṣlan) , originally; primarily ,
  643. أُصول(ʔuṣwl) , principles; basic rules; funds; assets; capital ,
  644. عِلم(ʕilm) , science; the study of...,
  645. أمْنيّ(ʔmnyy) , security; safety; protection ,
  646. مَنزَل(manzal) , house; residence ,
  647. زَمَن(zaman) , time; period; duration ,
  648. بَيان(bayān) , statement; declaration; bulletin; communiqué; press release,
  649. بَيانات(bayānāt) , data; information,
  650. غَنيّ عن البَيان(ḡanyy ʕn al-bayān) , needless to say; it goes without saying,
  651. غَربيّ(ḡarbyy) , Western; Westerner; west of ,
  652. أثَر(ʔṯar) , record; trace; sign; mark; effect; influence ,
  653. ِعلى(iʕlā) , immediately after,
  654. ضَرورة(ḍarwra) , necessity; need ,
  655. بالضَّرورة(bālḍḍarwra) , necessarily ,
  656. كَريم(karym) , noble; distinguished; decent; dignified; generous; dear; precious,
  657. أساسيّ(ʔsāsyy) , basic; fundamental ,
  658. وَرَقة(waraqa) , (collective) paper; leaves; cards ,
  659. الوالِدان(al-wālidān) , parents ,
  660. جَمعيّة(jamʕyya) , association; society ,
  661. رَسميّ(rasmyy) , official; formal ,
  662. رَسمياً(rasmyan) , officially; formally ,
  663. أُستاذ(ʔustāḏ) , professor; teacher; (title) Prof; Mr; (polite) sir,
  664. اِحتِلال(iḥtilāl) , occupation (of land or property); filling (a post; a position) ,
  665. أبيَض(ʔbyaḍ) , white; whites; Caucasians ,
  666. مَكتَب(maktab) , office; bureau; department ,
  667. مُنتَدىً(muntadan) , assembly room; gathering place; (Internet) forum ,
  668. مُقاوَمة(muqāwama) , resistance; opposition ,
  669. شِعر(šiʕr) , poetry ,
  670. مُحَلّيّ(muḥallyy) , local,
  671. مُحَلّيّاً(muḥallyyan) , locally ,
  672. عَظيم(ʕaẓym) , great; mighty; powerful ,
  673. إعلام(ʔiʕlām) , information; media; informing; notifying ,
  674. فيلم(fylm) , film; movie ,
  675. طَبيعيّ(ṭabyʕyy) , natural; normal ,
  676. طَلَب(ṭalab) , request; demand; application; (purchase) order ,
  677. َوَراء(awarāʔ) , behind; past; beyond,
  678. إلى الوَراء(ʔilā l-warāʔ) , backward; in reverse ,
  679. وَحْد(waḥd) , (with pron) alone; by itself; only it ,
  680. فَهِمَ(fahima) , to understand sth]] , without ,
  681. دَعوة(daʕwa) , call; invitation; propaganda; (Islamic) missionary work,
  682. خَطوة(ḵaṭwa) , step; stride; measure,
  683. تَقديم(taqdym) , offering; presenting; submitting,
  684. مَدىً(madan) , range; extent; reach; time period; duration,
  685. تَجرِبة(tajriba) , experiment; test; experience; encounter; trial; ordeal,
  686. وَحيد(waḥyd) , only; sole; exclusive; alone,
  687. أمير(ʔmyr) , prince; commander,
  688. مُدّة(mudda) , time period; length of time; interval,
  689. تَغْيير(taḡyyr) , change; modification; replacement; switch ,
  690. ماتَ(māta) , to die; pass away ,
  691. دار(dār) , house; home; abode; family; household ,
  692. دُخول(duḵwl) , entering; entrance ,
  693. أهَمّيّة(ʔhammyya) , importance; significance ,
  694. صَعْب(ṣaʕb) , difficult; hard ,
  695. مُقبِل(muqbil) , next; coming; approaching; nearing ,
  696. حَدَث(ḥadaṯ) , event; incident ,
  697. دَوْرة(dawra) , (sports) championship; tournament; cycle; turn; rotation; lap; circulation; round (elections); session (meeting); tour; patrol; round; (school) course; class ,
  698. دَوْرة مِياه(dawra(t) miyāh) , bathroom; toilet ,
  699. نَشاط(našāṭ) , activity; movement; action ,
  700. ضِمنَ(ḍimna) , within; inside; among ,
  701. فَنّيّ(fannyy) , artistic; technical; technician ,
  702. أوُضَحَ(ʔwuḍaḥa) , to clarify; explain (ل to sb) أنّ that ,
  703. قُدرة(qudra) , capacity; ability; potential; power ,
  704. نِصْف(niṣf) , half; middle; semi-,
  705. صَراحة(ṣarāḥa) , sincerity; candor; frankness,
  706. بِصَراحة(biṣarāḥa) , frankly ,
  707. جَماعة(jamāʕa) , group; party; gang ,
  708. مَعرِفة(maʕrifa) , knowing sth]] , knowledge; information; culture; education ,
  709. ظَهَرَ(ẓahara) , to appear; seem كَأنّ as if ,
  710. مُواجَهة(mūjaha) , facing; confronting; encountering; confrontation; encounter ,
  711. رَجَعَ(rajaʕa) , to return; go back; come back إلى to; to even عن (one’s decision); to go back (بِكَلامِهِ on one’s word) ,
  712. إيّا(ʔiyyā) , (with object pron) to]] , (with object pron) with it ,
  713. بُطولة(buṭwla) , heroism; starring role; championship; tournament ,
  714. نَجاح(najāḥ) , success ,
  715. شُرطة(šurṭa) , police ,
  716. لَعِبَ(laʕiba) , to play (game; role) ,
  717. تَنمية(tanmya) , development; growth; progress ,
  718. حاجة(ḥāja) , need; want (for what one lacks); desire; wish; objective; purpose; goal,
  719. بِحاجة إلى(biḥāja(t) ʔilā) , in need of ,
  720. فَكَّرَ(fakkara) , to think في]] , development; advancement; promotion; encouragement ,
  721. شَمال(šamāl) , north; northern ,
  722. بَنك(bank) , bank (financial institution) ,
  723. فَرْد(fard) , individual; person,
  724. فَرداً فَرداً(fardan fardan) , one by one; separately; individually ,
  725. قَدَم(qadam) , foot (also as a unit of measure) ,
  726. عامِل(ʕāmil) , employee; worker; laborer; operator; regent; prefect ,
  727. العامِلون(al-ʕāmilwn) , staff; workforce; personnel ,
  728. ثَقافيّ(ṯaqāfyy) , cultural; intellectual; educational ,
  729. قاعِدة(qāʕida) , rule; principle; basis; military base ,
  730. عاديّ(ʕādyy) , regular; normal; ordinary ,
  731. أكيد(ʔkyd) , sure; certain; definite ,
  732. أكيداً(ʔkydan) , definitely; for sure ,
  733. سَواء(sawāʔ) , except; whether (or not); regardless; either (or); equality ,
  734. يَوْميّ(yawmyy) , daily ,
  735. يَوْميّاً(yawmyyan) , every day; on a daily basis; per diem ,
  736. صَلاة(ṣalāh) , prayer ,
  737. شاعِر(šāʕir) , poet ,
  738. حُلْم(ḥulm) , dream ,
  739. وُصول(wuṣwl) , attainment; achievement ,
  740. قَتَلَ(qatala) , to kill (often passive) ,
  741. سُرعة(surʕa) , speed ,
  742. بِسُرعة(bisurʕa) , quickly ,
  743. عَزيز(ʕazyz) , dear; precious ,
  744. مَساء(masāʔ) , evening ,
  745. عُنوان(ʕunwān) , address; title; headline; URL,
  746. طَبيب(ṭabyb) , physician; doctor ,
  747. اِستِخدام(istiḵdām) , usage; using; utilization ,
  748. عَقْل(ʕaql) , mind; intellect ,
  749. عيد(ʕyd) , holiday; festival; feast ,
  750. أمَل(ʔmal) , hope; wish,
  751. أمَلاً(ʔmalan) , hoping; wishing; in the hope (في أنْ that) ,
  752. خارِجيّة(ḵārijyya) , foreign ministry; foreign office ,
  753. دَفَعَ(dafaʕa) , to push sth; to pay (a sum of money); to compel; move sb إلى to do sth ,
  754. قِيام(qiyām) , undertaking; carrying out ب (task; activity); playing ب (a role); rising; standing up ,
  755. مُنتَخِب(muntaḵib) , elected; national team ,
  756. جُرديّ(jurdyy) , soldier ,
  757. إذَن(ʔiḏan) , therefore; consequently ,
  758. اِتِّفاق(ittifāq) , agreement; accord; treaty ,
  759. نور(nwr) , light; lamp ,
  760. شَديد(šadyd) , intense; strong; severe ,
  761. شَعبيّ(šaʕbyy) , popular; national; of the people ,
  762. مُحافظة(muḥāfẓa) , province; governorate ,
  763. اِنتَظَرَ(intaẓara) , to expect; wait for sth]] , to represent; speak for sb; to play; act as sb (film); to exemplify; illustrate sth ,
  764. ظَرْف(ẓarf) , circumstance; condition; situation ,
  765. أُسرة(ʔusra) , family; community ,
  766. قَريّة(qaryya) , village ,
  767. مُقابِل(muqābil) , opposite (to); corresponding (to); vis-à-vis ,
  768. جَوّ(jaww) , air; atmosphere; weather; climate ,
  769. جَوّاً(jawwan) , by air; by plane ,
  770. وِكالة(wikāla) , agency; office; dealership; proxy; deputation; power of attorney ,
  771. خُطّة(ḵuṭṭa) , plan; project ,
  772. مَدَنيّ(madanyy) , civil; civilian ,
  773. شارَكَ(šāraka) , to participate; share (with sb) في in sth ,
  774. نَزَلَ(nazala) , to descend; stay في at ,
  775. صَحّ(ṣaḥḥ) , right; correct; true ,
  776. أزمة(ʔzma) , crisis; crunch ,
  777. بَحَثَ(baḥaṯa) , to look; search عن for; to discuss; debate (في) sth; to research; examine; look into في sth ,
  778. مَملَكة(mamlaka) , kingdom ,
  779. إطلاق(ʔiṭlāq) , releasing; launching; (النّار) firing; shooting,
  780. إطلاقاً(ʔiṭlāqan) , (yes) absolutely; definitely; (no) not at all ,
  781. على وَجه الإطلاق(ʕlā wajh al-ʔiṭlāq) , for sure,
  782. أوْسَط(ʔwsaṭ) , middle; central ,
  783. مُحاوَلة(muḥāwala) , attempt; effort ,
  784. قَدَرَ(qadara) , to be able to; be capable of (doing sth) ,
  785. أسوَد(ʔswad) , black; black people ,
  786. قِسْم(qism) , section; portion; department; division ,
  787. تَحديد(taḥdyd) , specification; definition ,
  788. تَحديداً(taḥdydan) , specifically ,
  789. خَلْف(ḵalf) , back; rear part ,
  790. من خَلف(mn ḵalf) , behind (of) sth]] , from the back; from the rear; at the back; in the rear ,
  791. شَمس(šams) , (feminine) sun ,
  792. مَزيد(mazyd) , addition; added amount; greater number (من of); more; additional; increased (من) ,
  793. تَعَرَّضَ(taʕarraḍa) , to be exposed إلى to sth; to encounter; run into; have to deal with إلى sth ,
  794. اِهتِمام(ihtimām) , interest; attention; care; concern ,
  795. دينيّ(dynyy) , religious; spiritual ,
  796. مُساعَدة(musāʕada) , help; support ,
  797. مُساعَدات(musāʕadāt) , aid ,
  798. كافّة(kāffa) , (idaafa) all of; the entirety of,
  799. كافّةً(kāffatan) , all together ,
  800. عَبْد(ʕabd) , servant; slave ,
  801. العِباد(al-ʕibād) , humanity; humankind ,
  802. غَرْب(ḡarb) , west; West,
  803. غَرْباً(ḡarban) , westward; in the west,
  804. عاصِمة(ʕāṣima) , capital city ,
  805. إطار(ʔiṭār) , framework; context ,
  806. صِحّيّ(ṣiḥḥyy) , health-related; sanitary ,
  807. مَشكور(maškwr) , thankful; grateful; thanks!,
  808. حُضور(ḥuḍwr) , arrival; coming; attending; being present at (meeting; party; concert); viewing (film; TV show) ,
  809. مَحَلّ(maḥall) , place; location; shop; store ,
  810. يَهوديّ(yahwdyy) , Jew; Jewish ,
  811. تَنظيم(tanẓym) , organizing; planning; regulating; controlling; organization; network ,
  812. رِياضة(riyāḍa) , sports; physical exercise; physical education; mathematics ,
  813. فَضْل(faḍl) , favor; grace; kindness; goodwill; distinction; merit; credit; surplus ,
  814. بَفَضْل(bafaḍl) , due to; thanks to ,
  815. فَضْلاً عن(faḍlan ʕn) , aside from; not to mention ,
  816. فَضلاً عن ذلك(faḍlan ʕn ḏlk) , futhermore; moreover,
  817. أثناء(ʔṯnāʔ) , during ,
  818. في هذه(fy hḏh) , meanwhile ,
  819. حَقَّقَ(ḥaqqaqa) , to achieve; realize (success; goals); to serve; promote (interests); to investigate في sth; to interrogate مع sb ,
  820. رَفَضَ(rafaḍa) , to reject; refuse sth ,
  821. شَخصيّة(šaḵṣyya) , personality; identity; person; individual ,
  822. أمين(ʔmyn) , trustee; keeper; secretary; loyal; faithful; reliable,
  823. أمين الصُّندوق(ʔmyn aṣ-ṣundwq) , treasurer ,
  824. مُستَشفىً(mustašfan) , hospital ,
  825. طولْ(ṭwl) , length; height ,
  826. طولَ(ṭwla) , throughout; during (the entire) ,
  827. كَذا(kaḏā) , thus; like that; in this way ,
  828. كَذا وكَذا(kaḏā wkaḏā) , such-and-such; so-and-so ,
  829. كَذا وكَيْتَ(kaḏā wkayta) , this and that,
  830. طاقة(ṭāqa) , energy; power; potential; ability ,
  831. قائِل(qāʔil) , saying; (noun) saying,
  832. كاتِب(kātib) , writer; author; office worker; clerk; writing ,
  833. مَعروف(maʕrwf) , known; well-known; favor; kind gesture; good deed; what is right ,
  834. رِياضيّ(riyāḍyy) , sports; sportive; mathematical; mathematician,
  835. رِياضيّات(riyāḍyyāt) , mathematics ,
  836. تَربية رِياضية(tarbya(t) riyāḍya) , P.E. ,
  837. اِتَّصَلَ(ittaṣala) , to contact ب sb; get in touch ب with sb; to be connected or related إلى to sth ,
  838. أجنَبيّ(ʔjnabyy) , foreign; foreigner ,
  839. جُمهور(jumhwr) , multitude; public; the masses ,
  840. اِستَمَرَّ(istamarra) , to last; go on (for a certain amount of time); to continue في doing sth ,
  841. قَرَأَ(qaraʔa) , to read sth ,
  842. سَماء(samāʔ) , sky; heaven ,
  843. نَسِيَ(nasiya) , to forget sth]] , effort; exertion; endeavor ,
  844. شَهيد(šahyd) , martyr ,
  845. رَفَعَ(rafaʕa) , to lift; raise sth; to increase; boost sth; to lodge على against sb (a complaint) ,
  846. عادة(ʕāda) , habit; custom; practice ,
  847. عادةً(ʕādatan) , usually; generally; typically ,
  848. ضَغْط(ḍaḡṭ) , pressing; exerting pressure; pressure; stress; voltage ,
  849. سَهْم(sahm) , (econ) share; stock ,
  850. سَهْم(sahm) , arrow ,
  851. زَمان(zamān) , time; period; duration,
  852. من زَمانٍ(mn zamānin) , (it has been) for some time; (it was) a long time ago,
  853. مَسألة(masʔla) , issue; affair; matter; question ,
  854. كَوْن(kawn) , being; by virtue of being ,
  855. لِكَوْنِ(likawni) , because ,
  856. الكَوْن(al-kawn) , the universe; existence ,
  857. جَريمة(jaryma) , crime ,
  858. إرهاب(ʔirhāb) , terror; terrorism; terrorizing; frightening ,
  859. قَدْر(qadr) , extent; degree; amount; value; ability; capability; capacity ,
  860. نِهائيّ(nihāʔyy) , final; definitive; conclusive; final (in sports),
  861. نِهائيّاً(nihāʔyyan) , finally; in the end,
  862. جِسْم(jism) , body; form; mass; organism ,
  863. حِساب(ḥisāb) , calculation; appraisal; account; invoice; expense ,
  864. إنسانيّ(ʔinsānyy) , human; humane; humanitarian ,
  865. ساكِن(sākin) , resident; inhabitant; residing ,
  866. شُغْل(šuḡl) , work; labor; occupation; business,
  867. عِلاج(ʕilāj) , treatment; therapy ,
  868. يَعْني(yaʕny) , (used as filler) I mean; y’know; like; uh; (as a response) sort of; more or less,
  869. إقامة(ʔiqāma) , residency; setting up; establishing; erecting ,
  870. سَعادة(saʕāda) , happiness; (honorific) His Excellency ,
  871. أُصيبَ(ʔuṣyba) , (passive) to suffer ب (injuries); to be struck; afflicted ب by (illness) ,
  872. تَعَلَّقَ(taʕallaqa) , to be connected ب with; have to do ب with sth]] , protection; protecting,
  873. اِعْتِبار(iʕtibār) , considering; regarding; consideration; regard; belief,
  874. اِعْتِباراً من(iʕtibāran mn) , beginning on; starting from (date) ,
  875. تَقَدُّم(taqaddum) , progress; advancement; coming forward ,
  876. شَخصيّ(šaḵṣyy) , personal; private,
  877. شَخصيّاً(šaḵṣyyan) , personally; in person ,
  878. مُشير(mušyr) , pointing out; indicating; indicative ,
  879. شَبَكة(šabaka) , net; web; network; grid; system ,
  880. زَواج(zawāj) , marriage; wedding ,
  881. خارِجيّ(ḵārijyy) , foreign; outer; exterior; outside ,
  882. مُجَرَّد(mujarrad) , bare; naked; from (عن]] , as soon as; the instant,
  883. لِمُجَرَّد(limujarrad) , for no other reason but; for the sole reason that ,
  884. قَرَّرَ(qarrara) , to decide; resolve أنْ to do sth ,
  885. حَديث(ḥadyṯ) , new; recent; modern,
  886. حَديثاً(ḥadyṯan) , recently; lately ,
  887. عَمّ(ʕamm) , paternal uncle ,
  888. بال(bāl) , mind; attention ,
  889. خَطَرَ على بالي(ḵaṭara ʕlā bāly) , it occurred to me,
  890. راحَ عن بالي(rāḥa ʕn bāly) , it slipped my mind ,
  891. كَشَفَ(kašafa) , to reveal; disclose عن sth; to expose; uncover النِّقاب عن sth; to examine على sb (medically) ,
  892. ذو(ḏw) , possessing; having ,
  893. طالَبَ(ṭālaba) , to demand; call for ب sth (from sb); to require ب sth (from sb) ,
  894. غَد(ḡad) , tomorrow ,
  895. أحسَن(ʔḥsan) , better]] , file; folder; dossier; (computer) document; file ,
  896. حَجْم(ḥajm) , volume; size ,
  897. شَرْط(šarṭ) , precondition; stipulation ,
  898. شَكَّلَ(šakkala) , to constitute; form; compose sth ,
  899. وَفْقَ(wafqa) , according to; in accordance with; pursuant to ,
  900. عُنصُر(ʕunṣur) , factor; element; component; ingredient; race; ethnicity; member; agent ,
  901. مُناسِبة(munāsiba) , occasion; opportunity ,
  902. مُناسِبات(munāsibāt) , special occasions (feasts; holidays),
  903. بِالمُناسِبة(bi-l-munāsiba) , incidentally; by the way ,
  904. اللَّهُمَّ(al-lahumma) , oh God! dear God! ,
  905. اللَّهُمَّ إلّا(al-lahumma ʔillā) , apart from (the fact that) ,
  906. غالٍ(ḡālin) , expensive; costly; dear; precious; beloved ,
  907. غالياً(ḡālyan) , dearly ,
  908. صَدْر(ṣadr) , chest; bosom ,
  909. سَمَحَ(samaḥa) , to allow; permit ل sb (to do sth),
  910. اِسمَح لي(ismaḥ ly) , excuse me (allow me) ,
  911. لَوْ سَمَحْت(law samaḥt) , please (if you don’t mind) ,
  912. فَوْز(fawz) , victory ,
  913. سِجْن(sijn) , prison ,
  914. فَتاة(fatāh) , young woman; girl ,
  915. سِرّ(sirr) , secret ,
  916. سِرّاً(sirran) , secretly; privately ,
  917. أمين(ʔmyn) , secretary ,
  918. حُرّ(ḥurr) , (adj) free; independent,
  919. أحرار(ʔḥrār) , liberals; independents ,
  920. مَسؤُوليّة(masʔūlyya) , responsibility; duty ,
  921. نَشْر(našr) , spreading; propagation; publication; announcement,
  922. صِناعة(ṣināʕa) , manufacture; industry,
  923. صِناعات(ṣināʕāt) , trade; craft ,
  924. قِمّة(qimma) , summit ,
  925. عَدُوّ(ʕaduww) , enemy ,
  926. مَلَكَ(malaka) , to own; possess sth; to control sth ,
  927. ناحية(nāḥya) , side; perspective; aspect; area; region ,
  928. مَطلوب(maṭlwb) , wanted; needed; demanded; required; necessary ,
  929. اِستِثمار(istiṯmār) , investing; investment ,
  930. تَوَقَّعَ(tawaqqaʕa) , to expect; anticipate sth; to look forward to sth ,
  931. نَفْس(nafs) , (fem) soul; spirt ,
  932. اِستِمرار(istimrār) , continuation; continuity ,
  933. باِستِمرار(bistimrār) , constantly ,
  934. مُناسِب(munāsib) , suitable; appropriate ,
  935. حَوالَيْ(ḥawālay) , approximately; around; about ,
  936. حَضَرَ(ḥaḍara) , to come; show up; to attend; be present at (meeting; party; concert); to view (film; TV show) ,
  937. إمارة(ʔimāra) , Emirate ,
  938. خَطَأ(ḵaṭaʔ) , mistake; blunder; error; (invariable) wrong; mistaken ,
  939. تَحيّة(taḥyya) , greeting; salute; salutation ,
  940. نَبيّ(nabyy) , prophet ,
  941. تَطَوُّر(taṭawwur) , progress; development; growth ,
  942. تَطَوُّرات(taṭawwurāt) , events; developments ,
  943. إصابة(ʔiṣāba) , affliction; illness; casualty; injury; point; score; goal ,
  944. فَنّ(fann) , art; specialty; type; variety ,
  945. قَتْل(qatl) , murder; killing ,
  946. سارَ(sāra) , to move; march ,
  947. مَهَمّة(mahamma) , task; assignment; mission,
  948. مُهِمّات(muhimmāt) , equipment; material; supplies ,
  949. حُزْن(ḥuzn) , sadness; grief; sorrow; anguish ,
  950. مَريض(maryḍ) , patient; sick person; ill; sick ,
  951. مُشتَرَك(muštarak) , shared; common; join; collective ,
  952. جُمهوريّة(jumhwryya) , republic ,
  953. واسِع(wāsiʕ) , wide; broad; extensive; widespread ,
  954. قادِر(qādir) , capable; able ,
  955. حاكِم(ḥākim) , ruler; governor; ruling; in power ,
  956. تَربية(tarbya) , education; pedagogy; raising; child-rearing; breeding ,
  957. جَبَل(jabal) , mountain ,
  958. أطلَقَ(ʔṭlaqa) , to let go; let out sth; to release; set free سِراح sb; to fire; shoot النّار]] , session; meeting; court hearing ,
  959. حَيّ(ḥayy) , quarter; district ,
  960. عَدَّ(ʕadda) , to count; enumerate sth; to consider; regard sth]] , countless ,
  961. عافية(ʕāfya) , good health; vigor ,
  962. يُعطيكُم العافية(yuʕṭykum al-ʕāfya) , well done! nice job! ,
  963. تِجاريّ(tijāryy) , commercial; business ,
  964. أُغْنية(ʔuḡnya) , song; melody ,
  965. رَئيسيّ(raʔysyy) , main; chief; principle,
  966. كَأس(kaʔs) , cup; Cup (in prize names),
  967. مُعظَم(muʕẓam) , (idaafa) most of; the majority of ,
  968. شَكّ(šakk) , doubt ,
  969. لا شَكّ(lā šakk) , without a doubt ,
  970. لَعْب(laʕb) , playing; game; sport ,
  971. قَناة(qanāh) , canal; channel (broadcasting) ,
  972. إنتاج(ʔintāj) , production; output ,
  973. حُصول(ḥuṣwl) , obtaining; getting; acquiring; occurring; happening ,
  974. مُعَيَّن(muʕayyan) , specific; determined; fixed; set; prescribed; appointed; designated ,
  975. رَفْع(rafʕ) , raising; lifting; elevating; increasing; augmenting; boosting ,
  976. بَسيط(basyṭ) , simple; plain; naive; unsophisticated; easy; uncomplicated; insignificant (amount); trifle; pinch,
  977. عائِلة(ʕāʔila) , family; household; clan ,
  978. مَسجِد(masjid) , mosque ,
  979. سَريع(saryʕ) , quick; prompt,
  980. سَريعاً(saryʕan) , quickly; promptly ,
  981. سَلامة(salāma) , security; safety; integrity ,
  982. ماليّة(mālyya) , finance ,
  983. اِتِّجاه(ittijāh) , direction; course; trend; movement ,
  984. نَقَلَ(naqala) , to transfer; transport sth; to transmit (news); to translate sth,
  985. ضَمْت(ḍamt) , silence ,
  986. سَعى(saʕā) , to strive إلى for sth; to pursue; chase وَراء after (a goal) ,
  987. أقامَ(ʔqāma) , to install; establish; set up sth; to hold; host (event; party); to reside; live; set up residence في at ,
  988. ضَوْء(ḍawʔ) , light; lamp,
  989. دَوْريّ الأضواء(dawryy al-ʔḍwāʔ) , Premier League ,
  990. بَدَل(badal) , substitute ,
  991. بَدَلاً من(badalan mn) , instead of; in lieu of,
  992. طِبّيّ(ṭibbyy) , medical ,
  993. دائِرة(dāʔira) , office; bureau; district; circuit; circle; ring ,
  994. رِئاسة(riʔāsa) , presidency; leadership; direction; chairmanship ,
  995. اِرتِفاع(irtifāʕ) , rise; increase; height; elevation ,
  996. عالِم(ʕālim) , scientist; scholar; knowing; knowledgeable of ,
  997. كَالتّالي(kālttāly) , as follows ,
  998. بَطَل(baṭal) , hero; (sports) champion; (film) star,
  999. خُروج(ḵurwj) , departure; leaving; getting out; exit; deviation (عن from),
  1000. إعلان(ʔiʕlān) , announcing; declaring; announcement; declaration; statement; advertisement; billboard ,
  1001. عَقَدَ(ʕaqada) , to hold; conclude; convene (meeting) ,
  1002. ظِلّ(ẓill) , shade; patronage ,
  1003. ظِلال(ẓilāl) , auspices ,
  1004. سَجَّلَ(sajjala) , to register; to record (audio); to score (point),
  1005. ساحة(sāḥa) , scene; filed; arena ,
  1006. عَصْر عُصور(ʕaṣr ʕuṣwr) , age; period; time; epoch ,
  1007. نَوَويّ(nawawyy) , nuclear; atomic; nucleic ,
  1008. فِرقة(firqa) , group; team; troupe; (music) band; ensemble; (mil) division; squad ,
  1009. قَرْن(qarn) , century; age; horn ,
  1010. حُكوميّ(ḥukwmyy) , governmental; state; official; state or government officer ,
  1011. رُؤُية(ruʔuya) , vision; sight; view; viewing; perspective; view; opinion ,
  1012. تِجارة(tijāra) , commerce; business,
  1013. تابَعَ(tābaʕa) , to continue; follow sth]] , declaration; statement ,
  1014. وَقْف(waqf) , stopping; ceasing ,
  1015. صِراع(ṣirāʕ) , struggle; conflict; fight ,
  1016. تَعامُل(taʕāmul) , working; doing business (مع with); relations; (business) dealings ,
  1017. عَهْد(ʕahd) , age; period; tenure; administration; reign; treaty; pact; promise; oath ,
  1018. وَلّي العَهْد(wally al-ʕahd) , crown prince,
  1019. كُلِّيّة(kulliyya) , college; institute; faculty; entirety; totality ,
  1020. ثِقة(ṯiqa) , confidence; trust ,
  1021. ضَبْط(ḍabṭ) , adjusting; regulating; seizure; confiscation ,
  1022. بِالضَّبْط(bi-ḍ-ḍabṭ) , exactly,
  1023. سَمّى(sammā) , to name; designate; call ,
  1024. عانى(ʕānā) , to suffer sth or من from sth ,
  1025. مُعَلِّم(muʕallim) , teacher; instructor; master (of a trade); foreman; boss; chief ,
  1026. عْنف(ʕnf) , violence; force,
  1027. طَبيعة(ṭabyʕa) , nature; character,
  1028. مُمَثِّل(mumaṯṯil) , representing; acting on behalf of; representative; delegate; actor,
  1029. عِبارة(ʕibāra) , expression; phrase; word,
  1030. بِعِبارةٍ أُخرى(biʕibāratin ʔuḵrā) , in other words ,
  1031. صَفّ(ṣaff) , line; row; rank; class; classroom ,
  1032. تَحرير(taḥryr) , liberation; editorship; editing,
  1033. مَضى(maḍā) , to pass; go by; elapse (time); to continue (في) doing sth; to proceed; go نحو]] , loftiness; nobility; (title) His]] , opening; beginning; conquest (esp in Islamic history) ,
  1034. خَطَر(ḵaṭar) , danger; threat; risk; hazard; alarm (signal); warning (sign) ,
  1035. مُباشِر(mubāšir) , direct; immediate; live (broadcast) ,
  1036. تَقريب(taqryb) , approximation ,
  1037. تَقريباً(taqryban) , approximately; around; almost; not quite ,
  1038. نَصّ(naṣṣ) , text; wording ,
  1039. مُوَظَّف(muwaẓẓaf) , employee,
  1040. صَفحة(ṣafḥa) , page; leaf,
  1041. مُسَلَّح(musallaḥ) , gunman; armed; bearing arms; armored; reinforced ,
  1042. حَملة(ḥamla) , campaign; expedition; attack; raid ,
  1043. باقٍ(bāqin) , remaining; lasting; remainder; remnant ,
  1044. شَكَرَ(šakara) , to thank; give thanks to sb,
  1045. لَعَلَّ(laʕalla) , perhaps; maybe; (with pro) perhaps I; maybe I,
  1046. تَدريب(tadryb) , training; coaching; practicing; exercise; drill; practice session ,
  1047. قِرأءة(qirʔʔa) , reading; recitation; interpretation,
  1048. جَلَسَ(jalasa) , to sit (down); to sit إلى at (a table) to sit على on]] , artist ,
  1049. تَكَلَّمَ(takallama) , to speak (a language); to speak مع with sb (عن]] , remainder; left over; remnant; end; ending; conclusion (article or story) ,
  1050. ألَم(ʔlam) , pain; hurt; suffering ,
  1051. نَوْم(nawm) , sleep ,
  1052. ضَمَّ(ḍamma) , to include; incorporate sth ,
  1053. ما دامَ(mā dāma) , as long as; provided that,
  1054. ما لَم(mā lam) , unless ,
  1055. دَليل(dalyl) , sign; clue; indication; evidence; proof (على of),
  1056. أدِلّة(ʔdilla) , guide; handbook ,
  1057. رَغْبة(raḡba) , wish; desire,
  1058. تَوَقَّفَ(tawaqqafa) , to stop; halt; to be dependent على on (sb’s will) ,
  1059. قائِم(qāʔim) , carrying out ب (task; activity); playing ب (a role); ongoing; present; standing ,
  1060. صُحُفيّ(ṣuḥufyy) , journalistic; press; journalist; reporter ,
  1061. صَهْيونيّ(ṣahywnyy) , Zionist ,
  1062. مُحَطّة(muḥaṭṭa) , station (gas; electrical power; broadcasting); stop; layover ,
  1063. مِلْيار(milyār) , billion ,
  1064. ديمُقراطيّ(dymuqrāṭyy) , democratic; democrat; Democrat ,
  1065. إيرانيّ(ʔīrānyy) , Iranian,
  1066. إصلاح(ʔiṣlāḥ) , reform; restoration ,
  1067. إصلاحات(ʔiṣlāḥāt) , corrections; amendments ,
  1068. أداء(ʔdāʔ) , performance; execution; rendering; carrying out; fulfillment; satisfaction,
  1069. شَعْر(šaʕr) , hair,
  1070. نِفْط(nifṭ) , petroleum; (mineral) oil,
  1071. صالِح(ṣāliḥ) , advantage; interest; suitable; applicable; pious; upright; righteous ,
  1072. سُاطان(suāṭān) , Sultan; power; authority (على over) ,
  1073. إلى حَدٍّ ما(ʔilā ḥaddin mā) , to a certain extent ,
  1074. تَغَيَّرَ(taḡayyara) , to change; be modified ,
  1075. شامِل(šāmil) , comprehensive; thorough; extensive; sweeping; global; full; complete ,
  1076. نَجَحَ(najaḥa) , to succeed ,
  1077. شَهادة(šahāda) , certificate; degree; testimony; witness,
  1078. تابِع(tābiʕ) , belonging ل to; attached ل to; associated ل with; adherent; follower,
  1079. اِختِيار(iḵtiyār) , choice; selection; election; preference ,
  1080. ذِكرى(ḏikrā) , remembrance; memory; anniversary,
  1081. ذِكرَيات(ḏikrayāt) , memoirs; diary,
  1082. زَيْن(zayn) , beautiful; lovely; pretty; charming ,
  1083. مَبلَغ(mablaḡ) , amount; sum (of money); extent; degree; scope; range ,
  1084. جَسَد(jasad) , body,
  1085. ّرَجا(ّrajā) , to hope for sth; to request sth من from sb,
  1086. يُرجى الاِتِّصال ب(yurjā l-ittiṣāl b) , would you please contact...,
  1087. أرجوكَ(ʔrjwka) , please!,
  1088. كِتابة(kitāba) , writing; script; essay; piece of writing,
  1089. إنشاء(ʔinšāʔ) , establishing; setting up; founding,
  1090. اِقتِصاد(iqtiṣād) , economy; saving,
  1091. مَعْرَكة(maʕraka) , battle; campaign ,
  1092. بارَكَ(bāraka) , to bless في sb; to send blessings على upon ,
  1093. رَحْمة(raḥma) , mercy; compassion ,
  1094. طائِرة(ṭāʔira) , aircraft; airplane,
  1095. كُلَّما(kullamā) , (with perf verb) whenever; the more (this)… the more (that) ,
  1096. دَمعة(damʕa) , teardrop; tears,
  1097. كَفى(kafā) , to be enough; be sufficient (for sth]] , nearness; proximity ,
  1098. قْربَ(qrba) , near; near to ,
  1099. مَوْسِم(mawsim) , season; festival ,
  1100. ماليّ(mālyy) , financial; monetary; fiscal ,
  1101. نَهار(nahār) , daytime; day,
  1102. نَهاراً(nahāran) , by day; during the day,
  1103. تَمَكَّنَ(tamakkana) , to be able من to do sth ,
  1104. وَجَّهَ(wajjaha) , to send; direct sth إلى to ,
  1105. جَنّة(janna) , paradise; garden,
  1106. كادَ(kāda) , to almost (with imperf) do sth or أنْ do sth,
  1107. ما كادَ…حَتّى(mā kāda…ḥattā) , and as soon as (this happened)…(that happened); no sooner had (this happened) than (that happened),
  1108. تَطبيق(taṭbyq) , implementation (plan; project; decision; strategy); application; enforcement (law; regulation; standards) ,
  1109. مُمارَسة(mumārasa) , practice; pursuit (profession; hobby); practicing; playing (sport); exercising; carrying out (policy); exerting (pressure); activity; practice; action ,
  1110. صَدَّقَ(ṣaddaqa) , to believe sb]] , delegation ,
  1111. نَفْسيّ(nafsyy) , mental; spiritual; psychological ,
  1112. تَقدير(taqdyr) , appreciation; gratitude (ل for); estimate; calculation; appraisal; (academic) level; performance,
  1113. تَقديراً ل(taqdyran l) , in appreciation for ,
  1114. خَليج(ḵalyj) , gulf ,
  1115. نَظْرة(naẓra) , look; glance; view,
  1116. عَكْس(ʕaks) , opposite; reverse; contrary ,
  1117. قَصيدة(qaṣyda) , poem; ode,
  1118. اِستِقرار(istiqrār) , stability; setting down ,
  1119. تَشكيل(taškyl) , formation; composition; constitution ,
  1120. مُستَمِرّ(mustamirr) , continuous; incessant; continuing ,
  1121. شَجَرة(šajara) , tree,
  1122. ذِكْر(ḏikr) , mention; citation; memory ,
  1123. ديمُقراطيّة(dymuqrāṭyya) , democracy,
  1124. مَوْعِد(mawʕid) , appointed time or date; deadline; appointment; engagement; commitment; rendezvous ,
  1125. بَغى(baḡā) , to pursue; strive for sth ,
  1126. واجَهَ(wājaha) , to face; be opposite sth; to confront sb,
  1127. ضابِط(ḍābiṭ) , officer,
  1128. ضابِط(ḍābiṭ) , controller; controlling device,
  1129. رِحلة(riḥla) , trip; excursion; journey; voyage; career,
  1130. مَعرِض(maʕriḍ) , exhibit; exhibition; show ,
  1131. جُرْح(jurḥ) , wound; injury ,
  1132. تارِجييّ(tārijyyy) , historical ,
  1133. تَوْفير(tawfyr) , providing; furnishing; fulfillment (conditions; requirements); saving (time; money) ,
  1134. سَفير(safyr) , ambassador ,
  1135. كمبيوتر(kmbywtr) , computer,
  1136. أُسلوب(ʔuslwb) , style; manner; way; method; device,
  1137. دَوْريّ(dawryy) , (sports) league; tournament; regular periodic; intermittent; cyclical; circulatory ,
  1138. نَجْم(najm) , star; constellation; celebrity ,
  1139. تَأْثير(taʔṯyr) , effect; impact; influence; impression (على]] , pencil;pen ,
  1140. بَقَلَم(baqalam) , written by ,
  1141. مَقال(maqāl) , article; essay ,
  1142. بَدء(badʔ) , start; beginning,
  1143. بَدءاً من(badʔan mn) , starting from ,
  1144. أظهَرَ(ʔẓhara) , to show; manifest; demonstrate,
  1145. سَبَقَ(sabaqa) , to precede; come before sth]] , to have done sth previously ,
  1146. لِسان(lisān) , tongue; language; spokesperson,
  1147. سَفَر(safar) , travelling; journey; trip ,
  1148. غاية(ḡāya) , (noun) utmost; extreme; goal; objective; purpose,
  1149. لِلغاية(lilḡāya) , extremely; greatly,
  1150. لِغاية(liḡāya) , until,
  1151. شَمِلَ(šamila) , to include; comprise; contain sth ,
  1152. قَطَعَ(qaṭaʕa) , to cut off; sever sth; to interrupt; stop (flow); to block (street); to cover; travel (a distance); to pledge (a vow) ,
  1153. ثَوْرة(ṯawra) , revolution; uprising,
  1154. تَأْكيد(taʔkyd) , confirmation; affirmation; certainty,
  1155. بِالتَّأكيد(bi-t-taʔkyd) , certainly,
  1156. تَأْكيداً لِ(taʔkydan li) , in confirmation of; underscoring; emphasizing ,
  1157. دارَ(dāra) , to revolve; turn; to circle; go around حَوْلَ sth,
  1158. نَشَرَ(našara) , to publish st; to announce sth; to propagate sth,
  1159. دينار(dynār) , dinar,
  1160. إشارة(ʔišāra) , mentioning; pointing out; indication; sign; signal ,
  1161. ظَنَّ(ẓanna) , to think; believe; presume أنّ that ,
  1162. بِيئة(bīʔa) , environment; milieu ,
  1163. مُسابَقة(musābaqa) , contest; competition; race,
  1164. رِعاية(riʕāya) , custody; protection; patronage; sponsorship; (social) welfare; (health) care,
  1165. خافَ(ḵāfa) , to fear sth]] , to throw; toss; to deliver; give (a speech),
  1166. اِحتِرام(iḥtirām) , respect; honor,
  1167. اِحتِراماً ل(iḥtirāman l) , out of respect for; in honor of,
  1168. مَفتوح(maftwḥ) , open; opened,
  1169. تَحَوَّلَ(taḥawwala) , to be changed; be converted; be transformed,
  1170. فَجْر(fajr) , dawn ,
  1171. اِلتَقى(iltaqā) , to meet; encounter مع]] , to be published; be issued; to emerge; come forth; appear ,
  1172. طَعام(ṭaʕām) , food,
  1173. ضَحِكَ(ḍaḥika) , to laugh (على at) ,
  1174. اِستَخدَمَ(istaḵdama) , to use; employ; utilize sth,
  1175. ساعَدَ(sāʕada) , to help; assist; support sb,
  1176. ظاهِرة(ẓāhira) , phenomenon ,
  1177. سَقَطَ(saqaṭa) , to fall; drop; decline ,
  1178. سُبحان(subḥān) , praise ,
  1179. مُؤَكِّد(muʔakkid) , confirming; underscoring; emphasizing ,
  1180. قَصير(qaṣyr) , short; small (of stature) ,
  1181. تَعبير(taʕbyr) , expressing عن (opinion; feeling); stating عن (position; policy); expression; word; phrase,
  1182. عامِل(ʕāmil) , working; operating; active; doing; making,
  1183. تَفكير(tafkyr) , thinking; pondering; reflection; meditation ,
  1184. دَرَسَ(darasa) , to study; learn sth ,
  1185. تلفزيون(tlfzywn) , television ,
  1186. بَشَر(bašar) , humankind; humans ,
  1187. صُندوف(ṣundwf) , box; bin; treasury; fund; trunk (of a car) ,
  1188. حَيّ(ḥayy) , alive; living; active; lively; creature; living thing,
  1189. مَرحَباً(marḥaban) , hello!,
  1190. أقصى(ʔqṣā) , farthest; most remote ,
  1191. رِيال(riyāl) , riyal (currency) ,
  1192. إعْلاميّ(ʔiʕlāmyy) , media; information; journalist; person from the media; media worker,
  1193. مُشارِك(mušārik) , participant; participating ,
  1194. مُتابَعة(mutābaʕa) , pursuing; following; continuation ,
  1195. بَيْع(bayʕ) , sale; selling ,
  1196. باتَ(bāta) , to become (known; certain); to start; begin to do sth; to spend the night; stay overnight (في]] , way; manner; method; grammar; area; region ,
  1197. قَمَر(qamar) , moon,
  1198. قَمَر صِناعيّ(qamar ṣināʕyy) , satellite ,
  1199. أعادَ(ʔʕāda) , to repeat sth; do sth again; to give back; return sth ,
  1200. سِنّ(sinn) , age (of a person) ,
  1201. أدرَكَ(ʔdraka) , to grasp; understand; comprehend sth of أنّ that; to reach; attain sth,
  1202. قَوْميّ(qawmyy) , national; sate; nationalist ,
  1203. جائِزة(jāʔiza) , prize; award; reward ,
  1204. جارٍ(jārin) , current; present (time); occurring; taking place; in progress; flowing; running (liquid) ,
  1205. ضَرَبَ(ḍaraba) , to strike; hit,
  1206. ضَرَبَ مَثَلاً(ḍaraba maṯalan) , to give an example (ل of) ,
  1207. قَضاء(qaḍāʔ) , justice; judiciary; court; court system; district; province; judgement; ruling; decision; fate; destiny ,
  1208. اِشتَغَلَ(ištaḡala) , to work; be employed ,
  1209. صِفْر(ṣifr) , zero; empty,
  1210. حاضِر(ḥāḍir) , present (time); (person) present; attending,
  1211. الحُضور(al-ḥuḍwr) , audience,
  1212. اِرتَفَعَ(irtafaʕa) , to rise; ascend; to increase; grow,
  1213. خَلْق(ḵalq) , creating; forming; creation; creatures; humankind ,
  1214. قَبِلَ(qabila) , to accept; receive; approve ,
  1215. قَائِمة(qāʔima) , list; index; leg (of a chair) ,
  1216. مَبدَأ(mabdaʔ) , principle; basis; fundamental concept ,
  1217. تَقَدَّمَ(taqaddama) , to present; submit (request); offer (suggestion); to advance; be ahead (in age; experience) ,
  1218. ثَمَن(ṯaman) , price; cost; value; worth,
  1219. إمام(ʔimām) , imam,
  1220. جيل(jyl) , generation; age,
  1221. مَشْعَر(mašʕar) , feeling; sense; emotion ,
  1222. مُبادَرة(mubādara) , initiative; proposal ,
  1223. جَمَعَ(jamaʕa) , to bring together; gather; assemble (things; people),
  1224. اِختَلَفَ(iḵtalafa) , to be different عن from sb]] , to respond; reply (إلى to sb or a question) على]] , feeling; sentiment; awareness,
  1225. تَفصيل(tafṣyl) , detail; elaboration,
  1226. بالتَّفصيل(bālttafṣyl) , in detail,
  1227. إعداد(ʔiʕdād) , preparation,
  1228. شَرقيّ(šarqyy) , Eastern; oriental; East; eastern region,
  1229. أَسَف(ʔasaf) , sorry; regret; remorse; pity; sympathy,
  1230. لِلأسْفِ(lilʔsfi) , unfortunately,
  1231. يا لِلأسْف(yā lilʔsf) , how unfortunate,
  1232. أفادَ(ʔfāda) , to report أنّ]] , holding; concluding; convening (meeting),
  1233. بَشَريّ(bašaryy) , human,
  1234. صَيْف(ṣayf) , summer ,
  1235. مُعَدَّل(muʕaddal) , average; rate; mean figure; modified; altered; amended ,
  1236. خَسارة(ḵasāra) , loss; failure; casualty; damage,
  1237. فائِدة(fāʔida) , benefit; use; usefulness; (finance) interest,
  1238. خِبرة(ḵibra) , experience; expertise ,
  1239. صِفة(ṣifa) , feature; characteristic; attribute; trait ,
  1240. مَشهَد(mašhad) , scene; view; spectacle; sight,
  1241. لَقِيَ(laqiya) , to find; meet; encounter sb]] , challenge,
  1242. عَمّا(ʕammā) , about what; from what; concerning; regarding,
  1243. عَمّا قَريبً(ʕammā qaryban) , shortly; soon,
  1244. عَمّا إذا(ʕammā ʔiḏā) , (about; as to) whether,
  1245. جِدار(jidār) , wall,
  1246. الجِدار العازِل(al-jidār al-ʕāzil) , the Wall of Separation; the West Bank Wall ,
  1247. مَجَلّة(majalla) , magazine; journal,
  1248. هُجوم(hujwm) , attack; assault; raid; charge,
  1249. مُهَندِس(muhandis) , engineer; technician ,
  1250. تَجاوَزَ (tajāwaza ) , to surmount; overcome sth; exceed; go beyond; overstep sth; to disregard; bypass sth,
  1251. صِناعيّ(ṣināʕyy) , industrial; industrialized; manufacturing; artificial ,
  1252. مِساحة(misāḥa) , surface; space; land; terrain ,
  1253. قَضى(qaḍā) , to eliminate على sth]] , he was sentenced ,
  1254. مُحَدَّد(muḥaddad) , defined; determined; set ,
  1255. تَعديل(taʕdyl) , change; modification; adjustment; amendment; reshuffle (cabinet) ,
  1256. نُمُوّ(numuww) , development; growth; progress ,
  1257. حَرْف(ḥarf) , letter (of the alphabet) ,
  1258. مُؤْمِن(muʔmin) , believing; faithful; believer; Muslim ,
  1259. اِعتَمَدَ(iʕtamada) , to depend; rely على on sth]] , surprise ,
  1260. فَجأَةً(fajʔatan) , suddenly ,
  1261. سَهْل(sahl) , easy; simple ,
  1262. مُباشَرة(mubāšara) , pursuit; practice; performance; execution; implementation ,
  1263. مُباشَرةً(mubāšaratan) , directly; immediately ,
  1264. بَنو(banw) , sons,
  1265. مَنْع(manʕ) , prevention; prohibition; depriving; withholding,
  1266. خَطير(ḵaṭyr) , significant; important; serious; grave; dangerous; risky,
  1267. رَحِمَ(raḥima) , to have mercy (God) on sb,
  1268. رَحَمِهُ الله(raḥamihu llāh) , God rest his soul ,
  1269. حاجّ(ḥājj) , pilgrim; title of respect for someone who has completed pilgrimage to Mecca or is an older person ,
  1270. لِذا(liḏā) , therefore; that’s why; because of that,
  1271. وَظيفة(waẓyfa) , job; position; work; employment; function; task ,
  1272. قانونيّ(qānwnyy) , legal; law-related; statutory; legitimate; licit; legal,
  1273. قانونيّاً(qānwnyyan) , legally; from a legal standpoint ,
  1274. عامِل(ʕāmil) , factor; element; agent; (math) coefficient ,
  1275. إداريّ(ʔidāryy) , administrative; management; departmental ,
  1276. إرهابيّ(ʔirhābyy) , terrorist ,
  1277. صَبْر(ṣabr) , patience; endurance,
  1278. َضحيّة(aḍḥyya) , victim ,
  1279. غَضَب(ḡaḍab) , anger; rage,
  1280. غَضَباً(ḡaḍaban) , in anger; angrily ,
  1281. ألمانيّ(ʔlmānyy) , German ,
  1282. إنْجاز(ʔinjāz) , implementation; carrying out (project); accomplishment; achievement; success,
  1283. عَبَّرَ(ʕabbara) , to express عن (opinion; feeling); state عن (position; policy) ,
  1284. جَمال(jamāl) , beauty ,
  1285. صادِر(ṣādir) , issued; published; exported,
  1286. صادِرات(ṣādirāt) , exports,
  1287. فِئَة(fiʔa) , faction; party; group; sector; type; class; kind,
  1288. مُتَوَسِّط(mutawassiṭ) , middle; central; medium; average,
  1289. زَعيم(zaʕym) , leader; head of state,
  1290. اِنطَلَقَ(inṭalaqa) , to depart; take off; to begin; get started; to be fired (bullet) ,
  1291. دَقَّ(daqqa) , to beat (heart); to strike; hit sth; to knock on (door) or على (door); to ring bell; to call ل sb (on the phone),
  1292. اِستِعداد(istiʕdād) , preparation; readiness; willingness,
  1293. على استعداد(ʕlā āstʕdād) , ready,
  1294. دَفْع(dafʕ) , pushing; compelling; moving; driving; pushing back; repelling; payment,
  1295. تَعَلَّمَ(taʕallama) , to learn; study sth ,
  1296. مِثال(miṯāl) , example; model; ideal ,
  1297. فَرَح(faraḥ) , joy; happiness; party; celebration; festivity ,
  1298. فَرَحاً(faraḥan) , with joy; joyfully ,
  1299. رِواية(riwāya) , novel; story; narration; report; account,
  1300. نَهْر(nahr) , river ,
  1301. كَهرَباء(kahrabāʔ) , electricity ,
  1302. وَصَفَ(waṣafa) , to describe; characterize sb ب]] , festival,
  1303. ألّا(ʔllā) , not to,
  1304. اِنتِظار(intiẓār) , waiting; anticipating ,
  1305. رَضِيَ(raḍiya) , to be pleased; satisfied ب]] , annual; yearly,
  1306. سَنَويّاً(sanawyyan) , annually; yearly ,
  1307. نَصْر(naṣr) , victory; triumph,
  1308. تَعزيز(taʕzyz) , strengthening; bolstering; reinforcing; reinforcement ,
  1309. أَدَب(ʔadab) , literature; good manners; etiquette ,
  1310. لَعبة(laʕba) , game; contest; competition; (one) match; game; (fig) trick; fast one,
  1311. عَقْد(ʕaqd) , contract; agreement,
  1312. أثارَ(ʔṯāra) , to raise; provoke; stir up sth; to bring up (a subject) ,
  1313. شَرّ(šarr) , evil; malice,
  1314. مُعارَضة(muʕāraḍa) , opposition (esp in politics); resistance ,
  1315. نَبَأ(nabaʔ) , news item; report,
  1316. عُدوان(ʕudwān) , aggression; hostility; enmity; animosity ,
  1317. خِطاب(ḵiṭāb) , speech; message; letter,
  1318. عُموم(ʕumwm) , generality; totality; whole; people; masses; public,
  1319. عُموماً(ʕumwman) , generally; in general,
  1320. مَجلِس العُموم(majlis al-ʕumwm) , House of Commons,
  1321. اِختارَ(iḵtāra) , to select; pick; choose sth]] , postive; good; affirmative ,
  1322. جَوْلة(jawla) , tour; round; session; patrol ,
  1323. رَفْض(rafḍ) , refusal; rejection ,
  1324. أعظَم(ʔʕẓam) , greater]] , buying; purchasing; purchase acquisition ,
  1325. مَسرَح(masraḥ) , theater; stage ,
  1326. غِياب(ḡiyāb) , absence; disappearance ,
  1327. حَلَقة(ḥalaqa) , ring; circle; link; program; show; (student) class; course,
  1328. شَريف(šaryf) , honorable; noble; respectable,
  1329. ضَروريّ(ḍarwryy) , necessary; required ,
  1330. فَساد(fasād) , corruption; deterioration; decomposition,
  1331. اِتِّفاقيّة(ittifāqyya) , treaty; accord ,
  1332. تَذَكَّرَ(taḏakkara) , to remember sth,
  1333. تَناوَلَ(tanāwala) , to deal with; treat (a subject; an issue); to eat (a meal); to ingest (medicine),
  1334. هَواء(hawāʔ) , air; atmosphere; climate ,
  1335. على الهَواء(ʕlā l-hawāʔ) , live (broadcasting) ,
  1336. الحرمَيْن الشَّريفَيْن(al-ḥrmayn aš-šaryfayn) , The Two Holy Mosques (of Mecca and Medina) ,
  1337. قاضٍ(qāḍin) , judge; magistrate ,
  1338. داعٍ(dāʕin) , reason; cause; motive; calling for sth; calling on sb; inviting sb; person (or voice) calling for,
  1339. عَدْل(ʕadl) , justice; fairness,
  1340. وَزير العَدْل(wazyr al-ʕadl) , Minister of Justice ,
  1341. طَرَحَ(ṭaraḥa) , to throw; cast sth; to pose; present; suggest (question; issue) على to sb (for discussion); to offer (gesture; greeting); to offer sth (for sale); to invite (bids; tenders); to float; put into circulation (shares),
  1342. شَماليّ(šamālyy) , northern,
  1343. جَدّ(jadd) , grandfather]] , phone ,
  1344. حَفِظَ(ḥafiẓa) , to save; preserve; maintain; to protect; guard; to memorize,
  1345. ضُعْف(ḍuʕf) , weakness,
  1346. إقليميّ(ʔiqlymyy) , regional; territorial; area; provincial; district ,
  1347. مَعهَد(maʕhad) , institute; academy; school,
  1348. طَيْر(ṭayr) , bird,
  1349. إمّا(ʔimmā) , either...or ,
  1350. ريح(ryḥ) , wind; odor ,
  1351. سَلبيّ(salbyy) , negative; passive,
  1352. سَلبيّات(salbyyāt) , negative points ,
  1353. بَكى(bakā) , to cry; weep (على over sth]] , remedy; medicine; medication ,
  1354. وِجهة(wijha) , direction; angle,
  1355. وِجهة النَّظَر(wijha(t) an-naẓar) , point of view,
  1356. عُمْق(ʕumq) , depth; deep; bottom,
  1357. عَميق(ʕamyq) , deep; profound,
  1358. بَلَديّة(baladyya) , municipality; community; township; city council ,
  1359. لاسِيَّما(lāsiyyamā) , especially ,
  1360. ضَمان(ḍamān) , guarantee; insurance,
  1361. خَبير(ḵabyr) , expert; specialist,
  1362. مَشى(mašā) , to walk; go; to leave; go away,
  1363. مَخُيَّم(maḵuyyam) , camp; refugee camp,
  1364. ماديّ(mādyy) , material; physical; materialistic; financial,
  1365. ماديّاً(mādyyan) , materially; physically; financially ,
  1366. تَوْفيق(tawfyq) , success; reconciliation; mediation,
  1367. صَعيد(ṣaʕyd) , level plane,
  1368. الصَّعيد(aṣ-ṣaʕyd) , Upper Egypt ,
  1369. فَوْراً(fawran) , immediately; at once,
  1370. فَورَ(fawra) , immediately after,
  1371. فَرْض(farḍ) , imposing; levying; religious duty ,
  1372. مُدَرِّب(mudarrib) , trainer; coach; instructor ,
  1373. حَمْل(ḥaml) , carrying; pregnancy,
  1374. يالله(yālllāh) , C’mon! Hurry up! Let’s go!,
  1375. كَمّيّة(kammyya) , quantity; amount,
  1376. أيْ(ʔy) , that is to say; in other word; i.e. ,
  1377. قَدَّرَ(qaddara) , to estimate; calculate; appraise sth; to appreciate; value sth; to allow; make possible (of God); to respect sth; take sth into consideration ,
  1378. حَرام(ḥarām) , forbidden; out of bounds; sacred; holy,
  1379. يا حَرام(yā ḥarām) , what a shame!,
  1380. مِتْر(mitr) , meter,
  1381. سوء(swʔ) , offense; bad; ill; miss-,
  1382. فَقَدَ(faqada) , to lose sth; to lack; be missing sth ,
  1383. اِشتَرى(ištarā) , to buy; purchase sth ,
  1384. كَلْب(kalb) , dog,
  1385. نامَ(nāma) , to sleep; lie down,
  1386. قَصْر(qaṣr) , castle; palace,
  1387. حادِثة(ḥādiṯa) , accident; mishap; event; incident ,
  1388. دَرْس(dars) , studying; examining; checking; lesson; course; study ,
  1389. اِنتِهاء(intihāʔ) , finish; completion; conclusion ,
  1390. تَضَمَّنَ(taḍammana) , to guarantee; to include; comprise,
  1391. حَدَّدَ(ḥaddada) , to specify; determine sth; to set; define sth ,
  1392. لَوحة(lawḥa) , painting; picture; panel; board,
  1393. لَوحة المَفاتيح(lawḥa(t) al-mafātyḥ) , keyboard ,
  1394. مِمَّن(mimman) , from whom,
  1395. طَرْح(ṭarḥ) , suggestion; proposal (topic; idea); offering (gesture; greeting); inviting (bids; tenders); floating; putting into circulation (shares) ,
  1396. جُنوبيّ(junwbyy) , southern; south,
  1397. عَرَضَ(ʕaraḍa) , to show; exhibit; present sth; to review; inspect sth,
  1398. مَقَرّ(maqarr) , center; headquarters; main residence,
  1399. باحِث(bāḥiṯ) , searching (عن for); discussing (في sth); researching (في sth); researcher; scholar,
  1400. صُعوبة(ṣuʕwba) , difficulty ,
  1401. طالَ(ṭāla) , to be long or length; to take a while ب for sb,
  1402. ضَعيف(ḍaʕyf) , weak; powerless,
  1403. مَفهوم(mafhwm) , understood; concept; notion; meaning; sense; definition ,
  1404. دُستور(dustwr) , constitution ,
  1405. سَيْطَرة(sayṭara) , control; dominion ,
  1406. قادَ(qāda) , to lead; guide sb إلى to; to drive (a vehicle); pilot (a plane) ,
  1407. إذْن(ʔiḏn) , permission; authorization ,
  1408. بِإذْنِ الله(biʔiḏni llāh) , god-willing ,
  1409. أحَد(ʔḥad) , Sunday ,
  1410. اِثنَيْن(iṯnayn) , Monday,
  1411. ثُلَثاء(ṯulaṯāʔ) , Tuesday ,
  1412. أربِعاء(ʔrbiʕāʔ) , Wednesday ,
  1413. خَميس(ḵamys) , Thursday,
  1414. جُمعة(jumʕa) , Friday,
  1415. سَبت(sabt) , Saturday,
  1416. أسير(ʔsyr) , prisoner; captive ,
  1417. تُجاهَ(tujāha) , towards; facing,
  1418. حَسَّ(ḥassa) , to feel; sense ب sth or أنَّ that,
  1419. سَعيد(saʕyd) , happy; content,
  1420. حِكاية(ḥikāya) , story; tale; account; narrative ,
  1421. تَشجيل(tašjyl) , registration; recording; documentation ,
  1422. تَيّار(tayyār) , current; stream,
  1423. جازَ(jāza) , to be allowed; be possible ل بخق سز,
  1424. قُبول(qubwl) , reception; acceptance; approval,
  1425. كافٍ(kāfin) , sufficient; adequate; competent ,
  1426. إيمان(ʔīmān) , faith; belief (ب in; بِأنّ that) ,
  1427. حَفْل(ḥafl) , celebration; ceremony,
  1428. مَلعَب(malʕab) , playground; stadium; sports field ,
  1429. بَعدَما(baʕdamā) , after,
  1430. ذاكِرة(ḏākira) , memory (human and computer),
  1431. غاز(ḡāz) , natural gas,
  1432. شَرعيّ(šarʕyy) , legitimate; lawful; legislative ,
  1433. أحلى(ʔḥlā) , sweeter]] , therefore; because of that; that is why,
  1434. مَركَزيّ(markazyy) , central,
  1435. هُدوء(hudwʔ) , calmness; quiet; peace ,
  1436. تَحَقَّقَ(taḥaqqaqa) , to become reality (dreams); to be achieved (peace; goals); to verify من sth,
  1437. حَيَوان(ḥayawān) , animal; creature,
  1438. خَلَصَ(ḵalaṣa) , to conclude إلى أنَّ that; to arrive إلى at (a place; a result),
  1439. مُناقَشة(munāqaša) , argument; debate,
  1440. تَوْزيع(tawzyʕ) , distribution; handing out (على among) ,
  1441. بالِغ(bāliḡ) , extreme; intense; profound; serious; critical; reaching; attaining; adult,
  1442. تَأْمين(taʔmyn) , securing; safeguarding; protecting; insuring; insurance,
  1443. خِيار(ḵiyār) , option; choice; selection; preference ,
  1444. مُعالَجة(muʕālaja) , treatment (disease; sick person); dealing with (topic; problem; issue); processing (data),
  1445. نُسخة(nusḵa) , copy; replica ,
  1446. تَصميم; تَصاميم(taṣmym; taṣāmym) , determination; perseverance; design; sketch; plan,
  1447. إله(ʔilh) , deity; god; God ,
  1448. يَمين(yamyn) , right side; (fem) right hand; (fem) oath,
  1449. سَكَنَ(sakana) , to reside; live; dwell في at]] , residing; living في at]] , slogan; motto; emblem; symbol ,
  1450. قَصْد(qaṣd) , intent; purpose; goal,
  1451. يَنبَغي(yanbaḡy) , (imperf) to be to do sth; to be incumbent upon على sb أنْ to do sth (he should do sth),
  1452. اِتَّفَقَ(ittafaqa) , to agree (مع with sb; على on]] , to continue doing sth,
  1453. اِعتَرَفَ(iʕtarafa) , to admit; confess ب (having done) sth; to acknowledge; recognize; accept ب sth,
  1454. أثَّرَ(ʔṯṯara) , to affect; influence على sb]] , to intend; mean sth; to pursue sth,
  1455. أكَلَ(ʔkala) , to eat sth; to corrode sth; (fig) to consume; gnaw at sth]] , newspaper; periodical; journal ,
  1456. آه(ʔāh) , ouch,
  1457. مُتَوَقَّع(mutawaqqaʕ) , expected; anticipated ,
  1458. اِلتِزام(iltizām) , following; adhering to ب (rules; laws; plans); commitment; obligation ,
  1459. طِوال(ṭiwāl) , throughout; during,
  1460. مُمَيِّز(mumayyiz) , distinguished; prominent; outstanding; special ,
  1461. مِنصِب(minṣib) , post; position; office ,
  1462. مَعقول(maʕqwl) , reasonable; plausible; logical ,
  1463. مَطار(maṭār) , airport; airfield ,
  1464. ثَمّة(ṯamma) , there is]] , participant; subscriber; participating; subscribing,
  1465. فُندُق(funduq) , hotel,
  1466. لاحَظَ(lāḥaẓa) , to notice; observe sth or أنّ that,
  1467. أقرَب(ʔqrab) , closer]] , taking; adopting; passing (a resolution),
  1468. فِكريّ(fikryy) , intellectual; mental,
  1469. فَقير(faqyr) , poor; destitute; poor person,
  1470. بُعد(buʕd) , dimension; distance,
  1471. أصدَرَ(ʔṣdara) , to publish (book); release (film); to issue (decree; ruling; decision); to pass (sentence); to emit (sound),
  1472. نَظَّمَ(naẓẓama) , to organize; arrange; regulate ,
  1473. صِفّة(ṣiffa) , bank; shore,
  1474. الصِّفّة الغَربيّة(aṣ-ṣiffa(t) al-ḡarbyya) , the West Bank ,
  1475. اِعتِماد(iʕtimād) , reliance; dependence على on; recognition (of),
  1476. حَجَر(ḥajar) , stone,
  1477. قَلَق(qalaq) , unrest; unease; concern; anxiety,
  1478. مَسيرة(masyra) , march; parade; movement; course,
  1479. اِزدادَ(izdāda) , to grow; increase; rise,
  1480. هامّ(hāmm) , important; significant ,
  1481. حَرارة(ḥarāra) , temperature; heat; fever; passion ,
  1482. خَليجيّ(ḵalyjyy) , relating to the Persian Gulf,
  1483. سَيْر(sayr) , course; motion; march; going; walking,
  1484. ظَهْر(ẓahr) , back; rear; deck (ship),
  1485. عن ظَهْرِ قَلبٍ(ʕn ẓahri qalbin) , by heart,
  1486. هَدَفَ(hadafa) , to target; aim at إلى sth; to be intended; designated إلى for sth (as a goal),
  1487. مُتَعَدِّد(mutaʕaddid) , diverse; numerous; multi-; poly-,
  1488. إيجاد(ʔījād) , finding; discovery,
  1489. فَصْل(faṣl) , separating; detaching; firing; laying off; rendering a judgement; reaching a decision (في قَضية in a case),
  1490. عَفو(ʕafw) , pardon; amnesty,
  1491. بارِد(bārid) , cold; frigid; (food) dull; flat; bland,
  1492. تَحَرَّكَ(taḥarraka) , to move; get moving ,
  1493. واجِب(wājib) , necessary; obligatory (على for); duty; obligation; requirement,
  1494. اِقتَرَبَ(iqtaraba) , to get close من to sth; approach من sth,
  1495. شِدّة(šidda) , intensity; forcefulness ,
  1496. بِشِدّة(bišidda) , forcefully; strongly,
  1497. مُفيد(mufyd) , useful; beneficial ,
  1498. اِبنة(ibna) , daughter (of),
  1499. رَسَمَ(rasama) , to draw; sketch (picture); to outline; describe sth; to design; plan sth; to chart (a course),
  1500. فَهْم(fahm) , understanding; comprehension ,
  1501. مَعنيّ(maʕnyy) , concerned; affected; interested ب in; concerned ب with,
  1502. جَواب(jawāb) , answer; response ,
  1503. صادِق(ṣādiq) , truthful; veracious ,
  1504. مارَسَ(mārasa) , to practice; pursue (profession; hobby); to practice; play (sport); to exercise; carry out (policy); to exert (pressure),
  1505. وَليّ(walyy) , patron; protector ,
  1506. وَليّ الأمْر(walyy al-ʔmr) , legal guardian; parent,
  1507. مَيِّت(mayyit) , dead; deceased ,
  1508. وادٍ(wādin) , wadi (dry riverbed); valley ,
  1509. أجرى(ʔjrā) , to conduct; carry out; perform sth,
  1510. غالِب(ḡālib) , winner; victor; majority; most of ,
  1511. غالِباً(ḡāliban) , mostly; largely ,
  1512. إلِكتُرونيّ(ʔilikturwnyy) , electronic ,
  1513. البَريد الإلِكتُرونيّ(al-baryd al-ʔilikturwnyy) , email,
  1514. تَعليميّ(taʕlymyy) , educational; instructional; pedagogical,
  1515. مُقارَنة(muqārana) , comparison,
  1516. قَوْم(qawm) , people; nation,
  1517. ضَخْم(ḍaḵm) , large; voluminous ,
  1518. ظُلْم(ẓulm) , injustice,
  1519. ظُلماً(ẓulman) , wrongly; unjustly,
  1520. مَغرَبيّ(maḡrabyy) , Moroccan; Maghrebi ,
  1521. اِحتِمال(iḥtimāl) , probability; likelihood,
  1522. اِحتِمالات(iḥtimālāt) , possibilities ,
  1523. نافِذة(nāfiḏa) , window,
  1524. عَيْش(ʕayš) , life; living,
  1525. إمكانيّة(ʔimkānyya) , possibility; capability ,
  1526. أهليّ(ʔhlyy) , civil; domestic; family; home; private (school),
  1527. آمَنَ(ʔāmana) , to believe ب in sth or بِإنّ]] , civilization; culture ,
  1528. بَرلَمان(barlamān) , parliament ,
  1529. تَقنيّة(taqnyya) , technology; technique ,
  1530. جُهُد(juhud) , effort; exertion; strain,
  1531. وَعي(waʕy) , consciousness; awareness; attention,
  1532. حارِس(ḥāris) , guard; sentry; guardian; keeper; (sports) goalie; goal-keeper,
  1533. صَحافة(ṣaḥāfa) , journalism; press,
  1534. طَلَما(ṭalamā) , as long as; how often!,
  1535. طَلَما أنّ(ṭalamā ʔnn) , provided that,
  1536. خَفيف(ḵafyf) , light; slight; minor; sparse,
  1537. مَنَعَ(manaʕa) , to prevent; forbid sth; to prevent sb من]] , sentence; clause; group; bunch; handful,
  1538. بِالجُملة(bi-l-jumla) , on the whole; altogether,
  1539. جُملةً وتَفصيلاً(jumlatan wtafṣylan) , completely; through and through,
  1540. عَقْب(ʕaqb) , heel ,
  1541. عَقِبَ(ʕaqiba) , immediately after ,
  1542. مُبَكِّر(mubakkir) , early ,
  1543. ظُهْر(ẓuhr) , noon; afternoon ,
  1544. ظُهْراً(ẓuhran) , in the afternoon; at noon,
  1545. وافَقَ(wāfaqa) , to agree with sb على on sth; to approve; authorize على sth ,
  1546. مُتَعَلِّق(mutaʕalliq) , attached; connected (ب to sth]] , colleague; associate; companion,
  1547. كَيْفيّة(kayfyya) , manner; mode; way; how,
  1548. نَموذَج(namwḏaj) , sample; model; example,
  1549. حادِث(ḥādiṯ) , event; occurrence; incident; accident ,
  1550. فازَ(fāza) , to win (ب sth); to defeat على سز,
  1551. ثَوْب(ṯawb) , garment; robe; tunic,
  1552. ثِياب(ṯiyāb) , clothes; clothing ,
  1553. بَديل(badyl) , altenative; replacement; substitute; (adj) alternate; substitute; equivalent ,
  1554. مُحيط(muḥyṭ) , (adj) peripheral; surrounding; periphery; surrounding area; milieu; environment; ocean,
  1555. المُحيط الهادِئ(al-muḥyṭ al-hādiʔ) , the Pacific Ocean,
  1556. آية(ʔāya) , verse (in the Quran); sign; wonder; miracle ,
  1557. تَهديد(tahdyd) , threatening; menacing; threat; menace; danger; risk,
  1558. هَديّة(hadyya) , gift; present,
  1559. هَديّةً(hadyyatan) , as a gift,
  1560. قاعِد(qāʕid) , sitting; (with imperf) in the process of doing sth,
  1561. موسيقى(mwsyqā) , music ,
  1562. بَعَثَ(baʕaṯa) , to send; mail sth or ب sth إلى to sb ,
  1563. نَدوة(nadwa) , seminar; symposium; colloquium ,
  1564. جِهاد(jihād) , jihad (struggle; from the phrase الجِهاد في سبيل الله) ,
  1565. قاعة(qāʕa) , hall; large room ,
  1566. فَرْق(farq) , difference; distinction; discrepancy ,
  1567. حِفاظ(ḥifāẓ) , guarding; preserving; memorization; diaper,
  1568. جَبهة(jabha) , (military; political; weather) front; front line,
  1569. الجَبهة الشَّعبيّة(al-jabha(t) aš-šaʕbyya) , Popular Front ,
  1570. تَوْقيع(tawqyʕ) , signing; signature ,
  1571. مُمتاز(mumtāz) , excellent; superior; first-class; privileged; favored ,
  1572. هَمّ(hamm) , worry; concern; anxiety; distress; care; interest ,
  1573. مُكافَحة(mukāfaḥa) , fight; battle; confrontation ,
  1574. فَشِلَ; يَفشَلُ(fašila; yafšalu) , to fail; be unsuccessful في in sth,
  1575. حَظّ(ḥaẓẓ) , luck; fortune ,
  1576. ضَيْف(ḍayf) , guest; visitor ,
  1577. ثانَويّ(ṯānawyy) , secondary; lower-ranking; subordinate ,
  1578. جِسر(jisr) , brige; (reinforcement) beam or bar; (dental) bridge ,
  1579. مُتَمَيِّز(mutamayyiz) , distinguished; outstanding; prominent; different (عن from),
  1580. بَلدة(balda) , town; township; community,
  1581. اِستَحَقَّ(istaḥaqqa) , to deserve; merit sth,
  1582. تَنفيذيّ(tanfyḏyy) , executive; implementing,
  1583. وَزْن(wazn) , weighing; measuring the weight of,
  1584. أوْزان(ʔwzān) , weight ,
  1585. طَيَران(ṭayarān) , aviation; flying; airline ,
  1586. عُقوبة(ʕuqwba) , punishment; penalty; sanction,
  1587. ثابِت(ṯābit) , firm; established; constant; stable; steady,
  1588. مُؤَشِّر(muʔaššir) , indicator; index; measure; gage,
  1589. مُؤَشِّرات(muʔašširāt) , clues; indications; pointers,
  1590. مَطَر(maṭar) , rain,
  1591. مَفروض(mafrwḍ) , necessary; required; imposed; prescribed; obligation; duty ,
  1592. فَضَّلَ(faḍḍala) , to prefer sth (على to sth else),
  1593. جَمْع(jamʕ) , bringing together; gathering; assembling; joining together ,
  1594. مَقعَد(maqʕad) , seat; place ,
  1595. مَقتَل(maqtal) , muder; killing ,
  1596. ساهَمَ(sāhama) , to participate in; contribute to ,
  1597. اِتَّخَذَ(ittaḵaḏa) , to take sth; to adopt; pass (a resolution) ,
  1598. راحة(rāḥa) , rest; relaxation; repose; leisure ,
  1599. راحة اليَد(rāḥa(t) al-yad) , palm of the hand ,
  1600. أحَسَّ(ʔḥassa) , to feel; sense ب sth of أنّ that,
  1601. فَضاء(faḍāʔ) , space; (outer) space; cosmos; vacant (plot of land) ,
  1602. مُستَقِلّ(mustaqill) , independent; autonomous ,
  1603. تُركيّ(turkyy) , Turk; Turkish ,
  1604. أُفْق(ʔufq) , horizon; view; perspective; outlook; prospects ,
  1605. حُثّة(ḥuṯṯa) , corpse; body,
  1606. شِبه(šibh) , semi-; almost; like ,
  1607. شَرَف(šaraf) , honor; distinction ,
  1608. هِويّة(hiwyya) , identity; identity card,
  1609. بَطاقة(baṭāqa) , card; tag; ticket; ballot ,
  1610. رُكْن; أركان(rukn; ʔrkān) , pillar; foundation; support; (mil) chief of staff; corner; nook; section (newspaper) ,
  1611. مُصاب(muṣāb) , injured; wounded; afflicted ,
  1612. صاروخ(ṣārwḵ) , missile; rocket ,
  1613. تَحَوُّل(taḥawwul) , change; transformation; conversion,
  1614. روسيّ(rwsyy) , Russian,
  1615. ّجَوّي(ّjawwy) , air; aerial; atmospheric; climatic; weather-related ,
  1616. سَيِّء(sayyiʔ) , bad,
  1617. أمان(ʔmān) , safety; security; protection ,
  1618. أكْل(ʔkl) , eating; consuming; food; meal ,
  1619. مُرَشَّح(muraššaḥ) , nominated; selected; expected; prepared; slated; (most) likely; candidate; nominee ,
  1620. وَصْف(waṣf) , description; portrayal; characterization; characteristic; trait ,
  1621. بِوَصْفِهِ(biwaṣfihi) , in his capacity as (chairman; minister; etc),
  1622. مُلاحَظة(mulāḥaẓa) , observing; noticing; note; remark; observation ,
  1623. لَقَب(laqab) , title; nickname ,
  1624. مَسافة(masāfa) , distance; interval ,
  1625. فَقْر(faqr) , poverty; lack of,
  1626. فَقْر الدَّمّ(faqr ad-damm) , anemia ,
  1627. اِنتِشار(intišār) , spreading; diffusion ,
  1628. خائِف(ḵāʔif) , afraid; fearful; frightened ,
  1629. ما أحلاها(mā ʔḥlāhā) , how pretty she is! ,
  1630. تَواصُل(tawāṣul) , continuation; maintaining; interconnection; mutual contact; intercommunication ,
  1631. ظُهور(ẓuhwr) , appearance; emergence; advent ,
  1632. زِراعة(zirāʕa) , agriculture; cultivation; implanting; transplanting (organ) ,
  1633. غَرَض(ḡaraḍ) , goal; purpose; intent,
  1634. إمكان(ʔimkān) , capability; ability; power; possibility; (what is) possible,
  1635. أثبَتَ(ʔṯbata) , to prove; ascertain; establish sth ,
  1636. تَلَقّى(talaqqā) , to receive; get ,
  1637. جلالة(jlāla) , majesty; (in titles) His Majesty ,
  1638. بِنية(binya) , structure; make-up; physique,
  1639. بَنية تَحتيّة(banya(t) taḥtyya) , infrastructure ,
  1640. تَحسين(taḥsyn) , improving; enhancing; bettering; improvement; enhancement ,
  1641. مَبنى(mabnā) , building; edifice; structure ,
  1642. فَم(fam) , mouth,
  1643. أهَمَّ(ʔhamma) , to concern sb; to be important to sb,
  1644. اِمتِحان(imtiḥān) , examination; test; trial ,
  1645. طِبّ(ṭibb) , medicine; medical treatment ,
  1646. مُقَدِّمة(muqaddima) , preface; introduction; front part,
  1647. فَرْع(farʕ) , branch; department; subdivision; section,
  1648. مَصير(maṣyr) , path; destiny; fate,
  1649. سَليم(salym) , correct; sound; flawless; safe ,
  1650. تَرتيب(tartyb) , preparation; arrangement; putting in order; organization; planning,
  1651. مَبروك(mabrwk) , (adj) blessed. happy; congratulations! (على on]] , many congratulations,
  1652. مُطلَق(muṭlaq) , absolute; unlimited,
  1653. مُطلَقاً(muṭlaqan) , absolutely,
  1654. نَفَّذَ(naffaḏa) , to implement; carry out; execute ,
  1655. حَسْب(ḥasb) , sufficiency; enough,
  1656. فَحَسْب(faḥasb) , only,
  1657. قَبيلة(qabyla) , tribe ,
  1658. تَوَفَّرَ(tawaffara) , to be plentiful; to be available ل for sb; to be met; fulfilled (condition; requirements) في in sth]] , to enjoy ب sth; be blessed ب sth; to possess; be endowed ب with (qualities),
  1659. قَطْع(qaṭʕ) , breaking off; interruption; traversing (a distance); issuing (a ticket),
  1660. قَطْعاً(qaṭʕan) , absolutely ,
  1661. وَفاة(wafāh) , death,
  1662. الوَفَيات(al-wafayāt) , obituaries (newspaper section),
  1663. سُقوط(suqwṭ) , downfall; collapse; crash (aircraft) ,
  1664. رائِحة(rāʔiḥa) , scent; odor; perfume ,
  1665. فَعّاليّة(faʕʕālyya) , effectiveness; efficiency ,
  1666. فَعّاليّات(faʕʕālyyāt) , events; activités ,
  1667. داخِليّة(dāḵilyya) , (ministry) interior; of state ,
  1668. عَدالة(ʕadāla) , justice; fairness,
  1669. جار(jār) , neighbor ,
  1670. وَثيقة(waṯyqa) , document; certificate; title; dead; paper; record ,
  1671. عَلامة(ʕalāma) , mark; indiction; sign; point ,
  1672. تَنسيق(tansyq) , coordination; collaboration,
  1673. فَرَضَ(faraḍa) , to impose sth على on sb; to assume أنّ that,
  1674. بَقاء(baqāʔ) , survival; remaining; staying,
  1675. اِحتِفال(iḥtifāl) , celebrating; celebration; ceremony ,
  1676. أبرَز(ʔbraz) , more]] , restriction; condition; stipulation; fetter; chain; shackle,
  1677. قَيْدَ(qayda) , undergoing; in the process of ,
  1678. قَيدَ الإنشاء(qayda l-ʔinšāʔ) , under construction ,
  1679. على قَيد الحَياة(ʕlā qayd al-ḥayāh) , alive,
  1680. لا قَيْد أُنمُلةٍ(lā qayd ʔunmulatin) , not one iota; not an inch ,
  1681. حِكمة(ḥikma) , wisdom; wise saying; proverb; moral,
  1682. فِتنة(fitna) , charm; allure; enchantment; dissent; unrest; riot; rebellion ,
  1683. مَسيحيّ(masyḥyy) , Christian ,
  1684. تليفون(tlyfwn) , telephone,
  1685. زارَ(zāra) , to visit sb or a place ,
  1686. هائِل(hāʔil) , great; huge; formidable; frightful; appalling ,
  1687. مُؤَخَّر(muʔaḵḵar) , rear; end; back; balance (of a payment),
  1688. مُؤَخَّراً(muʔaḵḵaran) , recently; lately; finally; in the end,
  1689. سِياحة(siyāḥa) , tourism ,
  1690. وُقوف(wuqwf) , standing; stopping; halting ,
  1691. ثَقيل(ṯaqyl) , heavy; cumbersome ,
  1692. رَسْم(rasm) , drawing; sketching; illustrating; picture; drawing; tax; fee,
  1693. جامِعيّ(jāmiʕyy) , (adj) university ,
  1694. أسبَهَ(ʔsbaha) , to ressemble; look like; be similar to sth]] , to require; demand sth (من from sb),
  1695. تَوْجيه(tawjyh) , directing; guiding; sending; instruction; guideline; directive,
  1696. حَطَّ(ḥaṭṭa) , to put; place; set down,
  1697. حَبّ(ḥabb) , (collective) grain; seed(s),
  1698. حَبّة(ḥabba) , grain; seed; pill; bead ,
  1699. شَوْق(šawq) , desire; yearning,
  1700. دَقيق(daqyq) , precise; accurate; minute; micro-; delicate ,
  1701. مُتَقَدِّم(mutaqaddim) , advanced; developed; applicant; applying; seeking (job position or admission) ,
  1702. زِراعيّ(zirāʕyy) , agricultural; farming,
  1703. شَيْطان(šayṭān) , devil,
  1704. قَتيل(qatyl) , casualty; dead]] , benefiting من from; making use من of ,
  1705. اِستِقبال(istiqbāl) , reception; receiving; welcoming ,
  1706. وَرْد(ward) , (collective) roses; flowers,
  1707. وَرَدة(warada) , rose; flower,
  1708. مَدَّ(madda) , to extend; stretch sth; to spread out; stretch out sth,
  1709. ظَلام(ẓalām) , darkness; injustice,
  1710. مُوافَقة(mūfaqa) , agreement; approval,
  1711. سِياق(siyāq) , context; course,
  1712. دَرْب(darb) , path; pathway; trail; road ,
  1713. دُعاء(duʕāʔ) , call; appeal; request; invocation,
  1714. أرسَلَ(ʔrsala) , to send; transmit (ب) sth إلى to sb,
  1715. هَوىً(hawan) , love; affection; inclination; preference; desire; wish ,
  1716. على هَواهُ(ʕlā hawāhu) , as he likes; according to his preference ,
  1717. ذَهاب(ḏahāb) , going; leaving; departure; first half (game; match) ,
  1718. كَثرة(kaṯra) , abundance; large amount; great number ,
  1719. هادِئ(hādiʔ) , calm; quiet; peaceful,
  1720. حِفْظ(ḥifẓ) , saving; preserving; maintaining; protecting; guarding; memorizing ,
  1721. شاشة(šāša) , screen; computer monitor ,
  1722. شَريك(šaryk) , partner; associate ,
  1723. مَحدود(maḥdwd) , limited; determined ,
  1724. أدخَلَ(ʔdḵala) , to insert; introduce; include sth في]] , exchange; interchange ,
  1725. سِادة(siāda) , sovereignty; supremacy,
  1726. سِيادَته(siyādath) , His Excellency ,
  1727. رَمْز(ramz) , symbol; sign; emblem; symbolic figure; (computer) icon; (telephone; postal) code; indicator; symbolizing; indicating; pointing (إلى to); dialing (phone number) ,
  1728. ضَربة(ḍarba) , blow; strike; shot ,
  1729. مَلامِح(malāmiḥ) , features; characteristics ,
  1730. ُغابَ(uḡāba) , to be absent (عن from); to set (sun) عن on ,
  1731. مُفاوَضة(mufāwaḍa) , negotiation; discussion; talk,
  1732. تَدمير(tadmyr) , destruction; demolition; wrecking; ruining; damaging ,
  1733. تَحليل(taḥlyl) , dissolution; dissolving; legalizing; analysis; (laboratory) test,
  1734. دَوْم(dawm) , continuance; continuation,
  1735. دَوْماً(dawman) , always ,
  1736. وُلِدَ(wulida) , to be born ,
  1737. شَريط(šaryṭ) , tape; strip; ribbon ,
  1738. مُتَحيل(mutaḥyl) , impossible,
  1739. مُحافِظ(muḥāfiẓ) , governor; conservative; preserving; protecting ,
  1740. بَيَّنَ(bayyana) , to clarify; explain sth; to show; demonstrate sth,
  1741. مُراقَبة(murāqaba) , surveillance; monitoring; censorship; observation; inspection; supervision; oversight ,
  1742. تَفَضُّل(tafaḍḍul) , please (followed by imperative) ,
  1743. لَوْ تَفَضَّاْتَ(law tafaḍḍāta) , if you would be so kind ,
  1744. كُتلة(kutla) , bloc; group; mass; bulk,
  1745. باعَ(bāʕa) , to sell sth (ب for a price) ,
  1746. ماشي(māšy) , ok,
  1747. إحساس(ʔiḥsās) , feeling; sensation; sensitivity ,
  1748. اِنفِجار(infijār) , explosion; detonation,
  1749. حَديقة(ḥadyqa) , garden,
  1750. اِهتَمَّ(ihtamma) , to be interested ب in sth; to care; be concerned ب about sth ,
  1751. اِعتِراف(iʕtirāf) , admission; confession (ب of sth); acknowledgement; recognition; acceptance (ب of sth),
  1752. مَنطِق(manṭiq) , logic; mentality ,
  1753. مُتَّهَم(muttaham) , accused ب of; charged ب with; indicted ب for; (noun) suspect ,
  1754. أصليّ(ʔṣlyy) , original; master; real; true; genuine; authentic ,
  1755. مِثلَما(miṯlamā) , like; as; just as,
  1756. صَفقة(ṣafqa) , deal; transaction ,
  1757. مَنهَج(manhaj) , method; approach; program; curriculum ,
  1758. تَعَرَّفَ(taʕarrafa) , to get to know على sb; become acquainted على with sb; to identify على sb,
  1759. جِنسيّة(jinsyya) , nationality; citizenship ,
  1760. اِتِّهام(ittihām) , accusation; charge; indictment ,
  1761. صِدْق(ṣidq) , sincerity; candor ,
  1762. عاشِق; عُشّاق(ʕāšiq; ʕuššāq) , lover; person in love; admirer; fan; enthusiast; aficionado ,
  1763. مُقَدَّس(muqaddas) , holy; sacred; sacred sites; sacred things ,
  1764. هِنديّ(hindyy) , Indian (from India),
  1765. الهُنود الحُمْر(al-hunwd al-ḥumr) , Native Americans ,
  1766. تُهمة(tuhma) , accusation; charge ,
  1767. إبداع(ʔibdāʕ) , creativity; originality ,
  1768. حادّ(ḥādd) , sharp; intense ,
  1769. اِمتَدَّ(imtadda) , to extend; reach; spread إلى to ,
  1770. مِحوَر(miḥwar) , axle; axis; pivot ,
  1771. طائِفيّ(ṭāʔifyy) , sectarian; factional ,
  1772. إصدار(ʔiṣdār) , exporting; issuing; publication,
  1773. غَيَّرَ(ḡayyara) , to change; modify sth; to replace; switch sth,
  1774. مُنتَصَف(muntaṣaf) , (noun) middle; halfway ,
  1775. حَلَّ(ḥalla) , to dissolve; split up; untie sth,
  1776. حَلَّ مَحَلَّهُ(ḥalla maḥallahu) , to replace; take the place of sth]] , time; period; term; final moment; death ,
  1777. شاهِد(šāhid) , witness; spectator; witnessing; viewing ,
  1778. جَماعيّ(jamāʕyy) , (adj) group; collective; common,
  1779. زاوية(zāwya) , corner; nook; section (newspaper); angle,
  1780. تَصَرُّف(taṣarruf) , behavior; conduct,
  1781. تَصَرُّفات(taṣarrufāt) , actions,
  1782. مُساعِد(musāʕid) , assistant; aide; support; helping; assisting; supporting ,
  1783. اِغتِيال(iḡtiyāl) , assassination ,
  1784. اِعتِداء(iʕtidāʔ) , assault; attack; aggression ,
  1785. مَيْدان(maydān) , arena; field; domain; city square; plaza,
  1786. تاجِر(tājir) , merchant; businessman; trader; trading; dealing ,
  1787. هَجمة(hajma) , attack; assault; raid; strike,
  1788. أداة(ʔdāh) , tool; utensil; instrument; appliance; apparatus; (ling) particle,
  1789. تَدَخُّل(tadaḵḵul) , intervention; interference ,
  1790. أمْر(ʔmr) , order; command ,
  1791. سَبَّبَ(sabbaba) , to cause; produce; provoke sth,
  1792. بواسِطة(bwāsiṭa) , by means of; by using; by making use of ,
  1793. عَيْب(ʕayb) , fault; weakness; shame; disgrace; shameful behavior ,
  1794. صَرَّحَ(ṣarraḥa) , to declare; announce بِأنَّ that ,
  1795. سافَرَ(sāfara) , to travel إلى to; to depart (on a trip),
  1796. بَريء(baryʔ) , innocent; blameless; naive; unsuspecting; exempt; free (من of); innocent person,
  1797. اِنطِلاق(inṭilāq) , start; departure ,
  1798. اِنطِلاقاً من(inṭilāqan mn) , proceeding from; on the basis on ,
  1799. تامّ(tāmm) , (adj) complete; concluded ,
  1800. جُنَيْه(junayh) , pound (currency); Egyptian currency ,
  1801. مِعيار(miʕyār) , standard; criterion; norm; standard measure; gauge ,
  1802. تَمويل(tamwyl) , financing; funding; backing; underwriting ,
  1803. خَشِيَ(ḵašiya) , to fear sth]] , traditional; conventional ,
  1804. أمانة(ʔmāna) , loyalty; reliability; honesty; integrity; deposit; safekeeping; secretariat; office of mayor,
  1805. أمانة الصُّدوق(ʔmāna(t) aṣ-ṣudwq) , office of treasurer ,
  1806. في أمانة الله(fy ʔmāna(t) allāh) , May God keep you safe (goodbye) ,
  1807. اِختِلاف(iḵtilāf) , variance; difference; disagreement; conflict; controversy ,
  1808. سُكَّر(sukkar) , sugar,
  1809. مَرَض السُّكَّر(maraḍ as-sukkar) , diabetes ,
  1810. تَركيز(tarkyz) , emphasis; focus; concentration (على on) ,
  1811. أقوى(ʔqwā) , stronger]] , dealing with (subject; issue); eating (meal); taking; ingesting (medicine),
  1812. تَحويل(taḥwyl) , conversion; transfer ,
  1813. حَرَم(ḥaram) , holy site; (university campus),
  1814. اِنتِخابيّ(intiḵābyy) , electoral; election; selection,
  1815. إستراتيجيّ(ʔistrātyjyy) , strategic; strategist ,
  1816. ذَهَبيّ(ḏahabyy) , golden; gilded ,
  1817. صَحراء(ṣaḥrāʔ) , desert ,
  1818. حَكَمَ(ḥakama) , to rule; govern (people; country); to judge; sentence على sb,
  1819. إستراتيجيّة(ʔistrātyjyya) , strategy ,
  1820. مُقَرَّر(muqarrar) , decided upon; stipulated; scheduled; agenda; plan; curriculum ,
  1821. اِنسِحاب(insiḥāb) , withdrawal; evacuation; pulling out; removing,
  1822. تَبَعَ(tabaʕa) , to follow; pursue sth]] , to marry sb; to get married (من to sb),
  1823. لَفَتَ(lafata) , to draw; turn (نَظَر]] , to catch sb’s attention ,
  1824. ذاتيّ(ḏātyy) , autonomous; self-; auto-; personal; individual ,
  1825. مُسَلسَل(musalsal) , serial show (esp. soap opera),
  1826. وَلَيَ(walaya) , to follow; come after (sth]] , to leave (a place); depart (on a trip) ,
  1827. كارِثة(kāriṯa) , catastrophe; tragedy ,
  1828. اِستَهدَفَ(istahdafa) , to target; aim at sth]] , clothes; dress; attire ,
  1829. قاتِل(qātil) , murderer; assassin; deadly; lethal; fatal,
  1830. سِياحيّ(siyāḥyy) , tourist; tourism ,
  1831. نيّة(nyya) , intention; purpose; desire ,
  1832. شيعة(šyʕa) , Shiites; partisans; followers ,
  1833. نَقْص(naqṣ) , lack; loss; decrease; diminution; deficit; deficiency; inferiority ,
  1834. تَدَخَّلَ(tadaḵḵala) , to intervene; interfere; meddle ,
  1835. إجابة(ʔijāba) , answer; reply; response,
  1836. خَلَقَ(ḵalaqa) , to create; form sth,
  1837. دِراسيّ(dirāsyy) , study-; school-related; instructional; pedagogical ,
  1838. سِلسِلة(silsila) , chain; series ,
  1839. حَديد(ḥadyd) , iron; steel ,
  1840. جِوار(jiwār) , proximity; vicinity,
  1841. بِواجِر(biwājir) , near; next to ,
  1842. شِتاء(šitāʔ) , winter,
  1843. حُسْن(ḥusn) , good; goodness; beauty ,
  1844. ضَرَر; أضرار(ḍarar; ʔḍrār) , damage; injury; harm; evil; sin,
  1845. سُنّة(sunna) , Sunna (orthodox Islam; body of Islamic law; customary procedure),
  1846. استَقبَلَ(āstaqbala) , to meet; welcome; greet sb; to receive sth ,
  1847. سُلوك(sulwk) , behavior; conduct ,
  1848. حَسَن(ḥasan) , good ,
  1849. حَسَناً(ḥasanan) , well; (interjection) good; fine; ok ,
  1850. سينَما(synamā) , cinema ,
  1851. مُرتَبِط(murtabiṭ) , connected; linked ب to; in a relationship ب with ,
  1852. حَفلة(ḥafla) , party; ceremony; celebration,
  1853. شِبه جَزيرةٍ(šibh jazyratin) , peninsula ,
  1854. اِستَفادَ(istafāda) , to benefit; profit من from; to make use من of,
  1855. صِلة(ṣila) , link; connection; contact ,
  1856. تَراجُع(tarājuʕ) , retreat; backing down]] , to discover sth; to detect; uncover sth,
  1857. تَرَدَّدَ(taraddada) , to hesitate في to do sth; to pause; wait (an instant); to frequent على (a place); to be repeated; occur repeatedly; to be widely discussed ,
  1858. نَقْد(naqd) , criticism; critique ,
  1859. مَجهول(majhwl) , unknown; unidentified; unknown person; unidentified person,
  1860. صَنَعَ(ṣanaʕa) , to design; build; fabricate ,
  1861. ثَروة(ṯarwa) , wealth; fortune; abundance ,
  1862. حِصار(ḥiṣār) , siege; blockade ,
  1863. زَيْت(zayt) , oil (food; mineral),
  1864. سَحَبَ(saḥaba) , to withdraw (support); to take out; pull sth (عن from),
  1865. من قِبَلِ(mn qibali) , on the part of; by ,
  1866. إرسال(ʔirsāl) , sending; deploying (troops); transmission; broadcast; signal (cell phone),
  1867. كُرسيّ(kursyy) , chair; seat ,
  1868. طَبَقة(ṭabaqa) , class; category; rank; level; layer ,
  1869. صَحافيّ(ṣaḥāfyy) , journalistic; press; journalist; reporter ,
  1870. أكمَلَ(ʔkmala) , to complete; finish sth,
  1871. تَجاوُز(tajāwuz) , surmounting; overcoming; exceeding; going beyond; overstepping; disregarding; bypassing,
  1872. تَجاوُزات(tajāwuzāt) , abuses; violations ,
  1873. أزرَق(ʔzraq) , blue ,
  1874. تَبَيَّنَ(tabayyana) , to become clear or evident (أنّ that); to appear; become visible ,
  1875. تَخطيط(taḵṭyṭ) , planning; preparation; plan; sketch; diagram ,
  1876. إرادة(ʔirāda) , desire; will,
  1877. نِقاش(niqāš) , argument; debate ,
  1878. مُتَحَدَّث(mutaḥaddaṯ) , spokesperson; speaker ,
  1879. هِجرة(hijra) , migration; emigration; exodus; flight ,
  1880. هِجرة العُقول(hijra(t) al-ʕuqwl) , brain drain,
  1881. دَوام(dawām) , office of business hours; work schedule; duration; time period; constancy; permanence ,
  1882. خَسَرَ(ḵasara) , to fail; lose; suffer a loss; to lose (a game; one’s life; time) ,
  1883. صينيّ(ṣynyy) , Chinese ,
  1884. تَساءَلَ(tasāʔala) , to ask oneself; wonder; ponder ,
  1885. ناجِح(nājiḥ) , successful; winning; winner ,
  1886. حَزين(ḥazyn) , sad; unhappy; sorrowful ,
  1887. شَقيق(šaqyq) , brother; full brother ,
  1888. خَدَمَ(ḵadama) , to serve; assist sb; to serve (الوَطَنَ one’s country; في الجَيْش in the army),
  1889. مَزرَع(mazraʕ) , farm; plantation,
  1890. جَرّاء(jarrāʔ) , because of; as a result of ,
  1891. رائِد(rāʔid) , pioneer; explorer; leader; (mil) major; commandant; pioneering; leading,
  1892. رائِد الفَضاء(rāʔid al-faḍāʔ) , astronaut!!,
  1893. قِلّة(qilla) , scarcity; lack of; small number or amount of,
  1894. مَهلَكيّ(mahlakyy) , royal; of or relating to a kingdom ,
  1895. مُوَحَّد(muwaḥḥad) , united; unified; standardized; normalized ,
  1896. جاهِز(jāhiz) , ready; prepared; equipped; outfitted ,
  1897. راهِن(rāhin) , present; current ,
  1898. دُستوريّ(dustwryy) , constitutional ,
  1899. راتِب(rātib) , salary; wage; pay,
  1900. أمَلَ(ʔmala) , to hope أنْ or في أنْ that; to hope for; expect (ب]] , opening; inauguration,
  1901. سَفينة(safyna) , ship; vessel ,
  1902. اِعتِقال(iʕtiqāl) , arrest; detention ,
  1903. لاحِق(lāḥiq) , later; subsequent; next; flowing ,
  1904. لاحِقاً(lāḥiqan) , shortly; soon ,
  1905. ضَيِّق(ḍayyiq) , narrow; restricted; tight ,
  1906. أخْذ(ʔḵḏ) , taking; seizure ,
  1907. قَبْر(qabr) , tomb; sepulcher ,
  1908. عَجيب(ʕajyb) , wonderful; amazing; astonishing; strange ,
  1909. تَمَثَّلَ(tamaṯṯala) , to be represented; be incorporated في in sth; to appear; be seen في in sth ,
  1910. شاهَدَ(šāhada) , to see; watch; observe sth]] , victory; triumph ,
  1911. هُنالِك(hunālik) , there; over there; there is; there are ,
  1912. أدنى(ʔdnā) , lower]] , neighboring; adjacent ,
  1913. نِعمة(niʕma) , blessing; grace,
  1914. لا بَأْس بِهِ(lā baʔs bihi) , not a bad…at all,
  1915. سَطح(saṭḥ) , surface,
  1916. اِحتَوى(iḥtawā) , to contain; include على sth,
  1917. أشَدّ(ʔšadd) , stronger]] , ease; facility ,
  1918. نالَ(nāla) , to attain; achieve (prize); to acquire; gain (distinction),
  1919. مُحامٍ(muḥāmin) , lawyer; defense counsel ,
  1920. عِذائِيّ(ʕiḏāʔiyy) , nutritional; food-related ,
  1921. مِسكير(miskyr) , poor soul; wretch; poor; humble; miserable ,
  1922. مِهنة(mihna) , vocation; trade; profession; occupation,
  1923. مَكتَبة(maktaba) , library; bookstore ,
  1924. مَظهَر(maẓhar) , view; appearance; looks,
  1925. ظاهِر(ẓāhir) , evident; apparent; (n) obvious ,
  1926. تُراب(turāb) , dirt; soil,
  1927. وُضوح(wuḍwḥ) , clarity,
  1928. بِوُضوح(biwuḍwḥ) , clearly; plainly; explicitly ,
  1929. مَكتوب; مَكاتيب(maktwb; makātyb) , written; predestined; message; letter ,
  1930. حاجِز(ḥājiz) , obstacle; hurdle; blocking; blockading ,
  1931. رَغِبَ(raḡiba) , to wish for; desire; want في sth ,
  1932. مَوْرِد(mawrid) , source; resource,
  1933. قَهوة(qahwa) , coffee; cafe; coffeehouse ,
  1934. مَطلَب(maṭlab) , request; demand; claim; desired goal; objective ,
  1935. مُشرِف(mušrif) , supervisor; director; supervising; directing,
  1936. ضَرْب(ḍarb) , beating; hitting; striking; striking; attack; type; kind; variety ,
  1937. تَحَمَّلَ(taḥammala) , to bear; carry (burden); to should (responsibility) ,
  1938. مِفتاح(miftāḥ) , key (door; lock; computer keyboard); switch; wrench ,
  1939. جَزى(jazā) , to repay; reward sb,
  1940. جَزاك اللهُ خَيْراً(jazāk allāhu ḵayran) , may God reward you! (thanks) ,
  1941. سِرّيّ(sirryy) , secret; private ,
  1942. تَشغيل(tašḡyl) , operation; activation; employment; hiring ,
  1943. حُجّة(ḥujja) , pretext; excuse; proof; evidence,
  1944. بِحُجّة أنّ(biḥujja(t) ʔnn) , under the pretext that,
  1945. مُستَعِدّ(mustaʕidd) , getting ready; preparing ل for; ready; prepared,
  1946. أُذُن(ʔuḏun) , ear,
  1947. مُفاجَأة(mufājaʔa) , surprise ,
  1948. عاجِل(ʕājil) , urgent; speedy ,
  1949. فَصل(faṣl) , section; chapter; season; class; classroom; semester; term,
  1950. طاوِلة(ṭāwila) , table ,
  1951. مُعتَقَل(muʕtaqal) , prison camp; prisoner; detainee; detained; held prisoner ,
  1952. مَصنَع(maṣnaʕ) , factory; industrial plant,
  1953. أصغَر(ʔṣḡar) , smaller]] , rare; unusual; infrequent ,
  1954. نادِراً(nādiran) , rarely; seldom ,
  1955. مِقدار(miqdār) , extent; amount; value; degree; level; dosage ,
  1956. مِهنيّ(mihnyy) , professional; vocational; occupational; trade ,
  1957. حِصّة(ḥiṣṣa) , share; quota; portion; (school) class period ,
  1958. نَصيحة(naṣyḥa) , advice; word of advice; counsel ,
  1959. هَدَّدَ(haddada) , to threaten sb ب with (murder; blackmail); to threaten; intimidate sb ب with (a weapon) ,
  1960. تِكنولوجِيا(tiknwlwjīā) , technology,
  1961. تَراجَعَ(tarājaʕa) , to retreat; back down]] , to arrive; show up; to appear; be mentioned في in (a text) ,
  1962. مُساهَمة(musāhama) , participation; contribution,
  1963. شيعيّ(šyʕyy) , Shiite,
  1964. تَعامَلَ(taʕāmala) , to deal with مع sb]] , maritime; sea; naval; navy,
  1965. ذِهْن; أذهان(ḏihn; ʔḏhān) , mind; thought; intellect,
  1966. أُولَئِك(ʔūlaʔik) , those (human),
  1967. رِبْح(ribḥ) , winning; gaining; profit; gain; dividend; revenue; interest,
  1968. مُراجِعة(murājiʕa) , review; inspection; checking; consulting,
  1969. زَهْر(zahr) , (collective) flowers ,
  1970. تَصوير(taṣwyr) , photography; filming; illustration; depiction; characterization; description,
  1971. بَنى(banā) , to build; construct; erect sth,
  1972. كَرامة(karāma) , dignity; honor; generosity; magnanimity ,
  1973. تَقَبَّلَ(taqabbala) , to receive; accept,
  1974. سِباق(sibāq) , race; competition ,
  1975. مُحافَظة(muḥāfaẓa) , protection; preservation; guarding; safeguarding; conservatism; modesty,
  1976. دِرهَم(dirham) , Dirham (UAE currency),
  1977. مُقَدَّم(muqaddam) , offered; submitted; advanced; ahead of schedule,
  1978. مُقَدَّماً(muqaddaman) , in advance; beforehand,
  1979. جَدوَل(jadwal) , table; chart; schedule; stream; rivulet ,
  1980. مُنافَسة(munāfasa) , competition; rivalry ,
  1981. مَسار(masār) , path; route; trajectory; orbit ,
  1982. سِفارة(sifāra) , embassy ,
  1983. خَليّة(ḵalyya) , (biological; political) cell; beehive ,
  1984. صَرَخَ(ṣaraḵa) , to shout; scream,
  1985. حَلَمَ(ḥalama) , to dream ب of sth]] , change; variation,
  1986. فَوْضى(fawḍā) , chaos; anarchy ,
  1987. اِستِقلال(istiqlāl) , independence ,
  1988. وَدَّ(wadda) , to want; like sth or أنْ to do sth,
  1989. أوَدُّ(ʔwaddu) , I would like,
  1990. ضَريبة(ḍaryba) , tax; levy ,
  1991. علا(ʕlā) , to rise; ascend; loom; to be elevated ,
  1992. عِناية(ʕināya) , care; concern; attention; regard ,
  1993. مُوَجَّه(muwajjah) , directed; aimed ,
  1994. ذَهَب(ḏahab) , gold,
  1995. قاسٍ(qāsin) , harsh; cruel; severe ,
  1996. طائِفة(ṭāʔifa) , faction; sect ,
  1997. صَرْف(ṣarf) , spending; changing (money); diverting (attention),
  1998. بِصَرفِ النَّظَرِ عن(biṣarfi n-naẓari ʕn) , regardles of ,
  1999. مُواصَلة(mūṣala) , continuation; continuing; communication; connection,
  2000. مُواصَلات(mūṣalāt) , public transportation,
  2001. إنهاء(ʔinhāʔ) , termination; completion; ending,
  2002. فَراغ(farāḡ) , vacuum; empty space; free time; leisure,
  2003. تَشريعيّ(tašryʕyy) , legislative ,
  2004. آل(ʔāl) , family; clan,
  2005. فَصَلَ(faṣala) , to separate; detach; disconnect sth; to dismiss; fire sb; to lay sb off; let sb go; to hang up (phone); get off (the line); to get disconnected; get cut off; to render a judgement; reach a decision (في قَضية in a case),
  2006. سَمَك(samak) , (collective) fish,
  2007. تَوَجُّه(tawajjuh) , attitude; orientation; approach ,
  2008. رَدَّدَ(raddada) , to repeat; reiterate sth,
  2009. إذاعة(ʔiḏāʕa) , broadcasting; broadcast; transmission ,
  2010. تَأْسيس(taʔsys) , establishment; foundation; creation; installation ,
  2011. تَحَرُّك(taḥarruk) , movement; activity; motion,
  2012. تَشجيع(tašjyʕ) , encouragement; promotion; support ,
  2013. نادى(nādā) , to call ب for sth]] , to grant; bestow; award sb sth or sth ل to sb ,
  2014. كَبُرَ(kabura) , to grow up; grow older; to get bigger ,
  2015. فاعِل(fāʕil) , effective; efficient; active; doer; agent ,
  2016. فاعِل خَيْر(fāʕil ḵayr) , philanthropist; do-gooder ,
  2017. بَرَكة(baraka) , blessing ,
  2018. خالِص(ḵāliṣ) , sincere; pure; clear,
  2019. ميلاد(mylād) , birthday; birth,
  2020. عيد الميلاد(ʕyd al-mylād) , Christmas ,
  2021. إجماليّ(ʔijmālyy) , comprehensive; full; total; gross,
  2022. شِعريّ(šiʕryy) , poetic ,
  2023. نِطاق(niṭāq) , scope; range; extent ,
  2024. مُعاناة(muʕānāh) , effort; hardship; suffering ,
  2025. تَأَكُّد(taʔakkud) , assurance; confirmation (من of); certainty; conviction,
  2026. تَكوين(takwyn) , creating; forming; educating; training (specialists); structure; education; formation,
  2027. تَمَيَّزَ(tamayyaza) , to stand out; distinguish oneself ب by; due to (على compared with; above); to be different عن from,
  2028. قَدَر(qadar) , fate; destiny ,
  2029. تَوَتُّر(tawattur) , tension; strain; unrest,
  2030. دِقّة(diqqa) , accuracy; precision; minuteness ,
  2031. كِيان(kiyān) , entity; essence; being; structure ,
  2032. رَبيع(rabyʕ) , spring (season),
  2033. مُؤَقَّت(muʔaqqat) , temporary; interim; provisional,
  2034. مُوَقَّتاً(muwaqqatan) , temporarily,
  2035. بُكاء(bukāʔ) , crying; weeping ,
  2036. رَصاص(raṣāṣ) , lead (metal); (collective) bullets,
  2037. تَفاهُم(tafāhum) , mutual understanding; mutual comprehension,
  2038. حَكيم(ḥakym) , wise; wise man; sage; philosopher ,
  2039. طُفولة(ṭufwla) , childhood; infancy; youth,
  2040. جَلَّ(jalla) , to be majestic; exatled; lofty (of God),
  2041. سَرير(saryr) , bed; couch,
  2042. عُجوز(ʕujwz) , old person; elderly,
  2043. فاقَ(fāqa) , to surpass; excel sth]] , Italian,
  2044. أرضيّ(ʔrḍyy) , ground; land; ground-based; land-based ,
  2045. مُضيف(muḍyf) , host; steward; adding; (sports) home team,
  2046. اِستِغلال(istiḡlāl) , utilization; exploitation; taking advantage (of an opportunity),
  2047. ميزان(myzān) , weight scales; balance; measure; standard ,
  2048. سائِق(sāʔiq) , chauffeur; driver ,
  2049. مَدخَل(madḵal) , entrance; introduction; beginning ,
  2050. مُحاضَرة(muḥāḍara) , lecture ,
  2051. مَقبول(maqbwl) , acceptable; welcome ,
  2052. تَربَويّ(tarbawyy) , pedagogical; educational; related to child-rearing or breeding ,
  2053. مُحتَلّ(muḥtall) , occupied (land); filled (post; position),
  2054. تَعَرُّف(taʕarruf) , getting to know على sb; becoming acquainted على with sb ,
  2055. صُبْح(ṣubḥ) , morning; daybreak,
  2056. اِنتَشَرَ(intašara) , to spread out; extend; to be diffused; be publicized ,
  2057. حَضاريّ(ḥaḍāryy) , cultural; civilized ,
  2058. خاطِر(ḵāṭir) , idea; thought; mind; feeling; wish; volition; inclination ,
  2059. خِتام(ḵitām) , conclusion; closure; end ,
  2060. مُثَقَّف(muṯaqqaf) , (noun) intellectual; (adj) cultured; educated; cultivated ,
  2061. اِجتَمَعَ(ijtamaʕa) , to meet; hold a meeting مع]] , imagination; fantasy,
  2062. الخِيال العِلْميّ(al-ḵiyāl al-ʕilmyy) , science fiction,
  2063. مُتَواصِل(mutawāṣil) , continuous; constant; unceasing; connected ,
  2064. جَريح(jaryḥ) , wounded; injured ,
  2065. مُستَشار(mustašār) , counselor; advisor ,
  2066. اِمتَلَكَ(imtalaka) , to possess; own sth,
  2067. جِنْس(jins) , gender; sex; sexual intercourse; type; kind,
  2068. غِذاء(ḡiḏāʔ) , food; nourishment ,
  2069. سِلميّ(silmyy) , peaceful,
  2070. جَنْب(janb) , side,
  2071. جَنْبَ(janba) , next to ,
  2072. جَنْباً إلى جَنْبٍ(janban ʔilā janbin) , side by side ,
  2073. تَجَمُّع(tajammuʕ) , gathering; assembly; grouping ,
  2074. فَحْص(faḥṣ) , examination; check-up (medical); test (blood; IQ),
  2075. سَعي(saʕy) , endeavor; pursuit; striving; endeavoring,
  2076. آلة(ʔāla) , instrument; device; apparatus; appliance; machine ,
  2077. عَريض(ʕaryḍ) , wide; broad; bold (line),
  2078. رَفيق(rafyq) , companion; partner; colleague; comrade ,
  2079. تَسليم(taslym) , delivery; handing over; surrender ,
  2080. اِستِعمال(istiʕmāl) , usge; usage; handling; application,
  2081. عَكَسَ(ʕakasa) , to reflect; mirror (light; image); to contradict or oppose sb ,
  2082. رَوى(rawā) , to tell; narrate sth; to report; provide an account of sth,
  2083. كَشْف(kašf) , revelation; disclosure; report; النِّقاب عن exposing; uncovering sth; examination; detection,
  2084. خُطورة(ḵuṭwra) , significance; importance; seriousness; gravity; danger,
  2085. ذَنْب(ḏanb) , fault; offense; misdeed,
  2086. تَفسير(tafsyr) , explanation; commentary; Tafsir (Quranic exegesis) ,
  2087. جَناح(janāḥ) , wing (of a bird; airplane; building; army wing; political wing; wing position in soccer); flank ,
  2088. قُطعة(quṭʕa) , parcel (of land); plot; lot,
  2089. فِعليّ(fiʕlyy) , actual; real; de facto,
  2090. فِعلياً(fiʕlyan) , really; actually ,
  2091. مَذكور(maḏkwr) , mentioned; cited,
  2092. كُلّيّ(kullyy) , complete; total; full; entire,
  2093. كُلّيّاً(kullyyan) , completely; entirely ,
  2094. قَضائيّ(qaḍāʔyy) , judicial; legal ,
  2095. مُعامَلة(muʕāmala) , treatment; procedure; dealing with ,
  2096. ضاعَ(ḍāʕa) , to disappear; vanish ,
  2097. مَنْح(manḥ) , granting; bestowing; awarding,
  2098. اِتَّجَهَ(ittajaha) , to turn; face إلى]] , arriving; coming; imported; recently arrived; apparent; showing; appearing; mentioned,
  2099. الوارِدات(al-wāridāt) , imports,
  2100. رَقابة(raqāba) , censorship; surveillance; supervision; oversight ,
  2101. وِلادة(wilāda) , birth; childbearing; parturition ,
  2102. رَصيد(raṣyd) , balance; funds; stock; inventory ,
  2103. تَوَلّى(tawallā) , to take charge of sth; to be in charge of sth; to seize control of sth; to go by; pass; be gone; to turn away عن from ,
  2104. رَحيل(raḥyl) , departure; death; demise,
  2105. مُتَأَجِّر(mutaʔajjir) , late; delayed,
  2106. مُتَأَخِّراً(mutaʔaḵḵiran) , late; too late,
  2107. عُمانيّ(ʕumānyy) , Omani ,
  2108. أعرَبَ(ʔʕraba) , to express; indicate; manifest عن (opinion; sentiment) ,
  2109. مُخاطِر(muḵāṭir) , dangers; perils; adventures ,
  2110. أخرَجَ(ʔḵraja) , to take out sth; to expel; oust sb; to emit; send out sth; to direct (film); to stage (play); to produce; publish sth ,
  2111. ههه(hhh) , hahaha,
  2112. رَحَّبَ(raḥḥaba) , to welcome; receive ب sth]] , tradition; custom,
  2113. تَخَلُّص(taḵalluṣ) , escape; freedom (من from); getting rid (من of),
  2114. حَذَّرَ(ḥaḏḏara) , to warn; caution sb من of ,
  2115. مُختَصّ(muḵtaṣṣ) , responsible; competent; specialized; specialist; expert ,
  2116. تَفعيل(tafʕyl) , putting into effect; activating ,
  2117. كيلو(kylw) , kilo; kilogram,
  2118. اِقتِراح(iqtirāḥ) , proposal; suggestion,
  2119. أدَبيّ(ʔdabyy) , literary; ethical; moral,
  2120. اِبتِسامة(ibtisāma) , smile,
  2121. اِختِبار(iḵtibār) , testing; experimenting; probing; test; experiment; probe ,
  2122. لَحِقَ(laḥiqa) , to follow; be attached to; to befall; afflict; hit; strike ب sb (calamity; tragedy; damages; loss) ,
  2123. واقِف(wāqif) , standing; stopped ,
  2124. أعجَبَ(ʔʕjaba) , to delight; please sb,
  2125. يُعجِبُني(yuʕjibuny) , it pleases me; I like it,
  2126. أُعجِبَ ب(ʔuʕjiba b) , to admire; be amazed at sth,
  2127. قَعَدَ(qaʕada) , to sit down; be seated ,
  2128. مُقيم(muqym) , resident; residing في at ,
  2129. تَوَصُّل(tawaṣṣul) , arrival; attainment; achievement ,
  2130. مُجاهِد(mujāhid) , fighting; fighter; warrior,
  2131. دَخْل(daḵl) , income; revenue,
  2132. شَدَّدَ(šaddada) , to strengthen; intensify; emphasize sth,
  2133. تَداوُل(tadāwul) , circulation; dissemination; alternation; consultation; deliberation ,
  2134. تَسَبَّبَ(tasabbaba) , to cause; result in في]] , designated; singled out; allocated; set aside ,
  2135. عادِل(ʕādil) , fair; just; honest; equitable ,
  2136. وَفاء(wafāʔ) , loyalty; allegiance; faithfulness; fulfillment (promise; obligation),
  2137. كَهرَبائيّ(kahrabāʔyy) , electrical; electrician ,
  2138. عَميل(ʕamyl) , agent; representative; lackey; stooge; operative; spy; client; customer ,
  2139. خاليّ(ḵālyy) , empty; devoid; free (من of) ,
  2140. عَسَل(ʕasal) , honey ,
  2141. قَبْض(qabḍ) , arrest; seizure; capture ,
  2142. عَزَّ(ʕazza) , to be strong; be dear,
  2143. كَنيسة(kanysa) , church; temple ,
  2144. اِختَفى(iḵtafā) , to disappear; vanish; to hide; to be absent ,
  2145. صَدَدِ في(ṣadadi fy) , in]] , in this respect; in this regard,
  2146. كَمَنَ(kamana) , to lie; be hidden في in (said of an answer or solution); to consist في of (said of a problem or issue) ,
  2147. لَيْتَ(layta) , if only; would that,
  2148. لَيْتَني(laytany) , I wish ,
  2149. لَيْتَ شِعريّ(layta šiʕryy) , I wish I knew,
  2150. عائِد(ʕāʔid) , returning إلى to; being attributed إلى to; revenue; profit; royalty ,
  2151. مُؤَلِّف(muʔallif) , author; composer ,
  2152. ناتِج(nātij) , resulting; ensuing عن]] , the gross domestic product ,
  2153. قَصْف(qaṣf) , bombardment; shelling ,
  2154. فَتىً(fatan) , young man; adolescent; youth,
  2155. اِنتَمى(intamā) , to belong إلى to; be affiliated إلى with ,
  2156. مَلأَ(malʔa) , to fill sth up ب with; to fill out (form); to occupy (place); to fill (gap),
  2157. مُخَطَّط(muḵaṭṭaṭ) , plan; sketch; planned; patterned (material; fabric; dress),
  2158. شاي(šāy) , tea,
  2159. هَزيمة(hazyma) , defeat ,
  2160. قِطعة(qiṭʕa) , piece; portion; segment,
  2161. قِطَع غِيار(qiṭaʕ ḡiyār) , spare parts ,
  2162. مُجَدَّد(mujaddad) , renewed; renovated ,
  2163. مُجَدَّداً(mujaddadan) , again; anew,
  2164. جَزاء(jazāʔ) , reward; punishment; penalty ,
  2165. تَجديد(tajdyd) , renovation; renewal ,
  2166. عَمَليّ(ʕamalyy) , practical; pragmatic ,
  2167. عَمَليّاً(ʕamalyyan) , in practice ,
  2168. قِتال(qitāl) , fighting; combat ,
  2169. سيرة(syra) , biography; epic ,
  2170. بَطْن(baṭn) , stomach; abdomen; inside; interior; depth; core ,
  2171. شَرِبَ(šariba) , to drink sth,
  2172. مُسافِر(musāfir) , traveler; passenger; traveling; away (on a trip) ,
  2173. تَعريف(taʕryf) , defining; identifying; introducing; presenting; definition; notification ,
  2174. تَبَقّى(tabaqqā) , to reamin; be left over; to remain; stay (على in a state),
  2175. كَفاءة(kafāʔa) , qualification; competence; talent; ability; proficiency ,
  2176. لَهجة(lahja) , tone; voice; dialect,
  2177. نَظَريّة(naẓaryya) , theory,
  2178. نَهَضَ(nahaḍa) , to rise; awaken; to stand; be based على upon; to assume; take charge of ب sth ,
  2179. شَفة(šafa) , edge; ridge; margin,
  2180. مُشاهَدة(mušāhada) , observation; viewing; inspection,
  2181. أبَدى(ʔbadā) , to show; demonstrate sth; to express sth,
  2182. ناقَشَ(nāqaša) , to debate; argue (an issue; topic),
  2183. اِستِثناء(istiṯnāʔ) , exception; exclusion,
  2184. بِاِستِثناءِ(biistiṯnāʔi) , excepting; with the exception (of),
  2185. غَزو(ḡazw) , invasion; raid ,
  2186. رَمْل(raml) , sand,
  2187. عَلَّقَ(ʕallaqa) , to comment على on sth; to hang; suspend sth; to postpone sth; to hang up (the phone) على on sb ,
  2188. نَفَعَ(nafaʕa) , to be useful ل to]] , some; several,
  2189. أصفَر(ʔṣfar) , yellow,
  2190. حَيَويّ(ḥayawyy) , vital; lively; biological ,
  2191. مُضاف حَيَويّ(muḍāf ḥayawyy) , antibiotic ,
  2192. نَفى(nafā) , to deny; disavow; reject ,
  2193. رَكَّزَ(rakkaza) , to focus; concentrate على sth; to emphasize على sth ,
  2194. دَعَمَ(daʕama) , to support; back; bolster; promote sth]] , to occupy sth (a post or position); to preoccupy sb; to keep sb busy ,
  2195. كَلّا(kallā) , not at all; definitely not,
  2196. تَقييم(taqyym) , evaluation; assessment; rating ,
  2197. اِدّعى(iddʕā) , to allege; claim أنّ]] , cancellation; abrogation; repeal,
  2198. فَرحة(farḥa) , joy; happiness ,
  2199. نِزاع(nizāʕ) , conflict; struggle ,
  2200. فيديو(fydyw) , video ,
  2201. تَحالُف(taḥāluf) , alliance,
  2202. حُدوث(ḥudwṯ) , occurence; happening; take place ,
  2203. إجازة(ʔijāza) , vacation; holiday; furlough; time off; permit; license; permission; pass; admission; certificate; degree; diploma ,
  2204. تَسهيل(tashyl) , facilitation; assistance ,
  2205. مَكانة(makāna) , position; standing; status; reputation ,
  2206. عَجَب(ʕajab) , admiration; amazement; appreciation ,
  2207. صَنْع(ṣanʕ) , making; building ,
  2208. فارِق(fāriq) , difference; distinctive feature,
  2209. عُرْس(ʕurs) , wedding,
  2210. شَرْح(šarḥ) , explanation; commentary ,
  2211. فَضائيّ(faḍāʔyy) , (outer) space; satellite ,
  2212. زائِر(zāʔir) , visitor; guest; tourist ,
  2213. عَدا(ʕadā) , except for ,
  2214. فيما عَدا ذَلِك(fymā ʕadā ḏalik) , apart from that; other than that ,
  2215. عَدا عن(ʕadā ʕn) , with the exception of ,
  2216. تَعيين(taʕyyn) , appointing; designating ,
  2217. اِتَّهَمَ(ittahama) , to accuse sb ب of ,
  2218. عَذاب(ʕaḏāb) , punishment; torture; pain; suffering ,
  2219. هَزَّ(hazza) , to shake; jolt; rock sth,
  2220. هَزَّ رَأْسَهُ(hazza raʔsahu) , to nod (in agreement),
  2221. خادِم(ḵādim) , serving; waiting on; assisting; servant; attendant; (web) server ,
  2222. بارِز(bāriz) , outstanding; prominent; distinguished ,
  2223. شَتّى(šattā) , (noun) all; many; diverse,
  2224. وُقوع(wuqwʕ) , occurrence; happening; falling,
  2225. طابَع(ṭābaʕ) , postage stamp; stamp; mark; impression; feature; characteristic; personality,
  2226. سَرطان(sarṭān) , cancer,
  2227. بِمُثابة(bimuṯāba) , virtually; tantamount to,
  2228. خَلا(ḵalā) , to be free; devoid من of sth; to withdraw; be alone ل for sth; to be alone مع with sb; to elapse; run out; be over (time; period) ,
  2229. مَرء(marʔ) , man; person,
  2230. المَرء(al-marʔ) , one (people in general) ,
  2231. عَنيف(ʕanyf) , violence; forceful; fierce ,
  2232. إعدام(ʔiʕdām) , execution; capital punishment ,
  2233. تَسوية(taswya) , settlement; solution,
  2234. اِرتَكَبَ(irtakaba) , to commit; perpetrate (error; crime) ,
  2235. شَهير(šahyr) , famous; well-known ,
  2236. اِستَمَعَ(istamaʕa) , to listen إلى to ,
  2237. غابة(ḡāba) , forest; jungle; (fig) haze; fog; confusion ,
  2238. شَريحة(šaryḥa) , slice; cross-section; slide ,
  2239. رَبْط(rabṭ) , connecting; linking; coupling; bond; connection,
  2240. دِبلوماسيّ(diblwmāsyy) , diplomatic; diplomat ,
  2241. كَلَّفَ(kallafa) , to cost (money; time; effort); to charge; entrust; commission sb ب with (a task); to assign; appoint sb ب]] , giving; offering; contributing; gift; present; (econ); offer; bid ,
  2242. نِقابة(niqāba) , union; syndicate ,
  2243. مُخالَفة(muḵālafa) , violation; infraction; (sports) foul,
  2244. ثُنائيّ(ṯunāʔyy) , dual; bilateral,
  2245. خُبْز(ḵubz) , bread ,
  2246. شَرعيّة(šarʕyya) , legitimacy; legality ,
  2247. صَخْر(ṣaḵr) , (collective) rocks,
  2248. مُوَضِّح(muwaḍḍiḥ) , clarifying; explaining; indicating; pointing out,
  2249. صَدىً(ṣadan) , echo; effect; repercussion ,
  2250. جَمْع(jamʕ) , crowd; gathering; assembly; collection; accumulation ,
  2251. عَجْز(ʕajz) , weakness; deficiency; inability; (econ) deficit ,
  2252. جِنرال(jinrāl) , military general,
  2253. أسعَدَ(ʔsʕada) , to make happy,
  2254. يُسَعِدُنا أنْ(yusaʕidunā ʔn) , we’re delighted to...,
  2255. كَسَرَ(kasara) , to break sth; to violate; defy (tradition; the law),
  2256. نَفَس(nafas) , breath,
  2257. مُنتِج(muntij) , productive; producing; manufacturer; maker; producer ,
  2258. كِذْب(kiḏb) , lying; deceit ,
  2259. مُستَقبَليّ(mustaqbalyy) , future ,
  2260. خَلَّصَ(ḵallaṣa) , to purify; refine; clarify sth; to save; rescue sb; to extricate; set free; disentangle sb,
  2261. إزالة(ʔizāla) , removal; elimination; uninstalling (software),
  2262. اِنقَطَعَ(inqaṭaʕa) , to break; snap; to be severed; be cut off; to be interrupted ,
  2263. سادَ(sāda) , to prevail; be predominant; to rule; govern,
  2264. مَوْجة(mawja) , wave,
  2265. خَلفيّة(ḵalfyya) , background; history; (computer) wallpaper ,
  2266. تَوْسيع(tawsyʕ) , expanding; widening; augmenting,
  2267. دَوْريّة(dawryya) , patrol; squad; journal; periodical,
  2268. تَساؤُل(tasāʔul) , questions; doubts ,
  2269. جِلد(jild) , skin; leather,
  2270. تَعذيب(taʕḏyb) , torture; punishment ,
  2271. اِنتِقال(intiqāl) , transfer; transition ,
  2272. وَفَّرَ(waffara) , to provide sth ل to sb; to fulfill (conditions; requirements); to save (time; money; space),
  2273. نِيابة(niyāba) , representation; proxy,
  2274. النِّيابة العامّة(an-niyāba(t) al-ʕāmma) , prosecutor’s office,
  2275. نِيابةً عن(niyābatan ʕn) , in lieu of; on behalf of ,
  2276. بالنِّيابة(bālnniyāba) , by proxy; acting ,
  2277. اِكتِشاف(iktišāf) , discovery; detection; uncovering ,
  2278. دافِع(dāfiʕ) , incentive; motive; reason; pushing; paying; payer (person or entity),
  2279. دافِع الضَّرائِب(dāfiʕ aḍ-ḍarāʔib) , taxpayer ,
  2280. جَدَل(jadal) , controversy; dispute; argument; debate ,
  2281. جُوع(jūʕ) , hunger; starvation,
  2282. المَوْت جوعاً(al-mawt jwʕan) , starving to death,
  2283. سَلّة(salla) , basket ,
  2284. مَقام(maqām) , place; position; rank,
  2285. حَسِبَ(ḥasiba) , to regard; consider sb]] , to calculate; compute ,
  2286. حَسُبَ(ḥasuba) , to be esteemed; be valued,
  2287. تَحَكُّم(taḥakkum) , control (في of),
  2288. رَهيب(rahyb) , awful; horrible; dreadful; gruesome ,
  2289. مُثير(muṯyr) , influential; provocative; provoking; agitating; stirring up; raising,
  2290. رَفيع(rafyʕ) , elevated; high; lofty; sublime; high-ranking; top-level; thin; slim; delicate; fine; exquisite; refined ,
  2291. مُدَرِّس(mudarris) , teachor; instructor ,
  2292. بَذَلَ(baḏala) , to exert; expend (effort) ,
  2293. وَفَّقَ(waffaqa) , to grant success (God) to sb; to reconcile بين…وبين between…and ,
  2294. ساحِل(sāḥil) , coast; seashore; beach,
  2295. هَرَبَ(haraba) , to flee; escape من from sth]] , reader; Quranic reciter,
  2296. اِعتَقَلَ(iʕtaqala) , to arrest; detain sb,
  2297. رَحَلَ(raḥala) , to depart; to pass away; to travel,
  2298. رِئاسيّ(riʔāsyy) , presidential; executive ,
  2299. أمَرَ(ʔmara) , to order; command sb ب to do sth ,
  2300. صَداقة(ṣadāqa) , friendship,
  2301. غَطّى(ḡaṭṭā) , to cover; conceal,
  2302. مَسرَحيّة(masraḥyya) , play (theater),
  2303. تَكليف(taklyf) , charging; entrusting; commissioning sb ب with (a task); assigning; pointing sb ب]] , sincerity; frankness; simplicity,
  2304. بِبَساطة(bibasāṭa) , simply; plainly; without further ado,
  2305. فَيْروس(fayrws) , virus ,
  2306. غِناء(ḡināʔ) , singing,
  2307. رَبَطَ(rabaṭa) , to tie; connect sth ب to sth ele; to make a connection بين وبين between sth and sth else ,
  2308. نائِم(nāʔim) , sleeping; asleep,
  2309. إعطاء(ʔiʕṭāʔ) , giving; donating; offer; donation; concession,
  2310. غالِبيّة(ḡālibyya) , majority ,
  2311. مُوافِق(mūfiq) , agreeing; consenting; corresponding to; coinciding with (date),
  2312. مَقهىً(maqhan) , cafe; coffehouse,
  2313. مُحادَثة(muḥādaṯa) , discussion; talk; negotiation ,
  2314. شاطِئ(šāṭiʔ) , shore; coast; beach,
  2315. تَأخَرَ(taʔḵara) , to be late; to arrive late; to fall behind; to get late (of time); to be delayed or postponed ,
  2316. واقِعة(wāqiʕa) , incident; event; development ,
  2317. مُغلَق(muḡlaq) , closed; locked ,
  2318. قابِل(qābil) , capable; able ,
  2319. مَوْلىً(mawlan) , master; lord; patron,
  2320. مُكالَمة(mukālama) , conversation; discussion; (phone) call,
  2321. شَدَّ(šadda) , to make sth tight or strong; to pull; draw sth]] , translation; interpretation; biography,
  2322. تَوْقيت(tawqyt) , (standard) time; timing ,
  2323. أسرَع(ʔsraʕ) , faster]] , effective; efficient; active,
  2324. نيابيّ(nyābyy) , representative; parliamentary,
  2325. اِحتِياج(iḥtiyāj) , need; requirement ,
  2326. حِذْر (ḥiḏr ) , care; caution; prudence; vigilance ,
  2327. مَسبوق(masbwq) , previous; preceding,
  2328. مَسبوقاً(masbwqan) , in advance ,
  2329. بَلَديّ(baladyy) , indigenous; native; popular; folk; communal; local; municipal ,
  2330. تَعويض(taʕwyḍ) , compensation; restitution,
  2331. تَعويضات(taʕwyḍāt) , reparations; substitutes ,
  2332. عَشاء(ʕašāʔ) , dinner; supper; evening meal,
  2333. قَضاء(qaḍāʔ) , extermination; annihilation على of sb]] , going to the bathroom,
  2334. آمِن(ʔāmin) , secure; safe ,
  2335. بَرْد(bard) , cold; coldness,
  2336. مُلتَقىً(multaqan) , meeting; meeting place; juncture; forum; conference ,
  2337. صيغة(ṣyḡa) , form; shape; formula ,
  2338. آتٍ(ʔātin) , coming; future; following; next,
  2339. حَظِيَ(ḥaẓiya) , to enjoy ب (respect; confidence; support; popularity); to acquire; gain ب sth,
  2340. فَشَل(fašal) , failure ,
  2341. بَنْد(band) , article; clause ,
  2342. مُجرِم(mujrim) , criminal,
  2343. فَرديّ(fardyy) , personal; private; individual; single,
  2344. سَلطَنة(salṭana) , sultanate ,
  2345. عَقْد(ʕaqd) , decade ,
  2346. يَأْس(yaʔs) , despair; hopelessness,
  2347. مَصرَف; مَصارِف(maṣraf; maṣārif) , bank,
  2348. خَيْريّ(ḵayryy) , charitable; philanthropic ,
  2349. إثْرَ(ʔiṯra) , right after; immediately after,
  2350. رابِط(rābiṭ) , tying; connecting; linking; tie; connection; link (website),
  2351. سَيطَرَ(sayṭara) , to control; dominate over; seize على ,
  2352. اِحتَلَّ(iḥtalla) , to occupy (land); to fill (post; position),
  2353. مَأْساة(maʔsāh) , tragedy; calamity,
  2354. مُستَثمِر ون(mustaṯmir wn) , investor; investing,
  2355. بِترول(bitrwl) , petroleum; oil,
  2356. أسوأ(ʔswʔ) , worse]] , benefit; advantage; utility ,
  2357. أسفَل(ʔsfal) , lower]] , capture; captivity,
  2358. بِأسرِهِ(biʔsrihi) , in its entirety; completely ,
  2359. دُخان(duḵān) , smoke; smoking,
  2360. مُذَكِّرة(muḏakkira) , note; memorandum; notebook,
  2361. مُذَكِّرات(muḏakkirāt) , memoirs; diary,
  2362. راحِل(rāḥil) , deceased; late,
  2363. حَليب(ḥalyb) , milk,
  2364. أنهى(ʔnhā) , to complete; finish,
  2365. ناطِق(nāṭiq) , speaker; spokesperson; (fig) voice,
  2366. زَمَنيّ(zamanyy) , temporal; time; chronological; transitory,
  2367. اِنخِفاض(inḵifāḍ) , reduction; decrease; drop,
  2368. اِرتَبَطَ(irtabaṭa) , to be tied; be connected ب to sth ,
  2369. حَرَّكَ(ḥarraka) , to make move; activate; stimulate sth]] , supervision; direction,
  2370. صَيْد(ṣayd) , hunting; fishing,
  2371. مَعلاة(maʕlāh) , greatness; nobility; glory; loftiness,
  2372. يا مَعالي(yā maʕāly) , his Highness,
  2373. أسفَرَ(ʔsfara) , to result عن in; cause عن sth ,
  2374. مُضادّ(muḍādd) , anti; counter-; anti(biotic); anti(depressant),
  2375. يَقين(yaqyn) , certainty; conviction,
  2376. مَقبَرة(maqbara) , grave; tomb; graveyard ,
  2377. مُعَسْكَر(muʕaskar) , camp; encampment ,
  2378. مَلعَم(malʕam) , sign; mark; marking; feature,
  2379. مَلاعِم(malāʕim) , features; contours; landmarks; sights ,
  2380. أوليّ(ʔwlyy) , first; primary; chief; foremost ,
  2381. جِنسيّ(jinsyy) , sexual,
  2382. مُخَدِّر(muḵaddir) , anesthetic,
  2383. مُخَدِّرات(muḵaddirāt) , narcotics; drugs,
  2384. مَلاك(malāk) , angel,
  2385. واقِعيّ(wāqiʕyy) , realistic; actual ,
  2386. نَصَّ(naṣṣa) , to stipulate; specify على sth,
  2387. دَعوى(daʕwā) , lawsuit; legal action; claim; allegation,
  2388. كُرديّ(kurdyy) , Kurd; Kurdish ,
  2389. تَوْحيد(tawḥyd) , unification; unity; standardization; oneness; monotheism ,
  2390. صَبَّ(ṣabba) , to flow; to fall (rain; snow); to pour; serve (tea or similar beverage),
  2391. تَوَصَّلَ(tawaṣṣala) , to arrive at; reach ب (agreement); to receive ب sth,
  2392. عِصابة(ʕiṣāba) , gang; band; group ,
  2393. صَدَقَ(ṣadaqa) , to be sincere; be truthful; tell the truth; to be correct ,
  2394. مُحاكَمة(muḥākama) , trial; legal proceeding,
  2395. ثانية(ṯānya) , second (time span),
  2396. أجْر(ʔjr) , wage; pay; fee; recompense; renumeration ,
  2397. خَلَل(ḵalal) , malfunction; breakdown; defect; flaw; deficiency; impairment; crack; gap,
  2398. حَوَّلَ(ḥawwala) , to change; convert sth (إلى into); to divert sth عن away from,
  2399. غَضّ(ḡaḍḍ) , lowering (one’s gaze),
  2400. بِغَضّ النَّظَر عن(biḡaḍḍ an-naẓar ʕn) , while ignoring; turning a blind eye to ,
  2401. مَجنون(majnwn) , crazy; insane (person),
  2402. حَمّام(ḥammām) , bath; bathroom,
  2403. سِلْم(silm) , peace ,
  2404. ضَغَطَ(ḍaḡaṭa) , to press; push على sth; (computer) to click على sth,
  2405. لاجِئ(lājiʔ) , refugee; seeking refuge ,
  2406. بَرَزَ(baraza) , to emerge; appear; to stand out; be prominent ,
  2407. فاضِل(fāḍil) , honorable; eminent; distinguished; left over; remaining; rest; leftover; remainder,
  2408. عِطْر(ʕiṭr) , perfume ,
  2409. تَغطية(taḡṭya) , covering; (news) coverage ,
  2410. شَريعة(šaryʕa) , law; Sharia (Islamic law) ,
  2411. نِداء(nidāʔ) , call; appeal; invitation; summons,
  2412. مُخرِج(muḵrij) , (screen; stage) director; directing (movie; play),
  2413. سَماح(samāḥ) , permission; magnanimity; indulgence,
  2414. شَقّة(šaqqa) , apartment ,
  2415. أيمَن(ʔyman) , right; right hand; lucky,
  2416. صُلب(ṣulb) , hard; solid; stiff; inflexible; steel; core; crux; essence; steel,
  2417. مُطالَبة(muṭālaba) , demand; requirement ,
  2418. بَعثة(baʕṯa) , delegation; mission,
  2419. مَجْد(majd) , glory; magnificence; splendor ,
  2420. غَنّى(ḡannā) , to sing (sth),
  2421. تَوازُن(tawāzun) , balance; equilibrium; balancing,
  2422. نَما(namā) , to grow; develop; rise; increase ,
  2423. نَوْعيّة(nawʕyya) , peculiarity; characteristic ,
  2424. اِبتَعَدَ(ibtaʕada) , to move away; distance oneself عن from sth]] , smoking; fumigating ,
  2425. سُرعان(surʕān) , how quickly; it didn’t take long for ,
  2426. عَصَبيّ(ʕaṣabyy) , nevous; irritable; (med) nervous; neural,
  2427. نَظيف(naẓyf) , clean; tidy,
  2428. تَصَوَّرَ(taṣawwara) , to imagine; envision; ponder sth,
  2429. تَمثيل(tamṯyl) , representation; exemplification; acting ,
  2430. شَعبيّة(šaʕbyya) , popularity; mass appeal ,
  2431. وَجبة(wajba) , meal; menu ,
  2432. هُدىً(hudan) , guidance,
  2433. الهُدى(al-hudā) , the right path ,
  2434. سَكَن(sakan) , housing,
  2435. شَهريّ(šahryy) , monthly,
  2436. شَهريّاً(šahryyan) , monthly,
  2437. أمسَكَ(ʔmsaka) , to grab; hold sth]] , sword ,
  2438. يابانيّ(yābānyy) , Japanese ,
  2439. مَجزَرة(majzara) , massacre; blood bath; slaughter ,
  2440. حَرِصَ(ḥariṣa) , to desire; be eager على for sth,
  2441. تَصَوُّر(taṣawwur) , depiction; conception; imagination; concept; notion; view; idea,
  2442. مُرتَفِع(murtafiʕ) , high; elevated; rising; climbing; soaring ,
  2443. مُحِبّ(muḥibb) , affectionate; loving; desiring; aficionado; fan; enthusiast ,
  2444. تَأْهيل(taʔhyl) , certification; qualification; training; education,
  2445. نِسائيّ(nisāʔyy) , women-related; women’s; feminine ,
  2446. تَمييز(tamyyz) , distinction; differentiation; discrimination ,
  2447. ساخِن(sāḵin) , hot; heated ,
  2448. عِزّ(ʕizz) , prime; peak; height ,
  2449. بَطالة(baṭāla) , unemployment; inactivity; idleness,
  2450. اِنفَجَرَ(infajara) , to explode; detonate; to burst; erupt,
  2451. ثُلث(ṯulṯ) , one third,
  2452. مُؤَثِّر(muʔaṯṯir) , influential; effective; moving; touching; effect; impact ,
  2453. لائِحة(lāʔiḥa) , list; table; schedule ,
  2454. دَمَويّ(damawyy) , bloody; blood- ,
  2455. مُبَرِّر(mubarrir) , excusing; justifying; excuse; justification,
  2456. مَطروح(maṭrwḥ) , submitted; proposed; suggested; presented; offered; thrown; cast; prostrate ,
  2457. فَلسَفة(falsafa) , philosophy ,
  2458. اِلتَفَتَ(iltafata) , to turn around; to pay attention ألى to sb]] , search; inspection; (security) check,
  2459. مَجّانيّ(majjānyy) , free; free of charge ,
  2460. شُرْب(šurb) , drinking,
  2461. مُعاصِر(muʕāṣir) , contemporary; contemporaneous; modern ,
  2462. وَرَشة(waraša) , workshop ,
  2463. رَحِم(raḥim) , uterus; womb; bosom; inside; kin; kinfolk ,
  2464. حِجاب(ḥijāb) , hijab; veil ,
  2465. تَوَجَّهَ(tawajjaha) , to go; head إلى towards; to turn; face نحو]] , diverse; sundry; various ,
  2466. صَريح(ṣaryḥ) , candid; frank; sincere ,
  2467. صَيفيّ(ṣayfyy) , summer; summery ,
  2468. جَوْدة(jawda) , excellence; good quality,
  2469. حارة(ḥāra) , quarter; district; neighborhood; alley; lane,
  2470. خاطِئ(ḵāṭiʔ) , mistaken; at fault ,
  2471. سِلعة(silʕa) , commodity; commercial item; product ,
  2472. سِلَع(silaʕ) , goods,
  2473. مَطلَع(maṭlaʕ) , beginning; dawn (of an era),
  2474. عَميد(ʕamyd) , dean; chief; (military) brigadier general,
  2475. حَنان(ḥanān) , affection; love; sympathy; empathy; compassion ,
  2476. بَصَر(baṣar) , vision; perception; sight; seeing; view; glance ,
  2477. قَرْض(qarḍ) , (bank) loan ,
  2478. صافٍ(ṣāfin) , pure; clear; sincere; (econ) net (profit) ,
  2479. رَجاء(rajāʔ) , hope; expectation,
  2480. رَجاءً(rajāʔan) , please; if you please ,
  2481. قارّة(qārra) , continent ,
  2482. حَريق(ḥaryq) , fire,
  2483. تَكلِفة(taklifa) , cost; expense; charge,
  2484. مُرَبَّع(murabbaʕ) , quadruple; square; (noun) square,
  2485. رَمْز المُرَبَّع(ramz al-murabbaʕ) , pound sign; hash mark; hashtag,
  2486. مُتَكامِل(mutakāmil) , integral; comprehensive ,
  2487. طارَ(ṭāra) , to fly; to hurry; to travel by air,
  2488. طارَ عقله(ṭāra ʕqlh) , to lose one’s mind,
  2489. جَوّال(jawwāl) , mobile (phone); itinerant; wandering ,
  2490. حَلال(ḥalāl) , permissible; legitimate; Halal (acceptable to Muslims),
  2491. لَجَأَ(lajaʔa) , to resort إلى to; take refuge إلى in ,
  2492. جالِس(jālis) , seated; sitting,
  2493. سَكَنيّ(sakanyy) , housing; residential,
  2494. مُراقِب(murāqib) , observer; inspector; supervisor; monitor; censor,
  2495. مَوْلود(mawlwd) , newborn infant; born in]] , she was born in]] , bird; flying; airborne ,
  2496. مُحتَمَل(muḥtamal) , likely; expected; probable,
  2497. مَوْج; أمواج(mawj; ʔmwāj) , waves; surges ,
  2498. حِدّة(ḥidda) , intensity; violence ,
  2499. قِطار(qiṭār) , train,
  2500. بِموجِب(bimwjib) , according to; in accordance with; on the basis of; by virtue of ,
  2501. مِرفَق(mirfaq) , convenience; service,
  2502. مَرافِق(marāfiq) , facilities; installations,
  2503. ضَحْك(ḍaḥk) , laughter; laughing,
  2504. صَعِدَ(ṣaʕida) , to rise; go up; to increase ,
  2505. أشادَ(ʔšāda) , to praise; commend ب sth,
  2506. عامّة(ʕāmma) , populace,
  2507. عامّة النّاس(ʕāmma(t) an-nās) , the general public,
  2508. عامّةً(ʕāmmatan) , in general; generally,
  2509. تَصويب(taṣwyb) , voting,
  2510. تِلميذ(tilmyḏ) , student; pupil,
  2511. مَجموع(majmwʕ) , gathered; total,
  2512. لافِت(lāfit) , interesting; noteworthy; attracting (attention) إلى to; indicating; pointing out إلى أنّ that,
  2513. إضافيّ(ʔiḍāfyy) , additional; supplementary ,
  2514. مُصيبة(muṣyba) , misfortune; tragedy ,
  2515. تَخَصُّص(taḵaṣṣuṣ) , specialty; specialization; major field,
  2516. تَطَلَّعَ(taṭallaʕa) , to look; glance إلى at sth; to anticipate; look forward إلى to sth,
  2517. يَسار(yasār) , left (also political),
  2518. سَقْف(saqf) , roof; ceiling,
  2519. أصَّرَ(ʔṣṣara) , to insist on; assert على sth,
  2520. اِفتَرَحَ(iftaraḥa) , to propose; suggest sth,
  2521. تَدريس(tadrys) , teaching; instruction; pedagogy,
  2522. هَيئة التَّدريس(hayʔa(t) at-tadrys) , faculty,
  2523. تَراوَحَ(tarāwaḥa) , to vary; fluctuate; range بين…و between… and,
  2524. تَعْب(taʕb) , trouble; inconvenience; burden,
  2525. حَرَمَ(ḥarama) , to deprive sb من of,
  2526. ثَبَّتَ(ṯabbata) , to confirm; reinforce ,
  2527. جُنون(junwn) , madness; insanity,
  2528. سور(swr) , wall; fence; enclosure,
  2529. نِسبيّ(nisbyy) , relative (adj),
  2530. نِسبيّاً(nisbyyan) , relatively,
  2531. بَوّابة(bawwāba) , door; gate; entrance; (web) portal; gateway,
  2532. تَصفية(taṣfya) , settling; solving; settlement; solution; (econ) liquidation; clearing; (sports) elimination series ,
  2533. صامِت(ṣāmit) , silent; quiet,
  2534. مُرتَبة(murtaba) , level; rank; degree; class; place; position (in a competition),
  2535. كائِن(kāʔin) , existing; located; creature; living thing,
  2536. دَيْن(dayn) , debt,
  2537. سِنّ(sinn) , tooth; sharp edge ,
  2538. اِنتِباه(intibāh) , attention; caution; alertness; vigilance,
  2539. عَصْر(ʕaṣr) , afternoon ,
  2540. صَلاة العَصِر(ṣalā(t) al-ʕaṣir) , afternoon prayer ,
  2541. اِلتَزَمَ(iltazama) , to follow; adhere to ب ( rules; laws; plans); be committed to ب sth,
  2542. اِلتَزَمَ الصَّمْت(iltazama ṣ-ṣamt) , to keep quiet ,
  2543. ديوان(dywān) , office; agency; court,
  2544. اِستَغرَقَ(istaḡraqa) , to last (an amount of time); be immersed; engrossed في in,
  2545. راكِب(rākib) , rider; passenger; riding,
  2546. هَندَسة(handasa) , engineering ,
  2547. أولَويّة(ʔwlawyya) , priority; precedence; goal; basic principle,
  2548. ذَوْق(ḏawq) , taste; sensitivity; good taste; refinement ,
  2549. وَقَّعَ(waqqaʕa) , to sign على (treaty); to make sth]] , entire; complete; all of ,
  2550. أجمَعهُم(ʔjmaʕhum) , all of them,
  2551. صَبيّ(ṣabyy) , young boy; youth,
  2552. زائِد(zāʔid) , additional; extra; exceeding; going beyond (على]] , innovative; creative; innovator; creator ,
  2553. خَيْل. خُيول(ḵayl. ḵuywl) , horse,
  2554. صَوْب(ṣawb) , direction; quarter,
  2555. صُدور(ṣudwr) , appearance; publication,
  2556. حارّ(ḥārr) , hot; fervent; passionate (kisses); warm (greetings); heartfelt (condolences); spicy (condiments),
  2557. إزاء(ʔizāʔ) , towards; facing; vis-a-vis; regarding,
  2558. بَرلَمانيّ(barlamānyy) , parliamentary; parliamentarian ,
  2559. أغلَقَ(ʔḡlaqa) , to lock or bolt shut; to close (door),
  2560. حَجّ(ḥajj) , pilgrimage; Hajj,
  2561. عَرْش(ʕarš) , throne,
  2562. اِستِثماريّ(istiṯmāryy) , (adj) investment ,
  2563. تلفزيونيّ(tlfzywnyy) , television; televised ,
  2564. مُبَيِّن(mubayyin) , clarifying; explaining; indicating (أنّ that),
  2565. وُدّ(wudd) , affection; fondness; friendship,
  2566. سَجين(sajyn) , prisoner; inmate,
  2567. زَيْتون(zaytwn) , (coll) olives; olive tree,
  2568. ضَمير(ḍamyr) , conscience; (gram) pronoun,
  2569. ميزانيّة(myzānyya) , budget ,
  2570. فَصيلة(faṣyla) , faction; branch; cell; (mil) platoon; squadron; (blood) type,
  2571. تَأثَّرَ(taʔṯṯara) , to be affected; influenced; impressed من]] , palm of the hand; refraining; abstaining (عن from); stopping sb (عن from doing sth),
  2572. جَهْل(jahl) , ignorance,
  2573. عَوْن(ʕawn) , help; assistance; aid,
  2574. آسيَويّ(ʔāsyawyy) , Asian; Asiatic ,
  2575. آنذاك(ʔānḏāk) , then; at that time,
  2576. أحدَث(ʔḥdaṯ) , newer]] , guard; bodyguard ,
  2577. مُعارِض(muʕāriḍ) , opposing; resisting; adversary; opponent ,
  2578. نُخبة(nuḵba) , selection; choice item; elite ,
  2579. نَقديّ(naqdyy) , monetary; cash; critical; criticizing ,
  2580. مُتَّصِل(muttaṣil) , connected; continuous; constant,
  2581. فَقرة(faqra) , paragraph; clause; section; passage; part; vertebra ,
  2582. مَذهَب(maḏhab) , manner; path; ideology; doctrine; legal school,
  2583. تَكَرَّرَ(takarrara) , to be repeated; be reiterated; to be filtered; distilled; to be refined (petroleum),
  2584. دُفعة(dufʕa) , batch; shipment; class; group (graduates); instance; time,
  2585. طُموح(ṭumwḥ) , ambition; desire; wish; aspiration,
  2586. تَحفيف(taḥfyf) , lowering; lessening; decrease; reduction,
  2587. أطَلَّ(ʔṭalla) , to overlook; face; provide a view على of (a place); to look out من (of a window); to stick بِرَأْسِهِ من one’s head out of (a window),
  2588. مَشغول(mašḡwl) , busy; occupied,
  2589. وَهْم(wahm) , illusion; delusion; fantasy; imagination,
  2590. ذَكيّ(ḏakyy) , intelligent; clever,
  2591. خَضَعَ(ḵaḍaʕa) , to submit; yield إلى to sb]] , to specify; designate; single out sth]] , extent; scope; extension; expansion ,
  2592. مُواضَفة(mūḍafa) , description,
  2593. مُواضَفات(mūḍafāt) , specifications; specs,
  2594. بَثّ(baṯṯ) , transmission; broadcast; dissemination; spreading,
  2595. اِستِعادة(istiʕāda) , recovering; regaining; reclaiming,
  2596. مُخابَرة(muḵābara) , correspondence; communication,
  2597. مُخابَرات(muḵābarāt) , intelligence service; secret service ,
  2598. مُنافِس(munāfis) , competing; competitor; rival,
  2599. جِدّيّ(jiddyy) , serious; earnest,
  2600. جِدّيّاً(jiddyyan) , seriously; in earnest,
  2601. ضاقَ(ḍāqa) , to be narrow or confined; to be tight (situation),
  2602. فارِغ(fāriḡ) , unoccupied; not busy; free; idle; empty; void,
  2603. رَحيم(raḥym) , compassionate (God),
  2604. عَرَبيّة(ʕarabyya) , Arabic (language),
  2605. أشبَه(ʔšbah) , more]] , approval; satisfaction; pleasure ,
  2606. جَيْب(jayb) , pocket; purse; (math) sine; (anat) sinus cavity,
  2607. تَقسيم(taqsym) , partition; division; distribution,
  2608. ناصِر(nāṣir) , partisan; supporter; follower,
  2609. إغلاق(ʔiḡlāq) , locking; closing; barring,
  2610. صُعود(ṣuʕwd) , ascent; rise; take-off (aircraft),
  2611. تَشريع(tašryʕ) , legislation; legislature ,
  2612. مُفاجِئ(mufājiʔ) , surprising; sudden; unexpected ,
  2613. اِطَّلَعَ(iṭṭalaʕa) , to review; examine; study على sth; to read; peruse على sth,
  2614. اِضطِراب(iḍṭirāb) , disturbance; disorder ,
  2615. نَفطيّ(nafṭyy) , (adj) petroleum; (mineral) oil,
  2616. صَلُحَ(ṣaluḥa) , to be suitable; be fitting; be valid,
  2617. تُوُفِّيَ(tuwuffiya) , to pass away,
  2618. بيئيّ(byʔyy) , environmental,
  2619. عاصِفة(ʕāṣifa) , storm; tempest,
  2620. تَوافُق(tawāfuq) , congruence; compatibility; agreement; conformity; consensus; concord ,
  2621. اِستَقَرَّ(istaqarra) , to settle down; to stabilize; become stable,
  2622. حافَظَ(ḥāfaẓa) , to preserve; protect على sth,
  2623. مَسرَحيّ(masraḥyy) , theatrical,
  2624. أحسَنَ(ʔḥsana) , to master; be good at sth,
  2625. حَربيّ(ḥarbyy) , war; military,
  2626. عُملة(ʕumla) , currency; money; bills,
  2627. مَلِكة(malika) , queen,
  2628. لاقى(lāqā) , to meet; encounter; to find,
  2629. عَقار(ʕaqār) , real estate; land property,
  2630. كَرِهَ(kariha) , to hate; loath sth]] , majority ,
  2631. مُوَكَّد(muwakkad) , certain; confirmed; established; guaranteed,
  2632. شَوْط(šawṭ) , round; phase; game; half period,
  2633. قَطَعَ شَوْطاً(qaṭaʕa šawṭan) , to make headway; major progress,
  2634. مُتَوَفِّر(mutawaffir) , available; provided; ample; abundant ,
  2635. تَوَقُّف(tawaqquf) , stopping; halting; pausing,
  2636. مُحارَبة(muḥāraba) , fight; struggle; combat,
  2637. فاتَ(fāta) , to pass by; elusde sb or على sb (time; opportunity); to enter على sth; to stop by; visit على sb,
  2638. صَعُبَ(ṣaʕuba) , to be difficult على for sb (to do sth),
  2639. ناعِم(nāʕim) , smooth; soft; dainty,
  2640. ظَنّ(ẓann) , opinion; assumption,
  2641. جُغرافيّ(juḡrāfyy) , geographical; geographer,
  2642. عَظْم(ʕaẓm) , bone,
  2643. اِنتَبَهَ(intabaha) , to be careful (إلى with); to pay attention (إلى to),
  2644. َ!اِنتَبِهَ(a!intabiha) , Watch out!,
  2645. مُقتَرَح(muqtaraḥ) , proposed; suggested; proposal; suggestion,
  2646. أحاطَ(ʔḥāṭa) , to surround; encircle ب sth,
  2647. تَحديث(taḥdyṯ) , updating; renewing; update (website),
  2648. مَناخ(manāḵ) , climate; atmosphere,
  2649. ثَبُتَ(ṯabuta) , to be confirmerd; be substantiated ,
  2650. اِنهِيار(inhiyār) , collapse; downfall; breakdown,
  2651. هاتِفيّ(hātifyy) , (adj) telephone; telephonic,
  2652. هاتِفيّاً(hātifyyan) , by phone ,
  2653. صِيانة(ṣiyāna) , maintenance; preservation,
  2654. عَقيدة(ʕaqyda) , doctrine; dogma; creed; belief; faith,
  2655. مُتَطَلَّب(mutaṭallab) , required ,
  2656. مُتَطَلَّبات(mutaṭallabāt) , requirements; demands,
  2657. صُدفة(ṣudfa) , surprise; coincidence; chance,
  2658. أبعَد(ʔbʕad) , farther]] , fright; panic; terror,
  2659. مَشهور(mašhwr) , famous; well-known,
  2660. دافَعَ(dāfaʕa) , to defend عن sth]] , to ratify; accept; to confess ب sth,
  2661. قَهْر(qahr) , coercion; subjugation,
  2662. اِستِطلاع(istiṭlāʕ) , (opinion) poll; investigation; reconnaissance ,
  2663. سائِر(sāʔir) , most of; the majority of ,
  2664. موسيقيّ(mwsyqyy) , musical; musician ,
  2665. ميناء(mynāʔ) , port; harbor ,
  2666. حَمى(ḥamā) , to protect sth (من against),
  2667. كيلومِتْر(kylwmitr) , kilometer,
  2668. هَبَّ(habba) , to blow; rage (wind; storm); to break out (fire); to rise; take a stand ,
  2669. كُلّ مَن هَبَّ وَدَبَّ(kull man habba wadabba) , everyone; every Tom; Dick; and Harry,
  2670. كُلّ ما هَبَّ وَدَدَّ(kull mā habba wadadda) , anything and everything,
  2671. طارِئة(ṭāriʔa) , urgent matter; emergency,
  2672. حالة طَوارِئ(ḥāla(t) ṭawāriʔ) , state of emergency,
  2673. فاتِح(fātiḥ) , clear (color),
  2674. آمين(ʔāmyn) , amen!,
  2675. اِستِجابة(istijāba) , acceptance (invitation); granting (request); complying with (demands),
  2676. اِستِجابةً لِ(istijābatan li) , in compliance with; in response to,
  2677. مُعَدّ(muʕadd) , prepared; made,
  2678. مُعَدّات(muʕaddāt) , equipment; material,
  2679. غُربة(ḡurba) , exile; alienation,
  2680. قِياسيّ(qiyāsyy) , (adj) record; analogous,
  2681. تِكنولوجيّ(tiknwlwjyy) , technological ,
  2682. نَصيب(naṣyb) , share; portion; dividend,
  2683. ساوى(sāwā) , to equalize; make equal sth; to settle بين between,
  2684. حاصِل(ḥāṣil) , result; income; (adj) (which) happened; occurred; (which) was achieved; was obtained; (who) obtained; earned (degree; certificate) ,
  2685. طِراز(ṭirāz) , model; class; type,
  2686. مُقاطَعة(muqāṭaʕa) , boycott; interruption; district; province,
  2687. صالة(ṣāla) , hall,
  2688. مَنظَر(manẓar) , view; scenery; appearance; look,
  2689. سِحْر(siḥr) , sorcery; magic,
  2690. ذَكَر(ḏakar) , male,
  2691. سَحاب(saḥāb) , (coll) clouds ,
  2692. مَقصود(maqṣwd) , purpose; intent; aim; goal; deliberate; intentional,
  2693. مُساواة(musāwāh) , equality; equal rights,
  2694. اِضِمام(iḍimām) , joining; being added (إلى to); affiliation; annexation,
  2695. مُنتَظَر(muntaẓar) , anticipated; expected,
  2696. طُنّ(ṭunn) , ton,
  2697. نَظير(naẓyr) , counterpart; opposite number; colleague; peer,
  2698. نَظيرَ(naẓyra) , in return for; in exchange for ,
  2699. مَليّء(malyyʔ) , full; filled,
  2700. عَجِزَ(ʕajiza) , to be incapable; unable عن to do sth,
  2701. نُهوض(nuhwḍ) , promotion; advancement; furthering,
  2702. مُخلِص(muḵliṣ) , sincere; loyal,
  2703. جِذْر(jiḏr) , root; stem,
  2704. جُذور(juḏwr) , roots; origins; heritage,
  2705. عِبء(ʕibʔ) , burden; load,
  2706. ظالِم(ẓālim) , oppressor; tyrant; oppressive; tyrannical ,
  2707. مُفَضَّل(mufaḍḍal) , preferred; favorite; best (friend) ,
  2708. اِقتَصَرَ(iqtaṣara) , to be limited على to; to abbreviate; shorten sth,
  2709. بُرج(burj) , tower; constellation; zodiac; horoscope ,
  2710. طَلاق(ṭalāq) , divorce ,
  2711. لَبِسَ(labisa) , to put on (clothes); to wear,
  2712. مُكَوِّن(mukawwin) , component; constituent; element; forming; comprising; constituting,
  2713. إصبَع(ʔiṣbaʕ) , finger,
  2714. أتاحَ(ʔtāḥa) , to grant; provide (opportunity),
  2715. تَعِبَ(taʕiba) , to be or become tired; to get tired من of sth,
  2716. ضِياع(ḍiyāʕ) , loss; waste (esp. of time),
  2717. تَدريبيّ(tadrybyy) , (adj) exercise; practice; training; coaching,
  2718. نَقْد(naqd) , money; cash,
  2719. سامٍ(sāmin) , lofty; exalted; sublime ,
  2720. أطوَل(ʔṭwal) , longer]] , seriousness; earnestness,
  2721. تَكرار(takrār) , repetition; reiteration; frequency,
  2722. تَكراراً(takrāran) , repeatedly; frequently,
  2723. تَكَوَّنَ(takawwana) , to be composed; consist من of,
  2724. مَعلموم(maʕlmwm) , known; of course!,
  2725. حِقْد(ḥiqd) , hatred; resentment ,
  2726. مالَ(māla) , to bend; incline; lean إلى towards; to have a tendency; inclination; preference إلى for; to sympathize إلى with,
  2727. كَرَّرَ(karrara) , to repeat sth; do sth again; to filter; distill; to refine (petroleum),
  2728. حُلول(ḥulwl) , advent; arrival; start; beginning; replacing; taking the place of ,
  2729. وَقَّفَ(waqqafa) , to stop; detain sb,
  2730. مُكَثَّف(mukaṯṯaf) , intensive; heightened; thick; concentrated; compressed ,
  2731. تَوْصية(tawṣya) , recommendation; advice ,
  2732. رَخيص(raḵyṣ) , cheap; inexpensive,
  2733. عَثَرَ(ʕaṯara) , to find; discover; come across على sth,
  2734. دَمَّرَ(dammara) , to destroy; demolish sth; to wreck; ruin; damage sth,
  2735. حَيَّ(ḥayya) , to live; be alive; to experience; witness (a life of),
  2736. رَمى(ramā) , to attempt; pursue; intend; aim at; إلى sth (as a goal); to throw; fling sth or ب sth (at sb); to pelt; shoot at sb ب with (stones; bullets),
  2737. شِراكة(širāka) , partnership,
  2738. عابِر(ʕābir) , passing by or through; crossing over; trans-; inter-; fleeting; transient; brief ,
  2739. خَوْض(ḵawḍ) , waging; embarking on; carrying out; plunging (في into),
  2740. اِستِكمال(istikmāl) , conclusions; termination; completion,
  2741. فَريد(faryd) , unique; exceptional; singular,
  2742. عَسى(ʕasā) , perhaps; maybe,
  2743. ماذا عَساني أنْ(māḏā ʕasāny ʔn) , what could I possibly...,
  2744. عِقاب(ʕiqāb) , punishment; penalty,
  2745. تَلبية(talbya) , meeting (needs); fulfilling (desires; expectation); complying with (requests),
  2746. وَضَّحَ(waḍḍaḥa) , to clarify; explain (ل to sb) أنّ that,
  2747. حيرة(ḥyra) , confusion; bewilderment; embarrassment ,
  2748. غُبار(ḡubār) , dust,
  2749. طَقس(ṭaqs) , weather; climate,
  2750. فِقدان(fiqdān) , loss; bereavement,
  2751. مَدار(madār) , orbit; sphere; scope; range; axis; pivot; center; focus,
  2752. بابا(bābā) , Pope,
  2753. كيس(kys) , bag; sack,
  2754. اِحتِجاج(iḥtijāj) , protest,
  2755. اِحتِجاجاً(iḥtijājan) , protesting; in protest (على of),
  2756. مانِع(māniʕ) , obstacle; impediment; preventing; forbidding,
  2757. وُقود(wuqwd) , fuel,
  2758. دَجاج(dajāj) , (coll) chicken,
  2759. نَهْج(nahj) , method; procedure; way; path,
  2760. تَسمية(tasmya) , naming; appellation; designation,
  2761. هامِش(hāmiš) , side; margin; periphery; sidelines,
  2762. حانَ(ḥāna) , to arrive; approach (time) ,
  2763. تَكريم(takrym) , honoring; respecting; paying tribute,
  2764. تَكريماً لِ(takryman li) , in honor of,
  2765. راجِع(rājiʕ) , returning; going back إلى to; (to be) traced back; attributed; due إلى to,
  2766. نَهضة(nahḍa) , renaissance,
  2767. اِعتِقاد(iʕtiqād) , belief في in sth; or أنّ]] , false; baseless; invalid; null; void; falsehood,
  2768. اِتَّضَحَ(ittaḍaḥa) , to become clear; to be clarified أنّ that,
  2769. تَصديّ(taṣdyy) , resistance; confrontation,
  2770. أسهَمَ(ʔshama) , to participate; contribute; share,
  2771. قِيامة(qiyāma) , resurrection,
  2772. مَيْدانيّ(maydānyy) , field (work; research); survey; ground (troops) ,
  2773. مُتاح(mutāḥ) , provided; available; granted,
  2774. بَرّيّ(barryy) , (ad) land; rural; by land; land-based; wild (flower; fruit; honey),
  2775. وَعَدَ(waʕada) , to promise sb ب sth or بأنْ to or بِأنّ that,
  2776. أخبَرَ(ʔḵbara) , to notify; inform; tell sb عن]] , wall,
  2777. غامِض(ḡāmiḍ) , obscure; vague; ambiguous; enigmatic; mysterious; inscrutable ,
  2778. أيْسَر(ʔysar) , left; left hand,
  2779. خَريطة(ḵaryṭa) , map; chart ,
  2780. شَكوى(šakwā) , complaint; grievance ,
  2781. رُؤْيا(ruʔyā) , vision; dream; idea; picture,
  2782. تَعَرُّض(taʕarruḍ) , exposure إلى to sth; encountering; running into; having to deal with إلى sth; suffering إلى (loss),
  2783. مُحاسَبة(muḥāsaba) , examination; review; accounting; bookkeeping; accountability; oversight,
  2784. بَيْض(bayḍ) , (coll) eggs,
  2785. عِملاق(ʕimlāq) , gigantic; huger; super,
  2786. لُجوء(lujwʔ) , resorting إلى to; taking refuse إلى in; refuge; (political) asylum,
  2787. رَقيق(raqyq) , gentle; delicate; slender; (coll) slaves,
  2788. مَوْضِع(mawḍiʕ) , place; location; position; object; subject; focus (of interest; attention; concern),
  2789. تارةً(tāratan) , once; at time; sometimes ,
  2790. تَفاعُل(tafāʕul) , interaction; reaction; reciprocity ,
  2791. مُفَكِّر(mufakkir) , intellectual,
  2792. اِضطَرَّ(iḍṭarra) , to compel; force; oblige sb إلى to do sth,
  2793. اُضطُرَّ(uḍṭurra) , to be compelled; forced; obligated إلى to do sth,
  2794. وَزَّعَ(wazzaʕa) , to distribute sth على among,
  2795. زِلزال(zilzāl) , earthquake,
  2796. شَرَحَ(šaraḥa) , to explain sth ل to sb,
  2797. اِنتفاضة(intfāḍa) , uprising,
  2798. اِرتَدى(irtadā) , to wear; put on (clothes),
  2799. فِلْس(fils) , money ,
  2800. فارِس(fāris) , horseman; rider; knight,
  2801. فُرسان(fursān) , cavalry,
  2802. نَمَط(namaṭ) , type; kind; manner; style; form; (tech) model; configuration ,
  2803. غِطاء(ḡiṭāʔ) , cover; blanket,
  2804. شُعاع(šuʕāʕ) , ray; beam,
  2805. كَتيبة(katyba) , squadron; brigade; regiment; corps,
  2806. طَبَّقَ(ṭabbaqa) , to implement (plan; project; decision; strategy); to apply; enforce; carry out (law; regulation; standards) ,
  2807. مُتَطَرِّف(mutaṭarrif) , extemist; militant; radical,
  2808. أخفى(ʔḵfā) , to hide; conceal sth (عن from); to lower (one’s voice),
  2809. فائِز(fāʔiz) , victorious; winning; winner; victor ,
  2810. جَرَّبَ(jarraba) , to try out; test sth; to sample; taste sth; to tempt; test sb ,
  2811. مُديريّة(mudyryya) , administration; management; office; department; district; province,
  2812. عِبادة(ʕibāda) , worship; adoration; religious practice ,
  2813. اِفتَتَحَ(iftataḥa) , to open; inaugurate (conference; school),
  2814. مُعَتَمَد(muʕatamad) , depended عليه]] , demonstration; rally,
  2815. أوْسَع(ʔwsaʕ) , wider]] , to summon; call sb; to recall; call back sb; to invoke sth,
  2816. عَقاريّ(ʕaqāryy) , real estate; land mortgage ,
  2817. سَهَّلَ(sahhala) , to facilitate; make easy; help,
  2818. حَقَّ(ḥaqqa) , to be right ,
  2819. يَحِقُّ له أنْ(yaḥiqqu lh ʔn) , to have the right to,
  2820. كَثُرَ(kaṯura) , to be numerous; plentiful; to be more عن than sth,
  2821. حِمار(ḥimār) , donkey,
  2822. يا حِمار(yā ḥimār) , you idiot!,
  2823. حَنين(ḥanyn) , yearning; nostalgia ,
  2824. كَوْكَب(kawkab) , planet; star,
  2825. مُتَبادَل(mutabādal) , mutual; reciprocal; exchanged,
  2826. اِفتَرَضَ(iftaraḍa) , to assume; suppose sth or أنّ that,
  2827. مُغادَرة(muḡādara) , departure ,
  2828. انطَبَقَ(ānṭabaqa) , to be applicable (على to); to conform (على with),
  2829. عَذْب(ʕaḏb) , sweet; pleasant ,
  2830. مِياه عَذبة(miyāh ʕaḏba) , freshwater ,
  2831. اِنسَحَبَ(insaḥaba) , to withdraw; leave (من from); to pull out; withdraw (armed forces),
  2832. عاطِفة(ʕāṭifa) , emotion; sentiment; affection,
  2833. مُعَبِّر(muʕabbir) , expressing عن (opinion; feeling); stating عن (position; policy),
  2834. عَقَبة(ʕaqaba) , obstacle,
  2835. فِراش(firāš) , bed,
  2836. سِرّيّة(sirryya) , secrecy ,
  2837. عَبَث(ʕabaṯ) , joke; jest; frivolity,
  2838. عَبَثاً(ʕabaṯan) , in vain,
  2839. إسبانيّ(ʔisbānyy) , Spanish; Spaniard,
  2840. ضاحية(ḍāḥya) , suburb; neighborhood; vicinity ,
  2841. تَضامُن(taḍāmun) , solidarity; cooperation,
  2842. نُفوذ(nufwḏ) , influence; effect,
  2843. مُماثِل(mumāṯil) , similar; analogous; resembling,
  2844. خَليفة(ḵalyfa) , successor; caliph,
  2845. إصرار(ʔiṣrār) , insistence; determination ,
  2846. جَزيل(jazyl) , abundant; ample ,
  2847. وَلَكُم مِنّي جَزيل الشُّكْر(walakum minny jazyl aš-šukr) , (in closing a letter) my sincere thanks ,
  2848. تَحتيّ(taḥtyy) , under; infra-(structure),
  2849. خَيْط(ḵayṭ) , string; thread; lead (evidence); clue ,
  2850. قُبَيْلَ(qubayla) , shortly before ,
  2851. سائِد(sāʔid) , prevailing; dominant; ruling,
  2852. أعمى(ʔʕmā) , blind ,
  2853. اِبتِداء(ibtidāʔ) , beginning; start,
  2854. اِبتِداءً من(ibtidāʔan mn) , beginning from; as of (date); starting with,
  2855. سَراح(sarāḥ) , dismissal; release,
  2856. إطلاق سَراح(ʔiṭlāq sarāḥ) , setting free,
  2857. مائِدة(māʔida) , table,
  2858. فَرَّقَ(farraqa) , to differentiate; distinguish بين between; to disperse; break up; split up (crowd; demonstration),
  2859. أُنثى(ʔunṯā) , female ,
  2860. اِطِّلاع(iṭṭilāʕ) , examination; inspection (على of sth); reading; perusal (على of sth),
  2861. أعَدَّ(ʔʕadda) , to prepare sth; make sth ready; to set (table),
  2862. لاقَ(lāqa) , to be proper or appropriate ب for sb; be suitable or convenient ب for sb,
  2863. عَمالة(ʕamāla) , workforce; employees,
  2864. مَنطومة(manṭwma) , system; structure; hierarchy,
  2865. مُعَقَّد(muʕaqqad) , complicated; complex; intricate ,
  2866. أوان(ʔwān) , time; moment,
  2867. قَسوة(qaswa) , harshness; severity; brutality,
  2868. جَدير(jadyr) , worth ب (mentioning; pointing out); appropriate; proper ب for sb (to do sth),
  2869. جَدير بِالذِّكْر(jadyr bi-ḏ-ḏikr) , worth mentioning ,
  2870. اِستيعاب(istyʕāb) , comprehension; understanding; absorbing; assimilating; accommodating ,
  2871. غَداء(ḡadāʔ) , lunch; midday meal,
  2872. شابة(šāba) , young woman,
  2873. ضيق(ḍyq) , narrowness; shortness; lack of; shortage,
  2874. ضيق التَّنَفُّس(ḍyq at-tanaffus) , short of breath,
  2875. تَخَلّى(taḵallā) , to give up; abandon; relinquish; surrender عن sth,
  2876. مِلكيّة(milkyya) , property; ownership; possession ,
  2877. صَوَّرَ(ṣawwara) , to film; photograph sth]] , bearing; carrying (burden); shouldering (responsibility),
  2878. تفاوُض(tfāwuḍ) , negotiation; debate; discussion ,
  2879. مُظلِم(muẓlim) , dark; gloomy,
  2880. أكاديميّ(ʔkādymyy) , academic; scholarly; scholar; academician ,
  2881. عَزَّزَ(ʕazzaza) , to strengthen; bolster; reinforce ,
  2882. بَعُدَ(baʕuda) , to be located; situation (a given distance) عن from sth,
  2883. تِقنيّ(tiqnyy) , technical,
  2884. مُنَظَّم(munaẓẓam) , organized; arranged; systematic; disciplined,
  2885. مُرَكَّب(murakkab) , installed; assembled; composed; consisting (من of); (chemical) compound; (psychological) complex ,
  2886. تَناسَبَ(tanāsaba) , to be compatible مع]] , sickness; disease; ailment; disorder,
  2887. مُطالِب(muṭālib) , demanding; claiming; claimant,
  2888. بَرّ(barr) , land; mainland; dry land; earth,
  2889. بَرّاً(barran) , by land ,
  2890. تَواجُد(tawājud) , presence; existence ,
  2891. نَبات(nabāt) , plants; vegetation,
  2892. عَلَّ(ʕalla) , perhaps; maybe,
  2893. عَلَّني(ʕallany) , perhaps I; maybe I ,
  2894. تَحضير(taḥḍyr) , preparation; production,
  2895. سِرقة(sirqa) , stealing; theft ,
  2896. دَهْر(dahr) , fate; fortune; lifetime; eternity,
  2897. تَأْخير(taʔḵyr) , delay; postponement ,
  2898. مِلْح(milḥ) , salt,
  2899. فَتوى(fatwā) , fatwa,
  2900. مُكَلَّف(mukallaf) , chargest; entrusted (ب with); responsible (ب for),
  2901. حَوْل(ḥawl) , power; might,
  2902. لا حول ولا قوّة إلا بألله(lā ḥwl wlā qwwa(t) ʔilā bʔlllāh) , there is no power but through God ,
  2903. مُسَجِّل(musajjil) , (audio) recorder; recording; scoring (point),
  2904. طيلةَ(ṭylata) , throughout; during (the entire),
  2905. شَفافيّة(šafāfyya) , transparency; clarity; openness,
  2906. غاصِب(ḡāṣib) , angry; irate,
  2907. غَلَط(ḡalaṭ) , error; mistake,
  2908. تَأْجيل(taʔjyl) , postponement; delay; deferment; extension,
  2909. اِنعَكَسَ(inʕakasa) , to be reflected (light; image); to have an effect على on,
  2910. جامِع(jāmiʕ) , mosque ,
  2911. مُتَزايد(mutazāyd) , growing; increasing; rising,
  2912. شِقاء(šiqāʔ) , cure; remedy; medication,
  2913. وَداع(wadāʕ) , farewell; departure; exit,
  2914. وَداعاً(wadāʕan) , farewell!,
  2915. نَطَقَ(naṭaqa) , to speak; utter; pronounce ب sth,
  2916. مُعادَلة(muʕādala) , equation; balance,
  2917. تَسامُح(tasāmuḥ) , tolerance; forbearance ,
  2918. مَسَّ(massa) , to touch; handle sth; to violate; infringe upon sth,
  2919. أرجاء(ʔrjāʔ) , region,
  2920. في أرجاءِ(fy ʔrjāʔi) , throughout; in all corners of,
  2921. حالَ(ḥāla) , prevent دونَ sth (from happening) ,
  2922. كاميرا(kāmyrā) , camera,
  2923. صاحَ(ṣāḥa) , to scream; cry out; shout (sth; على]] , skirmish; clash,
  2924. مَصرَفيّ(maṣrafyy) , (adj) bank; banking,
  2925. ناريّ(nāryy) , (adj) fire; fiery; gunfire ,
  2926. مُتواضِع(mutwāḍiʕ) , modest; humble ,
  2927. عُذْر(ʕuḏr) , excuse; apology,
  2928. عُذراً(ʕuḏran) , sorry; excuse me (على for),
  2929. مُتَكَرِّر(mutakarrir) , repeated; recurring; frequent ,
  2930. مُنطَلَق(munṭalaq) , premise; principle; starting line; starting point; point of departure; launch pad ,
  2931. مَكَوَّن(makawwan) , composed من of; consisting من of,
  2932. اِنقِلاب(inqilāb) , coup; overthrow; toppling,
  2933. مُسَمّىً(musamman) , title; name; called; named,
  2934. قِياس(qiyās) , measurement; analogy ,
  2935. قِياساً(qiyāsan) , in comparison ب]] , boundless; exceeding; outstanding; excellent ,
  2936. طِبقاً ل(ṭibqan l) , in accordance with; in conformity with,
  2937. طِبقَ الأصلِ(ṭibqa l-ʔṣli) , faithful copy,
  2938. خِرّيج(ḵirryj) , graduate,
  2939. خِرّيجُ سِجنٍ(ḵirryju sijnin) , former (political) prisoner,
  2940. دَعاية(daʕāya) , advertisement; advertising; propaganda ,
  2941. كادِر; كَوادِر(kādir; kawādir) , cadre; key group; staff; functionaries ,
  2942. مِرآة(mirʔāh) , mirror ,
  2943. عَوْلَمة(ʕawlama) , globalization ,
  2944. مُصالَحة(muṣālaḥa) , conciliation; compromise,
  2945. مَرارة(marāra) , bitterness; gall bladder ,
  2946. مُخافة(muḵāfa) , fear; anxiety; worry; apprehension ,
  2947. مُؤْلِم(muʔlim) , painful; aching; saddening; distressing ,
  2948. مَهما(mahmā) , whatever; regardless of; no matter how ,
  2949. عَشيّة(ʕašyya) , evening; eve; night; night before ,
  2950. وُضَحاها بَيْنَ عَشيّةٍ(wuḍaḥāhā bayna ʕašyyatin) , overnight; suddenly,
  2951. قارَبَ(qāraba) , to approach; come close to sth; to approximate sth,
  2952. اِستِئْناف(istiʔnāf) , resumption; renewal; (jur) appeal,
  2953. كُثْر(kuṯr) , abundance; large amount; great number; much; a lot; excessive amount,
  2954. غَسَلَ(ḡasala) , to wash; clean sth,
  2955. فُلان(fulān) , so-and-so; such-and-such,
  2956. ثَمَر(ṯamar) , fruit; result; yield; outcome ,
  2957. أصيل(ʔṣyl) , authentic; original; native; indigenous; pure; noble; full-blooded; purebred ,
  2958. تَغذية(taḡḏya) , feeding; nutrition ,
  2959. ضَمَّنَ(ḍammana) , to guarantee; insure,
  2960. طَعْم(ṭaʕm) , flavor; taste,
  2961. مُتعة(mutʕa) , pleasure; enjoyment,
  2962. مَجرىً(majran) , course; path,
  2963. مَجرَيات(majrayāt) , events; happenings,
  2964. مَجرَيات الأحداث(majrayāt al-ʔḥdāṯ) , the course of events,
  2965. عالَجَ(ʕālaja) , to treat (disease; sick person); to deal with (topic; problem); to process (data),
  2966. مُعَلَّق(muʕallaq) , suspended; hanging; pending; outstanding,
  2967. خُصوصيّ(ḵuṣwṣyy) , private; personal; special,
  2968. صَوْتيّ(ṣawtyy) , audio; sound; acoustic; verbal; vocal; phonetic ,
  2969. اِستَعمَلَ(istaʕmala) , to use; make use of; employ,
  2970. مَشي(mašy) , walking; going,
  2971. فَخْر(faḵr) , pride; boasting ,
  2972. صَلاحيّة(ṣalāḥyya) , suitability; viability; state of being valid or active (calling card; membership),
  2973. صَلاحِيّات(ṣalāḥiyyāt) , powers; privileges ,
  2974. مُعتَبِر(muʕtabir) , considering; regarding,
  2975. مَحتَرِف(maḥtarif) , professional; expert ,
  2976. أدارَ(ʔdāra) , to direct; manage sth; to conduct sth; to turn (one’s face or back); to turn on or off (radio; television; car switch); to turn (key or door knob); to make spin sth,
  2977. اِشتَرَكَ(ištaraka) , to participate (مع with sb) في in sth,
  2978. تَطَرَّقَ(taṭarraqa) , to broach; discuss إلى (topic; issue); to reach; get as far as إلى sth,
  2979. إخراج(ʔiḵrāj) , production; extraction; removal; ousting,
  2980. سَماع(samāʕ) , hearing; listening,
  2981. مَدّ(madd) , length; reach; extent; reaching; extending; lengthening; spreading,
  2982. رِفقة(rifqa) , company; group,
  2983. بِرِفقة(birifqa) , accompanied by; along with,
  2984. اِتَّسَعَ(ittasaʕa) , to expand; stretch; widen; to be sufficient; adequate ل for; to be large enough ل for ,
  2985. سِتّ(sitt) , lady; miss,
  2986. مَهارة(mahāra) , capability; skill; ability; proficiency,
  2987. اِنتِهاك(intihāk) , violation; contravention,
  2988. ذِئْب(ḏiʔb) , wolf; jackal,
  2989. جَلَبَ(jalaba) , to bring; provide sth; to bring about; cause sth; to fetch; attract sth,
  2990. تَسَلَّمَ(tasallama) , to receive; accept sth; to take on; assume (responsibility) ,
  2991. سَلَف(salaf) , (coll) ancestors; advance (payment),
  2992. سَلَفاً(salafan) , in advance; beforehand; previously,
  2993. تَرحيب(tarḥyb) , welcome; welcoming; greeting,
  2994. مِنبَر(minbar) , pulpit; rostrum,
  2995. عِمارة(ʕimāra) , building; edifice; structure ,
  2996. اِكتَفى(iktafā) , to be content; satisfied ب with,
  2997. مَتحَف(matḥaf) , museum,
  2998. خَفيّ(ḵafyy) , hidden; secret; unless; invisible,
  2999. اِحتَفَظَ(iḥtafaẓa) , to maintain; preserve ب sth; to keep; reserve ب sth (لِنَفسِهِ for oneself) ,
  3000. عاطِفيّ(ʕāṭifyy) , emotional; sentimental; affectionate ,
  3001. عَيْن(ʕayn) , same; exactly the same (person; thing); self (with pronoun) itself; himself; etc,
  3002. هو بِيَعْنِهِ(hw biyaʕnihi) , it]] , to win; gain sth; to earn; make (salary); to achieve; attain sth,
  3003. وِزاريّ(wizāryy) , ministerial,
  3004. سَطْر(saṭr) , line; row ,
  3005. كَسْب(kasb) , winning; gaining; earning; making (salary); achieving; attaining,
  3006. أشرَفَ(ʔšrafa) , to supervise; manage على sth]] , shock; blow,
  3007. مُحتَرَم(muḥtaram) , honorable; respected; esteemed,
  3008. واثِق(wāṯiq) , confident; certain; sure ,
  3009. مِحنة(miḥna) , test; trial; ordeal ,
  3010. مُتَطَوِّر(mutaṭawwir) , advanced; developed; modern; sophisticated; high-tech ,
  3011. تَبَع(tabaʕ) , follower; partisan,
  3012. تَبعاً ل(tabʕan l) , according to; pursuant to,
  3013. فاصِل(fāṣil) , pause; break; interlude; intermission; separating; dividing; delimiting; demarcating; conclusive; decisive ,
  3014. مُهاجِم(muhājim) , assailant; attack; striker (soccer); assailing; attacking,
  3015. عُصويّة(ʕuṣwyya) , membership; affiliation,
  3016. حَتْم(ḥatm) , necessity ,
  3017. حَتماً(ḥatman) , definitely; necessarily ,
  3018. عَربة(ʕarba) , cart; wagon; vehicle,
  3019. أمثَل(ʔmṯal) , better]] , can; case; box; pack,
  3020. بادَرَ(bādara) , to begin; take the initiative ب]] , decisive; definitive; final; key; critical,
  3021. بَرميل(barmyl) , barrel; vat; drum,
  3022. سَباحة(sabāḥa) , swimming ,
  3023. حَوْض(ḥawḍ) , basin; sink; reservoir; aquarium ,
  3024. شَرع(šarʕ) , law; legal,
  3025. خِيانة(ḵiyāna) , treason; treachery; betrayal; infidelity ,
  3026. نَيْل(nayl) , attainment; achievement; acquiring; gaining,
  3027. خالة(ḵāla) , maternal aunt,
  3028. كاذِب(kāḏib) , false; untrue; lying; deceitful; liar,
  3029. كَذبة(kaḏba) , liar,
  3030. اِستِفتاء(istiftāʔ) , questionnaire; poll; referendum ,
  3031. شورى(šwrā) , consultation; deliberation,
  3032. مَجلِس الشّورى(majlis aš-šwrā) , Shura Council ,
  3033. حَسّاس(ḥassās) , sensitive ,
  3034. حَقيبة(ḥaqyba) , briefcase; portfolio; suitcase; bag ,
  3035. عُثور(ʕuṯwr) , finding; discovering; coming across على sth,
  3036. اِرتِباط(irtibāṭ) , bond; connection; relationship; link,
  3037. تَوضيح(tawḍyḥ) , explanation; clarification,
  3038. هَمَّ(hamma) , to preoccupy; concern sb; to matter; be important to sb; to worry; be concerned ب about sth; to be about ب]] , worthiness,
  3039. اِستِحقاقات(istiḥqāqāt) , claims; rights; merits ,
  3040. مَجمَع(majmaʕ) , assembly; academy ,
  3041. اِنتِقاد(intiqād) , criticism; censure ,
  3042. بَيْدَ أنّ(bayda ʔnn) , although; however; (even) though,
  3043. دَلالة(dalāla) , meaning; implication; significance; important ,
  3044. دَلالات(dalālāt) , evidence; signs ,
  3045. صَحَّ(ṣaḥḥa) , to be correct; be true; to be right; proper; appropriate (to do sth),
  3046. يورو(ywrw) , euro,
  3047. تَوْعية(tawʕya) , informing; making aware; raising awareness; enlightening ,
  3048. عَزْم(ʕazm) , firm will; determination (على to do sth),
  3049. عاجِز(ʕājiz) , incapable; unable عن to do sth; helpless; hopeless; unable; incapacitated ,
  3050. عُطلة(ʕuṭla) , vacation; holiday; recess ,
  3051. قاطِح(qāṭiḥ) , decisive; definitive; categorical; convincing; conclusive; interrupting; preventing; blocking; traversing (a distance); cutter (person or instrument); vendor (of tickets); incisor; canine (tooth),
  3052. اِبتِدائيّ(ibtidāʔyy) , elementary; preparatory; initial ,
  3053. جَدَّدَ(jaddada) , to renew; extend (permit); to renovate; modernize sth; to renew (one’s efforts); to try again to do sth,
  3054. اِستَغَلَّ(istaḡalla) , to exploit sth; take advantage of (an opportunity),
  3055. بَشَريّة(bašaryya) , humankind; human race,
  3056. تَحميل(taḥmyl) , downloading (files); charging sb (with responsibility); loading (cargo),
  3057. مُسَجَّل(musajjal) , registered; recorded ,
  3058. هُنَّ(hunna) , they (fem plural),
  3059. عاقِل(ʕāqil) , sane; rational; reasonable; sane person,
  3060. كُلّ عاقِلٍ(kull ʕāqilin) , anyone in his right mind ,
  3061. إلقاء(ʔilqāʔ) , thorwing; tossing; delivering; giving (a speech); (القَبْض على) arresting sb,
  3062. كَثيف(kaṯyf) , intense; intensive; heavy; thick; dense; concentrated ,
  3063. كَراهيّة(karāhyya) , hatred; loathing; dislike; aversion,
  3064. مُهاجِر(muhājir) , emigrant; migrant; immigrant; emigrating; migrating; immigrating,
  3065. مُنتَشِر(muntašir) , scattered; spread out; prevalent ,
  3066. تَعَوَّدَ(taʕawwada) , to become accustomed على to sth; to get used على to sth,
  3067. مُتَمَثِّل(mutamaṯṯil) , represented; incorporated (في in); existing; present (في in) ,
  3068. أروَع(ʔrwaʕ) , more]] , flag; banner ,
  3069. أخطَر(ʔḵṭar) , more]] , more]] , entirely ,
  3070. على أكمَلِ وَجهٍ(ʕlā ʔkmali wajhin) , perfectly; to perfection; in the best possible way ,
  3071. اِشتِراك(ištirāk) , subscription; participation; partnership ,
  3072. تَناقُض(tanāquḍ) , contradiction; incompatibility ,
  3073. مَندوب(mandwb) , delegate; representative; deputy; agent ,
  3074. صِياغة(ṣiyāḡa) , drafting; composing; formulation; wording ,
  3075. تَطَرُّف(taṭarruf) , extremism; radicalism,
  3076. سَكَتَ(sakata) , to be quiet; be silent,
  3077. اُسكُت(uskut) , shut up!,
  3078. قَذيفة(qaḏyfa) , shell; bomb,
  3079. بُقعة(buqʕa) , spot; stain,
  3080. بِقاع(biqāʕ) , region; place; spot ,
  3081. إدخال(ʔidḵāl) , insertion; introduction; inclusion ,
  3082. تَطَوَّرَ(taṭawwara) , to develop; evolve; grow; to advance; make headway,
  3083. اِعتَذَرَ(iʕtaḏara) , to apologize إلى to sb عن for sth,
  3084. نِسيان(nisyān) , forgetfulness; oblivion ,
  3085. خَمْر(ḵamr) , liquor; wine; alcohol,
  3086. أوْقَفَ(ʔwqafa) , to detain sb; to make sb stand,
  3087. تَخَلُّف(taḵalluf) , backwardness; underdevelopment ,
  3088. مُستَهلِك(mustahlik) , consumer; consuming,
  3089. كَلَّمَ(kallama) , to speak with; talk to sb,
  3090. تَوْظيف(tawẓyf) , hiring; employment; recruitment; job appointment; usage; excise ,
  3091. إقبال(ʔiqbāl) , approach; concern على for; interest على in,
  3092. تَهنِئة(tahniʔa) , greetings; congratulations ,
  3093. مُدافِع(mudāfiʕ) , defender; advocate; defending; advocating ,
  3094. تَحذير(taḥḏyr) , warning; caution,
  3095. الآخِرة(al-ʔāḵira) , the afterlife ,
  3096. هُروب(hurwb) , escaping; fleeing; deserting ,
  3097. اِستَعَدَّ(istaʕadda) , to get ready; prepare ل for sth,
  3098. جَواز(jawāz) , permit; authorization,
  3099. جَواز السَّفْر(jawāz as-safr) , passport ,
  3100. مُعلَن(muʕlan) , declared; announced; posted; made public ,
  3101. هَدَأَ(hadaʔa) , to subside; abate (storm; noise); to calm down; quiet down,
  3102. قَطُّ(qaṭṭu) , (not) at all; never; nothing; no one,
  3103. مَطبَخ(maṭbaḵ) , kitchen,
  3104. رِزْق(rizq) , livelihood; sustenance; food; daily bread,
  3105. اِحتَمَلَ(iḥtamala) , to tolerate; put up with sb]] , it is likely that,
  3106. طارِئ(ṭāriʔ) , emergency (situation); exceptional (conditions); unscheduled; special (meeting),
  3107. اِعتَرَضَ(iʕtaraḍa) , to object; be opposed على to sth,
  3108. حِرمان(ḥirmān) , deprivation; prohibition,
  3109. سَرَقَ(saraqa) , to steal sth,
  3110. عار(ʕār) , shame; disgrace; scandal ,
  3111. سُمعة(sumʕa) , reputation,
  3112. مَلحوظ(malḥwẓ) , noticeable; observable; remarkable; significant ,
  3113. آنَ(ʔāna) , to come; arrive; approach (of time),
  3114. فاكِهة; فَواكِه(fākiha; fawākih) , fruit,
  3115. مُراعاة(murāʕāh) , deference; respect; compliance; observance; watching out for,
  3116. غَلَبَ(ḡalaba) , to defeat; overcome على sth]] , balance; equilibrium; (sports) tie,
  3117. اِستِهلاك(istihlāk) , consuming; consumption (of consumer goods); exhaustion; depletion (of resources) ,
  3118. عُمود(ʕumwd) , column; pillar,
  3119. سينَمائيّ(synamāʔyy) , cinema; cinematographic ,
  3120. بارِحة(bāriḥa) , yesterday,
  3121. عادَلَ(ʕādala) , to be equal to sth; to make equal to sth; (sports) to tie sb,
  3122. سِجِلّ(sijill) , register; archive; record ,
  3123. اِنتَقَدَ(intaqada) , to criticize sb]] , stock exchange; bourse,
  3124. مَوْهِبة(mawhiba) , talent; gift,
  3125. اِستِقالة(istiqāla) , resignation,
  3126. مَخرَج(maḵraj) , exit; outlet; escape; way out; solution,
  3127. سالَ(sāla) , to flow; run; to leak; to melt,
  3128. قَفَزَ(qafaza) , to jump; leap,
  3129. كِفاية(kifāya) , sufficiency; adequacy; performance; productivity; competence,
  3130. تَوَسُّع(tawassuʕ) , expansion,
  3131. عَقيد(ʕaqyd) , colonel,
  3132. مُعطىً(muʕṭan) , given,
  3133. مُعطَيات(muʕṭayāt) , facts; data; factors,
  3134. زَوْجيّ(zawjyy) , marital; paired; coupled,
  3135. شَجَّعَ(šajjaʕa) , to encourage; promote; support sb]] , to greet; salute sb; to prise; laud sb,
  3136. حَيّاك الله(ḥayyāk allāh) , Good for you! Well done!,
  3137. خَريف(ḵaryf) , autumn; fall,
  3138. جُمهوريّ(jumhwryy) , republican; Republican,
  3139. السلام الجُمهوريّ(as-slām al-jumhwryy) , the national anthem,
  3140. عَرَض(ʕaraḍ) , symptom,
  3141. أعراض جانِبيّة(ʔʕrāḍ jānibyya) , side effects,
  3142. تَوالٍ(tawālin) , consecutive or continuous succession,
  3143. حِزبيّ(ḥizbyy) , party-related; partisan; factional,
  3144. حَبْل(ḥabl) , rope; cord; cable ,
  3145. تَوَقُّع(tawaqquʕ) , expectation; anticipation; forecast,
  3146. تَرشيع(taršyʕ) , nomination; candidacy,
  3147. قَيِّم(qayyim) , valuable; responsible (على for),
  3148. راضٍ(rāḍin) , pleased; satisfied; accepting; consenting,
  3149. كُفْر(kufr) , kufr (rejection of the Islamic faith); unbelief; apostasy,
  3150. مُصطَلَح(muṣṭalaḥ) , technical term,
  3151. مُصطَلَحات(muṣṭalaḥāt) , terminology ,
  3152. مَهشة(mahša) , surprise; astonishment; bewilderment; confusion,
  3153. مَسْح(masḥ) , survey; measure; wiping off; sweeping,
  3154. أسىً(ʔsan) , affliction; sorrow; grief ,
  3155. ظُلمة(ẓulma) , darkness,
  3156. زُجاج(zujāj) , glass ,
  3157. زُجاج أماميّ(zujāj ʔmāmyy) , windshield ,
  3158. رَعى(raʕā) , to graze; take out to pasture (sheep); to care for; protect sb; to sponsor; promote sb]] , sitting down; being seated,
  3159. اِستِعمار(istiʕmār) , colonialism; building of settlements,
  3160. مُخالِف(muḵālif) , divergent; against (the law); transgressor; offender,
  3161. أغلى(ʔḡlā) , more]] , (noun) content; guaranteed; insured,
  3162. خُطبة(ḵuṭba) , speech; sermon,
  3163. حَظْر(ḥaẓr) , prohibition; ban; embargo,
  3164. اِقتِراب(iqtirāb) , approach; approximation; getting near,
  3165. راقي(rāqy) , rising; ascending; advanced; fancy; high-class,
  3166. ذَكاء(ḏakāʔ) , intelligence; cleverness,
  3167. عُنصُريّ(ʕunṣuryy) , racist ,
  3168. نَبيل(nabyl) , noble ,
  3169. وُدِّيّ(wuddiyy) , friendly; cordial; amicable; warm,
  3170. جَحيم(jaḥym) , hell; inferno,
  3171. نُزول(nuzwl) , descent; reduction; losing (weight); resignation; stepping down ,
  3172. اِنقَلَبَ(inqalaba) , to turn around; to turn over; to be reversed; be inverted ,
  3173. اِحتَرَمَ(iḥtarama) , to respect; revere sb]] , satellite (broadcasting) station,
  3174. مَمنوع(mamnwʕ) , forbidden; prohibited; banned,
  3175. مُحَقِّق(muḥaqqiq) , investigator; editor; investigating ,
  3176. قِياديّ(qiyādyy) , leading; guiding; commanding; commander ,
  3177. أنتَجَ(ʔntaja) , to produce; create; yield sth; to cause; result in sth,
  3178. رَكِبَ(rakiba) , to get in]] , dance; dancing,
  3179. حَزَج(ḥazaj) , impediment; objection,
  3180. شَجاعة(šajāʕa) , courage,
  3181. تَوَلٍّ(tawallin) , taking charge; assuming responsibility ,
  3182. كَفيل(kafyl) , guaranteeing; ensuring (ب sth); guarantor; sponsor; (person) responsible,
  3183. كَبِد(kabid) , liver (organ); center; middle ,
  3184. عِزّة(ʕizza) , glory; honor; power,
  3185. عِزّة النَّفْس(ʕizza(t) an-nafs) , self esteem,
  3186. تَسويق(taswyq) , marketing ,
  3187. خَشَبة(ḵašaba) , piece of wood; board or plank,
  3188. خَشَبة المَسرَح(ḵašaba(t) al-masraḥ) , (theater) stage,
  3189. خَشَبات الجول(ḵašabāt al-jwl) , goalpost ,
  3190. سَمّ(samm) , poison; toxin,
  3191. فاضَ(fāḍa) , to overflow; to exceed; go beyond عن sth ,
  3192. مُستَخدِم(mustaḵdim) , employing; using; user ,
  3193. مَنطِقيّ(manṭiqyy) , logical; rational,
  3194. فَضيحة(faḍyḥa) , scandal; disgrace; shame ,
  3195. يا تُرى(yā turā) , perhaps; maybe; I wonder...,
  3196. أخلاقيّ(ʔḵlāqyy) , moral; ethical ,
  3197. لَزِمَ(lazima) , to be necessary (على for sb) to do sth; to cling to,
  3198. لَزِمَ الصَّمْت(lazima ṣ-ṣamt) , to keep quiet ,
  3199. لَزِمَ الفِراش(lazima l-firāš) , to stay in bed,
  3200. غَرِقَ(ḡariqa) , to sink; drown; be submerged ,
  3201. سوفييتيّ(swfyytyy) , Soviet ,
  3202. تَأَمَّلَ(taʔammala) , to reflect on; ponder (في) sth,
  3203. حِيال(ḥiyāl) , concerning; regarding ,
  3204. تَصَرَّفَ(taṣarrafa) , to act; behave; proceed (في]] , selling,
  3205. باعة(bāʕa) , selling; vendor; merchant ,
  3206. إحياء(ʔiḥyāʔ) , reviving; enlivening; celebrating (anniversary); commemorating,
  3207. إحياءً لِذِكرى(ʔiḥyāʔan liḏikrā) , in memory of ,
  3208. دافِئ(dāfiʔ) , warm,
  3209. قِطّ(qiṭṭ) , cat ,
  3210. بَراءة(barāʔa) , innocence; acquittal,
  3211. بَراءة اِختِراع(barāʔa(t) iḵtirāʕ) , (invention) patent ,
  3212. ذُلّ(ḏull) , humiliation; dishonor ,
  3213. حُجرة(ḥujra) , room; chamber; compartment; enclosure; (bio) cell,
  3214. مُحتَلّ(muḥtall) , occupier; occupying; occupation (forces),
  3215. مَبنيّ(mabnyy) , built; based (على on),
  3216. تَجَنُّب(tajannub) , avoidance; avoiding,
  3217. كَذَبَ(kaḏaba) , to lie (على to sb),
  3218. مَنشور(manšwr) , publication; brochure; published; posted (on the Web) ,
  3219. خاضَ(ḵāḍa) , to wage (war; battle) ضِدّ against; to embark on (a campaign); to wade في into (water); to plunge; dive في into (an issue),
  3220. تَعَدّى(taʕaddā) , to exceed; go beyond; to infringe على on (sb’s rights) ,
  3221. دَبّابة(dabbāba) , tank ,
  3222. رَوْضة(rawḍa) , garden ,
  3223. رَوْضة الأطفال(rawḍa(t) al-ʔṭfāl) , kindergarten,
  3224. صُمود(ṣumwd) , steadfastness; determination ,
  3225. مَضبوط(maḍbwṭ) , controlled; regulated; accurate; precise,
  3226. نَبْض(nabḍ) , beating; palpitation; throbbing ,
  3227. عُموميّ(ʕumwmyy) , general; public; common; plenary ,
  3228. قَدِمَ(qadima) , to arrive; come إلى to; approach على sth ,
  3229. عُنْق(ʕunq) , neck (person; bottle),
  3230. مُهتَمّ(muhtamm) , interested; concerned; (person; party) interested; concerned ,
  3231. عِيان(ʕiyān) , eyesight; (plain) view,
  3232. شاهِد عِيان(šāhid ʕiyān) , eyewitness,
  3233. مُكَرَّم(mukarram) , honored; revered ,
  3234. اِنتِماء(intimāʔ) , membership; affiliation; commitment ,
  3235. قَطرة(qaṭra) , drop,
  3236. نَوى(nawā) , to intend; want (to do sth),
  3237. تَركيب(tarkyb) , installation; assembling; structure; construction,
  3238. مُرّ(murr) , bitter ,
  3239. أنكَرَ(ʔnkara) , to deny; dispute (claim),
  3240. مِشوار(mišwār) , walk; stroll; promenade ,
  3241. اِستَعرَضَ(istaʕraḍa) , to review; go over sth; (mil.) to review (troops); to tour (facilities) ,
  3242. مُرتَفَع(murtafaʕ) , height; altitude; elevation; highlands ,
  3243. أولِمبيّ(ʔwlimbyy) , Olympic ,
  3244. أوْحى(ʔwḥā) , to suggest; imply; indicate بِأنَّ that; to inspire ل sb ب to do sth ,
  3245. خَجَل(ḵajal) , shame; bashfulness; shyness,
  3246. حَديديّ(ḥadydyy) , (adj) iron; iron-like ,
  3247. تَصحيح(taṣḥyḥ) , correction,
  3248. تَبَنٍّ(tabannin) , adoption,
  3249. زَرَعَ(zaraʕa) , to plant (seed); to implant; transplant (organ); to set (bomb); lay (mines); to grow (plants; crops); to cultivate; farm (land),
  3250. مُلائِم(mulāʔim) , suitable; appropriate ,
  3251. فَضيلة(faḍyla) , virtue; (in titles) فَضيلة الشَّيْخ His Eminence; the Sheikh ,
  3252. مُنَوَّر(munawwar) , illuminate; honored ,
  3253. مُشاهِد(mušāhid) , viewer; spectator ,
  3254. مَعبَر(maʕbar) , crossig point; juncture ,
  3255. أخطَأَ(ʔḵṭaʔa) , to be wrong; make a mistake (في in doing sth); to do (في sth) incorrectly,
  3256. أسَد(ʔsad) , lion,
  3257. اِشتِراكيّ(ištirākyy) , socialist ,
  3258. عَداء(ʕadāʔ) , aggression; hostility; enmity; animosity ,
  3259. أنْف(ʔnf) , nose; (figurative) pride,
  3260. رَغمَ أنفِهِ(raḡma ʔnfihi) , against his will; to spite him,
  3261. قَصْر(qaṣr) , shortness; smallness; limiting; restricting ,
  3262. اِختِصار(iḵtiṣār) , abbreviation; shortening,
  3263. بِاِختِصار(biiḵtiṣār) , briefly; in short ,
  3264. سيجارة(syjāra) , cigarette,
  3265. بَذْل(baḏl) , spending; expenditure; exertion; effort; donating,
  3266. اِتَّسَمَ(ittasama) , to be characterized ب by ,
  3267. حِلُف(ḥiluf) , alliance; treaty; pact ,
  3268. حَصيلة(ḥaṣyla) , result; outcome; sum; total count; revenue,
  3269. هَبَطَ(habaṭa) , to drop; fall; decline; to fall (night; darkness); to land (aircraft),
  3270. كُلفة(kulfa) , cost; expenditure; overhead,
  3271. غُضون(ḡuḍwn) , interim,
  3272. في غُضون(fy ḡuḍwn) , during ,
  3273. مَسكَن(maskan) , residence; domicile ,
  3274. قُرابةَ(qurābata) , almost; nearly,
  3275. اِستَجابَ(istajāba) , to accept ل (an invitation); to grant ل (a request); to comply with ل (sb’s demands); to respond to ل (medical treatment),
  3276. روحيّ(rwḥyy) , spiritual; alcoholic ,
  3277. َقُدّام(aquddām) , in front of,
  3278. قَرُبَ(qaruba) , to approach; draw near ,
  3279. فاشِل(fāšil) , failed; failing; unsuccessful; a failure ,
  3280. اِبتِعاد(ibtiʕād) , avoiding; moving or staying away; distancing oneself (عن from) ,
  3281. فَسَّرَ(fassara) , to explain; interpret sth (ل for sb) ,
  3282. قَناعة(qanāʕa) , conviction; belief ,
  3283. عن قَناعة(ʕn qanāʕa) , out of conviction,
  3284. على قَناعة(ʕlā qanāʕa) , convinced ,
  3285. شكا(škā) , to complain إلى to sb من about; to suffer من from,
  3286. باكِستانيّ(bākistānyy) , Pakistani,
  3287. وَحْش(waḥš) , beast ,
  3288. اِستَيْقَظَ(istayqaẓa) , to wake up; be alert ,
  3289. لَطيف(laṭyf) , kind; gentle; polite; nice,
  3290. يا لَطيف(yā laṭyf) , oh my! wow! ,
  3291. اِعتِذار(iʕtiḏār) , apology; excuse ,
  3292. مَأْزِق(maʔziq) , impasse; predicament; dilemma; crisis ,
  3293. تَدَهوُر(tadahwur) , decline; deterioration; fall; drop,
  3294. تَخَلّي(taḵally) ,relinquishment; surrender; renunciation (من of) ,
  3295. تُزايُد(tuzāyud) , (gradual) growth; increase; rise ,
  3296. تَواصَلَ(tawāṣala) , to maintain; pursue (efforts); to maintain mutual contacts or intercommunication مع with,
  3297. تِلوَ(tilwa) , after; followed by,
  3298. خَطِر(ḵaṭir) , serious; grave; critical; dangerous; risky ,
  3299. تَحكيم(taḥkym) , arbitration ,
  3300. لَجنة تَحكيم(lajna(t) taḥkym) , jury,
  3301. لَعنة(laʕna) , curse; oath; enchantment; spell,
  3302. خال(ḵāl) , maternal uncle ,
  3303. فاجَأَ(fājaʔa) , to surprise sb (ب with),
  3304. فوجِئَ(fwjiʔa) , to be surprised (ب by),
  3305. فَوْريّ(fawryy) , immediate; instant; direct ,
  3306. مَبيع(mabyʕ) , sold,
  3307. مَبيعات(mabyʕāt) , sales ,
  3308. حَريص(ḥaryṣ) , mindful; careful; protective على of; eager; desirous على for; keen على on,
  3309. مَجّاناً(majjānan) , for free; free of charge,
  3310. سَمْع(samʕ) , hearing ,
  3311. مُسرِع(musriʕ) , hurrying; hastening,
  3312. مُغامَرة(muḡāmara) , adventure; risk ,
  3313. عائِليّ(ʕāʔilyy) , (adj) family; domestic; familial ,
  3314. ذَكَّرَ(ḏakkara) , to remind sb ,
  3315. تَعَلُّم(taʕallum) , learning; study ,
  3316. فَرِحَ(fariḥa) , to rejoice; to be happy ب]] , straight; correct,
  3317. سَويّاً(sawyyan) , together; jointly ,
  3318. نِضال(niḍāl) , struggle; battle ,
  3319. نَاهيك(nāhyk) , not to mention,
  3320. أديب(ʔdyb) , author; writer ,
  3321. عود(ʕwd) , lute; stick; match stick; aloe plant,
  3322. دُهْن العودِ(duhn al-ʕwdi) , aloe gel; body; physique,
  3323. طَريّ(ṭaryy) , frail; delicate ,
  3324. أعانَ(ʔʕāna) , to assist; support sb]] , militia ,
  3325. إنفاق(ʔinfāq) , spending; expenditure; disbursement; expenses ,
  3326. جَوْهَر(jawhar) , gem; jewel; (fig) essence; substance; gist; heart; crux; core ,
  3327. وَلاء(walāʔ) , loyalty; allegiance ,
  3328. سيناريو(synāryw) , scenario ,
  3329. اِستَعادَ(istaʕāda) , to recover; regain; reclaim sth,
  3330. مَيَّزَ(mayyaza) , to distinguish sth]] , gradual; progressive ,
  3331. تَدريجيّاً(tadryjyyan) , gradually ,
  3332. خَفَّفَ(ḵaffafa) , to lower; lessen; decrease sth; to alleviate; mitigate من sth ,
  3333. تَمَرُّد(tamarrud) , rebellion; insurgency; insurrection,
  3334. نَتَجَ(nataja) , to result; arise من]] , pollution; contamination ,
  3335. ميثاق(myṯāq) , treaty; pact; charter,
  3336. نَظافة(naẓāfa) , cleanliness ,
  3337. هُبوط(hubwṭ) , drop; fall; decline; descent; landing (aircraft); (med) prolapse ,
  3338. مَسيح(masyḥ) , messiah ,
  3339. سَتَرَ(satara) , to veil; cover; hide sth ,
  3340. عَرَق(ʕaraq) , sweat; perspiration; araq (alcoholic drink similar to ouzo),
  3341. مُتَزَوِّج(mutazawwij) , married (من to) ,
  3342. حَصْر(ḥaṣr) , encirclement; containment; bounds; limits ,
  3343. لا حَصْر لَهُ(lā ḥaṣr lahu) , unlimited; immense ,
  3344. وِقاية(wiqāya) , prevention; precaution; protection ,
  3345. راعي(rāʕy) , guardian; patron; sponsor; steward ,
  3346. بِئْر(biʔr) , well; spring ,
  3347. مُضيّ(muḍyy) , passing (of time); expiration (deadline),
  3348. المُضيّ قُدُماً(al-muḍyy quduman) , proceeding; continuing (في with) ,
  3349. تَبَنّى(tabannā) , to adopt sth; to claim responsibility for sth; to be built ,
  3350. إقرار(ʔiqrār) , ratification; confirmation ,
  3351. صَرَفَ(ṣarafa) , to spend; change (money); to dismiss; fire sb; to divert sth (عن from) ,
  3352. حَشْد(ḥašd) , (mil) buildup; mobilization; crowd; gathering ,
  3353. يَتيم(yatym) , orphan; orphaned; unique; sole; only (existing),
  3354. حَرّ(ḥarr) , warmth; heat; warm; hot; spicy ,
  3355. مَعيشة(maʕyša) , livelihood; subsistence; life; living ,
  3356. أتَمّ(ʔtamm) , to complete; finish; conclude sth,
  3357. نَسيج(nasyj) , fabric; tissue; textile ,
  3358. مَجهود(majhwd) , expended (efforts); efforts; endeavors ,
  3359. تَأْييد(taʔyyd) , support; assistance; approval,
  3360. شُهرة(šuhra) , reputation; fame ,
  3361. تَنافُس(tanāfus) , competition; rivalry ,
  3362. عَضَلة(ʕaḍala) , muscle ,
  3363. غَيْرة(ḡayra) , jealousy; zeal,
  3364. حَدَّثَ(ḥaddaṯa) , to tell sb; speak to sb (عن about); to narrate ,
  3365. عَقليّ(ʕaqlyy) , mental; intellectual; rational ,
  3366. أكاديميّة(ʔkādymyya) , academy ,
  3367. ضَرَّ(ḍarra) , to harm; injure ب sth (one’s health),
  3368. غارة(ḡāra) , raid; foray ,
  3369. خَيْمة(ḵayma) , tent ,
  3370. مُتَفَرِّق(mutafarriq) , diverse; different; separate; dispersed; scattered; sporadic ,
  3371. مُوازَرة(mūzara) , budget; balance; comparison ,
  3372. أُسطورة(ʔusṭwra) , myth; fable; tale; legend ,
  3373. مُستَخدَم(mustaḵdam) , used; utilized; employed ,
  3374. تَنظيف(tanẓyf) , cleaning,
  3375. زَعَمَ(zaʕama) , to allege; claim بِأنّ]] , bosom; arms,
  3376. في() , amidst; in the hearts of,
  3377. أقبَلَ(ʔqbala) , to approach; draw near على sb]] , Bahraini ,
  3378. طين(ṭyn) , clay; mud ,
  3379. زَادَ الطّين بِلّةً(zāda ṭ-ṭyn billatan) , to make things worse ,
  3380. مَقطَع(maqṭaʕ) , section; selection; excerpt ,
  3381. سُخريّة(suḵryya) , sarcasm; cynicism; ridicule ,
  3382. مُشابِه(mušābih) , similar ,
  3383. سائِل(sāʔil) , fluid; liquid ,
  3384. سُلَّم(sullam) , ladder; stairs; staircase; scale ,
  3385. مُمتَدّ(mumtadd) , stretching; extending; spreading ,
  3386. اِستَنَدَ(istanada) , to support; lean on; rely on إلى st,
  3387. سَرى(sarā) , to flow; circulate; spread; to apply (a law) على to,
  3388. خَفْض(ḵafḍ) , lowering; decreasing; reduction; diminution,
  3389. مُفتَرَض(muftaraḍ) , assumed; presumed; supposed; alleged,
  3390. فِراق(firāq) , parting; farewell; going away,
  3391. كَتِف(katif) , (fem) shoulder,
  3392. مَسَكَ(masaka) , to grab; hold sth or ب sth,
  3393. تَنَوُّع(tanawwuʕ) , variety; diversity ,
  3394. مُنشَأة(munšaʔa) , facility; installation; plant ,
  3395. عشوائِيّ(ʕšwāʔiyy) , random; indiscriminate; arbitrary ,
  3396. حَدّ(ḥadd) , limiting; curbing من (sb’s freedom; power); stopping; halting; ending من sth,
  3397. مُنَظَّم(munaẓẓam) , organizer; sponsor; organizing; sponsoring ,
  3398. خَشية(ḵašya) , fear; anxiety; concern; worry,
  3399. ذِراع(ḏirāʕ) , arm; lever; crank,
  3400. قَدير(qadyr) , capable; efficient; Omnipotent (God),
  3401. أقدَمَ(ʔqdama) , to undertake; tackle; approach على sth,
  3402. مِثاليّ(miṯālyy) , ideal; perfect; exemplary; model ,
  3403. نَبَويّ(nabawyy) , prophetic; relating to the Prophet Muhammad ,
  3404. هَيْمَنة(haymana) , control; power; rule; supremacy; domination,
  3405. اِرتِكاب(irtikāb) , perpetration; commission (crime; error),
  3406. نَزْع(nazʕ) , removal; elimination; deposition ,
  3407. تَخصيص(taḵṣyṣ) , designation; specification; allocation; appropriation; reserving; earmarking ,
  3408. اِختِصاص(iḵtiṣāṣ) , specialty; area of competence; jurisdiction; domain; area of responsibility ,
  3409. نَسَمة(nasama) , person; soul (in a census) ,
  3410. لِلتَّوِّ(lilttawwi) , immediately; with pronoun تَوَّهُ he has just (done sth),
  3411. غِنىً(ḡinan) , wealth; affluence,
  3412. لا غِنى عنه(lā ḡinā ʕnh) , it is indispensable ,
  3413. نحن في عِنىً عنه(nḥn fy ʕinan ʕnh) , we can do without it ,
  3414. غِرار(ḡirār) , manner; way; haste ,
  3415. بِسمِ(bismi) , in the Name of God,
  3416. إقناع(ʔiqnāʕ) , persuasion; convincing; conviction; firm belief,
  3417. أسهَل(ʔshal) , easier]] , diminution; reduction; decrease ,
  3418. بَلى(balā) , certainly; sure; yes indeed,
  3419. كَفَّ(kaffa) , to give up; do without sth; to refrain; abstain عن from; to prevent; keep sb عن from doing sth,
  3420. تَخفيض(taḵfyḍ) , lowering; reducing; reduction; decrease; discount ,
  3421. حِصان(ḥiṣān) , horse,
  3422. صُراخ(ṣurāḵ) , shouting; screaming,
  3423. شَرَعَ(šaraʕa) , to start; undertake في sth,
  3424. وِفاق(wifāq) , agreement; accord; reconciliation ,
  3425. جِنائيّ(jināʔyy) , criminal; penal ,
  3426. حَفْر(ḥafr) , digging; drilling; excavation,
  3427. اِتِّحاديّ(ittiḥādyy) , unionist; federal,
  3428. تَجَلّى(tajallā) , to become clear; evident; to appear; manifest itself ,
  3429. ميعاد(myʕād) , schedule; hours; appointed time; appointment; engagement; promise ,
  3430. أصَعب(ʔṣaʕb) , more]] , sensitivity; allergy,
  3431. حَسْم(ḥasm) , settling (a matter; dispute),
  3432. تَمهيد(tamhyd) , preparation; facilitating; paving (the way),
  3433. تَمهيداً لِ(tamhydan li) , in preparation for; paving the way for; in order to facilitate ,
  3434. مُؤَسِّس(muʔassis) , founding; creating; constituent; founder; creator ,
  3435. حَثَّ(ḥaṯṯa) , to encourage; urge; incite sb على to do sth ,
  3436. سَواد(sawād) , blackness,
  3437. سَواد الناس(sawād an-nās) , masses; populace ,
  3438. فُؤاد(fuʔād) , heart; mind,
  3439. حَليف(ḥalyf) , ally; allied ,
  3440. قَلَّلَ(qallala) , to lessen; reduce (من) sth; to diminish; downplay من sth,
  3441. صَواب(ṣawāb) , correct; true ,
  3442. جَبين(jabyn) , forehead; brow ,
  3443. شُيوعيّ(šuywʕyy) , Communist ,
  3444. ضِعْف(ḍiʕf) , double; multiple; (with number) times ,
  3445. جَعْل(jaʕl) , making (sb]] , stopping; halting; detaining,
  3446. اِعتِراض(iʕtirāḍ) , objection; opposition على to sth,
  3447. عَبَرَ(ʕabara) , to cross (border; street) ,
  3448. اِستِخبار(istiḵbār) , inquiry,
  3449. اِستِخبارات(istiḵbārāt) , intelligence service; secret service ,
  3450. خَطَّطَ(ḵaṭṭaṭa) , to plan; make plans ل to do sth; to draw lines; define (borders),
  3451. سَهرة(sahra) , soiree; evening gathering,
  3452. إسقاط(ʔisqāṭ) , overthrowing (government); bringing down; shooting down (aircraft),
  3453. هَرَب(harab) , escape; flight; desertion,
  3454. بَقَر(baqar) , (coll) cows ,
  3455. مَقولة(maqwla) , statement; proposition; expression,
  3456. فَكَّ(fakka) , dismantling; taking apart; separating; breaking up; loosening; untying,
  3457. فَكَّ الاِشتِباك(fakka l-ištibāk) , disengagement of troops ,
  3458. هَرَم(haram) , pyramid ,
  3459. خَطْف(ḵaṭf) , abduction; kidnapping; hijacking; snatch (in weightlifting) ,
  3460. مَركَبة(markaba) , vehicle; craft; cart; carriage; space shuttle ,
  3461. فَلّاح(fallāḥ) , peasant; farmer,
  3462. عَريق(ʕaryq) , deep-rooted; ancient; noble; aristocratic ,
  3463. بِضاعة(biḍāʕa) , merchandise; goods ,
  3464. إثبات(ʔiṯbāt) , proof; confirmation; verification ,
  3465. نَوْعيّ(nawʕyy) , specific; characteristic; qualitative ,
  3466. مُعَلِّق(muʕalliq) , commenting; commentator ,
  3467. أبى(ʔbā) , to refuse; decline sth or أنْ to do sth,
  3468. اِكتَمَلَ(iktamala) , to be completed; finished; to be perfect; integral,
  3469. وَقفة(waqfa) , stance; posture; pause; break,
  3470. لُقمة(luqma) , morself; bite ,
  3471. لُقمة العَيْش(luqma(t) al-ʕayš) , one’s daily bread; making a living ,
  3472. مِقياس(miqyās) , standard; measure; measurement ,
  3473. تَشكيلة(taškyla) , assortment; group; line-up (team sports),
  3474. تَعَيَّنَ(taʕayyana) , to be incumbent على on sb أنْ to do sth; to be appointed; be designated as sth,
  3475. مائيّ(māʔyy) , watery; liquid; fluid; aquatic; hydraulic ,
  3476. أساءَ(ʔsāʔa) , to harm; offend; insult إلى sb; (with following masdar) to do sth badly; incorrectly,
  3477. تَحَكَّمَ(taḥakkama) , to control في]] , bell,
  3478. عَليّ(ʕalyy) , supreme; exalted; sublime ,
  3479. العَليّ(al-ʕalyy) , the Supreme (God),
  3480. نَجمة(najma) , star; female celebrity ,
  3481. ثُلاثيّ(ṯulāṯyy) , three-part; tri-partite; tri-, corner (shot); trio,
  3482. الاِسْم الثُّلاثيّ(al-ism aṯ-ṯulāṯyy) , one’s full name ,
  3483. عُروبة(ʕurwba) , Arabism ,
  3484. عَزاء(ʕazāʔ) , solace; consolation; comfort; condolence(s); sympathy,
  3485. أكثَريّة(ʔkṯaryya) , majority,
  3486. خَراب(ḵarāb) , ruins; destruction,
  3487. مَكَّنَ(makkana) , to make possible من sth (for sb) ,
  3488. سِتار(sitār) , curtain; veil,
  3489. حَرَقَ(ḥaraqa) , to burn sth; to hurt sb,
  3490. مُفتي(mufty) , mufti (Muslim legal scholar),
  3491. حَسْبما(ḥasbmā) , according to,
  3492. مَزيّة(mazyya) , feature; characteristic; advantage,
  3493. هَيْكَل(haykal) , framework; structure; skeleton; temple; sanctuary,
  3494. مُنخَفِض(munḵafiḍ) , low; reduced ,
  3495. أحدَثَ(ʔḥdaṯa) , to cause; bring about (reaction; change; situation),
  3496. ثَوّريّ(ṯawwryy) , revolutionary,
  3497. مَرسوم(marswm) , decreed; ordered; drawn; sketched; charted (course); decree; edict; ordinance; statue ,
  3498. عُرضة(ʕurḍa) , target; object (of criticism); exposed (to virus) ,
  3499. مُؤَهَّل(muʔahhal) , certified; qualified; competent; experienced ,
  3500. لَبّى(labbā) , to meet (needs); fulfill (desires; expectations); to comply with (request),
  3501. حَلَّ(ḥalla) , to befall; strike على]] , billboard; placard; sign ,
  3502. حافة(ḥāfa) , border; edge; side; seam; hem,
  3503. مُخيف(muḵyf) , frightful; terrifying; horrible ,
  3504. آليّ(ʔālyy) , mechanical; automatic; machine-,
  3505. شُرطيّ(šurṭyy) , police officer; policeman ,
  3506. أيَّدَ(ʔyyada) , to support; assist sb; to approve of sth ,
  3507. مَرجِعيّة(marjiʕyya) , authority; authoritative source ,
  3508. سَلْب(salb) , robbing; depriving,
  3509. سَلْباً(salban) , negatively,
  3510. أُسبوعيّ(ʔusbwʕyy) , weekly,
  3511. واجِهة(wājiha) , face; facade; front; forefront; (computer) interface; front end,
  3512. مُشرِق(mušriq) , splendid; shining; bright; auspicious ,
  3513. زيّ(zyy) , uniform; dress; clothing,
  3514. أزياء(ʔzyāʔ) , fashion clothes; haute couture,
  3515. اللَّواتي(al-lawāty) , (fem pl) who; whom,
  3516. اِدِّعاء(iddiʕāʔ) , allegation; claim; prosecution,
  3517. الاِدِّعاء العامّ(al-iddiʕāʔ al-ʕāmm) , the public prosecutor ,
  3518. تَقوية(taqwya) , strengthening; reinforcement ,
  3519. ساحِر(sāḥir) , sorcerer; magician; charming; enchanting ,
  3520. ناقِص(nāqiṣ) , incomplete; defective; missing; lacking (sth); (math) minus,
  3521. تَنمَويّ(tanmawyy) , development-related ,
  3522. مُباحَثة(mubāḥaṯa) , discussion; debate; talk; dialogue ,
  3523. جَذْب(jaḏb) , attraction; lure; gravitation ,
  3524. سَحْب(saḥb) , withdrawal; pulling out; removal ,
  3525. إفراج(ʔifrāj) , liberation; release; freeing (عن of),
  3526. عُزلة(ʕuzla) , isolation; seclusion; separation,
  3527. تَصعيد(taṣʕyd) , escalation; intensification,
  3528. عِمام(ʕimām) , support; base; pillar; column; mast; (mil) major general,
  3529. بُطء(buṭʔ) , slowness ,
  3530. بِبًطءٍ(bibanṭʔin) , slowly,
  3531. عَبرة(ʕabra) , lesson; moral ,
  3532. رُجوع(rujwʕ) , return; going back (إلى to); reversing عن (one’s decision) ,
  3533. حَياء(ḥayāʔ) , modesty; shyness; inhibition; shame,
  3534. أسبَق(ʔsbaq) , previous; former; earlier ,
  3535. تَمَسُّك(tamassuk) , adherence; commitment (ب to),
  3536. غُروب(ḡurwb) , setting ,
  3537. غُروب الشَّمْس(ḡurwb aš-šams) , sunset ,
  3538. حافِلة(ḥāfila) , bus ,
  3539. مَسعىً(masʕan) , effort; endeavor ,
  3540. حَوى(ḥawā) , to contain; include (على) sth,
  3541. اِنعِدام(inʕidām) , non-existence; absence; lack of,
  3542. صالون(ṣālwn) , salon; chat room; parlor; exhibit room ,
  3543. تَصنيف(taṣnyf) , classification; categorization; sorting ,
  3544. مُعاهَدة(muʕāhada) , treaty; accord; pact ,
  3545. بُغْية(buḡya) , wish,
  3546. بُغْيةَ(buḡyata) , with the purpose of ,
  3547. سائِح(sāʔiḥ) , tourist ,
  3548. قافِلة(qāfila) , convoy; column,
  3549. نَشرة(našra) , report; bulletin; publication; announcement; proclamation ,
  3550. جِراحيّ(jirāḥyy) , surgical ,
  3551. مُلِحّ(muliḥḥ) , urgent; critical; pressing ,
  3552. مُتَتالٍ(mutatālin) , consecutive; successive ,
  3553. مُعْتاد(muʕtād) , accustomed; habituated على to sth; typical; usual; contrary ,
  3554. حارَبَ(ḥāraba) , to fight; wage war against sb]] , to be suitable for sb,
  3555. تَجميل(tajmyl) , embellishment; decoration,
  3556. جَماهيريّة(jamāhyryya) , Jamahiriya (Libya?),
  3557. لَفَّ(laffa) , to wrap sth; to turn; rotate; go around ,
  3558. عَجَل(ʕajal) , hurry; rush; haste ,
  3559. راقَبَ(rāqaba) , to watch; observe; monitor sth]] , discontinuation; breaking off,
  3560. مُحَرِّك(muḥarrik) , motor; engine ,
  3561. بَدَويّ(badawyy) , Bedouin ,
  3562. شَراب(šarāb) , beverage; drink ,
  3563. اِلتِهاب(iltihāb) , inflammation ,
  3564. مُجَمِّع(mujammiʕ) , collecting; gathering; collector; battery; (web) aggregator (feed reader; news reader),
  3565. اِقتَضى(iqtaḍā) , to demand; require sth ,
  3566. عَدَّلَ(ʕaddala) , to modify; alter sth; to amend; rectify (law); to adjust; correct sth ,
  3567. قَبيل(qabyl) , kind; sort; type,
  3568. تَفَوُّق(tafawwuq) , excellence; superiority; supremacy ,
  3569. طاعة(ṭāʕa) , obedience ,
  3570. عَلَّمَ(ʕallama) , to teach sb sth or أنّ that; to mark (put a mark on) sth; to write down (phone number) ,
  3571. مَنظور(manẓwr) , perspective; point of view; angle; anticipated; expected; foreseeable (future),
  3572. جانِبيّ(jānibyy) , side; lateral; marginal; secondary ,
  3573. مُفَوَّضيّة(mufawwaḍyya) , delegation; legation,
  3574. سوبَرماركت(swbarmārkt) , supermarket ,
  3575. مُجتَمِع(mujtamiʕ) , assembling; meeting; (meeting) participant; assemblage,
  3576. مُجتَمِعةً(mujtamiʕatan) , combined; collectively; as a whole; as a group,
  3577. مَرجِع(marjiʕ) , source; authority; reference work,
  3578. عَمَّ(ʕamma) , to become general; prevalent; commonplace; to fill up; spread throughout (a place); to be rampant; widespread (chaos; unrest),
  3579. تَهدِئَة(tahdiʔa) , calming; soothing; easing; relieving (tension),
  3580. لاحَ(lāḥa) , to appear; loom (في الُفُق on the horizon),
  3581. هَمَسَ(hamasa) , to whisper ل to sb (في أُذْنِهِ in sb’s ear),
  3582. بَثَّ(baṯṯa) , to transmit; broadcast (news; show); to disseminate; spread sth,
  3583. غَدا(ḡadā) , to become (acquire a quality or feature); to seem; appear ,
  3584. هاجِس(hājis) , worry; concern; apprehension; misgiving; premonition; fixed idea; obsessive thought,
  3585. اِستِثنائِيّ(istiṯnāʔiyy) , exceptional; irregular; extraordinary ,
  3586. قُدُماً(quduman) , forwards; forward ,
  3587. عَلَم(ʕalam) , flag; banner; badge; seal,
  3588. أعلام(ʔʕlām) , celebrities; famous people ,
  3589. نِعْمَ(niʕma) , (what a) wonderful ,
  3590. مَحمول(maḥmwl) , portable; carried; held; mobile (phone),
  3591. صِيام(ṣiyām) , fasting; abstinence,
  3592. رَماد(ramād) , ashes; cinders,
  3593. دِفاعيّ(difāʕyy) , defensive; protective ,
  3594. مُقَدَّمة(muqaddama) , preface; introduction; front part; vanguard; front; head,
  3595. سُكوت(sukwt) , silence; calm,
  3596. فِقْه(fiqh) , fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) ; understanding; knowledge; science,
  3597. فِقْه اللُّغة(fiqh al-luḡa) , philology ,
  3598. اِستَشهَدَ(istašhada) , to quote; cite ب sth,
  3599. اُستُشهِدَ(ustušhida) , to be martyred; die in battle ,
  3600. مِلْك(milk) , possessions; property; land; real estate ,
  3601. جُلّ(jull) , majority; most; main part (of),
  3602. دِماغ(dimāḡ) , brain,
  3603. خَلاص(ḵalāṣ) , liberation; deliverance; salvation; settlement,
  3604. حِسّ(ḥiss) , sensation; feeling; sound; noise,
  3605. عُبور(ʕubwr) , (verbal noun) crossing (border; street) ,
  3606. شَحْن(šaḥn) , charging (battery); loading (camera); cargo; freight; transportation; shipment ,
  3607. مُطرِب(muṭrib) , delightful; musician; musical performer ,
  3608. نَجاة(najāh) , survival; deliverance; salvation; escape ,
  3609. سُكّانيّ(sukkānyy) , residential; population-related ,
  3610. أسرَعَ(ʔsraʕa) , to hurry; hasten في in doing sth,
  3611. تَحريك(taḥryk) , stimulating; activating; putting in motion; making move ,
  3612. قَمْح(qamḥ) , wheat ,
  3613. جِراحة(jirāḥa) , surgery ,
  3614. مُشَرِّف(mušarrif) , honorable; noble; honorary ,
  3615. أُمْنيّة(ʔumnyya) , wish; hope; aspiration; desire ,
  3616. سِمة(sima) , feature; characteristic; stamp; imprint ,
  3617. تَعْقيد(taʕqyd) , complication; complexity ,
  3618. مِلعَقة(milʕaqa) , spoon,
  3619. أذىً(ʔḏan) , damage; harm; injury; offense ,
  3620. ليرة(lyra) , pound; lira (Leb. and Syria),
  3621. فَرعيّ(farʕyy) , (adj) branch; secondary; subdivision ,
  3622. صانِع(ṣāniʕ) , manufacturer; producer; maker ,
  3623. ثَلْج(ṯalj) , snow; ice ,
  3624. عَصاً(ʕaṣan) , stick; baton; rod ,
  3625. تَنظيميّ(tanẓymyy) , organizational; planning; controlling; regulatory ,
  3626. تَقَرَّرَ(taqarrara) , to be decided; be resolved ,
  3627. طَرْد(ṭard) , expulsion; dismissal; firing; parcel; package ,
  3628. باكِر(bākir) , early,
  3629. باكِراً(bākiran) , early (adv),
  3630. أدانَ(ʔdāna) , to condemn; denounce; censure; disapprove of sth]] , lost; stray; wasted (time),
  3631. قُماش(qumāš) , fabric; cloth,
  3632. ساخِر(sāḵir) , satirical; ridiculing ,
  3633. وَعى(waʕā) , to be aware of; pay attention to sth ,
  3634. شَكَّ(šakka) , to doubt; distrust في sth]] , mineral; metal; metallic ,
  3635. اِنعِقاد(inʕiqād) , convening; holding (meeting),
  3636. مُتَبَقٍّ(mutabaqqin) , remaining; left over; remainder; rest ,
  3637. وِرْديّ(wirdyy) , rose-colored; rosy; pink,
  3638. كَثافة(kaṯāfa) , thickness; density; compactness; intensity ,
  3639. تَشخيص(tašḵyṣ) , diagnosis; analysis; characterization ,
  3640. خارِطة(ḵāriṭa) , map; chart ,
  3641. مِصداقيّة(miṣdāqyya) , credibility ,
  3642. جَرَحَ(jaraḥa) , to wound; injure sb,
  3643. جُرِحَ(juriḥa) , to be wounded; be injured ,
  3644. رافِض(rāfiḍ) , rejecting; refusing,
  3645. مُلَوَّن(mulawwan) , colored; multi-colored ,
  3646. حِراسة(ḥirāsa) , guard; escort; protection,
  3647. مَنشود(manšwd) , pursued; desired; sought; goal; objective ,
  3648. خَفِيَ(ḵafiya) , to be hidden,
  3649. لا يَخفى(lā yaḵfā) , it’s obvious ,
  3650. لا يَخفى على أحَدٍ أنّ(lā yaḵfā ʕlā ʔḥadin ʔnn) , as everyone knows...,
  3651. لا يَخفى عَلَيْكَ أنّ(lā yaḵfā ʕalayka ʔnn) , you are well aware of the fact that,
  3652. ضَبَطَ(ḍabaṭa) , to regulate; control; to adjust; fix ,
  3653. اِعتادَ(iʕtāda) , to become accustomed على to sth; to get used على to sth,
  3654. صَدارة(ṣadāra) , chairmanship; precedence ,
  3655. نَاقِد(nāqid) , critic ,
  3656. تَضحية(taḍḥya) , sacrifice ,
  3657. مَطاف(maṭāf) , consequence; upshot ,
  3658. في نِهاية المَطاف(fy nihāya(t) al-maṭāf) , in the end; finally,
  3659. جَماهيريّ(jamāhyryy) , (adj) mass; throng; (of the) masses ,
  3660. خَصيصة(ḵaṣyṣa) , attribute; characteristic; feature; trait; peculiarity ,
  3661. تَدَفُّق(tadaffuq) , flow; stream; flood; influx; invasion,
  3662. بَحيرة(baḥyra) , lake,
  3663. حَماس(ḥamās) , enthusiasm; eagerness; zeal; fortitude; bravery ,
  3664. مِنحة(minḥa) , gift; donation; grant; scholarship,
  3665. حَصَلَ(ḥaṣala) , to happen; take place ,
  3666. رُمّة(rumma) , entirety ,
  3667. بِرُمَّتِهِ(birummatihi) , completely; all of it]] , nationalism; patriotism ,
  3668. تَمَيُّز(tamayyuz) , standing out; distinguishing oneself; distinction; excellence,
  3669. اِقتِراع(iqtirāʕ) , balloting; voting; election,
  3670. طاهِر(ṭāhir) , clean; pure; flawless; perfect; chaste ,
  3671. على وَشْكِ(ʕlā waški) , on the verge of; just about to,
  3672. جَنين(janyn) , fetus; embryo; germ,
  3673. تُربة(turba) , dust; ground; dirt; grave; graveyard ,
  3674. شَبيه(šabyh) , (adj) resembling; similar to ,
  3675. مَسَحَ(masaḥa) , to rub; wipe sth; to wipe; sweep; clean sth; to survey; measure sth,
  3676. عَيِّنة(ʕayyina) , sample; specimen ,
  3677. عُقْب(ʕuqb) , consequence ,
  3678. في أعقاب(fy ʔʕqāb) , immediately after ,
  3679. جَفاف(jafāf) , dryness; drought; dehydration; desiccation ,
  3680. تَقويم(taqwym) , rating; valuation; calendar ,
  3681. رَصْد(raṣd) , observation; survey; following; tracking; monitoring ,
  3682. تَشَرَّفَ(tašarrafa) , to be honored; be happy (على to meet sb),
  3683. وَحْشيّ(waḥšyy) , brutal; savage ,
  3684. نَفَقة(nafaqa) , expenditure; disbursement,
  3685. نَفَقات(nafaqāt) , spending,
  3686. اِمتِلاك(imtilāk) , possession; control; seizure ,
  3687. غَيْر مَسبوق(ḡayr masbwq) , unprecedented ,
  3688. نامٍ(nāmin) , developing (country),
  3689. تَلَقِّي(talaqqī) , receiving; receipt; acquisition ,
  3690. لُغَويّ(luḡawyy) , (adj) language; linguistic; linguist ,
  3691. كِبْر(kibr) , pride; arrogance; greatness ,
  3692. تَذكَرة(taḏkara) , ticket; card,
  3693. اِستِماع(istimāʕ) , listening (إلى to),
  3694. لَمَسَ(lamasa) , to touch; feel; sense sth,
  3695. اِنخَفَضَ(inḵafaḍa) , to drop; fall; decrease; to be lowered; decreased; reduced ,
  3696. مَشَدِّد(mašaddid) , stressing; emphasizing; strengthening; intensifying,
  3697. نَصَحَ(naṣaḥa) , to advise; counsel sb (ب to do sth) ,
  3698. مَرحوم(marḥwm) , deceased; late ,
  3699. اِنفِتاح(infitāḥ) , opening up; welcoming; openness; receptiveness; open-door (policy),
  3700. إنفاَوَنزا(ʔinfawanzā) , influenza; flu ,
  3701. عَيَّنَ(ʕayyana) , to appoint; designated sb as sth; to determine; define sth,
  3702. مُحَرَّم(muḥarram) , forbidden,
  3703. مُحَرَّمات(muḥarramāt) , forbidden things; taboos,
  3704. حُرمة(ḥurma) , sanctity; inviolability; taboo; prohibition; married woman; wife ,
  3705. تَجهيز(tajhyz) , preparing; putting in order; equipment; gear ,
  3706. نُكتة(nukta) , joke,
  3707. مُهلة(muhla) , extension; deferment; postponement; delay; break; respite; reprieve ,
  3708. فاهِم(fāhim) , understanding; comprehending,
  3709. اِنضَمَّ(inḍamma) , to join; become part إلى of sth,
  3710. جافّ(jāff) , dry,
  3711. نَزيف(nazyf) , bleeding; hemorrhage ,
  3712. عارَضَ(ʕāraḍa) , to oppose; resist sth]] , preparation; arrangement,
  3713. اِستِعراض(istiʕrāḍ) , review; inspection; tour; parade,
  3714. أقسَمَ(ʔqsama) , to swear يَميناً an oath; swear ب by,
  3715. مِنَصّة(minaṣṣa) , platform; podium,
  3716. مُوَفَّق(muwaffaq) , successful; fortunate,
  3717. تَظاهِرة(taẓāhira) , rally; demonstration,
  3718. عَناء(ʕanāʔ) , hardship; trouble; distress; preoccupation,
  3719. إظهار(ʔiẓhār) , expressing; showing; demonstrating,
  3720. أعلَم(ʔʕlam) , more]] , to justify; warrant sth; to vindicate; acquit sth]] , bridging (a gap); defrayal (of costs); paying off (a debt),
  3721. بَلاء(balāʔ) , affliction; misfortune; tribulation,
  3722. وَظيفيّ(waẓyfyy) , functional; practical; work-related; employment-related,
  3723. مُواطَنة(mūṭana) , citizenship,
  3724. مَلموس(malmws) , noticeable; substantial; tangible; concrete,
  3725. تَحَسُّن(taḥassun) , improvement,
  3726. اِستِشهاد(istišhād) , martyrdom,
  3727. أبلَغَ( ʔblaḡa) , to inform; notify sb أنّ that; to report ب sth or أنّ that ,
  3728. تَرويج(tarwyj) , distribution; promotion; marketing ,
  3729. تَعاطٍ(taʕāṭin) , taking (medicine; drugs); treating; handling (على a problem),
  3730. تَعارَضَ(taʕāraḍa) , to clash; conflict; be at odds مع]] , donation; contribution,
  3731. هُدنة(hudna) , truce; armistice; calm; lull,
  3732. مَوْضوعيّ(mawḍwʕyy) , objective ,
  3733. جِنّ(jinn) , demon; jinn; genie,
  3734. مُتَأكِّد(mutaʔkkid) , certain; sure convinced (من of),
  3735. اِختَتَمَ(iḵtatama) , to conclude; finalize; wind up (an activity),
  3736. تَصنيع(taṣnyʕ) , manufacture; industrialization; processing,
  3737. تَحَرُّر(taḥarrur) , (self) liberation; emancipation,
  3738. دِرع(dirʕ) , shield; armor; plaque (award) ,
  3739. شَنَّ(šanna) , to wage; launch sth (war; campaign),
  3740. قَلِق(qaliq) , worried; concerned; uneasy,
  3741. راديو(rādyw) , radio,
  3742. مَعِدة(maʕida) , stomach,
  3743. نَعَمَ(naʕama) , to live in comfort; to enjoy ب sth,
  3744. حِقبة(ḥiqba) , era; age; time period ,
  3745. إدراك(ʔidrāk) , realization; awareness; comprehension; attainment ,
  3746. فَجوة(fajwa) , (mostly figurative) gap; gulf; breach,
  3747. خالَفَ(ḵālafa) , to contradict sth]] , to derive or result على from; to carry the consequence على of,
  3748. أرضى(ʔrḍā) , to satisfy; please sb ,
  3749. حِذاء(ḥiḏāʔ) , shoe; pair of shoes ,
  3750. اِستَوْعَبَ(istawʕaba) , to comprehend; grasp; master sth; to contain; absorb; assimilate sth,
  3751. واحة(wāḥa) , oasis ,
  3752. مَنفَذ(manfaḏ) , exit; way out; escape; resort; gateway; port (computer),
  3753. طاغٍ(ṭāḡin) , tyrant; desopt; oppressor; tyrannical; oppressive (person; regime; weather),
  3754. شِريان(širyān) , artery,
  3755. ألبوم(ʔlbwm) , album (music CD),
  3756. مِلء(milʔ) , filling; capacity; quantity,
  3757. تَدبير; تَدابير(tadbyr; tadābyr) , managing; arranging; preparing; arrangement; preparation ,
  3758. كافِر(kāfir) , kafir (person who rejects the Islamic faith); infidel; unbeliever; apostate ,
  3759. تَرخيص(tarḵyṣ) , license; permission,
  3760. مَلَل(malal) , boredom,
  3761. عِلاوة(ʕilāwa) , increase; raise; bonus; allowance; subsidy,
  3762. شُجاع(šujāʕ) , brave ,
  3763. سَدَّدَ(saddada) , to obstruct; block (way); to settle]] , to lead; guide; direct sb (إلى to); to show sb (the way),
  3764. طَيْف(ṭayf) , spectrum (light); ghost; apparition; phantom; vision; fantasy,
  3765. مُفاد(mufād) , meaning; content,
  3766. مُفادُهُ(mufāduhu) , to the effect that; implying that,
  3767. خالِق(ḵāliq) , creator; creating; creative ,
  3768. لَحْن(laḥn) , melody; music; song; tone,
  3769. مُريح(muryḥ) , comfortable; pleasant; soothing; restful,
  3770. خام(ḵām) , raw; unprocessed; crude (oil),
  3771. مُؤَدٍّ(muʔaddin) , leading إلى to; resulting in; causing إلى sth,
  3772. شَمعة(šamʕa) , candle ,
  3773. تَشَكَّلَ(tašakkala) , to be formed; be composed ,
  3774. مِراج(mirāj) , mixture; temperament; mood; feeling,
  3775. إسعاف(ʔisʕāf) , first aid; medical service ,
  3776. سَيّارة إسعاف(sayyāra(t) ʔisʕāf) , ambulance ,
  3777. رَقَميّ(raqamyy) , numerical; digital,
  3778. هيه(hyh) , uh-huh; huh?,
  3779. شَقيقة(šaqyqa) , sister ,
  3780. دِفء(difʔ) , heat; warmth,
  3781. يونانيّ(ywnānyy) , Greek,
  3782. ثَبات(ṯabāt) , proof; corroboration; constancy; firmness ,
  3783. تَزوير(tazwyr) , forgery; falsification (documents; the truth); counterfeiting ,
  3784. عِبْريّ(ʕibryy) , Hebrew,
  3785. العِبريّة(al-ʕibryya) , Hebrew (language),
  3786. الدَّوْلة العِبريّة(ad-dawla(t) al-ʕibryya) , the Jewish state (Israel),
  3787. صِغَر(ṣiḡar) , smallness; youth; infancy,
  3788. نَفَق(nafaq) , tunnel; underpass; subway ,
  3789. مُتَّفَق عَلَيْهِ(muttafaq ʕalayhi) , agreed upon,
  3790. قَدوة(qadwa) , example; role model; pattern,
  3791. موديل(mwdyl) , model; pattern,
  3792. وَطأة(waṭʔa) , pressure; gravity; harshness; cruelty ,
  3793. جَهَنَّم(jahannam) , hell; Hell,
  3794. خَتَمَ(ḵatama) , to complete; conclude sth; to stamp; seal sth,
  3795. مُستَفيد(mustafyd) , benefiting; profiting (من from); beneficiary ,
  3796. وَباء(wabāʔ) , epidemic; disease; scourge ,
  3797. اِرتِقاء(irtiqāʔ) , rise; ascent; advancement; promotion; progress; evolution,
  3798. اِتِّباع(ittibāʕ) , pursuing; following; compliance,
  3799. سُكون(sukwn) , tranquility; quietude; calm; rest; repose ,
  3800. شَنّ(šann) , waging; launching (a war; campaign),
  3801. تَثبيت(taṯbyt) , confirmation; stabilization,
  3802. زَرْع(zarʕ) , planting (seed); implanting; transplanting (organ); setting (bomb); laying (mines); growing (plants; crops); cultivating; farming (land),
  3803. قَلعة(qalʕa) , stronghold; citadel; fort ,
  3804. جاهِد(jāhid) , strenuous; vigorous; striving; endeavoring,
  3805. مَتْن(matn) , deck (ship),
  3806. على مَتْن(ʕlā matn) , on board (ship; airplane); surface; main text; content (book; article; poem); lexicon (language); body (person; object),
  3807. مُتَحَرِّك(mutaḥarrik) , moving; mobile ,
  3808. مُقَوِّم(muqawwim) , component; ingredient; basic element,
  3809. وَهميّ(wahmyy) , imagined; imaginary; fake; bogus ,
  3810. مُعلِن(muʕlin) , announcer; advertiser; announcing; signaling,
  3811. دونَما(dwnamā) , without any; without even,
  3812. عَدوى(ʕadwā) , infection,
  3813. مُبالَغة(mubālaḡa) , exaggeration ,
  3814. عاقِبة(ʕāqiba) , consequence; result; effect ,
  3815. بَياض(bayāḍ) , white; whiteness,
  3816. ضَمِنَ(ḍamina) , to guarantee; insure,
  3817. مُنتَهىً(muntahan) , (noun) utmost; extreme,
  3818. حُمّى(ḥummā) , fever; heat,
  3819. مَرّ(marr) , (noun) passing; course (of time); going by,
  3820. قاوَمَ(qāwama) , to resist; oppose sth,
  3821. اِئْتِلاف(iʔtilāf) , coalition; union,
  3822. مارّ(mārr) , pedestrian; passerby,
  3823. كيميائيّ(kymyāʔyy) , chemical,
  3824. حَداثة(ḥadāṯa) , modernity; newness; novelty,
  3825. إيدز(ʔīdz) , AIDS ,
  3826. ناخِب(nāḵib) , voter; elector ,
  3827. اِستِناد(istinād) , dependance ,
  3828. اِستِناداً على(istinādan ʕlā) , on the basis of; according to,
  3829. مُجمَل(mujmal) , total; full amount; summary ,
  3830. اِحتِفاظ(iḥtifāẓ) , safeguarding; preservation,
  3831. عارٍ(ʕārin) , naked; bare,
  3832. سَيْل(sayl) , streaming; flowing,
  3833. مَفقود(mafqwd) , lost; missing; missing ,
  3834. تَفاؤُل(tafāʔul) , optimism ,
  3835. ذَريّ(ḏaryy) , atomic,
  3836. بَرازيليّ(barāzylyy) , Brazilian,
  3837. عَتيق(ʕatyq) , old; aged ,
  3838. مُفرَدة(mufrada) , word; term; expression,
  3839. مُفرَدات(mufradāt) , vocabulary,
  3840. كوريّ(kwryy) , Korean,
  3841. تَعميم(taʕmym) , making general or public (education; announcement); spreading; disseminating; popularizing ,
  3842. شائِعة(šāʔiʕa) , rumor ,
  3843. طاقِم(ṭāqim) , crew; staff; team ,
  3844. ثابِتة(ṯābita) , principle; rule,
  3845. ثَوابِت(ṯawābit) , established norms; guiding principles ,
  3846. تَشاوُر(tašāwur) , deliberation; joint consultation ,
  3847. عَقَليّة(ʕaqalyya) , mentality; attitude; way of thinking ,
  3848. صَرخة(ṣarḵa) , shout; scream,
  3849. وافِد(wāfid) , arriving; coming; visiting; foreign; imported; visitor; newcomer; envoy; delegate ,
  3850. لَبِثَ(labiṯa) , to stay; linger,
  3851. ما لَبِثَ أنْ(mā labiṯa ʔn) , it wasn’t long before ,
  3852. سَراب(sarāb) , mirage; illusion,
  3853. لاتينيّ(lātynyy) , Latin,
  3854. شَقّ(šaqq) , splitting; opening; crack; gap ,
  3855. مُسانَدة(musānada) , support; aid; assistance ,
  3856. شُكَّريّ(šukkaryy) , diabetes ,
  3857. عُقدة(ʕuqda) , complex (emotion; feeling); knot (nautical),
  3858. مُفَخَّخ(mufaḵḵaḵ) , booby-trapped ,
  3859. سَيّارة مُفَخَّخة(sayyāra(t) mufaḵḵaḵa) , car bomb,
  3860. بَشِع(bašiʕ) , ugly; horrible; disgusting ,
  3861. تَعطيل(taʕṭyl) , hindering; obstructing; derailing; interrupting ,
  3862. مُحتَوَيات(muḥtawayāt) , content ,
  3863. إبّان(ʔibbān) , time,
  3864. إبّانَ(ʔibbāna) , during ,
  3865. عَفَرَ(ʕafara) , to pardon; forgive ل sb sth,
  3866. زالَ(zāla) , to disappear; vanish ,
  3867. أينَما(ʔynamā) , wherever ,
  3868. إجماع(ʔijmāʕ) , consensus ,
  3869. بِالإجماع(bi-l-ʔijmāʕ) , unanimously,
  3870. تَنَفُّس(tanaffus) , breathing; respiration; breath,
  3871. هَدْم(hadm) , demolition; destruction; leveling; razing,
  3872. قَفْص(qafṣ) , cage; prisoner’s dock,
  3873. جَسَّدَ(jassada) , to embody; personify sth; to put sth into concrete form,
  3874. خِزانة(ḵizāna) , treasury; vault; safe ,
  3875. خِزانة كُتُب(ḵizāna(t) kutub) , bookcase ,
  3876. شَبَح(šabaḥ) , ghost; specter ,
  3877. يَقظة(yaqẓa) , wakefulness; alertness ,
  3878. حَرِج(ḥarij) , delicate; sensitive; awkward,
  3879. باطِن(bāṭin) , inner; interior; hidden; inner part; inside ,
  3880. رُخصة(ruḵṣa) , license; permit ,
  3881. عالِق(ʕāliq) , pending; outstanding (issues); related; connected; relevant; caught; stranded,
  3882. جَسَديّ(jasadyy) , corporeal; physical; bodily; sensual,
  3883. اِشتَدَّ(ištadda) , to intensify; grow more intense ,
  3884. مَعنَويّ(maʕnawyy) , moral; spiritual; mental; semantic ,
  3885. مُزمِن(muzmin) , enduring; chronic ,
  3886. غازٍ(ḡāzin) , invading; raider ,
  3887. فِطْر(fiṭr) , fitr (end of the Ramadan fast),
  3888. عَيْد الفِطْر(ʕayd al-fiṭr) , Eid al-Fitr (festival of the breaking of the Ramandan fast) ,
  3889. فارِسيّ(fārisyy) , Persian,
  3890. عَلَن(ʕalan) , (the) open,
  3891. في العَلَن(fy al-ʕalan) , openly; publicly,
  3892. اِنطَوى(inṭawā) , to contain; include على sth,
  3893. اِنطَوى على نَفسِهِ(inṭawā ʕlā nafsihi) , to isolate oneself; to be introverted ,
  3894. اِنقِسام(inqisām) , fragmentation; schism; disruption,
  3895. كَنْز(kanz) , treasure ,
  3896. مُعادٍ(muʕādin) , (adj) hostile; anti-,
  3897. مُتعَب(mutʕab) , tired; weary,
  3898. راعى(rāʕā) , to heed; observe sth; to respect; show consideration for sth,
  3899. جُزْئيّ(juzʔyy) , partial; incomplete ,
  3900. جُزئيّاً(juzʔyyan) , partially; in part,
  3901. خَليط(ḵalyṭ) , mixture; blend,
  3902. جانٍ(jānin) , delinquent; criminal,
  3903. فَقيه(faqyh) , faqih (exper in Islamic jurisprudence),
  3904. مُتَضَرِّر(mutaḍarrir) , damaged; injured; victim; plaintiff ,
  3905. ثَمين(ṯamyn) , costly; valuable; precious ,
  3906. اِنتِقاليّ(intiqālyy) , transitional,
  3907. بَشَرة(bašara) , skin; epidermis ,
  3908. مُضاعَفة(muḍāʕafa) , doubling; compounding,
  3909. مُضاعَفات(muḍāʕafāt) , complications,
  3910. طُلّابيّ(ṭullābyy) , student-related,
  3911. فَاضٍ(fāḍin) , empty; unoccupied; available; free (not busy),
  3912. بَنزين(banzyn) , gas; gasoline; petrol,
  3913. اِعتَزَمَ(iʕtazama) , to be determined; be resolute (على to do sth),
  3914. زَهرة(zahra) , flower; (fig) splendor ,
  3915. قَمْع(qamʕ) , oppression; repression,
  3916. عَصريّ(ʕaṣryy) , contemporary; modern,
  3917. عُشْب(ʕušb) , (coll) grass; vegetation,
  3918. عُشبة(ʕušba) , herb; plant,
  3919. جُرأة(jurʔa) , boldness; audacity; courage,
  3920. عَصير(ʕaṣyr) , juice,
  3921. أكثَرَ(ʔkṯara) , to do من sth frequently; to do a lot of من sth,
  3922. وَحي(waḥy) , inspiration,
  3923. حَزْم(ḥazm) , determination; resoluteness,
  3924. إنتاجيّ(ʔintājyy) , production-related; productive ,
  3925. إساءة(ʔisāʔa) , insult; affront; (with following masdar) wrong; incorrect ,
  3926. سَهُلَ(sahula) , to be easy; be convenient ,
  3927. ريف(ryf) , country; countryside; rural area ,
  3928. وَضعيّة(waḍʕyya) , situation; status; position ,
  3929. طاغية(ṭāḡya) , tyrant; despot; dictator ,
  3930. سَرْد(sard) , enumeration; listing; presentation; account ,
  3931. تِلفاز(tilfāz) , television ,
  3932. اِنتَصَرَ(intaṣara) , to be victorious; triumph (على over sb]] , avoidance; avoiding ,
  3933. مُستَوْطَنة(mustawṭana) , settlement,
  3934. عَقَلَ(ʕaqala) , to be reasonable; be sensible; to make sense; be conceivable ,
  3935. تَرسيخ(tarsyḵ) , consolidating; reinforcing; bolstering,
  3936. تَأليف(taʔlyf) , authoring; compiling; composing; forming; constituting; publication; compilation; composition; formation; figuration ,
  3937. خَشَبيّ(ḵašabyy) , wooden; made of wood ,
  3938. رَكَضَ(rakaḍa) , to run; race,
  3939. أمَد(ʔmad) , period; duration; term; extent; range,
  3940. مُخّ(muḵḵ) , brain,
  3941. إيصال(ʔīṣāl) , sending; transmitting; transporting; conveying ,
  3942. أطلَسيّ(ʔṭlasyy) , Atlantic; NATO-related,
  3943. مُتَشَدِّد(mutašaddid) , extremist; fanatic; strict; intense ,
  3944. نُفاية(nufāya) , waste; refuse ,
  3945. لَعَنَ(laʕana) , to curse; damn sb]] , God damn sb ,
  3946. مُحتاج(muḥtāj) , needy (person); wanting; needing إلى sth,
  3947. تَأَكَّدَ(taʔakkada) , to ascertain من sth; to be confirmed ,
  3948. صَليب(ṣalyb) , cross; crucifix ,
  3949. ثَمرة(ṯamra) , fruit; result; yield; outcome,
  3950. عَزْل(ʕazl) , removal; dismissal; distancing; isolation; separation,
  3951. مُستَقِرّ(mustaqirr) , settled; at ease; stable; permanent ,
  3952. سُرور(surwr) , happiness; pleasure; delight ,
  3953. رَدّة(radda) , echo; reverberation ,
  3954. رَدّة فِعْل(radda(t) fiʕl) , reaction,
  3955. رَمْزيّ(ramzyy) , symbolic; (data) encoded; encrypted ,
  3956. أُمّيّة(ʔummyya) , illiteracy ,
  3957. وَصْل(waṣl) , link; connection; contact; receipt ,
  3958. وَصْفة(waṣfa) , description; portrayal; (medical) prescription; (food) recipe ,
  3959. شَرِس(šaris) , vicious; savage; fierce ,
  3960. عَريس(ʕarys) , bridegroom,
  3961. نُصرة(nuṣra) , help; assistance; support; backing ,
  3962. غَسيل(ḡasyl) , washing; laundry; (dirty) clothes ,
  3963. عَصَفَ(ʕaṣafa) , to be stormy; be tempestuous; to rage (wind; conflict; crisis),
  3964. مُدَمِّر(mudammir) , destructive; destroying ,
  3965. نَشيد(našyd) , anthem; hymn; song ,
  3966. عَمَّن(ʕamman) , from]] , paralysis; inertia ,
  3967. شَلَل الأطفال(šalal al-ʔṭfāl) , polio,
  3968. شاحِنة(šāḥina) , truck; lorry; freight car,
  3969. مَزعُوم(mazʕūm) , so-called; alleged; claimed ,
  3970. عَبوة(ʕabwa) , package; pack; (explosive) charge ,
  3971. عَبوة ناسِفة(ʕabwa(t) nāsifa) , explosive device ,
  3972. أمَّنَ(ʔmmana) , to secure; safeguard; protect sth]] , balcony ,
  3973. نَفْع(nafʕ) , benefit; advantage; use ,
  3974. قُصور(quṣwr) , shortcoming; insufficiency; negligence ,
  3975. إحداث(ʔiḥdāṯ) , effectuation; implementation; bringing about ,
  3976. مُنتَظِم(muntaẓim) , regular; systematic; orderly ,
  3977. نَبَعَ(nabaʕa) , to emerge; originate; to emanate; flow ,
  3978. مُقاتِل(muqātil) , combatant; warrior ,
  3979. راوٍ(rāwin) , narrator; storyteller; reciter (of poetry),
  3980. رَقَبة(raqaba) , neck ,
  3981. في رَقَبتِهِ(fy raqabtihi) , his responsibility ,
  3982. عُصفور(ʕuṣfwr) , bird; sparrow ,
  3983. اِحتَفَلَ(iḥtafala) , to celebrate ب (anniversary; graduation),
  3984. قَوِيَ(qawiya) , to be strong (enough),
  3985. مُعتَدِل(muʕtadil) , moderate (weather; policy); restrained; balanced ,
  3986. تَمديد(tamdyd) , lengthening; extension; prolongation ,
  3987. اِنتِحار(intiḥār) , suicide ,
  3988. خَصْم(ḵaṣm) , adversary ,
  3989. تَقصير(taqṣyr) , deficiency; inadequacy ,
  3990. فَرَج(faraj) , relief; relaxation; happiness ,
  3991. إعجاب(ʔiʕjāb) , admiration; amazement; wonder; surprise ,
  3992. إبعاد(ʔibʕād) , removal; distancing; banishment; deportation; exile ,
  3993. سَدَّ(sadda) , to close; barricade (door); to turn off (electricity; water); to pay; settle (a debt); to fill (gap); provide (need) ,
  3994. حَلَّقَ(ḥallaqa) , to fly; soar; hover; to circle (the skies),
  3995. مُرتاح(murtāḥ) , relaxed; at ease; resting; happy; satisfied ,
  3996. أبسَط(ʔbsaṭ) , simpler]] , leader; head; union boss; (military) captain,
  3997. يورانيوم(ywrānywm) , uranium ,
  3998. نَسَب(nasab) , lineage; kinship ,
  3999. سامِع(sāmiʕ) , listening; hearing; able to hear; having heard ,
  4000. تَداعٍ(tadāʕin) , breakdown; collapse,
  4001. تَداعيات(tadāʕyāt) , reflections; thoughts; repercussions ,
  4002. خَيْرة(ḵayra) , good deed,
  4003. خَيْرات(ḵayrāt) , resources; wealth; treasures ,
  4004. حُفرة(ḥufra) , pit; hole,
  4005. اِستَأْهَلَ(istaʔhala) , to deserve; merit sth,
  4006. مُقَدِّم(muqaddim) , person presenting or submitting; offering; presenting; submitting (request; complaint) ,
  4007. تَواجَدَ(tawājada) , to exist; live; to be found; be located; to be present ,
  4008. نَسمة(nasma) , smile ,
  4009. إسراع(ʔisrāʕ) , hurrying; speeding up; acceleration ,
  4010. لَفْظ(lafẓ) , uttering; saying,
  4011. ألفاظ(ʔlfāẓ) , word; term; expression,
  4012. خَبيث(ḵabyṯ) , malicious; evil; malignant; pernicious,
  4013. جَمرة جَبيثة(jamra(t) jabyṯa) , anthrax ,
  4014. طابِق(ṭābiq) , floor; story ,
  4015. وُجوب(wujwb) , necessity; obligation; duty,
  4016. خَبَّرَ(ḵabbara) , to tell sb sth or عن about sth or أنّ that ,
  4017. اِنتِقام(intiqām) , revenge; retaliation; reprisal ,
  4018. جامِع(jāmiʕ) , comprehensive; extensive; gathering; collecting; collector (stamps; etc),
  4019. خالِد(ḵālid) , immortal; eternal; glorious ,
  4020. صَحابة(ṣaḥāba) , Sahaba (companions of the Prophet),
  4021. تَصاعُد(taṣāʕud) , rise; ascent; escalation ,
  4022. لَوْم(lawm) , blame; fault; disapproval; reproach ,
  4023. مَنزَِليّ(manzailyy) , (adj) domestic; household,
  4024. صُحبة(ṣuḥba) , friendship,
  4025. بِصُحبة(biṣuḥba) , accompanied by ,
  4026. اِفتَقَرَ(iftaqara) , to lack; be in need إلى of sth ,
  4027. دَفتَر(daftar) , notebook; ledger ,
  4028. تَعبِئة(taʕbiʔa) , (mil) mobilization; alert; (manufacture) packaging; canning; bottling,
  4029. مِظَلّة(miẓalla) , umbrella ,
  4030. مُطَّلِع(muṭṭaliʕ) , well-informed (على about sth),
  4031. لِمَ(lima) , why ,
  4032. مُراد(murād) , object; goal; intention; (what is) desired; intended ,
  4033. رَصَدَ(raṣada) , object; goal; intention; (what is) desired; intended ,
  4034. جالية(jālya) , expatriate community; colony ,
  4035. اِختَرَقَ(iḵtaraqa) , to exceed; break (barrier); to pierce; penetrate sth; to hack into (computer; network); to traverse; cross (region),
  4036. ألغى(ʔlḡā) , to cancel; terminate; abrogate ,
  4037. مَثيل(maṯyl) , equal; match; peer ,
  4038. لا مَثيل لَهُ(lā maṯyl lahu) , beyond comparison ,
  4039. وِجدان(wijdān) , feeling; emotion; conscience ,
  4040. مُرتَقَب(murtaqab) , expected; anticipated ,
  4041. أكرَمَ(ʔkrama) , to honor; respect sb; to venerate pay tribute to sb,
  4042. مُستَهدَف(mustahdaf) , targeted; aimed at; intended ,
  4043. صَحراويّ(ṣaḥrāwyy) , desert; Saharan ,
  4044. اِندَرَجَ(indaraja) , to be inserted; included; to be classified; categorized; filed ,
  4045. لِباس(libās) , clothes; dress; attire ,
  4046. أضاعَ(ʔḍāʕa) , to lose sth; to waste (time); to miss; let go by (opportunity),
  4047. حَراك(ḥarāk) , movement; motion ,
  4048. أنزَلَ(ʔnzala) , to bring or send down; lower sth,
  4049. جامِد(jāmid) , frozen; rigid ,
  4050. بَهجة(bahja) , splendor; magnificence; delight ,
  4051. ذابَ(ḏāba) , to dissolve; melt ,
  4052. ساحِليّ(sāḥilyy) , coastal; seaside ,
  4053. ضَجيج(ḍajyj) , noise; commotion ,
  4054. مَوْضوعيّة(mawḍwʕyya) , objectivity ,
  4055. نِتاج(nitāj) , result; outcome; production; offspring ,
  4056. مُزارِع(muzāriʕ) , farmer ,
  4057. مَرَضيّ(maraḍyy) , pathological; diseased; medical,
  4058. حَنيف(ḥanyf) , orthodox ,
  4059. الدّين الحَنيف(ad-dyn al-ḥanyf) , Islam ,
  4060. سارَعَ(sāraʕa) , to hurry; hasten إلى to a place; or to do sth,
  4061. خِلافة(ḵilāfa) , succession; caliphate ,
  4062. ناسِف(nāsif) , explosive; exploding,
  4063. بُلوغ(bulwḡ) , reaching; attaining ,
  4064. تَرَكَّزَ(tarakkaza) , to be centered; concentrated حول]] , to be sweet,
  4065. يَحلو لَهُ أنْ(yaḥlw lahu ʔn) , to enjoy doing sth,
  4066. كَما يَحلو لَهُ(kamā yaḥlw lahu) , as he pleases,
  4067. تَوافَقَ(tawāfaqa) , to agree; concur,
  4068. اِستَضافَ(istaḍāfa) , to host; invite sb,
  4069. مَصرَع(maṣraʕ) , death; fatality ,
  4070. مُتَظاهِر(mutaẓāhir) , demonstrator; demonstrating ,
  4071. مَفعول(mafʕwl) , impact; effect; result ,
  4072. ساري المَفعول(sāry al-mafʕwl) , valid (permit) ,
  4073. خَياليّ(ḵayālyy) , imaginary; fantastic; fictitious ,
  4074. كَمّ(kamm) , amount; quantity ,
  4075. تَشكيليّ(taškylyy) , visual; graphic ,
  4076. اِزدياد(izdyād) , growth; increase; rise ,
  4077. اِستِعانة(istiʕāna) , seeking help ب from sb; resorting ب to sth; making use of ب sth,
  4078. مُحَلِّل(muḥallil) , analyst ,
  4079. مُنصَرِم(munṣarim) , gone by; elapsed (time period),
  4080. عِندئذٍ(ʕindʔḏin) , then; at that time,
  4081. صِنْف(ṣinf) , type; class; kind; category ,
  4082. اِستَبعَدَ(istabʕada) , to rule out (regard as unlikely) sth,
  4083. أضحى(ʔḍḥā) , to become; (with imperf) to begin; start (doing),
  4084. حِبْر(ḥibr) , embellishment; adornment; decoration,
  4085. اِستِشاريّ(istišāryy) , advisory; consultative; consulting; advisor; consultant ,
  4086. جَليل(jalyl) , venerable; eminent; glorious; great ,
  4087. هاتِ(hāti) , bring; french; get sth; to give; hand over sth,
  4088. تَبرير(tabryr) , justification; pretext; vindication; exoneration,
  4089. جِذريّ(jiḏryy) , radical; fundamental; basic,
  4090. تَوالى(tawālā) , to follow in succession; come on after the other ,
  4091. خُضار(ḵuḍār) , (coll) vegetables; greens,
  4092. حَرَّمَ(ḥarrama) , to outlaw; ban sth; to forbid على sb to do sth; to prevent على sb from doing sth,
  4093. مُحاوِل(muḥāwil) , attempting; trying (to do sth),
  4094. جَمَل(jamal) , camel,
  4095. مُؤَلَّف(muʔallaf) , composed (من of); compiled; publication; book; compilation; composition,
  4096. أُلوف مُؤَلَّفة(ʔulwf muʔallafa) , thousands and thousands ,
  4097. مَعروض(maʕrwḍ) , on display; shown; offered; available; offering; proposal ,
  4098. ذَرّة(ḏarra) , atom; particle ,
  4099. جَمْر(jamr) , embers ,
  4100. تَسَلَّلَ(tasallala) , to infiltrate إلى sth,
  4101. مُرضٍ(murḍin) , satisfactory; satisfying; pleasing; adequate; sufficient ,
  4102. مُصَلٍّ(muṣallin) , praying; worshipping; person praying or worshipping ,
  4103. هاجَمَ(hājama) , to attack; assault sth]] , custom; client ,
  4104. مُقَرَّب(muqarrab) , close; near; close companion; protege ,
  4105. طائِفيّة(ṭāʔifyya) , sectarianism; factionalism ,
  4106. طُمَأْنينة(ṭumaʔnyna) , calm; tranquility; serenity; rest; repose ,
  4107. تَهريب(tahryb) , smuggling (goods or persons) ,
  4108. إتْمام(ʔitmām) , completion; realization,
  4109. صَحوة(ṣaḥwa) , awakening; revival; resurgence ,
  4110. وِقائيّ(wiqāʔyy) , protective; preservative; preventative ,
  4111. خَطَرَ(ḵaṭara) , to occur ل to sb; to come على]] , taking place; happening; ongoing; current ,
  4112. وَيْل(wayl) , woe; distress ,
  4113. يا وَيْلي(yā wayly) , woe is me!,
  4114. أجدى(ʔjdā) , to be useful; helpful,
  4115. يُجدي نَفْعاً(yujdy nafʕan) , it’s useful,
  4116. عَتمة(ʕatma) , dark; darkness; gloom,
  4117. شَقَّ(šaqqa) , to split; cut through sth,
  4118. شَقَّ طَريقه(šaqqa ṭaryqh) , to make one’s way (إلى towards),
  4119. مَعمَل(maʕmal) , laboratory; factory; installation; (production) facility ,
  4120. دِبموماسيّة(dibmwmāsyya) , diplomacy ,
  4121. دُهْن(duhn) , oil; grease; fat (esp in food),
  4122. فيتامين(fytāmyn) , vitamin,
  4123. اِختِراق(iḵtirāq) , breaking (barrier); incursion; penetration; traversing; crossing (region); hacking into (computer; network),
  4124. فَخامة , excellence; eminence; (in titles) فَخامة الرَّئيس(faḵāma(t) , excellence; eminence; (in titles) faḵāma(t) ar-raʔys) , His Excellency; the President ,
  4125. حَيِّز(ḥayyiz) , sphere; scope; field; domain; area ,
  4126. رَبْع(rabʕ) , housing; lodging; residence; home; territory; inhabited area ,
  4127. مالِك(mālik) , proprietor; owner; possessing; owning; having; holding,
  4128. زَكاة(zakāh) , zakat (almsgiving in Islam); charity ,
  4129. مُصادَرة(muṣādara) , confiscation; seizure; expropriation; impounding,
  4130. مَظلوم(maẓlwm) , oppressed; treated unjustly,
  4131. طَيَّبَ(ṭayyaba) , to make pleasant; to enhance; make delicious (food); to perfume; scent sth,
  4132. طَيَّبَ خاطِرَهُ(ṭayyaba ḵāṭirahu) , to appease sb ,
  4133. خِتاميّ(ḵitāmyy) , concluding; closing; final,
  4134. هادِف(hādif) , purposeful; directed; (plans; efforts) aimed at,
  4135. ريفيّ(ryfyy) , rural; countryside; rustic ,
  4136. اِحتِواء(iḥtiwāʔ) , containing; including; controlling; holding back; curbing; inclusion; content ,
  4137. إسكان(ʔiskān) , housing,
  4138. أرُزّ(ʔruzz) , rice ,
  4139. مُقاوِم(muqāwim) , antagonist; adversary; resisting; opposing,
  4140. نَزَفَ(nazafa) , to bleed; hemorrhage; drain,
  4141. غَمرة(ḡamra) , inundation; flood,
  4142. غِمار(ḡimār) , heat; passion (of conflict) ,
  4143. قَبضة(qabḍa) , grip; fistful; seizure ,
  4144. أقدَم(ʔqdam) , older]] , date palms ,
  4145. مُعَوِّق(muʕawwiq) , obstacle; hurdle; impediment ,
  4146. عامَلَ(ʕāmala) , to treat; deal with sb]] , structure; composition; arrangement; configuration ,
  4147. حُنون(ḥunwn) , affectionate; compassionate; loving; dear ,
  4148. مَذهَبيّ(maḏhabyy) , doctrinal; sectarian ,
  4149. لَوَّحَ(lawwaḥa) , to wave ب with (hand) إلى at sb; to allude to; hint at ب sth ,
  4150. مُفرَد(mufrad) , (adj) individual; separate,
  4151. بِمُفرَدِهِ(bimufradihi) , alone; by itself]] , slowly; gradually; (with pronoun) رُوَيْدَك slow down!,
  4152. قاتَلَ(qātala) , to fight (sb) ,
  4153. ميزة(myza) , characteristic; distinguishing feature; merit; distinction; advantage; asset ,
  4154. بَحريّة(baḥryya) , navy,
  4155. نَزْعة(nazʕa) , inclination; tendency; trend ,
  4156. رَأَسَ(raʔasa) , to head; lead; direct sth; to chair (meeting),
  4157. نَدىً(nadan) , dew; generosity ,
  4158. طَرَأَ(ṭaraʔa) , to happen (unexpectedly) على to sb; to occur على to sb (an idea),
  4159. خُلاصة(ḵulāṣa) , gist; synopsis; abstract; summary,
  4160. خُلاصة القَوْل(ḵulāṣa(t) al-qawl) , in brief; in short ,
  4161. مَعرِفيّ(maʕrifyy) , knowledge-related; information-related; cognitive ,
  4162. شَيْخة(šayḵa) , matron; elderly woman; elderly female ,
  4163. يا شَيْخة(yā šayḵa) , my dear lady; ma'am,
  4164. حَراريّ(ḥarāryy) , thermal; caloric; heat-related,
  4165. الاِحتِباس الحَراريّ(al-iḥtibās al-ḥarāryy) , greenhouse effect; global warming ,
  4166. لُعبة(luʕba) , game; sport; toy; play thing; (fig) deal; trick; (sports) move ,
  4167. مُتَغَيِّر(mutaḡayyir) , changing; alternating ,
  4168. مُتَغَيِّرات(mutaḡayyirāt) , variables ,
  4169. قُطر(quṭr) , region; district,
  4170. أقطار(ʔqṭār) , countries ,
  4171. مُلتَزِم(multazim) , committed (ب to); involved; loyal ,
  4172. طالِب(ṭālib) , requesting; demanding ,
  4173. كَليب(kalyb) , (film; video) clip,
  4174. زُحمة(zuḥma) , (traffic) congestion; jam; bottleneck; crowd; throng ,
  4175. فِداء(fidāʔ) , sacrifice; self-sacrifice ,
  4176. اِجتِياح(ijtiyāḥ) , strike; invasion,
  4177. حَيَويّة(ḥayawyya) , vigor; vitality; liveliness ,
  4178. بِرّ(birr) , charity; piety; righteousness,
  4179. حَامِل(ḥāmil) , pregnant ,
  4180. إنسانيّة(ʔinsānyya) , humanity; humankind; humaneness ,
  4181. اِقتِحام(iqtiḥām) , incursion; assault; storming into; breaching ,
  4182. تَلا(talā) , to follow; come after sth]] , one-hundred; hundredth; percent; Celsius; centigrade ,
  4183. نَوَّهَ(nawwaha) , to point out; mention ب]] , novelist; narrator; narrative; novelistic ,
  4184. اِنعِكاس(inʕikās) , repercussion; reflection,
  4185. على حِدةٍ(ʕlā ḥidatin) , separately; individually ,
  4186. دَوّامة(dawwāma) , spiral; cycle; whirlpool; vortex; dizziness; confusion,
  4187. إهمال(ʔihmāl) , neglect; negligence; carelessness,
  4188. فائِت(fāʔit) , past; expired; elapsed; gone by,
  4189. رَصيف(raṣyf) , sidewalk; platform,
  4190. ضَبيّة(ḍabyya) , young girl; young (unmarried) woman,
  4191. هِبة(hiba) , gift; grant ,
  4192. مَعدود(maʕdwd) , limited in number; countable ,
  4193. رَكْب(rakb) , procession; cavalcade; entourage; retinue ,
  4194. تَقارُب(taqārub) , mutual affinity; rapprochement ,
  4195. رافِد(rāfid) , tributary,
  4196. الرَّافِدان(ar-rāfidān) , Tigris and Euphrates ,
  4197. بِلاد الرّافِدَيْن(bilād ar-rāfidayn) , Mesopotamia ,
  4198. طَوَّلَ(ṭawwala) , to lengthen; extend; prolong sth; to take (a long) time; to stay; linger; to last ,
  4199. هُوّة(huwwa) , abyss; chasm; gulf; gap,
  4200. مُشاوَرة(mušāwara) , consultation; deliberation; discussion,
  4201. مُطمَئِن(muṭmaʔin) , calm; at east; relieved; reassured; certain; sure; confident (إلى about),
  4202. نَظَريّ(naẓaryy) , theoretical,
  4203. تَدَفَّقَ(tadaffaqa) , to flow; stream; to drip; drop,
  4204. أبعَدَ(ʔbʕada) , to remove; eliminate sb عن from; to expel; banish sb; to distance نَفسَهُ عن oneself from sth,
  4205. حَكَم(ḥakam) , (sports) referee ,
  4206. تَضَخُّم(taḍaḵḵum) , (econ) inflation,
  4207. رَشيد(rašyd) , rational; sensible; wise; mature ,
  4208. جَبان(jabān) , coward; cowardly ,
  4209. تَقاعُد(taqāʕud) , retirement ,
  4210. مَوْطِن(mawṭin) , home country; residence; locality; area ,
  4211. عَجَلة(ʕajala) , wheel; tire ,
  4212. ضَئِيل(ḍaʔīl) , small; meager; sparse ,
  4213. مُروريّ(murwryy) , traffic-related ,
  4214. فَسيح(fasyḥ) , wide; extensive; lengthy; extended; ample; roomy,
  4215. مَرئيّ(marʔyy) , visual; visible ,
  4216. مُرونة(murwna) , flexibility ,
  4217. رَافَقَ(rāfaqa) , to accompany; escort sb ,
  4218. عُمرانيّ(ʕumrānyy) , (adj) building; construction; architectural; civilized; populated ,
  4219. شُبهة(šubha) , suspicion; doubt ,
  4220. سِحريّ(siḥryy) , magical; magic; enchanting,
  4221. تَعَدُّد(taʕaddud) , pluralism; multi-,
  4222. عِرقيّ(ʕirqyy) , ethnic; racial,
  4223. إكمال(ʔikmāl) , completion; conclusion; perfection,
  4224. ذِمّة(ḏimma) , protection; security; conscience,
  4225. تَواضُع(tawāḍuʕ) , modesty; humility ,
  4226. مَبعوث(mabʕwṯ) , envoy; delegate; representative ,
  4227. مَشرِق(mašriq) , (noun) East; Levant ,
  4228. رَحمَن(raḥman) , merciful (God),
  4229. دُكتوراه(duktwrāh) , doctorate ,
  4230. تَنشيط(tanšyṭ) , stimulation; encouragement; energizing,
  4231. قَصَّرَ(qaṣṣara) , to shorten; curtail sth,
  4232. زِمام(zimām) , reins ,
  4233. طَبَّق(ṭabbaq) , dish; course; meal,
  4234. اِستَغرَبَ(istaḡraba) , to be surprised (من at); regard sth as strange ,
  4235. كَسْر(kasr) , breaking; violating; defying (tradition; the law); fracture; crack; (math) fraction,
  4236. اللاتي(al-lāty) , (fem. pl.) who; whom,
  4237. حَلوى(ḥalwā) , pastry; dessert ,
  4238. حَدَّ(ḥadda) , to limit; curb من (sb’s freedom; power); to halt; stop من sth ,
  4239. مُتَسائِل(mutasāʔil) , asking oneself; wondering; pondering ,
  4240. مَولِد(mawlid) , birthday; anniversary; birthplace,
  4241. آسِف(ʔāsif) , sorry; regretful; remorseful ,
  4242. حَرْق(ḥarq) , burning; incineration; burn (wound),
  4243. ناجِم(nājim) , arising; originating; resulting عن from,
  4244. عائِق(ʕāʔiq) , obstacle; hurdle; impediment ,
  4245. رامي(rāmy) , aimed (إلى at); attempting (إلى to do sth); (person) throwing; rifleman; archer ,
  4246. قُبّة(qubba) , dome; cupola ,
  4247. حُزمة(ḥuzma) , package; bundle; set; collection ,
  4248. رَقَصَ(raqaṣa) , to dance ,
  4249. اِرتِداء(irtidāʔ) , wearing; putting on (clothes),
  4250. تَزويد(tazwyd) , providing; supplying (ب with),
  4251. أُسَريّ(ʔusaryy) , (adj) family; domestic ,
  4252. ذُهول(ḏuhwl) , numbness; indifference; confusion,
  4253. إلَهيّ(ʔilahyy) , divine; heavenly; holy; theological ,
  4254. مُراسِل(murāsil) , correspondent; reporter ,
  4255. تَجَمَّعَ(tajammaʕa) , to gather together; assemble; rally,
  4256. عِنَب(ʕinab) , (coll) grapes,
  4257. غَزير(ḡazyr) , abundant; plentiful; substantial; generous ,
  4258. اِجتاحَ(ijtāḥa) , to strike; invade (country; region),
  4259. ماجِستير(mājistyr) , master’s degree; MA,
  4260. سَبَحَ(sabaḥa) , to swim,
  4261. فَوات(fawāt) , expiration; passing (time; deadline),
  4262. تَخَيَّلَ(taḵayyala) , to imagine; suppose sth or أنّ that ,
  4263. تَخَيَّلْ(taḵayyal) , just imagine! fancy that!,
  4264. خانة(ḵāna) , compartment; partition; square (chessboard); field (form; questionnaire); cell (spreadsheet),
  4265. مُحَمَّل(muḥammal) , loaded; burdened; charged ,
  4266. جَرُؤَ(jaruʔa) , to dare على to do sth ,
  4267. عَشِقَ(ʕašiqa) , to love; be fond of sth]] , to descend; land (على on),
  4268. فِنجان(finjān) , cup; coffee cup,
  4269. ثانَويّة(ṯānawyya) , secondary school; high school,
  4270. شُبّاك(šubbāk) , window ,
  4271. اِكتَسَبَ(iktasaba) , to earn; gain; win sth,
  4272. مَخلوق(maḵlwq) , created; creature ,
  4273. سُدّ(sudd) , dam,
  4274. مَناعة(manāʕa) , resistance; immunity ,
  4275. عَقّار(ʕaqqār) , drug; medicine ,
  4276. غَضِبَ(ḡaḍiba) , to become angry,
  4277. مَيْل(mayl) , inclination; tendency; leaning; sympathy ,
  4278. تَجاهُل(tajāhul) , disregard; feigned ignorance; mutual disregard ,
  4279. اِستِجواب(istijwāb) , interrogation; questioning,
  4280. تَعاقُد(taʕāqud) , contract; mutual agreement ,
  4281. فاسِد(fāsid) , spoiled; rotten; corrupt; immoral,
  4282. تَأَثُّر(taʔaṯṯur) , being influenced; affected (ب by); emotion; sensitivity ,
  4283. عَلّامة(ʕallāma) , eminent scholar; erudite person,
  4284. أفلَحَ(ʔflaḥa) , to succeed; prosper; thrive في in sth ,
  4285. مَوْكِب(mawkib) , parade; procession,
  4286. بُنّيّ(bunnyy) , brown,
  4287. خَشَب(ḵašab) , wood ,
  4288. طَرَّقَ(ṭarraqa) , to knock on (door),
  4289. تَرَدُّد(taraddud) , repetition; frequenting (على a place); hesitation (في to do sth); frequency (of waves),
  4290. مُنَشِّق(munaššiq) , coordinator ,
  4291. مُنكَر(munkar) , reprehensible; vice,
  4292. النَّهي عن المَنكُر(an-nahy ʕn al-mankur) , the prevention of vice ,
  4293. نَسيم(nasym) , breeze; wind,
  4294. شَمّ النَسيم(šamm an-nasym) , Egyptian spring festival,
  4295. تَغَلُّب(taḡallub) , surmounting; overcoming على (challenges),
  4296. تَوَجَّبَ(tawajjaba) , to be necessary على for sb أنْ to do sth,
  4297. غَيْب(ḡayb) , (noun) (what is) invisible; concealed ,
  4298. فاعِليّة(fāʕilyya) , effectiveness; activity ,
  4299. مَحْض(maḥḍ) , (invariable) pure; mere; complete (fantasy; lies; coincidence),
  4300. سَعَة(saʕa) , volume; capacity ,
  4301. رَجعة(rajʕa) , return; going back; turning back,
  4302. خَصخَصة(ḵaṣḵaṣa) , privatization ,
  4303. حاسوب(ḥāswb) , computer ,
  4304. تَخَرُّج(taḵarruj) , graduation,
  4305. كريم(krym) , cream (food; cosmetic) ,
  4306. لا مَحالة(lā maḥāla) , without fail; without a doubt ,
  4307. ميل(myl) , mile ,
  4308. سَبْق(sabq) , precedence; antecedence ,
  4309. مَدعوم(madʕwm) , supported; bolstered; promoted ,
  4310. أماميّ(ʔmāmyy) , (adj) front; frontward ,
  4311. ضَحكة(ḍaḥka) , laugh; laughter ,
  4312. عاقَبَ(ʕāqaba) , to punish sb ب (with a sentence) على for (a crime),
  4313. مُساهِم(musāhim) , shareholder; stockholder; participant ,
  4314. اِنهارَ(inhāra) , to collapse; fall down; to break down; fall apart ,
  4315. اِختِطاف(iḵtiṭāf) , abduction; kidnapping; hijacking ,
  4316. تَأَخُّر(taʔaḵḵur) , delay; slowness; backwardness; lack of development ,
  4317. حافِز(ḥāfiz) , incentive; stimulus; motive ,
  4318. قِبلة(qibla) , qiblah (direction faced in prayer; i.e. the Kaaba in Mecca); (fig) onu;s focus of attention,
  4319. رَهْن(rahn) , mortgage; security ,
  4320. رَهْنَ(rahna) , subject]] , exercise; drill; practice; training,
  4321. إغاثة(ʔiḡāṯa) , aid; relief assistance ,
  4322. زَوال(zawāl) , ending; cessation; disappearance; vanishing; noon; noontime,
  4323. زَوالاً(zawālan) , at noon,
  4324. تَوْبة(tawba) , repentance; penance ,
  4325. حَلاوة(ḥalāwa) , sweetness; pleasantness; sweets; candy; confectionary ,
  4326. حيلة(ḥyla) , trick; ruse; stratagem ,
  4327. جَوهَريّ(jawharyy) , fundamental; essential; core; central,
  4328. حُدوديّ(ḥudwdyy) , (adj) frontier; border ,
  4329. نُطْق(nuṭq) , pronunciation; utterance ,
  4330. حَمام(ḥamām) , (coll) dove; pigeon ,
  4331. حَسَنة(ḥasana) , good deed; merit ,
  4332. المُشار إلَيْهِ(al-mušār ʔilayhi) , the aforementioned ,
  4333. اِستِهداف(istihdāf) , targeting; aiming at; intending; allergy,
  4334. روميّ(rwmyy) , Byzantine ,
  4335. الروم الكاثوليك(ar-rwm al-kāṯwlyk) , Roman Catholics ,
  4336. خِضَمّ(ḵiḍamm) , (fig) sea; ocean,
  4337. في خِضَمّ(fy ḵiḍamm) , in the middle of; in the thick of,
  4338. كَنَّ(kanna) , to conceal; hide sth; to harbor (feelings) ل towards sb; to hold; maintain (respect) ل for sb,
  4339. أضاءَ(ʔḍāʔa) , to illuminate; shine upon sth ,
  4340. ناشِئ(nāšiʔ) , growing; emerging; resulting عن]] , the youth; adolescents ,
  4341. غُموض(ḡumwḍ) , vagueness; obscurity; lack of clarity ,
  4342. مَعجِزة(maʕjiza) , miracle ,
  4343. تَجميع(tajmyʕ) , gathering; assembling ,
  4344. حاسِب(ḥāsib) , calculator ,
  4345. طابَ(ṭāba) , to be good or pleasant; to heal; get well; to be cured ,
  4346. مُبين(mubyn) , plain; clear; obvious ,
  4347. تَعايُش(taʕāyuš) , coexistence; living together ,
  4348. صَوْم(ṣawm) , fasting; abstinence ,
  4349. رَوَّجَ(rawwaja) , to promote; market sth; to circulate; spread sth,
  4350. نِفاق(nifāq) , hypocrisy ,
  4351. شَمْل(šaml) , inclusion; containing ,
  4352. مُواكَبة(mūkaba) , accompanying; keeping pace with; escorting ,
  4353. قاع(qāʕ) , bottom; floor ,
  4354. اِستِبدال(istibdāl) , substitution; replacement; exchange ,
  4355. غَلَقَ(ḡalaqa) , to lock or bolt shut; to close (door),
  4356. خَلفيّ(ḵalfyy) , (adj) back; rear; end; background ,
  4357. مُرَتَّب(murattab) , organized; in order; neat; tidy; trim; arranged; prepared; regulated; salary; wage; pay,
  4358. حَيَوانيّ(ḥayawānyy) , animal; animal-like; zoological ,
  4359. نُصْب(nuṣb) , monument; memorial,
  4360. نُصبَ(nuṣba) , in front of ,
  4361. مُعضِلة(muʕḍila) , dilemma; problem; difficulty ,
  4362. بَلاغ(balāḡ) , report; communiqué; notice; notification,
  4363. بَلاغ كاذِب(balāḡ kāḏib) , false statement ,
  4364. بُندُقيّة(bunduqyya) , rifle; gun; weapon,
  4365. جَبّار(jabbār) , mighty; powerful; huge; gigantic ,
  4366. اِقتِتال(iqtitāl) , fighting (each other),
  4367. تِلقائيّ(tilqāʔyy) , automatic; spontaneous ,
  4368. تِلقائيّاً(tilqāʔyyan) , automatically; spontaneously,
  4369. اِحتِياطيّ(iḥtiyāṭyy) , reserves (economic; geological; military; sports); precautionary; contingency; reserve ,
  4370. اِستِسلام(istislām) , surrender; capitulation; resignation,
  4371. ثارَ(ṯāra) , to revolt; arise ,
  4372. وَتيرة(watyra) , way; manner; style; method; approach ,
  4373. اِندِماج(indimāj) , integration; assimilation; absorption; fusion ,
  4374. قابَلَ(qābala) , to meet; encounter; face sb ,
  4375. بُرهة(burha) , moment; instant ,
  4376. ضياء(ḍyāʔ) , light; glow ,
  4377. نَدَم(nadam) , remorse; regret ,
  4378. راغِب(rāḡib) , (person) wanting; wishing for; desiring (في sth),
  4379. اِندِلاع(indilāʕ) , breaking out; flaring up (fire; war),
  4380. نَعيم(naʕym) , comfort; luxury; happiness ,
  4381. مُستَجِدّ(mustajidd) , new; recent,
  4382. مُستَجِدّات(mustajiddāt) , recent events or incidents; latest developments ,
  4383. تَشويه(tašwyh) , distortion ,
  4384. اِمتِياز(imtiyāz) , distinction; excellence; special right; privilege ,
  4385. بَدَنيّ(badanyy) , bodily; physical,
  4386. مُصَوِّر(muṣawwir) , photographer; illustrator ,
  4387. قُبلة(qubla) , kiss ,
  4388. مَحفِل(maḥfil) , gathering; assembly,
  4389. مَحافِل(maḥāfil) , circles; groups ,
  4390. ضاحِك(ḍāḥik) , laughing ,
  4391. تارِك(tārik) , leaving (behind); quitting; abandoning ,
  4392. اِشتَمَلَ(ištamala) , to include; comprise; contain على sth,
  4393. ساكِن(sākin) , quiet; calm; motionless,
  4394. لم يُحَرِّك ساكِناً(lm yuḥarrik sākinan) , he didn’t do a thing; he didn’t lift a finger ,
  4395. قَلَبَ(qalaba) , to turn around; to turn (one’s face; a page); to overthrow; topple (a regime) ,
  4396. سائِل(sāʔil) , asking; inquiring; requesting; person asking; beggar ,
  4397. رَنَّ(ranna) , to ring; sound (phone; bell),
  4398. جُغْرافيا(juḡrāfyā) , geography,
  4399. كَثَب(kaṯab) , nearness; closeness,
  4400. عن كَثَب(ʕn kaṯab) , closely ,
  4401. جُند(jund) , army; soldiers ,
  4402. تَسَرُّب(tasarrub) , leak; escape; infiltration ,
  4403. مُتَرَتِّب(mutarattib) , derived or resulting على from; associated or connected على with; arrange; organized; regulated ,
  4404. تَقليص(taqlyṣ) , reducing; shrinking; cutting back,
  4405. خَلَّفَ(ḵallafa) , to give birth to (a child); to appoint sb as successor; to leave sth behind ,
  4406. عَمْد(ʕamd) , intent; deliberate; premeditated,
  4407. عَمْداً(ʕamdan) , deliberately; voluntarily,
  4408. شَغّال(šaḡḡāl) , busy; occupied; in operation; running; functioning; working; employed ,
  4409. مُبتَسِم(mubtasim) , smiling ,
  4410. إيقاع(ʔīqāʕ) , imposition (of a punishment); causing (discord); rhythm; beat ,
  4411. مُهَدَّد(muhaddad) , threatened; intimidated; in danger; at risk ,
  4412. عَلْمانيّ(ʕalmānyy) , secular ,
  4413. مَصروف(maṣrwf) , expenditure; expense; allowance ,
  4414. تَسَلُّل(tasallul) , infiltration,
  4415. شابَهَ(šābaha) , to resemble; be similar to sth]] , heavenly; celestial,
  4416. رَبِحَ(rabiḥa) , to profit من from sth; to gain sth; to win (money; sporting event); to prevail (truth),
  4417. مُدّعٍ(muddʕin) , plaintiff; prosecutor; claiming; alleging ,
  4418. مَزيج(mazyj) , combination; mixture; blend ,
  4419. تِباعاً(tibāʕan) , in succession; consecutively; one after the other,
  4420. اِنفِصال(infiṣāl) , separation; break-up; secession,
  4421. جاهِليّة(jāhilyya) , ignorance (esp of divine guidance); Jahiliyah (pre-Islam),
  4422. بَصَل (baṣal ) , (coll) coins ,
  4423. اِستِقطاب(istiqṭāb) , polarization; attraction,
  4424. دَمْج(damj) , inclusion; incorporation; integration; consolidation; merger,
  4425. غَقلة(ḡaqla) , negligence; lack of attention,
  4426. مُذيع(muḏyʕ) , broadcaster; announcer ,
  4427. طَوْر(ṭawr) , stage; phase; period; time,
  4428. بَذْر(baḏr) , seed ,
  4429. أثَريّ(ʔṯaryy) , archeological; historical,
  4430. لِصّ(liṣṣ) , thief ,
  4431. تَقوى(taqwā) , piety; religiousness; devoutness ,
  4432. تَأَهُّل(taʔahhul) , qualification; competency; marriage; getting married ,
  4433. لِبْس(libs) , clothing; dress; attire ,
  4434. بَوْل(bawl) , urination; urine,
  4435. مُوَزَّع(muwazzaʕ) , distributed; scattered (على among),
  4436. حَذِرَ(ḥaḏira) , to be cautious; beware من of,
  4437. تَوافُر(tawāfur) , availability ,
  4438. هَوْل(hawl) , fright; shock,
  4439. جُمرُك(jumruk) , customs; customs house,
  4440. الجَمارِك(al-jamārik) , customs; customs duties; tariffs ,
  4441. إنجاح(ʔinjāḥ) , granting success; making successful; success ,
  4442. عُثمانيّ(ʕuṯmānyy) , Ottoman,
  4443. مُتَمَنّي(mutamanny) , wishing; desiring; hoping for ,
  4444. بادية(bādya) , desert; wilderness ,
  4445. بَوْح(bawḥ) , uncovering; revealing (a secret); disclosure; confession,
  4446. صَلَّحَ(ṣallaḥa) , to fix; repair; mend sth; to put sth in order ,
  4447. غَرام(ḡarām) , love; infatuation,
  4448. قَوْميّة(qawmyya) , nationalism ,
  4449. اِرتاحَ(irtāḥa) , to relax; rest; to be satisfied; pleased ل with sth; to delight; find please ل in sth,
  4450. اِاتِحاق(iātiḥāq) , entering; joining; affiliation,
  4451. شِمال(šimāl) , left ,
  4452. عَلَنيّ(ʕalanyy) , public; open,
  4453. هولَنديّ(hwlandyy) , Dutch,
  4454. كَرَم(karam) , generosity; magnanimity ,
  4455. مَفصِل(mafṣil) , (anatomy) joint; articulation; juncture; turning point; crossroads ,
  4456. تَنَقُّل(tanaqqul) , transfer; movement; transportation,
  4457. إفطار(ʔifṭār) , iftar (evening meal; usually of dates that breaks the daily fast during Ramadan); breakfast ,
  4458. شَوْك(šawk) , (coll) thorns ,
  4459. شَوْكة(šawka) , fork,
  4460. ذَريعة(ḏaryʕa) , means; pretext; excuse ,
  4461. صارِم(ṣārim) , severe; strict; ruthless,
  4462. مَبذول(mabḏwl) , exerted; expended; expenditure; exertion; effort ,
  4463. حينئِذٍ(ḥynʔiḏin) , then; at that time,
  4464. كَيْفَما(kayfamā) , however; whatever; whichever ,
  4465. عَلِقَ(ʕaliqa) , to hang; be suspended; to be pending or outstanding; to be attached ب to sth; to latch on ب to sb,
  4466. نَقلة(naqla) , move; shift; advance; progress,
  4467. نَقلة نَوْعيّة(naqla(t) nawʕyya) , quantum leap,
  4468. أسعَد(ʔsʕad) , happier]] , escape (من from); desertion; defection (من from),
  4469. مُتَمَرِّد(mutamarrid) , rebel; insurgent ,
  4470. قَوْس(qaws) , bow; arch; vault; arc ,
  4471. بَيْن قَوْسَيْن(bayn qawsayn) , between parentheses ,
  4472. مُذ(muḏ) , since; ago,
  4473. فاتِحة(fātiḥa) , opening; preface ,
  4474. الفاتِحة(al-fātiḥa) , the first surah (chapter) in the Quran,
  4475. شَيْخوخة(šayḵwḵa) , old age; seniority ,
  4476. جَوْف(jawf) , belly; abdomen; cavity; hollow,
  4477. في خَوْفِ(fy ḵawfi) , in the middle of,
  4478. حَذْف(ḥaḏf) , deletion; omission ,
  4479. زِرّ(zirr) , button; (push) button; switch button,
  4480. داجِن(dājin) , tame; domesticated,
  4481. دَواجِن(dawājin) , chickens; poultry ,
  4482. ديوان(dywān) , anthology or collection of poems ,
  4483. رِجْل(rijl) , leg,
  4484. صَميم(ṣamym) , depth; innermost part; true; genuine ,
  4485. تَفاقُم(tafāqum) , aggravation; exacerbation; worsening,
  4486. جالَ(jāla) , to wander; roam about (في]] , what’s on his mind; what’s he worried about ,
  4487. قُبالة(qubāla) , facing; in front of,
  4488. تَكثيف(takṯyf) , increasing; heightening; intensifying; thickening (hair); compression; condensation,
  4489. لَيْمون(laymwn) , lemon ,
  4490. عَظمة(ʕaẓma) , majesty; greatness; grandeur ,
  4491. مَفَرّ(mafarr) , escape; avoiding ,
  4492. لا مَفَرّ منهُ(lā mafarr mnhu) , (it’s) inevitable ,
  4493. تَجاوُب(tajāwub) , response; responsiveness (to need); rapport ,
  4494. اِحتَضَنَ(iḥtaḍana) , to embrace; welcome sb; to comprise; encompass; include sth,
  4495. عِيادة(ʕiyāda) , clinic; outpatient clinic ,
  4496. غارِق(ḡāriq) , drowned; immersed; engrossed (في in),
  4497. مَركَب(markab) , ship; vessel ,
  4498. كُلية(kulya) , kidney ,
  4499. باكٍ(bākin) , crying; weeping (على over sth]] , to desire; crave sth,
  4500. على ما يُرامُ(ʕlā mā yurāmu) , fine; okay; in order ,
  4501. فَرْط(farṭ) , excess; excessive amount; hyper- ,
  4502. جَليّ(jalyy) , clear; evident; obvious ,
  4503. خُلود(ḵulwd) , immortality; perpetuity; remaining; staying (في at a place),
  4504. عَلمانيّة(ʕalmānyya) , secularism,
  4505. عُلويّ(ʕulwyy) , upper; top; superior ,
  4506. لَمَحَ(lamaḥa) , to see; notice sth,
  4507. اِكتِمال(iktimāl) , completion; perfection ,
  4508. سَماحة(samāḥa) , magnanimity; (honorific) His Eminence,
  4509. اِنطِلاقة(inṭilāqa) , start; launch; outset ,
  4510. أنجَزَ(ʔnjaza) , to implement; carry out (project); to accomplish; perform sth,
  4511. ماسّ(māss) , urgent; pressing; touching ,
  4512. عَصَب(ʕaṣab) , nerve,
  4513. كَهْف(kahf) , cave; cavern; hole; cavity ,
  4514. مُتَفاوِت(mutafāwit) , different; diverse ,
  4515. نَوَّرَ(nawwara) , to illuminate; to enlighten; (fig) to brighten (a home; a Web forum; by one’s visit) ,
  4516. بَرْق(barq) , lightning; telegraph,
  4517. بَديع(badyʕ) , wonderful; magnificent; marvelous ,
  4518. تَأَمُّل(taʔammul) , contemplation; reflection; pondering ,
  4519. فِردَوْس(firdaws) , paradise ,
  4520. تِمثال(timṯāl) , statue ,
  4521. عَتَبة(ʕataba) , step; stair; threshold ,
  4522. عَتَبة دارِهِ(ʕataba(t) dārihi) , sb’s front door; sb’s doorsteps ,
  4523. مُصَمِّم(muṣammim) , determined; resolute (على to do sth); designer; stylist ,
  4524. تَجَدَّدَ(tajaddada) , to be renewed; to be revived; to come up again; to repeat itself ,
  4525. نَهْب(nahb) , looting; plundering; stealing; robbing ,
  4526. فاتورة(fātwra) , invoice; bill,
  4527. عِوَض(ʕiwaḍ) , replacement; compensation; restitution,
  4528. عِوَضَ(ʕiwaḍa) , instead of; in compensation for ,
  4529. مُتَبَّع(mutabbaʕ) , followed; observed; adhered to,
  4530. وَجَع(wajaʕ) , ache; pain,
  4531. تَوافَرَ(tawāfara) , to be abundantly available ,
  4532. اِستِغناء(istiḡnāʔ) , dispensing with; doing without عن sth,
  4533. أعَزّ(ʔʕazz) , stronger]] , peak; summit; height ,
  4534. قَدّ(qadd) , amount ,
  4535. قَدّ ما(qadd mā) , as much as ,
  4536. كَنَديّ(kanadyy) , Canadian,
  4537. تَذكير(taḏkyr) , reminding,
  4538. لَهَب(lahab) , flame ,
  4539. مُنَوِّه(munawwih) , pointing out; mentioning ب]] , despotism; absolutism; tyranny,
  4540. رَيّ(rayy) , irrigation,
  4541. كَمال(kamāl) , perfection; completeness,
  4542. تَفكيك(tafkyk) , dismantling; taking apart; separating; breaking up; fragmentation; dissolution,
  4543. هَندَسيّ(handasyy) , engineering; technical,
  4544. فُرْن(furn) , oven; furnace; bakery,
  4545. زِحام(ziḥām) , crowd; throng; (traffic) congestion,
  4546. أُسوة(ʔuswa) , model; example; pattern; concept,
  4547. أُسوةً ب(ʔuswatan b) , based on the model of,
  4548. مَقرُبة(maqruba) , vicinity; proximity ,
  4549. على مَقرُبةٍ من(ʕlā maqrubatin mn) , close to; near ,
  4550. هَيْبة(hayba) , reverence; respect; dignity; prestige; fear; awe ,
  4551. بَصَريّ(baṣaryy) , visual; optical,
  4552. جَرَّ(jarra) , to drag; pull sth,
  4553. خَفَّ(ḵaffa) , to become lighter (weight); to decrease in intensity; to quicken (one’s pace); to rush; hurry إلى to do sth,
  4554. اِتِّساع(ittisāʕ) , expansion; extension; stretching; widening,
  4555. قُدوم(qudwm) , arrival; coming; entering (a chat room),
  4556. بَرقيّة(barqyya) , telegram,
  4557. هَيْهاتُ(hayhātu) , Not even close! How impossible! In vain!,
  4558. جَنَّنَ(jannana) , to infuriate sb; to drive sb insane,
  4559. مُقام(muqām) , raised; erected; installed; established; set up; held; hosted (event; party),
  4560. مُعرِب(muʕrib) , expressing; indicating; manifesting عن (opinion; sentiment),
  4561. ما + ل + pronoun(mā + l + pronoun) , what is wrong with (pronoun),
  4562. هاوُن(hāwun) , mortar (weapon),
  4563. فَقيد(faqyd) , deceased ,
  4564. اِستيراد(istyrād) , importing; importation,
  4565. مِساس(misās) , violation; infringement (ب of),
  4566. اِكتِفاء(iktifāʔ) , contentment; satisfaction; sufficiency; adequacy ,
  4567. أجادَ(ʔjāda) , to be proficient; be an expert at sth; to do sth well,
  4568. نِسوة(niswa) , women,
  4569. لَذّة(laḏḏa) , pleasure; joy; delight; enjoyment,
  4570. وِساطة(wisāṭa) , mediation; intercession,
  4571. حَخْز(ḥaḵz) , reservation (seat; room); seizure; confiscation; impounding,
  4572. مُخَلَّف(muḵallaf) , left behind,
  4573. مُخَلَّفات(muḵallafāt) , leftovers ,
  4574. وَهَبَ(wahaba) , to donate; grant sth ل to sb; to give; dedicate (one’s life) ل to,
  4575. مُجيب(mujyb) , responding; answering; responsive; person answering; person able or willing to answer ,
  4576. مُضطَرّ(muḍṭarr) , compelled; forced; obligated (إلى to do sth),
  4577. أسمَر(ʔsmar) , brown; tanned; brown-skinned,
  4578. غَنيّ(ḡanyy) , stupid; ignorant ,
  4579. مَشرَف(mašraf) , view,
  4580. مَشارِف(mašārif) , heights; elevations,
  4581. حَميد(ḥamyd) , praiseworthy; laudable; positive; good; (medical) benign,
  4582. أذان(ʔḏān) , adhan (Islamic call to prayer),
  4583. هَمْس(hams) , whispering,
  4584. هَمْساً(hamsan) , in whisper; by whispering ,
  4585. قُطْب(quṭb) , axis; pole; leader; top figure ,
  4586. مُكَعَّب(mukaʕʕab) , cubic (foot; meter); cube-shaped ,
  4587. عافى(ʕāfā) , to heal; cure sb,
  4588. َأشرَق(aʔšraq) , to rise; shine,
  4589. أنسَأَ(ʔnsaʔa) , to establish; found; to install; set up,
  4590. ضَباب(ḍabāb) , fog; mist; vapor,
  4591. بَشَّرَ(baššara) , to give good news; to evangelize,
  4592. يُبَشِّرُ بالخَيْر(yubašširu bālḵayr) , to augur well; to be a good omen,
  4593. مَجيد(majyd) , glorious; exalted ,
  4594. وَجيز(wajyz) , brief; short; summarized ,
  4595. مَكروه(makrwh) , detested; loathsome; accident; misfortune; mishap,
  4596. نَقَصَ(naqaṣa) , to lack sth; to be less (عن than); to be reduced ,
  4597. لِئَلّا(liʔallā) , in order not to ,
  4598. صُهْيونيّة(ṣuhywnyya) , Zionism ,
  4599. كِفاح(kifāḥ) , struggle; fight ,
  4600. مُكافَأة(mukāfaʔa) , compensation; remuneration; reward ,
  4601. مُتَداوَل(mutadāwal) , in circulation; in common; prevailing ,
  4602. قَفْز(qafz) , jumping; leaping ,
  4603. قامة(qāma) , stature; status; height ,
  4604. رَيْب(rayb) , doubt; suspicion,
  4605. لا رَيْب فيه(lā rayb fyh) , there is no doubt about it,
  4606. بِلا رَيْبٍ(bilā raybin) , without a doubt ,
  4607. حَزِنَ(ḥazina) , to be sad; grieve على]] , hostile; aggressive ,
  4608. اِستِدعاء(istidʕāʔ) , summons; call; appeal; petition; recall; calling back,
  4609. أجَنْدة(ʔjanda) , agenda; schedule; program; roadmap; blueprint ,
  4610. جَفَّ(jaffa) , to dry; become dry; (fig) to freeze; run cold (blood),
  4611. وَلَّدَ(wallada) , to generate; produce (energy),
  4612. مُتَعاقِب(mutaʕāqib) , consecutive; succesive; alternating ,
  4613. أرضيّة(ʔrḍyya) , floor; basis; groundwork; background,
  4614. مُبالَغ فيه(mubālaḡ fyh) , exaggerated ,
  4615. زُجاجة(zujāja) , bottle; (piece of) glass ,
  4616. اِقتَحَمَ(iqtaḥama) , to invade sth; to storm; burst into sth,
  4617. خَيْبة(ḵayba) , failure; frustration,
  4618. خَيْبة أملٍ(ḵayba(t) ʔmlin) , disappointment ,
  4619. تَنازَلَ(tanāzala) , to back down عن from; to renounce; waive; forego عن sth,
  4620. اِندَلَعَ(indalaʕa) , to break out; flare up (fire; war),
  4621. مُشتَبَه فيه(muštabah fyh) , suspicious; suspected ,
  4622. اِختِفاء(iḵtifāʔ) , disappearance; absence ,
  4623. مُوَجِّه(muwajjih) , sending; guiding; directing ,
  4624. تَرميم(tarmym) , restoration; renovation,
  4625. سَهَر(sahar) , sleeplessness; night without sleep; watchfulness; vigilance ,
  4626. اِختِراع(iḵtirāʕ) , invention ,
  4627. سَعِدَ(saʕida) , to be happy; delight ب in sth,
  4628. نازِح(nāziḥ) , displaced person; emigrant ,
  4629. تَعَصُّب(taʕaṣṣub) , fanaticism; extremism; intolerance ,
  4630. مَبدَئيّ(mabdaʔyy) , fundamental; basic,
  4631. مَبدَئيّاً(mabdaʔyyan) , in principle ,
  4632. مُختار(muḵtār) , mukhtar (village chief); elder; mayor; chosen; selected; elected; favorite; preferred ,
  4633. دَرَج(daraj) , step; stairs; route; course ,
  4634. إجمال(ʔijmāl) , sum; whole ,
  4635. إجمالاً(ʔijmālan) , in general; on the whole,
  4636. مَعمول(maʕmwl) , in use; applied; carried out; effected ,
  4637. تَسَنّى(tasannā) , to be feasible; be possible ,
  4638. عَرَّفَ(ʕarrafa) , to introduce sb ب to sb else; to let sb know sth,
  4639. موضة(mwḍa) , fashion; style ,
  4640. مَرسَم(marsam) , art studio; shop,
  4641. مَراسِم(marāsim) , ceremonies; rituals; conventions; protocol ,
  4642. حَمَّلَ(ḥammala) , to load (cargo),
  4643. حَمَّلَهُ المَسؤوليّة(ḥammalahu l-masʔwlyya) , to put sb in charge; to blame sb; to download (files),
  4644. صَحْن(ṣaḥn) , bowl; plate; courtyard (of a mosque) ,
  4645. ذِهْنيّ(ḏihnyy) , mental; intellectual ,
  4646. فَيْض(fayḍ) , abundance; flood; stream,
  4647. نَشوة(našwa) , intoxication; rapture; elation,
  4648. شُعبة(šuʕba) , branch; subdivision; department ,
  4649. مُقتَنِع(muqtaniʕ) , satisfied; content; convinced ,
  4650. رِئة(riʔa) , lung ,
  4651. بادِرة(bādira) , gesture; sign; indication,
  4652. بَوادِر(bawādir) , early signs; first indications ,
  4653. إخفاء(ʔiḵfāʔ) , hiding; concealing; keeping secret; lowering (one’s voice),
  4654. أرحَم(ʔrḥam) , more]] , acquisition; attainment,
  4655. تَحصيل حاصِل(taḥṣyl ḥāṣil) , foregone conclusion; self-evident (fact; truth) ,
  4656. مَقدِرة(maqdira) , ability; potential; capacity ,
  4657. تَكريس(takrys) , dedication; devotion; consecration ,
  4658. نَجا(najā) , to survive; come out alive; to escape; be rescued من from ,
  4659. قُطن(quṭn) , cotton ,
  4660. أعمَق(ʔʕmaq) , deeper]] , professor ,
  4661. صُنْع(ṣunʕ) , manufacture; industry,
  4662. مُراهَقة(murāhaqa) , adolescence; puberty ,
  4663. تَعاوَنَ(taʕāwana) , to cooperate; collaborate مع with sb,
  4664. مَليّ(malyy) , (noun) long time,
  4665. مَليّاً(malyyan) , for a long time; for quite some time,
  4666. تَوْليد(tawlyd) , producing; generating (energy; electricity),
  4667. عُنصُريّة(ʕunṣuryya) , racism ,
  4668. شائِع(šāʔiʕ) , widespread; well-known ,
  4669. مُرفَق(murfaq) , attached; appended; enclosed ,
  4670. مِستَر(mistar) , Mister ,
  4671. خاطَبَ(ḵāṭaba) , to address; speak to sb ,
  4672. في مُتَناوَل اليَد(fy mutanāwal al-yad) , within reach; available,
  4673. تَخَرَّجَ(taḵarraja) , to graduate من from,
  4674. كابتِن(kābtin) , captain,
  4675. غَيْمة(ḡayma) , cloud ,
  4676. دِراما(dirāmā) , drama ,
  4677. مَسيحيّة(masyḥyya) , Christianity ,
  4678. دِيانة(diyāna) , religion; creed ,
  4679. هَيْكَلة(haykala) , structuring; framing; organizing; composing; framework; structure; make-up ,
  4680. تَعميق(taʕmyq) , deepening; broadening; strengthening (collaboration; partnership),
  4681. مُعَظَّم(muʕaẓẓam) , glorified; venerated; majesty ,
  4682. عَوَّضَ(ʕawwaḍa) , to repay; compensate; reward sb; to replace; substitute for sth]] , cliff; precipice; abyss; chasm ,
  4683. أدَقّ(ʔdaqq) , more]] , musk ,
  4684. رُقعة(ruqʕa) , patch; plot of land; area; range; scope; chess board; checkers board; coupon; ticket,
  4685. اِستِعماريّ(istiʕmāryy) , colonialist; (related to) building of settlements ,
  4686. تَعَدُّديّة(taʕaddudyya) , multiplicity; pluralism; plurality ,
  4687. وَثيق(waṯyq) , secure; firm; solid; steady; reliable ,
  4688. اِستِبعاد(istibʕād) , ruling out; regarding as unlikely; excluding,
  4689. باقة(bāqa) , bouquet (flowers); packet (computer; satellite communications; etc),
  4690. كَرْه(karh) , hatred; loathing ,
  4691. على كُرهٍ(ʕlā kurhin) , unwillingly; reluctantly; forcibly ,
  4692. شَهيّة(šahyya) , appetite ,
  4693. مُرشِد(muršid) , guide; instructor; advier; aide ,
  4694. قابِض(qābiḍ) , holding (company; bank),
  4695. تَمكين(tamkyn) , enabling; making possible ,
  4696. رَصاصة(raṣāṣa) , bullet; shot ,
  4697. مَحو(maḥw) , eradication; elimination; erasing; wiping out ,
  4698. تَوْصيل(tawṣyl) , connection; contact ,
  4699. بَحْت(baḥt) , pure; exclusive ,
  4700. حَشَرة(ḥašara) , insect ,
  4701. رَيْثَما(rayṯamā) , as long as; until,
  4702. قاموس(qāmws) , dictionary; lexicon; vocabulary ,
  4703. بِناية(bināya) , building; edifice; structure ,
  4704. سُيولة(suywla) , liquidity ,
  4705. تَلاعُب(talāʕub) , manipulation; tampering ,
  4706. تَخصيب(taḵṣyb) , fertilization; enrichment (uranium) ,
  4707. شِلْو(šilw) , corpse; body part; limb; piece; fragment ,
  4708. شَبابيّ(šabābyy) , youthful; juvenile; of or relating to youths,
  4709. رَكلة(rakla) , kick; shot (in sports),
  4710. مَرجوّ(marjww) , requested; desired; wished for ,
  4711. صُلْح(ṣulḥ) , peace; reconciliation ,
  4712. عاطِل(ʕāṭil) , unemployed (عن العَمَل); jobless; broken; non-functioning; out of order; useless; worthless; no-good ,
  4713. سَريّة(saryya) , (military) company; squadron ,
  4714. أَنَّ(ʔanna) , to complain; moan ,
  4715. مُحال(muḥāl) , impossible; absurd; referred; assigned على to; transferred; passed on إلى to ,
  4716. لِ + المُضارِع المَجزوم(li + al-muḍāriʕ al-majzwm) , let… ,
  4717. لِيَكُنْ(liyakun) , let there be ,
  4718. هَنيء(hanyʔ) , healthful; beneficial; good; pleasant ,
  4719. هَنيئاً(hanyʔan) , bon appétit; cheers! ,
  4720. شاكِر(šākir) , thankful; grateful,
  4721. ياسمين(yāsmyn) , jasmine ,
  4722. أرجَح(ʔrjaḥ) , more]] , pursuit; chase; legal prosecution ,
  4723. كَربون(karbwn) , carbon ,
  4724. زِفاف(zifāf) , wedding ,
  4725. لَذيذ(laḏyḏ) , delicious; delightful; marvelous ,
  4726. تُفّاح(tuffāḥ) , (coll) apples ,
  4727. حَياتيّ(ḥayātyy) , biological; living; daily life related ,
  4728. تَبِعة(tabiʕa) , consequence; responsibility ,
  4729. خُضوع(ḵuḍwʕ) , submission; subjection; undergoing (surgery),
  4730. مُهاجَمة(muhājama) , attack; assault; raid; strike ,
  4731. أضحى(ʔḍḥā) , sacrifice; immolation,
  4732. عيد الأضحى(ʕyd al-ʔḍḥā) , Feat of the Sacrifice ,
  4733. إمساك(ʔimsāk) , holding (sth); refrain (عن from); restraint; (med) constipation; imsak (start of Ramadan fast),
  4734. تَنبيه(tanbyh) , warning; alarm,
  4735. تَنامٍ(tanāmin) , gradual growth; steady increase ,
  4736. غُيوبة(ḡuywba) , unconsciousness; trance; coma ,
  4737. بَدَّلَ(baddala) , to change; modify sth; to substitute sth ب for sth else ,
  4738. مُحَذِّر(muḥaḏḏir) , warning; cautioning,
  4739. يُسْر(yusr) , ease; facility; affluence; prosperity ,
  4740. كامِن(kāmin) , hidden; concealed; secret; latent; dormant ,
  4741. مَدعُوّ(madʕuww) , invited; called; named ,
  4742. غَرابة(ḡarāba) , strangeness; oddness,
  4743. طَموح(ṭamwḥ) , ambitious; desirous ,
  4744. ثَأْر(ṯaʔr) , revenge; retaliation ,
  4745. خَلْط(ḵalṭ) , mixing; blending; mixture; blend ,
  4746. غِشّ(ḡišš) , cheating; swindling ,
  4747. عَدا(ʕadā) , to run; race; to gallop,
  4748. لا يَعدو أنْ يَكونَ (lā yaʕdw ʔn yakwna ) , it is nothing but; it is merely,
  4749. تُراثيّ(turāṯyy) , heritage-based; historical; inherited ,
  4750. حَلبة(ḥalba) , arena; ring; circuit; track,
  4751. أسمى(ʔsmā) , higher]] , truer]] , build-up; accumulation; backlog ,
  4752. قَميص(qamyṣ) , shirt ,
  4753. حَمِدَ(ḥamida) , to praise; extol; glorify sb; to applaud (sb’s position),
  4754. سِمنة(simna) , fat; obesity ,
  4755. مُسوَدّة(muswadda) , rough draft ,
  4756. فَتحة(fatḥa) , opening; porthole; fatha (Arabic short vowel “a”),
  4757. اِعتِصام(iʕtiṣām) , adhering; holding on (ب to); taking refuge (ب in); sit-in strike ,
  4758. لَعين(laʕyn) , accursed; damned; hateful,
  4759. اِستِلام(istilām) , receiving; accepting ,
  4760. حامٍ(ḥāmin) , protector; guardian; patron; hot; burning; fierce; passionate ,
  4761. فَناء(fanāʔ) , extinction; doom; end ,
  4762. أهوَن(ʔhwan) , easy; simple; comfortable; convenient; unimportant; insignificant; easier]] , to strengthen; fortify,
  4763. مَعيشيّ(maʕyšyy) , livelihood-related; living (conditions; circumstances),
  4764. عَشيرة(ʕašyra) , clan; tribe ,
  4765. عِشاء(ʕišāʔ) , evening ,
  4766. آلَ(ʔāla) , to become; turn into; come to be إلى st (to reach a certain state),
  4767. عِنان(ʕinān) , bridle; reins ,
  4768. عَذراء(ʕaḏrāʔ) , (fem) virgin,
  4769. مَريَم العَذراء(maryam al-ʕaḏrāʔ) , The Virgin Mary,
  4770. بَطيء(baṭyʔ) , slow,
  4771. مُذهِل(muḏhil) , amazing; startling ,
  4772. أدلى(ʔdlā) , to give; express ب (opinion); to provide; grant ب sth,
  4773. مُدرَج(mudraj) , registered; listed; included; incorporated,
  4774. صَرْح(ṣarḥ) , building; structure; edifice; institution ,
  4775. بَريق(baryq) , sparkle; glitter; luster; shine ,
  4776. مَسبوط(masbwṭ) , happy; cheerful; satisfied; content ,
  4777. إنذار(ʔinḏār) , warning; caution; alarm,
  4778. قُرآنيّ(qurʔānyy) , Quranic ,
  4779. إبراز(ʔibrāz) , highlighting; emphasizing; accentuating ,
  4780. جَليد(jalyd) , ice ,
  4781. عَجيبة(ʕajyba) , marvel; wonder ,
  4782. البَتّة(al-batta) , (noun that functions as adverb) (not) at all; (none) whatsoever; in (no) way; shape; or form,
  4783. أشهَر(ʔšhar) , more]] , (coll) dates ,
  4784. اِشتَرَطَ(ištaraṭa) , to stipulate sth,
  4785. كُردِستانيّ(kurdistānyy) , Kurdistani,
  4786. أفضى(ʔfḍā) , to lead إلى to (solution; agreement); to communicate; disclose ب sth,
  4787. مُتَلَقٍّ(mutalaqqin) , recipient; (person) receiving ,
  4788. عَيَّطَ(ʕayyaṭa) , to scream; shout,
  4789. طَبْخ(ṭabḵ) , cooking; cuisine ,
  4790. بَعثيّ(baʕṯyy) , Baathist ,
  4791. يَدَويّ(yadawyy) , manual; by hand ,
  4792. ثَدي(ṯady) , breast; udder ,
  4793. واصِف(wāṣif) , describing; portraying; depicting; characterizing ,
  4794. مُؤْسِف(muʔsif) , regrettable; unfortunate; sorry; sad ,
  4795. عَمَدَ(ʕamada) , to do sth deliberately ,
  4796. اِعتِدال(iʕtidāl) , moderation; restraint ,
  4797. اِستَحالَ(istaḥāla) , to be impossible (على for sb) أنْ to do sth; to be transformed (إلى into),
  4798. عَسكَر(ʕaskar) , (coll) army; troops ,
  4799. اِستيلاء(istylāʔ) , appropriation; seizure ,
  4800. كَفَلَ(kafala) , to guarantee sth ل for sb; to support; maintain; provide for sb ,
  4801. فَريضة(faryḍa) , religious duty,
  4802. مَنقول(manqwl) , conveyed; transferred; quoted; copied (عن from); mobile ,
  4803. أوْصى(ʔwṣā) , to advise sb (ب to do sth); to make a will,
  4804. تَعادَلَ(taʕādala) , to be balanced; be equitable; to tie (each other; in sports),
  4805. أقسى(ʔqsā) , harsher]] , blaze; fire; glare; glow ,
  4806. كُرَويّ(kurawyy) , round; spherical; ball-shaped; of or relating to football (soccer),
  4807. شَمسيّ(šamsyy) , solar; sun-,
  4808. تَسيير(tasyyr) , propulsion; steering; guidance ,
  4809. واقِعيّة(wāqiʕyya) , realism; reality,
  4810. مَعلوماتيّ(maʕlwmātyy) , informatics; information technology; information science ,
  4811. وَثِقَ(waṯiqa) , to trust ب in sth]] , stadium,
  4812. اِستِهلاكيّ(istihlākyy) , consumer (goods),
  4813. ناشِر(nāšir) , publisher ,
  4814. مَنفىً(manfan) , exile; banishment ,
  4815. هَوى(hawā) , to drop; fall down; collapse,
  4816. مَكشوف(makšwf) , open; public; candid; exposed; uncovered; open-air ,
  4817. في() , inside; within; among ,
  4818. تَحَقُّق(taḥaqquq) , ascertainment; verification من of sth,
  4819. وَقْع(waqʕ) , impact; effect; impression; imprint; beat (music); fall; falling ,
  4820. مُشكِل(muškil) , problem; difficulty ,
  4821. مَقطوع(maqṭwʕ) , cut off; severed; blocked; interrupted; disconnected ,
  4822. مُفتَرَق(muftaraq) , intersection; junction; crossroads ,
  4823. مَعدِن(maʕdin) , mineral; metal ,
  4824. مُستَدام(mustadām) , sustainable (development); sustained ,
  4825. لِحاق(liḥāq) , catching up ب with; enrollment ب in; meeting; joining up ب with,
  4826. مُزمَع(muzmaʕ) , imminent; expected; scheduled; planned; intended ,
  4827. خَلَف(ḵalaf) , substitute; successor; descendant; recompense; compensation,
  4828. خَرَقَ(ḵaraqa) , to pierce; perforate sth; to violate (the law); to exceed; break (barrier),
  4829. فِقريّ(fiqryy) , spinal; vertebral,
  4830. مُمَرِّض(mumarriḍ) , (male) nurse,
  4831. عِرْض(ʕirḍ) , honor; dignity ,
  4832. أمضى(ʔmḍā) , to complete; finalize sth; to spend; pass (time),
  4833. مُرَكَّز(murakkaz) , concentrated; intensive; centralized; condensed; concentrate (orange juice),
  4834. أحرى(ʔḥrā) , more]] , rather; to be more precise ,
  4835. تَوْقيف(tawqyf) , detention; stopping; halting ,
  4836. صوماليّ(ṣwmālyy) , Somali ,
  4837. عُمّاليّ(ʕummālyy) , labor (party); workers ,
  4838. اِحتِقان(iḥtiqān) , congestion; (political) tension,
  4839. بَطريرك(baṭryrk) , (chr.) patriarch ,
  4840. رَمْي(ramy) , throwing; tossing; pelting; shooting (bullets),
  4841. مَلَأ(malaʔ) , crowd; audience; assembly,
  4842. على المَلَأ(ʕlā l-malaʔ) , in public ,
  4843. اِستَوْجَبَ(istawjaba) , to require sth; make sth necessary,
  4844. مَوَدّة(mawadda) , friendship; affection,
  4845. سالِم(sālim) , safe; secure; sound; intact ,
  4846. رَقيب(raqyb) , observer; inspector; censor; (military) sergeant ,
  4847. نَمْل(naml) , (coll) ants,
  4848. كَوْنيّ(kawnyy) , cosmic; relating to the universes ,
  4849. تَجَزَّأ(tajazzaʔ) , to be divided; be partitioned; to be separated; be detached ,
  4850. مُخاطِب(muḵāṭib) , speaker; interlocutor; addressing; speaking to,
  4851. قَلبيّ(qalbyy) , cardiac; heart-related ,
  4852. حُسبان(ḥusbān) , consideration; estimation; calculation,
  4853. فَضيل(faḍyl) , excellent; splendid; commendable; virtuous; distinguished; eminent ,
  4854. قَصَرَ(qaṣara) , to shorten; curtail sth; to fall short عن of sth; to fail عن to do sth,
  4855. قَصُرَ(qaṣura) , to be insufficient ,
  4856. مُستَلزَم(mustalzam) , required ,
  4857. مُستَلزَمات(mustalzamāt) , requirements ,
  4858. تَصاعَدَ(taṣāʕada) , to climb; increase; rise ,
  4859. أرقى(ʔrqā) , higher]] , supporting; backing; propping up,
  4860. عَنوة(ʕanwa) , force; violence,
  4861. عَنوةً(ʕanwatan) , forcibly; by force ,
  4862. تَطَرَّقَ(taṭarraqa) , broaching; discussing إلى (a topic),
  4863. رَحبة(raḥba) , open area; public square,
  4864. رِحاب(riḥāb) , vastness; generosity; protection; (university) campus ,
  4865. غازيّ(ḡāzyy) , gaseous; soft (drinks),
  4866. مُأْلوف(muʔlwf) , familiar; typical; usual; customary,
  4867. تَسديد(tasdyd) , payment; settlement; aiming; shooting ,
  4868. إدانة(ʔidāna) , condemnation; denunciation; censure ,
  4869. عِداد(ʕidād) , number; quantity ,
  4870. شَفّاف(šaffāf) , transparent; translucent ,
  4871. بُروز(burwz) , emergence; appearance; prominence ,
  4872. قَصَفَ(qaṣafa) , to bomb; shell sth,
  4873. نَبْد(nabd) , discarding; rejection; renunciation,
  4874. خاتِم(ḵātim) , ring; seal; stamp,
  4875. خاتِم الأنبِياء(ḵātim al-ʔnbiyāʔ) , the Seal of the Prophets (Muhammad),
  4876. وِراثيّ(wirāṯyy) , hereditary; genetic; congenital,
  4877. وِراثيّاً(wirāṯyyan) , genetically ,
  4878. تَحطيم(taḥṭym) , demolition; destruction ,
  4879. رِواق(riwāq) , corridor; hall; porch; portico ,
  4880. مَلَّ(malla) , to be bored; get fed up (من with sth),
  4881. حَرير(ḥaryr) , silk,
  4882. قَبَليّ(qabalyy) , tribal ,
  4883. رُجولة(rujwla) , masculinity; manhood; virility,
  4884. غُرور(ḡurwr) , deception; delusion; vanity ,
  4885. بِليون(bilywn) , billion,
  4886. تَخريب(taḵryb) , destruction; sabotage; terrorism ,
  4887. تَبديل(tabdyl) , replacement; substitution; exchange ,
  4888. مَرفوض(marfwḍ) , rejected; refused; intolerable; unacceptable ,
  4889. زَعامة(zaʕāma) , leadership,
  4890. فادِح(fādiḥ) , serious; grave; heavy ,
  4891. أخَصّ(ʔḵaṣṣ) , more]] , particularly; especially,
  4892. قِتاليّ(qitālyy) , (adj) fighting; battle ,
  4893. أزالَ(ʔzāla) , to remove; eliminate; to uninstall (software),
  4894. كابوس(kābws) , nightmare ,
  4895. مَلْجَأ(maljaʔ) , shelter; refuge ,
  4896. فَحْم(faḥm) , coal ,
  4897. فَريسة(farysa) , victim; prey,
  4898. شَغَب(šaḡab) , unrest; disturbance ,
  4899. نَقّال(naqqāl) , portable; mobile ,
  4900. تَساقَطَ(tasāqaṭa) , to collapse; to fall gradually,
  4901. رُطوبة(ruṭwba) , moisture; dampness; humidity ,
  4902. واعٍ(wāʕin) , conscious; awake; aware; informed; alert ,
  4903. اِنتِظام(intiẓām) , order; regularity ,
  4904. سِكّين(sikkyn) , knife ,
  4905. وَسيط(wasyṭ) , mediator; intermediary; go-between; middle; medium ,
  4906. فَخّ(faḵḵ) , trap; snare ,
  4907. مَعشَر(maʕšar) , assembly; community; group; society ,
  4908. مُلّا(mullā) , mullah (Muslim cleric),
  4909. مُصادَفة(muṣādafa) , coincidence,
  4910. مِرصاد(mirṣād) , lookout; ambush,
  4911. بِالمِرصاد(bi-l-mirṣād) , (lying) in wait ,
  4912. شُروع(šurwʕ) , embarking في on; engaging في in,
  4913. جُرعة(jurʕa) , dosage; dose; vaccine; gulp,
  4914. أسِفَ(ʔsifa) , to be or feel sorry ل]] , Christian,
  4915. صِباً(ṣiban) , (noun) youth; childhood,
  4916. صارِخ(ṣāriḵ) , shouting; screaming; crying out,
  4917. بُرتُقال(burtuqāl) , (coll) oranges,
  4918. مَدروس(madrws) , studied; planned; investigated; calculated; deliberate ,
  4919. إيميل(ʔīmyl) , email,
  4920. مُستَورَد(mustawrad) , imported ,
  4921. مُستَطاع(mustaṭāʕ) , (what is) possible feasible ,
  4922. حِزام(ḥizām) , belt; band; cordon; barrier ,
  4923. مُتَطَوِّع(mutaṭawwiʕ) , volunteer ,
  4924. تَزايَدَ(tazāyada) , to increase; grow in number ,
  4925. مُستَعمَل(mustaʕmal) , used; in use; employed ,
  4926. مَغرِب(maḡrib) , sunset; evening; time of sunset ,
  4927. مانِح(māniḥ) , granting; donating; donor ,
  4928. مَمَرّ(mamarr) , passageway; corridor ,
  4929. تَمَتُّح(tamattuḥ) , enjoyment ,
  4930. أسلَمَ(ʔslama) , to handover; surrender sth إلى to sb; to become a Muslim; embrace Islam,
  4931. اِمتِصاص(imtiṣāṣ) , absorption; suction,
  4932. أفسَدَ(ʔfsada) , to spoil; ruin sth; to corrupt sth,
  4933. نُبُوّة(nubuwwa) , prophethood; prophecy ,
  4934. مَنزِلة(manzila) , grade; rank; position ,
  4935. لُغْز(luḡz) , mystery; enigma; puzzle; riddle ,
  4936. مُجتَمَعيّ(mujtamaʕyy) , societal,
  4937. زَعلان(zaʕlān) , angry (على]] , to count; calculate ,
  4938. لا يُحصى(lā yuḥṣā) , innumerable ,
  4939. لَهيب(lahyb) , flame ,
  4940. حَريم(ḥarym) , (coll) women; harem,
  4941. لَهْو(lahw) , entertainment; amusement ,
  4942. طَقْس(ṭaqs) , ritual; rite ,
  4943. رُكوب(rukwb) , getting in]] , container; receptacle; vessel ,
  4944. تَطَلُّع(taṭalluʕ) , aspiration; hope ,
  4945. دَقّة(daqqa) , knock; stroke; tick; beat ,
  4946. تَأْشيرة(taʔšyra) , visa (travel; entrance; exit),
  4947. حُجْب(ḥujb) , hiding; veiling; covering; shielding; withholding; restraining; holding back,
  4948. فَرَّ(farra) , to escape; flee; to defect; desert ,
  4949. تَدَنٍّ(tadannin) , fall; decline; sinking ,
  4950. حَلْق(ḥalq) , throat; chasm; gorge ,
  4951. تَأسَسَ(taʔsasa) , to be established; be founded ,
  4952. بالكاد(bālkād) , almost ,
  4953. رِهان(rihān) , bet; wager; contest ,
  4954. عَزيمة(ʕazyma) , determination; (firm) resolve; (strong) will; incantation ,
  4955. عُمرة(ʕumra) , “lesser” pilgrimage to Mecca ,
  4956. كَفَّلَ(kaffala) , to support; maintain; provide for sb,
  4957. بَنّاء(bannāʔ) , constructive; positive ,
  4958. شُعلة(šuʕla) , torch; flame; fire ,
  4959. طَمْأنَ(ṭamʔna) , (quadrilateral) to pacify; assuage; reassure sb ,
  4960. تَنافُسيّ(tanāfusyy) , competitive; antagonistic ,
  4961. عَباية(ʕabāya) , abaya (traditional black robe worn by Muslim women) ,
  4962. بُؤْرة(buʔra) , center; focus ,
  4963. بُركان(burkān) , volcano,
  4964. تَحريض(taḥryḍ) , incitement; provocation; induction ,
  4965. اِفتِتَاحيّ(iftitāḥyy) , opening; leading; introductory; inaugural ,
  4966. المَغفور له(al-maḡfwr lh) , the late; deceased ,
  4967. والٍ(wālin) , ruler; governor ,
  4968. قَلَّما(qallamā) , rarely; seldom; hardly; barely,
  4969. نَقيّ(naqyy) , pure; clean; undiluted ,
  4970. مُفَدىً(mufadan) , beloved; cherished; greatly esteemed,
  4971. مُرَجَّح(murajjaḥ) , probable; likely ,
  4972. مَحضَر(maḥḍar) , report; minutes; attendance ,
  4973. عُبوديّة(ʕubwdyya) , slavery; servitude; veneration ,
  4974. نَصْح(naṣḥ) , advice; counsel ,
  4975. تَمرير(tamryr) , passing; transfer ,
  4976. شَتان(šatān) , scattering; diaspora,
  4977. مَنام(manām) , sleep; sleeping place ,
  4978. نَفَر(nafar) , group; party; soldier; private; person; individual (in a population),
  4979. أبقى(ʔbqā) , to maintain; preserve (على) sth]] , to improve sth; make sth better; to decorate sth; make sth nice ,
  4980. ثَلّاجة(ṯallāja) , refrigerator; cooler; freezer; ice-box,
  4981. أبلَغ(ʔblaḡ) , more]] , physics ,
  4982. حَيْثُما(ḥayṯumā) , wherever ,
  4983. اِستِراحة(istirāḥa) , intermission; recess; time-out; (fig) truce; rest; relaxation; lodge; hostel ;rest house; rest area; waiting room; visitors long; shrine (esp. martyr); refuge; shelter (animal protection) ,
  4984. حَفنة(ḥafna) , handful ,
  4985. مُعاقَبة(muʕāqaba) , punishment; sanction,
  4986. شِبْر(šibr) , span of the hand or foot,
  4987. ولا شِبْر(wlā šibr) , not (even) an inch ,
  4988. اِستَغْفَرَ(istaḡfara) , to beg (God) for forgiveness ,
  4989. تَسَوُّق(tasawwuq) , shopping ,
  4990. مَشروب(mašrwb) , beverage; drink ,
  4991. مُخاطَبة(muḵāṭaba) , speaking to; addressing sb; conversation ,
  4992. اِمتَلَأَ(imtalaʔa) , to be filled; to become full ,
  4993. عاتِق(ʕātiq) , shoulder ,
  4994. ضُحىً(ḍuḥan) , forenoon; morning ,
  4995. مَرأى(marʔā) , sight; view ,
  4996. قالِب(qālib) , form; model; mold ,
  4997. اِستِخراج(istiḵrāj) , extraction; removal,
  4998. بِتروليّ(bitrwlyy) , petroleum-; oil-based or related ,
  4999. فَرَقَ(faraqa) , to differ; be different; to make a difference ,
  5000. ما بِتَفرِق(mā bitafriq) , it doesn’t matter (مع to sb) ,
  5001. ثَناء(ṯanāʔ) , praise; commendation; appreciation ,
  5002. حَلَوِيّات(ḥalawiyyāt) , sweets; candy; confectionary; pastries; desserts ,
  5003. وِصاية(wiṣāya) , trusteeship; guardianship; care; custody; tutelage ,
  5004. ألحَقَ(ʔlḥaqa) , to attach; append ب sth; to enroll; register sb ب in (a school) ,
  5005. مَأْوىً(maʔwan) , refuge; shelter ,
  5006. بِركة(birka) , pool; puddle; (swimming) pool,
  5007. أجَل(ʔjal) , yes; of course ,
  5008. تَخزين(taḵzyn) , storage; safekeeping ,
  5009. تَمَسَّكَ(tamassaka) , to clutch; adhere to ب sth,
  5010. تَجَسُّس(tajassus) , espionage; spying ,
  5011. أبرَزَ(ʔbraza) , to highlight; expose sth,
  5012. مَنال(manāl) , attainment; achievement; reach; capacity ,
  5013. هاجَرَ(hājara) , to emigrate ,
  5014. تَنقيب(tanqyb) , drilling; excavation; exploration,
  5015. عُضويّ(ʕuḍwyy) , organic ,
  5016. ظَهيرة(ẓahyra) , noon; midday,
  5017. نِقابيّ(niqābyy) , union; syndicate ,
  5018. مُتَساوٍ(mutasāwin) , equivalent; similar ,
  5019. فتبول(ftbwl) , football; soccer ,
  5020. مَعمور(maʕmwr) , populated; inhabited,
  5021. المَعمورة(al-maʕmwra) , the world ,
  5022. مَردود(mardwd) , returns; revenue; yield ,
  5023. تَحَسُّب(taḥassub) , expectation; anticipation,
  5024. تَحَسُّباً لِ(taḥassuban li) , in anticipation of ,
  5025. وَجْد(wajd) , love; affection; intimacy; passion; ecstasy; contentment; well-being ,
  5026. ضَخّ(ḍaḵḵ) , pumping; injecting ,
  5027. جِنازة(jināza) , funeral; funeral procession,
  5028. خاطِرة(ḵāṭira) , idea; thought ,
  5029. لاشَيْء(lāšayʔ) , nothingness; non-existence; (sports) zero; nil ,
  5030. اِطمِئْنان(iṭmiʔnān) , peace of mind; serenity; calm; tranquility ,
  5031. تَقَيُّد(taqayyud) , being bound ب to sth; restriction; limitation ,
  5032. مُستَقيم(mustaqym) , straight; correct; righteous ,
  5033. مُشتاق(muštāq) , yearning; longing إلى for sth]] , disk; tablet,
  5034. عِلاجيّ(ʕilājyy) , therapeutic; healing; curative ,
  5035. مُثَلِّث(muṯalliṯ) , triangle; triangle-shaped ,
  5036. موبايِل(mwbāyil) , mobile phone; cell phone ,
  5037. جَهِلَ(jahila) , to ignore; not know sth,
  5038. اِحتِراف(iḥtirāf) , professionalism ,
  5039. أحضَرَ(ʔḥḍara) , to bring; supply sth; to prepare (food),
  5040. فَضّ(faḍḍ) , resolving; settling (conflict; disputes); breaking up; dispersing; dissolving ,
  5041. مَطبوع(maṭbwʕ) , printed,
  5042. مَطبوعات(maṭbwʕāt) , publications; printed materials ,
  5043. صَليليّ(ṣalylyy) , cross-shaped; Crusader ,
  5044. تَوْجيهيّ(tawjyhyy) , directing; guiding; instructional,
  5045. التَّوْجيهيّ(at-tawjyhyy) , tawjihi (secondary school exam and diploma in Jordan and Palestine),
  5046. مُصاحِب(muṣāḥib) , accompanying ,
  5047. تَعَهَّدَ(taʕahhada) , to commit oneself; pledge ب to do sth,
  5048. كَبَسَ(kabasa) , to press (button; key); to dial (phone number); to click (mouse),
  5049. مُتَوَجِّه(mutawajjih) , going; heading إلى to; turning; facing إلى towards ,
  5050. خيرة(ḵyra) , choice; pick; elite ,
  5051. أسمى(ʔsmā) , to name; designate; call,
  5052. مُختَلِط(muḵtaliṭ) , mixed; co-ed (schools); hybrid; blended (forces),
  5053. مُعتَدٍ(muʕtadin) , aggressor; assailant ,
  5054. قَبَضَ(qabaḍa) , to arrest; apprehend; seize على sb ,
  5055. دَقيق(daqyq) , flour ,
  5056. مُتَفائِل(mutafāʔil) , optimistic; optimist ,
  5057. عَدّ(ʕadd) , counting; calculating ,
  5058. مُصحَف(muṣḥaf) , manuscript; copy (esp. of the Quran),
  5059. ناوٍ(nāwin) , intending; wanting (to do sth),
  5060. عارِم(ʕārim) , tempestuous; frenzied ,
  5061. نَطَرَ(naṭara) , to wait for sth]] , Portugese ,
  5062. تَعَدَّدَ(taʕaddada) , to be numerous; to be diverse or varied ,
  5063. وَفيّ(wafyy) , loyal; faithful ,
  5064. كَيْد(kayd) , trick; ruse; plot; scheme ,
  5065. أشرَف(ʔšraf) , nobler]] , capability; capacity ,
  5066. تَوَرُّط(tawarruṭ) , involvement; entanglement ,
  5067. جابَ(jāba) , to explore; traverse; pass through,
  5068. مَتين(matyn) , firm; strong; solid; unshakable ,
  5069. مُوَقَّع(muwaqqaʕ) , signed; bearing signature ,
  5070. اِرتَكَزَ(irtakaza) , to be centered; focused على around]] , fierce battle; epic ,
  5071. اِحتِكار(iḥtikār) , monopoly; hoarding ,
  5072. فاحَ(fāḥa) , to be fragrant; to emanate من from sb (scent; perfume),
  5073. أضعَف(ʔḍʕaf) , weaker]] , joining; addition; annexation,